HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-16 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaWEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, JULY : I Ii, 'J 969 -VOL 41,; NO. -ur;-• SICTIOMs;-" ,,.,,, ' i • -· ; ' I I • . .. ' ' Stalled •• ID Cou.nty Court ' .................. 1111!1 ........................................... ~ ......................... .--.. ........ -~; .... ..11~ . ' . . " • El Toro Up f6r .. Sal~? Nearly All --~ -. " . -7-3-Boats..., . : -S,t;j.ll,>1J:sAboutJ'ace_'0J1.,£JmLAi .'for.tPlan ~ ____ ~~--:-~---1 • From wi.... s.r.1ces 1n1ormaUona1 officer• •t °" racllJty· built e · e wtlh the JlrJ>ceeds. · Te 11 ~SSe8 • ii" an abrupt lbout•fl'10 a s¢!1 any conunenl would ha•• In come. : El:. ' ~· ~ 111,t ·~ ·,.~· K more 1 u ;H " . _ , . · I "'-= rrom · -. • ·, . • • • rOI(.,._ '~ • -, ._ , '_;, =~-~· . M ,._a ·:~• 'fl•~.k-~~•". . • U.~l!oln!ac·"n: .t '',. ' ~ . ~-. . . . . , some .of. o,.ir ~~lltfi'Y. in5t1!I~!" ai--vrew. e• al > ~. •• 1 ... _.,,...,. . MarJr' .leaders In en-....,..tty ClCCIJPl'b!l~•-11 va!Uable. ~oll •. '\!blcll lland a, .... c;!ililc•' · ~- Yll\on· the . • • • . . property whlcb II "w'1· cial of proportlbn to dwliiille· In riioliitlis and yw1 ahead .' , . HONOJ,IJLU -T•lea and phyalcal Surprlsfog m !tseu' fJie familiarity to,... velue." · 'l'be tl'ialdlo ~at«( In a .,_ ,..e,• evidence of. tomr-lllled ~ and nlcbta ·~by J\eR-.L, . Riv~ CD-''Ont fn partlcuiar 11·.u.e M1rioe.~ llon di '~ i'roncllco near the Coldii> at ,.;pllid up ln'AlaWill Yacht Rari>ot ~~ C"l:~a)....;":.1e dl>cu":! ~~ A(r s.tatlon at El Toro, ~if .. bul fuse Ei Gate )B~e, -Y>r. .aerv4 oniJt u ; toda)'.li<Yf<:hll in ~TMPHlllc.YI~ ui:iyav .. on.t--...., ma,w us .. 15 Toro· only1 as an uainple. There are a tr&llye "beadQ.uaHen ,fOr ~' .. hce~Mte:...u.;~~.· ..... big Wtalla~1on Jn hypotheUcaJ terms. 6tflc'rs, sUCh as lhe Presidio of San Fra,n-~e:I rh u,s~ ~lh Anny. ' . . . I • T.he mlshap1 indudecf,eter;tldnl ..... \ I ~· cilau:rna~ -P' .... t~-H.opse Ar~ed 1 clsco," he continued.. ~-Its ~att,Qn w'ould m.-, It .• gql~ ~.. blown-OUt-'1-ifail• to broken I 1ear~ ~Ml. ~ Serv es Comm1~te~ ~nnou~ ~abtish· The sprawling ' jet and beli~ter . tr ~e_nf~~ty develope~ ,Into Jii1' personal .injuries .. Yet veteran• fl. the • mc~l or a subeomm!ltee of all-southern t;raining JruitaUaUon In tbe heart . or •a~e rci11 Use;. or obta,lned,by San 2,225 mile Transpac Claim tl\at. the wind• leg1~lators Tu~ay ~o probe the Id~a of California 's .rastest-erowing county tias Fr llCO authorities' as a park and in' thfs rate we~ near normal , and cer- selhng expensive military property £or already .. been suggested in loiig-rallle ational de~el~n_lent. . . · . tam.t; noLas,bad as the 1955 race. , otllerHistoUS:'· ...,.... S F 1 avtatle>n studies as a regional airport Prt:sldlo -1 l potte!!, part-blllke Damages to yachts large and small will , _nc, wuuusy a~ r a I! c s co slte. -I! already an open ..,.pu le be counted in the hlUldred..s or thousand! Pre&1dK> was also men~oned during .talks Marine Corps officials approached with lace. . . or dollan be£ore the last o( the 73 about the role of .ti~ new panel . which Js the, Idea of a 10-~r joint use _plan, dur· er Rf'OJCCts o( the lnlti aJ phase of starters finally cross the finish line. headed by Louisiana Democrat Rep. in( which a.pennane.nt facility would ~e the erelra Master Plan of Orange COurr Speedy 0. Long. built elsewbere: in the county, have naUy ty~•laUon, some type of localized WORST DISASTER 'Brig. Gen. Henry H. Hise, who aimim-termed It unfeasible. • re nal al~rt must. t?c ~evel.oped to Besides the last mlnute dismutln& of ed command of El Toro MCAS a month Rivers' dlscus.sion of the theoretical re e the smaller witlng facility. Mir the worst disaster struck Ron ago, was in. conference shortly before • sale o( El Toro MCAS -or any other treir1'1 plan auggested starting with McAnnon•s 82-foot adter PUr,tilt ln lh• noon, preparmg .a form~I statcpient on military post-eanies the .firm commit-a k at El Toro MCAS, which was latter stages Of the race. At 3 a.m. on the the development l1I Washington. ment that they would· nalw"ally be re-(See EL toRO FOR SALE, P11e"Z) day ·before si>ei finished , Pursuit's main boom was snapped like a rpa,tchsUck when she rounded up in a heavy squall. Pursuit was already being steered wiUl a small emergency rudder after her main stearing mechanism had let go midway in the rat'e. -She crossed the 'finish line being steered with fJ spinnaker pole jury· Mgged as a tiller and -rudder. Court Stalls Off-to Moon Bid on Sexy • Book Sales Apollo Trio/Roar Away To Fulfill U.S. Dream A bid by the owner or a Westminster Ji-f qUor· &tor!: to prevent his prosecution on a ; charges or selling obscene literature was SPACE CENTER. Houston (AP) -, stalled-Tuesday In Superior Court. Th~e Americans roared ·away from J'udl:e Claude Owens continued the plea earth Wednesday, July 11, 11&9, to ta~1 of Arthur Zerla for a writ of mandate to mankind'• most daring atep Into September {7 to allow Zerla"s attorney to .,. unknown, a walk on the n:toOn. . - """"1jt }urther legal documentation sup-~ Ever)ithlnj was j>erfict, They blal ~-Ole argumetlt that current West off at Cape Kennedy, Fla., at 1:31 e. . Orange County MW)icipal Court action (PDT) a shade over haH a second la ap1nst his client. is 1;1DCOM~tutional Two and 'a ha\£· hours later, a al . · uqe Owens .ruling will hatt lower rocket bum broke the-grip-of~'s court ~ctio.n against lhe operator of the gravity and sent ctvili8n 'if 1 A. Hi-Li~. I ~1quor ~tore. 1411· Be a ch ~ Amistrong, '';Jr Force l col. E. recorded on earth, were less excited than on· their earlier space shots. Parked temporarily in earth orbit. they switched qiuches from launch posltiol'll' to flljhl ~<N Collbil taking the olght-hand iiinihicli Aldrin ba11-oc:: cu pied. "HOUiton, be advised the visual is go today," Collins said looking out at the_ stark contrast of but' earth and black space. "ThiBy finilly gave mt I WlifdoW ~toJook gut·:~·"" .~ I Larry Pnngje's 71-foot schooner. Queen Mab crossed the· llile l>ith a. spinMker hopelessly fouled under the · boat and trailing the slefD in the water. She h~ been sailing for three days with this han- dicap. • other skippers told of numerou.. tail losses and broken spinnaker poles u erratic winds coolinued to slam •t the racing neet. • CONCERTO SLAMMED · 'John Ha!I, s~pper of ~rto from NHYC, told of tbe 17-fiJot sloop being ~alriined into an lb:ldetttal jibe with all san! staMin~. Amazingly, the gear held together despiti; the fact that the rudder (S6e TRANSPAC TERRORS, P11e Z) -~---~ Oraalfe Cou& Boulevard until that date. ·: Aldrin Jr., and Air Force Lt. Col. M hat!I • . . • ., _., ~ .1.e~a races m1sdemeanor charges of Collins toward the waxing crucent n, Al'Oll0 "11 kOARS ,..6"' Oll ~HljT.GttiC M60til M11S10N l'.. ~ution o! obscene ~alter stemming a scant 100 hours away J Their nlgtit, was .,the third .American ma:nned trip to ·the moon, biJt at wu the Urst sc~uled~to. land. The natl(!n and rriost. Of Uit 'Wt>rld witched ,And llstened, a!. ;\polio · 11 · be1an Its 'quarter-mlllfon . IO!'.-.. m!le journey.' · • ' .• It w111 both the culnilnatlon of an in. Wea."8er clenl dn!:am a'nd the hohoring of. a pledge. ' made. eight xears . .a(O by the late l'n!si·· Clouds durl111 the.,. late nigh( and dent Ke~,· who lslued the cold war early' morntn1 wUJ mar olherw~ chalfenge Uiit' ,set .Amtricins On theif ~MYi IJl~. dY,t afonl the wav to tbe m~ The uttonauts plan to, ·•··t and ,._ ml""t •· some plalrt-an' A\neti<an Flag · oo tbe Se~_:ct •-•=• .,, ~ Tranquillity, the 41rkenicl left eye of tM patchy fog; man in the moon, when they land Sunday •INSIDE TODA y night. • ; , :'lbe..-'Jl_.u.cittl<f 1\:1'.lo::"°' •• , ·"'-"li•-l>'l~~.;... th• <Mck· que), hi be l lft on the lunar RJtfact, k or · thi egg? Pick .-¢ur fa~ ::~.::we ' came 1n peace ior all orik-after rtadlpg toning' prob-~ In. the ~early how"s. or (Ugbt1 tfle ltlti •torv On POOf Al2.1 '1slroriaUts wtrt too•Wsy to lhlbl: Wad. ;.,..., 1 • ,~,." ,,,, .. ..,. ,.1, ,., <. ,.~ "._..... .... 'MAGNIFICIN'l' lllDB' ' I I Cl"". ~ .. ,. ... .... ,... ,,,, · Later, W~ the ' ntaht 'duUes ewdt ~ · •1·:~ :-.:_. "'7U4.,:. Arm"-•, the spacecraft .c:ommander, <__.. ._ ...... tMi.t • ...._ c1.at ...... -.. , ~ "'"'" Alt ,.,.. AINM arid \ht man'Whci wlll~be 'the flrl!I to stt °'"""' ""' .... t-..,.,,.... 1114 .foot on the moon Sunday nlF,l. said :="...:r .tM" t l...:::" -.-,.: 4'1'hat Saturn p'le us a·mqnlllcent ride •--• .u.f.tl ........,. &n I ·'fl'rH tn ldlni A a. ~·~··~~ry ~I" fnm. Ute alleged sale of five books brand-, . "You 're on your way now • said ,. "'"'; / .. . ~ . . 1 -} .. ,.,. . • :..~ L td ~the prosecution u prurient. mJsslop control I ·,>"'' ;! ~//. , ,~ 'Ot", • ,_, •• '. ,,,, , .._ Torrid extr~cts from "Cold Lunch", Rlghtonsche.dule th~yRpa · 1 /. • t ... ': · • ,fJ .,;. , f . ·~ :'Sex~", 1'Plei u!'' and "N~xus" were in-i the launch rocket's final stace t . ndi K • ~I ~ l ' · · · •Jfti . ;eluded in defense transcnpts submitted ed around and . .dQck~ 'l ... -.,.. ......... rl'I~ , , -lo Judge Owens by attorney Stanley moonlander atored in the • • J. :I ~IA!'~ "' 'atone sedl , ' i · ;>. . .f. .., ~ ' · 1.-~16..t 1 Stogt_ &fl\les that the-law as defined by an. "flwc .. '"", ~ .... , · ·1 '• .... . ~.~ h ~t.ed States Supreme Court in the LESS EXClTEp ! 1 ,' ' k Jq 'tf ~-M · · · ·. · -~ ... ru .. « obscenity "demands tha1 the Their v~icff were q~ almost Uat, ' t et ' ' non :.·! ;l·f-rredotninant appeal of~ mitertal mµst cllckln( of~.-anicallr the details of /i .. ' .;, 'i ' f •• t . ·,: -~ to.a prurient interest. blast-off and ruaiu. 'r btartbealt; I ?/.1t. ,. , ., -t.l ·~;.·t· ., ... •;'.-''·"l.•'t:< ""L \ ,~·~1. Hefl"IUedbeloreJudgeOwem \hatlhe I· ·~-~ ,.! ··~ ;r 'l •• w;> •. (_... ... _.-->tt\r"·Y , ... + ~lnvoJvedinthechargesdldnot l'Ol\iJ'CAN vd>.i..-1'1a. '(~)•!:.I 'u\e ·~ 1&i!Te'11'f•iidod"on'iti P.1 '.-'tneet'theot!'standmfs. .. ' ' ' "'·L •LJNCil L . TE ""-''™"'°' of,M1lim.1andy-haired man ~ barely ·Vislble thnldgh tt1ie Tnorninl haze, "It has to be proved that these books A fell)open aDlf(he clutched tighter at the a tiny finger polntinc skyward. contain a ahalhef\JI or morbid interut In Jep Of ~'tinJ: bOf on bil 5houlder. 'lbe Southerland famil)', lnclUdlng. sex, nudity or excretion," Stone told ''Tb.N tt tt*I Look. Den i There coes 6hester's wife Norma, had 11ept on Ult Judge Owens. "Alain, no such evklence 1 rtA<t 'to thl I" beacb aa did malil' nf the ' crowd that ,haJ 1ieen cli•pl111i!d by tbe p_...tlon." CAPE KENNEDY f!a. '(AP) -'j'bt BenJamtn ~"!r years old,f came h'om virtultty every it.ate. Nlln'&d,.as ,CMlettManr'ln the action launch ol APoMo , w~ late, la~ ii!Uif 1on the Ider'-hll father;, 'Portable radios had brought .vefYbOOY • ]ltndlns In Huntlpgtoo Beach Municipal .director Rocco p oild, WecfneJC!ay Q\ealer ~p t'"11e{t band over to their ,feet witb..,thc anriounc:ef'lent of Court. Is Frederick Weisheit of the '' a ~ CQGfereoet. hit ~itriil at the pilnfi-l:b'~ the.1!4Mea>hd marl•btfore llftolf, • Webhelt OIBlrllM!!!I ComP.BftY, the "We "",.. h4 ~Jor the llrl ... · lli!ht /\pollo 11 as It rwe , The cro"ld bit'll tllOOJlng with the ,organlZRtl,on "~!<"'-auppllecf_~ the COD-:: i tlrl ot thli/ t ~ s1ar1ed • .BY SECON • .,1.,1 .. ~. _,IU• """"""' U "....... At • Wt:e.havt~~~--IDY •• •'""'6· 01 ••• •••••.._.,._, :..oto.•-~---""'F the three ata~~t ttcie. t;..t·_~.:.·u"--l::-="::"""'::::·:~======:J---j~ r-..Jjl~U-,1>!:' . 1 voice on the ~edio : 1lFour •.. Three ... demned literature to .Zen:.-:-' ~year• qo hi , n~r f! 1 t he humanity-linCd--°r"o . ~Qjjc:" ..._ Writs 'of·mandato .. ffied Wllfl .a \IJtlll.lO • A mill ' It one~hoUsindth ofl ~(liii . ' qni-~l{cll(-tblJc(IO(l;-loc>l<ilJa:l3==-'fhroogh lhe ha>C, under a bright halting mumctpaLcourt aclion can only_ iecond. _ ' ......... belorer. --18" CAP£ 8CENlil, hp I) be Nied upoa ID Superior Cour\. · It • \.!.' • " • I I "1 • )., . I I I j • • -· ' $ WedMsd.17, July 16; 196'1 Sovie t-Luna~-issiOn - • Still Baffle·s Scientists - ' ' .JODRELL BAN)<, England (AP)- '111t llilJ.foot ndlo ~ al Jodr<ll Bani: tracl:od Ille Soviet Ll\l'I II lllret- q .. rtlll ol Ille wo1'to the ..-I today. Sir Benwd lAmll, director ol lhll obiervalory, said the -.,,a1ory .-.. eo1 aigno)s from Luna II Ulltil a n · minutes bdcn Ille Apollo 11 liltoll - Fiorida. " ·An aide aald no more signals were ri· peeled today, .. Luna 15 .... below the horizon or the Sovt~ Crimean traekhlc &tatloo whtre they would be. received. · With Luna lit nearin1 tlle moop, Sir Bernard said ll1t 1111111anaed Soviet probe wuumucba~utver. 1 "We slmM<· do aol llmw what Luna II is &oln& to do," be Aid. "But I 1-Ve DO doubt ii 11 the ~ of a Ml'ies to brine back 1unar IOll. "Whether It wt11 be done wltb lhil one I doo"t know. But if~ wert, U. weuld be a remarkable achievement.'' Lovell said onotber plZlllPi feature of Luna II wu ~ launcllini SUnday .in the face of a otw moon. He said be *** *·** -Apollo Quorum ' ~unch Prompts Capitol Hill Exodus WASHINGTON !UPI) -Early rising lawmakers fled the Capital today as il the confederates had It surrounded. Departing jeta abaUered the dawn. U was the-biggest junket ln con- greaionaJ memory. A total of 250 Hoose and Senate members, plus 217 depen· dirts, signed up for the t.aJ:-paid trip to CajieK.....iy. . .,Thej were among about 600 dignitaries at all kirids, including diplomats, cabinet memben, and guall ol Vice President Spiro T. A(!ll<W, Dying out of Andrews Mt Force Base to be. on hand for the. moon launch. -~Buses picked ttP the. lawmakera on Capitol Jilli starting at 4:30 a.m. for tbe members -by coincidtnce ejactly a quorum, or one more than hall the membership -signed up for the trip, along with 3S of Ille 100 Senators.Al teaal U ol them beat down the ~wn reveille by leaving Tuesday. Despite their thinned ranks. Se.nat.ors ordered another day 's debate on the an- tiballlltle mllaile (ABM). In t b I 1 chamber, where talk ls revered, not even a moon shot could stay the. oratorical flow . tholJaht that H the Russians .were 1olng to la!ld Iha spacecraft on tJie ._, they would have wanted ·lo wat<b· It through loleVtaloo camoru -and this Would' be IDOl'O feaalble Uthe U--. IUll. .. Lovell'• aJ4e aald Lllna·ll woolll r<ach the vlcitllty of the; ll104XI Tburaday bet,...n 7 a.m. and t a.m. -J a.m. and • Lm., PO'l'. .. He said the spaeocrafl 'fU taking 100 hoqrs lo reach the mooii, Instead of 80 as on previoUI Soviet moon lbota, and was .... oendlng a .... kind ol lilnal that "we cannot interprtl" ·From Page J APOLLO ••• · beautiful." The 363-foot Sa\µm rocket and Apollo spacecraft, burning more than a ton of fuel a second, rose from Cape Kennedy on an 800-foot trail of name Into the blue Florida sky. Tb~ 15 million parts me.shed llawleaaly. In minutes, the rocket was cut.Ung wing-like &bockwaves through the thin· ning air. Behind. the. launch pad still spilled with the ,$0,000 gallons of water a minute P<KJttd through the rocket name to preserve the pedestal from wtuch it rose. More. than a million spe.dators ringed ' \ ' . . ) ' , \.. • , • Mf\.T ,)\fl.OT tllff .... ll1G V(AVE au ~srs &. 111.l:H iN FRONT o~ UNFLAPPABLE suN ENtHus1Asr s Heavy 5url, Rlptld11 Chnoro~ by' Dl1ta nt Storm KMp Or~,,.O Cout Llf .. uard1 Bu1y -~ ' Waves 4 to 6 Feet ,_· . , Teen Mis~ing;., Sto'Tm-sparked Big Surf Feared Lo~t HitsNewport;136Saved In Big Sm·f The surf .continued to pound the Oran lhe bright beaches of ~ Cape area and Heavy waves .-wned by 1 tropical jammed the highways to see the three storm off the ?tfexican coast pounded the vet.rao pilot. take off on the fint lunu. Newport Beach llborellrie "'-M•• and u:ploratioiL forced 136 ·.rescues along .. 'i:b;"' clty'S ~ in the monllng, t• related one guard, '.'but by the afternoon the waves were·trtrcon- crete and anyone. out there was just showing off.'' Coast shoreline today and Hunlinll Beach lifeguards feared it bad claim the life of a 14-_year-old bpy. · The. youth, De.an Hart -apparently 1 companying a church group -has be c ~to Andrews. The Air Force laid ·----~ Its neet of executive plants for the House 1e.ai"m, however, canceled all buainesl and tried to get coment not to meet. Rep. H. R. Gtosa (IWowa), who does not believe in junkets, blocked thla, and aot time for" a HouR I~ pmmnably 011 bis favorite snbjed -not - wasting the taxpayers' money. Amcog Ult v~ if!i.portant penonl In--beaches. vited by the spic!aaency to watch .the • ~-surf dieadown througfi the night The heavy surf ate. away 8: feWJeet of rnlssing since. 'I'Ue.lday af~ 'I the shoreline ln the high erosion zones. If Pico Rivera youth was last seen w&lkl WJ.P haul te and from the Cape. ,._ ,;Breakfast on board was· promised on th< O!Olllhhound llight and lunch on lhe rettan trip in early afternoon. A late ·count 1 bowed 218 House "There hasn't been Web an exod~s since the first Battle of Bull Run," grumbled Gross in a prevle.w of his scbt.duled remarks. Fro11t Pqe l , I • EL TORO FOR SALE? • • • ~t.ablished a year ago, in an area now ----Dtspite rectnl rejection oC the sale or rtpJdly developing into suburban residen-joint use idea by t.be Corps, a gpotisman ifoi and'C<llll!lerdal me; ------.t the-air lltallah aald·TU""4y It does-Jn. \.. deed appear the subcommittee WW look µJJ Views Space As Greatest U.S. Step to Peace CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -F_,,,.. President Lyndon B. ~~ watcbed Apollo 11 roar Into the aky liem the Ken- nedy Space c.ni.r today and called the daring moon minion an ••endeavor to bring puce to mahktnd." Johriaon, who earlier saJd he bu '"rid- den on -every fU.gbl'" ·'#Ith the U.S. astronauts, said be btllevu that the gpace effort has a greater Polenual for p.,ce lhan anything America doe!. ~ohnlon nld that as be waited away from tbe. launch viewing are.a, he. thought of thrtt things, "concern for the men and their safety, the great awe for what I had just ,... ... and aomelhlng you don, h4ar much about tbue da,ya, great pride. in this cotmlry.'1 He added. "It seemed like a half mlllloo people who had worked on this program were Ihm IJll.log t11iJ thing." Newspaper to F old LONDON (UPI) -The ownera of the Lonidcn daily newspaper Thf': Sun an- nounced today they will dlJconUnue ~ the five-year~d newlpaper in January •. Tbe announcement said that over the Jut ell)ot years the owner& bad loot !30.l& million 011 the S1111 and Ill predecwor, the n.,lly Herald. OAIL\ f ilOI ............ lka!c••• .... --_,,., --C*'IM'NIA ~ °"" ...... tNO cc.MM• laNtt N. W..4 _ ... _ J••• L C.ley \'kl.,......,.. 0--111 .... n.,.., r.....u ·-n~="'· -.....,.•..=:-m'r .:rr' .. ':_:•;, a J ' """"' ....... "-! , .... I llllillai -Ml .... .~ ...... --.. ~-~~ ::,;::. 4:' ==-. __ .._ _., into Ille civilian airport coocepl ''The servku would nalurally be reluc· Ian\ lo_ ~ ol ope!atbli ll!C!!lli<I without deffnite UIUl'ID:le that tnene)' would be aet aside to rebuild ellewbtrt,'" Rep. Riven aald TUesday. "'Ibli-elm I think iny lW.laUon which your subcornmittee abould f'COID .. - men4 would bavf: to cooWn a re- qllfrement thal fund1 received Wlllljd be placed in esCrow for rlbuildln& it new locaUons," Rivets told Hep. 1.or1g,' 1 HOU!O Armeil Services C-Omlnltt .. members named to the. new aub- commfU.ee also include. represe.ntaUves Robert D. Mollohan (D-W. Virginia), W. C. Danll, (D-Vlrginta), Ed Foranao (R- New Mexico) and G. William Whltebur•t (&-Virginia). Elusive Gruniotl Run-Hopefullyl Orana• ~ beacllel will be craw with grunion hunters and , hopefully, gru. nlon for tht ner.t four nights. The elusive. litUe lisb will stage their last J uly &pawning runs tonight Lhrouih Saturday. The grunion are expected to run from 10:42 p.m. to 12:'2 a.m. tonight aµd will nin the following three evenings at 11:11 p.m. to 1:18 a.m. Thursday, 11 :54 p.m. tO 1:54 p.m. Friday and 12 :36 t.o 2:26 a.m. Saturday. All grunion }lunlers are reminded that the fish only may be caught by hand. It ls Ulegal to catch grunion by diggjng holes in the sand or by using any appliance. All hunters 16 yea.n1 of age aod older must have a valid state. fishing license. · Heyns, Senator Clash on Unrest WASHINGTON (AP) -The University of CaJlfornia's Berkeley c h an c e 11 or disagrees with the chairman of a Senate SUiCtiommittee concemlni unrest at the .cillfornla campus. Cllanetllor Roger W. Heyns asserted 'Needay lhat dlsturbailces In Berkeley Jut Odobtr re.suited from a Boin::I of RegeJ\tl decision concerntna 18cturts by Eldrida:e Cleaver. author and Black Panther Party leader. Sen." John I. McClellan (!).Ark.) bad trted lo show at a bwlng by bis Senat. pennanent lnve.UaiUona subcommlttte. that the unrest resulted from Cleaver's ledllrts lhemaelves. · A11tJ-onau l8 to Leave P salm Text on Moon ............. .," .............. ...... ...... ·or..i.ii (M .,........ . ·=~r· £l.= 'l:..t ':.:."II: WASHINGTON (UPI) -One ol the -.., ,_ -lhjnp the Apollo Hlronauta will deposit 1 't& 1 en-• ......, on the moon Is the teit of an ancient .:JtN Mu : tr t ...,.n Hebrew hymn of praile to tl'le Crtat.or of ~-..._ ""* • 11' •• the unlvene. .. -e·'*"-·· ..... It IMi ... lt Ip~ ln the Slbie II the Ith :;;..,•.•• 4' "' --Plllm. Pope Paul VI quot.d.U al PArt oi =n:jsifiC-._. a Papa.I mtl&lge which wit recoided on :=.... .. -. • _. · _.:: microfilm, •Iona' with mt111ge1 from • •• -...;...;..; .. _;;;_..;"'..;-..;;.;iiiiii"'"""''-' --..>,-oChtr world leaden, to be left ln a sealed "' ,c1p1Ule. on the moon'11wiace. Jauncb from bleachers. a..5aff: 311.i miles and the.~~ peak'.Qf.seun fee.t1a.il·_ away was Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, ed to materialize early today, lifeguards · who heads the nation's space council. said. In an interview, he said be believed The waves' size ran from four -to six America should plan to put a man on feet Tuesday afternoon. Lifeguards said Mars. "Someone is going to do it/' be tfterf!\...were a .few "bad rescuu, l>ut the £aid. ~~~rh!' were all right. onCe we pt, them "I lhlnk we shouldn't be too timid , lo Beach at!fndance WM high Truday eay by the end of thi3 ctnhlry we re with 65 000 visUors estin\ated lio the 'olng to put a man on ?tlars. '!bat's my c'ity's ·'·chea Judgment " uca • Agnew ·is a member of the special Lifeguards. said the1 were . bfaciAg for presidenUal comm!Uee that will reeom-another ~1ble onslaught ~ af~ernoon, mend.America's Mure &oalaJn IPI · but chances for VJ.ore heavy .sUrf were Se le ber • ~-ioday ~,..----P m · He ad"!Jitted. h!.s viewpoint on "The surfer! were cut in the big waves Mars was a minority oplruon on the com· mitt.et. more cf -!he big-bre&kel'3-pound 7the~om UJe.-ocea"Jr toward dry sand, 11 shoreline there,,cou~d be some serious Lifeguard Lt. Mark Bodenbencter. - erosion damage, a lifeguard spokesman The ho bad bee lmmi Said · Y n aw ngnt · , Lifeguard Tower tf whlch ls between I The surf d~n l deter workmen and ends of Hllntington Street and Bea equipment in west NewPorl, however. Bouelvard. Guards said friendl of the t . Their work on .four rock groins to com· related tfiat he. was a poor awlmmer 1 bat erosion caused by sea conditions "advenlurou•"- similar to those. Tuesday continued unaf-City guards in Huntington' Beach Tu feded by lhe big waves. . day pulled 173 persons to salety from ! iWater rePo y splashed some eqwp. riptides, pounding surf aod lattral c ment and men nnts. State beach guards rescued 21 a "&ut. they j pt dropping the. rock Seal Bl!:ach lifeguards pulled 57 to salt -li~wave! we '· ¥en the.re,'' -said-Lt. -Bodenbender~said 9IB'f runnln« one -spokesman. to 7 feet was creating problems q:aln 'COME ON BABY' . tr.-&. Pqe J TRAN -?Ac· TERRbRS ... day. Guards oo and near the HunUng Beach pl01 were kept hwy directing rescuing swimmers swept near Ute !ngs by strong lateral curreoll. Fonner Prealdenl L,ndoo B. Johnaon wu also on the VIP stands. A prime nlover in space affaln from his days ar senator and later u Pru!· w. as tempor~j-~ during the dent Kennedy's expert on 11pact affairs, .~ lhtawaalhefinttamjchhebad11ttnflrat lllO\I"· ~ . , '<'' '.~ hJnd. When the rocket rose from the. pad R.epod.S.that WJtll~'1 lntermezzo ~fld. the lhock waves shook the. r;pec-from NHYC was in aeriaus trouble turned taters, be shouted, "Come on .Baby • • • out to be 8mJneous. Iirtermmo had rud-. Go Baby!' N the White House, President Nixon der trouble but Williams said it had been watched on television with Air Force Col. repaired and the. yacht was still heading Frank Borman who rode to the moon ln toward Honolulu at seven knots. APollo 8. Swlday, Bonn.an, a lay leader In Still fighting disaster at sea was the 37. . ' ' As ofl a.m. today, Concerto 'bad been 1opp1e<1 1rom the o>m<fe\I 1110 e leadenhlp by -two yachll whldl"finliloed after mldrtlghl • The-new correded time. leader is Jon Andron's Cal-'40 Argonaut from Santa Barbara With a corrected time of six days, 20 hours, 44 minutes and seven seconds. Second overall is Arthur Blehl's 37-foot sloop Quasar Jrom Rich- mond Yacht Club. "'We 1iope ~1t (IUrl) breaks today; supposed to peak thla evaµq," s Bodenbtater ... We don't lib to see it crtat-.s a lot of problems." •· He said the riptides were in llOtlle ca 200 yards wide, extending &eaward quarter of a mile. "Anyone. caught 1n 1 had better be an excellent swlmme said the lifeguard, urging swimmers t surfers to use caution. Tiie rough water pounding the coastJ today la created by Hmrlcane Ben: moving· off shore lo the ·~ accord lo the U.S. Weather Bureao reporll. the Episcopal Church, will take part In foot sloop Quest, skippered by Tom special White House. 11ervices for con-Lavine, from California Yacht Club. B t lh his till t gressmen, diplomats and other members u ere. are yac s a sea e.x- of government. After floundering for days with a useless pected to save their time. for over.all •They will offer prayers for the rudder, West was taken in tow Tuesday leadership. If Esprit, a 34-foot sloop, the .astronauts on the eve. of the Jandlng, and by the submarine Ronquil out of San smallest in the race belonging to George Borman will read the chapters on ere&• Diego BOme 900 miles from lfooolulu. A Phillips of San Francisco can flnillb by Moon Experiment To Measure Distano lion from the Book of Genesis, the same commercial tug from Honolulu was rru..i .. ; .. ht it could take the top -L chapters recited to earth last Christmas ...... """ SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPl)- by Apollo a as it orbited the moon. breasting hea~ seas in a planned Yachts expected to finish before noon ing a laser beam 8Dd a reflector set rendezvous with the. Rooquil to relieve. today are· the Cal 40s Tangent &lld on the moon by the. Apollo 11, acitot ~IAOIC MO&~ her of the tow. Curloso. The Columbia SO Westerly skip. hope. to refine. measurements of Everything was aimed for that magic Meanwhile an ill crewman aboard the pered by Ern1e Wilson of NHYC was ex· distance between the earth and · moment when they would land. On Sun-Quest was being doctored with sedatives lunar surface to within six inches. day in orbit ar.oo.nd the moon, Armstrong and other drugs to nlieve lhe pain of pe.cted to finish about 4:30. Following Under present method~ llclentista a: and ~ldrin will go into the moon lander, what was diagnmed as kidney stones. are ya ch ls which have finis.bed with the measurements are accurate to wit separate from the command ship and The crewman was not Identified. elapsed and corrected time: only a few feet. begin their descent to the lunar surface. ,..:======"=========-============""'========== Collins 111 to remain in the-command gblp 68 miles over the moon. Armstrong and Aldrin are to land on the moon, ready their spider-like spacecraft for the return trip, eat and rest. Then Armstrong will climb down a ladder to the lunar surface in full sight of the world walching on television , ln a few minutes, Aldrin, 39, the olest man on the trip will follow. They lntend to walk the Junar surface 2 hocars and 40 minutes, collecting rock and dirt 11ample.s, planting the American Flag. and aettlng up experiments that hopefully wW give llcienUsil beUer clues to the origin of the mooth and possibly the earth and the solu ~stem. * * * CAPE SCE NE •• Florida IW\, there was a sharp flash at the bottom of the tiny finger and then the area ·~ enveloped in a blooming cloud of smoke, dirty white, then turnin1 bel.ge with red tinges. "There! Seelr men and women cried. one woman qlapped her hands as ll for a stage trl\unph. The Saturn-ehterged from the. cloud slowly and the cry; "There she Is!" Amid the exclamalionl a husky deg that had \raveled with a family lr.m Canada be9u barldni lou~ly and cavorting on \the sand. . • "Heeel Beautiful." Thi exclamaUon came frorp inftY mOutha. As the ~all climbed higher and began tra!Ung a blinding plume o{ light, a man·s voice exclaimed, "Vomata!" Thia cry w,. from=V. Olo of Montna~ who had reach lhl• waterf!Ollt 'l'!t by cat-It 7 p.n\. •1 anil. bad s!tPI on tbe beach. with h~'wtle ~young aen. A-114Uve of Eat~ Oxanolated h11 exclamation later u lnJ "un-- btlliyable" lo Ellfl • · The apacecron 111 ~Imo! oul of •lihl and "•ring tow.rd tlie 11111 h!lh In the eut before the rumbling thunder of its launc"b reached P"ort Cinavtral. CONVENIENT T6RMS aA"IKAMllUCARD MASTP. CHARGE 1111 Tothea;dwfoo-whotshe - wants but not ffhere to find iL Matc;h your style wilh our nuiny dlstindiw designs. And ask us about our famous Or""'° Blossom ......,,..._ 112J° NEWPORT AVENUE f 0COSTA MESI. t' r I ,, .. .. ' \ ' \ \ .21 yV.As SAME LOCATION ~O~E 14C\J401 I ''""' ...... . ,. 1g· "· t t the °"""" HuntiJ>&lon ..i c!aiJ!!ed parenily AC• -""' been """"" --een walking -sand;-nld - icier. - 1mlng near between the and Beach II of the boy wimmer but Beach Tues- •ly from the lateral cur· cued 28 and 57 to safety. ·nmnin(· up -ns again to. : Huntlngtort dlrectlnC or ear Ille piJ. ti. I today;-it'I ntng." said to see il It " 1somecues seaward a aught in one swlmmtr,'" immeniud the coastline ane Bernice h, occordltlg reporto. I (UPl)-Ul- ec:tor' set up 11, llcl<nilm "1ls of the th and ,the inches. ienUsts said, ate to within " • 'ION • ' ' 1 I I I I f , I I I . ' I "' ..... ,_ ~-·. 4..t.-:t. .... """"'' ~~ ~---- r Bnntingion Bea~h ... ~OL. 62, NO. 169, 6 SECTIONS, 88 PAGES\ ' " • ~ . 0 • 0 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. ....,..rew ' ... -· -..... , • ' TotJay'• Final .w.Y. Stock• WEDNESDAY, JUtY 16, 196f TEN CENTS . . 'fO 0011 r • ·Petitions Okayed ' J:lttt Briel Denfed , ''" ._:,.:~j Astronauts , :~~,1· Get · Perfect t>;lJ.ff-.' ' ... ) ., ,·In Valley Recall ti',lKi 'M111 PM ta tM -!' · t • l Blast Off ' -SPACE CENTER. Hnuston -(AP)~ - By TO~I BARLEY Of IM 0.llY I'll" Staff Superior Court Jud(e baUde M. Owens cleared the way 'l'Utsday for a recall election involving three city councilmen in Fountain VallJIY with a sweeping re- jection or the city's opposition to a move- ment that has attracted petitions beari'ng nearly 10,000 signatures. Three Americans roared away from earth Wednesday, July 16, 1969, to take mankind's most • daring step into the unknown, a walk on lhe moon. Everything was perfect. They blasted off al Cape Kennedy, Fla., al 6:3% a.m . (PDT) a shade over half a second late. Tu·o tlnd a hall hours later, a fin.i.i roc~et bum broke the: qgrip of eartb't gravity and sent civ1lian Neil A. · Armstrong, Air FQrct C.ol. Edwin . E. Branding the city's arguments as "in· congruous", Judge Owens took 30 minutes to chop down · City Attorney Edv;in Martin's brief step by step. He stressed that his ruling was prompted by the need for a ''basic.policy or liberality'' so tbat a "recall election may· be httd- freely, efficiently and without delay and undue expen'se ." W iiies Never Prepared .for J:·his_ Goodbye _ --Alttrur.J~anif"A:lrTOr~ . COI~Chaet­ He swept aside the city's plea that recall leader Eugene VanDask and his supporters in the movement had flouted state laws by using newspaper listings of names ihVolved as copies or the petitions subrnitted to the city last June 2. Martin's further plea that the recall supporters gave the city "unfair notice" drew the ~mmenl from Judge Owens: SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - Nothing ever prepared a wife for a time such as this, watching her man leave for · the moon. · They said their goodbyes privately )n advance of the day they had long been living for. ' Jan Armstrong was al Cape Kennedy to see Neil off. The first ·word she got Collins toward tlie waxlng crescent moon, a scant 100 hours away. "You're on your way now," ·said mission .control. Right on schedule, they separated from the launch rocket's final stage, then turn- ed around and docked with the moonlander stored In Ute rocket's garage section. LESS EXCITED Their voices were· quiet, almost nat, "I can't say that it· was. Just as long as !aiLand reasonable notic.eJs given, that's_ from her.., husband came precisely on schedu le-<rt-T-plus=l5 s~ ~ --·--·-cUcklng-oll-mecbanioall)li"<' · • -Ediso:,,, Official Ralph Kiser . New CofC Aide · Ralph C. Kiser, civic leader an~ Ion~· time executive for Southern California Edison Co., has been appointed manager of ~· Huntington Beach Chamber of enough.'' · And Martin's argument that the recall organizers exceeded the 500--word limit on ·reca11 statemenlS by issuing "sup- plementary statements" received equally .short shrift from a--Jud"ge who seemed determined lo compensate for two earlier delay1 of'the ruling sough( by the Van- Dask groiJP. "From what I can sec," he com· mented," the respondent (the city) also circulated supplementary material - they may not be in a good position to make this point." Judge Owens described the city's moves to delay the recall campaign as '(See RECALL, Page %) Council to Picli New Police cliief From Field oJ!. 5 Commerce. City councilman are expected lo chose KiJe.r will lake over on Oct. l the post Hunlington Beach 's new police chief from vacated by Dale L. Dunn, ;who recently a fieJd narrowed down to five applicants went lnto private business. at their Tuesday session. Kiser said today he hopes to doubte chamber membership, now about 360. One of the men still in the running is Emphasis, he said, will be on greater in• Detective Commander Earl Robitaille of volvemeot by the members in chamber the Huntington Beach Police Department, who garnered one of the three highest workings. · scores in wrillen and ora l examination The push for new business and industry In Huntington Beach will also be em· administered by the Slate Personnel h be f Board. phasized hby the new c am r execu ive. The others include Costa Mesa Police "Huntington Beach has lagged in its 1rut' potential for sales revenue in the Captain E. H. Glasgow, Torrance Chief of past but it's coming up fast now," Kiser Police Walter Koenig. Huntington Park said. He said the city needs new industry, Police Captain Loren Russell and GardE!n iales and jobs to balance its economy. Grove Pofice Chief George Pietsch. . A.t'dlreetor of the Orange County Candidates for the ·job, which wlll be Chamber of Commerce, Kiser i s vacated July 31 when Police Chief John chairman of its economic development H. Seltzer reUres, were narrowed down group. He worked to bring the California to these five finalists following a special Angels to Orange County and w.ent to midnight council executive sessio~ lasl Washington. D.C. In 1964 to aid county Tuesday. super'1sors in their successful push to The possibility of a further cut before have the county recognized for its -the July 22 session has been d~ ~y riletropolitan status. S?"le. councilmen, but the~e !J no 1n- Presently district manager of S<19_UMinL.. d~U~n "!>'* many of the fmahsts could California Edison Co., Orange COUnty -iie1nv0lv~ . ''We 've got a iQ). program , ' ' Armstrong said. It wa; another way of saying "One ot the most frightening and dangerous phases of this rnissio" went~ff fine." --_ ._ Nothing ever prepared a wife for a lime such as this. At Nassau Bay, Pat Collins and the kids were in front of the TV set. "Houston. be advised the visual js go tQ(fay," her huSt>a~ said three minutes and 20 seconds after liftoff when the escape tower new off -anolher in- dication that everything was fine. And then Mike said happily, "They finally gave me a window to look out.'' That meant he had moved from the center seat to the one on the right. Astronauts like to sightsee too. Joan Aldrin, down the block, got up at 10 mffiutes to 7 and tumed on the television set. The black box over whi ch (See FAMILIES, Page Z) LBJ Views Space As Greatest U;S. Step to Peace CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -Former Pn:sident Lyndon 8. John!on watched Apollo 11 roar into the sky from the Ken- nedy Space Center today and called the daring moon mission an ''endeavor to bring peace to mankind ." Johnson, who earlier said he has ''rid· den on every flight'' with the U.S. astronauts. said he believes that the space effort has a greater potential for peace than anything America does . Johnson said that as he walked away from the launch v·iewing area , he thought of three things, "conei!rn for the men and their safety, the great awe for what I had jUst seen .. , and something you don't hear much about these days, great pride in this country." He added. "It seemed like a half million people who had worked on this program were there lining this-thing." · U,I Tl.,_. APOLLO 11 ROARS OFF ON HISTORIC MOON MISSION Thrff Mtn Riding Atop • Fir~Spewint 36-Story Buildin~ ' . 'UPIT~ Coastal District (Seal Beach to Laugna ·AMERICAN FLIGHT PIONEERS ARMSTRONG AND LINDBERGH Niguel), 'Kiser will retire a year earlier Ulan planned to take on the new duties. He has been with Edison for 45 years and has served in his present post since 1957. • --~ A past. cham ber president (192(), he hu been on the board for 11 years. He ls a director and past president for two years of the Orange County· Coast Association ; a director in Anaheim Stadium. Inc., a past Rotary president : and a member of the executive board pl Orange Empire Boy Scouts. '" ·•speaking for the board. t can say we feel very fortunate in acquiring a man of fCl9ef'S ability, background and exper- fence 1o assume this important post," aaid Biii Woods. chamber president. Father of two and grandfather or MVen, Kiser and is wife. Florence live in Newport Beach at 2581 Waverly Drive. ' NEW YORI\ {AP ) -The stock market Carved out a sOlld •'In today as It finistJ:. cd in the winning co!Umn for the first lime this wetk. (Ste quot.ations, Paees 23-U). , . . .. • Trading was moder•tely• •rlive near tbe Clctje. 1 Cains led losses by Ii large margln. From Tran1atl•ntlc'Plight to Moon Flight In 42 Years · Wife Declines H un~i~gton Guards Fear . . . . ·_ . -· Phys1c1an's Boy Lost in Heavy S.urf · ·The-:..Unued to pound the orange Seal ll>!ach lifeguards pulled 57 to safety. Com, ment on T·hef t Rap Coast shoreline today and HunUngton Lt. Bodenbender said surf running up Beach lifeguards feared It had claimed to 7 feet was creating problems again to-, day. Guards on and near lhe Hunt ington i:he wife of a HunUngton Beach doctor Each of tbe 34 ·coon ts lo be brought ag- • the lif~ of a l4-year-old boy. -Beach pie1 were kept busy directing or ainll her at Div1's.inn u•" of -the.' --The th ~ tt-~ ti today sakl !he had "00 comment to .,., ~ lJUll Y~ 1 Ll'Cahn h"'"'~ -appa~n ~ rescuing swimmers swept near the Pil· make" on 34 counU of grand theft she Angeles Municlp!ll court involve amounts rompany1ng a c urc group -as ings by strong lateral current.s. ged ~th · , -· ••• t M 1·n ex-· of -. M-:-... IA. .. · · · T .. --• ft The was char wl 1n I.Nit ..... oae es on-.. """" -v •• ._., ~ . m1ss1ng sulCe ugiuay a emoon. "We hope It (8Urf) break1 today ·, lt'.s P . R' th 1 alk' d•y · A final determination of the total 1co 1vera you was ast seen w 1ng supposed to peak this evening,'' said 0 • from the ocean toward dry sand, said· Bodeni..-"'er. "We don't like to see it. Jt Mrs. Edna Steinberg, frtton $5,000 bail amount allegedly embezzled haS not'bfeen Ur " k Bod bende ~~ t h born 1001" J-•-D Dr"' · made, but investigators have indicated· eguarc ut.. Mar en r. creat"!'I a lot of problems." a er e on ~ """''· ay •1.e. The boy had bee"n swimming near He s8id the riptides were in some cases lia.S been accused of embe'zzllng nlofe t,hat I~ ~ld.r;un u tilgh as $ll0,000._ .i Lifeguard Tower 11 which is between the 200 yards wide, extendine seaward a than ·'30,000 from Gal.el, .Ktng!ley .ahd' Los Angeles !ttornf:ys ~·~ qtrolljlnfi ends of Huntington ·Street and Beach quarter of a mile. "Anyon~caught In one Oates Mortuary where she worked at a and Donikt R. Bringi014 pave been re- Bobelvard. Guard,1 said friends of the boy had better be 11n excellent swimmer," bookke1iper. ·• talned to defend ber-agafnst the charges related that he was a poor swimmer but' said the lifeguard,• urging swimmers and t..Os Ang,les ~ict AuOrriey In-· at ·•· preliroi~ Jlearlr}l1 scheduled for "advtnturous". surfers to use caution. . vestlgalor Jack MOnlOO alleged the 3s. Loi Angeles ~unh?iPfl Court' Aug. 2Q . City guards 1n lluntlngton Beach 1ucs-. The rough water poundlna tfie coastline year-old woman,· wife-ol Dr. Terry , B.ringgo)d this .nioming said he' had .''no day polltd 175 persons to safety from the today is created°"'by Harrf'tn mmi .. Stetnber ..,. used tborlied--comP1'1Y .commeh1 urmake at-i11}'1lrM.'" abo\lt _riptide~ pou_nding surf and lateral cur· moving off. shore to..lhe sou1hi--•CCOrdJ:ni ,._cbeckL lO pay .Jjir_ ~...1111.Yt_ hqim.. _Mrs._Sleinberg or. the_c..a s e._Chrotlam rents. ~late beach guard! rescued 21 and to the U.S. Weather Bureau reports. flir"1fshlns!i lurs and ar& obj~ta. _ could not be reached for comment. " • .1 blast-off and fli&ht. ~ir hea.f1beais. recorded on earth, were less excited than cin their earlier apace1Shots. Pa~ed temporarllJ in earth orbit, they aw\tched couches from launch positions (o -flight-positions,-Collinl-laking lh• rlgbt-hand stJ\ which Aldrin had'" oo. cupted. • "Houston, be advised the visual is go . today," Collins said looking out at the start contrast of bue earth and black space. '!They finally gave me a window to look out or." The"lr flight was the -third American mana~ trip to tbe moon, but It was the first scheduled to land. The nation and inost of ihe world watched and listened 8s .Apollo . 11 began its qui,rtet-million mile journey. It was both the culmination of an an- cient dream and the hoooring of a pledge made eight years ago by the late Presi· dent Kennedy, who issued the cold war challenge that set Americans on their way to the moon . The astronauts plan to pl111Jt an American Flag on the Sea of Tranquillity, the darkened left eye of the man in the moon . when they land Sunday night. The American spacecraft carries a pla· que, to be left on the lunar surface, saying, "We came in peace for all mankind." In ·tbe early hours or flight, the astronauts were loo busy lo think ahead. 'MAGNIFICENT RIDE' Later, when the f\ight duties eased, ArmStrong, the spacCcraft commander, and the man who wlll be the first to set foot on the moon Sunday night, said "That Saturn gave u11 a magnificent ride , , . We have no complaints with any of the three stages on that ride. lt was beautiful." The 363-foot Saturn rocket and Apollo spacecraft, burning more than a ton of fuel a second, rose from Cape ·Kennedy on an aoo.rOOt trail ol name into the blue Florida sky, The JS million parts meshed flawlessly . In minutes, the rocket was cutting wing-like shockwaves through the thin· ning air. Behind, the launch pad still spilled with the 50,000 gallons of water a (See APOLW, Page !) Orange Coast Weather Clouds during the late ntiht and · early morning will mar otherwise sunny summer days along 1 the coast and there might be some patchy fog. INSIDE TODi\Y \Vhat cam1 first -tht chick· "en or tht. egg? Pick "our fOJJ: 1 mitt oftir rtadino zoning prob- Inn storu on Page A.12: I 1 I " ...---..........._.--...... ~ ·--... -~~ .. ~ I i;;;__:; • "' . . . ' . . ' City.· f6 S.et Vote D~-t~ •1 TDftY Of .. Delft ..... , ''"' FOUhlaln Valley city oouncllman meet In special eeaalon Dell Tueaday to 1<t Sept. 23 u the date for a recall election s!h\fld at three member$ of the council. The declalon came after an apparenUy tense one-hour-and·*minute executj\fe cted l)a!_ ttjrJl~cqll :·Ele~tion ~ • ' .... •t . l lloberl Scbwerdtlfgtr, co M a y o r the council to delay declsilln on the recall . Donald Fregeau and Councilman Joseph . date, ~ere seernJpgly dl!turbed by ~ Courreges. proceedlags. Mayor Scbwerdlleser Indicated after N•IU!<r man baa openly aupporltd lhe TUesday's lengthy session that he might recall, but both art poUtical opponenta of file individual leg~l action against the the three·man majorltj. recall petitions and VanDask on the Councilmen also asked Martin to pro- basis of ~·unfair practices." vide th9n with copies of Judge Owens' ' '· , ......, Tucaday nlJhl IQ dl,cus~ 'I\Mll!fu'• Superior Court ded'lon order-tna the city to take immediate action on the three r<eaU peUUona submitted by rtcall leader Eu~ene VanOuk, writt.en decilion when it becomes ~OM of tbe supplementary contenUons 1 01 Martin's defeh·se 1n Su~or Court waa av~:: ~ b'attle on. rec&1l datel, coun- that recaU supporters had not been fair ll tber ""'·~ in their distribution 'or material on the cilrQen aJso comp ed wUb ano """"'• · · order. They unanlmouJ!y con<urred with recall~ a 'Plitnnlng commil!ioii'resoluUon which .. Councilmen voled unanirbous:Jy Tuu- day night to accept the peUtions, while deferring action on a resolution setting , the recall.election..date Until the July 22 meeung, already ICbeduled to comider other matters. . , City Attorney Edwin MarUn told coun·· clhnen he needed at least aome time to tnopect the reaoluUona drawn up by the city clerk to verily their legal cor· He; told COUQCilmen Tuesday that Judge reverted the zoning and reversed ap- Claude M. Owens bad not actually ruled proval of the tentaUve tract map for the on lhu.t. point, rather leaving it open for controversial Larwln Company homes, indivldu,Js: lo bring court aclign ancf not the spark that ignited the entire recall the city. blaze. Councilmen John Harper and Edward They were ·complying wtih a court JuSt~ ihouah vot.illg with the m1jority of order issued mare thaii a mont.h ago. · redness. From Page i ,. " ' .. t. U,I~ TOURIST VIEWS BLASTOFF Perched on Portable Toilet FAMILIES ... wives bear mlJalon conltol talking to -~ lwllbuld•·--Jdnr.,A -:agency ltcbnJclan llUd It. < The lddl """" BIDl uieep, so lb< baked \i ecllte eue. ·'lllen •• oompall)'. The .'l'lfe ot ultonaut BID Pope, -hun'I , .11.,.,. yet,. !Ind tbe widow of 8llronaut ~la BUse\t, who died In a pl ... ·.n.i,, ...,. lber< to lend. '1'Jll'Ol'I· The .... II.._ IOI up at I a.m ..... milked for ·ii,;TV'. -, As the orange name belched hellllhly """° than IOO feet below wbm her hu .. band redlned ill bb fittod couch, Jou pol her ""1cz fln&er to her lips, tenNly. Aod when be wu 100 miles downrana•. she laid her dl<ek on her oldest oon'• bocl< and said ''Wouldn't it be nloe for thOlli f!> be countlng down to splubdown now." . · The i... oldl!I cblldren WMI aotal<l< al tho ·reques1 of ~pben end stood, with bis IJins. and bcllh thumbs up. " WU ..otlier sign that tvtcylbing WU oU,,. Huntington Y Sets Family Fun C"' to tut your lldlls In Jump rope, bukttl>oll, e&m11111. mixed vollayball, bumper pOol, snooker, pool, or· aome other actfvity? 'l'blo join the HunUngton Beach YMCA at Ill racutar famlly fun nlJhl, from 7 to 10 p.pi.. Saturday. at the city JYm oo the corMr ot lltb end Palm Streell. · · Atler the hard games 1re ovtr the bti1od city pool b aloo available for use d""" fmlly fun nip~ Objectlona to the decision were raised by attorney Robert Susone, a recall •ill> porter; who referred to elections codes ataUng that acUon must be taken 'jat once" on recall peUUons submitted to a city councll RECALL PETITIONS . • • Sueone argued that the term "at once" meant Ule councU had to set the speclal recall election date Tuesday nlJhl MarUn maintained that acceptance of the peUUooa with Intention to eel tbt date nest ~k fulfllled the requirement. S.....,. Indicated II!< councilmen m!Jhl be pladng tbemlelvea In possible con- tempf of court aa he read th~ mmin.um pena)Ues-41,000 fine · and/or five years impr~ent -for violation of election, code proceedings. · The reca)J miuuons were upheld Tue•· day aftemooll 1n ·orange County Superior Court, aflcr -MarUn had tried lo have them lnvaUdated •. Named ln..lhe~ Jasue are Mayor _ F..-·-Pqe I APOLLO .•• minute poured lhrough the rocbt Dame to preoem lhe pedestal from which it ~-- possibly having a "chilllitg effect that could interfere, with the public's right to Im " . ow. His ruUng cleartd the way for setUng of a citywide election in which the Van. Dask group seeks to remove from office Mayor Robert Schwerdtfejer, Vi c e Miyor Donild ·Fregeau -and Councilman Joseph Courreges. That elec:Uon, commented attorney Robert L. Sassone, "must be held 60 to 75 d a y s from today -some time in Sep-- tember. We've cut down the shrubbery," he said, "and the city must noW decide what its. new landscaping will be." RULING -INEVITABLE Sassone felt that Judge Owens' ruling "has always been inevitable. He has . simply put an f;nd to What were nothing · mor~-than-~ated df!~yinf iacties.. by the city!~ he said. MarUn wllhheld detailed comment until he had "had /1 chance to talk about this back at clty h11J. This is, of course, just the opinion of one judge,'' he added. "We feel that we had a good ·case in law and I sun do." VanDask's recall movement was sparked two months ago by the court's endorsement of the Fountain Valley reildent's argument that citY. planners unlawfully allowed tbe Larwin C:Ompany -More than a million spectators. rinsed the brl&Jlt beacbel of the Cape area and jammad the hlehwaya to ... the three ,..teran pllola·lake·ofl on -the liral -lunat. --------·-- to go ahead with p\1111 for a SOO.home development In the city. Judge Byron K. M<:Millan..aod justices ()of the Fourth District Court of Appeals have ruled that lot sizes 'proposed by the company for It.a $li million complex were below the l,000.square,foot minimum. Two appeals have been rejected. It was learned in court Thursday that a third appeal has been prepared· by the Larwin Co. arid is on file in S4n Bernardino .. Recall organizers have pointed out that Schwerdtfeger.was the real estate broker invo!Ved Jn the sale of· 100 acres invol•ed in the development to the Larwin Co. and MRS. GLASS PREPARES FOR BEACH FLICKS -Library .Aide Rull~ Not a Key1tone Cop 'Movies on the Sand' Go that Martin represented the former . owner Of the land in,negotiatlons with the -. . · ~~~~~~f!:'ular:i.~:;From GhOuls w Comedies - proceedings. - . J t bas been noted that Counega owns land ~djolnlng the tract and that a cowln of tht councilman owns property whl~ ill eaimaiked · for coiiVtfalon ·Into ·access roads to th e :area: Fregee.u's backlng of the Larwin development throughout· 1ta presentation in various foi"ml to the city ensured that his name WOl,\ld ap~ar on tho · recall petitions, recall orsanlurs state. ---~ Shades of Max -~ If II Isn't Bela Lugosi and Buster Keaton fl1ckering ·around on the surf and sand saturday nlshts In Huntington Beach. · Lugosi and Keaton are ju.st two of the oldlime screen stars perfOnning in old films du.iing the Huntington Beach Public Library's second summer of "Movie& on the Sand!' ·July 21 -Valentino night with "Blood and Sand" and 0 Son of the Sheik." · AJJllUI t -"FaH. of Babylon" and a vaudeville variety show. Aaput t -W. C. Fields night with "The Barbershop" and "The Golf Specialist." - Aupsl 11 - featuring "The F.Joorw.alker " Charlie · Chap Un night Fireman" and .. The ''t:,~tbe very !n)poztanl ptllODS In-7 Fare Cf tu Auclit~ vlted by lhe space J!I""'>' to walcb Ibo .J:vk_sat1.trday nigbt _!t .A\1!k the library _cranks up an old film or two and lets them 'flicker free on the beach aiea .adlaceni; to the i:ity lifeguard head-· Qurrter'l,· 6 Persons · Hulit liilnch lioin bltaebm a iafo 3\1 miles ' ' ' !a I ' ' ~~wi::v:=:m~~u.~ew; Huntington SeeK.s.,Co,ntrol Brains belllnd the idea· boloog ti>-M:s. · " Oliver G]a,s, audi<>V~Ual asstslan~ who In Y;, alley Crash \bought the 'library's yeaf'-roulJ Pl'Olram 1n an Interview, he Wei be believed America r lhould plan to put a man on Man. "Someone ii 1oi:iif: to do it.'' he , . .•. ..t,1 . "!.t think •e abouldn'I be too tbnld to Of Beach Concessi(iilfilres Of showini old films ought to'be moved 1 OU:\ doon lor the IUQ\lfter. season. Six -persons were injured .l. one She laiUate4 ~ program ll!ll ~er critically -in • head~n car crash1early and manqed to dr~w crowds •of 190--1&0 Tuesday on Euclid $f.reet. near Slater oldlime movie buffa t.o. aee condensed Avenue In Fountain Valley. aay by the end of this century we're JO!Df to put a man on Mars. That's my Judpienl" ~ 4nfw la a member of the spedal prqidenUal commtuee:.that wW recom. mend America'• future JOals In space In Saptcmber. He admitted hll vtewpoilll on Mars wu a minority oplnlon on the com- mittee. 'COMEON~Y' Fonner President. Lyndon B. Johnaon was also OD the VIP st.ands. A prime mover in space affairs frorn his days aa senator and later as Presi· dent l(ennedy'a expert on •Plce affairs, Ibis w11 the lint launch he bad aeen first hand. Wben the rocket rose from the pad and the shock waves shoot the spec. tat.ors, he shouted, "Come on Baby • , • Go Baby." Huntington Beach city officials are seeking better controls In their financial dealings with seven b e a c h con-- cesslonaires. Ben Arguello, city finance director, said auditing will be.a;in today of the beach businesses books. Residents Gain Delay in Rezone Of Green Valley versions o( some · of the gre.ats Of the Lorelei Stanley, Ii, of F\J.llerton, a ~-· 1 I 'lb lb · silen~ and early. ~ films, , passenger In one of the cara, Wa.5 listed in iua c ty mes Wl e concession Thts summer's movies started last serious condition with facial injuries this etand operators render to the municipal Saturday night with the showma of Bela morning at Huntington lntercommwiity coffers a sliding scale of the g1'08S take. Lugosi's "Dracula" and Lon Chaney 's Hospital. · The figure for <:aleodar year 1968, said uHunchback of Notre Dame." Two oLher passengers of the same ear, Arguello, was about $43,000. Next on the list are a Max Sennett Lorelei's sister Karen, 16, and Shirley 'laps"ck comedy "Fun Fa..t ....... " and a Hamlin, 15, of Anai.eim were listtd in Councilmen at a recent meeting ex· "' ....... .,, '' Buster Keaton COmedy "The G•"•ral " saUsfacto..u condition at the hospital. Pressed concern about the city receiving ' ........ · •J ' 'ts due and questi-A-' Ar•,,.ello about in· Both will be shown this Saturday night at Driver of the car, Warren Pettit; 17, cf u11a.1 eM dusk Fullerton and a fourth passenger, Ken~ stallaUon ·of cash registers in the con~ G~ Shippey, an audio-visual aide at neth Hamlin o( Anaheim were treated cessions. the library, is the projectionist, aided by and released from the hospital after the I Arguello said a cash register does not a friend who buffers the 70-square-foot a.m. accident. Insure that money received goea into it. screen against sudden winds. Jo Ann Bradley, 27, of Tustin, was the Ile :spoke of a system his department is The audience has been drawn In the driver of the other car. She was also developing for judging gross by auditing past from older children and teenagers, treated and released from the hospital inventory and purchases. says Mrs. Glass, as well as a lot of !ollowing the accident, said police. Explaining his auditing plan later, families who come down just to see the Police said the collision occurred near Arguello said if you know how much movies. There is no limit on attendaoce an area of construction at Euclid Avenue hamburger a concessionaire buys you and no charge for wat.chlng. which narrows the street width, At tbt White H-. Prealdent Nbcon watched on tf.Jev111on with A.tr Force Col. Frank Batman who rode to Qle moon in Apollo 8. Sunday, Borman, a Jay leader in the J!placopal Church, will take part In speclil White House services for con- grtllmtn, dJplom1tta and other members of govemmenl Nearly 100 angry Green Valley have a pretty good indication of how other featured filch for the summer Investigation is under way to determine res.I.dents gained a delay Tuesday night . .;:m=au=y=ha=m=b=u=rg;;;e=n=hc=la=sel=l=in=I=· ====lnc=lu=d=e:;:' ===========a:;:ct:;:ual=c:;:au:;:se=of:;:tb:;:e=acc=ld:;:en:;:t:;:, po=lt:;:ce:;:':;:':;:id"i. on further consideration by the Fountain Jr They will offer prayers for the as tronauts on the eve of the landing, and Borman will rUd the chapters on crea· Uon from the Book of Genesis, the wne chaptara rtclted to earth last ChriJtmas by Apollo I u II orbited the moon. MAGIC l\IOMICNT fi:verytblng wu aimed for lhal lll•atc moment when they would land. On Sun· d1y Jn orbit around the moon, Armstrong and Aldrin wU1 go Jnto the moon lander. separate from the command ship and ba&ln their delCOJll 1<1 the lunar surfact. Collins 11 to remain in the command ship 611 miles over the mOon. Armstrong ind Aldrin are to land on the moon, ready their splder.Uke apacecraft for the return trip, eat and re.st. Then Armatroilg will cUmb down a ladder to the lunar surface in full sight of the world watching on television. In a few minutes, Aldrin, 39, the olaet mtn on the trip wlll ~!I~ They intend to walk the lunar surface 2 hours and 40 minutes, collecting rock and dirt samples, planting the American Flag, and setting up experiments thaL hopefully wW give acienti1ts better clues to the on11n of the muon. and posaibly the earth and the solar ay1tem. * Valley Cl~y Council or zone changes in the Green Valley development. Relldents showed up to proW:t a zone change already approved by the council for apartments on the southeast corner ol Slater Avenue aod Ward Street. • The aru had previously been zoned for a sniall commercial shopping center, and homeowner• protested that developer George Holstein was destroying his Gr~ Valley cancept 83 presented to them when they bouaht their bomes. Green Valley fel.tures private parks, green bell! and a recreaUon area run by homeowners associations. Bill Hoblin, president of Green Valley Homeowners Alsoclallon Number 3, told councilmen that apartment dwellers would spoil the entire concept of Green Valley and make it Impossible for the home owners to maintain the private parks and green bells. Apartment owners would not pay for ~rk up--keep, said Hoblin. lfoblin presented the council with a pelit1Qn bearing more th.an 270 stgnatU!'f:S opposing the apartments on what was scheduled to be a shopping center. Coun· cilmen took no action qn the matter. "We'll lose control or our parks," com· plained Hoblln, "forcing us to turn them over to the city ln the future." Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger asked that four Green Valley zone change re- Qttest.s on Tuesday'• agenda be delaYed for furlher ,consideration ·at a.. special council session July 22. LAUN CH LATE Hoblln Informed tbt council that Green Valley resldenl.s were not opposed to BY SECOND '!;~'. requests, but tbt one already Tuesday nl&ht Holstein w1s asking the ' C~PE KENNEDY. FIL <AP> ~ Tb• council 1<1 eltmlnat. four apartment areas Jauneh ti. APoUo 11 waa late, launch ·and rezone t.bc:m for single faml!y directer llocco Petrone aald Wedneaday resldencos. at 1 po(llaunch newa conference. Councilmen expressed the ~sire to "W• Wire 714 mlU*"nds tau for the heir full reports on the total Cmn start ti 11111 mlloton that really started Valley development from nos!d<nts ·aftd ~lib&-JUlt.aao." .ht aa1d. -the ttaff before considering any·new~ CONVENIENT TEAMS BANKAMlRICARD l.IASTBt CHARGE Tothegl~ ....... lo-.-h wants but ""I-., find It. Match your ttyfe with o•r ...,,,. distlnctMt designs. And ask us •bout our f1mou1 o ... ,.-_....._ .... J.C. .J./ump£rie6 'Jewe/~6 . 182> NEWPORT. AV&NUE.' COST Ji MESA- 21~RS SAME LOCAflON PHONE 541-J401 ...._-f---.reiAmimlfw-d= la one tllounndtb of a changes. Consideration will also 'be at"'ll -, lll!ft 'l'lles<li\'lo e•ol<li\g tllir·prevtou> t'~;.......--+---~:.;.;--,;,;,;. __ ..;;._ ...... ._======-'"=~==-JOne changwesidents opposed:.. • I j ~ I h I tt ot I e II 'I fi f· e y or • .n Is ;y r, I I 'Y in I ,f I, n- " i " I II ;o al Ir " I, " I ............. ,... ' . DARY 1'11.0T ;fJ .I ~;:::;""Rive .. ~oat~rs Get .. Warning- ~~~m~~~r~ ~:gp !:em ~~t g!:~n ~~~u~!i~.:. ~~~ E~::.::J Coast OuatdJ).btrict.Jn .. Llmg _genuaJ_d.lsr:ecar.!f for salety___Arlzona.Jor their assistance proximlt~lo other_ boata;.Jil " Beach has-Issued a warnlng lo witnessed by Coast Guard concemln11-the. violent-eonduct narrow winding channell, ot all boaters navigating waters safety patrols over the Mem· or boaters on the Colortdo during periods of recb:ef under hls jurisdlctlon and orial Day weekend. River in a recent telegram visibility. i l~sued a special w'ord of cau· Lieutenant Com m a nd c r that ~d, "During, the (2) Overloading of ~tutls .• hon to those on the Colorado Peter Sterbllng, chief or the Memorial Day weekend Coast clearly beyond Nfe loadin( R.Jver between Parker Dam boating safety branch, said, Guard Boating Safety Patrol capacity as recommended b)"' ) and H~adgate Dam t h a t "Coast Guard patrols stopped on lhe Colorado River beiween manufacturers or ln absenci ,. · boarding o1t1eers will Issue 190 boaters on the Colorado Parker Dam~ and Heada:ate of manutac&urtra rtcOmot • vl~latlon ~itaUons for f!!Ckless River wh.o were operating Dam o b s e r v e .d shockingly mended safe loading capiclty~ and negligent operation of their ·craft in an unsafe, hazardous ~conditions created evidence of lutablllty, littl9 boats. reckless or negligent manner by. hlgh spetd craft and water fretboard, &hipping w 1 t et • - Rear Admiral Ch a r I e s over the three day v.·eekend." ski log In congested areas and from sllght wakes, etc. · Tighe, commaDder of the lllh Of those , lOZ r«elved viol.a-In cl~ prox!Jnity of swim-(3)\.()perattos while under~ Coast Guard District, urged tion citations and 11 warnings mers. ElcessJve use of in-the influence of intorlcants,u! 111 boaters to use -a little com-were issued just in the Parker toxicants by operators was drugs, etc. · mon sense in Uie operation of area alone. Penalties assessed widely a PP are n l and (4) Certain unsafe water . thelt small bG&ts and warned to U>ese boaters, operating hazardous o~rations prevail-sltllri,r °practices such as low• .them of the hazards of reckless or negligently, ranged ed both durmg daylight and lng watir Skiers ih 'th!{ vicinity operating while under the in-from $2.S to S\00. Lt. Com-darkness." -of other vessels, wherf; if lhe '11 fluence of intol.icants. iie mander Sterbllqg a d d e d , Lt Commander Sterbling skier feU he may l!Qly be hit stated that stiff penalties wilt "there we rt between 20' to "25 adv\Ses all operators o f by. other ¥esse!S,' witter akii~ .J. be assessed against persons aceidents and at least eight motorboats to avoid the without an observer, ex· found to be operating their person.. received serious In-followlnl U n s a f e Pr~Uces ceeding speed limits, towing a boats in a reckless and/or juries, fortunately there were which could result in·citations skier against tbe traffic pat- Bob Massey To Vie for Hennessy Mull' s Latest Design, Ranger 26, Builcling The new Ranger 26 is in full Production at both the Costa Bobby Massey of Bellflower. ?itesa, CalUornia and Fall one of closed course and River , MassaChusetts plants of marathon boat racing ' s the O'Day Yacht Division of leading drivers, will enter Bangor Punta Corp. 'The new ·offshore competition for the Ranger 26 is the first boat oC first time in the 1969 Long its size designed and finished Beach Hennessy Cup race to yacht standards with the Aug. 23. · • performance and speed to win The 36-year-old co-owner races against all earners. and • maiiager of BelfOower She'S the '1ewest dqign fr0m Marine Co .. disclosed that he Gary Mull. the young" naval has purchased Spooky Too, the architect who cut his tttth on 22-foot R11ys.on Craft hull in yac~t design by assisting in whtCh controversial Bi 11 the design of &he Amer1ca's Cooper' of Marina del Rey won Cup defender Constellation, the' 196t Pacific Offshore and who has won renown for Power Boat Raciog Auocia-his swift designs in flberllas! lion champiomhip. M'assey from 22 feet to 40 feet. Ari un· "'ill rename the b o a t p~dented program o I Massacre ll. restlrch, design and · fank Cooper, ciJe of the leaders in tesijng has gone inlO tnry the Tapld }rowth of offshore detail of the llanger n. TtltJ is powerboat racing on lilt West evident in su'ch details as· !}er C°'1St, said he definitely will beautiful teak cap rail ; ·hei' In· be-an· entrj I n lhe-fmh run-~set-crosea-oow -iiif -stem ning of the l.. ~' Hennessy chocks; the dodger moldtnJ on Cup classic jn a boat lo be her main · hatch cover: her powered by three Mercury "calipered coCkpit layout ; her 1150 Super BP engines. crowned deck; her tran!Dm •;As far -as ~uiprneiU, welJ; b~_stee~~Jines; and -the th~, lo still 'I'" I• )>e,a Ill· . <;raljsm~.~I her 1"1e'in· ti~ BeCrttive," saJd Coopir. He · ter1.-. ·-· - is going ahead at full speed, he The Ranger ~6 locludes added w1th conslruction of the many yacht appo1ntqients as Ron 'Jones , tunnel h u 11 standard, such as a color- unlimited hydi/oplane which he coordi~ated interior w i t h will own in partner!lhip with carpeting and curt a Ins, Dave Puckett of Seattle. decorator cushlons on 11e1t.s and berths, and exquisitely finished panellin~. jolnta and cornus on the hne wood in- terioi. Topside she comes with Barlow racing w i n c I} e s , coordinated colors, boot top and contrasting n o n • s k I d surfaces. She has ample locker and storage space, as "·ell as an enclosed head and room y seating and living ac- commodatlol\S'. She's carefully-coMtructed of hand laid up fiberglass with laminations of woven roving and class cloth and mat, and she's painstakingly Hnished to yacht stand~. For the man wh.o d~res the pleasures of sailing a true yacht, and yet · wants to wtii against com- petllion, the Ranger 26 ls the perfect choice DIMENSIONS LOA LWL • Beam Prall Displ!lcement Ballast Sail Area 26'3" 21 '!I!!. ,., .. 4'f" S800 lb. 2050 lb, ~sq. fie __ A~ c o m modation.s: Con- vertible dinette and fixed berth in maJn cabin: double berth forward ; eoclosed head : hana:lng locker ; galley with stainless steel sink, pump, ice box, and well for optional slove. . M1lssey will also run the lo\v profile. fiberglass R a y s o n Craft with triple Mercury out· tmrd power , he indicated. " Boat Careers Program Set by Manufacturers An It-year racing veteran, Musey has been a consistent high finisher in outboard dlTl!lons of such major races as the annual Parker Dam 9- Hour Enduro. the Lake A l\vo-pronged program to headquarters ta pro\.ide data Elsinore 500 and other races. interest more men and womep on the many jobs and skills The Hennessy' Cup race is in careers In the pleaaure appllcable to the boallna: in- cxpected to Jure tht leading boating business has been an-dustry. This lnfonnation will drivers and equipment on both nounced by the National be available lo aro-one in- the East and Wesb Coast.II. It Associ_ation of Eneine and terested In becoming a part of offers PacifiC OffshOre Racing Boat Ptfanufacturers. this exciting industry," said Association points. American "There are a good many McQueen. Power Boat A!soclaUon na-jobs being created in the The Job Information CentCr tiOnal points. and the Union of bQr;itlng industry almost dai-will incorporate descriptions J n,ternational Motorboalin&. .. fy," said James R. McQuetn of hundreds of specific jobs in world points. ~ Jr., president of NAEBM and the boatina: industry. People The race will be the climax the Trojan Boat Go. of Lan-will be able lo learn of the of the Aug. 1-23 fourth aMual ca,~ter, Pa. . skills required, pay scales, ad- Califomla International Sea The boating business has vancement opportunities, and Festival al Long Beach. been growing ste.adlly for benefits associated with each Iltlrd Loss On Times many years, creating a de· category. Applicants will also mand for skilled a n d be directed lo specific com· supervisory persoMel t o panles where job openlna:s are service a n d manufacture a•ailable. boat.s, engines. out b o 1 rd "We are not openlna: an motors, trailers, electrical e m p 1 o y m e n t a g e n c y , equipment. accessories and however," McQueen stressed. hardware. In an effort to meet "Our Intent is to make MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich. this demand for qualified available to young men and (AP) _ The NOTDga, owned persoiineJ, NAE B M ls women all the information we by Harry Ziemann 0 f esta~lishin& a Job lnf~ation can provkle to . afif ther:n ~ MUwafkee, wa,s first across ~a{er at HI ~reenwJCll, Col)O . cl\ooelo1 a career in boating. annual Ch1cago-to-Mackinac · · negllgent manner. no fatalities." for reckless .and/o rnegligent tem, towing a sider near Admiral Tighe issued this Admiral Tighe asked the operation: swimmers. S.50 x 13 Blackwall TubeleiS Plus Fed. Ex. T~x $1.79 and old tire. BLACKWALLS Plus $2.20 to $2.36 Fed. Ex. Ta x and old tire S.50 x 13 Whitew!I Tubeless Plus Fed. Ex. Taic $1.7'9 and o!d tirt. WHITEWALLS Plus $2.20 to $2.36 Fed. Ex. Tax and old tire USE OUR EASY PAV PLAN • the finWh line today in the 71sl i•••-••••••••**"*""""""****""'*" !•land yacht race. but lost for YOUR PRQBl ;EM: -:~~i~~~aighl year on cor· ·~ You w•nl !""II .. m. Item Everyday popular prices .-----,,...---....,..--....,--,=,..., The Norsaga was the fleet's th•t you no lon .. r ,,Nd 1.ut _. · scratch boat, giving tim< to someo•• .• 1 .. con' .,. 1er "Safety All-Weather ·Z" ~:;;~ ·r~~!. Y~j~;i'" .l~d~:;; N 0 T 0 v E R $ 5 0 OUR B SEWNG T11l111t111 " ... , .... 11•••" Mllt1nlf 11.TJl_, ... ,., Tlrt 7.00x 13 $24.35 $21.55 $1.94 Ela.14 $25.45 $21.15 $2.41 F78-14 $21.15 $30.25 $2.54 G71-14 $21JO 132.75 $2.66 Eli-15 $2U5 $U.71 12:~ . • '• .... •' .. ' " • .,:: .. . .. •• 1 ?i~;~ ~~,~i::~E '1 YOU 7 R AN~R; 1 • 1 4 piv NYlO CORO TIRE ra~~· Norsaga '• •lapsed lime . Yeu coll TH{'DAILY l'ILOT, ask for • Lf · for the 3S3 miles was S0.4956 , hours . She finished 35 minutes i Cl111lflH A'dvortialng, ind plan 1 : i F71-$21.15 $30.25 $2.45 ;~Yi~;1~:il-i.?r~~;,1 11111 '"" ........ PPIELNONTY ~ : ···········~~~:;·l~~;·;~~· .. ~~~~~·~;;··c~ii"FoaNi;:··········t.~\ Yacht Cluii. f + The Bay Bea · had a cor-• : t rected lime •I 57 .7110 hours,: PINCHER i : . . . • =:;·!; rr.~~~a ~~cg ... ~· a· I· -vouNo a LANE TIRE co. ::::. Nm~.~T co$TA MESA, :· and for the over-all cham· CL4SS!'IED AD . + pionshtp. 0•r 8" was IJiveit 1 AT OUR SP,.,.I al LOW RATE . t 3 hour. 56 mblute, 3 1ttond ad· 5"' ,.., • t ~~~:.:.verNorsagabybao-.3 LINES 2 TIMES 2DOLLA•S . .YOUNG '& LANE TIRE CO. ::!.~~:!.~,:,vE. LAGUNA : Third to finish was Inferno. t + owned by James P. McHugh 4ND YOUllt C•EDIT IS GOOD I + -. ·~- of Clltcago. wtth a corrected D I A L N O W D I R E C T I Ume of 60.7aot hours. Fourlh ~:~~1":,~~Gfv::.; n.~.!.2...:c!: .. ~u~ll __ i t . TJIEODOIJE ROBIN$ FORD ~::.H~~~~:LVD. COSTA MIS~_·- 61 .4180 hou.r1. lt. .... ...,,......,.;,.,..,.. .... :o;:M.M...,if<;.,...,...,...,...,.,.~ f41 e • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • ••1•• • • • ••••••• •• • • • •• ... •••• •••••• • •••••• •• , -· • l ( I , • ·~ I' . . . ... ... -.... .. ~ .. .. ----4 -·--·...-.-.,-.-.... •• ' • •••••••••••••• ,_ \ OVER THE COUNTER • • What is the Dual Management Approach? I( ~ou arc .lln .llggrc:.~ivc invc~tor v.ith :r 5~5.000 portfolio, Cir more, )'OU shO\JlJ be u•ing D u:fl ~lan.agcmcot. 'fhc technical and fW'ldamcntal approach to aggl'C!>Sivc portfolio ruariagt· 111cnt il invaluable. I! you wou1d like to leam more about Dual Management, please call Mr. Herrell a1494-9781. @ MITCHUM JONES & TEMPLETON tt<C'.Q•fO ,•T~IO 240 Forest Avenue, LaJUlla Beach 926.51, Telephone (714) 494-9781 J.ltmb~rf: New York, American, Pacific Coast,Boitott and Midwtl1 Srock Exchiltlgcf CHIEF EXECUTIVE ,- We •re seeking • president ..to m•n- •gt • newly merged ple•sur'• bo•t construction company. Respon1ible to the bo•rd ol directors, -the president will be responsible lor fhe promotion, m•rketin9 , lin•ncin g •n·d coordin•tion of production Activities of this dyna- mic org•ni:zation. Th is opportunity to develop • high pot~ntlal pub.lie comp•ny from it1 in· ception will •ppe•I to marketing ori- ented executives with highly devel. ope~ inte~pe,:;ona'I end exp_erience in dustry. menegement 1kills the y•ch ting in- Loe•+ ion: , Toronto, C•n•d• Sel•ry: In the $25 ,000 r•nge plus sub· st•nti•I plrticiptfion. Pletse reply in confidence to our Tol'Cinto oflice •+ 120 Adel•ide Street West, giving deteil~ ol eOuc •tion, ex- perience •nd current earning"s·; quoting f ile P902T.o. l'·JlttS 18AR·!lll C"'l!TTFll'.-T'l'."lll' li.mH"S FICTITIOUS Fl•M NAME The 1tnde•"ilvilia -~ fiiieb-t ttrl!fy I~~· h' (S Cl>l'KllKl1.,.. ." ~ll'Cll"(lnlcs ,~,..,1...., bl,.'~····~" "'"'~""">I M ""U II, Ag1te Stret!, Or;iio119e C•llkl.rnlA '7667, ""d"" tile •<C!llloul llrm n•me or SElll ... L El £CTllON1C$ """ Th•! llid l/•m 1, compo.ed of 1~• •cllowl"9 Pt!•>en, w~• "•me In lull ;iiond 1>1ict cf residence ll ~ "'lloWS, lo·wll: $im11<!1 e . flel~lber1er, 2011 At•le Slrttt. O.•n~, C.ll"'rnla, O~ted June 10. 1Ht. ~mll<!! E. Reldtl"D11r11u STATE OF CALIFORHI ... COUNTY OF OR.I.NO£ '1 On June 111. 1'69. befo•• m!, 1 Nol1rv Public In 1nd "'' 5Akl Cou,,tv 1n<I ll&tf, »f'fW"illlllv -~•M S amu~! E. flei.,.,lb<!r<1er b >0wn !c me to ti.. tr.• ,,.,.,.~,, WflOM' n&mt i$ 1ob\t1\r.•rt •c 1nr. wltn;,, ln,tromen!, 1nd "<lo..,cwlcdged lo 1ne t~&I h• e~tcuted tilt '""""· Witneu ...,.,. Nnd 1nd se1I. !OFF IC IAL SE,t,l) •••••••••••••••-•••-••••••.,,. ... ________________________ I Mn•Hrn F. SP&Uldln8 No!•rv Publl~·C•llfc1nl1 P•!ncl1>1I Ot!lce 1,, O••nve Ccun1r Urwick, Currie &. -Partners Ltd Management Consultants Montreal Ottawa Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver Youafe Cordially hzviteit My Commln lon E•~I,,.· July U, 1910 SIDNEY I.. R,t,DUS, .l.ttr. lll Town .t. Coun'ry ••~d Ot11>1t, Cl""""·~ t1UI T•t: 11111 su-2n2 l'ublil hed O•~n~ (oa•! July I, H, ]J, JO, 1969 ().-d~ f'"lll. IJCl-69 • ....... -•• A22 DAILY PILOT H WtdnOlday, July 16, 1969 Complt'.~~Ne~ Y 01•lt Stoel\'. List-, . . . to our Mutual F1111ds : ., • TH rufnniv~rsary elebratioJC) July21 tl1foughJuly25 Huntington Beach Branch Make )'OUr tinancia! partner • SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK Huntington Beach Branch * 202 Main Street Paul H. Frizzel I, V ice President & Manager • ' ·-·--.;;,..'$---''-~ ·-· • l •-1. .... ' ' ... \.4. ~ .. .... ~···~---· -~··-. .. . . .. • ; .Closing Complete New York I • I I I -· -· • • ' j. ,I .... •• - .. W1d"ld11, July 16, 1'69 H Stock Exc~ange· .List . . . ..... • Finance In Brief MEMPHIS ( U P I ) Downtowner Corp. snnouncfit It plans to build a str1n'g .ol f motor inru across Canada at-,i cost of $40 million in col· la borallon with I n du co 'n Group, a Toronto developrne~t and · comlruction firm. TlJie first units will be bull\ at Toronto. London, Ont.. ~· tawa. Calgary nnd Saskatomj -' LOS ANGELES (UP I) -~. c. Pennty Co. of New Vol\ announced Tuesday it wll open three 1arac stanrof Jt Treasure Island division 111 Southern CelUorni1 la ltiJ). ,,,.,. wtH be locat<d In Bu<O. • - 1 • Vbta, Orin&• and Tona""- They wlll be ~mllar to the ~ Treasure bland.Jtore QJ><ne<! recently by P,...y at: .Wllllt"--...J 1 • ' I. ... I· I· ' I· I: .: I 0 I' I " " ,. . • ;4 •: l . .. . ,. ' - : ,iii:HORN. BLOWER -Frank Sinatra surrounded by : :g ~ Rosh, Phyllis McGuire aJ!d Jill SL .John, i ~ clockwise, -brings the motion picture, '4C6nfe mow 1' -t-Yoor Horn," to Channel 7 at 9 p.m. tonight. Other :;> stan in the picture include· Lee J. Cobb, Tony BUI, · • . Molly Picon and Dan Blocker. ' . . . -' .--~----:-:::::::-11 , .... 0 TELEVISION VIEWS ~ Life Will Be Immortal By RICK DU BRO~ .. • HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -With man starting on a f_;trip f'! .the moon today, I just can't bring myself ,_ :to review the premiere of ·Liberace's summer var- .. 1ety serieson CBS-TV Tuesday night. I hope you'll l ..,f----4-f undef'Stendr-. -. -· .. ~ I • .. '• , . RAY BRADBURY, the incomparable science. · ~ fiption write_r, seems much_ more appropriate to the ~:occasion. In an interview on NBC radio's "Moni- ;: tor" p~m this past weekend; h~ discussed the ; Apollo 11 moon mission and its significance to man-·.;;.kind. And here are· reriiarks of the master crafts-~ man who has so often written of the future with .. genius and compassion: ".The events of this.. summer, .of this project," be said, "are commensurate with the event two •· • ' . . billion years ago when mankind came out of the .-seas iJfeann and made do on the tend, and sur- . vived, and finally built cities, and cari:ie to this summer where we look on the stars and envy the _ -bil"ds, and take off and fly into space. • • • : _;;~ '"BUT IT HAS eveeythlng to do .•• llilh Im- '. ~lnortality,. We1vebeen a sting the questions for ~s­; {~:~s-of years. We've g~e to our tbeolog1ans. , ~We've said, ~What Is life? What ts It all about? : ~a~ are we doing here?' The greet-mystery stands • ·~;;at the center· of everything. l ~ .. ~. "The theologians have tried to help us, and in ~ some cases have. But the Jl_l:y~tery_ re_i:n~ins. And ! ·we've gone to our scientists and we've said, 'Tell j ·us about the atom and the molecule, and the stars.' • .... _And tl)ey've done their very best. But the mystery ---. remains. ~ ~ ''SO NOW WE come to this time when we've : ·-:asked ourselves, •Why bother being alive? Why be f ~bom ·upon this earth if we mwt die? What are our ,,. ~chances for survival?' And suddenly the space age ~ • gives us our huge chance to survive forever. ~ "Once we make it to the moon, once we touch • ,.. down on Mars, once we move on out to the ·stars • '-and go to planets revolving around stars so far ~ away we can't even imagine it -once we do this ~ ;.;. we become the thing that we've always wanted to ;: become, and that is immortal. ~ . i.Tbe wbolt! race goes on then, and the gift of :=: ._Jife passes from hand to hand. We don't have to !-~ ~tay here. The race doesn't have to die. It doesn't r ~.have to he destroyed by the dying of the sun, or :='•'~the super-explosion of the sun. . Ti "'~· ::. ''ANO IN FUTURE generations, other races .. "" of people, other generations of people will look back f to this summer and siay, 'Oh, bow wonderful it must i: have been to have been alive then when this huge .~ step which insures the victory over time and space ~ heeand etali~rnit!""for 1ahlltohf us, bedow 1~onderful to have f n ve wuen a appen '. .. .. • ( •. ~-~ ~ • • •. :: I· ~ . :: .. -.. t ... l Dennis tlae Menace . . . . \ STEVE ROPER PERKINS TUMBLEWEEDS N.!JJll /If. 10 INT6U'OCE M'ISEt.F. RU&EN j 'UMPID LIZAAD' IS 'T}JE, 1 HANDLE!: FORMER /NJUN Nf EllSl'MllLE MEMBER O'~E.1 l'OOllAWK 1RllllO ••. MUTI AND JEFF of!EY, WlleRE OIO )t)tJ GET 1: -itlE Olt>'FASHIONED 'BbUGJ.lT WASHING MAClllNE? IT AT AN AUCTION! GORDO MISS PEACH I i .~ • . . ·, ly Charles M. Schub: I • ..... ~ ....... --...... ---. DOif.JG YollR WASl-llNG !¥:IN? WllAT1S '11-!AT '> -.. _, .. _ ___ ... ly Ferd Johnson • g II By Tom K. Ryan IJ .Gus Arrlolit By Mell ' r . • I WEO~~E'iDAY 7'.JO & Tami IC> {60) .a.rs llf1 II tnd•na«ld when lie b aatdlld by • di...d laPlr and dll only viii ti Wlll'll that en all't W.. IS stot .. by • btnd of Mtivel • thin~ _it can Wfl their dlilf. (R) IJlll@ l!;lDe -(C) (90)"Thi ~rt .. dll SWl:Ms." .lid Alblrboft and Br.ndl Scott IVfll in I dnml imuMl\I I ""' d11 xhlllll 111'11111 It ElizlblHI'• • lwit1nu. {R) B"'*-(30) • em-t<> <60! THUR S DAY I ""° &'J ..,. -...... (dnN) ~· Robert CuMmlP!llr, lJr:abltll Scett. n:ooe-. -.., -=~-·-'- DAmME MOVIES ~'0011"" 111M ... t1., - (lllJlflrJ) '6.1--Mnt Ketdllr, UM t:tl • ..,... _.,. ..... ,..-(re-Md>ould. ' Mllltt) '""4hiff91 Dini. CtttMrW l:tD D ~ Sir...... <*-'l Mcleod. '5G-<lh11er llotm. .0..lt Mtrp11,. U (C) "'lff't I likl I ...... (ml•I 4:flll II ... If ...... ,. ,...,,.. lklr) '54--0tbblt RIJwoldt. M¥1f1 ""'*91') '37-frH Alt*I. """' I Gewlr OllMPiolL. liotlr1. e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quality Pri"ti"9 •"t:i Dep•ncieble Service ~for more . tha" • quarter of a c~. PIL OT PR INT/N G I 1211 WHT IALIOA llfD .. NIWPOtT llACH -64MJJ1 ) ' I I I I I ) ' " ... -f"'"..,.FoonliQD N.Y. Stoeks r Vot.~ -J;2, NQ:'16t:-~ SE.CTION$, ·as-PAGE:<--_,.,__ OltANGE COUNTY, Cl'.tlFORNIA WEONESDl Y, .~U!,'M 6, 1969 TEN-CENTS ' ' I 0 • ' _.rew 0 oon~ " .. ~ . Cit,/Brtei Denied ' f . • • • ·i Astronauts . ' . ' Peti_tions Okayed Get Perfect • ·~In Y alley Recall "",u: .. 0M1'1 ~ II 1111 ·-r Blast Off 1. -By j'Or.l .B~RLEY 01 llltl O.llr l'llel Sl11ll Superiot Cou~.Jjldge Clau_Pi~M. Owens cleared the way Tuesday for a recall / -Ralph C. Kiser, civic leader a~ Jon~· time execuµve for Southern Calilorn1a Edison Co., has been appointed manager of the H~ntington Beach Chamber of Commerce. Kiser will take over on Oct. I the post vacated by Dale L. Dunn, who recently weQ\ into private business. KiSer sa'id today he hopes ki -double chamber membership. now abdut 360. Emphasis, he said. will be on greater in- volvement by the meinbers in chamber workings. The push for new business and industry in Huntington Beach will also be ~m­ phasized hby the new chamber exec~t1~e. "Huntington Beach has lagged .1n its true potential ror sales revenue 1n the past but it'~ comi~g up fast no""..'' Kise r said . He said the city needs new industry , sa les and jobs to balance its economy. A director of the Orange CWnty Chamber of Commerce, Kiser i~s cl}airman of its economic development ' group.' He worked to bring the California Angels to Orange County and went to Washingtql'I, D.C. in 1964 to aid county supervisors in their successful push to have the · county ·recognized fo'r its metropolitan status. · Presently district manager of Soqther'! . election involving three city councilmen' in Fountain Valley with a sweeping i'e- jeCti9n of t!!e city's oppos~tion to a move- ment that has attracted petitions bearing nearly 10,000 signatures. Branding the city's arguments as "in- congruous", Judge Owens took 30 minutes to chop down City Attorney Edwin Martin's brief step by sfep. He stressed that his rullng was promJ*d by the need for a "basic policy of liberality". so that a "recall election may be held freely,, efficienUy and witllout delay and .w.dua..expense.." -- He . swept aside the city's plecl that reall leader Eugene VanDask and his Siippoit.efSln -the movement liad"Ooutecr state laws by using newspaper listings of names involved as copies of the petitions submitted to the city last June 2. ·Martin's further plea that . the recall supporters g'ave the city "unfair notice" drew the comment from Judge Owens: "I can't say that rt was. Just as long as rair and reasonable notice is given , that's enough." Wives Never Prepared for This Goodbye ··SPACE CENTER, HoustQn (AP) - -Nothiilg eVer prepaffd 't'Wtre'TQrit time such--3.s trus,-watching her man leave for -the moon. They said their goodbyes priyat.ely in ·advance of the day they had long been living for. Jan Armstrong was at Cape 'Kennedy to see Neil off. The first word she got rrom her husband came precisely on schedule at T-plus-15 seconds. "We've got a roll program ,'' And. Martin's argument that the. r~all Armstrong said. It was another way or organizers exceeded the 500-wo.rd limit on _ saying "One of the most frightening ancl recall -statements -by ~1ng---Usup-, aangefous p ases ortfiifiiilSsiOn enr o-rr plementary statements" rece1ved ·equal1y fine." short s~rift rrom a judge Who . seem.ed ~olhing eve·r, prepared a wife 'for a 9-e~ to COf!lpeosate·for two earher timt such as ttlis. ~ ",; , i:leiaYs of the ruhng sought" by the Van-At Nassau Bay, ·Pat Collins ~ the Dask group. kids were in front of the TV sel .--. .. .illll1> what 1 can sec;" he com-"HoustOn be advised the ·v1sujl l's go · merited,'-' the iispondent (the city) also today" he;'h1'15bal'ld ptd three minutes circulated sqp~lementary material -and 2o second! after. liftoff when the they may no~ ~ in a good position to escape tower flew off -another in- make this ·point dicalion that everything was fine. · Judge Owens described the city 's And then Mike said happily, "They moves to delay the recall campaign as finally gave me a window to look out." (See RECALL, Page !) Thal meant he had moved rrorq the center seat to the one on the right. Council to Pick New Police Chief From Field of 5 City councilinan are ex~ed to chose Huntington Beach's new police chief from a field narrowed down to fi ve applicants at their Tuesday session. One of the men still in the running is Detective Commander Earl Robitaille of the Huntington Beach Police Department, who garnered one of the three highes t scores in written and oral examination administered by tbe State Personnel Board . The others include Costa Mesa Police Captain E. H. Glasgow, Torrance Chief of Police Walter Koenig, Huntington Park Police GaDtain Loren Russell and Garden Grove Pofice Chief George PiE:lsch. Candidates for the job, which will be vacated July 31 When Police Chief John H. Seltzer retires, were 9arrowed down to the* five finalisls following a special r,nidilight .council executive session last Tll>sday. The possibility of a (urther cut before the July 22 session has been discussed'by some councilmen, but there is no In· di<:ation -how many of ~ finalist! ~Id be involved. ,• Astronauts like to sightsee too. Joan Aldrin, down the block, got up at JO minutes to 7 and turned on the television set. The black box over which (sft: FAMILIES. Page Z) LBJ Views Space As Greatest U.S. Step to Peace CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -Former President Lyndon B. Johnson watched Apollo 11 roar into the sky from the Ken- nedy Space Center today and called the daring moon mission an "endeavor to bring peace to mankind ." Johnson, who earlier said he has "rid· den on every flight" with the U.S. astronauts, ,said he believes that the space effort has a greater potential for peace than anything Am eri ca does. Johnson said that as he walked away (tom t.tie launch viewing area, he thought of three things, "concern for the men and their safety, the great awe for what I had just seen ... and something you don't hear much about these days, great pride brlhis country ." He added, "II seemed like a half niillion people who had worked on this program were there lifting this thing." ' Ul'I T•ltll!IO .. APOLLO 11 ROARS OFF ON HISTORIC MOON MISSION Thrff Men Rfcffn9 AtOp • Fire-S..-!Nlng 36-jtory Buildin.9 L • • ' . , . . •( ' • J ' • • ~ • •Ultl Tillf.,..._ SPACE CENTER, Houston (Al!) - Three Americans roared awi.y from earth Wednesday, July 16, 1969, to take rnankirid 's most darihg step into the ufflQlOwn, a wallc Oiltlie moon:---s .-. EVerything was perfect. They blaSted off at Cape-Kennedy, Fla., at 1:32 a.m. (PDT) a shade ovU half a second late. Two and a half houn: latet, a final rocket burn broke the gtfp of-earth~s gravity and sent civilian Neil A. Annstrong, Air Force _ Col. -J;dwin_ I!:. Aldrin Jr., and Air Force Lt. Col.. Michael Collins toward the waxing-cresCent mOOJ1, _ .a sCanL 100 houra:away. -4 "YQU're an your way ·now," said mission controL Right on schedule, they seParaLc!d fnim' the launCllfocket's final stage, thi!n .tum· ed around and, docked ~with th!! moonlander stored In the'rocket•s 1arage section. - LESS EXCITED Their voices were quiet, a\Jllost Oat. clicking off mechanically the detaQa ot blas~~ff and -:fMlhl ~~~ts,. recorded on eaiift, we.re leS:s exettedihan on their earlier space shots. P~!\e~ !\'ljlll\'Wilyjn eartb..ocl>iWIJ~Y­ swttched coucties trom launch positions l(). fiight positions, ·Coll iris takin( the right~ahd seat which AIClrin had oc- cupied. , "Houston. be advised \be visual ls go tod,a.Y.1!' Collins said l~ out _at the stark contrast ilf · bu·e earth and black space. "Th~y finally gave me a window to look"out of." Their fili:ht :was the third Ame.rican manne<t trip to the moon, but It was 1be first Sctiedu!ed to land. The natiQD and most of the world watched and listeneCI as Apollo 11 began its quarter-mHlion mile journey. It was both the culmination of an an. cient dream and the honoring of a pledge made eight years ago by the late Presi- dent Kennedy, who issued the cold war challerlgc that set Americans on their way to the moon. The astronauts plan tit plant an American Flag On t~ Sea cf Tranquillity, the darkened left eye ot the man in the moon, when they land Sunday night. . _._ __ __ _ _ ___ . The American spacecraft carries a pla.. qu e, to be left on the luoar surfact, saying. "We came in peace for all mankind." In the early hours of flight, the aslronauts were too busy to think ahead. 'MAGNIFICENT RIDE' Later, when the flight duties eased, Armstrong. the spacecraft commander, and the man who will be the first to set foot on the moon Sunday night, said "That Saturn gave us a magnificent ride ..• We have no complaints with any of the three stages on that ride. It y,•as beautiful." The 363-foot Saturn rocket and A'polla spacecraft, burning more than a ton ol fuel a sect:1nd, rose from Cape Kennedy on an ~foot trail bf flame into the blue Florida sky. The 15 million parts meshed flawless ly. In minutes, the rocket .was cutting wing-like shockwaves through the thin· . nlng air. Behind, the launch pad still spilled with the S0,000 gallons oC water a (Su APOLLO, P11e %) California Edison Co., Orange Co~ty Coast.al District (Seal Beach to Laugna Nigµel), Kiser wHI retire a year e~tlier lh-an planned-to-rake-on-the'Tlew-duties-, --n ti . He has been with Edison for 45 Y.~rs ~ un na and bas served in his present post smce ->' ~ on t;uarlls F ea-r AMERICAN FLIGHT P.l.OtfEERS A:RMS1'RONG AND •LINDBERGH From Tr•nsat14ntic Flight to".Moon Flight In .42 Y••r•· Orange Coast 19&7. A past chamber president (1926), he ha s been on the board for 11 yeats .. He is a director and pasl president for _ two years of the Orange County Coast .µsociation: a director in Anaheim Stadium, Inc., a past Rotary president; and a member of the executive board of Orange Empire Boy Scouts. : "Speaking foi' the board, I can say we. fceJ very fortunate in acquiring a man of Kiser!s ability, background and e.:1per- lence to asSume this important post," said ,.Bill Woods, chamber pres!den_t. Fa.lher of two and grandfather of aeven, K'iser and is wlte, Florence .live in Newport Beach at 2581 Waverly Drive. .. ' Stock lllarkcta NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market carved out a solid ·gain today as it finish- ed in the wi(lning column for the first tlme Uris week. <See quotations, Paaes tl·23). • 'Trading was moderately active near the close. "Gains 1ed losses by 1 large margin, ' . Boy L~st i_n Heavy Surf Physician's Wife ·Declines Comment on T4eft ·R3p Weather Clouds during .the late night and early morning will mar otherwise sunny summer day! along the coast 1 and ' there might be sbme patchy fog. . . .. The surf cor!Unue_d to pound U>e Orange Co45t shoreline tOday and HunUng\on Beach utegUards feared it had claimed the Ille 01' a 14-year-old boy. The yooth , Dean Hart -apparently ac- companying a ·chll{th• group _,has been missing a~ 1U!9day afternoon. The Plco Rivera :wth was last seen walking from the ocean toward dry sand, said Lifeguarc Ll. Mark Boden bender. The boy had been swimming near Llfeguard Tower 11 which is between the ends of Huntington Street and Beach Bouelvard. Guard• sai<I !tiendo of·the boy _related that he was a p(ipr 11wimmer but "adventW'Olls". • . .. • City guards' in HDriUiigtim ·seadi Tues· day pulltd 173 persons to safety from lhe rjptides, pounding surf and lateral cur· rents. State beach guards re9Clled 21 and Seal B~ach lifeguards pulled 57 to safety, Lt. Bodenbender said surf running up to 7.Jeet.was-<lrealing problems again to- day. Guards on and near the Huntington The wife o( a HunUngton Beaih doctor Each of the 34 counls to be·brought ag- Beach p;e1 .were kept busy directing or today said she had "no Comment to · ainst her at Division fO of "the Los rescuing swimmers swept near the pit-rilake '' on 34 counts of gr~nd theft she , AngfleS-MuniclPa court1nVolve amount! ings by strong lateral currents. was Charged with In Los Angele& Mon· in excess of-'200, Morrison1 said. ' "We hope it (surf) breaks today; ir11 · , 11 • 1. supposed to peak this evening," said day. . " A final detel'mination or hie tota Bodenbender. "We don 't like to see it. It t.trs. Edna Steinberg, free 011''5,000 bail :\mount allegedly embeu.led has l\Ot been INSWE TQD,\Y 'Vllat comt firat -the chick- e11 or ihc: egg? 'Fick · uour fo~ oritt after f'J?oding zoning l?robo lcm stor~ on Page A.12. . I f bl .. at her home on 1007L John Da1 Drivi,; made, but lnvestig'ators ha\le.. indicated crejll"!' a ot o pro ems. i. • .:. d 1 be ' 1. lb t It · Id · hlgh •~ ooo He said the riptides were in some cases h~s ~n accuse o cm ~ 1ng more a cou run as as ""'' . .-... M ,.,,~ -....111tt1 Alt 200 yatt1'~· wide, extending seaward a than '30,000 f.ron'! Gates, Kingsley ~~ •t.oS-Anieii!~' atfOtneYS Nathan C11Ton8m . ~:~1~1~flfl' .~: = ,... :ft quarter of~ mile. "Anyone caught in one· OJ,tes Marti.lacy •here1she worked .. ~s ..1~ and"D.clrlald, tt~·BrinQ91d have .~eh re-• ~=:~• 11-:1:· ·~~--.~; bad tM!tter be an excellen"'t -wimnttrT'~ bookk~~r. · -· • --:·-:--lai~ to 1de{en~ \iCr' agafn4t th,e. c_hirge! . ,,..,,_,. 1 •n ~ ,.... ·~ s'aid the lifeguard; Jttging' swlrnmE:rs amt' j ~ ~ ... M,gtJ~ :Di}S~ri~t ' AftOrney , 16~ a~ ~ pt:eh1fln1aey hearing 1sehctiuJ~ for · l ~ ~~ :;: :'Lr.'\.~;.!~~ surfers to ose caufion.. · • . t v~s\lgaJor Jlck. Mi;;,1aon ·al~.tfle ~I ~AnaeJU 'Ml1'licipa,l t19urt,'/l,uf: 20:'1 •..._,~; ~ ~~-...,.:~ The rough"W&fei' poubdinl · Ofe "COastUi\e • )'!Dr-<ild'--womah.-:-W.ile ., ~ • ; Te_rry • ' BfolngiJoJ(I, thl1 mornlng .said Jle. ~ •1 no • ~1"'"" Att·• ,, ,,.._..... -.11.11 today is created by. Hurrjc:~; Bernice Steln~g, ~ . .IU~fdl ~Jlll~f C9t1Ufl«'J!t' ,to,mak~ a! 'i¥1l · tiine" about ~,.. 1i: =::--....... ·Mt :: moving ofi shore to the -~!,. acco~ t check11 tQ. p«y 1J.dr1 e ' ,. ~-ttnPle ~ Mn:. Ste1nbefg Or the e. &-II e. ~roiia'm .-l Miii II .. ~ •1• .... to the u,s. Wealher Bureau repon.s. -····-Jurnit1ilni$.WJ tail ltlJI. !ifO,.. • ..;'.---<llllJd·ll!>I b:o~or C9!!UP•PI "----------_J . . ~ -• , -- • •• ' ; • l I I J l • ! I ·I ... ..:., __ _ :it D.\11.Y PILOT H TOURIST vn;ws BLASTOFF Perched on Portable Totlot Frot11 P•e l FAMILIES ••. wtv.. heir ml.'8lon control talking to lbdr bulbands wu not worldni. A .pJco •"""1 leclmiclan fixed ll The kids were .UU ul .. p, ao ohe baked I. cdfeeCUe. 'Ibere wU companY, the yilfe of astronaut BU(pogoe, who hasn't . -yet, and the -" utrooaut OW'lea Bu8ett, who died In a plane i:ruh, ,..... there to lead supper(. Tbe a.lldml ;ot up al I 1.m. and ltrUked for the TV. A< the orange flame belched beljllbly more than 300 feet below where her hu• bo¢ recJIMd In bis lttt.d coucll, Joan put her lllda fl!lger to her llps, lenlely. And when be wu 100 miles downrange, stle· lild her cheek on he.r oldest 10n'1 back ....r aafd "Wouldn't II be nlC<! for thenl lo be OOWlllng down to 1plalbdown now." Tbe twu oldest chlldrt.n. went outaide at the -"!'!UUI of photograpbeiw and atood, w!lb f>ll .,w; and Doth tbui!lbl up. II Wli aoi>llier ~ the! ev~ WU oU,. Huntington Y Sets Family Fun Care to !ell your urn. In jump rope, boeketl>lll, c:arrom1, mllred volleyball, oomtier pool, snooker, pool, or· 10JI1e otllor acllvlty? Then join the HunUnatoo Beach YMCA 11 Ill reaufar f811lily fun nlih~ fl'm! 7 to to p.m., S.turday, at. the clfy gym on l:he corOer <i 18111 and Palm Streell. A1ltr the hard izames are over the l>uted oity_~l ii abo available for use lutinl flmlly fun nlghL OAllY PllOT .... ~ N. WM4 ---Jn• I. c:.lw ¥lat,.,.....~~"..,.., n. ... 11: ••• 11 ..... TltotNe A. Mw.J.he _ .... A!btrt W. l•t.t Wiiii•• •••' ~It ................. .... City IAlllW .................. J Ot ltlt ,.,..,. u.m• ~. •.o .... "" ""' --.............. m11'ti1 .............. ................... , ~ .... ·~·- • " . . . . .. • , • - -~ep~. 23 E~pe.cted pay for Recall Electron . .II)' n:ilw coVIUf ' ' Jlal,eri Sobnrdllectr. Vice May or the coundJ lo delay decision "'the recall ot ~~1• "'"' ~''" _ Di>oald Ftea.e_au~and CO\lncftman Jose_ph d~~re sternioJl,y ~i,ci· by_Jle Fountain Valley city councilmen. -I C...rreges. . P Neither~ bu ojienJy IUpportOd the lh gp6dal session next Tutlday to set·· ~s 5f!4;~~on~~:~ :i'~~ r'ecall, but both ~e poUUcal opponents of Sept. 23 u the date for a recan electkm file individual legal action against the U1e three-man majority. aimed at thfee members of the council. recall petitions and VanDask on the CowM;llmen also asked Martin to Pf°; The dedllon came after an apeu1n.tly basis oI "unfair practlces .. vlde tbtm with copies of Judge ~ens t.enJe one-bour--and·%3-mlnute eiecuUve , · written decision when \t bti;Omes sep.lQb Tuesday n!Cht to dlic.u 11 _ One of ,the suppl~entary C0I1lenti005 ,available. ,' Tueeday's Superior Court decisloa order-of Martin •defense m Superior Court wu After the battle on recall 6&~, coun-lnl the city IO take Immediate action on lhal rec.ill au_pportera bad ~ been fair cllmen alJo complied wUh lllO\JIOr court the three recall peUUono aubmilled by In U..or dfstribOllon oT matei'Jal on the onl!f, They unllnimouily '°"""'!'! with recall leadtr Eugene VanDask. recall. a planning comm1s&ton resolution wblcb Councilmen voled unanimously TueJ-He.told councilmen Tuesday that Judge reverted the zoning and reversed ap- day night to accept the petitions, while Claude M. OWens bad not actuall7 ruled provaJ of the tentaUvi"tract map for the deferring: action on a resolution setting on that point, rather leaving it open for controvenlal Lanrin Company homes, the rttaU election date until ~ July 23 ind.ivlduals to bring court action and not the spark that ignited the entlre recall meeting, already llC!leduled to cooalder the clly. blue. •· -4 other matt.era. Counctimen John Harper and Edward They were complying with a court City AUorney Edwin l\Urlln told COW> J~ lhougb voling wtlh the majority of onler issued more than a month qo. cilm<n he needed al Jeql eome ttme to lnrpect lhe reaolutlons drawn up by tile -tf -tf -tf city clerk t.o verify their legal c:ot• rectness. ObjecllOM to lhe deci>jon were rJl"'d by attorney Robert Sassone, a recall sup- porter, who rtferred to elecUona codes staUng that action must be taken "at once" on recall peUU0111 submitted to a city councU. Sassone argued that the term "al once" meant the council had to set the special recall eleetlon date Tuesday nl&hL Marlin m.U.talned that acceptance of the peUUona wllh intenUo.n to aet the date next week fulfilled the nquirtment. Saxone ln<lio<ted the councilmen milbl be placlni themaelves In possible con- tempt « court u be "'ad lhe maxln)um ~l,000 fine and/or five yean i.mprisonment -for vlolallon ol election cod·~·· The r<eall peU~ons were upheld Tue .. day afternoon In Or,.ge County Superior COl!fl. after Martin hid tried to have tbem lnvtlldated. N med in the recall l51ue are Mayor Front P .. e l APOLLO •.. minute poured through tbe nckel fl1111e to pre•rve the pedestal from which it r.,.. · More than a million 1pectatora rfn«ed the br!lhl beachea of !be Cape area l!ld jammtd the JJilJ>ways lo ,.. the ll>ree v.iluan plloll laU oil oo the !Int lunar exploration. Amoogtbeverywpor11n1~1~ -vtted-by the IP"« -to Waldt"the launch frcrn bleachers I 1afe S~ miles away wu Vlct Preak!ent Spiro T. A&new, who headl !be nallon'• BPI"' council In an interview, he llld he believed America aNwJd plan to put a m-n on Man. "Someone la 1oln1 to do lt," he 6aid. ,~ "I tblnk wt lhoulcln'I be too timid to s4y by the end of thls centul'J wt:'ni going lo put a ...,, on ll!m. Thal'.1 my Jyd~nt." Ajnew II a member qf the 1peclal preildlnUal Cllmmlttee th•I will l'ICOlll· mend America's future·goall ln ~ce In September. He admitted his viewpoint on Man wu a minority oplnlon on the com- mlUff. 