HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-21 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa------· I • r I -"'! r 1 •• I -. ' . .. . J 1-I f ~ .. . , I I ,.... ·~.J ! ....... . -I ~ I !J ·1 .. . .. ~· . . .• t l-' . • ~ , ,. . . t ) , , . - I • • • M<?NOA Y' AFTERNOOt--1, :JULY ',2 f,.1'969 ~~-U.1 NO. 17J, i HCTIOftl(• PAMI . .. . ~-·Lunar Btastoff • ' , ,... t . • • >/-' . -.~ A.R?IST'S DRAWING -Ascent stage leaves mOon willl.·as~uls alioiird. Descent staJe left behind as : Aimittoeg; ~dnn' .hea<f' ifilr rendezvous with CoUms In command. shi}!.c · ' · · ' • --···-·---· ~---· .. .. ~.~~ltQDg­ ·says S~Ha~ ~­ Sinking Feeling ... · . WAPAKONETA, Ohio (UPI) -'Ille C9untia·n F e.lired Lost.· . = .::d ~ .:.e11~ ~ the moon mtatilie too Miit and ·that bo might link In too deeply .... After Slipping_.Of:f Raf.t ·~E .. ~::::uw:;:~;:; I ~ · . her son's voice that be · was "pleued. 'A ~<lid l'la«ntla man today up on to-the-raft,. theft-the-~ fell tickled,. and thrtlled" when. he uttered "'' JlllSSing and .pr'8lllll<d drowned o1r asrJll· • man'• linl words from lhe lunar llUJ'- after he slipped from a-canvas ra~d Moore dove intor the ...Ur to rescue face Sunday nlgbL · ' - ;nio heavy surf oil Newport h· Alareon, bill · die Victini -di~ She aatd Nell'•-u he st.pped on Saturday. . . the moon, "one small step fer man, one rl:a.~ Alarcoo. 9S6 ~elro!!e Ave., was ~er-, Were 1~· lil'~.-l-d giant leap for mankind.'' came u 1111r-~ a lew yMds -t lrom · ~ him. · prile lo her• lletl's lathe!' Stephen said· t~ 11""1!"" rter w11en 11e c11sappear..i Mm.aummooed·m·~ urfl\Wdl ~. "n-....ihe'lame o1<111en." !Jjm1be surf rider at 2 p.m., Jdejuanls· and a ·patrol bOot •lo search for lhe'1dc· lfrs:. AmalrOIC Aid 1'ben her ,.. a8ill. 11m.· -~--"'lie -·~ stepped onto the moon a room lull ol lfe was 1n the water .with several . .1.u.;:ll efforts ~ .,..... ,.uw'Q.'> friends and nlltlvel. watd:Ung ~ hll- lrieftds whO told IU;gu&rds Afar<oii we bn>odcaats pi:nved,lruitlets. ·~--,_,..., te1m1ian al tho ~ dilfieuliy keeping his balanc:o ,ell~"!. rlptldes •!ICI large surf ....., A~ ·~ boini In, !Ni small -· oa the ~!!!!· f,.....;. ·to1" d pol'-•-""""'"""in the oiea tlin>u&hout the dly, Ol>=., ... u; ·-• abaolutell ·~"'' ,.....~ ... ~ ne li:feguards said. ' ' qµiet ."' ' -. , r , &uipao ons heJi>ing Alarcoo Two of A!arcon's companions who Jiben the. thoon• ~ tnaPOt!d on, •• * * * ' ,. I • Ill - Mesa Man's ~Cabin Cruiser - Sinks fu Bay· I A 28-foot cabin cruiser slipped ~ the· boltom of Newport Bay Saturday as a U:S. Coast Guard rutter 'towed It into home Port. . · Nobody Was -injured. The $8,500 Vf!:!stJ, Jotleto, Wll! owned and &kippered by John Bullard, 2821 Stromboli Road, Costa Mesi, U.S. Coasl Gillin! i!p0ke1111111. aald the cutter Cape Hlggon mponded to a'n ·sos from Jollelo at abollt 1,30 p.m. The c.bln . · cruiser was takin'g on Wiler about eight miles out. A patch had stven 11J&)', . BU~• 11114· an uaidftlUfied • m'1e passenger .weft taken aboard ·the Cape ' Hlunn ·and a lo" line fixed · to . the &tric.ken_veasel. _ The' line parted as the two boats en- tered the harbor, 4 "We puf • awtmmer in the .water ,to , : &tcure"'the line to the bow/' iaJd Cour Guard . LI. R. A. Mool~ryi "IM ' helped him up on the raft:Robert Mrs.~-leoi!odlorwmt·laher· • · Medina and Jooe Lopez. both ol P1-n-' · ·-·~ •· Is " .DOO. tor' 's w1·fe· tla told ~·irds ,,_, •tao .... Alarcon cnalt Incl aald. ~· -· ·~ . . . J'olleto sank· 1n about 3S fett of water,t•· Momenta before the. 'line parteQ', the ' Jollelo'• bow .bad dipped about thiet feet • uhder the bay'• suHace. -, , Anchor Maril!" later 'In 'the eve.Jnc resurfaced"\J~Jl'eto. , ' · • f 11 f .-.~, Wiien ,\rlnltnlni and fellow -.naut I • ..., ·the .tall and otn•••'e Jo nay r-1n "~·-" ,., __ •-'-~ ~•the above Twater.' • ..-~~-· .l;N" O\IU' l'UWUI ~ "" J,;.. · i' · · . . 'Ille\' hied ·t;; -'boCk \o libn, bu! lunar llll'l1tt lln. ·Al-OIC Did. "He H~1d in .Murder :.,~-..tllly.irrived,they ~;,:\li;!::::.!'°'.:..· .• Olictpt , -, . • . . ' . . Lti~.''11w '11 'AJ.l.o. ~\ ol God.' Mn.~ Aid. "I hopO Beti: ···n'. 'Jg ; 0 ... -M·. ar_'.,..,.~ -. Of So 15 · · ~;:tauwnu'1"!0Jd1d.'bll t111abrlop _•-1ofellw'andd••• ,,r . . , n, · , . · 'f'I!' inm the p11r a,... I much for mort.enc1111e ~.. • ,. ' ~ , '. ~ ·); I" t· t ) 'lbe~~~· teal Tbe\rireo1•s.ntaAnapey•1•"•~.: ,..r-· -· ·.' ~ ,· 1 mce"o1~a11i" ;.th:: Moon . Losers Now More CautioUill : · btJn& 11eld 1n o.1111e C<\'f.ly;:ail c.a.y l"' iuoo.q .Sf>il ".Appears · . 1 • ;:,":-:', -*""' tho . , . . . . . c:batpsofm~berl':J.e~~. • ~ "" . -~ ,1 ,· '·.,!.,_,Wiil.._;;,r;r_,._,._,,.He LONDON (UPI) -The 'bOokmaking ~ 1'0f·~-far·a1.iltr¥>wq,~SovlltURklll ~!Tiited .. rly satuntay ""'"""'WU '\Vei..:But-Nol" m~Iy. i ... llil el!M lrJH ~ 1.!!lt',-· llml .that loll ~ wlien tit'•· v.s. has an 1CUve prognm lo -ii 1!'111 lo . Mri. Martha Aguilar 39, ol UOI Pork ' • • • .. Ille.!!' ..... '1111111 "* ... ·-~ O!J the moon Aid todi1 lllan. iOO moot ICJen\1111 ~ ~ lilnt, Santa Ana. SPACE CENTER, -· (UPI>--· • fl..., wiJllq,lo bet.against a ..-uJ would be unllllely belG<e U.WIY 111111. Police reported she·shol ber IOl!1 JON When' Edwin E. ''lkia" Aldrin 1oo1t • 'Ille Av> P1 11111 J! """'-~ J11111i1e4 lmlli!I <111' the ¢wl Mara -· The Dnn's caution WM pe1bopi w> Edmundo, several times In lhe heOd ta coc:e Nlllfl! ol liU -tho -ol dlordl dGtliM. II 111•-·• -blll "'1Ch nior.cauUOusly.. derstandable. la April 1114, It ollond 11if! touth's bedroom following a fmilly 1 lhe -lie ·Ald' l -loolosd wel.• brlallJ ......., ~'""::a~.:\: W!Ulam'lllll !Ad. Aid k ll!!Uld o1ftr lhe Davld...TbreUalJ. a -I ellJcer <JI argument. ll~__,~L~i:.... .... :.. ~,.r-'I wtth .!!:::~ ....... ~•-.. aame oddl "-·tW lo I ~igaln<t man '• Preslon, En~, 1,000 lo l oddl lhltno , The Orange C<>unty Coroner'• Ollice' .........-~•N -· --It -:r." •--"'"' ...,.. ._ •. .,.. ell"' .;:,-Mara btfin July 20, lwman belliC' Wlllld !ml all••. an the • aald tbt boy died at 4:10 1,m. SlllirdlY . =·==~ wu ,;.._ •m-:•lwt I Ool ler u.. E: third llllllversm'Y ol Ibo lirot moon by Jllll. l, lrl!. o1 HV<l'll 1!1/11'hot -ndl II! th< 1t11 , ... ~ ,.,...., = all .....,. ::i:t wuuam . 111n later Cf1llCeded 11, had temple al SI. JOl<fll>.Jlorpital in~ ly ! ~.'' ~--(IDl'.M....... .... • ~·-··-=· .'!!. • '1111 -I 'to be In favir ol made. c:Oetly -911 TtinUall~ .. I lllo, shootillg WU reported lo palt<e ~ ...,. ~.Ill-... -, '.11111 Pm -'"" 0-"~ S '!""' by the boy's father, Dr. Jose E . .\all!llr. Spiococrlll Center. • Iiell 1 ult Wllllam nw. Neither the ,._ tatea be~ It bod lo Jll1 Pl.~· • , • • • ••. _r.Y :i..... .. t . """~ --·~ '-' ._ I ·, '. • :J ' " ~ -·'"""" ' ~-~ , . .. . ' • , * * '* -. ~ • • -1:.,. .. . . • • -. r 1 ' .--- .. ... ' j . 1fM4•~ Summer • ........, jDlllnuol to prevail' alont· thO ~ Coast, and without 11\o· u.i& tnomlnC ov~. Temper~ wUI rue• In 'lhi 'hlf' liJtlei aDil 10w -~ ties. ', • I 4 • - ' f f a a 0 " • • £ •• • • • . ' s • • MOOD, LaJiding ·Ji>ayd~t: lock, Variety: ApOlk,See~ A.polio .4~trl)nou(s' Proo]>l!Ct.ing Could; v~~~-secrets of ~ge a~ ~gin As Symbol &PACE CENTER, Houaloo !APf-'lllo llom Davld McKIJ, ... 1"'81 of Ult MQo c1voriei! oiitlie desert-like-like kldl lhilr -wM wlthll! thellmlls abown I "" b7mtteorlclmpl<l18 COlllNrilo• to For peace '.Apollo -ut• 1truck ~ bl,thllr Did 5-111 ~· , 1 to, pjoyground. · , on tbodr. wtll tnlnlng, said Dr. w~ Ult llltf1ce iwQ!' ~ Dr. Otr...t P. poe....,.. oa Ille ._ · n..;J' ~ I ~~ lbt .._ oUti mooD lllucb II ll!o ·mooo ltlll 1hlmt0 .... after 'lhq Jl. llnldol,.'1 flight surgeon. • ' ICltlplrj ~ Vbl.-.,1 GI ~ -.~•-• -•·••'-' th l! hli\'Cld thin __ ...:.,,, -•-•~· od I ' '""• · · .-~• ~-Onct, Nill Armstrong'a heartbeat-Luiilr l ... -..,;.i.ollitllor)t ln •·-.-• ~ ......... ...., • ·/A ,. ·~ 1-....-a eave ,......y, sclenu.ts ~ ~ ultrr to t!O per mimrte, bu~ this was qjled oot • Fiasotan. "'n>ll 11 an ~ty to pick . i1 Tull AisOcJATED PRl!SS • ;i "Tho mOQO 1' tho only place In t!>t univetst where there are both hu • aod·peace" laid a man ln a Mlamtblt. Ot1Mf ~ vlewid Apollo ll as •f 1ymbol 4t poacjl aod P"l&re"· .,..t .....iety <It dllferent ""'111~""1.o1> ~rs -1«1·t1iey•would. It look oensillvo lnstrumenll cao tell )hem ll Ule crtUcal, and-Clillord Cliart .... ortb, llight up lunar lava Iii o' ocjeOtulcally perfect could' tell much about tbe-moon'111e ,Qd ... wm~ lo·dl&' out two'*" sam~ and lo quakes :come from vokinlc activity, or director, said it OCCUJTed when he was spot... ... · crf&ln. , • ~J&.Aolerlcao liq:· . · hits :by meterorlles. ". · dolJli hia b.,Ueat laburs. • Dr.~~ Of the Sml!haonlan, 'l1io1 aaw a curloua ."""11 ~ ind . 'l'!loJ loa.nit "'!'Iii lhat'look Hte bualt. lncredlbl¥ calm moo& ol !be lillla, Ilia ,' :nior. ""'" no Ind~ . tl> • ~ l.illicnlorJ In ~o; porbapo put tt in one <It:& lwo -Ji>r)I cil 'IObDQit.;)lld JOCb ,_bllni astronauta ~' ·...u tbolr ,._, u'"*""' ,were hit < by ti• 1 Ma&; •Ille aamplea collec:tid ollolid' cllooll they .,. brtnslDi hOm<. bl<ltlla,,a'.dtilcokired mica tllat UIUally aa goo4 o1>atlv1n ·~ tralllid 'la mtcr-1tes. t1>f lt'1i ~ 1o measun lllt qui lllt "l thlat tt'1 an ent!Wily new era ta ctvUl11Uon. Pntbobly •• ultimate ~ tn thl wiy of life. And. every aclentil'IO advanca.J.I< ulltWI~ for good," aaid Judge AlVlo WIW~ or Mounf~ Jll. ~ .• , And they cored out a 6'e-b:lt daep -!'ft to loot~ w111r, They ceology. ·' • SClentllll were partku!arlY deUPIOcl mOQO., +'• oetllt contr.~ ovlr Ila aamt>!ool lunar snit that "l90k• ll>Olat," a lcomd Ibo< owf-dUaly, l•ttlol tbolr + Medlally, tllatr ucunloo -.l! ~ · th1t Ula utrooaull landed Ill on .,.. artatn: • ' • sllflleitlon !her< mlghi_W w11ar aod oo -..._. eocoa brown-with tt. moon 1o be DOI to'ftorflll ~ ~ with , . .,.... varl<ty ol -;;bpai;-M • '"lbla-lo.~....i milelloi>e-for-u. perhaps mlcroocopic Ill• hen-Ult '111'1 Ill.up I oellmomelar whlcb llOOil ~ull®o pl...,.. bod bad to plJDI U. j) J!.d•in ~ described tt. ' ' . · ' ptcnu.i. '! ahovis man cu prate on moon'l.llllfoce. But the mnl!t. dark~ap-wu HCinlln& moon tromots, altbolllfh 1 The men auipma_d .._. Ull ~· "LaNlln1 near a cratar 11 an .......W ........ ~."aaldl>r. WlllJCi•Plcker· po&fanOe .could simPI¥ be Ir nm' IJll>t -n\lcl>t"~!!DIY Imm lllt ~of by tbelr-quk:toadajtallmi-1o 1111',_'i ~to collect N>Ck =" wlllcb IPI ol dttt fet PropufaJon l,ahor1l411 at j>acklltdllliOpatliclesdmalerlll.-Ult~ upeclaUy when . '?'1 ;1ow _vav1!!·~~~·1a, come from considerable -CilJ!'."*ra'1lllte.«:r~. · ~ Nixon. lllt•klnl ~Y radi~, ltlepho!>e from Ibo While H<NB< •. tofi a.u.niall Nell A1 Armotrong aod Edwl?t E. Al\tl'I!> Jr .• "P'Or one pricel<as......,.. In tho whoteblsto/y <It man all of tho J>'O', ple on this earth are truly ope.'' t • '· . . ' MaJ•r T~ Benefit . .. o~c Co~mifJee Cuts . ... ---. ·--I OilD~pletwnAllnwanee W ASlllNGTON (UPI) -Tbe HOUie Ways and Means Committee voted Mon- daY to cut the oU ".epletlon allowance, the major tu benefit of the petroleum in- dustry, from .J7 ~ percect to 20 percent. '!be vote w~ ,ll-lo 7 !" Ille tu-wrWoi Drowned Boy's Body Found ~At Seal Beach 11>e body of .a Pico Rivera boy wJ:io · ihwned Tuaday at Hunliniloo Beach at1 Beach wu fouod Saturday by s.11 Beach poUct in the water at Surfside near the U.S. Naval Weapons Statign jet.. ty. HUJlllnaloa Besch pclico ldetlllfied the boy u llelD A)len Harl, I~ wbo bod come to tbe beach wi.l.b a c:burch group, then dlas~peared when be apparenUy :waodered into the heavy oar! .-. w_..i. are lltill oearchtna for ilnOlbor drownlna , vklhn, loll Friday 1rcm Hui1tln&1oll Slate Beach. committee op reducing the oU depletion allowance. the most controversial of tu reform proposals biting considered by eon..-. The panel voted to reduce virtually all mlntral depletioo allowances by 27.3 per4 cellt, I A commtttee . spqkeaman 1aid this would reduce t.he oil and gas depletion to 20 percent -and would boo!t treuury revtnUes by an estimated Nl m.llllon an- nually. -The depletion allowance allows an oil company. lo subtract 27~ percent of its groa inoome, up M> a mulmum· ol 50 percent-of jts aonual total-. Altboug)I most mlnenls proaoa;;g companies -there ar.e more than, 100 - will be affected bf. the across-thHoard 27.3 percent alull tn-.thotr depletion allowances, tber& were some exceptions. The committee Jet 1t.nd 1t 15 percent the present depletion allowance bn gold, silver, oil shale, copper and iron ore to e~urage domestic erploraUoo. U.S. 'Moonday' Sadly Special For Mrs. White Mllllnl .Ii £brioro Nel\00, :zt, of IU'ltrllde, 'liho WU ..... Ill' ditclw'led from Ille AJr Force. Liltguards labeled Nellon'• dlasppearance an appar9'11 EL LA:GO, Te<. (UPI) -When aho ~~ DIPI liffCuarda opctted 1 re!Jleml!efed lier dtod hbsbond, Pit n-•'""' ._._ di Ille city beoch _ White had lo ho happy Sunday. ·-"""' "Ed would have been just thrWed to poab1lJ Nelloc'• -but were unable 10 see this day come. He really beUeved ln reltleve it. ~ Ille 1a1c1 iJleparcf tp0Hsman. Hid 1 te.rth it,~ward H." White waa one of tho11t who -ltl<>blbly l!e <onducted in the .... .. . .>. where llart't bOCI)' wu found tut Satur--died cJeartn1 the way for Apollo 1111 lan. . d11Y. dlb& on'the moon. Hi• prttty. blonde wid· "Sometimes lb• bodtea ., drownlJli ,... ow ,. .. 11ie flnt neighbor 1o Jolll the timl float up to 8urflld• and bec<Jme celebration at tlie borne <It an old famliy ~-J 1 d friend after N'1} A. Armslrong and lodatd ln the weapom 11'«"°" etty,' 111 EdWlll. E. AldrUl. Jr., were sa.fe1• down on ooe ~ lUepard, .. we'.U_ have 1 man ~ aeardl tllo Jetty"'' in a few dayt." th~1'°::i.m•t be heppler,'' said Mrs. Hta" rlptldea .and bu-.y crowdt -While as she w-11.ed from her home whidi 'ipparenUy co used botb dellh! Jut behind the ArmJkong house tlfrough the · Tbe Preoldenl said the Apollo llillOlon1 "illlptret U1 1o redouble out elfarU In brlol and uanqUlltty lo llll'lh."" ~obit, 14, nl Monnvllli, Ind.,· !Ollected. "II was evea more etdtlnc than' tllal day In Julv 1111 "hen tbo 'llrit altpJane flew over Moon ville." Oharltt Stuart, 13, of . Port11.1;1d, '()re., All!, "When my grandn!Otber waf YOll!IC Ibey •er• Jull llamlng boW Ill IJlt, Now l wohde; •bat'• P.lnl to bappeo bf lht time l'm bet qe.11 Edwerd Slater of~ ·Nn, utd. 'II ..... tt doal -Iq f<i-Ula l\IWre DOI only far ptece · oo eorth bal ~ the llldVd'le ... Frtder!ck ·Durant, an employe of the Sriiltmonlin JnstituUoa in Washington. found Apollo 11, "• trtmendoUI thrill, sharing with everyone ln the world th1J event which coukt open 1he ne:1t stage in the evolutJon of mankind." · Dean Hatvlc.k, of Havre, Mont., stood in -................. "HARD WAY' BURNS TO WATER LINE BEFORE SINKING OFF SCOTCHMAl'l'S COVI .. the SJ!>}tblonlan l!eneath the Sp~lt ol St. l.Oatt, the till)' atrplone la whk!h OW-IN lo. UncftiFl)l llew aloiio acrou the Atlan- tic lrt 11t11 and uid,_''lt'1quite1 D10tt1• ---·the-br!llll lldl "' Ibo lDOOll Ye!llur• . __ Authorltlts _TheorlM.J.Nk.ill...ENALl"anlt.May iu .. Causool L•• ot..Cr•ft ------ Huntington Mai:t · Survives Boat Blast 0££ Coast A 25-loot cabin cruiser aplnded all4 1ank oft Scol'.dmwl's Cove Satunta7 afternoon, but the lone man aboard wu thrown into the water and escaped Injury. Joseph BUyk .. 21272 Bulkhead Circle, Hunttnslm Beach. WU picked ·up out of the water moment.I after the a p.m. ex.4 plOllon by -bo11o» whlle hla 11.000 "Hard Way" burned and llDt .to tbs ..... bottom. •• ~ ( -BUyk told the· lW1Mll" Patrol he had been dtvtnc, bod Juol p on bnlnl and was preparing to return to -Newport Beach. Wben tie turned on the lgn!tJon key tho rllultlnf uplooloo thraw him to. to the water. A Rarbot Patrol spokesman theoriJed I fUel tonk leak cauoed the fire. African Charged -. In Mhoya Milrder . , Fro• Pllfle l Nlllle Lawren<O of Atlante 111d, 'M•n atn~ ouppeoed lo be there. I've ~ 1o lhopplnJ ..,, .... and eveeybody 11 ocared becaua God didn't Intend tbe moon lan--:APOLLO. ••••• anything from the moon. The dramatic operaUont to remove Armstrong and AJdrin Jr., from the alien world of the moon ~P at .7;30 a.m. ~ wben . . ll'OWld controllers awakened Michael Coulna, clrcllng the moon alone In tbe command ship Columbia. But no matter what lay ahead, they already belonied lo hillory. Their walk on tbe moon, lbilr collect1on ot lW\11' aoll umpttl, their 1<11111inJ of tho Amltlcao Flat. and lllelr talk with Ute Prelldent In thl White Boule. Wibered in a new era of m1n•1 conquut of the universe. . When ground controllers ·woke Colllna this morntog, they arraoged their radio transm1111nns to they would not disturb the temporory realdents of Tronqullllty -• Millions or vtewer1 tbe world over watched as Aldrin and Armttrong e1tlblllbed that bue wben their apldery Junor module HWed In a -I of dual aod Armstrong look tlie r,,.1 hllman step on the moon ail: and alrllf hours after tlie landing. earth'• aod Armatronl and Aldrin looked like two •low motion dancer1 1n an underwater balleL Flillt····o1nclo·r· Cllflord... ·E. Charlenorth 11.ld. after thelr ramble over the moon1eape: .. My oplnlon wu that they moved about euler and had more 1tabtll'1 and everythln1 thon ~ dtnc. God dklD't Intend mon lo set foot OD the heavenly bodies." Mn. Ophelia G1udry, alJO of AU1nta, 11.ld, "It'a a lot of money waited. I would have spent k· te feed the huf'llry -and I'm white. And I woWd have reduced tu· eti:"' .... ··-····~-~··. Barry P. Petenon or Salt Lake City qreed: ''l tblnk it'& a waste of the tu:· payero' money. I tblok they could find aomethlna better to 1pend It on , •• like about 1 million poor people In tile United mll)lt hava tboqh4 aHhoulh I can't leJl Stalel. I thinlt whan they oolve the pro. you why ••• bot 1 lelt frlllkly th1t .... biaml down here they con 10 looklJli sixth G ml&bt "Pll'IN ua to tome eltent ,.othef sQcet. '' . . ·3· ~,1revv) ;Ibey bid ~ Riv. Joaepll' s, C!Oi!der of ,!lldi-1, •-J .~ l tern. wl'"' . ~ mood, Va., took 1 tnl4dli lfound: )fan 1 a..... no w.1 movtJll ls not able to deny hil adventur:oua iJde around and appeored lo ho quilt com· fO< 11ie oake ol ooctaJ respcnatblll'1 • , • !ortable." Both are part of man'• total uperteDCt.'• • The Eaale-crewmen 1ppareoUy were Younger Americana hid their own not oo comloltable durlJli thek 11>-hour 'f'.':C!ll pctm. or view. . rest period tJllSdt the hmar module aft.er -I d Uke to 10 with the utronaull the moonwalk. FJJ8ht aurpona reported because I like to collect rockl," 11ld tllat Armllroll&, Ult anJy one "Ired to ~m=·1 ~in~~~! !':.C::C.,V~ .· send b1cmtcUc&l data btcl: to earth, 1lept the moon _ and 1 wllJ, too " uid Connie .~ only fillul1¥ ~ theJlll)IL Pellartlo. 10, <It Scotladlle.' Artz. * ::.L .A. Sarah Greer, U. of Rochester, N. Y., }<( )o{ 1ald, "MID, WU I worried. I WU aftl!d . R -ea .. . . they ml1ht let aomebody up there who ecovery rr1er wouldn't like the tdeo ol O\fr belnC up week-; calmed down o~er the weekand backyardll to share the moment with Jan -atonc,HunllDJloo -·~11..and.atote -Arm lfoe Ea · mu Jaft ·and Pat beaches. said rueguards. beca!ne rttenc1s 'wben 'the husbands be- NAIROBI._ Kenya (AP) -· Police -chir1ed-an African tod11 With-th• assUaln1Uon of polJUcal leader Tom Mboya, &wmed down oo 1 Nafrobl 1trtet July I. DariDC their walk over the lunar surface -tine grained and atrewn with a wkfe variety of rocks -Armstrol'lg aod A1drin 1atbertd about 80 pounds of rock and dirt qmplu. _ _ They were calm, deliberate aod en· countered no troubles during _the time outaide Eagle._ 2 hours, 11 minutes for Anllatronf ond 29 mlnutea Ins for Aldrin. ~ there. Alter all, we certalnly wouldn't D• ---·ft -ks want the men from the moon d~.~ 1scovers rea here." • ' Cil)' bel<h •-dropped from more strooa ts Uwt 4DO Friday to 111 Slturdly while the , ~?tt.s a the -laaliqn of a dream, a stato boocb totals dipped 1o 3S Saturd•Y culm!PtiOn for a lot ri.' people. It'• a bap-.ner llO......., Frktly. PY.<la.1 for a lot. ol peciple," said Psi. Both bMctiel reported dle wattr much ~e the country's first 1pacewalker catmor ted1y, followinJ tut week'• heovy dlOd wtib Vlrrtl i: ortuom aoc1 itofer e'. aurf llld &<Vert r1ptldei. Challee Jan. 11. 111'1. In the l1unch pod fit.t •board the 1pececrett they were Police Car · Collides scheduled to fly on the fir!l m1Med Apollo mission. Has she ever Jost faith ln the apace pro11r1m?· · 1'No. l kept thlnldna Ed wouldn't have wanted us to. Ht never did," she aaid. MboJo'• deoth 1oUched off ttlbll . claabeo -... his Luo tribe and the KlkUyu, wblct maku up a majority of thole ln 1ovemment and 1t the llraut tribe In Kenya. Tb• man charred tn court here and held without ball pendlnC ttl1l 11 Nalhaabon Iaaac NJtnaa Njoroge. PoUce dtclined to give his •1•, 1ddtu1, tribe or any other details. but NJorose la a ltlkuyu name. Lo.! ANGELE'.'! <UPI) -A pcllce cor Ing to a robbery alarm collided another auto and careened onto a alk In downlowo I.ho Angeleo todiy. ldllln& one pedeOtrtuJ and crttlcally 111- jurln& another. * * Heartbeats ; . Huntington Boy untP. D . I 01\lll i'IL OT ............. II 'ti• ..... ._ ..... ___ ,..., cu Wow ... iMn ,,.....,.. COMMHt bMttM.:'W..4 ---, ... Lew, .. .._ .......... --.... _ ..... ,,..,.. -···-- F M W lk rowns in owa · or oon a A youna HunUqton Bea<:h boy drown- SPACE CENTER. Hou.ton (AP) - During the time they were on lhe moon. the utronauta' heartbeats ranged from 90 beats a minute to a hlJh of 1Z$ a minute for Edwin E. AJdrtn Jr. and 160 for Nell A. Annltronl· Armllroll&'• peek came when he was loading nlCk umplt bons lnlo tlie lunar lan4er, oald Dr. Oiatleo Berry, t1ie u- tronaut. phyol&n. Both men have • normal heart rate of 'f0.75 beats 1 minute. As the two be11n their descent to t h e aurface tn t h e t1pececraft Eagle, Am)strona'• heart rate jumped to 110 beats a minute. At landing iL bad dse11 to 1S6. Aldrtn's heart was not mouitored at tbet ttme. 9~%.of West Germans Watched Moon Walk TUEBINQEN, Germany (AP) - . TtJevJ.J&on. tranaml.Ulona from the moon aur<ace wore welched by II percent of all Wut Cen1>ana over the •&• of ti uked In a publlo opinion pell. tho Wickert lnatttuta roporled hlrl toc11y. The lnatllllte ut~ Ii percent of the 410. member 1ample 1tayed up put mldnJ&hl or tel lhtlr alarm clockl to pt up In the e1rly houri io watcb Elll•"and 1ll crt•'• aCUvltl• on tht Juftar turftct. It addtd 0017 7 percent ol thole ured dllptsyed lltUe lnlerea~ In Iha p111Jtcl. ' ed near Newhall. Iowa, Friday when a small wooden bride• GI) which he was standll\I collapaad, tumbllna him Into a raln·awolleo creek. Reported dead w11 David Er11r, I, ion of Mr. and .Mn. Doftald J. Er1er1 7131 Rhone Line. David WU Vllltlnl hJa lf'ndparenla, Mr. and Mn. Alphoole .Erl!'. wbo bave a farm a mlle out <It N.,.ball, Apollo Myth Matches Landing on Moon SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - 'ApoOo 11 was appropriately named for , the god ol llcht in Greek mytboloC)'. Apollo Wll oot ol lhe bulelt and moll versatile of the Olympian gocl1 and "" considmd tlie god of prophecy aod the lod of lhe embarker and d.isembarku. And Ills twin lllter WU Arttmll, the 1oddea of tlie moon. U.S. Diplomats Ousted DAMASCUS. 81fla (AP) -Cbartinl lhem with plOtllftl lo overthrow their two-month..,ld ltlUlt r.atme, Sudon uld Sunday It hU expelled •• unopecllted numblr of U.S. dtplomtta. A Stale De- partmant 1pcknman in Wubln(ton oald the United Slltet rtdlle\.ld Its 11Ind.Jrtet" dtplomaUc repreoentallon In Sudo l'rom 11 membtr1 to lt three week.I qo al Sudan's request. But Anmtrong -up to now considered an eiDotionless iron man -reflected emoUoo when be uttertd hia firlt. words on tht. moon and agaln wbeo he respond~ ed to the Presldtnt's telephone can from nt!:irly 1 qua.rteMnllUon-mllea away. Tbe TV plctur,. they beomed back s~wed them movln1 eully ln their 1Uff, bulk)' space.suits. The moon'• gravity pulled only one-sl:rth a,a. hard u the ABOARD US8 HORNET (UPI) -The Apollo 11 ~very lhlp USS Hornet madt some discover le! ot it.s own Sunday . Movtna tbrouah tlie South Pacific en route to the spaceship recovery area, the ves.ael discovered a new underwatt:r mountain range and named the highest peaks Apollo 11 and Hornet. "We've round 1lx new mountaln.1," re- ported assistant navigator Lt. Cmdr. Ned Dunham of St. Louis. "The highest pellk rises 11,000 feet from the floor of the sea." And another miserable Saturday was had by all Gregory Laroque, 15, of BAitimore. watched the lunar landing, then aaid, "lt took them lon1 enough t'o a:et there.'' Liberal Soviet Poet Fired From Magazine MOSCOW (AP) -Poet Yevaeny Yev. tushenko, 36, and two other Soviet writers sometimes considered liberal have been flred Crom the editorial board of a Sovie~ maguine, an editor conilnntd today. Tbe nest time you eome In he.,,. for Wldoroboru C•LSO to. .2.50), or walk oboru (•7 to $15), or awlm ahoru ('6 to SIS), try to make it on a Moml.y • Or. a Tueod1y. Or a Wed· My banker, my auditor and where ll'ere we? Hore In lhi1 neoday. Or a Friday. my CGmpetJton wou~d fnt!•t •tore, work.in1 o~r fumle1 off. But guppo1e it'• a Saturday that Saturdlly "u aet.wly • One of out men eald lo me and yon deClde you need 1pleodid d.7. Our ulet fig .. one day, bey, Jack. why don't 1horte, or a 1oit or eom&- uNO keep piDll ahood of wt "" run Olli' ada on Mondaye lhi1'3? year'•· inatud? . -lo lhat cue, dl1 ...... to- So what'• lio mleorable? Brilliant I· So tbat'a euctly day'• ad. P..,,iend It'• 'J'u...Uy, Havlq to work. what -did. Notice what day ond ..,_ la an,...ay. We med to ""' ~ ada on of tha -k 11 at the top of 87 the way, wlaOt happened Satutda7:1-TliJ. newopaper is thio p...,. · to Thursday? dell"'"'41 to nlai.y liom.. on ~ Salttl'day mornln-g1. Wa'd ' 00-im: .. •• '° bw•ed bmy . Jack B1"dwell aroand here on a Saturday afternoon th.It all of u1 could hardly etand It. We laarned to l1ate Satnr· dayo. When oveeybody eloe WAI Ont ba\'lntl a ....... ti- • 3467 · V14 J.ldo.at Newport 'BIY~ In Newport Beaeb noxl to lllebard'e Market and Tbe Udo Theater. Plenty of f-parkl"I In the -.. Plaoue 673-4&10 CopJTllbt 1969, Jaelc Bldwall. · , f ' I 'I ! I I r , I + '.;~·rr;~-."'} ... !i *?. :;..-,. ·~~ ~· .. ~;,r ·,·:::r:.. ·a; ·c: " f •..-• .. , ·:· • ;:'Ii"'£" • " :... • • ~ 'J" _, . • • • ,. -~H~ntingt~-Beaelt ·- • VOL 62, NO. '173, 2 SECTIONS, 30. PAGES ORAN6E COUNTY, CACIFO,RNJ.( , • 'Beautiful' Ride -S.ends Floated .to Surlslde Drowned Youth's Body Recovered_ The body of a Pico lUvera boy who &tate beach totals dipped to 35 Saturday drowned Tu<Jday at Huntington Beach after 150 mcllea Friday. · City Beach was found Safurday by Seal BRli beaches reported the. water much -, -• . . • • MONDAY, JULY 2f, ~!69 • • LM • Ill • Orbit Lunar E~plore~s Chasing Col·Iins From Wire Servlct1 "Going right down U.S. 1," llid SPACE CENTER, Houston -Apollo __ Armatmoi. . ll's two lunar explorers soared Into orbit Their liltoff began ff seconds after the around the moon today, the.ir first ltep command &hip, with Michael Collini ill toward rendervous and linkup with tbe kine passenger, ~ 69 miles abovt safety of lhe ~biUng motheratUp Colwn• Tranquilllly Base. Seven minutes Jat.el't bia. they.' entered orbit. and a S1k-bour chue · "BeautilUJ," aaid Aldrin as tbe en&lne -began. lgnl.ted. "Very qulel ride.'' · .U all w...i well. the two lhips would. -Beadt-poli<e.;in U.. waler-at .8urlJide._c.tlmer..loda)!,Jo!lOl!'la&.lut ll'.e<i'l.)iea,·, l....._ near the U.S. Na'al Weapons SllUOO jet-surf and aevere riptide$. ty . .. .. ---"'1be-A~~-..Jlnk up a\.J:~-W.l<0<.._...,. single ~-die engine of thtir fragile borne at t :S7 a.m. Tuesday. ~ Huntington Beach polic! jd£ntlfie(f the · boy a& Dean Allen Hart, 14, wtio had M TV come to tbe beach with a church group, OSCOW · then~ disappeared when he apparenUy Wandered into Ute heavy surf alone. Lileguards are sUll searching for Dela'ys F.;lm another drowJting victim, lost Frfday 11 from Huntington St.ate Beach. _Mj$filog .. ~ ... ~l:m<>re . Nelson, 22, ·of of L d • Riverside, who was reeelitly"d!Bdlnged ' . . . an ing from the Air Fork. Lileguards labeled Nelson 's disappearance an apparent MOSCOW (UPI) -Moocow television reported the Apollo story u the last Item on ila, late newacut S11J11ia1 nl&hl Ind "landing craft after nearl9 22 hour• m ttie '1'1teir thruJt lander which M!dled them moon. anto the lurface Sunday for a 21'2-hour They left behind the i....-leued de-llJY, served them, too, at Wt.off, Tbet scent otage from wbicll the world left behind the '1!1ndly-legged lower watdled them '!'P to tbe 'lllliJce. •lage, their lauacliing platform, as 1 Their aim was to achieve the relaUve perm.anent memento of July 20, J969 - safety of lunar-otbil after an eD&ine n,... tbe day man landed on the moon, . ing of seven minutes and II 1ec1l!>do. It.,... lbe lint ~I rocket bad l!lled Once in orbit, they were to begin anyililng ·f'iom tbe -m-Tlie dramatic maneuvers toward linking up with the· operaUorui to remove Armstrong and comm~p ~ing Ml~ael Collins, Aldrin Jr., from the alien wcrkl <1f th• who orbited above them tliroughout their moon began at 7:30 a.m. PDT when adventure. ' ground contmJ leri awakened Michael "Eagle, Houston, one minute and Colllns1 clrdinl the moon. alaoe-in the you're looking good," laid miaa1on con-commaod .aftp Columbia. ~ay nigbl Weguards tP9lt<d a floating body olf tbe clty beach - pogsbily 1'!!1'<'>'• -b<lt were unable to retrieVe IL . ~ • ,~ ltlieti --.."!:!~~­•Nii1id _u .. war .. ..,..,, Mm.: .. , trol. . . . j ·But no· mat&er what laJ .lhad, they ,. ~;~411 ·~!"~--~-......,..·bdv ... to llilla'J. 'lbljr .. ~ forth," uld Aldrlil. , · 'l!' lht-. -~ o1 \'1!111!' ooil =~b~;f1&~· where. '1 body WU found 'talt'Sit*-o day. . ' · "Someµmes the bodies cf drowning •io- tirns float up to Surfsid~ aJ?d ~ lodked in the weapons station 1etty," ~ one ~Uy lifeguard, "we'll badve •,;man • 1eareh the jetty area in a few ays. •teavy riptides and heavy crowds - whleh apparently caused boat death• Wt week -calmed dowo over: the weektnd a1oog Huntington Beach's city snd IUt• -· said Weguards. City beach rescues dropped from mare than too Friday to 212 Saturday wllill lht Mrs. Armstrong . - Says She. Had Sinking Feeling ~ ·I\· airiid . ,rt:llm• . tbe_ JftrJ o•·Ik --_ ~1' o;: The ~et ·CorimDlat par l J. , ~ . •.. ;. "' [.r.,' · ~ .... .,........ newapaper Prm!a ~Ila,.....,,., . . in order to cany lbe .-landlng ·11ory; AR1JST'S .01!,\Wf NG -Ascent stage eaves MO!lft with astl!>oaut.. ,.-;·•It under_ Ille headline '.'Moonlali-_---:::a~bo~ml~ •. ~D~e'.::i~c~en':t_:s~t~a-~e~lelt~~behi~~·~nc1~a~1~Amu~::'.:tronr=:..'_Al_drin_;·=h.:ead=:f:o:r:_ ~ --~ -endtzv:OUS-with CollmsJn.coiriiDand ship. ded l" ' Even llO, Apollo 1 got smaller _headlines in Pravda than the rriain story, which WU about • change of orbit by the UD• -Soviet Luna 15. 'Moon-to Bea~h The delayed a!Jowlng of tbe tanillng sbaived aslnllmll Nell A. Anrutrong's R ' J: _ C C f S =i - rim atep, the rals!n, ol tho Ameifcan • !JCIU Ome to oaB~ OT tuuy flag and tho aslrulaull carrying out • -~- IC!enlillc taat& · By RVllt NIEDZIELKKI bound ·up water whlcb can be. dislil!ed f.., Tbe.ilrfglnal IDWld track In English, In-. °' .. _...N__, .. ,... hwnan -"""8Ulllplion -lhrou""-lhe a~ c!udlDr convtnation bet.ween the moon P ,..-and the manned spacecraft center In "1. was Jfstenlng to every wont, Buzz plication cf 90lar and nuclear e.l'lera- Houston. wu broadcast with occa.stonal Aldrin was · saying~ . He has. -the . Basatti-; &llbst.Qnces .. .Jcienr1.Sts say, Russian translations. background o( 4 ~Iogist and I \v8! Qu ite posses• exctllent insulating properties as , Thi· Soviet press agency Tass c~rried interested when be sltid he was piclti~g · well and ·could be bsed to shield life from Its 1'!lst report 10 minutes alter the Ian· up samples of purple rock." the lntesne beat and cold on. the lunar ding. Hoors after man's first step on the su8rfa1cepb. d 1,_ I 11 . led "The moon lander of the cosmic ship moon. the TV f(el ".ac;:ienllst H. Gerald u ur epos ""'• usua Y assoc11 Apollo 11 with Armstrong and Aldrin Gross ket"pS COing. His excitement is with volcanic . rock, hav'e possible a~ WAPAKONETA, Ohio cUPI) _. 'Ibl laoded on the surface of the moon in the special. With &ood reuon. Part of the pUcaUon as a coolant for nuclear reactorS ut N "l A Ann area of the Sea oL Tranquility," Tass precloos rocb scooped off the mool'l ,by and as a .rnterless cement for building mother of astrona et • • Ai astrona1.1ts Aldrin· and ?:Jell Annstrorlg materials. · · strong said today "[ was worried that d. will be deliv~recf 'to Gross' Huntington. lnvestiiatiOJl of lhe moon roch may the moon might be too soft and that ht Beach laboratory'for eiquninalion. Jead to mapping of the moon for Its might sink in tod deeply." Westnu'nster The l\lcllonnell ·Douglas pbyslcliil said resom:es .. Grosa and e<>lnvesUgator Dr. "But I'm 80 thankful they gc4 tbert today, •'it's -poa:ible ·tbat the_ purplish Ip-Norman N. Greenman will subject their m ha ••-... ~ b Im share of the moon load to several dif· .. [ely... pearance ay ve uct:n ca~ y • f • t t of d" •:n-· n-.1 Mrs. Armstrong said she could tell by Nabs Fair Award purities such .. 11\aniwn." eren ypes ra .. ~. ~~ Spe<· her son's voi«: that he was "pleased, Interpreting the remarks of the twG ~~naJra~y oomparing spectra h tter d astronauts, Gross was Jncllned to believe ol the moon sampof'll;S wiUl that of earth tickled. and thrilled" when e u e The Clly of Westminster captured the that the moon was of volcanic origin. · · · ' ' man's first words from the lunar sur-top award In Ule industrial booth judning He said that teveral differeAl types ol rGcb It ,will be poMible to map the mOOn h fj' surface 4nd . pirlpoint ' au re90Uf'Ces face Sunday nig t. al the Orange Courrty Fair and Ex· materials may have been found, such as available' to future ei:plarers. She said Neil's words as be stepped on position. basa1t and 1 slippery mica·like substance the moon, "one small step fol' man, one It was evaluated the best booth on the called biotite. giant leap for mantind," came as • sur· basis of it.I education value, ingenuity, at· "It all looks very eJ:citing," lhe· scien- prise to her. Neil's father SUphen uJd tractiveness, li&Qting and completeness. ti.st said. however "It wu the same old Neil." co.ti Mesa's Chamber o( Commerce Presence of the ~Uoned niate&ls;-if Mrs. Ai;mstrong said when her son tjaptured the second spot in the com· vertt'.ied, have .flr~reachtng tmplicatlons stepped onto the moon a room full of peUlion, ,while FuUerton took third. The for sustaining fllture utronauta for ex .. friends and relatives watching the .hb-ctty of Orange finished fourth, Hun-tended ilme on ,t6e moon. • Huntington Girl Saves , Mesa 'Tot toric space venture on televll!ion at the tingt.on Beach, fifth and Newpcrt.. Beach, • VolclNc rock ii uaafiy wociat. ed. with Armstrong home in this small western F · D ' Ohio comn••111t1 "became . ablelutely . ro:rµ . r owmng qu~ the moon camera sna~ on. ~ Hu tm• gton Industry Chi" ef A y®ng Huntington Beach girl pullid a ~~~ =:w~g .. ~~":'cr~~a~~ .. n h e r Il , visiting Costa Mesa tot from the bottom \Vhen Armstrong and fellow astronaut . . • • _ of an apartinerit unit swimming pool Sun· Edwin "Butz" Aldrin bOUOced on .the • • ' day, where she spotted htm 1ying mo- .. ~~~l'·--.-~li,1111 · wnptn, their ]llOadri& ol l!lf·---ff~ tbe ·-.~-.l<iut Wi.tnd ·thelrl&lkwith't!Ni~ln mlnata -taubch. • . the Wlil!J -. a-.i la. -.. .... oi man'• conquest of the wUverse. Luna Plunges Onto Moon at High Speed JODRELL Bf.NJ{, England (UPI) - England's Jodrell Bank .tracking aallon said Ruula'• tmma~ Luna 15 epace vehicle-apparenUy plunged-to the-1w1ace of the moon todat at llUclt blgb speed It could have been severely damaged. ' Sir Bernard Lovell, chief of the track· Ing facility, said Luna 15 was I.raveling around 300 mph when it hit the moon on the Sea of Crisis, about 500 miles from the s_ea of Tranquillity where the two American Apollo asicooaub walked on the moon Sunday. U Luna 15 b11 the IW'face at that apetd, Lovell said, 0 nothln1 ii likely to survive such a landing. But thll does not mun a complete crash laDding." . However, ~IS belilVed it wouJd eJWj any possibilify, that Luna IS could llCOOp up some dirt and race ··the American astronauts back to eatth, There had been offlcla1 and unofDclal ~lation tn Moscow that this wu the purpose of the probe. A Spokesman aald Jodrel.1 Bank'• giant lracklng anteMa detected signal cbanga and then an abrupt cessation of transmiMions that lndJcated Luna 15 bad dropped wt of orbJt onto, tbe hmat aur11ce. . The observatory IBid ila giant_ dil<h radio antenna detected a rocket bla111 that evidenUy was intended · tO drop the craft out of o:bit down toward thl lunar 1urface. . . The 1pokmnan pot tho time ol tho Russian landing at 40 -afttr 1'60 a.m. PDT. Lovell &aid the velocity of alinala r<- ceived at me time they Ceued "ere "appropriate to ttiat of a Jltldlria'." -"We . shall have to wait. and ~ If we get mote slgrtall to Ke il it lilts off again," Lovell said. : · • -· When ground controllers woke Collins thlS' morning, they arranged their radio traoontu!Ma ~ tliey WOlild nsiLdtltJJtlP. the temJMlfary residents of Tranquillity Base. Millions of vtewera the world over watched 11 Aldrin and Arm.ltrong established that base when· the~ Junar module •ttled in a IWlrl ~ duat and Armatro!lg took the first human ""'P oilllie,,_ liZ and·a 11alf hours alter - the laDd!n • . During fhe1r waJk over the J~ surfaoe -fine graJoed and 1trewn with a wlde varlet1 ot rocb -Armstrong and Aldrin galhefe9 about-lll]>OWlda ol rock- snd dirt sampfes. They were calm, deliber1te and en- countered no troubles during the tlmei outaide Eagle -2 hours, 11 minutes for Armstrong and 29 minute. lw ffX' Aldrin. But Armstrong -up to now conaldered an emotionless lron man -reflected emoU.m when be uttered hi! first wofds on the mom and again when he rupond· ed to the President's telephone <ail from nearly a quarter-million-miles away. The TV plclurea Ibey beamed Ila.:~ showed them moving easily In their lttff, bulky spacesuits. The moon'a grafil1 pilled' GOly -.. bard .. Ibo wlh's snd Annstrong and Aldrin looked like two lbw motion dancen 1n .an. underwater baUet. Fllahl Director ClUf~d E. Charfesworth said after their ramble over tbe moonte1pe: "My oplnlon was that Ibey moved about ~ snd had more stobility snd •ev..;tldng than I might have though~ ~ I can't tell you wby·. , • but I felt frank11 tba1 one- (See APOWl, Pap I) Orange Weatlter :::; U:'f.·:'~=~~~ &aid, "He Kill· •. ed m· La p .:.. i ~a:·Cra1:1.h · uon1eai. .. 1 hoPe this increasel man's concept auH .. \ . Ct · SooU Let Sii'gent, &, of 718 Darryl-St.., of Goel.'' Mn. Alin!tnlng said. "t hope ) Costa Mesa, ii reported in guuded ·con--A II Build th;_, brings UI cJoser loplher and d 0 •·1 dltion 'today.ln<f under fnleasive Cart at po 0 ' ers inuch·for man and the world.'' A Huntlncton Beach lndustrial ex· M~el~ avenues and Is s~ll ·under ln· Huntington ln~unity Ho,,pltaJ. ... Summer weather continues to J)revail along the Orange Coast, and without ~ mual momJni · overcast. Temperature& will range In the high slnles and lair 1eveo- ties. INSIDE TODAY • Tbe elder Ar1Mtrolll sald.11 'Ill!' "rut ecutlve -car struck lwo con-v Poft::. ':':,'La Fillma &aid lbO unnamed , seou wu pilled lro111 lhe bottom of tbe J Co Cl~ nlce'"of President Nixon to tall: with _,ill_< ~-'!<"1~. in .La' Pahna snd a Hun"•°'~•--~-~'-'~•, ·-went out pool at '1632 :Commdd.· . ore Clrde, Hun-. ll , . . unty· . OSe£ Onfv ll<r cmifidnt• 1>1'1flmtd asli0naulsonthe'1llCIOO.Henldllle.....-·--•""7•..-bletclecollldedwllba· -.-~~-~ •·-' """ '""' 1"41 Slwmm Sflu •Ian r.unr n -_..,.a11 drdli!( lbe car·dled In onn,.1o.mt1--kend traf-ot.C<Blnll m•IJa:Pallna A,_ Jull !!esl tington""""" by_ Clndy Marten, f~. wl19 " • ""'""-~ . • . , . • • Adamt IOOuld....anil>r , in s ... moon W .. "uncalled for snd '""".'• .• u •. " fl<: ol Redford ~·before bjl1lal lbe tw~ -)Iv,. ·ln,llii., same .~0Cir);le , McllQ!Bjeu -·A'l'h '.•,I' a . .-11 Q_' ~ N. T··-·'· to -,_,_ •• .....,. ..,.. · Id •· '),!I in ked ~ ehlcl , • ·I ·~,Mlei; .U S'e•1t' eorpo,~:and ~~-Jca!I-->wKao -v. comi>KK ••• did not elaborate. Mn. A"""'°"' wish-s!'...:.~ ~ere201:'f~.1 ~ve .par The v~rn.was.,v :.1va1=i11;L:q :. Mij.\J'illela.Sorg..,l;~ 'Roc~·~p,q· '";... ~ ··~1rs1,!."0 '1!'•1§11!9 •f)~/1..,..-.:f·~ cd the~-welt in their space ,ven-,., of M 11 •·IP· .a ..,_~, ... ~·,,,i .r _,...,. . , , c 4 , 1, • .• , · -·~i1o 11 ~· .....,. ·.,,IC •• ,·• '1flr;"" """ -tu re Lene, l!Qd J-·~ .. ~Y• 9, ~ b'lo! • ~·• .....,,.. ,.,.....,.. "~ '1'::" I h p , The Anml_rotlgs, sliri In thetr sunda1 accorc116& to the onnae c 0 u n1 .Y untt; ~l"lrtH ,,.: • ..,,.,,,.. 4 '\ • ~1 Mt5. !argent' bad &larted a aearch for .ty are.cloed • #. ~"""" • : " r 0 t. OQ_I 11· church clothe.!. stepped ouL ol lhetr hwse Coroner's OUice. JnvesOi:aton said UM vletim'a wi~ ii'"' .her visiUn& grand&on wben h&.faile4 lo The two f.lr.J7'1 ~ ~doan to , tlitlit -• .. .,,.,... u..., brleny during lhe moon walk to talk Swanson wu dead of a ruptured heart en route ·to Minnesota oo vacaUoD, .W 1 retUm 11 u~ frtl{n a ...+Im tn?.the ;ttlebrlli \tie 1Untt.1MJ;lla....rdecl.-ed · :::=,.. *; :" .: with newsmen. tbey had ibilr hands llllOnf other lnjwits on arTlval at Lln-they' )lave beeu unabloJo det.ermine).et 1 po61. · . ,Prelldent Nb:~ 1dt wee -' · • ~ u..tt ~ -. • over their beads wilh their fingen crou-con1 Com.munUy 'Hospital in Anaheim. uact desUnaUbn In the midwe&tera l!fouth-h>moud\1 re~taUoD wu 1($,. • • McDonneU 1J!lte1-j.· loc8ted JD H~ '--' :! :=:-~:.!' : ed. · while tbe Tumey boy died Sundsy nigbl alate. • • , mlnlltered lo Scott li1 , Ml'I. 8-(blr' .Unaton Bach, \llllJNlkluted Ille .SIV-11 -"""' " ,_ -""' They sald they thanked God for the at81ntaAna0ommunlty Hospital. Attempll are tl9o being matle to CMlo ,Ntwtll, t1*her ' aJ)IJ'f.men't ~ ~ atai:f ol ~Cbe..,,,. V 1oeW. a 1=-r ':'r ,: .if.t-:-f':1 safe landinJ ol the Eagle -•ft on Tba_accld<nl lnvolting the Turney boy lact .... of lhevidlm, who ii lielle!e'i :~ ,laler ro~;lha,·-~""' :~.-or.the_ ... ' . .1· _:;.,,. :: tho moon, liut •dded ilJeI llilJ prll"ld tor _1nd.1,c1r driven l!LMl'I. Emiko M91by, to be.a teadier at an lodlan ......,.!Dl r::;,..=.. took mm to llimiriicloia ·~ lil 'SUI ._ llf a!o•fJ · " - -... Nell'l -ilfe rtturn. 2t, ol 1\Jllln, OCCIJJ'nd at Red Hill and In Arbona. 'ty. -" · Am<rlc11lll0Ckwell SJ*ll DIYlll"-' · ,_...._ ______ -__ ._.;.J • • ' l • • I ' . • • I • • ---· • . " Mood(f') JulJ 21, 1969 ' Moon Lartding · faydi t:· Roek V~rriety :4 polw A:stroMati ~rospe~ing .Cou,ld Unlbck ·Secreu-of:.A.ge and_ Or:igi:n SPACE CEN:l'ER, llouJlon (AP) .!.The tlolll Dini lldtay, 1eo1oitat olUli lgi< lll,jljtM IJii~ ~lllro kidl thOtr tub was within lhe llmlll shown out by meloorlc biipact in compujMI lo ~ u&Wl!ll llrllclt~ in llltlt lllll~iti Caiter. • • in a play.,owid. • ' on tllelr •arlh training, said Dr. WU!ard the lllrfa<o rocb," aid Dr. Gerard P. :UDIJlll \Se mooo :: · • Tiley !Ollnd n... pl~ lhe ""'°"much ll lhe moon .un shlmmles alter lhq·. R. Hawtw. ~ fllchl 111rgeon. , Kuiper o1 Ibo Vnhetalt1 ol ~ . • • • ".'.".:,_ . • Once, NeU MmiU'on&'a bw'tbell rose Lunar .,.,. P]pet.ry Laboratoiy 'In 'l1lelt ~ ~yoclallY wu_ ln·llndllw ~ bard er than •mana~ geologists and lea"' today, scleolisl& lh!P-the ullr!• to 1&0 per minute, but this "" called not · Flagstalt: '"1111a la .., ·-tanlty to pick 1reat:vv1ety of diffmJ1\.ioeks,, Wiik::h astrol)Omers expected they would. It took sens1Uve.1nstruments can tell them Uthe critical, and Clifford Charlesworth, Olght up lunar lava In a IC~ perfect could tt.11 much about the taoc)rt's IP,"UC wort to 'dig out two core samples and to quakes come from volcanic activJty, ~r director, saµt it oe<:urred when he was spot1" ' • origin. plot Ibo Amerlcan flag. hl" by meterorltes. . dolog his bardest libors.• Dr. i'rtd wr=~ol Ille ·Smilh""1lln • · They ..,. a curlolll ...... rai;t• aiid • 'l'1ll)' !Ollnd f'J>Cb that" look llke baaall. Incredibly calm rnoal ollhe Ume, the , There were no lndlcation1 t be AltrGpbysjcal tor)' In Cambr~ perblps put 1t tn coe of '~1'1> tnuure bQrn Of--voltanoa,.and rocks resembling utronaub puformed well their ro~ utronaull were hit by tiny M111., sald the wnPJa collected olftriil chesta they are brlqlnJ boml:. . bJptlle, a cl.ark colored mica that us1Wly •• good obaetvers specially trained In mlcromet.orlte.<. the first cbaoce lo _. the age o!"lho An{tl>oy coted out r;fl~ deep contaloo ~ to·!odr percent water. 'lliey gl"'IOP,'·. . Scientiat.s were particularly dell&hted mooe, and oetlje <0nlr0ruJ¥ over• ltl ..,.p1to11unar soil that ".loolil! ~."a -~ tbe SUrface dusty, g<tUng their M~ly, lhelr ucunion sbowe'c! the lhat the aalroru!Uts landed In an area origin. • • suggestion u.ere. mf&ht be-water ud so ·boat! coated cocoa brown with Jl. moqn td be not so (earful a place as with a great variety of rock types, u '"Thil is a real tnDestOni ~ 1paoo_a:- perbapl_JDlCroicople -llfe ben~tb-the They set up a Seismometer which soon cauUous planners had had to paiDt il Edwin AJdrln described it. ploraUon. It shows man can OJ)trat.e on mooo•a..-ir.f~ • .Dul the moist, dart ap. was recording moon tremors, although The men surprised doctors and othcn "Landing near a crater is an unusual another plane\.'' aaJd Dr. William Picker· pearaa:e~ ialmP11_ be f r om tight these mljJht be only from the footsteps of by their quick adaptation to the moon's opportunity to collect rock samples which ing of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at packlftl..lll..fbm PlrilCfll.« inaterl.al.>cau-the astronauts, especially when they low gravity. Their eneJ1Y e.xpend1Rz!e in come from considerable depths thrown CalllornJa Imtitut~ o! ~edmoloo. . ...;.;: ' . . \ ,·-,. -... . , ... .._ -. ' -. .. M!dtl' ~~'Jle.~flt ,,,.., *!--;-2¥.' -;.* •••• llo-use Committee Cuts ., ' -. . Oll D~p letwnA·l:loiVt;tnce WASHINGTON~VPI) -'Ille "'""' Ways Eld Meam Coniml«ee voted Mon- day lo cut tbe oil depletion allowance, the major tu: beoefit of the petroleum In- dustry, frdm,f/\1-t. lo 20 per<OllL " The vote waa 18 to 7 in the tal·writlng committee on reducln& the oil depleUon allowance.~ -.conlli>vertlal ol tu. reform propoaals bein( considered by ~I voled to reduce Tirlually all miner ·aepteUoa allowances by 27 .3 per: . ceot. 20 percent -and would boost treasury ft\'enues by an esUm:4ted $400 million an- nually. . The depletion ' allowance allows an oil company to subtract 27lh percent of its gross income, up to a muimum of 50 peroent of !ti annual tolal. . Although _ most minerals producing companies -there are more than 100 - will be affected by the acros1-lhe-board 27.3 perctnt slash in their depletion allowancis, there were some exceptions. t Apo~~ _S.een ' ~ -~ . A~Symb~~· , For .Peace ' . ... -..~~-'······ I '-,. • • t I '• I ' ·11y 'IU AS80CIATEl>-PRESS • "Tllo lll4on ix the only place In lh• univ"'° where the« ire both iwmam "°"""""'·" ""1d a man.11,,1 Niainl'l>lr• Other AIWlellll v)ieWed Apojlo It " I iym!,01 "Jltllj)e a/id~U, ; : ' ~ "I lhlnt ll'i aa '"11"1)'. "°" erlL In . dvll!iatlal!-~IY a..u1ill\l•te:;m In 11.be way ·Of lite. Aild ..every lclen ·1dvanco,Ji ulllmii<IY (0< '°"'1 "' , Judge· Alvin lvllllaiils nl M"Ollnt V"1>!NI, m. . Presldent Nixon, apealll"nJI by radio- telephone from lhe White' House, told astronauts Nell A. Armstrong and·Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., "For One price~ moment' ' ·Jn the-le hix!«1 of -all al the peo-ple oq thli earll> are truly one." -Preoklenl aald· tbe1Apollo mllsion "ins.Pires wi tO redouble our effort.,. to bring peace ancflranquilltf to earth." Leafy Noble, 74, of Moonville, Ind., relleeted _.,It was even--more-es.eitinf than lha/ day In July 1918 when the f1nt tiir'PJane flew over Moooville." ~ 5~23, ofPorUand, <lie., oald, !')1iben nlr.irandmother waa Yol#lt they were just learning bow to fly. Now t · wonder wbat'J going to happen by the time.I'm be.r ace-" . Edw;u:d Slater of~. Nev., aaid, ''l hope II does-!Ol!l<!lhlng for the futUtt not only for peaoe·on earth but throughout the universe." · · · . Frederic~ Durint. .an-employ• ol the Smllhaoniao IM\11\lllon in,' Wasblnglon. found Apollo 11, "a ~ thrill. •haring with everyooe Jn the world this event ·w~ch coUJd open the next stage in the. evolution of mankind." .Dean Hatvkk, of a..vre,.MonL~ stood in tbe Smltbaontan ben<alh the.Spirit oi St. Louli, the tiey alll>laoe In whlch Cblrles f.. IJndberg)I Oew alone across lhe .w,.n. --~pokfsmOll-Aitl"· tbl< - would redilcie the oil an4 tai deple~on lo 'Ille £:1ttee let st.and at 15 percent the pr nt depleJ,ion allowance on gold, sj!yer"1 ,jj&le, copper 1Uld-t~~·- encourage dom~Uc exploration. · -··Ill! ll!.1911; llllhald, "il'I .,uiw·~-.. - ' N6t everyOIH! looked at-tli• bright" sldt .. . ·, .Work Resumes on ValleY: .Wi"ldernessCampground Fouataln Valley's 1Uve:r Park project -the Pt1'1 only wlldemeu campmg grounds -Is under ny qain a f le r .....,., !le1a1• cauaed bY the heavy wlnte tibia " llld rupbJrt cl a main trunkllne.DI the <>r1n11e County SanitaUon Dlllrli:l . . sanitation ~ fiave' nea rly ropalred die broken line wtllcb r u n 1 School Principal Wins Battle With Parents A Weatminst.er elementary school prin- cipll bU won ber baUle with a handful of pareills wbo bad charged her with ~e and hanh pracUoe3 while run- nlnf-Manhall SCbool in tbe Gmleo Grove Unified Schlol District. • Mrs. lAls Adama was cleattd by a fivt meDlber panel of school ailmlnlstraton who 18b1ed the charge a "per'9onallty con- flld" between her and Mn. John R. PellcboWlkI, 15560 Canna Way, who lads· ed It. Mn-Pellchowski bad· said the principal -fw<!ng atudeflts to \'1a1t family doc· tori to use tranqutlizers and other medlcation. and that she WIS lnterefering with the wort of the PTA. Tbe. DiArict Attorney's office had earlier tnve1t.11ated. the matler and also d<clared Mn. Adam. torux:ent of the ": administrators uid Mn. Adams doea run a "tight ab.ip" but it wu just a problem of Mra. Pelichowski disagreein& with her administration. [l,\I I'( 1-'l 1 •)f ORA.NOi COU1 """dt!M CQMl>'AM' .......... WM4 ~-~ J•<l .. """"' ..,.~-:wo-.r ...... n...r • .a -'i..::.:.:. '="' Ali..tW .... ..., wnn •• a..1 ~· .......... ._,,. ...... at'rl" .... ~ ... OMcti JOt ltlt $trMt M•m..t ,M;,.., P.O.'" no, f2MI --.._... ..... m1 .......... ....... Qlll ... ! ....... ...... ................. ,,..... .Mlt. ...... .-............. .. ... ll'fM. ............ --.... ............................ ... ,.. .. wii.,. °"" ........ ................................. ......... -. .... c.t,.,... --ClllllllMr,,..... ......... "" .... ....... ~ ..... --..... .., ........ ~-.... j.! ':: ; cn•r MMm a , ~ .... , .. Cl W f .Wsa1M I Ml-Mfl ~ ...... "-........ c..N4M' --............... ...... -=r--:,: _,.11 1 s.-..._..= ......... ..,, • .t.._______ --~-... .. c..-=: e 11 :1sn • .., --··-...... _,. ,...,., ................. . l across the Riwr Park property, sak1 stan Stafford the city's Recreation and Park l)epertiiient director. Earlf rains had eroded the toil, then breakage of the sewer line prevented vohmtetr crews from entering River Park to clean It out. ' · The-etty~ rml.ic campsite Is -dt;velOped by V<ll<mf...-labor and donaled funds. Land wu contributed by the city at a site surrounded by Ellis Avenue, the San Diego Freeway and the Santi Ana River. "We have some men cleaning up the park ·now," s ·al d Stafford, "but the sanifation dlsi'rid won't let yooth groups enter the park to work yet.'' Bid.s aie out for construcUon of the sewer lineJ added Stafford. The restroom facilities "1U be built by volunteers from the Fire Department and other men's organi?.aUona:.. ~ FoUntaln_ V_a 11 e y Woman's Club b&d donated $250 for the conaele slab under the.restroom and for _ a flag pola. • Other grpupa, Including boy scouts and various youth organluUons, will uter the park ln August to clear out the weeds and prepare the camping grounds. Fire Departm ent voluntttrs abo plan to COMVdd 'an oUtdoor ampltheater for camp fireS and ,roup gatherings. ''l!• bad originally hoped lo have lbe camp ivallable lo F<ilintain Valley groupo thll summer, now we expect it to be teady by the fall," said staf!ord. From Page l APOLLO .... • • 1lnb G mlabt surprise 111 to some extent • • , I'm sure (however) they had absolutely no problem with moving around and appeared to be quite com- fort.able ." - The Eqle crewmen apparenUy were not so comfortab~ during their IrHlour rnt period inside the lunar module after the moonwllk. Flight aurg..., ~ that Armstrong, the only one wired to send biomedical data back to earth, tlept only fitfully through the night. It may have been lack of comfort 11 much u ncltemenl. Inside the lunar roodule, the pilots havt to sleep by lean- ing up against a bulkhead In \he rhachlne ., lhat lhey fly atancllng up. !flSSlon Control commentator 'l'<nJ' Wbite noted .as Collins went behind the moon and lost commlUl1c.aUorui on his 23rd crblt of the moon: "Not since Adam has any human known such solitude as Mike C.Ollins, with no one to talk to ex- cept bis tape recorder." · Beach Trustees To Fix Tax Vote Trustees of the Hwitington Beach Union High School District are expected to set a elite for a future bond election Ind tax ovtrrlde during a board meetint scheduled lot To:.! p.m. Tu!>day. The tentative $11.65 million bond would be wed for lhe con!lrUcllon or new sc.bool1 and l(lPrOvement of others. Olh« matt.en to be dlscuued during the meetina Which wlU be held at the. ad· mlnlstraUon otnces, 1902 17th St., are a revt.ston of the student dress code 11nd 1 report oo lbe dlstriel"J auessed valua· tlon. --Wenttr Mlrll9N .. .._. of the moon venture. · · Nellie Lawrence of Atlanta said, 11Man ain't supposed lo be there. I've.-lo ·shopping i:ent<n and everybody Ii ~red because God didn't inlend lhe l!IOOD iln- ding. God didn't intend man to set foot on the heavenly bodies." Mrs. Ophelia Gaudry, also of Atlinta, JOSEPH BILYK (WET SUIT) SITS SAFELY ABOARD HARBOR PATROL CRAFT AS HIS BOAT BURNS Explosion and Fire Off Scotchman's Cove S.nd Huntington Beach Man Into Water • sald. "It's a lot of money wasted. I would have spent it to feed the hungry -and I'm white. And I would have reduced w·. es." w.-JMrMlill..,,... Barry P. Peterson of Salt Lake City agreed: "I think it's a waste of the lai:· payers' money. l think they could find · :something better to spend it on , •. like about a nillllOn poor people In the 'tlP1ted SI.a.tea. I think when tbey solve the ·pro. blems down here they can go klokirlg other places." . Ttie Rev. Joseph S. d-o9ider of Rich·~ mond, 'Va.., took a middle growld: "Man · is not able to deny hi.s adventurous sld11 for the sake of social responsibility ••• Both are part of man's total experience." Younger Americans 'had their ofliii special points of view. "I'd like to go with the astronauts: because I like to collect rocks," said . Lance Rider, 10, of Virginia Beach, Va •. "Someday I want to take a vacaUon to the moon -and I will, too," said Connie : Pellerito, 10, of SCottsdale, Ariz. · 'HARD WAY' BURNS TO WATER LINE BEFORE SINKING OFF SCOTCHMAN'S COVE Authorities Theorize Lffk In Fuel Tank May Have Caused Loss of Craft Sarah Greer, 13, of Rochester. N. V., said, "Afan, was I worried. I was afraid · they might see somebody up there who wouldn't like the idea of our being up there. After all, we certainly wookln't want the men from the moon down here." Gre1ory Laroque, 15, of Baltimore, watched the lunar landing, then said, "It .. took them long enough to get there." ·Huntington Man Sm·vives Boat Blast Off Coast A 2S-fciot cabin cruiser exploded and sank off Scoichman's Cove Saturday afternoon, bul the lone ·man aboard was lhrown Into the water and escaped injury. Joseph Bilyk, 21Z7% Bulkhead Circle, Huntington Beach, was picked up out of . the water moments after the 3 p.m. ex- plosion by another boater while his $7 ,000 ''Hard Way" burned and f.llnk to the ocean bottom. • Bilyk told the Harbor Palrol he had been diving, had just got on board and was preparing lo return to Newport Beach. When he turn·ed on the Ignition key the resulting ei:plosion threw him in· to the water. A Harbor Patrol spokesman theorized a fuel tank leak aused the flte. Beach Official Appeals Decision Huntington ll<ach councUmeo tonight will oooslder an appeal, by a councllman, from !be ptlllJllng cnmmtsslon declalnn lo penn11 a ltJ.fool llign Car e new furniture at«e . Councllinan Jerry Matney appealed the H planDinl cnmmtssion decision lo allow the devilUon from lhe ~loot belg)lt llm!L APi>llcant Is Leon I.evil> of Phoenix. Arit. nie sign would serve a massh•e rurniture store al lhe northeaat. corner of Got.bard Sl.rttt and Edinger Avenue. The · city planning otalf bad recommended that the •pplicant be allowed a 10-foot Huntington Fihll A film program of broad appeal will be shown by the Huntington Beach Public I.Jbrary at Annex 2 at 9281 Banning Street Tuesday al 7:30 p.m. "\Vlnged World", a Na t i o n a 1 Geographic film of wwsual and exotic Series to Screen birds filmed in their natural habitat in many different parts of the world, is a recent purchase of the audio-visual department. The second film is famed old·llme 'comedian Buster Keaton's last pi~ture, "The Railroader". And another miserable Saturday was had by all Liberal Soviet Poet Fired From M~gazine itoscow (AP) -Poet Yevgeny Yev4 tushenko. 36, and two other Soviet writers some times considered liberal have been fired from the editorial board of a Soviet magazine, an editor conf'mned today. The next time you eome In bore for undenboru (Sl.50 to S2,50), or walk oboru (S7 Ip SIS), or owim oboru (8~ to aIS), try to mile It on a Monday. Or a Tue.day. Or a Wed· 1\fy banker, my auditor and where were "'e? Here in this newday. Or • Friday. . my compedlon would huiat 1tore, "orkiug our fann1e1 oft. Bui tnppoee ii'• a Saturday that Saturday wu actually • One of our men said to me and you decide you need 1pleudid day. Our salee fi8" one day, bey, Jeck, why don't 11hon., or a auit or 10m,e.. ure• keep goi"ll ahead of luf we run our ads on Monday• thins? -·"•· uta" •-d• I th d ,-,_ < D at -l._.t to. So what'• oo miaenble? Brilliant! So "that'• exaetly 'day'• ad,"Pnitend ft'a Taeoday Ha..tq to work. what ...., did, Notiee what day and come In anyway. ' We med to nm onr Ilda on of the weel! la at the top of By the _,, wlia1 happened Satu..dayo, Thia newapaper ii thlo page. to Tbnnday? delivered to niany homee on Saturday mornin1•· We'd oometlma II"" ao blared· buoy around here on • Satun1ey afternoon that all of no could hardly stand It. We leamed to hate Satur· dayo. When everybody el .. wao ont bavlq a good time, Jack Bidwell 3407 Via Udo at Newport Blvd., In Newport Beach next to Rkhard't Market and The Lido Theater. Plenty of bee parldq In the rur. Phone 67345IO ·Copyright 1969, Jaek Bidwell. sign, 1'--------------------------------..J \ I , ' I ' I I I I .. " I ' ' ' ·.··,··:=-"· ... ,. . -. .. . . . • ., ' . ~ount&jn -. VaHey ' • ' <I • j • VOL 62, Np. 111: 2 SECTIQf'I S, 30 PAGES ·ORANGE• CQUNTY, ·CAL1FO!t~A .. I ·: . . '. • .. ' . ' •' I ' _, J , MQNllAY, Jl:ILY.2foJ194t ~-·- • • ' . ·- • •• ....... ~ _._ .••. -... ---'- " . . -..-. 'Beautiful' "Rid€, Sends · LM .~--~ --· • IR ' -- . .. I ' Floated to SUt"fside Drowned Youth's Body Rec.·ove:red The body ol a )'ico Rivera boy who state be,.,ii totall dipped lo ~ Sat~y " drowned· ,Tuesday at Huntington Beach after 150 r~·Fr.W.ay. City Beach ·was found Saturd8y by Seal Both beacbeB-reported the water much ,__E ~"-~ke--Ht-tJi!.'".'.Gater-~!!ldsy.,.f~lai!.weet'1 beaVJ ?