HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-17 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesal !r 11 'I I ·' 7 ., .. . .. ---. • • • • --· I ' • • --.1~ond~y· ..• oliday ,l,llf Ag~nts Na~­ HUDtiDgto n ~ ·Pair . -. ' • • -- :L·fto_r ~Moon · Walk In· Bank Holdup ------... -: ·-• -' . " • • • • " .. ' -. -.. r __________ _ ·'* Seeks New Grand Jury -~tudi_e_s .. _":qf · lJ r ' Apollo. Carrying Meda/,s Five Heroes Honored SPACE CENTER, Houstm (AP) - Carrying medals bOnoring I h-r e e Americans and two Russians who have died for space exploration, Am¢ca's . ~polio 11 exp! ... rs s6ared past the · -.liallway point of their journey to the · moon today and fired a brief burst of their spaceship engine-to zero in on their target Rlwia's unmanned Luna lS was already orbiting the moon in an apparent ·1old bid to best the Americana back to Brazen Holdup Ends in Arrest Of 2 Beach Men earth wtUt a aample of lunar sou. . The meda~ which Neil A. Annstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. plan to leave on the moon's surface Monday will honor Russians Yuri A. Gagatlh and .Vladiinir Komarov and U.S. Air Force '(J. Cols. Vlrgil I. Grissom Jr. and Edward H. While ll and Navy Lt. Cmdr. Roger B, Chalfee. Prestde.nt Nixon announced i n Washington today that Apollo 11 was car- rylhg the medals. He said tbe widows of Garprin and Komarov had given the medals for .their husbands to astronaut Frank Borman du~ his recent Soviet visit. · "The two men we hope will set foot on - the moon represent all mankind." NU:on sqld. "Their achievement will be the world's achievement. It is fitUng, therefore, that the first lunar explorers carry with them some recopit.ion «ll the sacrifice ma.6e.;by other space piooeen ' (See APOU.O, Pap I), Hanna Explains Mention Of El Toro as 'For Sale' rwO Huntington Beach men were ar· rested by pollce and FBI -ta Wed· By All'l'llUll R. VINSEL lnp sel yet.'' C<lllgresaman Hanna con-°' ~ . .,...., ""' .,.,, tinued. De!day afternoon foiloll'.ing a brazen Mentli>n of El Toro MCAS dwg "1 wUI be lalklng to Mr. Loog and I'll 11,sJO bank n>bbery at platol point in organization of a,penel to probe aaie of keep cloee contact with the mattl!r'," he . • Lona Beacll. military posts on .expensive, urban liqd said, "noUfying you of when and where The pair were ldenUIJOd ai Gatheb\m· .w•• poirely colj!cldelltal, Orange Coounty any hearings will .be held and what their mpn Bei.tOo, :za, who gave ID address of legislaton declared' today in 'WUtrinpob.; · ln~ may be.': . • .· ~. _ 111,$111 st. and Rubei!Emt1f Griffin, ·31• The big job faced. by a subcommllt<e.of "I'll be very ourprtsed if El Toro_would Pollce said Grtffin told them be fonnerly the "-Armed SenlceJ Committee-JI . be. picked for.a hearing itte,'' Hanna con- n ed far fr1im 1ettlq Under wo,y. Ibey em-tinued. v al l?S Bw:b BM!. and had 00 phs•lzed. · · Tha Westmlnater l•"'·'ator said· from current pennanent addrus. pa.I WeaieJ' G. Grapp, tpeelal asent In JW1t appolntOd by Chairman L. Mendel hi; own viewpoin~ 'the function of the charge of the FBI ID Loi Angeles, said Riven CD-South' Carolina) the con-· subcommittee to entirely appropriate, a the two men wUI be· arraigned today greaalonal panel will lnveoltgale re1oca-the<>ty IUPporled by the El Toro MCAS beforn U:S. COlllltillalOner-ojCfederal U~ of certain-post&.. --• ataUon commander Tuesday, _ ' -;:r-:.,_; , ~ ... ~ ~s>tliliioLISM -Michael Collins, 7, son ol Apollo 1i astronaut ~e~Colllns1 flashes "V for Victory" sign as he and fa1nllY miel "1ewiiilen~outs1de_Seabroolt, Tex., home followll!g' W~esdily's laU11Cb • .8ign-<11&o .stands for-~ce, to wbicli-moon-iiilsSlon is clOdJ" -cated. W'rth-Mike are his-sisters, Ann, l'(lefl), and.Jtalhy~lO, and·bl•-l!;mk robbery cllar&es.weylng.a •year• ' El Toro waa almRIY .,,,.... ~ed out , coNmiuE.As.lJ!IUA,L . mulmum sentence. of a l!Ulllbenl-piba-.rtfen·=~ .. !-·~ n"'· ·r-,. __ ~ u•-•-'•untt1' other, Mta •. l'at Collins. ---....;.'---<--beeA--lncldeml.-...-leoom~....._~~,~n· ~ . Autl!orlttertll'l!..,-1 o llJiilOCIT -.n=-mllltary operations and.cJviltan de .. lop-such Ume u the alluatlon chsngee-lf It , • • • . ter<d a Loni Beach branch of Pacillc Na· " Id r-D~•-d T changes -Ille Marine eo~ will COO· j., b · ' · M, · ~ . ·· d. tionil Blhi'>Wlth. a .22-caHber ri!volver Wa,~i (~Wes~t!:.,.~r -.i. • ttnaa witb bciiiJiiea • UIUli=;t-..ilie"tOcal ~ t.., oast to ·.o .. serve :on . ay ~j'.p:~w=r.,""" assertedly c:.=..~ ~r ~o~ct:t . lln~~:!:~~-:..en::~~t~cR-~). Loulataoa), .who beedl Ille oubcommlttee, In whoee illmlcl 1lle air facility la , , , _. The FBI •aid ooe mnsined on guard about the opeciflc namln& d the county located, wu oot. available for comm~, . H ···li~d .. f --· .. M"''··· '''WatK" I .. ,.,,.)\'blle:!he ~· y1gl"'1,1.~""' •••• . . ... --. . ·-;-.. ·OD>,llil·f~',l ... ~l'-~ "i ,. ' ' • ' r 00 . ..., ' I ~ 't ·• ... 1"" ,• ~'cash 'fttln tlrb-~· drlW~rs: ~ , • ' ' • SWiatloD Wli menfiahed by m;;:n: bUt 0 ay or · n · ·· · Pollce ·llld tlli pair etca'pod.ID a.19!11 BllicAl!sfJ OF n;? , . , , his ald04 ~ Ha1111a'1 nmarka. M ' " " • • • • ' pink Cadillac .• Witnesses got the Uctnte 11Congmaman R!Ven JUst happene!i lo •'the reference was ~ a 1toP'91-tbe- • • 1 • , number. The two suapecta were picked up think Of El TOro, probably beCa~ o( the , held comment by R1Ver1. Thete 111 no • • • f. Without IMident at the apartment of a jet that creamed., tbe aeiilor-.-citlwLs' 'consldiraUOJLof El Toro 'for Ale," said ' treSldent. Ni1on'1 1u111eition for • .Miodv. but tour other1 00 the clout are Lona Beach acquaintance and he wal vlllace,'' HaMa explllned. Utt'a ldtninistraUve aalstai\t Bob' Geier "lfatlolial Day of Partldpatio<)" Monda)' hoiftng for a decl_aratlon1hla'tflemoon. booked on trafrlc warrants, the FBI sak( -Be-w,u~efiJriq,W \ho mulUpie-fatall· 'In a teleob<¥>e.lntetvlew Wed.-, .• 1n!honl.r of the anticipated moon landina Fourteen stat• govem0n ~ declared Special agent Grapp said the ll,$1111 and ty cruh three ywl ago of a fighter· Congrdao Jllvm 1lao ....uoned by U.S. -prompted city officials 1 holido,y f<M' otate tmiilo)'tl and, the the plltol used In the ro!>bery bave been bomb« Into Leisure World Lquoa H!lli, the Presidio of 8an Franctaco, ed· In ~ Qllllce eou> ~.to g\>verno~~ the New Yert. llld> An>erloan recovered. Police said !lie two men ""'1 lollowlni collision wllb another aircraft mliilstrative heedquarlera of the Si.th aeclstt a holtda)'. , • . Stoa rules-clecldecl earl)t todaf to knowledge of 'the crime. clurlnc 1 lancjlni •PIJl'Nch. Army, which covers the westom~ eosi, · M,.., Huntington 8eaob and clooe the mari.t M-y. If cirrtea a aUUef (by five years) ·"~you know, the commlUee hsJ just area. -• -• N"'J>drt·Beoch .,. the oolJ dltes·thst Cowlty _.... llM munfdpal C011rta· aentaooe-~ lloca•IM a IWI wu,.. been dloicrtbid ~aa a matter of fad -The lnstalillllon b less 1tratea1< tban hl•e conllnned a bollda)' schedule for (Seo BOLIDAV, Pqe I) ed, lbe 1'111 said. . II .fl 11111 mn crpnlJed and baa no bear-(See Im TOllO, hp II -·-----· .., ' -' ' .I i }kt~~ - Mo:re Public Shoreline Needs Seen By TOM lllAlltBY Of ....... ,.., .... County Sullf".Yi..ra . ..W l>o. utell bf U.. Orange ,Coupty•Grand,,1!'1')' 1'\leldq' i. take all<ltber long hard· look Ill the ._ debated Upper Newport Bay !>le~ eschsnge between Oranae COunty mf tho Irvine Company. A jury resolu\lon calllnl 011 the ~ board to farther atudy·the land ~ !pr the purpose of provtillng more ·water frontase and ac~ to the ti~ :tor the public was flied today. The . resolutloo, signed by Fomnan WlU!am Martin of·Llldna Belch, Is lhti culmlnaUoo of a long itudy of the ._ County· deal by the Grand Jury. 11 ·wia •parked· by pulillc debate over the es- change of.467 acm-of Irvine ,._ l1 tor 157 acres of coonty..wned lidelandt..- Tbe Grand Jary nOtea in 10da711 reeolu- tion "that the Uliplloa hlYolvod In lhe -t tldelanda ........... la COltlr In time and · .n llfa:.r::· oiil ·to lllo -. --Supervisors 1thlt an a tnar plan mlllit etimlilalO ocxna ·d Iba pl'oo (llee'BACrBA.Y, P• I) ' V"" ', ~~ "'~' c...,, " - 1 I' i J .· .J DAil y "1.llT s 'n!t.111dql J~ 17, 1969 " • .,, JteaeJaes' Senate Floor 1A11llt'*f ~eected I Russians' Luna Preside-n-t --Wins--- Orbiting· Moon Surtax Round llOSCOW (.UPI) -The Tw news ,g.,ey 11.ld Luna 15 wenL into orbit ....m the moon today to "become the maon•1 new arUllcial utelli.te." SCleot1& drclu saKI tt was a tempcrary arblt wblle It searched f<r • landlnl placo. The _... said the spacecnfl will 11· ...,,pt a sol! landing, possibly wllllln ll hiun, and attempt to bring back samples ol moon IOil ahead ol Ille Apollo 11 astronauts now on their 1t'l)' to the moon. The Apo]lo twn lJ to land oo the moon Sunday eveo1n1. 11te dispatch gave some lec:hnka1 delllll ol Ille arbl1m, _.11on 11111 .. ,.,..,,. p .. ,, 1 HOLIDAY .•• and other county offices will be doood Monday. All mallen adleGllod r.r ...._ ing will be postpooed lllllil ,.._,_ UC ltvlne and ~ Coat Oollop will a1ao ba clo9ectMGodly la-will> Nl•Oll'I IUll<llioa r.r • dlir ol -lion of the mooo landing. Pmident Ow-Jes J. !Didi al tbe i;c system, issued ID order em'*C ltudents and famlty for the da.J on ID Dlne tUliven.ity campuses.. GoYemon &nlld lleapn al Calillnla ml Ne!Joo llod:efdlel' al N<W Yart, I were-the-flrll-U.--a-bolldli1 for l state worbra. Coooedlait,·F1crila, ldab0,....,....,, r~ New-Hampohltt, New -<*lo, )~_Rhode la~·hmrh·i e e , I\'~ and Wost V1lJIDla lia .. _.i.o lecWedliolldays. Nixon llgned a proclamatloo'<kdaring llooday a nailonal day of participltloo '--aoun after he· watched the television = iroadcB!t of. the Apollo II liltoU Wed- oesday. His action gave the day of( to all federal employes ucept those iD oaUooal ~ty and essential semces. The President urged I o v e r n o r s , · nayon, school olf:iciall and private nnployen to take limllar acUon "JO that w many of. our clUztnl u possible will )I! able to share in tbe significant 'vents ~ lhat day." After Nixon announced f e de r a I tmployes would be given a holiday, the mlptroller of the currency, William B. :amp, issued a statement saying he IOf)ed lhaL Ille <,7111 naUooal banU also rould close. Howev.er, the flnt bank aDnOUDCemeQ.la rere qq:aUve. Tbe Bank of Amtrlca ln Jan Franclaco, Ille wwld'• lar1o1t ml he ContJneotal llllnois National Dant and l'lllsl Co. ID Qi\cago, said tlley WOUid ,. naln open 11-y. S!Alo law will keep open t11e bub ID Tew. 2 Men Burned In Paint Blast At Dana Point Two men were seriously burned when iaint fumes exploded in a Dana Point ane Wednesday nlgbt. Orarige County fire department of- lclals said John White, 29, owner of the cme at "'l37D Chula Villa Ave. and :alvin Camp ol 3603 Servana St., lnabalm, sullered oecond and third- legree burns on their bands, anns and ~gs. Camp is listed as in serious cond.iUon Jld White in "satisfactory" condition at Ou.th Cout Community Hospital today. Fire officials said the two men were 13.inUng the kitchen in White's home rheu the paint fumes apparently were lg- ited by the pilot lilht on a gas range. Neighbors had the fire under control rith a a:arden hole by the time units rom the Doheny Part fire station ar· ived. Damage was estimated at $MO. DAI L\ PILOT .......................... ------CA4"°""A OlAMGa COU1 "'*-... INO CCIMMIJY 10 -.t N. "'"' ........,.,. .... J•U IL C.My VICllPrOldllll ... .._,..~ Th•-• kehll .... n • .,,, A. M.,.,liiiM ........ l ... ---....rtc.e...:;::,-.=::.·~:t. as .._ :211'-~ ,....., "-'" --...... hint al a poalble allempt to land the satellite on the moon and no clarification ot lbe pbr1se "to become the inoon's new artWciaJ sattlllte." Russian ldenOOc aoon:es said earlier the vehicle wuold not attempt ao im- mediate landing in Russia's reported race to recover moon aoU before the Apollo astrooaulldo. 1be TaSJ anoouncement, one of the few since U.moon probe wu launched J uly 11, lhree clays bef°" Ille Apollo launch. s:aid elements of &he orbit wer~ close to those cak:ulal~ and that the Russians .ere rec:eiviQI telmleterfld datl from tbe -Tass said the craft was braked in ils fcnra:rd mG\'elflent when it was on the dart side of the moon, the act.ion placing ii la ..... arbll ne Tau announcement said radio • • wnmn.. are being maintained -1-1$ and lh•I all Instruments ..._,.the craft are functioning ....allJ. Bl6 Soviet and Western sources iia:lided tba1 &he new moon satellite ....W IOOD. deecend to the moon. buwe•a. po.ssibJy to scoop up some moon mil and bring it back to earth. Rmsian -x:ientific SOUtCf:S said the craft will circle the moon, po!.!libly for 24 bours. befort attempting a soft landing ad "":rDoomcooping" operation. ,. ..... p .. ,, 1 At tfJ_e _l'air Tot reacts to performance by Strategic Air Command Drill Team at Orapge County Fair. J'recision team puts on daily d~J!Lllle fair, · which continues through Sunday. WASHiNGTON (AP) -The Senalo Finance COmmlttee vo&ed N today to ap- prove the House-~ 8llrtu: extension blJJ wtthoul dlange and ..... It to Ille Senalo floor for debalo. The vole ,..~ a llrst-round vic- tory for Presldeol Nixon ID -.· con- alderatloo ol the bill. However, it Was uncertain as to When the leglalalion would be called up for Senate debate. Democratic leader Mike Mansfield CMant.), h~ uid the ·bill must be ac- companied by meaningful tax relonn and Ille Finance Committee refused today lo ~ any reform amendmeala before acting on the bill. · · ·Two Democrats, Clinton P. Anderson l'ro111 Pqe 1 EL TORO ••• Ille Oraoge County jet and hellcopter tcainJng faclllty, but lies in a acenlc area of San Franclsco not far from the Golden Gale Bridge, 1remendoQaJy "'1uable land. Rivers told the subcommittee Monday that any proposed legislaUon enabling sale of military property-to local· authoriUes or private enterprise must m. elude pro"tision far base l o c a t i o n elsewhere. RIJllAL AREA .... Orange County is the fast.t~growinc . ilr"' ·s k county in California, but El Toro MC.AS is As Astronaut,s in ies, ~WI~~ "'=~u:-1 ~;:iFt: county. (N.M.), . and Abrsham A. Rlblcolf, (Conn.), joined with the •even Republlcann on the committee to give the admlnistration the nine votes lt needed to gt! approval of the ~ blll. Sen. Albert Gore (f>.Tettn.I who voted against reporttna lhe blll without ...,. sideration of amendments, said there would be a floor fight when it is brought up to adH a substantial :neasure of tu reform to it. Republicans on lhe committee had loken Ille poslLlon Ille group should draf! Jts own veniori of the measure, wlthoui tax reform riders.' But tile Democratic leaders in the Senate -Mallifield and hil uslrfanl, Seli. Edward M.. Kennedy ,,, Massachusetts -wanted major 1.ax relonns included, even if it took two months to complete the legislation. From Page 1 BACK BAY ••• blems that are before the county.11 It draws the attenUon of the Board to the Grand Jury's previous adoption of • resolution "stating lhal transacUons con- cerniag the disposition of public land! shooJd be-able to withstand public review , .• recognizing that furteher study mar. entail the expenditure of public funds." 1be jury also urges that the Supervilol'5 and the public at large should be allowed to consider ulUmate plans for the ex• change of public tidelands" - a request that J.s broadly interpreted as a demand for public hearings oo the issue: * * APOLLO. •• • Ctvilla.D. ~eta: ba.ve sugguted its UH d D . -. s aa a regiooal airport eilher lbriugh joint 28 J ailed in 2n .ay who helped blne· lheir !rail: ~ ua". na" uts· Go · Under" . e· a use or outrtght acqulsiUoo,-a i:ou<ePI E6' "In recoonlzlng Ille dedlcatton a . jected by Ille military as unfeasible. Of. Racial Violence sacriDce-c:ifbravt-men, we underscore an -~ The recent Pereira'"lff"'aster Plan for eumple we hope to set: That U men~ Orange County aviation i¢icates some YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (AP) -Police Peaeh the moon, men can reach agree-SAN CLEMENTE ISLAND· (AP) _ The fourtl) phase ls actual use of airpcrt f~ty Jn the gmef-1 area muit arrested 28 ' persons and blanketed 10 ment" • be developed to replace exll1inc Orance btockl ol • Soulh Side •lreeL wilh -tear nu! midcoune engine firing lasted only While astronaut.! fly to the moon, Sealab 3, supported by the Mark 1 County Airport. · • l llB early today in putllrig down three seconds aod increased Apollo ll's aquanauts prepare to go to the bottom of system. Th1s Job will require at least 10 yurt YOUDPtown's secood strai~t night of speed by !)Illy 14 miles per hour. But it the sea agalll. Cmdr. William F. Uebold, head of tbt of planning_ Ind oonstructi.oo, unless tome raciaf disturbances. adjusted ~ path ao the astronauts wi,11 About 60 men went aboard a support project, says the flnal stages of the first otJaer soluUon to the problem ls Eight penons were injured. Three P a s ~ W1~ _ 69 miles of t h e m~ s ship off San Clemente Island Wednesday Mase have started. It is in that first de~~ mili"lary ... faclli~ _, ·-befbull!i..fll!"_ andtroubllour, wascars".:,~~~lb~ backSJde on Saturday -pretisely wbere . .-' · -·--& ---··--'""' -.... .:: ... ......,. WJUQ they want .to be to inject themselves into 1n the first phase of a new program to phase that Sealab personnel went aboard Marjne hue however, atill do not meet coritroL A police cruiser was damaged by orbit to start thtir eq>Joration. tes t undetwater living. the support ship Elk River to the habitat civilian aviation reqairementl .at by the rocks end several olhen were bit by Had they continued on their previous _ The man in the sea program came to 1·.:>=lle=o=f=f=San=Cl=e=m=en=te=W=ed=ne=sd=a=y=.====F=ede=r=aJ="=A=vlalloo==Admltilslnllon.==· ======aru=·per:=::lire~,~po::lic:o=:;;::sal::d=.=====i course, th~ closest approach would have 1 ha 1 t last Feb. 17 w be n aqua-It been 201 miles. ' . The successful firing of the 20 500-naut Berry L. Cannon, 33, died at a pound-thrust. engine was a reassuring depth of 600 feet off San Clemente near sound to spacecraft c om m a n de r the entrance to the 5ealab 3 habitat. Armstrong, A Ir Force Cat Aldr1n a.nd • The U.S. N'avy Is taking a long look at 1 Air Force U. Col. Michael COlllm-the capabillUea of men and equipment Thio b Ille powerplaot lhat must blast . them into lunar orbit before Ann.strong before actually sending personnel to sub- and. A1drin descend to t h e surface and mera:ed "living quarters." A target date must also wort to start them home next for thal has not been set. Monday. "It was a good bum," mission control told the astronauts.· An unmanned visitor trorn Rus.5ia, Luna 15, today zipped into a looping lunar orbit ranging from about 600 to 1.200 miles above the surface. A Moscow report said tbe craft had become a moon satellite, but speculation continued that it might attempt to land, scoop up • o l 1 samples and return them to earth before Apollo 11 can bring back its cargo of rocks. One U.S. official noted that the orbit was similar to previous radiation· monitoring Soviet satellites and sug. gested it might be on a non-landing sclen- Ufic expedit.\oli. He said the chances of its colUding with Apollo 11 were nil because of Its high orbit. Apollo 11 wUI orbit at 69 miles high. ArmstronJ:, Aldrin and Collins: reached the mid-point of their trek across trackless space at 7:33 a.m. PDT when their 48-ton spaceship was precisely 120,000 miles from both earth and moon, The astronauts crossed the invisible llne after 25 hours ~ seconds or flight at a speed of about 3,080 miles per hour. It will take them twice as long 51 hours - to cover the remaining distance. Like a car coasting uphill, the spaceship gradually slowed from its initial speed of 2',200 m.p.h . Gagarin, the first man to ny tn space. was killed in a plane crash. Komarov died in 1967 when his spaceship parachutes tangled on re-entry and the vthlcJe craabed. EXCHA NGES CLOSE FOR LUNAR DAY NEW YORK (UPI) -'l11e New York and American Stock Exhanges will shut down Mqnday, July II, In celebration of the Apollo Jt lunar mission, the ex- changes announced jointly today. Most eommodity exchanies a n d .iaecuritiel excbanges ln other ciUe.s were exp<ded to follow lull. Red Chinese Swim-in Celebrates Mao's Dip LONDON (UPI) -Communist China staged a nauonWtde swim-ID today to «lebrlte the third anniversary: of chairman Mao bHung'1 storied dip In Ille Yaogtae Rim, the New China News Ag~ft~- In a.Abt>ltcb from Peking, mooltortd tn London, Ille Agency uld: "Worker., pwants. aoldlers and Red Guards held celebraUon nlllt1 ind ma" awlmmfng-ln riven and laJtt.a and at the seaside all over Odna" in obltrvanoe of lrho'11Wim lhree 1elll .... . ' Sealab ls proceeding just as the na· lion 's space program did -with caution flags -after the January 1967 [ire that killed thr.ee astronauts. Ultimate goals ol the probe of inner space -the ocean -include setUng up man's ei:plotaUon of the v a s t and mineral-rich continental shelf, while also provkling the Navy with deep-diving in- formation for its submarine rescue system. The Navy's Deep Submergence Systems Project .has fonnulaled a four- phase program for the new try at un- dersea living. The flnt three phases evaluate the Mark 2 deep-diving system. This includes persoMel transfer capsules which carry divers between the surf~ce and the Sealab habit.at on the ocean's bottom their life support systems and the decom: pression chambers on the deck of the support vessel. Mobile Couple Jailed in Mesa For Drugs, Theft A Harbor Area couple living In a 1939 van truck was arrested at their mode.st Costa Mesa ~ess Wednesday, charged wlth possession of heroin and stealini pawnable items fi'om the wife's parents. William L. Jobmon, 25, and Sue M. Johnson, n, were pJ.cke:t up by·• team·of la\vmen who visJted their camper parked at 287 Victoria St., according to Costa fl.fesa Detective Norm Kutch. · Johnsons were booked Into Newport Beech City Jail and remain In custody (oday In lieu of $3,200 bail ea<:h, while their three-year-old daughter was turned over to relatives• care. lnvesUSat.or1 Kutch, Saril Arnold and Carofyn Giff'iiil acaffiijii.lilerNewport Beach detectives Al Ep.m.ln and William Speirs to make the warrant arrests Wednesday afternoon. Glandnf lnlo the van during the pro- cess, Spein uid be noticed a small white folded paper or ~lled bindle, wh1ch contained white powder believed to be heroin. A further search of the truck-home turned up Items used for drug injection hidden under 1 bunk mattress, accordlng lo invesUJat.ors. Newport Beacli autborlUes said the Johnsons were named in grand theft war· rants Involving &lleetdJy ltOJen Jtml!, ln- cludlna a lypewrtter, bowJJng ,..,. and ladles' riq:, which were later pe:wned. Johnson told lnvestJUtora he did ~Wh !he items, but bell<oeil-l&em-to balon1 lo tJs wife, while I.bey hid actuail~n 1"Porled stolen by Mrs. J '1 motbet. TWIN COCKTAIL 99.00 I TWIN COCKTAIL 69.00 14th HEX COMMODE 199.00 SQUARE COMMODE .199.00 Now l"" can line that expensive old-1IOl'ld look at mnarnble now-world prices. Tabla that are pam.talda5'1y -.truotecl of wormy maple solids and anllque chary veneen with Ill 11n111<111l dlllreued finish, rubbed dotvn to a deep glow &om wllhln. f'Ach table 11 available with distressed white paint finish u well , wllh 11J11t1 ol wood 1bowln1 through. H.J.GAl\l\EfT fURNrpJRE ENO TABLE 99.00 PROFESSIONAL INTERJOR DE516,..ERS °""'Moll., T!lun., I l'rl., 1 .... COSTA MESA, CALIF. 2 2 I 5 H ... RBOR ILVD, M6· 0175 646 • 027. I I I 1- ~I I ~·1 I I I . I ' • ---~ •• • . - . - • ·-· gt~tl . ·~aell · I -. VO~ 2, NO. 170, 4 SECTIONS, «-PAGES . , ·o ' I . . .. -_ ORAN6E. COUNTY, CAUl'.()RNIA ~ ·~ ·-·· .. .. . - •• -• onor1n . . • . . .. • . THURSDAY,_ JULY 17, 1969 •• •' ace·· ea -Medals ~1 -lJ.S., Soviet Heroes Will Be Left on· Moon SPACE CENTER, HOOJloo (AP) - carrying meda\I honoring t b r e e Americans and two Russlans wh6 have died for space exploration, Ameiica'1 ApoUo II explorers soared pasl the hall11fay point ol their journey lo the mooo today IUICI fired a brief burst of tbelr •JlllCO.'l>lp engine lo ..,.. In on tbelr target. RU.!Sla'1 uninanned Luna 15 was a1n!ady orbiting the moon tn an apparent bold bid to bes! tbe Americana blcl: to eartb wltb a aample al lunar aoil. 'l'be medail whldl Nell A. ........ trq IUICI Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. plan to leave on the moon'i ourfaoe ~ will honor Jb1ul1• Yurt. A.-~--Y.ladimlr Komarov lllld U.S. Air F .... LI. COi•. Virgil l'. Prillom .Jr. IUICI Edward It Whit. n IUICI Navy LI. Cmdr. Rocer B. Olaffee. . Pruldenl Nixon &llllOUllCOd In Wuhll!CIOn today tbat Apollo II was car- l'Yinl the mecllls. Be uld tbe wldow1 of Gargarin and Kom81'0Y had liven tht medals for tbelr hulbands to astrooaut Frank Donnan during hlx l'<Ollll Sovlit visit. ''The two nien we bope will set foot on the moon represent all manktnd. •• Nlxpo 18id. "Their acbievemenl wW be 11\e world's achlevemenL .Jt ~ fitting, therefore, tbal Ille fint lunar explorers carry witb tbem llODle r<COtfllllloa . al the sacrifice made by other 1pace pioneen who helped blaze their trall. "ln -Inc Ille ckdlcatlon and sacriflce ol Drave. men, we undenoan an u1mple we 1-to sd: Thal If men cu reach tbe Q100ll, n;aea can reach ..,.. qtent!' . 'llli mldcoune engine flrlnc laoted only throe aecondl IUICI ln=ued Apollo II '1 speed by only 14 mil., per hour. Bui II adjusted Ille Pltb '° tbe utroaaula will p a s • within a miles of. t b e moon's backside on Saturtlo;" preclMly.wbere (See APO l'llt I) • Beacli -~en -eltf in -H-eist~ -. I . . . FBI,_ Police Capture Pai.r After-Brazen $~,500 Holil,up -Two Hllntiftgton-Beaclt-men were . Jr-: rem<!. bY. l!Pll<e. and FBI "ieo\11 Wed- nesday . afternoon folloWlng a brazen 11,500 bank robbery al pistol point In cURen&...pmn•pen1_:.l(lcfty ~~ Wesley . G. Grapp, special . agenl In charie· of the FBI in -1.oJ Angel~. sa1d the two men wW be arraJgnBd toda,y before a U.S. commlsskmer on federal bank robbery cbar(ei camln& a 25-Y"*t maximum 1tntenee. aM11t 1 P'-~·-wj~t lncl~it ti.~ "ll!il_is a sUcl!up," one Wertedly 'Liiii ~ Uilae-wu shouted --on tnfftc-warranla,-the "PB! ...._ Loog !leach. · The FBI 18id ----~ _,.... Special agent Grapp aid tbe 11,1119 and 1 one ,.~Utl;ll-.a ~ • ._... the pistol ultd ln the ro~ haft been The pair were kfeoWled u G.!itbel Am- mcn Beaton, 2', who gave an address of 611 5tb St. IOd Ruben Emesl Gr-. 31. Police said Griffin told them be formerly livt!I at 17256 Beach · Blvd_. IUICI bad no wblle the otber vau)led a counler and recovered. Police Aid 1118 two men· d<nJ ocooped C8Jh iroll! two t.llen' drawers. knowledge ol lbe cilme. Authorities alleged two ruspects en- tered a Long Beach branch of Pacific Na- tlooal Bank with a .22.callber revolver Police laid Ille pair escaped In. a 1111 II carrlel a stiffer (by five year>) pink Cadillac:. Wi~ got the ~ sentence PotenUal becauae a gun. wu • number. Tb• two suapecll wers picked up ed, the FBI uld. MOON' SYMBOLISM.~ael C.olljn,, 7, son of Apolin 11 aslronaut ~ael CollinJ, Oashts•"V. for Vlctoryl' sign as be and family !qeel ·newsmen obtside Seabroot, Tex., home following WfJdDO'scl1y'1 '.Ja1JJ1cb, Sign-also stands for peace, to which moon !lllBSion I& d¢i· ;catec1. With Mike are bis sisters._AnD, 8 (left), .and ~thy, 10, and his ;-mother, Mrs. Pat Co~.· . . · Apollo Telecast Schedule The second Apollo 11 telecast from space is scheduled today at 4:S2 p.m. PDT as the astronauts speed toward the moon. '· The 15-minute clorocast Is one of eight scbedtiled transmissions that include the first step Apollo 11 Commander Neil A. Annstrvng takes ·on the moon. · · All networks, as-well as. Channel 11 (KTTV) will carry the co!=iist. , Here are the television schedules for Apollo 11• coverage (all PD'I'): Today, at 1:32-4 :47 p.m. -from Apollo command ship. · Fpday, July 18, at 4:32-4:47 p.m.-from coriimand •hip. Color. Saturday. July 19; at l:q% p.m.-from command ship in l\Dlar orbit. ~ror. ·suriday, July 20, at '10:52-11 :07'8,m.-from the command ship, showing the undocking and beginning of descent of the lunar module. Color. Sunday, July 21, at 10:15-11 :07 p.m.-trom command module 'In lunar orbit. Color. At 11 :12 p.m.-1:52 a.m.-from the moon, show· ing Ann.strong setting foot on the moon and the -lunar activities of Annstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr.: mack and white. Wednesday, July 23, at 4:02-4:17 p.m.-fl'QID command module as the Apollo is en route back to earth. Color. Council to · Interview 3 Police .Chief Candidates Clerk ~refers H~g on SW?e . ~ ' > Licence Request ·Lan.Vin Loses New Round I 1! V p,f~y . ff '!~s ~PJ.drii lle8plte Ille f-1 of Pa111 Jooea, Hun-• l , .• · tington Beach city clerk, tbat C<IWlcllmeG ·Lanrin co. -.~.to ..... t for tbe •-~·~ .,_ lo "··---for b--~--a ~ night In a -W~y. In Ila ·~ ~· ·~ ~-~ effcrll lo IAunch a j>roject on !is "°"' healtb food store In bligbted -ntown, ttoyenlal 100 ..,,.. iii Fountain Valley. the matter bas been ael for publlc bur· Tueod1y night Ille city councll re!URd Ing Monda~. to a ... pt -on a S.I Ue vote -boods IUICI -And' thereby bangs 'tale. , ... for bnpruvemenll arounll Lanrhl'• 11 _ ,__;.,.the ·routine bualnesa five model bomel on Magnolia Street •-....,,._4 near Ellll Avenue·. llcenlo . denl•ll ' Joneo make1 to place Wednelday tbe pTBMlq commission doubtful appllcationl -largely· because conUnued ,a · propo!ed r.one change bnfll of location -Into tbe realm of c:ouncll Aug. I for two adjacent Larwln pro- descrellon. pirtlel which would ha•• allowed a pout· It relates lo Huntlngloo Beach COllllCil'• ble total ol !09 loll. attempts in the face of..nplodine ~ Tuelda111 action died when CoUncilmen to control Ille ~ty's di[iltlny. Some bave Jobn Harper and Edward Jllll refuoed to charged tbat the buW-conlroll .are go along wltb recent planning .,...,. .di.scrlmlnatory. · mlSsl.on approval for 1 UH' variance on "I could find nothinl really wrong and the five model homes. neither could the po1tce department," Said Hatiper, "Gentlemen, I'm not Aid Jone> recenUy ol tbe applicant. golq to keep bending the law to meet Ille The elected o{fidal referred to the desire! of the bulldera." businesa liCejlse appeal from Stephen A. Mayor Robert Schwertltfeger, notln1 Pwnan lo operat. "The Good Earth", hlx highly publlclzed connection wltb the Lil Maln st .. selling packaged healtb food Lanrin Issue, abstalned from tbe uoe in a Surf Shop bwlding. variance battle.· Jones advised councUmen that he Effect of the council'• deci!ion was to would conUnue to send them the questlon deny the Larwln Co. use oi the five of licenses In blight.d downtown. ThlB Is hom.,......lready partially constructed-u done on the atrength of municipal «>de modela. dealing wltb health, olety, wellare oc jVednelday, city planner• looked ·at moral 11Andards. II also giv., denied ap-prelhiilnary tract m&po! 111bmllt.d by plicanis Ille right of appeal to tbe council. Lanrin .. wntaUve·John Tapklng IUICI · City Attorney Doo Bonfa haJ adn\ltt.d Ullened lo .,..,al vocal oppooenlx of the the existing ordinance controlt are rather tract before deciding 4-1-Commluloner broad in Lheir language and ln some Carroll Mohr diaenUng -to delay a cases cootracHdori. decision on the item. ., ' n rataes the possibility that council ObjeCUons were ralaed by several denial of a """-liceMe coulcl be al· citlien1 to the propoled lite of loll, tbe jocted ~ In court II U\ere were rilimber of loll, the 'po!rk dedication • c•u-. ,Cllljacled to tile lacit of • - 1ite on Larwln '• prtiimln.u,. tract mop. 'J1>0y ailo Clll~ lo lol liles dlpptiw a low $,IGO IQ1lm feet (abooil lllO loll), Comn)laloii chainnan J1mt1 Dick Aid he tbougbl Ille propo:ie.j map wu hlghly objectionable, but reminded Ille audieiiee that only a zooe chaq:e Was be1nJ COD- ~d<r<d .. Tapking aal~ ·a new map had been rub- mltt.d tbat day which •howed a llCbool site, allbo<gb bot lobeled' u auch. The entire commission ·expreued a delllre to ... a deflnlte ICbool !lilt on the Larwlo propoul before granting any aone chlJll!O. cmunluloner Mohr opp>sed the delay, hoping to rezone part al th, ~ W'!'IJ!e5- djly and leave enough lxnd unaoned for a aChool stte. ·But no one could aay where a echool 1hould be locat.d. •PlaunJnc lllteclor Stan ·MalllfJeld, IUICI hlx llaff have recommended tbat tbe pro. posed .zone chanie be turned doWn .baled on the tack fl a school site and unsaUafactory -teotaUve tract rnapa: Comml8sloners igreed to reView the enUre matter of school "lites &Dd · ten- tative tract m1ps on Auguat &. ' Huntington Notes Holiday Monday ·For Moon Walk not sufficient evidence ol dtr.ger lo'publlc money and. Ille ·--Indecision on a heallb or welfare. • IChool silt. Huntlngtoo Beach city •mployea will Bonfa ii In pn>Cea GI preportng a new Lanrin CO. -on a zone change re-join ln ·tbe ,naUonal day o1 partlciP1tlon 09mprebenslve ordinance tbat wW make quested by Ille city council -wu asking ct<clmd by Praident Nixon lot tbe listed """'-IUbject lo ~ ap-to place about 159 loll on Ila c:ontrove!'111al ApoUo 11 mllllon Moriday. · proVll IUICI ~ Ille co11ricll'bri>ader 100 acre• In a planned develo-1 pt'<>-Mayor )act Green laid tbls morning, W be I m.nt ol 'Potlce Cblef ,..:_It-•·•-"r. -~Qllll')' ~· --ject -At the ~\:'!1""o1 nat-rPDeqil:!,. wlora• -tb"All.I city.o(llc,~:lilll be .!!,C>aed-!.M~!:j Only ·thrl!!e candidates w' n-,,_.. Of;J~ Curitotly •-... Wnea Ucenle_eeeker aubmttted tor ~ "" ,_ a lall empiu,.et,-ex .... .,. - terviewed for the Huntington Beach Twenty-six applicanta were acremed m\llt first obtafp· a certificate of oc.. nearly mm acres of land adjace11t to Jor emei'g!ncy duty. poUce and fire pl-o. Police Clilet job·al Ille July 12 City Coon-for the pooitlon, which earriel a Plary c:upallC)' afler 1'4lat~ng, fire, tbe original plot. tectlon, may PartlciPlt. In man'• fin! ell meet111g, tt Was annoooced today by range of fl,880 to fl,nl. bealtb and buU1nnc Commilslooer Carroll M<ihr, and acme steps on the moon.'' ' · city Admliilotralor Doyt. Mililer. . Allbougb city olflces will be cloled, The three finalists include captain. Earl .. trash collection 1ervice will bt provld ... 'RobiWll•. eommanilerOI tbUlunflngt.m ~ ~ Holid ac<ordlng lo the normal JCbednle.,,,. Cl· Jliach Police ctetedfve divialiin. AllO in t4 s e ~ ' : ' ay ty Councll wlll-wo iMetal 4:30 p.m.· the----nmnlnJ~nn-'J'pn'ance-Police-Ghklf--·Oas ~ --e~xr M.ondJY II announced. Waller Koening. IOd Garden Grove . U · ,a...:.•.:. Green sBJQi!iil1ie illG niil~ .- . Police Chief George Tlelsch. no11aayb<lrtbarb.-would give the •· Orllinally, five mentwere to be recom; employea the day off so th&1 they may · mended to the council for consideration H A C. , N · • M D participate ln the~ lunar mJ~on. but Ille l.al<st cut namwed Ille field lo Ufi_ ',t.inmn. R fnORD' ttl.eS Otr.ng . OOR ay "We In lb!nflngloit ' Beach 'are the Uu:ee highe!I -'COl'Ol'S on written .00 ~ ~ ::0 l:!:"ly clooe to the trip lo tbe moon, oral examlnaltoos., . · Pmldent Nlson'i , lllllestiOn !qr a and otber """111 alflcu will be clooed OiqCID. Rbode.illind, Tenne11ee \ · ""' tbe McDoonetl D:tt'Jla' Since tbe council ~·· called an ad·. "Naµonal Day of PartlclP1t'°'1''. t.JoodaY . Monday. ~matten ICheduled for bear· w~·"!l'f .Wtll.Vlrlinla have liloo . ~tty"' COrpirallon ii a, , part · jorned meeUng July!'-M•ller has.II>'' ln)1-1'of11le'anHel1"t.dmoon·landlng lnl•dlJ.beJIOllj>onecl)llllll~ ·~bolidap, ·. · . ·. • dlcaled that II is pOsjible tbat lhe new by.tl:S . .astnmaulx ~cill' olflclall UC jrvlrie IUICI Oranp cout · . t'.~ lijji;i a \i<&:lalllallob dei!IOrllli ' i:"~tll!il ·~~·~ S. cHlel'fW.bi!c(¥>1<11 ~· \2 ~~~·~,"'; 1 tn,_~;Qntige .Cout..~, \o will1\"bociotedMoodty.llladioi!f' , .~'4.-...,.. ~al ·~ . wblch-ll;le~6t~;.. p,J! . d.g',.;, city:, °4 '1aW' enf.lce;;: ftt"~'"1•i'-•~Ulit~ seoch 1 ~ :t:.w:i~~ia:.::. da1 orcttelira-l::r.,:-~;;_~ t~~ : wa1 to'mi/I:• ~ ~ .. ,~:~. Mcomcs vacant July 31 with the retire-Newport Beach are the'«l!y dUes that President Chailes J. Hitch of tht UC ~. . . , ; .... ._.t ~ "' .,,.. have· confirmed a bollday llCbedule for 1ystan, llsued. an order uCUllna Bil ict!lin (Ive 016 day. off• lo all y Of 'h • .ll!-' · Stof!k Markets Monday, but four othen on Ille coast are llUdenla and faculty for tbe uy on all f-al ..,playeo acept thoilj.!" lllllonal orly f lO' ,DeI'llll hoping for a declaralion tbil anem-. nine univmlty campo!tl. _ oecurll~ .-la\ .. -.. ', Constant Watch ~ajls Jo Find . -'1f' f I ~ Mi~11g,J~=-:-·· , . . ~· lllldp>UOl ·liMlilli'"""' ..a.:~idi tiut .. Jar aioo..i.oo1 ... cll9.J° 1bl rOc.veey al a' H-,e.l..td boy loal and i-D>IY droWned In lluntillilon -~· -Lil~ moblle-unita, a .....,. boat IUICI polltO ~-bave b t • n IMtd>lng Jor Deon Hart al Pico .lllvin 1lpce he wu last aeen waltlnl ce .&be bead>. • µ. Mar~ Boden-ol tbe Har;llor1 and BeachOI Dept. 18id Ille oearci! ~ not inclUde • diving .team 10hec1use die latuaJ current and Ult riptide b8ve made tbe wat.r '° <!lrly Iba! tbe vtalbllity 11..,. .. abiJut . loot. .. ., -' "The alde currents are ao atronc that we •wouldn't ev:en tiiOw where to ltart looking for Ille body. II mlghl liave drifted anywbere from five lo.llx ~ down the c:out." Valley Tmst~ Fete Beauhier Trust.es of Ille Founlaln Valley SChool lllstrict bave IChed\lled a brief ochool board meeting at 7:30 p.m. lonigbt to allow time foe a prlvot. larewtll dltmer for retiring sUperlnt.ndent I>r. PJclward Beaubler. Followin& djsa1sslon of Sta•nford Reading Tell re1U1la and can""mlty ... tlv,ltlel at the Qurlalklm cenler, I Ugbtbou3t !.Ooe, tbe boon! w11! retire to the Huntlngtoo -Beach lna lo honor Dr. Beaubler. He haJ been roplaced by Mlb Brick, ·funner assi.taot super~ of tbe Founlaln Valley School 'District. ,_. Weadler Summer haJ c.'iitilniy am11ed ~ the Cout IOd tt II expecleil_ to ~emafDtliit way f~-c...o--­ least thn111glr lhe ~eekend.--And for beaCh-loVera, there's no bel&- lq 17 degree "'""'· INSWB TODAY NEW YORK (AP) -The !ll<!'k market Fourtee.,tat. governors have declared Govemora Ronald lla(an otCallfornla The urPd Io v Un OH, LOS ANGELl!:S (AP) -~ Sam ~ aHl\OUlh•dQ)m;lrom lll·besl levels of a holiday for stat. emplayeo and tbe IUICI Nellon llockelel\ff al ~·York, ~on, ICbool ofl\cltlx Ind prt.ate Y!!!f,y 1ay1 be'1 all lo Weal lleHln lo · -tbe de~ -carried its latest' relly through governors of lb! New York ind American were tbe !Int 10 declirt a billlijOJ lfor 1emP,joYe,._lo tab stlilllar -•:oo .Iha! , reP'U""I Loi ~ 1n ,Ille yolilelt. at •second olraigbl .... ton today. (See Stock Exchanges decided early,today to state worktrs. '"'""'!__. u''~'tJI o1111 cl-'u •. will , •ltlcb tbe 'city, 1'lll have ao alillilt ln- Q1!0latlonl. Pages 1.1-U). cl.,. tbe marl<et Mon<lay. Omed..,•, Florlda, 1dabo. _,_ .bl,allll lo ohare-lo Illa.~:-' c~ tbe aioo!>:orWlia 'Ajlollo• I 'rradllll nm'lh~clole was moderate. county IUptr!or and'anmk:lpol aMto New Haml'lllb•, New l(eilco.,-Olllo, • 'al'tllat 6tq.ft · · ' ' ·' '· '' copou1e.· · " • • " • ' ' :> I ' Orbiting_ Moon -· MOecoW (UPI) -The TUI newt ~ said Lun• 15 went into orbit around the moon today lo "become the plOlll'I new artificial sateJUte." Scientidc · ci:fdll llid it was a temporary ofblt 'while ti narched for a landlnJ place. Tbe soun:es 'said the ·-all 'l!UJ a~ leml'! a loll landlni, poisJbly within 21 houri, and allemJ>l lo briOI bscl< samples of -aoll &bead or the Apollo •II astron&uta now on their y;ay to tbe moon. The Apollo team is lo land on tlle mobn .Sunday evening. The dispatch gave ~e teclmlcal details ot the orblllil& operation but no hint of a poalblt allempl lo Jand the satellite on the moqn and nd clarlficatton of the pbraSe "to become the moon'• new artificial satellite." Russian sclenWic IOuretl USd wlltr.~ the vtbic1e would not attempt an tm.. mediate landing lo Runla'a ieporled •-to recover moon eoil before the Apollo utronauts do. The T8ll announcement, on• o! the ftw aiDce tbe moon probe wu launched July * * APOLLO ••• IJ, three dO)'I belon the Apollo launch, said elements ol the orbit were elose to thole calculaled and that the Ruasians were receivin& telemetered daia from the Vehicle. Tau said the craft was braked in ita · forward movemmt when it wu on the cltrk aide ol the mooo, the 'action placing II In I~ orb!~ The T&al ....,uncement llld radio communicaUons are being maintaJned with Luna 15 and that all lnstrumenU aboird the craft are func t ioning normally . . · . . Both sov!Ot and • Weatun sources predlcted that the new moon aalelllle would: 100D : descend to , the ~ however, possibly to scoop up some moon soil and bring it bae~ to earth. RuAlan seitntilic 10U1ces said the croft wlll circle the mooo, possibly for U houri, before attempting a .oft landing and "mOOUiCOOpinJ:" operaUon. Nixon Victor In 1st Senate Surtax Vote • they wlllt lo be lo lnjec;t themHlvet Into orbit to start-their expl0l8ti · W ASlllNGTON (AP) --The Senate ---OAIL.Y r1LO_t..~ HJ •rn c.v1111 Had Ibey coatlnued-..-lhelr previous -Commiltoo voted 9-floday tO •i>--Antiei-atl --0 -elfin cou,,., lllelr closat app!Olch would bave prove the House-paaecl IUl'tu extelllion P "fl P 9 ~eio=ul firing of the 20:500-hill wi!hout change and send it to the Roger, 11 , (top} and Joey Hoechstetter, 12, ins pect new Fountain pound-thrust engine was a reassurinC Senate floor for debate. Valley Boys' Club sign donated by painter Harry Jones and designer SOUQd to spa~aft co.mm and e r The vote represented a first·roun<! vie-Thomas Shepherd. Boys hope club will open as expected in a b o u t AnnslrQn&, Ai r Force Col. Aldrin and toey for Preaident Nls:on in ·Seoate con-_th_re_e_w_e_ek_s_. -----------------__ _ ' • • • ' Bl.i-a1•re Ca1e '~7 Held,. $3,0.00 . In , Drugs _. s·e,iied Seven yciODg men who told pollc. they had bee.n robbed of money and drugs the night before were roqDded up by Hun-- Unglon Btach pollce Wednesday along with $3,000 In dangerous dnJ&s whieh the i:obbers dldn'I gel. Offlcen said tbe seven men and a Juvenile girl were arrested after 10 days of IW'VeWance by narcotics detectives. The arrOlls took plae< at 20091 Bushard Street. Booked on charges of possession and 6ang of-Youths -~ Beats Two Men : . In Beach. Fight A gang of tO lo 15 iw..tlle youlhl a~ tacked a paJr of beachgoers-with clubi cllalns and flsll In HuoUnglon Qesch Wedneaday evening, re.su!Ung In the ho1pitalizaUon of both. Police 1ay the lncldtnt occurred at 9:4.5 p.m. when Elvin E. Verrette, ~11 Myra Ave., Stanton, .and John J. Vargas, 1002 N. Loara ST., Anaheim emerged from a rest.room near lifeguard tower 17. The men, ages untftown, were jumped· by ibe crowd and severely beaten, ac· cording to wlbteases, who claim that a possll)le sale of clnigs were HowanrM, Rosenzweig, 19;-James B. Davidson, 18~ Lewi! M. Shaw, 19; Willlanl S. Hollen· back, 20; Ronald M. Newman, 28, and Marcus A. Sands, 20, all of the Bulbard Street address, and Larry W. Baker, ZU, Of ~)'llWood. 'n1e female juvenile caught ln the early morning raid was taken to oranae C.Oun- ty Juvenile Hall, poliCI Hid. The robbery tale wa1 told to d!teclives as they arrested Ute seven men . Two men allegedly 'stole $500 worth of se<[Ollll_ ~L and ISO In _cash.!! rl(le point lrom the Bushard Street bOme, oned.bicl'l•J!'IM!1, about 11 p.m. Tues- day. sata detectives. . Police 1 a I d the victims -today's· silspecta -claim they save chase up to MajplOlla and Garfield Streeta U!>UI several shota from a rifle were fired at their car by th.• fleeing baodit.. loVetUgaton llld they recovered 1,000 "reds" (seeonal), several tabs of heroin, 1everal vials of llquld UD, meecallot sulphate, a caetus derivative, and two po.sslbly stolen motorcycles .. Detective Capl Earl Robliallle aald the suspects told amsung offtcen about th& robbery because they "hoped we c:ould return their money to them." Robltallle aald the men have no chance of a:ettlng the seconal back. All wer<> expected lo be arraigned to. day_on.ch•rges or possw!on o! ~ for sale. · variety or weapons were Involved, in-2 Beach Yo' utL .:- eluding chains, plpet and po.sslbly a gun. II& Verette, his head cove~ with blood, Air Force Lt COl..Michael CoW.na:. 1kleration of the bUl.· · This. ls, the powerri!ant that .must blast However, it was unctrtain as to when -• . · . thelU_l!llo lunar or_bit before Armsttong "• '""'•'•Uon .-Wouli-1>e-caJled_nn foi: u E la 0 M 0 aM the other victim were taken lo Hun-Foul Up Switch tinglon Intercommunlty Hosplial. Both -'1md---...-...--:otit·ir----...... ......,,,, ~ ~--a"f'171" ·xp n tt muslallO,,workJo$JLth!JDJ!fl•~~t s.i;:::,::~e. ltader--Mlke Mallllleld ~· -~11-'-KCI -. l s .. en on Monday. It was • good bum, mlulon (Mon~) has said the bill must be ac- wei'e found suffering cuts oUM.(8ce.._ Two Hunu.nlton Beach juvenllea ap..._ One of the alleged attacl<en, Anthony pa~y pn>grwed frqm electric trains A. Huber, 19, of 1951 Glenoalt St., lo th> real thing Wednesday !llght llf<I Anaheim, was plcked up by poll'ce In shorted out wires, causing the alarms to _, coallol told the utronaull. ' . An 1mm•noed vlaltor from Ruaala. compamed by mearungfuJ tu reform and pped • 1 the Finance Committee refll!Od today to 1J.1D1 l5, ~Y 11 into a loopmc unar consider any reform amendment.a before orbit !angmg from about 600 lo l,lOO acUng on the b!O. milts above the surface. A Moecow ·Two DemocrJta, Clinton P. Anderaon report aald the craft bad become• moon (NM ) and Abraham A Rlblcoff sa~elllte, but speculation continued that it ccOM.), joined with ~ • eve~ micht at!empt to land, scoop up 4011. .Republicans on the committee to give the samples and return them to earth before 1 1 · eeded A Uo 11 can bring back its cargo 01 adm n st.ration the nine votes 11 n lo ~ get approval of lhe House bill. r · . Sen. Alherl Gore (fl.Tenn.) wbo voted One_ U.S. o!fic\"I noted that the. orbit against reporUng the blll without con' was s~ to pttvious radiation-sideration of ameodments said there mooilotinl Sovlcl satellites and 1111-'· · b gested u rft1ibi 'be mi a non-landing sclen-would ~ a floor fight ,wb~. it JS rought till ...-Aitton He said the chances of its up to add a substaattal :nba;urt of tax c e:·~ ~-reform to IL colUding !'~tb o 11 "'"' nil ~UH: Republicans on the committee bad ofU• high Or1llt. o II will qrl\lt ~.• taken the posJUoo the Pout-.boold draft m~~~ ,.,~,_...Colli •. -11.. Ill own version o! the meuurt1 wllbout ~ .. ~·~•· "f"!'lt "'"' DI reepaE tax reform rlden. But the Democrat!C the mld-polnt ol , their U.k _ . leaden In the Senate -Mansfield and Ju. trackless >!J'ICO al 7:11 ,a.m. PP'f£ , wlltant, Sen. Edward M. Kenneclj' of their 41-too spac.sltlp wu ~ly M..,.cbuaetta -wsnlec( major tax . 120,oo:t miles fr~ boQI earth and moan. reforms included even, 1r-Jt toot two The astronaiita cnlSled the lnvlalble ••-· 1e1' tbe le"' JaU line after 25 hours SS HCOOda of Olght it monw.o to comp e ••' on. a SJ><ed o! about 1,oeo miles per hwr. It will tab them twice u l"'i II houri - to cover the remalntng dlatance. Uke 1 car coutlng uphill, the spaces.hip gradually slowed lrom Ill Initial speed of Jl,lOO m.p.h. Gagarin, the first man to ny In space, was killed in a plane crash. Komarov died in 1957 when his !paceshlp parachutes tan&led on re.entry and the vehicle i;ruhed. · EXCHANGES CWSE FOR LUNAR DAY NEW YORK (UPI) -'!be New York and American Stock Exbanges will shut down Monday, July 2J , in celebration of the Apollo 11 lunar ml&Sion, the ti· changes announced jointly today. Most commodity exchanges a n d securiUes exchanges In other clUe! were expected to follow suit. DAllY PllOT l•Mrt N, 'WM4 Pm ..... ..... J•cli: l. c .... i... vs.~~ co-II....., n ..... , tc.""1 -n...~='·· All•trt W. ..... WIM1• ltM ~.. *"'""""' ~ e°"" G1'¥ ldlllr " ........... --Jot ltt. Shwtt M.m .. A.44'''" •.o. a.. 7'o, ''"' ---........ ._,., ttll ........ ....,,.,. t.til ""-: a ... I In" ..... \AIWlll ._.. m ...,_ ._ Westminster Rite Set for Former TV Newswoman Catholic funeral services are scheduled for a former tele'/islon newswoman from Huntington Qesch, who died Monday following a long illness. Mrs. Jamee Vidal, 40, of lillOI Rhone Lane, was a program director and copywriter for K'ITV Channel 11 and had worked in ad vertising in San Diego ind Kansas City J- Rosary will be Friday at a p.m., at Peek Family Mortuary, Westmlruiter, with Requiem Mass Saturday at 10 a.m. at St. Bonaventure ChlO'ch, Huntington Beach. Jntennent will follow in Pacific View Memorial Park, Corona del Mar. Mrs. Vidal held a BS degree In journalism , from the University of Missouri. her home state, and wu a sister·ln-law Of Costa Mesa auistant city attorney Robert Humphreys. Survivors lnclude her husband, Ray; their son, Kevin, IO;~ter Venetia, 6, of the home; 11l!terl1 Mn. Joan BeMelt, Ma. Irtne Clark and Mrs. Thelma M~heeten; brothers, Jack and Don Jamet, and hef father, Francis Jamel, of Rlch HID, Mo., where she was born. Mrs. Vidal bad been JO for more than t.wo years. Tax Protests DeadJine Set Aucust 28 ls the final date for filing protests to ltlf.70 tax am:Slments, County Assessor Andrew J. Hinshaw warned today. Penons wiahing lo protest assessmentl before the county Auessmenl Appeal! Board may secure appllcatloll! at the Aueasor'a office, UO N. Broadway, Santa Ana. Hlnlbaw emphasized that protula mu.st relate to what Js believed io be an Incorrect valuation and should not be directed toward the amount of taxes which might be due, as the tu rate la not the rtaponslblllty of the Auesaor's Of. ltct. . Applicants for reduction In usesaments ~ dlaouu the appralaall with the aae1sor11 apprailen for an aplanaUon of ~ the l1ll9!IDI ..... clelermiti<!L I. I Anaheim shortly after the fracas and ring at the intersection of Edinger booked in the Huntington Beach City Jail Avenue and the Southern PacWc tracks. on suspicion of a!1ault with a deadly Police said that their milcbltf caused a weapon. minor traffic tie-up around l :Ss p.m. Investigators said they found a 5-foot Flashing signals confused motorists. Of El Toro as 'For Sale' By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of t1>t_ Oaltr l"[Jof $ttft county In California, but El Toro MCAS ls length of steel chain in his car, along with The boys used a long stetl band to a piece of pipe and boots which appeared short out the track 1ignal.3 and cause the still in a relatively rural -area ~pared . to have bJOOd Spots on them. electrical havoC. • Mention of El Toro MCAS during to other installations throughout the Police listed the attack motive as Both boys were picked up and later organliation of a panel to probe saJe of country. "personal satisfaction." released to their parents. military pMta on upenalve, urban land !r==:;'=:===========':;=="""""'""'=========;=~==;;;;;:;==:;::;::; was purely coincidental, Orange COunty legislators declared today in Washington. '!be blg'job faced by a subcommittee ol the House Armed Strvlces Committee lJ ·1ar from &etling under way; thef enr pbulzed. Just appoint.; by ~an L. Mendel Rivera (~ GJtollna) the con- gressional panel wllj_ hlvesUgate reloca- tion of certain posit. "El Toro'Was 1bnp1y a name picked out ol a number of placu where there have been incidenll showing lncompaUbWty o! military operations and civilian develop- ment," &aid COngrurman Richard T. HaMa ([).Westminster) today. Hanna aaid he bad contacted Congrtasman Speedy 0. Long ([). Louisiana), who heads the subcommittee, about the specific naming of the county base. BECAUSE OF JET "Congressman Rivera just happened to think of El Toro, probably because of the jet that creamed the senior citizens' village," Hanna e1plained. He was referring to the mulUpleo-fataJi.. ty crash three years ago of a fighter- bomba' into Leisure World Laguna Hills, following colllaion with another aircraft during a landing approa ch. "Aaa you know, lhe committee has just been described -as a matter of fact - it Is not even organized and bas no bear· ings set yet," Congressman Hanna con- tinued. "I will be talking to Mr. Long and I'll keep cloae contact with the matter," he said, "noWying you of when and where any hearings will be held and what their intent may be." "I'll be very surprised If El Toro would be picked for a hearing alte," Hanna con- tinued. The Westminster legislator said from hi& own vlewpoint, the function of lhe subcommiUee is entirely appropriate, a theory supported by the El Toro MCAS staUon commander Tuesday. CONTINUE AS USUAL Brig. Gen. Henry W. Ilise said until such ume 81 the 1ituation changes -u it change.s -lhe Marine COrps will con- tinue with business as usual at the local link in the U.S. defense chain. COngre!Sman James B. Ult (R-Tustin}, in whose district the air facility is located, was not available for comment on the fact that \he Orange County in- stallaUon was men.Umled _by JUvers, but his aides echoed Hanna'a remarks • ":rhe reference was just a top-of-tt\e... head comment by Rivers. There is no consideration ol El Toro for sale," said UU's administrative assistant Bob Geier in .a telephone interview Wednesday. COngrtssman Rivers also mentioned the Prflaidio of San Francisco, ad- mlnlatraUve headquarters ol the Sixth Army, which coven the western states ..... The lmia11sUon Is less strateg1c than the Orange County jet and helicopter training facOlty, but lies ln a scenic m:ea of San Francilco not far from the Golden Cate Bridge, tremendously valuable land. Rlvtn told the 111bcomm!Uee Monday that any proposed legl.olaUon ensblln& .. 1. or mlllJary J>l'Operty to local authoriUea or private enterprile must in- clUde provlaton for bue Io cat l o n cilewhere. lWIN COCKTAIL 99.00 .TWIN COCKTAlt 69.00 HEX COMMODE .199.00 SQUARE COMMODE .199.00 Now you can b""" tbal expensi~cold-world look at -mnarkable now-world prices.· Tables that are pamstakingly coDJtructed of wormy maple solidi and antique cberty veneers with an nnurnal distressed finish; rubbed down to a deep glow from within. Each table ls available With di.iitssed white paint fioiJb as well, with &lints of wood showlna: throu"1- H.J.GAl\l\EfT fURNrplRE END TABLE 99.00 PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS Open Mon., Thun., l FrL, !Yts. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 2 2 I 5 HARBOR IL VD. 646 . 0275 646. 0276 I Or .... CouDl7 .. tho lutest-srewlos '----------------,.----------------! \, l \ I · 1 ,. ·I ' ' .. I ' ., .. .. • " , . • I : \ . . For The Record P"l.IDAT Unlltd Fund Ftn1ncl1t M•n-1 Council, Llillled Fund olfk t, 211 w. Wllsnn. Cost~ Mftl, • a .m . Hunllnt\.on l'leactl R o 1 a r 'I' Club, Slter1ton Boac:h 11111. Huollntton &Nell. 1P.:·10 p.m. M••lnto Club, Sl\ltl Shirt, tl'1 W. Co.tt Hl9hw1r, New_.! la1dl, l1;B p.m. Div orces OIVOA.CE' FILED · I Gllt!rttt'le•, JtMI 0.Vlnt9 wl Cl'larla ~ liuberl •' V1rt N01l•1r>d. Emm• Jin .... A.~I ... rt 51111derd, Jr .• S.rber1 Je1n VI Wlllllm ~ Rus1ell ' Gre«1w11d, Hani!d M. vs V1l.,'4" A. Scarcelll, Miki• Mte Yl Jolln P1!1p0ff, Elffnorl! D. VI Fred P, . ' C~unty ._,.Ject t ¥ Camp u~;'Propo;;r .'Birthday' Medal Los Pinos Ma ),:. Become Cente r foy§oys.' Honors Portola SANTA ANA-It didn't lake faclllly for a Boy a ' ed road ajld Includes an ad- Orange County Chief Proba-RebabilJ,tat~ center. mlnistr1UYe headquarten, a SANTA ANA ·-Commem· orating th e PortOla El· pedlUon, which Initiated Euro- pean 5ettlement hi California in July 1'1f9, two· keepsake medals in aUver and bnime have been issued by the Orange County BHfentennlal Commltlee, acairdlng to oludge Raymond R. Thompson, local chairman for t b e statewide celebration. A· scene of the Spanish ex~ plorers who brought Western culture to Orange County oc- . cuples the face of the historic mementos, with Saddleback Jilounta.ii\ ilklhe background. Personalities deplcte<I ffi... elude Gaspar de. .Portol~, California's first governor, who led the 64-man party from Baja Calirornia to San Fran- cisco; Sgt. Jose Francisco Ortega, for whom t h e Capistr'ano-ElsiOOre highway is named; Corporal Jose Antonio Yorba, who received the Spanish grant of Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana ; the company's chief d 1 a r I s t , ., tloq Officer Margaret C. Crier COunty Administrative Of. post otnce and recreation Father J uan Crespi, and 17 very Ion& to tblnt up a ficer Robert·E. tbomas aaJd it center, 1even dormitories, a Baja Indians, w h o ac> worthwhile use for the Jonner waa possible the county coold 1 a r I e well-equipped gym· companied 1he party on loot. ge~uae ol the faclllly from lhe • Revene side• •of the federal Job Corpe camp at Los llopartment of Labcll"and U.S. nastwn, s kitchen a~ d sculptul<d medals display the Pinos In the Sanla Ana Mouo· Fo....111 Servke "wllhOUt' any cafeteria CR.Jllble of ,.rvlng offidal Orange County seal, talns. mooey dwWnl habds." .He up to 250· pe~, classrooms, tdendfying .the area with its She asked for and got, 1~ estimated tl!iit 1t woUkl c0st a~. an aitto shop aod a orange groves and rolling -..is ll0,111111 to 'llQ,000 lODUl1l1 to . woodshop. hills. Both coins are engraved: proval W Y from the ' maintabi the camp. The Jobi Corps camp was "Orange Coonly Bi.Centennial, county Board of SUpervtsora to The cantp, just nor1h ol lhe closed June 30 onder a Nl>on 1769-1969." seek permission from federal El Carbo area on Ortega admlnlstratJon comoJJdatloo Struck by the w o r 1 d • s:J------...:H...:l'...:'0::'...:' .. ='...:Mad::::::•::l...:l::•::•uod::.:~------'•~u~f!Jo~ri~U=es~to~use~~lhe~l!J'll~·~c~re:._.>;H~igb~""~Y[!..ll~oa~79~rtctd~~by!:.,!.• ~pa~''.:.·~ord~er~and~c;l!~no~w'..:'~·~can~l.'-- largesl private mint (lhe , • , 1 ,.. ~ Franklin tltint of Philadelphia), the art medals measure 114 inches i n diameter. They are available at banks and savings 1.nd loan CQm. panies ~t the Orange County .at i3.00 lot lhe bronze and $7.50 for the silver version.. sales and orders are also being handled at lhe Bl- Centennial Committee office, 1200 West 17th · Street, Santa Ana, 9270!. Proceeds from sale of the coins wll be used to finance a d di t i o n a I Bi-O!ntennial events in the county. BUY 2 ../ • • • ' GET 1 FREE! THATS RIGHT! BU'( ANY lWo OUR NURSERY . co';[. 43 Now Citizens T AINER PLANTS • GAL -I "· 5 GAL 15 GAL ' ' • TH ANO GET K if 'Ntll•«·E•rt l Y1 Glorl1 M. J1 "1 N t' B' th la __.__ ·t1::.~;;;:~:::;:;;::.:·--~J_ _a ions ':!' :p ~~-s k ka1>uzkv, Helen E vs All!Jl.1~r -~ (uftnlnolltm, Roberl Ora vi St>eola lH S J(r eo,.,,....., J1cqwtvn J VI R-• o. ANTA ANA -Forty three in its affairs, that you will Krt Glllefple, Gr1c1 C VI R11Pf1 J., Id •-ch to · · I " DON'T· -MISS_THlS!l _ E 3rd ONE FREE! SPEC'l'ACf/£Aa --SAVfNi:£...-'-'"---ll--- I I 11 krto een~r, 11t1rne11 ct.arfft vs LY .. stiw1ev res enls of nine Orange Coast uave mu give in re urn, 1 i-11oma1, s..nc1r1 L. vs R1dl1r11 M. , ·u Mrs Bemtis said ~ D1v1<1'Wln, cvnt1111 Ann n wflH•m commuru es won the right to · · • Doc!d, Linda "' J•mH """1"" ca un:-mselves Americans cl t .. i.1 .. ,.. the · · fl < ! Ei:tw••d 11 •"--All 124 citizeru1, flnn1v ':'.!. Fri~. C"-•ln c. v1 Shirley, A. Wednesday in naturalli.ation u ......... '6 mtru· ags pro-'J ~.1 ... ~r, Wilma •11 .... n Mttrll\all LR vided by DAR volunteers, then " a Wl\ltso!l, M1r1e!'w L YS RGbert 0. ,ceremonies at thfl Santa Ana· fil'e"' from ••--.. -•-••• i'nto L llrehm, JOlln Rootr n hlMlle Mttry county __ ,.,.u,,_. cu YR: UN.l"W.......,.. Le Mo.._., eruce c. n s111rll!y L. ,. · . .....,....wuuse. brigbl aunshine for what . h{lS L~ • w111m1111, Gertraoxt "'-Llovd JosrPI! . . In a colorful ceremony ·--me· ·•-. tra''Uonal ~-'-• 011lfvert1S. llonrlo....,"\IOI<' ltf"""9"~ ~ un:: W t""",... 1 t: Carr, LYnd• Lee vs R1.....-ci t.11 presided over by Judge certmony group pbotogra~. . t ~;~.~~::r: r ~~~Olis . Samuel Dreir.en, .the Superior' New Americans. •listed in '-' &onslun. c1fM!'ln ~or1111 vs Coui;t's chief jurist, lhe'y re-order of tbe contribuUng na. U Th..,.llllY W•rr•n ced their ' U t c111vtlet11, JOHPll!ne F. "'T""°°"" noun ti.es to 17 na OllS Uon, included: .. ,t 111'9on, Rhondli L. vs P1111nt o. w...... and pledged their allegiance to . ARABIA _ M 0 h 1 m e d Jol'!Moll, Janis Loi.lilt> YS "" th u 'led s•••-• 1 N()l'man e ni .......,... Hussein Mafia~, 887 Center l Benett, Hor,,,. J. "' Tlltodar G. Among th~ were a Russian St ~---M t ., VUlM.« esa. . who now makes her borne in AUSTRALIA _ Marjory ) • D EATH NOTICES Westminster and • refugee Irene and Douglas Vaughan . J from Castro's Cuba who DuMaurier, both of 725 Can. VIDAL prefers Costa Mesa t o on · v i e w Drive, Laguna .. " •, .. : ' l ! ' i . : , . ' I • l , , , , • I I • I • ' I ~ I • i I •• : I I : I • ! • ~ .. .. N. ,. '" M• ,. L Ja.._ v1o»1. RHt....,, °' 1wo1 Rhone Havana . Also among the new Beach. l•ne, HvnU1111ton Bueti. SW..lll'ld by _ _. t.1.11~11d. R•Ymond R. v1011: ion Kt,... Am~1cans from four con-BELGIUM in Vidal: ~Ullllm-. v-111 Vi4th tinents were fonner citiun.s of -y v 0 n n e brottie~. J•dr. and o-i1d J1mett1 ~ Lange; 6831 Retherford Drive, std"" .. J11ann BMMll, 1re11e· c11r1r.. Peru, South Korea, Australia, Huntington Beach. - Tr.etm• McPt111et..-1: tatt>t<. Frincl• Jordan and Arabia. Jarnelf. Roury lrlll be redlM FrldiJy, CANADA John Richard 1 P.rn. ,, PW: 'F•mUy c-.i.1 F"" Costa Mesa topped the list -"er•I Honlt, Wt1lmln1ttr. R!!Qll"'7> I Campbell, 14892 vanguard Miu ,, 51. BQNvenlvl'• c..1tio11c: o contributing communities Lane, Jluntington Beach., Di<· ctiurdl. Hullttfloton BMdl. "'"' ,,.,.. with 17 new Americans. The 11., wnnf!I ttw1 conlributlant 1o1 .. "' ie .Jean B,ryarly, 8132 Opal !'I) J-VilHI ~Ill fund ·~ .nearest challeoge.r was Hu~ c· I -A B H "-~-Cll'f o1 st. BOl'hWentu'"' c.111o!lt tington Beach with eight ire e, pt. , uno.u16wn ctiurt'lll 1r.m Bradbury Line. Pttli: Beach ·, Florence Edna and Mortuarv. Dirett°". recently acquired residents, SISCO one more than thtrd-place William AfVed Burton, 14181 vero. P. sisc.o. RHlclent of :rm Mat>-W lmln Boxanne Drive, Westminster; tan• ,. ..... CCll!I Mel•. SUrvlwd b1' es ster. n---B . s 3 5 6 t.ul!Mnd. o.-vtme s;.co1 dlll9frten. Roundln t ••-Ora ~ nan amson, $hlrfll Lynne ·n.--. CINI¥ Kit" g OU UIC nge Princeton Drive ~ Mesa, sun: "'°"""· M~. Mil~ LDn91 ....., Coast contingent were citizens and ,Selma Elizabeth and b'"°"""s, Jll!ln •nd Gall Long; fW g from Laguna Beach ('), FOUn· 11r....mo..1, ROil a.-ff1e111 Thomp-. " Charles William Horne, 3088 c11rn1m>Mr Tyi.nd su11. 5tr¥icn wm tain Valley (3), and Corona del Warren T ---, Costa Mesa. ~ 11e111 s.turdly, -J •Jl'I· •' ,._ M N -~ Family co1anla! Fvner•I 'l'lonM. ,,_ ar, ewport Beach; El Toro, CUBA _ Yolanda De] Morf\Mry, o!rKlor1. and [..()s Alamitos (one each), CAVANAUGH Heading the list of 17 nations Carmen Yero, 2220 Meyer, M1uree11 Oet>b~ C•v•neuQtl. o.tt ,,, whi'ch ha"e sent naU"e """' Cosla Mesa. d!'.a!I\, J ulv IS. Agf !l. Rn l6trtt of • • i1Ul MHdowgreen R_,, L• Mlradl. and daughters to the Orange GERMANY Jutta s~rvlcu lo be held Frldlr •' 10 •·"'· Chr' I' W'I 331 C est •' w.1c111t c11111e1. tnttrmen1 11 P• Coast was The· Netherlands, 1S me I son, r , clfic v1ew. Wesk11tf c11a~t. Dlr!!dlln. traditional major conlributor Huntington Beach; Waltraud BUTLER of new Americans, with nine Maria Morrison, 10110 McFad-M1rv Bvller. Aff "· RHldertt ,., ,,. Jol11e-t. Hunt1111ion Belch. Servtca citizens. Germany had eight den, Apt. C, Westminster; penc11..,. Sm1"" ~. DIActon. and Canada seven. Bertha Sophia and Guenter 0su r 11. Main.~~°' t!Nlll Ju~ i1. Great Britain, always high Reinhold Karl Hom, % 2 4 'RHldent o1 .in Redlands A,,. .. New-on the list., relinquished her Pauline Place, Costa Mesa; p ort Bf:ach. ~td tw wile, Ot!w• U Eckh d F --791 Si M11111 ..,.,, Fr-* W· Mill~: e1WllC9ll1tr. hold on t~ former.subjects o( • we ar o ..... ""r, • c1rot Hott, 5Mnll!, w11111111Wton1 n..,.,..0 Elizabeth and Il'1!1and, Ann's Drive, Laguna Beach; 11r11ndd'lild~. J-Mill\, H.c;lendl ~ Hild ard M ri J f H~9ht .. J"'n M11~. co.1• Mtsai Jlktt-Australia, Me.zico and Sooth eg a a, o s e are1 Main, e1 Monlll. Vln111111 H•l'ft. Africa each sent two new Herman and Peter Michalski, FQU.,,_ln VII~. F<lUr trtll·lrlncldlll· dre11. servk es· 10 11e held Saturday •' Americans. all of 6671 Melbourne, Hun. 11 t.m. P.Cllk View Ch.i1e1. l1111!r• t;,.,..,_ Beach • ~In; w<1. Fr•nk w M•l111 dllltt!Rr, Offering one name each lo ...... 16 ... " P.cllic v1ew MOr'lllarv, o 1rK1""· the tally of 124 names were GREAT BRITAIN -John Ru . Ital eu•-p Hope, 1800 Clsy St., Newport ARBUCKLE & WELSH Westcliff Mortuary m E. 17th st .. Co1&a Maia 616-4UI • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del Mar OR U451 Costa Mesa Ml 8-Mh • BELL BROADWAY P.10RTUARY 110 BroadwJy, Costa l\1es a [J "3433 •• DILDAY BRO'TllERS Hundngton Vall'Y Mortaary 17111 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach IC-lTll • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1795 Laguna Canyon Road Laguna Beacb fH-Hli • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemeterf • MOrtuar, Cllapd 3SOI PaciBo View Drive Newport Beacll, Clllforaie IM-1711 • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL. ROME 7801 Bolsa Ave. W..unluter l9W5IS • SHEFFER MORTUARY taii:u.Da Beach 414-1535 San Cl9*te 49%41M • SMITHS' MORT\IARY 127 Mala Sl. H•otlnJIOn Beoc• - ss1a, _ y, ua, eru, South Korea, The Philippi.nu, Beach; and Charles Wood, Belgium, Jordan 8.nd Arabia. U1'72 Pine, Los AlamJlo!. Adding to t h e COD· IRELAND -Patrick Em· gratulatlons of three Superior manuel and Brian Thomas Court judges were represen. McNamara. both of 9 2 0 taOves of the League of Coronado Drive, Costa Mesa. Women Voters, the Daughters ITALY -Anthony Artiano, of lhe American RevoluUon, 10351 Nightingale Ave., Foun- the American Legion and the tain V ~ley • Veterans of Foreign Wars. JORDAN _ she had eh Mrs. Harriet Bemus of Hasan Khalil, l lroi Azalea Newport Beach drew a 8t1S--A F lain v tained ovation for her ve., oun alley. reminder to the n e w MEXiCO A u r e I i o Americans that. they were tak-, M a r t i n e z , 14311 Nola, ing their new flag "on 1 tru.Jy Westmtnster, and Beatriz Tor- memorable day for UtiJ nation res, WU A1anwood SI., El - a day when we are about to Toro, set foot on the moon." THE NETHERLANDS ' - The WN officer, herself a Comehrs Leonardus Van Der naturalized citizen and a Lee, 772 W. lath St., COsta native of Halifu:, Eogland, Mesa; Julia Cornelia Jurgens, urged her new f e 11 o w D Orchid Ave., Corona del Americans to ''participate tn Mar; Benno De Jong, 304.t all levels ol government and Garfield Ave., Costa Mesa; take an active Interest In the Cornella and Jolm Cedric Van- affairs of this ercitlng age. derschraaf, 91Cll Mallard Ave., "This nation bas much to of. Fciuntain Valley ; Gertrude fer you and yoo will find, if Adeline Jamta, 2131 Placentia you care to become ibVOlYed Ave:;-Apt:-0~anct-eorrte-Dora Storm Repair Contract Set SANTA ANA -A contracl for ,78,920 for repair of per-. tlons of Carbon Ct<ek and M"""¥ Creek channels damag· ed in the severe storms last 1Vinter bas been awarded to the Hane Constrnctkm Co. of Long Beach by lhe Orange County BOard ol Silpenolson. County Flood C o n t r o I Dis\Hct-Engineer G-e o r g e Osborne recommended the contract award allhough his estimate for the work wu on- ly $65,000. and .. Arthur Raymond Hartmankok, 170t Gisler Ave., ell of Costa Mesa, and Jan Oosterhof, lNJ A D ah e J m .• Costa Mesa. PERU -WUUam Jeaus Tor- res, 215 E. 23rd SI., eo.t. Mesa. • TIIE PHILIPPINES Ofella Jim-Nye, I59U Gamet St.1 Westminster. RUSSIA -Nina Houle, 5451 Purdue Ave., Westmimter. SOUTH AFRICA -Mary Ellzalltth .Dicbon, .'1211 Siena Ave., We.tmlnster, ~ Fiona Grace Cowan, 1059 S. O>aat Highway, LigUl'll. Beach. • SOUTH KOREA -Soon Ok Jur1, 9922 Silver strand Drive, Huntington Beach. • CameUias, A;ocaclos, Citrus THOUSANDS OF TOP QUALITY SHRUBS -TREES. -TROPICALS, CAMELLIAS, AZALEAS •.. -AT REAL SAVINGS_ DURING OUR SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE limited to Stock on-Hand OPEN MON.,THRU FRI. 9 AM· TO 9',PM DURING OUR . SUMMER SALE--TIL JULY .3r1 . . . [ . . . - · MIDSUMMER . DELIGHT!!. Treat yourself to the beauty of. full blooming TUBEROUS BEGONIAS in the shade garden. LARGE BLOOMING PLANTS ~169 GOING TO HUDSON BUG WISER A SUMMER ....... c. ........ SPRAYER PARTY? ... ,,n..., Toko A R .. I ,....,,...tt Colo rful Bouquet --· • of Miied Flowers ............ BUY 1 • GET ANOTHER FOR 1 c ORTHO LAWN FOOD SPECIAL ONLY 98 --· "'--· ' r. J I ORTH0-6R0° · dichoRdra "8d Spetl•lly designed for h9althltr, grffner~ lawns. For year around lnf. HOURS: ....S11M sricr•• ~,, ~ IUY 2-GET 1 FREEi Monday thru Fricla y 9 e.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday 9 1.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday I 0 1.m. to 5 p.m. r • • ' 2648 Harbor Blvd. "Q uality a nd Serv ice Sl"c. 1946'-' COSTA MESA CALL 548-5525 I •. I f 1 • • JI DAll.Y'.:PILOT -H_'..." Production In State Up 7.4% l 1-Yo~'tie heard Ille Noise ••. . Now r~ad book-AIRPORT '"' 111...n.u1 • fte.HkatalllJJ L 17tk St .. ~st. ..... 141-4611 , ....... nt ._., MMMJ Pardon Our Mtu!! We're Remodtllng to serve you bett•r -f•1ter with • l•r91r selection th.., tvtr before ,---NOTICE!---· O•r New feh,11111 N...i..r it, •• 646-5037 Oreo Electronics CLOSED CIRCUIT TV SPECIALISTS , 1677 Superior Ave. Costa Mesa • _....{One •t~k.South ·of 17th St,) • 646-5037 MERRILL LYNCH INVITES EXPERIENCED INVESTORS TO A SPECIAL FORUM Here's a course especially designed for the sea· soned investor who wants to add to his basic knowl· ,edge of the stock market. Don't miss our Seosofttd levntor's Fonm Tllwnday h..U119, Joly 24 s...-. leacll hut 21112 0c. .... AYt., H•etlntton leech starthtt ot 7:30 P.M. iharp At this forum you'll learn more about: • our interptetalion of recent &tock m1rkttKtion • the business outlook for Utt COfl'linc yur how to evaluate and improve rour own lrwut· ment procram • whtch 1toc:b our Re161rch Oepar1menl find• allracllwe today for various lnwa1tmeht ob;actiwff Reserve your seats now. Just call or ret~rn the coupon below. No ctiarge or obligation, of course. r----------------------------------------------. . . ' : "••'• re,erv ••h fo r ¥0111 S•e,onecl l11v1,to1'1 Fotufl'I ! I 011 Th11rtd1y, J11ly 14, i11 H11nli119fo11 Beec•. I ' ' ' . ' . . , . ' Name 1 . : : ' I ~1 Addr : : City & Stat 1 ' : ........ ________________ _ •• • '9 MERRIL&..LYNCH, I Pl,.ERCI!, L FIBNN&R a &MITH tNc : 1001 NOJTH IAOAOWAY, SAMfA ANA 91701 I ,,,,, ...... : 141.1111 ,..-!ho Qlll~ .r 111¥ft*1 -otlln 11 -Mlly 1'9M II 1 a.a. • j ~ ft 1511111'9t'l't fl'Wl'I t • m, It 11 -. ~=----------------------11 • OVER THE COUNTER By SYLVIA PORTER Hard though It is to take, today's upsurg~ In food prices is not across the board. Rathe:r, It · has bet:n and is viciously sell!:dive, 1 fact whJch dramatizes to an ex- traordinary degree the money- saving rule of "substil\l!ion." In plain wofds, when the p~ of one food starts going out of sight, substitute-for it aoolher more rtasonably piic- ed wbicb will be jUJt as or nearly u satisfactory to your fltnily. A snJDY of the latest avetage U.S. Retail Food Prices, just published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, un- derlines the degrtt of selec- tivity. In meats : Prices or round. sirloin and porterhouse steak have all risen nearly 12 cents a pound in the past 12 months and veal cutlets are up II ctnls to an average ol $1.'3 a poond. But canned ham hu risen less than one cent, beef liver bas risen less than 2 cents, and turkey has actually dropped nearly a cents io 47 cents • pound. In fish: Froun shrimp (10 oz.) costs 11 cents more tbao U did a year ago but the same amount of frozen pen:h fillets costs Jess than J cent more. IN DAIRY PRODIJCl'S, A half gallon of ice crum costs PHARMACY TOPICS .., TIRIY etlANT, I .I'll. Many m'*11.m masterpieces &haw 1lldin with Ja.r&e nedm, now ctlaposed as cauaed by IQiter. • • • Frog venom is the 1~.st poison known to man. For cen- 1urie1, tht (.'bolo Indian'll ol Co:J4 ombia baVe ~ It for thl!tr poisoned darts. • • • Poinsettia contains an acrid. bumtna: juice that may cause . severe injury to sensitive t111- oe1 ln the dilfftive aysterna. • • • • • • One-Siamese twin can fall • llffp without the ottwr. - ror m~ llTYke with old~ fu hlonf'd courte1)', brin.a your prescnptlona to: PAAK LIDO PHAIMACY :all"""'"' .... New,.. a.ch "2":iJii _...,.. ! f.olhple~New York Siock List : I I ' • ' I . ~ I I: . I ,. ,. .. 1 I • .. ' • , I' I ' I I ~.I • ;rh~sday's • H I DAILY '11,0T J:t American-Stock Exchange List -' 1 I ~~~ ,.· ~ ,'""i:,_-, -r f 4X¥ ,.. .£ .. tt;; mwt• C?zt -4 h :~c:w:;;;se:z::: .;: PP*' Pf P I s ; o a ... ' ..... Ff ••••• J •• ' Jf 11A!LY l'ILOT Don't:Jluy New Shoes In Morning LOS ANGELES'-llm1 buy -ln tbe mlll'!llng; uiey mfchl not be the 'right siae. ·'11'al'1 tbe ad\ltoe of • Unl\rersii.y Or s o u t h e r n California medical educalor Who llYI ~ should. be Qt. led .,., the end of the day. wlien ajandlng and walking have •ilibUy broadened the fool and the Joosjludln41 areh and the foot ls more eeositive. 1be mmt common cauae ol foal pain .. ill.f!Wng loOtwear. - · Moon"'Trips Stir Africa , TV Gripes JOHANNESBURG, S o u t h Africa (AP) -Trips to the moon by Aroerican..astronauls have sparked new demands [or teli=viJlon In South Africa. "Perhaps lhe amazing fll&bt . to the moon will at long last make South Africans realize how they are being robbed by the government's perverse ob- jection to TV," Editor Joel Mervis wrote in lhe Sunday. Times at the time of Apollo t. Fresh grumblng was heard • AM RICAN BUILDING CENTER -' HwlLighm leach 19240 leach !Hwy. 39) 962·3321 Wookd1ys U Sundoy !.S Fridttt til 9 p.m. • YARD IMPROYE~ENT SPECIALS! WHITE ROCK •" OMI MCS All 69' -Wini .... , .. , •• '"" """ ........ fw ... _ rooflat .. -.,.. SNyo """·· - • .... ,_ -.... .., -...... -"""'""' FlU lo.I. .... ...,10;..,.·e..-... MEXICAN PEBBLES For bMlly wl ...., t. •el ,... .--. ·-$235 ....... -·to Dr. 8'ne CalJliet, cUnlcal ~ of plzysical --medlchie1 and rehabilitaUoa at VSC'i OCl@!ot of Medlfliii. - as Apollo 10 blasted off and more complainta are likelY when Apollo 11 altempts the moon landing. ' " DECORATIVE BARK ...... " YOUUILfl 43' ,,.. ___ ..... _ ..... ,..... ............ _ •••r~· 1ileciiit.U..tt.._...._ ..... -. aWc~. "This is especially eo In WOIM.n who .wear shoes that . .,.. too short, too narrow, too pGinted, and have too high a heel," observed Dr. Cailllet. Compounding the problem, he said, thls klnd of shoe often is placed on the foot of a puaon who iJ "overweight and lllldel'-uercised, and practlces poor loot hygiene." The use physician recom- mended that aocu should be ....hall 1ncb longer than the longest toe and should ·be changed daily. If persplraUon .is excesaive, eocks shou1d be made of wool or cotton, and devoid of irritaUng dyes. However, if your feet hurt already, and an euminaUon shows they are essentially normal, the assumption m~ be thst there bas been .,. j ctllivt strain on the otherwise • .JlOmll! font, be oaid. This is probably the only · large iriduatrial naUon to pro- hibit tele vision. It is almost certainly coming, but when and ·in what form remairui a mystery. Some 1.hink it will be an- nounced in 1971 to woo votes just before the geheral elec- Uon. Most informed guesswork envisions p u b 11 c televisiQn about 1973 or 1974. Close<klrcult television Is used in schools and Industry, but only under strict govern- ment controls. Dr. Albert Hertzog~ former minister of posb a n d telegraphs with control over broadcasting, c r i I i c i z e d television a.s "evil , wicked and dangerous." · Matthys C. G. J. Van Rensburg replaced Herzog in the cabinet. . "We do not b eliev e "ln suc11 cues,· stmpie Winter . Over for ·Another Yea_ r remedlet will usually aulllce. . . . · lelevislon ~-a""JWig lruID ti --• devil,'' he ha.s Sild. ..It bas many advantages and disad,. vantages." ~~~..:r<ll'"'Slilpoles stand abandoned as summer snow on slopes of Mt. Hood in Oregoo ··baths; rou~!\. .;::=:. pn>vesTess than sattsfactory tor skiers. . If and wheR it does come, it will be carefully conlrolled by. the government, he .said. !pOngfng are recominended. In the .lnflexlble root, exerciaes :~e1~~~edthe~:1nl!ci:1!'i: ·Lock Ness Monster Coes Into Hiding Thele Improve clrculaUon and help removed con1estlon," the' USC pbyalcian 51J18estod. Some opponen.ts contend that the money needed to launch lelevWon would.be bet- ter spent elsewhere,, Another difficulty bas been the toucti? iMUe of providing equal amounts of television fart in Afrika1n1 and English, the two official language.s. Engli.sh poses no problem since program.s are readily available a b r o a d . But Alrlkaans is unique lo the IOl.lthern tip of :\frica. · Walklni. be llld, ii by lar ~the best but not the only n: .. ·-~ to be recommeoded. Waiting abould be sup- plemented by other eserclset, became loot jolnil within the shoe are restricted. IVERNESll.-Scotland !AP ) -The Loi:h ' Ness monster, chased by submarines and often deprived of its favorite brtakfut, hu gone i n 't o bldlng, esperts said today. . The report came from the Loch Neu Phenomena Invatlgation Bureau, the of· flcial body that decides which sightings of the monster are o!ficially acceptable. Clem Skelton, spokesman- for the bureau, explained: "tt is thought that if the monster rises to catch salmon foe breakfast, it would be seen by onlookers as it touches the surface . .but with the fall in the number of salmon in the loch the monster could he ri&-ifil to. the surface less fn.. quently." • SkeHon said be thinks Neaie is • remaining below t h e surface, munching etb In- stead. THE BOARDWALK SHOPPING CENTER rn HlllTllllTOll HAllOUI (f, Saturday Only • SHANGRI-LA tmNEsE RESTAURANT , 16883 Algonquin St. BuuHngton Beach. Callf. Phone 846-0505 You may have a Fre• lunch or dinner for two in .your dessert fortµne cookie Sat., July 19, til 9 :30 --- HUNTINGTON IT'S CHRISTMAS IN JULY! AT BEACH Sca""'4 w .llalJMa,J, Florists COME JOIN THE FUN ll OUR FIRST AllNUAI. Mliitd Sidewalk Sale! Bouquets DO YOUR CHRISTf,\AS $1.00 SHOPPING EARLY UP 10 50% SAVINGS of!IE (114> 846-0601 •Party Paper• Gam•• 16155 ALGONQUIN ST. •Christmo•Cord•• Toy•( llUl'l'l1l'IGTON BEACH •Ribbon• Gift Wrap CALIF, llANKAllEllCARD -MA51R ClfAIGE • I NOON TIL 6 P.M. Jj ~ li'ACIFIC -! .. ~ 7tt. ST. THE DRESSJHG ROOM BOmQUE 18819 Al;onqula S-t Hv.ntlngton 8-h (llv.nt!Dgton Harbowl SIDEWALK SALE TalHH of Crnttl tits ••• wtrt S6J0.7..50 •. • • • • • • • • • • SS.00 lllf. Sil ••• a1iorttcl ,.111h ..t }ltketl • • ••••••••• • • \\ prke C1m,111 Co111ot ••• m.m4 """ tM W..m • ••..... ~ "k• .. ., ..... "'11l1dlllll • -· ,_ Dotolduly 19, 1969 Ceo• --·• Come One -Come All ..., ............ !. BENDER BOARD ~ 1p to 211-11 ...... _,, rlllwood, Utt fw 1011kJat flower bedt. .. ,. .. 1_ .. 5c ... "· 4' UDWOOD STAKES 12" _ ........ ·STEPPING STONES ·~;..:.:. '..'"'~=:'" 29' - -1pedol ~., AIC. s.y 10 el_,-· plac• ••• odtl1t, lleppiOI --. "" ..... •c.. ...r 9ot 1 ........ ..., FAii ...,_ ... _, ,,r1) $11t/ld// Lluc:a: -- Thomas Pressure PAINT ROLLER Wml •ALLON PUICHASI 0, ANY r1meu••H INmlOI WALi PAINT FIDT DAT FIU, •• eecl ..uttt .... ...,·11.eo, W1-,...... ........ ..--'! ...... _ ... ........,, .... ..... It'• ... ! "lilt ,,_ ...... ... -,.,.. A... .. .....,.,. 11.fMt .... ·....W .. ,... " ... .,,....... . ------· . 1)495 .It S.Us for iJ Docor Mlrlde Brtdl qo 111 Miiiy -11J - and"°'""' it IM!w ,_ --. '*" See bolh lhese revolu· lioMry items demon· straltd Sat., July 19 from 10 a.in, ....... -"'-.... -· .... --• W)' tllCt --dlcor. No.. I ti ,. • 'Jlllnd ••• lilnply apply .... 0.. --lnd '...., ... Dla:r'll•: ,, .............. ---. WELCOMES THE INTERNATIONAL HAMBURGER TODAY ONLY 20% OFF! ON ALL FABRICS Saturday Only llQS Altoo<Juia Slrfft Hvathigtu Ha,.._, Phone tu.21n THE DRUGGIST PANTYHOSE 99c ""'°""'"' 100% ""°" ......... UolN.akoblo COMB ASSORTMENT Cho1c• of 6 1tyle1. A comb for every purpo19J Get ••veral ol th is low, low price. ...., ...., Ollitr ..... ~. Valr.1ea 5, to 39c "· Boq1 Liu Thi.Aro Kno•V. lo C•rl YOar Halrt ' ' ' ' I 1 ~--• -\ . • " : 1 Fo11nia~ ~alle._r- ' . EDIT.ION 'l'oday's F'hUI! • -·F N.Y.-8teek8 ~OL 62: NO. 170, 4 SECTIONS, « PAGES ORANGE CO\JNTY, t:A(JFORNIA THURSDAY, JOLY ·17, "1969 TEN ·CENTS • > 0 'ODOrin ... .ace ea • . Meila~~ot U.S., Soviet H~roes Will Be Left-On.Moon · SP ACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - Carrying medals honoring t h r e e Americans and two Russians who b&ve died for space exploration, America's . Apollo 11 ·explorers soared put the hallway point of their journey. to the moon today' and fired a britf lilf:st of their spaceship ~ to zero in on their ·target. - Russia's unmanned Luna l~ was already orbiting the moon in an apparent bold bid to best the Americans· back to earth with a sample of lunar soll. The medals which Nell A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. plan to leave on ijle, moon's Mace Monday will honor Russians Yuri A. Gqarlri.IU)d Vladimir Komarov and U.S. Air Force Lt. Cols. Virgil I. GrWom Jr. and Edward H. White Il and. Navy U. Cmdr. Roger B. Chaffee. · President Nixon announced I n Washington lo!llY lhat Apollo II wu car- rying the . meem: He uid the widow• of Gargarin and Komarov had given the medals ror their husbands to astronaut Frank Borman during his recent Soviet visit. · "The two men. we hope will set foot on the moon represent all mankind," Nixon said. "Their acbleveme!lt will be the world's achievement. It ls fitting, therefore , that the first JUnar explorers carry wll.h them some recognition of the sacrifice made by other space pioneers who helped blaze their trail. "In "'"'"'nliing the dedication·: and sacrifice of brave men, we underscon ·an example we hope to set: That U men can reach the moon. men can reach ~ ment." · The mldcourse eoelne ftriJ!llJaatOd cioly three seconds and lpcrea.sed Apollo 11'1 speed by only 14 miles per hour. But H adjusted the path so the astronauts will p a s s within S9 miles of t b e moon'• backside on Saturt/.o-preclJely wbtrt (See APO , P11e· I) ~ ' -~-----------------------------_________ _,, Bea·ch Men Held in Heis.t . . . . . • . ' ' ··-FBl;'"Poltce -C-apture-P:«ir ·A her· Br11zen $1,5tJO·Httulrqj-~ "'"' ····-' . ' \"" .,..._ ,..,.t. MOON'SYMBoLISM ~Michael Collins,~. son of Apollo 11 astron41lt Michael Collins flashea "V for Victnry" sigil a~.he an<\ family meet :new5nlen Outside Seabrook, Tex., ·hom~ following Wednesday!