'COME ON II.UY' Former President Lyndon B. Johnson was al!o on the VIP 5tand1. J.: A pr41le mover In spacl! affairs · . h~ daYI u · senator and later u dent Kennedy'• expert 1¥1 space al~ this WU the nnt launch he hid llffn at hind. Wben the rocket """ from the and the ahock waves shoot the - talon, he shouted, "Come on Baby .;, • Go Baby." • Al the 'White Houae, ~l~enl Nlton watched on televtJlon with Alr Fol'C1! Col. Fr~ Bonnin who rode to the moon in Apollo I. Sunday, llon'alll, a Jay leader In the Epllcopal Cburch, will lite part In special WMte Houae 1ervlcu for con- gressmen, diploma~ and other members of government They will offer pr,yera for the aslronauts on the eve of the 1andl.q, and Borman will rud the chapters on crea- tion from the Book of Genula, t.be same chapter• rtclted to eartb 14'1 Chrl!tmaa by Apollo I u U orbited tbe moon. MAGIC MOMENT Everything w11 aJmed for that m•Kic moment when tbty would land. On Sun- day In orbit around the mooa, Armltrong and Aldrin wtll go Into the moon lander, ..par1te from the command ohlp and be&ln t))elt desctnl to the lunar surface . Collim l.!1 to remain in the command shtp 69 miles over the moon. Armstrong and Aldrin are to land on the moon, ready their splder-llke spacecraft for the tetum trip, eat and re.!lt. Then Ahnstrong will climb down a ladder to lhe lunar surface in full sight of the world witching on, television. In a few minutes, Aldrin, 39, the 11lest man on the trip will fOJlqw. They lftlend to walk the lunar aurface 2 hours and 40 minutes, collecting rock and dirt samples, .... planting lhe AmerJcsn Flag, and itttll11 up experiment.a tt\41 · hopefu11y will give lcienUsll better l!luts to the orlgtp of the moon , and possibly the earth and the golar system. LAUNCH LATE BY SECOND CAPE KENNEDY: Fla. (AP) -1l1t T1111n¢11 « Apollo II was Jale, launch ~-llbC<.'O Peln>lle said Wednelday al I pbltlauncb DtWa conlutnct. ••we wre 7M mlllleconda late for lbe llart ·61 this mUsloa that rtally !llrted eJablJ•"1 aeo," he uld. A mun-.! II oae lhouundtll <i a - From Page l RECALL PETITIONS . • • possibly having a "chllllni effect that to go ahead· with pllm for a $00.home could interfere with the public'i rJgbt to development in the city. know." Judge ByrM K. McMillan and justices Hls ruling cleared the way for eettlng (If the Fourth Diltrict C.ourt of Appeals of a cit)'}Yide election 1n 'whlch the Van-have ruJed that Jot alzea proposed by the Dask irouP aeeb to remove from olflce company lot its S16 mill'® compla were Mayor Robert SchwerdUeger, VI c e below the e.~uJre-foot mJnlmum. Mayor Donald Fregeau and COuncllman Two appeals have been rejected. Jt was JOSfph Courreaes. Jeuned In court Tbur&day that a third Thal election, commented attorney appeal bH been pitpared by tlie Larwin Robert L. Susone, "muat be held 60 to 75 Co. and is on file 1n San Bernardino. d a y s from todly -some ti.me 1n Sep- tember. We've.cut down the ahrubbery," Recall Ol'ganlzera have pointed out that he said, "and the city must now decide. Schwerdtfeger wu ~ rtal estate broker what Its new landscaping will be." involved In the sale of 100 acres involved RULING INEVITABLE in the development to the Larwin Co. and MRS. GLASS PREPARES FOR BEACH FLICKS Library Aide RNlly Not • Key1tone Cop 'Movies on the Sand' Go Sassone felt that Judge Owen&' ruling that Mvtln rtpre&ented the fanner "hu always been inevitable. He has owner of the land 1n negotiaUona witb the · 1wply put an end to what were nothing city. J;1..;... Ghouls to c d • more tban ~led delaying llctlcs Botjl .men abstained.from p.,ilcipalion -l!..1'1ll11. :--. ome ies _!o.~.'141. be..u.Jd.. .,...-,..-~e:. 11'--W giy...!k~ action on the:.tl:act-map=--• + Martin withheld d~tailed comment unUI proceedlng1. · , · · he had "had a chance to talk about this ·It bu been notecJ that Courre1a owns back at city hall., This la, bf courJe, just land adjoining the tract and that a COU$ln · Sllades oT M" StMetl, If II Ian 'I Bela Lufl"I and 'JlUJter Keaton flickering· around ·on the surf and sand Saturday nights In HunJlniton Beach. July JI -V1lenUno nl&hl with "Blood 8nd Sand" and "Son of the Sheik." t.he apin!on of one jUdge/' he ad<ted. "We of ·the-oouncllman owns property wblcb b feel that we had a good caae in law and I earma~ked Jar conversion into lcctlS sUll do." roads to th e area. Fregeau's back!nc of Aupit Z -"Fall of Babylon" and I vaudeville variety &how. VanDask's recall movement was the Larwin development throughout lta · Uigosl and Keaton are Jwt two ol the otdl.lme screen ·slars perfonning in old fl!mi during the HunUngton Beach Public Llbrlr)''• second swnmer of "Movies on the Sand." Auptl t -W. C. Flel<b ni&hl wit!> "The Barbershap" and "The Goll sparked two months 110 by the court's pruentation in various forms to the dty endorsement of the 1'ountaln VaUey ensured that bis name would appear oo realdent'a araument that city pl1M1rs the recall pe~tlons, retail ora;anlzers unlawfully allowed the Larwin Company state. Specialist." Aucuat 11 - featuring "The Flocrwalker.,. Charlie Chaplin nl;hi Fireman" and "The 7 Face Cit11 Audits Bvery Saturday night at dusk the tlbrary cranU up an old film or two and letj them flicker free on the beach area adjoconl to the cUy-lilopanl· bead-6 Persons Hurt In Valley Crash HuntingtonSeeksControl. quarten. Bralnl beb1od the idea belq lo Mrs. OUTer Cius, audio-visual uatatant. who thought the library'• yu.r-rowxt prncrarn of ahowing old films aught to be moved Of Beach Conces~idnaires ' :: '·~ .. 4 ·~. '·:p. ~ .. ~ .. J out tSoon for the summer aeuon. , , . Slx persons we.re lnjured -~ She lniJ;iet.ed the PfOll'BD' last su:DUtler critically -·tn a head-on car ctash early aM Dll.Plied to draw erowds ol JGG-;50 Tuesday on Euclid Street near Slater oldtlme mo~t~ buUs; ~ ~~ Avenue ta Fountain Valley. . ' Hunllnalon Beach· city offlcllls are seeking better controls in their financial dealings with seven be a c h con- cesaiooalres. Ben Arguello, city finance director, said auditing will bea;in today. of the beach busi.nepes boob. Residents Gain Delay in Rezo~ Of Green Valley versions o~ tdrtle ot the ta cir the Lorelei Stanley. 14, of Fullerton, i. · --1 aileot and •arly talkie films. passenger in one of the cars, was li1ted la Tbe city 1eutt wlt.b the ceoc-on 'Mtls ,. summer's movies started last serious condition with facial injuries this St.and operators render lo the munlclpal Saturday 'night with the showing Of Bela morning at Huntington lntercommunlty coffert a aU<f\ng: scale of the g?'OIS take. Lugosi's "Dracula" and Lon Chaney's Hospital. The figure for calendar year 19&8, uld "Hunchback of Notre Dame." Two other passengers of the same'Car, Arguello, was about $43,000. Next on the list are a Max SeMetl Lorelei's sister Karen, 16. and Shirley slapsUck comedy "Fun Factory," and a Hamlin, 15, or Anaheim were listed I.it CouncUmen at • recent meeUna ex-Buster Keaton comedy, "The General." satisfactory condition at the hospital. pressed concern about the city receiving Bolh will be ahown this Saturday night at Driver of the car, Warren Pettit, 17, of il.!I due and questioned Arguello about in-diisk Fullerton and a fourth passenger, Ken- stallation of cash registers in the con-G~Slrlppey, an audio-visual eide at neth Hamlin of. Anaheim were treated cessloru;. the Kbrary, is the projectionist, aided by and nleaaed from the bospilal after lhe I Artuello saJd • cuh register does not a friend who bullera the 7().squ.re-foot a.m. accident. Insure that money received goes into it. &e~n agaln.!lt sudden winds. Jo Ann Bradley, 27, of Tustin, was . .the He •r.;:ke oI a system his department is The audience has been drawn In tbf. driver of the othtt car. She was also deve oping for judging &r06.!i by aud.itipg pa1t from older children and teenagtrs, treated and releued from the hospital inventory and purchaaes. says Mrs. Gla11, as wtll as a lot o( following the accidint, said police. Explaining his auditing plan later, families who come down just to 8tt the Police said the colll!ion occurred near Arguello said if )'tlU know how mutjl movies. There Is no limit on attendance an area oI con.slruclion at Euclid Avenue hamburger a c:onceuionalre buys you and no charge for w1tchtng. v.·hlch narrows the street w Id th, Nearly 100 allll'Y Green Vallty have a pretty good indieation of how Other ftalured fllcka for the summer lnvesligaUon is under way to detennlne residents i:alnf.d a delay Tuea4&Y nl1ht 11.::m:;;any;::;;ham=bu=rll'J'l;;=""=ll=se=lllng;;:;;:;;· ==;:::;;::i;lncl:;;;;:u;;do:;;';:;;;;=::;:::=========·c=lu=a=J=ca=u=se=of=the=a=co=l=de=n=t,;:;po=J=lc=e=s=al=d.=; on further consideration by th• Fountain Valley Clty Council of zone changes in the Green Valley development. Resident! !bowed up to prot.eat a zone change already approved by the cmmcil for apartments on the southeam· comer of Slater ,.\venue '11d ~ard Street. The aru had prevlouslY betn zoned for a small commercial shopping center, and homeownen protested that developer Georae Hotm.ln was destroying his Green Valley concept as pnisented to them when they bought lbelr bomel. Green Valley features private parks, gre:en belts and a recreation aru run by homeowners usocliUom. BUI Roblin, pruident of Green V1lley llomeownen AssociaUon Number 3, told councilmen that apartment dwellers would spoll the enUre concept of Green Valley aod make it impossible for the home owners to maintain the private parks and green belts. Apartment owners would not pay for park u~keep, said Hoblln. Hoblin presented the council with a pelitlon bearing more than 270 signatures opposing the apartments on what was scheduled to be a shopping center. Coun· cilmen took no action on the matter. "We'll lose control or our parks," com- plalned H.oblin, "forcl1t1 us to tum them over to the city in the future." Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger asked that four Green Valley zone, chance ,re- quests on Tuesday's agenda be delayed for further consideration at a special council Be!Slon July n . Hoblin Informed the councJI tbal G,..n Valley residents .,,.ere not opposed to Tueoday'1 requeats, but the one alrudy approvtd. Tuesday nia:bt Hobteln was asklnc the council to ellmlnate four apartroen' arua and rezone them for sin&Je family n sldenc:es. . . CONVtNIENT TEAMS JIANKAMEAJCARD 'MASTiR ¢HAR$E Tolhe .. ~wflor.-what .... wants 6ut not wheN ID W iL M1tc;h your •*rt• wtth our many diotindl'9 desilftt, Md ••It us about oar l1•ou1 o,.,,..1i-...,.,_ J.C. J./umpl.,u, 'J~fer& 112l NEWPORT A VENUE COSTA MfS." '"' '.:. \ • 21 YEARS SAME LOCATION PHONE 141.ua1 " ' Couocllm.en expressed the desire tn h .. r full report& on lbe IOlaJ Grt<n V.Uey dovtl6pment from mldtnll and the lllff bflore cooilderln1 any new IOOe clla.,ei. Cooaldor>Jlon wW aJgo be aJven next Tuesday to revold!1f the pmlout iohe changirt:sl<fents ot)poitd. 'L.----------------------------------------1 • I ' I I I I I I \i I I " I • -• Lagunfl -'eaeh - Today's f,..I N.Y. StOcks ., YOL 62, NO. 169, 6 SECTIONS, 88 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, C~JFORNJA , . WEDNESDAY, JU(Y ·16, 1969 TEN CENTS o .· _re·w -oon . •• • Dowta tlie Toro· Sale Astronauts ... Now Studied Get Perfect / Viewpcimt Park At Dana Proposed DANA POINT - A vieWpotnt park 1ur- roundihg .the gaZeOO and historical marker for Dana Point Harbor at the end of Street of the Blue ·Lantern has been proposed by Les Re1nmers. Remmers, of the Sobth Coast Scenic Improvement Project. told of the plans at <11 gathering Of county oflicials and in- terested persons F,riday. · Remmeri suggesreataildSc.aping, parlC- lng and a curved walkway down the face of the blu!fs to lhe beach. 1 GoaJ · of the private citizens who are I jointly financing the Improvement Pro- ject ·with the County Planning Depa~­ ment is to beautify Pacific Coast H.igh"way from Three Arch Bay lo Dana Point. e Artlon Jtleel. Sel -?\olISSI0N VIEJ6 ~ The Constructive "clion Network Council of Saddleback I Valley will hold a meeting Friday at 7:30 J.m::--Jn-Suile lOI-of ·the. Taj-Mahal Building in Leisure World. 11 I The council is formed of Mission Viejo area refidents who ho~ to Pr9mote I Amerit•f!ism and patriotic causes at l I Mis&on Viejo lligll SchOOl and at Sad· Junior C-Ollege. said Mrs. Helga Hl""l' spokesman .. I 1 meeting, the film "The Practical l' ( ommunl.st" will be presented shp"ing 1 1sdenes of concentration camp victbns of communism. It is not recommended for • vie.wing by children. I e Still Camp Openings MISSION VIEJO -Only 15 openings remain for tbe South Orange County YM· CA Boulder Bay Boys Mountain Camp, to run· from Aug. 29 through Sept. 5. The traditional Y camp involves boys in grades four through six . The cost of the eight-day camp is $49. The fee includes lrflllsportaUon, meals. accident insurance, lodging, arts and crafts eqUipment, swimming instruction and boating. A charter bus will pick up boys from the Mission Viejo area at La Paz sh-Op- ping center. Additional information may be obtained by calling the Y at 494·9431. Presence Needed By . Congress From Wire Services Executing an abrupt about-face-a Congre.Ssional subcoriimittei TUi:sdly mentioned sale of El Toro MCAS for a major civjJiJln aii'port, despite, rectnt refusal by Marine Corps leaders to en- vision the idea. ~ · SurprWng in itself is the familiarity shown by Rep. L. Mendel Rivers (0. South Carolina) in discuasing Orange CoWJtY aviation problems, while using the big inst.allat.ioo in hypolhetica1 _terms. The ct)airman o! the House Armed ServiceS Committee announced "est,bliSh-· roent of • subcommjttee ol-all-80Utbem legiilatori Tue.sdaf ~to probe the idea of selling expensive military property for olher use. Historic, wooiisy ' San F r a n c i s c n Presldkl was also mentioned during talks aOOut the role ol the new panel, which is headed by Louisiana Democrat Rep. Spe.edy 0 . Long. Brig. Gen. Henry W. Hise, who assum- ed command of the El Toro base only a month ago, commented today that Washijigton. officials are just doing their job afld. the Marines -in the meantime -willCoiil:fiiue to dO theirs. -- - - "It is a congressional prerogative, and appropriate for Congress lo uamine the Defease ~rbne-nr mHitary b a ll e posture," he o&erved.. "Along with other base Installations, it is understandable that tile-Marine Corps Air StaUon, ... Et Tdto, wciu.ld be .con- sidered~ In.event that the Congress\ alter examination, determine! it to be tn the public interest to relocate certain military activities, the Congress mll!t necessartly develop enabling leglsla and (unds for new base facilities. "Until the time that such a decision is, reached, the Marine Corps air bases within Orange County shall continue' to perfonn their assigned missiab.9 in defense of the nation," Gen. Hise con- cluded. "All you know ," Rivers told Long, "some of our ~!litary installations are presently ocoti'f'Ying extremely valuable property which is "way out of proportion to use value." "One in particular is the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro, C8lif., but I use El Toro only as an example. There are others, such as the Presidio of San Fran- (See EL TORO FOR SALE, Pa1e %) Mayor Asks Budget 01( Before Aide's Vacation By THOMAS FORTUNE 01 t1te DellY f'lllllf Stiff ?tti.yor Glenn E. Vedder, who had been pushin1 for quic\: . Lagun~ Beach city budget adoptioo tonight, said today he ls willing to set another public hearing .. The mayor also acknowledged a prune reason why he has been pushing to wrap the budget up is because City ~1a~ag~r James o. Wheaton leaves on vacat1&n ln the morning. ~ . "I question the wisdom .of trying' to hold a session when the city manager iin't there," Mayor Ved~er said. "It . is his budget he is presenting lo the CJty council. Don 'l-you think he ouahlJ.o be there to defend his figures?" answered. Mayor Vedder indicated he was taken by surpri!e by n!~laUffl of tbe L revived taxpayers' associaUon a n d persons associated with the South C9ast Democratie~Peace Club, .a.Wng..quesiloM. ""' l .-.cal( fut year I don't think tfiere was anyone outside or the chamber of commerce people. asking questions/• he sald. "It was done very qu.ieUy." ~ City Manager Wheaton, who will rt.tum JUiy 21 u.-a week .and a haU ol moun- tain camping, laid he itoes • · see any real llgnificant advantage,,..to quick l!ud&el adol>lio•· Be<au.e llt Is leaving he lladJ..,...i tt lfGUkll>e.done tonight. , , 'UPI itlWl!ett APOt~O 11 R~ARS OFF ON HISTORIC MOON MISSION Th·ree' Men Riding Atop· t Fir•Spewing ~Stqry Building AMERICAN FLIGHT PIONEERS ARMSTRONG AND LINDBER'll'I. • From Transatlantic: Flight to Moon Flight In ~ Years ·Blast Off SPACE CENTER, Houston CAP ) - Thret American!! roared away from earth Wednesday, July 16, 1969, to take mankind's most daring step into the unknown, a walk on the moon. Everythinj was perfect. They blasted off at Cape Kennedy , Fla ., at 6:32 a.m. (PDT) a shade ovei: half a second late. Two ana a half hours later, a final m:;kct burn broke the grip of earth's gravity and sent civilian Neil A. A"tlslrong, Air Force C;ol. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr:, and Air Foree Lt. Col.·Mictiael Collins toward the waxln1 crescent moon, a acant 100 hours away . "You're on your way now." said mission control . Ri1ht on schedule, they separated from the launch rocket's final stage, then tum- ed around and docked with lhe moonlander stored In the rocket'• g1ra1e section. · · Their voices were quiet, almast flat, clicking off mechanically the details of blast-off and flight. '11leil; h'artbea,ts .. recorde~ on earth, were less excited fban WASHlNGTON (AP) -Pre.rident Ni:rop. urgtd -\Vedne.1day that -au Amtri;ans be-given a h.oLiday 1Mon- dat1 'to ceLebrci.tt the ichedulef! Jirst footfall of ma" on the moon -'!a moment of trarucende•t dramo." Be-cawe Ni:ton'a legal Powera tO . eclafe an e:ttra" natt.onat hotidcy af"e lilMkd, ht i1sued a proclamation de· cW.ring Mond(ly to be a "National Dau of Participation.·~ Ezcept /or esst1itfal emplo11es in natfonal sttUrit11 and public service areas, all federal worker& wt.ll be t .t· CU8td 'from thtir job& an' that day. AM Ni%on urged Ute authoritie& of 1totts and eiiUs -and privat.e emplOyers -to make rimilm' iir- ranoements. on their earlier space~shoUI. Parked temporarily in ear:th orbit, they swltched couches !rp(rt launch po~tiom to flight positions, Collins tak1n1 the riafit-hand .seat which Aldrin hid OC· cupled. ' "Houston, be advised the visual ls go today," Collins said looking out ·at the stark contra.st of bue earth and black space. "They finally gaVt me • window to look out of." Their flight was the third American manned trip to the moon, but It was Ure first scheduled to land. The nation and most of the world watched 4nd listened as Apollo 11 began Us quarter-million mile journey . It was both the culmlnation of an an- cient dream and the honoring of a pledge made eight years ago by the late Presi· dent Kennedy, who issued the cold war challenge that set American!! on their way fu the moon. The astronauts plan to plant an American Flag on the Sea o( Tranquillity, the darkened left eye of the man in the moon, when they land Sunday night. . The American spacecraft carries a pla- que, to be left on the lunar surface, · saying, "We came in peace f~ all mankind." ln the early hours of flight, the astronauts w~re too busy to think ahead. Later, when the flight duties eased, Armstrong, the spacecraft commander, and the man who will be the first to set (See APOU.O, Pa1t Z) - ~m·f Decreases At a public hearing Monday, the mayor 5aid : "We can answer questions for the next year. These people (city councilmen) up here sweat it out . They've been elected by the cltitens to solve all our problems." The iiscal ,_ began the.lint of the month but the ~city ii .able to1 operate wlthoot an adopted budlf'I, he aid. He said a practlcll deadline.Ji the firsJ week Jn Aug(llt when It is required the Pf'O"' perty tax rate. be set. ·TV Plans Apollo C. · ' · ~,l · As Hurricane overage -· - Moves Westward I i Toda y, howevet, the mayor indicated he is willing to yield to tht Laguna Beach Taxpayers' Association . request f oz another budget study session . In two previaws session!, the mayor has been.crirt with persons who didn't Jo their homework and asked of councilmen queations the city staff could have Storie Markets NEW YORK'iAP) -;The stoclt mart(.\ carved out a solid gain today as it finl&h- ·ed in the winning colurun for the finit time this Wffk. (See-quolatlona, Pqes 22-23). . Trading was mod~tely active. near the cJose. Gains led JOllel by a larae. margin. -. . • ' Wheaton said the city is not recruiting new personnel or malting any major purchases, but does not need to right away. Mayor Vedder said he hopes the ·council tonight can settle on the Laguna Chamber of Commerce budget to take care of city promotion and wUI direct 'payment of funds previously authoriz.ed for cultural groups. The latter, he said, includes allotment of"f4,SOO to the Civ.ic Ball~, $4,000 to the Art A.s!liociation.-U,a eacll to thMichool of Art and Design and the Orange County Lyric Opera AllociaUon, P,sot to the Comtnun)ty Players, and St ,IXIO' each to the Chamber Music Society and Com· munlly Concerts. 'M1ese fund•, ho ttplaln«I, come from FesUval of Arta revenue. f\.lajor television networks are playing their coverage Qfj l.!Je Surr along the .south Orange County Apollo 11 moonshot pretty much by ear,.it was indicated today~• beache!I wu deqea!llng today 13 Hur· PJans _for tonight and Thursday ar(! geared!-<> pertodl~ bulletins . r!cane Bernice, now l,000mi1'3 soothwest on the status fo the astronauts inserted· Jn thee-normal program.schtd-of San Diego, slowlt moved We!ltward, • '11 al · cl ;(I tb h A llpoke.sman Cor the lf.S. Wealber uleS of all networks. AJI news programs WI SO In U e oroug Bureau •aid latest reidin& of Uie 't0rm's coverage of the progress .of Apollo. · • winds !!lowed down lo 30'knot.s. The storm Here are some more specific plans: · ·• ' producecl sotrte five-foot' stirf TUeeclay • • along San Clemente and Laguna liea¢i'S. · Channa! 2 -Thursday, 4:30 p,m.'5 e.m.,. tranolUnar lrWml~· '!be spok,.man said \odoy's aur1 could ~ion, will.be f~p,e~~d from 7:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. , , , ~ • ~" eoutbly reach' ~jve feel· at be•Clres e1· .1. d ' ans!-· tr "' l. • (>9St!d to .. '°"th....,. awell s .. 111 ale . Channol 4 (N\ Cl -Thurs ay , 4 :~2 p.m.; lr , unar llll•m .. _ , ruqnlng at-two to thr« feet . s1on. , 1 .. ' ,... U,,pna Beach Jifeprds ~eported Channel 7 fA,llC) -Thursday 6.~.m .~ p»m,, pro&ri'"' on Apopo. t"-!o-llvt·foot surf, with ti rescu"' -\ · '' 11 -'~'!Ill were .. t!mated 1111,000. Ch.,,,,.I 11 CKTTV) -Thursday, re1'9N 4urjng news ·alfowa at 8'n Clemente crowdl '"" allmattd nQOnJ f:30 p.;m ... ancLlO p.m. _ ... ..:_· · • •• • -.-,t' 11~ 1l;300, with l~ rescue!! ln f~·to-)lte- . • -. . ... ~toot 1¥rf. . ..1 :,. . ·-. . '· I "'.a< 'M1'1 1111 ti IM ·-r Wii1es Never Prepared for This Goodbye -SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - Not.hing ever. prepartd a wifeJor a time -L such as lhlva~]!WgJ!..~ man leave for the moon. · They aald their 1oodbyes prlvately in advarict of the day they had Jong been living for. Jan Armstrong was at· Cape KeflllCdy to see Neil off. The first word stie 1ot (rom her husband came precisely 0:1 schedule at T·plu!l-15 seconds. ."We've got a roU p,rti.lt&.m._'' Arm.strong s"aid. It was another way of aayin1 "One of the most frigbteniq 411d dangerous phase. of thii rnlssion'went otf Jlne."" I '' . Nothing ever prepared a Wife for a time sue~ as thl!I, • At Nassau Bay; Pat Collins and the kids wt~ in front of the TY aet. "Houston, be advised the visual Ja p today," hir husband said µ,tee minutt.! and 20 seconds after liftoff . when the escape lower new off -another 1n· dlcation that ever:ytbing wu fine. And then Mlke said happily, "Thty finally gave me 1 window to k>ok out." That meant he had moved from the center seat to the one on the ria:ht. Astronauts like to sightsee too. Joan Aldrin, down the block, got uP at 10 mlnu,tes to 7 and turned "I the television set. The bla'ck box over Which wives hear mlssli:ln control talking to their :ntsbands was .not working. A space agency technician fixed it. The kiaa were still asleep, so she baked a coffee cake. There was company. The wife of astronaut Bill Pogue, who hl!ln't flown yet, and the widow of astronaut Charles Bassef.t, who died in a plane crash, were there to lend suppon', The children got up at 8 a.m. and streaked for the TV. As ·the orang"e flame belched beJiiShly ·more than 3oo feet below wheri her bus- (See FAMILIES, Poce II LAUNCJI LATE BY SECON D ' . CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. [AP) -The launch of Apollo 11 wu late, Jaundt director Rocco Petrone.. said Wednelday at a postlaunch ne.ws conference. "We were 724 miliseconds lite for tfle start ol this mlsslOJI thal n!ally llarted eight years ag9," he said: · · A mi!U!econd Is one thousandtli of 1 se<:ond. Orange Coast Weatller Clouds durin1 the late night and, early mornlilg will mar othenri.o ,. SUlUJ.Y summ~. da,ys along the coast and there might be !Orne patchY log .. •INSmE TODAY What camt first -the chick· •C"n or the egg? PiclG Wo"T fotJ- otite after reading i:ontno prob- icm· •toru on Page A.JJ. ...__ "" ......... ~ ,...,_. ......... , /!Ti '"'" ~ ..... '-·· (......... • l hl 1t. _....-... All CM!la AH 0.-C.... All .~.. '•• lki.t ,..,. c1.m ---Aft ..... ... .. ..... ... ,.. Df. ,...,.... ... ,. ... M I.. 1M1'tt111 Ml-AtJ ....... ~~ = ::a hit u..n <1 _,,. ""9t Mo M ,.. . ......-..... , . • • , I __, -1 • I ! I • • .. .. ' . -• . ' I • . . ·· :t ,DAl\.Y PllOT , l \'(~, Jiilr:ll. l!f iaguna-·rrvuste&i ! _() K , Teacher;-Salary ;lllkes ·" .\It.,-1l>"Otb1 of lntwe • a h r y ·, bat&lllnlng betwttn teachers and the Laguna Beach 11Cbool board, the elKI. ~ came 'l'Uesday, not with a bang nor even • • wb!i!IJ>O:· 'l'fullleo of the Lagl!ll& oliJ!ricl .. ~ IJll'<OVed the final prqpos&! .• the ~r'J negollatlng team lUlll 1¥ '!*l'lil1ll of 114,000 .more -next tar fO< leachm' sa1ar1.. and · binellts than tbil year. ., Delalla of bow the lncrused funds will be appli~ to the teachers' salary · IChedule will be worked out thls wetk between the two groups and a schedule : coold be approvtd a,I a s~al meeting of the board· Tuesday. J'oUowin' adopllon of the p~, both 1fG11P!1 prataocl the lclloo and cooperation of the other aide. "In thil age of confrontation It ts com· : f~ to bow tl\at d1Uertnces of opi· . . nlin ... be alrld poacOfull; and - struetlv• aelutk>M ou l>t achleYld," said Quinn Farnes, chairman of the teachers• negoUaUng council. ''J would llke to .tate that the aeries of ....,Uatlooa for ~· sallrjes for the lchool year 1"9-19 In Lal\lll• Beach have reflected a dealr< on the part· of both the \eacht<I' aNOClllion and llCbooJ -lloard members lo maintain a clear line of com- municatiqn at all times," he sald, reading !rom the prepared stateinent. Board President Larry Taylor com· mendtld tbe teachers. for their approach to the salary talk.S and noted that they were "high clasJ." . "We were ta'lklng ·about what is best for the cblldrtii of the conuuunlly," Taylor uld. Eitrly In the salary negotiationS, both ~ides agreed I.hat prelimihary discussion should rtvo!ve about the total cost of any aalU)' ~-lo .the dlllrh:L From P•ge 1 EL TORO FOR SALE? • • • dsco." be conUnued. wou'ld be $et aside to rebuild elJewhere,'' Tbe sprawling jet and helicopter Rep. Rivers said Tumlay. • lraJni!ig ln!lalittloo Jn the htarl of "'11lerefore I think arry leglsllUon _, ~ornia's futest~ county has which your aubconuntttee 1hould recom- altt.ady been sugcested In Jong·rana:e mend would have to contain a re- ~. aViatklD itudies as a resi<mal airport qutre~ent that funds recelvtd would be "· mte. placed in escrow for rebuildJnt at new ' -· Marine corps ofOclalJ approached with locaUonsi'' Rivers told Rt!p, Long. the idea CJ( a JO.year joJ.nt use plan, dur· Houae Armed Services Committee ·· fftlidlicb a~ facility would be members J\a.med to the new aub- btilt el:tnrbere ~ Qle eounty,·bave flaUy commlttte aJao include representatives , 1~~ =:=; ol the lbeoretleal Robert 0. Mollohan (P.W. VlrflnlaJ, W. -...,..:.-Alrol'El..,..,."'MCAS'.~·or· w -,. C. Oalll,(P.Vb,glnlal.·Ed.Fore""'ll-(R... .''mUJWy 1J061-;carriee tlie firm oo!!U!!lk N•w Mexico) ~G. WIJllam Whitehurst ment lbal Ibey would naturally he re-(1\-Vlrglnla). ·,. built elsewhere with the proceed.I. '• El Toro, MCAS has a much more . llr•"&lc def..,.. role ammg the posts From Page 1 menUoned as a tralnlna base and jump. • of.f station {Or Vietnam c om b a t APO. LW .,.!gnmenll, which stand a good chance ' • • • lo 4Wlndle Jn month! and years ahead. , Tbe Preskllo located 1o a woodsy sec· foot on the moon Sunday nt1ht, said • • ll6n of San FrancllCo ...,. the Golden "That Salum gave ua a magnificent ride 4 ,-.-Gate Bridle. however, serves only as •.• We have no comp1alnll wi~~•nY of . ad:minl$tnlive h'eadquarters for lhe the three &ta&es on that ride. It wu . We.tern U.S. S11tb Anny. bta~Wul." ~111.locattoo would malte~tt a IOld mine, The !IUoot Salum rocket-and Apollo _ whether eventually develoJ>e:d into pri· spacecraft. ·bµrntng more than a ton of VAie <ionlnll!rolil use, at obtained by San fuel a aoconcl, rose frOln Cape lteolitdy 1'ilDclaco authotttles lis a ' park and on an lllJO.loot trail ol Dime Jnlo !be blue . recreailonal 'developmenl Florida sky. The U mJJllon pvts meahed . The Presidio -a 1potleao, park-Uk• fllwloaly. . • poet -ii already an open public I in·"---ket -•t•·· ·•-lace. . n,,.JllU -· ·~ roe w••.,,-.• "'" ~~·• W!na.)lke el\C)Cl<wovq tbtw&h "'' thin. Under projects of the lnitiJ\ pbaA• of rilng' ali. Bel1lnd, the , Jallnch * sWI !Iii Pereira J\luter Plan of Or..., Coon-1pllled with the 50,000 ••lions of water a ty A.vtatioft, llO!lle type •I l0callud minute poored throu!lh'"the rocket flame regiooal. airport must be developed lo lo praerve the ped .. tal.Jro\Q which it replace the amaller ~ facility. . , . Pereira'• plan l'IU•led slarUng with ·~~than a mlllioD 1-taeon'"4n'°aed a look at El Toro MCAS, whlcli waa . ~-, ·-estab)iMed a year ago, in an area now the brilbl beaches ol the Cape •IU and --•· in Into burban side lammed the hlgb.,.ys lo ,.. the three rap1dJy d.-v-..p I su re n-veteran pilots Lake-off oQ the first lunar UII arid commerclal use. Despite .iecent rejec;tion of the sale or exploration. ·j6Jlit u,. j<leaby Q>e ~~ •• •i»l!eaman Amon1 the very·tm~nt per-ln- 41 u,eialr itatloo laid,.~ it does m-vited by the space agency to watch the deecl appear the 111bcmuni~ wW look lallllch from bilec1ters a sale 3\1 miles .ill!O.lbe cM1tan airport cencep~. • away wu Vice rr..ident Spiro T. ApeW, ''llle -would nalufally be reluc-.. w~o·bead• th• nation'• apace .c<iuftcil,;,, -Ui · lir an Interview, be sald be belllftd lant lo dil,,... of operaUng fac ties America sh6Uld plan lo ,put .a 111111 .~ ''fritbo:ut definite assurance that money Mars .• "Someone is cQina 'to do. tt," If : !ilid. ' . ,• From P .. e 1 FAMILIES ••• · niclliled In hil fitt;d coqCh, Joan bor Index finger to hu llpa, lenl<ly. wtten he was 100 miles downiange, the laid her cheek on her oldest son's tilack and said "Wouldl'l't it be 'nice !Or lbeln 1o be, counting down 1o sp1aa11i!owa DO'W." "'I think we shou.l<l!i'f bt too .timid .. .. , by lhe end or thl.o . century .... ., sotng to put a. I1}ll1 on Man. That's my JUdp'lent." Agnew 11 • member of the IJ*iel presidential committee that will reecm- mtlld ·A!perlca'1 Mure goala In ")lace In · Se~btr. He 1dmt«ed bis vttwpoil!t on Mara was a ml.nOrity oplnlon on the com· mltlee. 'COME ON BABY' The two olde.at children went out&lde at the request of photogral'her• and 'atood, 'With bla grins, and both thumbs up. II was anOther sign that everylh\na was . oka)I. · Former President Ly1'1fon B. Johnson w•J aJIO on the VIP atanda. A 11rtffie znover 1n ·space affairs from hi.I da)'J as Ktnata; arid later 'as Prest· dent Kennedy's ezpert·on apace affairs, thJs WU the flrit launch he bad Sffft first .. • ' ., ul\ll 1 i'11or •·Htt re. w ... ---..... L c..i., ""* ,,....,. -o-ra. ,.,,...., nt-11 K...t .... n .... A.. tr.frrridii•t --......... P. Nill ........ _ '"' ----Jti hr..t A.,. • ..... MJ,.,., P.O. I• .... tJiU --__ ,,._,..,_ ..._,., .. a11n11•1&1 .... w...., Jt r 111, 9Mdl: • •,.. I hand. \YheTI tl)e xoetet ..... frorn the pad and Ute shock waves shoot the spec- tators, he Shouted, "Come on Baby ••• Go Baby." At the White House, President Nixon watched on televi1i0n with Air Force (:ol. Frank Borman who rode to the moon ln Apollo 8. Sunday, Borman, a lay leader jn the Epllcopal Church, will take part In special White House services for Ciln· gressmen, diplomats and other members of government. Tttey will offer prayers for the astronauts on tbe eve of the landiftJ, and Borman will read the chapters on crta· Uon from the Book of Genesis, the same c1>4ptera teclted lo earth !alt' Chrbtjnu by A,R'Jllo I u It orbited th• moon. MAGIC MOMENT • Everythlnr waa aimed for that m•lic moment when they would land. On Sun· c!Jy in orbit •round th• moon, Amutrong and Aldrin will go inlo the moon lander, separale trom the Command ahlp and beain their delcent to &he lunar surface. Collini Ii lo remain in the command lblp 19 milts over the moen. Arnuttoog .and Aldrin are lo land on the moei>, ready~ IJ)ldu-lib spae<craft for Ill• retlirn trip, eif and reeL Then Annatron1 will clliflb dowii a ladder lo the · lllO<r ...u<e In lull sl&ht of !ht world watclljng ot1..lal•v!alon. In a few minulos, Aldrto, n, the oles! man on the lrlp will follow. They JnW>d lo walk the l~r aurraca l h9IJta ~ Ii! minu~, coUectl!ic1'ock ~ · dltt nrru>lu, planting the · American Flu,. and aettJ_nJ up aperlrnents tbat hopOl\iJJy wW &Jve ldeotilll better clUOI lo the-or!IJli of !ht m<JOn, Ind poulbly the earth and the &0lar sylltm. It ,,., decided that ·atter the !lgun of total cost was arrived at, teachers and admlnistrators could work out Ute man-- ner in which the money was to be spread acrosa the salllf)I schedule • The total cost Increase of 114,000 in· eludes health tnaurance benefits to the teacben and other fringe benefit.a. In addition to the "new money," an er· tra $33,000 will be paid as increrpents on a bidder-like advancement for teachers 'as they gain additional educa:tlon and ex· perience. Total &11\0Wll to be expended for teachers' salaries and benel111 in the 191&-10 schOol year Is figured lo be •t,297,567 of the district's $2.7 million budget. , Board memben also approved a·~ven percent across-the-boa.rd increase in the salaries of the nep-teachlng ubool employ ea • Nixon Official OWnerof New Home on Coast -Prtaldont-Richard M. N~ Wday Is official ownef of the fc>ttPer Hamilton If. Cotton estate In San Clemente, according to papen filed Tuesday with County Recorder J. Wylie Carlyle for the 21-acre property. the legal' papen ,,.,ere recorded for Tl· tle Insurance Qd Tnlat company whl~ · lili.,f thtd•11t,parcd. packait aa vahud. "tn exceis of tt nillllon." Nfxon penonally bU1opUr'chaatd five acrea wbl~ includu the rnu!U·roorn ln&\\Jlon on a point overlooklnt the ocun In tlie southe11lerp Up of Ora~e County, saveral satel!lle bltildinp and the beachfl'OQ.L Price of Qle five tJcres and borne haa beeo estimated at 1335,000. The remaininl' II acres go into a re$el'Ve for the Richard M. Nb:on Foun· dalion for the proposed construction of a library and museum on the eai.te. · The founditlon was officially formed June 2, as a c~'t.allle non·profit orsanlzaUon. Amon_g seven directors afe-uitea~AttOmey-!iii!ffi Jolfii M. Mitchell, a former law partner of the President, and Health, EducaUon and WeUere chief RDberl A. Fllich. ' Ttiefday'1 acUon makes' the summer White HOUie purchase official, but the Pr~t l!4S ~--of the pro-porty ,inc. .1•11 .Miy. . ll• IJpo!ledJy,paJd SIDQ,000 down and wUl pY ~ balanM over llve Y,tars at 7.5 portent lntertll. llemode~pf 'the ltructurea Is now under"wa.Y Will be 'ml) · eted in time for Ute m.oa lOM vilit in ~ugust of the NIH• f.,,uly. Laguna Players Appoint 2 as Board. Members OAILY ,ILOT l)tff ""' BIG WAVE BURSTS ON BEACH JN ,RONT OF UNP.LAPPABLE SUN E;NTHUSJAST$ _.:_ Heavy Surf, Rlptldu Gtnar,otad by Dl1tant Storm K .... Orant• ·Co•st Llleguarda Busy Huntington Gll4rds Fear ·~· ' . . B.ay Lost i.,,;-lhavy Surf Lagunan Gives Youths cliance To See All·stars I SeVenty-flve lucky Laguna Beach Hiih I 1 The surf ceptinued lo pound the Orange day,puned 173 persons lo lafety from the Schoof students will be going 1o Iba , C.Oast 11'oreUne today 4Jld ilundnpin riptl{J~. pounding surf and lateral cur. North-South Shriners' Football Garile : Beach 1Ueguar48 feared H had claiined renti-state beach guard! rescued 28 and through the generosity of Lagunan . tbTehlHe ottba ~Dean4-year-oHartkl boy. 'I Seal BIJ:arll Ufe_guarda pull~ 57 to safety. Carlyle Dennis. e you • -appareni Y BC· Dennis, a Shriner, •ave 75 ticketa to the 1 companying a church group -baa betn . Lt. Bodenbender Jaid $W'f running up e missing since Tuesday afternoon. The tq 7 feet waa creating .problems again ~ school district and offered $75 to pay for Pl·co ru•M•a •outb was Jut aeen walking d G ' student transportation to the game in the w.... " · ay. uard! on and near. the Huntington Coliseum next Wednesday. ~ from the ocean toward dry sand, .said Beach pltt ~e kept ~usy ~ng ~r --District trusteeJ accepted the gijt wtth J.1!•111111'.'iJ,1.kfaf.kl!J!llenb,e'l!lg.,~, -• naculng,..lngs .... stronswimmmg 1a··..::~~~ .. lhe,pil, thinlis ar th<il"mee .... • ~"l'Ue;d;y· nl""t The boy·.-bad been swlmlfl)ng neer "' ~u •w•~•~ -.. "" Lifeguard .Tower u wf!lcll ;1 betwee,. the .' • "W ·11o tr(-~ lifiiilllllli''" il' -and-wonde...t alDud il ~ony.chaperODeJ of H •. ~~ s and •···h e pe . "~'1 '. ~;· 1 s would be needed. -•nda ~,Jngton treet ~ "'PP.OS"d lo !':'alt tbl~ everun(, said Tickets wlll be available on a 'llm Bo1.1elvard. Gt.iafdo: sald'frienda of the boy lkldenbender. We don t J 1 l 0 ke to tee it. It come, first served basis at the high ~:=~· wu I poor .'?'lnimer but crea~s .a lot of JM'.Oblem,11. school office at 8 a.m. Friday, Robert Clrn. _,.-..._in u.-tt ..... -"D ........ Tue&-He !atd the tipt1dea were in some cases Reeves, school principal said. v ..... -'~'~!¥' ~ 200 yards wt~. extending seaward a Laguna High 's Steve Klosterman, 1 qu.arter of a mile. "Anyone caught in one lineman, will play in the game. He is the ha~ belte.r be an exi:ellent . swimmer," first player frdm the school ever inviUd Ciouple Held Up ·But Get Oue To .One . s(ispect s&ld the lifeguard, ~ging SWJmmus and to participate in the Nonhern C11ilornia.. surfers to use cauti0J1. Southern California all star contest. In The rough water pounding the coastline other action the trustees: today is created by Hurricane Bernice -Autho~ the attendance of 38 moving ofi shore to the south, according members of the school district staff at a to ~e JJ~S. W,t~ .B.weau r_r:~ California School Employees As!oclatlen Advisory Group To Get Results 'IWlll>td of $150 at'' gUnjli>lftl' Iii Colla Mesa Tue.day and kteied from the getaway car, a Caplstrano Beach pluml>er lnok the Dl!tnae nuipber of twof Gqocf~~ts,.!e4dmg to ar· Laguna Beach's Citizens' Advisory rest Of a ·lfrl sUsped Urtii~.loUy. C:Ommltt"te met Tutscl•y night and learn- AutMrlU'5 in San Bernardino picked ed results of an atUtude survey they sent up Joy A. Runyan, 18, at her home, afltr to households in April should be known in a record cbeck; allegedly indicated the several weeks. car used In the 5:30 p.m. holdup Tuesday That progress reIX>rt was given by city belonged to her parents. planner Al Autry to the Z>man CAC Miss Runyon was booked at Costa board appointed by the mayor to l\tesa City Jail ror investigation of armed formultte a master plan for the Art rOObery, while the bunt continues for a Colony. Conference July 31 at San Die10. Oiltrlct is to pay S2 registration and provide transportalion. -Approved the articles o f in· corporation for the Laguna Beach Eduea· tion Foundation as amended fo:;:i state scrutiny. - -Approved payment of $300 11 •. ~istrid's share in a County-wide study on ~ th~ various areas of salaries ~ btnefit.a ~ to school employes. Big Statue Made From Old Guns young man drlVirli the car invOlved. The purpose of lhe meeting was for the Daniel 0. Dlamang, 20, of 3011 Via rommlttee to give direction to the city SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -A nine· Fortuna, CapiJtrano Beach, told J!Olice st.a.ff on hew to best: lllalyie the ques-foot statue of St. ·F.rancis of A.ssi.si · - his car broke down Tuesday afternoon on tioQnairea. Approlimately 30 per ctnt of cast from the metal of 2,000 guns' turned 16Ut Street east of' Orange Av1nue and he the 9,000 questionnaires mailed have been in to San Francisco authorlUts following B!ld his wlfe, Cheryl, went for help. returned to the city. the assassination flf Robert F. Kennedy The vlcUm said they were offered a lift "That's enough to get a fairly good -stopped at the mi!sion here this week by another couple, at which time Mrs. cross section of the community," Autry on its way to San Diego. · A ~· teactter and I Leifsiire World Dismang returned to watch ~e C'1' while aald. The sta tue, called St. Francis of the ruidept heve been ap11<>lnfed to fill tier husband went with~ helpful pair. The surveys are presently being Guna by creator aenny Bufano, is being vaClllCies On the 12-m.~r Lacuna Drtv~g to a qWet relidential comer In· tabulated by city employes. The results transported to San Diego for the C~unity PltJyers Board of Dlrecton. stead, Dismang said, the motorist pqlled then will be fed into a computer for Ca Ii for n I a Bl~ntenniaJ ceremonies. Jo Anne Black, a resident of San Juan a pistol and denianded hi! wallet, after analysis. With the questionnaire results Father Paul Martin of the San Juan Ca~, was named to U'le board by which be was kicked out and the couple in mind, the CAC will continue its study Capi!trano Mission gave the statue bis dt~rs Sa~rday so drama education drove off at high spetd. on the city's ma.ster plan: hies.sing as it stood on a flatbed truck. would be repRsented. Mrs. B~ck b a .11 ~:;:::;;;:::;::::;::::i:::::-;::;:;:;:;;:=;:;;:;;::;:::;:::;::;:;:i;::;::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;::::;::::;:::;:::;::::;:::;:::;::::;:::;:::;::::;:::~ <iram.a t~cher in Corona del Mar, and ~BJ appellttd at the j.aguna Pl•yhouse in ••you c.an•t Take; it wiUt YOl,I." , She WIJJ also named the ):lest actress at lbe recent Riverold• OJle.~ct Play Festival. lie;lri!)I a tepN<ntative ffOl!l Leisure Worl4, <llreclora .114med Harry Ashe as Y!e oijler new Jl'ltlflber1 Aabe, a writer for Uie {.e1sure World news, has appeared tn j7Never Too Late" and the One-Act Wee~end held 1111 M•Y at the Playhou ... !11ie two f~ts were brought about by the cleOlh of BUI Salyer and the reslgnal!on of Monte MCMiiien. McMillen "'1ined Salllnlay'for health reasons. Hey, Watch Out! Poppy's on .Loose Watch out. Poppy's on the loose . Poppy is a green Braslllan parrot that !µad beep, until yesterday, under the Wctfchlul ere of master" Rob Krorunan, 31711 Crown Cqasl Orlve in Monarch Bay. Yesterday Poppy flew the coop. He's believed to be ln the vlclnity of Monarch Bay or Three Arch !lay, acconling lo Rob. U anyOne hears Pof?py'a screams or,..,; him, Rok !!kl that ht lijo 'called at 49"2117. •· • "Ht'a·not deu&IJ'OUS/' be aQUl'td. Tas~ Reports Laun,ch With Unusual Speed M~W (f.!') -With UpU!!Ull. •!*." Soviet ...., nt04la today, npomd the launchlq of Apollo 11 on a "'1sslon to 1811d A)llerlcan• on the -T,tn ~ailed the a~ll as "Cll\IJ'agl!OOS people." Alt« a ·brier, qllick !actual dispatch . from lit.( York orf the blastoff the ol· flclll-SOv~t news qency-lidded a longer description ol the planned filth!. I _ .. I ' CONV!Nl&NT TEAMS IANKAMEP\ICARD MASTER CH<!>R$E ' ' ' . To Ille aUf who-what!toe wants but not where to tind iL Matc;h your srple with o~r many-desllns.And ask us abOd~•r lamous O..nge B""""'-tae. ••U· NEWPORT AVENY~ COSTA. t,jESA ' ' ''" I l \ I ' 22 YiARS SAloj_E, 1-0CATIOH ";fONE 541·1401 \ \ I i I ' I t I I < ' I e r • • h • 1 • ~ h "I • • d .. n ~ • • • ~ 1• I• l. ~ ~j \ 1e 1g 11 •• m is - I ' I I l· I I I I I Poor · Families Get VIP Seats For Launching CAPE KENNEDY (UPI) -Rarely have members, of· the Rev. Ralph D. Abernathy'• poor people'• campalgn been , called .. very . lm.Portant persooa," but . ~'VIP'' seats were given today to .40 pqor .. lilacks near the launch site of Apollo lL · '!be VIP permits f~ Abernathy and 10 Negro famillea ftre granted by Dr. ·Thomas 0. Paine, administrator of the .'U.S. Space Agency, following a dramatic fn!'<t\llg ~'<!' !'!'!!.. and_~tlg_ ~ . field near the main entrance to the John . .'Ji'. Kennedy-Space Cente. Tuesday. • Abernathy asked Paine foi U.. permits, saying "we are proud of our nation'• .. achltvements in space and of the heroes . who are embarking for the moon." .. This moonshot is possible because of • our th money ~ well as your tax ::money." A~athy, president of the •• Southern Christian Leadership eon. ·.ference' (SCLC), said. ,. Paine, in turn, asked for Abernathy and J . : u.. 150 Jiegroea from ~ South \ ·,with him to pray for the Apollo 11 I . a.tr.n.uts. Immediately alter Paine left, .the N-men to pny for an end to hUDfer Ind raciam and for a lllCCeSSfuJ. ·IJiilit for Apollo 11. · "I think the people in the;space prt> gram know what the major: problem.! .;are.;~ $aid Walter E. Fauotroy, ~ . ·cl me SCLA'a WasbingUm bureau~ after . ·the meeting. "I hope the rest of the nation can see that we have devoted 10 years and . b~"of dollan to . ....U., a man to the !"""" and feel U.. same kind ol guilt that there hasn't been a similar effort aaainst the internal problems-of this n•tion," he said. PalDe said the job of seDdinc man to the moon wu "child's play" in com-- . parison lO solving the problems that have • brougbt internal disorder to America. • · "U It were possible f~ us not to push -that button and solve the ~lems you : are talking about we would not push that . butt.on," Paine said. referring to the launch m the moomhip. ; . "l want you to hitch your wagon to our rocket and 1<11 the people th€ NASA pro- . gram is an example of. what this country can do," be said. "I personally and the -, members of the space program feel tha:t . the space program is a program for all Americans and we~ hope it will spur . Americans to band together, to fiiht U.. problems you are talking about." Abernathy llald the Negroea bad come to Cape Kennedy to protest "• dtstorted senae of naUonal pnoritlea" and not to -the launcbing O< try to disrupt Bpace center operaUons. t ' ~ .. ' . Ruling Due On Panther's Search Claim Countian, . Marine Die In Traffic ,...__.. An El T... Morine Hrgeani and a Westminster man were tilled Jn aeparate tra!lic acddeota early lhil -.In(. the Orange County Coroner'• Ollice reported. Beblano -.17, d IW,Ollve st., WeatmtMier, ••dead oo mtval at 3:15 a.m. in WeRmtnper Coromunity Hospital lie died ol head and internal Jn. juri" llUlfered when his 1mall fcft!p car struck a center dtylder and overturn.. ed Oil Bofsa ,\. ...... It U.. inl<nection of Ward Street. Ila UI C...ty Traflfc Deatli Toll Ila Ill Sgt. Lawrence Kinne, :13, of El Toro, wu tilled and two companions and the driver of a pickup truck injured in a high- speed broad.9kle collision at CUlve.r Road and Irvine Soule.vard at about 2:30 a.m. The coroner's office said Sgt Kinne died at the scene of head and poaalble in- ternal injuries. He was the driver of a car emtbound on CUiver which California Highway Patrol officers said was hit broadside by a truck driven by Mounce B. Jacbon, 52, of 1362 Nlsson Road, Tustin. _WtdM!Uf, July 16,.1969 . l D~ll V 'II.OT :.ll -. Ch~mh er Sturlies C.qunty A(f airs • I .. J A Pr<lpc>!l<l"ltllil)' of or..,. Comity mlttee, -IUpenllorl that tha IO-t -ational areu by the ttudles ct couoty departm-....,]d be · Orange. C.OUO,ty Chambers ot COmmerce "obJectlve.." "We want to be an arm of w11 approved TuesdlO)' by the Board ol Your board• offerln( fllcbnlcal lkflla lmn Supervtson despll< objectiOjlS by industry," Tamamlil> stated. •wa are Supervilor Roljert W. BatUn. . not wllcll bunUng." · Ba1Un ~. he "undenlood thar a He said the chamber hoped to be able similar proposal in' 1968 had been Uled to In provide' expeft service In mCh ca. ai attack c.IJldidates In the; 1911 primary lotllsll<s, warehousln(, Jnyentory l)'lleml ele<.'tlon fer IUpervfrora' poits," and he and purchasing. . further objected because the chamber The chamber proposal tricludeS a re- study would "dupllc,.te the Grand Jury'• quest that Countv AdmlniBtraUve Officer function.s." Robert E. ~~ be named u 111Wson Other board members did not "ply to agent• for tho progrom and !bat the Battin'• charges.· Supervisors Alton E. County provide seCretarJal aetvlces, a Allen. David L. Baker and William H. -meeting place and supplies •. ,Hirstein were all reelected in 1966. · Tamamian said be bad contacted men- Leo Tllllllilllan, Hu8fles Ain:ralt ez. hers of the 1!1811 Grand Jury uwf U.., ecuUve aDd chalnnan of the county agreed with him that there would be no chamber'• Governmental Allain Com-conflict of Interest with that body, Thousands View La Jnc h Of Rocke.t to the Moon A ruling will be Issued July 19 on CHP offlcera said Jackson was pinned PORT CANAVERAL, Fla. (UPI) - DanleI Michael Lyne.m's claim that . a in the wreckage of the overturned truck ' 'Ille mouth cl. the sllm, tandy-hailld man "'Illere ! Set!" men and women cried. One woman clapped he~ handJ 11 If for Santa Ana police officer acted unlaw!Ully for 30 minute.. before they CGOld release WI open and he clulciled tighter 11 the when he searched the B~ PlP~ him. He was ti'e_ated for minor Injuries at le,,.. c:i the tiny boy on his ahouldeP.' Uaiteoant and booked him oo chargea of the Orang• Counl.y Medical Center this •-carrying a concealed weapon. morning and released. ''There it 1oes! Look, Ben!.Tben! goes Judge Eugene La:nghiu.te.r made that E1 Toro Marines Lance 'Cpl. Basil L. a rocket to the moon!" decisloo Tuesday at the end of a three-Magers, 22 ~Cpl. Richard K. Goff, also BOnJamin Southerland, 21\ yws old, hour hearing into clrcwnslances aur· 21, are still In the Medical Center today -1.... th bouid f his • lher -·~1n "· of listed m· "fair" -•1uon. -· are IUf-s1 ..... on e s er o ,a ' , ~ I uro arreot Lynem last April. ~ -· · Chester ped hi I of fering from numerous cuts and bruises, _ • cup · s tiny e.rt hand over Most tliat time in ilanta Ana hospital aldea reported. his brows and stared •l the palnfully • stage triumph. The Saturn emerged from -tbe C1oud Slowly and the crY: "There . .shl is!" Amid-the exclamaUons a b\isky dog that had traveled with a family from Canada. began iulrking loudlJ and cavorting on the sand • "Heee! Beautiful." The exclamation Munldpal Court wu devoted· to qUOI' . · • bright lighl trailing Apollo 11 ., It ,.... came.from many moullis. --=:'..=a~:in:=?-;'" · ,c. · ·-· · ·· ""uet11nglorlliemoi>n .... -- -Asthespacecralt-cllmbed..lllgber.'mt . 1rom Lynem'• pocket after .be -ba.-lld_~.,Elusive· Grunio n · q Tbe. IWIH' ... _Jbe humanil)'.Jined beg"."1ra111nra11lindlng!1inneof~.· MOVING TO CHAMBER EdilOft Compony'1 KIMr Edison Official ' Ralph Kis er +---- New CofC AUle • . I Ralph C. Kiser. civic leader and Jone~ Ume eJUU.Uve for Southern California ~ te,:baibeeb' appointlct manag~ of the Hp.otlngton }leach Chamber of Commerce. . Kiser will take over on Oct. l the post v8cated by Date L. Dunn, who recenllf went into irivate business. Klaer llald todlO)' be hopes to . dcoble chamber membership, now about *· Empbasl!, be said, wJll be on greater in- volvement by the members lo ch&mber w<rklngs. '!be push for new bosinels and lndll!ley Jn HuntingtOn Beach win abo be ~ ph•siud hby the oew' chamber aecuttt'- '.'Huntington Beach bas lqged in ita true potenUal far sales rtv~nue in · tbe put but tt'11 coming up fast now," JtJser said. lie said u.. city needl -Industry. sales and jobs to balance Ila economy. A director of the Orange County Chamber of Commerce, Klaer I 1 chaJrmao of Its economic development group. He worked to bring the California Angels to Orani• County and went to Waablngton, D.C. in HM to aid county 1uJiervts<n In their auccessful push to have the county recognized for its metropolitan status. Father d ·two and grandfather of at ~ • r lane "" IOll'll Jon Doy Drive. N~ a-di at 2511 Waverly Drive. fl ' ' . , I ,. ·, ' • him oD a Santa Ana ttreet. ' waterfront bank of this port, looking 12 man• VQlce aclaiJJ:)ed, Vomatal Thia ch~;:'tb~heC:~.i!ni::;.iT: .~ R ff f ll miles~ of wh<re moments before cry was from Raul V. Olo.of Montreal, fleer NeilOll S-la It June 4. He UU~ Ope U y lbe space vehicle luld stood on its pad who bad rea'.'1"'1 lhll waterfront opot by describes U.. P<OleCUlion'I ckcbion to bare] vislbl through U.. _. bau CM at 7 p,m; Tuesday and had slept GD press ~ied minor charges ag1inat Orange Coast beacbef will be crawling . y e DlOl'DIDlf ' the beach wttb bil wile and yoonc son. him d "typical of the poll<e harassment with grunion huntera and, hopefully, gru-a Uny finger pointing skyward.. A nalive ol Eftonia Oto ~bis that Ma alWay1 been ~ against mo· ruon for the next four nights. The Southerland family, including ' " and the members d my organization." '11le elusive lltUe flab will stage their Cheater's wife Norma, bad alePt on the u:clamation later as meanin& un- Saluar sald--hls arrest of Lyne.m was last July spawning runs tonight through beach u did many of the crowd that believable" In En&Jisb ~ed by the 24-yeaM>id Negro's SaturdOf, came from vfrlllally e_very state. Tbe spacecraft was almost out ol aigllt "Sll!plclous btbaivior" while tie was in-The grunion are e:rpecled to run from Portable radios bad brought ev"i:rybody and veering totrant the surrhlgh tn the terrogatlng a IT-year-old youth believed 10,42 p.m. to u ,42 a.m. tonight and will to their feet with the lllllOIUICOl!let of east before tlie iumbllng thunder d Its by the o!lk:er'-to-be an aboeotee .from . nm the.ful!owing three. OYenings at U:ll • lbt &G-~ ~k. b.<fore llfl!IH· launch reached Porl_Canavei:_aL . ~ 1 p.m. tO 1:11 a.m. Thursday, ·11,54 p.m. to The CnJWd began shouting With toe SOOUierIDiil;l ltitllelnillil!penfJlr In Salaaar uJd lie noticed Lynem ttanding 1,54 p.m, Friday and 12,36 to 2:16 a.m. voice on tho radio : ."Four •.• Three . .. \'!l*r.1\-C• clad lit c)>e!:k rv.e!ll:~ -~ ~· ~-•-·• ~ bil -•et while Saturday. Two , • , Ooe." , , T-llllil lild thaltied Ulldaii~to bta jj;';;in;;' ~u the';;.;; and a All grunion hunters are reminded that Throngh the ..... under a bright wifa and. said: "Ob, that N hbalous. oeardi of the Panther o111cer produced a the fish O!liy may be caugbt by iulnd. lt ia Florida 111111, there, wu a sharp flash at I'm '° proud that 'le and Benjamin. .22 caliber pitlol. . ' illegal to calcll grunion by digging boles ~bottom of .ttie Uny finger '1'!1 -~ the •~ally got to ... It. Amazing!" · Lynem --thaf Salazar'• action in the sand or by \tiln( any ·~ ¥<-wu env<1.oped in a b~ cloud I Get, ,It'• ,the most thrllllng tblni rve was lllepl "and be dtli!liicil dilm1asal of All bunten II years ol ap and older Ill llDQl!e, ~ 1!1'1~•ill!"n tw:nJ!ii bel&• em_ .. ~· So!tllltrland Aid. "I bad the eharje1:. t 1 must have a 1'alldiatate''1Jbini llclnat. \tith r~tfnter: · ' cMili11111 tbe time.1' ' Wage Increase Reaches 12. 7% For 30 Emplo yes M~ !ban 30 orange Colinty employu clauififd u 0 admlnisttaUve service of- ficers': Tueoday aot a 5.5 per !"'It pay raise cxi top of the 7.1 pen:ol\I ratae granted all county -Joyu two weeu ago. • The Board of Supervlson' aw-the pay boolts 81 HCOIMlendedbY Penonnel Director William Hart, hued CXI a clestficaUon study started eiglll monllis ago. Included in the 32 jobs getting rallea in II departtriints ta the -1)> <rtaled poll of Food Stamp Program Supervbor a. job not yet fillad. Hart said his recommendaUona were based on the contention !bat the 31 luld been deleplfd an "increasing amoanl of autborlly and ruponslblllty" by depart- ment be.ads tn the ~ few years. ATLANTIC MUSIC-SONY HEADQUARTERS! A Complete Selection of 28 New Sony MOdels on Display • -II . PRICES START ~ AS LOW AS --... ... -. ', s69so ' • i r r t f .. l ' J j DAILY i'JLOT w-.,, Ju~ 16, 1969 House R'.-.bllcan Le..i.r Ge,.. old R. f'ord of MlchitOfl, celebrat- ed his 56th birthday this week amid some good-natured quips from colleagues. Democratic LNCJ. er Cort Albert of Oklahoma, wish· ed. him "many more years as our distinguished minority I e a d e r. R•p. John B. Anderson of Illinois, wbo beads the House Republican Conference, replied : "1 have other and higher-. hope& for him than that." • Britain'• first international race, schedultd Thursday, uw in doubt today. Somebod11 stole two dozen participattno .mails. "I can't po1.ribJ11 thinlc who could have taken them or what we thtJI could be to anyone othe1' than a Frenchman," race orgcmiur Connie LJlf.hgoe 10id in Fol1u1tone~ England. •• • Two public service officers of the Pasadena. police rfepartment were dispatched to an apartment bowie meeting to talk about crime prevention. While they were inside, someone poured gasoline on tbej,r car and burned It. Police said the car _was a total loss. Nobody has· _. ~.arr~~.... ___ .• o ••• • • Wheeler Checks Lull . . ·1n Saigon --SA:JGON-(AP) -A '!Ull conl61ued acfiOM South Vietnam'• battlefield• today as Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, cbalrman of the U.S. Joint Cblef1 of Staff, arrived from Washlnaton to usess the four.week· old slowdown in the war. Wheiler came to Saison ror four days of conferences at U.S. headqUUUn and field locaUOns. a command apoll:esm.an said. Adm. John S. McCaln Jr .. U.S. -' maoder in dUef hi the Paclflc, arrived shortly before Wheeler. The U.S. Command reported 2S enemy shelllngs during the night and an ambush of an American truck convoy north of Saigon. One American wu killed and nine were wounded in the sbellings. and one wu killtld and m were wounded in the ambush, a spokesman aakl. 'Ibe command alsO reported the loss of an OHS observallon hellcopttr,: downed by enemy ground fire Tuesday near Phuc Vinh , 37 miles north of Saigon. One American was reported killed in the cash, and two were injlftd. 'lbe report raised the announced total of helicopters · lost in the war to 2,851. American spokesmen clamped a tight lid on infonnation concerning the via.Its of Wheeler and McCain. 'I'hty were ex- pected to meet with. Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, comma~r of American forces in Vietnam, soon after their arrival to begin assessing the current battlefield llituatlon and progresa In turning greates responsibility for the war over to the South Vietnamese • The dilef.toJ1ic of the talks was ~llev­ ed to be whether U.S. lorc<s oboWd reduce olfen.sive operations because of the lull and what risks this would entail. They al.so were expected to dlscuss pro- .. spects -for further troop withdrawals tieyond the 25.000 Americans slated to leave the "COlttl:try by Aug. 31. HAVE SHOVEL, WILL TRAVEL Prince Charles 1Digs' West Jlrince l:harles Hopes to Visit NY, Washington Latin _War Spreading, El Salvador Claims Advances on All Fronts . ' I El Salvidor today officlally claimed duran civilians. The town remained in:_ elabora~e. citing niilltary security. ' sweeplrii a vances ort roe on-·1r-hands, 150 r.jiiirt saia;-~..,,--wa lll.~14)1&110n, lts pl1111es duras tn "l~roclous" flghUnc wlth·beavy An El Salvador army spokesman sa.ld had bombed I Io Pan co In~ . H their gn>und 1,..... Late Tuelda,y cap-Airport in lhe SaM1dorean capital of SU : onduran !oases. Air activity on both tured Nueva Ocotepeque, a provinclal Salvador, along with 'oJI refineries at Ac.': ::::.erred, however, to have capital near the Salvadorean borde:r, and jutla and La Union and a hydroelectric ', that the Honduran army 1arrison there plant on the 'Lempa Rtver. Some unlt!j wefe reported 45 miles ill-had surrendered. El Salvador ~ damag!"was small but s.lde Honduras. • .Neuva OcoteP"l\le ls near t b e Honduras contended, the damap to the An &nJl)I communique issued In San Salvadomn border post OI El Poy, whlc!L refineries forced El Salvador to bnpose· · Salvador said lhe llnt ISO Hondursn war • Honduran p-. have at~ alnce lhe nationwide gas raUonlng. prt....,. laken bad arrived ·1n lhe capital fightlni llnt brolre out'. Commerdal alrllnu suspended IUPls ·and said !he group "Pl'-only "a "Salvadoreae t"'°" have 'captured to Tiopango. El.Salvador, altbough Ton-; l!il11&ll part" of prisoae:rs taken so fa:r. other HondUnn poEUom," the army cantin IntemaUonal A Ir port bt.' The oommWllq\le ,said Salvadoreaii 1n-spolreunan said. He declined t o Tegucigalpa, Hooduras, still was ope1> !anlry bad · ~ ,aq, ,''enormous amoun\" ol. mwu.Uom, and ._.r war materi41,,m lht •tank·led. drive ·1n1o .11Do- dura1: ,·1 · t '. ·:1 •·. The •Undeclared~war lt.twan.tbe two sm~I ~jral American nations Yiltui.lly iSQla led them from the oul$ide world. Airline flights were suspended to both coon tries and telephoqe traffic · 91'~ er-- ratic. , Hooded .Raiders Cut Free . .. -' ., j i . •.I. • · .. : .. •\-. 19 Fel9n.s Fr.om Jail Cells A presidential palace spokesmari in San MARION, N.<;. (UPJ)-'Jbree hooded on. said the raiders "held up two Salvador reported no air activity up to men raided the Mcl>c;Mell .Couuty Prbon orncen who were oo duty. night offi· 7:30 a.m .. PDT, but' declined to give out today, beet and tied up the guards, :arid cet'S, beat them up and tied them up.'" · any further lldormaUoo. freed lti .felom from 8 dormitory unit.~ Condry taid the . raiders~enUy Both sides reported battling On several '11ie 22 men-anned and considered were out to free a buddy, the rest fronts inside Honduras. · . of the dormitory residents joined In dangerous-fled 1n three cars .. AutJxt.f· when the bars were cut with hacksaws. Th e Hoodul'&Il Embassy 1n Washington. ities broadcast a wide alert 1qJer' tile f!.e ~d the dlree were believed tq LONDON (UPI)-Prince Charles, who D.C. said a ln.hour battle for Amatillo, a assumption that the tJcapers Split: up have passed out weapons to some of the wants to be a good-will ambassador for towq ,near the border with El Salvador, into several groups. escaners. Other e9Capers took the olli· Wales and Brita!Jl1 hopes to visit the lefl q dead and 17 woonded, all Hon-Cap!. J. B. Condry, bead of lhe pris· cen' weapons. United States witlllll a )'ear, according 1--~-----------..:.:...:..:...:..:..:::='.!...:=c.::.:::~=-....:=..:::::!:::;=: ______ _ to pelace soun::es. A final decision on a trip across the Atlantic for the Prtoce of Wales depends op. Queen Elizabeth's approval. the """""' add.a. Approval "" espeded. The 20-year-old heir to the British throne bas been-particu.larJy. anxious to see New-York. and Washlngtoh, centers Dl two of bis main· interest!, theater and politics. . .. The one-time archaeological student , In WB!hington, Defense Secmary !llelvin.R. Laird,Jol!! ,lh_e .Sena!< Forell!!\ RelatiOM Committee Tuesday that U,S. forces are still under orders td malDtatn JilaxJmum. batUefiekl pressure on the eoemy. But under senatorlll prpddtng, he ~: "Tlµs whole maUer .ii under review." .. would aUfo J.i¥e, to-~! ..diggings in the . West. • .-. * * * · The trip wW be on lhe royal dlscu>- sioo , agenda when the queen and her family .retire to BaJmoral Castle in August. The royal family usually mapo out much " the year's plans In the quiet seclusion of the SCottish castle. Document Cl:aimsPeking -Offered Hanoi Men, Jets Wh~ two bozers get togethn there'• bound to be a good !C1'tlp -but a.t anyone am aee Mom. dtfinitetv Ital the edge. Mother bour from S~nev decides it's time for a walk and ca could be erpected, Babt1 putl up· quite a battle. • SAIGON (UPI) -Allied lntallllence officials are studytne a captured Vlet Cong docudieDt -clalml Rod China offend at an umperifled time lo 9'l1d a milHon ~ Into •lhe Vietnam war, H was d.i1Closed today, Accoidlng to tlie document, North Vie~ nam turned down the oRer, inteWgenc1 aoun::ies said. · The document says tbe Red Chinese!: also offered to dispatch :m jet lighter~ and crews to help d~end North Vietnam alter U.S. planes began bombing cl.,. to lla!Q In mlrl-1966, but !hat lhll too was Wmed down. The dor:Innen~ capiur.d last -t by allied forces at a rear he.adqaarten of lhe Vlei Cong command in lhe Ill Corps area, consl5ta of more than 120 pqe1 of nocon!ed notes dealing IDOll!y wllh logistlcal data. There baa been no previous evklenee lhal lbe Rod Cblnele ldllally made en offer to tbrow troops into tbe war, and studies <i Chinese policy Indicate they have not. !The claim made In the docu· ment may have been made strictly for in- doctrination purposes.. I * 'Cr -tr ' Vietnamization Of War Not Peace . Meant by Laird I ' Jy S.ntonio Chamben, 24, wanted to observe the proceedings in po- lice court in Cincinnati, but when he tried to gain entrance to the courtroom officers told him it WllS "too crowded.11 He then pounded on the door uptil he .got the atten- tion of the bailiff. Chambers will appear in that same police court on charges of disturbing the Youn:gst.own, Ohio Hit by Race Violence _ WASHINGTON'(UPI) ~The Pentagon said today Defense Secretary Melvin R. 1ilird was referring to 1'Vletnami7.ation'' ol the war and not to prospects for peace in sayina Tuesday "we've certainly tum· ed the corner" in Vietnam. •k peace. • Clarence the cross--eyed lion, who starred in a 1964 movie of the same name, is dead. Clarence also appeared in the Daktari television s eries. Monty Cox, trainer of the 7Jh.year~ld lion, said Clarence died in Peoria, Ill. of 'astric disor· ders and blood poisomng. The lion was in Peoria to appear at a fair. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (UPf)--Oangs of bl.ad: teenagers set fires and threw rocks and bottles at firemen In this ea.stem Ohio steel dty Tuesday night after police broke up 1 demonstration at a white-0wn· ed dairy ...... Police said a drug store was firebomb- ed, a car was overturned and burned and several other fll'es were set. Some looting was reported. In reply to questions by Sen. Ablert Gore (0.Tenn.). at a Senate Foreign RelaUons Committee hearing, Laird said: , "I fervently hope that the day will 1 come when peace can be restored In Viet- nam. I think we've certain!Y tmned the corner." A Pentagon spokesman, Jerry W. Friedheim, said today the "turned the corner" comment was intended to apply to what Laird said afterward, not before. Sunny Skies Blaze • Ill U.S. Warm, Humid Weather tp Dominate Jlicture Te111perat11re• '°""""" ~ .. _....., .... norm.llY AMtftloul July _,,,., ~ ti:dft_,_,.., ,.1, wHll """'' _. ~ 10W cljijd, •I-, 1M CD19' lftl -....... ~-cfoudl....,. In !tie -!Mrtl lrttwlor. M._ L-''ti:· tt.1v au<'llhlne w•' Ille '''' 111 L• .li119ell!s end vk;l11lly wllll llttlt ~rn· -•IUN ~ •Wr 11>1 tn11rit Sollft. ••II C.tllornle ,,_. T"' p,..:ilc!H "1flt t.cley -15, IM M'IW •1 Tues• oKv'I toP ,..cllnt, The •~PKIMI low '°"""' -"· ""*" -'""' ta rMllffllt ,,,_ 111 ..... La ~· a.111. t c<ordl ... to IM A.Ir hlhrno11 Colltnll Dtalrkt. 111 In ,........, ~11, Ille WM"'-• a-11 ~ .,. 11..clort1tkl11 fol' ~ _ ... Tliuf9ile¥ llllWtll MolldtY ""'"' .....,_Mw -.. 1 ......... lo ,-..,...~-ll'lfl. Lout f09 11'111 '"' deuoft bl9""•'ed the btilChn bu'.! M IY ....,.,,._ Wll due t llw 11 .,,,._ Tiit 111111 ...,_,.... lllr. -• _, n. T"' wetw - ~-.-.-.,. Mouolft lll ,_. ....... tn'°1'eol ,,,..,. "' ,_ -"""' """' "''"''''""' Ill ... low .. '" ,,.. -dt•rl ..... ..,.. ,,. flltifl -... ... llMMl"M liltfll al'ld Ill tfle ...., n ntn It "' --................. ., 111 ......... IOUTHl!"ltM CALl,.OllMIA -"•Ir ..,... ~. Llttll ..._.,."'"' -LOI AHOILIS Altl A-l'1lr ._,. ~ '::"""'"" CMNI. OCliia.ITAI.. AJlfD llffl lt.MIDIATI! YAU.SYI -'•" ,,.,._. TllU,..,. """' .......,...,,. dll,... """' Y'= .... .. "' .., • ..,.. -'•Ir tlllltM .._. """"""'· Llttll ...,..,..tw. -=r.:1MHt Alff) DllllT IU!GIONJ ~..,.. '1'11u,_..,, L!ltlil te~ ....._ • ..._,.... Hllllt Wllll,_.r II t. • .....,. w.lllYJ. IOf 19 Ill law!' .. ..,.,. co .. tal Etrlr ll'IClrft.... CMlt.ll low dcull or '" lolloWM lty lllZY ..,..,.I ... iodtY 11111 ~Y. Li.tit Yl1'111119 wfndl """' .... .........ilflt '*"' tllco'l'llf>t "*' te ,,...,,,.., I It II .......... Hlfft _,,,, y...,..,., ~ ........ '"'"' ..... " 41 .. &L ........ ltrMlte1WI ,..,... ,,_ I ~-II iW t. Ii, WIMr .,_...,.,,. -iW .....,_. s-. Moon. Tlu1 WIDN"°"Y l"W ...... . ...•......... 4:• "·"" , .. """ ~-. •• . .• ,lt:G II.II'· f ,t TNUUOAY .. ,,. ....... , ......... 1:• •·"'· 1.2 ,.,.. ................... 11 ;• 11,111. '·' .... ..., •••·········· f!1111.M. t J ...,,,. llltilt • .•.......... 11111 ....... 1.( tw ·-J1N ''"" .... fl .. •·••\LI Me111 •• ti•••"'-.... •:O •·"'· ~· '-' •• , .... , •• Hi'W Julr tt Aut. i July :z2 Aut. 1l V.S. S11mmar11 '-r 111i. tii.111111 tc.~• _, o1 lf\I Ml\oll toUr. It w11 •-r•llY 'IVY .,.r,.. PCllt In 11rtt. of IM ~ 'Niel ltw.lud1"' ... c.-.r L•k• rwlM "'9111Q119rlr. T,_. - -wtt -llltr. "'°"""""' °""""" "' Ill -· "'" Ml ltrll lltlt!U1 te llV!h--Wil· (9119111. Mill """' wtn I ftw tftuncll.r ~ ..... h Glllr Ill Me~llco -•I Md Ill 11W11wn1 FlftlN. LltM .,_. ....... Hrfti II M.-.ftM .... -""' ........... . Ill ... ....,.,_. Jiii Vt w!ridl WI'°"" -er-t 1rua. 111 Mllltwft C.llfrwN INN -h ait-~ry ... ,., ""*'"'-wllll .......... """ """""' lft ltlt -... . Ollrte W.m1 1fld ~ -.hf" -"'-'" " «11111111• "" 1'111-11911'• _,,.... •1Yr'9 .., Irle 111wt ..... cit.. ll#lclUlll CIOOllllt ... Ill• ...... II WfltlMol Ill 111 -,,_ ..,_, MldllNft 1111 Mh1"'10t' 111 11l,.rft Wvornlnt, .......... , . .. ... ·-· " " S.k'"n.111 '" " 91-ld. .. .. .... " " ... ,., • " ·-vii• • • .,,,_ • .. c1nc1-tt " " ""'~· .. " ~· De. Mo-INS ft .. °''"" • " F•h11111!b " .. . u ,,.,_,, ,. n ·-" .. .. .... " " ., Honolulu u • ~·'"" N .. .... ,_ "' " , . ._ " .. Ml .. u " MlnllMMlll " .. ,, _ ...... " ,. "' ...... • .. -'""' • .. ....... .. B Clkletoorlw Cltv , . n ........ .. • l""-11• '" " .... _ '" M ·-.. .. --" .. .... '" a .. ... . "1111 I Mf' " " -.. .. IWM1411'11t N " a.It LAll't (It)' • .. ... _ " .. S.11 l"l'efldtco .. .. ....... • .. --" " TlltNNI '" " W•.iilntl'oll • " I' . .. I I \ '" . i ; . ·• • I ' I { ·1 I ,, I I ·1 I f I 1 j I • ~urchar-ge Fought on J 2: ronts WASHJNGTON (UPI) - The lialtle -· Prttldent N~ 'anCI Senate Democrats over the income tar surtharge 11 behla fou&ht on two fronta -poyclloloCl<al and pollllcal. Either way, the stake• are fn higher than the 11.1 billion Involved. ' N.lxod turned up th e pl'1!SIW'e, call.Ing bia to p eoonomlc advisers to an emergency meeting to discuss the economic Impact of te delay in extension of the surtu. The President madt ti plain he thinks any hesitation will fan lhe flrea of inflaUon and that be will blame th~ Democrats for any resultJna rise in the colt ol l.lvbig. TAX IN BASTE Sen. Fred R. Harris , Democratic nalional chairman and a member of the Senate Finance C<>lriftiltt.e, hit back by charging 1'lxon wants to · "lax in haste and reform at leisure." Harris aaJij. a pl'<!poeal to add Sl.2 billion a ye8r to the tax bills of the rlch was the ''bare minhnum" r e for m Democrats would Insist upon as Ule price for .itxt.emlm of the IW'tax. Nitoo. want.I prompt n· pamion of the tax lo prove the government. means business in Its fiitit against tnllation. President Ly n·d on B. Johnson asked for the 1>urcharge .early in 1967 but it was not unW ·mld!t96f 1bat CongrtSs : enacted ij. Nixon asked for ;1n extension with a gradual phase-out. Tbe House passed r an extension lat.e last month by a narrow ma,rgin. Administration oftlclals, In· eluding Treasury setretary. David M. Kennedy, say fast action .also Is needed by the Senate to combat an "infla- tlonarj psychology" which causes businessmen a n d others to buy now to avoid tbe next l'Ollfid of price tnc:ruaes. SAVI: MONEY Kennedy argues that lf \tbe publlc becomes convinced that inflation can be contained, Jn.. divlduals ·will begin to save more of their money, thus helpll!ff to aJOI the economy. But Senate Finance Chiirman Russell Long, ( [). La.). saya his commlUee wW not act on , the ffoUse1lassetl surtu bW until It complete1 hearings on overall t a·x refonn. Harris said he would try to attach to the wrtax bUI his "miriimum income tax" plan, which would require the rich to pay taxes on at least .half of their toial income regardle.ss ' of demptions and deduction1. He sa'id present loopholes pennltled 21 persons with In· come of more than $1 mlilloo to escape taxation ln 1961. "It· seems to me to be 1 hart minimum of what we ought to do tn this bill," he said. ·"I think we either ought to attach real reform to It or we ought to refuse to extend It for a full year." Nlmn wants to extendw the tax at ita present t~ perce~ rate for the rest of this year and at 5 percent for the first six months of 1970. Harri• hinted thal JI they are blocked on U\elr tax reform efforts, the Democrats might agree to extend the tur· tax for a 1horl period, possibly three months. · TIME FIGHTING s~ a slrategy mlghl 1oree the •'Republican president to speOd much of hia first year in office fighting to rabe tai:es. a Poiitk&Jly unattractive ltanc't. . Jt also could pennH the Democrats to keep a hold on the surtax for use as a lever ln other deallilis with the While House. . . Nlx<>n underaoored the lm- porta.i<e -he ltfal!he1'10' th< issut' when he cilled" an emonfency meeUng al tht "qia dr I ad," his tip four ecoocmic advisers -Ken- nedy, budget -Robert P. Mayo, c:halnnan .,Paul W. McCtatken of the cQilnc:l1 of economic ad•l1er1 Ind Federal Reserve 'B o a r d chalrman William McChesoey Martin. Brice Harklw, NJ1:on'1 chief lialton with Capitol Hill, sal in on Hr! of the meellaC· Tiie par1ldpanls_ wOW4 llOI di~ the to-mlnute -ton. But Whlte House J) re 1 • ~Ronald ~said N~· lhtnkl a ·ck!ai 'In 0,. & biB would· "kad to a • • con of ;the rile In prl 'and interest nta."~" : " il!OA T BUFFS Alll'l•ll' l .. k.~ It th• •11ly f•lf.tl'"' ~•ttftf Hiie' .••rki~t 'Oft •"Y ll•WIPl!Jfl' hi OJ~•t• Co1111ty. Hl1 ...:chul'" C•ftr1g1 •f l>.1t1rtt 1M· y1c:llH1tt ""' h 1 41i!fr fe1ntre of ttte DAILY PILOT. ' • • .. ... ---~~c~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,--..... ,.-~~~~~...-~...-~ ..... ':'"'...-~...-~~~ ..... -,r--..... ~~~~~T'"~~~"""'::"'""".'.""~!'."'I" . • I DOUBLE !<NIT' ACETATE .· TORSO SKIMMERS SPECIAL! 12.99 S"1oshingly •tripod, go-everywhere •lapins thot fletteringly take you fro,,, summer through fall iloth .. sy-on, back zip styles • A. Flip lie, navy/red/while , ptJrple/grey/white, !. or brown/black/white, I 0.1 s. B. F}e,,,ed v·neck, ptJrple/white, ,.,d/wliite,. ar brown/while, 8-1 6. Moil ond telephone orders invited. •• • ANA!'iEIM #4 N. Euclid 535-8121 Mon. lhru Sol. I 0 "·"'· to 9:30 p.m. . I Budget Dresses, 27 ' r I ' ' • t. . ,. • • -· -• • PAITERNED PANTDRESSING I WITH AVRIL® RAYON 9.99 Jewel-toned prints odd • fresh verve lo our oction·•tyled pentdresses by Future Fashions. . . . Both, reedy lo whisk you off lo o fun.filled SU"1"10r in cool, comforteble Avril® royon/cotton. C. Multi·color paisley slepin, blue, green , 12·20, '1'4'/i-201/i. D. Diogonol slripo print, novy, plum, J 2-20. Moil end telephone orilers invited. Deyti"1e Dresses, 73. 47 Fashion l•lc nd 6+4-1212" Mon. thru Fri. 10 "·"'· to 9:30 P·"'· S.t. 10 e.m. to 6 p.m. I HUNTINGTON BEACH 7777 Edinger 892-333 1 Mon. thru Sot. ·10 "·"'· to 9:30 ~m. . - f DAii. Y I'll.OT jl5 • • I, . .. .. " ... -, " . • • " . .. .. . ' .. . ' •1 l I '· l 1 I t -.. ' ' . -. • ~"·"" PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I· The Chamber's Budget • • ~~ ci1Y co_l!!ld!m'lll. ~ trying lo - --~r:. . !lie taz rale down with one hand; are weighing Ibo t.guna Beach Chamber of Commerce's budget request with the' other. Both considerations have been discussed in the same meetings buf one bears no relationship to the other. The chamber budget for promotion ls not fl. nanced through Pl'?P";IY tax paid by rw.itents but tbrou&li' ll· bed !alt cOh tou.rists staying In ' els and motels. , 1 • lf'lbe council were to wipe out the Cila\ilber budg· et for promotion altogether, lt•would·11ot save property tazpayers (who-al the moment face a 20 .-..1 or bet· ter city tax rate increase) one penny. What councilmen are doing ls welilhlng ~· cham-ber's prolllDl!on budget request againll \trhat Ibey feel are city reqtlirements for public beach purdillse and parks. L The question, then , is bow much should go for city promotion! The _ past year it was $35,000. The chamber is prcr posing '49,000 be budgeted for the fiscal year just I>& l!inninlr. (The chamber's regular operating budget, Which 11 financed from dues, is about $17,500.) Chamber of Commerce spokesmen argue the more that is spent on promotion the more tourists will come to town, .the more bed tax will be generated, ~e more there will be for parks and beach purchase u well. They believe It cOOJd lie -demostrated that each do!· lar of bed !alt revenue is matched by an add!Uonal !l\>l• lar of sales tax revenue ior th• city. That money ·does not benefit property ~ayers, Since f120,000 ln bed tax income is estimated Dy Uie city for this new fiscal year, these are '!lo small amounts. By logical eztension _E.f the argun\ent, ~120.· 000 in sal&"tai revenue cowa replace 21 cents1 on ·the property 1aX rate. · However, while they buy the argument to an ex~ tent, not all city councilmen are thoroughly convinced it is advei1;1~g that attracts lourl.sts lo Laguna Beach. -They contend that .the city-by-Its natural assets o!len sell& Itself. ~-_ -~ Indeed, as in any bl!liness It Ls difficult to ltamln· exacUy what dividends promotion ·pays. Tbe chamber budget for promotion has not ~n Increased the Iut three years wlliJ.e bed tax """"'l!O ' bas gone up. The chamber bas bee1!·d\>in.g a better job · of promoting the cily each year with·lhll same amount of money. , ;: -t ti .''l:b~, quespoti :ts,, wU1;"4: ~x re~~e increase at ~ an even ·flla~r rate f IJie chamber IS given more to spend? Put iinother-::(;lbe question al~ is, is a park "'Or public beach in ~ wrth two on the come? • It Ls a tougll· deciJion for councilmen. I I . . ... . ·, I ·--. Hardworkilrg lifegllai.d.S .. _'. _.,,.,..· g IWifeguarcl.J®"-easy. II lsn' . , It doesn't· seem like ~ work driving an automo- bile either, but at the end of a long trip one can be quite f4tigued. Similarly with a lifeguard, the constant vigilance is wearying. _ Laguna Beach's 43 summer lifeguards orlt eight. hour dllJ's, during wbl!'h Ibey have only a haif hour break. With the numbers of beacbgoers Lagupa at- tracts there is a lot for them to keep track of. In Ibis same month• of July last SllllUJler, Laguna· lifeguard& performed 137 rescues. · There were ·no drownings. In-~e~ public services during the month, they : performed ·1:105 first aid missions, reunited 28 mils-' • tug pers9ns, -saved 78 lost articles, enforced the leash 1 law, litter,. drinking or surfing ordinanCes 2,328 timei , · and contiolled ."'1~h play, sand throwing o~ warned 11!>fS_OD!_11VJm!ning ID dang~OUS ,surfJI,183 times._ It makes for busy days. In addition there Is 'the strain of blaring heavy responsibility, the knowledge tlf:~ a mo~t's inattentiveness could cost ~ h~. ' It dldn't'once happen last July. It hasn't this sum- mer. • • ' _... -... ~,..-.. ........... " • -"'!". ~i.t::.,.i& ~PRIVAtY I~ 6fcOMW6 A :AA~ -t.oMMODtr( ,/HE~E PA'I~ _,; ---N-ot-R~ool~-~~ Not Sensibk~ Not ,Humane ITeiiP ~--:=-. . Gloomy Gus: ,. . \ . ' ------·----~,-~--------:--Sta_ fl_eri~A1Ta -· ' . i~ Dangerou·s·-_ Turmoil~ • A Nation ' cities each year, and Hoover. ~that over 700 jumped ship in U.S. portl ·in' 1968 to vanish Into lbe nation's Chinese com· munities., I. I ' 'In bolh lhe Near and Far Eu!. meuJes in chlJdren often prove fatal. With the advent cl. tbe newer vac:clne.s, we are abJe to reduce the percentage of children who come down with the di.seue, and thus cut the deatb rate from this cause. When we cut the death rate, we naturally reduce Iha hlgJ> Infant morWi· ty rate In these arw, lllCI 1hua. lncmse the popdatlon where mDliona: o( people are already starving. '1be children won't die frOm measles, but from malnutrition.' EVERYWHERE IN the world, modern medicine Is performing lhls same dubious miracle -r.deemlng over-popuWed areas from disease, only to have the peo- ple succumb to starvation because. there are more of them. It ls a nice moral quea-- llon whether pestilence or famine should be their fate. Tb.la ·is ooe of I.be great and pressing paradoxes of "progress." The longer that science lnCl"Usell the life-span, the mbre people we keep alive,, the more babies we save through vaccines and antibiotics - the graver becomes the food situation in theJe tmder-developed areas, and the higher the possibility of mass starvation CID a scale unknown in the past. THERE IS ANOTHER pathe tic paradox involved in this same 1ilustion. As loJl8 as the 'standard of living remaiN low, the birth-rate remains high; it is on- ly when the. standard of living goes up tbal the number of children per family Did you evtr reall%e all the free 1dvertisfu,g ua car owners give to the dealers we bought them from , with their names sUJ1'0Ulldi.f!I our license plates? -L. J. T~l1 fMlllrti ...... ,. ,....,... Ylfwl. 1111 11tcaMrllY ..... .. 11i1t -..111r. SW ,_ Ht ~ Ill llf"'-' °"" ~IY ""!'-" . goes down. , So I.hat the less·peopli have to eat, the more they breed, ~ ~en the, emi l•s they ha"' to eat. And the '"""' the -le have to ea~ the lea they bleed, so lllat they -have enormoua aurpiuael -to large in our cue that the government WW pay farm.en not to produce certaln crops, wbile two-thlrds .cif the world goes to bed hungry every nlibt. , OP' COURSE, this whole thing Js not ra- tional, II not sensible, 11 not humane -I! is like a fantasy invented by 10me black hug:iorlst, or a satire beyond anything SwUt could have imagined. fior can we simply-band ·over our surplus food to starving peop~ , -for · Ulil would threaten the ''economic balance" of •orld trade and up:set the economics of some countries. ·• So here we are, increasing the world 's population through eclence -and in- creasing it pre.dsely where it should be decreased -wblle the mighty abstrac- tions of ;'econarnics" and "trade" and "government" prevent any rational disposition of the world's food resources lo tho3e in most critical need of it. Little wonder-that young people all over the world find us blind and paralyzed to the edge of Insanity. Senate Ser ves Notice The U.S. Senate bu taken action to reassert its diminished authority in the making of foreign policy. It passed a resolution which say11, in effect, that no naUonal commitment can be made without ''affinnaUve action" by the Jegislalive and necutive branches. .. Nallonal commitment" is defined as "the use of the armec: forces on foreign territory, or a promise to assist a foreign mmtry, government or people by the use of the anned forces or financial resources of the United States, either im· mediately or upon the happening of cer- tain events." Sinct. the resolution doesn't hive the force of law, it doesn't change the reaUUes of how foreign policy is made 'and carried ouL Much as it may be dep1ored, the executive branch is now, and ever since George Washington's time bu been, the chief architect ol the na· tion'1 forelin policy. '"SHORT OF THE eipendil.urt of monq, tbe binding cooclusioo of treaUes and Illa declaration of war; the Praldent cu wen nlgb do as be pleases in f'"'l"Wlog and ezecutlng Io r e I C n ' B9Geo,..e--~ !lMrO-ge: I wanl to ut Ulil lflrl to so tteady but IQ does 1111 lrlend ..... lo a.t ber. I'm alrald U I go steady -·bor.-D11 lrimd Will pl mad. ftol-ldo! TROUBLED Do,r Troubled: A rell lriencl -lcln't leave )'OU over a lflrl. Anyhclw, lrlendl are lrl<ndl Dul glrll .... lmportaill: policies," Professor Hans Morienthau writ.u In The New Republic.-"He can without reference to any other agency of government make a pubUc·declaratioo of policy, sucb as the Monroe or Truman Doctrines. He can reruse to recognile a foreign government or can f'eCC>lnb.e it, as 5UCCe&llve President.. did with respect to the government of the Soviet Union. He can give ·advice, rriake pronWieS, ente r into informal Commitments as he sees fit. He can aeDd the Armed forces of the Uni.led States anywhere In the world and caa comm.l.t them to hosUle acts short of war. In sum, be can narrow the (reedom ol choice which constitutionally lies with congress to such an extent as ·\o eliminate It practically altogether." PASSAGE OF THE Senate rt!Olullon basn 't changed any o( that. But It has served notice on the eecuUve branch that Congeas expect! to be consulted on th~ grave m.atten. 'Ibe Presidebt will be taking oer!ouJ pollll<:al risn U he does not give full consideration to the wishes Q( ~plied warnlili lllell may be t!lCl<llh to ,..train Pmldenll tempted to over-<>tend the nation and Its ........,.., Al lwt Congma Is DOI playina c!Nd 11111 .,..., IUl'1'eDderinl lb authorit7 ln vlrtual silence. That must be viewed as on mcouragin& •lsn thal lorelsn policy declslon1 wW amount to more than one man'• orders. n't Dally Calfforal .. El Cljoo ------------------- FEW OF HOOV~R'S Critics would deny thal be ii a' pr<l!y good In· veaUgator. Too good, some think . In any event, he ia lncreaslngly bwiy with the . appeal to viol~. Here, in capsule form , are a few of his findings: Sludtnla: for a-Democratic Society and the New Left have openly turned to vloleot plans and tactics. These range'. trom all manner of violent demoostra.. tion1 to the use of bombs and incendiary BY CONTRAST,: Hoover fiodl the rightist appeal to vloleoce ratber,puny. -The Minutemen .are ·dowo -to...about-liiOO. Fourteen ~type organlzati.9J1i )lave about 8,500 members, with tho}IS8Dda of sympalhlzm. The 'Nazi party.ls beset by int.etnal sfrife. It is evklent tijat tbe ef· fort to break up.these groups'b ,bavinc some effect. Hoover is con~gg 19 in- filtrate the 'Klan at all lev$. One ·woi\ders wby, if1 the, Vfulent right can be so suppressed, the .violent left can- not be suj>~. ~ a~er IS-nc>t too hard to find . A vague, but real, social sanction prof«ts the violent lelt:. Peoplt1 who find the Klan vulgar and repugnant beyond words can find mOral, soclal and intellectual jUJUfication for the.~Juses of the bloodr, left. Thus the conbibuti.ng col- lege pro essors, heiresses, .twndations, ..,. and the enthralled youth. · ;, . But t~re abould be no !JXllUUSion on where tHe danger lies. It -lies with the more numerous, better organiied, more zealous, strongtr motivated violent left wilh its techniques of guefrille w.arfare and terrorism, its neo-Mar:r.ist·dodrines, and its heroes, Che and Mao. Even dls- countinl Hoover's ·alarming prospectus Iba problem Is ·rel! and DOI mucb Is being dooe abool It ucept by Hilover. ' .. ~ Robert Finch's Future--+J-a ' T:heory WASHINGTON -"The trouble wllh women," said Oscar Wilde, "is that they want romance to last forever." The same mQ be said of politicians. That is why one. cannot feel terribly sorry for ·Robert Fincl>, whose political career so far has been on Cloud 9 and whose recent brief bout with adversity may result in even greater glory. .\t least professional Finch watchers In California think so. Jest M. Unruh, formt!rly speaker and nQW Democratic leader of the California Assembly. is committed to run against ·Ronald Reagan in the race for governor nen year and should hope that Finch will }eave his job as Secretary of Health, Education and Welfite and return lo his home state to run for the Senate. Tim ANALYSIS by California politicos is not' ao complicated : Finch would be a sure wlnner against any Democrat. And ·1r Call(oMua goes RepubllCiii on 'Flilch in 'the race for Senate, it i!'I more likely - actordlDc to recent voting patterns -to go Democrat on Unruh in the race for govemQf. Not afuce 1958 has Califl:>rnia voled a straight ticket. Since t.hen, Republican TnomaKuchel was eleded in the year of Pat Brown's win over'iUChard Nixon. George ,Murphy survived the L.B.J. landslide, and Democrat Alan Cranston was .eleeted despite Mr. Nixon's Im· pressive I majorlty over Huben Hum- ~hrey. Having been deprived by leglsla· Uon of tMi Earl Warren-~ habit of voling f<*' a man who 1'Ad won· the primaries of bolh par1J.._ Calilomlans · now carTJ on the Warren tradlUoo by splitting their tickela f<ir jhe two top 1poll. THE PBOllLEM FOR Finch. who ml&ht at Ibis junc:IUre Ute to lea .. the Department of Health, rAoca.Uon and Wt.llare as far behind aa possible, la not his mentor, Richard Nli:on, who Ns twice kl him down in ...his battle with . Congn!ss. tut 0...... MllfPllY, the alttlng 1en1.t.or who 11)'11 he wants to lit some more. Finch has' said he will not run against MUrphy. But he bas not said that he will not run, period. Which leads to specula~on that f\,k:hard Nixon, anxious lo · comJlinsate for the publlc humiliation which he fell forted lo' deliver to his old friend in the John KOOWlea affair, may he.Ip him to recover by offering Sen. Murphy a job in the ex· ecuUve branch. (Perhaps an am· busadorlblp or, better yt~ chief of pro- torol.) At 67, MUrpby Is DOI among the oldest senators, but he hai· been in Ill health. • IF FINCH decidea to run,..or K Mr. Nixon puts him In a politton whfte he can so decide. It wlll, aocofdinl to the theoo-outlined abovt, mate another plu11 for 'Uni'uh in a recent aeries o( Pfuases as he contemplates the race ) 11atnst Reagan. . Pons shaw that as of todafi lteag1n wQlllJ! beat all)' l)elllOCtal; llwy·lhow him defeating Unruh m\ldl ltOa b~ lban San Francis<!> Mayor Jooejlb Alioto. Unruh believes then .,. • ....,. In- . dicallons that ReaOo -ii Pr<sidenl Nixon's words of 19'8 -may have·peak· ed too soon. 1 Over the Jl6'I few . moalbl the public " 'S.trap Their Poswr~rs' To the F.d.itor : There are 1ately several news reparts about hitchhiking females who complain ol being "attacftd" by their benefactors. This hitchhiking should cease and desi!lt for no other reason than, in the case of female hitehldken, they ate i!Wljs sUb- jed lo the male sexual drive. 'Ibey are smart enough to know that lhelr aex Is the main reuon for picking them up, ud that their sex ls their greatest delenae when It c:omes to a con-. . test between female "innocence" and the cornea to parep..Js~IU'il {Wll1nc big bad rnalt wOlf. -!inolder tla .Abn., wbo attempted to THE BOY llJTCIJHll(EJ\ is also taking 8 chance: that IODle 11queef" Will plck him up, and ln thlt cue be can rob or beat his vicUmt which ol coune la not a normal wq of life for the averqe cltlitn. . JI there ii a faw q1inat bit.chhikinc, 1 am. not a were of It, as I .see these hikers every day trying lo get something for nothing while taking 1 big chance. TO EACH HIS OWN, but when It "rape" their da~. who hitched • free ride, I could ~ auggest that a Sood strap over the J>OSterlor of these younasten to k'eep them off tm ~ could .. entua!Jy keep their pat<nls'out or • lot ol llooble. - U. G. UNDINE Hltchhiklnp •f~ IMt .,.... ll 1<1)0I providtd the perlon 1 stand.I on th~ ct1rtJ. or If no curb1 o// t.ht right-of· wa11. • £ditvr Image ol· Reagan.bas been c:ae of MSOCla· tion with lood controversy and, violence. Contrary to-Wbal.mllll.bivt-hls ... pectatloM, hls.)lard.lµio support of police, sberifls and Nallonll (luarc1 against the Berkeley student. over the "ptople's part" issue W'Oll him JlO new frtendl. ., CAIJFORNIANS -like moot 1>'9ple -like those who deftiid apillll· viO!ence, 'but they don't like violenoi; ~ even in defense. And . when ileaiQ•s force. !pfayed the campus .wflh.te&r ps from a helicopter, he, seemed -like ~the student militants -too eager• for a '1o1'1tt con- frontation . f': . -, r Meanwhile, Unruh tbinu th e Dernoc:nlll may tie cllmblnc back in California, 1bere la rare unity hi the par- ty, particularly tn the Lqbiature, and this week 17 Republicans ~~ awly fi'om Reagan's leadenhlp to join Unruh ifl adding -at least temporarily -lo the ed~tion budget. _ • Tiius, the .Nlxon-to-Murjlhy-to-Jf'inch prospect has an added appeal for Finch. • JI mlpt ltot>1Rea1 ... and Fltich coold J10I find lhtl totally unaltradfve. By F<aU -ewlcl ud Ttm Bradea ' l ... .. .. . , -----Wedne~day, ~uly 18, 1969 Th< edilori<JI P"Q< Of U... Dallr Pilot 1ee.lu to inform a.ad 1tim. uial< ......i.n h vr11sn!i•o •~Ir llCW1P9pt~I oJ)l.n,£D1u and com.- mtnfmV °" topicr of ittttn.st and tlpf,.,.,..., br pm>idlftO • forum for the ezpreuion of our rtader-1' oPinfom, and bv pres111ting the di!1frsg vie~ paint. of i11.f°""ed obtt"Wrt and spaktnnen cm 1o¢cs of the da¥. Robert N. Weed, Publisher j ( I -r I ' ;:t ~ ~ .. •• '':> • .$ j ·, , ... • 5 -" i ' " •• .. ' ·1-... . . .. • • .. .. . • ' " I J • ,. ____ ____;__ .. '' -. . . \ r 'f •' '• • • 'I ~ '• ....... 'f l\:!'iT ISi UPHOLSTERY. CLEANER . . . . ,._,... •!·\"'· : ! . 1.· " _t.·. . ,. , v . . ffSl wHIIEWAll CL NE --""'~ .. -,,....,. .. ftOUICIS , .: • '. • \ L,• .. _ --........_ --·---------------~-- • . -~---...... . . " ' .. • . 1 ' .- i ,, . ' - ' W-.r. Jul1 •1',Jl969 ·lili -= =' I !Ii.-· ., . I . • • • ~ 1" t • DAA;Y l'IUT A p - 1 .... t•~ " T. • • • I 1 I l \ • ( " •• 1 · ! AJ4 DAILV PILOT l · Wtdllttdq, Ju1Y 16, 196' -- ------- He-re's· ·How -to Draw Your . •1 JOVCS LAIN next 20 lo . :rs ' y. I r I . pected to 1ncr<..J -bot ~1i.iL•:U,::m°' ·~ Techoolet\c.tl chlftges include watch It, this one'• lricky. The ~~ ~.:..t-m:..!· U>e uee f!. compu~ers, dralUna new metboa1 are eipected to "MY .. ..; _,111 Ilk• .. ,..~ machlnei, ~ ray tube cut demand for clerical-type, ID"~:ti: ·~ • :•~i:.J.: scanners and r e c or d er a , routine activities, primarily at =-... c: ~~ -=·~; ' tnicrofllm devlcea and eraphic~ ttbe detail draftsman level . • •. ·--..·-dfen-..-. man-JMOhine conso)e:s (Y.ettj re,tucin1.r-the--11eed for Ids A. ,_. Almost 4 pereent ·ot chit-d\at with the machine in Skilled dtaft.smen. Prospects over 270,000 draft.smen_wear.,.. words,Jl.umbets QJ'_ ~drawinp) _. wlll be ~ for thOse -with _ rt-_ _ 0, ~-.i u-lAI. wiu ... , .. 1 an exhQll.i.Ye, . , --· mort.lhan h1 .. h scboo1 dr.afti.... expe says. more ma"'' th"' .--...-TD OINllML ....... """· moro ~tod edu<aUon employer survey ' my lrYilll to b ,..er. The aboolute llWllb4 training. wW be r e q u I re d for &fve YO\I a f.aetual annar on 1 c1r-•~ • thido_Jike ,~\eyio&~ !!!'il! O ~~-•OJOll b U· MORE l!D\lCATION. One tomorrow 1 ~en. There plana on water.'~Howe.ver, here's what"'> two Jlf(miaent subject _.nations say .i.. ' A M ERicAN INSTITUTE for Delign and Draftlna, "Tbert ~ nothing to --prevtnt women from entering the fielcS proYldlng they have the buic e d a c a t i anal qualificaUon, necessary.'' AMERICAN .. FEl>ljll&~ 1 • of Technical Enctn .eer,1..:' "Women are. weltome--in all bra~ ot the •nglnterjna field ; we know of no cue ol discrlmination." THE BIG QUESTION·fl bow IWR'i,AY ..,. .. -... j ~ 111N ~-. ,,_ .. , ..... ~ llez.47~ In ,. ' . -. • < "Halo" .SWll'OD · lllllslM-. ............. to ' 11nfli lottlt • us ·79c 1.lll ll. Sill • : " ' - -' . . " i /· I - areer • are numerous ways to train but 1 tblnlt one or the ~st Ide~ 111 lo Bttend a technical llltltitute or Juntor college where credits can be appl~ -towani-a colle&e degree later. WPfl!llN<h Sl'l!C'1. Abool 90 l)ercent oi draftsmJ.n a.re •mployed In prtvato bidultry, A June, 111!1 ledorat aovtm- ment aurvey of average an- ~ a.utamated drafting ~ • will affect draftsmen in the ltchiJg? Qon't ~~er I U~ ~· ..• I ' ' ' ' Rubella Now Is . Treated 87 Pl!TER STEINCllOllN Deir Dr. Stelocrohn ' I hear that the threat of ~ meaalu wm soon be a thlnc of. the past: · Meanwhile, the .~ . : :r:-~:i':;;_ ';:,\-';: :_ writt about it a little? -Mrs. V, COMMENT: I'd like to wrlta abciul ii ·a lot. bot I aup- poae moot ......... ml<lf have lurmd that Rubella (German.IDMlles) 11·1 ......,.. tial lhlftt lo the unborn child. In other words, ll a mulhOr contract! the dlaeDe during the Orst three . montbs of pr~, there 1< ~ fb f: DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE lik•llhood of SICh blrtb dofocla as mentall retardation, dee~ l heart defed! or " fau!IJ eYesight. •· --. t: FOllTllNATELV, at \eas! 7$ pe,. of pregnanl _, will nol colllract Rubella i..c-they have already )lad it earlier in life. But the other 20 tol5-1 (ll they g<t it) hav.t about one chance in four of ~ a delecUve c:bUd. It there is no question that a prepant :woman has come doWll wlll\ Rubella during tho linit lJ ....u or her pregnan. cy, Uteq ~eatment will depend upaa many factors :· her reli- gious beliefs, her doctors' trust in the efficacy ()f giving im· . mune Clobulin to protect the child. « considering the use of therapeutic abortion. BUT SUPPOSE A Mrs. Smith says: "I visited a friend the atbe,f d'I' wr-daupter carM Clown wtU1 Gennan meaaleoca day later. Am I tn danpi? Is it pslble for me to have so mild a case of tt that J doa, ~ f haft It! Won't that be dinjeroul, too! I'm ool1 about < eljllt waw prepant." . 'l1iOro are specW blood tests available which i.11 wbetlltr or not sbe has had Gennan m~ in the pasl ll she has had it previously, then it's liftb' she has nothing lo be concerned about. ll she is suqpUble, the.n she and her doctors will be put on guani earf1 to meet any problems as effeCtively as possible. T8.E FACT that we now recognii.e the dangers of- German measles is more than half the battle. In the near future we hope to win t~ "war" -just as we have against · smallpox, polio and many other djseases by prevenUve vaccination. . We have hopes that a vac· cine, now be1ng succtssfully tested, will soon become generally available to be given to youngsters: and to suscep- tible women who are deftntt.ely not pregnant, and who agree not lo become pregnant for a few months. (The live virus vaccine may harm the fetus. I When epidemics aro preftnted and most women immunlud, the threats of German measles against the uoborn infant will practically ~· JIEDJCALETrES (Replies to linden), ,... Mrs. C.: I am sorry tn -to .. , this; bui H your bllllland relUJeS lo admlt he b an ~le it's practically a h\il"•• 1UuatJOn unUJ be dou. Most authorities •l'ff that Ute first requisite for "an"·ls IUC'h ... •n admlaslOo --U.. _ wlllt11811<S!• to ... k help. t ' ' Folding TY Trays ......... -'lad 11111· itr1ys ii colorfiil designs. 9g ,. JklsS finished tubular metal C ffjfne ••• I ' Ass't Mirrors ' 1 ··~· . for··-'· l S1111U mll10l1 """'!nl ' arid 111a~e-vp ••• one 11di 99C plii11, Otf'll!f side mqnified. Ass't sites llld desips. tL ' . . .. . ..... "Beefeater" •11 iui l-~STILLED SIYE 1.ll :~~ lH11. l3,49 "T " aaqueray w1s '"' SllCtll HY SIY!l.71 ~!~, l\ 111.12. 99 ·~Blue Jay" "' e1t1•s , CALr.nu [I] UOl[S' Cira er tallasu PWIDS-Click pail rt. lid speet,11y desial'led tor 33 ladies. Built-in meaicltion. C 5k Sll1 11. 111oso( "Pain Away" I r,r C.m ' tlll•st• ... tor le'* orary relief ef paiR. Pads 1 1 9 or medit1ted discs "'... :.;. c!l.ldo\d. 1JI Si11 ti. e -. • ' ' -• Wld...Wq, 1u~ 16, 1 %~ L PILOT-ADVERTJSU J[ i. "5 Day"=' ~ Dt••··· l~. 73c: 1111 .... u. 4 45 - •OW I .. •' WDYIOll 1 Instant· . Breakfast ' 11111 I llMllllll . 111t59c Jar 6il,O "B-·"" I lllill IAllC CONDIYIONll tlle first tertllTiter fo,t llalr ' .• •1U. fint ... r..t 2 69 thick, ma~es hllr mitt to stt. a.n 11r. s1u • I (. f I 1 I ' " I ' -~-~· =·+\ .. - WEDNESDAY, JULY '16, 1969 . ' ...... 0 __ rew Toro Sale . • By Congres~ ' ' . Rv THOMAS FORTUNE answered. • • ~ ,":YI ot'~"dlW:t1ftt s11tt Mayor Vedder indicated bl: WIA taken ~fay!)l'1 G.JenqiE i . :V6dder, wbo had lie.en by surprise by representatjvee qf the pu*hlnl, for qui 'Laguna Beach _ c1b' revived taxpayers ' associatioO ind bodget -.iorit\9n , l£ht, ".'id today he'll pe'sons am>cl•11'd. with .th< South Coul witHJlC;\O·Rt an public hear1l\f. . DetnoctaUc P.Nee-Olub uttng-queatlont . ..,...__ Tho mM'ol 'ai,iO acknowledged·• prune "A> L recllll last year I don~ think rcjlisoh ·~by he ,h~s ,;cetn pus~ing to wtap thire wu anyone outside of the c;hafttbtlr .. • • < ~ ·-i +1 11·,. ~ ... • ..... , .. , ...... , ... ,, .• ~ -. • · , )1 • , A ,u,.,~.,.......l • APO(LO;l'I} ROA'RS ,OFF' ON H,IST.ORIC' MOO~ MISSION, Thro• 'M•:n' Rl-"nv· ·At-e.Fire-Spewlng 36-S!Wy Jlulldjng .. t ' ' .,, • ~r: . . . ~ 1.· ' ' . I I , · t , . ~ '• the' bud1et up is liecause City Manager of CORiiriefce people asking questtons," Japies D~ wheaion leaves on vacation !n be .said. "It was done yery Cll;lielly." ;.. lli!t·,.,..........: the moni1J11." '" -City Min-IYIJeateo, who wlll return AMl RICAN FLl!lHT PIONEERS ARMSTRQNG AN'D l<INDBERG,ii· "l qUelUoiy~the wildom of trying to July 21 attV • wee,lc q a.half ol moun; -Fi-om Transa11antlc Fliafit tO MoiM't FlJg~ IO 4t Yi•rl' . , ,• .. hold a aeslljiSn When the city manaa:er lain campmg, said he. does not tee any , ~ 1iTI't ~.I' Mayor ,Vedder said. "lt. ill teal 1ign1fic~~ idvanta1e to quick • , 1 .. , . _ his '-1claet'~he_is ~ting~ to tht CJty budaetadoPUon:·Bec-..!ilisleavlnghe ls, l,'li , councU.·pon~ )'OU think he ought l•t he ~ bal(lloped K would' he done tmltght. _ . w w . aw c-... .._ I ' Yl " there tO"def'od his figures?" · 'l\o n.e.I. year llePa lhe.flrrl of th<-" 1 • ~ "' • ,. . At o/il(lblic )Idling Monday, the mayor moetlt bul l!ie city ii able 1o Ol>U•te TV' Pl A ll ·c . I ' • ' said:, ' • . without an attoptid budaetr be Sid. He ~ ans · po· ·o· ·over~ 'j)'ri "We can '"""" questions fo~ the nexl sald,1 pracllW deadline Is the first•"'!