-neal the U.S. N.av.al-W.eapons..stallw.Je.Jr-_ -surf_ and-~~ .riptides. tyH:untington Beach potice identified .tbe .. boy as Dean Allen Hart, 14, whO had. come to the beach with a church group, then disappeared when he apparently Wandered into tht heavy surf alone. . Lifeguards are . still s'earching . for another drowning victim1 lost Friday from Huntington State Beach. Missing is Elmpre Nelson: 21, or JUverside who was recently discharged from the' Air Force. Lifeguards labeled Nelson's disappearance an apparent drowning. . . . . Moscow TV Dehtys Film Of Landing fl.ale Friday nigbl lilell"ards-spoUed a <.flo.uiig 'body oil' Iii• dtt bellch - ,._,.., possll!Jy· ll~n·s ~ .blJl'-•ete 1111aJ>.Ie J-· retrieve It. Lifeguard spokesman .. ,. a ae~~~ ...Wd orob•bly I!< condllct•itl• tho ~ .. wl>ere Hart'~ llOClY was found list Satur· day. . · . · "Sometimes the bodies' of drownmg·vu~-ti~ (\pal up to Surfsid9 ind be«<ne I""""" In the weapons stlilion jetty," sala ""&'!<~ lit:r ' .. ,--·-w·.1111-have-a man-one Clty Lneguar..., e . ., iearch the jetty arei in a few days . llcavy riptides and heavy crowds - which apparently caused both deaths last y,•eek -calmed down over t'he weekend along 'HunlingtOnlS<mch's-city a~· slal$ beaches said lifeguards. €ity ~ch-rescu£S_dropPJCt from more li\an 400 Fri<IBl'· 1o :ll2 Saturday W!illi the T Mr$. Armstrong . 1 Says She Had • Sinking Feeling WAPAKONETA, Ohio. (UPI) -Tbe mother of astronaut Neil A. Arm· strong said today "I was worried that the moon might be too soft and that he might sink .in too deeply." "But I'm so thankful they got there safely." Mrs. Armstrong said she could tell by tier so.n's voice that he was "pleased, tickled, and tliriUed" when he uttered man's first words from the luna r 1ur- face Sunday night. She said Neil's· words as he stepped on the moOn. "one small step for man, one giant leap ror mankind." came as a SU!· prlse lo her. Neil 's father Stephen '.~1d · however, "It was the same old Neil. Mrs. Armstrong said when her son stepped onto the moon a room full .of friends and relatives watcbin~ the b11-toric space venture on television •t the Armstrong home in this amalt ,,!~stem Ohio community "became all!i<'J~tely Westminster Nabs Fair Award The City "-Westminster captured the top award In the industrial booth judging at the Orange County Fair and Ex· pq.<i!Uon, It was evaluated the best booth on the basis of Jt.s education value, ingenuity, a(· tracUveness, lighting and completeness. Costa Mesa's Chamber of Commetce: ca ptured the second spot irt tJ:ie com· petitioq .. while Fullerton took third. Tbe City of Orange finished fourth, Hun- tiogton Beach, flltlf ind Newport Beach, quiet." ' · When the moon camera snapped on, Mrs. Armstrong leaned forw~rd in h e r chair and said, "Ob there he is." . Wheri AnnstrOng and fellow astronaut Edwin ''Buu" Aldrin bounctd· on the l~ar surface Mrs. ArTMtrong said. "He looks like he's having fun ." Huntington Industry Chief .I "I hope this increases man's ct1ncept of God:" Mrs. Annslrong sald. "I hope this brings us closer together and d o t 1 much for man and \he.World." The elder Anns~g aald it was 11~eal nice" Of ·President NiX9p l9 µlk wllh the .aslron~~ on the ~· He aaid the ~,.. •••• \.Uri•· n .•iJa'Cel;falt"' dltllnr=-U.. moon was '•untalled for and;unfilr.:"'He · did not elaborate. Mrs. Ann.strong wish- ed th_e Russians well in their space ven· ture. .l'he Amwrtrongs, still in their Sttnday church c!olhes, stepped out of tJ}eir boult briefly during the moon walk to talk wilh newsmen. They had ~eir h~nds over their heads with their flngers cro«s- ed. They said lheY, 1hanked GOO fOT U.. •afe landing ol 1ht Ea&le spacecraft on the moon, but added &hey sWI prayed for Nei1'1 llfe return. I .. Iruied iI1 La Palma Crash , A Huntington · Beach Industrial u- ec;utive whose ear ,struck two con· st.ruction vehicles in La .Palma and a vialUng boy Wi>?" blcyc}e collided' with a c.ar•dled. Jn.Q>aiige C<>Ulily weel:end .traf· fie. , • The vlctJms were identified as Melvin Swanson, 44, of 20153 lmperial Cove Lane, and James A. Turney, i, of Malibu, a~ng to the Orangr. c o u n t y Corooer'• Office. • · • Swanson~ waa dead of 1 ruptured hearl ~J-other lrtjurtes on arrival. at· Lln- c:Onl Community HOIJ)ital lrt Anaheim, Vlltlle the Tumey boy lied Sunday ni&ht at•Santli Ana Conununll)' HlllpitaL • Tho ac<:ldent Jnvolvtn& the Tumey boy and • car drlv!Jl!.by !tin. Emiko MOilby, :it, of Tuotin, occun«•d ot Red Hill ll1il .. .! I .. --' ., Lunar ·E~pior.e~s ' . Chasing Coili.ns I " 1fea•r . -,Sum.met weathlr coo.Unues to prev8JI ... , ... ,,the' Oranp.~. and wttboul tho' a....1 morning overcast. Temperatl,trea wll1 ranie lD the hlJh alxtl., and low -.,. u... . . .INSW~_TODAY . . r- 7 • .• •'. ,. . • • • I ~. I ' • 2 OAll.Y I'll.OT -" WASHINGTON (IJPI) -'Ille H..,. 20 pei<ent -and would boo>t treasury Wily• and Muna committee voted Mon-revenues by an eJUmated $400 million an-nually. day to cut the oil depletion allowance, the The depletion allowance allows an oil major tu benefit of the petroleum in-company to sublra_ct 2711.i percent of iu duatry, froin..Jm.f'percent to'J(fperceilL grOiS income, up to -a marhnum of 50 Tbe vote waa: 18 to 7 in the tu.wrtUng peroent,or Jts &Mual total. · committee oo reducing the oil d<pletlon Although most mlnerall producing allowance. the most co$'0yenlal of tu companiea -there are more than 100 - reform propoaall being cooaidered by Will be a!rected by the acrou-lhe-board . ' r \ • • ' ., Congress. · . · 27 .3 percent slash in their depletion 1 The plDtJ voted to reduce vtrtuaUy,_all aUQwances, there were some exceptions. 1 mineral depld.lon allowances by 27.3 per· , 'Fl)e co!PJilittee let stand at 15 percent cent. __ .. . th«;..~J.Jle11letio9_allowance_._20 gold,·_~ . --~A-~ll!i""'".pa~e--1~=-snvor~<ill iliale, copper aoo ffiii or. to \Yoiild'ioC!uce the oil and ps d<pledoa to _.,. ~es\IC nploralloo._ · ~ I - ,Work Resumes on V alleJi ~a:~~~~!~~ _ the clty'a only wildernen camping Stan Stafford. the city s Recreet on and · . 1 Park t>eportm<nt dlrect<>I". ~ -ls under way q:am a te r Early rains had eroded the aoil, then serious dellya ~ by t.be heavy breakage of the sewer line prevented ~ n1nl llld, ruptunJ of a main vt.lunteer crews from enterlna: River lnmkl!De of lbe ~e Co\lnty Sanitation Park lo clean it out. Dlltrl~ · -Th• clty:OJllllllOTed rustle campelte ii SanftaUon .eniJnem have• lf•ar·Jy beQr<im'kjpi;d by wj~ f~>and _....., the -lioe wllicf> run a donaled funds. Land wu contrlbu~ by ,..,_..... , , the city at a site !Um>unded by Elli.! ~ ' Avenue, the San Diego Freeway and the t.: l D • • } Santa Ana River. Scu00 -:F nJIClpa "We have IOl!le men cleanlna up 1ho park now,!' said Stafford, "l>ut the sanitation di.strict won't let youth groups Wms. Battle ente 111e R<rk to wort yet." Bids ara · out for constrodlon of tll• ~ sewer· line.! 'added Stafford. The rritfoom WI.th Parents 1acif111es . .v111· be built by vo~tee,. from the Fire Department and other men's . ( ----_ Qr.aaniuUona~ Tbe FO'!l'Jtain v. ~ 11 e 'I A Wutmbater elementary schoo1 ~ Woman's Club bad donated $250 for the ci~ ha{! won i;.er ~tlle with a handful of cc:increte llab ~er the restroom. and fOr pa"1!ll wOO bad charged .her wltb a flag poJt, I abullve and harsh practices while nm-~'Jl'OllP'I• Including boy lli:o\lta and nlnl-'-Manhall-Scbool -In tba Garden v . )'O!ltll -orpnl11tlons, will ent<r G'°"' Unified Schdol Dlmlct. the par ·1n··Auguat to clear<>Ut lbe weed> Mrs. Lois Adams was cleared by a five. al\d prepari: the' camping grOuodsi member panel ol ochool administrators Fire Departrnent volunteers """ plsn wbo !lbled tho charge a "peraoaallty con-to consttud *" outdoor ampltbeajer for flict" between her and Mrs. John ·ft. cimp flrei lbd group gatherings. 1 PellchOWlti, 15160 Canna Way, who lodi· ~·We had ' CJrillnall1 boped to ~· tho ed it <amp av~able to Fountaln Valley groups Mrs. Pellchowald had said the prioclpal OOs summer, now. we expect it to be wa fcirdnC atudertts to Wit family dQc. ready by _the f1D," r;ald·Stafford. ton to use tranqulUWs and other medication, and !bat Ibo was lntere!ertng with tba work of the' PTA. The Diatrlct Attorney's office had earlier Investigated the matter and also decllred Mrs. Adams iMocent of the chu'1ea. School admiNstrators as!d Mrc. Adams dou nm a "Ugbt ship" but it was just a problem of Ml& Pelichowslti disagreeing with her administraltOn. .from Page l APOLLO .••. •• :sixth G might IW'pri1e us to some extent • • • I'm: 1\U'e (however) ·they had absolutely no problem with moving around and appeared to be quite . com- fort.able." The Eqle crewmen apparently wen not so comfortable during lhelr I~ reat pertod lnslde the lunar moduJe lafter tho moonwalk. Flight surgeon& reported tti&t Armstrong, the only one wired .to 1Sel)d biomedical data back to earth, l}epl only fitfully through tbe night. lt may have been lack of comfort as much as en:itement. lMld• th& lfmar module, the pilots have to 1Tfep,by lean- ing up against a bulkl):ead in the machlne , that t.hey fly i;tanding up. Missklo Control commen!Ator Terry White noted as Collins went behind tht moon and lost C'Ommunlcatlon1 on hi& 23r4 orbit of the moOn : "Not l1nce Adam has any human known such aolltude as Mike Collins, with 110 one to talk to t1- cept bls tape recorder." \ Beach Trustees ·To Fix Tax Vote ' . JO~Pft BILYK '!WET SUIT) SITS SAFELY.ABOARD HARBOR PATR~L CRAFT AS H1s'8oA'T"':iiR'Ns · -Explollon ond Fl" Off Scotchman'• Cove Stnd Hunllnvton Beach Man Into Woltr Wtl'lltr Mll'MN P'Mr. es." Barry P. Peterson of Salt Lake City agreed: "1 think it's a waste of the tax- payers' money. I think they could fmd something better to :spend it on • • • like 1 abOut a mllllOl'l poor people tn the United States. I think when they solve the ·pro. blema dqrn here they can go looldn& other places.•• The Rev. Joseph S. Crowder of ·Ricb-· mond, Va, took a J'.lliddle ground: ''Man ' is not able to deny his adventurous aide for the sake or social resporu:lblllty ... Both are part.of man's total experience." -Younger Americans had their own . special points ot view. "I'd like to go with the astronauts: because I like to cotlect rock!," said . Lance Rider, 10, of Virginia Beach. Va. "Someday I want to take a vac1Uon to - the moon -and I will, too," said Connie Pellerito, 10, of ScotUdale, Ariz. 'HARD WAY' BURNS TO WATER LINE BEFORE 'SINKING OFF SCOTCHMAN'S COVE Authorities Theoriz• L11k in Fuel T1hk May H1v1 C1used Loss of Craft Sarah Greer, 13, of Rochester, N. Y., said, "Man, was I worried. I was arraid they might see somebody up there who . wouldn't like the idea of our being up there. ·After all, we certainly wouldn't- want the men from the moon down · here." Gregory Laroque, 15, of BaltimOre. watched the lunar landing, then l!laid, "It took them long enough tO get there.'' Huntington Man Survives Boat Blast Off Coast A ZS.foot cabin cnll:str exploded and sank of.f Scolchman'• Cove Saturday afternoo11, but the lone man aboard was thrown into the water and esc8ped Injury. J°'eph Bllyt, 21272 B-ead Circle, JlunUngton Beach, Was picked up out of the water moments after the 3 p.m. ex· plosion by another boater while his $7,000 "Hard Way" burned and r.ank to the ocean bottom. BUyk told the Harbor Patrol he had been divi111, had just 1ot on board and was Jnparing to rt!Um to Newport Beach. When be turned oh the ignlllon key the re.sulUng explosion threw him in- to the water. A Harbor Patrol spokesman theoriztd a fuel lank leak c•used the fire. Beacli Official Huntington Film A film program of broad appeal will be shown by the Huntington Beach Public Library al Annex 2 at 9281 Banning Street Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. "Winged World", a Nat 1ona 1 Geographic film oC unUBual and exotic Series to Screen birds filmed in their natural habitat in many differ ent parts of the world, is a recent purchase of the audio-visual department. The :second film is famed old-time comedian Buster Keaton's last piclure, "The Railroader". Liberal S-Oviet Poet Fire<!. From Magazine MOSCOW (AP) -Poet Yevgeny Yev- tushenko, 36, and two other Soviet wriler1 sometimes considered liberal have been fired from the editorial board of a Soviet magazine, an editor confinned today. And another -miserable Saturday was had by all n... n,xt time you oomo in here for uadonborto (tl.50 to 52.50), or walk oborto (S7 . to 815), or owim 1horto ($6 to SIS), try to make It on a Mondoy. Or a Taooday. Or a Wed. 1\ly l>anker, my auditor and where "·ere we? Here in tl1is nesday. Or a Friday. A I D . . my competitor• would indlt &lore, work.ing our fannle1 off. ·Bot suppote It'• a SatDrday Ppea s ' ec1s1on that Saturday WU actually a Ono or oar men said to ..... and. you decide you need eplendid day. Our 1alett fig· one day, hey, Jaek, why don't shorta, or a lllit or IOIDeo HUl'lt1n&ton Beach councilmen tonight ure1 keep going ahead of Jut ~e ~n 1 oor ads on ~to~days. thin«? wUl consider an appeal. by a councllman, year'l!I. 1n1tead 1 In that Cate, dJlt'efPJ"Cl to. from tile planning comm!aaloo daclslon to So what'• oo milenhlot Brlllllmtl So tba1'1 ~actly day'i ad. Pretend 11•1 Taooday permlt 1 llS-foot allll lor a new furniture Hanni to work. what ""· did. Notice what day and eome ta anyway, ' Trusttt3 or tile Hunllngton Boach 110re. . We aaod to run oar ado on of tho .....J< ia at the top of e,. t\le Wl!y, wllat bappeaed Union High School Dlatrfd are eipectad COonclfman Jerry Mainey appealed the Saturdaya. Thie ...,,."P"P"" Is thia pogo. to Tbundayt lo set a dalo for 1 future bond election 4-1 plannln1 c:ommWton dechlon to allow delivered to many laomee on and tu ovonide during a board me.tlng tlie deviaUon from tbe 3$.lool hel(ht Saturday mornlu1•• We'd scheduled !or 7:!0 p.m. Tuelday. llml um· 1 b'--i-' b The tentativt •tt.GS mlllion bond would t. some ea P to au cu 111y be used for the conatrucllon of new Applicant la Leon lAvlti of Phoenix, around here on a · Sfturday schooll and lmprovment of others. Arlt. The alan would serve a ma11stve a_ftemoon--thiit-all of u1 could- Olher mailer• to be discussed durln( furniture store al tile northeast comer of hardly aW.d It. 3467 Vii Lido at Ne"l'or1 Blvd, iQ Newport Beach the m .. ilnl 1¢1ch wtll be held at tile ad· Gothard Sfreet and Edinger Avenue. The '\Ve learned to hate Satur· next to Rlcbard'• Makel and The Udo Theater. :=t~ontb~f~~~ c!J0 :~}-city planning lllaff bad recommended dayt. Whoa everybody oloe Plenty or free parking In the roar. Phone 67S-4Sl0 report on tile district's wwed valua· tllat tilt appllcant be allowed a 70'foot wa1 out lua~lq • f!Ood time, Copyrlpt 1969, Jack Bidwell. Uon. sign. 1 '-------------.:.;.._:_ _____ _;_ _ __;;__~ _____ _J ' Jack Bidwell ., I ; I ' 1 I - L I • • " ·I • • I •I I ; ."' -~ -. · ... - . ' . LIJ~a Reaeh -- • I i ~- • •• . -VOL:. ~2, NO •. '173, 2 SECTIONS, 30' PWS ORANGE COUNTY-, CA(IFORNIA .. '. ' ' . ' ' . ' MOND~Y, ~UL~ ~t ll'?6t JEN C£NTS · ·, • . ' • • Ride Sends· . LM in __ autiful' Wrights to M~n wgunan A1.so Saw First Flight-· Now it's men on lbe moon. lcyiD J. Oswald, 7'"year-old Lag'una Beaclt resident, remembei-s when it was man in., the air thal was the stupendous news .. In 1904 Oswald saw one of the Wright brothers ·ny-in the first airplane. It probably was a EOuple of months after-=:the-historic first . flight at Kilty Hawk. But there was no television buildup in those days <i.nd it' stlll Was pr~tly startling to a gfammar school kid in.knickers. . · '1 think everybody Was awe struck. That is the wa~ I would put Jt," said Os,vaJd, a widower, of 559 Cypress Drive. ~ watched the moon lending on television Sunday, saw practically the AJlen-ltta-y-llelp whole thing and thought lt was "stupen· doua.'/ He thinks be was maybe more thrilled than he'd beeo in 1004 "because I have mor~ undei'standin& of mari•s pro- gre$5." M. OSWlld recalls all school children in Chicago were let out to See one of the Wright brothers, he doesn~t remember wb.iclt, Oy where Soldien Field now stands. near Lake Michljaq. "Thert were no wheel< on the pli.ne, just skids, .and·t!iey <ifoppell a wclgbt.IO catapult it intO tJie air," he rememhers... "The pilot' sal on tbe front wing. I'd say lle flew about a mile or two up I.he field, tunled &round and-came back. The alti- tude WU about 600 feet, J'd gues~ didn't fly very high.'' , Save Salt Creek Plea ' A.wajts . Cou~iy,: fj·a«r~ .By JEROME f'. COLIJNS Of 1M 0.11Y P11DI SI.rt A group of Laguna Beach area ciliiens, gupported by petitions bearing more 01·~n t,800 signatures, Tuesday ~ill once again :•slt Orange County supervtSOrs to_a$!lure public aCc:ess to the public tidelands at Salt Creei beach. The delegation, heeded by Brennan "Hevs" McClelland, May find an ally in Fifth District Supervisor Altoo E. Allen. Allen Friday urged that su~rvisorl earmark some $1 million in the new budget for beaeh¥acqulsition purposes. It would take three cents on the county tax rate -now $1.68 -to generate that amounl Wllile Allen did not specify any particular beach area.-he-noted thaLthe public "ls becoming aroused over blocK· ing• off th e beaches and we should •do :something about it.'' SPENDING 14 MILLION "We are spending more than $4 million to get park land bUt we haven't done a thing for the beaches," he said, adding: "We should try to go in before develop- ments. Tbit way you get more for your money.'' Second Districl Silf\risor David Baker, the only other county board member to represent coastal com- munities, backed Allen 's proposal. But Beach Cro,vds Huge Despite Moon Activities Despite slightly overcast skies and the moon landing. hea vy crowds swanned lo South Coast beaches over the weekend. Laguna lifeguards esUmated that 17 ,000 people basl\,ed in lhe sun Sat1,1rday. There were 19 resrues tit the five to six.foot surf. Water temperature was a brisk 64 , degrees. ~ . -· .,-- the matter, at .Utt ~aii ..t ~ Chairman Willlam Hirstein, _~as held over pending deliberaUon over tbe 1919-711 countf budget. McCleJ4nd. ·..id_today_ bi>J<OYLI ready for those deliberations, which begin Tuesday. ~ ea1d he bas been promised • apot on the· agenda at 11 a.m. for the preseotatim of tbe tidelands access peli· lions. McClelland, one of the giants of Wesl Coast s\i1'ing,-iij>llimed·tl\e petitioM w quest suflervisors to take whatever steps are necessary to open pliblie access to Salt Cree •• the ooce-popular IUJ'fing and _ swimmlng.JJ>Ot lt Laguna.lili\!el. ABANDONED ROAD The county in March, 1968, abandoned Salt Creek Road to the Laguna Niguel Corporation. The roadway, once a state highw•y, was the only potential public access to the tidelands ar~ between South Laguna and Dana PoinL- Tbe coonty's action for months has been the subject of court batUes, not yet settled. . "I can'l discuss legal technicalities of this issue," said McClellaod. "All I know is that for 40 years I swam and s'ftrfed at Salt Creek Beach, and now 1 can't. The road is gone. I just hope there's something the county can do to correct the situation." One step the county might take, McClelland suggested, would be to re- quest a feasibility study on acquisition of land for access, for a parking lot and for general beach use at Salt Creek. Among those joining McClelland In his efforts -in addition to the petition signers -are former Orange County Grand Jury member Helen Keeley, Santa Ana school official Joseph O'Sullivan," and attorney Wiiiiam Wilcoxen. They all ·v ln the Laguna area. Also involved in "Save Salt Creek Beach" campaign i Capistrano Bay Park arid Recr ii District. zeaded by Board Preside o 0 . Snipes. • .c...-. -·-• , -;. V'IT ........ ·AR-T.IST'S .DRAWING -Ascent •!age leaves moon with utronauts abo~ra. Descent stage left behind as Arnistrong, AJdrid· head for rendezvou! with 'Co~ in "'""'!JW!d~p. " ~ '4G0ing ~iglit-U~wn U:S~' · -SPXCE"'CENTER; HiiiistoftlAPl-'...' you'ii!'100l<li!J:foocl. -- Here is the conversaUon ,betwe.eq rnisiioo . Aldrin: UWe, bit ;of a alow wallowing control in Houston and astto(laub Nell back. and fOrth. Not' very much thruster Armstrong and Edwin Akii'in ··as they actl~itY. 1 • blasted from the moon into oibtt Mon· MC: Roger. MJghty fine. day' Aldrt And . ' h nd Mission COnlrol: YOUI''re cleared for . n:. its a l ousa , 170 up. takeoff. Beautiful. Fourleen t.houJand. Aldrin: Roger, undfrstand . We're Anmtrong: l 'm WI right.down U.S. number one on·tbe runway . 1-MC: Roger. MC: Roger: Eagle, HoustQn: four ·min· MC: Eagle, Houston. You're looking utes. You 're guing right down the trick. good to us. Everything's greaL Aldrin : Nine, eight, seven, siJ;, five, Aldrin : 'Ibc!re.'s 'RJUer (name, Of a start stage engine on ascent, .proct!ed, crater) out there. See, there it ls, right Beautiful. Very smooth. Very guiet ride there! Say, that's impressive looking, There's that one crater dc.wn there . isn't it? ..• (Then, describing how maily MC: Eagle, Houston. One minute ·and more feet per· '~ond in 11~ to: go before orbit) 800 to go, 700· to go ••• Pressure's hol~g gc;>od , ; ~ 350 'to go , , • Stand by on ttie engine ann · • . • 90 • ••• Okay I.. • 50 .-• :, shutd°"1ll i Okay, Houst"'!, m lho'!r ·j7:J by: 9.5 .( cteiorilling the orbltat:a!Ultl<l" In nautical mUesh • Apollo Myth Matches Landing on Moon SfACE CENTER, llouston (llPll Apollo 11 was appropria!eb' n~ for th< gqd of light in ,(;reek mytholo11Y. Apollo was one of th'e busiest and most versaUle of the Olympian gods and was COT}B«;fei-ed the god of prophecy end the g!Jd of 1the embarker and dlsembarker. And his twin sister was Artemis, the goddess of the moon. MC: Roger, 47.2 by 9.5., Armstrong: AGS. (Aboard Guidance System) say! 9.5 by 46.!. . Later: Arnuitrong' BOUiilon, .titO-E'l!le i1 ~k in o!l>tt, ltaving left TTanouility BMe,'.and leaving bebiJld a fepliCa from our Apollo 11 patch with an olive branCh. · - MC: Eagle, HW5ion. Roger. We ·copy. The whole world is proud of y,ou. Crowds Sunday numbered 22,500, and guards pulled 10 swimmers from the two to four·fool surf. Suiiday a Los Angeles woman died or an apparent heart attack on the beach a.l Divers Clove. Siranlis Sarkissian, 73, was dead ou arrival at South Coast Com· munlty Hospital at 6 p.m., although lifeguards Tim Davis and Jack Lincke tried heart massage and mouth·l<rmoutll 'One Priceless Moment' resuscltad.on. · San Clemente guards estimated 26,51>() beachgoers Satu('day, manY watchin8'1lhe national Ironmen Dory. contest held at t~ muntclpal pier. There wete 23 ... ues in the five to seven-foot surf. Crowds Sunday numbered 28.000, wilb 11 re.scuu in three to f!Ve-foot surf. • Police Car ColHdes LOS.ANGELES (UPI) -A police 'CIT responding to a robbery a\aD::Q C!)lllded with anotbtr auto and canenRI mto a -.tdewalk in downtown ~ ~ngeles today, ldlllog one pedestrian &Jld critically in· juring anof!>er.- • . ' Nation Views A:ptillo -11 as ·symb!>l f)f Pe~Pwg,,;e8s . By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ''The moon ii the only place in tho un1vene wbef'J ~· are both humans and peace," said a man in a Miami bar. Other Americans viewed Apollo 11 as a symbol of peace and progress. "I think it's ab entirely new era In In the way o( llfe. And every scientific advance is ulllmat'ely for good," said Judge Alvin Williams Of Mount Vernon, Ill. - President . Nllon, apealdng by radio- telephone. from the White H..,.., told astronaut.I Nell A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., .. For cne ~lea moment in the whole history of man all of,tbe peo- ple on th is earlb are truly ~-" • The President Jiid·tbe Apollo.niliwon1 "inspires us to . redouble· our 'efforts to briftg,peace.and tranq'11Uty4o earth." l.e#lfy Noble,· 74, of, MOOnvlUe,"''Ind.~ reflected, ''It was .even more .e~~lttng than that day in July 1918 when thr(firsl airplane lie• over MoonvHle.'' ,. Charles Stuart. 13, of Port.land, ~-. said, "When· my grand.motlier wu Y.OUU1 Lhey were just learning bow to fly. ~O,W b ~ wonder what's going to happen by t~ Ume l'm her age." F.dward stater OfOTnaha, Nev., ~kl, "t hope·tt dO<l oomethlng for Utt Mure not onCy. for peace on earth bull~t the universe."' - Frederick llttnnt, an employe ol tjte • : . ' . .. ~raj!hooltlan lnsUtution In .Washington,, found .Al>ollo u, "a tremendoua thrill, abarlng , 'll{ilh e~e tn ~ world.,,_tJlls event ,-hlcb could open the next-stage in. the evolutton of mank1nd." Dean Hatvtck, of Havre, Mlnl, stoo4 In the Smlllmonlan ben<atK the SplrU of S~ Loul~ .lh!:P•Y <alrpjane in wh!Ch Char1ea: A.-Ltnaberllt.J1"w11J>n.e:ac:f!ll1 the Atlan-t.tt iri um, and·aald, "ll'• qu\le a night!" Not e~one Soaked at the· brlgbt aide ol the nW>on ventQre. Ncllit· tawTl!nOO ol AUanta ,.;,!, ''Man ~·t ~ lo be there. !'Ve lieen. to • ........,, ._._and everytio4y la icaled ~~ ~dtd.·t lnlttwl the,mqoo llD. (See R!ACl'ION, Pqe I )' •. ' ~ .. ' ... , . . . . Lunar EX:p:lo-:rers Chas~ng Collins·;· From Wlro llenict1--- SPACE CENTER, 11.ooaton -Apollo Jl's two lunar explOreri soared irito orbit around the moon today, their first steP' toward rendezvous and linkup with the . ~ety of ille orbllin& "'l'\!'<'•hlp Colum· -· ... I . . , "Beautiful~' aaid Aldrin-as ~ ~ine Jgnited. "Very quiet ride." . The Apollo ti asironaula Ignited lbe single do-or-die engine of 1 thelt" tragUe landing craft alter nearly 22 hours on ~e moon. ~ Luna Plunues · lllfety Ol tunar orbit after an "'i!!te. fir· " . · l::!f , . ln( of seven minulo*. and 18 BeCOndl. Once, In orbit, Ibey w~ lo be&in · 0. n. to Moo"n at . maneUven toward Unkiiig •P '•ith the command ship carrying Michael c.ontns. '111"1-l•ft-.bebind the .lour·leuttl de-..,..,r lllage ·from . whlcll the .world watclled fJiem: step to the surflce. - Thefi. 1\in •as..to arbleve Ow 1'4Jltl'M who orbited above them throughout their H, adventure. ·;gh Speed "Eagle, HOW1too, one minute and " '. you're-looking good," said mlsolon """' . ' lrol. • JODilELt; BANK, Eqlalld (UPI) -"LltUe bit ol 1low wobblin& back and fOrtb," said JJdrih: ' • . Eni1and'1 Jodrell Bank 11'.acking station .. 1d .Ru18i."a'1 umnann_liiiGtilno .. 11 apace Apollo ll's moon !'.!ab WBll almost ae,000 ~ feet above 'the :stu'face wttb1n foot -~ oppart11tly phmged lo the IUl'iace IJ!inutes alter launch. ·~~ lode)', at ~ h!lb apeod ii "~ii ·right dO'!'n. U.S. t,• llid ~i.::r!i~' , :; ~Iott bqan !laecon~'la6 Utt Ing ·~ •. lald ~II;:.~~ ·· COlllmand sh/P. wiUt l4icltaei colllmi Ila ""'""'·300 mph w11 .. ti bit Uie = m• -er. Plsaed lt•milea abov• !be· SU ol <;rlsla, ,abl>ill IOO ~·fiolll Tr..quilllty Baae. S.ven _minuta lateT, the Sea ol Tranqullllly 1ih!I'• lht two they fnlered orbit and a ''"°"' Chase American Ap(JUo utrvnatits w&Jhd on began. - the moon S~ay. , _ . H all went weU. the two ahlps would ll Ltllla 15 hit the JUl"face at.that.speed. link up at 2:32 p.m. POT and head for l<lve1I"fal<r."notbthg'I.-lltely·to ..,me--home at·9•57·a.m.Tuesday.--- such .a landing. But. this does not mean • Their thrust lander, whlch aedJed them complete~ landing." , onto the surface Sunday for a Jl~hour However, It was-believed it Would end stay, l!lel'Ved tbem, too, at utt.oU. They any pooslblllty that Ltma 15 could ~p left behind the splndly-leJled lm!er' up tome moon dll'I alld race Utt stage, tbelr launching platlorm,i AmerlCan astronauts back to .earth. pennanent memento of July 201 - There had beerr · olfidal and unolliclal the day man landed on the mooQo apectJlatlon".!JrMOSCO!I' tbal this wl; the It wu'1he'ltrst t1me·a'""'kel had purpose of the probe. • anything Crom the moon. The dramaUc A !pokesman said J\)dttll Bank'• (lant operatiana to remove ArmltrOag alld 11'.acldnl ""tenlla detecled algnal cbanles Aldrin Jr., from the aUen world ol fl\• and 'then an 1 abrupt· ct111UO;n of moon began at· -7:38 ·a.m. PDT wbm tranmu>stonflliat liUIICite1fLIJl!tl I511ad -Jll'Olllld controllen awak<aea 'MJC!Uiil dropped out, • of1 of bit onto the lW:iar Colline, .circling the moon alone hr the surface. ' . corM\and ship Columbia. The observatory said Its giant diri:h , But no matter what lay ahead &hey radlo4.ntenna detected a rocket blut ~eady belonged to hlstory. '11tetr' nit that evidenUy was in€ended to drop the on Oie moon tbelr collectJon of hmai:·.SU c.raf\ out of orbit dowo toward the lunar aamples, thdr pl~oting or 'the Ametfcan s.urface. Flag, and their talk with the President 1n ~ spokesman put tt>e time of the the White Hoose, ushered in 1 new.era of Rtwmn landing at tO aeconds after l :flO man's conquest of the un.lverli. - a.~v~~d the velocity of signals re· y.'hen l!°°uoa controtfers woke Cofiin1 ceived at tbe time they ceased were th15 m~rrung, they arranged their _r~ "appropriate to 'that of a landing.'' transmmlo~ so they would not dilturb "We shall have to walt and see If we the temporary residents ~ Tranquillity get more signal) to see !f It WI.I oU Bue. again,'' Lovell said.. MllliOM of view,er1 the l!orld °'er watched as Aldrin and . AmiitrOq Two Exhibitors Take. Paintings From Festival Two .Festl'8t " ,\rts tlhlliltors lfave compiled with suqestion1 that they take down their paintings· for reasons of pro-: priety. First to go was a palnUng by R\ E. Rmsell showing the wall of a building' upon which had been painted graffiti in- cluding one four letter word partially111d· dei:i i>y otbtt lettering. Rus.1eJI said ''• little old lldy" com·· ~lalned to th• Laguna Beath PoUce . Department WbO 1beo colilpla!Ded lo the' FeSUval. • · · · • · To avoid ·an IJlcident, RU!!ell rt~ th< pointing. 11 , .... 'bani< jq'the """": wllldow " Ills p!lery, at 13'0 8. lloaJI llig!r<a~ •. ~n .. 1a. . · The ltCOlid censored pa1nung Is" t>Y Kathy ' tiewlln. It· allowa la i i>l'einii>t ' ' w~ and cutaway yiew ol aj etUliill.J. the )fomb. , t. · Mrs. N!~iln said she w"I ~µ .. tect 11'-. fonn1lly .io ,..,.. •. her ~ng. No · of· ficlal actron was taktn ·hj lhe ~rfsUVal Grotindi:, committee. .... ' _.. '1 • Neitb<r of the tWo 'll:li>ts voiced any anger at th< r<qilesta,·Ollly •lldermont. "You can't please everybody. Wl\ell yon ' .,,, d<lafing with. the ,....nt publlc, ·10IJ hive to have rule&," Rweill 'Mkl. 44[ nevtr would bav, tiuna'i k'Ut· I thouglll tt Wlllllcl ltav.• -·oli~ J Teally clldn't \llldtrllanll," Mra. ~Jtn.. ,aid,· • ~ • . ••.. ' ·~ ., .. • • estabUshed that bOBe when tbelr IP'd!<Y lunar module settred ln· a swirl of dlast and-Arn\Slrong lo!>k !be fln\.!iQm1111·)1l<p on the moon •ix and a haJ! boura after th< landing. · . Durtna 1helr walk over · the lunaT IUl'iace -fine grained and ftmrn wltl> a wide v!Tlety of rocks -'Arntltluoil Ind Aldrin galben!d abojlt IO poancls.ill rock (See APOLLO, Pl#l. Z) Oraage Weatlter . summer weather eonunuea: to prevail .along lhe ""'Orana:e cout, and without _ th~ 11ll\~· .morning overcast •• Temperatufts l':ill irangt: : IR' Ille blgh liXtie$1and low,...,.. ties. ~ · ' INSIDE TGDAY Onlu ll<r con/ideftt h\tlbmtd wai. 'h re ihai Sharon .Situ ~-: toqMld qniw-_.tn Scm Dj<go T11<rdog to complete '"' fh:•t tolo cro;Jing of th& Poc14 f fie bu a w~ -and •M td2.I ' right. PCIQ~ 30. -..... . IMllflt , .. C1tfflrJltl 1 =:, ~H '*"' Mttlctt ' 11 ~ ... '• ==-·-~ ::-::... ;; Mw111M• ........ Mtetfifll• t --• • 14 ==:(~':!; ,: ..... ,..,,.. ti --..... ..,,. ..... -u -.,. -.. --.. • I • ' ' I I ' ' . 1 2 IWlY Pit.OT -L Moon • ' . . LOliDON ,1(1Jl'J)"'-1"i''baolllPildJ!I firm:tl>ii. lollf'f™liO .wbo!I .lri .V.$. . aslnllllmts landed on tbe moon s'1d todJY 1i was. willing to bet against. a sucuasful manned landing o~ tbe plan•! Mar• -,but mucli more.c~ut.\oualy. WiWam Hill Ltd.,taid lt would' offei the 1ame oddl -1,000 to 1 -agaJnst m'1's landlng alive on Mar'!!: before July ·20, im. the third anniversary of the first manned funar landlnc· , 1be odd> appeared lo ~ ·1n favor ol William Hill Neither tbe United Stata . - nor, 'as far u ii known, tbe Soviet Ufiion bu. an aqlv~e )rogram to seoa meq, to Mtr!; and most scientists believe it woold be unlikely before the early 1981).s. The firm's. , caution wai pe~baps un- derstandab~e. Jn April 1964.. It offered David .'l'hr<llaD, a pen~ officer of Preston, Eoiland;-1~000 to 1 odds that no human being would land alive on the moon by Jan. 1, 1971. William Hill later conceded it had ~ a c..Uy mialakt. On Ttnllall'• 124 bet, ll bad lo pay 121,llllO. MaJor Tax Benefit 1----ffouse-Committee Cuis.-- OilDepletionAllowance . WASHINGTON '(UPI) .-The Ho""' Wi,ys ml M-Committee v«ed Moo-. day to cut the oil depleUon allowance, the !llljor tax b<n<Ol of the ptlroltmn in· dullry, !rO!J) 171> perceit1lo20 ptrctnt The YOla WU IS lo 7 in tbe lax·wrlling cunm.ittee on reducing the oil deplt!Uon . allowance; the most controversial of tu. reform ~poqla .1*i& considt,,.i by, eon,r.... . The pone! -lo reduce v!rlo1lly an ~ dtplttloo allow111C<S,by 17.J If" , A c:uruillltoe spoktOriiin uld thll would teduce .the oil and ga:i depletion to 20 percent -..., 'itQUI~ -lreal1llY revenues by an eatima.ted $400 mlllion an-nually. -. ~ Tbe depletloa ailoWIUICO ailowl All oil company to .subtract 271h pen:ent of l(t gross income, Up to a mulmum of ~W perettil of ll> llnnual. lolal Although moo minerals producing companies -there are more than 100 -· wil l be affected by the across-the-board 27 ,3 percent alaab 1n their depleUoo allowances, there were some exceptions. 1be committee 1"1 stand al 15 percent the present depleUon allowance yn gokl; · silver, oil 1hale, copper and troD ore· to eocouraae dome!Uc eiploratlon. ( ~ - . Surf Conditions Al~ng Coastline Blick to Normal ~guna Planners tb •day after heavy aurf, atroog currents and . -rmtlting riPUd!t threatened about one S . dy .Red Barn nim1on south1.n.i bucbgoer• over th• Llglzna Buch plaimlng commtss!Oners t.ooWrt wlll bear a request to...change the red .'.barn at 2'0 Thalia St. into a nstaYruit providiiig live entertainment. BJ1on H. Ritchey will detan hi• plani (or iierving beer and wine at the · ...-ant, In add lUon lo providing aporls iilml and contemporary music. · · 'Ibe barn was formerly the site ol Qq!ttJ Boys' Market. Vlmmi'iil will aJJO consider a variance filed .by~ Buri 1o·addon unila 1o the present eight Wli1 apartment coniple1 known as The Shoals at 1601 South Coast HlgbWay. . A request by Pyne Est.ates, Inc., lo build.."" a planned housing development abOve Boat Canyon is on the agenda. A.sflodat.e City Planner Al Autry bu ~ended that commissioners deny thf request because the planned Campus Drive.extension would split the property. I [Jfdl't' P!IQT ~ ~:.U...j. CCIMNM'f t.WN.w.,. . ~ ........ < I ' weekend.· Two men are believed drowned along the Orangfl cout, while _the body of. a Pico Rivera boy who vanished last Tues· day washed up In Surf aide Friday nlgbt. Lifeguards from Zuma Beach in northern Loi ""-•ltt County lo lhe aouthepnoet strands of Orange County reported • total of more than 2,500 weekend r~ues. Jellyfilb 1pparenUy carried ln by tht violent currents posed an additional threat to bather1 and 150 first aid wes for jellyfish ai&ng victims were rePorled al Zuma Beach alone. . Huvy surf Frklay is believed to have drowned a )',Oulh identif.led as Elmore Nelson, 20, of Riverside, who vanished in the choppy waters at Huntington Beach. Lifeguards today are also searching for Javier Alarcon, is, of Placentia, who fell from a rubber raft Saturday at Nei.ypori Beach and disappeared wxler lhe surface. Treacherous surf caused by the storm off Me•ico drnpped conslderabty Sunday and Southland lifeguards ·reported only 275 rescue calls. One of the apparent drownJ.na victims . was spotted tn the Huntlngton Beach surf for~ short time Friday, but disappeared agam, despite lhe aid ol a "Coast Guard hellcopter in the swcll. Doctor's Wife Held in Murder Of .Son, 15 .. The wife of a Sant.a Ana physician was being bold in Orange County Jail today on cbargtJ of mun:terin1 her 15-yur-old son. Amsted tarly Saturday morning w11 Mrs. MarUui Aguilar 31, of 1301 Park Lane. Santa Ana. Police report~ she shot her son, Jose F.dmundo, several tlmes in the head in the youth's bedroom following a. family argument. The Or;uige CoUlll)' Coroner's Office said tht boi!·•lled al 4:10 a.m. Sa(urday ot sevual filnehot wwnds In the left temple •I Si. J.,.ph Hoopllal in Orahge. 'l1le llllootlnl Wli nported lo police by Ille boy's l1thtr,'Dr. J.,. E. ·Aguilar. , --..---- • • • • • ---*--*.'.......,-* . _ From P1111e .. l REACTION ••• ding. God didn't irttertdman to set foot on the heavenly bodies." • • Wel'f!ff Marhold PIMIM Mrs. Ophelia Gaudry, also of Atlanta, said, "It's a lot of money wasted. l wQUJd have spent it to feed the hungry -and I'm white. And I would have reduced tax· ·es." JOSEPH BILYK IWET SUIT) SITS SAFELY ABOARD HARBOR PATROL CRAFT AS HIS BOAT BURNS Explosion •ncf Fire Off Scotchm•n's Cove Send Huntington Beach Man Into Water ·--fMl'Mlll ....... Barry P. Peterson of Salt Lake City agreed: "I think il's a waste of the tax· payers' money. I think tliey could find something better to spend it on .•• like about a million poor people ln the United' states. J think when they solve the prir blems down here they can go looking other places." 'l\e: Rev. Josepli S. Crowder of Rich· rilcmd, Va., took a middfe·trounc1:· ''Man : is not able to deny hi8 adventuroll! side for tbe sakt of social responsibility , •• Both are part of man's total experience.•• Younge?" Americana had their own tpeclal }>Oint.s of view. "I'd like to go· with the astronauts ' ~ecawe I like to collect rocks," said Lance Rider, 10, of Virginia Beach, Va. "Someday 1 want to take a vacation to 1 the moon -and 1 will, too," said Connie • Pellerito, 10, of Scottsdale, Ariz. Sarah Greer, 13, of Rochester, N. Y .• said, "Man, was I worried. l wu afraid they mlght see somebody up there who wouldn't like the idea of our being up there. After all, we _cet'tain:ly wouldn't want the men Crom the moon down . here." 'HARD WAY' BURNS TO WATER LlNE BEFORE SINKING OFF SCOTCHMAN 'S COVE Gregory Laroque, 15, or BalUmore, watched the lunar landing, then said, "It took them long enough to get there." Authorities Th10ri11 Leak in Fuel Tank May Have C.au1H Losa of Cr1ft Huntington Man Survives Boat Blast Off Coast Pontiff Delivers Apollo Message Liberal Soviet Poet CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy !UPI) -The Pope recorded a special me .. ag• Fired Fro1n Magazine Pope Paul VI satd the APollo 11 landing for the three Apollo astronauts to be on the moon marked "a great day, a shown later on ltalian television. MOSCOW (AP) -Poet Yevgeny Yev. historic day for humanity" but cautioned The pontiff spoke at his weekly blessing tushenko, 36, and two other Soviet writers against falling into what he said was the to pilgrims and tourists at the papal sum-someUmes considered liberal have been danger of idolatry to sclenUlic In· mer residence in Castel Gandolfo, 18 fired from the editorial board of a Soviet AU.foot cabin cruiser eiplocled an,.~~. l srtrum=='=nts=.===========m=ll"=f=ro=m=R=om=e=.==:::::::::=:::=m=ag:a=zi=ne=,='=":ed:it:o:rc:o:nf:inn=ed=tod=a=y.:...., sank ott Scotchm•n's Cove Sa turdly afternoon, but the lone man aboard was thrown lnto the Water and escaped injury. JOaeph' Bilyk, 21272 Bulkhead .Circle, HunUngton Beach, was picked up out of the water moments after the 3 p.m. ex· piosion by another boater wt!lle his 17,llllO 0 Hard Way" burned and &ank to the ocean bottom . Bilyk lold the Harbor Patrol he had lieen divlna, had jusl got on board and was preparing to rtturn to Newport Beach. Wben he tumed on the Ignition key the resulUng explosion threw him in· to the water. A Harbor Patrol spokesman theorized a fuel tank leak caused the fire. YMCA Caravan Meeting Slated A mtttlng of all !host lnleresled In n&Jsterinl for an eight-day caravan •P'I-by lb• Soulb Oranct County YMCA wUI he btld •I 7:!0 p.m. Tueoday at· Iha Laguna Beach City Council Chambers, 505 Fore!! Ave. Two caravans will tour through Y oeem- lta Park. 'l1le lirl~ ltavina July JI, io open lo boys In grades six through nine. The Sf<OOd caravan, adltduled lo dtptrt ·Aug. t, Is CJ1)tn lo both boys and girls in junior and senior hlah school. 'l'llO coot ol tbe trip Ta 139, whicb covm meals, ins\lranct, camplna . 1.,, and other lncldenllts, accordlnr lo "Y" dJJ<O. !or lloltr carter. , • • ·And another miserable Saturday • The next time yQU eome in here for undenhorto ($1.50 to $2.50), or walk ahorto (S7 lo SIS), or owim obort1 (S6 to SIS), try to make It ob a Monday. was had by all • Or a Tu ... lay. Or a Wed· My banker, my auditor and where were we? Here In this noaday. Or a Friday. my competiton would Jnd1l' 1tore, work.Jog our fannie1 oil. But 1uppoee it'• a Saturday that Saturday wu •ctoally a One of our men said to me and you decide you need 1pleodid day. Our taleo fig· cine day, hey, Jack, why don't ohorts, or a aliit or .oo- ore1 bop going ah~d of Jut we run our ado on Mondaya thiq! iur'•· -io1tead? · In th•t came, di........,i -to- So what'• oo mi-able? Brilliant! So that'• exaetly day'• ad. Pretend It'• TueoUr Ha.U.,, to -rk. what "" did. Notice what day and eo-In anyway. ' We naed to run our ada on of the .....i. i1 at the top of .By the -y, what.happened Saturday.. Thia •aw.paper i1 tbi1 pap. to ThW'lday? · dellftred lO ......,. homee on S1t11nlay morui.ng1. We'd 10metim .. get ao bluted )may Al'Onnd here on .a Satur<lay afternoob that all of u1 could hardly 1tand It, We learned to hale Satn,.. daya. When e•orybody .1 .. wa1 oat hanq a pod time, Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo al Newport Blvd~ in Newport Beach next to Riohard'a Market and The Udo Theater. Plenty of free parldq In the rear. Phone 673-4Sl0 Copyript 1969, Jack Bidwell. • I , I I' -\ -• ·- • ~. Wedding Ma rch 's : Oh'. -..... , ..... ,, ...... Brid.a.t ,Tr.ends · Unveiled . ·-l1~~ ....... ---' --!",. f-. ' ~y JE~.'.Wl ~LIAMS .Of tiie'~"rMllt Stefl Alter _a mid-s.~q>roc~ion-0! btldes has traveled acrost-the"sOCietYt'desk, a writ· er may find liers.df~using -over-her jousts \\'ith bridal terminology. ~ \Vedding gowns are seldonl of simple -inaterials. Most are trimmed _with lace and spelling is difficult for both brides-to-be and journalists 'vhen they stumble' over such Gallic words as guipure;. v~e. chantilly and alencon. Guipure, it tUrns:,out1 iS a lacf · trim without a mesh, whereas the Qt.her words refer to the towns in France and Italy from 'vhich the lac·e originates_ Fashions, ever fickle, change iri ·their usage of a particul ar kind of lace. When an occasional bride wears her mother's veil, it most often will be of Brussels lace -an easy to spell, lovely variety popuJar t~'O decades aga. There is re-embroidered lace, lace em- broidered with seed pearls. and re-appliqued lace. Lace can be scalloped, tiered and cag- ed. If a bride wears something borrowed, soinelhing blue and a sixpence in her shoe, she also \\ill be sure to wear lace. The cage effect is a new fashion devel op- ment that might \Veil puzzle a bridegroom , particularly if he shouJd read, without ex- planation, that his bride as she walked down that aisle, wore a cage. He might reply indignantly that she wore no such thing -she had on a straight sort of full length dress that was covered \vith a floiving overgannent of lace -and, of course, that is precisely what fashioo means by a cage. The dreams of princess'eS and queens still' seem to influence many brides, as they choose ·coro~ets, .cro\v.qs. t_iaras and circJ·~ts to catch their veils of ~ar1ed lengt:h.s. Ve1ls, too, have changed w.itb tfle advent ol sy°"' tlietics and have become 'ificrelj'silig1y .more bouffant and airy. The ,Spanish influence, however .. 11ow · S\veeping-the housing industry. in Orange County, also has its influence on bfides who seem often to choose JaCe -rn~ntruaS-ln.Stead of veils and wear mantilla combs instead of coronets. · Besicfe& having to be. an exJjert in .de· f:ipbering .French terms, the'wiiter of wed· ding stories also needs to be· something Ot a botanist. Cattleya, phalaenopsis and cym· bidium are· but a few of the botanical terms that mean, simply, orchids. Stephanotis, a waxy white flower, ls popular now that orange blossoms seem more of a bygone tradition {perhaps be-- cause California orange groves too are van- ishing?) and bridal bouquets may contain such tongue twisting ingredients as gypso-- philia and strelitzia. Chrysanthemums always are used free· ly in summer weddings, in the many varie. ties available such as spider chrysanthe- mums, china chrysanthemums and -most often -pompon chrysanthemums, The lat- ter pose a particular spelling problem and the wedding writer may get a note saying that the bride carried a bouquet of pom- poms. This would be a sight indeed, since Webster's Dictionary tells us that porn-porns are automatic guns of 20 to 40 millimeters. There is a strong new trend toward daisies, not only as the mainS~y of-the brid· al bouquet but as the theme for an entire wedding and reception, ddwn to a circlet ' !See BRIDAL, P age 18) , --.-.·-• • ... ·--....-·-·--.. -· -··--. " " ...... -" . " .. --............... ;·~::-;;;:, .... ,._ -.. ..,; -- : • • • i ~ '. . . l'Mllictr, ""' n, 1fft "L ,.:V • , 1--nvltations - • A~l ·~-eafe.d - Invitations ,will be in the mail IOmotl'.OW ~ldding· recipients to ,a balmy evening under the stars at Mon· arch Bay Beach Club where Opera League of Laguna Beach will stage a South Sea Fantasy Saturday, Aug. 23. • 1'he traditional affair will begin with a happy hour ~ at 6: 30 p.m. Jollowed by an exotic Polynesian pullet dinner served from 8 to 9. -' Entertainment \V i r I include performances at 9 and 10 :30 p.m. by Lahaina's. Luna's, a professional group of singers. and dancers from Hawaii, Tahiti, Sa· moa and Maori and dancing for everyone will take place until 1 a.m. Mrs. Theodore Beane, chairman of ·the ·f~n CO!Jl• mittee, said reservations may be optained' by· celling Mrs. George H, K. Bryant, 495-5178 or Mrr • ..:J'ed O.'.COD- neu; 499-2361 by Aug. 16 .. Tick~ts are $)2.50 ~r' person. Assisting Mrs. Beane are , the Mmei Crai~ f, I • ,. ~ -a~'1r.11otlafaoutmans. invitations: Robert L8w· . --- •: ~ son, ways and means;· O'Con'nett , · fininciaJ: Brfaht, _ r'eservations: 'Willi.lim Wittman and· Outmans, ·dinner ·. arrangements; Anthony Orlandella, enteita{nment; • ZacharY l\ila.Iaby .. decorations and William H. Bruggere, 'publicity. - The annual tropical event wil~ benefit, Lyric ·Opera Association of Orange County .and Its coming prOd~ tion of "Sound of Music" in Irvine .Bowl, Sept. M and. Sept. 12-13. From the Wille Come.s the · Futlcls Opening her Huntington Beach home and gard_ens 'for a benefit wine-tasting and dessert buffet will be Mrs. Jerry Nash (left) who is assisted in selecting appropti_a,te decor by Mrs. Lester Peterson, a meri1~ her of the plan'nirig ceinmittee. Members and ' friends: ol Zeta · Tau Alpha alumnae in the Orange Coast area are· invited to the 7:30 p.m. affair next Frida~. Funds will aid the. Crippled Children's .SO. ciety o! Orange Colihty, . ,,, I I. I . ' \ Even Sympathetic Pygmalions S'houl"d Stick t.o -.Fair Ladies 'DEAR ANN LANDERS: Please teTI ~n not to marry because tht:!y feel sorry fer the girl and figure on making her oYer into something better after mar· rlClge. ll won 't work. tr a man feels su· perior to the woman he marries, she will dllcover it sooner or later and It will d<stroy her. ..Both my hu~band aod tny son made this mistake. Arter they grew weary ()( their "inferior" wives thel found younger women who Wf;J'e more atlractive and more-interesting. Si.nee they are ·both honorable meflrf,hefe· was no laundering of solled1inen in public, no broken homes, no open cheating. It's all Very diSCreet1 But the heartache is unbearable. • My daughter-In-Jaw · tumr to me for •art. courage and coumi:el -never l -.. ANN LANDERS suspecting lha\ for ·me, il Is the seeond Lime. -IUSTORY REPEATS ITSELF DEAR HISTOitV: Yaar -1lory0 eoetaln1 more.than ._ Jel:IOD. I hope I.hose wbo believe •'m.Oiher.fD-i•w" ts. • dtrly word wru read your letter ag1lo. . DEAR ANN. LANDERS: The letter from !bat 17-year-old kid who complained about Ille food llley '"!"'• &<!Uni from --~ ' , --·--- welfare really bW1led me up. He men· tioned everything but work. I am up to here wiih government :handouts -state aod naUonal, and yfs, intemaliona~ too. Our country-didn 'l get to-be the richest nallon . in .the w,orkt "because Gllr forefa.ihers sat around _ M their dulfe • waiting for somebody to aive them' something. They 'WORKED. Eiibt yeara ago-we bi>ugbt •'beau\iful \r. ,• • home In the subuiibs. List year we had to congressmen In behal( o! a bunch of1lazy THE DULLARDS,: The :yo!k's on. you; sell our dream house because we couldn't bums. ; -DISOustED 1 N MIN-Brother. Tboet Udullards'1'mllY not have gel anybody to work out here. The man NEAPOLIS. ...-your cJaaiy creqentials,.but thdr dilnees who promised to shovel the snow never DEARO IN M: Jn a sya:tem pcb 19 o[ succeedinl are· be.tt:er \b_aii, .. yours. 1h<>wed up. The bum who calli:d himself a ours, freeloadln1 ta lnevltable. It ·is 1tlll There's a IOt to be ·sakl .for sticking with gardener worked when he felt like, it and tbe • belt • t¥•~m t~ the W or I d , a situatloa and gutsing it ®t. ~ he didn't feel like it i.rery oUen. I hired aeVenheltu, and I'd nibet· bave It,. • , and fired four day·ladtes anO two 'laun-wttb'1 ll klc:_hnp¢ecUons,,tl&an· any oUter. U_nart ,,!l.:1;.,.v oa 'd11i1?· Wtat"t dresses Jn 1-::sS"\han nine weeks, three · We malt not deny belp le-~ apcl, ibe • · -'SHIY..,..~-T CJUll. To interest a sitter, I had tO promlifl haJJCHc1pped, the 1ld;, ot .,dllldree of rlgblt 'Wlllt 1 ,,....,? 1 ' ·? ,.. her the moon. Finally I> gave up. We Ulele laly·bumt. Ne tbe-m\!ll. be lllowed Shoukta.tt ,..,.,~ ffif ,.. 1! ·j 111 cooRln't get lhe storm 1wlqdQ"'.S.up cir the to aaffer fr.om llwlPf r.. ~ rtll09. 1 booMft. uDtUaa.Dot .. o.i!ll," ... , ween> oil or the garage painted. Nobody eqi rilllll·IO ~ tlapod,by It ;,rii!teo lo . !•I wlii 1;!P.~!'\ .. .. wan~ to work. They'd rather ,collect order to mak~ •m:t.~ \fe.eent.r persoa a'°"' Hlf · · • ae !\ , welfare.: doe1 aot 1tane. Are fOI?· --, .. ~ ~ r-Aa • r ~ 1 ti(. ill 1'i .... ~ lf you· are fair, Ann Lan8ers, you~lt . . --;.~ ·.,, . wl&,.... · · • a.n ..._ te'llli.la print Ille othel'·side'of the' story insleod o( CONfIDENnAt. TD i>GGH!ll.J);,Wll!f ~ ti .. DAILY• PILOT, H I 'I I a '!'ilnr your _'rei!leri to' write to , iheir _ MAllE .Tl;I!' SCENf; AflD ~;1':.T!> · .en,.~'"' ... ,.. .....iof', • {·' .•. ::.. .. : ·---" .. . ' • . . -l ! I -- Horoscope • Libra:· Check .. --.Budget TUESDAY, , dlPtomattc. Don't ~et tnvo!ved . tt): Sf>Otlllbt Is "' upn. J l y 22 ln potty . argument.. Give ~ons. ·Frlendi Jll'Oft valuable pralae ud you illso ~ .. IL Iii ma&liig11<COSsuy coalactl. By SYDNEY QMAIUl (Sept. »-Oct. 21);-W•.\como challenge:-" Trf Loar poitHoo II ..... for Money a((µ'a dominate. You IOlDethlng new. Accept - O•lli9'-plutlq. Yoo -1hould check budget. Be tnvltaUons. Go placeo tnd do locate Josi ob)tcta u yoa loalc aware of ·w1iat•1 coming Jn, things. In oukt.the-ny ptac:ea. Mooe l•lni out-and do somelhlng AQUARWS (Jan. 20-Feb. lo llcorplo today emplwlleo about It. Avoid llelf-doceptlqp. • ll)I Wbat )'OU ...t 11 avall· aeMl:l,,tbe hlddea ud ~ oo-J 1ce1• ~anclal facts In able and comet your way. cult. • -reallauc ligbL Means don't a p p e a r over .. SQJl\PIO (oci. D-Nov. al): anxiou• .. Malntaln your di&·. ARIEs' (March 21-Aprll 19); Welcome frlendlj oiler from nlty. Many seek your oerviceol. You can complete a basic task Ta11ru lndiyiduil~You are in Be receptive, but obtain full and 1et under way with more. a pmltton of power. Means value for efforts. exciting project. Olher .peo-you niay get what you want. PISCES (Feb. It-March lO); pie's money may be Involved. Be sure you are aware of your Bro~en horizons. W r 1 t e, BLJl._ be confident. Avoid bold-actual needa. Take lniUaUve. publish and a~v.ertlse. What ing back original methods, SAGl'ITARIUS (Nov. iz.. you do appeals to large aeg~ ideas. Dee. U): Much ls bidden.You ment of public. Display Your~ TAURUS (April ~May: 20): do best by remaining behind wares. Call people. Catch up Mutual efforts pay dividends. the scenes. Ne«!!Sary to be on correspondence. Dl.scusa Today the accent is on discreet. A ulatlonshlp could Ion1-range plans. cooperation. Let others take reach crisis point. Extend spoWght. Be e s p e c la J I y sphere of Influence ln unob- .. C?O~ativ.e . with Scorpio in-t.ruslve manner. t d1viduaJ. Postpone any legal CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan .. actions:· GEMINI (May 21.J'"" lOJ; Study work ,procedures. You should d e v e 1 op alternative methods. Don't be to o . dependent on ·ooe individual. Key is to be versatile. You can discover a friend among associates, co.workers. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Mexico City Setting Of W~ing Ceremony You find ways ·of breaking through restrictions. Key is to be petsistent. You gain through aid or young persons. Be .creative, willing to change and travel. LEO (July 23-Aug. 221: Lady Anglers Bait a Pa r-ty ~tudy C.-r message. Get • task.!: completed at home. Planning a home In San Marino following tbelr mar- riage in ~texlco City ..are the former Maria E u g en l i. Ramirez F..steva and Carl Har- rison Smith Ill. : Members of Newport Harbor Lady Anglers gathered poolside for Juncheon to-Im·=~:ore U ~e- : day . at Mrs .. Carroll L. Zimmerman's Corona del Mar home, and . their en· :avOr Old m~~e : thus1asm for the rod and reel carrif!(l some almost past the luncheon hour. not do the trid. Y : ¥ts. Charles. Foss (left) concentrates on the catch, while 'Mrs. George Wil-VIRGO (Aug 23-SepL 22)• -DENVER BASE Loli Milne Air Hostess Assumes · Duty Se:rvinJ: as bostess on jet flights from Denver Is Lois Milne, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Howard Milne o f Newport Beach, who recenUy completed ConUnental Airlines training course; , A naUve of British COlum· bla, she was graduated from Newport Harbor Hlgb School. Exchangeftes Seat Officers ftospital , Chapter ·· Informs ~ tc1er..1ec1 tc 1earn1q more aliout !he City of Hope JlOJISeCWlan hospital are ln- vlte<t to. !he Harbor ol Hope Chaplet's meeUng Tburldsy, July, U at 7:30 ~.m. A coffee bour to lnll'Oduce new memben wlll take place .. 1n the COlta Mesa home of chapter presldeilt, M r'1 • Wllllam Savage ... Special ruest will he Mn. A· L. Pln.k!ey; member ot the board of trUstees. Gerald Ruben, area coordinator, Will be present to answer any • questions regarding t b e hospilal and Its treatment of canc<r, leukemia, heart. chest and.blood diseases. · Those wishing further In- formation may call Mn. Sayag~ at ~1917. Sliver Sands The first and lhlrd Tuesdays at 8 p.m. memben: of Silver Sanda 288, NaUve Daughten of the Golden West gather for meetings . Lake P1rll: Clubhouse in Hunt 1 nato n Beach b the meeting place for the first ses.!lon. Mra. Jack jVllson, 518-lllV, will furnish location on the ne1t meeting date. YOU KNOW Mrs. William Loitz was In-YOUR CHILD !talled as presklent for 1969-70 by !he Newport Harbor ~-WILL LEARN changettes 1 at a dinner l!:,'/:: J~b~e M,.a Verde TO SWIM-AT -Serving wllb her will he Iha +.JJ.am !3~~h Jr. (right). maneuver& the net. Hostess Mrs •. Zimz:nerman.tries to Visib and ~rs "9.r~ : cuade the ladtes to Jo?t others for·the qµicheon-and"1neeting,---wtrlcb-out='lltifilli1jtea. Ac c en t on- , pl2ns for the a1st birthday of~he dub. . . ' refaUves and neighbors. Be The " daU&hter of Dr. and Mrs. Valintin R. Esteva bf San Marino and the IOD of ¥1'· and ~ c. Harrison Smith. Jr.. lonritrly or Newpor1 Beach .00 oow of Palo Alto, e.1chang~ vows 1h the Fish ot-E:l cannen;san-.ng, . Mmes. Norman Voa Jlernn BLUE-BUOf-. . · .-vice jihSldeni; William J!oyer, · - -- . • I ' From Page 17 • I • • .Bridal : of daisies around the w:eddlng : cake. Daisies J>09f1 no apell. ; ing problems and perhaps slg· Jn>I a mi>dem trend ta\\>ard ,1lmpllclt7, ~ But wbeUler tbe bridal pro- :<esslall;io-modem. traditional : or frankly aentimelltal, to ithe wrlttr of 'weddlnp !he ;timeless fascination of ro- mance mates up for all dlfli- culUes. • -· a wedding lltbry b pulled from her typewriter, I ,· compttte tirtbe1a1r cll!CiiM <If •\ whJte roses, she CIQ feel a sense of prldelul actompllsh-ment. • Let the brldesmalds p~ in perfect unlsoP in theh"' an- tiQIJU and Ol'llJWIJ, let the fl..., girls stmrthtlr pastel petalt from tiny wicker bas-- kets; let the ring bearers march in solemn tread. Per- fectly •ttired, here comes the bride I Chiropractic Society Plans Organization The Orange County Chiropractic Society Auxiliary is schedulin& an organizational meetlng for Wednesday, July 23. Co-c hairmen ror the meetint, to take place at 8 p.m. in the the Garden Grove office ol Dr. Erwin Chessen, society pre.sldent, are the Mines. Ches.w.n and , 'Paul DeLoe. . Membenhlp In !he aa:lu!arv will ·he·-to !he wives of all society member doctors and those Interested may call 1.1rs. Chessen at 534-5712 or Mrs. DeLoe at 542-1470. When f9rm.td, the auxiliary will be a cbapt~r of the sta tew ide California Chiropc:actlc Association Au.t~ iliary. •sMOKER• THI AMRICA.M CAN· CU SOC I ITT, THI AMlltcAN . HUllf AS. SOCtAttoW, THI NA.a flPNAL TU.,ICULOl.IS ASSOCl&110N, 1HAS ·II· PIAm'-f' W'AIMID TN TO POI. ,,. YOl'MA ...... 'l'OU All "HOOllD." SO ,JOIM T H I "UN· HOOID 61NIUTION. llCOMI AM U ·IMOI· D. THI 9'AflONAL AH · TMMOllM COUNCIL CAM SHOW 'YOU THI W•T'AllO MAU.llTll TO """ YOW nor IHI tlAlf1' wmttM 1 t ... ,.. .. CAL\. '4MI II • 611- 11 rr POI A ... COW. IULTATM* r A• Aflf .t.ct11Al -II. YC1U &a UNIU NO OIU· ••noM. I ' -. Moon-maid Wears a Salute In Italy, •·M~maid'' shows off a. latticework o~ lacquered hair. The style is· a special creation of "Femm~ Slstma" of Rome m honor of the United States' Apollo 11 l\lission. • FINE BAKERY Pl%%• .Bread· Our own bre•d topped with pizu ,11uce cheese, onions and persley. Serve It hot sliced in pieces for a qu..iclr: hor d'o,uvres. 6tc Fruit Cheeae Pfe WIN A lllTHDAY CAKE, FREE! If your birthd1y is in August, September or October, stop In end fill out en entry . , . • decoreted 2-leyer c1k1 to 5 lucky people ••ch month! "£.~LIDO .3433 VIA LIDO INEWPORT BEACH CENTE,R 673-6360 In addition -to the bridegroom's .parents and his· sister, Barbara SmJth, friends from Newport Beach at- tenC1ing the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. James M. Williams, Mrs.· Anriette Boydston and Sue Boydston. Other relatives of the bridegroom present were Mr. and Mrs. William H. Bray of Washington, D.C. and ! r• .. • • C. David Keeton ot Ctticago. The bride wore i full length original lace gown and a full length illusion veJI, which was caught by a diadem of porctlaln jeweled o r a n g e blossoms. Attendants, clad in pint gowns of original des.ign, Included the newlyweds' sisters, the Misses Smlth and Gabriele Ramirei E s l e v a. Others were Kathy Mullen and MRS. CARL SMITH Ill San Merino Home AM Johnstone of. San Marino. 'Ibe bride will continue her studies at Cal Poly, Pomona. Her hwband, who l! a graduate of Newport Harbor High SchOOI again will be enrolled in -C1aremont ~fen's College. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL DUART PERMS Mondoy, Tuesdoy ond Wednesdoy only, our fam ous Du~rt salon permOnent s, reg . $20, 10.00 complete with style ond cut. Glomorous frosting, reg. $25 , 15.00 complete. Ask about our versatile S::oquette · hair piece, styled and rebdy to go w'i th its own carrying ca se, $20 value, 8.99 Telephone: Ano heim , 535-8121: Newport, 6«-1212; Huntington Bee ch, 892-3331 •• • corresponding secretai'y; Coy Watts, recording secretary Altd s. wm '" _ and Fred Cole tr asurer AH1te1111, hlbM blmd, · ' . 