& launch. ffign also stahds for peace, to which moon inlsslon la decU· caied. With Mike are his sisters, Ann, 8_ (left},, and Kathy, 19, and his mother, Mrs. Pat Collins. ' Apollo · Telecast Schedule The secdnd <Wallo 11 ielecast from apace is scheduled today at 4:32 p.m. PDT as the astronauts speed towar<Ythe moon. .. The 15-minute clorocast is one of eight schedul~ transnusslons that Include the first step Apollo 11 commander Neil A. Armstrong takes on tlie moon. All nelvtofks , as well as Channel 11 (K'ITV) will carry the colorcast. :Heie are the tel~ion schedules for Apollo 11 coverage (all PDT): . ·-~ . Toqay, at 4:32...\:47 p.m. -from Apollo command ship. Friday, July 18, a.I 4:32...\:47 p.m.-from command ship. Color. , -~atUrday; July 19, ,at 1 ~02 p.m.-from command ship in lunar orbit. Color. sund.Y, July 20, at lO :SZ.11 :07 a.m.-from the command ship, showing the undocking and beginning of descent of the lunar module. Color. Sunday, July 21, at 10 :15-11 :07 p.m.-from command module in lunar orbit. Color. At 11 :12 p.m.·1:52 a.m.-from the m~n? ~how· ing ·Armstrong setting foot on ~e moon and the l~ar act1v1t1es of Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin J~.: Black and white. . Wednesday, July 23, at 4:02...\:17.p.m.-from command module as the Apollo is en route back lo, earth. Color. · · ·council · to Interview 3 Two Huritington Beach ·men , were· ar-current"permanent address. rested-bn>ollc.-.nd-l'BI-agenta-Wed· -. -wes!ey-cr.-Gra~p; ·-.p<dalagent<n · nesday afternoon following a brazen ct.arge of the FBI In Los Angeles, said $1 ,500 bank robbery at pistol point in the two men will be arraigned today Long Beach. before a U.S. commissioner on federal -The· pair we.re ldetififiecf as C-atlieJAm-b-anlf robl:lery· charges Carrying-a ·25-year men Beaton, 26, who· gave an address or maximum sentence. 611 6th St. and Ruben Ernest Griffin, 31. Authorities alleged two suspects en-- Police said Griffin told them he formerly tertd a Long Beach branch of Pacific Na· li~ at 112MI Beach Blvd. and .had DO tional Bank !1th fi. •• 22-caliber .revolver about 1 p.m. Wednesday. -"'Mtls_ill_ a stickUp," one -wertedly shouted. The FBI said one remained on guard while the other vault.ed a cou~..ancL scooped cash from two tellers' drawers. .E:ollce_1aid .. Jbe...JWr escaped Jn a ma pink Cadnl8.c. Witnesses got the license number. The two suspects were picked up Clerk Prefers H_e~ring on S~e Licenc~ ltequest Larwin Loses ·New Round , -I r~zley. ·uo;ne~ P~~l·"~~ ' Despite the·request'of Paul Janel; Bun· Larwln Co. -I down to defeat for the tington Beach city clerk, that councilmen second nJght,in a row Wednesday, .in its imtruct him to license for· bUJiness • errorts 'to launch a proj~ on its con- health food store in blighted downtown. trover8ial 100 acres in Fountaiil Valley, the matter has been ~t for public" bear· Tuesday night the city council refused • Jng Monday. . to aCcePt -:on a. 2f.2.Jie vote -bonds arid 1........ tal fees for improvernentl around Larwin's And thereby ........, 1 e. • five model homes on Magnolla Street It goes . beyond the routine business near Ellis A ~enue. llct:._nse denials__lcme!_ _mak~ to___elace . Wednesday the planning 'commission doubtful applications -largely because continued a propo!ed zone change until of locaUOn ....:. into the realm of council Aug. 6 for two adjacent · Larwin p~ descretlon. pertles Which would have allowed a poMi~ It relates to Huntingl.OD Beach council's ble total of 509 lots. attempts in tbe faee of exp&odlng growth Tuesday's action died when Councilmen" to control the city's deftiro', Some have John Harper and Edward Just refused to charged that the b~strieSs controls are go along with recent planning com- discrlminatory. mission approval for a use variance on "I could find nothing really wrong and the five model homes. neither could the police department," Said Harper, "Gentlemen, I'm not said Jones recenUy of the applicant. going to keep bending the law to meet the The elected official referred to the desires of the builders." business license appeal from Stephen A. Mayor Robert SchwerdUeger, noting Pezman to operate "The Good Earth", his highly publicized connection with the 121 Main st.. selling packaged health food Larwln issue, abstained from the use in a Suri Shop building. variance battle. Jones advised councilmen that he Effect of the council's decision was to would c.onUnue to send them the question deny the Larwin Co. use of the five of licenses in blighted downtown. This is homes-already partially constructed-as done on the strength of municipal code models. dealing with health, safety, weUare or Wednesday, city planners looked at moral standards. It also gives denied ap. preliminary tract m~ps submit.led by plicants the right of appea1 to the council. LarWin representative John Tapking and City Attorney Don Bonfa has admitted listened to several vocal oppcnenta of the the existing ordiriance controls are rather tract before deciding f.1 -Commlssiorier broad in their language and in aome Carroll Mohr dissenting -to delay a cases conJradlctory. decision on the item.· It raises the possibility that councll Objections ,were railed by several denial of .. bu'sineas license could be al· citizens to the .Proposed size of lots, ~e tacked ~lly in court 1f there were number of lots, the part ~~lcat1911 citliena, objected to th~ Jack of a school site on Larwln's preliminary tract map. They also objected to lot si:.ce1 dipping as low s,5oo square feet (about 200 lots), 'Commission chalrman James Dick sald · he thoUght the proposed map was highly objectionable, but reminded the audieiiCe that•only a zone change was being 800" sldered. . Taplting siii! a new map had been sub- mitted that day which showed a school site, although not labeled as such. The entire commfssion e:rpressed a desire to see a definite school site on the Larwin proposal before granting any zone change. Commissioner Mohr opposed the delay, hoping to rezone part of the land Wednes· day and leave enoµgh land unzoned for a school site. But no one could say where a school should be located. Planning Director Stan Mansfield and his staff have recommended that the pro- posed zone change be turned down based on the lack of a school site and unsatisfactory tentative tract maps. Commissioners agreed to review tbe entire matter of school sites and ten- tative tract maps on August 6. Huntington Notes Holiday Monday For Moon Walk no s ....-.~ ut t'I"" ..... Huntington Beach city employes will t ufficle. DI evld-"danger to public mh:l' and the a ...... ...-Indecision on a health or weUare. · · sc rite. · ·1n 1n th " 1 d r art! I r ' ida Bonfa ii ln·proceu of. preparing a new Larwln CO. -on a mne chaqge _re. JO e na1.1ona ay o P c pa ton Po.lie· e .. _Ch;nf Cand·' ' .. te_ .. s c;o111prehenst .. 'ordlnancillllat 'wWm~ke quesledbyt~ecllycouncU-wasasking doelared by President Nixon for· the MJ listed bllslneslel aubject~to · ap-to place about 4S9 lots on iii controversial A:pollo 11 mission Monday •. gt ~~ ..__.1 100 acres in a planned develoPment pt. Mayor Jack Green said thlll morning, __ Jlf0~yalti and_ !e ~---· ~er .._. "Al' I c1'ly offices will be closed_ 'Monday so -----d ·~ ~-i·ect. ·At the same time a requl:ll~ wlll'I sere on-,, ...., ... _ ... ! • of 1 PD -f that all employes, except those needed no1y ~-.. andidalel will be rn ment of Police Chief ,Jbhn H:Se!trer. CUneotly • ~ 'llcwe ,..ker submllted for zoning R-·-or f du! li and f' r ·· w~ c • Twenty-six app1icanll were · acreenea must first obtain i., certificate of OC· nearly Keven acre11 of land adjacent to or emergency y, po ce ire pro- tfgviewed for the HWltington Beach ... 1 .. _. ~ A"~--the_ !.ll1nlng fir the ori•inaJ plot. tectlon, may participate tn man's first Police· Chief job at the July 22 City Coun-for the J>OlllUon, which carries a ...... , cupancy aaloel p ' e, eom:il55loner Carroll Mohr, and some steps on the moon.'' cil meeting i\'was announced today by range of $1,380 to fl,'119. ~altb and din& departmentl. Although city offices will be closed, Ctty AdmihiStrator Doyle Millier· trash collection service will be provid¢ the three flnatists include Captain Enrl · according to the normal schedUle: The Ci· Robi\alifi commander of the Huntington Coast to Ohser· . v·e H. ol·1· day-ty Council wW also meet at j :!O p.m. Be.a.Ch -poi1ce detective division. Also in Monday as announced. the running are Torrance Police Chief Green said that he did not declare. a Watter .Koening, and Garden Grove holiday but · that he w9uld give the Potlct Chief George Tie Isch. employ es the (lay off so tb't, they m~y ·Originally five men were to be recom-• particlpate in the lunar mission. mended lo U.e council fo• consideration Hunt:ngton Among .. c:ties ]Voting Moon .Day ·"We In Huntington Be.Ch are tiut the lat.est cut narrowed the fie\4 to • 11 11 11 particularly· close to the trip to lhe moon, the three highest scorers on written and · . because the McDonnell . D e>U i 1 a 1 6ra1 examinations. · ' President Nixon's.. .. ggesQon for a and other county offices will be cl08ed Oreg~n, Rhode ,Island, Te d n e 1 8 e ~ • · A·stronautlcs CorpQUtlbn.d1. a vital ~ Since the council has called an ad-"National Day of Particl~tlon" Monday Monday, All mauen scheduled for bear· Ellh .... ~_\fest Y~I; have. a1SQ , ,obOUr·c)ly!." ~, ;1. '. •• -} , 1 rJ • • 1 jomed meeting July 22, !-filler has io-In honor of the antldpalid moon lai\dlng Ing will tie postponed untll Tue.sda)'.. ' . ' """"":'f . .. : . . 'Tlie-~rpoj'iiilon ~l!fl't 4be ' lj..' dicaled lhal 11 is possible that the new by U.S astrunauta promj)ied city offidals UC Irvine and orange Coast C.Dege • .. • p/odal\laU~ declarillg iv.s· ilili\l '9\ftg•'oMlijifS..llludiW ~~. chlttwirt be chosen then. in ex'flldve !<' l In .thrte ,!lr•.D&~ Coast C011UJlugl~es • to.-wll! al, so.be closed lo!i>ildiy 111 accord~ ."111.n•lall" a ;~~· 9/~'j.~' ~~ strit t1)0 trio ~a~L{OI) '6elr . 18l0nf "' ij'11'1ai'e a> holiday. .r . , • NI""" • lugg.stion f<>r a day of ce · I hi>J,iri .• lft4:;} ·-:f -1 ll!IQll ea;' ~ mri!a Oral'llniltng on.the 1rnioti'>f The cltf 111 oP law enforcein~n( loti ; CoSta Mesa , llunungu>n Beach AJlct --uon-of-tbe moott-Ianding. •L-: , bl'Of«.dt.' the lo; 11 .i ~·~ • ; • {."I ' • .,.,.. 1 . , . 1 u.com,::;::;::::"~va:.;ca:;n:::t..;J:::ul:;y_3:::1_.w-"i"th"'1_h_• _re_1_1re._ Newport Beach are the oaly cities that .President. Charle• J, Hitch of ·MJC UC -t-nesday... :,.._ .... ~; ; "· f1 .. • ._ , . -1 ~ . have cou!lmied a holiday' schedule for system issued an order eaaialng Hli adlon gave 'the .i!iJO!r, ~ y · Off · B 1:-Stoek Marrcet• Monday, but ·rour othen on the coast are sludenb and facully for the day otl Ill feder1! emploYel uenM!me ill~ • orty . . lo erquL _.....__...._------:--:--: hoping Jor a declaration th!~ afternoon. nine university cam_j)Uses. I ~ SCC\lritv and esatnU,1 services. . J • Nl!lW YORK tAP)~ The stock markrt Four(eeo lltate governors.have declared 1 llo>ernora Ronald lteagan of Callldmla The ·)r.!l~t jilied lo v •·• n f:r'il; LCis-AJ'i(lE~~ (AP) -lo!j\>"" Sim , ~·atthoo.gh down from its best levels of a holiday for state employes and the And Relsoo Rockefeller . of New York. ma;ora, 9Ch6ol • :omc11111 and.,, PrtT W--V~ ·aaya be ~ of[ lO"""Weat Betlln 'to llle'd•• _carried Its talosl rally through governors of the New York apd AmeriCiln were the Orsi to declare .!. holiday forj_ e):<1PIOf1!~ to taJtesln)llil ~orr"~,_lhat refl(oRlil t.\iilJ:ngelt11D lbe VoU<le111,ll . ' Jon tod (See Stock Exchanges decided early today to otale workers. • .,. al 'lttdlfY 'bf ur pllzena u :posal01e JriU w)II~'~ tlly wjll hav~ Ill e<h!b t lw without lnddt!Dt.., at the apartment of a Loog• Beach RcquamW\CeC aiiil'Jil fts booked on lrafflc'W11Tanta, the FBI aald. Special qeet Grapp aald the $1,IGO and the pistol used In the robbery have been recovered ... P.oUce.uid tbe.two..men._derlJ; __ knowledge of the crime. JI carries-a. stlffet (by llve-YNr&l sentence potential because a gun wai w- ed, lbe FBI aald. C.Onst~t Watch Fails to· Find ~Sing ~o~ih !Jfeguards and police bave npt ...... slant walcb b~ so f1r dlfcovered no clues .fb the recovery of<a lf.~-<>ld 1!oY lii!<t and posslblY drownotl' bl llunllncton . Beach Tuesday. , Lileguard mobile unlls, a rescue boat and 1 police: helicopters have been ~ for Dean Hart of Pico Rl~era since lie was last seen waltfng on lhe beach. LI. Mark ~bender of the Har11ors and !feiaiei Dip1..li(d· the aWcb Would not include ·a diviftg teim "because 'the lateral current and th,e riptide have tqde the.water so dlrly that the vlsfbU1ly ta..,. ly about one foot." ""nle aide ~nts are so strong that we wouldn't even krlow where to at.art JO<!king for . the boey. !t ~t . ~ave drifted anywhere from five to ·m mne.s down the cout." Valley Trustees F ete Beauhier Trustees of the Fountain Valley School Dislrtd have scheduled • brief ochool board meetill!I al 7:30 p.m. tonlghl fb allow Ume for a prlYate farewell dinner for ,.11r1ng Superintendent Dr. Edward Beaubler. Following discussion oi St a D f O t d n.adlng Teal results end comnwnlti ..,. tiviUes at the Curriculwn Center, 1 Llghthouse Lane, the board will rellre to the Huntington Shmlon Beech Inn to honor Dr . .Beaubler. · '. He .hu been replaced by Mike Brick, former assistant superintendent of the F'ounlain Val)ey Si;boi>I'llislljct. - Orange Coui Weatlter Summer hu certainly arrived along lbe Coast' and' II ta expected to remain U..t way for awhile, at leisl through the weekend. And for beach-Joven, there's no beat· ing 87 degree watttr. INSIDE TODAY Openition Cooldtfi/I hal bH" dc-d o succ .. 1 bg ih• Pfoplc' WI co• I ~J~< 111~~ • ti<_tf.fil' ~""fir:'.""~· ,...,,,, ' t ' 4.C-4"" .. ·-···~-. ,...~ .... VMmU aee-page 22. , • Cl~ 11 Mt9M •n < ..................... ft · .~• --U ......... e: .. c~. n °'9llilt 11 ~~ 1 ............ .. • ......................... tMI ..... ,............. ...... -,..._. 1t-O ..... ,_.,. .J! ...,.._. n ,...,,..... ~ ......... iiitlflli ,. ~ .... ... 1..lllln ,, ~... J -. -----i--Mlltllllt 11 -• second straight ,... ay. close the m·~et Mo••••. Connecticut, Florido, la.ho, Maryland, "1te able lo ahare In the alplflcanl events •1=11!1 the moon-oi:bltlni-Apollo a · quotaUOM, Pages 12·13). ara. ,._,, .. l ~ nw tlfe close was moderate. ) . COUnly SU{>trlor ~ munld~;::""1' New Hampeblre, New ~· -Oblo'. of that do¥· c e. "_--, ________ _.,,, ,- .- I ~ • , .. ,; -"/ \ -.. " :>": ;; --... ' - ! DAILY '11.CT H llWndty. JulY I~. 196' · IMlldlng Expected Russians'~-L .na . • ------ . ' Bl~arre (Jase f ... 0 h. . 1'• -~ . r 1t1ng i'1~_on-- 7 Held, $3,000 In·· Drugs s ·eized MOSCOW (UPI) -The Tass newt acenq said Luna 15' went into orbit around the moon today to "become the m·•'• new arUficiaJ satellite." ScienWlc ciri:les said it was a temporary orbit whlta>!t-searcbed .for a landln& plaoe, '111e '°""'" aid the •l!BCO'raft w1U air · tempi 1 ooll lending, pooibly within 24 houri, and attell\pt to bring back sampks of moon aoll ahead of tbe Apollo II astronauts now on their way to thJi moon. The Apollo team is to land on lhe mOOft Sunday evening. Tt:ie dispatch gave some technical del;Jils of the orbiUng ope.raUop but no hint of a poutble au.mpt to land the utellite on the moon and no clarification of the phraie "to become the moon's new arli.Uclal ntelllte." Ruu1an aclentitic sources said earlier the vehicle would not attempt 1n. tm-- medlate landing in Russia's reported race to recover moon soil before the Apollo astronautl do. Tbe Tass announcement, one of the few since the moon probe wu launched July * * APOLLO. • • JS, thrte·days before_ the Apollo launch, said elements ol lhe orbit were close to . those calculated and that the Russians were reciliving telemetered dala from the vehicle. Tass said the craft was braked in its f<lrward movement when it waa on the dark side of the moon, tbe actlon placi.ne lt In lunar orbit, Tbe Tass announcement said . radio cmnmunicauon.~ ire being maintained with Luna 1$ and that all instruments aboard the cralt are functioning normally. Both Soviet and Western sources predicted that the new moon satellite · would IOOn descend to the moon, however, possibly to scoop up 60me moon soil and bring it back to earth. Rusalan icleotific IOW'ces aaid the craft will circle the moon, pouibly for 2f hours, before attempUng a 90ft landing: and "moonscooplng" operation. Nixon Victor In 1st Senate Surtax Vote Seven young mm who told pallce they had been robbed of maney 'and drugs the night before were rounded up by Hun • tlngton Beach pollco Wednesday a!~ with 13,000 In dangerous drugs which the robbers didn't get. Officers ·s'a.id ihe seven men and a juvenile girl were •rrested after 10 d&ys of survellla.nce by narcotics detectives. The arrests took-place at 20091 Bushard Street. Booked on charges of possession and Gang of Y outlis Beats Two Men In Beach Fight A gang of 10 to 15 hostile youths at.- tacked a pajr ol beachaoen with clubs, chains and fists In Huntington Beach Wednesday evening, resulting in the hospit.allzation of both. J)OSSlble sale of drugs were Howard M. Roseniwelg, 19; James B. David.wn, 11; Lewis M. Shaw, 19; William s. HoJlen- back, lt>; Ronald M. Newman, 18, and Marcus A. Sands, 20, all of the Bushard Str<et addres!, and Larry W, Baker, 20, of l.ynwooct, The female juvenile caught ln the early morning raid was taken to Orange COUD- ty Juvenile .Hall, police said. The robbery tale was told to detec.Pves as they arrested the seven men. ,.- Two men allegedly stole $500 worth of seconal (reds} and $5i>'rln ca.sh 1t ri!le point from the Bushard Street home, owned by Newman, about 11 p.m. Tues- day, said detectives. • Police a a i d the victims -today's suspects -claim they gave chase up to ' Magnolia aod Garfield Streela until several shota from a rifle were fired at their oar by Ille fleeing bandits. Investigators said Oley recovered 1,000 '4f'eds" (seconal), several tabs of heroin, several vials of liquid LSD, mescaline sulphate, a cactus derivative, and two possibly stolen motorcycles. Detective Capt. Earl Robitaille said the suspects told arresting officers about the robbery because they "hoped we could re!_urn their money to them." Robltallle said the men 6aVe no cllanCe cifi'ettiiii the seconal back. theJ want to be to ~ect thelllltlvea into orbillO""atiit theitiiptoratlon.--. -w ASHJNGTON--(AP) --Th"t--sf~te-----DAILY PILOT ,._.. _,. Ttm" C••I• Had Ibey continued on their P"-' FinanceCommltteevotec!Mtodaytoap-Antleipatfnn ()p'eninn Police say the incident occurred at 9:45 p.m. when Elvin E. Verrette, 6318 Myra Ave., Stanton, and ,-ohn-J. Vafias;1ooa N. Loara St., Anaheim emerged from a restroom near lifeguard tower 11: The men, ages unknown, were jumped by the crowd and severely beaten, ac~ cording to witnesses, who claim U!at a variety of weapons were Involved, iB- c\uding chains, pipes and possibly a gun. -Verette, hie-head covered With. blood, and the other victim were ·taken to Hun- tington Intereommllnity.JWpllal. Both All we"' eZp.cted to be arralped to- day on charges of possession ol drugs for sale. courae, their closest approach woo.Jd have prove the House-passed IUrlax extension U ... ., been~lmiles. · The successful firing of the 20,500-bill without ~ange and send it to the Roger, 11, (top) and Joey Hoechstetter, 12, inspect new Fountain pound-thrust engine was a rtassuring Senate flQOr for debate. Valley Boys' Club sign donated ~Y painter Harry Jones and designer sound to · spacecraft c om m a n de r 'fhe vote represented-a first-round vie· Thomas Shepherd. Boys hope club will open as . expected in a b o u t 2 Beach Youths ·Foul Up S"'.itch A'""trbng, At r For<e Col. Aldrio and tory for Pmideot Nlxoo In Senate c:on-.--tll"'8 -weeb. · ------ Air Force Lt. Col. Mlehael Collins. gjduat!on of the bill. · This is..the.JX>werplant tba~ must blast However, it was uncertain a.s to..Jllben them into lunar <1rbll befoR · Annslrong the legislation woold. be -called up for _ and -Aldrin--.ductnd -t.o-th e-IUrlaee-and Senate debate. must also wofk to start them borne next Democratic leader Mike Mansfleld Monday. 0 1t was a good-bum," mission (Mont.), has said the bill must be ac· control told tho astz:o!18Uts· com~ed by meaningful tax reform and An unmllll!led VJJllor from Rlasla, the · mml Luna-U, today zipped Into o looptnc·tunor , IJlOllCe Co _ ttee refused today to orbit ran&lng from about eoo to t,200 . corunder any reform amendments before mile• abOve tlle surface. A Moscow acUng on the bill. report said the craft had become 1 moon Two Democrats, Clinton P. Anderson satellite, but speculaUon continued U>et 11 (N.M,), and Abraham A. Rlblcoff, might attempt to laiid, scoop up 1o11 (Conn.~. JOlned with . the ·•even samples and return them to earth before Repub~c~ on the ~omnuttet: to give the Apollo 11 can bring back its cargo of adml.nistrat1on the rune vote~ 1t needed to rocks get approval of the Ho~ bill. On~ U.S. official noted that the orbit ~n. Albert Gore (O:T~M.) Who voted was similar to previow: radiation· a~amst. reporting the bill wit~ut con· monitoring vSdvlet · •!iteSllf.es and aug. stderahon of amendments,. S:Ud there gested it might be 00 8 non~landlng sclen· would be a floor fight when 1t 1s brought tific expedltfon. He aaid the chancel of its up to add a substantial :neuure of ta.x col~iding with Apollo 11 were nUDeciu.si rek~t>'f.!a 00 the conim.1ttee had of_ its h~ orbit. Apollo II wW orbit at 69 taken tbe position tbe gr<111p_ahould draft miles hiih-·•• · f th ~lb t ,._.,_. Al'~-__ , eo111--..i..-.. ho own version o e measur~. "'' ou niuui .. v.,., w"" .uu ~ reluieu tax reform riders. But the Democratic tbe mid-point of their trek ecrou leaders In the Senate -Manafield and bis trackless space at 7:33 a.m. PDT when aaalstant, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of their 43-ton spaceship wu prtclstly Ma.s38chusetts _ wanted major tax 120,003 miles ~ both earth and moon. reforms Included, even U it took two The utronauts crossed the lnvlalble months to complete the legislation. line after ZS houn 53 seQOnds, of !Ught at a speed of about 3,080 m.lles per hour. It wlli take them twice as long 51 hours - to cover the remaining di!t&nce. Like a car coa5tlng uphill. the SJll(elblp gradually slowed from its Initial speed of 21,200 m.p.h. Gaprin, tbe f~sl mao to· fly In space, was killed In a plane era.sh. Komarov died In 1967 when his spaceship parachutes tangled on re-entry and the vehJcle crashed. EXCHANGES CLOSE FOR LUNAR DAY NEW YORK CUPI ) -The New York and American Stock Exhanges will shut down Monday, July 21, In celebraUon of lhe Apollo 11 lunar mWion, the ex- changes announced jointly today. Most commodity exchanges a n d gecurilies exchanges In otber cities were expeeted to follow suit. DAllY PltO T C.ANGI CCIAl1 PUll.llttlttG COllb-Ml II:.._,, N. W..I .................... J•c." II:. Ceri.y Ylct ~ ~ Otl'ltf.tl MlllltU The••• kn•il .... Th.•.:::.:;. ~ii•• Aikrt W. ltfe1 WIJlltM ltt.f ....,.,. ""'"' .............. l!Oi"' °"' ffllW .................... JOt ltll Stte.t M•lf°"'f M4reu1 P.O. lee 7'0, tJMI --......., 9tHJI. U'll #ttf ............. c... .... 1.w..1..., .... u.-a-~m,..,... .... • OML• _,.1&.cn ....... i. ........ .. r.at•c-....................... ...... -....,. ........... .......... ................ ca.. ..... .._ ............................. ,_ ____ _ =...~---,...,. .. •srnw.t .... .., -:,.__ "'::r .,::-. .. Ill ttP! mft MMlll • .. 0 7 c..111 .... , ... d -, ... , ...... .. 2 : I 0--. .. -<4IM ............ c....-. -.............. ·~ ........ --., .......... . ~= ........... ..w ....... . ----s--......... ... c-._.. ... ,, ••• ~ ~-;: .:.-~."? .... ...., W estmin~ter Rite Set for Former TV Newswoman Catholic funeral services are scheduled for a fonne.r televl!lon newswoman from Huntington Beach, who died Monday following a long illness. Mrs. Jamee Vidal, 40, of 16601 Rhone Lane, was a program dlrect.or and copywriter for KTrV Channel 11 and had worked in advertising in San Diego and Kansas City. Rosary will be Friday at 8 p.m., 1t Peek Family Mortuary, Westminster, with Requiem ~ta" Saturday at 10 a.m. at St. Bonaventure Church, Huntington Beach. Interment will follow in Pacific View Memorial Park, Corona del Mar. Mrs. Vidal held a BS degree in journalism from the Univer&ity of Missouri, her home state, and was a sister-ln-law of Costa Mesa assistant city attorney Robert Humphreys. Survivors include her husband, Ray: their t10n, Kevin, 10; daughter Venetia, &, of the home; sisters, Mrs. Joan Beiinett, Mrs. Irene Clark and Mn. Thebna McPheeten; brothers, Jack and Don Jamet, and her father, Frat1.cls Jamet, of Rich Hlll, Mo .. where she wu born • Airs. Vidal bad been ill for mote than two years. Tax Protests Dead1ine Set August 26 ts the final date for filifl& protests to 1989-70 taz: assessments, County Asmsor Andrew J, lllnahaw warned today, Persons wishing to prOtest assessments before the county Assts1ment Appeals Board may secure applications at the Assessor's office, 630 N. Broadway, Santa Ana. Hinshaw empha&iled that prottsts must relate to whit is believed (o be 1n Incorrect valuation end should not. be directed toward the amount of • t.ues whl<'h might be due, as the tax rate is not the rtsponslbility ol the AiSeslor'1 Of. lice. AppllCll'ltl for reducUon In NUPmenta may dllcuas the apprataale with the asauaor'1 1ppra111tt1 for an explanaUoo of how the amount was dctttmlntd. ( Hanna Explains M-ention Of El Toro as 'For Sale' were found suffering cuts of the face. Two Huntington Beach juveniles •P- one o1 the allegtdlittac.kers~ Anthony parentty progressed from electric trains ~ A. Huber, 19, of 1.$64 Glenoak St., to the real thing Wednesday night and Anaheim, was picked up by police in shorted out wires, causing the aklrms to Anaheim shortly alter the fracas and ring at the intersection of Edinger booked in. the Huntington Beach City_J.ail Avemie and the Southern Pacific tracks. on suspicion of assault with a deadly Police said that their mlscblef caused a weapon. minor traffic tie-up arourid .. ~ p.m. By ARTHUR R. VINSEL 01 ,,.. 0111~ ,llft S!1ff Investigators said they found a 5-foot Flashing signals confused motorilts. county In Califomli, but El Toro MCAS ls Jeogth of steel chain in his car, along with The boys used a long steel band to a piece of pipe and boots which appe-ared short out the track signals and cause the still in I relatively rural area compared to have blood spots on them. electrical havoc. Mention of El Toro MCAS during lo other installations through out the Police listed the attack motive as Both boys were picked up and later organhation of a panel to probe aale of country. "personal satisfaction." released to their parents. military post.s on expensive, urban land !r=="'====...:::=======~====~=======;;:;;;;:;;:~~;;,~;;;;;==== was purely coincidental, Orange County legislators declared today in Washington. ·The big job faced by a subcommittee of the House Anned 'Servlcu Committee la far from getting under way, they ~ plulslze<I. Just 1'ppolnted by Oiairman L. Mendel Rivera (D-Soutb Carolina) tbe con- grmlonaf panel will mvestlgate reloca- tion of certain posts. "El Toro wu &imply a name picked out of a rnunber of places where there have been incldentl showing incompaUblllty ol mllltary operations and civilian develo~ ment1" said CODgressman Richard T. Hanna (D-Weslmlnater) today, Hanna aaid he had contacted Congr<ISll\an)I Speedy O. Long (D- Louisiana), ~d.s lhe aubcorrurUttee, about I.be specific naming of the county base. BECAUSE OF JET "Congressman Rivers just happened to think of El Toro, probably because or the jet that creamed the senior clti2ena' village," HaMa explained. He was referring to U!e multiple-fatali- ty crash three years ago af a fighter-boinber into Leisure World Laguna HJlls, following collision wilh another aircraft during a landing approach. "Aas you know, the committee has just been described -as a matter of fact - it is not even organized and has no hear- ings set yet," Congressman Hanna COD· Unued. "l wlll be talking to Mr. Lona and I'll keep close contact with the matter," he said, "notllying you of when and where any hearings will be held and what their intent may be." "I'll be very surprised If El Toro would be picked for a hearing site," Hanna con. tinued. The Westminster legislator said from his own viewpoint, the function of the subcommittee is entir~ appropriate, a theory supported by th'e El Toro MCAS station commander Tuesday. CONTlNuE All USUAL· Brig. G~. Henry W. Hise said unUI such time as the sltuati<ln changes -if 1t changes -the Marine Corps will con· tinue with business as wual at the local Unk in the U.S. defense chain. Congressman James B. Ult CR·Tustin), In whose district the air facility is located, was not available f<1r comment on the fact that t.be Orange County in· stallation ,..u menUoned by Rivers, but his aides echoed Hanna's remarka . "The reference was just a top-of-the-. head comment by Rivers. There is no consideration <If El Tora for sale," said UU'1 adminiJtrative uslstant Bob Gtltr in a telephone Interview Wednesday. Congressman Rivers also mentioned the Pmldio of San Franclaco, ad- ministrative headquarters of the Sixth Anny, wbJch covers the western statu area. . The Installation i1 less strategic than the Oren1• County jet and bellcopt<r tralnln& facility, but lies In a scenic ma of San Francisco oot far from lb• Colden Gate Bridge, tremendously valuable land. Riven told the !llbcommitttt Monday that any propoltd~Jtgl1laUon enabling aale of military property to local authorities l)f private e.nterprlae must In· elude provialan for bue l o c a t I o n eltewbf:rt. lWIN COCKTAIL 99.00 TWIN . COCKTAii: 69.00 HEX COMMODE .199.00 SQUARE COMMODE .199.00 , ~ --".......--..• Kaw yua can have that expensive old·world look at rtmarkablc new-wodd priees. Tabios that are plinstaldngly constructed of wonny maple solld.s and antique chmy veoecn with an uno.rual distressed finish, rubbed down to a doep glow from within. Each table is available with distitssed white paint finish as well, with &lint.I of wood showing through. END TABLE 99.00 PROFESSIONAL llifE~IOR OESllllNERS· Open Mon., Thurs., & P'rl.t Evet. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 2 2 I S • HARIOR ILVD, 646 • OJ75 '46. OJ7A ' Orange Coun\y ~· tbe laslos~lfOWln& '----;,:---_------------------------------1 \ • --- ,. • [ '· l • • : -Laguna Reaeli :.'Cl:.· 62, NO. 170, 4 SECTIONS, 44 PAGES ~ . LEISURE WORLD LAGUNA IEACH • • • i ' NEW ROADS -Map outlines new network of county arterial roads now open for travel. New roads (broken lines) open up Moulton Ranch area and link North American R.ockwell's new Autonetics plant with Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo and Leisure World. Down the I Mission ' Tr•il • If . ~­ ' j 1 I · \V estinghouse Buy Investment? LAKE FOREST -The 25-aere site · bought by the Westinghouse Eleclclc t:orporaUon in the Lake Forest Industrial Park last · 5eptem~r was apparently bought for investment purposes, a com- pany spokesman has indicated. Charle:i Carroll. -public relation! ex~ . ecutive, said there are no initial plana for developing the site. Some of the com· pany's land dealings cim be considered a fledge aaginst inflation as well as in· Surance for fulure plan& lite, be said. .• St!hOOI Na Me pf,,ked LAKE FORF.ST-"AlisO" is the name San Joaquin Elementary School District trustees have picked for the $840,000 elementary school under construction at ~lackfoot Drive and Loumont Drive here. Allio School, e1pected lo be completed In December, will be the rapidly growjng school district's 10th elementary school. e Capo A11e11 m e nt Vp CAPISTRANO BEACH -Thero bu !>oen an \nCJ'eaSe of 13.7 pereenl In the as,,essed valuaUon of the Caplstrano Unified School District for a total district ..-orth of about $123.8 million. · That rigure include• about 2.8 million assessed on agriculture preserve latNh: by •Coum'Y Assessor Andrew Hinshaw, an ac- t.ion open to disputing liUgation. School officials said that the assessment was "right on" district estimate!! and should not affect the district's tentative budget ,,.hich call.! for a t.a:a: rate of $3. 70. e Ort!h eltra to Pla11 LAGUNA HILLS -The Claremont z::$ymphony Orchestra will present a .Starlight Concert at Leisure World July 25. The program will Include sem.i- classlcal and light popular works, similar to lhe Boston Pops Orchestra summer concerts. The performance will begin at 8 p.m. George Denes, permanent conductor and founder of the otthestra, is a resi- dent or Laguna Beach. e Bui Stop De nied -! LAGUNA lllLLS -Hal Jones of ....Leisure World had a talk in San P'ran· -~lsco with a Greyhound Bus Lines vice tresident and learned it will not be pagsl- Dle to have the buses stop at Leisure World and Mission Viejo duriog Lo5 Angelu to San Diego runs. Jones sa1d he wu lold short run!! art not profitable for the bus line and the on- ~Jy sbort ruM Greyhound noW has are where the company took over .other lrancl1lset and the Public Ulllltl,. Com- llllaalon bu not lei them abandon lbem. • Count y Dedicates -· Road Syste m at N~w Plan~ Site Thirty-five county o!ficiall. ~ and ·landownere thll morni111 dedicated a new 1ysttrn of coooty ,..... that opentd up the Moulton Ramh ·Jn Laguna Niguel area near Nortb-<A.lberican Rockwell's new Autooetlcs plant. The ceremony wd at the intersectJon of the newly built La Paz and Aliso Creek Roads, which spread 1ix lanes wide amidst undeveloped hills. . Orange County supervisor Allon Allen said, "From now on the soutbe111 part of the county is never going to be the same." New roads constructed al a cost of $1.4 million tied together the communities of Laguna Niguel, Mission Viejo and Laguna Hills Leisur! World. Al!IO dedicated was $&10,000 worth of flood control work. County Flood Control Engineer George Osborne said beneath the road is a tube of intricate hydraulic deaign wide enough to drive a Cadillac through. • ''Thi.3 ls out. in cow country, but because the North American plant was corning in, tbe Board of Supervisors decided to invest ta:a: funds to encourage development," Osborne said. Among ~ present at the ceren1ony put on by the Orange County Chamber of Commel'C! were representatives of the seven cootracton involved and the seven land owner& who donated rights of way. Sheri ff Checks El Morro Park Fire Bombing A mysterious fire bombing of tht El Morro Beach trailer Part guard house, apparently done without motive, ls being investigated today by the Orange County Sheriff's Department and the county Forestry and Fire Divi!lon. Only minor damage wu done to the 4· by &-foot wooden structure which stands in the middle of the El Morro entrance. Officials e.timate damage at about $50. The building was unoccupied at lhe time of the Incident at about 4 a.m. Wed- r.e.sday. El t.forro ls just north of Laguna· Beach on the Coast Highway. Investigators are unsure if the home- made: ~b -a OOC.tle filled wilh gasoline -was thrown at the guard house before or after the fire was set. They believe, however, that the bomb failed lo 1• off on bnpact as planned by vandals. TIMI n~ was largely .. 11ngu1shed by the lime the Emerald Bay firemen ar~ rived at El Morro. An El MOrTO guard, Ted Graney, beat down flame! prior .to the department's arrival, said Price. · Peyton, an El Mom_pttner. Stffk Markets NEW YORK (AP) -Tho .tock marl«t -althou&h down from Ill best levels of tho day -carried Ila lalul rally lill'OUih a second itralghl ....ton today. (See quollUw, Papa U.11). • Trnu. OW' tbt doH WU moderalo. ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA JHURSDAY, JULY 17, 1969 TEN CENTS • 0 0 on ors 0 ace Council Aetion Craft Takes Reduced CofC Medals of . Union City Man Named~ Police Chief Funds · 5 Who .Died Approved. SPACE CENTER, R.U.lon (AP) _ • Catrylng ms<lall . hooorlng I h TO. e Americans arid two Russians wbo have died for space exploraUon, ·Am«ica'a Apollo II exploren soattd put the halfway point of their journey lo the moon today aod fired a brief bunt of their S~.Jl. en&!J!ll lo ~~ their Kenneth It Huck, 40, now police chief of Union City in southern Alameda County, has been appolbled as chief ol. the Laguna Beach police department. City Manager-dames 0 ; Wheaton an: nounced Wednesday night. At the same time, George C. Fowler, 41, was ai>ot>inted first full.time recrea· lion director olL.aguna Be.ach. Fowler is director ol recreation and parks for die city of Stanton, ·in Orange County. Huck wlU report to work August 11, succeeding Harry Labrow, who retired Friday after fi'ie years....u_ chid. Wheaton chose Huck from three poli~ chief candidates streened from C appli· cants. Jn 1966, Huck. organi2.ed Union City's f~i .police ~L F9r l'!P .1eor1 pmlour '"' .... dllel of SauDlltd; •• tourist~rieoted :'tlm on San FranciM:o Bay in Marin CoUnty . Befor.e thlt, he~as with the -Covina paUce department. "'°bing in eight years from the rank ol officer to captain. Fqler will begin as recreal.100 direc- Jor Auaust I!, Pi'evlOUJ!y, tho. <lty has had a put..Ume recreation dir«tor, Norman Borucki, a teacher a Llguna Beach Hi.ti School. Fowler became director <J the Stanton para ·and """"'lion dopartment almost two years ago after several yeari with the Gardena recreation department. He holds a B.A. tn physical education and social science from Ptpperdine and is wocldng toward an M.A. in recreation at Long Beach Slllo. . Both Fowler and Huck are married, and each is the father of three. 2 Men Burned In Paint Blast At Dana P oint Two men were seriously burned when paint fumes exploded Jn a Dana Point home Wednesday night. Orange County fire department of· ficials said J ohn White, 29, owner of the home at 33782 Chula Vista Ave. and Calvin Camp of 300.1 Servana St., Anaheim, suffered second and third- degrce burns on their hands, arms and legs. Camp is listed as In serious condlUon and White 1n .. satiafactory" condition at South Coast Community Hospital today. Fire officials said the two men were painting the kltcben ln White's hume whe n the pa1ni funies apparently were Ig- nited by the pllot light on a cu range. Neighbors had the fire under control with 1 garden hose by the time units from the Doheny Park fire Btallon ar· rived. Damage was ~ated at $650. Woman Drowns . In Tustin Pool A Tustin woman was drowned Wed- nesday night in an apartment house swimming , pool, the Orange County Coroners Office reported. Neighbors found Mrs. Virginia Hall, 53, of ~1 Newport Ave. Ooaling un- conscious in the pool about 7 p.m. Errorts of a' county fire department rescue IQUld failed to revive Mrs. Hall. She was pronounced dead by a coroners deputy II 7:U p.m., 30 mlnuta allor being taken from the pool. . Yorty Off •to Berlin Laguna Beach city councilmen Wednes· day night approved a Charriber of· Com· , merce city promotion budget bimmed. almost '6,500 from the Chamber's r~ quest'" °"'I __.__ - The budget was apprOved In tlie amount of $42,500, up from the $$,000 the Chamber bas reeeiVed the last several years. The Chamber had asked for almost 149,000. Councilmen also set the date Wed- nesday, July 30 for a budget hearing · when they again will take up lbe 20-cent or better proposed tu rate increase. ~en aRprotfed ~ment <>f $19,cOfm preV1ous approvea-fUOOs lo city cultural groups. · The Qwnber budgi!t was adopted u'nanirnoua~y. but with relu~ by ~~. ~ Goltka, fl\!'Mr r ~ , who hiif" tried to p_enuade his COWJCil colleacues to ao fOll the full amount. _ Chambu funds come from a bed tu on persons who stay al. holalJ and motels and II not 1Uppoitod by thl properly tu. . The bed ta:a: fund I!! restricted lO use fo~ city promotion, parks or beach purdiase. The Otamber has a separ~te operating budget, $17~ last year, financed through melnbershii) dues. ~ -- As Mayor Glenn E. Vedder ezplalned Wednesday night, .the city contracts with the chamber as its agent to do city pro- moUon. Councilman Joseph A. O'Sullivan remarked It is the most economical kind of promotion because many businessmen put in many hours without pay. It was O'Sullivan who suggested the $42,500 promotion budget figure. He reaSOned that slnce the Winter FestlYal- customarily breaks even the '3,llOO budgeted ror it is not necessary and $5,000 i! too much to bud&i:t for Clt~ex~. . 'He uld he ·1us1 iu'ggeated -cull but would leave final decision on,~ie to Jl\U. u,.,. lo \11' Qhaotbe!'• diScmlon. ,\.-$42,500 budget would allow for a JO percent cost ot living increase and I per- cent population increue, O'Sullivan llid. ~ Jet Noise Irks Pageant Even If It's Appropriate Jet planes and Picasso don't mi1. Especially when lhe jets roar over the open-air Irvine Bowl above the heads of 3,000 people watching living pictures in Laguna's Pageant of the Masters. Ironically, jets flew over the bowl Wed- nesday during the living reproducUon or r 1'1arines raising the American Flag over Iwo Jlma. Under agreement with the Pageant Producer Don Williamson and the El Toro Air Station, m.Ultary flights over Laguna Beach will be held to a minimum during the run of the Pageant through Aug. 24, Wi\lialllliOn said that the Marines have been most cooperative in avoiding flights o\·er the Laguna area. He pointed out that Wednesday 's disruption was the first Laguna Man Injured A 41-year~ld Laguna Beach man was injured late Wednesday when his car struck 1 utility pole in the 900 block of Summit Drive. in Laguna. Byron Hardin Ritchey, 1999 S, Coast Hi~way, suffered cuta on tty: face In the accident. He was taken to South Coast Community Hospital and released follow· ing emergeocy_'treatment. since the Pageant preview all: days ago. Then several jets new over the bowl. A Marine Corps spokesman said today that such flights cannot be stopped en· tirely. Alrcraft other than thoSe stationed at the El Toro base also wie the all· weather, 24-hour airport. The spokesman said that the pattern over Laguna is used only for instrument landings when necessitated by oyercast skys. Guards Save 18 For Day's Record Laguna Beach lifeguards rescued 18 people ·from three to (our·foot .surf Wednesday -a new record for a week- day, a spokesman said. Some set! of five.foot waves made for one of the busiest days "in a long lime," ijie _1pokesman said. Attendance was estimated at 20,000. San Clemente lifeguards rescued 14 swimmers in three to four.root surl Wednesday. A spokesman uid that while there were some five-foot breakers, the 91.1rf was slowly diminishing. Beach at· tendance was estimated at 7,200. Apollo Teleea st Schedule The second Apollo II telecast from space Is scheduled today at 4:32 p.m. POT as the astronauts speed toward the moon. The 15'-minute clorocast is one of eight scheduled transmissions that Include the first step Apollo II commander Neil A. Armstrong. takes on the moon. Ari networks, as well as Channel II (K'ITV) will carry the colorcast. Here are the television scheditles for Apollo 11 covuage (all PDT): Today, at 4:3Z4 :47 p.m. -from Apollo C.QmJ!laDd •hit!. Friday, July 18, at 4:3Z4:47 p.m.-from com'niand ship. Color. Saturday, Jilly 19, at 1:02 p.m.-from command sl1lp in lunar orbit. Color. Sunday, July 20, at 10:52:-11 :07 a.m.-ftbm the· command ship, showing the undoc klng and beginning of de scent ol the lupar moditle. Color. LOS ANGELES !AP) -Mayor Sam Sunday, July 21, at IO :liHl:07 p.m.-from command module Yorty says he's off lo Wiii Bullo to In lunar orbit. Color. At 11 :12 p.m.·1:$2 ,,m.-lrom the moon. show· rep~s<nt Los Angeles In the Volklast, at ing. Armstrong setting loot on the moon and the ·lunar actlVltles ol which the ~IYWIU have airO'llllhtt·1.. Armstronjr'anG Edwlii-&.-Aldrln Jr.; Black ahd white. eluding tht moon«hlllnl Apono 1 ;:=;: Wednesday, July 23, <at 4:02-4 ;17 p:m.-fl'Oll1 tonUn"&ftd moditle copaulo. as lb• Apollo II en rpute back lo earth.· Color. . . ' target. · Russia's unmanned Luna 15 nl already orbiting tbe moon tn an apparent bold bid lo best the Americana bael< to earth.vdll> a"""~ of lunar soil. The medals wliidi Neil A. Armstronc and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. plan to leave on ttie mOOD's surface Monday will honor JWSslans Yuri A. .Gagarin and Vladimir Komarov aocf ti.S. Air Foni'U. COii. Virgil I. Grissoril Jc. and l«ll!anl .H. While U and Navy U. Cmdr. Roger ,B. Chaffee. President Na.on 8DDCN.DCtd t n Washington today that l.I>ollo,11,.., ~r­ rylng .tbt,m-. He ialtt the -ol Gargarin and Komarov bad given the m-for their husbands to -ut Friilk Borman dl1ring bis rteenl-Sovld •lsil '"!be two men we hope will set foot on the ,_ represeot all mankind," Nhon said. '!Tbeii adlie'iemOlll will. be. the world's achlevemenL It is fiUklg. therefore, that tbe first lunar explol'lrs carry with them some recognition of the sacrifice made by other SP.&Ce pl.ooetra w1>o 1ie1pe<1 blw tbejr 1ra1L "In recognizing the dedication and sacrifice of brave men , we underscore an example we hope to set: That if_ men can reach the moon, men can reach agree. ment." The mldcourse englno firing luted ooly three seconds and incrw<d Apollo II's speed by onJy 14 miles per hour. But it adjusted the path so the astronauts will pass within 69 miles of t he mOon'a backside on Saturday -precisely wbtre they want to be to inject themselves into orbit to start their exploration. Had they continued on their previous eourse, their closest approach would have been 201 miles. The !UCcessful firing of the 20,500- pcund-thrust engine was a reassuring sound to spacecraft c o m m a n d e r Armstrong, A i r Force Col. Aldrin and Air Force Lt. Col. Michael Collins. Tbls is the powerplant that must blast them into lunar orbit before Armstrong and Aldrin descend to t h e surface and must also work to start them home nut Monday. "It was a good burn," miaioo control told the astrooaut.s. An unmanned visitor lroni Russia. Luna 15, today zipped into a looping lunar orbit ranging from about 800 to 1,291) miles al:M:ive the surf&C8. A Moscow report said the craft h2d become a moori satellite, but speculation contim1ed that It · might attempt to land, scoop up a 0-11 samples and return them ·to earth before Apollo 11 can bring back its carao of """"· Orange Weatlter Summer h&s ceriawy anivtd along tile Coast and It Is expected to remain that way for awhile, at least through the weekend. And for beach-lovers, there's no beat· ing fl degree waters. INSIDE TODAY OpcroUon CookleUft "4s bten · de:tmtd a IVCCtSI by thr ptoplt thac coune ---th,.,__mm-who re- ceived th« "'Wt Care" packogea. Ji'or their commtfttl and thanb ltt pa.Qt -22. ' ' ' I .. • 1· 1 I . , - : :! OAJL Y Ptl.OT L Thufsdq, July 11, 1969 Council I;»ut on Spot Over St~eet Dance Plans -/ ~ Buch cllj> coun<:lJmen were JlCWd !Gr wwen.by IO -114 Boy . ' -I Wednesday nJPt on how they expect to approve another yooth street dance and what measures they would take to cantrol Jt. . ~,M. Patterson, 240 Emerald Bay, said ho attended the last otr<et dance M1y 31 over which city councilmen still were bearing criticism. ~ Paterson said the dance wl! out of. con- trol and a zoo keeper was needed but later added that youth dances are a &ood • ~ . Idea and h• -1d lit. to ... police ix-t nut tline. CounctJmeo left It up to Ille Soiltll Orqe County VilOA Youtll ctllllell It come to them wlth a proposal !or another dance with tigher control. Mayor Glenn E. Vedder suggested to Patterson the next dance might be held in Emerald Bay. "I'm thinking of your tennis courts in Swanson Park," he said. Patterson said be would be very happy to make the proposal "to our governing body." a. 111111ea1«1. the .....111 lboldd ~· °" IJne, perhaps roqW.. -.... tlo, ml II~ "have a !WI on - ~.,.,. .......... JIOlllt Mia to - j tbe rules. Councilman Charlton Boyd was repell· ed al the thought. "A confrontation at any kind simply produces a redress COD· frontatlon," be said. The matter came up in form Or a letter rrom the \' Youth Council. The letter was an answer to earlier allegations by downtown buslneutnan Cllarlae it. l4CC&lla -~ aittk:i;i 11\e • lldt ol ~ ud nuinber ol out.<I· '°"" peras at tile llreet denC.. -1'" Y Council clalmed locel youtll were Jn tbt majorily and contended there were no clil!urbancel requlrtna PQqce In· --tervenUon. -- Howev~. Mayor Vedder rtad a rf.!por1 by a plamclotbes Laguna poUce offJcer who wrote that he smelled burn!nl mari· juana, heard over the mlcrophone ''nlere's a naro (narcotics Of(icer) among us,'' was pointed out by known -._, 111er1 aJld arreated • air! oo dnti charpo. ·.- "Now that '• another picture;'' lhe mayor comnierited. Councilman Josepb A. O'Sullivan said he thought It was a mistake that the dance was held on a holiday (Memorial Day). Boyd said, "They have bad good dances in the past. As a matter of fact I un· dersland this was a good one." He said tbe problem was the lack or adult.& t.o help with the planning and execution. Mayor Vedder uld It ii Jill Jieuna flo . )'OW!i-oeoole will 1uo-. to coma up wjtll some ildlcal ehanges be!Ort he'll put another burden on the merchants of Forest Avenue. Emerald Bay resident Patterson said the security guards preseJlL last time "weren't worth a darn . ..All. tbey dJd Is JtJSl collect their pay and wore their suits," he said. Y Youth Council 'repre:sentative Tom Gorman said, "We did go to Laguna Beach police first and they turned us down." Supervisors Probe Budget· Plumbers Back On Jobs at Saddleback Puhll~ Protests Noted Grand Jury Urges .New Upper Bay Swap 'Study; Lack of Funds for Social Ills, Beacli Development Cited Deficiencies Including lack ol dru& abuse proa:rams, methods of deallng with social problems or development of parks and beaches were cited Wedll8$day as supervisors mulled over a $169.4 million Orange County budget. Few people showed up to hear the cOm- ments by Chief AdmmlstraUve Officer Robert !;. Thomas, who said county ex- penditures In other key areas are far more significant than ln years past. PereMial spokesmen lor the Orange County Fann Bureau were on hand, bowever, to urge supervisors to go slow, and to c;rlliclze alleged inflatjonary budget tendencies. Budget hearings are scheduled tb con- tinue through today and Friday, resum- ing Monday and extending on for all o! next week. Supervisors generally droned o n through the hot, slee py day in the county seat, with highlights coming in the coin· mentary by their administrative officer and fann bureau spokesmen. ABUSE INCREASING "Drug abuse is increasing in frighten· ing proportions," Thomas told the board Aquanauts" Turn 60 Ready to Dive Off Clemente SAN CLEMENTE ISLAND 'AP) - While utrona111> Dy to the .-,, aquanaut. prepare to go to the bottom of the sea again. About 60 men went aboard a 1upport •htP off Sen. Clemenle Toland, Wednesday -ln~thefirst phase er .-newprografu to test underwater living. T11e man in t.he sea program came to a ha lt last Feb. 17 when aqua· naut Berry L. Cannon, 33, died at a depth or too feet off San Clementeo near the entrance to the Sealab 3 habitat. 'llle.U.8.-Navy ii taking a long took at the capablliUes of men and equipment before-actullly sending personnel t.o sut>- m111ed "living quart.rs." A targej date for that has not been set. Sealab ls proceeding just as the na- tion's space progratn ,did -with caution !tags -ofter tile January 1967 fire that killed -utrooauil. Uttiow• goall ol the probe of Inner 1ipace -the. ocean -include set~ up l!llll's eiplotalloo ol lhe \r a SI ,and ' ' ~ . ' mineral-rich continental shelf, while also providing the Navy with deep.diving in·· rormation for its submarine rescue system. · The<Havy's Deep Submergence Systems Project has formulated a four- P1iase program ftii'tlfe ne'Wlry at ·Un- dersea living. The first three phases eval4J.te the Mark 2: deep.diving system. This includes personnel transfer capsules, which carry divers between· the surf11ce and the Sealab habitat on the ocean's bottom, their life 1upport systems and the decom- pression chambers on the deck of the support vessel. The fourth phase is actual use of Sealab 3, supported by the Mark 2 'system. • Cmdr. William F. Liebold, head of the project, says the final stages of the first phase have ~t.ed. -;lt isl.jn that first phase that 5ealab peraoMe~ went aboard ' the support ship Elk ~ver to the habit.at site off San Clemerite 'WeaAeida1. ~ ~ ' " ' Council 03lays Hearing o ·n Pyne Castle Change Laguna Beach dty coundlmen Wednes- day night decided to E_Oatpone a public bearlnc on the use of Pyne Castle as a ChrlsUan day school and church. AJ a result, more than a dozen mldents who aUended the council meeting to protest such use of the pro- perty wUI have to wait until Sept. 17 to voice tbelr complainl..1. The public bearing was rescheduled t.y the council at the request of the Calvary Evangelical Free Church, owners of the property at no Hillcrest Drive. The church bad appealed to councilmen to ll!verze a split Planning Commission denial June 16 of iLs request to use the historic 64-room hillside fortress as a church complex. City planners turned down the request for a conditional use pennit, showing concern for a potential traffic problem. Neighbors of the castle have voiced strong disapproval, both verbally and in letters, of a possible chureh use. They claimed there would be inc'reased noise OAllV PllQT Cl~ CDo\11 l"VllllMtHO COMNJfY l:•t.fft N. w ... ,, .. -.. ........ w.. J1el-II. C11rl.y VICI Prnlllell -~-"'-illlltl l~.,.. •• k"'ll ..... llt•"'•• A.. M~•plll11• ...... ""'"(fib ait."-•" '· N.u ·--(1111 fi-IW J and traffic in the re s idential neighborhood. They also complained that the church would destroy the beauty of the area. and that the property would be taken off the tax rolls. In his appeal letter, congregation chairman Dr. John Wheaton, a veterinarian, wrote, "I felt the planning commission was very hasty in its decision. "l felt there should have been a study session, when we could come back with details. l felt they were too concerned with traffic, which we could work out." Public to View New Playhouse Public inspection of the $500,000 Laguna Moulton Playhouse will be possible daily starting Friday, directors have an· nounced. · From 1 through 5 p.m. until Aug. 24 a representaUve o( the board will open the Playhouse and answer any questions the public might have . Fact sheets and brochures will be available, also. Though there won 't be any directed tours, the public will be allowed to mill through the different rooms and halls. There '!'ill be no charge. The Piayhouse al 600 Broad~·ay is scheduled to open Sept. 30. South LA Tee ns To Visit Laguna Approx.imately 20 teen-agers from south central Los Angeles will spend this weekend in Laguna Beach as the ' guests o~ local teens in the first half of a cultural exchange. The P'1!i!!j:\, 6J>QMOred by _the-South Orange County YMCA Youth Council, ls ~n attempt to bring two culturally. distinct groups of young people together. The group frorii Los_ Angeles, organized by their YMCA, wlll come to Laguna Saturday afternoon. Sunday the total group will meet at the YMCA11 Cimp µc>lph In Aliso Canyon ror talk, games and food. Laguna teens will go to W•tt• Aua. 2 and 3 for tile aecond hatr of the e1thange. Jn mentioning that apparfnt. budget defi- ciency, among othe~. •te listed them as acquis.iUon and The present plumbers strike ls result· ing in a work !ilow down at the construc-development of county beaches and tion site ol the pennaoent Saddleback parks, so-called people programs and ir.-Junior College campus. By TOM BARLEY Of lilt DlllY Pllel Sltll adequate county internal audit review College officials said tctday that work is and management training. just beginning to be curtailed. There are County Supervisors will be asked by the On• the other hand, !iignificant er. eight buildings on the temporary site that Orange County Grandi Jury Tuesday to penditures listed by Thomas -said to be stH I have to be moved. They can't, take another long hard look at the Jong· much diffe~nt than in prior years .:.. in· though, until the plumbing is discon· debated Upper Newport Bay tidelands eluded the following items: nected. h c •• -A OMAA ,000 schematic program for exc ange between Orange ounty and 1.11e ,_,.. At the same time, the five buildings master planning of Orange County that have bee.n moved onto the new cam· Irvine Company. • Medical Center to meet future needs. pus can't be completely instaJled until A jury resol~tion calling on the county -A $400,000 allocation for the site of an plumbers move in to finish pipe hook-ups. board to furth er study the land swap for additional county-jllvenile fuill faclllty. College officials still expect the school the purpose of providing more water -A· $3.56 million allotment for the will open on time in September. county's Mental Health Program. frontage and access to the tidelands for "Work is falling a little behind The jury also urges that the supervisors and the public at large should be allowed to consider ultimate pl3ns for the ex· change of public tidelands - a request that is broadly interpreted as a demand for public hearings onJbe issue. Council Bans Some Parking -A total of $6 million for Orange Coun· schedule," said a college spokesman. the public wa.s filed today. ty Flood Control damage repllll' d 1 Th I t' · d b F City councilmen Wednesday night n.ass-s ue o "But we hope the plumbers will go back e reso u ion, signe y oreman I': last winter's devastating stonns, raised the . b und • hort t , William Martin of Laguna Beach. is the ed a resolution · prohibiting parking on by a one-year increase in the district's on JO er a s erm agree· rtai · r tar rate. ment with their union." culminalion 9f a long study of the Irvine· ce n portions o Wendt Terrace, -A $tllO,OOO allocation for county Civic Plumbers have been on strike two and County deal by the Grand Jury. It was Highland Way, Cleo Street, and South Center de.ve.lopment. one-half weeks. sparked by public debate over the ex· Co.ast Highway. · -A $400,000 ·expenditure for planning change of 457 acres of Irvine pro~y tor At the same time, a two.hour time local drao'nage·-pr~rem ·-U limit was established on the north side of •· ""' """''""' on. T p 157 acres of_county-owJled tid~lands. '-A $600,000 1ncr~ in refuse dispasal ax-rotests The Grand Jury notes in today's re!olu· Aste r street from Pacific Coast Highway co~ts:since the rate of ¥uh and garbage tion "th-at the ,litigation involve<! in the to Cedar Way. · geJ\erated pet·periOn Jg rising from 7.8-to -n ·e-a :11•1 ll e -set present tideland!-exchange ls costly hf The resolution went in lo effect bn· 8·2 pounds daily. CJ___ time and.money." Jt is pointed out to the mediately. SERVICES REVIEWED Supervisors "that an ultimate exchange The new "no parking zones" include : Re · ed Wectn-·• Augu· st 26 is the final date for filing plan m;•ht elimma' •· some of lhe pr~ -The west 51'de ol Wendt TePrace from view r;euay were only com-"" ~ v-munity safety services, tuch as adult protests to l969-70 tu assessments, blems that are before the county." Thalia Street to Griffith Way: juvenile and civil law enforcement pro: County AsseMOr Andrew: J. Hinshaw It draws the attention of the Board to -The west side of Highland Way gr~ms, traffic safety, fire preventlon, warned today. the Grand Jury's previous adoption of a between Alta Vista and Nyes Place; animal-control and prevention and pr~ Persons wishing to protest assessments resolution "stating that-transactions con· -=Both sides of Cleo Street from Glen- tection involving natural and manmade before the county A.s&essment Appeals cerning the disposition of public lands neyre Street to Catalina Street; and disasters. Bo.frd may secure applications at the should be able to withstand public review -The east side of South Coast lrtjhway "Sixty percent of these coats go to Asses.sor's office, 630 N. Broadway, Santa ... recognizing that further study may from Hinkle Place to SZ..feet south of adult and juvenile law enforcement," the t..=An=•=· =============en=ta=il=lh=e=ex=pe=nd=il=ure=o=I p=u=b=lic=lu=nd=s=. '=' ==H=in=k=l=e =P=Ta=ce=.======== county administrative officer noted 1r saying this budget segment is $31' million' up $3.86 million from last Year. ' County depfrtment heads will have a chance in continuing sessions to protest cuts In theJr respective areas of Jurisdic- 'tion ~~ a4mi,nj1lrators. ·1 ~cir~. president of the Oranae 'County Farm . B~, appeared Wed- nesday to sai\hfs believes infla- tion control to be , e county's most pressing concern. • "Jt Can only be achieved by each unit of government avoJding any unnecessary spending," Grlset declared, "every effort should be made to avoid duplication of service and unneces118ry service." "We suagest land fOr future use should -~ot be bdllght this year unless absolutely necessary," he continued, "the purchase adds to inflationary pressure as well as reducing the tax base." LIMIT FACIUTIES He specifically Called for limlUng Orange County Medical Center facilities to only indigent paUents who cannot pro- vide care for themselves. "~ave to the state the providing of medical school and educational facillUes," he added. "Property taxpayers are rising in pro- test against high tax levies," Griset said "the line must be held no( just on the rate but on net county expenditures." He was joined in the presentation Wednesday by former farm bureau ex- ecutive Roland D. Flaherty, owner of a county office supply business. Nixon Victor In 1st Senate Surtax Vote WASHINGTON (AP) -The 5enale Finance Committee voted·N today to ap. prove the House-pa!l!ied surtax extension bill without change and send it to the Seryate noor for debate . 1he vote represented a first-rourll! vic- tory for President Nixon in Senate con- sideration of the bill. However, it was uncertain as to when the legislation would be called up for Senate debate. Democratic leader Mike Mansfield (Mont.), has said the bill must be ac- companied by meaningful tu reform and the Finance Committee refused today to consider any reform amendments be.fore acting on the bill. Two Democrats, Clinton P. Anderson (N .M.), and Abraham A. Riblcoll, (Conn.), joined with the seven Republicans on the committee to gtve the administration the nine votes It needed to get approval of the House bill; Scn.-Albert Gore ([l.Teon.)-who voled againat reporting the bill without con- sideration of amendmenl..1, said there would be a floor fight when it Is brought up to adc! a substantial :neasure of tax reform to it. Republicans on the committee had taken I.he position lhe group should draft its own version ot_ the measure, without tu reform riders. But the Democratic leadera In lhe Senate -Mansfield and bis aul.stant, Sen. Edward M. Ktnnedy of MaMachuset11 -wanted major tax reforms included, even ll tt toot two molllbs to COllljlletAt tile Je11"1t!M0 TWIN COCKTAIL 99.00 TWIN COCKTAIL 69.00 Bronzini Ta1?les by Heritage HEX COMMODE 199.00 SQUARE COMMODE .199.00 Now JOll can ba.e that expensi"" old-world look at remarkable new-world prices. Tables that arc paiiutakingJy constructed of wormy maple solids and antique cheny '"""'""with an unusml distressed finish, rubbed down to a deep glow from within. Each table Is available with dJrtr.ssed white paint finUh as well, with.glints of wood soowing through. END TABLE 99.00 PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS Optn Mon., Thura., & Frl., Eves. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 2 2 I 5 HARBOR BLVD. 6-46 -0275 "46 -0276 I I j, I I I I I I I I I '·/ ·r ' l J I H ) ' - • 1 L Argoaaut Overo11 ' Wl~tter ' . -• • . ' Mesa Cal 40s Kee~ Transpac OAll. y Pll.01' 3 . • • ' ... :rip -'. By ALMON LOCltABllY mlnutu and 23 l<Cllllds. . MoccaJ!n. Vtento, Val<o.Van, -· l)Uu, ~AILY P'ILOT ... 11111 ~llW Second place In the neet standlnis Wtnt C-1. Arg~ut ; 2. Quasar; '· VJvant; Esprit, Plelades, Mamie, Blamttd.ta. HONOLULU -The eo.ta Mesa bolll to Arthur Biehl'• 31-loot sloop Quuar '-eurlooo. Deatlny II. • --Ca~ continued their hand.Jc a·p from , RJcbmoOd Yacht Club. 1~ th!NI ~1 ~. It 2 I ,_ Id 11 1 Pl · ile LaU!udes and Lonlltudu of boata th Cal ~ Haskell' ~ · ~pr ' · n".p ' · .,. '· ~··· t 10 w~--M stranglehold In the Transpocillc Yaclit place !> ano er ~. Mort s no fourtl!. ,.,..,,_ .. a a.m. -·-IY· TRADITIONAL FLIGHT OF SNOWBIRDS BECOMING KITE FLIGHT Ringo Wagner, 15, (left), Rendy L1r1on, t4, Like Kitti Few Newport Snowbirds Left for Annual 'Flight' By EVELYN SHERWOOD --~ -GI.Ille 0.llY-l'lltf S .. rt -.. For the pa.st M years the Newport Snowbird has made its annual ill&ht on the waters of Newport Harbor. But this year-Sunday at 1:30 p.m.- the flight of the sln~le-wlng birds will be more of a kite-flight than anythiog e1£e. The reason: the 12-foot cat-rigged sailboats are rapidly growing extinct. _ No one is building them any·more. So on ' Sunday an estimated 30 Snowbirds will beat, reach and run along the 5-mUe bay course in the annua1 Flight of the Snowbirds. And 90 Kites will do the same. · The Kites' popularity is growing by the day, enthusiasts say, and ita natural com- petitor, the 'Snowbird, seems to have fall· en out of favor. Kites are fiberglass; most Snowbirds are wood. Newport Harbor Chamber of Com- merce Manager Jack Barnett, whose organization sponsors the annual flight , said that the group received so few Soowbird entries this year that the Kites were needed to make the event worth while. In the heyday of the event, upwards of 150 Snowbirds could be expected at the starting line. Last year's turnout was about 75. ------ Next year will probably rmd even feWer birds, Barnett said. Both the Kite and the Snowbird fly one sail and are about equal in length. The Kite., however, has a few more points, its manufacturer says -it can't sink because_of flotaUon tanks aboard. Its young skippers describe it a little differenUy. "When you flip in a Snowbird, you're dead," Ringo Wagner, 15, former owner of a Snowbird and pre&ent owner of a Kite, said. "Flip a KJte and it's easy to get up. It handles faster, too." Trophies will be awarded at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club for both classes, according to Barnett, where the Chamber Women's Division will serve hot dogs and punch to conteoders. Tbe race, lasUn& from 2-3 hours depen- ding on wind!, sun start and finish Its S.. mile course at lhe_Balbia Pavilion. There is no qii:ni!Wdiil or maximum age, according -to co-chairmen, Jack Richardson and Rush Hilborn. Entrants must sign up before Friday at the Chamber of Commerce, Newport Harbor Yacht Club, Balboa Yacht Club or Lido Isle Yacht Club. · ~ Coast to Observe Monday Holiday for Moon W allc President Nixon's ltlJie.sUon for a "National Day of ParUc~aUon" Mooday in honor of the anticipate'd moon landing by U.S. astrunauts prompted city officials in three Orange Coast communities to declare a holiday. Costa Mesa, Hunqt.on Beach and Newport Beach are the only cities that have conrlrrned a holiday schedule for Monday, but four others on the coast art ~hoping for a declaration this afternoon. Fourteen state governors have declared a holiday for state emplO)'es and the governors of the New York and American Stock Exchanges decided early today to close the market Monday. County superior and municipal courts and other county offices will be closed Monday. All matters scheduled for hear- ing will be postponed until Tuesday. UC Irvine and Orange Coa&t College will also be closed Monday in accord with Niion's suggestion for a day of celebra· tion of the mOO)l landlng. President Charles J. Hitch of the UC system, issued an order e1cualng students and faculty for tbe day on all nine university campuses. Governors Robald Reagan of California and Nelson Rockefeller of ~w York, were the first to declare a holiday for state workers. Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Maryland, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, T e n n e a a e e , Wasblngtoo and West Virginia have also declared holid<ys. NiXon signed a proclamaUon declaring Monday a national day of partlcipaUon hours after he watched the telfl'Vlsion broadc8'1 of the Apollo II llltoff Wed-· nesday. His action gave the day off to all federal employes except those in national security and essenUal aervices. Tiie President urged g o v e r n o r 1 , mayors, school officials: and private employers to take aim.liar action "so that as msny of our citizens as poSsible wilt be able to share in the stanmcant events of that day." After Nixon announced f e d e r a l , } employes would be given a ballday, the Gross Nntiona comptroller ol the currency, William B. ~ r J Camp, llSUed a statement saying he -... ~that the 4,700 national banks aho Product Rises ~ we;;! ... :.·thefirstbankannounc•meni. were aUve. The Bank of America in WASHINGTON (AP) -The Gr Na· San . , the world's largest and tional Product (GNP), rose $18.5 llllon the ConUnental lllinois NaUonal Bank and during the second ·quarter of the year, Tru!t Co. in Chicago, said they would re. the Commerce Department said today, main open Mon~y. State law will keep . • ..... ,~~ th 1 u · Id open the banks m T ..... and an economist.,. ........ -.. a "'wou The big four automakers in Detroit and reach $933 billion by the end of ~year. U.S. Steel in Pittsburgh said no decision The GNP is the total of all gOi:lds and ha, been made on tbe Preiident's re- i;ervices produced in the country. quest. The preliminary second quarter GNP One group which does not plan any figure was at an annual rate of '925.1 special holiday Monday is the Navajo Jn. billion. compared to $908.7 In the ftrst dlan tribal councll ln Window Rock, Ariz. flUarter. 1 -t The re.ason - a tribal ltgtnd aays a cou~ WiWam H. Cbartener, d department's ple of Navajo boys made the trip to the chief economl!t, said the second quarter moon ages ago. tncrease of 1~ percent wu about the Allen Hill, assist.ant to the tribal aame as the two preceding three-month chairman, said the Je1end teJls of two periods. He said it consisted of an In--young Navajos who stopped at the moon · crease of almost l'ii percent In prices on the way to jo1n their. lather, who was ... d a pin of JUBI over one-ball of I per· the sun. Th• tribe's religion reaaro. the ceot In productlon. SW1 and mooo u llvln& l>doil. Race for the ~third straight -Je&r-u the Vlvant, Long Beach Yacht Club. fin Amerlcan.I, 21-31, 161-10; Ano Nuevo, I of th lM• r •oes Into ••-Light wlnda· In Ille Molokai Channel Yaehta l1hlng since Tuesday night: ~' Uf.13; Avenlura, !l,63, !JS.a; w nner e ""' ace ~ "'ie stowed the latter stages of the race 88 the MysUc, Dare, JublJaUon, Intmneao, uunqut.z.. 21-65, 157·10; CyCIJUI, 21.act. record as Jon Andron's Argonaut fnim Class D yachta approached Diamond Nimble, Ya Turko, Marionette, Amorita, 1~; ua Kine, 23-IJ, 164-00; L'All~ Santa B&rbara. Head. Xanthippe. Slmoon, .Weslerly, Tangent, =.154-41; Mahla, ~ I-; r;e. With only a dozen yachta left to finish, CLASS STANDINGS Tilt 'O The Kilt, Montaomerj Street, !'""·.· V23-05•''":.f,54--0'ln. ;_Sl!oll, 1111'!!'1. JUG, Ar t' ected tlm f 8 d 20 Esperance, Ah$ante, Vivant, Numse Il, ~ uv•• .,. 'YI. gonau s corr e 0 ays, A-t. Concerto; 2. Rascal: 3. Sumatra; •-naul c I•·· Qu M In DID NOT REPORT -"-··~~ hours, 44 minuie,, and 7 seconds will t. Blackfin. fuk~pld 1'r. ChU:-t;'ffi, Ha:.li8.na, ~Uni Hetaera, Maestro, Rougbfteek n~"'.:i stand up. Her elapsed time for the 1,125 B-1. Salicia; 2. Mystic; 3. Mmbla; f. ID, Typee, Ranger, Americana, Loco IN TOW -Quest. · mile crosaing was 11 days, 15 hours, 35 1--=--=-=='--'--'---'-'-----""---...:.-'-----'---------------- El Toro Sale Mention -Said Coincidental By ARTHUR R. VINSEL ot tM DellY P'lltt •••If MenUon of El Toro MCAS during organization of a panel to probe ~e of military posts on expensive, urban land was purely coincidental, Orange county legislators declared today in Washington. The big job raced by a subcommittee of the House Anned Service.I Committee is far from getting under way, they em· phaslzed. Just appointed by Chairman L. Mendel Rivers CD-South Carolina) the con- gressional panel will inve.sijgat.e reloca· lion of certain posts. "El Toro was simply a name pickt.d out of a number of places where·there have been incidents showing tncornp.atiblllty of rnllitary operations and civilian develop- ment," said Congressman Richard T. Hanna· (D-Westminster) today, Hanna· said he had c·ontacted Congressman Speedy 0 . Long (0- Louisiana), who heads the subcommittee, about the specific naming of the county base. BECAUSE OF JET "Congressman Rivers just bappened to think of El Toro, probably because of the jet that creamed the senior citizens' village," ~a explained. He w-as 'referring to the mulUple-fatall· ty cralh three years ago of a fighter-. bomber into Leisure World Laguna Hills, following collision with another ~era!~ during a landing approach. "Aas you know, the committee has just been described -as a matter of fact - it is not even organized and has no hear- ings set yet,'' Congressman Hanna con-- tinued. "J will be talking to Mr. Long and I'll keep close contact with the matter, '1 he said, "notifying you of when and where any hearings will be held and what their intent may be." "I'll be very surprised if El Toro would be picked for a hearing site," Hanna con-- tinued. The Westmin&ter leg~ator said from his own viewpoint, the fun ction or the subcommittee ia entirely appropriate, a theory supported by the El Toro MCAS station commander Tuesday. CONTINUE AS USUAL Brig. GM. Henry W. Hise said until 111ch time as the altuatlon changes -if it changes -the Marine Corps will con- tinue with busineas as usual at the local link in the U.S. defense chain. Congressman Jamis B. Utt (R-Tustin), in who.5e district the air fac ility is located, was not a'.vailable for comment oo the fact that the Orange County in· stallatlon was mentioned by Rivers, but his aides echoed Hanna's remarks. "The reference was just a top-of-the- head comment by Rivers. There is no consideration of El Toro for sale," said UU's adminlstraUve assistant Bob Geier · Jn a telephone interview Wednesday. Congressman Jljvers also mentioned the Presidio of San Francisco, ad- ministrative headquarters of the Siith Army, which covers the western stat.ea area. D The Installation ls Jess strategic than the Orange County jet and helicopter training facility, bu& lies in a scenic~ of San Francisco not far from the Gol Gate Bridge, trem'endOully valua61e. ·• Rivers tolif lhe subcommittee Monday that any proposed' legislation enabling sale of military property to local authorities or private enterprise must in- clude provision for base l o c a t i o D elsewhere. OranJe county b the fastesl·growlnr county In CalUornia, but El Toro MCAS Is still in a relatively rural ma compared to other installations throughout the country. Red Chinese Swim-in Celebrates Mao's Dip LONDON (UPI) -Communist China staged a nationwide swim·in today to celebrate the thirtl anniver!lary of chalnnan-Mao Toe-lung's storied dip In the Yangtze River, the New Chlnt News Agency rePor\ed. In a d~patch fTOm P~/,' monitored in London. the Agency : "Work.en, peasan~, soldJers and Red Guards held • celebration nWes and mus swinunlna: In rivers and lakes and at the IOllldo all ov~r China" in observance of Mao'• swim ' three JWI &go .. • YOUR CHOICE ---3_( Begonlos, Dohllas, Vlncas, and Marigolds for plctur11 perfect 4jarde~s ... Plant _.1 potl of .. ,b al __ coloofvl tlowering plants ••• .; __ -... poll ... ~ patios or po<ehff lot d"'matlc offed! In '" poll ••• thoy'ro already growing • , , Giid loolc at the llTIClll prictl YOUR CHOICE 69c • • • Jun1pen, pfitztr or tom. For basic: ptofenb"?I type Jancbcape plontlng with little uplteep1 plant everQl'MM ••• rttnt pbd for. quantfty buying and pfantlng I In 1 gallon c:autain«. • Your choie» of Canary bland or ~apa.-Black Pine for tailor evergreen growth. n.---haYo .... standing rich foliage. In S galJon contahw. • ·~· 50 ft. vinyl nylon hose to help kHp your garden grffn all "'"'"*' lonv. This quallty garden hose it a great value, to buy nowl 1.99 %" 50 ft. nylon vinyl garden hOM for yilur garden. 4.44 SIMI hoM hang., to kHp ywt '- MAI and out of the woy. 59c Wall ,_,,,, hoM reel for an out of sight garden hooel 7.99 MONTCLAIR- 3.19 Ll~E IT ••• CHARGE . ITI ••• • • • • • • • • Decorative gro111d CClftl' with S.q11ola lark ••• 3 cu.~. 1.77 Coano, ......... Giid path-...... - from for bonlor beauryt Look lw tho - Kollogg'~ Planlet Mix in 2 cu. ropld plant growth. ft, ..... Far 1.09· ·uniwnlty' Compod In 5 cu. ft. bog for a healthy lawn and garden. 2.19 For li11utlful gardens, Kellogg'a Gromulch in % cv. ft, bog. 1.10 Ortho4nl lawn Food for a more healthy lawn. lal- ancod food ~ ., 5.000 oq. ft. ..... 2/4.96 Oriho-Gro Dkhondro Food pellets ... a balanced dlot '°' dlchondna lawns. .. 7,!!DJ ""' ft.bat> Ortho .Ev•11-end T- Food pellats far boautll•I ....... "' oncl trMt. fmy ... _pow..,...box.51b.boo<. 2/1.91 • NEWPORT:.BEACH · •• t • • J ' Ca·sualties DPQP · as ~hief s· Probe Lull But Paris . Talks Less Hopeful; Rogers Notes Red Negativism· to P~ace •" ..._.. ... ., .... Plllt IWfJ .,,M Muy S0.-1.irv, eodlng a JO ~· JRC!l!lh battte wllh the Ganadian St. "Lawrence ·seaway Aull)orlty, left quieUy when police arrived with a movillL. van to eVict her· from her hom1'1ii Welland Junction, Onta· ri o. Mrs. Sonnenberg, whose hus- band moved out after accepting an •tf,000 setUement las t September, h!,OI. refused to budge and demand-· ·~·a ... parate settlement. • htlmtttd Tr.1ffic Offfcer GilHrt Fr.1Mal1 'bed into the street to stop tiaf· · c fo r an approacliing ambulance .. e ·ambulance roared around the 'oriler. Its outside mirror hit Fran- ais, in the face and knocked. him ut. Tbe ambula{IC8 stopped, took . inside ana off.'!e-lhe' hospi181. '-.-.- E lic-e in Bastia. Corsica said er Jean Marcantonl leaped .. , hb car at an ini:ersection and !°xed the eats-;ol a yotithne ~Rht was crossing the street too lo.wfy.-. The youth's uncle drew a -•. ,. stol and shot Marcantoni in the k. Marcantoni whipped out a and shot the uncle in the face. were hospitalized in serious itiQD. . .-• Howiton rt.ridtnt.s are f't· 1trictea 'to ming water oul.ride their llomtr io ,.·.ce'rtain . hoifi because of a 1eoere drought. But tn caae of ·a flood. the ci~ now 1uu the monq to contrOt it. 811 a: margin of 29,:Z2J to 22.· 115, vottrs approved a $21.5 million county flood control bond issue after ck/eating tlu JOme proposal twice last 1Jtar. ~ ~,....--.-~..., t ' Tber;e was .nothing in the law F~k Jh•ldon Gimpel of New York ~ .. stud)'ing that told him how to ;~deal wit.Ir .the intruder in his room ~10 be called police. The police, in • .. 1urn, called the erican Society ~(or the P.revention of Crue1ty to 1.;Jjiitnals .wb'o.came n emoved a ~ constrictor w · somehow ~"' .. bad e11tered . the law student's apar'tmen!. . ~ . . f-1 PoliCe ·in New Jersey's capital .ijity ticketed. a freight train this {:week. The train, charged with ~oc.king Up.lfic at a street cross~ ~g. was the second PeM Central ... :frain·ticketed in two days. Last ;;year the railroad was fined $250 ~en · police cracked down on " ains blocking traffic. .. :: . . . . F-WI~ Se..X.. SAIGON -Tho lull In lh< Vieln~m war spread today as lOp American military officials met to consider the slgnificance of· the' slowdown and prospect.a for more withdrawals of U.S. trpops. Empbashlng the lull, the U.S. Com· mand announced that the number of American! and enemy kWed in combat Jast Weet wert: the lot(esi since the first week of the year, while the ' number of South Vietnamese soldien killed was the lowest in six months. . U.S. headquarters said 148 Americans were killed In action, well below the weekly average for the year of 2(3. Enemy dead totaled at least 2,051, the command said, and 352 goveflJlllent troops were reported, lcllled. Americans wounded last week totaled J,612, slightly above the recent •".erage. This was believed to be the result ol a :lO percent increase in the average· daily number ol contacts by small American unit!, but a predicted Increase in battle deaths because of this did n o:t materialize. Military spokesmen reported 15 enemy U,I f t ...... PROUD WIFE --Mrs. Janet Armstron~ talks to newsmen outside her home in Seabrook, Tex., eiter amWig from Cape Kennedy where she and her children watched the Apollo 11 blast-off. Mr s. Arn'lslrong's 'husband, astronaut Neil Armstrong, Is sc;b,eduled lo be the first man to set foot on the ~oon. " Top Health Officer Urges MedicineAidBef ore Mars WASHINGTON (UPI) -The top health officer in the Nixon administration, Dr. Roger 0. Egeberg, said today a manned landing on Mars "could be a damned hollow victory if it meant delaying solv- ing Critical medical problems on earth." . Eg~g was responding, in a t"elevisio~ 1nterv1ew (CBS), to a remark by Vice President Spiro T. Agnew -apparently speaking for himself and not necessarily the Nixon administration -on Wed- nesday that "we should •.. put a man on Mars by the end of this century." Said Egeberg, assistant · "HEW secretary: "With a.JI that's happening, in the way of the threats of new chemical~. with the maldistribution ·of medical care, Mars I could be a damned hollow victory for us. "Now, I don't mean to pass on Mars vs. medicine, but certainly I'm going to be a very strong protagonist or the fact that med.icine ..• should have all the support that the country can give it." Senate Democratic leaders M i k e ?