< · . " , ~ ~ 1e11•1Qt~~ (city councilmen) l!P iri Aucust when it is required th') pro-• • , . • . .t .o . -Astronauts Get Perfect Blast Off SPACE CENTE8, Houston (AP) - Thrte Americans roared away from earth Wednesday;-July 16, ·1959~ to take mankind's most .daring step into the unknown, a walk on the moon. Everything was . perfect. They blasted off al Cape Kennedy, Fla., at 6:32 a,m, (PDT) a shade over half a second late, TWo arxi a half ,hoUts later. a final rocket burn brOke the grip of. earth's gravity and ·sent clviHan Neil A . . · Ar;mstro!fg, Air Force Col. Ettwin E. Akii'in-Jr«-and -Ali force'l,t, ColcMichaei - Collins toward the waxing crescent moon, a scant 100 hours -away .· , "You're , on your way now;' said mission control. Right on schedule, they separated from the launch rocket's final stage: then tum· ed arou~d and docked':• .with lhe moonlander stored in the rocket 's garage section. · Their ·voices• ware quiet, almost flat, clicking oH mechanically the details ot blast.off and flight. Their beartheats, recorded on eartft,1 were.less excited than ' oon I ~,C.k~ -•. '11'1 (Ml II tH •l'' :. . :41 f.1 Ji\ Wi11,1es-Nil~e: 1 ' ' Prepare · -.f k , This Goo .-SPACE ·CEN"lER. Houilon. (Al'..)'"-.• f:lolhlng ever pM!pared' a, wife !or. •Jima · such as thiS:, watchin1 her JQln:)e.~vilOr .. the moon. They said ttieir goodby~ ii;tv"ltely ~ advance of the day thef ·, ad lPZ-. ~n, .living for, , . , · I !'' ~ Jan Armstrong was ·at qq., X,n,.edy· to aee Neil off. nae first ~ 9'-. &ol from her huliband carrie '}~"1Y on . sch~ule at t-pl~l,t seeoo~. . ' .• ''We've go~ a. roJ~ p' ·o.~,.-t ~rmstrong said:· ·~ was\I~--_ -w .fSHINGTON ·(?.YJ, '--' Prtsiilel1r -.. in -"Ono o1 th"!""""' ~;i'hliftl~ < -· -_y g ' . ("' ~-1'·. "~i;"'C"' "' Nixon urged. ·We4nelda~. that aU d.••g,l.~ous phases_ O _!hiil!iQ!l,·,' ~~off. Americans be 1given :a;~olidcy Mo'l-,~ 7 ~·.r-Y• datl io r.'i'lettr;.qie Cht t.teh.ed~1/jr,st 1~~,, : •· , f'-··, f0otfQit'~J 1niClf on •cJW~.mOoi ...._·"a Nothing ever prepared J iwi{e ~ar ... a momen& of trarucendent drGma.'1 time such as_th\s. _. ~_i; 1, .. Btcome. .. Nison11 legai::.~s -ro -.;.. At Nassau Bay, Pat Co~fttmll~ the deolar.-an t2:t~ national holfdafl are; kids were in front of the TV set ~· lnP.lted, ~, iu'ftd a proclqmatiQr1 de· , (j,Uirjng Mondafl to , be a "Nabonal "Houston, be advised the. v.fJaJ .11' I• Day,10/ Par,~ci,pa~ion."; . today." her husband• said. t'!fr·l•tu ' Ezcepe. for. es1ential .• mploy~I in and 20 _jec§ndS amr· urtoa t Wfill~--Ute nationol--tec.ritv-nna:-pu~licse-,,nce escape tower<-n~ off ·.;~"~'ln- prtat, all Jtderot workers will be ex-dication that·ev,erythf!lg was e.. ~ cwed from '{itdr jobs , un thoe day. ) And then ·Mike slid' ha my: ey And Nixon urged the authorltie! finally gave me a wtridoW to JOOtf' oat,• .. af 1tate1 'and cities ~ and private 'rhat meant he hacf riloved ' tt•ID the r.mplo·yerS -to 'make similar ar· center se~t to 'the oi:'e, Op .frHe · rpt. rqt1Qemenf.I:. Astronauls like to sigh~ tJll]f .,, l on their earUer space shots. Joan Aldrin, down the blticf; iot iji!t ·Parked-temporarily in earth orbit, thl!y 10 mlnutes to 7 and tu,rntd on µie !Wlt(:hed couches· from launcM positions television set. The black ~ C1ver,1Wbkb to Oight positions. Collim-taking the wives hear ·misslod contriil• talkirur: te righ~and 1seat . which Aldrin . had oc· their :1usbands was !101 wo n( k,,;aee cupied. . agency 1.echnician fixed it. I -' "H,ouston, .be ad~lsed ~·lhe visual .is go The kias were still esleep~;sftei&.Hd today," Collins said looking out at the a ct1ffee cake. There was OinP111y. Thi stark COQtrP,st ·of bue '~rth and black wife of ailronaut Bill Pogqt.~bo hasntt space. "They finally .,1ave me f: window flown yet, and lbe widow Of lstronaut to look out of."· Charles Basset~ who. died~l~I Their fliiht-Was the third American crash, were there to ]end ntl manned triP to the moon, but it was the children gOt iip at 8 ,a,m, an ·' fDr first scheduled to land. The naUon and the TV, . , , mOBt of the world watched and ljstened · As the orange name b~Jt~1 helli1bly as Apollo 11 began its qua.rter·milllon more than. 3oq re~t below wh~e ,hef lltia. mile journey. (See FAMIUES, PM\ I~, It was both the culmination of .ai::i an· dent dream and the honotj.ng of a pledge made eight years agci bf ttte late Presi~ dent Kennedy. who issued the cold war challenge that set Americans on their wsy to the moon. The astronauts plan to plant an American Flag on the Sea of Tranquillity, the darkened left eye of the man in the moon, when they land Sunday night The American spacecraft carries a pla· ,que, to be · left on· the lunar surface, saying, "We came in peace for all mankind," In ' the early hours:. of · flight, the astronauts were too busy to think ahead, Later, when the flight duUq eased, Annstrimg, the spacecraft C9mmander, and the man who will be the first to set (See APOLLO, Paa• !) Surf De.creases . . "' As. Hurricane Mov~s Wesiw.ard. LAUNCH LATE ... ' Bl' SECOND · , i I CAPE KENNEl)Y, Fla. (Af) ... ~· launch of Apollo 11 was l1~e" )Ii.I~ director Rocco Petrone said ~a)' at a postla'uru:h news.oo~;t ~l ~ "We were 714 ·miliBecOniifflTe (or tllo siact of th~ ·~ion thet ~iy .~~~ · eighl year! ~g!), .. be~. , 111'1. tt A millisecond is one tho~sanqlli r• second,· ·1 •-·~1 t~• Orange , ' , ",J ,,.-, I ,.,o•••· ' ' , " ... ,. , . r• Weather · , . t ' 0, I' 1 hert. P'eat ii. itii\, They've been electld _ped)' tu rate be aeL _. 1 , ~ bf.the. ctUzens to llOl\lt all our-problems." Wheaton said the city is not recruiting , Major. television networks are .Play~ng"' th~ir cov.trBge .of~,t~e Surf along the south Orange qo~nty Tod~ ~wever, the mayor indicated new J)er10i1nel or making any major Apollo 11 moonshot pretty much by epr,.1t W~s u;i·dtc~t~.~~ay,. ·. , ·beaches was ·dtcreasinJ ·tod~ ,s'Hur· Cloud> d~ llli1lffiifll>l•'.,la t earty mOrnlrl( will mai'' 0~1, sunny _1utl\mer ' d,Ys., llOl)I tho , Coasl al)d. there !Piil!I.~ IOJM 1 patchy· toe. • · f . he ls w 1-l<l'Y""1Ao,the Laguna Beach purchases, tiUt does not peed to right ullelin ricane Bernice; noW }.OIXI iniid soultrWes\ ,Tupay n t 1 Msci:l•Uon request for away . .#. ~ Plans for tonight and Thursday are geared ~ periodic b · s ' of San, Diego, alowl)' mov.ed Westward. 1 another bud&et· itud)' session. MayOr Vedder-said he hopes tht-council ori the status fo the astronauts inserted in the normal progtam--scfted· A spokesman for the 'U.S. weather In two previous seaslons, the mayor tonight ca n settle on the Laguna ules· Of a11 networks. ·Au news programs will also include thorough Bureau said lateSt readhll of the s.tonn's h&1 5curt th persons who didn't do Qiamber or c:ommerec budget to take coverage or the progress of A'J?ollo. ,. • • A • winds sJowed 'down to 30,knOtS, The s/hnn their ~ keel of councilmen care of 'city promotion_ ~_will direct " 1 , 1 i produC!d some five-foot surf TueSday qu ea · . ci staff could have payment Of funds previously authorized He-re are some more specific plans: \..t: ' · l · ' , along Sail peynente and ~ '!'faCJI~. for cultural sroups, Channtl 2 -Thursday, 4:30 p.ri'l.-51 p.m., tr'Msluoi.r . raflsm.ii', Ttie spoffsman sala tbdar's surf 'cbUJ.d ' ~ .. I _,.. ·-The 'latter, he said, incllKtes aUotment d f 7 30 ' t 8 . • fl elf . be hn: ~i-.. ,,... ........ e-ol u,500 to'the Civic Ball•, 14,000 to the sion, will be re~al~ rom : p.m, o, p.m ... ·: .. ·-< : , • I . "' IJOSSlbly rqich v 1'"! ,at 'Y:;;;.,_g;_ 4 4 T"' ,.. ,,_ ...._ •post!d· ro a IOutbwes 1 swell .. weus are (~~;!iibe .1toci market Art Association, $3,009 each to we School Channel 4 (NBC} -1nursday. 4:32 p.m., translunar tr.,nslhl8'-~ .running 'it l.i..0 to thieerreet " . nl 0Md j • t""ay as it f1'n1'sh of Art and Design and 0te Orange C<lunty ' · • ,. • ' l' r r ca ~I IO !ol ~ r . Lyric ~· ~ltkm~:.~1500 ·to the s1on. , . -, , •· ' • , , . ' k Lagunq Beach IUeaµaidS report~ :'!i~'4om l'~"'!i&~:r;.:"'p!~~ eommuntty Play1rs, and 11,0QO each to · -Ch•n~l7 (ABC) . ..:.iJi,ursda~, ~ p.m.-8 p:m.:pr0cr•m-o 4'p,o~~, ;lbre~:"n•e·foo\Um.1ur11.d,iri11h11 'ooo~ ·~ · il~)f-V ~~~~~1,9ui . ~~n~ac;,~~.uaic Soclety and Com· Ch;,;n;,-,, rKTTV);-r-"Thursdiy, ·r~po~ dilri~a ~ne~i .. ~tf'O ' ',jt ~-c:~:n~.: cro\:ds~wcr.~ ~ti~ated 1-.~lf.l!',~ly · acOve near These fun(li, he explained, come from noon , 4;30·P·!"· and.10 P.DL, -•• _,.~ . -·l,T=."lllbl ~ifl9'!f1-o:pi.il ~-='11~1:; ... ,c.t\ 1 :61 '°' , i>t •large mar.gin. ,·Pelll•aJ ot Am"levenue. _, -.·-· .• ---.:.·-'-·• _b..,......,,,.,..,..,.,,,==;::---,_. .Ji ·-;-x., '\. \ ;11.11 L : j • ,-,_ -l =: -')'·~-"."" .-.·!li· l--',, .,. -~- ' I • • I -_;gu~ .. .. · T 11 ~) .. s· .1~ · · · : ll!J ... · ..... ·i"'I ~; ,.;~~~c _ e;L_'._ _ ~a ar~ ~:_Il11tjj1'_ •• ~~:ch • ' ' j ii '1 . •• • of lnllnM 1'hr1 \ t'Wttn teachers ahd the "'>l L ICbool boa.rd the eJ>d ~ · · 'IWSey, ,not ~· bang nor even •• whimper. •• u~••r~tl the ~auna diJtrJct :lll!!\hl!ll1.•-0d lhe final _. ~-U..•!Aoclitr's ~tiili loam cillJal lw tho -·of llt.ooo mora ·--19<.. leacbeia' salaries and Ti , llla!a~flll> year. ·~' . Ii' ~:i;;n. the tncre..ed funds •ill r ':f!:,J 1• . ~ ~ to the teachers' Ul4u'y , ~ ~ worked out this week een ~ ,-$,wo groups and a &ehedule ~~~ i,, ~J!i>ii!'!ed at a spedal meeting of -,~~·~· of the' '1an both "" ' ' .putft p • • • tho action Ud cooperation of tile• ·iildO: "In ~ ase of c:onfroiitatlon It la corn-~O{lln_g lo mow. that dllltmlCtl of opi· . -lf 11 ~ poacefull1 and con- 1tructlve IOlulklftl can be achle'.ved," 1aid Quinn Fames, chairman of the teachers' negoUaUn& couocil. "1 WO~ like to state th4l the aeries of DegotllUOns for teachers' aa1ar* for th& oc)lool year 11169-~ In Lquna BMch have lelltc~ a desh't 011 Ille part 01 both the teachets' association and school board members to malnt.IJn ' .tear line of com- munlcaOon at &II times," he said, reading frOm the prtpared statement. B!>ard President Lan, Taylor com· mended the teachers for the:ir approach to the_ sa1ary talks and noted that they were "high class." "We wtre talking about what is best for the cblldren (}f the COQ1111unity," Taylor' Ul<I. • Early in lbe salary negotiiLi011$, both sides aireed that preliminary discusSion ahou,Jd revolve about the total pc>st of any salary blku in the dlalricl. l'rem Pagel E~ ~Q)tO FOR SALE? ••• tt ..., decided that after !he figure ot total cost was arrived at, teachers and administrators could work out the map. ner in which the money was to be ipread across the salary schedule. The total cost increase or "4,000 ln· eludes health illSllflnce benefits to the t~a.cben.•nd other frlnge benellts. In ad<J!Uoo to the "new money," an ex-tra $33,000 will be paid as incremenb on a ladder-like advancement for teachers as they gain additional education and ex· perlence. . Total amount to t>e expended for ~· salaries and benefits In the lte&-70 acboOI year I• figured in . be ll,29'1,517 of the district's 13.7 million bud1el Board members alao approved a seven percent across-th~board increase in _the salaries of the non-teac:hlna: school einployea. Nixon Official Owner of New ' ,, i. . DAILY PILOT Jllff fll!ltt BIG WAVE BURSTS ON BEAC.H· I~ fROHT Of UNFLAPPABLE SUl'I ENTt\MSN.STf : I ' H11vy Surf, Rlptld11 G1n1r.iad bV ~lfo11f .. "!in KHp -~rango Coal! LlfoW(illli 'lu11:1 ()•_; . .. .... ' Huntington GiUj,fds Fear Lag~~i·· tiJ~ ' · · · Youths .Glu\:nre I Home on-Coast Preoldenl Richard M. Nlzon today It offlclal owner of tbe former HamJlton H. Cottbn e!tate in San Clemente, according to papers filed Tuesday with County Recorder J. Wylie Cirl,le for the 21-acre property; 8.oy Lost in H(3apy .Surf To See Ail~~ht~ I day pulled 1" ~· to --•ety 1ro'm·•'-Seventy-live lucky t.aiiUna l!U<il Hi;o I[ · The surf conUnued lo pound the Orance ·COilt slioietine today and HunUnginn Beach lifeguard• feared It bad clalmed lhe Ille ol a 14-ytlN)ld boy. •• ~---6chool atuilibta -~-:gollig 1• u.. riptide1, )lOlll1dll1I ourl ·and lataral. cur· North-8outh Shrinero' 'FtlOtbaJI Game \ .. ·'"'* p,,._ l ~MflLIES ... -hClliii.l tu bis filled "'llcb,. Joan fl~lllicca.rto her llpa, tellally, if b\'ii ho wu 100 JDl!ti downrange, ;~-a.d~~ou11:~"11~~00r~~ ·~10·iii~ down in ljliulldown "·~·~.fold'est clilldrtn went outside at :1lie ~-ot Pbotolrallberl and lloocl, .. ' · , and both thlDftba up. I( '.11 , • slin ~I ~ "" , r\1 ' ~ l 'I ( I APOLLO ••• The legal papers were recon:fed.for Ti- tle 1-~-Trlnl~pany_which. lialed UieTOW'plrcel paokqe u valued ~in uceaa of fl mllllon " -~-· Nixon per.anally hu ptirthlsed five acres which ·1nctudes the· mWU-room manaion on a point overJooking the Ocean in the southeastern Up of Orq~ County, several satelllte butidlnp and the btacllfront. Prtce of the five acru and home bas been estimated at $335,000. The rtmalnln( Ill acr11 10 Into • foot on the moon Sunday nlabt. said reserve for the RiChard M. NJ.r:on Foim-- "Tbat satum gave ua a ~cent ride datlon for lhe pr0Pqled con.strucUon of a ••• We have no compla.liita wllb uy of llbrary and museum on the· estate. the three stqu on &hat ride. It wu The foundation wu officially formed buullf_ tir" June 2, u a cbarltablt non-profit --otPntsaUoo. ·>\moo1r111n1fftii -air.ctor• The IQ.foot Salum rocket and Apollo are lllted Atinm-r--1 John M. apactcraf4 burn1nr more lhan a inn of uticbell f ., -...-• fuel a aecond, rose from Cape Kennedy ••• • 1 ormer law partner of the on an *'°"foot trall ot flame into I.be blue President, and Heahh, Education and Florti!a sky. Tlie 16 mUUoo parta meshed WeUare cl?l!f Robert A. Finch. . nawleuly. Tv.tlday s action makes Che aunun~r White Houae purchue olfictal, bat the In nmiutts, Ille rocket wu c:uttlng _ .Prealdent baa had ~ of the pro- wlnc·llili •hoclnvaves lhrougll the thin: pony slnie Jut May: ning air. ·Behind, the launch pad •Ull · H• repOrtediy J>tid •100000 dOl\'n and tpllled with the 50,000 &•llonJ of water a will pa7 the balance over rive yw11t 7.5 minute poured lhrougll the rocket 11.m• pmen~ lntare;L to pmervt the pedeatal f..m which it · Remodeling of the ltructuru It now roee. Under way and will be completed in time Mora than a mllllOI\ opectalorl rl1111d for the monlh·loitt •lilt In AlllUol of the the brlibt bucht1 of the Cape era• and NLlon family. Jammed the bllh'!•YI in •ee the three vet~an pllota: take ofi on the'. fln:t lunar . oploratton. ~ Ainoni the very important ptrf011$ In- vited by the apace •1enoy lo ••fch Iha l•uncb from bleacher• a lafe !IS m11's away wu Vk:e Pruldent S'plro.T. Alfiew, who ~'tJ1e illtloll'• ,-c<5uncjl. · Laguna Players Appoint 2 as Board Members The youth, Dean Hart -apparently ac. companying a church group -has been missing alnte Tuesday afternoon. The Pico Rivera youth waa Jut seen walking fro!!) the oc;ean in.J"lrif. c1ry_.;jild,_wd Lifeguard IA. 1\fark Bodenbender. The boy had been swimming near L!leauard T01ttr ·ll which 11 betw'lfll the end• of Huntington St&:! ·and lleach Boutlvard. GuardJ uld friends of U>e boy related thlt he wu a poor nimmer but "adven~". City luardl In Huntlnglon Beach Tues- Couple Held Up B11t Get Clue To One Suspect Robbed or •tso at llJllpolnl In Coota Meat Tuesday and · ·kicked from .the getaway car, a Capistrano Beach plwnber took \he llcen'Ae number of two rent•. State buch guard• reocued la and through the 1eneroal!J, of Lquun Seal U.acb ljfeguorclt Jlulled 17 to lafety. Carlyle Dennis. , . , • · ·l.t. Bodenbendar U1<I surf running up Dennis, a Shriner, 1ave 75 t.iclleta lo the lo 7 feel"" croatingpr0blem1 qaln t<>t'. 8Chool cl!'.!.'~~ offereil l'I! lo pay ·i.r d!I)'. Guirclt on and ntar lbe Hunl!nglon · .•tu-~!'W:tioil io _tbe game In tbe .Jleaeh-piei -mre kept buai-dlrecllng·or Cl!~ ~-W~r. ..: ,-_ fescuing mmmen llfepl near the pll-Dbtricl trusteu'ie<:eJ!kd the· gtlt •itli Inga by strong laterah:urrentl. thanU at their ineeling 'Tlleoday• nlsht "We hope it (lllrl) ~ today; tt'a and wondered aJoud, 14 . .any cl14perooes supposed to peak th11 evening," Bald w~4 be ne~ded. . .11 ... • • Bodenbender. "We don't Jike to aee It. It T1ctet.s will be ava~ble . on a fil'!t creaV-.s a lot 9f problems." come, first •r;~. ba&s il.t th~ hfab He 1ald the ripUdea were in -cases . achool office at 8 •.Dfi ·F!1dar, Robtr\ 200 yards wide, extending seaward a Reeves, 1Choo1 ~~·said.-·., quarter of a mile. "Anyone caught in one . Laguna ~lgh a ~Leve Kl~terman, a had better bf! an excellent swimmer ,, lineman, will play Jn th!? game .. lie is tl\e said th !" d, · . • flfSt player from the lfchool ever invited urf e 1.1eguar u1 rgmg mmmera and to participate in the NOnhern Cetfforrrii· I era to ~ ~ut on. Southern California all star contest. In The rouah "•tu pounding the coutline other action the tnaatees . . today is mated by Huni~ Bem!ce -AutboriUd ~e au~e ' .. GI · 31 moving.off -e in-the-· •ccordin1 . members of·the·1cl\Gch11Jtl'!i!trltiftat i in lbe U.S. Weather Bureau reports. California School rl:mplOYeei AsaOciation Advisory Group ,To Gets.ilesuit8 Confertnce July St M'San Diego. District is to pay 13 rqbtralion and pnwide transpar\aUon. . , 1 -Approved lhe arlkles · .oJ in- corporation for the Laguna Bi!&cll J!lduca· ' ti on Foundation u amtbded · lotlowtnc state scrutiny, , Good San\lrl!all~, !lading in •r-Laiuna Beach's. Citiiens' Advtsory rest bf• &lrl Upect early today.. Committee met Tuesday nigbt and Jeam- -Approved paymllll of •PIO u the district'.• share in ~ C<OllllY.,.~ lllud,y .,. the various areas Gf.aalitl• Ul:l benefill AuthoriUts 1n San Bemardlno plck!d ed rt:!ults of an atUtude survey they sent up Joy A. Runyon, 18, at her home, alter to households in April should be kn-Own in a record cheek allegedly Jndlcated the several weeka. car ultd 1n the 5:30 p.m. holdup Tuesday That progreu report was given by city belonged in her parents. planner Al Autry to the 21><non CAC MIM Runyon wu booked 1t Coota board appoinled by the mayor to Mesa Clty Jail for investlgaUon of anned formulate a master plan for the Art robbery, while the hunt continues for a Colony. lo school tmplO)'fl. ' . Big St~ttie , Made From Old · Gtfiis young man driving the car involved. The purpose of the meeting was for the Daniel a. Dismang, 20, ol 34311 Via committff to give direction to the city SAN JUAN CAPiBTRANo .. ,,..,~ nine. Fortuna, Clplstrano Beach,· told police ataft on how to best analyze the que&-foot statue of St., ~ of. ,Aesllll __ his: car broke down Tuesday afternoon <>n tionnalres. Approlimately 30 per cent of cast from the met.,J •of .3~~ $Urned 15th Street east of Orange Avenue and he the t,000 qudtionnalres mailed have been in tO San Franciscq,~IJQlQrilie•'foUowlnc and his wife, Cheryl, went for htlp. returned to the ctty. the assassination M. '.~rj.,f_. ,.Jtennedy In an Uttervtew, ,be ii1d ·he bellsved America sltoulll . P,lan lo put a man oo Mari. ·"l!omeo;it la ·aolng lo dO 14" be 18.ld. . ' . . "[ Jblnl ... ilwkln~ be too ·tlnlld t• HY by ti. eM of' thta eenlW':Y wan going in DUI a i!>ail on Mon. 'niat'a rrrJ The vlcUm said they were offered 1 lift "That's enough to get a fairly 1ood -stopped at the mtssloa here, Uus w.ttk A drtma leaehe and LieiJ W Id by another couple, at whlch time Mrs. cross aecUon ol the cwnmunlty," Autry on its way to San,1"ego ... 1,.., ., , reaidtht have ~n a~tedure to ~ill DLsmanc returned to watch the car whlle said. The statue, calltd. ,st. JP'rancll ,of Ule Judgmenl: '' · ·' Agnew J1 a member of the special pmilfopUal cOJ1unlttoo that will recom- mend Amertca11 fuWrl goall ln apace In &eplember. lie admltled 1111 vle1"polnt on Marl JVll a minQritj opinion on &be com· mlltee. 'COl\Q! ON B.UY' Former Prasldent Lyndon B. John!on waa also on the VIP stlnds. A prinie mover in ilpice affaln from hi! days u ltDltor and later u Prt1l· dent Kenned,)' 11 expert on &Pict affalrt, this ,.., Iha flrlt launch be ~ad seen llrlt hind. ~en the l'Otket rose from the pad and the lhock ·waves aboOt th'e apec. tators, he shouted, "Come on Bab)' ••• Go Baby.'" At the WhJte House, President Nixon watched on televlalon with A1r Fofce Col. Frank Borman who rode to the meoo In Apollo I. Sunday, Donnan, a lay IUder in the &plscopal Church, will take 1'1!'1· In opetjal ·While Houae aervlcea /or con- gresmnen, cUpiomab and other members of government. They will offer prayer1 for the aslron.aulJ on the eve of the landlna:, aod Borman will read the chapters on crea. tJon from the aoot of Genesis, the same chapters recila ·to earth 111! Chriotmas by ApollG I u ~ orbited the moon. MAGIC MOMENT Ev~, wils aimed for th81 m&ile moment when they would land. On sun. day Jn orbit atOUDd tbt,moon, Armstrimg and Aldrin WW .a lnlo Illa m6on lander, teparite rn...~lbe CMlmand sb1p and begin their 4thl lo lhe IUllat 111r1..,e. Colllna It 16 nm••· 1n lhe command ship It m11 .. i>vrt U>• -.. Armllrorig and AlClrtn ue to !~the m06n, mdy tl\elr I ' . for Ille retut111r1p, .. ~u.t_ 'llWii A-, will cllnlb 40Wn a 1iddet lo t1M lunar IUl'fitt In full li&M ol.tbt wotJd Wllcblni on 1'1evtilon. Ill a f1w .m!llutta, Aldrin, 39, the olNI Q\ali on Ille lrflt Will follO'tl. ililancle.!i ·on the 1z.m1mber Laguna her huband wenl •ltb the balpful pair. The llllrVtY• are presenlly belng GUOI by creator lltftDJ llulano;..la being cc;nmun1~ Pia ra BOird Oflllj9clors. llrMng in.a quiet realdenUal conier in· tabulaled by city employee. The results tronsporled in -;Sen' , llJ'IO, for 1 Iha 1 J • _ "I ye --'d of Sa J stead, Dlsman1 said, the motorist pulled then will be fed into a computer for c a I I f 0 r n I a Bk!entennial ceremonies.. o "Urie 1' ack, a ia.a eat -n wan a pistol and demanded bia wallel, afler al · w·th th · · P.,piltrano wu named to the board by hi h be kick an ys1S. 1 e questionnaire results Father Paul Martin 1·of Ute San Juan direct.ors Saturday 80 draml fducaUon W c was ed out and the couple in mind, the CAC will continue Jt.s study Capistrano Mllsion gave ijle-statue hll "ould be rtPrUeftted. ~n. Bilek Is a "-'d;;;ro;;;v;;;e ;;;of;;;f ;;;ll'"blgh""'•':!:peed'=.======·;;:n;:;t;;;he~c;;;it;;,y';• ;m;;;••;;te;;r~p;;Ian;·~====:::'.;bl:;;ess:;:l:;;ng~u~lt;,:1t;;:ood~on;;;•;,;'fla~tbed:;,;;U<uck;;::;:~· · drama teacher 1n corona del Mar, and II h"' appeared at the Lquna l'raYbouse In 0 You Cln't Take It with You." She was aJao narfted the beat°'actress at U>• reetnl Rlvtrllde On•Aot Play Fe!IJval. • , Dell;irlnl a "!Prtatntative¥from Ltlsure Wotld, ~ora named Harry Ashe as the other new member. Albe, a writer for the Leisure World newa, has appeared tn '"'Never Too Lak" and the one.Act .Weeklnd held laat: May at the Playhouse. The two vacanclea were brouaht about by the dealh ol BUI Salyer • and the JUlCn,atlon of Monte MoMHlen. McMlllen realantd Satuntay for hultb reU0111. Hey, Watch Out! Poppy's on Loose Watch out. Poppy's on the loose. Poppy J1 a green Brazilian parrot that ?lad been, qntil yesterday, under the watchful eye of master Rob ~n, "111 Crown Coaot Drl~e In MOnarcb B•Yr • Yt!teday Poppy flew the c:oop. }le's believed to be in the vicinity or "1onarch Bay or Three Atch Bayt accordin& to R«>. If lll)\>!le hears P'!'Pt• scrfams1 or sees him, Rok aaka: that" he be c8Uea at· 49f.2167. • . ,, · "He'1 not dltJltroua," he a*&ured. Tass Reports Launc4 With Unusual Speed MQSCCi\l' CAPJ -With unusual ape;.! CONV!NllNT TERMS llJI ,, .. . \ .. .. i • .. • ' :i :-.1. ·.d1 ~ 'I' ·::' •! " .•• A: •l lj .~ ·_, ) .. . I. ' • • They Intend in walk the funar ouriace t lloor1 ind jO mlaqlej, c<illecllnl tock iJxl 41rt aamp'"' ••••!l!>I the ~el'!~ -l'llr.jjjil"""'•~ ....... ,-18-lhit ._.,,,,. --•P _,...in., ....,...11.., Will &Jvo ICJeutflU l>oltu omo to U\e origin of the moon, and p.ibl)r lbe •arth and Ille IOlat 6)'stem. Sovltl ...., media !Oday rtpOIUd lhe launchina of Aj>ollo tt on i: mission to laad Americans on the I""'"· T,.. hailed the utrnnauts as 11cour11'6:u11 ~pli." Allor a hrlef, quiet faclual .c!tapalcb floo> i;ew Yort 0. llie blaallifl ·tbe '•f· flClal Soviet news aJency added a longer BAN!rAMERICA-~ t.lASTER ~-·! · 1111 .NEWPORT.'..A 'ftNUE CO$r~~ I / . I I L • dl!a'lptlon Of lhO .Plann«I fllib~ '"""'"""'7°'..:;......-.._.._..,.::..._.._;z;._,..,..,..---......:....;.~_..;,,..;.....;.._.-_..;;;i:i.,:~:.J:l.tli.-.,; • \ \ \ I Jc I .. ' , , • :Ne-wport BarJtOr liD'I Tl O N ~ " .. VG~; 62, NO, 169, 7· SECTIONS, '16 PAGES WEDNESD~Y. JULY 16, 1969 . , ' .. • () • • • 1'• .. • ' . .... ~· ...... ' . ' " ·1n • Abri&pt . About-JU~ . ' -' ... v -Congress Eying 'Sale of El Toro ~---..-r--From Wlre-Servict1 :Executing an abrupt about-face a ceiiges1!ilonal subcommittee Tuesday mentioned aale · of El Toro MCAS for a major civilian airport, despite recent <;ity Ma y Take ~shock'~iit of $10 Meter Fine By JEROME F. COLLINS Of 1M 0.1)¥ l"llltt Slaff "I do not object to getting a parking ticket, but I do object to being held up for It."• -So. says Bellflower insurance-executive (Mr! Williams in an irate letter to the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. -Williams -complaint-was-abotlt--the·-$10: nne,(or o'Vtrtime par~ng Jevled against usefj »l.tbe. Nev.,Klrt!s.recreational park.- lna: .meters. 1 • • ~ · -It'll a eommqn-complaint -and the ci- ty ,may dp idmething about it. • The fine -'or bail -will remain 10 bus:ks. But notices may·soon be placed on the meters that carry the heavy fine. TKe tnrprise element would thlls be gOne, and with it, the legltirilate gi:ipes. 1'We're considering putting up some kind of sign of each of the meters," said Cltf Traffic Engineet Robert Jaffe today. :•P,eople who use the meters should know t.'het they're facing." ·Jaffe explained that the reason for the relatively h.igb ball, whic.b is in effect on-· . JY •. in· beach recreation a reas on the P.eninsula, is that the $3 overtime parking bite in the past didn't do its job. It neither kept the meters properly fed oor Jn\:ouraged a reasoriable flow of cars in liil out of the precious curbside spaces. Too many motorists were quite content with paying $3 for all-day parking. "It •was just a scofflaw," said Jaffe. But' the $10 fine , enacted by the City Council last year, is proving to 'be too big 1 shock to Newport's visitors -and , hence, a big public relations problem fOr the city. Williams, the ticketed visitor from Bellflower, put it cl1rtly in his letter lo the Newport .chamber : "Needless to say I have made my last shopping ~our of Newport Beach. My wife and two of my children spent over $200 in your city in about four hours •. , I have also cancelled our reservations for a two- ·week stay in Newport. 1·1 have made these decisions nol tSee ,METERS, Page %) refusal by Marine .Corps leaders to en. visiQ,(1 the id~. , Surprising in Itself ts the ,familiarity shown by Re"J). 1.-:--Mendetruvers-(D- Soutb Carolina) in discussing Qrange Cojlnty aviatiQn problems, while using the big instatlation in hypothetical lerms. The chairman ol lhe ·.House·' Armed Services ·Committee announced establish- ment of a subcomm.iUee or' all-southern lfgislators Tuesday to_J~robc the idea .of • Se tng expensive militar--y pro'perfy . for other use. ---r-- Historic, woodsy San F r a n c I s c o Presidio was also mentioned ·during talks about the role of the new panel, which is hea~e<t by Louisiana Democrat Rep. Speedy 0. Long. Brig. Gen. Hen ry W. Hise, who assum~ ed command of the El Toro base only a month ago, commented today that Was~ington officials are just doing their job and the Marines -in the meantime -wlll continue to do their! • - "It is a congressional prerogative, and appropriate for Congress to examine the Defense -oepatunent -mllitiry-b as e - posture," he observed. "Alo fig with other base installations, It Is undtirstari'dable that-tfie Marini ·Corpi f Air Station, El Toro, would be con- siderecl. ln 1event that the Congress, after ; examination, detennines tt to be in the publjc interest to relocate certain military ,. activities, the congress mtis\ necelsarily deve1op enabling legislation • and funds for new base facilities. "Until. the time that such a decision is reached, the Marine Corps air bases within Orange County shall continue to perform their assignee! mission1 ln defense of the nation," Gen. Hise con- cluded. "As you know," Rivers told Long, "some of our military installations are ·- presently occ.upying extremely valuable property which is "way out of proportion to use value." ~'One in particular is the Marine Corps Air Station at El Toro, Calif., but I use El Toro only as an example. There are others, such as the Presidj9...Q( San Fran- cisco," he Cilntinued. , The sprawfing jet and h'Clicopler training installation in the heart· of California's fa stest.growing county ha s already been suggested in long-range aviation studies as a regional airport site. Marine Corps officials approached with the idea of a 10-year joint use plan, dur- ing which a permanent facility would be built elsewhere iri the county, have flatly termed it unfeasible. Rivers' discussion of the theoretical sale of El Toro MCAS -or any other military post--<:arries the firm commit· ment .that thef would naturally be re- (See EL TORO FOR SALE, Par• %) ~2 Weeks Before Mqst': ' - Transpac Terrors 'f_old By ALMON LOCKABEY OallJ Pllet SMllltll l!'lllr HONOLUlU -Tales and physical evidence of terror-filled days and nights at sea piled up in Ala Wai Yacht Harbor today as yachts in the Transpacific Yacht Rice limped across the flnish line. . The mishaps included everything from blown-out sails to broken geat and personal injuries. Yet veterans of tile 2.225 mile Transpac claim that the )'Inds in· this race were near normal, a:nd cer- tainly not as bad as the 1955 race. Damages to yachts la rge and small Wiii be counted In the hundreds of thousands of dollars be(ore the last of the 73 starters finally cross the finish' line. WORST DIS~ER Besides the last minute dismastlng of 1'flr, the worSt disaster struclt R(ln McAimoD's .ll'lool •Cllller ~rsult .in !ht:· laiter.-stages of the race: A:t 3 a.m. on the day before she flmshed, Pursuit's main boaril wu snapped Uke a matchstick \¥hen she rour*d up In a heavy squall. Pursuit w~ already being steered with a small rmel'~y rudder afler her main II.earing mechiniSm had Jet' go midway 111 ~the race. She crossed the flnlsh line h<1111 •teere<! with a •Pinnaker pol• Jun« . r1gged as a llller and rudder. Larry Prin1le'1 1a.foot schooner Queen . ' ·-- . . ' Mab crossed the lint with 1 spinnaku · hopelessly fouled under the boat and .trailing ' Ule stern In the water. She had been 'aalling for three days with this han- dicap. ' .. • Othe,r skippers told . of numerous sail losses and broken spinnaker cpoles 11 ertatic winds continued:. to slam at the r~ing fleet. , AM ERICAN FLIGHT PION EERS ARMSTRCil:IG .AND 'LINDBER'GH ' From Tri1n1i1tl antic Flight to ~n Flight, in 42 Yei1rs · l~;·~eor~·~~.TV Plans Apollo Co~~:r~~g~ slamined into an accidental Jjbi ·with' all • o "' ~ sails standing. Amazingly, U>e',.r held 1 .Major television. networks are playing . their cover~ge. oi the together despite lhe fact that the \rudder h t t[ · h b I · dI led 1.od ' · ' wao· "'J"porartly Jammed during the Apollo 11 moons o pre y muc · Y. e~t, t_ Wa~ in ca , . "'I' meiee. · Plans lor tonight and ' Thursday are' geared to petitidlc· bul)etin! Reports that Stan William's lnteMnezzo on the staiw lo the. astronau~s il'eI:~ed i~1~e n9rpial p~gn\m~_s~~~·· · from NHYC tv1s in serious trouble turned ules oi all networks. All ne~s ogrtths· wlUlitlsO·fficlu<ld· thorough, OUtlobeerroneous.l"tennieiz&·hadrud• coverage~9ftheprogress.-ofAp •· c i ·1 • l..! ·~ '•,.. ' ... dertroubJebutWWlamssaidlt,Jladbeen ; ..... t-t1.t1 1::-· · 1 • . •., .. "':°'1 ~'aocltbe y'ac1tt-·1UJl·'ll<~ ~-..... (lle;more-,.sJl#if!ci pla11•\' . , .. ,¥ -·-'•' 1 •.• <;·:; toward f:fonolulu at seven knolt. , · '"" ;:;, .. · ... ""~ ~·, '· ·• · · •," -1• ' Still fighUng disaster at,.. was tht 11· . Ch~,..,.1 2 -Tliursctay\. 4:30 p:m.-5 p:m._.;tr~s,lunf" ttil1)•~' foot sloop Quest, sklpptn!d by Tom ston , wilt be !•pealed fro ·'t~ P•"). 1tj 8 •p.:11. , • """ ._., , · Lavine, 'from Califomla Yacht dub. th..,n.,.;..11 (NBC) -~isdafJ 4 ~ p.m:, traDsJu~ir (ranlrilis"" After f'l9undering for days with a uselesa sjen.-"' , ~ .. i . · . .·' -• ., • :~ · .... ~: ~ rudder, West was taken In tow Tuesday .. · .. . .,1 : • .... , .. by ·the 111bmarirte" RonquU "I'' of san "4mntl'7 (ABC) -T~ur"Sjl~t 8·P,m:-e.p.m., program. oa,ApoQ(J( Diego some 900 miles from Honotulq. A · ? , • ..,. , , ~ 1 1 • ~ · ,;f, • commercial tug ftom Honolulu was C~-111 '(KT'l'V) -; Thllr day'; r_!9.2rl! .durl~g§.'e @wJ~ breasting '1eavy seas in a planned noon, 4:,30 p.m. and 10 p.m. .., . • ., ' (See TRANSPAC TERRORS. Past !l --------------~-• • J.. to Astronauts Get Perfect Blast.Off SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - Three -Americans roared-away ·from earth Wednesday, July 16, 1969, to take mankind's most daring step into the unknown, t walk on the moon. Everything waS perfect. they blasted orr at Cape Kennedy, Fl~t, at 6:32 a.m. (PDT) a shade over half a second late. Two and a half hours !Ater. a final rocket burn broke the grip-of earth!s gra\lily. and·-sent ciVlllan Neil "A. Annstrong, Afr Force Col. EaWinE . .Aldrin Jr., and Air Fotce Lt. Col. Michael Collins toward the waxing crescent moon, a scant 100 hours ·away. "You're on your way now," sai d mission control. Right on schedule, they separated frOm the launch rocket's final stage, then tu rn- ed around and docked with · the moonlander sto~ in the rocket's garage section. · Their voices were -quiet, almost flat, clicking off mechanically the . details of bla.st<iff and · 'flight. Their he.artbe.itts, recorded oD earth;were-Jess excited than ~ ' .WAl_lllNG.'CQ.N {6!'")·~ i'l'l!i\IJ!"' '1NtzQt1 urged t od·dy 1 thaf •'alt Americana "be given a"hoLidatl Mon:.. day to celebra~ the achedulW first footfaU. of--maft' on the moon.~ "o ·mon\et,1~ o/~ trq~el\dent drama." Because Nixon's legal powers to declare an extra .twtional holidat1 art Jimited, he biued a proclamation de- .claring Monda11 to be a "NatioMt Da11 of ParticipGUon." Except for essential empt<>11e1 in national security and public service areos. au· federal workera will be e.c· cused from their jobs un tha£ day. And Nixon urged the authorities of ,state8 and cities -and private employers -td make iimilar · ar· ranaf"i'nents. on their earlier space shots. Parked temporarily in earth orbit, they swltched"couches from launch ~itions to filgl]t positions, Collins taking the right·hand seat which Aldrin had oc- cupied. · "Ho~ton, be advised the visual is go today," Collins said look.log out at Uie stark contrast of bue e&rth and black space. "The)' finally gave me a window to look out of." Their flight was the third American manned trip to the. moon, but it was the (See APOLLO, Pase. Z) • Couple Held. Up But Ge t O ue To One Suspect Robbed · of $150 at (Wlpoint In Costa Mesa Tuesday and kicked from the , getaway car, a Capistrano Beach plumber took the li~nse number ·of two Good Samaritan-bandits, leading to ar- rest of a girl suspect early today . Authorities in San Bernardino picked up Joy A. Runy_on, 18,_at her borJie_, after a record check allegedly Indicated , the car used in the 5:30 p.m. holdup Tuesday belonged to her parents. • Miss Runyon was booked at Costa Mesa City Jail· for investigation of armed robbery, While the hunt continues for' a young man driving the car tnvolVed. Dani~·G:-OISmaog, 20, of· 34311 Via Fortuna, Capistrano Beach, told police his car broke down Tuesday afternoon· on 18~ Strect•east of Orange Avenue~lnd h"d end bis Wife, Chdryl, went for help. · · The .vl~tim s,aid thef were offered a lif! by another couple, at which time Mrs, Dismang return~ to watch the car wblfe her husband went with the helpful pair. JJrlv~ to a guiet res\~Ual.~rner in- .. s~ead; Dtimang, rald , tile moforilt P\lliid '• -~iltol lllil. denftm<kid 'h'~walleC alter whicfl he ·WU ~jcJie;j i>•t l119 ·~pie dr6~ Ml it i\lp.~.~: $ _ I·> ' • . -1 . . . . } · o Sc.er. !!!!r f!fts . , ; • ----~----. -" _____ _..:_: __ --'"'----''----"-· - • Your B oaaet.on Dally ·Pape~ TEN CENTS oon tiil:.k~ 'llt'I l l H f,o Illa -r ·wives Ne ver Prepared for This Goodbye -~·--.-- SPACE CENTER, Hol!Ston (AP) - Nothing ever· prepared a: wife for a tirilt such as this, watching h~ man leave for lhe moon. They said their goodbyes privately in advance of the day they had long been living for. Jan Armstrong was at Cape Kenned)' to see Neil off: The first wor~ she aot. frQm her husband carve precisely on schedu le at T-plus-15 seconds. ''We've gGt a roll program,'' · AmiilrorlgSaid. It was ~another waybr saying ,;On·e of the'·mOsf frtgbJenlhg.~ dan~rous phases of this miision went off fine." Nothing ever prepared a wife for a tlm.e such as tl'llS. At Nassau Bj!y, Pat Collins and the kids were in front of the TV set. "Houston, be advised the visual ls go today," her huSband saJd three minutes and, 2G seconds after liftolr' when the escape tower new off -ancither in- dicaUon .that everything was fine. And then Mike said happily, "They finally gave me a window to look out. .. That meant he had moved front . the center seat to the one on the right. Astronauts like to sightsee too. Joan Aldrin, down the block, got up at 10 mlnufes to 7 and turned 'on the television set. The black box over which wives hear mission control talking to their !J.usbaods was not working. A space agency technician fixed it. The kios wer e still asleep, so sbe baked a coffee cake. There was company, 'nle wife of astronaut Bili ~ogue, who hasn't flown yet, and the widow of astronaut Charles Bassett, who died in a plane crash, were ·there·to lend support The children got ·up at 8 a.m. and streaked for the TV. ' LAUNCH L ATE BY SECOND CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) -'11ie launch of APollo · 11 was late, launch difector. Rocco Petrone said Wednesday at a postlaunch news conference. "We were 724 m11iseconds late for the start of this nilssion that ·really started eight years ago," he said. • A millisecond is one thOusandth ot a second. Orange. Coast - 't;eather , Clouds dur'"g tfil! lat'e night and .early mornl~g wifi mar··Other"'·ise) sunny e~mmer"' 'days along the coast and there might be some. patchy fog ., l ' • I . I .J ' , IWlY PllOl N • Soviet--.iuna ·· Mi~_sion j • • • I . Still Baf·fle ·s · -sei@ntists --' JOl)llEl,L BANK, Enfland CAP)-. ™ JSO.loot radio tdetc<>pe at Joclrtll Bank tracktd th• Sovie! Luna 15 - quarters ol tbe way to the moon today. ' Slr Bernard LoV<ll, dlree1or of Ulla obitrntar)', said the oboenlalorj ,...,.iy. td 1!1naJa lmn Luna II oml11 a leY • mlnulCs before the Apollo 11 Wtoll lnllll · FloriU. , An aide said no more signals were ex· peCttd today, as Luna 15 wu below the horlZ(>n of the Soviet Crimean tracking NUoo where they would be received. Will' wna II nell'blg ll't 111'*1· Sir Bernard said the wunanntd &>vlet PfObe wu u much a pua)e u ever. "We limply do nol know wbal Luna IS fl I01aa to do," ¥ aaid, 118ut J blVe DO cloUlit Ii II tht boclfmtlll of a aerlu to liftN liack lw>u llOll. . "WhellMr It wU1 be dooa will! IN• one I don't -· IM 11 tt wm, 11 WOllld be a remtrkable achievement." Lovtll Pkl another puzzling feature of Luna 15 WIS its launcl}ing· Sund•Y in the face of. a new moon. He said be tbeQ1ht that n the lluAI'"" were i!Ollll to laild the spacecraft on the moOn they would have want~ to watch it thrc!ll&b televliion cameru -.tnd this woukl be .,.... feaslble ll the moon wet< lull. LovtU '• aide 111d Luna 15 would reach the vil:lJl!ty ol Ult l1lOOl1 • Thllflj!ay betwetD 1 a.rn. Md 11.m. -2i a.m. and 4 l ·lll• Ppr. He said the spacecraft wu taklnr 100 houri to reach Lhe moon, instead of 80 aa orrprevious Soviet moon shots, Ind was a!IO sending a new klnd ol sl&nal that "we cannot interpret." City Seeking More $$$ • _ ,....,_ Pege .1 APOLLO ••• DAILY ,.ILOT If## f'Mft llQ WAVI BURSTS ON ti~Cf1 IN FRONt Of. UNFLAPPABLE SUN ENTHUSIASTS ! HHvy Suri, Rlptld11 Genorit<;.r '7 ·Distant Storm Kaop Oronge Cotll Llfeg11trd1 ausy For County Supe.rvisors llnl IChedllltd to W>d. Tile naUon •!Id ll10ll ol the world watclltd and llJtentd H .\POiio II bepn llf ~IW!u-qi®on mile Journey, 1 ' lV•ves 4 to 8 Feet ' :· Upper Bay Swart °'""' county ~ .,. J><ld $14,0IO annually -and that's a pretty sad wage, in the opinion of NllWpOri Beach Vice Me,yor Lindalty P.,..m. Parsons' colleerua on the c:tty council ($2,400 per year) appartnUy agree with him. They've orderad a atall lludy to llo<I out jUsl what tht facts ue for pooslble presentation to the county Leuu• of CiUes. The League of Cities would lbtn pruumably urge the atete Leglllaturo to hike 11Uperv1Jon' satartea. The county board cannot give iUe1f a raise, by Jaw. P'l"O' broUibt uP tht subject at the · ccondl'• study -this ,.,.k, It came out of-th blue. "Our a..111ti supervllon," he uid, -"m nol retllng lllfllcleot sllarles, And there aeem, io be a reluctance llft ~ part of the leaiJlature to do lll)'lbinr about it." He said Los Angeles C o u n t y eupervllClre &el $35,llllO a year. H• uld ho illdn' know 'wbar they get in san Diego County, wlUch baa about as many people .. °'"'' County. Clly Plannll1g Director Lorry WU..., Who II from San DI••·· IUpP!ltd the ln- lormaUon. It ""'1led to land IUJ>porl to Panons' cause. "In San Dfea:o,''t Wd Wllso!J, "they pt about $261000." ".Lel'a lurn thia: over to the staff to a:et more background," nld Mayor Doraen Manball. ''Thia 11 WDlelhilll we should look lnlo." ' Nobody objected. n wu both the culmlnauon of an an- d'!ll ~ and tht ~ of • Jlltdle made_elibl yem qo by tlie late Prui· dtnt ~. who illued the cold war d111UC.. that ..t Americana on thalr WI,)' to Ille -Tbe uir.iauta pt.I> to Storm-sparke-;J, Big Surf -~ ~ A!Qerlcan FJar ... the Sea of ty, the darkontd tell eye of the . th moon, whfn they llJlcl Sunday . nllhl The Nnerlcan spaotcraft c1n1e1 a pla· qqe, to be !Ill an the lunar surlaea, HitsNewport;136Sa_ved ~.::we C4ml In ·-for all ID tl>e early boun of lllcht, the aatrooauta were too busy to tl\lQk ahead. H,..y wtVN apowlled by a lropfcal llonn off the Mnlcan cout pawwled the. Newport Beach lho,.tlne Tueede,y and lon:ed 1M reacuea aioog· the dty'o beaches. · Later, wbeo the fii,til dutleJ eul\I, A;matroi!c, the -all-~ -'l1le surf d1td down ~ the nl1ht and tht man ,who wl11 be the flnt to .ei and th< ~ peek of MVtn feet foil· loot cm Ui6 D!oOo Sunday n!P~ ~ . ed to materlJlbe ·early toctay, Jl!epiard! '"lbtt S.turn ,. .. Ill • 1111plllctntJ1de said. ' ill the rnofDbi,." related one f\llrd, "but by the ~ the wavu were Uke con- CTtte · and ·an)'One out there was just showlnl off." • Backers to Tell 1 Stand to CHART One month ago ~ opponents. or tlle Upper Newport Bay tide.lands exchanse sounded off before the Citizens Harj)or Area Research Team (CHART). Tburg.. day, backers ol the swap will have tbQr' iMfnp. . CHART vice prealdent Jim Wood said the_ breakfast session will take .place at 7:90· .a.m. at thei Costa MesJ-Cowitr1 Club. 1"e public is Invited. · ....:.:_ City Won't Let Newspaper Union Fight for More$$$ ... w, 'have no complainta·wlth--lny of . 'l1le waves' •'2 ran from four to •!x tlia fllree 11111'8 on thllt ride. It wu !Kt TutldlJ altaruooo. Lllll\llfdt .. ,d Nlutiful." then were a few "bed ~' bJ.t the Tiie 311.loot s.tum roc)(el ond Apello vic11m1 "'re all rllbl once we 1ot them ~. l>1imbi& mon than a tGn o1 to." lUel a .....,11, -rrom cape Kennedy ~ tlteodlJ!ce wu hllh Tuuday on tP IOO-loot trtl1 of Oaliie Into the blue witll 16,000 vllilarl eatllnat.d on the P'lorlda ~.Tile 15 mUllon parta mesbtd dty'1 betd>M. !low1'ali. IJl.,..!da Aid they were braciN for In mtnuta, tlle r~ wu c:utUna: · anotlier pofilble orisl•U~t tllll afternoon, The ,huvy surf ate away a few feet of the lho,.tlne fn tile hilh erosion zones. II more of the big breaken poUnd' .the shoreline "there could be 90me serious en.iOO dama(e,'' a lifeguard spokesinan .. Id .. ' The-surf didn't dtttr workinen and equipment tn west Newport; however. TbeJr wotk on four roc:t a:rolns to com· bat erosion caused by sea conditions gtm.J.lar to those TUesday conUnued unaf· fected by the big waves. Water reportedly splaabed some equip- ment and men. • Among participants in Ute planned panel diao::ussion will be Irvine Comparty president William Muon, Orange County CoWlsel Adrian Kuyper , Harbor Dlatrict Eng ineer Jim Ballinger and John Killefer, adminiatratve uaistant to Fifth District Superviaor Altoo E. Allen. Wood explalned the purpose of the gathering by quoting an uniden~ philosopher : "It were not best that ·We should all thlnk aUke; It la dlffettnci .of opinion that makes horse races." Strtilnc --from the Loo AnPJej Hmld-Examlner will bave to keep tJieJr lahor dllpute outalde the city of Newport Boach. City councilmen are oppo9td to union membsrs bringing portable s:peaktra into Newport to "lnfOrm the public of the facts concernlng the labor dllllUte." .. req1Mlted by • Stria-Lockout ~ . Tbe COllllCll acttd oo tl1' llOllOd equip- ment uae appllc:a<100 this ...u. It rot -1hrllt. "We've never had anything like thia in oor dty," nld Cquocllman Paul J. Q.,.btr. "I fall to aee the value of It." Tbe appllCAUon, algned by Jm111e GOnlon, explalntd that the 1peeker would broadcast "to a narrow area" a pre- recorded. tape meaaae. It would be car~ rled by groupa of about 111 plcileta 1ta· llooed In !root of HeraJd.Ewpiner advtrttaerL May<ir Dor"n Manball aiJ<ed speo. i.ton In the baU·fiUed cound1 chambers -llDl''"" r;pr.,..ttnr the miking Easthluff School Plans Approved Filial pl11115 f<r the Eutblull Elem..,_ tary SChoo1 were adopted by Newpert. lllaa ICllool lnjlleea Tueactay. The ochool board 1Dtborized district admini.ltrators for advettlse loc comtruct!on bid&, !Jn. mfldlattly. , The archltectural Orm of Carmichael and Kemp presented tt>e plus for the nevr llChool to boanl memben. Plana call for the construction o( 49,033 lqtlan!I fttt of bulldini space, •noush to 11ou>e m etemmtaiy childr<n. Sc!loel o!fidels hope to bave tht achoo! nady by September llml. Ohlll ~llOT CIUNll c:QUl "* DflUIO UJ##Jlt'f J:•Mrf N. w ... ---Jtcl .. °"'" ~~ ... --.._ '"-•• ._. -TH111n A. M,,,.t.e -·-• '"-'· c.111 .. ---git Hil# ---tttlW .............. .. ...... ~P.O. ... 11711..JUU, --Cllllll.,..t -:;:::"' .... ............ • 1 .. _ .... ; ..... wJna-lllie ~.,, throucll the thin-bUI cllanct1 for moro buvy eurf '"" "But they just ~ept dropping the rock like the wavea weren't even there," said union• wao pr ... nl. Nobody -ed. . nlnl atr. Beh1ncl _the launcb Pad oWI lm toctay Utan Tueodoy. 04The app1lcant ad~ ·that acUon be splDld with ttie .O,ooo &anOos o( water a · 1''111e surfers were out in the bl& wav~ . one apOk.esman. d•lerred u U>ere ,,.,. •ny queetlonl;'' ei. mliiute pourtd throull> the rocke~ n1111e W aterf root Bar -ty Cteik Laura Lo11oa told councllmen. lo J!IU"V' u,. Rldeslal from wl>ld> 11 Municipal tawmekers, ho'>•ver, were Froin P .. e 1 -· M bavt111 none of IL 111cn tlian a mUllon aptelaton rlJiied F " ~'Tbll~~=: ~~,.t~~~::-0:: T1"~SrAc TERRORS... anager aces -, "U-thole ~-. I wouldn't ap-,.~.~ oil"" the l!nl 'Junar D H • Jl<OV• 11." ' • ~ ' " ~ wtth the lqquli to ralleve and other drup to relieve the pain ol rug earing "l'JU going to •botaln lroJU vot1n1 on AmGlll the<very ltn"°"4Jlt ponena i... bar ill the i...: · wbot w11 diagnosed 11 kidney atones. thi1," 4lid Vice Mayor Undlle.y PU10n11 •"tad ,_ tht C .. -•· woteb .,.... Mt4nwb1te~ m ~ •bolfd the 'Ibe crewman wu not identlfled. The manager of a Ne•.-B&ac_ h "I've mel Ceor1e H·-~ (Her-u.•-. •• ., · -~ ~ · ..,. ..,,,... wla doctortd with sacllUves ...... ~·· --la\lndl from b -a A{e 3~ mjlea ...-As of a a.m. toctay, Concerto had be!n waterfront bar and a HunUnrton ~h amlner publisher) from ttme to tbne. away .wu Vice~-Spiro T. Apew, ..J-. -A.. ..A.. toppled fnnn the corrected t 1 me plumber face arraignment Frtd•Y <>n And either wiy I Vole could be 1'11tanled Who buds i!ie na\100'1 opue -ell. X H X charges they posaessed restricttd driiaa u preJudJced.'' : · Jn an lntenllew, be Wd he believed ·1 leadership by two yachts whlch finished for sale. ~ On Oruber's motloo. I.be appUcaUon Amefka lhould plan to put a man cm. NHY' c w~ ..... Two after midnight. The new corrected time Monte A. Branacto, 31, manager of~e WU denied, I to 0. · Mari. "Someone la a:olna to do U," he A.NP leader is Jon Andron's CaJ-40 Argonaut Slag BM, 1%5 McFadden Place, ~ aald. from Santa Barbara wilh a corrected William Marshall, 43, or ma COntin~ Newport Dunes Trip Plalllled Rec11tr,Uon bu beOn. O)!tntd l<ir 4 W"tmlnlter l\ecrealion .,_ . P~a Department aponsorad trip 4o Nellpiirl Dunea July 19. · A fff of 11 will be C11ar1°'1 for younptera llHI and l!.13 for •tudtats IS. 17, payable al the department, aoo Wutrelnller Ave. before Ju!J 13. Parental permla&lon alips mu.I be brouatit to Ute department at the time of registration. ·.~ Ful'ther lnformaUop about the ouUna: is available from Karen Glau, nefqUon supervlaor, at 893-4511. "I think we lhouldn't be too tlpild to .. Jn Transpac Um• of six dl,Y•. lO hours, 44 minut<s and street, Huntington Buch, .,.. the dden· 141 by the end of this centur, we're seven aec:onda. Second overall ls Arthur dants. They art free after posting $1;;500 ~oln1 to JNt a man on Man. 1bat's my ball each. JudgmenL " . . HONOLULU (AJ') -The Newport Biehl'a 37-foot sloop Qiwar from Rich· Brancato was arrested at work lhd ~ew fs. a >1em11<r of tha •pedal Harbor Yacht Club of Call!Ol'lla has plac-mond Yacht Club. Marah•ll at hia home !ut Thursday by preaidentlal commJUee that wUl rteo!rf.. ed tWo of its ·entrltl In the 25th Trans-But "Ulere art yichts sun at sea e1.· Newport Beach and state narcolica det&:· mend Aniertpa•s·ruture goals tn apace in Patjllc Yacht RaCe with ~ir wim tn the pected to save their Ume for over-all Uves. September. Ha adnµtted hls .vliwpolnt on Cla111 A and B. Ten tho"8and pills alleged to conUin J.«in wu a mJnarlty oplnlOll oP the com-'l1le It-foot aloop Concerto, OWMd by leaderablp. If ESP,rit, a 34-foot sloop, the benudrine and a stolen car were d)n-- mtltee. • ; John Hall, won tbe flnt p1'ce tn Clul A smlllest in the race belonging to George fiacated by officers ·at Marshall's homt; 'COM& Oii BUY' arid •loo •tandJ u the Ol<t laader In the Phllllpt of san Francl!co can linlsh by Newport Beach narcoUCI O.tecUvi Al Lot An1a1'1-t<>llonoluju race wHh a cor-mldnl&ht It C<>Uld take tht top •pol Epsttln crtdlltd lnveatigaturs lrotn Uie Former Pruidlltt Lyndtp B. Jehnson rected tlrpe cl seven cl.l)'I, 10 houri, 48 Yachts expected to finish be:fore noon state Department of Motor Vehicles 'for WU allo Ofl Ute VIP atindl. minutea and ~7 HeoBda. today art tht Cal t0s Tana:ent and assisting in the investigation. · A prime mover in apace lffain from 'i'!)e 48.foot sloop S&llcJa, &Jao from CurlOIO. The C:Olwnbia 50 Westerly lkl~ He said the investigators entered p,e hla da)'I U Hnltor aqd lit~ U Ptesl· Newport, w~ the Clua B compttitlon pered by Ernie WllSon of NHYC was U · case when a stolen car ring 'WIS detit Kejmedy'a ~on space alla!n. &JWlplaced U>lrd In tile !Iott. peeled to finilh abaul 4,30, suspected. ' thll wu the f~ll launch he ba4.0-llrat 1,.;;=::;;;;;========;:=========================;;;;. bar)d. When the rockel rosa lrorts the pad and the ~ wavea abook the apee- taten, be lboutld, 0 Come oa Biby ••• Go 1'tby." Frem r.,e. l l i EL TORO FOR SALE? ••• built ·-• wttli the procoadl. El Tore, MCAS has a much ·more 1trate1lc dtlenae role amona: the polta menUontd u a tra1n1n1· bue and jomp- oU 5taUon for Vietnam c om b 1 t UJignments, which stand a 100d chance to dwindle In monlha and yean ahead. Tbe Pruldlo localed In a wooday sec- Uon of Son Frllldsco nur the Golden Gate Brld,le, howeVtr, eerves only u admlnlltratJVe ~uarten for the Weatern U.S. SjJtb Ani\y. Ila !bcatlon wwld ...i.e It a Cold inlne, wl'letn1r eventually dtveloPed-b\to IW'i· . vate ctmmerclal u ... or Oblained bi San FraDelaco authorltles as a park and rt(rullonai dovelojlmtol Tiie Praildlo -a opotJeti, part-~ poll -II alreadf In -publlc ·~ . u of Ille lnl pbue of the ue~ller Pllll of r .... QOun· ty Avtitloa,' eoma , ly)e ol localllad ro11ooll alrporl n.1111 be deveio,ed to replace Ult 111\aller iorJaUl\a loclU\I'. l'erelra'• PltP ...,_ ,llirtllll with a loOk al £! 1'Wo MC.IS, which WU lbllihod a ye~ ago, In an. .,.. now developilll Into subutbln rUldtn· arid leillmtttW .... Duplla .-i N]ecUaq of Ult lai• or jo1nl 1111 idu by U>t.c.i'po._a IOOl<-on at Ult alutatlon aa1d 'l'uOoday 11 doaa lo- -appoar th 111bccia1>1lttff wW look Into the ci\'lllell altplrt concept. • ''Tiie lel'l'lceo would.~•14' be hl111> tail! to dllJICM ol opanllnl laclhtlfs without dellolte ..... ranci that monq -be NI uldo to Nbulid•61Mwbe1'11," l!tp. Riven 111d Tuie>d•Y· ''Thtfolora I think uy ltcillatt•n which 1"111' 111bcomml~ alleuld ....., .. mend would havt to contaln a re- qulnmint that l'undl ractlved wOllld be plaeed In eacrew for rlbllildlq al new Jocauon1," Riven toid Rep. Loc\a:. H-Armed Sltvlca Ccqnmltt .. member& named to the ntw aub- comrpittee also include reprueqtatives Robert D. Mol!ohin (l>'W. VksJnla), W. c. Dann, (0-Virilnia), F:;d Foreman (R.. New Mexico) and G. William Whitehurst (1\-Vkllnla). Fr~m Pflfle · 1 METERS •.• becau1e of the Cltetlon lul JUIM IO, l>ut because of Ult loci tlJ•I I "" hild up like a bandit did it. llwll:''°" ll!ld .,...,. bye." City Tralho EnJlnetr Jail• .. Id ho will check with pOlice, the courta 111d Hun- tington Biacll offlclab to determine wbt kind of weming -' U any -con be legally polled on the hl&h-prl~ metott, "I'm far tt,'1 ~ llfd, "beclqat i&'1 tbt Innocent ~ we're conc:wued atleut. Th• only ..,.._ of tlie hllVJi ball, trcm a ll'alll< et111netrtn1 polri\ 'ol view, II to crick down on tboai who Janore thi Jaw." R111tlnlton Buch olllctall, 1\t • tt· . plaimli, wJU be ccmtaoled because Ibey h•ve a 110 line for-.. etth!le !llrllinl at their melers •Ion& the hllillf•Y· And .mei.......n there ue oo aclvlaad by noUctS. '"' l•"'"allt ___ ,i. Wlntl but not where kJ nnd M. Maic;h your style with our ....., dlsttlldlwe delpa. And atk a1 1bo•t our f•mous Or ............ -- eo'::~rr . ~ J.C. -flu,mpfu.iu • J1w1fe,,, BANKAMERr~'M!' " • 11n NEWPOllT AViNUE MASTP-eRAA~I" ·~ COSTA MliSA .... 22 YEA~S SAME LoeATTOH PHONE 541-1401 ' ' l I I Surcharge _ ~· .1--..... , Foug~ton 'l'"''' 2 ronts T WASHINGTON (UPI) Tbe bolU. belw .. o President l';j:&on . lft\I· Senate Democrats ol'er Ille lilcome tax surcharge .k ~-lou&ht ~• two..Jronta -~cal and political. 1 Either way, the stakes are far biper than the 17.fbUiion fitvoJved. '· Nixon turned up t h e prtaaure, calling bis to p .c:oqomic advisers. to an ~1 meeUng to discus8 the economic impactof Seilale delay ... in extension of the surtu. . The President made it plain he thinks any hesitation will fan the fires of infialion and that he will blame the Democrats for any resulting rise in the cost of living . . TAX IN HASTE Sen. R'red .R, Harris , DemocraUc national Chairman and a ~ber of the 1'eoate Finll}CO ~i.e. hit. back by dW'llrlt Nixon •ants. ·to "tu to haate and reform at leisure." !lilrrla said a proposal to add $l.3 billion a year to the tax bills or the rich was th~ "bare minimum" ref Pr m Democrats would insist upoia as the price {or extension of the surtax. •Nixon wants prompt et· pansion of the tax.to prove the go~rnment means business in its fight against inflation. . President L y n d o n B. Johnson asked for t be surcharge early in 1967 but it was not until mid-1968 that CongreSJ enacted it. Nixon asked for,..an extension with .a gradual pbaSe--Out Tbe House paued an extension late Wt mOnlh by a narrow margin. Administration ~als, _in- cruding-:-Treasury Secretary David M. Kenl'ledy; say fast action_also is needed by the Senate &o combat an "infla· tionary psychology" which causes businessmen a n d others to buy now to avoid the n~p. round of price increases. SAVE MONEY Kennedy argues that il the JNblic becomes coovinced that inf18tion can be contained, ift.. dlvlduals will begin to· oave mbre1 of their money, thus helping to-cool~the economy. BU.t Senate Finauce Chairman Russell LoJ1g, (0. LI,.), ·say11 his co-mmittee wtll nt?~ act dn the House-paased sllrlujblll until it completes ht~gs on overall t a 1 • relorm. • 'Hllrrls said be would try to attach to the surtax bill hls "minhnurq income tax" plan, which would require the rich to' pay taxes on at Jea!t half of their total income regardless or exemptions and deduct ions. He said present loopholes pttmiUed 21 persons with in- come of more than $1 million to eici~ iax8tlon in 1967. "It' ~s to me to be a bare minimum of What we ought to do in this bill," be said. "I think we either ought to attach real refonn to tt-or we ought to refuse to extend it for a full year." Nixon wants to extend the tax at Its -present JO pet'ti!nt rate for I.he rest· of this year and -at 5 percent for the fir&t six months of 1970. Harris hinted that If they 8n! blocKed on their tax reform efforts, the Democrats might agree to extend the sur- tax for a short period, possibly three months. TIME FIGHTING Such a strategy might force the Republican president to spend much of lf1' flr&l year in office fi~hUng to raise ta1es, a pollUcally unattractive stance. It also could pennit the Democrats to keep a bold on thi surtax for use as a lever in other deallngs with the Whl1Ao House. NiJOo uriderscored the Im· J>Oriltce he attac?les to the wue · when he called an emefiency meeting Of the: "49a~riad," his top four' ~c adviser• -,Ken- n-'Y, budget director Robert P.~Moyo.<haltmlln-Paul-w; Mccrocken 01 ilie ......u of ec»nomic a d v I s e r s and Feaeial Reserve Bo a r d cJ1aJtrntn William McChemey Mattln. tkice Harlow, Nixon's chief uiiaon wtlh cap11o1111p, 111 to on part of. the meeting. . l1'lle parUclpo11ls wDlild not dl§cus5 the ~nute ~ession. Bat White House p r e 1 1 •e<;rlllary Ronald z1,.1er said Nblcio Woks a delaY In the ailtu bill would "'"11 to a c:oritlnotlon of the rile In price1 and tnierest ntu .... ' 'OAT BUFl'S ,_,,,..,., LoclrtP•v It *'• 011!1 f.,11-tlM• lt•tfftt9 .Jit• wor~l1t9 011 ~!IY 11-1jllope't 111 0..01190 Cotflf!f. H11 oulinh·• co..,:, ... of .rootin9 ortd yoc:hfhtt ffWI It o lfolly fotturo of tho DAILY IL.OT. · '. • . ..;...,:_;, it'"' --•• ~ ~-:.. ..-~ ... ---------~-----------......... ~~~~---... -.;..; ....... __ ---··----c-;;·;;.·;.-.;-.-..~ ...... or.:_:;:;;;,;::;;,i'.'!:'! /. .. I l .. 1 I I --, 00~,lE KNIT ACETAT~ jTO~SO SK1MMERS ' • t , I SPECIAL! 12.99 ~; ' ,. Smashin~lrsfrip,ed,. go-e.verywhere stepin• · that flettebng1y tole you from summef through fall.· Both ea •y-on, back zip styl e,. A. Fl ip tie, navy/red/white, purple/grey/white, or brown/block/white, IQ. I 8. B. FrameCI \Mlee~ purple/wh ite , red/white, or <'J ~ brown/white, 8-16, ".' Mail and telephone orders invited. . , • Budget Dresses, 27 " ( ANAHEl'-!f 4# N. Euclid 535-8121 Mon. thru Sat. I 0 e.m. to 9:30 p.m. .. ' ·-·- • I W.-,Y, July 16, 1969 OAllY mor it5 ' JULY SALES 4fU}v~~ .. ' ~ NEWPORT .. : ) . . .' · ... ...: .. , . .tt.:.. PATIERNED PANTDRESSING WITH AVRIL~ RA YON 9.99 Jewel-toned prints odd e fresh verve to our action -styled pentdresse • by Future Fash ion •. Both, reedy to whisk you off to • fun-fi lled • summer in cool, comfortable Avril~ rayon/cotton. C. Multi-color pei•ley stepin, blue, green, 12-20, ·1 ~V2·20lfi, D. Diagonal stripe print, navy, plum, :J 2-20. Meil end telephone orders invited. Daytime Dresses, 73, ~7 Fashion ls:cnd 6#-1212 Mon. thru Fri. I 0 o.m. to 9!30 p.m. HUNTINGTON BEACH 7777 Edinger 892-333 I Mon. fhru s.r ·10 O.m. to 9:30 p.in. • Set. 10 e.m. to 6 p.m. - ---- • . •. ... . ' .. . . • J, I I • j I !, ' I • ~ Zehal~s Fine Service • West Newport's gas pa111s would doubUUI' coollnbe to be a civic embarrassment tor years to came. In April of lul year, Phllt»Ford g09loglst George Zebai presented to Newport &!•ch city o!Dclals a sur- prtsll1g document ---J,t-w11 a detailed-nport oa the 110Urceir of, and pc>oilble means ol doing away wllb,'"West Newport's odoriferous swamp gas. A few months ago, for hls civic conirtbution, Z.. -bal --received a richly deserved community oervl~ award from his bos1es at Philco F!!l'd:, But t¥ W .. prize Is coming UP-fresh air west Ol ·~· 0"'1!14f· ' Zebal's analysis of the problem wasn't what was surprising. It was ins,tead th~ fact _that he had under •• Wen the project l!dely lin. bis ow:n, "Tiie ·rtuey, wblth: tied up hU otherwise tree 'time fi>r "1100U!s, dkl not cost the city a dime. •. · ~ ... . · And-Zebal's work -more·tllen •a year ](!jtr -has turned out not to have been for naught.. · -. • '·· Our Fast-flying La • es Last week llarbor Arel.-residents.for;.:Change got · aome pleuant news involving air travel. Project NOSE will soon .-be under way. The ' acronym, c»Jned liY CilY At~mey 'l\llly Seylnow"• staff. stands for "N'oxloui Q4or Seepage £!1mlna'1on!' That Is what Is expected to·'.be accomplished lifthe men, from NOSE before summer's end. Techni~es suggested by Zebal to burn off the gos seepage - ' and thus rid the atmosphere .•f· the all·too-familiar rotten egg odor -will cost about $30,000. We're talking about·.: couple of ·air trav.Jers - Ne"'J>Ort Beach's 'Mara 'c:µtp and Costa Mm'• 'l'l!acl , Griffith. The ladies · came lh first and third Ill tho Pow-, der Puff Derby. · \ ' · Never before in the 23 'years of the All·women Transcontinental Air Race -the Derby's offlclal name -have our hometowns been so high up on the list of top wJnners. Even thtn the city won't be picking up the entire i.)>. It will be ahafl'd equally by the taxpayers, the Union Oil Company and the Balboa Coves Communi· ty Association. It is a sensible arrangement, inasmuch as there is no clear municipal responsibility for the amell. And perky blonde Mara made it in her first time out. She not only came ln ahead of all lbe-ol!>er so!G filers, but she set a flight time record In doing so. It took her just three minutes under 12 hours to Qy tbe 2,5l>mile trip from San Diego to Washington, D.C. Mrs. Griffith, wbo shared .her third place award u ccrpilot for Marion Banks of San Diego, is no new .. comer to winners' circles. The Griffith-Banks team won the ~ad.fie Air RBce last year and wa1, the first aniv.J In Nicaiagua in the International 'llli Race lasi Mareb. Much of the seepage eomes from Union Oil prop-: erty: resldeuu o( Balboa Coves aze the citizens who suffer most from the problem; bu~ :we've all ta~en whiffs of the lluU, dependll1g on the prevailing breez- es. So splitting the cost three ways is a fair approach. Project NOSE, of course, ..uJ mark tbt end of an era. But It Is one well eftded, with much of the credit deserved by Zebal, without whose voluntary efforts ' llotb Mrs. Culp and Mrs. GriHitb have licenses to ny much bigger aircraft than the 'Slngle-engll1e private planes -they-took aloft in the Derby. -... _._ -. .... .,,........~ Congratui&tions, girl&. · __ _ uo 11 PRIVAc,Y tS 6fCOMt 8). P.A.Ri -coAAODrrl 1~E~L~A)'$.~ "--===--=====--====~::::::::...=-=-==================-'-------..,..,-----------' Not Rational, Not Semible, Not Humane In both the Near and Far East, mw!ea In children often prove fatal. With the advent of the newer vacc:ines, we are able to reduce the percentage -o( children who come down with the di....., and thus cut the death rate from thla caua'e. • . - When we cut the death rate, we natJJrally reduce the high infllll morlali· ty tale lo these arw. and thus Increase the population where mll1lons of ,,..,,1e are alttady starving. The cbildren won't die from mewes, but from maln!rtrlUoo. EVERYWHERE IN the world, mOdem medicine is performing this same dubious miracle ~ redeeming over-populated areas from disease, only to have the peo- ple succumb to starvatioo beca\lle there are more of them'. It is a nice moral ques- tion whether pestilence or famille should be their fate. This" Is one of the great and pressing paradoxes of "progreM." The longer that science increases the llfwpan, tbe more people we keep alive, the more babies we save through vaccines and antibiotics - the graver becomes the food situation in these under-developed att8!1 and the higher the possibility of mau starvaUon on a scale unknown in the past. THERE IS ANOTHER p a l b e ti c paradoz involved in this same sltuaU011. M long as the standard of living remains low, the birth-rate remains high ; it ls oo- ly when the standard of living goes up that the number of children per family Dear Gloomy t Gus: . I'. II,..(:.. (Gas .. July 11)' li\'05 ll1e rai> -lo · Cowidlman Gruber for abdicating ru. lhrono •t. budget time for the 7th lime. F. R. C. doesn't know what he's talking abOuL Paul hu been there every time ucept_ ror-.qlls most recent budget wreaWng session. Where has F. R. C. been? Drumming up campaign support? -Budget.watd>er Tiiis .. ...,. ,..... ,....,.. ...... .. ;:':;'"~ ~..::. :.:~ :::. goes down. So that' the !ell ~le ,,..,, "' .. ~ the more they breed, and then the even leu they have to Q,I:. And the more the people hove to eal·lbe 1 ... they breed, oo that they !SOOD have "enOrmoul IUl"pluaa -eo lll'&e lo °"' ,caA tlJal,tbe ~ will Piil' fam1en nol to. produce certain cropo, w~ two-tblnls ,ti. Qie world ,.., le bed bunirY every Di&hl OF COURSE, this whole thlog Is not ra· tlonal,·11 not oenslble, Li notburilaoe-It is like I. fantasy invenW<f by some black humoriat, or a satire 'be)'OOd anything Swut could have imagined. Nor can we simply band over -Olli surplui food to starving peoples -for th1a . would threaten the "ecooom.lc balance" of world. trade and upset the economics of IOfne counbie1. · So here we ·are, -.. -the -..rid'• p:>pulaUon through science -and ln- creastog It· preclN!y where It ·should be decreased -while the mighty abstrac- tions of "economics" and "trade" and "government" prevent any ratlonal disposition of the W11rld's food resources lo those in most critical need of it. Llttle wonder that young people all over the world find us blind and paralyzed to the edge of Insanity. Senate Serves Notice The U.S. Senate bu taken ICIJoo to reassert its diminished authority In the making of foreign policy. It passed a resolution which says, in effect, that no naUoo.al conuh.itment can be made without "affirmaUve action" by the legislative and executive branches. "National commitment" is defined as .. the use of the arme<: forces on foreign territory, or a prornile to assist a foreign country, government or people by the use ol. the armed forces or financial resources of the United States, either im· mediately or upon the heppening of cot• tain events." Sinct. the resolution doesn't have the f<ree of law, It doesn't change the reali6ei of how foreign policy is made and emied out. Much as It may be deplored, the txteutive branch is now, aod ever aloce George Washington's lime has been, the chief architect of the na· lion's foreign policy. '4SJIORT OF THE ezpenditurt of money, the bJodinc conclusloa of treaties and the declaration of war' the President can wen nigh do •• be pleuea in !crmulatiog and es:ecuting f o r c f g 11 81f George ---, Dear o.org .. I wllll to ask tbll girl to go steed>' but so does mr .friend ·want to Mt ber. I'm afraid HI go study -ber, my friend will get mod. llbll~ Idol TllOUBLED Deir Troubled: A ...i lriePd wauldn't leaVI JOU ""' a iPrl Anyhow, fJ1encll are lrtildl llulJltla are lmporlanl. • policies," Professor Hans Morgenthau writes in The New Republic. "He can without reference to any ot.be.r agency of government knake a public declaration of policy, such as the Monroe or Truman Doctrines. He can refuse to rte0gnlie a foreign government or can recognlzt It, as successive Presidents did with respect to the govenunent of the Soviet Union. He can give adv~ make promises, enter into informal commitments a.a he sees fit. He can se.nd the Armed forces of the United Slate.s anywhere in the world and can commit them to bosUJe acts short of war. In sum, he can narrow the freedom of choice which consUtutioi\fllly lies with Congress to sucb an eJ:tent as to eliminate it practically altogether." PASSAGE OF THE Senate resolution hasn't changed any of that. But it has served noUce on the ezecutive branch that Congress expects to fie consulted on the.se srave matten. The Presldent will be talW!i oerious political rtW H be does not give full consideration to the wishes o! Congress. . The Implied wamill.K. I~ mll)'. be enough to reStraln Prtsldenti tempted to over-ateod the naUon and ita resourceL Al least Congress Is not playing dead all}' lllOR, ~ Ill lutboritJ In vlrtoal llilenct. '111at mus! be vtewt<l u an eocouroglrc sign that !ortlgn policy decisions will amount to more than one man'• orders. ,; Tiit Dally Callfon1l11 El Cal•• ... Staggering· Array of Revql•tlonories A Nation • Ill. Dangerous Turmo~ WASHINQTON _:. J, -Edgar Hoover .,... •·. past Year, Hoover reported, bu seen a .-aid IO much in recent ~ before proliferation of such ora:anizaUons con- cities each year, and Hoo~r notts that over-700 jumped 11hipio· U.S. porl3 1n:U&1 • to vanish into the natlon's ,Chinese com· Congress, and ao litUe of it was reported, cemed with guerrilla ~are and ter· that reviewiiig the scope Oflt in capsuJe rorism. munities. · form elves a bewildering picture of a na-Hoover expresses suspicion without of- tlon in dangerous turmoil. .... fering very convincing evidence of BY CONTRAST, Hoover · finds the The average person sees, hears or devices with the aim of creaUng an era of foreign _influences, some arising from rightist appeal to violence rather ptmy. read& of only that part of tht tunnoll cur· · cbao.s which· will destroy the ~nt Cuba. Contrary to the general «1.1pposition The fi.finutemen are down to about SOO. renUy in the news. Hoover .is keeping · r·~ that Castro's Cuba has lost its revolu-Fourteen Klan-type organizallom :havt track of a staggering array ol revolu-form of aovemment. lionary drive, Hoover reports the revolu-about 8,500 members, with thousands of tionista, of both the right Ind the'~· in-Fwx1J to finance the New Left ac· lionary movement there is going strong sympathizers. The Nazi party is beset by ~ar:les, spies, provoca_tears.. and tiviUet 'C9~ [rOm iultb;y benefactors, a·nd Is sparing no effort to expand l~e internal strile: It is evident ~t tbe _ef .. militants who increase in their numbered wveral ~ an organizatiOn. of Communist takeover to the rest of Latin fort to break up these groups 1s having thousands year by year. · .collfge prokjllon, small donon:'in ·tbe America. Castro, says Hoover, is sup-some effect. Hoover is continuing t9 in.- -How-ls·......to-judge these· darlrenlnir-•J01D'l!Q,q.;-those l<l<lllllf<ll1Beltlief-plylng men. lllateriahn<! log!stlcal· rup--filtrate lh<l-K!an at-au·tevels;: • - shadows of violence and disruption?. Not, pa!t' cr~lftlent members or sympltbii-port to help overthrow existing regimes One wonders why, if the violent right surely,_ from lhe. paranoiac'• view of an ers with the Communl.st party, student in Latin-American countries. can be so suppressed, the violent left can- eocirclUll ~pll'acy. Yet, the totality orglnlutlons, fund.raising driva;. A not be suppressed. The answer -ls not t.oo and diversity <Jf the, a~ to violence "W!r/ promtnent foun:iaUon"-. in Ni!w AS FOR INTERNAL U.S. espionage hard to find. A vague, but ~. IOClal can cause the &ke,ucal reader · ot. · Yor'k ctty, Hoovter reported ·contrtbuted lll'ld &u.bversion, there is no letup on the sanction prot.ett.s the violent lef=ple Hoover's report ~ Congress to ~ . mom. than .-.ooo •. .OtbU New Len .~ ol Communist countriea in ~.e.f· who find~ lOan ~lgar and re . t when: the. limits of tol'1•Unl lo. dcnan ..bdaded.1 Oeftlad ·industrialist -tW to penetrate our national defense In· beyond words can find moral, . . .and IWTection he. 0 wbo hu long been a Soviet: apologist," a terests. Hoover reports that a defector intellectual justification for the -~ of FEW OF HOOVER'S critics wouJd deny that he is a pretty good in- vestigator. Too good, some punt. In any event, he is lncreuingly busy with the appeal to violence. • . Here, in capsule form, are a few of his finding" . . . Students for a Democratic Society and the New Left have openly turned to violent plans and tactics. 'M>ese range from all manner of violent demor.stra- tlons to the use of bombs and lncendiaJy wealthy New York lecturer' and writ.er, bu disclosed to him thal 70 to 80.peicent the bloody left. Thus the cootribul.ing col· the ·wife· of a· mlll!oulre attorney bl of all personnel assigned to Soviet lege professors, heireMes, foundations, QUcqo. a New England heiress. diplomatic establishments work in the in-and the enthralled youth. telligence field. But there should be no confusion on FIVE BLA.CK POWER organizations · The Chinese, Hoover claims, are where the danger lies. It lie~ ·;;.th the advocate. or practlce various fwms of :ii)<-: becoming a problem. He suggests that more numerous, better organillpilJ .more surrection: The Black P.aother party, The Mme ol the 300,000 Cblnue residing here zealous, stronger motivated violent left Res>yblic of N~ Africa, 'ni,e Nation of . 8tf: ~usceptible to rectuitme.rit for es-with its . techniquea d -~ wlrlart Islam, The Revolutionary Actlorr. ~ove-Olonage and propaganda work. He is and ~errorism, Its nt0-M~ docl~, ment and 'I1'f:: Student Non-'V1olent bothered by 40,000 Hong Kong based and its heroes, Che and Mao. Even d1a- Coordin.atina: COmm..lttee, the latter hav-Ch.ineae seamen, at least a few of whom counting Hoover's alarming prospectus ing developed recenUy into "a full-blown are believed to be &enint as couriers. the problem ill rtal and not mudt..p being alf..Nearo revolulionary movement." The Tbousanda of them eoRr• United states done about it except by Hoover. Robert FJ_nch 's Future .. -a Theory WASHINGTON -"The trouble with women," said Oscar Wilde, 11is that they want romance to·last forever." -The same may be said of politicians. That is why one cannot feel terribly SOIT)' for Robert. Finch, whose political career so far has been on Cloud 9 and whose .recent brief bout with adversity may resul,t in even greater glory. At least professional Finch watchers in California think so. Jess M. Unruh, formerly speaker and now Democratic leader of the California Assembly, is committed to run against Rona1d Reagan in the race for governor next year and should hope that Finch will lt;ave his job as Secretary of Health, Education and WeUare and return to hi.a home state to run for the Senate. TIUS ANALYSIS by California politico.s Is not 90 complicated: Finch would be a aure winner against any Democrat. And if Ca!Hornla goes Republlcao on Finch In the race for Senate, it is more likely - according to recent voting patterns -to go Democrat on Uoruh in the race for governor. Not since 1958 bu California voted a straight ticket. Since then, Republican Thomas Kuchel was elected in the year of Pat Brown's win over Rkhard Nixon. George Murphy survived the L.B.J. landslide, and Democrat Alan CraMton wu elected des;iile Mr. Nlion's Im· pressive majority over Hubert Hum· phrey. Having been deprived by legisla· lion of the Earl Warre1>-lnduced habit of voting for a man who had won the primaries of both partlea, Californians now carry on the Warren tradition by splltllng th'lr tick.eta for ·the two top spots. '\ THE PROBLEM Jl'OR Finch, who might at tbll -like ·to leave' the Department ot Health, l!:duc>lkin and WeUare u far bebiJJ:I u posilble, 11 not his mentor, Richard Nixon, who has twice let bim down in his baUle: with Congrea, but George Mu~. tl)e sltling senator who says be wants to all some more. Finch has aaid he will not run against Murphy. But he has not said that he will not run, period. Which leads to speculation that Richard Nixon, anxious to compensate for the public humiliation which he felt forced to deliver to his old trlend in the John Knowles affair, may help him to recover by offering Sen. Murphy a job in the ex· ecutive branch. (Perhaps an am· bas.sadorship or, better yet, chief_of pro- tocol.) At 67, f.furphy Is not among the oldest senators, but he ha s been in ill health. JF FINCH decides to run. or if Mr. Nixon pull him in a position where he can so decide, it will, according to the theory outlined above, make another plus for Unruh in a recent series of plusses as he contemplates the race against Reagan. Polls show that as of today Reaaan would beit any Democrat; they show him defeati,.ng Vnruh much less handily than Sao Fraaclsco Mayor J°"ph Alioto. Unruh believes there are some in· dlcaUonl that Reagan -in President Nixon's words of 1960 -may havt peak· ed too &oon. Over the put fe\t' months the public ' . 'Strap Their Po$teriors' To the Editor : There are lalely sevtral news reports about hltc1thlking females who complain of being ·•attacked" by their benefacton. Thls hitchhiking should cease and desist for no other reason than, In the cue ol female hltchhlken, they are always sub- ject to the male seiual drive. They are smart enough ta know that their sex is the maln reason for plckln1 them up , and that their sex ls lht:lr greatest defense when it comes to 1 con- test between female "innocence" and the big bad male wolf. THE BOY HITClllllKER is also taking a chance that some "queer" wijl pick him up, and In that cUe he can rob or beat bit \dctim, which of course is not a normal way ol life for the average c!llIM. . ' If the"' Is 1 law qslnst bltchhlkln(, f em not aware ol lt, u l tee these hi.ken every day trying to get something for nothin1 while taklna: a bl1 cbanct. TO EACH IDS OWN, but when It . "" ... \ I Un.rs mm ,....._ --'-"-· frtonMllY wr~ ll'lould _.,.. "'"° -... ... -wwd1 .,. Int. n. rltM tt ~ :.tttn • 'If -.,. ellflllnt" m.t II ,..._,_ Ali "'*' l'Ml1t ~ lltnttlin _. -111111 ..,,... bllt -win -. •lllltll*I ... ..-..1 It wtfkltnt ,_ it ..... ''"'· comes to parents of young girls curgllng "molder da bum" who attempted to "rape" their · daug~ter, who hitched a free rlde, I could only auggest that a good .strap -O\llf:F·· the ~erior of these youngsters to keep them off the streets could e"entually keep their parenta out •" I lot of tr.uble. U. G. UNDIN' llitchhiking in thl.t arta It ltl}(- protrided the ptnon standt on rl:.·· curb, or f/ no ·curb, off lhe right-of· woy. Edilur T Jmage or Reagan has been me of assocla· tioo with IQUd controversy and violence. Contrary to what mwt have.been bis ex· pectations, his b.ard·llne support of police, sheriffs and Nalional Guard against the Berkeley students over the . "people'• park" issue won him no new Jriendfa. CALIFORNIANS -like most people - like those wbo defend against vioience. but they don 't like violepce ~ even in defense. And when Reagan's forces sprayed lbe c:ampwi with tear g'as from a helicopter, he seemed -Ute the stadent militants -too eager for a violent con· frontaUon. ' Meanwhile, Unruh thinks th e DemOcrall may be climbing back in California. There Is rare unity in the par- ty, particularly In the Legislature; and thil!I week 17 Republicans broke away from Reagan's JeadenbJp to Join Unruh in adding -at least temporarfiy -'to the education budget. 1 Thus , Jhe Ni.on-to-Murpl!y-tO>Jl'inch prospect !las an added appeal for Finch. n 'might stop Reagan, .and-Finch could not flnd that totally unattractive. . By Frank Manlrinics and Tom Bradea ----- Wednesda y, July 16. 1969 The tdil.o7ial page of tht Dail~ Pilol 1eek1 to in.form and slJm.. 1date read.era by.Pf,r•tnti~ this !'lewapaper't opinion.1 aid com. mentary on tDpica of interest !lnd significance, b., providing a forum for tM upre'*7' O/ our rtodvi' opfniona, a!ld tiu- prestniing tht diw rst ' t>it10- pafnt1 of hi.fanned obtttWrl and 1p0ktamtn on topics of tts.c <tau. Robert N. Weed, Pub_lisber_ > • ., 1 I ' OUN~E CdUNT'i', CAl:IFO~NIA ' • •· • . -~re.w Ill '' I • ,I .. ' ·• . A'.J;.,iei · 11 r.o.Ui-ta ce ii / ,. I ;~~ongtess Eyi~g Sale. of EI · Toro From Wire Services ' . ExetuUna; an abrupt ,.about-face a cortiflllfOnal subcommittee Tuesday mentioned sale of El Taro MCAS for a maj~ civilian airport, despite· recent . -' No ~njuries Found on (]CI I -. ! folo Victim An au.topsy report today confirmed 8. Costa M"esan who was an excetlent swim· mer-and in fine physical condition simply droined at the close. of a UC Irvine 'vater polo mal<;h Monday night, it was announced today. Cor,oner's_ Deputy Jim Beisner said to- day there wue no maTks or bruises to in· dicate Ro¥rt Cunnlnglwn, 15. of 2832 StnlUiboli ,Road, may have -slruck his ~ or-i'nY.lhini be1ore ifiaili& to the ~ ~e~rs who noticed y~ng Conni~ rqissing w.hen the Esta~ia ! ' Hl11h .School squad entered the dressing room went back and pulled him from the "(~r ,-but it was too late. ~ will be recited tonight at 7:30 t ock at St. John the Baptist CathoHc Urch, Costa Mesa. with "Requeim Mim ere at to a.m. Thursday. Survivors include bls parents, Mr. and Mes. Louis L. Cunningham, a brother Michael, 17, and sister Caryn, 9, all of the \ home address; paternal grandparents, Mf. and Mrs. Lou.is L. Cunningham Sr. of Yu,cca.Valley and maternal G"randparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Trlndl, of Costa Mesa. :Jhe Estancia High &;hoot student had ltist finished the final kquarter of a gruel- 1'!1 w4ter poJo match with Lakewood High School in summer recreation league play when the tragedy occurred. ·Playing u a subslitute goalie, the... vic- tim was reportedly seen lifting himself oui at the edge in the pool's deep end, but apparently slid back, unseen by a crowd ol spectators. Investigators for the Orange Cowily Coroner's Oflice sakl Tuesday that many faCtores can occur under the stress of athletics, leading to tragic death by unex- pected causes. . Funeral arrangements for the young drowning victim are under direction of Baltz Mortuary, with interment to follow Jn . Holy ·Sepulcher Cemetery, near Qranae. rclusal by Marine Corps leaden to en- visiog the id~a. Surprising in itself ls the familiarity shown by-Rep. L. Mendel Rivers (D- South Carolina) in discussing ' Orange County aviatiQn problems;-while using the big installation in hypOtheOcal termi. The chair.man ol the House Armed Service! Committee announced estaDush- ment of a subcommittee of •ll·southern legislators Tueiday to probe the idea of selling ~ve military P{Opcrty for oUter use. . Historic, woodsy San F r a n c ! s £ o PresidiO wii'ilsO ffiefiOoned duflng talks about tbe ro1e of lhe.oew panel, which is headed by Louisiana Democrat Rep. Speedy O. Long. Brig. Gen. Henry W. Hise, who assum· ed command of the El Toro base only a month ago, commented today that Washington oHicials are jum. doing their job and the Marines -in the meantime -will continue to do theirs. "It is a congressional pr~rogaLive, and ap propriate for Congress to examine the Defense Department military b a 1 e posture," be observed, "Along with .otbit-base inslanations, it is understandable that tlie Marine Corps Air Station, El Toro, would be' con- sidered. In 1yent that the Congress, after examination, detertnines it to be in the· JN.blic inttire1t to relocate cut.a.in military . activities, the Congreu must necessarily develop enabling lei:lslatiOn · and funds for new base facWties. "Until the time that such a decision iJ reached. the Marine Corps air basts within Orange County ·shall continue .to perfonn their assigned missions in defense nf the nation," Gen. Hise con- cluded. "As you know," Rivers told Long, "some of our military installations are presently occupying extremely valuable property which is "way out of proportion to" use value." _ "One in particular is the Marine Corps • Air Station at El Toro, Calif., but l use El Toro only as an example. There are others, such as the Preskii_D of San Fran·. cisco," he continued. TtJe sprawling jet and helicopter training installation in the heart of California's fastest-growing county has already been suggested in long-range aviation studies as a regional airpor~ site. Marine Corps officials approached with the idea of a IO-year joint use plan, dur- in~ whiCh a permanent facility would be bwlt elsewhere in the county, have flatly termed it unfeasible. Rivers' discussion of the lhcoretical !See EL TORO FOR SALE, P11e %) 1 -Everything From Wages ~To Brush WireinBudget ~ -Householders with difficulty balancing .accounts may find the Costa Mesa municipal budget a-mind-tiogaler, but the ·taDy of Income versus -outgo .is · fucinatlng reading for 90me citizens. · Containing everything from esllmated employment salaries to revenue from ~ ilcOhol and cigarette taxes and the price bf streetsweeper broom wire, the ti.SI 'tnlUion program for fiscal 1969-10 Is up for consideration Monday. The best message -if one doesn 't care t• wade throogh the 158-pagc compilation •eigbing a shade under two pounds -is that no tax increase is involved. · SOm-e portions of the 1989-70 fi scal • budget are quite cut-and-dried, like . (tepartmental salary projections while ·~like municipal goU course income, .re estimates. Management of the facility was taken -oytr by the city from its private · operators earlier ~s year, so only . Stock llfcrleets , .NEW YOR!C L\P) -The slo!:i< mark<! ~out 1 aolld galn todaras tHinfsh.. <d in !hl-•lnnillc colimll for the !Inf llm« thil week. (Set quotations,. Pa..,. 2!·23). . . •Tradine was moderately aicUve near the close. • ·cams led losses by I tarae margin. i....,;.. _,.. ·.· partial figures 1ri shown. ' By lhe. llm« departmenl heada w0<k !l"i the mauive docµmeot -by.-1ht stin- dards of those whose speed is a chOckbook, · weeldf salary and lamily . needJ -k b pretty complete. "Manpower requests have been held to a minimum, but the budget .......,. lllCI provides that the ciUzens of our city wiA receive servtcu equal \o or better than ot:rered by other' citles1" said City Manager Arthur. R .. McKerwe in preaen- ting it. : .. COu:ncUmen received their·coples more !ban ·a week ago to muD over prior to the 1'.Urin& duril)a Mondi.y's recuJar 7;30 p.m. meeting. '- Copies may also be checked oul libra.ry-at.yle by citizens at the office or City Clerk C. K.. "Charlie'' Priest. · Those interested in a general kiea of where I.ht mooey comes from, where it goes and for what purpogesJ however, might prefer to look at It In broader terms. To begin with, Costa Mesa's Lax rate as a feneral law city is strictly llmlted to tt per flOO of assessed valuation, with 1eparate aoessment districts f o r specialized purposes. A summary of the upcoming year's operaUog blxfget lhows 15,171,115, com- pared to ~.423,402 for the year past, while the total e~1mated Income will bt IS.e ·BUDGET, l'lft l) i . ' ' .. ---;--' ·- • ,. ' ) -~ + -: ~.,_,--,.-Y~l,T~- AMERI CAff F Ll~HT PIONEERS ARMSTRON_Ct·ANO tlNDll~RGH From Transatlantic Flight to Meon Flfiht in 42 Y••rr : ' . TV Plans Apollo Coverage Major television networks Ve pliying their cove.rage df. ihe Apollo 11 moonshot pretty much _by ear, it wasjndicated today . . .. Plans for topight and Thursday are geared lo perl~~ ~uPetins on the status fo the astronauts inserted in the normal j>rogram •ached· ules of all networks·. All news programs will also· include iUiorP'Uih coverage of the progress or Apollo. .. . llerc.are some more specific plans: . • ' Chonnel 1 -Thursday, 4:30 p.m . .S p.m.~translunar lraniriil .. sion, will be repeated from~1 :SO p.m. to 8 p.m. ' . ' •' Ch1nn1f 4 (NBC) -Thu rsday, 4:32 p,m.,. translunar.transtrus- sion. , ,,. ' • ----1 ,Chonnel 1 (ABC) -T~ur1day. 6 p.llJ.-8 p.m., pro,ram on Apollo. . . . .. / Chonnel 11 (l(TI'V) _.,, Thuroday,..reports during Jt~Wt 'Ibo • at noon, 4:llO p.m. and 10' P•'llt • ·" · · • I WEONESDA-Y,--.Jl.IL Y 16; 1969 to Astronauts. . ' , : I : : Get Perfect Blast Off SPACE CENl'ER, Houston CAP) - Three Americans roared away from earth Wednesday, July 11, 1969, to take mankind's most daring step into lhe unknown, a walk on the moon. Everything '!U perfect. They blasted oU at Cape Kennedy, Fla., at 1:32 a.m. 1PDT).a shade over hall a second late. Two and a half hours lat.er, a final rocket burn broke the gi'ip QI earth's gravity and sent civittan , Neil A. Armstrong, ·Air F~~ Col. Edwin E. ··A14!'in Jr., and Afr Force Lt. Col. Michael Coltlns"lOwll'd the waxing crcscentmoon;-- a scant 100 .hours away. "You're on your way now," said mission control. Right on schedule, they separated from the launch.rocket'a final stage, then turn- ed around and docked with the moonlander stored in the rocket's-garaec ' section. • • Their voices were quiet, almost Oat, clicking off mechanically the details of blast.off and flight~ l'heir hear.tbeat.s:, recorded on earth, were less ex.cited than· -WASHINGTON (AP J~-P:rc1ide11t N i i o'n uroed t o-d ay that all Amtrfoo:n.s be (JiveW a hotiddy Mon- day to celebrate the schcdwled Jirsi footfall of man on 1he mooK -"a mol'flttlt of tTU'\SCe-ndent drama." Because · Nil:o"'' legal powus to declare an extra national holfda11 are limited, he issued a proclamation de· cloring Monday to be a "NatH>nal Dau of Participation." Except /OT esaential empto11e1 fa national 1ecurit11 and public service areas, all federal wOrker.r will be e.x-· cused from their jobs cm that day. And Nixon Urped th.t authoritie1 of atates atJ.d citie.r -and private employer1 -to make similar ar· ranaeme nts. on lhcir earlier space shots. Parked temporarily In earth orbit, they switched couches from launch positions to flight po!itions, CoJfim, taking the right-hand seat which Aldrin had c>c- cupled. "Houston, be advised the "lsual Is go today," CoUins said looking out at the stark contrast of bue earth and black space. "They linally gave me a wlndow to look out of." Their flight was the third American manned trip to the moon, but It was lhe first scheduled to land . The nation and most of the world watched ~and listened as Apollo 11 began its quarter·mllllon mile journey. It was both the culmination of an an· cient dream and the honoring of a pledge made eight years ago by the late Presi- dent Kennedy, who Issued the cold war challenge that set Americans on their way to the moon. The astronauts plan to plant an American Flag on the Sea of Tranquillity, the darkened left eye of the man in the moon, when they land Sunday night. nie American spacecraft carries a pla- que , to be left on the-lunar surface, saying, "We came In peace for all mankind." In the early hours of Oight, the (Set APOLLO, P1ge l) Jet Pollution Measµr e Sigqed SACRAMENTO (UPI ) Assemblyman Robert G. Beve rly (R- Manhaltan. Beach), today said Gov. Ronald Reagan signed his bill limlltna air polluUon from jet aircraft. Beverly's district tncludei Playa Del Rey, an area affected by pollution from jell taking off from Los Angeles (ntema- tional Airport. "Thjs· bill ls another step i n our pro- gram to give long overdue relief from aircraft. pollution. <lepresoed property• values , and Increased jet. nol.e lo pe.raons Jiylng and working in the airport area," Beverly,..aakl. ' ~. He Nid the legislation signed Tuesday' b)' Reagan Is the Ufst in I.he nat19n 11Jptd al ah:yafkaused pollution. Ill 'limita- tions on jet aircraft •m1'slons take effei:t Jan. t.1rtt. 1 It reduces from lhree minutes eaCh hour to 10 se«>ncb the time period for allowing emipkm of pollutantl by an •ircrafl..J.\, also sell up 1 oetle for' ffieaiWin; me density or the smoke. ' T4"fay'1 Fl••' N.Y. Sfuek8 - 1 TEN CENTS oon . ' . Wives Ne ver Prepared for This Goodbye ! ' • . SPACE CENTER. Hooston !AP) - Nothing ever prepared. a wifi for a lime suth as this~ watcfii.rii ficr--'-man-1etve for the moon. Tl}ey s~icf" their .t19Cidbyes privately In advance of tbe day they had long been living for. Jan Armstrong was a.t Cape KeMedy · to see NeU off, The firJt .wo'rd she cot from her hii@and came_ prec:bely -on schedule at T-plus-15 seconds ..• ~ :'we'vt: -got a ---roll~pro-gr·rim ,.•·1 ArinStiong said.It WU i\lother way o! saying "One of the mOJt frisht:eNnl aqd d~erous phases of ~ went off fine." Nothltt, ever prepared a wife for~ 1 time such 11 lhi•. • At'N-~U 1Sey,-Pat Collins_ and the kids we ... in front of the TV l!let-. "HO~~· be advised the visual b go today." her husband said three minutes and 20 setonds after liltoH WhcQ. the , escape tower flew off -another in- dication that everythlng _Wa! fine. Ahd then Mike said happUy, "They finally _gave me a window to look out." That meant he had moved rrpm tJ:!• center Rat lo the one on lhe right. Astronauts llkc to sight.see too. JOan Aldrin, down the block, got up at 10 r,ninutes to 7 and turned on the television set. The black box over which wives hear miss.ion control talking to their :iusbands was not.working. A space agency techniCian f~ed it. The kiUs were still asleep, so she baked a-coffee cake. There was company. The wife of astronaut Bili Pogue, who ·hasn't flown yet, and_ the widow of astronaut Charles Busett. who died in a plane crash, were there to lend sll ppon·. The childr.?n got up at 8 a.m. and streaked for the TV. LAUNCH LA TE BY SECOND CAPE KENNEDY, F1a. (AP) -The launch of Apollo 11 was late , launch director Rocco Petrone said Wednesday at a postlaunch news Conference. "We we re '124.mtlisccondl late for the start of lhlt mission that teally started efght years aio." he said. A miJlllecond ls one thousandth of 1 S«:Olld. Orange Coast We ather ·-Clbudt during the lato lligJit and early morning will mar otherwiae suMy summer d ys aJona the coast 'and_ the.re might be some patchy fo11. INSIDE TODA. Y \Vhat camt Jh:_•t -the chlcl.·· Cit-or the egg? Pick your fa~ orite afttr: rea<µng zoning prob- lem 1torv on Page AJ2 . ' . ' , ; I • -· ~·~ c ~~*r.r~ Mesa pe~ays Theater; :Other Plans _A dlH\!Ua~ .. .,. chtl>ge for the <Ollt~ 100 am Laf'Oip properly "111 be -'<lorod by th< Fountain Vlllloy Plannlni Coaun1Alon at Its -Ung al -7:30~ -- Tiie ad1"o "f:.. ll!INled two -k• . 110 1'J ""ltl<lm ·-;ioi.. ll· 1 r p • r • ~~ :.="'J.. olc1:" ~ Lanoln Ccmpany that It CID build i1om<s In ""'""1n Volley II It meets th< proper ~catloos. Conlroveny flared up over tbe tract when tt w11 letmed the Larwln Company was to bulld homes ol i.000 OQ111r< feet ~nd to develop propert:r It ~·town 11 a park -and be crediled for 1 PO'k com· mltmenl Toolgbt plamien will coosider ~ the JOO acres betw!ltll T-rl and Ellis Avenoes and Newland Ind' Mqnolla Slrett> for 11...,.1o1 -· The orillnal Lanrift :rr.a .... stopped In Orange County 8llportor Cwrf · by aeveril mldents near U. p~d c!Ovelopment who filed ,,_ epln8t the Larwin Corvpimy and Ille d\1'. .- 'Mlil lime plannen will -IOl)lng the AIU. wttbout the u.se of eztra land for park development other than lhal wbich ; U.1 lnaide Larwln properly. • f'ro• P.,e J :BUDGET ••• • By AUION LOCKABEY ~ ... ,. ...... 1111 141111tf H0NOLUt.U -T~ and phy*al ovl<!MC• of tem~filled days and •ilhla at·aea piled up In ~a Wal Yacht Horbor today aa yadtla lnlboTranlJ!aclllc Yacht 1te<e Umped acroaa·tbofilllsh llpe. The mfabaps ltcludad everything from blown.out ' saUs to broken gear and persocial injuries. Yet Veterans of the t,225 mile 'franspac cla!m that the winds in this race were near normal, and cer- talnly not as bad as the 1~ race. Dama1ea to yachts large and small will be counted in the hundreds of t~OtJ.'3nds of dolla" before th< !1st of 'the 73 startera llnally crou the llniab line. WORSI' DISA8TER lluldel Ibo Jut minute dla11141ltng or Mir, the worst cflwter 1lnock Ron McA!mon's a.root cutter F1111Ult In tjle latter Jtal;es of &he race. At 3 a.m. on the day before she llniabed, Purault'o main boom wa1 anapped like a matcbJtick when slie l'ounded up in a beayy oquall. Punull Wfl mady bolng oteered with • small emef18pcy rudder after her main . stearing mechanilm had let 10 nddway ln the race. She crossed the finfah line bolng lletred.wtth a 1plnnaker Pola NrY· rJatd u a .uuer and rqdder. Lam Prl!igle's 7&-loot 1cboonar Queen Mab crossed the lino with a •pb)nller hopele#ly fouled uh<jer Ibo bo41 and traWnc the ate:rn In.the watdr. She had been Ulling' for throe days with thla ban· dlcap. · · Olher skippers told of J!UrnetOOS 11il losses 11'.)d ~en &pinnaker poles as erraJlc winds conlinued to alom at tlle Tacing fletL CONCERTO SLAIDIED TOURIST Vl&WS· BLASTOFF Porchail on Mod OVthou.O Jolm Hall, •ldPPor-of Cooeorto frnm NHYC, told of tbo 57.foot ~-beliil •!Mlm'4 into en accidental Jlht-wlllull sa1IJ atalld!J1J. Amazinlly, the JW htld -tot1•11Mr duplte tile f1et tllat th• iuddar Bae~' Husband .. Starts Jail Term PALO ALTO (UPI) -Folksiqer Joan ~ w11 left to4iY w!Uwlut a hlllkM for tilt nm. three yu.n. ll•r '1"""'• David Harris, :3, wal at· rooted 1t hla home by U.S. m8f!ll.i/ and taken ""Y to begin aervlce of 1 ti>,... -prlaOo term. Harris. who was convicted by I Jury ol ~~~~Jt ta~ had 1 .. _......,... I l).S. lllottld coqrl ho waqld Doi come to tiWl! Illa ~lenca vo1untari17. · -f · -~ · To ...-. lla!ria Ai( <>114 ·~ hla wtndPlea. The Judie an .,,.,i ...-1. ffa!rll. :3, ts • '"'"" -booty p~ of SIQ!onl I)~. lj qQlt coUece ·lo ~Ip .found the , an . •ntldr.ft armp, and met aDd ti Dl•r· rt.,i. Miu Bau, a fervent P1C!fiat, . . . ~ o! the ~tnam War. I Nuclear Test Bia$~ . I ltc>cks Nevada Site YTJCCA FLAT, Nev, (UPI) jt, Two undercround nuclear ~ blutl w ' set oft today •t the Nevada teA 61te, M in ooe caae the resul14nt tremor r.ed on ~aphs 308 miles away~ , The Atomic Enet11Y Col)ln)I!$!~ •old ~ was no ratl1~on leab'.ge 'jnm ' ellllof b1¢ f 11f,I,, \11lJT I ...... CQU1' ...,..,.,.. ~ a.Mrt N. W•e4 .,...... ......... Jed I. c.d.., ......... --........ --· --n...n A. w.,,w .. -----210 W ... l•r It.Hf .....,, __ , ...... ,~, .. It --. ......., ....,., 9'11""" .... ~ ...... "-"'• ........ '""'"' ..... 1n11M1M•a ..... 'I • ' f'rotit Page J APOLLO •.• aatrona~ta were too.bllq to think ahead. Liter, wbtJI "the flilbt; dutia: eeled, Armstrong, the spacecraft commander, and the men who w11I be the' flnl to Id fool On the mOoD Sunday rilsb~ ,.Id '"r~a.t Saturn gave ua a m~gnlfietnt ride , , • We have no complaints with any o! the .th,. staaos on Illa! ride. II. fH be•uW\11." The 363'1oot Salum lifebl and Apollo spacecraft. bunllna mere than a ton of luel a second. rose from Cape Kennedy on an ~root tral1 el name into the blue Florida-sky. '!'he U IJ!llllon p.,P. me$ed a4irlesily. I !rt ml!lutes, the rocktl w4s cutllnl wlng·llke "1ockwlvos Jhroo&h Ille thln- niq air. Behln41, the' launch pad otlll •Pill«! wtth the I0,000 •allono of Wfllr • nll!l\lla I""'!"! lhioup· Ille "!<11!1 ftllft• to ~· ~ f'°'!l 1"!1cb tt _, . Men tjlall • million •P'!'l4ton rlnced tM"llllt be~,61 the Cope .... ~ . l1"11nt<U!>• ~a· lo aee· th ·!hr .. veloran "1JoCp · lllit oil on Ille rint luoar eiplor4tfl>I!. • , . : : " Amonl tho...,,~ -i... •Jled !JI' .lhe e· ·-to w,!itj,-lllo' launch tivm ·b 1 I e·J1' mu.s· 4Wly wal.:\'iee ·!nt spf:: T. A&ntw. who heads the naUGf\'& space council. In en interv!ow1 he &ai4 ho balleved ltmerica lbould p1ll! · to put a man on Mara. "5emeone la 1oin1 to do It." be 1ald.· ,"! think we 1hooldnl be too lio>ld to 14y by the eDd of thii een~ we're JOlDI to put a inln on Mara. That's my JlJd&Menl" Agnew ii a me!'nber of the spetjal presldenUal commltlee U..,I will re<om- rnand America'o luture goa!J Iii 1p4eo in Septeptber. He admitted hi1 'viewpoint on M1rs was a rninolliy Opinien on tbe coaln· mllteo. ·co~ ON•BA!!Y' ' ·' . . F'ormer-Piesldtnt L~on B. Jobbsen WIS alsO OD tM v'£p stindJ. A prime movtr in space &ff.its trom hil days as &mator and Jaler u Pre-.i· ~ent Kenqtdy'a expert on space 4'i.1t1, this w&J the first Ja!UM:h he had seen fif'at hand. \Vben the rOcktt rote from the pad ~nd tbt ihock w4ves shook \be sptO: tatora, he shouted, "Co4'M on Biby • , , Go Baby." . Al the White House. Prtside"l Nj1on watched on lelevbion with Alr Porct1 Col. Fraflk Borman wllo rode to the mom Jri Apollo a. Sunday, Borman, a Jay leader in t~ Epi&<01"1I ,qllurch, wUI. take part In 1peeill Whtt.e HOuse attV1cc for con- groasmen. dlploma,1! tl\41 otller me1111>er1 • ol covemment. 'nley will offer prayers for the utronauli on tht eve ol the tudln&, •"4 ~ Bonnaa wlU road the chapters on "'* lion fnlm the !look of Qflltlll,,1he lllpe chaptell recited to earth 1111 Chrlalmu by Apollo I u ~ otbilad the moan. DettrmiJtw Thief Steals Me~au's D.og Value. not &ize, detenninta the dtfrte ol ,QllaV~, blj\ -Vet st0JO =' ol l6tt from a Coit.a Mesa -r'I •partment Tuesday pll!ied a nthe Iara• peUy theft job. Gary N. Mertdllh, 591 Hllllfltoo St., laid -e tllpped lato Illa lell<ed yard and llold Clown, Illa tlO Germ .. llhepllerd doll. >1to never before htd been )flt on tlla owo-. .. Upper Bay Swap Backers to Tell Stand to CHART One moath 110 tl>e> _.11 ol-the u,,... lifWP9'1 l!~)' ticl•tsiids oacbln&• ooWjled o(f• belen' the 'CiU-HitbOr Area Reaeareb Team (CHART). Titan· day, backers of the ... ap wlll bave tbeJr innin~ ,,_' •. . , . OJWi'il'~1 Prt!1~1 Jim Wood aa!d th{bret'@'..