5-to AMI Tllltl• ... 1:1e group wlll ontlnue their 546 1. 8 00 assistance to t e Newport • Harbor Exchange ub. LAST 12 DAYS! Your child's photograph can win a spectacular 5 2,500.00 SHOPPING SPREE IN OUR STORE! And thaJ's just OM of the hundredJ of valuable prizes and gifts totalling •2s,ooo.oo in the 35th National Children's PHOTOGRAPH CONTEST! YOU CM WIN ONE OF THESE NATIONAL PRIZES: Fir•t Prize • • . •2,500,00 Slwpping Sp,.. Second Prize •• •1,500.00 Slwpping Spr .. Third Prize • . 11,000.00 Slwpping Sprte Fourth Prue . • • •500.00 Slwpping Spree 50 Fifth Priz.,; ea. 1100.00 .Slwpping Spieu 011 DH[ 0, NUNDllDS OF U.S.. SAYINGS IONDS Al HOMOU8U MEffTIOH ,.tlll 1 • I lave your!!eli a Shopping Spree,,. yes, a paid · up charge account that lets you buy 'vhai ever you .r "'•nl! fl a a 1nap to enter and easy to ll'in. Let us photograph your child and we'll enter 1 duplicate in the Conreet at no extra charge. Complete de- tail! and rule11 in our Photograph Studio riow, Big balloon "'ill be given to every conlealanL J®W: hberti ,., ..... ~ c..,, ...... ~tnlfct, -...rt .... Speci1l pdce1 on mO!t 1W:. .;d photGJtap& 6nish"' For O:Ullfllt.1 CONTEST 7 . 495 O!lf 8110 Cornnec l~ICIALI portraJ.lS and 1U "alltl~ 1 (THATS MORI TMAN Y1 OFF TME IECULA' P'llCll) ifJ3FlDADWAY ,......r.,. It.A l•t fie ... H•lttflftOl.a...tl ~ ... lf2-JJJ1 lat. JlJ . -'~"""''"' •r '~' fl'•l•;tl JuetMll•~ •I ,,..,_,,. •• , 3••" ,.~.,.,,.,.,. ,1,_<li., • • I "' I , ' I • • \ I J .. • !'"' .. addlehaek . • voi:. 62, NO. ·173, 2 SECTIONS, JO PAGES • ' 'Beautiful' ~~ig-.ts to Mot;tn ~u11an Als.o S(i w First ·Flight Now it's men on the moon. Irvin J. Oswald, 74.·year~d Laguna Beach resident, remembers when il was man in ,the air that was t.bt stupendous news. ,. . whole thing and thought It wu "slupe°"' dou.s." He thinks· he was maybe mare thrilled than he'd lieen 1n 1904 "because I have more understandln& ·of man's pro-, gress." . . Al O.WA!d recolta aJJ.tChool cblldren in Chlcago . were 1eJ out to see one ol ·the Wright brotbert,-.be doesn't rtmembec... ·-which,. .fly where Sokliers Field nOw 8lands, near Lakt Michigan. · -. _.,._ .. There Were no wheels on the plane. .. • .. • ' . __ JEN ~S . -. -. . -Lunar· ·Explor~rs . ' . - Chasing ·Collins . .. From Wlre St.trice• Ignited •. ••very quiet ride." SPACE-CENTER, llDustOn -Apollo Tho. Apollo ti aatrooauta lsnllal Ille t i's two lunar'elplorers aoared·tnto orbit slngle do-or-dle engine of ~ fracUe -atowxi the moon today, their ffrst step , __ .. 1_ era! alter .__ th toWard rendezvoos and linkup with the ~g I nearly :II ...,.. "' • safely Cl! the orbiting motbenbl p Colum· moon. • -: ' bta. They. left · behind Ille four-Jeapd deo "BeautiluJ,''•aaJd Aldrin IS tbe-en&ine rcent "atage from wblCJ> .. lhe ...rtd • Ilf,ilot 0.wald aaw one d the Wright brotberl lly in the .first airplane. -1t -probably-was a couple Of moot.m after the historic first flight. 1at Kitty HaW)r. But _there . "-was.--=no. television buildup In those days and it still was -pre&ff.-1tartling..t.o..a grammar' sctw:Q kjd in knickers. _ -"I jhlnk everybody was awe~ struck. Thal ii the way I would Ii"\ .It," said Oswald, a widower, of 559 CJpjess Drive. Jusl.lli<ILalldjj,.y~ . to~ catapuJl it into UMe air," he remembers. "The pilot sat on the front Wing. I'd say --~'them liep to lbe aurface; . Luna Plunges · Their' aim warto acllieve the rm.live safety or Jwiar ori>lt after' on engine fir· I he flew about.a mile or ~opp the Held, turned around and came bac.L The akl• t8<le was about 600 feet, I'd gueSs, it · Ing Cl! seven rnhlllllS and II llOCODda. He watahed the aoon Jaoding.,. °" television · llunda1· ltW J>rM;llc.a!Jy· ~. A:ll~n May Help dliln't Dy Ver'/ hJ&b." • , Save Salt Creek Plea · Awa~~ Coun~y ~,ard . ---.. . ·, . ..----...... .. ~ --·· lly JEROME F. COLLINS -lhe~)ltaller, at the lllllestltn Iii 'Bdlrd ot tlia .,_.,,. ~ Stiff • • • Chairman -William Hinttin, WU lreld A group cl. Laguna Beach area etli!ens, . ... .~-!UPP)rled by peUtlons bearing: more than ovtr pendins dtllDerllian over the IN9-70 1 MO sig:nalurell, Tuesday will once again county budget. ~k Orange County supervisors to assure M~~Dd _ uiif today _bis group is public access to the puOlic tidelands at ready for those dellberaUons, which begin Sa~ er:~i~~: headed byi Brennan . Tue148y. He NJ~ he bas been promised a "'Hevs" McClelland, may find sn ally ln spot on the agenda at 11 a.m. for the Fifth District Supervisor Alton E. Allen. presaitation of tbe Udelands access prti- ·AUen Ff'iday urged that supervlsora tions. eannark some 'l million in\the new McClelland, one of lhe giants QI West budget for beach acquisition purposts. It would ta ke three cents on the county tax Coast surling, explained the petitions re. rate _ now $1.68 -to generate that quest supervisors to take wba_tever steps amount. . . are nec"fssary 1to open public access· to While Allen did not specify , any Salt Creek, the once-popular surfing and particular beach area;-he noted that the swimm.il'lg·spot at Laguna Niguel. public "Is becoming aroused over block-ABANDONED ROAD ing ·off the beaches and we shoultd do The county· in March, 1968, abandoned something about it." · Salt Creek Road to tbe Laguna Nlgtitl SPENDING $4 Mn.LION . . Corporation. The roadway, once a state "We are spending more than $4 m1lhon highway, was the only potenti al public to gel park land but we haven~t done a access to the tidflands area between thing for the beaches," he said, adding: South Laguna and Dana Point. · "We should try to go in before develop-The comrty'e: action for months has ments. That way you get more for your been the subject of court battles, not yet money." . , settled. Second District Supervisor David "I can't discuss legal technicalities of Baker, the only other county board this issue," said McClelland. "All I know member to represent coastal com-is that for 40 years I swam and surfed at rnunities, backed Allen's proposal. But Salt Creek Beach, and now 1 can't. The j road Is gone. I just hope there's Beach Crowds Huge Despite Moon Activities Despite slightly overcast skies and the moon landing, heavy crowds swarmed lo South Coast beaches over the weekend . Laguna lifeguards esUma~ that 17 ,000 people basked in the sun Saturday. There were 19 rescues in the five to six-foot surf. Water temperature was a brisk M degrees. • something the county can do to correct the rituation.'' One step the county might take McClelland suggested, would be to re:' quest a feasibility study on acquisition of land for-acceu, for a parking lot and for general beach use at Salt Creek. Among those joining M<:Clelland in his efforts -in addition to the petition signer& -are. form er Orange County Grand Jury memtiet Helen Keeley, Santa Ana school Official Joseph O'Sullivan,~ aUorney William Wilcoxen. They all li'ie in the Laguna area. Also involved in the "Save Salt Creek Beach" campaign is the Capistrano Bay Park and Recreation District, zeaded by Board President John o. Snipes. ' Onto Moon at H~g~ Spee.if ~­ Ing 'f8dlltJ. Ald tuna 15 ..., lr•~ni -nd 3flO ~cwbeo It hll tha moilii 00 the ._ of Cl'fal!, about IOI mllet fn>in the $.Il ol TranQuu!!ty wtiert.' the' twq ..,Amerlcsn Apollo utronauts walked on th~ moon:Sunday. . , ut.u •• u lut the aurlace 'at thttll!Ofd. Lovell said, "nothing Is likely to wvtve -1ucb a Jand!ng. But this doea not mean a Astronauts Leave~ Surface .. co~plete crash ~Ing." ' . However, Jt was believed it would end any poulblllty that IAlna 15 could 'ICOOP "P some moon dirt and race the Amedcan astronauts back to earth. There bad been omclal and unolllclal speculation Jn Mosoow that thla wu the 'Going~ghtDownU.S. l' purpose of the probe. . A spokesman aaJd Jodrell Bank'a,giant tracking antenna detected aijnil c~es &nd 1 th-en · an abrupt Ceuatlon._p-Of transm.isrJons that indicated Luna 15 had dropped out of oobJl onto ·the lunar surface. SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - Jtere is the cmwersaUon.,betweeq mii&ioo control in HD~ton .and as'!P.oauf.s ~eµ Armstrong and Edwin Al'diln as_ they blasted from the moon into orbit Mon- day: f..1ission Contzt>l:. Your're cleand lor takeoff. Aldrin: Roger, understand . We're number one on the. runway. ' MC: Roger. MC: Eagle, Hduston. Yoo're ·1ookin1 good to us. ' Aldrin : Nine, eight, seven, six,. five , start stage engine on asCent,. pl'()Cffd. BeauUful. Very smooth. Very quiet ride There's that one crater down there. MC : Eagle, Houston. One minute and Apollo Myth Matches Landing on Moon SPACE CENTER, Hoo.ton (UPI) Apollo 1 l was aPP{Opriately named for the god ol li&!>t In Greek mythology .. Apollo was one of the bu!lest and most versatile of lhe Olympian .gods and was considered the god or prophecy' and the god of lhe embarker aod disembarker. And his twin sister waa Artemis, the goddess of the moon. you'tt looking good". • . Aidrln: .1,1u1 .. b~·l\f a -.lo.w."allowing back·apd·lorlh.o ~t very.mucb thruster activity. MC, Roger. Mighty fine. Akirin: And it'• a thou.sand, Beautiful. Fourteen•thoau:nd. The observatory said Ji. giant dlllh radio antenna detected. a rocket blast that evidenlly· was intended to drop the 170 up_, craft out of orbit down toward the lunar Annstrong : I'm golng right down U.S. 1urface. • · r , The spokesman put the time of the 1. Ruas.Jan landing at 40 seconds after 8:50 ·MC~ Roger: E4gle, Houston, four min-. a.m. PDT. ut.es. y~·r~ going' right doWn "the track. Lovell said the velocity of signals re- Everyth1ng s great. · . ~lved at the time they ceued were Aldrin: The're'a Ritter 1 (name· of .t a "appropriate to that of a landb}g." crater} out there. See, there It Is, right "We shall have to wait and iee if we there! say, ~t's imP,CeU~ve looking, . get more 1ignal:s to 1ee if it l1ftl Q(f Isn't It? ••• (Then, deScriblng ~w nuµ!y again,'' Lovell said. more feet per 'second ln speed -to go before orbit) ~· to go.. 700' to·go : •• Press~'s hold}ng good • , , 350 t.o· go •••. St.and by. on the engine ann , . ·90 •.•• Okay •• • lO .. ·, Slw~owli! Okay, HOO!lon, we show 47.2 bj. 9.5 1descrlblng !,;}! orbital alUtUdes in naUUcafntiles). MC : Roger, 47.2 b)f 11.5. Armfltrong: 1AGS ' (Aboard Guidance· Syitem) ·say1 9.5 &y 46.&. · ~ter: Annstrong:: H~ston, t~ Eagle is bact In orbit, havllli left Tranquility Base, ..nd leaving behiAd a ~ilea fri>m oar Apollo 11 Witch wttb an olive briftch. M'C : Eagle, Houston. Roiger. We copy. The whole world la proud o! you. Two E):hihitors Take Paintings From Festival Two Festival of' Arts exhibltcn have. complied with suggestions that they take down their-paintings for rwona Cl! pro- prlely. First to go wu a painting by R. E. Crow,{ls Sunday numb6ed 22,500, and guards pulled 10 swimmers from the .two to four-foot surf. Sunday a Los Angeles woman died of 111n apparent h~ 8:1iack <>!I the beaoh at Divers Cov~ Siranhs Sarkis&lan. 73, was dead on arrival al South Coast Com· munily Hospital at 6 p.m.. although lifeguaids Tim Davis and Jack Llncke tried heart massage and mouth-to.mouth resuscitation.' 'One Priceless Moment'· Russell showing the wall of a· building upoo whkb had been painted graffiti In- cluding one fput lett.r word .partially bid· den by other lettmng. RtweJI said "a little .Ql.d lady" com- plained to Ute Laguna kaCh PoDce Department who theo complalned-to the FesUval. · Nation Vie ws Apollo 11 as Symbol of Peace, Progress To avoid an incident, Russell rimoved · the painting. It DOW banp In the fronl wlndow of his gallery 1t 1!JI S. Coat By THE ASSOCIATED PRF.SS . Highway, Rwosell oald. -· The President said the Ap6llo• mission SmlUwonian InatUUUon In Washington. ' 'The ·~ ceoicred pain''"• la by .. . ' . once in orbit. they were to 1beatn nianeuvera .ioward li\lkJar up w(th the command lhlg cmylng MJcbael Colllnr, who .orbited above them throogboul their adventure. ~· · •1~gle, Jioua:ton, Ol)e min~ and Yoµ're· looti!]g good," said m:ia!ttl. con. ll'IJJ., ' • • Llttleo bit or· alow wobbling back-ad for:f.b.," uid AWrla. . , ~ • Apollo. 11'• """""'Jib"" .-31,000 feet a~ ~ l\ll'lace within f...: jnlmitel alter llUllCib . -''Clolng ··-riPI . down U.S. · r,• .iii ~ , .. ~· .. i . 'l!lolr _.....,._.._!bf comiJ!and ahlp, with Mldla<I OJD!nl I!' --"· puled ff m11a· lboVo Tra/l'l!lilllly Bue. Seven mlnuta later,' !bet lftleecf orbit and a Sii-hour clwe beg'an. ·. U all went wen, the two &hips would link up· at 2•31 p.m. PDT and bead for hoih at 9:57 a.m. Tuesday, • ' Their thrust lander, which sett.led them onto the surface Sunday ror a 21 '1).bour stay, served them, too, al Jilt..rl. 1'het Jell behind the spindly·legged low.er stage, their launching ptalform, 11• a permanent memento of July 20, 1969 - the day man landed on the moon, It was the flnt Ume a focket bad lifted anything from the moon. Th• dramatli:- operaUons to remove Armstrong and Aldrin Jr.t from tbe alien world of the ifioon began at 7:'3o , a.m. PM'~ when ground controllers iwakened Michael CoWos, circling the moon aJOne. in tbt command •hip Cofumbia. • But no mallet what.lay ahWt, they already belonged to btatory. Thelr walk on the rrioon , their collectlon of lunar soil sample.a, their planting of the American Flag, and their talk with the President in the White House, ushered in a n(w era of man's conque.at of the 'universe. When ground controllers woke eollins this mondng, they arranged their radio transmislllons ao they would not dJrturb the temporary realdenta Cl! Tranqullllly na... Millions of viewers the worJd ovtr watched as Aldrin and Armat.rong establlahed that baae when tbeir apldery hmar module seUled In a swirl of duJt and Aml!trong took the llral ~ lleP on the moon alx. and a hall boilri &lier the landln<. During lbelr wal!r ovrr the lunar !priace-fine gralned1and ·~with a wide variety of re¥:U :-Armstrong ~ Aldrin gal~ abclirt Ill pounda or n>Ct (Sff APOU.0, Pagt I) . . . , or .. ge Weadaer Summer. weather continues tp pr<Vall along· tbe Orange Coat!, and w!lboul the ·""'at morning overclSl T~einperatufes wlll r¥-DC~ In the high alJUes aod low seven-- ties. INSmE TODAY I , San Clemente guards ealimated 28,500 beachgoers Saturday. many watchin& the national lronmen Qol'¥ Contest ,hekl at the municipal pier. There were 22 teBCuea in the five lO seven-foot surf. "The. moon is the only place in the universe where there are both humans and peace.~ e:ald a man in a.Miami bar. Other American1 Viewed Apollo 11 as a symbol " poaee and progress. "--· bl e1' -··· A n " .-~.. -.. 0n1v · her ""'""nt h"'"""" 'i.u.:>ptres u.s to redbu e our forts to fuuuu po o 11, a tremendous wvw, ~tey ,-NewU~., It ~~s a prtjpi4nt 1 ,_ bring peace anrJ ttanqwiity to earth." sharing: With everyone tnttlie •wm1<flhts woman and •cutaway,vtew of· a ··t~ in ~u~~ar::onm!~':,. l '"t> ·, Leafy Noble, 7(, of Moonv1Dt1 Ind., eveot whlcb ctuld' opefl the·oe1&t1t111 iA · ~:!ftfnb... ~ · • ~ · · ; Diego .. :TutadlJJ1 1to1 Comf,k-t, t~ } h, a.! Crowds Sunday numbered 28,000, with 11 rescues in lhrte t.o five-foot surf. P olice Car Collides LOS ANGELES (UPI) - A pollce car respondJn& to a robbery alarm ~ with another aulo and caremed oo1o -•- &idewalk m downtown Loll Angeles today, killing one pedestrian" 1nd cr!Uca1ly ln· Juring another. "I think It'• ab entlre)I new era In tn _the waf-« Ufe. ·And nery aclentllic advance ls ulttma(ely ror good/' said Judge Alvin wUllama Cl! Mount Vernon, Ill Pmident Nixon, apeaklng _ by _radi1r b!Jepbone from the 'Wliftt llooae, told &_!11ooaull llett A. An)lllrotlg and Edwin E . .A1drln Jr., "tor One priceless moment In the whole history or man an ol the peo. pie on tbll earth are trp!y"Cnc." • , reflected, "It WN even 'more ocWng the tVOJU\lM of.~'f : 1·, ·~J r .-..;., ~" Ntwlln..s•id abe.waa.requatidJn... fir1t 1olo croniflg of Che hdo than-tbat da• in.JulYtt•• when ••· tint • lleaD llal"'••-.a( Ham )footi tJn. · loat\A1IJ lo ,_.,e her llOillllnl; No d · · • JlrtSfaao· fie~ .over M..;v1no;" '": the Sml~ tien<a'ni'tht $olr1lol SI. . ,-ficll,t.~ 'Wu 1ollm i.,· the."Featl'81 11c· bJf • "'°""'"· •!Id h<. ..., Charlea Stuart, 23, of Portlaild, Ore., Lou'PJ 'tile'Uny afl1>l>no ln.,rb)di ·Clllrie.: °""'*j(loolmlllee< 1 · . • rlghl ·~ 30. ' - sakt, "When my gtMdmotber wu young A. ~lb flew iaor.H.cron tbelU.., ~Jo{ the two .lll'1Jlta: vok!ld anJ I ~ \ . ·, = ~1; ,they0werej1111leuuJoebowtolly.Nowl tlc!niai',andaald,."Jt'1qulooaafptll!<j an~·1rille·~.on1y•lldOrlneS.· =... '; -._ ,. wonder wbal's going to happen by the , Not~ne'kloktd al lhaibrl1hi !Ide · /'Y!I!'~ pJe"1lo everyboc'1. 'W)Mo•you • •-"" =-,: ti~J1mherage." ' orihe•ven~ ' ~.. ' ci'.. ....... thl=~Yow : =-1'.f .. ,;: ....,.. ,.. ·EilwordSlaterolOmaba,Nev.,llld,"I Nelllo.~..,.'ql~i,w;--~ 11:-nlfl..?' Aid.,' • " --''l -.-ri ~~ :~~:::~~~=.= ~·-~~1~1~~! .. ~". •I E:_.::O ii er ._ 1! J, the untverltl' beeli..M · dli:td ' . ~~ · ," Mn. Newlin. 1 ..-,,,__.. 11 • ...,. .._ " f reder!cl< Douant, an ' vnploye o1 the (lee aEAC'nON, PaJ' II tald. • . ·l • • 'l p • • ·_Moon Lallding_Pay'dirt: _Rocj< .. I ~• ·a-eating. ctn ' '.Mars? Moon Lasers Now More Cautioµs LONDON (tiPI). -Tb.' ~ ~. •• far aa ia known, the Soviet Union !Inn ~ lqit IU~· wboii two u,s,-, · bu an ·acilv~ prolfam to aeoc! ~· to astronauts Jaiided on the moon said today Mirs, abd most scltntlsb beUeve It it wu willing to bet against a 1Uccess!ul would be unlikely before the early 1980s. manned landinR on the planet Mars -· The firm's caution was perhaps un- but much mOre cauUonlly. d~lt. In Ai>rll 19'4, ,it offered William Hill Ud. llld Jt would o(fu the ·David Tbi'elfall, a peraonrid officer cf 1ame odds -1,000 lo 1-agalnll man'• Pruton, England, 1.000 lo I odds that no landing allve oo Mars before July 20, human being would jand aJl\t . on the 1972, the third anniversary d. the Lim moon by Jan: 1, 1971. ~ manned lunar ~. . . . W!Jliam . Hill later c:ooctded It had The Odds appearod to be In favor ol made a coCtly ml!t.akt. On lllrelfall•s 124 • William HID. llellher the United Stat.. bet, It bad lo P')' 114,000. Majt;tr: Tiµc B.e-.eflt OilDep~tionAllowance WASHINGTON (UPI) -The H""" w.fs and MUna Committee voted M~ day to cut the oil depletion allowance, the major tu benefit ol the petroleum in- duatly, from 27\i pere<nl lo 20 percenL The -was II lo 7 In the lu·writln1 camniltee on reducln& the oil depleUon allowance, the most c:ontrovmlal el tax re!arm proposals being CODl!ide!<d by Cancrea· . . The panel med lo roduce vlrlually all mineral deplellcm allowances by 27.3 per· ' cenL A mnmlltee ljJOMlman .. Id this _,Id reduce the oil and gu depletloa lo 20 pm:<11t -and would boost trouury revenues by an esUmated $400 mllllon an- nuallY.' . '.J'he dep1eUon allowance allows an oil Laguna Planners Siudy Red .Barn 1-Beach planning commilslanen tooilbl will hear • r<quesl lo change th~ rod him al :t40 TbaUa St. Info a n&t.l.W'ant providing llve entertainment. Bryon H. Rilchey wW detail hll piaM for aervlng beer and wine at the, i:estaurant, in addition to proVidlng sports films and contemporary mu.sic. 'Ibe barn wu formerly the lite of Country Boys' Market. Plaanen Will also consider a variance Wad by Rich.rd Burt lo add n units to the Jrisent eJght unit apartment complex known' u The Shoals at 1601 South Coast Hipway. A request by Pyne Estates, Inc., to build a planned housing development above Boat Canyon b on the agenda. Assoclate City Planiler Al Autry has recommended that commissioners deny the ffiiutSt because the planned Campus Drive uft!Mloo would split the property. l.11\llY PILOT ~ """ f'Va ..... coawn •·Nrt N. w ... .................... J ... It. ""'"" "" ......... a-ra. ~ n.... .:...,11 ·-n.:::.:;. ~i,.. • 11••...I '·Hill ---,., NIW ---21 F.f11t A• .. M•ur,i AtU1 a r.o. 1 .. ~ t2UI OA"-• Pll.01 .. _... "~ H =•ltc• ........... ....,._.._ .. _ ....... _,_......., ' .• , ..... ........, .... <Mii> ................... ,..........,... e ____ .. __ ...... r:,,: .,, ........ ........ ..,,...., 0...... . ~ .inc•• , 1n.C1 •""""" Qi 'd11 ... MMnl ........... c.w ........ $·--·= ....... lk SI ---. --· . :;,cfi,i(l~l?. -:.:-. r{ company lo aubtracl 'IJv; percent of 11'1 grou income, QP to a mutm.um of 60 pm:<11t of tu annual total. Altllough mott minerals producing companies -there are more. than 108 - will be lff4!1; the acn1S&-the-boerd 27.3 pemmt in their deplelloo allowucu, there wue some u:cepUon1. The committee let atand al II eereent the pruent depletion allowance on 10ld, lilver, Gil aliole, copper and min on lo ez1ooun,. domatlc.uploralion. Surl Conditions Along Coastline Back to Normal Surf condJUona were back: to rurmal to- daY aft.a heavy aurf, strM, currents and resultini riptldea threatened about one --milllon SoU1blaod beachaoer• over the weekend, Two ~en are believed drowned •Ion& the Orange ~. while Utt body ct a Pico Rivera boy who vanished last Tu& day wuhed up in Surf aid• Friday nlgbt. Lifquards Jrom Zuma Beach in noHlimi Los Angeles Counly to the aoutbennos1 s~ of 'orange Coonty reported .t total tft' more than 2,SOO weekend rescues. JeUyf!sb app.mtly carried ln l>y the violent currents posed an addltloDal threat to bathers and 1~ first. aid cues for jellyflab llifll victims were reparted at Zuma Beach alone. HeaV)' surf Friday is believed to have drowned a youth Jd~Ufied u Elmore Nelson, 20, of Riverside, who vanished in tbe choppy waters at Huntington Beach. Liferuard• today are aiao 1earchins for Javier Alarcon, 25, of Plaaentia, who fell from a rubber raft Saturday at Newport Beach and diaappearocl under !ht surf act. Treacherous surf ca~ by tlte atonn off Meik:o dropped cona!derably 5undOy and Southland Ufeguanll reported only 275 rescue calls. ~ One of the appmnl drowning vlcttms was spotted in the Huntington Buch surf for a ab9rt time Friday, but disappeared again, despite the aid or a Coast Guard helicopter in the aearch. -. Doctor's .Wife Held in Murder ()_f Son, 15 The wife of a Sanla Ana phyalclan WIS being held In Orance County Jal! today oa charres of murderiq her l~yaar-old IOn. Al'Ttst.ed evly S1turday mornln1 wu Mrs. Mirilla Aguilar 39, ol 1301 Park Lane, Sanla Ana. ' Police ~ported IM shl:Jt-her '°"• Joee F.dmundo, several Umes In the bud in !he youth'• -followln& a family argument. The Orange County C<mlu'o Olllce 11ld the boy di~ at "10 a.m. Satllrday of M!YUll sunlbot wounG In tht ltft temple at Sj, JOHpb Hotpllal la Oran1e, The lhoelln1 ..... npor!ed lo police by the boy'a lathe<, Dr. Jooe E. Aaul!ar. \ -· "'-Erom Page l ; JIBACTION ~ •• "V . . . . . ' I : • I Cling. God didn't intend man to sei fool on the heavenly bodies." Mrs. Ophelia Gaudry, also of AU111ta'. Wll'ftff ~rllolll l' ... I• JOSEPH BILYK (WIT SUITJ SITS. SA, ELY ABOARD HARBOR PATROL CRAFT AS HIS BOAT BURNS ~xplollon MCI Fire .Off Scotchm•n'1 Cove Send Huntlntton Beach M•n Into Water said, .. It's a lot of money wast.ed. I would have spent It to feed the hungry -and I'm whlte. And I would have reduced tax-es." Barry P, Peterson of Salt Lake City agreed: "l think it's a waste of the tax- payers' money. I think they could find . something better to spend it on • •. like about a million poor people in the United States. I think when they solve the pro- blems do~ here they can go looking otber place!:." The Rev. JoseplJ' S. Crowder of Rich·~ mood, Va., took a middle ground : "Mant is not able to deny hlJ adventurous lide for the aake of .social responsibility • , • Both are part of man's total experience." Younger Americana had their own . special points of view. "I'd like 'to go with the astronauts because I llke to collect rocks," said Lance Rider, IO, of Virginia Beach, Va. "Someday I want to take a vacation to the moon -and I will, too," said Connie Pellerito, 10, of Scottsdale, Arlt:. Sarah Greer, 13, of Rochester, N. Y. said, "Man, was I WOITied. I wu afraid ' they might see somebody up there who wouldn't like the Jdea of our being up there. After all, we certainly wouldn't want the men from the moon down here," Wtt'Mf Martie" PMfto 'HARD WAY' BURNS TO WATER LINE BEFORE SINKING OFF SCOTCHMAN'S COVE AuthorltJ11 Thtorlz:t Ltilk Jn Fuel Tank May H1v1 C•u1td Lo11 of Cra~ Gregory Laroque, 15, or BalUmore, watched the lunar landing, then said, "It took them long enough io get there." Huntington Man Survives Boat Blast Off Coast Liberal Soviet Poet CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (UPI) -The Pope recorded a special me1sag• Fired From Magazine Pope Paul VI said the Apollo It landing for tfie three Apollo astronauts to be on the moon marked "a great day, a shoY111 later on Italian televl!lon:-MOSCOW (AP) -Poet Yevgeny Yev- hlstoric day for humanity" but cautioned The pontiff spoke at hJs weekly blessing tusbenko, 36, and two other Soviet writers against falling into what he saJd was the to pilgrims and tourlsls at the papal sum-sometlmes considered liberal fiave been ·Pontiff Delivers Apollo Message danger of Jdolatry to ).1eientific in-mer residence in Castel Gandolfo, 18 fired from the editorial board of a Soviet A 25-foot cabin cruiser ~loc:led and_lfstrum=:en:ts=. ====' =======m:il:e'=''°:m=R:o:m:e:. ========m:•::::g:azm:· :':' :'"::ed=ito:r:co=nf:lnn=ed=lod=ay:.:..., sank off Scot'chman's .Cove Saturday afternoon, but tbe lone man aboard wu thrown into the water and escaped Injury, Joseph Bilyk, 21272 Bu1khead Circle, HunUngton Buch, wu picked up out of the water moments after the 3 p.m. er· ploslon.b)' annthor boate wblle hll 17,000 41Hard Way" burned and .ank to th~ ocean bottom. Bilyk told lhe Harbor Patrol be haM beto diving, had just got on board and wa1 preparing to return to Newport Beach. When he tW'ned on the igt\lllon key the resulting e:rplosion threw him in- to the wr1ter. A Harbor P.atrol spokesman theorized 1 fut! tank leak caused the fire. YMCA Caravan •• Meeting Slated ' . 1. meeting Of all thos& interested In rtglaterina: for an eight-day caravan spomored by the SOUth Orange Coonly YMCA WW be beld at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at Lhe Laeuna Beach City Council Olunbets, 505 Forest Ave. · Two canvma will lour lhroup Yooein· lie Part, 1be flnl. leavin& July II, ts open to boya In gradea six thn>uih nine. 11fe -caravan, acbecluled lo depart Aug. t, ~ optn lo boch bo)'I and g!rb In Junior and lt1llor high acbool. The COil ol the ll'lp & $If, which COVll'I meals, lneuranct, tmplng fees, and other Incidentals, acconUna to "Y" direc- tor Roser can.. I ' And· another miserable Saturday was had by all ' · The next time you come in here for undenborta (11.50 lo 82.50), or walk oborta (17 to SIS), or swim ohorta (16 10 SJS), 1'y to make it on a. ~londay. My banker, my auditor and n1y competiton would huf1t thal Saturday wa1 actually Ii oplendid day. Our aale1 fig· urea keep ·going ahead of laot year'•· ~ So wbat11 IO mi1erahle? Ha,ring to work. '\Ve uAed lo run our adt on Saturday1. Thi1 new1paper i.1 delivered to many homee on Saturday morn I n I•· 'We'd oometlmeo ~I eo blullld bnoy uonnd here on a S..tarday afllll'DOOD that all of DI could hardly otand II. We learned to bate Satur- d~yo. When everybody ellO wa1 out havin1 a pod lime, . . wheire were ~! Here ftl tbi1 1tore, workin@ 01ir fannies off. One of our men laid"10 me one d•y, hey, J.ack, why don't we run our ads on ltfonday1 in1te.ad? BriUlan1 I So that'• uactly what we did, Notice what day al the week i1 at the 1()p' of th11 P"ll"• Or a Tnetday. Or a Wed· neoday. Or a Frfday. But aappoae lt'a a S..tarday aacl you decide you ..- 11horta, or • 1uit or 10me-lhing? • In that cue, di1....gard 10- day'o ad. Pretend it'o T-.1.y, and COD!e in aayw11y. By the way, what happened lo Thuraday? Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Lido al Newport Dlvd.; in Newport Beodi next to Richard'• Market and The Lido Theater. Plenty of f-parklq In the rear. Phone 67S4510 Copyrlsht 1969, lack Bidwell; , . I I r • • . . . . " ~==-cc-..... .. ,.-,-.-.......----~:;;:::-.,~;;:::;:;:;=:~ ----· __..... • ' • . I •· ---- Newp.-t :ilarho l7•·aeae-..w1 • • • -~-.- Dally .Paper ·EDI JI.ON . ' ' . -· ...t ... - VO(. ~2. NO. 173, 2 SECTIONS, lei PASES · ORANGE COUNTY, CAclFORNIA MONDA.Y, JULY ~:f, 11969 ·JEN CENTl .. •) ' .-. : 'Beautiful' Ride ~in~llrhil r ,· Lunar:. Explo:re·rs Chasing Collins · From Win Servlcu . They fell behind the lour-legged de- SPACE CENTER, Houston -Apollo scent atap from which the world . 11 's two lunar uplorera soared into orbit watc'bed them itep to the surface. around the moon today, their flrat step · Their aim was to achieve tbe relative toward rendem:w and linkup with the safety or ·hmar orbit after an engine fir. bt!~ty of the orbiting ~othershlp Colum· 1ng of seven minute.a: and 18 secoods . . "Beautiful," said Aldrin u the en&lne Once in . orbit,· tbey were to 'begin lgnjted. "Very qW.I ride:" --tnanarVen Ulward Itnkillg-up -~the· -io .--"'"° Af'Ollo 11 ....... llla-ltftlted the--... nn111d ship Clll'TYlng-Mtdnrel-eollinr,-- aj_l!..gle d0m9r-die engine ~ their tra11Ie who orblte.d above them thro.ugbout their ~ ~\ ~~-~i. ;~ 't UPtT .......... • • • • •. ; (t • ARTIST'S DRAWING -Ascent stage I.eaves moa11>w1!h astronauts aboard. Descent stage left behind as ~t.rong;· Aldrin head for rendezvous with Collins in command .ship. Astronauts Leave Surface 'Going Right Down U.S. I ' SPACE CENTER, HOllMon (AP) - Here is the conversation between mbsion control Jn Houston and astronaut! Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin as they blasted lrom the moon into orbit Mon~ day: Mission takeorr. Control: Your're cleared for Aldrin: Ro~cr, undersland. We're number O"{le on the nm way. MC: Roger. fl.IC: Eagle, llouston. You're looking ioocl to Ul!I. Aldrin : Nine, eight, aeven, alx, five, Surf, lJnderto w Subside Alon g Newport Beaches Heavy surf and riptide!!! along the Newport Beach shoreline subsidt;<f Sun- day leaving 500 rt!ICUes and one apparent drowning on the lifeguard logbooks for the Weekend. The hazaniolll swimming conditions ca.me up Friday morning afld ' stayed thrdugh Saturday evenlng. . ' alert ' itaae ·•• on ucent, proceed. Beautiful. Very J?DOOUi: yery quiet ride 'lbere.'1 that ooe..crater down there. MC:, Eagle,. Houston. One ml'nute and you're looking godd. Aldrin: Lit.Ue bit of a slow wallowing back and forth. Not very much thruster activity, · MC: Roger. Mighty fine. Aldrin: And it's a thousand , 170 up. Beautiful Fourteen thousand. Armstron&: l'm going right down U.S. I. MC: Roger: Eagle, Houston, four min· utes.' You're going right down the track. EVerything's great. Aldrin: There's "Riller (name or a crater) out there. Seet there· it is·, right there! Say, that's lmpreSSive lOOking, isn't il? •• , (Then, describing how many more feet per second in speed. to 10 before orbit) llOO io 10, 700 to go. , • Premire's holding good .•• 350 to go ••• Stand by oo the engine ann , . • 90 ••• Okay .•• 50 •.• Shutdown! Okay, Houston. we show 47.2 by 9.5 (describin& the orbital aJUtudes in nautical miles). !-fC: Roger, 47.2 by 9.5. Annstrong: AGS (Aboard Guidance System) says 9.5 by 46.5. Later: Armstrong: Houst.on, the Eagle is back 111 orbit, having left Tranquility Base., and leaving behind a ·replica from our Apollo 11 patch Wlith an olive branch. MC: Eagle, Houston. Roger. We copy~ Tilt ;wbole "°'lei .is ~oud of you. • ~ ... " .. lariding craft allor nearlJ 2rbo<ln on the adventure. moon. •:Eagle, Houston, one mlh_ute and Luna Plunges Onto M-0on.at · High Speed you're looking good," said. ml.salon coo- lrof. "Little. bit of slow wobbling back and forth," said Aldrin. Apollo 11'1 moon eab WJll almoat 3';000 feet above the surface· within four minules -hlunch. . "Going rlgbl down U.S. !," aald Annltroog. TIWr li!loU began 89 secoodl Iller the comma.Jiii abfp, "Ith Michael Collini ill lone paMeo&er, paaaed S9 miles above .Tronquillltf -Seven minnl,. later, JODRELt BANK, E!'l)and (U\'I) -111'-!' entend orbit and a 3'Mloor ~ ~ .. Ji!cfi!1l1Blnk lflC~~ l!.'P.-. :.!...:.....i ~. ~ "!t:e:.,:_" salif ftulala'a"1\Ullll1lled Luna oil !I*• ,._?-w•~ !""!> -•-""""' vebleliapparenllf plunged lo 1111 aur!acO -!!«;II' at l,._p:m. P~ .,.i fer of the "1noan ..,.;. al -~ ~ll ~· ~~'"" ~willes llleln could have beeiJ l<'ete!f damaged. onto the lllrf~d,tl. for ~-211'-hour Sir~ Lovel~ chief of the irack-Stoy, wvad ~too, •1 t'likll. They Ing facility, said Luna 15 wu tr1•elln1 Jell behind tbe.111plndl,y-leaJ'ld lower around 300 mph when It hit the moon on stage, the.Ir " launching platforci., as a the Sea of Crisis, about. 500 miles from permanent memento of July JO, 1969 - the Sea of Tranquillity where the two the day. man landed on the moon. Arrierican Apollo utronauta waited on It was the fint;tlme a rotket hid lifted thf!: moon Sunday. · ahythi.ng ftoni lbe mhcm. The dramaUc · If Luna 15 hit the llD'face at th.at speed, operations to remove Armstr<mg and Lovell said, "nothing is likely to survive Mdrin Jr., from the alien world of the such a landinc But lhLs does not mean a moon began al 7:30 a.m. PDT when complete·crasb.·~11 _ ground conltollera aw,.akened M_ichael Howe.Yer, tt was 'believed it would end Colllns, circlint Uie ~ alone m the any possibility that Luna 15 could scoop command ahJp Columbia. up gome moon dirt and race. the But no ma~ what, lay ahead, they American ulnJoa'lll back to Wlh. abudy belonged lo hilllory. Their walk There had been otOclal and unOl'Oclal on"""the moon,-Uieif-eollktlorrof lunar soil speculatioo in MOseow that this wu the samples, their planting of the American purpose of the probe. Flag, and their talk with the Prt!lidenl ln A spokesman said Jodrell Bank's giant the Whitt! HOUie. U1hered in a new era of tracking antenna detected 1lgna1 chances man's conquest of lhe universe. and tJ.lf1! an ahn!Pl cessation of When ground controllm woke Collins transnussJOnS that in~icated Luna 15 had this morning, they arranged their rad io dropped out of orbit onto the lunar transmissions so they 'ttould not disturb aurface. the temporary residents of Tranquillity The observatory said it.s giant dish Ba.se. radio antenna detected a rocket blast Millions of viewers the world over that evidently was Intended to drop the watched as Aldrin and Armstrong craft out of orbit down toward the lunar established that base when their spidery surface. lunar module settled in a .swirl of dust The epok~an put the time of the and Armstrong took the first human step Russian landing at 40 seconds after 8:50 on the moon six and a hall hours after a.m. PDT. . . the landing. ~veil said t~e velocity of a1gnals re. During their walk over the lunar ce1ved at the lime they cta.Sed were surface -fine grained and strewn with a "appropriate to that of a landing." wide variety of rocks -Armstrong and "We 1hall have to wait and 1et1 lf we Aldrlll gathered .about ao. pounda of rock get . more signa~ to see if It llfta: off (See· APOILO Page Z) agaID," Lovell aaid. ' * * * • Timetable for Apollo Trio MONDAY 6:21 p.m. -LM is jettiso ned and abandoned. TUE SDAY 9:53 a.m. -Command module fires its main engine to break: out oC moon gravity and 1tart trip homeward. 11 :32 p.m. -JO-hour rest period for astronaulS. 12 :53 p.m . -MidcOurse correction. 5 p.m. -TelevisioQ .!rom space. -~ .... y ""'" ........... RINGO WAONI l'LllS HIS ltlT. i" ANNUAL M CI Slilllnf C-,,illon 5pe;b .fl ... l'lltht ol Jnowtil• • ' ' c • ' •• Kites in Dying. ClnssU! • _Put Snowbirds to Flight By JOHN VALtpZA ' Of ... 0.llY l'llitt Stl;ff A flock J>I 54 -Newporl Beach Kitei (whose namesake ii a small bird of prey) gobbled up a skin'hy cluster of Snowbird.I Swxfay in an annual city sallin.I, event that faces some trouble. The annual Flight of the SnoWbirds, which ~med more of a drift than· a race at times, featured lesa than 100 1ingJe-sall era fl. Only 31 of the little boats were of the variety that gave lhe aa.lllng clal&ic lt.s name ln 1938. The nearly extinct Snowbirds lagged bad ly behind the newer, Inter Kites In the race marked by Vf!r/ llght winds in Newporl'1 lower bay. WhtfhU 'the race will nourish ·tn spite of tl!a dwindling Snowbird fleet isn't known, ny ~ for the spoosoring chamber of coriimerce. However, Barton (Rocky) Beet, grandson of the late Balboa Island pioneer, Joe Beek, tried his best to teep the Snowbird name alive by winning first in his class. Beek, ·620 W. Ocean Front, Balboa, 1aU. . Senate OK's Cuts ' ' In School Aid ell Number 5S7 lhrougb Iba pack for flrlf place. Bat Ute over-au~ wtnnerot the nc:ei - Ullinc a Kite, was Tudor Parker, 14 81.J. Island. His sister, Tmi,.was dole behlnd to capture a second. ' 1be rest ol the win{len tn lhe Snowblnf division were Mafllee -Allan, llSJ Dolphin Terace, Corona del Mar, aecondS Carolyo Wilde, 106, Ith St., Balboa, lblrd1 Dan Younglove, 1220 W. Ocean Fron~ Balboa, fourth, and Nina Niellon, lot E. BaJboa Blvd., Balboa, fifth. The other KJte winners are Bruct Wachtel, 55 Cutter Road, Newport ·BeacJ\ tl'Jrd; Jay Lawrence, 1321 Sussex ~ Newp<irt Beach, fourth, and BOb l!aaftJf, 529 Via Lido Soud, fifth. 'Ibe Snowbird .'.ffinoer'1 lister, Barban Beek, U,·also toot some honorl'hf thl cl.asalc. She won the trophies u tht yilUngesl girl lo IJnlsb and the Unt girl lo IJnlsb In the nee. David DeRuff ••• 548 s. Jay Front, ..... the youngest boy lo lliilali; 'Mi'. and Mn. Robert SatUer, of ·2209 Bayside Drjve. were· the flfsl ~ed couple to IJnlsb the r~. Oruge Wealli.er 'Jlle heaviest surf and riptides oceurred on Frldaf when 147 swlmmera had :t& be p.1lled from tbe waler by weary ~ IUecuards. Saturday was only a little bet. t..-, li!eguanll oald._. They resclied HI 1wlmmen. They fear8d, however. that one nrfm. mer that day wbo toppled from his raft Raft Ride • Ill Surf Fatal • Summer weather • continues to prevail along 'Iba Or11111e Coaol, and without the usual momflig overcast. Temperatures wW ,..range ·tn the hlgll IOll,. and low 1even- . ties. INSmE TetDAY --Javier Alarcon, is, PlacenUa, disap- peared tn the our! at 2 p.m. · By Swlday the water coodiUonl had Improved. Tho rescue l<llal, 52, reoched the pormal point. guard spokesmen Jlld. POlice reported the "usual" ~lat .or. traffic crashes -28 wtlh 18 nunor m· juries. Police Car .Collides ~ , J.os ANGELES (UPI) -A pollct ~ reapondlng to ,•. robbery 1hlrm conlded with aJlOd)er MO and c~ onto • llldewalk tn downtown Los Ang<les today, klJUo& -podollriln ond crillclll)' tn- jurtng llJCllber. . . ' • Placentia Man. ~to Water, Bo dy No t Recovered A 2$-year~ld Placentii man today was missing and presumed drowned aft.er he allpPed from a canvu raft and imo beovy IUlf oil •Newport Ilea ch Saturdar. • Jaritt Alarcon, 955 Melr09e Ave., was swlntm.lng a few yards upcoasl from the N~ Pier when be dloappetred from IJle,IUrf rjder at I p.m,. li!eguanll oaliL He was in the water with aeveral rn!ndt Who told lifeg\iards Alarcon 1was having dl!llcuk'J lleeping his· balance .. the -raf\. /I; Lifeguard Roi« MoOre told police he notkod the <001Jl0~ ~•lping Alarcotl up oa' lo the nil\i then the vi,tiJn 1•9 · Ill! again. · • Moore dove into the wafer lo te!CUf: Alarcon, but· the victim disappeared' underwater before the lifeadaid could ,....., him. . Moore aummoned, two IDOl'l"JlfefUards alJd a JlOtrol boa! lo sea.Ch _(or lhe vlj> tlm. 'lbelr <fforu and public .lddresl brooclcosta proved frul1leu. • Htavy riplidel and lar&• lllrf were 'f • Onl!I her "°"fid<ol h.,baod WCI turc that Sharon Site1 Admlll toOlll<L ""'~ In Sao Ditgo Tueodoy lo complck lh• t'l,11 10\o ~otli"ll of lh• Pad- , /ic -bu o~ woman.. and h1 1011.1 rig hi. P.011< l/J.' ·. . ~ •1tt11t _, ,...,,.. ........ , ....... ... =" • a: • ... .... ·=::o -• .... "' .. or ~ ,. ·~-" = ::.r ..: " 1 ~" ... .1 .r.::::.. ·1 == ' ll =-!~,.· " --' -.. • • .. • • Third As~l\onaut AU Alo ne as Pals 'on Moon ' SPA~ CENT.ER, 1l"'l!t~ '(,\P) -:-'fhe woi!d .._ ta m tor mote ;,..do ..&.. frQmi...O mm cavorting unbilltvatllf oft the aurface of the moon. SUddenly, a chtpper voice call~ out : -----, _..-.• ~ ,.._1. -: -·--• \ _.,..., ~ P!Mtll COAn'OU&RD ·Cl!TTER CAPE HIGGON HEADS FOR HARBOR WITH MESA ~·s !IQAT IN TOW , . · :rwo ·a-llOCI IE1ght Miies Out;· Cruiser Sinks After Btln1 T~ to c,Jm Wotor 'f . 1: -• • • • Boat .Swamped • Ill Harbor A 21-foot a.bln crWMr slipped to the from Jolieto at.about 1 :30 p.m. The cabin "We put a swimmer ln tht watu to ·bot\om of Newport BaJ Saturday as a cruiler wu takin& on water about eight secur~ the line to the bow," .said Coa6t U.S.. Coast Guard cutter lowed it into milt. out A patch had given away. duard U. R. A. Modtgomery. "But home port. BUllard and an unidentified male Jolleto Sank ln about 35 feet of water.'' Nobody .... Injured. the "--L 'lbe '8,IOO vessd, Jolleto, was owned passenaer wm t.aten aboard Cape Moments . before the ,._.. parted, me and U!pperod by JGlin Bullard, 21121 lllggon and a tow line fixed to the Jolieto'• bow had dipped about three feet StnmbolJ Jtor.d, Costa Mesa. ' .stricken vweJ. • ' under the .bay'S aurface. "Lel m,e tnow wben lt'1 loocb Ume, will you? , "Say again," said a startled ground communicator. "Aw, forget tt,n came the reply. Thfl was Micht"el .COJuni, the forgotten man ol the Apollo 11 moon landing miS.'lion, circling 69 miles overhead as Neil Armst.rong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. Fro1n Page l APOLLO ..... • • and dirt samples. They were calm, deliberate and e~ countered no troubles during the time outside Eagle -2 hours, 11 minutes for 'Armstrong and 29 minutes lw {ar ,Aldrin. But Annstrong-up to now considered an emoUonlen iron man -reflected emotiJJl when he uttered his first words on the moon and again when he iesponcl· cd to the' President's telephone call from nearly a quarter-mlllion·milts away. The trv pictures lbey beamed back showed them mov~S: easily in lheir stiff, bulky spacesuits. The mooo'a gravity pulled only one-sixth as hard as the earth's and Armstrong and Aldrin looke<j like lwo 1low motion dancers in an underwater ballet. · Fllabt Director CliUQrd E. bounce<I hghUy 'Over the lunar sl,lrface. All.. Ud perhlpo a llWt . wlsllUI, .... _.. \ . Collln!. pUoUrir the connnancl ahlp '9 miles above the moon, listened with the rest-of t.6e World to hlB colleaguer bckiw. "That:was a beautiful job, .you guys"/~ miiSion . control told the luriar modU!O crew after Arinstnmg ai!Vlaed the World that "the Eagle bas landed.'' '11ftre were litnDfng facei on eattb llnd moon, it was reported, ·and then it was Collins chiming in apin: ".\nd don't for· get the one In the _command module!"· • "How did things klot down thq-e 'tD you?," mission ·control asked Collini as his shlp Colwnbia sped overhead. "Well, the area looks smooth, but 1 was unable to see him (Eagle)," Collins responded. "I could pick out a distihguishable crater clearly but not him. It looks like a nlce irea, though.~' And then he added : "Sounds like it lobl<s a lot better than it did yesterday at that .vtrj11>w sun .angle. lj looked re>ulh as a cob." When Armstrong and Aldrin completed their moon uploraUon, ml4slon control noWled Collins they bad climbed ale~. aboard tbt moonslllp and were_ "Hallelujah!" uclalned the 31-year-Gld Air Force lieutenant colonel. ' ..:. . The eroond radioed word earlier that th;-~ "ii lll'oereutnc buldUUlly. I b!lleve lliey .are ieWng up the !lac J\OW.'' •10reat ! 11 came the reply. MlWOn CO!llrol :"'I· gutS17oo'ro aboo( ' the orify person Mouitd" Uiat°d0esn't have TV coverage ol Ute sceile.)' . Collins: "Tbat'1 right. That's all right. • 1 aOO't'mind a bit.v.: ." • · Aod whlle "Ntil &¥ Buzz" were ~­ muniC4tlnJ: with 'their PresJdent, COWns- w~ communing with the stars, ~g along on one of the· 12 moon brbifs be flew a.lone. • • In a pretllght Interview, Collins wa~ asked how he felt about being left behind in Columbia, separated from his col- leagues some 28 hours. "Well," he replled, "I think J .would probably be less than hooest il I said !bat I thought I had ~ be&t ,.at ot J!1e tbrie. "On thaot!Jer hand, I <On also ny,wlth CQ'Dplet.e banesty that I'm' very happy With the seat I have." ~ The ApoDo 11 moon mission waa not the fir-1t time he had been left behind. A heartbroken Oolllns was rtPlace.d on .~e Apollo I lllght, which orbited ·the moon 1aat Oiristmia, when he was struck down by a bone spur Jn b.LI ~ It was car· reeled by surgery. Major Tax Benefit House Committee Cuts OilDer,letion'Allbwance :-- • U.S. Cout Guard spokesmen said the ~~ as the two boats en-•• Anchor Marine later in the evening 1-'---=cut=t=-•·~l'!)!lil"!! &P•ded lo·~~-the~_____!,__ -"-. • r-laced Jolieto. · -~ • • Cbarfesworth wa after their· ramble over the mooruicape: "My opinion was that they moved about easier and 'bad e llih!ll!Y-and -everything' tllaD ·I ~HJiiiUiTiTiiii'rten­ you 'wily • : • but I .(elt lronkly Iha! one- &ath G might surprise WI to some e"ltent ·, • , I'm sure (however) they had absOlutely no pioblem with moving around and appeared to be quite com· (ortable.,, iv ASHINGToN (UPI) -. The House Wayi and Moans c.inmiu.. volOli M!!"". day to cut the oil depletion aUawancettbe major tU: benefit of the petroleum ~ dustry, f~m 27'h: percent to 20 percent t .. I f ' <> JOSEPA''li'fL'.v1< 1w'E'r su1r,r,~rs SAFELY ABOARD HARBOR PATROL CRAFT AS 1 H1~A7;'B"u'ir.is _ _ Explosion •nd Fire. Off Scotchman's Cove Send Huntington le•ch Man Into Waf9r . -. A'llen May Aid .Backers j • • - Of Public Beach Access By JEROME F. COLUNS l Ot ...... """ lttH A-lf'OUP ot La(una Beach area citilen!, support<cl by pet!Uons bearing more than 1,800 signatures, Tuesday will once again ask Orange County supervisors to asure public acceas to the pubUc tidelands at Salt creet beach. • 'l'be delegation, headed by Brennan "H~" McClelland, may find an ally in Fifth District Supervisor Alton E. Allen. Allen Friday urged that supervisors earmark some $1 million in the new budget for beach acquisition purpose:i. · It woulcf·take three cents on the county tax rate -now $1.M -to generate that amounl While Allen dkf not. specify any particular beach area, he noted that the public "is becoming arot.lled over block· tnc QI! tho j>eaches and we shoo!d do llA!lY PllOT CIUNU COMI ·PUa mft• COMll'AIN l.Mtf N. W•6' ~,. ..... .,.,.,.. .. , J•c." a. om.., .,. ........... .o-r ...... ThNlff ICHvil ·-Th•lllH A. M""'\1~· ................ • J•fe1t1• F. C•lll11 --<"' ----221 I Wnt l •ll-7•• ... lw1NI U.111itt A4~P.O.ln 1171,t266) som~lng abo\lt It'." · "We 'are spending more than $4 million to 1et park land ~ we: haven't done. a thing far the beaches," he said, adding: "We should try to go in before develop- m.ents. ~ way you get more for your money." Second District Supervisor David Baker, the only other county board member to represent coastal com· munities, backed Allen's propogal. But the matttr, at the suggestion of Board Chainnan William Hlrstei.n. was held over pending deliberalion over lhti 1969-70 county budget. McClelland ~id today his . group ts ready for those dellberaUons, which begin Tuesday. He sald he bas been promjled a ·spot oo the agenda at 11 a,m .. ror ,the presentation of the tidelandJ access peti- tions. . McClelland, one o( the gianbl of West Coast sudini. explained the petitions re. quell SUJ>trvisors to take whatever steps are necessary to open public acceu to Salt Creek, the once-popular surfinc and swimmini spot at Laguna Niguel. The county in March, 1968, abandoned Salt Creek Road to the Laguna Nigue l Corporation. The roadway, once a slate highway, was th' only potential public access to the tidelands area between South Laguna and Dana Point. The county's action ror months has been the subject of court battles, not yet liiettled. , "l can't discuss legal technlcalitie!'I of this issue," &a.Id Mt'Clelland. "All I know is tba.t for 40 yean I swam and surfed at 5alt Creek Beach, and now I can't The road is gooe. I jtm hope there.'• somtthl;ng the county can do to correct the &tt.Uailon ... One mp the county might take, McCftlland suggested, would be to re-- quest a feasibility study on acqulsftJon of land for access, for a parking lot •nd ror general beach use at Sall Creek. Am""i those joining McClell1nd In hi! efforts -in addition lo the petition signers -are former Oranae County Grand Jury member Helen Ketlty, Santa Ana school ofnclal Joseph 0'8ullivan, and attorney William Wllcozen. They all live In the Laguna area. Abo involved Jn the "Save Salt Cteek Beach" campaign 11 the Capistrano Bay Park and Recre•tlon District. Wded by Board Presldont John 0. Snlpts. Huntington Man Survives Boat Blast Of r· Coast ... A ZS.foot cabin cruiser e1ploded and pnk oil s<:o;c1µnan •s Cove Sat\lfday afternoon, but the Jone man aboard was thrown Into the water and ...aped Injury. Joseph Bilyk, 21%72 Bulkhead Circle, HWltington Beach, was picked up out of the water moments after the 3 ~m. e1· pJoajon by anotller boater while ruS $7 ,000 "Hard Way" burned and ~nt to the ocean bottom. Bilyk told the Harbor Patrol he had been diving, had just got on board and was preparing to return l.O Newport Beach. When he turned on the ignition key the resulting explosion threw him in- to the water. A Harbor Patrol spokesman theorized a fuel tank leak caused the fire. '.Armstrong Had Chance to Fall SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) Neil A. Annstrong . the first to test man's ability to walk on the moon, almost made an unplanned test of man 's ability to fall on the moon. While he was loping across the surface his foot \angled in the television camera cable . Crewmatc Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. warned him, however, before he fell . ··Neil," called Aldrin by radio, "Neil. You"re on the cable.'' "Okay." "Pick up your right root," Aldrin ad- ded. "Your toe is sl.ill hooked in it." Annstroog untangled bis foot and loped ... Moon Trip Changes Ancien t J ewish Prayer JAKARTA !UPI! -Radio Jakarta broke Ill more than a decade-Joni tradi- tion Sunday nlcbt by rela.vin& the Vok:e of America Broadcast on the first moon landl ... The relay transmission was allo unusual because il started at midnight local Ume, the ~gular clomrta time for Radio Jakarta, and lasted for live hours. causing many government ofricials and students to torrle to office or acbools wllb red eyes Monday. ·---------- The Eagle crewmen apparently were not so com!Qrtable during their IO.hour rest period Jn.side ~ lunar module after . the moonwalk. Flight surgeons reported that Armstrong, the only" one wired to send biomedical data back to earth, slept only fitfully through the night. Jt may have been lack of comfort as much as excitement. Inside the lunar module, the pllotJ have to sleep by lean· ing up against a bulkhead tn the maehine that they fly standlog up. Mission Control ammenllw Terry White noted as Colllrui went behind the mooa ,.and· lost communlcatiooa on bis 23rd orbit of the moon: '1-Not aince Adam has any human known such ll(llitude as Mike Collins, with no one to tali to ex- cept his tape recorder." The vote wa.s 11 to 1 in the tu-writing committee on reducing the oil depletion allowance, the most controversial of tax refonn proposals being considered by Congress. The panel voted to reduce virtually all mineral depletion allowances by %7.3 per· cent. A committee spokesman said this would reduce the oil and gas depletion to-· 20 percent -and wou1d boost treasury re\·enues by an estimated $400 million an- nu5lly. The depletion allowance aUows an oil company to subtract 271n percent oJ its grou income, up to .a muimum of 50 permit of tta annual total. Altboogb most tninerals producing companies -there BIJ more than 100 - will be affected by tne' ecr0$$-the-board 27 .3 percent slash in their depleUon allowances, there were some excepUon.s. Heartbeats J~P. For Moon Walk SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - During the time they were on the moon, the astronauts' heartbeats ranged from 90 beats a minute to a high of 125 a minute for Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. and 160 for Neil A. Armstrong. Armstrong's peak came when he was loading rock sample boxes into the luner lander, said Dr. O:larles Berry, the as· t:rooauts physician. Both men have a normal heart rate of 70-75 beats a minute. A3 the two began their descent to t h e aurlaee in t h e . spacecraff.Eegle, Armstrong's heart rate f jumped lo 110 beaY, a minute. At landing it had risen to 156. AJdrin's heart was not monitored at that time. ·'One .Pric.eless Moment'· Nation Vie ws Apollo 11 as Symbol of Peace, Progress By THE.ASSOCIATED PRESS 1'The moon Ls the coly place in the univene where there are both humans and peace," said a man in a Miami bar. Other Americans viewed Apollo 11 as a symbol of peace and progress. "I think it's an entirely new era in In the way of life. And every scientific advance is ultimately for good," said Judge Alvin Williams of Mount Vernon, Ill. President Nl1on, speaking by radio-- telephone from tbe White House. told astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., "For one priceless moment In the whole history of man all of the peo- ple on this earth are truly one." The President said the Apollo mission "inspires us to redouble our efforts to bring peace and tranquility to earth." Leafy Noble, 74, or Moonville, lncf., reflected, "It was even more exciting than that day in July 1918 when thilirst airplane flew over Moonville.11 Charles Stuart, 23, of Portland, Ore., said, "When my grandmother was young they were just learning how to fly. Now I wonder what's going to happen by the time I'm her age." Edward Slater of Omaha, Nev .. said, "I hope it does something for the future not only for peace on earth but throughout the universe." Frederick Durant, an employe of the Smithsonian Institution Jn Washington, found Apollo 11, "a tremendous thrill, sharing with every one in the world lhls event which could open the ne1t fitage in the· evolution of mankind." Dean Hatvick, of Havre, ll-font., stood In the Smithsonian beneath the Spirit of St. Louis, the tiny airplane in which Charles A. Lindbergh flew alone across the Allan· tic in 1927, and said, "It's quite a night!" Not everyone looked at the bright side of the moon venture. Nellie Lawrence of Atlanta said, "Man ain 't supposed to be there. I've been to shopping .centers and everybody is scared because God didn't intend the moon Ian· ding. God didn't intend man to set foot on the heavenly bodies." I • • And another miserable Saturday was had by all The next lime you come in he"' for underabort• ( S 1.50 to 82.50), or walk •horto ($7 lo SIS), or swim 11h or l8 (86 lo SIS), try to make it on a Monday. 11'1y hanker, my auditor aDd my compeli l~rs would i111i&l tbat Sa1urday wa1 actually a oplendid day. Our oala fii!· u .... keep ping ahead of lut xear'1. So wba1'11 90 mieerable? HaYing to work. We aeed to run our acb on Saturda,.,. This new1p8per is deli'ffl'ed to many homee on 6 Sotvday Di'in'nlnga. We'd &nmetime1 ~t &0 bluted bney arowad.. here 0 11 a Saturday al1ernoon that all o f ua eoUid hordly o!And iL We learned lo hate Satur· day>. :'!Vhen everybody elae wa11 out baTU.g a 8QOd time, • Or a Taeriday. Or a Wed· where were "'e! Here in this aeeday. Or a Friday. slore, working our fanniea oil, Bui n ppoae il'1 a Saturday One of our men .Mid to me and you decide you need one day, bey\ J ack, why 11on'l 1horts, or a suit or M>m& we "'n our ad.I on Mondays ihing? · ' inateod? . In that case, di.oregard to-I Brilliant I So that'• exactly day'• •d. Pretend it' a Tue.day, what we · did. Notice what day ll!ld eome In •nyway. of the week la at the top of By the ""Y• what happened thl1 PIA"• to Thunday? Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo •t Newport Blvd., in Newport Buch next to Richard'• Market and The l.Jdo Titeater. Plenty of f,.,. parklq in the rear. Phone 673-4510 Coprright 1969, Jack Bidwell. I • • , I I I ' -. --• • . Cosia .. voi:. ~2. NO, ·1n, 2 SECTIOt)IS, 30 PAGES ... '· .· . . . • 'Beantif ril' * * * * * * .. . . ' . :'-I'~ ·Going .Right . Down Hi·ghway l~ SPACE CENTER, llousloo (AP). --Anmtrong: AGS "-(Aboard Guldanct Here is the converaatlon between iniBBlon S)'!1e°m) says t.i by '8.1. control in HouSton and astronauts Neil Later: Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin ., they Annltrcilg: Hoµ!ton, th< Eagle is baek 1 blasted .from ~ moon into orblt Moo-In orbit, having leij TJ:anQuility Base, arid • · JelVing behmd a replica lrom our Apollo day: 11 patch with an olive brilncb. 1 -Miss!9o~<;!Wtrol: Yow:'re ~!tared for _MC:.Eagle, HOuslon.-Rol!er, We copy. 1 • • takeoff. • · · • The whole world la proud of you. -!!!!!ti!!< l!oJeL llO'k«l•nd ' W<'''• >--~-- ntJIJ'lSU one on.lhe ruiiway. MC: R!>K?.• · -. 1ifC: Eagle, Houston. You're looking good to WI, • Aldrin: Nine, eight, seven, six, five, start st.age engine on 4scent. proceed. BeauUfiiL Very smooth. Very quiet ride · There's that one crater down there. MC: Eagle, Houston. One minute and you.'re lool<lng good. Aldrin: J.4tle bit of a slow wallowing back and fortb1 Not vecy much thruster activity. MC: Roger. Mighty fine. Aldrin: And lt's a .thousand, 170 up. Beautiful. Fourteen thousand. Armstrong; rm going rijht down U.S. I. . MC:' Roger:·Eagle, Houston: lwr min· utes, You're going right down the track. Everything's gmtl A1dr1n: There'• Ritter (namt of a crater)-out there. See, there it ta, right the.re! Say, that's imprtmve looking, isn't it? ... (Then, describing how many more feet per .second in speed to go before orbit) 800 tO go, 700 to go .-•• Pressure'• holding good : •. 350 to go ••• Stand by on the engine ann .•• 90 ••• Okay • • • 50 ••• Shutdown! Okay, Houston, we show 47.2 by 9.5 (describing the orl?ital altitudes ~P nautical miles). MC: Roger, 47.2 by 1.5. Police Cai· Collides LOS ANGELES (UPI) - A police car responding to a robbery alarm collided with another auto and careened onto a eldewalk in downtown Los Angeles today, killing one pedeslrian and critically in· jurin& another. Girl Rescues Mesa Child From Pool A young HunUngtoo Beach girl pulled &. visiting Costa Mesa tot from the bottom of an apartment unit swimming pool SU!l- doy, wbett Ille 1p0Ued bim lying mo- "'"'··· ~' ,, ... , '' ~·w sargm~ I, or 111 1>arry1 st. Ol<ta Mesa, iJ rep<rte\l In gu~ed con- :::.:n;!:r ;:tre?,:~~~i:'' al Scott was pulled· from the bot.tom of the pool at 7632 Commodore· Circle, Hun. tington Be~ch,.by Cindy Marten. 14, who lives in the aame Commodore Circle apartment complex as S c o t t ' s grandmother, Mrs. Felicia Sargent, said pollce reporlll. Mrs. Sargent had started a search for her vislUng grandson when he failed to return as expected from a swim in the pool. Mouth-to-mouth resuscltation was ad· nlinistered to Scott by Mrs. Barbara Newell, another apartment resident. Firemen later gave the youngster ox· ygen, then took him to Huntington Intercommunlty. Timetable for Apollo Trio MONDAY 6:21 p.m. -LM is jettisoned and abandoned. TUESDAY 9:53 a.m. -Command module fires its ma.in engine to break out of moon gravity and start trip homeward. 11:32 p.m. -IO.hour rest period for astronauts. 12: 53 p.m. -Midcourse con;ection. 5 p.m. -Television from space. .. r...,.....• ----~ ; . 'f°'ay'• ·F .. ln-a.._l_r-·i -N.Y.St.oeb ... . MONDAY, ;JUtY 2 f, ~.969 =..'JEN Cit-n's ---• ·- • . -, .. • •• • :. :· ' 7. -~ ., ·: . J Orbit •. m ~ ..., . . ' - J.:. * * :>... •, :>.: -. ~T--->~ . .-,..-..-:i..-*· .. Lun~r Expl~~~.r~. ·catch Columbia .,. . ' SPACl!l CE!ITER, HOUiton (APJ-houry, 31 minutes later. , Amerieca's moon explorers bla&ted df In the final ntnute!, when they Wtn the bleak lunar surfac,i today, chased 1 ..., ol ---~ .n ... • .... 