\1ansfield and Edward M. Kennedy promr,uy said unsatisfied "needs on earth ' must take priority over any ad· ventures in space past the moon. But House Democratic whip Hale Boggs, La., returning with about 250 other congressmen from the launch site, said he agreed with Agnew. He called a news. conference to warn against the ad4 vice of those he quoted as saying "now that we've got to the moon let's quit" ~;Humidity Wilting Collars Temperatures Around Nation ·soar Into the 90s CoutaJ f1m moni1,,. 1'w owrutl btcom- i.,,. -nr ....,..,., 11¥ mld""""'in.. Liit!! "'fflatllt wlncll ftloill incl "'°"'"" 1111 '*1B btcoml111 we11 11 -ltlwt1l t to u knell. Hlth teHr 10. Yt6"'111Y'1 l'""9r1Nrt P't"91d rrom I 1'1'911 al' " '° 1'. lni.ncl ~•r•lvrt ••ntt ... , 6l 111 ti. 'N1ltr ltfnClotrt lvrt -'4 dttrwt. Sun, Moon, Tides TMUJISOAY Flril itl• , •·1f D In. J.! Fl"I 111111 lO:ll P.ln. J,4 PllOAY f<lnt low , "l"t M11! .. """' .. -..... ' JO ' .... 0 1 . .. !J! P-"'· •I . rt~·"' t.! • .l4 p 1n,•.• ·~ -... J111Y. llltll $ ~,...... ''" I 04 "·"'· ll l '[ '·""· kll 10.10 11.m. l.jtf .: ·,lf"ll •• .... • Alie. I J11f~ U Altlt. U V.S. Summary Colltr Wll!lrll llMI Ml 1W1nld!ly ~ to I 11,... N rt al' !fie nll!Clt'I -..S.r 1nd ~ -llttht oroi...cl fll 1nr wldn.il'ffd fOllll"ll r11!i!'I. T-l'turH 11\11 -!'Id lni., !tit l'DI WWtit•r frem ttw Dull Of Mtll.- k o la Ille GrMI Lllce, 1NI t11tw11"d '° lllt All1nll( lfllled flG tower llltfl !ht 1lldrr 1h _ft..,.!, A. 1l!f!lltr cootlflll ''°'nd ~lloHI ovtr "" "'°'!Nrn M~! '-'«I d1"'" ind Ir!--OCCll~Hr -· lllunot,. 11or1n1, l+owf¥er. llMI WNlhtr "'"'" uld " 1-•rtd lfle cool '"'"' -Id 1t1tl hilt w1r lt(rott Ille Mld"""I ..... "-" ... dl•l«M ltr ....... "'' wt•"""· Torntdl:ln I'll! fvnnl>I cloud1 ~"' ilt!!ltd In l'<lr:ti .. Nebr1K1 1nd lowt ltte Weontlllltir, Ind tfYffJ: -JtH!t Wl',,,llltl ~ rn ~ rnUdl of IN nltllt In 11111 Mdl8n. "l'tit,. wtl"9 ,.. (tllGlrlt fll Mflcu O.,,_.., Temperatures Albu'!lltl"'iu. All•nlt 9eict'nlltld 11',.,.rd! .. ,~ .... ~ llrown1v!lle CMt- Clm;lnn•lt On Moina ~troll F1lrM'll!1 "°'' Warth "'",.,,, Mtle<!t ·-· kuu11 Cttr Ltl V11911 l•-Mf1rni 7 .... MlnrtMPO!ho Ntw Otlff"' N-Yort Norltl '*'"-....... Oll; ......... Cll'r ""'"" Ptlrn S.1"'1 ·-· Pl~ll l'orlllnd ll•ld City lhd '""' ·-~r&mrnte S.11 L.•kt Cllr S.n oi..o s.ot IOnrnc:llCt $Mlllt .. 5oolllftt ,..,_, w .... 1...._ • Mltll l .. l'rM". " " .50 • IJO 10 ,6! ·~ n ... 61 .lJ 11 M '' .74 JJ • 7' u " tJ ,, ., '1 •1 n .so " ,, n " .. ,. " .. ~ " ., ,, .... 'M U " .. .. • .. " .. n " " " .. n .. ,. n " n >M .. "' .. " n • " " .. '" n " ~ "' .. .. .. " .. • " • .. .. .. ,. " " ,. •• ·" •• .... ~ alll<ks Wedne$day night aod'lo- day, with JO of them causing ~· ar casualties. Two AmericaJJ lnitallatiOllS were tar c et s, incbJ.dln& the U.S. 9th lnfantry Divlsioo base at •Dong Tam, but tht!i'e were no AmeriCan cuualUes. But news frQm PariJ on the peace talks wu less hopeful. The Viet Cbng delega- tion categorically re~ the t=on of. fer to settle the Vietnam War jointly controhed and intemationa y supervised elections. , . Mme. Nguyen Tbi Dinh, the foreigp minister of lh< Viet Cong's provisional ftVolll\l9norJ IO\'lr1lllleal, l<>ld . clel<gota at the Jllb "*Ul!c ol the "'"' ..... ., "Loyal !<> Ille -1ni.reita of the nalicm and the ""1Dtry, the delegaU.. of the PntviaJonal revolutionary government o/ the Republic of South Vietnam categorically OJ>ORS and rejects the &1r called 'aoluUon for ~ elections' as a treacheey of the U.S. and lh< Salgoo ad-mlnJstration." Jn Washington Secretary of State William P. Rogers underscored the Com-m'Unists: ~alive responses to allied peace UUUatives. Rogers said lh< • Communists had responded to U.S. peace in!U.Uvts in Vietnam by being "more intransigent, more unreasonable, more inhumane.•• He told the House Foreign Affairs Committee the United States and South Vietnam bad made concession after con- cession to try lo break the stalemate in the Paris negotiations . "The only reaction we get from the other side ts totally negative," Rogers .. said. "They call names and use phrases like swindle a'nd fraud, which doesn't belp the aitualion at all." OAS Bid Collapses Attack on ·Salvador Cleaver Visits Algeria, Says He's Homesick ALGIERS. Algeria (APl -Eldridge Cle.aver, the onetime Black Panther leader who slipped out of the United Slates last year and has been living recently in CUba, today called the Apollo 11 moon shot a "circus to distract people's minds from the real problems, which are here on the ground." Launched by Honduras ' 1 . I tlons at Poloros and were threatening other cities In Northera El Salvador, In· I eluding Ciudad Barrios. Cleaver arrived in Algiers Tuesday to attend the Pan-African l."'ultural Festival as a guest of the Algerian government. The-festival opens Monday. He told a news conference he would not answer any questions about his whereab- outs and activities in the past eight months, since he said the FBI is in· terested in this in!ormation. ''I don't feel like an exile," he ·said. "I'm just on a trip. The U.S.A. ls ·my -home, and specifically San Francisco.· In , fact, I'm homesick already." When asked about his future plans, Cleaver replied : "As to the lmtnecflate future, my wife 1s e1pecting a baby early in August. That's the first item. ·I have been appointed roving editor for-Ram·· parts magazine which will keep me traveling for a while. I intend to return to the U.S.A. Soviet Ships Holding Practices in Gulf? WASHINGTON (UPI) -Five Soviet Naval vessels, including two diesel· powered submarines are holding what appeared to be antisubmarine warfare exercises in the Gulf of Mexico, U.S. Navy officials' today. The ships 4 were located 210 miles southwest ~f·Tampa, Fla. 1be group also Jncluder a missile cruiser and two missile destroyers. Thiee other Soviet support ships remained at· anchor 75 mites west of Key West. Honduras launched a counterattack against El Salvador today and clain1ed air domination In the four-day war as an Organization of American St.2tes (OAS) cease-fire ·collapsed in a dispute by the belligerents over Its terms. A Honduras anny spokesman in Tegucigalpa said that Honduran troops had counterattacked Salvadorean posi· House Rejects Nixon's Proposal On V otlng Rights WASHINGTON CAPl -The House Judiciary Committee rejected President Nixon's proposed voting rights bill today and approved a five-year extension of the existing law . The committee, by what wu described as ~n overwhelming voice vote, urged renewal of the 196$ act, which suspends literacy tests and limits election pro- cedure chjlllges in seven Southern states. The vote, in whlch a majority of com· mittee Republicans lined up with the Democrats, s l gn a t·s a ~y-spUtti.ng fight among Republicans wben the bill is brought to the HOuse· floor. Nixon asked Corigress to scrap the regional approach of the 1965 act and ban literacy tests in all states. He also seeb to ease the restricUon agaiDst changing election procedures, and ban state voter residency requirements hi presidential elections. Honduras and El Salvador accepted a cease-fire plea from the OAS Wednesday but a snag developed when El Salvador demanded that the OAS guarantee the _safety of Salvadoreans living in Honduras with troops remaining at present posi- tions until such guarantees were et· fective. Up until today virtually all ground fighting had been in Honduran territory with Salvadorean troops reporled as deep as 45 miles inside Honduras. The army spokesman, 'however. said that Honduran troops with. air cover and using captured artillery and tanks in some Instances have taken the initiative on lhe southern and northern fronts and were coun- terattacking bn the eastern front. 1'They are ~vancing-steadily," he said, 0 The Honduran ah force dominates the air over both countries ind continues to bomb Salvadorean (ground ) positions. "In one day one Honduran pilot downed three Sa1vadorean fighters. So far, nine enemy planes have been shot down." U.S~, Soviet T alks On Middle East End ?\-10SCOW (AP) -U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Joseph J . Sisco left Moscow today !or home after talks with Foreign Minlsler • Andrei A. Gromyko ·aimed. at getting Middle East peace negotiations started. Informed diplomatic sources said the meetings here achieved no break·through but helped clarify positions. THE GENERAL PUBUC IS INVn'ED TO A1TEND OUR OPEN HOUSE PROGRAM OF SPECIAL ACl'IVITIES-JULY 18th, 19th AND 20lh FROM 11 AM TO 8 PM ART EXHIBIT FRI., SAT. & SUN. 11 AM TO 8 PM Ta U... of tN lapaa 8-cla Art Fe.llnl -wlll laP. -dlepbiy dif'Oqhodt oar fffilltr ·,.ln.ti•p of ,_..,,. loul •f'ti.Q. t.l6e Cri(fillt., Interior de.lptt, ef lhe Sudc.~tle In Lep-Beach will be PrelleDl 10 •n..-ef 111•e.O-~· to lite artilb wwka a.d ~ ne lollowfnl" •rtittt wlU be exhlbilinr dariq •.r ,~ ............. • JULES AGRAMONTE, Newport Bu<h • UWE BREAM, Sberm•n O•ki • ROBERT K.RANT7 ... Laguna Beach • WINNIE ROTH, Newpor1 Be.di • MARTHA DE FRANCESCA, Lapna e...h • AIJ>HA SALVESON, Anaheim • DOROTHY FLOWER, San a • ....,.,. • FRANK TURNER, t.. Habra • GEORGE FLOWER, S.n Clemente • JACK WHITAKER, Utguna Bea<h • JOAN IRVING, Newport Baich • ROBERT WOOD, Uguu Be.di (From Fraak P. Doherty Collectibn) • , newpoR:C convalesceot _hos pi t al 39~:v~:~~D CAl.IFORNIA 92660 (7M)64~ ./' FASH10N SHOW SAT., 1•30 Ul\'l1L Aa exdllllf" •ITllY of f•thlon• wUI be pr.. ..,.kid J,y Ltdo F•1hloa1 e( Udo l1k. CHAMBER MUSIC SUN., I ,so TO 3 ,30 T• IN= pt.7ed by ,-.n-. 1trlng 1rioti or the Or.n11e Coa1uy Symphony ~h .... tn a the s ..,...mer .. PoP'" C:O-ett1 • R-t..- McK•r-Vktlin • J-• 'Jbo..--<=etJo • £Ua 1-Schkfd-VMMIPLa-. A d• llah1fal teif.ll'lion of nomb«J Ima ~Pt lo ca..k will h. pl.yed r .. r-.r l&.ln1lns pl"'·- R.EFRESRMEm'S Wiii ; BE SERVED TIJROUCHOlIT TI:IE EXIUBIT l .. , '.°:',.;~::cl.J.::::':'~=-----..:...:.-..:..-----------'.'!~--------·------------------ \ I 1 I ) 1 . I ·- \ I 7 --... ... • . - • YQt:. 62, NO. 170, 4 SECTIONS, ~ PAGES I LAGUNA BEACH ' LEISUR E I WORL~ • - OR~E COUNTY, CALIFORNIA . . ~ ••• THURSD Y, JULY 1~1_!94' TEt-J CENTS 0 Union City -Man-Named - Police Chief tfennetb H. Huck, 40, now police chief of Union City in southern Alameda Counly, has been appointed as· chief of the Laguna Beach police department, CUy Manager James D. Wheaton an- ifounce1rWediieSday n1gh~ -· • on ors Council Action Craft Takes Reduced_CofC Medals of · . · 5 Who Died Funds Approved SPACE CENTE~ H~~ CAP;_ . _ __ . _ Carcylng medals . hoDorlcg t· h ro e t.aguna Beach city councilmen Wednes- day night .approved a Chamber of Com- merce city promotion budget. trimmed almost $6,500 from the Chamber's re- quest. The bed tax fund Is. restricted to us:e for city promoU!)D,'parks·or beach purchase •. The Chamber bas a separate operating 'budget, $17,500 ~ast year, flnahced through membership_ dues.. Aroericans an,d two Rusalans: who have died for space exploraUon; America's Apollo 11 explorers soared past the )\alfway' point of . their Joomey_lo_llie_ moon today and fired.. a bri~f bunt of their SJ>:acesh.ip engilie"""lO ze?o-iifOii thtfr .targel -- Russia's unmanned Luna 15 was already orbiting the moon in an appamit • l • NtW ROADS -Mar. ouUines-new-network of county.arterial roads now open fof trave . New roads (broken lines) open up Moulton Ranch area and link North American Rockwell's new Autonetics plant with Laguna Niguel; Mission Viejo and Leisure World .. At the same Ume. George C. Fowler, ·41, was apopinted first full-time recrea· lion director of Laguna Beach. Fowler is difea.Gr o( reerei ion ana parki ror the city of Stanton, in Orange County. The· budget was-approved -tn the amount of $42,500, up from the $35,000 the Chamber has received the last several years. 11ie Chamber had asked for ahnosl 149,000_ . Councilmen also set the date Wedo nesday, July 30 for a budget hearing whtn they agalif will take up the 2<k:ent or better proposed tax rate increase. As Mayor Glenn E. Vedder erplained Wednesday night, the city cOnlracts with the chamber as its agent to do city pro- motion-Councilman Joseph A...b'Sullivan re.marked . it is the most" economica,-kind qf promoUon ~~ lJ!.8.DY busine$Sm_en put in many hours without pay. bold bid lo best the· Americans back to earth.wllh a sample.o!JWJa'f-"~==--i~ The medals which Neil A. Anns1ro1Jt1 Down the --county Detlicates -. . HUck will report to work August 11,' succeeding. Harry Labrow, who reUred • Fi"ida;Y af\er five . yeirs as clili! . CounCUmen approved d!Sbursmttnt of Sl9,000 in 11reviomly a.PProved funds to city CUitural ,~ .. It was O'Sullivan who ~uggested the $42,500 p_romotlon. budget-figure. He - reasoned 'that since the Winter Festival customarily breaks eveo the $3,600 budgeted fo.r it is l\Ot DfCJ'Wlty and ~.lllQ ·11 !"'!'. mulb<;<lo-iltidn\•1or Cflri'strnas expenses. Mission Trail Westinghouse ~~ Buy Investment?• LAKE FOREST -The 25-acre site ~ghl by the Wesllnghouse Eledrie C9rporaUon In the Lake Forest Industrial Park last September was apparently t>Ql!ghl for investment purposes, a com· panr •pokesman·has indicated. Charles Carroll, public relations ex· ecutive, said tbett-~bo inltial plans for developing the site.-Some of the com· plny's land dealings can be considered a hedge aaimst inflation as well as in- surance fl?r,ru~e.plant site;, be said. e Sclaool Name P icked LAKE FOREST -"Aliso" is the naine Sm JoaqUin Elementary ~I District trustees have picked for the $840.,000 elementary school under construction at Blackfoot Drive and Lownont Drive here. Aliso School, expected to be completed In December, will be the rapidly growing school district's loth elementary school. e C•po Assessment fJp .CAPISTRANO BEACH -Tbere has been an increue of 13.7 ~nt in the assessed valuaUon of the Capistrano Unified School District for a total district worth of about $123.1 million. Ihat figure includes about 2.8 million assessed on agriculture preserve lands by eoUnty Assessor Andrew Hinshaw, an ac- tion Open to dlspuUng litigaUon. School officials said that the assesmneot was "'r{ght on" district esUmates and should not affect the district's tentative budget Which calls far a tu: rate of $3.10. e Orchestra to Pfau LAGUNA HILLS -Tbe Claremont SpPphony Orchestra will' present a Stai'Bght -Concert at Leisure World July 25. The program will include semi· classical and Ught popular works, similar to the Boston Pops Orchestra summer COQC<rts. Th< perfo.nnance will begin at a ' p.m. George Denes, permanent conductor and founder of the orchestra, ts a resi- dent 01 Laguna Be~ch. e Beu Stop Dealed .LAGUNA> 1!1LLS -Hal JOO<i ·of J,eiluJ'.t •-kl had a talk In s....,.;an-" cUJco with a Greyhound Bua Linea vice pruident and Ie.itned ii will nol be poosi· ble to have the buses stop at Leisure World and Mislion Viejo during Los A118"1H to San Diqo runa. . Jones said he wu told 1Hort runs are not profitable lot the bus lint and the on· Jy ~>ort runs .Greyhqund\noW has are ¥/l\el'e the company took ov<or other i~ and the Publi< 11Uliti0i Ciim- qiiSlion bl1 not let them abandon them. .. ' Road Syste m at New,f.lant· Site Wheaton chose Huck from three police chief candidates screened-from 42 appli· cants. In 196§, Huck organized Union Clty's '11\"11 J>Qll#, ~enl For hlO ,_., · preVloui he was chief of Sau11Uto, a ' ibe· .Chamber budget -was .adopted -" ~· llh ite!U~· , h ~-~ ·rll Goldtierg; oriner Tlil'ilY·~ve <O<Jnly o!l~Is. l>llllders toorl!t~ lolrn on San Franciaco "'4 lalldownen tbis JDOl1l!nl 4edlcal<d 1 Bay in Marin County. new ·system of county-roods that opened ie1or~~ .. "!ltb tilt COvlna up· the ·Mou1ton Ranch tlrLqup Nigu~l ~me ritpt ott'Jl:l t~n ;.igb~ Chamber ~~ who had lrl<d lo pet,.,ado hit council colleagues lo go !or lhOIUJI ·~ .. aiani~f"* come from .,bed lu on persons who stay at hotels and motels and is not supponed by the property tax . He said be just augges~ .those cuts but wou1d lea"e fmal decision on~ to make them lo the ohamber'I dlimtion. A '41.500• budget would allow for,. JO percent cost of living Increase and 8 per· cent populaUon increase, O'SUilivan said. area near 1:'ortb American -Ro<*'well S ~ Fowler will begin as recreat~n direc- new Autonetics planL tor August JS. Previously, the city has . . The ceremony was at the-intanecUon -had-a-put.time recteatlon director. of !he newly built La PSI Md All.. Creek Norman Borucld. a _...r a•Laguna · Jet Nois~ Irks Pageant Roads, which spread six lailes wide· ·Beaclt lllgb ~J; -amidst undeveloped hills. FowJer became. dlrector ol the Stanton Orange County supervisor Alton Allen ~ks and recreation department alm~t said, "From now on the southern part of two years ago after &even.I ~ with be the Gardena recreation depanment. the ~ty ls never going lo tbe H~ bolds a B.A. in physical education Even If It's Appropriate same. ~ and social science from J?.epperdliie· and New roads constructed at a am ol $1·.4 is working toward an, M.A. in recreation million tied together !he communities of at Long Beach State. Lagupa Niguel, Missioa Viejo and Laguna Both Fowler and Huck are married, Hills leisure World. . and each is the father of three. Jet planes and Picasso don't mix. Especially when the jets roar over the open·air Ifvine Bowl above Ult heads of 3,000 people wat.ching living pictures in Laguna's Pageant of the Master1. since the Pageant preview six day1 ago. Then several jets flew over the bowl. Also dedicated wss ie:io.ooo worlh of flood control work. c:oUnty Flood Control Engineer George Osborne said beneath the road is a tube of intricate hydraulic design wide enough to drive a Cadlllac lhrough. '"This is .Dut in cow country, but because the North American plant was coming in, the Board of Supervisors ·decided to invest tax funds to encourage development," Osborne said. Among thooe present at the t:eremony put on by the Orange County Chamber of Commerce were representatives of the &even contractors involved and the seven land owners who donated rights of way. Sheriff Checks El Mor ro Park Fire Bom bing A mysterious fire· bombing of the El Morro Beach trailer Part guard, house, apparently done without moUve,.lS being investigated today by the Orange Count)' Sheriff's Department .aod the county Forestry and Fire Divisioo. Only minor damage wU • to the f. by 6-foot wooden strudUre which stand& · In the middle of the El Moi:ro eritrance. Officials estimate damage at about $50. 1lie building was unoccupied at the lime of the Incident at about 4 a.m. Wed· nesday. El Morro is just nqrth of Laguna Beach on the Coast Highway. Investigators are Unsure if the .home· made' bomb -a botUe filled with gasoline -was thrown at the guard house befOre or after the fire was seL They believe. however, that the bomb failed to go off' on tmpact as planned by vandals. ... Tbe fire was ljlrgely mlngulshed by the \iirie '!he Emerild Bly flreln!n ar· rived' II El ~-AJo El MOlTO guard, .Te<I, Graney. lieahlown o .... , .prior-lo. t~e department's arrival. 1aid Prite Peyton, an El Morro owner. NEW YORK CAPJ -Tbe ll<>dt market -although down Irom ii•· best ltvell of the day -carried Ila foloot rally through a second straight ....ton IOday. (Ste quolailons, P1gq IJJJ);-· 1radina near the close was moderate. . . . • I .. 2 Men Burned In P aint Blast At Dana Point Two me.n were seriously burned when paint fumes exploded in a Dana Point home Wednesday nigbl. Orange County Ore department of· ficlals said John White, 29, owner oI the home at 33782 Chula Vista Ave. and Calvin Camp of 3603 Servana St., Anaheim, suffered second and third· degree burns on their hands, arms and legs. Camp ii listed as in serious condition and White in "satl!factory" condit1on at Sootb Coast Cornmunily Hospllal today. Fire ofilclals said the two men were painllng the ldlcllen In Wbite'1 borne when the .P81nt fumes aJ)parently were 1.g. nited by the pilot light on a gas range. Neighbors had the fire under control with a garden hose by the t&ne units from the Doheny Park fire atation ar· rived. Damage waa tstlmated at.S$$0. Woman Drowns Ironically, jets Oew aver !he bowl Wed- nesday during the living reproduction of Marlne1 raising the American Fl'!-g over ]WO Jima. Under agreement with the Pageant Producer Don Williamson and the El Toro Air StaUon, military flights over Laguna Beach will be held to a minimum during the run of the Pageant through Aug. 24. Williamson said that the Marines have been most cooperative in avoiding flights over the Laguna area. He pointed out that Wednelday'1 ~ion was the first Laguna Man Inj ured A 41·year-old Laguna Beach man was Injured late Wednesday when his car struck a utility pole in the 900 block of Summit Drive In Lagl,lM.. . Byron Hardin Rlichey, 1999 S. Coast HJghway, suffered cub on his .face in the accldenl He was taken to south Coast Community Hospilal and released follow· lng emergency treatment. ~ A Marine Corps spokesman said today that such flights cannot be stopped · en· tirely. Aircraft other than those stationed at the El Toro base also use the all· weather, 2+hour airport. , The spokesman said that the pattern over Laguna is used only for instrument landings when necessitated by' overcast skys. Guards Save 18 For Day's Record Laguna Beach lifeguards rescued 18 people from three to four.foot surf Wednesday -a new record for a week- day, a spokesman said. Some sets of five-foot waves made for one of the busiest days "in a long time," the spokesman said. Attendance was estimated at 20,000. San Clemente lifeguards rescued 14 swimmers in three to four.foot surf Wednesday. A spokesman said that while · there were some five-foot breakers, the surf was slowly diminishing. Beach at- tendance was estimated at 7,200. Apollo Teleca st Schedule In T uspn Pool The second Apollo 11 telecast from space ls scheduled today at A Tu!:Un woman wa1 'drowned Wed-4:32 p.m. PDt' as the astro~uts speed toward the moon. nesday nlk)lt in an apartment house The 15--minute clQrocast is one of eight scheduled, transmissions swimming pool, !he Orange County that include. the first step Apollo 11 commander Neil A. Armstrong Coroners Office reported. takes on the moon. · •. Neighbor• fdUnd Mrs. Vlrgini• Hall, 58, All networks, as well as Channel 11 (KITV) will caYry the of 12901 Newport Ave. floating un-colorcaat. · 1 ~ • con!Cioul In the pool about 7 p.m. Here are the television schedules for.Apollo · 11 cti.erage (all Elforla. of • county fire department J'DT)' • • • . I • • • ·-' • , I rescue scr~. (ailedito revive Mrs. Hall. · · , · · : • •' 1· · ': • l · · -• • She wu 'pri;nounced dead by 1 ......,.,. · · '' •Tqday;..ab+:~47'p.'tn . ....,.frqu,.l\.poijo-;coi;nmanq.1s\llp; t ' • depuly .at T•• p.m., 311 mlnota .-!ttt '. · "" : . ·Frid)ly\ .3Ult1 lll~ at:~=~~47)i.lr\i-'lrOrno co111Jlllllld:slJip~Clolon • being tdeo frorri the pool. · • ; · · ! Satu?dliy,.jii\y ip;at ·l 1ll(p1111 .. -from.command:shlp ln lunar1 ' , otttft. Color: \ .. ·. . • , '1 : 11 ;; 1 Y : ' · · Sund.Y. July 20,)!lt J~152-J..l,07 .a:m.:.,..lrom th .. ,coll\Jlland. shlllJI· orty ·Off to Berlin · ~:.1.ng,the_undocklng a.nd be&i~mn~ o\ des,ceot of, the l"!'ar module ... : LOS ANGELES (AP) -Mayor Sam • Sunday JWy ~I-at 101u,ti107 p.m -fl'Qm ~and module. " Yorty says he'1 oil to WOll_!,'!~·IA\ il\•IORtr oitjl. Color,J.)·llr.124'~,f1 02'a.m,.,...f~i!l<tb\';moo1l, s,~o)V·:. repment Loo Aogel!l ln the Y..~"'"1 iii'. : ... !JI(~\~ aetllng'fifqf•'Oti,tbe moon al).d.'the lunar' actlvit1ea of •• wblcb Ille aly will. bave an ~ , ".~li:llJ!f . . ~wtp.Jl»J'dr:lll~.: ,jllacl! •aild wllilt. oludior-.tha-lllOO!MJl'bldQg -.1o';i/ I , 1 ,· ~edneidily, July 23,.at 4:02-4•17 p.m.-from command module caplule. _.:!:_:_ _; ~·'(he ApoUp la en l'QUlt ,l!ick to earth. Color. and ~.!'Jn E. Aldtln _Jr, plan to lei'~'-QD the moon's surface Monday will honor Russians Yurt A. Gagarin and V1adirnir Komarov-Md-U.S.-A!r-Force ·J;t. "€ols.-'llWL J. Grt"°m Jr. ~ Edword H, Wblte II and Navy U. CIDdr •. llof!et B~ Chaffee. · -Pftlident Nix'"'-......_.: La WaShington todloy lfilot Ai>ollo 11 wlS tar- rying, the medals, He said !he wldowa· of Gar1~ and Komarov liad glftn !he m<idaJlJ lor their h-nas to -ut Frailk Jlomoan m.rilig hll --visit. ' ' "The two men we hope wllI set foot on the moon represent all mankind,'' Nh:oa aald. "Their achievement wII~ be tho world's achie'vement. Jt ts fftltiii. therefore, that the first luoar aplorera carry wilh them some recosniuou <i the sacrifice made by other space pioneer. whe helped blue !heir trail. "lb recognizing the dedication and sacrifice of brave men, we underscore an example we hope to set: Thal if men can reach the moon, men can teach qree. ment." Tbttmldcoonie engine firing lasted only lhree oeconds and lncnaaed Apollo 11'• speed by only If miles ""' hour. BUI' It adjUlted the path 11> the astronauts will p a s s within 69 miles of th e moon'& backside on Saturday -precisely where they want to be to inject themtelves into orj>it to s~rt their exp]QraUon. _ _ Had they continued OD their previous course. their closest approach would have been 201 ml.Jes. Tbe successful firing of !he 29,51111-' pound·thrust engine was a reassuring' sound to spacecraft c o m m a n d e r Annstrong, A i r Force Col. AJdrin and Air Force Lt. Col. Michael Collins. This Is the powerplant that mu.st blast them into lunar orbit before Armstrong and Aldrin descend to t h e surface and must also wort to ate.rt them home next Monday. "It was a good burn," misllon control told the astronauts. An umnanned visitor from Rulaia~ Luna 15, today zipped into a looping lunar orbit ranging from about 600 to 1,200 miles above the surface. A MOSCO\f report said the craft bad-become a moon ssteltlte, but 1peculattoo -ued lhal II might attempt lo land, scoop· up 1 o 11 1amples and return them to earth before Apollo 11 can bring back its cargo of rocks, Orange Weatller sWnmer has certainly arrived along the·Coast ·Md it i3 . expect,.i to remain that way for awhile, at leas! through the ·weekend. And for bl~loven. there'• no bqt.. ing 67 degree waters. INSmE TODAY j j • • .1 I I .'? DAILY PllOT L . • . ----~·-··-.• -CouHeil "Put on Spot Over Street Dance Plans ,,.... ~ cll1 councllm111 wore Iii! l••"'•WulDrUla.t ........ w~ nllbt on how they ~apec:t to approve anothtr youth street .. dance and what measures they wou1d .... .. qoqtn>l 11. lloborl M. Patltraon, UO Emerald Biy, 111d be attended the lut ltrMt dance Ma,y 31 over which city councllmen ltlll • wore iieanni crlUctsm. Patenort said the dance was out ol con- • ~ and, a IOO keepel'. was needed but lat« lddld lllat )'OUtll dance& are a IOOd . Idea ~ b• would Uk> to '" police Jri!ei 'Mii tlmt. Coundlmea lell It up to tba Sputh dr..,.· County. YMOA Youth lllolMU to come,to them wtlh a propoul for another dance with Ugh.er control . Mayor Cltnn E. Vedd<ir 1uaae1tod to Patterton the nut dance might be held in Emerald Bay. "I'm thinking or your tennis courts in Swanson Park," he said. Patterson said he would be very happy to make the ~I "to our governing body." 11a llllPSte4 the ..... u lbould drn· ·· · Charlaa 11. McColla wbo crUlclzed tbe Iba line, perllapl ~ <Olt and tit, lack al .. ~ .... -bet al-· and lf DICtllll'J UJitve • nan (lb ......... '°'"11 penclnl It the street dance. Avo~ue" lo al!o• pollol,,... to .,.,_ Tito Y-Oouncll claimed local youth were the rules. in the majority and contended thert were Councilman Charlton Boyd was repell· no dllturb&n«1 requirlq pollct ln· ed at the thought. "A ctlnfrontation of tervenUon. any kind llmply produces a redreu con--Howevu, M'•yur Vedder read 1 report frontation," he said. by a plainclothes Laguna police officer The matter came up in form of a letter who wrote that he smelled burnln& mari· from the \' Youth Council. tuana. heard over the mlciophone The leUer was an answer to earlier 'There's a naro (narcotics ·officer) allegaUons by downtown buiinessman amona U!I," was pointed out by known users >n4 muled • sir! ,on dl)I& cbarpo.-' "Now thal'1 another plctun," the mayor. commented. Councilman Jostph A. O'Sullivan u.ld he thought It was 1 mistake tluit the dance wu held on a hoUday {Memorial Day). , Boyd said, "They have had good dances Jn the past. As a matter or fact I un- derstand this wu a lood one." He uid the problem was the lack of adults to help with lhe platlnlng and execution. ~oyor Vedder Aid It.ls hi• feeling Ille ,....., --... w -to ...... ~ wllll -rldlcat ~ before 111 u Put another burden on the merchants of Forest Avenue. Emerald Bay resident Patterson aald the· security gua.rds present lut time ·~werentt worth 1 dam. All they did 11 jUJt collect their pay and wore their suits," he said . Y Youth C.ouncil representative Tom Gonnan said, "We did go to Laguna Beach police first and they turnod us down." Supervisors Probe Budget Plumbers Back On Jobs at Saddlehack Publle Protests Noted Grand Jury Urges New Upper Bay Swap StudY. Lack of Funds for Soc~lllls, Beacli Development Cited Dtficienclu lncludln& lack al drua abule PfOlranu, mllbocb al dealing with social problemJ or development of parks and beaches were cited Wednesday as supervisors mulled over a '169.4 million Ortnge Collnt{budget. Few people sllowed up to hear lhe com- ments by Chief Administrative Officer Robert E. Thoma, who 1ald county el· pendltures ln other key •reu •re far more signlficant than in yean past. Peremllal spokesmen for the Orange County Fann Bureau were on hand, however. to urae IUpllVilora to... lllow. ind to crtUcize alleged inflatloury budget tendencies. Budaet hearinas ire scheduled to con- tinue through today and Friday, resum- ing Monday and extending on for all of next week. Supervisors generally droned o n through the hot, sleepy day in the co\,lnty seat, with highlights coming In the com· mentary by their administrative officer and farm bureau spokesmen. ABUSE INCREASING "Drug abuse is increasing in frighten- ing proportions," 1bomu told the board Aqnanants!!-Tnrn 60 Ready to Dive Off Clemente SAN CLEMENTE ISi.AND (AP) - Whtie allronaull fly to the moon, ~uanauta prepare to 10 to the bottom ol the ... qato. About IO men went 1~ & aupport ahlp oil San CilmMlt !lland, )Vednelllo, in the flnt pbue of a new progr1ln to tal underw11tr IJVlq. · The man ln the Ha PfOIX'lm came to a hilt lut Feb. 17 when aqua· n1ut BefT)' L. Cannon, Mo dJtd at a deplh of IOO feet oil San Clemenw near the enlrance to the Sealab S habitat. The U.S. Navy i. lak!ng 1 Iona look at Iba CIJ'al>Wtlea ol men and equlpmenl before actul!ly oebdl1111"•-el to 1u1> mer1ed "llvinl quarters." A tar1et date lortbat banlOI '-> oet. Seal.ab b proceeding just as the na· tlon'a 'P'!C6 ~am. did -with cauUon l!ql -alltr Iba January 11167 fire tbal lalfld tine ubulauta. Ultimate pall ol the probe of Inner opaco -Iba ..... -lnclode MIU., up man'a uploladon ol the v ll I Ind mineial·rich continental shelf, 1'hlle also prcividing the Navy with deep-diving in- ·fonnaUon for Its submarine rescue system. The Navy'• Deep Submergence i ystema Project bu formulitecLa four ... phase program for the new try 1t un- detsea-livlng. The first three phws evaluate the Mark 2 deep-diving system. Th11 Jnclude1 personnel transfer capsules, which carry dlvets-between the !Urlace and the' Sealab habitat on lhe ocean's bottom, their life support systems and the decom- pression chambers on the deck of the :SUPPort v9"1. The fourth phase is actual use of Sealab S, supported by the Mark i syatem. Cmdr. William F. !Jebold, head of thO project, says the final •tel" ol the !Int phase have started. It is ln that !lr1t phase thlt Sealab perSOMel 11ent aboard the '"fport ahip Elk River ~Iba babllal site of San Clemente Wednelda)'. Council Delays Hearing . ' On Pyne Castle Change Lquna Beach city councilmen Wednt,. d1y night dtclded lo P0:3tpone a public heutna on the use of Pyne Castle 11 a ClrlsUln day acbool ind chureh. • Al. a result, more than a dozen residents who attended lhe council meeUna to protest such use or the pro- perty wtU have to wall unW Sept. 17 to val.Cl the.Ir complaints. The publtc he•rlnl: was rescheduled ty the council at the rtiqUest of lhe Calvery Ev1111tllcal Free Church, ownel"ll of the property at 770 Hillcrest Drive. T1ie chun:h had appealed to councilmen to revtne a split PlaMlng Comml1sion denial June 1& of Its request to use the hlstorle M-room hillside fortre11 11 a chureh complex. Qty planners turned down the request for a conditional uae permit. showln& concern for a potenUal traUlc problem . Nell:hbors of the castle ha ve voiced lt'rong dhapproval both verbally and in letters, of a possible church use. They cllimed there wou1d be increased noise 111\llY 1'1101 OIWfll'! COU! """"lllOttG C0¥.H.flf'I •.wt H. W••• ,,.....,., .... ,...., J.ck .. c.rr.., VIClt,,...... .... 0.-111 ,..,.,Ir n .... 1e"'"1 ·-n .... ,_ M•••r11• -·-.,, •• "' P. N•ll ---,,,., ....... ---ttt kf•1t A.,._ M•llrflt M4' ... 1 P.O. a.. 4&1, tJUJ ' --.....=:.!':'~= .. ~:....,. lbll .. M 1 ....... and traffic in the re s iden t ia l neighborhood . They also complained that the church would destroy lhe beauty of the area, and that the property would be taken off the taI rolls. In hia: appeal letter, congregation chainnan Dr. John Wheaton, a veterinarian, wrote, "I fell the planning commJssion was very hasty In Its decision. "I felt there should have been a study M:ssion, when we could come blck with details. J felt they were too concerned with traffic, which we could work out." Public to View New Playhouse Public Inspection of the $500,000 Laguna fi.1oulton Playhouse will be passlble dall y starting Friday, directors have an- nounced. From I throagh 5 p.m. until Aug. 24 1 representaUve of the board wHI open the Playhouse and answer any questions the public miaht ha 1e. Fact sheets and brochures will be available, also. Though there won't be any directed tours. the public will be allowed to mill through the different rooms and halls. There will be no charge. The Piayhduse at 600 Broadway is scheduled to open Sept. 30. South LA Teens To Visit Laguna Approximately 20 lctn·agers from south central Los Angeles will spend thl!I "·eekend in Laguna Beach as the guests of local teens in the first haU of 1 cuituraJ exchange. The project, •Ponoored by the South Or1n1e Counl)' YMCA Youth COuncll, 11 an attempt to brine two ailtur•llY· disUnct groups of young people together , The group from Los Angeles, organized by lheir YMCA, w:lll eome to L8fUna Saturday afternoon . Sunday lhe total croup will meet •t th& YMCA·, Camp .Dolph in AIIJO Canyon for taJk, 1ames and food . Ll.guna teen1 will IO to l)'alll Aq. I and a· for !ht ICCOlld half of the exchani:e. \ in mentioning that apperalt budjet def~ ciency, among others. He listed them as acquisition and 'Ille present plumbers strlke is Nault-ing in a work slow down at the construe· development of county beaches i:l nd lion site of the permanent Saddleback parks, 80-(alled people programs and ir.-Junior Coll~e campus. By TOM BARLEY 01 lht O•llY Plltl St.ff adequate county internal audit review College officials said today that work is and management training. just beginning to be curlalled. There are County Supervisors will be aaked by the On the other hs.nd, significant ex· eight buildings on the temporai-y site that Orange County Grand Jury Tuesday to pendltures listed by Thomas-said to be sti ll have to be moved. They can't, take another long hard look at the Jong- much different than in prior years -in-though, until the plumbing is discon-debated Upper Ne wport Bay tidelands eluded the following items : nected. --A $25(1,000 schematic p-am for exchange between Orange County and the •ve • At the same Ume, the five bulldinJs Ir · C master planning of Orange County that have been moved onto the new cam-vine ompany · Medic.al Center to meet future needs. pus can't be completely installed until A jury resolution calling on the county -A '400,000 allocaUoo for the lite ol an plumbers move in to finish pipe hook-ups. board to further study the land swap for addJt.lonaJ County juvenile hall faclllty. •1..-hool · -A f3.56 mllllon~ 3.llotment for the Colle~ officiall It.ill expect lou sc the purpose of providing more water county's Mental Health Program. will open on time in September. frontage and access to the tidelands for The jury also urges that the Supervllors and the public at large should be allowed to consider ultimate plans for tbe ex· change of public tidelands -·a request that is broadly interpreted 11 a demand for public bearings on the issue. ·council Bans Some Parking -A total of $6 millioa. for Orange Coun-"Work is falling a little behind the public was filed today. ty Flood C _._1 dam ·•-du schedule," said a college spokesman. City councilmen Wednesday night pass-Ouuv age rep ... ., e to "Bul we hope the plumbers wiU go back The resolution, s.igned by Foreman last winter's devastating stonns, raised the j b nd •·•·rt 1 , \Villiam Martin of Laguna Beach, is the: ed a resolution prohibiting parking on by a one-year Increase 1n the dlslriel's on o u er a ~"' erm agree-tax rate. ment with th·e1.r union." , culmination of a long study of the Irvine-certain portions of Wendt Terrace, Plumbers have beeb on strike two and c l d I b lh G d J It Highland Way, Cleo Street, and South -A '910,000 allocation for coonty Civic oun Y. ea Y e ran ury. was Center developmtnt. one-half weeks. • sparked by public debate over the ex-Coast Highway· -A ·$400,000 expenditure for planning change of 457 acres of Irvine pro~rty for At the same time, a two-hour time local dnlna:& c·-~1 limit was established on the north side bl N•u lwVI•~• on. T p 157 acres ot county~wned tidelands. -A ·~ ue In -•··· di Po I aX roteStS Aster Street from Pacific Coast .Highway ·-· ·~-' ll The Grand Jury noles in today's resolu· coats,.iince the rate of traah and garbage tion "that the litigation involved · in the to Cedar Way. generated per-perSOJtis rismi from'1 .a to n·eadlm" -e Set present tidelands exchange is ·costly if\ The resolution went into effect lm- S..2"P9Wldl daily. time a-nd money~• It Is Pointed out to the mediately. SERVICES REVIEWED Supervisors "that an ultimate n:change The new 0 no parking zones" include: • Reviewed Wedneaday were only. com· Aususi ·26 h the final date for fiUng plan might elimln•te some of the pro. -The west side of Wendt Terrace from munlty safety servlcg,_such 1, _ad,ult. protesta to 196&-70 tax assessments , blems that are before the county." Thalia Street to Griffith Way : juvenile and civil Jaw enforctment pro-County Aasessor Andrtw J. Hinshaw It draws the attention of-the Board to =The west-stde-of Hlgtlland Wi y 1rams, traffic safety; fire prevent.lon, warned tod•Y· the Grand Jury's previous adopt.ion of a between Alta Vista and Nyes Place; anJmaJ control and prevention and pro-Persons wishing to protest assessments resolution ".stating thJt transactions con--Both sides of Cleo Street from Glen- tecUon involving natural and manmade before the county Aueument Appeals cern.ing the dlapositlon of public Janda neyre St reet to Catalina. Street; and dlsaaters. Board !Jlay leCW'e appllcatiON at the should be able to wlth!tand publlc review -The eas' aide of South Coast ~way "Sixty percent of these cost.s 10 to Assessor'• olflce, 630 N. Broadway, Santa ... recognizing that further study may from Hinkle Place to 9'l-feet south or adult and juveri.Ue law en!Grcment " the '-An='=· ==========·==='"="'=il=the=="=pe=ndl=l=ure=ol==pu=b=li=c=!tmda==·'=' ==H=in=kl=e =P;;;l•;;;ce;;;·========-. county administrative officer ~. 1r aayfng lhJ.I budael segment ii ISi mllllon, I up 13.ae million from lut year. :Ji .s A t s ~ 1 County department heads will have a 14t • • ~~~:;:...~:a.::=".\•i:~~ emt-nnua a e I tlon by adminislrator~ George Gr~set, president of the Orange I ;=;: t~·~ :i~~~~p·~~ 1:ie:: Bronzini Tables by Heritage l tton ?>"trol to be the county's most presslflf concern. "lt c•n only be achieved by each unit of 1overnment avoiding any unneceuary spending," Grlset declared, "every effort shou!d be made to avoid duplication of service and unnecessary service." "We s:uqe:;t land for future use should not be bought th1!I year unleu absolutely nece55ary," he e<1ntinued, "the purchase adds to inflahonary pressure as well as reducing th e tax base." LIMIT F ACIUTJF.'l He specifically called for limiUng Orange County Medical Center faciUU" to only indigent patients who cannot pro- vide care for themselves. "~ve to the state the providing of medk:al school and educational facilities," be added. "Property taxpayers are risin~ Jn pro- test ag1in1t high tax levies," Gr1.1et 1afd, "the line must be held no( just on the rate but on net county expenditures." He w1s joined Jn the presentation Wednesday by former farm bureau ex· ccutive Roland D. Flaherty, owner of 1 county office iupply business. Nixon Victor Jn, 1st Senqte Surtax Vote WASHINGTON CAP) ..:. The Senile FJnanci Commi ttee voted H today to ap- prove the House·pused iW'lu extension blll wllhoul change and send lt to the Senate noortfor debate. The vote represented a tlrst-rounG vie. tory for President Nixon in Senate con-sideration of the bill. However, tt was W'ICUtaln as to when the Jectslalion woUJd be called up for Senale debate. Democratic leader Mike Mansfield (Mont.), has said the bill must be ac· companJed by meaningful tu reform and the P'lnanee Committee rtfused today to consider any reform amendments before acting on the bill . Two Democrala, Clinton P. Anderson (N.M.), and Abraham A. Ribicoff, (Co nn .). join~ with the seven Republicans on the conunltttt to give the admlnlstraUon the nine votes It needed to get approval of the. House bill. Sen. Albert Gore (0.TeM.) who voted 111inlt reporting the bill without con- 1Iiler1Uon of amendmtntJ1 Aid there "°"Id be a noor right when It Is btoughl up to add a aubstanti.al :ntasun of tu reform to It. Republlcat'll on tht committee had taken the ~ition the group should draft ill own vera:lon ol the measure, without ta1 re.form riders. But \be Democr1Uc Jeadera In the StDIW -M1n1rield and his · alllallnl, Sen. Edw•nl M. Kennecty O( Mua1chusetts -wanted maJor ta reforms includ«I, IVIJ\ tf It toot t montha to complete the lellllailon, • • TWIN COCKTAIL 99.00 • TWIN COCKTAIL 69.00 HEX COMMODE 199.00 SQUARE COMMODE .199.00 Now you can have I hat expen•ive old-world look at nomarkable now-world prices. Tables that are paln.staldngly constructed of wormy maple solids and antique cheny venom with an untHua! distre•50d finish, rubbed down to a deep glow from within. Each table is available with disn...ed white paint llnlsh as well, with &lliiu of wood shoWing throup. H.J.GAl\l\Eff fURNrplRE END TABLE 99.00 P•OFISSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS Open Mott., Thurs., I FrJ., Ens. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 2 2 I 5 HARIOR IL VO. 646. 0275 646 . 027• \ f • ' 7 1- • ----~- . ' • • I Newport Harbor Y•&Ho•ete_.. D4dly Pa• .. . . ' . ' \o'.O~. _62, NO. 110, 4 SECTIONS, ~ PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ' JHU RSDAY, :JULY 17, '1969 TEN CENTS . . ' }\polio Honoring Dead Space ' . ~PACE CENTER , Houston (APl - Carrying medals honoring t h r e e Aine.ricaus and two-Russians who have ditd for space exploration, America's APcillo 11 explorers soared past the -~· halfwaY p!!int ol th~ir joum·ey to the moon todaf and fired a brief burst of the.it spaceship engine to iero ln on their . target. . Russia's urunanned Luna 15 WSJ- ~ orbiting the moon in an apparent b'Qldi.bid to ·best the Americans back lo " . . • Pretty Pyra1nid earth with a sample of.lunar soll. The medals which Nell A. Armstrong and<Edjrin E. Aldrin JI\ plan to leave on the moon's surface · Monda:Y · will honor Ri.1Ssuill9 ~Yuri~A. Gagarin ani:I Vladimir t<omarov and U.S .. Air Foree Lt. Cols. vr-cill r. GrissOm Jr'. ·and Edward H. White 11 and Navy Lt. Cmdr. Roger 8. Chaffee. President Nixon announced i n Washington ~ that Apollo 11 we car- rying the medals. He said the widows of DAILY "ILOT 1111! """IO ne of these girls will be named Miss Corotia del Mar during annual rona del Mar Chamber of Commerce dinner Aug. 8 at Jrvine C st Country Club. Contestants (from left) are (front row) Cindy Be · ger, 19; Sheri lfo~tµpan, 19; (second row) Susan Reed, 18 ; Ma Osborn, 16; (third row) Sandee Shumaker, 18; Kathy Van· de• , 18, and topping pyramid Is Margaret Fish, 17. · "'~ .... · );....y Budget Lacks 'Plan For Beaches~ Drug Curbs · Deficiencies including Jack of drug abuse programs, methods of deaUng with social problems or development of parks a11d beaches were cited Wednesday as Sllpf!rviSors mulled over a $169.4 million Oi'ange County b<Jdget. FeW people showed up to bear the com- menta by Chier Administrative Officer Rbbert E. Thomas, who mdd county ex- penditures .. in other tey area.Ii are far more significant than In years past. EXCHANGES CLOSE FdR LUNAR .DAY .NEW YORK (UPI ) -The New York and American Stock Exhanges will shul down Mon9ay. July 21 , in ceJebratlon 'lf the Apollo It lunar mission, the ex- djangtS' announced Jointly tod~1· oloti <ommodlty exchanges a n d ncurJUes exchanges In other cities were qpedtd to follow 111it. ,_ Perennial spokesmen for the Orange County Farm Bureau were on hand, h~ver, to urge supervisors to go slow, and to criticize alleged inOaUooary budget tendencies. Budget hearings are scheduled to con- tiime through today and Friday, r<Sum· ing Monday and uteodlng on for all ol next week. · Supervjsors generally droned o n through the hot, sleepy day In the county seat, With hl8hllghts coming •In the com· mentary by their admir&traUve 'officer and fann bureau gpokesmen1'· "Drug abule Is lncrualng In frlghi.o- ing PrQ~r1ions," 'tboma1 told the board in menlfOnhW that apparent budget ~ cleney, among others. Jle lls\ed them 8!1 ·acquisition and development of county beaches and parks, so-called people programs &nd in- adequate county Internal audit review_ and .management training. On the other ..band, s!gnl.tlcant ex· penditures Hated by Thomas -satd to be much d!rferent than in prtor years -tn- (See BUDGET, PIJ• I) Gargarin and Komarov had given the medals for their husbands to astronaut Frank Bonnan during his ...,..t Soviet visit. • "Tbe two men we bope: will set foot on the nloon represent aJt .ma:nkfud;" Nixon said. ''Their achievement wJll be ·the world's achievement. It ls fitting, therefore, that the first lunar explorers carry with them .. me =gnltion ol the sacrifice made by other space pioneers who helped blaze their trail ' ••fn ~I the dedicaUon aDd saerifice OfM men, we underacore an enmple we hope to Rt: '!bat if men can reach the mooo. men can reach agree- ment,." The mldcaune engine firing lasted only three seconds and Increased Apollo It'• speed by only H miles per hour. But It adjUJted the path IO the astrooauta will p a 1 a wiUUn U mQes of t b e moon's backside on Saturday -predsely wbero they wllll to be to lriJed themselves-Into orbit to start their erploratlon. Had they continued on their previous course, their closest approach would have been 201 mile.!. The successful firing of the 11),lOO- powKi·thrus! engine -was a reassuring sound to spacecraft com ma n d t r Armstrong, A·I r Force Cot A1drin and Air Force Lt. Col. Michael Collins. This is-the powerplant that must blast them into lunar orbit betore Armltrong and Al~ln deJCend to I h e surface and must also work to start them home nJXl Monday. "It Wat a good bum," m1aioa control told the astronauts. An unmanned visitor from Ruala, Luna IS, ~Y zipped Into a looping IUJlllr ortilt ranging from allout IOO to !,JOO miles above the surface. A Moscow report said the craft had become a moon satellite, but specula.Uon continued th.at it might alt.empt to land, ~ up 1 o J I samplea and return them to urtb before (See APOU.0, Page I) Jury Question·s Bay Exchange Coiin_ty Panel Says More Pttblic Recreation Area Needed By TOM BARLEY 01 .. o.ll'r ,llM Miff County Supervisors will be ~ed by the Orange County Grand Jury Tuesday t.o · take another long hard look at the long· debated Upper Newport Bay tidelands exchange between Orange County and the Irvine Comp{Ulf. A jury resolution callini on the county board to--further study the land swae for the purpose or providing more water {ronti ge arnl -acce15s ·10 the ·tidelands-for ·State Adopts- IV ew .Iy ewl!ort Freeway Line Jly JEROME COLLINS Of Ille O.ltr l"llM Stttr SAN DIEGO -The Cali!Ornia Highway Oxnmiasion late tlWI m o r n I n c unanimOUJly adopted a new alignment tor the final ._ent ot the Newport Freeway as it cuts through the cities of Costa Mesa ~ Newport Beach. Newport Boul'vard will thus remain as a major arterial linking the two Harbor Area cities. The new. route will connect to the adopted Pacific Coast Freeway just west of Superior Avenue In Newport. The old alignment, adopted by the state 25 years ago, overlaid the Newport Freeway on Newport Boulevard, ~from Costa Mesa's 19th Street to the Afthes Overpass in Newport. . Highway commissionen n:!1'cbed their decision after a 1G-minute bearing held here. ' Nobody objected to the proposed reallgmnent. on hand at the session w~ Newport Mayor Doreen Ma~hall, ~n­ cilrfian Paul J. Gruber, Traffic Engmeer Robert Jafte and Costa Mesa Public Works Director George Madsen. "Ha!I there been any change in the position of the state highway engineer John Legarra on this realignment?" Commission Chairman Vernon Christina asked Division of Highways officials. He was told no; Legarra still recommends it. The new routing was adopted after a brief review of its location and presen- tation or waivers from the cities of Costa Mesa, Newport Beach and rrom Orange County government. The waiver5 ·releas· ed the oommlsa:ion from calling any more . hearings oo the subject. Commissioners Christina, Alexander Pope, Earl Roberts, Robert Herdman, Maynanl Muoger, Fred Jennliigs and Moon Lee then gathered around a table and signed the ,..,.,1u1100 establtlbing the new route. · "f'm very pleased this Is finally set· tied," said Mayor Marsha11. Earlier, Costa Mesa Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley, anticipating the commission's decision, said: •-ne commission ha.I followed Costa Mesa's request in two ways: golrur: along with the l'tlUte PUr council voted for and retaining the PacWc Coast Freeway alignment." · As newly adopted, the Newport Freeway "corridor" generally follow1 thls routing: , It beglno at Bay Stfeet on Newport Boulevard, move!! southwesterly across Harbor Boulevard northerly of 19th Slteet, crosse.a 19th easterly of Anahelm Avenue, ~dS IOUth crossing 17th Street near Pomona Avenue, then across 15th near PlacenUa Avenue and finally cuts down the westerly side of Superior A venue' to the adopted Coast Freeway niute . .. Consltll~ion of the 2.!-mlle long, eight· 1ane wide stretch of asphalt !snit ex• pected lo begin unUI the late lflO's. ' ' . Yo1·ty .Off to Ber]jn UlS ANCIEtES (AP) -Mayar.~m Yort)' aays he's .off to Wut Beffln to represent Loo Aniele• In Ibo Vollc(Ut, A) Which the ctty will have 111 dl'1t ~ clud!na tht m001M>rbltlnJ Apoi!O 'I • cl,p8Ufe. • the publlc wu filed today. Supervisors "'that an ultimate txchange Tlie ruo!ulion, ~gned by Foreman phn might eliminate some of the pro- WUllam Martin ol Lquna Beach, Is the blem5 that ar. before the county." cUlmlnat101i of a Ion& •tudJ of the lpi~ lt draws the attention of. the l;loard to County deal by the Grand Jwy. It wu· the Grand Jury's prevloua adoption of a sparked by public 'debate over the ex·"" resolution "stating that tr8nsaetlons con.. chanc.e of 457 acres of Irv,tne propert:Y fo! cernine the disposition of public land1 157 acres of county-owned tidelands. . sh'ould be able to withstand public review The Grand Jury_notel l;D today 's resolu· •. , recognWng that further study may Uon "that the lltlgatlon 'involved in the , entail the expenditure of public funds ." present Udelands euhange· la costly in The jury also urges that the Supervisors time-and money." It ii pointed out to the and the' public at large abould-be-allowed ' . Officials Back . . . Tid~lan.d~ .. SW~P. ' \ t ~. 1 • , r , • • I mOn-th11 verllorl, wbkh was ma?ttd , by hot, ll!I!Sinl opposilion from foea of the ~ gcl>,anle pr"l'!"al. By JOHN 1!ALTDU . · • Of .... Dlllrl'fllt ... Crltl~ 0.yl•• ~ iack <JI a delln!lli. developmiilit P!'Li !or Upper Newport Bay' would be the fll'lt to mndemn the county for having, spent p:io,ooo for such a plan if the land eu:hange did no! go through, the Irvine Company'• president declared today. Speaking along with three other pro- ponents of the controversial and legally emhroUed Issue, Wiiliam Muon defended his firm's plans to give the county land around the bay in exchange for the coun- ty Udelands. Tbe morning meetin, of the Cltlzeo's Harbor Area Researcill Team (CHART) featured Mason, County Counsel Adrian Kuyper, Harbor District Chier Engineer Jim Ballinger and John Killefer, field deputy fof Supervisor Alton E. Allen. · Maa!IJ'I used an elaborate ft\l.P with detatcbable chunks of paper t o demonstrate tentative plans to dredge away three Irvine-owned ialaodl la the center pf the e1tuary and create a new, wide channel. Mason said that 145 a~s or Irvine land would be destroyed in the dredgjng and 95 new acres of Irvine land would be created ~long the edge of the new chan· nel. A!, Mason talked, an engineering aide methodically removed parts of the map'a overlay. The seven.foot-Jong chart lransformtd Into a model of a navigable channel averaging 800-leet in width. Muon heralded the Qig Canyon area (one of the parcels hia Orm woukl give tq the county in the exchange) and the northern end of the bay as the most to consider ulUmate Plans for thl U • change of public ti~ -1 ftquest that is broadly interpreted as a demand !or public hearings on tbe ilaue. And lhe Grand Jury further warns that current factors and cooditkms include ·the dwindling public ownenbip of-Md aocesL to-beaches and shorelines, JD.. creasing waler pollution, ·ecological im- balance,_ loss. of natural acenery and expandlog recre1Uonal needs ol biglI . -(S.. BACt 11.\Y,-l'•-Zi_--- CdM Chamber Joins Coast . ...... ---- Oil League ~ dd Mar almhr ol C:.1wce directon ha.. endoroecl ~ty ~i..:~~~~ Dee Cd: llllDlllCeCL-Y· Cook said his origanlzaUon baa mined up aa a member of the antkifl poll- CAPL, and will provide applicaUolil to anyone else -individual or organlzltion -wbo wisbes to join. Tbe CAPL's activities Include hh:fng a lobbyist to push for legislaUon aialn1t offshore drilllng. Cook said membership& in the non-profit league cost •1. regular, and $5, sustaining, "or a donation of any amount." Tbe Chamber addresa is lll5ll E. Cout Highway. Memberships may allo be ob- tained by sending checlts made out to the Coastal Area ProtecUve League to tlle chamber malling addteel, P.O. Bol ·7J1 Corona de! Mar. Woman Drowns Tbe CHART meeang and di!cuaslon of !he Upper Bay tidelands exchange came today at an early .hour be.lo.re the contents of the Orange O>unty Grand Ju'ry resolutio n calling for additional study, were released. Speakers were apparently unaware of the jury's actloo. The breakfast meeting at Costa Mesa Country Club was tame eompared to tut logical &pol!! for the county to provide • major putillc access to---ihe-lmpromt--Jn-'l'ustin Pool harbor. Newport to Host Summer Dances Newport Beach city government satur- day will host the first Jn 1 series of sum- mer dances for 7th and 8th graders, it was announced today. The dance will be held at Newport Harbor High School's gkls' gymnulum from a p.m. to 11 p.m. Co-!ponsoring ·the event are the dty parts and police departmtnt.s. Admlssion is $1 and Uckets will be available at the door. The rock group "Horizon" will provide "hard rock sounds," city aides said. Mason cited absence of high bluffs and the close proximity to ma}or arteries such as Jamboree Road, Carona del Mar fretway and Coastal freeway aa the key factors favoring these sites for maximum public access. Ballinger earlier had noted that the '°" called marine stadium envisioned a.! a possibility for the northern part of the bay was Intended to contain speed boating and skllng acUvities in one area oC the bay. Ballinger dwelled on possibilities for conversion of the natural channel into a harbor adequate for boating and recrea- tional use. He said that the land exchange could produce a walez'way. u wide as the widest channels of lower Newport Bay with adequate access by the boaling and swimming public. He echoed statements by Harbor Direc- tor Kenneth Sampson, who has ~miaed "lhe best consultants available' to draft (See CHART, Pl(e I) Apollo Telecast Schedule The second.Apollo 11 telecast from space Is scheduled t<>day'\t 4:32 p.m. PDT as the astronauu gpeed toward the moon. The 1$-mlnutA! cloto<ast Is one of eight scheduled transmissions • that include the first step Apollo 11 commander Nell A. Annatrong' takes on the -moon. : All networks, as well as Channel 11 (K1TV) wlll ·carry th- coloicast. Here are the television schedules for Apollo l~ coverage (all PDT): · ' . . ' Today, a~f:32.4:47 p.m..-:-f~m.Ap<illo C:cinunand, allip; Friday, July 18, at 4:i!U:47 p.m.-4rom command ship. Color. Saturday, July 19 .. at 1:02 p.m.-ll'om command ship In lunar orbit. Colw. • · Sunday, July~. at 10:.SZ.11 :07 a.m~lrom th~ command ship, showing the undocktng and ·P.gi.nnlng of descent ol the lunar module. Color. .... , - • • SU,\lday, July 21, at lO :Js-11 :07 p.m.-from CJ>riilnand module fn lunar orblt.'~lor. At 11:11 p:m.-1:62 ·a.m.-"fron) tjle mqop, shoW- lng Mnitro~( Httinl f~lb' moori' and' tho lunar actfvllles of , ~I. 11111 ·Eaw1n..i::-Jr ~-.Slackj"and'wblte. . . ·w~qJuTy 23~ t : :1~ p.m,-hom conimand module·· as lh•1~Q II en route . to earth. Color, . . . • ·f ' • A Tustin woman WU drowned Wf.d.. nesday night in an apartment houae swimming pool, the Orange County Coroners Office. reported. , Neighbors found Mrs. Virginia Hall, 51, of ~1 Newport Ave. fioaUng un- conscloua ln tbe pool about 7 p.m. Eflorta of a county fire department rescue aquad tailed to revive Mra. Hall. She was pronounced dead by a coroners deputy at 7:"5 p.m., 30 minutes after being taken from the pool St.oeJc llfarJceu NEW YORK (AP) -Tbe.atoclt market -altbouib down from ill best levels of the day -carried Its latest rally tbroucb a secood •tralght ....ion today. (S.. quotaUons, Pages U.13). Oraa1e Weadaer Summer bu ~ arrlv..I aJoni the c0ut ancf ti iJ expected I to remain' that way for awhile, 1t 1...i thr<>agb Ille weekend. And for beadi-lov<n, there'• oo beal- lnl 11 dqree ... -' INSmE TODAY Operad<m Coolddi/t "4o "''" dnm«i'a ,_.,, 11!1 ""' peop!< tM& eq,Nnt -tM mn .10~ ",.. criotd u...J.we Care"'~·· For thtir commetltl -and &hanks. ,,, pcgt 22. • • ' 'I I I ' J I .--• ~ DAILY PlLOl N ThuMay, July 17, 1969 IAndi!lfJ Expected Russians' Luna .-·' Orhiting -~Moon M06COW (UP!l -The T8'S news • apney aald Luna 15 went into orbit around the moon today to "become the • mooa'a new artificial satellite." SclentUic: • c:irdll ~d it was a tempor1ry orblt wlllle k -od for • Widln8 ploce. The IOW'Cfl said the 1pac1Craft will at. tempi a son landing, possibly within 24 hours, and attempt to bring back samples of moon soil ahead of the Apollo ll astronaut.a now on thelr way to tbe moon. Tiie Apollo tum is le land on tbe moon Sunday evtrtina. The dispalcb gave IOri>e teclml .. I c'.elalll of tbe orblllng _,,11on buL no bin! of a poosible attempt le land Ille Alalllle on tbe moon and no clarllleatlon o! Ille pbrue "le l>eoome lbe dlooo's ...,.. artlflcfal satelllte." Ruslan sclenUflc aourcil uld earlier the vehicle would not attempt an bn· mldilte landing in Ruall's reported race to recover moon llOD before the Apollo astronauts do. The Tass announcement, one of the few since the moon probe-was launched July J3, three days be/ore. the Apollo launch, said elements of the orbli wert" close to those calculated and that the Russians Wert recelvlng telemetered data from the vehicle. Tass said the craft was braked in its forward movement when it was on the dark aide ol the moon, the action placing it in lunar orblt. The Tau announcement &a.Id radio communlcaUoos ""' being malnlaioed wllb Luna U. and lbs! all ln!trumenll aboard the craft are functionln1 normally. • Bolb Sovie! and West.m. SOUtteO JX'fldicted that-the new moon satellite would soon descerM:t to the moon, however, possibly to scoop up some mood 1011 and bring it back to earth. Russian scientific sources said the cralt will circle the moon, possibly ror 24 hours, be.fore attempilng a '°ft landin& and "moonscoopilli" cperation. * * APOLLO • •• Apallc 11 c.an brinl back Its ClflO of rocis. On< U.S. official. nolA!d Iba! !he orbiL was !imllar to prevhw radlatJon- monitoring Soviet aatelllles and sug· ge&ted it might be en a non-landlnc lclM-. lific expedition. He said the ch~ of Its col!ldlng with Apollo 11 were nil because of Its high orbit . Apollo 11 will orbit at 69 miles high . Armstrong, Aldrin and Colliils reached the mjd.polnt of tll1ir trek across trackless space at 7:33 a.OJ . PDT when their 48-ton spaceship was precisely 120,003 miles from both earth and moon. The astronauls crossed the Invisible line af.ter 2S hours 53 seconds of flight at a speed of about 3,080 miles per hour. It will take them twice as long 51 hours - to cover the remaining distanCe. Like a car coasting uphill, lbe spaceship gr~ually slowed from ils iniUa1 speed of 21.%00 m.p.h. Gagarin, the first man to fly In space, was kUled In a plane crash. Kamarov died In 1987 wbe!t his apaoeship paracbules Jenglod on l'Hlllry and lhe ~cle crashed. From P119e 1 . ____ CHART_. .. -. - plans for the hai'bor if the swap is suc- ctSsful. --Tbere have been four general plana for development ol the Upper Bay prepared since 1925, Ballinger reported and all have proposed generally the same con· figuration hr the channel . RELATED lllSTORY Kuyper· related the history of the en- tire maUer ol Upper Newport Bay, Including Ille airrent sulL le lesl the conslilulioool Vllidlly of proposab to grant a .prjval& llnn Ille ol county lide- fanda H faDd developed for public benefit II ucbanlod for H. He noted that there "6e three sep- arate •J.>Flllals ol the ~ n!ueo• In ' Newport-Mesa OKs lst Budget Boa.rd of education n1embers Tuesday approved a $35.8 million publication budget for the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. A public hearing has been set by the boar.d for final di.scuulon and adopUon of the budget. It will be held August S at 7:31 p.m. at the Costa Mesa High School Lyceum. As required by law, the publication budget will be published in a local newspaper July 31. Lutheran Church Vote Joins Separate Groups QENVER, Colo. (AP) -The Lutheran Churc.h-Mls!Ouri Synod approved today, in a vote historic to the century-old American Proteistant denomination, full intercommunlon with the s e p a r ~ t e American Lutheran Church. Votlng on the most controversial theological Issue at Its biennia1 con· vention hett, dele1ate1 of the three- million-member denomination agreed to an exchange of preachers and mutual partaking of communion b e t w e e n believe.rs or tile two bodles. OhllY PllOI nu.NOi co.+.n l'\lll dMl"f COM~AMY 1.Hrt H. W•tl llrKIMI! ..... "*"""' J1tla •. c.,, • ., Yie9 ~ra!Wlll trlOI Grnff .. ""-ttl l k•Mlt K•••il ltllll" I\•"'" A M•rpMnt ,,,..........,.IOI' . Jt,..•• F, C.111111 --"" .... ---'111 W..e a.tMe .... Int .. Mem.t...,..... P.O .... 1171. tlUl. -- the proposed exchange before the agree· men( was approved, with each appprais. al showing a greater dollar advantage to the county. The final one, showing an $8 million advantage to the county was made by an appraiser selected by the state lands commWlon in 1966 Kuyper said. ' He abO label.ed "ridiculous" three arguments by foes of the swap Who charge that the ucbange would allow the Jrvine O>mi-iiy to "move" its islands from the center of the estuary to the edges; that the county would pay for lands lbat would be desLrored, and that all the u:change wouJd produce for the C<MUttY would be water. "N• matt... wMI• you-fo p{«' real property as a rovemment aeency. If It 1s condemned, you have to pay for it," he said. "If you remove tht Islands, dirt taken away becomes personal, not rUJ prop- erty. You can'! actually mov~ real property." The whole exC'hange could be ju.!tlfied just on the increased water area beJlli provided to the public, Kuyper main· tained', because the county's job is to provide a harbor for maximum public use. MADE PRESENTATION Killefer made the least technlca1 presentation of the morning, and insteed made a strong plea for new recreationel areas for the county He aid there was 1'a crying need for recreational space. Our coastline is rapidly disappearing and we need more water space," he added . "We 're vitally concerned -at least Supervisor Allen i~r the politJcal implications of this entire issue and we have even had a member of ihe State Lands Commission who served in 1966 admit that his denial cf the swap that year was a political vote and noth ing more {present Sen. Alan Cranston)." he said. tie charged that 1he issue was "hung up on semantics and artists' renderings.'' ANSWERED QUESTIONS After the fCM'fl'l.al presentations the speakers answered questions from the audience of about 30 persons. Mason said he believed the entire matter would be cleared up within two years. "If the exchange plan doe,, fail, we ~ave definite plans drawn and subdlvis- 1on maps for the de~lopment of oor th ree islands in the bay," he said. He promised ertensive studies on m_ain~aining a "good environment" for wtldlife in the bay if his flnn ~eveloped the estuary. "It will pr~bly involve a change !n type of marme, plant and bird life in. the bay, but we're confident that a suitable ecology could come about if it were developed ... "In fact, you can even transplant plant and animal life to create it'," he added. Surf Goes Down, Temperature Up The surf lowtttd and the water temperature rose along N e w p o r t • s beochlrooL today. Wfeguards said the warmest water of the ye11.r -87 degrees -is splashing ashore. and not much of a splash at that. The surf was measured at about three feet, down four feet from Wednesday. . Riptides, rather than heavy surf. forced lifeguards to rescue 50 endana:ered switn· men durin( Lhe day . Llfcguartt. Dennis l~urwltz 1ald most of the saves occurred between 17th and 18th streets and near the Sanla An1 River jel- ly. He said the rips were beglnnin& to dtmlnlsh t.ttls mcmlna:. Air temperature Wednesdey reached a higb ol IO dqrees. More of tbe llnl• wu expected lhla afternoon. . . . ·-• • MOON SYMBOLISM -Michael Collins, 7, son o! Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins, flashes "V for Victory" sign as he and family rrreet newsmen outside Seabrook, Tex., home following Wednesday's launch. Sign also stands for peace, to which moon mission is dedi· cated. With Mike are his sisters, Ann, 8 (left), and Kathy, 10, and his mother, Mrs. Pat Collins. Front Page 1 COUNTY BUDGET PROBED . • • eluded the following items: -A $250,000 schematic program for master planning of Orange County Medical Center to meet future needs. -A $400,000 allocaticil for the site or an additional county juvenile hall facillty. -A $3.58 mllliOn allotment for the county's Mental HeaJth Program. -A ·total of $6 million for orange coun- ty Flood COntrol damage repairs due to last winter's devutat:in& storms,, raiaed by a one-year increase in the district's tax rate. ~ -A $910,000 allocllion for county Civic Center development. -A '4001000 exPendlture for planning loeal ~p l>roblem com!dion. ' Orange County Medical Center facitilies to only indigent patients who cannot pro- vide care for themselves. "Leave to the slate the providing of med ical school and educational facilities ," he added. "Property ta:ipayers are rising in pr<r test against high tu levies," Griset said, "Uie line mll!t be held no( Ju:tt an the- rate but on net o;iunty expenditures." . - President Wins Surtax Round WASHINGTON (AP) -The Sena le Finance Committee voted 9-8 today to ap- prove the House-passed aurtax extension bill without change and 11end it to the Senate floor for debate. The vote represented a first-rounl vie· tory for Presider.t Nb:on in Senate con· sideration ot the blll. However, it was uncertain as to when the legislation would be called up for Senate debate. Democratic leader Mike Mansfield (Mont.), has Wd the bill muat be ac- companied by meaningfuJ tax reform and Ille Finance Commlltee re!U5ed today le consider any reform ameodntents before a~ on the bill. Two Democrats, Clinton P. Anderson (N.M.), and Abraham A. Riblcoff, (Conn.), jolntd with the a e "en Republicans on the commlttee to give the adminiatration the nine votes it needed to get approval cf the Hoose bill. Sen. Albert Gore CO.Tenn.) who voted against ttporting the bUI without con- sideration of amendments, said there woold be a floor fight when It is brought up to ad<! a substantial :neasure of tax reform to it. Republicaw: on the committee had laken tbe position Ille group ahould draft its awn version of the measure, Without tax reform rlders.. But the Democratic leaden iD Ille Senat. -lllanalleld and bla assistMt, Sen. Edwanf M. Kennedy ol Massachusetts -wanted major tax reforms included, even if tt toot two months lo complete the leg:l.alaUon. Aquanauts~ Turn 60 Ready to Dive Off Clemente SAN CLEMENTE ISLAND (AP) - \Vhile astronauts fly to the moon, aquanauts prepare to go lo the bottom of the sea again. About 60 men went aboard a· auppart ship ofi San Clemente llland, Wednesday in the first phase .cf a new program to tesl underwater living. The man ln the sea program ca.me t.o a halt last Feb. 17 when &QU;.a· naut Berry L. Cannon, 33, died at a depth of 600 feet oU Sm Clemente near the entrance to the Sealab 3 habitat. The U.S. Navy is lakiq a long look at the capabilities of men and equipment before ~ctuJ!.llY sending personnel to sub- merged "living quarters." A target date for that has not been set. · Sealab is--proceeding just as the na· lion 's space program dld -wilh caution flags -after the January 1967 fire that killed three astronauts. Ultimate goals of the probe of Inner space -the ocean -include setting up man's explotation of the vast and mineral-rich continental shell, while also providing the Navy wJth deep-diving in- formaUon for its submarine rescue --The Navy's Deep Submergence Systems Project has formulated a f()Ut· phase program for tlle new try at un- dersea living. The first three phases evalua~ the Mark 2 deep-diving S)'lllem. This Jnclu<les personnel transfer capsules. which carry ·divers between the surface and the SeaJab habitat en the ocean's bottom. lbeir Ille support syatems and Ille d-. prw:ion chambers on the deck of the support vessel. 28 Jailed in 2nd ~ay Of Racial Violence YOUNGS'roWN, Ohio IAPI -Police arrested 28 persons and blanketed 10 blocks of a South Side street with tear gas early today in ~tting down Younfstown's second stra1gfit night cf racia disturbances. Eight persons were injuud. Three buildings and four cars were burned before the trouble was brought under control. A police cruiser waa damaged by rocks and several others were hit I»'. sniper fire, police said. -A .00,ooo fncreaae In refuse disposal coelll, since the rate 9f trash and garbage 1ener1ted per-per.son ls rising from 7.8 to 8.Z pounds dally. Bronzini Tables by Heritage SERVICES REVIEWED Reviewed Wednesday were only com· munlty safety services, such as adult, juvenile and civil Jaw enforcement pro- grams, traffic safety, fire prevention, animal control and prevention and pr<r lection involving natural and manmade disasters. "S~y P,etcent of these costs go to adult and JUvenlle law enforcement," the county administrative officer noted, saying this budget segment is $31 million, up $3.86 mWlan from last year. County department beads will have • chance In continuing IWllOM to protest cul! In their respective areas of jurisdic- tion by administrators. George Grisel, president or the Orange County Fann Bureau, appeared We<J.. nesday to say his group believes lnfia· tion control to be the county's most pressina: concern. "It can only be achieved by ea ch un it of government avoidlng any unnecessary spending," Grisel declared, "every effort should be made to avcid duplication of se rvice and unnecessary !ervJce." "We suggest land for future use should not be bought this year unless absolutely necessary," he continued, "the purchase adds to inOaUonary pressure as well as reducing the tax base." He •peclflcally called for llmiLing From Page 1 BACK BAY ... density populations. . Criticism of the land swap at one hme led the Irvine Campany to withdraw from the deal. But County Supervlsors rehashed the proposal last Movember and voted 4 to 1 to carry out a program that wu first raised before the board more than 10 years ago . Envisioned by the County and Jrvine Is the creation of two large resrlonal parks on the shoreline of Upper Newport Bay and the emergence of a multi-million dollar "second harbor" out of the Back Bay mud flats. Two separate cf.re4gitlg projecb pro- posed in Back Bay Waters will be com· blned, Irvine and County spokesmen state, at an estimated saving! cf $1 millioo. Removal of. the 450 acres cf Jrvine upla.OOs from county tax rolls pending a C'OUrt ruling on the dlsp.lte has drawn the bitter opposition cf County Assessor Andrew J. Hinshaw. 'Ille Assessor contends that "the pro- posed cancellation of taxes is improper because the Irvine Company 5till ha s an ~ble interest and because the dee<h do oot "convey absolute title to the lend." Reten1. appraisals of praperty values Involved led ('OIJnty officials to predict that Oran'e County would be $& million better olf il Ille land swap wenL lbrough. The manner tn whkh ·~ 1r• rived at those figures has bett'I. dlalJeng. ed In the bome ......,... ""ij which is likely le go ID trial 11111 fall. TWIN .COCKTAIL 99.00 J'WIN COCKTAIL 69.00 HEX COMMODE 199.00 SQUARE COMMODE .199.00 Now Yllll can a.., that etpenslte old-world look at remarkable new·wcdd prices. Tables that are painstalr:ingly constructed of wormy maple solids and antique cheny veneezs with an unu.mal dlstreS>ed fuWh, rubbed down to a deep glow from within. Each table Is available with distreS$ed white paint finUh as well, with i;llnts of wood showing through. H.J.GARREfT fURNflURE END TABLE 99.00 PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS Open Mon., Thurt., & Fri., Ews. COSTA MESA, f.ALIF. 2 2 I 5 HARBOR ILVO. 646. 0275 646 . 021• -. ~---------------------------------- I 11 I I I I I\ '. I , • • • Costa -Mesa . . . 'YGL'.. 62, _NO. 170, 4 SECTIONS, 4-f_'PAGES , ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ' . . ' . N.Y. Steeb JH UJISl)AY, ~ULY 17, 1969 . ' . JEN CENTS ' ·Apollo Honoring Dead Space Heroes • • • • l t • I . ' !' _, .. ~ ... ""'.,...."' ATftlllr ~ ~ .,....... . . . . FRISKY KITTEN IN BAC.K $EAT EQUALS TWO.CAR.CRASH ON WILSON ·ST!l-EET .... ."" T~I{! w~ Hu~. Two Cari Wr~kt d •M Traff Jc Tied Up For •n Hour """....,"""' I J OFF ICER CATCH ES CAUS E Kitten Survives Crash Shifts Announced -•.:- In. Mesa Police Command Jobs One shirt and three steps up in lhC Costa Mesa Police DePartment chain of command have ~ announ~. ronow· tng the resignation or Capt. Deatf Pollom. wtw will head lhe Hemet Police ~Deplrt· ment. . Police Chief Roger E. Neth expects to melte addiUonal changes before the newest ones become erfective Aug. 1, wh'l' Capl Pollom ....wnes bis ~w post in the Riverside County community. Capt. £d Glasgow. who now heads the 4eteictive bureau, will take O\'er Pollom's t-.h. 1 handling the administration and police facility services duly. Cdsta' P.1esa Police Lt. Bob Green flais been promoted. to captain and shifWd from headi,ng' the records burt au to take ove~Ca.pt. Glasgow1s desk as chief or the tnve1tij:at1v'e-bureau. - Sgt Les Harrison will become a lieu· t.enan't an~ Detective M11x Wilson has been v.ro~ed to H,arrisori"'a _position in the -iDVt:oligalioo brancti. Peek at Kitten Cau ses W reek; 2 Youtlis Hurt A spectacular headon collision ap- parently caused when one victim turned to check her new kitten in the back seat severely injllml two teenage motorists in CosLa Mesa Wednesday. Police and fireme~ wofke.d 30 minutes to free Michael D. Valentine, 19, of 616 l.«etta Drive, Orange. who cried out in agony with his legs pinned in the mangled wreckage. He wu.Usted in satisfactory condition at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospital today wilh a <0mpound fracture of the right leg, facial lacerations c,aused when be hit the windshield, and other injuries. Debora A; Emery. 18, Downey, was listed in good condition at the eame hospital with a fractured collarbone and multiple contusions. "Neither one was hurt as badly as one would expect from the way the cars looked," said a hospi(al spokesman, who noted Valentine had already been taken out or the intensiYe care unit. Witnesses told PatrOlman Mall Cdlett that . Miss. Emery was drlving west on Wilson Street -about S p.m., when she turned round to reach into the-back seat. ·The movement apparenUy caused her British compact car to veer pver into eastbound lanes and collide headon with .. Valentine's German auto, jus( east of Fordham DriYe. Gasoline spewed from the ruptured tank of Valentine's car and he would have burned to death in the twisted metal ii it had ignited before firemen-shoveled on dirt and washed it dawn. Patrolman Robert Goode fotmd a very upset but uninjured gra)' kitten tn a box In the back of Miu Emery's car a half- hour later, berore wreckage wu cleared and the street reopened to traffic. · A Laguna Beach girl escaped se.rlous Injury .at 8:10 p.m. Wednesday when she dashed acr.oss a Mesa Verde area street to an k:e cream lru<;k without looking and wa:s 'hit by a car. Sherri E. Peters, 6, ot 44 Blue Lagoon Villas, walked away rrorn the actoe and was taken to Hoag Memorial Hospital, where multiple abr~ were patched up, police said. Patrolman Rl(:hard Frederiksen said motorist. Cindy K. Sult. 11, of 3226 Mon· tana Ave., Cost.a Mesa ; Wu unable to stop belare hitting the chikl. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market ~ althou__gh down from Ill best levels of the day -carried lta latest rally th1'9U&h a second straight RSSlon today. (Sc!e quotaUOllll, Pa119 12-13). Trading near the Close was moderate. /. t ~ . 'PLEASE KNOCK ME OU'f• In P•in, Drf.(er Plu41 Mesa Landmark -------.. To Be Dedicated As History Site Ceremonies dedicating Costa Mesa's old, Estancia Adobe as a state historical landmark and the planting of new trees for C8lifomia's 200th anniversary are scheduled Sunday in Estancia P&lk. Rites ·drawing city an<i county leaders will be at 2 p.m., sponsored jointly by Costa Mesa offi cials and Ule c.osta Mesa Historical Society, presided over by C. K.. "Charlie" Priest. 1.layor Alvin L. Pinkley w\U ten the story of tbe·park and landmark -which last year won a statewide award -while pioneer resident Harold T. Segerstrom wULdedicate the stale plaque. WS:-WeSf.OrlWilker, chairman of the beautification committee of the Orange County Bicentennial CeIOOtlon will dedicate the bicenleMlal tree. A ceramic plaque denoting the' cl6''1 hi.S,torical museum wi1hln the Estari(:la Adobe il!elf will be presented by Mrs. CaJ\tln F. Barck, first president of the local blatori<:al IOdet)'. Moon to ·Get Medals of 5 Astronauts SPACE CEN'l'ER, Houston (APJ - Carryjng medall honoring t b r e e Americans and two· Russllllll who have died for space exploration, America's Apollo 11 aplorers · soared past the hillfway po!nt Of their journey to the moon today and fired a brief burst of their spaceship engine to zero in on tbeir target. Russia's unmaMed Luna 15 was already orbiting the moon in an apparent bold bid to best the Americans back to earth with a sample of lunar soil. The medail· which Nell · k. Armstrong and EdWin E. AJdiin Jr. plan to leave on · the moon's surface Monday will honor Russians Yuri A. Gagarin and Vladimir Komarov and U.S. Air Force Lt .. Col!. Virgil I. Grl!som Jr. ·and Edward H. Whit. ll and Navy Lt. Cmdr. Roger B. · Charfee. President . Nixon 8nnounced f n WashJngton today that Apollo 11 w1s car- rying the meda.IJ. He said the widows of ' ·Gargarln and Komarov had given the medals for their 1n.tsbands to ut.ronauc Frank Borman during hll recent Soviet visit. "The two men we hope wlll set raot ·on. the moon represent all martklnd." Nizoa said. '"lbeir achievanent Will be the world'~. achievement. It ls fltung. therefore, that the flrat lunar ez:plortrt carry With them some recognition al, the sacrifice made by other !pace pioneers (See APOLLO, Pap I) Backers. Talk To CHART Newport Ji'reewag On Buy Swap State App.roves By JORN VALTERZA Of tllol Deltr l"li.t Sti ff . Crltlcs ·naying the Jack of a -definitive development plan for Upper Newport Bay Supt:ri~r ·_ R~ute •ould be the fitst to condemn Ule county By JEROME COl.LJNS "I'm very pleased-UU-ll finally tel· for having spe"!_'200.~ for such,.a plan __ ~~-~01 tllol Dt11Y .. , .. , ll•ff • Ued,'1 said Mayor Marshall;· , ~ 1r Oie la~ange dltt::OOt""]ij ·~.-SAN DIEGO The Ca!Uoniia Highway -~arti~Mesa Mayor ""Alvia L. the Irvine. Company's president declared Commission !ale this m 0 r n 1n 1 Pinkley, ailttclpatlng the copunisslon's today. . I do ted II t f declsloD1 said: S k. al 'th "-·· th unanunous y a p a new a grunen or Tb . 1 ,__ f II ed r-t pea 1ng ong w1 u11 a; o er pro-" e commtss on 11Cf.:1 o ow ..,_ a ponents· ot the controversial and legally· the final seement of the N_!!~rt Mela'• request in two ways; going a1g embroiled !!sue, William Mason defended Freeway as it cuts through the cities of with the roote our council voted for and his finn's plana to give the county land . Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. retaining the Pacific Coast Fretway. around the bay in exchange for the coun-Newport Boulevard will thus remain as alignment." ty Ud~s. a major arterial linking the two Harbor As newly adopted, the l'{e_~ The morning. m~tlng ol the Citizen's Area citles... 