*'·""1.0n 'won 14~ ;ra°' 1t 1:111 a.in: at ibe eo,1a Maui Colllrt1)' Clq~. '!lie publjc la bivitetl. Ain11111 parllclpanla In the plenned Pl!l'el <UlcUAIM )\1\1.1/t ltvl)le <;ompany Plff14epl!WllJI~ ~.l>i;anp COllnty COO-t A4riin l\utPtr, Harber District ~ "Jim Balli• and Jehn l(llliler, ldmlnlllralve ~·t to Fifth District Su~ Alton E. AUon. Wood explained the _. of the aatherln& by quoUng ah unldantilled phil090pher: "It wen ~W that we shoold all think allM ;. II W\cllllirence of opiolon thlf makes ·horse race.}• l CoupJe HeJ •·Up ' . But Get Clue · • T() One Sus~t llo\11>.i ot l\SO at lll!lii!\t ID Co!LB Mep Tuelday •I'd kl l!Wl Ille 1etaway car, a Cap . anoi,' .Beaeb plumber too~ the 1iceJ!10 llll!ft1-\¢ two GiM !lutaritan-llandlts, i.utoi 1o ar· reat di a girl 8U8pOcl early todlji. ~ AµthOrltleo In .Bin Ben!m!h\O picked up Jl<Y A.•Sl!Jn)'Oli; 1,1, at ber home, aflor a l#ltif Cheek 'allaletlJy lndlc1lod the car qto4 ill ue &:i!I p.m. hollh!p Tuetda7 belori&td to bet parenla. Ml" Rlnl1on won booted at Coot• Mep Oty Jail for invostipJlc!q ol 4"11od rtlbl>0r7, wlljle the hunt Cotitl!i"°' for 1 y...,. in .. ~the car Involved. llul•I G. D~, II; ol 3011 Vja Fortuna, 0.PiatrUo ~. told' Police his w •rote dllwn Tue'4V a!ltrno$1 on !Ith Street wt of Or .... """"" and ha and hli wife, Chf;yl, went lot help. The vicUm said they were offered a Hit by another -couple~ at Wh!Ch time Mn. Dismang reiqrntd. to watch the e1ir while her hu1b&nd went with the. helpful P,if. Driving to a quiet residential corner ID· itead, Olgmang aald, the motorist pulled a pistol aod demanded hit willat, after which h• was kicked out and lhe couple drove off at hiah speed. 15th Transplant ' . Made at Sta)lf ofd ST,\NFORD °CAP) -Doctnla per!O<n>- ed their IMh heart trans~l"lt <>P'{a\lol\ today at Sllnlonl Unlvorody l!OSJ>itoL 'rho rttlplent "'•• El!On 11. Wagii>Jtla, Sl, ol 1>1_.ion. -otierot!G!li of. ficer at lhe 0.kland air trafl!c <Oqtrol center. Tiie ho!Pttal !Old Wa&enileldfl -was ,.,~fY after four l!o<u;I of l!Urfery COll)pltted •"9rilY befO!l! o0o!o\.b7 • IUQI headed by Dr. Norman Shu11n .. ,., l\elri0 lnn1Plalll pioneer. , IO additl611 10 Wagenf>eld, 111 Stanlor'd l1an$plant patlenll •re ll•~· liilormlilOO about l!lti ~onot el w....,,beld's ..,. ll<ut was wlthllald. ·- •'•.. '~ ~ • 'i wu trmporarily J~td dutlnc" G1e nit lee. · • Jtepeita that Stan Wl!Ham'a hllornltao lrooll NIJYC wa1 in ~rio&IJ trouble ~ out 19 be trrvneGUI. !nit,,_ !tad niil- dar' in>Oble but WIUia'1!1..W ll·bof- repainil and th< yaclll -lttll -.... toward Honolulla at·1eytn ltnot&.•' · • Still fighting diluter It aea WU tllt rl· loot sloop Quest, sklpperod by Tom Lavine, from' California Yacht Club. · Alter Oouoderinl for days with • Ultless rudder, west. was taken In towi TueldaJ by the aubmarine Ronquil out at San Diego some 900 mile• from Honolulu. A comi!\etdol tug from 11opo1u1u •u brea>llng b•aV)> .... In • plllll*I rendezvous with the twoq.U to ..U..e her of the tow. • , • . Meanwhile an ill crewman abol~. tbe Quost WU beln( doctoi.I with ~~· .. and otlo<r drop to nlttW. Uli .,... of What W.. diapos<d 0a kJdiiey stoots. 'I1>e crewm'8 was not ldeautied. Al of I a.m. todey, ~htd been toppled from th< co 1111' • leadenhlp ·by two yac~ts ll"1lhed afler mldnlghl The new conecled !We lea~r ii Jon ~·· CIMO Arsaaaut from Santa Barbara with. a corrected time of six daya, lO )leuro, II mlnulel Ind teven secondl. Second overall IJ Arthur Blthl'o 37-loot aloop Quooar from Rkh· mond Yacht Clob. But there are yachts lltiU •t HI eI· pected to save tbelr tUne for over.all loa<lenhlp. II t:oprtt. a af,foot sloop, the amol1¢ in ,the race bol°"'"" to Gtor1e PhUllps of San J'ranciaoO CID flllllh by · mliji,Jght It could take the !Op .,;t: Yaclits ~ to linlJb W°" noon today are the Cal IOs Tancept and Cllrloso. The Colunillla IO Wosterly lldp-w'4 hy Ern/e-Wllaoo of .llJIYC WU ... ~ Jo f -11>ou1 4:30: lJ ~ . • ... ~.· :J~.:li. 111:: n-A. ' •· • -"r.. '· 1 •• ,., '.ti= Mriit. r ,,..., M twf. 1SMTr ......,.., ,., IU.1 Nu-. II,. ts-)i_ JINO ""''"" ~ 1"431 Q\l~r, ~ 11141 Quwe MM. 2WO.. 1it-1h 11:...,., 2U4. lfj..01 "ltNC41. ft.Ii. 1JJ.UI It_, ~7, INi U~, 21• 1SHll letldi Mitt, JUI. 1'1-# ~ 2Wt. Ul.flh ~·· u-A tSW11 tltt 0 TIM Kiit, ,..... UM:ti no-, a..... 1..U1 \14.brle 11. s..a. 1•111 · vei.o.v.,., l"'M .,1M.J11 • Ylvfllf, a.11. lfl4'1 . .....,rty, n. 27. UIMlr Wbl~lllO 11, n...,, lWl1 >111111!l1111t< t.-, 'U141. ' I IS111-..4(1'44H6.lollMll,rlHltOLU NU PN N CllD HOT 1t•l"01tT......t.""9-. ..r\lflt, H...,,ii. -· Ml4iftt9, """"""' bUiMMt It, '"""" 111, T~. Y•lkt'rll I\, Wiii""" II,_ • 1. \Vt..-W.rll ........ 1 o "'J' o -. M in11111ttt. II ..andl ti ..... --t -. dW•, I hMI.. n '"""*" :aJ ....... ...,...,..., tlr"'l J. l ... Hn, l:l!lll!MI'. ~;~"'1.CTf.fi:f.4-jf."f;Ull ~ -rMCel. 1•:111ti"\J. ');"~*~1 8, .. c-l~. ; !JjM~· fl:' . ''MJI·o!o..-~.~ ' ,11:11 • •. ' CT> It Im'.--.. ~. -~1:1· ~i\~~. ,~~~· lilt:IJ/I El: It t' ~"' .. •• u ltll"*'-· tl, ~,·,\'rf,11.m ~~j ~~, •• :\!-':.'!;;:. , •.. ~1l"ll.".li"tT'." 1. ~, l 1:ri-1 -..,.. ••. ~. ~ . . end UtltWll. M -.11 .. ,._., .. et la =·:lit· 1ll'4t' 4,""Jl:::f; mt· ltil: ."""''' !~'"" ... ,.~~"''" ~. P.'~!i 1 (hJ~tTll, , I U· U:, 1-i VI' , I , "Ill• Ofr 1M4r, :t+tl. I · MIN.. ... 1..,11 De,., !WI. l-.U1 .... ...., ll, u.& 1*'2 r .. ,.,_, 1>51. 1,.., ~ ...... n.,rr. ,...,.., -.. ~ •• lt-Q. ,.., .......... u.p. ltNJi ·~ It, J.11, l»U. Hawthome Oil Strike Brings Meas Not Joy HAWTHORNE C.u'l -Tht7 •truck oil T""'1sY lllghf In "ll>url>ln llawlhon!e but the 100.loot lota<k gayaer diCJl't bt!q jGy -only • mefl. The geyser was frtta a hiib prt~re plpelll!O leak in 4 -'1°" --Standard Ojl't El Sqondo relb!t!l' IBd sa~·Pedro area well•-Tlcla1'• Job-u • pedal alao to be 1bljllday """ Fr141Y chores -wu cleai\1111 thlc:I< \IYet! or ~de e11 ·orf can and 1tere fnlnls. ' cQNVlNlfNt TllMS eANICAM~l~RD MASTEl eH.U&t • -- \•' r • l f I --.C:l!QWHI~ MOMIN? .:_ tlnda Prais, 18, Fullerton (center) II lld'Mlu Oranae County, Fair. Kathleen Knut.on, 13, . .t,.a Habr* 1rlltlit)~ ,wli• fir:st runner up"ln beauty co'ntest, while Connie Pflsled 9i:'H1111tlilaton lleacb (left)., was 1eeond runner up. . ' ~ - ' .. She~s the Fai~est; •'t I ' .' C~d, 18, Wins County Show Crown •1 • -' ' . . ' A Fullerion Jmlicr ~lla1e aludtnt will! • ;yen , for 'Melicanfood and teaching :prone! ·Tllesdly that -ly .and brains ~ do mis-In II .~1 -~Urac!ive way. • Linda-Sue PriJs; 11,-wv crowned ''Mtas Orarige. County. Fali' ," q~·of t.ho !Ml <>ranp COllnlf Fair an<! ExP.ostt19n. The p<en-ayod, blonde-hatred. -beaµly, wh<>se 120 pounds are deliahtfully distnlnzttd on a 5-foot, 7-incb frame on a JS.-24-35 raUo, rectally was runner-up in Orange C:O.Oty prellminarlea fcr the Mm Universe contest First runner.up in the "Miss Oraitp County Fair'' eompet.lllon w-a JCathlfila Knutaon; 11, LA Ritifl:-'I'tie HCorid-rft.. ner-up wu Connie Plilter, 19, HuntingfiD Beach. As ';Mias ·Oran'le County P'air,u ~ Prals will next repre.o;ent Ol'8n1e. Coaiijy at the "Maid of Ca 1iforni11" Bl!il" P•1eant In Satrainento in AIJIUll, · · f'rom Page 1 EL TORO FOR SALE? • •• sale of El Toro MCAS -or any otber milltary..Polkarrles th< Jinn comml~ ment that they would n.aturally be re- built ~e wUb the protteds. EI Toro. MCAS hu a much more ab'ategic ddtnae role amon.1 the pmta 'mentioned u a lralnfl!g bUe'.aod jump-toa station for Vietnam 'c o m b a t •linmtnt.s, which rt.and a good ·ehanct to dwindle in months and veara ahead. The Preaidlo located in a wood.1y RC· lion of San Francisco near the Gold<!n G-te Bridge, hawever, serves only as achnlnistralive headquarters for the Weatern ti.S. Sixth Anny. lll le>caUon would make it a .gold mine, whether eventually developed into pr;. vate cOmmercial use, or obtained by San Francisco au,thori~es as a pift and rtie,rUUonal de\ttlepmtnt. TM Presidio -a spellus, park-Uko poat -la already an open. public ~wplace. .Under projects of the lnlUal pha" of the Pett:if'a Muter Plan of Orange Coun- ty Aviation, 1011" type of . locallzod ttifonal airport must be developed to npli.ce the srnaUu a1stln1 f1clllty. Ptrelra'1 plan su11!Med starting with a look at Et ' 1'oro M:CAS, which WIS esi.bllshed a Year 1go, In an irea noW r1pldly aevetopin1 into auhur~ rulden· ti1l 1nd commerclal use. Despite recent rejection at ~ sale 11r jablt t11e idea by the Corps, a spokuman ' 112J NEWl'OU AVltlU~ COSfA MESA • at the air llaUon "id ToeodlY It d"" il!- -.toed appear Ille oullcemmlttee ,.ur-~ into the civilian airport concept. . ·i "The &ervices would naturallY be~ tan\ to dlspaae of oper1ttng ·raiilltl'(> without defmite ~ranct that ~ would be &et asJde to rebuild ---~,. Rep. Rtver1 uld Tuesday. "Thii'<lore I think any 'Jti!alau.io which your subcommittee 1h0Wd reed. mend wou1d have to cotititn a D qutremenl that funds received would·e.· placed in escrow for rebuilding at new lDcalioM," Rivers told Rep .. Long. , Hbuse Armed Service• Commiltr membei'a named to the new • commlltee also lnclode repreaentathto Rober! D. Mollohan CD-W. Vlrglnial,':P. C. Dani!, (D-Virglnl1l, Ed Fo,.man (ft· Now Mexico) and G. Wllliam Whilehmt CR·Virlinla). . . ' Rioters Still Fightii)g BEi.FAST (UPI) -Riole" foualll police agaln today In the alterml!:tlr'« Northern Ireland's bloodiest clasbts·4n . nine months between ' Matile Rome Catholics and Protestamt.s. One policeman wu injured In BtUet whep street m&bs unleashed a hall._..f rocks aaainst advancing lawmen. E1Pt persons wel'f: ami1ted. Ganp allO fin. bombed a local ahop. ..;f • . ' . .. ' . ' • 21 YEARS s.&ME LOeA!IOH Pi'IONE I 14f.l401 - •, ··- ' , I i I I l ) . \ ) ' { \ I l \ ( }j ' I I { ~qrcbarge Fought on 2 .Fronts WASlllNGTON (UPI) - T:he·baWe between President N'IJOD'.iM Siiille Democrita ovtr tbl lnoome ta:r surtharge J1 belftl-foulht on two fronti -ptyeholotJcal and political. El\tltr w1y, the stakes are 11lr bl&her lhan the $7.6 billion 1n ... 1.ec1. ' ~.Nlzon turned up t h e pl'Ulllfe, calling his t o p «onomlc advisers to an emer1eney meeting to diacuss the economic impact of Serilte delay lD extension of the surtax. The President made It plain he thinb any hesitation will fan tbe lira or inflation and that be will blame the Oe.mocrats for any resulting rise~ iD ~ ~c q{ liying; TAX tN 11.wrE Sen. Fred R. Harri s, DemocraUc naUonal chairman . and a member or the Senate Finance Committee, hit back by charging Nixon wants to ·~K in ha.ate and reform at leisure." Harria said a proposal to Md t1:2 billion a year to the tax billl of the rich wu the "bart minimum" reform bemocrats would Insist upon es the price for extension of the surtu. Mlt<M 'Wants proriipt ·ei:- pansian of the t.u to prove the covermnent means business in lta-IJabl agalnit Inflation. Prdident L y n d o o B. John!on asked for the surcharge early in 1967 but it was not untU mld-1968 that Congress enacted It. Nixon asked for an extension with a grcidual phase-out. The .House P<!ssed' an extension J:ate last mooth IJy a narrow margin. Administration officials, Jn. eluding· Treasury Secretary Dlvid M . .Kennedy, say fut action allo is needed by the Senate to combat an "lnna- tionary psycholoty" •which causes busineumen a n d othera to buy now to avoid the ~round of price increases. SAV!! l\IOj'IEY K<nnedy argu., thal il the putillc becomea convinced that inf1a11on ~ be coot.lioed, ln- dJvil.uaB will begin to aave more tJl thelr money, thus • helplna to ceoJ the economy. But• Senate Finance chai(tnan llu'6ell Long, (I). La.). says bia commllt.e wW not act on lhe Houae-pas.sed suttu: bill until it completes h~s , on overall t a 1 reform. Hanis said he would try to attach to the surtax bill hb 11minimum Income tax" plan, which would require the rich to 'J>IY taxes on at least half of their total income regardle:aa of exemptions and dttd~s. He Aid present loopholes permitted 21 penoM with In- come of more than $1 million to e9C8pe taxation in 1987. "It seems to me to be 1 bare minimum of wbat we ought to do In this bill," he said. "J lhfnk we either ought to attach real rtfonn to it or ,,.re ought to refuse to extend it for·a full year." Nixon want.a to extend the tax at ili present 10 percent rate for the rest of this year and 1t 5 percent for the flnt sit..fnonlhl of It'IO. Htrrls hinted thal If llley are bloclc:ed on their tax reform effor18, the Democrat. might agree to extend the sur- tat lor a •horl period, possibly thtte months. TOUJ: nmmNG lucll I slr1tegy might force tht' 1Republican president to s~ rnuch of his first year in ofb fighting to rabe tues, a pollUcllly unaUracUve stance. ll 1\so coold permit Ult Oemocrall to keep a hold on the surtax for use as 1 lever ln other dealinp wlth the Wh!te H~se. in.on andenoor-ed lbe lm- portlnce he lttachet to the ISM when he .caDed an emil'(<nc:)' m..ilng of Ill< 1' (1!11 d P·l Id ," h1a top four ecoftOmic 1dvl8er1 -Ken- netlt. budget director Robert p . -M..Yo. chalnnan Paul W. Mdl'acken of the cooncU of •mlc: advisers and r•al Reaer:ve B o a r d chijrman William McChesney Madin. Brice Harlow. Nixon's chief lialsOn wiUl Capitol HW, ut in on part of the ,...llnrl. 'l'!>e porllciplnta would DOI dilCllSI ttie ID-minute 181tlon. Bu( .. White HOUSfl p r e I s ~ Ronlld ZJ.illr Ilk! N~ t1!1nb a. deJ1y In lhe ludU: bill would "kad to • '°'11i!'•tloo of the ciao In prlqol ml lnlerUI flltJ." BOAT BUFFS .A l""' Le1•11tey 11 tht eflll/ fuH-tlfne lte1tf,.. e41tot wor~lfllt .,. lfllY 11ewip1per lit 0.1ftfe Co1H1ty. Hit e•1h11i..,. ,..,.,.,. ef M1tl'119 lflld y11ltflflll flle wt 11 1 41!1y fe1f11re •f the DAILY PILOT. ( • -. . ----.. ---·· . ~. DOUBLE .KN IT ACETATE "TORSO SKIMMERS SPECIAL! 12.99 . Smoshingly striped .. g<><>verywhore step ins thot flotteringly toke you ,from summ91: throui,h fen. Both eosy-on, bock zip styles. A. Fli p tie, novy/red/white, purple/grey/wh;te, • or brown/black/white, .10.1 a. B. Fromod v-neck , purple/white, red/white , or brown/white , 8-16. Moil end telephone orders inv ited, Budget Dresses, 27 ANAHEIM 4# N. Euclid 535-8121 Mon. thru Set. I 0 o.,,;. to 9:30 p.m. • • Wednm.,, July I , 1'16? JU LY . ' • SALES ·aiJv ~ ,, NEWPORT 47 Fashio n lslond 6+4-1212 • PATTERNED PANTDRESSING WITH AVRILs RAYON 9.99 Jowel.toned prints odd o fresh verve to our oction·stylod pontdresses by Future Fosh i6'.s. Both, reo dy to whisk you off to o fun.filled summer in cool, comforteble Avril9 reyon/cotton. C. Multi-color peisley stepin, blue, green, 12-20, :14'/i·20'fi. D. Diogonal stripe print, novy, plum, '.12-20. Me il ond telephone orders invited, Doytime Dresses, 73. . M~h. thru Fri. 10 e.m. lo 9:30 p.m. · S.t. 10 .e.m. to 6 p.m, HUNTINGTO!'l BEACH 7777 Edinger 892·333 1. Mon. thru Sot. 'I 0 e.m. to 9:30 p.m. ·, t • • ., • ' ' , I 11 I . ' • ,......, ..... _...._ -----· ----·~ -- • t ... • • ' • , DAD.Y PJL9T ~ITORIAL PAGE I Helicopters for .Me-sa The -Costa Me"' City Council lo~y...,e vole·•hY of approving a two-bellcopter patrol •y>tem for the police department The 2-2 tie vote ls almost certain to end up favoring the helleopter purchase when !Qe fifth member of the council, Willard T. Jordan, returns to biJ seet In the chamber!· Seldom has a plUOhase -even a ,J!llliOf 'Pwcbase -received tbJY~tteiltio~ ~. slu4)1 ljl!i"91~ lo Cofila Mesa's ]le,llcopter program. ·'l'I• poU..ce·d~riment has been investigattn'g· the systefu; for more than a year, councilmen tb~e~ves havo· hid ~tenlr of opportu• l)!ty to probe all aspects of th0>program, and'the pub- lic bas had its chance to weigh the syaten and make its views known. . Through ii -all, Police Chief Roger ·Nclb must. be com.mended for the thorough homework be has given to the issue. In assessing the assets and llabillties of the helicopter patrol, Chief Neth provided a convincing package of facts-facts which ultimately swayed most of tbooe dubious abo.ut the helicopt<r. • ' · The DAILY PJLOT was among those who serious· Jy questioned whether the need was enough to justi· !}' the cost, $550,800 over a five-year period. But after listening to Cblef Neth'• arguments for the sky-borne patrol, it became more and more evident that beli· copters cou1d perform a tremendous.)aw. enforcement service at what tt.tme,d •out to be -a reasonable cost, considering what IJK!·•uin . buyo. - What It buys Is the eqµlvalent of·lO patrolmen and three patrol cars-at ·somewhat less · cost. Moreov~; the unique capabUities 'of an ,airborne patrol give it characteristics lbal n<>o ground patrol could match. The chief objections 'to police helioopters, other than CQI(. seem to boll down to concern about noise and.inVaalon of--prlvacy...On the noise count, Cblef Neth pointed out that the helicopters have been making evaluation flights in and out of Costa Mesa for many . ' . month•· ...,._,.lib .scarcel.Y':an·objectlon~And on the·ln- vasion of privacy worry. _be assures re$idents that a flying policeman is much too bu~ at his job to p<ac· lice voyeurism. .. . It appears that the 'age of the helicopter llfi ar- rived in Costa Mesa. From all available ,lnfol'lljation and from reports o! qtber cltlp_ with simllal: progi'ad>s, it ~ ~ be a wl•~ mr•ifment. • ' I ·Our Fast·lfyfug Ladies ·~ \ ~- .Last w~ Harbor ~nsldents for a ~· apt •ome pleao19! news lnvolvjjjg air travel. " , We're ·\8iking about'. a ~ eouple ·of air· 'it~vel~>­ NeWJ!Ort Beach's Mara ·Culp and Costa MHa'• Thon Griffith. The ladies came in first and third in the P.ow· der Puff Derby. Never before in lhe ,23 .. years of the All·women Transcontinental Atr Rae~~ the Derby's' official name -have our hometowns been so hjgh up:ou ·the list of top winners . ' And perky blonde Mara made it in )ler first time. out. ·.She not only came .in ahead of all jtie other .solo fliers, but she set a flight time record In doin&' so. It took her just three -rntilutes under 12 &ours to Dy the 2,515-mile trip from San Diego to Washington, D.C. ~-Griffith, who shared her third place award a.s cc>ptlof f~ Marion Banks-of San Diego1 i'I no new· comer to wiMers' circles. The Griffitb--Banks team won~the Pacific Air Race last year and:WB.3: the first arriVal in Ni~aragua in the International Air Race last March. Boll! Mrs.-Culp and Mrs. Griffith have licenses to fly mucb-bJggiir aircraft than the single-engine private plane• th")' iOak' aloft in the Derby. · Con~tulitions, girls. • ' • (()) Not Rational, Not -s~nsi6fu; Not Humane Dear Gloomy Gus: I StaggerJ'9fl Array of Rev'>lutionaries A N-ation . ·in~angerous Turmoil In boll! lhe Near and Far Ea!t, meulta Jn cbUdren often prove fatal. With tbe .tvent of the .newer vaccines, we are able to rt.duce the perctntage of chlldren who come down wllb the -· ud thus cut the deatb rate from tbls came. Wlm1 we cut. the death rate, we .-oily reduce the high -mortal!· ly nte In tbm areu, ud thus lnc:nase the popula1ioa. where mQllMg of people are alreldJ &Urviag. Tbe c:blldren •oo't dle from measles, but !ram lll!lnutriU!n- EVERYWHERE IN the wprld, modem med1clne is performing thl! ~ dubious miracle -redeeming over-populated areas from diseue, only to have the peo- ple succumb to st.8.rvaUoo because there are more of them. It is a nice ~al ques- tion whether pestilence or famine shoukl be their late. This jg one ol tbe 117eat and presaing paradoxes o! "pr0fi70!S.'' Tbe looier tbat isclence increases the We-span. the mare people We keep alive, the more babies we save through vaccines and antibiotics - the graver becomeJ &he: food situation in these under-developed areas, and the higher the pm;sibilit)" of ma&S starvation" on a scale unknown in the past. THERE IS ANOTHER pathetic paradox involved in this same situation . M long u the standard of living remains Jow, t.be birth-rate remains high ; it is~ ly when tbe standard of living goes up that the number of children per family Natr that the Mesa Verde "mil· lionalra" got rid of lhe eycie riders, 'Whal will they do about the aheep grazing on the state land out there? Or don't they smell •them In the rareried air of their (ancy housing tract? -J. J, D. goes down. So thll the 1¥1 poople'llfYe to eat, the more they breed, and th&i the even less they have to eat. And themor.e the people baye to ell, the less-the)-breeld. tlo that · they llOOll have ..,..1 ..... ~ -,.. large m qur .-ease • that 'the IOftl1HMllt wW pay farmm not to produce cetaln crops, while t~thirds of the worlil goes to bed hungry every iilgl)t. . . ' OF COURSE, tltiJ whole tltjng jg not ra· tional, 1striot sensible, ls -not humane -it iJ ,lJte a fantPy invented by some black humorilt, or a aatlre beyond anything liwift could haVe imagined. Nor can we simply hand over our surpluJ food to starving peoples -!or tltiJ woold thruteo the 'jeconomic balance'' of world tradlhinil .upset the Ocionomlco or · some countries. So here we· .... ; lnc:naslng'lhe world's population through acience · -and in· creasing it precisely where It should be decreased -while the mighty abstrac- tions of "~nomlcs" and "trade" and "government" prevent any rational disposition of the world's food resources to those ln mo.st critical need of il Uttle wondtt that young people all over the world fmd us blind and paralyzed to the edge of insanity. WASHINGTON -J. Edgar Hoover -.. past year. Hoover rewrted .. has setn a said IO much Jn recent testimony before proliferation of such' organiiations con- Congress, and so little of ll was reported, cerned with guerrilla warfare and ter- that reviewing the scope of it in capsule rorlsm. form gives a bewildering picture of a na-Hoover expresses suspicion without of- .Uon In dangerous tunnoll. fering very convincing evidence of The average person ~'• . hears or device. with ibe aim' of creating an e:ra of foreign influences, some arising from rea.d4 of only that part of the turmoil cur· chaOs which will destroy the pttRDt Cnba. Contrary tO the general supposition renUy in the newa. ~ver ,fs bepiag 1 that Castro's Cuba has lost its revolu- tract of a stagaerltlg :may· of ' revo1u-f'":~~~~-~~~· •"--N----....1 ....._-... ~OilJIY drive, Hoover re~rts ~he revolu· UonlMl1 of. both the-right and ~ ;n.-~--IV""""'&1 ....... ~ """' ""...--·uc:1·-.... -ttonary movement-there 1s going -strong cendlaries, spies, provocateurs, and iivJUM ,come::-trom wealthy benefactors, and is swing no effort to e1pand the milltuta who increase Jn their numbered ti!Wlf.*l·.~1UOns, an orpnizaUoa. of Communist takeover lo the rest of Latin thouaandl year by year. c:ontp profen:n, amall donors in the America. Castro, says Hoover. is su~ How iJ one to judge these darkeaing ,flO to S::,O nhge, thole identified as ell.her plying men, material an<!~ logiWcal &up- shadowa of violfnce yd disruption? Nol, put ot ~ members or a:ym~ ~to help overthrow exi.st1Jli.lrePnes aurely, from the ~lac'a,...view•_of an -m~iQ! tbe {QJ~.' stqlenl; _: lt"·,IA.Un-Amer~an countries. •nclrcll!il ~nsplracy. 'Ye~ "the totality orginlzaUOlll,. ·1wtckalalng drivu. A and diversity ol ~ appeal to v(Qlenc< . "very, prominent fOlllidoliao" In New· can cause the skepllcal reader of Y<irl< CllY, Hoover r•ported;contr!ltiJted ffOOVtt's report to Congress to wonder more than $250,000. Other New Left · "hen the limljg of loleraUng In· d_., liicluded.a qe..laod lnduabi1H1t surrectlon lie. ·~ho hu tone ~ a soviet apolol:iat," a AS FOR INTERNAL U.S .. espionage and subversion, there is no letup on the part of Communist countries in their ef· forU· to penetrate our national defense in· tE:Iesta. Hoover reports that a defector has disclosed to hiJn that 70 to 80 pereent of all personnel assigned to Soviet diplomatic establishments work in the in· w,e.jlhy New Y<irl< tecl11m' and writer, FEW OF HOOVER'S critics would the wife of a 'millitmaire attorney in deny that he is a p~y good In· Clti~. a New England heifeas. ~­ vestigator. Too good, aome<-thiflk. ln any~ event, he is increasingly busy with the appeal to violence. . -- Here. in capsule form, are a few of his findings : Student& for a Democratic Society and the New Left have openly turned to violt.nt pl81ll and tactics. These ·range "from all manner of violent demonstra. tloM to the use or bombs ~ i_o~ \ell!~ field. , nvE ·BLACK POWER qlniiations" !'lie Chin.est, H~yet cla1ms, are advocate or pra~ variou ftlrmt·of in-. becoming a problem. He suggests that sunectlon: 1)e Black P1ntber puty, The-'8i!Hne of the 300,000 Cblnese residing here Republic of New Africa, The Nation of Me 1usceptible to recruitment for es· Islam, 'Ibe Revolutionary Action Mo•e-pionage and propaganda work. He is ment and Tbe Student Non-Violent bothered by 40,000 lli>n1 Kong based Coordinlltbtg Committee,~ litter hav~ Chlnese seamen, at leaAt a few of whom ing de•eloped recently into "a full.blown are believed to be serving as couriers. all-Negro revolutionary movemenl.!'.Tbe • Thouaanda. of_tbem enter United States Robert -Finch's Future a tocol.} Al 67, ~turphy b not amo111 the oldest senators, but he bas been in Ill bealtb. IF FlNCH decides to run, or i£ Mr. Senate Serves Notice WASHINGTON -"The trouble wltb women," said Oscar Wilde, •'ts that tliey want romance to last forever." The same may be aaid of politicians. That Is why one cannot feel terribly sorry for Robert Finch, whose political care:er So fir has been on Cloud 9 and whose recent brief bout w'ilh adversity may result in even greater glory. Nixon puts him ln a position where he can so decide, it will, according to the theory outlined above, make another plus for Unruh in a recent series of plusses as he contemplates the race against Reagan. The U.S. Senate has taken action to reassert ita diminished authority in the making of foreign policy. It passed a re&0lutlon which aays, in effect. that no national commitment can be made without ''affirmative action" by the legt1laltve and e.w:ecutive branches. "National commitment" is defined as "the use of the armec:: forces on foreign territory, or a promise to aasist a foreign country, government nr people by the use of the armed forces or financial reaourcn of the United States, either im- mediately or upon lhe happening of cer- tain events." Sinct: the resolution doesn 't hive the force of law, il doesn't change tbe realiUes of bow foreign policy is made and carried out. Much as it may be deplored, the exl!Cl!Uve branch Is now, and ever since George Washington'• time. bu been, the chief architect o! the na· Uoa'a foreign policy. "SllOllT OF TUE expenditure o! money, U»e blndlng conclusion of trealie& Md the declaraUon of war, the President c:on ...0 nlCh do as be pleues In ~and execuUng foreign Bt1 Geot'9e ---. 1lMI' Georce: I Wanl to Ilk this gtrl lo go tUadJ" but IO doM my lrtend wanl IO Ilk""" I'm ~d il I go steady wllb blr, my friend will get mad. WWllltmltlldo? • TROUBLED Doar nvultlod ; A ....Utrimd ·-1dn~leave you - a llr!-""711t>W,Jriondl are ~ --""'1-'tant- f ~-' . Guest Editorial ' -' policies," Professor Hans Morgenthau writes in The New Republic. "He ean without reference to any other agency of government make a public declaration of policy. such as the Monroe or Truman Doctrines. He can refuse to recognize a foreign government or can recognize it, as suCC'tS&ive Presidents did with respect to the goverrumnt of the SOviet Union. He can give advice, make promises. enter into informal commitments as he sees fit. He can send the Armed forces of the United States anywhere In the world and can commit them to hosWe acts short of war. In sum, he can narrow the freedom of choice which consUtuUonaUy liel with Congress to such an extenl as to · elimJoate it P,facUcally altogether." PASSAGE OF THE Senate reaolution hasn't changed any of that. But it bu served noUce on the executive branch tbaL Congre!I expecta to be <OiiJUll<d on these grave malten. The Prealdent will be taking oerious political rtW II be does not give full coosideraUoo-to the Wha of Coogress. 'nte tmP.lied warnh14 lteelf tn<Y be enough to restrain Pres1dcnta tempted to . ovt.r.e1tend the nation and Its resources. At least Congress Is not playing dtad any more, aumnderlng itl 1utitorlty In virtual slltttoe. 1'1\at must be viewed JS an eliCO\l1'Nlng algn tbal [onlgn policy decWon1 will amount to more than one man11 ordul. T1te DaJJ.y Calllorelu El Cajoa At least professional Finch watcher& In C1lifomia think so. Jess M. Unruh, foru;i.erJy speaker and now Democratic leader of the California Assembly, is com mitted to run against •Ronald Reagan in the Tace for governor· next year and ""'"1d hope tbat Finch will leave his job as Secretary of Health, EducaUon and Welfare and return to hls home state to run for the Senate. Tms ANAL YSJS by California politicos is no( 1n complicated: Finch would be a sure wlnner against any Democrat. And if California goes Republican on Finch in the, race for Senate, It is more likely - according lo recent voting patterns -to go DemOaat on Unruh in the race for governor. Nol since 1~ has California voted a stiaigbt UckeL Since then, Republican Thomas Kuchel was elecled in the year of Pat Brown's win over Richard Nixon. George Murphy survived the L.B.J. landslide,: and Democrat Alan CraMton was elected despite Mr. Nl%on's Im· pressive majority over Hubert Hum. phrey. l!Jiving be<n deprlvod by legisla· tion ol the Earl Warren-induced habit or •oUng fot a man who ·had won the primaries of both parties, Californians now carry on the Warren tradlUon by splitting their Ucketa for the two tOp spots. THE PROBLEM FOR Finch, who might at UUs juncture Uke to lea~ the Department o Health, EduoUon and Welfare as far behind 1s possible, ls not his mentor, Richard Nl1on, who has twice let him down in his battle with Con117.,., but 0..... MUJ1'hy, lhe 1ittih1 seoator who Sl)'S he wants to stt :~· more. Finch has said he will not run against Murphy. But he has not said that he will not nm. period . Which leads to speculation that Richard Nixon, an1ious to rompensal•· for ibe public humiliation which he felt forctd to deliver to his old friend in the John Knowles affair, may Mlp flim 0lo recover by offering Sen. Murphy i job in tltO b ' ecuUve branch. (Perhaps an. am- bassadorship or, better yet, chief of p-o- Polls show that as of today Reagan would beat any Democrat; they show him .defeaUna: Unruh much less handily than San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto. Unruh' believes there are some Jn. dkltloos that Reagan -ln President Nlxoo'a Words of 1960 -may have peai· ed too goon. OVer lhe put lew months the publlc 'Strap Their Posteriors' To the Editor: There are lately several news reports about hitchhiking females who....cofD.plaiJi of being •·attacked" by their benefactors. This hitchhiking should cease and desist for no other reason than, in the case of female hitchhikers , they are alwaya 1ub- ject to the male sexual ·drive. They art: smart enough to know that the.Ir se1 is the main reason for picking them up, and that their sex ia their greatest defense when it comes to a con- test between female "innoct:nct" and the big bad male woll. TIIE BOY ll1TCllJllKER Is also taking a chi.nee that some "queer" will pick him up, and in that case he can rob or beat his victim. which of cour~e Is not oi normal way of Ufe for the averqe clllzen. tf there 11 a law against hitchhiking, l-- 1m not aware of It, as I see thue hlkt:n every day trying to get 10methin& for notbl\1& wblle taklna a big cb1nce. TO EACH-ms OWN, but when It • ,.. ···--e: . ' I ••ll!·--8llDOJl' - . ' ... ..., .. ,_ .... , _____ ~ L""91"1 """" ,....., .,. ~. ·~ \ll'flltrl llllovld ~ their mn1119• "" Xie wanll or i.,.. Tlw rtlllf til COfldilM9 lettws to m -· w •llfl'll"'"' llbtl 1$ '""""""· All llntn 11111111 llKkl* 111 ... tvrw .... "'•lllfte Nldrn1. llut -wllt bt ...... .. Oft '""""*' II Wffklll'lt ,.._ It _.._. comes to parent• o( young girls euraling "molder da bum" who attempted to ''rape" t~lr dalJlhter, who hitched a free ride, I could only sugaest that a good strap over the pos;erior of these youngsters to keep them off the strttl1 could eventually keep their parent! out t'lf a lot of troublt. U. G. UNDINE llltchhlktng tn t11.ls oraa is le17at prolli~ the per1ofi atonds on thf! curb, or f/ no curb, off ihc rlg11t-iJf-wav. Editor cities each year, and Hoover not.ea .that over 700 jumped shlp in U.S. pprts in 1961 to vanish into the nation's Chinese com- munities. BY CONTRAST, Hoover finds the rightist appeal to violence ra\ber puny. The Minutemen are down to about ~. Fourteen Klan-type organizations have about 8,500 members, with thousands o! sytnpatltiz<r<.,,,.-N•Zi~patty-lllieset bJ internal strife. It is eviderit that ·the ef- fort to brtak up these groups• is ·bavini some effect. Hoover is conliau.i111 to in· filtrate the Klan at all levels.• • ·• One wonders why, IC the viotent:~rlght can be so suppressed. the violent leftan- not be suppressed. The answer is bof too hard to find. A vague, bot real; IOCial sanction protects the violent left. Peop5e who find the Klan vulgar and repugnant beyond words can find moral, social and intellectual justification for the calL!eS of the bloody left. Thus the contributing col· lege professors. heiresses, foundatiOM, and the' enthralled youth. 1 , But there should be no confusion on where the danger lies. It lies with the more numerous, better organized, more zealous,. stronger motivated violent left with its techniques of guerrilla warfare and terrorism, its neo.Marxist doctrines, and its heroes, Che and Mao. Even dia- ~untlng Hoover's alanning ·prospectus the problem is real and not much is being done about it except by Hoover. Theory Image of Reagan his been ooe ol usoda· lion wilh loud controveny and violence. Contrary to what must have been Ills ex. pectaLions, his hard-line support of police, sheriffs and National Guard against the Berkeley StudeJ:!ta over the "people's park" Issue won him no new friends. CALIFORNIANS -like most people - like those who defend against violence, but they don't like vloleoct -even ii'! defense. And when Reilgan's for~ 5prayed the campus with tear gaa from a heHeoPter, he seemed -Ute the student militants -too eager !or a violent con· fronlaUon. Meanwhile, Unruh thijik1 , t h t Democrats may be climbing beck in California. There i• rare unity in tbe par- ty, particularly in the Leflll•-· end this wee.t 17 Republicaru ·broke away from Reapo'i; leadership to join Unruh in adding _,,. 1t-leut temporarl)y -io the education budget. Thus, the Ni10n-to.Murphy.to-Fincb prospect bu an added appeal ·fW, Finch. It might stop Reagan, and Finch could not find that totally unattractive. By Fraak Manklewlci ud Tom Bnde1 --~-- Wednesday, July 16, 11168 TM •dltorial PoO• of lite Daav Pilot 1ttka to inform and 1tfm.- ulatt rtadtn b11 prtnnting thb newspa?f~' OPfniont crnd com- mentc:ry on (O'pfa of ihtt!re•t and sianifica.nde, b11 providina a forum for tM 1:.r;pretri01i of owr rtc1dtr1' opintom, and by prtsttttfng the divtr11 vitw- potnU of in/onntd obscrwri and spOketmel'l on t.opics of the t1av. Robert N. Weed, Publisher I 11 I I ' I I , l-' " • ' I ( 1. .. St~p " rf~en . . f o-uniy Votes to Employ ·CdM Perei ra: Fi rm •• Youths Peek at t' ' • I J - Careers Beacli Student.s Get Chance w Tr y Out Plans First By RUDI NIEDZIEL8KI Of tlie O.l!r PMlt SllH 'Itle problem of (:8rter diasatiafaction may never crop UJ\ for student.is in Hun- tington Beach High School District. They are being giveo Ille opportuni~ fmdlng oUfliiiw du!JF.' e.clllng 1 tial career 1can be-oipore they make it a Ute comniibnent. Tate lg..year old ~ CO&an from · Westm!Mer High School for lnstlllCe. Wtdnm.y, .Ill~ 16, 1969 (SJ Ml Y l'llAT !t.t Countian, -Marine Die · , Chamber Stu dies :: . . ~· 1 • • ' ::---· , . • In Traffic· County 'Mfai~s ' An El Toro Marine oergeonl 1rid 1 Westminster man were killed ht separate trafflo accw.i. early this ""'"'1nl, the Orange Cdm\Y Coroner's Ollice reported. Beblano MWou, 27, ot 14t!J Olive st., Wtstml.n8terl WU dead on arrival at 3:1$ a.m. in W..untn•• Community Hoopitsl. lie died ol bead and lntemal m. j\B'iea lllllfered when his ....U foreign car struck a center divider and overturn- ed on Bola Avenue •J the lnt......U.O or Ward Street. • • 1111 m C.011)< Tl'llOc Dea .. Tull 1111 111 -A_proposecLllu<ly ol Oraqe Coolly p........i -aUona! ""' by the Qr-Coyoty .Clto!nber• ol Qmunerco WU &!!Proved Tuesday by the Board or SUperv1So11 d"!11le objections , b y Supervbot ROOerl·W. Battin. Battin said lie "understood that • similar -1 in 1966 had been 1lled to attack ca..ndidates .fn the 19118 primary election for: 1Upe1'\111ors' pasta," and be further objected becluse the chamber study would "duplicate the Grand Jury's· funcUons. .. Other .board m<mbers did nol r<pty to BatUn's charfes. Supervisors Alton E. Allen, D•vid i. Baker and w1w.m IL Hlrstein were all reelected in 1966. Sgt.· Lawrence Kinne, 23,. ot El Toroo/ Leo Tamainlan, Hughes A!reraft u- wu killed and two comparuons and J,hC! ecutive and chairman of the county driver of a pickup truck injured in a high--chamber's Governmental Affairs ('8m.,, speed broa~khJ. collision at OJlver Road · , ~, .· and Irvine Bou1evaid at about2:30 a.m. -. . I The coroner's office said Sgt. Kinne Rl'dht" OD 11"'--died at the ..... of held and po.ulb1e 1n-e "°™PUS temal injuries. He was the driver ol a ·' ,i; •• nU""1 UIU11Jd~.,."8Aa tmt ltudlet of county;dopoitmeaU -!if "objective." "We wa to. be an arm ot your ~ offerlDg -Hllb,fna lndutry," Tamamlln atated. i:we .,. not'wltch hunUna." • He iaJd the chamber hoped to be e'<i to_... experi-ln-_ _, Josistlca, Wlreboulinf, inventory l)'llemlr• and purchasing, • 'Ille chamber proposal Includes • ,.; quest that County Admlnlatrative ~ Robert E. '111omu be named .. "Haboft' ifent" for the Pf'Oll'IDl and tblt tlw~ county provide secretarlal lel"'ViCiw, ~ meeUng place and 1Upplla. . •. Tamamlan said be had ooataeted mein{: · hen of the-1969 Grand Jury ood •tlleJ> agreed with him that there wcuJd. be no conlUd ot Ill~ wltll tlllJ boc17. car eastbound.an Culver·wbich California G .l J w A L _ . J ,;_ ' ~;~~e t;1r:1~~~~~:.:.a1:y ta.:l!IJ~! ouien est ·r_ crre_ owgy;: B. Jackson, 52, of 1362 Nlsson Road, Tustin. CHP officers said Jackson was pinned In the wreckage of the overturned truck for 30 minutes ~fore they could release him. He was treated f.or minor injm1ea at the Orang6 ·County Medical Center ' this morning and released. El Toro Marines LanCe Cpl: Basil L. Magers, 22 and Cpl. Richard I( GOtf, also n,-are stiU"'"ln the Medical Center today listed in "fatr" ·condition. ·aoui. are aul- fering 'from numerowi cuts and bruises, hospital aides reported. • •• Prof Creates Owi:i ·Dig '• .. ·=· Students enrolling In a r-c he o Io I y cooraes a.t Golden West College this fall will find the.ir own a1g site, right oh cam- pus. Why scour Ille country for hard·to-find prehlstor.ic.1ites1 when rou cou1d build. your own just as easily? "Fjeld tripe to llCIUll sites-....,. oat ;;. Ult!, question for .us/' he aajd. ~"T,oo many:. Jwuor college students ...,.t .., . fllt weetepas. Besides, wbei'I yW iiOit a iiit, slte you have to publisb your lindlnp llllfr I did not have the time to write." .~ F« IOOle time 8!>e has cons.lder,cl entering .the law enforcement profession, perhaps as a potiCewoman or probation officer. Her b1gb school coun"10tl UTllllled for bet10 WJi'!< •t Ille~ Police "lleputln"'1 lor·a few weeb so that lbe could llncl Olli-I""! she liked Ille job •. Under .ti>< direction ol Captain •Wille!' Scott, abe has worked with detectives, cruised .in patrol can, worked in the ld<nllfic8tloi! tiureau and manned Ille tel.,,...... nitchboard. _ ~n-~ins G~<:»up Helping Apollo 'lbat ,11 uactly what Pai.II· Loitg, a rormer teacher at the HunUncton Beach junior coue,e bad In mind. With Ille help_ of _ Ibo buldlinp ·and irowii!S -"'""· ... four4oot deOp--plt; measuring 10-JIY IQO feet was duf and Loog aod his students began cre1tlng ,.. stratographl.c pniblem for· the future. Students who will be -Wllti!ll w . arllficl.al site will be especled to-,..; scJ.enUfic.tools and clmroom·tnowiecfie to Interpret their findings. . : v For usmp1", they will have to ftii!' Uriiteil States -Geodelk:· S·urVitJ topocr~plllc mope. 111 ool Ille dlafi>p bl' three · meter aqu.area, ucavate,. ICl'leli separate a:nd act tbe ~ · "Werking at Ille police department hasn~ cllanged my mind al all," said ·~."But it has given me more inalght Inti>' Ille llkills that are roqulred for my work. 1bese people are for real; they're DOt phony." -- The Exploratory Work Eiperience" ~~~-~I "E'-J..unlor~ T~ ifeslcned to involve students in all kinds of careers, from Oower amngtng to den- tlstry. . Fifty..,.~ business el\lbliabmenta and lnltitutklna have. tndiClled their to- terell In llelping studeots "1ocl Ille pro- per care« by offering their facilllies .. "tralningareu. Pat Tbompaoo, a JS..year o 1 d Westminster High School student, decld- . 'ed to Investigate severol different types .ol oflke work and spent a good portion of her summer vaCatlon at three different ' facllltles. She bu catalogued books at Ille Foun- -tain Valley Library, worked on the pedialrlcl wiril of Huntingtoo Intercom· munity Hospital and taken appointment.! and dictation at a dentist's office. Her latest assignment will take bet to the Westminster Chamber o( Commerce cifk:e; where she wW sharpen her typing and shorthand skills. "I think this is a tremendous op- portunity to see what is good anil what Js bad about a particular job," said Pat. .. All the people I have worked for have beeo very belplui lboul helping me ex- plore some ol Ille Job pooslbil!Ues Ill of· · fice work." "It's a great program, but un- fortunately we haven't been able to gef through to the students. We haven't Deen able to_promote it u eUecUvely as we could," said Robert Mart.in, program director; . "Yet this is Ille best opportunity they : wil !have to get ezi>erleoce In lhetr life's . work." \I -• • t '"'IT__.. BECKY COGAN PRACTI ES FINGERPRINT·INO TECHNIQUE , . C•pt. Walter Scott SupervlHI Tralnlng Pr~ram Althooih 1tudenls who particlpete Ill the program are not paid for their wcrk, they receive five units of elective credit per semester. The course la open ~ *1<Jenta during the regular school year as well as the llUllU1ler months. The opportunity Is there:, but so far only three .students have shown IR interest. in spending their vaca- tions doinj something without pay that might prove Valuable to them in the .future. Beach Poetry Contes t Now Open YC\Wl£ poets Ill Huntington Beach may submit original entries now thtouih July 30 for consideration in the second annual Hmlngton Beach Public Librory poetry contesl Youngsters from elementary through hlgh school are eligible to enter the COD· test, said cblldren'a librarian Mrs. Gwen· dolyn Talbert. . "Entries will be judged on originality and talent with the author's age .and grade 'taken into consideration," u:- plained the librarian. Prizes will be awarded to winnera b) both the poetry and story JVriting contests on Aug. 14. · · . En~ies may be turned in to the junior library at S25 Main St., annex 1 at Edinger Avenue and Graham Street. an. ne:i 2 at 9281 Banning St. The son ot a Huntington Beach couple Orips from an Anasail fannhoUse, a has been assigned to a group sµpporting prehistoric group, which lived in northern the Apollo 11 lunar landing m.lsslon. Arizona, fW the base ·)eve1 of the pit. He is Dr. Gltbert J. Sales, son of Mr. along with colored sand wtuch can be us- and Mrs. C<>smo Sales, 198S8 Piccadilly eel to determine changes 111 habitaUoo GR.A/VD ()PEN. ING Lane, who will serve as fligbt surgeon to and occupaUon. . ~n~=~~~ Spacecraft st~ll~:~a~:.i ~p1::\1! FOR MAGNA.YO~ ;i The center provides control of all Na· ~ &bey actually burned material& to -, --• tional A e r o n a u t I c s and Space color the ground and harden it. :rovatt s Mqnoyoz: H ~me ~ Admlnlstrallon (NASA) mlMed spice Brpken pottery, .lllcludlng old chlnl tammen\ Center had Ha· trond ~ ~fligbls.and •lll-eur~full.c..ntro1.0ver-plates~-Gooc1WUl-tndultrtu, 11na-111e ._todaY Jn Ille ~ "!!11.Pl!l!d~~ the filght from launch to recovery. second and piirtl levels, whlch "students Ptail. at ~·and Wsnei~siiil Dr. Salt.'J is a graduate of Fr~ont wlll\J.setostudytbehistcrlcperiod. in Foun~~Valley. •: High School, Lqa Angeles, and holds ao 1""'· who .ls now with Ille Bowers 'IW"t,Ol!O~ool.mn fl .,..-l!IW ' A..B. dtiree from the University of Mllleutn In Santa <'na, feets that bis Idea Tovalt -. In the H111111nctoit ~- Southern Calllornts. . wUrbelp Ille stildeots get a loite of-k· F..-ii> Vllloy uu. 'Ille malb aton.11· • He received Jlll ~ tralnlhg and Jng a Ille, 1'JU!ouf COOllllnlol,too much_ at 411Ulaln Sir..!. ,lllil tbe..otber II tk M.D. degree from the: Call/ornla College time on Ille~ ot studelit and• 11>• intenedlao ol Sprln8dale ood ~ flf Medicine,,Lol ~~, :· . ~ 1 • , • • 1 ',. .,, Avenue. 1 lf' • t • f •I _ ATLANTIC .MU$1c~soNY HEADQUARTERS! A Comple,te S~lection of ~ New Sony Models on Display . ' . . I ll '~I' . PRICES ST-ART AS LOW AS '6950 . ' ; _, . ' ' l=-' ·:i . -. --. ·! .-, -1-' . ~-.· , -.. • . • • • - HQuse Ropvblicon Leodor Ger- aW R. Ford of Michi91n, celebmt· ed bis 56th birthday this week ainld s0me good-natured quips from colleagues. O.mocretic Luct.. er Cerl Albert of Oklahoma, wish· ed him "many more years as our distinguished minority I ea de r. R•p. John 8. Anderson of Illinois, who beads the House Republican C.on!erence, replied: "I have other and higher hopes for him than that." • Britain's first international race, scheduled Thursday, was m doubt today. Somtbodg .stole t1oo do.ml participating snail§.. "I can't possibly think who could have taken them or what ' use they could be to anyone other _than a Frenchman," fooce organiur Connie Lythf}Of! mid in FoLkt'itont, England. •• Two public service flffjcers of the Pasadena • police department were dispatched to an .ap<irtment house meeting to talk abOut crime · prevention. While they were iD,side~ · someone poured gasoljne oo, their car and burned it. Police said the car was a total loss. Nobcidy bas ~arrested. ··-· --. Wlieelef.~ ~ Cl@ks ·Lull .. ,- fu Saigon . • SAIGON-(AP) --A lull cooUnued -- across Soutb Vietnam 's battlefields today as Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, cbalrman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. arrived from Washington to assess the four·weei· old slowdown in the war. Wheeler came to Saigon for four day& of confereqces at U.S. bea(tquarten and field locatl6ns, ~a COmmand-spokesman said. Adm. John S. McCain Jr., U.S. com· mander in chief iii. the ~acific, arrived shortly before Wheeler. The u.s: Command repart.ed 215 enemy sbellings during the night and 8]l"ambush of an American truck convoy north of Saigon. One American Wat tilled and nine were wounded in the shellings, and <>ne was killed lnd six were woonded in the ambush. a spokesman said. The commani1.-also reported the loss of an 086 observaUon helicopter, downed by enemy ground fire Tuesday near Phuc Vinh, 37 miles north of Saigon. One American was reported killed in die crash. and two were injured. 'nie report raised tbe announced total of helicopters lost in the war to 2,851. American spokesmen clamped a ll&ht lid on information concerning the viaits of Wheeler and Mt'Cain. They were ex· pected to meet with Gen. Creighton W. Abrams, commander of American fora!s ln Vietnam, soon after their armal to begin assessing the current battlefield situation and progress in turning greater responsibility for the war over to the South Vietnamese. • The chief tcpic of the talks· was believ· ed to be whether U .s. forces should rerluce offensive operations because of the lull and what risks this would ertail. They al8o were expected to di8c'Uss pro- spects for futther troop withdra~als beyond the 25,000 Americans slated i io · leav.e the country by Aug. 31. ; · In Washington, DefeMe Secretary Melvin· R. Laird told the Senate Fefe;ign · Rd.silons Committee Tuesday !!!at q.s. ; fOrces are still under orderai to maintain maximUm batUefield pressure oa. ~the enemy. But under senatorial prodding,~be . said: ·~ • wtiole matter is under review.'" * * * T-· .HAVE SHOVEL, WIL ii> TRAVEL Prince Charles· 'Diga': West Prince Charles Hopes to Visit NY, Washington LONDON (UPl)'-Prince Cbarl ... who wants to be a good-will ambassador for Wales and .Britain. hopes In visit llie United States within a year .. , according to palace sOlirces. " A fmal decision on a trip across the · Atlantic lo< the Prince of Wales depeoda on Queen Elizabeth's· aJ)pJ:'Oval,-the sou= added.' AiJproval was upecte<t · '!11e 20-year,old heir In tl)e British throoe bas been portlcolsrly anxious to see New York and Washington. ceoters ·of two o( .bis ·m.ain interests, thea~r and politks. The one-time archaeciloglcal JStudent · would aJso like to visit· diggings in the WesL . ___ . • . _. The trip \v{R be on .the" royal discus· sion agenda When the queen and ·her family retire .to Balmoral Castle in Au~ The royal family usu;iUy . ma!" out· much cl. the year's plans in the quiet secl11:1ioo ci llie Scottish castle. • Document C·laims Peking . . -. Ofteied-H~iwlMen,-J ets_ . . . SAIGON (uPI). ~ 4uie<I° lnlelllieoce . orncw,s_~J;_~lni ·a captured Via Coog ~~-'bid!~ Red~ .. offered at an unSj>edlied tlnie ·In ....i a mlllioo b'pops irito the Vietnam war, it ~data. he • was disclosed today. · When two boxtn get together t rt s A~ to the document. Narth Viet. nere hU been no previoiJs evidence that ~ Bed Chirieae actually ·macte an offer, to Utrow troopll tnto the war, and stu<I~'" ci Chlneae policy !ndlcale they hav~ not. 'll1e claim made in the docu· roent m8y have been made strictly for Jn. doctrinadon purposes. bound to be. a good rcrap -bwt OS · · _._ · , , onyom am ,., ilam ·d<fiflit<lp has nam~ turned wwn_ the offer, in~ S•"' ....,,..,iid. .. the edge. •other bo.trr frP"' ""'11'!1 The doiument says the·Red Chinetle * * * V~tnamization chci&s i t's time for 0 walk and .• ':' also offered to dispatch 200 jet fighters· could b< •'!l<<ted. Babv puts .p __ and ·""""' to help defend IJorth Vietnam · quite a battU. after U.S. planes began ~ing close to • Hanoi tn·mJd-111116, but that this loo WU OtWar Not Peace Meant by Laird S.ntonio Chamben, 24, wanted turned down. to observe the pro<;eeclings in po-The documen~ capturedl last week b)' lice cowt in Ci.ncinnhti, but when allied forces at a rear headquarters of he tried to gain entrance to the the Viel Cong command in the Ill Corps. courtioom officers told him it was area, conslstl of more than 120 pages of "too crowded." He then pounded reconled · '10l<s dealing mostly with WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Pentagon On the door until lie~ot the atten-· : .. sa,id today Defense Secretary Melvin R. Laird was i:eferring to "Vletnamlzation'' tion of the bailiff. ambers will y oungstow:µ, .Ohio o1 the war and oot to prospecta for peace appear in that same police court in saying Tuesday '"we've certainly turn· on charges of disturbing the Hit by Race Violence ed the comer" tn Vietnam. peace. • In reply· to quest.ions by Sen. Ablert YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (UPJ)-Gangs of Gore ([).Tenn.), at a Senate i'ai-tign Clarence the croSs-eyed lion, who starred in a 1964 movie o( the same name, i.s dead. Clarence also appeared in the Daktari television series. Monty Cox, trainer of the 71h:-year-old lion, said . Clarence. died.In Peoria, Ill. of ~astric disor- ders and blood poisorung. The lion was In Peoria to apP.ar at a fair. bl k tee t fi nd thre ks Relatioqs Committee bearing, LUd iaid: ac na1,ers se ires a w roe "I fervently hope that tbe day will and bottles at firemen in this eastern Ohio steel city Tuesday night after police come when peace can be restored in Viet· broke up a demonstration at a white-own-nam. I think we've certainly turned the corner." ed dairy store. Police said a drug store was firebomb-A Pentagon spokesman, Jerry W. ed, a car was overturned and burned and Friedheim, said today the "twned the several other fires were set. Some looting comer" comtnent was intended to apply was reported. to what Laird aaid afterward, not before. S~nny Skies Blaze • Ill U.S. Warm, Humid Weather to Dominat.e Picture . ' Temperatures fl .S. Summar11 SUM}' 11\ts ~ .. led K•OU ft'IO#t ff/ llMI ....... laQ'f, It Wft HMr•llY ~ """ •ac.,i In """ ti llW Millin. W..f lnc""91.,. lhl Gl'MI LKft '""" Hrt1cy1tt1Y. Ti.r. --..t -"""'· ~. -~"" ... 11'1 ..... ,,...,, ............ a.ttnllotld .l .... t"tk .... ''""' BnrwNvlll• ,_ clnd-" """' Des MOJ/'ltl 011rolt 1"•11'11tr*I , ... _,. ··-... _ LOI Anlllts ...... Mllll'IMMHI ---y .. Norfll l"lltte ,.,,_ K-• '° MVth..,..Nrft wi.. 0..11..., «1Nln. AMI ll'llf't wt,. I lltfll llwnOtr <*ltllon'll CHY .,_~ ..... "" Gvlf "' Mt•k:• Omfl'lll COW _,.. 111 nertMrr1 l"lorlM. Lffllt "-1X ~ ~ -" of ,.,,..,,_ '•It'll '-"- • ,,. -""' Nlbf11Q, .. ~ 111 "-leull•"" l!DI ...., wlndl P'llrt1Alwf Wiii,_ «:rOM deMtt ,,._ In ll:•ill Cltot SMW11 Ct~ "'9re -ll'ltl ~ "" tll.lff folNry ~ lll!Wlblt wl1l'I "'""' ... '-,,., .. tN.tty fil ... ... .... . $ter"l-'9 Hlilll L9W 'r•c. !DD .. ,ll 9t 71 IO!I 7J N M .. " .. " M n . " " " fS I 6l .01 " . . " 7S $.I ,)7 '" n " .. " " .. " . N 0 106 75 ... 17 II ti 7• •. 12 ti 7A .11 .. 7• • " .. " " I'» 75 " . ..... ..... .... n " .. 17 '2 ' " " " .. ,. ... .,,., N '4 II '-I . --• .. • . Liitin . wa_... Spreading ~ ----. ' I ' El Salvador Claims A dva:iii~es on All Fronts El S.11ivador· today officially cla~ed duranctVUianl. 'I'!ie""town • reihalneCJ In ,_Pini ad\'ances on-au .fnmtsin Jim. -Hondurln-bandl;-tlle-nport-f4id;-- durasin "ferocious" fighting wtth heavy · An Et s.Ivador -Y llJ'O'reman .aid H d •·-··· Al vi their iroond.. forcea lale Tuesday cap-·"" uran ~. r actl ly on both ~ Nueva Ocotepeque. a provincial sides. appeared, however, to have capttal near the Salvadorean border and slackened. . that the Honduran arm arri.son ihere Some ~ts were reported 45 miles J..n. had surre.ndered. Y g. · slde Honduras. Neuva Oco\e~ue ls ·· near ·t b. e An allll)' communique Issued In' Saii -s.IvadoreanboroerJ>ost al El Poy, wli!Ch Salvador said the first 250 Honduran war Handuran plaoea have 'attacked since the prisoners laken bad arrived in the capital fi&hting first broke ouL ' and said the group represepted only '"a "Salv:adorean troopi "have captured small part" of prisone_rs taien ·so far. other Honduran positions," the . army The communique sai4 Salva<1orean1m. spokesman said. He declined to fantry had . ~red . "I . "Onormoos elabora(e, citing militaey ~urity. • -Honduras·Sllid•in,..ialia\i<>Rtill-planeo. had bombed JI o R •,n g o ·.!J\ternatlo"'1 . Alrport In ti\' SalvadOr:eao capltal_o/ Sao . Salvador, along With.oil refmeries,at Aca .. jutla and. La. Uilion and a hy4"ie~rlc , plant on the l,empa Ri~er. . El Salvador said damage was smaU but ·Honduras C0J1tended the damage to th.e riflneries -r0tced-El-s&1vador'·lo Impose ' ' ' . nationwtde gas rationing. - COOunercisl airlines suSJ!'inded filglrts to Dopango, El 5alvador,' 3.lthough Ton· cantin lnteniaUonaf ~ t1r p o r t · in Tegucigalpa, Honcfuras, sUll WIJS open. 1• amount't of IDlllijtions iltlld other war materiel in 11)e·~-led dtive !nip. Hon- duras~ 1 • • · · ' L • O' The · 111ldeclaied· war· wiw-tho'. two small Central American' nations-virtually isola_ted them from the out,side-world. Airline . flights . were suspende4· to . both countries 8nd telephone traffic was fr· Hooded Raiders Cut .Free ~. ... • • ... 1_ ,. '-'--¥·' :. . . ratic. : J :-.,, • ...., • A presidentisl palace spokesman In San Salvador reported no air activity up• to 7:30 a.m. PDT, .but declined to give out any furtbJr infonnation: . ' Both sides reported battling m Several fronts inside Honduras. 'll1e Honduran Em'""'8y in Washiqton, O.C. saUt a lo.hour battle for AmaWlo, a town n6r the b«der with El "Salvador, left U -and 11 woonded0 all Hoo- I • • ' • 19 Felon~ ,rom Jail.: Cells ' MARION, N.C. (UPl)-'lllree hooded men raided the McDowell County Pi-ison today, beat and Ued up the giiants, IJJ<l · freed 19 felons· from a dorrnitoi'y unit. ·, The ·22 men-armed . and consider ed dangerous-fled in three cars. Author- ities broadcast a wlde l:l(rt · uiider ~ assumplloo that the eSl\apers .plit up into several groups.. ' Clpt. J. B. Condry, head ci the pris· on. said the raiders "held up two officers who were on duiy, night <>ffi- cers, beat them up_ and ·tied them up." Cood1Y ~id the raiders apparently were Out-to free-a-buddy-, and-the rest-- of the donntt.ory residents joined in when the bars were cut with hacksaws. He said the three were believed to have passed out weapons to-some or-the ~s. Other escapers took the offi- cers weaporui. .., .. .. • •• ' Clvlte """"' tn111 IMnM '-tw Mlt L* Crty ...... ..-cfecl .. doltllMlrll tilt ..... 6111 DlttO t)trt's wwltlw li'ldllf9 for ... MlCt Siii (l'Nll(hc.t ... deY9-•~-----'-'"' M(fld lo tll'lllllUI 1fl )II ll'M frtlll'I ~· .. " '6-<J'~-11 71 -~ -M1dll..... 1111 M~ JO T""""91 u sttrn W~lllfl. W1J111ntl'Ofl ,, ' ,. " N n '. • -· .. r •·' !I .. r ' . . Smhar-ge .Fought on 2 Fronts WABlllNGTON (UPI) ~ The batUe ·between Pruldent Nixon and &enate Democrats over lbe,lndolne taz surcharge la: belnc foUgbt on two fronts -PIYcholocical and political. Eltbet .way, the stakes art far tugher than the $7 .I billion Involved; Nllon turned up t b e preaure, calling his t o p economic advisers to an emer1eoey meetln& to 'discusl the economic impact of Senate dela)' in eJ;temion of the surtax. Th& Pnsident made it plain he thlnkl any hesitation will fan the fires of inf1atlon aod .. that he will blame the Democrali for any resuillns rise in the cost ofjliving. TAX IN HASTE Sen. Fred R. Harris , Democratic national chairman and 1 member of the Senate Finance COl!Ufiltter,liiCliack by charging Nixon wants to "tax Jn· baste and refonn at leisure." Harrll '8kt a .propooal lo add $1.2 billion a year to the tax bill! of the rich wu 'the "bare minimum" r e t o rm Democrats would lnalat upoo as the pri~ for extension of the ljl'IU. . . Nii:on wants prompt. ex- pansion of the tax to prove the government means business in its light against inflation. President Lyndon B. Johruton asked for l he surcharge early in 1967 but it -...Was' "..Dot until ..midJ968 that Congress. enacted It. Nixon asked fot.an extension with a gradual phase-out. The House passed .m;i utension late last month by a narrow margin. Administration-of!icials, in- cluding Treasury Secretary David ¥.· Kennedy, say fl!l action also is needed by the Senate to combat an "infla· tionary psychology " which causes businessmen a n d otben to buy now to avoid lhe nm round of prla! Increases. SAVE MONEY KamOi1f argjj.S that If !lie public becomes convinced that inflation can be contained. in- dividuals will begin to aave more of tbelr money, thus helping lo cool the economy. BUt Senate Finance Chairman llu!sell Long, (D- La.); says bb committee will not act on the llous&1>assed surtax bill unW it completes hearings on overall t a J reform. Harris said 'he wou~ try to attach to the surtax bill hla "minimum income tax" plan, which would require the rich to pay laxe5 on at least hall oJ their total income regardless of exemptions and deductions. He said pmient loopholes permitted 21 persons with in- come of more than $1 million to escape tuatlon in 1967. "It seems to me to be a bare mlnimum of what we ought to do in this bill,'1 be said. "I think we either ou ght to altach real refonn to it or we ought to refuse to exteM it for a full year." - Nixon wants to extend the tax at its present 10 percent rate for the rest of this year and at 5 percent for the first six months of 1970. Han1s hinted that If Ibey are blocked on their tax reform efforts, the Democrats might agroe lo e~end the 111lr· tax for a thort period, possibly three months. TIME FIGHTING Sud! '• strale/ll' might force the ftei>ublican pr.slcknt lo spend much of h~ first year In office fishting to rabe taxes, a poliUcally unattractlve stance. It also could permit the Democrats to keep 1 hold on the surtu for use as a lever in other deallnp with the \Vhlte HOOS<. Nixon undencortd lhe lm- portanctl he attaches to thl )ssue when lie called an emer;:ency meeting of the .. qu ad r I ad ,'' his top four economic advlaers -Ken- nedy, budatt cnr.ctor Robert P. Mayo, i;halnntn Paul w. McOracke.n of the <lOU.ncU of ecotWmic--1 d ., l a·e r 1 and Federal Reserve B o • r d chalnnan Willlam McChesne.y Martin. Brice Harlow, Nixon'• chief liaison with Capllol Hill, Pl In on part al the meetlog. Tiie pujldplllla woWd no( discuss the ....mute ,...Ion. But White HOUie p r e I I ltCf'etar)' Ronald Zle1ler 1ald NlllOli thlnb a delay ).tt the surtu bill would "Ida to a contlnutlon al .the rl• In pricer and lnterell rat.ea.., BOAT BUFFS Alm•11 &..c••M'f I• th. enl., full.tl111e ti••tf11t Hlf•r wor•htf eA •fl., ....... ,.r:.r ht °'•ftft County. HI• •n utf'f• c•••r•t• of tio•fi111 •114 ytchth19 ,.,_ It • tl•fly f••hlr1 ef th• DAILY ,ILOT, ,, .. ' • • ' . DOUBLE KNIT ACETATE TORSO SKIMMERS SPECIAL! 12.99 Smoshingly striped. go-everywhere stepins thot· flotteringly toke you from summer through loll. Both eo sy·o n, bock zip styles. A. Flip tie, novy/red/white, purple/grey/wh ite, or brown/block/white, I 0-18. -B. Fromecf v-nod, purfile/wh<te, red/while, or brown/white, 8-16. .. Moil ond telephone orders in•ited. ANAHEIM +« N. 'Euclid 5-35-81'.ll Mon. thru Set. 10 e.m. to 9:30 p~m. Budget Dresses, 27 • ' w-.r. Ju~ 16. 1969 DA~ v PILOT AG JULY -.~ES _a/ul :~ - NEWPORT PATIERNED PANTDRESSING WITH AVRIL* RAYON 9;99 Jewel-toned prints odd o fresh verve to our action-styled pentdresses by Future Fashions. Both, reody to whisk you off to o fu n-li ll91l aummer in "cool, comfortable Avril~ rayon/cotton. C. Multi-color paisley stepin, blue , green, 12-20, I ~112·20112. D. Diogonel stripe print, novy, plum, 12-20. Moil ond telephone orders invited. Doytimo Drosses, 73. . - ~7Feshicn 11 .. nJ 6#-1212 Mon . thru Fri. I 0 o.m. to 9:30 p.m • Sol. I 0 e.m. to 6 p.m. H.UNTINGtON BEACH· 7777 Eainger 119r.333 I Mon. thru Sot. 10 o.m. to '1:30 'tf"• . ' . ., , ,, • ' ,• ,._ .... .,,,. ··; J ·•;. 1,"""1""' . ... . ~ • • :~ •J ~·:'. ·' • . ; . ' . . •. ' . ·. • ' I 1 • ,_ ~---· ---·. \ ' . ' • Mike Brick Tiie Fountain Valley School District seems as- sured continuation of its exciting educational program with the selecUon last week of Michael "Mike" Brick as the new superintendent. Brli!ftl_youthflif ai~sive aiiit~ ~rker~ bas eamed th•·re/nrtattoniif'?vllli an ~ .. t lntenilt In p~g the• best' educaliOD polllble lfOt FGUDtaln Valley's children. · · . The reputation hasn't come-easily. . . Brick has been a familiat ·•face at ,school board meeting s, PTO gatherIDgs, ,<ic>mmunit,.· eveh\s, fund- raising benefits and newspaper offices. For six years he bas furnished a steady stream of stories ihout Fountain Valley education, helping the public understand the goals of the district's program. Only 35, the new superintendent's youthful appear· a.nee doesn 't tell the whole story. His ezperienCe and educational ei:pertise are well-known to district t.nJ.s.. • tt?es who had 30 applicants to choose from. 1be DAILY PILOT wishes Brick success in his challenging new post. The Youth Rock Concert "U we were-to turn this thing down now ~,..safety reasons we would look like a ·bunch of real had school board inembers.11 • TnisU...J\latt!iew..Weyuker Qf.Jlun.tington Beac)i Union Hha> School District was speaking about a youth rock cenfer in a high school '.~alum. _ :;Anll'al\hOtlgb ~e was voi¢ng a sellool board -view·- -· akes Over point, Huntington Beach counci)lll~n were · d"!lbl!• .. having some of the same thoughts. ""'t-. ·, .... ' ' P~bllc officials are caught between · the proverbial · rock and a hard place. 1'1!fly're damned U they're not €e•P9ftfly~ to the iicna*t· . needs of i-"11~· If they do allow a ·concert and tl'ou breaknut, -they're subject to stroiig critic!Sm. ' . . Jn this case eo~n_ b~e fina"J'ially underwrit· teQ the activity and a\~ to see that all necesiai<f poll_ce and fire precautions *iie taken. Tiie (l;Y!n, whl¢'1 tolb•~,915. persons, will 4oul!tle,ls' be filled. The band nbes, "Canned Heat,•• "dat Mother," and the "All NJgbt Newsboys" would seem to insure this. The question mark at youth concerts these days seems to he not about ticket holders hut ·rathet the gate crashers who assemble out.side. Police, of course, are airafe of this and will be there In force. The Youth C.-Iltion eoii>mJttee-whlch With the city Recreation and Parks Depi"-)ment is sponsoring the event-'t, .doing its utmost tO ·cooperate with the city. In..-a sense, the rock concert -• July Tl kickoff to a w~k's youth,activlties -is .experimental. Not only Huntington Beach will he watching and learning, se will neigbbotjng cities. - The youths should understand and appreciate this. Public offici84 are out on a limb In their behalf. · "nJ.e. .. succ~s or failure of the ''e."tperim~lif' w.u! mately will he squarely In the hands of the persons that -t':!::!rv'\:t enjoy this type eJ!!ertairunent =.Jlleyouths • Not Rat~nal, Not Sensibk, Not .Humane Staggerltlfl -A.rray of~ Re6olutionaries Th both the Near and Fsr Eaa1, mWJosm chlldren-onen ·prove fatal Wlth tbe advent of the newer vacclnes, .. .,.. able to reduce 11'< perceotap of cblldren who ""'"" _, wilh iht -and thus cul the death rate from lhLs cause. , . t Wbel1 wt cut the dea • raw: we naturally reduce the b1lh lnlanl IDOliali· ty rate in -.nu, and 0.. ...._ the population -. mllli ... ol poople .,. already &larvfng. Tbe cblldren woo't di< from measles, but from malnutrition. EVERYWHERE IN the -Id. modern medldn< ;., performing thla sime dubious miracle -redeeming over-populfled areu from disease, only to bave the ~ ple mccumb to starvatioo became there are more cl them. It b a nice moral quet· tioo whether pesllJence or famine should be their fate. Thi! is one of the great and pressing paradoxes af "progress." 'Ibe longer that &cience increases the WHpan, the more ~ft keep alive, the more babies we ~Ve through vaccines and antibictics - lbe graver becomes the food situation in ibese under-developed areas, and lbe higher the po.'5ibillty of ......, slarvation Im a scale unknown In the past. THERE IS ANOTHER p a·t bet i c paradox involved in WI same situation. M long as the..atandanl of living remains low, the birth-rate remains high; ll ls on- \y when the standard (If living goes up lhat the number of children per family Did 100 _ ~" reallu an the kee adYerUlblC us car owners give to the dealers we boughl them from, with their names SlD'T'OUDdiD& our llcenoe platol? -L. J. TMI ......._ ,.._.._.........,.,..... _. ~Ir' ...... ti ftllll -ISlfl ...... ,..,, "' ....,. "' • ...., -. Defir 1'1111, ' .-~ ... _..,... I SO lhil the lea peoplo have to ut, the more they ~.aod, lbeo )l>e ma Jo¥ they b&ve·w eaL And Ibo mc1re illeJ>e011le bavi to e.4 the . 1eoo tbeflJreed. ·,. that they IOOO bave enormous llUl'pluael -IO Isrge In our cue that the governmeot · will pay farmers not to produce certain aopo, w!lile two-thlm ol~ -d foa to ~ buJl&rY every nigbl ' OF COOltBE, thio whole thing fJ nol ra· lional,-ll nol sensible, ls not bumllJIO -It is lite~ .. fantaay invented by some black · ~·or a satire ,beyond anythinc Swift cOJld llave imagined. Nor can we simply hand over our _ SUl'JllU8 food to lilarvtog peoples -for thil woulcl. threaten the "economic balance" of world trade and upset the economics ol some countries. • So here we are, Jnaiasing the workl's populaUoo lhrough --and Jn. cruslng 'It pn!Cl9ely -tt should bo decreased -while the mighty abstrac-- lions of "economics" and "trade" and "govemme'--prevent any raUonal dispollUon ol'1he .world.'s food naources.1 Lo.lbolse in most crWcal need of it.-lJttlei' WODder that young people ·all over the · world find us blind and paralyzed lo the edge of Insanity. Senate Serves Notice 'l1l9 U:S. Senate has taken action to reassert its dlmi.n1ahed authority In the making of foreign policy. It passed a ruoluUoo which 11ys, in effect, that no national commitment can be made without "affirmative action" by the legislative and eiecuUve brancbe!. 11Natiollal commitment" is defined as •the U!!lt of the armed forces on fore.lgn luritory, «a ...,.mo to assist• f<>ttign country, government or people by the use of the armed forces or fiDancia1 resources of the United States, either im- medlalely « upon the happening of e<r· ta1n events." Sina: the resolution doesn't bave the.lorce ol law. 11-d...,.1 clwlge the realities of how fattlgn policy Is made and carried out. Much ., ll may be deplored, the eseculive branch Is now, iiid mtWice George WUhlngtOO'i Ume bas bee1.1ht cbltf arcbltec:I of the na· lloa'• !Cfti(ll policy. "SllOllT OF THE erpendlture of -.ey, the binding cooclusioo ol lreatles ud Ille declsralloo ol war, Ille Pmideol caa wen nlgb do as he ple&ael m formullllnc and erecutlng for •·f g n I B•Geot'fle __ .., • ~Ceorp: I want to NI< this slrl to Co lWld)' but IO -1J11 fri<nd wont to uk her. I'm afraid U I p IWlly w\th her, my friend wUf set mad. Wbal~ Idol TROUBLED Dear Tro!lbled : A nel friend ...,ldll1 lol" )'Oii -• ctrt Anyhow, -""' frlenda but glril are lmpor1anl. policita,'' Professor Hans Morgenthau YtTltes ln The New Reputilic. "He can ~tbout re!Uence to any other agency of government mate a public declaration of policy, such as the Monroe or Truman Doctrines. He can refuse to recognize a foreign government or can recosnir.t Jt, a.s succuslve-Presldents did wilh respect to the govmment of the Soviet Union. He can gt've advice, make promises, enter into informal coinmitmenta as he ~ fiL He can send the Armed forCes of the United states anywhere In the world and e&n commit them to bostile acta short of war. In suml ,he can narrow the . ~ of cl!olce ""'ch <onllitulionally lies Wlth Co-to such an eateol u to -It practically altogether." PASSAGE OF THE Senate resolution hun 't changed any ol that. But II has served notice on the executive branch thai Congrus expedl to be consul~ m these arawe matters. The Pruktent trill be !Okins otrioul polilicol rili<a u hi dou nol if\ve full consideralioo to the wbheo ol ~· Tho Implied wamiafr lllelf may be ""'""' to restrain Preslcleols templed to over-atond the naUoo and lis ._...... At least Congress Is nut playing dead IUl1 ..... aumndullW Ila aulb«lt7 In vlrtual allence._jbal mllll be viewed u .. encourqlng ~ .. thal fattlp policy dtclsiom wUI· amount to more than one man'• orden. .... ~ no DaUy Callfonlu !l Cojoa . . . A Nation -in--PangiiOus.TurniOil; WASHINGTON -J. Edgar Hoovet _,,.....-\. past' year, HOO'le~rted; baa seen a . ' Aid ao much In recent t.esumony befri · proliferation of &ucb Organizations con- Congres.s, and so little of it was re~" •i:-: · j cemed with guenilla warfare and ter· that reviewing the ocope of It In capouii: llltUD · rorlsm. fonn .gives...a...bewiJder picture of a na· + J Hoover expresses suspicion without of. .. in d "'·--11 .:; ___ \ol ~ f -won anguous ~ui1nuu. -rering very convincing evidence o 'lbe average person sees, hears Or devia!S with the aim or creating an era of foreign influences, some arising from readl!: of onJy that pa.rt Of the turmoil cur.. Cuba. Contrary to the gener.al suppo5ition renUy in the newL Hoover is keeping '*8os which will destroy the present that Castro's Cuba has lost its revolu- track -of.-a-st;aggering 11JTay of re\tol!f:t_ form;of-gevernment. tionary aHVi, lrooVer reports the revolu- tJonlsbr:,of both the right and the left, ~ FWlda to finance the New Left ac-tionary movement there is going strong cendlaries, spiea, provocateurs, and tivities come from wealthy benefactors. and is sparing no effort to e.1pand ~e mWlant.s who increase in their numbered several foundations, an organizalloo of CommunJSt takeover to the rest of Lalin thousands year by year. collete profesaon small dW>Of3 in the America. Castro, says Hoover, Is &UP.- How ls one to judge UteSe darkenin&:., $10 to $50 range, t.b.e klentified. as eilt1'!' -,~g men, material and logistical su~ ahldow1 of vjolen<a.and &srupUont Nof; past or •pretent ·1Ymberi"1ir l)'l"Dpitlilz-· to help overthrow exist.Ing regimes surely, from the paranoiac's view of an en with the ~,party, stUdent qi Latin-American countries. 1 eoclrtliDg conspiracy; Y«. ·the totalitt • organitat!Clnl faB:rlia6g 'drives. A • • · and diversity of the aPJ>tlal to violence "very promfuent foundation" in New l\S FOR INTERNAL U.S. espionage can cause the skeptical reader of York Cit.y, Hoover reported, contributed and subversion, there Is no letup on tbe Hoover's report to Congress to wonder more than $Z50 ooo. Other New Left part of Communist countries In their ef- where the limits of tolerating in-• dooors tncluded ~ Cleveland lrxlwitrialist forts to penetrate our national defense in- surrection lie. "who has Long been 8 Soviet apologist," a terests . Hoover reports that a defector FEW ·OF HOOVER'S criUcs would deny that he is a pretty good in· vesti11tor. Too good, some Urlnk. In any event, he is increasingly busy with the appeal to violence. Here, in capsule fonn, are a few of his llndlnp: Students for a Democratic Society and the New Left have openly tWT!ed to violent plans and tactics. These range from all manner of violent demonstr• tlona to the use of bombs and incendiary wealthy New York lecturer and writer, has disclosed to him that 70 to 80 percent the wife of a millionaire attorney In -or ·all petsoonel assigned to Soviet Cbicaeo, a New England .heiress. diplomatic establlshmentsiWor~ in the in- FIVE BLACK POWER organizations advocate or practice varioua forms ol lb- surrecUon: The Black Panther party, The Republic of New Alrica, 1be Nation of Islam. The Revolutionary Action Move- ment and The Student Non-Violent Coon!lnatlng Committee, lbe latler hav· lng. developed recently into "a ftlll-blown all-Negro revolutionary movement.'' The telligence field. ·• 1'lie · Cbihese, Hoover claims, are b6comtng a ]>tOblem. He suggests that some of the 300,000 Chinese residing here are susceptible Jo ~tnfent for e,. plonage and propagarida wor~: He. is bothered by 40,000 Hong Kong based Chinese seamen, at least a few of whom are btlie\'ect· to be serving as couriers. Thousands of them enter United States cities each year, Jnd Hoover· notes that pver 700 jwnpeji ship ih u.s .. porta in 11'4 to vanish into tbe nation's Cbi.nese ·com- munities. BY coNTP.AST, Hoover finds the rightist appeal tO violence rather-P\lftY, The Minutemen are down to aJ>oul 500. Fourleen ){}an-type orjanl!a~ have about 8,500 members~ wit~-~iiilas of sympathizers. The Nazi party,ls besel bJ internal strife.. It ii evident tliat~,thie ef· fort to break \IP theSe IJ'OllRs is .having some eUecl Hoover is CQntiooJDa: ·to in- fillrale the Klan at all levps. One worillen why, u the -.right can be so $1ppresaed, the vto1eiit·Jeft. CIJ)o not be sup~. Tbe answq ii. not too hard to liiMI. A vague, bu! feal, social . sanction protects the violent left. People who find the Klan vulgar and repugnant beyond words can find moral, social and intellectual justification for the •causes of the bloody left. Thus the contributing coJ. lcge professors, heiresses, fcamd&Uona, and the enthralled youth. · i But tbere should be · no . confusion on where the danger lies. lt. Ues with the more numerous, better organized, more zealous, stronger motivated violent left with its techniques of guerrWa warfare and terrorism, ils neo-Marx!sl'doctrioes. and its heroes, Che and Mao. l:ven dl&- counting ~oover's alarming ,proepe.ctus the problem ill real' and not much ·II being done about it except b)r Hoover. '· Robert Finch's Future -a The9.ry WASHINGTON --"The trouble with women," said Oscar Wilde, "ls that they want romanct to last forever." The same .may..be said of politicians. That ls why o.ne cannot feel terribly sorry for Robert Finch, whose political career so far has been on Cloud 9 and whose rerent brief bout with adversity may result in even gruler glocy. At least professional Finch watchers in California think so. Jess M. Unruh, formerly speaker and now Democratic le@oder of the California · Assembly, is com.milted to run against Ronald Reagan in ·tbe race for governor ne.1t year and should hope that Finch will leave his job a.s Secretary of Health, Education and Welfue and return to his home state to run ror the Senate. ' TIDS ~YSIS by California politicos Is not So co'lnpllcated: Fl.nch would be a sure winner against any Democrat. And If Callfor[\I& goes RepubllCari on Finch in - the race for Senate, ll is more likely - aCcordlrig to rtee.nt voting patterns -to go Democrat on Unruh in the race for covernor. Not since 1951 baa Caillomia voted a maight Licket. Since then, Republican Thomas Kucbe.l was elected ln the year of Pal Brown's win over Rkhard Niion. GoorJe Murphy survived the L.B.J. landslide, and Democrat Alan Cranston wu elected despite Mr. Nixon's im- pressive 'majority over Hubert Hum- phrey. Having been deprl~ by leg\$!•· Uan oI the Earl Warren-Utduced habit of 'ftlllh& for a man who bad woo the primaries of both parties, Californians QOW carry on the Wamn lntdlUoo by spltlllng lbelt Ucltels for the hro top Opol4. THE PROBLEM FOR Finch, who mlll>t II tllil !unctun like lo leave the lloOartmenl ol Health, Educollon and We1fare as far behind 11 pouible, Is not hia mentor, 1Ucbud Nixon. who has twice let him down In his: battle with Congrw, bul C<orce Murphy, the llUln( aenator who says be want. to alt aome \ tocol.) At 67, Murphy is nol among the oldest senators, but he has been in ill J health. l lF FINCH decides to run, or if Mr. Nixon puts him in a posiUoo where he can so decide, it will, according to the more. . . Finch has said he will not run against Murphy. But he has not said that he will not run, period. Which .leada to speculation th3t Richard Nixon, anxious to \..'Ompensate (qr ~ public humlliaUon which he.felt for~ to deliver to his old friend in the John Knowles affair, may help him to recover by of(ering Sen. Murphy a job in tbe e.1- eculive. branch. (Perhaps an am· bassadorship or, better yet,' chief ol pro- theory outlined above, make another plus for Unruh in a rece.N series o( plusses u he contemplates tbe race against Reagail. Polls show tha.t as of today Reagan woul~ beat any Democrat; they shaw him defeating Unru}\ much leu handily than 'San Ftancisoo Mayor Joseph Alioto. \Jriruh believes there are iOMe in- dications ·that Reagan -in President Ni.ion's words of 199J -may bave. peak· ed too soon. Over the past few months the public 'Strap Their Posteriors'· To the Editor : There are lately 5e\'tral news rewrts about hitchhiking females who compj,ahl of being "attacked" by their benefactors. This hitchhiking should cease ~ de.'ilst for no other reason. than, in the case of female hitchhlken, they art always su~ ject to the male se.1ual drive. They are smart enough to know that their se.1 ls the main reason for picking them up, and that their se.1 is their greatest defense when it comes to a con-. test between female "innocence" and the big bad male wolf. 11IE BOY lllTCHJIIXER ts also taking a chance that tome "queer" will pick h1m up, and in that case be can rob or beat his vtcUm. whkh of coune is not a normal way oC Ille for th& avenge clUoen. U there Is • low against hitchhiking, I am not aware of it, as I see these hikers every da;y trytng to get somefhins for nothing whtle taking a big chance. TO EACH IDS OWN, but "hen It " L~ tt'Om Ml!Mltr'I .,.. .,.._,,., ~II., W!'i"°t1 )hOltld atm'9l' t!Wlr mnuM Ill J:llD -.!1 er ll'a, Tiie l'lt"I to canMrlM i.li'rn te flt ~or etlml"ak lltlel 11 ,...,_, All tnl9" imnl Inc ..... ~111-. end m•lll"' "611.-SI, blit _, Wiii tie WlfMellf Oil ~I II Wl'fkleftt ,.._ 11 _.,...,,., comes to P&r~ts of young girls gurgling "motder da bum" who attempted lo "rape" their daughter, who hitched a free ride, J could only suggest that 1 good .strap over the PoSterior of these youngsters to keep them off the .streets cou ld eventually ketp Ulelr parent& out of ' • lol of trouble. U. G. UNDINE llltchhikina in t._ia ar(O Is JegqJ provided the perton tlDnd3 on the c11rb, or if no curb, off' the rioht·oJ· ""Y· Editor ' Image of Reagan has been°"' 9flalsocla· lion with loud eontro~ and "Violence. Contrary to·w.hat must have.beeon!ll& e1· pedations, his bard·linfl support ofijioUce, sberilfs and. Natlanal G~ ;apJiisl Ibo Berkeley students over .~ ••p..ple's park" issue won lllm no new·lft'*. . ' • CALIFOllNIANS -lib ...ol-people - like lhooe wha· defepd .ag.il!!!l 91<>1eoce, but they don't like violence.· ·r. ~ven in defense. And w1!en .'Rfagip.'i fll('Cel sprayed ttie campus.with tear .lltl from a helicool<r;lle seeme4.-llk~~ti.•.Jiud"11 militaiitl T too eager for ,a:.~i·t con· frontatton.. "I > • ~ Meanwhile, Unroh · .. thlh~ l he Democrals may be •llnlhlni -¥ In Calif~. Tbere ls rare uri&ty lo& par- ly, .part1t111arly in U,, Wgjsl"'zre. and thla woet• 17 Republicao, l!ii>lt< away from Reagan's leadership to join Unruh In adding -at least temporarily -to the education bud(et. •• . J , Thus, the Nlx0!1-f<>ti!UrpoY:to.Finch p~ has an added appeal:for Flnch. ll m slop ~ ... a'!'l nnCll could nol !hat l!>lalli'l)Jnalltactty_O; . ' · · st rtbt:lliutt...1a aDd Tom Bta*I --·IMM ~ Wednesday, July 16 •. 111611 The editorial pooe of U.. Dailv Pilot seeks to fnfoMn and itim- ulate reader• bv p(tttniing WI ncw1paPfr'1 opt~. ond co. mnta~ on toplca of tntacn •nd lifrtl/i<Gmf, by prooldbig • foru"' for (Ju f%J)T'fuioft. ol our readers' opinioru. and ftf prts11nting tht divrrse i>icw- pointl o,.. fnjonMd. ob1crw~ and rpok•1mtn cn&Jqpicl of tM ,_ . . IMll/. . • Robert N. Wee4. PubUsber. . ' . I r r I t ) I ' t I I ) ' • I I ~ • ,~ \ ) I ' I KING · ,A"' ... ,p ·-. . . -. .. . · .. ' . · _ enne~ . ... • ' . I I I 'V. ·d.l-1-,M;n)"': . . . _AJ,.WAVS FfRST QUALITY _ 1,, . ''-'m wer:~JNIAes _,_ . '''· " 7'.>: . ,. ' • -• -' ' Yi · ~ ,. • .r: ~ ~ '' • ~ Pf •I,. ~ ' I .. c. 'ppiest ~~~e · ~Iii. , .. f,. !~ ,, ' 1 . r•< y L. M. BOYD port l'eJl<lllof'Jtll ilroW Is _ ~ ·~ -Take the baby • eraae. ~· lf"l .....,• : , 1 .ioo;like1 to be wrapped up CUSl'OMER SmMcii: Q. • ' ·i!Pilt in a receiving blanket. ·~ old ls a beii'llOllh !Iii ....._"in infant can be descrll> ~-5~~ laying eggs!" A.-.Ah-t f!l~-.;a_ cudd1er. Now take a ~ moalhs, ~ually. • • 9: ~baby, the sort who HOWMANYSTEPS-1 , Y tries to tick free of lil;ve to take tit I ~,to ket. such can be ~ off a ~mile . A. .. ~'.#!< · 86 a nOncuddler . Appro1Imately 2,000 • • • Q. · it's said can ~ "WWCH OF Kirt DoUglii' . That is 'etlher as movies gave him star status?" -~-ddters. And A. ~t , w~ "Champion, .. • ·~ , y grow up and wa.sn't itt. 'J".bink so~ ..._ ' · cban · their _. .. ..$"_ ·~• 't yourl'!'I arm ODD JOB -Every day • •i Hennen J • Oberschlager 'aod said par-painstakingly sturff<I mashed · ""!.your arm bananas into 1 en gt by ~ , • "~ ~ said lranklurtu-ca.sinp. Aiid )\e_ I paftf t U!1\ ~ palntOd same with vegetable t~):-·,. , ~~ ~ colors to loot like rat-, , . . ·miUi tlesnakes .. And be ate them In !the~ '.Al\IPll!!'llie Jl!ibjic places. Obe=lilager, I~ . i111'~1 it --•Ube-ootablecir<us • • ls the~~, ¥<. ·~.11\11 .1'~ .• ,..,,. of-. 1111 i W 1 !'!:_:;'I .. . . ~JI -: time,_~ bkiufell. as ·J191Mlo ·~·-. -:-·fit.--~!Jll\llAl'i\ill'l~---tends to submit , 1s,-lor • .-!!!'.lr:Uiidentiod ll'l cOold i bis doctorate. , v , ' ~ •• niarupwate *-b a 1 au• ~ .,. ' IN TULSA, ~ lives a sausages so niftily' they JoOked 1 phy~8n whose hue name ·ls alive. .Saf__!OIY Finl. •• , "THE VACATIOljS - A lamily of -· GRAND E§ENTIA13 of four, traveling cross-country life,'' said Addison, ·"are in a trail~, can expect to S<>mething to do, something to spend· about ~ a dfy. Tbe lov~. and 10mething to hope same famil)", eating in cales (or.'" Hew·l!'e)'t!U fixed for and s'eeping in motels, cu ex- granc1'e-entials, mister?... pect to •nd about $65, a day. _ -NO YEAR OCC1JRS with less So says ibe A IQ er le an than~ or more than lhree Automoblle-aslOCiation. Frtdiiys the 13th • ', , CAN • ;,__ _, YOU PRONOUNCE th ~our qu<s~~ •~ ..,,._ respectable old E 0 g J i s b m~ts are welcomed and s u. r. n a me of Feather· will be used wherctJer po. i~ugh? 1\'s :tricky. lib~ in "Chtckin.g Up.• Qur..Languace man says call il: Addrt~ ma f I to L. M. ';Fainshaw." .•. AMONG Boyd. in care of tM DAILY WOMEN, Jt is the redhead PILOT, Bo~ 1815, Newport who ,is ieast apt to become Beach, Calif., S2663. "· bald.' '. SHAVING -JUst got a new ' rUO!' and am nQ ionger.able to shave with fewer than 50 strokes. Like i~ nooelhelesS. T8k ... about llO olro~ to do : ' ~ jo~ rijh~ C;lil -, .. give yOurSelf a good :!have with I tt!an 100 Bfri>~, ' ~a~e '! ~harp . Deal; Use DAILY. PILOT ·"' 'f~1'T Siimetime ~ JC.%'i • asked \;;;:;; lllaOl'. -• propet'lhave required, u ex- ·t· ~"l Dime-A-Lines .. =============! .. ~nn~••1 s::z·....:.; ~"' flll8T QUIUf'I .. ' 14K GOLD & DIAMOND Make cle,Gn,ing .a .breeze with our· 2 speed' vacuum cleaner. 39.88 PO&itlv• agitation upright that beats as It sweeps, as it cleans. 2 speed ,,,_. shifts Into high for 50% more power when toal conwrler Is attached, , • 2 height levels for long .or ohort pile., •. 3 position handle .• , full wrap-around furniture guo,a. rn avocado. - ' W~q. Ju~ 16, 1969 DAl!.V "LOI'. V • • • • ' -, J L • • .. ·-- W..Ought lron-fumlture •• ~ limited quantltiei .1 ,, ft. ,. • ' !-"9' ~~-·~· .......... ~J..-..iJw.I...•. 1nd0or or .llU!doot i.-.ty, .s.at uhlono ·upnolatoNd with 'Plllilcla' print ~n ""'11...., st...ddod polyuretflane fomn. ' Club cltalr •........ Reg. $34 ...••• NOW $26 . . Love seat -······· Reg. $45 ....... NOW $35 . . . . Cott.table ...... Reg. $16-NOW $12 ' End table-···-Reg. $15 •.•.•. NOW $12 · .S pc. elau top cllnlnt liNup (not•Ulllllrllocl) Orig. $79 NOW $59' ' " ·: : ' ' • I I I I I .· !· • ' ' ... ._ ' r • S.~I CLEARANCE NIWPOUHACH Futtloll .. ._. """"""'" i-Klfk COllll Hwy. ~------- IOI t2JI. tlM t2JI ti.II ti.II ti.a -ti.a • Furniture floor sample clearance.~ .• fimltecl quantities! 4 PIECE SPANISH STYLE BEDROOM SUITE Dark 'Old World' finis&, carefully distreaed, in finest pecan _,. "'"r hardwaocl. Set lncluclesdrlple d,_r, 26"x38" mirror, .S drawer chest, twin or full heodboorcl. EARLY AMERICAN DESK •••. . NINE DRAWER, solid maplo, ••• tiqve lwua hardware, 50" wide, 22• deep · . ' ' boautifull Orig. $139 NOW s122 MODERN SWIVEL ROCKER ... STEEL B)\SE, upholstorocl in heavy cotton twMd, attractive carTOt color. Orig. 109.95 NOW s77 EARLY AMERICAN CABINET ••• TIERED, 3 1h11v .. , 2 doors, 26" wide, 69" high, 14" cloep, 1olid maple construction. " Orig. 94.95 NOW •11 ' • BLACJ.C BOSTON _ ROCK~R WITH. LACQUER FINISH over Hloctocl hardwoods ... • 1111rwlout buy for autMntie Anwlcan1 'collocton, · _, Orig. 54.98 ~W s33 , USE PINNm TfMi PAY~INT PIAN ,, Ortg. '494 NOW'331 EARLY AMERICAN SWIVEL ROCKER ••• 4'" foorn 1111oc1 -i.ton tn potchwwlc clelign, 1111ple.flnhh, ·oxpow1 wood wfnto, - Orig, 9'.95 NOW '77 . MODERN WALNUT CHINA ... 35" WIDE, 68" hiell. :1dr-,1 cio«, acljuatilolo glau, Interior light, -lnut -, lilnlw'ood. Orig. $210 NOW '155 . ' . HUNT-INGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEAai ~ ., MONTCLAIR ~ • ! • ., " • , ? . -- • l ' I I I . . • I • I· • . ' WtdnesdU, JLt1J 16, 1'69 . ,. By Phil lnterla~dl ' . = ))rug Firms Charged · With Fraud IV ASHING TON (AP) ~The NU:on administration, trying to lower spiraling drug prices through vigorous antitrust en- forcement, has charged seven major drug finns with using a fraudulent patent to monopolize sales or a leading antibiotic. · The go,ver,nment. ~ a thrte- count civil suit, alsO demanded at leut '25 mlllion in-dam"es -prob•bly n;tuch more - from tWo of the companies, Charles Pfizer & Co. Inc. and Arperican Cyanamid Co, . nie action marked the se- cond time in a weetJusUce Department a ·n tit r u s l en· fort>er.; moved against drug patents in~ concerted drive for more · corripetition in the industry.· · In Tuesday's suit, filed in federal court here. Pfizer was S L W ' R h accused of obtaining a I en ong on t us fraudulent patent in 1955 on : ' • the drug telracycline, ihe na - ' tion's largest selling broad 'T M -t Fl spectrum antibiotic. : • · ax ea.sure 0 oor Broad spectrum antibiotics ~.. are popularly known as ~I. · -•·wonder drugs"· for ·their 1 ~ASKINGTON (AP) -reform amendmetn,, lo this ability to counteract and cure j ~an Russe.JI B. Long bas bill and promi~ to hold a brOad range Of ilJneSses and 41K1icated be will not go along hearings on them nett week diseases. -With a Republican move to without lntenditig ti:I give fair The department claimed fon::e the surtax extension bill consideration to them in the Pfizer got the tetracycline pa- out of the Senate Finance commJttee." tent· bv w i th h o 1 ding in- • 1• ' .. " . en11e•~ ALWAYS FIRST qUALlTV,.~;J J '•' ·' -· . ' ' • • • ~Profeoolonal quality 100% nylon ..... ....... . . Flagged and tipped bristles, hardwood handle. Moy bo used with eiillor ail base or latex paints. 2.99 I Cornmittee Tburtday -Sen.-Edward Kennedy, the fOl'fuation aiid -rii81dni -"f8.i5e Republican Leader Everttl assistant majority lead.er, has and misleading statemtn~"-io----- M. Dirksen, a Finance joined a long list of ·~u.s •··t Offi l'9•liii111iiiiiiliiiiiii11i'ilil"t S.!"f -.-sholY._ ing with extra 1t,..n9, four .tihtlt unit that mecnurls ."8" x 24" x 1 ()".. ' member, told newsmen 1)e Democratic senators 1t'ho·hav&·· "'i~-doin:::' tbe~·.u~ . wu bopelol11>o; )lulel wOOld ·•=P!<d Lolii:• invilotioo: Pfl , ·-~· r1 1rom· • -·-' the<-~"~ '-'•'•tio' n K·-~·· 'd " Id ' bmit zer I•·~ suppo ' ?;ClJU • . ..u_._.. ~ -~. sat ~-:cu ~ ~ Cyanamid, lie1der. of a patent to the ~flocil.W debate !~u.-.·. nts ~ etgbt ~onn to Aureomycin, the 'fint. • at Thun4ifo'. ,...ion: -· · d d k led In ih . •-•ec1 _.,.,1 .... r.-. ...... Id · ""'~-incl'·"e '.a' m'w'mum won er rug mare ..._. 1s All• ......., --.. "' ''IQC• · 1ru · • • coµntry. The goverrurrent said a· ~ it WU; up to the ~ for .the wea.thy,. redQ.c;Uon Cyanamid made deceptive com~ to ~ .bqw .ht Jn the_oild,e,pleli_!>n allowance. statements to back Pfizer's 3.88 --.-~ . b.e-.....~~.Ja_Lr~~-~~-,._.·j:iiiit:nt cilihti1tf1!Y-Ch1tt'tei<ira ' ~tbilL . middle •1ncome famil1e.s. licensing arrangement that ~1· . B.ut. be added, ~·1 have ~ reform of the capital gains allowed the lWQ ft!lW-19 main< . . invited tlDlton to IUbmit system, -and . r:nocUfic~tion of taln hPlds oit .an.tU>iotie' sales! '• the tax-exempUon privilege o~ . In addition to-Plizer" and · ij_ __ _:_ ___ ..... ...,...;~:;;~.._ _______ -1 , state and local bonds. Cyanamid, five of.b!r leading-l V~.ai~ia~S · d.rug producers -.BristQI· . .u e-Myers Co., Olin-'Maihi<ooq l ROYALTY Chemical.Corp., Squibb BeeCh-Demo .Clique· Nut Inc .. E. R. Squibb & Sons PA Ys FINE Inc. and the Up.john Co. - were charged with conspiracy Defeated ttoramde'.nopolize tbe tetracycline LONDON CUPf) - A jiJdge fined Lord Snowdon, brot~r4 Th t ' ed ih , • 1 f B 't '• Qu a count s1emm, e ~CHM.OND, ·va. (~ -....._ .1n· _aw .. ~ rt ~n s . E'._en governmenL~aidrfrom licens- Moderilte and liberal -Cj.04 E~~ $l% today for tlleg~ · ~g agreementf under which· , dldates swept to victory over parkiJJi;, · >' '. Pfizer, Cyat,~ and Bristol-t the traditional cooservaUve GoM911J~k Bennett, ~, '. M)'~ ~Id •IUnufacture th~ Virginia Democratic Of'ianiza4 bro':Cht , ate pr~i · ctbtg aba':aU a.even firms could i lion in the f'lrim,. .... election a1ainst Soowdon, the ~usliand . .sen lt in d~e form . · Tutaday. , ..... -, ol ~ Margpnt~.!lor .c ~~" . t aloo asked Tbe rebuff to the leaders of blocking ·um car on M•r ·~ .. ~ ... n;e i.''AjifflO' nett the Pfizer the organization founded by Snowdon, ~ho wu not ... m .. pate ~· 'bit the lira\ , , tho !ate U.S .. ·Sen. Jlarr1 'F. ,~ ~hia"'Ued the cbqt .. 'liim·~ royalties on Byre! Sr. produced a d<cided ~-munseI. ; , : • l>traqcllne. " · , • -, ' ...-.i I "I"' MJ<lianic'1 tool bax that fMtvNt a ~ ltft· .out tiay, fuR liingth piaoo hingi. lftavY 9- steel; padloc~ eye. ·19 inches long. ' 3.44 • c allon\ of Penncrott• Imagine• •• ·2 g . tthi,lawpr'ic.e. . 1 coot latex a . . · Prenuum _J ..L-t repainting · · • to ao1nu · NoW'• the tnM . ff Pen.nc.rOft • been putttno o . . .. iobyouv• _ · .. ~:to cover \ft -~tex is-ftltty re-~. -6;;,tt;; pii· ---oat It's •uper ·. . just o~e c. ~ . • d e\ing and dries vents blist~r1n9 on pe \eo~..up too. . . •t 30 mtnutes., E~y c . in \U . hes • 'M'Qter • Just wash bru~ in · 1Pltt "a1110ng ihe Democrats. For the first Ume in ~ the Democratic nomination for governor will not be a guarantee of vidory •. · _a\ . ~~R .NOW! lenne~I ·%urchild's · L _____ .::... .. _ _L_ __ -:---~~~---r--::;;--:n .. " ' The gubernatorial oomina· tion was left' in a runoff, bat the organization eapdldate will not be in it. He fmiahed a &- tant third. Moderate William-C. Battle, a former ambassador and a close friend of John F. Ken- nedy, will laco liberal State Sen. Henry Howell again on Aug. 19. Tbe IDsin; Byrd .can- illdate, Lt. Gov. Fr«1 G. Pollard, said early today be 4:lid not know whom he will support. Government Sues Baker ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY _ plwwgraph can w~n an exciting s2,soo.oo WASHINGTON CAP) ; Tl)e Nbon administration h8;5 sue.d Bobby Baker for part .of ,the . ; • tnoney the government ct.ims. 1• 1 be obtained p_eddllng illlluence }"h11e secrefiry -to senate ' ~ pemocrats. ... -And 1h.al'• jus1 ·011t:t,· the hundred. The civil.damage claim 'fll med in U.S. District ~ of valuable prne$ • _gifts totalling t::uTu~SC::l~~1~,t~a:r:. ~-.25 oa·o 00 year limitation on gove~nt ' · I 1 • ~~against ... Baker con-in the 35111 Natibrial Children's • ... ~ J~~ceB~:::1:~t ;;: PHOTOGRAPH, CONTEST I ~1:n ~~a;: .,t r~":c.~~: YOd CU WIN OllE OF THESE llATIOllAL PltlZ;(:-. · 1, give a fult accounting of his Fir" Priu ••• •2,500.00 Shoppin{ Spm\ " !let worth. Accusing ihe fonner South Second Prii< •• s 1,500,00 Shopping Spru' ~~ ~~~~~~~ Third Priu •• •1,000.00 Slwppin{ Sprn ed for Baker to show bow his Founh-Prise ••• •S00.00 Shoppin{Spree in.~~::,'r1 ..117:~ SOFiftJ.Prises,eo. 100.00 ShoppinfSP'- durtng eight years in the 01 OMI OF IUMDIDS OF U.S. SAYlllU 1011D1 ~te poll. . . AS HONOUILI ltDmOM PllDSI ,GRANDMA • :HAS BABY H~·~ younelf a Shopping Spree ... yee, a paid . . up~ aa::ount thatlda you buy whakrer you want! It'• a map to enh!r and di)' towin. Ld ut photognph your clilld ond ,..11 enter a daplfoate ~ the Contmt at no extra dmp. Complete db- : JOl!ANNESBURG, S 0 u th t.il1 ond ruloo in our Pbotognph Stumo now. .41dea (UPJ) -JobaMa Big balJooa will he gi•m to n"'T c:onW.at ~:-1..:0aw~:!'::~ -------..-.--wu pregnant. gave birth to a s,.illpriell•--.ud~ph6.ni.&e..Fw_..,.; fift pound girl, doctor• Mid COllTDT 7 . 4•s 0.. ldO .,.,_ todlY· -· por1t'tlW ................. AvaUable record• here ln-1, ___________________ ,I dlcaied the oldest t<CCrded mobier w11 Ruth KlsUer, an An\erlClft wbo save birth at 1111 qe of 57 to a daughlet In 1-. ) MUNTIMtl'Ott llACM ~lll'llirltlOn C911tlr 2"11 ..-. "2·77" MIWf'OaT l&ACM fphlllll 1•'-1'111 2nd flool',. M+UIJ ' . 9''. SAW STAND.A,.,. fed 111crtch for your inotorb•d sawl Rugged all ttt-1 con· struction. 24.99 Extension wing for 9" motorized saw 12.99 '' 9"MOTORIZED SAW, ORIG. 139.99,NOW ' ' ' Corpenlry work's no problem" wil.h 'this 9" $ motorized saW!' Features built4 in ~HP ball. . ' bearing motor that's lubricated for life, and stlf-alig~ing loner. Cuts 2-7 /S" al 90• and • 2-1 /3·2" at 45°. Mota< hns overlood ptolec· · lion . Mitre gouge included. 110•120 vb~, AC u .. ''""• ' Timt Poy1"1tnf Pkm Las ters for 9 inch motorized •aw Blade gUQrd for 9 inth motorized saw 21.99 " 18. . ' HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH CANc;>GA PARK Fl:JLLERTON LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR 'J VENTIJAA . -· • • l" , • • • " . " .. ' I ' -----.,---------------~-=---=CC'Cc--------------....-------- --------------~-------,-...,,-,----,.--..,,---:-0,.,.. '. . ·--.. -' . • fHI $!V.HOI WO~lD Gambler's . ..,,, -' ,,:M'1M S~cial _... . flJtll'? 10f.!6TO SAUCE Found? Undersea Tenf City Stemi1ig Oil leakage On Budget, ,> ' Says Re~gan · SACRAMEN!J'O (AP) -ago, The tents, shaped 11 k e Gqv. Reagan ~iiev·es that, despite rising costs. '-and in-pyramids and 100 feet square, . . ,· -LOS ANGELES (AP) -An are each attached to a hu.qe nation, CaWo_~a s new English teacher a\. L o.s steel franie tG hold them in-record $6.24 billicx;i bcdget can Angeles Valley College last .Place. A [latjp the to(:! or the be• trig;imed 'if Jtite· agencies May read her English flas:r a · tent holds the pyramid Up, and and departme.r:ils 11.0id the line poem she wrote to help her the eQc1 result.is sort of an in-on employment_ .. students define pornography. verted funnel with the oil ri!-In a direetlvt Tuesday It was spiced with fOur.Jet· ing to the tent's pointed top. A ReJl,gan urged each agency ter words and described a sex· l>ipeline to the tent top tben and deparitnent chief t o ual encounter betWeen a young carries the oil.to the surfae to "re-examine his program girl and God. ' a Union Oil platfonn where needs and tO tiCeri.ain or • Mfi. ·0e-ena. ?.fetzger, 32, ptoceslng begins. · -_..,. J\efp-tbrough throtign at~'UOn said the poem, "JehovaP's Headrick Says the tents lfle number Of emp!Oyes under Child," had a . .moral and ,CXlver about, 70 per cent. of the hi! superVision." therefore was not smut. lea'k "area'" and "are )00 ger . He saia this would be a The Los Ange1ei Junior cent effed.tve for the area prelitde -to pliru:Ung the 19'70-71 Collige Board ~dlsacreed with _ covered." ~ inventor says state budget when e a c h Mrs. Metz&er 1\iel:day ian!I,: _Ms1 idea .. was one «ifl ·•over 4es>1;rtment 1!!!1 be-, '11-!>C•~ a moved to fire her I for "im-10,000 -suggf.ltlons offerea to specif.c amount arid Will have moral conduct" ind "evident Union OU" in the wake of the to submltJ proposed budget to unfitness." blowout laSt "January. flt that smn.: Bridge Le.aper Lives 4th Survivor C(!Jn';f O!f! "f W_ater Singing SAN FRANCISCO (lTPJ) -"He ill suflerlni an extreme ,!FY. into 'the water af the ,3QO. A 20-year-old hippie, high on psychotic reat:t!,on f:om a foot deep Channel and came to drugs, shouted ' ' g o o d b Y • drug overdose, said . Dr· the surface swlmmtng. He was loves" and jumped the 275 .reet N.olan Dean .. Y:ho qammed piCked up by a priv~te &at, from the Golden Gate Bridge him. Dean said the youth l?ld which tcansfer.red him to a into San Francisco Bay with attendants he had been laking Coast Gain:s' cutter ·tor 'relay his sandals in his hand . Tues· LSD for more than a year and to Letteqnaii.. -, . day. He came up singing from h~d taken mescaline Monday Layton, Who -~fered only a plunge that has taken 364 rught. . . . bruises on bis feet and ankles, lives. The Cahforn1a H lg h w a y was the first Of the four He suffered only bruises. Patrol spott~ Layton, ~rch-survivors to mak~ the plW11e The Jong-haired youth ~ess-ed ?n a r~ll.tng on the ~ridge, without serious lnjur)'. cd in flowered pants was 1den· on its "su1c1de scar;mer cl~-. tified as James G. Laytoa or ed circuit television shortly Gene: Robell!I, 21, survived San Franci~o. He was the before noon. He was wearin1 a the leap two years ago, and fourth person to survlve the long-sleeved white shirt and Tom Ta.~r. . 16~ • c ~ nr e jump, equivalent to a leap flowered bell-bot~om trouser:s. through tt alive. in 19$5. from a 25-story ·building, since Two young witnesses said Tawzer suffer~d tra~a:9 ~nd the span was opened in 1937. Layton shouted, "good-bye, , Rob;ens so~ mternal JnJ.unes. Layton was rushed to the loves," and waved the sandals Cornell.a Van Iyl;m4, ~. Presidio's Letterman Hospital, which he helit in hill hand. was -the ·first survivor in 1941 where he grinned at television Then he jumped as . two ~t was crippled for life. M~st cameras and entertained his highway patrol truck driven Jumpers have been kil~ed 1n· aUendanls by reciting "The approached. ._ stanUy when they h.11 the Lord's Prayer" and singing The witne~es said .Layton i;ouati water_ at ~· -e~tunatcd "America the Beautiful." made a str11ght feet4ll'1t en-speed of lkl miles an h?ut. 4 julii 15 .. 30 t Spectacular Flowtr Show Giant New Recreation Vehicle & Boat Show Junior Fair& Small Anim..1 Farm l ,OOO's of Ellhi•rts Spa<:• & Science Features Specltl Children's~~ H•licopltr RiM., Cernfvel MKtway ' '" Fri., J.uly t8 .\ *' BALLET FOLKLORk!O MEXICAN FIESTA .... Sat., July 19 DON ELLIS and his NEW BAND ...... Sun., July 20 LOU RAWLS in Concert ., i saluting Callfamla's IJlcenteMiill • 61\TU OPEN I P.M. WEEKDllVS/IZ_NDDN·BllT. & IWN. ,DRl\N6E CDIJNTV MIR & EXPOSITION N£WPOltT ILVD. & FAIR OR . . COSTA MESA ~ TUE., JULY 'l5-0'Miss ORANGE ~-~ COUNTY FAIR" BEAUTY PAGfANT Semi·Flnals--2:30-p.m., Fin1IS-8 p,m. IRli Championship Rodea Fri,• 7 p.m. Stt. • ....t_p,m, 4-7 l>·•~-­ S\Jn, • 2 p.m. & 1 p.m. ~ • -I r ' f j e,nne••J · ALWAYS FIRSTGUAtiT::""I "':.-.. '• - SIZE PRICE 735·1-' 9.88 'T15· " 11.88 82.5-U 1'2.88 855-14 13.88 n.5-1'3 11.88 815-15 12.88 845-15 13.88 .. ,. Volkswagen Size FED. TAX .35 .~ .37 .39 .40 .37 .39 .40 -DAILY "LOT ;41) I I HeJlr r~ , • r . ·' ~ l . • ._. .. ~., f .m1nuleStO ·Sa Josef ~ n ... , ! 7 ll'P lo.t:SO ;....: ~oah Wl)'a _ t 7:00·1:30· 10:00· 11 :30 am-1 :l)O.