11:--... -... their ori>ltlng mother ship lo< 3\; houn n sl.,.I ~ ~. ~ ·-- and then linked up ·safely for the voyage his caPsule siraight toward Eagle; home. • gently nudging the two apac& lbipl'-'8 --~ Neil A. Armstrong and ~Edwin E. Al· geth<r unlll mechanical tatcheo -etipged cfrin Jr., the firs! humans oa lhe. moon, and locked jhe two sl\lpo !ogether. . --put ~atecl 1pa"'lh1P-tbnugb a --rwG ~ ~·"'ion=---f . series-or ·loor Con\jllel rocti<t fuinga . 1 ·the ... - AR.TIST'S DRAWING -Ascent stage leaves mo<in with astronauts aboard. Descent •Lage left Qehlnd a• Annstroog, Aldrin. bead for rendezvous wilb Collins in command ship. Priceless Moment Unites All Mankind, Says Nixon By THE ASSOCIATED PR- " The moon is the only place in-the un iverse where there are both· humana and peace," said a man in a Miami bar. Other Americans viewed Apollo 11 u a symbol of peace and progress. "l think Jt's an enlirely new era In in the way of life. And every· &eienUfic adtl"ancc is ultimately for good,". ~d Judge Alvin Williams of Mount Vernon, Ill. President Nixon, speaking by radlo- lelephone from the White HOU!e. told astronauts Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., "For one pria!less moment in the whole history of Ql8Jl all o{ the peo- ple on this earth are truly one ." The President sai~he Apollo mission "inspires us to redouble our efforts to bring peace aw.I trai1qulllty to earth." --- Leafy Noble, 14, of Moonville, l{ld,. reflected, "ll was even mOI\. exciting than that day in Ju1y 1918 when the fiBt airplane new over Moonvllle." Chari. Stl!8it, 23, of P.ortland, Ore., said, "When ~y grandmother was young they were just learning how to Oy. Now I wonder what'• aoing to happen by "the lime I'm her age." Edward.Slat.er. of Omaha, Nev., said, "I hope It does something for the future not only for peace on earth but throughout the universe." Frederick Durant, an employe of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, . found Apollo 11, "a tremendous thrill, sharing with everyone in the world this event which coUld oiien the next st.age 1n (See REACl10N, Pop I)" Mesan's Ctui.Ser Sinks Under Tow; No One Injured ... · A 28-foot cabin CTUiser slipped to the bottom or Newport Bay Saturday as a U.S. Coa5t Guard cutter towed it into borne port. Nobody was injured. The $8,500 vessel, Jollcto, was · owned and skl}>pered by John Bu11ard , 2822 Stromboli Road, Costa Mesa. U.S. Coast Guard spokesmen said the cutter Cape Hlggon re&ponded to an SOS from JoUeto at.about 1:30 p.m. The c.abin crulser was taking on waler about eight mlle1 out. A pat~ had given a~ay. Bullard and an · unid efltlfled mate pa..'lsenger were taken aboard the cape Hlggon ind a to" line fixed to the 1lrlcken vessel.. The line parted -a1 the two boals ·M8 lered th< harbor. to catch up With Mii:bael 'CoUlnl In \he . crawl Uimlgh a connecllng tunne to J command ship circl!ni tliOiiloo•l lor the :'~u=p, ~ lo!!,_owi!IJ;JIJ!ll!t - 27th Urne. . 11ieo Ea~ their home· for 3D hist.rie · • The. lunar shlp Eagle, using 1ls de-hours was to be kicked 1oo9e. evtntUally scent stage .as a laUJlchl~ pad, lifted to crish. tnto 'the moOn•s surface. , off Wil!i •~um of fire •110,M •·!"· Pl,YI' Apollo 11 ... u;.,; -to"' boo and caugbl lhe molher ship, Coltimbla, S hlnd·lbe moon I« lhe llJI and Jut time. fire lta main engtne'fQll' 2'h minutel at L , 9.: 15 a.m. Tbelday and then ltart tts una Plunges :=i~~~~ ~~ 1o Thelr liftoff began M second& aft.er.the 0 M command ahlp, with Mlcbael OolliM Its nto Oon at lone -er. puled 119 miles above ' Tranquillity Bue. Seven minutes laler. th<y entered orbil and • 1"'""'1ur -Sigh Sp~· .... ~~:~~J:: . ,..... '-::'. .. • . . @laf •. ---. too. u ~ Tiiey ~ BANK.'E-, Oll'J)" -Ml 'bebind · lhe ."IJlb!\ll ·leaed lower " EhaJand'a Joc1ten 8ank tr~ '111uoil .up, theJr i.~, ii.llcirm. ·a. • aai4 Rusala'a unmanned Laila 15 apace perinlnenl memento iir July lO, 11111 :.. / ebl I tfle dly· man landed oo the moon. v c e apparenUy plunged ~ the aurface It wu lbe n-.. ,;_. a -ket" •·d p•~ f th ••• h ., •• _.... .. • ••• ~~ ·~ ·~ ·~ j····11 o e moon wuay at sue . ""6" ".,_,.. a-anything (rom the moon. The dramaUc could have been 1everely·damaged. operaUons to rem:ove ArmittOag and , Sir Bernard Lovell. chief ol lhe track· Aldrin Jr.,· fr9111 the . alien world ol the Ing facility said-Luna 15 was tcavellog moon J>egan at, 7:30 1.11\. Pr;>T when _. ' ground cohtrollers awakened Michael around 300 mJ!ll wllen It hit the,_, oo Collins, circlina the""mom'alone Ill .the "_, I th< Sea ol Crisia, about iOO mil" ltOm command ship Colmnbla; · the se.a of Tran9.ulllity whe.re the lwo But no matter what Jay ahead, they American Apollo astronaull walked on •tread¥ belonged to history. 'I1Wr wait th~ moon Sunc;tay · , ~ Oil the moon, theff cOllection of lun1r soil U Luna, 1$ !!it the surf~ce at Uiat speed, samples, their ·planUni of the American 1'°"'1 uid, nothing ~likely to 1Urvlve Flag, and'thi:lr talk with the Pre!lidmt in ' s~ch •11~ But ~ .~ not mean ·a the. While House, ushered in a new en. ot complete crash landm~. man's conquest of tbe universe. Howev~, It wa1 believed it wou1d e-4 When ~ controllm. wob Collini any pooslblllty Iha~ Um& Ii could ·ICOO~ tlllS morning, ·they 11Tanged their radio up some moon dirt. and race the transmissions so they woWd not disturb American utrpnauts back to ea~. the temporary residents of Tranquillity: There had been official and unoffictal Bast · speculat\on tn Moscow that this wu Ute MlliJcm1 oe viewers the worhb.wei:..==c.; purpose o! the probe. watched as Aldrin and Annllrqng A spokesm,an said Jodrell Bank'a giant established that base when their sp1dtry tracking antenna detected signal chaogea · . and then an abrupt cessaUon of ~unar module settled in ~ BWir'l of dust transmissions that indicated Luna 15 had and Arrostrong took the first Jtum8Il l\ep dh>pped Out of orbit onto the lunar on the n:ioon. sll: and a. ~ 1ioura after surface. the landing. . The observatory uid 1t11 giant dish . During ~lr ~alk over the lUnar radio antenna detected a rocket blast lll!"'ace -fine grained and strewn wil.h a that evidenUy wu Intended to drop the wide variety of rocb -Anns&rong and craft out o( orbit down toward the lunar Aldrin gathered about 80 pounds of rock surface and dirt aamples. The ~pokesman put the time of the They were calm. deliberate and ~ Russian landing al 40 ,,.,.,.,,.g after l :SO counlered no lroobl .. during _lhe lime a.m. PDT. , • outside Eagle -2 houri, 11 mmu~.fotl . Lovell 111id· the veIOcity of signals re-Armstrong '.IPd. 29 millutea leu for ceiv'4. ·at lhe time they ceued were Aldrin. , • "appropriate to that of a landing.'' But Armstrong -tzp to now coosid~ "We-shall have to wait and see if we an emoUonleu Iron man -reflel;led get more 1ignalll to see U it lifts oil emotiJn when be uttered hi! first words again," Lovell said, oo the moon and again when be nspond~ (See APOLLO, ·J'alO I) W estrninster ' Nabs Fair Award The City of Westminster capiured the top award in .the lndu.strial booth judgini al tho , Orange County F..alr alld EJ:. position. Jt was evaluated the best booth on the basis of Its education value, ingenuity, at- tractiveness, Ughtlng and complet.eneas. Cdsta Mesa'1 Chamber of CollUJllU(e captured lhe· ._.i-.im in th< com- petition, whllo Fullerton took third. The City of Orange finlahed fourth. Hwi- tlngl<lo Beach, !Uth. ' i\pollo Myth Matches Latid~ ou Moof SP"ACE CENTER, .Houston ~UPI) - Apollo II waa appropriately. named for th< god of light In Gr.ek mytholoey. · Orange Weadlero Summer weathtt continues to ~all alOn( the-' Orange Coa$I, and without the usual. morning overcast. Ten1Peritures will range in the high siltin and low aevm- tiea. I COAST GUARD CUTTER CAPJ' '~GGO!'-HE/<DS FOR HARBOR WITH MESA MAN'S BOAl' IH 'TOW Tw\i Rtocued. Eight Mllu Ovt; Cn1lnr Slnlca Afttr hint Towed to Calm W1t1r "We put a nimmer•ln the wat.er .,to secure the line to the bow," said COart Guard Lt. R. A. ll!Ohtgomery. "Bui Jolieto aank in about 35 feet of water." Mornel)IS ~htlore-lhe line parted, the Jolleto'• bow hid 41ppec1 aboul three feel under the bay'• IUl'face. Anchor Maiine laler In lhe evmlrte resurfaced Jolleto. Apollo wu °""ol th< buliell and -i venatUe of UJe" Olympian go4I andJWu considered Ille god of prophecy and Ibo &od of• the emblrkel\111<1 dllemborket. And b1J.1;,1n •ilter .... ArttmIJ; t11i. a?fl(leal ol lht moon. r.-~ -~ ---------• . . , . . , l • ' • ... ·. ' '. I' I ' j - • • • c _ 2 o~ ._. . • MesaJ>olice_ • Uncover ~ Liberal Soviet Poet Fired F_rom Magazine MOSCOW (AP) -Poet Yevl"'Y Yev. t.ulherlto, 31, and.two other Sovltl wrtter.s sometimes considered liberal hive been fired from lht editorial boanl of • Soviet mopzine, an editor CIOllfinned today. OA1lt r110T MAHU co.ot "" ... COMNW'I ,_ ... _ --~ J ...... _ lj1G9.,...... ....... ., ,,,....., ---' 3Jlt W.,J "1 "'9et ~,.._~r.o.a.11.o.n121 ----.. ·~= .... ~ .... ..... ., Pi.at,~ • _... .. ..... , ...... ·--~~.:::. -·----:-:: llii:. :.:·~·.'"'"'::"I.:"~· ........ ~=-.. ~ ~----­.., ...... °"' ... f1l1at1; I 1114) MMll:I -a ••• ... ,.,..,., .,. .... ,. Qlltrfllli. ~ .,.,. c... ....... ~ .. -........... = ~-:--• 4'ii:r':.:.. -=-~:=F~ = ;.oa:.=.- \. ; --' . •• House ·Committee Cuts O~l Depletion Allowa-nce WASHINGTON (UPI) -'Ille H..,. Ways and Means Committee voted Mon- day to cut the oil depletion ~the majOr .tu benefjl of Ille In· duslry. fr<>m 2'111 pereent to 20 porcont. Tbe .. 11 wu 11 to T lnlllt 111-wrlUnl mnmluee on -~ucina: the oU depleUon al.lo-tllo most C!Olltnmnlll of llx nlonn Jll"(lOllll ~ CO!llldottd bJ C<>ngnu. • Tiit peDll voted to red\IOI virtually all mlneraJ deplOUon a11owanct1 b7 ru per. cent. A ·-mu..., lllOktlman uld lllls would -.. !ht oil and pa deplell ... to I • 20 percent -111d would boost trwury rel'enues by an estimated MOO mUUon an- nually. The depletkm allowance a\lowa an oil company to subtract 27\~ percent of tta ..,,..-tn<Ome, up to a mulm\lm ol IO porcent of its annual lot.al. . A!thoolh most minerals producing comp1DJu -there are mort t.ban 100 - w!U be alfe<:ted by tho across<lle-boanl I'/.! perttnl olallh In tht~ dcpleUoo allowanees, there were some uctpUOM. The commltlte let stand-.1 IS pmenl the preltnl de~l•tlon allowanct on aotd, aUver. oll shale, copper and tron ore ta en<:OUl'IP do....Uc eaploraUoa. -• ' Plan Dinner. For P ol"lorri Moon Trip Changes A.ncient Jewish Prayer JAKARTA (UP I) -Radio Jakarta broke its more tha n a decade-long tradi- tion Sunday night by relaying the Voice of America Broadcast on the first moon landing. The relay transmission was at!O unusual because it started at midnigh t local time, the regular clo.c:.l ng time for Radio Jakarta, and lasted for five hours, causi!ig many govern ment officials and students to come to office or schools wit h red eyes Monday. And another • miserable Saturday Tb• next time yoa eome In here for undenhoru (11.SO lo 12.50), or walk ahorte (17 10 115), or awim ahoru (16 to 115), try to make II OD a was had by all Monday. . Or a Tueaday •. Or a Wed· lily banker, my auditor oad where were we? Here In tlil1 MOday. Or a Friday. my compeliior. would. lnllol .•to..., WOl'klng oar fumleo oU. Bat 1uppooe lt'a a Saturday that Saturday WU aotually a One of our men Mid to me oad yoa decide you need aplenclld day. Our aaleo fiC' one day, hey, Jaok, why doa't ahorte, or a 1ull or eo- ..,.,. keep plq llhead of Jut we nm our ado on ~oaday1 thlq? year's; la1tead? 1-la that -cllareprd to- So what'• IO mloenhler Brllllmll So that'• euatl.1 day'• .... Pntlead lt'1 TuMday, Havlq to "6l"k. mt we clld. NoUoe "hat day oad come In ~1""17 • We uoecl to nm our ad1 oa of the week 11 ot the IOp of 11Y tlie wa7, what ".!rpened S.turdaya. Thia no~ 11 thl1 pap. to Tlu1nda7? dell'"'red IO many ho-on S.""""7 morn Int•• 'We'd - oomellm .. ..,t so hl"'ted haay around here on a S.tordoy afternoon that all of u1· coold hardly atand It. . We learned to bola S.lul' day.. When • ...,.body eloe wa1 out havlng a good ti.me. ' ' Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Lido at Newport Blvd., In Newport Beach next to Richard'• Market and The Lido Tbeal6r. Plenty of free parltlq 111 the reor. Phone 67s.4510 Copyri&hl 1969, Jack Bidwell. \ • •• • • ' --~~--~·-~-~--------------~-----~ .. •• ' • • ' I Moodlr, Jo~ 21, 196' · ·rrhat~s · ~"~ .. SJDall· ·Siep-.lor ;M~n • • • 1. • • • • .... . . ' . . •. A .. Giant. Leap for "anki.nd Pair ·Test Surldfi:e • Wi-th Care-, SPAC)1: CENTER, Houston (AP) - They took their first &eps onlo the moon cauUously, like prudent boys test.Jn1 the • first lei! of winter on a country pond. When Urn they walked , they walked carefully aod slowly,, leaninc forward, plodding heavily like tired old cops on a beat ·1n Staten Is1arML • As they acquired ~idence, they w~ed faster, now with • slow bounce 1n the one-sixth gavity of the moon. And then they raD-"and lhelr-stride wa.s longer than on @Ith ~ t11e.ir shoes seemed suspenged ~ff the strange lunar surface, wilh aomelhing of tile floating quality of flgures on slow motion Olm. When they were still, they seem~ very still. as if ' frozen, and they leaned forward like puppell to be at 1 lunar f9flll of attenµon when tbe president spoke to them from earth. • EARTH BEAl11'1FUL All the while. tht earth was "bright and beautiful" aboVe , them. Jn· this first in· er.edible day .or an. incredible Slew era .one nttds to repeat that·: the ei.rtb was above them. · INSCRIPTION-Astronaut Neil Anrutrong (right), 'flanked by fellow moon walke~ Buzz Aldrin, reads inscription 'on plaque signed by three A]56llo 11 I 1.1'1 ,.__..~MAIA astronaut.! and President Nixon. Plaque, stating peaceful intent of mission ''for all mankind,••· will rem~n on -the moon. • Pri~el.ess Moment Moon Landing ·· · Made Aldrin's ' ~ • .. ' • ,. Njx_on.Calls Spacemen for Moon Cltat . 1nt1>e distance,t1>elunarsur1ace1oot-• Father 'Nervous' c • ' , ed pocked and leathery like.the back of I WASHI NGTON (AP) ... President Nix-assigned tasks on the moon's surfa~e. . • 1 dead all!gator. Closer up, It look~ like _ OQ-~ Amtriu'.~-~~~11 a great hqnor a™'--..rn mt~ 'Pf'r"'M!!d.rin--1':,..:..'! __ , r~ble.. lil:e...eadh.levelled..tough]y~afttr ~·· day-nilbl-tt\at .. fur ~rfele~ -moment -)JfiVile(e for u-n.or be here representing . Al~n S~ S-aid.J toJ~ that the fateful d1saste~. dead: _ in the whole history of man all of U\e peo-not {l'lly .the United States but men ol · • touchdow~ of the fou,!Jegged module car-- ~ U~I T1'""'9t. t.-NASA FIRST STEP -Neil Armstrong steps o!f lunar module ladder, be- coming first htlman to set foot on surface of the moan. Dark, honzon· ta1 streak across photo wa s caused by momentary techincal diffi~lty in receiving television signal from moon at Goldstone Track.mg Station in California where this photo v.'as taken. W.ives 'Can't Belieye It,' Cry Relief After Landing EL LAGO, Tex. (UPI) -The wives of the Appllo 11 astronauts couldn't believe-- It, either. "I can't believe it's really happening, .. said' Mrs. Jan Armstrong after she saw her husband Nell walking on the moon. Mrs. Joan Aldrin called it "unreal" and ?tfrs. Pat Collins "marvelous, fantastic." . The day bega n for the Aldrins almost as dramatically as it ended, in the Presbyteria n Church at Webster, Tex., where the astronaut is a lay reader. Mrs: Al drin sat in the Sec{)nd pew with her three children. The Rev. Dean Woodrurf; in his black robes, held up two parts l)f a loaf of white bread. "This loaf is gpt complete. Two weeks ago, Buzz took part of the ~r with him." he disclosed. "Ncrw we shall commune with hi m. He is ooe or us ." Aldrin took the sacramental bread with him lo the moon. "It's fantastic," Jan Armstrong. • pretty, trim woman with gray streaking her dark ha ir, told newsn.!n. "And I'm just as excited as you all are." --Mrs.-Ar-mst.rong -Nt cross-legged in front ol her television set watching the show from the moon, her 6-year-old son, Mark, in her lap and Eric, 12, sitting nearby On the floor. "The evening has been unbeliey~bly perfect," Mrs. Annstrong said. .. l\.1rs. Aldrin hugged her father, Mi chael Arecher, when the Eagle lunar vehicle was safely down. "I just can't believe it ... I'm still not able to believe it." she said. '"It was more than the human mind can com· prehend." fltn. Aldrin admitted tha t v.•'hen the astronauts were safely down from the perilous fly.in to the moon, "I cried ... it seemed like forever •.. tears of relief." "It was hard to think it was real until the men actually moved," sbe said of the live television pictures or her husband and Armsttrong moving through the shadows of their spacecraft on the moon. "l felt I was looking at another simula· lion." . They looked ghbs01~e orrthe soundless. ·pieoo!!:.is earth. arLloJly_ooe..'..' oeaceeb'• '"'lions with an interest aM a . •. •-n... __ .a_ 1.:-a1rle.s U I I noon:-ov---fh """' --llt.4!M -'<! -:--1--··;r-l.Ct.J ·-..f.YVll oidl 1100--....mooa.-.. .....___ . s, ~o~ ~ co .. ~ ess moon.h 1er 11 e Nixon spoke to astronauts Ne 11 curiosity and vision lor the luhlre. •·oervous" but the rest wu only "part of curving-orl!On, o • ...,,. one and a a f m es Armstrong and Edwin E. "Buzz'' Aldrin Nix~n added: a routine." away on a planet smaller than earth, Jr from the White I-louse "I Just can't tell you how _proud we all there was the blackness of space and in· " I . · . . . . f h t h d f Then tbe father of Apollo 1 t Astronaut ~ finily. The fore nd wai starkly lighted Te ~vuuon v1ewe~ got .a spilt picture are o w a r,ou· ave one or every Edwin ·E. "Buzz" Aldrin J r. added: "lt'I b th nd ~ nd thel ehl 1 showing both the President and the Am~rican. Th s bas to be the proudest hard to believe it's true ,. Y e sun a e.men a r v c e astronauts as they performed their day of our Uves. · cast long shadow~. It W8' dawn on the "For people all over the world 1 am Llke mo.!t Americans, the retired Alr moon and a dawn Jn the bi$tory of mao. sure that they too join with Americans in Fo~ colonel ref~ed to budge lrom the LEFT FOOT ON MOON Moon Message Breaks recognizing what an immense feat this is. telev1~lon set dunng the televlM!d ex- Neil Alden Armstrong, fonnerly of 601 Because of what you have done the P!oration of the mCJ?n by his son and West Benton St., Wapakoneta, a town in J • h T d" • heavens have become a part of man's civlllan·aslronaut Neil A. Armstrong. Ohio, a state in the United States, a coun-CWIS r a lllOll world." · Even the telephone went unlnlW'end try on the planet earth, extended bia left "A.s you talk to us from the Sea of during .{be night unUl well past the foot onto the moon. JERUSALEM (AP) -The American Tranquility It inspires us to redouble our moonwalk. V "That's one small step for man, one landµig on the moon resulted today in tpe efforts to brin g peace a'rld tranquility to ••t don't think I was ntfVOUS once they ~· giant leap for mankind ," he uid. The revilion of an ancient Jewlsh prayer. ' earth. set It down in the right place and aat it fint words; were fine . History would be The prayer asked God lo preserve the "For one priceless morqent tn the , uprl&hl." Aldrin u.ld \his morntna. ''That . content. . Jew from harm '"Just as the moon is un-whole his\01')1 of man all of the peop\e on was the bnportant thing and \be other ~ Now for Utetcientists: ''The surtacr Is touchable by man." Gen. Sdllamo Goren. this earth are truly one. One in. their thing• seemed to be just part of a · fine and powdery. It adh8es like the Israeli army 's chief chaplain., aaid lt pride in what you have done, one jn our routine." charcoal to the soles of my shoes. You had been ·changed to "just as the moon is prayers that you will return safely to He classed. hit .son's achievements as go down only about an inch." not untooched by IJlln." earth." "oul4lde of this world in a class." And for the doctors: "There seems to be no dilficulty in moving around." And for the geologists-and the , biologists and the others seeking the age of the solar system and the secret of life he Im mediately began collecting "con- tingency" samples or rock. "Con· tingency" .in case be had to leave in a hurry. And Bun Aldrin came down , the se- cond man on the surface of the -moon. And together they walked and ran like l<lds at recess and then like men with the respooaibility of the ages they wenl to work. SET UP PANEL They gathered rocks, they set up a foll panel to measure the solar wind, they in· stalled a seismometer to · probe the in. tenor or the moon, they set up a small mirror to reflect laser beams from earth, to measure the quarter million miles between the two planets .to an accuracy of six inches. And they planted the nag of their country on the atilt face of the moon. Stock.ins Kit lfl- eludes sra.mped white felt, ~ld.a:>lored bnid. 1equi'ns, beedJ. 3 so Ornament Kit m. •nowma11, angel and Sana locluct. feh and crim. Set: al 3. 3 SO Big Sl1tu Klt -Naplda lllap Klt hearu • ud • flo-r1 bM wt.ire felt, .e-qalm. d~s.. IMPPf flitti: 12· .....-.,Old"t'Olot·l»lifd ttfnr. ••Wl •4 S«al& •3 Satis faction Guaranteed 1970 Clalend ... Klt hu bet.d ttiiruniq for hudpai11ltd.hirda. rod,, ....., ..... ~ 3so 0oo.-rr1 ... Kl• .. ~d felt · tad 6rfi. u ... ~ ........ "WU6 •3 Christmas In July? Only 158~ewing D•ys Left 'Iii C h ristmas ••• Tree Skirt Kit iocludes Stamped white felt. appliques aod all ttri.mmings. 4~ia. diam. Gttal bu.r item! '14 Mi-. Scueerow Kit hM 1t1mped con:on and burlap for cloth in~. Grear 1t0eking stuffer! 26-io. "11. • 5 b·ae Senra Rc1!colt1inl' Claa.rre Shop Monday thn Sat•rdaJ •; , ' MOONSUIT -Space suJls worn by Apollo 11 astronauts are composed of 16 layers of m~teriaJ , as shown in this artist's diagram outlining details of suit and life support system. Thick:n~ss of suits, "'' ,.,..,... .. which Were discarded following use on moon's sur- face, reduced mobility, but were necessary to pro- tect astronaut.! from extreme temperatures and • bombardlng meteoroids. or Your Money Back Sears · 9:30 A.M. le 9:30 P.11.. 11w, ~ouvm; AICD c:o. • , ., " ' ; I . 4 IWl.Y i'llOT• • ;l(enne_dy For~.~lly .. Chargeu'· • ~For Leavin Fatal Crash Scene " I --C" ' t ~ t. ~ .'. Auamblyman Kon c...., ot Or- ange County who asked the rules committee !or a telephone exteD- sion, found a box c;octalnlnc a pigeon oa bis cblilr In the Alse!l\- bly chambers. A note, &lgned by Chairman E•ne Ch•pple, read in part: ••oue to an unfOrtunate shor:lage of telephone equlpmen~ and in accordance with rules C:om· millee policy to promote efficiency and ec<Jl\O!DY in !<ssembly opera- tions, w.e have procured an alter· nate mode of communication · - well teoted and proven and with a very low m.e1ntenance f:actor." . -, . -·A-,,otice· 1ent-to'111embers-of tbe- Nottlngham Forest /!OC!al <;lub ol Houston announced the club rlcnlc \vould feature a 0 sin-a1ong' and "awards will be given for all evenll.1' .1. • Robbers in Dallas have been do-- ing a delivery and pickup business lately. John B•rrMt, manager of.a grocery store, opened up and beard a man say: ."\Ve want the money. \Ve just saw an armored car leave." Barnes banded ov~r .$10,· • ... ' Y~.~:~uri1~M-~~ K""""'' (0.11111.),"wu charged by pO. Uce tocLoy wW. l<aY!oa the ICODe ol 111 accldoot ln wlllch an lilrlcUV< bloodo &eereW)' WU killed. . 'J!heo charge wu contained in an ~ pUcatton 10< a complalnMlled by Polloe ~ llomfnle J. Arena wllh Duka c-. ty Court Cler~ 'l'bomu A. Teller. The ap. pli<atton dlargeo·tlJe-Wiiii "l .. V· Ing the BCene ol an aocldm1 after. havina: dOM bodlly harm." Teller lcheduled a bearlnt for July II on lhe application. Attorney Richard M<Carr(ln ol Edgartown ttprelellled Kennedy, who was in aecluaion at his home on Squaw ~. a m:rt diatance from the family c»mpound at Hyan- nispcrt, Mm. • Some 200 ..... ,...., photographers and spectators awumed 8fOWld Area. on the steps ot the f.ourthouse. Families with barefoot diildn!n !Uter<d b e t w o,e o .ne.fameo takllig notea i ncf !iil>tograpbera ~jockeying under an overcast 1.ky for pie.. tum of the chief. Arena !aid Kennedy violated the law because he did not report the accident to police until 9 a.m. SalW'day, about eight hours after It occurred. In a statement he gave the chief Satur· day, the Senator said he was "exhausted and iJ) a state of shock" after the ac- cident, but when he fully realized wtiat had happened tie went immediately to the police station. DROWNS IN POND , Miu Mory Kopochno, 2' ...... 1na1ec1 -Pr"1d.nt John P' . Kennedy Ill 00. Arena; silting at hla desk looking up al a pbolcgrapb of President Kennecy, ad· mltted there were many unaMWered questions about the accident. But be aaJd, "I am still standlng on the fact that there was oo negllgerice involved." The chronology of K e n n.-.e d y ' 1 movement.a OD the island from the time of his: arrival Friday noon untU bi• departure sometime in the early -1· ternOOn Saturday were clouded ill mystery. r-..~ just delivered by an express / ~mpany. It was the third slmil!!"r robbery in the Dallas area in l'e- cent days, SPECTATORS LOOK FROM PIER AT CAR THAT PLUNGED OFF. BRIDGE AT MARTHA'S VINEYARD s.n. Edward ~ennedy Survived Cr•th Th•t Kiiied 29-y111r.olcl Wom•n Pa19n19r Mtss Mary Jo Kopechne 29 of Washington,. D.C., and Berkelef H~{pits, N.J., a former secretary to Kennedy's brother, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy (0. A,skod U Kennedy might have been drinking at the Ume of the acddent, Arena said, "I did not aai that questloo.. There was Do physical evidence at the scene that t6ere may have been drinkln& involved. I'm not pursuing that Ible." N.Y.), was killed when a car driven by The police chief aaid Kt~y w11 · • ' Edward Kennedy plunged off a lllmlw violating the Jaw:. when be dtd nOt repcr1 ------~ ·--nr-~ wooderr brJd.ie between midnight J!'rlday tht..J&Qdod: for. Ul\~ .. '[ha__ I J.S.Jlo I ' • 1:1 • . 'iOOTi.nLSAturday into IO-feet ol. water senator appeared at the police ltaUpn _, __ ___ __. -·-----=-=>'~ ilt a tidal riond-oA·~;taqaki~*-'"!t.~l.a.JQ,Jliur_My_. ---~-.:... -- T _ J ~ T ·..,i ~ ~n --u:;:=;rr,.-:-v·~-....--whlol>..~ios-J"'t -ollohore .ol Martha;---"lfbe ... rhHlil.Mto1-1-n-millu!O~ . tw.re. ' ravei -t...iOUu.u...,,,., nrot11er .r01inu Vine)'.ard. KeM«ly •aid he was "un-wllhoulreportlnglhe•cciden~h•wulll .• · famd1ar with the road and turned rflht vlolat1onofthelaw,"tbechlefsald. tn1tead of bearing hard leU." Upon Kennedy gave the chief, a former atate W . h. R d Ch. . E . d Dea· .d m· .. Pool reaclllng lhe end of the unlighted dirt police offkor, a statement ohorlly alter lt e lna ase rood ~ennedy came upon the brldge and 'ppearing al the slation wbtre he ,,. said, • the car went off the side." mained for about three hours. WASHINGTON (AP) -The Unilid States is eaaing trade and travel restric- tions toward Communist China, effective Wednesday, the Slate Deparbnent an· neunced today. A spokesman said the actions "are con- si,ltent with the Nil.on admini!lraUon'1 desire to re1u tensions and facllilate the development ol peaceful c o n t a c t 1 between the people ct the United Stale111 and C:O.UOllllil\ Qllna." The announcement came a day before President Nixon and Secrelary of State William P. Rogers set out on travels that will take them to a number of Asian capitals within the next threo weeks. But the spokesman aa1d there was no cotmection in timing -even though it ap-· pe.ared that a United States bid to im- prove relaUons with Red China would make more faworable atmosphere for Laib in some countries such JS lnfl1a and Pakiltan. . ' . ,. ATLANTA roPI) -The Rev. A. D. Williams King. a Jo~time civil rights 1 .. c1er and brother<( e late Dr. Martin Luther KJng Jr., "Jt.l~ dead today in a swimming pool at.hil borne here. King, 38, stayed in the shat;tow of his brother's movement, but when Martin was as.sassinated in Memphis, Tenn., in April, 19el, be emerged to . help the SoWiem Christian Leadership Con-- rerence carry on. Kennedy said he dove repeatedly to "I was exhausted and in a state of save the young woman. b1,1t wu wt.Sue-shock," Kennedy said. ''I recall walldng cessful. He didn't remember how he got back to where my friends were eating." out of the car. KeMedy was attending a party at a cot- .It was Kennedy's second narrow brush tage rented by his cousin Joseph Gargan, with death. In June 1964 his back was who paid $200 for it. broken when a light.plane crashed irJto an After the car, registered in Kennedy's appl~ orchard near Southampton, Mass., name, plunged into the water off the as the senator was on his way to the bridge IO.feet wide and »-feet long, Ktn-- Massachuseti., Democratic Convention. nedy had to walk back along an unlighted His aide and the pilot were killed. dirt road for about one-half mile before Arena said Kennedy, regarded as <!fl! ~1..t~ on_to the island's only paved l'Qill o~ the ltadlnc contenders for the and returning to the cottage. The enUre Democratic prtsldenUaJ nomination in distance is I.I miles. • . Pcuung<n bomdlng lhU plaU In . ll A r'rankfiiii:-c ....... u;-iook-Mlu!r-UQU.Se pproves startled a.s the11 catch a glimpr~ of Stata Departmeol )\fes8 oflker Robert J MCCioskey uno_uzt$ed. these two &ltpa: -effecllve Ju]J 23:- He was a member ol the board of dlreclor1 of the SCLC and co-pastor, with hi.a father, the &v •. Mar:tln.Luth!r King Sr., or Ebenez.er Baptist Church in AUan- ta. mz, woold have 24 Mun In which to ask "I remember-walking around -far a " for a probable cause hearing on the com-period of time and then going back to my plaint. That would give the Senate whlp hotel room," Kennedy said. "When I fully ,,..;,_•Wldf<UI RJ!o• to1c1no ad-too• F ~ d . "-mh of '"" 1lopov<r lo air out llU fool un s to 'LAI at J. American tourists and American re:&ldents abroad wUl thereafter be able to purchase up to $100 worth of goods originating in Communist China. Such purchases are presenUy prohibited by the U.S. government. "A. D. arrived home Late last night and went ror a ttlm. 1lis three youngest children found the body this morning. He had drowned," said Tom Offenberger of the SCLC. until sometime Tuesday morning. realized what had happened this morning If Kennedy, 33, did not ~oest the (Saturday) I immediately conlacted the • hearing, a motor veh\C-le summons would police ." be lssued and a date for court sf"· Miss Kopechne, whose body was flown Mrs. J .. nett• Picard, 74, of Ste- vens Point, Wis. says she jsn't in· terested in being the first woman on the moon. She'll just wait and be the second. Mrs. Picard, now a consultant at the Manned Space Center in Houston, first reached the outer Jirnits of the earth's at- mosphere 51,000 feet up, in 1934 in a pressurized gondola. But now she doesn't think her adventure was so startling because, "Our astronauts have come closer to the moon than I got away from the earth." Crime in Streets raignment set. The senator faces a to Wilkes-Barre, Pa .• for burtal Tuesday. minimum of two months In jall and a worked in Robert Kennedy's Senate oUlce • WASHINGTON (AP) - A big Increase in funds to combal crime in the streets and druf&bWJes was approved today by the House Appropriations Committee. The ccmmittee also adopted a new, tough provWoo aimed at student rioters, and turned dowq an administration re- quest for mOre money fu help local ~ districts detegregate. 2. Six types of American citizena can have their p a s s p o rt s automatically validated for travel to Communist China when the new regulaUone 10 inJo effe~t. These categories are members of Coo- gress, journalists, proft:s5ional teachers, scholars with post.graduate degrees and students presently in college, scientists and medical docton. and representaUve1 of lhe Amertcao Red Cross. Singer Roy Hamilton; 40, Dies of Stroke King's wife and his two other children were vacatlonlng In Jamaica With Mrs. Martin Luther King Jr. and could not be reached immediately. The body was taken to a local funeral home. Klng, pasfur of Zion Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky., from 1965 until last autumn, helped shape the Birmingluftn, Ala. civil rightJ movement in 1963 with his brother. H1a hou.&e was bombed dur- ing that campaign, but no on.e was in- jured. maximum of two Years. No fine Is in Washington far · three year1 and thea stipulated; Arena said. for hls presideatial campaign until he This resort community off Cape Cod In WfUI assassinated in JW1e 1968. Nantucket Sound was· in turmoil Sunday. Miss Kopechne then worked for Matt E\·e~one !pc>ke of the accident and of Rieese Assoc~ in Washington, a the Jrony that 1t occurred only one day political consulting firm, and wa1 inVit.ed l;>efore the two Apollo 11 astronauts set to Hyannis Port for the weekend along foot on the moon and accompUtlied the with several other young women who had mission established by Kennedy 's ~worked for Robert Kennedy. A British Union Jack flying out.tide Extter, England police I' Madquarters toaJ stolen i'li ! broad daylight. .. NaturaUy, we art embarrassed," a police spokesman said. "ft iJ one of the cheekiest thefts we have Cm7M! acros.s ." Tbe acUons were taken by tht com· mittee in approving a bW that would ap- propriate $2.S billion for the departments of State, Commerce and Justice durlne the Current fiscal year. The \otal goes over the budget estimates of the Nixon admlnlatratlon which asked for only $18 million for the construction of new merchant marine &hips but will get $200 million U the com· mlttee action 11 sustained by Congress. The big increase, offset by reductions ln most other programs, puts the bill $58 mlllloa over the budget. NEW ROCHELLE, N.Y. (AP) -Roy Hamilton, whose hit recordin11 Included "Ebb Tide" and "Uncbalned Melody," died Sunday in New Rochelle Hospital. He was 40. A hospital spokesman said death was the result of a stroke Hamilton suffered earlier thia month. He was hospitalized July 11. He wu content to remaih in the background ol the civil rights movement until the assassination, when he moved to Atlanta. He made no attempt to take over the SCLC leadership which fell to the Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, but he did take his brother's place as: co-pastor of Ebenezer and became even more ac· live with the SCLC. He appeared wilh Abernathy on the stretts of Charleston. S.C. du r 1 n g a lengthy hospital wariera strike which was recently settled. Cong Shell Allied Targets; Wheeler Denies Any 'Lull' SAIGON (UPI)-'J'he Viet C~ shell- ed 18 allied targets Sunday ni t and today following lhe assertion Amer- ica 's lop mllltary man that their cur- rent battle Juli Is noi a sign of peace. drawn from the war. Wheeler told newsmen Sunday the best way of dealing with the Commu- nists Wl! to keep the pressure oa mili- tarily and ruled out a complete U. S. withdrawal by the end of 1970. l Most of Nation Summery 1st Man to Row Atlantic Admits Military ipoke:smen said the over-night rocket ll'Jd mortar ba!Tage:s did little damage. 'Ibey repot<d Ill Viet Oonr and North Vietnamese dead in scatlered flghta Sunday, agalml lilhl Allled loael. But Rain Spoils Weather Across Plains, Southeast Timing 'Wrong' The -llngl• loctdeot for Ille Miles Sunday WU lhe downing of a U. S. Maline helicopt<r on the nOr1hero coest, killing ellht South Vlelnalne$0 ..idi<n and wounding eight. Ooe Amer· Ctdlfon .. ' aew... .., li'lomlfte, "-"""" mmllr _..,_.wir--ttoJOUlfl- _, •• ,, kMitl. """' IOd•., 7J. Y~"'"'..,.' *"""''tvr1 re<tMd '""" t """' ti M te 7S. ,......_. """"''""'' rt""'9 ,,_ " 1't N., Wetw ""-"" ·~JI~~ Sun, /lloon. Tide• MONDAY ll'lri.t ..... I , , l :f' p Jll, 4 1 Flt•I .... ... . • .. " '1"4 "''"' l.t TUISDAT ''"' l'lltfl ........ J•ll. ,,,, 1 0 f !r1t ~ .. ···-··•·• l !IO f ,,,., l,f -"" ........... , ...... ,,.. f·' ~ low •• '" .. 1l14'J.1'11. ,J S1~ tllMI J:3D ''"'' It'-l·lt "·"'· M11t111 lllwt 11:» •·'"· Hit ll;lt '·"'· '"'" "'' o. "'"' o. """ Jvl-, )t Avf. f Ju!V 2' .t.111 11 , V.S. S11•m•r11 ~ fll "-Mtlooo hM dttr or p1r11y c~ _,.,,.,. !Olin'. wfff'I 1<.mr.d •'*"'-" ........... ,...,... ~ -.. llDdt-41111 llCll1Jlerll l'ltlt•. 111.i11 •Ito "'" ""'"' ... """"*" Pl91 .. KIWI !tit SOUht1I, tN Ill ...... -fl ..... "°' In ""' .......... ...... ........ comf.-ftbW .....,1,.... In northtffl 1tA1. 0Wr111t111 lewl -. In ll'M '°' •""' ~ "" .... klufh, '"" ''""' to ff# MIOW • Ito t11t J011!Mr11 ~ltlM. It.tel •11.tf'I. Ctllf,, _, 1111 Nfltll'I ""' tllOl Sll!ldh orlltl I f'lltfl d '" ........ . •Jn llM ..... , MIO'l'llftl, litf!\fl'ttttlJ~ dfllHll fnfo 1M &11 d\lrlllt eerl'/' mornlflt t'Mlvn. Mlrllll'lll ...,. •ll'lfllll ,,...,.. •1 •I •••rr. 01'9 .• to .. •t ~ 11tr, ""'· " "'""'"' lllundtr1M,...r dllrncied ,...,,., It\~ l11e1W1 cl re!n .,. rv-· 'lfltt., llWJ .. d\rrl'"' ""-"'"''· !.1ktrsfltld ......... ..... '"~ 15~11• "''-C•l!Cl-fl .... ~. Dlt-M'Ol!lft o.'1!'(111 Ftlrtol""J Fort W(ll1ll ·-... ~ ....... 1C1n!l41 City l11 ....... '"-Mieml Mllll'IMllOl\t ,_ ...... ... v ... -·-°"'"'" Oll:lt!\OPl'llf (lfy ....... Pt!M 5'1rlrit) -· 1'!'1!•19'1 '""""' 11 ... io City OM .... ·-$~··-•o ,.,, '-'-,,,., S.11 Olffo Siii l'NM!Ke SHUit ...... M Tt.mwl w'""''"",_,, · , ican wu hurt. "'"' L .. l'rec. FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) -Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, chairman ol • '' John FaJrfu: planned for 17 yean to be the Jain( Chieft of Staff, wouJl(I up a ,. '' the flr!l man to row the Atlantic. But four-day personal lnvestigatk>a.. of the ': : whm be set out to do It in three months, battle lull for President Ni'IOft' Sunday. 97 ,. he admits, "I didn't know what I wu He ruled out complete U. S. withdrawal ,, •1 .11· talking about." from the war by the end of 1'10. " n Almost to the. day. It took hlm twice He was asked if he<:OMldeT'ed the lult, n .. that long to row the 4,000 mUes from his now In its fifth week, a sign that the_ 111 .a ·" startln! point, the Canary Islands. · Communlsts' an Tead)' to scale down 75 !t ;•• ,. "Bli[L'iY.&nted...1o~\t,~M._Jt.1.~~ '!'It:..... __ _ -~ .... -"'"!" said the 32-year-old Briton.. "and I feel 'No, r·ao il0t1" he tOIOa tl'.~'1 ton· n !-1 bloody happy about JL" ference before ne 1eft for home. "As " -n-· ,,. ·-:lis"":t.•~ br the sun-and you know, the enemy.!! level ol combat ,~ 7J hl~10iJO!Mrff6fjf"ttit f 'leaertiUo-bal a1w1)"1-been-cycUc. . •1 11 his eyes bloodlhot from tht. ilare ol the "He hu In the put launched of(~ " the IYll and thereafter withdrawn to hll u 1t1 se.i, lrinnlns London bachelor ittok-sanc:tuartes tn Ute rtmbte ireu ol t.Jwi ' 100 » ed ashore at 10:5' Lm. POT Saturday to· cou.ntrj' or tnto t.o. flt Cambodia and u ,, be oongratulated by tcorea of aunbatben then . came back again after be~hu bad ~ ~~ _., at Hollywood Beach. a chance to ?Wit, replace hla troopl" and M n . u rettalo. " H ·" 11 Men Lost Aboard "And therefor<, I would be unable to ,, '' .12 allege any JIO]h1cal moCJvatloa to the : t: F pment · lc)w level of combat" :H S , iery British Ship n.~..,:;.= ~i:'" ,=.: &.;:: 71 ~ .•J HONG KONO CAP) _ Fire raged un-munist o(.(enslv& ii In the maldni -as ~ t: controlled ln the holds of the BriUsh uppoted to U. S. peace negoUl&ors who ,.. ,J hoped the lull wu a sign the guenillu ::: !~ freighter Eastern Slar toch1y after a 'as were ready to scale do"1'! the war. tS ,, eapkK.lon Sunda,y lt!l 11 seamen ml!s1ng Nixon dispatched the 1eneral to the. . n 4) and presumed dead and 13 othera injured. war zone last week to find out whether !: U Flmnen searching ror the missing the lull· meant the United States could n : sallors said there wu Utl.Je chance lhey scale dawn offensive operations ~ an- -'~ 11 1.4r · woufd1fe (mind alive. oounce ~at more Gia would be with· ' He aald President Nguren Van Thieu was "absolut'ely correct' let week in saying that the United States would not be able to pull out completely by 19'11. He had «1 comment on the PoSSibillty ol opeedlng up lhe withdrawal now ln progress. • Soviet leaders Give Humphrey ' Peace Message MOSCOW (AP) -.Former vice pres!· d<nt"Hubert-!r.Humplny met today with Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin and uid Kosygin told him tbe Soviet government is looking forward to cooperaUon with tbt United States . "Kosyeln 1ave me a meaaa1e to taie back to lhe Untied State1," Humpbny 1 a I d after the 21/,-hour meeUne. "He wanted me ,lo tell the Prelklent and the Amertcao people lhat lhe Soviet Union wanta to work with the UnUed St.ates for peace." '41 think there ii 1 bale SO'Yiet datre lo nt1otl.ale )n lood fallh OD mattera II substance." " Humphrey allO r<ported Iha! KoaycJn · "a• "very cornpllmentary about Apollo 11 and etpr!Ued his personal good wishes to the astronauts and lheir families." Hwnphrey t.Okl 1 new1 C(lf)o ference •.that tile premier "a• com-- plimentary In general •bout U.S. space achievement&. I ' • ' . . . • . --·--·--· -·--,_---· . --·-..; ;... . _;_...;: -... -......-------__.....-........ -· -.,.._._ ----~-~ -· ---r -.-··-----~ ' ' • r -' . L.. ---,.: • • ' • MMC111, July 21, 1969 ·-DAil v I'll.OT G -~ .. __ TliOILsaiiils of Cubans Cheer -• .... Arrival of. Russ Ta.sk _Farce. ••• -1111e•-•1 AUNAVS FIRST QIJAUTY .,. . " """---.----------~-~~~~~~---·· ..... ---·------------· . Israeli Artillery Shells Egyptian City on Suez By the Atsoclated Prt11 The cily of Suez on the southern end of. Egypt's Suez Canal came under Israeli artillery fire today, EgypUan officials reported. The shelling followed air and mandoa killed and nine wcund- ed in the attack on Grttn Island; Egypt claimed 30 Israelis killed. Nixon Plans PRICES ARE REDU .CED . . ·oN. THESE GREAT SLEEPERS q th·ru S~turday only! ground baltles..akw.o .tbe..J.Ol,... . _. mile waterway Sunday in the To-SnPll Out --:::']~~~~2 fiercestiighting-&nce-tbe war-·-~ d ----• -----: or•ane1116'1:--p -£ ~ 0"Buildinp and, .tr.et. are overly 1Uill ' u'"' Ttllll...,. being sheHed,h one official Hero Killed said. WAS!IlNGTON CAP) - The Egyptians gave no idea President Nixon will p'resent Marine Maj. Steven when the shelling started or proposals foi:_ weUare and Pless holder Of Con poverty-related programs • -how heavy it was. gressional Medal of Aug. 8 in a nationally broad- H 0 n 0 r and one of Sunday's action be gan cast speeeh, ·then follow up America's most dee-before dawn wlth an Jsraeli with specific messagu to orated Vietnam heroes, commando attack -on Green Congress. was killed S u n d a y Island, an E~pUan fortress in The White Hou.se,.prom.Wna .... "dramaUc new approaclles. ;i 'vhen his motorcycle the Gulf of Suez. Israeli jets aaid the ·messages will cover crashed at Pensacola, foUowed up 12 houn later, hit. welfare, manpower training, Fla. ·He flew 780 hell· ting Egyptian positions across r evenue •harinc proposal! Ui copter missions in Viet· the canal for the first tlme help states flnanct these pro. .·_n_am_. ~~-----. since the lil1 war. grams, and reorganization of Th6 Egyptians cI.ilmec!' they ~~ of Economic Op- shot down 19 Israeli jets, one Nixon's speech on the preu . during the Green Island raid Ing domestic issut1 will come and the rest in dogfights along only five days after be return,, the · canal. The Israelis ad-from an around-the.world trip .. to Southeast &ia, India, milted losing two Mirage Pakistan and Romania. fighters, but said. they shot On Atlg. 5, two days after down five Egyptian planes. bl! return, Nixon is scheduJed Artillery duels raged for to brl~ lead~s of both parties more · than six hours up ana in Congress about his journey, ~ TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras down the 103-mUe waterway. The President will report oo "(Ai>1 -Honduras charged U.N. observers pleaded twice the trip arid discuss bis Cease Fire Broken Says . Honduras that El Salvador broke the for a cease·fU'e, but the. domestic program _proposal& cease-fire fn their undeclared ground and air fighting coo-t.n meeting with the Cabinet on wat with the capture Sunday tinued. Aug. 6. of five more towns or villages. Israel said three of its The President will meet El Salvador replied with a soldiers were killed and lhree with West German Chancellor charge that Honduran troops wounded by artillery rtrt. The Kurt Kiealngtr on Aug, 7 and opened fire with machine guns Israelis reported m com-Aug. a. on President Fidel Sanchez1-~--.;__------'-------­ Hernandez of El Salvador while he was inspecting Salvadoran troops inside Hon- duras. The cease-fire, which sup- posedly went into effect at 10 p.m. Friday, calls for the withdrawal of all Salvadoran troops from Honduras by lO o'clock tonight. But Ei Salvador said it would not withdraw until it received "satisfactory" guarantees for the safety of more than 275,000 Salvadorans living in Hon- duras and thei r property. Guillermo Sevilla Sacasa, Nicaraguan chairman ol the peace commission of the Organization of. American States, said that if El Salvador does not pull its troops back, it will be "considered an ag- gressor and. subject to the sanctions specified in the Rio de Janeiro Charter." u Air Traffic Controllers To Resign LOS ANGELES (AP) Three thousand air traffic con- trollers _at major airports across the nation plan to resign when Apollo 1 t returns to earth, a spoke5.tnan 1a)'s. ~ .~ · Org911icore instant protein q_troJ_ conditioner and body builder 1.50 Pvt glowing 1""'9 oM.., IMIJIOf'obiHty inte,..... ""''"' ltairdo with .lo ...... et'fe'lkieN ,....... COftd;tiower. LaMaur"Stylette" ,..,. _ _,,. 8.88 Slla ............... (1119.T _ _.W ... ...,,, $1 DELUXE QUILTED BOX SPRING OR MATTRESS Extra firm mattresses and box springs that will give you greater sleeping comfort! They feature deluxe po!Yure- thane foam lilling for a smooth, firm sleeping surface and a quilted rayon sateen print cover. Resilient coil Innerspring unit and special Penney Edges for side support. LUXURY QUILTED BOX SPRING OR MATTRESS . Sleeping_ ls luxurious with these mattresses and box . springs! They feature polyureihane foam insulation and padding for. p comfy sleeping surface and an elegant rayon damask cover, Deluxe coil innerspring unit and Penney Edges that gi~e plentY of side support. DACRON® QUILTED BOX ' -sPRING-OlrMATTRESS ' Here's the comfort you want at a price you can afford! These mattroues and box springs feature a DuPont"' Fibercoil bonded Dacron• polyester filling thafs multi· needle quilted to a· beautiful rayon damask cover. Plus luxurious coil innerspring unit and Penney Edge side supports. REG. $70 NOW $59 Twin or fulhlze Queen matlre5I and · box spring set Reg. $199 NOW '169 King mottreuand ,229 box spring set Reg. $269 NOW REG. $80 NOW $65 Twin or Full size Queen mattress and '179 box spring set Reg• $219 NOW · King mattreu 'and f2 4 9 box •pring .. , Reg. $299 NOW Twin or full size Quten mattre" and box spring set Reg. ' $239 NOW '·199 King mattreu and box spring st! Reg, .. $329 NOW '279 The prediction came In response to plans by the Federal Aviation Admini5trellon to punish con- trollers who staged a na- tionwide slowdown last month to protest what they -Sl!d"Was dangerous airway congestion. Russell G. Sommer, western regional director ol the •7,200- member Professional A i r .:.·;::,: .'l::,~C:-LIKE IT ... CHARGE ITI NO -HICllSAlll' Traffjc Controllers Organiia-, -------------------. .tion, sald Saturday that unless11 the FAA withdraws its puni.di· ment threat, the controllers will re.!lgn from their Jobi, perhaps grounding all com- mercial Olghlac P"UU.l•TOll Cln.,..,_lr c.ii. li'MI """'· m ..... • CANOGA PARK FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR I NEWPORT B~~I:! VENTURA. l ! '. 1 __ ... .-..--~ -~· ------~--~ ---• -• •• • -----~ • I DAIL l:". :P.JLOT EDll'JUUA.f:i AGKj_ Unrealistic ~· • ,! ' •• '1 • • "I . . Salaries , -. -- • !>-- ., :. " • ' ·' -• ' . ' '· • ~ ·~ ., ~. r h ,, ·• • .. < ' . ' • I I • I • ' ' Orange County ls the seocnd largest county ln Cal-County supervisor can be hel4 ,only by tboN •ho C111 Jfornla.now, but in some respects It ope.rares as though aUord the luxury. -1 ..... """'"'"'"•al•~"""" .1 """ That means those who are lnde\>endenUy wealtliy. _.... __ . .u..w_.,~.!bl\,loo{i#•Y~-~:...---."'o""''WliO"'Dl'i"fe!U~"MUt1t"lllsll"ll~i;l'nir....,,-tt~~-.i leryear. bn some sou'rce of outside income. Time was when county business could be handled The citizens and taxpayers of Oranee County would by supervisors working perhaps a few days each be best served lf !bat salary· ls enough to attract and monlh. The job was Cond still i.s ln •Orne remote coun-hold !be best of la!O!JL '.l'he-l)es\ of lal~t ls needed in ties) as much an honorary position as 8 real job. handling tl!e affairs of l~ mllllon·per10n1 and a budget of almost. f200 mllllon a year. Not so today ln orange County. The new county budget, Including speciill districts. tolals 8180 million, That's bi' business by any standard. Yet members Melodyland an' d Nix' on of the county s policy-making Board of Supervilors are paid less than most d~ai:tu1ent beads working under them. And the demandin_g job i.s more !ban full Ume Melody land came to An ab elm ln JN:! to the accom-· today. paniment of show business style fanfare. Theater-in. Last year, Sen. James E. Wbebnore (R~LaHabra) the-round was a new concept in Orange County end lbe sponsored a bill which raised Or&pge County auper. Jeasee producers promised and delivered a long succes.- visors.~ salaries from the previous $13,lOO to the present .. sion of revivals of classic Broadway musicals featur· $15,600. That figure still is unrealistic ln terms of al· · i.Dg top stars. tracting high-caliber executives to iun for tbe board, Melodyland was a great success and professional and in relation to present-day responsibilities. theater buffs rejoiced that Orange County h.Jld such a If the salary level were raised to, say, $28,000, the ' going institution. But the. fund· of show material ran $62,000 cost would be .032 percent of the total budge t low. The producers resorted to short runs of pop· music the supervisors administer. Yet it would bring indi-and night club--act.s. · vidual saJaries to a level where the county could more Now the big theater has been sold to the Christian successfully attract candidates with skills requisite to Cente~ Church. at a ba~ruptcy bearing. Orange Coufla the ever-growing job -persons...now-W1willing" to wor.k---ty loses both-1b-profess1onal-theater-and-the-uppro,xr.·.---1 full time in government for much less than they can ma.~ly $85,000 a year-in tax~s. ·beginning n'ext year. command outside government. But there's an offset, a prestigious. one_. The Presi- A bill now ln the Legislature would give supervl· dent of the United States has become an Orange County l'fl()r.s power to raise their own salaries, but it is given taxpayer. While he is expected to pay the same estl· virtually no chance of passage -and no doubt the au-mated $8,000 a year as the former own-er~hla presence pervisors. would not relish' the ·political heat .raising likely will mean a big inflqz of curious iotirfsts: thei~ own pay would generate. Sale.s taxes to be generated by the exp_ected !n- it may oot be a popular issue ...-a pay raise when crease in out-of-county ·and out-of-state v.f51tor1 just taxpayers are sensitive to any spending. But so long might product a tax standoff-the Melod.yland loss vs as the salary is disproportionate , the post of Orange-the President Nixon gain. • • D~sent From _Prevailing Views . · Earl-War~en's-·~·Brl __ ht-P~rSOllS ~~" Bear~~:ihe::f)ltler~_elk ,&#~ngc ,=~~--g--.~:--~--Th•~d.y1nsanFr••clsco1w.. .,..........,¥., ... ~·-~--,?~, 11sma1nreasonforbelng: Conscience · In . Rouh11e Jobs driving south acrou the Golden· Gate· (,.. if ~ •i·~ , ,, "", '\ ..• " I.thought 1 knew these things; but 1 did ' paid t II nd 1"L· "I 1U' "r. ::t_,:;._'.' A young man I koow who was Bridge. I had just my o , a my \Jll&r ~S t'aCv.,ane not think they applied to me. Now I know graduated from college last month, got a driving speed had risen to, uy 35· • ·':{ "~ otherwise. .:.. · job on1 Monday and was fired on fouddenlJ I was passef," on the right, by ~ ..... ~"""~--~-~.-.... .r ' • Thursday. ffis parents, with whom I had a guy who must have been going 60. TI1E NEWSPAPERS, and the telly, and dinner the following night, were. quite · I wu annoyed, as anyone would be , by lim of a contagion. the conversation in bars and airplanes, distressed at hls fiasco. the combinaUon of e:xow speed and Lord knows, lhere is no reason why I and diiiner tables, aOO the thhlas 1n • From what I know of the young man, it careleu driving. should have 81lytblng against beard•. I magazines finally have gotten to me. A seems to me that he was fired for being I_ sald t0mething lo rpyte.lf like, "That wore one myself for seven yura. I was hostility I thought did not e.J1st proved -.6 I I too ood f the · b t f t ••· clod," and let It go at that. The incident. on the receiving end of all kinds of only to have been Latent, and to have "ll'C 5 rugg e over the intent. of the good I enoui':. A brl:hl ~~r of~ =n= if 1 really thought about it at all, was charges as to why I wore It -from hav· been brought precious close to the IOCial cootract called the Co.mtitution, harder time holding down an ekmlentary finished. · ing a ~ak" chin to outright com-surface by the cultural miasma of our began with Washlncton's inauguration. job than 8 dull, unimaginative person. But ft wu not. At the firaf..Jtop light 1 mwtllm. limes. . Thomas Jefferson was a /liberal, and caught up with the reckless driver, which ! . wq a...J!!ltj for the aame reaaon 1'berf. b a need to bate. The lDfJdia Altiander Hamilton a conservative, the of course provia he .hadn't maae many· most people wear beards nowadays, and 1atlsfy ll Nothing, I remembered again, primary issue being powe,r Invested in points by hll Speeding. for the aame-reuan ahat some peop~ did lh\l is common· to~ la foreign to ... NOf ~"* bewdS Jn Victorian Umes me. ~ the federal government. Washlngton tried I LOOKED AT RIM. He wu about 21. _ to •reu lmy dissent from \he Thia ls humbling "knowledge. All you to steer between them, but leaned toward He wci·e a blue denim shirt, hil hair ~ prevallina: vit'WI of my lime. I don't wear can. do about prejudici, once you know Hamilton. olefferson didn't ca Fe for long, and he had a huge black beard. a heard any more; but my diMent 11 IJtill you have it, ls fi&bt lt;.).)ut you must fight \Va shington, and in time Hamilton didn't £tly, hatred welled up in me. ·t 1 •· lo•-d 1•-t I I the •----f · I •-• Whe \.. strong. 1w.ppen uc ms e 110 way. t rom S\.O.U\OC o a cr1pp e, uecause either, the inev itable fate of those ta"'; ..... h that IUY with a paasion. o !If; I am D1ore in sympathy with the views you have indeed been crippled by the ""'& _ \ olf oD a 11de street, and I mgved or peop~-who wear beards than most knowledge. -middle ground In an angry time. staigilt ahead, I was glad to be rid of people of my age, yet here was bate upon J ohn Marshall, chief justice, 1801-1835 htn. me, and hate brought on by a beard. BECAUSE A l\1AN is a Jew or a black the foremost supporter or federal power, lAnd why? or a self-assured WASP, or wears a was de spised b J ff ,_,_ £' beard, of course. To a degree, the Y e erson. nuw:ll\V that he was yourig entered into it. 1 t DO-NOT underestimate beards, nor beard, is surely an aecident of birth Jackson, who took the Jelfersonlao view. shou ld you. The.y are a potent weapon in which has nothing to do wilh his humani· Id - 't dn't have hated him so much if he the fight the young are waging against ty -even If he should be a careless cou not undo Marshall's handiwork. re SO, and wearing a beard. !heir elders. driver, or a hard bargainer, or even a Special circumstances put Lincoln on couldn't get the lncldent out of my A beard is so mething uniquely yours. crook. middle ground, but for a century-aJier · · I knew ll\Y feeling was irrational. Your parents cannot decide whether you The sad lhlng is that we should havl! Marshall, the Supreme Court was fellow was a careless driver• and wlU have a beard or not , because if you collective and individual auiJts which ed · -~-haps an ass. but he had done me no a-pr om.inantly o..u.1:11;:rvalive. are old enough to grow one , you are old must be assuaged by hatred of lhose we • There "'as really nothi.ug in him 10 enough to make--your own deci sion. A feel guilty about: t for that momentary intensity ol beard is the symbol of independence from I am going to be very careful about g. the bondage of youth . look.Ina at beards tn the futw-e. Perhaps I ITHIEN I KNE\\', of course. I was a vie-Naturally, it bugs the older folk. That's 5hall even grow one again, as a penance. i 1110~1AS EDISON was fired lrom two of his earliest jo6s. 'rhe lirst was as a telegraph operator. He became so in- terested-in the machine and its .workings that he tried to figure out how lo improve it. "But 1 forgot all about the mes.5ages that were coming over the wire, "1 be later said, "and I left a lot of messages unsent or undelivered." _ Then he took a ]ob 1,_ an of,lce where there were a lot of rats running around, and he dreamed up a contraption that killed. them by the scoro -and al!o klUed coCkioaches. Alter a few days, the. floor \Vas Covered .with dead roaches, and they !_ired hiro_Jor that SOMETIMES IT may take years after leaving school for a man to find his pro- per rUcbe in the w.orld; and U there is un- due pressure from his pal'f.llll, or a premature marriage, he may never suc- ceed in finding it. The world is fill ed with disgrunUed J/ Harris -· ····-. -~ men laboring in uncongenia l jobs -the unrolling stooe often deeply resents the moss it gathers. Robert Benchley once remarked, only half jokingly: "It was 20 years before I te!'ilized I wasn'l a writ.er -but by that time I was so successful I couldn't afford 1o eive it up." Then, too, unless the bright young person bas a considerable amoonl al tact (and the two rarely go together), he is more likely than not to alienate his superiors -unless he swiftly learns that one of the ways to get along In the world is to consent lo be taught things you already know. OF COURSE, many chronic job-loser!': are simply lazy or incompetent, like the butter·fingered lad who, after long unemployment, finally found a job in a chinaware house. The second day on the job, he smashed a large expensive vase, and Wa!I summoned to the manager's of· fice. He was told that the cost. of the vase would be deduc\.ed from his wages each week until it was paid for -a total of $600. "Oh, that's wonderful." the boy ex· claimed. "f'm so happy . At las\ I've got a steady job !" " t\V allace's Political Mac~in~ UBERALS, so-called, like Holmes and Brandeis, did not prevail in the cOurt. During most of the post·Marshall cen- tury, the court. was downright hide-bound, usually shunrung emerging social i55Ues arl!lng from a compelling n e w technology, and the dislocations of two world wars. These social issues involved an ag4 ~Jomeratlon Of federal powers, if\other Of industrial power, distribution af wealth, lhe rights of labor, the inequities of the Negro 's position, and rigidities of educa-tion . Nature Deflates Egos j I The Montgomery. Ala., address of George C. Wallace is c-o The Wallace Campaign, P.O. Box 1972. The number is significant. After the former governor or Alabama was defeated as the American Independent Party candidate for Presi· dent of the United States last Nov. ~. lhe 'box nwnber was changed from 1968. The Wallace political machine, cranked up in early 1967, never really did run down. The driver me.rely shifted gears. 