'lbe new route will coMect to f'l:eeway_ "corridor" gener&lly folfuWi Harbor Area Reseircll -Tean.-(CllART) tbin,,.ting· featured Muon, C<iunty Counsel Adrian the adopted Pacific Coast Fmway ·just ft begins· at 'Bay &lreel °" )!ewport Kuyper, Hatbcir'Dlstrlct Chief En&lneer west of Superior Ave..., in Newport. Boolevard, moves .IOUlh...st.r!J _ _. Jim BaJllnier .and ~obn Kllleler, Ueki 'l'h<_old aJlll!men~ ~ by ·\be llata Harbor Boulevard ~ly ol 19th ....-wtopomoar.A1141! Ill... 211 )'tari "*"· overW4 tile l'ewjlori Street. crosses llth'euterly ol - Tht Cl!AjlT m-.g and dl!<:uMlon Rr«way on Newport Bool•vard, from Avenue, beads south crou1na lTth llnel of !he ,1!.J!!!. Bay~ ix~ c..ta l\laa'• l9lh St.mt-to the Arcba near Pomona Aft11111!, then acroa-llitH =-~ ~4;'anJ. ~~rnd Ovoipua':fu N<wpcrt. :--Pt-n~.:'4;,,am:~ Jury reJolullo n calllnC-for additlonal Highway commissioners .. ached their Avenue to the adOpiii! Coast Freew17 study, were release<( Speakers were decl!:k>n after a IG-minute hearing held route. 1 ... apparently unaware of.the jury'e: action. here. eonstrucUon of the 2'~e. long, etglit- The breakflst metUng at Costa Mm Nobody Objected to the proposed lane wide stretch of · "' ·JaJI'& ex- Country Club was tame compared to last reallgmnent. On hand at the session were peeled to begin until the late if · month's version, which was marked by Newport Mayor Doreen Marshall, Coun- hot; !llngin1 opposition from foes of the cilman Paul J. Gruber; Traffic Enginetr Janel excbaf1ge propos"al Robert Jaffe and Costa Mesa PubUc Works Director-George Madsen. Mason used an elaborate map with "Has there been any change In the ·detatchable · ch4nks of paper t o poslUon of the state highway englneer demonstrate tentative plans to dreda:e John Legarra on thl.s realignment?" away three IrvinfKIWRed islands ln tiie Commission Chainnan Vernon Christina center of the estuary and create a new, asked Divblon of Highway!! official!. He wi~e channel. was told no; Legarra still recommends iL Mason gald that 145 acres of lr;vine The new rouUng was adopted after a land wOU1d be destro)'ed in the dredging brief review of its l~Uon and presen. and 95 new acres of Irvine land would be talion of waivers rrom the cities of Costa created along the edge of the new chan-Mesa, Newport Beach and rrom Orange nel. County government. 1be waivers releas· As Mason talked, an engineering aide ed the CilmmWlon from calling any more methodically remt1Yed parts of the map's hearings on the subject. overlay. CommWloners Christina, Alexander The seven-foot-long chart transfonned Pope, Earl Robert&, Robert Herdman, into a model of a navigable channel Maynard Munger, Fred Jennings and aYeraging 800-feet in width. Moon Lee then gathered around a table Mason heralded the Qig Canyon area and signed the resolution establishing the {one or the parcels his finn would give to new route. the county Jn the exchange) and the northern end of the bay as the most logical spots for the county to provide major public access to the improved harbor. N e'vport-M esa OKs 1st Budget Mason cited absence of high bluHs and the close proximity to major arterie.s such as Jamboree J\oad, Corona del Mar freeway and Coastal freeway u the key factors favoring these sites for maximum public access. Ballinger earlier had ooted that the so- called marine stadium t!nvisiooed as a possibility foc the northern part of the bay wa!'! intended to contain speed boating and 5kilng activities in one area or the bay. Board or education members Tuesday approved.. a f.35.8 million· publication budget for the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. A public hearing has been set by the board for final discussion and adoption of the budget. It will be held August 5 at 7:30 p.m. at the Coota Mesa HJgb Schoc>I Lycaim. As required by law, the publication budget will be publllbed in a local newapaper July 31. BallinJer dweUed. on poesibilities for converllon of the natural channel into a lllee CHART, P-.. II Apollo Telecast Schedule . The second Apollo 11 telecast from space ls scheduled today at -~2 p.m. PD'r as ibe astronau!s speed toward the moon. The 15-mlnute clorocast is one of eigbt scheduled transmissions that Include the -first 'step Apolln 11 commander Nell f.-Arinitron& takes on the moon. All networks, as well as Channel 11 (KTl'V) wlll carry the colorcast. Here are the television schedules for Apollo 11 coverage (all PDT): . Todll)', at 4 :~:47 p.m. -from Apollo commalld ship. Friday, July 18, al 4:32-4 :47 p.m.-from commari'd •hip. Color. Saturday, July 19, at 1:02..p.m.-from command ship in lunar orbit. Color. Sunday, July 20, al 10:52-11 :07 a.m.-from the conunMdship, showing the undocking and .beginning of descent of the lunar module. Coior. . ~unday, July 21, at 10:15.11 :07 p:m.-from command module In lunar orbll. Color. Al 11 :)2 p.m.-1 :52 a.m.-lrom.the moon, show· Ing Annstrong setting foot on the moon-and the lunar-acUvtlles ( Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldl'ln Jr.! BlaCk and white. Wednesdll)'._J'uly 23, at 4:02-4:17 p.111.-lrom command module · as the ApOllo ti en route back lo eartb. Color. · . • • County Board Probes Budget, 'Deficiencies' Deficiencies Including lack of drug abtae programs, methods of deallng wilh social problems or development of patks and beaches were cited Wednesday as supervisors mulled over a '169.C nill.llon Orange County budget. Few people showed up to hear the com- ments by Chief AdmlnlstraUve Officer Robert E. Thomas, who said county ex- penditures in other key areas are far more signUicant than in years past. PereMial 11pokesmen for the Orange County Farm Bureau were on hand, however, to urge supervisors to go 1low, and to criticize alleged lnfiationary budget tendencies. Budget hearings are .scheduled to con- tinue· through today and Friday, reSum· ing Monday and exteodiOg on for all of next week. Supervisors generally droned 0 n through the hol, sleepy day in the county seat, with highlights coming in the com- mentary by their admlnl!traUve officer and farm bureau spokesmen. "Drug abuse Is tncmstng in frigbten- (See BUDGET, Pqt: I) Weather Summer bas certoiljly arrived aloog the Cou! and It II t1peci.t to remain lhat way for awblle, at leas! through the weekend. And for beach-lovm, thert:'1 no beat· Ing_ 61 degree walen. INSmE TODA.Y OJ>"raUcm Cookieltfl has be.,. <Uemed 4 IUCCC!IS bt1 Chi ptoPla .that count -th• men ioho re- ceived the: "Wt Care" packoofs. For thtir commn'8 and thcnb !tt page ·22. .. -" ff -qn ......... 11 --.. °"""' c.-, 11 h'M*....... 11 lie.Ill..... 1»1 -.... ·-_,.,... ll ·-.. --·-. --.. • • j I .· ' ( j I •' UP'ITe ........ MOON SYMBOLISM ..! Michael Collins, 7, son o! Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins, flashes "V !or Victory~ sign as be and family meet newsmen -outside Seabrook, Tex., home following Wednesday's launch. Sign also stands for peace, to which moon mission is dedi· cated. With Mike are his sisters. Ann, 8 (left), and Kathy, 10, and bis mother, .Mrs. Pa~ Collins. . f'rom· Pqe 1 APOLLO CARRIES MEDALS • • • who helped blaze thelr trail. "In recognizing the dedication and aacrifice of brave men, we underscore tin example we hope to eet: That lf men can ruch the moon, men can reach airee-ment." Planners Clear Agenda; Tlwater Bid Continued Crowdli! 1n1o-a.ooij(-...· ..... ~1. the c.ta M ... ett.Y'Counc!i CXlllSl~ed police hencoptm;•tlie city PlaMlng Com· rnbsion Mopday cleared two-third! of a heavy, Wit!"\ .,..,.ia. SeveraLtlaiters were tabled or con- tinued for further study, ampng them, a proposed 500-seat movie theater and oU· street parking need! for a tavern featur· ing entertalrunenl. A tone eJtceptlon pennlt for Morco Investment Coolpany's propooed th .. ter at 1811 Harbor Blvd., will be back on the agenda in September, provided investors can arrange olf-alreet parking. Further .study 1.s also st'heduled for a request by Ruben L. Smith, 21n Oran1e Ave., to use a lot adjacent to 2170 Harbor •. Blvd. for off-street parking at the once· t.opless Baby DoU's tavern. Efforts to aell the property through a realty firm for more modern develop- ment have dragged on and the applicant wants to 'reopen the bar - in a more sedate r;t'yle -in the interim . Jn action at the Monday meeting, plan- ners recommended : --Approval of a rone excepllon perm it for Mr. and Mrs. Jack It. Park. 208 Loyola Road. to increase their preschool facility at 798 Paularlno Road from 45 to 75 children. -Approval of construct.Ion of a 25 by 45 foot storage building at 1970 Placentia Ave., requested by Reliable Manufac- luring Company. • OIVMOI COoUT P\lll 1$t111M9 COM,.., ltMft N, WM4 ................ *' Jtc:k •• Otrfrt Via """"""" ....... ., "'""'" Tll111'.,I K11vil .... Tllt11111 A. Mt..,M~• INnfllrlll •"• c ........ OMrM 130 Witt l•r St1t1f M1lllat M41•1u P.O. ltr li~O. tZ6it --............ ,m ............ .........,,. ~ '-flot nt ,_ .. ·-.....,, ... .__, ......... Th.e mldeourse engine firln1 lasted only three seconds and increased Apollo 11 's speed by only 14 miles per hour. But it adjusted the path so the astronauts will pass within 69 miles of t be moon's backside on Saturday -precisely where they want to be to inject lhemaelves into orbit to start their exploration. Had they oootinued on their previous course, their clo.sest approach would have been 201 mifes. The SUCC<SS!ul firing of the lll,500- poond-thrust engine was a rewurtng sound to spacecraft c o m m a n d e r Armstrong, A t r FOl\>e Col. Aldrin and Air Force LI. Col. Michael Collini. This 1s the powerplant that m1111 blast them iDto lunar orbit before /tiinstraal and Aldrin descend lo t h e IUl'foco ..a must also work to 1tart them home nut Monday. "Jt WIS a good bum,'! miuioa control told the etronauts. · An unmanned visitor from · Russia, Luna 15, today zipped Into a loopln& lunar orbit ranging from about 600 to 1.200 mllea above the surface, A' Mo.scow report said the craft had become a moon satelllte, but speculaUon continued that it might attempt to land. scoop up s o l I samplea and retum them to earth before Apollo 11 can bring back Its car10 of roci<s. One U.S. official noted that the orbit was similar to previous radiation. monitoring Soviet satellite! and IUg· gested H might be on a non-landing sclen- Uflc expedition. He Wd the chances of Its colliding with Apollo 11 were nU beaiuse of its high orbit. Apollo 11 will orbit at 19 miles high. Armstrong. Aldrin and Collins reached the mid-point or their trek acrws trackless space at 7:33 a.m. PDT when their 48--ton spaceship WIS precisely 120.003 mUes from both u.rth and moon. Mobile Couple Jailed in Mesa For Drugs, Theft A Harbor Area couple Uvill.I in a 1939 van truck was arrested at their modest Costa ~1esa address WedneJday, chat1ed with possession of heroin and stealing Pl"'nable Items from the wife'& pa.rent.. WUliam L. John50n, 25, aad Sue hf. Johnson, 22, 'A'ere picked up by a team or lawmen who visited the ir camper parked at 287 Victoria St., accordlrlg to Colla f\frsa Deteclive Norm Kutch. Johnsoos were booked into Newport Beach City Jail and remain in custody todAy in lieu of $3,200 ball each, while their three-year-old daughter was turned over to relatives' care. Investigators Kutch, Sam Arnold and Carolyn Gi!!ens accompanied Newport Bea.ch detectives Al Epstein and William Speirs to make the warrant arrests \Vednesday a!terhoon. Glancina: into the van durin1 the pro- cees. Speirs said he noUced a small while folded paper or so-called bindle, whJ(h car.I.lined white powder believed to be heroin. Aw·f~ searth or the truck-home tu~p Items ultd !or dru& lnJ1<tk>n hldaen under a bunk mattreu, accordlnJ: to lnvutl.gaton. Newport Beach author\Ues said the Joh.nlons wert named in grand theft war· ranll lnvolvin1 allegedly stolen items, Jn· cludlna a typewriter, bowlin& ceer and ladles' ring, which were lat.er pawned. Johnson told 1nve.sU,ator1 he did pawn the itemi. but believed them to belonc &o l1ls wire, whlle they hid actually been reported stolen by Mr1. JohnlOrfl mother. ( ., • ' estions Bay Exchange ' ' County ~nel Says ~ore ~":"f>lie R~r.eation Area, Needed · . . IW 'IVM 1,llUY .., .. °'"' r1111 ...., County Supervisors will be asked by the Orange CouolY Grand Jury Tuesday to take another long hard look at tbe lone· debated Upper Newport Bay tidelands exchange between Orange County and the Irvine Company. # A Jury resoluUon c'1llng on the county board to further &iudy the land sw•p for the purpo1e of providlng more water frontage and accea to lbe Udelandl far the public was filed today, The resolution, signed by Foreman Willla.m Martin of Laguna Beach, is .the culmination ol a long study of the Irvme- Cojmty ~eat by the Grand Jl!f)'. II was wked by public debate over the ti· change of 457 acres of Irvine property fo:r 157 acres of county-owned tidelands. 'The Grand Jury not.ea in today 's resolu- llon "that the litigation Involved In the preoenl Udelan<ls exchanie b CO!Uy in Ume and money." II ls pointed out lo the Supervisors "that an ultimate exchange plan mlght ellminate ~e of the p~ blems that are before the. county." It draws the attenUon of the ·Board to the Grand Jury's previous adopUon of a re.soluUon "statil.g that transactions eon· cernine the disposlUon ol public lands should be able to withstand public rtvlew ... recognizing that furthe:r stl.ldy may entail the expenditure of public fund11." The jury a.Iao urges that the Supervisors and the public at lar1e ahou1d be aUowed to COMider ultimate plans for the "ex· ch&nfe of public tl<lelands - a request that L!I broadly interpreted as a demand for pubUc heartn11 on the issue. * * * f'NM P .. e .1 CHART •.. And.tbl Grand Jury further warns that current facmn: and conditions lnclude the dwlndling p..ibllc ownershi~~-and acceu to-belchel and shore Jn- crea1lng water llOllu.Ucn, ec:ologl im· ha.la.nee, Ices fl natural see~. and expanding recreational needs •of high density populations. Critl(ism of the land ewap at one time led the Irvine Company to withdraw !rom the deal. But County Supervloors rehehed the proposal lut November •nd voted 4 to 1 to carry out 1 progrlJn that was fint raised before the board more than 10 years ago. Envisioned by the County and lt'l!De Is Andrew J. lllnlilaw. the creation d two large regional parb 'nle Assessor contends that ·'the pro- .on the shoreline ol Upper tle;wpart Bly ]>06ed caocellation of taxes is improper and lhe emergence of a mufU-miWon beciuse the Irvine Company sllll bas doJlar "second harbor" out of the Back -an assessabte interest and because the Bay mud flata, docda do not "con vey absolute title to Two separate dredgtng projects pro-the land." posed In Back Bay waters will be Ct>m-R~ .appraisals of property values bined, Irvine and County 1pokesmen Involved led county officials to predict sute, at an esUmated savtngs of $1 that Orange c.ounty ~·ould be $1 mllllon million. better off U the laod swap went through. Removal o( the i&50 atres or Irvine Tbtr mtMer in which appralsers a~ upland& from county tu rolls pecdlng a rived at those figures has been challe114· court ruling on the dispute hss drawn ed in the borne owners' eUJt which 11 the bitter opposition or County Assessor likely to go to trial th!$ fe.11 . f'rom Page 1 BUDGET PROBED BY SUPERVISORS • • • ing proportlom," 'lbomas told the board in me:ntionlni that apparent budget defi· ciency, among others. He Haled them as acquisiUon and development of county beaches and parks, so-called people programs and Ir.- adequate county Internal audit rtview and management training. On the other hand, significant ex. pendltures lll!ted by Thomas -said to be much dJf!ere.nt Lltan in prior years -in· eluded the following items : -A $350,000 schematic program for mister planning of Orange County Medical C.enter to meet future needs. -A '400,000 allocation for the site of an additional COUDty juvenile hall facility. -A 13.11 million allotment for the county't Mental Health Program. -A lolal ol 11.millloo for Orange Coun- ty Flood Control damage n!palrs due 10 last winter's devastatlnj: storms, raised by a one-ye~r increase in the district's tu rate. -A $910,000 allocation for county Civic Center development. -A $400,000 expenditure for jilannin1 local drainage problem correction. -A $800,000 increase in refUse disposal costs, since the rate of trash and garbage generated per-person ls rising from 7 .8 to 8.2 pound3 daily. SERVICES REVIEWED Re\!iewed Wednesday were only com· munity-safety services, such as adult;- juvenUe and civU law enforcement pro- grams, traffic safety, fire prevenUon, animal control and prevention and pro- tection involvin1 natural and manmade disasters. "Slrty ~cent of these coats go to adull and Juvenile law enforcement," tht COUl'}ty administraUve officer noted, not be boolhl thiJ year unleu aboolltUly necessary," he cootlnped, -"the purchue adds to inflationary preuure u well as reducing the tax We." He specillcally calied !or llmlllng Orange COW'lty ~cal Centtr faclUties lo only IJ¥llgent paU.nls who cannot pro- vide care for themaelves. "Leave to · the state the providing of medical school and e d 11 c • t I o n a 1 facilities," be 'added . "Property taxpayers a~ rising in pro. test against high tu levies," Gri&et aid, "the line must be held no( just on the rate but on net coucty expenditures." He was joined _in the presentation Wednesday by former farm bore.au e1· ecutive Roland D. Flaherty, owner of a county of!lce supply blllln.,.. Valuables Worth • Over $300 Taken 28 Jail~_d in 2nd Day saying ibis budget segment Is 13l million, _ up $.1.86 million from lut. year. harbor adequate for boltin1 and recrta-Couiity department he.ads wUI have a Ilona) us~ Hnald thitthe land udlange Of Racial Violence chance in conUnuing ""Ions to protest Tools, trading Siami> boob and col- could produce a waterway u wide u the Cuts in their respeetive areu ol jurlsdlc:· lected coins worth a .total of more than widest channels of Jower...Newport B•Y YOUNGSTOWN_. Obi~ <AP.) -.Police tion by_ adgtinistra'9f1, , -~ .$300 were taken in garage bur&)arits arrested 28 persons and . blanketed 10 George Grlset, president of the Orange reported to-cosla -Mesa police-Wed; with adequate access by the boating .and blockl of a South Side street wJtb tear County Farm Bureau, appeared Wed· nesday. - swlmmirlg pubUc. gas early today in putting down nesday to say his 1roup believes infla-Ludwick L. Myron. 2786 Mallard Drive, He echoed statements by Harbor Direc· Younptown's second 3traight night of Uon control to be the county's most said someone pried open his garage door tor KenneUi Sampson, who has promised raclaf disturbances. pressing cooeern. to obtalp more than $200 In loot, including El•'t ~--· were 1ni·ured. -.___ "It can only be achieved by each unit 17 stamp books and coin-filled collecUon "the best consultant.s available" to draft ... ,............ i1u~ buUdinp and four cars were burned of government avoiding any unnecessary folders . . plans for the harbor if the swap ls sue-before the trouble wu brouiht under spending," Griset declared, "ev_ery effort Clarenc~ 0. Miller, SM M~rquet~ Cir~ cessful. control. A police cruiser wu d~ged ~y should be made to. avoid duf.licaUon of cle, !~ft his g~age opent police said, and There have been four general pli.ns for rocb and several otbeis wert hlI by service and unnecessary serv ce." a thtef earned off $125 in assorted development of the Upper Bly prepared L~snlper~~ltre~,-pollce~::~sal~d·~======~·w~e~su;g~g~m~-!Bnd~~for;-~fil~tili'i;· ~e~me~-;;:•b;ow;;<-=~m;tt~h~•;ni:;;cs~',;toob~;,· ======;::a since 111:15, Ballinger repoi1od and all have propooed generally the same COii· figuration for the channel. RELATED lllBTORY Kuyper related the history of the •n- ano matter ol Upper Newport Bay, lncludfnl the i:urrent suil lo tell the -Uiutlonal validity of prnpouJs to crant a private ftnn uae 'of county tide- lands U land developed for public benefit ia exchanged for it. He noted that thert were three se~ arate appraiaalt ol the land values in the proposed exchange before the agree- ment' was approved, with each appprais- al showing a greater dollar advat1tage to the county. The final one, showing an '8 million advaatage to the county was made by an appraiser aelected by the st.ate lands commission in 1955, Kuyper said. He also labeled "ridiculous" three arguments by foes of the 1wap who char1e that the exchange would allow the Irvine Company to "move" its islands from the center of the estuary to the edges: that the count)' would pay tor Jan&: that wuuld be destroyed, and that all the uchaoge would produce for the county would be water. "No matter what you to g&in real property as a government agency, if It 1s condemned, you have to pay for It," he said. "If you remove the islands, dirt taken away becomes personal\ not real pro~ erty, You can't actua Jy move nil property.'' 11ie whole exchange could be ju.stifled just on the increued water area being 4'Provided to the public, Kuyper main- tained, because the county's job is to provide 1 harbor for muimum public use. MADE PRESENTATION Klllefer made the leut tecbnlcal pr.,.,,..tlon of the momlni, and inllead made a strong plea for aew recreational areas for the county . He said there was "a crying need for recreational space. Our coutllne. is rapidly dlsa~rtng and we need more water space,' he added. "We're vitally coacemed -at le.ast Supervisor Allen is-of the political implications of this entire issue. and 1'-'e ha ve even had a member of the State Lands Commission who served in 1966 admit that his denial of tbe swap that year was a political vot e and nothing more (present Sen. Alan Cranston),'' he said. Me charaed that the Issue wu "hung up on 11m1ntica and artists' mdtrlqs." ANSW!llED QUESTIONS After the fonnal prmnlltlw the epeakm answered questions from the audience of about JO ptrs?nl. Muon uld tte believed -the enUre matter would be cleared up within two years. "If the exchanae plan does fail , we have deflnlta plans drawn and subdivis- ion DllP8 for the develapment of our three l1landl ln the bay," he said. He promised utenstve studiu on maintaining a "iood .en.viroruntn.t" for ~lldllfe In the bay U hb firm developed lhe t1lu1ry. · "It will probably involve ·a chance · In type of marlnt, plant and bird life In the bay, but we're confident that a tulllble ecoloa could come about tf it were developed." 1-~ lWIN COCKTAIL 9'.00 lWIN COCKTAIL 69.00 Bronzini Tables by Heritage HEX COMMODE 199.00 SQUARE COMMODE 199.00 Now.,..,.. can hue that upmshe old-.mrld look at remarkable •-world prices. Tablu that ""' pairutaldna;ly oonstructed of wonny maple sollds and antique cherry veneen with an unusual distressed finish. rubbed down to a dMp glow from within. Each table ls available with dlJtrossed white paint finish as well, with a:Jints of wood showing through. H.J.GAI\R.EfT fURNllURE END TABLE 99.00 PROFESSIONA,l INTUIOR DESIGNERS Open Mon., Thur1., & Fri., Ev11. COST it. MESit., CALIF. 2 2 I 5 HARBOR BLVD. 646. 0275 646 . 0276 ••nt fact, )'GU ctn e¥t:n transplant olant and an1m&J Hie to cruta tt," be added. 11...--------------------------------------- ' -• ( • " , I TRADITIONAL FLIGHT OF SNOWBIRDS BECOMING KITE FLIGHT Ringo Wagner, lS, (left), Randy Lerton, 14, Like Kites • Few Newport Snowbirds Left for Annual 'Flig~t' - Br EYELYN ~SHERWOQD 01 ffl• Dl llV l"flo't 51111 For the past 34 years the Newport Snowbird has made its annual flight on the waters of Newport Harbor. · But this year-Sunday at 1:30 p.m.- the flight of the sin$1e-wing birds will be more ·of a kite-fhghi than anything· else. The reason: the 12-foot cat-rigged sailboats are rapidly growing extinct. Nci on_e js_building them any more. So on Sunday an estimated 30 Snowbirds will beat, reach and run along the 5-mile bay course in the annual Flight of the ~wbirds. And 90 Kites will do the s,,_ ,,e. The lJtes' popularity is growing by the day, enthusiasts say, and it.I uatural com· pelitor, the Snowbird, seems to have fall· • en out of favor. Kites are fiberglass; most Snowbirds are wood. Newport Harbor Chamber of Com· merce Manager Jack Barnett, whose organization sponso rs the annual flight, i;aid that the group received so few Snowbird entries this year that the Kites were needed to make the event worth while. In the heyday of the event, upwards of 150 Snowbirds could be expected at the starting line. Last year'.s_ turnout was about 75. Next year will probably find even fewer birds. Barnett said. Both the Kite and the Snowbird Oy one sail and are about equal in lengUf. The Kite, however, has a few more points, Its manufacturer says -it can't sink because of notation tanks aboard. Its young skippers de.scribe It a little ~ differently. "When you flip -in a Snowbird, you're dead," Ringo Wagner, 15, former owner of a Snowbird and present .owner of a Kite, said. "Flip a Kite and it's easy to get up. It handlea faster, too." Trophies will be awarded at the NewP.t .Harbor Yacht Club for both classes •. a-dlng to B.arnett, whe~ the Chamber Women's bivi.sion will serve hot dogs and punch to contenders. The race, lasting from 2-3 hours depen- ding on winds, still start and finish its fr mile course at the Balboa Pavilion. There is n6 minimum or maximum age, according to co.chairmen, Jack Richardson and Rush Hilborn. Entrants must sign up before Friday at the Chamber of Commerce, Newport Harbor Yacht Club, Balboa Yacht Club -0r Lido Isle Yacht Club .. CROWNING MOMENT -Linda Prais, 18, Fullerton (center) is 1969 Miss Orange County Fair. , Kathleen Knutson, 18, La ijabra (right), was first runner up in beauty contest, while Connie Pfister, 19, Huntington Beach (left), was second runner up. She's 111e Fairest Coed, 18, Wins County Show Croivn A Fullerton Junior C'..ollege student with 1 yen for Mexican food and teaching proved Tuesday that beauty and brain! ftrtainly do mix-in a most attracUve way. Linda Sue Prais, 18, was crowned "Miss Orange County Fair," queen of the J969 Orange County Fair and Exposition. The green-eyed, blonde-haired beauty, whose 120 pounds are delightfully distributed on a s..root. 7-lnch frarne on 1 3&-2~ ratio, rectntly was ruMer·up in . ·~ Orange County preliminaries for the MW Universe contest. First runner-up in the "Misa Orange COUnty Fair" compeUU0rt was KathJeen Knutson, 18, La Habra. The second run.- ner·up was CoMie Pfister, 19, HunUngton Beach. As "Miss Orange County Fair," Mias Prais will next repree~t Orange County at the "'Maid of California" Beauty Pageant In Sacramento In AU&'!'I: . . ' 1'11clrtda1, July l.J, 1969 4 S DAILY l'IL01' 3 Argonaut Overall Winner · .' ' -- .M.esa Cal · 40s Keep ~ Transpa-c Grip BJ ALMON LOCIAB~Y tnlnutes and 23 seconds. Moc!casln. Vlente, Val-0-Van, Rowena', Dakar, ~L.Y ~L.oT , .. ,'" •11"-S~nd place in the fleet sta_ndings went C-l Argonaut: 2. Quuar; 3. Vlvant ; E!pr.it. Plelades, ~mile, Blanquita, J{ONOLUW -The Co6ta M~a bui~ to Arthur ·Blibl'a S'l'lool sloop Quasar f . Curloso. Destiny 11. • Cal..tOs contin~ the~ band l cap from Richmond Ylcht Club. In third " c--·t 2 lnlre Id II I LaUtudes and Longitudes of boats I '· !her C.! 40 M k '" ~1. ~Pr& ' . p • 3. p elades, ~•-0 Wed -• stranglehold ln ·the Transpacific Yacht p1ace ~ ano • 011 Has e .. a f repo1~ng at 1 a.m. n..,;,uay. R8ce tOr the third straight year 'aa fhe Vivant, Long-Beach-Yacht Club. no 0~"'--AmeMCina, 2f-38;-154=10; Ano Nuev9, . 1 ... M• 1 1 •"--Light winds 1h the Molokai Channel Yachts finishlng 1ince Tuesday night: 22-39, l5'-31 ; Aventura, 21•53, . w..29; Wlllller 0 t.u.: t-race goee n ° uav slowed Uio Jttter ~tages of tl)f! race u the Mystic, Dare, JubllaUon, Intermezzo, Ohlrlqui, 21·55, 167·10; Cygnus, 21·20, record as Jon ~n's Argoo.aut from Clllf!S D yachts approached Diamond Nlmble, Ya Turko, Marionette, Amorita, 156-SS; Da Kine, 23-12, tSl-00; L'Allegro. Santa Barbara. Head. Xarithlppe, Simoon, Westerly, Tangent, 22-SO, 154-41 ; Mahla, 23-55, 1$3-44; Ne- \Ylth only a dozen yachb Jell to finish, CLASS STANDINGS Till 'O The Kilt, Montgomery Street, penthe, 23.05, IM-07; Scotch Mlsl, 23-00, Argonaut's corrected Ume of 6 days, 20 Esperance, Ahsante, Vivant, Nwnse ll, 153-40; Valkyrie Il, 23-18, 151-M. hours, 44 minutes and 1 seconds will A-1. Concerto; 2. Rascal ; 3. Sumatra; Argonaut, CUri~, Quasar, Moccasin, DID NOT ~PORT -Anuenue &tind \ip. Her elapsed Ume for:_the 21225 4. Blackfln. 111n11,repTyldpeell,,ChRanlta gllelr'.~'!.81e·r1ana1can,8S'~~! He!Ntaer1a0,WM:es,e:o,.,tRo. ugbneck Il. B-1. Salic~; 2. Mysl1c; 3. 'Nimble; 4. IMf' ......,.,;u -mile crossing waa 11 days, 16 hours, 35 I-------'--------------~--------~--------- Beach Holds ·Up Edison Plan:s For Substation Huntington Beach P-ing Commis- sioners Tuesday defei'red a decision on whether to allow construction of an electrical substatiOn on land planned ·ror use as part of the future Huntingi'on Central Park. Commissi9"f!rs will take the matler up again at their Aug. 5 meeting, They said they want more information about the controversial project. If. the request is granted, the Edison Company substation would be built on two and a ball acres of land near G1>1den West Street and Talbert; Avenue. Although the land was purch~ by the utility company more than two years ago, recent bond ninnies will allow the city to construct the park on the land. -. , Co"'iderable'C!timnlbjectloo has been· ·- leveled au.be project in_past planning commission Jtleeting.s, since the substa- tion would be located in a public golf course, which would be a part of the ·total park coocept. Additional funds for construction of the park are oow being sought by the city from the Housing and Urban De- velopment Agency-(HUD), which sti~ ulates that the park must be constructed In a naturarietfihg. ~ The substation, with its attendant overbf!ad transmission lints, could jeop- ardize acquisition of the funds, accord- ing to city authorities. . Ralph Kiaer, manager of. the Hunt- · lngbJn Beach branch o f the Edison Company, said his engineers are now looking into the possibility of moving the subst'atlon to another area. Planning commisaloners Tuesday also continued· an application for the con- struction d. a mobile home park near Slater Avenue and Gothard Street to their August 5 meeting. William P. Lollar, a spokesman for the applicant, C3ctlfior Inc., asked the commission to allow interim use of the land for 18 years, even though the property is presently zoned for manu· facturing use. Lollar said his company would level and drain the land, making the area excellent industrial property' once the trailer park is moved out. Although the land is zoned for manu- facturing, the 1&-acre site has been dormant for years since it. is hilly and contains large peat bogs. Commissioners, In continuing the re- quest, indicated more time must be given t'o a study on possible interim uses ol the land. 'nley will also look into possible rw.oning of the surrounding areas which are also zoned for manufacturin*J pur· poses, but whkh are not considered prime manufacturing land because of the hilly, wet terrain. Valley Group To Meet About Recall Petitions Members of the Fountain Valley Civic AssoclaUon meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight In St. Wlllrid 's Episcqpal Church, 8236 Ellb Ave., Huntington Beach, to consider the court action Tuesday which upheld validity of three recall petitions sub- mitted.to the city by the association. Potential candJdates In a September recall election for the city council have also been extended an open inyitation by AS!Oclatlon President Eugene VanDask, to attend and present their views to the group. The Fountain Valley Civic Association ha!J been the prime mover behind the recall directed against Mayor Robert SChwerdtfeger, Vice Mayor Donald Freieau and Councllman J06epb Cour· rege.s. Harbour Swim Team Winners Members of the HunUngton Harbour Swim Team 1pluhed to victory for their fourth time by winning the Orange Coun- ty Swim Conference dual meet. The hometown rwlmmm defeated a team from the Los Coyotes Country Club by· a 331-182 point margin in Saturday's contest. Two add!Uonal dual meet. Will be entered by the i..m before they -pet. in the "C" Division Finals Aug. 2 and _Coalerence ~ Aua. 1. • · YOUR CHOICE . l•gonlos, Dahlias, Vlncas, and Marl!jolds for plmre perfect garde~'-••• P!Oftl ...... 1 """ of -Of ...... """""' ~ p1Clntl ••• oi group -to .... ~~ .. --- patio< ... po«hos '°' d"'matlc .tlocll to. ,. pob ••.• they'ro a!...cly grvwlng ••• and look - a1 tho .... n p.i..i YOUR CHOICE 69c Junipers, pfttzer or tam. For basic profeaional type landscape planttng with llttle upkeep, plont e'«lrg,..,. ••• now priced for. quantity buying and planting I In 1 gallon container. Your choice of C.nary Island or J.apa..-Blick Pine for taller evergrHn growth. Thete .vergrMN ha'l9 ovt- atanding rich foliage. Jn 5 gallon container. 1h" 50 ft. vinyl nylon hose to help keep your garden green all summer long. This quality garden hOM is a greot value, ao buy nowt 1.99 %" 50 ft. nylon vinyl guden hole for your garden. 4.44 Steel hose h1ngor to · kHp your hole neat ind out of tho way. 59c Wall mount h-roel for 1n out of 1ight garden h-1 7.99 MONTCLAIR 3e19 LIKE IT ••• CHARGE IT! •••••• • • Decorative ground cover with Sequoia Bark ••• 3 cu. ft. le77 Coone, medium. and pathway me to dtome from. f« border beautyt Look for the name Kellogg's. Pl1nter Mix in 2 cu. ft, bag. For r1pld plant growth. 1.09 Unlve"ily Compost In 5 cu. ft. bag for 1 he1lthy l1wn and garden. 2.19 For be1utiful gardens, Kellogg's Gromulch in * cu. ft. bog. 1.10 Ortho-Gro Lown Food for a more healthy lawn. laJ. ao<ed food pellets In 5JXX) sq. ft. bog. 2/4.96 Orthe>Gro Dlchondro Food pellets or• a bolonctd diet for dichondra lawn&. In 7 /JOO ~ ft. bog. 4.95 Ortho Systemic Rose encl Flower Care for healthier,, more beautiful roses ond flow., en. Easy to Ult 5 lb. box. 2.98 Oiliili':"':ll orth! Evorg,.... and r- Foocl pellets for beoutllul 9¥ltf\ill'MM oncl """ Eal)' .. ---box. 5 lb. box. 2/1.98 NEWPORT BEACH • ··. . -: • r -L I I I I l • i ' .. ~ .... ~" ... ....., ~· ~-' . ~ • ~.,, Soil.~nberg, ending. a 10 · mon1h batUe with the Canadian St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, left ·quietly· when police arrived with a QlOvigg van to evict her from ber home In Welland Junction, Onta· rlo. Mrs. Sonnenberg, whose bus· band moved out after accepting an f18 ,000 settlement Jast September, liid refused to budge and demand· ed a separate setilement. •I. -• ltelmeted a-nd Zsa lots · I attention on a us 11 Manhattan treet corner. ,Britt sliys she has made arrange· ments for Zsa Zsll to be the first dog ri tM moon-but f if red • blooded ollftronauts 1i a d ir way, the11'd obabfu prefer -that Britt take th1 's ptace. Traffic Offictr "Giibert Fr•nc•ft shed into the street to stop traf· ic for an approaching ambulance. e ambulance roared-around the rner.-lt&-OUWde mirror. bit"'Fran-i-ais in the Iace and ·1cnoc1ced him ut....The .amlu!lan~ot ~loRROA. ll!<lk _ inside and off to the hospital. • Po1ice in Bastia, Corsica said river Jean Marc.ntonl leaped ~.:J'rom bis car at an intersection and ~xed the ears of ~ a youth he ~thought was crossing the street too :l't!owly. The youth's uncle drew a i.!1 istol abd shot ~arca.ntoni in the aclr: Marcanton1 whipped out a ,... un and shot the uncle in the face. P.!11 were hospitalized in serious ~~diuo11-..,. . .___ Howton. residents CU'C-reo:.- stricttd to Uling tDCter outside their homes to certaiYJ houri becaue of a tttiUt drought. But in ca&e of a flood. the city now hat the montr to control it. By a margin of 29,223 to 22,· 315, voters approvtd a $21.S miUion county flood control botid Unie after dtftating the same proposal twice last 11ear. • There was nothing in the law k Sheldon (;ampel of New York BJ ,studyfug that told him bow to ea1 with the intrud,er in his room o he called police. The police, in urn, called the American Society or \he Prevention of Cruelty to ~;Animals who came and removed a .. boa constrictor which somehow ad . entered. the law student's -parlment. . ~. . ; _.Police in New Jersey's capital ~l,y ucketed a freight lrain this eM'eek. The .train, charged with ~locking tr.affic at a street cross-~ng, was the second Penn Central mrain ticketed in two days. Last ear the railroad was fined $250 en police cracked down on < , ains blocking traffic. ~' . ThtJr'idq, ~.~ 11, 1969 • But Paris Talks Less Hopeful;~ Rogers Notes ~e~ Negativism to Peace -.. • -..l i. -., From Wire Servlces · were killed in action, well below the shelling attacks Wednesday ~ht and to-revoluU<Nry government, told delegates Rogers said the Communists had SAIGON -1be bill in the_ Vietnam war· weekly average for the year of 243. day, wilh 10 .of therii causing damage or at \ht 26th meet.inf of the conference: responded to U.S. peace initiatives in spread today as top American m.Ui~ry Enemy dead .totaled at ·1east 2,001. ~e casua1tie5: Two Ain~r1~!!.-instal~!i.OJJJ ''LoYal 1.t9-1buupreme inlerests oLthe Vietnam by being "more Jntrans~~ot, officials met to consider the aJgnificance command said, and . 352 ,governmen& • wer.e targets, lnCJuding t.fie U.S. 9tb nation and the country• lhe delegation of more unreasonable, more inhwnane. of ·the slowdown and. p~ for more troops were reported killed. Infantry Diviilon base at D0ng Tam, 'but the provlsiooal revolutionary government He told the House Foreign Affairs withdrawals of U.S. troops. Americans wounded last week totaled t.here were no American casualties. of I.he ·Republic of South Vietnam Committee the United States and South Emphasizing the lull, 'tbe \J.S. Com-l.612, slightly above the recent average. But pews, from Paris on the peace talks categorically aposcs and reject! the so-Viebuim had mal:le concession alttr co~ mand ~ that the n.urnber of This was. believed ~.be the result of a 30 '!as Jess ttoperul. ~e Viet COng de}ega-called 'solution for free elections' (ls a cession to try to break the stalemate in Americans and enemy killed lD combat percent Jncrease m the average daily t1on categoncally reJected the 8aigj>R· of. tJ:eachery of the' U.S. and the Saigon ad-the Paris negoUailoru. last ""'eek were the lowest since the first nu~ber or conta~ts ·by small American ~e~ to setUe I.he Vietnam. War ~rough ministration." "The only reactiQR we get from the week of the year, while the number of uruts, but a predicted lnc~ease .in ·battle )Otntly controlled and mternationally ~n. Washington Secretary of State other side is totally negative," Rogers South Vietnamese -soldiers killed was the deaths because of this did Dot supervised elections. . Wdliam P. Rogers undel'ICOred the Com-said. "They call names and use phrases lowest in sb: months. · materialize. Mme. Nguyen Thi Bulb, the foreign munists ~live responses to allied like swindle and fraud, which doesn't help U.S. headqu·arters said 148 Americans Military spokesmen reported IS enemy minister of the Viet Cong's provWonal peace initialtve1. the situaUon at all." ' PROUD WIFE· -Mrs. Janel Armstron~ talks to newsmen outsid~ her home in· ·seaDrOol<, Tex.;-'8lter-arnvlng from Cape Kenriedy where she and her children watched the Apollo 11 blast-off. Mrs. Annstrong's husband, astrOnaut Neil Annstrong, is scheduled to be the first man to set foot on the moon. · -Top Health Officer Urges MedicineAU1BeforeMars WASHINGTON (UP!) -The top health officer in the Nixon administration, Dr. Roger O. Egeberg, said today a maMed landing on Mars "could be a damned hollow victory if it meant delaying solv- ing Critical medical problems on earth.'' Egeberg was responding. in a television interview (CBS), to a remark by Vice President Spiro T. Agnew -apparently speaking for himself and not necessarily the Nixon administration -on Wed- nesday that "we should .•. put a man on Mars by the end of this century." Said Egeberg, assistant H E W secretary: ··with aJJ that's happening, in the way of the threats of new chemicals, with the maldlstribution of medical care, Mars could be a damned hollo\v victory for us. "Now, I don't mean to pass on Mars vs. medicine, but certainly I'm going to be a very strong protagonist of the fact th at medicine ••• should have all' the support that the country can give it." Senate Democratic leaders M i k e f\-1ansfield and Edward M. Kennedy promptly said unsatisfied "needs on earth" must take priority over any ad· ventures in space past the moon. But House Democratic whip Hale Boggs, La., returning with about Z>O other congressmen from the launch site, said he agreed with Agnew. He called a news conference to warn against the ad- vice of those he quoted as saying "now that we've got to the moon let's quit." Oeaver Visits ·~ ·· Algeria.;·Says He's Homesick ALGIERS, Algeria (AP ) -Eldridge Cleaver, the onetime Black Panther lea~er who slipped out of the United States last year and has been living recently in Cuba, today ca11ed the Apollo 11 moon shot a "circus to distract people's minds from the real problems, which are here on the ground." Cleaver arrived in Algiers Tuesday to attend the Pan-African Cultu.ral Festival as a guest of the A)gerian government. The festiVal opens Monday. He told a news conference he would not answer any questions about his whereab. outs and activities in the past eight months, since he said the FBI is io· terested in this information. "I doi:i't feel like an exile," he said. "I'm just on a trip. The U.S.A. is my hyn\e, and specifically Sab..Francisco. In fact, I'm homesick already.'' When 0.sked about ·his fUture plans, ··Cleaver replied;-"As -to the immediate future, my wife. is expecting a baby early in August. That's .the first item. Lhave been appointed roving editor for Ram- parts magazine which will keep me tra~ling for a while. l intend to return to the U.S.A. Soviet Ships Holding Practices ill Gulf? WASHINGTON (UPI) -Five Soviet Naval _vessels, including two diesel- powered submarines are holding what appeared to· be antisubmarine warfare exercises tn the GuH of Mexico, U.S. Navy officials today. . TQe ships were loca~ 210 miles souUtwest of Tampa, Fla. The group also included a missile cruiser and two mi5'ile desfroyers. Three other Soviet support ships remained ai anchor 7$ miles west of Key West. OAS Qld Collapses \ A'ttack on Salvador .Launched by Honduras Honduras launched a counterattack against El Salvador today and claimed air domination in the .four.oday war as an Organization of American St£tes (OAS) cease·fire collapsed in a dispute by .the belligerents over ils terms. A Honduras army :ipokesman in Tegucigalpa said that Honduran troops had counterattacked Salvadorean posi· House Rejects tions at Poloros and were threatening other cities in Northern El Salvador, In- cluding Ciudad Barrios. , · Honduras and El Salvador accepted a cease-fire plea from the OAS Wednesday but a snag developed when El Salvador demanded that the OAS guarantee the safety of Salvadoreans living in Honduras with troops remaining at present posi~ tions Wllil such guarantees were ef- fective. Up until today virtually all ground fighting had been in Honduran territoty with Salvadorean troops reported as d~p as·45 miles inside Honduras. The army N • ' p } spokesman;-however, said that Honduran lXOll S ropo. sa troops with air cover and usm:g captured , artillery and tanks in some blstances 0 V • --rug· · , h have taken the initiative on the southern n·· oting . ts-•nlhiOrthern·-mmts-and-.fere .coan- terattacking on the eastern fron.t. WASHINGTON (AP) --The H0use ::niey are a<IVa~ng Steadil)','.' he said. Judiciary Committee rejected President . The Hond'uran au . force domm~tes the Nixon's proposed voting rights bill today air over both countries and con~1~ueii: to and approved a five·year extension of the oo,r,iib Salvadorean (ground) ~stbons. existing law. In_one day onelionduran pilot downed . . three Salvadorean fighters. So far, nine The comm1Uee, by what was described enemy planes have been shot down." as an overwhelmlng voice vote, urged renewal of the 1965 act, which suspends lileracy tests and Umits election pr<> ~ure ~{lllges in ~~n Southern states. The vote, in which a majority 9f com- mittee Republicans lined up with the Democrats; s I g n al s a party-splitting fight among Republicans wben Ute bill is brought to 'the House noor • Nlxon ilsked CorlgresS to scrap the regk>}ial approach of the'·1965 act·and ban litefae)' t!stl'i'A aU 'sta'.tes. ·He 81so-seeb- to ease the restriction against changing election procedures, and ban state voter residency rfquirements in presidential elections. U.S., Soriet Talks On Middle East End MOSCOW (AP) -U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Joseph J. Sisco left MOscOw today for home a!te'r talks with Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko iiffied at getting Middle 'East peace negotiations started. Informed diplomatic sources said the meet'ings here achieved no break-through but helped clarify positions. • t3 e Humidity Wilting Collars Temperatures Around Nati.on Soar Into the 90s THE GENERAL PUBLIC IS INVITED TO ATl'END OUR OPEN HOUSE PROGRAM -Avti. U IJ.S. Sumn1ar11 Colltf' wlltlr\9 '-' 1114 humld11Y tlul'lll IO I lll'N Plrl of 1111 N ll<ln tour 11\d f!>ert WI$ 11!111 PfQlllKt ffl •t'IY wldesfll'ffd -•1 ,..11e1. T~lfUtft ""' -~ 11110 1111 10!. w.dn•Mltr from the GI/II c1 Moe•· lco to 1111 Greif l.1kh ll'ld ~1atw.ird 10 ~ A.tlll11tk; a..itled ""' lower lhlln "" >ttd!;l' 11)$ -r"lthl. A 1llelltlY tOOllt!t lffi'ld ICIMd aver "" narttwrn M~I beror. cN:'M'I Ind Mfferecl ~"-It' .. .,.,_ lllUIW:I"' 1lor11'11. H_.,..,, Ille W..lhel' fhlt'f.W ..id II •-"'41 ~ tllCll lrOl'I wovkl •!111 """ ""'" nran "-M~I 9nd """' be dlip!Ked ~y ll'IOl'I 11111 WM!lllr. Tom.doe', UICI fun..., el""'61. wtt'f •lwtlllld '" "'~ °' "~···· .,. 1twl 1•'111 WIClnlt$Olv, •IW:I .. ~re -"'-" W•n'I"* ittrt I" tfff(f mud! of lllt ri1'"' r" fhtt ~. '"""' Wfl'1 ,.,. ~ t/I Mrlaut 6t-. Tentperatures AU111l1 &1•erolleld Bl•mlrU. ec1u DtttcU F•lrbtn~1 FGl'I Worl~ Fr~SllO ..... ..... kt"u1 Clf'f Lil v.,1s Lot AlllMlel Mltml Mr..-111 H• OrlN"I Htw York Motnl Pitl!t a.~ .. "° Oltlthoml (Ill' """'" fl•lm Sl>rl11t1 ""°'"I~ ,.lfllll\/101\ ........ 11:..,ld CllY !!:eel llluH .. ~ $K .. mtnta $4111 Llloe Cltv $111 0!1110 .S.11 !lrt~IKO ..... ........ -N• w ........ Hltll low Pree. 16 " .$0 90 7ll .'2 '~ 76 " ~ .u " ~ " n ,, 73 2.&.I 'l 74 •1 'I .frl " n .50 " 1' n S<I ·°' . " " .. •i ~s IJ U .... 10I IS " .. " n H " •• n ,q tl 7, " .. " " '" n "" 70 ,~5 , ... 100 " .04 " " n ~ 11 60 I.Ml 101 11 " .. 1'111 6~ .... n " " " n n .. " 1M 11 " " • OF SPECIAL ACTIVITIES-JULY 18th, 19th AND 20th FROM 11 AM TO 8 PM ART EXHIBfl~-FRI., SAT.-&.SUN. 11 AMTOii PM Jn lin of the t.a-.n• B.U An FINtlftl .. will hti'f'l!I -dbp~ th,..ghoat OCU' Cad.Illy 1M1lntlnp 'of ,.._... lac.I •rtl9b. Lt.lie Grilhlll. Interior d.._.,, e£ th.e S•ndeutle !ft ....,.__ Beuh wUI be pre&e11l to •-er ,.ae.tioD# pertinellt to the •rtbta ............ .ad ha<:k~ 'Ille lollowiq •rthta will be uhibhlnc d11riR1 _,. open houae Pf'OF&m• • JULES ACRAA10NTE, Newport Beach • ROB~T KRANTZ, Laguna lleaeb • UUJE BREAM, Sherman Oak1 • W1NN1E ROTH, Newport Beacla • MARTIIA DE FRANCESCA, Laguna U..ch • ALPllA SALVESON, Anaheim • DOROTHY ROWER, San Clemente • FRANK TURNER, La Habra • GEORGE FLOWER, San Clemenle •JOAN IRVING, Newport Beach • JACK W1DT AKER, Laguna Beach . • ROBERT WOOD, lquna Be..i. (From Frankr. Doherty Collection) •• newpoRf: coava Le see at· oosp1r:al 393 HOSPITAi ROAD NEWPQaT IEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 (714) 64S«l30 ' FASIDON SHOW SAT., 1:30 UN11L . Ati r.•~ti.q-.,..., or '••hkm1 wtll be pr. -1ec1 by Udo F••hloe1 of Udo lak. CHAMBER MUSIC SUN., 1,30 TO 3,30 To bf! pla.rf!d IJy Wlrloa• 11ri111 triol ot th11 Oranfl'e County Symp~7 Ott.llir.tr. A 1he !huiimer "Popi" Co~ • R-i...... Md:.111-Violin • J•• ~ 'Ell• Lo. SchJr.llf!i-Viel•IPV.-. .4 d .. li1htfnl 1teleiedon of nnmbtt. fl'Olll ,.._ to cl•111le will be pl•ytd lOf' ,--r lbit~ pl~t1U''e, REmESRMF..NTS Wll.L BE SERVED TU&OUCHOIJl'..TUE EXBlJllT_ .. • Kenn~y Thinks So I '! -~ • c_ \Interest Rtites ! I I ' , , I.' 'I " . ' I I • I I ' r· I I , ' ' NmvReakedOut? WASHINGTON (UPI) ' - Treuiuy Secre!arY Darill M. Kennedy says interest rates have "peaked out" and ad· dltlooai booots In the r<oord hank· prl.De rate are blghly unlikely. "I would eipect that toward the end cf the. year we will see a declinlnc rate ol. incrtase In prices,'' be said. Police Bullet Kills Brjton Keoneily -tllo predic-t.Ion 11 • news coolereoce WednudQ alter a three-llour cloeed doci .lneeling wltb n bankers called' lo dllcliss tllo Ni.J:on admihistratlon's aiitl-• fiation program. Kennedy also said he did not favor wage and price CC11trols 1o mm inflation, but added be wouJd-''doee--no-doors m IUJ poafbilities. .. \ Tbe 'llhlte-lal<r'ln the day luued Ila most ddlnltivo lllAIUment, th°' far oo the :'.1i:uifib~ bU oat. wage-jlrice eon- trob as a way of dea1in& wi1b EDINBIJRGit )Ul'I) . ~!Ion .,:•,!!r~ James Griffiths, a 3{:.year-old The President and the ad- Eng!lshman, bas been the ftrSt ralnistratioil, are, therefore, man lo be killed by a police opposed lo wagejl'ice con-. . trots.'' , . l'!ille! In the Unit<d .i<lnc<!om Kemedy Uld the balkers -Grandma's a Mom this century, according to assured him they are con- Scoiland police. The police serving eredll -u lhe said Wednesday that a police pmunent wants them lo do sharpshooter fired the shot -by rejecting some •p-whlch killed Griffiths ; n. -pllcatlom for big loans Instead Much to her suryrise, Mrs. Johanna Duplessis, 58, Glasgow Tuesday. GriffitM of considering additional rate is a mother again. Mrs. Duplessi1, ol. Johannes-. had wounded lS persons in a boosts. He said most of the burg, South Africa, said she didn't know &he wa1- w~ shooting spree while · bankers indicated they are pregnant until she felt pains which turned out to be b'J.inl to escape arrest for the able to~ requests of small labor pains Wednesday. The mother of five other recent murder of a Scottish and medium borrowers. children, the oldt$t 36, and ten grandchildren, she woman. K~ said the ~d· may be the oldest woman to aive birth according ministration's al!a<k on m-. t ailabl d o· • flation ii tied to atensim of _o_a_v __ e_r_ec_o_r_s_. __ · --------- the Income tax surcharge. If Nixon to Attend All Star GaJDe the Senate approves th e House-passed surcharge ex-St · Fli p .l .__ 1emi<IJ, be ""'tbe i'Ampaip owaw_ ay es an rui1 should begin lo -IOllle • WASlllNGroN.-cuPI) --success. \J President Nixon ()ne cf the -The meeting was the second CHICAGO ( PI) -A part-. he. stepped out ol. the tourist JllOl!lt ardent ~ball [ans to· ~n a lJttte more than a· week time editorial cartoonjst for a sectjoll, of the London to Ott-oceupy the White House in re--between _ K_J_.Jl n~ and-~Wisoonsin ,newspaper.....:.am.ved.._cagc plane~ _ . dtlt years; -pla'ftS' tolttml-ttprese,datiyes or·UJe'DifiDD'.i-at~Chieago11 O'Haie Interna· }Jftns' easttiiiWiil Oigh nm TIJes?y'_s ~ slar I-big_ !>anka-It~ !Io ll! ~-Uorial Airport Wednesday on TuealoY-1'1!'11'L IJ_conc ialnog wllJj flii Fiiil Llily, On. -m .. tmgs Will belP coovlnee the final leg o{ a 24-hour round !ortable but It got him where the aftenJO:OO befCl!e the co!>" the busUJe:w community that trip to Loodon. he wanted to go. Ahrens test,. the N1xons will entertain_, the a d m In 1 s t r at i c n is Gary Lee Ahrens 22 Ap-wouldn't aay bow he dJd U but the all star players and determined le_> stop lnflalion. pleton, Wis., was ~ by he managed to Rowaway in mllln!>w ol the Buebell Hail Keon<dy indlca~ I h a t FBI agem eus1nm1 1napeo, ~ forward~• bold .Jn cl Fame al a Wblte Houae present tight JD011eY policies l'on and hi. Pan American -belly ol the big Londoo-~ wwld nol 6e ._i llMlD. Wedi AirwQI .......... u · bound jeL CLRARA1(CI . . Our Biggest ·sare - . ,. • . ·• •. I Event of the Year. . ' . ' MANY STYLES UP · TO • STOREWIDE SAVINGS . M .. 'S,...WOMEN'S-CHILDREN'S SAlE STARTS llllRS., .RR. Y 17th DOORS OPBI 9:30 PLEASE ALL SALES FINAL -NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS .. ·-· ·1 o62 lrvfne Wed<5ff Pion Now~ BNch • .. Shop Monday lo TiiunClay Evenings Til t ""--'541 1684 ' '' '' ~ _, • I I .___~-..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • • ... • . , ~. 'Mf 17, 1"9 DAll.Y l'llOT $ Franco • I ·AMA -Vows-Effort-. talorfll, new aioapt 111 1111111 """" Slylbed' deslp 111 -"'°"' lb• soft, -fnads afler saf~ firm·fOOlinl In UM brtl1lb. Mo ...,. backed, odorless, will not mildew, oo sl*ilf """"" POPULAR SUP.X sm.E CH PATTtRN cotn'AINI EIGHT JA,"·x Jr l1llPI CHOICE Of' cot..m • • • fZ.11 • .. ·~REA T BUvS-~f-­ __ HOUSE . HO.LD ~ APPLIANCE-S-~:. ' Outdoor lighting you never thought you could afford! A qmity ifili 7111 11111111 fOUINll ... ii ....... Wi1b _,,... Ait1y. . ' . . . ' ................... 7 ••• Jal:plllr•f•R:p;ui (' u..a ...... I r1.,·1111c-.-.1111,.,.1•n.•nn, · ............. ______ ., .................... ,. ..... ~. 1' 0 ....... s - -~ _..,.._ .. _ .. _ .... ....................... ..,.. JC .. ,... ..., .. _ _,_ MODEL #"'1 _B-liFl-.-$59.95 .(~l!~~..!J IN-SINK·ERATOR y Dishmaster •. ; GARBAGE DISPOSALS MOHL NO. JJJ '31 " .... Sit.ti OUI PllCI ••· ••• •• Modal Jll-1 Yr. 611arant11 MOii&. Ill '46" .... "'·'' OUI PllCI •••• , , •• M.d1I 155--) Yr, Gu1r1nt1 1 MOHL NO. n s54t1 It •. S7t.t l "'==~ OUI PllCI ........ MM1f 77~ Yr. 6uar1111t .. INSTALLATION AVAIL.AIU WATER HEATERS •• REPUBLIC "GEMINI'' 20 Gal. .. $42.88 30 Got •... $44.88 40 Gal. . . $49 .88 50 Gal.-.• $64.88 . INSTALLATION AYAILAILE Tld1 'II • • 11 t y ,.eranked ti"' II,_, ••Mt ket.r it 91.tppM wltl. .. f•ty Mp. n ™t•IN4 t.y l1w, We """' 1111'11 tl1y h .. t1lfeffM1 I Wlil• 1ltl1, Jf ye111 with. All 1H1n111I lfl•t•U1tla11 p1rh lflth14M. C1U by Noo11 -IMtall that d..,. AS.. •"*9MCV lllttal• ,..,,.. 1w1lfftr., ... Art wort don• Dy M11fat pl111J1Da,,_. ' ' ••• because it is th most p~tical rray of doing dishes · mSANYSINK' One steP, ~ishwashing, less wear, less repair, savi11g1 on deterger)t~ater savings, hyg len i:leen, no 4Wkward iidl . no need for scrub · ~_o..,, ··'el , DISHMASTER.• ~ur kiti:heti's finea_[eritui. I. ~----·­' --- • 10.tn,y PILOT EDJTORLU, P~GEj .. Questions · Un:fesolved l>ls10luUon of the Oranfe County Harbor DiJtrlct, an tssue in which all coun y residents have a l!ilake, remains In llmbo. When the sometimes emotional issue first came up, the DAILY PILOT raised this still-pertinent question: Just what iJ to be gained for anyone by dissolving tho district and making it over int<> a new county Depart· ment of Harbors, Beaches and Parks? And what might be Jost! We asked whether such a converSion and loss of the dl strtct's separate tllling powers and its clout other· wise would benefit county {axpayers. No positive answer has been forthcoming. Kenneth Sampson, the district's manager, broke a long . silence on the issue last week. \Vbat he had to say, from bis admittedly prejudiced position. is w~rth con· liiderlng. He said if the district were to be disbanded these results will follow : -The financial bargaining power for public funds would be lost if the district were eliminated and no taxlng agency formed kl replace it. "U is much easier for us to bargain for necessary funds if we don't have to. tap the county general fund for money," he said. ''What happens if the dlstrict goes, and funds for tide-- lands uses have to come from lh.e general fund? Uthe other m.mty services win higher priorities, then mon~y ·for tbe tidelands might get shoved .Jower and lower on a priority list. 11 -The Harbor District can buy property on a con· tract.basis; the county cannot. And such projects as Dana Harbor can generate at least a million dollars a year in revenue for the county. The contract technique, unavallable to the county, allows the district to develop areas· such as Sunset Aquatic Park and Dana Harbor which direct county administration would find it diffi. cult 14 do. Sampson's detractors speak of his "self-interest" in perpetuating the diJtricl Yet the probability is that, \Vitb hJs background an<t knowledge, a shift to a county department would find him still in charge-but hamper· ed by being dependent on general fund prloriUes for both coastal and inland recttatJonal devtl.°Pmtnts. As for city interests, only 11 of 25 cOUJJty clUes have plumped for dissolution of the dtstrlcl. And·lt'• the county taxpayers, not the individual cities, who support the district. Unless and until someone cru1 clearly &how real advantages as opposed to a number of disadvantages to county residents in general in a switch from a di• trict to a county department, the Orange County Hir• bor District should remain intact. · The indeli.nite postponement of action by the' Board of Supervisors should be made permanent. Al)d the board should suggest to the Legislature that tt keep hands oil. 'C.Ome to The Fair' £ Orange County's "Fiesta of Fun" -the 1969 • lion of the county fair -is at the baU-way mark of i si x-day run today. Fairgoers report the event is Uva ing up to the fun sobriquet in all respects. "Miss Oi:ange County Fair" has been chosen. T4> gether with the first and second runners up, she is now a de luxe added attraction. Fair features cover a wide range, including Mexia can dancers, top name entertainers, equestrian and cowboy shows, carnival rides, a junior horse show the Daisy Clipper Pony Show tomorrow, market hogs' and lambs in the auction ring and a championship rodeo this weekend -a Boy Scout benefit. With Orange County's agricultural age approaching a thing of the past, a county fair seems almost an anachronism. But it's a pleasant one, full of wonders for the small fry and nostalgia for the older generation. And good fun, too, for those in between. Sunday will be the last day. Don't miss it. N~on Tightens Controls -- ) '0 Klang Pints Violence Means -Policy Directed Centrally A New Ad ~-~~~~N ---~-.. t N-·· ;:·_-, ~-tog~ ~,-q~UleUy .~. -dld-camp~ign -_,Power's ·-Alisence ~ central of major govmunen-Secretary Finch when his nominee for the r taJ policies is ~ to show in nu-n 1·c'hard' J'i''-on· chief medical pool in the government was merous fieldl;. 'IbiJ is rapidly becoming a n UI turned down, White House dominAted administration 'Jbe impression prevails that one o( -v-a-degree wlilCJi llOD1e of Nlion's Nixon's oldest aOO closest aslOC.i.ates, pnd<cnson could not achieve. 'l'be found that the· power lies .in, the White SecJ'elaey_of S~ William P. Rogers, b White House staff is being expanded. House to shape the welfare and education in a less inDuenUaJ position than the More' Md more· the White House n-:sem-~policies for which be is responsible. All of White House Nat.Umal -5ecurity Adviser. b1es Di ceiltiaJ COmmaDd post of the the Cabinet members are drawn from Henry Kissinger. Kissinger has the ad- pwerumtnl time ~ time into lbe White House policy vantage over Rogers of being a recognlz.. In consequence the l r a d I t i o n a I making orbit, there to find that they ~ expert in his own field of operations. ~ fonq of the federal goverp-share their authority with White House mom is in eclipoe u Cabinet m<m1>«s persoonet. TIIlS STAGE IN THE maneuvers to find tbaDlelva drawn into Wbtt.e Hause The effects of the early quiet perkid In close out the Vietnam war reqWres es-- -and coiiimWees wbich delennlne ,._ N' Adminiltratloo '-'-· pertness u ...U as tborough -ledge ~~. -·-Ii -~t.....i.. tnae ta na-\UI:'. WllD are now ..... ft""' of how Communist governments --ie. ....,, •~ ,__., Ding lo be felt. II was during Ibis quiet -~- tiaml economic policy, national welfare period that Nb:C!.P spent a great. deal of Arthur Bums, the highest ranking of 1111kJ anil natkGIJ wlty poUq. White bis time Setting up the mechanisms of the Wbi\e HOUie afficlals, emerges ln a 1locJle ddmnlned JlllllCJ rrJICIJes dmrn White Bouse COOln>l wbicb his tut mtrainlng role on tbe expanalon of ex· Wo·tlle Offiot ot Economic Opplrtunity Republican predecessor, Gener a I isling government social programs. His • s:ft)ect cranta. lllto the HfaJth. Educ. Eisenhower, never wu able to'efftctuate. economic .approach is wholly con-tira and Welfare Department on acbool ventional: a balanced budget, continued auicfe:llna, into the Housing Depa:tment TSE STYLE WRICH emerges ls that high taxes, continued monetary restraints cm Model 'Cities program.'I, and, in of corporate management in contrast to and posiUvely no economic guidelines or ,.t:ronqe, deep down to the lower levels the "creaUve confusJon" of the Kennedy wage-price controls. His views have ol .overnment employment. Administration and the one-man opera-prevailed. lion of the Johnkln AdministraUon. Nixon seemt: determined to prove that WRITE HOUSE POUCY bridges the The management technique cuts very the reins of government can be drawn in- Dmnle and State departmenl.I and the rme. At a certain dollar volume and to a rew hands so that policy can be direc- N1tional Security Cowx!ll on major lines above OEO grants are announced al the led centrally. To implement this process d netiona1 leCUrity and foreign lffaln:. White House Un.is gi\ling notice or White he has' opened up a second operaUng of· Tbe ·atrongest men thus are emerging House control. The employment of Nixon fice in the E:r:ecutive Office Building a the White House: Henry Kissinger on penonoel reaches down into lower across the street from the White House. national &eCUl'lty, Arthur F. Burns on na· grades. . Tbe Oval Office in the White House re- tianal economic policy, Daniel Monyihan Ni:r:on boasts that his system permits mains as a ceremonial office. oa welfare policy. An e:r:ceptlon to the the expression of widely varying or con· Ni:r:on is thus trying to add an ertra ,aieral eclipse of cabinet memben is flicting views. It does up to a certain dimension to the presidency as the !Uper President Nixon's cJose associate HEW point and at that point those who administrative head of the govenunent in Secretary Robert Finch, aod even ht: bas disagree with determined policy ere eJ.· more than Just a symbolic way. 'A Lot of Fine Teen-agers' To the Editor ' We have taken the DAILY PILOT for many years and we look forward to reading it each day, but we find that any paper you want to read today et>ntains the bad things our young adults or teen- qen have done. Nothing ls printed that helps to change the Image of ow; young adulll, so I Would like to do tbJs for the Huntington Beach teen-,agers. Our 18-year~kl daughter planned an outdoor luau. She hired a band and we tnew the word was out and we were very CCl'ICeflled. We decorated and prepared food for about 75 and wondered what was aoing to happen. WE HA VE NEVER been so impressed In our lives. About 1%$ to 150 came to the party when ••e had to clO!e the gate. We turned another 75 or 100 away. There was not one physical fight, not one argument. Everyone was kind, courteoua and self· controlled. Even the ones that didn't get tn were courteous. We had about 2S to 30 "'love children" in the front yard and .ixmt 20 to '25 younger teen-agers in the ~e yard ju.st listening to the music. We didn't have one bit of destruction or mlachlef of any kind. ' . WE. WE.RE REAU. Y lmpreased and ' 89 6f!Ol'fJf! --~ om Geo<&•: , Whil should I do about my hus- band who llt.t around on the sofa all wtttend ditnkini beer? He can't even "1 ~ to change the television -· SALLY Dear Saltf' WeU, JOU mulcl movt. the TV elooer or p( !Um • ..,. of tho>e. -~ g1dgets. Attn'I yoo sweet to uk -you tnow, you're 4 ""ril 1111, mlllloo! • I Mailbox L11!1n from l"Hder1I ••• wetc:omt. Norm•llY wrlhn llflc\lld 0111¥1'1' ""11r lnHM91 11'1 IGO _,,ii llr Ill .. TM rkltot 10 C*'ldlnM ldT.,,, te ftt .,.a or ellmlMhl libel !I rntf'V9d. AH iett.n rn111t IMll.lde 1i.111tun 9"111 mi ll"" .oofNU. lovl .....,.... wm bt wllflhtld °" rnunl If s~ttkltftl fNIOll II -rent. we want to thank the young adults of Huntington Beach for their courtesy and thoughtfulness. I hope my letter will change the minds of people who thlnk our country is 1n bad hands -it's not. We have a lot of fine teen-agers loday. I hope you print our letter 110 th!: parent! of Huntington Beach and nearby cities know they have sons and daughters to be proud of when they go into someone else's home. MR. and MRS. RICHARD WEA VER They Yell, Scre•m To Lhe Editor: I have been attending lJtlle League games for about seven yeara. During lhl1 time J thln1t I have found out 1t least one cause for lack of respect for authority, fellow man and the feelinp of others. It Is the eumple aet by .cme of the adults atteDding these games. TI'ley al! know who they are. They're the ooes who sit up in the st.and1 and feel If the cah Is not going lo help their team they must yell and IC1'WIU1 the "bUnd " umpire. It ts they who know nothing about the game of bostball who sit there and yd! at Ibis IYlllhol ol autboril)>, tUailng their kld1 to h1vt no respect for authority. lt Is they who tell thttr boys tl'te umpire robbed thelri of their hJts or their turns at bat. THEY AU. KNOW .,.ho they are, They're tbe ooes who yell at tbe umplro and then when the kids see them do it they feel they can get away with it, so they try and they get ejected from the game for violating the rules. Now wbal happens? Sure, n'ow they boo the umpire because he did hls job under the rules. Why is it he who ii booed and not the cffender? Authority loses to loud mouth adults, again setting the es.ample for the kids to disrespect authority. They yell and scream at the umplre when he makes a ruling they have never heard about, but if they take the tlme to learn the rules as he has, they'd find out that they are the ones who are wrong. BUT THIS IS the way it bas been, and the way it will be, adults making fools of themselves and telling the kids this is the way to be an adult. Keep teaching these kids lack of respect for others and if they think hard enough It wUl be lack of rtsped fdr the teachers. Those few wbo ait In the stands and criticize, please spare my son their teaching. RONALD A. WHEELER Dear Gloomy Gus: Why ii It necessary for the post office to deUv.,. only the "junk mall" on Monday and hold the we-ekerid first class mall until Tuesday? -M. Y. Tttlt te•hlrt r.f!M:tl ,.....,... ......... .. Mtltdrify tfle_. .i lfM -•"'· IMf l'IWI" ,_, -" te GIMflll' Gee. o.111' Pllfl. . SCENE ' The Creativity lleparUooit o1 Jung I: Rubicon. The bruh young Concepts Director, Clatreville-Klang, is oullining a new advertltin1 campaign for the agency's top a.ecuUves. Klaq' Let me 11y, gentlemen, thal thll ii the tou&bllt chaJJenp J\re ever faced. Aa yoo know, the Surgeon General wanll us to include a atilt watDina in all our 'cigarette advertiltng. Nmi tf 6t 1etJ his way with Congress ••• Jug (t01tll)>)' We all !mow the tbr<at, Klanc. What solutions have you boy1 in Creativity come up with! K1aa11 Just walt Ull you see thi! new televlslon commercial, 111r. (He dim1 the lights and turnl on a pro- jector. On the screen, a beautUul young girl, glowing with health, smU.. seduc- tively et a beautiful young man, glowing with health. He whips out a package of Balmoral cigarettes. "Have a BalmoraJ, my dear," he say1 eeductively, "wtuch may cause death from cancer, coronary occlusion, chronlc bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema and other diseases.") Kllar (brlgllUyJ: There. that lhould please the Surgeon General. Rabtcoo (frownill8 blockly)' II doesn'~ Klan&, please me. Klaq (hasUly): I knew it wouldn't. rir. What you want i1 something more subtle. Just wait tW you see this. 'l'llO!I~ Al Larae: We fall utterly to grasp the relaUonship between. '!power" and 'lviolence" when we look upon violence as a manifestation ol-power, when it ls e:r:acUy the opposite -an absence of power, which can be re- preaed for a time. but which can be con--trolled only by converting It tolo a lonn ol social power, which tben acts through legitimate cbanneb. • • • The etta.Uon of wealth in the near future will lie to the organlullon of tnowledge rather than ln the exploltaUon of resources: and those companies that art currenUy being "taken over" are precilely the ones In which resources outrun knowledge, which are "mooey- fat" and "idea-thin." • • • It !J·a truism !bet ldence boob In our century have to be rewritten every dotth ytll'I or 10; what we have not realized ii that new technology created by this science is making our old economic te:xt- books obsolete faster than we believe or understand. • • • The 1piritual ambience of both our political partles wu most· neatly sum- marized by Robert Frost, -n be observed: "A father is always a Republican toward his son, and a mother is always a Democrat." • • • Wt have a far aborter work·week, but far lea "free time" than our ancestors had; .many more facilities for "leisure" for more people, but m~t Jack eve.n a ,, ' glimmering of what "leisure" means In the classic Greek sense of that much · abused word. • • • The real reason that history keeps repeating itself is that people don't listen ; once we begin to open our ears, WI!: will oot hear the same old refrain. • • • Automation will come into its full flowering when the purchasing manager is faced with a requisition to buy a machine designed to replace him. • • • The consolation of aging has been nice- ly put by Jean Rostand, the French biologist, who remarked : "The longer you live, the less importance you attach to things, and the less importance you also attach to importance." • • • One wonders how many potentially ereat leaders bavl!: died obscure in a na. tion of mediocrities that was not ready for them, or that sacrificed them in war before their special talents couJd come to fruition. • • • 'lf people had to pay a price or penalty when their advice turned out badly. humanity's vast legions of paid and volunteer advisers would rapidly shrink to a corporal's guard. (On the screen, a gaunt man in a batbiJli sul~ seen to profile, lnhales a Balmoral luxuriously and then tuma to the camera to reveal a Jong scar on his emaciated chest. "l'd rather die," he gasps, "than switch.") Jaa1 (with a shudder): That'1 the ugliest thing I ever saw. And why the scar? $10 Billion Nostalgia Kiani : Lung removal. That way, I tblnk the warning's specific enougll to l'I the Surgeon Gener11'1 approval Rublcoa (angrily): Wen, It sure u bell doesn't get mine. He'd rather die than switch, would he? Klang: You're right u usual, air. Now what if he said instea~ "It's not how Jong you make It, it's just how long you last." J11ag (pounding his fist): Good Lord, Klang. This is a SIO million accoubll You 've got to think posiUvely. Klug: I'm glad you said that , sir. Califomla'1 lmpendill8 Ion of three ol its major rail passtnger links with the midweat aod eut has been greeted wilh the USUll flood of alligator tears and -aged protests about public <luly and llUll. lt ls pleasant, then, to hear a reasoned voice rising above the clamor of criticism or the railroads by people who seldom ride tbl!:J1"L. UCLA economics professor George W. Hilton', addres1ina: a Florida aeulon of the Ra11road Public Relations uioclation, decllred OaUy that "the in-- ·tl!:l'tSil ol the public and of the railroads are ldenUcal in getting rid of the pa.w:nger train" and proceeded to nail down his arsurnent. Some of the boys thought l was overdoing positive th!nklng on tbJ1 next one, but I said Mr. Juna: would love it. Just watch. THE $11 BIWON passeng,~r deficit (On the scrftln, .1 quiet country since World War 11, he said, Is an ~n- graveyard comes into view. The camtra -dteation that aodety bu wanted a vtty pans slowly over row upon row or extensive volume Of resources devoted" to tombstones. ''Come," aaya 1 gentle volce. other-purposes than rail pauenger opera· "to Balmoral country. Balmorals are for lions." He criticised regulatory agencies thoee who .,. Ured of the jll!lied pace of for "m~rep~nling l}\e public by (!00- mode.."ft living. So ligbt up a BlhnoraJ _ siderlng the few protestants w~ obJect for the rest of your We.'') to dlsconUnuance of (little used) pauenger trainl u r.-eaentetJve of the Rabieo1: What art )'OU, Kiana. some . greaJ. maj9rity of the public, w.ba a.ctuJlly kind ol nut? are~." . . . , KJu1 (desperately ): Wail. you havtn't seen the one wllh the IUY In 1 ho&plbl bed being cared foe by pmty nurses. "If you liked chronk: bronchitis," he 11y1 ~~~'."you'll loYt "':'°"ary occlusion." Jun1: By God, ICllJll, 1et one thing and get Jt stralaht: We can't 1tll de.alb and disease to the Amerl~an pubUc. Klug (surprlMd): But why not. sir? Alter all, we 've beta. doJna: il tor yeara. As the rallroads have long pointed out, they cannot match the lu"5UbsldiJed speed of the airliner, the convenient venaUllty of the a'utomobile. They have tried to alve what paasena:ers do remain good service, despite lb< charges of their critics. 'J'be.y have promoled actnlc, leisurely rall travd. But the peoplo just don't buy. • THE UCLA professor pooh-pooha aug. 1•Sllan1 of public subaldy for rail . , . ' . -• Guest Editorial l . -.t;_ 1, passenger service as having no more relevance than subsidlialion • ' o f vaudeville, \he n!ght boats, silk hosiery, or any other goods or services ana nihila ted by a technological improve-- ment " just because of "a surviving preference for it by a minority," No one who remembers the delights o( thfi great train!! will be happy to see them go. but $10 billion worth of nostalgia is too gr~at a load, even for the sturdy iron horse. ClllfornJa Feature Servi~ --·--- Thursday, July 17, 1969 The editorial page of the DaU11 Pilot 1ecb to infqnn and 1tim- ulate"' reader• bw ,re1en«ng thil newspaper'1 opinions and com- mentary on topk1 of fntne1t and .significance, btt provklfn(J a forum few the ezprcuion of our rcadtr1' opinion.a, 07!.d bu presenting the <Uutr.!e view- points of informed . ob.ttrvtr1 and spoktsmtn' on foUiu of the dav. Robert N. Weed, Pub!isller I .. ..... - -. A Color TV . . • • l• -....... -... ··-. .. DIMES TO DOLCl.ltS ' .-0 • Sp•nd 41_. .. m1b tleR1r ... C.A \42-1471 fir ~ wati 11 1 ... · •ql•nM"' 11r1.fi,. DA fl Y PILOT D-...U.. •~ Lile•like FULL COLOR portrait . *GENUINE ·FULL . NATURAL-COLOR PORTRAITS! Not tinted or painted. *SATISFACTION GUARANTEED · ·-Jl~bies, children;adults. Groups photographed at additional 99c per subject. *LIMITED OFFER! One per subject, t wo per family. 9r mpnex refunded. ..; .... ;.. ... ~ ..... ,, ............... ~~-~~·~·~'~i~~=-'S"':""ilU .... ..... ·f · LAST FEWDAYS! PORTRAIT SPECIAL ENDS.-SIND~Y~ JULY 20 I PHOTOGIAPHEl'S DIS: IO• tll I.Pl DA1Lf,. SftDAJ 11 to 1 PM o•""-. • ~7°:.·;,,t·· -~~...,.~EDI --_,, . ..... 1 WHITE ;·t FRONT "un·tiiilcl•tcMl·fllllQ:lf • 3a BRISTO.L AVENUE ' Just Off Newport Awe. htneil San ~ Fi'iy:"l" .... ~ . " • • llAllY PILOT 7 ------' .. -. Get . Pacified at • 1. 30% GROWTH FUND DEPOSITS PACIRC SAYINGS guarantees lntarnt for ftft ,_,. compounlled dallr at 51" % annvally,.wNch ~uc:es a caplhll growth of at laall 30% ff lnlWMI II left on clepoalt. or JOU may elect to have your Interest paid qumterty. Al to lflfl ·-.,r, rnlnlnm II $1,000.00 and principal may be withdrawn at 111J quarter without 1-or·,....,., 11 , needed io pnmnt greet hardehlp. 2. LIQUIDITY . FUND DEPOSITS ' Int•-' la paid on every dollar for every day ff ia on depoaff In lheaa pasabook •cc:ounts, ao you eam from date of depoell to data of withdrawal -even for one day. Current annual rate, 11%, compounded dallJ. No mini-mnount. 3. COMBINATION FUND DEPOSITS ThHe •ccounts paniilt capital growth 11 to dapoalll r9""1nlng for three years, plus withdrawal n.idblllly. Thay currently pay 5% per mnnum compouhdad dilllr with an eddlllonal bonul, cunwitly 1" % per annum; ff fell on dapcllit three ,_.. . or more. $1,000.00 ~ --• ' FlllE IAfll-brPosfr BOX-IOI'. malnlllnlna Uvfng1 • .-..,.I00.00 or,_., SIT DOWN IERYICE. No ' ..... Ill l0tl9 N119!. FREE NOTARY SEllYICE. MK HOW YOU CAN•uY (IEllYICE CHARGE. FllEEi TICKETS lo Ille Fonn, DOclgOr Si.dlUlll or odw eportlng and ..... -·llliousili co...,...i.tud T.R.8. 'llclltl 11-.-.. IJlltlnl. NO OTHEll SAY· INGS AND LOAN ltA8 IT. AND MANY MORE FREE SERVICES SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3331 IRISTOL smHr • COITA MESA, CAUl'ORNIA HOURS: 9:30 A.II. 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HEEP US CEtEBRATE THE I OF OUR -BIG, NEW FOUNTAIN VALLEY STORE •••• . . ~:4--:-----·- I j ! r I r i I " ' ' ' ' .. , ' t I ' ' f l t • ' • .·~ • M_..Jl1J Romantic Mediterranean Stereo MM tnily i..co ..... 1-.,ic -wh•n t•·cr••t.d by 1up•rb !ulro.Sonic Stereo FM/AM Rtdio-Phono9reph! Offen: 50-WeH• undi1loried "'u1ic power • two ho•yV•utv High-Efficiency 15" !e11 Woofers e two 1.000 cyde Exponentiel .T(tblo H<1rn1 with th• equi .. tlenl ecou1lictl efflc:ioncy of 20 cone-type 1peelce11 _,.9 >:'ittenctd 101id-1ttlt sound 1yifern (no tube1, 110 heef, no trouble) e l•rte r•cord 1hir•.-. •tee .• e pl111 rne ny inore 1up.erl•tiv• M•9n•wox p•rforrnt11c• feefvrn '(OU rn111l __., eM liter to i>pr•litfe. Bring The Fami,y! Win Prizes '. , ' ~ ~ . " 'l y store ~."!!I--ur . f(;llftta1n-.,_a• e with ttie· See 0 00o Square feet • the over 6, ... nnavox disp\ay 1n \ r11est ... a"":ll 1 a "":II area· , ~\C£ . t f1lliND\.1 SER , 1H£ s~~A'T M~D~~~Rs'T01l£ HUN1\MG10Mf: voRl'T£ ~ ~ ·YOU1l '· ' - . .• • . ·o· 'r "'TT'S-T . i \' ~ ment Ce1\ter Home £nterto1n ble serv~ 44 'V ears of oe:e":pp\.lAMC£S 'T£l.£V\S\0tl & WAllMlll 8llOOKHUllSJnt Of -WA.IMP . 1/1 9\.0CK SO • •.• . _,: ~ ...-r'jli-·-----• -·-, .... -. -------·--.. ---- -Instantly Fine-tunes Itself- WIN! AUTOMATl~LLY PERFECT COLOR ·MAGNAVOX ----• PICTURES ••• I OO·WaH STEREO CONSOLE and-isn't that what you want? PWS MANY OTHER. PlllZES NO P~llCHAsE 'NEmD-· .~ · JUST REGISTER Family _Size Color Console 0.:.-Cea1..,1rwy -Model 6t&J witli l111t•llt Arifoll'letic Color .ertcl teclty't l.it9•1I color picture 011 Its 295 1q. 111, 1crH 11 - plu1 ofti ot exclu1lv• Me911evox ft•ture1 et l•ft. Conce•led 1wi¥•I c••t•n: fM eny mo .... 1119. Al10 eveileblt 111 1uperb Meclit•rTeM•"i Eerly Americe11 erwl Fre11ch or tteli•11 Pr .. ¥incltl fin• furnitur•. 49so BiCJ Picture Swivel Console Color r..,. JM "ftoltof~ -wher•¥tr you 1it h1 yollll" ~om l _Meclol 6100 with 295 1q. lft, 1crH11, l rilli•llt Color, Chrorn•fono, Quick.Ott pictur11, plu1 m111y mor• orlrt• Y•lu1 feefuret the! e11ur• ye•n: of cotorfYI t i•wlng "•11joym•11t. S1• it todtyl • .. ·~ --.. ------- :. ........ : ---~---. .:.::.-, , .. -·------. ; ALL MODELS \.\'1tl1 t•lrL1 " ·~. I , BIGGF 5 f I COLOR PICTURE'' ' . __ c' -~.---· ,,... •.. 9so ,---i ,' ' Superb ·Color Portable TV SU....-0Trl111 , •• tekt 1!01t9 ertd e11!oy ~11 ,u9g•dly-bullt, hi9hly d1p•ncl•bl1 Mtg11e•o• .,,l11e wh1r1v1r you 90. lh 117 •Cl· 111. 1cr1t11 h ~ 5 1q. 111. ltr91r thett Milt other color .... rt- eb11,. Medel 6000, with t1l11copi114J dipole en. f1nn•, plu1 me11y oftior-•M9911••0• ~••llty ,foe• h1re1. ld1ol for •h1l"1 or ttilt1 -ll'ltktt fllo ld1•I ••r.oM •••· '411egon•I m1•1ur1 1cr1111 29990 FREE MOllLE CAllT ; . NO PAYMEl T 'T.IL 'SEPTEMBER' ~ . . " MAGNAVOX HOME ENTERTAINMENT Cl~R . • l 1FOUNTAIN VALLEY -962.2456 BROOKHURST & WARNER 401 MAIN ST. -HUNTINGTON BEACH -96·7561 - ' I • I i • ---- • l I I t I I • 1· I I I I OA&Y '9.llT • .. ll'C.llUll I . Salons OK Reducing Terms of UC Re gents SACRAMENTO (AP) -tion are#sectioos: cutting tbe LtgislaUve unrest with the regents' tenps fnim 16 to 10 University of C a 11 f o r n i a-years and replacing the Prcsj. rq:ents bu produced Senate approval of JegislaUoi'I which dent of the M e c h a n i c ' s would impose a senatorial veto Institute ~ San Francisco with over appointments lo the the Sena~ President pro tem board. as a regent. ., A 27·11 vote, the bare two. Richatd.son argued that· 11 thirds margin needed to ap-years ii ·ioo king for a person · · prove a CGCStHµtlonal ·amend-to serff on the uni'enity'1 · • ment, ~nt the meaiurt to the guldin~~said the Media-; Assembly -wedlhiirdwr.-n it nic's JtU rs ·no-100ger a wins .two.thirds endor.sement major ~itution ·as it was in of the auel'nblymen,l a' rough the last centw:y an.d contended task, it ·niald go before Wltirs the Senate deserves a chance ~ at the NoVember 1970 election. to pass on-regents. The-proposal-wouk:I require -Opponenls-argued----t-h :i t appol.ntrnentl l4J the board to others, such as the State ~ be subject to approval of two-Board of Agriculture head, · thirds of · the 49 . &el\ators. At should also come off the i._present, the)'. •-1! ·a~lnted by ll9a_NJ .• The ded thill re- ....-the governor ·. without any qajring confirmation woul4'cut • legis!ative consent neel!d. into the regents' Vital indepen- ~ Also carried iD the legisla· dence from outside forces. ~ • ;Negro~oiv-Md Trading --~Stamp Firm Arr.'iving • "'Black and Brown" ataml)S singer James Brown, have , aro oom~10 S.aqtlt rn.-~!!.",....-san , California. • · • • ·~ ,lWI \ •e& '.•Ince I The uni tradili &lam ' ' &.pdl'. ' • • ' • que . 1 ps, Now the Negro.owned-and· ! which bear the picture of soul oP,erated corporation is mov· ; Search Fails ' ) To Find Lost • : Aircraft . - ; MADERA, Calif. (AP) -A "' around search party bas failed . . ,,, to locate airline wreckage • ltported sighted by a group of ' bikers over the weekend in • rugged henlly wooded moon- • talns east ol here. The report raised specula· lion that the wreckage might be that of a "gamblers· special" DC3 airliner which yanilbed live months ago 1rith 3S aboord. . Hilla Tun -al Merced. a rtterve lherlfr1 • cllplb', r-1ed ..,.ui.,. whot • ~ to be the .... )Udtol!