~:SM:00-$:-30·7:00-1:30 pf?'C More on'weekend•. --~- --,-, ' ~ ' l ' '·' ,• Foremost 'Golden Pinto' , , mini bike• ~F ' I -t49.99 Cut out on Penney's mo1t popular bikel Clftclc-~tM tutJY 311-H.P. Tecurnst:h engine. Gtt up to 22 mph. Rear susptntion twin -shOcks encl • contour.ct vinyl aat1 outomotic twitt grip throttle, brok• a11ntfols. ' Mini ltik• ere .,., lnl•Riiecl fM' rKi111 •r l•r ... N ~·k-rt, lid-.Jlt• •r lil<HPt.. AF /X safety hel!ft•J gives you great prot.ction! 16.'88 This is• must for Mini l ike ond motorcyct• softtyl R1JQg1dty c.onslrucled. White wi1h reel oncl blus racing stripes. Af/X m~1I flake 11fety helmet, Rtd or blue. , . 18.88 Snip on bubble 1hield for 11foty hllmoh. 3.95 ' " . ·. ' 1· ., Sd0-1.S 9.88 ,32 LIKE IT ••• CHARGE iTI '" WHITEWAW ONLY •2 MOREi.,. •. ::>.. BUEN'A PARK (0'e~~"r;.":11 ) CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA · Fl:JLLEATON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR . NEWPORT BEACH vENTURA° . r , I ' ,-· • ... .J: I ' ' I ' ' l i ' . r ' ' I AJI OAll.Y l'ROT Men • ID Service Airman Gcorre J . Vl1lle, son ot r.!rs. Dorothy W. Viglio of 11731 Estuary Lane, Hwi· tinglon Beach. has b e e n assigned to Keuler AFB, Miss. for training In the ad- ministrative neld. The airman .Is a graduate or ~1i llikan Hl1h SChool, Lona Beach. Airman Jobn l.. Wri1bt1 son of Mr. and f\frs. Joseph L. Wright of ~Ill Comanche Dr., ~·estminster. has been assign· ed to LQwry AFB , Colo. tor training in lhe supply fiili!. He is a graduate o f \\'estminster High School ~nd attended Golden West College before entering the service. l\faj. Harry A. l\1ann. USAF. son of ti.1r. and ltlrs. J.T. ti.1ann of 2244 ·stale St .. Costa Mesa. has graduated from the Arm· ed Forces Staff C o J I e g e, Norfolk., Va. ti.Ia. aMnn, a navigator, previously served In Vietnam. He attended the University of Southern California and holds a B.A. degree in art from the University of California, Los Angeles as well as a M.B.A. de~ree from Syracuse (NY) Un1versi1y. Pfc. Rodney b . Kell, lJSMC, son of Pi1rs. l\taryland J. Brackett of 794; Alhambra Ave., Huntington Beach1 was awarded the Combat AcUon Ribbon with Combat "V" dut· ing ceremonies in Vietnam. He received the award for outstandfng performance of duty during combat while serving_wjlh the fjrsi Bal· talion, First fdarine, Regiment, First 'Marine Division . l\laster Sat. Buddy E. Tripp, son of Mrs. Grace Reddach of 1440 Pelham Road, Se a I Beach. completed' the special U.S. Air F o r c e recruiter CQurse at Lackland AFB, Tex . Sgt. Tripp, pre vious ly assigned to McClelland AFB, will be an official Air Force recruiter at Austin. Tex:. He was picked for the special assignment as a volunteer with an out.standing - military record. Ll. Palritk T. Comter, son of ~1rs. Virginia Lambert of 216 W. Alessandro, San Cleme nte, has been awarded U.S. Air Foret. silver pilot wings after rraduation at Moody AFB, Ga . ..rhe lieutenant hai been 1Siigned to Cam Rahn Bay AB. Vietnam for flying duty with the Pacific Air Forces. Pfc. William S. MacM~. son or Mrs. Anita ' L . fi1acf\1astcr of 1833 Highland Drive, Newport Beach bas graduated from the Marioe Corps Recruit Depot. ·san Diewo. He has been assigned to Camp Pendleton for fur- ther training. Two Orange Coast men art atlending ROTC Basic Sum· mer Camp al Ft. Benning, Ga . They are Cadet Philip J. i oe.lkas, 24:, son of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Toelkas of 2879 Miguel Lane, Costa Mesa and Cadet William L. Server. 21 , son of Mrs. Mary Seiver of Newport Beach. Secreta1-ial ' Co urses Set A "complete package" of secretarial courses will be of· fered at Golden West Oollea:e this fall, ranging from begin- ning instruction to preparation for lop·level exe c utive secretary positions. Included Jn the line-up are classes in shorttrand . typing , transcribing m a c h I n e s , duplicating. b u s i n e s ll com· munications, secretarial ac- counting, and g e n c r a I secretariaJ procedure$. Following studies in these areas studenl! will be able to spccialiic in legal, medical and administrative-technical areas. . In addllion , lhe college has t.Stablished a tcsl center for student1 to beco1ne "certified professional secretaries." Shelln1aker Ge ts Dredging Pact The U.S. Anny Corps of Encioeers announced today that Shellmaker Inc . of Newport Beach had received a $300,000 contract for dredging ln Oceanakle Harbor. "Dred1ln1 wW be st1iUd this month lo be compleled in November before the rains star1 /' Col. Norman E . PehrlOll, L.A. D J s t r i c t llNinffr said," The 303,000 liibit yan!.I ol ·llind to be removed will 'be used' for beich reatoraUon and Im· provement north of lbe pier In Octan..lde." W.,,...,, Jufy 16, IM • e 1111. 17tti It .. c ... ..._ ,,..,, .... cm.r,c.M. e 1ot41 • ...._A" ... fic.114 ,.,._ .. w Slili•P"-t CffitH, G.G. • '"' a.,-......... ·~.,.. c...., ,. ... , 0 .8 . • 141f W, ....... eM Wl ... I St.-l•a11r C...., $.A. . ' Reg. 391 LI PAGES 69!. Sun Country Miracle Air ,,.,h•n•r 1'!!27c .2~: s1oo ~ .f(O" ,., t ._. ~ .. Jlc $1.00 Value! Summer Fashion Jewelry J! ~ - ~-·~ • . 39' & 49' ea. Pl•stic Patio Ware ~~~ .. -s ft( $10o Choice o( ttttioned pl1te, •te.k pl•l· ter, uJad bowl, tumbltr or mq. Fashion Color Dress Shirt ~;. $3'' $3" SO.Foot Garden Hose Jl.ei.nforctd. · •• coils s2•• euilr· yn.r rO\lnd. ~'z inch. '13" Value! Semco Wood Tackle Box ) plrwoocl, b r 1 11 pl 1ttd twd..,ood. SIY1xl611 1iJ. $f '' Pr 11 nn ng Special Occasion @u,lce Cream •• I Bright new dcsiQM and colon. Pitrccd .tatrings, wedd ing band ~ d to p . ..... 1... curingl. lkad ncddaces, ~l. ... an tique jcwdry, pi o s, "qlP' much more. 1" lnf•ts' llo-lron Dresses Ivy I, S..-1 t 6c 2~$3 s111 ... Siies 9 10 18 t110$. $1" Value! Playtex Swim ·caps With fO&rll n1bbtt )i(ltt. White A COi· s122 $2" Opthalmic Men's Sun Glasses ?--i111im11m 11.1n pro. ltCtion . Sm 1rt .fnomn. l " ·. $1" (j' I• r,....t X;I .. • r ·~ HALF GAUON , •YUILU 59c .. : -,,J I•"'- .: ,,.., J.lofr ~ -. • I MHOLATI • IUAWHftftl •An Oth•r 12 flavo" ••. 6tc • "'"" v •• 111. • Chtc~• l talt'4 Al"'"' • f!M1 11 w • .,, • H•,.Utt111 • 1.,11111 TitffM • c1i1..-i.ta Chi' • a.,,.,,,,. Wt•• .... Irr ...... llti&l ~.,, .... Plitictti. -c.,•-• Mtff' • H11f • fhi•.., ~ tht M...th -L.,.._11 c"""ii·----.. $17' Auto First Aid Kits St.let? ~1it, di.to tm fla,t, n11:m1r· ochromt. bind· $1.t.t .,..., ....... d,, "" ttpt. couon, h\irtt" r.lniment. tpitiu ol 1mmonia. I ·''-'"-" ....... _________ , _________ ~-~----==-~·-...=.... -- I I e 17tt4M...-a.1t.•T....._v11 .... c..w,,Z. · e a..t.llli & llfl~ ~.-ff ......... IMc• S .. Chtet, H.t , e lJto H_.... IW. ...._ ....... c..t.r e a&IJl.._. .............. N.a. • FtRS1 QUA(tr(.:.NATIONALLY ADVIRTISED Reg. $1 ~98 c"nnon Baroque Jacquard ·Bath Towels Regular '1.29 Plaid Shfft Blankets 99' Fruit of the Loom Bed ·Piiiows 11.41 YtlHI PAil OF 2 i $1" Reg. 371 Flour Sack Dish Towels 4~s1• JOi:J6" blncbed, tttd, to UK'. leiy 4,lfftl41c s 1" Revenible 22x44" Braided Rugs . s11• s1t1 Value! Vinyl Shower Curtain Magn itii:.td. bottom. Choice of colors.. 981 '4" Value! Cotton Chenille Spreads . Full bed siZC". Noo·tanglt frio,. Machine wubabl~. '1 13 Polyfoam Mattress Pads $3" J6-.70 twit1 'Ii•• 0•4 $1 .77 S0•70" '•" IN,Stu11,.f Antique Satin Pinch Pleat Drapes ti)" «JOO, ,,3 2 ,.,, $7" · .m.t~. -<48x84'' • m to ·r. 7-Piece Bathroom Ensem,ble Lid <0\0f:I', l pc. hnlc 'mvtr, b. th " contour . mil.I· l~ ,.r. s3• •.ute. b1s.l:tt ·a ·CO'f'tf, $266 Connon Monticello 7h108" Twin Siu $ 79 Muslin Sheets • • • • 1 • l .6'-7h I 01 Flttt4 lotteM TwW. Sia• . $1,7t •$1.t l-11•1 01 '•" ., fiftt4...,.. $1.tl •$1.11 ............... :··· P1U:ef t fefltc c_,,,. te °""'9 ...... hr $1.M 981 @L0 Multiple Daily Vitamins Priced ""' iowtt · Ihm our ~r low price cl 91c. • .... $1.t l....,. sf ISO • a.,. $1.6t lhttlt ef J 6S 651 C_.,. 11 °"""' ....... Jl.tJ I I.I I ~ 0 DMw1Mt ·NTN If'" D•Hr Ytt••ln 79' ,_,.,. .. Otkft ......... $S.lt St .II ~ lr111 T111l1 ••nu '' ,.. wit .. I 11•••1•• I Yffa•l1 0 $173 '-_,,,.I•°""" S.I .... t. $1.4J $2 51 ~ HmllF ll l 1~tr Pif.ii"J wlU1 Mln1rah 51 71 . ..•.... SLCI 69' Circus Peanut Crunch Cosmetic Fitted Cilny-all ::::"' ., '1.00 Value! Earrln9s 2 ~ $1 00 An outstandinJ Jt- ltttion Qf 1nt1qual pit!ced, pitrrtd look, Toni Sun-In Hair lightener Westinghouse or RCA Clock Radios Bur l. ,,, ... ~.1 2 OUl'ICt' tin. Old /1· 1hiontd aood· l\~I. 2 , $1 1olid ... _ .. s12•• Ai'-( r.drN 0 in o(f whire. I JI.CA h11. • dro'W'lt ll1m. • _Wed-. July 16, 1969 PILOT.AOVUTISU 7 • 1JUj .... lllMmt Jt,. Wttlt9M ... f w..-...: c;..tNf, .. ,l 'J •' I e 61:17 W"( ..... • -.W. Wff/I, w .. 111 •• " • • 11961 ,...., ..... c • ., ....... _. ...... ,._, •.•. ··----.... -.......... .... ' '3'' PQCk of 2 sllGEurs Flea · Collar FOR DOGS & CATS s1••· Dlsct1111t Price! · Pofaro1il' tolor Fiim TJ~ IOI s3'.18 I i.,...rn ., ·----... Protect your books and knick-knlda_ . in b&ndsomc}l1.JOZlll/1bookcucs With double sliding glw <loon. Center shelf adjwts. Saft tl.89. Vita Pakt Party Fruit Punch PIC, OF 6:49° Solid State 12 '. Pocket Radio •WTMU·Ulf YllYL IUE Uaequalltd ·k>lle for 1bi• 1i1e radio. """"'"' ,. -"· et. Euphone, lat· ..,. iad.dtd. Sl9ns of the Zodiac grinklng Glasses 12~$5ss 41c •· H'Odnnc lookin1 gl.u- MS -with lips oi tht 7.odi1c printtd in iold. · '1" Value! 4 nlr Saacller Stacker Natir14: ~11 for po~ $I :If C0ta. ( h I , I t llUCks, . ""'"· s1 Value! Italian Venus Cosme~u YOUft CHOIH 29!· Qµality cosmetia br One ol Jtalr'• la dinJ finm. 10PieceCo ee Server Sets $3"' eo..od · a(. ,,,,, pol a: .. pr .. <:-. a, ' m1111o IU'l'i~ •· Goldwno- ado. Florar Anan9elltfft In Antique Um• • . .. ... $1" v.1 .. t t ifelilct w~tt in 1ntiquc fillishtd 'Cltll. 12 inchn 11U. 49' te 69' ea. lcko Kitchen Tools .. , • '"' 2 '"884 .. ........ so. 0 Af0Cl40 handle I •s.ts Value! Outdoor ~~'.~~!!• .. !!'!~~.~~n t3'9 Non-rustu11 . S61• Value! Ma .. us Electric Or11111 lnsemble ALL Flft s399s J7 t:~•t• 1c., •. 1;3: cliord but· tont. 'W1louc filli.th abin· tt. Hwock btfttlt. ' .... boob. I I V2 all on SCOTFOR~ Scotch W~lsky s7~ Diatilkd a bJmci,4 ln Smt- l111d. Grat hof! WWt thit . b\lt , Tbdlty t.a 1'll -I "'" plloo of r.., ~lot nnlf ''·"· ~ ---------~---~--~ ' . . -----~--------------- SF Starts , <, ' I --. IU!k(ting, J ' . ··~ ,. 1~1~1-1 · 0 9. ~nnt : · ' . . ·'\' : . · \,. .~r T ~ 1 .. . . ~ ·) ·~~eyr~ ~":3 f ~. 'I ' '.>I'\ -thl1 t~·a7 1aw~~1; • --1 ~ K')lng Jo lie-I,h•Oll<d tho city'• • flrsl«prnf·uc~t. 1 _ i~\ ·. iJ!e mayJl>e ' thlof •:1>!1Pr, a'gamble~·,1neg1.;;,\iu) pittfti I -.or a, li!W\>llJ, ; __ , ,:_ ,. ' l!ull lnii-.d-"' ,hauling 'him r " oft 1!J l~or ' bodillllg aiw otllei'~p alanW.:-..., f11 the. c s · pollceinen wtll Issue im a com1':4ter card Uclfet at tile *""' of the crJtne. _. --~ ~ l>pUceman and "''peel wiU ~etUe on a court date, UM ial!'br..,. wJU.f!P-an -m~t iq.-_aPl!!'if, tho J>Otri>bn.,, l!'I~ hailll !>!'¥>.. i!>f'ti'*-t, .. d t1fn rel ri ~Ql!I beaL p~~~1:~~~1 me POrl ~ tbe polico'• Pffi!"I todoy. . ehlef.'lbomaa•ClhiU eaPH1t th!!!!' to_ free police froQI 1tJ1!e. c6ming custodial choret a,nCJd allow them t o spend m~ .~~:,, patrglllng -8114 thli1 ·p · ttn1 erune. / Backers of the new ~ysttm tokt the police commission prior to it! approval that such tlCketlng would help the pl)Or ' and-memPtrs of millOiit)' gfOUJ>f.,WhQ oooiOIUllOI spend lOQI. i>l!)_Ops in Jail on minor ctJ,r1e• because they can't P<!'l boil. . · Jl'he cr.11\le.Ji<~•ts .will .. i. loal•d iiilJ; to .l•wbr.Um wljp meot 13 crit•ria -wi ' 1 • ' • I - ' I ' t~-lirull"ile\:liloif6l\ wlf<tller • . •oita1 or Jp. jail. left to tl>e .,. _ re&tin1•~--I I . I . I , ' JqlNNEW}YORK LI. George 5ully; who 1111 , bet6 ~klnl ;op ~ ptogram _ -· it I ~J}l!.•_pa•t ~ .. •aid San · FRE~H PRINTED ,.._ wUI Join New York · -1 · as 'l&t' el)]y Jn•jor clues wtlh ···~'a·ticlifl1n1ptoetam. AR ei• JERSEY ile'sticf!he rocai version win · -1--l( L ----' .. .. • - give-jhl-a""*lng-Olftcel'rnort 1. l. ..,.I, authijl;ity, bjcluse ""peels 71' .. iJ ! • .. 1! • • WIDE-LEG NOVELTY PANTS 4.99 ' . ' I will~rele datthelC'l'fof O .I. 1. 11. '1. 1.• • h dt t W h I r f bul f the-~me ra than at-the ij,,_.,.,, tp• 1e_-s<1mmeri•-s •"4' d>-i ey ---• ' ow P." y one tr~m • • ous group -o --r- precl!i<t hilu_ , ., .they .,. in • in Ar~~I® triec•t•t'.; doubl•kpit; • broezo t• bright fiere11ogs, oil reduc_ed 'from roguler' sl~ck • Ne" Y~_rjt Cit • • h d' d · di I G e /' ·;y' /b 0 n/bl•ek ""root' sel~c!tion -o f stripes, sol.ids,, flor•'ls, . 1 : MISdtrnean ticlteting--'WIS , .. _.... ,. 'W~$ ar l'l~· ry ... ' .. en n~ y r w I ,..;;I ur~ i:r rtby .. f:-:X ,j''. -·a~rs.;i!; '~ .. · · Gt abstrects :)-16. Jo~ Preiid .. :l<J ..,.~,, '. . \ • ' :M<'~ ~pbrhwaer Q,..,.,s_, l2 Street floor Budget Sport~a~-&6 ~ _ +· co . .. ~ Wf§'.'"-\f•' _, .... ,,._ , _, . -,--"--'~ •. -.--v .. ,. • • -II . •· ... . . . FAVORITE "LADY" SHIRT GROUP 299 -4.99 (II . ,----~----.,.,. ----------... -- ' Fabul~u.s buys ·i~ this oulstop ding sel&ction of sleavele•.s. 'long and shorf.~eeved •tyles. -Solid!-, prints~ ·#:riP.e~. checks, t1,1ek-:ins, overblouses. Whites: 'lbfcrs,•a.1.8.' Mi '• Sportsweor, 89 ••: L ........... • .. ' • .. a mern of' t 1'• 1 · , . .. , :--~ 'l " ;. , ., ;. u~e~ner cifdU..liou~1j~1~-............... lllli .. ,.,. ........... .;,, ...... .;.-i ...... ..,._"' .... ,.. .... ~ .. .., ...... .; .. ~l-.. ..,.., .. ,. ..... ;im .. ,....,,.. ...... ..,~ .... . to au poUce · perooMd,. 1he .. po~&mao""a lioue' ltC)<ill·lo qulilill~~~ In ._, jJI petty ~-.... u11 or bderjl, crim~ a.._,,st·f,ubUC peace or welflrt. rderl~, ~ ' lol~ n&I~ ·1 gaftiblfP.g . mes:,a·,;at·n.1 't heal~or et;, abaiidonmen · orn~ : . · • 1'bey: m Jail \uspec14 lh all fekiny , Stx cr.iln~. n a r ·c o t le s vialatioria, con- tinuing C'Q,mes (such as drunkihnesi), violations : ... quiring a physical tuminatton (such as prostltutton) or wlen the lawbreaker o f f e r e d resistance or, was armed. · Gl!T PEllllll\;sioN I 1 trhey must js!,ue ticket! ~fdr ~ \ all other mlsdemeanorS ~ r thbusands o( laws coverlnC \ e*ryth.ing from litterJng· 1 -=rs in· bars and ·"'Ol'tultt te Ing -ltnless 11 y e_ja ission bY their, co~ ' m4Jtding officer to JiU t11f smpect. The orders list several quillhcatioM whiCb " a 11 ticketed suipects must •metl -I o c a I ideritlficat1on and residen~. no outstand1na:kfar. rants, 1 no prior reeord of nonappearance in court of issuance or bench warrantll, and willingness Jo siin 1tbe: ticket. The policeman is also re- ouired to jail a suspect if he thfrilill ftlere Is a "llkeJlho«i• the lawbreaker won't appMt or" if ''exce ptional cirt:umstancts." indicite ie , i;hOuld go btfore a judge .. Omter 1 win cheek a sulpect\ record with poll<t lleadqdartm by radio. If th•)' decide to issue a ticket, they 1 '':lp nach a mutually agreeable date -at least five days away f"" for ,the au1pect'1 I I court appear~. ' ~. ~ -f , • Hi)w IT WORKS Suljy xpl(ts,1 ... tickets to •I ' • DELie.A TE LACE he l! -rint, but thinks " p grmp · 11111 'win ... SUMMER SHIRT ceiEnce from Patrolmen as Y th s .. howt it wor'kl. T 1 .• 99 • It geli aoing, Ute or- ri'*'s are gQlna to uae it more · · a.a> more," he said. "It'• 1 \ ,Glent d•_ isie_ s bloom on .our snappy sh~t shope g~pg to.al!gw our men to \ f I Ion I k db I d soOild 1ua tbne 00 dustodlal I . \ o . •cry 1(./ny ace. It s poc ete , e le .;:.n an<J mol-0 on tlteir real \ c aod reedy to weer just ebout everywhere this iob :.... p;o~ pf6pe'j\y 1nd suson. White only, S.M·l._MiS1es' Spor+.we•r, 40 pri!V'Rttng~"'I'·" Bl also expetta tw con· relUon al o611C. h~dquanm. mQI\ ofdctn out on tile •lf'9'ts. and a drastic drop in pa~rwork. "Report& from New York in. • dictite each t!ltaUon uves about rive hours of police wor~" SUily .lid. 11'"11t alollt should help the ticketing J)lan galn acceptance by our men." ,, ANAHEIM ~ +H N .. Euclid 535·8121 Mon. thru S.t. 10 •.m. to 9:3l p . ..;. ' '4 -' ' ,. ,. . ·-! -• _MOST POPULAR-• • '' . PANT HIFT LOOKS . ' 7.99 ' Hore they are, ready lo •tep into •nd go! tots o~ suf'ei' se\llings, t'op. on favorit~ styles in · bright sum.,,&r prints, in w•sh•ble cotton" f sizes I0-18 .1 Blouses, Shifts, 66 . I -NEWPORT~ ~' F••hion l•lond 6+'\-1212 Mein. hru Ffi. I 0 a.m. lo 9:30 p.J. Set. 10 •.m. lo '6 p.m. ! i· I .. FAMOl,JS LABEL PLA YWEAR EVENT • - 3.33 • 12.67 . Fill up your closet with fhe best-of-sutnmor sep•r•le" Wide variety includes ea•y-ta .. fabrics, postels and darks, sizes 8-20 . Hurr)' for these! !0iS5es' Sportswe.-r, 78 HIJl'fl'INGTON, BEACH . 7777 t,dinger Ave. 892-3331 -' Mon. th ru S•t. I 0 a.m. lo 9:3~ p.m. '1 , I , .I • l l . - -. WtdntsdiY, July 1~ 1')69, . Watch Out! < ' L ·--I. For the Record Smog-Days AIUllJCllLE .. -Wettellff MOl'tldiri. t m E. 17111 Sil. Colla Meu ~I•, ' ~ ·-BALTZ MORTUARIE'I Corona dd Mar OR a.tut Colla --Ml U4ll • BELL BIJ.()ADWAY MOBTUARY 111 Broldwu,. Costa Mesa u 1-3433 • DILDAY BROTHERS Hu.Ungtoa Valley M-ory rm111Uc11 mva:- Huallqtoo Beacll . IC-11'11 • McCORMICK LAGUNk . BEACH MORTUARY 1'111_1.m!Da ~1,!111 Rood -·Lapma- 411-Mli -. PAClPIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Ceme¢rrJ e MarturJ CUpd -Podfle View Ort .. N......,t Bel!do; ,Calllinla ~-• PEElt ll'AMIL Y COLONIAL F1JNgJW, . HOME "'1 llGluA.._. ' ,,_ ........... • llllQf~ MORTUARY Lopoil-$1515 .. a -1 , -••• S1i111111' MOllTllAllY' II'/ Mall Sc. ButlJicMo Badl -~Ill-"!' • . . ---------... ' . ''" :.:-...,~ -~-fi --· ' '• . • · Aal:: About Sean ~ Convenient Credit Plans 10DE GUARD -Gl!~EE TRad life GD•nntee C--.,_. ~-1: All f&ihun of ~die tire multiiW from dmal. to-I · ~dd'ecti'io material. or~\ · -1'iir.,~ for life 9' O{iaina! __ ttt~;:( \ ..._(Se.I-. WW 0.: P.epair n1il • puftctritn It oo dlugt. lo cue of fail- ure, in ~th .. for 1hc ritt, ...:place it •t llO charge, i£ failure ottUH durin,g £int 20 montbL If lire £1il.J .rrer this period, ttpl1ee it, cb.arsi.._ only die P")pOttion oi currmc rqullt' telling · ·--·price p/111 Fedtttil.&crte Ta thll ~P. mcnu~Ued. Tre1d Weir.Out Gu1nnlee «i•-1-d A,'.al .. 11 Trrid wear- a.t. r , . I P•r H.,, IA-.;1 ~o monriu. Whd Sai"'WW Doi lo nth&tll'C for the titt, replace ir, charging cWftnt rqulat .elliq price plus '"'ral EJ. cise tu kn tbe. fullowiflJ allonocc: 2~9';. • Prices Elte'et1.;e ~-,·31.95. 9 . ;.25,56', _, ' 31.95 i. 6.39 ·6_9sx14 . •32.95 6.59 26.36 7-35.JA ~ ~M.gs __ .-6.99 27.96 7.75x14 ~· 36.95 7.39 29.56 ll.25x14 39,95 7.99 8.55d4' ....,..-( r ~~s" ·( '8.59 ' i 8.8Sxl4 45.95 9.19 7.75xlS , I 36.95 't7.39 8.15x15 39,95 7' ' 7.99 I 8.45d5 • 42.95 ;i 18.59 8iSx1s ,. ·!IJ19 11/ 45:95 , ' '900/9.1Sd5' • 48.W-.. l(J.00 I • 38:95 ' • F.E.T. ' ' ' 1 2.02 2.18 2.02 2.17 ' 2.36 2.68 I 2.77 ' 2.90 \ 'i'hfu 'Sat., ]nly I9 ·loli-------~!'"""----"'"'-Ci ' • ~ I ' . , •• , • '• , ' ~ ft 11. '.' ' t•• L " ' ' ,· .... -: •• •• . , .. \f..__; , . , ' . . ' . . . \ . l ·~ • • • ' , ""1 • · • \• • ,· • j I "~ "-----------.-!-·------_ . .._..... ·-·-_111!11'._ .. _ - - - -___ ..,. __ - - -~ --·--;-.-llilli ! I ..-•-TA .. ,,oo, 521-<530 a MONTE GI 3-3911 LONG ""°'·H• ~-0121 •~• W• 1 .. 242 · SANTA FE''f"!fl' 94'·8011 -1/ u"-'110 ,.._,ni-•+-t<•-I CANOGA rAK l.40-0661 GtINOAlr 0t 5.100,. c1 -'·4611 ~YJiij"fC a. $OTO AN. 1.s21 t l'QMON.( ED _,_ t 1 Q , NA 9.s161. vu· 6-6751 ~ lNirl. MQ~ 'fX 4!6111 ·-.. · v~llPt to a'-e16i .~ 9ti~ 120 I ClOMnON~E ~258t~ NE 2-5761 HOCl.vwooo HO ,;,941 · · 0.AHGE 637·'2.IOO ·~ -~A~..-FI .7-3371 .. ·~·:.. • ...., • , ~tit· ~OA's1;11.w 540l_?·S ('~.VOMONr PL t .J91 T J UMMA-966451'1 ~ -IMISUWOOO QR .. lt25ll -HllSADIM.+.MIJ 1"'3211; El 5·•?11 ;....__ l'OIAAMC! 5.424411 -~ 1--.-"' ~ - - --- --.... - ---· ,...,_ .... -..-·--!.'e--.... __ ....... •fd';:t•-·-•••1 --~#--. . . ' . ' . "SatisfadlonGuaranteed orYourMoneyBack" ....,,.ou""'""" co. Shop & Nighfl Monilciy. tfirou1h SG!vrdoy9'30 A.M. to 9,30 p;M;- I ' ' ·--r:-. I• ~ • t • ~- .... , I •• .. '\' ' . \·I jf:.. • \';; '• :. \ , . • ·' t • • ' .. • ~ I I . .. .. • t .,.t ·~­.' - ..• : ... - • • ·~· I .... .,...,,r....._.. .. . • • !" • I • • ·,1 ~ f • , ·~. U, 196, • ' ., • , ~ ~ • ' '- ' . .. -~ ,., • , .. .. ' . .., , .- ~- .· -· ' ' _, ·' ' ~ ' . i ·t ,. ., " . ' • -· -· ' '. ·-' I .. I ' J I ' , ' "I l _I • I I I ' I ~ • I , .. \ f • • ·---~ . -- \ s : WedntsdJY, Ju~ U, 1969 • l'ILOT ·ADVERTISER J J WedntsdJY, Ju~ 16, 1969 f.I Here:s How to D'raw _Yoµr ·Career Plans as Or aftsman -I •. 7 -. - 81 JOYCE ~ next 30 to 25 y e a r s . pecttd to lncrtase -bul are numerous ways to lr1in ~uat alari•a for each Of faur parL Tbtae pl•i:,: Amerk111 tm4ilt• for 0.•11• MM \..llln ••:•ell_. ""~"1 Tteflnologlcal chan£eS include watch It, thla Ont's tricky. The but I think one of the best skill level.a ihowed: •im; · enai-r~ or. .... l,Dd Drantn1 bu a pamphlet. &l'!f:"'~~~~I. the Ute of com.puters, draft.ill& new methods are t•P9C'*' to Ideas 11 to attend a technical $7,648; M,110; M,tll. flW'POltS.. ~ · , .1 ~"Dr~ u ._.eareer/1 For "Nw -'''" -..111 ut• .. to11wi macltlnes, cat.bode ray tube cut demand for cle~~p. lnltltute or -1 .. n1or college -OB DI AG RA II ~ The · p•-N" a~.a, A_ •)'flql' .-free COPJ', send me a IM "'''" • dr111wnen t'Y• scanners and r e c o r d e r s , routine activities, prlmarlb' at '~ I ~ni;,v ---.LD! (tli..t-1 ~II-addressed long ..._,._ ~ " l'n t. ri:m microfilm_deviceli and &J'BP~& the_ dey__U draflsman level • • • .. whtre credi~ can be =ipplJed ~ r & I t j '$4n COftlmQtl cates !9>' drawbJI: be ~ ·J to .... tloH' i • f th~ S.., ~~~~ ... r. man·mactilne console• (you rei!uclrm . tht 1ifled for '~ towai'd,. COilete: ~ later. ideatls -.bJi ... d1!~1* fft_ coal • ·vlsualllt Jn dbenstone; he"-"""-=~· Writ~ c.~f:.a0rung" chi I killed daft Pr .,...r.: , ·· , ver Mt.Cutl:6 or ro e .e1 --'I tJo---""' t ·!".,. '• A. -Almosl t percent of ch.lt-c:hal with the ma ne n s r amen. Olpte~ WORKING SPEC'•· Aboul prepartd by. en I l ne'er•' •a""'"nd acc°'umr•"'te~hapve";ood-. ~-ron ou -envelope. Allow 0~ 2701000 drattsmeil wear words, numbt:rs or drawings). will be best for those 'Ith upvl ICQ'S JMll ma.lb tnd . 90 pe~~at of tµ'aftsmen ,are archlttct.s and desi&nen Into hand·finler ~ .~b; several Weeks for delivery. ll~. Without in a.._ rm: oENEiiAL OUTLOOlt · ~w:· •-4nftlos· l1l"" oophilt~ilfd tdueaUqn 'mploj!d In prtvale ipdujlry. delaJ1od· 'pl&Jll wllll encl "mecl>anlully lllilldecl ~· ·-~··i:.."' '~~ enlploy# aur;z; my ~in& to Is good. The abeQ.luie number ' \ will be re q a Jr e d for A June, .... federal Covtl'J\6 dlmemiona: and 1peclflcatio"8 . ~ .c:~~~~lfl(/in.DAli:v itii.~T. gift :ro¥. • I al aMWer on of drallsmtn employed la er· MO!I!; l!IKJCA1!0N. o.e tomC.row•s dral""1<n. Thete , mept IUl"iey of averai• .,,. for the entire object ii'! each WANT MOl!E INtOT .Th• ~ i• Mlfl -· ''" " iidoli·mi.yourtryln1t•dr•w ....::..===-=c..:.------'--..c..;-''-'--=-'===-:...:..--..;.,,.-'.-..;.,,.~-'----'-------'---"'-------''----~--="'-...__,,.....---J>lllll 'oo ... water. llowe¥tr, ' ~ btrt'1 What two prominent 1 •• .. sUitJeC( Grphl.r.aUons say . , '""'-"" .w ·4 M lllUCAN lNSTl'lVl'E for -.i and Drallinl: "Theri ii nothing to prevent .._., from enterhltl the field ~111<1 b ... the ballc e d U C-i l r..ona1 qualificatiOM .... paty.~ AMERICAN FEDER,4TION ot,Tectmk:al Engineer•: "Wemen are welcome in all branches of I.he engineering Otld; we know of no case of dilcriminaUon. · • THE BIO QUESTION is how atl!Oina.led d!a!UDS equipment wtll affect draftsmen In the . Rubella Now Is Treated l y Pf;TER STEINCROHN ,.bqr Dr. Steinctohn: I hear that the threat of Gennan mualu will soon be a lhini of the .past. MeMwhlle, the danger Is still llere. What.to do in the meanUme! . Will you · write about it a little? -Mn. v. COMMENT: I'd Ilk< to write abqut it a lot, b~l I sup. poll most readers already haTe learned that Rubella <Germ.an measles) is a poten· Ila! threat to the unborn cllild. In ~ woms, U a mq_theJ c:am.c1s the disease during the first three months of Prtf;DIDCY, ~re _ls t h _e DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE mlotlbood of llOCh birth defects arill)tftll). ra'ta r datloft , ~..... bear! ' fief~ or faulty -l&hl ll'ORTIJNATELY, at 0 le11St 71 perceat of preifl•nt women · wlll not contract 'Rubella bieaute they have alre.ady ba,d it 11rlitr ln We. BW the qther 20 to a p.,.,.nt (ll they 1et It) haft aboUt. one chanot'in 'four. of bavtng "a defective chlkl. U there is no qq_ei!ioJl ~ 1 pf'llDIPt woman has ~me -with Rubella during Uoe fint 1J weeks ol ,her pregrW.- c1, &btri treatment will depend upon many fact.01"$: her rali- giM beliefs, her doctors' lrusl in the efficacy of giving Im· mune 1Jobulln to protect the child. or considering the use of therapeutic aborOon. IUT,8UPPOS~1 A Mrs. Smith 11ys: "I visited a friend the othet-day wboae dau1hter came· down wltb German moults a day later. Am l In dqer? Is 11 l!Ol'lhl• lot me to have 10, mild • C8H of tl tnat I don't tlo.rn I tia\oo It? w .. , that bt dmlPl'olll. too! I'm only abollt' "'111 -"' p ...... ~ .. 1'hilro. an opedal blood tat> available which tell whether or not lhe has had Gennan measles in the past. If she has haft it previously, then it'• likely she has nothing to be concerned about. 1( she bi sU1Ceptlble, then she and her doc:torl will be put on guard early to meet any problems as effectively as possible. THE FACT that we now recogntu the daneers of GefJl\an· measles is more than half the: battle. ln the near future we hope to win tbe "war" __:. just as we havt ag~inst smallpox, polio and many other diseases by preventive vaccination .. We have hopes that a vac· cine. now being successlult)' te1t.ed , vt'lll soon beoxne generally available 10 be given to youngsters : and to susctp- Uble women who are definitely not pregnant, and who agrtt: not to bet'ome pregnant for a few months. (The live \irus vaccine llJl1 bann tM fetus. I . When epidemics are prevented ~ most women immunl:ted, the threats of German meules 11galM the - unborn infant will praWcalJ1 , dlaappear. lll!DICALETl'F.S (Replies to ]leaden): -,.-Mn.. ·c.: r am sorry t.n -to M)' th~. but If )'O<lr -refUlff to •dmlt he b ft ljlcohoilc It's pnctically • hopelm alluatloo unUI h< does. Mo<! oulhorillcs ogree that the firtl requisite for . "curt'' ii tu® an admis&on and the wWingnell to ,..k ~Ip . \ Just Wonderful "AIR SPRAY "Hall" SllAIHI • .,. .. _ lllU all .. Ill ••• .11• stiff ttn n 1'1f •ak ell.IL ~-":c"..uii ~ 11 u.4+"c S1r1 · ,, 1~ ... 79c . Sl11 I . "Ultra-Brite" TOOTHPASJt Wit• Extr1 SU1111' 1N .1Tnte t•at's Cu~! u 1 69c F••lil Slit "Listerine" ANTISEPTIC lilts C1rm h MIJ. 11_111 11 t11uet. n Lap Tray · • h-iodmi:,. I ~ ···-·-lt•141 w1Ui l$$Ot1:ed c.nb'fal tetns. Idell for m i• ::1 , ' Ass 't Mirrors 2 sidtd min~ !Of Wwin1 I I pli1n, olllef side mainHled. C ~rid make·up .•. one s1dt: 99 Ass'! sizts a!ld desips. 11. --WAllMG "P•......,••" 5-Cup Blender Grlduatef llelt-r?Sist.rt coetlinw wi~ handles. .. ~OllS" lives JOD ,_-. ttct teKtre ~err· 17 88 t1mt. Ant calors. 1°"11.ft , "Astronaut" 1. srAcE ., IEYtll-0.er 111. i1 le!i&t• ht tlmfs 1 U"lltll l prellJI~ 2111'1, Iii~ l!IO'l~I~ ll"IM & ll111$Jlll"tll\ fate •IJOI". lny lo as~mtlt '•I '.'Ap!Jllo" SpKeCtaft "Apollo" Lunar ~f IEYtU 121/2'' Tille BBQ ••--llloW...-. .... -----,.., wild ...... 3 29· 2sjjo ~Mo· 41es. • • 10" Hibachi c..t ;,,, "* 117' --,otn eril M ii 3 98 -!ill torJ• it1 lllllllls-• ''I.lac• c.•r* -2 k . o~ 81 CPGl)'tSttr) fill SWic pri411 h1ill1 ,, """ -· 11 88 100~ Rylol COl'el'. 36" zipper, • Batteries ., IYlllUY ' . "5 Day" :.1tr'. lltlollrillrlll 11ta•1•t· ' 1.n ••t 73c Siii . 'Bfue Jay'.' ... Amis a CILlllll Ml\lllA IUIHISTDN ; UDIES' Cl11 or Callftts "Beau,ty Pairs" PIJl1EIS-Qold ..... lie! ,~1~ *slpof "' 33t . , -011 II "1 ladle< 14ri~4 '!*l<'tioi· . • •• 1 ·1111'" 1111 ti Try! Sic S111 IL • 11 111111t. "Pain Awav" 1· , au•· 1.oa&·Lash fir ttru l C111 ... 1 ••• ror\1m1-Mascn. OfllY relitf of ,al~ Pads 119 ' Adds letlra Ind thiclMSS .IS It tr •ted discs• ift. ... '.I ctJors Ml cW. • tlalo1 IJt Slro u . • ' -. ' Gtn. Eyl Make~up . . RtlllOlll' Pads PWllU A YACATIHJ 11i1 , ...... ou• .,,........- .,._,,. "le ... • -All ."91· i~ ·~'-·· in 1sle$d Oll"'1 11,f- hl li'tlf ·.....,, • 21" W11lld1t • li" PlllMH • Cosmetic Cast ONLY 4.8811.- • • 6!1.0 "Prlsteen" 1.11111 · -1i.lln PIMININI 119 ..,. ......... ,... I ~ !Oii to1ll, -1 . t 11 ¥1 il. Sin 1• "B k" ril: · USIC CONDITIONll , 1111 11n1 -• ft.lo •. , 1Nkes fiM hllr feel 2 69 thick, 1111kes blr ~er te · m. .us 1 u. s1z1 • I "HOYLI" Plattlc c .. ,... ~, Playjng Canis · , . .. 1 wi~ acioiitically tiGtol ·""...... tut . ettedivrly llducos 3 : 1 00 --eye lrtlgue. ~ • • 1911 i'HenryJ" ~~l~!!~"'' J ~ it rea!lr is. featurts the 1 49 · $lll1e autMnlie ittrM es tbe , I ' 'l: rtll drat t¥. OMLI • U f'ltCll MOIL Nita Lite SEA&SKl.TANNING AID 11onul, Jo~ 1m ,.,, · • Sn IJ, lllJ 2ttt "" fflJ •• Sunta Lotiltl 1 29 ~ 1.14 4 11. Sl11 , DRUG STORES lo'j11r/01tlltor -stmble SQle I , . . '::l be sep led, , •• l!Ylll-~1.... .~ '""'' "'" ,.-3 119 I •1 . I"' OPllt laJ IPM -1 DATIA Wiii • tl'lf IClttl Ht:l T annh11 LDliotl 1 35 11 Jf1Tatl1,or1111.l1t11 M Cheolt freM 15-1Jll 11. T1•e • . ~ I :;:2 1 9 Ill Ii:' l!Htillb• ml Stom. """' :i"' ~ "Tlllfestle" H iii•roN UA.;N ...... "U,.1.1 VIit ... AIU· ooln lu inc - ... Ill """"4· SU!Tlrt lOTION 1 29 "Arollo" Lunar Spac liM fnefrilers ' . ' Up IO _ ... 14'-1.1101. 1111 • 10 t11!11S more WYICI. , "UNTIN•To11 llACN b~ •r I YEll-Sclltmedtl1sove1"20'' II 1.TICl~oTI All._ ilMI INMitmt 1.29 "Taafastlc" . " v.~ lully n temNed. kl· 4 1.19 NEWPO.r WCH TINNl~ IUTIU 79c ell.odes 11~1 s~r1te deli1L. ld ~!Cit<!~~ • 1 OJO 1m..., 1. WnfCllff ,.... 1.10 2 11. Sl11 l1 Plastic Jar • ' f " ) I '.t ' ' • . --·---~~---~- ' I 14 l'!LOT·ADV£ltTISU Wtdntsd11, July .16, 1_'69 W~yrJ-ly 16, 1969 I 'l~i'. .:~c ,,,'l( ,, " ... • ~ ... '"'' : •1 '"' ,. ,, l. ' ... ' · Spam.m.:I111Pired Bedroom'Group ••• Includes triple dresser,' framed mirror, and choice .if twin, full or king.size headboard . Rieb walnut finish with antiqued gold carved-effect detail.Wood· grained plastic tops. -·-$69.9.,, S.Drawer Chest 59.88 Commode-29.95 " t Contemporary Danish·lmpired Group •• , Iit:ludes triple dresser, framed plate glw mirror, full or twin size panel bed. Richly grained walnut veneers and select hardwoods. Textured walnut fin. is.bed plastic tops resis t stains. • . , Lnxupo~ I)~~ .~tfk Design~·. ~editerranean or Contemporary 3-Piece. Dii µxe BedroolJI;, Groups $59.95 S.Drawer ChesL.$49 Night Stan<L.44,95'-;:> · lting Size Headboam 59.95 ( <' I I \ $59.95 Slumber-Smooth Innerspring Mattreos bas ~44 coils in full size; 384 coils in twin size. Quilted top floral print cover. $59.95 5V.-In. Deep Polynrethane foam mattreH with quilted cover. Lightweight, seff.ventilatins, never needs rurning. l Regular S59.95 " Matci & Multi-Coll . , Foun tlon• 149 ' ·-I • - • ' ·s· , -. -ears AakAbout Sean Comeni111t Credit Plans . -. ' ' ~ ' ' • l.t I .._ • • ,__________ --------------~--------~----------, MM.\·-TA 8-4400, 52\-4 530 '1L MONIE GI 3-3911 IOHG ll.¥ll HE 5.4121 PICO WE 11-4262 • WlfA "-f'"8011 VAQll' PO S-1.161, fN.2220 I I GIP.A rA11K:i.w.o661 GUNDAU Cl;! s.1ocu, a 4-4611 otYMPIC" SOTO AN a.5211 , POMOHA ED 2.11.f5; l!IA 9.51 61, vu 6-6751 ~AMOMCA EX u111 ___ l'L..f·lPll • I ' cq#'icNNE 6-2581, NE 2-5761 HOUYWoOD HO P-5941 i>W<G£ 637-2100 WtfA ANA Ill 7-3311 • IOUlll~PWA 540-3333 I COVINA 9"41111 IHOllWOOO Ol 8-2521 '"™""'MU 1-3211, E1 5-4211 Is I -5.42-1511 "-.--~-""'." .. ----~-~-.~--------· ears .---''!----~---~--~---~-' 1 "SatlsfactlonGuaranteedorYourMoneyBack" ...,_...,... !!'~NlglmMoridaythNV9h~9'.30~tof'~P.M. I I • I ' • • •• . 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Look Like Ne~ l • I I ' I I t .. , ., . ~ 1 .. ,, I · • • Self-lined witb an acrylic foam backing ulat'a both inisulating and room -darkening ~·· • • Tone-on-tone jacquard ¥:eave oi cotton and rayon ... hangs beautifully SAVE •2 to is on In-Stock Sizes Regular $12.98 97 • PER]..1A 0PRES1'3 ... needs no ironing when tumble dried. snxM- In your clioice of nugget, green i:.nd natural Inch ,/ $11.98, 50x54-in .............. ... ..... .. ....................... 8.97 $22.98, 7iix84-in ......... -----·--.. --.... -19.97 U9.98, 75x54-in. --..................... -... -....... -..... 17.97 $29.98, 100xll4-in. _, ..... -........ _______ ..-26.97 $26.98, 100x54-in. ............ . .. ....... -... ·-·---23.97 $37.98, 12iixS4-in. ....... .._ .... _, __ ... 33.97 $44.98, 150x84-in. -·-........................................ --.... 39.97 Sears uFuiturist" T"rers~ Rods • Cen.ter dra'V: Baked~ tvory finish. Cen be lnst&Util en Window, wall or ceillnr. Bra.cketa; project 2!A to •'h·ln. 30 to 50" .... 4.9:8 , 8<1. to 156'', .. &.SI M> to 90" ..•. 6.91 120 to 222" 11.91 Yh:gin Wool Knitting Yarn Seen Low Price Huge variety of fashion- rirht colors. Permanently mothproofed. Kn it now for back-to-school sweaters. • 24-lnch Special Order Sizes Tie Backs Knotted i,;.-ln. t>O.x63·ln. ••. 11.91 7Sx90-in .•.. %%.8& cord with 6-ln. 49 rrlnged 1.1.tt.sel .• Lu1trou 1 ra yon. 38·ln. Tie Bacit. •. 1.1'1 75x63·1n. . •• 11.91 100x90·1n. • . 21.91 100xC3-in.. •. !S.91 12~x90-ln. , .ST.II 50x90-ln .... 1%.111 1M>x90-ll'l. •. U .tl Featherlite Luggage Sale St.yles for Woinen 11 4.98 Cosmetic c. 1.88 $1~.98. 21-in. Weekender __ 13.88 $19.98, 24-in. Pal Iman 5.88 $23.98, 27-in. Pullman 9.88 Styles for ~fen $24.98 Three- Suiter ?0.88 $22.98 -r... ... Suiter 8.88 $16.98 Com- panion ____ 3.88 , .. ./ . • • ' . Si!.59 Full Fitted/Flat 2.7R · .$1.69, 42X34'f' Pillo\ycases__pr. i.48 White Percale Sheets 13.99 Fuh Fitted/Flat 3.37 -$1-.99, 42:a:36" Pi1Jowta.Se1S_pr;-l t7'7-t--- Pastel Percale Sheets !'wl• P!uµ/l'lat. .. plar M .l t 341 PERHA·P!'l.ZST4'· Nn lro11b11' """• tumble 4rled. 'Lab-Prn1'tn" to WUl' llllll"U Olu &JJ-cotto. ahwla. $5.19 Full. Fitted/Flat 4.4R $3.19, 42x36" Pillowcue._pr. 2.6_8 . -· -~ ..... "French Bouquet" · . · Percale SlJeets , Twi• hw;ri..t:U.ecwhr tl.U ~ c. PERiil·PRE!T4, No lrn11\ftl'..tr.@_ll J.I . .,_ tumble dried. 'Lab-Pro«11" I.•~ wear l1111er th&• 911-cntto. aheeta. $6.49 Full Fitted/Flat 5_;;~ $3.99, dx36" Pilloll'.a..._Pr. 3.48 • . . . .. . -Wednesday, July lfl, 196' PILOT-ADVERTISER Jli, • • • ">J} PEllll£·Pll .. l hettU ~ a bl1111t eJ.. eotto. ud polyul'r .. • Foe-~our~ of Exeiting Baekyard Fun! A•k About Sea"' Convenient Cr~it Pla<ts .. $15.84 S~el Wall Pools SAVE S4 ! Lota of spluhin.r fun in th e 1un for wee tot!. ft-ft. diameter, 20..ln . deep. Hea- .., raur• vinyi liner with drain. San SlO Now! $59.95 Eight Leg Gym Set 49aa • Sturdy, cool plasUr. 1eat •wing and flying trapeze In center aru.. • ' Pa.uen&u, plastic la.,.,·n awing". i..rie I fL at- tached •Ude. • safari ' ' Gym·~t • , • With Tower Cage Slide Regular $59.95 Save $10 '88 • Double headbars t.or u- lra strelli'th & ·1tabiUty. • Leopard &kin leg deeora- tion, Cool plastic seat1 isup'6orted b.v :steel. • Includes la~n swing, rer- ular swln{. 8-fL :slide' Al mul'h mo'l'e. ~~. . . l. -,,_:·~ 15-Ft. Aluminum Patio Cover Stan-Low Price 1}88 Beautiful 'white roll-formed fascia v>'i th built-in rutter. Patio Co,·er ... 20 x 10-ft. 147.88. 0th•" 10%' OFF Regular Prici!11. ~-------------------------------------------~-----, I 1UENA PM< TA 8-l<IOO, 521·4530 R MONTI GI 3-3911 lONG W.CH HE 5-0121 PICO WE B-1262 SANTA FE SPRINGS 9«-8011 VAi.ITT PO 3·8'61, 98'·2220 CANOGA f'.UK 340-0661 GlENDAl! Of· 5-1004, Cl ~-4 611 Ol.YWIC &. SOTO AN 9.5211 , f'OMONA ED 2· 1145, NA 9 .~. I . • '. I s,· SANTA MONICA EX ~·6711 V£Jl:MO•JT Pl ,0.19 11 I I COMPlONNE. 6°2581, NE 2-5761 HO<l'IWOOD HO 9'5941 OOANGE 637-2100 SANTA ANA kl 7-3371 • SOUTH COAST PlAZA 540-JJJJ. I covw. 966-0611 INOUWOOO 01 8-2521 PASADfl<A INJ 1-321 I, El 5.42 11 Is I TOHAHcr 542-1511 • "'!!!! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -· · ears - - - - - - - - - - --.& - - - - - - - , "Satisfadion Guaranteed or Your Money Back" ....,..;....._..,, ShOp 6 Nights Monday through Saturdoy 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. ' i I L \ . ------------____ _:L_ ___ __:__~·---=--------=------------ . • J6 PILOT·ADVERTIS£~ -1 I ' .!!---'.. . .,.. r I I i ! ! Wednflday, ~6, 1'69 ' •• • ' ' . . . ... .. . . ' tsav.e '6 to .'10 on. Portable Electric Tools! . #1125 , .. , .. ', #27702 Wednrld11, Ju~ 16, 1969 - , Sea~ Fantastic Latex P~lnt Sal~!· interior SUPER C0WRF.AS1' LATEX .FLAT -.... ·SAVE $2 GAL • DAILY PILOT AJ T ~.99 Heavy Duty t~ -in. Re,·ersible Drill. J ust tncreast ..>trigger pressure fo r mor e speed and torque, Complete con-~tto!.,for O:to 11 50 RPM. • • _ Your Choice ~7 -S11P1i:-Color Fa1 . ~·--1---·-R_e_gular i4.99 ~~-.. J ~t-r-w~~inr·-~~---- Interior Lat.ex Paint 9·9· · lnteTlo~ La~x P~int ... 11Separately S:l0.9&! Sabre Saw-with ·Blades. Single SMed saw ~hll lilting . base, edg11 iuide, cir~le<utting a~aehment. 7 t blade!, blade holder. · · . 1-coaL co\lerg ma.uy col On. Self r priJ::9ina oa-a o 11. n 4 t Dries In l,.-1~hour, with no your 1'airrted 1urfacee. brie1-in i8uaralel1131.li! DuaJ-action Sander with Sandpa))er •.. · cFiUse from fast working orbital to a ·fine finieh straight tine sander with turn.of key. · paint:r odor. Decorate an y Choice! gal. l/:!·hour. Paint r1fdu on room in your hon1e lVilh with little or no brush ~ . . drag. ColOl' ·choice ... .. ~ar~ H.ancJ P-.wer Tot)}s to Fit Any Job ,' ' • ' I " .• ,..! ' '. . -, ,,, Ask About #2507 I Bi . I 9'x9' Size -· ' ·~ $39.99, 9x9-ft. Umbrella Tent Aluminum outside frame •.. accommodates about 3 cols. Zippered nylon IC!ee~ front door, more. 3688 . Yo~ Choice! 97 ,\ , l •. . . . ~ I ... $52.99. ~~ial Circular Saws ' .. develop~ 2:If P, Zips ·through 2x4's. · Tilting base, $59.99 Commercial P o w e r &ut.er •.. develops 1-HP to / cut, rout, groove, mortise wood( or plastic. ,'. . . . . $53.98 Sander with Pick-Up Hose ... 3-in. belt sander that! ·is eitcellent for cabinet work ! repair, refinishing. · ' $10 Craftsman & Elodri<: Drill- l/1 hp.; Trigrer control. Great for. t he bobbyi•L ' Craftsman Eletlric '.fool Guarantet: Free 1ervlce and part.I upon return, if any p&rt.a prove1 defectlv• wlt.bln 1 YMll-ol. Mle. Thia JU&rante• doe1 not apply to electric tool• uM in rental aenrlce. $89.99., lOxll-ft. Cabin Tent SAVE $20 ! \Vith dutch atyle door, full lenath aluminum :tip- pers and more. Recular $24.99 Umbrella Ten~ 9' • 12' ___ 69.88 Save '21! '2199', 14,000 JITU Air Conditioners • Comfort sensor to eliminate ice-up • Concealed easy to operate controls • 4-position switch off, low, l)ledium and high fan speeds. Set and forget automatic fan controls Model 6960 ' $ $129,95 Garage Door Opener i400 CFlM Evaporative · COOier SAVE $20 1 - J uat pre11 a button, up 1oe1 the door, on 1oe1 the lirht and in you drive •.. safely. Terrific Buy! $169.95 Deluxe model ,_ ...... J«.88 Sun! Low Price! Ru st resistant 1alvanized at.eel cab- inet Efficient, quiet coolinr. Win- dow mount design, Includu waltr pump. Buy no"t 12995 • ' ,~·----------------------~------------------~-----~ 1W<A •AIK TA 9.;;00, 521 -•530 fl _,.·GI 3-3911 lONG IMOt Hf ~121 i l'IOO WE 11-4262 WIJA I< snlNG.S 948011 VAUFI J'O 3-8461, 9U-"20 I c.t.NOGA , ..... 340.0661 G""°""' 01 5.1004, a ;.;611 "''"'"':a ..,,o AN 9.5211 """"" rn 2.1 U5, NA 9.s 16 1, vu 6-6751 SAHIA MONICA EX 4-4711 """""' l'l 9.1911 I I COMPIOHNE 6-2581, H'E !·S761 HOllYWOOOHO 9-5941 otANG£637-2100 ''Wn-•ANAKI 7-3371 . . $0\/llfCOASTPlAU ,;0.3333 '. . I 'tOYtlA 966-1>611 -Ott 8-2521 • ....-.. MU 1-3211, EL 5·4211 I -I TOdAHCl 542·1511 ' ~-----------~-----------Seara -------------------~-' ... "Satis!actl~GuaranteedorYaurMoneyBaclc" ...,. •• :•-•_ , ~p6Ni9htsMondayllvouekSahorday9:30A.M.to9-.30P.M. 1, I r • l· • .. --· ' I i • • ' I 1 - I "' ' .. - • Laver R eturn·s to -CdM • -' With A~<)t.her Yict~~y I ' I \: Rod Le ... ...w be tbe ~~ ld'y~ IOilay """" liYIDc lo ..... '-hip. pabllc al-lolll&bl al , pJM-llil:CM-GrandSlamllllhe , '!'be freckled rtdb .. d e 18.000 by -T-Qlll u a-.._ '"' • ""'-' ~ Ille title f« the straight U... RN"-nclltd• 11 p1011 r•·• ll!t U.S. ~~ -11. fijtth 7'4 1-t 4-1 lctoey over dally club, ~ . t ·" ',; .'41'~ . three weeks off to loot U.'1 •Sohn NtwcO n the win· au memllon wW 1et a ~"' : hrwari> the-~ld afulbpaw U..-$33,000 tou;-1#fiei•t before a ... lfalulate Rod• lib....,..._ lllild fl!<oda1 nigbl u -he pacliad away• room ooJy "'. of 5,500 al Whnbledoo vldOl'J' from s:•Ao• i:-. fifth ' p.s, Pro TemWI Cllampionship ~pood-L _ 'l'llea Ille 1......i ,.bile will nl.lio ""'° trophf )>efore heading -for his borne in , r,iver .;.a II-year-old I from 7 o'cloek on. Coroni del Mar, Calif. qt .Los Angeln wBF Tbe club b localed Iii --Euljllllff.' Tbe U.S, Pro Championship isn't port PlonShip by dele9tlng 1'1dclll 111111 late Jamboree R4 : · ''. of the Grand Slam, but .Laver bas made Newcombe and Tooy · _ ·: the tournament a rich person a I M, 5-7, 6-4. • t / BJIOOKLINE, Mass. CAP) -1l!!4 ~possession. _ _ \"I'm menially 11red ,,;..s can use a E.aver, • transplirit.eCtAuss~.COr~~ He won the title 1n 1964, was runnerup re,t/' he ••Id. "I'll j ~;«piiy some golf champlonshlps-<llld mone~. _', <lto countryman Ken Rosew~-~~ ·lllld lie arouoo al ' • peopiecollectstam1>11 ~~~~ ~·year, and then assumed. vlr-tihL.:.~ I'll be good • Gal Spiker ,5~ Girls M~re M~culine • Before 1960-BrO'Wn LOS ANGELES CAP) -Petite;'blonde Doris Brown, rated by her coach a~ the best lonj distance runner on the U.S. classic. .She'll com.pelf: ln the 1500-meter event. apln Iii Fore!! HiJb,'fLay said. Laver, the undispu.t~., g or world teDois who recen a-w ' ~ fourth Wlinbledon title, ;s. Open ror a repeat of the Gr scored in wµmtn"g"the Austr · / ·' v.s. and Wbilbledon champi : before ht tunied pro in 1962. ( ·taver, who has • -.more than 12i,toO since the N"'f VM""" Merchants NaliQllal Bank ~~ip of the tournament al ~. thought he was "very lucky" in c;tp~ f)is four· set Wimbledon triumpti · the 25-year· old Newcombe. ~ ... 'f ,, women's track team, has a secret am- bition : She wants io bake the perfect cookie. HereitUvesceOt interest in everfPling from cook!., lo playing guilar retliW a new ladylike lniage .1or ..feniale at.blet.es. Many on the U .S~ team are housewives and mothers. "Several or the girJ, have done modeling," sa:fii Doris. '"niey'fe. pretty an(l feminine, but mo.st pf an they're nice people to have ·fOi" ftiends. "l(qwever, I've.)eeu...'J)la)'irii'well and have 'been on a ·rial stteQ:,~ite my loss ~ Newcombe at •QuaQI Jn England just bef«e Wimbledop,l!-1!f-added. "This is a game « confldence ,d.f every victorJ • "I am trying to invent a cookie lha,t I can eat when I don't have lime to eat a .-Right on t h e M one y meal -something with honey and molasses that will give me energy." Pausing after a-run around the track at . Ute I.Mi Angeles Colisewn, Dorta ai>Ok.e Tuesdlly of the -"<ekend-USA-Britilb Commoowealtb-USSR track and field '-'"· ... Julian ,Javie~r of the ··St. Louis-€~rdinaJ~ upends · ·Philadelphia shortstop . Don Money at second b:lse during double play attempt in the 'fifth inning. Backing up . .Money is Terry Harmon .•. Playing on . payday Tuesday-night, the Cardinal~ rippea the Phillies, &-2, to maintain their. long..xecord oL.cash· ing a victory along with their paychecks. • .. --- . . Liquori Goal Spor ts Clipped Short , Lombardi Blasts · Is 3:50 Mile Departees ~ In Two Year s· •, l ~ -~ . lo .,,-- - -• ' -w .. -;-·~ < • • '"' i{ ~~ ... ,, ... aurC!T"t", Pa.-'Jhree' rookies vol· de!ensi~·~clde from .. the ·Univwsitv---'1 Feiw boa{J:won~last threelnlercolJc ... PHIDAI>ttPinA {4f) -Marty LI· _............ v~-' d 11t• ch · .~ ¥ 1 • ·~ --~--~-"' quori's aoal Is 1o run a mile .jft uoder -·~ left the Washl,ngt.on Reds1uns · .. 51n1a an ·~ oice. "~ · ~e RMlrlq_ · f.l\M(K:, iation titles on Lake n -.oy came Tut:sday, a move that 'e · ~~ Onond~k;.frtt$Yticuse. 3 :t'fq~~SC:;sz'll~cioit-wi!1:°~-;°t.!~S:r~ Coach Vince: Lombardi to. 1 _ l -. .. ..-; £'\ ~ •• • who recenUy-1ion ~ National AAU ~aii)e..,~t the moral coOe o( ~e,..J . C';NCINNA'_h.-:-Arthur Nhe, \be-n ~ ... ".; .. '..., , "' ·and :N.C.U mile · . pionships over ng Pt:QP1e. t1on s N9~ 1 lenrns player,~re:ite4;tod.a . TREN'J'O ,,_'N:J. _The murder ttin·\' Kansas' Jim Ryun . . . dwb ' sookeiman .said the .(hree arter whipping his ·first tW'o. opj;Gn~~ Victlon of·Robtn!'Hurricane " Carter t.o'ho Th~ !&>pound I.iijlllri, who 111 sllD.llar • .aH tram _ ·Ohio1 told Lombardi Tuesday in men's siilgles of the '$17, .. · . · • . • . phy81calJy to R~ kat the Kansas "1~ JUst dhin't .want football Western Tennis champiOD{iblps. . . ~· once 16u«hti~ the world truddlewe1ghl miler for the tirst.tiiteiin the NCAA Oul· jmcri; ft.f"tfasll~t that the camp was The Richmond, Va • native def ea~. bonng .chUJpl:omhlp, wa'.s •upheld"'Tues-i ~· oor. '-L---j-Wo... at._ KnoJ;vUle, Tenn., bird-or anvt~g but they just didn't M-k M •·ti • • 6-1 nd th e t · ~"-"' ~....,.. • e to·EJ ." ,w.... 1 e ac.~ e, D'V, a en sw P day by New·'\tsey's highest court. ' une 21 • .Jfe Woo .b)'' some 12 yards in . . J., Lombard" pastJeanLouisRouyerofFrance,6--3,6--1 nini 7-tl d .. he Sta • ·576 . ;:-1be esm~ quuµ:u 1· as 2, in an evening match. n a una ous ecwon,·t te · · · 1 ' ·J , ·~ L-, d-d .t .ay••• ~~-Ill'~ of the three rook· S Court -d .1 found thin A week ater,, une D, 1quor1 1 1 ies ~"an ~tion of the moral code upreme sai 1 no g to ''again, winning.the National AAU title as Cll the young"..men who sign a contract, • suggest that Carter and .an accomplice, Ryun dropped,tJtil after only l"hi laps. He get a bon't1s and then, leave training PHILADELPHIA _ Joe Burke, one or: John Artis, were . innocent in .$h"e 1966 'was timed in 3:59.3. carup alter five days.~• the most successful and invenUve . shooting of two men and a iwoma.D in a 1' µquori of<edar Gov~. N.J., came !o 1'bo6e who departed were Bill Kish-coaches in college rowing has resigned • Paterson bar. iillaD(WI as ~ the .~ ac..Molboy in man. a safety fntni eolorado State Uni--· · d 1story t6 nm a mile in under four versit" and the ltedskins' fifth draft from his post at PeM. The ..Associate l Both men Were cenvicted two years · t · J k Press learned Tuesday night. lt ·., ·. mu es. ·, . choice ; Jeff Anderllon. Nnnin(t bac 'file 5&-year-old Burk retires ~l the .~ ago and received Ille _prJ&OD sentences. . .l He . is conside~ a very aff_able and from aJhe~n:eity~ RYc:h.~1~~d peak of his career as a crew coach. His •· The murder for whi~ Carter and Artis· lgolDg personality, the opposite of the sev t ' ' ~ were convicted '1.oolc place in the early . ther qwet , retk:ent Ryun. • · · · . • ' . Llquori's fastest time was 3:57.6, r;un· . m'!nung of June 1 ~, 1966 at the Lafayette · g thiid 10, Ryun in Compton, Calif., D d D k d . D e i Bat ~d·Grill in Paterson. ' e 7, 1989; Rytin won In 3:55.9. 0 gers un e Ill om ' Carter, n. has S]>elll.more tban. third_ 'Liquori ran 12th in Ille 1968 Olympics ' or his life behind bars on an assortment \ihen he suffered an ln1ury to a foot. He ~ '11 of robberv' and· assault charges. · -~. e within inches of beating Ryun last ' w L d j The )1itih point,or_his·boxini: came in arch in the ~CAA indoor cham· B t Still Hold es t ea t 1964, when he fought Jriey Glard.eUo for nship~ at Petroil: . U 'I 1 1 th~ middle'feigbl title, but lost •-15,round he Vii~• miler was coacbed_ tn i decision . h school by-Fred Dwyer, a fine miler HOUSTON (AP) -It seems nobody 'f{ants to win the championship of lhe Na- ~al League Wesl. two hits in three trips to the plate. He J e Dan Ferris, a past execulive secretary now has eight hits in his last 17 at bats • t.be-~U and recognized world wide as ~VillanovaJn the 1940s. EL PASO -Sammy Bau0 h. former -" pert •--•--uoled as sa•m· • including four doubles and a homer. 0 , , au. e:a: , "'"" ~· Q ;, o Texas Christian University football great uorl Is the American miler most likely • 1rbe Los Angeles Dodgers, with a great LOS ANOELIES HOUSTOH •-'-d' 1llr~111 •ll•hll1 '~nee to jump into a cqmman 1ng wn11 u • , , 1 11.1,u .. 1no 11 ' 1 1 G division Jead Tuesday night here, Jed ~=~ It ~ ~ ! ~ ~~:n I~ ~ ~ ~ r st ' ·~-7. ···t t•-A-·-me w. Divis cf • I I 0 Wynn cl J ' a 0 Hou on s ni:.1-1 vS "" uu 1ic ""'OS ca GiD<iersn rt l o o o tt. Mlltt-r rt s a 1 J <1nd All-Pro quarterback with the break the 3:50 barrier . \Yashinglon Redskins, said Tuesday he was considering taking over the head coaching post or the El Paso Jets in the 'J'exas Division of the Continental Foot· back for a 10-7 victory. ~ Ruuellrt lOOO!llef1ryllt ,1,1 . bal\ League. BROWN lN CAMP, WEIGHS ONLY 304 Despite Atlanta's split in a doubleheader with Clncinnati and San Francisco's defeat ·to San Dlego, the Dodgers cling to a haU-game lead over the Braves and two over the Giants. Late last month, the Dodgers lost three i,tr-aight games, giving the Braves a Deqer Slate Jult' " ~ ., "°"''°" ~:SS •.m. KFI ('"6111 Jul'l' 17 Dlodlolrs at s.n Fr.-.c:i-12:15 111.m, KFI !''Ill Jul'r 11 ~ M S.n FrllndKs 7:55 p.m. KFI ( ... I 1 ~ance to lup into a hug~ division lea~. '"The Braves turned around and Josl two m a row and only gained a hall game. lirfebvrtl Ph D a 0 0 Ml!n~• 5• 5 0 l I l'•rt<.9' It • l J 2 Edwe•ds c I 2 I I ff,tlltrt •1 00R•lll'•3b •1 37 SliclellbJb •1110.Wll~ft P lb CO "Sliemore 2b J I I II' J . Aay P 0 I 0 0 Faler p 1 I tr I lll1stme P o o c o MlklltlsflP ltOOM•rllMtllh 1110 J.~11~.,lllOOOGulftnp 2100 Purcnn p o o o o Gl~ddlng p o o n o Totll u I ' 1 Tot11 l7 10 12 ' LM A11111!rs lot 000 D00-7 Hous!pn till )OJ OO>l-10 E-$wc:l-is. Mikkel~. $!ttrnore. LO&-l.Ot ..,,..., .. , I. Houtlon I. l&-Cr1w!Ol"d. W. 01vl1. P1rker, Sudakl1. Edw1rds, Alldtr. HA -lllef1rf U), Crtwford (U. $ll-Mor91ft ), WYnn. Fotl!r MlllkelMll t.. !>->l PIH'dlll D. Wiiton J. Ill' 81ulr\oa!M Gu11111 w. (1 -Jl OIMkllfll 11" H It •it. aa SO l 7652 J • 5 j J , 2 I 0 0 0 I 41 ~11.7 6674 0 1 I l l It 11 3 00010 4 1)1 0 0 1• J/JOttlt •• WASHINGTON -President Nixon, who's becoming a regular at Washington home games, .saw a rarity Tuesday night -a trip It play . And the victims were the Senators, his favorite team . Washington had three runs across with Paul Casanova on second and Barry ... Moore on first in the fifth inning against Detroit. · At 304 pounds, veteran tackle &ger Brown feels fine and Lo! Angeles Ram Coach George Allen is pleased that Roger ts that slim. A year ago, when Brown reported to the Ram training camp here, he ~nt the scale with 316 pounas. TueSday he came to camp earlier than most vets and said 'le ~ play at 285. • j Ram nokiea tuned up for -today's , tcrlmmage'Witb the Dallas Cowboys. The "ll:am offense wilt test Dallas defensive ) Flayers In a closed-door workout. ''Before 1.960 ~ girls· were mar!, masculine," says Dotis. i'Then tnrRks. set:med to change. ¥ore glr:ls. found.bow much fun · track was and t~Y bqan trying it. There hadn't Me:n-:tblt much"-- oppOrtunity for women·'befOre." · Doriii, 28, who set her best time this year in the 1500 meters with 4:20.2, has been · running in competition since sbe was 16. But ·she's had the instinct since childhoOO. ''When other kids were riding bicycles and hOrse.s r was always running along beside them." A native or Seattle, she was a track sfl.r at 5eattlt' Pacific College :when romance blossomed. "Donald and I met on the track..?" she says or her husband. "We were botn run· helps''."'". . ·, ) Liever 'hal~Iost only mqe of '11 matches whit~ winning nine toudwnent.s and dming nearly $80,000. fhi! year. ning cro~ntr)'.." . Qrown ~ has dropped irpl\l com· ~LIN· -' peation lo teach sixth grade 0n4 COie!\ ,.. ' •-. N ~JfnJ track team. Doris, who taught eighth grade this year, rehims lo SealUe Pacific Sports ditor in ~ fall to complete her· master's .. _________ __, __ _ degre 1n creative education and': teach physical education. Doris' husband rarely acemnpanies her to meets because "they pay DU' way but not his." She laughs : "We stiJI seem to spend all ol our money on track." Brown did go with her to "the Mexico City Olympics where she developed a new passion -the guitar ... The kids in school are teaching me-to play." Doris, who stands josi under 5-4 and is a trbp 110 poun4t rates her' chances-in this weekend's meet as fair. She was hit by the flu in Hawaii last week and b .still recovering. ''I would like to win the 1500," she says. "but lhe Russians have had quite a bit of eiperience." After this meet Dor.is goes with the team to Germany, England, Poland and perhaps Japan -all sans husbands. But this reminlne alhlete -who comb.1 her,shoulder-lengtb tresses as soon as she leaves the track -always wears her wedding rings when she's ruMing. ;.I .·. 3 CH ARl;ER V.ETS REPORT TO CAMP IRVINE -Veterans Kenny .Graham, Brad Hubbard and Dick P<>Jt were in the San Diego Chargers' preseB90n training camp Tuesday to begin w•rkouts at UC Irvine. · · The squad went throug~ wejlJu·lifling exercises and The Beast,JJon Billingsley, lifted 415 pounds to topr all team members. Billingsley, a vtteran lineman, checked in at 6--9, 295 pounl;ls; tbe larg- est vet. · Two rookie defensive back!, both free agentS, were released '¥! waivefi. They were Johll Taze1 o{ Bbtem: ~tucky and Jim Lawson of San Francisco. j -. What This? Angels Gun For Swe ep Ove r Ro yal s The California Angels, wbose manager admits they have to "scratch for nm.s,,. aeek an almost unprecedented third straight victory torught and a sweep of their three-game series with Kansas City. You have to go all the way back to the first week of the season for the laat time the last·place Angels won three st:taJght. Jim Spencer's ftrSt major league home run and a wild ·three-run eighth lnyting powered the Angela to 1 5-2 victory Tues. day night over the Royals, as Tom MurpbJ pitched his thin! complete game, there and watch it." . Murphy in going the ..dilltance became U1e second Angel·pilCber mu many days to do so. Veteran (duge Bion'et.-fired 1 t•o--hit shutout Monday. The Angels have got back·to--back com- plete games only twice ~ year from thb youujuJ m«md'cuf!li. )lurphy and Ange l S late_ JvlY '' -'"'tb " kaM.s~ 1:a •. on. kMPC {7ttl JvlY 11 ,._.. t.S Diii 1:• Ill·"" ICMlll'C C1l0l JvfY " ........ " a.. 11:$5 p.m. ~ 1710) 1$ BE; ei=m 1111 ~.5ij lH!! Andy Messersmith did II July loand 7. The Dodgers 5COrtd six runs in the third inning -which seemed to ice the ;aame. WIO~ Crawford homered and ltWillie Davis, Wes Parker and BUI Sudakis all singled as part of [ive Lo.\ An&eJ,es hits in the lrame. Sa-.-01.oclint. T-l:• A-lt.K6. Ed Brinlunan bouncod lo I h I r d ~eman.Don 'Wert. who forced Casafiova lfld then.T;elayed to second baseman Ike Brown and . on to Rrst baseman Bill Freehan, completing the triple pla)'. ., ~~~~~~~~~~~ "It took me over 200 major league at bats to get my first home run," smiled Spencer, Californii's rooltie first baseman, '!and I just wanted to stand Meaersmith, 6--7, tries to ma\i it three in a rpw tonight. as he opposes Jim Rooker; l.fi, in the series flna1e. But with the. aid of rour consecuUv~ hllg lo llUrl the fourth off Dodger starier Alan Foster. the Astros tied the game. Then Houston scored three times in the ii&tb for like victory, beating reliever "'I'm Mllditloen, :h1. Skip Gulnn ·galned hit first mtJor leagoe victory for the .\itros, . 1'le two teams go at again toftight With Jtft..hander Claude Osteen, 11·7, tak· in& tbe mound 1or the Dodgers against 1.arry Dierker, JU. Joe Morgan goc. ilie Aslro.! started in ~ winning llxtb·lnnlng rally with a ,..lingle ind 1 me.I ol secmd, Norm Miller lincJed for the U.-bnaldni .ruo. Deni• Menu stncl<d aero.. another tally and an lnf1t1d out eot the other run. ' · •• trnlord continu<d hil ho( hilUn1 with \ J ) -· .. ·--- ,. Cubs -F.u i::.e, .But 'eo Def ends Snub CHiCAGO (AP) -Manager L<o Durocher of the Chicago Cubs Tuesday qUlckly went to the defense of Manager Red Schoendienst ot St. Louis. who will manage the National League team iu next Tuesday's AU.Star Game. Schoendienst, who announced h i s pitdling selections Tuesday, did not selecl a single hurler from the leaders of the National League East. Ron Santo, the Cubs' volatile captain, became a columnist for the Chicago Dai· Jy News Tuesday ·and hh1 first story wtts a blast at Schocndienst for failini:: to place Cub righlhander Fcr~son Jenkins on the squad. · \ _., l° • . . ~ Sa nt o said, ''I can't underst&Jld IL We~ •as a grou~ writers discuMed the PoSSi· didn 't get into first _place on hitt\ng alone. ble tea50fls why Jenkins wasn't picked. "·ithout a line.'' ~ J , • That would be 11ke a football ·tea)! "'You can bet Red Schoendlenst has a Jenkins was philoso phical about bein · damned good reason and don t you guys slighted. "It would have been ·a greal1 go around assuming anything. Forget the honor. But it's water under the bridge ' pitchers. now~ At least I'll get three days of "Did anybody make it from the fishing." , Philadelphia team! Did anybody make it !\1ost of the other Cub players called It from the Los Angeles club? No. So there "ridicu lous'' and "preposterous" that are two reasons Schoendienst had to Jenkins wasn't selected despite a ll·I ' select pitchers' from those -clubs so that record with a 2.M earned run ave.rage they are represented. and a league leading total of 1!i8 ''So, naturally, he selected Grant slrlkeout.s. Jackson from Philadelphia and Bill "Rold on a minute,'' hoUered Durocher '" Singer from Los Angeles. And both have ' I ' I pitched well enough to make the AU.Slar team . "I'll tell you 1he best thing you can do and that's call Schoendlenst," continued Durocher. "I'm sore he has a damned good answer." Santo. meanwhile, took some ribbing rrom the rival New York Mets before tuesday's game. "You no sooner start writing a column and right away you rip a guy," said Ron Swoboda. ''What do you mean?" said. Santo, look· ing out ()f the batting cage and then' breaking out Jn a laugh as he rt1ll1ed be . was betng ribbed. Spencer, who was sidelined lasl month with a touch of Dl<l'lonucleosfs, sakl that he had been doing pusbups to help regain bis strength. He slugged 28 Home nms at El Pa90 in the Tetas LeagtM last year. KAHU.S Klll'I ti Scl!11I lb ,10r1 lb .. lnlelll II Marllllll c " Dtl.,... ,, '""' HtrMl'ldt? U • Bvtllr Ill C.ITT H r II N J I I I l 0 , 0 I I 1 l • I I ·t I I I I •• 0 • a • • • ' ... I 0 t 0 CALll'DttMIA .. r II Ill AIMMr1b (11 0 Pepforlt-d J J 1 O lltlctll!'lll If l I 0 0 f'.....,.l u I I I 1 Mllr!Oll rf 2 t I I ..,.,,., 0110 ,. ltodlrger • • o 1 I ,..,., •ooo Sfl'!IC" lb 1 1 I 1. Mllf1ltY • J 0 I t Toltl .30211 lolM 7'S 6 ~ IC•-Clty IOO 1 001 000 -J C11llornleo IOI IM Nx -$ f-Scft.111. lvfler. OP-C1tltemlt 1. l08-IC•~ .-a City 4. C•lllornl1 S. 18-Jol\ni!Onl. Hlt-S,... tet"· 111. sa-1t111, a. S--lt.W: ... nfl, 1'1'41801t ,.,_ Mor!Oll. ' 1111 1 MlllttlalO avnfl' Cl. (.lJ I ' I a I 10 Mwr.'I CW • ..al t 1 !;_I t ' H •-'1 MVl1ltl'I fl(1!Wl • ...,-Mw_,. T-l.OJ A-1,,11. \ t • T ,, ht et n-• at .. n- d .. • .u ,. 1y Id th " in Id " " ts DI .. r- r- id •1 d is 1 •S .d • -· ' ~,~<:1• ?iii l .. ~""' ··.i .. ' , .. ~ •. :f;: Si "'~ 'of IAlgs 't~ '"' ,,.A?_., Warren.~-;'I)ylor of Costa Mes_a holds up four barracuda he landed last week i:,-:;'.· While 41@1iing; oul of San Clemente aboard the haU-<lay boal Sum Fun. Bar- , . '"' :facudl((-actloh a!&ng the Orange Coast is star\jng to pick up. ~~~--...:;..c.c..:.;:;.:..:.;..c.c..:.;~::....~~~.:::.~~~~~....:....::.~..:...~--.:~~~~~~~~ -~ . • .. I / / . . ... '1 .. • Wtdl?ffd~ .. ""'1.' 16. 1M --... ~ : .. • I DAILY PILOT • '.Allt -Yik'.e . Coach ... .. ... . . . . ._,. ., iOGER C~N \ stePti.-. jlondlog hit release oll)l<n , Oiove .lilch·J the c:oa.ch,,ot Daiue1 !,tlltJlfy H\ill .Af .Col!'J>tQo\ Collql! he ... : °' -. Dtltt ,. '"" 1 from She Oar<ten G r o v e put four yean, three as In LOs Angeles for ~ ye~. nf~ed co-player: or the year In Jim Slepeos, who COi~ • U~ ~· Dlalrict and variitr OOIMJli; and. led the ..His J•. squad placed two Iii? c aloog • .,1th· Deony Crum · Garden Orove Hlch Schl\01.IO · •rornif ~tloo · ~Y the :. Argooauta.11tlt.e1eaguc.cham-.-Jilryers (Gary 1letg•a11if ~1 >~0f~ ~~e~q_ 1:• :· -an Wl\lelealtd rqular :zt ·HuntlNliilF. ~~-s ch o o 1~p1"""'1,p two yea<.-ln.•" ""'' Carbon) oo th«litst~m )lr ; mem ~"!'. _;~re ...... oo.d tbe m)11Jical Or111111 1 D~l~.11' -·" -., · In ·tllflAI hb 1earD complied AM All-CIF players .... -!· • • lib \etmmate Emj• Wbteier Cau~l)'-=~P In llli§-'. • . ·colit.IJ.-tell,: stepllehs a 20-7 mark ind-I !t year ·It Sfeplieni' sported bii~ve j Cw~h 'lllt•r '-~~ • t •·· a · r vote aw.a; 1. "'lbe suftset League is . was'2?·l.;. : . ~ · · credenUab himealf • a.S .. ·a . Ma~~ ffisb).•"lo~· . from the_ head basketbaJ . . • player. , • .. ' · , l(e waai\imecfju~ college ooachlng Job al Manna !Dgh • tOJ>I. II woulcl . b< qulle • Tho .only -, loss wu to He' was named m 0 ; t "AU;Mi K:lin 11,.., ~ In ,51 ·School. · ;, Challeni• to ,cbm,,.,le llf !t. Rowland lnCIF AAA P!>J'.!!ff valllflb!O il'a ol!JiliJf'.aoil•"\¥as ... Stepii%, ls afuneil'aod ~ lnformed sources told I~ tverylhlng they , sid is fiist competiUon in a shockm.g all-leacue for twG1ye1rs,_ i¥lUle three d)lldren -alL~ter1. DAILY PILOT today· that thio ;..Clw." , • UJISCt at Orange Coast College .. sta!'rlng at SI. Anthooy· Higl; · The late.!t 1 ~ijdliT&nived post vacated by Lute Olson • "Stephens, SJ, bas .betn with . Prior to that he was vanlly 1D LoC Beach. · · la!t ,friday" '"• • r -I ~ · I ' ' ' 'T " .... f ,~t ---~--... ~ :-~f'· '. Bullfight . : :.• EQi•g C/f1,.lil,•'46-·GAL .BO~~ERS Card Set !1~·'B.uenaPar~--NearsCr6Wn:~ -~~~0!,-~'~~wn '' ~.; ' , , ·. : , i .,. ~ 1 Vallt;yplpcedthlrdbi'thefinal TIJUANA -Annllllla, oije ! ·i·By .<AVE.' ~EARtEY ' · -. •. st andUJgs or Iii':. t.1'J' annual of the most s u c c es s f wt Of.~·.,.~ ''-Fr• Del. The Eagles 'opened up an ~It' f -l ~ 1! _ Califotnla "W9Wl«9i ... Bowlers m.tadors.v rt .rhere .\ . ll .point . lead in 'ttie first ~~:~.~.~ 'f' •, •, •, Assoclatl9n cliamplonship e o appe • ~Buena P. ....... v~ .... ally c1'nch· quarter b t the l\l••a h ·• , -..• "'w , u ' "" re s •cwt ~ "' 20 11 11 $1 tournament in Buena Park. wlU make . his . season ~l>!J~. ticfl · flrst , plac;e 1n _ the Costa ·l;>egan to gain momentum late i 1 MtM w •r1..,. Sunday aL '4 p.m. in Plaza El ""'8a bUbtball Je1gue Tuerr tn the third period -to · pull to :-.,:. Put: HI~,: lt1t-Ip team action, a.rea teams Toreo· the downtown· bullrllig , . ~ ni~t. by edging Costa within eight. , ISTANCI" ts.n dOfllt,nated D ·divLsiOn with . ' ' M 11!41 t Estanc' Hi h l'G l'T "' TP BuRgetta Inc. of Coita Mesa He will be challenged by '. "1!. es•, · · 8 . 18 g_ / Poor ball handl~g began to , -~~ ! .~ I : and Why·Kno~ of Fountain Spaniard GAbriet· de la cisa The Cdyotea need only 8 Yiln beset· Mater · 'Del mldW'y ~11m1 • --' • u Valley finishing oile:.t.hree. • ~-. over 1wtat Saddleback Thurs-through the last quarter, ·and · ~au-Y f t ~ 1~ ~ho wDl ·Oy .to Tijuana for ~e .day ·to . cine~ the regular three layUps by Gary Orgill tt=~ : · ·: t t The Aces W 11 d o l performance. Arturo Ruiz, a 1tason .title. . with four minutes left put the , t.~~' 1 , 1 , \Vestminster won E divJsion. w t the __ .. _ r ,,.~ __ _._. -:-.u T~ ' i 1 7 In d 0 u b I es CQmpetlUon ne comer o rw~ o ~W&i~ !"'ma.un;u, a g~~~ ge.me out o( reach. ·, ,, : -v•ue;. • · • o G el • f F · matador, will also appear::!~kiAsecOndplacebt._liirh-._.EstanCla had a bl break •·~"-____ 1} 2f J J oloria Fe ey o ounta1n -B~Us ~Valpara~ r~Ch , :mmg Mater De1,~. rna when Monarch forwa~d Pete - . MATER "' ~4''"'r "''" tP Valley and Helen.Beall of San- will provide the opposition. battle . for the cellar, Sad-Roberts fouled out late In the {::i;:; l 1 , 1 ta Ana won C divWon. Sur>day will mark the l~ dleback outlasted Los Amigos, third .00 "°'?Mn ~ ~ i 1~ Mrs. Feeley also1 won the D year Ma-nu-e·t-•·A~l'4"-55=45:. , . -RcJ:ledJ&ater'Det · _ ·l!~!J;lf, ~; 1 , .divjsion all event.s,.tjtle while Esplnosa.,whoused 'thesame TbeMesa-BuenaParkcon· ·1 'th 4 "'I Wlll~r ~· '' 1 •,,Lorra.lne Gardner .of ring name, Armilllta has rare-test was tight from the outset, ~: 1-1 ' w,u e "'ms · Mfo!~i:-1! 1~ ,f ·4r Westminster wu second in B ly fail~ to win awards he~.'. ·~'With -theil4_tistanp. 'holding ~.-and Orgl~ 1 1:. for t~e ~agles, \ ~-'· '-W·°"~, ~~ division. '' Amulllta was the flrst one point-lead -at--ibeltaJ(. ~The regular season l''f-;;i;;"';';i;";;;;;;'i;;•i;;';;;"'iii .. ;;;';;;' ;;;;;;-,;-o.~-. mata~r last sison t~ win ears Mesa .shooting turned cold in eludes Thursday -nlgtit wC:~rl - and tail. He rallies third amoog the third quarler, however, as Mater Del faces l.os Amigos, o'ELT A SU.PER QUALlrf Mexi.~~ta~rs _wl~28 ap-_: th~-M~gs ~!!J'e able to ~nd-Mesa-and . Estancia · cilJ - pearance.s 111 ffit past-year. ~n, onlj fiVf"potnts. licle • ' res-11r.:o-. ess' De la Casa la ....,ldered ooe . The hot shootiog. or Coy~ · · '°"' Ml" '"' I _ ~Jli~'I _ • ·-ol Spain'/ most exj>erienced , guard Cary Arner in the third Au511" '11 'T ., t• 'and accoq\plished · mataders. · period eased Buena Park to W1111 l !J I 1~ Dier 0 03 fie will come hl!:re from ap-the lead which was never SWfftl•nd o 1 3 I pearances at a series of <Jwn· threatened thereafter. ~:~ii~··· ' t l mt?r 'buUfightlni: fa~ iii Spaln. Meaa, behind a pair of jump ~~. ~ ; I J Ruiz, wha pilritd his pro-shots by K1 enny Deaton, began ~:~~" i T T -1 motion to mataHor in Tijuana to rally o tht: last minutes, =., o , j 'J on J\llle 15,' v,:on no awards, but It was too late by then. r~,11 1} 1f 1 . INt impressed farui With his Bob Austin led the Mustangs autNA PARK 1111 e COMPlrTI ,LINI ..t.YAILAIU ' ' W1 oe OVALS -FlllEltGLASS aELTECl ~IV,Ell PREMIUM -POL YESl 1!11: RAD LAL l_l'ORTS -, U.fl:O 8UG(;V -CAMPEii IPl!'CIALS -• ALL SIZE I RUCK 1111£1, IANIAMlllCARD lilASTll CHA.IA 8ERG'S DEL T·A TIRES bravery. He earned the right with It poinjs. ~~ '\ "1 Tr. 141 E. 17th St. • Costa\Mesa • 645-2 -9il-Citf Back' on Win Track, 1 ..!".~~~r:-~su~pe~:t:~:n~rort~be..:.· _·inllng __ ~u-=--~-·~g·~h..t~:·"".::.:-ruCll!~~~~·~:~.~~~--·-_·!.,,i .!.i ..!....!·1~=~=~=·0~-~-~a-~. ~"~-~'1i(~·~-=· =~~ . ' . -_,...,_ ..,,~ --_.____.,_ ---- Nips Corona del Mar, 4241 '· -'l!Qntlngton Beaclt HI ah JQade it back into the win col- ~ UD'l&. Tutaday ni1ftt. In the ... · HUotington • Marina summer q · , baslf!t~ll league with a splrw:- ., ...... .i J . ... -. , ".!: .•. ... ,t ••• w I. •• .. -' j , ' ' ' , , . ' ' ' . . . ' ' . ' ' , ' ' > ' I I ' ' I I I tfngttng 41-41 win over Corona del Mar on the winner's court. The -Oilers, who had com- pUed. a 28--game win string over the piut three summer BROWN NEW MESA. COACH !lq»~ Bro\'•, VU)IJ1~ foqt· ba'll ;)Jne .coach and-a9Sfstant \ track and ·field coaCh for ·the past four seasons, has been named varsity lrf.ck Jnd field.!coach at Co4t• Mesa H.I g h Semol, the DAILY PILOT learned today. The spOt. was vacated when B~an Springer quit recently. ( ·The aou couotry1 duties will -be . manned by Joe F\iber. . ~ sessloti1tfiid loit two' m • row prlor to the CdM clash., Undtf&tted Rancho ~. meanwhile, clinched no worse than a tie for the league tiUe with a 70-$4 Vic· tory over Edison. , other league action at Hun· tington.had Bolsa Grande win- ning its first of the year with a 56-53 surprise over Villa Park and Westminster (7..J) downed La Quinta, "62-31. Westminster's win keeps the Lions two games behind Rancho with two games left. They're tied v;ith Huntington and Marina for second place . Newport Harbor rebouoded from its stunning Joss to Corona del Mar last week with a 73-48 rout at Garden Grove al Marina and FounlallJ Valley lost oat to host Marina, 17...fe, to round out loop bosWiUe& . Huntington's Garth Wise sunk two free throws with 24 seconds left tO br~ak a 40-40 ~ with Caron"'a del Mar and' give the 01tera ihe narrow win. Corona del Mar made it sh~ogly ~ose after lralling by 11 much' as ei&ht in the se- cond period. The Sea Kings tied it up with S:S7 . to go on Don Killlan's short one -then went two up on-another Killian bucket with 4:11 lell Both clubs traded baskets " H~w They Stand ~ ·-· from t~ µntil Mark ·arlgs-y of CdM evened it ·again at 40- 40 with 21 seconds remaining. _Tbat set it up far Wise and his free throws. NUNTINOTON IEACN 14U fG fl ,., T,. W1H..-s 0 2 I 2 C1rl50n • I • • Oe8rlllon 4 l t ~.. ~.: ' : C!JL.. D22l ~co;, r:1: .,..rr•ll s J f lJ T~1ll U12U4t CORONA OIL ~~ ~~1,., TP Goflllr J • 1 ' Stn1<11 1 0 0 2 Grlt!bY s 1 I 11 kin.... 2 •>• '-'T 50310 Ford I 0 1 I HolC.l'ldfr D I 2 I Sniff 1111 llt•• Jill TOllll 17 1 12 •1 ............. Hu11ll11111on I u t 1........a CdM 1 10 II IJ.-..41 WISTMINITlll CUI ... GfTl'PTP .. ,_ l''' lroci.<ldl A 1 16 H"""°"" ' I J 20 """" 2 3 l ' Dedr1U 1 1 J 11~1 OlOJ Yodtr 1002 Nt ... nlltlmtr 2 0 • • To1111 21 20 12 '2 U. QUINTA !Ml ... l'T .... t• • ' ' j . , I ' ' ' . ' I j I 0 0 I o ' j ' I • 1Jlll31 lwr<I .., Ql,llffln W1tlmlmltr lt 11 1' t-61 Lt Qul1!!1 11 II 11 s-JI NIWl"OllT MA.RaOR 1111 FGfT"TP Mt llnotl 0 1 I 1 Tll'ltl t ! 2 '° Euln ! J 11 SUton 1 J 4 ~~ lt1 1~ T~.. f O j ' You11e 7 4 H...-.n tJIU Totth :ao lJ 1• n OAROIN OROVI I•\ POP Pl'TP ltlfU' 4011 ~l.t' D2 2 "":.u..1oem J J I I '•Int 2 l • • ~I"'" • · 1 IT '"Y~~ 1J '1• .1~ J .... .., Qultttnl N.,WllOrl :N lt IJ U-13 • Gli'i'Wfl ~IT'• • II I , ........ I DllOM (MJo PT,,. TP ·~=' ~ f I 'l ll•Ymdnd I ] 5 ClnlrwU e I t o ·~' 200• Oller 6llU FV!er S l21J ~~~ ::1: T~1!1 ,. 1' '1• $1 llANCHO ALAMITot IN) 11• l'T Pf T, erwn • 1 J 1 :."lf"IOll 1i I , ~ i MMi t •• ff'lllwikl 3 • 2 ' ~ :•11: 8;i.~ JI,, = ... ..,°' :1JJ: 1:::. UTJ::~ MAllN4 1n~0 "' '" TP ~~ 'jl" ... ~, .1 l '' ••. JI" c ri. • • lli:Jtlorll n Tfl•lt 'It It Ii n POU"'1"AIM VAUJ: ~'#'· T' r.:..-I 1 'i I :r~~ 1 t~'t i . '. · ~~ ---w4}J~J S-ears • Auto Air Conditioner •Faster cOol-dow n time for "right-now" comfort e High C.M.F. fo• greater air oirculation • Sleek, clean deeign styling for oman look, safety padded bezel ••• mount& neatly under the dashboard E"pert I 1111a(lolioft A.ocrilahk " ' ' . · Wo-~ Cit UIJ' eer in tOWn " :~!7:-!~~~!. ~!'!!:. 24 9~ EntirC Cam' wipes cJcan with 1 damp cloth. All vinyl ttim is reinforced with stroo.gfabric. lmtalled • • , • i Regular '169.95 .88 ,, Model S'TJT ·/ Ask About Sean Convenient Credit P111!18 ALISTATE ; BaUerl~ 12-Month ·Guarantee .. " Fi ta Mo1t 6-Volt Can ' 'I 6 99 "~d. •" IS.Month Guaitantee" flu .M1ny J~-Voll C.n 1 I Free Battery lnst.11llatioe •'. A1k for Sean FREE ~ , Balter)' C-heck Today.: ••. No Obl.iption! ~ -,-------------------~---------------------~------T ~ • ....... ,,. -,_, M400 .sJl-'»O a."°"" 01 J.tt1 t , ._"'°'Ht 1-t1t21 ..:o wt ~261 1~• R 9'W"35 t.4Lto11 VflN" •1m I I ~ ,,,.'S«).066i .,,.,... Oj J.1~. 0 ....,..,, .11.-...C'a iiMo..W Wftl ~ID •U•5,,,...,. .... ,,,,'YU M1JI ~ ... MONC.t. tJt 4-4711. •Ml.ff''°,......,, "4-Jtaf • t'Oltll'IONHf ....... W711 ~HO '""'' -.... 4ll·tl00-Mlffk''* •• ,,,,,,~.. IOUllf CCltUl ~Vt. -$~0·)") .......,..,, " ,.,.,, , __ I oo~ 9".otn MOtl'll'OOOot l -2521 ,_MU 1.J211. n s.4111 TCM1tANCtJ~2.1s11 , 1 rf '--~--------------------~~----------------~--1 -" ·-· I l ................. ~-· ... ..,,. ........... ,, .. I l I I ,. , r ----~- I A.ft DAl\.Y P.11.0T Wtdlltidq, J,ly 16, 196• • • • . €arter, Robertson Triumph QoQ~t~g wllk ... ::-· . __ iWPson Rips occ~ rnold ~Palmer -- HEAD aorArE$$UGHTlY O\'t _:.T~es Over 2nd • -• fl,-. ln Sudden-death .Playoff ---:-.,, .. ¥tJISWING, DOWN~G -.• ' i I · Wilion.Ford mo Into 'sole 'lh~tti•tolfmnq,)'Oiw P""'•s!oo ol IO<Olld place In ' . Wlpnore In su ra ace frn.. proved ltl recor<J to 4-.! with I ~ 7M5 win over Lucky11 in the companion featur.!. A b~dle on the lint hole of a , audden de&tb playoff_ by ,..lb. Carter of El Dorado CC tl1rned a first-place tie into ''i~tbry Sunday for Carter and \Vilbor Rtlbertson ol Irvine l.a.t Country Club in the !Ith arinttal member-guest tourna- ment. Jorry Helperln (ICCC) and Ben Deane (Sl!nta Ana) finish- ed second after notching a mai;Ching 265 with the wim>ers in.regulation play. 'Ihird, with 267, was the Los Alamitos .. • Entries -... w........,: J.,,,. '" ·,,.. -~'Dir ~ (.._; & Pat • .,,.. ,.... ,,., f'.M. PIQt .•ACI". a v1rds, 3 .,...r olclt 1M uJ It! G,.._ a Pllll. f'ur11 Ila e1r Mes.I {.l.Ollfl 116 T-11 THrl HJ Str..;ot1 t~I lll lltov .{!Int ISmlllll 117 Gu.,,., 2 fl'-e) 117 l eo't e•r Dtllfff(Llllhtml 111 Go111'tUftdil l&1nlttl 1 n TM ~r Exlrflt ll rlftkin'J 111 TrudV~ Tr\ldtli! (llllrr) Ill Jo U1i 'air (Wlltoftl lU "' "' '" ·~ '" "' "' "' '" _,,, ,. "' "' '" "' 1" team ol Mel Keane 'of Irvine Coaal and Jim Keane of Giten Rive r. Wilt< of Bel Air. Sania Atoa • hod ..... 1r,. """'ldn't .., ... , the ~ Mesa ""'° baau~ onloyln, !'! "'1!:-" ~·~; r , ~ 1iot\le if<lnde1..."'8M with The latter tallied 271 along with BUI Schauppner and Tony Fonte ol Loi Coyotes and Mike Jager and Kent Harkins of LACC. ·Freeman and Connie Kinzie combined for a 6f ·In mixed best ball of partners play at Santa Ana Country Club Sun- day. S.•h .,..i.,..,,_ ' HiroNryijiW • a Con$cl•. lllMlt<TI>mp over swing .UI of o • plono ond • · hoot OranpCout College. Tom Witt ~.!1 In '1e1dlng Wilson-~~ tu: FF ,~in • 1n teVen decl!lons. 4 Bob Yardley of the host club and Dick Davis ot Mltlion Vie)o were fourth, also wllh a 267. Inhibit ~pcillJneand ~II· ' • 1 . ·Ing ofy011t<l!Ol!-los. m High SC<>ren for OCC """' 1 Phil Jonlan (II) Md Mark f Lanoy (17). l.A>w grcm champions were Art Daughtery and Wayne Carrico of Souli Hills with their 273 followed by Hank Smith and his guest, Dr. Bud Taylor of Canyon CC at 296. How.m, t"".,.. 1hould ..,. Vikes win latoslluf>tlywlth,...tlhouldooim other high fini!hin1 tan- dems were Jack Boyle and Jack Banta of Oakmont (268), Ron Wlnterbum and Jay Moore of Green River (2'61), Jerry Tulley al)d B o b Mcl..arney of Costa Mesa t269) and Bill Donavon and Mike Second place was t I e d between Jim and Jackie Voeti:I and Mike and Bernice Koll at 65. • yourbocJctwiftgR ooyourdown.. ,. ...!__· • swing. Tha llllllll'O)t ..... d...... ·Jn.Overtimel , n, wJth 21 10, p10-ank Z.bot Esteve di "'<t ly frotw aefuOI photos-of. my • ' swing, sfW#hoW fn1:l1*»d tums ot ed WI lo Its f win. Leading L · ' Jack 1 Claude Taggart and Phil Rosberry of Mission Viejo were third in the low gross category with 298. Meaa Verde Gene Kaliher and Mac McClelland turned In a 61 to win the men's club better ball of partners event Saturday. Hut1tin9to11 Beach Leroy Gay woo first place In I a tin wbisUe event at Hun- tington Beach Country Club Sunday with 42 points. · Second place went to Jim Ayers with 40 followed by ·Ken Page and BUI Perkins. Fourth place was l i e d between Herb Day, Bill Ball , Ray Jordan .. Clem Estey and Gary Chaney with 3Ss followed by Bill Co\\-den's 34. .• these tfmft. , This tumirv of tho hood Is not obtolllttly vltal to'~ pd twine, but it dots help .... lu1ost 10lr- •ntotUm tholrthovldorisinoolh'z and fully. -• ~ .. :t Marina Hlgb'a unde(eated Klll8 (IS), Rick M~ (15) string in the Orang• .....,..... and Larry Manceljo.(!l) ~ basketball league ~oot a WIUOff·l"Ollt (NIU ~ severe test MoocJaf _ nl«tJt tt " "' "' before the \7drut:1 flrefe able ~~'::,"'°" ; 1 l 1: ~ to pill outf.a $w01 win ,,in Ambrolldl ...... ! 1• ~ ·~ •. ovtrtiiiie 9ver llghtJ)'ft'iidll t 1.r"'"'..., 12 • n PaclOca. ~.! Plfenoft s J . i ,, •; "SulftK • 11 11'2 _ Pacifica, wllh a MnconrJn " T.i111 JIJ J 11 1?f Jeaiue Play, hustled to a 1~ occ 1 " ,. .t ,. • point mar~ at the half and wiml!M s , ~ ,, • Turin • • J t nearly p off the upset of Mdtlloll 2 • • • lb L•,,.., ' J 2 11 e season. 511111,im.i•r 1 t 1 1 M . bow ced b Pllhloc 2 t 1 ' Tied for second with 62.s w-ere the tandems of Doc Newton and Joe Binks and Jo'red Anderson and' Banks. · arma, ever, pa y .Jo"'•" 0 , 1 1• R-.,L-SI Rick Mosler's 14, "•,1l1e5, came To•11t n 1 11 "' nv GI ' dal. . G . baCk to ltie it at""l'thli ·end of H11tt1rne scor.: w1• ... occ 21. Sbr::~ t!:: ut~:r ~ ~t ' eq . ' e Ace ~rahs regulation, 4>45. WlllMC•E .•Nlll•AN~I An~ ,, G91f i.lftt11'19 ((f"tllw) SPOllfll WrvM (Adllf S•ftl' OtJOosll {C1rdo11) SlrH-V Jl lflft (HU1) lUMlll (JI-) ' au. F-IL.,._) ._t1'D11111 IStntlftJ Oldt P\-ll'ftlf CINli.ll Tift' "°" tK11>Jd :: Sunday's Mr. · ,uid· 'Mrs. 111 partners best ball tourney was 1~ · won by Rick and Unda Guy's wln low net honors Saturd~y The Vikes utilized a full· ~~= : : : ': at Rancho San Joaquin c.oun-' court press in the fin.al quaner Mce1r11n " J • 11 Four slrokes bacL were lry Club in men's club action. Lead 1"n . Kona Elims to force the losers idto seVeraJ ~=;lle•ft ; I. T ; no ·57_ ' ·~ "' "' " Second went to Ed Hewitt turnovers. f=' 1:. j 'l ~: ~ Gt:=~:r,Wti!'D~~ and Gary HansoQ'S 10· foll~ Marina now stands 9-0 for Tur~':r.11 J i11: 1: Betty Newton and JUUene by Bob MacKenzie and. Pit Foy Belcher didn1t ezacUy the lop 18 Is Fred RJecilll cd the campaign. LUCKY'S I'll , tis-Adams .and Don Douglas. Wade (71 ). ~ 'knock 'em dead' al Kona tari"es Westmiruiter whO's mow -13th, MA••N• uo 111. MIM•llo -': ~ -;-~ ~\~ ' Monday night, but the veleran up two notches from last Moslcl" ': ~ "; ~ KW.. 7 ' 1 1' llXTM •.t.C•. )511 vard1 l vMr olOs Ind UP kl Gr1d1 AA Mlnvi.. PurSI SlfOCI. Pr• For Llkt 111•111•1 llft l ll P1rktr IMc:Reyt10ldll Mr. &.lorl)dt (PIM) l1dy-AflDft 7 IWlelwrtl Mlbl1 Chld; Too li'>llildl<.•1 """11ff ~•aarel 10rl!"l'tfl 113 El Niguel c··~-1 bowl ell ' MutlllW s I • ,, t"* Mtftcncl : I ~ 1: 114 =-e er d move mto week. LKY 3 7 s 1 , 1 1 , "' SC B • Nel Townsend, Patty King, the lead ; .. •1.A nm· lb """""I McGuire 1 2 • • ~=-J , • 7 l l ltff'I litoclte! !Ad1lr) ktel TOlllll {C1rdo11I TrJiii. Glr111tr ll tl..t.lfV) P11!v ltue lltll (5T1l11t11) "' rums MarjOrie Crow and Linda ... i.lti:: ...,_ The ~man semi-final, field &e.11 • 2 t 10 MOrto11 1 · 1 1 2 ::~ ' '. MorrOOn combl1181$ for a net West Cout Match Qame will be pared to the top 16 ~Z~lfonl ~ : ~ : g~~ ~ : 1 : '· 117 59 recently to win the best ball Eliminations. bowlers afler next week's ac· Toiii. km ,, OHr1: 10 11 " K1~:.1s ~ ~ J ,i SWVINTM •A.Cl. Vt11•I• Sr. Count Nab Play· ers-foursorhe event at' El Niguel Belcher was in sec<ln. d-pla-ti n M1rhw 10 ' 12 17 f-51 "Hlfrltrne l(V9: Wlemofe 16, L~• . -•10 v1rd1, l YNr olclt Md ""· ,..,_,Airy 01 b · • I b ......, 0 • P1(!1k:1 12 li ' 10 s-._ n. ci.1m1 .... p.,..se s11011. ci.1ot11,,. ••le• .............. u m women 1 c u Jive pins ofL_the lead, bd'ore ,----'---:-------'.::::: __ ...::...;:....:....;:_;::::::....::; _________ _ S2500, Tiie Dkro!I Eltdrotlln, Inc. of • activity. ! ,._ f::1':..";:·1c.-...,l .111 Three teams tied for serond 1w1onday night but moved m C.raU .. n 1ltllll4---11• , As usual1 the University of --with 62s;-1be quarb!:t of·Mary -tnmt when &tand Muander, ~=-~ ~'!'~1~1 ;:; Southern Califoraja has cor-Kronman_Luci}e__ i:La1W:t9,........the...p.re-v..1-ou s n11ce-eetter, ~~~:f:~:,~1r:rol 11; nered more player in nut~ Frances Rirte and Marl.an itlrtnbled-lo a 758 ~~es_;·· ~-P~&rt 1,.,.,. fSmitto\ 11' week's North-South Sh tine Emerson shared honors with · · , e un"v'• w1rrkH' ie1M.r.l ll• football game than any other Billy Mackenzie; Lydia Erb, 1tJ Belcher only fifer .. a . '1.90 tlGHTM ••cs. 400 ,.1rc1,, 3 v"'r college. Cecily McCaffery and Kathryn •. ur-game block, ):lu 1l w.as olds l1'ld Ill 111 Gr-AA Pkll. Purt1 gi)od enough to nN>n Im A fl• a1a n.. ~ ~·· clllb. Nine of the players Qave in-Brady along with the four--,._. .... ~ ' =-~ 1~~1 ~:: dicated they will attend USC some of _Helen Coward, Car1> ,pin bulge 00-Aleunder4 Dllornondl,.,, WIM IKHlsl 111 in the fall including Darryl lyn Marvin, Virgln1.a Blacker 1Date Glenn bt a chance to ~~!""MIC: ~tti:? ~g Berg or Westminster High. the and Sandy Thompson. Cll~lleJlg~ for.the lead an~ re-,,_r ac.v 1etrdOllJ 111 CIF player of the year in l968. Third place was locked up qiained tn third ·place with a ~::;'~.,.\:~1 ~i~ UCLA has the inside track between Dorothy S I s s e 11 , '1'1i block. ~:t ~7:~ 't:;;.:~r> ~~: .. on eight players, tncltfiUng Mildred Wilbur, Julia Kribel Dick Braasch of Fountain' HIN?M lllACL 41)11 r•nh . J ""r okll t ftd u. 1n GrlCle A Pkll. PurM SllOf. lol)_H ... loki C"4tlrl llJ Jtt JM '.Jll (Sfn!ltll "lll Foo 0.. IWllPll Ill $OIM 5e191 hr 114 PlltM GI'•...,. fStrlVUI ll'O .,_ ._,.... C~J Ill ifllY W.tdl ' 117 Lvc:ly 81r1 Jot 11'111111'1 11• ,,,,._ h• (llanlt1) 111 •owv Ntttc (tlpl\lrftl 120 center Steve· Klosterman or and Edith Carpe nter along Valley, the area's leading con- Laguna Beach High. with the team of Marion Men-lf!:flder, also missed a shot at -~Here's -wttttc ui-e---ptayers ne.-Ann ' -Teel, C a..r o I y n---moving up and !lumped from will be going In tilt Jail: Swartley and Agnes Gouin fourth to seventh place, 131 use _ , 511n cwnnltl..,_ ISlrrh with.. 635. plfJI off of Beleher's pace. """'''· r-•i..· M_..t...r ~· 11a11 Joe and John Cote won a l>efending champion Lamar "-ndol, Hl1 RCl!k'leY MeHelM 1e11dw1" ,.,,.1. He1 o.m1 11,r, partners best ball tourney last Keck of Reseda replaced f:~~n•~f.k ~~:'ok!~T: ~'~.~ week with a 62 ln men's club Braasch in fourth place. ve111 ltlotr. 0111111 Hllfl, SMrm1n action. Hottest bowlers M o ·~ a y O.bl. e1 o ... 1t1 "~ 1.t. .. i11erm1, Second went. to. 'oe Cote an<!, -nl•ht were Mike Sea:i;" ~ or f:J Miiie a r11> (SI. ··~ Hltlil, Stn ~ .... Frt11C1tcol. G1 Clllr"llt YCillM 1Ed1-Al Pelligrin1'1 63 whlle three TQtranc.e and Bob Daw of Rte ResUl~ • ·~. ' I llH H~~ ~1·.~" A4ei!ls IC•-teams tied for third with 64s. Ctlno. Seaver belted 3 921- ::.~k,,i:;~,, 5'.::' ~=r,:tn15\~':. They-were Eugene Kinsel bl~ to move up from uth iD- "1'"· Whllllfr), GI lllldl•rd lie.II• ana Harry ~ Ed to fUth place while Da-.ion ~ ~~· ,,1f:.'1~Je, 0.;..111t,'::: Hoskins and Eugene Parker h~ the hlgb series of the •111111" !c111111r 1e1 C1mlft0, s.tr•m•n-and Frank Dutra and Wilbur n!f!t, a 954, lo jump into 15th tDJ, 0111 R.••• Le•I !CuPertt ... Ht•"· Levy. plsce. A week • .,o he. w•• S11111 Crvlr, T1 Jollft "J•tk" L••-r -_, '"'"' Lom• Hl•"-· i.cr_,,hlJ. "E. Stuart Evey and Willard 27th. .• ' •• < • • . • '"° •.20 "" •tGKTM ltACE. •DC Ylt~•. l ~f~r okU •!'Id UI> I~ G••de AAA Ml"u1. Purte "600. 01vld J1t1f csi.-1111•1 7.IO 5.oa l .'I lllr Lltllr Did. ILlo"-rn) t.IO J_)ll Lntll TllWl'I IMllrl '·'° Tlme-70 3111 Ali.o R1,,_Noor1tlll, J~ Sllfrrv. Min "'" II••· aO!l'll>MMKlll HUo. S..1 Hv~. 1m1 Jont'S Girt ,..,_ ....... _,_.,_ fl.. '1PGtY 71115 15 A $P/!16 914!..dE .... : J'J'f 601 CROIT CMRS/' . -.. STAHFOllQ. -Shiv• M v r • 11' McC ed I of •• ~ I th bo (4-1. 011. P•lff H..-c111.1r M1tf'I. ay scor a ow net -• vii y o er area wler in P'l~J. T: Eric Cret1 IAll<MC111. to win a similar event. stcond . Hll; J-F,..llll ls.tr• Hirth. "" went ·-Robert· Ell1'ott ·and Mii'°), 0111 Ill....,.. 6""*' ILowtlt w High. "" Fr11KIK0J, c, 1111 Scott Charles Osborne (64) followed CSl•tl Hltih, $1'DCll:lllll), E. AtuzoNA s1A1e 1rtm ... 1 by Carlton Smith aod Karl Edwll'll V1119lln fCorctMJ, Ti Ger11a M J (65) Rlcflt•dtoll CC•"tr•I Hlfll, El Cet1lra), a or • . e; a 1c.n Sm1111 1Hos11" HI•"· v111t101. Jn mixed partners· acllon it G; Pr.nllol Mcel'1r (Edison Hlth, Stotti:..,,1, ,., was Harry LQwe and Marion CALIFORNIA -lt1~ Curl~ ''-"'' Menne t"'"• Irwin Kee and AMI, HllJ lll lclr. J-(0.k<:t•Ml, F81 J''.,D 1. Ok:lt llr11«h, Fin. V1l111' 13, Frid Rlclm, Wu l111lh•t.r 3'. CW"9 lac.lier, Du11 Pot'>! ~I. L1rrv Ktlltr. W•t11t1111•lw .S. Jtov WH~. COi"' Mell .... 6,516 '·"' .... , .. ,.. Skating Action JOft Gledftrn !Pac.Ill( ti'911. "" L..,,_ Virginia WhiUngtoa taking d•~'f;!· MEXICO UMNE•SITY -L1r-honors in a best ball of rv Le1111ert cc1..-.i.orMf Hlth, •awt111, partners event wj\h &. g~,.;·~.~;.~r~~J~':.!:1n~E~), Ti Second went to Eugene and The Detroit Devils move in- UTAH uN1vERS1TY -Jlmm~ D Par•er ('0 ) ' to Anaheim ~-venti'an Center LIHITtor (M0t1!erer), H81 Rlndv Ptclr 80& I\ VU • ""'1111 <*utn. 0111 Dorie N •Im, Fred ilnd Dorothy Ginder tonight to take on the Lo! COLOllADO UNIVl!lllSITY -.Grtt1 scor a 0 w n a ...... .ru1g !WI.le s n 1Portervl11tl. T. ed 6S t I "•0 ' -~ Tb··~ rblrtf I Hot10ft 11t1t111r'ldlJ1 T1 Dkk o.1.u11: tourney wUb Robert and Anne Roller. Games action. 1L ... ,. H""-· ""'11e1ni"' e . """ ... : ___ .. (&7! A ~' ·u 1 OREGON STATE -!'•trkk 1t1"" C u1&.:ii.18nseD -vuu • cµizn WI start at a o'c ock. ll lf>1s.1"1 MUI), Fl1 Fred S~•rt -----~--------'--"--------[! (Woodlltldl, T. CLEMSON -Jelflft "IUOCIY" Klftt (Ml. Ol1blo Mith, C~J. G. OKLAHOMA UNIVEllSlTY -.11t'llt Rork (P~ll11dfl Hlth, lltolll"' HJ111), f . NEBR.l<SICA UNIVERSITY -M1•c Oo1t11I•• ts ... ...011 Hl•h, Rf'llWood C!h l. '-Oll EGON UNIVERSITY -Milt• Cu""lt (lllora•" Hlth, $ion F•tnc•r.<O), '-MT, SIN ANTONIO CC -Daniel llrkk Cllill'oOll Amil Hl9h, L1Pu.nte). c. LONG llEACl-l CITY COLLEGE -T0tn ICnUdlOft (L•lcewooc!J, G. COALINGA J. C. -E1rl Au1tln (001 P•losl, Fii SAN MATEO CC -Tom Scott (lfr" Hl;h, S8~ Ml!PO), Hfl. t.11. State or OlltEGON -a1ndll Dr1ltt (El Rlndlo Hlth, Plco.a lvtl'"I ), ... use or .l<ll 110NA STATE -Aloft10 Ernerv CS•" M11toJ, HI . Halos Slate Ball Day All youngsters, 14 years or age and younger, will receive a free baseball when they at- tend Sunday 's game at Anaheim Stadium between tl\e Angels and lhe 0 a k I a 11d Athletics. Tbe balls, are of official league quality and will b e stamped Callfornia Angels. Abo featlll;fll on th< 8.U Day promotion Sunday will be awards to be presented by the Helms Athletic ~oundation to members of the All-CIF end All.City teams from Los Angeles. Savel Savel Savel Save! PURE WATER NOW AT ONLY ' 4C A.GALLON ''4c! Must be a mistake •• , it can't be righl'" Is what you're likely thinking If you have been ~buying purified water by the bottle. You probably paid several times l!'ore. That's why 4c a gallon .seems·rldkulousl{ low. Fortunately, our headline is correct! Thanks ' to space-age technology whlcil developed the ''revene 04mosis'' process, iou can ·now have purified water at a ftacUon of what it used to cost. And what's more, you •an have lt at your fingertips al a lap In your home. Find 'OU! \Qday how your I family can have more purified water for much less money. A quick call lo our oUlce will bring.you the facts. II you want an idea of what you'll save, just add up the water botUes you bought last year. You'll be amazed at what )'OU have paid com- .pared to our 4c a gallon cost. r LINDSAY ~ PHONE ~l-68; t The UIDSAY Co. -en DOVER DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH ···• road•grabblng, gas•Hvlng package. General BELTED JUMBO 700 JATO SUPER-100 GOLF BAUS .. Ourelon co\'er !er •n. H:1r.i H.::~ -Ull0r1Jo[ $32 "'·"' 137 $5•SO "° .... ., IRAKE 'REUNINQ CAN SAVE LIVES Our 1peela1ists reRne •II 4 wheel•, rebulld cy11ndtrs, tum braka d rurrw, adjust brakts i.l~,., .. ~r.I:' j ... fCllll '"' $11.00 $1.79 ., ... ,,, . $2.21 ...... "-" $2.'6 emergency brake, 5 10 lull cont1ct. ••Just 49 9 llld ackfftUkf. MOST U.S. CARS TIRE INSPECTION SMART SAFEGUARD Experts check 111. 5 tires fOf cuts, bruises, UICks, imbtdded for.tan objects., uneven Mar, Cctrtct pressure. FREE. ' ~-~-~--~~~"--...,..~~· DON SWIDLUND A VERY riBIERAL COAST · 6EllERAI. Gf NfRAl TllE TIRE SERVICE SERVICE , TIRE 111 W. 1ttti Cette .... S40·S71t--f4i·IOJJ 16f41 htitll tt.4. H111tt119t.• IMdl M7·1110 1212 L 4tti S....h. 14).QJi " .. • • )' ---~------------ • •• w~.,, Ju~ 16; 196,9 PAILY '.ILOT it~;\: Rive r _Boaters Get War'1.in ::-, . ' on Color..adO Coast Guard Keep Eye Out for -Reckless The commander of the warning be<:ause of the governors of California and (I) Erceas.ivelspeed ln c•J Coast Guard J'.3atrict in Long general disregard for sa(ety • Arizona for their assistance proximity to other bOl!i ""J _ Beach has lssue'd a. warnlog tO wftnessed by Coaat Guard concerning the violent condUct narrow w'ind!na: channels, er : all boaters navigating water:; • sa~ty patrols over the Mem· of boaters on the Colorado durifjf periods or redilced uilder his jurisdiction and orlal Day weekend. 'River in a recent tel~rarn vlsiblllty. Issued a s~cial word of cau-Lieutenant c 0 mm and c r th1u said, "llwin& t be. (S) _OVerloadini of vqseJ, li~n to Glos& on ithe CoJOrado Peter Sterblln&, chlet of the Memorial Day wetkeod Coast cl~arly beyon<I Afe Joldirig <> River between Parker Dam boating safety branch, said, Gtiard Boating Safety -Patrol capacity as rtCOllimeniled bJ and .Head.gate D&n! t .h a t "Coast Guard patrols stopped on the Colorado River between manufacturers "" Jn· a~nc( boarding officers wall wue 190 boaters on the Colorado ' Parker Dam and Headgate of manWacturers . recomo. violation cltaUons for r~kless River who wore operating Dam q b s e r v e d shockingly mended tlfe loading capaci_ty, t and, negligent operation of their craft in an unsafe, hazardous qmditions created evJdence ot m.tabillty, little boats. reckless or negligent manner by high, speed craft and water freeboard, thlpplng w a t et"·. Rear Admiral Ch a r le s over the three day weekend." skiing in congested areas and from sllg'ht wakes, etc. • Tighe, commander of lhe 11th Of those, 102 received viola· in close proi:lmity of swim· (3) Operatjng whik' unde;r Coast Guard Qistrict. urged lion cil.ations and 11 warnings mers. Excessive use or in· the influence of into%lcants. all boaters .to use a lillle com-were issued just in lhe Parker toxlcants by operators was drugs, etc. ' •. '• mon !ense In lhe operation of area alone. Penalties assessed widely a P P a t e n t and ( 4) Certain 1 uriufi wa~er,,, their small boats and warned tO these boaters, operating hazardous operations prevail· skiing practices such as tQYJ• • them of the hazards of reckless or negligently, ranged ed both durin& daylight and ing water skiers in the vicini'y operating while under the\ in· from $25 to $100. Lt. Com· d•rkness." of other. vessels, where if the tluence of intoxicants., lie mander Sterbling added, Lt. Commander Sterbling skier fell ht may likely be hit -..i -stated~thaL-stiff penalties will "there were betw~n 20 to as ad'vtses · all operators of by other veuels, witer11difte . be: assessed against persons accidents and at least eight motorboats lo av9id the without an oblerver, e,4 j round to lie operating their pe~ons received serious in· following· u n s a f e practices ceeding speed limtta, ·towlnt' 9, ~ boats In a reek Jes,, and/or juries, fortunately there were •·which e<tuld result in citations slcitr against the traffic-· pa{4 + neg,li&ent manner. no fatalities.'' for reckless and/o rnegliaent tern , towlng a sider near PLUSH APOINTMENTS MAAK INTER IOR OF RANGER 26 Admiral Tighe issued lllis Admfral Tighe asked the operoUon~ · • swimmers. ~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~...C,-~--''--~~~~~~......::.~~~~-'-~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bob Massey To Vie for Mull' s Latest Desig.n, Ra1ige,. 26, Building The new Ranger 26 Is in fllll and berths, and exquisitely .Hennessy production at both the Coata finished panelling, joints and 2o~~y f!tas_s~y CL[ Beil!lowt!r, ~fesa,~ -California and Eall cornen .on -tM -fine wood in· one of closed courie and River, Mauachusetts plants of terior. Topside she comes with marathon boat r ·a c in g 's the O'Day Yacht Division of Barlow racing winches, leading drivers, will enter Bangor Punta Corp. The new coordinated colors, boot top offshore competition for the Ranger 26 is the first boat or and contrasting non· s k Id fjrst time in the 1969 .Long its si:te designed and finished surfaces. She has ample Beach HennesSy Cup race to yacht standards with the locker and storage space, as l\Ug. 23. performance and speed to win well 8.$ an enclosed head and The 36-year-old co-owner races against all comers.. roomy Seating and li ving ~c-- and man8ger of Bellflower She's the newest design from commodations. M~ine Co., disclosed that he Gary Mull, the young naval She's carefully constructed ~ purctwe<l,Spt>oiy"Too;-~e-ifehltett= Wlir"cut ·hl!"'tettb'lln· ol hand laid up_fib£rgl.asLwith 2f,foot Ray~n Craft hull. 1n y~ht dpisn Jly assisting' in lam.inationa of woveii rovit\g Wblcl\-contro.,.erslal B 111 the dtsign of the Aplerica's and alass-cloth·an~·mat, and · ~r of Marina :de! Rey won cup .defender,'. constellltiOn, she's. painstak.in,-ty finished to tlie 1968 Pacific Offshore and who' tiu Won rtn:o-Nn for ya(ht standards. For the rnan P~er BOat Racing· Associa· his ·swift deSigns in fibUt:laSs who desires the pleasures of tiot\i championship. Massey from 22 feet to 40 feel An un-sailing a true yacht, and yet ' wiU. rename the -b o a t precedented proaram 0 f wants to win agalrtst com-' Misacre U research, design and tank petition, the Ranger 219 Is -the ~per, one of the leaders in _ testin& _bas.. gone into every perfect c~ce - tht}:ra'pid irowtb of ~fsbort " detail of the ftanger.2& .. Thia b DIMENSIONS poierboat· racing <ln the West -evident in stich details as her COM1, said.: he.-definilt.ly will._ beautiful teak .cap rail;. her.. In-_ t°wt . I>ei)ri ent.rr in-1.he fifth rut? set closed bow and stern B 26'3'' 21'9 .. 8'1" ..... nina_ of the L: B. Hennessy chocks: the ~odger molding on ~!t~ CyR .. c!issl~ t~ &:j>oa,t ~ ·~ , P~ !JlailJ_ha~ ~yei;; her _ Dis 1 t-PG.W~red r by t'ITTee Mercury •. c~lipered cockpit layout : her Barr a~men I~· Supt!r BP engines. ' • crowned d~k; .her transom Sail a1.ea . ·~ . far as' equipment, !fell-i her ~Iet;k hnes: a~d the · 5860• lb. - 2050 lb. 3Z2 sq. It . t~gh, l still have.:to be I lit· -cr~man finish ,ol her fine in· A-cc om modations : Con· tlt:"~e~etive," sciia+oopeil. 'He ttr1qr. vertible dinette and fix · is;i'Olng..ihe~·at full ·s~d. ~e ni:e . fia., ~ lncludes berth in main f;abin; double added with conStructioil of the many yacht~ appo1ntment.1 as berth forward ; enclosed head; R~ '4ones tunnel h u ! I staoda~d, s~ ~ ·a ~tor. hanging locker; galley with utllimi'd hydroplane which lie coordinated 1ntenor ~ 11 h stainless steel sink, ~p, ice will 0\1Ul-in partnership with cirpetlng and curt a 1 n s. box, and well for oPtional oi1t1t PUckett of Seattle. decorator cushions on seats stove. 'Massey will alsb run the lO'f ~ pi'.ofile: fiberglass R a y s o n Craft wHh triple Mercury out· board power, he indicated. An 11-yeaf ~racing veteran, Missey has been a Consistent high fin,isher in outboard diVlsions of sueh major races as the annual Parker Dam 9- Hour Enduro, the La k e ElsillQre 500 and other races. 'Tiie -K"efinessy Cilp race is cXpected to lure tht leading drivers and equipment on both Uie East and West Coasl-1. It offer..s _J?.acJnC Offshore Racin1 Askiciltlon Potn(S, Amerleao Pow"er Boa\ Association na· tional points, and the Union or I n ternationil MotorboaUn& v.·orld points. The rice will be the climax of the Aug. l·S3 fourth annual California International -Sea Festival at Long Beach. ',fhird Loss On Times Boat Careers Program Set by Manufacturers A two-pron1ed program to interest more men and women in careers in the pleamrt boating business has been an· nounced by the N~Jional A&SOCiation of Engine and Boat Manufacturers. headquarters to provide data. on the many, jobs and skills applicable to. the boa Ung ln- cfustiy. This lnfonnation will bf. available to anyone in· tcrest.ed in becoming a· part" or 'his exciting industiy," said "There are a good many MCQueen. jobs being created in the The Job Information Cent!r boating industry almost dai· will incorporate descriptions ly," said James R. McQueen or hundreds or specific jobs in Jr., pre!ident of NAEBM and the boaling lhduslpt. People the Trojan Boat Co. of Lan· will be able to learn of the Caster, Pa. skills required, pay scales, ad- "The boating business has vancement opportunities, and been growina; steadily for benefiU as11oelated with each many years, creating a de-category. Applicants wUl also mand for skilled a n d be directed to' specific com+ supervisory personnel t o pani~ where job openings are service a n d manufacture available. boats, engines, o u t b o a r d "We are not openina: an motors, trailers, electrical e m p I o y m e n t a I e n c y , equipment. acctssories and however," McQueen stressed. hardware. In an effort to meet "Our intent is to make , this demand for qualliled available to young men and MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich. personnel, NAE 8 M is women all the information we (AP) -The Norsaga, o#ned by Harry Ziem'lnn ,of establishin& a Job lnlormauon can provide ·1, aid them in ~iuwa1.1kee, was first ICNSS Center at its Greenwieh, Conn. choosln& a career in boating." ~~~~~~ ~c==r~M~~~:'ii~·;; .• Y:..;;.o"'"'·u"''"''1::0.:o.:o.,:o ••• R"·•·o•·•·a··;·L;,;,E,;;:M,;;:,;,;;:,;;;.;;;,~.;;;.;;;,;;.;;,,.,;;,;;,;;.,.,..""'~c1 Island. yacht ~ace, but lost for • • - the third straight year on cor· • • reeled time, •1 You went to Mii tome item The Norsaga was the fletft th•f you ne linter need ltut scratch boat, alving ·time -to · 1om.-on1 1IM._Cll'I UM fer cyery other ya~ht in the han· N O T O y E R · $ 5 O d1cap race. Final standings may not be determined· befon • ,, 7 , 7 , ? Wednesday in one of the • • :~c~:est Chiclgo-Mackinac YOUR ANSWER: 6.50 ~ 13 Bf1ckwa!1 Tubele~s Plus Fed. EK. T1K $1.79 1nd old tire. BLACKWALLS Ptus $2.20 to $2.36 Fed. EK. Tax and old tire .6.50K 13 Whitewall Tubeless Plus Fed. EK. laK $1J9 and old tii'e. WHITEWALLS Plu·s $2.20 to $2.36 Fed. Ex. Tax and old lire USE OUR EASY PAY PLAN • Everyday popular prices "Safety All-Weather Z" 1-::;=:;-.:-t--;;;;:-;;-+-=:;-::t~;-;.:;--' TlllltH11 "'" .... "" llK~'Mll Wllllt•lll 1 •. , ... Ohl llni ·r.oox 13 ~ $2U5 --~21.15 $1.94 OUR BEST SEWNG E711-1 4 $25.45 $21.75 $2.41 F78-14 $21.15 $311.25 $2.54 G78-14 $21.lO $3U5 $l66 E78-15 _$25.45 $1L75 $2.!I The Norsaga ·s elapsed .Ume for tht 333 miles was 60.4956 hoors. She finished $ minutes ahead of the second boat. the Bay Bea, owned by Pat Haa:~ cerly of Dallas and raciq out of the Stu.·t'on Bay, Wis., Yacht Club, • You cell TH I 01olLY.PI LOT, nitNr · Clu slfitel Atfyt rtl•ln,, •ncf pl•c• • PILOT PENNY PINCHER 4·PlY NYlON CORDTIRE I i"' ........ ;;~:;~;··~~~ .. ~o;;;~;;; .. u~~;oa;;ii"" ........ ii : :· . ' ~78-15 $2U5 $30J5 $l45 The Bay Bea bad a cor· f reeled tirile of 57.7110 hours, ; however, which pliced her • ahead of Norsaga In Class A and for the over-all cham· plonship. Bay Bea was 1iven a 3 hour, 58 mlnute, 3 second ad· vantage over Norsaga by ban· dicippers. Third to finish was Inferno. owned by Jam·es P. McHugh of Chicago, w~ a corrected time of 60.7804 hours. Fourth to finish was-Exbro VI, owned by Henry Spanjer of Chlcaa:o "'Ith a corrected limt ot 3 ..CLASSIFIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE LINES 2 TJ Mli S 2,.ooLLA RS AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW Dllt.ECT I 6 4 2 •. 5 6-7-s • • , • l ; :. YOUNG & LANE TIRE co. ~!!. ~:~~.~T COSTA MESA i . i • 1: i i. . . i J~ YOUNG & loANE TIRE CO. ::!.~~:!~,:,vL LAGUNA i 1 : 'tHIODOl_E OBINS fORD _ ::!!.H!~~~o11.vo. COSTA-MESA I lt.1130 hours. 1~----... --........... ,.. ______ 4'1 ....................................................................... , " l r ., .. , I t I , ' .\ --...-.._,._... __________ 1~,,~,=="""""~-_.,,~~-..._,.=======·~=i:~=====-=-.-::mic:l=-:ii=i.::::t.::1~~ t "' ' -·--~·· -·-· . . • • ••••••••••••• , '.A.2! DAILY PILOT !Sl Wtdnesday, Jul~ 16'. 1961) -..... ·-........ ... "' .. _.,_,, . "".'--· OVER THE COUNTER ,_ Complete-New York Stock List CHIEF EXECUTIVE W• •r• 1••kin9 • president to min· •'fr• -n1wly m•r9ed pleesure boi11t construction compi11ny. ResPonsible .to the bo•rd of C:Jirectors, •h• president will b• 're1pon1ible for the promot}on, merketln9, f in•ncing •nd coordini11fion of production •ctiviti.•1 of this dyn•· mic. or9111ni1etion, This opportunity to develop • high potenfi•I public comp•ny from its in- -_ ception will _•ppe•I to marketinq ori- -•nt•d executives with highly devel- op,d interperson•I mane9ement ;kills and experience in the yachting in- dustry. Locefion : Toronto, Cen•d• • Salary: In the $25',00 0 range plus iub- stantial p•rficip•fion. Please reply in conlid•nce to our Toronto office •t 1.20 Adel•ide Street West, giving details of •ducation, ex- perjence and current earnings, quoting file P902T-O. Urwick, Currie Management Consultants &. Partn;,. Ltd Montreal T orooto Winni ~ Vancouver • Yott are Cordially hzvited to our TH u1nniversary elebratioflJ Titly 21 tl1fot1gl1July25 Huntington Beach Branch Make ycur financial partn!lr I SECURITY PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK Huntingt<>n Beach Branch * 202 Main Street Paul H. Frizzell, Vice President & Manager • \ l 'I M1itual Funds ' • ' \ f. •• I ' p .\ ' I ~ I ' . • __ ..:~--~·,..:...:J. ·-~ ' I I .~ OAllY PllOT DALLAS CUPI ) -Ear1Ji Resourtt1 said P h 1111 p 1 Petroleum Corp. and Amarillo Mlneral! Corp. ha ve bought ~ part Interests In Its uranium • 1 exploration Pf'OIJ'•m on leases owned and operattd by 111 l!Ubsldilf}'. Crayston< Drllllnf Co .. ln northeast l"4ew l't\e.IXll ind JOUtheast Colorado. '.l'ORONTO (UPI) -Cham- pion Spark Plua Co.'• Cana- ctian afllilato l(IU bullCl.a plactment for ttl erlttlni plant at Windsor. Ont., to cat a1>9u_LJU mUU911. tht Tol<ff nrtn annuonced. \ . _ __.. -------- • r .. • - -- ' I I I ---- ,4U. DAll.Y PILOT ·' PEANUTS • • I ' -r • }-. • • l $ • ' ' ! , ' , ' • HORN BLOWER ·-Frank ·Sinatra surrounde<l by . · -Barbara Rush, Phyllis McGuire and Jill St. John, ·. ··clockwise briilgs the motion picture, "Come Blow • ........ :Your Hor~/' to Channel 7 at 9 p.m. tonight. Ot~er .