1 Last March Wallace sent his supporters a monthly newsletter informing them : ''I shall continue." After substantial refuel· ing -and considerable rejiggering -the machine Is picking up speed again . One evidence is his appearance before the Na· lional American Party and American lndepen<lent Party of VltginJa. • . ' Editorial ' Research Deep South -Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, and Mississippi. (A 1 defecting elector in North Carolina gave him his 46th.) Wallace may run for g<ivemor again in 1970 to provide himseU with a political . ..~: · ,.. base. But he faces a formidable can- .~ ..._ didate in Gov. Albert Brewer, who shares "nali.onal committee" of the autonomous Wallace'• aegreptionist and law and at.ate parties, known variously as the order views. American Independent Party, the STEWART ALSOP observes: "ln a American Party, the Independent Party, 1971 Presidential race George Wallace ilie Conservative Party, the Constitution could prove a more formidable candidate Party, the Courage Party, and others. than in t9M." George Lardner, Jr. and However; Wallace did appear last March Jules Loh state: "If the tfines §Jl 1tiU in the unsucceS!ful campaign of William out of joint when President Nixon com- J. Davis, the American Party candidate plelel his first term, George Wallace will in a special election in Tenneuee. run again." And they-cite RJchard M. More than 1 million known Wallace Scammon . director of Washingtan's Elee- supporters arlgina\ly were; asked h> lions Research Cenler, as alithority that subscribe to his newsletter. If the if the mood of the country does not response were only 10 percent, he. would brighten percepUbly, Wallace could win. be grossing more than $1 million at an The big Wallace appeal 18.llt .vear was annual subscription of $12, or more than to middle and low·ineome groups. He ran enough lO' provide gas. for the J?Ollllcal best Jn amill ·toWn a.nd rural di!trlcta.,. Failure of both legal and legislative remedies for these issues, aided hy the economic and political backlash of warfare, brought us to the frustration of our lilne, including the. dison:lers of violent dissent. ...IT DIDN'T OCCVR to mony Americans lhat the Supreme Court's powers could be a factor in the turmoil, until Earl Warren became Chief Justice in 1954. Mr. \Vafren bnmedialely galvaniied the cocrt to grasp the problem of school segregation, which had lain fallow in our consctoame.ss since Emancipatioo. J umping to 1 conclusions : Nothing is as deOating to our egos as nature. Nature would as soon tum out a perfect baby rat as a perfect human baby. It shows no preference between the survival of a flower or 1 weed, the fate of sunbeam or club. Its 1ubllme fndifference is one of the most lm'ifylng facts of life. It's a wbe man who be.sit.ates to marry a Oat-looted gjrl. $be11 use ber fallen arches the rest of their martt1I career as an exCUll! to jump into a cab rather than walk a block. . People generally feel very sympathetic about the loneliness of the rich. Why eJae would they write more letters to their wealthy relatives tha.n their poor re.la· tions! This earned the undying hltttd nf racists, then most artirulate in the Old COMMON THINGS tend to h e South. It was followed by a series of bold susplcioua or i<are things, 5.i.mply because .decisions touchlng strict application of they are different. That la why brunettes the Bill of Rights, and constitutional i~tively distrust blondes, and both restrictions on the Congre5;11 leltlslatures are united in rear of redheads. and public officen, These greatfy enlarg. One test or a succe11sful execulive Is THERE IS AN odd pathos about people who have a compulsion to tell you a fun. ny story every time they meet you. There is a forced , desperate quality about their search for laughter. a neurotic need lo find the world everlastingly amusing. ~tost of us aren't thilt way. There are days whefi we'd rather cry like hell than laugh like hell -and we don 'I want to be coaxed out of our mood by an amateur cheer spreader. Isn't it amazing how man y polilicians who wrap them selves in the flag don't even bother to keep one in their homes to hang oat the window on Fllg Day? Few lhirigs rem.ihd you .more painfully of lost youth than seeing a 45-year-old woman trying to looll: kittenish by wear- ing a red ribbon In her hair. • • WALLACE, WHO HAD rectived 13.S ptrcent of the popular vote last November as a third party candidate, did not attend a meetlq ln Louilvlllt. •Ky., 14sl Feb. 22-23, to organize a natlco•I _ ---~aUV_!_ J>S.!.2'..:, Fo!!ed then Wit.-& machin~; ~ unsoUc1ted contr1buUons · and appealed most to voter.) tn areas p.drilling. into.Montgomery --witll-l!lgh~-reglolr~iOft.-He ed the segm~t of antagonists to the War-Whether he has learned that it is ren courl ' some:Uinea as ITnportant ~lvt. a .uts.V --·· -----a man~wbo knOws he doesn 't deseive it IF I HAD 1'i1Y life lo Uve over again I'd never agai n .(O on a diet which diito 'i alloWnil:-Yo ea Comlireaif. Watenilelon -·- and fried chicken. I'd much rather giv~ • . I ------ Monday, July :n, 111611 , T1lc tdltonol page of u.. Doilv PUot 1ecb to &\form and rti,,... "'4tc rcodn• bv prf'•ffttino· thb nnoiPGPK'• opin.fonl and com-- t'M1lto'1' n topb ot inW'est aJld lignlfioant!t, b11 providing a forv.m. for the e%prf'Stion of 'our r"4en' opinions, and by i,r«Mltlfto tht dlvn'Sf' vitU> ~ a/ i1'Jormtd ob11rwr1 allcl IJIOl<clmc• on lopia of 11 .. q, -~ It ,Weed, Publisher BY DINT OF HARD work , Wallace was a favorite of the poµce an.d af blue managed to ha~ hls name placed on the collar workers. wh.o in this yea~' mayor· ballot. in all so states last year. Most of ally elecU~-~ showing lbetr political tbat work would not have to be duplicated clouL three years from nqw. Wallace in 19151 cat 9,908,4'13 popular votes -close to the 10 million popular votes he predicted on the eve of elecUon. He won Od!y the 45 electoral wtes ot the • Quotes Dyke · Brown, btadmaster, Atlltnlan Scbool, Danville -"We share the con- cern wlHch Periclean Athena had for in· t.ellectual Utness arxt tor the developmtnt .of the mind and the powv of l!'tQOl'I; -1.IO for the per90nal and clvlc developnitflt' or tich lndlvklual. '' Dear Gloomy Gus: The good lire that many Ameri- cans live is nol good for life. -H.B. McD. Tllft. Ntvrt Nl*tl ,. .... ,... """"-lltt _., ... ef .... ---· ._. ~ "' ...-. • o"""'' 0111. o.i" ,. ..... •• - BEYOND DOlJBT the court made 111 to a man who knows he does. mistakes. Further. its trend, while The chi er sorrow of a shoe sale~an is allevlatlnl 80Jl1e of our ~bles, could the knowledge that no woman will buy not amsl many of them, including the the first pair of shoes he tries on her no raging black problem. NotwilhsLsnding, matter ·bow well they fit and klok, bow entagonlsm to the trend so congealed much she likes them, and bow riibt 1be that many wtre: holding the court price. · respon!l1ble for every difficulty ~ our l&l· ter-d.ey life, an absurdity. .rr IS BARD FOR a man to mate an But \bl Wamn-haters will lose their honest dollar, 1lntt even thl! iavemment force. just as P.farshalJ.haten lost theirs itself doe.sn 't make that kind anymore.. over a hunch-e~ years qo. Cooler minds Trylnc to pleaae everybody is a wute will perceive that disagreement with a of anyone's time. I! a rostbush grew court's decision does not -put an eternal beefsteak tomatoet a1 well u nrect· fix on right.or-wrong. wlsdotTH>r-folly. smellina bjoom1, there would .UH be Earl Warren will then be seen as a o..om· critics to complaih about its tborng, mAnding figure of courage, perctptlon A cynic is an optimist who had small and patriotism In our day, one who with d1ydrt1mt1 and achieved them. unnl(l!n1 coruictence wieldeod hla passln& Jl'I aetUng all but impossible lately LO power In t.tie effort to diminish the abuses curl vp with a good book. But i[ a fellow of PoWtr tnescapable in any social coo-"' curled up wftti all the bad books tract, 1vaiJ4ble1 he'd lnot Illtt a coiled spring. up caviar, champagne, and bultered snaiJ.i. ' ByGeo ... e---. Dear George: I know you're supposed to be 1 lovelorn columnist but I want you to settle an argument for us. Who really first discovered America? lt wasn·t Columbus, now, was U? BILL ANO SUE Dear Bill and S~: No. Columbus did,. not ·flral dis· cover Americ3. In fact, nObody • firsl discovtred anywhere. Every Ume aomebody got some place, history showa, somt:body w111 111· ready thert. l trust oµs clean: up matten for you. · • -· ., . . ~ 4 -4··'··~~ ' - ·' -- \ --.----- ~ • -C~Efif~G-' ,. • . • -1-· Pantb-ers ~ Militants Flllld Set ' -. • Building-· Schpol .Finarici-ng. 'fhreatened . Dead1'i-ck-F e~red -Bv-Strike --, _,_ ~ • '·. SAOllAMEN'l'O (AP) -mton 11111 tt """l•fbe reducec! OAKLAND (AP) -A ..,. LOS ANGEI,U, (AP) -A lillll!te Judon ~ed-toda_J to met! tl>e,,llmlll ol Gov. -, .. Uo!!wi.i.-C:=--.tund "'!iii;;~,.. V'lOll'lf'>i~tfl $0nl'\i:"Aiitiitn1iCIWl'focli' 'lliigii"l~-·!Wo-·· mllltanto and planl for a ••· equipment operatlq ....,..,. on ochool fiuoce, wtlh hopeJ houaes can't 1gree, a com· ,,_,, -St~-Seasi@kll~ Uout referendum aimed ' at today lhrealens t4 .viuoJly for settlemmt mllnJ on era-mlttee ol lhree ...-1«1 and ~.~!:1o1 ~~ ·~ halt Soulbem Callfon1W1 ma· Uon of a tWO>!>oust conference lhree ,.....blymen wm meet at • Blact PanU-sponsorod jor cons-. ~!tee worklllf behind ill conference llld l'7 for • ~end <onl.,.,..., A ma..,.menl oiler -to ~ dODIW and facillg sn ad-compromloo. , • ' In .-mcillg lhe releren-booot wag,. and fr 1 n gt joumment deadline. Reagen blo ollocaled lll0.5 With ·Eye Patch By L. M. BOYD' DI\. 8. C. GOFF ol-Sanla Ana, Cal., contends• the best way to atop motion alclmesa Is 1o patch ooe eye .•. DO YOU KNOW what fur 11 v;mnest? The United States anny says sheepskin , •. EVERY DAY ii> this country, . approximately 150 husband• desert their wives , •. LUCKY the Statue of Liberty; can1t. cat.ch cOld. Her noee is 4-feet.e-incbea long ••• JllTClllllKERll In Poland are required to ,pay a travel tax of about $1 per fl50 miles. TEST-The moon only a~ alphabet, usable Jn 'typlnl •·'' '·•" ';/;"!!,\ ~ dum Sunday Black Panlher Wreck Kills' benefits n _,.tor each The sJoomy pridlcllon came mlUlon, plUJ money !fom a yet pract.,tce. Good • newi! Just tt~Ui .. 1 V''• ~ 1.!li\:1 ' naUooal chairman Bobby )'ear 01 a five-,ear con&raet as the upper hol.ase moved undetermined turplUJ, in new found the ' Shortest possible Seale also said 150 American F mi] _ f 5 wu re"---' Saturday by once apln toward a vote an a 5Chool aid. such aeotence. Conta1n.I each ' UberaUon Front committee. a y Q ,.......... bill tnereaslng cunent state I 11iua the Senate, the of 'the 28 letters only once. lt Zuh• M h · w 111 Pre•• u re Po I Jc e AJ'L.CIO OperaUna Engineers appropriations to local school Assembly and Rea1an an ·are rt1ds: "J. V. Pike flung D. Q. Ill e ta de Part men ts to have PIRU (AP) _ FI ie Local IZ. dlslrlCIS by 1i5 mlUlon. They advocaUng different figures. Schwartz my box.'' Think you palrolmen live In th e memberw of a Santa Paula Joaeph Seymour, bu!lnea now tolal II.I billion. The dUferen<:ta must be decld- can remernber that? Suppose W d T • neighborhoods where t be Y ram11 .. died u 1 result of a' manager for the union, uld, A vote wu delayed Friday ed by Aug. 8, ~ tariet date not. Jurt ·-~ •••• like e s Wice work. ., lbe when crl"-ol Iha measure for ad'-·--ent ol lhe 11169 UUl:i<MI ~ .......,. bead-on colllalcn between 1r 0 the men are amazed and dla-UlaJ JV'll•u.u quick brown fo1 and )Hy do1'• "If that po 11 c em a n nnall forelsn bus and a car quieted at the lndustTy offer, pushed through a m a J o r Rssloo. back, does It? LOS ANGv' ~ (UPI) brutalizes aoaieone In the near .thJs community i n amendment, lb1fUng f 11 "No one denies thMe things ·NAME G A M E - H a v e ~~ -community and comes back southern v~ura County, the We will shut dowu all~work un-mlllloo from kindergartens to w1l1 be hammered out 1n c:on- located an electrlcian named Actress Nancy Kovack was there kl sleep that nt1ht, we highway patrol reporta. til the contractors sign our j\Dllor colleges. The total of terence,v 1akt Sen: Walter- Sttort, but no· lathe operatcr married during the weekend In can deal With him," Seale aaid Dead au Donald c. 'Klorri!, agreem,,nt." the bUI rem~ the ~. . Sttem, O.Bakertlleld, a fl1eal named Turner;-no nuT'Miryman two ceremonies to Zubln to about 2,000 delegates to lhe 26, the ,drtver: ·his wife, Lav-He said I.he .walkout will Im-.. , don't have any hope ll1is kader who .helped shift funds named . Gardner, and no Mehta, India-born musical National Conference for a onna, 25; their daughters, mediately stop all major con-bil1 will be accepted by the froni klndergartens to junior butcher named Hackett. so director of I.he Los Angeles United Front A g a i n s t Michelle, 31h ~ months, and struction projects including Assembli because Jt doean't coUege.s, . ---~r! to be about half its size 1f yoii are ups1 eiffiWilWfietf' you look af it. Wail, this is a fact. The angle at which your eyes percelve an object affects the seeming size of said ob- ject. Or so says a man of science. Never realized that. Intend to put It to a teat. Should you swing by lhe hoose some night, and see a fellow standing on his head on the far, U you are acquainted with Philhannonic Orchestra. FasciSm, which is Composed-Christine, 4; and Mrs. Morris' freeways, buildings and the U satisfy their demand for But me .senator objected any such, please advise. The first ceremony was Rn or about..50..milit.an~---,1mnoth<ber;-lnna-Sealy~MI-, -.~_,,Hlton Feather ftlver Project. ni0ney;-Said-5en:-Ste'ph P. 1boc1Jfy--to-the---practtce-ot---:--! Y.oUr questuins and com-afternoon wedding at the His announcement was The two children, and Mrs. The const~ctlon industry, Taale, )).West Point, Ute writing a IChool bill under ad· · front lawn, and you say, "Whet are you doing?" and ht aaya, "I'm looking at the moo~t'~Ljust take it easy, Jt's all nant. don't you worry, eveeylhlng's O.K. . tnents are welcomed and Westwood United Methodist coupled at the conference's Sealy were killed instanUy in which has been aufferlni a 30-author. journme.nt prtm1re. RecallinC will be used wherever pos· Church . Four hours laler a closing session by a declara-the collision Swlday, Mil...,.is month slump ii) the market, 'lbe. Auembly has passed a how a multlmlllloo-dollar er· sible in "Checking Up." Zoroastrian ceremony, Of· tion by att<rney Charles Gar· died three houri Jater and7his was bit July 1 by a plumbers' biil "appropriating S 18 8. SI rot wu made In the last· Address ma ii to L. M ficiated by Parsi. high priest ry of San Francisco that a na-wife died early. today in Ven-atrike.. Thamanda of other million more for elementary mJnute IChool aJd btD of llf7, Boyd, in care of the DAILY Dr. Framroze Ardeshir Bode, tionwide legal defense fund tura Gderal Ho 1 p It a I, construction craftsmen have and HCOnd4ry IC!looll and Sen. H. L. R1ehardlon, T· PILOT. Box 1875, Newport was performed at the Hotel has been organized f'o r authorities said. been laid off. junklr colleges, wttb a pro-Arcadia. utd: Btacll, Calif,, 92663. Bel-Air. members of mllltant ~ps, f_::=:::=-:=~~---=:=-=:..::,:::_ ____ ..:...;:_:_...:,,:_ __ _;_ ________ _ -· --IN-YOUR OPINION, what oou1d best ·be characlerlzed aa "the t1llle.tt, most perfidious, •• _, .............. twatl<!lfl!t':tii'el-. ~~-"=""="""''"' -·--· -·----~JA..,-"™ w--ureru; --=----."""" ~-----·--~" .... ·-··· r,=JJ~ .. . lbal abouttwm -• ' ' TO FIND ~ good r<lltabnml with-reuonable prices in a 1tflnae town? That's 'hat toorlsto want to know. Euy, ju1t look for that restaurant parking lot with numel'OWI cars beariiig local ' llcenae pla..,. ~ALL COLLICT ' .. (714,) 123•61.U- • • w. ""• ••s••• • Ne t1:111111i~1r • ,,.. •lilettl • fNl llllllillitl•• DISC .BRAKE CAR·· ·OW·NERS .,HE.REf-5 A SPECIAL FOR YOU -,J ,, . ., ~-' ,. • •I ~ 'I" .. CUSTOMER SERVICE t Q. ••Let's see you name the largest lake tn lhe world with a rubber.lined bottom." A. Can't recall Ha name Offhand. but can tell you It's In C.IKor- nla Cltq, Cal., whlch, inclden- tally, Is lhe largeat toWy pre- ......... modern city In lhe ,.....id:' rv• been then."Dltndy :r o t. Might e v e n set up Jr13 front cmfwypu up 11\)' tr o u t faenn near there someday Jf l c an flnd another rubber sheet bll enough to line a pond ... Q. "At1S'l'UUANBARS closctat ... I p.rn., don't they?" A. Not anymore. NoW 11 p.m. is the ~llll!lni time lhere. This wetkon~I ~ Custom lined drapwa.1 .~ -1 =11'1<\:ll'I P·R E A D - ·lll••i••lne 11 n· r. IFtt!'" old!_ Eilll, I .taste lhtl · f hearmy n .,..-c::;;i;-·~·.W• :~~" l ~li~l:-llWlll somolhfnl le Mlllut i\itler to feed his soldiers. VoUa l Oleo. TYPING PRACTICE--1\'haJ • cuat.omer WU looking for' II J fecatJ. WU a abort sentence, containing all :S letten of the Woman OK From Ordeal In Desert B~ST n.. DAILY PIL.OT offtr• ••"'• ef Ho. bt1f ft•~wr••· bv •ctutl '"'"'" ef r••d•"· •v•!l1bl1 i" '"'I' 11tw1p1ptr I" the "'tio". • at a-priceyou -naulcl .,_. ~ to pay fOr the-filli'lc a FABRIC AND LINING Only the look Is expenslYe. Call today and let IUI' frllrM ..,,.ator -ltant show you samples af elegant fabrt• •!Ml \Wll'N all lined With lllhite challis for long lasting beauty. Yt11 Ml tlep.nd on ,.,.,. rmy step af the way ••• IMGIUl'lng to ln&llllttl111. There'll lit Mavttful dratwi .. In your future I Regular low P-.y prices for our finest fabrication. LIKE IT ••• CHARGE lTI .. -' • ONLY 79.88* •Except Corvettes OUR SERVICE INCLUDES: . • Grind linings to match drums, rear whMls • LubrlcaN shoe contadl, Mlf-aclj~ • Inspect master cylinder • Repack front wheel bearings • Bleed and refill brake system • New front disc brake ahoe pads • New Premium linings for l'90r wheels • New front ~ seals • New brake springs, rear wheels • Rebuild front calipers • Rebuild wheel cylinders,.rear wf;eels • RNurfoce front rotors • Inspect and adjust parking brake • Resurface rear brake drums • Road test by Penney'a apeclallils COMPLETE CUSTOM BRAKE OV~HAUL FOR YOUR CAR! '• We instcill1 new bonded linings, rebuild all wheel cylinders, resurface brake drums, bleed an\I refill brake aystem, riptide front wheel bearings, lnataU new front 11--r. ... montl . 36.88*' Most Fordt, Chvroleta and _, A.erlc•• co•,.cts 'l ' '*Volbwa .. 11 a•cf°••d otller AMerliiii can 49.11 BUENA PARK (~.i.v""=""l CANOGA PARK FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPoRT BEACH • f ,, , . • , ·' . • ' • " ·I I ' ' ( • ' '• ' . r •. " l • • • • • Ii ,. • • • • • I I 0.1.lLV PILOT • e:; MO>day, Ju~ 21, 1969 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Make a Sharp . Deal; Use DAILY Pl!OT Dime-A-Lines Science Shrinks Painful Hemorrhoids Stops Itch-Relieves Pain Finds Way That Both Relieves Pain and Shrinks Piles In Most Cases """ Yol'lc. N.T, (Spodallr Sci· ~ bu found • •peeial for-1neila witb t.h• abUlt7, In mo1t cuu -~o '-hTinll: henttrrhoid1, ltoP ltdlfns and re.II~• paln. Jn eatit· aft.er t••e doetol'I -·Dl'W'Nd,,hfle natJ7 -nlimnr·. P.., aot.al ....i-. (ohrink· •r•) took place. The MtH:t ii P ri:pa.f'otio11 H•. 'fht!re i1 110 other formula for btmonholU like i t. Preparation B al10 aoothaa.-irr-iUt.td tl1111u atul )\elps ,,ft.eat f11rtbtr lnl~o• ln olntmentot SQPpo.itorJ form. .· • --,· • <;lUIENIE ---By Phll lnt1tl~di Clguette Falr·;Ex4'hange ,- . ' ' ' • Radio Ads But Noi .o.;,,-T~leviJsion -.,,..,,,..~ •• -... ""'= .. -~ -~·· Penn Prest 'Rock Garden' polyester/cotton muslin prints ... sunbeam or Caleata blue never need Ironing 12 • 104 .._., ... b.c ai.... Reg. 3.89 NOW 11 z 1M ~ etM ln.d boeo111 Reg. 4.69 NOW 2.99 3.99 42111-Rog. 2 for 2.69 NOW 2 for 2.29 Penn Prest polyester/cotton.percale 'Companlonetta' strlpea ... sunbeam or pink on:hld never need Ironing n x1 otn.t•'9fnllhdbotlom Aeg.4.99NOW 4,57 11:1 1oe n1t orNMr1t1tc!Mttom Reg.5.ISINOW 5.57 42 x M c1N1 2 for 3.59 NOW 2 for 3.27 Penn Prest polyester/cotton muslin strlpe1 In honey gold or Slam pink 121104 net or rwrn fitted bot1oin Reg. 3.69 NOW 111.1at f111erf1i1llfltttt1bottoin Rttg. 4.11 NOW 2.99 3.99 Nation Wide• white cotton mualln, 133 count bleached and finished 12 :11111 t11tortw111 l'fltH botaom Reg.1.99 NOW 1.37 1.65 11 1101ll.tortu1111tttd bottom • Reg. 2.29 NOW· 42 l HC,MI Reg. 2 for 1.09 NOW 2for13< Percale bleached white cotton aheai. ... crisp ind cl>ol ahd anowyl n 11ott1•1•1Wt11t1atd 11 a 10I \!al er tul fltttd 41 J Jfca1H Reg. 2.311 NOW Reg. 2.89 NOW tn 2.07 Rog. 2for1.31 NOW 2 lor 1 .07 • If you spent· 3.0 seconds lookin9 at 'e'!~h of our sha9 ··samples,. it would take you over 9·hours tp see .them all- 10: come early and brin·9 · yPur lunch. DON'S CARPET SHOP • 426. $0 .. MAIN Cl, Blks. No. of .Bullock'1l ORANG~ ' Cl.OSID SUNOA'f' , OUR SUMMER ' • .• ---· 1 .. _.,,,. ' ' ' , • • • ' ' . -. -· 1. • .. , . . ' .. .. ------ EVENT ''• ,• •', -. • ~-- ' ' r " o.r _, • ~~ ' • , • -~ ' • • .. . . . 1 ' •• • • • • Quilted 11preads In beautiful floral prints or solid colors, • • • our summer white goods special! Absolute)y fantastic! Handsome spreads such. a11 these at such low prices. The solid colorspreadsar• elaborately-tWin-llne qulited (qUalfty ditall usu811y found only on far more expensive tpreads). Th• price is special ••• just for our summerwhlta goods event Gold, aqua orollve solids. 96 x108 Full or 81 x108 Twin 9.99 Our summer white goods event special on polyester fllled fitted mattress pads ••• Twin 3.A~ f'.,µ.11 4~88 3uy a fresh, ne:J:'attress pa~ for every bed In the house while tl'\ey'respecially priced now . ' ' • .. • Monday, J~~ 21, 1969 ---.-~ •• w.,, • • .,,......,, • ~ l-..it;I< -~ • ~ O~ILY PILOT I!-0 .J B rths • MNI ~l'lltri.1 KHPllel JulY f ·' /<M. •rid M,... T.,.rence Jurotrtsfl'I• 159• Corl•nder Dr., Cost1 Mesi, boy Mr. incl M,.., Ln!lt Schnnne. 21tm GoWwl!. Hunlll>tlon 8-1dl, boy Mr. •Old Mn. Thomes Derry, mo ANthtlm, Cost• Meu, o!rt Mr, 1'ld Mr,. ltil!I~ C~H, IH Towne SI .• C.I• Meu, boy Mr. arid Mr~. Seth Hlrft1i.ooi, 1jQf w. $11nfl>rd, S.11,,. A'll, boY Mr. •lld Mn;. John !ilrr, 1~ F1•mlnto Dr,, COii• MIU, tl(jy Mr. •!)d Mrt, E&tdfe t.wertlt, 1•S'l: Elden, Co.,_ ~=·I~ , , Mr. and 1<M1:· 11:1cMrd Cherri, xm w. 8nrd\9rd, Santi An1, glrl Mr. Ind Mrt. Alben WlllC\lt, t0J W. 11th St., Cost1 Met.II, bov Mr. •nd M,.., lton•ld •Emond, '111 AralN Cln:le. Fourl•ln v111ey, bo¥ Mr.· •nd M,._ JMn H1rnr1" nn AmlJ!'it.1111, CM.II Mft!i, boY Mr. 11\d ''41'•. Gary S...tt>wltkn m PMU Pl . .,Cof,t1.Mftp,.91<1 • • :tulY 11 . Mr, •lid Mrs; Evan Ttinrnn, 410J1 lt!Vff Aw •• NeW.orf llHcf!, boy Mr. Ind Mn. llobef'I NOiiie. 111~1 G1~lr11 Ln .. G•l'deft Grov., 1>rt Mr. Ind Mrt. Pftlnll McKlntey. 2'17 Harbor lllW., Apt 11-7, Co." Mew, t!rl Mr. tlld Mrt. tto.aUo Mor-; lO'Jlll E. W~r, S111~ Ana, 00~ Mr. Mid M-rr.--fl'Obll1 "E"""'nn-2'27 Goldtne~• Pl .. Olla Mllw,. olrl Mr. and Mrt. Andrew Cyga, l'OO Sea L1ne~·API. 61, Corot\I RI Mar, tJlly • Mr. Ind Mn. llOlllJ!'t Or1bt(t, l lt7 , Hfl.lrl1 Way, N~ l!Qch, 11frl Mr .• •rwi Mr-... 1tooer M•~,..vr1n11. 1'56t Dellon. Cir •• No.---2.-Hw11Hneton llt:ld, t !O-: " ., • ' .- I• . It .... ,n~oi - OCWD Rate nro ·--~- By 2 Cents _ _ llY ~!-f:K ll!IOJIACK Of .. Dft'Y '""' ..... Counly taxpJyen IOI oome -----------• • l ' .. • Thirsty · Millions Fuiur-e. Water NeedsComideref'r · . -IRVINE -~o-Counly'1 ~·ol-IM doll\ al 8on4i1tO mldo lo ll«t up -IG-tnll Wiler nMda will more ttian Riiervollibauld be ra!Md to mi1lloa acre feet of w1ter by olouble i!1' J!>t~ar ~ !'!'I lncre.ue0 J!>e currt'>! c,.1pojtdlii;y~the::.;.JW~=IOOO::·::· =~-----t 'f!Tl""nF• .. -· lfllJ'"lo "ptllltt ...... '7;iijO 1-ae181 10• ........ -- I . IOOd """' lodey -the dlr<e- lon of the Orange County W""' Dlitrkl ( 0 CW D) lo-,wed the dlllrlct tu ra)e addillm>ol storai• lacUJUes lo .ac:re feet . He Hllm•led t11e A y provide lot tile lhlmy mlllioos «>01 ol tlle project at about 15 re 0 U in the next 30 yeJr1.; . mllllon. • . An enlar1emen\ ol SanUaao 'the propoaed U,000..Crt-A slow Re>ervolr (Irvine Lake) and fool Round Cooycm ReRrvolr . I by s cenu from the current 17 ..,., to 11. The adopted budpt for llllf. 711 calls f<r expenilllurea ol fl.I mlllioo. Eve1rJlooulb this figure la 20 pettent hjgher than the recenlly _copcluded YtlJ"'I -ooaa:et orte.1 mllllon lhe tu rate can be lowered becaute of a 11.t pucent in-- crew in asseued va1uation, according to Don O w e n, OCWD eecretary-rnanqer. The district'• d I r e c t o r s managed the tax decrease In •nother way, abo. They cut the budget's contingency fund by I whoppinc $225,000. Major eq'.>enditurel in the new budiel are II.I mlllion lor lli St,,.-•. the Talbert Barrier project in Ro un """""' Beach-Fountain Vailley area, • .,:I and.St million for a pac~age of With Goofy at the ready, Mickey Mouse gives the water conservation programs. sign·al and two of four new monorail trains leave co!:h.~ ~::,!er~~ Disneyland roundhouse. New cats replace 10-year~ about four ye.an ago, ,.hjch ls ing various points in Anaheim amusement park.· ing variou.s points in Anaheim amuatment park. designed to prevent sea,.ater lntrullon Into the near.....W areas of the dia:lrfct'a: un· ~ water conservation Valuation ·· In Joaquin Dis~ct Up Manchester Improvement Bids Rejef,!ted Weill have been drlntd and rec~ wast~water injected lrto t5e underground basin to. block the intruding seawater. Chief conservation project is the first stage of a reconstnJc. IRVINE _ The a.s1es!ed tion program for ~nt w1ter spre.ading facilities in valuatton in the San Joaquin I.be Santa Ana ruver channel. Elementary School Dlslflct ls SANT A ANA - Bids for proJX>sed improvements at the cou·nty's Mancheit.er Center facilities have been rejected by lhL Board of Supervjlon becawe all bid• were hl1her than the estimated c:osts of the improvement!. Orange County B u l I d i n g Services Director J oseph J. Smisek l'eetlrnmtnded the ac- tlon a.pd said he revlae the plans in order to reduce costs. .• Included ln the proposed lm- provementa are a covered walkway, additions to the Dependent Childrens Home and Ju~enlle Hall, and air ~ dlUonlna: and food 1tor1ge faclli~es for Greeley School. tile bulldlntl ol 1 new storaie wauld coot lbo<ll 110 mllllon, laclllty In Round Canyoo on Boyle said. R de ? the Jrvthe RJnclt are seen u Both may be needed If auf. ea r J>OUlble soluUcins 1o the p flclent water Is to be provided • lem . ., · for c:owrty ftlldenoes and in· A noted publisher in Oilca..lo ConaulUns engineer J. ·R. dult.ries in the ne~ 30 years, rtporla there 11-1 1tmple ttcli· Lester Boyle made thett tPe tn1lneer warned. nlque " npld readinf which observ1U001 Wednriday •\the At the pment Urne, the should ~Nl>Jo you lo Incmoe lint meeUng of the newly county u.seJ about 400,000 acre your readlni ·~ and yet formed Orance County wa~ feet per year. Th1s will Jump retain much more. Most people Agencies Committee made up to more than *><l,000 1cre feet do net ~lfzA. how much thtY of city and water dmrtct of.. by the )'tar JOOO, according to could tllCl"MM their plwurt, ficials John Toups, co n s u I ti n I s\lCC'l!Ss and inoome by readfnl Boyie lf.Jd ~nglneen art engineer for the Orao1e c.oun. fl!ter and more ~ly. eeettna tO determine if tilt t~ A~~r ~:· U.e present m:=.~ec~~~~f; Clemente supply, 200,000 acre feet, l!I present readlng akill, can UH provided by OCWD in either thf9 simple technique to tmprove the fQrm of natural l'ater or 1hetr re.ding abfllty to a re- as repliilishrnerit ·water piped markable degree. Whether md· Into the county's underground ing sto~cs, books, ~hnkal S f N --t ... ,.. 00 ·n.-mallet-1t-becomea-pos.51ble to --Ul' U11uJeT .~1 • , • -1 . hi read s~t.ences at a glance and If we re to ma nta1n t s t' ges in SCCQbd.! wilh th is 50-50 ratio we are going to ~~t!r. SAN CLEMENTE -The lifeguard department hert has established a recorded phone message which o ff e r s "complete surf and weather infonn•Uon" in the S a n .Clemente area. The riumber to call is 492--1011. The readings, accordlnJ to a lifeguard spokesman, a re taken off the San Clemente pier, and are upda*ed whenever the~ II a·cbange In surf or weather. have to,;develop o~er water To a~uaint the readers of sources, Toups said. this newspaper with the eesy· He J.!sled -"imong "other fu.follow rules for developing aorces" imported water from rapid reading skill the company northern Calilomia, reclaimed has printed full details of It.I sea water -and reclaimed lnterestUig self~tralnlng method waste wafer. Toups !trongly In a new booklet, "How io Read recommeoded that plans be Faster and Retain Mort," maU· · ed free. No oblla:ation. Simply enclose a dime to .oover postage Today's Final Stocks T oclay .,,q bandllna, Send your nome, -· and zip code "" --Ing, 835 Diveney, Dept. ~117, Chk:a10, ru. 80814. -. ' I DEATH 11/0'l'ICES up 28 percen~ but every new · -cttlt will be used to finance an I ··--=--~-.. --~------_.:.t -----__ ,:_,.... __ • ___.;._~------...-,:-----"' , .... ...... ~-----"'""' .. ·--- w"""" L WWS.W "· 2"1 1!11---~­....,. ""·· c.1. "'"'· o.i. • "'""'· · lncreue of 33 percent. J,,., 11. lul'Y!Wd 11'1' wlft', c..tlM:rlMI -· WI!....., E. Jr .. " the ,,..,.1 That'• the word from Rei S. 1 =""i.::.Z: ~= ~::i..,~:. Nerl!ion, aulatant 1uperln· I Mliflfii• .,.,.,., Mn. MiN ooiwr.. tendent ol the 1Choo1 dlatrict. 1-11ttt11n11 '•"'· Mr•. '°'1"" C1wtt• "tr we "et "·· number of I -lrftw ~ s.tYioH """ tit Mid D ·"'""' T_..,., M1 n. ,..:111c v• °"''"' students next year that we ex- "'· ...,.. lltf'I. c1e11 e.,... " st. ""' ..,.... "•---~--..a valuotlon d.._ ''"'7Yterltl'I Churcfl otfld1lll'l9. ~·· u~ ~ I 1--..:t. "..:lflt """"' ~1,1 per student will probably re- l "11'11-Dlt'Klll 111 'Kl~ ..,..,. Mor-main about the 1 a m e ' ' tiltrf, ' BEEN Nerlson said. 1'What we really ;!!'~~-c~~ -.::. ~~.,:0011::;:: need Ja some tnajor industry . ., L.ruu -· c,.,.111 .... t1e1ilht1rs, The lncreueJn the auened ' lftt,,,,. l<ftlll ..._, ~ 'rk't1 ""'" valuation ia 1'"-elv due to the .............. ICiltMf!ll, M'f'rtl'I .,.. J. T. -a " ._., ""*'*'· Mn. ~ ._, ""' number of new bomel· being ..... .......,.,ldnll, ,_, Mr\'kn buil1 ·~ ter ...... ""'" ,,.... h:dty, ~. II AM, ltll . iD.u{IL;O ~ ~back .,..,,.. o-.t.. .-. •w. """""• aru. "'And with tile new ....... ~. '"""-'· ,.. bo ~-~-·-·~­dl't ""-,__...,, ,...._ DlrwcM w mes comt new ~l.IJ ww ............... ~ ,,. ...... Wt IChool•." lCerUon p:ilnted ww.c.....~. ~ t Gl\AllAM oo . ~ ,,.. c. ......-n. '*· ,., • ,.. °'" San Joaquin'• a a s e 1 1 e d ,, .. e-. -.-.. lur'IWld .., IMbtn4. ......,., .....,_, Mrs. oi.. w • ..,, value .lncrea1e from •114 t:. ~.~,~ .~W!':; mlllion to Sl46 million leadl aw.t. ,,.._,.,., Klrter •• , ,... the county's 35 achool districta .,...... ""'· ,_,.,. _,,...., ._ in ........... h , accont1 .... to County wt-. ,. .... '""""°"'ti ~ !YV..... °'6 ,._ ...__.........,.. .. -IM °"""" A.see!tor Andrew J, Hinshaw. COUlllY ...... '""'· .... '"'""""" Mor1U1ry. DI..,.,,. Rlnk:l.ng immediately behind DA VIS San Joaquin in percentage fn. ~'*;';~ .. .::,.."~t!: :; crease are SaddJeback Junior -. Mt. 0.1"11 I . l"f':IHI,.. ,,,.,.,.,. CoUq:e, $-613.f million, • 21.8 ...,.... ..... ..... ,,.,..., ... ... ..... -nl ·-~~--. and Tu~·­°"""' fl h ,,,......,,_, ..,,,. Allt. Jell ,..... "" ~ llWI .,..,..,. ~,.,., CMl'Kltn. Union High School, P'19.S ~a. .v!~" iu ,_llltt. million, a JI.I pe:reenl Both ·--• .,,.,5, ---. Sllf"l'Mcl ~ ,... also serve -the S&ddlebact -*" ~ lllCI l4'1m DI.I-V·"·v ~ d:IUll'ltw, Ill• Mir 0:-ami.,' Wll'lll1 ""' 1'9llllO>lldNt W Hur w:wl••llllC11Ullrwn. llloury, 7:30 '~ ......... lnillflt a.-t. 111-lfffl MeU, T\llMw, I AM. •S I I-lo Judi Co:ilfll:llc Cfi:ulodl. IMto'Tftent, ~ &Mo- ...,.. ~. ""17111 Mlr!wry, Olo ..,..... llANAllAN Ml.W ~ 111•'*"11· ..,. "-..... 14 1I071 Clltd, Ju,., If, ,,.,, Sur· vlM Irr lll/lblollCI, l'rJl!kl c1-.i,...~r. Mno. ,,_ eon. .... ef l-lew, w ..... """""'' .... DoWhl J-. ot S.11!• ""°"""'' lfWf ,,,, .... ,,...,.,ld'r.ll, .Trailer Park Bid in Capo Fails Again Stn4.., ............. ,, Ju,., n. t ''"'" .., ... Cul•••AAoltr eon1,., .. llOtM:I °"'""' " i..,u,,. ~ NMff« l• ...,.. 9'9dt ~. 0'""'9rs. CAPISTRANO -Or1111e County Supervbon have held A1U1tJC1LE A: WEL8ll finn and denied I Ute Wutellff M.....,. · variance for a 115-tpace ffl I!:. 17111 8~, Colla Men trailer park In the C1plotr1no -Pollsadu area alter 1 le!lilhy • debote. BALTZ MOR11JAlllES '!be vote upheld 1 caunty c.n.a del Mir OR 1-Hll Pl1nnln1 Commlaslon recom· CMa Mua • MI t.UU mend1Uon. • Resldenta of nt:arby homea Bill BROADWAY vilOroualy attacked the p~ MORTUARY poaal saying II w 0-11 Id Ut llroodwq, Colla Men devaluate lhelr proper!)' and "bring in transia.~." U '4lU Pennllslon lo build the • DILD. AY BROl'llER8 mobile home 'park on s.• aaea WU requested by the R. Ba11apoo VaJllJ A. Wall Co. and Boise Cucade . M-·-··-1 Corp., represented by Donald 17'11 Bead! BJvd. N. Schnelder, of the American U..lhlpoo lleaclo Mobil• Home Corp. IU-7'111 Schneider argued fuUlely • last week that there were McQ)llMJClt LAGUNA other tralltr facilities In the l!ACB MOlln.JAllY ana, that trailen today are 1115 lApu C.JtO Rood "not tempcrary dwelllni1, but ...,_. a.a a home which la aeldom -U moved, and tlley are quality e bulH lo rtild 1tand1rda." --nwtt VIEW -ll-~~oold, ... ,..""'"'"'"1"1IOIOftnllflllll""tl(Ri+f. MDIORJAL PARK PD-4000) would allow the con- Oe• rtw1 e M«tur)' structioo of IOO apartments CUpel rather than the 115 lralltr • Pldtle V1ew Drive pada his firm wu rtqueJt1.n1 . .....,... Bed, CaU:fonll Schnelder also noted that •JJ _ the Ii.le wu a "former dum- _..,,. pine a:round'' and now con- • tained only horse trails. PDlt JAMILY The board voted 3-1 for de· llOIAlNW. rtJNDAL nlal, with Superv!SO< Wiiiiam -J . Phlllips votlol In favor ol ""' ..... Aft. the Vari ante. I W•' tr Is: • -...... ,, , ,., e -+rs:: •w-1naam 111111T1.1A11T MonC..tortWt-rl•t t:a·.~ ::: F~!;~!;~!! ... -• --~lE1er· a.. . . llMITlll' -11JAllY = ::;,: --... ~;T..a ....... Ml'd«. -__ Ji.:;.;;;;; lio<l_ r.-.=.,~~'11".:!I: ~--l':'~~·-.,. wnSW ..--'-----+----_,-o.t Pl' -~~==: ' - ' LAGUNA BEACH • ------ . Laguna Blach Mortuary '"I ' • ' ' ' I \ • I Announces The OPENING of LAGUNA'S NEW MORTUARY Str¥ln9 the lntlrt South Ctalt Area You Ar• Cordlol/y Invited To Vl11f Our Spacious Facl/1#/11 1795 LAGUNA CANYON ROAD -49~9415 ' .. • ~AILY, PILOT J! , T41le -t»f ;£we-Cities N~u/Yorke~ Tells W liy R~~efers LAL-·-'·...:"·,.,._: • t:DITOR'S Nat'§: l by trace developments with one walks against a red light TH writer DI die ronomnC hoWics sJOe Dy side looking u Or ]aywalb. , 1tory llYed in Ne• York for 15 if they came out of cookie cut.. ctpcago ls__jpe ~.bi&· .• _ ~,.ean· Wtre mtvlnc -te bet ters. • · --~ · gest Amerlcan clfy but .that • Aaet1et • Y~ 110. Re 1Dm1 The Negro ceoler of Watts Ls _applies onfy ii you 10 by city , ___ up. ~~.,., .. M>me of his lin· ... ~.m.Loa roptrast Ao.&bl J!mli1;r!!'-)l9Uo.J1>ke~'"':.4'hot~ ~­ pte11lon1 ~-tieNo CIUii iDa filthy tenements and Utt.etfd ·metropo)ilan sprawl ot urban lbe.lr contruta. • streets of Harlem. Watts ls satellites, New York ranks By JACK V. FOX row after row of neat one-first will\ 14. million popula- LOS ANGELES (UPI) story houses with palm trees Uon and Loi Angeles second There ar6 terpons the size of a11d bougai~v_Ulea .and it Is with 6.5 million. grapefruit but no taxicabs. hard to envts1on-. this area ~ So many ot the the Y<lUnt 1'here are supermarkets open the scene of a riot far worse glrlll here have that golden until 10 p.m. but no· delicates-11!&n anything lhat has af. blon~, Jong-legged California • sens. !licted New York. loolC and they are a delight to It is 80 degrees in February The dOWntown section of Los behold. lfltchhiking on city and chllling in June. You can Angeles is a seedy one with streets is com mo n p I ace get arrested for going too slow skid row---bums wandering among both girls and.boys of at. 65 mph. There are magnifi-around the departmen~ ·store high school and CQUege a1e. cent houses with pools costing areas but there is a magnifi-An estimated 1,000 persons $150,IXKt hut with only 30 feet cent rehabilitation p r o j e c t move into Los Angeles every of space between the housea. under way and the Mtlsic weei:. It is an uncontradictable There are ·so many banks · Center equals Or surpa.sw; manifestation of the attraction you stumble over them. Filling New York's Lincoln Center ih the city wields. :stations the alze of am all beauty. • airports. Cemetel'ies fe1turing There are more nUts pei: HAL AHISCHIR HEARING AIDS Michelangelo statues, stained square block in Los AngeleS glass chapels and branch of· than in any cily in America fices. No man wears a hat but but they always sto p when It rains there are more meticulously before the red -umbrellM than in Lonckln; ..:...... lights at the street corners. · A:ll over the place there The driving seemed strange ---"c,~rntnvens, ~ng· a"Qy-to-nre when I-arrived h~re. I ~ like hundreds of aiigry grass· stepped off a curb and this Custom Aur•I Ampllflc11Hon NO SA!,.E5MIN •3409 E. COAST HWY. hoppers. driver bearing down on me - Topless ls ilot only not oul what did he do? He stopped. but bottomless is in. Right in his tracks. Waited un- A g r l c u I t u r e surpasses UI I crossed. Pedestrians, it anything in .the world but seems, are not fair game in there are not a half daun L.A. but on the other hand no CORONA DEL MAR really good restaurants. The black and white police cars seem to be every place but actually there are fewer police ofricers per capita than in any other metropolis. The town has more show business personalities than anyplace else but you seldom see them. , The "maps of tbe homes of ~ the stars" in Beverly Hill! sUll :-list John Barrymore. ' Sunsrt-Strlp-is a glut of --·· ~;id\!l>Ries ~~ . -~·~--· d~~~W)~W~~~n- , nish saunas cheek to jowl with j airCrafl plants the size of ... Topeka. , 1 • Living i~ Los Angeles ~fter '15 years 1n New York 1s a strange and wonderful ex- .perience. Manhattan is J buildings, people and noise. t Los Angeles is cars. climale ; and characters. ~ Like most people coming to f Los Angeles, I expected to find j almost a tabletop-nat city • sloping off to the beaches. Instead I found a metropolis intersected b y mj>untains, let alone hills, With sJ:trtacular night views you can get in New York only from :skyscrapers. The ocea n is 25 miles from downtown Los Angeles and the i balmy Pacific waters at Malibu are colder than those at Jones Beach. = < SMOG • .-Every newcomer bas been :~ warned of the smog and, at ... certain ~asons, it blots out t snow-eovered peaks on the ' horizon and bums the eyes. :-But it is less irritating than -the salt and pepper air that ; coats New York with its $ grime. One sensation that pervades the new resident is color. New ~ York is gray and brown. Los .. Angeles is pastel, wllh pink ( and lime and yellow homes ' and constantly blooming flow-• ""· The first day I came here from New York I thought the !' taxlcab drivers were on strike. Y Tbe slreels were barren of the " yellow cabs that m a k e 1:, Manhattan. one impenetrable r maze. I learned later that one ~ taxi chain bas a monopoly and 0 that cruising cabs are almost non-existent. l There was something else ~ missing. I had this strange ' feeling of being in a vacuum. :.• There waa a sort of hunger ~ and then il came to me. It wu c QUlET! The horns 'were not blasting -the buses at the cabs, the cabs at the trucks, ~ the trucks at the Little old :i ladies ln town from Hackensack. In Los Angeles, it .. • is illegal to honk except in an • emergency . .V. In New York we had a suburban home in 0 l d Greenwich, Conn., about ~ miles from Manhattan. In Los Angeles, we live in Palos Verdes, almost exactly the same distance from the ctn tral city. In New York lt took ; me an hour and a half door to _Jl...Jmor ..J:Ml{llUUng on l!!_e New ~-'I-: Haven rallroad. Here It is 4 '• minutes by car. The water in Los Angeles ~t comes from mountains as far as 500 miles away but it ia so heavily treated ll baa an :,I unpleasing tam_, I tr l1e'd ~ bUylng bottled water in the supe:nnarket and thought it ' unusually Olt t1nUJ · 1 discovered l was d r l n k I n & di5tllled water meant for J sleam Irons and car batteries. • Homes gentr11ly coat less to purchase in Los Angeles and tM suburbs and apartment Tentala are consldi!rably lower. Waterfront sites in New York ha.ve been &QDe for ytan. Tbete:'ft stlH'malQLfl· cent hill .,1Jl11 corn\nandin1 Ibo· Poclllc but, dlamay!naly, they ate belilf swallowed .UP ' . .. _ ... For Appointment 657-3833 Sears -~·------··-- ·?\late111ue 16 .. , 18", 20" Sizes: '10rl2:d6" 12:d4:d4". l2d4:dS- 14:d6>:18" 16:dl!x20" Dreu Up Your Lamp1with Hand-Tailored Lamp Shades Choose from three ...... ~.l.¥Aea:·-- Bring in your lamp base today to get fitted with one of these frali . new •hades ••• Hurry! Your choice U1e Searo Revolvinj! Charge ' ~ Skip Mond11 ••n Satmll} ~ 9:30 A,,11. It 9:30 P.1. au.. aouuq: .xo ~o. . ·- •• • ------< This New 4'.rpet of DuPont Nylon • f~ ~ ~n Specially Treated so that. it Actually ResisiS Dirt • • • ' -· , I ·I I"'------. -----' • And it re!>ains all the pluses of regular nylon: durability and the • Cupeta • Fnrnihlre • Window• brighWt carpei colori imaginabl~all 20 of them! See it now whlle it's on · 11a1e at this· !ow, low price. We are positive it will . ' . . . . genente excitement, bUt it won't shock you.' Your choice of solid •Floors ·w~ • Dra~1es . • Celllaz1 • lturs • AllilmaaJ-1 • ' l ' I o.r tw~ palte.ms, c " Pllm sµ.1571 rw 1IDlll "'' ' r I . . , . Ask About S.,,. CGll'811at Cnt1it 1'111111 I ,-~-----------------~--"------~-------------------, ,,: I Mt"-Mllt'fA ...... 121~.!JO alltlMllGl2-3fl l ltltl'kAOIHl,-4121 PICOwt l "2f1 WITAN~""*'ll 'ft!ltl'f0 ..... 1, ...... , °"'*' •1co.Nt1 OlDtMlll ot f.100<. a .4·''11 °"'wir: • ll010 >iN .. sm P!»ICIWA 10 2-11u. HA t ·Sl'1, w ""·n &lillfAl>ICll«A a .ur11 · _.,,.. "'''' ....... ,, .. ~I l!Ofl'f'WI009M1NfAI ~l«"A."7·1100 &.IHfA.W.d74111 ..,..~-~-~MW*tl i. .• c:owlAHf.Wll ..,._0&~1 '"""""""l#Jt.0211,nl.4211·1 1 -l4a..f111 , • • '---------------.,.•--~~--·Sears •· -··----~·--·-.-~-··' • "Stlllihctloo0..11111tdot'lllUl'.Montylack• ---· """'""""...., ...... .......,,,...,,,,.,Mtr& ' ' . ! . ~­. ' • • • '. " SCHOOL DIRECTOR Tom H•rmon Harmon Aids Rec School • ; • II-, Ju~ 21, !'169 Harold, __ you dum dum, you drank water from the tap • again, didn't youl • • Are yov like Harald, sick of bad tasting wat.r7 . . Don't be a dumdum, call the Undsay Co., it tokes the ''sick" out of water. And at on~fifth the price of battled water. p .5. Ask about the other advalltaCJes too. , Call 642-6861 today • • • UCB Does Little More For Itself United Galifornia Bank's net operating earnings for the firsl hall of 1969 rose lo $15,757.769 as compared with $13,382,264 for the same period in 1968, Nonnan Barker, presi· dent, reported. Per share earnings for the first half of 1969 were $2.61 based on 6,048,050 sblU'eS outslandlng as compared with $2.22 based on 6,021,107 shares outstanding a year ogo. Second quarter e a r n I n g s were $8,411,60% equal lo $1.39 per share. compared with $6,873,903 or $1 .14 per share in the same period of 1968. Total resources as of June 30, 1969, were $5;276,232,703 compared to $4,%24, 728,S(M) a 1year ago. Total depasits increased to a new mid-year high o f $4 ,29.3 ,5 02 1 717 from $3,495,327,189 last year. Time deposits moved up t o $2,172,373,380 from Sl,674,951,205. The increase in time deposits was almost en- tirely in E\ll'(HjoUar deposits in United California Bank's new London offiee, Barker said. Demand deposits rose to •2.121 ,129,337 from $1,820,37$,984. BofA Promotes ~lrs. Wilkinson • 1.::1 UPI MARKET INDICATOR .. ,.:..-.:......~-.: l!'!~I Oil Spurs New Try AtN-WPassage NAAElects R. Gi-undy President • The Orange County Chapter or the. Natlon1I Association of Accoontants has e l e c t e d Richard A. Grundy as pres.i· dent. GrundY is secretary- treasurer of Medical Data Systems, Hllntlngton Beach, and serves as controller of Westminster Commun l ty Hospital and Huntington J n t e rcommiJnity Hospital. Grundy attended UCLA as an accounting major where he graduated with a Bachelor 0£ Science degree. lfe has resided in Orange County for 12 yean. Grundy has served as a vice president. d irector of membership and newsletter di.-ecioc of the Orqe C..o&y. Chapter of NAA. Two Computer Schools Merge Automation Institute o ( Orange County, has become an educational affiliate of Con· trol Data Corp., it was an-- nounced here today b y William C. Norris, president and chalrman of the board or the computer manufacturing flnn . Automation Institute, located tn Anaheim, is a f\.frs. Dona Wilkln!on has locally o w n e di, franchised been named operatlons offictr computer education ,school 1t lhe Bank of America's under the d1recUon of Richard Brookhursl·Adains branch in 'Ji. Young. Jn operation since Hunllngton Beach. 1967, it offers courses in com· Mrs. Wilkinson, employed puter programming a n d by tho. Bank of America since . opera Lion to lhe general pub- 1961, tesides lo Weatmloaler. Uc. • Who Reads tlie Stars For the ·Stars? --~ -~-·~- • It's Sydney Omarr And now this art· ate writer who has been ca!led the astrologer's astrologer" reods th!i st s for you. Sydney Omo", longtime y.ersonal astrologer to mony of Hollywood's ond the literory • -· ~ . ' . ·1 ·• -world's most famous stars, is o DAILY ' PILOT columnist. Om.srr's record for accuracy of predictions bosed on astrological analy sis is amazing. Whether you reod t1 strological forecasts for fun or as a serious student of star-geting, You'll enjoy Sydney Omorr's doily column in the ''ltAILY PILOT 1MI JtlAHOI WOQ MR.MUM \~ \t \\ I . . Help for Drunks, But ---------- They Must Want It LOS ANGELES (UPI) -If want to do?' we uk thtm. you have a drunk around the 'Wbtre do you want to 10'' house or office, help is They must try to help available -bUt to be effective lhenuelves." the drunk, not you, must The council, a nonprofit really want that help. group affiliated with the Na- Th.al'a the word that comes tional CounCil on Alcoholilm, from the AlcoQol lnlonnation has six )!aid workers and Center which fleJds mort than about ZS volunteers. 500 telephone caµs a montb The volunteers such as ac- from persons concerned about Lreu Jantt De: Gore undergo alcohollam or a spec l r 1 c to training sessions . before .alcobollc. they are permitted to handle Busineas hft picked up_ so telephone-calls. much so tha t you might say "What we try to do is nail the place is 8 w a m p e d down tbe problem," says MiU sometimes -since television De Gore who has had sClriin1 . spot "commercials': we re roles in such televi!i.on series :.,;__,,,.._,, •• The-t.aw-aad-c:Mr......Jones !' -startM'-tDtrnmimry:-ac. . · rording to James 1. Davltbon,· "The Real McCoys," and executive director Of the "'Bonanza ." Alcoholism Council of Greater-''Some of the callers.want to Los Angeles which operates talk about a domeatic prob- the information center. lem, a HX problem or 1 Most of the calls are from money problem, We try to pin it down to the drinking prob. relaUves of drunks and some lem _if there Is one--and of them are sad, some com· sol ve that. And the only way ical. known is to stop drinking. A 14-year-old girl calls in Then it may be pos!ible to and uks what she can do to solve otbe.r problems. ..., help her father who is on his "For-eximple, an hysterical third "dry-out'' spell in a woman called in and said she hospiLal with symptoms of was getting ob1eene phone alcoholism . calls and was frightened for "I wl.5h I could help· him," he.rself and her four childrtn. she says wistfully. "He's Alter conside(Able talk Wad- • changed so much . , • he m'.itted she had ·a drinkina seems like a stranger .•. he problem and had been told by shouts at me and once he slap-a social WOt'ker to c211 us. I ped me . , . for no reason." told her not to an.swer the: She is referred to Alanon. a phone untU it rang accordin1 group that helpe relaUve1 of to a code which !he was to alcohol ics. give only ~to hel" frierub and An elderly woman call! tn in the meantime tp get to an and says her brother is drink-AA meeting.'' Ing too much. Further inquiry Miss De Gore said she has discloses the brother i& 80 received quile a few call! in years old and the woman Is what &he describes as the dlp\omallcally advised lo give "ye1, but, .. "category. him tender loving care. ''One of th~ was .from a A drunken woman calls in, "·oman Yiho aaid sfie was aski that someone be sent to wealthy but admitted she had her home and adds non· a drinking problem," said chalantly, "Oh, by the way, Miss De Gore. "She &aid shi whoever comes ... have them had tried some of the therapy &top and pick up three tacos -&J'OUps but didn'.t want to two for m~ and one for my associate with people who had . dog." · been in jail or where dope ad- . The center does oot send d1cts . When I put the question any emiuaries oot to help to her -'Do you want to stop dnmks In Ill< mBMer of drinking!' sh• ~d, •y.,, but. Alcoholie1---Anonytnous b u t .. I'm not ooe -ef those -a refers them to AA, health jail bird or 1 dope fiend." cllnlc.s, the SaJvallon Army, "Some of them think we've doctors who specialize in got a magic pill to cure treaUn1 drunb, •nd to private them," the blonde, green..eyed sanitariums. actress conUnued. ''They're "We try to put the burden of Jookln1 for an easy answer - the decision on the caller if he and there is none. They've i(lt or she i5 a drunk" says tG find the strength IG stop Davidson. " 'What do you w~n themeelves. Theo they can be helped." Pacific U. Grads Told Four Oranee Coast residents are amoni; 524 June lfaduates of the Univar1ity C'l the Pacific, Stoclllon. They in- clude: ! From RanU.stoa Buell: .. Betty Bvbor• croyfurd, 20111 Lawson Lf;ne, bachelor of . arts. From La11111 Beacll: Susan • Willon Goulart, 1251 Brangwyn, bachelor of art.I. Fnm L•tana Nlpel: Jennifer Chrl1Uane Be c It, ' 30M2 Paseo del Nlauel, .. b.tct(e1or of-arts.~ - · Frnm Newport Beach: • Marcia Lynn Irwin. 6031h Clubhouse Ave .• bachelor of science in educaUon. Mesan Earns · Tufts Degree • I Cost.a Mesa student Brendan F. Jundaniln wu one of more !hon lllO studenta recolvlng ~oduote de&""' ot Tulia Unlvenlly'o 111 t h Com- :mentement aercll!N June I ~on the Medford, M111., cam- Mias De Gore volunteered her services because of her own experience: with an an- alyst. Like IO many Hollywood figures she bu -undergone therapy. "My .analyst told me he thought I would make • very good psychlatrtet." 1be 1aid with a anllle. "He said J WU qu1Jifled from my own oaalyala to h<lp othen. And I do get tome utilfactlon from counaetm1. n Pair Given . $100 Checks Dafid Carlisle, 1 sr1du1Uq "°'*"from Fountain \laDey High School and J.lnda Frence of Estancia High, have receiv· ed $1'10 cher:ks as California Savtna:s and Loan Lelcue O\llatonding Studento. They were choR:n for the recogniUon bued on achleve- llM!llt ·1n cJUJenlhlp, ludmhip and 11<holmhtp. Carlille plans to tu.end Callfomia Stile' Colle1e IL Domtncues llll1o, whir• ho will study to be!:m>< • teacl>et and ·coocJ>. Mia& Fnncb will •!tend Orup Com Collqe. ·ON THE TUBE JlllS. ., Jundanlan, Of 3JII Glbfaltar ,.., th• Mtt t11lil• t• wh•I'• Ave., tectlved I Matter of li•rl'•11h1t o~ TV, r••il TV Arts deyct. He. rectlvtd hli w ~K -i1111111»11t•ll .,..r•h •h• --. I .. t • • • • • M-. Ju~ 21, 196• • DAIL V PILOT JI • I' • now, all kinds 0£ swimsuits are rudy for summer 11vings .. Summ.ei'1 liere to stay awhile, t.J)d now you an sa•e on the lwim>uitt you'll wttr the rest of the .. &IOO. This group induda cUt-outs, .,,im dresses, boy 1•8'> ond bikinis. Jn -nylon ond cotton. Some printed, oome tolid. n ... ·• sure to be one· for: you. Sit.es 32·40. Hurry in and w! •<tt 17.00 to 22.00 10.99 to 12.99 may co boulevard sportswear 16 • sale . save now on women's swimsuits, enjoy them all summer long You wi count on Iott mon IWllly ...,_ cloys, "" why not saTe-now ca a ow nrllmui.t? Our womm'• collettion includes this •Uy tunic-top luit .;tli • ttriped finish IOd loce trim. Bu~ you caa <hoooe l-I alllllbor of 11yleo 10d colon. 'At thelt avinp. you'll waat mote thaa one, 38-46. wne 17.00·28.00 12.99-16.99 • ~- ' ' • ' t sale save on the Koratron® separates by a famous maker H~e they are, at tcrriUc savings. nie pants and tops., jaclceu and · skim, culottes and brrmuw. Worry-free looks in cotttJn and polyester, Koratron• finished, machine washable and machine dtyable. Attn't you gladl You won't evtr ha•• to iron them. They oome in 1 collection, in bJue, yellow, beige. and white. Ot!>er Koratron* fuhioru in the group, including prints end plaids, were 6.00 IO 17.00, ore now 3.99 to 12.99 •· 6.00 turtle , ·•m-1 3.99 b. H.00 poclcmd culotte, 8·16 9.98 C.'!l.00 lip jaclcet, 10.16 8J9 d. 7.00 ltliped 1hel1, 4,98 •· 10.00 pann, short 8·16, me<lium 8·18, tifi12-IB. 6.99 ..,.,. 600 to 17.00 3.99 to 12.9-9 -" may co ·Cbordibotd !Or may co south' coast pla111, sen i:li1190 fwy at bristol, coat• m•••: 546 • 9321 ( shop monday throu9h aaturdey 10 e.m. to 9:30 p.m . • • • -- • MAV Cc:;,., ·- • ' • • ' • • • • ' .. •• •• ... ,., .. 3 -': -• • •• • -.. .. ' •• ~ .. • .., • .. • .. • • • " • , • • • • • • • • • ' • • -• • ~ • ,. • ~ .. -•• •. • • • , I B.A. from lh6 UnlVtrlitt) of Stt.iril•y ll4ltl•11 of th• DAILY i_ " PILOT. ISoutbera C.liforn... JL__: __ _.._ __ _Jj-----------------;-. -----....,---------------------~--!-+. --~-·. ._L -.- • l I ' • . -· ' jf DAil Y PILOT Watts Has ' 'F estivaJ """ He Knows It All ' . ' : By BOB THOl\IAS ''Because my EngllJh la: too plcked up a prttly fair has been undercolnc a pertcd . . Troubles HOLLYWOOD (AP) ...... He r bad~" he declared. He has knowledge on a social basis. of depression. The yearly rate- . sayi h1s Enjllsh ill ''verv ~ever taken the time to itudy _. Joclndin 1cklubt-.-lr -kis---ol..pr.od~-ba,J drof)pld J,,, __ L0s ANGEl>ES.fAI') -The---'d , -~ -h---~1 -/k---...r..-langu•ge,.aJthtR!glrh<·hu-4 no om h w tts Jo~ ti 1 1 -• Ye~ e seems o now s1eady dat~ Ur.sula Andress. 70 films, half of Yi' at \\'IS a es va' an annua everything that Is going on -In trotti, Jean Paul Behnon· normal . summer event desljned as ·a in any language. C l E do is more in the American He saW hope'for the French Pe ace f U I ~ n n Iv ersary Jeq_n PJ.ld Belmondo gives 8 Xp0 tradition or ·inov· I II industry in the fall from power .alternative to the 1965 r1ots, Is that impression. He is-cul .1e s ar ian of Charles de Qaulle. embroiled in controversy this from the clasaic pattern,.of Bill Mo. ves the European. L1k~ the 1930s "Perha~ the film industry year movie hero who seems able to stars he admires. he is will now set some help from So· handle .anything -foreign prin1arily a strong personality, the govemmenl." said tha.A!E'~ me city officials say la nguages, nefarious villains, secondarily a good actor. tor. ''Before. Andre Malraux residents fear Po N.i b.J • beaut.eous habel .... lt..is not. sur. ~tt:AssemhJ ''I Y.'as..in the eooaervalor.y-was miniiler ot culture, and violence.in the plinned August prl1lng that his American ' "' . Y-In P.aris for ttJree yf:11irs, and he had little regard for the 4 • J o r e s t i v a I • S 0 m e heroes Include the indelible the teachers did not like me," cinema, He considered it to be businessmen ~ay they ate leading men or fllms. SACRAMENTO (AP} -A he said. "I did not pay at· ~ ~ron<k:la~ art. fl was '"After the liberation of bill which, according to Its tention to the cllissical tradi· more import.ant to mm to withholding support. And some France, I ~·ent to the movies author, is aimed at eventually lion. It \\'as the same when I have clean buildings in Paris say plans violate city all the time," he remarks. "disassociating the stale from \\'eDl on th~ stage -1 did than 10 have a healthy film in· regulaliors. "The actors I admired ¥•ere the operation of Cal Expo" pla ys for nine years before dustry.'" Festival organizers, 00 the Bogart. Cagney, Cooper, moved today to the Assembly 'Breathless.' Again. 1 did not Ile also saw hope for r!lief other hand, complain cf Tra9)'. Great personalities. Ways and r.1eans Committee. fit in. It v.·as not until I began from the stiff mo r a I misunderstandjng and of prcr Real sla'rs." Assemblyman Peter r . making films that I found censorship in Fraace, once the p I ems w i t-h • •t he The French st.ar is most Schabarum's bill. unanimously .,.,.here it was J should be." frankest of ~w:_opean , nations e:sta.Dlishmenl'' al city hall. orten a ssoc i a I e d with approved Thursday by the For the past several years, but lately among the most They say the festival is needed Humphrey Bogart, largely Ass em b I 'I Gove rnmenlal Belmcndo has been a j>urilanlcaf. That. he conceded, for such reasons as because because of the affectionate Organization Comm it tee, mainsla,y of the French film was the inOuence of Madame •·the children in Watls never reference to Bogie In Selmon~ streamlines t he California industry, which, he remarked, de ·Gaulle. . tides or a zoo." _ __ BrtaUiless..:.:...._Thu.e_ k-J1ttle m!nagefnent. MOST UNHAPPY FELLA -Tony Esposito, played by Stan Throneberry of Tustin, reacts violently 'vhe n he finds out Rosabella, played by Beverly Ahder.- son of South Laguna, ha s been untrue to him. Orange Coast College is staging "The Most Happy Fella" July J0..31. Aug. 1-2 at 8:15 p.m. in the OCC Aud~ toriurn. Tickets for the Frank Loesser musicaJ go on saJe at the box office July 23 through show time. · get lo a kiddy carnival, pony ~ o ' s r I r .~ t s u c _c e ~ s , State Exposition and Fair·~=r.i~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~===1 City Councilm3n John S. r.esem~lance otherwise, except The present 19-membe.r ex· FIRST RUN Gibson Jr .• whose cJislrict In· that both actors possessed eculive omnliltee operating clu~es Watls, said Thtn-sday hand.some·ugly features end Cal Ex ould be cut to three he had received ''at least 100 anli~ero altitudes. members -the state con· * * * * * complaints fiom cohst.ituents S 1 n c ~ . "Breathless," a lroller, dire r o finance and who oopose the festival." l~ndmark: 1n the French director oft pliliment of Norman JohnsOn, county cinema, . Belmo~do 'has aJ> Agriculure. EXCLUSIVE park director; said he had ten-pcared in_ 45 films over a The new committee cou 'Happy .Fella' French,_ U.S . Girls tatively refused to grdnt decade's_ time -''too many," rorm a nonprofit corporation permission for a carnival on he ~dmits .. Re~enlly he was to run the exposition and county-o\\:ned Will R 0 g er s making his first film in select its nine·member board State Park. Hollywood -.. Aga~ A Love of directors from among Johnson said his office had ~tory.'' Actually, -i.t is n:iore persons in the areas of en- received petitions and letters F ren<;h than_ American, since lertainment. amusement, ex· from 500 residents in oearby !~e d1reclor is Claude ~lou~h hl~ilion and public education. areas protesting the festiva l. A _r.1an and a Woman. He 1s It was a 'nonprofit cor- He said he feared "extensh•e taking the company from he.re poration, created by the IS. damage" to the park although lo Las ~egas. r..1onument member committee, which he was "sympathetic to the Valley, Ariz .. New Orleans ran Cal Expo during _ its first · Ticket Sales Set at OCC Trade Pla11e Duties Tickets will go on sale al the 1udit.orium box office July 23 for the mosl ambitious sum- mer musiCaJ e'V!r.-lrled by Orange Coast College -"The 11-fost Happy Fella." The show will run July 30-31 And Aug. 1-2 al 8: 15 p.m. in the OCC Auditorium. Tickets are $150 and a1J seatS are reserved. The box office will be open ' July 23, 24, 25, 28. 