-alawrded • Pl---lilktoc wllll com-panm allldQ. l lie apOOd • to """"""""7 • Ollel lloprtJ,<Sborifl WUllam : Helm to Ja1!P nloclte tbe ~ W-... after Helm and :." thrte odiiSi lcaned tram the .. ttardt ua We dne1d11-;. wi-spolliog tt. • •• ing into Los Angeles and San , Diego. · l. ~ 1'Thia stamp Ii a stamp for the people,.. Brown told a news conference:; Wednesday. He explained the:'Black and Browns" can ~redeemed for mercbandiSe where they are obtained -which means they ,.can be used for food , gasoline, and even renl Eich filled stamp book is worth $3. Company 9fficials aay they have 700 accounts in the Bay Area and· picked up 100 In Los Angeles during the first week of effort by Jls 200 black, white, oriental, and Mexican- Amer ican salesmen. Brown, the company's chairman of the board, laid down several conditions before he allowed his ·name and pic- lure to be used, said officials. ' One ls that 20 percent of the profitl muS't be earmarked for black oommUnity development and acbolarahlps for minority 1tudeota . Tbe compan y's vice prelldtnb: are Oakland at· tome)' DooaJd Warden and Art PoweO, a five-time all-pro split end who played with the Phlladelphla Eagles, N e w Yort Jets, and Oak I and Raiden. Wardell insists the company b not exclusively Negro- oriented. :Birth Re~alled : State Born 200 Years A go ' I ·SAN DIEGO (AP) -About earlier to pray as part of the • ,JOO penons, some ~arlng skit. *padre brown robes, climbed The ~ was ln Presidio Hlll Wednesday, trac-front of a JO.foot cross erected -:lit.I: lltpS taken 200 yean ago on the spot where 5erra ~ wfien California's first mission ordered bis group of Spaatsh 1fU f~ · soldiers to raise a · crude, • The ,ncwkm gathered In wooden cross nert to an eW:h ' Old Town State Part and wJ.s cruder straw hut that served 1 Jed up the hill by El Hidalgo as the first mission. ~'OI Sin Dltgo, Ernest ~\a The procession i n c 1 u d e d ~ of one of sa:a representaUves from l h e me.·1 f.ka t.,mlies. He's Ide d t \err a De an isle ol allo Che Gllr:W'" hod ti SU MallOl'.'CI, ~ S e r r a '1 =~-lolll ll*JI an-birthplac<. Mexico and \•tt.aUon. . from v~ San Dlqo'a n. .,..,.le march -tMlkl · 1ister cify in Japan. -1ly -t«nacted the fy. 1be m a r c h e r s liter ly II,· me; -In which p galher"'1 to laice part In a -·1riar, Falh•r tpedal Mm ctlebl'ltod by lanlpm> lltm, una Ma" Biaboil>·li'rancil J, Furey al the _. atabllahed Million San San Diego Clthollc dlome. lll!fl:Dt.' A 1-fool•hlgb birthday <iko , ,_ -• p0rtr'itd · w1111 ·aa~ a.·~1111rp1ua I t lor the t•tb ytar by Archie in Old Town ahd pieces were O'Neil. lie -Op the slope disltlbultd to the crowd. .. , ___ _ --·---- • "f .~, ... -"!~. ... .,.,. _,, ... , -,---Oon't Hurt Re nter s~t--:-.-~iw-·li-&--ao-·a-.·-.. ...._. -. -_sa ...... 1ut1=~g-=. ~ · · · . · , • · " · Callfamla's Biuntennlal Reagan Tax -~Ian .Due More R*Wiaio ns ; Gl•nl~-=:.'=.~ ..... • ' Jllftiar"F8" & .... Animal F•rm J.000'• ol &hlbit. • . Space & Sriiftee F•ltufM ~ .. """"'""'• -Hellc'oPler Rld•i Cw~I lilid'Oy ,Fri., July'll ' BALLET FOLKLORICO MEXICAN flESTA ~1." Sat., uly 19 " DON ELLIS ' and hi1 NEW BAND . ••• Sun., Ju!Y 20 • • • LOU RAWLS ir1 CQJ'lcert__ - • > ,· ' ' 61\TES OPEN lP.M. WEEKDllVS /IZ.NDDtt·.SllT. & SUN. DRQ&B ·r ·· · -· 1 CDIJNTVFlllH FI£.S!A Of FUN & EXPOSITION , I RH Champianshlp Raden N~PORT BLVD. i. FAIR DR.· Fri.· 'N:m. Sal• 2 p.m. & 7 p.m . . COSTA MESA Sun.·2 p.m.&7p."'1. f '• WE'VE TIED IT UP lN .. ONE :WOR . ' . .. WOMEN'S .. ·, ,,. ' ;.1ttAT5 ' ' .,. . ,, ~LITTLE HE:EU{· ·Hundri>ds of poi" of .Flah and Littl e , Heels·'from our re gular stock reduced I 1 fo r clear.onc e. Hurry in ·fo r best 11lec-I • tion of styles encl siz ... MEN'S AHO aors SUMMER SANDALS C...fMl•bl. ,,.od look;"9 wHli bedi mopt •nd i111t1p straps •H liMd. Cuthi" iMolt •rHI '11on-skid 10111. Mn's Sins 6 to 1 l .. ys. Sius 10 to 6 CLASSY SUMMER STRAWS s.Jtet f,.... "-cl,.Js of !MW .m.1k ,. do_,.. of styles. A must for that Vacation =96 PAIR MEN'S FABRIC SLIPONS AND LACE OXFORDS lde•I for SlfmtMf d,..n •ltd rpot+s Cltoos1 n•"Y• brown, bl.ck or 9r111\. 5898 Edinger at Sprlngdale Huntington leadl -847-9125 .. I • ---·--- • • _s_e_o ·1s WOMEN'S sUMMER "T.,ll;_Q'.N (/GtS · Eiit•• l ~ial! IClgrt.J'hongs with ,..dcleCl•insole. A must for Summ er outingl and vacation co·mfort. INFANTS AND CHILDRENS . SANDAU For th.ei r Vocation, Ploy ond Funtime .. A sturdy little stro p sonclol in white oncl ossort0d colors. LEATHER ITALW. ~TED SANDALS R99•.lcalr $4.91 10045 Adams at Brookhurst Huntington Beach -962-9178 ' CNtxt to S1v.On Drug) I STORE HOURS--WE EI< DAYS 9 TO 9--SUNDAYS 10 TO 7 • .. '' • - 1 ·~ '" " ••• ""' •• "' U.S. .. ow .. ••• •• • • Hun· " "' ·-"' ••• ..... Ii ... " ' Unll "· " 11: lln!~ " ., "' " " ... w. 1i' G~ "' "" " S!an •• G•• St fr Patil W•ll ..... G•ll• "" <oM ... Gllk ·-·~ t11vl " .,... !;.r;,i P1ln Whit ..... ••• Wllll Onlh Carr ~" s .1., •M '" Cl'llv • ... ,~, .. Bene DI ,_ C•M , ... '" '"" 11.te- Tl'l!'I• "~ • p.1 M'° Mm ''" "" " ; ~ Cllur """ v .. 11n• '""' """ Sulli , ... "~ ''"' .. ' ·--M1u1 ·~· ""' "~ ... <oilic "'" Jcllll .... ""' ••• '°" 1.1.;r Ciro '"" ""' ... ·~· ··~ " . M1ir P1cl A 127 I Cor• Cosr Ill ! N< 1 s La1 Sao • . ' For The -. Record·-.. ~ . ~ -. -,.,_ ',.. .I -'"' Divorces DIVORCES FILED Ovenfher. J11\tf l>eV!Mt VS Chtrln Huber I Van N<>1tr1nd, Emn'll J111 VI fl:obert Albert St•r><l•rd, Jr .• f11rblr1 Je1n vs Wllll11m RuSMll Greenwald, Harold M. vs Valerie A. S(arcell!, Hiida Mff v1 Jo'111 P11!1p0tt, Ele1nc)l'e D. VO Fred P . Wall•c1, E1rl I. ti Glorll M. Gehrl1, Carol Ann v1 H1rvev Cl111C11 G1llev. Shirley A. vs Pelton A:. KaPVzkY, H•"'n 'E, v,. Aluandtr Cunnlnvnttm. Robett Ori "5 Shell11 LM !lowman, Jai;queltn J. VI Rootr 0, Gll!nllle, Grace C. v1 Ralph J. Senner, Ruuell Charles vs ltla ShlrleY ,.,,,,,.,,$, Sal\clr1 L, \ll Rlchlrd M.. Davld5Qfl, CV11!hl1 Ann vs WIUllm Edw1rd Dodd, Linda vs J11mes Artl\Ur l\rl$btv, Qlarles C. YI Shlrley A. P1lmer, Wiima AnM vs Marsti.H Lee WlllllOfl, MarleM L YI Ratlert 0 . e1l!tlm, John l!;lll@f vs Janette MArY- Mor11111. Br!IU C. VI• Sll!rlef l . Wittman, Gerlraud v1 Llovd JO$.IOll Ontlvercs, Ro11rlo VI J~vlaro Carr, L'!'ndl Lff v1 RI? Etrl .SQ11lr, CitrOIVll Y$ David Lyn11 , S•1&Hr, R"'ie A. YS Henry Rolai 80\ld$ll,lll, C..tMr~ "11.-._ _l:ountt PNJ~et ~A \ ~ f" 'IJ.irthilny' Medal ' Honors Por-wla . SANTA AN~•-Commtn!· orating t'b e 1Portoll Ex- pedition, wlucli IDitlA!ed Euro- pean oettleinent in'Caliloriila in July 1789, tw0 ~eepsake medals tn· silver and bronze have been Issued by the .Orangt County BC.Centennial Cominittee, according to Judge Raymond H, Thompson, local chairman for t be slateWide celebration. A scene of 'the Spanlsb' ex· plprers who brought Western cullurt ~ Orange County· oc- cupies the face of the historic mementos, with Saddlebact "Mountain in the baCkgroUnd:-_._ Personalities depicted in- clude Gaspar ·de ·Portola, · Calilomia's first governor, who led the 64-man party from Baja California to Sall; Fran- cisco; Sgt. Jose Francisco Orteg~. for whom t b e Capistrano-Elsinore highway is named; Corporal Jose. Anto'nio Yorba, who reeelved the Spanish grant of Rancho Santiago de Santa Ana; the company's chief d J a r i 1 ' , 43 Now Citizens 17 Nations Birthplaces SANTA ANA -Forty three in its affairs, that .you will resid~ts of nine Orange Coast have much to give in return." communities won the r'""t to Mrs. Bemus said, .... All 124 .tizens lirml; call themselves . Americans clutching the Cl mlni-fi , ·Wednesday in . natw:aliz@tioo . ,' vided by DAR vcillDltee~ £en .. ~~~monles_ at;.~~ _s* Ana ·:filed·from the·caq~ COUl)fY Coliith'('lse. · , briglll. llUDSbiiie, for wbat hes In a ' colorlul ct!OlllOI))' bee<>~ tht ir.ldiUooal ·p0oi. presided over by J U'dle · ·cemn.,,ygroop ~pie : r Tlmol~v Warre11 C~lvalette, J~lne F, vs Theodorr Batson, Rho<lcla L. YS Phti!IP 0. Samu;I Dr:eke!'• ~e Sul?#or · Ne"! ~erlcims, liited . )p Cour~·-c4id ~risl,-tliey.;ie.~ ..nter-ol..-iM <i>ntrlbuting ... n~.~r ties to 17 nations , Uan. included: • Joi.11son, J1nl$ LOI/lie vs ,Wt!tt Norma,., llrne!f, NOl'mll J, ~ Tl\tocklr G. and pjedgecJ thejr allegiance to ARABIA M .b ' theUnit.edS'"'-. , -·O ameil ~ Hussein Maflahi, ·w ~nler Among them were.a RUasLan S.L, Costa Mesa. ' . ,.J DEATH NoTlCES who now make! ~home~in · AUSTRACIA ...: · ~ · Westminster ~ a refugee Irene and ' Douglas vaugb8n 1 fi::om . Castro's , Cuba who DuMaurier,-botb ef-725 can. VIDAL prefers Costa Mesa to on V i e w Drive, · ~na ' 11mee Vld•I. ""Iden+-°' 1uo.-·1t11one Havana. Also among the new Beach. · -L•ne. ttun tl!1111on a,..m. SUrv!Yed b1< "'-ft-: ~ f ll!1$1);11ld, 11;..........,.,a 1t.~v1c111r-sorr....______._~·1cans ~rom. our: con-BELGIUM y •~ 111<111: dilllhter, l/1net11 Vldlll 1 tinents were fonner citizens of --v 0 n n·e brotMn, J ack •1'111 Oon•ld J1""111 p . Lange, 6831 Retherford Drive, ,,,,ers, '""""' aennl!'H, tro:ne cr.r11, eru, South Kor:ea, Australia, HuntingtoD Beach. Th"l'l' McPhe;ettn.1 11.lbfr, Fr111Cl1 Jordan and Arabia. CANADA _ John-m-•-rd J•metr, RQH(T ~Ill be ~ Frldliv, _ ~ 1 P.m. at ~ F.tmr,.,. 9.i"":,111 t".1!: Costa Mesa tqpped the list Cam ..... ", 1,_ Va D 1 u a rd neral Home, Wt'Jtmlluter. ""-'"!"'" Of 1..;ll.,fi .. a uni':-Y....... ~ M•n ''.:st. 1'9ori..1't'l'lllr• c..n.one . con............... comm ~ Lane u.·-·•i-'"'"n Beach· DI• ci.urdl • ..W:rrl1'*'°"' aHc&t 'The tafn. wilh 17 new AQierlcaDs. 'lbe • .a.u.Qt.&U.&.., • •• ITV MSVH ll' fl'ilt >contr1buflnM bl..... chall ie J.ean Bryarly 8131 n.. .. 1 to J1mee vi0o1 Memor111 Fund In nearest eoger was Hun-· ' ...,!?' are _ "' s1. &oM\Oentvre c1tt10Uc tington Beach with eight Circle, Apt. B, Huntington c11urdl. l&m B•~bvry une. P«k , • Beach; ·Florence Edna and Mortu1rv, olrKI°". recently acqwred residents, William Alfred ·Burton, 14181 SISCO one tnore than thiJ'd..place Bo v~ P. Sisco. Resident at l'l26 M.,... Westminster. i:anne Drive, Westminster; 1an• Ave., com Mft,t, Survived bV Ross . Brian Samson, 3 5 a husbe!>d, a.vi~ s11c:o1 dKrvhlffs, Rounding out the Qran•e Prl ••• Ori r.. M s.Mren LVftfle TltilmolOI\, Cindi< KIY ""O Dee...,., Vi!, vu;)ta es&, Sult• moiMr •. Mr... Maude L_, two Coast contingent were citizens and ,Selma Elizabeth _ aod :=;., 1;'~' ~1'~ ~=:.,:, from Laguna Beach (4), Foun-Charles William Home~ 3086 cl\fistol>+ll!I' T'llland svtt. serv1ces w111 tain Valley (3}, a'nd Corona del warren Lane, Costa Mesa. be. htld Sal'll~· -3 ....... It '9ek M N rt Beach El T F..mttv co1on1a1 Furierar, Hotne. !"Mt· ar, ewpo •• oro, CUBA -Yolanda De I Mor1\Jllry, 01rec1or,, • and Los Alamitos (one eftch). . CAVANAlJGH Heading the list of 17 nations Carm!J! Yero, 2220 Meyer, M&urte,., Debbie C.v11111ullh. 0.19 d hich b U Costa Mesa. de•'"· Ju1v is. "'" 1J. Rl!lldeflt d W ave sent na ve l'Olli 12s53 MtectQW9ree11 Roed, L• Mi..-. and daughten to the Orange GERMANY J u t t a Servlf:!" IO ti.. ~d l'rld•V II 10 •. m. . Christine w·1 33 C •' w"1cnrr Ch-I. 1n1erme111 1t Pt-Coast ·was The Netherlands, l son, 1 ·rest, c.ifk: v 1n1. westcllff Ch111e1. otl'Klors. traditional major contributor Huntington Beach; Waltraud M~rv sun8".B~~esldent o1 21~ of f!ew Americans, wilb nine Maria MotTison, 10110 McFad- Je111e1<, Hul'ltinvto11 ae1dl. service$ citizens. Gennany bad eight den, Apt. C, Westminster; llefldfrw. 'f>mlrtts MAJN~' Dlreclor$. and Cmiada seven. Bertha SOphia and Gueuter o.car R • ......,1n. ~te m oe1tto JulY 1,, Great Britain, always high Reinhold Karl Horn, 2 2 4 Res~t ar1 ·'41¥'11.c11ant11 Ave.,. Hew-on ·the list., relinqUisbed her Pa~ Place, Costa Mesa; ::n18:!~·;.,:['~~~~1 ~:';~~ hold on two.former 'subjecta·.of·· l1V.:~ ECkhard Forstner, 'J!l St. carol ~ .s"111e: W1sti1111r1olu n. ......... , Elizabeth add .[tel-....t Ann S. Drive, Laguna-Beach; gr~ndthlldrlM!, ~ Mlrln. HKll!ldl ,...,...._, ......, Hild anf M rf J 'f Ht111nnr Jo11n· ~1 ... C0tl• Mist; R1cro-AUstfalia Meiieti and · Soatb eg a a, o s e, ard .-.a1n, Et MO"!!!, Vlrglnr. Hayes, A!n·ca .·,·cb ··-t two new He?]llan. ~ Peter Micbalskl, Founflln I/alley, Four grHl·tr1nlkll!I· .-... ll Of •-M •~--H d•~n. Sef'lkt$ 10 ~ Mid sawtd•v 1t Americans a out J elUUW 1n::, un- 11 1.m. Paci/le Vlt!w Cl'laJie!. Inter· ' Hnm,,_., Beach M!Tni l(WI, Frltlk w, M11n1 da,LIOlrMr, Offering one name each lo ... G'6RE ...... AT B.;~, ~ John Pa(lrk: view Morluitrv, oirectors. the tally of 124 names were '"' ...,,.~, -. Russia, Italy, Cu ba, Peru. Hope, 1IOO .Clay •St., Newport South Korea, 'Ibe PhUippines, Beach; and Charles Wood, ARBUCKLE & mull WestcllH Mortuary '27 E. 17th st.. Costa· Mesa 646-4881 • BALTZ MORTUAR)ES. Corona del Mar OR S-MS8 Costa Mesa MI 1-UU • BELL BROADWAY . MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa Mesa LI f.3133 · ••• DILDAY,BBOTllERS. !hmilagtoa Valley Mortuary 17911 Beach Blvd. Huntlllgtoa Beach Ul-7'171 •· McCORMICK ·LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1795 Laguna CufOD Road Laguna Btlcb IM-Ml.S Belgium, Jordan and Arabia. 12172 Pine, Los Alamitos. :Adding to th e COI)o IRELAND -Patrick Em- gratillations of three Superior mainiel and Brian 'J'.homas Court · judges were represeo-McNAmara, both' qt 1 9 z o tat'.iVes ol the League of Coronado Drive, Costa Mesa. Women Voter:i, the Daugh~ers fllALY -Anthony Artiano, of the Amencan Revolution, 10351 Nightingale Ave., Foun· the· Ainerlcan Legion and the taln Valley . Veterans. of F~reign W~. JORDAN -sh e had eh Mrs. Hamet. Bemus of Hasan Khalil, 11804 Azalea N~ Bea~ drew a SUS-Av(.· Fountain Valley. tained oyalion for h e r ' . . reminder to the new MEXICO Aurel 1 o Americahs that they Were·tak· M a rt 1 n e z , 1~1 !ipla, ing thetr i>ew fla:g "on a tru1y Westmlnster,.and Bea~ Tor· memorable day for this naUon ~ 2470 ~·~ :St.t. ~. -a day when we are about to Toro. · , f' set foot on the moon.'' T1lt NETHERLANOO · - 'Ibe rwv officer, herself a Comelus Leonardu! ·van ber naturajiied .citizen and a Lee, ·m w. 18th . si .• ~ native-of Halifax; England, M@sa: · J_ulia· Cornelia Jurgens, urged her new f e 11 ow 30I .Orchid Ave., Corona ·del Americans to "partfdpa .. in Mm;; , Beano De Jong, 30IJ all levels of goverbment and Garfltla Ave., Costa Mesa; take an active Interest in the Comelli and John Cedric V.a.D- affalrs of this exdtlog age. derschraai, 9109 Mallard Ave.:, "This nation bu much to of. F~ Valley :. Gertrude • Cer you aod you will find, if Adeli.De' Jansen, 2236 Placentia PACIFlC VIEW you care to become involved AVe.; :Apt. D and Corrie Dora . C:~EMq1'WfJ'~ , aDd Arthur R iymond ~.....,. Har\mankoJ<, 17119 Gisler Av•. 3500 Pa~ v1ew ort.. Stor111 Repair ~~~~ .":: ;-:0~ Newport -· CaUlonWi , ~·~.l'IJ.... • . '· tiHltt ' Co. ntract Set ,. ,... ·' • 1 PERU -WUliaai Jesus Torr , e · · l'tl, . Zl.5 . E. , 23rd. St., , Costi PEEK FAMILY SANTA ANA -A contract Mesa. COLONIAL FUNERAL for 171,llll for repair of por· THE PHILIPPINES HOME tioos of Carbon Creek and 7891 Bolto A'"' • Mmd)'•Creek channels damag. Ofella Jlmlntz Nye, 100 W.ltminl~ -· •N• ed ln the seua-"'--I st Ga~ St,, Westminster. ~ -wfhter bu ..;.;;; ::~ a to RUSSIA -Nina Houle, 5151 SHEFFER MORTUARY tht Hane Coli.tnretion Co. of Purdue Ave., w .. -. Lagoa Beaeb lfl-1531 Long Beach by tht Orangt SOOTH AFRICA -Mary S•n Cltll(tjllt 41!;ftlt . County Board. of SUpef".llon. EllzaJJeth ~cbon, 7211 Siena · ;,J• e · , · . County FJi>od. C n n ho 1 A,,.., Westminster lllld ~ SMJYiiilMORTUARY Qlstrict Englneu Geo.rte, Gra<e •!Jowan, loot$; Col.t . an Melo 8~ Osborne reoommended the • Highwoy; Laguna Beach. H u;,p, Btadt contract award althollgh-bi1 -SOUTH~KOREA -Soon Ok ua ....;. esUmate for the wort wu on-Jun, 9m Sliva Strand Drive, ly $6$,000. Huntington Stieb. -.- BUY 2 ThOiisands . ; ' • • DAILY PILOT lJ ' . ......, •. Los Pino~ay Becom.e Center for ·Bf!js'; • DON'T MISS THIS!! ' THOUSANDS O,F TOP · . . . ' -. TijAT'S RIGHT! BUY ANY TWo , . OUR . NURSERY coc;:' . T AINER PLA ""S , . ·, GAL "' -I · · • 5 GA• · · 15 GAL ~ • · • T ANO GET HE lrd ONE . · FREE! SPA'Cl'AgJLA&. SAVIN6s1 ·• QUALITY SHRUBS-TREES. ' . of Top.(!>11C1l!'f- ·.~ts ta ' ( 'Ch11 ··~- 1·. ~--TRR~ALS'. ~~.¥E-Ll!'S·. ·:-·· AZALEAS ••• AT REAL SA\'INGS . • From! .,........ "' ----~ ---~----,\ .-. --::--r•-._. -...• • . '.DURING,·OUR . SUMMER :f _,-.-r- ' Azaleas~ Shcic:le Tl'ff$ ¢ameUlas,, ~AvocadOs, ~ ·- '. Gltnas .'. ' . CtEA~NC"~SAl.E · ·"-~ .:ttmltecr- BUY 1 • GET' ANOTHER FOR 1 c ~lliO LAWN Fooo SALE ' ' . SpoclOlly cl01l9nod for healthier,''""" 't,i""1~.'For year' •round fHdlnt. 1 HOURS• .:.'ti)'-stock on..Hand ' ·'MIDSUMMER DELIGHT!! ' ' Treat yourself to the beauty of full blooming TUBEROUS BEGONIAS · in the shade .garden. .. LARGE BLOOMINJ~, '.PIA~:rs ·1~9 ; ' ... . GOING' '.TO ·. A SUMMER ·· .,:.. I f PARTY? Take A Real Colorful Bouquet , of Mixed Flo,.ers ; Sl!~CIAL QNLY . ' $ 98 HUDSON BUG WISER , ... , .. c_,,..Jn .. SPRAYER ·--.t,i.t. ,... It \ ' . --· _,_ --· ""!-'""!< -· let· Sll.Ot 51 .. 188· sP.C1AL . GROW YOUR OWN!!. Beal tho high ce>$l of living . ' FRUIT TREES -APllCOTS . PLUMS ' Amis NICTAllNU • P•I •PU.CHU $649 BUY 2-GET 1 FREEi Moncl_ey thru 'Frfcl•y 9 •·m. fo 9 p.m.; S1turd1y t 1.m. to 6 p.m. Sundey .I 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. 2540· ·Harbor ·ai vd.: ·-. ·tbSTI MESA ' . . . ' aALL 1 S1-12s· ' ' 1 ' , • ' "Quality 1ni:I S'trYlc• Since 1946'* ' .-~....-\ ,.,., •• 1. .. I • • .1 l • I I I • I I I ' ' l ' " ' " .. .. ~RRIU. LYNCH JMVlTES · EXPERIENCED I ' . . · T . . NVESTORS 0 A SPECIAL FQRlJM . · \ Here's1a>urSeespeclllly~fDr·ti.­ fllvalorllho-to lddJOfllalmlb ~~) of·the slack market. Don't liliSs ciur -1 s-........... ;.,.,.;..· 1'llw ••r lb 1skl1 • .w,·24 , .......... 21112-AN..H-....-ll• .... •7iJIP.M.-,, . Ill tllls fOnJm ;o.fft leir'1 more~ \. --... -.,--~-• -. ... 11111 ...... ..;thl·Cllllllile,_. ~ ......................... ,.. ......... mMtpetw• .· • ~~· • .:i:lli,!t 1 ' , .... ,,,, 1 u ,_,, ' ... •· ...... wt R_,..-,..-. . ., . ._ctr:l -~,_:,Just call or retum·the coupdrh"."""":No c1111rp or c111ieinon .,, _. ' -' ..;.. 'lil.UD ,,,. .. . ··== ,,_. -....... .: PHARMACY TOPICS . ._.,.., ... . -•. .,., '. ->-.-----:":. .. ..._ w u . .ca.ed~ ....... • • • • , . ,. . r--.. ---r-'----* . ' , , ' . I . > I·.-------·-·•••-••·----- i i: Pfe•I• tflM ••tt a.. . I Fral \1eftdin • the. ltftln&nl M ....,....., L..L 24. lo H 0.""" ,,_. 5-tM11I , ........ , f1rti1111' : pM\ld boWD ....... IW eP- • ~ l il-flW ...... ' • I turla,lbta.Oh:llldMnifll.Cof. I • ' . , : ombla hue Uled It lor theJr ! l JfamL-. : pola "" 6lrta. ,, I t t I ;1 .. : ~-cod.• ... acnt : I bunllllil ~ tMf ,,,., Clllflt • lf Cily&Stlbt ·ZI• , ,: ..,......, • ., ...... tilt-'* ii u..dlipilclyt 1$ 177 7 I I . . =· ~: • • • • p : koriina to the Dl!ptrtmtnt '19·M,ERRILl..LVNCH, : "'°""""""~dod<lll 1 w~ an Amtriean 11 j PIERC., ' ~ · : _ _,w-. ==~~=~==~' N N •"•&•a MITH INC i o.;.,;.;.. :.:.i,; :_.·Ill .. 1 ' : .-......... -. , .. _Te:--AT,_SAllTA.ANA~702 l ,_,__Wiii! .... ..... • C::."J.= ' : llddotM« ... ..., ..... 1~ •... :. ....... -.... ~~ •• )'Olll' ..-rpaeew .. ~ -=-~~---.... ..;;;~;;:;:·.;.::.::.:.=;..--i'I PAllll L-....._., . .. _ ..... ' il1_1_ .lJl(l.!Mt&llUiiiatitrt ._. ea e• ' ,__.,. -....---~-----.-..-...... --·--~----~ - _. ..... _ • COiinty Pair Reassigned • By Security ,. . j ' . . . l l i ' i I • . ! ' t t : : ! : : : • ' • ' : ' ' • : •• . ' ·' ' . ' ' ' : ' ' ' l t t t t t ' .. t " t ,. L• ' ,, ,, ,, t ,, " " " " " ,, ,, " •. L• " l• " ,, ~ ,. M M M M M M • M It M M M M •' M M M • M It • M 'M M M M M M M M M M ,, :: ~· '" M •• M f,\, M M• M M· M "~ M· M M· It M M it M M M M M "' M M M M M ~ M ~ N " N " N N M N z N N N ~ z • t: • • • ·• z ~ I t ~ ' ' ' t ' ' ' f • • • • ! l ! I ·I . l I :;.-.... ·--~· ,_ ' - - I ' .£ " I ' --------- ' OAILY~PILOT Thursdq, Jul)' 17, 1969 Do 't.Buy_ New .Shoes In Morning SHANGRl-Ll CHINESE RESTAURANT 16883 Algonquin St. HUDllDgton Beach. Calif. Phone 846-0505 YQu moy1 have a Free Lunch or dinner for two in .your dessert fortµne cookie Sot., July 19, til 9:30 HUNTINGTON BEACH Florists ONE (714) 846-0601 16155 ALGONQUIN ST. BUN11NGTON BEACH CALIF. IT'S CHRISTMAS IN JULY! AT $~ w .Jla1J,,,a;J, COME JOIN lffE FUN Al OUR FllST ANNUAL Sidewalk Sale! DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY UP TO 50% SAYINGS •Party Pap•r •Games • Chri1tma1 Cards • Toy• •Ribbon• Gift Wrap IAllKAMERICilD -MASTH CMARG£ • • • PAClllC THE DBESSUfG BOOM BOmQUE 16179 Algonqum s-• HUD.tlngton Beach (Huntlngton Harbour} SIDEWALK SALE Ttlbott ot Cor•tl ti. ••• WM"• S6.S0.7.SO • ••••••••••• $5.00 Int. S.t ..• 01iorttd pants 1M ietbh ••••••••••••• \\ prii.I Ctm,us Casual ••• nsort-4 ""h IH ~Jann • ••••• , • ¥t Jric• la"f •thtr Mirw1IMllllll 0.111: Mr 19, 1969' C.1h .,4 C.rry Come One -Come All .- . Wtokd•n ~ Su....., 9•S Fr1days tll 9 p.m. • :;:69c ... . '""""" ., to 20.ft ...... -ndwood. u .. "" lllOklog flow., ....,..,..... SC · 10.ft. 4c UDWOOD STAKES 12" --. STEPPING STONES ""';:! ;.• '..,..,.!!,;.!;" Motlier ~ MTflMJI ., AIC. llry 10 of •Y concrete pl«.t1 • , • Nthit; ...... pl09 -"" riot~ etc., -4 tit 1 obsol•tely FREE 29' "" """ -.... , D.AGOR -//1~ D:R:rc:a:: --lltcor Mlrodt llricll C1n be mlly -111' -1nd;w9m111 in Uviiw '°°""' ~ denl. pilyo. rooms or dozlns of ottw 1f10t1. Indoors« out. -.. • -tlltcl fml>rOM-. No -... qulr>d ••• simply •Pl>f1 -lltcor Millclt - """ on1 .. ry -Docor " .,._"' -elf. --~ Thomas Pressure PAINT ROLLER Wint •AllOlilll PUICHASI OF ANT PlntlUIGM.INTlllOI WAU PAINT' FIKT DAY FIQ ,., -1 .tdlrio11.&! "' 11 .0IJ, ~ Nf•'Mli .. "ta• ••t" ...... "'... ... deM-9, ..me. 1~ • .,., -1. J--~ ·~ ...,_ •-,.i11t flows ~-nlr. .• , ................ ho -~ .. , .,...,, ..... It S.Us for 3495 ' See . both these revolu· tionary Items demon· strated Sat., July 19 from 10 a.m. 203 OFF! WELCOMES THE INTERNATIONAL HAMBURGER TODAY ONLY ON ALL FABRICS Saturday Only 161SS Aftonqtin Street -.,'" """"' ""°" 1146-21n THE DRUGGIST PANTYHOSE 99c Finl Oualitr 100% Nylon ..... ,,,. Unllreakobl• COMB ASSORTMENT Choice of 6 1tyl•1. A comb for ev•ry purpos•I G•t ••v•raf ot thl1 low1 low pric e. MNy Metty Othtr lo'Jains Values 5.~. to 39c Bat)'* tlb Thil Are E rtou«lt to Curl Your Hair! ' , " I I \ I I t ' l f H U R <D AY JULY 17 MOUlllM, Y\dof\11 Slln, Kif ~. ton ind frtd ltlr 1\lllL (R) 0 ""'' tel t90l Ont Rilhl• Ind Nk:U, Divin .11'1 ~ "' • 10·mnd wtltlnttlafll: llout "° ' . i twttll Ron Kint. (U.-0) -r 0.:. U""'-":m I ""'"' (2~1). -10-, 0 Qi) l]Hll-"" tel (10) . .. ... Yli .-.... 1:00 a a. •la 111n ce> (60) Jerry! ··eo...s1n s...11111 strim •111.• ••••••••::::'MMR.~ROPERiiiPIER';seii=~iirY"At..l Duftllflr. Co(ll:lusion. Altw Senna tur• ~TI 1Mlt'K )S noo 6ANfSTE R/-WH'f/ a ID H~DW., (C) (30) I Sim's dlnGer ·-Into • ...,, YOU'VE BEEM "-"TCHfMG OF ALL n£ sn.1.Y-a t1M -h (C) (90) 0on t!l1 siml&n eactpel btifort I ' UI lDO MNlf Qt1J.iE ~ Knott1, Jtdde "Mllllll" Mib!ey,I bt th1nJl(I b1ek Into 6.utlhd CO. ON TY, Sunni Wlltoll Ind Glcq1e Kirt Vi11tssl. Kl11q Kovedl llMb. (l) ,,.... m...., '"" tel t90l O "' "'-M0¥1t: ""'' "' ID .. fwy,. .. tel (IO) li.erd!'" (dr.,..) '&G-Kennttll fI) Maki ' &trdll (C) (30) Men. 0.111 W,.ter, Cert Mollner. 9:tllll)Ql(J)CU nn4aJ ... 0 I S,, (C) (60) (C) "'E.al tf WW" (ld¥trrtur1) m I to... L_, (60) '64--Mtho111 Quinn, S)Me Syftll, m llblaa (C) (30) In In tHort lo dutru, British ... @(l)Mn Crlfna (C) (90) ~n:~:. toof•~ntl::.C.~ El) '#bit's "-? (30) Fiims study outpost. (R) YoUllt fl\lmmlll, 111ntomlml with 0 @ (}) m This ts 1 ...... dop, ind th• bab atf C1rlsb1d (C) (60) Judy Clrne, Mllllcllll: M• cmms. tin, AniLI Harris Ind Jo Annt Wot· Eli) JW111bli Olvlnt T_,. (317) Je1 ruest. (R) (!) M..n (C) (60) Don Tr1vl1. ga O Mundo EN LDCO (60) &:JO CIJ IJllBC ""9eMcl (C) (60) 9:l00@(.iJQ;)Or11111t (C) (30) (!) VC!Jap ti the Bottom ~ tilt "J1Ntn!le -OR·l2." Frld11 and SN (1:) (fl)) Ginnon a1rch lot twn do1s. ont Q) (I) Huntl.,·lrlnklet' (t) (JO) 1>! wbich hu bitten 1 child who fil Tht lllVllUpf«I (C) (30) ''The ~sR)1Jlerflc lo the tnli·rabiU ~rum. lwory Coll1r." Or. John Oii's 1n- li"'1lened l«:tlnlquu In ld~anc:ed 0 Ntw1 (C) (30) lime11P't PhotocraPll'f lfl lllust:r•· ID lint.'1 Ln (60)' lid b1 host Alln ~ Or. Ott d!s· @I FMtn (30) "Thi Sef\1!1 In cussu hil theories on lilhl thlt '70." Senator Geor11 Murphy, 11111· Influences nom11I human IJOWlh. 1om1 candidate John Tu~ney and Cit (I) €D Nlwl (C) (30) Court Justice Stanley MCIUI discuss eJ Notldh J4 (C) (60) next Yftlr'S California rlCI !Of tht 7:00 II CIS &111111 Mm (C) (lCI) U.S. Senate. Witter Cronkite.. 10:00 0 9 (!) a;,.NEW SWOfl ~ fJ Whd'1 llr U1t? (C) (30) ~· Prmntl Tbe GolddlUWI (C) (fiO) Gin Martin. Paul [yndt ind m ~ (C) (30) Lou Rawls he.ad!ir11 th is rear's edl· @ 00 HIP alld Wild (C) (~OJ tion of Deao'• $Urnmer r~acem1nt. tE1 Pll)'lna the Gultlr (30) "The -Stinl!')' M)'llln Hand!emaa ll 1bl Final lwon." Frederid; Noad ill.· · !etturedf--1iofll---willl lh1 Pl'lttJ- diuta' thi type of work lo be -i::o1ddlggers. Tom1n1 Tune. Albert awll'ld 111 !hi llCOlld .rtes. ind Brooks, Danny loctdn 1nd .io,cl" olfm edlflol Oft how to 11se prae-Ames ·m leatul'llt"tn the premfft ticl tlmL show atf this new seaS>I!. ca CIJ ·-· ""' <'D> m Tllll Advtnlll"I (C) (30) GD Drll• Homt (C) (3Cl 7:l0 IJ a CJ) Altlll II Report (C) (30) m APOLLO REPORT and * GEORGE PUTNAM NEWS • 0 m Ntn (C} (60) o --<CJ <&0> 8 QJ@m D11ltl loon1 IC) 0 Diii•! (t) (60) (60) .. r« 1 few Rifles." lndlan1 @ell Flltln (C) (60) e1ptur1 lmtl Booti1 1rul ol1tr to EID Sends et-SWltfller lot (2 hf) ICl-lrl his lil1 In txch1nga for I fet1 ''Pittsbttrth Fest!Y1ls.." {R) . rttla. (R) ga Mu A.Ill di la Mlilertl (t) (lO) e w ... ., <JO) m hDport .. Trawl <C> <30) a l]jJ rn m 111t f1rln1 "1111 <t,! i0:30 m ..., <Cl (30) Bill ·Johna. (30) "'Bmd Upo11 the Wilen. EI) ftllatl C.-(lD) SMtu Blrtrfl11 tun11 !hi conwnl l'!RKINS JUDGE PARKER ' IF 'YOU PON'T WMrfT HEr HllRT, PON'T FOUDW us~ ..-Into 1 b1MtJ In h« lltld venture (D Twlli&tft ZOMI "(30) I I I I I I I I I . I to 1111 .. mot'llf for th1 orphans. 11:00 IJ CJ D Em ED Q) N1n (C) (R) 0 Allred HltdK:odl 0 MlllhMI $ MW. "DI.., tf An111 Q Morit: (C) "Pyro" (horror) '63 Fr1•k" (drama) '58-Joseph Schild· -Bany Sullivan, M1rt1'11 Hyer. lulu!, Ml!ll1 Pertjnl. Shel!ry Win· m Allen Luddt11'1 G1llery (C) Miry t«S. Tyler Moore, John R•ltt. SlllllllJ m Trvtll or. Conaq111nus (t) (JO) Shor1, Be!land & Somervlllt ~ind Al lhr11 hulbands 1tt1mpt to mend Danny Cox guest WCHd Portr1ils a numbtr " bniken llousehold 1r1 of Liiiian Gbh ind Joltn111 Items. their wiva predid the nurn. CaBOn. b« of 1tP1ir1 tMJ wlll complelL ID Movit: "'11lt Blad: ww,• Cit ""7 MiMfl (60) (wutem) '57-tlulb Mlflowe, Co- SJ Thllfrt a..t (30) lHn Gra1. tll•""., ,_ <30! <!llrn@C!l~CIJ -tCJ ~OJ IJ Qt(l)Tlo ,.._ CC). (60) IUD D @C!Jl!lT"{Jlt -tel T111 vi111p'1 new Humber Two, a 0 Morie: "Cbin1" (dr1rn1) '43- womin, pub Th• PrllOlltr on lrl1I Loretta Youn(. Alan lldd. lot 1n esa111 1tttmpl (R) 0 @ (I) G') Jlly Bishop (t) 0 Zani Cr'1 (lO) 11:35 1J MOYie: "Junn1 Elpls" (dr1- U Iii) (I) G) TW Cllf {C) (30) rn1) •57 -~m Novik. .ltff Ch1n- "'Tti1 Urrlnp." Don'• ValenllM gift dler. to Ann M1rle II a Piii cl diamond lZ:30 m Naud CitJ nnings. and sh• loses on1 at ......... 'Th r P'•I (iJAction ,_.,e: e U1ZY "' them. (R) Ni hllOWll." m Hazll (C) (30) g EID NET Pl17ho1111 (90) ''The Seek· 12:50 0 Morie: "Hlafnt•J 301" (dr1m1) I • Th 1. • { 'Sl-stev1 Cochran, Virgln11 G1e,. 1rs---Th1 Haretcs. e ir ... o thrH dr1m11 b1 Ken T1ylar on the 1:00 O Movlt: "'Thi Doll Tiit! Took 011 thlf!ll ol rnrn ind his beliefs.. The Town'• (drama) '65 -Virn1 lbl, lnlti•I pla)', ltlrrtn1 Mlth•el Bryant, Haya Harantt. rm:ems a IJOUP cl 12111 een!ury 0 Colllm.iilJ Bunrtln lolrd (t:) Flemish hmtlct who !lee perwtu· O i.... (C) lion In fr1nc1 to sett: refu1e In m the Inside Out (C) EllJland. rrom GI ftildlllOl (C) (30) 1:20 0 Mo.le: "fliaM to Sint1PC1n" (ldvtnture) '6,]..-patr\ck Alltn, Wil- 1:.10 D ID 00 Et.> lr1nsldt IC) (fiO) ti•m Bolt "A Drug Oft til t Mi1~el" str1n1e wim from 1n unknown so111ce drivt 11t 1tlr1cti¥1 widow ID !ht vtrfl of fllldlllSL B.U, .Jonu. FRIDAY DAYTIME MOVI ES ''"'"""" • "' .... <•"'"° ·~ ........ .., M"'nd. D .,.,,. hf Nr (eo111edy) '49- Q.rt CUmmillP. Ann Blyth. t:M 11 (C) .,. .. o-tor 111 ArA" ("iavtntun) -Rottr Hints. S)'lv1 ""'"'" l:JO m All-Niatrt Show: "Mistet PtrTin ind Mr. Traill." ''Splfttbm." and ''Wlte!10G Rotd." 12111 D "Minar Wrlfl Pktlm" (,.,,. tery) '36-ltw Ayres, Gill 1'1lrlcl. 12:30 m "M1nll1 CallJn.. (llfventlll'I) '42-Uoyd Nolin. "'Thi Abdodm" (1~enture) '57 -V'ictor Mcl.11l1n. i.• m ..... "' "',... (mystery) '59 -SIM Brodlt. lp 1_'o1111L J:DO 0 """" lAt Ce" (llQ'1WJ) 'U -Rldltrd Todd, Pettr S.tt1r1. 4:30 8 "hll•" (drlrnl) '52~ YDllnl. Kent Smith. e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quality Prlntin9 •nd 01p1nd<1bla S1rvic1 for mor• th•n • qu•rt•r of 1 century. Ult W ' TUMBLEWEEDS Mun AND JEFF GORDO % CAJllr STOP~ 1i«'a« CAllv!NI!! INITIA/.S ""Ml'/ MISS PEACH />\At.C t~ /<\AS'O"' 1 [,.l:C.TO~r I OI> I l!UMA~ I 9.£.t.AT10'1I • 7'0i:l1Y AT LEA'5TWHY DON'T . ~ REMOllE "1111rr WRINllERSOITOOESNT LOOI( LIKE A W'lsHING MAC!liNEI I~CAN'r S10P .sT/JPIO ROSINS DJ MV /IA!RI J:. CAJJlf STOP A CHA1/J SAWf ' • IJ, s-•rs Cllld Overtard TI<INK-AS 6000 CITIZEMS-wE OU6llT '!ll-WL• .... T LEl\ST 6rlE TIE POLCCll "'4 t..llOllN······.4··PIOJe CALL -,,,-(W!TlWr $<Y1M6 WHO WE NlE! By John Miies J ONES BOY AND GUEST -Tom Jones and Judy Carne from the "Laugb .. ln~' show lead tbe !?arade in tonight'$ Channel 7 variety hour at 9 p.m. Judy does a tak&<Jff on her vocal training then •ings ior real. ·Other guests are Millicent Martin, Anita Harris and Jo Anne Worley. TELEVISION VIEWS TV Space Shows Fun By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPl)-lsn't it strange that, with man en foute to the moon, not a single prime ti.mo entertainment series on televi.Sion's new fall sched- ule deals with earth's venture into space? Unless of coufse you count ABC-TV's child- ren's.. perie's, .41 Land Or the· Giants." Tfil RE . Hl\VE, of_co~l>een ..Jiucil. past _ ··sbOWs as "Star Trek~" "The lnvaders0 and "The Outer Limits " not tO mention ·such other kiddie programs--as'....!.1Lost. in -Space,!~ and science-fiction entries like "The Twilight Zone." Well, why not now, then, when the lime seems logical? Perhaps one reason is tbat •. as fiction gets do~ er to fact comparisons can be odious unless truly first-class' creative minds do contemporary justice to the fiction being hand.led. · But, unfortunateJ.y, _ televJ.ljon frankly has trouble in persuading some of the nation's best creative minds to workre-golarly for the networks. Many feel there are too many hangups they, as creative people, regard as extraneous: sponsors, ratings, committee rule, etc., etc. ONE TOP-SCIENCE-F ICTION writer who was approeched by a network told a major execuUve there: "I would like very much to d9 a series. But I have an Offer from ttie movies. And my feeling ts that movies are written, whereas television series are constructed.'' What he meant, of course, is that some of the creative elements ~hat find their way Into regular series are based largely on the competitive needs '--=-"'--""'a... .... ;z:;..'""" 1 · of a program, and that this is the result of many heads getting together in the corporate sense. By Tom K. Ryon PRACflCKLY!: MY1l-llRJ7 rotJSIN'S UNCLE'S S~ FRIEN' KNOWED A . FELLER VtllAlACllSH(lJ)' SllXiK IWl'S r--~WITHTI!EGlHWIWDID! By Al Smith OH No, I COULON'r DO "1\lAT/"11-!AT'S \YllERE I SqUEEZE MY LEMONS . AND \ll;Q;TASLES! i ...... By Gus Arriola By Mel AT ANY RATE , the undeniable fact ls that most television series on the new 1a1J schedule are of the most comfortable sort for older viewers, who, according to the ratings, make up the bulk of the audience. Movies, on the other band, have plunged with brilliant effect into the space events of our time. Cppsider the extraordinary motioq picture "2001: A Space Odyssey," which avoided the cheap the~trics of melodrama. It Is no accident that this film has been an enor- mous hit with young persons who, it should be not- ed, comprise the bulk of the movie audience in theaters. SOME MONTHS AGO, I had a highly enlight- ening experience in a movie theatre. Around mid- night, I dropped into a theatre on Hollywood Boule-. vartl to see a very entertaining science-fiction film . uPlanet of the Apes." I looked around the audience and was amazed at the number of teen~agers and persons in their early 20s who were on hand. As a television critic, what lnterested me most wa s that th.is was basically the audience that television has failed to gel. And you begin to wonder about the old saw con· cerning the chicken and the egg, and which comes first. Are video series aimed mainly at the older audence because younger viewers have other in- terests? Or do the younger viewers have other larg- er interests because the series are aimed mainly at their elders? One thing is clear: Unless you try wholeheartedly to get the younger audience, you'll never reaJly know . Dennis the Menace c . ' -·. ' • • j ' I I , • -- t j I I I • • • ' I . ' • -- --_..., . --...... --------· -.. ' GQAT.SAVINGS 011 · rAMOUS MAKE COLOR TV'SI :I .•a•ous MAKE 12'' coLo•·Tv •••• _$_1,,., r ZODYS .RIGULAR LOW.PRICE 14'' COLOR TY •••••••••••••••••• ••.•••••••.:-••••• ••• -~18.87 23'' COLOR TY WITH Rlll!t.OTE •••••••••••••• e·.......... 558.87 23'' COLOR CONSOU/RIMOD •••• • •••••••••• ·• • • • • • • • 798.87 . f"\ 18'' COLOR WITll llEMOTE •••• .,..... • • • • • • • • • • • •.• • • • • 499.95 -=23'''COLoli cOMailailoN RiMOTE •••••••••••••••••• 1.158.87 23'' COLOR TY COllSOU ••••••••••• • .-. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $700 23'' COLOR TY COMBINATION.•·• •••• •• •• •• •• ••·••••••• $995 _'14''-COLOR PORT f'B.1' •.•.•.•• · ......................... ~ • • 329.95 23•• c•1'9l Tv .cou'~ •••.......... · .......... , ....... 719.87 SAVE 18.87 90.87 149,87 90,95 161 . .87 $156 $146 I 52.95 170.87 SAU "' .. 11:.:~:::i;::;:;:;:;:;:==·.,;· ~ . ., ~ 20" ~~LOR Jl ... MMOft. ·' ••••• 9. •:• •• •••............ 589.95 23,, CO"..a -··c· ...... OLE . $780 $222 121.95 *200 *468 *649 *409 *997 *544 •749 *277 •549 •4.a •559 . • .:,""_.,111 w _.,. • • 9 • • •11. • •·• • •·• •·• • • • • • • • • • • • ~·· • .. ZDltYS 3.':YUR.PlqURE TUBE.WARRANTY INCLUDED ;_-MANY ADDITIONAL FLOOR SAMPUS AT SAU PllClSI ·-· j FAMIUS-MAKE 11-''_-PORt-AllE -1¥ -SPECTACULAR-SAVINGS 011..FAMOUS ,MAKE-SlliRIOSI ~I .~ . . ZODYS REGUW . . SAVE . . .SALE LOW PRICE .. WESTINGHOUSESTEREOAM•FM •••••••• , • .,-•• , ••• .,. 199,87 73.87 $126 · -· · · -.. '189 $390_ s399_ WESTINGHOJLSE 3RW-5.TEREO_ • .._._ • ._ ...................... ~ -4 --•' CREDIT A VAILAllL~ SIX SPEAKER STEREO •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• 399.95 1U95 $2'J'J SIX SPEAKER STEREO •••••••• ~.; •. ~ ••••• ••.-••• ~.•• ••• ~79.95 62.95 $21_7 . ' . STEREOCONSOUWltll.TAPEDICICe ••·•~•••"'"•·•••••••• $l'!.95·, ,. ·$421 1774 • EIGHT SPEAKER ~o·.~~~.,.. ~;;; .. '. .... ~= ·.~.'..... _.625 ,,.. $229 $396 320 WAn STIREO CONSOU •••• ·•.• •.• • • • • • • • • • • • •• .... .m $316 •559 FAMOUS NAME DELUXE STUEO •••.•••• ·~ •••• ........ :s5a . $168 s372 MAIO' ADDmONAL FLOOR $AMPUS AT SAU PRJCISI ' ... . . . , . $29 20 GAL WATER HEATER 8 CU, FT. RE~RIGIRATOR · $89 ALL OTHER REFRl_.IRATOR PRICES REDUCED! . MANY OTHER HEATERS· REDUCED ~ FABULOUS SAVINGS ON FAMOUS MAKE RANGES!. ZODYS REGULAR LOW·PRICE SAV.E SALE HARDWICK 20'' RANGI •• •-•• ••••. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 149.95 HARDWICK 30'' EYIUVIL RAllGE . ., • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 398.87 HARDWICK 30'' EYILIYEL RANGE••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 299.87 SELF.;CLEANING 30'' RAllGE ••••••• • • ••• • • • • • • • • • •' • • 289.87 HARDWICK 30" COUNTER TOP RANGE • , ••• , , , ••• , , , • 149,87 HARDWICK 36"·COUNTER TOP RANGE , , • , • , • , ••• , , , • '199,87 ;: -36" EYEUVEL, SIGNAL OVEN GAS RAMGE •••••• , • • • Q8,87 O_'KEEFE & MERIUTT 36" CONTEMPO RANGE •••• , , • • 40L87 O'KEEFE & MERRm 30" COUlllTER TOP.,, •• ,......... 128.87 MANY ADDITIONAL FLOOR SAMPLES AT SAU PRIUSI 60.95 85.87 72.87 69.87 26•87 63.87 100,87 77.87 21.87 QUAllTITllSLIMITIDI NOT ALL MODELS IN .ALL.STORIS NOT AVAILABLE IN ZODYS POMONA STORE 189 '313 •221 •220 •123 $136 '3~8 •331 1107 PACKARD BELL .COLOR TV CONSOLE PACKARD BELL COLOR TV CONSOLE CQ f42 WAL IN WALNUT Reg. 529.95 Save 61.95 $468 •295 sq. inch picture with high fidelity rar~ earth color •Front facing high fidelity speaker •Transistorized UHF tunin g, set 'n forgei VHF fine tuning: •Handcrafted custom hardwood cabinet NOT AYAtU.ILI IN ZODYS ,OMONA 1toa1 COf41COl Pack---._. Bell / [ C 1 • IN MAPLE Reg. 509.95 lave 61.95 •Colon la I burniahed maple • Eorly Am•r1can styling with gall•ry4 •295 .q.-in. ptdure tube-largHt made •Lighted dial •Remote control ready MANY ADDITIONAL FLOOR SAM~US AT SALE PRICES! NOT AYAll.Alll IN JODT$ '0M0f'.'A STOll NOBTll L ... BIACll U&J•IM•,UllllA PAllX AllAl•tM•fULLlllT.. WUT COYlllA L '°"'" ITllff AT ClllllT ·IL\CM Ill.YD.. l.INCOLN OU.MMfMO.,I AT LIMON ·AZuu AWL AT PUINn liolln•IMI BlilOllDOBIACll llUIM MY& At NYONllllll MAwtNOINI M.Ye. AT 1~.IAT t•Ntll . llUllTlllOT .. BIACll . · 90\DIN Wiit &. llHNGll . •All'f~ AllA BAB .... •nn .... Aini: • cANooA PABK M. OUND AVL AT 'nM lflllf CHA,MAN 6 llOOllWUllT IA~ lftNANOO atn. AT IUllANK fO,ANGA CANYON ILl/D. AT IOICOI .. • ' • I I I . ' j ________ ....,.._ -~~·--,..---·----------... -------------------------------------...,..----,,-~-------------·-~-~-~- ' ' • . . .. • •• • . 'I .--. ' I r ,. . ' . ' ' . ' r; ·-· -. ~ --- F.""-CO..:: .:o:_;:-..=::..=:= Party · S~ash ~ F-0;-T r·i D.elfs • Spli.shing and splashing during the upcoming Swim· Fun Party will be Della Delta Delta Alumnae of the Newport Harbor area. The Newport Beach home of Mrs. James A, Rudy will be the "wet" scene Wednesday, July 30, at 10:30 a.m. After treading water and catching a few rays the women will convene for a general bu si- ness meeting. Presiding will be Mrs. Ronald 0. Ward, president, with assistance from l\.frs. James C. Doyle, vice president; Mrs. Richard M. Randall, secrelary, and Mrs. Rudy treasurer. Assisting Mrs. Rudy with hostess duties will " be the Mmes. Paul DuBois, chairman, Randall, Glen Askew and James Williams. -. While the alumnae are soaking up the sun their thoughts may d~ to fu ture projects, national and area philanthropies. Scholar· ships are donated nationally to deserving university women students. In the Los Angeles area the hematology research division of the Chi!· dr~n·s Hospital benefits. . . Area groups which receive assistance fro1n the Tri Delts are Hope Haven School for Retarded Children, South Coast CoD)Inunity Hospital,...Laguna Beatjl and...the Cardiac Care Unit at.-Hoag Memo- ,. . . rial Hospital, Presbyterian. • · - Scheduled for Sept. 10 at 7::W is tile annual member5hip din- 11tt;-'l'he home of Mts:-O:-L-;-Corbitrwilt·be'1he·.setting; ---· DIVING INTO WORK -Newport Harbor' Area Alumnae of Delta D~lta Delta sorority are setting the. scene for the annual SWim Fun Party-Wednesday,. July-00~-111·aking -tb0'-arrangements are (le.U·to right) lh.e Mmes. Jame's C. DoY.ie, vice p~esid.ent; James A. Rudy, treasureri Richard M. Randall, secretary, and Ronald -G. -Ward,-president. ~ ---....-.-:-- HISTORIC TEL~PHONE CALL Mrs. Edna Stukey Dow n Memory Lane Nonagenarian Reca~f-~s· Out.standing 'Firsts'· By JODEAN HASTINGS Of JM O.Uy ~lllf Iliff Excite.ip.ent vibrated the room and so impressed a little 6-year-old girl that 90 years later she remembers participating in the world's 'first long-distance t~lephO!le call. · Mrs.:J,.:ana Slukey, 96, today ls bright.eyed and alert, and she vivid· ly tecalls b~U;J.g held up to the telephone by h·er bearded, miner·falher to speak to her father's old friend, a Mr. Yello'Wmina. · · · The . call. was placed from the Oneida Mtne near Sutter Creek to Jackson, and ' the Conversation was bet Ween Mrs. Stukey's father, Ch"ap- man Warkins, .and the mine secretary. · · -·Now-a re.sfdent of westtninster, -Mrs.-stuk:ey also ... recalled -the deys· i~ 1926 w~en she served as the first postmistre~s ,of a l~zy little unnamed village compfl'sed Of a few houses and a general stor~orona del Mar. " The firs\ long distance call, placed through Pacific Tefephone Com· pany in June, 1878, ·was extremely clear, ~1rs. Stukey remembers. One of the applicants in the California Bicentennial Celebration Commission's search for the oldest 200 persons in the state, Mrs. Stukey Qbs,e.rved that things in· northern and central California haven't grown Wld changed nearly as much as Southern California. · "The old school house is still up there, although our old home is gone," she commented. '11he" s"alrie' general store is, owned by the same family." · · · · · · · · No such claim can Pe .ma.de about Southern California, Mrs. Stukey said. ''\Ve used lo drive across the fi elds to go to the beach in Corona del Mar. There wasn't much. there.: .a real .estate. offic:e :i;elting. property for under ,1,000 an acre, a couple of horri.es, and I can't even find the store,. we owned." · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Her father, a former scout for-wagoo. trains.· arrived in the stale during the Gold Rush and later wa s elected to serve as a county · reir resent.ative in the stale assembly. Her p~terlts. married here in 1868, she recalled, and her mother taught ~school until the mines slowed and they returned to Missouri and farming. After her own marriage Mrs. Stukey traveled from Missouri to Texas by CQvered wagon with her husband and two children, ·4 and 2. ''It wasn't very pleasant. but we made the best of it," she remembers. IS... REM1NIKJNG; P1ge -ll)- Class. Ring, Letterman Sweater Among Her Sou·venirs DEAR ANN LANDERS: M a n 1 teenagers look to your column for the final word as to what ii right and lffODC· Plea!e print this letter from a mother .,-ho la m mad ahe can hardly see 1tralght. , I malnWn that when a hip 1ehoo!. boy break! up with bl! steady, there should II< no question rtprdlng the bof1..:laa rin&, hls letterman neater or auything •b• that symbollied the c-ol their relationship. Wllen.tb<Y apttt up the symbob should 10 back to tht bQ7. Am I rllllt? . My I'll went sttadj )Vlth a dlfi1"'lln& who dkto't have sense enough to colne in out of the rain. 'Itley broke up two. weeks 1go and tbt llWe &<>Id diger baall't .... '..\ • ANN Ll\NDERS • _returned ~ of the thlnp be gave her. apartftts• occwn. sit now, f\lotber, bav- He_ told me he ubd her JWlee but~lhe liJC WCI )'OIU'-p~. •taf out of IL Few a&J'S lbe 111 _tntiUed ~ 10mething ror 111 dlinp are • "'ttractk<e tban 1 moo.tr tbt um. she ljltllt with him. She alio wh lnvolvt1 llendl la b<r ...... Ult. called hlm. ~cheap." --~-.. ... '- I la)' tbl>.ll roll<ll behavior for a young . DEA~ AilJ' LANDERS' YO\J changed WI)! •. Wh!t do )'OU da,y! -MARTINS ·mv life. Tballettec from the woman who FERRY _ , ' · , snld she felt like a prt>~lit~te. -putting DEAR M. F.: She may bt you11g1 but up with her husband's sexual deslres in· •be'• no lady. l agrff, the girl 1bould exchange ror 'linanclal seeurlty ..i. sound· retura aU •rmboh: of togel.bt111e1• wbe1 ed like the story or my life ror the pasl 18 • years. 1 almost dropped my ghwes in lhe coffee cup when I read it I wrote to y"ou se\'~al months ago and you advised me to talk lo my doctor'but 1 couldn't bring myself to do it. When 1 read that woman 's letter 1 changed my mind and made an appointmenl It ~as the ·smartest thing I ever did. ·1 was • amazed ·at ·u.e· dc:icior'1-cUnpaMlon and insight. He said be had a. dcrLen pa.Uents with the same Pr<!J>lem and 11! wu help- -1~ost of them . He a<lvised me lo talk to m)l husband frankl7, and l<t him know · h6w I felt . The doctor further 1uggetted l~at J bring my husband to the office So HE could talk lo him . I said I'd lf1 but il was too much to hope for. Thal evening I waited Lill the childttn were In bed and· then· t unloaded, on my i• the beat rewanl of all. Tbankl flH' husband like I never thought I could. To writing It. my coinplele utoilrstunent he ea.id he had 'known for a long time that we had a sex CONFlOEt'frJAL TO: AM 1 BEING problem but he didn't know wbat to do BLAClfMAILED: Nol .e'9ctl)> blackmail· about it. We talked our beads off for i!d but graymalled perhaps. Be pleasant three aolid hours. It was.marveloUa! Sud• but sttadlast. Doo't give an Jr.ch: . dt11l7 It occiii'ed' to me thal ii .,.>., tho , , . finlboneel conversation we.bad Jn yean. ··• l{ow; will)'• btw wbe.11bt•rtll UaftC" Ht told me , things , he had been holdin&' '-~ along! .Ul<.U.J.ulitn. Stnd "" bic:t ror a de<ade-1 told him plenl)! too. 1'tr booldol "Lovo or S.1 •lid U.W to Tel, Tomorrow my hU3band Is goina: to see ibe Difltl'81CJ·" Send SS ct•t:I 11 C91a Mt tbe doctOI'. Fqr the flist lime I am fOOk· • 1,.,, 1tll·lldit .. ....i, stamped meMpe tng rorward.to Our Ille tocetfier •hen the with yoar req•est. · ~ cttlldn!n leave bolne. I'll never be able to-Ann Laltden will be 1lild to ~p )'ft repay you for what you've done. Thank with your problem•. Stadllhent 10 lter 19 you, t-nn. -G.M.B. cah of lhe DAlLY PILOT, ettel...., a· DEAR G.M.B.t A htitr 1ac-11 youn Rll-addtt&ltd, 1la.mpt41 talvdope. ' t • I 1 -. l .{ J ... < f ., t !,,. .., '., • I • T ..; • ~ • • I ·• • , • -• • '_ • • ~~~. ~• ~o;;;:.~,;"i-~.:?. ;;:, _;;, ~.~.~;;;;;;;;• ~• .:;;:;. ,;, :;::;, ;, =.;::, :-;.=:.=!_!II.~.~!!!!!~. •~• '!!!!, !!!!, !!'!.!!'! .. l!.!.'!.!l!!!.!l'!.111!!', ~• .\Ill, \Ill, '!'. "!I, '!I, '!', -~·~•~• ,!",!111111111'!", ~• '!". .... "!", ~' '".', '".', ~,'!":. •~-~.'."".~.'."'. '."'. ":". "~~ ·sAVE ~~ 70°/o~ • ON THESE FAIRICS HONER PLAZA ONLY! 17th and BRISTOL GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE STARTS WED., JULY 16 EVERYTHING MUST GO!!! BY JULY 31 SUMMER COTTONS HOMESPUNS SHEERS VOILES CREPES DAN RIVER SHORTS GEORGETTES CORDUROY SATEENS · KNITS . 1~.100 POLYESTER DOUBLE KNITS ACRYLICS . WRINKLE FREE SUITINGS DAN RIVER GINGHAMS MANY, MANY MORE!!! -ALSO!! TRIMS AND LACES 50°/o OFF EXAMPLE I 3 Cottons-ana Blends - R19. to 1.98 EXAMPLE II SUITINGS YDS. $100 FOR FO'R YDS. Balboa Island Visitor Shown arriving in New York Harbor abOard the German Lloyd Lines flagship TS Bremen is ·Miss Robyn Wright, en ro.ute to visit ·her cousin, Mrs. Ann Maxwell of Balboa Island. Miss Wright, who Jives in Durban, South Africa, plans to spend six weeks in Southern California. From Page 18 . " . . . Reminiscing The former Pasadena resi· dent then went with her hus· band lo Colorado where they lived prior to Corona deJ-Mar, which they helped· to name "CroWn of the Sea,'' and where Harry S. New appointed her the first postmistreS;S. Her surviving children ln· elude Mrs. Ralph Gallinger, Sel!I .llea.cb c Mrs. Vlvlenoe Tavenner, Pasadena; 1 O grandchildren, 20 g r e a t · grandchildren and 1 great- great-grandchild. sun bealthy. the . 40-year resident of CallfonUa oc- ca.slonally is bothered with The T arthritis. Freeway traffic Is no ee -, call!e fop .......... :-''Hfu!I my driver," laughs thej>lucky woman. New Colors. Shading Fall Mouse or elephant. a new blend of gray and brown !bat's darter than iaupe la the newest neutral for fall Md winter. Abo big OD the color llC<De: raspberries in shades 0 r brownish purpllah wine. The moot Important pale Is bP!i de rose, a sooty pink color that 1oes well with Jnllat. any abode. . AuxiUary c-tllDe A~ lo Veter1111 of F..,tgn Wan, POil 1111 gather the !Int and third J'rldaya at· I p.m. Costa lllela'• American Logion Hall ii the ....,. of the meetlnp. Windsor SA.LE CONTINUES! THUR. FRI-SAT., jUL Y 17.• 18 • 19 ENTIRE SUMMER DRESS STOCK MUST GO!! DRESSES $ ' Buy one dress at regular price- .Get anoJher for just ... • ~. 00 Reg. to '"2:4f -·y ff/ --: ~ ·servingaschairman or the -Q er b I c e h tennial celebration's commission to find the oldest 1\t . 54" Cepes for that Special Dress 249 yd. Reg. 5.95 now IMPORTED 9~ Brocades , ... w ... let. 6.95 NOW yd. PElMA. PlESS PRINTS Now75~ .. .... 1.49 ~!,!!l,!n~~oth 49' 199. 1.91 NOW yd. DAN llYEI tef,'!'a Pres.~w 66 ~ .. c•' Mf..,.RI-wm4 residents is Lt. Gov. Ed l E411ot'• No .. : A co"""'9 « ~ Reinecke. Deadline for ap-t': ~~o'r:':i. ~~r~ :~ pllcations is Wednesday, July tor 111e wee1r., ~IN.e m111 tt1m1 1o P. o. 23, and the list will be an~ &ox 1S60, Cot!• MeJ.11. Tiit'( mllSf bl recel~ bv-Mond1t.I nounc ed in mid-August. llANCHO SAN JOAQUIN I I d • . th "" t be JULY 1 _ f'll•~' ~. ittt-.Mmt1, R•t nc u e~ 1n e awar~ o Htbem!I~. to law tl'Olu Giibert Ide. presented wi11 be recognlUon · 1' 1ow net; 1w1" sr11ro1i. :i:i, 1ow PUits; for the ol"est n_ative son _or FUglll B. Ille Mmes. J. L. W1lbrldge. \I _ -n. 1ow ner; Orrin wr11111. ll 1ow PtJtts1 daughter, oldest man or Ftf.Ql>I C, Ille Mmes. Htrvt¥ McClure. 10s. to. 9niu: Fnonll: 1.1t1nsan. to. w•r· woman now living in the state, ,.., wn11e, 11. 1ow net: 11a1P11 Trout· oldest residents for SO years or m11n. JI. low 1>utt1; Flf.Qht D, Ille M<ms. J1mrs RttVH, 110, 1ow ,,,,.., more, and the longest married 1-'~•°"'r! M~rlln, l); low 111'11 F. W. COOpJe, Pdtr.on, 31, low pull1J /Wr1. H. R. o ~.:::_c:.._ ____ _;::==== H ..... yoarM.I, J~. ICe. 1- lltVINI! COAST ·•· HARBOR CENTER 2300 Harbor Blvd., Casta Mesa . 546-2622 . St-Hours: T11&. We4. & Sot., 10.6: M .. ., Tll•rs., Fri. 10·9 THESE ARE JUST 'A FEW OF THE GREAT BARGAINS WAITING FOR YOU BECAUSE WE LOST OUR LEASE •EST IALL Ofl l"AltTN•RS -CllU A, Mt$. Frink Paddock. Miu 0.. OW W~tte. 70; Ille Mmr1. T. R. Wtt.H1. Paul $t1defm1n, Hlrlry Jorlnioll. f'rHnMn Klnrle, '3; ROllrf Poole<. $11 Mam!Yllno. ,,, RlcNrd F. Stl- A11111H' Flemlntl, •1; Clols1 8, Mrw. Wllllam LHI~. M1$1 Miry Mu1111>Y, 161 Ille Mmes. WllH1m Ho!rtel11. Si.ontn FD$M HI, J. II. FrRelllllrn, w mi.m MULLEN c\BLUETT Entriken, Ill ll lcll1rd •l"lr9~, ltll!lert HARBOR CENTER MESA CENTER • 2300 H•rbor Blvd. 221 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa Coste Mesa Helldrld<1, Everllt Mo1rr1. Gto,... Har>ntbetg, 671 L. W. Meedcr'lrl Jr., Cl1tlorl Rost, 61; Cl1u C, !tie MrN1. P111I Dunlap, Ernie Rotd'ltn, '31 ltobfrt Y1rlllet, M!k1 C1rl1r, 94; Sam How~n:I, Slutrl Diehl. RDOert H1rtlft", H1rolll Ptrtln, 61; JICk Rlltt, Sl1nltt Pyron. G. P111I 1(1.....,n, Jolw! P1rU, 8111 Hl zewlnkel; ff. 20th ANNUAl MIDSUMMER CLEARANCE SALE REALLY GREAT BARGAINS IN MEN'S WOMEN'S BOYS' SPORTSWEAR LINGERIE, SPORT SHOES, SHEETS & TOWELS WOMEN'S BARGAINS DRESSES & COSTUMES & SUITS ......... . SUMMER SHIFTS & PANT DRESSES .....••• COORDINATED PANTS & PANT SUITS .... . SHORTS & SPORTSWEAR SEPARATES .... . TENNIS DRESSES ....................... . BRAS & SLIPS ......................... . 9UIL TED ROBES .......................• REDUCED VJ TO US KEDS and KEDETIES NOW OR MORE 299 to 499 -AND DOZENS MORE TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION! - MEN'S AND ·BOYS' BARGAINS SLACKS, SPORTSHIRTS, .KNIT SHIRTS ......• TURnENECK, MOCK TURTLE, & COLLAR .... PAJAMAS, SWEATERS, JACKETS .......•.. REDUCED 30% TO 50% OR MORE BARGAINS FOR THE HOME ~-. co10110 • FLORAL sHom • c•sn. NOW J491 429 1 999 TWIN, DOUILI, KIN• SIDS MARTEX BATH TOWELS -ON SALE! HOUU 9:Jt ,. 6:ot --· ...... CN41t~ .. -- ALL OUR USUAL FIRST 9UALITY NAME BRANDS. . fN COSTA MESA IM 1816 NEYtPORT BLVD. P•rk Con¥ani•nfly Ju1t • St•p from our Eest fRetrl Entrance.' Ctntr•lly loceted at Harbor DR~AftTUtfT •TO -_ And Newport llvd . Read The Daily Pilot For Top Spo11s Coverage ·· GRODJ:NS sale! s11mmer slzzlers 8.97 This season's hottest fashion looks ••• the short shift and the long cullotte at a breezy 8.97 each. Shown: sllm and flounced shifts and pennanenUy pleated Jersey cullottes. Tantalizing trio from a cool collection of many styles and prints, all in marvel- ously mini-care fabrics, 1G-18. MIAACLE MILE • DOWNTOWN • GLENDALE • SANTA MONICA • ANAHEIM ' CAMOOA PAl'K • LAKEWOOD • COSTA MESA • MONTCLAIR • SANTA IA .. IAIA I Weddings, Troths . - Pilot's Deadlines . . To avoid dleitpolntment, prospective . brides are reminded lo •hive their wedding stories with black and 'Ml!~ glo.sy_p}oto-_ graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart· ment prior to or within one week alter tho wedding.--• • • • • · · • • • • • · · • For engagement announcements It la suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossyJlcture, be submitted early. U the betroth announce- ment and wedding date are six weeks or Jess apart, only the wedding photo will be ac- cepted. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail- able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. · Further questions will be answered by Social Noles stall members at 642-4821 or 491-9466. UP. TO SO°!o OFF ANNUAL SUMMER • CLEARANCE . Dresses • Coals • Suits • Li,ngerie Gjrdles • Br.as • .Jewelry • Hats Sweaters ·• Gloves • · Bags ------. --- f I Sizes . 6 . thru. 20 'All Sales Finel ••• No Returns ••. No L.y1w1ys Your Ch1rg• Accounts Wels~'1!J • -Fr••. Parking in Reer of Store- Open 9,30 'tH 5,30 Di~tinction The Store with Labels · of 2515 E. Coast Higliway Plione 673 ... 2990. et MecArth"' , • , CORONA DEL MAR • Ne~lyweds Honeymoon in Canacla Janet Rieael ·Weds James Ray Traveling to Victoria, Banfl and Lake Loube !or their honeymoon '1'e the fonner Janet Marie· Riedel and Jamtt -wilk:er Ray; Wbo were mafJ ried in St. Michael aDd AU ~-Cburoh of Coroaa del· Tiley exchanged wedding •ows before the Rev. Gordoa Lyall, the bride's undo who came from st. David's Churdt of Glenview, DI ., to perfonn · tbe afternoon ceremoby. He was assiated by another uncle of the bride, the Rev. Wesley Riedel cf Marco Island, Fla. The bride is Ute daughter of Dr. and Mrs. ll:enry A. Riedel, and parents of the bridegroom are Mr. aod Mrs. James David Ray, all of Corona del Mar .• Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a gown ,of white silk organza em- broidered with seed pearls and lace. A boW of matching fabric caught her chapel length il- lusion veH and she carried a casciade of white roses, cama- tions and stepbanotis in her bo'uquet. Miss Kathleen Ray, the bridegfoom's sister was maid of honor. She and other at- tendants wore lace trimmed gowns of pale pink with high necks and short sJeeves. LAST DAZE OF ·ouR . LITTLE OL' SALE! FRIDAY & SATURDAY Robes Bra slips flr•s ' Slipp•ri 1nd-oocll·es of othir Goodi•s % PRICE Specializing in D &: DD Graduate Corsttierts Sandy C•rhon M1ri Gr1vei .r. JiJ! fW! J f 4f I LINGERIE 250 B. E.st ·11th St., Hil19rt11 Sc:iu•r• '42-!i4l0 Cosf• Mes• Matchlng headpiece b o w 1 caugbl their short pint Illusion vella and they carried bou-queJ! ol 9!!>ft ti>oes. · Bridellnalds lneluded Miss Marcia Riedel, the bride's -cousin1 -Miss Su8an -Fehren-. bacber ol Palo Allo and Mlsa &u;y Gulay of eo.,,.,. del Mar. ~ Michael David Ray was best man tor hll brother. Ushers lneluded James •Riedel, the bride's brother, Stephen Bur- ris and Gary Long. Approximately 200 guests attended a reception in the Balboa Yacht Club follcw\ng the ceremony, where pink and white summer flowers were featured in decorations and a three tiered wedding cake was topped wilh pink and l\'hite roses and carnations. 'Assisting at the reception •were the Misses Susan Haley. Victoria Weatherhead and Mary Wright. Special guests included the bride's allllls, the Mmes. Lyall and Riedel who accompanied their husbands Jrom Illinois ' and Florida, lier 'grandparents, Dr. and Mn. J. A. Riedel; her cousin Mrs. Gerald Krumbein _from Palo Alto, and the brideeroom's uncle, Forest L. Ray. The bride was graduated from Corona del Mar High. ScbooJ and Stanford Universi- ty, her sophomore rear beinfl . spent at Stanfcrd-in-Austria. Her new husband, a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and Staoford Univeraity, completed his graduate . work • at t h e University ct SQuthein Call!- , ornia's School of Business. <, .L~ "'· . ·>Yi ,,'\:,j. 15m . <.,,: .,. .. t MRS. JAMES WALKER RAY ·Honeymoon if! ·canada • Ell orth of the Mery Ellsworth 'Jewelry end Fine Mery end Suzy sw d d 1· htful evening et the premiere ~ Sh · ·1 ou to spen • e ig Art op !JlV'. e Y. . b J . i-1 nson Trevi s-end mete\ sculptures showing of oil pa1nt1n9s y an a by George Nagel ' • • · . In the Palm Lobby · of the Newporter Inn Friday on·d Saturday .July.18-19 b to 11:00 p.m. V elef. per~ing ~· DAft.V "'1.0'I J.9 1 New Hairpiece Laguna Grou·p American LegloQ: AuxlUary For Neckline or Laguna Beach gathera lbO second and lourtll~ A custom wijmaker has evenings Jn the Lq:lon Hall. e-0me up with a new hairpiece'r===,;:::::=====:;fi dubbed lhe 1776 qutue. fZ7/ / . C> /) Made to be worn ai the nape Jhink Jale of the neck. lhe new design la eight inches of bair sewn on&o a tortoise clip fo attach io combed back hair, Geor&e Washington style. Made of human hair, the queue weighs about t W·O ounces and ·requires no atyl- illg. It is preset with a soft curl and can be combed smooth in· to a page boy or left to fall loosely on the neck. THINK JED..n tnhG W•tcllff Ptua It.,. OnlJ 642·2444 PRE-~EASDll SAYINGS ON BEA"UTIFUL HATU~i;-MllK HATS 69 .00 l.\t These exquisite Ml-skin ml• •ink balslll ta le~'lt · newest fall slylln1. Choose )IOI• Jl'Slel-o< da1k ra nch in pert berels, classic fedms DI toques and elepnl1'!bbles. Uillint!)'" • t . I . ·' ·' _, • ; J ' I I I _, ~ .... ~· ,( .. •• • • . ' ;j ====~~=~~~~~=====~~~=="._ _____ __.ij I• t' u mS' Five little. ways to control yourself at persuasively tiny prices You know.good control when you feel it. Uncompromising firmness. Yet genlleness. A litlle comfortable persuasion. We have live ways to help you gain control of your situation. And, you'll love our very special prices! Go ahead-be just a bit inhibited, t ossa1d's yoofuful nylOI lace I"' has light polyHter fibertill lining, nylOI w LycJ' SJl'ndex powemel sidas and back: A·S.C cups: while DI i"'J: reg. 5.00 •••••••••••••••••••••• 3.99. An5'1erelle long leg panly has diagmat conlrol bands: average or IO!g body span inwllile: rtg.12.00 •••••••• ,., • , •••• 9.99. 1/arner collon bra has lace cup lop, oyl01 a\ld Vyr01e »spandex~ slielcll back. \1/hite. B·C cnp: reg. 5.00 •••••• , ••• ,.,. 3.99. Calcentrele Jl'•ly gi1dle assures control wilh o"rlays or nylon and 1.1m• SJl'ndex powemel 'Mlite in S·Ll·L: aV1raee leg, ng. lt00.9.99; long lei, iei.13.50. 10.H; straiihl girdle, reg. 11:00, 1.99. Youtllcratt·Charmfil i.. .. lip has fiberli'ed nylon l1icol cops wllh nylon and Lytra'spandex JlOW'111'1sideund bock. \1iite, A·S.C cups; 111. 7.50,4.99, , NEWPORT CENTER • #1 FASHION ISLAND • 644-2200 • • MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL5:l0 • • ' . • ' • • l ,. j • I l I I • r II l i f I I • 1 t ,, I r . -.. -... -.,-,-.. -.. -....... ~;;; .. . Jt DAILY PJlOT .. I . HqrosCQPe ,------ ·Gemini: Rewards Due ' IF TODAY IS YOUR BIRTHDA y_ you attract peQple to you with their problems. You are concerned with weliare of your fam ily. You often sacrifice for good of others, Financial im- proveme nt is on horiwn. -- ·Former "Married Area Teacher Michigan • 1n : The First Congregational Church in Muskegon, Mich. }vu the set.ting for the af- ttrnooo nuptials link ing in inarriage Pamela J «:.an jlauberg, formerly of Hun- 1ington Beach, and Thomas ""' Mllls. ; Parents of the bridal couple Jre Mr. apd Mrs. James A. Hallberg and Mr. and Mrs. llerbert E, Mills, all of .... ~· • t'uskegoo. • : The bride, who taught in )it:eadow View and Glen View khools. Huntington Beach, klected a colonial style gown or candlelight lace and silk peau de soie. A lace headpiece )leld her bouffant veil and she ?ITied a nosegay or white , daisies and pink roses. : Attending the new Mrs. Mills were Miss Virginia H.artsema. ~1iss M a r i I y n DeVore, Mrs. Paul Hartman and Mrs. William Warren. $landing for the bridegroom ~ere William, David and MRS. T. L. MILLS Home in Florida i : Cactus Society Orange County Cactus and Succulent Society meets the first Wednesday at noon in Odd Fellows Hall, Costa Mesa. Ers. Roy Jones at 548-5065 ca n contacted for additional in· rmation. James Mills, James and John Hallberg, Charles Vandervelde and Warren. The newlyweds greeted iso guests in the church reception hall before departing for a wedding trip to Florida, The former Miss Hallberg Is a graduate of Western Michigan University and her husband is an alumnus of the University o( Michigan. Following the honeymoon the C{)uple will reside in Eau Callie, Fla. ~--Sears,--"'\. 'adds Physicians Formula hypo-allergenic cosmetics! Pamper your sensitive skin with the latest addition to our cosmetic 'INOrld. A special lin e for those that need-- or want-atn are. To introduce this wonderful line, we are pleased to hive available in our cosmetic department on July 18 & 19 MlssAlexanderWest representing PHYSIOANS FORMUtA• Hypo-allergenic Cosmetia to answer your questions aboul your sensltive ~kin She wilt advise on newest concepts io pure cosmetics, de5igned for the woman with•~==~=~ the delicate compleiton. ' She has a gi h of trW sizesforyo.ul See ~t tye mtkwp ted\niques, designed to enhance and protect your most prt!Cious possc!Stion -yooreyesl Sears . . • • • • • • -- 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA · WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 . - SATURDAY 9 to 5:30 . SUNDAY 10 to _5:00 0 'Who 1•1 you c:111't f•~• it with you1 rn •• 90 ............ 11, 499 MARBLE-LIKE PATIO TABLE No. IIOZ O Modern 1tyli119 111d d11i9n rn1k1 tht1 • t1bl1 you'd bt proud to t11lr.1 holl'I • to Moth1r. 0 Convenitnt ch1irsid1 h1i9ht, a11d th1 11111rbl11 lik1 fop i1 r11I purty. 299 " . 3988 TUBE & TILE CAULKING 0 A littl1 ii1b will do vou. 0 W ill not w11h out, crick err cru111bl1. 0 Sticln to 111y 1u1ftce, ' ·~ ICE CUBE TRAYS 0 U11b1•a•1\iole, 11nchip1bt1, u111l111r.ab11 (ind thlt ed 11 t•tti119 u11b.ar1bl1.I 0 Twill eflcf Clol~I l'•I' -·· 1t1c:• •• 1ave 1p1c:1. 35c • -------. ~ ... ••• .. . . , ' . • . ., . .. .. • . .. . • •• .. . .. . -........... ' . . . . . . . . .EVERYONE ON THE DIKE GLIDDEN SPRED l:IOUSE ~~""';::fl., -... PAINT ·.Jh"f*~ i ;t -• ..,... , . · 0 Elirni11ete1 errn ti,in9 l:nu1h \!; p11ll with it1.1111ooth flow · • ·. eri.d •••Y 1preed. 0 !Now. why ce11't ftte.,4e ••m•thi1MJ ,li••· tMt for p•1111lt liuHtr11 · 0 lcftel for wocMI, 1bric.k, 1tucco, dtie1 q1o1iclr.1y to v1lv1t b•1uty, 6 79 GAL. PAINT THINNER (IN YOUI OWN MnAL CONTAINEll 0 M1tel co11t1in1r, thet i1, if you bfin9 • p•p•r box, yo11'U 111ver melr.e it. 0 w. st lJ ffoe C:O_!!-leine;I if you" i1 loi.'11 -.nd you w1nt to teko 1 111l1te of thi1 •,01cl1I lo prit•. ROLLER COMBINATION 139 ' . . . . . . -~ . ·--1 2 QUART PLASTIC CONTAINER 0 lt'1 • rourid thing. M1111die, of crl1ar pl11iic, 0 Hold1 two qu1rh of wh1tov1r you nted it for, . . . ~---.~ PUTTY KNJFI ·- 0 o". ipch bl11d1 for people ,,.iho Ii•• th1t 1it1. - 0 Flt•1ble, witlri 1 hole h1 ff.1 hal!Cl\1 for h11111i11t •ut of th1 •1iiiile'1 "ack. 0 1\111, yo11 c•11 fll!CI it whe11 you w1111t 35c REDWOOD STAIN 0 To prot•ct ind r•n•w p1lio furnitur1. ~f~:;'ll D Wotk• 1q1111ly well on ftnc:1r.•ncl pl1nt.u. 0 Mike 11 f11111ily proj1ct crf it, r1111a111bar, th• , f amil y th11t p1i11h f09tth•r, 1tick1 to91th,r, GAL. • GLIDDEN DRIPLESS LAftX WALL PAINT 0 Her fnUll, ncr fu11. with d1ipl111 l•t•ll bv Slid~'"· 0 Cli119• to your roller ind 1t1y1 on th1 wall. 0 Dri11 In 30 mi11utt1 to • flat 1mooth fini1h, 399 SAND PAPER 0 With thi1 e11od111t11f you can dcr a11ythin9 fro m I fre1hou11 to 1hinin9 up your en9191me11t rin9. 0 For a nic.11 you 91t 7 pieca1 and a c11h rt9ili1r t1pe th1t pro.,a• a nick1I •till "buy1 1om1thi119, 5c PAK 100 PAPER PLATES D Hor1'1 tha way fer ha.,, 1 carefre1 tummtr fqwit your job a11d git th1 fir1t pla11a to H1w1ii.) 0 Reilly, fo l•1, tha1• pl1i1t 1r1 grtal wor• arwl ti"'' ''"'"• Mom lowa1 tllem c11u11 it'1 ea•ier thin lryi119 t1 get tht kld1 to do !ht dish11. 0 Di d li•11 th1111 b1c11u1• h1 do1111'1 hav1 lo Ii.tin to Mom holl1ring 1t tht kid1 to do the di1he1o 21 PAK HOT or COLD PAl'H CUPS -----------------·------... • • ' .. . r ' . • ,,, -l • j . ; - • ' ' • ... 1 J . '. . I • • • ' ''' • •• •• ' -.~-.. ch ristm_as: P ~ncakes · , · Fal.1 Styte · Snows · Nothing. New. Flipping fo_ r Anchors ;·LONDON (AP) -'--:Hl&b •1n .:...ra1. daytime beotenmetalolToledow«t. with tunic IO!ll and loag fmlon stocped to fUrtatton hlrrinnes were about two II> Ami" • bad ' laid that he Jackel&-There were alao lborl If you~d llke 10 -Celebrate Cl!rlatmas In July. Nordic style,. JOfu members and fl1endS ol Anchor-Lodge 648 al breakfas~ next Sunday-in_ Costa Mesa P~ark. . · bo th ...._ ~th would 1114ke M trowers for culotte drtlsel for da,tlml dish called Ae\>J~iver_, a.,~n-with bipple 6lylel as Hardy -c--.<1. ve e -Jlf• "" his c:;outure cqllecUon, but he and evening. cake-like treat which 111Cludes Amlea opened. t!ie. London fall coals ~Y 1-r. ;M a<>t arooind lils 1"?ftlae by put-• Winter white Is very PGllOlar apples, lrS:ctiU~ served in and winter stiow aeason with 'a sllliodette, dt9crlbed 1?J.Am1e1 Ung in a lot of 'boutique col· with Amies, and bld. -~ De~k 81 <J!!m_tnias tlµle •. -Utile bit ol ,•nithlnl y.ou flllh as . "body coNclou~ • ,... a Ject1on trower !1111 .• n~art;o all mon so. He_ Jlllo..IWI d"1I Joining the Newport Beach ey. -'" -t•iml fl!(ed,--very-. llghlly •• • • l . For the. regotar wincake breiif!st,~to be Aerved rtom:·a to i' a.ni.,.Ca:fl Jensen and his wife wlll 'be aOding a Danish &l;:OUP will be membera of the ,· "There are no set. lengths (tared Princess line, with • 1 li••!lio.Lodg!i_o(lvbillie~ and no ~le•}' AQ!l§p)d long·w~·l9ok ,,,.,Ucl by •• The meliu also will itlclude altl;r bli qpenlog. "ft's a wear low belts. . e · . . eggs, sa~ge, orans:e juice,, anything.you like t11llection." :But for.evening therei-were co~ and milk vr_e~ by A few of his mfis:icoats and 111any'teJtt dre~ shapi9d11t~t ' , ~(· • ~· J y, .. •• )', '. " • Today's Final Stocks To day · Elmer Jolinson .8.Jl.d h!~ ~m-dresses with J~11g · fringed a py,r,~mld and re!imbllna . mittee. Br.eakfast price for' scarves would .· have · looked Ata'fj1 to;be$. Col9ted 1eweled · adults, n • t 1 n c I u d I n g right at l\ome In King's Rbad, enil)(n!~iles, In 1>01<1, brl.ihl NEE. OLE PO I ~ .... , 0"'""' I G N Aeblesklver, will Qe $1.25 ,with the Chelsea heart of 'hip-co1onJveti«i-' on ~· gauay: ,, IJ s:;.""I! children 12 years and under 7a pie land, while others went. in • while silver and gold la.me . cents. for luxurious elegance: brocades looked lib the .... _a.OCM.ft!!•nwo.V-OO!!CpN!" llfA!!i.9''P:...;w, 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546~7080 COSTA-MESA. WEEKDAYS 9 to 9 · SATU.Y 9 to .$130 SUNDAY .10 to 5:00 _, 1688 BLACK & DECKER :11/c" CllllCULAR SAW l . . ! ...,. _______ ; 0 Pow1rful I hornpower motor 1ip1 throu9h tou9h11t c11ttf111 job1. O Erir1 d1ep 11fety 9uard. O Comt1 with eombin1lio111 bl1de (110 cltop 111-.y?l 2777 400 WAn DIMMER SWITCH 0 Fits in •h•r• l'"' took th1 old control 0111. 0 Goe1 from bright to 1111dium to dim wltti 1 lur11 of tht dial. 0 E11il'I' if11ttlt.O, 110 1p1ci1I tools 11eedtd, 111 permit r1quirtd. 2•• 45' G.E. SILENT MERCURY LIGHT SWITCH a ll'uf tlti1 ht wfl•r• Y.1t ~olt tlta old cl•c.•ar °"'' 0 Tha only lil'la it'll a"•' · rn••• •ny noi1a 11 when yrw'r• initalli119 It a..d drop tha 1ctaw (..,cit l1~uagatl D Nie.a for clan or l!Ufll ty, , JUST A LITTL~ '"-"'~~'I"! SIT BITTER THAN (In 8 Col~rs, Yet) 9x9 CARPn TILES --f HE AVER-A.(;E TRO,AN" ENTRY LOCKS ! -.... _...._ ............ .... 0 Nie• for 11tw door Or r•pltc::1m111t for tti. 0111 yo11 tort off t11t Yt•r wh111 yo11 Iott your ktyi. O Witlt t ll 1M1111ti119 h1rdwtrt 1rt<I two k1y1. 397 . SHEPARD CASTERS - 0 Choo1t from 111tiqv1 copper or poli1hed br11s. 0 Bit two ind on1.ft11f i11;h di11r1t fer: O The real thi119 by tt.1 boy1 who iftYt11ft d th!• d.·.1. 6 95 SIT OF 4 . . PRE·FINISHED HONEY ..P.JCAN PANELING 0 Vuy w1rm tone'pan•lint for 1ddJn9 a littla cl111. D Pr•·finl1had, Y·froovad, t•ady for lmrn'4i1f• initall1tion.- D C It rn•y be ra•dy, Mt l'h na••r m1lta M.I 629. 411 PANEL 12x12 CORK TILES 0 M1lta Y•llt owll bul1.ti11 ltoard tha •Ila you want. 0 Doa1 9raat II ,. .... li1t1 or will t• wall d1rib•1r4, Demonstration of this·stvff by the guys who know best. The ones who moke them. Saturday, July 19 FROM 10 to 4:-;. ; WE'LL BE SERVING ·coM"UMENTARY COFFEE -AND DONUTS,-· . . . 22~. FLOWER MITE LITE 0 V•ry c.ula deal •• yo11 c.•11 •••your way to th• ltltcll•11 •t 11lt• witltauf w1lti119 up th•\ Wllal1 f•111lly. O-Wo wouldi'f ~a11t • ,tt.arn ho.catch va 9oi119 off .!Ir 11i•t anyway, wOuld w1P· D Sup1r itic.•Y. 10 111 pai11t crawls under it. 0 Has 1iltio11 1thar hou1ehold al!d 1flop u1e1. O G-11erou1 1l1e ron h ~" ~ 60 y1rd1. PANEL ADHESIVE . . 9u111. D lt'1 the f11f way. WEYIRHAEUSER WOODHUE PRE·FINISHED ·PANELING" 0 Hey, ff.1111 pr1tty, w1lirit1fo111 stuff, •·9t10.,acf, prafhli11io4, 1f\d lht price i111't har4 ti ta•e eitt.1r. D •Do 1 wall~ 1 ,room, o wtiolo llou11f\ll, will adil to tho •alua 1f ""'' ~ome. 1 0 Aftd d111'f for91t-10 c.01111 t.y Satmlay, J11ly It, to 111 tll• carp•t tH1fi&l1mlo1Hffatio11 1..d Joi11 111for1off11 a11411 ilo1111'h. I I'll ff thot9i l'lfl tt.1 on• fockM hi th1 ''"•' With' 1 tv,.~tlt9r.) -~----. 4x8 . ' 79~ . Panel . • • . .. • .· DAllY PllOT JJ ' . 40 STORES TO UM YO;;U ;:.;Jil.::~:;;..-~~ . $400 I PISCOUNT· ON ANY· "PANTS $1.00 OR MORE , ~ --i!ft..-Oft..ANY-ILOUll J • ~ 01 T·SHr&T ANITA SHOPS PLATED LAZV SUSAN 12" GLASS TOP 5'' u .ts ,.. now LIMIT1I• OUAXTITT KIRK JEWELERS 200L OFF ON ANY llliULAI 70 PllCED IRM ••• SAU PRICED ITEM. WITH YELLOW TAliS NOT INCLUDID. I YOUNGLAND LllP > SAVf now WOOLWORTHS 10% ON ANY MllCHANDISI IOUGtiT Tllun. ·Fri.· s.t. wltll C..poo OW/I COUfGE oma SUPPLY . FREE! M• or w-Ylolt to 0.. ......... ; , I Woolc "8 Wltll Tlils c:..,.. . e SPOT llDUCING • Wll&HT •AllllNG e l'IGUU eo,NTOllllllG> llOUDAY_llALIH .SPA I • • • . • , r ' I l " ' ' ! t ' . , . • ,. . -----... --~ 'II .......... " .. ,. ... ~·· ·7'--~ ............ ~ ..... , ... .... . ....-. ,, DAil y 1'11.0t •• A NNOUNCING!! Sensational Savings JULY CLEAR~NCE AT HERMIE'S BOUTIQUE Sportswea r & Accessories ... Elegant Feminine· Fashions 1500 •DAMS AVENUI CCor. of Horborl COSTA MESA "' • NU..to Cl11mo -· COME SEE • • • COME SALE WITH US SEM-J• Ftirtlae r Reductions ANNUAL SHOE SALE FLOltSHllM DRISS SHO ES te JI.ti EVANS MEN'S CASUAL SHOD te 17.01 19'0 12'° WOMEN'S SANDALS FLATS '• 1t.ts 6'° & 10'0 AU.IT .. 29.00 CHILbREN'S r & 41° SIJllDl.llTI. . ... 11.0t flORSHll M, DI UIO, JOHANSON .. 25.00 -VIJALln,.,NS9'1_1~­ t9"J P.00 . 13'0 _, __ .......... ~ ............. . UEMPHILL!'S Win Come July 19, 2:00 p.a. Hur Band! Set Prtztsl Come II lb nlly la FllM11Collll11 IM lllU of Bullock's fashion Square . Learn all about the compstition ••• and hea r the rroovt "Second Phase" band. Gel )'Out entry blank here or in the stores of Bullock's fashion SQllare. Semi·fina ls, on the Mall, 2.-00 p.m., AuKUsl 16. finals, on the Mall, 2:00 p.m., August 23. listen to KEZY for more details. BULLOCK'S . • FASHION SQUARE FASHION SQUARE SANTA ANA $11111 bl Fre1ny II Mail, Sala AU Films Tell Chsngein Expression BY DAVID ROBINSON LONDON (UPI) -Motion pictures as the mott. universal and public of contemporary arts, provide the most reliable evidence ol the stage which freedom of publlc ~Ion has roached at ~ particular moment. llow much has changed, for instance, since 1934, When Hedy Lamar a_..,.i brlelly and lndistinctJy nude, largely hidden by reflectlom on the. rippling water, in "Ecstasy." This peak ol erotidam re- mained un~enged u n I I t 1951~-· when the 00.. l11d heroine ol_&J]nwlsh 5wedlab rum. Arne Mattson'• "One Summer of Happiness," walk- ed naked into Ibo oea In vague silhouette. A decade or so ago, when feature films were alttad,y braving more adult the.ma, modest .fortunes were • made. out of nudist films which showed fleeting long-<hols of anonymous n at u r i 1 ta auf. tidenUy dedicated lo the cult lo· publldie II in tbil way. Even in these films featured players continued to appear diacreeijy covered. As recently as 1966 in ''Blnw-Up" I brief glim!"< ol British actress Va a e 11 a Redgrave's breasts, which _auJd be -altogether il the. projectionist happened lo ract his fUm too Jow, was sW1 able to arouse mild ruror. At that time sUll, even 1Ucb limited exposure in films tend- ed to be the · prerogative ·of a handful of performers. Few -stars» bad-proceded Mill Redgrave·. ~ In 1989 of course it it almost a convention that no single -asp«rol an actres. !hall be unrevealed by the end of a mm. The last few months have see11 a striking rise in male nudity on the acreen also. DEGREE OF SEX The degree of franknea still varies, of course. from cowr try to country. l n dlan cemoQtllp for instance has still not got as far u pennil· ting a kiss to be shown on the screen. Eastern E u r o p e a n -.maken, while often going farther than much of the re.st ol the world In terms of llldlty. are_ still fa Ir 1 y reatrained in malten of actual sexua.llty. Japan, tt seema, ha~ by contrast an .output of single-m.indedly erotic pie- turea; Scandinavia has always been )east tnhlbited about sex, and sUll takes th e. Jead. "Without a Stitch On", the latest film by Anne l ie s e / Cookielift P /• ra•se Sung I . Gls Send Big Than ks, 'Thf y We re Good' for Efforts "Nothlnc 11y1 1holne' lib boJntt?ade Stratejie Wing I would Uke to express On 22 June 69, the c;.s rection ~ c:ookiel." Thla ]Wue IWlU up the my appreciation to you and the dutiful the 1st Air Coval~ Divi1lon waa rtlpOnl8 tn Vietnam to the arrival of citizens of Costa Mesa and Newport working its normal everydli:11 work 0 We Cate COokieWt" .,.ctages. Beach. and in parUcular those responai· load when we received a packaae. · l t The COit.a Mesa-Newport· Beach prQj-ble Ior the "CookJe.Uf\''. was iqrapped like a nornwl "goodte& ect hu prompted letters from high ech· Your package arrived he.re al ~-Tapao, from .ho~: package, but working tn elon offlcen u well as the men on the Thailand, yesterday in good cood1tlon. We our .sectwn we could ha~ e~ected batUefleld. 1 have placed these cookies and other an11thing. To our surp~~ it .wos Dubbec! "the 1weet.uL operation eyer to hit Vietnam,'' the cookiellft was initiated by !\In. Darrtlyn Oliver or ·Costa Mesa • Tht project mushroomed with help com- ing from Cost.a Mesa ln tht form or a "'headquarters" at the city hall. Actually Costa Mesa Alvin L, Pln\ley ha.s a apeclal lnluest in Ibo project-bis son-in-law Marine Lt. Col. Max Adrian is OO\f serving In Vietnam. Lt. Col. Adrian along with LL Col. William Shanks Jr., Whose wife Anni WU par& Of the Costa Mesa baking team, helped deliver the PJICUget ooce Ibey arrived lo Vietnam. The letters filled with "thanks" and ."they were good" tell the story of the success or Operation CooklelUL Here are a few of them: ' You don't know me but my name ii' St. Lewis Nicholson. [.am In Co. C 318, 4th lnlantry Division. ' This lJ just a small letter of ap- preclatlon for myself and my squad for the gilt pack that was 1e.nt by you and your !rt.ends to my company. 1111 from the finest people in the State.I such as yourself and our personal families that make us proud to be sen>ing here in Vietnam. Just so yeu will know where your gilt came to over here, we are. in the. fielda about 10 miles north of An Khe city in the Central Highlands. I am from Georgia and am married and have been for 15 months and I have been here four months now. There ls a lot of beautiful country here ln Vietnam. The worse thing about being over here lJ it ls ao far ~m home. Sf!. L<wls Nlcholsoll On behalf of_the:~pctitnt.s and per· aaonntl a.isignt"d to the 17th Field Hospiatl, 1 would like to tJ:press our appreciation for Cookie Lift. The cookfe1 ·amvtd here y~sttrday, 1 5 Junt, 1n fine shape. Tht11. wer e fresh and had not been domagd in an11 tDOy. Both patlefttJ and OUT OtDl1 J>t'rSOtl· nel agret a.1 to the quality of your program. S(}'1Rt' of the girls should be receivfng lttters in the nut few daus as I have heard several_of the mt'7l say theu plan on uniting to the addresses found in tht cookie cans. Needless to sav almost everyone i8 truing to guess ;wt what age group vour master bakers are in; specul.a- tions are from 12 p lus. On behaU of the memben of Ibo 425llh Meineche, the cllr<ctor of "Sevente61," has come up agalmst lulport . difficulties in pracllcally every country tn the world. In It, the frankness of the Swedilb Vilgot Sjoman's "I Am Curious" has been easi- (5ee FILMS, Pago 13) good1ea in areas accessi ble to both the something that people watt impatient· cniw1 rttumlng from combat missions ly' for and was divided into .several and our hardworking around crews. handouts for alt our personnel. Your E:fforta are most appreciated. There were matiy questions asked TbaJ\k you. and they were answered by the news· ln titnt"I of 1trife and pressure as we have th roughout the world today, it is a refreshing revelation to real· ize that there are enough self-respect- ing, ccm.tiderate and patriotic Pf!ople grouped into 11our two communities to support and CGTTJI out "We Care Coolcie-Lift " T he men of the !JI Sig114! Brigade that shared in "'*r generority and thoughtfulntss e:t&f~ their most sin- cere thanks. Notl\fng 1ays "H01M" better than homentadt cookies . A particular votf of thanks goes to Becky Maynard of Costa Mesa 10host ·chocolate chip cookies I will person.- o.llv at test as being excellent. The cookies arrived In exceHent condition due, I'm sure, to their e~ cellent packing. A'l\11thing homemade, simple and ineXJ>Jtl.live, will be ap- preciated over ht1'fl. For the purpo4e of clarity, the Headquarter! and fleadquarters Com· pany of th!! 1st Signal Brigalk is lo- cated ot APO 96184 on Long Binh Post. Again, thank yow very much. Shtcerely R. P.f. Hoban BrlicacUer General USAF Commander papers which accompanied the care· fully packagd canisters. There were no broken cookies and the package wa.r received in good \c011dilio11. \Ve nre all thankful to all the pto· pie who devoted thlrir time and ez. pen.ses to think of all tM guys in this fgr CJWOll lgnd, We en;oyed alt the things that wtre-ient bu& can only Mk from our people bock home to keep us in their P"aytrs that soon we m.ay all be home agaih. On behalf of the men in this •ec· tion, 1 again wish to thank aU the people who thought of us. Your most welcome HCookle I,JJ't" package arrived at a most oppof1unc moment. • The unit was just moving out 01\ an operation and we were just going ta the evening meal, so I hurriedly deUvertij the cookies to the messhall 'and each inan · nceived a ''home-baked goodie" before he left. Many "Thanks. Chaplain." "They were great" etc. greeted me during the move the. next. day. I carried Ute newspaper with me and displayed it' whenever I could. 'I'tlis letter has been delayed dut to our moving around. The, .11th Armored Cavalry is a very mobile unit and we . spend most of our time in the jungle fighting the NY A and VC, so I only .bave On behaU of the Stabees of U.S. Naval a chance once in a while to get a lelter Constf'ticUon 'Battallgn Maintenance Unit written. Three Zero Two I would like to express On behall or ·au the men in the 19lh D\Y appreciattion to 1"'1 and ''We. Care-"BJac~~e" Reglm.ent, 1 want to. tl\81'1k Cookie-Lift" for tbt cookies which we evel')'C!ne m Operation Cookie Lift for receim:I. They we.rt very good and in bringing a few mi.Du.tes of joy and ~~e . ....remarkably good COQdllion .for the:~ .. -war.Jacll_of_tbem..JS tr.e.me.ndous in ~s Ce they traveled. war. &dch or them is tremendous lo his we number abQut three hundred own right and I have come to realize that people and our job ts to provide main· those who say our young people today tenari~ and minor tonstructlon support areo!t -~Y good are .sadly m.1$.ke~. of Nsvy bases and iJVtallatlons from cen-Those ~1ghting ~re ~rul those help~'g 1n tral Vietnam lhro\lgbout the Mekong ~ti?n Cookie Lift refute the bad Delta. we have betn at the job since child image so many would stamp on September 1967 w1'en we. arrived in American youth. coontry ' Please convey my heartfelt thanks to : Once ~gain the. Seabees thank you very ev~ryone. Best wish~ ~ prayers to much and we. really enjoyed the cookies. you and your orgaru.zation. Sincerely R. H. Hawn R w. FQbry Regimental Cllaplain . Ueutenet Commander Civil Engineer Corps Commndfn1 Officer I'm the 1st Sgt. with this unit and (See COOKIEUFT, P110 l3.) NOW! ORANGE COUNTY'S BIGGEST ENTERTAINMENT PACKAGE! Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Dlsagrttmtnl S Important tCCnOllliC group 10. Publi c 1r11 14 Tht · low-price• spr11d lS Coctt1ll 50 G1stou~ 1111111.111 SZ Spilled tht btlnS S4 Rost bowtr lt1lu11 SI Fli nch 59 Pottl e contraction 60 Eight: Pr1fl1' • CONTINUOUS DAILY FIOM 2 P.M. . uDucn um "TIL 1 r.M. ; • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••• WUKDAYS ONLT -A UJWOISAl. l'ICT!Jtt • TlCMllCGlor EXCLUSIVE SO. ORANGE COUNTY FIRST RUN! lngrtd ltnt 16 . -· ir1 one's bonnet: 62 Ctrl1in bread sllc t s lS Ertr1 cllv1 2 words 17 T•lst out of shapt 18 -··for sound 19 Fathtt -· 20 "C l!ISt and desist!": 2 words 22 RtsldUI 24 Duct 25 Kllltd 27 Ac hltvtrwtnl goals 211 Addtd "32 M1una - 33 Gr1ssl1no J4 L.1ck ln11 ln of rtd algat 67 Aslin 69 Evil 70 Chess playt1 's word 71 Trtt 72 Par1d lst 7J Slush 74 Wldtly ustd 1lloy JS Notfd US doctor DOWN • Card pl ayer's request 10 Foolbt ll 7117/b' .U Klnd"of tress : 2 words 46 Kind of sco1t1 stor19t A.bbf. btl lldln g 11 .. _ 48 l'l•y l rth I t" tht most l! Send 1 dltd: l111port111 t lJ Prtsttvtl ~ part 21 Endln9 ustd Sl -- - wllh va l Crotsus: I nd VII 2 Wotd5 2J Cavtrn: 'J L.e ss 51.ibtlt Poet. S4 NFL and 2l Tlbtt's NHL uni ts ntlghbar 5S Of nobl t PAUi. DEWmAn JDADDE WOODWARD ROBERT WAGDER 1nlm1tlon 36 Plants sod 40 Rtlalltt's unit 41 Kttl!r 1101111 ' st111st1c 44 Coln of Europe 1 Dots 1 fat111lt19 Job 2 Rtal t1t1lt ... ) B l~ndusltr lft Mlhtm C1 ornl• 4 Push o._rr 21 Fr111Ct, of old birth 21 ll1n'1 '' ll ust of nlc•n1111t lyric JG Frull pottry 4S Ind ians of ctntral C1nlda 47 Dots th t high Jum p 49 l llltll')' rut: Abbr. • S Fartht1t t bbs: 1 -.ords . '"''' CMb. ronn 7 C1n1d1 J•y, '°' ... I Not Ul'ldlf lht 111111 31 l ow resorts 57 L.on9·le09td JS Faculty bird htads 61 S. Aflfric 111 )1 Part of lht a ouotain body; 6J Dr1r1111 of 2 wo1d1 on t s f1111lly JI "Born -" l 4 Transll'l lt 3• Poll1h l6 Kind of 41 Reslort lo f1brlc good ht allh 68 Lettft' l!l ------• ·--WlllllllG ... IS EYIRYTlllllG ! ---..... --·· -·· OIVI G!USll • !OWUll AOOMll • JIM[S 60l0SI ONI • .llHN fORllWI • I J[!NINGS WC P!ODUCTIO! I U!IYlllSll \ IONAll-fORI MI! ~CIUR[ ............. TRCHNICOLOlt'/~ANA\ltSION"liir•••··--·· CON11NUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M • .. •• ·I ... . . , . • Thurtdly, Jl."117, 1969 DAILY PILOT II' COOKIELIFI' GETS PRAISE ·FROM Gls • • • • (Cenllned r..m P•r• 13) When I hear our national anthem, I think of all the people ln our country like yoo. We hear a lot about protesters and rioters, but we a& know that these people ' .,. by far • minority in the Unlled States. throMgh thl Chamber of Commcce, and stveral individua.l1 gave both tlnur and material.I. Staged ~und Soathland \ Out~oor Concerts Please Thousands I we r1c1lvtd 11our bo:i:e1 of cookies and thet1 were, ~'!i~·~ bl/ all of my troopr. Th111 cmiiia '" good condi· ti.on and 1wr11thing wa.s fine. A.s far cu wonting an11thing el.Jc, au the troop1 were pleased with what every- ont 1ent them . lf there is an11 wa11for11011 to th.a"k everyone for wliat they are dofftg for the person·nel over Mre, thank them for alt of thti unit. lt sure heJp.s the beys to get 1omethtng jrom people In the States. Yesterday the men of the !st Signal Brigade received a most wonderful package from you and the people or Costa Mesa, CalifonUa. I was fortunate enough tc be able to taste some of your dtllcious cbceolate chip cookies. I bad almost forgotten what home baklng tasted Uk>. We can't thank you and all the won- derful people who participated in "Op. rration Cookie Lift" enough. It's people like )'OU w11o are ruponllble for our nation be1nc united and ltr911g. l'm proud to be an American and rtpresent our country and wh1tl it ..stands for In the Republic of South Vietnam. Thank you again for letting us know we are not rorgoUen on this aide of the world. You Ill'! all great Americans and I shall always remembftr your kind guture. Mark A. Zabel 194"' M.P. Co. tst Signal Brigade TO THE EDITOR: l wiah to thank 11ou and your staff for the e:tceltent coverage 11ou gave to our "We Core Cookie Li/t.u It took many people to make the Cookie Lift a success. All otli" serv- ice organU.ations, our merchants We 11hipptd to all branche1 of the service throl'ghout South Vietnam and aito to our mtn fn SAC (8-$2 bombers in Thallartd) aft.d both our local Caltfomia hospitals where at· verely wounded men have ret11rn1d, and h.orpilal3 in Vietnam . I tried to address our 160 cases to a& niany ad· dresses as l could. With many letters of warm appre· ciation 1'lOW starting to be received by tliose who have baked, may 1 re· mind you who do receive letters to Music lovers -and mos- qultos -are lookln& forward to happy Um.ea at scores of mual.cal concerta and other performances that w1ll be staged outdoors In Southern C:i.lifornia this summer. Wins Doctorate please write these mm a1i answer. Theodore H. Erb, 1218 Your answer to <their thank you note Polaris Drive, Newport Beach,~ ma-y well be the only nlail they are has received a doctorate in getting at mail call. Write clleerful, Soviet-Eastern Europe Area, frlenrity, newsy le'tters about 11our from the Amertca.n University family f-un and vacalion and your school of international service, community's activities. Washlngton, D.C. l wish 1 could thank each one of •---------- you who did give so much of "°~' heart thr&ugh Cookie Lift. FILMS SHOW EXPRESSION CHANGE. 2 Lagunans Head -Group (ConUnued from Pa1e %3) of what are politely called Van Doren and moving on to making the 196C "Faruiy Hill " which in some ways was a prototype of the exploitation lllm.s. IC you llsten closely you. will an effective lnsect repe.Uent tempered clavicles aD.f • almost hear t h e moequltos beforehand. molested ilbli. lt'a the belt lick.Ing their chop!: and clap-J>re..eoncert applJcaUon la way to teep mualc under tbe ping their winfs aa they watch advised for an evening of wtlJ.. "tan a feast (or people only. · tl)e Cf<)W<\o O( mlnkkicted:,:;::=====::::-==========:; maidens and thelr shorts-and- sports-shirt-clad e 1 co r t s gather for outdoor ahows. There's enough e x po s e d epidermis to provide gourmet picnicking grounds for every insect around. BALBOA 673-4048 ..... 6:41 7091. ..... .. , .. '"''-'- HELD OVER 3RD WEEK ShOW> Nightly At 7:00 " 9:40 I To take the sting out or out· door music and enjoy blte-free Beethoven, Genhwin a n d Mahler, it's a good Jdea to use llWUN&! Once )'OU see i~ you'll never again pidm .1 'Romeo & ]ulief quite the way YOI did before!" -LR BEST PICTURE DFTHEYW! ---~bmlEW RoMEo eJWEJ' l!CHNICOllMI" l PAAAMOUNT PIClllllE IA Plus "SKY OVER HOLLAND" Color. Exclu1iv• Premle,. I I ly surpassed. PracUcally all "exploitation ftln11'\ can ex· the films from Sweden and tend to the frank pornography Denmark shown at the Cannes of "The Secret Life of Romeo Film Festival last month had and Juliet" which attracted upllClt sexual scenes, in some large audiences On its Cannes cases (for iruitance the latest showings, though significantly film by Jonas Cornell, director their nwnbers tended to thin of 'Hugs and Kisses") with as the film wound on. It third-party 'elaborations. makes no pretense to be The Germans have always . anything but schoolboy smut preferred their eroUcls.m to of the most unattractive kind. come in the guise of scientific Such "'actresses" as have instructional films. Following been enrolled into the un- on the succes,, of "Helga" and dertaldng flaunt what limited its imltators comes a '!_hole a.ttJ:.a..c.UQns_th!!Y J!95Sess with series o( best.selling pictures mare energy t h a n in- Two Laguna Beach residents have been named to head the Orange County Chapter of the American Institute of Interior Designeri. Claire Robin.son of Warren Imports Interiors has been elected president, with Robert Benner of Glenneyre Furniture servihg as vice- president. Ent11,ement A Motion Picture As 8'9 As Hl1tory Evervone Welcom9 ., \ . t I produced by -Oswalt Kolle, venUveness; the e n d le s s . with titles like ''The Wonder or scenes of love-making are congratul~tion on the ~cord hove," "The Secret of Love," vivid but neither convincing . takes ?£ l am Curious and "Your Wife-The Unknown", nor stimulating, and the whole the. like, . and reports of '1For Example-Adultery!•. thing is done with tiresome evasi~e action. to protect the In America the producJ.ion lack of imagination or talent. ~~ publi.c from lhe sairt Not all e•_ploitation films are of him Jt clearly longs to ~· · ---aS -crude -aiid-blatant,-and : It ls Hard to 'fc;iretell JUSt .. maily Jqlown minor produa!rs where .the ne'A'. freedom of the · are moving ilito the-field, sc-.will ultiJnately lead u.s. . --~ ~ D!l-I 1 Among -them is t-h e A.lm®i ~rtainly t~ere will . !!Ill ~'"1M. · resourceful Albert zugsmith, come a pcunt ~f reaction, but it -.ar ~p.m, who produced such films as seems more bk~ly to take the jiiiii. ·.=a_, ' 2 DllMY ttlh 1 , T h e Incredible Shrinking fo.rm ~f a positive boredom ''The~o~:'iug" · Man'~ for Universal-Interna. with li~rty than a. return to tional before becoming an in-li~r~ep1~-~ess~iv~e~censo~~rsh~•~P·i.;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:iiii;;~11 .... "Winnie The Pooh'' dependent producer, exploiting the busty charms of Mamie A GllliAT MUSICAi. COMliDY "R•te Th is One Four Stars" Long Beach Independent ''THE THiii PINNT OPEU." IJ l•Jl:TI:ll T llt•CKT ...... ...,.., ......... 1., EL PESCADOR RESTAURANT A GIANT OF A MOVll- coLUN•l4 PIC"tVR&a PR'sasN,.. IRllDIT./ DMll PICK /1u11r F--I Di'W" SOUTH COAST !A; PLAZA THEATllK San DioCo f,.....J II 8listal • 546-2711 NOW--SHOWING LAST DAY ..JODAY. _ CONTINUOUS FROM 12:30 P.M. BOX OFF1CE OPENS AT NOON I I //11 II/ 2nd Family Feature I Featvring th• Finest In SEAFOOD-STEAK "GIT" I 11:=:===========================;/ e SPECIAL ATIRACTION e -Mexican Music Sund1y 8:30 to 1 p.m. _ DIRECT FROM GUADALAJARA MARIACHI GUADALAJARA AND CARLOS GAMA Hh SHp, •4 Galtat 401 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa Reserv11tlon1 548-3241 EVERY FATHER'S DAUGHTER IS A VIRGIN! ' ----OR IS SHE? P•llSONS UNOllt lt NOT AOMITTIO UNLl"ll WITM l'AlltflilTI * * Bl!!ACH BLVD, AT ELLIS * * HUNTINGTON BEACH* 847·9808 • S..Ond Gr,HI Shows • "'ONli HOWL 01" A l'ICTUlll" - VAllllTY l"llOM THt 110 lll;GADWAY LIOIT COMIOY FIRST TIME SHOWN TOGnHER .. NYWHEUI These two Allied aaents must win World War II this ·weekend ... or die trying! * MATINEFS DAILY * w .... fhur-Frt from 1 p.m. S1turday from 10 1.m. EXCLUSIVE Mid·Southern C1llfornl• Indoor Pres.entation MllWPOIT llACH ..; ..... ·--.. 1 ..... ,_ U'-W.-0L MJH e PREMIERE MOTION PICTURE THEATRE e Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are "The April Fools" s - Also starring Peter Lawford, Jack Weston, Myrna Loy and Charles Boyer =~i£''t"n:.~ii.~~.::,::~;n.... -· ..,GotMc.n.tl binotW.., 51-A ra....-...:.c--c-n..,, 1 PLUS SECOND FINE FEATURE "11te. lflfl••tM ~ 466 ait" • I SlEVE Mc:Cj)UEEN e FAYE DUNAWAY FEATURING ACADEMY AWARD SONG "WINDMILL OF YOUR MIND" FIRST SHOWING WEEKDAYS 7 P.M. SAT, I. SUN. CONTINUOUS AT 2 P.M. I llAWJ L Vt1lm! -. 18E llBIDGE IT BEMll&EI" .. - -. II.IHI WL/lmR! Y/IDfi/llll IWZW /11m11 llllQI Als'o-Playing :_The Big F•mily Picture - CHEROll;EE PltODUCTIONS ,,,._,, ... ,..M ..... Ft-H An;;,. -P•hl'• a.,r ''Flnlan•a Rainbow'' St•v• Mc:Q11••11 -F•Y• D1111•w•y ''The Thomas Crown Affalre'' Jap1neM Movi .. Every Tund1y Night TH T.,. I• ,_,, fH ...... ,. Walt Dl111•y'1 Gr••f ''Peter Pan'' pl111 '1Swi11 Family Robinson'' T., ActlM -41 O.- P•111 Newm1n -Jo•""' Woodw1rd ''Winning'' plv1 - -A11+ho.ty P•rlr.l"' ''The Champaign. Murder1'' A StHt W• StoTy \ 6••'1• s.9.1 -Rob•rt v'"'"'" • "The Bridge At R•m-" J11t1•• G•M•r -w.lt•r lto1111111 ''Support Your Local SheriW' -......... -J .... "' ........... .... ... ~ . __ ... 0111 Jo~• -hc:ltly Hoik1tt 111 W•lt Dh11.-r'1 ''Tht Low It.to'' AMy Gtiff1th -J1ny V•110tlr.• 1·1 An Angel In My Pocket'' .............. .._.. ............ . ·tlml$1?5 l'!iEJ "' CAlLOAD '' - Jo~11Wo110 D•'<'fll J ''"' '''"'-0 BeNtt'' • 1111 "HOM But 11'9 lr1ve'' I -! . I . l -1 r • $ 4 ....... .. - • Ttiul"Jdaf, JUiy 11, 196• ( GENERAL ELECTRIC 74SQ. IN PORTABLE 89.95 l•k• this b•1uty •long ••. wh1r•¥•r you 90, It's 111y with the c1rry h1ftdl• and buitt in 1nt1nn1. Has wood 9r1 in finished c1biri1t T1l1Yi1ion, 72 G.E. 14.7 CU. FT. REFRIGERATOR 269.88 Fe1tur1s jet freeze Ice compartment end is completely frost proof. Rolls -~ on wh11l1for111y cleening.. . . ~ Major Appliances, 80 F~ORAL VINYL GARMENT BAGS ----reg; $4 ~nct$5 2. 99-- ---.:.rheff •• J:aag1-111tur1_dr~_rit1I fr1rrit._h11vy ~ zippers end color florel exterior, · -- ? [ •1 ~I i > \ > • Notions, 4 HI-INTENSITY LAMP ~· ·~ :, c• ZIPPERED .. LUGGAGE , 1 • ~ 9.99 2.99-5.99 fr-, .... '""' ,., .. --11t.;...,_, . po 11..d It. Fully \I. L opprov.d, •ittt!•e.M .. t b11lbl ..... a,i,1 •• St~. 11. • '1 ,j T o\:o olo1l9 tho 1119909• lkot poclti 0'11y oftd 11oih for 1tori119. 111 two prl1h 111C( 1is. C411'1'0lliont 1i1e1. Llrf9a9e, JJ. · MET AL WALLED POOL ENSEMBLE reg. 12.99 9 .99 This summer swimmin9 ensemble includ•s: 8'x lS" pool, lb" b••ch b1l1, 20" swim rift9 and 24" animal head rinlil· Pool is weather treated with crrug•ted steel side walls. Toy1, 21' . MEN'S STRETCH HGSE $1 · $2 values 79¢ Gre•t buys in over0 the0 c1\f, i1nklet len111th and crew socks. One 1i1e fit• .. I O·l l. M1ny w•1ves. M•n's Fumishinlils, t I BOYS' NO-IRON WALKSHORTS $4 • $4.50 values 2. 99 Com• choos• from colorful pl•ids, checks i1nd solid colors. IYy style with belt loops, 8· 18. Boys' Furnishin91, 26. FAMOUS MAKER . SWIMWEAR FOR MEN $6·$8 values 3.99 Summ•r cl••r•nc• of fam®s swimWHr, com• early for very best choice. You'll find• 9re1t assortment of JNtf•r• and colors, essorted f1brics, $11 F•mous melter dress sli1clts, S.tt. Men's Sport1we1r,· 50 MEN'S LIGHTWEIGHT HATS 1.99 ~M.ti1f--hi1ts just rltht fo.: aummer wear. Discontinued styles, •rsorted colon. le ••rly for fti•s•f M.,.'•H•h, S7 ANAHEIM 4+1 North Euclid ••• us.1121 Mon,•y thtu S.turd•y I 0 ~-m. lo 9:l0 p.m. ) • COOL SLEEVELESS DRESSES Special Pur.chase 9, 99 . . Wi1sha~I•, •••Y·C•r• textured r1yons.'.Arne"8 tri1c•tat•.fortre~ poly· •.ster crepes. Prints, solids in • r1nge of styles, colors. Misses', h1lf 111e1. , ludget Dre11es, 27 COLORFUL PANT-SHIFTS $9-$1•3 values 5,99 A bright Summer collection et s1vin9s to rush for! Loh of prints and color combos. Blouses end Shifts, 66 " FAMOUS NAME PLAYWEAR Ori«J. $4-S19l.39~12.67 ·Savf 3)y.·.4oy.f Group incl~d .. shorls,· j1m1ic1s, p•nts, tops and. jackets in w1nted colors. Hurry! • Misses' Sportswear, 71 --- CASUAl. KNll DRESSES $28 values 14. 99 P.olye\ter knits ide1l for career, trav•ll All w1sh1ble for e1sy· c1r1. Pasteh, dark tones, 8° I 6. Misses' Sportswaer Dresse s, 12 FAMOUS "LADY" SHIRTS ,.,_ (' Orig. $5·$15 2.99-4.99 By your f1vorita "l1dy" shirt-maker, sleevel1s1, short sleeve o1nd long sleeve 1tyles. Big savings! Misses ' Sportswe•r, 89 PANTS AND MORE PANTS $8 values 4 99· All your favorite styles •re here, in prints and abstr1ct florals! Washable fabrics. Street Floor Bud9et Sportswear, 65 . FAMOUS MAKER SLEEPWEAR ORIG. $6 -$20 BRIEFS AND BIKINIS 3.99-10.99 .79¢, 6 / 4.5o Your f•vorit1 l1b1l1 11"9 h1r1I S111ction includ11 9ow111, baby dolls, 1hift1, coul1tt11, p1i9noir Y1ri1ty of colon. M11v1lou1 v1lu11, 81 11rly for 011t 1111,fion. ''"· Dey w11r. li119•ri1, •1 GIRLS' FLARE LEGS PANTS Orig. 4.50 · $8 3.29-4. 99 Youn9 fo1shlon looks in flare legs, choic1 of prints, fall color1. Girls ' !portsw1ar, « MEN'S FAMOUS MAKER DRESS SHIRTS $5-5.50 3.59, 3/10.50 All In choice blends of Di1cron@ polyester/cotton, white end colors, 111 short sl11ved1 spreed and button down coll1r1. Assorted si1es in the ,roup, ~ ' M•n • Furnish in91, 7 .. NEWPORT 47 F01hlon hlond , .• &44.1212 Monday thn.1 Frid1y, 10 1.m. to •:JO p.m. S1turd1v 10 1.m. to 6 P·ITI· -___ -_.,. ____ _ ' .... . ..... ....... ... .. _ .................. -. • ' FINAL SUMMER CLEARA:N.C·E_: . . , ~ .. SUMMER DRESSES $13·$17 values 9.99 JUNIOR DRESSES TO CLEAR $17-$28 values 10.99-17.99 End-of.~ummer sevings on 1 9r11t selection of styles 1n"d colon. Sizes 5 to I l 1n the 9roup. Junior World Dresses, 64 · IMPORT AND DOMESTIC KNITS ' $50·$60 values 29.99-39.99 ' .• . 3-~c. -Knits. in rure wooi:-.xcellent -selection -of-styfet in missesl-siz:n. ~ W1nd1or Misses Dresses, 49 · SUPS Of NYLON TRICOT OR TAFFETA Orig. $6 3.99 ly Mit1 YCJ11th For111. Wloif•, l?~ll, 1hort, '"''''''' Hu1ry for-thi1 •P•· ci•I b1rg1i11. Str1at Floor Li11gari•. 54. SUMMER HANDBAGS. ALL TYPES 3.99-5.99 Pltdic pata11t1, 1traw10 tr•l111 1itd smooth fl11i1he1 • , • c•1111! 1111 dr•11y 1tyla1. Ma11y 0111 1f • kirtd, 10 do coma early. Hartdbat1, 17. HUGE SAVINGS, FA.SHION SHOES Orig. $18-$22 8.99•9.99 Assorted styles by Netur•liier, Rhythm Step and Florsheim in timely shapes and shades. Be e1rlyl ~ Fashion Shoes,8 SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Orig. $4· $7 7. 99-8. 99 Meny styles by• f1mous maker! Sizes i1re incomplete, but ·e good · selection. Come early! Children's Shoes, 58 GIRLS' DRESSES, PANTDRESSES Orig· $4.$14 2.49-8.99 L1r9e assortment of sprin9 ind summer styles, dressy and casuel, si1e1 1 l -6x ind 7·14. ~ Girls' Dres ses, oi7 EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS ON MEN'S FINE SUITS Orig. $80·$95 59.99-74.99 This fashionahle collection includ•s many f1mous labels, plus our own exclusive Oelemo aults. ShO'p"•i'rly for best selection--si1es and co~n are assorted. Men's Clo.thing, 9 YOUNG MEN 'S WALKSHORTS Orig. $5 · $7 3. 99 A cool a rray of _traditionally str,led w1lltshort1 in the be1t of Surn- mer's no.iron f1tirics. Great co or i1nd p11ttern1. f6-$1 va lue swim· .-we•r, _l.9t. ~ University Shop, 53 - HUNTINGTON BEACH 7777 Edinger Ave , .•• i92-lll I Monday thru Setur~•Y 10 a.m. to 9:lQ p.m. ' ·I . .. ... .. . .. .. • DAil Y PILOT f:i -Namath =Edges Toward · Return to J els · • ·' 1 • t l • ROD LAVER Rocket Rod 1; Gets Ke y To Newport •· J ·weary from weeks or exhaust- ing championship ten nis and fat!· guing travel, Corona del Mar's great le{lnis champion Rod "The Rocket" Laver made one more of his patented rallles Wednesday night at Newport Beach Tennis Club. , b Only lhis time the Rocket's 1 • surge of strength was drawn to ~ gree~ :!l~veral hundred appreciative Orange Coast lrell tennis fans as 1 • N'ewport Beach Tennls Club pUb-' liclf Welcomed . home its great ._ touring professlofia l. • Laver -one victory away froin t accomplisNng, an unpreceden~ second gr~rld ~lam -accepted the key to ~e\lfport Beach from mayor .:, Dorfen · Ma·r:;hall and then circu-• • _,. ·lated through the-great-throng of - well-wis hers, accepting their con-,, 1 gratulations for his recent victory at Wimbledon. The red-headed ~ustrallan south- t paw was joined by wife Mary and = i such prominent tennis celebrities if ... ~ as Gussie Moran In the hours-long ~ reci!ptlon at the classy club. Laver had just climaxed his j lengthy and triumphant tour of ~ ' 'i American and foreign courts a ~ few hours earlier and was obvious-..,. , ty several winks behind on his r ' sleep. ·But ·today he . gets a chance to Yet he breezed through the oc- ca&ioo much in the same way he's I been crruislng past court foes. " relax_ -a diet which he'll thri ve on for the next 2:o. days -as he "! :J prepares for the U.S. Open at , 'l .Fpte,1.1. .HllJJ, N.Y., lhe last objec-' r ' live .lor that 11econd ·!Jam. ..... The Rod Laver achievement award was also pre~ented to Laver in and his Wife by Newport _ Beach • Tennis Club president Larrf John: · son. The plaque will be awfrded each year ln Laver's name\{O the . outstanding ytiuQg stu~nt and ~ tennis player In Orange County. ~ " 'l:hargers Get · [Tough, Limit I · 49ers to I TD The San Diego Charger defense sur- . Tendered oniy One touchdown -a &o-fard bomb -Wednesday while dominating a , BCrimmage witti the San Francisco 49er offense at University of California at Irvine. The lone score by the National Football Leaguers came on a pass from rookie quarterbaCk ·Paul Waite of Wt:ber State 1 to Jimmy Thomas , a rookie running back .. &r.om Univenity of Texas.at A.-Jlogton... , "This is to be expected,'' Sid Gilman, :~ad coach of the American Football t"· ague Chargers said after the scrim- l ge. "The defense is always ahead of e offense at th1s Ume." The Charger defense, led by ' . ' HEMPSTEAD. N.Y. (AP) -Joe-hb rtUroment might be ruolved by the Namath a~ared today &o be several · ·weettnd. steps clooer to "'turnin& to tha New York Word ol Namath's hastily called !~~ '::f~a:!o;'~ a!.~~= ~Ung with his leammates, including that he has been having fac:e-to-faee talks Llthl end Pele ~mnum, was brought by ·with Cornmisslooer Pete Rozelle. Johnny Sample, the. defensive captain Namath stole onto ~ the Horst r a who bu acted as an intermediary University campus Wednesday night. met betWt'en the unpredictable quarterback f(N' about 45 • mlnu~ ,with veteran and the press throUghout the week. rnei:nbeiJ ,of the Super BOwl'cl\amplons ~ "Namath said he's been talking to the club's",dresiJ.nC roorp. quaJ'\ers, and Ro:.elle and they hope to have the thing ·told them U, ~U~ situ.atlon ~ resolved by Friday or Saturday," said ' • Halos R est Tqda y Can You . Believe An Angel Sweep_? California is reUshing its first series sweep of the season, and if you're looking for a reason, winning pitcher Andy Messersmith and Manager Lerty Phillips will tell you il's the liltle things. "If we can do the small things right,'' 1'.fessersmith said after stopping Kansas City 4-2 Wednesday night, "we put Pf't\Ssure on them to execute." .The Royals were. anything but flawless. commilting three errors, two of which led to .runs. Pat Kelly 's errant throw from center field into the California dugout brought home Joe Azcue with what proved to be the winning run. "Something like that gets lflem down mentally, but it Uns us up," Messer: smith added. 'the 23-year-old rlghthander v;ent the distance for the Angels , strik ing out 10 and evening his record at 7·7. It was the third consecutive C{fmplete game by an A"gel pitcher. a season h i g h ·. MessersmiCh 's IO "'hiffs is· a\so"-a seaso n club..higtl, .and a ca.reer bes~fQr b_ir)l. · "I don't like to rale players," Phillips said, "but I think Andy's one of the better -righthanders in the league." Th~ Angels have a day off ·today then open a four-game series with second- place Oakland Friday night. lafessersmith helped his own cause with an RBI double thal lied the score at 1-1 after losing pitcher Jim Rooker, t-7, slammed a solo homer in the lhird in· ning. 1 "I told my roomie (pitcher tom Murphy), 'I have to get even ,'" he con- fided . Murphy pitched a complete game Tuesday night. He had teamed withn ft1essersmith fQT the only other back-to- back complete games this year for the Angels. A. leadoff walk to Aurelio Rodriguez spelled trouble for Rooker in the fifth, as Rodriguez came around to finally score on a force play and break a l ·I Ue. Straight singles by Aicue an.d Jim • 'W' AMSlllCAlf KANSAS CITY AT CALll'OllNIA •II r II Ill ICtllycf J OOO kri.&t l:l:I l010 Flort 111-J o o O Plnlelle If l O l O ROUwrrf lOOO Ill: T1ylor rl I 0 0 0 ...,.Ir 2b t l 2 0 £ RodrP11 c l o 0 o 1Cir11ptrc-pll I O O O Ho:rnand? 11 l 0 I 0 M1r!IM1 pl! 1 0 0 0 lt-erp llll Drbwlky p 0 0 0 0 HtrT!IOll pf! I 0 1 I CALll'OllNIA -Alomlr 2b John•-,, R1kll1rdt 11 F~IA """'''°" rt Von rf A Rodrgu :lb Al.UM C S..-nc1r tb Mnersll! o •~ r fl Ill I 0 2 I ' • 0 0 ' 0 0 0 ' 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I o I o 3 1 0 0 I I 2 t 1 1 1 I • a I 1 Tot•I ~ t ' 2 Toll! n j 1 1 K•~S City Oii! 000 001 -1 C.llfornil 1111 Oii 20x -( £-IC11ty, Ad1t"' Alol'tllt, Jll. T1yl0r. 1.0lt-Ktrt- ''' City t, C1lllornil I. 2a-\r\t1.1¥1rnllh, Alomlr. HR-R*« UJ. II' H It llt •• 10 • JllJ2 , 10012 f ' 1 1 I lt T-2:1'. A-7.Jtl . McLAIN MAY MI SS . ' ALL-STA.R GAME 'WASHINGTON (AP) -Detroit Manager Mayo Smith said Wednesday ntOtt he was still unsure whether his ace pitcher, Denny McLain would be able to play ln the All-Star game next Tuesday night in the nation's capital. "1 don't know if he's out of the game," Smilh said prior to the Tlgers-Senators game. "I can make that decision as late as Saturday." McLain, suffering from phlebitis -an inflammation of the vtin -Jn his non-pit- ching left arm, underwent an ex- amination in Detroit Wednesday. He threw some pitches Wednesday _afternooii. and was to report back to the hosplta1 today for further tests. Spencer opening the seventh senl Rooker. to the showers, as Azcue scored on the wild thrCw On Spi!nce;I"1S ·single. After ,Messersmith crossed up the Royal s' bunt defense wjlh a grounder which second baseman Jerry Adair bob- bled for an error, Sandy Alomar brougt)t home Spenctr wilh a line single to right. The Royals staged a last-gasp rally that (ell short in the ninth inning. · Adair led off with an infield single, took second on Ed Kirkpatrick's pinch bunt aod scored on .Cbuc::k Harrison's pinch. single. Kelly-ended the game with a vicious comebacker that ricocheted off Messersmith to Rodr:iguez, who gunned him down . Soviet · Galt Seel<. Reven ge ------. - Against Yanks • LOS ANGELES (AP) - A tiny black- haired girl with flashing blue eyes says she and her Russian teammates "would like to make revenge" for their loss to United States women in last year's Olym- pics. "That is why we came here," said Galena Bukharina, 23, a sprinter from -Moscow and the only .English-speaking member of the Soviet Women 's Track Team. Galena is one of the 23 Russia n ga1s here for the USA-British Commonwealth- USSR track aod field etas.sic this weekend. Entered in the 400-meter dash, Galena is shapely and petite -just under 5·2. She says it's not unusual these days for Russian women athletes to be small, but this team is about evenly divided -half the girls are tall and sturdy. The lankie~t is :'hll. Galena is single, but many on the team are married. One is a new mother. The oldest member is· 30, and the youngest is II-year-old Lyudmilla Zharkova, a sprinter. Galena has been sprinting in com- pelilion since she was 14. She is an only child and says her parents are happy and proud of her work, though she rarely has time to stay home in Moscow. Her best time last -year for 100-·meters was 11.3 and this year it's 11.4. . The coach for both men's and women's teams, Vladimir Popov, says the women have been training hard for victory. Many of them recently competed in meets at Poland, Moscow and Odessa. "We have some very good high jumpers," said Popov. He added the team has traveled in separate groups, "here it is completed." Galena expresses confidence. but not over-confidence. What kind of shape is she in? "Pretty good.'' she answers, smiling. "We'll try to do our besl." Prettily atUred for lunch in a white crocheted dress, her hair brushing her shoulders, Galena represents a new style in distaff athletes. "They 're like girls anywhere." said a Russian newsman traveling with lhe team. "They are worried aboul how lo fis their hair and all tho5e things." They're also typical tourists, when they have the time. · "We have two free days here," said Galena, noting that she and some others are seeing California for the first time. What will they do first? That's !!asy. "We want to see Disneyland !" nemen Bob Briggs and Ron · d the 49ert 'to M yards n!l!imll-A>""1~~-­ • ards passing during the 90-mlnU:te, co ,_ ' · led,acrimmage. . . It · was controlled . in that lb e , , uarterback could not be tackled. 1 Leading the 49er1 passer was Steve .... ~.'Who hit on five .of ,12 for 48 yilrds . fbe "1op runner wU Gene Moore, a e from 'Ocdderttal,' wtfo managed 21 yards in nine tripe. P'ort1-Nlner coach Dick Nolan Aki, "It u good for them to hij a1alnlt an un- miliar lfOUP· • • ' !.1 "We ~ldo'I get_ mU<~ °"' o!.tlle _orren,., r <kt we didn't ,expect much after only ~ t.nit' P,.aeuce ..,.,..,.," Nolan complimented Spurrler and ver Leo Johnson, a member ol tht 'tnI sciuad last year' from Ten- aeuee A&J. The Charger offense will &erlmmage the &r defense Saturday al San' Fran- , cia<o'• lralnlol camp Jn Santa Barbara, . " . Laying Dodm on· the Joh Second baseman Ken Boswell of the N·ew York Mets can only walch DOn Kessinger,'1 olngle dribble away from him afler he made a diving stab al IL The Mets, who scored sill tin}ei In )he first two Innings, . . , Sample ln relatlr11 what Namath told his teammatet. "They've been meeµn,g every day for three or four days." Immediate connnnatlOd of the face-lo- face meeUngs came frOfu "'Rot.elle, \\'ho said:· "I will acknowledge that I hive had private conversations with him for the last couple of days. Beyond that, I really couldn't say anything niore at this time." Namath, of course, announced his retirement \n a tearful news conference June 6 rather lb.an sell his interest in Bachelors 111 as ordered by Rozelle, whO SUll, before hlJ teammates, NllMlll' sald tha swlnglnc East Side aliht-IJlOI defended hlmlel! lDCI Bachelors JD. • was beln& frequented by undalrable ':nit Cb1 ol his whole converoaUGn to' charactena. ., s· I Id • ••·t M o-"'"' How the question of Bachelo1'11 III -us, , amp e '* • wu ""~ r. •-.....,, ·the key tssUe lh the enU"' case·~ w!JI be ~ halo t ~liven. lily evidence that ht resolved sltll remains a big question (Namath) or \he place hu done anythlpg since Namath, publicly at least, ha.s wrong. To a man. every man oo the team resolved still remains 1 big question \vas ~d him." terest In the restaurant and bar. That lncluded LaRlJllOJ\8, who walked However, all indlcaUons are that before out of camp Tuesday ilJ1 apparent ayml the case is resolved, Namath will pathy with Namath, contending, "JI somehow have to relent on th~ lssue. Namath plays, J'U play .. " 4 I ' RAMS ON THE MOV_E -Running back Pat Cur- ran gains seven yards behind the blocking or Frank Marchlewski (56) who's banging into Frank Spaziani (65) or the Dallas Cowboys in sc rimmage Wednesday at Fullerfon. Rams, who were on of· ~ fense during the entire scrimmage, &cored four J times against Cowboy rookies. 1 ' Lead at Stake Houston Gets Willies;· Dodgers Battle Giants • SAN FRANCISCO IAP) -The high· flying Los Angeles Dodgers, leaders in the rugged Western Division of lhe Na- tiona l U!aguc, hope to pad their lead to- day as they open a four-game series with the San Francisco Giants, a club which defeated them three out or fou r last weekend in Los Angeles. ' The Dodgers arrived here afler Dod9e r Slate JUI¥ 11 Do0a~'1 •I Siii Fr•f>Clltlll?!SS 11.rn. l(FI 1··· July ,. °""""".,$In f•tf>C!iCG ''" "·"'· ICFI 61111 defeating Houston. 3·2 under t h e Astrodome Wedne sday in a twi-!ight game. Los Angeles leads second place Allan· ta , losers to Cincinnati 10·7 Wednesday night, by 1 ~ games and the Giants by two. l\.ADOTA FAVORED 'fO WHIP CORONA • LOS ANGELES -Sinichi Kadota enters the Olympic Auditorium ring tonight a 6-5 choice over Pajaro Corona in their scheduled JO-round battle of hard· punching southpaw lightweights. The winner will be offered a match with lightweight contender Rod o If o Gonzales in August. Bill Singer, 12-7, whose last outing was a 3-2 loss to the Glaots in Doelger Stadium last Sunday, will hurl for the Dodgers against Ron ffer bel, 4-1, who has recently moved into the starting-rotation for the Giants. The Dodgers, who have rotated heroes in 1969, were paced ·by w;nie Davis Wed nesday night. who .tripled home the winning run arter earlier hitting an inside-the-Astrodome home run. Claude Osleen went all the way for Los Angeles to win his 12th game o( the season against seven losses. Singer, Osteen, and Don Sutton have each won 12-games to help take up the slack for injured Doelger ace Don Drysdale, winner of only four games the first half <ll the season. the Giarits beat San Diego WednFsday aflcrnOori in Candlestick Park , 4-3. 1.0' AN081.IS Wlll1 n Cr1w!Qrd If [)eyl• cl G1brl1bn rf Ru .. tll r! ,.,~.. lb H•llt • c Sud1io.ll lb Slit.....,, 1b O.lnen o lb ' ~ bl ' l l • ' I 0 D l ' 2 2 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' D I 0 • 0 0 0 ' 0 • 0 ' 0 0 0 J 0 t • HOUSTOfif IDr~" MMUltrr1 tOOO Mor~"lb ~110 Wynne! (112 Ml!'tllo:•u 102 0 Rldtr llo 4 t 1 • • ~.,., lb J 0 0 0 MilrllMI If 1 0 0 0 V•ldlplnt 11 I 0 I I Go11w2b 1100 Ed•1rd1c 1000 Torr" pll 1 t a I lry•nl c t I I o DlttM< p J t .0.. I lo!1I l• l I J Tottl l2 f J 2 '-"" Anllf:ltl 000 110 000 -J H"'1\!Gn 2QOllOCID-2 E-fdw1nl1, W'fl'n, Menlc1. OP~toon I, LOI-LOI Anoe!n 5. HD\llllln f. 21-MOrfl"· Jl-w. D1vl1. HR-WYM fnl, W. Dtvt. (I). 111-W. Dlvllo, Willi. IP M II .~ i1 SO C. Ol!etn (W, 12·1) t l 2 2 I 1 Dltn.tr (I., 11-11 t I J 1 I t Plt-H1ll1r. T-l:IJ. A-22,0IO. trimmed the Cubs. 9-5, before 36,795 fans Wedn®ay and moved to within 31h games of Chicago. Rams Shine • • I In Scrimmage 4 With Cowboys : Running backs Jeff Jordan and rooldC Pat Curran were the Los Angeles workhorses Wednesday, carrying the ball 40 times between them , as the Rams scrimmaged the Dalla.s eowboys at caf State (FuUerton). · 1 The only two running back!: the Raro4 used, Jordan carried 21 times (oi-11( yards· and two touchdowns intf Curran. froin Lakeland" COUege, Wls., gaintd 111- yards in 19 tries. The Rams, on offense throughout th~ how; and ~5 minute scrimmage, scor~ four times. Both teams used mostlf rooltie1. I Karl Sweetan, recently obtained from New Orleans, started at quarterback and completed 8 of 17 passes for 64 yards and a touchdown. . The .other SC<lre came on a 60-yard pad from Bllly Guy Ander son to wide ieceiver George · ,Sm.Ith, a ·~~kie fro.(Jl Soulh CarQlina St. · Coach George Allen said he was "quite pleased" wlth the Rams and singled ouC Curraq for "showing a lot of courage" after ;ie.ing swi\cQed from halfback to fullback just before the scrimmage . Cowboy coa~h Tom Landry. said he "wasn't too impressed" wilh hiS. squad. But Landry had gooq word! for a pair of rookies, defensive end Halvor Hagen of Webef State ana defensive back RJctt. mond Flowers of Tennessee who is being tried both on defeMe and as Wide receiver. The' Cowboys also aMounced defensive tackle Randy Casey, of George Fox CoUege·in Oregon,"-Jeft camp Wednesday. .. Ptotesters Hit Davie Cup Match . BRISTOL. England !AP) -Police car· ried oU iwo girls and two men who tried to ,Uge .a sit~wn in lbe Davis Cup lawn tennis match between Sooth Africa aod Britaln at Bristol today in protest at sooth Africa)! apartheid rules-. The interrupUon in the match -one that has been · threatened w I t h disturbances for days -came in the se•enth game of the first singles betwee" Bob MaJd of South Africa and Mark Cai of Britain. The de.moostrators' jumped a feACe u Miud Jed~ . The deinonstrators carried bllftntrs re:adlf\I "No to Davis Cup for raclallsts." Tiley tried to·dlstrlbute lea(lett Ulot wert quickly blown away by the wtnd. " At that point the girts and boy1 Ht down. Then tha police moved In. amid cheers from the crowd, and carried them oft lhe center court. ' • l . ' I I • . ' J -----·----,_ ~· .... .. ff DAILV PILOT SNAPPING FOR .THE SO.UTH -Stev,e Klosterman of Laguna Beach High School gets ready to snap the ball to.quarterback Avery Clark ! of t.1orse High San Diego during Soutl;l team drills at USC for next <! Wednesday's North-South Shrine Game in the Colisewn. On the line • • . • • \vith Klosterman is Santa Barbara High's Sam Cunningham. Klos. terIT41n and his Orange Coast area teammate DarrYI Berg of West- minste'r have been impressive in workouts. [fho1npson Car Berg, Klosterman Shine ~uiis -for 7th !L -' ~Major Victory ~ Drag racing fans across the country ~ill tum their eytS to the Srd annual U.S. ro Dragster Championships at Orange 'County International Raceway Utis Satur-~y night, when the learn of Mickey ompson and Danny Angais try for their venth straight major funny car :tliminator title. >' Onagais might well be d r i v i n g :thampson's Mach I Ford Mustang · in ~h of a 13th straight victory were it ~for a supercharger failure during the i!_iot Rod Magazine Championships at ~Jliverside. Area Aces .Impress Coach Advanced billlng, sports clips and assorted ballyhoo over the Orange Coast area's Darryl Berg of Westminsl.er and Steve h.1osterman of Laguna Beach are for real according to Jack Mathieson, co- coach of lhe South in the annual North· South Shrine football game to be played Wednesday night at the Los Angeles Coliseum. In an attempt lo find out the status of Orange County 's back and Ji.Geman of tha year for 1968 as selected by the Orange County Sportswriters Association, the DAILY PILOT queried Mathieson. Herc's what the Canoga Park ~Ugh mentor said : "Berg will probably start al wlni;back Sports in Brief for us. He's got lhe great speed and fine hands they said he had. A real blut-cbip. pe<. .. And he hits. he's one of the best hll· lers in camp. He's probably going to play more offense than defense for us. though. ''Klosterman is a real surprise to us. \\'hen he showed up in camp my first reaction was pretty negative. But in no lime at-all he 'd cut his long hair olf and showed us what a hitter he is. "K\osterman's a real dedicated kid and doing a rine job. He will go 31 defensive tackle for us." The South squad has been working out twice a day since Friday at Cromwell Field on the USC campus. Berg, a standout offensive wingback and defensive demon, was named ba ck· of,lhe.year in lhe Sunset League while leading his mates to the loop cham· pionship. The LionS were eliminated in the CIF AAAA semifinals by El Rancho. Berg capped his honors by being named CIF AAAA player of the year and he's headed for USC in the fall. Klostennan's individual honors might have suffered sligblly because of Laguna Beach's early exit in the AAA playoffs. The Artists entered the AAA playoffs. nipped La Quin~, 14-13, and then bowed to Rolling Hills in the quarterfinals, 42· 14. Despite relative litUe exposure in CIF circles, Klosterman gained recognltion as third·team choice in AAA CIF picks. Klosterman g a r n e: r e d considerably more in Orange County circles. • :Gal Calls Shqts ' In Boxer's Cor.ner LOS ANGELES (AP) - A gregarious fight fan sidled up to a slender, petite young Wttman watching bantamweight nghter Katsuhl.ro Harada go through his .foqtwork at a local gymnasium. "HJ",'' he said, loud eDOUJh to make hlmsell heard over the biff, blff, blfr of the punching bag. "What's a nice girl like you doing in a place like thi5?" "Ob," said Mako SaS87..Skj, her eyes widening with surprise. '"I'm his manager." MW Suazald wasn't kidding. On Mon- day, she plunked down $25 orr the desk of Roy TeMison, chief inspector of the California Alhletic Commission, and was issued a fight manager's license. She'll be right up front at the Forum ori Friday night shouting encouragement to Jiarada, who's meeting Mexican ban· tamweight champion Fermin Gomez in a lo.rounder. She's not the first lady fighl manager in California, Tennison says, ''but she's the prettiest I remember." A couple of months ago, even the sug- gestion that she might become a fight manager wou ld have kayoed Mako, pro- nounced My·COO. She's the daughte r of a Tokyo boxing manager, Takashl Sasazaki, who has a stable of 200 boxers. He handles Fighting Harada, the No. 5-ranked featherweight of the World Boxing Association and Katsuhiro's older brother. The fight game has always been part of her life. but she wedged it in between such activities as majoring in English literature In e-0llege, traveling alone through the United States and Europe and working In the foreign trade section of a large Tokyo bank. Like many a 2>year-old girl, 9he was wondering about who her futun-husband might some day be, when her father in- terrupted her reverie. "Your mother and I," he said, "are going to Australia for Fighting Harada's bout with Johnny Famechon. I want you to go to Los Angeles with Katsuhilll -u his managu." "I told my father I knew nothing about being a manager, but I would do aa he wished ," she recalled. "I wanted lo sbow my appreciation for him." What advice did he give her? "Nothing really, just be sure to bring home the purse." Miss Sasuaki, slight and frail, Is hard· ly equipped to give in5lructions on quick left jabs to Harada . She leaves that part of the business to trainer Sakaye Suzuki. She interprets for Harada during in- terviews, keeris after him to watch his weight and signs the contracts. Best of all -from Harada's ·standpoint -she cooks his meals. "I like cooking," she says. ''I ntake him Chinese coolling. Japanese cooking, French cooking -all nonfattening of course. He has to keep his weight down." WeU. now that :she's a big time fight manager, will she stay one? "If it is my father's wishes," she says. "Bui he knows I'm already signed up to be a hostess at Expo 70 next year." Chicago Coexistence: Roommates A-re -Rivals CHICAGO (AP) -The CWcago Cubs, In their drive for the National League pennant, have the support of at least two members of the crosstown American League Chicago White SOJ: -Manager Don Gutteridge and pitcher Tommy John. John, in fact, shares a northslde apart· ment with Cub coach Joe Amalfitano. And Gutteridge says Cub manager "Leo Durocher broke me in with the Cardinal:i in 1936." •·Amalfitano~ That's where I get all my infonnation for rumors from the northside," John said. ·"We occasionally see each other, wherr they are leaving town and we're already back. We never talk much baseball." Gutteridge and his left-handed pitcher would like to see Ule Cubs get lnto lhe World Series. "I've atways bee n a Cub fan," says John. 5-8 lhis season. "I was raised a Cub fan. My parents used lo take me often to see the Cubs play." Gutteridge says, "It would be good for baseball for the Cubs to win. When something like that happens, people talk baseball and go out to see a game." .'.doing better and getting more crowd&. If we were winning, we'd draw too." The two Cub rooters will forgei their crosstown support when the two teams meet early ·next month In an annual charity game at Comiskey Park. "That's an unpredictable game," said Gutteridge. "When the Cubs were down, they would beat us and vice versa. The people fill Comiskey Park to see the game. They starl cheering al 5:30. It's something to see." Hartack Escapes Serious Injury INGLE\VOOD -Veteran jockey Bill Harlack, who has won lhe KetJtucky Derby five times Including this year, escaped serious injury Wednesday when thrown from a horse which never had won a race. tThis string of victories in the very pular and competitive funny car class .f. unprecedented in the history or drag ~acing. , ~ Never has one car and driver won the '°nny car eliminator title at both the ~merican and National Hot Roel Associa· ~on Springnational Championships. let .~one .the other major events they have ptured such as the AHRA Grand Na. onals, Bakersfield Fuel & Gas Cham- E.merson in Easy Win; He was named lineman of the year in the Crestview League and similar honors for the Orange Coast area and Orange County. ' While the fans are talking pennant in Chicago, they throng to see the East Division leading Cubs. But the White So.1, Jagging far behind West Division leading Minnesota in the Ame.rican League, are down more than 100,000 persons com- pared with 1968 attendance. Hartack, 36, was thrown from Talking Barberob shortly after the fourth race started at Hollywood Park. He was rush· ed lo Cenlinela Hospital. . ' ionships, l.as Vegas National Open. Funny cars, which are stock appearing t highly modified versions of Detroit , have caught the fancy of the fans, *ind are now sharing top billing at na-~onal events with the big fuel burning · ~iragsters. ;.. Thompson1s car with · Ongais driving· ,Jtolds the official AHRA National record ~r funny cars at 7.35 seconds. It is hard ·ID believe that a stock·bodied car can '.travel the quarter mile from a standing ~;t.art that quickly. and reach a speed of. tJiore than 200 mp~. ~Facing Ongais thi s Saturday night wfll if>e some of the lop cars in drag racing. 'il.ich as ~like Van Sant's "Invader !Corvette," "Big John " Mazmanian 's Bar· facuda. Larry Fu 11 e r to n·s •·Trojan :itorse," Gary Gabelich's "Beach City ~ette" and Steve Bevan's "Mr. T ~maro" plus nlore than 30 other top :~achines. ·~ Also on the U.S. Pro Dragster cham- Rionship program will be the supercharg-fCI fuel dragsters. led by "driver o[ the 2ear" John Mulligan in the Beebe & ;}dulllgan Winte.mationals winning fueler. • • S triders Honor Toomey AlX·EN·PROVENCE, France - Ney,·port Beach's Roy Emerson and South African Cliff Drysdale advanced to the fourth round of the Colden Racket open tennis tournament \Vedn esday. Emerson defeated Daniel !\.1oreau of France 6-2, 7·5. Drysdale ousted Eric Der:asse of Franc.e, 6·2, 6·2. Ann Haydon Jone s, the new Wimbledon champion. beat Christiane Spinoza of France 6-0. 6-0. Franco ise Durr of France also gained the semi-finals by ousting Mrs. Frances Taylor of Britain 6-0, 6-2. • LOS ANGELES -Bill Toomey. United States Olympic. decathlon cha111pion. won the Southern Ca]lfornia Striders' most valuable athlete award Wednesday night., The Strlders are National AAU track and field champioos of 1969. Toomey of Laguna Beach accepled the award at the Slriders' 14th annual awards banquet in Helms Hall. Toomey will be competing in his , last ma1or decathlon here this weekend. The award for most improved athlete went lo hurdler Gary Powers. • KANSAS CITY A million dollar baseball deal that would 'have sent Reg- gie J<1ckson. the Oakland Athletics major league leading home run hitter. to the Kansas City Royals was called off by A's owner Charles O. Finley last February, the Kansas City Star reported \Ved - ncsday_ Joe McGuff, sports edilor of lhe Star, "Tole that Ewing Kauffman , owner of the Royals, had withheld the story until now because some of the people involved v.•ould think he was acting improperly. ' Baseball Standings "In the last few days,'' wrote Mc.Gulf. ''some distorted reports of the offer have come \JUI of Oakland, so Kauffman now is free to set the record straight." ·: 1'ATIONAL LEAGUE '" East Division :,. W L < j:HICAGO 57 36 :!IEW YORK 51 37 ;ST. LOUIS 48 46 :PIITSBURG!i 4J 47 f,HtLADELPlilA 38 51 )IONTREAL 211 63 •~1 We&t Division •ANGELES 52 38 TLANTA 52. 41 5 FRANCISCO 51 41 CINNA Tl 17 39 USTON 47 47 DIEGO :n 62 f • Pct. .613 • 580 .511 .189 .427 .308 .578 .559 .551 ,5<7 .500 .:WO GB 31 ~ 9~~ ) \!,i 17 211 l '·' 2 3 1 22 A:\1ERICAN LEAGUE East Divl~lon \V L PC'I. BALTIMORE 61 211 .600 BOSTON 51 42 .548 DETROIT 48 40 .~5 WASHINGTON 50 46 .521 NEW YORK 43 51 .~57 CLEVELAND 37 55 .402 \Vest Oi\•islon ~11NNESOTA 56 35 .615 OAKLAND 19 38 .563 KANSAS CITY 39 '3 .124 SEA'T'TLE 38 52 .422 CHICAGO 38 '3 .118 CAL IFORNIA 35 SS .389 ............ ,., ... "'"' Min-!• t .1. C~!c. •l c.et"'ll J, W1llll"'loft o 8cntoro I. N ... 'I"-I a11t1mort .... C1r¥t11...m •·S Oalll•nd i. S.1ttlt 1 c 1111or1111 .., K..,,., c11-,. ' T ... 1,•1 GllllH GB 13 1~ 1' 16 22 27 5 171-7 171~ I! 20'\ Oelr.111111 (tlunltr 1·11 It 'Httlf !llttt!n J·IJ, 111911! ChltltO !Hot~ •IOl 11 Ml,,.,,w o .. (KNI t-4 II• M•llfr 1-11. nlth! (ll••llnd IP•ul 1 II M 81ll!moce IMtN1ll1' 1)·01. ~! .. ~! l)t!rolt lt>obwri • 7 o• w11..,., 111 tt w,..,1.,.. '"" !tl~nn1n J.S\. n!O~I 8QS!M ILOtlllDtt e-JJ "' N~.,. 't'~•k ("''"'~ell ' 11 1. ~""' ,, .. .,.,_. 0 111"1 Ool<llnd f! c111·~r·M. "IOIU A'lrw>MCU ~I Scl!!lf, ), 1 .. 1.11191>! i>,A"11' (It, II (l>iuH. flOO~! w~"''""""' '" _....,.__ "'""' 11111!"'111" 11 IDl!Oflo 111~M Jt ·was Feb. 4, in Miami Beach, just alter the m.!ljor l,eague owners had :;elected Bowie Kuhn commissioner o[ bl!seball. w h e n the proposed d c a I .developed by accident, ~fcGuff's story said . • PHILADEW'HIA -U.S. Open cham- pion Oryll\e Moody fired a sl.1-under· par 66 Wed~day to lead lhe individual scorers in the pro-amateur feature of the $150,000 PhiladelPbia Golf Clustc at Whitemarsh Valley COuntry Club. Moody, a 35-year~ former Anny staff sergeant, cardeij a M-31 over the par 36-36-72 Whitemarsh course. He rolled in birdie putts of 6 inches, 10, 8, 4, 6 and 9 feet. • LAS VEGAS -Bookmakers have stop- ped taking bets on baseball pennant races because bettors are no longer interested, a bookie said Wednesday . Sa m Cohen of Santa Anita Race Book said he bcjieves bettors have been d1scou rAgcd by lopsided races and nea rly prohibitive odds in some gan1es l h Is S(';1son . "It gol !iO it didn't pay to take bels," he said. He's headed for UCLA in the fall . Tickets for the classic are available at the Shrine Football Office, 655 West Jef. ferson Blvd., Los Angeles (213-74!}-(1166) and through 65 Shrine Clubs in Southern California. "When the Cubs were down and we were up," said Gutteridge, "we would get their share of the fans. Now, they are X·rays showed he had· suffered no frac- tures, ()Oly bruises and contusions. He was advised lo report lo the track hospital for treatment early Thursday before he can receive permission to ride. SWIM WEAR SWIM FINS-MASKS-SNORKLES DUCK FEET FINS "GULAR .. ,,,,,, $8. 951LIM1$H ,, . _,,,, $6, 95 SKIMBOARDS • 5.95 & 10.95 FULL FOOT FINS $5. 95-$6. 95-$7. 95 NYLON SWIM & SURF TRUNKS $4. 95-$5. 95-$6. 95 SPEEOO & OCEAN CHAMPIOt-1 lAC:IN• SUITS & TRUNKS 3.50 to 11.95 TENNIS RACKETS WllSOH -BANCROFT • DA VIS DUNLOP -CRAGIN -SIMPLEX Men's 7.73-ladies' 7.75 ::;:,:~~~·.;', " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' $8. 95 H:MNSYLYANIA IXTU DUTT MENS TENNIS SHORTS MENS TENNIS SHIRTS TENNIS DRESSES TENlllS BAllS • • •. • 4.95 lo 13.95 5.00 & 6.00 13.95 lo 18.95 • Doz. 7.50 • BOWS -ARROWS • QUIVERS TARGETS • GLOVES -ARMGUARDS PING PONG PADDLES • BALLS -Nm DARTS & DART BOARDS . BOOMERANGS & BELLY BOARDS BASEBALL MITTS • SHOES • BALLS BATS • WARMUP JACKETS BATTING HELMETS • CHEST PROTECTORS CAPS -COLOREn (I tcvE UNDERSHIRTS TIMERS WHITE STAG WARMUP SUITS 100% ACIYLIC NAVY ONLY ICODIL • conoN SWIAT SHIRTl lot,,_ ACITLIC SWEAT SHIRTS ' COTTON SWEAT SHIRTS COTTOfl SWEAT PANTS ACIYUC SWIAT SWEAT PANTS STRIPED T SHIRTS • • 12.95 & 19.95 2.95 • 3.95 2.SO & 2.95 3.25 5.95 6.95 10.95 • 1.35 PARTS -TIRES • TUBES I ·--- • ThurMl.ay, July 17, 19~9 ~ ., ' J0ys oi ~is .. i ng r In 2 Overt ime§ .;'· Once ArounC1 Area Gr eeirs McDonald.! 19th, after lrall· chewing up · Bill Barry Pon· ~ ing by ll\le at lhe half, toot tiac, t02-81, f«.U.t seventh win .: advintige Of Douglas foul Ot the campaign. 'I trouble in overtime and posted McDona1ds' victory keen• a narrow 8$-83 win over the r· latter Tuesday night in the them into· a seCoDd. place ' tie Costa Mesa open basketball (s..i) with Wilson Ford. league at Orange-Coast Butler (27) and Hardgrove College. . . (24) were instrumental in It reqwred two overtime sessions before McDonalds, • ~cDonalds wtn bu~ the key ~ behind the sharp shooting of victory stemmed in Douglas Jim Butler and R 1 ch inabi.lity to fi~d a full. team in Hardgrove could turn -the the final overtime period. trick. With only three players on ~ Undefeated Woody's Wharf, the floor, the Ooo~las crew 1' ., meanwhile, was methodically was outscored by an 8-6 '#'r., margin in the nnal overtime. rMI Pacing the Douglas attack: was Dennis Dixons· wilh 31 and Ron Lindsay with 29. Day .Games MavReturil " Dixons has scored 30 or bet· ter in each of the thtee games ' he 's played in. ' .· Costa Meio «;o~ and Coun, Further lnlomiallon can be 1Jfl9'1~tt ·Vfej o, 'Uy Club men's .(:Jub member obtai~ at Torrey •Pinesi in La • ' 1 • · • , ' ",John Gorman scored his first Jolla. , Jae~ Fleck, Directoir of Golf hole-in-One· SatUrday when he San Diego's secoild annUal . at. ~tss~qrr . Ylejo, Goif Cl~b, ~~~:Jr 171h hole 00 Junior World· Golf 'aiam. ued Ji>' fii:sl pl0<e Jn I!!• Gorman, p~ing with Bill · plonship will be !\eld Aug. 25 ~ ~ronado ~ro-Am .!~r1;1ament McRorie~ Dick Hyland and tllrough 29. , · 1• recentl~. ~ .. George Lemberger, used a Four eourses·wlll be utUiJ[!d Fleck; flntShei;i the, 36-hole three-wocid in 'I h e a~ -Torrey Pines South, Bal6oa match With a 139 to-tie Ro.cer compllSbment. ' Park.. . Mi.;SSiOn ~ay· a n d Pettit of Mttati .Ran·ch Golf He bad birdied ·the ' same Pres1d10 Hills. C-0ur5e in Indio. hole eijht times in the past. Tournament offlcials expect His final tally was tl·IM'l. 500 boy11 and girls to compete. VI Hoskins and Nadine M~e Players in age brackets J:J... tied for low gross honors in 14 and 15"17 wit'. .compete in a women's club;-play Friday 72-hole tourney while the 11 -12 with 85s. and 10 and under divlsions will Low net was take~ by Gerry play 54 holj:S. Watson's 95-23-72 With 'Elise Outstanding junior golfers of Stil>tS following at 112-_35;77. the . wqtfd are entered, ~in- Monday.;s tfu · whistle, event cludiq,g 16-year-old Dale }{ayes was won by Shirley Hawkes of South Africa, who recently with her 100.27-78. Shirley went to the iinals of the Cummaro. (109-28-31) and British Amat e.u r cham- ' ' The t!)urnex featured 50 pros and 150 amateurs. ~ . Los Angeles c;ountry Clab golfers . took four of the seven trophies i,n the recent Ex- ecutive Golf Tournament for the benefi( q[ the MuIUpie Sclerosi:t. Society _al bfiss\oD Viejo Golf CluD. - F'orest Shannon ( L A C C ). captured low gross _honors with a 75 followed by Richard Crane of.Bel 'Alre €C ~t~ Tl. To Baseball Woody's had little trouble in garnering its seventh win, pil- ing up a 2Q.-point margin at the half and coasting in from there. Bob Bedell and Dave Wax- NEW YORf( (AP) -Day-man led the winners in the time baseball seems to be scoring column with 33 and 21. WHAT A LOG I ·-F.' M. ·co~ay of Cost; M.esa Janded this IQ.pound 6-ounce barracuda at Catalina Islarid last week while fishing from the Sea Horse out of Davey's Locke\. CoraYs fis h is the largest log barracuda landed in loccil waters this summer. " Haze l Webster ( 9 0 • I 1 • 7 9 ) pionsbips. • followed in A flight com··I-:'==='=== pelition. B flight honors went . to Marie Like's 109-36-73. Others were Flo Downey (11~36-80) firestone SERVICE VALUES getting ready for a comeback Three others were in double r figures for Woody's. o sorts in the major leagues. Don Smith was high fOr the "I'm in favor of more day losers with 23 while Eric games,'' said Ralph }iouk, Christensen chipped in with 16 manager of the New York and Steve Minton added 15 to Yankees, after a crowd of the cause. 27,125, including 26,133 paid, MCDONALDS \fTH !'51 watched the Yankets split a H.trdu•ov• 1: 1: ': ~ doubleheader with Boston at Holll•r•r J 2 1 • ll•ovt•• I) 1 5 1 /} Yankee Stadium Tuesday. Fr1uer11 • 1 l lJ "I think it would be espe-=~~~. ·~ : ~ 1~ • Tolal' • 1' 11 10 l$ cially apprOP.f'iat'e during the' oouou.s 1n1 sununer months when · the l:ir::.!i ,~ I ' I s l 31 Seal Beach and Elise Stipes (113-35-78). Frank Bartosh woo the low gross title over the weekend in men's club play with a 74. Low net was tied between Gale Bo\Jk (16-9~1) "!!d__lohn Pacheco (81-14~). Jack Clark followed with an 83-15--68 along with Ga rland Privitt's 77-9--68. A stroke back were J im Dave Klunoreseter led !he Barnes (~2U9) and M:-R. 9 Heike (81-12-69). Wins 13th Seal Beach Lions baseball Dean p&cClanahan. Fred team to Its 13th win without Fredensbe(g and H. Dinus tied defeat .Tuesday in the Long for blind bogey htmors with Beach Police League .with a 7. 70s. Let our ex per t 111echa11ics get your car ready for va cation kids are oul ·of school " Houk 8••,!\nev o • ----. ---'-~-.....tttrl'.lm ---_ _:..3 added tiain•• J • -Lll'>OSllV ll 0 ' • }-H~ 3 5 ·,,-,. n ll 32, ~· ;;:::.--..c-2:;,-~"'w~~;~ Kau~~_ci_. ._l_r~ine Const 10-POINT BRAKE~VEIUtAU·~-.- "Look at all the kids whp -..101..is-. J7 • H1111;1N S<Q~: -Qpv~lll were &.it there today. They 0onaio• 21. -··· ,_ { I • d Regvllti11n: D11u~let n, McDorl;l!Cs anL.,1o1.1..,.1.40S o . omorrow an n.-_ you know not many of them F1..,1 owrll""'~ 0ou91,, 11, ~Oor>•kl5 get to night games.'' n. WOODY'S WHAltF (!HJ J Ohnny Murphy, vice presir· K ind ~ ~ ~ ~: dent and general manager o Hutchl~' 1 o c , the Kew Ygrk Mets, express-~n":~1 1: : ~ ~. ed similar seiltiments recently Gr1n1 ~ 1 1 13 about more afternoon games. w;~~~n ~; 1 ~ ; 1~ The Me~ drew crowds of 11LL 1A1tll:Y '0NT1Ac 111J 50,000 to their two day games s"lu" tr ~ '! "' last Wetk at Shea Stadium WoodbvrY ' c l n against the Chicago Cubs. ~~11!1,nH~ ! ~ ~ 1l The Cubs, the only Learn in HYI•• J a ' ' the majors not to install ~T:,~~' ~ ~ ~ 1~ lights, similarly drew SRO Tot~I' 39 1 11 11 crowds of 40,000 at Wrigley H11t11rne tc<>rr: Wl>OdY't J7, Ponl11e "· Field in their return series with the Mets this week. The first night baseball game in the majors was play- ed at Cincinnati on ~fay-"24, 1935. Eventually, all teams, with the exception of the Cubs, installed lights. For a time each team was limited to a total of 14 night games per season. but this restriction eventually was lifted and night games, ex· cept for Sundays, became the rule. . On sunny days a quarter of a century or more ago many fans would pass up a trip to the beach and get a tan by basking in the bleachers. Nor everyone, of course, favors more daylight base· ball nowadays. And, to sOme it doesn't make any differ- ence. "I .have no views ciUier way," said Dick Williams. manager of the Red Sox. "I just play the games when they are scheduled." CM CRIDDERS GET TICKE TS Costa Mesa High School varsity football candidates along with pro s pective members of the sophomore and freshmen football teams will be treated to the 18th an- nual North-South Shrine foot· ball game Wednesday night, courtesy of the Shriners and Costa Mesa Hiih. The school received 70 Baseball's Top Ten AMERICA Ll',.GltE P11vtr Clvll G Al II H P'ct. R, Sm••~ 85n IJ J19 !i1 111 .lll F, Robinson 111 tt :rn n 110 .341 Ollv1 Min 81 3S7 51 U! .Jl9 81•1• 11•1 90 lNl 76 119 .3!7 F. Howerd WIS ,. 358 '' 111 .310 Pftroc:elli B•n 90 300 Sl 9l .310 P<>W~ll 8•1 90 Jlt 17 96 .JOI Pln!tlll KC " llS 37 t~ .ttl c1roe.i.1 Min 91 339 "° 100 .m C.1tr Oak 17 lSl •I 11).1 .:!9S H11me ll:un• II. J•ckson, O•lrlanO, 35; F. Howerd, Wasl!inglon. JJ; Y11lr%en"1Jkl, flotton, :!!: Klllebr...,.,, M1""8SO!t, 7 1 r Pelroc:elll, Bo1!11n, 14; Powe 11. Bal!lrnort. 1•. ,Rllfll aalhld In IOllebrew, Mlnne.018, fl); F'c~ll. Bal!lmn•e. IS; R. JaclJs(>n, Oakl1nd, n; F. H11w1"', Wa"h; n•!on, 171 Ya•l•lernskl, Bc•!11n, 61. ,Jtchl,.. I D~lil>M McN1llv. 88111.,,.,•t, 13'0, 1.000; Cow, W•shln91M, 1·1 •. 175: Lollcl!, Detrcl!, ll·l, .U1; Paln"l!-1', lletllmore, t •2, .111; Plloebv•, llattimor1, 9·2, .111, NATIONAL LF.AGll£ ........ rclB O AIR H,CI. M . .A.IOI.I Pth 97 401 6-4 111 .JSI SlllJ'gi!ll Pg!!. 11 .·290 "3 .lQl .34 C. Jcine1 NV 16 l12 45 Hiii .!A6 .A., J<>l'lnlO!I Cin J.S 2" S1 1(12 ,341 F'erel Cln U 3"' 61 111 _JJI H. Aarc~ 1111 ts 311 5' lCl .~JI 110$1 Cln 10 Xl2 6-4 lOS ,31, L, Mly Cln IS lll Sl lo.I .310 Totin <:in 81 JIJ u 111 .JI~ H-R11n1 M(Ccvm $lift l'rarw:lscc, 211: L. Mav, C\nclnnatl, 11; H. A1•011, Allanla, 11; Wynn, Hoo/1l1>n, 21; Ptrei, Clnclnno!I, "· •uni •1111111 In Sl"lo, Chk1t11, llCI; McCllVev, 5•n F••.,cls~o. 16; tanks, Cl!lc190. 15; L. M1v. (lnClnMll, n ; Pettl, ClrKinnlll, "· PllC1'llJ19 • Oecltlofll Seawr, N""' Yori!, 14-4, .111; Moo!.f, Pll!sbvrg/\, 6-2, .1$0: SI-. Atl1nti, t·l, .HC; C1rrDU, Cincinnati, 12...il, ,150~ ~rrlll. c ;ntl,,n1r1, N . , 7 so; 8aldKhvn, S8n O!""' 6-1, ,NII; M1rlc~I . .S.n Franc:IM;o. 11·'· .150. l ·""'f,f.I' '~j ', '!'ti> - I 'MAGIC TOUCH ' Hank May of Harbor Isle holds up the 26-poun(l albacore he landed last week, the first longfiD reeled in the men's category for the sportfishing clubs of N,ewport Beach. It marks the third straighr year May has turned the trick . i DeeH Sea Fish Report . Klungreseter struck out 15 , Urban Beh, presidenl of the in the seven-inning test while Irvine Q;iast _Country Club · . men's seruors goU associaUon, ~at Gurran wa1-supply10.g---rr--redT7TTUes<tararticosta most of the firepower with a Couptry Club. three-run homer in the His tally (77-7-70) upstaged seventh. 6.1 other members of Irvine Seal :ee_aCh, comprised of Coast at La Costa. Marina High seniors, will Club pro Ralph E y a n s meet the Long Beach Police toured tbe 18 holes with an Dept. Sunday while Kaufman even .par 72. and Broad is slated to see ac- tion with St. Cornelius, both games at' 1 p.m. SllAL •EACH LIONI (11 11> r 11 Al CarnPIHH; 11 • 1 2 o Fi<!'mln11, 1b J l o o Cre1..,,c )?70 Curran. d ' 1 1 • C~tl,311 •110 11nc1e•&010, rt • I J l Saem11n. If l O 0 O Ntlle, lb 2 0 I 0 K"""9•-ff<', I' l e I I Toll!• 30 7 10 ' ICAUl'MA.H "HD llOAD 111 Miiier, If Pember!WI, lb Setler, Jb Mv•lllo, rf Witt, p Towle, cl, M111Vl'I, It Lill, lb Brown, ?b SP•kOWl~f, ph Totai. •ll rllrbl J 0 0 0 1 1 ' 0 1 1 I l l o 1 a J 0 0 0 2 o a o J 0 0 0 l o a o 7 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 14 2 3 ' se1r1 II~ lnnlfltS ' .. SUI 9ttCl'I OU 000 -'-1 10 7 IC111fm1n 8ro1d 00'/ 000 0--7 3 1 -SeaeHff R. H. Griffin and Ned Hougton were winners at Hun· tington Seatliff Country Club · in the City of Hope hole-in.one tournament over the weekend. 19th Hole Deadline~ for entry into the California Public Links Golf championships at T o r r e y Pines Municipal golf course in San Diego is Aug. 19. The tourney, held Aug. 21 through 24, is a 72·hole medal play affair In the cham· pionship night which Includes handicaps from O to six. Low net action includes han· dicaps of seven to 18. LIONS DR.6.CJ STRIP 0, WILMINGTON pr111nh 1n 1Jt"tlu1iv1 1howin9 of th1ir lop r1,or1I br11kin9 va hitl11 in th1 H•11th19toa C.et.r Met! -Thur1d•v, Fridav '"d S•turd1y, July 17·11-19 -ffff 11 th1 public. H1111tl"tt•• Cet1ttf et INclt •Ml ldl .. ., •• the S.1 DJ9ta "-•-W· ducats for the tilt. A schooll ;======================. bus will leave at 6: 15 Wednes· day evening from the high school. All interested football can- didates should report to the gym Monday or Tuesday afternoon between l and 4 to receive their tickets. THE AMlllCAN CAN. CIR SOCIET Y, THE .AMlllCAN HIAtr AS- SOCIAnON, THI NA· TIONAL TUl llCULOSIS ASSOCIATION, HAS IE· PIATIDLY WAIN I D t'OU tO STOP. IF YOU HAYIN'T, YOU All "HOOll:ID."' SO JOIN 'THI "UM· HOOll:I D •EN!lATION. llCOMI ·AM U.SMOk· ll. THI NATIONAL AM· Tl·IMOKING COUNCIL CAN SHOW YOU THI WAY AND •UAUNTll TO HILP YOU llU.l THI HAllT WITHIN 10 DAYS. CAU '41-4161 ., 615· 1117 FOi A Pii i CON· SULTATION .AN~ ~~N ACTUAL SISSION. YOU All UNDlll NO OILI• •ATION, 27' 3 Man · Keel Sloop J "•• ............. ~ .......... ........, 'Price $4650 "•hltltt STEREO SENSATION! ~ The colorfUI •und of ~ Orange· county Mtpslc --~ RADlb' KOCM 103.1 . FM ' From Fash ion Island, Newport Beach (Not just'! reline) -=-g - -. We do· all this work ... I. Repi..c. brake lininc on all four 1¥hffll 2. Arc linln4 for perl11et conl.act with druma· I. Repack out.ff whMI. hearinp 011 both front whttll 7. Inspect brakaho.. I 3 . Rebuild all 4 wheel cylinder• i. Replaiee brake lhoe-' relurn 1prinr11 4 . Tum and tnae brake druma 6. l nt~t IDMter cyhnder I . Add Super HNYJ' Duty brilke tl uid. 10. Road !Mt.car GUARANTEED 20,000 MILES OR TWO YEARS s 88 P'rk1 for d•1.11¥1-..,,. b••k•• "" ""°" rord1, "l"'°vtri•, , C1!1vy1, 1'!19flc ... • com~•· o-...,. 11iot>t1v 111QNor. lll.UIAITI( -W•--••lwoti.);M.s""llot-""""..._.t_. • )IMJOIH,.d~rll.lto111•ll•"°"· -~.n.., . ., ..,..,. ~-A.. ., ,..... .... ................. ,.._ ... ___ .,_;.._ . . CHARGEIT;_ EASY'TERMS Plu1 37t per lire F~. E•. t111, ~· 11!l. and 4 recapPabi. t}rH ofl. yow cir. M ilzi. 11111p1111111J 11w ,.-1c1111 'Inspected- USED TIRES s5·~0 1 -· . ' ,Many n•ldied pairs and ....... ~ of ma.sol-loft FIREST01NE STORE . 47'5 E. 17h St.-Costa Mesa -~ "'<; .._____.. 646-2W -I to f Dolly -S.t. I • 5 l . . ~ • ' ' • • ·- • " . 1. (fl' DAll.Y '!\DT -., j g:: Alamitos Entries •• •• "' •H "' •H '" ,. "' ,. •ICOMO uca. • '"'*' a .,.., .... aM -!ft G"°' I ,...,._ ,u,.. ... •1• .,.,,,... ._, It $111trlll 11' •)11* V• CM CrW¥1 lU ' ,c..., '"" (,_lrl 111 "-'Jw I ~ (~I 117 '." )JOllllt' Dtnfr .... 11 ..... llVI 11' ·-. 0.-. ill! Tiiie llt (RlcNnh) 111 .. "*"' ,.,_,.. IHtrtl 111 .,-~ ,..,...... (1 OW"mA) 111 ,. t0rr ~ ( ..... 1 Ill •• :~.....,,.,.. G91.J: .... k.. 111 •• ......,.. .. (1 C.P'doi.11 11! ·~· l...,. Gin Gift {I lmlll'll 111 , .• ,,. ... Dtfldt' {II: "'*'' '" • ·. rM'Mt ..,. <W•IWll • ,,, . -,.••1 TMllO ltAC._ alO _., Mlldl!I f ' .....,, oldl. ,,,,,. "* "-S.titn '~"' 170 "-• Entry (~ ..... , ''° AOrlrl' • ..,.., 11tllw) 117 ,,...,. o....t. (WllMnl 117 kffllrt'• lkl' (1lePtl 117 ~ l'n lLlllllM!I 117 ~r(D ...... I 117 l'OUll:TM llACI. d ~ I ~ eldl 11..i i. 111 ~ A Mi-. ,.,,_ ..... d .. Tlll'f ("#lllllWI) 111 -Jll:ltn') 111 .. lY1t '*"""'' ,,, ~ Nlltlftt 11S •.at M"*-c....-.1 111 .... ~ (l'•ltlel 117 ·--kf'OOll (Klrfl 111 ~ 117 ~' Jufy 17, lt6f \_ . "' "' "' "' '" "' "' '" "' "' '" "' "' •• "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' "' , . • ~ ll:ldl: .......... , • 117 ,. l'lrt 1-ml 116 NIMTM 11.1.(1". V-'il S,. ~ • ................... ' ' LoWHING HEEL AIDS. WEGl!l SHJFr n.i .,rr.r.• falls ~ on M11ltht "°"!No. ll-........ boa..,.....r 90H•r. l~ca ...... ll1GI. • Ta.....,..,,lllrrv ofwolght to the ltft, I qg0ot ya.o '111ake .,..-!hot !hi R.nt ;.-of)'i>c1r • Tars Trim Santa Ana For 9th Straight Win · r ..... 111t1Me m nn11. J .,.., """' .nc1 ..,._ "''"'" ::.:. lt«*.11\ .. , to'ool1' Cl II. B•rlk1) 117 '"'· l"urw Sf!IOO. O.!mll!ll •rkil 11•· By DAVE CEARLEY . SAW'FA ANA {"I -.. , ; .. ~., ltOM (H C•-.bJI 117 Hde II°'* Cltldword1) lit hi H .. '' ~ lrWI 5t9 0 II ...... , llJ e.,_, .. , "" {LIPIM;ml 11' Of lllit 0.llY ...... •lift Mn -< ~ Trautt. cea,.._., 111 Miu DlM>llt• 18Pi'*lrl'I 11' Newport . kepl its unbeaten wi11w.. ~ ~ ~ :: '):.:f' 'I"" RACL--~., *~oldl .-=rd~ 1~::.I),: ~:~ record intact in the Santa Ana ~ : ~ ~ : .._ ... 1•9n.1 1111 111 ~ A ,. nine Gl•rtn ltd" cM11r1 11s basketball league Wednesday wv ... ldt 1 0 , 2 ... S-1111 Locbt {Carioa) 11' . ' . ~ iaRililllW ·~-111 ~1o c,...1 -·--111 -rught by ·1topplag-thtrd-place-Hl!OYfl'-~~; ' • -" .:: 1r:,:.~ ~:; Hiia 5-' f111• .~ 117 Santa Ana, 79-58, at Santa Ana Tol•b ,, I " 56 " . r;.tt.,. JoMft'r IH•r'll. 116 ·111.,. MdA'f CWllMn). 115 College. MIW,OltT 1n;, ft ,, Ill .. -C.• ciu1ck -1hfflt1 111 "•!ICY wi11ow fMelllnnoldu ~11: Second place Mater Dei · T.1111 ~ 1 , s . ·~ ,..,.,,., a.1 ll.Jtitltml 11~ wtlll'lt'I' ""°' (W11t11,1r11 1layed In r··-,"" of •'"A Sailors H•v1111 1 J 3 1l ~" .. ., .... ___________ .,._______ by trounctni'Sadd1~~ ?I· = ~ ~ 1 it - .Ma ·r Dei ~ Five HoldS" J c~~~~. Mater Del High eo1111nufl t4 lead the fu,sUn 1 u m m e r 1>as1<etban 1.ague "'~ • -over h.,t ')l'oothlll With tit gam.. le!L on the l(tnda ~fo"' tounlament play. The 1<1(116'1taden IUOUl1d out an =over ~ Clemente night whlle Foothill WU , pace with a S?-49 win over TusUn. Mlsaloo Viejo troun<td San- Uago, 'IW'7, \!' other action. Mater Del"• \impressive win was led tiy _.. Ralph CIJan. ~. who taoked ~ Points. Werner Rats ~added 11. ~ Sal Lombai>I led Ille • S.n Cl.,,,..te ~ atlllck wUb 23 counters. • l MATR i.•1 (NI ,. flfl""' Clwldol • '' , ,. W•lkfl'" 6 I 1 14 M(Min.lllllit J • 2 10 lt•n tl111 k!!IY 01•1 k""'"' 1127 HarllMt~t 1 J I 5 aoi..rt• l o J 6 Toi•" 31 '' 1i N SAN CLIMINTI 1n1 t19menlchlnl MCC•tlln ... ~. D. Lomblrdl ""~ 2. Lomblnll ..... --Mlldllll ...... Tet1i. ,, " ,, ' . . ' . ' ' ' . ' " ' ' . • • ' 1 I I 2 0 )1 12271 k'INW ... ,._ Meter Dtl J• n l• ,......._.. $1n Clftnlfllll 11 2t M IS-n MIUIOlt VII.JO 171) . ""~ . Atft('r11t ICr•ll Wn• Citro M11..-- Scl"l11t.r Aldl.c.ell Tol1l1 " . ~ . ' ' .? 2 1 . ' ' • ' 1 \ ~ ~ 1 ' • . . ' :u '. u S_.lfTl.t.DO (l7l ... ' .. " ~ c. .... 111111' 0 •. ' GoodW/11 3 J l $1tvtM l 0 3 H•wk•1 ( l 2 V•n Liew o 1 J Totals 10 1 U -27 Sall'I ,, YWll"tlrW MtnlOll Vl1lo 15 11 21 2'-71 s-~11100 ' 2 , P-21 : .. 4 56. Jn an earlier game, El ~==~ : ~ ~ '.~ y _;r Modena bllrtered Los AinlgM. T•vlor I • I 2 P:OOTHILL "" ~.I Race Results 79-U, in • contest which in-y~.;:h 3! 1; I~ ~ Soyd ': l~ 11."' .. " eluded 56 foul!:. sttr. ., ~ P11non s 1 , 11 SMol• .l.1'19 11 11 13 13-56 M•ug•n ? 0 .<:'.' t: The Newport • Santa Ana NllllPOrt ,. u 11 U-1' P1i.111ertt l t :(·,. game wu much closer than ~~·;. ~ : ·"'-.--------------·---·-=-· the score m1&ht indicate. SADDLllACK 1:1" ~ Ip Ae.e ,' •• .. 5.. Newport never trailed, but Lif'l):1 1 ) a J ~:!':" 1 0 .J W ' ...,, Mt U. 1Mt T""'9 Gel. 0.. a.r'1 OWl'W. Sitn'9 •l.~.gh °"• fint ( h 'Cut~r 'J ) ' t ''''''' > o • 1 ' ct. a ,_. ai.nc11e ,_ °""'"°"' T• 1rvu:. uu uu wn:; r e e •ut~r s o , 10 1cntd-.-1t°*' ,..,_ MK ..A quarten held a lead u -slim as l(ulc J ' J 11 ''ia~:11 J ti IClb. Mlsl l"T9fty P'ef. Jt-IM Ttom, I N. Cunn l 0 ) ' TUSTIN Cffi NlMt"• ~. one po nt . w.111.er 1 o• o o ,. " .., POUlllTM llAC•. MIO .,.rdl. .J )'Mr o1t1.. Clllr'NN. 1'1rn1 lllOI. Tiie Y•r11t ICMdNI) lUI J.tt I .. L.n.IOll (Sn\1111) l..C 1.20 Fn.IY 811r Sn CM9rtl SA Tin.-70 7/11 The SaHors were leading by LT;:'!:° 1~ 1~ 1! ,~ 1(11dow 2 o o three in the third period when MAT1111 Ol!1 1111 ~;ii:k" : ~ : Santa Ana's lwo h I i he s t C"41r«rt 1l ~ ~ ~~ H•nlfV ~ ! ; scorers, Billy Williams and AHs u ' , J1 ~:i11 J a • Kim Pickering, fouled out. • ~1,..IMI> ~ : ; ! i:',':,' ~ : ~ From then on the Tars: had ,.,.,,,,.,,..,,, 1 • 1 1 A*rtJ • • 1 Alto Ill" -Lll!le !ftft111, Mr. ~ 81111. Dffrdilrk.. Siii, Dllf f•lll, Lll':s tld. 0.01"911 llO!llf-. ~ -SI""' $1.irtw, ._.,I, _,., an easy Ume· in disposing of ::=.ux r ~ : ~ 1~ f::~~1 : : ; the Saints. The victory lefl ktfl'IPl'lr • •, • 7a eer111tikl ,,' ,,' 11• 2 N ~ 'th f t 9-0 Tcrl•l1 31 1• 1-Tol•lt ~• e .. ...,.... wi a per ec s-by °""''" sure ~ -..,,.... }ea"'i. mark. S.odlet.ck 10 II t 13-41 FOOl!lllf 16l•2017....f7 o-Miler Del 17 11 70 n-11 Tu1Un 10 14 t ''""" Early acoring by St.eve Kenll--"'"'-"'---"-'-'"-"----"----------1' a_nd Denny Bean gave the Tars the lead in the fint minutes, and the rebounds of Lee Haven gave Newport a clear advantage on the boards. 2UO 10• 6.00 11.• 6.ftl "' ::Falcons Win, :;Even Record -. SIXTH lllAC.-. "9 YI,.. l Yff!' oNI 1Ni U11 In Gradt M MiftuL ~ne ..... ~ Afftltl 2 {W191M11 'n.«I •.ot S.• "'•ttv •iv. kll ($~) 4JD 2JD U ltWI ltMkfl (Adllr) JM Tl.-....11 1110 A!oo lt-....n For LL>dl;. lltl Lit ~. Mr. l11"MH, ~bit-llllct Too. Merli. Mi .... Nf. Tri.,.11 G~. krtldled -Malt Tol'l9, Oii,,. ,......,_, 1•11 DWlr, MT. Olo T- TNCkllll Mitt. lllVIMTlt UCI. V-'I Sr. C_.. -m vanlil. I ._, old!. •nil uo. Cl•lm- ""'· "'"" '240. kfflll Of T• (lrl'*lnl U.00 21.21 1.ol U"'ll SMt1 IL1111'11111l J.60 4.llG Haven finished high for the game with 17 points and 20 re- bounds. &tnt (16), _ Tor .. Young (16), Bun (13) and Steve Su.ton (10) fmished in double figures. Mat.er Dei overcame a poor finf half to mow down weak Saddleback in the t h i r d qu.arttr to win coovincingly. The Embee Falcons evened , ~.their Me1"1polltan Bueball F-rlil .. ,.,...., {Carcloll) 1.0I Tl~ Silt Aho ._littlrlw•ler. Cr..,. llrt. ~ • ., ~. '•l'klr'J lm.w, luMJ"• W1rrllf. Monarch guard W e r n e r Raes poured in 32 points to set a league single game llCOring standard. The old mark of 31 was owned by teammate llalph Chandos . • ;::,!ague reoonl at ~ Wed· . .. kntctotd He! '-r hd • Thi: Monarchs never trailed, although Saddleback pulled to within three midway through the second pertod. . ··~ night by coming up llGMTM 111.t.c•. • ,..,,... J veer Oldt 11!d uP ill °"'" M Plus. P'll"I Stltll. with three runs in the eighth :;;i,,n1ng to nip the Cypress : l'!'Cha:rgen, 34.. Pr'litJ' Lull lMon'lll RMn IClnlCk (Karl) Gfftrf'1 891 llllidle"*l 10.» J.10 J.:111 J.:kl J.70 ... Cold shootlng s e v e r e 1 y hampered Mater Del during the nnt h1lf, and only 18 tallies by Raes and a 27·17 re- bound advantage gave the Monarchs the halftime lead. · .} Shlgles by N~I Paulson, _:J!ol> l.iurriY and Ron Richard· Tl-20 J/10 Alto lh......stwn s-rfl, Dilftllllldl .,. WIM, l"l'tt"" COit. My1 IMrll, ,_,. le¥, MIMlft, Milot J1111'9 Ge. ki'9fCMCI -.IMNJfNflt1I, T I t • r aon drove ln the three tallies. Falcon pitcher Mlk• Woods Ill kt ff. went eight tnninga:, glvtn11: up Mt•Tfl u.c1. 400 v..-, _, ·both Charter runs and allow0 .,.,,. 11'd VP 111 OrMI A '"-'L ,.,,,,. • ......... 1 .... 1 bits. J1111. M'6 ,...... IOl!!lldt to1o !Meir) MIJ.60Mf ...... .. The second half was a dif· re.rent story. however, as Chandos and Tom Walker began to acore. " ,,,.., °""' !Wlllerll cMl.l.••u 1n ~ ,., _,.. '""-· ' ,_. 1• r ·: r1--• "" ... .. 2 1 I t ~11.e It•" -.... S-a.r, ""-Go.blillf. ,,..._ ,,.,,..;, TW)' Wlfd\. • 0 I 1 Llld!T .. rt Jw. ,.,.-... .. ,, ,_., 2t1IJW.e.. • 1 • knllcM~ °"""" lltllWMt. OcMll Chandos finished the night with IS points and 20 rebounds while Walker chipped in with 10 tallies. • • • 'QuHit, l"..-im .... Qfa °" DIGt. • • • i~;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;~i;;tt;H=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;o:;;i<;:o;t;:il • • aH : ~ .'. YOUR -PROILEM: - ' , 1 ' You_ want_ N Mii some lt•m • • 1 • . " • 1 1 thet'ywu no lenger MN but " a 2 , , • • o tom90M ti• can UH for :::: NOTOVER$50 • o • a :::: ? ? ? ? ? 7 _.,,.i..: : : YOUR ANSWER: ••• 1• •1 ...... , ' 2 Ytu ull THI D•ILY PILOT, Hk for ... ..._,.. ., Cl--Aclwrtl1ln9, 1ncf pit• I PILOT 11NNIS PENNY PINCHER -~·· DUNLOP RACKETS CLAUIFIED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE ,, <liLnE STEEL tJJ.91 3 LINES 2 TIMES 2DOllAltS ;fOlT IWOOOI llUt Pl1Cft lnelude CUSTOM Slrlndn1 with MulU·Pb< •( -Elrpert R8trtnalnr - 1" 1'4t N1~ lt.J,. C.M. N. ef D•lflll1r Dr.l '42·1260 . I AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT! 642·5678 ,, ...... """ c....., 140.1120) • I always go go go 40r Green Stripe Stripe Stripe • 'USHER'S ... 'GREEN SfRIPE -·-=-,:=-·-: Since 1853, the --- original light Scotch • l I } I 1 f 11 I 1---- HERE'S YOUR HrNCE·A·YEAR" CHANCE TO SAVE ON THOSE ,APPLIANCES YOI VE WANTED BUT HURRY! -SOME ONE· OF·A-ICIND, SOME IN LIMITED SUPPLY -BUT All AT HUGE f SAVINGS! j COLOR TELEVISION , ... 1112 ...... , C'Ql.Ol POlT.UU 14 .. 1102 14-It.) COLOR PQATAILI 1r• 1110 .... la.) COLOR POITAIU 11 .. 1110 14. bt.1 CbLOI IWltti AJl.J.J PORTAILI 21" 1227 Mo IA.I COLOI TAILI MODIL WALNUT JINllH -LIGHTID DIAL 2r (227 .... t..l COtol TAIU MODn WALNUT JINllM -JULl UMOTI CONTIOL 21'" 12tt .... J..1 COLOI TAIU MODIL WALNUT fCNISH -FULl llMOTI CONTIOL 21" IHS Ml· la.I CONSOLf -DANISH MODllN -IUUTIJUL WALNUT CAllMET-J SPKIS. .... m.t1 ..... Jlt.tl .... l''·'' .... 41t.tl ltt· 4Jt.tS .... llt.tl .... 5tt.t5 •et. '''·'s IALI 259" ..... 319" ..... 349'5 ..... 399n . ..... 39995 ·s.t.LI 499'5 ••L!_.5-49!5 IALI 599'5 21" IJfl Ml· ILi NOYIN.CIAL STYLINCi -GOIGIOUS PlUrtWOOD 699'~. . CAIUIET--fUU llMOTI CONTIOL-J ·ONLT Lt. 7ff.fl SA.LI 21" IHI 141. ILi COLONIAL MAf'll F--U1:L llMOTI CQKJIOL .- 21" IJf!I Ml· 11.J IAILT AMlllCAN GINUINI MAPLI CAllNIT--A.P.T. 199. ''!·'s .... :.11t.tl JO" ftl7 Mt· 11.) CONl.Ls-tTALIAN PIOYINCIAL~ PIUITWOOD--U•HTID DIAL--1 ONLY' '"'\91., 46f.tl 21" 1291 Mt-IL) SPANllH CllDINZA - IH9tff1d Pee. aW.t. A.P.C. T•ltl Speoken. J.ONLT .... '''·'' Jl" fHI Ml• 11.1 IANtSH MODll.N WAUIUT CAllNIT A.F.T. Twl• s,-11 ... -J.Oltly .... 6tf.tl tl" 1291 141, 1.,1 COLOI C.OMIO. . l1a1111r111 ... W .. @mt c.IJ. AM /PM Sterwo IMI• ~ • hlllXll Am NC.N cM.tw. l...iy. 2J" (Jfl 141. ILi 'Jl#.NS-VISTA llCA'1 llSTJ .... .,5.00 Solid SMte r .. ...,., Defaq S,O.JU c•ll•. let· 1ltl.OO 21" f2'1 Ml· Uri.I Tu.NS VISTA SOLID STA.Tl. Pee. F11ta S1W1at, feW.11 '""-ltt• ltS.OD REFRIGERATORS J..DOOI NOST PIOOF PllGIDAllf C.,pact .......... ,,...,., , ... ,,. 115 14.6 CU. PT. DOUILI DOOi TOP PUIZll All fraet preaf. 1 •IJ H°'"'t Gald SIDI IT SIDI llJll•l~TOl·FllUP 1 fl.lit. ,,...,_ ~ ....... Ubl ... -,,.., ,,.., ICI MAKll DILUll 14.6' PlOIT PIOOF 1 ONLY fl....n.tt .. hfnl Qf.1 114 LI. TOP Pllllll MODIL '""'"'' ""' ,..., dalne, ~ t.ilJ lhil. 1...tf JI cum SIDl-IT·SIDI llNl/Pllml c.,p.r, H.,...t ...W, A~ JlOST PlOOP, CUSTOM DILUll MODIL ................... c.,.clty. 1...ty-Ca,,.,. ... ELECTRIC RANGES SIU CWNIN• OYIN lD.,-W.. eftll -I eRIJ -Wlllte 30" SID ILtcnl.CLIAN OVIN Lltfit. otaMcrtlc deck c""-'. 1 ... 1,. H9"'1'1t ••14. CUSTOM DILUll mLON "USY°CWN OVIN P~ "'11.-Miida!', 1111 -1 .. 1ly TWIN -lO DOUILI OVIH lye L...t a.kl .. , Waist HI 1,.Jlar. C•to"' Daluaa Style 1 ... ty -Cop,_m;M WASHERS llG 1t LI. CAPACITY, Jet Actl" At~ for Deep Daw• CS...lfltl J s,..a ELECTRIC DRYER WANT THE BESTl?l -1 ONLY - SALi 59995 SALi 49995 SALi 41995 ..... 62995 ..... 599'5 S.A,LI 79500 ... u1250°0 ... .. 795°0 245°0 26811 38811 298" 298" 448" 378"- 228'' 288" 24888 29888 188" ,...,., -W.lf'9. Mt14-IN c .. ,_ l~et -A1t1. Meet MlMer 23881 lttcf'nilNc ,,.,.... uetr.1--2 .-4 h..We ..... 211.11 SALi GAS RANGES O'Keefe & Merritt Close•Out-Floor Models & Demollstrators 30" CONTEMPO-DELUXI! DOUBLE OVE-N (TOP & BOTTOM) SMOKIWS laOll-0 TIMp..().MATIC COOllN• 298" SNr...ltt si .... s.t IMlwlr 1.o.er -AW'IC-'• ..... l6t.ts SALi D 30" CONTEMPO DOUBLE OVEN (TOP & BOTTOM). CLOCK..Sl•NAL TIMll 27.,.. S•1ll-d• ....... -Its.let ....... let. J4t.tS SALi Q 1....,-c.,, ... M" CONTEMPO-DOUBLE OVEN (TOP & BOTTOM). nMp..o.MATIC coo••N• 3 .. .,.. ldMI ...,..... ...._ trlMe -.... 41f.tl SAU -.0 ,....,_ ......... • DEPENDABIUT\' & SERVICE SINCE 1947 • 411 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 646-1614 O.lly M ; &.it. f-4 • .. c1 .... 1 •• ,. ' ,- . - LEGAL MOTJCI Doctor Has lntrest In Flight of Apollo ¥GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE SPACE CENTER, Houston ducted crude lest. of AOVlfltTISEMIMT l'Oll ••DS (AP) -Quietly follo~g the weightlessness by stunting in Nollet 11 M~ ... •lwn Iha! lfW ..,.. of Tru1leet el' !tit (IJlANGE CO.t.ST progress ol Apol~ Il~LI a ~n--emy airjjlanes. JUNtOI: COLLEGE Dl~TIUCT of. o •• ,,,. Coullfy Mr•lriafter n=l•rrff lo II !Ml wbo began laymg medical ' "OWnlr'' will r!(•1Ye "" "'· bu! "'°' i.1er "''" 3:00 P.M., Wedneod•I', JulY ... groundwork ror such a night Or he II remember how he 1Mt, -ltd 111111 for "-, .. ,,., ct • C01"1lr1Ct 1ar '°"'''rvtllon Df • ton<.re1e .lfl"t before the m 0 0 n. b 0 u n d spent hours scanning the p/le bulkhfM on !he Southfrty llde It PKlflc. CO.fl tt"". bt~n Ille ltlboe a.., Cl!Jb ~, .. •nd ttie ~. se:ou1 ..... Tl'its 111111 Plwe o1 the constrvcti"" ""'" astronauts were born. heavens ·as a boy in his nat ive silll .. IPPf~lmlltlJ a llM1t Itel llf <OIKfete sl>MI ,u. bulkMMI lllCl\ldlrtf l'i1ndr111 •no t•111 •t •11 t•b•~ "'Ptndlcvl•r '"'1"1 ••c•v•tkli> o1 •PC1rO•l-Dr. Herbertus Strughold, 71 , Germany, keeping his eyes 1n1i.1v 3000 cubll; Y•r<k: G1'11d•l"9 OI .,.Ofl,,..11,... MOl 'CllllC. y1rfl1 •!Id Dlf. ded h he • f h 11tt 0~1 d 1aarox1m11t11 ~100 cook" Y•rdl ot Pead 1NMt11t Sudl bl•h w111 regar ere as t ' at er "more on the sky than on the ti.>Jrctl* In the office of Ille OwMr, "' Ills AJlmfnl1'rlllon .l ulkSln9, ORAHGE o[,spa..ce medicine," watched earth," CbAST JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT, 2101 F1lrvlt!w RoM, Callt Mesi, C1ll-th far1111, 1nd w11 bl o•fled au1:111c.1~ 1no reld 1loud 1r nie 1bo\le-stmci 11m1 e start of the voyage this •nd 1i.o.. week as a guest here of the Or his thoughts may go back fldl bid ""'51 COl'llOO""' •nd be r-lvt lo fllil lfl'lltlllen, tllt p~ 1PIC-ben h d li ed H.k•tlons. 11111 111 olt>H c1ocu,,_:s CGmPr~lrll !ti* pert"*>!' conlrlef dDcvrl'lfft~ National Aeronautics 1 n d lo 1927, w e e ·ver his COPIH Ill !toe cMtrKI docume11!1 ,,.. -oro fllt '"" -1'11 Miii; lnlHttlWI S Ad ' 1~-"· fi st J t f J · h t 111 ,,,. Mid tfl'lte d !he Dwnor, In MIG ,_,., °' °'-· St•'11 111 Q llf9mle pace mm .. uauun. 1r ec ures on l I •I'd hi ,,,. di'!« "' 1t1u11, ltin. Fn111 ,,.,. "-«II-_1,...,.. '""' ...,..,..,....., ~be hears the voices of the physiolO"". 1» Rochlli.r Strett, Cosl1 Mn-, 1nd '"'" be ali11l"9CI from the office Ill RM, .i... h ~ 111n, FP'ijll a. Astocr11t1 to, 11eHSn1,,. t11.oo-flr ""'-"'·"''• fiiiStlt wrn ee crew-«i "'~ way to t e moon, Str h Id u· ed I t rlfllllllW 11 lh• Ml or ..,._ 01 con1r1ct ctocume"" dell'lef'ed ire retvrned 111 "°' the spry space expert can ug 0 re r as year m'lllltklll wltllirl flw1 div• 1tte• t.11e bid _..fill. as a top scientist at Broob wort. m1Y com~ 1mmec11111,., 1ner ... ,,d ,,.,. 1...timiwi..i 1o lht coi. recall the days when he con-,._ Oltlrlrt o1 tullv ••KVled eontr1ct ,,,. llolld1 and nws1 .,. '°""'le!ld ,,;,, · Air Force Base in San to s.p11rntier :»· '"'· LEGAL NOTICE Contr.rt bid• wm be rec,1vec1 cowrl119 !1'111 en11r1 _,,. •s ffscriOM rn -. Antonlo, Tei., after 21 ye ars =~ct old~. lldderl r-NG le 1f1N 11..-. of sT•rllnti Ind time ot (~ •A• !US or civilian service with the Air Eich b!4f shall bf ·~nled by • ctrllfllcl l>f' C•lhler'I dlKll; ""'lllt su .. •110. COURT 01" TH• Force. to the Owner, r. I 111111~ b1G band In fl¥M d "" °"""'• txecuteG Irr !ht STAT• 0,. CALll'OINIA 1'01 bldHr •• l"rillCiNI .,,. I 11tl1!Klorv _...,., ~'"" .. _...,., In '" 11M11nl THf COUNTY 01" OltAMGI" Durin" the late 1920s, he nel le11 ll'lln 10 Ptrttnt of Ille bid. Tl'lt i:ti.ct or bid bond 11\111 bc t lwn 11 1 N1. A'6J'_. " 1u1r.nl .. 11111 !he blcldtr Wiii txecule lht contrKI H' II be 1w1rdeof 19 him In NnT!CI 01' MllllNG began St Udy j n g the conPormllY Wiit! '"-conlrK1 doc:ll!Mn .. '"" orlH ........ "-surety bond ... 01" "!"TITIOlf 1'01 PJIOIATI bcwllls 11 WKlllMI rtiere1n .. lthkl tlve c1.111 '""" l'lellfiu11on °' ,,,. •wt,. "' t11t o" wrLL ANO FOR physiological effects or avia· c.antrtd "" lhe llldder. LITT•RI TllTAM•NTA•Y tion . Tiii Dwner reteM:I "'-PrlVlleM d ••1«11111 1ny .... IH '"''or to ... rw E1t1te of A. CLYDE Gll:IZZELL, 1ny 1r..,u1tr111es or 1111orm.t1t111 Jn ,,,., bid "' tn 111o1 blddlnt. · o.c •• ,e<. He conducted some of the ~U~\ltnl ID Ille' Llbor C• Ill .... Sltl• Qf Cllffomlt, Ille Mid lotnl of NOTICE IS HEll:EIY GIVEN Ttitl Tnisloet Ill• 15Clrtt!Md Ille gener11 11 .. v1!111111 r1l1 of per dltm Wt9" fer M<f1 JOSEPHINE M. GRIUELL hli llltd first Simulated aJtitude eX• er.ti w ty111 d wor'lcmtn ~ed to e..ecu9-"" ~rKI whlcfl wm be iw.nlM "-"In • Ptlllloll for P•obttt of Will tnd · ,_ t W b !1 1111 IUCl)llMful bidder! 11111 !hlw PrtVtl""" rllts Ill! -ltl"9d In l licl _ .. IOI' lstulllte fll Ll'l!ers THfl,,....!IN per1meft14 a ll er Z Ur g t tic.tt-1c1opMc1 Irr"-1oero. 1nd -.. fOlklM; lo 1"1t1tioo.r Nier~ to wlllcti 1, Germany, in 1927, staying in-Cl.ASJl~IU.TION: "'Ide tor flJrtlloll" 111rtkullr&. 1Pld be ..,,.,.R•NT1c11s1 At11n11an K •1~ 1o lfls 11,..~1,~ °' L•ber c-. Stet!on 111o1 ,,,. time •nd ,111e1 d 1te1ri"' ""' side a ''metabolic cham r" on.J cwoc:1rn1nii ..,,.iovmen1 "' ••r1"'1c". 11me tiu ~ '" tor AUllllT 1. l"f, '' for as much as an hour in an It r"u!res canlrtcton or w1>co11trKtor1 1m11IO'flnw lrt<Setmen 111 •"Y 11.,.. '::JO 1.m., In lllt ceurlrtom of D-rt· h I ~1ttrc11.1blt! occua1111111 10 1PPl1 10 ni. 11111lkoblt! 1e1111 •lll'nnllc.tll!• commlllet mMt No. 3 "' Mid cC111rt. 11 10ll w. Ith atmosp er C pre s SU re cor- tor • Clf'llflult1 o11wov•I '"" li•lng lht ••!lo o1 •PP,...,llc:•1 10 l0ttrney"'1n ..,. ... St .. 1" the City°'''"'' Mt. C•llfornl1. responding to 21,000 feet. °" ll'ttl contr11e1. Otlff Jul1 1•. '"' Cantrllder '"'" bc re<1u1rM to tNke contrlbull-1o 1P11rent1cu111, ,,. w. E. ST JOHN Two years later he was ,....,..., Cenfr11etor 1nd •11bcol1tr1ctw sl'lltl •IM cGl'!IPI, With s.ctioll 1m,, 1n COuntY Clett; "'' .,,....,.._, of 1P91'en11c:n. J.or i..1or..,.11en ,,11,1v. i. '*'"'ke:il'lll tlll'lll· ~1. k~lltr. C11t1111111 tM aboard a plane again for more •rdt. eon11e1 01,~ d ll'IOl.lllrit1 11...i.11oM, 5111 FrMKl-.e, a 11111<11111 or ot\'J. M••"',"' .. , , ,,.. e x p e r i m e n t s with •kiri ., A~M1p 5 .. ndlnll 'llrlncll oft~. .... -" Alfr c1.-.111ct1ic.. ""' 1n111;11>11«1 1no titi.w 11,tM llwl!t ._ "Id 1t tM ;:.~,~·:;.;':~; weightlessness. This time he curl'llll -nilft tor the 11111llclblt! lr.O. Ind cllulfle.llon. · '" bed · h' h' Ith If r1tn 1!1ttc1 tot_i-,,.. "°' currtftt ., 1,. ,.vtlled b, llbor irrMfl'lllltl A~~~'-;111111t1tr eo. 1 num 18 ips W an dl.lrtne lhl bldll1,,. """ e< c-trvttlOll 11m1, 1!.ldl ~ t11t11 be -.1c11Nd JlllY 11 11 2., ";:. 1 Da!lr 1= anesthetic, cocaine, to get the • ""' of "" 1111ow-1111H ,.,... • • fuD elf~. CAJt'•MTlaSi "'" LEGAL NOTICE Hlelttl &. Wtlfert -.Jk Plr hour ,...,,loll """" -.olk ~ !tour 'll~lllen -.2'c P1r lllllr ..._._kesh{J Cenlrlll\lllen -.tlc Jllr llout C••Tl,.JCATI '" •USIH•SS "-": R11;1""n "°' i.1 ll>lln ~ _, 1'1-·r -... .. .... , • "ICTIYIOUI MAMIE · ..... .... ,,....,.. '"'" """' ~ rl f1'l<I uftdll'sltMd Go nrtlfr thffl ••• of !"