-.:: .. stars in the picture include Lee J. Cobb, Tony Bill, .. : Molly Picon and Dan Blocker. -. TELEVISION VIEWS Life Will Be Immortal By RICK cu-BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -With man starting on a trip to the moon today, I just can't bring myself :to review the premiere of Liberace's summer var- ·jety series on CBS-TV Tuesday night. l hope yQu'll ;nndetstand. _: ~R..{y BRADBURY: .the jncnmparahle sclencii- , fiction writer, seems muCb more appropriate to the . :OCcasion. In an interview On NBC radio's 0 Moni- :tor" program this past ·wef.:kend, he discussed the ~poJJo 11 moon mission and its significance ·to man- :Jcind. And here are remarks of the master crafts- 1nan who has so often written of the future with :ienius ind compassion : "The events of this suinmer, of this project," he said, "are. commensurate -with the event two billion years ago when mankind came out of the seas of earth and made do on the land .. and sur- 'Vived, and finally built -~ities, and came to this sum.mer where we look on the stars and envy the birds, and take oil and fly into space. ~ ;., L''BUT l".I' HAS everything to do .•• with im-~ · ~Y. We!vebeen asking the questioru: fot'-'-thOus-. ,, : ~Si of years. We've gone to our theologians. : .-..-j/e•ve sai~ 'What is lU~? What is it all about? : fiat-b we doing here?' The great mystery stands : ~ the ~nter of everything. ' !'· "Th~ theologians have tried to help us, and in · ~ some cases have. But the mystery remains. And we've gone to our scientists and we 've said. 'Tell us about the atom and the molecule, and the stars.' And they've done their very best. But the mystery . remains. ;. _ ''SO NOW WE come to this time when we'v.e ~ .aSked ourselves. 'Why bother being alive? Why be : -•m upon this earth if we must die? What are our i ~ahces for survi'val?' And suddenly the space age , i~ves us our huge chance to survive forever. i ·· "Once we make it to the moon , once \ve touch 1 down on Mars, once we move on out to the stars i and go to planets revolving around stars so far ; away we can't even imagine it -once we do this ' we become the thing that we've always wanted to • become, and that is immortal. • : HThe whole race goes on then , and the gift of ! life passes from han4 to hand. We dcin•t have to i ;:1tay here. The race doesn't have to die. It doesn't : ~have lo be destroyed.. by the dying of the sun, or I ilhe super~xplosion of the sun. _;; ''AND IN FUTURE generations. other races -of people, other generations of people will look back : to this summer and say, 'Oh , how wonderful it must ! have been to have been alive thet?: when this huge : step which insures the victory over time and space t and eternity for al l of us , how wonderful to have ! been alive when that happened'.•• ·~~~~~~~~~--'-'---~~~~~~~~-! ; Dennis the Menace • • l ..... I -Sll • -! I I • I • I · I . I/ I '.• • ._ ____ _ ! •JliiaA~ .... OHLY ~·~Sia'; • I • . . '• -. ' \ _j '!HATLITTU HAim> 6lltl. rs 601N6 TO lliM NJ,}A"{ ! STM ROPER TUMBLEWEEDS cov.e ON, WE'RE 60lN6 10 MY OR! IT'S lROONP FRONT! ALLOW /JC. TO INTERru:E MYSElF. RllllEN! 'LIMPID llZAllD' IS ~E' w.NDL.E!: FORMER INJUN Arf fRS1\llllLE HAVIN' RECENltY RENOUNCED IM \NJUNHOOD, I IS, AT PRESENT, SORIA wrrnoor A PalfESSION!..Mf CAREER IS IN ARREARS, YA MIGHT SAf! MEMBER O' 1l1E l'OOHAWK '!Rlii!E L. Mun AND JEFF -HEY, wHERE 010 YoU GET "1\-IE OLD-'FASHIONE'O WASHING MACHINE'? GORDO MISS PEACH r---~ ... --" I J ~ I . I l -'I 'BOUGllT ITATAN AUCTION! . • 'c'l:R OOT OFAJ09? POii-JG YoUR WASHING NaN? ' . . ly Cliarfes M. Schulz By Ferd Johnson !I Ir fi • r By Men I, . '• .. 1, ' .... _ ...... $li'td ,., ... (R) ·-""'CCI (IO) e .. ow t• uo. CCI <II/> • .... ... '(C) (30) -ICiMedy; A ........ jd ..... field, • .,...... Ml • tri.-., 7:00 8 CIS &tnin& .... (C) W1ttw Cfonklte. G W\lf's Mr L1Dt? tc> l30>-. ID-CCI (30) O.@T11 lllilll tw rt (30) f.11 llld:' r.spectivt _ (~ ' -lJICJJ ....... """"" <C> -mw '_t111(t)(30) m "-"'!" CCI !!DJ 1'.501J T11n1 (C) (60) .11r1 lif• tod•npred when bl .. ICtllcflld by I dbeutd ~ Ind thl \'Ill tA .,,,... th1t Cll CUit 11111 stalt11 by • bind of nattta • lhl1t It w tur• thek' diitf. (R) DQJ ®!l!i'"' -·(C) (90) "The Girl In the Sii ..... ~ Jtc• Albtfbon 1nd BrlQde Scott aunt'ln a·ilr1m1 lnvohl111 1 arln- dl• sclleme 1irned ti Ellrabetll'1 ln- htrltlnct. (R) D"'*-!!OJ THURSDAY e JOB PRlhlTING --·-.,_ (30) e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Qu-.!ity Printing •nd OeP41ndabl• S•rvice for more than • quarter of • century. PI LOT PRI NTING • nn wm UllOA"IL-YJ. ·-MACH -'41-4111 T ' I ' r l I ' , I 'I : ] ' ·'" . ·, .. . .. ~. ,., .... .. ,. • .. ~j ' •• 1 .. _. . " "' ., • ,., . ·' .. .. ,... ' .,. .. . ' .•· ., ... .. " ! ' I i i ! ' • '."NOW · SHOWltfG . ' ' . LA$T DAl;.TODAY , CONTINUQUS FROM 12:30 l':I(" BOX OFRCE QPENS AT NOQN . . . 2nd Family Feature "GIT" A _GIA~T OF A1 ' OYIE' ! rc.,WN~ \ ,.ICTlliMllS '•11.11:11t..,TI • R•IT· ... .--:-..... l ,,, .... . . . umu . . ... ~----. -~ J!UI Nl'llill &l~llJA $1111 U11AU1!!·1!llt\11~ .. ,,. ...,..,_:":..~LEE HOBB· RAl!llND MASSEI BURG~:MEKEIHTll. "Amr ou.111.1:EDll'AlDllOBINSON •u "'"' ',. ........... ---.. <Nl.""""" ll ' R~WllJll ..., ........... KWW . ..._.,CUCl'OU -rl:'l Plot\aljl iirCNl. ~ ... Di&ITRlll»iA ~ 9.Fat 1'MMll9ClN' •m::ttCQ.OW• STEREa't«NC SCUG " ... l#?:t=".-::S_-~=i11s.:.=.:::-+ 4th EXCLUSIVE WEEK 2nd Adventurous Hit WEST COAST PREMIERE ENGAGEMENT --~r ·- FIRST TIMI SHOWN TOGETHER ANYWHERE! * MATINIE'S DAILY* Wed·Thur·,rl fNm 1 ,.m. --- • • \ • -,- S.t .. James Players Casting · Repe1·tory Featured on . . UAo Eve~, of Re....A.Mf' r;u1sh Hall at Saint James t!pals u well as minor roles Theater" will kick off tne 19"-Church, the entrapce to LidO will be cast. 11itJ iSaliO. a call ---.,... --· 1970 seuottof the Old James Island, NewPort Beach. for dancers. others needed Channel 28 Playefs. Newport Beach. This acUve group, who last !'te singers. Aft. aceompanlsl lt will feature cutting fl'tlm year 1dld a succesdul pro-will be provided. Men, women Ed&ar I.ti! Muter'a "Spoon ductien of Gian Carlo Menot-and teenagers are ura:en9.y JUver ~~." as we.II as ti 's "Amlhl and the Night needed. Alacf. lf you can Wield ~ aelectioril frpm _plaJs, Visitors," has big plans for \he a paint t>rush, sew a straight poems, and ~. ... -comtng---~son. OD_ sept. 12, 'seam, orhipnmer .-nan, they . 'IReader's' Tbeatet.'_,_ itlJYs 13, 19, aild 20, they will can use you. ·.AU&. l and S, a ~.m., }n :t!Je present Lerner and Loewe's The· old'· James Players "Brigadoon," and on Apr11 ~ aJthough pew in org~tion' and Z5 (te(ltalively), an · 11 by no means an amateu; original musical revue, "little theater" sroup. It w;:.1 • .AudiUoii.s fof "Jlrillldoon" begun with the l.{lea of doing will be he\d Thursday, July 2~. varied theater, and doi~ it in the Pariah H;ll of Saint wlth car.e and a more pro. James Churdl, at I p.m.· Prin· fession I attitude . .. · l -...... Lu'll1 1z !~ ·~ -.§ ' t D!tMV Hit$ D .. Jo!tff "The Love Bug" pin "Winnie The Pooh" ' -FIRST RUN ***** EXCLUSIVE PRULDEWmRn -JORnDI WOODWARD : -~-.ROBERT WABDER • '. . ... , _PUT WH IN · YOUR POCKET < Sell unwanted Items with a DAILY PIWT Classified Ad. PHONE W-5678 Crossword ACROSS 50 Unit of pl'fSSurt; ' r1. Lttltri Abbr. S Armadlllo 51 Sco1nfut _10 Otftal sm il e 14 Tumult 52 tndlan 15 Ont who chltls should go 511 Ltoal far -• procftdlngs 111 leadlno lo 110 As ian moun· noth ing lain rang e Cartfrte 111 Gtrmlcide Irishman's 64 Advance nam e mont)' 20 r ortstless 191Jns t Puzzle ltact sfcurity 7116111f;.. 2.1 Far orf .65 Bult : . • . 23 Skater Colllb. form LD.ismeg r 44 •..• :.,.•b-iss . · -~fn'1r··-·-~<t"Vuf~•na ··~--r"J;tiUIElic _,.•nfiin--:--:--- 26Start a.-. __il HJ tl• .;_ 10-Hev --ins~, _ -~ _court action golf ba.tt-• a.Uentlvel )' 41 ts suc·cets· I 2.7 Ran qulikly · ~I Goad to 11 K!Y meanlnv fu t:Z ;tt0rds 130 Card action: 12 Clique 4' In thtli combination, 2 words 13 Part of . pla.": In br ld!Jt 119 Ont In a England 52 Sodium· 34 Ardor ser-1lct 11 Prtposrtion · chloride 35 Kind of ll')dustty 22 Kind of · 53 In a . . giometry. ' lea.thtr shflttr!d 37 ltg: Slang DOWN 24 Quips 5, •,•,•1•1,, 31 Scold 25 Doting l)fonle 39 Go back ovtr l Greek 27 511\tes 55 Obst1clt 41 Senator goddess 28 B11 ld 57 Lfgal man: Rlblcoff .z Soft fleecy 29 Furious Abbr. 42 "For sh1t11e l" malfflal petson 51 Covtr the • DAIL v r1LOT itlli' Exclusive Prtmlert Engagement ~ A Motion Plctur• As Big As History Everyone Welcome • I • • llAl'll U\1W ... -tBE-BBIDGE-ltBEMllD' .. -43 ttem on a J Forfeit 31 Show lM Inner balance 4 Visits in· wondfrme nt surlact sheet·. -formall y: 32-Abode • -59 M'lril: on , ll!m WJ.ilmRT YNGINLllN WZJIA /lllllfllll lllWJ ---· -- ! '•31Ullllllllli I W/#111119 ..• !S ElllrTHlllGI " ..._.. _..,.... _.. -.. .... un 111111 • ••-• .11111 lllll!W . • 1111111 •-U1Cr111m11· 1111111•1--1111111111~ TECHNICOLOR'fPANAV1SION' ___ _ Daily ·From 2 p.m. -Al- Seconcl Fine Feature Film EXCLUSIVE Mid·Southern California Indoor Prestnt1tion .. l'.&.<t MIWHltt llACN .., .i Iii. -~­'rf""" '• l•W-Uh I.., -OL ..-aH e PREMIERE MOTION PICTURE THEATRE e Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are "The April Fools" Iii• AISo starring.Peter 1.aWfOrd, Jack Weston, Myrna Loy 311d Charles Boyer ·t=lNS,,,_~T.~"115lff:="i-' ""'··EE -.. PLUS SICOND FINE FEATURE · rfte..-Jf1t1111,,:i.~ (~'ll'IVUJ 1166ait · •••• t ' ~ STtVE Mc9UEEN .e FAY! DUNAWAY Fl~TURINO ACADEMY AWARO SONG "WINDMILL OF YOUlt MIND" FIRST SHOWING WEEKOAYS 7 P.M. SA-T. A SUN. CONTINUOUS AJ 2-f.M. • I 44 Ride in the 2 wo1ds 33 Co1Ttct !hf skin country 5 Minner Jli Cl1ssic1I 62 Harbor 45 Bodv of "'· of oral language vfsset water expression 39 Brint up b3 Intern al 47 Quarttf'oack's fl Lu1u'food 40 Arrive al a Rrvenuf t1r9et: 7 Japanese v1lue Officer: 2 words woman diver Judgmt.nl~_ Abbr. •1 • " ,,. • EVERY FATHER'S DAUGHTER IS A VIRGIN! OR IS SHE? " 1 YGll ~·II 5ff Tllo Or.nt• Cou•'ll_r!!eotatloo__!i Goodbye, Columbus" ~ A Pll.M PltOM THI HOVILU. IV PHILIP llOTH, The ,i.utho• of tho Now But S1ll1• "PORTNOY'S COMPl,Alilr• .~; •"Genuinely httlm1te Love lctn11"-Time1 lifa&azirte ', • "~~"f. To SH"-Ufe M~gazine •" --.,.-Saturday Re11ie\11 e "IA llllfAILl""T"Ne-w York Times . ...... e 1"1110 .. 1 ~ND~ j4 tU?T ol0Mlnl; UMllSS WITH '-'l~TI " .-., • Second Great Shows e . , . "OHa HO,.L 0' A ,ICTUltl" - VAl_!ITV FfUW TMi'iio tltOAOWAV &.HIT COMIOY . I ·----------'--·-~ •. -...., ._,. . ..__ .!. --..,, --' -:_ -~ - Alao Ploying-The Big Fomlly Picture CO·ltorring HARRY MORGAN JACK ELAM Wrltte~ a~d_ Prodvc:ed by~llt!IJ.\IOWEti _Oirectei ~MJRT KEN~EOY l11-'""""'-¢D COLOR --T byO.l.u11• ..... ,_._ -... c-..... - A GfHt M..Scal Frid A1l•ir• -P•tul• Cl•r~ ''Flnl1n's R1fnbow'' Sl1v1 McQuMn -f•y• Ou"•w•v "The Thoma1 Crown Aff1lr1'' Japanei. Movies Every Tut141y Night • . • T"9 Tops h1 hw!illy f111 WAdYffhlre Witt Di1n•y'• Gr11t ''Peter P•n" plu1 "Swiss F1mily Robinson'' " .. ,...~ ... ..-,... •...•.•. ~ T., .Actloo Old DfaM• • P•wl N1"""•" -Jo•"n• Woodwe rcl ' ''Winning'' • ---plu1 --'.. Anthofly Ptrkin1 · ''Th• Ch1mp11gne Murders" ............. ~········~··~ • • ._, ' • A •!'Mt W• St.ry • G .. or91 St,_11 -Rob•rl Y°•u,h11 • "Tht Brld .. At R1m191n'' . : J•r1111 G•rn•r -W1ll•r l1t11n111 : ''Suptort Your Loc1I Sheriff" . bt.o:::M11d1d for Mohl ,: .. Qrfft ....,., ... D1t11 Jon•• -lwdcly Heck1H in w.11 Dl•111y'1 . ''The Love But'' Ancly$rlffilh -J1r,., v.110yk1 r' ''An Angel In My Pocket" 1 . . '9•!.4f9H ..... ~ •••••••••••• ~ ... ~· 't Johft w • .,~. o, ... 1c1 J•in••• "Tht GrHI) Berth• pfw• , ''None IUt t'l!lll$j75 ~ ... LOAD The lr1~'' _ ......... fW ........ • ' . . . l l , I t • OAILV PllOT STRIPED T·SHIRTS- H• Mlec:tSon .•f 111 cotton 1tripM T .shirts In lots of '"'"· Uil~ •1•9 REGULAR! Y. $2.91 ' .WtdntsdAY, July 16, 196't . WESTERN SHllTS ...... ef ...,. "" ..iw., ... , ' JllS_t AlllVlll 1):t -........ $6' •95 '-""• .......... '"""" -. ·•·-t lllH. hlwl-t """' . SH _lraat's WEmlN DEPAIT-.it ,., .... ·-· ""' 11'sl SAV£ ON All of your (imping Needs 1t Gr1nr1 .•. from C1nteen1 to Cook Sets- you'll Wtl more 1t Granrs, ind w1'r1 proud to feature 1\1 tf tht famous , qu11ity .... WaMsl SH """' FIRST 1t Gr1nr11 PRICES . EFFECTIVE JULY lb THRU JULY 22 ~ Con\pl9te ~ of ~AST IRON COOKWARE , 12" . s99s \ .Du'tch Oven . . . , LM;HlWllGlfT'fOOOS FOii OUTOOOllSMIM MT .. 11.ltl GIANT'S CARRIES A CQM.P.LETE LINE OF RJCH·MOOR FREEZE·DRIED FOODS RU .. ER LIFE RAFTS .. ·1:MAN •••• $'14.95 ' 2-MAN ••• , $29.95 4·MAN •••• $49.95 · 6-MAN . . . • $59. 95 GOllT'S RENTS EVERYTHING YOU N°' FOR CAMPJNGI THE'~ST ·COMPLETE CAMPING DISPLAY IN SQIJTHERN CAUFORNIAI •, ' CAMP TOILET < . Com,ltlt with frtme, 1e1t, •nil 6 r..,1. LIST $3.91 •2•• NAVY TYPfl- l SEE ALL Of· THE GIAR · \ 0. .,., .. , ,J Grall'• ., -· '• .. '<;rani's Repalrf ALL . COit man Appllances ' . NO SERVICF CHARGEI Gtt 'ro111r'1.c.1_..._,~Mtt re- p1lr1id htr1::ir1u PQ!OIY 'fer ,1111 u114-NlVll \~~lee, ttilr1•. ------ FOLDING COT G •. SA..88 $5.95 • I . 'I EGG URRIM.:~ · Hf1vy-ilhlty C I 'll \:.•f'I\ If' ' ketps tn• '"" .if111k .. ~ ln1I .. ,.," G.I .. " n111 - .FOLDING CAMP SHOVEL oro. ·$1 .ta "CHARI~· I!" at GRANT'S SURPLUS ....... -"--------· -- • . ' . ··---"-- • • ; • • ·- * JUS1 ·1UlftO * .. ~ ,, - 'I, I ' '• :r • U.S. Navy lype -aELL-SOROM - ov11 . 1,200 •!- Han:nli ·t-Slilns · Now in S~ld· .DllH.GIRE_ES GltlTUT. Sructtolf'-'EVO.~Willi - "'"'• ,,,,,., & sofNh.. Ne .... int-nt lr1t1ift1. S™·L·XC ~ , . co1111w1·~ · 2·11. ACITAR * 'ElFECT fw' tht IMtin..,rt Sco11ttr. 2.1i.. Acetm filltr willi ru1 .. id ovttr cover, t ipp1rt d. S£l£CT FltOM 14 COlEMAN IAGS IN STOCK FIOM $1 .11 " $.54.U Reg. $14.88 3·lb. D1tron "88" .... $10.88 • • $450 -·NeY,l.Han9·T1n tJ.llll . . ASIC THE EXPO:TSI Gr1nr1 Gu1h Dt1NrflM11t 11 1t1ff14 •1-11ptrtt in their fi1lcl 1f 1hootin9! WlwitlYtr yov_m11 w1ftt 11 t•n•, from 1 $20.00 22-11111 to 1 $l.SOO.OO Shot1ufl. lir1nt'1 lrl11 tin ttMlll COIM In 1nid '"'fer Y"rMU one •f ttl1 l1r1t1t 1tocll1 1f flffll Ml Southtril C.llf1rnl1I BRD~~~.P~~flW'!l._Bli'Ji[/fJ .. FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! ·NOW! fs9.,~· ·10·1-a· ~ " ,. .: ..• . . . ~IW.M n:m Fu.TIMI ••• ll •r. .....,, •• hd1; '""" ... ,.. ....... lk ... INIM , , , 5,r!il~ l .. k+M•lk ,. ....... , •• •• , •111tlllflff , •• "'"' wt.HM tut z1, •ti .!111 .., ............. . tMfM 'tlwJI "'1-f!lw. "viGAIONo"-tough, tight 1n4 r1N1bl1 .. F111r1 ltl'f"'fry with MW double Yinyt=colte4 nylon floon· thlt 1x11nt., 10" 1bow1 · gtouncl leY•L Off.white tops-reflect the h11t-let1 in tht li~tl · ' • • CAMP IUILlll ,, I • ·-----·~----;o;,.~=-""'-=""""=~""'"'°"""'"'""'--:;_...,... ............. 1'it_W iU •tWWW244 ~-. -------~-----------· ift PILOT.ADVl:RTJSER , • . . - . • • W!dn•iday, J,1, 16, 1969 Wtdntldq, J,~ I~ 1969 • -- ..~ J 1 l • . •;-r•+ ... . .. OVER ACTUAL FACTORY ~1Nvol:('E ! . ' . . . ' ' ~ JUST 5°/o OVER .ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE ON ALL OUR BRAND NEW MERCURY COUGARS, MERCURY MONTEREYS AND MERCUltY MONTEGOS! THIS SENSATION·· AL, BONA FIDE DISCOUNT SALE WILL CONTINUE · DURING THE REST Oft OUR GALA JULY ANNIVERSARY! · . . BRAND NEW COUGAR ·---Coupe. Brend: new ..,:.ithAir ·conditioner, mtdium lirn,e, black rOof, white walls, tilt wheel, power-disc brekes end steering, decor . group, tinte.d 9l1s1, 9u•rd11 etc. Seri•I No. 53 1110 ... Was $4383.50 ::1c~v~~··'-~.~.~.1~~------_ • $3795e75 Save $587 .75 BRAND NEW · MO~TEREY 2 Ooor Ft1rdtop. 8r1nd new with. 1ir C'Onditioner,, populer l_ight Aqua with 390 2V, ·wl-tee l covers·, white wal/1, •j)tl~i•I, trJmf, telict shift, power br1ke1end1fterin9, radio,,finte~J\effi S1rlal No. 578~ 19 ' . < . Was $4523.80 ~;ic~~llNV~I-~~ ...................... $3729.60 Save Sl-94.20 BRAND NEW MONTEGO MX -1 Door Sed•n. Be•utiful medium blue comfort.weeve interior, white vinyl roof, $elect shift, white sidewalls, power 1teerin9 , power diic brekes, whi1per air .conditionin9, AM radio, tinted 9les1, he•d rest & delt.1•• wheel covers. Serial No. 9HIOFS-10902 Was $4017.80 :;1ic~~~~ ·~~·~·l=E .......................... $3484.65 Save $533.15 DON'T WAIT TOO -LONG! . . . .. ~. . . _.. • • DAILY PILOT 81 · I_ ' ' ... • ~&oo~ m D ~~·oo©woow D ©®MtIB&Iffi .: 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA ' • ' I f ' I I -·· 11 \ I I .. , j I ' I ·~ ... ----------· ··--.-r ' ,,.. ... ... J.0-• • HOUSES FOR SALE --HOUSl!S FOR SALE HOUSES l'Olt SALE ··--HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSEi l'OR SALE HOU$Ul'ORSALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gontaof lOOO Gtnor~I 1000 Glnonl 1000 Gononl 1000 GIMral • 1000 Co~ta Meoa 1100 Mooa Venle lllD Huntlnston & .. ch 1400Huntlngton lloach 1400 1=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.1 NEWPORT HEIGHTS •EACH DUPLEX iiii8i,xiiiic:i"iiiinP.s•mPii•I;;;;_ ~M:E:s~A~v=u==o=E;;;.J-;FO~RE=ST;-E=-.---.:.:1, LGE BR 1% BA. o·K- "'''""· Beam Celling•'""""""""' LOTS -0 L s 0 N • Monitt hit.ins. Cpta, LOW INTEREST ""'"""' ''" lhio 3 bed· J"'1 ..... to ""' .,,..._ nu. immacW.te 3 BR ""1· dtpo. Enclooed bad< ,.,. room special chum. t.aip NEWPORT BEACH: Cotner ldeU SamQy bome, Uy home can be )'OtD'I by Cbloc:k wall) wttb Jo pa&. GI . LOAN fenced yarr:t with boll or kit. \.i bJock fl'om Rlvo Alto dote tq comrnuntty pool; asswnfua: 5'4.% FHA LOAN. Min yard care. ~ ONLY 2 HOMES LEFT New homes, ready to move in, ~ mile from beach. First payment up·to 60 days after move in. 2 year old SPANISH SI'YLE home near South Cout Plaza. 3 bdnn, fonnal din-In& room: family room, gar- ~n kitchen, covered pa!io, low malnt. back yard with childrens play area. This homt la BEAUTIFUL..,. need Wf' la,Y mott'!! F'UlJ price $33,500. trailer 1torqe. Bar&ain pric-Canal, 1% bloc:b from 3 Bedrol'iml, 2 baths,• A Must tee to a.ppte(:late. Inc Realto $23,500. M mo PITI'Seller ed at ;a;,500, RICHARDS MAR.KET and j:heerful living room Alkins ·• rs will pay an HCll'crW A loan ·-IIW m.ooo. B>.IJlOA with ""•1•00• 0'"' $26, 950 HORSE RANCH o1,.,.,... Vaoant. 31 u JSLANO: Comer Ruby & onto private patio. Barba.dot Pl. Owner/A&ent. Terms VA/FHA. f•om $22.990. ~do-;;:.~ R•by.Jdoal Call r!f :'vhJ""" TWO ON LOT % Ae<e--Newport s<>.:715 Rts.. 67U235 EASTSIJ)E. Newer 3 bdrml Plcture.que country home $26,D)..By QW,_ 3 Br. 1% It. older 2 bdrm, det..cbed 2 ne1tl~ in tbe pnUe, rolling Ba. bltns, 1 am 11 y rm, car prqe &: worklbop. Ex· oountl')'lkle of upper •New• ctrapes. carpets, many plu.sb CORAL SHORES ~COATS ~ wA.iAcE REALTORS 5464141- (0,.. Evenings) --- john macnab UNDA ISLE BAYFRONT "For A Wilt Bey" Colesworlhy & Co. 6A2'!7'1T 4 8dnns pJu1 3 b&tbl, pl115 larEe tam. nn., Pills formal dinlrc, 2'~ impreuive Hvinc room, plus unique hlllilide lo- cation. Offered at $46)i;h2tl6 Ciiillnil:- •)1'··1""'·' •)'\ I •• ~ \,,,,_\ll.f ' 211)f:.ln. l:."venin&:s Call 67Ull6 • PRIVATE ENOUGH To Go Skinny Dlpp'n This beautiful 3 bedroom homt 1n back bay has a ter. rllic l!iwimmln& pool sur- roundtd by lush tropical landscaplna', larae ~ sun mr. lanai or cabana for your enltrtalnlQ& conve~ itnce, located In executivt ntlchborOOod. Appolnt.menl only. FWI price $39,500. ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. _._. NEW AS TOMORROW Solid u the Rock of Gibral· p --~ --- OPEN HOUSE TUES. THRU FRI. You are invited to view thi1 distinctive home. 4 Bdrm., Jrz. billiard I'm. Spacious terrace overlooking ocean & jetty. 4615 Perham, Cameo (on Gar!ield between Beach & M'i/'olla 962·1353 terlor, i;ceouy painted. port Ba.y, Charmine 3 betf. featurH. M\111: see! Call Only $2!, 950 :,. "':~ .l: =-~: i ""'"'"'"'=5 '="'=· ~="""=='I . -------- You can have botlta, too! N9!.P!'1, Beech 1200 Newport leach 1200 Corona del Mir 1250 A So easy to own. Owner will ~ k prov~e finano;na. 0 0 \yl•--_ ... -13 ..... -7 .... _!_ .. -.,._~--,,,,,-! .. -"-"""'I BLUFFS TRULY A MANSION • •f;(•JE' $34.950. Don't be late! call 3 bdr, den, 2 ba, cuatomdrps, Colonial 2.1ty., steps to beach. R JO COMPAN-t; ~. crpl£, one level, rea10nable, 4000 Sq. Ft., 4 BR. + nur- THE BLUFFS owner 644-2787 sery. ~ Ba. 4 frplcs. Bad- * 642-lnl Anytime* BUILDER'S SALE! "TRY TO BUY A NEW 3 BDRM Walerlron~ No. 62. minion ct. Xfra lg. lot in ONE FOR nlATI" Balboa Coves. $60,000 . beat loc. $119,000. UPPER BAY $28,995 Sacrific~$2b,OOO Would trade for acreqe or D1Lancy Rial E1tate Builder'• home with ' 4· 'bl&: 3 Bdrm&., 2~) ba.tlul, 1850 ICf. apt&., S48-ml 2828 E. CoaatTIOHwy, CdM bmrooms. F am 11 y type ft. split -level on major BLUFFS ~ 3' hr, 3 ha. w/ 673-3 kltchtn with la.teat at all sreen.btlt -100" mainteD-Ba)'-Vn, wide creenbtlt. 61/2•/• LOAN Shores. $130,IXXI. 3 Bdrm family home, J,ii built-ins. Large llvina: room. ance free. Adult& ocarpied Steps to poot Cua. addtna. (Cormctl, low down + ex- and all atone fireplace. Wilk alnce new -abeolutely spot-Save! $ff,SOO. Ownr 6M--GS5 charwt Or 2 yr Int. only on to all .chools. Very choice leas .l move-In frl:alf -com-UDO SANDS beautltul 3 Br 2 2nd. 2 houses, 1 lot. 514 Fern· loc:atlon. No down !or G.I.1 pJetelY appointed with qual-ba by ocean with many ~-"lea( $55.000. Jncon1e S4Z<I. CU.400 for FHA·Vet) and no lty carpet&, draperies, Sparr tru. $32,500, ~ Clevidenl.'e"McLeod 675-6044. Mrs, Harvey block to Bayview Elemen- Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 N~Wport Center Dr. Newport Beach, Calif. l»-0700 644-2430 tary School. Extra Jar&:e fellCl'd yard. Now la the time to buy far scbool reg- lstratii>n. Call us to see in- side. Newport •• 2nd loans. Best YoU hurry lab ~. shutters &: prtv. pa. for UU. FOUDtain Valle)' tlo -teduded locaUoa on beauty. lower. leuebold. Call 111 or FANTASTIC BUY $19,700-$0 DOWN see Your broker. EASnLUFF ' REALTY You 'll rarely find a bargain Call us for other BlU!b Newport-Heights 1210 Lido Isle ____ 1351 =="'-==-'--,-B-R I OPEN FEELING DUPLEX 4 yrs old. each. Built-ins, crpta. drps. Channing 1-stocy - 2 Bdrm. $32,SOOOwner.646-2510 . 2 Bath, on 40' lol. Large PrinclpalJ only, rm1. Separate din. nn. New plumbing & tuma.ce. $55,950 t.fo!t dtlirabte view of ma· rina It boating activities. P1otecttd from wind. N~. beautlfUUy decoraled 4 br.d- room I:· family room bon1e. FiM&t wallptipen-&I carpe~ i"'", including kitchen & breaktut room. Self • clean- ing O'Jltnl. Built-in vacuum. Ou!Jide Hahl.... IJJ>,000. C..U for app't. ~46·5990 • ~-----'°'· ""t. •It. ~ B ... ' ea. OPEN DAILY A: den; top 1rade materials Victoria 646-8811 like thll! OJstom buUtr 3 exclu.slve l11tinii1. bedroom!! Centrally Ir .:at· 2414 Vista Dd Oro University P•rk 1237 R. C. GREER, Realty 3355 Via LkJo S'73-9300 (714) 642-12>5 ~ trom lloo• to ceilinf; ,..&n-241 SIERKS, CM . 1ive , hallway, Impressive ImmecUate paueasion. 3 Anytime ed near downtown. shopplna:, NEWPORT BEACH Owner Wiii Help walk to schools. No down for 644-1133 644-0505 Eves Flnarfce this prime 4 bdrm. G.I.'s {$900 for non vets) ------._: ~1' bath re!idence. Com· and .no 2nd loans . . Better BEA~ munity pools & te'lnis court!. TIREO OF OLDER HOMES? 001 ~~~~ .. m_ lllrrtlt R.eally· .•• family rm. or den, w/ wal· larre bdrma 2 batha, bruit· ---See this 6 yr. old l.anilly home W/4 bdnna .. oonf. den & din- ing room. Call lor app'I. VACANT ,_ .. -~ Choice Bl!lfft Lecotlln O~IN TMUIU. l • 5 . 2112 Viole Dorado · Lovely 8 bdrm family room home. Light and airy end' unit overlooking pine stud· ded green belt. Truly out- slandlng locaOOn. Ca1J for appointment. :;, ~~'°"'liv.w~ . ~~[A.~"""!"';'"~ COMMERCIAL BlDG. dln. rooma, Cl')'ltal chi.Dde-l'TJOm, Dbl prqe. Lata:e · he Last! Call &4,5.030! _ Uty, A-Frame 3 .ar.-~~ba. e Red Hill Realty 645:0303 f.Iod . .fast We, $26,500 (or 18068 Culver Dr, Irvine Walk°' Rlty. 675-5200 Elemt.nt:trY school. leu than 2 bloclcs away ghoppiJt& close by. 3 BR I'll baU.., Lua< farnfly I ~ining room, large llvlna: room. Located on large irttiuiar lot. Colleae "'"· Spacious t hr u o u t. !•need )'aid. 1 ,...,.. itew. & 2 BR JIOME $98,000 • A 81,ycreat bu,y! Good fin, Price alulied! 2'l99 Harbor Blvd., C.M. ASSUME 6% GI LOAN Save Thousands Now leMl!l. OPEN 9 AM·8 PM 833-0820 Back Bay 1240 Balboa Island 1355 Park. REDDMI" REAL-TY 2azs W. Balb6a Blvd., N.B. Call Anytime '7J.6000 lJl60 Newport Blvd., CM Ritt . ....,..., ""'-614-1655 Lachenmyer 50Xl.80' comer lot next to Dept of Motor Vehlclt11. $390 pot'l ~. Reduced $14,IXXI. Anyone qualiJ'.iH! O'!Vfll!r sacrlllcirli' 2 yr Spanlah· style 3 Br, 2 Ba, F/R, spkln 8.G-Quc, trplc. quiet corner. Furn. 3 BR. 2 ba. Steps to ---'-----ocean. S25,IXXI. SPACIOUS 3 bdrm + family • CAYWOOD REAL TY rm, 214 baths. Carpeted &: 6306 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. draped. Fenced. Sprinklers. _c-CC;:o,,.;•".,'543-:.:· ;,.'="°;.;,,,.:•~~-I Out of lown 01vner will M!ll. ESTATE SALE I IS Apolena JEAN Stoi!ITH Realtor um Wes1c1(tr Dr, NB sd-saoo Open H-.Untll Soldl 8/8 $38,000 ~1ake an oUer! 546-6666 BY OWNER: &.side 3 Br, 2 Ba. bltns, crpts, drps. quiet e THE BLUFFS e Low down. $28,500 oiler. By owner, I levtl, 3 Br, 2 Trade for Pon1ona 623-4929 Ba, cust cpts / drps. nn-or i:n-3185 July 25. 1969, 9: 30 am, Mu· nieipal C.ourt·A. 200 N. Gar· field, Pasa1ena. 2 units: 3 Bdrm h.~e. 6achelor apt. Min. bid S~9.32S cash. \\1kdy1 (213f m.6.5061 -Sun_ 673-6930. 1147 TAHJTI DRIVE 1701 Galatea Terr•c• 11. close to schls. Vacant. mae! Other extru, 2 PB· 1~!!1!!!!646-311~5 ~-~1--$21,soo-e;, family homo, s BR. IRVINE TERRACE VA apl!rl J.25,~. Drive by tit>&, handy to pool. 2 I.ides Corona del Mar 1250 ..2900_,._11. AtlUto11LPQ01. -OPEN-DAILY J.5-PM-- freshly redec. Shut> loc tn ~tea Verde. Listed $54,900 -but all oUer. invited! -430 E•th" -St. (ou Tuitlnl -......... ,, o-bott. Call lo ..... TO--P o·' T.H. E .MA_R_K Horse Ranch NEW CARPET Larie kM. wlth 2 BR 1 bath ~. prage, fenctd. Good NO Q.UAUFYlNG fl~ available. Everyone can' uaume this S46-5&10 ,..., CiiMll iha-tni) LEGE REALTY -~ .......... 1860 Newport Blvd., CM hi;h FHA Jot,n. Rltr. 646-39211 Eve. 642-0l&i 546-9571 or M~i '!! ... !!!!!1!!11 ... ....,..,,,,,.. CLOSE TO TOWN Lachenmyer Caesar's Palace Vac. li,J story, 4 BR. Top 1'1e&a Verde loc. Pillared 4'' l'TJOfed patio, firepit. beaut. lndscd. 3 ba, blMn kitchen, w/w cpts/drps. $43,500. P.W.C. 546-5440 Price Reduced * * * * * GOVERNMENT FORECLOSURE Costa Meaa location. ~ down to anyoflf.. Near new fully reconditioned. 3 + bon· u11 room. 2 1tory. Full price S28,al. Vacant • see today. 8e.ycrHt Wells built 5 bdnn Heritqe Real E 1 t a t e 3~i bath&. Owne-r moving 54{).1151 East. ?dust 1ell now. * * * * * Arnold & Freud $22,500. 4 BDRM. 388 E. 17th St., CM Keep cool on I.he attractive Realtors 646-'77SS brick patio w1fh gu fired i '"""!!"!'!!i!'~~~ ..... i BBQ. 2 baths, Secltmd Uv-5 BEDROOM _ i~ room wtt~ handsome 4 dandy bedrooms ln this de· ll&htlully ttdecorated re· modeled home. 2 balh.i, ll('\v kitchen with BuUt-ln1 • Spic and Splln on Jarre lol with alley entrance. Just S.26.400. * 3 BR 1 % bath. bdwood floors. cpts I drps. lrplc, double 1 a r a 1 e, blautiful fenced yard. $24.500 * ZONED for BUSINESS 1 BR cottage w/gar Sl4,500. NEAR SHOPPING Well1·McCardle, Rltrs. 1810 Newport Blvd ., C.M. 548--7729 anytim e LIKE RENT f1rep111.ce. Family room. . Built-in kitchen. 540-lTlO [!!~!!"!!I!"'"~'"'"'""'"~ r.,,.,, • .,, Bu111 ... ...,.. •• TARBELL H5s Harbo• Waterfront oven & dishwasher. Family1-~~~~~----1 """"· CU.h>m """ting • R.E. Salesman drapes, Covered patio. Pric· ed below replacement S.W-17'20 TARBELL 1955 Harbor NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 BMrooms 2 B•ths ASKING $i3,950 up to WI. Commlttion ExperietX-ed or new. Open. inas now, H.B., We1tmin• ter or G.G. For confidential interview call Mr. Kory, First Pioneer Realty 842-4421 SUNSHINE HOME DAVIDSON Realty NE\V: bit.ins. garba1e di• 546-5460 EYet. 5e85M posal, dithwuber. water BEAUTU1JL Htd pool, 3 Br, Mater. Water IOfte~. 3 1% Ba. beamed ceilina:i BR, 2 ba. S21.950. bit-Ins dbl frplc, 2 patios: Rand Realty 64S..2340 E-&ide C.M. Av11.U no-.down NO matter What U i&, yoU G l or FHA. 'Kina:u.rd Rlly. Cll1 aell H wtth a DAU. Y MI ~2222. PILOT Cluaiftfd ad. ··-- . Dupl6: with pier, all this for $63,500. Good financing. 1860 Newport Blvd .. CM Rllr. 646-3928 Eve. 646-2290 Lachenmyer MESA DEL MAR · $29,950 Jmmac:ulate home. Deep pile carpeting, ternuio entry. Nevdy apointed. Twin size bedroom1. 2 bath•. Family room. f ireplace In 1ecluded patio. 540.172Q TARBELL 2955 Horbor NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE 646-7711 2043 We1tcllff Dr. at lrvfM Open Evenings • VA DUl'\.IX • Uve in one, rtnt the ottltr and hav• I.PW paymenu. Sharp 2 bedroom unlts, m-ar church and ahopplna. "5,950 with NO DOWN VA and LOW DOWN f}lA terms. ' HONIYMOONb'S DILllHTlll P"rahly pelnUd -aplc and spe.n, In and out. 3 bedrooms atld INCLUDES ranre tncl own, rtfrtcerator and wa1htr! All for $22.000. NO DOWN VA and LOW DOWN FHA. -IACJ IA t -VllW LOT Y<JUt chlnot to build that "dream houlr" In choice Ne\l.•port Beach ntlChborhood. Set ttlil deeded ownershi p vah..ie at $15.990. DOVll IHOUS-CUSTOM SPANISH . DiJ.IChtlulb' 1plclous 4 bedroom, with FORlifAL DINING R001'f. Magsive beamai ctWrw. 1-vlah carpeUnJC and drapes.. Check lhe Low Price for t.bil lint exee~Uve .,.._ FULL PRICE fl&,:IOQ. :-wg?;: I Bay & ocean view. Luxurious pool. Otstom designed, spac. loua 3 Bdrm. 31ii bath bome. Great home for entertaiiiTng . p * 642·1771 .4\nytlme * thC'n call 641-3863 0 r 4-79. $31,500. 837-64.17 ARTISTIC? view home with 3 bedrooms. t!untington k1ch 1400 S24 .950. POOL 3 Br, 2 batha. This might be the worid's convertible den, fa.mUy room An ex~llent value al S69.500. You Redecorate--OK? ~r arudou1. Good 4. + lam rm on comer, ·Bay & Beach ?.1rsa de! Mar. Sds paint Hdwd """"· h"i" onclo""' moot BLAH ho .... ,.bul II andlormaldJning'°"mwllh WALK TO BEACH patio. Block fence, 2 ·car offers a blank canvu for. a l80 Oe1ree view of oc:e&n Assume GI loan. Only $201 garqe. $185 inc I u de 11 new owners to create their and jetty. All this PLUS a mo Inc taxes. Gorgeous all 9•-•00 ~15 owo --• • -t &0raeous lal"ie pool in a pro-Realty, Inc. & lawn renovation. Take a 67S.lOOO look -make an o!fer • buy • ~ • ........,~ 111UUU, ..... am. nn., rustic gold and white a:ar· big Br's. Just ttduced 1ot tecl.ed courtyilrr:t • for th• den kitchen, eXqulslte car- 2407 E. Coast I-fwy., CdM a barpin! Llstina: Ii $29,'750. MESA VERDE .. 3.950 ~ 5'&·SllO ....... {,..., ... ~ FHA OR GI OUEGE REALTY Financini which means low 1500AlllllRltl:Hfrblr,CJil. down or no down payment[ .. __ .,._..,.,.,....,., plua closing ~sta! \Vhi;n: -* -* * * * else can you find as nice Al Black t So lh , ___ R al a home ln the area ? 3 bed· . a ~ UHUI e room, 2 bath. Bui1t-ln kitch-Estate IS looking for enthua- en 540-1720 la1tlc associates lo be afflll- TARBELL -55 H bo ated with a professional OiiiiiiiiiiOiiiiii".,..,.•,.•,..iir[ Real Est.ate oWce. Over· OCEANFRONT whotm;og Bon"' Pl4i!. Call 5'15-8424 South Caul Real 3 BR honie on excellent Estate. """h' $54.950. * * * * * George WilllamsOn OWNER offer; lovely 2 ,lory REALTOR 5 BR. 3 BA home. Will ron- Eves. 673ols&f 1lder late model car as part ~O!!'!""~"'"'"'"'""'""'"\ dn. Pyrnts incl taxes & int., Morning Sun . • • S259 mo. 546-6140 Twinkling Lights Ivan Wells" new VIEW homes Costa Mes• 1100 faclna: Bay In Dover Shores , 5 models to choose lrom . 4 · 5% Su • CASH TALKS. Owner & 5 bdrma. Mod~ open daily transferred . -lona: gone- at 1430 Galaxy Dr 646.lMO al most l m med I a le -'-""'~;;;=~::,o,· C-Ci~-1 posse!sion. Assume $16.200 A~UME 6% GI LOAN loan· Sl 51fn10 including Save Thousands Now taxe5-no loan fee!I. 3 BR 2 Anyone qualifies~ Owner ba!h ltome·i;orgeous ron- sacriflcing 2 yr Spanish-ditlon inside & out. Priced slyle J Br. 2 ba, !'"f R. spklrs, lor quick sale at $26,950. 8.8-Que, frplc, qui"t corner. CALL 545-8124 South Coaat Mal<e an oHer! 546-0066 Real Estate BAYFRONT BUY! --co"'N'"L"Y~$1"1",ooo---- L:ively hotne plus apt., So. For luxury livin1 wilb a Bayi'ront, ~boa Island, 6 pool. l·Bdrm. & den, kit. Years new. built-Ins, frllJc, See th i.! own $135,IXXI your own & live care-free. Lido Realty Inc . No mairitenan~ work. 3400 Via Lido 673-8830 Graham Rulty 646--2414 Whi~ Elephants? Near Newport Post Oflice BY OWNER: 3 Br, 2 Ba, lam rm, 2'ii mks &ehls. 51,4 % loan. $25,IXXI. Xlnt cond. 2323 Cornell Dr., CM. OWNER Says, "Sell." 5.5% auumable loan. 3 BR - famlly, Back Bay $34,900. lmmed. poss. 4t. &U-6851 BV O\VNER -Low lntaut 5~-6V..% lrl transfem.ble loans. All 3 BDRM'11, 2.-E slde1 2 W aide. 548-10$lt BY Owner: 3 BR. 1-% Ba. dbl pr. 1959 Rosemlll')' PL Cl\t. 548-8786. Prin. on1y Mew dtl Mar 1105 BOAT OWNERS Here·a the perfect comer lot with room for boat or trail- er 3 Bedrooms and family room. Vaulted ctlllng1, large enclaed lanai. Owner moving will accept oUer · asking $30,SOO. 546-2.313 • 646-7171 BEST Buy-Low In t e re s I . Assume 5%. % FHA loan. 4 BH + lam. rm. Sheltt>red patio & w11.ter!all fish pond $29,500. By 0Wnc1·. Prin- cipe.ls only. Open Holl5e 10.5 daily. &t.2-1147 BUSJESf marketplace in town. The DAILY PILOT ClusWed section. S a v e money, time & effort. Look now!!! ' ,._ 2nd "-· 0 .. 1~ ... ~ ~ family that deserves the u-e "''"'· ,...., ...-,;iuu. pets. custom drapes, hard· Hal Plnchin & Assoc. best. wood floors and shakt: root 3900 E. Coast Hwy. 675-4392 * s77.soo * Quick 1ransfer. PITCH A TENT 332 .,_,, LOW, LOW DOWN on one ot the few remalnlng llURH.Y ON TBIS ON I~! oceanfront lots in N'pt. Bch. MUTUAL REAL TY S42,00J 1758.CI 842-1418 •nytime PROPERTIES WEST 6"'550 Ill>! Bay,;.., D•· .. N'pt Bc"h Lrn Hom..Cholco View 5 BR/ 3 BA TH 67$.4130 • Must see to appreciate this -~~oc:~;c;,~--1 Above main beach & bay. L'RGE ho · d I * BY OWNER * " me in very es l'-O.llah (··• 0 Btwn Bl& &: Little C.d.Mar a ble area. t... ccanrront Jiome beaches. Comer lo!. 4S'x HAFF DAL REALTY on RA lot. 3 Blinn. UtUltY 177'. 2 1\ories, approx. -4400 rm, &ewino rm, oabana l ft 4 + Bil 51, "Homes to Match Incomes., 006 sq. · • ' ~ BA., g-40 IV ~• 842 "05 patio. shag carpet Ing 3 car gar. Call owner for • arncr. '"Y ......, '"' bltns. Ideal loc nt'!at appt. Prin. only. TRANSFERRED schls. $67,000. 673-6990 (714) 673-5271 ?.1ust .sell this lovely 2 story FIXER UPPER LIVE on the roor, 500 sq fl ::;::o!e~!~.7eco~:!i~ Near bcaclf & channel. 2 sun deck. with ocean ;15 Bedrm1. 2 baths. R·2 Jot. lront yard. 4 bdrs, 3 ba, Only $38,950. Submit on N-• 1 "-d' terms. ,_.,,,,s care. A bargain at am. nn, ..... r. 1n. rm. HARBOUR REAL TY $23,000 but make oiler separate guest rm. & Graham Realty 646-2414 batl1. S7t!IOO. Chvner 675-0751 • s47-85!li • N•"' Nowpon Poot om,,, 5 B~/ Heated Pool OWNER'S NEW 4 or S BR. CAMEO HIGHLANDS Prestige home. A Harbor View Home, 3 ba's, Executive Home beauty. lh rm, din nn, 1arn rm, 3 BR. 2 Ba, Fam rm, POOL $37,500 bar, lg. kl!, 2 frplc:s. w/w Shown by appointmen t Rex L. Hodges, Rlty crptg drps, yard & many Owner • • 6Th-6560 extras: 6.9 Ii nan c Ing. 847-2525 54U28I OPEN DAILY I to 5 JULY SPARKLEH 5"~ FHA Big :I BR l "' ba, lush new 19·,., 3401 Ocean Blvd. h I bl $76.500 Holly Lane. 3 Br, l~ 3 Bdr, ram rm. View It Beach s ag w w, tns. rA heat, Ba, low down. Loan DON V. PRANKLIN new palnt. Big fncd yard. lransfcrable. 5ame t n t . XLNT lcrnlll. May !so/opt. Clevi~nce . t.ol cLc od . REALTOR ~7-8553 Broker 893-4152 675-<04< =~-=-'-.13-~"22c-=c----1 2 BR Col>dom. 8 J 6 6 B-y ==----~ LGE. hilltop lol Penn. view Dee-'lold 1 ml lo ~a•h OWNER: I level '' · · '"" .. of ocean & hill!!!. 118 ~ O·-• E "Angelita" 2 Br, 2 Ba, lge .......... ~ .... · vc s patios + many e.ttras. ~alt.or 6J3..20IO 1 .,5.16-8689====~~-~-I $35,500. After s pm please. For Dally Pilot Want Ada For Dally Pilot Want Ads 6"-1280 Dial 6'2-5611 for RESULTS Dial 642-5678 1000 General 1000Gener•I 10000.neral 1000General 1000Gtneral 1000 NOW IS -THE--"FIME -TO BUY HUNTI GTON BEACH OFFICE-oit842-4455 7612 Edlng .. 4 IEDlOOM VACANT $21,'50 llugt comer location with COWltry 11.tme1phert. With a little paint this home 1vill be a beaut)'. Dttp plte avoctdo shat carpetlna. Modern built·in kitchen for moin. Dot.Ible Care.1e. G1'1 NO ?.lONEY DOWN. ·P-aymenta Uke renL Allo FHA available. 4 HDlOOil -WANT LOW PAYMINTS7 $1 ,700 will handle this sreet 4 bedroom, 2 bath doll house. Nice sl:ed hick yard orf covered patio. Home nffds tender loving care. Prloed at $17,:500 with total payments of $179.00 Submit your down payment. $22,000 -4 IEDROOMSI $140 per month lncludcs all on <"Xisting loan anyone can as~ume \VlTHOUT QUAlJFYINGl! f eaturing: • Huae Bedrooms. 2 LuxurloU5 Baths. Cha1mln~ •·Queen'•" kitchen. Great livlna; room wllh rich Ptnellng. Ankle dttp carpeUng. Excellent cul-.dc-sac. DIRTY DOWG Brlng your brlllo pads and Iota or elbow_ gTffM and rn.p the profits. Nffds plenty ot \\'Ork but could be & good starter. 3 Hup kdrooms. Extra lar,::e kitchen. Will t1ell GI No Down. Try rHA also. FulJ price can't be beat in today'll market at m.soo. WE SILL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES ' I COST A MESA OFFICE-ll'f 2790 HARIOR ILVD. Op11 E.-ln91 'tll t P.M. $U9 TOTAL PfR MONTH IH16,SOJ TOTAL l'liClll Run. walk or crawl, but don't mi.u th! 1 2 bedroom cutte "'Ith carp<"ts, drapc!I, AU. ELECTRIC KITCAEN and dlshwr!htr!! NEA.R 11it BEACH!! ~beck yard! Rear boat door In aa:arai;e! Thia 6 year young~ won'l last:! TAKE OVll l'i• Ii.I. -ONLY $U5 I'll MONTH lncludu evuythln,a. NO QUALIFYING!! 3 a:plc-in-span bedrooms and 2 bath1. HARDWOOD P'LOORS I! CWtom drapes! Bffutlful USED BRICK F'IREPLACE I Gracious yard with block \\.'flll (encln11 AA low u $2,~ do"'ll or try NO OOWN TO VETS. with a TOTAL PRICE of a LOW, LOW $22,750! HOME l'\.US INCOME-NO DOWN ms Ol $1,600 FHA!! What a fabulous buY for 2 homM: on a 103"220 foot lot! Onr 3 bedroom! One 2 bt'droom! Uvc ALMOST RENT FREE!! A little paint and tendrr lovln& care i11 nc«lai for this BEA1>1EO CEIUNG AND WOOD PANELLING bl:auly in i;ood Colla ?tlesa location. TOTAL PRICE Is ONLY $24,750!! NOT ONE CENT DOWN TO VITIRANS For lhl!t larte -4 btiidroom, 2 beth home. CARPf:J'S THROUGHOUT!! Completely ~modell!d ranch sized kitchen with all ELF.cI'RJC BUILT-INS AND DlSHWASH· ER. Warm wood burning firepl&ce In 1paclous llving room! Easy to like ca.re of yard, double gar111e and block wall fencna. Fabulow;I.)' large ENO.OSED PATIO for a:reat summer Uvin&. ONl.Y $l:i,950. I -·-""" --- I , ;. n >· I. I. 1 '· •• • ~ ~ • > = U-,. 3 "· ,, •• JO H 01 "' ~- ·~ ... >l li5 ir· , .. "" " .m d! ., ol 'w ... :.!. I. 152 " <h " I ZZ PILOT·AD'lnll!E~ / Wedntsdly, Juli I~ 1969 RENTAL$ • K~NTALS -rN1ALS RENTALS RENTAL) RENTALS RI AL EmTI Hou .. , Furnlthod HouMS Fumlthod Hou-Unh1rnlthtd Apia. Fumlthod Apia. UnfU r•I•"°;'!. Apn. U•fUrnlshM _o.o __ -..-1t_ra1 ____ _ DAILY l'llOT J13 * Newport 11.,ch 2t00 Newport Boecll 2200 Newport B11ch 3200 c .. 11 .M... 4 100 General 5000 Ent Bluff 5242 I p I -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;J:;;~;;;;;°;;;;;;~--..... rty 6000 2 Br, pri""te lon<Cd _____ ...., __ 1• -Al NEW-DELUXE e RE NTALS-YEARLY ...... IU1 monlh. BAPIELOR .... C rp l .. VENDOME s Br. 2\0'ba •Pl tor ""' Corlae. COlllli I BR .. I Bath , fu rnished .................... $150 * ....., • drpdl.,':.·livAllrm.u•~?.. ""111,A Incl. ,-de.blmutr. llul,., din - l >L BR •• ' .. _ IL .. , .... ·-~-...... ""'· .... U1'0I • .. ......... ,.." ·TE APl'SI nn. • . ---...... " ., 1 .Bath, fireplace; unfu.m ..•.••...•. $200 ' <>o .... .,. ..,.. "'.,.,........ 642-M<lt .a.m~ ... u i.-door opeMl' i;.L(Pool I: 1 2 BR., l Bath, unfu rn ........................ $200 Yuri¥~.. sus FURN. Ulil pd. 1 bdr ~~J'Js ~:~ rec. area. Nr. catholic ' 4 BR., 1 ~ Batlt, unlum. Costa Mesa ......... '200 I======== apl. No ....... S""'1• Clo .. ·,. thoppl ... Park Church a icbool a 0.-. l, 4 ,JiR., 2 Baths, unfurn ..•... , •.....•••...••. $275 Corona ct.I M.r 3250 a®lt. :U Mesa Dr. 543-9509 *Spacious 3 in-· .. 2 Ba ~Mar Wah. 2 BR.1 1 Bath, furn., Channel tront .....••.•• $3001..;..;.;....;_______ * 2 Btdrooml · • ONLY S25G. • ! i 3 BR.,-1 Bath, Den, furn ... , .. -•... , .•• ,., ••. $350 3 BR.. 2 BATHS Ntwport Booch 4200. * ...,m Pool, PuV.,..n 86S Aml&oo WlY. N.B. • '• . ""' 3 Bll·• 2 BaUJs, Den furn .............. ,. .... $350 Fpl., ep~. dtpl. AvaJI. LIDO AREA APT. * Frpl, lndlv/lndry fa<'ls C dot s••o ' · NOW. No peta or child un-1145 Anehelm Ave. oron• Mir -t¥lf'Dl!r. All ti & 1SUt;rERf -WEEKLY dtt 8. m;bmonth. ~r:~·rm~ &: ~:lng~cJ~~~ CfmA MESA fC.2824 : ~~hr'~~-= whtd<lya Wantt Whaddyo Got? zes ~· on1, rom ....••.•.••.••.••• $JOO (or ln-Mertln turn. Pool, boat slips. Year-~.. · BURR WHITE, Realtor 3!ll6 E'."'ea~'l?:, CdM ~or •ummor renl&I. Will = j1~ '!:\~:; ~ .,a .. ;!. a J.,!1~5• G~S!,.., SPECIAL ~LASSIFICATION FOR 2901 Newport Blvd., NB 675-44311 e 61>-1662 • W~lker Riiy 67$.2676 •=°'='-' ~-~~"~~---• ....,od.o.;.Ullldeol8alboa NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Spocltl Rote E VENINGS : 642·22.SS or 673-Cll59 4 BR. 2 ba. 1plit-level BEACON Bil)' mod. 3 BR&: $l.l5. 1 BR. RIO, refric. ON TEN AQt.!3 :;1·~~ oc:::. S LI--5 tlmot -5 buck• •VlEI -40 MUIT tNCLUOe ·~~~t'l"!"J!l!!"!:'!'~~!!!!!!!!'!'!!'!!!!!l!'""'""'""'""" duplex. $MIO moDlh or :xtra lg. playrm, Pvt. Avallable 1/21 l 6: 2 BR. F\tm • Unfum t .... t.-1 .... '130 000 t-WllM llW ...... '9 Ir... ._.,..., )911 lftftt Ill tr1dlL 1.HOUSES FdFt SALE RiNTALS 0iJ:. v ' Fr• :r:_~ beach &: dock $325 or Broker 534-6980 Frplcs I prtv. patto.l'Pooll. men · ._... ' · a-vou• """" ,,,,., • .-.... ....s 11 .... ., M'nrti..in. Hou F I _._, 1275/wk. Al,. 2 BR apt $125. 2 BR pnlen typo. <-Tennis • Cootot'l -~ ,.. BURR WHITE ......aTNll+G 'OJI IMle -f fl,\tllil ONL'rl PHONE 642-5678 Huntington Bu ch 1400 Ml um -BR House, excellent oond. $225/wk. ti 7 3 _ 5 0 9 4 or plex. RIO, w/w. children A t1l'W' lfttll. ' REALTOR '-1'0 Pl•~ Your Tracl1r'1 Par1dl .. A.IJ FORECLOSURE l bdrm 2 bath, double lar- age, boilttn dl'ciric ranee & oven. Owner in StatUe. Buy lilS ~ for SlS,500, Ow~ er will carry a 2nd. Real Estate Salesmen NHded Best commission &. bonus. Confidential interview. Pri- vate desk, phone + Sccty. BRASHEAR REAL TY 8-47-8531 Evt's, 968-U?8 HEAR THE SURF - See the sea. Charming 2 BR. plus hobby room. Not leasehold. Excellent financ- 4"g. Don V. F ranklin , Rltr. 67J.22Z! 7100 &q ft 4 bdr, 2~~ ba car lot nr Brkhst & AdamL $46,500 6\.4 loan. 962-7374 VJLLA PACIFIC. low down.. 4 br 3 ba 6i!( % FHA condo. 9741 Verde-Mar 962·1540. Summer Rent1l1 2910 Married couples & . no 642-8839 small pet O.K. Bkr. 5U-li9ll IOO SN IAnl, Cd'.M ~ 291>1 N.wport. Blvd., N.B . chlldttn. $250 mo.* 615-3291 MODEkN 2 BR 'dUplex: C Meu 5100 (MacArthur nr. Coast Hwyl 6'lM630 613.(.859 E~. SJlverwAft, !umitllre, TV, BEN BROWN IMMACULATE 3 BR. W/W, bltn range & oven, osta 1 : 15 UNn'S Sew macb, moW camera A: APT.-MOTEL 2% BA.-no small childttn. Encleaed patio. Nr. beach & AVAIL Now, large 2 bdr apt projectl)r !: mucn mi$C, 64, 1 & 2 Br. apts, Q>J1lp. $250. tiB-2402 pier. FUrn tll' unturn..Yoar. CONSTRUCTION new crpts, painttd. hlt-ins All 1 story bJdr', No w ean-Trade for latt model VW -•-t t ·-~1-c:le:s, eood ret~ A: minute1 Camper Call 64-3354 tum. Priv. patios, htd. pool, -ly. S».2500 4-6 pm. ~ ot ren a -. O>ul'"C lo ocean. . . . TV, restaurant, 9 1;if11e golf Huntington Be•ch 3400 1 over 45. 6'1S-{1130 Onl $ TRADE &I eqty In 4 BR. eouno. Walk to "'"" No 5000 NEPTUNE JUSJ COMPLETING 2 BR, 2 BA, S"""'h lrpk. Y l20,00I 4 BA. pool, lab. v~w Em- tnlflc noise. Wttldf &:: 3 BR. l1Ai BA, blt-iru:, play Ava.11 now 3 Br, 2 Ba, deluxe. Immac & cute, 2 yn old. FIRSr PIONEER erald ~. Laguna Bch monthly rates. 31100 Coast nntlo., c'?.,t-IS• • .,,.,. Cove~th Call '114: 673-3012 o• 714.: Herbor H1lnht1 Four $221) mo. 675-573). 8U-4m Eve1 .. MT-nTS home for cornmer. acreage, Hwy., So, Laguna, ou. en-pa · .,... mo or wt &&-149'J • e TRIPLEX • -' TO, yacht. Own.. Campbell ).... "-89'l ,,.7 -~~~-~~-Rental Manager -2 BR. Garnge apt Refrlg/ ••• ,....,_ ' .... ~ ... ~by~ .... ~· ~e.~ac"'h.'---l iiiii'i' f~i,;W;:·~;;;·::~;;;-;;;;;;:;:;c ,BA-CHE'"R Apl, ..... t 1-. PWS vacant M loll -~ ::-LAJ "-'" ,..... Mrs. Chrlsliensen stove furn. AduJts only $160 CdM Bluffs -$350/wk for 3 t BR. 2 Ba. furn. or unfurn. C 1 o s e to b a Y & 3117-A Cinnamon Ave. mo on lse. 546-8>43 Owner will C&lT)' ltt TD at 31+• acres nr. Feather R\v. bdr 11,1i ba finest view f summer OK. 21282 Breton beach, 494-9471 6Th-7876 or r M 8%% U:it •• 1'% _Down bll)'J,.. er Rec. Lake . Apple Val-o bl,)> & oce~ Avail. Jui;, Lane off Atlanta 494-2250 ' (l blr:k"T:::t• ot H9!.~r Wvd Bilbo• lsll .• od;:__,..::53::;5::5 $56,COO Full Price . ley ,rta. Tenillc potential. Aug. I Sept 675-QOf L-"'• Nl11uel 3707 FURN Du plex. I & 3 Br, i~ 2 blocks south ot the ~-Ewing Inv.st. Re•lty Cou!!!!_ paved -elec, teL CLEAN •-•~-• .-.. • blk ~m --an. Summ"" Sa o· l ON Grand Canal v r 1 v 6f.M323 OR 6"-1361 4k-1-.. ...D<l.11IUa Beach Unltz. Biltrr. View 'ExCL 3bt 2 .LIV .......... ..... n '* Freeway -• " " ""'"""'"""--~-~~ Sleep& 2 to W; for llUmlUel' 1.a blbm "'hwr -Id-Rental $125. per wk. PRos-Phone ~1034 $285• mo 2 bdr, pr., boat 'Retired.OOn't need tax shel- reaervations call 673-.9lK5 ..., • ._,, .,,_ pect "'3917 or LA 5-5248 l "'!"."!''!'!~!"~~~~'i:idoe=::';;· ;N;;•w;:dd:;:""'~·,;673"'328;;;= Busl,,_ Property 6050 ter. Want hse ft'ee 4 clr for 315 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa fp. $XQ 836157'° 542-1%15 LARGE 1 BEDROOM HARBOR GRfDlf --------$l9M or S38M eq. m.. tri-NEWPORT Beach. Nice 1_ .eN I ALS $150 month, yearly UU Huntington leach 5400 FOR rent or Jeue, ~· 2380 plae&. $960 mo, pool, prime BR du}Iex, !Jeeps 4. Brock Af!!' Furnished --*-* 673-8088 * * BAffiELOR unrum f r om -Fum11hed or NewJ?Ort Blvd,. • C.M. 3600 loc, no vac. 540-6001 lo ocean a: bay. Reas. ra~. Geniral 4000 •WINTER RENTAUie SllO. Also avail 1 _ 2 &: 3 UnfumlaMcl MJ.~n. ~1. -House, 3 satms 2 ""Bath, weekly ar monthly, JuJ,y .1:1.;.;=------"'-'--WINIFRED L. FOSS, A.gt. Bdrm. 11eated pools. child 2 bedroom, 2 bl.th, cpts, drap-B I R I I 6060 Din. Rm. LrJ. Yard, Back A -.,_ ~.-. , ....,..., """• US n... •n a aa~ ~ for Income "Prop- 2 "l'BR· ~Bal""boa apt adj s·1ngle ...,..-........u care center, adj to &bopping, es, built -ins, 1 blk lO 5 ;i; Newport/Q>sta Mesa YEARLY lease 3 Br. 2 Ba. No pets. points lhoppln& from $150. BALBOA ISLAND uu beaches/pier. S1S41SO wkly. encl'd patio. 1 blk irom heh. 2700 Peterson WI:'/ 1701 Ellis · Apt. D, ~ Top JocadoD 300 + 111 ft, area,,:;;;;;·_..,c.:_:cc;~,.,_-- 536-3911, 675-5810 U15. Call 673-2455 Costa Mesa 546-0370 or 342-8303.. 4 yrs remalnlns on leue. 35 Atte1, beaUtitUI country, l.JDO ISLE 4 Br, 3 Ba. Avail Aug. 3 tbru Labor Day. Ideal location ~2990 Young 2 BR Unflll"T! apts. Pool, no <THE SEVlLLE) NEW $150 up . 1-i.3 BR. $175. ma. Y(rl.te P .O. Box ~ road_a. ~ar riul""ty' lnln children or pets. 24051Ai E. 2 Br. J1Ai Ba, w / garq;e. Heated &: sauna pools, rec 1 _153..,.,IS=Lu==v....,°"'"=N"'e"'v°'.~-.::"house o°: ~i-ado. 16th St. NB. 646-4664 $150. Adu.Its, cpts, drps, nn. Hell & AJconquin. M&f. MARINERS CENTF.k )75.7Sl3 early am or late pm blt·in•, pri patio. 2619Sanla 1,846-3:.:;;;;""'-'=.--,--.-~-I OUlce & ·~ bl4I, rerit or Adult·r Coron• d e l Mar 4250 Ana Ave. "E''. 636-4120 1 SOR, util. pd., cloee 1o _lnR. m to $ll>\pu mo. 5 acre, 7-Yt~=~"f , -. i) -·t tbctfflfOUS fpravaU 10r 1 BR Dl!E!!x. Stove & refri&. ~~ch, carport, po o I , 149 Rlvenide Ave. &f8..2'1.4 :r:~wiquity $28,000:. F · I BA.L.POA...,,. I~ve cot-• I ;_•;.;u;.;n;.;t.:.11;.;n....:.V.:•::I .:."Y<-....:.14.;_1:,c:O tage•. Weeklx rate$ July, BY Owner: 4 BR, !rg family Augost, Sept. 5t8-3l58 room.. carpets · &: drapes 2 Br, 1 Ba, gat"den duplx. adj lhruout. 3 car garage. ?o.1a.ny bay/beach. July only. SlTS. e.xlras. f\hLSt be seen lo be per wk. 673-1901 appreciated! Assume 6% =e"A~YFR=~o~NT~a-p~l 7fo-,~2-, ~doe~k.1 VA. $35,0CO. 962-0688 $125. week during Ju.ly. c.au Laguna Hills .. __ ;cl 7c;OO:;: .;675-=IJ!l:==O:. =====;-I LAKE FOREST Lakefront 2 ,D:.:u:.!p:.:l.:"'c:'::'c..:.F.:u::••c::·c...._2:.9:.:7c:5 summc• or winter rental ~~L~S shociJlng. SlOO/mo. pn vate. 536-!956 · LAROE O(tlce bldr.. huie valut '$33;0Xl.--Wtiit 3-4 bdr Luxury s ingle, 1 & 2 furn or unfom, located o~ LY. 642-lTil 2 &: 3 BDRM, 2 Ba, pvt paUo, parkinr Jot, crpta, 42&-32nd borne. WaJaron: M&-1070 bedroom apartments, the Bay with spectacular Agt. he ate d Po o I. newly St. Nwpt Bcb. ~ Le a i 11 • furnished and unfur-oct!an view. Pool, sauna, 2 BR. Cp81, drps. Ref."Stove. decorated. 96i:.8994 838-09 nish ed, with complete boat slip & all extru. Dishwasher. Utll pd. No IMMACULATE 2 bdr, near I 'o"rn==CE=--w1-th.-a-t t-,-,-,~, d . d Collect 213: 282-5132 Mr. P e 1 s 0 r c h 11dr11 n · ftwy, crpl!J, drps, stove, no garqe. Total 500 aq ft. ~ privacy and Ian scap-Head. ~9065/548-53.17 pebi. sm. 962-3886 blk No. ot Cout Hwy nr 20 acm ranch, 3 mod. hom- es, 2 well&, fncd.; training track, hU&t barn, 14 st&lls; fQr land, ,unlta or t $45,000 ..... 67'-6259 ed country club at-l.jODERN 2 Br. cpts, drps, NEW Modem 1 BR, cp!J, Arches, N.B. 5 t 8-3 2 2 4 m osphere including B ~.;;•;.clbo='-----4"3c:c:OO GE kltch, encl. gar, nr bus. drpl avail Now! between 8 a: ':30. 1\ * * I lonie LQ\.-era! 3 BR home. Barn, corral, ridirc; arena. tack room, etl'. l\4 ac:re. $37,000 eq, Trade for land, comm .. Suhmil. 642-G481 Bkr Rented house, ~140 R-3 kit. Nr. Garden Grove Civic Center, $20.SOO. Trade $9.500 eqly for units or ?°! Owner Broke• 547-6469. lOCO ,e.c., $250,000, 80 ml from dnt\vn LA, 5 min. from fwy on paved rd. btwn Beaumont &: 06.k Glen, Trd for inc. prop! 5-17-6469 Bkr. NORTH Tustin Lot, $18,500. Free & cll'ar, moat ex cl. area, fabulous view. Tr. for Inc, property w/spendable. Bkr. 546-6469. VACANT LOT IN NE\VPORT BEA.Cl{ \Yll.L ACCEPT TD'S OR: BOAT. * 642-789S * Heavy duty rototiller. 3 speeds fot'Ward, 1 reverse. Exccllent condition. 'Incle ~ Jor front throw lawnmDWfl', pov.·~r edger and/or 1 642·5'88 }I a v e S1'19Wbird sailboat with trailer, want ~xel or camper-trailer oi....'.car--or. d~sert land. 64&-4831, TOWNHOUSE 3 Br, 2~ ba. Beaut. apPt'd. Prlv. palio, pool: nr bay, Val $32,500. Eq1y lor T.D., car, camper or ? ? Owner 646-6654 • . * * * -----Br home: by owfl(>r. Beaut vlcw. 837-8646 e\'t!! alt 6 GORGEOUS view ot Bay & $750,000 w 0 rt h of PENINSULA POINT ~csh·. Adults, Mgr. U4 E • 536-%;79 • ,PRIME Ratall Loca.Uon • Ocean 2 Bednns, fireplace. recreaUonal facilities. ...,, 3 R 1• ea. ~-1 XI toot ES AT B ESS d . d d , For immediate occupancy to . * B . "" .... .,..,, drps. 1X40, nt •auto Inf-RIAL. T-, E USIN •nd garage, eolepntly tum. Aug. es1gn e an operav desirable tenants. 1 & 2 Br., NE\V 2 BR apt. Eutskie. Nr beach. $165 mo. IK2-4085 fie. 1m Harbor, CJd. Generil FINANCIAL or yearly 548--2394 &Jter 6 ed just for s in g I e C&t'JlOrt. Sll5 & Sl6l.50 Crpt.s, drps, b u 111-1 n 1, 646-eiM £ VIEW"HOME -* _P~M=--~~~~1 people. Yoarly.-61>-""8. ,.,,, doJ>ww,_oncl, "°"" l!,Vl. CoHfll 5 t OO --~~---Cltn11Grova 6175 B Op 1 • 6300 J< oni•~a -an •-·t W. patio. 64U257 * BEAlJ'I'UlJL crpt'd ot6ce J,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; us. . partun t in BY OWNER ......, Tc. .,._._ uu.. f\lirama:r Dr. B h suite, alN:Ond. Be1t dttJ 1n . N~wport. ' Br, '" ... ANAHEIM TOWNHOUSE 2 """ w/ eat Apts. lawn. 64$-:l)!O V<NDING Laguna Beach 1705 PERFECT conditloo! Must Frplc &: gar, avail Sept. l. m so. B-kh .. -t Balbo• l1l1nd 4355 balcony, 3 BR, 2 Ba, Irr liv ~ RIVERSIDE SPARE ·lf'lME YNcmfE ·~, see int.c-rio• lo appreciate! o I 1210 «o ·-•--· ==:.:.:..;.:.:.:..c:... __ = 1r· dbl Clb•--3 BR, 2 BA, lge comer lot 1 mo se. · ~ (1 blk So. or LlncolnJ rm, a ium, rar. ·-· New • Deluxe Office ltent•I 6070 COUNTY KEEP YOUR PRESENT JOB , i '4L.> ln4) TTZ-4500 BEAUTIF1JL Upper duplex pools. Sl9T.50. 968-4793 CANDY -SNACKS ,_ ' ' • ' •, :1 ' ' ' . ,• • " I • • ' ' . . ! ) OCEAN VIUV. All elt"Ctrie Houses Unfumlshea apL Very close to So. Bay. 4 2 BR Studlo apt. 1% ha. encl (714) 536-4614 -LAGUNA BEACH Beautilul 20 aCTe navtl citrus Reliable man o• woman w!th ~ ~!~c~~m~~';n°u~ GARDEN GROVE Br; 2 Ba. $400. i:>e• mo. yrly i::ar, patk>, cpts/drpa, bit-(714) 536-14'7-Alf 4Cond1t1onecl grove in lbl.Rtvemde area. cai, -to tollect and fill TO .~.700 wilh ".~down, Gene r•I 3000 Salisbury Rlty 673-6!:KXI. ins. i150. Days S4Z-3S2t 111 Ocean Avenue ON FORESI' AVENUE ~.~ ~years oll d machil'le9 manufactured by .,,,., ""\JV\1 13100 01.8.pman Ave. Eves 546--0689 13 blk W f H. e -) • ..., ...... a •.,..,_ crop or · h h 6'1i% lntC'resl. Pay balance OO ~ · s • o · ...-a::r Desk space• available tn next year, Priced at $6,COO our own company ng t ere monthly. Wiite owner, P.O. $170. 3 BR, 1~2 Ba . (f Bllu. W. Santa Ana Fwy.) Huntington Beach ~ 1 BR, $ll5: 2 BR, S135. HAL ESTAT~ t'lfflftt oU:lce bulld1ns at per ~ with ternu. For In Orange County. Box 914 Laguna Beach or ::~·va:lw~wwas::'. lTit) 6J6.3000 NEW 1 BR. Blk to ocean. Adults only. Call before General prime location tn downtown furthtt 1n!onnalion please NO SELLING. D:cep!lonally call 49-1-4726 anytlml'. 534-6980 Fu r" -Unfurn-Summer -I-""'°""""':.· ~5<~3-':'2900~1_ ___ J:::--'O.:.:~~--,.-..,--, Laauna Beach. Air eondl-call Walter F'rkk high incoml'. We l'an furnish HANDYMAN'S NEWPORT BEACH Yrly ~A l4lh. 536-1319, AVAIL Aug lit. 1 1tory 2 Br Rent1l1 Wanted 5990 tloned, C&Jlle~. beautlful Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. locations guidance, ln- $80. 1 BR duplex, closed lt"Vlne and 16th St. 673-1784 apt. Crpts, garage. l&:c encl entrance•: Front&se on 1818 w. Olapman Ave. cludlng yt1ur record ~terns SPECIAL garage, fenced yd, stove, {714, &15-«iill patio. Sl30. G4i.T940 DAILY Pilot Staff Writer Forest Ave., rear lead• to and training at oUl" factory, 4 Income unlt~. 120 yds. to relrig. Child O.K. Bkr. NEW S200 up. 1-2-3 Br, hid 2 BR, •140 Be hie and small fanilly need ,2.-3 MJ:mclpal: Parldnc lot.. $50 5(1262] 0;:-e, ~~·538-57f7 to Insure wow-sUCCi!SIJ. ' beach. Patia&, dl'cks w/ ~gm 5 h I b & sawia pools. rec rm. Hell " · pa.rate ' att. bednn. 1,1°1).fum. hol&le hs per month lfr space, Dnk • • •w..,,.... Inve&t With Rea! Safely ocean view. Nd~. paint, etc. EXECUTIVE homt>: Lrg 5 out Bay CU &: Algoquin. Mgr 846-3137 gar~ .. ~ld ti, di-pa:, gardZlencr, Newport Bcb, Heights or _and chitin avdlabla tu $5. ROUTES C'OMPLETEI.¥ Should gross S9.00J annual. Bdr 3 Ba. DR. FR. Avail Apartments 2 BR. 2 Ba, irplc, elec gar, no u• orfrlpets. 641i-18 Eutside CM •tartJna: Jn Bu.lnau bourw wwertna: Acrel@! 6200 SET ·up FOR YOU Price l69,j,(X). Trades consid· Sept I S350 mrs/ 543-1544 tennis crt, pool, 1 blk 2 Br., re i· Htd pool. mid-&pt. Ltue preffirttd. ~ avallablt for _SJ.O, $1 ,495 CASH ered. · $150. 2 BR, enclosed garage. ocean. 842-41£ Adults, no pets. Sl5S/ uW Our Wnily doa must 1ta1 AU ulllltlu p&kl except 5 AC Rancho, City Of Write or phone for Interview r.1ISSJON' REALTY 494.orn Costa Mesa 3100 w/w, available no w . I ,Dc:E;;L:;UXE~' ~,-"~=,~.,-.. -,,.~00~h. pd. 549-2621, 968-1740 with UI; our two well.. telephone. O!!eanakle, $26,500. J1500 dn. at l.actoey. Tra111icom Corp. SPLIT level 2 BR charmer in .::.:=..;.;;.;;;;_ __ ..:.;c:;.;; ?,'~~ :..,,.aman pet 0.K. 219 15th St., Apt 7. Adults, 2 BR, 1% BA, carpt, laundl')', behaved chiJdttn too. A~ DAll.Y PUDT t.arreW tr ....,.i.L a vda 11.. Vending 'Dlvislon, 851 West wooded onnyoD v.•/ bcaulliul 4 BR, 2 Ba, lge fam ""!-"~~·,;~;~;.;;"'-===='I no pell!. pool. Adulta. dant Jocal re rt re n c e a 222 FOREST AVENUE • • er n • n lB!h St., Cos!a Mesa Calif. ocean vie\i', lnrge paneled w/[rplc. Nr schools &: OCC. __,,.-,;;£~====== 548--0336 available. 66-2629 LAGUNA l!lEAQI f.;.Davdop:o;;;::::;;"':;'"~t~&e-;::..:2l60::::o_~ I 92627. (714) 642-90QJ tir S2S5 mo, Avail Aug 10th. Cotti Men 4100 "" 4705 ~=~;::.~:;,..-~-I:,;;;""';;,:;~,;:=:;--;-.,--, -• TAKF. OVER p -~ 546-1423 rooms w/opcn beam 1, ""'""........., L1gun• 1:1•a ch 2 BOR, 2 ba, Adults, no pets. MIDDLE-AGED En r l .f. • b =~~,...::.;;;;.:.o:.,___ • A~PUooO .. lo;il I-'""''-"'"'------ fireplace, 1nodern kitchen, _,__,,, ..... , $30 00 k $150/mo. Call couple need small, clean. NEW DelllXe ofHce 1paen: 10 aCDU. no down, Near Affil. •'"' ol """''· $32,500. AVAIL Aug J, 3 Br., 2 Ba., • W • llP 100 CLIFF DRIVE """"" unfurn ho"" ..ith mnaJl 320 ID m> oq It at San~1 ='•;"':=A::iCl::ity:·;:l9M'l::;::i::i'3='== NEED EXTRA CASHl? 0\Yner. 4!14-867:\ Qiits. drps, bllns. dswhr, • Da.)', week, month. Two bedroom furnished ·--' ro H-. "--(Peke • Ana .......... cro Valle I . Sludl • All ~1uxe , .•• , .. -JG>U r ..... ..,. ....... -""";/. wn y 21 PART TIME!? 5ro ln!ercst, 4 BR. 3 BA. pool, E-t>ide Joe $300. mo. • o • Bac:h. Apll. ...,... ... ~o N•wport BMch 5200 Yorkie ) Reai. Long-term tumoll. 831-1400, '99-il98 Mount, & 0..rt 6 0 Ambllo'o"• ...... •-"4wd)o . ho .,.,. l.ae. S46--0:584 betwn 8 &. s. e Incl UW! & Phone suv. Walking Distance to Beach -nW -I .,. ·~ vaJJ 2 ~·" 0,.,_ av·" ~ 1=========: J "" .. ...,. "' ,....,, large rambling Ust', -.,. v~ e ' nc" a · <i••uu...o.. IUl.-.:c• ..., JUI small chain ol Nil. brand family room, cat in kitchen, 4 BDRM home 2 Ba frplc • P.fald Service, 1V avail. $22:> -Yearly lease • FACING BAY • 66--2629 n:nt. 3410 W. Balbo9 81•-" SALTON SEA Improved ·~-•"'9S7S • ' ' • N~ Cafe & Bar 494-1449 Luxurious Balboa Bay Oub.l:w-ANTE""'"=o~T-,~,,-.,.-3-or-<=Br NB._,..~...,.. • .., Candy and Sr\ack unils In fruit trees. ~,,,.,..,.,, ...,... . crpt!, drps, dshwhr, 2 car 2376 Newport mvd. 54:8-9'755 S bl t 1 1 1 BR .;;;:::.,:•~·-=~~··~~=--I LOT. $ 219 5. Pr Ice )'OUr an!a. Exccllent Weekly 1~3 Regatta Rd. ~orth C.M. 5fli-.S810, liiii0i0ii ... ,..,..,.. ....... PAN~~~ v:w ~7•1oo~j 1!n e or ~~~0~1&33 · houae. $350. to $450. per mo. ,600 to 1JXI SQ. FT. representa owner'• COit 11 earnings for one ar tv.·o work LAGUNA CANYON 2 BR 1 ~~""'~-.-~-~ SUS CASITAS "", M · ads ul un. ' ' CdM, EmeraJd Bay, N.B. OtFICE, C.M. ~n30 years aeo. Ooae to acboola, hours da.ily. (Eves are O.K.). house $1'1,500. Fenced yd. ~ BR 3BA, w/w cpts, drps. e ec. ature ts, m 2 BR. 2 BA, patio, e&I'POrt-Conlact Mr. Pallette ln4> ··--1hopplna, city A water. Work conslsl.11 ol collecUons Zoned industrial. 494-8170 blt-ins. Pool & rec area. Up. FURNISHED child, oo pets. $1!5/mo. POOL. 1525 Placentia, nr 549-ll21 or (415) 3J2..M82 lndustrlit Prop. 6080 Financing. a v a 1 l ab I e . and restoCktng o1 unlill. per Back Bay. S285 mo. 1-BR. & &chl'lor Apts. 1 _E_~-"~· ~'"'-'~"-'-----I beach. $145. oo pell\. PHYSICIST & lamlly needs Broker. 646-3255 ask for ?ilr. $9'35.00 to $2995.00 caah re- C_ood_o_m_;n_;u_m ___ 1_9_SO ~"':.cc'--064=':.,. ~-----I 2110 NEWPORT BLVD. Kl:NT ALS I & 2 BR. apts. furn & un-unfurn 3-4 BR hsc o• apt., In ENG. Finn rcqulre1 800-1200 1:;;0ak;:;l;•Y;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I quired (bued on part or -3 BR. Older home separate i'\1edallion by Hotpoint Apts. Unfurnished furn. $165 to S200 yrly. nice area; CM or NB, by lt ofticc-lab area Irvine full time). In re11Jy please l BR, 3 BA, \\'/W C[lls, drps, shop, N<''v paint, lougl' toi,I!!~"'!'~~.,,~~~ Anita, Jones Rily. 673--6210 Aug. 15. \Viii pay $20}.$250 Induatrlal atta. Running R. E. Wanted 6240 fumi!h address ;and phone bit-ins. UpJX'r Back Bay. dbl gar. $200 mo. 510-lT.!3 CHATEAU La POINTE Genera l 5000 '!'EARLY 4 Br. $290. per mo. IX"r mo. :"t40-:.JOO.f water required. 54&-1362 number. Wiil lse/option. 6(2.-()IHS Lovely 2 Br. furn. apt. "PRODUCTS DIVISION" 5 Br. 2 Ba. Nr. OCC. Drive Poo.I, carport; adults, no • RENT • 3 Br, $235. Cpts, drps, frplc, COUPLE \Yith out of town Commerc:lel 6085 d RENTALS ~ar. 64&-5800. home wants local rental, P. • ~ 2938 HouHS Furni1hed by 304;I Hanilng, call 1or peLo;. w""kd•>• oruy, will •"'4 -. Anahe!lii,.·Call!. 9'2804 app't 673-178'. S225 lse. S150 Mo. plu.~ utilities 2 RoOms F u rniture 5242 .. ~ .... c 11'/• NNN $$ MORE CASH $$ $20 $25 & Up E11t Bluff 83J..OO!X>. E><L 21'6, Dav•. LE SEB AFFILIATE . Rentals to Shtro 2005 194! POMONA, C.M. • A ACK CANDY SUPPLY Newport ~~ NE\Vl.Y 1-~urn 2 Br apt. P,jonth-To-Month Rental.I GOLD medalllon new dl:x 2 BR w/ garagf!, SlOO. Resp. Will aeii 12,000 sq ft. Oranae WANTED Lady to shaft' my \V/\V cpts &: lgc frost free \VIDE SELECTIO~ To1vnhouse 2, 3 &: 4 BR, middle age cpl w/ poodle. Cnty. brick office bldg., For Your Horne f.qWty ROUTE h'l~. (Nr Brookhurst &: B/8 rerrig. $145. f\lo . J child ok. Appliances & TV's avail. S?.00. up. 152 Amigos \Yay,l-'84l-83-i-o-.".'~==~~~ com P-modemlied, for Absolutely no cost··• (No Selling, ln~'Olvcd) Adams, HB ) Prefer Sehl TOWNHOUSE 523 Ber.nartl st. 548-271! No Security lkposit N.B. 67;r5033 APT RENTAL LIST S150,000 &: lea1t: back on 12 to you ~Selle•! h F...xceUent income for fl'w he ~ -~ I I 118 N years of paymg more cu teac rs. ,,__,.u.u LL u ii pd 1 bd f HFRC Furniture Rentals DIAL direct 642-5678, 01arge FREE to owners-local agcy. On£: enn. ,<m et per for Orange County property. hours we('kly v.·ork t.Day1 or \\lll~L Shirt my 2 Br. 2 Ba ADULTS ONL YI A l · · . •· um. 517 w. 19th, CM 5-18-3~1 ,.our ad, lhcn stt back and Blue Bea.con. 64!);(1111 Bkr. year: S l!lrong 1ub-Jeaae1. evenings), Refilling, 4 coJ. Th •• , 2 bai'"· Mature adults, infant OK. S3J 460 Income Ant n t · Call the Rest • . • I . f . apt v.·/ i;todcnt or v.'Orking ree ur..-urooms • ·~· 1_1~t;;00;,2335;;;;,;:;El~d;:;'";;·~CM~==~';:"":=WO:.='J..ncl=="·=:A:;";:h::;m:77:+;:2800:;,: .. ·~ft '" ti. .. phone ring! BUSINESS Lady desires I · · ~ .. • · Then call the Best eel.ins; money rom com op. girl, NB. 6ft.397J Faces pool, Three car car-1-; bdrm unfurn apt to SlCQ. 493-1706. crated dlspense~ in Colla ~ ports, Available A\llUSt lsl General 4000 Gener1I 4000 Vener •I 4000 &12--0086 lnduttrl1I Rtnt1I 6090 BEVERLY JACKSON Mesa ~ --.iodliig area. Na""'"rfJipqi 2200 $265/Monti>. 1;.:;=:.;_-::::::~~~~~~~==~~~===·--_;;~ e LANDLORDS e IV• est.r "'""" IHa..n.• = ' Tay t<Beach nam• bra od ca"<!Y • DOVER SbUrn b ay r r on t I FitEERENfAL SERVICE J'NOUST Bldrtr. M-=1 , 744 w. fti1 -L-JY -lnaCJOir $r~ -~h ~ home. S .J,\R. 4 ba, large Realty, Inc. C./?Q'1l .£\"tr. i( _ D-C ~C,9 Broker 534-6982 17th SI., CM. 3500 aq .ft, ·· ~ ed •• J.'or::pnonat.. llJfeniew pe.tio, 10' JliVa,le doclt. June 901 Dover Dr .. NB SUlle 12G \:)\!;) 1-'QtJ l""~ (b y.;,;q• V $32'j mo. ~llll. Evta i,n C9fi~,.Me't': area, send & J uly , iz,oo mo. Beg. 6·1.>-200J Eves. MM966 • , .R::;oo=m::.':..:;'°::'.:.:R;::in:;:l;_.;5::.99;.;,;S I ,.,642-~l~•c.:79;;.. ==~'----147..60» or .$4U245 na~. aoarouJ. phone num. Sept., yrly Jse. stOOO mo. I "'"'!'~~~~~~!!"'•I Solve a Simple SCTombled Wo-rd P uzzll: fM o. Chuckle 1 • M·2 INDUSTRIAL space In ber Ill M~U-Stale Inc., 9075 21~: 780-5013 or 21 3: BLUFFS LEASES ROOM w/priv enlrlnce & concrete bldg. 3000 1q ft. 746 E. Jmperlnt 1-lwy., Dov.·ney, 18.">-63.13 2 &: 3 BR. Condos. Single 0 Reon-ang• l•ll91's of the bn. To m i d tl I e · a g e dw '~·;,1~7~th~, ~C~M~l~213~l !'34-50821!;;;~-J ~'!!!!l!!"'!~~'""""!!!!' I Calif. 90242 '~=:;;:=;======I le.,,els. 2~y. & !lplll-levd. fo.1r taumbled words b.-employed person $4.5 mo. uN W -=""'-~""'====~ Greenbl'lt & mulls site. low to form lour 5irnple words. l!m 1''ullerlon, c. M. EW indUltrlaI ldg, 2!IOO sq. ANTED: Duplexe1, apts or BE IND!PE·NOENT 2300 I I 548-3938 ft. 9c per ft. 1639 Monrovia, ir.come property. Principal! Work your own hou~. your In l 2 bd Cpts., drps. Dbl. gar, pooh, DAY DE l CM. 673--9017 only, Must be fairly new: own pace. Universal Uem, Sl95 (Penn. PCI I r etc. S375 to $425. . 1 1 J' I' 1 Ideal for eo1ployed man Cost. Jrfea 6f6...'113 ho\151?, 2 potlo!i. wtw CTJ!ls, EutbluH Realty 644-U3.1 Prlvale entrance J:lOO SQ. FT. BLOG. Sil ' eYe.l')'Olll! u.ea:. No corn- Bolbot on BelVue Lane. Avail. e G4S.S6S!I e Prodw:Uon Pl, NB CASH QUICK-need 3 or 4 petition, 100';"~ Prof i I . Se 1 613-4<171 OC EANFRONT 3 BDR I ';;~=;~~:"":=,~~ 1 ===~"3-~2590~=== Br, G.I. or Flt.A bou.e near Automatic repeat buslneu. p . Leue or Lease w/ option ILEA.NO I IMI R t I 5999 . ')ltre,t99-194S ABSOLUTE minimum in- Lido Isl• 1351 modem 2·110t')' w/fam. nn. • IC.. en 11 Lots 6100 BUSINESS •nd wstnlent, etc:ured. Ltmitro avail AUg. 1. 833-2037 f!\ltS. i 1• I I LAND for BOAT -''°--------" number or I~ raro opp\Y5 \VINTER Rcntal-av1ll Sept. BAYSIDE glamorou!I; 2 Br. 2 • _ • bldg of pro!otypes. WANT· MAGNIFICENT.-FINANCIAL avail! A!k tor J.tr. Calli. Nwl,y m:tee. 3 ~· 2~ Bath. Ba, view from so· deck, I FJ). 40X20 oo uW nee. Octan Ylni lot In l.f.l'\l1ll Bus ~nltlff 6300 """'""":,;:;;'=====..- furn. 21.31691-1932 S«'.lO. Mo. 497-W? o r IB YD AW A meonfe:. He's very sym-'&Q.(026 Beach. $5,950 wl•h $500 dJl. • ;rr:=== -aE INDIPINDENf 64+--0837 J I I JS pathetic. He buries his heod· Storage space available, bal @ $50 per mo. PIZZA Work your oWn hours, your rS::u:;m:;'"°:::::..'.:.R;;•:.;n:.;l•;;.l.:• __ 2_91;_0 1 'o"°E"'L'°'ux".°'E~2~Br~. ~,~.~,-. ~frT>~lc, _ _ In his hand$ In the subway. Coe.st }Jwy, Corona de! Mar. 49'1·12.lO 49'7·l0%t O\vn pace. UnlWNal l!im, puol, lge Pfl.OO, $250 rno. ~-------~ He can't be:or seeing on _ _ * 61$-5712 * R.3 VIEW lots ltt boomlna All pW& tqblp for pizza ewryone U9tS-No comRltl- TERRIFIC vltyf, aCNtS st from OCt'&n. fum conaa:e d~. sleeps 4. SIOO. 259 Low- er Cliff. La¥· fl~: 349-1040 BEACl l at doo•. fllewly rum b&ch apt .a;la11i~ al $50 pe:• wk. ~2519 I-Its Bch. 3 Doon lo bc9t:h. Spac. bach. •pt., ,aleeps 2 or 3. $125 "Wrtk. 613-J430 SOCK rr TO 'Ef\l! Alto 3 Br. 2 Ba. $263 Mo. ID AR c 0 N I standing·. 7 a I b $l'ORAGE c~ 1 ear Lquna NllUel. l'ee 1lmpl.t, houae. ·Ind:· own, elect Hon, 100% proUt, Automit.Jc Avail immed. mer. 64&-0132 ... -~~~~~~-l 0 ti ~ 2 S25 Corona xlnt tenna.. Box M867 Dally cheua-.lriadtr, -,pans, repeat bwlnea. ABSOLtfrE I BLUFFS: 4 BR. Condo. I I I' I' I ~ri:= 1~h~h~:.:g :;:!d! M;': •~ta Mesa. 613-~ Pilot. ~ bot cOOC:. machine. Sam· mlnlmwnLI 11~",,." M=' r Av 1111. mopth.fo-montn. _ _ -_ . .' VOii dev•lop from step No-::'°3 Wlow. rr·s A REVELAT10N the Serve ice-cream maker (wa-eured. m '"' numfJr • Mu•t be shown for Mk. $300 I p ..... • 6000 many barplnl ~. Ond bl ter . o,.,..t<dJ, T-•-"'afer-the~ raro opptyl a 1 ftto. 8 ~~~iE~~M~~~E~ETTERS I' r ,, r IJ I' ,, I nc:om• ;;r--rfy Quellied Adi. &'.ck them cafe french·lryer:--;;:95" ~ ~fr Ca•h. 642 EesllbuU Rt!alty 64·1-U33 - --. · -· . --INDUS •. 814g. 100~ occpd. now! profit mlflln. Total Value BEA,UTICIANS sfi£CTACULAR view: 3 Br. 0 u,0N,sc~NSWBLEE,urms I I I I I I I I Nprt, Bch:l0% net ntturn. rr·s wONDERf'OL lhefMJI)' ~.will 11eil all lor $2500. Be your ow" l>OM. Ren~ · l hi be. Frpl. New cpls. Im-__ " . . . , _ _ _ . $l!Kl,OOO. Phil S u 111 v a n bu1• In appliances you find Call !J:lS.lll6 <>• 65&-16211 Col-apace, Reuonable. UT-$4 maculale. ill K..., Pl. l300 SCRA L A SWE I SS TIO _, In tho Clnu!JI"' /'d>. Checlr led. 'r!IE Q~ YQIJ !'Aloi. " •10.1yr. ''"'· •~« M· ETS H R N CLA IFICA H 7500 O!ARGE -w111t ld now. tJtom nowl DAILY PIWl"WANT AllSI 1'111'! Qtn='.lllll'mL. \, •• I \ " .. I • , -- '-t I ' ' ' • .. --------------------------------~ ,. ____ ........ ·------~------~-----'"" .. -----------~-... -· ..... ·-· -·-----·' _ .. ---..... ......_, ______ .....,, ... . ,., ...... . . ' I ¥ . Su ·mriler Rentals? ... These are · some -pretty exclu-sive-cliH-dwellmgs~T-hey'fe in Mesa Verde National Park, Colo., and they're estima· ted to be 700 years old, not exactly in the same class as the charming bungalows all .s;i long the Orange Coast you'll find advertised daily in c.I ass if i e d ads of the DAILY PILOT. But, you know something? We 'd be al- most willing to bet you could rent these Indian relics ., .. • ----. l I • . -~ ' • ' • ' - They Could Be ---for the summer if they overlooked th_e-fabulous beaches of the Orange Coast •. -. AND, if you placed your ad where-people are looking. This is no cl iff hanger. "Buy- ing" or "selling," the niarket is in the DAl~Y PILOT. Dial 642-5678 and we'll drop you our direct rope ladder to the Classified Advertising Department where a courte- ous specialist will help you with your "smoke signal." . l I I . . • . ' • l •• -;1 . ~1 ) .-l -· .,,. -i ,. ! •• ~z • .. -"~ I • .. l -. ' ·t ' ~·" .:{ ' I · 1 ;· ' •t ' -l :1 ·1 ' . ' ' ---:;~ " ' l : t t:_, 1 ; ~ '! -. ' • • " • --~---_, ' ,,. . • l . • fr.~ I ~ ·l ! ~ • :l .. l ·~ \ • ~-l . • ~ .. • . ' ( ,. -: l • ' ' --· .;;1 . . ' ' ' • ' -. . .. -"•1 ' • •• ; ' . • -. ' :, . ( • : l -~;~ ' • , • ., ... ' • j • . ... ~ • • ~.I : ·~ ' ' '. • -" '" . • ... ' ; ···: -· .~. ·1 · i ' ' .· . • • . ; i • . I . • ' . r ' . ' --· .. • I • •• :·i • t ( •• • • ' • • -l • • • • • • • I ' • I • • . • .. .. "'1 ! l I • · I ' ' -I . . --· .' • ·l : . ' ·I ... • • ' 1 "' . ' • .. ·I ~. . l . ' ... -1 .... • ' ( .. .. ~.r; •• . ' , ' •• ·• :. , I .. • • -;: ·~ " . , . ' ... ~ . . ' • j • • ,.· ~ ', . " ~, ' ~ I •• . ' . . ' . ,, ' ( • I ···. " ' ' . • . ' . l l •• ... ' ' •• • • , r • ' -l ' ' 'I · I I _I I I -·-·~-r"' .... .23 "l'ltOt'ADVtlm!t' • -Wed11tl411, JulY 16, l969 Wtdw11, 1u11 u, 1969 , i!ailiuFiJs.INAllliNli(N .. ,Cs•.A-; ... L;;;;---;-AN=N:r.o""u"N:iic~t::;M;:iN~T,.;S;::...;::::.;sci;'.;R:;VICE DIR ECTORY I JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS a EMPLOYMINT JOIS .. lMnOYMINT JOIS & IMPLO " JOu a llMrLuY 5 · 1. •nd NOT ICES .• . . --. -'=-"":...=:...--Go rdtnlnt 6610 Htlp Wonted, Mon 7200 Htlp W•ntod, Mon 7200 Holp Waittotl, Mtn 711IO Help Wontod, Mon noo Holp Wantod, Mo,. noo Hol• Wan hliL -nae 1 t JulS Ii Bua. OpportunJtfet '300 Person1l1 6405 . WA!fl'ED• ott...ie liquor 111DE Wantod occ .. Corona • lllftlNIV•s I want a ~. Orange Couoty , d<I Mar, ""''' )<W PRY·I ~ AllllMU . Call> 64Ul'9 ·~ ·Call _.,,trT PmC-·-646• 1941 SUper SQfeSman WhO BEAUTY Salon. Own e r . A -- a.uonable. N•wport Blvd, ~·oun .. monb 6410 ::.;~~-::;. stiH isn't . CM. Ml-6212 or ~15 SCUBA CLASS a.,,.. \,&Mtap"" ;;;:=to, ··n Starts Wed. (7.16) at Mc-G~te Jlort,IC\llturist Satisfied l--"'..;:.....;;..;.-;;.;;;;;..._::63::2::0 Caua:h School lo Seal Beach, ALLEN BROS. , Isl a 2nd 1oano Jor ""!"' $25. GARDENERS STUDENTS· cub.. Borrow oq )'OUr pro. NEED wnethlng exciting worJWw way tlui& coUea:e-. pert)' eq without ctl.aturblng for ;your next party •• Hite a Exp. Ue. ,fteu. ~ r )'OU?' low interest lat TDa. ffypnollat! U&.0835 eves. CL neo ,1 Aloo buy.,.,,.. 2nd~ • r~-L ,.1 DUTCH °""""' wani, o!lici , So!Uer Mortpp Clo. Inc. ,...._,_ • ots ' -I cleaning -'nao, ~ Serving Harbor Area 20 )'ft. ( CEMF:lii'iY Lots l Call--~riss -2ln~ E. n u. 51S.S.-ME Mo R ~ !"L PARK~ i GARDEJtlER · i 6f4.-0'n1 EXl>l!;RT JAPANJ;SE · Mort10101, T.D.'1 6345 ,Tl'a_yel. ,,,.5 Comm~ L.Ud....,1.,, -Maintenanci and Cleanup , 11,950 2ND. TD at l20 Mont\I p R1VJl!G lo ""¥"""""1a· MIKI! INC. ind. 10% in~ .• all due J yrs., .~w ~\II t..rcb.lrn ·by Aul , (ALL 64Wlt6 · • on ocean view lot, Lquna 24. Caq t9h 3 pass East .. A JAPAl'fltSE Gard•nlnai; · Bea.ch. 20% dJscount f...,.J!tunl.. With J.; J¥1p drive A .eryi and malnte n4: 494-1137 , she.re QI txp ... Must ha~ Also~ up. • n.aocc, Despite pl!UltY of brains1 energy and anl- bition, tbe man I'm lookiJtC lo; baan't !tit the right combination yet, · , • I'm read~ lo offer lilm an executive sales opportumty In the combi\led; field of lile insurance / mutual funds / investment counseling. To individuals and to buai· nesses~ Representing a fS-billlon cOm. pany. With a lralnliig salary up lo $850 a month plus opportunities . for a ddll,ional · income. And prospects high Jn the flve- flgure bracket. If this sounds like you, call me at M2-6623 (E~t. 321) or write Box M668, Dally Pilot. I'd like to hear from you. l'!,0001Sl' TD C1n ocean.ylew ctfs.~69 C.Jt...._GU-7614 aft 5' ~e-643--2572 e ~!t. ~ri-iii~ears. 10% ~c:RVl\.11 u 1RECTORT e MOW. µ>GE * WEED. Job W1"Jed. Lady 7020 Help W1nted, Mtn 7200 (4!7-1021 evenings) a.bys1Hln9 6550 Prof. lawn malnt by capable 6% l!it T.D. $5600 -Coll• students...Rea!I~ EXPERIENCED nurse-com• SACRlFICE! MAKE OFFER a>µ.l:lGE· .student: Babysit· Kalina Brothet1 646--1234 panlon, aood cook. Mrs. * 545-2667 * llng $1.00 hrr Ne.at Wilson & J1paneM G1rcltn1r Inman, 494-8541 -_ Harbor In C.M. W e e k Exper, compl yard service! WINOO\V washing & general IECQME A STORE MANAGER u--·y·Wont·' 6350 njgb.tJ, or ~tire weekends. Ftte eat. 548-7958 546-0'n4 cl-·-•-g ~ -"'k !or 8<cl<y 543-1871 . ' =w•,; S25-293Z * EARN OVER $10,000 \VTD $15,000 for 1 )'1!ar. Top int + poinU, sec. by ~.000 equity. 673-9fi12 ANNOONCEMENTS WILL BABYSIT. My home. H1ullng 4730 CARE. for elderly person 1·7 YR . ~~ play room .\: fenced in YARD/ ...... _ Remove PM $45 wk. 835-5039 PM, yard. Ol)ly lunch 'furni&bed. gar. .._.._.., • SG-7814 AM N,,r Westcl itt shopping tre;es. tv)',, d~, tracl!lr i....il . lll'l!!fl: •. Call 54S-4538 bot, gradfur. 9a-87'5 Domestic Help 7035 and NOTICES OPENINGS INCLUDE TUSTIN &. EL TORO YOUNG mother with 3 yr old B Ii G Hauling Slrvi'9 Tremendous @Xpansion found (Fr" Ads) 6400 boy .. would like p e·r m ReasOnable. 549-1359 George Alleo Byland Agency progBm offers imme&. (' . ~ job for small . Employer Pays Fee ale placement for ambit. • I- AnnounOe. <0oe-rot ell· puitnced, tu1l Um& ... penotuiel. PASSliNGIR TIRES ' PLUMBING KITCHEN & STOVi$ , INTl!RIOR · · OECORATING . . Aho exf)erlencfd 01$PLAY MAN 'Excellent Earninp • Prollt ""'""' e 11otp11a11u11on ·e Group life ins. • Paid vaca&n • 8 _paid holidays • 40 hr. work week • Employee dlacount • Apply in Pemnnel Office Monday thru Saturday 10 Alli to 4 PM SEARS EJtctronles H U&H ES 1 NlWPOllT IEACH 1 ELEC- 'TIOltlCS ' ~.C T.ECHNI- . CIANS for componelrta test .m producUan ~()Gl't. A mini- mum ot ona )'ti.r ol recent lndustrC&l 'e1'Slerlence k re· quirtd.' A knowltd.&e of sol- kl 1tate circuitq ts detJ.r. •bit- Opr:nln&'s are on l!t .l 2"i »hilt. HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Sup(\rior A\.enue' NewpQrt· Beach, Calif. . Equal opportunity cmplortr •• MACHINIST "1'1 I Coll l'ersonnol Oept. (714) 494-MOJ TELONIC EKGllllllNG CO. EqtW opportunlty employer • J , c. Ptnney c.o. ftllhlon lillnd Newport Bucb NEEDS A * Roebuck & Co. · M ·~ r , .~OUTH . COAST PLAZA "WE ARE LOOKl,.G f\'ctnf,~K,,;!ri<nce :Jm S. BRISTO\. FOR MEN WHO ARI! In ail phoHt o1 the fooc! 1.,_ COSTA 'MESA LOOKING AHl!AD du•1"' i. requu.d. eom"'u. . ' *MACHINE* i1 OPIRATOR Jtequlrts know\tdce ol basic cp•th and m&cl\ine dextet1b'. \\till train. Coll Porsonnol Oopt. (714) 4M-M01 TELONIC .ENGINEEllMG CO. F.qual opportunity emplQ)'rr STORE MGR. &: Part time Clerk APPLY l!Mi The Toboccctnlst Inc. Fuhloo lillnd Newport ' U. EC H ANICS..Experit:nctd .w/iJ'lboards, outboard11 Ir. sterndrives. Call Anchor Marine -· -btwn 9-5. . ' FOUND: "'mall white dog, tia,r Mon· thnl Fri! 5f8....3358 HoUHCIMnfng 6735 IOO-B E. l§th, SA 547--0395 ious men looking for ad· part-Poodle. Brown plastic -· • ChiftCSe·live-ins Cheerful ---vancernent:~ wilh one -ol -collar. Vic. Heil & Bushard, WIU. Baby$1t, your infa~t, CARPETS, Wlnd.ows, firs, Permanent. ~perienced' the nation's fastest JTOW- Fountain Valley. 531~189 my home, exp d mother. Vic ct£ ... Rtig _or _,Comc'L Xlnt 'Far East Agency 64.2-8703 in& drug &: dlsoouot _ • LeLus_tralll.yoo.for..a...c&tef!l'. r-tl...e-wqes an11-ovt1tanding An F.qual Opportunity In ineurance_ An opportunif)I beiiefits including protlt Employer lo 1eun the ~ineas A eam abarln&:. _ POR-TEB--Need hal'd work-1----. ing yng. man for interior l'vUND: Chfid's prescription =-i' ~ Dr:t CM. ,...9,~U~-.1t01---------cMins:-:- Classes. vie. Tustin Ave, &: -· T-re-'lccmc'I, <wtodows Help W1nted Men 7200 21.st St., Costa ~f es a . OULD Care, my lovely our specialty. Xlnt work, EARN WHILE YOU LEARN 548-3168 home. Big Iencd. yd, nr 23d reas! Rets. GC-94,46 ?ifACHINISTS SET Of keys (14). Vic t:. & ·&nta Ana St. .Costa -· N/C $550 MONTH TO !n'ART Cout tlwy. CdM. (Nr. Meta. 6f6..5531 ' Ironing '. 6755 MILLING OPERATOR Shoreclitfs) 644.0047 BABYSITl'ING by college . DRILL PRESS "A" "IXED -lo P"PPY vi·· o! student F or P time your IRONING $2 dozen, Bl"IIlg Top salary & overtime. G~ '" ... '~ . • own hangers, C.osta Mesa · A I · Lampson & Harbor Blvd. hom~Ql' mine. 675-3181) ...,0 ,,._, • _. nisur. ppy in person or , • , . area. ,,_,.,...., cal[; 642-9020; Newport Pre-G~n Grov~. 531~---Wu.b b&bfalt m )'()Ur-home . -c:;_1s:1CtQ-9119 w 16ih 'NS - ML b1ack small kltten, 1 by the • week. "t o u r Jtniteriat 6790 ' · ' · temale. Eastlbutt a re a, . ~porta\lon,_ 642-1407 1 1 AFRAID OF WORK? Then 644--155.l cMATURE mother to babysit WAW. \VltJdowt, Doon, boq't apply. W~ need a SET of keys, owner identify. days 1 or 2 children carpets. Commercial I: neat-appearing young 1nan Beach at CdM. 642-lli59 " ' 548-7859 ' residential.. Daily, weelky as permanent truck driver. 1 "'""'~'£"'i=-~='----l ';:;=,:.';;'.':::="':::"'='l~ard/~~o<~Mo.~~!9!~-~73SO~-=:._-Or. Cnty area, Wholesale FOUND: Boy's S t i n gr a YI Brick. Muonry, etc. Bay as. Beach Cleaning Se"1 distributors. Must be draft bike, ooppenone. 644--4567 .... ____.___ ~6Q CUPets. -~ floors,. etc exempt. i-:tar~ $ 2 I hr Ref: ~ Comc'l. 646-140! w/some overume. s.a~ ,.Loa_t ______ 640_1 BUILD, Remodel, Repair • wk. Send resume to: Daily • 'Pilot PO Box P908. -Rapid increases • 5 day week• -a J.J... p!WllO(ions from within th!; ranJQ; · A1~r!t, bonus &: ttt!re- ment-~. App).icanta . mu.st be ,.at least 21 years oJd, ener- grllc, aggreulve &: cap· !ble of physical work. College is helpful but not necessary. Must be hia"b school graduate. -~xtn.. money-on a pa.rt funie --------·I basis, bet.ore leaving Your POLICE OFFICER '""""' lob. ll'<>om• • Ml $711 ~ ••72 Pa• month time agent when qualUled • ~ 'W\n wlth a eoa.rallteed income APPLY IN PERSON lOAMtoSPM Monday lhru F~y "'""" per 'month. .'.:., NEW~~T:T o:EACH ~·~~~r· Ins, w~ J. (. PENNEY' co. , · $.u;s, Nat'l iOOd co nii<j 24 Folhlon lslond Cunent -openinQ:.1-reQntree --1£.: bi--..1 -.ea---.--~=-t--An""equaJ opp::irtunil;y hL .. h acOOol--Gradu te mini-~~ ..... , ~"''4 ~~wn-plo nium ""51" and !00_1~,, if -u.,~ $840&f=Call Bii<f Snell, * · mn ye to 30 years old 20/SO uneor-~COAS. rected v!Ooll. Written test TAL AGENC~ * Wednesday, JuJy 23. 6:30 A member of p,m., Qty Hall Council Snelllna-& Snelling Inc. Chambe?'I ror further in-2790 Harbor 81., Costa Mesa formation' contact the Per- ''"'"'' 9111<;!, t:''Y llal!, 3300 Newport l:UW., Newport EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $591.,$711. per month · Beach, Oalifornia 92660, n 4 67>0633 PAINTER SIGN AND PAINT SHOP HELPER $161.-$614. per month CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH maintenance ot p r I v a t e dub. ·Good wonww eond'• Ir beneflU. 549--0317 EXPERIENCED Se r v 1 c e station attndnt Apply 3096 H&rbcil' Blvd., C.M. 646-5558 PROFESSIONAL MEffiAN. IC. Salary & percentqe .. Tom ~Union Oil &n..3320 EXP'D -rotootru.IAii City.Auto l'ut> . 2072 Placentia, C.M. Help Wonted w.,,,... 7400 RENTAL AGENTS Dccitlnc carttr opportunity for mature women w I t h leuin& experience to work in our sen.rm BAY CLUBS. l\fURt type and have ability ·-- SIAMESE cat, s P a Y e d Brick, . block. co n c re ~ e ' Paperhl!!.11~ female, blue point (gray & ~try, m job \00 small Palntlnt ---6850 e MUL TILIGH, Off.set -press, white), Anita st .. Laguna Lie. Contr. 9621945 36"-58". Diddto a; la ser APPLY FRIDAY, JULY 18 9 AM TO !'PM ta handle leaae-.,:reementl. ; -Employment benellll Include SAI;E!: OUJce Mach: Some tree healtb and Denial I~ ellper helpful. Car&: oomm. CITY OF sun.nee for .elJ'ployee and Beach. Reward. 4~ • PAINTING Int & Ext Lowest operator. ..._ MOTHEk. Dutch B u 0 11 Y ,' ,Carpentering --6590 -co~ctect-prieeST"Fully·-ins. M:-AMERA Man--,1,r-stripper. u.ble & white • 4 babies -CARPENTRY ~tistaetion gU81 . Free est. ?.faltec Rcproduc1ions need her. Vic. of Pegasus&. MINOR REPAIRS. No Job J~ Weeks, 673-1166 e 64S-11 4l e Redland. S.A. Hts. 546-8547 Too Small. C.abinet itl &llJ'o P~G -Int/ext. 2 Univ TRArnEE: Salesman. Youna GREEN W"Dman's wallet vie. -.. Ii 0 t be r ea,bh2eta. ~mon. 3 :;rs exp. Resp. man to train u . salesman of Don the' Bchcomber DIM. ~~75, U no answer leave_ 833-~, 492--4432 eves. with fast expandi?V stl· ' !'!turn just ldentlfieatlon. "mlC at M&-23'l"Z. It o.· NEAT, Exp. Painter, nO tioher'y and office 511pply 673-9347 •.Aiidenon ., dtfnld-.'reon--·Bl\Jdent. bouAe. For appt., call"MR. •oe. '"'"6 " WEST. 642-2998 BLACK shaggy dog med. siz. :QIQ'lli'l\Y' Repairs -Atttta. Low prices! Steve 54M54'J ' I ===-~---~ ed, .Beige paws. In Laguna ::tiirrli;; ._New const. by hour e PATCH· PLASTERING. SJ'EREO Com ponent Bch N H Re · d · salesman -Knowledge ol . ame oney, w • -or.Contract.~ _ .... All ~·' Free estimate. curttnt stereo component& To $7200. Call Boo Sndl, NEWPORT BEACH d<P"nd<Dll, Maternll> bene-~ S4G-6005. ----· -1-.. --m Pa,rriitnt; anc1-rree we COASTAL AGENCY EmpJo,yment benefits tnclud. l n!rura.nce to a maximum lHRIF-TY DRllG STORE 16141 HARBOR BLVD. FOUNTAIN VAu.EY An Equal Opportunity Em.player Parts Delivery Boy Parts.(ounlerman A member~ ea free Health and Deotal $25,000 eoverap. Requires Snelllrc A SgeUfu& inc. Insurance tor employee and 2790 Harbor Bl, Colta ~eaa de.penden~. Maternity be& ie!:r5 Fa=t.O:::Ctto°! e.lit Jlcll¥lnent, and iree ~ and Malfitt~-EXpen.. lllSUl'flJ'ICe to a · muhnuill eilce l.ncl~m&J year oi ·125,000 cowrqe. ltequ1rel upt' or n\edtum EqulPTnent lt' \ .b I n I in Meeh&nical Operation, Apply before S ~wine andln s~ "pa1"'uex· P.M .• Frtday July 18, 1969 pcnence .... n na. to the Penionnel Office Apply immediately to the (n4) 613-6633. • Peraonnel Of!lc'e ~ore 51..c~~====,,.-- EXPERIEN~D FRY·CdQK Full tin>e, nlal\10. Matun" lead eook. Appb; in penon ~tween 1& 5 PM. COCO'S 492--0668 or 49HJ.38 )il\R:'ftnoNs, Small Remod.1 Cail 540-6825 Must be n. uu Lee Van, BEIGE Uncut le~ale toy . 'More ~ks. etc. Nlte/Day PAINTING ,Papering 16 yrs 646-8897 Ap I • 2131 WES'l'CLIFF DRlVE poodle, m collar. Vic Baker lteaa! call Ken 540--4679 Ir Harbor area. Lie. £ ===-~~~-~-P Y tn perton NEWPORT BEACH P.M., Frtdoy Jul>' U 1969. MAINTENANCE (7141 673-1633. ' • SPECIALISTS a: Paularino, reward. MASTER te $4 bonded RefJi furn 642-23S6 PART-Time help \vanted ex· • SALES, Office Machines. J..o. ·= ~· """'"· ' . ... . . P<ri•nce .... ,.,,..,.. Apply al Dean lew1's ·Imports ea!, .A-knawl<d .. "''-SOUTH BAY a.us APl'S .................. ..boor~Remodeling·Repatrs. EXT/lbt pntg. Aver-nn. PJ Buddy's u.·-rs corner or SAlliES: Appl.-retart:--l>Hire ..... .., >r LOST be I ma!. to -or "'"" ~""" ~6" ,_ gtt ..... ~ oppko '1uJ. Comm le NI, To $9000. ige e Y I""'" , • .-.-..<"N · + ~ paint, neat work. Newport -Palisades after 3 ... ....., .... , •-Y · c.u Franlc-Jland., 540-6055. Knowlfdse o1 P.• t n l,t ni. dle, no collar. Vie. Baker & • 1oc reb, Roy 847-1358 pm <Parts Dept.I r! .. ,.I_~· Call B.ud Snell. COASTAL AGElilCY plW'llb:ln&. eltetrical, ana ~ Paularino, reward. 546-2563 1Cenfent, Concrete 6600 VETS Bond ,· p . ti 10 I'','°===-=.,,_-.,..--I 1966 Herbor Blvd. ...~ · lated J•-e ...... -....nt com.-. e ain ng. SERVICE Station salesmen COASTAL AGENCY A membtr of -• .-... ...... LO&} Irish_ ~tter, 6 mo old .,; CONCRETE Work. bond· yrs In area, lic'd k iosured. Part time, evenings and Cost• MeN Snelllr!& le Snellin& Inc. plex maintenance. Genenl Bank, and other office • re-, lated aalgnmenta. EKcellenl , compenuUon ·-and .benefit ---' program. Local opportunlt- )e;i u well u other Califor- nla Jocatlons . R & 8 Development Co. 11570 Olympl-c Blvd. !Al -·· CIJlf. """ " BOOKKEEPER Exciting career opportunll)' for mature women with ln- tennedlate book:keeptna: ex- perlellee to work at our SOUTH BAY CLUB APART· MENTS. UlcaJ opportunities •• wdl a1 other California locations. Excellent com-- pensatioll and benefits. Send resume· or call Mrs. ca.ra Off (213) 477-7509. R & B Development Co. • 1"70 Olympic: Blvd. Loa Arweles, Calli. 90064 female. Vic CdM. Blk col-ed le Uc. Concrete sawi""· 642--0427 · _ weekends. Must _be neat in HELP WANTED A membef •oI 2190Hatbor BI. O>ataMe1a aupervlaion or maintenpo,, lar 646-1408 u.. Snelling & Snelllna: Jhc. · • Pf1'10nnel and equipmeot. SECl"Y, ZowV! Bluechip, 1 . Phillipt Cement. ~ appear._nce. See Jim, 2590 •Boat Carpenters 2790 Hai'bor Bir ~Me'-• { Local; opporltUl.ltlies a n d MA CO. needJ •izzl.lzw alrl, ' LOST Fli: Lady's b\focaJ .PAn"os WALKS DRIVE-Plumbing 6890 Newport, C.M. . •. Booc.J!',~~.'.1...~ LAMJNATORS. Muat be ex· Mc:CHANICAL . other California JocaUOns: typ, sh, wow! Benefits. great ~ 1Iuses, tan case. Costa WAYS.•F u' t EXPER. lubrication ma rt. ., ... ,.. • .....,..,,0 · Send ··" ~-Bot T •~ Call """· Mesa. 646--0439 , . . ree es ma e. PLUMBING REPAIR •Journeymen per. &: fut. Top pay, plenty -INSl"ECTQR . reeume or ..,.... ...... o:V. ~;.,"' o -..u, UllQ-.;', 1. RAY CONSl' 642-4210 ... ,0 ~· ·-•mall Salary plU!I commission. • ••• 1 y, ...... .., 01 ... ~-•• ~. -·~,. -. ~ Ml&ke. BMcCall. (ID) 4'J8.1C021 -•!ALE Kitten, beige. Vic or . ' ·~.":J .. ':'-. Appl• 1n ............ " 3100 E. UV. ,....,...., V-.;'IUlll ~-... "" COASTAL AG&NCY . A·-·do & , ... 1 Hwy CdM e CUSTOM PATIOSe ~ ,.. ___ 3 ,...._ Savannah EnterpriMI No lay-<lf11. . R 0.Vetopment 0, ' ·-~ · • al \...lM!il Hwy CdM MEIUDI"' L•o. 10 • 2 0 Minlmwn two yeara ~ 11570 O"-·lc. Blvd. A member ol • •unw oorx::rtte sawmg remov ' · ....., W 16th SL CM -· • • ..,.; tlJV Y-.,,,,... """' 11" • • • • Hawtho r ne · B lvd ., tnc. in 1"_,. •·-1 ~1..,Cal!I.""""'• C! .... n•-._._._,,lnglnc. Se.tLic.*842--1010 Remod"I, Re.,-ir, 6940 £' • ..,.__time truck driver ex-.... .,..~ ...-no~ ~ ,,....,...., .. • ~ LO .. ~ :U!i~"· v:is~ b .. lac~ , ' CONCRETE work all _:. ·lF· _,· --~ remodcll••, per. preferred. Harbor Tow-* DRIVERS * Inglewood, Calli 9030f (313) n:i&cbine.parts. SALES EXEC 2790 Harbor m ., Costa Mesa .... .._,., Pool deck & to -. ~v •orni .... Ing, 964 w. 17th St., C.M. N ,,._, c• 67<-Salll Ca WOMAN Wanted for ~p. Merrill. Reward. 548--5137 '-J_~· , i s cus m. painting or repairs. Call &U-4930 O -,,... .en TRAINEE for mrtaurant, no ..... u .. ~,!!n JIYE. ~.P•ra: The sky is the llmlt tlonllt a: IWltchboard, lite • LOST. Iadys gold Bulova ,,;can~~,.._ii'citi"'m:urs;-p;&;l_;;o1:,;·ck~64:;:t.~1,;,;1'~7==== SE=R~Vl=CE=~5~.,~ti-.,-, "'A~11-.,..,-,,.ant Necessary! eKp needea. Good oppty Jor vtr-.iu. ves. .....,.03JS tntematlonal CbemJc&l OJrii typing. Some sales, pleasant Watch .I 54th St Beach N.B. e CONCREI'E firs, patios • Call'""'·"' need.I sales --.+1.-wtth -~th bit ...__~_..._. '""'-bl Eawl 6 9'0 ex_per, .pref. Anderson's Must bave d et.a Califomla yne man. Tq $.5(0), °"'u ~ Div1A:ion of 'l!"~"u""' ""' pu e. r-.:: ....... """'" "r Rew. Robin. 637-3092. etc. ~te &: k top ~~·,~;;;.::ll!f~._ ___ .:.;.;;; Union, lMS Adams. CM drMr\i record, A!)llly . , Snell'~. CULTON' INDUSTRlES leadership &: training abU. ply 21S R.tvenide Ave., NB. 1.;;~o======z:,,'==.5 ·Ing. Reas. Don, 642-SSlf .. ~.Alterations >Jli.!206 YELLOW. CAB CO. COASTAL .AGENCY INOO~JUT!ll) ity, U Yo• att ..... orion> MATURE WOMAN !or refill i:l'e::::rso:':n:•::I•====-= Electrical 6640 Custom Designs EXP'D, Auto Mechanic, O\\'n 186 E. 16th St. A member or l S« Whittier Ave, :ive wt: =e-m~~~ sales. RION HARDWARE I• * 646-&446 * tools for busy s hop, Costa Mega Snellln1 &: Snellini: Inc. Costa Mesa, Calli. ence call us. You may bl! 1Ctl4 Irvine, N.B. &f2.ll33 e COUPLES • ELECTRICIAN. no job too Alt.r•tions . 642:-5845 54S--4TI7; 1747 Anaheim Ave. SALES, Food. Car + exp + 2790 Harbor Bl., Costa Mesa Equal opportunity emplO)'er the man we need. Compen-~A,,,•=k=to,,r_P_hll_."""_-.-.,.....1 e SINGLES • small. For prompt service Neat accurate 20 years exp Costa Me!LB bonus with some sales back· MAINTENANCE MAN -DIVISION-aatlon commensurate with llltemewen to ~ from Tired of Bars, Mail & Hi Cost call 545-46l4 ' ' . EXPERIENCED Real estate ground. S7200. Call Frank MUJt be good painter It havt CONTROLLER ability. Car & frtnae bent· borne on telephone !or fine computer clubs: JOIN THE F • 6660 TILE, Cer1mic 6974 salesmen. Office established Rand, ~. aome knowledge: of light ' l'lts. Call Mr. Gardner, n4-Calif. department store. FUN! THE IN ~ ~ en~!ftSI -. , 23 COASTAL AGENCY plumbina: & carpentry work. Rapld),y expandin& micro-638.2260, or n.f.962-9700. Ca.II ~n lS. 2 with YO . 't.W < • ·' • • H. Cttst. work. Ini:tall &: !'!pal.rs. 274 W. Coast Hwy 548-6577 Snelling &:·Snelling Inc. &ht man.£'~ .... ,, ; quires Division Controller, YOUNG MAN'S qe.~Oiife is a taltnt· DIV orii~M M Uten FEN<:E buildin& i.rldotx'-Out * Veme, The Tile Man * "cr,e':OMAS. REALTOR A me~ber of Prtermanent ~.!..™:ne:1~r electronic manufa~rer re-Sales TELLER, iiidiii"tie~ in Or- weei.1.. : '"!II -. select door .houaepamU11g. r.s. No job too small. Plaster Z790 I ro,.. M ftil! *60 . .t__ ed teUe ~-•-l sh '"·m~ind . . 'T .. _. ALS mates. ~ 646-0821. patch. Leaking shower 1f WOOL PRESSER • Harbor 5 ., .......... ta . ~sa can: 6'1i...un For app't, PMluun reports dlreatlY to DREAM . r ,.. .... _~ . u"" (II'; Kustl'rs Cleaners THE QUlCKER YOU dI'.Lt general manager. colt ex $500'. Call WWiaml, ' join FRE9320El Call Leah 1-9 Floors 6665 repair. 847-19571846--0200 548--4381 THE QUICJ<ER YOU SELL SALENS, lit utual -~ Train-opp... perlence de11.red. Newport U wlu. trainini. Nat'l. lines. 540-6C&COASTAL AGENCY p.m. 635-. • ee. ea app, ...u-=r "-J• Beach location. S6200. aalary plus comm, * I• I Carpet Vinyl Til• Tr•• Servlc• 6980 Help Wont·', Men 7200Halp W•nted, u-n 7200 local To $7'200. Call Frank i i..i.... be , A member of l _... """ Rand, Mo.6006 Cont.a A J E"' pe. d vu., .. u..,e n s. Snellina: & Snell;,_ Inc. Ive All styles P.-:ic' coons JIM'S Gardening &: lawn COASTAL AGENCY ct · ' •'1 Pref. men under :tr, tome 1190 Harbor Bl. ~ia Meu. ' Free est. Llc. contr. m"'"tcnan'". •-. • com· 11· • I Ill '·' to to cou.,e Call SM-3081 9 to • • 540-7262 5464473 merc-·lal .• ~.0·~~t • If you are su 1c1ent y qua •~ opera • A member ot RADIX · ' • ~ •1 R B • sne1u-•Snelling Joe. S P.M. MOTEL Maid. Experience ls I Meet that special someone ' Reta1 oute us1ness ....... CORPORATION N s I T necessary •. Inqu ire at A bogin to live. Gordaning 6680 ESTATE Maio! 'l'n>e Sttv 2790 Harbo• Bl, Com M•" 184 E. Uhorty Avtn"e urHry 1 H r-VAGABOND MOO'EL, 3151 l ORANGE Q>~ 547..fi668 ~moval &: trimmings, free with a.gross volume of JANITORIAL MAINTEN· Anlbelm 81M3tiO $ome exper or educatloDal H~ cM-~ it hour record... ing AL'S Garilcning &: Lawn -esb-milte, Call-SC-0088. $lS,OOO to $",OOO innuolly ANCE and GARDENER~-M"'---· N nal b&ln backgrOund in horticultun!. MANI'"'.'~,.;;,--;:-----...._~.,~ ! Maintenance.. Commercial, Between q es 25-55, 48 hr. \.lPjl.1 .,,._, aUo c Xlnt oppty for youna: man. "'""nw' '"' ~ ! LICENSED industrial a: realdential. • Upho11feiry 6990 THE JEWEL co., .IN.C. wk., tim~and._·half..Over .fO, ol re1taur looldns for men ABILITIES G~ Alfredo'• Hair Etc. , Spiritual Readings advice 'fr 646-JG29 * _ _ pension plan, paid holidays, to promote. All co ~ntfita UNUMITED AG~cY. 326A, Marine Av, Bal. Jal. ! on all matter!!. iii N. El CLEAN UP s ·ar tl M C'lYK'OSKI'S Cust. Uphol. W'll 'd 'th t bl' h d te sick pay, ins. plan, pleasant $6300. Call -1'-ank-Rand, 488 E. 17th st., Suite 224 675-GO'JO -: Camino Real, San Clemente . . . pec1 LS ow· £uropean Craftsmanship I provt e you Wl an e s a IS e rou • work cond'1, Pb: 545-8911 or 540-6Cl55 Costa Mesa &12·14TO EXP'O. Conl!t.iem,'D or pl ' 492-9136, 496-9507 Ull. ediini. odd Jo b•· 100% fib! 642-1454 . with approximately 450 Trading Customers 54&-$182 COASTAL AGENCY EXP'O. 2hd. •hilt Injection ume. Fuhlonl for La l'em· ) 10 AM • 10 PM -Reuonabte. 54s.695& 1331 Newport BL1 c.M. -furnish the investment -Company vehlc· A member of Moldlna: Fortman. G d • me, Newpl ~ 644-0170 1 , INTE'[LIG'Erffl ·~~.J~~-J~il$ & !li\PLO\iMEf.iT· ~-le & operating-expense•. BOYS JO. 14 Sne!llng-.r.-Snelltng-lnc.-Iii"' APP!Y -1 tiiT PM ' LiVE lii'Hiii#10r woman UNMARRIED? ;;;-~ · ,......,,,,.. This is an excellent Career Opportunity th.at Carrter ~tn Open mo Harbnr·m .. c.oata M«"• ns~ PARTS INC. llvm, alone. OWn room. TV. This ts your invitation to hai> Job Wanted, Men 7000 also provides voluntary hospitalization & Lqu.na Beach: So. Lquna •CARPET lAY£t• 1346 Lotan Ave., C.~. SlOO mo. 6t2-21'tl, 6412-1249. pine•. Pho~ ~7-$6l6 for Johnaon'• Gardening BOATING BUILDERS profit sharing retirement program. Salary DAILY PtLOr , . , SEkVJCE StaUon n e • d • WAlTRESS -OVEi :n 24 hr recorded nltSsaA:e. Finest equip., expert care. plus Commission. OUr averaee man earns. "2-4321 EXPlllll ENC ED ni.Cht man, $-1o pm. Mliat Day I EYtnln& Shift I Attroctiv• Expert P1anBuS1N""'ESS· ct•·:-u~: PI<o J EcT. o Es 1 GN $7500 P..er Year EXPERlENCED serv; ee ISLANDER MOTOR .,... "'per!<"". tl!lroN Call - YOUNG WOMAN rtAL GIJ'dttrl I: O in A.VAII.ABLE Station rmni full time, HOMES, INC. OIL 393 E. l'l'lh, CM BARMAID, Nilbts. Small, I dancer wW teaeti' yoU all ~·d ,,.,, ,,...,..,., lli e up. Fonner cHief drafUman of pe-•-ot, H-·~ .. w ... + 2135 r...-... n Dr., C.M. · YARD S&luman. over 21 !). f"r1e'ndly bed -liar, N'pt. I •---'-" ...... " ~ Fill in the bl•nk below & m•ll to: " ...... ~ .,, .. ..,. _.yv A .... ··-" .,__ .. __ , __ , ktut steps. Call 1Uvcu one ol Florida's largest boat commlNion. Ovtttlme Pt¥ 6'U'i'5B _, ~· .,.,, .... mat.NT1-1 Blvd., C.M. _&48-9928 ~ • 213: 591-45.38 1·10 PM &tia....1166 companies is considering MT~r.E,ldJ•EWEL CO., INC. atttr 40 hn. 990 E. cast COOK.tr)'. eiPer. yng. man mf~!~RFf."! CM ALS ORDER oe1k Oki ftlini·mGd I it Club Adultt Only Jtellable. IA"ln Mainte:na:a ttkx?;~ in 0rarwe Cowl--Hwy;._ NB. Y.'.bo dtltres I Pl>llUOn fl//~ "'I"'" ' _ l'O'JP w/ sbaip,RllnJs. ExP J oJ:°pktuTe• 1i;-ph ho, oi Gardcnlltlnd~ b'. 1000 E•st Ball Rd. GEN'L. M&inteoance of ex--futun. tor inter. aee Mr. VP to Pl> mo. iOUlll ma1' nee. swnll: wtill $380. CalJ lsates )'OU pJ't'-teled. No Rellabla lawn. •rvlceo Anaheim, C1llf. 91802 terior a: arounds or pt1vale Schftrhold. Mro Stltk. ~ J!itd_. wttb_car Ml'l.Y ---AOislllilml.-5fl>..e5 name! u!ed until you Co on mcJ9/, edge, trim. Good experience ln boat club. Will conskler younc Faltview, CM. 64U132 momlnp. M8--4T52 C TAL AGENCY 1 ~·a~i.~~~03:;;1~.9644~:-:i':::-t.· ;;· 7."i I ·--io:*~S!I=ici·';;IOl;:r;*:;;;--I d.e•_!Jn (20';.59'1 Name .•.•....•....• 1 1 ••• 1 · · • • • · · • · · · • • • • • • • retfrttl. PH: Mt-«111 txPemnoetw .cOil iSttM SMALL •hoP nMda all-A ~ ot . 'BA'CH 5'!" -~"""""' ~~ CUI Ar-Lawn. i<nowleda" ol Ubo~. . 'dd J•urron, •·" dme n'"'I EQUIPMINT ......,. matblnl-.SC. i!belllns a Snelllns trio. .,,.,....... .... ...,,...... Mull dealan & tank ttstlrc. r\ ress · · · · · • · , · · · · · · · • · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · • · · · .... ,..... ....,. * 4M-S989 * 2190 Htrlior m a.ta Veta 11 35 tor tun &: com-MalntenaDC"t, 1Jcenled ~ aood Ja1. Be a MECHANIC ., '°"'°""''•· "2--0388 -1*4:.mD alt ' L>olill dralUng. Ci(y . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . _,., R411aunnt, Soutb Call 545'1235 _ , ,_...mi~~ /.silo<..-1~ e l'RY COOK I ~OLICS ~OUI .. JIM'S Glll'den~ ~ ~ Age ···,············· Phone ..••..••.•• :.... FLqunaR·YMr.~~--%J7l!lbl;:;, MAN .--lHl-21 WiN2136.!flX!;S ~:;·.~~~Stach )'orest Olra!u~-~l2 ... ~.~ PhOne 542-7211' cw wntl maintenance. no:!I. • """" .. \Vrlte Box M-63& Onnge iEfO 'nw'•"'" " Donut ou.e. c.. 1 th ., ---., -~ ., P.O. Box 122) °'*Mita.. a,ierdaJ. .... 54W4ll -Cout-Pilot; P.O. SOX-J!'llOt _. • ., • .;;·Jobs lh last 5 Yrs. '' .;_.-, ..•...•.•. · •. --;--:Wbl'lt.--bRRO c.o RP . SI., CO.ta Mt'IL Eves t pm RTV .• Tedutlc1!!1oo w. ~~~ ·A-~ !~jloyffa. u 0t0ftl'. -G £Sl!l -Cftmpl C.O.ti-Mesa ~11ornla Fibe.ralat Dlvltlon, um -10 pm. $1.U hr. oa man. "' •IVW · """" "'perwon. _ S.ntltlvlty roup JAPAN . , Marr1'ed Single r,·~ .. ••. """'· ·-~. W"-D' M·~ne --nt"-*Call ~* CX>TTAQE 00_ nEE SHOP-6'&&30 or~ sen. Exper, deptndahl.;.pl.ACE)'OW'wantadwhere ................ ·····•••••••·· ""'"'. rw -. ru"ir. ..--. ._,..,.. u . &QW 19thCt..Qrf M n~w .1.UT .. nc-1 f~ eat. Mi-4389 ~.,. !oold_--.D.AfLY Ed "··Co I .... White elephantiJ DlJnt.a~lne $S ptf hour. Private Party. OAD..Y l'JLO'l' WANT AD$~ ~ -~•4 ~, •• •• -uca-mp e .... · ...... " .. "" • ·" ... Dial Ml-lm r.r l'.ESULTS 543'Z19 · ~.. -BRING u:sui;TSr DAILY .Pltll'r wl\NT Al)S! .:,__ , JtESULT!! Wblte elfphantll Dim.H.Une clantftecH 1"*'...,,•o • . • > ; • ' ' I ~- f~ F .. ·- \ ' l • • ' l • _l ' .-1 I l I .. :• " I· l I l • " ·---· -·--~- SEARS . COSTA MESA HOUSEWIVES FULL TIME SAL ES & MARKING ROOM Plus • Profit Wring • Hospltaliiatlon • Group I ife ins. • Paid vacation e 8 p&kl holidays • 40 hr. \\'orlc week • E1nployec dist"OOrl! • Apply In Personnel Office · ?ilonday thru Sa1urd11y 10 A.\1 10 4 PM SEARS Roebuck & Co. SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3'33 S. BRISTOL COSTA MESA An Equal Opportunity Employer • llllRSES AIDES Full timt -All lhltu: • .I Appl.y ln pet30n 1-luntinrtou Beach Convalescent 1 l~plta1 18792 Dela-.·e.re St., H.B. TRAVEL Ticket! Exciting tour ' & ticket a&enl : Exp, nee. Travel frtt. Start $350. Call Billie, 540-6055 COASTAL AGENCY /t. membtt or Snellil'lg &: Snelllnc: Inc. . 2790 Harbor m., Costa ~tesa DYNAMIC younr company needs ~er, new • accounts girl, 21 to i6. ~ to t"-o years ~rierx,~ prefen'ed, with li&:ht bookkeeping apti· tude. Ptea.sa.nl small oUtce atmosphere with large bt!au- 1ifuJ :sunoondinp. Conlact hlr. La.pp, DOWNEY SAV· INGS I. WAN Association, t.tission Viejo. 837-491 1 ORDER DESK 3 • 6 n~ experience. Good typist, good telephone tech· nique-. Co. thinks young. MISS EXEC AGENCY 510 \V, Coast Hlghway Nc1vport Beach 646-3939 ORDER Desk, exp nf'C. Groovy job & boss. Mini skirts loved here, WOW! Nev- er a dull min. To $400, C.aJJ Billie 54o.6Cf>5 COASTAL AGENCY ESOtO\V Seely, liml' to A member df move up to t...'<"et"" -spot, -xJnr-f-&eU~-"-SneWna:-lnc... company. To ~. Call Aon 279D Harbor Bl .• Costa ~lesa \Villiam!, 540-60:'ii R.N. SUPERVISOR COASTAL AGENCY f'ull or part timt'. 11 A member of p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Good Sncllini:: le Snelling fll('. salary and lriJ1ie bene- 2790 Harbor Bl., Costa 1'.1esa Cits. Park Lido. ConvaJe~nt Hospital 1445 Superior Newport Beach 642-2410 ~.~~c~C.::.""-'---~~ INS Sec. insure your future! Bankbook exp In-alt 1ns. Type, a1c11 gal. SU500. Call Billie. 540-60;).5 * CLERK * SALES ORDER Experienced in sales order processin1:-. maintain order log and records. Type llO wpm on eltt!rlc. Cell Personnel Dept. (7141-494-9401 TEL ON IC EMGINEERlllG CO. Laguna Beach Equll.1 opportunity employu GTRL F'ri: Swing out this summer for groovy alert bos..<i. Mid skills will get 1st base. $350. Call Billie, 541)..00).') ' e COASTAL AGENCY A 1nc1nbcr of Snelling & Snelling Inc. 2i90 Harbor B~, Costa li1esa e SECRETARY e ADMINISTRATIVE Challenging, divcrsilied dUl- ies. P.1ust have good secre- tarial 11kill11. IYPe on IBM elect. typewriter. able lo U· sume responsibililies v.·ith liUle supervl!don, kno\v\edge- able in pe:rsonl'll!I 11· or k. Shorthand reqi.iircd. Neal. attraeli\•e and pleai>ant per- sonality. Salary -$610.$6n. Xlnt \\'Orking conditions and fringe benefit!. Send resume or apply to . COASTAL AGENCY A member of Snelling A Snell~ Inc. 2700 Harbor Bl., Costa ~tesa ACCTS PAYABLE Beaul SWTOWlChlJC6 on Say • good typist, some general olfiCt'. MISS EXEC AGENCY 410 W. Coast Highway NC\\'POrt Beach 646-3939 SECRETARY Construction vcperience ptt- ferred. ' Pleasant workifll conditions. Some receptionist dutiei>. Send reswne to PO Box 855, Costa ~tes&, 9'1627. ADVERTISING bright, lite, some type &. slh. Very classy Joc:ale. great Cl'.l, all benefits. $675. Call Gloria, .. ...,,, COASTAL AGENCY A Member or Snelling & Snelling Inc. 2'i90 Harbor Bl., Costa t.1esa General Office For a conscientious young lady. Good penmanship, IYP. ing skill. Potential. MISS EXEC AGENCY 410 W. Coast Jiighv.•ay Newport Beach 646-3939 GIRL FRIDAY- Right arm to President. In. terested in securities. genl ofc bkgmd, sell starter. A fantastic oppty for a carttr minded young lady. MISS EXEC AGENCY 4.10 \\'. Coast lligh\.\'ay Newport Beach 646-3939 JAN IT RESS P /time all 5 pm, Mon-Fri to 1vork in CM, NB or IMne area. Apply at ITI85-2C Sky- SAN JOAQUIN park Circle. Irvine. 540.1910 SCHOOL DI STRICT SECRETARY-· - 1·'600 SW Sand Canyon A1·<!. RECEPTIONIST l::a!t Irvine, Callf. 92650 !~~~~!!!!!!!!~"":~~I Dictation. lyping. good lele-1'rEu..1:R, exp pref. Profit phone veice, knowledge or 5ha.11!. rt'tlrr, saving. ins. general oUice. Prefer COi). Varied duties. add. type. stn.iction background. Sal· To S4T.i Call Billie, 54().6Q;)fi ary open. 64.2-3432 COASTAL AGENCY RECPT/Secty to J guys in A member of Purch Dept of very top co. Snelling &: Snelling Int. Great, perm lulurt'. $500. ~ llarbor Bl., Cosla f.lesa Call Gloria Kay; 540-6()5;j COMPANION ant' ti 1 t' COASTAL AGENCY houseY>'Ork 10 live-in for A member ol you"' lady must have good Snelling & Snelling lne. driving record. Olher help 2790 Harbor Bl. Cosfa P.1esa in home. Reference please. SECRE1'ARY-Chrlsl Church G42-&9lJ _by_ ~~_!l, JO hl'S/\Vk. $JOO SECTY. if )'(IUJ' bosi; is an mo. General oUice 1vork; ogt'e & you want change exp mimeograph 11f'CC!~sary. \Vith a .challenge, try this. Call 673-3805 or 543-5424 lor S475. cau Ann Williams, 1 _.';;,P;.P1.,· ,--~-~~~~ S40·1im5 ~IOTEL -Front Desk. Pru•! COASTAL AGENCY lime. PBX. NCR. typlne;. A. mcn1~r of Lxperi<"nccd preff'n-ro. Sncning "'& sntlllnj!" Int". bAGUNA SHOR.ES, Inc. 7790 Harbor Bl .. Costa ~1erl8 "94-8521 HARDWARE-SALES \VANTED: Exp'd sev.·er- Some experience pttlei™ P!)11·ru· ·machine to 1vork in Kerm Rim• H•rdware Biklril custom wt'ar shop. Please call ei3-7860 aft 6 54'-7080 673-2472. 