29, 30 and 31, and Aug. 1-2 from II a.m. to 1 p.m., 2-4 p.m. and 6:30- 3:30 p.m. School olficials said that ad- ''ance mail orden for tickets ha ve been lively thus far, and that Friday end Saturda"y nighb are especiaOy hea'I)'. Many good seal3 remain for Viednesday aod T l\.u rs day nights. Director Jack Holland said !be ~how is beginning to "jell" now after continua l rehearsals -which began June 16. The show is especially difficult, he said. because of the immense: amount of music in the show, and Uie coordination between the persons on st.age and lhe orchestra. The sho1v has been termed an American folk opera. Music Is used throughout to advance the plot, \\'ith never more than tv.·o to three minutes oi spoken lines at a time. • AC ROSS . 1 Frl t nd ~ lntelll9t 11t 'J Eltla1~1t:.:!fl of lrriti1i~n 14 Amtr llltdk1l Associalinn: Abbr. !15 Sick ptrson 1& Compn~lticn 17 Tran~ilory 11!t t lion: 2 words l• Forti!itd 20 lttters 21 Oriqln11iy ta I ltd 22 Johnn) -· 23 lGO~ Ctvit t 124 Firie!y gra int d ch1k td011y ·-26 Cana li••• i,. prov!Jttt : Abt·r. 2• ln:'rrtd 31 Fi~~ tood :32 Cal iforn ia 47 Fol'< sin9t1 and actor 4• Tlgtr, for on e 50 Est1111~1td timt ol 1rrl•11I: Abbi. 51 Analylf 52 T1kt a 1urn 54 largt ~8 lu·ved sl:ap.r 110 ... [~ ll I.I S'lut c-ut &2 City of Asi1 64 Br 11 l1trm11: 2 words &!, Wt ll tra intd h7 A!ricJ11 animal 6i8 Amrr1t 1n Indian Ii' Untfd1• 70 K111d of isl ant 71 Yo~r.t boy D O~'N B_v KATilliEEN NEUJUEYER LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Some passengers boarding United Air Line flights here bound for Po{'tland or Omaha recently got the fleeting im· pression they were on the wrong plane. There to greet lhem was an atiracti\'c, smiling glrl ln @. powder blu.e Ba I en ci a g a uniform -with an Air France emblem on her cap. . It ~·as all part of a working exchange program dreamed up by United and Air F"rance to promote foreign travel. Five young ladies chosen from Air France ·s 7 So stewardesses spent a month in Los Angeles. each teamed up .,.,,ilh a United hostess and flying with her oa her schedul· cd flights. Then. fi\"e United Girls. selected from the a;,o stewardesses based h e re , returned to Paris with the French girls to spend a mon!h working their shifls with them. The exchange steward esses didn't pass out pillows or ask, "Coffee, tea or milk." Instead, they spent their time in the air moving up and down the aisles, 4 passing · out f a t brochures about their homeland and chatting v.·1th passengers about fo r c i g n vacations. "~iost or them said, 'Lel"s q f/~,\ lJ Nar1ow ba nd or li;h! 11 Humil1 alion : 2 words 12 "Tht Ccllr;t •'1 dcw" author 1 J Jain litfl'.l y 18 SctioolP1i1S!H 24 Cap !iviltt 25 Ca mt 10 J11 rnd 712 1/69 40 Roustd by suddtn 11 llrnl ~l. ltisurt t~11:c Jclivity ~~ Nonproducti~1 43 Do~s a burlr squ' "' '.53 Ptrt. \o ari arm rd SP•Yltf riv tr l IC1nd or wall 27 M usic~! 55 J..pi;rOIU ""llely SO Vtartnd v.isJto1 JJ Por;n J& Si111p lr tons 38 Otsstrt )9 Clalmin g horses 41 Choitt ol / words 43 Oultr tdgt '4• Rodents 41. Most I ' infrtQUt nl ' ) " " lO lJ " • • • drtoratiori groups 2 Ent trlo1 1n 28 Cooc,trnin~ 3 Trivilll 30 Lo ok f11ult sra1th1ngly 4 St1trs JJ Sp1r on 5 Ltnglh unitf s1i1in9 It Forw11d . vtsstl 7 Shows 34 Glrl'!. "*"' 8 T1i1tss 'JS f'raplt nNn1d Amphibian: f afttr othtrs. 2 wo1ds 37 "Git" 57 Woodtd 59 Frrnth polilici ~ bl Child's tarly WOid 6i2 l!.trrt's rtl1tivt 61 Vtrst 65 A.d lt clfvt suffi x ' ' ' I 10 II " " • ' • • .... go to Paris-right now.'" Gigi Ferron, 23, of Bordeaux said. le ti. l's b. ct. I · and New York to depict. year. But when it tu.med out ''Al first when tln!y saw me .!' va . o JC ive o recogn1· A • · · . ' . t1on and involvement " menca as seen lhroUgb to be a fiflancial nop. the: com- standing 1n 1he plane, they Councilman Gibson. said ro-French ey~. rpittee '·.canceled the cor· \Y,tre caniJ.uled.-.anD1.1.~W ·-·!ite!£.<=~~lMK-... ~~,;,..;-..~~ h~J.Jii>~i!).marje j)Qr"'"~~ .. ~:t!.fxt ..,ar.d...(~. they were on the wrong plane. teenage drinking. marijuana hims h~rt before? bver the job. Everyone \\'as very friencfly, smoking. and· P,Ossi 1 ble. vioJe~ce and when \re told them "we like _last summer s 1n, wh1~h kl f. • (our per~ons were .,.,·ounded t)y were ta ng ive American gunfire ' · giTls back to Paris with us, ' they were very excited.·• Si n ce Air France stewardesses are required to know English, as well as at least one other forelgn tongu e, they round no langua ge bJl.r- Soviets Build . Weather Base rier. It won't be so easy for 1'.10\VCOQ (AP ) _ THE the American girl!! in Paris, Soviet Union has built whatit since only two of them speak cakks the first permanent any F~nch al all. base ror launching v.·eather But EI it ab e I h "Babel!'' rockelSinside at Antarctic Cir· Landon, 26, of Nevilly, points I I h .,. c e. ou t al most .,.uropeari~ Th 11· · 1 speak Cnough Eogli sh to cari"y e 0 icia news .agency Tass said the base i1 at the IALIO~ 673-4048 NOW and TUESDAY on 8 good conve rsa tion. ·Soviet 1'.1olodezhnaya station in l .. Some or the people we·,., AntarcUca. It said that wilh l!CllHICOLQR• APARAMOIJNTPlCIUR{ ll!\1 run into while showing !he the rockets. ~·hich go up 60 · , 'fl f'rench girls around -.al miles, new information will be l · .• ·-I Marineland, for example -b · ed 1 h -"""· Starts \Vednesday.i'FINIAN'S RAINBOW" !hough! 1. was French too,"1.~o~la~o~• __ '_8_0_"_.w_•_•_1 _'_'_'~_•·1;;===========Jp=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::=t. lions. Carol Loyd. 29, of Columbus, Ohio, laughed. ''They said, CClllft• ,ACW: eoUT......, a min. 'r-.1y you speak good English. ~ \\'here are you from?'" Interviewed during their ~,. st~y in the Un_iled States, the TONITE AT 6:00 ' IO:lt ~~d ~~~"': ~~!~.:"'1, s~~~· iji~-:1 I =·~~=-=~ Hawai.i , others had done Las l f 1 ~ CJ 1 fT Will UVE IN Vegas, Seattle and Portland. ·:+.-lftlll:Q I rou 'HEART 1'.liss Verron said Las Vegas ~.........,,. ,_,. ~jisi I R FOREVER! • was her favorite spot. . -1 •••••••• .. ••••••••;•::-·tlJ~~· '·Las Vegas is for n1e the cl-i i·-~ ~ ty whiCh best expresses ANDAT7:SSONLT ::PE'l'a;l(~~0 American life -the way L Americans know hov.• to enjoy • D.l al themselves,"' said ~1iss Fer-: rJU ... ;·:: ron. ''Europeans would be • • · afraid to play with their lives : nai,..... ,,,;, .. like that. the way Americans t••••••••••••••• do with cards in Las Vegas." ~ Exclusive Premiere Engegement A Motion Picture As Big As History E verlt'one Welcome OAWJ L \\lllJlR - iBE BBID&EATBEMllD' .. JI!m: ~~./lml!T VAl.GlN/llM OOJJIAlmllllll!IWI Also Playing -The Big Family Picture • '" 1l1trrmo HARRY MORGAN JACK flAM w,.,,,.~ and l'1odu<~<I by WllUAM 80WfR~ Oot•trtd by tV•I K!lllN(D\o lcJ s._, .. ,.,lllf¥~'-~ COLOR lhfldArtlltl"ll' . Ii~ Cth;•• f.~:.:.,i.'t;.:.. ••. -PLUS- -.... --......... -- ~CIJlRT or·A-MOVlll • COLVM81A PfCTll1't"-Pf!HINTaf llllDIY I. DMlll -.. ~/'Ill'"' " ..... . ' , ,,CA.RL~""S ... PAULREWmAn JDARRE WOODWARD ··~,.ROBERT, WA&DER '.' ·,.. ' -_,,. ... -··· ---·· _.... ~ ... lln ClllllT ' .... _ ' llllll lltlllllll! ' ..,. 1111111 11-UllC-· lllllY!lllil/llWllHOlllllll Pllllll Tl!CHMCOLOR"IPANAV>SK>N• "Angel in My Pocket" EXCLUSIVE Mid·Southern Californi• Indoor Presentation Jack t.emiilon an -cathenne DeneuVe -.- are "The April Fools" 8<D Also starring Peter Lawford, Jack Weston, Myrna Loy and Charles Boyer ' ·e :: .... ~blow~ "ftlr ~~hi ~ ... L ..., "'"°' llrlole, _,_:it'1_.ttP•C._ ...... ,,,_....,,,.,,,..,.,.. T:;:.. • "., o.--~.~~L~nw-*";;si-~ ' ,... - PLUS SECOND FlNE FEATURE "~-rtifll•~ ~ AUMi'7 ' United Al'l1111 STEVE McQUEEN 0 FAYE DUNAWAY FEATUJUNG ACADEMY AWARD SONG "WINDMILL OF YOUR MIND" FIRST SHOWING WEEKDAYS 7 P.M. SAT. & SUN, CONTINUOUS AT 2 P.M. ) ' ' "-~~~.,--~~~~~~~-1•-~~~~~~~~~~~~··L-~~~~.:..._~~~~~~_j l ,. • ' ' ' .~-~ l ' .. .. ~·-- l ' MONO ~Y JULT .~ .. ,,. • '"" Ill -(I) (IO) lolY Oii"nplo. • a e """" au"' (I) <111) ·---(C) (10) M J11TMllo ... Ylm!M'I; Any Shine, Cllfl NortiM i"' ~!l•Mltlt ltnn· ........... II ii. ..... -. 'M.1 ~ "' M..,. <td·m 'tl-1\onnt~ MA Slllrl17 Anftt field. &'J I "" (C) (IO) ID I LM lllJ (IO) ......... (C) (Ill)" irJ) l)J MOI -(I) (tO) TUl'SDAY DAYTIME MOVIU e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS -" . e NJWS,PAPERS 9u11ity Mntln9 ond Dtp1n41~1. $1..,lce for mor• thin • qu1rt1r of • c1nfury. r11(11 1 '1~1 tu1t1 <. • • •" -/· ~--1-- --~ .·-----,,. -~~---------------------------~-----·----~-~-............. ~----------·--~---.. ---·.--. l JUDGE PARKER L AW EFFORT • TO AVOIP A. TRUCX, LUIQI WGO I "°PP&llLY ·'~111$~ MOON MULLINS . . MISS PEACH ' , ..... JEFF. ANSW~ Tl-\E 'PHONE! • W\-11':1'\..t.. J: SAY? . . • .. • ly Harold Le Doux I W.Y &E WRON6.. LITT 6ET POWW ntA.T.MIU.. auT I THOU6MT lUCfE S~M! IF ™EY'tE PINNED iN WAS 'tlt~· FlQl,o\ THE .CAR, n.EY WON'T HA.VE THE 02 ! A. CJ.IA.NCC WITH FIRE! . -' --··.-..::~ ' ADVlllltUlll '.-Yul emnU-, ·.abovt, 1tar1 ;4'1th . rq,,,y;.Cllrt!J .. and Chrlitlllt X.Ubnan !Onl,b,, ~ ·~er' a\ 8:30 p.m. Jn lhe mqt1oP llicture '.=' Bulbe." It Is & story, b"lld'on Nikolai Gollol's. and" lhunder no~el. about Coollckl ba1Wnt the Poles In the 16th Century, . Buck Rogers ' Is For Real , By lllCK DU lltOW HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Well, you 1aw II, Btl•k Rogers is for real. The dreamer•, a• uaual, lll-111• way for practical men. The Wrtgnl brolllen really started something. i And somehow II aeemlld jUJI rl&ht th&I a l.UOw named Aimstrong, an all·Am~<all boy, 1bould be the first man lo set loot on Ibo .moon. Sbadf1 of Jack Annst~g, lhe orlclilll all·Alnlriean )loy. . .. • """~f---IMllllC.CR&l&DDllllB~ll.llO~ . ..WA'L.nto~.4~~!:'-~~~ ..C.~ oc:riM the lenltlhy broadCaitllV.-iDildlfiCl • +lELLP, PHONE! ly Al Smltfl " 1111 .mOOil Suncfay nilhl and early lhl1 .momtn1 (d&- . pending on where you ll:n a...,,.1 lhe naUon). The picture w11 truly remarkable conllderlnl the distance and other ctreum1taneea. And IO wa1 the soiind, for the rnoit part. The reception was bet- ter than you sometimes get placing a phone call -.coast-to-coast. t . . You had to shake your heed from tlffie to time In almple wonderment at wllM you were aee1n1. W11 It really 1"><11 lhe moon? It 1eemlld ju1t Ibo . way I.be ldenc.llctlon wrlttra and even lhe better comic ltrlp procnoot1eator1, bed lndleatlld to ua for years: A·plaee ol banb, itrlldnf, .... aplendld deoolatlon. AITltONAU'l'I Neil Armatronl and E4 Aldrin 1\epped out on tbe --boura alilll4. ol adledule. A lot of ~ rpeclal teeturet the netwom bad planned tqr prime time wire atdelracked: , But for mllUona ot. v1ewtn wbo llfUl'ld Ibey . would have to atay up unW the mlddlo of tho nlltbt ·-almool dawn in some are11 -in order to 11e !he full moon tel~~!, it· waa a 1ranc1 break. They could tee It all and 1t111 111 a nljllt'1 1leap. ·· . Furthermore, mllUOM o! wortera 111110 pt to- JllY. 111/. at a moon-landlu hollday -and btcaUl8 It wu expeetad Iha! lhe telecaot would kaop much of America up -1 ol the lillbt -now could hive a full and l.Ulll'lly day to rilWi the reaullt. . -l---"'ULI'IL.l.-NJ.llllr_broadwttn1 conlinlllldJllY· way, even after Ibo live PfOl"lll1 from lhe moon. lt wot part ol tho tehllduflld 11 hours of contlnuou• coverege that be(an a a.in. PDT Sunday and encl's at 3 p.m. PD'J' today. The mOOll'liJldlilJ ·warpack1irwiur-11rtJthtn= -inl momenlf for. televtewera. Firat, Sunday after. noon, there wu tile 11tt1n1 down ol tile 1pecocrall on lhe )llJIAt iurt-. Tllere. wa1 ~o toleeut ol lhla Uve and 4li:oct. but'vt..,..ra could feel Ibo Jncompera. able lhril1 of tile moment u It w11 announclcl ." ~y, 'later, Ibero wH 0111 of the moot dl'l-matlO. 1ta11 wl)ll In all b11tory -aa Arm11!ong p~r.d to •tel> out ol t!>• apacec:raft, wblch would aloo 1ooch ott tfie moon teleca1t. · . WR SAW HIM 1tep out and then Wt llW Aldrin do the 11me, .and we watched lbe1r experiments - as exhilarated •• Ibey were-and then we kept try. ing to remember it was ill eal. We beanf th~m ~1 and we saw pan shots the moon, and the tlivta of earth below som · es seemed absurd. Perspective. I lhink that's what the greatest thrill of the moon telecast was -perspective. True, the planting of the American flag by the astronauts was a touclllllf moment. And Ibo phone call from President Nbon relayed to lbt 111ronaut.o on lbe l1l90ll wu another Incredible lhlnl to remember. Denni• the Menaee ~ -. ., ". ' ' • • " j I I I i I I I t ft I I I , .. . . '· • MoidJf, Ju~ 21. 1%9 J I · DAllY PILOT J I La:gu.na Develop~~:Qts .. Push; SilhoJtette'· to -Sky . . .. . . ~ . ' . . Ci_ty_'~ Skyline Grgwin~.-Dp, _lrp AW.a~· _J __ l ' ~ . • 11! ~ • ' -... ~· --r-• ... .., ·.. .__ .-.. ~-.. ·-* ' .... ~ .... ~ -·.-r~·-·-·~ f ~. . ~~ "' ........... ·#'· ..... ~-. • 11'he •llhou<iit of L1CUJ1J Beach Is conc:ete, 11.wW~o.:parkln& ~vels 7,500 '<l••r• feet. • . · changing. Building, largely commercial, and a ;roo{~~~,_w~~~~aniC:Jl A:t the Broadway eritrance' to. ~e ~ ~<19.J\'l\lfW~as -\!Je_pneand equipmon~ "·I ·-'·· . " ••. .'. 1 ·downtown baslntwocoq>n>lllllt~-tt<ater• '·. two-ol«y busineu.skyllne Inches lip. Do~wn •llo~eri'~' t!$0 ~eepfng ~ now stand ., 11<ig~..,,,._ lf>e:. -.at , · 1'lie private development and eye on -the Peacock ~d.ip&Jthat b grow-· Laguna-Moulton Play~ 1nc;f \tie 4 236- redevelopmeot-generalJy an ~etlc lm-Ing •at · Glenneyre Street;.... and~ seat Festival of Arlr .... Forum ~ will ·., provement-will also mak$l itself felt' in AveriUe; 11,00Q'IQuare feet Or it houae community eVents. -' futWe sales tax revenues to clly cotfers An Ol{ict b\lildlng of Steel and woOd Other comMercia,J iOwth inc1uda tolal • ·and a fatter tu base-.• frame construction, il will include ~wo re~llng of the· Ho(l.se . of HyUQ -.. . Buildlni permit valuation !or the. !int stor.,. of offices and~ par~. restaurant off Broadway nojiir from the · • 1-sir montm has taken a ~thy spurt Another hancbome bulldlng recently . thea~ with ~UOI'!. of z.~ aquan:~t ~ forward, spurred largely by commercial completed is an 1 s,ooo-square-foot .struc· • and new titcheh. . . 1 ~velopment. The •ggr<gate of LaiUO• ture or' commercial and professional of· The Amerloana Motei!.s belnfr<in9c1el- l t ., b~r permit yalual.M)n for the firsl fices at~ Glenneyre. It is a t~story ed and growing1by_.1eoo 1q11art fl!et·as ·• ~ 1• baltfot 1969 b Jf,021 ,833 compared to frame structure where ~ there was faclijty for~ aen10r •citizens. An-ll;OQ0,..- $2,588,8S7 through June of !ast year. one story. 1 squar~feet, two-story apartment building General Telephone Co. is conslrucUng a A Utrewtory structure, ot sleet and with underground .parking, ls _gotng up three-stor)',-4&,ooo.&quare-loot sei:vice and frame constz:uction. Js growlDg around mar the Old Brussels and a lack~In.Tbb . traffic office at the bottom of 'Ibird the old YMCA office at Third and Forest. Box Drive-Tbru restaurant of 1200 1quare _.. Street hill where Mermaid Intersects. Called the LaPort building it will house feet Is replacing· ~th Coast H:i&!J.war'• ,-COn&tructed of--'1eel -and,.,_reinforccd three levels of offioe,s~WJl1eclilOWUl.eol1WIJillf.._~---- • STORY BY RKHARD P. NAU PHOTOS BY RICHARD Kotlll.ft! • • -~ . SKELETON ST~UCTURE Peacock Building: will house modern offices. ~I l' • -YMCA-Sl:r~guez-~-.A mixes batch ·J. cement for of· . . .. CtTY DEVELOPMENT -Office bulldiligs push up ,Laguna's -down- town skyline. ' . • ~~.tt f ' I • ' 1 • • • • • • ' • • • . ' . . . . lice· 1tructure~~ d li hall. - FINISHl.NG·TOUCHES .-Laguna-Moulton Playhouse 1sets stage for 1 even· great et .dramJI, I Ti • ... -~· -------. ------- /JI.' BOYS CLUB -Dream lakes shape as Tom Skelton, left, and Al Anderson review plans. SERVICE CENTER -General Telephone's building hikes La· ' guna silhouette. "f ' ., .... --·r .. ( • • ,_. •• .. . " -. -- - I ' RECOGNITION BESTOWED --Mrs. Michael Reid, outgoing president o-f Holy EU<:t\arist 220, Young Ladies Institute in West- minster (left) offers Miss Susan Newell a certificate proclaiming. ' ' . Wedding March's Oh .. . ~ -' • • -· her the group's scholarship winner. Next to· be awarded is Mrs. William J. Howard, past president, who was presented a pin and the-title of-Member-.of-lhe-year.· ·, . ~...,,.---...--,,.__ .,.,,.., ____ ,. -· ' JOOEAN HASTINGS, 64204121 ....... , • .Mr-21 •• ,. _, ..... 11. ' . ·Wo·men· ,, LacJd Two • Holy Eucharist 220, Young Ladies Institute in Westm,inster re- cently honored t'wQ -Mrs. -William J. Howafd as Member.Of·Ui:e..year. and Miss SUsan Newell as scholarship recipient. -1 Mrs. Michael Reid, outgoing president,· presented the pin to Mrs. Howard and a certificate to Miss Newell. The women raised the money for the s~holarship through ttieir fashion show, swap meet, bazaar and other funding events. Mrs. Howard, a California resident for 15 years, has been an active member of the organi?;ation-for more than 10 years. Her offi· cial capacities included being publicity chairman, sending out month~ ly bulletins, filling the roles of financi~l and r-ecording secretaries, and ~t.epping into roles of first and second vlce president unti,1 fin30y b~ ing elected president. --· The mother of three girls and a boy has been 1lcUve as a wee&_ ly volunteer assisting in wards at Fairview State Hospital, Costa Mesa. The HoWards are Tnembers of St. Boraventure Catholic Church. Huntington Bea.ch. .../ :,.' ~-~ --·"". ~ =c"----Miss NeweU,-daughter of th'e William Newells of. Huhtington . Beach, was ·graduated from .St. Francis'of Assisi School lh 'June -~ · plans__ a..J:ollege g~p course at Mater Dei High Schoo1. 'Her ambition is to enter the medical field and in her spare tfmejfie"Sew:s, .swtiris · and hopes to be""CC>me_a .lifeguard. ~ -_ ·-• Yesterday the sroup enjoyed a dat-of switnining and games during a family picnic in Orange City ~Par}c. MemQers gathered. at Huntington Lanes last"Tuesday evening for a night of bowling after ,a short busin~~s mee ~;. • , .. • .. , ... "·"'' ·-~~ -· .. Bridal Trends ·. Unveiled . •· •. . . By.JEAN W.ILLIAMS ~ ..-01 1!M 0111\' 1"111t'St1ft . . · After a mfd-summer procesSlon of brides has traveleg across the society desk, a writ· er may find herself musing over her jousts \vith bridal terminology. \Ved.!ligg-gOw·ns .are -seldom~of simple materials • .Most are trimmed with•, lace and spelling is difficult for both brides-to-be and journalists when they stumble' over such Gallic .words ,as guipure, venist, cbantilly and. .alenoon_Guipure,~_turns_Oilt, is a lace trim without~.-a mesh, whereas the other \YOrds refer to the towns in France and Italy from which the JaCe . originates. Flishions, ever fickle, change in their usage of a particular kind of lace. When an occasional bride wears her mother's veil , it most often will be of Brussels lace -an easy to spell, lovely variety popular two decades ago. There is re-embroidered lace, lace em· broide~d with seed pearls. and re-appliqued lace. Lace can be scalloped, tiered and cag· ed. If a bride wears something borrowed, something blue and a sixpence in her shoe, she also will be sure to wear lace. The cage .effect is a ne'!V fashion develop- ment that might well puzzle a bridegroom, particulS'rly 'if he sh·ou1d read. without ex· planation, that his bride as she walked down that aisle. wore a cage. He mi~ht reply indignantly that She wore no such thrnJ! -she had on a straight sort of full length dress that was covered with a flowing overgannent of lace -and, of course. that is precisely what fashion means by a cage. The dreams of princesses and queens still seem to influence many brides, as they choose coronets, crowns, tiaras' and circlets to catch their veils of_jvaried lengths., veus, . too, have changed \vltn the ad:vent of syn~ " lhetics and have become increasingly more bouffant and airy. • The· Spanish influence, hOwever, now sweeping-the----bousing-industl}'--.in-Or~ge-_.,..__ County, also "lias' fts-iinlU~n~e on'Dii<les who seem o!ten ·to choose· lace· mantillas inStead of veils and wear mantilla,' Combs instead of coronet~. Be~ijles having_to ... be.Jm_eiper!J n_de,. ciphering French terms, the writer of wed- ding stories also needs to be something of a botanist .. CattJeya, pbalaenopsis and cym· bidium are but a few of the botanical terms that mean, Si.mply, orchids. Stephanotl's. a waxy white flower, is popular now that Orange blossoms seem more of a bygone tradition (perhaps be.. cause California orange groves too are van .. ishing ?) and bridal bouquets may contain such ton)?ue twisting ing~edients as gypso- philia and strelitzia. Chrysanthemums always are used free· 1.v in summer weddings, in the many varie.. t ies available such as spider chrysanthe· mums, 'China chrysanthemums and -most often -pompon chrysanthemums. The lat· ter pose a particular spelling problem and the wedding writer may get a note saying that the btlde carri~d a llouquet of porn· porns. This wouJd be a sigJ,it mdeed, · since Webster's Dictionary tells .us Utat pom·poms- are automatic guns of 20 to 40·tpillimeters. There is a strong new trend , toWard daisies, not only as the rhainst~y of the :brid· al bouquet but as the theme, for an entire wedding and reception, down 'to-a circlet cs .. BRIOAL, Page 11) -. ' . ' From fhe Wine · Caines th,e Fun.ds · Opening her Huntington Beach home and g~rde"s • for 8 benefit Wilie-tasting ·and" dessert buffet will be ' Mrs. Jerry ~asK (left) who is assisted in selecting .appi'opriate 'tf'ecor by Mri.: Lester Pete~s~, a rpem- .ber 'of the ·planbiug committ~e. Members and . ,. • friend! of .Z.1$ Tau. Alpha alumnae in the Orange 'Coan•atea, lli't lnvlted.to lbe 7:30 p.m . .ua;r nett Frtaay. Fubas wlD aid the Crippled CWJ.dren's So- ciety of Orange County. · Sympathetic Eygmaliolls ___ Sb·auJ~d~S!icL~~·Fajr -1 . adies _ ' Even DEAR ANN LANDERS ' Please tell ~n not to mal'f')' because they feel sorry hf UM! girl and figure on making her over . into something better after mar· ril!ge . It Won't work. If a man (eel.'; !U· -perior to the _woman he ·marries, ·SJ:te will dlscover ,it sooner or ,Jatar and 1t will d'8troy her.' -· · · ANN LANDERS 'Both my husband and my son made this mistake. After they grew weary of ' . • ' . suspecting that' for me, It is •tlte iteeond time. -HISTORY REPEATS rtsl!ll.F . ttieir "infertot"' wives they fQUJld younger DEAR HISTORY: Your atory contains women wbo were more au.ra~live -a~· more lll&a oii " 1••son. 1 ho"" dlote who more interesting. Since th_ey are both "'!' ,.-- honorable: men, there was no laundering beUeve "mother-In-law" Is • dirty word of sotled linen in public, no brOken homes, · will rt.ad 7our letter qabL -· no open cheaUng. l's all v~ry discree~ · · But the heartache ls unbearable.. ~ ; ~DEAR ANN LANDER&: Tl\e letter 'My daugbter.ift.law turns to me for from that 17-year~ld kid who complat~ cdrofor; CQl.D'1l&e and counsel -never about the food, they were guunc; lrom welfare really burned ine up. He men. tJoned .everythlng but !-'ork. 1 am up to here with government handouts -state arid national, and yes, ia~matlonal, too. Our counll)' dktn't 1et to be the richest naUon 'in the warkl beclWll: -our .. fortfathen alt around on "tbetr du'fra waiting for IOtnebody to. &lve tbem- BomethJng, They WORKED. Eight years •R• we boug!>t a beauttrul home In the 'su_,burbs. Last year ~e had to-. C.Ongressmen Jn behalf of 11.blll!_Ch~ Of \aey THE DULUJios: The , yOik:a on you, ae4 our dream house because we couldn't bums. ~ DlSGUSTF;:o· I N MIN· Brother. Thole ••c1u11ards1!-rila1-not-bave -' \ . -. get anybody ·to work out ~: The man NEAPOLJS. • '\.. your classy· credentials but tl\el' chanctt:. who promised to shoYel lhe snpw niver DEAR D IN rt1: In a 1y1tem ll'IC~ 11 cf succ~ing . IJl.._bctter than 'JOW'!. showed up. The bum who called ~imself a ours, ~reeloadlng J• lnevltll)Je. It !J _still "I'here-'s a Jot to be said for .slfckinc with gardener worked when he fe ll Uke\ll end tbe-6e1t 1y1t.em lo lite W • r Id, a situati~ and . .u!-<1ib&tl\ ®L: , he didn't feel like It very Often. I bired nevtr&Jaelas, aM I'd railler· ha.ve h, !!'~ •1 and tired four day-ladles and two faun-w:llh all 1tl lmperftcilon.1, tllan 1.117 o\lter. unsure · of yowtt11 '* -.. ... r W111t't dresses in leas lhan nine wet!li:a. thr~ · 'We must not" deDY help to ·UMI .. ed. Ute rlihi?. Wbi'•,._ -..,.r· ·'~i.I . 1'-T qui~·To interest• sltler, l.luod lo·pl'Omlso ..-capped, U.. ·~ .. Ille' elllJdm ti ......, her the moon. Fln~llY t 'gave ,up. !\fe · lhote Juy ......... No ---be lllowed Sbolldo't yoe!, ll<oll ,i... 'Aa' I•:' r: <Ollldn't get theslortn wil>doli•' up, or the . to iafler from b111ipi: re;· IOJ. .._ · 1· beKle,I "bolilic· °""'°" Doi~• - ·1er .... oUortlle·garage ~ainled. Nobody am wllllag to'llO t!llJl'\l "111 (¥fttllu la . ln1 wl .. ,_.....,.ii.,..., ...... 1't'ant.s to wort. They'd rather coUect ordtrto mah l1li'e efie ~ptrMI ...... , litlf~ ....... e..1l1p1. weUare. · '" don 'iof~Are,..?''l" .. . o: .u.1 .. Wtwiua..cild •t,•Jti . II you 1 fatt. · &nn ·Lahden, ydil'U t ...c • ~ j wllll ywc rilnil. --It .., la PJ:iDI the O\(l<''shlt dC·tb<stOry. fnaiead<JI -·ciJNFmEimAL TO EGCHEAD WHO .... ol ... DAlljY .PILOT, ••h I I • uriln1 yourrreader•·lo wrlle lo •thelr,' MADE TllJji SCENE JIND,l!En'l'l'"ro ..u~ .................. • • ., • - . .....-----.--. · .... _,,_.,... .... . .... _.. ......... . . ........ ,. . ...... ., .. ~ ... I ,I I I· I . • ! r-• . . Horoscope • -[i br~: · <;hed< . B~~-dget; 'TUESDAY, cllplomoUc. lloa'I Ill lnval...S 11): Si>OW1ht 11 .,{ upll'~ JUL y 22 In petty ltpmentl. Give Uona. Frteodl prove valuablt praile and you llao receive IL In ~ -.ry contacU. • Hospital Chapter Informs llrSYDNllY OMAllft LlllllA (,Sept. 2S-Oct. 12): Wileame challonn. Try ~Law-fOUll .. a. l••-r~.u.1ra, dominate. y~~-wJ•l·~ fliil'1-p1oa11n1 Yau CM ahould check budge I. Be · lnvllellons. Go p!a:9<1 and do . 1tc1le '1..t obJeck u yos ltot awore. of what'a comJni In; tl11J1p. ·· : · '1llole lntmtltd In l<Unlng more 1bout the City cl Hope nonsectarlan hospital are m. vlt..i jO 'the lllrbor cl Hope Cbapler'a meellna 'lllur&dly, July 21 at 7:!0 ~.m. la out-cl-lk-way pl-. Mooo 101n&t out-and do aornethlng AQU.umfs (Jan. •l'•b. In 8corple today empbQlla aboul IL Avoid ldl-deception. II): What you ..U ii 1vlil· HCteta, &be blddeD and tbe oc-Fae& flnanclal , tact.a 1 a able and comes )'OUt way. cull "'811.otlc light. M..., don'I a p p e 1 r over. SCORPIO (00. IS-Nov. 21): anxioul. Mllnleln your dlf· Welcome friendly olfor from 1111y.1!4nJ1 ... k1our .. rn... Taunu individual. You are tn Be receptive, but obtain full a PQlitlon of power. Means ·Value for 'efforta. •• ARIES (Mitch 2l·Aprl1 11): You can complete a baalc tut and 1et under way with more exdllna project. Other peo- ple's money may be Involved. But be confident. A void hold- ing back original methods, ideas. TAURUS (April 20-May 11): Mutual eUorts pay dividends. Today tbe accenl ii on cooperatlon. Let otben take spoUJgbt. Be especially cooperative with Scotplo in- dividual. Postpone any legal •ctlO!!IJ. --GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Sfudy work ~Procedures. You should d e v e I o. p altemauve :;;;;:~~"'.:" "1-....Jll etbods.-----Don.'.t be t 0-0 ~ dependent on one individual. Key ls to be versatile._ You can discOver a friend among &S90Ciat.es, co-workers. CANCER (June 21.July 22): You find ways of breaking through restr:icUona.'Key la to be perslsteot. You g a In through aid of young persons. Be creative, wil.l..iDg to chance and travel. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): L d A I B "f p f Study Cancer message. Get a y ng ers 01 a or y tasks completed al home. Members o! Newport Harbo.c. Lady Anglers gathered poolside for Jwichcon to-improve propert~ore is ac· complished lhrou ~reatlve day at Mrs. Cairoll L. Zimmerman's Corona del Mar home, and their en· endeavor. Old me s may thusiasm !or th~ rod irnl.reel carried some almost past the luncheon hour. not do the trick.- Mrs. Charles Foss (left) Cbncentrates on the catch.-while Mrs. George Wil-VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)~ · 1iam Bush Jr. (right) maneuvers the net. Hostess Mrs. Zimmerman tries to Visits and ---visitors are persuade the ladies to join others for the luncheon and meeting, whic h out-biahUghted. Accent on lined pl,ns for Ule 211t birthday of the. club. relatives and nelghbof.s. Be you may get f'b.ol you want. P18CE8 (Feb. ! .. Moreb II): Be sure you are aware O:bour Broaden borizonl. W r 1 t e 1 actual need.I. Take trutrillve. publlab and advert.lie. Wl1l SAGmAllIU8 (Nov. :ii. -you do •ppelll to ilrge 10g· Dec. 12): Much 11 hJddea. You menl o1 public. llllpl1y your do best by remaining behind wares. Call people. Catch up the soene1, Neceuary to be on corr~nce. Dlacua dllcml. A N!l.otloosbip could lq-r .... plonl. N!a<h crilla polnl. E11end sphere of lnfluence Jn unob- trusive manner. CAPRICORN (Dec. :a.Joo. _Mexico City Setting Of Wedding Ceremony Planning a home in San Marino following their mar .. rlage In Mexlco Clly "" lbe former Marla Eu I en I a Ramirez Esteva and Carl P.ar· rlson Smith III. The daughter or Dr. and Mrs. ValenUn R: Esteva of San Marino and the ton of Mr •. and Mrs. C. H~ Smith, Jr., formerly of fiewpart Beach and now of Palo Alto, exchanged vows in thfl parish ol El Carmen, San Ansel . DINVIR &AS&. Lola Milne Air Hostess Assumes Duty Sei;vlng u hoot~ on Jet Dlahta from De.over la: Lois Milne, dau&hter of Mr. 'and Mn:. Howard Milne o f Newport Beach, who recently completed Continental Airllnea training courae. A natlve of Brltlah Colum- bia, the wu graduated from Newpoll lllrbor lllfJ> School. Exchangettes . Seat Offlcers A collee hour lo lntlOduce new membett wlU take place la the Colll Meaa home of chapter prt1lclent, M r 1 •. WU!lam ll&Yl(I. Special sueat wUI be Mn. A. L. Plokley, mamber of the bolrtl cl lnllf..,, Gerald Ruben. area coordinator, will be preHnt to answer any quelllonl ttgardlag t h 1 liolpUll and lt1 tre1tment of cancer, leukemia, heart, chest and blooddlteu<a. '1llole wbhlng turtbtr In· formation may call Mrs. savaae at 6*1917. ) su.... Sandi "The fir at and 'thlrd Tu.esdaya at a p.m. members of Silver Sands 286, NaUve Daughters of the Golden West pther for meetlngs . Lake Park ClubhouJe In Hu n tin gt on Beach ts the mettln& place for · the tirat eenlon. Mr1. Jack Wilson, 546-1471, wW furnish locaUon on the next meeting date. YOU KNOW Mrs. WUIJam Loltz wu In-YOUR CHILD atalled u president for 1969-70 by tho NeWporl Harbor Ex· WILL LEARN changette1 at a d i n n e r c:.i:::~bthe Mesa Ver& JC) Sf'IM AT BervingloUll. her wW. be the • 'Mmes. Nonnao Voo Heroon, BLUE BUOY vice }ruident; Wllllam &Yer, corre1poudinr teeretary: Coy · -J..:t <YOr..,-.,---.....er-.:..;::-=<#•' ___ ...,. -"'00 --·~= r.Lt__..__ ..... ,,,.--.,--·-·--' ... .,.L ~-·-·-·• " Iq addition to ''the brld•sr-oom!•-pal'tltts-and bis .. s~ter, Barbara Smltb, ·fflends · from Newport Beach at- tending the weddl~ were Mr. and Mrs. James M. Williams, Mrs. Annette Boydston and Sue Boydston. Other relati ves of the bridegroom present were Mr. and Mrs. W!Ulam H . Bray of Washington, D.C. and Watta recording secfftuy ..... le wnt '" ~ and fted Cole ....... ·~-~.. .... ....... . ,w.111---· ......... , .... from Page 17 • • .Bridal · of daisies around ttle wedding cake. Daisies poee no 1pell· ing problems and perhaps sig- nal a modem trend toward simjllitjty. ' Bui ~ the bridlll. pro- ""1oo ~ mmlun. tracllUonal or &aiOOp1 ·1tnUment.al. lo : the writer of weddings the i timeleu fuclnatlon of ro- ; maoce makes up !or all dUfl· culttes. When a weddiJ!g story Ls pulled lrvm her typewriter, complete to the·lall caoc1de of white roset, she can-feel a ..... "' pridellll~­meal Let the brldelmlllo proceed In perfect unison in their an- Uqu.u and oraanzu let the Dower gtril strew 111e'Jipa11e1 pelili-from ·tiny Wlebr bas- ket.I; let the rtna burtra marctrtn tolemn tr~ad. Per- rectly atUred, he.re comes lhe bride! Chiropractic Society Plans Organization The Orange Co u n I y Chiropractic Society Auxiliary is schedullna an organl1aUonal meeting f?r Wednesday, July 23. Co·chairmen for the mffetlng, to take place at 8 p.m. Jn the the Garden Orove omco of Dr. Erwin Cheuep, society pielident, are the Mmes. Cbe.ssen and 'Paul DW>e. ' Memhenhtp In the ....WIU'Y will be Of!<• to the WWII of all society inembe.r .docton and those lnterested may call Mrs. Chessen at S3il·571Z or Mrs. OeLoe at 512--1479. ~n fanned , the auxiliary ,,,.111 be a chapter of the s tatewide ·cal1f0fnla Ctilropradlc AssociaUon Aux· lllacy. •s"'OKER• THI AM,llCAN C.AN· ~ IOC:llTl', THI J,Mll.ICA.N HUlT As.. -metA.no~ THI NA- TIONAl-TUll!ICULOSIS AIJOCIATION, M+I ,II· 1'Ul'IAY w-.1..1 NI D 'rO.· TO ITOf'. IP YOU MAflN'f, YOU All '"MOOllD ... SO JOIN THI..,. "UN· HOOUD •INllATION. llCOMI AN n -sM01. U. THI NATIONAL AM• fl·SMOllff COUNCIL CAJI IHOW tou THI WAT" AMI .•UAU.Nnl 1'0 '""' YOU lllAI ... --"'"" .... n. CAU.. '41-4161 ., 611· lttf Mt A Piii CON· ~:-~"~:...= ,:: Ab llNHI ~· OIU• •AT!Olt. T Moon-maid Wears a Salute In Italf,-!'Moon-maid" shows oU a latticework..oLlacquered hair. Th.e styleJs a s~1al creation of ''Femme Slstina" of Rome in hohor of the United States• Apollo ll Mission. ' FINE BAKERY Piss• Bre11cl Our own br•1d topped wlth pitu llUC• ch••••, onions and . para_ley. Seh'• it hot slic1d In pieces for a quick hor d'o1uvr11. 6tc Fruit Cheese Pie WIN A llRTHDA \' CAKI, FAUi If your birthcf1y 11 in Au9111t, Septtmbtr or Octobtr, stop in tnd fill out 1n tntry • , • 1 dttortttd 2-layer ctkt to 5 lucky people . t1ch month! ' 12.~LIDO CEN'f"ER 3433 VIA LIDO !NEWPORT BEACH 673-6360 .. C. David Keeton of Chicago. 'Ille bride wore a full length original lace gown and a full length illusion veil, which was caught by a diadem of porcelain jeweled or a ll g e blossoms. Attendants, clad in pink gowns of original design, 1ncluded the newlyweds' sisters, the P.1isses Smith aRd Gabriele Ramirez E s t e v a. others were Kathy Mullen and MRS. CARL SMITH 111 San Marino Home Ann Johnstone ol San Marino. 'The bride will continue her studies at Cal Poly, Pomona. Her husband, who ls 8 graduate or Newport Harbor High School agaJn wUI be enrolled in Claremont Men'.s College. EARLY BIRD SPECIAL DUART PERMS Mond•y, Tuosd•y •nd Wednesday only, our famous Duort salon perman6~ts, -- reg. $20, 10.00 complete with style and cut . Glamorous frosting, reg. $25 , 15.00 complete. Ask ebout . our versatile Coquette hair pi•c•, styled •nd reedy to go with "its own carryi ng case, $20 value, 8.99 Te lephone: Anahe!(n, 535-8121; Newport, b-i+ 1212; Huntington Be•ch, 892-3331. 1J3R.C>ADWAY .f • . -- 'Ille /il'OOP wW conUoue their 546 1800 U111tance to the Newport • Harbor Exchange Club. LAST 12 DA_YS! Your .child's photograph can win a spectacular $2,500.00 ~ .. SHOPPING SPREE IN OUR STORE! And that's jwl one of IM hundred• of valuab/,e priz~ and gif" totalling •2s,ooo.oo in the 35u. Natwnal Children s PHOTOGRAPH CONTEST! YOU CAii WIN ONE OF THESE NATIONAL PllZES: Fi"' Prize ••• 12,soo.OQ Shcppine Spr« Second Prize • • 11,soo.oo Slwpping Sprte Third Prize •• •1,000,00 Shopping Spree Founh Prize • • • •500,00 Shopping Sprte 50 Fifth Prizes, ea. •100.00 Shopping Sp= Git Ofll Of MUffDltlDS OF U.S. UYINQI MNDS AS tlotrlOuaE MDmON Pllll:S I Have younelf a Shopping Spree ••• yes, a paid. up charge account that leta you buy whatever you 11·aat! It'• a anap to enter and euy to win. Let ut pbot.ograph your diild and wo'll enter a duplicai. in the Contett at no utra charge. Complete de- --= -tirib 1n4Fni~~trStudhnn1'ff. ----- Big balloon wiU be given 10 every contestant. JUOQlS: hhrtlhtwa,..._..C.,,._W ..... a.rt~ .... Special prices oo mos1 w. and pbotoarapb finlUea. r°'" tU11ple1 CONTUT 7 4•s 0.. 11,10 C..- INCIALI portraitJ aad W: •llltt• 1 (THAT'S MOU nlMI ~ Off nll lllUl.M Plltell) • ,.....,.., ...... ," ...... HMtl .. M .._. • ,..._ ttJ~JJll llt. !II • • . ' - • r• -.,,...,..,. ·•r·•• • ~. ,..,. ~~ ·• ·""+'~ ,. -~,;...·· "" . DAILY l!ILOr Jt Melissa Gy,y Becomes 1Bride Fall Date Selected · F-or .Rites I • • ... ' t ln a Jete morning ceremony '-pCrformed by the Rev. Dr~ Cl!.arles H. Dierenfield in St. Anttrew's-Presby t e ri a11 Church, Melissa DePra Guy • became the bride of Peter Mad.achlln Hazell Jf. Candles were lighted by the bride's brother, Arthur Guy III and the bridegroom's brother, Bret Har.ell. · The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Guy Jr. and his parents are Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Hazell , all of Corona del Mar. Escorted to the altar by her father, the bride wore an em· pire style gow"n of silk organza_ with a bodi ce of em· broidered alencon lace. Lace formed the cuffs for long, full sleeves._ of organza and her Mr. and Ma. Jame s Richard, ·Campbell o/ Laguna Beach. ti.ave Annou~ the betrOtliir.oJ-:tneir daughter, Deborah CJ.mpbell, to Martin M. Hale, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Hale of Pasadena. The btide-elect is a JJ&duate of Bishop's School, IJa Jolla and • the UrUvers.ity o f caJtfor'nia;'ilerkeley whP.re she was arflllated with Alpha Phi sorority. Her fiance is an alumnus of Cate School anl Y a I e University. He a Is o was DEBORAH -CAMPBE L.L · Troth' Dlaclo1H graduated from Harvard's Lef . TV, WE' ."'V• \: School of 8usiness. It I\. ·An early fall garde11 wed· T . y . Q. ding Is planned . Vffl,: 'OU 0 $oVlli ~PJoza ·-Cal"Ollsel LeYel BRISTOL AT .SAN··Dl~~\''FREEW~Y, COSTA MESA , ,~;;;;;;;;;;-·.;..--;;;;;.;;-..,..-rr===~===;:::==.;=. ===::::;;:;::=;;;::::;==; ,,:I ~-' floor lengtlt veil or illusion was }' LQQK I •• "'-fl! _attached lo a crescent shaped headpiece of f~h Jxiuvardia MRS. P .. M. HAZELL JR. and'"·dalsies. Her bouquet o{ C•nad1an Honey moon - "• ' MRS. JOHNdNILLIAM SLOTA To Liv•. in, W•shi,ngton Pai-r Exchange Pledges, ·Rings - Exchanging weddtng 'vows Wedding music, besides the at noon in St. John the Baptist traditional bridal march. was Catholic C h \I r c h were-provided by the St. John's Catherine Ann M i 1 I e r , youth group singers with daughier of the Harlan F. guitars. Millers of Costa Mesa, and :A.pproximately 150 guests • daisies an<i ·bouvardia cascad- ed from a prayer book which had be.longed to her great· grandfather and which her mother had carried in her wedding. Miss Bryn Hazell, t h e bridegr<>Qm's sister 1 served -as n'iaid of honor. Bridesmaids were the Misses Wendy Win- burn·, Linda Schindler and Sue Popik. All wore floor length gowns of pale ye llow silk organza in empire style with )Of!g, full sleeves and daisy John William Slota, son o( the attended a buffet reception in "' John Slotas of Ana heim. the home of the bride's Airborne The Rev. Kenneth Crause parent.s f o 11 owing the officiated for the double ring ceremony. Assisling were lhe Flight hostess aboard ceremony. bride's cousins. the Mmes. jets departing from Los Esi:orted to the -altar bfhei' Chester Cawthon and Leonard . ..\ngeles International I lh lh b 'd fl Airport is Barbara a er, e r1 e.. wore a oor Long, along with the ~1isses t f M I l~ k' r hil Green, daugh er o r. eng .1 s immer gown o w e ·Linda Long, Kim and Melody G organza with de ta c h a b I e and Mrs. Harvey reen chapel train. The bodice Miller. of Costa Mesa. The 11eckline and cuffs of the Joog. _The bride, an alumna of Mater Qei High School sheer sleeves were I.rimmed Mater Dei High School was graduate attended Or-· with venise lace. A headpiece gruduated from Orange Coast ange Coast College and of matching lace caught her College and San Diego State rec e n t 1 y completed illusion veil and she carried a College. where she w3s af· Continental A i r 1 ines cascade o.f roses a n d fitiated with Delta Zeta. training. stephanotis. Her new husband w a s1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;._;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;~I Fltlil PICKUP & Dl!LIVellY -DEPSNDA•LE-·TYPIN_G - Bridal attendant.s wore ero· graduated from Servile High ~ire slyled' ~wns of pink School and CalifQ.rriia Stale orgailZaOveY tafieti wiih rOSe College at Fullerton. I-le is colored ..sashe.5. As maid of serving al present with the honor the bride's sister, Miss Army, stationed in FL Lewis, WEsTw.1.v sEc1tl!TA1t1AL Mary Miller, carried three \Vash ., where the newlyweds sE1tvic1: Jong stemmed pink roses. ..'p'.'.'.l':'_:t~o :_:m:a:_ke:.:_t•h:•i::_r_::h::::om:::•:::·-~~~~~·~·~·-~•~t "~~~~I Carcying one-long stemmed,- rose wen bridesmaids. Miss The . KNIT WIT Slllldra Winterboume. Mrs. Michael Maxwell and Miss SOUTH COAST PLAZA Y..fargaret Slota, sister of the l bridegroom. IF KNITTING IS YOUR 1 HING .. , Richard Slota was best man THIS IS YOUR SHOP FOR: for his brother and artoth('r i •SU PPLIES e IDEAS brother, J im Slota headed the l ushers, including Jim Doepke HELPFUL ADVICE e INSTRUCltON and Kenneth Miller, th ej bride's cousin. "" BIGGARS 86TH SEMI-ANNUAL _____ fl) RNITU RE, CA~PETS, . -LAMPs, ACCES-SORIES __ _ J.t1~'11M. !rimmed bodices an d cuffs. They carrie4 bouquets of daisies, baby's breath and bouvardla. Serving as best man was Todd Marder and ushers were John Taylor, J eff Kruthers and Peter·Cope1and. mallie'6 for HAIRSTYL lNG -by the area's TOP STYLISTS! A· champagne and buffet luncheon was served In the home of the bride'.s parents. In charge of the guest book at the ceremony and reception \Yas the bride's cousin, Miss Sharon Guy. After a weOding trip to Vic· toria and VaIICQuver, the cou· pie wiU reside in Goleta where both. attend the University oJ Calilomia , Santa Barbara. * * BPW Hies To Ho Down Food from the old chuck wagon and the cry of ·Come and get il' will be in order 't\'hen· members of lhe Newpo rt Harbor Bu s ine ss and Professional \Vomcn's Club gathei' tomorrow evening. The Chuck Wagon Ho Do\YD . will take p13ice at 6:30 p.m. in the Monticello Clubhouse of Costa Mesa. West.em dress will set the mood, with a prize offered for the most authentic. Ch airman Mrs. DeMurl Tosh will be assisted by. the Mmes. C. R. Chamberlain, \V. A. Rosenfeld, Sandy Carlson, with the Misses Rose Fentonl and Louise Johnson. c..,;. ilotom/"""'1t. ri:naal tlotMt, ""'"""" ~. ..Complimentary Make·ups • Facia ls • Eye Tebbing Manicures end Pedicures . By Appcintment VIVIANI-WOODAID cos111n1cs mallie'.i WIG a. BEAU.TY SALON 'S48.J4.46 2so.o E•• 11th '""' HILLGaEN SQUAlE COST~ MUA --TRANSITIONAl , DACRON 1'0 1,_YES'lij AND COITON ' great designs on dark background.s for co o I beauty into fall and lat e summ er. m1ehine woshoble • tumble dry 45" wide • wrinkle fr•• -prints -REG . .$1.29 ·YD. SAVE $1 .59 ON 2 YARDS • "l NOTIONS y D s ; J fi A~' f R I f '.::i . HUNTINGtON CE"TER , EDINGU .AT IEACl:I . HUNTINGTON-BEACH ONN ~ON •. THIU Fil. 11 'f•L I P.fll. -·SAT. 'TIL 6 l'.M. FiGURE· CONTROL SALONS '' • PASADENA: Colorado at El Mo~r'IO POMO NA: H,,11, east of Garey Clolll ears fOI' ll orr..r • ---,.,.,_],l,-,,, -·-1;,.-. -----..-------------------• ..., .......... ---CllllO~ SANT A ANA: •• 1 ... """"' • S1110• AH Stet• o,_ Molldoy IYMI• NEWPORT-BEACH 430 Peciflc CoHt Highwov -'42·3630 U l lodls Et1l OI 8.tlbOll --~ Clull SANTA ANA 1140 W11t 17th Stru t.:_ S43-9457 " • • ALSO IN Anahairrr, Beverly Hii is, CoYIM , ~crenth•w, Downey, Gl;tndat.~ J Lektwood, Long BHeh, Newport llo1<h, N. Hellywood, 'Ontario, Pa1act.ft•, Sen Diego, .S•l"lt• An1, S•nt1 l1flNra, SunJend, T1r1a n1, Whittier:1 Salon1 1lso In Pre1no, Sacrament•, S.n J•1, .S"'11!'nyv•le, W•lnut CrHk. I " ' " . . -.----==--... _ ~--~ t J • l Fli • I Costa Meson s -linke d In Chapel Ce remon .ies --~Baskets of whtte nowen and c~bra adorned t h e FerMal• w~ Chapel wlien Fraocfsca v.d. Elun ., bec&a'M! the, bride of Richard , E. Hanunond, both ·of Costa · Meaa. The Rev. Dr. Gerald S. B.ash performed tho double rin11 nuptials for tbe dauibter Of Mr. and Mr·a. WiWam v .d. -Ellen of C03la Meaa and the son of !ilr. and Mrs. Robert Hammond of Salem, Ore. EKorted to the altar by her 1 father, the bride wore a gown of chantlUy lace with 'i chapel traln. A cluster of fabric pelals, dtlcorated with rhinestones, held her veil and she carried a cascadr: of white rose~t s~phanotls, b, a b y ' s: bream and an Qrcbld. Gowm of cifron yellow and 1 <1ascades of daisies and baby's -bi'eitlf wire ... seleC:ted for her entourage. MRS. HAMMQN,P Reclt-'s Vow • _,._ Anny with a tour of duty in Vietnam. The newlyweds are at home in Costa Mesa folloajng _ a honeyDloon trlp to _Solvang. Sisterliood T rygve Lie atten .tion all .ladies ·!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So ns M eet Try1ve Lie Lodge 90, Som of Norway, is planning a meellng Thursday, July, 2t. at a p.m. lD Colla ~esa's Odd Fellows Hall Membert of the board will continue to mee\ In the Secun. ty Paclflc Natlonal Bank of Costa Mesa at 8 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month. ~ Future summer plans in· elude a dhne-a-dip dinner Sun- day, Aug. 10, for families and friends of members. NEVER BEFORE-SHOWN-HERE/- PATTERN•CUTTl NG METHOD , THAT IETS YOU e DUPT PA TTllMS ...rtlo .. 1y 1 Aaeric•• ~-· 'tlll~=,_ e MAKI ANY 51%1,, ANY STYLI ., .•. ..,,,...... --- • ADJUST ANY PATTIRH f•--• FIT ANY GAllMINT in •l.utel e MASTll WfTH NO FIGURING Ho bpori•'" At Last AMER1c,t.N KNow How HAS ASSEMBLED ALL THE SEClm FOR YOU Let us show JOU at OW' , 90 MINUTE DEMONSTRATION DE:MONITRAT10N AT ,tt ...... 2 ,,. Incl 7 ,.. .... 5 DAYS ONLY IN HUNnNeTON llACH H UILf FOR Im 11.lft 61099 Serving as the matron of honor waa Mr.a. Larry R: Ro~ bins, and bridesmaids were \Vilhelmiena v:,d. Elzen, the ::~;~~; l;"00~~"0 woue T 0 Program ~..._\\~.~'\Ill/!~~ •-• • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • Attending as best man was. 1 '!t,,.\\\\ /~J • Robbins o! Coldwater, Mich ., LSD Fi m ..... ~ ~ 2,1~ .. ~~i;~ .. ~~·~:~~ The Sisterhood of Temple ~ ~ at El Rancho: • \ , ' . Capucci has designed this clever zip-up-the· front knicker jum·p.suit and added a flip. skl~t (o~en at both sides) to cover it up. Note the str~1gbt·hne yoke and pretty ;collar topped with a bow. The art depic;ts the knickers showing a bit -· ' actually the length of the skirt does cover them. 1'emct in Ugbtweight-glon pl1!hh:'6M!ther woolens. sailcloth or other meaiurn v.1eight Cottons. 61099 is cut in Misses sizes S..16 .. Size 12 requlres ·appr.oxi·~ · mately 2· 3/8 yards of 45" fab;iC for the knickers and 2 318 yards of 45" fabric for the skirt. To order 61099; state size. include name, ad· dress and zip code:-"send $2 postpaid. Send orders for books and patterns to SPADEA, Box N, Dept. CX-15 Milford, Ne\V Jersey 08848. :rel. 20Ml9S.2201 . Ordet -nOrmal ready·to-wear size and allow one week for delivery. SOMETHING NEW: Pattern books by classi· fication: Coats & Suits; Fall and Winter Tailored Dresses; Half Sizes. Each SI plus 25 cents postage and llandllng. Hard Cover Catalogue $10. Book 33- collection of latest designs in all caiegories -$1 postpaid. ' NEW IDEA : First time designers have pub- lished sewing secrel.!j. Booklets 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 ...... 75 cents postpaid for each. Hard Cover Edition $5. Also New: Hai r Pattern Booklet -do-it-yourself - 75 cents postpaid. ' Wilbers , b 0 t h of the Sharon is inviting all parents _ Netherlands,andGcegWright. and teenagers o! the com· :,::::. --= the supermar· ket Assisting at the recepllon in munlty to attend a showing , ~ S:: . the Costa A1e!a Grange Hall next Wednesdiy in the. temple j ~ • .-, -~~1;11rf;!!~:1~f;,~:: :~r~~fl;~;~li~;;,~t;. 0 ~¥fill\~'" where the price is right! wedding was Wllhelmus v .d. menf Will show the film at 8 • f · MEATY.I Elzen, the bride's grandfather. p.m. and conduct •. ques~on • The bride .is a graduate of and . answer s es s Ion. un· • PLUMPI Estancia High School and stu· mediately tollowing. • died..nur.Uo&. ALQl1Jlge <&NJ, A ge_neral meeting or the 9- College. -Her husband attcnded"' ... smemooa"m3'WllltfiF'1ff'aci". ;;--~. Costa Mesa and Corona del Those desiring further In· .. ~ar high schools and studied formation may call Mrs. Denis e police science at occ. He Fenton at 546-3237 after 6 p.m. served two years w~tq the WEIGHTS. WATCHERS. ,. Some t1lkil'l9, some li•ft nlng ind· 1 prooram that works. ,,. 1 Fa11 1aocHuar-au 1ss.ssos I • • • • • • • • • • • -I FRESH _ READY TO SERVE! GREAT PRICE! e, llA88ElltD TAKE 'EM I Chicken ....... ".0~E.~0~~...... . ~ Big California Golden Fryers .•. barbecued tti perfection ... ready to take home and !UVe ! Grapefruit Sections ... .... . 4 1or $1 Bordo ••• ripe and sweet l .. , No. 303 cans. Avocado Dip .......................... 49• From the Ca1avo people! ... frozen ••. 7% O'L. MJ.B. Tea Bags ...................... 49¢ French Fries .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. 39' Save 20c ••• enjoy it iceil\! ... 48 ct. pkg. Ore Ida. •.• the big 2 povnd ~ckage ! ... frozen Fruit Drinks .. .. .. ~ ......... 12 1or '1 M.C.P ... favorite frozen varieties! ... 6 oz. cans Diet Breakfast ... .. .............. 49t Low calorie , •• high satisfaction! . , . ctn. of 6. Plan. first-of-the-week 1nenus around Uieat features.' Veal ChopsT.'.79f.f;. .. 98~ Veal Rib Chops .................. 51.29 lb. Veal Cutlets .................... '1.29 .. So freah and so flavorful ! Breaded for your convenience! Stuffed Breast. of Veal ................... °.~~~.~~ .................... 69t. Oven ready? ••• tender, ta/Jty veal, with a stuffing that makes the meal doubly deli'g'fltfol ! T here a r e days when I can't 'I Mock Chicken Legs ................. 2.~.~~~.~~~ .................. 5 • i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1-----··~-·-d·o-a-thing-witlnny -bair l Lean tender meat. akewered to drumstick size ! ... Easy to cook •.. greaf ~.eat ! '" _...S~;;-111mmer ;;},u.; ... better tlum ~er! I: l t " . • I ao In one dllection. lily hair eoes in anolller. Motlier says Buffums' Beauty SbJdlo can make it pretty; 111ty $J)eClalize in cultlne and styling children's hair. Pemaps I'll have a body wave. Thal makes whirls of curls las! and last. I can't wait to see how prelly l can be! ijave your mother call for an appointment. Then you cao pretend YllU're a princess. Buffums' Beauty Stud io ~ .Minicurts • Pedicures • Faci1ls • Electi<>logy Buffums· ' . , r • . llllpOit Ceatii ....-,1 Fasbiiiflsland • 6H·2200 • Mon., Thurs ., Fri.10:00 till 9:30 Olher days 10:00 till 5:33 • .Seedless Grapes .................. ~~~ .. ~.1~~.~~~~ ... : ............. 19r.· Each clust-.er bursting with the promise of summer's m01Jt rewarding flavor! Pricea in effect Mon.., TNcs., Wed. July !1, tt, ts. No &aJ.eff to deakrs. •• I ARCADIA: Sunset and llantlng!4o Dr. IEJ Rllllllt CCllllll PASADEllA: 320 Wut Co!O!ldo Bf'ld. SOUTH PASADEllA: Fremont Ind -ngton Dr. HUNTIMGTilM B'EACH: Warner 1nd Alaonquln OlolrdwlllI Clnll!! NEWPORT BUCH: 2727 Newport Blfll. 11111 2555 Eistbluff Dr. (tutb!uff VilllJ' C.n!efl ' , --·-...... )__...._... .. _ __, -....~.-....... "' . -· • Mondl;y, Juty 21, 1969 DAIL v Pf LOT IJ Allen Returns to -Phils.;: -' . Absence Co sf · $11, 70-0 PlllLADELPIUA (AP) -Alter 26 dayo of suspens.lon, Riehle Allen has returned to the Ph.Jlcidelphfa Pbillles without any promise he wlll be traded, or gel back the estlmeted $11,700 in pay he lost. AUeD was reinl1ated alter a coaference ol. more than an hour Sunday morning with owner B'>b Carpenter and manager Bob Skinner of the Ph.illies. He wW not play, boweYer, until be -wofks into physical condition, SkiMer said. The Phillies' slu&ging first baseman ' was suspended Indefinitely without PilY by Sklnntlr wh.en Allen failed to show up for dou~leheader against the New York Mets June 2f at Shea Stadium. He missed, 26 days and %9 games. · Allen was ~Ung .319 with 19 "home . · l'\1111 llld .. RBI. sklniier announced Allen's rein1tate. ment &bortly before the Phillies met the Qlcago Cub.s Sunday in a doubleheader. "Allen is reinstated as of today," Skin. ner said. •'He will not play. It is not fair Philadelphia Classie ---==: to him unut he ii ID shape to play." Skinner 'said, .. .Richie and I forgot the put and1 are lrUei'ested only in tbe future of Allen and the PhlllJes: He is goJn1 to • throw at home and.will wort oot at th• ~rk MOllday, Tu'3d1y llld Wed- nesday." Allen ldt the ballpark arter the meeUng and wa.s unavailable f o r com· ment. The meeting between Allen and skiltner was arranged Saturday when the player's bu!lness manager, Clem CaponolJ, and Carpenter got together in a secret confab 'I D o d ' w o T at a suburban Philadelphia restaurant. -I n t m . 0 ....... ·neY. Allin WU 1Chedu1ed Lo show up at the I -~ •' ball part at 1,.m., but didn't amve until .OOUt U. Skinner said Capouoll told him ' f , -' :--• !h•r<f)f ... Jillsnnderstlul<ling abOut lli• Th~Y-; Lost It, Says . Hill __ ~:r~ .. ~.~~g~.!~~·--"I Phillies' brass but were unable· to talk PHILADELPHIA (AP) -Dave Hill Lee Trevino had a 69 for 285. with lhe player. had just taken the $30,000 first prize in Siku and Brewer were in the clubhouse Allen was in a car driv~ by Capozzoli. the Phil&delphla golf classic but said he at 279 when Hill and Jacobs came tG the When he saw the reporters, he waved and really hadn't wGn It, really didn 't want t.c> lath, Hill needing a par ahd Jacobs a the auto kept right on going past the and really dlJin't much care. bird for a share of the lead. Allen house. ' "This tournament was more lost than Hill put his toe shot in a trap and Allen'a estimated aeuoo· ulary ts wori," the slim perfectionist said. "Tom· Jacobs in the deep rough. Tommy .->.ooe, about U50 per day or i n.100 for • my Jacobs and Grier J o n e s lost il I recovered with a beauUfuJ s.1.1: iron shot to the 2Mly IUlpeDS.ioo. _.iiidn~t_wiD 00 golf tournament. They lost within twG feet and ca.Med the putt. -Pblllies' General Manager JGhn Quinn •t But Hill buried his second shot Jn • said there was no agreemeiit for Allen to 1 "'It's a shame for Tommy to lose. lfe another trap, t hen blasted,out five feet get back any of the suspension money. ' d d ·1 tti h -"ed Quinn also saJd there was no proml$e played four shots better than I did. My away an ma e 1 , pu p.g cross· a"" . to trade Allen after the current season • . sympathies were with him. I wanted him "I'd just bad two •. breaks coming ''Definitely no," QuiM said when.asked to win ~rt. And l didn't want to Will'"' With. out or those traps and I knew If 'J didn 't if there was any promise to telum the the-score I had. make lhal putt .I've got no guts at a11;• money it Allen behaved himaelf._Aa tor "I doii't much care aboUt winning. I he said. .-promWng to trade one ot the game's top caere about p 1 a Y i n g well. Win-On the first extra hole, Slke.s left a ID-.sluaers . Quinn said~ "No u I have u.id ni.ng just comes Ii:pm PI a Ying foot birdie putt an inch ·short and Jacobi in the ~ we'll trade .ey ballPJ.a_yer if, good. I don't care lf I win win one tourna· chipped past the bole bdore Hill ran in the right deal comta alq." .. .......__ _ _ _ _ _ ment" or a thousand, just let me play." his-winning putt. Brewer missed on a 10-• · --~..,..._.....:-__ ,--.~"'· __,.. ...... .._"""' ... _.,...,..~ ~---=-"li'A1LV'i'lr&r--.....~a"irMl;,;""-•-"'<'01fi'if,"3T.'TJSrtnirie~llt":)a\.vbil;--"T60f'ittentpf1ilt61r"Wn·cJVet:--'·--.."' -.--.----=----· ..,.,,...,. -·~ ~·---~--- Ram Offense on ·the Move -R. H. Sikes and Gay Brewer in a foW'· "I thought for sure it would take a .66 p " R . End Dave Pivec of Notre Dame (83) hauls In ~ pass for the Rams in thf[ir Sunday scrimmage with the Chargers at Cal State (Fullerton). Defending 1.s Dave Plump. Each team scored twice in the duel. LA Not Re~dy for Oly mpics Toomey Being Forced Out? In these days wl]!\l!~nLP! to1t.-1venls ""'monger.__ _ - tdblet.es is fash.ionaBle !fU nO\ Slit~tslng ,..---Tmey criticlied tbe hardness or the to hear a reporter ask a sports · figure Coliseum track, saying he couldn't get his how much longer he plans to compete. zpikes to dig in during the 1,500 meters. Now is It altogether shocking when the · 4 answer indicates retirement is just L11s is R.-p• Col!Jeutn ~ il9und the ~er. During the interview of Laguna Btach decathlon star Bill Toomey this past wee,kend in Los Angeles, the inevi~able question came · forth. But Toomey's answer was evasive and left you 'ft'on- dering. In one breath he said American soc ial life would-make it impa:Ss1ble to compete much Joager. -·When you get to be my, .... _ ..... --....... . WHITE WAS H .................. "4 .. age they think you're a moron if you kl'tp training and competing," he slated. Moments later hill conversation led you to believe retirement was fa r from his mind. "I'm work ing hard on my pole vaulting and I think I have the guts and deteqnination to be up around 14-& very ooon. "I want to go anywhere where there will be good facilities and good com- pelion. I'd like tD get a mark that v.·ilt stand for a while." Toomey, 1961 Olnnpic champion, Is on his way to Sweden today and hopes tr1 perform in two or three European decathlons this 3ummer. Then in Sep- tember he'll return to lraining at h.igi1 altitude (Lake Tahoe). 1 So it appears there y,·jlJ be no im· mediate retirement. \_ He outscored Russian and Brilisb athletes at the weekend triangular !rack meet at the Coliseum. He admitted he did poorly in the events he is usually strong iD. But he also felt bis generally weak Another grnt world clan performer also tossed a barb at tlle~ Coliseum. Ru11ian javelin whiz Janis Lists uJd &lie grass runway ma4e footing slippery and bis hopes of ·r egaillint U.e world record be lo8t • lew weekl ago went aWl')'. Lu1is, now 30, 11)'1 he WUI stay in com· petition unW alter &lie ltn OlymplC.. The 1969 Olympie -champion say1 American Mark MIUTO may be one o( &lie great future· 1tar1 because Murro ts already throwing well and bas just 1tamd studying European tecbnlquet. P.ftlrro had a poor day Saturday. however, finis hing last wi th a throw or 246-8 -some 46 feet under his American record. Lusl1 leaches physical edocati-On to Soviet solcHers. He's won five strafght gold meda1s in. the track serlet wilb &he United States. Davenport Rips Counl11 While Lu.sis and Toomey were putting the blast t.c> the Coliseum, Willie Daven· port got in a subtle 1lck. "I was very pleased to run 13.S on iliis track," he told \\'Titers. "There's only two tracks in the world I've ever complained about -this one and that one in Orange County (El Modena ·High School.)" ''You'd thlnk a nice place like this would have a Tartan track -especia.Jly if they hope to get the Olympics." L A Not R ead11 for Games Toomey bad somtthlng to 1ay about LA gr:tttng the 1971 Olympics, too. "1 doo 't think Los Angtlet is ready for the Olympics by the sU:e of the crowd I saw bere. Wbea you have the· ireat alhletn of tbe world perform.Inc and only draw 15,000 r:acb day { atte11duce S0,341 for tbe two days), somtthlng Is wnng. "People who didn't bave a chance to 10 to Ute Olympics collld comt-Hre. and lee Lefty LaUds Mound Duo After Angels, A's Split Andy Messersmith and John "Blue Moon" Odom are . "the two best righthandera in ~ .league," says Angel manager Lefty Phillips. '- Everyone knows about Reggie Jackson, the Oakland AthJetics slugging star who ls ahead of the pace set by Roger Maris when he broke Babe Ruth's home run re· cord in 1961. O.ltl.AMO · CAlll'OAMIA •• tfl~ ... r~IM kull!•k. •• J 1 I O ·A..,,,.r, 2' J I I t O.Gr..,., 2t1 " 1 I I Jl.,,.t, d J 1 1 I. R.JeckaOfl, ,, 4 ( 3 J R-1dl•rdt, If 4 I I I 8endo. lb t 2 ( ( l'rtlll)Sl, u S 1 I I C.M, 111 4 I I 2 VOit, rt 4 1 I I MOnelfy, d I I I I A.Rodr)011t1, a J 1 I t Rudi, 11 ti I I SDlf'IC«, 111 1111 T1rtabull, If I I I I 1Ef41'1, c I I 1 ( Ha....,,c Jtll8NW!,p 1111 ··-·· Jtt tL...Mll-. •••• , Hun~. p I I I I £.l'llNI', • I I I I $9!'10\l9o Iii I 0 0 t Wr'9111, p I I I I 111.M•V• P I I I I MoMoft, 1111 l ' • • WI~ I I I I I Tl!l•l<I .