• 1'11gllt:st <'-ulfk1llorl tvtr Wlllcll Ii. 1'1H l~lllen, •-ccu'ldllocilflt 1 butlT!tU 11 310 E Alfoft, s. ... cep, l"ntuPMtk N•!llll'. 11 Ant. C1tl!ornll, undor th! llttlllcl111 SJ.M flrll'I 111mt ot ARCO W000 l'JIOOUCTS ind ll>lll Sfold firm It com110$tG d !ht fellewlnt pe r-. "'1'IMt 111mn 11'1 tun ""' 11l11ees fll ,..i~, .,., " fol..,...: WiHltm IC. Arllllld, tl7 C1l\ll St .. N-7 IHcl'I, C1llfor"i1 v. 9Mlrlcl Amelcl. 221 C1111! 51., Nr'lllPll't a.1c11, C111111rn11 D•le<I Jv!r u, 1Hf Wllllll'! IC. Arnold V. autrlo ,Ar11111d STAT£ OF C.ALll"O«NIA. OltAf'tOE COUNTY; DI> J111Y lL lfff, blfott me, I NcllN "u&llc 111 ,,,. fer Hiii Stiff, -lty •-ml Wllllllft II:, Atllllld trld V. lfftrJce Arnold ktlow11 lo me to bl !ht ,..,....... Whftt n1m11 '" iubscrllltd to ..,. wllhlll 1"tlrwmenl ind Kknowlldttd lhty tll!Cllfed "'9 ''"''· t0tflci1I St•ll °"'*11 'II. Ult P+oltrY flubllc · Ctlilorftlll l'rlnl:IM! Office In °''""' c ...... ,., My C-lqlen Ex'4rti Men;:1'1 27. ,,,, "ubllshed Ort~ CO.it Clt!ly Pl1et, Julv 17, l~. :ri tPlll A111ust 7, "'' tan~ LEGAL NOTICE ' "J felt Unilfe. 1 had no feel- ing," he recalled . Except for a brief visit to the United States to conduct research, he re. mained in Gennany until after Wor'ld ' War II. He accepted an invitation to join the School of Aviation Medicine at Randolph Field, San Antonio in 1947. Eleven years later he and ~is associates conducted a simulated eight-day flight to the moon with an Air Force rdhmteer in a tiny pressure Cllamber. 1Strughold remembers vivid- 11 when the SovJet Union ~nt SJ>utntk into orbit. "Jt didn't scare me," he saidJ, "but I just did not like it." SP Seeking To End Run SAN FRANCISCO (·AP) - Southern Pacific Railroad ls. asking permission to reduce its dally nw of the Sunstt Limited between Los Angeles and New Orleans to three times a week. An SP spokesman Ca.Id Wednesday 8 petillon WH llled , wlth ·lhe tnterstite· comm·erce Commission in Wuh!Jilton. !n retum the railroad would restort diner-lounge and sleep- ing car ae:rVlce over the entire 2,023-mlle roule, SP said. SP claimed the train IGSt $1,195.._000 In the first four months of 1089. an average of more thaf 14,1100 per day, -----------------• No~ Bos,pital A1t i•fl "} 1 ! t .. rt Nu rses Strike l;r ipples Ceda rs of1Le banon HOLLYWOOD' (AP) -It's where Peter Sellers' heart stopped eight times -a'nd was reslarted each Ume with p~ring use of the electric pacemaker ••• Where Janet Le.igh, Joan BepneU, Joanne Woodward, Mrs. James Stewart, Mrs. Bill Coa!>Y, Mrs. Glen Campbell and'''Mama" Ca.ss Elliott had babies \ ... Where Elizabeth Tayldr, Red Skelton, Dorothy Malone, Mati1yn Monroe and Ava Gardoer bad surgery _ •• and where Marion Davies and Hedda Hopper died. But today Cedars o f Lebanon Hospital -hospital of the stars -Is itself ailing, crippled by a strike since June 10 by. most Of its 294 ·nurses. The maternity pavilion is closed. Doctors rush fran· tlcally from Queen of Angels Hospital, say, to St. John's in Santa Monica to deliver pa- tients simultaneously in labor. Only the most urgerit surgery is performed. Patient· 'popU1aUon Is down tiom ~ capa~lty of 508 tO about 120. Then's about the same rtumber ol nunea - strikers who <have gone back, plus i few recruit&. Nurd say their chief de- mand is recognition of the California Nurses Msocialion (CNA), not a labor union but a professional organization, as t h e i r collective bargaining agent. Hundreds of AFL-CJO unionists jolned the nurses' picket line for Lwo hours Tues- day. Said Sigmund Arywit:r., executive secrelary of the Los Angeles Coun~ Federation of Labor : "We're he.re to show our support of nurse! in their efrort to be treated like human beings." The hospital Is mostly of- ficially mum on the issues. But a doctor said: "The CNA's iasistence on detemtining the number and distribution of nurses would COflt us $15 to po more per bed per day. They --, want to gain eootrol ot haopUals by deallni wllh"ltlem one at a time.'' , • '!'ho.., et~«ory, .-..,, 4tucco Cedars ot t ,efiinoD H01pltal, on Fountain A- near Vermont Avenoe,..operbld In 1930, Eilht Imported codorJ - of Lebanon -tbe wooll "- which Solomon built b!J'i.tn•. pk! -were Planted on \ b • grounda oripWJy but ....-. removed several years a&o for addition of two winp. The bospitaJ WU fouoded and ts largely 111pporl<d by the Jewish community but ls nonse(tarian. Why do the well-to-do ttf show bu!lnea favor lt. A doc· lor says It's ~use ~· want and can afford the 'bell and cedars is world~nrd for research and' new t.eehnl• ques. TQ, he said, indude circulatory assist me~ for falling hearts: drugs t o restore pogt-eoroqary blood prusure: antibiotics, a n d techniques used on falling kidneys. .. t ~ Donor-reelplent Problem Br iton Says Nation Due Race Riots LONDON (UPI) -A major survey .told the British govern· ment it must Intervene vigorously to keep prejudice against the nation's one million colored immigrants from producing an American- slyle racial problem. T h e survey - a 387-page document produced after five years of study by the Institute of Race Relations -urged a crash program of s o c i a I legislaUon, an end to housing injustices and more colored policemen. Opinion polls cited in the survey Indi cated that two- thirds of all Britons consider themselves s uperior to Africans and Asians, and SS percent view ·colored persons living in Britain as inferior. The Bfitish Classify Africans, Indili.ns, Pakistanis and West Indi·ans as "colored!." Colored immigration into Britiln has produced growing problems in schools, housing and job! and has led in recent years to laws restricting im· 'migration and 'to the rise of race as a political iSSt1e. So rar, most legislation has been aimed at curtailing the growth of the colored population, rather than promoting Its civil rights, Heart Transplants Ecu.ing WASHINGTON (UPI) -been learned about malching," an exact match. but. you can Tl\1i-tfl.iffitie'r -of ·-mTI·-coopersaJd. -------match a"donor--to-._.-.e.··..,,i--t-H transplants has declined in re-"You match because the closely. eDOUgh so that the cent months,.because surgeons heart. is not . a:oinc to be are tryihg to find better body reject foreign UMues. assaulted u beavily:u tf you matches ·~ween donors and You try to provide a t~e did not take this precaution."' rec:iplents. the director of the graft as close as possible to Sanders said ooe Canfdtn National Heart Institute <NHI) the patient's." surgeon has · ca 11 e cl • said. Informs'.lion officer William .moratorium -on--·'tnmspllnta 'I Th1s reduces the pool of-E. Sander!~sa.id-~ .-records ·-beeiw9e-M the-number-GI-Pl"'--+-HI potential donors, Dr. Theodore shdW" only one tranSplanl tienCS he has lost. Cooper said in an interview. perfonned this month, a Heart ttaru;plant ~ Cooper said a._good _match transplant ln ~rlin J..Y.!Y-=1~-· dates f_rom Dec. ~· 1987 pbea requires taking samples from The recipient died within Dr. "Cfinstiaan ra-r n.,-rd- donbr and recipient a n d several hours, he said·. performed the historic oper .. matching them again.st known Two transplanls w e r e lion at Groote Schuur HOQltal antigw. performed in June and thrtt in Cape Town, South Afdca. Antigens, usually proteins, in May, and all recipients are Of the 137 transpl a ntl stimulate the production of an-surviving. In April , however, perfdrmed to date, incluidlnl tibodlu introduced into the eleven lransplanls we r e the hrst one, there are 11 U.S. body. The ant t gen Is perfonned, with three patients and 13 foreign sanlvora. Tecognlied by t be body's still surving; in March, four, There have bee,n, however, (n. I defense mechanlsm as roreigfl, will\ ol'ie -Sl1tVIVl5?; Jn ly 13S'l"edplmts. Two. pttllODI "The scientific evidence on Februaey.,-six, with one !lad two tr~1'uts . 7,;;-..,,r----1-i immunological agpects has survivor. and In January In the United Slates, ... 1 reduced pool of potential eight, with no survivor11. t r a n s p I a n t s ba~ been I donors because of what has "You are never IOin& to get performed. Nuns Save Own~ Priory Siste rs Donate Job Pay for Pa y ment • MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) the needed funds or els!: normally a high '1:bool _ To meel a large payment refinancing at a 3 percent hike teacher, Is dolnc photoc:op1 soon due on their new St. Paul in interest rates, to Blh per· work for a M I n n e a p o 11 • cent. Priory, nuns of the Order or synagogue. She said th~ posi-One sister rontacted a Min-St. J;le~eqic;:t are working this neapolis employment U r m Uon often her "an exctillenC summer as typists, recep-wh ich speciali:r.es in tern-opportunity to listen to, and tionisti;" file clerks and in a porary positions. A compa{ly get lo know, other!:." variety of other jobs with official offered a free brush-up Sister Carol , another of the business rirms in lhe Twin course in ofttce · practices nuns participatln1, Wei ·the before placing the sisters Jn Cities. jobs. experience :.as drawn U.. -The project was begun when All or the salaries they earn sisters Closer togttbd. ln the sisters found themselves are paid directly to the order. terms of undtrsta:ndinf• tbl without surficient income to The sisters wear conservative problems confronting th e meet the payment, the site or street clothes and black veils ordei'. which was not disclosed. The on the job. Sister Rolaine said For many of the nuns.t'wbo situation slemmed fro1n a the veils are removed lf joieed the order while in P.&eJt drop in the number of young employers object strongly to teens, the project has C.f\'en women joining the order. com-the1n. them their first contact 1t'ith bined with i n c r e a s e d Most of the 253 nuns who the business world. retirements. reside at the priory are in-"I think people are aurpilo Sister Rolainc. assistant to volved in the project, Sister ed to find we want to go out to the mother superior. sailil the Rolaine said, work instead of beuinC fot nuns were faced with findinC Sister Mary Kathe r In e, money," Slater Roi.me aa1d. -~~--'-~~~~~~----"-~~~~~~ Panti ng to Ge t Chattge Il was a lyplcal d,aji recenUy at mosl Southern Call· fornla offices wilh the exception ~r one1 a Los An· geles advertising agency, A aozen or the ltitls al lhe office staged a surprise pants 11put on" fo p've the ' way for the 1armenls respodabillly around Ille ~ce, The girf1 bo"es didn 't have anr prlor:lmo ledge of tho "put on" and their ollicia reacUD!I <;, "it was a sad day for the lee man.'' .. 41 I ... .:Ml DAil V ,ILOI I LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ·- I .. , • 11• I ¢ NOTtCI OI" TIUITWl'I IA~I 0.. ~'• A-' IL lfllt, " t :Jt I .tit. .i 2211 ~riN A~ll:IM lllMll, Or-~. C• , CAltl M. IUClt IUILOING CO~.. lltvtl ffW· IK ,..;1 RH et .... k _.....to .. 11ilhe11 tilddtt ... '""' '" Mwf!.11 _., llf "'-Ollltflll Sr.ta. 11 M~-et !tie llMe II 1111le, •II !Mt certllht ,.., ~ 11tuale4 111 Ori""' C-IY, Calltllnlle, dtW:rlbM " fellows: Lot 21, TrK'I 4ft, .. -- rKWWd In .... '" ·-21 ""'" !J.. ol Mla«IUUlllCll.IS #oat>t. r_.m of O••flM c_,1y, ~ wm. an Vl't< dlvldMl"l/Mlll lftltrtst ht Liit "' f/lf Ml4 Tra.;1 Utt. TIWI .-le wlll lot mMl4I wlll!D\lt c.-nt '"' w11r•n1Y •-tdl119 tin., -loll • ., en<:llll'lllrll\US to wllm l:tlOI llllllf•lloll IKurff tw. 1o'lll pUf'IU.111 to, IM -el' 11lr conferred 111 !hit -of tnist I ll• eco,ntcl 11V JOAN LEE SWISHElt, 111 - ,...,,~ -n. Trtmor Md h CAllL M. flUCIC IUILOING CO~ 1 C1llt'llrt1!1 ar_.111oit u ..m.11""" trwtee tw Tl· T\..E IN$UUHCE ANO TltUIT CO. UllClr:r I tubs'ltu!IM .. IM Me., !. lHt, reconled i.. Or.,.. ,_..,. "' Ma., t , 1Mt, In 8«* ltll, I" ... 213 M ~ No. 4't:I. fW .... titn.fil '"' ""'''"' " CAltL M. IUCK IUILDING CO. 1 CJ.llfonll1 ~•llM a tiMtfic:letY. No:ilb I/I Mflwlf ... lled'llfl to Mii ""-. described rHI ~ ~ tlM ~ or trust ••• ·-lled ... MMdl ,~. lHt. '" S-.,01, -)fJ, as ~I H1. J!N6._offldll_rcotell~-"'--OfflWt _eci,mlY, C..lllot'lllt. D11N Jul\' 14. 1M CAAL M. IUCIC I UtLDING CO. !1'1 : Alcl'l&nl A. Hl1llle 111 Attamr1 llt Fl<f. "wblillled Or11191 C:-t 0.llr .-1 .... Jwty 11, 2' 1111111 Awull 7. 1'Ht 1Ul-4t LEGAL NOTICE --_NOTJC.I .llf.V'lrul._.lllL---Motb Is .... ,. tlwll lfllt t1M -&Mill ., T,111'"5 fl 11'11 er.,..· C:..lt J111<I« Collftt Dlllrkl of Ori"" Coullt'Y, C1llfor11l1, wfll .-ec:trve fl'!"" 111*· • i. l:llCI lt.m. #toflA'I, JwlY •• 1"9, 11 t'lle ttu•dllslM Ost. ;Gt-.. i. . .,_. •11trld IDclted 11 '1'11 F11t'vltW AMII, C.t1 ~ ... C1111am111, 11 whldl llrnt uld bids wll bl Pllbllel'f _,.. Mii riff fDI': Cl I \ltrik.11 Mn1111t M1Ct111111 UI GrMll 1"1- -1 (l) OIMIWrY ~I CO Gr1lf'lla T~., £ ... """""'' ISi MIM!fldurlnt ,_ (,lldlut E._,lilfrltfrh {') Allterllott'le TecMoletY EIMlltftMtll. • All bids I,. lo bl Ill ICCOl'"11ce Wlll'I t111 111ttrwtiofls ..-c...n-. 1111111 I.He· lflullwll wlllctl i re -"' flll 11111 _,, bl _ ... Ill """ ""1« "' "" l"urcltltlllll AMnt el uld IC'-! dlslrld. Eedl ~-I tiUMlft wlfll Mt W 1 CMhlff"s dledt, certltlMI dllell, Ir bid-*"• ftollcl' ~ NYlllilll '9 ftle .,.., If Ifie Or-COfft Jr. c.ii... Dldrld """""' T~ Iii .... 1~ -!IQ lllln fiVI "'<1111 U%) ti tlM -bid II I -anftl lhtf tlM ""*"' W'!ll ~ 11!11 the 1~ cerrtrl<f II' IN -II _,......,. ti! Pllm. 111 Iha -' ti .. lllml t. lellltr "'.. If.Idle Cllllllrfft the ...c:Nllb " tlM (Md< wlll bl Nrfflfd, or Ill tlM tlM f1f 1 band, 1111 tun """ or 1tlerlol will bl lorltllecl 19 uld w-i dl•l•lcl. Mo bllkM< ml'I wl-r1w his blll fw 11 11erlod ot forty.five (d ) •n 1tttr Ille dtiot HI for h -Iris therfflf. Tloc lotrd f1f Trvstees ntt,.,.. thl "'lvllftt fl1 r1lttll11t '"" or 1n ""' ti' ft w1M ,..., Jr,.....llrJtles or IMormtlltfh Ill '"" llld or Jn Ille blddlnt. .-rice, llhleH Ind •ulllf'f lioelnt MUii, oreierenc:t wlll bt 1!¥e11 '"-•radllrtl 1row11, mMlllf1ctilf"lll. or '"'"'1ced 111 tr. Sl1!ot of C1llfornlt. All "'1ttrl1ll ..,.., ..... com"'7 Vil'll!t GovvnlMn1 c.it. SldllN ~ lnc:lus1¥1. i/MOllMAN e. WATSON ~~,,.,.,, &oar• Ill Trv1._ .-ubHllhed Ori "" Col1t D1ll'I' .. llol, July 10. 17, 1Mt 1l1Mt LEGAL NOTICE OADINANCa NO. •f-U AW OltDIWAl'tCI 011' TKI CITY COUN- CI\. OP TNI CITT 011' COSTA MISA, CALIPOA"llA. "A0VIOINO POA IN· ll'OllCllUfllT 011' Tit• ITAU MOTOA Vl!NICLI! ACT '"'OM TMI Pll1VAT1! sn1rn AfllD AOADS OP ll'Al.Vl.W STATI MOSl"rTAt.. OAOU"IDS. THE CITY COUNCii.. OF THE CITY OF COSTA MESA. CALIFOANIA,. DOES HEllEIY OADAIN AS ll'Ot..l.OWS: SICTIOlll 1, Tlll Cll'I' C-11 It' t1w Clf'f flf Cost• Mew finds IN M l1res 11111 flll ltrftll. .... ,.,..... """"9dltte.., wr•OUlllllll9 F1l,.,lew Stlte ~011 1r1 -111\' '-eld -tor flll Utl Ill , ... •llblk ...... , •• ~ .... ~ nect wltll sltet'll. lfMI llltflw•n '" wch • "ll""•lr .. ""' .... blk (.lll'IClf dt~"'IM !Ml Nici rMdS 1,f !'Ill+ M lle slret11 Ind llirlllwlYI. Tiit Cltv COUlldl tf • Clf'f flf Coste Me$1 ,.,,,..., finds Ind dec:llf'ft "'6t Ille l11IM"ttl of Ille "'°'°'11111 .. ublk: Wiii belt bt-serwd lrt '"~"°" .r "'--vl1!011S of the Motor Veltkle COdl for the St1t1 tf C1llfomla. The Cllv Counc:ll of the Clh' of Cull Mtsa turlfter finds 1nd Otdlrw lt 11 most conv.,.leo'll IM "''etltll for tt11 Jl'oUu O.Plrt<Mflf _, h Cll'I If Cftll Mes11 to enlorct tlw wtllclll eodoe of #II Shlte of C1llfornl1 Oft tllfl ..,,.........: 1M Tf\t Cll'I' Countll <If 1t>e City d (111!1 Mew f!n1tl'I finds Ind GKll•H t111t F1lrvl9W Stitt H6'11111 Ml bel!n t ll'fll !ht 1t1tl,lllory Mtk.f If I Mlk MlrfMI 11111 11C1 lfOtelt WU tooiH flrr Mt• l>olo!11t 11'111 '9111 F1\rvr.w St1" ._,1111 .._ lit flCf • ......,. Mte It' Mrll 21. lMf, 1Ubmltt...i 1 lttttr " 1111 Clf'f of (Mil Meli ~ fft (llltf _,i .-0111:1 '-""" "" ~ ~(_,, Areonll .. 1¥, tt'* .. ,......_ Mdloll 11 HdM liJ Cl'llltltf IU, A~lt • of !toe Cot'!t MtU MVl'lldloll C.. SICTIOM t. ~lwr 111, Art'(lt .. ONllllll XVIII. ,_,.... 3411.1 II 11'19 Colli """' MullldNI Cldl 1 .... tl fMll t• lellowt: "Sic. JOU Thi Pollet DtHrtfMllf el tl'll City 11 cn11 ~ win -. dllr9M With 1tw ..,. f~I f/11 city If~ l'tlll..._ .,... 111 "' lllol """-"' flll C.llflmll Mltw Vtflldl CW. """ 11'141 •trfttt ,,.. .,.... "' """'" ~-""""l ... .,. ~ Wl'lllll .. (11"1 "' c."' ...... SiCTIOM t. Tlllt _..IMfQ 91\MI -~ elr.ct 11111 lit Ill flltl fWU fll"1¥ l•I dtn ff'Om 11111 ~ ffl ,...... •M ,., .... te h 1Ulr1fflll flt fltlMll (1Jl dtY• '"'" It• _... ... M JVMf,.... Ofl(I If! ftlt Ori ... CMll Dtll'f l"llllf, I ,.. __ f/f •-•I clrc111tlllfl.-.,;~ fM 11111 ~ "' 1111 Clf'I' "' C.tl ,.,.. ....... """ wi. 1111 ........ ., tlHt -'*' fl ""' Clf'f C-11 *''"' for ... HllNt lll'M. P,\JSliD ANO ADOPTED tr.II ltlll Illy "' ,u .......... A. L .. IWklEY -~ .. Cll'I' II CM11 Mlt.t . -. 6 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 D A I 1 y p I L· 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 4 2 - 5 6 7 8 l -DAILY Pl~OT WANT ADS 1-~r111111-a166fJST-SINGY llf.411Kn'PIACB...GN..TJIB..fl.IUNfillt.~fMS~ -l;ilUJlllECl .HJ.Sf71 HOUSES POlt SALE. HOUSll l'OR SALi. HOUSIS FOR SALE.• H~S._!'S FOR ~~E. _ HOUSIS FOR SALE. 'HOUSES FOR SALi Geeor1 __ JOOO.. Go!!ettl -1000 !'<"!!-•I 1000 C!:o-11 . 1090 0.no<.J ~ _ 1"° C@t• Me11 , 11• FINANCING REUEF OWNE!I WILL CAltll'f 1sr TRUST DEED. CU.tom built, carpetM and dt.ped sP.o- loua two bed}wm home kl EASTSIDE COSTA MESA. C.opper plumblnf thru out. stove, ~tor. clothts . washer, and power ~-e.T includ@d. Larat corne:r lot with allty, dOUb!e ca.nae, boat slorqe atta, patio, frWt trees and P'l.Pf: arbol'. Vacant • immediate posses. Uon. Only $25,950, CA L L TODAY :! mtw Evenings Call 673-6116 COLLEGE PARK 4 BDRMS. ASSUME 5lh% FHA Te1Tific location on a cul-de- sac )ot. All bullt in kitchen. Larae d.ining room, -t Ovtr- lized bedrooms 2 baths, dou- ble caraae, forced air heat, brick fireplatt. Monthly payment including principal, interest, taxes and insurance la n78.00. You'd better move fast on this one! ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2t3 E . 17th St., '46-4494 Ol'EN DAILY -141-Sl·E RK~,-CM Immediate J>OM:f:SSlon, --3 lara;e bdrms 2 baths, built. ins, FA heat. dining area + brick fireplilci. In ,rvffig room. Dbl garage. Large fenced yard. 7 years new. Good tin, Price alubed! 1860 Newport Blvd., CM JUtr. 6f6.3928 Eve, 644-1655 Lachenmyer BineH Realty presents Harbor Highlands OP.EN HOUSE I • 5 1536 Sylvia L11ne 3 Bdrm plU! custom family room with fireplace, Quiet comer location, separated~ ing room + breakfut area. Call to see. 16<6 Wcstcliff Dr, NB 642-5200 * * * * * SHORECUFFS Finl t ime ofh!~I 3 Bedroom ShoreclU(f home on hua:e. corner lot • wlt.h Iott of 100m lo 1dd on. ?af)eltd Uvlna: room wi ll'I used brick ftreplace A very cood va1ue At $56,500 cau: Jack ScroRu ,..,_ 6'<-22!0 HAR•OR 4 BIG IDROOMS SHA.RP, lMMACU. LATE, Mesa Verde home with SHAKE ROOF, BLOCK FENCE, BOAT S PACE & BRAND NEW CAR· PETS. You'U be pleased with the large room sizes and separate ser- vice porch .. Simply as- sume e:xllling Ins urance loan at I ow interest raff!. Full price $31,450. /liJI,,.. COATS ~WAL~Cl REALTORS 546 4141- (()pon E .. ni"91) NEW AS TOMORROW 'Solid as the Rock of Oibral· tor, cu.st. blt. 4 ·Br., 4 Ba. f((len;-lop gradc-mit@:"riaJS from 'fioor to ceiling; expa,.. sive hallwaY. impreulve farniOC rm. or den. w/ wP.I.· nut panelinj!. Custom wet bar, frplc., formal liv. & din. rooms, cryslal chande· liers. Spacious I hr u out. iss,ooo . A Baycrest buy! RmCJllPET REALTY 2«Q W. Balboa. BJvd.,.N.B. Call Anytime 67S-6000 ''ft'?. Kitchen Ci1rpet This one. hM lt! and a k>l more feature11 too! including 4 bdm1s, 3 baths, paneled lam. rm. and formal dining room. Just Jlsted, ls' time adv. $41,900. ) "\" l' . • 1···1 .,,.· l"''t" . ':-' . . ' . \ 546-5990 !!ARBOR HIGHLANDS Country Atmospt,...., In Cliffh1von ' Lar&e 3 bedroom lamJly l'IOrne. with 2 baths--and .ep. arato dinin& .room. 18 x 30 ~ llvirw l'OOOl with wood humlne fireplace Efficient }tltchcn. wtlh Bl~· and M· \6&1fbcr. $34,900 "For A \Vise Buy" Colesworlhy & Co. 642-Tm . OPEN HOUSE TUES. THRU FRI. You are Invited to view thls distinctive home. • Bdrm., lrg1 billiard nn. Spacious te1T&ee overlooking ocean & jetty. 461.S Perham, Cameo Shores. $1l0.!n1. Mn .. f.larvey Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Biach, Calif. 133-0700 644-2434 Lohn macnab ·-LIDO ISLE One ()f the rnosi beautiful homes offered on cumer lot, on lovely Lido Isle, across from private beach. 3 large bedrooms, large living room, ronnal dining room. 2 Fire· places. &aulifully decorated for executive taste. $ll5,000. Call for app't (71 41 642-8235 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 Newport Beach Luxury & Family Livin9 3 good-&iZt'cl lxlrms plu.s the master which has \l's own rPrivate patio & oversized bath. Beamed ceiling in liv· ing room with fireplace, large rom1al dinlng room, breakfast roon1 & family room separated by a cook's delight kitChen. BAYCREST. JEAN SMITH Realtor 646-3255 400 E. l 7th, Cos la Mesa llh Yoors Old MESA YPDE , 2 &Od"""" Thi• lm!PlCU!l"' S BR lam· . $21,500 ' lly home can be YOUl'll by It bu: 1% balh.s-doul:;te W · a&1umir41:$1'.9' l1lALOAN. qe, 1ai buUt 'ln kUChen. A rnust tee to a.ppreclate. forced air heatiftJ:, and that A$kh: price includes a re~ra- $26 950 '°'· w .. he! and d"'" aoo ' , elec fireplace, d<m't mlu JL TWO ON LOT EASTSJDE. Newer l " bdnm It older 2 bdnn, detached 2 car garaae 6: wotk&hop. Ex· terior rttently pt.lnted. Only $29,950 ~ ·PEl=ll=ION ,.J1 • ·····-, .... * 64'1·,I n1 Anytlmo * COUI6E PARK Located al 2359 College Drive Vaca.nt & ready to move in. 3 BR + Jarg41 fa mil,y roo'rn & huge family kitchen \vith built-ins. U&ed brick 'nrc. pl a c•e &: HARDWOOD FLOOR.!!. $27,500 (Veti no down pymnt.) Newport ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17tli St., ~ WALK TO BEACH Modem 4 . bedroom with all the extru. Cattftte patio t.ridscapinc. Private club, pool!I, tennis ooutts ind t,each. HURRY, for this new listing a' just 129.!liO! ! 1 WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee ""13 Weslclilt Dr. 6-16-';. ·1 Open Eves. ~ESADELMAR $29,950 Immaculate home. Deep pile carpeting, terrav.o entry .. Newly apoi.nted. T\vin size bedrooms. 2 baths. Family room. Fireplace in seclutlf'd patio. 540-1120 TARBELL 2'55 Harbor BACK BAY FOllEST !<. OLSON Inc., tt.ealton; HOR SE RANCH 3/. Acre-Newport Picturesque C!OUfltr)' home nt1tl@d in the a:entle. rollirw: countryside ot upper New- port Bay, Owml"' 3 bod- room home on * acre ot va· cation li•ing all year lq. You can have horses. too! So euy to own. Owner will provide ftnanc~. 0 n I Y S34,900. :oooit be late? Call 64$-0303. BUILDER'S SALE! Socrifice--$2b,OOO Builder's borne wll.h f bl& bedrooms. F" a m 11 y type kitchen with latest of all huiJt.ins. Large livin&: room. and au Stone fireplace. Walk to all schools. Very choJce location. No down for G.l.1 (Sl.400 for FHA-Vet) and DD. ind Joans, Best Yoll bun')' for lhia Fount&in Valley beauty. FANTASTIC BUY $19 ,700-$0 DOWN You'll rarely Iind a bargain like this'! Custom built! l bedrooms! Centrally Jocat· Beautilul adult occupied 3 cd near downtown ahoppin&;, ";iii:=:::=:: I BR.2.bath, dining nn. cpts/ wa1k toschoab. No down for iii df'P6, frplc. $31,950. G..I.'s ($900 for non vet&> DAVlDSON Realty and no 2nd Joans •. Better at Victoria 6464811 (anytime).. Wfi!MERC!Al_!l!lG. 5'16-5400 1'.:11cs. 642-~951 ' · be fast! Call 66-0Jre . ..645.031)-3 ~&;_1'-BR-IRJME --SUNSH!NE=HOM~-2299 Harbor Blvdc, C:M:- 1s~,.~.,-,-_c-CA~SH="T0ALKS~=.-o~wner­ transferred • Ions KOr. almost lm.m-41-di.ate possessiOn: Assume $16,:m loall· $151/mo including taxes· no loan tees. J BR 2 bath home-.gofgeoua con- dition Inside & out Priced f.or quick sale at $26,950. CALL 545--8424 South C.OUt Real Estate 50xl80' COl'Jll'r lot next to NEW: blt:ins, garbage dis- .Dept. ol !110tQr Vehi{;les. posal, dishwasher, waler SJ90 pot'I income.-Reduced rieare't, -watel' softener;---!! $14 000 BR, 2 ba. $21,950. ' · $lB OOO Rand Roalty 64S.2340 r 10'/. DO)VN Newly painted In l out. J BR & lam rm Mesa Del !l!ar. ;;;:;;~;;i;i I Ne\11 \V/w cpts thruoui, spot· less cond., blt-in range & l!!!!!l!""k!!!IJ!l!l!i!!~l!!jl \ oven, 2 baths. Spac, liv nn, frple. $27,500 . VA tenns. P. W .C. 5464140 l.z=i====i====:\Morning Sun •.• Twinkling Li91its-$21,500 NEW CARPET NO QUALIFYING , Everyone can a~ume thi!I' hi~h F~IA Joan. -9521 or 540-6631 10• Ivan Wells' new VJEW homes facing Bay in [)over Shores, 5 mlXlels lo choose from • 4 & 5 bdrms. Models open dally at 1430 GaJa.xy Dr. 646-1550 ASSi!ME 6% Gl 1.0-AN Save Thousands Now Anyone qualifies~ 0w'1C'r sacrificing 2 yr Spanish- stylc 3 Br, 2 ba, F/R, spklrs, B-a.Quc, frJ?lc. quiet corner. Make an offer! 54&-Qi66 BAYFRONT BUY! Lovely home plus apt.. So. You Redecorate-OK? Bayfront, Balboa Island. 6 Good 4 + fam rin on corner, Yrars new! Mesa de! :\far. Sds -paint U35,000 LAST YEAR•S PRICE f.fy contract $1250 Smail transfer fees, panelled liv nn, inside I outskle kit, lge 3 BR. 2 BA, 2nd story bonus room, drps, patio, block encl yard," sprinklers. $28, 750. 54(l.822U 0 w n e r/ Agent. As.SUME 6% GI LOAN Saw Thousands Now Anyone. qualifies! Ownc?' s."..crilicing 2 yr SpanUrtJ. style 3 Br, 2 Ba, FIR, spklrs B·s.Que, Irplc. quiet comer. $26,950 lfow about a 16x26 family room: A bedrooms, 2 fire. places, huge kitchen and loo many other features to men- tion. Bei.!_ Harbor Highlands atta . all for jU!t W,500! NEWPORT HEIGHTS & lawn renovation. Take II Lido Realty Inc. CHARMER look . make an oUcr • buy 3400 Via Lido 673-8830 Make an <llle:r! 546-Qi66 BY OWNER: E-s'lde 3 Br, 2 Ba, bllns, crpts, drps. quiet st. close to schla. Vacant. VA apprl $25,950. Drive by 430 Esther St. (oU Tulltin) then call 6'(2-3863 o r 837..&117 Privacy & beauty of -front block wRll. 3 BR Ir ram.Uy ln MHI. Verde. submit FHA or VA terms to owner for Wt sale &: move in. CALL 54().1151 J.leritqe ~al Es- tate. A real doll house complctt'ly a bargain! Listing is $29,'150. $28.500. HUGE lam rm, big redecorated wilh shag car· ~ 546·SISO !iv rm. 3 Bdrm, ia Ba. $24,~. POOL 3 Br; 2 baths. Hdwd Doors. huge enclosed patio. BJ~k lenoe, 2 car garage. Sl85 i nclud e s aU. Bkr. 642~15 peting, new paint and n<'W (ntlrcinemlthelhtl Perf. cond. College Park, roof, H's an older home with LLEGE REALTY CM . Nr. Harbor Shop ctr Ii \0 THE REAL '."""'-ESTATERS a lot of personality, arch ISOl Mnslttia!W,Cll all schl5. ~9993 ways and everything, for-I ~::;:::::::::::::;::;::;::z:::;::;•l'o~WN~~Eli~:·~"~';,.,~I0~"''..'11y~2~•~to~ry~ BY O\VNER • L<lw \tlterest 5'.4-6~% h'i: transleJTable loans. All 3 BDRM's. 2-E side, 2 W skle. 548--llfb * * * * * mal dining. F u 11 price hd··---' 5 BR. 3 BA home. Will con. • 3 BR 1~ bath, wuuu $Zl.~. ~:r:~ gc~l~: g de:~a~i::~j :~~:.~~~=& ~ ~ Price Reduced Baycrtst Wells built 5 bdrm J"h baths. Owner movine East. Must sell now. Arnold & Freud 388 E. 17th St., CM Realtors 646-7755 5 BEDROOM- LIKE RENT Payment!! Buill·in rangt', oven l dishwas~r. Famil)' room. Custom carpeting & drapes. C.overed patio. Pric· ~ below replacement. .... 1720 TARBELL 2t55 Horbor BEAUTIFUL Htd pool, 3 Br, 1%. Ba. be~ ce~ blt·ins dbl trplc, 2 patios, E-Ule C.M. Avail rx>-down GI or FHA. K1npard Rlty. Ml W'/l2. 646·71TI • 546·2313 Opon Hse. Until Soldl 1847 TA1!JTI DRIVE Big family hon1e, 5 BR, 2900 sq. It. Anthony pool, freshly red~. Sharp loc in Mesa Verde. Lis led $54,900 -but all oUcrs Invited! 546·$110 (nearcinemt Uieltitl LLEGE REALTY 15(1) AdafllS 11 Hlrbor,Clr&. TOSS A PEBBLE Into the ocean from the deck of this early Laguna styled 2 Bdrm. 2 BA. home, F'ully rented for summer. OUers creative person ~aCh lront livine; at 2nd row price. Fin- ancina avail. $48,900 Hat Plnc hin It AsM»C. 3900 E. Coast Hwy. G75-4392 CHARGE )'OIJI' want ad now. ( ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St., 646-4494 B/B 1701 G•l•tea Terrace IRVINE TERRACE OPEN DAILY 1-5 PM Bay &r. ocean vie\11, Luxurious pool. Custom designed, spac. iota 3 Bdrm. 3~~ bath home. Great home for entertaining. An excellent value at $69.500. Owner anxious. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 67S.3000 2401 E. Coast HY:y .. Cd~f For Daily Pilot Want Ads Dia.I 00-5678 G.neral IOOOGenor1I 1000Generel Ot:eom1no• letteni of the four tt:tamhllld words b.r' low to form fOllf 1im1>le. words. IRETONI I :1r11r_ IPYSAN I _ I I r I I HES IN I Mother robbil to her smoll I I I r 1r bunny: .. A magician pu11td '":::'.:·=-::=~-::=~·=:·~you out of a hot. Now stop rlQOMOSE asking-.• 1-11 l-"-1,-. ""1 ..,..r ..,r...-r1-il • ~J:': .~ ":!.. ;::! • • - -• • ycu d ..... lop lrun1 ltep No. :f b.low. e r:~.'.:""'ru0 I' I' I' I' ' I' I' I' I' t I. SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 7600 • fenced yard. $24.500 • ZONED for BUSINESS 1 BR cottage w/gar $14,500. Costa Mesa 1100 NEAR SHOPPING * * * * * W•lls·McCi1rdl•, Rl trs. SPOT SPECIALS 1810 Nrwport Blvd., C.M. • 3 BR w/great palio. As- •..,..,,""-,,..7729..,.,.•~"y~ti~m~e!!" ... ~f sume 6'70 loan· F /P $2e,900 • Harbor Estate 3 BR & * * * * * pool, $2'7.500 vacant. Al Black at South Coast Real • 4 + ramily in Mesa Verde Estate is looking for enthu.i;. $27,500 F1~A/VA tenns. ia stlc associates to be aHili· Jirri tage R.E. 5-10-1151 a!ed \\'ith a P.mfessional * * * * * Real Es111rr olh<'r . Over· IDEAL F il ho \11hclmirq; Bonus Plan. Call , am Y . me near ~~5-8424 South Coas! ReaJ everything. .Pr 1 c e d at E 1 1 $28,500 for quick sale. Hugt' s.; e. * * '* * fa1nily rm. big living rn1. J _____ Bdrm, 111 Bath. Perfect CASCADING conct. College Parle Owner. WATERFALL 2372 Rutgers. 546-9993 BBQ -$23,500 THE QtnCKER YOU CAIL. NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 Large covered palio. Texas TIIE QUICKER YOU SEI.J.. slzl'd bedrooms, llrcplaL'(:, lull dining room. Sprinklers.,,..;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:- Loaded with charm! S.fil.1120 TARBELL 2'55 Harbor POOL TIME Huge 3 Br, din rm, tam rm. :; ca~ gar + 20:<.12 POOL. Gardrn kHchcn enhances this home. S41 .500. V11.cant. 01vner anxious. HARBOUR REAL TY e .'147·K~.l e PALM SPRINGS- Est. Liq . 3 -3 BR Jlomf"!I, :tl uni! apt bldg • yrly lsed, 2 Sallon !)(>a watrfmt lol5. Owner wiU sacrifire or tradl". <TI41 838-3944 or (TI4l J.25..6848. $22.SOO • 4 BDRM. Keep cool on lhe aUracU"''t' hrlck pat}() with gM fil'l'd BBQ. 2 00.th!I. Sl'c'ludt'd liv· ill£: room wilh handsome: nrrp1a~. F1n1ily r o o n1. Built·ln kilchen. 5-40.1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor OCEANFRONT 3 BR home on cxcellenl beach: ss-t:OOO. Georgt Wllllamson Hf:ALTOR ~ Eves. 6i'J.1$64 DAil~Y Prt..oT' \\>ANT ADS! BRING RP' ... ~ULTS! PATRONS ARE URGED TO REPORT ANY DIME· A· LINE IRREGULARITIES THEY FINO IN PRICING OR MERCHANDISING TO THE • DAILY PILOT WARNING! Advortising net ccnlcrming le our Dlme- A..Une · regulations mty be in viol•fion of bet~ City and Stale Board of Equalitation codes! ·-- fl!!lllll!f;jil;ioio'Wi~~~""""'~--~--------------~--.--......,-~---~-· T • • ' , '""'1&1, Mt 1,1, 1!t!6~tJ(--jiili~..;DAll~l~l'llOT~.:!!__J.r HOUSIS 1'011.SALI HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSIS l'OR SALi RINTAI.$ RIMTA}S RIHTA1S ~ENTALS iT ~...i..... "--~ I _ _;...._~~!.!'~·rn~lthed~L..:...!"~·q~1~11~'·!!!-~~~-I Atota--P•rafallod_ ~~ u.Jurnblood °""""' -.. 1 CM!~..... 11 .. Hunt.,,,..,. llead11400H .......... -1400 1· ·;:;r: ·: = --------1 * *u-~~ .. t, * "N• v 2 u.OMES LEFT -.No•Potl llN<hu'••9:. ~ /-E~RLa-v ~ .2200 . N~•i-t....., 5100 ...., ... w-'"° Offla _, n..----V .,..,_ -n _ ~~""-"' ~ °tf!'!:°at;!:b~1.c. ':'.-i:· .,~~o~~Pllat~ •• :rn ~~..:i~" """""""oanObaparld\nr I BR., I Bath, !urnlsbed .................... =~ ......_ 494.94tt, 615-1"16"' tow. I~·--· -l'OftESl'AnNUl:--'~.,;:..--+r-f• • BR homo. Exx>eptlonal Ne• l>omes, ready to move In. 'h mlle l'h Bii., 1 Bath fireplace· ..... -. '9WlOO Ev.~ ~ l'lewiut B<b. IWPtoo "' l>eok ,..... ·-cptJ /-'--•-Jc. Pedect r-m ~--b. ~-1 a ment u lo •• da I • I wuw·u ••••••••.• 1 e• lf'11C 2 8° ..... Ealt.flde ,.... ........ _ tn ' ......._ , ___ -:,r::, ::.".___ -·t •u .,._ •u• P Y .P vv ys 2 BR., 1 Bath, un!urn ........................ $200 5000 NEPTUNE " •-' '' •--_,... ,_t omc. --;:;;;;.,.if ~·-·~· ~·~• .. alter mote In t BD t •• Bath ..... C 1 M OOM Adultl °"'1.' c:.n bd:n mJd.Sopt. Leoti prOfeloed. prime locatloa ID "' NNI hmne CALL RAY • """' n ,wuurn, OS a esa ..••••••.•• vv AvallnowSSr,25a,detuxe. noon.54'-2900 Our famlty dOI m\dt ltQ Lta\D1& Blactl.. I.Jr CIQlldf. cAULT '4o'.rn1' H•rlla&• :• ...... VA/FHA. From $22,990. ~ BR:, 2 Bat.lu, un!urn .. " ........... """ .$175 c.u.m, ....,,_ 2liR."S140. s.\>&n.1a·1>1e, ad. wtlb "" .... two -..U. ---cupelod, .. R<alEotat.o CORAL SHORES BR.,lBath,l\itn.,CbpnneUront.. ........ $300 .., ....... ..,,.,_ .... "'""""'ci>Jldmitoo . ..<-, . ...,,..., '-on * * * * * , 3 BR., 1 Bath, Den, furn ............•..... :.$350 Cor°"• clel Mir 4250 nochlld«JM!!ta.M&-nu dant local reference• Porell Ave.1 nar lt&ds !JNBEUEYABLE-(on Garfield between.Bea~ & M11nol11 3 BR., 2 Baths, Den !urn ................ ' .... '354) LUXURIOUS apl avaU for ' .Br., "*· Htd ~. available, 156-:arl9 )lunc!pol ~ lnlL llO :. ' BR 3 ba .fonna1 din. rm.. 9 6 2 l l 5 l SU.MME_R. _ WEEKL y Sllmmer or wtnter rental, Adulta, no pets. '1551 UUJ WANTED To ltaae 3 or---4 Br Ptr month tor a.ce. ~ -:- I t~ • All 1 & I 1 1 furn or unrorn. located on pct, ~2627 868-.J.7'6 house. $350. to $450. per mo. 'and chain: :t-vallable tor $5. fr,>c. in uytb ~m. nn. a: s zes octtons, rom .................. $100 the .,.. Ith _,,__ ' CdM ,,._A_, .. a .... NB. 'ButlllOll Mun anawttfn& .. , ....... 1..., nunpUt room .. 2600 • ' pay w specta",,..... 1 BR. duple.: Larse yard ' .s:.IDQ'91U ._.,, • service y&U&tfo '"f'tftvnM• ... c950 CALL BURR WH'ITE R Ito oceu v~w. Pool, sauna, $120 month on \eue . Contact M?. Plllette (1!.4) ._.. Wl~--kl far llQ; • - .. • ~·• -· • Wntcllff 1230 Hunlin"'on Beach 1400 -• ff r boat lltp & ati oxtn1. • •• -·· ' ,.._1121or14151 -!::. " ~ pa ..., .. : . J~CK HAMMOND $0).l!Sl •• 290) Newport Blvd., NB 675-1630 Co11tct 213 28>-&3 -rr --H<rlla&e Real Eitale. SP'"-~-• SHINES ·-EVENINGS: 642-2253 or '73.«Sf : ' Mr, ' BDRM, 2 BA. adUlta. ... PHYSICIST "'family ...... DmY PILOT • , : ~ ~ .. 4 BEDROOM Held. pets. $150 mq'. lSl.6 Caraway untum 3-4 BR ti. OI' apt., tn m FORm' AVENUE Meu Ml Mer 1105 iKle a: out. Liv rTP... a: dln $.1600 B1lbo1 300 Dr. 5t0-64S.l nlce area: CM CC' NB. by LAGUNA BUOi nn; lttVice 'porc:b, elec $215 Pf:r montl}, to RENTALS .... , 14L.:t 4 2 BR. 1~ BA. carpt, lauodr)', ~.mo15. . .,!ID~ P»-S250 $&468 4 BIG ONES bltns, clean erpts, drps thru.· move in, ONE Joan. Built·tn Houses Furnished ..-~........,, Ono~ or the sh&rpf!st "pride out this 3 BR 2 BA borne. ra11&:e &: oVf,n, dilhwasher. HOVMI Unfum .. hed PENINS1JLA POINT pool AduJls. ... COUPLE Wlth out ot town 600 fo'1200 Sq, Ft. or e>wnenbfp" itreels in Prof. lndacpd • rnainl w/ Service porch, shake roof, S Ne-rt Buch 3200 r~;ma~~. Del";"' 5U--033I home wants local mrtal, OFFICE, C.M. 648-2\.30 Mesa del Mar • This well childm's p1a,y yrd A pet double &ara.a:e. Fireplace, ummer _Rent1ls 2910 ~,..--""' kda,ya only will share desi&ncd ~ itory hai 4 area. Heavy 6hake root com-carpets and ~ OUr -:l BR 2 BA. carport, $167.50 Newport IMch 5200 ~ iue ' Industrial Prop. 6010 BID bedn>oma, a me , • ..,. pt.tes this charming homo. BEST ll>Unr. BEN BRCY#N SPECrACIJLAR view; 3 Br. =. ~usa. 1 ~·' • FACINC BAY• APT R""ENLTAL, oaL veST. EN<; ·- JJy.roomind a HUGE livlnl By oiiner~l4l.5Qlc '6-,,.,. • APT • .f,IOTEL ll> ... FnJ. New o:pt.. Im· . . I • Firm roquira IOO-...., '• room .. Ntitledbetwttntwo ~'R . maculate U41KlnpPI SDI Lux.wiowiBalbo&BQ'Ollb. FREEtoownen-locall&Q'. Jt omc...1ab aru lrvim $37,IX» hornet. ONLY .,,,995, Univenity Park 1237 -64, 1 A: 2 Br. apfl. Comp. er Mo./y;.. leue. 4~44 Balboa lal•nd W5 sublet 1 )T or lonpr, 1 BR. ei1Je Beaoon. 645-0111 Bkr. tndmtrlal &nea. Rwmq: ., .-tum. Prtv. patios, htd. p;IOl, ==='=='=:;:=;:=, fu1'TI. or unfum. 642-'M33 BUSINESS Lady desires 1 water reqtrlred. 545-1362 Ass E oL 0 NS TV, rntaura.nt. 9 hole roll BEAUTIFUL Upper · duplex 2 2 "--~ . ._,, O THE REAL ""'-L:STATERS UM 6n'/. L A HEATED POOL "°"""· Walk to 6eaoh No eo ..... del Mir 3250 apl Very clooO lo So. Bay .. BR. BA. pa--~-bdrm unlurn 1pt .. 1100. • -· '. 2 Bedroom beauty t.ra.tli tse • Br 2 Ba. $400. yriy POOL. J.S25 Placentia. ID' M2-IXB)C ~.;.°'";;;;;"'";,;.;,":;;l:;;•l:_ _ _:_;:.;;~i Corner Location LARGE 4 BDRM mont~y ':_te~. ::kl&! 3 BR •• 2 BATHS s.iabury Rlty ~. beach. $14.S. no peta. e LANDLORDS e 12% NNN • "'."~' 546•2313 • 646•71n Owner leav~ area Only $33,500 for lbfs IOWly Hwy So Lagu Fpl ., cpts., drps. Avail. _ 1 & 2 BR. apts. furn Ii: ~n-FREE RENTAL SERVICE ~ .~ .. •==~------· • Red Hill Realty llcme with many extras. ·~ bYAliso :~c~~ e~ NOW. No pets or child u.n-Huntiri11ton Beach 4-400 furn. S165 to $Dl yrly. Broktt 53'-6982 LEASEBACK • , BEST Buy.Ww ! n t ere t t . 180&3 Oliver Dr., Irvine HAFFDAL REAL TY der 8. $2&5 month. • Anita, Jones Rlty. 673-m.O WiD Rli 12L~ .q_ ft, 0ranp ~~ r!~~ rm~~~ OPEN 9 AM..S PM 833-0820 ~~~~~~ lnco~:~ : ~ix:; i:~~:; Corbin.Martin NEW $700 up. 1·2-3 Br, htd 3 BR, 2 BA. yrly. Qub ROoms for Rent 59'5 ~t~ p.brl~=~.~ : . patio Ii; terfall fish -reservations call 673--9945 REALTORS " sauna poola, rec nn. Heil privs., crpts, drps, bullt-lna. $150,00> & l~ back on. •; wa Bick Bay 1240 5 BR/Com-Lot 315 E. BaI•--Blvd., Bal~-30.16 .E. c.1. Hwy ., CdM & Algoqu!n. Mgr~37 213·. 4'!1-4:W .· ROOM ,.,-. enb'anoe & i 29,500. By Owner. Prin-•• uu-. uut1. 675-1662 e L-&n'" long tenn. SlB.000 Net cl pals only. Open House 10--5 SPACIOUS 3 bdrm + family Immediate occupancy • Va· NE.-WPORT Beach. Nice 1. 2 BR, 2 Ba.. frplc, elec gar, BEACH, yearii' rental: SUS w .. To rn l d d I e -a I e d year; 8 atron& auboleu9•~ ' • daily. 642-1149 rm, 214 baths. Carpeted & C!U\t .now. Near schools I:. 4 BR. 2 ba. spUt-lev<!I tennis crt, pool, l blk + util. l·Br.', \lnf, Adulta on-e:rnp1oyed penon $45 mo. $3.3,460 Inoorne. Alt. n4."I • draped. Fenced. Sprinklers. shopping. $31,000. -~~·t!ee~ :: ~upl~. ~400 moFnth k ocea.n. 842-4155 ly: ref's. Aaent 615-1912 ~Fullerton, C. M. .f93.17<a " I Mesa Verde 1110 Out of town owner will sell. Rex L. Hodges, Rlty weekly or mo~thly, Jwy & ~~. · ra ~~ DELUXE 1 &: 2 Br at beach. YEARLY 4 Br, $290. per mo. _ · • 3 LCE BR ] " BA. O'K-le Low down. $28,500 offer. W-2525 Aug. 642-1272 219 15th St., Apt l . Adults, 3 Br, $235. Cpts, drpl, trplc, Ideal fw employed man . lndu1trlal Rlrtt1I 60to ~: 7JI "'"' Trade f Po ~I•="'~~::;;,=~·-) i;~;;;:;;=,~----2 BR House, excellent cond. no pets. gar. 6.f6..MOO. Prtvate entrance · " Mmitt blt-ins. Cpts. or mona Real Estate Salesm9n TERRIFIC view, across st. Married couples & 00 • ~ • INDUST Bldr in M-1, 'Ht: W ... drps. Encl~ back yard or 622-31.85 NHd9d from ocean. furn cottage .:'::;Mc.;'""';;.;=;":,:· !2>0;;;::;;mo:2-. _:,*.:!1'>Jl91;;;:'..'.I G::=;•nl:.::::•::n',;G:::,:•o::ve:...,_,;46:=10 East Bluff • 5242 17th St, CM. 3500 It .tt, ; 1block wall) with lge patio. HOUSES FOR SALE Best commission & 00nu11. dup, sleeps 4. SlOO. 259 Low-Mite. Rent•lr-5999 $325 mo. 645-1131 Eves ! Min yard caft', Asking Confideatial interview. Pri-l'!r CliU, Lag. 213: 349-1040 IMMACULATE 3 BR. SINGLE Young Adults J.,\(lt. p sl' l j' 6Q...lf79 $23,500. $169 mo PITI Seller Coron• del Mair 1250 vatedesk, phone + Secty. CdM Bhlfi.s -$350/wk for 3 2" BA, no'small childttn. ury garden apts with coon= re 1ge DCI aon LAND for BOAT M-2 INDUSTRIAL space~.; witl pay all escrow It. loan LITILE BRASHEAR REAL TY bdr l\' ba, finest view ot $250. 673-2402 try club atmosphere ard Fo• """·deluxe 1888 oq. It. blEDd& .. o.f ~otypes.00 utilwANToec: concrete bld&. DX1eqtL1• : charJes. Vacant. 312 6 CORONA BEACH 847-&31 Eves. 968-1178 bay & ocean. Avail. July, H t• t Be h l oompletl! privacy. SOUTH • ~ -.w w. l1th. CM m3l 434-alD Barbados Pl. Ownl!r/A&ent. ' 2700 f ·4 bdr 2•L Aug. & Sept. 675--6024 _.un 1n9 on· IC 400 BAY CLUB API'S. 13100 4 BR .• 21Ai ba, Apt; "''"-"'c .... -:;;,::::'----,'"",--~2185 is only steps away from tht! sq, t • -.a-.ba oor · a-tAPMAN Ave., Garden dna. "' ""P', ts, wet bar,1-st--,~-&'"""ble, DX! SQ. f"l'. BL00. 161 -,.. -"=""~~~~~d ,0,·-.. --llO-, . .,.....,~-lot nr Brichst & Ad"~.. 2 BR Balboa apt adj 4 BR. 2 Ba. furn. or untum. · ... _, dbl --v ..--,,,.... n.-..1 .......... .., NB • "'.-By ~·-·r 3 8 ,, 1:11 ......... u •J ~"""" "'""'" Grove (714) 636-3030 pnv. UIUOOfnes; . &anl&'! ,.. ___ , H-. ~-de! ~--. rn11.1 ..... .....,.:,.~12599, , , . ""v.-r-vwu•.: ,.,~~H~om~·~~S~pa~•~;o.,§and~~cl~•~an~~l4'~,~500'~6\4~1~oan~.~"'~·73~7~4~ beachts/pie11-. $75-$150 wkly. summer OK. 21282 Breton oU Jdtch. Dishwasher, dbl . .........,. *-,~;!U~~ * ...... ......,. , ... Ba. bltns, fa mi I y rm, 'th · 53&-3911. 675-5810_ Lane off Atlanta . v•.,...., -~-=--: -dra~carpc!r;1ffi!r&.1m1fli' "'.' 1 J r ._._. it.........:_ ---= ~ . · Oranoe County 4600 oven, pool. C:Onvenient to .._1.,. ·.'-.' • .,........ ~!.ISlta1n.-..vt-.y--..J41-&-BALBOA:::m&;;e.,~iJve cot: §..1A~. 2:Jm._ wllh , S · • ahep'g't. _Kbool&-&-·~GE' ·Gange9, 1 ear· 1.ot1---"!' ~ features. Must set! Call and wdi protectM patio. • tages Weekly rates July yard & gar. Adult!, m IJ';ts. 'INGLE"·yO;jrlg"iaUlfs.' hue." tion. --- Jfter 5:30. 545-3271 Great view upstairs, sOme BY Owner: 4 BRo lry family Au~t Sept 548-llSS ' Rers. $135. 540-J862 ury ·1:arden apts. wlfull ONL y ·$325 MONTH' Mar & Cbsta Mesa. fi73.-'1629 MAGNfFICENT - * BY OWNER. $24,,500 3 View down. Try $69,500, room, c3arpeta I.: drapes 2 Br 1 'n-· recreation JaclliUes & com· 835 AMIGOS WAY I P 6000 ~ •• '!:.~ lotwl,lnb .~ / _ BD1U.r. 2 bi.ths~c:rpls~ Mpl·. --anoas .!bmaut. .car ;ara&e. Many_ 00 ibe QC!lh Bjiif,en duplx aQJ .L1tun1 Niguel 3707 pl,!!te priv_!ql_. ~uth Bay Newport .Beach _ neome roperty -~@$}·' ~_::' .. ...,, ......, -• , Blockwall,sprlnklers , extras. Must be seen to be y ac. uy only. $115. BEAUT v· ~--Club Apts ,,,--.. ·s -o -~ appreciated! ASsume 6% per wk. ~1901 . iew c.ACL 3br 2 , . . Mnr Apt f COMMER( CORNER '971210 49Tm21' ,., ,, patio, trees. 5.f6.8B96 ba bltns dshwr C""/d Brookhurst, Anaheim~ 1714) • • • · • "' VA. $35,!Xll. 962--0688 BAYFRONT •P! for 2, dock. tp.' S300 836/5750. 'Mi.ti~ 712-4500 e NEW DELUXE e ' 1:"· Newport BeKh 1200 $125. week during July. Call I""======== 3 ar. 2~ ba apl, for leue Hottest spot In Orange Cnty .. Citrus Grov11 6175 '. ___ ~ ____ "T~R°"U"'L"Y~A""'MA""N;;;:S;;IO"'N"" L_1_,g'-•-•_•_Be_1_ch ___ 1,;.7.ce,05 675-1070. tt~ 4 1 AL~ Laguna &eath 4705 Incl. 6pac. mutr. sulte, din nr So Coast Plaza & new -$3-718fH-ColonwZ.sty "'"toboa•h *VIEW HOME* BEACH al door. N•wly furn Apts. F.uml1hed . 100 C~IFF DRIVE rm. & dhl earq" ,, ... hoiel ~te, 2.5! A.,,...,...,. ' •• 4® Sq, Ft.:· 4 BR. + nW-: BY bacb apt starting at S50 per General 4000 Two bedroom ftimished door opener aNv&il. !_oolthoU~ for developmel,t; superb loc. •" Ba 4 •-J Bad OWNER \vk. "'""25-H .. .,...... rec. are~. r. """' c lor -.. -·I, au'"-·Uve THE BLUFFS sery, -.a-• ... ., cs. -~ "' DU.I. \ All oiti.ixe Feafures Ch h & ac;boo1 & Co ~-... --. .....,.., mtnton C'f. Xtra 1'"· lat in PERFECT condition! Must -$150. 2 BR. enclosed prage. Walking Oistanoe.oto-Beacb urc . rona center, etc. Only $240,(0): "T~~ ~1:t~T~ best k>c. $U9.000. see Interior to apprttiate! J ·D-"up:.;l.o••c:"=..;.Fu:;•c."c:·_,,:.2c,9:,::75 wt~. available now. S22J _ Yearly lease dt!I ~ar ~~~ $255. • th\s lncludet 1 a r atat1on Delancy Real Est•te ~~ ~:.e ~:c~~ GORGEOUS view of Bay &: ~i:~~ small pet O.K. 494-2449 865 Amlp Way, N.B. :~~ae Call: Tom DeMalo Bd ' , ba'"· I 2828 E. <hut Hwy, CdM "--1 .=~,;;;;.;;;;::_.==== ~-•~ 3 rms., ~ ... ..,., 850 sq. 673-3T70 Incl kitchen, 'fhermo con-....... ...,an 2 Bedrms. fittpla~. 1 PANORAMIC View overlook· GOLD me\40-&~n new dlx • REALTOR n•: 67.>-6259 • ft. split . !t."ve1 on major)---_:::.:::::_ ___ trolseach room. REDUCED garage, elegantly furn. Aug. Co.ta Mna 4100 ing Aliso Bch, 2 BR fun. all Townhouse 2, 3 & 4 BR. 7 TIMES GROSS ireenbelt • 100% maintep. TO $38,700 with SS,000 down . or yearly ~23!M after 6 elec. Mature adults, no $300. up. 752 Am\&OI Way, 6 Unita with a good rental ance frtt. Adulta occupied CAMEO HIGHLANDS 6\4 % \rllerest. Pay baJance PM $30.00 wk. up chlld. ·no pets. $185/mo. N.B. ti75-5033 re:'conl. Ocean alde ot Balboa since new .. absolutely spot. Executive Home monthJy. Write owner, P.O. LOWER ocean front w. e Day .:Eve:.:.::•::,• .:•90-3755::..:=----I j 'Jess &. move-in f:resh • com-3 BR, 2 Ba, Fam nn, POOL Box 914 Laguna Beac ... or ' week, month. Corona. de "·r • 5250 Blvd. Nr. ch~hes, oettn I: • " Newpor1. 2 Br. 11;. Ba, e Studio I: Ba·• Ap•· "•-NTAL' ~~~~~-iii;;-~~\ hay •-•· Good In t pteteJy appointed wtth qUal-Shown by appoinbnent call 49447"'6 ...... ime. "'" .... ,. ...,acnes, V1!1 · ,..,, l''rplc. & pr, avail Sept. 1. • Incl Utils IL Pho-.. -. ' Apls. Unfurn1'1•·• -·nl "kl-••~ ~ ity carpeU, draperies, Span-Owner • • 675-0560 • .... '• mn:1 ._. ' #U ... -.U<N. ish tile, shutters&: priv. pa·)·..,,=====-~ HANDYMAN'S 10 mo lse. $210. 646-S832 •Maid Service, TV avail. -.. ; BURR WHITE SPECIAL :'.'.\ •New Cafe&: Bar General 5000 ~ tio • secluded location on OPEN DAILY I to S --· -· REALTOR lowe~ Jeaaehold, Call us or 4 Income units, 120 yds. to Houlff Unfurnished 2376 Newport Blvd, 548-9755 0,. 2901 N--Blvd.', N.B. 3401 Ocean Blvd. beach. Pati.., decks w/ VEN DOME ""~" see your broker. 3 Bd v· I'!.. 675-4630 673459 Eves r. lam nn. 1ew &: Beach ocean vil'!w. Nds. pa.int, etc. vwnerail 3000 SUS CASITAS · · EASTILUFF DON v. FRANKLIN Should ..... , 19.000 ... ,... I • 20NBR.TE!!~~Unlllm 15 UNITS REALTY REAL TOR Price $69,500. Trades consid· n10. l BR, 1% Ba · FURNl~ED IMMACULATE APTS! • "w-11 • 6 73- 2222 red townhouse. w/w, washer, 1-BR. Ir Bachelor Apts. ADT.iLT &: FAMILY Frplca / prlv. patloa/Poola:. All 1 story bldg. No vacan- Call us for other Blulfs 1---.....::::..:::;::..---1 ~1ssioN REALTY 494-0731 dryer. Avail now Bkr. 2110 NEWPORT BLVD. SECTIONS AVAILABLE Tennis. Contrll1 Bldst. pul· cles, good return 6r minutes exclusive listings. 61f2•t. LOAN 5.1.f.-6980 Medallion by Hotpoinl Cl h • p• k tlna: IN!""· to ocean. 2414 Vista Diel Oro CC.Ontract), law down + e11:· SPLIT level 2 BR charmer in ote to 1 oppiag, •r 900 •-, • ---, n.n.• "~~ ....... Only $120,000 wood_, I •• ·1 1 $8!1. 1 BR duple11:, clCRd * Spacious 3 Br's, 2 Ba .,... .....ue" ""'-'" """....., NEWPORT BEAOI change or :Z yr int. only on ''"canyon w ""ault u CHATEAU La POINTE IM•"-"•••. ~-11 Hwyl nRSr PIONEER -·· '"" l led garage, fehel!d ....i, stove, * 2 Bedrooms """' .... , ...... ....,. RIVER$1DE CO.UNTY TAKF. OVER PAYMENTS! ,.. 10 acrn, no down. Neal "' ...... ~ City. 1194-4743 : 644-1133 644-0505 Eves. 2nd.:lhousea,llot.514Fern-..,..,_,, .... w, arye pane J... Lovely 2 Br. furn. apt. Pool, 842-'4:11 Eves. 847·7176 ·-------------leaf. $55,000. Income $420. rooms w/opcn bcam1, re.trig. Chikj O.K. Bkr. carport; adults, Mp(!ts *Swim Pool, Put/green AVAlLN i .. --2bd Cl ·"' M·' ~ ~ ·-· l.ireplace, modern kitchen, -s•= Mo. pl"' "tilltt.s * Frpl, Jndiv.llntirY fac 'ls aw,_.... r apt. 4-PLEXES--6% Loan R E w1-nt-.t 6241 .. BE.ACH BARGAINS ev .... ence-~ Vl..-.rt • EXECUTIVE home : I .... 5 ......, 1845 An•helm Ave. new crpls, painted. blt-im ALL 3 bedroom units ::;;· ;;·;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·r -- 2-Sty. A-Frame 3 Br. 2 ha. HEAR THE SURF -~ of closets. $32.500. Bdr 3 Ba, DR, FR. A~ail l -.;o.';;"c;',.PO:.;;:Mo:O"'N,:,A;:._,c~.M".!:.. -<X>STA l.tESA &U'2824 Sale or rent at $200, Couple , $53 950 • ':!' ' . J.fod. Fut sale, $26.500 (or Stt tlie sea. QwmiJ:Jg. 2 6% l:;e~4 BR, 3 BA. &pt 1. S350 mo/ ~1544 NEWLY Furn 2 Br apt. over 45. 675--0130 Ne. Vac. Terrific return. eon. lease). BR. plus bobby room. Not .. WIW cpts & Jge rn:.I free • RENT • 2 BR, 2 BA Swedish lrpk )8Jle rambling house, 26' retrlg. $1'5. Mo. 1 child ok. • · venlent tenna. Walk to $$ leasehold. Excdlent !inane· famH-room, eat in kitchon, Cost• Meu 3100 523 Be--~ SL "'"m.• 3 R F • Immac A OJ!e, 2 yn old. 1ho91. F'IRST P?ONEER $$ Mftlll CASH .; rum. 3 BR. 2 ba. steps to ing. UJ ..... u ......-oomt urn1ture S2'l0 mo S75-5720 ._..2 _.._..21 · UH M• ~ Don V Frankl'n Rltr fruit tret:s. $45,000. 494·9575· 2 HOUSES· 2 Br I •-CLEAN l BR 1 I $20 $25 & UP . . -~ .. CAYWOOD REAL TY ' 673-Zlll 1 ' ' ,.1,,595""...,.~'-"'°'•"'Rd"'.'=~~~ drps, lge ~. ~~ Only $90. Qulelap&c; :~ • 2 BR. Garap apt Refril/ • TRIPLEX e For Your Home EqultJ :!;. 6J06 W. Coot Hwy., N.B. l:JVE on the roof, ;.oo sq ft ~UNA114 CANYON 2 BR 16th St. $135. 2 Br. hrdwd area. 280 Del Mar. (213) 1'to~~~::o~o":1' ~n 'f'S:: =3onb $l,60 PLUS vaant R-3 lot! A~~i¥ u: =r! • • 1 ~ .. e SCS-1290 e sun deck, with ocean as se ,500. Fenced yd. firs, gar, Santa A11f le Del 431-9568 Owner wW CUT)' ht TD at ASSUME 6o/4Y• LOAN front yard. 4 bdrs, 3 ba, Zoned industrial. 494-3170 .;..'c,1":;'·,-1:c;125;:::,,· .:.642-05.18::.,.:=~--S1l5 FURN. Util pd. 1 bdr Ap~~~&:ty ~~r:-n-Balboa Island 5355 8~% int l5% Down bu.yi. ~ry= = °:~ ,.. . Spaciou. 4 BR. 3 ba, Back fam. rm. bar. din. nn. Condominium 4 BR .. 2 Ba, lge fam rm apt. No aaraaa. Single HFRC Furniture Rentals --· $55,000 Full Price call the Rest. • • ,. r Bay CW!I. bit. home. 2 separate auest rm.,: 4 1950 w/frp\c. Nr schools & cx::c. adult. 223 Mell& or. 548-950!! 511 w. l9tb CM 543-348! ON Grand _Canal, y rl Ewing lnve1t. Ri•lty Then call the Best frples., wet ba.r. Quiet cul bath, $'14,900. Ow?er 675-0751 3 BR, 3 BA, w/w cpts, drps, S28S mo. Avail AUg 10th. DELUXE spac 1 BR. pool. 1568 W. ~n. Anhm 114-2800 S26.;. mo 2 bdr, gar., boat 644-4323 OR. 644-l36l '· , d~ sac st?Mt; Asking $53,500 LGE. hilltop 1ol Penn. view bit-Ins. Upper Back Bay. S4S-.7'805 Ideal for bachelor. 1125. 1993 TUSTIN . 3 Br. 2~ Ba cor. dock. New deluxe. 673-3328 lNQUS. Blda. lOOfo occpd, BEVERLY JACVfMI ~ ': .. 142-C of ocean a: bills. \Vil I Jae/option. 64Ul645 4 BDRM home, 2 Ba. frplc, Church. 548-9633 Condo. Sl 75 to SlOO per Mo. Nprt. Bch. 10% net return. ft.Mt PROPERTIES WEST Realtor67l-2010 RENTALS crpti. drps, dshwhr, 2 car S125 FURN. 2 BR duplex. Call 968..GST.l ~ngton BMch 5400 =· Phil S ullivan 1028 Bayskle, NB 675-4130 -Houses Furnished gar. North C.M. 5.f6-58l0, Garg. patio. I child ok. I 'SllS,;:;::,. "'1:::..:;s:;R.:., ~R~,0~.-,.~lri-·g. Furnished or =~-=======I REALTY . " . ., : • * BY OWNER* Lido Isle 1351 646--8!15!1 W/Side. 5'8-3135 Available 7121 Unfurnished ' Buslneu Pro-rty 6050 Delightful Oceanfront Home Rentals to Sh•re 2005 ~ BR 38A, w/w cpta, drps, FURN 1 Br. Duplex. $97.50 Broker""~" 2 bed 2 .. ,. i. •-"" -847..6033 or 545-1245 • ,.-. . EUROPEAN VILLA blt-lrui. Pool & rec area. Up-.............., room, "• cp • ...... . · 1 ... on R..f 1ot. 3 Bdrm. Utility ao·nered Chann Handao W util paid. 1 car aar. 220 $125. 2 BR gmlen type. + es. built • Ins, 1 blk to 5 FoR rent ar .lease, ·bldc. 2380 • ..; nn, sewi~ rm. cabana & 1 · me ANTED Lady to share my per Back Bay. S285 mo. Sierks SL 548-&.147 points shopp!n; from $150. Newport Blvd., C.M. 3600 -• patio. shq carpet Ing 3 Bd. home/guest l:pt· wrap ht>me. (Nr Brookhursl &. 642--0645 plex. RIO. wtw, children.& 7701 Elll1 Apl. D, 642-2835 ) '""~· ~"=i· 54~8-~581g!~.===~ l~'li'i\'~"ll:;;.:i::'i::\'i':~J' , 1111 bltrts. Ideal loc near ~~c:::-~:~.:°'"· ~=i'-s. ~:fer SchJ 3 BR. Older home separate Newport Be1ch 4200 small pet O.K Bkr. ~ .o;,• ;""83<ll::;.='·-~~~=ll -= WANTED: Duplexu. aptt at _ schl&. $67.000. 613-6990 R. C. GREER, Realty J :i;"7=;;c:.::::.::::::,.'="'"O"~ shop. New paint. huge lot, LIDO AREA APT. Costa Mes. 5100 NEW S150 up. 1~2-3 BR. BusinHs Rentail 6060 lrc.'Omt! propert;y. Principabl .,. OWNER'S NEW 4 or 5 BR. 335.5 Via LKlo S73--9300 WILL Share my 2 Br, 2 Ba dbl gar. ~ mo. ~1723 Heated &: A.Una pools. rec only, Must be falrly new; ' • H~ Vtew Home. 3 ba's, TIRED OF apt w/ student or working 3 BR. 2 BA. Clan. Family. Spac. bay view, Ja:e. l·Br.. rm. Heil .s: Alaonquln. 1'111'. BALBOA ISLAND Coltk Meu. 6t8-4ll2 Jn· rm, din rm, fam nn. 1-"'"°'.;_' N;B:;·,;64>-8971""~""== Leaal!. w/prdener UtS. llv. nn. &: dining. Cl.l.stom CONSTRUCTION ~137 . Top location 300 + eq f't, BUSINESS .no ··=ie l&dr!!_t. ;:~~See~~;~ o~~~S~me Newport Reich 2200 1213 Parnell. Show Sat. ~urn~r ~m!:t ~~·l.y~8ijj l BDR, ulll. pd., cloll! to ~.,r.' ~~~~ ;~o:~ FINANCIAL extru; &.9 f In an c In C· wff bdrms., conv. den a: din-Newport BNeh 3200 sell. JUSJ (OMPLETDIG beach, carport, P 001 ' 15.115 Lu Vtp1, N~v Bus. Opportun ltlfl '3llO -• 54&-8281 Ins room . Call for app't. DOVER Shores h ay Ir o n t I.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I W•lker Rlty 67S.2676 private. 536-19M MARINER$ CENT~ 5 1/i% FHA Walker Rlty. 67S.5200 =:.· 4 P~'!:.t: :k. ~ B/B SINGLE Youna: Adults Lux-H•rbor Heights Four 2 & 3 BDRM, 2 Ba, pvt patio, Office· I sfort bid&, rent or Affil. &: July $2500 ury garden apt1 with ccun· 2 &: 3 BR UNITS hea ted pool. newl)i lease. $75 to $lZ per mo. NEED EXTRA CASH77 •' $26,500 Holly Lane. 3 Br, 1% lalbol Island 1355 ' mo. Beg. TOWNHOUSE try club atmosphere and I.ii with fireplaCft. de«irated. 962-8994 149 RiV'el'lkSe Ave. 646-2414 ... Ba, low down. Loan;;.........;."'-----'= Sept., yrly Jae, SICm mo. le SOU'tH d' 1.. •• -.1..-.. 2 I'~"~" 'TE 2 bd PART TIME?T transferable, tame Int . 213: 7*)..SOIJ or 213: AOUL TS ONL YI comp le privacy. 1•11--""rs .., balhs, 1"11n1, ... u..-_ r, near LARGE Offtce bid&: .. huge Amblticals man to ha~ Clevlderce • McLeod . ESTATE 5.a.LE '185-6333 Th~ bedrooms.· 2 \atha; BAYCLUBAPl'S.Jrvinl'!at Rl!nlal Manaier -lrwy, crpts, drp&, stove1 no parldne lot. c:rptst &32nd mall Chain of Ntl. B 6'l5-fi044 "" Faces pool. Three car car-16th Newport Beach. Mni. Oiri1tlensen pet.. $1Zl. 962-38116 St. Nwpt acn •. Le a 1 e • Candy and Snack unite 3 BR bung. Encl patio, utll .. ~. A·-"·ble A-I lot., ~=~":c;";.:l.;61>-05!tl=::;::~~"l -31174A ClnN1mon Ave. NEW I•· blk to ---••~ '" -BLUITS • BY OWNER: l J Jl Apol•na pd. $175 lse. m 29th, NB. ~--/M v....,th 1 BEACON a ... -~ 3 B" & Cosll ••·•• I u-,.._1£1> .. ':'* ..... '·,:,;;"'Ao.-:=,:.;;.-='-""'~~ Yout area. Excellent wee I l 2 B 2 Ba, ,_ ' 113·. CR " """" ,,......, on . ~ """'"' ·~ ...__ un uni. ........, ~urn. ws.-iorF'1CE Ith t t h d eatTl1 .. -for one or two---.t. 4 • "'" + r, -~'-ly 25 9 30 M .....,,,.,., I & I h 01' xtra "· playrm. Pvl. Phone 546-1034 14th. 673-1784 "5.15-1319 . Twlal soo" "1 e ~d:U,. (Ew1areo:Y:)~ ... paoos meny .,,. ... s. Ju • 1969, : am •• ll· ay eac beach ai: dock $325 or '"""'""'""'"""""'""""""I pragei o sq t. % $35,500. After s pm please. nlcipal Court·A. 200 N. Gar-Balboa 2300 Realty, Inc. 1 = NEW Modern 1 BR. cpta, blk No. ot CoMt H....,_ nr Work constati or collections · =='-----':: 1275/wk. Also 2 BR apt HARBOR GR(lllS d-av•il Now! "" and ·-~-ul nlta 644-12!!0 field, Pasaiena. 2 unitt: 3 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 $225/wk. 6 7 3 _ 5 0 9 4 or In .,.M, "..., _ Arches, N.B. 5 4 8-3 2 2 4 ft&..,.. .... ,. 0 · 1-. BLUFFS Bdmt hsl!, Bachelor apL $195 (Penn. point) 2 bdr 645-21Xkl Eves. 548-6966 6'l2-88.19 ~4<.110 between 8 &: 4:30. $995.00 to $2995.00 cub 1'fto 3 bdr, den, 2 ba, CW!lom di-ps, Min. bid $49,325 cash, Wkdy1 ~8e~v:Uot.::.w ~~: I """"'""'""""""""""""""'l;M.;Oi;iD,C,ER~N;-20aBD'R--,d;;"P"t•"x'. I BACHELOR wtfum f r om * 3 BR. 1" J;· Crp1M~'&ls e PRIME Retall 1.ocation e :.~m!~ ~y~1r.: :_: C!?'Ptt. one level, reasonabh~. (213) 'l'9s.6506. SUn. 673-693>. Sept. m-40T'I DpoolEL~ 2 Br. 2 '!!,._ trplc, W/W, bltn range .S: oven, SUO. Also avail 1 • 2 & 3 Nr beach. mo. 17Xt0. Xlnt toot 6 auto tra.f. furntlh addreas and :; owner 144-mT H I BM h 1.a,.,., , ,.., patio, -mo. Enclo8ed patio. Nr. beach I: Bdnn. Heated p001a. child Coastal 5700 !l!-..1171 Harbor, C.M. number. ~ 3 BDRM watrdtont. No. a, .unt ft9!0!? c -Lido Isle 2351 Also 3 Br. 1 Ba, $26S Mo. p>et. Furn .er unfurn. Year· care Cll!nter, adJ to sboppinc. VN""UUon ''PROOUCI'S DntrSICl'f" ~ ~.,.: : ... 1~ :_: WALi< TO BEACH WINTER R<nlakvail S.,L B~v;:.,..~ ':: ~. Jy. 53°"'00 '-' pm. No ':,~ Petenon Way Beith Apls. *,.f"= =~ 1 ~,,;;::;:P::,.o::.;.::,BoX,:::=::.:29311~:0:..-I~· apts. 50-T171 Auwne GI loan.. Only ~l Nwl)' ~ec. 3 Bl'. 2\i Bath. Av a I I , mont~to-month.· LARGE l BEDROOM Costa Mesa 546-0110 town. ~ 1• Anehrim. Calif. mot ~ .. • QLUn'S •. l br, 3 ba. .,. 11 ~c~,d~ .. ~ .. ,.,.. ~'="""==:21;;31;"':1:-!932::;=== =~t be shown tor aate. mi n!°. ~e;~Iy <THE SEVIU.E) New • Deluxe USED. CAR LOT · " ' ~--,.,_ --~, •-• 2. Br, Ill Ba, w I euage. (7141 •~ "'16 Offl .. lttnt1I ~ u..J.""'"' -¥¥n...,'" den ldk:hen, ~e Clf'> Bal""' l1l1nd 2311:11: F.ullbuH &ally 644-113.1 OCEAN Front Apl, sips 6. 1150. Adu! ~-d ~ _,. SI In pool. eu.. ...... -., " ..... .,,.. (714) 536-1417 LOW RENT Sa ... on -~ •n ,,,.; ..... custom .,..,.~ hard· BLUFFS LEASES 1100 • llOI wkly. 21114 w. blt·lna prl pallo. 2619 ..... LOCATION: ua E. 11th St., ft! .,.n,-. vwu• _..,_. wQOd aoc., and shake: t'OOL 01ARM1NG Cape Cod 4 Br, 2 a: 3 BR. Condot. S1n&le Ocean Froot. 54M2S4 Ana Ave. "E". 636-4120 ' 111 ~ Avenue adjacent to Security Pacific Gooa locadon an Harber ~ UDO SANOS beal.d1fal 3 Br. 2 9Ukk.L~ -. L,.W DOWN frplc, paUo. crpted, clean. levtlt, 2-tty. I: spllt-~L e w1NTER RENTALS e 1 BR ~plex. SI.OW: l-1"driil. (3 blka: W. ot H. B. P~) Nat1 Btlllc. CM. 60-4210 « MONEY MAKER !. ba b1 ocean with many n:· vn vn . frelh. comkl'table, nr So. Grttnbtll a: Bluttt aite. WJNlFREO L. FOSS. Act· Cio8E to sbos>Pi,.._ $100/mo. UAL ISTATk see owner et is& E.-17lh St., TURN KEY PRJCEt J tru. S3t:iOO. 60..a«I HURRY ON nns OMF.! &.f, AnU Aue., a1eo wlnttt Cpts drpa. Dbl ar pools ~ ADULTS ONLY &G.17'll General CM aulte S.A S41J2M ' o-w.. 0 MUTUAL REAL TY "'""'· m="' -'"· $375 10 ~ 1 • • RENTAL • .,. 1.7• e1epnt All. · • -· NEW Dlllm 0 --BElUfrt1lffs ' • Newpo<t HI,..... 121 842-1411 1nytlmo $ mor 11.m 1 2910 Eutbl"tt R<"11Y 6"-!.133 •i<w "''· Adulto. UIO. 2 BR. epot, otrpa. !WI. s-. Rent1l1 W1ntod 5""! il!),lo ~ .. lt"at Santa S. )OW'°"" bo& a.awd ~ ST ANDRBWS RD. 2 BR Condon>. 116 I um a 1 . BAYSIDE &1amorous 2 Br, 2 . !148-2394 &tier 8 PM Dlohwuoor, Uill pd. No MIDDLE-AGto En I ( 1 h Ana r.., a. O'OWll Valley IPI'"" R...,.._...._ MNlll Spack>us a !Mtnn. " fatnll3 Deerfltld. 1 ml to belch 3 Doors to btach. s,ae. bach. Ba. View . trofn 50' dtck. y EAftLY Iuae 3 Br, 2 ea, p e t 1 o r c h l I d r e n • muPte need arnan. 1 Clean, tumolt. m.:;ia, f91;4191 w ANTED; an.-. ..._. rm. rrplc. JtW ftoora. cpta. $18.500. Owntr. E v e 1 apt., llceps 2 or S. $12!5 $400. Mo. 491-1531 or tncl'd Pttio. l blk from bch. ~543-6W untum hou8!! wiU. lfl\&11 J ~ oUlc:el aftil for_ lk:itnle. on.ea ODlmtJ, &: drapt:I. Pro land~. 53&-8689 Wffk. m:.3430 G4f.-0&31 $2?5. Call f'T3-24.'\'i MODERN 2 Br. cptl,---dr,s, )lard for ttny dop (,,.ke f":nt. 3410 JI, Bl)boe Blvd. c.11:-.~• Good aru; St. Andrww1 Rd. VI1LA PActFtC. low down. CdM COITAGE. clf':an, 1lpa 'PUCE JWt want td Where 2 BR unfurn apts. Pool. no GE kltch. end. pr, nr ~ts. Yt'lt'kle ) ~. Long-.lt.m\ NB. ~1972 BEAUTY ~. 0 w a e r • ..i Aaklrw '11 1 000. Mair. of'ftr. 4 br S ba 6"'4~ fllA condo. t .. 2 blk bch. $250-2 wb, ~ they are looldnr -DAILY cbilclrP.n or pets. 14001,i E. S14S. Adult1, Mir· JM E rental er ltue. Ref. ataU. White tklPhanblr D1met4°ilne RMlll>nable. Newpart Bl'vd, " ()ytner/lkr. 646-2414 11'1. Vtrd'-*r !162-15.fO. mo. . * 67).'ttm PILOT d"dified! &4Ui618 16th St. NO. 64&-4664 20th ~ OiaJ l42-567S for 1tESllL1'S CM. 6'2>Cl2ar11&-(15]1 - • --• I " I_, I r I • • ( . . -. ......... .. ~· . .. . ~· . • . . ~.-, .. :: ! DAllV PILOT .. • I """ I -., * - -·--- ' ~ Reliable lawn &eMce. Announcementt 6410 mow, edge, bim. * 531·l«K * EARN OVER $10,000 Y R. Whoddy1 Went? Wheddv1 OofT SPECIAl. CLASSIFICATION FOR NEED 10metbing: excil.ingl---:-''7:;.;:::.:,..::. __ for your next puty ... Hire a Cut & Edie I.Awn Hypnoti't! 846-0835 eves. Maintenance. UceMed S4M808/645-2310 aft 4 OPENINGS INCLUDE TUSTIN & ~ TORO ltequirn two yean of me-HetP Wan ted chantcll shop experieriee, Women 7400 """" &nil· interpret -and 1-..:.::=;:;.. __ _...-, I NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Spod1I ltete . 5 LI-- 5 11..,.. - 5 bucks llULll -AD MUn INC&.UOE l-wMI' "°" """' to trMt. ~ roll ••"' "' fradt. ~You• --Ind/Ir Mldr9'. ...... "' Mvtrtttl,... 1-ffOTlON(a 1"0 11 SALi! -T~DU otrlL YI PHONE ~2·5671 To Piece Your TrlCJer'• P1r11dlM /44 Cemetery Loh 6411 JIM'S Gardening A lawn 4 CEMETERY Lots i n ~n~enance. Res. 4 Com. PACIFIC VIEW MEMO&-mercial. * SCs..8411 IAL PARK. 6«-0'm lAP~ gardener Compl SERVIC& DIRECTORY .. rv. Ext>er, d<pendahlo, . tree est. 642-4389 Blbysitting 6550 J •ptinese Ge rdent r Tremendous 6pansion proeram olle.rs immedl· ate placement for arnblt· lou1 men lookin& !or ad- vancement with one of the nation's fa&test crow- ing d r u g & discount chains. . Divllion of Ex-Cillo Corp. 1866 Whittier Ave .. Coota Mesa 646-249 1 ~·win&•· Cell Por sonnol Dept. (714) 494-9401 37+ acre• nr. Feather Riv· tr Rec. Lake • Apple Val· ~ ley &{l:l. Terrific 'potential. ... , Count:Y paved • elec, tel ... ...., Horse Lowrs.! 3 BR home. Sam, corral, tiding arena, tat'k room, ete. J.14 acre. SlT.000 eq. Trade·for· land, comm. SUbmil 642-6487 Bkr COLLEGE Student: Babysit-Expe~, ~mpl yanf service! tiog St001ir. Near Wihlon &: Free est. 548-'1958, Sf6..0Tl.f Harbor in C.M. we ek Hauffrf'j -6730 nlgb.ts, or entire weekcnds.1.:.::.:;:::;i~----== Ask for Becky 54&-1871 YARD/gar cleanup Remove An equal opportunity employer EARN WHILE YOU-LEARN I~==~~~~~~~~==~~=:~~==~ ss.'io"MoNTH'TO START H I w· od "-·-l'200 Hel-"'-n~. ·~· .. ~ u o"·7"0'0 TllONIC ENGgJEERING CO. Jl,et:ired-don't need tax i!ihel· ter. Want hse free & cir for lisM or $38M eq. in tri· iiexes. $960 ~· pool, prime Joe, no vac. 54().600) • House, 3 Bdrms 2 Bath, Din. Rm. Lr&. Yard, Back Bay area for Income Prop- eMY Newport/Costa Mesa area. M&-1242 ~Acres, beautitul country, county roads, near river In OfelOll trade for equity in • pnaU house or Eldorado. · ~7513 early am or JaUfpm 5 acre, 7-yeac~ld producing ~e grove, Cenlral Calif. :~ owner. Equity $28,000. , value $33,00'J. want 3-4 bdr Rented house, 50xl40 R-3 Wil.L BABYSIT. My home. 'trees, ivy, dirt; 11actor Jot. Nr. Garden Grove Civic Nice play room & fenced in backOOe, grade 962-8145 Center, $20,500. Trade $9,500 yard. Only lunch 1urni.shed. • eqty for units or ? ? Owner Near we11tclilC shopping Housecleaning 6735 Broker 547-6469. area. call 548-4538 CARPETS. Windows, firs. 1001 ac., $250,000, 80 -mi YOUNG mother with 3 yr old etc. Res or Comc'I. Xlnt from dntwn LA, 5 min. boy would IUre perm work Reas! Re.fl: 646-1401 from r-'Y on paved rd. btwn babysitting job ·for small , · . Beaumont & Oak Glen, Ttd boy Mon thru rn. 548-33.58 MAINT-reB_/~mc I. windows for inc .. prop? 547-6469 Bkr.WILL _::;c_:::Ba:::..b:::y:.:si:.l :.yoor:::.=,....,-==-1.1 :Z-as! '::.''lf~t 'M>rk, NORTH Tustin Lot, $18,500. my home, exp'd mother. Vlcj:=::;:=:::;:=;:;;=== I Free & clear, most excl. Wilson & Canyon Dr:, CM. Ironing 6755 area, fabulous view, Tr. for ~17 ·.;.;:="'-----_:;.;.: Inc. property w/opendable. BABYSITTING, my home. IMN_ING $l ~zen, Brina: Bkr. 546-6469. $15 for one child , $20 for own hangers. Costa. Mesa Have Snowbird sailboat two. Ages z.1 vie. Hamillon area. 548-4390 with trailer, want travel or & Sterling, CM. 646-1946 WILL do ironing in my camper trailer or car or CIUW Care, my lovely home, 15c I.: ~-Fast. • ~ bclmt. Waldron: 64&7070 desert land64&.4s:n home. Big: :fencd. yd, nr 23d * 548-5104 * IO acres ranch, 3 mod. horn· TOlVNHOUSE 3 Br, 21/f ha. :1:.~ St. Costa Janltorial 6?90 p. 2 wdls, fncd.; training Beaut. appt'd. Priv. Patio, ~~:...":".'.:'~ ____ J:;:c;.;:;::c:.:;_ __ _;:t;.; Rapld jncreue.s ~ 5 day Week • a 11 promotioM trom Within the ranks. Merit, bonus & retire- ment plan. Applicants mugt be . at leut 21 yea.rs old, ener- getic, aggreasrve & cap.. able of physical work. C.Ollege is helpful but not nectli.'lary. Must be high school graduate. APPLY FRIDAY, J ULY 1B 9AMT01 PM THR·IFTY DRUG STORE 16141 HARBOR BLVD. FOUNTAIN VALLEY track, bup 1:!arn. 14 stalls; 1 n bay v~• ~.,., 500 WILL babysit in your home WALLS, Windows, floors, tor land, unit& or ?-$45,00CJ' ~~ to~ T.o:. c:;:, ~pe; by the week. Your carpels. Commercial &: A Eq 1 0 rt .ty DJ, 67S.Q59 or-? ? owner 646$4. transportation. 64}-1407 residential. Daily, weelky n ua ppo uni _ .. _ and/or h'Io. !97-7350 , Employer I p 1nl ' •-n ,. ,.,. ,_ -• ' SEARS COSTA MESA Announces openings for ex- perienCed, full time sales personnel. PASSENGER TIRES PLUMBING KITCHEN & STOVE;$ INTERIOR DECORATING Also experienced DISPLAY MAN Excellent Earnings Plu' F~: ·~~~\~~~l~~i LOOKING. AHEAD Let us in.In you for a career Equal opportunity employer in iflllurance An opportunity * to team the 'business &'earn extra money on a part time basis, before leaving your presenljob, Become a full time agent when qualified with a gUaranteed income per month. Farmers ln5. G roup J. C. Penney Co, Fashion Island Newport Beach NEEDS A ~ *COOK* * -Ed Loni 546-1134 -DIVISION- CONTROLLER Rapklly expandin(; micro- electronic manufachu'er re- quires OiVislon Controller . Position repol'U directly to general manager. Cost ex· perienct desired. Newport Beach location, Recent 1ucoessful experience In· all 1plul!es'of the food in- dustry is required. Competj.. live wages and outi;tandlng benefits including profit sharing. - APPLY IN PERSON 10 .\M to 9 PM Monday thru Friday e Profit sha.ritlr; e 'l-lospitalization • _G~up lile \"'-Cootact A. J, Egli · J, (, PENNEY (0, SEARS COSTA MESA Announcea openings for ' . t,, HOUJ iYflVES FUt t T IME SALES-,. MARKING ROOM. Excellent EUnbtp Plus • Profit sharing e Hosp:ifaliiation e Group life il1ll. • Paid vacation • 8 paid holida,ys • 40 ht, WUrlt ftek • Empl~e discount • Apply in Personnel Ottlc.e Monday thru Saturdq 10AM lo4 PM SEARS Roebuck & Co. SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 S. BRISTOL COSTA MESA Hav...large~.bmnt._ ~ -VA~m'~Ir.&......,;.,i:,_ ''-'-.!.L !"i'"M---tc.----·· ·--uectrl:Jnrer""'"·------- pler .. float. J!all>!>i..j'enin-. -"--NEWl'ORT BEACH --.!!~"·· ,..-~--:,$60 BoJU<.-ol>. ~ -If u G--H-·E-" -~·"'t'--,=-..ol=.. --'-~" "' -..:... 2 =..-RAOUL ...:=--'::'-'-.24·Feshlon:raonct:_ ;:: ~ Eqm'1 Opporomity ~pl())'er • pt.. Need. atnaller h om e, WILL ACCEPT TD'S o carpets, windows. Doors, etc · ., e 40 hr. work week CORPORATION An equal opportUnity •'Employee discounl 184 E. Liberty Avenut-·employer -Anaheim 879-4360 • • ---"""':~~~-~1 N'ewport_.or Cost&.:~~esa. OR BOAT. BUILD, Remodel. Repair Res & Come'). 646-?401 · . Broker 673-7420· .fi13.9U7 I 962-7898 I • Brick. block. c.Onc r ete, DUTCH Couple wants oWce NEWPORT .BEACH * . 3"BR;ttA;-N~ ~ WliatOO yoa have tO tiiQi?. crpnlfy, no jiW"too small :..; cleaning eventnp. · " ' Jxme $9,000 eqty, trade for List it here _ in Oran&e Lie. Contr. 96U945 call 842-7365 needs ocean front or beach home, • 'i>ays'aftu 11, 962-5931, eves County's Iuxett ftld trad-Cirpentering 6590 P1perhangfn9 ' ~1. ""'"°"-&M ma!<> a deal. Painting 6850 ... CARPENTRY --'-"----.e..::..: * * *· * * MJNOR REPAIRS. No Job PAINTING Int & Ext Lowe.t ~!!!!![![!J!!'-!!!!'!!l![!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\!!!!!!!!!!J!!!'!!!!'J!!!~!!!l'~~! Too Small. cabinet ln gar-con.era~ prices. Fully ins. IUSINESS and ANNOUNCEMENTS agea & o t be r cabinets. Satisfaction guru. Free est . ,~FINANCIAL •"d NOTICES · ·5f5.3175 u no answer leave Jim Weeks 673-ll66 msg ~t 646-2372. H. O. PAINTING -Int/ext. 2 Univ , But. Opportunities 6300 Found (frM Adi) 6400 And.enon seniors. 3 yrs exp. Resp. ' QUALITY Repairs -Altera· 833--2232, 492-4<132 eves. MAN'S wateh at nat &; Santa " PIZZA Ana Sl , Costa Mesa. Call to tions -New c:onst. by hour NEAT, Exp. Painter, no identify. 548-9S32 or Contract. 646-3442 drinking. Colle&e student. ELEC- TRONICS TECHNI- CIANS for componl'nts test and production support. A mini- Apply in Personnel Office f.1onday thru Saturday lOAMto4PM SEARS Roebuck & Co • SOUt H COAST PLAZA 3333 S. BRISTOL COSTA MESA An Equal Opportunity Employer *MACHINE .~ OPERATOR ,All pizza equip for pizza =LA~~=c;. •• C.:-"--chl:;:::-~--I PARTITIONS, Small Remod. Low prices! Steve 54S-4~9 ~--•--• , __ 1 B o...n & w te male cat. M~ walks, etc. Nite/Day e PATOI PLASTERING. . , , -· .. ...,.: oven, e'""' Vtetoria Bch, Laguna Deb. c 11 K cheese .lfinder, pizza pans, 494-2595 Reas! a en 54G--4679 All -~~Free estimate, mum of one year of recent --------- Requires knowledge of basic malh and machine dextt?rity. Will train . bot moc. machine, Sat:U· c MASTER carpenter ,$4 per Call 54~ 1 SET of keya, owner identify. hour Re odel' Re · ="'===~~~-~-' Smle ioHttam maker (wa.. Beach at CdM. 642-1659 · m mg. pain. PAINTING ,Papering 16 yrs tu -operated), Toastmaster 642-6409 or 5J6.3!0> ir Harbor area. Llc. & industrial experience is re- quired. A knowledie of sol· id state circuitry is desir- able. ca1e french.fryer, etc. 95% FOUND: Boy's S t 1 n g r a Y C C • 6600 bonded. Refs furn. 642-2356 profit margin. Total Value hilt!!, coppertone. 644-4567 ement, oncret• Openings are on lst & 2nd 1Call5500:.-~!.~lolr~ol~!'.:z~~ GlRL'S bicycle vie. Adams & * CONCRETE Work, bond· Plumbing 6890 shilt. R~.'!'.odel. Repair. 6940 .,_.UJ.O IM)"UJ<.0 YU Brookhurst, H.B. 962--0186 • -lect. ed .': lie. Concrete sawing. PLUMBING REPAIR BE INDEPENDENT Lost 6401 Phillips Cement 548-6380 No job too small )Vol'\: )'OW' own hours, your ·8-ICY-CLE--,-W-O_M_A_N_' s-. PATIOS. WALKS, DRJVE. • 642-3128 • own pace. Universal item, SEARS. W/BASKET. VIC. WAYS. Free estimate. • everyone uses. No competi-JE'ITY, BALBOA PENN. J. RAY O)N'ST. 642-4210 ~tion.100% profit. Automatic No Questions A$kt dl e CUSTOM PATIOSe ! repeat hllaineu. ABSOLUTE co~te sawing & removal * ~F. you need rc':'odelb':~i • minimum inve.stment, se-==~~"~;J.21cc;.06'-~~-1 Sal Lie. •842-1010 Pl!-1nt1ng or repairs. _ ___. . . GREEN woman's wallet vie. iofo'fi6i;.:rij'-;;~~iiil2D;!•;!<k~·!"~'~·t:;m~==== 1::w~ Luruted number of of Don the Bchcomber CdM. e CONCRE'TE v.·ork all theae rare opptys avail! return just identification. types. Pool decks & custom. Sewing 6960 Ask for Mr Cash. 6f2-600I 67J...9347 Call 548-1324 -::.:::::!!...----== , ,M_,.. __ w,_._to_Lo...;.;•;;.n;.__63;._20 BEIGE Uncut female toy • CONCRETE firs:. patios • Dressmaking -~Iterations 1• poodle, no collar. Vic Baker etc. Concrete & btk top saw·'" ci:t~s~ns lat 6 2od. loans for quick & Paularino, r e w a r d • _;O:":•·="'==u."'=Don==· ;64U5===1=4= I -,,..,.....::..,;.::..:.:.:;_;.-==-I cub. Borrow on your Pl'I> 546-2S63 ~ Alte ration'· 642-5845 pel'ty eq without diaturbina: Ca rpet Cl!--n~i:::n;,,9_.:66.::;2;.:5 Neat, accurate, 20 years exp. )'OUl' low tnterest h t TDs. MALE Kitten, bei~. Vic of ·-_ HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior Avenue Ne\vport Beach, Calif. Equal opportunity employer l>t&r · Paris Delivery Boy Parts-Counterman Apply in per5on ScREW MACHINE -OPE~ATOR- Individual to 1etup and Optratt B&S 00 5cr1w machine, capable of approving first artlc!. e5 a nd main procluc· tia n r un5 on small, precision perts. Sma ll Call P t r50nntl Dept. (714 1 494-9401 TELONIC ENGINEERING CO. Laguna Beach Equal opportunity employer •hop. E xcell ent work· -*~~D~R~l~VE=R~S~*­ ing cond ition . ..._ No Experience Necessary! STACO INC. 1139 Baker St. Costa Mes a (7141 549-3041 t-.tust have clean California driving record. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. Costa ~fesa Al.:J bJ,yen for 2nd TDs. Avocado & Coast Hwy CdM CARPET &: F\lm, cleaning: TILE Ceramic 6974 Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. 675-nto for 1 day service & quality :..:c::o;;•:...:;:.:.;::.::~-...:CC... D L • J I Equal opporttmity employer •CARPET LAYER• ServinC Harbor Atta 20 yrs. LOST kitten, mosUy black. work, call Sterling for * Verne, The Tile Man * ean 8WIS mpor S ~IACHINE 33G E. l'ltl. st. Bob-lalled. Vic Orange & brightness! 642-8520 Cust. work. Install & repairs. e OPERATOR e EXPERI ENCED SG-21'11 545-0611 Merrill. Reward. 548-5137 No job too 5mall. Plaster <Parts Dept.l Night shift. Excellrnt oppor-1SLANDER MOTOR Electrical 6640 patch. Leaking showe r 1966 Harbar Blvd. tunity for young man mech· HOMES, INC. Mortpgn, T.D.'1 6345 "P.:;'"":=;;on::•"l1;_ ___ 640:.;.;::5 ELECT ::;.:;;;.;.:R.:;J;;;CIAN __ •_no_jo_b;..;..too-\:,":;P="'=· :,,· :::";:,7-;:,19::,57:;',;,846--0==="'=== 1 ,,,,,.,=C'"o'°s"'t""a _M_cos~•---I anically inclined. MUST be 2135 Canyon Dr., C.tf. •lllM DISCOUNT e COUPLES e small. For prompt service Tree Service 6980 MACHINISTS H.S. grad., have stable work -~~-""'-™---- .,.,.,. • SINGLES • "" 54>-461 4 N/C bkgm<l. M;,_ h•ighl ,.,... STORE MGR. Emer;:ency . Sacrifice choice .;-:~~=':::====IJIM'S Gardening & lawn MILLING OPERATOR Good co. benefits. Will train. t• T.D.'1, 10% int, quarter-Tired of Ban, Mail l Hi Co~t Fencing 6660 main!enance. Res. &: com· DRILL PRESS "A" POLYOPTICS INC. & Part tlme O erk Jy, 3 yr due date. Buyers pay computer clubs: JOIN THE .:..::::::'::::===== merc:ial. * 548--84ll Top salary & overtime. Group 1518 E. Carnegie, S.A. APPLY 10-6 30% down. $25.000 cash re-FUN! THE IN CROWD --546·2250 Tht Tobacc onitt Inc. ulred (n' •-,_ d 0 I u •-Floor• 6665 ESTATE Malnt Tree Serv irisur. Apply in person or E I . I q • ) ~ ay or DIV. F ..... ;P. Meet olu1::rs call: &12·9020: Newport Pre-,qua oppor!un1ty emp oy~r Fashion Island eve. Principles only. with YOUR interests at our Removal & trimmings. free 1 · 900 \V 16 NB Newpo11 REPtrrABLE local builder ~kly parties or select Ca rpet Vinyl Tiit estimate, Call 541-0008. c sion, . ,th, . EXPERIENCED V. EC lt ANICS-:E.:xperienced MAINTENANCE SPECIALISTS SOUTH .BAY CLUB APJ'S Knowled&e of pa i nt I nr. plumbin&:, electrical, and ~ lated large apartment com· pl.ex maintenance. General supervision of maioten~ personnel and equipment. Local opportwiities a n d other California locations. Send resume or call !\-tr. Mike McCall. (213) 478-1021 R & 8 D'evelopmtnt Co. ll570 o1fmpie mvd. u.s Aligt'Ies, ~if. 9IX$4 REFUSE CREWMAN $523 . $636 Per Month I CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Requires 6 months general labor and/or buildini: main- tenance experience, comple- tion of 8th grade. Apply Im • mediately to Personnel Off· iCt', 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, Calif. 9'1660 SALES EXEC Th. sky is the limit International Chemical Corp needs sales executive with leadership &: training abil· ity. If you. are sales .orient- eod with mrktg -admlnistra- tiye or management experi- ence call us. You may be the man we need. Compen- sation commensurate with ability. Car &-fringe bene- fits. Call Mr. Gardner, 71+ 6.3&-2260, or 714-962-9700. STOCKROOM CLERK, some exp. desired. I n c o m i n g rough material, tool crib & shipping dept. Call J im Hyams.Days: 642-2400, Evts: 546--0319 Servol'lic Division of CULTON INDUSTRIES 1644 \Vhittier Ave. C.M. Equal opportunity employer PART T IME seeks investor to make hard them individually & !GALS All styles P.'ld colors AFRAID of· WORK! Then . board --, •---• TD'•· to io· in FREEi Call Leah 1-9 _,;"""~~··~t.~L~k~. ~co~n~tr=.= IU~i~ho~l~st~1'[/;c:;;;;:1f,6;990;;: bon't apply. 'Ve need a FRY ·COOK v.·/1n s, outboards & "-· id I .. -·-~ IXUl!IU '""""' "'"" ••78 I · sterndrives. Call Anchor vuls e nlcn o pick up home buyer:;. $2000-$5000. ~pc..m.c._635-..c..932cc...Oc,. ----54!},...,.. .n<>-n nea -appearing young .man Full time, nights. l\fature; Marine Repair. 644-454.5 cancelled credit card~. •-Girdenlng 6680 ~uropean ...,-.., .... manship Or. Cnty area, Wholesale bet\\·een 2 & 5 Pl\l ~.,:.;;,.;~,.:;.------! * CLERK * SALES ORDER Experienced in sales order processing, maintain order log and records. Type eo wpm on electric, Call P1raonntl Depi. (714) 494-9401 TEL ON IC ENGINEERlllG CO. L•guna Beach Equal opportunity employer NURSES AIDES Full time • All shifts Apply in pei'son Huntington Beach Convalescent Hospital 18792 ~ware St, H.B. DYNAMIC younr compall;y needs teller, new • accounts girl, 21 to 45. One to two years experience prerernd, with light bookkeeping apti· tude. Pleasant llTLall office atmosphere with large beau- tifuJ surroundings. Contact Mr. Lapp, DOWNEY SAV· INGS &: LOAN A!lllOdation, f.1ission Viejo. 837~911 R.N. SUPERVISOR Full or part time. 11 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Good salary and fringe bene. lits. P 1rk Lido Convalescent Hospital 1445 Superior Ne\vport Beach 642.2410 Propose """r term 1 . * Al 7 .. -czyKOSKI'~C:~t, Uphol. as permanent truck driver. lead cook. Apply in person btwn "5. Nd money collection in. 642-4"5. one ;_ __ ..C:.-----1 100% tin! 642--1454 distributors. !\lust be draft C0C0.'S PORTER • Need hard work· volved. Must provide own '$1.950 ~D TD at $aJ Month • IUftllUIY'S 1831 Newport Bl., C.M. exempt. Start $ 21 hr ing yng. man Jor interior transport, Assigned spec. C ind.1D% int., all due 3 yrs., an1nvn J-o"'B=-s=-'i.~E~M~P~L"'o~Y'°M~E~N~T: I w/somc overtim~. 5-0ay 2131 \VE~CLIYF DRIVE maintenance of pr iv" t e ific areu, Ca 11 (n3) SE RET ARY --an · 1 t 1 ft _,.... YES IT'S YOUR NE\I' RT BE c 937-4581 for more info. .... •-· t ' · vu ....... view o , ._...._ v.·k. Send resume to: Daily A H club. Good working cond'g & """~"",;;;;~:;::."---':~~' 1....unSuuC JOn expenence pre. · Beach. 20% discount FAULT 646· 1948 Job Wtnted, Men 7000 _!P~ll~ole!PO~~Bo~x~P.lOS~~·~--!i~i\'l'J:~~"'i.i;;;;'"i;:'';;' I ."'~""~n~t'~· ~54~0--0.1~71~,~~~ PROFESSIONAL Sa I es fcrred. Pleasant workins '"="'°71"'4"'~'"'-cc.113=7,,,_=~ For rfCOrded message that Th Best costs 00 more• BO'lS IO 14 LA1\1INATORS. ?.lust be ex· EXP'D. 2nd. shift f"ioction Career -Searching tor man conditions. Some receptionist •$6,00J lST TD on ocean view will change yaur life call e · -· •-~ -· ~ BOA'FING BUILDERS -• per. &: fut-Top pay, plenty Molding Fo-m•·.'"'c d , to learn our buslneu and duties, Send resume to PO ff_ 10% ORANGE CO. 547.fi667 Experienced Malnten~ -carrier Routes Open f rt\ P . . ·~ " h di I ti . Bo.: SM C'.o!t M !1'262'7 Jot, 8-n" due 3 yean. Budget Laniscaping for o ove me. erm. position. ben's. Apply 9 to a PM. an e .sa es execu ve J>OS•· x , ~ eta, . discount. 4!1r-1710 24 hour record ing Graduate Horticul turist PR 0 J EC T D F. S I GN , n-una Beach. So. , -.un3 No lay-offs. Sf.lALL PARTS INC. Hon. Training income pro- (.97 I"'" .--.. ·,.,,, DISCERNING dam--• on ~ ~===-====:.-I AVAILABLE ._.. """ MERIDIAN LTD. 1 0 9 2 0 vided. Colle...,,, sales or • ••• , • .., •• ~ ~u e GARDENER e DAILY PILOr 1346 Log'" Ave CM •· e% lit T D $5600 shift would weloome mature rormer chief draftsman of H a w t h o r n e B I v d • , ·• · · business exp. M ' r r i e d . JANITRESS ' ''SAaUFICE! MAKE OFFER male to while awa y EXPERT JAPANESE one of Florida's largest boat I ===="'=-432~!~-~-I Inglc\\'OOd, Calif. 90304 (213} COOK·lty. exper. yng. man a42·a623. Ext. 321. * 54>2667 * weekend wee hours while CornmereiaJ Landscaping companies is considerirq; EXPERIENCED service 674-5200 ~·ho dC'sires position w/ I ,;Jc:AN=ITO~R,;IAL~'-"'C:,MA~INT==E=N. P/till).e aft 5 pm, Mo~Fri to : .J:'====::,=:;.,,.=="' the wurld sleeps. Box 722 Maintenance a.nd aeanup re.lty.ocal!,na: ii] Orana:e Cou'n-si,.Uon man, full time, -,~,-A~INT~E~N~A~N~'CE--M-AN--future. for inter. see Mr. ANCE and GARDENER: work in CM, N'B or Irvine .i MoneyW•n1ed 6350 Balboa 9$61 MIKE INC. perm11;ne.nt. 1-IOutly .waie + Mu~t be good painter&: haVf! ~~~~~.'.de~· s.i~~~i 2267 Between agts 25-55. -t8 hr. ~~· ;:;, ~~~~:.=o-~O '·.. --INTELL tG ENT ? CALL,642-5196 commis~ion. 0~rtime pay some kOO\vledgc of ligbt -'--""-"--"--'"-"-"'-""'----' "-"k., tim~-a-halt-over 40, ilWrO $1S,CkX1for1 year. Top .,,,, "' ·Good <!Xperience in boat after 40 hrs. 990 E. Coast plumbing & Cll'""'nt~ work, Experienced Coif Cow·se pe01Slon plan, paid bllld11~, COMPANION II.I'll! 11 t e + ~. UNMARRl~D ' A"~ .. Bl\0° d · 120· ~·1 H NB .,. ., EQUIPME NT ~·· hou k to 1· I I int points. sec. u.1 ~" .;J. e11gn ->N wy.. · Permanent position f 0 r sick p&y. Ins. plan, pleasant sewor ive-n or ... --_,,, ... ..,._ ,...,.. Thill,ii~invitaUontoha~ GARDENERS STUDENTS ·<nowledge o1 1~ 1--· MECHANIC ,-·nr l•dy most ha ~ .. -~ ... ...,. vioJ""'"u ei....~ cA1 =•• t ' •uo.:rg ~ TRAINEE: Salesman, Young right man. Fringe benefits; work cond's, Pb: ~l or ·vw ., ve .,....,.. fAHiiOU piriea • ..-..... "' ..., """Y or worlting way thru collere. Hull desip & tank U!stino, ..-... .. .,.--~~ "'A" """"' driving record. Other help ' .. NCEMENTS ... .. __.... .,&II... LI R .,A,. ~-" .,.. Mlin to t:rain as salesman age 40-50. '-""' ... :>-o.w.> .-".,r ~VrtCV me---Exp. c. e&.s. ,,......Alo> Call 673 ,.. F "'-""'====~-In •-n1e n-r, .. -p'·ue ~~ , •ncf· NOTICES with fast expanding st.a-: ·L.>-)1 or app't. MAN 18-21 WINCHEU,'S -ARCHJTECTUR.AL •JV ' """ ...... ·11: • Attr •ctlw Expert JAPANESE Garden In 1 1'ctail drafting. tioncry and office suprly --H E LP WANTED t>onut House, 253 E. 17th DR.An'SMAN. M2-893J ·illt.und (f r• Ads) 6400 YOUNG WOMAN ' .ervice and maintonance. house. For appt., call MR. e Boat Carpenters Sl. Costa Mesa. Eves 2 pm lntennedia.U! Exp Tom&: HARDWARE SALES ·"I:::::: dancer will teach )'OU ·all AllO clean up. 'Vrlte Box: M-636 Orange WEST. 642-2998 • "-·I M-h••I.-~ • 10 pm. Sl .65 hr. Tm,ider Archileets Ai.A Some experience preferred ~~,_ Co 'l ""'I · STEREO Co m p o n e. n 1 • Cabinet JI.takers SERVIC£ Sta.lion n e c d s H;;•;;n;l.:..H::;;ar;;boo;;;:r.:,• .:;8;:'6--0671:;:;::.;,-.,. I t r m m • a rdw1re ;, j FOUND: Small white do(, latest steps. Call Ardtll e !>.18-ZS72 e Coast Pilot, P.O. Box 1.560, DVd "''" "'"" K R I H , ..,. ..... --.. Brown pluUc: 213: 591-C538 1·10 PM • '!OW • EDGE • WEED. sta "esar ......., onua~ -:: r::.11.r7-_,. __ Vic R 0 ~·-hard. " salesman • Knowledge of • Jounteymen n\ghl man, 5-10 pm. MU8t FULL • TIME n I g ht dish· _. - • -· · ' 4 ~ Zlppo ct·~ ••ults Only ~. •···-m••-1 by ""-ble J b W od 7020 1 b ri UNION ~00 H ~-Bl·" ~~~Valley o:<H ...... 11U -r-1v1 .. -.. u• .... .,... 1 L cly current s Pl'OO romponenti1. • Boot I-1nishcrs . ave expt' enc:e. washer. 6 ·nite!I. See Terry, "'llW ar""'-vu., C .. M • .!: .rVlln•.,.. • i»l"'\u.o;r Color pictures & ph no. of Collcp students. Rea11? 