2668 llarbo~ Bl_1·d., ~ i.EXP~''°ERIEJ'°'""'~,~.CE=o~eo~"'°"""-- FRY COOK &: Cot.lee 1hop girl. Apply M.ture, expc11e11C('d lady 3-4 t-.to~F'ri. 19.">12 Beach day or evenln&. full tinK'. Blvd. HB see Lori 7400 ,;.. ____ ·---I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;.' PUBUC Contact llPO(. lot , •. Diversified duties. Type 50 wpm on electric. ' Call Per50nnel Dept. (7141 494.9401 TELO.NIC ENGERJitG CO. La9un1 Be•ch Equal opportunity t'mployer J . W. Robinson . Ha• openlnt for : * PERSONNEL * ClfRK Respol}Sible woman for position involving pay. roll, typing. filln1 and pcr90nnel experience p~ !erred. HUGH ES- NEWPORT BEACH NEEDS A Sf(RJTIRY We are SH:kina: a quaU!lt'd ~cretary with rtetnt ex- perience ln &') enr:lncerinf envtronment. Background snoWd include technical pro-. posaJs and report pre~ra­ ~ Exce)Jl!nt b'Pin& anp who llke1 ~ It people. Ot wlll train. t.o $400, CtJl Glona ltay..~ COASTAL AGENCY .A member of s~rc • SneWrw tnc. 2790 Harbor 81, eo.Ta Mta Blue Dolpllln Reshiunint mi Via Udo · UDO ISLE Eicperlenced • o\.~t 2S • HOSTESS •WAITRESS shorthand skills are ri!qu!r. Apply. btWft J prn-C pm. ed. .CAL Fr\da.y, fast pace.d"lnsur Qualified •pplicanll lnte.res.~ ed. in im'e$tlgatiJW this op. portuntty shoukl apply tn person to: HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH SOO Superior Avenue Newport Beech, Calif. Equal opportunity employer M/F oft, pat Newport loc. Brite, penonable rirl cei. $300. c.JI Gloria. 50-&155 COASTAL AGENCY A member of SnelUnc &: SneDfni tnc. 2790 Harbor Bl .. Costa Mt'SI Expertenced WAIJRWE.S Day 1:: Night Shift far busy co&. · ahop MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 24031 El Toro Rd. OFFICE Latuna· Hills 13'1·1014 WHY DELA Y7 SECRETARY $47S• Xlnt firm in Costa Mesa. Fee If yo~ have. ever ~ht ?f reimbuned. Al~ fee jobs worki_ng temporarily, now 111 ABIUTIES · APPLY PER:S0NNEL DSPT:- 1~ p.m. P.1on·Fri. FJ11•hi011 l1land Newport Beach the time to a ct. \Ve ha\lt' UNl..JN.IXED AGENCY -,U~ty oHnteresting, good 488 E. 17th St., Suitt' 224 - paying Jobs. Costa 1.lesa &U-"M70 Equal opportunity employer ---,_CTIVITIES DIRECTOR Excellent career 'opportunily fbl""'"Tl'l:S:turf!' W1JTT1en "'ith ex· perie~ in the direction of ...recreation and 'social aruV-. Uies for aduJt groups to work in our growing SOUTH BAY CLUB APARTMENTS. Attractive salary, apart- ment, and employee bene- fits. Local opportunities as well as othe.r callfornia loca· tlons. R & B Development Co. 11570 Olympic m vd. Los Angele!, Calif. 900S4 e REUBEN'S e Costa Mesa NOW OFFERS A BOOKKEEPING -POSITION- Cpart time) Apply in per1on 1:>55 \Ve¥ Adams, C.M. GIRL FRIDAY for oo!l)()rate controller. Lite. secretarial, atto0nting, bk- kpg. experience Is necessary. Contact J. F. \Vhit ncy RADIX CORPORATION 184 E. Lif>erty Avenue Anaheim 879-4360 LYN & Nurses Aids L.n.rgl' progressiVI' ECF needs U. Orienlallon provided by a full tlmc, in service, educa- tor. ()penlngs on all ~hifts. Diffcrenlial pd for S\vlngers & nilr 01vls. Only thosfo who care need apply a! 1030 \V. \Varner. S.A. 546-6450 BKKPG Clerk: Ace typing & l'IOme exp. Crea! NB co. Don't delay1 To S42a. Call Sally, 5-1~;; COASTAL AGENCY A member or Snelling &: SneJ\ing Int:. ~2!._arbdl" Bl.. C~l.a r.t~a EXPERIENCED e NOTE TELLER e PART TIME TELLER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 222 Ocean Av,., L.1guna Bch. 49""546 TELLER,. llCW accL~. Like people, nwne.y I: bkkpg ! Some Bank exp a plus. To $400. Ca l l &illy Hart, 54(1.f,()5.) ' COASTAL AGENCY A n1e1nilcr of Snelling & Sl'M.'lling Inc , 2790 1111.rbor Bl., Cosla r.lcsa Cllble & HllrneSS "5Kmhlers. No e"pc>r. rw('. S\VJSS INDUSTRll-.:S 29?.0 College Avr1111e Costa f.teu ~s:io F/C llOOKKEEPER- Costa ~irsa CPA offitt. Inte.reahng -OWlUern:ing Comn1en~uratr Sala1). Please call LI 8-887 4 There's a world of dillerence with \l.'estem Girl WE NEED! e Typi1ts • Secretaries • Bookkeeper•. • Keypunch Oprs ·e Legal-Sk'f's. - OPERATORS Experienced on d r e • • e 1, sportt wear, zippers, Top Pa,y. Also PRESSER_ 86l Production Place Newport Be.a.ch.·~ Gen. ln1urence· Agency INTERVIE\V HOURS 9:30 AM TO 2:30 PJ\f CO~IE IN TODAY ln!ernational Temgorary Help Service . SEC~ETARY i\tatul'! woman experienced in all llnes of insurance~ Sa1@,.rY open, New ottice: l='GC,re'-'a"t-"o"-p"'po°'rt;;; • .:c•c:44:..;.:17;;;l8:__, GAL wanted for sewinz In Boutique Dress shop. Ex· per. with . pallt'rns. .Beach area. Box M 637 Daily Pilot COCKTAIL Waltreu, Fri & Sat only. Ll"ITL&IDG-BOY 1943 P1acentia, C . ~f . 64U361 CURTAIN " drapery saleslady exp'd. No phone Anaheim 1784 \V. Lincoln calls. UdoU's, So. COlllll Sanla Ana Ph. 54().(132~ Plaza I Costa Mesa 27QJ Harbor BEAlITY 0 PER AT 0 RSI An Equal Opportunity \\'allted: ~o t o 11 o w t n g Employer necessary. 675-4232, 675-3701 Dental Recept. I:: Bkkpr. • Clerks Exp ... ....,,,.,., ...... • Typists MOTEL M~'"'"'· Ap. • Secretaries p1y, 1m aa,,,.,. o, . • Keypunch Oper Nowport Beach. PART time sales & make INTERIM ' cheese balls. F1exlble hours. 64>-0!172 SECRETARY, middle aite. 1 PERSONNEL SER.VICE ~!·~~u;,,. Call "'r. !--"-~-----~ 445 E. 17th St. GIRL, Pl·lln1e, high school Cost1 Me1a, Calif, 642-7523 senior or older, Dental Of- fice. no exper. nee. 962-4486 EXP'D SALESLADY * 548-5383 * Interviewing J\ton. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to S p.m. While e.lephanta! Dune--a.-line BUSIEST m~ In F.qual opportunity employer town. The DAILY Pll.OT ADVERTISING 0"'1liod """°"· Saw money. time • effort. Loolc Secretary/ Bookkeeper Responsible, top level po1itlon for 1harp, tak .. charge girl. Mu1t heve excellint 1kill1 incl. now!!! 1horthand; handle lite c;.,;.;::-.....::~~ bkkpg; billing. Under · 30. Call Barbara. (714) 642-3910. BKKPR: I! you are a takt> charge tyPe gal, this gem ii:: for you. Owige of pa<'t. $425. Call Sally Hart, 54o.60C>5 COASTAL AGENCY A member of Snelling &: Snelling Inc. 2790 lfarbor Bl., Costa Mes.a SECN/RECP'l'. Xlnt advcml oppty! Heavy typing, lite bkkpg. To S500. Call lwlr. Rlchanls, ~().6055. COASTAL AGENCY NOW'S THE TIME FOR A member of Snelling & Snelling Inc. 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Me!a STOP QUICK CASH \Vasling time START r.faklng MorM!y. THROUGH A $2.00 to $5.00 •per hr. with bonus. Go-getter, fuJI or pan lime. 230 \V. \Varner, suite DAILY l17, u . --PILOT RECPT: MedkaJ. ace type y,;/ med ins bk.gmd. Like people. $425. Call SaUy at -COASTAL AGENCY A member ol Snelling "' Snelling Inc. 2790 ljarbor ~VJ .. Costa Mesa Pa.rt or fu!J time 10 ••omen needed immed. for child WANT AD 642-5671 c.all (or lntervlt'w. ~tarie C&lk.nMr Ples. 842-448(;. LEGAL Steno for 1epJ eaglt'. Sharp on lkiU1, ~ on ~ookl. Start career at $500. C.U Ann Wiiiiams. ~ COAST~L AGENCY OtruSTIAi ... Lady lo CDn! for ORAL SUfgl'I')' offitt. Im-ca.rt. aides or companions. my childm in n1y 11.bscnc-e. 6 mediatr rmplO)'menl for l'.ge 2115 /, J!ioflllP<'r of Snen1nc J snellfna lnc. %700 llarbor Bl., Cl>Stl ftfaA e JitA16S -liol;l/Motel -.... 11.83 hour. CaH 67S.!HJU 11.ir.il ~fust like beacti. C:dJ df'nt<it as.o:i:i;h!.nl. X-ray ex· Sitting Pretty Agency 6T.>-2829 pcrience. CAii S.l!l--7719 '-Ien1ber of \\'e Sit Bettt'r, a.ERK TYPl_!,l-10 key add. PETRO.ETTES, age 2J..50 Inc. SUb!i<liary o Gerber California Arti~li::, 311 f.1ti1n for pump !!en •. ).1nt ~I. Prod. Co. 6t2-3274 Sr , Seal Bcii(•h. f 2 J J ) t"IVE POINTS SHE"LL. Gl.'NE{tAL omce help ncf'd. 431-1321 EquaJ 0 p 1' I y -·~12->1~7~;--*,~---~ I ed. ACCUJ!.te typlng l"!'qUil'" emrolyer. fiENTAL .A.<:;ST .. t'xper. st ed. 50 WPM. Call 646--0293 COCKTAIL wallMll, full <'lose chalr.;kle, Cxttll. op-8:30-~ ask for ·Mrs. Berry. 1\mt'. B 1J 11 Bro\\• n · 5 nortunt~: 6'16-)411 '"AlTRF.:SS-rw1 ~ par!· Rt'filaurant It lhJ~. Soulh 1 BABYSITIF.R, nltes, ca.ti time. Apply in pem;»i. S1v1~, l.RfUna. A!k for Roy . 548-54*1 or Chalet. 414 N. Ne.,.,"))Oi1, NB ~ • 6'5;24li0 DAILY PILOT IYAA"T ADS! I .· _ ...... ......__ __ ,_ --..------------·:i~ 1· •• • • • ' --. • v ., ' Are You Letting C~sh Slip Through Your Fingers -- See 11· You Have Any -Of-These Things A ::DAILY Pl·tOT WANT-AD Will Sell Fast! 1. Stove 29. Bicycle 57. Eloctrlc Trofn 2. Gulter 30. Typewriter 51. Kiii.Oft 3, Biby Crib . ·31. 81r Stool!. S9. Cl1nlc Auto 4. Electric Sew 32. · Encyclopedi1 t<O. Coffee T1blo 5. Cemere 33. V1euum Cleener 61. Motorcycle 6. w .. her · 34, Troplcel Flih • 62. Accordion 7. Outboerd Motor 3S. Hot Rod Equipm'f 63. Skit I. St .... Sot 36. Fiio Cablnot • 64. TV Set 9. Couch 37. Golf Clubs 65. Workbench 10. Clerlntt 38. Storllng Sliver 66. Dlomond Witch 11. Refrigeretor 39. Vlctorl1n Mirror 67. Go-Kirt 12. Pickup Truck 40. Bedroom Sol 61: Ironer· 13._ Sewing Mechine 41. Sllde ProJoctor 69. C1mp1"f Tr•iler 14. Surfbolrd 42. Lewn Mower 70. Antique Furniture 15. Mich I no T oolt 43. Pool T1ble 71. Tepe Recorder 16. Di1hwasher 44. Tim 72. S1llbo1t 17. PuPJ>Y 45. Pl•no 73. Sports Cir 11. C1bln Cruiser 46. Fur Coat 74. Mattreu, lox Spp 19: Golf C1rt 47. Dr1pn 15. lnboord SpMdbo1t 20. Biromotor · 41. llneM 76. Shotgun 21. Stemp Collection 49. Horse 77. Siddle 22. Dinette Sot SO. Alrpl1ne 71. Dirt G1nM 23. Pl1y Pon 51. Or91n 79. Punching Bit 2.4. B.Wllng 8111 52. Exercycle 10. Biby C1rrl1go 25. W1tor Skit 53. Ra re Boob II. DrulM 26. Frener 54. Ski Boott 12. Rifle 27. SdltcHO 55, High Ch1lr 13. Dosk 21. Clock 56. Coins 14. SCUBA O..r These or any other extra things around the house may be turned into cash with a .... DA IL Y PI L 0 T WA NT ·AD so • • • Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 (YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> DAILY PILOT WANT ADS . ·.WILL WORK ·FOR YOU! . Ge' In . On The Action ltday! t I , .. ... • • F. " ' I ·I ... " • . Payroll/ Accountin Clerk ~ ~ Must have at least 200 employee .payroll ex- perJence ; some receivables background d~ sired. Musi be able to grow with a growing company. Please •J!ely in person to Miss Larson GErt,,R_AL·ry,4UfOMATION ; 'f'f Vf. Kat•ll•. Or•09•1 Calif• 1tf .,..1 opflort~nlty, omployer . ... ,. HAIRSTYUSTS v.•e are kioking for two• tOP- Mtch beaµti ciani for now th:1t~lass (ima.gt:}'--ahop iD Hunti~ Beach. mu.st be profeS!ional, dedicated,. i;x· perlenoed and up on ·latest style!. Excellent Opportwi fly. for appointment can ?i.tiss Prim, M7-U22. SALESWOMAN Local experience in better ready to wear; for ExcJu. sive SpecialtY.,ShoP. ~ day week. 9-5:30,_..tl9v nites. ~I· ary + cornmlsston. Replies confidential. Write Daily Pi- lot Bo.x M-333. Help W•nted Women 7400 PBX OPERATOR bfust be e'<perienced on multi.,.i boanL Typ .... required. ~:30 to 1 AM Shilts available. COLLINS RADIO co~ 19700 Jamboree Road Newport Beech Equal opportunity employer •• / PU BLIC NOTICE DECOIATOI' om CANCallTION OF 11 wxu,av APAITMllfTS Span"" & Medlierrantan fvmhvnt ,.. .. · :All-BRAND NEW • -tlltli rs9 ·~· ........... Ill-. SOi~ 'w1ito ift•lh.·). NOW ~ 'N6,.M .. U!£1~ ....... Sl.111•191'-... ~ ""= = !'WI '*'" tl. ... Wlt.HI .......... 'lfot:t?,t: 'M'"" "" ~ .. ' • .. ,. ,.,. " • "" • • • Wld _ot_ E ,,_ C T1bl ...... •••••••• t '" --~ ,:.: , .... ti::: ~:11, ., ................ ,1,:~ INnlall -HtNllllo s-~ !Rn. i:i,tJ .•....••... NOW 1111Ji A ~ecaralor dream hO\)se on display - 3 roo~ ol~gorQe9us Spanish furniture ('!'faS reg, $1295.QO . SACRIFIC,E • • .' • • • $398 . CltlDIT f11tl!llS-A\IAH.~ILl Cltf.OtT CLl!IJll.O IMMlDIATILY mm fURHlTURE .1844 Newport Blvd.Ha:. 11v.i.1 -Cost_a M~a only htry'..._t 'T~ 9-Wtd., Sat.• Son. 'Tl 6 -~··· • Wodnffdq, J•ly 16, 1%9 87 MERCHANDISI FOR MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOlt • MIR;j.C;iiANDri"11-iis,-.,...,--r.:=~~hrirE~ ~ALE ~D TRADE S~LE AND '!'RADE ~Ll~D TltAl>I --SALi AND. Tl!ADE .SALi AND TW,1 furniture 8000 Furniture IOOO FurnJtUre toOO M11<ellaneOus -MOO Misc. Wanted -1610 SPANISH --MEDITERRANEAN ~ Roo1111 Showroo111 .. Furnlture $1.00CI ¥jllue/$389.95 • 5 Pc Game Sets wrought lron lrom $59.95 a 8 F1' ~ec Divan & Love seat $149.95 • 60" Heavy Span· ish Collee table $29.95 a Large Matching Lam p tables $19.95 a Decorative Sp an is h Lamps Ir o m $14.95 a . Gu&r Box. Springs & Mattresses $19.95 a 15 year Guarantee Quality Kings & Queens a ot TERR IF I C Saving.s! Stacks & Stacks ol Moltresses. Credit Terms 548·9660 . ' ·Bank or Store Charge Opet1 t.t Deily Su• 10-t Sat •• , Enter on Hamilton or Berna.rd \VANTED; for "'°oale 91'/ * -Aumo11 * coi~u.nen•. ia.c1.Je1. stm · n qualily ;~•: -nrrr. FRIDAY * 7130 PM ::--~ ~U.Q,~~'. JULY 11 ANl'JQUES: Roond Oak Ta· isu.e311,:=:;,;;;'3'>5,;';30=· ==.-1 ble Ir. chairs, treadle sewing ma.chine, plalfonn rocker, FREE TO YOU Bedroom aets, O Iv an t, ---------Chei.tt, Mattreuc•. Cotn· mode,, Larnps, Mlrron, om. etles, Delkl, Spanish Bed· roon1 sets, Sparu,;h Dining ta:b)e &: chain:, Spanish ber &: ~tools. Solid State stereo, 2 H1unmoni1 organs. larg"' Bink.I aasollne compree!IOr &. tank, Refrigerators, Stov· t $. \Vuhers & P.fUCl-1 MORE: (l)ME BROWSE AROUND WINDY'S AUCTION 20751Ai Newpo11 Blvd. Behind Ton~"' Bldg. ?.tat'ls. Cosj~ey.._ * 646-8666 OPEN DAILY 9 lo of 1 YR. old 0enn.n Shtpberd bU))Q.'.mb:ed female. Smart, obed .• It very aUect. AC'kftl children. llu all ahol!, llcel\SL', It l:t an "it." hsbrkn. 644-.2956 alter 5 pm. 1/17 DUTOI B!a.clt I< Blue rat> bits. ~ Oibn.t.Y Fair winners. Pl<:I< u~ at tOO Fair in Rabbit 'Bid&. Alk for S14pervlsor. Or Mr. Fitzpatrick. &tG-4§2& 7/ll 10 FT. CouCh a.net female poodle doi' full Jl'OWfl• minlah1re. 10145 Morn.in& Glocy Circle. Eo un ta In Valley. , {Edifit::er and JOBS & EMPLOYMENT NEW DISCOVERY gives (!•r•g• s.r. 1022 Pi1nos & 0 '91ns i130 bald men hair again! Not a School'Jlnstruction 7600 ANTIQUE P 1-,.--,-o-g_r.;;a;::p;o;h, painful transplant or ex. Euclid). · 1111 Educational Vacation Sth graders . • . Sr Citizens Chilcoat 10 lesson typing Beam boltlC'M fcoll. of 32), MUSIC CENTER pensive tw,ir weave, our oew antique mirror. J i br a r y hairpiece fron1 transparent clocj(:, mantle clock. horse 11f artificial skin dclles delec. JOBS & EMPlOYMENT 1J_O_B;...S;...&.;;.__E_M;...P...;L;.;O;...Y;...M;;.E;.;N;;cT &~. ·rr;,1 Le'"'"· 173 Doi P.tar, C.M. 548-2859 coll®;, f'ranldm· nim· 1 a"' Orange County lion. & antiquates all olher ,,. Kt~/\.BE e WURLITZER n t•-•· F. ll O tiqu.c car coin set. in stcrl-CONN • FISCHER te nuult. m. ava . range i"'•, mul ti·colo-• ,,.,,A.. Co. lla!r Replacement Cntr. ..., i-...v = Renta.ls-Teachlng·Sales ~~~ N ~ .. tin· Ora COCK·A·POO, cute 11 t l le male puppy, 2% mos. Dld. to good tionie with tencd yd. 642-5880 '118 WE a.re 2 Jl'OP1e ·,loving kit· tens, s'islt:l'I. 3 mos. old. We would like to be adopted by 10me cat lovlng people. 546-4065 7118 Holp W•nhtd Women 741111 ,J_•_b_s--M __ •_n_. _w_._m_._75_00 MERCHANDISE FOR' St.LE AND TRADE HUGHES Furniture 8000 glass ha"" lam"", •·-rato" •J.W • •"" • nge • .., .,.. 1.n:-...v • Take Santa Ana Freeway to 633--0431 bottles. & misc. household Main S1 . turn-on tilen BEAUTIFUL green eyed items. 2231,i E. 16lh St.. C~I south lo: \VESTERN wagon, wheel i;hlny black young cat, 642-8845 Gould Music CompAny type lighting fixtures; 2 spayed, all1 shots. 6464698 STOVE & oven wt built-in 2045 N. Main, SA 547-0681 green naugahyde reclining al: 5 7118 cabinet S125. Sliding door & chairs. Doors, w I n do w , BEAUT alt-·' male bl·~ JULY Is hot • but we have Artificial flowers, M•ple ""~ ....,,... • WAJ'l/TEO, '9iri .. &; .. once. 18 t----~----·-..£!.'. (lVer, to _work _i_ t!ays __ wttk, sar & sun:s a mu't. • REUBEN'S • newport . personnei -_:-agency OVER-STOCKED scl'et:'n wfcaslng. Garbage the HOTTEST buys in town. bookcase. Call to 5 e e cocker. Free to qual home. dli;posal. GI.ass s l i d Ing Spinet , Qlnsole & Gra.00. be 5 nd 9 ]ipusep_et,__Cple _or_ Dldei:: MUST SE LIT-. sl1C1\iiff° doOr. "RattlrOOm sTnk Pia.oos; new &: used tween a p:m . child'. 532-3801 after 6 p.m. NEWPORT BEACH Call !X'r.90nally for-111- terview. Prefer. living i!J Corona dcl Mar. 01'1Ul4':e Inn, 7400 Coast Hwy, CdM. 1 mile South' or Corona del Mar· SECRETARY -T..:hniul Typing R&D ·mM ExecutiVl°b:~Y~exP... Advanced Kiiia'tics Inc. 1231· Victorit(.St., CM • 646-nii • F.qual Opportunity En1p\oyer GffiL.Friday t y p e , in- teresting &-varied work. Requires knowledee o f shthnd. gOod t y p I n c , purchasing exper. desirable. Willing to learn I.: grow wt company. Pleasant 11ur.. roundings. A p p I Y 215 Riverside Ave., NB SECTY: Ace typing + sh is what it ~t?s for this plush N.B. ofc. Think quick. To $4{X). Call Sally }!art, 54(1..61)55 COASTAL J\li.EN~Y A member of Snelling & ~nellfng fnc. 2790 Harbor BL. Costa Mesa Exec Secty to $62.--:- Xlnt oppty! Dynamic So. Santa Ana co. Ideal worki ng rond, top benefits. Call Edee, 546-SflP. ·• · . Jason Best Employment Agency 2120 So. J\.1ain, S.A. PL A:ST 't C $- Costa Mesa NOW INTERV_IEWING ·-WAITRESSES- Experienced • • •WAITRESS • • HOSTESSES , _Apply 'in person REUBEN E. LH Hf E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beech 833 DOVER DRIVE NEWPORT -BEA:CJ-l 642.3870 I las a l'('quire1ncnt for a llB ANALYST Beaut. walnut· !kln\'r drrss· & commodr . Oil heatrr fQr Baldwin o-··· .. •II on weekdays or an Y t Im e 7116 ·1 F. " .,. ... ., 'vcekends. 642--3526 -===~~~-- '' 1 ... 0 " ......... ,...,mmod·s ll":ll er. 1ve ~gal sl("'l bur---' 1 -all HOT · -.!-~~~-~==~ = hdbro"& ~Ira;;;~ .. "'"m'";.,.,,. 'aii rels S2 ea. 2656 A N~wport ,....ea _,.. y pr1cu. HEAVY°:d'UiY rotir1iller. l ~ tDENT-ICAL kittem, one = .. Blvd. CM. $48-2134 \VARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO speeds forward. 1 reverse. yoWlg ~~r must ~ve a for $172. Ne11.· 9 P<-'. coM'M'r 1819 Ne,vport, C.f.1. 642-8484 ExCl'llent condition. For home. Im ill & cant keep DON"t LET THIS NICE \\'ifh experience in n1etall· arrang. choi ce of clrs. reg. FINAL CLOSE OUT--OS sale or trade lor front thro\v them. 646--7911 7/17 \VEATHER DELAY YOUR urgical spccin1en mount-$'230, no\v $149.50. Headbrds : Mall seats, ~. QC('. ta-Television • ., PR6SPERITY. \VE NEED ing. sc-ctional polishing. Kings , $15, Queens $12.50, ble!f S2·9. bric·a·brac $1-4, -----'-.--lawnmower. powe.r edeer S MI"ITEN-toed kittens, 1 QUALIFIED APPUCANTS ~1ust be a ble to perform Full Sl0.50. 1\\'1n~ $3.95. CENTURY HOUSE AN· and/or ! ~ white, 4 ~ !·w~~· 1;'!· FOR -~~~~!,!.~.,<1, . .1 .• ~~~';>s.hard. ne~~ _m_easure--Trundle .if!lli (duo l'illCi_:l w/ TIQUES 2134 Nei.•.'port Blvd, RENT OR BUY INTERNATIONAL Stainless tra cute With 1r ig · vrrvn.r1;1m1 ....:·----·-· ~ inner ~rhli ~,,_~g. Sl.P6 •• C.M. 642·5Tl0 COLOR' TV steel folding wheel-chair. 494-3838 7117 Legarse~ t_o UM EP~t . -· _ now S79.SO. Ra.U+wa,y b<'ds ~ $9 Month Up like new $15. Columbia-rl.oop G~ "Shep~. .. ,_, ~ -r...-w--t inn.-spr-ing-matt,~reg. Applianc"~-;~ 8100 Al.SO ....on amp. mlr. hcad5 to UXKl b!~~n. 2\!_ l_e~ld. Callf ~8_!1~"<p51req-fo.r 1e:i ~ -l;i .... '1 $59;50, now $39.so:--FUU sz. STEREO·RErRICERATORS a1n ps, AC/DC, in case, like Very ·good. with mlldftn. prac ...... c, =z:iu 1• typmg"' sleeper..sofQreg.$239.SO,now KENMORE Automat ic \\I ASJU•:RSORORYERS new $200. 968-6739 64~. -Diet. ~NEWPORT-BEACH ••-"ai:t> N•w ~•,. K 'on g Was~r. Ye"" good -,,. 0~10N TO BUYFR ==•~E~T=--~,~ho--~,• F /C/Bk~prto$600~PF .........,....... ucu · ·~ .. v •• !(IRBY vacuum cleaner r.. 0 qua . me, $99.50, Queen5, $89.50, Full dil.ion. 543.-4539 w/attach, ...... 11sher. XLNT altered male ca.ts, 1 Russian Constr bkgrd h&ipf'¥. Degi"Ce 500 $uperior Avenue '49.50, J'Wins $39.50, fully S4J * 847-8115 cond and ~ .. r. Pay otf Blue, 1 &nY &white. Rea!nt pref, ~ \vith a young Newport Beach, Calo'!. g"•ran Km· g ,,... p-ad •-h t 0 d I d Swlngin' group! .... · · ~ s ~" s, EASY Washer-dryer com· NEIN Scars portable Stereo 2 balance or $39.67 or lake s 0 s • w 11 e r e · · s~;et•ry $500 EPF chOice ot clrs. reg S20.95, bination: pN>t. condition . spkrs, 4 spd, blk & brown over payment.a. Credit Dept., 54~1846 7/17 Equal opportw1 ity now $12.99 SIES'l'f. SLEEP U75 or otter 646-1.161 color. 45 aitch. ~i:t>. m ,..,~., 5J&.TZ89 DON'T Answer lhis ad it Busy sales div of a land emplo~r ~f/F SHOP, 1927 llarbor mvd, CM · ,·nio. -~·~ BARGAINS you're su .... r&tilioWJ. Putt devlpt co. needs someone 645-2760 daily 10.9. Sat-Sun ELECTRIC Stove. xlnt oond . blk Hall ..,,.. kit frtt lV'ith ability to work well 1().6 S40. &n-2728. 205 Onyx. J\.fA GNAVOX Color TV, 19" USED FURNITURE oween ten · ---~------1,#.;i.."""""'==e"""""';;;o= Balboa Isle 675-2160 aft 6. 7/17 . \\ith. people-+ good skillll. · i:iortablc. 2 yrs old, ukin& Dryers, \\Uben, 11tovcs, [ ;o''i--ir.ii~i<'-~~~-r-c I maqy t'O bene fils. 1 , Sl\.fART Bar slools, large G.E. Refrigerator $250. 64f>..1803 anytime Bed!i. Dlnelte5, Desks , Cribs LOVABLE tiger striped Acctg Clerk to $475 EPF • fRY COOKS back & arms, Sl5. Nearly Doublr door. bottom free:zer. \\'ESTINGHOUSE 19 ..... ,V chests, & Misc. 1550 A. Su· kittens. 1 brown, two grey. nev.• ~ couch $20. Coffee l ·n 1 1 67., 2559 °"' c 646-Weaned Ir-trained. 7 wks ---------1 Will ~in on NCR 395. So!_!le· !able, inlay, $7.50 Call •1 o .~ c * """ -port.able TV. Works. $45. ~ pcrior, ~· 9188 old. 968-6336 • 01'11'! w11h. A/P. bkgrnd. cod-5-1g..z:l94 alt 6 PM TAPPAN upright dbl oven 646-2243 CARPET e e EXPERIENCED -TELLER- UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK 6 Monarch Bay Plaza South Lagnna .· (TI4 J 499-1361 Ing. posting & JOUTnal vouch· Top wages. pcmtanent. hon. ~· ~ elect. range . Nver USC(], TV ----Shags, tweeds, hi-lo pile. All er exp. est. and working conditions JRCMAPAMLE ,~'1""'rad.ronso,~e. prize. Besl offer. 67J...1019 Hi-Fi & Stereo 8210 color!i. Free est. Llc Contr. Girl Fri. *-'25 EPF in area 's leading res\;;urant. . A, . · " io; ile NEARLY -w W""'"r & •· ~·-" AA78 .,.. tin D nd need! X1 t ,..._ ""'"' P.1ARTEL FAX 600, AM·FM; ,,.,..,...... · 50 wpn1 typing, ability lo Apply 9 am 10 5 pm tor in· ie Lamo e. n dryer ~~ price; r ~1,0.· Norge P..TPX ..:.::._:,=~~--~-lake fas! notes. 10-kcy, genl tcn•lew 111 ~cond. $225. M0--6279 -· · • stereo tuner & Quality king bed, quilted, olc bk.gmd. NE\V Bdrm sel, Queen size. SlJO. GE ril'yf'r SSO. 644--0096 ampll!i-cr 100 W, Garrard Completl', unused $98; worth luntable -'S~5. Empire -~: -AfteF° 5 or wknds. Mktg/Sales Sec to $600 MANNING'S triple dresser g, frame mir· Antiques 8110 Te cartridge. Speakers 847-0406 a MOS old Jernale puppy, part !.Bf'ri(!r: part cocker. White 'wttan. Fine for children. 968-5013 7/11 2 SWEET f.iH,1•, ready 1o live with )'OU: weaned. 1 beige. 1 r:r'J/Wht. ~ l/2 EPF . COFFEE SHOP S500 Will sell S29f.. Also new ca1. Rod t'tnnpact 3 ~===~---= Musl be well organiu!d wi th i~Wl El Toro Rd. dual bed set \\'/ walnut tble GENUI NE JclinyLind spool ~·/\\•alnut CO.S<'. $300, $700 ELF.CTRIC lawn niower S15, =g"'L"IVES='°--P"'l"oa-,.-,.-.,.--,..,1:-00-m-,ll 2 yrs mrktg or sales bkgmd. ~bsure.\Vorld Laguna Jlills $190. 64~1041 bed. Other antiques lncJu. ne w. Afl 6 p.m.,--494--994.:l cabinet se~·ing machine $15. Sm. lel'riertcollie breed Type 60. sh. 80. 837-1014 P.11'. Airy table, 6 chrs $450. ding g1a.,.i\wa1'f', elc. 326 Vic· 1969 SOLID State stereo, 4 ~~ashington-spread pups. 6Wks~"934 Aft-6 -,,°'~"i~"G"~",o"~=.,=~=rL'",-~=m=~-1 :e~~n!~ b'i!~d1/~el;ru,F+ SCRAU·LEJS ~~~ 2~e~ea:ld, n:~~ ~~;a. Apt A, CM bctwn 9-8 ::i·~.a~:~k~::~. s~~i: 50 gal show tank. 26" Ar-:u;pIES. father ~: good ah & typing. Will assist im $2179. \Valnut )amp table HARNE.% rnaker'~ horse, rowana. w/ complete ac· Saturdays. Opportunity to .... ., " ANSWERS $40 6441627 36 .. crystal vase. copper over &mail payments or pay cess $125 Days 6J5..8391• Shep, mother Lab Retriev-leam l'elailing. MU&t be w\ co. new ett~r. · · cash balance of ffJ.68. · 7 · 545-46l9 ' . er. Call belw 5 It T p.m. good 1vorker and dependable. ' ' LANDMARK ' ' Demi-hearth pol. Chrome & Cn'dil Dept. 535-7289 ,.:c";o:::'''.;8.:.;ll~Pc,:m:;,;.::,._:::;:~= 642-3570 7116 Apply: · Deadly·-Alone_ Ba,vtly -Sleeper ~fa '.0 .. , blk. e~-= helmets, etc· -196-9--R-CA'---'-'ho--'m"•--en. FORMICA PULLMAN 5.6 .. Injection Jdotdtnr Oper. or Traintt. Must be depend· able. Apply 8-4 p.m., Or-BACr( STREET ~-Candor -OLD LADY ~"~~:,.vinyl. like new, $2Zi. lertalnment center. 23" col-TU>IONG ~AMCKPLECTHEAl501RS~ . PAil· ...,.......,.,..... An lique Orienta.I Rug "'' Jobs--Mtn, Wom. 7500 A nicanic: He's very syn1-6x9 $50 . or TV, stereo AM/FM g, h 201 30th SI NB 2 FREE Smoke colored long ha.Ired kittens. 6 wks old . hou!!ebroloon. 847·1493 e ... -e11 & wkends: 7/16 pathetic. He bu ries his head VIRTUE dinct1e sci & 4' phono. Walnut ca I) In r t. ;-;"'o;:';;·~;,===".:::'--= in his hands in !he suhivay . chairs . S<IO . Green Call 842-7890 Retails l'<:nn. 0 .... nri..,, BOY'S Sllngray bike $12. ange County Plastics, 850 Fashion I~and \V. 18th, C.M. Newport Center STOCK.~ JG $380. RECPT, Dr's "llngel some ho' t -• ~-· 11 · ""th ........, "' ... ~.. Power inower 125. Girl's He can't bear seeing an OLD up s e1-.:;-i, t.:lldtr J. ou ~~cc';;.o.!!' :.;~~.:::.:-!~!;O lil;olt:=;J75".;";;' "'=::"';'~===~ J.Iave ma!Jl .~ijiJ.Y, no typ. mediCa:i knowledge tOr New· in~ req\i{fed. Young. Call port loc, Salis!ylng career. ~· I •w LADY standing. good concht1on. 894-2628 ew1ng ac nes 26 .. bike $8. l!il3 Orange, HARDROCI< M•pl· --r 1 C & E ' 8300 l -'Cll::;;:l._;64'<-Z-7.'"666;:;,,..~· =-== LoTTaine Merch8Jlts Person· To $510. Call Gloria Kay, Does an .. " .......... 6 WEEKS * $ 2 1m1r11 _quip_. d"'k & chr. 4 foldi""' brdg cl I * FOR SALE: Living Room BIG black fuzzy vuppy, ·~ Organ ass e11SOns for be-al II poodl 6 nel Apncy 2043 \Vestclifi S40-6055 ' •-. Mln-0-mallc .....,,ssure · s · r _., POLAROID electric e ye furniture, Frost-Free relrig, m e. e. mos. ,.... .,... g1nnel"li. tarting ue....,ay ll!A-" 057 7 -k•r. •••)-""" camera. Model J-66. works. la"" recorder. '61 VW. tNV-7 /19 Drive, N. B. 645-mo COASTAL AGENCY * AVON * ......,.., _...... """ July .29 at 7 PM. Practlce .... organs available. Join the 1 _1~"-·~&t&-..._22<..._J_____ 548-5892 FREE amall pinto pony to EXPERIENCED waitress, A member of FINE Old Italian Empire full or part ume; bloeak!ast Snelling & Snelling Inc. taionlo Rep,resentative sofa. Excel cond. Suitable hours. Benton~·Qoffee Shop. 2790Harbor Bl. C.osla·Meaa cill on yo~? \Ve may nc-ed for living room or entry 133 S. Coast. Laguna Beach. son1cone in your nelghlxlr-hall. Appl. CaJl.613-5934 494-4898 0bJljfje5 .~()()(!. No oblii;:-a1ion, Call LARGE chrome dlnelte BKKPR, accts payabli" exp. ASSEMBLERS :>-t0.70-tt or ~·5341· table i. 6 matching chair11. Lite typing & luxuriou.s i;pot. [J n[j mife{) fOOD AND Bl'.."VBRAGE Very iOQd condition. Call Begin at $450. Call Ann \Vil· ageUCV One or more years elcc. INCOME AUDITOR. ~lust &w--.4063 anytime. Iiams, 540.Ql5S 1. • t7 t_ro.mechanical assembly ho.\'C heavy hotel or . COASTAL AGENCY Quality Positions !or experience including sold· rci;taurant e xp c r I e nc e Quality ldng bet!. quilled, A n1ember of Qualilied Applicants ering. Perm. Position, good fringe Complete, unused $98; ~rth fun! REGISTER NOW? BOLEX movie came r u, llOSPITAL BC'd and com-home w/ large family. HAMMOND ~1odel CSSL. works. $25. mode on ~·heels. Both like <Older horsel. 675-2445 7/18 in CORONA DEL MAR 646-2243 new. used 3-4 ntos. 675-1819 PERSIAN moth@r wishu 2854 E. Coast J.iwy 673.8930 I======'=== 8' CUSI'OM surfboa rd home for her I ab by•. l!lrul SINGER with zig-zng Ii 0S"p"or1:.:.;;in'-'g'-"G"ood=•:......_;l;.;5;.:.~ perfect cond!Uon; 1 year old "&t&-5433~~~--~--~• \valnut console. ?.lakes but-SURFBOARD 8•10.. $50. 847-6591 · PART Siamese kiltens, 10 ton holes. designs etc., $5.2a GOOD CONDITION $40 NEWPORT Bch Tennis Club wks. old, ~ blk & 1 tan. 1110. or S36.00 cash. 526--0616 e 675-2400 e family mem~rship. $400 or 542-7481 7/17 Musical Inst. 812_5 Mlsc•ll•neout l600 $nelling & Snelling Jnc. 488 E. 17th St., Suite 224 benefits: five, frhour days, $250. After 5 or \\lmdS best of.fer. 673-7002 aft 6 2 GROOVY Kittens tiger A: 70 YOS beige nylon carpet. b l aeK gi,ls. Love:. You remove. Bargain. rJO. ~2246 7121 645--0113 PURE white kitten. V~ 2790 Harbor 81., Costa Mesa ·°""'~~· .. •·~,.~~~ .. 642-~1"'4""70! Call Per50nnel Dept. one 8-hour d9y: Must be1,c:.81:,,7~~C-.~· ~~~~-c FENDER Telecai1ter Gullar WING chair SlO: desk-drop WANTED woman to do (714) 494-9401 willing to start .at 7 am and I T\VIN bed & headboard, LC'U-hancl.W \\ilh Cit.SC Sl50. fi-nnt : viltie d t n e 11 e, I MAID AND STOCK \VORK ha ve car. Call after 10 am, exceUent conchtion. $ 2 5 . Bu<>scher !eoor sax $75. teav.,, 6 c•-·, -rnor desk CARPETING 50 yds mohair, general housework & aun· p · ••• '" ermanent. for tine women's Saturday TllE NEWPORT· l-~64~2-<l::;;m:=,====== Buffet clarinet S25. Cornet 17·, 2 dressers 17 • 114·, beige. Good grade. Clean dry. 6 hrs week,~<? per hr. cloth' R il TELONIC ER INN 6" h ..,... . ing store. eta ex· · ..... 1700 e:<t 53.>. $5. 675-401 2 edger mower SIS. Moving. $l .50 yd. 64~115 ~~~ave ~portation. perience helpful, or will • JOIN HAIR & co .. throe rar G1r19e Sale 8022 I========= 546-3745 =3""rc""'"'L~,,..=,.~,_o,l~l0'". ~T~a~b~I, train. Apply: out hair stylists! Opening Pianos & Org1nt 8130 'o~ZARK=-=.'-8-H-.-~--.-ru--f-group wtth lamp $25. Size 14 HOUSEKEEPER 1 day a Aug. lst In Balboa Ii;land. ~ERYTillNG mui;t be !iOld I ~;.:;.~..:;;..o;.;::;;;;_...;c..:.. IC""'"' •c P8 or wk. Hectic. happy home BACK STREE'f ENGINEERING CO. by July 25 Unlmat SlOO HAMMOND'· Steinway · Ya· smoking & B--B-Que, 3 trg.3 -'='0:::1::h"::'c:"°'"="c:c,· 64:,,:.Z-,:.70=.46 ~-Call Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed, · ·' · lb bttgs S2:. lnclude6 delivery G It H OFFSET Printing with cheerful teenagers. Fashipn Jsland n4: 61>1230 or on other Stamp collection . SOOO. Pl.us maha • new & used pianos charge. Send check or MO. rd 200 & l tlttd mother, nr 23d. & Newport Center days, 213: 449-6967 10 years of good Junk. Dally or all makei;. Best buys ,in (discount on o er over Tu't'·n NB """---1321 L B h • • 1=---· o-,. Blvd So. C·'lf. ri~ht '--re. to H.A. Komulaine. 209 W. 177 H Riv~rside, NB 642-0920 · ' · · ......... RECPT/SCcly, legal bkgmd. aguna eac BEAUTICIANS--~bal·boa.''"" ~251 "'" " ..., 6 "'' Carlton, Ontario, Cal. 91761 COf.fBINATION, Sharp Bar Plush ofc, know your stuf.f u1;r-v SCHMIDT MUSIC C'O., 3 GRAI'" ZEPPELIN mint ~taids &. Go Cc. Dancers. for delightful aroup. S600 F.qual apportUnily employei Be your own boss. Rented MOVING sale Thurs & Fri. 1901 N. Main, VINYL TILE, L l no 1 e u m " sta1nps. Top wages $3.00-$3.50 to Cali Gloria Kay. 540-Qfi5 .!'pace. Reasonable. 847-9164 Utensils, hslxild items, hi Ii----=Sa::•:::••:..:.:A:::"':......--1 AIJphalt TUe. Beautiful col· * 646-6115 tr start. Ph. for int. 545-9983 COASTAL AGENCY F'.iaher bookB galore beach \VANTEO ors and . pattel'M. Free --~Nc;E;,W:::;,F;:cA:::LL::-;11~5-- H Schoolfolnstrudlon 7600 · ' ' estlmat-. Lie. cont r. SASSY LASSY, 2901 Harbor. A mcm~r of T E Newporter Inn gear. 0011 Seashore Dr. SPINETS & GRANDS .... 19" •Light Blonde C.M. Snelling & Snelling Inc. "NEW-----·-----N.B. 636-3620 "546-M=c..::.";:.:·~-----__ _;•:;6;;7J.-0215:.;:;;::*°=-~ SALESWOMAN. Experience ·2190 Harbor Bl., Costa Mesa Merine Restaurant S I I S R. t FURNITURE. p I c t u r e s P IANO WANTED STEREO Record player • ·sAITERlES 6 V $4.95 ex, 12 in ladies N>ady to wear. ATTRACT. woman needed lo OPENING SOON f ~c ~ ;~!"•r a est washer, dr)'tr, ironer, misc (~13J 871·103S Pvt Party AM-Ff.I radio combo $79. V $5.95 ex, guar. 18 mo. ~ Over~. Apply Mon thru Fri learn. & teach ma.ckeup W•t'fers & W•t'fresse• or yring improvemen (UnivtnltY Puk) Irvine. 9 SOCK IT TO 'EM! 19" 'TV $59. Both portables. $1.40-old ball. 5W.9'J90 1• • APROPOS No ~ t h J bl t (daytime oo1y). Call NONA am 0 -t J"'" 19 tU 5 pm.Sun ~,,....:-'-"--~~-~ Almost new. Work xlnt. ~=========== .,,...... · "'· cc nique!. A ~ possi e 0 Ex.per sefn; -rontinenlal HOFFMAN Jul~,. """' White elephants! Dlrne-&·lln4! 646-1525 --: 1610 Town &: Country, Orange own s~~~l business of your restaurant s er v l c e nee. Newport ,;;;~Y~~=====;..'.-======="===.!.========; Misc, Wanted • COLLEGE Teacher ..anfJ oWn. \nte Jerry Shaver, Plell$C contact Mr. Jame11 School of Business Furnlture toOOFurniture 8000 Furniture ... ;__ ______ _ capable bapYJitter for'.! 8~~ Van Nuys B 1.v d ·· Dematb, Wed~'thnL Sat.,. 2 833 Dover Ori11e \iiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiii;;;;~ii;iiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiii;ij;;;j;iiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii loving; Left on doorstep, 646--4698 aft S T /lJ Unusual SMANX kittens • % Siamese. +. Manx, long, short or no tail. 49+6608 7118 BEAtrrlFUL tiger striped kllten. Call eve1 642--0896 7118 FREE Black & \Vhile cat to good home. All shots. Male. Full grown. 546-6950 7118 I'D like to be your play.girl kitten It come to live with you. 545-4592 7118 FLUFFY grty It. white Persian cat, f em•le , 1payed. 8 mo~. M1·1'169 T/18 ANGORA Baby kittens, 1 wks. old 3 gray, 1 black . 96l-4610 7117 DARUNG kitlens tree to 1ood home, 8 wks old. 962--0936 1n1 M:hlnr.. Daily 11:3Q.S:30.. PRno:rama Clly, Glir. or pm to· f:30 pm.1107 Jami» Nc\'•po11 Beach 6-12-38101 home,UpperBayorea. call ~IJ..787-4494 collect. ree R4 .• Nl!W{IOrt Bead>. SPANISH mkl-5ept. Call M&-3ldi SALF!SWOJ\.tEN " 644--i7oo ~t 553. • NCR 395 OPERATOR tor fine ladies· clothin&: store. FLIGHT Inst or ;iircraft ren- ki nd 'tio Full or part-time. Ex· t11l. Good 1966 Ces~na 150. MIDITERRANEAN k Air lndustries Corp perienced anly. Apply: newpO , ~ E><cell•nl ""r ng "" ' "' J/j_ rt D"'I Um•. $14. =/hr Solo pay. ' • time, "·~'~ 1-Ully m.. Sho I Mod I H 1is111 Knou st., G"""' • p-onn-• ••""' '"""""' ,.,.--As wn n • omes Grove BAC'R STREET u1" IJI "-..... I L I F h. t'land av11;il. ~9--0126 Wlitf •ft •xcltln .. sc•n•I Your hom• cen come• ive wito our a 1morou1 CLERK-v-~ w 1 •• "" • • agency • ' • ., •-N rt Cc t ORGA~P1•uo decor•tor.carreleted p1cke91J living room include•: luxurious Sof1 - ben. Some accounting cwpo " er ""' "'" "~IN t.'-... lad to t LESSONS end lov• Seet in quilt•d flor1I f1bric1. l Spanish Oak Tabl•s, 2 distin· tbeory or pmt:lice de$ir;ed. Li.-~ · """l"'"· 'i Prol• I-•\ "tvi'"'• ' ,_,_..d Co • t d T bl L "H · d " 8 d m S · h ~'IcGreitit y lits, 1'$'31 care fOr fnvaUd I ad: y '"' ....... -... Elemt?ntary A advanced. All '§tV'""' nqu11 1 or a • •mP•· 1c1en • • too : parH I .., __ • A:. ·~ Ncwliori Beach. $280/mo for •mploy1tr '! type:s of music. YD\l'r ~ Tri_plt CM11tr with Fri.mad Mirror, King.·s;z• Headboerd, 2 Commodas . ..eau;r;nlia ve. ""'".. +Ms-f-,lf& 5Q...06QS-~itdthe-•ppflcant ornlY SttKIJO.~evei."' &-Pc. Wrou9t.t Iron Drn•tt• Set, Sp1n11h 01k hexagon fop. Mutt be UTE ASSEMBL1,3 30 to SAL~""DY wanted fO't' ae-W ~er Dr., N.8. EXPER1EN06D span,,... s•tin fe l:i•· truly 1ppr1ciated .•. so come in todey! Priced •l•ewh•r• E><pO 'd, forll actual :: •• ;;·· u~ ce.:;;;·AIMI Exp pref:d '42.a11 \ 549-2743 TeachlJ\c I Tutor1n&. ~u: at •ttS.00, ~~&,x ~~ o.fu. Pli~ B@ilt ~tome F\lmtAhtnria. BUS bRIVERS liCt." -...· -----1.ANo.Niw 1r1c1.t.L SALi X RAY ~For Radkllogy UOO Irvine. NB. 642-0262 SUbstltutt,_ ptltl tltn~z ten ' . ~1 · . • C1n ~• pUrc.h••" i1p1r•t•lr ~Uitt. -Mll&t hava Ame1'bn BEAtn1CIAN1 c 11 en tel e months potlllont. $2.93 per. MONTESSORI Teacher ol· ftii.strY cut R~s. Phone pttf. but ~ requttter.New hr. Apply ~ Itta« rim· ten mufllainstr, bqtn(r all --''" Cl"fflt ,,,,,.. far tn .. rvlew ~ fP'•d ..., ....... Call !'"'"'·. !Wlite •-tlo .. Nii. 642-7001 woodwln&. odvc'd llu" A SANJA HU 1 °S&ilid t/,r '43-11111 DRAPERY \"iifum, "' '1lli!l. """"'17 MA s:~~"'i> fie.ch SPEC!At MACHINE•'>·""· Fttfi. time WOJ1<. SOtJnl C...t S&llln< ocl~. ·DllllllTURE ..,. W. ~llTH fT. tAN1'4 AMI\ 547.0789 area. 19 )-rt. or Dldcr .... t)k QPERr\'l'QRS. Experienced. 17152 Ann~tnll\J A" e, Loam lo ssll on 25' Race. fVM r.rl:ilillOi!'Sl:!&!~Q.all~. 2'.!:Plll>~t 642-2666 'lrvl!lt.--Sloop. "5'-1133 . , \ . -I J WE PAY MORE CASH For f'Urnlturt, appliances, colored TV, piltnos. organs and anUqut!I. Da.v or nli;i:ht ~20 WANTED: OLD TOY -TRAINS. * Phone 642-6382 * POOL FILTER for 18 loot lloulhboy . KITTENS 2 lnOll o I d h•,u•ebroken. Call ~ T/19 4 FREE Manx kittens 2 moa. old 5f6.:no9 we're moving - pie~ rush! · 7/IT 3 YR. okt, part-Labrador, ntalc. Loves children , dlslikca cats. ~ 7/lT SMALL trees, variety of Sh1'ubbery , you dig. 67l-8944 7JJ7 4 CUTE 7 black. 2 51&-0714 Wk old kittens 2 b1k, It wht C&II 540-0336 CAUro Kitten, I em .... ATL.6.S Matlnc Skipper gas 64US31 Till engine handbook, 1 WHITE btir 1iiNJCi kitten. Call 675--3341 4 Wk$. old, 14>-mr 1117 DAILY ~nm oOO---:A: moE a ~@,$!!, ~ lJl'IF,S. Y ov can Use them <nria. can m..ut1 for ,J\11\ JefUdcs • da)'. Dial 2 -Ft&AJ..E,BS;-·~. box &C-56'18 ITa.lncd kttltna. M6-&IO$. I 1_~ I I I , -f l -. I ' ~ • I I ,, .. I ' --• .... _..:,.!', .• .,. ...... --......... ,. ... ~-------; .. _;_I • ' • • Wot""'"· Ju~ 16, 1969 and LIV T :,..f R:;;:A.;:.;.:.SP'-'O"'R"-TA;.;.T;.;.ION:.;..;.._ 1 .T""RA""'-'N-"SP""O"'RT"'A'"'T;..;l-"ON;,;...._ 1T '""RA_N_S_PO ~Tl ON TRANSPORTATION TRANSPGRTATIO N TRANSPORTATION 1 WAN>f{jPTA,TIOlf I tah 1120 S.llbolt1 9010 Mobile Home• 9200 Auto Servi.., ,. 00 Imported Autos 9600 Impo rted Aul" GR Rl!NLl!AF PARK " P•rl• • 96W lmpot!N AulM 9600 lm!H!rled Aulff '9600 Imported ~ • 9600 -BRAND NE\\'. Dee.utltul '69 ~ __. SIAMESE· S.llpolot 12 wlu Ch.,...., LS,_12', """'"' Jo. i• Clfll', clean, -Colla --A------. -DATSUN v okl. Abo~ female. All b 111, 1969, med 2 hl'I. Red ?i!csa. New 92 IJ)ICe adult 'a ,...ucv. "lneltar &: tr'ai.. ~ -----;; , __ _ DATsUN •-~F)AT ~-- __ ..;;.;..;.;.~~--'63 FIAT ·i;; l<ARMANN Ghia. tuned KARMANN G'HIA DATSUN • . . • . 1 ' . ) • ' • , . ' • • " ,• :; " ·; tholl sz. se-.1848 1 \l'hltr-, Dacron sails, wood park. Alodcl& &-Sales oltice -C')'I., 3 IPf!Cd. ~ • •65 DATSUN""'°" Lo;iu 1 ORANGE COUffTy15 BfAtrn:FUL a .,.ook old floor, 2 ~ntt1 bo&rds k located at Parle. Open 9 AM ~131 runs like new ~r. From NO. 1 • &alpolnt siame.e kittens, anodittd tiller, 'star. com-to 6 PM. 2 ... ..i--"""-... ~.. DATSUN DEALER '" DATSUN Moor, 5harp1and d ean. Lie. exhaust, covert SlOC. .. BJc aeda:n. 91 111\, owrhead YWE 1.S5. 675-7iS1 • cam, automatic, dlr, ndlo, $597 Karml\n Ghht ·eonvttt. ACCENT MOBILE Trailer, Trawl M S .... .., owner . ..,.,.,. v,..,..,...., 1 tn.lntd. $l5 ~ pju1. Good (or lea.rnlJ1&" or llOME ... •s · MAKE A Jl1EMO to aather DOT DATSUN --= racing. With trailer, Val ~ BECAUSE we don't llke to hnint 8825 $1500. &ell $1100. oiler. Avail 1750 Wbl.tUer Ave. , up tQya )'OU no longer IK!ed, 18835 Be~b Blvd • 1=""-"-------> without 1..i... 4.11 N. Costa Mesa 114 6421350 f'OUlh ll when camping. y;e sell them ror "c&lih '11ith Huntington Bead\ -'LASKAN Mal t (led .. ., : -are looking for a 15'-18' DAILY Pllm WANT ADS! 842-T781 or 540-0f42 "' · amu es, • B;)yfronl. BL GTh.4445 LAGUNA Bch itobile home trailer in need of r,palr lhat.i'"==;;.:;:==::=;;=;.J.=:O:~=~~;;;;;_== doc JIU!»), AKC, beautiful VDl'lVRE 21 Pulpit, Ille 1 bdr, 1 ha. Beaut -vu Ocean liQmoooe wants to unload for lmPortM Autos 9600 I rtecl A a- colorlfli:, 1ttat family docs. llnet, cockplt,1nil!, std. dac .: Mntns. 30802 C•t High-a CHEAP price. If the Shen1 ;;;;;;;;:;::;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:m;;;po;;;;;;;::;;;";;'0;';;;;;~;;;;, fri~ndJ..y, Jovlna:. eAIY to •• 11. + cl"b J"ib chain/sail w•u -F·:Zl. is in good condition, we 'll doll tn1n. Ptrleet ahow docs. -" · Uol rood for breed I n 1. locke~, mah cab!. ~ps 4. 10 :it 55, I DOR, unfurn. awn-the rest. P\eue call days Rqlitered purebred, $120 Eves 114: 545--4340 Jl1Jl, skirting. cooll'r, &IK'<l. &12.(ll.14, Ext 29~, eves up, 192-Jl)TJ FIBERGLASS ll' Sloop, sips Adult park. 2768 Bristol, O f. 646--0836 with derails FOUR MINIATURE 4, p.lley,_ enclosed ht;ad. 41' MOBILE home, ca bana. 2 15' Travel Trailer. Stove & LASSIE PUPS--AKC Dflcron sails, roll~r reefing, Br. Bay view. Udo Parle. refrig, air-<:ond. Good cond . ot.1tboll.rd. NICE. T R Y S6(XXl. 673--2119 l650 or best. Can be. seen :it ~Uand Shttp does. 6 wks. $2300. Jerry 675--5087 TRLR Spa-. 8J<•R ........... 11· 1~""=-0"lg""e.;Ao'p'=t"B"."°"""·~-11 W/be 16" !all at mosl. l==-="7~==--"'°"' "' ..., v• .... ... Champ sired. Superb! .F1uify COLUMBIA Deferxler ~ er. $55. acrou fr bch, yn TENT TR.\JLER &c happy. Mtia Verde, C.?tt. ExcepUonally we 11-man1-Lse. N.B. !143-TllB. PLUS ADD-A-ROOM $385. ~JO tained t: equipped for ra c-DELUXE double wide. New 595 Marquette Circ. ;,... &. cruisi..... 3 .,,...., old. Costa Mesa. 546--0157 -... --.. ~·¥ adult pa.rk, CM. lmmcd AKC ~-Male P.klngeae 2~ 30~ below cost for q1Pck pou. Eve.!1/wknd!. ~ TEAR Drop trailer, sleeps 2 n10. Call 5'().9896. sale ~5943 or 538--0763 'W/ hitch. Easy to tow. SlOO. 27' SOLING .,.M'-ln"-1-"B"-ik'-•'-• ___ 92_75 ,.,_.,,, A!RSTREAM TRAILER - 1961 26' Land Yacht. Sleeps 6. * 642~7 LIGHT, E-Z pulling, fishifii or camping trlr. 327 2bt St., Apt. C., Co!ila 1.Iesa ALFALFA HAY $2.85 Bilo--$47. Ton 637-6143 1~f=RA-N-s=PO=R~T=A~T-IO=N--1 Power CrUIHrs 9020 '--''--- G<I. '62 DODGE PICK-UP (ll 43732) $795 ATLAS CAMPER 9500 FREE Auto Air Conditioner Wlrh The Purchase Qf FIAT 124 FAMILY WAGON OR FIAT 124 FAMILY SEDAN FJAT/24 . work-'n-pl1y wagon IMMEDIATE DELIVERY · ~ALlFORNIA C_ j' ~PORTS CARS tof-L 1il ST"._,. ... ~ ... 2-•«H heater, w'lw "-1, iOl.dedr Best Dea l1 A•e Al '""" · , . Prinz $"""' "--. Valiant. ::.,.'."".::i "~'~"'~:"~ DEAN LEWIS I==·=·"=,.<&;;·=·=*=~' Take $125 cash dela or old. · er ear,. LB YHW146 • cau Ken·~. '61 Dat1un Sta Wac. xlnt cond, low mil Leavlne coun. .. , .. 11~ -;m;;;;; -· I · INOUSH FORD ORANG!! COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES• SERVJCE '69 MODELS lmmedJa\e delivery LARGE SELECTION Theodore ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Coata Mesa 642.0010 FERRARI FERRARI Newport Im.porta Ltd. Qr. arJie County'• Oll],y author- ized deaJPr. SALES-SERVlCE·PARTS 3100 w. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 642-9405 • 540.-1764 Authorlz~ MG Dealer 'tiliO •farbor, C\M •. 64~~ MERCEDES BENZ JAGUAR ::s?.Jo\13(~~\ 1osL __ _;.;..c_;;~:..;:,;__ • ftoadsi.«t 'r1ib}f!, l'leW '67 XKE hardtop roedlter 1 PuJJit. Real Ma~ty, 1162..>1966 17,!0J mt Imm a cu I at~·. 'S6 1904S1£"1?ood 'p>;\ ~nt Chrome witt, AMJFlt One hlnnll~'., •• owner. 4.94-2925 • s.t8#U1t TEMPTED BY [i~i]r:)[i~ SEE DEAN LEWIS TO!>'AY! '69 TOYOTA '"'' $1190 e llG SAVINGS et ' .. EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOWI '69 TOYOTA HARDTO~ .................. $2089 '69 VOLVO SEDAN, Autom1tic ...••••••.... $2975 NiW TOYOTA MARK II NOW ON DISPLAY W! HUD YOUll TlAD£.IN FOR OUR LAIG! usm CAI DEl'T •• ' Bolts & Yochli Sales -Rentals Authorized Delller Eldorado -Four \Vlnds Scotsman -Ban'acud& 8' Cabover Low As 1199 r-.todcl # too CHECK -WITH US BEFORE YOU-BUY No Better Prices Anywhere ! • " Th•odor• ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Co&ta f.1esa 642-0010 Boats? Let us care for your craft lrom stem to stern. Call 637·!'>410 or 6'5-1700. Ask for Noah ) $67 \VE'RE moving~ 13' SLIP Space urgently needed heavy !or hard use, com-lor carousin' I I -Tran 1 blned n1olor & sail. Ibis. on \Vorld Trimaran. 40' length, bottom. lit' mast &. rodder. 22' beam. Phone 613-0'101 Long.un~ sails, 673-5644 SUP Space needed im- tl' SLJ CKCRAF1' '66; 100 mediately for 28' Chris. HP, Jnlercepter, Volvo out-Pl'rm or temp. 673-1391 drive: rea!nt o'haul. 2 FOR Rent: 14'6" x 38' u -..<;Hp Bunks & head. Xlnt cond. (if..wsy tte). Yearly, $100 846-1.269 month. 6'13-6881 •.NE\V s·~· dinghy $125 ri· BOAT & ~· moorin&;, t actory: 2117 S. L)<on St, Newport Beach. Santa Ana lnr. \VlllTW!r &. •~1782• Nwpt frwy) ~'\ " SNOWBIRD No. 43> fg hull, 8o•t· ~ •cht new board. $350. Glasshop-Ch•rt1r1 per 1' dinghy w/oan, $200. ----'--"----- Used 1 1ieuon. 673-l!lOt * Finest Stlection1 Po~cr &: 28' C.Onvld. whale boll!, ncls Sall. Skipper option8;1. Fo.r wrk. l900 I be11. R a n d y brochUtt c8.ll 548-4!9~ Baldwin, Davey's Locker SOCK IT TO ·EM! 673-1434 or Iv mess. HEADQUARTlRS FOR MOTORHO MES OM DIUUY YHC All NEW DOOGE "EXPLORER" l rtt.c .. i.111" •"' rlr ctHI· ti..1111, tsn 'tt' •lltl 1••· '1t1Mlt, 11..,. •11111. ALl lllll. n '001, 11 '001. 11 '001. I YiAlll I JllANC- 1111 All "''110\llO C:llCOIT. If·~'° RfACH BLVD HUNTINGTON B°EACH P• \ 10 2bb0 THE QUICKER YOU CAU... THE QUTCh.'ER YOU SEU. Dune Buggies 9525 DUNE Buggy Show Sale. Bodies from $149. Chassis 1ron1 $249. La Paz Dune Buggy supermarket. 3623 \V. \\'arncr. SA. 546-4045 OPEN 9&.9 wkdys, 9-6 Sat &: s .. Imported Autos AUSTIN HEALEY '67 SPRITE, royal blue new tires, runs good. Going in servitt. mu.st sell. $1350 642-3863 BMW '68 BM\V lllOO. S\YJ' lV/ blk in1. $2450. Dys 642-1617, 540-9251 aft 5 pm. DATSUN '65 DATSUN Pil·kup -Tbe hard to find wurkhof'Sf', clean. clean, l'lcan. Lie. NH\V 45:?. $1097 B•st D•als A re At DEAN LEWIS 1966 !!arbor, c.r.r. 646-9303 DAILY PILOT WAN'T ADS Dial 612-5618 for RES UL TS 17 ~1ITCHEU~ Cabin Crui!!er 80 hp, McCulloch ena. Very clean. $1400. Dayll: 537-8717 &:. alt.er 5, 539-3377. '66 BOSTON \Vhalrr Nau~t W/Johruion 90, $ 199 a. 6Th-fi161 day& a4fi-l919 f!VC' 311' Stephens Seel, Cn.il~r '47. F i nest bit. XLNT coqd. ,Must Seli! &S&-9:Jl8 WANTED ID Rent, Bay Boat. mln 11', aoodoondlUon, July It A~ 673-«>81 M. v-0oil1 Ac1i.1lr Guiel• M Y According lo 1li1 Stars. V .To develop~ for Thursday, '* \lllOtds corrt~pon:j•ng to ru"Tlbers 11f yo.x Zodiac. bu th ~1gn. BJOOINNINC N.lling leuons, 10 hn O( b!ruc:Uons. $35. Selco ~· ~7424 S.lllloi·"-"'"---'°-10 -itSAllOT* NA> librrsl.aa mut w/sail. rus. m.411! 20' <lll'PER CL A S S nilboal. °"f.pl ·-· ll' KJT£ .No,llM W/ lraUf!' $!00. • • 847.P * CHARGE )IOU.I' want ad oow~ Find II with a want ad! '1'tcPt 31Monry 'CO<! 32 v ..... J -0-'1 lJWeic- • y.,,, l • l\dolo•<e< S ~ld ~S h~ 6 ,_ 36 Motw;a 7t..... 37 1>"4 lh !IA 'II w-o 39 St....t, 10 1 ~ 40 y....,. l lh>f .oi l Of 110-.. ~2 ~ IJ k-Al CJrw.c. IA (""811 A• Moot. l ~A AS0t l •Of Ail lvf 17tuo;!o, A1!.ctrr· 1~0. Af;'!'Qul 19fDt ~~To .:ro lloocl "° ''"'""' 2 1 5hwt )1 '-IOI 21 ltup 52 D.1 .. 21r_..,,,,., ~""" 2ACo<>e1,...,,. s•Corelv!lr 2s Wl-rol'• ~s """' 26Tlw> )!To 21 ll<lfllco1 57 t .. 29 T ••116 '' D•-2'1 St•...i ~o.J-30 a-~,....., 60 .... , ®"""' ®"- BRAND NEW 1969 LE SABRE SPORT COUPE F1clor'I •ir (Ortd., •11+0. fr1n1 .• pow1r 1!11r ... pow1r br.1k11, ~int1d 91111, r11r 111! 1p11k• 1r, cu1tom cordow1n top. M1ny, m111y mor1. l45lJ79CI 106(;51 FACTORY AIR CONDITIONED BRAND NEW '69 8UICK Fully equipped including va, power 4332191112544 stffring. $)982 IMMEDIATE I DELIVERY ....____ __ _ 'de TORINO OT '66 CAPRICE '65 ELECTRA '66 T-BIRD '68 DODOE '62 TEMPEST Coup•. Auto tr•n1, r1• dio, h1al1r. RAD 116 Coup1. AMlo tr1n1., f1l-Auto h•"•· FACTORY H1rdtop coMpt . Full FMll powtr. FACTORY Coronol "00 " door. lorv oir cond, pow1r AIR COND. Auto tr1n1. pow1r, FACTORY AIR AIR COND. Ltnd•u lop. F•clorv •ir cond .. 1ulo. Ii•••., r1dio, l111t1r. pow1r 1l11r. S8Ml71 CONO. NC8 420 SLV•tl lr1n1., power 1t1er. r•· ~'w"1~79_5 --'-~$1_~_5 ~_$_18_95--'-~$2_59_5 _"_'·_''$~'26_~_""_'-.,,-$=~~5 ~ '62 BUICK '67 MUSTANG '66 OPEL '68 BUICK '65 OLDS 88 '66 OLDS 98 lnv j,\1 coup1. Full pow- tr. FACTORY AIR COND. LUZ 2•0 Convtrl . VI, " 1p•od, Model 32. '4 1p11d, ti• Elt,lr• '4 llloor 11dfn. 4 door ht•dtop. FAC-Lu1ury 11d111 . FAC- Full pow1r. FACTORY TORY AIR CONO. Auto TORY AIR CONO. Futl rtdio, h11l•r. TXS 161 dio, h11t1r. SVC 197 AIR CONO. WIO 3'45 lr1n1, powtr li111in9 . pow1r. SUP 512 $895 $1895 '67 RIVI ERA I '68 DODGE f-1clory 1lr, 11111 11ow1r, Corot11I Coupt. A1to. r1dio, htAltr. !TQV-IT•n1, power llt1ri119. 1991 XEV 739 S3395 '65 MONZA H1rdto,.. Awlo. lr1111., i'l'lmtcul1t1 11onditio11. ITXJ 376) $1095 $2495 '67 RIVIERA GS Coupt. Full pow•r, FACTORY AIR CONO. p 141 $3595 OUR OPEL PRICES START AT $1777 $1195 $3595 $1496 $2395 '67 BUICK '66 YOLKS '66 BUICK '67'CAMARO l1S1b11 cw1!om 2 Dr. H.T. Full pwr., tir cond., I owne r. tTVZ904 ) '4 1p11d, r1dio, h11t1r. Sptcitl. 1ulo tr1n1. ••- TRH 370. low, low d;o l h11!1r. TRK 155. Ftclory 1ir condi!ioll• inq, 1ul o Irani, pow1r li11rjnq, low ml11191. S2695 '66 IMPA~A '4 doo< h1rdlop. Fie· lory t ir ctnd., 111!0. lr1n1. powtr 1t11r, ••· dio, he1t1r. fRYN 5151 S1695 Mil.191. $1495 '61 CADILLAC Std. D1Villo, F~l1 pew1r f•cl. •ir. IHX5 7"21. $795 NO lmll PRIC:IS ANYWHERE MAKI US PROVE IT! Ont ow111r. $1495 'U IUIC:K l o S1br1, F1cl 1ir con. powt r 11••• l br1k11. IHYM 411 1 $995 $2295 '67 OPEL R1lly1 Sport, '4 '1p11d, 11dio, he1l1r. VCJ 176 $1595 JAGUARS LAROE SELECTION NEW · USED Coinr.liti S1l1i l nd S•rv c.1 D1p1rtm•nt Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED llUICK. OPEL· JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE ----------------------------------------- \ \ ,,._ .. _ L • • I( 0 IO ' ,_._,_. ___ . ,.;;.._,,.,.. .... -- Wtdnrldq, Jul)-16, !.., ~~~~~~=-lf!!~~!!!A~~j~~S~llO~llT~A:!!Tl~O!!N_: \TRANSPORTATION TRANSl'ORTATION ·™N_Sl'ORTAT!_O!I_ lmportod' Autos -'600 ~~rtod A-HOO ~-"'-•~"-'"---9700-l!ood c.,. ___ _..9900""" ~ earw 9900 \IMd ea .. -9900 Wtdnt>dq, J,~ 16, 1'69 TRANl'ORTATIOli TRANS PORTATION Usacl C1rs 9900 Usacl C1" "°° -DAILY Plt.!\-- TRANSPORTX~ Usad Can 9'00 ,. MERCEDU llENZ • VOLKSWAGEN wr. P•T .. • CHmOLET . MUSTANG ' 'G~ MEllb:DlilS ':iso S CASH . 63 IMPALA Coov. ss-3l7 VOit we '«l Muatana. vifl>I -. Sedi.n, .whlte ~tt'tlor, bla~ '6' VW LOVE BUG . eng. itertect CVM. w. Ooten top, ~ V-3 •~to. t.0:.p~ vinyl lnt..-auto trans, dl&c Radio, L~. OPZ l'lt Fl'oJll. 220-I Apt c $18. mo or $1000. Call brakes. AM/ FM ahorl $197 tor u9l!d CUI a tn$Cb f\111 t ;1~-~ .. ~·~~~s~-~·':""'§jj0:.1 ~-~~~or~6'15-~21~18~.== OLDSMOllLE • PLYMOUTH 1967 PLY ~WAGON * Cood c:ondldon • Clean * 9 pa6!enger PONTIAC -f'OHTlAC '69 PontlM: GTO l G6-I!ON't. E-xec.ul t"-e ~ Hardtop Ope. SOIXI orig. n\Ues. ttadlo, heater, poYle'l' steer· ltta'. 4 speed, ~peclal wbttls, vinyl roof. Lie. YCL-64& . Special prl~ at only llanUop, RJll. PIS, PIB, new tm. clean na. &14-4tl'l9 NB wave radio, a.Ir cond. lrn· Best Deals Are At call UI fOl' free tiUin.t•. r•;/W JUI\ --Y>U • 'CTD\'~i~~~~rc~i:.;, DEAN LEWIS GROTH CHMOlfT ~ndluonira. SWpi OLDSMOBILE TORONADQ 1J9l S. Cst Hiwy Laguna Bch AM for $1.lei u .... -'87 'EL &mJM S/S: like '1iS OLDS Dyn&mlc 88 HT 4 * Alt CondlUoncd * Pcwc.r Brakes, Stecrin1:, $2350. Will trade equity for wcrk car and take ov· er payn1er:1ta. SfG.4145 aft 3 P.M .• $3499 '68 FlREBlRD. JO,<KX> ml Auto. FUlly equipped. LlXE NEW! 6'D-4650 Next to Pollery s h tl c k 1966 Harbor. C.M, &i&.9303 132U Beach~-new, 14,000 Mi. 427 L-88 '6' Dr .. P.S., air c:oM. Ra'.Jt. 4&4-108,i 547-3103 '68 V\V Ca m p m ob 11 e 11~ 8eacb enc:. Orie. owner. 646-8606 Wfilie wlth lilue lnteriorJ !'llW & EXECUTIVE '6.. TEf.1PEST -Station Wa· p. Good condition. $225. Call 833-2808. Westpha11a _AIC. Riff. 4 Kl &.ml '66 EL Camino; ·327 ~ fPd, Xlnt QOnd ln 1 out, t?",000 837new .,!~· 2'.<lOO ml. $3000. CONFIDENTI •uy Xlnt "'""· su,.r """ miles, 11111;. S<~ at 2633 -ONLY 6 ~68 Plymouth Road Runner, pr, auto. Owner movln1:, must acll, Just take over paymenli. 846-0763 aJ\er & PM . ..........., " w/blk int. $2000. !182-0294 Orange No. B, C.M •. befQn.! '66 VW Sunroof. 1500 CC. We Pa,y Morwt For 10 am & '1ter 8:30 pm. For TO CHOOSE PROM BIC SAVINGS! RA MILER Runs great. New p&lnt job. Foi:el&:n Or Sports cani CHRYSLER lntor. 642"-ml Bctw·een 11015. ""'"'6 PAID FOR OR NOT il•OO a. l•OO Frank SalattL University PltE-OlfNED era SELEOTlON '61 :riq\u 'fii8'• AL!.MODE:l.S FRbM $19S. ... BUG, one-owner. lite blu , B. J. SPORTSCAR ... NEWPORT. 4-dr. P/S • lll6il OLDS v;,1a CN•er. tac blk leatberttte, RIH, alwp! CE..,_R bn.kes. Cold w/~k VW¥1 ~.air&: pwr. Xlnt cond.. Unclrcoat. $1395. 642-3790 n 1 & top. Fact air. 49&-M $2300 er $100 TOP. Boyd. '66 VW BUG, Xlnt oood. r & 2133 ll&tbor ~-CO""'NENT &L I "!:lo-o=.,"'=-""°'=""""'" I Oldsmobile '68 PONtlAC :>49-3001 Ext. 66 or 61 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSI'A MESA h, aunrooI, aood tires. SUIQ, Coata Mesa ' 54Mm n 11 "' '68 OLDS. 4'2. Gcod Cond. =• ..._..., WE PAY Wff Must seUt S..t oUer. 2850 Har~r c0,ta ""' NOW'!. THE C•t•llna 3 Se•t Wgn. V-8. auto. tnuls ... R&H. fac- tory sir, P.S., P.8., \V-S.\V. • • • • BltAND NEW 'et $l99t MG ' ' '63 All pwr Betts!. A/C · 64tr2l29 vu '68 VW Futba.ck: 1600· Uke -$1195 or best oUer. 847-311531 =~=~~~~= 1 540.9640 ·~ Sales. Serviee, Parb Immedlatt! Delivery. All Modola new, low mUea .. , m.;.,, ex• FOR YOUR CAR gd. <Ond 1963 OL()S • Dr. Air. P/b, • TIME FOR tras. Must sell. 847..m.41 '64 Conli~ntal low miles P/s, fully equipped, $500 1!16'7 vw:-Red w1b!aci< m. a11 "°""" .. ;., ...,. ...n'.1 ~"'='•"'· 54""213=0'7'~c-c~"" QUICK CASH <VFR 16ll. $3195 • J? n11 po rr JllJ1j.l 0rl \i terior'. R/H. $1500. CONNELL d!Uon. ntoo. 546-3849 OLDS ClITLASS '62, G 0 0 d •$48,3213• CHmOLiT ·es CONT 4 Dr Lealhor to body, ori" palot; now 1963 OLDS F-85 cuua" v~. THROUGH A ATLAS • '68 VOLKSWAGEN 28:28 Harbor Blvd. ml. Best.otter .or trade lat~ trans.~. 837~18 a1.1to. R/H, tact air, lo Convertible $16ro Cmta Mesa M&-1200 model VW. (TI4l 629-1492 OLDS Toronado miles, XLNT cornl . ~1ust CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH DAILY PILOT T·llRD * 546-4045 * -~ $2150. Fine avaU a ll, lea~ country 1115. mg HARBOR BLVD. 'GS LOW miles, pnmacuJate u~~· Cout Hwy., NA '63 VW Suntop 1185. 4 DOW WE PAY TOP ·CORYAIR 67!>6370 540-141' COSfA MESA "6ol934 WANT AD-all powtt, tact air. or!&. -Au"'~-· .. 0 ...... ~~'164 tires. 1 owner. 2501 16th St. ro ~ 001LLA~.:._. 1_="-Wlu='='te=~<=''r;;""':=x";;'=;;:..-"D=AIL=Y=P=ILOT==W.;ANTF=AD=S:=I ~::='=()pe'=nO'O.:""Uy='tll;.;IO=p=.m=·~"""===:;::::==::;:.~•.:;""'=;o;'·,;!548-;;;;1311=w=l<d)'s;:· ~alt':':'&:I '!"'~-_.. ~ Newpt. Bch. M&-87'l4 eves. r •"""'• 0 tllll _, cars. 'Of MONZA 2 dr. COUP!!. E."(·I ' ' ) _ ·~ MG · ''6 vw Bug. Bermuda Blue, all maltea. See Gec11't Ray cellent cond. lnlide &net out. N8w C1rs 9IOO New C1rs 980Q,.ew'C1rs 9800New C1n 'IOONew Cara 9800 Mid&tt. X1.NT cond. remov xlnt conct .. Wlll tlnanct. Call Th=~~crd Ca.red for by or!&· owner. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij ~ . Hany 547-o764 or 545-1156 C.M, • 64Ui011ic ~•aJK.-0085==-===== '64. VW Bua, '65 enc, lcw ·-~... C JIYETIE mile .... Xlnt cond. 11110. Auto LH1lnt 9110 ___ 0._. _...,.. __ _;5!6-3!!~~76~~=-"',,;;,:....:.1;.;;;~~~~~;;;;, C 0 RV ET TE • '64. Red '64 OPEL Kadett. Xlnt · '55 VW. RUNS d06t>. L&ASE ~ RENT Futback, 365 HP, 4 spd, ET OPIL mechanical cond, p&int &. Gcod ~rtaUon car. ALL POPULAR Mags, orig private party. -body. Nu trans,-&: -tires. -$1'5 *-613-6&7 -""MAKES. -Call btwn S & ·s -pm., - 832--0643 or 548-3763 aft 5:30 '64 VW, 1tereo tape, chl?l1 FORD 673-8529 : 1968 OPEL Rallye, 102 HP; whls, xtru. Oria: owner, .aUJHOltlZ•D · Sterro tapo~llS!OC'Dilloves "'" Oflerotea-!6!5 -"1. EASING"'· 53G-3801 * * '60 vw. rood condition. SYSTIM '66 OPEL Wa.gon.:2"1,000 rnt. $3.95. 4805 River, Nev.:POrt Get Our Competitive RI.tea Exceptional cond. M111t sell Beil.ch 64$4523 * * Th.odore by,wknd. 968-1791 '62 BUG ... bit '85 era. Nu ROllNS FORD hrkfl, paint, Urt1, cltan. runs i(I. $8$/besl f15-SMS 200> Harbor Rlvd. '57 GOOD oond. New engine. 4-spee(f, both toiis. led w/blk interior. 673--25113 DODGE '67 DODGE ·15 VW Top cood. !favy Com ·"'""' · ---JI T ·CO"PE :: ros' ~i:;· 9~n~· ~~ ~~ :~-CD~· $ t 'I 5 . VI LEASI fl" v4,-ll'u.:m;.uc ·ii.n..,· ~;o. PORSCHE . ·.·. 895. Pr! Pty. 833--093r ·or . ·..... 'fl·FORD LTD;o't ~-f/QO·pi! . kWtu;-pow.el!-&tMrlne. PAMPERED vn futback, air $69 ptr nWith-" ' powtr brakea .. (Ul;D 570). ,, ~ ~'l '66 .one-.cwner. Muat ae. to •rr-'l'oni', 10 paa statlon •aa:· $1995 .. ~ '66 PORSCHE 912; 4 spd., beheve. Call 67J.....t536 on, rib, air, pg, $75 mo. . " ~: =~ extnu;; sho"TOOm '61 O:>lagar.-rb, Pl. $87.50 mo. ATLAS . A.king l3800. 830-3418 YOLYQ SOUTH ~CAST CAR LIASING · · '.: • '85 • 365C llLNT mech. YOLYO BUYS :tor. w. Cst Hwy, NB tl45-lll2 E:HJ\YSLElt -PLYMOUTH cond. Sharr appearance. 29291-tARBOR BLVO. radial tires, Butter!ly rack. '67 122 '69 FORD Galutu. 1-ded! ·o:>stA.~ 546-1934 $3350 64Uln2 Lie. TIT741 Can be aen between 1 a.rn.-Open 'Dally 'l:U 10 p.m. SUBARU E.-.:tra Sharp. 6 p.n1., 115 W. Katella, SH k '67 144 Aiialitlm. 5 to choou trom. • ~86 ·o.rt, c ---4 door. Uc. No. UVA333 J Or. fii eyl R/H, &ood tires Automatic ll-a1l51Tlissioo., afr Used C.n . ~ * 6'5-3410 * ; ·Subaru of Calif. ·: lnc.-Retail Div. conditioning. · - '65 "544" TltANSPORTATION CAltS FORD $1297 POE Fut Baok """ mod•I, flWPORJER· MOTORS I------- radio, heaier, 4 speed. No. o '64 FORD .' Opt equip $30. Freight $14.50 c Handling i49. net. $1390.5(1 "' + Tax and Ucense 1000 W. Coast Jlilvay, N.B. 645-0050 * 540.2733 '"====== .· ·-SUNBEAM 1346. 2036 HARBOR BLVD. '63 Pl800 OJffi'A MESA Sport Coupe. Lie. Na IZW483 541-5294 o)' $41.151 I l.DOks like new. ,_.J'INANCING AVAILABLE .'57 544 2 Doer Lie. No, FXJ351. Lots of goodies. BUICK Best Deals Are At '6' BUICK • '65 SUNBEAM TIGER 2 door. Radio. heater, 4 speed La Sab hard ,, Convertible, VII, radio, fun · Local car. Lie JEHS42 . re top, power :' in the sun. Llc:. UOH 206 ,62 ,,122,, st~e~1ng, automatic tra~s- $1847 N s ml.561on, all the extras. Lie. , Bast Deals Are At DEA LEWI No. VEH··Ti'4r ; DEAN LEWIS 1966 Horbor. CM. 646-9303 Best DHIS Are At :. 1966-H•""r. CM fi46.9303 VOL VO DEAN LEWIS Country Squire Wagon V-8, automatic trans., radio & het.tf'r, power 1tiertng. IRSB 6161 . $995 ATLAS TOYOTA '57 FORD, tires & body In good cund.. nncd~ engine work. Best oUer. 530 Wilson Best Deals Are At 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-93113 St., Apt 49, Costa Mesa DEAN LEWIS '1" IUVlERA, 0 pwr, l•ct '62 Galaxl• 500 XL '66 CROWN WAGON air, stereo, landau top. 3oo eng. 2 dr. :S400 .-Stick shift 'vith overdrive, 1966 H ._ CM 646-9303 chrm whls. lmmac. cond. l e !l4s..fil.23e -one o"·ncr. Lie. RGB 760 aroor, · · · owner $3400 pv, PI Y · '63 FORD Van. Panellin1e. ·· $997 P-1800, '63 PRl·PTY. Lo ml. 837-6231 hM1y" tires. New eng. Tape Btst Deals Are At New tires, ;jnt. Beaut. A·l 1965 BUICK Le Sabre con-deck $900. 60--036& DEAN LEWIS cond. 675-1 vertible. Xlnt cond. f\IU 'G6 FORD y..g RANCHERO AntlquH Cl1.isics 9615 powe.r. $USO. 6.73-3921 New paint, very pd cond. ~ 1966 1-W'bor, C.hf. 646-93m , '65 RIVIERA, all equip.. $1100 * 646-9434 1931 FORD ~ry clean. Nds body '1Tk, BILL MAXEY Original Ford Coupe, Very $2100/best. 6tz..s584 &ood condition . . !T !OI YIOIT[Al1 ~..-. _CADILLAC . 11111 BEACH BLvo-: .......... "'-'57 Cadillac dt: Ville, 4 Dr. . Hutit. S.•ch 147.a555 645-1441 tac a.Ir. full power, recent " 3 1 N f Cout H Bch overhaul. Only $300. Prv " m • o wy, on 1941 Dodge Luxury Liner 4 prty. 644--0105. TOYOTA dr. 75,000 Orig mil.,, r & h, all •xtru work . Im· CAMARO maculate. must gee to ap. -------- prec. $600 or otters. 675--0533 '69 CAMARO PIS. P/8. or 494-3891 hydro., foi lites, AM/FP.1 1-tE:ADQUARTERS ELMORE lSIDO Beach Blvd. Wslmnstr Autos Wanted Ph~ 894-3322 VOLKSWAGEN stert"O radio, air shocks, 9700 tact air, ~ cond! 7000 mi. Must sell 6JS.2214 : NEVEJt Jlta~. '9S faatbaek ; air. chrm POR<:be whls, .. ._dial tire!!, ateileo, R/fl, garaged, '1950. 644-lm \ MERCURY '67 MERCURY COUGAR XR7 V-1. automatic tran1., R&H , P.S., P.B., factory air, lan- dau top . Beautiful cond. (VDR (391. $2495 AT·LAS MUSTANG ··--- '66 MUST AllG H.J. IT'S THE GOING THING ••• -AT-THE-GOINEST PLACE IN lOWN ! TEST DRIVE A 1969 T ·BIRD FOR 24 HOURS If .,..,,. tllkil'-f .t 111,t .. • Ttle--IHI, we l•wl• ~· .. 4rln ._. ef .., '69'1 f9r 14 .... ,.. S.. fM ,..,..If tti. hperiMlty ef krd'1 ....., .. "" ci..d: lk ,_tm;tlc 4IM•11t1 we wlll ''" .,. ... ,.,, &Nice ef ..., -.4ef 111 ••r lllJti 1111...-blrd hrrHt•ry. PHltlff proef ,,,,.. .... _,., ..... , ENGLISH' FORDS· ' ANOJHEjt BOATLOAD JUST ARRIVED! England's No. 1 Seller • , • Amerlc1's No. I Import Buyl Customs -GT's-Station W•gons Lairg• Selection of Automatics and Four Speeclsl ...----MAVERJcK~~~ READY FOR IMMEDIATE DEUYERY BUY! GOOD SElECTION TO CHOOSE FROM RENT! ECONOMICAL . RATES BY DAY-WEEK-MONTH Cl:EARANCE OF. LOADED 1969 STAFF CARS '69 Torlrio GT 2 Dr Hd. Top with Air Cond VB , R&H, auto. trans., steel whls., WO ovals, hvy. dly. susp., pwr. steer., Int. glass, GT idenl., end much more. 9K44FI 179B7 '69 LTD 2TDr Hd. Top with Alr_Cond _$3695 ~ 429 CID VB ., R&H , auto. l ren.s., pwr. steer.'& discs, vinyl lop, brougham inter., W /W, lint. glass-. end much more. 'L ~ : I '"~1 , .. '• '. (-:;"; ·1~1 ,. . ' :; ~ ,. ").; ~·,_~,.;,: ORAN.GE COUNTY' ONLY AUTHORIZED DEALER I Large Inventory of New '69's For Immediate Dellvery. Three only-New 1968's Now Slashed For Immediate -Clearance! NEW '69 VB FORD 1/2 TON PICKUP and CAMPER Model 600 RENT YOUR _ VACATION HOME ON WHEELIS! N•w ·~9 Fonf '/i ton pit.11p witli Va •n9 .• I' b•d, 9u•9e1, •h• cyJI. rid., end h•1vy duty tprin91 pl111 '69 lftodel l•rreci.tde ceb ov•r cemp1r with bul•n• •nd el•c. lights, dinl n' noo• l1blt, 1i"• ind dr1in, fully dr1p1d, 1lc. FIOYRE90055 $3195 You 90 wh1rf '1'011 ""'"t, 111'1' whe1e vou w1nl without 1checiwl11 or r11er· v1!ion1 wlien '1'011 f'111 I Robin 01l11•e Pick~p C1mp1r or Condor Motor t-101'1\1. REASONABLE RATES RESERVE EARLY OYER 2 ACRES OF ROBINS RELIABLE USED CARS NOW AT SPECIAL SUMMER SAVINGS! '67 CHEY. $1795 H.T. lmpala 4-dr. V-6, auto., P.S .• air, R&H. <UKU-157) * POLICE CARS * 4 to choose frcm. All arc fully reconditioned arid have fresh new paint jcbs. Example: ~u~t:~~ 390' 51795 auto., R&H, P.S. (4919) Stk. P8 101. '67 FIAT 1Z4 $1295 4·Pr. SOOan. Full fact. equip. ped. Low mllcai~· {WXF 2981 'H PLYMOUTH s795 Sport Fury 2-Dr. H.T. Gl'ffn w/blaek inter. V81 auta.i, PS, _ (YXS482 l •64 CHEYR~LET s995 Bel·Alr 4-Dr .. Auto .. R&:H, f AC- TORY AIR. IVTL.881) '64 DODGE Dart 170 2-Dr. Equ!ppfid. 6 cyl., (PBY605J '63 FALCON F'utura 4-Dr. SP.d. Auto, radio. (lliG400) 5795 ''1 PONTIAC $1595 H.T. Tempest CUst. Auto., P.S., R&ll (TRJ053J 12' TllAILER $1295 Northwest Coach. sletps 6, lullf equipped. ·Like n~w. (8482) ~!.t~=~AC-$1195 TORY AIR. R&H, PS, PB. ( YCU550) '64 FORD s995 Custom 4-0r. Scd. V-•, AIR COND., 11.ulo., R&H IYWS- 426). Low mileage '63 PONTIAC s995 Grand Prix. Auto., R&H, P.S., P.B., AIR OOND. (JJV920) 6, slick, radio, '66 MU5T'NG $1295 hCater. {SQA 698). STATION WAGONS Finest Seltcllon of Fords and Chevrolet~. Country Sedans & • Country Squires 2· '68's. E:ii:ample: _S.om• with Air. Conditioning '64 FORD 9 PASSENGER ~!~~·,,;;,:'.·· s1095 T6~~~~&H. ' '65 CADILLAC Coup• OeVlll•. r owner, 1p,.r111, 31,000 mil11. Full power end fie.• lorv 1ir tonditlonift9. N1w f1r11. !REXJ•l l '68 SHELBY GTSOOKR F11tb1ck. "21 Cobre jet. Avfome• lit, P.1t11riR9 I br1k•1. •pprox. 6.SOO mil••· !XVJ 1151 '67 CAMARO Autom1tic tr1n1mi11ion, r1dio, •nd ~e1!1r, excello"f conditi1n. JWIH· •111 '67 FORD WAGON Countrv Stcl1R. 01111 fe tilliJ re•, 111 h , Jto Va, •uto., ltlH. PS., PB., F•cloty eir conditio11i119. App•. 18 ,000 mil11. Feet. w•nenly 1veil. !VCK 244) '68 GALAXIE 500 1 Dr. H.T. ltO va, •1.1fo., vi11vl 11of, PS., •PP•· 11,000 111Ue1, Fectory -:-arr111ty liv•flebl1. IWXG '4751 .. 1 ' I -· _t__ ___ -----_ .. -·-· j -.. --.. -___ ....:._ ___ .:....:_ _______________________ _ • { -~---:-:::;:;:::::;:-,-;._...,._,..;;~-~;:;;...;;;;.,.;;;;;;:,,..:.::: .... ----~-·---·-·.;· ..... "·-~¥ ............. ~-" ......... · ..... _ ....... ,..~\' • PJLoT·Al?Yfl!Tl!fli' fl "! • • ' . --. ---- •• lASl ., ' . L . . ..... "l " JULY AND AUGUS.T ARE THE LAST MONTHS OF THE TRULY BIG SELECTIONS OF NEW PON·TIACS! BIG SELECT,ION PLUS BIG PRICE REDUCTIONS! SELECT TODAY FROM ONE Of. THE GREATEST STOCK$ AROUND AT ROY CARVER PONl'IAC! WAGONS, GTOs, FIREBIRDS, TEMPESTS •••• WE'VE GOT 'EM ALL! . BONNEVILLE • 1 ; '· .. . ·' ' ' • ~.---·------ .. I • ____ ....._!,____ __ ----- 1 I • • GRAND PRIX SPECIAL! LE MANS HARDTOP COUPE BRAND NEWI $3289! l'lru•d Ntw 1"9 ltM1n; hord!cti coupe l50 englnt. furbe 1WdreMetfe tr1nsmls.111<', ~~II lwtton ••lllo, dtlll)<t btlt1. llel1,.e wlite! lllKs, con•O!t , IJOW<!r s:1tl'lng, tln!td wlrK:llhlt ld, wt'lllT 1idt Wtlll. Ctmftl wtllrt Wnll red !nttrlor. ~2l131,Z 1:1021U), • lraM N•w 1HJ Gr1!1d l"rll:. Tul'l:le tivdr•"'•ffa tr1naml51!on, pUtll b!J!fa~ rMllO, rtm0tc mirror, lltluite bins, power stwrlnf, PGwtf" wlndow1, AIR CONOIT IONING, Iron: floor mll;, !In! .. 01.tsi, rt'd 11111 fires, c1111am -•!$ ""'"I, Vt•O. ti ertto wUll ;rffll inttrlor, U 1wt/>Uli1.a• .... > .. .. '• ,, .. BUY NOW ... SAVE NOW' !PRICES ARE, OF COURSE, PLUS LICENSE AND TAX) 1968 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA 1968 PONTIAC GTO 1966 CHEVROLET WAGON VI, r1dio, h11iv, oulom11ic lr1ntmi•iion, pow• 1r ll11ri119. Gr11n 1xl1rior. /WAI 511) 1965 PONTIAC GTO H1rJt.p. ll1dio, h11 t1r, 1uloM1iic, pow1r d ttr. i119, vi11yl lop. !It.RI 5211 1966 BONNEVILLE •• 4 Oeor h1rdtop. VI, lurb t i.vd11m1tic, power 1t•eri111J. ~ower br1ke1, f1c.lor' 1i•. l ro"1e ill ,olor. l~IW 2••1 R1clio i ncl h11!1r, 1ulomotic, power 1l11rin9, f1clory 1ir concli!ioninq. (WIC 067). 1968 OLDS 10 PASSENGER 1fiil1 C1uit-.r WlfOll. VI, hyclrt mollc, pow1r 1!01rinf, power br1\11, r1dio, h11i1•, fochiry t ir corHI ., n1w whitt w11!1 . 21.'llo7 mil11. IT~lOAI $3577 _lmp1I• 4 Door 6 p1utn91r w19011. VI, 1ul1• m1tic, r1dio, h11!1r. powt r tl11rin9, whit1 w1!11, fictory t ir co11dilioni119. Blu1 w/blu1 in· t1 rior. ! SS M 282 I 1966 VOLKSWAGEN !SST 1041 $2271 '. :~ ! , 1966 CHEVROLET 1/2 TON '\ • ~ ·,, t "''"' ''"''· . ""'"' .,,;,., ,.;;,, ....... $13 7 7 1967 FORD FUTURA • 1 Door. Sm •ll VI .ri9i11•. •11lo1111tic, r-'io, lle1l•t• while 1id1 will tir11, 17.74] mil11 . !UOM 1011 i 1pt.d. l"Ory i11 color. fT2211Slil • WHA' ABOUT LEASING? •• • IN MANY INSTANCES LEASING YOllR NEW CAR HAS DISTINCT FfNANCIAL ADVANTAGES. ROY CARVER CAN LEASE ANY MAKE OR MODEL AUTOMOllLE. INCl.UDING ROLLS ROYCE. LEASING MAY IE FOR YOU. DROP IN AND LET'S TALK IT OYER. • • ROY CARVER PONTIAC 2925 HARBOR BLVD/ c ··osTA MESA • Kl-64444 ' • • ., ., '· • .. •• -. ........ ..,. .. . . ' I f, -------·~-·-------------------------,.-----~---- 4 ~ -.. • •• BYJP OLSON . Of IM O&lb' Plltl ffltf,_ -''l'm so busy doing nothing at home. I wanted to see II I could be busy doing some-· t.hlng ... "l wo1k all day on my house and se em to accomplish litUe. I need time to spend with my family." t , ng clut'i.llt ls embarrassing and cau .. s feel· ·tttg•'ol la)igue,-Mrs. Wenck illustrated. ' • / She u~ed the wo~n to set reallstlr · goals : ... hp.ve a home that is sate, semtneat , , aqa one that will allow opportunities for -1. "'treativ.e·P.~a.Y for ~e children. -, /. ~ ~ Bringing these complaints \Yith them, a/' . ~ large crowd of area...._homemakers came to f the second meeting in a series or \Voflf Ho_w cle~n· ao you have-to ~?.· Hespitp:l clean if there is a case of allergy or11lftfec-. tioU! illness prese.pt. However, much routine cleanii:ig is done more "than· absolqtely ~eces· sary for sheer hygiene. Unmade beds· ''et a goOd' airing-, the home econOmist pointed out. Srilarter, Not Harder. , , /' .,, 1' fJJ.!h. Wenck, home advisor fnfil!I<' lJniv~J:_§.iSYi ._ol California Agriculturay Exten· ·) ·' s.i:>I>• S~~in Orange Colinty, offqed,iolu· --ti'oolr ·10 Strellilllliied Method~ lo;t )louse• cleaning. _ . · TYPES OF HOUS ECLEAN ERS -------~ -·--v- • Rut ,, €;et O ut! ' . 1 a cluttered house that's just bean cleaned. Have "put-away" spaces and famlly Jlvlng areas .where everyone cooperates. in clean .. ing chorea.. Train your children to put a\vay ~elr own~ \b.lngs. " ,. : HOUSE RULES , •Also haYe house rules which you en.. - force, ~rs. Wenck urg<!d . AllCIW children to ,. ·eat only in Certain areas and have areas set asitfe for messy play.' • ~ · .. r '"':"1. ~ : " '' '•Keep dlrt...out. Ask yourself, where does .. • it come from -floot mats, fllJ'Ila~e ,filter., cooking! Sweep entry ways, check fillers• frequtntly, lower temperature wheQ. frying foods, oven fry when possible and use lids on ·trying pans. .... good Ume for some Jobs that do not neell to 'be done often but are more of a chore Uian others. The time of day is important in sched .. ul_ing housecleaning as also is the day of the \veek. Housecleaning on Friday or early Jn the morning may not suit some, while other& cannot work late at night or like to have the house shipshape for the weekend. '4AJways look for ways to simplify,'' Mrs. Wenck suggested. Again quoting the noted work simplification expert Lillian Gilbreth (mother of a dozen children) she said, "00 hothing belt~f than it need1 to be done." HOW TO SIMPL IFY . Let .. your children share fhe Joad pf Suggestions for work simplificat,J.ol'>r\i{,e ... ' . • • One of lhe most dilficult prpblems for ~ young. homemakers-ffoted -lit' lhe bomlh-- economiat was striking a~Pi>y mediqf11 ~~ ~lV~)l.&lean hous . and. e18lled faJJilly. _, ' 1 ,rl!" ' • If the hous~ is tw-'Clean , a family can't ( be comlortabl~ .by.t.'i l.f· there is excessive Several types of houseCieaners were list- ed. Tbe ''Compulsive cleaner" is a peffec· tionist ;_ the~imp.ulsi.Y,e cleaner" works.....when il1 the mood but doesn't mind letting.a mess pile up.-The ~'clutter-cleaner11 can't stand confusion but doesn't worry about out of sigbt.-dlrt,~ and the '~casual cleaner" lives happily: JnJ'cbaos because she has more in- teresting things to. do. · , 'l'.hese' app_rpaches may be all right if hodsecleaning, Mrs. Wenck urged the.home.. offered ~·and handolit-sheets were given to n1akers. They should learn the responsibility each homemaker containing housecle.aning . : r of _llwnt:: cQ.re early. Preschoolers ,..should ahd mafr:itenance tips. ----11 learn-td pick up toys and make· beds, ele-_.._ __ Tb_e wQ_me_!! were. ui.:ged to omit steps, mentary age children should ch·ange l>ed" , • .._, dupl_l'C~le cle8hing equlpmint. Combine .tasKS · · clean Jh·eir own rooms, dust and vaCu\.1rri. d d J.µnio11 high age children are cap"able of wax-an _USJ!: ij.Sl purpose cleaners. Think while ' ' ··~::;..-"',,_,, --. . ' -, ·' . they suit• the rest of the family, but 1~e slov- . , enty, 41.zy housekeeper is probably fa'ilihg to ing floors , washing windows· and· doing all ., \vorki,ng. Keep lbings in easy reach and . ,-' carry -equipment in a basket. Be sure ha~ ~ ....... "'~~~~-·~-~~-... ---·~~.-........................... ,, • "' put ·her· family ·needs first, Mrs. Wenck stated. J~bs. . . .. . ·• L . atd_ous . cleagiiii substances ar_e· l(i!p~ wt of• Husband& should ~ ~otivated by nee4 J ·,th& .r~ac4:.~ ·small .children. ~-·: ··~,,.,-Ii .,, 1£b:~U: ~~e h~:e wmdo~s a~4 ' 4° ·oll)et:· · 'Ini~v1e .the ~rder of WOJkstep,s.cpse Uie -i...O:. '/_ . ' . I . : " j' -·~ .,'!-...,...:. '-·-· . olor These Burge rs Blev 11Set standards in· terms of what you·r 'fa:ntily-w.ants," .she added. ''·Husb~ands and \ViveS' with differing housecleaning perJonal· ~.._ itie_s may need· to Ie~m ·to compromise. Fe\v -' ', ~usbands exp~ perfection , just a modest . / amount of order," . · . ., · b~sMoojs and equlpmentfor. the job/reading Mrs. Wenck . adv09ate,d. hlfiilg outs1de direCtf6n books: so eqWpment is kept in good agencies to dO professionafrug cleaning, up-_order. Use Jong·h~dl«*t tools and work with holstery cleaning and windo\v washing \Vhen good: posture. · • ,. • · An_a.!Yz.e dirt, then choose the right clean· HAVE A SCHEDULE ·f'f· _er. &ecome familiar with the cleaners avail- necessary. Can you find ways to avoid cleaning? ·-1-~~-K·now-your---housecleaning-personality-and - ""' ~) buy furnishiDgs in _hannony wiih it. If you ----How-often do you do-jol)s·?-J)o.yotl'"1'eaJlv.---abll_ · ------- '· 1 :· hate to cl!!an, don't buy· white carpets, sBtin --1---,--·chatrs--and-1rard-tt><lus furniture_ Think ~bout holv to car_e for something before you buy.it . · ' : . Use )J!Yentive measures to lighten'-your . cleaning oad;Keep Up . wflh clutter. The un· . ·: cluttered, uµcleanetl house looks cleaner thalt, .-. ; .,. -:-. . ' . , -r So y09'.ve "had lt'J-with • grilled hambUrger~ hot dogs, ' larl'ib ,~)I ,kebab and even ~:l!t..Jl!W skok -wh•t .can you serve your fam~ly and ' _gues~ !or that big cook--0ut y.ou:ie.plaiming lhal will xean, , ·be.a unique t.a,ste treat?. -·· H'ere· are 90me tnteresling - and' deleetable -suggestions with sausages that can turn your cook-out into a gourmet ieast. SAUSMlE-STIJFFED C.WC!{EN LEGS 6 large chicken · legs (drumstick) with thigh 12 pork sausage links, cook- ed acc;prding to package instructions. "'ARIN ADE l cup soy sauce · 14 cup water . 2 tablespoons salad oil 1 clove garlic minced or crushed 2 tablespoons sugar Have butcher remove bone ~ fr~m chicken legs. ~t1:1ff ~ach one with two cooked pork sausage links. Pull edges of leg together and fasten with long thin metal skewer. Mix together lngreQlents for , marinade, soa~ legs fn it for at least one hour. Place legs in wire basket and fasten to spit to revolve over low fire . Baste with remaining marinade. Takes approximately 1 hour. Slide off skewers to serve. Makes 6 servings. BARBECUED SAUSAGE AND APPLES 16 pork sausage links 6 apples, unpeeled 2 green peppers Cut each sausage link In half ; cut apples into slices or cubes ; cut peppers i n t'O wedges. String sausage, apples need to dust every day? Some jobs can 'ti~ done too often. If you wax too often, for ex- ---a:rnplef1a-ye·rr o1wa:)C1JWJ1f up-off~floors-ana­ turn yellow, and the wax is more difficult . to remove. A sched~le 'is helpful, .es~/iauy willi . children, but some jobs -116 nol need to b8 . schl!duled. •1..when-the spirit moves" is a ' . Mrs. Wenck concluded her talk with a diSc~ssjon of_ various types oLclean~s .... and \vaxes and a resume of carpet care and types -of vacuums and their use. · Anyone wishing ·fu.rther information on the.4Dpic or the J'ig.ricultural Extension Serv- ic(f. ·aeries on House Care may contact the offi~e in Anaheim. . -:-----.. ' " Bfst\fiJe1.\JNrg•,. are made from ge~erous ground chuck patties topped .~itb · lies Of American bleu cheese. Simply crumble the cheese over the pa.t· ~ i>ef9~JJleat is done cooking. Serve on buns. Fresh corn on the co"b 1s perfect iil'sid'e dish for this zesty meal. and green pepper on skewers and broil, turning to cook on both sides, until sausage Js brnwned. ~es 6 to a. ' < GOURMET F_EAST IN! YOUR OWN BACKYARD " ' -• " . ' • ' ' , ~P~.~eed to Feel Deprived While-T r-im~iR9-~th~ ~ood Budget- ~ ~ ' • 'k, 001j~Y WENC~ , and instead would cook cereal such as write: Home · A visor, 1000 S. llarbor A. There Is no easy tesfthat you could .. °'·"" CMll!ty H-MIWhOr Home News and v r-ews oatmeal, grits, or cream of wheat. Blvd., Anahelrrl', California 92805, and ask use to check your mushrooms to see It 0 we were· first married, our Mainstays or your meals would be for "EcOnomic.a! Menus for I Week." they're safe to eat. And only the most ex- es~ ftie smail ind we Wir"ii anxious On a really J~w-Jo"w cost weekly menu pea soup, chicken Mod!e ~p. or potato ·potatoes-;-C jrroli, Ci66age -year·ii'OUrl<f ,~!!'. --~ ------,;--pert ptrson-wbo-knowe· hill--mushroomt-· V. mon<y· (or a car, furniture, and aood buys . th8t are. really good_ for you.. QUJ;'ti S. WE ARE ASKED: .. can tell by looking at·lhem if they are tbe you might be able to save even more sbup would help stretch your food dOltar e .,. ..,.. . things. We found 8 ·go00 waky to do than $15 a week. To have these kinds of 83 would casseroles like· macaroni and You would get along without the 'extras Q, l saw strange looking ve&!!lable in JXHSonous type. I suggest YOU forget lhto, haws an "ecooomy wee " once 5avinas y o u would have to pla-n y o u r chi .like soft drlw,._ and poUlto chips that are the market the other day which looked · lbout eating them and buy your ntush.-n cheese or li b!ans wlth hamburger. UM meals very carefully, Using the ad· high priced and have llUle food value like a long, skinny, light green squash. It rooms at the store . I:IW'lng "ecOnomy week··,. we ate very fruPlly, got along withOut goodies such as 4onuts on co)fet breaks, stayed home f~ the moYlEl·and concentrated on not si>eilli11C"tnoney foolishly. The savings w..¥a1way• surpr1s1ng. vertised specials in meat and other f~ You probably.would plan.Jo save money other than calories. was called "Armeniar. cucumber," Would Q. Is lh~e really sijc;:h a th.in& u ~ and the in·season plentUq.1 fruits and on lunches by packing them at home in-&his' be iat'eq ~aw or cooked? ''Chinese food poisoning?" People ieep ' vegetabl es. '-·' stead of buying.them. And Instead of cost,.. F9r bl'e)lds ~,would choose lhe plalq • ., talkiog about it and J've beeJt w.ondtring 1, In addition to low cost mtats such as ly lunch meats you would use high food who.le wheat or e.miched white breads in· A. 'l'he Armenian cucumber is much liV1!.r amfhamburger, you:..would ha\re to value, low cost sandwich flllings like stead of lancy t.bhtp•like rail1Jn1 sesame., Ukt a regular cucumber in flaVor and in· if it's just a joke. plan to' use meat substJtu·tes as ega:s, fish, peanut butler, egg salad, tuna ·salad and egg. or diet bread. lriltead of buying ex~ side appearance. The meaf iJ a iitUe A. "Chinese lood poisoning" does exist ' :t made our bigesl &avlngs in tbe F~\'.:att&OJ')'. They averaged $Ht a week. A tamil)' of four, with two schoo1•age clliMreri could probably ,.ve 115 'a week on Cr food costs tr they really worked at This IS about the differen~ be~wecn the af a '11lberal'' food plan ($44.30 a Yi.Mk for·four) and ·• "low-cost" food plan <!2$(80).-ICCOl'dinl to USDA food I ••i:teYL · ... -!' •• ) l -•· k and baked bea nd • I • II ed I fl l l loa/ pensive ready-inade. breakfast rolls you more solld.1t can be eaten raw -with or "'"1c en ns a mea eJI· s c e over roas or mea . appare11tlv, It results from a ·reaction h I nd ri · might make. your owD muffins or pan-without peellng -and can also be cooked , tenders sue as macaron 1 ce. You cO\lld slash your milk bill by $4 t.o cakes. French toaSt made from bread quickly aa you would cook summer some people have -women more oJtel\ You probably couldn't afford miny or l5· by switching from wholC"mllk,to non· dipped in. egg, then fried would be squash. than men -to the relatively large 11ny of the convenience foods such as TV lat dry milk, recon1tltuted-. a aaving Of ano(her eamomlcat breakfast choice. amdunt of monosodlum g!utatnite Utpt • dinners, frozen cak"es and pies, or the 15 cents a quart If you ~ milk In the Q. We have some mushrooms growln1 "Is someUmes used Jn Chinese food,s. ·_: • "gounnet" foods such as frozen artichoke market, 2t1 centa a quart tI you get milk Really, meals on a budget can be a in our backyard Y:hlch· my ne1ghobr says hearts in lemon sauce or frozen beans home delivered. challenge to plan and Cun to eat. You are sa le to eat. I'm afraid to try them with butter salfce. wotildn't need·to feel deprived at all. If though. ls there any test one can use You would use very -liu.la of the Y~-wouJd-.llke a week's-menu plan for to-determine whether or-not mushrooms Hearty homemade IOUPI such as !pllt sugared cereaJs or read)'~to-eal cereals 1~ cost meal! _!ith a sho_pping ~t, are !afe to eat? •, ' The sympt.Om1 include ti~tne 11'1d numbnW;-DiWiing, headache, dlialrtea and someUmes fainting. the tk"tim usually rtCOVtn within an hour. I l ; I "I I ' I I 1 I a == ••• 0 t 'j -04 ----·-------·----------·-·-· ··-· . -. • DAILY ~!LDT Wrdntsday, J11ly 16, 1969 Legal A:d~ice Needed'~ow, Befor·e laking Wed.ding Vows ·· I • • ' .. . ' ' • .DEAR f,Nll LANDERS: Please rush • is inlorml!Uon. We. need-it rlgbt..aw;;y.--t- "' tn what at•tes can a girl, IS, aet mar-' ~ tied! Can ber parents have the marriage annulled tr she lies and says she is older? ln a recetvpig line for more than this aDd team something ,._ llIS htm. what do you day? -PRINTER'S ' DAUGHT-ER -'--ll'lF DEA.R DAUGHTER: I .. ,. ... too, llE6R WJFE i I say yao ... npt111 a ~· Tbaaks for wrillllg. lo11nr·battle ~ usillg !tie """'1 ..,. .:J. : mlnules. 'BY~'p,m. he wu ~­ remember Mom Mhlna him to the hOIJ>ilal at Jeut a cloun Umu. P,'d he . blue In the ,..,. and have to he p\n'ln an ·DEAR ANN : My husband·il a printer munition. 'IWll \I ·the heat and kaock orr tbe ace111IUour.• .yow wip have re11 trou~le J.ns&ead1 t( lqt 1u1plctons. V.'hat st.ates will allow ·a man of 18' to get married! Do they ask at the llcer\se '·'bu11:a.M ll the JWln has a job? C111 he be put In Jatl if the girl i5 not or legal age'? • Nobdcly Is pregnant so don't quote any laws about that jan. And don't give us f--• any advice. We know what Wt:! want to do. 1• Just hurry up with the answers. --HIM AN!> HER l· DEAR.ff AND H: I am typl~· u fa1t :-1s I can, yoar Lord ud Ladytllp,' ud I 11. Jtope this letter 1et1 to )'1MI ln Urne. It "'llvu me great pleasure io inform you :,.. that Jn your state, (llll1ol1) yOur · read that letter-from the .'boy whose afrll~lend 11 not old... enou1h to ntarry.: _mothef b! arnOking.he~I to dj!ath. I am wltbout parental coaHnL a-1lrt·u and my lither is doing the same A1 for tbe otller, q'"&Jon1, Hfi • Uilng. , · '. lawyer. If you. doe't hew a llWJer, 1et Ten years aso Oad·1ot enpbysema. He acqualntfld wttti one · because froqa the wf!n't able to particlpate tn any lamUy soantl ol your teiter you'll be nttcUD1 activities because he couJdn't catch his legal advice before toaa. breath if he baCI to · wilk more than a DEAR ANN LANDERS: I cried wben I block. He wu always on the stdelines. He couldn~t dance at weddings or even stand > Lake ·Tahoe. Selected .. o:a:ygen tept. 'l1lrougti ~ this, he sun .-,t the Jlllper that carries your -column, sO smoked two pacU of Clpfflttll a day please don't publish my name qr intUala. even though he~ it wu kllllnC twn•. He Works from 4 p.m. to ~ght apd I Si:a: JNeeks ago Dad was operated on for ' believe he is ~nvolved with a woman who lung cancel'I and now he ls dy!Qa:. He works the same .shift. This Womaii pays wqn't be }\ere to walk me down the aisle my'husband $2 a day to driVe h~r to work when I marry ln September. He ·won't and back. l,told him I'd take a. $10 weekly have the. Joy ol ll<lng my chlldren crow cut tn aUowance Une'd stop driving her. up. He JJ. on!y 50 years old,. ~' -He says I'm foolish and that I Ji•ve no awtully Yount to die when you have so self-respect. AccordiJJ.I 1p him a' }'ont•n 1mµch to live tor. It's too late for my dad, lftS:Ults both herself and her'~l:!\tsband but I hope someone else's dad will see wtfen she shows so Jillie confi~nce in Drinking may: be "in'.1 to the k\ds you ruo 'with .... but il-~~ pu.t you "out" for keeps. You cah cool it and stay popular. Read "BclQu and You -·ror Teenagers Only." SeOO 50 cent.S in coin and a long, · sel£·addressed. stamped env.elope. AIU! Wders wil be. glad to help you wltb YQUi problems. Stin~ th~ to her ln care of ttie DAILY' PILOT, enclosing a seU-addre$Sed,· stamped envelope, ' ' I • For Honeymoon Trip i I •, " .. • r, i. I • • l • • • San Francisco ind Lake Tahoe cire honeymoon destina- tions for Mr, and llt1rs. Roy -"rthur Manuel, who were married in St. Andrew!s Presbyterian Church. . The former Kathleen Sharon Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Davis of Newport Beach , and the son or Mr. and Mrs. Louts G. M_anuel oL Downty (~hanged ~O.!'S and rings before tbe Rev. Raymond Brahams in an af ternooo-ceremony .- Given ·in marriage by her father, the bride wore an em· plre style gown with high . necked, long sleeved bodice in l re~mbl'oidei"ed alencon lace • p which featurd a beaded sun- 'bur.st yoke of tiny seed Pearls: A removable train o'f peau. de sole was . sc;attered with lace appliq'ues and her Uered !!ilk illusion Veil was caught to a cluster or organza· nowers. She carried small .white roses, lilies or the valley and baby's breat!l in her nosegay. Camp Fire Girls 'r ravel t~ Early California Mrs. Charlene Pater was matron of honor for her sisler. Bridesmaids included th e _flrldegroom's sister, Mrs . Ralph Osuna, Miu Barbara Morris aria Miss Sandfa Smith, who came from Dallss for the wedding. AU wore floor Jength gowns or pink mar· quisette over taffeta, empire styled, with high necks and sheer long sleeves, as did the flower girl, Robbie Manuel, another sister of th e ·bridegroom. Exploring Early California through summer day camps during July are Camp Fire Girls throughout Orange County. Crafts, songs and special events featuring California's Indian and Spanish heri.tage Ire highlights of each of the eight camps, in· eluding sites in Costa Mesa, Seal Beach and Huntington Beach. The sessions take place Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays with . ~ an overnight campout !o11owing each individual day. canlp. 'Get. ting the feel of Early Callfo,.rua in a Knoll's Berry Fann covered wagon are (left to right) Regina Traylor, 12, Santa Ana; Michelle Carter, 13, HuntinglOI) Beaob; Patti Glidden, 17, Westn!lnster, and Stephanie Anderson, 9, La Habra. ' ' Their floral headpieces were of matching pink and they carried nosegays of pink roses and baby's breath, Heap-Patch Vows Read "MRS. ROY ARTHUR MANUEL "f:ermer K1thle1n S~eron Divis William Wheeler served as best man. Seating guests were Norman Cut lif f, John Reynolds, Daniel Abbotf and Osuna. A wedding cake decorated with pink roses wu the focal point for a reception in the Newporter Inn following the ceremony. Circulating t be guest. book were . the Ml!Se! Kathleen Ladd and G a i I Hylton. ' 1 n Afternoon Ceremony Harbor Area Educator \ ' Winging AFRICA TRIP Mrs. Mtrnic• &owl•• Beach Couple Will Marry In August to Connie Huskey. daughler of the Shelby R. Huskeys of Hun - tingl(ln Beach. will become the bn<li of Stephen Bradford Aug. 8 in the First Baptist Churcb of Wes1minsler. The bride-elect is a graduate of Fountain Valley HI g h School. »er fiance, son of Arthur T. Br.,tlord. of HunUngton Beach, Is ari "alumnus of'Marlna High School' and ii aUeDding Golden Wett College. Mothers Meet ,_ Oranae c:oast Mothers of Twins Cl~b galhered for a din· oer and talk on books !or ptescbool·.age children. 1be Fi.shennan restaurant, HuntinJ!on Beacll, wu the .......... unc. ~- Ethiopia Now en route to Ethiopia where she w!ll teach during July and August in the University of Harar is Mrs. Mernice Bowles, r e m e d i a I reading teacher in t h e Newport-Mesa School District. One or the 2i professors being sent to Ethiopla by the United Stales Agency for In teroational Development , Mrs. Bowles wlU have African men and women for her pupils who will study elementary school curriculwn methods in preparation for teaching in their native schools. The group met in W,ashington, D. C. for orien- tation at National Education A s s o c iatlon headquarters before their departure. The Harbor Area woman . The bride is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and received her bachelor's degree rrom SMU in Dallas, where she was affiliated with Delta Gamma. She is cur- renUy a teacher in the Foun· tain Valley School District. , Her husband was graduated from Warren High School in Downey and ucse, where he pledged Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The couple will make their rirst home in Huntington Beach. Maryland Rites Told will take greetings from Mrs. St. M a r k ' s Presb~rian Doreen Marshall, mayor of Church In Bethesda, Md. wW Newport Beach, to the city o~ be the setting for the Aug. 18 ficia ls or Harar. She also will wedding linklng In marriage present them with a copy of Patricia McGuire and James , F'Uly"Q_olden Yeilrs, Newport's E. Nissley. i!lustra~bistory. The daughter of Mr. and A member oL the ..CabelL Mrs:__H: ~e~l~ McG~'!_ of Chapter, Daughters ol t~ Betfiesda is a l!1 e 111 c a American Revolution, Mrs, laboratory techruclan Bowles also has been pres" Washln~ton, D.C. dent of the orange county Her f1ance, son of Mr. and Association for C h t I d ho o d Mrs. Edgar E. Ni.Isley of Education and of the Epsilon Costa Mesa, Is an ~lumnus ol. Omicron Chapter of Delta Corona del Mar High Sdlool Kappa Gamma. honorary iw-and attended Orange Coast temational society for women , College and the. Baptist Bible · education College, Springfield, Mo. in · . 1 Presenfly he is in the U.S. Furs Caught In Patchwork Wild patchwork fun will make the 'cene come fall and wlnler. Oscar de La Renta, des· igning for Oliver Gintel, of· fers one made of pelt patches colored purple, yeUow. green. black and fuchsia. Another designer made a skirt of .muJUcoloL.patches or rabbit fur • , Army and works in the Pen- tagon. Handbags Add Style to Clothes A handbag lhould accent the style of your outfit. Skirt and 1weater and pant suil cot_t\U:MI 1oot RqL with casual bags. Tailored bap Co best with suits and dresses. Colors can complement or contrast but lhould b e coordinated with both the coat and the outrn'underne1tll. • 'On a wedding trip to Mexico City and Acapulco are the former Permy· Marie Patch and Eugene Nelson Heap, who were married in St. Andrew 's Presbyterian ChW'Ch. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Patch of Newport Beach and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Heap of Tucson exchanged vows and rings berore the Rev. Dr. Scott T. Brewer, pastor of Encino Presbyterian Church, in an afternoon ceremony. Three gen~rations w e r e represented ,when the bride was escorted to the altar by her father, for she wore ber . mother's bridal veil of Brussels lace and carried a handkerchief her grandmother had carried at her wedding in 1899. Her bridal gown was of lace trimmed candlelight satin, with a Jong sleeved lace bodice featuring a scalloped neckline. She carried a cascade of white orchids and baby's breath circling one red rosebud . Two honor attendants fof the bride were Miss Sheila Horman and Mrs. C. Jeffrey Patch, her sister-in-law. They wore floor length organza gowns in navy blue with white linen eolian and carried white tulle parasols accented with white daisies. Wearing identical out£its were the bridesmaids, who in- cluded Mrs. Morris Dennis of L o s Angeles, Mrs. Joseph Walike from Seattle, Miss Barbara C o n a r d from Honolulu and Miss J a n n Sweeney from Ewa Beach, Hawaii. Henry Baron came from Tucson to serve as best man. Seating guosts were Patch, Allen and William Ralston, both cousins of the bridegroom, Jay Nickels and Earnest Adams. MRS. KENNETH EMORY Cotti M111 Homt ' Approximately 400 friends and relaUves gathered in the Irvine Coast County Club for a reception rollowlng the Kenneth Emory Claims Susan Whited as Bride ceremony. In charge or the Arrangements of w h it c guest book was Miss Wendy Howell of Beverly ·Hills. The stock, chrysanthemums and Mlsses Kathy Oxford and Vic-baby's breath adorned St. tori•· Lautder assisted . -Andrew's Presbyterian Church· Specla1 guests included ·Lt. when Susan Whited exchanged Cmdr. and Mrs. Robert ' d · · h K h Stevenson from Ewa Beach vo~·s an rings wit ennet and Jeep Hardlnge from Emory. Honolulu; Mrs. Reyno Id ParenlS of the bridal couple Caleen from Palm Beach, are Mr. and Mrs. Earl J. Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. C. Fisher from Priest River, Idaho, and .Mrs,, .E. T. HfUey and the Glen' Starks from 1\lcson. The bride wai : 11'$duated from San Jose State COilege and w 'been teachlm! tn the 'N~Mesa School bistrld. Ari AssiStance League Valley Deb, sbl was presetite4_ at the Blaclt.llid Whitt Ball. Her ntw husband. tt:ceived Whited and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Emory, all of Costa Mesa. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a 'white organza empire gown trim1ned with appliqucd lace daisies which also edged her chapel length train. Her floor length veil, also trimmed with daisy lace. flow- ed from a headpiece of lace dais.le;, ind forming her cascade were white gardenias. Attending as maid of honor wu Leslie Pickrel of Costa length ~gowns and carried varying shades of pink caroa· tions. . Attendlng hls ----'-broth-er· -fts best man was Gary Emory, v:hile another 'brothey', Ponald Emory with Tom Litchfield and Paul Kelleher a"'1med usher duties. Circulating the gu~t book to 275 well-wishers attendb:lg the reception in the c~ch's Fireside Room was ,Kathie Waterman. Assisting ' were l\.1rs. Gary and Mrs. ·Donald Emory, si!ters·in-law'. of the bridegroom: After ,honeymooping Ina northern California, lhl bridal couple now are 'at home in Costa Mesa. BOU'I a r e graduates of EstaDCla Hi&h School. MRS. EUGENE NELSON !iEAP --M"trrled In s·t. Andrew'• • his JI ~i<:h and MS deerus from • Ill>< UDlvenlty o f Sou~m talllornia . where he wu alfllllted with ·Tau Sigma Della • .Jl• -Is with the firm of• w1n11m 'Pereira a n d AS!CClatu tn Corona del Mar. , When'tbey return from their honeymoon. the couple will make lbeir home In CosLa ~ftlesL · Mesa and bridesmaid! were Cathy McKinley of HnnUngton Beach, Marcia Atkinson and Jan Emory, both of Costa Mesa . Tbq wore pastel pink floor The, bride Is a aradu_pte of Loi Angeles Coll~e o f M'edica l and Dtllt1I Assistant.t1 wblle~~r buaband attended Or.all;e OOast &Ueas aiJ<l.llOW.seQ'u..)l'lth lhitlavy Rescrvd:. 1 ,... . . . ' ·; , __ . ____ L __ '• l, ... , .. ,. •' ·- ,. . : ·' .- • • ' . -- Wrdnesdq, JL!i1 lt 196' • OAILY PIUT '(:3 •. PomGna · Church Informal Rites ;J Read iri--~ B~alboa . ~ ..--~~ ' •• • •ll'.I• n" ·1~· . , .. , .... ·' ' < . ' .,,.~ ' ~ In , an1 afternoon .cereniony .f&mel BeOlon atoOd M best J>trfJllin<d , by : Ibo ~. Dr. man for the brlde&r'1om. Elllworth RI c h ar d 1 on A ncoptlon la Ille Kelly · , • ' home ~tely lollowed MJ?prlto Gay Co n n e-11 )'-the -· wbefe' 1he became the bddt, ot Warren bride'• 1111or, Miia. Jill Coll- , FrlDcls Ryan. n . . neUy and Mllil ~ Wood· " 'Ille datlll\lor ol Mt. and dell, the bride'• cousin Iron! Wedqing Scene ' < Mating their llnt home In with lhorl 1leevea and boat Las Vegas are Mr. and Mrs. nectunes., The brlcle11!'akll Jerry Robert LarlOI\ who ex· were the Milles Lu I 1 e · Alllnson, L l n d a Fabregu, '"!""led '""1dlng vows and Josie· Chlllenden ·and MVJ "!"' bilore ~·· Ra]· _Ann St. 'Clair. All carried bol>-mood W• In the Pilgrim q\lel.i of 11'hite dalalel and Coogregatlooal Cburdl o f fem. '• ... • ,. Mrt. Robei't James Connelly Tucson, a•stM Others were r o1 Newpor\ ~ and 1he son Mrs. Clartnce Thom~, Mr,. ol Mr. and Mrs. WJ!llam M. and Mrs, 'Joeepb , Ryan ot South Loguna ex-Mrs. Robert W ' ell a)so changed 'their YOWs In the from 'lllcson, and Mrs. Kelly. Balboa Covee: home ~f Mr1 and Tbe bride was · graduated Mrs. 1bomaa Bernard Kelly, from Ora111e Coast College famllJ lrlends ol the bride. and all<oded UCLA and UCI· , Giveb lD marriage by her belore rectiving' her BA Pomona. Tom' Leighty of Lu Vegas ' nie bride Is the former Sall--was-best ,..n. l(iben U.. dta Kay Brownlberger, clOOed Fred Hellet, Jim daughter of the Kenoelh Fabregu, Bob Parlier and Bl'OWruibergers of Corona del -Terry.Ahlitrom. ' ' father, the bride wqre an etn-degree in English f.r om plre slyle gown.ol whll< crepe Clli!omla Stale Colle_ge al band embroidered in alencon Fullerton, where she ls plan- ' lace. 'A ...WU ·ol loCO ilnd·ieed • ojpg I!! CO!Jlplele wort for h<r .. !ua_!l~r llluslon veil MA. • ' ~ ind she wore a cascade tor-The benediC a so receJved • ( 1 • sage !ii. wtilte , ~· jello~· degrees ~·Orang~ Coast 1: ( ".~ceurltes, carnatiOi>s \and College and. IJalllolnlii State ~ ~~\,white cbbl.a· chrysanthemums. C.OUege at FUU.erion. He will ~ .. ;Utendlng 1be bride waa be<ln bis studies al the " : MllitrKalhie Ryan, I b e Uruverally of · Oregon Law ~·· slsler. Her col-Sctitiol In ~tt1 Jhe fall, On1af Corsqe of flower's ~·the new_-i Mrs. 'i;~illNsWANGER-, , ,similai'tolhebrfde'sacceilled l\Yaftraveled · ene via / • 1 • ./~•Join Brides · ber;g<IW!I ol yellow lace and San !ranclico ·r wed· ~ • ~ • 1 • , she ...,.. a abort yellcw ll· dlag trip. They will "!1<e their .·'~"~,.:·~'-~ , luston.~ell. flr"st~einhl""'1· . ~ .,.Jf-j . J Mar. Her new busband'i A five tired cake topped parents are the R o b e r t with a daily nosegay wu the Larsona of Yucca Valley. focal point for a reception-, in . For the evening ceremony, the churdl hall f~ )ha the·lirlde;s fa~ e3COl1ed b<r ceremooy. Aalilllnl w.re Mr. down aa alile lined with white and Mrt. Floyd_ Jewell aod -caodlu anil pew decorallons Mra,.Wllllam, Garner, wllh the of yellow daisies and white Misses Margie Godlis, Gayle ribbons. More bouquets of J.eWell, :JaCkie Briggs and Wfilte iNiffirier nowers" and -some . yellow . daisies decorated the 1'be bride attended ctare. altar, flani:ed by candelabra. mont IDgh School and was The bride's gown was of graduated from Corona del wh\te orsanza over taffeta Mar IV&h Scbool, w_bere .she ........,, ~ with ~ neck ml short was a' membOI' ol Concert "' oleev• qed with ilencon Choir and Ell's!l!as. She will MRS. ANDREW JAMES BECWAR Ip,~ P!IDOI of lace lrlmmed attend .the Uoberalty of .. Former Mary Lee Larkin '-~ ~ of the dreSs aod -N"ada in x..s v'~ work;lng allrt,'.'wilcb extended Into a loWanl ber'.leacblng oreclon-' · . k cbapeflraln. Her doublo lier«! . Ual. , B · L · • Illusion veil was caught by a · The benedlct, Who attenlled ecwa r- a r I n ' crown of malchll)C lace !"'tt caurornta Stale COilege ; at . . she carried white dalsie$, 1-Beach and served at a · : carnations and· ~ Marine ·Jn Vietnam, will , be W_l6f¢f,' .Rite Pia ns . ~ ,'j :. . H , ~ ' ~i: ~ ' : . . /Jam·es . ne, .• y ' . ---l'f--I ~..i ...,. t p--t~· --. o-:;----~--Vowf> • backed with fern. statklned in Laa Vegas u a R . · t ll(embers of the bridal pal' Marine Corps recruiter. e Pe ~ Including Mrs. FiecUleslel For lbelr weddJilg trip, the e -~ ~was matron of honorfor--newlywedl-tr-a·v e·l·e d to ~~yea ea, a ar y .··· :~~· . . _ b~ ~~~.;~:1u:n!l &,b!;:u:1t .... f€1 aims · Br· 'i ~ I swanior ·and Jatnes C, J9rgens1111;-•liptb of < , . , · ' \'1 • • Newpo~c~. · .. "-.! ;Y~ ~ . --+' • " "' • 'A1 bo tn "Colla Mesa -· · ~ News of ·the lottliCo(nidg•"oveQt• Was r~ ,~ .me -. ·. ' vealed by 1he b~d~J~s !H,lle'n~. Ml". ;and · , ''<ill<!wini ·a wedding trip lo : \. Mrs. W, Max Bin~~aJ!Wi':"sfm:ingi·:D ~n .. :'. ~on ~Y-~newly. mar· : ~ Ji nouncement-party-giv.ed-;~·-thetr -L1d_o Jsle --·--tied Mr . .:. and Mrs..-...James - ; . I' · :~e for f e_!!d~ a~'relli!lvios. · : · : ~ JlapPeD)'. •· . • :1 .~ · ss · wapger;a~l968 'Empir9l)ebu.r .'t''l'be •i;J\ey. c! :t. , . • :' · !ante, is ·graduate of Newport Harfior High 'perfont>ed ' the doUl>lo~J!ni • ' Scl!ool ·and .nefw is studying at Western Uni· nuptials ,(or the dtugb~ of ' . : versity at.·l'oint Loma. c Mr. 8Jl\l Mrs. ' <;alvln W.; '~ Her 'fiance, son of Mrs. Marianne GariC Walkers and the, son of ~- :: of NeWj>oit•Beach, also is a .NHHS graduate .and Mrs. JIJ!les e .,Hawenl'{ . ' ' and nbw attends UCLA wbete be is 8 .d)em-,all of Costa Mesa. 1 -' • I be Of' th . t Tbe form.. Barbara A1in · ,r . -e crew eam. · Wilkers selected 'a sil'k J · f·' orgao>:agownwtthVenhe.lf,<e _____ Jr-'---~-trim Jor _tbe..__m,orD.~a: Exchange ceremony in Christ Lutheran Cburdl, Costa Mesa. • Completing _ her._ .,,,.mble_ was a l>Ubble veil attached to a lilies of the valley beadpiect. She carried pink baby roses ~-~~~,--w-e-a r1,n-g-a-full -length ~ "'·~···-.heirloom Spanish manWla veil f ~ ~ver ·{I. ,gown of ivory iaatin wilh·formal .lraln, Mary Lee ' ·t4u'ltht ! of • Laguna ~cb ... became 1be 'tirtde of Andrew .. James ·Becw8r J,n: Our Lady · -Queenl>l.Aiigillehurdl. · . -The Rey.~Depnlf,O'Neil .read 'lhe'doUbte'rli!fl\lipUal mas,, • (<lo: 'll>e "1n JI! ; llli'. and Mrs. """'~ Jlic\i'!d':Q<Glendale and th~ rd~ua:h,ter of Mrs. Leo Daniel' Larkin or S an eernaromo and• the: late Mr. '·' ~kin. · her lister, wore empire at;led Canne1, San 'Francilco and from~San-Diego ~to~3e:f'Ye a gowns of lime and white crepe Lake ·Tahoe. maid of honor for her aisier. ~ze.:.lnclc!116!~ · St. Angrew' s Chapel SproUt, Sis er -of ·rh' e ~~~~~~M~~~t:r:: .:.Ch0.sen-£or·~~Cfd1iig ... ol . MinneApolis and Jolin . _ Larkin, both ,nieces of · ~ . An evening ~remony in S,t. Steveps .. bride. The latteJ:, who servc!d Andrew's Presbyterian Chapel ·A. reception following the as nower girl, carried rose unlt.ed in marriage t be ceremo11y ~ place in tbl petals in tier basket. Other1al4 daUlhter of Mr. and Mrs. Firestae Rpom of the church. tendants, who wore blue crepe Fred William Mergele of 'lbe b r l d e Is a craduate ol headpieces to match their Beeville, Tex., fonnerlr Mrs. C. A. Jones. Hl&b School in · ·The· btlde· carried a gowns, carried a single lorig· M.etgele Campbell of Hun--Beeville and -Me attended cascading bouquet -of orchids stemmed red rose. tlilOOn Beach, and Charles Orange Coast'c:Ollege. and white roses to e-0mplete Dr. Otto Geissler was best Michael Reinhardt. A graduate of Corona del her ensemble as she was man. Seating guests were c;.. He is the son of Navy Capt. Mar High School, the escor:ted. tLthe_.altal:J>y~u.._tle Newell Michael-Maloney-; (ret.) and Mn. C h.1.rJ e •-~brJdeirw.m_._a_t t .e..QJle brother, Dr. Thomas Larkin.· William Cudelman and J~ OrvUle Reinhardt of ~ta Oranae · Cout College and. A I t_a r bouquets of Hudson who came from New Ana. Texu' A and M University. delphinium Jn vado~.sbades York-City kn-1he ceremonyo _ The.Rev. CeclLO. Eanei of-ll'e-""'ltl• plan 14.DW<•·theiL. of blue accented the color Kevin s pr 0 u t, the · fldated for the double ring h!Jme·,ln· Ill ruo. scheme in ~the br idal at· bef al bridei!oom's nephew , .carried cer~ony _ ore an _ tar G/ , JI:":'> • Pair In Huntingto~ Vows Beach w:;b:.::~ 'sister MRS. J, M. HAPPENY of tmo bride and_~ lin<la -., Brl4o tendant's aWt'i!, which featur· the rings. dtcllraled ~th Par1s~ ind oomy-uUS IS ed floor length crepe gowns Wedding music was pro-white carnaUona and gladioli. _ • ~~ fro ml~ ~deep vlded by-a four-piece brass c~e_.nne.ri~~~ Your: Ku:ido Guy Before an altar flanked with 1tippeny, ~·bmedict's s~, -·-~ Mils Shtlagh-Wkln came chotr, ~ducted by Junmy pliii: ovtfWbite-ofgam.