~ t 10 t T•l•ll J.I ' I ' O•kllnd 100 l4 IOI -I c..momi. 111 IOJ IOO -• ~ -C1r.r 1. 01' -0.klll!d I. LOI -Oat· • Mll!Y of lb, lop Olympians. Bu! they 4tdii'L" - • Reprdtnc Toomey'• comments, the crowd tarrnout was emNJTa11lng -but not surprising In view of the poor pro- motional effort and organliation. Aij.er_J.11, if the President of tbe United States came to Orange County airport unannounetd, it's hardly likely thtre'd be a &uroaway crowd to IJ'et\ hlm • ..:..., Dodgers SAN FRANCISCO '(AP) -San Fran• cisco .takes its intrastate feud with Los Angeles seriously. The Dodgers Jed the Nalional League's West Division and had a healthy Willie D.avis wben they• began a four-gama series against the Giants in the bay city Jast Thursday . They now are In second place behind Atlanta and only one percentage point ahead o( the Giants. Centerfielder Davis was struck behind the right ear by a Juan Marichal pitch Saturday. He was releas. ed from a hospital Sunday. Adding a little more pepper, Giant pitcher Gaylord Perry hit his Urst major league homer in hurling his club to a 7·3 way playoff on the first extra. bole Su~· °' 67 to win It. I'd have been happy with unter toams• day, His 11-foot birdie putt clinched bi~ that," HUI said. "It's a shame for Jacobs ' third victory of the season. to IOl!le. But it's hill best finlsh in some And it was his third triumph in hls·last time and l,'m pleased for him abouC: PJ t G" ts four starts that put him in th• top spot that " . um O Ian on i.he money winning list at $129,333 and · clinched him a spot on the Ryder CUp lie paused a ,~ent then went on: -~-~~~~~~ Hill shot a final-round 69, three under IUty to play this galne than any other par on the 6,670-yard Whitemarsh Coun. man ali~e .. You've got lo thank God for try Club course, and was tied after n what he 1 given you. He gave me a t.c>n o( holes at 279 with Jacobs, Sikes and Brew~ ability." er. • But then Hill, a refonned bad boy of Jacobs, who shared the third-round the pro tour who refuses to take hlmaelf lead and is on a comeback from three loo 9el'OUS1y, ooted his poslUon atop the bad years that almost forced him off the money list and on the Ryder Cup teai:a tour. had a 72. Brewer ll_ 69, including an and started joking. eagle on the 17th hole, and Sikes a 67. "When they see me leading the mooey Frank Beard bad a 66 and was alone at list, why Jt's just gorma mate those cat.9 280. Tied at 281 WW'e Jones, who shared Eick," he sNd. "I can think of about 15 of the third-round lead with Jacobs and them that's just gonna cut their hrtoat.s. finished with a 74 ; Mac ~lcLendon, 68; "And ol' Dave is on the Ryder Cup Bruce Devlin, 65; Lou Graham, 70, and team. I might set England back-40 years. Deane Beman, 70. • They're gonna send tWO .special guard.! Arnold Palmer had a 71 for 286 and was along with me just to see I don't get in tied at that flgure :wiUl Billy Casper, 68. trouble." Flee -SF Disaster I • -victory Sunday. We.! Parker walked with one out and Len Gabriel.son and Tom Haller hlt run- BCOring sinllU f<>r 3-0 to put Ute tlOdgerS ahead. Both clqbs resume play Thursday after the All-Star game break -Los Angeles against Chicago and San Francisco against St. Louis. Perry mu'il have been Inspired by the announcement at Candlestick Park that America's three astronauts landed on the moon. Trailing S-2 at ~he Ume with the bale:! loaded, Perry listened to a short prayer wh.ich pre(aced resumpUon ol the game. quashed the Dodger threat and allowtd only two sin,lea the rest of the way. Maury Wi Is opened the game with a single and scored on Manny Mata's tri· pie. Ptrry eiitered the game bltUng .100, but sent a l.O pitch some 390 feet t.c> left center, greatly unnerving loser Claude Osteen, 1.U. Bobby Bonds followed with a walk, stole second and scored on Osteen'• error on a pick off at.tempt. Ostttn didn't allow a bit Sunday until Perry cracked hill homer with two out in the third. Asked about his hit, Perry pid: "Sure, I remember the last one. It wa~ seven year1 ag<> when I was with Tacoma and I hit It off Jim Brewer.;;" The Los Angeles Rams added one player to the.lr tr.aining roster by purcwlng punter.}olm Kilgore from the Chicago Bears Sunday alter Joolng three men iDOluding quarterback Milt Plum who was traded to the New Yark Giants. Kilgore, who had opent thr<e .....,.. with the Rams before being released 1aat year and picked up " a free agent by the Bears, thua mum. to the club ,.here be attained bit first pro eaperialce. v~ tight end Bob Crespino left camp presumably to go Into rellmnen~ He bad been signed as: a free agent. Linebacker Gene Breen, a slJ:-year veterAn, was released on wai,vers. Also missing was Ytlnis ~. a run- ning back, who wa lked out five days ago llld wa. placed on the auspended list. Scene ..-1..0S-.lMG•Lll Miii l'IUNCllCO 111 rllral •ll r flrM' WUll.•• •t~Olencll.rf l1tl MOIC"cf-.f 1 1 T H1111I, -711 ii T I I Cr•lll'ford.tr•111M1.,...cl •121 Plll'll.«, 10 l I 1 I MtCOftf, 111 l l I 1 G1br'9leon, " • 0 l I °'~"· XI l I I I H•ll ... , C 4 0 1 I H'fldlrlOllo ff .I 0 I I J<,dikJa, 3b J f • I Ll"ltr; IS 4 1 ! I Slr-•.Jt ·~t11••11011,c: .fl!I C.O.""" p l o I I Pf/fTY, p • I I I arirw«,, eoll Tot.II aJ J 6 J T.t1ll n 1 II I LOs ... ,...... JOO -DOt -J S.11 Fn.llC111oCO 002 • 121: -1 E -C. O.r-.. Mccn.y, l.Anllr, 311-.i. Hl\l.r, OP -U. Ano.... f, S.n Frao'!Cllco 2. LOB -LOs """'"' J. SM l"r~ t. 211 - Hunt, ,IMys, l1rflln. • -Mof .. Hit -"'"" Ill. ~ , .... U' -llOllft t. .,. " ••••• 10 C,Q,fwt!I (l,\M) •112 I J 4 J J ·-. 1·111 , 2 l 2 2 1'1rrv (W,l:t-7) I • l l 2 ' H!IP -bf Brtwll' tllondtl. Tl~ -J::P • .t.). ttndanc• -.n,560. -- Messersmith. stopped a two-game California kw.ng streak In the first game of a double header Sunday. snapping a six-game Oakland win streak with a 7-3 victory. JacltsQfl drilled his 37th homer end added two doubles as he led the A's to a H triumph In the nlghlcap. l8nd (, C11lfor"I' I. 211 -It. JlC""°" 1, fl M>Clt 2. Hit -11.. JK.ktOn lll), lhpt• UJ, ••roclo \If!, c..i.r c•J. fflll tu. 5F -f,.n. SAFE 0AT THE PLATE -Giant Hal Lanier (22) hurdle• Into home plate while Dodger catcher Tom Haller awaits the throw. Winning San Francisco pll!'ber Gaylord Perry Is at the rl&bl. '11t~ Glanll knocked LA °'!t of first place, 7-3. • · • • .~ . ' • I I I I • • • U DMI. Y l'llOT U.S. ·Russian J\'le e}= :Did Anyone Ca r e? ' I J. -• tos ANGEi.ES (AP)-They the two-day meel remainod ta be aeeo. , ~ bll<t juorfinished banding Soviets aild the Brill;h -·A tel.,--"'~ JI"'" the medals at lhe conclu.sicia wue SUfllri&ed at the poor ~ kept lhe meet from 10&-• • of the U.S . .SOvlet·Britlsh Com· . mg money, but the Am~teur "•' mon'Wf!tlth track meet when a crowds and quick tO point out Athletic Unkln Was unable to ~ football api>eared on the green how well the meet would hl\·e get any civic orgJDizations to '1· , playing f i e I d or the Lo, drawn abroad. spomor the me.et; , Angeles Coliseum. ID Russ.la, said Janis Lulls, The MU had' ,!Sked tor a Some-athlete3, it appeared . ..,. Javelin world .record holder $90,000 guaraatee,... w h I c h were as Olllnterested in l!)e who .won the event at m.J nobody would....mecl That led proceedings as the general Saturday, "we would have had to poor publicity and, as a public. «l,000 each day. In my coun-whoJe, organiu.Uon for the af- A total of 30,340 Cans' &aw try, the people love track and fair appeared to be nonex: the meet Friday night and field ." lstent. ~ Saturday -a sharp drop {mm And a Finnish joornalist The meet Itself produced D() lhe crowds that have attended noted his country had dr&\VD world records, but several p r evious American-Russian 15,000 recently to a decathlon o u t s landing performances Beebe Nips; Ongais Car ·At ocm track meets. meet. were recorded I n c I u d I n g ~ In 1962, when the meet "·as How the turnout would af-several Coliseum records. -at Stanford University, for feet future internationaJ com-The U.S. men won 12 ol 22 •The largest crowd in the ~ Wtance, around 150,000 saw petition in non-Olympic years events. history ol Orange County 'T1lc U.S. men won dual mf'et International Raceway saw comf>eUUon against both the Dave· Beebe of Anaheim pull Russians and the British and off a stunning upset Saturday also captured the unoUlclal night when·he whipped Danny trianguJar victory. Ongais for the funny car " • : The U.S. women beat the ~ivis.ion of the U.S. Pro R~ians for the lint t l m e Dragster Championships. since lhete meets began and also beat the Britis.h and won A crowd of 19,447 fans saw the lri•ngu1ar. ,No score w 8 s Beebe, driving John Mazma- kept betw een the Sovi& and nlan's Barracuda, hand Ongais th Comm Ith his first Joss ol 1969 in Mickey e onwea . Thom ' Mach I F d ~-•aulb psons or ,._1_ 0 ,1111 1o;r 2t1.J· '· R•lldcll•h Mllitang in one of the closest fusi 2C1.t1 i· NotJl'otn f11r.) :it.ti '· races_ ever staa:ed at OClR. v1now !UJf:!_ll-" · , ~ l&r.i ·•~ ,iuilii."·1111 21 Ongais roared across the 6D.J1 ·" Minn 'tu111L. · ' r .. starting line first, but Beebe l,JOO-f_, Lkl\IOl'I jUSl 31•0,11 J.~ h' Zhe1o1>o¥iik1v JiUSSRJ :-a.11 1. w111t1oto caught nn right at the finish fllr.I J:d·:,, . M•-IUS~ 3(:·.w.2. 1· h II led th' B !&e»--1. 5har11v1dlnov u s ~ R I 1ne as e. p O e ar· l~~~2.1u~.l~l5~·1rt~-r•,.3i racuda Lo its fastest eve1 1•;~:·'1Mird11-1 D1v_..1 1us1 n.s1 time, 205.41 mph. ·1. C,.llmAn 1ust ll-'i l. P-11r. Beebe's elapsed time was l•.0, .... llkhl1 cy1111:1 1~. ~.m:aro..1, ~ qM~ i~~7J., c.... 7.45 seconds for the qu._arter-stiv.~lus~htf l _l!~' 1crsi':,J: mile distance w~le Ongais Ml~~"1~i· G.vW~~uss11:i 1:,1 w~ ~ock.ed· In· ·7.55. Bee_bc 2. 1111rr111 1us .,_., 3~ 111m 11r. ea,r1ier recorded a 7.38 for the 1-11·., ~lUS.S 16-0. 111'411 -11 • •1• 2n41 '· fastest funny car elapsed T(IYll fir. ' ,,~ ('.o u,. (Ull ~ llme . M •. Dani'" fU$h:J •isf.f. • , T~ i-.;,;1. ~~"' J.~-~v.~~ Jn the injected fuel dragster 1uss111 ~1 ~:'\t'..lm1111 1u~1 u.1U. divlsion, Dan-Ellrtquez of ,._,, p..,fiuw1'3's';"n.c1 2, GrM111 -Misslon Viejo roarecho-1ht ti -<u11 ,3.11 l . Stm1lnov1 IUS.SRJ 13.t ; ti 'th rd b kl 7" '-·uoO'l'i:..\i~!.:.1 t'° ~ffi!;, Ill I 1l . 7 e WI 8 reco r'U ng . .n ll.1111111 tUirU'.t! l. C;1rd '(II•. I ·~·l.li time and 203.61 mph clocking. '· kl\llrlnt UISRl llt ! th h 1.J00-1,, ,,1,,,. tUSs11~ ,,11.a1 '· n e superc arged fUi1 i~1lt1 .i.1t!~r1iu iui~T~~r• division, Larry Dixon of North .1 . r1i.,.-1. us i:n ._tL}· uss11. Hollywocxi raced to victory by 3.Jl.1 • .l. C11m"'°'"""'1rt!'l J.01 .. ~ 1u-1. W ... le tUU ,._.~, 7. wht~;ng Steve ea~,. of ICrnvt... IUSSRI 1'6-11.11: l. Vo!koYt ri-I"""' u1~s11:1 20-1: •. w •• ...,. 1us1 10-0v.. Tulsa Ok1a in the finals 1flol. wt-I. Chlrtw1 !US.Sii:) ~2·1'4r ' ., " :a.~';;;'11 1,1~~~,..,11i~sl· ,;.;.,t~ 1 Dixodn . 1~stablifshedththe low r apse ime or e event with a 6.97 run in the 'Ji!:mi- finals when he defeated Gary Cochran of Fountain Valley. North Calls On Passing Cochran earller had the top speed of the meet at U5.!:ili mph.· -BasebalPs Top Ten NATIONAL LIAOUI . 1,1,,, ......... TOOME.V' TRIUMl'HS--Laguna-Beach's Bill Toomey fl eshes the sign !or peace as he finishes the _1500 m eter!;, the final event in the decathlon he won Satur~ay in the bos Angeles Coliseum. ·Toomey won the 11)..event test of skill anct endurance but fell far ' The Sout1I contingent of all- st.an preparing · for the.. 18th annual N6rth-Southh Shrine Football g a m e Wediiesday.. night at the Los Angeles Coliseum 1w been st:res:rlng pass defe115e according to co- coa.ch Jack Mathieson. P.fathteson a n d coach Mal · Eaton are expecting an aerial bombardment from the North, led by quarterbat!k Je·sse Freitas of Serra (San Mateo) High School. ,. .. .,., Club G Al JI H ,rt. M. AIOI! Pgh t J 412 61 l'-' ,Jl.4 il&llHll Pgh 14 30;) 50 1M .)H JonnSM Cl~ 7J 2tl ~1 10'/ ,3•' Cltmtnll P_111'1 1' 114 51 t7 .l-12 t:.. JonH NY 'HI "0 45 109 .3-11 Penu (ill "' It 3'0 70 111 JU H. Aiton All II :ti' 5' 106 .J21 Rote t in IJ l3-o ti 109 .:n6 M<CoveY 5" h 2IJ 51 '2 .J'lS 1 short of the world record wJth 7958 points. ~;--------~------"-----~ l . Mil/ Cln ~ a -:MS -55 ltl :m McC""'ft'I. 51~7,,,!f::'a. 30, l Moy, l ClnclMan, l't: H. A1rt1n. Ar\inl•. 1•: Wynn, H001"8n, 221 PIAI, Clncjnf\ltl, .--" j ' How They Stand Freitas, who's reportedly headed for Stanford in the fall, llrn!w ~23 touchdowTI passes In his senior year and Mathieson quoted a North coach as saying, "He's the best passer he'd ever seen." i ~ Al!ERICAN LEAGUE ~ East Divltlon t Won Lost Pct. GB ~ BaJtimore 65 t31 .67'{ - I Boston f>4 42 .583 11 ~ Detroit 52 41. .559 1114 ; Washington 51 SO .505 161k ~ New York 46 52 .469 20 Cleveland 33 59 .392 271~ • Wul Divitlon • 1'.iinnesota 59 37 ; Oaklancf SJ 39 Kansas City 41 $ t. Seattle 40 as ': O:iicago 40 5fi Calilomia 36 58 I I , .615 - . 576 4 .427 18 .421 18 1,~ .417 19 .383 22 As for the South's offensive Pllver t:,,E1.1u.: ~:·o~E " ,ct. NATIONAL LEAGUE Ideas, Matbieson's summation Ctrrw Min 10 lli H i111 .w Eu& Division , gth Id Ill Sml!h B•n u 51 111 ·'" WO. , ··t P•L GB of his team s stren wou o tY• Min •t ' • u .ll'9 .....,. " indicate the Rebels will run ~: ':::~.J:! ,;1 * ~ ll2l ·jt; Chicago 60 37 .619 -f their b d and b tie 1 111r 111 t• m 11 12 .ln New York 53 39 _576 41h or rta u r. Pirtr«.ir 1i.n ,, ,., .u "' .J09 Included in the S o u t h P!nl•\11 11:c u Hl 14 'i= ·~ 8'· Lou is 49 48 .SOS 'l l backfield are such standoutt ~=-:.•0::1 :; H~ ~ lio '.2t• Pittsburgh 47 48 .505 I I "-ll:Ulll Ph'.lad•lphia 39 55 .ttS 1911 as laaac Curtis of Santa Ana, 11:. J1cn..n ..... u-. ~11 "· H<rnrd, 'Ill Wft!ll~. l•: Y11•n .... d:I. e .. tooi. 'lontreal 31 65 .323 ""IL Darryl Berg of Westminster, ,.: 11:111ewrw. M1nnno11, J 1 : • ~ ~ k P1troc1m, lotion. 25. West D'·vtslob Bob Adams of Canoga Par , •-••HM '" aid · l(Jllebrl!W Mf~I. 11: POWf'll. Atlanta ,, 42 .Sll _ and Rod McNeill of B win 111nlmor1. k1 ft."J' llQI"• O.Mltllw:I, 19: ~ k F. H11"'11rd, rrtl 11n 11en, 73: ' --Angeles 53 41 ."' t Par · Yotrttmlk r._11o1=. n . ~ ~ The South ]]] k I f "UNS -"'·JI , Olk .• M; &lllr, S. Franci9e0 54 S2 .563 1 w wor ou o a 11111 .. 11; F. R n-. 11.i1., 16.-F. C. slot T formation How1rc1, w11h., n: u1111..-.1tr, Minn .. 1ncinnatl 48 · 41 .539 3 1k•-;:=·=====· =====':"=========;-Houston 48 48 .500 7 _ 11 San Diego 33 65 .337 23 SllwCIT'• ltft•lh. MGrllrwl S ...... Yori! -Pllllldll!llMI s. tflkl .. J Sin DJl9o 4, Alllnl1 1 S..n Fnncl-S. U. Alltlla ' Plnlbunll'I J, SI, Leub 2 -, Ch>el-11 l'r HOOlllOll t, ·11 )nnlf'llll SUMIY'I •-ltt Mon!rtll W, Ntw Ylflll t-4. frld ........ 10 """"" CltlQIO 1._ Phlledt'IPlllt t-1 A llen!t 10. $ar1 Ditto • S.n P:r•IKIKo 1, L111 Alllllll I $1. Louis 11 PlthllurYI. r•k'I HIVSIOll 11 Clndl'lllltl, t. r1l11 , ... .,.. °""* NI _. tdlldulff ,.,......, .._ All-Slit o.m. In W1t11l111'9n, I 1.111. Oftlr 1•1n1 ~I'd I See by Today's Want Ads • The best-dtT~ fireplace in town! Fittpr."'cr., tW" rounded by very special untum. 1pt for 1 very 11peci.al tenA11t. Or If )'OUJ' ap(. lleed• drtuinr:, make an oUer or lnlde for new Heatila.tor -type fireplace. • The Uttle old Lad.Y lrom Puadena or even the Ba)' arta may'be tntemted lo thll: Autostte, covered, battery clw'le.r Included. In sood condition. e Draw Of! your aoclal secur-ttio with a solid 1tate ID- vtr1er • Bolt Owner11 .,..uh 32 Volt mtems, conserve and convtrt Im' eJectncal ;,ppU~ UW: '° 600 Witt uni ls. T •• to t JNft. lo"' WIJI. 7·1-1-10.11-12 ...... 1.24 4 s. 1•• pm. ........ --. Plusft. his Lr on the ' If hour to San Diego! 1:11 ... to 10:10 pm. loll...,.. 1:1M:IM:S0.10:S0.11:i0-12:30-1 :JW:SW:30- 4:SO.S:IM:tM:J0.7:»1:J0.10:10 pm. More on WMlklftdl. • Why worry about 1 reservation when PSA has over 180 fllgl'ltt 1 d1y7 sUch an suy-t0"4"amember 1chadula you c1n oerry It around In your !'lead. Why rememblr low11t f1re17 Or all 11111 Or gretl .. rvlct to Oakland, Sin Jou, and S1c- r1rntnto1 Or lh1t kids under 12 fly PSA. (with their Plf"lnl1) fOf hall lar17 sun want . reserv1tlon? Jutt call your travtl 1gent • or whattttsn•rn• airlines. PSA giWll )QU •lift. • . . ...... . _;,. Sports_ 1Clipp ed Short , . , It's Mc.La1,n Vs •. ~~rlton WASHINGTON -DeMy up !or tbe eowoo; camp Iii ment 1t.Clnc1muttl: hla belmel (o tl10 ..,..,d, McLain of the Detroil Tiger• .Thou.laDd ~· 'Ibe match •U reachei:tWed which calla t.or lmmedilte Ind Steve CarJIAJO ol the ·sL .-!or tac!Ay. eje<tlao onder major Jooaue Loula Cardinals will be the op-• rule•. Thlrd base umpire ~ pitdlel'9 ••-in-.Jfue.U, ... -MICW~()ilo::::==::=~-:!"~.---~ ~iiiili~~ - nlghta,AIJ..5tar .Game In the kerolTh<Netherlltldaeroad OAK PARK, Ill. -Petlte-be dld not,.. the•~t. oa!Iaa a capitlJ; It w • s an· ll(at1)' Rleaaen &.S, M lot the Jane Blltancbury turns her and refUsed la eject Bando. nounctd, today. • alnJles champlcnahlp, 'an d pact when an~ent swings -e '!be m1M;pr1 of lb e. Austra1iam John Newcom~ a club or putts. Ame(lcan and National and Tony Roche captured the "Pm 'trytne ·to think what HEMP!iTlj:AD; N.Y. -Joe Ltague ,4.lJ.S(ar .teams, Mayo doubles crown u, M, 6-0 Sun· I'm Boin& la do up 111.,. and Namath wu back l"lth tbe Smith of 0$'olt and Red day in the ll0,000 Milwaukee don't want to watch because it New York Jetl today, Schoendlens1 ol SL Louis, eadl Pro Tennis tournament tulg!>t Interfere with my con-The super sl'!I' quarterback c~Ole his own , outstanding Okker, third-seeded· in the cent r 1 t I 0 0 • • sa,ld the arrived at the Jets training pitcher as the starter. tourney, upset t o·p. rated methodicil m1te from Whit· camp at Hofstra Uhlvenlty N be ru th N ~ tier after winning i h e Sunday nl~ht and said he • ewcom • epen, e 0· ' Worn' en's Weste-Amateur would work out for the first " seed from Evanston, Ill., ~.. ti thb tod DALLAS -It ·wu about , knocked o r r aeeond.aeeded GoU Champlolllhlp SUnday. me seaaon ay. Namath, •coompanlod by thls Ume last summer that Roche to reach the , singles • lawyen James w~ and Don Perkins . took personal finals. Mib Bite, went dil'Kily to his stock of himaelf at 11!< Dallas • LONG BEACH -·Rqmuald dormitory quarten and ~Id Cowboy training camp. KUm of Russia bettered an talk to no one. l "I shou1d be bi\me mowing JNDIANAl'OWS -Def..,. American record by throwing the gra~s." he said. , ding men's singles champion the hammer 240 feet 6 inches • And lbat's where the gutty Clark Graebner of New York Sunday at an AAU al l-c:oipers· fullback is right oow in Albu-was scheduled to meet VlctOr meet at Cal State Long Blach. querque, N.M. - a pro-Crotta of Italy teday in a fnt e fessional football player no ~ round match of the $25,,000 Na4 more . tional Clay Courts tennis Brazil, which clinched the American ?.one DavlJ CUR title from the hard-luck· MeXican team, tw 10 days to prepare A protest was filed Sundiy for a match with Britain and a by tb.e California Angels to the shot at the United Slates for office ol Joe Cro~'<Jje CiiV!t~ • Perkins, the fifth leading tournament at the Woodstock ground gainer in National Club in Indianapolis. Football League history with Top-seeded Arthur Ashe of 6,217 yards, has decided he Richmond, Va., will start would rather be with his fami-singles play at least a day ly instead of pliying games. lale, since be was involved in of the American League, over Brazil clinched the tiUe Sun· an incident in the sb:th inning day at Sao Paulo when of Saturday's: game with Thomas Koch and Jose Man- Oakland. brino defeated Joaquin Loyo- 'I1le articulate, IOft-spoken the d o u b I e s championship Perkins quiet1 y retlrm over match rained out Sunday at the weekend by-Dot showing the Western Tennis Touma- Sal Dando of the A's was Mayo and his last minute thrown out at third base. parlner, Luis Garcia lt-17, 6-3, Angered by the call, he Dung 6-i,. Sears GUARANTEED 42 Months Fits 90o/c 0£ All American 12-Volt.Cara BA1TERY GUARANTEE Free replacement within 90 days (lf purcb:ue if bar- tery proves de fective. Afr.er 90 days, we replace the battery, if defective, and charge you only for the period of owtiership, based oo the ngular price less uadc-in at the time of retum, prorated over number or mondu of gµ.ara.ntee. Rep).u Tnde-la Price $22.99 - Free Battery I lll!tallation 17~ No1. 4-14-31°96 Auto Air Conditioner • Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your .Money Back ' . Expert Installation Aniloblo Replll' 1169.95 Aak About Sein Con,•enient Credit Plant • F •te1' cooloel.owa ti me for "right.now' eomt'ort •High C.M.F. for greater · air circubtioa • Sleek d,.;.., lw ..te17 padded bead e Mounta andor tlnbb-.1 Sears · Shop Monday thra Saturday 9:30 A.I. te 9:SO P.11. """ aouvCE .AllD co. • ' ----------- .. ' . . . . . • ... ' . ~ .. Midway City Wins . Fin_al .. L~gjon Tilts l " ,._... • LOOSENING UP ~G · Whe~cu findyour,elfln a -p:>titfon ~~re-yoUhave to tee- HH .Me.ets Kenttedv • HunU~gton H~ri>our n!ee1s Kennedy High ~I al 6 al lhe Jail°"' dlamonc\-ln Ibo Anaheim s mme.r baseball Mond,y, July 21, 1'69 • DAil Y PILOT p I a Metro P lay • __, ---- &c Rally.Nip$ P-anthe rs , 5-3 : lci'll!'hl!1'=are:llim:==·.lt•ii...._lil!•r.o.•i.'1'-~"-·-,,..,~=0f. --~;;;;:;:1,.,..,=~-----.a.......-"~. _.....i-,._.. . ~ ...... ~~~ ... -~1'5AftblW -·...-~1rmtd onty ·srme:mra: ""'11°" ....... -..., r-: = ~~ I ~ ~-tliil Ir "" s'ii'fi"'"' In .1..-1-,__ 111 11: 114 11 . roun , !J:. ,.th1Sitiiip f.1opstnl Midway City not~·· a ~;r Qrunulns ,_ 1-1~ 8-3 Nila to La ,.1,..,, tt ' • 1 o • et er--~001nt:i-paifl"* :-~~oe..;::·~~"=;.,,.,,~~----- las~ week. A dramatic four-run rally In a triple by K1ng and D 1 ft ·If 1,;11a.1 ,.-w. Fl•lder, •• .$ 1 , , 1.1p proe ur • of victories ~turday and Sun-Rieb. Flekler blasteti a trio e1r1on, H • ·I o e Mer,ly tok• iwo of three clubs day on the final weekend of • of' 1;..,.les and a double, and ~;~·it '9:1 ! : : : tn hond ond slowly be9in 1wing .. Harbour collected a 3-2 win the last Inn Ing propelled Clark's sacrUice lly. · JUlht ~ over Magnolia .Frlday with Ward's Pirates to a come-fielder Mike Paul bluted a ~ 1 th. 1•• American 1 '"'"'171~ .. '6 er"'"'", rf • • 1 • l•g them bock o•d lorth -· take ... .._.___ KevJn M;orrow collected· two 1-11,.1y, c • o o • " " d · · season. sinal•• and 8 double as Coron s-u.11, 1& 4 , 1 1 It easy at first to bvoi s_tre1n1n9 Newpoft Harbor and'Corona.. --. 8 'lvmll'ler. ni 2 • 1 ' stiff muscles. 'Gradually uusreo1e d·' Mar ~·h '-pped two· co11n,.cluduoedn. its dlsappolnUng 1· Adaflu. " , o · o • 1 h'··• 1 ~ """ lll\I TO!•!• u J 11 ' the engt """" ttm~ a your 1ame1, wblle San Clemft Lee , Ftaher's Harb 0 r •~"' 1'"11'* -• " 11 swing until youar•stretchingyour forfel~d two contests. . Dodgen dropped a 5-Z decision ~:,._.~1: ~r =: ~n ~ 1: ~ gol r muscles: to their ful I est. Midway City, wblch finl to second-place Los Alamitos .........._ with a lM league mark, Saturday. A Sunday clash with M•Wi>O•'P KA••o. in ped Corona del Mar Saturda Anaheim Kohne was can-M•rtln, c ": ~ ~ 'J 3-21 ~nd _.(OCked R a n c h o celled. P-11, 'lb 4 1 t • P.... Su d ·2 ""-llnoff, ~b f 0 • cu.;utca on n ay,""' · Newport. now with an 8-10 U•w. u 1 ' • Against Corona, Midway record, was h~ld scoreless for ;,1~~ 4 : ~ ~ came up with a tally in the the first seven frames, but a :~:~rd • ., ~ : : : ninth to score the go-ilhead two-run rally in the top of tM v.ii...., • , o o • run. Left (ie:l~r_E<IQle_ Bane .. ;m.t.b_rw.1t •"-.Jn...reac:b_of '"•ltf, 311 ' • • o ln•'ed I '""6f r-~...,a 8Hll. ' , o o • 1 P , sto e second, and then the lead: A pair of Los setoo.ttltr, ,. t • o 1 scored on a single by Sam Alamitos tallies in the bottom Ttttia Los Al.AMIT!! ui' 7 • '' Martinel for the winning of the eighth proved too much~ "' • " 11 lcort. • ho ----·~'1 c l • 0 0 wever. Mkk. tb , 1 0 0 Midway pitcher K u r t Newport scored lb only runs Hwo1en, ss l 1 1 o Dan Moats tnpli twice. tiuntington lost -r decision from-behind M vict~· over one-Out triple In the 1et'Ofld earlier to Ke y, the Orange Pan~rs m a Me-but was left •tranded by his Jt•Ou• ni tr.o League baseball contest teammates. I"-. . "' lit " ••• Sunday at Orange Coast Col· David!on threw 8 fiir-hil~ Murphy, io.2tt 3 • ..: • legr. ~~:."":· 1b ! : ' : Trailing 3-1 ln the last frame •-ter against the Panthert, &]. s.,...._, 2b ' o o o of the seven·iMin" «ame, the though walking six. l l'lulll",I! )DOG ... ., ...._ I c 11r•111. >11 , 1 o o Pirates collected four runs on 111uT1J 111 " ~~. P : : : : a trio of hit. to take the lead. McNcirv. 2b "~ ~ G111o. c1 ' • o o-Bob Curry led off with a Kl1111, c1 > 1 ~~:~~d, 11 2! ~ ~ : ''alk"in the seventh, and Ed E~'::~. 11 311 ? : tc-'' 111111np \Vashko followed with a sing-· w 1c1unh1111. lb > o Ktn....OY 001 000 0,_: ~ ~ le. Pitcher Rick Davidson ~~~::,, ''c ; ~ Hu111, H••'°'Jr OIG ooo Q0-1 1 s kept the rally alive with a bunt w.cn110, 11 ~ : MUMTINGTON MAlllllOUJl OJ single down the first b as e o~~~.~~' " ,, ' • .... " ........ line to load the baS"S. PAHTKIJll 0) Wl\Jllleld, U ) 0 0 D '!<. A• • This routine wil l mckeyour Sllubln, 11 '· • 1 1 AfterCurryscoredonawild Reter,. 11 2 1 h Ir h h Most• c 1 1 ' 0 "itch and Dan McNealy struck 0 11°"" " 1 • "':"•drlver '"fl\ muc: g ter' on SY,.,on,, 11 • D o o " Mwn. ~ t 1 I wh I t tha· ~ 1b 1 • 1 ' out, Steve King cleaned the H•rwlef, c J • norma en you' ep on .o c11 ... 111, lb 1 o o n b 1 bl s '"''~ 1b 1 • . first tee. You r muic:les wdJ bs 0t111. ct ? o ' ' ases with a b QOP dou e. ,:ea1W:1c11 cl 2 ' • " I • ' • • I • • • • ' • • • I • ' '· ' • H " • • • • ' • • • ' • ' ' ' ' • • I I p Dedrick limited ' Corona bat· w h e n BUI Powell doubled, ~!.~, 1~ ! _ ~ ~ ; -----~lltJUi.w_single.A., CdM Bob Leavy.;w;as bit b~Ju._(r " 1 t i hUrrer Dave Barton gave up and Steve King singled to =m~. 1'rr ; ~ ~ : • O tw.t ~1'\. ..._ ~ loose ond flexible, ready to _gi11• \ =~·r, rlrl ! : g . ! King add vthanced oriredan lnfliehld !~'C;;,.;1~.' rf ~ : , rb I • ht f t.h Mldllln, 1t1 __J__.o o .o out an en sco e Dlln!U~W" 1 1 1 ·-youyou est-fW "9 rig '°"' ti-l-ci.11c, i:i I l 0 0 fOi.ii'f.li t.allY rrrl.H7 1Min{' on-Rom.ii, , l d • I I .. y just three hib in the last five drive in Powell and send Lea· c-r. rt ~ o 1 1 . ··-b I I rt•·--hi I AA ll:oor, p • 0 • 0 inn .. '6"'• u woo 11UDC came vy to t rd. ue«Vy scored ou1"'", 11 3 0 1 1 back·l<>-back in the ninth. Newport's final run on a wUd witt, • ,•, o o o· Dedrick also sparked pitch. T91• 1 • sc-'? '""'"" s ' s ·Midway's victory over Rancho Fountain Valley, Newport Nn"l'0/1 ~'11ot" 000 000 ra:_,w, ~ Pacifica, driving in a run in Harbor , and Midway City all Lo. AltmltOI 011 oot ll2ll-4 ' • , the e.lghth with a single, and have been entered in the then unloading a two-run Anaheim Amerjcan Legion homer in the ninth. tollI'Qament at La Palma Midway a~ hurler Eddie Park. Bane racked up 14 strikeouts The three squads are among against Rancho, while giving AO teams competing, with the up feven .1afeties. WIMer .earning a trip to El!ven Corona del Mar hits Hawaii. for the n at Ion a 1 · went fOr naught as the Harbor playoffs. Los Alamitos · COll:OHA DIL MAit UJ Al ltMll Sn'l'd..-, ni l'i.ldtf ... f<NlmM, :It ''"'°"· ll>-1> ... 1 ....... .-cf Crl-n, If l'hn11Y. c: E~. rl .s.in. et·rf s... ...... 1s. lb Tot.I• l 0 0 0 l 0 l 0 • I I 0 I O O 1 • t , 0 • 0 l , • 0 0 0 , 0 o. 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 XI t J 2 MIDWAY CITY (lJ ll:utMt!, »i Mcc.trt1111r, d . C~ln1, 11 Dnlridt. " J111.-:r. c l•nt. " "''" " Al It H II J 0 0 0 J 1 0 0 l 0 0 0 • 0 l 0 l 0· 2 0 a 1 • 1 o ' • l 0 ·---~~ ........ ~,. 1 0 l 0 .... ""-~-1• Plollt. rt Tott It ,, s ., 1 s~ w 111111111 ••• c.,._ •1 Mtr 010 001 ~2 s o Mlctw.v City 100 0\0 001 4 1 t MIDWAY CITY !U .. . • " 911 .. IT\,•ACI:. l» v•r<h. M.loen 2 v-tr ollh. O.fmlnt. PurM 11100. C1Pln'llnt Pl'k• SJOea. P•-Jl-1 (5'ndMI) ~(Pffe) Mi. Cl,.,..O, {! W~l .......... 11Cl11o9 (Wrf ... tJ Miu MK kfl fll: S.1'1111) Sock'""""" (H1r1) "' ,. "' "' "' 'M '" '" "' "' "' '" JI UUf!I, 3b J 1 w. Mee.rt...,.. cl J 1 P, McC.rtney. 11>-lf I 1 Dtllf'ICI<, 2tl • l Cltnde<!fllM, J~ 5 0 J111nskl, c • 0 Oodd, If 1 l Plott, rf 1 0 T'°"~' rl I 1 ~ML111 1 0 81ne.11 30 Tohl!1 36 ' RANCHO f'ACl,.ICA Ill ' • ' • ' • ' ' ' • ' ' • • ' • ' ' • • ' • " ' S11,..1oo ar.cs CC•rdoAI -"~ "' "' >M "' "' "' "' "' >M .. . • • . ' • ., Tri.le hr Tom f.\dtlr) Toledo's Ptlleo (Wlotlturv) • Abe lll111Mt INdtfll (hu (Stnn/U) •111v hf Sll•r n W111«11 lttililon C"'-hU!lll-• trmln' Al'Hllt fWllMlnl IM Sl:C~D JIA(I:. l» y1td1. 1 veit r oldl tf'ld u' I" G...a A Mt!IUJ. P11rllt ,,,, .. lrlall kl (2 l!Dl'llml "' "' '" '" •IOHfM llACI. •«i 'l'lr•b. ) .YMr old• Ind Ill> 11'1 Gr•~ M P1U1, PWl'M nJDO. Tl'le APOiio 11 A1tr-llft, Ml11 Jotlto Go (Drlt'i..-l • • • • • • ' ' ' . ' . ' . " ' 1(-"' 11111!n11 ' ' • ' • • • I • ' ••• MldWI, City 020 000 01)-t JJ 1 • ' • ' • • •• • • • ' Tl'VCl<;le "°" {SlrtllU) Dltklv'• lull hr (11:1~.-di) WW OI\ '"""""' 1"-l MofM ... Y GvflJY {H•r1) "' '" "' "' "' '" "' "' "' "' Gstoby°S llov CJl~rdO Soll!I Jloek" '(lf Crosb~) Tr11!'t'1 kit fl..1™1!1) 111 Jltl'dle P1cif~ 000 DOI 001-2 7 3 11•··----------·1 . "'I' "' "' '" O.ndy h r ltOM I• h ... ) Mtdt.-r• Trwtole $~ T-(PaM) Aff\1 It-I (Wrilll!I) ~ V1lor IC.r'dClllJ ...... •ll•lblf' Ml'1 TOD ,_ n Ll!>Mm) MWJ l h'ltldloy (1Ynl1) .. .,.,., 0.•l'!ilt' (0 9ri1J Hobltr ~It llrinlltsvJ '" "' '" "' '(Mtao JlACli • .ioo .,..,ci,. 1 w•• oldt bred lft Ctllf. Cltlmlnt . Put .. 1"3Cll. c111ml111 'rltl n!OO. 'M "' '" "' "' '" "" "' ChllbeKO {WtlM1'11 lovl119 'ffN (Adfilr) Mllll CN'91r (l..lllllt""l Mr. Ml CK Crc.llY) T"""'I T°"*°"' (C.rdcul N1"Y Nole CJlictl1rdU Lll'll J>l'Wtr {Mtltsvd1\ C.lltor!oll $1nds lMorrl1) l'OUflfM ltAC• • .UO Ytrds. ' n:1r olds ~ ""'· Clelmlnt, PurM 1190C· C1.0mln1 1>!'1CI 11600. 'M "' '" "' '" ••• I..• Plat. JPt (Srlnklevl °" T,_ aMf'! (II: l•~k'l Sllffd A Lee fCM'doll) Bll!Y ~l't (Morrlt) 111.a £1111 11r !lll•hl""J BtldV Jlocklf !MtT'l W1r f?olC Too {H Cro1llvl "' l'll'fH •Ac!. 5'lt v1rc11. 3 ,,..,, old• Ind ut .... llow•M'1. P11r5'! S160CI. T~t N•ll Anns!rOflll. DttullM 101 IH C•MbY) L~ 011'1 G!t1 !Smit~) • C•ldl o.dl flhlll111111 Doti K1&r (Herl) Mons Diii (S~•tl Vlefo P\lltllo (WTJ..o,,l O•bbV'• llPl:Jrl (C1lllor1l Wiiiow aeci1111t (Mcll~klil ". "' "' '" '" '" '" "' SIXTH Jl ACS. UI Yl1'111. t YtlT eldlo incl 1tP 11'1 Gr1~ AA M!11111. llur .. J:l100. TIM Ml<t\4tl Col\1t11. ldlt Ol ... t !M (flltbY} 111 Wl'llT~ llrlllll (1 Br1n-lerl 116 Cl'll~ Foffll!"M lllllll•m) 1n Aiorll 0t1! (QrdOl•l 116 ~ lhapmt {DrrfPr) 11• Dolldru"9 (ll:ldlllf\11) 1\7 Sw!"' Min (Sl•IUll) ,,, Llttle M1s1 Wtlll'I {I Wilson) 1\l Go Al Go f$m!tt1J Donb I• GflOCI (Mo!'rlt} fUHfM llACI , «ID .,..f\11. , 'A4f ol<h WICI !JP Ill G•-4• A PllJS. Plll'M ...... E111 ll'ICll1t1 (l~ml Dolltll• JlMllftf (Jl ••nkt) Po Welcil fS111ttll) 11.ov•I JG'ls"''· ("'nclW•) 1"~~1-Af,.lr rSt,.uu) JtY ll:PiPll ($1-) 811 Gr•MlddY 1a lll'I') Jett'n!OT (1 C.tdou) CellfMflltl "'*' ca1¢11.1rdO 11.loflld M1rl1 fAdtlr) AM •"•"II Taro-Todd {M•rll F~lldtv (Srnl'h) Walc:fl ~ Tnivel {0 ••'lilt) HIP HUl!Hr (2 C•,d<ln) "' "' "' lU• "' '" •• "' "' "' "' >M '" "' Fish Report MEWl'OJIT IOl,,..,'I ltcMJI -Jn • ...,1en: 110 bolllto, 704 beu, !lt rocll eod, ' blr•l<\llW, 7 IMlllWI, IArt'I l..•llMllnt l -ft antll,., 2t &•r•1cuo., m bor>flll. 1:n 111s .. 2 h•l1tiu1. SIAL IBACH-lQ IMlert: 11 blr- •.il~UN, t• bOnl!o, 4111 .. nd bpu, 11 ~ollbv!. One 81r". 1U -1«1: tS ll.lrr1clld1. 49 lrorlllo, )Cl Mnd blu, 20 mKktr•l. OCIANSIOl-1Aa 1ntl1<t: 58' ~r­ r1cud•, 191 W.1&, 1.011 toont"!t __ , ~t· k>wttll, 111 roclr. cod, 11 li.l1DVI. IAN Dl•GO <"· L""•·M&M-l'ld11r• ,..,,.,, l1101llnt l-ftl 1111ler1! '411 111>1- c°"'' 1 I ytllOWl•H, l n!lowfln f\IM, I blultln !Un•, I l'l'lllrlln. LONG llACM (P~I ltllfllltl -J.11 •t1tltr1: 11 bll•r•dJCI•• no t1pu, 116 &nnllo, 1 '11111/ta -btw, l nriow. 1•11· M rock tod, 10 ,..llblsl. ,,...,_, P!ff)-UO tnt\ef'I: 11• btin. • ~ nlto, 1' rodl CD(!, s Mrr1t\ICM. o... 111..,t. 11 -le•o: l6t bonito, 21 bnl, 107 m.<~trll, (P'IClllc SPWtfl1ftl11t)- J7' ..... 11r1: 11 n11owt111, 1' 1-rr .. C\1611, 2 ~•119..11, t .. UI ctllcot be-. .fN bol'lllO, n n!Ck cod. ~ 8AFECQ INSURANCE fo.r speCial GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on you r Fomily Auto Insurance Bob Paley and Anocl1t11 INSURANCE • 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA ,642-6500 • All-MSSENGERS ON AIR WEST'S NEW SUPER ~-GU-MORE LEGROOM 1'HAN ON ANY OIHR AIRUNE IN THE UNll ED STATES. We call these new planes "Space-ships". So call your 'travel Agent or Air West-the extra space won't cost you extra. • 1to rt • ) Toti Ii scor• by 1n:i~,. 1 5 1 another wild pitch. Totat• S(tf'• b' 1 ... V .. ' • 1-tun r. Htrtoeur GOD Olll 1~· ~ ~ The Pirates scored their on-Plr1!u 100 GllO '-!. ~ ~ Mjogr.o111 ooo \oi·o--t ~ 2 ly other run In the first on P•""''" 110 001 .,._, • o TUBELESS All SIZES ONE1PRICE! SAVE-UP-m 137 PER SEJ-. ~ ·ON 4·PLY NYLON CORD TIRES • __BFG's biggest:selling 4-ply tir_e! SIZES OFFERED"' • BFG Custom Long Milers! 7.35-IC lSS-14 • "Big Edge" long mileage fread! .-Easy-terms with 3FG "Choice-Charge" 7.75-14 6.8S-15 125-15 1.25-14 7.35-15 1.55,15 ••!-k\11!1, .,., 1..:111'11 ~ t.o•" Jl.01 11 u.u I* llr9 witll bid.JOI, Whitewalls 13 more per tire. 3·1N·ONE SPECIAL! Inclucie1: FRONT WHEEL BALANCING FRONT END ALIGNMENT BRAKE INSPECTION· & ADJUSTMENT TORSION IA.I ADJUSTM INT' PA.It.TS UTU. 95 MOST AMllUCAN ••• FORllON CARS BRAKE RELINE 40,000 MILE GUARAN TEE e EXPERT WORKMANSHIP e QUALITY REPLACEMENT PARTS SPECIAL LOW PRICES Gua..-an'tee . COSTA MESA JONES TIRE SERVICE 2049 HARBOR BLVD. !At Bay) PHONE 540-4343 or 646-442 1 DAILY 8 am • 6 pm • . ' 5 TIRE - ROTATION I ' •• j ...... ... ......... ·~· .. . . ' ..... , . . . . ' __ --~-. J•lf 21, 196' .-.;;:!1~!-f'l.=J:.'fi,J:.:,.:!-i:::.r=.E--H OUSEs'l'OR SALi\ HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE RENTALS RENTALS " HouMI Furnished H..,... Furnlshod l~~!!!_ ___ ....,!1~000~ o.,>oral · 1000 Genorol 1000 General IOOllGonaral 1000 Huntington Beach 1400Hunlit19lon Bffch 1400 -.••• .._,;__I ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ii;i 1 '.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;!iiiiiiiliiiiiiiii;;;;;iii;i;iiii;~j lffwport 8e1<h '2200Newpott ·~ .2200 ~.n·Clci~()vt= 2,lSO Square Ffft !I --• ,. -. . . , ~6-H =--~ 11!°!°:'..!;~;~i! 0=f!J~:":: ·.,NEY,/· MOME 'MOP:•R.N LIVING lBR. 1 ~~~~e~.Y.E~~l.: ......... $150 / 1 ~~~,:::J... "W·,d«•. '"'•hit"' •Mw ORANGE COUNTY'S • QLD 1· NtlpER' EST New b.0111U,"rea<ly tomov in;~ mne from 1wen., 1 Jlath, ·fil"eplaA ; unfurn ........... $200 'plus 10....w dl•l"f! ,...., ~t':iii\.t~c;;:.:lbo~,~ . , 1· · beach .. Fllrst payment up lo '64days altar 2BR.,)S.th,un!urp ••• : ••••.•. , ... · ..... , ... '200 I.All eJ6ctric bulJ1.1n, P~• ·~· fW.Y ROOM LARGEST ·-> . -. . moveln. 4,J1R.,1~11alb,un!l'fJl •• Costa.Mesa ........ ,f20l) dllhwubor are bldudod n wrrn-rnu:Pt.AC!:-a-n d • --4,Bt"'bedl'ooms,, l btllll, y<alV"all·c~etlJ!g, 'forms VA/EHA.:l'rom S2:t.9CIO. _ 4'.BR.;'2-lltltbs, unl(ttn .• .-..... -· .......... $2'15 till$ bright coO•"> kl h. ,.....,.o..!ll!L."'°l! OUEST 293 E. 171h St. ~· rpmpletely, btiilt • .Jn ., kitch,n, "compJ.<ll~ly ~mr-41 h 2 BR., I Bath, furn1, Channel front .......... $300 ~;:::=t,,:J1'00!!.':PJll!'ll!11t-...~ ·™.''!ijle•~~~ _ _.._----~:~;:.-1!!l\!!')e>t•.,..*"ll!!!!,.··:ld."" .. ~ ----'=--e--K--· .~ .. "~~i .. r,~-.c,,...,................... ;i==r= .heavy shake root· l car l?f'· kk!al mothet'<ln4aw qW1irler$. \ C tom Bun. · 'more. IJnriieaiate possession; · . ·, ·. . -Wv B~ ths, en turn .. :-'.'"':: ...•....•..... ·if;;J~late possession. ·TE~~-~ara&oo•u1·d1Wobepa1d0,.,. US I& .~· Vert,~ t,.ow Dowta,P•,•.·~.fT-L. ow,':fnttfest (on Bf llhurst I miS. South' of Ad•ms) SUMME1t ~WEEKLY ..-·~ ~·~ ' . . , -962 • 1353 All.1lu1 l,locallons, frooin ................... $100 ', ~'::.\:,"~~ . .:':,~= ~ewport H#fS . FULL ~l~l \S~f;950 . BURR'..._Y/HITE, Realtor avail•!"' -C.W. '!po:<Yp, . R~.1.UCed ,fJ,m.•g . For further information call Genaril 1000 Costa Ma,. 1100 2901 NowpOrl Blvd., NB · '7M630 ' ., l~ "For A \Vise Buy·~ !.~~ ' Colesworlhy & Co• .. CLOSE-TO TQWN , 4 dandy bedmoms in this de. lightfully redeeoraled remo- deled hom(f. 2 baths. ne~ klt<;hen v.•ith Built.ins • SplC and·,Span on 'largr Jot w(lb ' alle 11trance. Just ;26, . M. 'LA BORDE tllll ~ u.~ u '< .·Ar~'.i A·1· .~· ·1. ' -''.'ONE TOO MANY 5%% .CASH TALKS. ()Mier EVENINGS>· 641-2253 or 6n.o&S9 ' f Q ' Ir Sal ~ Owher has ~ Jlorfl~s. This transferred • long gone-r"'"" I • Of IUCR 8 · ... redu""'., $%1;500! a I m°' t l mm, d 1 a le HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES ~OR SALi C · & w~ · ·:A' ~ ;. . J Bdnns .• 2 s.1th$ possession. AMume $16,200 N · h · 1355 ' ., , ~ceptklnal 2300 aq, n: • 4 ·\ •···•• bFdroom , ho;ttie' in Oie ex- Q E.17$ '4"'"' . clusi~ NCWJ?Ort H e I g h ts ,, :. -"-~ -al"ea. Professionally cared · Even111gs \;8'n 67Hll6 tor yanl1, both tront and $148.-00i-'P•t MOnth! rear. Rear ace:eu to garage fncludes ""FHA loan at 6%, plus storage for boat or taxes and Wun.nee. Anyone trailer. Majegtic: double front ~ (Jualtty to buy this sharp doors 'indicilte the elegance 3'kfngsiU bedrOOms, 2-balh-ot UVt 2 story home, many home. 14 X 24 covered patio qualttie:s too numerous to leads to hll8t euclosed y1l,td mention. Priced subst&ntially '111~ tu.Sh ;reene~. Double beJow markel at ;45,950. Too Garage _with laundry area. gooil:Jo miss. Cu bu.ii.f:•-ins. submit your do~. ·~fment on $22,SOO L. . 8"' s\.U.: B"Y' loan. $151/mo lncludinl! •wport H1l9 h .J?IO B•lboa Island Oaf;(} ' ~ a!ce . Hal. Pinchln. & AHO<. !axe .. ..,.,,..'""'· 3 BR 2 ESTATE SALE • • ~· · • · 3900 E. eou~Hwy. · 6i;..t39' ba<h home.go"'°"' con. ST. ANDREWS RP. I , •'-I dillon inside & out Priced Spaclowi-3 bllrm & family l., """"'· eM · '-! -$20:2i>o-FUf1-Prke FOREST' E. . $22,.SOD _,4 BE'.DRMI for quick sale at 26,950. nn. Stone frJilc. HW floors July 25, l969, 9.30 t'm. • u. FRA Loan at 5''6 % with ~ o L s o N Excellent location near ma· CALL 54>8424 South Coe.st Cpts & drapes Clean &: nic\pal Court·A, 200 N. _Garo ta1 payuJents oI $123 PJ!T.I. jor 'shopj)i11.r &: all ,eh~ls. Real Estate sh&ri>. Desirabl~ 11ocation. 1icld, Pasa<lena. 2 l.lhlts; 3 ·f ' ·~ ,~ /B Bdrm h!e{ Bacf\elor apt. Real sharp doll houte with 2 bath.a, Living room wilh BY OWNER; Easts e CM. 3 ~.000. Owner kt .. ~m help Min. bid $4.!l,32S cash. (213) 3. quoon size bedroOms. fireplace. Fam I l y room. Bdrm, bltn kitchen, natural linanoe. 646-ttl4 799-6506 Cofl~ pullm1u1 bath. Any. Inc., Re-allors Built-in kitchen. 1540-1720 birch ca~iriet.s. 66xl26' "Jo( 1;·=:;,:;;;·===""":'~'.I one qualifies. Huge 25X100 • TARBELL 2955 Herbor w/ alley access tor boat or Dover .Shores 1227 .Huntington a...ch 1 Jotwitbdoubteganige.Home FANTASTIC BU,Y' trailer. 6%% 1oan can be---·~----:.:;::;;.::;?::;:.:..::::::.:::...:..;.;:.;1 :.;,:';1'::,!::,~cuum .. sub. $19.700-$0 DOWN LEASE ""umro. l2Uill~18 ·* UNIQUE~Y ¥.w'll rarely lind a be.tgain . ~ Mea de1 Mir 1105 Diqerent ''Old Wo~ld'' D?n: WE SEL1. A HOME ~ th.is! Custom Wilt!. 3 4 BR 2 baths, heated filtered temporary, Executive 1UXUI'1 Owner Transhrred 3 Huge Bedrooms. 2 Juxur· ious till. Eniire home Is bea ully decorated. Drap-, EYE RY 11 MIH)!T_ES4..bo"'!'-W;c.Jlra!IY-J""8."-1-1'9<>l....mo!lfs. ·.ck Ba'x qui. ;d1j-1!!l4 BEST Bu -Low Jn t ere! t. home. Unohstruct~ Bay & E WE 'SELL A H9ME y ay w· lk & L ed,,.., dnwnlown ......... IJ857' ..... ' •• POOL EST AT ' EVERY 31 MINUTES . . a er ee walk io ochools. No down tor DAVIDSON ·Realty BR + lam. rm. Sholtered 5.000 "'·It 4 BR, 4\0 BA+ Imagine' a 20 x 30 livHjg -• A 5,l / -G,L'! ($900'-for non vrl!) 54&-?ffiO ~· ~·; 5454941 patio It waterfaU fish pond .maids qtn:, Ideal fi>r enter· pets. Electric built in kitch- en is spotless. Bloe:k wall completely. Seller aaya sell GI No Money Down or low down FHA. Low price "f'uh- ion Shore home at $25,50J. Near Huntington c.enter. room. 3 baths -+--clecttic wa·· Iker & ··ee .. ssume-h~o 7682 Edinger and no 2nd loans .' Better ;29.500. By <n•ncr. Prin. talnlng. Easy maint, ln'lO)ed. kitchen. Lot 125'x30Q', zoned ' .-&; · • 8.J24.455 or Sf0.51"l be fast~ call•afS.OOOi · cl pals only. Open J-touse 1()..5 occupancy. Fu r n l B be d. fur ho•-ses 5 car ''"'" 7s!;r'Edihger FHA .At $178.00 .Mo· • Open <VOS. 6. 45.()303· S:A:ClURCE doily. '42·1149 "78,000. Good !coo, Box•l&.12 With large Pav«! w'Ork arc~. &J2...f455 or 541).SlllO BicytttSt ~· bcinn 3fi: bath f .;~==;;====.f N.B. M8-7249 f C.Omplct.ely fenced $79,500 _,Ope~ .EVcs.. To· lal -22'9 Harbor mvd.; ·C.M. home. Owner ,moving East. C'oll9Q• Perk 111sl===:s::===== • Owner "'m finance. Don't mlaS thii one! lSx3l-Fncd Htd POOL University Park 12)7 "BEytlTCH.ING" ;. ·,~ Sl!ANISH Don't · wo.,; about qua!' COMMERCIAL BLDG, Ar~old & Freud 5V4'!. 1st By Owner J.UST LISTED WE SELL A HOME EVERY. 31 MINUTES Beautiful 1andsca~u1g enha~ ·, '" ., ryi .... , )'QI.I doli')' have to -'U.t '""&. Z BR HOME" -.· • 388 E. 17th St., CM• 3 Bdrm 2 Bath -Crptd. Take your pick; 2 _eXct~tion- ·es a covered patio and beat· 0 5 d 1 5 tah'i · t 5.,~ 'I:"""' The stulgglest shag car-Realtors 64~7755 ;28,900/$4,000 dn. Please call ally clean S Br. beauties. td pool ?f this 3 BIR, d@ lp 836 ef1$ l~n aDy I • bedm!:,e; b.th.,.:~e~ ~ll~ ~t in town is in this 3 . ---· 1st Ev@s or wknda. 5@.9578 Each in "move .right: In" 7682 Edinger Walker & Lee , and fannly room home, I~_ .' in tago , r ve 'fif kitche Cb red· . BR Ml$& Verde home. 50xUO' comer·•Jot ·:~Xt ~to You·.Redecorat~K?_ cond., on greenbelt. nrpxil.1. "S.J2..4455 or 541).51((1 cated on a quiet cul-de-sac. ExA:ltihg 4· bdmf 3~ bath Thin• n. r&,y. ' pa:_uo. Charming decor, many DCP.t. or ~tgr ·v~!ilcles. Good 4 + fam rm on corner, !'ewport-Beach 1200 "Many refinements. Priced ~n EVes. -~~of closet space ~od W~b~!-fiOme-'tn Do~t the i!,~veoy:J.-~u:· "-"features & close to the $390 po('l income. Reduced Mesa .de! l>taf. ~ds paint EXCLUSIVE lo~$30R'eds. Hiii R I Some·,:fh.lngs Wrong ;000 sq. It. of quality. )it~!· UnKJUe all'ium with rnnta Mesa area call ~..A •• : golf course at 3210 Iowa. ·$1;«.000. · . & •nwn --v·"·n. T·"· a . w ea ty Widow own.. this lovely 3 BR JlS,SiX}. ~e~~,·~e r:-& adj~d nt.....,,. . ' ..........,. $26,950.. r ... _. $38 000 ..... 1ook • m~; ~otter :'bu.y •. -A·QrulUL2TBdtlV-IN,Gbalh ~ O!lver ID:, Irwine 2 bath ~;e with existi1l&: or 1 oru; · ou oor r i a ba!'Bain! Lls"".;,,ft ....... J"'l,. ,. ea~li . . rm OPEN 9 AM.a PM 833~0 ~%.GI loan. Sbe is 2 mon- entet1ainint· al 1ts. best. -.---:---~ Wtsf.c!Tlf Villa. Custom • ths behird in p&yments _ \iz' THE REAU , . E§'fATJ;:~ Se~ra'te> 21' x zr JUmpus -i Ca. refree ·546·S880 thraoat, Includes m¥1Y. eX· Coron.. def M•r t2SO ' uld like $26 500-will CO?\. roon1. LUxhrioU!ilj carpeted, fneircinelnltheat~) rras sus:h as washer, dryer; -W!J U' H · $lS. ~t~-!--M~~. ~~~=~~. ·--tiJitm·-.... ---&:. ,.~,.OPEN''"1):AltY" otLEG~,,N.~:!~ .. ~~~~ti~ ,--.. ~-'i-Jl£W. --· · a1d~~~n~ SP.A.NISH H 1 ACIENDA Owac1,.leaving are~. Qlme . 'fl -.,41 SIERKS CM '". Monthly fee includes all ex· _ pets,_drapes, · · e ASSUMES V4 VA LOAN see -make oUer . .-1 Brand new 2 bedrooni 2 balh 1 ~" ,.. • . 3 * * * *--*-terJor maintenance, taxes, 3 bedrooms, convertible den, tondtlie., .. ~~ch. Y,ou ~ J~c-or ·on1 $22500 tal~~--thaJt Roy J Ward Co ' ' mm"""18 possemon, ·· 1 insurancefgas, woter. and f.amilyroomandformaldin· la ·~~eroo ,pauo,e Y • . ,a fn . , " .-Monticello townhouse. This is. large b4nm 2 baths, built· Govemment Loan security service. $44,800 ing room with a 180 Degree ti:ic bu11t-1n range l oven It. rent payment of ; ~ (Baycrest OW~ the de&irable one story model ins FA he.at . dining area+ RESAl:E view of ocean and jetty. AIJ d1shwa~r. month. "Go Id ~;:~Ilion d 1430 Ga.laxy 646-1550 ir~ the adult section. bri~k flrepiace in living ~oon..3 BRcplta.% /~~s.~ 1L . nED l'lllllm:r" this PLUS a gorgeous large ~,.,.~· """""""'!!II ~I~ar~I~ush ca~l!I ~ultnd!ul cfol~~~.;-recreO la· room. Dbl garage. Large double g a r a I e, beautiful 4 • & family'!-'AS!iome 6~t n=:, LHlll'"U pool in a protected cow-i-!i:l.mm-1: ' mm . .,,,. · tilul s COWGE ...,n a · poo ~1 n:s. n Y fenced yard 7 years new ~ qf:'lloan of $21,500, $182.62 R E A L T Y xaro • for the family that -rT!rimTr throUghoul~. Beau : ~,an· PARK 1% Yean old, try -$21,500 full ~Good'"fin. -Price-slasbtd! , &:need ya,id._$2;4,SOO~ tteve~ full dn 202· w· Balboa Blvd NB d ish style fireplace 1n s ep. ,...;,_, "'"n N 1 Bl d ~, * ZONED for BUS~ 1 ', ' · a , " · · esetves the best. down living room• FORMAL -.~..--"--""" e~r v ., ....., BR C{)tlage w/gar tf(.500. . · ;52$0.. Exceptional Call Anytime 67>&000 * $17,500 * WALK TO BEACH DINtNG ROOM' j Three or Located atf.D;i9,<?olleg_£ Drive Rltr. 64&3!Z8 Eve. 644·~ home for all"value-conscious 673-8550 · · Vacant & ready to move in. l h -NEAR SHOPPING ~ bU)'ers.' Vets or _non.vets. BEACH BARGAINS Assume GI loan. Only $201 !our ~~!"..5_.a:! !nluxqui:t 3 BR * 1~e famil/room A Tbousa' nd ac e'·n·m· yer WIUs·McCardle, Rjtrs. CALL 540-llSI Heritage Real 2-Sty, -A-Frame 3 Br. 2 ha. mo . int:: taxes. Gorgeous IOUS ..,.uu.. ~ TH1f & hugt family kiltben with 1810 Newport Blvd., C:Ml. Estate. -1, ~ Mod. Fast· sale, $26,500 (or rustle gold and white gar- cul de sac strttt NEAR · bu.iJf.lns ~·usf<! brick fire-548-7'729 anytiine ,_ -¥-.... -, '.w ¥ ¥ lease), -" den kitchen, eXquisite car- BEACH" Seller ,.....,,.,..,. p I a c.. & HAR!)W(l()O M1'les of Ocean . .... ........................ ,,I PALM !".5PRINGS .......... m drapes, hard· " anilous! How about S3.SOO n.ooas. ~-* * * * * Furn. 3 BR. 2 ba. Steps to wood lloors and shake root. 00wnwE' "'sei.'t'~~'(,~E''' $27,500 ' Barrelf Really A!Blacl<atSoulh·CoutRcal Eot. Liq. oce••.125.ooo. TRULY A MANSION Quiok "'°""· (V l dow YieW Estate ls looking for entbus-3 • 3 BR Homes, 23 unit apt CAYWOOD REAL TY Colonial 2-sty., steps to beach. LOW, LOW DOWN EVERY 31 Ml~UTES __ ~s ~ . n pymnt.)-~ ta!tlc-A.'iSOclates to be &filU•. bldg -yrly ~~· ~?Jlon.Sea 6306 W. Coast l-lwy., N.B. 4000 Sq. Ft, 4 BR. + ftur-JtURRY ON Tf-IlS ONE! Walker & Le NewROrt Meticulous European f~uy present5 ~-ated with a pro1esaional ;::;;nc:. 1~tJ·a~ (';;~1J • 548-1290 • sery. 4'Ai Ba, 4 frplcs, Batf. MUTUAL REAL TY ff i,s.~ijlng their tour year ola BAYCRESTt: Real Estatfo oUice. oYer-838-3944 or f71.4) 3~8. WESTCLIFF minton ct. Xtra lg. lot in 842·1418 •nytime Z1790 Harbor Blvd. at Adami. .• 4 bedrOOm view· home. lt'1 Seller transfernd & of whelming Bonua Plan. Call BY OWNER. best Joe. ;119.000. Real Estate Salesmen 545-9491 ' ; Vict~i• lp0t1ess and wltb a •k'w of commuting. Arudous !ind 568424 South Coast Real SUNSHINE HftUf 3 bdr hoine_ on quiet street. D.eLancy Real Estate NMded O~'' , ,,., 9 p•! ' ·• .,....;,11 ttie· Pacific Coast """' won't a new owner for this light-Estate. WI $45 000 Ow··r " Ill ii............ 2828 E c.oast H""' CdM .,-" ...._ JV"' ful 3 I w 11 ·~ ""'" ..A. + ""'" ..i.. ' · '"" .,.• .......... ~. · ~J. Best commission .l bonus. 4 .o'nytl..:....'-' -, Thel'('! .@!._another .-..::::.-~~ .~~n ... ;... s......,..~e/. -.....t:'.--.~t;L~. ·NEW:-blt.ins;-·garhQ"e dis-_,5.JS-1698,..615-.2510.. ..i13:3.IIO -,....,nfldential--int.!rview. -f>rl.-- HAMPSHIRE CIRCLE ' ,.,,.., one in the area like-it at "'"ulCe ll,ll:a....,n. u1ay ilellb<: ._..... ---... v l ::;r;~!=illllll:llCll:=:JS36,500, see it now. option, Make otter. . OCEANFR'ONT posal, dlsbwasher, water * BY OWN.ER 1t,' LOVELY vate deak,phone + Secty. heater,_ \Vater ~tener, 3 DelighUul Oceanfront Home Broadmoor l~omc -$58,7$0 BRASHEAR REAL TY .::, -r·· · nti--"16m -WcstclWlll;NB&ll-S2J)O 3 BR home-on. excellent BR.4 ba. $21.950. on R-4 lot. 3 Btinn. Utility Less than a yr. old. Beaut. 847-8531 Eves. 968-1178 ' ESA VERut. De"ach: $54;950. ~ -Rat:Mf Realty.-'4.S-2340 rm, ·sewing rm, cabana Ir. 4 Br .. fam. m1., ~in. rm:: HANDYMAN'S Spacious Spanish Home On large, oomer lot In exclusive Baycrest ·I Bedrooms, 3 Baths Large _famil,y_JWm \Vi_th _ brick fireplace, opens onto yard pool Mirrored m'ilSter bedroom "'ith separalc dressing roon\ $97,500 Call Johfl Abell Res. 673-7365- john. maenab LINDA ISLE BAYFROB'f . · Most desir•!'J;, vi~1__ Q(,~a­ rlna .~ boating flli(tlv)\ies . Protected !J'Qm_, ~-~~c;1v, beautifully det'Oraled' 4 'tied- room &: family room home. Fincsl wallpapers & carpel· iflt, including kih':hen & bteakfast roon1. Sclf.clean- il)g ovens. Built-in vacuum. <1utside lighting. ;135,000. cau for app't. ' (7141 642:8235. 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 , -~Newport Be~-!ach!-!!-!-!~ 1 or Lease.· This 1ovcly custom home hns ' · 2200 !Kl fl, 4 large bedrooms, 2~ baths, 2 covirt'd patio£ & large pool sized yard. Corona del Afar J Dgh School. lmmedtale occupancy. New- port Beach. $52.500. · ; JEAN SMITH Realtor ,., _ ... ,. ,. -.s~·. -' lriter .. t Contc:lous? .-·-·--Baer Bay George _Willi•mson .. _r S.·BR/·~ATH . patio. s~ c:a rpe.tlng 2'i' ~th1 "'2 trpli=s._fl.~\Ql SPECIAL : .. l ·ACESEJT. ER · . . $21 500 REALTOR · I · " ., . w/ him.. !d<at Joe near oceuinro. P.ro!. lnd•:ioc, ' -I . 6734350 Eves.'6'7t1$4 M'urt 'Re to a. , late~ schls. $61.000. 673-6990 Cheshire Reel Estate 4 Income u~t!, ~ ydkss, t~ \, • ' Executive Home -'"'"'"'!!1!!!!"~!1!1!!!'!!'""'""'1 -~Q.E home In Ver)' denr· OWNER1S NEW 4 or 5-BR. 675-:QOl -639-:.412 ·beach. Patios, _cc:~ w -I.AeaJl!d tlse to Coun-POOL TIME able area. . , ocean view. Nds. paint, etc. ltJ:.Cl~b·-~-e bdrrus, A 1bea°ft:tiful ·3 •bedroom home NEW CARPET H 3 B d' ta HA Fi FOAL REAL TV H~bqr Vic~ Home, 3 ba 1' - . Should gross $9.00J aMuaJ. ~red pa1'0-& I Us h .. .;th .,., and •-,.. baths. , a uge r, +in nn~ .. EOOm -rm, ''Homes to Maleh Incomes" h\ rm, d~n rm, faro rm, CAMEO HIGHLANDS Price $69,500. Trades corulld· Ia.i"'scaping, sprinklers "' ,,,.. NO QUALIFYING 3 car gar 2Qx.,,. L. bar. lg, kit, 2 frplcs, w/w Executive Hom• erecl. ''¥ pool surrounded by lush Everyone can as!lume thi.s Garden kitchen enhances 8740 Warner, FV S·l2-4405 crptg drps, )'ard & many 3 BR 2 Ba Fam rn1 POOL l\1ISSION REAL TY 494-0'Tll ~;!~!,~ rear. A buy at tropical ~landflOOpiog.-Large--high FHA loan. this home, SU.500-Vacanl .BY OWNER; ~ 3 Br, 2 ~~:1 6.9 f i n an c i n-g. --=~···n ..;.,..,,no·int~nr 2 BR Condom. 8 1 6 6 """'•''111· added 1un room. lanai or Owner-anxious. Ba, bltns, crpts, drps, quiet .....,..C),00 .->nuw ";y COATS cabana for )'Our entertaining 546-9521 or 540-663l HARBOUR REALTY st. close to gchJs. Vacant.l,,==o--"",-,==o-: Owner • • ·675-6.560 Deerfield. 1 ml. lo beach & convenience. Call today· tor e S47..a595 ti VA apJ?rl $25.950. Drive by BLUFFS • BY OWNER: l $t8,500. Owner. Eves 'WALLACe appt, owner aiLXioUJ uking 5 BEDROOM _ 430 Esther St. loU Tustin) lev~I 2 Br. 2 Ba, lge Broadmoor Bay Vltw 536-868!1 · $.19500 LIKE RENT then call 641-3863 or patk>s + many extras. Front seat box scat. Jogc1 =v=1LLA~-p=,-c=1=r=1c~.1~"-,•,~own-.1 -REALTORS ' · ,,,--_ 837-6417 $35,SOO. After 5 pm pleue. -)'OU haVe them aJI here 4 hr 3 ba 6%% FHA condo. 546-4141-· I '!!!P~E"N"i"N"s"u"L"A'"-"!P"o"i"'N"T!!'!' I :e~~!ish!:~~-Fr::fi~ EASY'SfDE 2 BR. Carpets, 644--l280 in this lov.ely 4 BR and lam· 9741 Verde Mar 962-1540. (()pe11 Evenir.) 8 h Li " Small down will buy this im· room. Cu.ttorn carpeting & drapes. Large fenced back BLUFFS ily room home with a11 all TRANSFERED assume 6% ' , _eaC YIRg maculate beach home In ,drapes, Covered patio .• J>rlc-yard. Near schools & Civic 3 bdr, den, 2 ba. custom drps, tirnt> bay &: ocean view. GI, nr ne1v 4' 81, tam rm ed below replacement center. $23,000. ~ crpts, one level. reasonable, Fonner model home, prof, • w/fl'plc. Many txtras, xlnt At It's Bes.t ~t iZ o~i~if~ 540.1no owner 644-2787 decorated & lndscpd. ;65.ooo area. S37.ooo. 842-4803 Br. Co:iy kitchen. Relax & TARBELL 2955 Harbor BY OWNER • 5~11% Loan. 3 BDRM Waterfront, No. 62, Cheshire Real Estate enjoy this year round home. MMACUL TE--:Smts~3c.B~ i~~Y Balboa Coves. $60' O 00. 675-2503 639-5412 Santa Ana 1620 FINEST CUS'l'OM Must sec to believe. This hu everything for the grov.·ing This 111'0 bedroom 2 bath family. 5 Bedroom • maid's home has a den, Z pnlioo, an rn1., 4~1 baths, 3 frplcs .. atrium off tile master fo1·m. din. rm., lge. !am. bedroom, courtyard entry. rn1. 31.~ Car aarage. Game Forced air heat. Br l ck rm.; Jots ol tile. $139,500 • f1replace and much more. Mary_,,Lcu¢d~on Sleep 10 the sound of the IUl'f ~ It's right at the beaci\. Coldwell, Binker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, Calif. 833-0700 644-1430 J16.s00. Dirty - Five Bedroom ' Walk to the Beach The owner has lelt it vacant. 5. blocks ~ be.<'I\, schools it needs some paint, some . and PARK, E.xtra sharp !08.p and some yard work. CUSI'OM home with OOauti-Perfect for your expanding fuJ family room and massive family. Located in the fireplace. Alley pr-age AND desirabl~ eastside of Co!:ta OU OWN EHE:L>.ND at esa:----uwner u.ys-seu.- $25.~iO! ! t tenns available, try $28,500 WE SELL A HOME or make oUer. EVERY 31 MINUTES • Walker & Lee 26U ~Veetclifl Dr, 646.m1 · Open tw~. "INOOORABLE~ OUTDQORABLE" $24,.500' ~ 4 Bedroom 2 Story $28,500 Tall trees 8hadc the yard. High block-wall le~ for Where can you get a . 4 prlvac.:)'.. l<i°' shtod be$1room two-story home 1n roon1s,' 2 balhs. lorma1 (Jin-Ont of Costa Mesa'• best Ing room. Finest built-in aJ)-are11.s that's c I ea n for ptianoos, Siro-1720 $28,500.!7? Nough said? Call TARBELL 295$ H•rbor right away it won't last long. j ust a skip )?"the beach, '1 DUPLEAX • \Vould trade for acreage or Lrg Home-Choice View -BIG -BEAUTY ;46,500. Good Unancing. Costa Mesa llOO apts. $48.TI71 . Abol-'e main beach & ba.y. filDCiRPEI' REALTY . :ml W1 Ba1boll Blvd .. ',N.B. Call Anytime 67~ Open Hie. Until Sold! 1847 T AHI'Jfl ORNE Big family home, S BR, 2900 sq, It. Anthony pool, freshly mtec. Sharp Joe In 1tfe1a Verde. Lilted ;54,900 -but all oUers invited! 546·5880 (ntarcillema ~ LLEGE REALTY ISlO ......... _ Income S5C6 rno. on this <I plex, Built-Ins, large rooms, 2 patios. Low dO""'" -Ask· Jng $44,250, Also 16 units, 71 unli.s. fiO units. Owner "'Ill exchange up or down. \Valker & Lee Mr. Levine lDCClllle Investment Dept. 54$.9451 BABI & SMITH BUilDERS OF MEDALLION I.JOMES @ 1~322 Grcenvalley, Tustin BLUFFS • 3 br, 3 ba, w/ Btwn Big & Little C.d.Mar Zla::i~~.2, :;t~.k ~aru!: BY ClWNER • Low interest Bay-Vie1v, wide greenbelt. tieaches, Corner lot. 45' x $3.l.750 51-'·Ei1,l1% lrg transferrable Steps to pool. Cua. addtns. 177'. Z stories, approx. 4!100 CORBIN-MARTIN loans. All 3 BDRM's, Z·E Save! $44.500. Ownr 644-4265 sq. ft. -<I + BR., SY.r: BA .. R~TORS side. 2 \V side. 548-10.:i9 LrDO SANDS beautiful 3 Br, 2 3 car g~. Ce.It O\vner tor 66 :-< 300' lot with a gigan1ic healed pool. 1-Iorses OK on this tree C?"''ered estate,. Po-trnHal for unit.~. ;47.~trl Rq L. Hodges, Rlty, g.i7,2525 3036 E Ola.st Hwy .. Cdltf ASSUME 5%% loon $131 mo. ha by ocean with 'many ex. appt. Prin. only. 9 67S-1662 • 3 Br, l'h Ba, full din rm. ~tras::::·..:132~."10::'.".: . ..:642-3408:::::::::::_ __ 1·-1;,mn;<l\,;'G73-A.S27;;;4--· 1 Laguna Beach THE QUIQU:R YOU CALL. 548-3097. 1993 Meyer Pl. SOCK rr TO "EM! 520 De Anza 1705 THE QUICKER YOU SELL Open Sun. DAD..Y PILOT WANT ADS! (You Own The Land) -"=================:.!..========I 3 BR -Den. 2 Baths *VIEW HOME* Gener1I 2000General 2000General 2 Doctor has recently moved & --------·-------------------'~1-P''me is now vacanL Take a BY OWNER PERFECT condition! Must see interior to appreciate! 3 BR. 2 BA, lge comer lot. OCEAN VIEW. All electric incl kltcMn. Thenno con. trols each room. REDUCED TO $38, 700 rlith '5.000 down, 6~i % tnterest. Pay balanc@ monthly, Write owner, P.O. BOx. ·914 Laguna-Beacii or call 494-4726 anytime. ~@1\~}A.-.!££tfS® Solve a Simpte Scrambled Word Puzzle for a.Chuckle -O Remronge S.:tlers of -th• . fOur KJambled WOrch b&--~ low ta. fot111 four alrnpl. wordt. r IMOUSUC I I I' I I' ILYAPE I ' t I I . ISANIB' . I I' I I Alteritio,; oil men: He who hesitates is-. J.1. W•lih ITARIEN I 7·'.l.I hs,....,-,r-Tl-,1""' -.-1-i e Comp!ole tho douc~. qoot.d by f!l lJ11g In t~• 1f!isslno word _ you develop from st•p No;3 b.low. ,., look & then call for terms & details. LEIGHTON LINDEN RLTY 642·7141 or 673-0372 ORIGINAL °""·oer's beach hon1e. 3 BR. den, just steps to the water. -Stan--8mlth;-Rltr. fi73...2010 LOE. hilltop Jot Perm. view ot ocean & hills. Realtor 673-21110 Lid~ Isle 1351 TIRED OF OLDER HOMES?. See this 6 yr. old family home w/4 bdnns .. COJW, den &: din-· Ing rooni. Call for app't. Walker Rlty. · 67$.5200 SPLIT level 2 BR channer ln ,.,'OOded canyun w/ beautiful ocean vitw, large paneltd ~ \v/open beams... fireplace, modern kitchen, goM or closeu. $32,500. Ov.-mr, 4M-8G'l3 *live! BAYFRONT, DUPLEX . M..,1 tb&t "'1cial aomeo .. Exc.:dlent vieW, tacli unit. It begin to liw. · ~e. tiv. nn., .dinir:v room • ORANGE CO, s.tl.-,J elec. ldtch. 3"Bdnn .. 2 Ba. 24 hoUt rfCOrding e<ch. Lt>d"'/"'° .. '. "'" PANORAMIC VIEWI $105,000. . Furnished 2 BR, l~ -& Assume 5% % IOU ~ J:io,. qUAl· ~ • no chaJla_t: in "'1!.le: 3 ·BR + 1',rn rm, Mc$ll Verde, new w/w cpts.· 2 ha, nwving to Newport Beach, •bll·in )dL Price $26.!r>O ·Top Nt w lVlln \\'f!Us' quality EXECUTIVES 54e-l076, 54$.1241 BAYFRONT BUYI Lovely home plus a.pt., So. Bayfronl, Balboa Island, 6 Years new!, & PR!Nr NUMBlRED lETTfRS IN I iHfSE SQUARES R. C. CREER, Realty home. Bltn1. Owner w/ help 3355 Via Udo 673-9300 tlnc. Principals only. 842-4606 A'ITRACTlVE :Z BR COl!agl!. 3 BDR 2 be., 3 lots, 3-car pr. Open beam ~!ling, trpl, Panoramic ocean ~" now Xlnt cond, rm for e.xpa.n. On crpt~ I: pa.int U:iruoot. beautiful 2 wft1 st. $39. 750. <194--9937 Value! view horn<' In Dover Sholes.. P.W.C. 5415444 LAtt< 4 bdnn 3 both family ORANGE COUNTY'S DAILY PJlDI' DIM&A-room. St!e model• opcon dally LARGEST UN'ES. You can UIC them Al tt.'KI Galaxy Dr l v e. lo< J""JIOnnla •d.1¥. Dial 1 ~!'6-_1'50~---~-i 293 E. 171h St. -94 ~---__ Wb!.t~ .t.1erbants? $135,000 Lido Rulty Inc. 3'00 Via Lido 613--3830 " €) UNSCRAMBLE ABOVE L£nERS TO GfT ANSW~R SCRAM·LETS ANSWERS IN CLASSIFICATION 9900 213--799-8771 LA~G~UN~A~CA=NY_O_N~,-.-R·I For DAily Pilot Want Adi hou~ $14,500. }7e{IC'ld yd, _ J?l.al 642-S6i! 7..oned lt'Rti.lllrllt' ~70 • .. I . • . ----+-- : I . ' ' . ' ' . .. -· .. .• ( ' Summer Rentals? These are some pretty exclusive cliff dwellings. They're in Mesa Verde Na ticn;d Park, Cofo., and they're esti.ma-· ted to be 700 years ofd, not exactly in the same class as '· . • -- • ' They Co~ld ·Be ..,. for .the summer if they overlooked th~ fabulous ~aches . . af ·the O~ange Coast ..• AND, if ·you pfaced ·your ad :r . --. - where people are looking. This is no cliff hanger: "Buy-. . . ' ' .. the -charmin'g-bungaiowra/f-crl on g the Bronge Coast--~----ninr-rrg-r""'-10""r-'''-''se.stlttlin"'gr,'~et"fs ·in the 'O-Alt:Y ~LOT. Dia you'll find advertised daily in c I ass if i e d ads of the . DAILY PILOT. But, you i<now something? We'd -be al--. - most willing to bet' you could rent these lndlan relics , • • • • ·' .\ -. ·-- 642-5678 and we'll drop you' our di'reet ~ope loader to the Classified Advertising Department ·:w~ere a ·courte- ' . . . ous specialist will ' help you .. with ·your "smOke -signal." . . . -~ --• • I • -- • I • • ' . ' ' . ' • • ' ' • • . ' ' ' ' . . ' I t: -I -1 " ' ' ' " ' ' . ' • I -. •I ' . , I J H I I --- I ' . I Ii • i:=~i.'!E':!i;ii!,~-.i,:~::;.::;::::-.:-.:'"--;: __ =-:;;::;;;:;::c::::;:!:;:::~~-R .. ?."<r':r'°"' .. '?' .. " .. !:,': •. '1,'!,'! .. 'l'.~ .. S'.';',.-"';~.;".l?'.1'~'i."l'.-'!'! .