0 i n • • 1>1ust be 21. ..::all Lee Van, Savannah Ent1rpri5t-5 OtL 393 E. 17th, CM Hi-Time Deli 495 E. 1t7h MOTEL • Front DHk. n.. ... 1 FOUND: Child's Pftsctl52tion dates• you pl't'-selt!ct. No Kalina Brothen 646-.12.14 PART-time pret. Exp. Book· 64G-8897 1"16 w. 16th St.. C.l\f. YARD Salesman, over 'fi > St, C.M. · -tlmt:. FBX. NCR, typb;~ ! .-.., vii TUstln. Ave. &: names U5ed until you IO on AL'S c-~•nc • ' --.,..,_,,·I -y. a· I -· •··· k $o .. ;;;;:--• 1 ,,::::;,,,;;;;,;;;..~~~~~~i ~ . --~ "-1& M a · ILIU<:JU ....... ·-& ,... ~ .... ...., SERVIC__!;;_ Station .~lesmen JA"t'l"OR. full time niaht ~wee . me mecuunCIU PART·tinle disbwuhe:r, f'ti· ~t~rtenctd prefemc:t. ' .MM ..... '--es ' dates. 637-9644 ............ -. Com--•-•, .. -11 • =n, ·•1nce . ---, .... ~ ... .,..,.....,. ... ~"'...,ALS I.Ac·'-· SHO I 59-3161 l\UU"'" ·-" '""nouu J·-., .. -u Part tilTle, even1ng1 and work. good pa.y. Ben exptf. ru:...,..~l'W.<4"' Sat-Sun. See Teny at Jfl. Ul"IA RES. Ina. ' _ -... -.n. t.• BAOt 5'7" seek; atnc:ett girl iOOustrlal & re$identlal. , ;;673-64:;,.;;D;clo-· ==,_=,,,.-., weekenm:. l\fu11t bC? neat !n Brown's Restaurant, South 2Ul1 Harbor Blvd. CM • Tl~ Dell, 495 E. l'ftb St., ,;w,..,,.,'-""'-'4132;i;:::,I ,--=I SET ~ _,. <14), ... ~ to 3S for flirt A: com· * 64&-3629 * 'CARE for elderly per90n 1-7 a.ppeam~. Sec J im, 2590 Laguna. Mr. Gates 499--2711 UP lo $200 mo. Youn;c m~ ITC.;;.M;,,·· .,,_,,·.,.....==--=-.--.: WJ.!'M'ED: Exp'd ~ · Cofrilt" H,.,-. CdM. <Nt. panlonahlp. m..o386 a..EAN-1:-JP Spec:lallst! ~1ow-PM $45 wk. 835--5039 PM, Newport, C.M. GEN'L. Maintenance of ex. rir.d ml'ln with car early AU'f'O metal man. muit do 'PO#tr machine to wort ln lhrndlfi) ~ ALOOHOLICS A.nonymou. tns:. edging, odd Job 1 . SG-7814 AM EXPERIENCED Re.M ~tate terior .l groundJt ot private mornit!Jll'. ~84752 . fiht class work. No driften. Bildfti c;ustom wcAr lhop. MIXED ~ :f: Ylc ol P!Die: 5t2-121t o.· Mtt• to Re&.sonable. 548-6955 1-i-"'-"'"-'"'=='=== u.lesmen. Of!\ce established ·club. \Vill consider )'OU"' SMALL shop JICtd• al\· Xh1t pay. No lJy.offs, Small Pl~IR call &i$-789(1 &ft 6 IAn'lplOll A lt Blvd., P.O. Box l2230xta Mesa. E.'{PERIEN"t."D Ja.,•ncsn Domettie Htlp · 1035 23 ~ears. • rel!N!f'!I. PH: 549...a..177 around machtnl•t·mcchsnie. 2'hop. A-fr. ~rgcr ~ 613-2473. c.nt.nGrov<o 537.----~ •--.... ~ :__n k'iH~n, Se nsitivity G roup i;1u·dener. Reliable. 540.'1373 Chinese Ji\-e·i~. Cheerful "C" THOf.'1AS, REALTOR tf l\'OOL PRESSER-.-* 494..,..,.., * l\IEC!t.ANIC klr tl'Uck & tril'. 8 f.1AlDS · Holel/Moloel ..._ .. u.,... 641J.5ll0 or ~13 f~l1 f~ ~tin1&lt • Pti'i'naneni. £~!'ftiitncttf · 2:14 \V. Const H\vy ~t&--5S27 _ !\Wile~ C1r.aners DAILY )'•!LOT WANT AOS "'riln!M\i)tlCf.'. 01vn 10011. Ex'perlenee, $1.SS-bour. ~ ... -~ Eutlbu:U 1 r t1 8 • 1--;.;Whl;:.;.:lt;;:_ El<pNn,,:;_..;.::..:;~:.;!;..._-, ,_..;90CK:::.::::_if':t.· ..:TO.:...':::E':.:l;;.I --fllr El~t A~ncy ~2-8703 OlARGE IT! ' I _BR!!f RESULTS~ Boat Transit Inc . f J2-.0202 Call li"t)..9410 • • . _, • . • .. ., . ' , Must have at least 200 employei payroll ex· perleoce; some receivables baQqround de- sired. Must be able· to grow wllll•a growing company. Please apply ?'-person to Miss Larson GENERAL AUTOMATION 706 W. Katell1, Or-, Calif. An equal oi>PortunJty employor Help Wanted Women ,., .. 2 '+nlo *CLERK TYPIST* Diversilied duties. Type 50 wpm on electric. Call Personnel Dept. (714) 494-Mlll TE[ ON IC ENGINEfRING CO. L19un1 Btach Ellual opportunity employer RENTAL AGENTS Exciting career oppot1unity for mature women w i t h ll!!uing experience to work tn our SOUTH BAY CLUBS. Must type and have ability to handle lease agreements. -~ 7400 HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH NEEDS A SfCRfTARY · MANNING'S COF~EE SHOP 2'°31 El Toro Rd. l.qlma Hilb 137°10!4 Se<lleCt>-11 m~&11c Aa-eney 6w c.r.tr Gfrla 410 W. Qml Hwy., N. B. We are 11etidna: a qualified B1 appolat. ' 6t&-3939 .secrttuy with recent ex·l!!~l!!"'l!!!!!""""'l!!!!!J!!!! perience tn an e:n&UieerlJtC Exec s.cty to $624 envtnanment. Background Xlnt cipptyl Dynamic So. lhou\d lbtjude teclmlcal pro-Santa Ana. co. Ideal worki1w poaals and report prepara-cond, top bl!!nettta. c:au lion. ExceDl!!nt typing and Edl!!e, ·54&-SflO. - shorthand skills att requJ.rl.. J1aon Best " ad. ""'"'-"'' """"" . 2120 So. Main, 8.A. Qualified applicants lnlerest· MAID AND STOCK WORK ed .In ~till&' this ~ Permanent, for f1ne women's port.unity ,i;bOuJd apply in clothing store. Retail ex- person to: pe:rie~ be:lp1ul, or will HUGHES NEWPORT BEACH 500 Superior Avenue Nowpo•t Beach, Calif, F.qual OpportunHy employer M/F train. Apply: BACK _ STREET Fubion Illind Newport Center SECRETARY·- R&CEPTIONIST Dictation, typinf, rood teie.. Phone volco, knowladp ol ceneraJ. otHce. Pttfer con- • Note to job seekers. Inq\lire: &bout our J'ree el@ctric t:ype.. wrlll!!r bl'Ulhup. (J.ey l- AU{. only). ISS Dov•r Dr., N.8. 6424170 549-2743 *STENO* Experithced. Typifl& &: shorthand necasary. Full «>hr. wk. Bank of America llfCOUTOI Gm C»!(l!IATION OF 1a-WXllllY .APARTMOOS" Spa1ish & Modli.1•11• funili.1 All BRANO NEW ............. ,_ -.. '-·~;.;\\-'iii 1:11:"3;."'!21 ·-·-·t...;•:!::':'.":'.":":·::·:·:~. ~ ~.,.__-~m::::::::::::iH A decorator dream house on display -3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish furniture (was reg. $1295.00 SACRIFICE • • • • • • $398 CRaDIT T•l:MS AVAIL.Ul.I CllOIT CllAllO IMMl'otATIL'I' mm FURNITURE 1844 Newport Blv~ • ..:.-, Costa Mesa only hwy Nltht '119 -WM. Sot. & S... '116 -----------------JOBS lo EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT 3+M Via Lido Help Wanted Newport Baoe!> 673-ISllO Women 7400 J..i...-Man, Wom. 1500 Equal opportunity emplO)'l!r 1--==----'-"'-' CREDIT CHECKER ... OENERAL CLERK UNITED · CALIFORNIA BANK 27U W. Coast Hwy. Newport B4!ach 646-Kll PBX OPERATOR Must be e:xpedenced on multipal. bot.rd. Typin& ttqUired. .f: 30 to 1 AM shitta available. SALESWOMAN COLLINS ~·· lllloDlo ASSEMBLERS SPANISH --MEDITERR1~NEAN 3 Rooms Showroom Furniture $1000 value/$389.95 • 5 Pc Game Sets wrought iron from $59.95 • 8 FT ' Dec Divan & Love seat $149.95 • 60" Heavy Span·, !sh Collee Uble $29.95 • Large Matching Lamp • tables $19.95 • DecoraUve Sp an Is h Lamps Ir om $14,95 • Guar Box Sp r Ing 1 & Mattresses $19,95 ; • 15 year Guarantee Quality Kings & Queens • at T E R R I F I C Savings! Stacks & Stacks or Mattresses. · Credit Approved Furniture Bank or ; Store · Owrrae~ Terms 548°9660 (11eL•n 1n l'l>~I J \It· ·.l .,\·1·r 12 \'l'.1r ,1 Huge 6,000 ~· ft. W ar!!hou~ "': 2065 Charle St., Costa Mesa 0,.. ,., ~ s.p 10.1 s.t~ Enter on Harnilton or Bern8'* Behind H1rbor Cir Wash 1F ._u_r..;ntc.'l\t;,•c:e:.._ __ _;:,8000~ Furniture 8000Furnlture 90!! OVER-STOCKED ·············•••4 MUST SEL L! Beaut. walnut 9-drwr dress- er, lwo 2-0l'Wl' t.'Ommodl'~. hdbrd & framed mirror, all for $172, New 9 pc, corner arrang. eholce of clrs. reg. $230, now $149.511. Headbrds: Kirlu, $15, Queens $12.50, Full $ID.SO, 'I\vins $3.95. Trundle sets (duo riser) w/ inner spring matt. ~. noo. now $79.50. Rall-a-way beds w I inn: spring matt. reg. Si9.50, now $39.50. Full sz. sleeper-sofa reg. S239.50, now $169.50. New beds: KI n g $99.50, Queen1, $89.50, Full * 3 ROOM GROUP f!" COMPLETE ,; Livi ng Room si97oom -Din•tte . ·~> • Weekly P•yments .. We Carry Our Own Contra • -. ' VAN'S Discount Furniture l 417 W. 4th St., S1nta Ana· Fr•• P1tkl~ Open Dally-10.fl -Sot lQ.6 -547-24 ' .. •••••••••••••••• , 8022 Pianos & Organs all!> $49.50, Twins $39.50, fully FURNITURE ' .. , •"'""'· -··"" .. ,,,,., · • ·''"'" MUSIC CENTER< --------...... : choice or clrs reg $20.9S, washer, dryer, Ironer. misc _ t. now $12.99 SlEsrA SLEEP (University Park) 17942 An-Orange Courity ,! , SHOP, 19'21 Harbor Blvd, CM gell: Jivlne, 9 a.m -Sat July KNABE e ~· One or more yea.rs elee-645-2760 daily 10.9 Sat-Sun 19 til 5 pm -Sun July 20. CONN • nSCHER· .,• J tn>meehanical assembly 1()-6. ' GARAGE Sa.le July 19-20 old Rentals-Teachtrw·Saltt'"l Local experience .in bel1er .... , to ..... , to, Exc!U· RA·DIO co. a.Ive Specialty Shop, 5 dQ ·I +~~-and Othe·r-otnce-=---re-: W!griinCntr.-ExceD:l!!nt compensation and benefit -------. .,,, .... _~-~;"it> ®'E. Sll-ot--~ Uy +coDiml81ion. ~· PYnPriefll'l!-indadin,,...sold·--ff'Pi""";;;;1on;;,~~<r-,-;;;;i-,,,,..=:;;-~ chtftcl.-·hou~~-1-' ' !---~ e-m a-.-Take.._&ift~~ --"'"-.,. • ¥"Cuuawu, ny _ eed, -.Jj•' !:lio...h>~ ---erifl&. ~ lnelu<f1ng 2 sl!!p end tables corns; e~~-~~Uth ~:-----.i f;"-._-~+- .. proa:ram. Local opportunit. ie:i as well as other Califor- nia IDCati0!1$~ -- R & B 0.velopm•nt Co. ll570 Olynu>Jc Blvd. Los An&<!... Calli. 90064 BOOKKEEPER Exciting caret'r ()ppot1unlt:J for mature W()men with in- termediate bookkeeping e:x· periencc to work at our SOUTH BAY CLUB APART· MENTS. Local opportunitiel as well u other California locations. Excellent ~ pensation and beoctits. Send resume or call Mra. Cara Dee Cll3) 477-7500. R & B Development Co. llSTO Olympic ruvd. Los Angeles, Calif. 9006.f GIRL FRIDAY for corporate controller. Lite sccrelarial, accountifl&', bk· kpa". experiencl!! la neceM&IY. ' -Contact "J. F, ~hltney RADIX CORPORATION J. W. Robinson -H•I openlnt for: * PERSONNEL * ClfRK ltnponsible woman tor position involving pay- i'oU, typing, filing and pe:nonncl experience pre- fon-ed. APPLY PERSONNEL DEPI'. JG-4 p.m. Mon-Fri. Fa1hion 11land Newport Beach conflde:ntlaL Writ!!! DI.Dy PJ:. lot Box M-333. SECRfTlRY 19700 J1mborH ROid Ne*Jll>rt Bea•h Equal opportunity employer Call Ptrsonntl Dtpt. (7141 4M,~I WI malch. Jo--• 953 5rnate, C.M. , ing occas ,..._. Gould Music Com ~ table. 1 lal'Ke kldney .,ottee A I ~·" N M · s 7 J table black. Duncan POY:fc PP l1ncu 8100 ....,.... · a.m, A 54 SIX:RETARY-Oirilt Cburcb by the Sta. l'.I hrs/wk. $300 mo. General oWm -~ exp mimtogra'ph nectllU)'. Call 673-3805 or 548-M2.f tor appL TELONIC dinh'rg ro0m set, holit chair," ~iis"-'-R'-'E'°'. F;.;.;;R:.,l_G_E_R_A.;T;,:O.:,;:R 6 WE KS ~ 4 s~e chairs, bullet, anlique crosstop rreeie.r,. 2 door. Orgari claSs leS!IOns for~ white. 673-6187 Fine condition, !>48-l'T29, ginners. Starting Tue~ MT. Airy table, 6 chrs $450. 642-5851 Ju.ly 29 at 1 PM. PractlOe Butt orpns availabl~. Join ~ IBM Ertcu~; 3-5 yn: ex-p. Expertencm G G ct s-150 Teak finish GENERAL E L E CT R I C fun! REGISTER NOW! • ! 1~'.0"'P""E"'!lA'""T""O'"R"'S~ 1 Tachnle1I Typlnt R&D Experie:need On d r • 1 a ea. sports wear, z:lppen. Top PQ.AlloP~ 863 Produetion Place Newport Stach •. 6t&-030ll SALESWOMEN for fine ladies' clothinc ltOre. Full or part-time. Ex· perienced only. Appl.y: Ad..-KlMtlco Inc. e e WAITRESS JN UllllllH CO, pecao. 2 ye"' old, ""'' automatic washtt,, I at• HAMMOND ' 1231 Ylctori&~Sl, CM $2l7ll. Walnut lamp lable model, xlnt oood, $50. io CORONA DEL MA1'l • ...'IU5 • • • HOSTESSES $40. 64"1627 847 .. 115 285< E. """'' Hwy 673-89lo Equal Opportunity Employtt la9una Beach ·SMART Bat &tools, lal'gc TAPPAN upri11hl dbl oven JULY Is Dot • bUt we ~ GIJU.,.Frklay t Y p • • i~ Apply in penon back &: arms, $15. Nearly eJect. range. Nver U!IM, TV the HOTITSI' buys in toft,. ttttstlrw I: varied work. F.qual opportunit,y employer new bed couch Sa>. Colfee prize.'Best offer, 673-1019 Spinet, Console & GNld Requltts knowledlt o I ftE11DfN f, ll£ table, inlay, ST.SO Call NEARLY new washer .ti Pianos: new &: u 1 e:d shthnd. rood t y p Ing, HUD 548-2394 al~ 6 PM dryer% price: Larie Norte Bak111.in Orpns -all qn BACK STREfil' Willlnc to I~ &: grow wl 151 E . Coast Hwy. 1U triple dresser .l frame mlr· WARD'S BALDWIN -.,...., doalrablo. FRY coowr NEW Bdrm .. 1, Qucon "''· $110. GE .,,., $11). -Al• at really HOT s Fashbn lsland company. PI ea s ant sur-Newport Be•ch $500 \Viii sell $29S. Abo new BRONZE colored &love, dbl 1Bl9 Newport, C.M. f'OUndlna-. A I 215 du.al bed set w/ walnut tble oven & broiler. 3 yrs old, . . Newport Center Rive Ide PP Y Top wages, permanent, hon· Sl90. 645-l04l S185 or ~st offer. 642-7371 HAMMOND • Steinway. Y_4· Equal opportunity ~ployer O~TH.-O~~c. ""rn-~!.:; ~ANTAWJ::GER for .ert,,and working conditions 2 DR. Fri&idai.te retrlg. Like maba ·new: 4' used~ vuh... .....,.. n:a......,,,. • • EXPERIENCED ln area's leading restaurant. Girige Sale 8022 new. l.atie size. $125. of all makes. Best buYa 1' ACTIVITIES duties, 8eC'l'etarial skills. specialty &hop. Muat be Apply 9 am to 5 pm for in-_ 67>7465 So. Calif. zi6bt here. 'i DIRECTOR Maturi'•, ~ --·1~ willine • -to ........ -TELLER-. MPL lb'· ldr ba k h buf 0~"~ MUSIC co ~ v ......... ~...,.., v terv1ew at ..., c c n, · FRIG. dbl oven $45. cnlr ~~ "'' Excellent cam!t opportunity ii: j!Jd&nlent re q u Ired. ttsponaibillt)', Retail ex-fet, couch, ovenluUl'd chr, range $25, kJtch cabs Xlnt 1901 N. Main, • for mature women w:lth eX· Sal•..., open. Write: oan .. pttl.e~ required, Apply at UNITED MANNING'S •· k bed t 0 --·-Ana , -J oy occu. en.-, oa rm M' , for garg. stor. &Th-7085 ..,,.... " .....rlence in the direction of Pilot Box M-334. OIRIS FASHIONS CALIFORNIA BANK p · & ~ Sou h ~--1 p•---· k lo COFFEE SHO qn. size sprng matrs, ELECTRIC Stove, Xlnl cond. WANTED ·' .:recreation and social activ· Gen. Insurance Apncy· t .........., -. As r fr' I b 21" TV sP ~ ities _for adult ·""'· ""' to SECRETARY ~-M-'"l"'a'-,,T'>'.====~-6 Monarch n .... Plaza 24001 El Toro Rd. ~~G'· mp ca .& Ia h' $40. 67~ZT2!1. 205 Onyx, !NETS & GRAND -">GJ LeiJ.w-e World LaiUna Hills Y vacuum at c , Balboa ls.le 636-3620 ' work in our growing SOlITH Mature woman experienced MANICURIST South Lquna &3T·l014 dishes, pans, to a s 1 er, . PIANO WANTED '• BAY ~UB APARTMENTS. In all lines of tmurance. Fuhionable Newport Bu.ch Cn.t) 499-1361 JOIN HA CO cloda!. radio, iron. lamps, LADY KENMORE automatic n...~ Attractive salary, apart-Salary open. New oUlce. Nlon needs an experienced . IR & . . • three far Qietures. etc. Fri .i Sat lO.S. wuher. late model, xlnt f2131 877-1035 Pvt .-.. ~ 184 E. Liberty Avenue ment, and employee befte'-Great opporl 6#-4'138 tull time m.ankurist Quarn. -,H~l~G~H~SCll=oa=L~G~ll\L~-1 oul hair styh.sta! Opening ~ Bayview, S.A. l-fgts. cond. Sl15. 84T-8115 ~ Anaheim 879-4360 tits. Locf.l opportunities as WAITRESSE.5 but bo le: commiuion, paid vaca· Aug. 1st In Balboa Island. 549-35211 Television LYN & Nu-5 A'1d1 well u other California loca· • ya. tion1, etc. Pltue c a 11 to Udy etore after achoo! and Call Sun, Mon. Tues, Wed, Antiques 8110 -. ,_ tkms. -cuhier hoeten. Apply ln 644-1510. St.turdays. Opportunity to TI4: '673-1230 or on other ANTIQUEphono grap h, RENT OR BUY -~ LargeprogreslJwECFneedl R& B 0.wloftft'tantCo. penan Hotel L•a:una, --~==~---l!!!arn retailing. Must be days, 213: 44G-6967 Bc~m bott!cs (coll. or 32), 4 MATCHING Early Vic· .. U. Orientation provided by a ''"'70 ~.:,.,·Bl·-.... Laauna Bch. ···NURSES.•. a:ood worker and dependable. DRAPERY rkroo anttqul!! m1mn-, 11 bra r y tor i an c h airs $ 2 4 O. COLOR TV ~ full time, ill service, educ.a-T _"':"'A--,,,-Calli :::...,, 'u'""v"'&"°IN°".-.,,...,==-.-.,= ••• -.to' JRN·RelieJ ahift Apply: wo m, no clock. mantlo clock, hone Grandrather c Io c k $225. $9 Month""p ~ tor. Openings on all sh.ilia. ....._ ··~ • · ~ care for invalid lady LVN. full nieht shift exp; nee. Full time Yl'Ol'k. collars. Franklin mint an. Small side drawer desk ALSO \ ~ DiUerential pd for swingers Apply In Pft'liOn BACK STREET 1~ Armstrong Ave• tique car coin set in ·s1er1. $200. ManUe clock $50. Lap STEJtro.REFRlGERATMC:: O·' ho wh N.twport Be•ch. $280/mo 1 ,._,,.,. n--c:h N•-••• H""" F ••· J·'·R.1 Irvine 540-8503 . I . l -• I -•~ c.r It nite owls. ruY t se o • REUBEN'S • .._ ... _DC« .......... a.souun ,........, · 1ng, rnu ti<001-...... l!!iwi:u "-Titer $25. Tea caddy $10. WASHERS OR DRYERSj: care need apply at 1030 W. 54J....4;7l3 le: ~ $-8075 Newport Center BEAUTICIANS gl.aas hang lamps, decorator Silver top Ink wells SIS. OPI'ION TO BUY • Wamer, S.A. 548-6450 SALESLADY wanted tor ac--' STOCK cleric to $3i0. A'fi'RACT. woman needed to Be YoW' own bou. Rented bottles, & miSC". household Copper sculUc $80. Rocker. 543-4539 · t Cable &: Harness Costa Mesa ceuory talH. Exp pref'd. Have mith ability, no typlna leam Ir: ttath mackeup space. Re880nable. 847-9164 items. 223% E. 16th St .. CM Carriage lamps no ea. : Assemblers. ~~·i:~ ~· required. Young. Call Lor· techniques. AlllO ponlble to . 642-8845 Wiu;h bowi 1;et $25 .. Ii;mt MAGNAVOX • 21 .. i. No expcr, nee. NOW BEAUTICIAN, ·11 1 . 1 n.lne Merchants Personnel own small buslneu of your Schoolt-lnstrvctlon 7600 SI'OVE .rt oven w/ bullt·in beds, set S50. Sptnrung TV Walnut ·contempo SWISS lNDUSTRIES OFFERS A · c en e e ~ 2043 W1!!1tdilf Drive, own. Write Jerry Shaver, cabinet Sl25. Sliding door It wheel Sl50. Tapestry tray . . .· 2930 C.Ollege Avenue pttl but not required. New ,~N",8°'.-'..._""m'°"'o~-=~-S200 Van Nuys BI v d., SCRAM LETS screen w/cMing. Garbage $50. Red tufted settee $150'J. ·cabinet. Good conch Ht!:• Costa Mea S4&495(I mid welcome. can mnp. 1 -STOCK clerk to $380. Panora.ma City, Calif. or , • dlapo5al. Glass s 11 d In a: Bia.ck tufted day bed $500. 1185 cash. 514 7th St. ::r;· Fi e BOOKKEEPER BOOKKEEPING l-S<S--"-~9919=-===-·I Have math ability, no typ-c.n :nJ."7-1494 colloct ANSWERS •how"'"'"· Bathroom ~ok ..,._ aoytlm• °' 5<0-3404 536-.18115 , -POSmON-UTE ASSEMBLY tnr required. Youna-. Call .rt commode. Oil heater for Sat/Sun only. ZEN Tfl TV , 2~' =s~~ ~~:~ (,,_rt tim•) Exp'd, fer actuator line. 30 to Lorraine Merchants Peno~ Jebl M.n, Wom. 7500 trailer. Five 5-gal steel bar-Larry Morga.n Ant iques ~~~~hit~nd~t\~n )'T $ ~~: Commensurate Salary. 40 yn. Hn. I to 4:30, MOD-nel Agency 2043 WntcllU Orient -Pansy -Shine -rels S2 ea. 2656 A Newport \Vould you believe? Dozen 6T3--!}262 Please call LI 8-8874 A I I Fri. Box M-635 Dally Pilot Drive, N. B. 66-2170 Mosque -QUESTIONS B.lvd, CM. 5'1S--2134 roll top desks, rd oak tables, ;;;;.,-.--="-·=--=-,'±I pp y n perton X-RAY Tech-For Radk>logy EXPERIENCED waltrtu, Mother rabbit ~o-her small Fl NAL CLOSE OUT china cablncl!i, 9E'c~tary1, BLK . &-white TV ~Ith ORAL surgery office. Im· 1555 \Vest Adams, C.M. office. Must have American full or ........ .:--. •--~--H u G H E s bunny: "A marician pulled Hall 15 SSG-$85 ta Eur Annoires brass beds, beautiful Henredon cabihit. mediate employml!!nt for _. • ........ ......,,.,......., )'OU out ()f a hat Now stop sea • · occ. • 300 ·docks & ·much mo~ f'rullYIOOd finWi S 1 O I . dental assistant. X·ray ex· tegi.stry cert. Rt'fa. Phone boun. Benton'• Coffee Sbop. ukina: QUFSTroNs .. ' bles $2·9, bric-a.brae $1·.f, · &4z..3089 , -rience:eall m.7719 cibilitieS fo.-tntorvlow 545-94<1 133 S. Cout, 1-Boach. NEWPORT BEACH . . CENTURY HOUSE AN· Whclesale • tttaU. 2428 New. • .,.. SHARP Gal wanted for ~ FLIGHT Inst or aircraft ren-TIQUES 2134 Newport Blvd, poM Blvd. Costa Mesa. MAGNAVOX 'Color TV, ii" PETRQ.E'Mll, qe 2.5-60 rJDLimife~ =""'"'°==-,..._.,.-~ Has a -;-•ot for a tal. Good 1966 Cessna 150. C.M ,,.,'-5720 5-18-7383 • portable. 2 yrs old, adtOa: f Xlnl --• Boutique Dttu shop Beat:h HOUSEKEEPER 1 day a .. ""' Du I ti $14 =1h Sol · ~ or pump aerv. .... geDC'\/ ectlc a me, ,.,,, r o GENUINE Je11nyLind spool $250, 64f>.1803 anytiml!! f1VE POINTS SHELL. Q lJ' uu. 19 yn. or older, e:x. wk. H , happy home time, $9.50/hr. Fully in-SAT & Sun.-Moving! Must bed. Other antlques lnclu-WESTINGHOUSE 19,1 a.w MZ-3444 Qu&llty Pos.ltions for per, Box M 631 Dally Pilot with cheerful tee~. W ANALYST sured certified instructor Sell ! Furniture, re r r I g, • ;;;..,.. Qualified. A r ,_ GAL wanted for ..-.. ..... ia tltt4 mother, nr 23il. Ir. a·-" 54,, ,....,,.. l'lilver. china, banjo, Suzuki, ding gla&8w.ate. etc. 326 Vic· portable TV. \Vork!. $45. t , .. hlv•""-' Maid. Experience is PP ic:an~ _...... ........... N 8 ., • ., ·-· .,..,.... """"..., k 1 h tlqu toria, Apt A, CP.1 betwn 9-3 646-2243 I ·-necessary. In q u Ire at 488 E. 17th SL, Suite 22.f Boutique Dftaa 1hop. Ex· .... un, · · UW".__. with experience In metan-Educational Vacation 5lh 1 c e 0 ware· an e PM h • VAGABOND MCJ1'EL, 3151 Costa Mesa 642-147'0 per. with ~ttema. Stach COidilNlTION, Sbarp Bv .. -u..1 llpedmen mount-de Sr CiU typewriters, n1isc. iletnli, HI Fl & S 9ono Harbor', CM' 9!!!!!'!lf!~~~~ .... !!!!!!I U'l!L Box M 637 Dally Pilot Maidl A: Go G<. D&ncen. ~---sectional polishing. ~U~t ·1o jl'!.!On ~: 3210 Delaware Pl .. C.M. HARNESS maktr's ~. • terto IQ! 1 • MANJCUJUST & SHAMPOO e FRY COOK • CDCKTAIL Waltr'l!!u, Fri • Top waaa $3.0l).$3.50 to Must be able to perform Sehl. Trial Le!110n. 113 Del EVERYTHING must be sold 36~' crystal va!if, copper 1969 RCA ho m I!! .,_ GIRL .. ~•-· Hair E" Graveyard ·•ttt 2 -•XP Sat o-•-' -~Bl"BOY 11art. Ph. for tiit. 5'5-9983 m•·-·-~--,, m•···-Mar. C.M. ""2859 by July 25. Unlmat $100. hearth pol. Chrome It toctaloment cen'"'r. 23" _..i •• ' ,_......, 1 ""' Heavy bftaid.;t cd'~ 19"3 ''Y:P~n~ 'C. M. SA.Sn' LASSY, 2901 Hartxlr, me"i;~: ... uooc ......... -.,._ Stamp coUedion S200. Plus German helmets, etc · or TV, stereo "'AM/ll'M ~ ;: 326A, Marine Av. Bal. Isl. for gd emplayee:s. 1B or over. 642-0il C.M.. · EXPERlENCED SP an 1 8 h 10 years of good Junk. Daily 83J.-0363 phono. Walnut cab In 4t;1. '. 675-6070 Apply in per:90n. CURTAIN &: draper1 SALESWOMAN. ~ Hu G HE s Teachini" Tutoring. MA, u . 1751 East Ocean Blvd., Ret .. ils moo. ~ 2-"1te, ·-~~F=e;;•r!_ ~ OO'I'TAGE COFFEE Sl!OP 18.leslady up'd. No phone b1 ladi!!!s ready lo wtir. UCI. 83.1-6351 balboa. 61$-0251 Sewing M1chlnn 1120 $1015. ~2243 . ~ me, Newpt. Center MM>l70 562 W. 19th Ct., CM calls. U&df',. So, Cout Ovtt 25. Apply Mon thru nt · GARAGE Ir: ESTATE SALE 1969 SINGER wtth Dg-mg • NEW Stars portable St~·2 SECIYIRECPT. Xlnt advcmt Plaza lM. APROf(>S No. 'Zr, NEWPORT BEACH MONTE.S.50~ Tie.ache~ of. Art Objectg, etc. after 10 walnut CONOle. Makes bUt· apkn, 4 spct, blk &: ~ BARMAID. Nl;hll. Small, opptyl Jleavy typing, lite MATURE woman tor tttall Town I: C.OUntry, 0ranee fers music uvrtr, ,begin g all 271 Camella! Lane, C.M. ton holes, designs etc .. $5.25 color. 45 llttch. $50. 6'15-0U2 • .· friendly beer bar, N'pt. bklCps. To $5tXI. Call Mr. AIU. no e~. n es•. COLLEGE Te:ache:r wa.ntl 500 Superior Avenue ~~~;dvc d nute &. DAILY PIUJr WANT ADS! too. or $36.00 cash. 526-6616 lnlo. -~ Blvd., C.M. 64&-9928 Da:;yll. Rlcha.n!s. 540-6ffi5. 54T--0818 for appt. capable ~babylltttt tor 2 pre-Newport &.•ch, C•llf. I ;.~:;::~~,...,....,..,-ll :;;;:;;;;,;;;:~====i..=:=;=:=:=::=:=~=.:..=======::iz~I • DENTAL ASST., exper. at COASTAL AGENCY WAITRESS. OVER 21 IChln. -qi1f:r 11:30-5:30. lob' ; MERCHANDISE FOR Furniture 8000Furniture 8000 Furniture • -ckne chairslde. I:xce:ll. op-A member of "'-·· ,._ ,_,,1 .... ah1tt. hom~. UPPl!f1l&Y arta. start Eq\l&l opportunlly SALE A .... D TRADE ,. portunity! 646-5411 Snelling le Sntllina: Inc. ~Call~~ mkl-Sl!!pL Call 5'8-3.105 empkJyer M/F , GENERAL OUice help need-2'l90 Harbor Bl, C.O.ta Mesa BEAtrr'Y 0 p ER AT 0 RS .-NCR 396 OPEl\ATOR. Fumiture IOOO t ~ ed. Accurate typlna: ~ii'-STOP wanted: No f 0 11 0 wt n f ntcrllent wortiftl c:oadldona ---------I SECTIONAL IOfa. pair living ;· r:~.:;:·~·:,3 w5~~ n«:ftWY.m-m2.~ ~-~~~a.'::~ -BEAUTY· :~.~1ra,lnco~ta!!~ ' -EXPERIENCED Conooune Dtfit&l ~ A: _;..,... Crow •· dllion. 673-1525 ' a Cill1ee shop girl. Afll'ly ,.111 Mt~ Mooey. •• Exp, or collltt, 25-45. ~ -v .. v·~ ~ 1 OPERA TOR = Fri ~""""' n_._ .. .,., to $5.00 per hr. wiUl , 5tl-3000 • -..,., a-W Quality a.uJ6 bed, quDtcd, M Mo~ • .IJOO,A ~ bonus. (;o.eetttr fliU or part • namblrw. Some acicainU,. Complete. WIUll!d $98; worth : "' Blvd. HB see Lari time. 230 w. w&mer, IUite MOTEL MAID wanted. Ap. tbeor)' or sncdl:e dnired. Must be experienced. $250. Arter 5 or wkndl CffRJSTIAN Lacb' to care for 21T, S.A. ~ 10l'1 Beaclt Bl1Pde 0 r · llcCr.-Yacbta. 11 J_J 847--00i my childm in Ill)' abl@nce. 6 Part or tult time 10 womtn ewport . Place:fitla .4.vt, CM APPL y • • LANDMARK•• Demi- : • · wkt. Muat lUce beach. c;an needed bnmed. f.or child PRACTICAL Nune, 3 pm.9 SITTER _ oldlr woman Jftf. Per...._. Office Sleeper sot.a TO'". blk. 6 • • ' ~2829 care, aktea or companions. dDm ~J~ Y.'ftk. $10 per P/Urne ·ewe. 2 chldm. V\c Third Flow pandex vinyl, lib new, $225. ' CLERK TYPtST-10 key add. Age 21-65 ay. __,., Jtancho.Vft, taL UT ... 1ta S36-(35(I C&1ll«nla A'111ta. SU """ Sitting Prelty Aglncy stCRi:TAiiY, liilddle .... blr 1""'" THE BROADw·v YINE old !tallan Elnplre , • St.. 'Se&! °"''h. ( 213 ) Momba-of We Sit Bettu, --...i olllco. 001 bil. "b"'ri.~o.!al"''"...,,..-n . ..,.1""-.--..,-UJOi;--,,. A sole. E>tctl cond. Sullab!< 431-1321 F.qual op P t 1 Inc, SuboltllelY o; Gerl»• noott -can tor 3 -ll-~-RT s• "CH •-!Iv'--ompolytt. flood. cb . .., __ , Part Tlmt•°"" Ttller 8c11 !mt ~ ""-BA A TV. "~"~ ~ -"• room <r '°-• , , '<"""""' ~· haU, Aopt. Call ~ ' a>CKTA!L wal....._ lull WA11RESS. Full " part, for Ila~ a Loon Jlm, -1112 ~ft I 47 Courtt of ,lthltn 1 1Wlilll<d • 11t"1boM!, ttme, Ben 8 row n' 1 time. Apply tn pl!!ROll. SW1AI mano MAftii\.t -hit t I fl'• FASHION JSLAND excellent oonJUion. $ 2 5 l!<staurant "Loo-. South Chait• 414 N. N ......... NB lll'liClAL Ml<mi Oiiiii... llltdlen ltolp lo< l)o11.-Afi11¥ Nawpert -ch 642--02'i2 . "Lkftlnt. Ask lor R.o "I· BABYSI'IT&R, nltea, Cill fur Ga.rmet"lt Mfir. Exp. at mt. lnt. SL, CM. I LEAVING tmim .. m\dl tell .,._2211 S48-5llO .. ""'· -'IU'b IALllWY All ~ua1 0ppo11un11y Louil uth uv nn m in... " SOOK rr ro tilt l -Wblio iliPLliiii biiii • iiDi • -+ l:mployer Tabin ' i....,.. ao-.H --------·-~--':.. ,_-_ .. --------'"--'-'-'--•--' SPANISH MEDIDRRANEAN As Shown In Model Homes Whit an t xc:itin9 1ctn•! Yo1,1r home c;1n coma alivt with 01,1r 9l1morot1• dtcorator·cotr1l1ttd p1ckt9el l ivinl] room lnclud•1 : luxurious Sof1 and love St1t in quilted flor1l fabrics. l Sp1nish O•k T1bl.es, 2 dist!n.. '1 9uished Conquistador T 1blt limps. "H•ciend1" Btdroom: Sp•nish Triple Ore11er with Frem•d Mirror, King-site Headbo1rd, 2 Commodes. 5-Pc. Wrought Iron Dintttt Set, Sp•ni1h Otlr: haxegon top. Mu1t be !' se•I\ to bt truly appNci.-ttd • l • 10 come in tod1yl Pric14 1lsewhert •• $895;00. ' ll4ND NEW SPIC1AL SAU e Ce~ he ,wrch•1H 11ptretely Eery Cre1Ut T1f'fl'l1 SAHTA-ANA _ FURNITURE j ! l l l I kC-151 fOlt .FREE TO YOU PETS and LIVESTOCK '.l'ltAN$PORJ'!illON tltAtj.SPO!ITATION2 _ TltANSPORTATION LI •ND TUDE 0.., ' . -112.S 8°* r. YICln 'ta0o llottt SlipMooring 9036 Tl'alll , Trf .. 1 MtS :j llAllY ,PllOT & Sttrlo 1210 Mlactill........___ _'600 :'r8 tiuc!,\~ ':irbiu! AU~ Silq lfnrifir 'I' ctASS:PAR 011a1 t:on. }."OR Rent: 14'6" x 38' tJ..SllP BEOAUSEft.ie dop'l 1Jb to FAX 8n i I B.ElAt.mruL W e.d din C Du t c b nibbtt. Can be pupp~ ~£i ~;,.~ Dlboard-ou~ UO..Jtterc. (4-wa1 tie). Yt.tfy, -11PJ rouiJi tt/Wt.n Dkmplnc, we MPX strreo tw1tf I Cowns sizes 12' 1•. Each picpd up any lline duritl& with kidl s~. 'S:;l'W-nMU' Crulstt OOWt"r ,jet" ' month. 67M8llO --/UC. ~ .. for a 15'·U' 1-J-'--~i!<ilt~illll ..W--..W, ro1mrd QllCt..~_Meh. m-5463 fair In ,.bhlt ~ _AM J'Oftr trt · Full cowr. n' BOAT--A 35' moc:rille, trailer' ta ofied ot ~that ~1\Jnt.able • SLS5. Em.pin: 888 iit1Sf SeU ~ ~ti, e>C· 1 up er v I a or· tot Mr. Mat ~ to e"'°11 A 11 ~Beaeho tomiOne wanl91'1>'amotdU !tE attrldat. SpTWttn Cdlrol tordilion. Atttor $SO. Filzpa~1 rabbit& 7/19 l YR old ~-lii'U -""h!ttriuoe ... l •536--1782• a atEAP price;, If the sbr:ll ,,Cal, Rod compact S 264. E. Uth. C.M., 9.Q. }'RfX to q\W hruV ~ Anb atldln« dlestnut pro.. O"!Dlt. IO ~ • 1 _ti. ii ln J'(lOd' colilltlon, we'll do }_1t1/wa.IJ1ut cue. s.'IX>, $~ l _EJ..EC!RIC ~l~ ~ bred male wire halt lerTiU, feWonally tf..ined. ~tie, '> lo.t :V,Knt ~ • tt. rest. Plti.le call days . new. Aft 6 p.m .• ~ typewriten. 1 Royal u.riaicr' J yr. old. very lively, loves children. $600:--See at .Sillboi.. 9010 Chlrters . ~ 903t-&U.01J4, Cct ~· evn 1969 SOLID State' &te~. 4 ~ble. 2515 Elden, CM' ·must be w / c h 11 d re n Leiaurt World Stables or nB!:RGLASS 21• S1oop, alp11 * Flneit Selection.. Power & ~ wt th detail! ,svd, 4 speaker •txilo sysltm 53&-3191: 5@-7096' 7/19 call 494-7039 4: plloy enclQled head Sa'l Sid UoJull For 15 Tn.vti Trailer. S1oYe Ii: ~t) wallll;lt console. Tak~ Mt1c. Wanttd 1610 PRETrY kittens, 8 wka. old, SACRIFlCE Sale • " Arab ' Dacron ~It.. ro1l(!l' reefing: ~hurt e:µ ~1• , refrfa:,_air--cond. ~ cond. · '1;er amai.I J181mel'lla or pay "\oog haired, variety of mare, %-Arab Fily, "' hone ootboard. NlCEI TRY ,_ · S650 or bf-st. Can be lit£" i:t.l ~a.It brllanl!e of $73.68. WE PAY MORE brown, yellow &: &ray mix· mare, custom made' tack & $2300. Jel'T)' 67S-5087 Mobile HOmn ~ • 9200 289 O)&e, Apt; S. CM, if:mlil Depl 53S-7289 ' lures, 546-0272 7/19 2 horse ~er. AD or part. COLUMBIA Defender 29' TEAR Drop trailer. 1lttp1 2 Cimeru & Equip. 1300 CASH GERMAN Shepherd, male, 64J..1148 ExeeptJonally well· ma.in-GREENLlAF P.ARk -:.!., ~~ to 'ClW· '100. black & tan, 2\.!I yean old. REG. Path ~ Arab sl$llkln. talned 11. cquJpprc;t fOI' rac-ln clear, clean, coal O:>e:ta c-:::;;;;":;-;_,__~--- POLAROID electric e 'I c Very lood with cblldren. 4_ yrs, Gm-broke. Gd. con-iQ& & cruillnjr, 3 yn old. Mesa. New )'l s~co 11.d~t AlRSI'REAM TRAILER · camtta. Model J..&6, \\Wks. 642-.1193. f1nn. $415. 4~7481 30% below coct for quiclc park. MOdels I: Salef. oUtct 1961 26' Land Yacht. Slttp1 $1i. 646-2'lU For furiillure. appliances. FREE To qual. hOrne, 2 PALOMINO gelding by sale &£.5943 or S38...{)'1SS located at Park. Open 9 AM 6, • 641-<857 l,O=="==-::c:-::::-:-=-:-1 ....a.-.t TV · to 6 PM. OOLEX moY\e camera, .. v .... ...., • pianog, oraans altered male cats, 1 RllSllan pr l vat e ownr. Tack GLEN L 15'. e1"Jel.lent con· ACCENT MOBILE UGI-IT, E-Z pulling, filhln& Model C8SL. v.'Orits. $25. and an~. Blllf', 111'8,)' l.wblt.e. Recent available if needed. 4M-S877 dltion, a cenulne baraain HOME SALES or camphl&" bit. 327 21.st St., 646-2243 ~ or nUrbt shot 1, Owner d I e d . at $495! Sloop 1 111 e d , lT::iO Whittier Ave Apt. C .. Costa Mesa 636-3620 5t9-1846 7/17 Livestock 8840 dacron S&lls. riberglas5ed, Costa Mesa 714: 642-1350 Trucks 9SOO 15:;,P",;. "-rt'°'i""ll~Good="-''-.....;lc.500"-.L""'"°"'=""'"°-o=-,= DON'T Answer lhis ad If ALFALFA HAY sta~nless stee; rfa:ing with LIDO Peninsula, I dea.I :..:..;:::::_ ___ _:= ; SURFBOARD 11'10" ~Js.E D; OLD TOY t:''~ti=~ = $2.15 8al9-$47. Ton trailc:Z7r._~sou baylront location. Tralle:r ·'62 DODG£ •• GOOD CONomoN S40 * Phone 642:0l82 * 675-2lOO alt 6. 7117 637-6143 NG w/ large cabana. New wtW 1·.,"==·=615-=""'=·===POOL FILTER for 18 toot FANTASTIC! 4 kittens, TRANSPORTATION lmmliillate 0.llvery crpt. Stove '& !'ef;i&el'!tw. SCHOCK BOATS ,Aaldnc S9COO 64S-2Slfi Miscellaneous 1600 Doughboy · hoosebriln. "Used to dog, INts & Yachts 9000· Newport * 673-2CM LAGUNA Bch Mpblle home 1;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~J,m7'~Call~i,-~~~:-;::; Jove children. So. Laguna. CORONAOO .vc l bdr. l ba. Beaut w Ocean ATLAS Marine Skipper ps 499-l4S6 7119 lioJ No. fi9-l. ~II ,~; Mntns. 30802 Cst High· "* AUCTION * engine handbook. BEAUTIFUL ~!ii Samoyed. %: DAVID L. FRASER ntce equipped. Deluxe in· wa _ F.23 CalJ 675o-3341 Husky, ma1e, &cod with 30' Rawson Sloop ter!or Aux . power. lmmac. Y · PICK-UP (H 43732) $795 ATLAS '·hf RI DAY * 7:30 PM children and good walch Extra clean; Extra! plus! Leaving area, sac. $6500. l~ x 55, 1 BDR. unlurn. awn. JUL y 18 M.lchlnery, etc. 8700 dog. 548-5865 7/19 Hinaed mast, late model. After 6 PM. 646--lTlJ, ing, skirting, cooler, shed. CJ-rRYSLER -PLYMOUTH '.ANTIQU~: Rouod Oak !a· CRANE. drill press It. motor, 3 LOVABLE tiger ::i:triped Inspect C o!fer. HOBIE-Cat 14' Calamantn ~~ult park. 2'166 Bristol, CM. 2929 HARBOR BLVD. tie & chau~. lreadle sew111& wood lathe &: tools band kittens. 1 brown, twq grey. Call: Chuclc Avery Leu lhan 1 yr old-. $975 41 MOBILE home, cabana. 2 OOSTA MESA 546-1934 Jnachint', p!alfonn rocker, !law & lbl. Sl50. ~ Weaned & trained. 7 wits 3.\24 Via Oporto, Newport A!sO: 18' c.atamarah, tight, Br. Bay view. Lido Park. Open Daily 'til 10 p.m.· Bedroom sets, Dlvan•,I~======== old. 968-6336 673-5112 * 494-3916 Eve5. fa.st. $750. 3516?> Beach Rd. $6000. 673-2319 *SHELLS* Chests, Mattresses. C.om· FREE TO YOU 5 MOS old female puppy, '!!!!!!!!!!!!'iil'i'~~!!!!!!!!! J ,~Ca~p~~~tn~no~Be~"°!!h~, ,!496-2Sl3~~~JTRLR Space, 8x40 or small· Sli&:htly da'maged/cheap. foodea, Lamps, Mlrrorl, Din-part tetTier, part cocker. SHARP! PELICAN Class, Dacron er, $55. across fr bch, yrs 839-1800 ..C!fes, Desks, ~ish .~· 1 YR. old Genn&n Shepherd \Vhite wltan. Fine for I~ 17' ?tfarlln, Rebel Com· sails, Brull & $5 rigging. lse. N.B. 548-7ll9. --,,-2-C_o_rv=.a=l,=-P-lc_k_u_p_ ,...l;i>om sets .. Spanish . Dinuig husky mixed female. Smart. children. 968-5013 7/17 plete pq, 120 hp Mere crui11-Fiberglas hull. Immac cond. DELUXE double wide . .New Good cOndition , table & cha1:-i, Spanish bar obed., & very affect. Adores 2 SWEET Kitten!, ready 10 er w/power trim, compass, trailer. $825, 546-0741 adult park, CM. lmiiled • * 9684590 * * i: stools. Solid Stale stereo, children. Hu all shots, live with you: wtaned. l top, access. Ir etc. Full Cst 17' DAY Sailer. Complete poss. Eves/wknds. 646-4660 ---~-"-='---- 2 . H&mmo~ organs, large lice~. & is an "it." . beige, 1 &rYlwhl 545-4592 Gd kit wlbi&: wheel trlr. Les! equipmrnt, includes onshore '6'1 FORD PU. V-3, A·l cond. · BIJ'lks 1a.aoh!k' compressor hsbrkn. 644-2956 alter 5 than 50 holll"I. $2800. 548-207'l Balboa Island m 0 0 r 1 n g. Mini Bike1 9275 ;t1~~::_~'1tll. Rcaao~ ~ •. 'an~\•a'!:!~~on~f~~!li..pm~·=~----~'~'711,1 9 LJVES -Please save them! alter S:JO p.m. Phore 548-3l31 F'R.IOL.E MINI BIKE . c..,.~~SUPER~'=""F~Oril~"'Exte=-.,.,~.., F\f.ORE: w FT. Couch anCI female Sm. terrier/collie breed r~IBERGLASS Supply center 17' O'Oay Daysailer l JfP. XLNT CONDITION Van, Lo mi., xlnt oond. COME BROWSE AROUND poodle dog full grown, pups. 6 v.•ks. 548-6934 aft 6 now in CM-NB are a , Demo $1750 -Used $1350 $100. 3120 C.onlinentaJ, CM Auto, ete. $1595. 892-3,;94 1 WINDY'S AUCTION minia~. 10745 Morning p.m. 1n1 Everything for your boat, 14' O'Day ulled ........ $5001"-======'°"~ Glory Circle, Fountain 2 KITTENS. 1 jet black, 1 surfboanl, car or .home. Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa MotQrcyclh 9300 ·~w~r:OTA.Piekup, 4 sp., l · Valley. (Edinger and white Jone-hall'. Gentle with ~ resolin speci.altal; w~ onl~ 'zim,;i'·'SLOO"';;;;P;-.;inc:;:bd•.',:;1.,=-•s.-l'"-':.=:~ .. 1;961:.::~B-SAL...~:.:.::.: 13'1> 2075~~ Newport mvd. Euclkll. 7/17 chUdren. ~ 1119 ..,.,,,, g re · 1'.., an re.cent surwy. Must sell! • No Mat+.r What It Is _ __ .......... Behind Tony'~ },de·. ,M~•~t~'I<~~=~-·~·PCKl, __ ~te_ Ii. LI I e 1 LONE! y kllten waiting for. ::..~~ SUperior, C.M. $41$. Days 645-11.13 Eves Motorcycle . 1964 CHEVY • 6% Ton PU. ~ ~,.,-~cldPte< httnte;"'!pUki.1ng"'•p~;rsonatt:--~ ~.,.__ ~'" . . ~e~;-5 ~ s..-i:· · -_ OPEN DAILV -9--lo 4 good home with rencd yd. ty: 968-439'7 EVINRUDE twin F '. •SAILING PRAM• ty_. MUSt see to apprec!'lte· ___ -_ NE\V DISCOVER~, gives 642-.'">880 . 7118' 4 LON:C..HAlRED klltens, 1 51,11 hp, w/gearshifl &. 6' C.ompl w/sail.s. Rei:. for Lie. No. 712509. Only I J ' ~. • . I ' I '9510 ~d men hair again. Not a WE art' 2 peopte loving kit· kl! Id l "oed 1 r 1 ~mote. 6 gal tank. 1963 ~s-oufbrd. $75. 673-8446 $599 : '~ul tramplanL or CX· -tens; si!ten~~·mor.oltt:-\Ve ·fila~ 2 ~~~,~~9 _cd, anl)'......20...j)UL:S,....k.. like. '""''A~LCO"'"•~T''s~.,,.,., •• ~ ••• ~.1----.!!'.!.~---J '47 JEEP. Very. gd eond. -ile!151~e hair weave, our new -would likt to be adopted by brand new. $125. 718 A Many exlral. Private party. l}a.irp1cce from lranspa!'enl some cat loving people KITTEN, 21,S mo. She'1 a Ill· Joann St., C.M 645--0865 962-4193 artificial skin ck!fies detec-~ 11U tie lover -silver grey, 34. CHRIS Cralt tri-csbin, ==='=======-I Lion, & antiquates all other BEAUTIFUL 646-7285 7/18 stateroom, bedroom & •SABOT• In ·~, Fin il n-R-green eyed BIG bla k I New flbergllW! mast \V/sall . e........ . . ava ..... , ... 'ii"' hi bl k c uuy puppy, g-'loy flymg' bridge a"lo ...i.... Hair Replacement Cntr. 5 11Y ac .)'QUng cat. "' ' $125. liT"J-6675 'ill payed. all hot 646-4698 male. ~); poodle. 6 mos. pilot. wlw carpeting. Prjc. '~ .... ~· Tustin, Orange :,~ 5 s s. 7118 646-7057 7/19 ed for immediate ·tile ~ DESPERATELY need good $6,300. 6~'10 or 673-2265 h.b:VY--Ouly roto-tiller. 3 2 ~~~ :u~~~v~": home& for 2 kittens 3 mos. LIVE aboard 45' Tri-Cabin . ,~pee<b forward,_ 1 reverse. home. rm ill & can't keep o.ld. Hsbrkn. 646-140.1 7/19 Otri! F .B. 150 WSS, fathome. ~cellent condition. For them. 646-797l 7117 PERSIAN mother wishes !er, 2.5 h.'W Onan, davits . la]e or trade for front throw home for her 1.1 b b y 1. and dinghy anchor winch, ~wnmower f)(l\\"er edger 5 MITIEN·toed kittens. 1 646-5433 Oirys. Imperial engines · ·and/or '! ~ v.·hilt, 4 gray & \\'hile. Ex· no trades,, 847-7430 ' Ira cute v.ilh their big feet. PART Siamese klltens, 10 I ---~-~---- KIRBY vacuum c I ea n er 494-3838 7/17 wk!!. old, 4 blk & 1 tan. 8' F'LAT • bottomed, fbgls w/altach. pollsher. XLNT 2 GROOVY Kitt . 54.Z-7481 7/17 boat. Vamis.hed ma hog . 20' CLIPPER CL A S S sallboat. Cheap! * 6f2.-0!l:4.8 * CAL 2ll full equipped, race or 549-3001 Ext 66 or 67 cruise. SIS rartlo. Will con-1970 HARBO'R BLVD . sider any reuonablt oflrr. COSTA MESA Cail ~JTII -~-=.:c:cc:.c.===:.. __ Suzuki 2:.0 X6 HW!tler 30' T•hiti Ketch S2,2po Exet'llent condition SA~. AS IS. 669 So. St. Malo, l.Llts of Extras W. Covina (213) 795-0CJ69 eve e 545--0906 e :oond and ruar-Pay ot1 . ens tijter l PE'TS -• LIVESTOCK ~at! & trim in gd. cond. balance o( $39.67 or take b ~a c II: g 1 r I 1, Love . •111111 . • complete w I oarS. Sl4S. ISLANDER Bahama 24' fully 74 HAR\-EY Davidson 1.966, !ovm-payments. O'edit Dept.. 54>-2246 7/21 546-l7S4 cqpd for cruis.ln&: w/choice lXX> actual miles, xlnt CQM; 9520 CAMPER Sales • Rentals Authorimi Dealer Eldorado • Four Winds Scotsman • Barncuda 8' Cabaver Low ,,,. 1199 P.1odeJ # £00 Theodore ROBINS FORD · 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa.--Mesa 6f2.0010 'i53s-72S9 PURE while kitten. Very Catso.... _____ ,.;l ;..12..cO Newport 1dip. ~2837 $1500. Call between 4 & 6 • I · Left doonlt 16'7" BOSTON Whaler. 55 hp CATAMARAN, Cre.,...r 14', PM 494-7934. '65 VW W , .., BARGAINS ovmg. on ep. SIAMESE kittens 9 wk1, box Jtomelite 4-eycl eng. trailer, .. ~ I '°~"""""'"=~~--estphalla Camper. ; _ USED FURNI'JURE 646-4698 aft 5 7/11 trained, mue Sea1 Point, $20 bait tank, 2 long-range ga.'I all glaS! 150 sq Jt o( sail, SUYIKI-80 1965 $100. 1840 Completely reblt eng, pop , wuhen. stoves. Un~ SMANX kittens . % each. 83S-0574, 54J..J839 tanks. Many ex 1 r as. $550 wltrlr. 646--0862 Sa.mar Dr., C?t! up roof. Heavy canvas Dinettes, Desks Cribs Siame&e, ~ Manx, long, $2875 6'5-4835 14' MAHOGANY Enterprise. 5(6-0306 tenls, lug rack, Ice box. •tsts, &: Misc. 15SO ·A, Su-!hol1 or no tail. 494-filim 7/18 Dogs 8825 $61 WE'RE moving! 13, MeMured. Racing equip. '68 Suzuki 120 Xlnt concl. $2100. 54().-0382 lo C M ''°!11811 BEAUTIFUL t" .-i....:i $800. 968-4076 aft 6 pm. 3650 miles, $275 1951 CAD H 0 USEC AR, • r , .. .,..,... igt"r s, .. ..-=u ALASKAN Malamutes, Isled heavy for hard use, com- j JNG chair $10; desk-drop kit I en,. Ca 11 eve 1 dog pups), AKC, beautiful bined motor & sail. fbls. on Lido 14 with trailer 53&-7816 8x l3'6. combo elec·& butane fbnt: Virtue d In e 11 e , 642--0896 1118 coloring, great ramily dogs, bottom. 14' mas! & rudder. .._ S800 * TRI. '6" Bonne. Sell or tr.ule relr. £'xc cond. $ I 7 5 0 · :~s. 6 chi's; comer desk 1''REE Black & while cat lo frie-ndly, lovini. easY · to Long-unused sails, 673-5644 '194·2432 for small camper. 962-4356 -"='-~'~44~'=~~=~-- dreueni $7 -$14; good home. All shot!. Male. trairi. Perlec-t show dogi, 2.l' SLlffiCRAf'T '66; :m GLOBEMASTER Trimaran after 7 RENT·A·SHELL mower $15. MovillJ'.. l''ull puwn.-54G-5950 7118 &ood for · breed in J::. }IP, 1ntrrceptcr, Volvo out· 26' all fblgs. A-1 corxl. 1.968 BSA 650 Thunderbolt. PAl't1·TOP 8J9..J800 45 FREE kill£'rt:!I, 1:, wks, llll!: Registered purebred, $120 drive: recent o'h1ul. 2 All extras. STIOO. 642-9980 Will sell or trade for V\V 1010 So. Harbor, 5an!a Ana ~·s Hlcirory chips lor haired, 3 b I a ck, 1 up. 492-3573 Bunks & head. Xlnt cond. bus or camper. 675--6694 ,Jinokiog I 8-8-Que, 3 lrg-3 blk/while. 642-7764 7119 FOUR MINIATURE 846:-rai9 Power Cruisers 9020'1 .~68-KA-w~AS""'AKtc.,,._8~"'~h,~,.-,-.,-, 1 :D:..:u::n,,ac.B:::u1,,g!:l::es::.... __ 9::5:.::25 'lbba&1$2. lncludesdellvery l'D like to be your play-girt LASSIE PUPS--AKC -.'-"N=EW=-,~,.~ .. -d~ing-hy-~$125= .65131 :-c~BIN CruiM"r Mint 175. Ui> worth of dirt ex· 1969 DUNE BUGGY l:barie. Send check or M.0 . kitten & come to liw 'vilh Shetland Sheep dog!. 6 wkll. Factory: 2117 S. Lyon SI, roncl. Below mkt. Sl~ps 6, 1ras! $500. 531-0940 Professionally built, hand ~ H.A. Komulaine, 209 W. )'OU. 5-6--ts.<12 7/18 W/be 16" tall al most Santa Ana (nr, Warner &: F/B, SIS. Fath, fuU head, 196d K,4WASAKI • 175 CC lamina!lid. red metal flake, Carlton, Ontario, Cal. 91761 FLUFFY grf'Y & wl\ilt O!amp slttd. Superb! Fluffy Nwpt hwy) :.45-066.3 i;:altt"y. 962-4392 Bushwacker 3600 mi. $4;.Q, everything chrome, f u 11 , YL TILE, L i no I e um , Persian cat, f e m a I e, & happy. Mesa Verde, C.M. SNOWBIRD No. 41.0 fg hull, 2.11' TS CRUISON, V-drlves; 534-8Cl94, 54&-_ _.2722=----C1.1ston1 interior. ANSEN : ).sphalt Tile -Beautiful col· spayed. 8 mo!. 847-7769 7/18 54G-0910 new board. $350. Glas.shop-SIS tanks. SACRIFICE! YAMAHA 80. Street & dirf. SPRINT \VH EELS. 40HP. · ara a nd patterns. Free ANGORA Baby kitteM, 7 p u RE . 8 Rt: D German per 7• dinghy w/osn, $200. 673-ell or 548-2854 Extras. $150. 5-16-95.% all 5 All syncro mesh 4 speed. A ptimate1. Lie. Con Ir· wks. old 3 gray, 1 black. shorthair pointer puppies, 5 Used 1 season. 673-1901 & wknds. show winner. FI nan c I h &' : ~78· 962-4610 1n1 wks, dew claws & tails 28' Convld. v.·ha1e boat, nds Speed-Ski 8o•t1 9030 A I S • available. Record player • DARLING kittens tree to docked, XLNT animal a! wrk. $900 / best. Rand Y ~---------u o erv1C91 Bob Longpre -FM radio combo $79. good home, g wks old. $25. 54s-4916 Baldwin, Davey'! Locker MUST Sell ! Leaving for & Parts 9400 Pontl•c " TV $59. Bolh portables. 962--0936 1i11 DARLING poodle tcnicni, 673-1434 or Iv mess. Europe, 19' Jet Drive speed 892-6651, 636-2500 mo!il new. \\'ork xlnL Kl'ITENS 2 -, o Id 1 --~-~~,..c.co___ boat. 427 hp, :;ea~ 8, ·;,g CHEV. motor .& trans. 6 DUNE """-Show Salo. '"" wl'aned & hsbrkn SlO f"a. '66 BOSTON Whaler Nau11et Cyl 3 5........a 519-.b -~ ta25 h ouseb roken, Cal l 540-5.589. 19369 Lange Dr. w/Johmon 90. 5199 :,, covered engine. Fire engine ·• "'"'"u. ;:i P Bodies from $149. Chassis POOL TABLE 96• '"'" 7/19 SA II Red w/ ch.romc. Ju5t 54()...1319 trom $249. La Paz: Dune ~ · gts. 6~61 .. ~~s. !">46-1919 eve h --• f •~ •-t CORVAJR b k t t . k 5 X 10 "G Id pure a"':" or ...........,, """" uc e s ca s, Bum Supermarket, 3623 runswtc · 0 4 FREE t.1anx kittens 2 mos. BLACK S!andard Po o d I e 16' GLASSPAR Av a Ion, offer o~r $3900. includes Cherry condition. $40 pair. ~n" Like nrw, Genuine old 546-2209 y,-e're moving -malr. 8 mo. PRper1. SI.25 motor &: trailer. Must sell. full canva! coven; & big 545--0906 ~p;~~kd~: ~t te. lop of the Ii~. 897-0466 please rush! 7/11 after 5 pm. 545--0586 * 642-11411 "* trailer. Call 6§.2564, Dover I.;.;.;;.:.;._======• I Suo CARPE;f . 3 YR. old. part-LabradoT, PIT BULL Terrif'r, len111.lr, '68 GLASS.PAR, 8:"1 hp Shores, N& for appt. to sec Trailer, Tr•Yel 9425 ----------. l~-1~~:~-l~i~1~~:~~ :;1;/i~·esl.oC:~:. ~~r ;,~7 ~~~shots, pedigree. $40. i~!IO!l~~ & T.0 .P. or 1-'-"---------15' STARJ1RE trawl trlr. V::n~~·~!':i':~:of~~: ~~ ?8. · 33' TROJAN '62 TIS. 71:, Hp Sips 4, e)(tra cupbrds., crpl,d ·;:'::'':::"":::·,.:l;,:1500;=._<;:96-;:_::"""=~ SMALL trees, variety of MINIATURE Dachshund t8• CABIN CnJ.istt "'I 33 hp grey marine, t.:. K\Y Gt'n., n.'ady 10 roll, Youn for "' 4 QJality king bed, quilled, s hrub b e.r y, you dij::. puppies, AKC, $50. 83S-55B8 John!IOn OB, trlr, fully rtlng hy & davit!!. crlc ref.rig. $695. 1588 San Bernardi.no HISS VW-Porsche wheels, . piele, unused $98; worth 673-8944 7/17 aflcr 7 pm. equip. S1050. 897...m'l2 & stove. 6.'i W RCA rRdlo, Pl, CM~ .. ,..,, ......., special tires. Profe!sKinally Alt·• s 0 -"' ()'U.....,,., built. Mint cone!. 642-7898 · """ r .,. • CALICO Killen, f' ma I e, BEAUTIFUL blade small 38' Steptll'ns Sed.. a-u~r depth finder, constavoll .. 1~-'-======== 7-0406 64z...ml7 1/17 male .PQOdlcs. AKC reg. '47. Fine & t bit. x L NT PQ\\'t!r anchor v.'inch, cum· MOTOR HOMES fORMICA PULl.MA~ ~·6" 1 WHITE long hatred kitten, $00 962-7952 cone!. Must Sell! 84fr!l:.1S plete new canvas. refinished ·~~~;:nr.;;:=;;;:m ~NG COP.1PLETE $j0_ PA· <4 V.'ks. old. 642-3237 7117 GERMAN S-H E PH ER 0 WANTED to Ren!, Bay Boal insid<' &_ oul. new carpeling 0 STACK CllAIRS $3 lllDE a bed coucL aood ~le, AKC. "3 mag, shots. min 18., good oondilion, July Ir: upholstery. $15,000. 1213) :bch. 201 30lh St., NB corxl. Call fi75..334}. \_ •642--0739• & A~l 673-9087 4.'49-4312 eves. Iii. i>v"l·sflsiUuiO...,..,ira';ibhlikoi<Cs.1il12c.I ;, ~FL:;;:,E:;A;:t~.ESS;I;.~lri~ .• ~,..:...~ .. -x I -SCHNAUZER PUP 16' FBGL..S. 6' beam. Deep v l>owt'r mower $2J. Girl's . . "'V• (2131 :uo:«i95 BEGINNING sailing lcSfi<lns, 4Shp eng, Amer. till trlr. :z&" bike $8. 1513 Or~1 trained kittens. ~. JO hrs ol llt!!ruction.s. $55. vinyl &eAIS. Xtr11s, @:<l. cond. · . 6-42-566& rnµ: kittem S48-«l33 7/19 White elf!>hanlll! Dmte+llne Selco School. 642-7424 536-6668 FOR SALE: Uvtn& Room t ,urniture, Frost-Free tetrig, ~pe recorder. '61 VW: ~ OSPITAL Bed and com- on V.'hcel!. Both liQ! w, uM'd 3-4 mos. ~11119 CUSTOM surfboa rd , !)ltrled. condition; l year old ~ ~ 147-6591 PC Loggaie $10. Tabk! ' with lamp $25. Sille J4 ' ~ Sl)c..$2. 642-7046 ... ·~· NEW FALL Sl.5 19" • Ugh! Blonde <t67J..021.S. • y $4.t6 "'· 12 SU5 ex. CUU'· 11 mo. PIL)' -liott:--- ARK brown hum•n hair, wti. """'4r SIS. ,. $25, 646-6317 ' • ID' Johnson aurfer, 210 OMC i11boatd/outboard eng. All fbgl~. convert. top . 85 hrs. 'l'rading up. $4fi00. 8~2204 16' F"IBERGLASS BOA'f ANO TRAILER $750 • 642·7017 • Marine Equip. t.t ARIN E e qu i pm en t h~1n~n1Jssion. co n tr o I s , props, !!Cats, wlnd¥1ield11, instrufl'l('nls. blower'!!. i~ board ps tanks. 549-rolO OfRYSLER J:I HP 1968 New, Control~ And act.'(!uotles. !)l!J...ti.1o Boat Slip Mooring 9036 R!.j.\.'ARO o nenxt for ~· KallbOat slip. Muiil have "-,1J~r I: p o, w e r. l.9t' . 64>-0126 SLIP Space uf"l(!fltly needed for Carousln' l I -T r a n 1 .\Vor1d Trimaran. 40' length, 22' beam. phonp 613-0'107 SLIP SJ)llce nct>ded in\o medt11,tr:ly for 28' Chris. Ptnn (It ttmp. 613-13!11 HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTORHOMU GJI lltf'UY YMt au REW DODGE "EXPLORER" . ., ...... ,. ....... , ... tltllltl,Mir.tll..,.-....,.., lite ............. All tl11L ti '00T, tt tOOT, Ji tlOJ. J Tl.Ut flMA.C.._ '"' ,, .......... .,,. C.t•tt. 15 55 5 BEA CH BLV O HUNTINGTON Bl AC H . · ·. I 613· ' Imported •utos 9600 '66 s1r,.fCA " dr t.Nlan, ntw motor $750. '68 1-IONOA P5ll & h<'lml'I $100. 6Th-418S . BMW '611 BP.fW 1600. Rlvr w/ blk lilt. $24:JO. Dys 642-1617. :.4Q...92'jt art S pm. DATSUN '69 DATSUN Big S<..'dan. 96 hp, ot"e~ad' cam, autoinatlc. dlr, ndio, hfoa1er, w/w llru, loarled! 3200 miles, under fact wa r- ranty. Bal to fine. $1886. Take SU5 cash dels or old- er car. LB YHWl-46 • Call Ken 545-0634, ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. 1 DATSUJol DEALER DOT DATSUN 18835 Bea<'h Blvd. lfunrlrcion Beach 842.77111 ff(' 54G-OM2 -•49 DATSUN • • Big llaUon wqon. ~lo., ov- erhead cam, dJr, xlnt cond. Take older tradf!. Tbtal price Sl59!1. LB W8J 589 Cl1I Vic !!4061•. '67 Oaliun Sta \Vag. xlnt cond, lo'/V mil , Leavlna CD\ln-1'7' Slut;, ... _ YOU CAN SELL IT WITH A DAILY Pl·LOT WANT AD! 642-5678 DIAL DIRECT IT! - ' • I •• •• ' • - Thlil"Mfl)', Juf)-17, ri"~·~· ~~~:j; TRANS PQ..RT A:TION . .TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORT A T!ON .::. .;..TR:.;A.;.;N.;.;S;.;P..:O.;.;R:.:.T;..;A T.;;1..:0.;.;N'"-I ·T:.:RAN=;.;S.;;P.;;0;.;R T.;.;A;:.T;.;l.;cON"---I 'T"-RA=N"'SPO'-"'R:.:.T:.;A;.:T.;;I N ~ R lmport..i Autoa 9600 lmporttd Autos 9600 lmport..i A-'9600 Auto Lt11l~g 9810 U...i Cort Hoo Ulld Cort 9900 Ulld Cort 9900 Ulld Cors .: bAILV l'ILOT· l.;;;;EN;.;;G~U;s;H~~FO;;;;R-;;D~ l;;;ru;<;PR;O:-;RSMT.CuHS:Es;;;;; YOJJ<SWAGEN ·~~ ..!:,;"'.:!;,. ~'. . t:l:fiYROLET ' C~UGAlt I . --FORD -----?'I -l • PORSCHE 1116'7 911 S. Slate ''3 VW LOVE DUG • p.m., 115 -W. n.tt a, . .. • • ~ ll '66 CHEYROID" . '67.COUOAR GT -~=---=----- ORANGE .COUNTY'S grey, Extras! X!nt cond. R&Wo, Lie. QPZ 374, Anahtim. 5 lo choose from. Godde• aold, full pwr, Caet -Y()l;UME ENGl;ISH 1>:""-1'rl""'Ptr.mll · '"7 · l:APR~l~CE~~-,..•al>.-dlr,-~...i 1-;:~~;:;::;:::;::;;;;:;;;:j 'FORD DEALER •v.• 838-<;S<T B .. t Dt1l1 Art ),t Ulld Cors 9900 V~ automatlc lac~ oJr ~·::.,;:: :!b.d~'m SALES .. SERVICE '66 PORSCHE 912; 4 spd.~ DEAN LEWIS' TRANSPORTATION CARS JIO~tr atetr, Powtr brakea: take foreiP cu'" trade. __ _, ____ _ '69 MODE!.'1 ...,,,. .extru; abowroom JIWPORftR MOTORS powor windows, ndlo, h•&I· Full price $2195. LB UVV 681 '""=='==-=-= '~E SELEte de!JCTI-ON cond. • 196& Har"--CM 1 ....... -..~ '' ·-tt.-vin)'l top. tSBN ~). -call Vic; 545:063A. ~ . ._ $3800. !30-3(1J -· •• -$1'95 I=='==== Thoodore •~Iii .a 365C XLNT moch. VW '68 SEOAN. Royll Bluo. 2006 llARBOR BLVD. 0 DODGE Ro.INS FORD coni!.< ~--_......,. Xlat cooo. "4,000 mil•~ !'riv COSTA MESA . . n.n.i· ,;;.•BU:;o,, ...,,.: prty. mio. 54).1882 54$294 or SIMSI I ATLAS "'80 Hubor Blvd. l3l!O , 60-0122 '61 vw SUNllOOF. stem> F!NA!(CING AVAILABLE '67 DODGE Cmta .Mesa -642-0'.110 J radio, lll(e new. $1050. OIR.YSLER -PLYMOVTll .• SUIARU ,61 ,:::;, ;..'=.~riili BUICK' co:: =OR st~i1134 Sllbaru of CaDf ,.....,, 123 '""' St., NB. '87 R3VIERA.· • pwr, tact Open Dally 'til IO p.m. FERR.f.,RI . . • 615--1784 air, 1tereo, 1andau top, ,57 NOMAD 350 h 3 ~ Newport Im~ Wt. ()rl. llJC'....Retall Div. '81 vw sedan. M111t se1l ~ whls, lnwnac. cond. 1 Corv. alum rim~.',.SirJ;ht anat Coanty"1 on1I author-· , $129' .. POE $4'15. Chrm wb1s, hdrs. <lwntt $3400 pv, Pt Y • body, new pain!, orig int. bed dealer. Opt equip~' Ftei&ht $14.SO 548-3821 83'1-QJl Pwr window!, strr . .t:: brkl. SAL£S..SERVIC£..PARTS Handling -Oel. $1390.50 '&5 VW MicrobuJ, oriJ:. 1965 BUICK ~port Wagon, Sacrifice $675. 642-1044 R.T. COUPE V.S, automatic traris., radio & heater, ·power •teerine, power brakes. (ULD 570). $1995 ATLAS MERCURY '67 MERCURY 3100 W. Coast HW)'. + Tax .,oo Uceme owner, mlg 40,000. 1500 eng, full pwr, a1r-«1nd, xl.nt 1964 CHEVY Impala, 32'1, 642.~ewport Bea~().1764 1ooo W. C.oast lliway, N.B. Must see to apprec. ~ cond. $2150. 545-5214 auto, air-cond, runs IOOd. CHRYSLER -PLYMOtrm COUGAR XR7 'A.uthmiud MG Dealer 645-0lliO * 540-2733 1961 vw BOG 1500 '68 SKYLARK Spts Cpe. clean! 645-04!'8 co;r; =R BL~~i934 v..a. automaHe trans., R&H, FIAT •68 Fiat 124 Spl Cou.PC Like ,new * S2400 after 8 an 842-73$ JAGUAR $'1G95 * 644-12+4 10,600 mi; wrncy: air. Like .66 CtlEVY MaJibu, ne\v O O ii , 'I P.S., P .B., factory air, Jan-. TOYOTA ' . new. $2595, Pr ply.~ tires &: brakes. Xlnt cornl. pen a Y 11 lO p.m, dau top: &autifuf cond. VOLVO 1965 BU)CK Le s.i.. '°"' ~~ ••• ''8 Dodge St•tion W•g. (VOR '39l. vel1ible. Xlnt '°""· Full •-· -IJl3T · BllL MAXEYl------1 283 cu ln, < ••· Muot ""' CORNET 500 $2495 VOLVO BUYS. power. $llSO. GT>-3921 See to appreciate ~ 9 ""'<I""<" beauty, It ha• IT~vl<>ITIAI '67 122 ·~ery ~~~ eqW~ aft 6 ;;:;ry a~po=ud~J;,·. -·· ·-ATLAS . • .. ~-· Lie. TIT'l'U $2100/besl 642-858.f' ====::;.==== \ lugg~e rack, automatic 18811 BEACH BLVD. Ex~ Slmp. CHRYSLER 1,..namwl<m, radio, be•tor, NEW & EXECUTIVE ONLY 6 TO CHOOSE FROM BIG SAVINGS! U"iversi~y Oldsmobile SG30ll EXt. • or st . : , : 1970 HARBOR BLVD. "~ , =rAMESA ' . '68 PONTIAC , . Cotolino 3 Soot w,,i._ ·: V-8, auto. trans., UH, Cl:e; • tory air, P.S., P.B.. W..S.W. tVFR 161). • $3295 ATLAS. ; · CHRYSLER -PLYMOUT11°' 2929 HARBOR BLVI1. '67 XKE hardtop roadster, 17,000 ml. Immaculate Chrome wire, AM/FM. One Hunt. Beoch 847-1555 '67 144 CADILLAC etc., oto_ Uc VGS-900. rr.sh 3 mi N. of Coast Hwy. on Bch .t door. Lie. No, lP(A333 RYSLER XlO 1963. 49,000 Toyota trade-In. amYSLER -PLYMOUTit ... 2929 HARBOR BLVD. 2850 Harbor Costa Mesa OOITT'A MESA 54&-l!Q4 ' owner. 494-2925 KARMANN GHIA '65 KARMANN Ghia, tuned exhaust, mvert. S1095. 615-7151 T. :ftYOTA A~~~~iuion. &il '68 SEDAN ov, 13,000 ml. ~Very Clean! $150. Bttt o!:' Art At COSTA MESA 546-1934 540..9640 ()pl!n Dally 'til 10 p:m.. ' ' Y· '65 ''544'' Spotless, watt, terms. pvt '67 NEWPORT. 4-dr, P/S • DEAN LEWIS .HEAOQUARTERS Fast Baek, scarce model, , pty. $5295. 838-lf66 brakes. Gold W/black vinyl . Open Daily 'tll 10 p.m. '64 MERCURY COLONY PARK • • '65 BOllHEYllll 1t1: Full pwr, dlr. fact air ~· ditionlllc, pwr wtndawa, lo\¥1 low mne.. Xlnt Ol>tltitfQrlj in and <IUt. Total Price ~I 1.8-VJIA 31f: CiU -Dlh; - ElMOR E radio, heater, 4 speed. No. 65 SEDAJ:I deVWe ~u. All top. Fact air, 496-8566 l.9&a OLDS Vista O'uiler, fac l346. power. Air cond. Ptiv. Pty. 1966 HarbJr, C.M. 646-93ll3 9 puaenaer wqon, full~ equip. air A pwr. Xlnt cond. . ·n PllGO 11995, G'IS-1<65 . COMET 't;t; o...t. Stick " with air. $2300-or $100 'roP. Boyd. IS300 Beach Blvd. Wstmnstr Sport Coupe. Uc. No IZW4&3 ~ CA .. MARO 2 Dr. 6 cyl R/H, ...., tire• $1299 8.1).0116 ' ~ 89f.3322 Looks like new, '61 COM~ .f dr Sta Wagon, * 6'lS-341D * * 19'4031 * '66 OLDS. .f42. Good Cond. MERCEDES BE.NZ (Tl9fYIQ!T!Aj ~~! ~},.~""[..,. or '67 CAMARO :;:.;'::~~ ===F=A=L=C=O=N=== 1 ·:;;.t;oo;"ww:,Ai:_Oi..,iiNl;-;:;'i;;;;;;-;,':;;:s<,>P:ii1Bii I Muat =• ott.r. -· -:!. '&... TEMPESl' Statio.n w .. .... Good --$1ZI. .•. Call 833-2rl08. ~ · 1967 M~RCED~ 250 S Best Dealt Are At Best Dti1ls Art At 4 Spd, dlr, xlnt condllion! 'lit COMET 2 dr Auto, trarui. * '60 FALCON $35. Good ====="'=== 11963 OLDS 4 Dr. Air, P/b, ~an, white exterior,~ble:dl: DEAN LEWIS 2 door. Radio, heater,• speed. Se.ci:1f!ce! W-tll trade for $195. 545-1432 aft 5, all day ·tires, radio/heater. Needs MUSTANG P/1, fully equipped, ;500 RAMBLIR - vmyl int., auto trans, disc . LDCal L' IEH842 foreip car or toW price Sat k 54fr1090 cash. 548-3273 -----'=-- brakes, AM.I FM short tk . ~:2 ,,1f 22" $1599. LB UJH 173 Call Bill . I °"wor==· ====== OLDS Ct1I'LASS '62. Good :.~~to: ::'.t,~ "" hot, CM. "" 93113 DEAN LEWIS ....,,,, . CONTINENTAL FORD '66 MUSTANG H.J. body, q . point; new Al.LE!' Otds-'le Cadilla~ TltlUMPH '69 CAMARO P/S. P/B. v~. au-tlc Inns., radio Inns. $450, 83T-&18 1150 S. Cst Hiwy Laguna lR:h 1966 Harbor, G.M. 646-9303 bydro, fog Utes, AM/FM :&t. Continelltal, low miles, r 64 JORD ~ beater, power •teeriJ:lc, OLDS Toronado " Next .to Poltet;v. .. Shack 1960 TR 3 Roadster, tood 11vo .·stereo. ;n.ttio, .air~ :?tioi:wu~~ coo-, · aircoDd. fTBMlrJ7> ......... ~ UJSO.~&v~ ___ . 547-3' ~~"''"'I. Ii". ..POrfcooo!1000nu. ., . · _(:ountrySqu.lreW•goft t1695. \="=="""="="==I • • 5364129 Must stll 61S-2214 ··-63_ ~NT. 4 Dr. lrt.eather~. V.S, automatic-Vans.,-radio ~ 0 · -. Best D1i1l1 Are At '67 CAMARO v.s 4 spd mL Be!t otter. or trade late & heater power itetrtnr. PLYM UTH:. VOLKSWAGEN DEAN IEWIS RJH, P/S...; iu.,;, Ma~ mod•! VW. CTI<l 62!1;!4'2 (RSB 616i. AT.LAS '68..P ...... lb B<wLRunn'1', . --t. -blue -wtt11;i•-••1. n150: CORVAIR. $99·5-.._ ••to. aw-moving. '66 .Rm Love Bug, Im· 9(i8....3S64 or 962-J721 ,......,YSLER PL-~UTH 'maculate cond. cstm cpl 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 ...nn. -.r..mu must aell, Just take ovt'r # '61 ON ATLAS .2929 HARBOR BL~. payments. 846-0163 after 5 ·~ quiel, • .,. sdult P-~ '63 pRJ.PJ"Y. Lo ml. CHEVROLET M ZA 2 dr. ooupe. Ex· . COSTA MESA ...,1!31 -· 642-6013 .' , special prt ce: New tires, painl Beaut A-1 cellent cond. Inside and o~t. Ope Dally 'tll 10 · 1,,,·~m===~~~-1 ~,,,-===-=..,.,,='"J $W50 ~1328 cond. 61>1393 '6l'OiEVY Super Sport Low Cat@d 4 ..., ,,,,0~for by orig. owner. n .p.m. '57 PLYMOU111. Au t <1 . 1959 RAMBLER ~~ : '57 MERCEDES 190SL Ji8 "VW C:ampmobile • m~J. Good tttta. $1800 ~ a~~:Roo~L:~:rm '65 MUSTANG met. blue, t:rafll. Cl~an! Exoiillent COrl-dr. A.T. cood bod7 ..... ; RDadater Convertible, M We1tp~alia A/C. ~· 4 Antiques, Ctaaslcs 9615 Call 675-195.5 1962 CORVAJR 700, 2 dr. COSfA MESA 546-1934 =~~ :!':t !:d~\:!';'. dltlon! 54G-308.t ~:~t.~;r~ $85.. ~ '. paint Real beauly. 962-1966' new tires. 25,000 nu. $3000. 1931 FORD '64 CHEVY Imoal:a SS. tan, auto, R&H. $300. 1 owner. Open Daily 't!l 10 p.m. 646-0040, ~73'10 ·~ 190 SL, good cond. Xlnl ;&11~ , Original Ford Ci>upe. Very auto, -full powtt, air, ex-Gd. cond.,96&-2149 '64 FORD V-8. Radio, auto. "'69°"'M'-'ustan="r"'"G"'iail&='-'·"• 35"'1.-c"'u "'"";""• 1995. 68 VW Sedan aleo 67 VW &ood co-•,·tio· ~ cellent $1195, 847--0575 Xlnt co~'"' 1515 best * in. A to n-••-~-1 p • -PONT E I ·-~-... 546-9247 * · Se:dan/or trade for VW Bus. uu '" 63 IMPALA r~-· .,., ,._ CORVEffE ' '"'· gr · · u '.n.mwu, ·-er, .~ vv · x e e u t v e ' , 962-2J2S ~¥ ....., .. v . ........,.,, 546-7281 & P.B. $3100 or Belt Otter. ·Hardtop, R/H, P/S, P/B, MERCEDES '61 ZlJ Se(I. Air, eng. Perlect cond. W. Ocean CORVETTE ,64 Red '62 Galaxie 500 XL 536-2442 new tires, cll!an $1695. Xlnt cond. Bucket S. Pr/pi.. N~ Raced. '66 Wt.back Front. 2'l04 Apt C Futback, 365 HP 4 &pd ET 390 ena-. 2 dr. $400 .FOR sale ·~ Must.an&. vinyl, ,;;~~="N°"B=~=-= ty U!liO 644-2571 air, chrm Porsche whl.s, .. '67 EL Camino S/S· like M · · ' ' e 545--&238 top V-8 to t i·,68 FIREBIRD 10 000 ml . . radial tires, stereo, R/H, 645-1441 new, 14,IXXl Mi, rn L..ss '68 c::s·b~ ~nv,:te8 ~Z: '63 FORD Van. Panelling. f16~ ~·or ~~: ~ Auto. Fully eq~p~. UKE ..... 3-. P..ONTIAC · T·BIRD .;>' ' ' ' MG garaged, $l950. 644-112'l eng. Orig:·owner;-6&8606 ·673-8529 Indy tlttll. New eng. T~pe ~ or.615-2448. JrfEW! 873-4650 1--------. 'G6R VW SUnrool N. f, p1:t J~· Autos #•nttd 97oo '86 EL Camino, 327 4. spd. '57 GOOD cond. New enrine. deck $900. 642--0368 '69 MUSfANG V!, ate, PIS, MG uns grea ew 0 • WE PAY . . • Xlnt cond. Silver areY ikpeed, both toPI, red J'or Daily Pilot Want Ada PIB.-lo mlg, $3000. - '57 PONTIAC Sta \Va&n xlnt cond. $300. I Immediate Delivery, '66 VW BUG, Xlnt cond. r & * 548-8211 * Salet. Service, Parts $10'75. 6440356 CASH w/blk Int. $3'.lOO. 962--029C w/blk interlor. 613-2583 Dial 642-5618 for RESULTS ** 673-1338 **. All Modall h, sunroof, good tires. $1200. New C•n 9100Ntw C•n 9800Ntw Ci1n 9800New Cars 9IOONtw C•rs 9800 New C•rt 673 • 3074 • 646-6245. --___ .. --... ____ ._ ....... ~Fr~g5~§§~~~g~§55~~~~~555~55~~~§5~~5~~~55~~g5~S::§s5iil :1 .t2 rlll PLll I 31111 po11:; 1967 VW. Red w/black in-•Ul 1Ri':U ........ • ..... ~ J ... • . ~· RJH. $1500. call us tor me fttimate. 3100 w. Coast Hwy .. N.8. 6U-!M05 5'0-1 ?St Authorized MG Dealer '66 MG · Midget, Xi.NT cond. rend r, \ts ~=:GEN GRODI OIMOIET s · ., i Convertible $1650 AP: for Saln Manqu ·-· ~Beach~ 0 '63 VW Suntop $'185. 4 ~ Huntin&f,on Beach tires. i. ....... 250116th St. ·-ICI.~ . -• Newpt ljc"-lill>m< '"''· CONFIDENTIAU Y '66 VW Bug. ~uda Blue, We Pay More For ~t ~. \fill finance. Call Foreign Or Sports Cars top •1 SIS-9495 OPEL 11ony 547-<1161 .or 545-8756 PAID FOR OR NOT '5.5 vw. RUNS .GOOD. B J SPORTSCAR Good tra"cnortatiOn car. • • .. '64 OPEL Kadel!. Xlnt ·mechanical cond, paint & body, Nu trans, & tires. 832-0643 or 548-376.l aft 5:30 · 1968 OPEL Rallye, 102 HP. $165 .,; 613-<61< CENTER 1t * '60 VW, good condition. 2833 Harbor Blvd. $395, '4805 River, Newport Costa Mesa S4o-«!ll Beach 645-0523 1t * Stereo tape. $1650. Call eves '62 BUG. Reblt '65 eng. Nu 536-380l brks, paint, tires, clean, '-"~---~~~ t runs gd. $895/besl 675-5545 '66 OPEL Wagon, 27,000 mi. WE PAY CASH FOR YOUR CAR Exceptional cond. Must lell '65 VW TOp cond.. Navy ., wknd. 968-17!17 • "°""d' Pv, Ply. 19 85 CON NEU '830-!M89 blue C10lor. PORSCHE PAMPERED ~ fastback. CHEVROLET '66 one-owntt, Must see to 2828 Harbor Blvd. '64 PORSCHE (C Coupe) 1,;;,"':::li~"',;;'·c.Cal~l-'67l-45J6"""'"""-="° l·--"°""""'=~M~•~ss"""54°'~~=~-Chrome wills, Blaupunkt '68 vw Bug, wood grain WE PAY TOP radio, .t0.000 actual mis, l paneling 18,000 mi. $1700 or DOLLAR owner. 84~9687 ~ best offer. alt 5: 644-4319 for good, clean used cars, '64 3S6C, ll!OOcc <!o\lpe. New '64 VW, stereo, new upOOls. all makes. See Georgl! Ray eng. gd. cond. ~as. $2$95 chnb. wlils, ~bit eng. xtras. Theodon! Robins Ford Sff..-0136 < P~.cond. $995. 968-1635 2000 Harbor Blvd. DAll.Y PIL<11' WANT :ADS! SXlC ti' TO 'EM! C.M. 642..(1(110 lmportod Autos 9600 lmpori.d Autos 9600 Will Buy J;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;JYour Volkswagen or Porsche " 'F:RtE·E -Auto Air Conditioner '· Witfl The"l'drPhase Of '. . FIAT 124 FAMILY WAGON OR FIAT 11' . work-'•-pllJ ...... IMM,DIATE DEUVERY r & pa.v top dollars, Pald for or not. Call Ralph 673-0ioo IMPOR'l'S WANTED OraJ'tgti Oountil!S TOP $BUYER BILL MAXEY TOYOTA lg88l Beacb mvd. R. Beach. Pb. 147-«555 WANTED: Woody Station Good condition * * 646-124.2 Auto Lt•sing LEASE. RENT ALL POPULAR ' MAKES FORD AUTKORIIED LEASING SYSTEM ' Gt!I Our CompetJtln Rates Ro:.'Ns4-'F°oRD 2000 Harbor Rlvd. Ebrta Mesa 64U01.0 -------- JUST 5°/o OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE DURING OUR BIG ANNIVERSARY SALE ALL THROUGH JULY! MERCURY MONTEREYS, MONTEGOS AND COUGARS! DON'T WAIT TOO LONG! BRAND NEW COUGAR BRAND NEW MONTEREY 2 Door H•rdfop. lrtnd 11ow with tir conditio11or, popul•r li,ht Aqu• witti J90 2V, wht•I c.oven, wliitt w11!1, 1peci•I trim1, 1olect •liiff, powor hrek•1 end 1loorin,, r•dio. lintod 91•11, Stri•I No. 571419 ,' Was $4523.80 !iiic~v.~~.1."':~1.c•.... .............. $3729.60 ~rv• $794.20 WEEK'S w11~11e11.: LAS~CK ASCH! ' LIKE 10 VIiii A . YES! ••• ID \\(£ . ZEBRA MlNl·B no•,"' i•o••• llAl ltiGG!t-"1° .. rsoo" w1tH tHI • ••••••••••. !rAODlL •• , ••••• • • • • '' '· ····· .... . ······· 1 • • • • • ·'' .... ONI· •••• ,. ' • '• '•''' ,T,., M,AM1·····• ········•''-••• ,, ..• Coupt. lrt11d 11-with oir co11di+lonor, "'odium litt11, liltck roof, whit• w1l11, tilt wh1ol, powor d11c hrtko1 t nd lf••1in9 , docor 9ro1,1p, tint1d ,1,11, 'utrd1, otc. S1rl1I No. SJ 1110 Was $4383.50 ~iiic~v-•~.1~~~.~1 ......................... $3795.75 Save $587.75 BRA~D NEW MONTEGO MX <I Door Sod•"· l•tvflful 111.dlurn ~uo ctu..;fort0wocvo Int.nor, whito vi"yl roof, ttltct 1hlft, wllJto 1idow•U1, powor ~Mrlt19, powor tlltc hroko1, whitptr tir co11cU!lo11/MJ, AM ttdio, ti11t.4.....1l.-1, ~11i ro1t I tl1lutt wh.ol co.,.n. Sori•I No:;..itH I OFS40t02 WAS $4017.80 ,:;~;;:~~:~~~~:~:~ ~~:~~~ foE ~;;; ' ' 1'1• 2lst ' " . T DRAWING-5 $533 15 • o" • IE PRESENT A "' "'x At JOH•'°"" ave_ • . T u" o•ofl• 1 , 110 0"1••110" · •• ' USED CAR DEn. 540-5635 ' JOhDSOD+SOD ~ - lll!IOLPI ClmlEITIL •, ll~llJl•IElll~·fHlll_ ' tHI -· llClllUfAllo WTA .... . \ ' i . . ' • . ' • I I I • . " • 1 • ' . I I 7 , .. , DAILY I'll.OT ... ·' •• • ' 'Tllurldq, Jofy 17, lt69 • I ' I r-:w .: . ,' . ===;::::::::;=:;=:::;:::;::::::::::::::;:::::::::~:::::::::;:::::::: OFF:ANl) ·~ · · · !.~~!P60~:~.~~~~!~~~~!~!~REa1Ro ·. ·ift·IJ·NN: .ING ENERGY AJSORBIN6 STEERING, COLUMN', SEAT-BELT WITH PUSH BUTTON · . · 1 . , BUCKLE FOR ALL P,ASSENGeRS;• TWO FROl<fT· SEAT HEAD RE$TRAIN15, • , · . DUAL MASTER C~LINDER BRAKE SYSTEM WITH WARNING "~IGHT AND CORROSl0N-8ESIS?ANT BRAKE1JNES, ' FOUR-WAY HAZARD WARNIN!q FLASHERS, FOLDING SEAT BACK LAT.CHES, DUA~-SPEED WINDSHIELD WIPERS AND WASHERS, DUAL-ACTION SAFETY HOOD LATCHES, BACK-UP LIGHTS, SIDE MARKER LIGHTS AND "PARK- ING LAMPS Tl1AT ILtUMINATE 'WfTH HEAD 4MPS, ENERGY ABSORBING INSTRUMENT PANEL, PADDED SUN VISORS, WIDE-INSIDE DAY-NIGHT MIRROR .WITH DEFLECTING BASE, LANE-CHANGE FEATURE IN DIRECTION SIGNAL CONTROL, SAFETY ARMREST, PADDED FRONT SEAT BACK TOPS, ANTI-THEFT IGNITION KEY WARN· ING BUZZER, ANTI-THEFT IGNITION, STEERING AND TRANSMISSION LOCK, STARTER · SAFETV SWITCH ON TRANSMISSION, E70•14 WHITE SIDE· WALL TIRES .••.• THIS LITTLE GEM IS BRAND N~AS 15-GALLO.NS OF GAS, UNDERCOATED !'-N\> WAXED,,, READY TO ROLL FOR ONLY •• , ..... ~ '. $2695 15 • US-E -D CA& S E L·L·OUT! ENORMOUS · SELECTION FROM SUPER STOCK OF PONTIAC ·TRADE-INS! '67 MUSTANG Adee. Gold, Vt, 1u+o"'1fic tr1111mi11io11, f1 p1 d~clr, po.,.•• tf1tring, lint1d gl111, 1~owroom 1h1rp. Lie . TYM l SJ '66 FORD XL 500 Budi:1f 111h, cott1ol1, r1111io 1nc:I ~11 t1r, Vt, 111tom1tie lr1111mb1iion1 power 1!11ri n9, b111tif11I Mystic 11111. Llc., SRP 42 7 - 515·95 · $AVE '63 DODGE 4-cloor ''""O", Vj , t1i1to1111tic tr1~ittion, r1dio i nd h11t1r, •xc1Utnt 1•c1n4 cir. lie. HSZ 517 '\ PLUS! EXCLUSiWE 12-M0. / 12,000-MI . 'G'7 MEll~URY $2495 COUGAR Bron11, VI , 111tom11tic fr1n11ni11!011, rtc:lio •nd h••f•r, pow•r 1ttt ri•g, EZ-1 91111, fie• lory •ir conditi1nin9, vin YI toj!. Uc. UOl JS I GARDEN FRWY • . . ' (, ' LONGPRE WARRANf Ln US ll~l,P .YOU ARRANGE DOWN PAYMENT AND TERM S TO . FIT YO~R BU DGET. ¥OUR OWN BANK OR CREDIT Ull!ON WRCOMll e SMRAL EXCELLINT FINANCING PLANS e • . , e STORE ~OiJ(lS • SALES: MON. THRU SAT. 9:00 A.M.· 10:00 P.M . SUN. 10:00 A.M.-7:00 P .M. i I . ·' --~--'-·~·-..... -·~ ........ -.... ee·e •= ¢ ··-"' ; r ''' ............. _. _____ ·h ·. -.-. AMrtlrftaa•• .. T '"· Private Membership Lakes America's Newest Recreation Idea I - ••• I 1 LAKES ... "Not a fish can leap or an inettt fall on thr pond but it is thus n-portcd in circling dimples. in lines of Mauty. aa it were the OOOAlaDt welling up of it& fountain, the gentle pulsing of its life. How pucdul the phenomena ol the l~e ! .., - THOREAU America is going crazy over water! ... swimming ... boating... .. • IS · 1ng ... waler S nng : .. and JUSl . ·p1a11lsuiil>atf1ilig -are attracting . minions more to· the water's~ edge each -year! "Water is a focal point of outdoor recreation. Wherever they llve, most people seeking the outdoors look for water to swim and to fish in, to boat on, to walk, pic nic and camp by, and just to look at. The demand for water-based recreation is increasing more rapidly than the demand for outdoor recreation in general. Swimming, for ex- ~ple, appears likely to be the most popular outdoor activity Ly the end of the century ... " So said the government's Outdoor Recreation Resources Review Commission m its report to the Preside nt and U>ngress. ,-- Americans seem to be agreeing with this report as in one mighty chorus of approval. Surely the related economic facts and figures are almost incredible. Last year in the U.S., some 40 million people participated in recreational boating, according to the Outboard Boating Club of America. They spent about 3 billion dollars in retail purchases of equipme nt and they own more than 8 million boats. 7 million of these are outboards. Some three and one half million boat trailers are also in use. In fact, boats are increasing at such a rate that just finding a place to keep them is now a problem. Boating Industry Magazine, May, 1966 says, "statistics show that nearly every Marina slip in the nation is now rented on a yearly basis. Some Marinas have waiting lists longer than their total number of slips." Skimming and banking in graceful prec1s1on behind millions of motor boats are about 8 million water skiers; 750,000 of these are newcomers to the sport within the last yea r. They have Lande<I to- gether in over 500 ski clubs for competition and camaraderie. Wa ter skiing has ra pidly advanced into an important national sport re- quiring the highest standards of coordination and practice to achieve perfection. Not to he outdone however are over 23 million licensed fishermen, that between leaving early and coming home late last year, managed to spend some 2 billion six hundred and ninety one miUion ~ollars on assorted rods, reels, lures, boats, licenses, food and lodging. But increasingly the traditional surface fisherman is having to com- pete with that underwater bloodhound, the skin diver. Skin Dive r Magazine reports over 3 million skin divers now in the United Staks. The industry is enjoying a tremendous sales boom in medium to high priced underwater equipment. 30rc-of all new students a re womeu and skin diving resorts are booked up months in advance. A water recreation explosion has happened. SOme have branciecl i variously a fad, water madness or "aquarnania." However, a stud of the main economic a nd sociological currents moving now in Ame ica and projecting into the next fifty years show conclusively th the re are some very sound reasons Lehind "aquamania.'' Leisure time ... {longer weekends, paid holidays, vacations) i constantly increasing for workers in all indu~trialized countries. Fou week vacations are now common and this country is rapidly movin toward the thirty-five hour work week. Some union contracts no call for twenty-five hours. In the U.S., people are making_ more money and spending mo money e.ach year. Consumer expenditures excluding food, rent an clothing, rose from 75.3 billion in 1956 to 146.8 billion in 1965. I J ' ' l I a f; \\ 1 s1 h li SI p sl p a an wa t i ' Vacation time has doubled ·in less than 20 years and younger ff!.Ore affe':'entfaniilie~- . -are playing together outdoors. Water sports provide the pf!rfecl family recreation. addition it is estimated tha t over half of our 200 million population wi ll be twenty-five yea rs of age or uncl er by 1970. More younger families with more time off and with more money lo spend each year will contribute to the tremendous outdoor recreation leis ure market. There a re compelling reasons behind the growth of the more active sports such as swimming, boating, wakr kiing, etc. They provide healthful exercise, release from city tensions a nd a re well suited for wholesome family partici pation. However, "aquama nia" is causing serious problems for eve ry la rge state in the Union. T he public de mand for clean water to swim in, for public beaches, lakes, rive rs, sanitation and other facilities is fa r out- stripping the natural public supply of these resources. New innova- .... - Prir1ate membenhip lake. are the newest recreation idea sUJeeping the country today. Millions of dollan arorth of lob around such lakes were bought by water lof'ing f amUies in just the last 6 months. tions a re needed to create more water, more shorelim;, more boat and beach areas. One new idea that has received tremendous national acceptance in the last few years is the private membership, fresh water lake. Big citj smog ••• Congestion ••• N oiae ••• Psyclwlogical pressures are dri11ing families out of loUJn on UJeekends to find peace, quiei, clean air, clean UJater and room ID p11!J. Every 12 seconds thf.re is a net population gain of one person in the U.S., which amounts to an increase of 2,620,800 people per year. And each year 3 mil- lion more Americans squeeze into our already jampacked cities. Today 140 million peo- ple -or 7 in every IO are crowded onto just 1 % of our · Ia!i~.:_Tb~ result is strangled cities, slapdash suburbs and rush hour nightmares. There is some question among. scientists as to how much of this crowding human beings can stand. No wonder there is a mass recreation exodus out of the cities on weekends and holidays. The traffic jam has spread from the city io the public beaches .•. to the public lakes and camp grounds. There just isn't enough recreation land for the exploding population. In California, more than 80 million persons visit~d the state's beaches and parks in 1964-more than the combined popularions of California, New York, New Jersey, Pennsyl- vania, Michigan. But California has too little public shoreline, park land, campsites, and pic- nic sites for its 18 million oeo- ple. The demand for shoreline use has driven the price of premium waterfront land as I high as 13,000 a front foot in some beach areas, or S90,000 for a 30' lot! JU LAKES Imagine a sparkling clear lake where your family c&ll fiab and swim and play in the sun, your J'hvate retreat Crom the workaday world. Here is the first private membership lake ol its kind . ever built in Southern Calilorni'a. Canyon L·ake will be a private multi-million __ dollar water s orts an_d_recreation wonderland for just 50_00_(amilies. A.s a p_rivat,e membership lake, Oinyon Lake u as different from an ordinary public lake or bea~ as night from day. The purity of . the w~ter in the lake will be rigidly con~lled. A scientific fish stock- ing and maintenance program will be maintained. Boating, swim- ming, fishing and water skiing will be regulated to insure the • maximum safety and enjoyment for all. Special swimming beaches will be set aside. Reasonable standards· of cleanliness, privacy, police security and traffic control will be maintaine<I at all times. A sensible body ol association rules will govern the use of all lodge, golf cJuh, riding stable, parks, camp ground, ooat <lQC.ks ~d CQflllJlercial facil- ities. A uniformed guard at entry gate h~use will admit onl! Canyon Lake property-owners and guests • CHOICE LOTS ON SALE NOW FROM $5500 ... 10% DOWN-EXCELLENT BANK FINANCING . ~ Artist's color rendering as shown was drawn from actual engineering plans. . ~ PllVATE CDllllUlllTY 90 Min. From L.A. Private membership In the Property Owners Asaoclatlon Is your key to a wonderful new wortd of fun and to the use of $2,000,000 worth of recreational tadlltles. ... ~ Wiii be • bMuttfvl -,, hole ,..., .. tlon golf courM with • nice club houM end ..,. -.. <Art ........ wtU M -11•11 ....... _,,__..,, ....., .... ..., tt-........ c:rowde. ,,.,_,.,..,., _,..,_ ...,, s-..1 ..... Ing, ~white~ Wiii be eveneble ll'vund the llM. Eecfl one will ._ cobful ,.,_lellt umbrell• ~. Eedl -wlll '-• -llMllng r9ft end ..,.. clef buoy mertted Mmmlng -· The Rldlflg Club end ltable -wlll ~ 12 ec:rw. Thi. --wtll be fenced 9lld ~ f9nced 8fMf wilt lnelude ... ,_, • tnln- IAO r1nO .ct to _,.. ol rkilng n111. .__ will be boerdlld for .. ~·· .... w ....... wtll tww """ ....... ~ Nll8 .. long .. ' lftl .... Speclel ekllftg -..................................... .. wm ..... ~ ....... _,....end dry~~ -n.ble. Sell boel9 wlll '-full run of the ,. •· oept fOf" lkllng ..... Femll ... Wllfl youno • ..... .,,,.,, ... ~..,.._diet • .-nl -..-w111 .____ heftcHD •lf<oice Wee ,,.._ end to lwnder eny .-.y -leCllncl. Cenyon L•k• Lodge fecllltl•• Include • 1Mg111ftoeM Olymplc •IN pool, two reaul• tlon tennle 0041118, volley bell, beclmlnton end hone ehoe .,... p1ue • huge eerwty bMdl with oolorful 1»erm•11nt umbr911ae. Cenyon Uke 1.Ddte me.tor fllclltttea lflcfude • tarve !Min eoc:tel ,_ wldl fl~. • ~--..... -with.~ tutchen, • c:oddall lounge, pool, p~ end cerd ,.,,.Ion l'OOIM. ,,.,_.....,.,._,.__..,, .. LAKES Building lakt>s. crt>ating nt'w miles of !'hort'lim· and new watt>r space for millions of iww familirs to play on is a job for a new brttd of developer ... the lake builder . COMPLETED WITHIN 275 DAYS! The lodge ... swimming pool ... tennis courts .. ~the marina .... the village center ... beaches ... parks and .camp ground site. Talk about a big job! -4,600,000 yards of dirt -36.3 miles of road paved with 7,750,000 square feet of asphalt -312,000 linealfeel of waterlines and 323,000 lineal feet of sewer lines. A huge 210 foot w~de road causeway is being .buih clear across the Jake in 35 fee"of water. Building Canyon Lake is a mammoth constmction job even for a teain.' of expert lake builders; however.all phase-0ne constructi~ witt be-lifiishe.d wit~in the first 275 days! . - Canyon Village Marina facility will include a general store building with an attractive covered patio area. There will be a short order 5tyle kitchen facility. The adjacent marina area will have a boat launching ramp, a marine store, rental boats, slip~ for privatt> mooring and a ~as dock . w I ' . LMI: m eor•. fU ,,.,,_ ol tltotellfle. LOTSI ~ Lota -mlrtlmum 7,200 941. tt. LMftltOllC Ugoolt lots -11tlltlmwlt I.GOO 941. ft. ,,__,.. #td Goll.ide l.ora -"""'-7.2X> sq. fl. ~ SID: l.D11 acNt wtdtltt RNw•lde Cowley. ~.... Tire COIMUlffY llM a..t llPIJfoved b1 R,_.lde COllMy • • plMMd ptlvltl• -.Jopntent. llOADe: Mphett ,,..,.~ .,,,, c:oncrete ~ • ouawa dealOfted-' bultl ID Rlvwslde ~ ..... UTIUTIUc Tire • .., and...,.,.,.....,.~ b1 die ,. Rfvwalde COIMly HM/tit~ Mtd r7tnted Mtd opweted b1 the ElaltWKe V.Jley M11nlclt»I w-., 01Wtol. ILICTlllCITY: Setvloe to..-'~.-. to lie pnMdM ,,,, ~ c:.t,,.,.,. E-.... Qa:P9'). • The lodge will include 9:J.72 square feet of in- terior f acitities with a total of 15,726 square fttt of space under roof. Building will include a multi-purpose room with fireplace and direct aooess to a covered deck. 'The dining rc;>om will serve 56 people at one time from a complete kitchen with banquet f acilitics and is expand- able to serve 220 people. There is also a charm- ing cocktail lounge with a magnificent view of the lake. 'The lodge upper level has 2,130 square feet of covered exterior deck while the lower level includes sep,..rale shower room areas for the swimming pool and bt-ach areas plus billiards, ping-pong and card recreation rooms. There is a sweeping, circular drive en- tr~ lo tfw. lodge that has double access to a paved parking area for 300 ca~. ------------------------~----------- . Canyon Lake is being built by Corona land Company,· a subsidiary of the Corona Foothill Lemon Company, a multi-million dollar California corporation In business here over 50 years. • •• Esperl. lake bccildera ••• The management team· no111 building Canyon Lo~ luu guided the ~~ni of· IJae moai •ucceMful primie mmnbenlaip lakes in Arneria&. W . Gordon Heath ii Preadmt of Corona Lwl c.o.p.ny, the deftlop- mmt corpontion build- ing Canyon I.Me. Mr. Heath iaadmowl~ a one of the natioft •a finelt IUlllUdeftlopmmt eseo- utives, an apert in pluming' all phaeee of deftlop- ment from engineering through marketing. Hi• • C:&rttr inc1udes lop ~l ~with the Del-E: Wdab Cofporatioo wl wida U.S. Land. nationally famoW!I builder of recreatiooal lakes. Dino E. Sera6ni ia Vioe President of development for Corona Land Com- pany. Mr. Serah.ni ia a fi.nanoe and ooet analya with a broed background and a fine record of achievement in the opera- tion a I management of recreational facilities such u golf counes, restaurants and large ~ operations. He ia aleo expert in the mtire field of commercial proper!y sales. manqie- ment and leasing. For the put eevera] years be bu bttn with the Del E. Webb Corporation. · Jack L Philli,_ ia Di- rector of Sales for Corona Land Company . Mr. Phillipa is a nationally reoogniud marbling ex· pert with over 20 yeen !peclaliud experience in . appraising and selling water oriented rec rt"· atiooal land in California, Haw~ and Brasil. He has held top sales es:ecutive poe1a with 90IDf' ol the largait and moet reputable land drovdopmmt firms • in ADW'rica. He oomes to Corona Land Company from U.S. Land Cotpontioo. .. Tiie mmhinrd talmt wl experience ol dais apert lab builder-management tNJ:D ia eound a.unnoe -daat C...yon LM.e ~ll be built and. maintaiaed to the highest poesi.ble fllandards. Aleo behind CanyoG Lake is the eound reputation of Corona Foot.hill Lemon Company, a fine old Cali· fomia corporation in business here for over 50 yean. Founded in Corona in 1911 by Mr. S. B. Bamptoo. · IM ~J hU ~-a ~:nuJJi~-aotlar~ poratioa opttating over 2,000 acres' of citrus fa~ land in California and· FlojidL Todq Co~ Foot· bill Lemon is one bf the la.rge8t citna (aiming corpo- rati.ona i6 Waitem America. Comlrudioa financing hu been provided by Con- linmtal Mortgage lnYellora, a Boe1oa.. Mwchu.a. tnlll lillied CG the New York ~ Ezdwlge with ---. ol over 1150,000,000. Title inaurance ie pr. vided by Fint American Title lmurance and Trmt Vwnpuy. Oe\·elopmf'nt of the Marina Key:-; area at the.a f'al't end of thf. lake is a prime exams•le of the Spt"Cialized enJ?:ineerinF: know-how required in mot.krn lake buil<tin~. Over 2._5 million cubic yards of dirt are being movf'd and placed in order to create 338 brand new waterfront lots. This massi,·e excavation will also add 5 aclditional milf's of shorelinf' to the lake and another 100 acft"S of lake surf a~ at'f'a ! -- JUST 90 MINUTES FROM LOS ANGELES 73 MILES FROM LA. CITY HALL TO CANYON LAKE 1M 9DIWmlNO FWY. PHn Sprinp-70 miles ~ -·~:----. -- . Don't miss the boating •.. Only 5,000 lots are available. Get in on America's hottest new recreational trend ••• The deluxe private membership lake -Canyon Lake. Here is a sound land purcha&e of prime shore- PllVAn CD•BllTY "The Lord quit making lakes but he has not quit making people." -line recreation property. Here is a new kind of water sports private community for health- ful outdoor family fun. Here is another Lake Arrowhead or Lake Tahoe, but much better because it is strictly a private membenhip propoaition. Canyon Lake can never be crowded with mobs of people; only members and guests are allowed. The lake will always be kept pure and clean; the fishing will always be good. And Canyon Lile ~ within 90 min- utes of the center of Los Angeles, the fastest growing, richest, most outdoor minded dty in the world! Where else can you find a family purchase that you can fish in, swim in, play golf on and start enjoying immediately? Don't wait •.. There are only 5000 loo available. Here is dramatic growth in every category. By 1985 20 million people are expected in Southern California! According to the Chase Manhattan Bank report-recreation land prices will continue to soar! -----•••••••., ••••••••••••••••-I • Canyon LakP is the only private membership lake of ils kind in Southern California. If you wan~ t~ ~ee it and take a boat tour ... or if you just wa11t a map and more information fill out .tl1is couPon and mail it today. r • -aaa.1l 10: footialll Ptvpel11 ............ CulftPlll" II I ...,. • Sb ..... I a.... lftd9~ CalGMt Caltumia 91720. I I P..0. Baa 'wt I I senctmealakemapandmore~ I I 0 P\e8S8 I I on CanYO" l,ak8. · good tor 1 ' • I 0 .,._..-me a ~l\dfl\ed gate pass • • I I 1 boat tour ot canyon Lake. I I 1 I I I I Mame I I I I ~~ I I I : Ctty : I ~ ~ Pr9perec1 by FROST / SHAFFER / OAVTH•£R Mvert••1ne I Stat• and Zip • _ •• _ •••• • • • • • • • '--------------------------L--······-······ Aev.eTIH-.. Y ..