&wltb ,_..___._ - white candelsbra aod basket.I jt white . gladioli a n d ~-. Julie Ano '6~ exchanged vows · and were the bride's attendants. . -, They donned navy b I u e Morphis, her aunt; Jun Grant, 'orgam.a dresses and garden her cousio, apd Miss Deaona --bats-decorated-With-white-aod'\..!.__~rton, another cousin at the Club .Fetes Vann. . bardone lace trim· in empire The ,blue and white Iheme Jtyllng. A single hew ol lace was carried out in floral Uimmed pint satin caught her deCorations at the Laguna 1hort illusion veil and siie car-Beach-~ty.-Club, where ried -a cascade of-pink 1'08el Mrs. Sheila Caruso circulated centered by a corsage of white =.With Ckegcry Charles In the Community tthodlst Church of HWl- ~glon Beach. , The Rev. Roger. G. letaworth officiated in the . ' :_:·!' evening ceremony for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , . Sidney E. Simmons and the 1.-IOll of the Ronald C. Briners, f' all of Huntlngton Beach. · Given in msrriage by her ~ father,, the bride wore lln f origiDal gown of. white organza 'with venise lace and organza cage appllqued with lace rote!! i and seed pearls. The · floor I length skirt swept Into a lace trimmed ·cathedral train. Her silk Wusion veil was caught by a petal headpiece of lace and ¥ seed pearls, and she carried a r cascade of white carnations, L roses and baby's breath. Wearing Door length gowos of lemon twist georgette over taffeta with a cage effect were ' • ~ bridal attendants who included Mrs. Michae1 Byrnes a s matrm of honor. The Misses Wendy Franksen and Susan Hollander, both cousins of the bride served u bridesmaJd.s -( Polka Time ~ 'To Salute MRS. BRINER E vonlng Wedding with the Mmes. Kenneth Woodman, Robert,.ir'ackwonh ~ Brian Simmons, the bride's sister-in-law. Completing the entourage was flower girl Kim Muller, who wore a powder blue floor length dress. Leslie Parker carried the rings. Byrnes stood as best man for the bridegroom. Ushering were the ntwlywed1' brothers, Simmons and Jeffrey Briner. Joining them were To m Douglas, Tom Biddle and Art Lee. A champagne wedding reception took place in the Meadowlark Country C l u b Flag·· Colors, following the ceremony. Assisting were Miss Myrna ffinJtSerf the bride's COOSut, Feet topping In polka lime aod Cindy aod Bobby Muller . . . . will give a salute lo the Red, • ;,., Whfte and Blue on Saturday, FollOwing a wedding trip to •··· July 191 when the Orange Santa· Barbara and Monterey, t" Counht Polka Club hosts a the new Mr. amt Mrs. Briner, " both graduates of Marina High dance in the American Legion School, f'ill make their home, jlall ln Orange. -In Hunlingloo Beach. She also Inviting all d a n c e en--was graduated ~ 1 beauty thusiW _to attend and wear co·11ege and he a It e n de d ?-.. appropriate colOn for the 11lu1< are Poll:a c I u '\:=Gold=en=_W=es=t =CO=U::ieg'=e.===;I · .. ,, , '" ' ' '- memben planning the event! which will last from t p.m. 1 a.m. Mualc will be provided The Clvallers, •ho will offe modem eelectlons as well as polkas aod waltzes. AdmlJSion ,.m be $1.'15 and addftklllaJ lftformatioo can obt.!lned lroi1> Ml', and Mrs. Ray Labuda, 814,1111,.or Mrsl, rrank '-hcearek, -', Farnily Weekly THINK Jf.QJri lnhl blue velvet ribboos. iiJ<il"liOokr --- Both carried nosegays of Special guests were Mr. and pink miniature carnations and Mrs. Joy Wilkers of Costa bluebichelorbuttons. Mesa, .the bride's Asked to stand as best man .._8rand~; .. Mr. and Mrs. was Mike Gerner. U3hertng Ch~les' · ROgers of Michigan guests to their pews were Jer-and Mrs. Mable Paris of Costa ry Lesandro, Bill Happeny, the Mesa, the be n edict's bridegroom's cousin, and Ron grandparent.I. Trapp, the bride's brother-in-The new Mrs. Happeny is a law. graduate of Costa Mesa High · AMlsting at lhe recepUon in Scbool and was a student at Odd Fellows Hall, eosta Mesa Orange Coast College. Her were the Mmes. J erry Hap. husband is an alumnus of peny, George Lorion, sally Estancia High School aod ii Lorton, Mike Happeny, the enrolled it OCC majoring in bridegroom's aunts; Eldon social science. Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines1. To avoid disappOtntinent, prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding ' stories with black and white . glossy pbote> 1\ graphs t9 the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. For engagement announcements it ii suggested that the stc)ry, also accompanied by a black and white gklssy pie~; be submitted early. Jf the.' betroth?J11nnounce- ment and wedding dal4., .. ~ six weeks ot. less apart, only the wediling pbofo' will be ac- cepted. · · · -To help fill requirements on botb· wed· ding and engagement stprj~s, forms are avail- able in all of the D».!LY PILOT offices. Further questions will' be answered by Social Notes staff members at 642'4321 or 494-~6. ... " President the guestbook for a recepUon roses - attended by approiimately 280 Maid of honor was Miss friends and relatives following Barl5ara Reinhardt, sister of Laguna Beach Emblem Club the ceremony. the brldegroOm, wearlng 8 will hooor Mrs. Hank Duus, The bride attended Mount gown of Paris pink silk cbilfon state president, and Mrs. Jean St. Mary's College and wu with l'Uffed raleeves. A bow of Gardner, her marshal, at a graduated from~ University peau de sole caught ber silk dinher which will be followed of Southern California where veil of illusion. by a trip to Irvine Bowl !\o see she pledged Pi Beta Phi. Fred Rhoads was best man, the Pageant of the Masters Her new husband attended and guests were seated by Fri~y, July 18. California State College at Los David Muran and Gr e I WEIGHT•. WATCH~. • Somt t1lk1nr. IOl'l'll liltlnl1111 end • protrlfll thft works. '* ·FIR 11--0U. W..SSOI Dinner will be served at 6:30 Angeles and Santa Clara · - p.m. and l:c@.nsportation to and Univer&i.Qt. _He received ari - from the FesUval of Arts MA degree from the Universi- grounds will be provided. · ty of Southern California. ~ The evening will end with After their retum from a refreshments to be served in wedding trip. to Northern the Laguna Beach Elk's Club, California and British CoJum. also the setting for the dinner. bla, the couple will be at home Those attending will Include in Balboa Island . several past and current state ;:=========:::;! officers and members of other Emblem clubs. Mrs. Duus belongs to Los Gatos Emblem Cl ub and Mi's. Gardiler Is a memQer of Marysville TURN ON Emblem Club. TV WEEK li1•p• you tu11.d to whit'• h•pp1fllfl9 b1hind the tub1 -E~•ry S•turd1y In tlie DAILY PILOT. ' \ i~o"oF THE WEEK St~rh g si_lyer wedding cake knife. ScroflOd· ndl~ ·to hold through the many annt.. sin years to come, $10.50. s.~~~!~.~·s ' 18 ' FASHION ISLAND · \ I '\·sia.-·~ ..,.... • .....,. ................. ~ ...... _..., .... _ ... , ... -........... ! Vassamte's nylorH.yaae oponc1 .. brief with Stoy Theree ~nit lets you """"-~ orid jrOO¥e while foam ripples lotk the pan!ylegs to your pantyhose · ••. all in one smooth llnel Style 888, sizos ~ In color, S6. Also, Style 988 to -with sl-.. textured hose, $7. 21 '"" .. ............. ' ' ' , . ' ,, ... -Every Safurday W•tcUff Ptua • ...,_ Qnl_t_ • ~41·1444 -'"NEWPORT (EACH -n1.rl8o "°"" Ot1rgt A.c-1 W1lconw -ll8tl~A~lc1rd, ""''"' Clwi"1t•<..!"'!!·o....~ff1-...... ________________ ,,_+.,¢,= Cf,. M-.r, M).y U!!'J. t.ID ,..,, - " I• ._ I . ' > • .;_ 1:4 DAILY PILOT • ,_ • ·'.~{:oo.rdinates ~ut GaP~rS 1 i, :...::~;,,..r.i..-. .::;., .. ....;:;::..:.-..;...<r~~~~l,iir'~~-z " I l .... ! I ........ .._ l,DRJr:tf1 .~lXLE :....llfuJilco _or~ flowers splafiawnst 'W4Ue ·liad<l!1'9Unds'. · thli 11.ici':iii~.coordinale,ensemble featurin~ . ~ iuJj ·1leeves.' in P.olyest-: tcolton YotJ'e..' The shirred wrap Skirt is of ens rJbbed cOtton with a white :plastic chain belt for waistline interest. Country et dubs the boU1 flower print .,group Crayon Box. EET•M'.NEAT -Cool sborts and 'midriff com- : ~lnation by Count ry Set features a combination· of :_ ·~1. washable cotton/Amel cord in colors of pale f i.IJlue or chili <pal e orange). \Vhite lacing is featur. ! S-ed at should ers and back o~ shorts. ' .. ' 1 VIRGINIA'S SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE -3334 E•st Coast Hwy. • Coron• clel Mer Phone 673-8050 C•n't 9•1 Moth1H 1topp•d 1011~1_!!! .. ol!ih th~ it\!t w~,lr to wril• h•r littlo W.tdn•-'•Y column. r .. .,po•er:ly 1h1 ,.,,, 1witeho4 htr till. from "F1bric l uv••" to "Doeor•~r." l otli 11!1 111d Ded, 11 w•U 11 "1\1 1i1t1r Pot lieyo 1cq11ir1d 111w hol!'l11. 10 to u11 her torm , •• 1h1'1 p••· 10111)i1i119 them. Didn't ,.,,1;,, wo c1rriod 1ucli • ,,.,, slot\ or 111it1br. f1bric1 end 1Tim1 for docor11in9 p11q>o111, until Mo1r1 1tertod "d111\. i119" ir> d1ily wit+. 11n(ple1 of well p1p1r 111d peinh. Sho quickly t1loet1 tlij1 for tho lriteh111 ond tli1t for now bod1proech 011d melching dr•P••. 1lc, olc. C111 liof<!lly w1it to ''' lio r •achon sho ;, doi119 ;,. blec1r, wliito 111d y1llewl If yo,,,.. holl'lt 1119'1 • bit of rHoi119, .,;,if u1 10011. Oo11't for91f to bri119 wi11d ow "''''"''' "'~ ... will! yo11! s •• \1011 '""· JACKIE "Ylr9i11i•'• D1114h1,," t ,,S, New j,.,portHI wool•~\.-wicl1 wile ctrclw. toy •Ml c .. , eett.11 quilh •rri"" ti.ti '''* "''~ 10 yow e111 1111 • bit of •1c1tio11 1;..,, to 111 <111 11rly 1to•t 011 t+.1 fill w1Nllrob1. ....... --Cllort• ' • • ~ BOLD PRINT -Purple and white are fe"atUred in this, bold Scandinavian print used for a bra dtess with sleek lines, discreet peep-holes at ·the sides. Part of a larger coordinate group by ' Country Set, these fashio ns are available at the May Co. malAe~ INTRODUCES The New TRAVEL WIG! - Do•i9nod for tho INSTANT HAIR-00 i • On Th• Bt•ch e On The loat e On Vacation just roll it up in your ba9 •nd tak• it alon9. • Brush into your own lt•irdo •ncl presto! Aw1il1bl1 in d 1r~1 -blo11d1 -Seit I p1pp1r I fro1t1d 11!1d11. -YOU CAN EVEN WASH IT!- Should Sell for $35.95 OUR PRICE . -ii · malAe~ . . WIG-& BEAUTY SALON 541-3446 250-D E11t 17th StrHt --RlllGRIN""SQU;t.'J; - • ~ COSTA M"A., CALIFORNIA ''Er•se· .. Dirt'' Cleaning .p'roducts -sPECIAt for T~ur . .'Fri.~ Sat. July 117---11 • 19 CASUAL SANDALS HOUSE OF MARCUS FOR SUMMER ENJOYMENT Outdoor Living is · a way of life in Sou,bern (a/il ENJOY IT NOW CALL US TODAY! The NEW LOOK for '69 CANVAS AWNINGS VALANCES CURTAINS Nothino decorates Ukt corMis. hautiful MW colon & NW foltria. for ho111., • • , fot butinftt • • [ for truilen ,., fof ca'111penl ,i f' IWIJ!f!CTllllll • JlltTAUU ·· FR·EE ESTIMATES . HO OIUOAJION WE DESIGN WE ~NUFAquRE WE INSTALL ALUMINUM SCREENED PATIOS Planned for larg•, 1moll er mobile homes .•• completely~ pnH'lf. WINDOW and DOOR AWNINGS Many styles & 18 stunning decorator colors for your selection co. BUNCH OFFICE:ORANGE COUNTY AWNING CO Phone 197 .. 732-S.nln9 North Orange C~nty .~~~~~~~ , Your Dollar Buys More At Tlie GOO DWI.LL STORE · -SPECIALS THIS WEEK! .. . HOLLYWOOD BED F.RAMES $695 NIW· , Twin or Full Set -$69.95 Value! King Size Queen Size sggss s79ss Extra Long Twin or Full s&500 . WHITE TAGS 1 /2 PRICE Typewriters S9.95 to-$20 Special! BOX SPRINGS & MATIRESS $31.90 & $37.50 PILLOWS 52.75 ... Please Use These • Booths In Your Nei9'1borhood ., ;_ , • .,, *"2479 . For Plc'h, s.rv·rc. \ \ ~-t I . • ·--------. -~·--·· ------'-'-----------~-~-----------------''.:.•_ ... _ ., ................................................................................. "':' ... !"'""" ............ ~~ ... "!"..,.,.. .... ~ . ...,""'.'_,.,......., ........ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,--------~---------~~-=·"' ~ ·' • •• DAIL y '1LOT C5 -----,· Horoseo oe.--• Sale Offered • .. S1>0n10ring 1 gars~ ule to ,_Sa . lttari .us: -e ·ay.. -f or -Acti -on·--.... -5t~~:n.~rr;.:!! The 1'ale, located at M mtgnlly minor d1aagreement. \ place Saturda" and &mday. -· --.JtJ~Y-CANCER (June 21.July 22l: You can entertain without Patience Is your ally. JuJy Jt and 20; from 10 a.m.. to I • -fo'orct,_ 1re.:.....SCMttes:ed. You bein& exlrl·"l:::l&·ant .•Be. IF TODAY IS YQUR 4 m · · __, By &YONEY OMARR ~ay have to feave clt;tails to yourself. Accent natural i"-&.c·halrmen are Mrs. Vln~ 1 othe Ma y distractions in l"J BIRTHDAY you have the BEST BUY 1• F 11 e t , "'· 0 • . . . -proach. If sincera, all ls weU abili ty to accumulate m8ter\al cent \Vood ·and MtT. 'Gary NEW LEADERS HONORED -New ofiicers were installed and honored by the Women's Society of Christian Service of the First United Methodist Cbutcb, Costa Mesa, during a recent lucbeon. Mrs Philip MacKenzie (left), n'ew presi- dent, receives floral token from Mrs. Richard Dunlap (right), minister's. wiIE \vho was the installing o(!icer, while Mrs. Ruth Barnett incoming church host·' ess, who also was honored gives approval. ' \ Duties Given To New Beard A full calendar awaits new officers af the Women's Socie· ty of Christian Service of the First Uqiled !\1 e l h o d i s t Church, Co&la Mesa. The new ·slate Was seated d!lripg ceremonies eonduCted by Mrs. Richard Dunlap, wife of the pastor of the church. Taking the president's gtivcl was Mrs. Philip MacKenzie, and assuming the other offices were the Mmes. Vance Hunter. vice president and prouam chairman: J a c k Kaylor, recording secretary; Ralph Short, treasurer: Ken- neth Englar: Christian socials relations chairman. a n d \Vesley Greenhalge, spiritual growth chairman. Also accepting office y,·ere lhe !\1mes. Harold Cooper. m iii s ion a r y ed ucalion chairman; Frank D i s c h e., chairman of ct1mmittee on membership . and E I m ~ r Clark, president of Weslyan Service Guild. Bethel 321 Appointed chairman include Miss Edith Youmans , !\1ethodist Hospital K e y Woman, and the !\1 m e s . George Perley.· C h u r c h Wonien United; L o r e n Cochrag,-courtesy; Ru-Jh · Barnetr, church hostess:. Sal ""Mammano, ·1oca1 ch'.urch ac- tivities ·c ir c I e coordh1at0r: Wilbur D. Sneathen, publicity. and H.B. McMurlry, F<,1irview sewing. Circle chairmen are the Mmes. Virginia Wedesweiler, Bsther; Roy Cook, Naomi; George Perley, Rachel; Emily Eggen, Mary: Harvey Koerner, Needleguild, ;rn d Helen Kane, Rebecca. CircletJ prominently on the calendar are lhe annual lall rummage !!ale and i!&rly Christmas bazaar in October. The group also will ass1:.t y,·ilh the VacaUon Bible School planned for July 28 through Aug. 1 from ,.11:30 a.tn. each day, which will be under the dil:ection of Mrs. Vern Mollan. Members Plan Summer Meetings • Summer activities are in full swin& for members or Bethel 321. International Order or Job's D?-ughten:. The Huntington Beach grouµ will depart at 8 a.m. Saturday from Los Alamllos for an all day outing to Lake Ar- rowhead. The following Saturday, July 2fi, a mother-daughter salad bar lunche<in will take place after an initiation meeting for Owls Offer Tap Talent Dancers from Dorothy Jo Studios in Ney,•port Beach will be foot tappers for a Sunday, July 20, progra1n at 2 p..m. planned by Newport Beach Night Owls. For the gathering in the Senior Citizen·s r Recreati e>n Center, dancers aged 4 to 12 will perform a variety of num- bers including \Vall z Clog. Cane Tap Dance and Ballin' the Jack. Newcomers in the are;i ar{' Invited to attend the program. to be followed by refreshmcnl~ served at tables featuring patriotic decor11;tions new members including the T>.1isscs Cindy Krucgar, Kathy Low, Sheryl Recd. Karie Williamson, Denise Wolle and Carol and Connie Leifheit. Proceeds from the luncheon will benefit the Grand Guar· dians' project to lurnish ad- dilional wheel chairs for crip- pled children in S h r i n e Hospital. Al!'io on Saturday. July 26. Bethel 321 members will gather in the home or Kathy . r-.1oses, honored queen, for an evening party from 7:30 to 1 l :30 p.m. with members of the Belmont St.ore chapter or DeMolay. Special guest will be Denise Wiiliams. r e c e n t I y chosen as the Belmont Shore DcMolay sweetheart. On the wetkend or July 26-27 Shari Brown . past honored queen of Bethel 321, will at- tend a gel·acquainled session in Bakersfield for all 1969-1970 Grand Bethel girls. Mesa Seniors Community Recreation Center at Orange County Fairgrounds is the scene of activity when Costa Mesa Senior Citizens meet at 11 a.m. every Tuesday . I See by Today· s Want Ads • Of da~ gone by to bt! re--- vi\•Nt: · Ha"":s• makers horse. horse c:ollara, Beam bottles and copJ'.l!!r hearth pol. • 0 u I of entertafument id_e.1.1 ~ _Need tomelhlfli ex- citing for' your next party? liire a •lypnotllll r ·. typH:n1letl, ,. wool for dlcated. SUck to basic is~ues. SAGtrrARIUS (Nov. ti . -' Jtawllngs, Mrs. Lloriel da&ilva blW.& dtt:u "~ms health Remember health resolutions. goods. Hut you also need love. is heallh chairman. · looda ~d medlcllea. sPoulg:hl Study best buys. Dec. 21): You shake ff Beglnnii\g October, you get Offered will be a wUblng 91 VlRGQ. A dlp,lomaUc ·LEO (July ~~ug. 22 1: Y?u lethargy. Day featuru act/on. more of both-you will be hap-machine, television, p 't 1 o blader could P'ab bud.Ii.lea. 1nay be planmng too big. RecogniUon due for ef!ortt. Be pier. fumiture, roaster 0 ~ • n, ARJES (March 2l·Aprll 19): You are restless. Avoid travel based on lmpul5e. Key ~ to plan. Appa~t minor details could • balloon out or proportloo, Realize this and give logic equil play. TAURUS (April 20-May IOI : ~ )'OU want lo do and-What Is~ good for y.ou may be two different thln&s. Flrsj. fulfill 'family obligallom-• Then you will flnd that creative joys are · enhanced. 1.fesssage s o o n c:lear. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): ..l!reakup of relationship occurs unless you get at facts. Rumors could destroy . Your desire for 'truth determines ' - ALL·OCCASION COAT FOR HALF·SIZES 25.99 l ithl·we1etit polyester knit is pe:1fetl !Of travel year '1ound. Styled with s~lil sides, fully lin.:I . Rtd, beige, white or navy; lll'H~i. Dress Shop.· ·~ Means there coold be simpler specific. St.alt rieeds. Do 90 in bassinet, flatware, cklthel and way of getting· what you want. firm but diplornat19 mannet. rn!:.-r~~1;"°'Ae~'1~~,,t~ objects d'art. Don't underrate. yours e If. Yoo get what you qeed. booklet, "kcre1 ~In•• 1or ~ •ndJ;-:=========::; special favor can save much c.\PRJCoRN (lie<,. 22..Jan. ~~"~l:i;»~rnc1f.\l11~1:.n:'111 "hl.~~ mooey. Ask for il. 19); Be dlscrett, subtle. You .., .n. N •• 10011. f/ I r.ILOT.' · JlAO. rind Ctttlr.i SI• :Ji ~ f. VJRGO (Aq. ~pt. 21);~ coula be given coofidenUal in-* liink a , Dispute could' arise over land, roimaUon. Displa1 ability to property. Your cycle is high. handle a secret Ketp com- Adhere to principles; stand munk:aUon lines open. tall . Be original. You have . AQUARIUS ._(Jan. 2G-Feb. much on your side. Be con-J&): Money comes your way. tident and others wilt back.off. Don't ch s e it with . LIBRA (Sept, ~. 22): unreasonablt;f demands. Fine Lia:ht touch Is best today. for home lrhprovemen_t. You Avoid giving Impression of ar-can find genuine barg:alf\. Ag- rogance. oven;onfidence. Key gressive frjend paves Ult way. is to be recepUve. Share PISCES (Teb. 19-March 20): knowledge learn b y False star\ if overenthUslastic. tcach~g. Reseilr~ is of ut· !\1easure m'bVes, a et l o.n -. most lmPortance. . , • · Stress ' (In how Jo haridle SCORPiO (~-~N'ov. 21): ifellcate' ~111u•f!...,11 0 n n' l JERSEY DRESSES DESIGNED TO FLATIER THE HALF·SIZE 16 • 9 9 re11soo'w~.oo •, fa111ous llillle diesses 111 autumn Of paslel colois. All it1 washable lo!its of Arnel'° ttiatetate OI' polyester; 12%-22!1. 01ess Sliop, • Attics Store . Future Styles - Go through that trunk in thej attic al grandma's house. .\ ·If you find a skinny fur THINK scarf -fp,.ferably a dozen feet Ion~ -pull it out for J ln~ wearing in the fashion season . C " .,... ahead. Such lhlngs are. being U#'I I brought back as fasbioft ac- ceiits by pace-setti ng American designers. w .. tcllff ,, ... •••re Only -•42-2444 POLYESTER KlllT DRESSES IN MIO·SEASO~ COLORS 1 7 • 99 re1!800to~.OO Add zest lo yoor wa1drobe with a dress in "summer dark". Select from many st-f!es. Ideal f« traveli"I · po lyesle1 knit is wrinkle·free and wasllable. Fashioo colors:!·lS. Oress Stlop, NA.TURAL MINK TUNNEL•COLLAR CAPE 499 .00 nus is an exceplional jlfice f~ 01Jr bea111iful cape desirned for all·season wur. Select it in dark mink, Too1~liBe•, Auhlnn Haze• OI' Azu1ene•. Convenient credit terms if you wish. Fur Salon •TM E111bil Mink lfttdc1's Au'n F'Lll produc.ts labtltd 10 show CCIUCflY ,.. Otl _Ji O"lf i !llPilrted"fvtS • • - • ' • • ' • 644-2200 • Olher days 10:90 ttll 53 pl FASHION ISLAND • Moll., lbws., Frl.10:00 till 9:30 NEWPORT CENTER • • ---------------------. -------- 1 ' ' ' • ---~ .. _,,_.,,.....---....-.....------~--,~------,-----~,---------------·-· / () W"'"'"'"· July 16, I%~ .Eleg~nt Endina for Di11ner · 'Hos es.ses Ke,ep lt Cool, .Lig .ht1' Every hosless knows that a rated-ed~e knlte. using a ,aw-sides or a t1h quart (6-cup ) sherbet lined mold Md (reer.e li&ht, lovely dessert ls the pro-ins motion . Mak~ one lflr.ge mold (melor\. mold or any until solld, overnlgbl Cover per eoding for any wann loa( cake or abouf 10 servlpgs. shape), This should line the wUh paper, cut to fit mold. O••NGE cu1uv.LAT"' entire mold. Place 1·n freezer O born'· I f weaUier dinner party, but ,..,,, •• ..,....v i:. nee ..,.. s roien, strip NUT BOMBE ,,__ untllfiard (abolit 2 hours). off paper. Chill servln& plate. often she prefers not to heal I q9art orange sherbet Mean w hi 1 e·, combine Ju1t ~!9r~ ,µrving , unrol)Jd the oven . . . and the house I package (3% o u n c e S) chocolite nut pudding and bombe. To unmold, dip mold • , . preparing such a con(ec-chocolate nut pj.Jd~ing milk, preparing pudding ac-into hot water for about 5 lion. 2 cups• milk cording to package direct.ions . , seconds. Dry mold and turn Modem cooks depend on ~lz pint heavy crCam Chill thoroughly, about 2 upside down on the cold plate. pudding-based desserls that 1 tablespoon orange extrart hours, wh'ip chilled pud~ing . Qarnlsh with rosettes or whlp. , "bake" to perfection ln the-Partially thaw sherbet ar.d Whip heavy,Cream until slilf. ped fteJ111· CUt thin oraqge · I..,. freezer or rerrigerator. whip unUl ·lt is a Wreadabit~ \~ •J'Vld ill ore.,nge eitra~I' ~li:e's 'into s'mall we~ges,and ·!~ 1. ' ·. -. Tbese desserts can be coin· consistenct~ .. .eress it qllicldy Fol<f.. 'tOgelher whlpP-t<f cream place in the center of each pany-bright and party-special . .;_and~~f~~mJ~y~i~nf~oo~lhe~bo~t~l<>~m~a~n~d_:a~n~d!Ch~il~led~p~ud~dln~·~g!::.~P~our~ln~to~~r~"'!· ~lle!_:.·_!M~a~k~es~l~·:_I~O~s~er~v~ln~g,~.--.J~i-...'..~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!.~~~~============::. Captlp'lng the elegance of truer Continental d i n i n g , the desserts are easily made. The secretOt their simple prepara- tion is in the skillful use of prepared puddinl mixes. They add creainy i:idmess and j~t the right amount of subtli: flavoting and .the resulting dessert cloself · echoes their European counterparts. Orange Chocolate N u t Bombe, adapted from a French recipe, is a truly fasclnJting no-bake de:isert. It features an elegant orango sherbet mgW ·with a surprise rich chocolate nut filling. Ideal party fare. it can be made the day bcrorc so thal you don't have to fuss \\"ith the dessert on U1e I.lay of the din- ner. Line your prettiest mold with tangy orange she rbet. ---'J'hen fill-with-the luscious chocolate nut pudding and crean1 combi~lion, sparked with orange rlavorlng. Place the filled mold in the freezer and your dessert wor- ries are over. Just before serv- ing, unrnold on a pretty plate. Surround with rosettes er whipped cream, each centered with a color(ul wedge · of orange. Tfie orange-an d -cbocol•I<-~~ bombe is truly plfasing ni the eye as well as the the taste. Cassata, inspired by the Italian dessert, is a lovely creamy cake, made with frozen pound cake . When defrosted, the pound cake is , sliced and spread with a special filling. It is chilled and then mixed with heavy cream, . dark chocolate and pretty can- died.fruits. The flavor s mingle into a detectable combination --while the ·cake '"ba:kts" in the refrigerator. Jee with a bit· lerswet>t mocha frosting and you'll have a large party cake, sure to please the most ex- • acting guest. .. and hostes~. CASSATA 2 packages ( 12 ounces eacti) frozen pound cake l pacakage ,3.-,~ ounces) vanilla pudding 1': cup milk I cup (1,~ pint) hea vy cream 1 package (8 ounces) crea1n cheese, softened 2 tablespoons orange liqueur I ounce semisweet chocolate, shaved 2 tablcsP90ns thoppcU n1ixcd candied (ruit ~ cup heavy crcan1. whip- . pcd 12 ounces sen1i -swcc l chocolate '4 cup strong black coffee 1'l.' pound-sweet buUer Nut slivers for garnish Slice each cake into 5 slices lengthwise. (These cakes arc used end lo end lo form one long narrow cake.) Sel aside on serving plauer end to end. Combine pudding mix, milk and cream in saucepan. Cook over medium heat until quite thick. Beat in cream cheese and liqueur until smooU1. Place, covered with plastic wrap, in the refrigerator un!il well chilled. (I to 2 hours, depending oo tempe rature. Be sure the mixture is well chilled. so that the chocolate lo be added will not melt l. -Fold in chocolate shavings. fruit and whipped cream. spread between all the cake ~lices, ending with cake on lop. Prc~s cake togclhcr, gently. Chill I hour. Combine chocolate and cof- fee in a saucepan. Melt slowly over low heat. slirring con- &tantly. Beat in butter. Chill until thick_ eno_ugh lo spread on cake, an hour or so. fThis can be chilling while first part or filling is chilling). Spread cake with chocolate frosting , in decorative swirls. Garnish with nut slivers. Whe _!.ffving, cut with a sharp ser: . Drama Added To Vegetables In a medium saucepan com- bine 2 CMS (UP.) ounces each) undiluted chicken broth with 1 large carrot, thinly slivered. Bring to boiling point ; Hduce heal and simmer 5 to 8 minuter. Add \It pound sliced .__..,,· sh mushrooms or· l can t3 to 4 ounces) s li crd mushrooms : 11, pound chopped fttsh aplnach end I tomato, diced . 1m·mel'. ·ct1vertd: 5 minute~ lon&er. Add I t1blesi>90n dryl -'11t!TY. u·aes1ted .• 'l'llWI: ' p,rtro .. ~ • . , 7 'fo~ BIRDS EYE VEGETABLES CHOf'PED & tE.4.F SPINACH, CC>t!N, PEAS & C.A.RROTS, PEAS 10 C " SARA LEE COFFEE RINGS MAPLE CRUNCH, BLUEBERRY, RASPBEll.ltY 1G-OZ ...... -..... -......... . . WATER SOFTENER SALT 59' OCIAN llAND '9·ll . IA&. COUlSf··-··------···-······ !.~.~~~~\~. c~N~g'E~~~1~!0~~ 1.2 t .. ~.;-~-6 5 < MAZOLA-MARCiARINE .. Jf$1 PUREX BLEACH 49< Ol'+f. GA.UON -·-··-··"··----··-···---.. •··· rt'~Y!~ESH PINEA!_I>.~-~--Si$1 PAICAlll MIX "G 53' COOIGIS '" 4:$1 • 11 •., r•~ ~wrH c•t-•..., S•tl •11'f'ONGOOD, ~SST't). sin' • ·COPPERTONE ~~~:_ ___ s11• , WlliW~lifJT!f;\'f!. ' Van -de K-0mps SPECIALS TkDn:.-S~n. July 11.·20 • Walnut Swirl gc Coffee Cak11 .~r.o11 4 B1n1n1 Nut loaf ..... . " " 59c mIDJfair D~~ssm ARDEN POTATO· !!~~~.~-~11.~~.2 9 ·¢ ' mIDJfair Liquors - ROYAL GIN OCCASION '••ws339 :,~:~~~--. ROSE"S LIME JUICE ··--· ..... 12.cz, sin at ADl/UTISED PRICES EffECTll/E 7 FULL DAYS THURSDAY, JULY 171h THRU WED., JULY 23rd 17S EAST 17th snm. COST.t. MUA 2030 WEST ht STREET. SANT·A ANA 9192 WESTMINSTER , .... r. r·~·~rn •GROVE I 'i • I ---·· '· ·-. --_, __ • -------'"-i _..___ -· ... ---. -. ----·-----------------·-···------. -·-· ·---- • -· ·---=.,-,--• ' . Wldllndly, Ju11 16, 1'169 DAILY PILOT Q. We11 .. Jf .-for Many ~ S,ta ,.r.rrng_ ,-Roles . ~ -.0 • ~ ~ '!\ml lo m ••· Tuna I tableapoon Wonl!Stmhlre Tabuco. Dnln oU '"'" tun°' • ..cii> llula In -i. 'a AMw!d>. Tia II a 11uce ' .,...rq add IUii lo cream l4 cup ~ Oqii~.J le. ~-· lo I •'°" \\ ltalpoon Tabasco c"""'f mlsturo, boallnc unW J -fl~ ~ <_,. •-~ .,... I cans (I\\ or 7 <><1J1CC! •-prfbleoded. Qill1 ... u --.... 1'i. '*'llid IWla la all ol each) tuna In vegetable oil before .,.Ing. Serve with veaetab!O·- thll' · -.. and ,""!"• many BUI together with eleclr1c .crisp epckUs. 110 ""P cans milk m~. Bui moll GI all, llula it bealer cream .. cheese, dUll Y~c 4 !'UP" pato. lll'IOl!P-canl'•-"~·" Any hour O't the day. ·sauce, parsley, mloced onion, '' TUNA alOWDD _ Dralri +e1ptablt oil .from My day o: 111• l,.'· Woreeatmhtre 11uce and J oans (I\\ «; 7 -ca _,fwia ,Into sauc:epan; add onion . )'lluil -camled -.. ' w"1-lt! '\'11)1 pJar· ti cool, that'• whal ·Tuna packed In vek\!table all -!MIJt, lender, dellcately-Davored-a1ways is in Ha.son. On t be shell, car- rying a modill price tag, II casually ... eob ·llaell as a convenlen(;e ir ~OQd. , But what convenience. Opeli the can and, von4, '11ma,,..;._lhe bwli · and end~ o( · lhoullncta ol delectable. Jl)etl\l lpeclalUes. . Tuna 1.4; "DO'iY'~ .at the stai:t or a meaJ,itoo. l\'1 llvely as an appeUzer, i Udblt -•lulled celery Sfilk• or s tu f f e d cucumber pllces. But try lt u a festlv& Juna . pat~ ln ~ French inanner, gllflllshed with mln<til-. parsloy and pecans, to' S«Je wllll dlspY cracker!rnat~ it a hearty "on-th e" chowder. -And .. isespeCially '!now" ~main part of the meal. IC~ so adaptable in everday ·~ haute cuisioe~ When --U., ~ttb igerators--su~ denly empty and you've aot to c r -e 1 t e·~iipur4·tbe-moment company ' tare -or any old time -~b foi' the tuna. FRES H HEN TURKEYS and coot over low heat until on\on Is tender, but not brown. Blend in soup, mUk and water : 1dd tun1. Heat lo serv- lni; lemperaturt. Yield: t servings. . TUNA Tf!'l'RAZZINI ¥, &-ounce pac~aee spaghetti Z cans (8'iii or 1 ounces , each) 1.ma In vegetable oil 1 can (C ouncu) sliced mushrooros, drained 1/4 cup dl£00 pimiento 'I• cup chapped celery I small onion, chopped v, c~~ter 1 can i. mensed cream of mushroMn soup -1~ cups ,rited' Bh•rp Cbed· and add to tuna mb:lurt. AM dar cheese, divided · 11/4 cups ol the cheese, al\d Salt and JM1pper spaahetti ; seaton to taste. Break -helU lnlo pieces Toss llghllx UIJ ell miDd and cook aC<:qrd!.ng'WpacUge..:.. and coafeCfWUh sauce. d I r e c t I o n 1 • Put tuna, Sprlnkle w I t tt remaining mushrooins,. l>bnlerito, celery cheese. Bake in a ~ degrees and Chop~ onion in a · F. oven 4a minutes. casserole. Mix water and soup Yleld: t servings. ' CllUCK ROAST ~.:::·-SS: Bonele11-<huck 9F Rolled Roast-:.-'I:! • Zip o~ Ille cans -•11!1 you're m the way. Tuna paella, tu'ni. curry, tuna divan, tuna Tetrazzini -you name It. What:eYer your spirit dic- tates, tuna's a willlng meal f'!'.)ul !: y 0, ~' "1 59 49 -·~ --mate. . PATE Fl\ANCAIS I package (8 ounceS) cream chee.ae-r . 2 tablespoons chili sauce 2 tabl•'f!<'OO' finely chopped parsley y, cup fulnced onion Oats Take Rice Role Do yOli feel adventurous when prtparlng outdoor sup- pers in summer! Make a pilaf to serve wiOt likewerd 11,inb or beeI cooked on the griJt_ And make it 'tilth rolled oata. 'Ihis recipe has a aurprisln&IY rich, beefy flavor . Pilaf Ii' usually made willl rice that bas been browned tn butter or' oil, then cooked in &tock artl ieasonings. W l t H ·' chunky pieces ti celery, sgced mushrooms and minced oJllon added to lt, you wUl hive a deliciow side dillb to mUei•any meal nicely dlf· ferent. , .PAT PILAF 1 '2 cupj, sliced ceterY Ya cup ~pped ortion 1/l CUP. butter 11,s cupl rolled oats. quick or regllilr, uncooked 1 can ._(4 ouoce) sliced mushrooms, drained 3 cups 1')1.ter 1 teaspoon salt 2 beef bwillon cqbes Saute celery and onion tn butter unUl onion is sofl Add oats ll'14?brown lightly, stir· ring co'astantly . Add mushrooms. water, salt and bouillon ®bes. Heat and stir unU1 rntxfure comes to • boll. Cover: Cook slowly until thickened• about 10 minutes, sUrrlng o<Wlonally. Yield: 8. servings. · .. Fix .New Take-along Dellcloup, but different ..• a sort of U)Wide-Oown beef pie, that's Cornbread -Beef Barbecue, a one-dish meal that's ce~ to be a con- tinuing favorite through the Jong out.door eating 1euon. Jn thl!I reclpe, a spicy ml:r.· ture of gound beef, green pepper, !J!!lanl minced onion, kidney ~ns and barbecue. sauce, Mi topped .with a fr~br!ad mis:. CO READ-BEEF F.c\JE I~ llOll!\ls lean, ~ ~ \\cur.Dr.~-2~ 1_,nstlDl m~onion I can ,{!$\\ OWICU) kidney 2 be~~ relutar ~barbecue t ..:"=-con mufftn mis I eu, lllghl\y beaten " cup \nilk Brown \1 ~nd betf and muffin rnt 1'ftllt lo a •·~·'·~·r~ .... ="'" •1tt 11111111 Tnn·llm :.:--· ~•t! ,._ Jtlio Iii S.1111 ··-.. .... s.,. .... _. __ .. SLICED BACON U.'nf'S 11.AClC MA'MC . -.. 69' 011: WEI OUALm'. 1-tL PICG. ALASKA KING CRABMEAT RAINBOW TROUT 49 98 ' -· Fisli Slicb ..... -_,,, .......... .. =-·:-1. ,...-. ........ ... Garttli'• lhl! ' cw,. --·-·-n• Glllll'1 Fisk '""' .. Crispl ... -Iii' . . •1• TN VMI ,_111• ..... --..... ,,.. GAME HENS . TYIOM'S loa. CORNISH. 79 C -TASTY, PLU#J', 20-0%. MIN. • ' CHARCOAL BRIQUETS :;;,~....,..,10i:a 59' BcefPoter Gin 513" ~)[IJf:Jt'l H!Al 1H & Bl AU TY AIOI Gili~CO me ~~-::t.. 33' ·_ ' t -Fancy.Fann ·Peas t1:. 2:29' rlriite~cil Margarine ~ 35' _ __,__ PRIZl 'PRODUCi TOP VAWUI Salad Tomatoes Babcock Peaches Green Beans rk:l:.I "' ,,,. """"-... ......... v ...... ' I Fiddle Faddle -~,~tr::a~ 33« JerseJril:aid . -~uit~r ·~~ 7tc Grapef"-it .Juice ~ 4& ~ 2tc · ... - -~.......;.__ • ! ~ • 1 'Everiresh r.Frozan <J"-. "' ""' ff-*'Cui ......... Miiitd V911"1'l-. °""""- ~:::::c:w;;;;;: I [j1o@d . dn1CATUSEN ~~NEY·SAYING IUYSI ALL MEAT JUICY', TENDER 1-1.1. VACUUM PICO. ••• ,,,,,,,,, Baka /Jaa turesl ENRICHID BREAD -• YOHS"WHm. WHIAT .. .....-lr3·fii VONS DONUTS ::=.r.-=-11 ur.35' Scoln.. ................ 13c:' ...., .... ~ ........................ 261 kotlf9I ,«lill ' ~.ct. .......... 21C S!iitr l(W ~ OOl!f • .or, CM .... ••• llr 5hlr KW1 Solld .. rn tot.<*: ........ ,,, l """'"""" _.., ... , ______ ...... ............ r.lilirw llMl ----2123c "-"""OIWt S(ll. ~---·--···-"""" IE -----.... '1'<---·-"" HolfrTMI~ W--.,..., ...,__.._27• -~ Aft.Inf ,_., ;:: 65c Gelc,tine Salads ~~~.~~ ..... 3:SJ W ............ 4k I .............. VONSSHAIP YOGURTS CHEDDAR -m---ma. IM"'°' ~--.... 5£99' --~ -"'~ 5poeihltll'S.... ..... -.A.----....... . ~SM. ..... ~ ...... ...... ~ ~ .....,...-,lllMIM'l'Cllla.,....•·- ...,,, ht 5MoW llO. I C.,,.,_,._,_,,,. .. -l/2tlm ii:..'1 T ..... ,_ .._CAM ,,.,_ ...... __.a1• ,, '• I ·' .,._. --·Pour oil drip-olno. ~ on10iii;"li<anl and ~ sauce. Cook I mloole1. l"itt< 11111>·• lsll-lndl baklnl .... corn amall mbd · Stir unill : Pour :. · ~Id mea1 1011 Alllllls Ave., ,11 Broo_kltarst H~nHngton Beatfi . i -" . '"·~ ...., \ . r -11950 Magnolia, founlal1.. Vtllty .r • ' ' I ' 251:~::00c1e" .. '1°'10 '° 3m1 Doheny Park Drive, CaplStrailo Beach · ,. -· ....,.., ·, \ I ~----------~-'~ 5922 Edinger Ave., ·~ Sprlngd1le, Huntington e~ch I ~ 21082 Beach Blvd., Huntlnaloll B11d ~ -y I I . j t • I ~------------...,----------------• ' I t l -~ -' --~ . . . • ...i:. ' -. C:oeRout 1Gri I led Meats· ' --., ' GIVING YOU !fJIE BIZNESS• What biznels! biz.lest blmess ••• un.wuat.and <ill· ferent foods. w~~tyou go for '° can ,of w. baby i;callopsL about tbef. of a Tuna fiSh can, e ~ litUe" lovely nibbled f l a e n e d , paper thin so the Cin bold's 20 to 30 . • • or some spiced octupus from Po f • tug a I , fW'ther enhjlnced b,>t~ve oil and tomato sauce? • Pol is said~ .. o be wholesome, nutriti and very easilY dlges ~ &rid ls often ca11ed natur a m01t perfect foi:>d. 1( your ,Jomac:h needs a rest, \vhy i\bt some Royalty Brand Rea~-Mlxed pot from flat.laii. U jpU want : to thin· it dOWn adl(:_.\vater. · You kno.w-th§re is ~. w .. o, 'tUiU ··~ .lliJCer i:PI. The leakler" lJ; IS, the m«J'e of a poi eatlii:g perfectionlat YoU .,._ , .. Head Cheese, L •• there's a ~.,...-, Jo\;i, .. JU,M• as1enly c - and. W Deu~an dct. lt over · Jheie ui ~. Chill the ·can . and " slf&: in ~perfect jellied rouo4J,,. •. quite the delisb dish Wf,:n ~ with hard boiled 'eggs, OJ course Jo go aloilgii«Je ·Yoll might en- JO.y some O.K. extra bot English Mtistard. If you've got a jar ot 0.1{. aroUnd the . ~use. ;you iwon 't eVft' need any smelli~ sal~ . . FiSe•N 1.l . owioWiren<Gs A nice big · glass 1ar of pickled English sardlfles or ancnovy style sprats from Swede n make fine sandwiches. And it iYoU'rc serving Kielbasa, you11 need some red cabbage 'Miipped Feed a I Crowd~· Ha_no,ily . . - up \\'ith apples tbi way Reese does it and ."1th a s\veet sour combini.tlfn too. Fillets.or smoked tel ·~ aspic , •• to each hi11 own fifh dish •• J 'But, ah,BiackOfimond , w~l!f mushroom cam) In an Orie.1Jtal sauce woui~\really cry ~for some F~nc b gooseliver V•ith truUJl' ... or an exciting: p i k I e , , espel~lly if it \\'ere osber · ~tyle cauliflov;er. f1 ts 'tttlme Cota big part)'.:? Every family should h~~ ·at least one I a T g e • !'! c11oe"en· tertainiM effort per y r' - and • many women /A'v e discovt!red that it's p }tie to handle a cookout for a group of 20 to 50 ~with surµrisingly little strain. i; There are many advantages to this sort of dinner party. In the first place, you ·can count on a lot of help from the men -something .you don't ,get with an indoor party. Also, since most of J.he party will· be-outdoors, the house won't get so dirty. The menu can be simple but hearty: paper plates are perfectly okay ; the guests can dress in· forma lly, and you won't need to hire help. Plan your party well ahead of time, order the meat early in the week and do all your rentirfg fand borrowing ear.ly. Do the yar9. the day before and set up the tables. Prepare the meais which will be marinated ; j( the quan- tity is large. enough, you may have to store the meats ove.rn·ight In other refrigerators a r o u n d the neighbofhood. , Pfan a menu which can be ·cooked on serveral grills and line up the neighborhood chefs to take l\lfnS cooking. Rollowlf\g are . recipes· for grilled meats. Prepare a day ahead or time, to allow for .marinating. GRILLED CHICKEN PARTS S broiler..fryt!rs, about 21,~ pounds each 2 cups sweet vermouth 2 cups vegetable oil 2 cups chopped onion I cup.chopped p;jrsleY I ~ablespoon bottle'd brO\\•n· 1ng sa uce 1 tablespoon salt Quarter the c'hJ'c kens : remove the backboTies to make them lie flatter on the grill. Save backbones \\o'ith giblets for the soup kett)e. Place chicken pieces in flat containers. Cover with a marinade made or th e re- 1naining ingredients a n d refrigerate about 4 hours. Broil quarters slov•ly over moderate heat, skin side up, basting frequenUy with marinade for 20 minutes or until brown. Turn and cook for 20 minutes longer, or until brown! Turn and cook for 20 nlinute;; ,more, basting fre- quently, ~ until done. Makes 20 scrVlngs. i>i>JllAI. FRANKS 20· frii.n):furlers 20 frankfurter rolls 213 cup vegetable oil 2/3 cup;softened butter 2/3 cuj)' chili sauce 2 teaspoons instant onion bouil19n 2 teaspoons dry mustard 1 ~~b~n bottled brown- ing sauce With tip of knile,_ make slight spiral cut down and Milk's Popularity Continues WASIUNyTON, · D-C. - 1-f~re than l4 tiilllor\ quirts of v.•hole milk were sold in the U.S. in 1968, averaging oot to about 114 quarts for every person in Ult country. 11-1ost of t'tie milk sold last year was in one-hall gaUoo containers. This information on mUk ts contained in "Milk Facl'I," just pubUshed by the MJtk Industry Foundation. The booklet is the annual report OJl dairy producUoiS, 'l>roct.ssing, dlstribution and consumption. The Foundation is the na· Uono~wochl11"'111f claley pr°' cessors and distributors. The bookie~ also -includes these f3cts about Americans and their milk: l\1ilk Jn 1968 was a bargain ln terms ~ 1·reat" cost. I to Rise ' Twenty years ago, an bom;'s wages could Du)' aboll\ 6 quarts or milk; in 1968 an hour's wages could buy 1¥"~ than 11 quarts. . Sales of lowfat milk pro- ducts in 1968 increased nearly 16-percent from lhe previous year, lhe third in a row thot gains v;ere more Uian 10 per~ cent. Total sales of fluid milk pro- ducts gained slightly in 1968 over 1967. Dairy products accounted. for s12.o billion: or 16 percent of the total volue of food In· dustry slllpdt,.a; ln 1917. 1968 s.iw the lowest milk prod\l<llon fllb.lt52;altlloogh- dalry-farmm' ca!h rt«ipts· rrom milk .~d t~J.Pi'oc:cssors wtre $214 m Ion more jn 1008 thtut In 1961. .. 1, '· .... ; around frankfurters 1 Place In flat container. and cover with mixture or oil . anion bouillon, mustard, chill sauce and bottled browning sauce. Re- frigerate for 3 hours. Drain and save marinade. Grill over moderate heat. tarning and basting \Vith marinade. for 10 minutes or until hot dogs are brown and spiral has opened. Serve on heated and buttered rolls. Makes 20 servings. SP ARE RIB APPETIZERS 10 pounds of country style spare ribs 1 envelope prepared onion soup mix 2 cups water J,.2'·cup honey · 1 . ~blespoon mild c~rry powder 1 tablespoon boU\ed brown· ing sauce 2 tablespoOns lemon juice 2 teaspoons garlic salt Place all ingredients except ribs in sauce pan. Bring to boil, lower heat and let sim- mer five minutes. Cool, cul ribs into loosely handled pjeces and place in .flit. con· tainef. cbver with the · cooled mixture and refrigerate for four .hours 11r overnight if possible. Grill very slowly over moderate heat turning often and basting often w i t h manilade. Test for doneness after one hour by slitting meat betw~ a rib. ~k JMaer if necess11ry. Cut into single ribs and serve. Makes 20 servings. Potato Mix Good Meal Combine 2 tablespoon.'i In- stant minced onion with 2 lablespoo111 water; let stand 10 minutes to soften. ~feanwhile, p r e p a r e 1 envelope from a & Ollll()C box of potato pancake mix ac· cording to package directions. Stir softened onion 1nd J can (3 to 4 ounces) sliced mushrooms, drained, into pan- e a k--e mir.-Drop by table- spoonful onto a h o t, greased griddle or sklll~l. Brown on both sides. YIELD: 4 portjoDJ • .Let TV WEEK P ATIENCE t;E::J· AN D C.llAi\fPAGNE STICK Bahlsen has a way-with cookies. Would YoU Wf.nt ta dunk a cookie in chamjagne. We doubt it, but you';night be .oggled lo try \\'lth,. these dehcate sugar de~Cacles shaped li ke a bread "&tick. Chocolate ABC's aboat'2 \~ ches high ... a sugar tookie inside, chocolale Iced ~!side ... \\'hat fun for the l&Js or even adults. Which ~mes first the C or the A! That must be the patlcnce tl)Utine. JELLY RATES 1'10Rt; THAN TOAST ': Especially \\'agntT~· Sher- ry, Rose, Port or B y wine jellies ... Use m for extra haunting fiavor .. ni anyQ' little biscuit lhing yo't make, or why not spread thEfm on a ham or roost. ~ glaie \vould daze )'OU, To t\ch his O\\'n olive oil. Some1 prefer the domestic. Some cedger tD Italian, but those Who've tried th~ pUre Frenci vari· ety, love it. \Vagner •s one ... vrry mild, ~ery f icate. SKINNY , BREAD STICKS " Fi.in lo serve In tanl water glasses . , . Pan d'ch are Italian, long' a{KI thlf; only about a quai tcr of ~ Inch aCl'OSS, and they • a k • spaghetti, ravioli, ~· taU dil>', salads and wi 'more fun. Unless you \\.'OUld hoo9e }~Javor Trtt onion st•. 110 $1unkable and-o:iunchlble or break and do the croi.t{on bit on top of ~ads or 11?8t in soup. .~ 1 DON'T ASK now WJ; t,QUR£D " THIS Otn' i . . • Bui the n~ay befoi-e fl'le . Fourth of.&July, enough people v.""ent tlltough our check slands and biOught enouah .BJOC'Crica fl!l fill cnoulJlt shopping ~ tD atretc:h from the N~rt pier lo the JWboa piel'f and ill each &hopp~ card ''irould be 3 barrel bags lthll big ones) filled wiffi croct~•· It a.It started with therl:"'' of barrel N,xt wt ' .. And we're not (l)vnuna · the things that ~ put l .little sa~ks. . ,_I• ,: · We 'rt 5Uft Clad >10'I 1lb: us ID-miu:b,-•,e.nd_ "'e.'W. IO gratefUl f~. Thafa U\e muon \\-11 out of."' way to have t un 8'ebtr cauUOower a.Jli ~tour . ~~:~o"tmi<tli We \\'OOldn't want )'OU -• be dluppolated _., tho Peopl~. ~:1 N·e w fO rt Brach. , Tur!_I .You O.µ_; ·-~r. ...... ..-....... I J " ·. ,,_ . , , • . .. • • • • 7 1 ' ·PHONJ 673-6360 FOlt HOME DELIVERY "lt.e;ES -!ffECTIVE JULY 17, 18, 19 -. ' , RICHARD'S ·TOP OF THE GRADE USDA CHOICE ·· . RUS ~EAT WITH HERBSc ROAST IN SOUILLON .A,N\I IUR6UNDY PRIME ·RIB , ROAST. ,,.,.:~ ...... , .. ,.,". 1o19 ~ .. MAR HATE IN CHRIS I PITTS SARHCUf 'SAUCE, ·~ND LAWRY'S GARLIC·SALT WITH PARSLEY, M.S.6, CRACKED PEPPER. ' , t .• SPENCER STEAKS · .1. 98L •. ' ' •• ·~.1l 1 A -REAT, Pl~E OF MEAT FOR SPIT ROASTINGI , SPENCER ROAST Thooyo'ofthorlb . BRAISE I HR. BRUSH WITH SWEET AND SOUR. sAUCE, AND BARIECUEI ' ' • · L Q.Q.,..M~R.KEJ_CENTER ' ~ ,. tdPol!t-Bl'lO. ATTHE ENTRANCE Toil!QO IS~E . . BEEF SHORT . RIBS •• ,1~ SIJ~ . 1.9& .. 55~ .. . ' ., ,, ""· ,I • • ,{, .. . ~ ' '-. . nnl! ) '. , FANCY,' SWEET. LARGE CLUSTERS THOMPSON SEEDL~S c GRAPES. ~· -.,_ 4 LIS.$1 • GARDEN.FRESH, LOCALL'f.&ioWN ~ · ITAU:AN · ' • ~, ··I: .... -':' -._._ -Zlf CCHiNI .7· : . .'. 19' . . LI. . PLANTATION Rl~E. LARGE SIZE ROYAL HAWAIIAN ' ' ,PINEAPPLE . EA;:~49~ ..., . . . ' .. FINE FOR SUMMER SALADS, HOT DOGS •• GENUINE, SWEET ITALIAN RED ·ONIONS ,, ' 7 .2L~,19¢ 7 ~t!MmmJ SWIFT ALL MEAT 1 • . LI. 69C Wien~rs swissu·~CHEESECED • ~ . 89' lltil'ORTED FROM FRANCE, SEMI.SOFT BONl!EL CHEESE , ... 79c ,)' . BORDEN'S GREEN CHILI DIP .... l9c NICE CANAPE BASE, SWEDISH CRISP BREAD KY-KIN6 aROWN RYE MEDIUM 39" BROWN RYE THIN , I' LIGHT")IYE . 7Ya 02. ftml!'B SARA LEE BROWNIES ..... '" CAL FAME QRANGE JUICE .... 5,.. *1 ' ROSliRITA COCKTAIL TACOS l l/1 .. , 3 fM s1 NU MEES, CHOCOLATE COVERED BANANAS .... 49c 8111,DS EYE ONION RINGS ... s ... $1 BIRDS EYE French Fried Potatoes fn. a ... •1 STOUFFER 'S SPINACH. SOUFFLE ..... l9c STOUFl\ER'S J \ Potatoes Au Gratin ..... l9c STOUFFER'S ' Noodles Romanoff ..... l9c STOUFFER'S Broccoli Au Gratin 11 ... 39c ST.OUFFER'S CORN SCUFFLE ..... l9c STPUFFER'S BAKED BR~AST of CHICKEN .... 1.79 STO~~~R'S SHoRT · RI of Bl:EF ,, ... 1.79 ' • ' ~ MIX WITH 'GRATED CHEES , CATSVP, ONIONS, SALT AND PIPPER . PRISTOI INSTANT CHEESE. IUR-IRS ' LEAN GROUND BEEF , s~· .. cA~· I' ' . . TOO HOT TO SPEND It.ONG HOURS IN THE KITCHEN? TRY ONE OF THESE GOURMET ENTREES, WITH All THE ADVANCE PREPARATl!)N DONE-FeR YOU, -· ·- Wrap in f9ll end coek l 1/1 •hn. et 325 d99ree1 MARINATED CHUCK ROAST . 79c;.. BONELESS CHICKEN IREAST WITH BUTTER AND CHIVES CHICKEN A. iA; KIEV 1.49 _ DELICIOUi.IAUO WITH LIME JUICE MAHI MAHI STEAKS 91c;._ . ' ' STUFffl)·WITH· A SAVORY iditif MIXTURE · ' STUFFED BELL ;PEPPERS 98cu. , PtUS ••. A COMPLETE $ELECTION OF FRESH SEAPOOD . 'AND u.s.D.A. PRIME BEEF ~~ ,, --B'ufternut Ciffee L:. 67' ' B!JTTERNUT COFFEE ,,._ 1.33 SuNSHINE L'mon Cooler Cookies ..... 47c KNUDSEN LA BON BUTIER I llo • Ile KERNS Strawberry Preserves JleL 39c KERNS GRAPE JELLY ..... 29c WISHSONE ITALIAN DRESSING !ho. 59c OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRY JUICE .... 69c GREEN 61ANT KITCHEN SLICED ,.:GREEN BEANS 3Gi 5 for $1 GREEN GIANT CREAM STYLE CORN ,., 5,., s1 GREEN GIANT HOT DOGS ARE AN AMERICAN INSTITUTION -LIKE BASEBALL NIBL~TS CORN "" 5 ... s1 AND BACKYARD BARBECUES. SO MANY WAYS TO ENJOY THEM -CHILI DOGS WITH BEANS AND ONIONS, OR CORN DOGS !From • Mir, Sticks included.) WRAPPED IN BACON AND GRILLED WITH .CHEESE. THE, ONLY LIMIT IS YOUR IMAGINATION. ' WIENER KEW~ . . Cut I lb. wieners into pieces, Slice 2 tert •rpl11 into 1iglrth1. Cut thick 1l1c:1d, becon into ~i1c11. Cut onions into pi1c11 or u•• Peer onions. Thread on skewers end broil or berb•· ~u t. Serve with pilef-One of the delightful packaged on••· . MIXED BEANS & WIENER CASSEROLE Cook I pkg. fro11n Lima l11n1. Seute sliced wieners, I chopped onion, I clove "'inc.ct gerlic in 2 T. butter. Stir in Lima l11n1. I cen Kidnt't' beens, I i•r btktd beens, I tsp. musterd, I T. brown sutar, 1/1 C. c1t1up, 1/2 C. red wine, 'h tsp. salt. Pepper. leke in 2 qt. c1111rol1 30 min. at 350 degrees. -.......... ·- FLAVORFUL DINNER ROLLS LEMON · TROLLEY BUNS 1 6 , .. l4c MAKE HERO SANDWICHl ~· FRENCH BREAD . l9c ~I; . I· GREEN -!ANT FANCY PEAS '' AEROSOL GLASS CLEANER " WIN DEX '• CHIFFON BIG ROLL SUN FRESH TOWELS DANISH PA.5TRY Lemo" FUled & T oppod Wheat Tea Rolls 6 ,., 41c i Chocolate Cake, Nuts lind Fudge lcin9 ·.~ · FUDGE LOAF · 79c . Nin• HELEN MAJOR'S ORIGINAL HAWAIIAN Macadamia Nut Clusters Pastel, Milk ot Dark Chocolate Covertcl. ~09-2.75 lox $2.50, IOX ' ~--. .. SIDEWALK SALE .'; Jtrclini•res, P\ent1, Pettery. ·, ·~ All Sorts of Mi1celleneou1 lNa1urer1~1 • ' All· DISCOUNT~': " 2, FEATURE OF "C_ ....... .,, c-try DESSERT DISH ,., 5 ,., s1 ..... 39c l ... 89c • • ' , l-1~t•2•2~2~1~;•••• .. ••2•1•2z•ww·•2•12 ... ·•· .. r•c-,•• .. n .. zn2•21112 .. 21111 .. s•1•1 .. 1wr•2~J•1z•zwc•s•12•a ... 1nnnsr•t•,•1r•zsnzii••zzn•r•z•t••-••••••r•t•·•2•sz•n•twn .. ibilzllz .. •t•r•m•r•z•1•rwas•,•r•zn•1w,•·•s•i-sut•n••s•n•rw1•,•n•r•u•1~s ,:'~tU..,.....c.,.. MA-RKET HOME & GIFT 1SHOP LIDO /ACHT SHOP ANTHPN1'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER .SHOP CLEANERS OPEN DAILY ,,7, S\JN. 92 6 • C!PfH DAILY 9,4 ~PEfl DAl~h. , S°QH:l o.3-' -, D~ILY 9,5 ,30, SAT. 9,5 '(. O'EN DAlL"! 9.4 DAILY l :l0-6, $AT. 1130·5 r i I , . 1 • ------------J_ I . • I i I f DAILY PllOT ... ,r .I t t REE FAMILY· ·' SIZE • PKGS. ROSARITA-,,JEEf TACOS & ' ' • ... . U\.:I ." f....-:. • • • l I ·~ > ' \J.S. NO. '1 ~PANISH ···'. : 0"10,.S ·r :3 ·.~. J" 5 ·c-i t IA$ -' ' . ' , - •'. TUllEY ., CHIClltlll J,01. 1'•91 ... 45Cff. \• ' . 1, ... -... .. • • -. . L . 18 l'ILDT·Aovtmsu .... c , 0 ' ,,, ;. ' . ~. • ~ '. I ' I ' ' I , ' ' -. -. I • • ' • I t ;- / ' i • ' ! i I l • I l ' " • • ... .. .., .._ ; . :I . . J 11 • • -(11 .. : ~ l'l't R! O ~.f • .. _ .,_.. • fi9ED'R'l1 rtaun 1111 ~ t.~lits~•~~~ilps ~ "t---~· , . --~ --- l . - • -. -.. - , .. ~.'},!MlllQUE ···.··JlltERllS . L_ • ..,, . -""" -'--' ·: I I I ' - T . I . • , . ... • • -~ .. ....... ,,,,. , ... --'---·..._,_ . . • . . .I. • , • • H PllAT:.IOVl~TISIR -,9 I ., l I I • . • • • •• . .. • • • ' • • • •• • • :1 • • • . ,, ' • • • . 5 .. .,, :. . = • ~ ~ E '" ~ . •• ~-t E t • • : • • ) t-\. U.S,Q.tk CHQlCJ: OR StATERBRPS •. CERl'.IF.l~D EEF . . ~ -' • ).l'QUNDCAN Sl.7$ ~ STATER BROS •. -(Qfff __ ......... -1-Ls.cAN ·F.ANTAS1 K ~ - ELIAN&: ... 11~~z. • r: ••. .o.ic ··ottCXIN; SHllM•. MU5HIOOM PILLSBURY WHllEKING-D DQLPl<G. SAVIMOIEATSTATHJJllOS. ~ CHUN KING e f;~~ DETERGEN.T ne ANTHONY 2 ~ DINNERSF~~Y ' GIANT SIZE___ 17 , SPAGHETTl.taPKG. ~ DllllY•-OllMll.IUF NEWS •6-0UNClJ.N .. AHJCOTPINIAPIU i tJIORO FED $1 ~u~.~'': JOH.MSON'S $)3' KERNS E DOG FOOD_ ~~~· oz.59 KLEAR WAX__ PRESERVES.L.~R e No.l~CAN 26-oLDlALPJ<G. •• •*1!11-·-·'!!11~ :;. 'f!aba4-f ; .s~ e 811• 29-c: BEADS 0~ ~c: i'p-pg PllS ____ .. -··;1s 1"'&, i 1oqo11s . at1AcH u~-coii"•' ~EE~--.. ••<;, ftc ~ . . ~ . . ~·-·a· ILA1)A5 ooQIRSl ·'°"o'-·--~3" • ,, • I .. • --.-.~ • .,. ~$12.t !!! . a.o<49' fisMsTICKS -. .:-•-""""39' / YOft· \l 53 CHIU~~!~-4"' s'til'AWBERRIES -10-0<59' tt.0..l':!r~ , M'Uiea1101MNERS .-... -.,.~ .... -0;m-r • .-1s· --G ..,,.,4 'OHNST """'' -79'' BAii ... AY 79c TO~IN · 4gc· JQHMsTON PIES -•-• P!!!ou11r ' . avocADD olP _,.... --. s 1 BAllll-AIDSHEERSTillPS ,..,.,,,,,,.~,. •• r n·-.:::..... DRINKS -10 l~ . ' RED CIOSS COllOll BALLS ""·'~ ' • • SE ,. 4 ~Ml~~=~'JfiiwASH ~~-:~·ii MicA:ioNI & CHEE .. , 1 '' BRECKCREMERINSE "~-.... 48' • ..,79' ,..,,... ME&'T uceJ,lllT 6.01 llllECKCREMERINSE:'.;b~ ... 79' ..... 'l.49 CRAB ... FOO~.,;;;;;··· ·" i 89' ! ' • ''""~UIUT a.o< 79' MORTON DINNERS . -"'"sl" fRIED "" -39'-tiJDED SllRIMP ,...,, 'ii£ijiGilin11CE.u.01. !..,...., rr· L 39' -RlllG_S-,...,, 4f. .CUT CORM .... -..... -IL,.... \I I I l .- .. SUGAR WAFERS ••m'c ---"'' 49' FOLGER'S COFFEE ~.\'s~~f'.. .. ..11" BRIOU1·Ti\'ill'~:~l 270.311' PURR TUNA CAT FOOD 2 g,i; 31' CLIF CH . B~IOU,ti:,,;s-10-LBs 89' _ IUlllHllll 3Ac P~NUT· UTTER U-OL •• ·"'· ,.0,58' Gll~HAMI ---''"-., .. WESSO OIL ~~~-----~ ,.o,39' SHASTA SODA POP ~~~-.10 i>oi '1 TOMATO CATSUP-....,.,. __ ,...,,.~9' GEBHAR.DTS TAMALES ____ l.~33' CRYSTAL . 6~c CREAMSTYLEHONEY :l'~~---·-·.79' WHITE IC~~~SllE . MAC.&CHEESE i1ii'J~~:-:'~~---"'1 35' EGG NOODLES ~ib0i".l:~:'.'.'._ "·"'33' HUNTS TQMAT,O SAUCE ___ ,. 311' STAR KIST TUNA ~~~; .. ,, _______ "c'..'~ 31' · MAGICSPlfAYStZING .-1 .. 0<49' FOLGER'S 68' BRUCE'DE£PCLEANER ._,,.oz.89' CMFEE . ii,~-. WAX REMOVER :.':l'.~~TE --31-GL 811' 2-L .. 7AN -"" ...... >-LL CAN -1 ... BRUCE WAX ~t:...... ------27.oz.19'. CLOROX BLEACH -----ii GAt.39' LIOU'JD ,,. . ND ;·~·------3 2-0< 63' DOW· CLEANER ~'l'~~OOM -----1!0< 49' TREND ER ----.. --'3·o«l3' MIRACLEWHITE or.79' --·-••L~1 e GULF _LI ~~.:.:w.,~l--·---"• 29' RUSKET BISCUITS .. , ~·--1>0~39' DRESSING 1'~~1.e;g~l ____ ··-'"°' 39' LOMA Ll~DA NUTEENA ~ i.o •. 67' AU.IWllT DIAL 26' LITTLE LINKS LOM> UNO.-· 1'-0?,79' MAllGA•• ----------1-ll. VEGEBERGER loMA llNOA --"·02. 67' GRAPEFRUIT :wig., . ... . .?.:'~ 32' ~HRUANVYK. rullP.!~.--,:,"", '1""~· . -· 2 ,.~.'.44l~ "LlSftU'Y .t. "r'-IO"f IGt<f -llo·lt PANCAJ(E _MIX SWEffCREl\M .:_.-·;·LI. -.,r . . CHUNK TUHil m~~~.~f.!.~~~~ _:_ .. ~ .. 31' -- • ' 1 ' --- !JL2t:·A~imsu 19 W-11. Jul1 16. 196' --W"'-· "'~ 16. lM . DAIL'( l'ltOT ()3 . £~h~ .. ~-IJ!!Jre. Rr~~i~ted as U :S. S~af Q9d S~ale.s ,. ln~re . e I .t . . ' .j.._ ""' " •~ i •• ~ • ., •. ~ ,J' • l ; • . ' _.. ... -r ' • .... ' t ·j ~ ;_ , A . .. .. trt'PO.., U.... t....nUat.4 betw .. n•(isli and 11 eiq>eNI"" ~"while' Michigan and 1' show· pie , · ~ter Aid lheJ l>oulbt.. lrolb 'The clltlce bet11•_p,ail•· ~ ....._, Iii lb elr N!W YO!Ut(UPI) -The. seafood. One out al .every f' aometlmu were lhollght edlheheavi¢ lo. Fnl""lilll.and*1oodllnd IJih ~.ee llUft umO."'lacb . 111<1f.-_":!1...~~y ,-;~""'-q (Ulunl lool!s fllby; ll'lff wee either ~;iioslUV• econimlcal •l·home en· frozenTuh, for !ft! , wblle. their greatat popularit)\ with . ....i.., , • ,.. ~ :., t betwee~ Pr ll4IUn ~~ioal"'l'f. ~~ -77' - The NaUonal F h her I es or very negaUve In at!jtud" , fi•w Ellglandm a Pacific the")$-44 age BrOl!P, fojlowe<I -\~Id ol.e .i..~c,fo.t'CaUiollc 10,;l Giber l«Wllul 4114odornn\ed S nc., ~that 85 ~ . Many ne~aUve r~UAns to or.en filb and seafood '!'11 coast _(Uiduta , ad the ' by'j>ersons undet 25. A mark-'h'd,ential ~,.reel ihe faml...-was dednttel)',Olt the sldt of, Mdond , thtnlt .follow· 1~~-had 111h~fth$._f1l!!!1YariW_"·11<{< •!1111111' belW th:~;b:esl\.~e atro¥""prel (or fresh. ed. deellne In frozen fish · ty;'llle-!Orlbe~erence fresh or1ldr[i 1o · J"'Jtb t!lll)'•alie~klnsfQd-~ sal1' Of f~n<\, 11<\1' ~ Wll~ ... af"'i Bljtd~ intllfW'!·, lf'"' th<ft ate N~w ~nglanders showed J!l"ferenee set.-In with the . for ftoielt !ilb and ,iea!ootj, h-holdi. . ,. < • ,, . l f m _'· 'ntlltr·seven l' ~-'• . ·ili<i11ls1J iJiCh' a.t'~i~1;~' .!! s~g\1.Hlc.f~ ''1 lower oveMi f,1 pod' reacb_ei Its · Ji'tomJ!IW'ol'.~~·'inOfO ' .•)fore!)! U1telcenl.cilth~1 ~r ·packqlng 11 • ~. J>l!Or •or ab. ·.,~.j ~-~ inf.._ for 1 ~·flab or-loorttt-pol•I amonfpenoris es anowe'l!lil\ll·nioil ji...tve I • -coniunl'en !aid 11o....-, ~itillty :i!n""*'· ...i !I pei> _ _ ... high '-' 111~~ illftsh •(ten were r!gUded ontf l!llo: ll)dl"", '!al~• , qasl peo-and .•P~"'l'!!nly pen:w 6! th• cepla~ _ .. "'c. , · and h~~~ very Jm •• '.. <tltti .4itfck diawlng. 1..1111:\'estDCe~. 1 1 , , I' t ..,. , te!1f Utt OOd In botfi In· ~ mar~t wullll! 1!f:?-~ii 1.i. · Jacobs predicted ~nUnued growth·, with mo~e varieties of fresh fish and seafood ·~even lo lnlanJj .....,_ ,.!!!! !"Id 1.,. <OA,Joat proof, - !itiq!Me.j ...-...J:n·~~ake ii -~"'!b'shlp· f flab and .. .,.,Moel Jnllil . to coUl and to in1apd markcls without.loss of quality. aei:ol>s ;tddoc! · thal seafood all(ls ·-ed lo r~ more prolllinenlly:;_i!l,ili~.:Jood"""" ~' -pimems ._ fram ty;, IJe ;,esUmaf<d that ri!!ti&I. ~onts· for pro!eln lo feed the ~1e will h-ave to be increased ~by 50 percent as early as tm. Ip the fQtwe, wlll may even eat.~.ata.prodttcls_.._nm prptein ~centrafe, pJankton and ate" vgetaflon, Jacobs ~~kL-~·beCaust!."'lhere lsrt't ellOl.liti ftsh in the sea. He est.Unated that the present world catcb~epresents <t& lit- lie as ~oflteth ol Ute animal lo\'! !llat _coqld be taken rrom il'fe oceans. . He. also expects -health con- skJetationf::..to..LJ,.u c..r ea.a e dem'and$ fbr fish 'od seafood, wh.icb are "'relatively low in calories, tontain h i g h I y digestible" Fotei~, essential v1t4mins ~ , minerals and give· g~s quantities of poly·unsalt\t4ted fall."· The latter .are reCommeoded by many dlictQrs as a ·preven· taUve meisure against heart clliease. ~other study made for ~ lnlUtut.e delved into consumer altitudes.. It showed two out of tbrd ol tber l,ij()O consumers . ~· c•"r'ilully dll:: ' . . . : sk·Tip_ 'J ' .. ~ .· .,., ~,. .. ,,_ GAieslfp . rvarieliOii~or "hot" navor- . · g and biid .... perature are. • ffie!y ~ed .~n I h I o · J"fresblng~. ·. d mo~ design- ed to d • Up a summer )Deal. It's a delightful choici for wann weather. '!be. name, Chili Cheese Mold, tells the story. It's spicy bu11d ~y bot, since i.he -slUonrng it ~ sauce rather thilji ,tjte pe~ lhem>elve>'. 1r1 f[pb1 ~·it's well-chill- ed ~ order to_set_the...mold flnnljl, . Taste buds will wake up to the intriguing flavor and color, texture and temperature . ~·s ~ore, it's an attractive salld,, lihtsh-pink with bits ol rla .. ~_6~.!?d green pepper s&oi'81;~b. -... • ";-•-'T ' '• I-. C' a11w."; save at Albert.son's r11a JISSUE ;j""'...,. . . . 29' :C-•~·-· .. ·--··•---O.•. PORK -&·BEANS. v •• ,.~,,, ...... 23< APPliSAUCE ...,,, "' ........... 25• CHHRIOS'1sor .••••..••••• , .••.••• 53• CEREAl ~t%...~ ...... : ...... 81 ' SPtCIAl K ...,.. 11 .. · ....... ; .... 55' REfRIEl>'BfANS ,_,,,,, ...... 21• ,.....-- ·-~-.:eat Albertson's .... ••1a .2 . R.Let. MJ•'-...--GrGi•J••'"•t~••<u•••••••••••.•••v• 24• 221 DIAt BATH BAR " ............... 63< 23~ TREND °"'"' loill9 •••••••••••••••••••••• 49 • 5PI MARGARINE ::.::",:O: ......... -.... 42< 1~ poG FOOD , .... '"".,_ ' . 27• ..... /l(Mlney 'a.I".··········· DOG f00Dsi.;mTall 26tLooo ••••••••••• /3J 19c JUICE ~":9~;:" "''· ···'······-······· 43• ne cheese in lhis intriguing sali4f4s cottage-cheese. Wbtp It until almost smooth, then blend in sour cream along with diced celery, green pep- ~,t!,.°'.'1 the ·~ sauce mix-SHONTEX ~ \ .. ILLETTE. , PLAYTEX ,· Uhra Brite ~. ~ ~t-Qllyori' snd tints the ~· Unfl:nwed gelatin ~ uset-ability" and wlillilied cipm, along-with daft:JJ souf~,-gives the .; recipe satin Smoothness. While the salad is chilling you can marinate cooked shrlm~ in F~nch-type dress- ing. mt rrlake deviled eggs. ~~ cool salad menu W!lb' ,_.me seed rolls an~ plenty of butter. QllLI CHEESE MOLD 1 tiblespoou ullflavored • . &dllln V. cup cold water ~ cup chili sauce t cups cottage chee5e ,l.CUP dairy soot cr~am ~ 1 cup chopped celery ' ~ cup chopped green pepper &easpoon sa It ~'-~P whipping crum, $. ped . M ated. lhrimp In a.Jmall s&ucepap s~ 1eJ1Un on water to soft.en. Altd ~; cbill tauce and heat unW gelaUn Is disso\ved : cool..IJ) a aalall mUing bowl bell! col· lqe dteese unUI f a I r I y smooth; fold in sour ~am, ..urj, greeD'ptpper, 1111 ahd ., qull aa~ m.U\Ure. 'Ibeo fold t In whipped cream. • · Tum lltlo kltp salad mold, • I <1>!11 mtlll firm . Vnmold and , am.' with marinated slvlmp. " Malh I ...-Ylnpi ' • ; I~ SHAMPOO-" R' htGuurd . J RINSE OR I • DEODORANT ~ HAIR-SPRAY ---· .. ' 2;100, ~~ 78 f .S'b'EET 1 JUICY . ~ _FREESJONE • • Mel.L \t c:up butter • or ma~tpne, tJd l cups blte-alM lollled COl"l or &hre<tdl'd rlce cereal. Stir lo coat even· 11. Twa Wlt11 green aalad. Huntln.gton leach -15511 So. Edwards 1 Laguna Beac:h':-700 SQ. Coast Hwy. . ) -·--- •.TOOTH Baby Pants PASTE ASST.StiEs 1: .. G. 44~ "' PAIR .. ' -}. rJ\lr .. Save at Albert$on's 01•1 .. Save at Albertson's .... .... r11a •• -,~,a ' r11a • ,fllct ' ' 22! NU SOFT lOo Oltfo"" 791, 69! v" ~69' '.63! s.i..-33 Of •••••••••••••••• PEA~UTS "~~·c.a•• ., ... .,.., ... - 'PANCAKE MIX '""';.""" ·491 -~., ----:371 511 51 < SUGAR TWIN .......... .,,. .... ~. . :41• · ligM21bt.o••••••••• .4~< ' 461, PIZZA MIX _~;_-:,,. ..... _ ... 53• 431 NOODLES ,,...., Wfdo ... , • 391 t•lr• w;o. 11 ••• •••••••••• 38! IREAKFAST ...................... 5~· 5~ OLIVE OIL ...... ~ ... ; ...... ,: .. 99• 891 261 Rm CABBAGE ................... 33• 3·1! ,,..,.+.•, •• 1.!3< 21! GRAVY MIX -..,... ..... _,,,.' 161 JUla "-·'"' 4 • 381 SlOPPtJOE MIJI ,, .... , ...... ., .. 25 ,231 G..,..fnoil 46 ltL •••••••••••••••••• "'" ' ' I . 37! QUININE WATER """""'"" ... ]t9 99! ~GlANT TIDE.; ••.•• : ....... :; ..... . ~s· . 831 GRAPE JUICE w"'"'"-····· .. 18• MEAT PUS :::t:;r.~":'.0.':.1 ... 371 . ' , ~ ' ' . . \ -... VEGETABUS .... ,..,,, ... ,.,,.,,_ .. , ~8 ' ORANGE JUICE •-··" "· .... 37' ' ' POTATOES °""'"""•-11 ..... 351 ·ORAHGE JUICE•·~-""· ,,,53• CASSEROLE :::::.r.?::':'. .... .36~ ta CREAM ..... , •• ~~·~ ..... 69• . . !"'· . . ~ t ~ ~ Hlhtlngton .1eac1t-181l 'f ~~-....r cor-.. MS r 3049 C-t Hwy• I -, .. ' .. , l t ( I - - -• --.,.. --------~ 1-· --··. ---- ----- - ---~ ---• -~· -· .. .. t ,.. ~· • ' --' ' Cl4 ~Y,PllOJ • • f -----w-. Ju~ 16. 1'69 I ·--------------------------· Royal H~ P""'"um ,_ · · ' " I • • • t.. .. .;. • • ' • • • (' • ' I . , ,_' ~1rton , e· CHICllN e IUP e TUlllY AND ont1I YAlllTllS BA"QUET Dl"NERS 1 , & ¥J 1 -· _ : ; , .. _ 221 . , _ . , . ~ . .29c . R ~ .. ·- -· ··~ANGUEt,-<REAM :PIES Bi~,~~nch 4 ~~$1 ~: .· ·' ' ~-. ·" : i •'~::-· I . - I ; ' tflllllt ·-I YUBAN-1-Pound Con · '. Mll>_., ', L C9f FE,E 2 lb.-c~n _l.45 -----f-~ •, \' ~ IM)(WELL HOU~E-3-Pound Can . 11s ' COEFEE 1 lb. can 1.37 . , -llb.c1n69c -· I . c CARN.ATl~N_!!ISTANT · . . .. _ ·&9¢--· -. ~ BREAKFAST Box of . ---1 6 1.nv1I. -- ROYAL GELATIN 3 OL pkgs. 3~29¢ -ROYA~ - I PUDDINGS ~~ ~ ---g I FOREMOST COTT AGE-Pint It --~ CHEESE • L•·~r:11 curd AUNT JANES-25 OL (or _,, PICKLES e Polish Din Stlcko -• Kosher Dill Sticks . '. e No Garlic Dill Sticks I USDA CHOICE 1 RUMP ROAST ~:0n I ' - . 101 LB. ' . . I , KERN'S . • '" 46 01. cans TOMATO J_UIC,E F _o R 1 · USDA CHOICE 1 RIB ROAST 98¢-USDA Choice-Center Cut LB •. I USDA CHOICE-Boneleu I SWISS STEAK 98~B. ROUND STEAK T ", - 1 lb. carton . \ . -• Klttgsforcl Charcoal-10·1b. ·bag. . BRIQUETS 20 1b. ~~g st.49 1 . r \ \ ' RN~ --------, ~---........... . ..,..... +..--- TO J"O . -'1tlfCE-----Royal-Pride-. ---- I t .. APPLE c-S--AUCE · NO. 303 Cans . ' .. BWE GINGHAM ~ -· CUT-'GREEN _-:BEANS or PEAS No. 30'~­ -Cans - ,~-· KERN'S STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 20 01. Jar . .. . RESH PRODUC Bar M Westem Style . I Hickory Smoked-Shankless , ! H0RME~12 oz. 49¢ MENE.RS All ~·· . EA. siicii)s'iACON . 79~ .. c WATERMELON , Red & Ripe SMOKED HAMS ~~~:k r Young·N· 1' ender ,• TRIANGLE·l · 49~ SLICED BACON . _ , (~. lb c ' ·,l/2c lb. \ ' BEEF LIVER ti~ lb BAR M WESTERN STYLE ' • · PICKLE PIMENTO LOAF 69¢ : ' -POTATOES 10 c:lt0 49¢ l ..... ---...----.... ----"'--_ .... ) I , j 'I I USDA Choite RUMP ROAST f.resh Lean .. GROUND BEEF -I, I 1 (' • I USDA Choice RIB STEAKS :~"rV:~. '1 1.{ ,- ;r ' -BUTT·PART ·HAM.1 ' I . --1 c lb c lb . c lb c. 'lb . CHEESE LOAF LB. I OUR OWN OVEN READY 500· l MEAT LOAF .B. l . • ' ,--~-'--r-~~-:-"--r-~ I PRICES! EFFECTivE:. ' l Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sunday I . July 17,_ 18, 19, 20 Prl<"*-1ubje<t to 1toek "'I hind. ' · ! l ' WEGM BLUE CHIP . STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACElllA / ' ur.-wJ GIVE ILUE CHIP ' $'TAMPS 191h 1nd.Pllcellla . 710 w. Clllpmin i I I I ... 'l' ................... ~ ... ~ ..................... 1!111 ....... !0l!l,,.,.,.,~ .. ~""ll!l'!~~,.,~~~~:""':'!:=:~.~--==="';:"l~::i:::;"'"".,.:;;:;::;:;;.,., .. :i;;;.,-,i:;i;:;;;;:;,";;;;;::;-;:;;;;;"""~~ .. ..., ... ~.~.~.-....... _ ...... ,.. ... ,"" ... ., .... . ~ -~ - r ,.. • I • ' / GARDEN JRESH PRODUCE . r BllF STEAK ·TOMATOES • .19~ LARGE HEAD J.ElTUCE -· -2 -i 2-9~ -· CANTALOUPE 6 i. •1 · KNU.DSENS ' -~ . KET .. THURSDAY FllDAY SATU~DAY scOTTS VIVA 10WitS 4 for $1°0 GlAtfr ROLL ·- . elive ry Se rvice t I CliJC-Kl~N q F ~HI S · EA T~_NA __ _ --· j. lf:-for $J 00 l'lllCES·-EFFEC:TIV~ T-HROUGH JULY 19 LAY'S ICE CREA'M -IEST-• TWIN-l'Ai< llOJATG CHIPS 1/2 GAL. AYONAISE Reg. 69c :47c QT~ --~ 69~ 59c I WESSON SPRINGFIE LD SHASTA APPLESAUCE OIL CANNED POP 1 24 01. 303 can I 15~ 12 oz. 6i•1 :12 F '1 0 R I F«ESH MEATS DIAMOND A r~P BorJeless $ Round .Steak 19 .... Green Beans · 5 /$1°0 303 Can CAMl'll!LLS HOME snq BEANS 5 /'1°0 303 c." CUBE ·STEAK •291 $ 29 Sl'lllNGFIELD· DETERGENT LI. . . ,. 20 llts. ON THE PENINSUIA-608 E. IALIOA ILYD.-PHONE 673-8310 I ~ . HOURS~ 9 A.Mt . TO . 8 P.M. . . ------~-- • I I • • • •• • # ING OUT.OF-DOORS CAN BE A P ICN IC ~\'. _, ' Good FoocJ. Insured -... . -Mom Help-:s -Yo-~ e-oot<s~ :··::_ I All over the outdoor recrea· lion scene young peojile are gathering for outings that in- clude cooking a real fWl meal over the coals and of course, eaUng it to rock music from a transistor radio. It's lots of fun and the food will truly !Jste great il some guidance Is given t h e youngsters' before they start out. Here are sugcestions mothers, can pass on to tl)ese y~=Q THE MENU Choose foods ,that are easy to ell, can be picked up with p:ie,rmgei"s or qtin tight from wrappings, In which they are canied. They should be cut In Individual port Ions, quick , cooking.-need little attention. Foti wrapped Individual meals are great since sand can't get into them w_hile cooking and they can be eaten from the package. · PACKING mE FOOD Since cook-out foods travel In the back of a ear or in a bicycle knapsack and the weather most· often ls hot, all food should t>e cold when paWd rd kept ~I ~ring the tri . Refrigerate foods when brou&hUi:om the market until thoroughly chilled, then wrap in foll. Pack them with cans of frozen refri&erant (Scotcb let) or cans of frozen juicd. Sandwiches with perishable fillings ot meat, poultry, fish or eggs should be foll wrapped and chilled before packing, if possible. , Salad mixtures are b e s t packed in plastic containers and chilled. LeUuce, vegetable nibblers such u ctlery, carrot sticks, cherry tomatoes should be foil wrapped; chilled and pack~d aeparately from salad. Fruit: should be washed, drained and foil wrapped. Ap- ples, arapes. peaches. bananas may not need refrigeration before packing but should be kept cool while traveling so they do ilot spoil. PR!1fECTION ~es. cupcakes and other desserts need protection from crushing and getting soggy. Llghwelght foil pans sold at f~ markets are excellent t¥>~ for baking these desserts and . protectlng lhem. Seal them with a foil cover when packing them. A plus for these pans is that ·they can go ove,.· the Jlre for reheating foods. Beverages go in insulated juC11 and thermos containers. Carry Ice cubes in s e a I e d plasUc bags overwrapped with lqll. EQUIPMENT . fa per plates, cups, napkins; 11ah and pepper shaker, catsup in plastic container, charcoal briquets (use self-ignltln1 type that come in black egg carton ). plastic knives 'lnd forks, matches, rack from a grill or old refrigerator shelf, blankets to sit on or beach towels, mitts to protect lfngers · when handllni hot food. A portable grill may be taken along, or the fire may be buUt by scooping out a hole in the und ani:I placing bri· quets rlgtit on the sand. Ar· range rocks or bricks around fire to hold rack for food. Wait until brlquets show · grey ash (about 15 minutes). 'Place rack so food will be 3 to 4 Inches above fire. Food takes IOnger to cook il wind is blowln1. Turn food several times. Here are two recipes for • p1 - • • picnic foods that are dellclous. q easy tG prepare and serve. BUl\GER PACKS 2 pounds llJ'9Wld II!"' Salt • 1 leaspoonmODO!Odium glutamate J 6 small potatoea, pared and •l thlnlt sliced 6 carrots. pared and sllced 2 medium onions, sliced .... Sprinkle ground beef with l 'h teasp'oon_s salt. ,; monosodium &Jutamate •od i,s teaspoon pepper: mb: IJihlly. Sha~ Into 6 oblO!lll buraers. On each of 6 aquaru of bu\!f •' duty aluminum foll, -place t i sliced potato and I sliced car· rot. Sprinkle with salt and .. pepper. Top with burier and a 1'. few onion sllc:es n Bring foll up ovet food .and seal to make a t11ht pacluae. -. 8efrlcerate .~ , keep ,cool while taking 'to picnic. Cook . -(-. over moderate fire, turnina ' ·. occasionally,~ to 40 minutes. ~.1 .. Serve with cornbread heated ; over the fire. serves I. • : UOT FIJllGE MAU.OW PIES ' 1 package (about 11 ounces) brownie mlx : 1 , 3 cups miniature ~.~ marshn}.allon , I jar chocola fud8e '°I>' ping . Prepare brownie mix ac- cording to package directions . •, for cake-type l>rownles. Tum into two ,.Inch alurnlpum !oil ~ •. pie pans. Bake in 359 degrees r:: _ F. oven :0 minutes. Cool. Cover with foll . Wheq ready to ,serve at pic- rde, fPl'lnlde qiarshmaJlows over tor of each pie. Cover with rot and place on &rill un- til marihmallow1 are soft. Drizzle fudge, top~J over pies and serve wami. Serves 12. " ,J . I • • I -' : Cl OAH.Y PILOT \ ansas Veiled Beauty Cookery \ i·n B~ . 4 ACTRESS SHIRL'EY ~NIGHT, JOHNA !!LINN ' U.S.0.A. .. Sl'lCtfO YOUNG TURKIY DRUMSTICKS --~ -- WHOl.E OI HALf-lf.D OHGOH FRESH SALMON lUlt'S QUAUTY '°6 LINK SAUSAGE ftoZlH HONfY$UC:llU WfGIJ..VT SLICED TURKEY 3 3 9811.. •... $) ..... ::..:: $) 33 ALL •RlllDI -fOOD •tAllT ~· ·. COFFEE 9 2·1•.•·• c f 1llt.5 1.1 ..... • '] 75 , .. LIQUOR SPECIALS IRIGA.OOON BlENOEO I 14it.)4j:IZ·l·l·I;j FRIED HALIBUT !.'~.~ WAfFLI~ STRAWBERRIES OM-IOA ICllNklf Ot I EGU\AI CVT l'OlATOE5 FRINCH FRIIS .. SCOTCH WHISKY FRANKS ·~-. '·~~I "'" s499 ~ .. rt @tl 69~. ltft-ITUCIC't STIAIGHT IOUl lOH s 12•• fAl.Mf l JC>t4N All MtAt , SLICf O :;:; 29~ ,;., 35c 1.W. HARPER .~ . "; BOLOGNA ''"· 98c MiY''wiNE ""' sac SOUR CREAM 1-!,!!.,!!0f:!N~IU~N-.~--~!!.~.~ •• -:.c-c,=-,-,-... -. -:$;;;';;);'1:-9=1 osc.i.11 ""'Yfl LUNCH ill.EA T'S IEER "'· VARIITT PACK uuwu1ns. u1 ·-~ P~I· pkg. ~" 4 lEGlllAI OI HAIO-To.HOUI .JUDD IN l'BIAUTY ,vin.1(-lff otclOOtMfl ~..i ••.,II RIGHT GUARD tfOUl.0.1 Oii W"I• '°""'t'" COllflDIT llAPKlllS &!111111.t.IH -T'KltlUillC ~ TICHMAnc DAllDI co\\i:oi:·c~9 .. ... •• 1• ,., 74• ,. ~aGl 6CJgOt _, __ , .. ... ff• DIMURI DIODORAllT ... HAIRSPRAY -tll<IOtKUl'Ct>IJ -11.HD..,. ,._ .... ••• E..._,_~ IHllR ITRIPI •• 2 12 ....... $, (01'11 ... •12• •• COFFEE-All GRJNOS HIU.S BROS. S, STRAINEO PR JUICE · .GERBER'S Glorle~\'; orslices, Elberta Ptoehes. ho. 2Y1 con .... •Sc Glorlet,,1'1<111, no. 2Y:i con ...... " ........................ S3c Glorie!!liTomoto Jui&i\ "6-oz.con ....................... 35< Ve r s N1111oets Oog FOQCJ. 5-lb. pkg ........ \ ................. 69c _v,rs H1191111s OQ9.focxl, 10·••· boo ... ,,, .............. 1 1.29 Blue BOllhtt Mor9<Jri ... l ·lb. pkg ........................... 2'1c Kroft Movonnolse, QVOrt jar .............. ,.. , ............ 58 c I ·lb. car ...... 68c 2·1b. can ... $1.35 3-lb. con .... $1 .96 ~ Op POiit• _, 'UL Y-29 fflrv_AUO. 3 DRAWlllS •LY 21, 1969 (W;...., -4 -be pNMllt, Tkk•ll will 0. -a.en w s um N1111·• 1&cm nw Al ,_. _.. M Ot d•poail -. add••Y oll<il ~­~' ot ,..... 1-1 FOOO GtANT SUl'!IMAIKET. ~ ...ty. F....il G"'M -plore-o oH fo.;li. ... oligibl, . . . __ ~L~ ~WblE-SfRING- LEG~F LAMB . 99c U.S.D.A. llllPICTl!D Ito. HOllM CHIOEN Fll!O, alU.OfD llEF STEAKS 9811.. ' 6911. . flOUH N lF .. I EA.N RIED BURRITOS 8911.. ..011H MTTtl WllN'f'fO IOT DOf ON mcK FRUIT DRINKS 10 ~::; '1 NESH ·caltbage W Gf. SWEET, l lPf HAWAIIAN Pineapple 39!. LAIGE, llOWN STfAK 29C Mushroomsv.·lb . 2300 Harbor Blvd. at Bl.bun Sc... 11,arbor Shopping ' (.;enlel", I Cu~aa Mesa . I • I . . -.. -. ·-... ---------------. -~ --. .... _.&_. - I i .1 ' ' . Wedntsday, Ju11 16, 196? ; j 169 ' "'7'"""--.. - . The sandwidl"{iWea:'it:i name J to the fQllfth Earl . of ) Sandwich, Jolut'MontailJ. As the storr1 g°"J. the 'Ear} had 1 great -Ioli to ~mblliij .. ; . • once at the unti.Qg tA1t.le he ,couldn 't be .60t&red °Tith· a · converiUonaJ lrn.eal and· would ~~all !of •.:'sandwich." . Actually, sandwich hlst.ory is much dlder than the 18th Ceo. ;tury M0!!1agu. The custom lstarted-ages ago when field !work!fs ~PJaced food h!!lween 1slices.. ot.rhread for a con, fvenient midday meal. ? NO= who ihought up 1the s -it VIU-and-still ' ' ils a braiilstorm! In fact. the !sandwich has been such a brilliant discovery &bat nOoe l ~as been able-~o~pr,Ove upoo 11t until _~, l'.he._·im: !provementl -;:::~ •. ~ ~. i ·' The ,Sou pwiah. "l ' ' • '14'-0UNC! BOX I Takf .a so-so .sandwich and l~f~~f~~iofi:E · ,·· rra "°~ '.°•W;:;.i~~ I 1~ti-··; '.'· • · · Cf19PPED OHIOHS=:._20• sp~s~d~p 1:\'~ FRUrrCOCllT_F-25·~ =· C!!I! :!l.':...""'-: _ _ss• sat.mi;. toes and. onion. MUNT'< PIAQllS=...; • 28' 'U,,.. -.. -.. ' 5.ll. Sm~. IJll!lmell1 with i'f · • f '.-twLa.--iii. c""l!--soup and MOT!'.S!~PlisAUQ :::~36· BElN iilRRITiiS~O::. ' :t broil ·j>1 'ailuut<'s to heat , Plillll-L£r::l':~ . 20' .. r..DHU G'"".I. 11"""'--.. ~-5 and -~onalf ru:eLU --u~ IAlll u~ -;J.:.. - . Plan ·'..'. . 1ccompanylng CRANtiRRY SAUCE~~::·:.....:...25·· ~A 'n Dlllms~ at· •celery, ·~ . sticu, and APRICOT H l""' ' 3 ,. --jradlshes [flt, ... and · A •w::::'.'.ll' . ..:..-;-I' · bAS::J.~_36' i~~ ~~y etUPwicu fR,lllT DlllNKS ::'.'..":'Q -. 29' Rlltr IP TOPPlllG= ...... 47' . GRAPEFRUIT JUICE !!'.=·--39• . { 1 package (IO ounces) brown ~~~ i .,1 ·~::irv~;;;;~~;)"hard PINEAPPlE JUIQ ~-.~ 30' I salami , V:.. r2-·1-~-.. I> cup thinJY· qced.ooion ... ""f '-'"'f -' 1 J ,;;rum .,lifa_to. thinly CHOP SUEY-.OR , 1 c'1 (1~ <fmeel) con· (HftW 'MEIN ! densed Ch<djlar chee.. vn 26-0UNCE Bdm.E · I ~ soop "')>·>•, ·"'-) . -G-42.0Z. C...N i,;. leas~ilrlfc powder '& C 1,ill le~ oregano, c~. .,.-..,... ·~ Choppec'! hot cherry peppers ;...,.. APPi.i PIE :!:'~-89' ;P=~ rous ii!:: -A~ JUICE:r"; · , • ,34' ON HONEY BUNS ::.'.-1,6' jr~~-1111fi 11 • Top . NIBLRS CORN::! ..23' ' · ,µAT!'l~--.----·-1" l"'.'t!i; ·~ oto. Com· ~ • · .:~. • :i MACARONI"-· ~· . b ,cJi,l!fc,·~~teg~no. Ir · A""" IUNS::0:::..--63' • . ,. Mua ...... ~ I ewtdy over Sdttace · _ ... Z. ' , 01f •IAG O'-Pl•"A ••r. c ,.,.,;o ~~ely.'BJ'60 'l'O Otl.All~-.i:r" ... __ -'29' i • 'f ............ • l•lidol~!Cbes\lr .. cin heat'about II .......... GIANT c' ,,_ """' 23' -PdWUT::~'il;:'.""l'f-_, _ _.. 18 Jni.,"r-GifPliti with pe ""'"' V...tJ.atAll.-.. • g ' ' · ~ ~ j ~. · ..._,.,. P-, AU GIATIN POTATOIS::::" •• 4Z' TICKS::::_ "t --:;~ • , ~· l&M)A1191 llMS'... . 23' 5°' nun....... 19< 1 ~af .{ri~ Adq ,:: ~'!~~ .. :-~?=::; .. ~?:f;;~-~=4:: i ,"11'J.i . '~1\ ' ' ' '"dur·LOW ~Price! , ''rR! . r:~ovo ' ~~t .tAY -.O'JPI' ,· I I r(>:~. ?~~ge , ~~ ·: 1. , ~~ I Red, cabbage gels elicious lrubnetlt. · t RED CABBAGE WITH : llAis!Ns : 6,'"""11mljy packed ~trt-1 slu'eildedJed cabbage (Ill J!OUi1d lield) • .,,, cup rais.h ''lldq)~ Juice' of emon ... · 2 tabl :ii&61 brDlfn t 1111g11 , - 11.i. teaspoons salt In a large <t.killet mix I together all lhe in1redlelltl. CClver And simmer UfttU Uqtd4 ! M1 evap6rated and cabbage Is 1 tender -about 30 minutes. ~ Makes 6 iervlng.s. I . ~ • 1 • I ' , j -------------------- ' ' DON'T CHUCK IT, MARINATE IT DASHJIETtRGENT :::~--7' OXYDOl DffiRG£NT::~ . 183' SALVO 'PEu.ln:~or::.: _____ 75• CHEER DmRGENT :::~ ...... -·-· 83' DRl1T DETERGENT ::':..-... L..-19' BOLD DETERG!Nr ::~ _ ·-/-.. --'-83' LAVA HAND ·SOAP::t ... 1 __ 13' IVOllY .SOAP =----·-11' VANISH CllANER::: ................. 51' WINDEX QEANER :=" .. ~ _ .. -49' ... 4-~t.-­ SAVORY TOMATO HUNT'S CATSUP 20.()UNCE' aonLl! ' • • 'l . <i . .._...... . - HI-HO CRACllERSt:..,..a _37' NABISCO COOlllES~'::'~.43· BURRY SCOOTIR ~tES::r-___ .43•. , I . . .... . --- AHJl.PERSPlllAllT -DEODOllAHT .. wmTM-OFA•IW11-" ADJUSTAIU. · WORluD ' ,. :: .$13D .' IY=lT !: 4 ! I _J I ~~--------- r r • • ~ (;Jf DAILY. PILOT " l\ Face rt, ·Jo Tuna " Snacks • Dressed For Men Men Jove this tangy salad dre.ssing. concocted by a Chatham, N.J. hootea. LOIS DEMllO'S BLIJE CHEESE DRESSING 3 ounces blue chee1e, crumbled II cur, oUve oil 2 tab espooos vinegar 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 teaspoon anchovy paste 2 dash e I Worcestershire sauce 2 smaJI cloves garlic, crushed Salt and pepper In a Jar shake lngredlents together. Ld mellow I n mri&erator leferal hours. Serve aver Plad greens. Makel about " cup. U dnsslor congeals during refrltuator storage, allow to 8tand at room temperature and -w ....... 1og. Don't Cook ' °*""' flf ... -a..11 '-"' "°"' , ••• •••·•••••••••••• c-.'6t °""'""' _, .. -c-..... IM:k T••• , ••••••••••••••• '-6Sc ___ ,_.. .. IC.Oil "'°" Dn11I .. ••••••••••• -. )6c -- ' ~ .. _,_,._ ........ t ................ _.~· ··-·~···"-' ~-~,._, .... ' ·-·---~--~ .. ,~. -~.4~· ·~· -+·-· ·-~l..~._~ --.. -----------_.:_ -----......__ -._ ---...... ---~ ' . ' -- ' e _HUNTINGTON BEACH-1:::.,•:·::..- e SANTA ANA.,.,..!!!.1•!""' ... ' . I , . --• .. ;; f .. ..• {I .. ·" ~ '7 ' ~ ,. ,J :I ~i .• :,;, ... • . . " •• • -. ' . ,._ -. • ~ ;· -. . -~ ., ... -.' • ... · .. . . . !; r. -i . . " :; / PjlOT·l~VEITJS!I f) l ¥¥ -Granulated . . . . ~ ' . .Lucer"e lc9 Miik • ..... ~1r..-...,,Mt, ~ ........... CNIC- . ·Edward• · Coffee . -,.._,_. _,...i....rw ,_. .. --"'""'""' ' EXTRA VALUE FEATURES! . :Cottage 'iar Halve~ · H111w11-•11•• II·•• 39c Tree·Ripe fruit • . 111· • es --White-Flour ~~;1~ ~-.. 29c- LOW ,.ODUCI PRICISI ,.._~/. •II. 55c .. , • ' . Mayonnal11 K1Mai1 lnK-lt's ,,.~ 49P Creamy-Smool!I Too! ltr . -Ch•••• ~*~°' IUOV... $111 ........ ' 1ut.i11tr Calm Deodorant ' "'''"" $117 ,., .... "1ttllltr · . SA-II llalr Llpl111r ::.;: ... 11 st 'LM ANs :rew~lk ¥Ml :'fi 41' .. Ylleh lllr.. .._ ..... 71' ' . I• ... Te~llli '• •01 "" •• 111 , IKWel k Oii-lk Ylbl ..._ \ c ·I. l. ound Steak .. --~ Ham Slices-... ,__ ·-9 USo.l a.ice Beef-flMlf~ . , II And Juicy. Idell f« P1i.-,_ , I' FtYint. Tops tn Qlllltty. •• 11. s1 09 Top Round Steak~.. , .. $1 29 ~~~~.·1~;~ · Top Sirloin Steak r.::·· , .. $)•9 Bo-.ele$S Stea~=~-= .. $1" ' I',, Po.rkChops ..... "" 7 ... Ulbll hNrt . 911. ,.- Sparerilt• · · ='I!: .. 79' ,....., ... _, lldditional Meat Mana9ers Features.' " Turkey Rout "" .. w™-. - eutter"a..ted '269 ..._less Roast USo.ICioicolndllletl "'•T . 1 LiihtAndOar11 · _,.. ' J -; ••,;.thJa.to~-:-, .... '.~.; ,, 10 ~~ ·59° t.lllll. Tiii • ,Ut '""NI I N " '""~ . . YealShoulderChops ~~ "'7 1 .hlll'~J\ .=1::-.-•• -Yia~PattySteaks~~~ -· ... -If--~. ~urkey Bread .. •1ttt••--ks Cll<loofri,._, .. r.1 u .•• 6, I Butter Basted s339· 1'19111 Qlllcl M . Incl So.Good Tool ,t,_ . ' ' . . ' i.,.. Juice o,.. .. ?.Ii:;'.: • ... ti' Ii.II• ••• 0n1 ........ I i:. 2S' i.,..11waweclll11 s ... , .. .I , ' ' = =._. Cure81 loneleis Hams =:1 ... •1.49 ; • I VALUAILE COUPON I • lllcecl Bacon • THIS COU,ON ~OD FOR • ,............. 1 • ....,_ £6 • DOU.ILi • · s.mtti<l!')smo•" ,,.. VJr • I • 11111'•-"""" .I-'ftc THE REAL M<COY MEAT FEATURES • BLUE CHIP • --bLOulf~ '"""' .,, , , Porlt-S.u .... 1~ ',."'59' c-• •••••• • STAMPS I looelt• U\'I Lo. W ._. ............ ,,. -....... -.. ,,,,. ;• • :.:'::itk"!:':r:''~'~"'.~'.'.: • . s11cH .. con= ... Jt · .J · ,· · · . ..., ••••••• • 1Jm1t o.. c .. , .. ,., .... u, • "" -"":''"·..... ·..,.., Cmoo in , I.'!::.'::. :;-. 29' ••I••• I • • •I ~..!',!!.',~,!.-.:,; 631 -t\1e9av'm2,b fi'ne.I 11t1S•11p 1 ... 11t • • 211 E. 171h SI., Coste Mesa e 1000 Blyslde Dr:, Newport Jeec:h -e ;z-.Mo•dl B1y Pll11, So. Llgu~ • : ... . ' 636 N. (01st Hwy., l1au111 8e1ch • S1nl1 Ana Freeway al la Par, Mission VlejO • filnlew lYe. &-Wiison SI., Cosl1 Mesa ,__ _ _,l....__ .......... --·~· ~--~· ~-----------·---i ----' I . I • • ! I > .. s:• j._....._ _..._, •• r. • ' , ' y, • I Salt it with Morton's • .,pa<~ of two "finrer-tip" • • -- ' ' .. . .,.. ' " Another El Rancho Super-Su1Jl'!'er Event!. -: eacl\ tend<r lfffii'.' tilii • Fresh froll) !ertil•J151 ... v.'ith sweet rich fla~ ~ . ~.~ r' --. ,:; f.1'"\ ~iJ>U. "i{0w tO Ro..t Com" at our Produce ~lm...U ·1 ' ··" ... 'ft ;x_ = • 0 = 0 • .~ • • ~-. .· • us = • . ·: . ·.--.-. . . . . . . . .-:.· . . . . ~ .. ' . ~ ll•BlilB ...... ~'. ~.~ ~ ...... . ll!i>P sreen leavea , , :-tender • , , for ~orful aalada • , • for invitins undwichea I . If BBB ........ ~~~: :~1 •• -••••• la Firm enough.,for picture prefur eliCea ••• yet ripe enough for the family to enjoy today ! . . . Super Shopper Grocery Bargains Gln1/llii1 IPuiis Sliced Elberta Peaches . Whole Peeled Aprkots Your Choice · No. t\!, Cana Bartlett Pears •••••••••••••••••• , D • Id B tter GRADE "AA" ouAun 79' ar1go . u .......................... : . . • Real cream goo4ness ••• to lend special enchantment to our lusciously tender rolden ·corn l Glorietta Tomato Juice .................................. 3 FOR 99c Rich !ed juice from vine ripen~ tdmatoea .•• at a price that Invites you to save ! Minute Rice ............................. 43' Cooka up liiht and fluffy ! ... U oz. pkz, Potatoes Au Grat in ................ 39'- stouflus .•. heat and l!en'e ••• and save lOc! · Broccoli Au Gratin ............. ,, ... 39~ From.Stouffer'a .•. creamy sauce! Frozen! JO 01. treamed Ghipped Beef::=-: ;;-.-W- 5"1m80n'• • •• serve over toastf..Froun ••• 6% os. -Krispy Crackers ...................... 2r F.tom the happy Sunshine baken ! ... 18 oz. pkr;. Ji>hnston Pies .......................... 69' Bj>yaenbe.1T1, Blackberry, Cherry .•• mizen, 9 in. -Ice Cream ........................... : .... 6,-. -Spihilfield •.• favorite flavora ••• ha!t-glnon. • Super Shopper Liquor Values ' B Rancho Beer ............... 6"' 7,. Lfa:bt and tbint quenching ! ••• 12 oz. cans Old Crow .......... ~~~ ........... ~11.49 lltnlPlbocub!i!J ... and you 6&Ve 1.49! B Rlncho-Gin ....... ~~~~ ....... '8.88 Nlnet:J·proof I ••. Buy El Rancho label liquor by ,Jlie-,..aavt 10%.,. and enjoy itl Cake Mixes ......................... 3 "' $1 Duncan Hines ••• choice of 39c varieties. Italian Dre~sing ...................... 29'- w1shbon• ••• 8 9~nce botlle •• , includes (c' off Johnson's Glifde ...................... 4,. Deodorizes •.. freahena I Choi~ of scents J --Tide .......... ·················=··~ ..... ~:. :69; New ••• with. ellJyllle action I Giant pkg I . .' Ivory Li id .. · ', ... -41)¢ . qu ,... .. .... ....... ....... ....... ., . So kind to your h"ands J ••• 22 oz: ,l\ize. Cascade ..................................... 79' Bir 8 lb. aize .•. for automatic cllahwUben I Folger' s Coff~~; ................... 67~ Two pound can ••• ;1.sa Threo pound c&ii it.95 • . :l ~~.t· + _Super S~op_.P.eit.IJelica.tessen snced s'wiss' ClieeSe .. : .. ; ......... '9¢; Cache Vailq .,. natu?.l,cheeae, ,'.-% lb. package Yan de Kamp D.ressings ... :3"' •1 Your choice ot· ~ 19c Urietiea I Sandwkh Stfkliiit:-....... ~ 'i.79- New I From Dubuque:! 'Leu luty ham in an UU"·to-tli<t_<t ~ ¥!'J ~ ~Oc: I = • ' . . Super Shopper Butch er Shop Specials Chuck 8111111 El Rancho's U.S.D.A. Choice beef ••• trimmed to give you less v.·aste ••• more rood eating. Here's vroof ••. enjoy quality on budget! Barbecue 'burgera of the fin .. t qUA!ib' I ! ChoPi>ed SirloJn St• .. ::: ......... 99t. ~Pert.ct patti ..... three to a pound I ·, Pri<:u in •fleet T/l.ura. t/l.rouq/I. Su-. . ·nl:-..'.: \ . Tufv 17, 18;19, io,. ~.~No_ SolU to-.f-r• Op .... dail~ 1,14~, .. Sund4y 10 to 7 \ Ask the· manaper about our conv~nlent Charge Account '.\.rvlce ltllfiTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonquin St. -~ ; . ~RT. BUCH:-2?27 Newport Blvd. • 2555 Eastbtuff Dr. (Eastbluff· Village ~nter) Also conveni~ntly'/ocated ~tQres in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena --------·- • I "1 I J ~ • . - SEA LURE• SWJMSUITS FOR SAVINGS-MINDED MERMAID9. I ORIG. UP lO -,5 NOW ~ ~RIG. ~6 AND UP NOW 11.94 r....-....._.......,. _.._., _, .,._.., pltnlJ'of beoc:ti ---........ I rt • ,_,...,,. .. -.er~ .. brlght ., ...-. ••• J"l'l"I lllil .,.. "'-it• '"'"· .._. en4 tabria ... Wes :J0.31. ... ,, ... a.A .. rn .. It's in the bag ••• big summer savings~ OMO.$$lOU 2.22 ~3.33 Treot youratlf to 2 ot S of .,_.,sum· mer bog$ if\ straws, "°"9, vinyls,., fnollhe~ ...... Cl'lllmlonl The W¥inp .-. ~the ~..WI Country cool checkad sportswear! ORIG; •4 TO •7 NOW 1.99 , I .· I 1 ' Checkmate your aporhwtar worc1roW 1fffa ..,,.. 11ottoms, '"11. ~. ,..... ... ahom. Brohn llne a ciolors. ' I Accessorize with iewelry and savel 2/$1 Gift oll yow entemblel fie flnWilno toudt with l~lryl W.'I supply the ~ ••• ~hcM """"'of..-· tjoft -~ ••• ond of ov/ cleoronce pic .. I . . ' r \ " .. Special buy! Little girl's and boy's sunsuits for summer funtime 88c Here'' p 5peciol price an machine woshobfe sunsuils (0< the pail ond J-i .. ti feminine 1tylet for little girls, ond trim, boyiah •:yles for little gvys ••. botfl in ouorted colors. Siz:es ''2-2. Girl's sportswear specially priced Jamaicas and cotton knit tops .•• ! Sleev.leu cetton knit tops In assorted colo11 to mi.it ond matth with all her pants ond skirts. Stock up nowt Sina 7-16 (S-M-L1. $) Siie1 a ... x .. 77• Team these 100% cotton jOtnOtccu in as-1 22 IOfted tolfd colon with our fopt for wmmtl" • playovtfltt~.Sint 1.1... sai .. wx .... Savint• on quality ••• style on a budgetl SWIMSUITS, DRESS 'N PANTY SETS ••• BLQUSE 'N SHORT SETS -3 Prettv girl's swimsuits In her choke or 1 or 2 piece atylet ... ln her $3 choice J CINOrl.d colors ot 1Miy ntJNI prlcMI There'' Iota of beoch tlrM ahead, JO come early for belt ael.ctlon while sfocks ore higll. Girl's alnt 7·14. Olrt't "'" 3-4X 2.50 Feminine tittle oirt• chsi ONI ponty .... thot will cWlght htr ••• ot a price Mom will low, tool Assorted colors ••• In cool little stylet to keep her comfortoble on oll 1 n9 tt.' WQl'l'll weothw days oheod. ·Little girl's sizes 3-6X. • "'7 Girl's blouse and short sets'°' we!Hhtsed ~ Ott4 comt>· Ing. The fl'iclt i. ~~to lluy ....-al Mh for .'fOW blt and Gttlt ~now I 1.69 OIOOlt hnt--'" eolon ill girfe .U... 7·1"· ' fl&•• f ... X 1 •. 1.9 UR rt .. CH~OI m ... c · I .. BOY'S QUALITY CLOTltNG AT- PRICES FOR QUANTITY BUYING Penn Prest4D U-Grad style slacks 9RIG. 3.9$ & ~.98 2 88 . . NOW • .._ •• ~ alocl\• tioya like fM on 'round _, "'°"' mi .. the MVW-lfon feoturel An«t.d tOlids ior sixes 6-18, In ,..ikr, tlim -' hlnl<yl Stodnip ~ this tpeciol •ftflil · Penn Prest4' Ivy styled sport shirts . 1.99. ~ luy him ~ of If-. ,.._-iron douia .tv1e they're ap.-- <ioJy priced! Alsoned plaids ond tolids. loy't thet 6-18. 100% cotton mock turtle heck polos '1 wt.at • fontottic pricie ,_ ...._ .,_, w iped poto ahim that he f111t can't h0\19 _,. of. Ivy -.rOI in ouorted ttripet, •16. ' Penn Pres .. U-Gr«.I walking shorts 1.99 ~ Great lllW!'·iron wolli shorts ot o fl'MlfJrtc.! Al'lllll- .._ In ott«ted tolidt ond plaidl .. "°>"• tint 6-18. Modiine wosh and~ cxw•. ... IT ••• QtAIGI ITI Savirtl', on CfUOlity ••• style on a bucl .. tt Boy's swim trunk assortment value· priced for beachtime 1.88 Sf'yfft te llllf ~boy's !<ISie, In o ...,.;.ry of fobt-ia ond colon ... patterned ond tolicl ••• 6-l~ ,,..MftMf l..y'• ai1H 2-7 ............. 1.66 Boy's sport socks now value priced in assorted solids! 2/88C . Stodt vi-01uocb far the bO)'I in oaylk/nylon Wench. •~ ,.,.. in osMrted wlidl.. "' tint S·M·L ----------------------------------------------------------------------===.::.:==---:-'--~-=-c-'--'.....-,,,,....,..,.__ __ ~~~~· ... T : _,. -- Men's 100% embossed cotton pullover pf's, value priced 150 Swim trunks for every man's ta&M now clearance pricecll 2.99 Choo• from cClft'llNionDI WMrllfylea .,..-,..,J-. ..., ·--*' ...... eolld --zip .... ~" .a.flll prlnt "°"°"' "' ~ """""' 1-M-L. Stock ~p nowt Men's casual stretch hoM clearance buyl 2/$1 Gtwt ea,tc .,..,_ ~ ................. ... ...... ........, eel no.y ••• .-........ "--- ..... wilhno.:. ,......., O..• • ... 1 /5 • HANDSOME MIN'S CLOTHING AT , SUMMER ~-PRICES ••• • Our great Penn Prest• waffdng sborts 2.99 Theet .~ tfrW .,_. .... • tl•n•J•• ~I,_ ,,..... ...,. no lrMog. Jlllt-.. wod'l ..i MMile "1· Ill ...,_, ................ #Ml( .... Penn Set pocket polo shirt value ••• 1A9 n... GOmbe4 cotton Hot knit ,.ao. ... treat.cl to Ntkt Jwlnltoee •, •COIM In plOf f-"ion ~ pb white! SiMt 5-M-L·XL. Penn Prest• U-Grad casval sla(ks •.• . 3.99 ~ ,ot, ..... fcottof\ twltl ~ stocb that NWf' flMcil lrMnfl Anol1ed cebt .. ..,, b~ .twe .. 1w ... , ,.,. . .,_wy priced. Min'• sine 2a.3t • . . .. . -~ I , t . . ·-- • - UKE IT ... CHAltGE 111 .. ---Savin91 on qvality ••• style on a b"clgetl • . - SPECIAL ·euys ON . . .. . FASHI~ l!JN~f0RMS YOU'll WANT TO BUY BY .THE PAIR! ·· 5.77-ch Choose from s,mort ehlft •fylis,.~bl'llOl'I "or princeu a.tyles ••• tllCk front detail. every •tyi9 o glr1 c~ld wont! Mlitviloua po1yestw/ nylont or Fortret• polyMten in knits ... bengolm ... -them all! Sires for lunlor petites 3-11, Jlmlon 5-15, miuet 6-20 ond WOIMl'I l•'la-2•'11 ... oll in white . Women ••• step up to comfort in·our duty oxfords! Ovr t!Mrt, ~t soft gto.. i.othet dllty Our y.uthfvl t411H11N toe, rib 1ole, Corfom• oxford& with pillow !Nole and cushion crepe upper shoe& en quon., lined with fOCMn bodted. n1bb1nolt;Whltt in womtn'a Illa 7.99 nylon tricot. Whitt In WO!Mn'l sim. .. 99 . " • .. ~· .. .. I ~ -.. I,. I -- ',~ - ---------~- l 8 t f f L-> t t I ! I l t ~ ~ I 1. I I l t "-... .. j 4 'I) . ' OHM HEAT i I - <11'11 Coma :·a Con& Clay! . (. · .. At the Grandest Mall of ~t "Turn of. the ·century Days,'' celebrated Thurs-·perfonnQJices are scheduled fn. the Carousel Court -2:30,, 4:30 and 8 :~. ' day ~rou~h S~turday'. will be a fleeting moment into the past. It will be au-July 17-18. Once you've re~lscovered all of the charm an~ gaiety of this e~a, "' thentic, historical, umque and colorful. Come ye astronaut.,, ladies, gents you'll be pleasantly surprised to.llllcover tllose old fasbto!led bargains like and wee folk and see what you shall.see: Ted Bowers' Musical Review. Three grandma used tcffind. Remember, we're 84 stores, open mghtly till·9:30 . ----~ .. -loUtll. · (o•st~ '1Ua lllSTOL AT SAN-DIEGO FREEWAY, COSTA MESA Supplement to Orange CoH! D•ily Pilot -Wednesd•y, July 16, 1969 r ' r ~ I I . f t • • f - t I I .. • j Dreu it up ••• or dress it down! · Thl·newest, most exciting fabric te daunt the world of creative sewinc- • Nub Finish, linen Weave • Eosy To Sew With • Wrinkle Resistant .• Weshoble t « Retains Its Body " ~ • JO. Colors to Ch oose From .. tg S,etin Stripe Hoopla II IQ Colors--·--····-······--$2 .• 49 y•rd F=ABR\C5 .. --- ~t ,,~ • C.roustl Level .-· ~ ... .r. ••• . .. .. ' . .,- '· .. Oilly. Ma111ents A _way~ • • . 0-VER 80 FINf .STORES .AND .SERVICES • • . . QPEN DAILY 'TIL 9:30 P.M. . . . liut11 Coast ?taza. HISTOL AT THI SAN 111.0 PHfWA'f, COSTA MESA -~ '~NEW FASHIONS" AT OLD ·FASHION P.RICfS PANTY ,HOSE ., ·., SHlm ' ' .SHORT SETS 21s5 Asst. Colors ·· 21s11 . . HANDBAGS NOW s5.s7.sg Values to $28 S,,eciaAzing Special Group of DRE~SES sa to s10 . Values to $25 LANE >BR.YANT 5"" Coast"-· Costa Mest1, lrhtol trt S. Di• Fr..-.,-540.7717 $HOP, iVEkY NIGHT TO t :l O P.M. -SATUltDAY 10 te 6 P.M. • " COMPLETE LINE OF LEOTARDS AND TIGHTS ADULT'S ,& CHILDREN'S SIZES •• , by DANSKIN {J PANTY HOSE RUN RESISTANT DEMI TOE V~ety of Colors s1 &9 3 PAIR s500 . PAIR FOR . ....--YOUR CHOlel _ _,. PANTY HOSE IN 35 COLORS • Opaque • Cantrtce • Sheer • Me5'1 4 -'ROSIER.Y Upp-•r Man rf•xt to May Co STORES SERVING YOU COAST TO COAST SOUTH COAST PLAZA lrfstol trt S. DI• Pwy.-"""te S40-4H7 I I ·1 I '\ • , .r . c~~A , ~c~J ... ~ . ,r r!r' LUXURIOUS STAINtESS STEEL sn5 $50 SET FOR $19.95 . 50 PC. SERVICE> FOR 8, HEAv.Y WEIGHT OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY IS ON SALE FOR OUR "OLD FASHIONED DAYS". ON SALE AltE l'HI MOST GORGEOUS, HOTlE.ST SELLIN& STAINLESS STEEL SERVICES FOR I . MWASH£R SAFE. . PRICED TO WIN FRIENDS -ONLY Slf.'5 · GEORGE MURRAY .... CMtt ,..,. SILVER e CHllM e CRYSTAL • FURNITUltl! lrirlol StrHt et S111 Die10 FrHwty Phen• 546-2700 from weisfield's ... Where Pride Of Possession ls .Part ' A l ady's blue star Linde sapphire ring in a modern sculph1r!d swirl design. Of Your Purch~se Bands of love, matchina rings for bride and groom. Highlighted star design, Ch0tg• if toc/oy ot W•iafie/~sl SOUTH COAST PLAZA BRISTOL AT THE SAN DIEGO FREEWA"f 3otlUt~fJ~ 3333 2ri~ftlJ,~~a, COSTA MESA PhoH: 540.7187 .. . u,,_ Mell Aa-. fr• W ... w.rtti't Ute W.w.M'a htelMt a.... '-*A-"-4•M-.Cltert•· . < l Great am· Men's Slacks legularfy $17.95 to flS . l ' Pit $21 • j -Gn.t N¥"'91 ~ 9rwt ·selectloft1 Our f•mous brands fftcW.411 .., 'rh.-colon. fMt+ern1, felwks y.. wtfd h• ~ wicle choice ef .... newest encl most wffted styles ind.ffing vested •odels • , . ..,. Sit.ts to· StN Reiulllly $13S lt·$1SS Ftlmous BrantrSport Coats ' .... . ltaprly !49.95 to 459.95 -~ 3!·90 SINCE 1856 .. L.~NTA ANA t«MEl PlAZA CEN'la o,.. ti ••· • t p.a. M .... W.4 .. Frt. T ..... 1'eft .. It te t ,.-. ·' .. .• ., .. .. I I .. LADIES FASHION SKIRTS I Meny 1tylff & colors. Values t• 5.99 LADIES COTTON DRESSES Asst. 1tylea & colors. Reg. 6.99 LADIES & JUNIOR DRESSES Sit"' 5-22. V1IU.. to Sl0.00 LADllS IRA DRISSES Slus 1-16. Reg. to 5.99 ,~---~~~~~~~_;.,~;;._~..:....:.:...1 LADIES & JUNIOR SWIM SUITS Regullt' to 12.'9 LADIES HANDBAGS 239 S Self vlnyl1 & R•ttans. Reg. 3.99-7.9' NOW -5 BEACH COVER UPS '-• Lac• & Terry Cloth. R ... to 4.9' COTTON KNIT SHELLS Choose from atrlpes & aoll~1. Reg. 2.99 JUNIOR & MISSES DRESSES Reg. 12.00 Now $8.00 Reg. 9.00 c..... ' ,.tyestw ..... ,..., 3 .. ,s500 Ll4ia..' SKIRTS & . CAPRIS Sias ~'6 , ..... 7.ff $2'7 SALE .. Auorte4 cot.rs • S...... • . v-.., s4 1500· to .1.99 for ,t. SATISFACTION GUARANTEkiD ·REPLACEMENT OR MONE\' REFUNDED ' ( I We ,._. HM i.rp1t T•llorine Shotts In Onnge County wltlli J2 Mutw T•ll•n ltftd Fitters .,.c1all1· Int In ell ton.na of Tallon.,. AU WORK AUAIANTEED • ALTEIATIONS FOa MEN Afff» WOMEN . •·suns AND S&M:l(S IEDIE5l5NED ",,' .: \ .• NA.-OW LAPILSAKD SHOULDRS -ON -COATS • . • JEMOV£ PLEATS, TAPER UGS • QOATS RELINED e COATS, DRESSES SHORTENED • EXPERT FRENCH ltEWEA YING 'e ALllRIN~ OF SUEDE, FUftS AND LUTHER ·custOM MADE ALL COLORS .... , $4 to $8 .· SPECIAL GRGUr HAND BIGS ' •nt• allz· • I 1 • - ' I I • .,. Prices Slashed on Special &roups. ' ' ........._ ---- V•lues to $20.GO ~ lncfudcs SBJCC4 · -v.1"'1 to $16 .. A fantastic array of· the season's best selling styles, in the colon and materials you want now thru Fall . . • Best of all, you can buy 'em· at near give away prices. Nq -'bas beens" -no unwanted merchanaise. Just creat shoes and the year's greatest valuei. All SALES FINALI ... .USE YOUR : MASTER CH~RG~, BANK· AMER~CARD · . Soult (Hst'-· Pll11, . Ctitl Mell·-' MllTOl AT THI ~H 111.0 NllWAW ' .· I • ~· .. SPORTSWEAR 1112.Jiff, r · · • ... ' J" • .. .. .. seo~rORE$ES 11.2 OFF ' ~ .. ·-CJ 4".( CHILDREN'S WEAR ·1/2~ , ·~ ta , . MEN'SWEAR 1/2~0FF ~~ ~~ , ~~ .. .. ,,. ·• ... . l ., '" . ... .., DESIGNERS' SHOES, NOW 13.80 to 24.90 .... . ""'$-..... resullrlY 20.00 .to 46.ll -~ levlne, marpret Jerrold. tony 1flt ....... -• . • Clllf of pd, philippt, . ..ntt ... J.. Cll'aai. ... ~ ~SHOES.N8W7.90ta1tso ·· ,.....,, l.C.00 to 2100 -'ft, • tll. lmloffnos, JpOt'tasten, arma. . • ' • f Ill Ala fiftll. aony, no mall, phoee, c.t.d. Ot'detl or dtJivitin. · .: JOSEPH .-MAGNIN , ... Y .. rt of •llperienu hive won "• eccl1im for 9ootf' Utto llld H tviU . W.- tpeci1tlu In" ele9ent win- low ttut.nenh that edtl . to tfte over ell betuty tn4 ptrton11ity of your home, Tkouseada of feb- rica ea hend for you to DACRON SHEER1 V~ to 5Ut l~!D . "'"• '"'" -on frem-FADEPROC>lt Aftlerice'• foro11101t "'ilh. SATINS-· lo111•1t 111iil prlce1 elwev• Yel.-.. Sl.11 fe1t1111otl. S.e • • w • • t 1" colors ei!d tt11turH hend-· 1omelv ti I e p I a y t 4 et • • YAU UcfoWa -in South Co..+~ Plhal Complete cnfom ••rv{c; litel...tlllf '"' ucf in•"'· 1.t1_.. et tl'9titly -441-ff•••' uet. Fw "•t..v at . • \.me" Mfvfce p h• • • 146 ... IJ, DECO.RA TOR IOUCLE ............. 2!?. . so...h Co•st Plai•, Cost• Mesa lrl1tol tf tho Su Ditto Fttow~y PMONEi ~812 -" ... .. • (• ' .:J , • I I 4 .- I _ .. ..... _, .. ~. v . • """' .... • . . . • r1cs . - RASTICAttY , REDUCED! CLOSEOUT1 --VALUES $1.11 to $2.91 yd. NOW 77~D. BEDSPREADS 887 FULL AND TWIN SIZE SOLID AND PLAIN ... DENIM SOUDS ·PLAIDS Ideal for Play Clothes 2 van1s':1 each NOW IS THE TIME TO- ~· REUPHOLSTER FABRICS s1 '!. Bank· America rd Master C l1arge • D F~ A P E f..( I E S • · South Coas_t Plaza 545-1586 . ~ 3333-Bristol, Costa Mesa ·~ r-- .. Wall S•s Effective, comfortable, beautiful wall systems which achieve effects to serve the need.S, desires and utility purposes ol your home. With t he Introduction of these componenta you'll find irltriguing possibllities for every s\>eclal heed. A eomplete service of room dq~l-;ir coordinating and installation. COlorl and wood t ones to choose from. IOladi Coast ?taza • TM Stla Di-.o frwway, C.. ,..,. IANKAMUftMD Lower Mal Ln~0.1777 MASTER CHAJlGI . -fJfCJ;S - r ctJ"~'· .&_:fl .... .J\G~ - QaallCraft Cle~ranee! 8.99·10.DD DretJs Shoes 3.~flB Sovt SOo/. ot,... ............ ,.., _. .... •iO'f -.... IHmendous valua on ~ica\ .. 1•11 fiahion ~hot brand. eu•alsy..,.11&~ 1.99.2.n· . ! hrtozl"f ,..,..,.. a..,.. M ,,_ flNt ....... ~ .. --- .... Seu.a CMst .Plaza ~ o.ay •lief, .. i:; July 11, ~-- . ,. ..,..,...,_,.,.: • Centect LtnHt • lew Via*i Aida ~ • Ey .. Exemlned • Glnau Fitted • Feat. Labor•tory Servi~ • Prescription Sunof e1se1 ASK~ CONTACT L0ENS ~~~ JtlARING PLAN ·' Vse Y9ur Jtfq. c •• c•arge J 540• 1171 tr.I'll Cff&t M ... /N_,.n ZE 7-1038· tr .. L .. ... 496-1283 ,,.. s. a .... , ... . MlY CO.~BLDC. SOUTH COAST PLAZA -.-. 1 A . N'W i: I '; OLD i FASHION .fe~ut Brenda For Wome1t . FLORSHEIM .VITALITY DIVINA KIMEL PENAWO RANDI NI . PANDESSA . HANDBAGS 'h OFF SALE FOR MEN FlORSHEIM WINTHROP AMBASSADORS Refunds •lld exeh•ngts dlH tfully 1u cle ·udes ·- ...... .. JUI ..... ....... 1r .. 21• r .. 12'° 10'° TURN OF THE CENTURY. s ·ALE!. WHILE THEY . LAST! WIDE LEG ORLON TOPS NOVEL TY PANTS Re9ular to $8 PRINT AND SOLID !!!SB Pant Dresses~,0 Re9ular to S 18 . ., 'I' --~ ~ ---: -· .....-.. ~ - . ---~-~- FAMOUS MAKES -TREMEMDOUS SELECTION ·JACKETS and JEANS OFF REGULAR PRICE Wt:T H AL CHARO• ' 8 ANKAMIRICARO ... MIDRIFF AND 1·PIEC! COTTON-POL YES TEI . JUMP SUITS lf911ar$1S '6 PAN~TS '6 ... $8 • · · <MAS.flR· CHAROI , . . · · S..,.t. ·c ... t ,._ s..... Owlrt TABLE OF tk~ f'rtrt s_P~~~s;u• • s~ND. Lclc.tio~ ... u .... w.El·S·EA·L-Ch.•riliii9•;;:.;. :ai. ·~ I I I ~ 4 l ~ 1 I I t · .. -: ..... I . - f .. - ,.. •' .... . !; EXCLUSIVELY FOR YOUNG MEN • SUMMER SPORT COAT £LtARANCE .SALE! Soalll Coast Plaza I Final Days! OF CAPEZIO ....................... 7.80-9.80 VAN Ell . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . : . . . 9 .80 PROTEGE ........................... 9.80 GEPETTO ................... , ........ 9.80 VIA VENETO •..............•.••••• , . • • 7 .80 --SANDALS AND HANDBAGS ·· • I .SlECIAU y REDUCED SOUTH COAST PLAZA, 545-2177 I ~9· 1.9866¢ . Fang Bang 99" Milton Bradley -7 Orily . ,, -Reg. 3.22 Reg. 3.22 1&1 Tea Set5 • · 44",i -Worche1tei"Ant. -1 l" Only ~. J'~ Reg. 98c Hubro·-Me9ic Puff -5 Only , . ,, I STEAM IRON 99" .. Reg. 2.99 . i .19 Pc5 Tea Set , 99-' I Irwin 49101 -I Only ,, Reg. 2.98 i Me-tal Civillan Jeep 57" Hubley -12 Only ,, Reg. 1.69 ; Truck Set Hubley Ant. Met•I -9 Only Reg. 2.98 1~ Indian Btad Kit {_ Card Table " 99" Rtmco Play House - 5 Onl'I ,, R!l= 1_·79 Mirror Set · • -144 Hubro Lite Up -3 Only Reg. 6.88 Slap Stick Game 99" Milton l~adley -Reg. 3.44 -,, Reg. 3.44 Dr: Dolittle 44~ H .• tbro P.i~t-by-N~mber Se.b J' IO Only Reg. 98c . . · Hats Or. Doolittle • . Toll Both _ • '~ 1"""6-L -For c•r1 1 f,...cks J Oilfy , _ Re_s. 2.66 _ ~ 8/0Gas Pump luddy-L -4 Only Read·A-Puule Pl• Skool -14 Only Reg. 3.449f Reg. 98c44¢ Reg,-ty Ann, Andy 77-' • Tra11109r~m Coin Bank -• 011 lv I' Reg. 1.91 _ SOUTH COAST PLAZA Bristol ot Tiie San DI.,. Freeway COSTA ~ESA :':~111=~~~,... ..................................... .w. All road• lead te ._ llTh• ...... , Mall of All" -PARTICULARl Y THI SAN DIEGO fREEWAY, w.· ...... •tor•• Md ·~•n nlghtty till 9130 ....... ·--~ ...... -~~ " . IHULAI TO $110 • ··-'69 . ' • . ~~ULAI ~O $~ 10 .:____-;-·~·-·-:... 79 llMULAI T0.$111 ~---·~9 .-MANY MOltl AT C~PQAILI SA_VINH-. SPOlll COATS GREAT PRE-TESTED TROPICAL FABRICS-COOL WRINKLE SHEPDING DACRON/WOOL, WOOL WORSTED-SMOOTH SHAPED-WAIST scyIJNG. 1-2 or 3 BUTI'ON.FRONT SIDE OR CENTER VENTS. GREAT PLAIDS, CHECKS' AND SOI.JD~ $ . IEGULAll TO 1SO ................... ~--··-·-38 ' . ·$-··· IEGUµR TO $60 -······-·····-·-··-·:······-... IEGULAI TO $75 -··-··--··--·----~ $ 54 --OUR SEU:CTION or SLACKS AU TAILOR- l:Jj WITH TJt& ~ URSON.AL TOtJal rltOM I~ G MIC 00~ OlOOSE 'SOLID -Q41X"KS • IN WOOIJDAalON • SilK Am> ·WOOL AND AIL WOOi. SOUTH COAST PLAZA STORI HOURS: HARl91l CENTER STORI HOURS: _o.11,, ,. ....... ..... ........,:11 ......... ,.,... D1~:Jta.m. .. p.m. •TW,•FrL t :at 1.m.-t ,. .... • ' ' I ' •• •••I . i 4 -~, t IL ,, ..................... . . . . _..,., _,... ·MEDITfRRANEAN COMFORTS NOW AT -: TIMELY SAV.INGS .. .--4 ~ A host of bravos will be yours· wheri you enhonce your living room -with t hese tux .. urious Mediterranean comforts. ·The loos9 pillow bock sofa hos Dacron® polyester "!rwped polyeuretbot\8 ftJled reversible cushions and Dacron® fill bod pillpws. With the added chorm .of arm pillows ond ~ick .pleats, the sofa ond coordinoted lounge choir will be covered to order in your choice from on extensive c~llection of beouti f ul decorator colors. SOFA ••• "'· 4H.09 .... -399.00 . CHAil ••• 199. 17t.OO ··-159.00 rn•y co furniture l41. (. . --..( ,. use one of our convenient credit plans ... save big during may co's gr ea t SEMI-ANNUAL -HOME SALE. . "' may co south coast plaza, san d i ego fwy at bristol, . costa mesa; 546 -9321 shop . ~onday through sat urday I 0 a.m. to 9: 30 'p .m. c . -_,