• i1'i:'\'.,'::7:,,:'°"' ,"'!!"!!' .. :'!'!.!'."!" .'!'.'!!'!l!!•rlml!l!lt:' -_,,__ ... ... . ..,. -'• ' . •• .. >-... ... "'-"_,~ ........... . '·: ..... --~..-----. .. . ... :. . ~ ... -- I . - __ -~.:.I'll.OT Mond&1, Jult ~I. 1969 • . _ :JR .... --R~NTALS i<&:tcfALI RENTALS . ltEAL ESTA.TE REAL &STATE BUSINESS ind H1 s111 Pumlahed Houw Unfurnt1hed AP's. Fu'"lshed Apft.. Unfurnished Gwr1I • 0.nerel FINAN'j.!Al. " • * * * * OoMnl 2ooo Nawport Beach 3200 Huntt!';!lon Bo~ 4*IO Ealt Bluff 5242 Mot.11, Trlr. c.,a. 5997 Rond,.. 6150 Monay to ~ .. n 6320 111$1'1!. 2 lift. ulll pc1. 1,_. PURN. apt. -beoch. tor Pr""IAA '"'·°""'I 1 SPACE •..it In ""'"" 'HORSIM"N'S 111 • ""'"'""' 1or ~ ""-81,,,., wlw. -1/1-. 2 -hllhert qual. Jul, IAl'I" LUMlllV ;:" °"-°""~""· Roni ,. ...,. -,. ,_ ll'I- -OJ<.-.~ TOWNHOUSI--emb, ,... lure. d•b ... '1811 ... ft. par . HOMI --=.:. ....... ~ ' No -rt le ch 2200 ADULTS oNL YI Onnta c..,nty 4600 • BR., 211 ba. Apt, n,.lc.. -Homoa 5999 ,A wlmled 411 ..,.. ,_ A1ro ~21111 TDa. •..-r • -,,... be4roomr -' ....... ....pe. ......... -bar, ' lmal<lf 350 -""" the Sattk!r ..,._ Co. 'Ille. iiOYii stmres bay fr 0 0 t hots pool, 1'tfte Cf.? ~ SINGLE ~ adulta. t\ll. priv. bllconla~ dbl. ...,.,. * PRIVATE room far~ Newport • RJver.lde l'rff.. Servizw ~Arn I) Jn, . : ....... I BR. 4 l>a. ..... -Available AQlurl lat wy prden optr. w/f\111 qtt ldtch. D-, dbl. 11 Wly to U.'d -homL ....... Vteio -__ ..._ ~ z. 1111. a. ~ .. !lo :w prlva,. do<k."JiN Pll/Moollh.-,_lion tadWn k..,.. ... ., pool, ~ "' -lY-mnodilod tli • bed. ll0-2ln ~ ' . t ~ A; J~. $2500 rpo. Bea. D...., •-· D--•1. pLete. privaey,0 SoUth ~ ::·1 .•. tebooJI A ntrU-~· -~ ~-fl*l , . / ~~--. ~---· ____ ,_.....__.._..__ ,., m.. . Brapld!I 40QO dlcldr~. _. !.?:rl•!!!:~.Da.=6M5 --·-.... ' 1;-~ 13 0 ' It's! 9tll o.:;;-~ Sulle 128 rr:l-<500 • -fflfl 135 AMIGOS.WAY ' -•tallr. ~ tro!ninc W,k qlSCOUNT '· =-·, WontT Wh•ti~' Gor.1 i: . • •• -Ever. -• ' • Nowport IMCh (OfltMllll' CORNER rtnr. hay barn A tool room. -... ~ -·-~ .... ,~--s c· •••1FICA I N FOR r• WATERFRONT· 4 Br, ...,. --Gordon Grow 4610 /.lir AP.I 9 1'1111\io Full price ll!0,000 .. 11-I.rt T.o::;;' 10;-'~";u,'.;:;;: ..,... fl ~;~J::i"',;_ .. "J'~y.'P: DELU~em:·J~~:;; SIN'GLE Y""'I ~ulll Lwc· • '1 ~ S250 ':'.":.:.~~·.?:;; ·~-~-= ~~, .~~~·~~ai:-=.i: NATU~~~NR~t~APPERS I wk Aug-Sept. Avail YIV trplcAI.o 3 a: r Ba. $265 Ul'1 prden apts W1tb coun-Cof'QM cit botel .. ~. 2.55 Acret nlldt ThomJllQ'1. qutred, en•) 3'iQl'JS da1 or s LI'* - 5 times -5 budc1 • SS.SO mo. 671--7449 ~ Avail ~-Bkr. ~ .. ~~ ~. so~ ~~·.-... --~ Eckhoff l.Alsoc., Inc. eve. Prinelpl.6 only. llULll .:.•m M\111' INClUtl£ r 646-0m "' .. ..-..., v•··~ 13100 ., --.... ,._ ... ., __,y.. l8l8 W. ~Ave. $1,950'2ND TD at i20 Month ~.":.. .... ~w":,...., ~~ l:. ':'"!.!!,U.'i: : S.lbo.a 2300 BAYSIDE pmarou.a 2 Br. 2 ~BA~ G&J'deh ~-" :!t.ertDci~ ~ .~':i 5'1.2al ";:e, ~!/ 54M127 incl. 10% !nt., all dues fl'I.. i .......ar"'p'°H .. ON" l..._64, -2.s'6"101f' ot1Lv1 I $195 (Penn. polnt) 2 , bdr Ba, WW from 50' deck, Gtovfl (n4l ~ •rf• .,,.. 1 on ocean view lot, Lacuna ...... 2 · / -'• ·-'U.A ~-··-o comer. Beach. l>f:i d'·-·-1 To Place Your Trader's Paradi11 Ad ,...._.,, p&tiol, W IV ,....,,...., -· -u..... ""°<-.i..NI l • P)e&14 CIU: Tor1l DtMaJo ...........,, .. ~t Be.>~ Lane. Avail. 6"-0K!7 Laguna &Heh 47o.s ON TEN AOtE.1 e REALTOR 714: 815-G58 e AcrN@! .6200 $6,CW ~·~ 4:1!!!..an view House, 3 ~ 2 Bath. Lot. Ute membr:nh!p a"' 1. . NIWpott Shores 3220 100 CLIFF DRIVE 1~,!_ BR.1 -~ .~~ 6 ,!, TIMES GROSS 5 Ac. Rancho Cit Y ol lo~ 1%, due 3 yean. 10~ ~~ Rm. ~1· Yan!, ~k ~ M1'v''~,. 1L&1k• ~.!:"°, .-,, •• Summer Rentals 2910 Two bedroom farrtllbed ., •.--.,.. .... pa ...... ~ uuds with a pod rental Oce&n1!4e. C...blrl, trees, diacount 497~121D _ ~ area~ ncome ..-n.iJ>-., .. ......,. an a e muut" car, I':'. $225 MO, 3 bdr, den. 2 ba. All Deluxe Fea~s Taonll • Contnt1 m:trl. put. record. Ocean aide ot Balboa. wattr~ ,llect FIP $32,500, C497-102l eVenlnp) eri¥ Ntwport/CQ.ta Mep camper, or lot in N. Callt BEN BROWN bit.Ins, CQntPl recite. Yr wanru. Dlstazn to Beac.b t1rw srem. Blvd. Nr. churehel, ocean A Terina. 6'>2060, 5.?&-0131 ateL 646-00 847-2681 I: APT.-MOTEL l.rc. 2'0 62nd St $%15 -Ycarly 1eue lllO s..·i-, Ollol ""'811 ...,. beacber. Good lrrwrt-TAKE OVER PAYMENTS! ANNOUNCEMENTS 3SA.,.;, bu•Uful"""tl1'· -.,,.-.,,-,=sM_cq_ln_4_Br-.-,-ea.-1 64. 1 a: 2 Br. apl3. Comp. -•""r" •M-2449 !Mac.Arthur nr. Codt Hwy) ment. Aaktrw 1ll0,CXJO. W ~ no down. Ntar and NOTICES _ C®!)b° roads, near riwr 1l'l Pool, fab view Emerald !: fom. l'riv. ""°'·~Id. pool. Corona dal ·Mar •~ · AVAIL Now, , __ 3 bdr .~ BURR WHITE Lake ~ Ctt,.19<-4143 Occcoo lrlde for ,qu!ty In e.,, Lag, Bch hmo Jot : TV, restauranl. 9 hole colt $200. MO, 2 bdr, ~ drpa, RENTALS lleW crpts. ~'tm blt-t; REALTOR Found (FrM Ad1) 6400 SJlllll bou1e or Eldorado. commc:I ac, TD or yacht ' CO\lf'Se. \Valk to beach. No bll·lna. new dee. Yr 181!!. AptL Unfurnl1hed Sale ar rent at -... .......... 1... 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. Mount. &.O..rt 6210 l'01JND . 37$-'lSU ear\)' am or late pm Owner-Campbell. ~94.1385 ' lrallic-noi!k'. Weekly & 700 MarprUe CdM. _..,, .............. 675-4630 6'7J.-Ol58 Evea. )'OWll-rnalJ sk>f, 5 acre 1·)"NN>ld Produdn&: Custom fli;llc:1 i: cement ! monthly rat.es. 311~ Cout · ' Gener1I 5000 over 45'. 6?3o<03o~ •. NO brown, 10me black .froltlns. O~ ~. c.tntral Calif. \\'Ork . Remodel & room add, ·· H"Y., So. Laguna, our ~ 2 BR Houle, excellent aml 2 llR. 2 BA. SMdilh frplc. 15 UNITS med. Iona hair. July 18 near by owner. EqulQ' $28,000, SWAP FOR 1 ___ _;:.jN1ra~n~co~b~y.:OA!~l~'°~Bc~e='~'·::;·;;;; Marrled .... ~leJ ~,::: Immac A:: cute, 2 )Tl old. All 1 llory bldJ. N<1 vacan· ~:.!' Mkt. Newport Blvd. va.lUe $33,000. Want M bdr Autos, trucks, lots, or '!' 1 t" :ett-'-tms ~~ME -clN;sood·relv:rn * uduut I. , ·~ b::lme: WISdron:-M6>'m70 *-~7223'" * ; from ocean. 3 BR's-ncwly .3 BR, difl f'!D, carpets &:I WliftUVI toooean. FOUND July 1T,2oacl"!sra.nchlmod.hom· llavelsl TD.S6.1.tXIO,lO% ' ! painted. Avai: July, Aug. & drapes, Frple. No pet.a. $225 IMMACULA.TE APTS! 81lbH lsl1nd 5355 Only $120,000 Hlqh Desert Belge/blaclc poodle type es, 2 wen., ~.: trainln& int. di.IC' 5 y~ & leased com- Sept. Free prkiR in alley. mo. * 673--6914 ADULT I: l'AMILY -FIRSl' PIONEER. f puppy Glen Mar Tract, track, huie barn, l(atalla; nll'rcial $65,000. $34,500 t Drive by any1lme, set ~CUI.ATE 3 BR, SECJ'IONS AVAILABLE ON Grand Canal, Yl'b' S265. ~ Ews. 84T·tt76 Dry ·Ar Brookhunt & Ad am I . for land. unit. or 1 U.S.000 eqty. \Vant: Free & clelll', ~ owner 17?-34th St. or call 2'Ai BA. DO small ~hlldftn. CfoH to shopping, P•rl( mo 2 bdr, pr., boat OOck. FANTASTIC ,.Pli:x. Xlnt Cameo Landscape 962-3Ml Eq. ~ houu or units. Myen : collect l213) 79&-l!l.12 $250. 67J.-2f02 • * Spadoul 3 Br's, 2 Ba New delUX@. 673-3328 colld., lib new carpetln&: a: LONG haired Upr 1trlped Have l.arae beyfront home, 673-6756. ' CUSTOM Exec. 4 bro, 3 ha. H 11 ..._,· •• ch 3 .~ * 2 Bodroomr Huntln"'on llolch 5400 .,..,., c1-.,. OCC * NEWBERRY SPRINGS male kitten. Found In badt pte, • lloa~ Balboa P,nto. .:.1ooo="'ao-. ~$250~.ooo~.~,.~,.~1 1 • paooram.lc view of harbor A Un n,.... 89a """' * Swim Pool. PuVpeeit •• btti Clout Plaza. $585/mo parldng l<lt ot AJpha. Beta pt N~ .,naller h 0 me, from dntwn LA, 5 min. • ~tty. new swim po o I , 4 BR 2 Ba ntum. * 1'rpl. Itldiv/lbflrJ fac'll Fum1ahed or lnOome. * OWN YOUR Mkt. 17th Street. &Q..U)8 Newport w O>ata Meta. · rrom fwy on paved rd. btwn ' Sl5001mo. 675-7117 · · furn. or II: 114.S An.lhllm Ave. Fout Star Realf¥ m-c422 SNOW White kitten abt..2 • Broker 613-7420 6'7l.t12'7 Beawnont & Oak Glen, TNl : '"''"""' OK. 212112 BNtoo COSTA .MESA SG-2124 Unfumlshod _ OW., LAKE' ~ C1£AN BaJboa Beach Unlta. Lane att Atlanta bedfoom, 2 bath. cpta, draJ>-Ir • mo'L c:ild. Vic. C.0.ta Mesa 3 BR, 2 BA, Newport Sbcft1 for inC. prop! 547..G4&9 Bier, Sleeps 2 to 10; for 8U1?UnU c BR. 2 BA. dbl prg, ea. ·built • ln&, 1 blk to 5 Butlneu Property 60!0 St &: Raymond, C · M · hOlne $9!~ e.qtf, trsde for Rented house.. 51b140 ~ reservations c.~ll 673-99'5 dlshwalir, fenced yd. yrty • RENT • polntl llhoppln& from $150. ''THI' IO ACRES 642-C386 ocean front or beach bome. lot. Nr. Garden G.rove f;lvic • lli>E. Ball:w'ta Blvd., B:al bcl& 19e SalS/ino. 813--6134 i Room1 Fumltu,. 7701 EUia Apt D, 642-2135 FOR rent Or Jeue., blaa. Z3110 JUST SOLDI '' POUND Gold &. White fema· t>a.ys alter 11, 962..5931, eves Center, $20.500. Trade $9,500 1 NEWPORT Beach. Nice l· J BR. 2 Ba,· frplc, elec pr, $20 • $25 & UP or 842-&303. 1 Newport~·· C.M. 3600 Now Av1lleble: • le Collie. Vic. C.M. lie No. 6C2-591?. eqty for .units or ~? Owner BR duplex, &Jeeps 4. Block •--' _ pool 1 blk nlEPontalba.cracioui, sq. ft. t .' lfa57.Call64&J356or 6(2..1400 VACANT LO'.I' JN Broker 5-17-6469. to ocean & bay. Reas. rates, K'IUUI """'· ' Month-To-Month R.entalt secluded living, extra Ip 1 93 acres. with ~u and pump, ~ GROWN Calico kitten. ·NEWPORT BEACH NORTH Tustin Lot.-$18.~. \\'f!E:kiy or iponthly, JW,V I: ~an. 8C2--055 ' .1.~~~0N '&lL br; trplc. cloeed pr;-adulta. Butlnen Rent•I 606C level land for lake, alfalfa Flea O"ller VIC. "6 . No. 3 WILL ACCEPI' TD'S Free & clear, most excl. Aug. GU-12'12 • L1guna Beach ' 3705 ~-a..av $135:': SlTr· Gartidd Ave. -'Sft!Wfn&, .~cot ot nut or· Broadwa.y, C.M. 942-2481' OR. BOAT. area, fabulous vi,ew. Tr. for • CdM BluU• -$350/w~ for 3 ~ ~~::~ 962.-7446 • -BALBOA ISLAND =i tiih raiflna, ranch. MAN'S v.'8tch, vie. ot Harbor I '642-7!98 ./ Inc. property w/spend~ble. bdr l'it ba, finest view ot LARGE 3 bdr, 2" b& horot"i 517 W Uth CM MS-.M8l NEW $150 t~2-3 BR. Top location 300 + IQ' .tt. · , 11 -v · tm1a. Wed. Owner 3 BR A: den; w/w carpet, c•.::ttt'-'.-'540""9"'-='-·---~I bat & ocean. Avail. Jul)', w/w cptl, drps, bJt.tru. --.... ..; ' up. ' Yl'I reihaintna: on Jeue. ie · tlaPJG.t _m ~In• rli•h· ·., ~"'----~ l"\tz~~pt: f:i~ ......... ~ ~£bltGM".~~ .. --. _ -lM'!'.::-inift"7!~ .JiQ..!fld AailM..-~,.,.r.c f=i5.r.r. m;,o; "'ii-'iiii-?:C. ~,Bai· y-1';n" l80"tlflt1-imde"--iedrff*1 ..... ~eue-i4enWy~-. wuher 2 ~ ·dbit':.r~ ... \llhat.do-v-O&l-bave to trade • OCEANFRONT House: 5011 $300/mo. •94-4188 EASTBLUFF ~U il JJaonquin, 1'flr. 15315 Lu Vepa, Nev. _area. MAN'S Schwinn bike vie. ~'. ~ Uir duplex, Li!t it 1 here -in Oranae Seashore Dr NB Deluxe $225. YRS IR Fabulouf Brand 3 bdr s ba t APPRoX 1250 aq tt. choice • tennl• couru, c.ordova & or equity ln smaller house. County• lllrgest read trad· Du'Plex 211 ~re~ Ba.lb<I& View w/w crPts drps, 2 View 'r'back 1..!. from~ a.I: 3 BDRM. 2 Ba. pvt patio, bualneu WOP· In ~ & Or • lO acre, 20 acre, 40 acu Barcelona, Lldo. 673-8185 549-1279 tng post-ar'i make a deal ' ' ~ o ~ heated p ool. newly ~available .. Why not (213) 698-alll Br. li,t ~· ~ areu & Iv rm, huie tin!-decora~ 962-8994 country ahopplna: center at eall lor ln.t<1rmatlon? Owner 3-4 MOS old tan female ..& * * * * * ,, '• " , 2 BR Balboa apt adJ place, all blt·lne. Every. ' beach & El.Iii:. For further S4T-6640 evenings alter 6 RetJ!ever found on the •"!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!li!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!i 1 beac~fplcr .$75-$l!i0 wkly. Lagun1 Nfgu1f 3707 thin&! $325 on a yean leue. NEW 1 Br, bile. to ocean. $135 Info. call ~l , p.m. or anytime weekends. Peninsula. 847-3906 ~ 5.'li-39ll. 675-5810 BEAih'. View EXCL 3br 2 No children or petl See at unturn, $150 furn. 202.A i PRIME Re.tan Loca&in e DOG-Pekingese with '67 ti., bltna dlhwr. crp/drpa. 745 Oom1nao Dr .• Im then 14th. 873-1184 It 536-1319 17X40, Xlnt toot a aut" trat. R E W feel 6240 . Ucense El ~lno Dr .. C.M. ANNOUNCl:MENTS BEACH at door. Newly furn fp, $300 136/!1150 SU-1215 call owner it 645-l26o or NEW Modem 1 BR. cpta, tie. 1871 Harbor, 'I" C.M. • • en :;f6-4501 .v .... and NOTICES SERVICE DIRECTORY I bach apt starting at S.SO pa' "~" .,~., ..-..... ·-" N • ._,. v v.·k. 536-2579 Hf&" Bch. ~. ....,_, &va11 '1f/, &M-665t C•rpet Cleaning 6625 ---=---SIAMESE wlcollar '42-95'1., P1rson1l1 • Condominium 3950 2 BR. C,.t. drpo. Ref. s..... S31>257!!* "~BEA=~UTIFUL==-.,..-.. d-.w..- l!iALBOA -Inexpensive out-Diahwuber. UW. pd. No * 3 BR. 1" Ba. Crpts, drpt. IUlte, alr-c:ond. Beat deal in tages. Weekly rates Jul7, 3 BR, 2 BA ttudio. Crpta, pe t• or ch 11 d re n . Nr beach. $165 mo. 842-4085 town. 645--2060 August, Sept. 543-3151 drJt, blt·IN, pool, clll hie. MS-80651548--5337 • CdM COTTAGE. "'""· dpr "$215-"/-'mo."-_51!_"_5270 ____ 1,lol;;Oo.D"'ERN~:.;2;..:Br;:::.: . ...,Cl>"'tr"',--=-.1 :-c..-.. -."."1----:5'.'.:7~00 Offlco Renlal 6070 ' 6. 2 blk bch. $251>-2 wks, $400 GE kltch, encl. a:ar, nr buL.1--------- mo. * tm-1099 RENTALS !;._~ Adu!tr, ..... 124 E' Be-h. Apls, LAGUNA BEACH -Apia. FumlaMll. -"' '"' Air ConcHtlonld-Dupl1xu Furn. 2975 ON FOREST A'~-'I•-'----'---"-"·-' • Gonoral 4000 ·~·u~ WINTER Rental, avau 9/lS. , ~ Cotti M-.. 5100 New • Del111e Deak space• available In 3 bdr, 2 baths, 111. fir. New $150_J, BR tum '-plex, 1ar,,1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;1 (714) 53'-46J'J4:-newest ottlce bulldlnc at 1 furn duplex. All Xtnu. $350. crpts, drp 1 , tamilyl• (714) 53'-1411., prime locat1on 1n downtawn • 675-2239. _""l<em.• '· Avail now. 'Bier. (O_NSJRUmllll ru Ooean A•-Laaun• Boach, Air ".': LO · ~ -"'M'I Cl blkr W·of H-11:-er) -~. CUJl!lttd,...Jie.ui. · 1 WER -ocean "fMit W. ·--• • •1 entrance•: Frontase on $$MORE CASH$$ For Your Home Equity Abeolutely txi cost . , , fD YoU the Seller! 12 years of. payina: more ash for, Otange <:ounty property. Call tM Rest ..• Then call the Best BEVERLY JACKSON -REALTY 6405 646-1846 call to idet1t. CM, ---------vtc. Nwpt Blvd. LICENSED Spiritual l\i!adq:1, advice CARPET & Furn. cleaning; for 1 day service & quality work. call Sterling for brightnell!I! &1~ Lost 6401 on all mttteni. 312 N. El ---------1 Camino Real, San Clemente C1rnat Laying & 49Ul36, .... 951l1 •• BICYCLE: W 0 M A.N ' S , lO AM • IO PM Repair 6626 SEARS, W/BASKEI'. VlC .. I;::====~-~'"="' JE'ITY, BALBOA PENN. DlSCERNING damsel on 3rd CARPET LAYING No Questions Atkedl lhlft would welcome matutt C.A. Pagr. 642·21'.110 67J.2706 male to while a w a y ====""=====I Eledric1I 6640 VALUABLE thoro&i'id Gold· weekend W'tt hours while en Retriever, white spo\ on ""Bal~~91!~1eeps. Box 722 ELECTRICIAN. no ,.. b too cheat. _Please return to"~=-==-=·===== 1· !ml\11. -For prompt service heartbroken bely. Ri~. Ct~tery Lots 6411 call 545-4614 -' NewpQrt. 2 Br. l~ I!&, CoSll MOM 4100 JUSJ (OMP'mNG 5705 Forerl Ave .• rear loadr ID Frplc &. gar, avail Sept. 1. Ull L1gun1 Beach MunclpaJ parJdna Iott. $S0 147-6033 or 545-824S 10 mo ,,., $210. 64&-51132 $30 00 wk · · ,., monlb for .,..., Oo•k • • • 67~2496. ~-~-~----l:========d STILL Offering l"!ward for C CEMETERY Lota 't n FloorJ 6665 small white Poodle wearing PAc;:IFIC VIEW MEMOR-, ,..L;:. tj • • up H1rbor Hef9hts Four 2 BR Jower dup!e,x..2 bµtl fD and cha1rs available tor $5. I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! e ""•,week, month. 2 a; 3 BR UNITS beach .&: shOpe, drapea, 8 ... •--ho•-·-~--HouMs Unfurn shM "!:,""f. •·--1115 I ..... -u--· ..-......... •.~a Bach. Apl.I. all with fireplaces, --~· mo eue .., .er.1.ce available for $10. blue collar. Lolt Cth July IAL PARK. ~ Carpet Vinyl Tiie Vic CM. 637-:iiSl.8. 67J..1U4 SERVI(& DIRECTORY All atyl<'s P.'ld colors General 3000 •Ind UW. 4: Pbo111 aerv. dilhwaahers I 2 batha. m:ponalble people. All utWtie1 paid except _ ----~-~---..;.;.;_I .eJdald.Servlct~ TV ava.D. Rental Manq:tt -. * 494.3727 after 6 pm • telephone. 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths. Sun-e New Cafe A Bu Mra, Chrlltlensen DAILY PILOT shine J.lomc. Completely :.. 2371 Newport Blvd. SCS.m& 3117-A Cinnamon Ave. REAL ESTATE 222 FOREST AVENUE painted insidr. F'resh &. Coste Mlle General LAGUNA BEA.QI Clean Lease al S1 75 with SUS CASIT""' Ph ···10.. .. ..... om•lt'dc,.,.11. Call • ,... one -~ Rantals Wanlod 5990 -- WE SELL A HOME FURNJSllED • i"'~'"!'~""!'l!l!!!!~B!!j LOCATION• -IB8-E. 111b st., EVERY 31 MINUTES l·BR. •Bachelor Aptr, HARBOR GREEHS DAILY Pilot Slatt Wrlttt adj...,nt to Securlty PocU!c 21.lO NEWPORT BLVD. and small family need i-3 Nat'l Bank. CM. 642-4210 or Wa Iker & Lee Medallloo ,by Hotpolol . BACHELOR ...... Jr 0 m bedrm. unfurn. houre In "'ownor at 1B8 E. 171b St.. Newport Bch, Heiehll or CM 1uite 2-A. 7682 Edi ... , VERY aharp 3 BR. 2 be.thl $ll0. Alao avall 1 - 2 &. 3 Eutt:ide Of start11ll'. In NEW ~IW<• oWco rpa-o . ..,... . • Bdrm. Heated. pools, child ... .,_ L • _ -•-""" ..... 842-4-155 or 5-1o:5:140 w/w CU"Petin&, dn.pes etc .. cant center, adj to ihoppini. m~p ....,ue P•..:.u:rnd, 33J to 1200 ltl ft at Santa Open Eves. Pool & recreation hill avail. No pets Our family de& mu.st st.y Ana Fwy il Crown Valley ho=~=-"c.::c.::::.....-__ I NOW S 2 0 0 I m O, Art. 2700· n..•--.. W•v with ua; our two well· turnoU 831.-143' 09-4198 CONDO. F'or lease: 3 bdr, 2 ••• ... , c"'""•-· ...., be•---• bJJdren •-A~--' • ~" Costa Mesa II.A" ""10 ""'"ni c ......,_ .......,.. 2 ~ •• ,, -••-, a·-"-for ba ,. Really clean! swim NEWLY """""" dant local re t ere nee s ~ ~,,, ,,,... pool, play area, 2.-<ar gar. Furn 2 Br apt. 1 BR Duplex. Stove & refrlg. available. 645-2629 rent. 3410 W. Balboa Blvd, $200/mo. 968-2218 \V /\V cprs & lge frost free Clos<! 10 ~hop~ SlOOI NB. 67S-1972 Ii-;;,"'-;;"""".:.:.=:_~~-I ttlrig. Sl45. Mo. 1 child ok. ADULTS ONLY &l2-~i MIDDLE-AGED Eng I Is h 600 to 1200 Sq. Ft. $125.. 2 BR. garden 4·plex, 523 Bernard St. 548-Z11~ Agl ' couple need small. clean, OFFICE, C.M. &16-2130 gar, stove, \l'/w, drps. BACHELOR apt yard fire-· . unfurn house \viUi small ·---__ Children. Nmall pet O.K. place. $l25 ,,;0. uiilities 2 BR·Stud.10 apt. 1\.1 ha. encl yard for tiny dogs (Peke "" Bkr. 534-6980 pllid S48-STSO gai., patio, cpts/drps. bit· Yorkie ) Reat. Lona-term · · int. S1'0. Days 5t2-3S24 rental or lease. Ref, avail . $135. 2 BR, 1 \i Ba, Townhse, pe.tio, bltint, W/W, drpl, 2 = accepted. B i: r • $170. 3 BR Townh&e. pool, W/W, drp15, Avail M\V. Bkr. ~ 2 BOR. w a' h e r Id rye Adul ts onJy. onc.~tory con- do. 968-1394. S160/mo l NEW very Ii. BR apt. Even. 548-(1689 645-:1629 ~s, crpta, I~~ pd. 2 BR. crp1t, drps, blt-h11, CfULDLESS workina couple pool $135.. cloeed 11r + park!na:, delitts tarp 2 BR W'lfurn 1 BR turn, aduJtl only. No adults only. 2214 Rutaen apt or house for )'T'ly lse, pets. $95. 548-7729 Dr. Apt B Deep by Aug. 20 in CdM, 'lOO 1 BR. Sll5: 2 BR, S135. Nwpt Bch area. 21 l: Newport Be!ch ,. Adulb only. Call belore 4Jg..22'18 Eves collect . S';GLE Young Adulls Lux· noon. MS-2000 REFINED gent pensioner ury garden apts with coun-2 BR w/carport, $110. \Valer wants homelike room or try club atmosphere and pd. nr M:hool. 2192 Plat'en-~hare. tlave car. ~It. E. lnduttrlal Prop. 6080 UNUSUAL OFFER • 2500 aq. f1. mJi, blda:. • 1500 sq. ft. under root • 3 Bedroom home • Lot 12Q'xl40' Property pl'l'senl use boat manufacturing. -Completely paved and bJock wall fenced. -$67,500. THE REAL ESTATERS 646.nn MG-2311 Cotta M.sa 3100 complete privacy. SOliTH Ila, Apt D. 636-4120 P.O. Box ru, Santa An a "'-"-'--"--"''---...:.~ BAY a.us AP'l"S. Irvine at WVELY small apt. lde.:I for 92702. MS-4975.. Commerci•I EAST Side 2 Br, fenced prt 18th Newport Bea.eh. single adul!!. S100. 546..5704, 2-3 BDR hse, yard for rnld.. ---1-2"_Y._N_N_N __ _ 6085 patio & yard, g a r a g c -<ntl ~ 1004 El Camino age epic, no pets or chll· ~dulls, 00 pets Sl38. lse. RENTAL Au.g , 1.1, elegant -·---~ dren, dble gar. Prefer C.M. LEASEBACK 173-762!1 vt1w apt. Adulta, $3X>. Newport 811ch 5200 To $160. 5a-f211 aft 6. \Viii sell l2,!XXI sq . fl. Orange Cnty. brick oUlcc bldg., BUSINESS and FINANCIAL LOST: 2 Parrota. Blk headi, . Free est. Lie. con tr. 540..7262 546-447i yellowlbf9 bodleis. V1c 41th, .Ba_bys.:.'-l-'lt.;.l"t..:.. __ ~6'-550;.; r ·-------- Bus. 0PP:Ortunltlu 6300 _s"t.~· c:NB= . ...,""'=·:;:m<812-:==,,.1• ----------i4K gold watch~ woman's, t'OLJ..EGE Student: Babysit· Gardening 6680 AFFILIATE CANDY SUPPLY --ROU'.1'.E-- (No Sellin& lnvolvedl Excellent income tor t~ boun weekly work' (Days or ewnlnp). Retllllna: & col- led:lrlc money from c:oil'l op. erated dllperuters In Costa Ma. & llllTOundina arta. We es!. route. (Handles name bran d candy &: IMcia) $1S75. Cash requJ.r.. ed. For personal interview in Costa Ml'!sa area, send name, address & phone nuin. ber to MuHi-St.,te Inc., 9075 E . Imperial llwy., Do\\'Tley, Cali!. 902.t! HE"'L"P"l 'I -- National Co. need1 a distri- butor for your area. ~n selected mu1t bt able to de· 'vote 2 to 10 hrs. per \vee:k I days or eves.) to n1ake very 150' North of Jetty, N.B. t1n.a U.O'.l hr. Near WIUon & ~ward! 673-Q03 Harbor in C.M. W e e k ========~I nl,gbts, or entire weekends. Persona Ii 640.S Alk tor BecliY" ~lB'n. FILTAIRE NOW HIRING WILL BABYSIT. My home. Nice p~ room & .fenced ln yard. Only hmch lurntahed. Near Westcl!U lhoppin& area. Call MB-4538 BABYSITTING, my borne'. I..atie lntemational corpora. .Sl5 tor-one child, Sal for · tlon expandlna In Orange two. Ale• 2-T vie. Hamilton County. Many openings now & Sterllng, CM. ~1946 available in all departments. WILL babysit in your home No experience necessary. by the \\'E'ek. Your trnnsporlation. &12-1407 ALSO ANTHONY'S 646-1948 The Besl, cogts no morl!'! Experienced Maintenance Budget Landscaping Graduate ltorticulturlst • GARDENER • EXPERT JAPANESE Commercial Landscaping ?-.1ain!enance and Cleanup MIKE INC. CALL 642·5196 ALLEN BROS. Brick, Masonry, etc. GARDENERS STUDENTS SUMMER WORK FOR 6560 working way thru college. TEACHERS & BUILD, Remodel, Repalr Exp. Llc. Reas. ~203 STUDENTS Brick block, concrete JAPANESE Gardenlne crpnlty no jeb too small ' service and maintenance. Fot Interview call Monday Lie. eontr. ~S Alto cleu up. and Tuesday, Ask for Mr. • 54S-2572 • high earnings. You may k('(>p 774-nSl your pl't'scnt position. No --.""'==,.~-=--r James. Business Service 6562 AL ·s Gardening & La'Wtl ~lalntenancr. Commercial, industrial & residenUal. scUing No experience nee-e COUPLES e essa.ry.bul must be reliable. e SINGLES e fnsurancc papers processed. * 646-3629 * DOCTORS Company 11•ill leach. \Ve Tired of Bars Mail & Hi Cost Pick-up & delivery. Prompt JIM 'S Gardening Ii lawn mer.I \Vilh Bankers Approv-compu!rr cl~b~: JOIN TJIE & reliablti. 548-19'13 maintenance. Rell. & Com- al. SlGJO ca&h required {It-FUN! THE IN atO\VD _ mercial. * 54&-6411 C\ll"!'dl. For Immediate in-DIV. OF t.M.P. Meet othl!J"I Carpentering 6590 EXPERIENCED Japanese lt'lV!ew in YoW' area send with YOUR interests at ourl --'---=----gardener. Reliable. 540-7373 name, address and phone \\'eekly parties or 1elect CARPENTRY Jar fret estimate • number to: them individually &: (GALS MINOR REPAIRS. N'o Job 1--.~-''--'-='-~~- "DIS'l'RIBlll'OR. DMSION" join FR.EEi Call Leah 1-8 Too Small. Cabinet ln Pl" JohnlOn'i Cardening t-BR, 2 Ba, 1.ge !am rm MS-2394 aftt.r 8 PM ' FIREPLACE surrounded. by -....i ,__. J ---+•-• ,, 1 1 ~ c q_mJ>, _ "l!!ol'.le.rn ... """·~ or -.. • •• ..,c.r sc .IOO !I ·a: vo.....:.. EtECANT, view-apt:-JUly -4 BR ... 2tiATHS very speciil unr. apt. For .-$150,!XXI &.: leRsc back on P 0 Bo' SS .,.9320 •. 1 b b'-ta Finest equip .• eJCpert mrT. · · p,.m.~ . age! .. o er ca uoc, P'Dmmla;-·Qllifomltr917S9 --INTELLIGENT? ~Th. It no&nswtr leive Planting, ('iMn-ups. 961-Z35 S28S mo. AvaJI Alli 10th. 24-Aug, 7 $350. Adults. Call 3 DOORS TO OCEAN very 1pecial tenant In N.B. long term. $18,000 Net per &4~'1805 5'8-239C_aftn g Pl-of. $3$0 PIR MONTH 549-6369 year; 8 strong sub-leases. RENT or lease. 3 Bdr1n ~ BACHELOR Apt, xlnt l<'C. PROPERTIES WEST WANTED To lease 3 or 4 Br SJ.1.460 Inromc. Agt. 714: Bath Pool Av11il Sepl. 1 C I o 1 e to _t:._a L. &: 1028 Bayside, N.B. Giti-4130 hol1se. $l50. to $450. per mo. 493-1706. Sl85, Bkr. 642-6115 ,. ____ .. '"'-'hL EmraJrt ~ N,a - SM l BR cottap, nu crpt-. 484-.22.'iG 1 BR Sll8, utll pd. Ne'v ctpl. Contact Mr. Pall~ttc cn4) lnitUsfri1I Ren~ (!rps. Uli1 pd Na pets. Sl30. 5000 NEPTUNE buO.t.i n range &: rcfrlg. for 549--1121 or (415) 332--5682 INDUST Bldg In M-l, 744 \V, ~. 541)..2)46 Avail now 3 Bt, 2 Ba, dtlllXC. single adult 1\.'0man. Ad-FRPL, surrounded by very ll!h St.. CM. l500 sq .ft. 2 BR houM?. Dbla 11rqe. ,._,, ni -1 .. -joininl apt. for 1 or 2 special unfurn. apt tor a $325 mo. ~ll33. Eves Adults only Slts. "'::" : -..... ~ Pfnm'l1' $122. Co n l •et wry IJ)tt:lal tenant. Nowport 6U-1.f?9 • m.""8 """ BalL--4300 548-5931 for appointment. refs. ~ I;:,..,.-====,---,- -BUSINESS Lady duires l P.1-2 INDUSTR.lAL space In Colloga Park 3115 PENINSULA POINT IHI lluff S242 bdrm unllu'o apt to 1100. '°""'" bl ... :nxt'" 11· 146 For Immediate CICCUPMC)' ill . 6t2-00ll6 W. 17th. CM £713) 434-5082 JbcmA NICE! 3 BR 2 BA desirable tenant.a. Delua 0 NEW DELUXE • 1-:-===~==="' Jnl SQ. IT. BLDG. 861 l'amlly rm. IArp enc. yd. 2 BR 2 BA, carport, $167.50 3 Bt. 2 ba apt. for le&&t e Ri:NTAL SERVICE Production Pl. NB CSo8c; to Kbaola, ibops. Yeerty. f'B.U51. 15' 4 1nc1. 1pac. mutr. tulle, din FREE TO LANDLORDS 833-2599 szzs. 83J.-037l ~ttramar Dr. rm. It dbl. ~· 1uto. Bl~ S@iat"an 66-0111 I-"'======== I P door opener avaiL Pool & e LANDLORDS e Lo to 6100 t 646-2J1'l. M. O BUSINESS & RESIDEN· PlllA UNMARRIED? m•a • · ' TIAL Gan!enloc •Cleanup. This is your Invitation to hap. '"A"'od"ono=~"-=----=-Exp'd 641Hi222 Au · · I · piness. Phone 5'1?.5646 for QUALITY Repaino:; -Altera· Pilla equip or p1ua CLEAN-UP Specialist~ Mow-- house, incl: oven, ;';;'';;';,-' r'·=' Ah'm"'i""li"'iiod.m~'ii"ij"'"'i'ifi'. =~llo~n.~-~N~e~w#ro~n.~t~b;;y;:hour;::::;fi'"f!'·--eruntia, odd jobs . cltttMI lf'tndtr;-pma '~-::-.:_-. ""m1"'lflVl"'W~ ·"" trac~ Re11i0iiilble. s;is::6§55 hot choc. machine:. Sani· YOUNG \VOMAN PARTITIONS. Small Remod. Serve l~rram maker (\v8• d11.T1C1?r ,vlll teac:h you all Move, walks. etc. Nite/Day Reliable lawr: scrvice, fer. operated), Toastmut~r lalrsl step.a. Call Ardell Reu. Call Ken 541)..4679 mow, edge. trim. cate lrtnch-fryer, etc. 95~ 213: 691-45311 1-10 PM MiS'f'ER cupentU' ,$4 per * 5ll-140t * profit margin. Total Value z· Cl b Ad It Onl hour. Remoddine:Repain. CUI&: Edp Lawn S5500, will i;cll all for $2500. tppo u u 1 Y 642-6409 or 5J6..3900 MainteNU'lee, Ucensed Call ~lllG or SSS.l.628 Col-Color pic tures &: ph no. of 5tMDIS62!10 aft 4 lect · datu )'GU pt"Helect. Na C nt ,_ -6600 names UM!tf until you ro an amt ' -nc JAPANESE garde.ner Cnmp{ MANAGERl25% pertner tor dates. 637-9644 * CONOlETE Woric, bond· R?"I. Exper, dependaN4, we 11 -localed Secretarial BAOl 5.7 .. sttk=: slnct:re .. rl ed a lie. Cmcn:te ......... !rte est. 60-4389 Service. Must be excelltnt .... ,. J typist + dictation. lnveit. to 35 tor tun • com-PbUlli-: 'Cement ~ •P•ntH Gardener ment secured + weekly parUonlhip. ~ e CUS'I'OM PATIOS•-Exper, compl yard service! u.lary. 2 o(flces. Reply Box NEED somethlng exclti111 c:oncn!le 111.v.ing I: removal Frtt est. 548-7958, 54&-0724 11No~•!!;po~rt:!._!B~-~ch!'__:3~2~00 'Huntington Blach 4400 rec. attl. Nr. Catholic FREE RENTAL SERVJCE I : • -Ourch 4 lt'hool & Corona Broker 53'"6982 MAGNIFICENT _ P669, Dally PUot for your next party. I-lire a St•te Lie. * M.2-1010 -- Ocean view lot In IA.g\lna COCKTAIL Bar, Tormnce. Jlypnotis1! 846--0&1.5 eves. • OONCRETE work .:II H_1uling 6730 NEW S.200 up. l-2-3 Br, htd dcl Mar Hla:h. .&: sauna pool!, rec rm. ltell e ONLY $7~. e R fo R' 5995 &: Atgoquin. Mgr M6-J.131 863 AmlcM \Vft,y, N.B, oom1 r ent DELUXE 1 L 2 Br at beach. 'J'OWNllOUSES 2. 3 & 4 HR, SIS \VEEK A up wt kit. Apt m JMh St., Apt T. AdUlt1: $XIO up. See 111 752 Amigos S30 v.ttk up. sunny Aerts OtARGE' your want •d now. no pets. Way, N.B. ~ Motel. 548--97S5 .f\114 It with • want ad! Bttach. $5.950 wl'h $500 dn. would make a sv.·i~ing bar\ ALCOHOLICS Anonymoua l)>pc .. Pool decks A cwitom. YARD/gar cleanup nemove bal @ $50 per mo. awoor 42<f...5315 Phone 542·7217 <1r v.Tite to Call 548-1324 tl't'e•, ivy, dlr1.' tr.ictor 4.!J'l.1210 497-1021 =s"'E"A°"UTY="""s.°'l-0,-.-=0-w-n"c"r.,.. P.O. Oox 1223 Costa f..lesa . e CONCRETE on. patios backhoe, gnu!f' 962-87.f!'i Reasonable. NC\\•port Bh'd. Sensitivity Group etc. CorK:nttt ·I. btk top saw. C lt•n Up and Hauling CM. 60-61U er M9-0515 646-5lJO <1r 64$.2513 Ina. Reu. Ddl\o .~C SlO pet' IOftd. &48-232! • • .. l """"' . ,. ' ' ~ • ' ' ' I I • I I • • -- I • s H ' I . • J w c anltorlal 6790 AUS,. Wind-1ioaro. arpeta. Corrunm:t&I . • residential. Daily,' ~ and/or Mo. t91-'l3i0 PART TIME ' Division of h.Collo c..,. 1866 Whl1Uer Ave ,. Cos\J Meu· 646-2491 An equal opportunity employer -e RUBfS e Coita ·Mela IOOKICDl'ING Seooni! ihllt fndll«lnc WHk,nd.-platloar<t. --........... COLLINS R·ADIO CO. COMPUTIR -CONTROL' COORDINATOR . 14JS .DALE WAY <X>SrA MESA, CAW'. 92Clfl cno~1 -IOSfnON--LVN CHARGE NURSE Larr• lndum.J firm, Cport ti"") NI c< """ ttm•. u ltnl Jamboreo Road BKKPll. •-• p1., ... _ .. _.,_ to ,.._.,.._ Coun""' • p.m. to 1~so a.m.. Good N.wport IHch lite 'typ&rw, lotl °' pl&blSe cop.. -~ -·,,-~· v Help W-. -7200 Help Wlntell. "'°" 7200 -Apply 1n· -..... ud -,,.... taot. -~ Slart- apar!Mtneine WE ....i 25 '""' to ---------m w .. t Adamt. c.M. ftl>. -E4ua! o_fl*IUnlly ·-· Call Ann Wllll&ma. -alnttne 6150 ,,.. .... 9,30 to 10,00 PM. WE ARE LOOKING Park Lido COASTAL •na...._. p p AtNTl.Nr.. Int & Ext Lowest Nu1exp. nee. We train. FOR MEN WHO ARE e e i::xPDu:ENC!ED O>nvalNOt~t HocP!tal A ~ ofn'litf_~ contra.,,;, prion Fully'"' • LOOKING "AHEAD MAINTBIAllCE 14'5' Silporfor Gqu. rn;...... .... ..... ' . S&tWacUon CU&l : Free eal , TOP STARTING PAV Let wi: train ygu tot a CU'ftr • -TliLilt-Newport h eh SU-2410 u tu help every c1q oi bil mt>~~~~~ Jim Weeki 873-1166 1.Jao openl~ for In inaurance_ .\n opportunity B.fCJRl(IAN ''A'', ~~~ :,, ~"';,le.~~ ~: Acctg Clerk •. CALL RUDY Student&. Teachers to Itam the bulinen A: earn UNITID do~•--·-·. "·tail '-"· ,._ . ......,. . Xlnt a""tu-~tl(; .... blo. so. · For•1ni."11ew call extra~ Oii a pu1 Ume CAL1FOltNIA IANK -• -~ ~· Pa.lnting.Cement-Odd Jobs 1-tonda.y A Tuesday baa1s. btfori feavinc yoUr H it~ School educati°" perief>ce helpful, or will COASTAL AGINCY Santa Ana co. ~. a,_ e 646-2'726 e 774-7251 present job. Become a full I Monarch 811 P1ua train. Applr. A mtml!tr ol rn<>fPhere. Clll Ed.-•, EXT/Int. pn(C. Aver rm. $ro time aient when qualified plut thrff years •X• South t.quna saeu.rnc A: SMlllnc1 tni:. Stl-M!O t •ood paint, noor work, EXPERIENCED with a auarantoed !ncom• porlanca In l!_ldush'lil . llllJ j8B.LWl ~--.21'J<lllarboJ"-BI. c.... M•u Jas°" ~t 1oc ret1. Roy, 847-1358. pet' month. electrlcal nn1truct. l'ublob bland Employment .Aa:tncy AINTING by tho hr or job. FRY-COOK Farmort Ins. Group Ion end/or malnt .... 1-------• I N•wport c.ntrr . LYN .& Nunn Aids mt So. lWn. s.A, No mark·UP on materl.llA FUil tim•, nl&bb. 116.tutt; Ed Loni -1134 •-work. Must ba SA~OMAN RECPT!"""" foi Newpori Larrw"'°"""""ECP'needt OPEN MONDAY · G<ot« Mork. &n-'1241 ''"' oook. Apply ID ..,... -DIVISION-obla to ololaln • I~ -· J;aal eqle. Sou to u. Orlolrtatlon........, bf a SECl'Y, laueb-ID hes\lt dotn AINTING ~ Int/ext. 2 Univ between 2 A 5 PM. CONTROLLER cenn from the City Local In better Ute' top w/ rood 11dlh. $500. fllll time In ierviCt educa. C.M. Good typ, 111l. Dtter 3 R COCO'S "'c ... t. -· res<11 to ... or; !or Exclq. Call Gloria Kay, -tor ~:,.., on .n lblftL dull. Bo a cmhdV .. -seniors. yrs exp. esp. live Speet.lty Shop. $ dQ' COASTAL AGENCY Duie;'tW pd tar 1w1 .. -n ote. To $:i00. Call BUUt, 833-2232, 492.«32 eves. 2131 WESTCLlFF DRIVE Rapidlynl V<pandutai"' micro-Call for••ppolnl.ment to ~Ir. t-5:30, no n!tea. SIJ. A member ot le nite owl&. ""..., ~--;ho ~ VETS Bonded Paintlnz. 10 NEWPORT BEACJI electro e man ct1'f'tr re-P•te H•lfrkh uy + commllslon. JUpl.le1 ~A: Sntlllna Inc. care need ap";j; at 1030 w. COASTAL AOINCY yrs In aiu, lic'd le iniured. !!!!~~'!!"~~~!!!I quires Divilk>n Controller. conndentl&J. Wrlte Ddy Pi· 2790 Harbor Bl, a:.ta !.feu. Warner S.A 5'6--"50 A member of r.l2-<l4Z1 MECHANICS Poiltlon ....... dittclly to 5~6 -· Ext. 1$4 lot Box M-333. c•·-k T~ uu • ' . -·-' •-m-1nc. · · -ceneral manqer. Coat ex. ~ 33U tl•rbor Blvd. -.... It te ~ SECT\', excpu Job. m., ad-1J9o ~~Mesa AINTJNG. Ext-Int. 18 Yts Unt' Mechanic Air Coridi-pe rience de11.rtd. Nirwport Costa Moe cuu,.~... -~ Xlnt opp!;)', f& Bfacb eo. va.nce to top. POlled ' aharp ' exp. lnl. Lie. Free est. tioning a:~ Meehan-Bee.eh location. -• ._, •,. P • • Top htnenta. cau x.,, w/ IOOd U:Wa, 1ep1 exp. Tt MANICURIST Acoult. ceiling. 548-5325 ics, 50/50. Exceptional worfc. Misslle System.e Divial.oo = A~ 0 f 546-5410 $600. Call 81llle, 54G«J55 Fuhionable Newport !'.*ch ATNT I NG, irlblt I ,Callxt. :'..!.,eo~.~;=r~~;'~ Contact A. J. Fcli .,n.lllTlt ahthnd. rood typlni, JASON BEST COASTAL AGENCY full~~-~~!~ ~able, ~ e. -• ,...,....,.., IL.Mii\ purChuins dealtable Emplopment AaeDtY,. A mtmbtr ot.. ..,,.., W91.1"'"""" .. l, ~~ ... oo.-3398 ~~~~~ ~ _J'PL~ RADIX Willln& to =ic arow wi 212o So. MaJn, S.A. hllinc A: Snellinc Inc-A: ~. pt.Id, vaca- EAT. Exp. Painter,,. .no PE"~N -CORPORATION ftl:rllROf compaqy. p Jeaiant II.If'-O~ MONDAY 2'19o.Hatbor Bl, Cocta Me.. ~~""de. .Pkul call drlnldn&'. Cnll'I• •tudonL p;;a'FJc AUTO SALES ..,!!.!· Lihorly A~ UKA """"''"'" APP 1, •215 Receptionist $350 Exec Socty to"50 ;;;;;a_;,.,,, ...,. - Low prlcft! Steve 5'8.-4549 3600 (J)e-IT)" Aw. CORPORATION' Jttvenkle AYf.., NB .. T)W ~. telepbanes. Xllll oppty, d)'N.lnlc ·I a 1.t atmoetiheft, btaeb a r IL PATCH PLASTERING. Lo.,. Boacb * DRMRS * RECPT, Pl!X ~. PittS oew Ind --'·nt p ,,...-.,, """1w Newport Bead> ''" Don't •·ht -"'"" 1.,. AD. types. Fttt atlmate. I ~--c:===--A Div. of Susquehanna OW,. ~ need ~ pl to. e,_'!""' e Call Kay, 545-5410. · •• •"''""" '· Carl 540-6825 SALES Tmet:, monef ii our No Experience . handle 'buly phane1 ita: ins Orane• ~ve .. &rlte c Jason a.it c.an Arin ww1ama,. ~ AINTING .Paperlnc 16 yn :::; :on:.~.= Neceuaryl Equal oppprtwtlty employtt' Call SaDy Hirt, ~ c~. 60«GSI S • ~. .. F..mployment Aatney COA~T:m:!rcv - ,. Harbor area. Ue. l taatic be~ll. $5t60 can Mutt have clean Callfoml& COASTAL AGS:NCY et• ecret1ry 2120 So. Main, 8.A. S!Jelllni 4 Snellin& Inc. bonded. RefJ ,turn. 6fl..2356 Frank RaJ1d, 54()..6()55 driving record. Apply A memb'!r of 5 years Calif, exp .. must have · OPEN MONDAY 279() Hartlor Bl. 0.la Mta COASTAL AGENCY YELLOW CAB CO. *. * Sll<Uinr l Sntlllnr Inc. :;:i'N:,. i;:::~ ow"' RECPT, brite pl to alow in P/T 0.n Office l_omblne 6190 A momber ol 186 E. 16th SI. J. c. """"'Co, mo H ..... Bl, Coif&..... MISS E E CGINCY thio '""'' -• ....... •• -• h =--"-----:;nelli'11 l Snclllrc Inc. Cotto Mffa Fashion ltiand e Typloll X C A on Pl!X, U... lyp. tun job. ~·"' P.l • · PWMBING REPAIR 2190 Harbo BL Costa M N Beach 510 W. o..t JU&hwt¥ To $375. Call BDlle Mo.6055 C«xi Qrllb:W akllla,:( bovt a No job too •m&ll r , ,.. OIGMT Tmeo, natlogol chain •wport • Sto .... ra"'1on Newport BM<h &40Jl39 COASTAL AGENCY day, '*11 Loro»e llercl>aml • 6'Wl2' • GENER AL MAC!Yl'JST, "'taur, aood -· il.s. • Prlv Sacy • Roco;t EXPERIENCED A m•mbor ol "'•-.! -· _21113 oxp'd. with •tain!<sa ""' cnd. "" <Oil. "5<IO. Coll NEEDS A ~"' Oonlra<tt wllJ bt to. WAITIESS SnoWnr • ~m-Inc. Wtm!UI Dr., II.II. ~mo od I R I 6940 parts to cio.e tolerancea.. Fra1'llr Rand, M0-«116 eated tn Santa ,.._ ncr. .___......, :=\r.: Rem e, ePf1 r, capable of dolne own .etups COASTAL AGENCY • t:U.trw UPlicaHMI ~per-2191) Harbor Bl, O>sta Mtu. ~ C:,.tt.:o:;-;·t~ IF you n...i rw..-it... on lathes. Call Jfm H,..... A m•mbor o1 * COOK * ..,.-""!'-· Geo1nJ t'fily In ,.._. SECl'Y, a res1 .._.. cllarp ...,. ·-. Move Qp. l'50. - -i-;..... or npajis. Call Days: 64l--2400, Eve•: ~ " Sntll'-Inc. Recent, IUCCtldW·__...nee ocnstrudSan e>CPtrlence d• S ' & S •Lo N penon. Slid ,~U&L Be ........ -• ........,._ •• ~-1,. I !ho bou • otart a( ISOO. Coll Am wtlllamo -Dick. 642-l'm ~·~le Division of 2?90 H&rbor 81• Costa Meu. Jn all pbua ot tile food in-lirtd.. Send appllciul.\I I: 5930 Pee. Cit. Hwy. C&ll Ann Wllllaml:, Sll).fOIS COASTAL AGENCY GULTON INDusrruES Production Clerk du.try 11 required:, Chm.peU. n:unes lo Donovan °""' Newport leach A me:mbe:r of • lboflnv 6950 ti ........ and ............ -·-"'-·om -. COASTAL AGINCY --... ~~~·-. =-='------1Mt Whlttil!r A~ c.M. Clerk .. $500 benefttl 1ncJOOlft::. -· Bl\'d --., LA 9ll03I. ASSisrANT MAlfAGDt tor A membet ot ... __.... ---· ..... r •-w ...... -... .... l:'-·-1 -----1-• ..11v ..... pi--V1-.. ---"'th v1•·•. 1tobl• ... ,..6..... ·• ou.!'41" • • a790 Harbor Bl, o.tl. M• Roa -.-u.o,.. • ""'pa..-'""'I._. ~ •w1 .. ,, ~ .. ...,,.r... .....,,,, ...,,rv wo ... a.barin&:· AtWrrHM: Leo Nlerne, spec.tally lhop, Must bt Snelling 4 Sndllrw Inc. ~ '!:m':a =ty co.~::; =O APPLY IN PE~K TELLER, IOn>e exp a muet. ~We ~e 2790 H~ Bl, Costa Mt11. IBM S=A~ T $1' J Employment A&ency 10 .\M ta I PM ~ peopl~ =.: ptrtelilce ~. Apply =~· =r~~ ':'; •xptt, Ute lhtd, txeQI~ :-t::::;> 2120 So. Main, S.A. Monda,)' tbru Friday To $400. cau Sally ~· Qff1t.IS J'A!HIONS ,i.111 .. beach .,... -n T _. potential. P'rtJtiare'rco wttfi ..I: ~ • OPEN MONDAY ' ' South Cout ..Plw. Aile tar ......., ' ...,... ....,... urdquLrurmund.J.np. ;£ ,...; Acclid'ilionl to $1000 J ( P91£Y (0-C~T!!"m~~NCY Miu T. · . ~.,;,,.~~-.;: MISS IXICAGl'ijCY IP. p p p p N • p i p . * Sawl~ 6960 I ,.., ... ,, 11 IJI MEN Truck Driver . $1.00-hr. ror amall 011ta Mna ComP.n,. Mt11t hay• valid -liceme. NurMry S•loa T...,.. Some uprr ar etb»- .-i boc"""""4 f •. -·--· ... ,...... ..... A""llocturol Dreft1m1n Tral-$1. hwr ~u opl)'. H•w.port -omc.. '•C!OryJ r!J __ Sl.U hr •. Altoratlons • 642-5145 · Neat, accurate, 20 )'ell'I exp. lf!rxf·1:!~!'1--.•. ,,~ ~_,. Fee p.Jd. Loc&J. non~enae • ' • !nel&c a: ~ me. BECI'Y,., IO nwMt lor toP N'.8. Ms-2170 (Uo -jolil)' 510 ~· ~ aJahwi)r Aaarv-'"~4'11ilbr«f co. 1tabJe. Send tttume or 24 F11hlon .f1land mo Harbor B( O:.ta Meea Enos ftnn. Good tYPinl' NEW Aecta: Teller, bank~ Newp:t't Bue:b', ~ -. w· ,OM_ .. EN 'h°"' call Larry, ~5410 A'D equal oppartuntt)' MOMT Trelnee, ftn~ co., aJh, w/phone, ptrSm&H,t,. not~llU)". but..,;. type KEYPONal ·<>Per, co.o·t. Jat0n Be1t • _..__ _ .. A_, , __ , t $tl5: Call Cklrta Kay, •slbu.eetu1.'J400.ean •-.ea1m t: matun. Great ad· Quality Assurance Employment Asertcy * -···~'"' --* na ..... -.. ......... ace, n• 5fo.flll6 wmlam1 5f0.6lli5 _,., vcint P*dblt for tbaip pl. Sii:Ntlry t• aua, All Shifts TILE. Ceramic 6974 $1100 2120 So. Mal~ &A. ~~7~· eon COASTAL AGENCY COASTAL AGINCY ...,,, ieo. cau Gloni Kay, t.owl> -. in;... -· -·· ... _ * F -·" ~-t oppN imm<d OPE!! M9NDAY Cft .. T•L •GENCY A·membor of A ~ r -,,,__,_ • .____.~ -:;-~:k.J:tall...,l;;.n.. .• ':il;ittt'k:cd eo~$e.oc1 re-. SALES for Oranre co. Good Do You Take-. --~ ~~ ol ~A Snellinl Inc. sfttlur,;n:m&;w:r tne. COASTAL AQINCY -·;;:;·-· "-v· - N• job too .m&11. Plulor ·-or call am. -opportun!ly lo!' ..... ..11<. ( SAWMEN -' s..w.s lllc. mo -Bl. °"'" -mo -Bl. o.i. M-A ........ of patch. Loaking 1 bow• r Jason Bast ins man. To 17100, Coll Bud WANTED) :mo.._._ Bl. o.i. M-Tollor T,,_ $125 FRY COOK mo~ i:"1'0::. ~· repair. Ml-l9S7~ Employment Ageney Snell, 541J..60S5 Gel frW.y $QO Xlnt oppty for lldva.ntement, Mal\lre ~tteed I.ct)' • en 2l20 So. >lain. s.A. COASTAL AGENCY w;th a sratn of alt! CU• ~---·• ~~ -*"' ""'""""°"Buell day_; .,.,_ full tlma. •• ,.NUJliEI ••• TrH S.rvlc• 6980 OPEN MPNDAX. A member ol llY that I blame )'CO. I fol. """'~ .,._ .. , _ ... ,. otUcet OtJ1...:F..dfe -5tWUO ' ·-., · ftN.1\eUtf-llitft - - MACHINlSl'S &teDirc A: snetllrw Inc. lowfd a 1nr m)'9e1I onlJ to ant Wi:lrtdtW cOiiUtions ln OPEN.MONDAY ' c.D lor fn ltrvfew, Marie LVN, fdll-mstit lhitt c ESTATE Malot ,.,.. 5'rV N/C 2790 H.-Bl, Cotto M.,. ho -The job = firm, Call Kay, JASON BEST Calleodor Plet, ..,_, Apflly ID penon R<monl & trinuntnp,"" MILLING OPERATOR SALES. natlonal firm,...., ,.Idem Jived 11P to "" j 0-Int Emp-,._,,,,, Executive Sac..tary LQmaS..cbNunlns8-P ...... ~. estimate, c.an Ml..(1(18S. DRILL PRESS ''A" rood nwi, .a~ croeeiY daims In the ad. Dnp&oymmt ~ . 2l2tt Sa. M&il;l. s..nt.a Ana Frtlwe ben.t:ltl, bobul.. l'a1h-~ ft•ck .. 6990 Top Nlary. overtim<. Gtoup ""''· "" ..... ""'°· Coll DO YOURSELF ruo So. Main. I.A. OPERA TORS : •. 1~.:.:.-:::.: 5~ Jr. Acct ro $900 Raio Clerk Upholstery imur Apply in person or Bud Snell, 54Q.6llii5 A FAVOR I OPEN MONDAY Exptrlenoed on d re••• I. 613-aZl.8 l'ee paid . .A1Jo fff Jat>1: Ole ~ txpa1eDcii DK> <:zYKOSKI'S ""'· Uphol. "'"' '114>-9021; Newport Pre· COASTAL AGENCY AND RECPr. "*'lcaL......... ... .... WNI', .i.,.... Top KEYPUNQf, 1 ,. ..... c ... t lndopondant'Por-1 .....,,. :r:uropean ()'aftmuu11hip cislon, 909 W. 16th, NB. A member of l!XPLOltE attncUon tw-lovt!y Med. Pay. Aleo PR!:SSER. ol>P(y lor a real IO rettef, 11'18 Oranp Aw.., ~ C ' 1009' tin! &U--1454 MGMT Tmee go wher't the Snelllnj: I-Snellll'I& Inc. Center. ·Know JMd .tonn1 a: 163 Producdoa. Place . Top benefita, nice oles. To CJ4. ,.,., -56<Vf9 C1eualty Rate CJtrk lB31 Nowporl Bl., C.M. action b• N~l'I chain n...i. 2790 Harbor Bi, CooiA M"a THIS ONE I t.,,.,, 1425, Qll C-IC&y, Newpon BUcb. -. !<ill. Calls.Ji, Hart, -GENT~•• m" • ?i-tMM, fnoney mad man. PROFESSIONAL Sal•• It you would like to makt ~ · cn.a•TAL AGINCY -IU' I monthl to l ,_ar ex-JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Trato day or nu, 11200. Call Catttr -S.orchtna tor""" 1250. per -k i<nm<dlateiy. COASTAL AOINCY F!'.>IAU: 11 to Z. no .... """ ..._ iadY bouieilHper 5 ""''"'° in ooto and ="'------02-0 Frank 54CJ.6!li5 to learn our hullnea and With an apportunity !or A 1"mlber of =~ toS:':-1 ~br...,.+ Snen1~ ~~~1!!. Inc ~~~·u• ~ ltlbilttr: Job Wantad, Lady 7 COASTAL AGENCY hand!• oa1 .. .-ttv. poo> much more ID fho Mm,., SnoU1rw l ~toe. ~· ,...., -~ --.. " °"" ---~.,.~ · A --m~ of Uon. Traintnr ....... pn> -u.~ Bl. ~ II "'"'"· 31U2l2 mo HA-Bl., 0.... M"' bit. Call -,,.... ... C'-rk • -• Xl.Nf Care for yGUC' children ...... ....,,. ed r .. 11-. I woutd Ulce to ~ to Yo\I, ••<>v nm.a.._. '-w. Ha BD.J.ING Q..ER.K EXPERIENCED waitreu, tenrtew · ,. "" ..- . ~ f -• Sne-lnc. Yid ' .......... ..i.. or II"""'~-·~~-. match HELP w·-10 "·u .... 1T"' 21, Ille.,... &:for pets in your ......,,..., or 2790 Harbor Bl, Coat& Me• buslnea exp. Ma r r I• d. ,....__ _. 1 2 nltes. 1 "'1 at a.rr per .... ·fill\ or part wrw, tnaldul Ortler Dffk h ..... tor · w vacatkmlna parent&. Xlnt 1--.-====•_...,.-MJ.5623, Exl 321. our requimnerrti, U1I. could • Bati c.,ienwn lnqutn: Plnonml Dtpt. houri. lknton's eoa.. Shop. Recent W'Oft "'P· a'OCld ~ •IDmW ltl'Vkll. W charaetor nfJ. CHO e DESMONDS e. n;fu;I'·~-.. "'!ho"""'"""' besn a a.at Mee-U..C --ii.II. w s.eout.i..a--. --· ·~ -• •· b'ain brfabt. pl, Ill..., #3 F--'-•--T-•--.1 ~~'"""""' loaki111for.c:an·torpe1'9Dl-.J •CablnrtMU:en -, nouua,_..,,,_ ~ 174-55 .......,., .._..... DRAFl'SKAN Jnttrvtew bt( 10 AM AS PM NB. • rw.lnr, Merdwrts hw""'1 WILL DO HOUSEWORK Newport Bw:b Jntmnedlate Exp Tom a: (TlJ) 5.M-1701 : ~hen GDfER.AL OfDot belp IJNd.. COU.EGE ap Pl • Apney, ·IOC3rw.tdtft 1-., Balboa Ioland l "'n!Muia P N~~ tim< ,.,,,...., Arcbi-AfA MACIUNE S ah I I I od. ......._ .. ~ nquJr> -•child can tor, .N:;:.B.&.,t6mll~;;,;=-.,....,,,,_.,... • 545-'lSO'J • ~N1ToR -Hunt. Harbour, M&-<1671 • OPERA.TOI\ • -:'; l:th ~-~~HI ed. 50. WPM. Call ...._ tamu,y or 4 beryl 17·15> unttJ•CmmiJQoNTic Aui.tant - SECRETARY, Part lime, In AD company benefits, pita• M E!C HANJ:CS.bpuienced Nlaht shilt. Excelltnt op. ctJJtt.ui "6 ' ' 1:»5 uk tor Mn. Btn:y. ~Sept 2. $80 wk. Rell rtq. Office M!W'. ·n1u.,mled exchanae for ple.uant li~ ant worklllg eond'1. I: :SO to wftnboarda. outboards A: partunlly for )'OW!& mail ' d rap• r 1 <i>CKTA1L wallnu. id dvtlet, llentarial lkllk. quarten.494-&460 Sp.rn ,Applytnpenon. ~~ .= mechanically tncl tned . ~d.;: C dmt, Ben Brow~n '• ~lite 4'PU. A busy M&turlt)', SoOd'" ~ SALES "-t ,.,..,.., HIS b .. -..,. ,. wsr be R.S. and .• have P1ua " • Rtstunnt A-i.ow., South "'1tchboad. SW. out Urll .l: Judammt rt 4 u Jr• 4 . Job Wanted ""'6.... •wu .,....,. •table work bkgrnd, Min. _ l.quJL AM W Roy, wmmer A el"IJoy woril. To Saluy optll. • Wr1tit Dally Men & Women 7030 pd or collqe. ~ptl bM-ISER,;:,;;.V;..-'-',ST=A.-A~Tl'llll=~N-'=T,I height 5'5 ... Good c:o, ASSISTANT To !Rip me~ a.22U '315. Call Salb'. 540-W PUet b~ CO·--to do odd jobo. ~ ~· Call Bud ... , IL Exp ..... Contct btndill. wm...... lllJ' -' "" a .... s • ™· liOid/jiOiii1 COASTAL AGENCY JEE~M,All> u::.~:". --~s;i,. window ~· AL AGENCY MlKE. AIRPORT TEX-. POLYOPl'ICS lllC._ ~ "::.":;.-Nt'-£ofol-. $1.11 boar. t. lntmb<r ot A~· _.,;ia"'·. ~ .~ ACO, 4611 CamPUJ Dr. 1511 E. earn.p, II.A. Call -SntillDs 6 llllfllhw lne, ....., dOUlinr, etc. 54 alt 5 :ni:: of Inc. Newpt. -· S<&-mt GEllEl\A!-Oilb, u 1n W»m:D: Wlc 8t>l{Jt, ap'd 27!0 ~ "1. O>tca 11-SCOTTI I Do"'"'ic Help ' 7W mo~r B~ ~ ..... EXP'O, :Ind. OlhUt lnjoction Equal -tunlty ... ...,... <lallt;:1.:"'~n .~. -,.,,, 'Call 1111 I F7C aoolCklil'IR ~~-!:,'.~· - . • , f Moldinc Foreman. Gd, fftEQL\HJC • v--p"', ~ .... Coata.Meu .QA oUlce. . . . 0.U-livoJnt.O!<ertul ~er.; 1:'·, ... "'!.':::t' btn'LApfllyltoSPM, r ...... car.BMCAranrt WAITREM.(lVZRll ill!l~. pW1ajO tor 1 ........... ·CllalJt~, ~TION: ~ Permanent. Experienced l'f!fl op . SJ4AU, PARTS INC. dealer ltMd• 2 exper, mtn. 5 1>a¥ 6 ~ lhUt. bllt)' ,~'• .. Goad Corrtmftwm'tte s.Jaty. -.-A Go· Cc.. rar !all "PJIC)'. ~ ~~ ~.df~~ci'n~ J3!8 l,.tfan Avt., C.M. . de.y week. Proven ht&h Call: Ms-Ma , "'*~ ..,._. Pl••H call u 1#14 ToP ~ .~to to c..,..· Ail•• Byland AaenCJ Sn•li ~ fiWNEE lt.24. ndio ""' ""''""· -eai« vwflon, iSiiiii1 noe;;i: i lillliiii. Pait'Tiiii; am T ' ORAL ......,. iii!Cil. tm: --""' llr liJt. -ri~••~ ,.._l(ey -r.:llOIH1-. 106-8 E. 1.6th, SA 5C7--0395 ,Vf"ll~'~ber of -install, lWUo repair back· Croup lna., A o t Iii e r ...... ~ dental &11la:ta.nt. X.,.., a-~ 1 • , • Snell!,. • SMllill( Jne cnNJld. Also P.T. radio ~ btnofttt, Call Joe Moon i!f61iL l4AJD want.cl. Ap. dtCfAL iliiCblftl ~ perfenoe. C&ll 541-mt ~i. ~ Help Wantad, -noo mo H ..... Bl, CosiA M .. p&tnnan. ---""' 1021 . llo>ol4o Dr. lor --· 1:llp. MOTEL Mill. Elpnilnco G ~~ -· .. a...'"';:; EXP'D auseoY ......... 1ns1t1oSo1otss1s.oo •WPET 11vme --.ii. __ .........,,. Jaq•fr• "tM. ~No. R IOYS II -14 .....,; u .,.. ia. Sar! • Bowtt ...... .,...i. 1J11e WU UI WANTED' iWill.Ull 11r bit DL ....,., -..... ~ K01'EL. ~ ,._. °""""" Qouo. • CUritr a..tto Open Sirloin 511311 Padllc OOUf ....,,. ....... coll Lorolm, IXPElllENCID .... w. C.IL ..,. w a-... l!llo4& ' w ™ =...., I« H N• B. -,..,_ ,..._ ISL•w "-OR OOI -llOh ~ -•• • -•a !Int ~ • OPD,t;•-~ S..cb. !o. Lqlu>a .,. • <>.200 w-nr.1U-271•" -0•R-· HouSiKiiM3uori.-RO<o.~.M!'iiis':'ai' '",a flnt dw IMoo co. A!"""lltot-- oAJLY Pllh1' JANITOR. full llma """' RET!liiD"w.. lo ..... _!fOMIS, INC. -I'll" -,.... • i5tN'rl£ ·~~·~· ·~~ brand --t 11<11. Coll I•"""• 'llt ..... Goa°:ll:: ~ .wk. auod 1"1· ••• "°"' • -•-· u Col -o...,.. Dr,. OK. w~ A-· l ,_ ~--~-.. • ~ Ann Wiplams. -Uhl. -a;, EXPiitliilcm suvlte .......,., a...._~ lloutb ~·'"" n ---·-....,_tlctlll<o. COASTALAOINCY' an.. - station· man. full timt, Lquna.lo!r.G>tnemt = 00 W. 11th SL i,ttJililCATWN .,... hr •iii'tNf~. * llWOIO * Amt'"""" Cldll'llC1tltnY ,,.,...,,..LHourly-+ fXPtJUEkCd>•boeiifOe: iSIHtl INdll. Some 1111>1 hi! or ........... °*' llA'TllliE •• Plit time Sno1111w•&oollfn(1nc. tut.-.. ·-. auod ~mmllUon. <>Ywrthne ,.y man. Jnqutre 245 Forat~~~111T~· mecM.ntcal wOrt. b Mea ~~--~hdpb'DIU.Appli fTIOH&.rtlor ·IQ.a.taMeea 'on pbom $atbe'-ab0Jid, ""' 40 ..... .., E. OOUf A .... ~ BucJ>. a • . ' ' -..,,, ~ am. -•N• at :m E. l!th st.. QI. MANldllUri ' iiiliiPOO Small • ··~· oit!Oo 'I!& • Hwy., NB. EXPERIENCtD OOUj)li Iii< Cane] ..... ~ S..t 'lttroit !no., m W. Bi:Al.1n 0 ~ J; a AT 0 R·I ilO!:tSiliS'( -.,.,,.. GDU.. .._., Hair Etc. ~ or . 1 •. EXP'D. MF.CliANIC. Plrt motel manqemtnt. 5un:nJ H • Grad, tllfl' to 1""' l6th St., N18. .. m.1: No foll1twl11'1 W7 ..... r:q, ,...,d. 1Xk, Mmae ""· 11J.. i.. GIRL ti .. ~ trP- timo ...... sun. Start Joly Acn• Mot.I ~ms trade u COOK, w)der .... DI\ Ar Ts" AN •It. .,.,.._,, -· ~ Bah -l'tlmblll1p, ~~ I ... ~ .......... to 19th.°"""" d<ll .. r. Apply PROl'E$10NAL MEdWI. -Sir Goo<&o• -I ............ _,. dtoind tor LEGA1'. iiXiiii1\Ulr; -na<I '"""• NB:"Muld f>bri'AL mt .. cxper. al M<dlcll ...... llO > - I ........ 31fJO E. Coatt re. -~ ........... DAILY Pn.ar wkri' l,llS ~~· -QI. • "" --..... Wilito ..... :ono a Uiii ..... -· Ei!coll. .... -,...., .. wl1tiltl l'O Hwf, TomSlialilllnlonOfl~Dlol -lor UllUl.TI Clll "!lltci-Orinlllnctl ... iiMliltl. Dial MM111 b ,.._.,_ .... ...,._ .. • • • I , ---~--- TYPlst A pt7 . ..,... __ -to-.Cood -· 11Utles onCfmfteb· ager.fCN , I I • I •1.111h- ·' lul"llf c-.::f!Wa •t• ' • ' r ' -~ ' -----'-' --~---~-- • , DAii, V Pll.OT M-, J,~ 21, 1969 • ' < I r~v-; m""Ct11••DISE FOK JOBS & EMPLOYMENT MERCHANDISE FQR MERCHANDISE FOR• t.ll!RCHANQISE FOR. MlltCHANDISI! FOi ~llltcHANDISI ~II pm and LIVESTOCK' IALI AND l'IADI SA~E AND TRADB Jobt-Mln,-W..;.~ ·S.ALE AND TRADI SALE ~o TRADE SA~E AND TRADE SALi AND TRADE, "tLE ANO T~ Dogs 182.S ' -.......... IOOOFumlture 8000 Fumlture 1000 Fumllu,.. -Fumlture IOOO Ml-!11~ 8600 MllC. Wanted. 1610 ~---, • :. ~~--~ _ _ _ ._ FEMALE l>o;xl«, 3 mos. I: I (h k ff :;r. MAROll! WEBB WANTED -trunk for u,,.1y, StandaM sino. 4 ,~LI·-t.' •IJi •r•\[l)ff~! ~~H.~HEere , l'/l;.l:i:ti[•llk1tf;.1!·31 CL~~!;:~LE =~ cOu .J••l =::::.:~~::: ~ ,, -..-••••-••ii.~ 1il Our 6,000 #.1WarehouM Open to Pu.bllc F1n-t Time! l.qWl&Btach Mlchl'!fflc•tc. 1700 old: while w/fawn spots; ,, Ir I • I• ' ,, ' ~ ~ ., • I ., DKOUTOR GETS CANCEIUTION Job Kings• II . a,.. out of summer '""" HEAVY-<lui:y rofo.UllCr 3 ;U<C. Must ..n by Mon. OF 18 lUXURY APARTMOOS •. t1l;Jl:J~jJ,j·f~1Jlf~jJif;Jlf!d·;r ·=:'~~~r5 ·=~~~;,;:; = reg!s~red. 11bJ•.~ ., Spi11ish·& Mediftn'lllllll fUmfturt . EEMALE ~ . dresses. l}OW priced from sale or trade{« front throw mos. ~ulilul, inttlligent, _ ;i~.'.l'll!' ~~,;° .,!1,EW . . ··-~3 Roo.,,_si 3 0 es~ . . _ O~v $I000-¥!1t-,lJJIM§l -i'Jri~<lRj)'46~ !."~-~ -~~-~---~: ----' =~-·~~ ... ···· 'H\"11. -.~ .. =~·~~----~_ .. · .. ·.-.. -.:_·_, __ · ... · .. ·_,_·_ .• _ .. ~_-.. ·_:"_trj. ea!~•&~~~:.!':°,... . Examples of 1001 oth~ once' ill a lifetime specials! -"~ .. !!.~v:;:, ~!-:": PETS end LIVESTOCK • ~~-:;:..~ .. ;~~'. ':O:t<: ..., of adminiatratlon l«bnlqu.,, • 5 Pc GAme Stlts wrought Iron from '59-95 • 8 Ft Dec Divan & Love painful -.,, or ·, .. p " Ge 1 84&-lli21 • .m............ front ottict, sharp. seat $149.95 • 60" Heav,y Spanish Co.flee table '29.95 • Lge Matching penatVe hair wee.~. our new • • ne.r• ~ 8IOO s =•=RIN==G=Elt~Spa~n~lel~p-,..-.~ie-,,t iA decoralor dream house on display -3 · Recpt/Gen Ole. $350 Lamu ~bles $19.95 • Decorative Spanish Lamps from ,14.95 e Guar ~ ~ .,.._, 5% FOOT, unusual mukod adorablo!. AKC, hunt or 1rooms pf goigeous Spanish furniture (was Front 0 I ( l c •• . mosUy Box ~Pr"'ll• & Mattresses $19.95; 15 yr. Guar. Quality Kings & Queens artUlcial ................. Gooho• Snake, llO, or bHl show, $50 OL 546-2'20 telephone. At Terfi{lc SavJngsJ Steckt & Stacks & Stacks of Mattresses tio'}._~ antiquates all other otter. 644-llXWI:. ,DOXIE pups. red ata.ndard, ·reg. $1295.00 F 'I Cl k $75 k B k m•~~•. FID. avsll. Orange AKC, Qoamplon 11 ne,. I e " w • Cred1't • an or Co. Hair Roplacement Cnlr. Cai. 1120 968-0)44 & 968-0ffi3 $ACRIFICE $3·9·1 Sbi>rp .. , with chanoe lor • S 433 N. Tustin, Orange==----~ • • • • • • ac1var1Cf!mcnt. fore 633--0dl. SIAMESE kittens 9 wks, box MINIATURE Schnauzer, 11 ~ CltaDtT TlllMS AVAii.AiLi QtEOlf (Ll!AAIO IMMEDtATILT Terms ' Ch REFRIG ISO ~.. trained, Blue Seal Point, $20 wks, excptnal quality, male. Jr Bkkpr to $375 = $25. T ha ....., &<11-6385 m m FURNITURE """' bkkp< in A/P & A/R, ' . ' '' ' ' ' arge Lad~1 bat..;. suti., 1.,.. •ach. 83&-057', S43-38l9 op ' mp. . 1 detail ~"Ork. _ 548·9660 t , , • , • , OP" t.t D.rtr selection n each. Swim-SlAMESE Sealpoint Kitte1111 \VEIMARANER 1% yrs old, S. 11-1 Sat t4 ming pools 50c up. Hand & 1'l'alned males. perm. :shots. lemaJe, beautitul thorobred. Acctg Clerk to $2.50 hr Behind Harbor Car Wash -Enter on Hamilton or S.merd St. garden tools 2c5 up. New $25. 56-184& No papers. $50. 5ot5-m4 1844 I rt Bl d (at A/R. A/P, invoice billlngs, hoe 25c , FEMAL.E S Bernard ewpo J .Hart.or llhdJ good opp1y for right gal. J_O __ BS & EMPLOYMENT Furnttu,. 8000 A I ;.,,,:,,, new '12. ::::, ~ "-8125 3 mo. old. :.00. ' AKC. "-f M I Ins Office Girl $400 nt qu. 8110 up. Boy's & a:trl'a bikes. $8-.... ....., CALL ~ ..u'I a. esa on y 2ynrnHngpolicy&COm<'l. Jobs-Mon, Wom. 7500· SPANISH Lorry Morgen Antiques $10. 1550-A SUporior, C.M. ALASKAN Malamutes (dod GERMAN S H EPHERD E N'·ht-9 w·..1 .... t It SuR. 'TD 6 Inv. Clerk tc> $90 wk MEDITERRANEAN Would ~ ~lieve? Doten 646-9188 dog pupsl, AKC. J>e'auliful male, AKC. 3 mos, shot&. -~ '¥ 111 -1111·1 -• ,__ • roll KIRBY vacuum c I e a n e r coloring, efe8.t famUy d""'S, *642--0'139* '1!!!!!!!!!!i!!j~!!i!~~~~\!!!~!!!!!J!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!I No exper, good head Oil BEAUTY'' "Ai 'Showo-tn...m_odel binnes:. -t~fi~~._rdj1aj!:_t1;Wes, tri _,.. ~-! shoulders light lype • • 3 Rm• ol !um (dln rm liv china cablnetK,. secretarys, ~/attac;h. polisher. XI.NT e • ......,, -loving, ~ 1.o SCHNAUZER PUP JOBS & EMPLOYMENT 'JOBS & EMPLOYMENT · · OPERATO • E Arm I b cond ·and guar, Pay oU train. Perfect show dogs, (213) 330-6595 Clerk Typist $80 wk R rm, &-bednnl' priced el!e. s:·cJ.O(.br:s·m:::;" ~~: balance of $39.61 or take good f9r breeding, Help W•ntetl Help Wanted scr + must, sharp gaJ, where at $895 is yours today Wholesale&: tail ••-N av.er payment.. Credit Dept., Registered purebred, $120 W 7400 W 7400 Mu1t be experienced. at o~ $439 ~ -" re ' ~ ew. _l.IJ2. ~ 1fo 1830 omen ~omen Recpt/Gen Ofc-$2. hr ' _ TennS. • " a-Me"". --" ' l':SU--- -LEGAL- SECRETAR'f . $5U-$654. per month CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH J'ull variety of municipal legal duti,_eli 4 secretary to the assi1tan1 city attorney. Attractive office oii the l't.'- lreshlng Balboa Peninsula. R.equi.rea: three years ol atl'n. ograpbic experience wlUtin the last ~n yean, including at least one year o{ respon- sible legal work. Application. .oouJd be filed !lt O'J;C~ w:ll):I the Personnel Ottice, City Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd., -Beach. om<.·92660 <n4l 613.(i633 ME or EE or Equiv. Production Superinti:ndent EnglnHr to $1100 Fee relmb. Also fee jobs. Independent Personnel 1n6 Orange Ave., Suite C C.M. 642-0026, 545-0079 Accts Payable Clerk Front office, dealing with public. Beautiful SUITOIUJd. lngs on the bay at Newport Beach. MISS EXEC AGENCY 5lo w. °""' I{ighwoy N~ Bea<'.h 646-3939 ADVERTISING Secretary/ Bookkeep-er Responslble, top level position for sharp, tak• charge 9lrl. Must have excellent 1klll1 incl. shorthend; handle lit• bkkpg; billing. Under 30. Call Barbara. C714) *A P bl Good type skills long 'on APPLY S t A F It !i:48-738.1 -VINYLTILE,Ltnoleum, GREAT DANE. Female. GENTLE but c..lrlted horse ccounts •ya e . • ' •n a na urn ure Allphalt Tile_ Beauli1ul col-Blade. One Yttr 0 1 d ~,, Clerk personality Personnel Office 426 W. 41h St .. Saata Ana Stwlng Machlnq 8120 on and pa,tterns. F'n!e w/papen. Obedience n;ain. w/tack &: stall. Call Doon& Experienced on I y type 60 Bkkpg/Gen ofc fr $400 Third Floor 547.0789 esUmates. Lie. C 0 n tr. ed,. 833-3250 ' after 4 p.m. 644-0439 w,p.m. Gal Fri., type, bkkpg, genl. 3 ROOM GROUP 1969 SINGER with llg·mg & 546-44'18. PALOti.nNO gelding b '1 * Personnel Assistant olc. THE BROADW e O)MPlEI'E • walnut console, Make. but· pr J vat e ownr. Ta.ck Experienced in intervleWing Adv Director $600 A J LMng rm,. bedroom, dinette ton holes, designs etc .. $5.25 21" ADMIRAL Color TV FREE TO YOU available if needed. 494-58TT and all phases of penionnel . • $297 100. or $36.00 cash. 526-6816 Console, JJ.ke new $250. work. Good typing skills. Mas~ .media ex.per. Know ad-NEWPORT BEAC!t Weekly Payments • • ' ' White zig iag se~ MachJ:---------Livestock 88401 Good opportunity in vertis1ng, budget &: rate. We carry our own Contract& Mutlcal Inst. 8125 w/attchmts. 2 yrs o $60. HUGE green eyes and .sweet --------";..;.:I fast growing company , Sharp all around gal 47 Courts of Fashion V•n's Discount Furn CaU 847-6668. playful disposition make this ALFALFA HAY Call for appointment Mrktg Seely $600 -FASHION ISLAND POOL TABLE 8 tno/old gray & whitl" ,$2.85 Bale-$47. Ton CS N Be 417 W. 4th St., S.A. 547·2412 Clartnet, Almost new. · Persian spa·~ -t 637 '843 p0LYOPTI INC. 2 Years exper in marketing ewport ach Open Daily lo.8 * Sat 10.6 Make ofter. 67l--805S Brunswick 5 X 10 "Gold . """ .... a very -v .54£.2250 organimtion & sales. Top sh Crown" Like new, Genuine special peL 847-7769 7/'n ___ _;___:_:_:'-----I equal opportunity employer & typing skills. An Equal Opportunity BREAKFRONT, 2 pc, pecan, slate, top of the Une. 897-0466 7 YR. old COdt-a·poo, spayed TRANSPORTATION · KEYPUNCH ' Employer lead glass $350 (cost S9SO). • "ARPET female_, blk. Loves chlld~n. Personnel Clerk to $500 Walnut lamp table SJO, Pianos & Organs 8130 .,.... M t 1 nd Boa'-& Yichts 9000 1 yeru: ex:_pe_r on 026 &: 029, Assist P.O .. , ~ typ;_"" * 4 .... .,.,,.. .. * Shags, tweeds, hi-lo pile, All . us 1 gpod home· inov-•• l"6 <!i9 •-·~ fRY (Mllf ~~ MUSIC CENTER '°'""· Froe nt. Lio C<>ntt. ong. Doa ....... indudod. • • ' ~ v~=r be! ful & · skill, correspondence., com-VVl\l COMPLETE &et Iv turn, 546-44.78. 56-4340-11'J:J. FIBERGU.SS Supply center M""ts's EXEC APGE.NCY mand or the Eng 11 ah .. dinette set. bedroom sel Orang•· County MlTI'EN now in -CM-NB are a . · . language .a must. MUllt sell, beslofJn. See at KNABE • WURLITZER Qualify king bed, quilted, -T~ kittens ready ~ng for your boat, N SlO: ~t 1?gh~ F / C Bkkpr fr $525 Top wages, ~t., hon. W.B, 36th, NB 673--8224 CONN e FISCHER ~~~:;a:= :r:~~l'I, cJtl w~b ~~ surfboard, car or bcime. T=PHONE Soikit.-~-Se!· !'~.~~! !Yie..;.-=-~~'.:_~~-=~=~ ~~}ring befl'-qwlled, Takrt;~raT~~~ to. 847--0400 ' big ~t Will deliver, Call ~ r;: :i:'1~0!'. + comm. Ph. for appt. Genl Ofc $400 Apply 9 am to 5 pm tor in-~ e Atteunus~ $98; ;::: Main St: turn-Oft then . *·FOR SALE: Living Room after 6 pm 494-3838 7121 Sea. l'IJ7 Su,perior, C.M. 642·6861 bet 9 am-2:30 pm Sharp gal good with figures, tervlew at 847~ r or s south to: furniture, Frost-Free retrig, BIJ<, Gry & silver tip blk kit. 642-1607 (M-FJ heavy phone. Gould Mutlc Compainy tape recorder. '61 VW. tens, Eat we» and like the 1 :;;"'""G'°LASS='°P"AR"'"C~l '"t •_,.tl,.o-n-.·I LIVE-IN. Expet'. lady to MEDICAL. MANNING'S DARK aqua 8' Lawson sofa, 2045 N. Main, SA 547.()681 548-589l sand-box, 6 v.its, o Id. Inboard-outboard. 120 Mere. care for invalid l a dy COFFEE SHOP ~;J100ndition, $55 takes. 6WEEKS * $l2 8' cikmM su;lboard 54S-2462 7nt Cruiser with power iet & Newport Beach. $280/mo EKG Transcri~r fr 24031 El Toro Rd. Organ class lessons for be-pei:f~t-;ndition; l _year old GE~ Shepherd, male, power trim. Full cover. SU-<lnJ & 543--0608 $450 -Leisure World Lagw1a Rills OILED Walrrut Danish table ginnel'!. Starting Tuesday $50. 847-$91 black It tan, 2% years old. Ready to enjoy. A 11 FULL or pt-time Beautician, Exper. In Pathology & EKG 837-1014 & 4 chair:s, 2-20" ext July 29 at 7 PM. Practice TRIMWAY Eexrciser • Vf!!ey good with children. maintenance rccorrls. 1 clicntele pref. but not re-transcription leaves. Like new! 646-8053 organs available. Join the Retails $96, will sell $30. Ok 642-3?93. 9wner. KI 6-4444 ' qi»red. New gI'8<l welcome, RN $600 PRINTED TWIN Beds--hdbrd & ftbrd, fun! REGISTJ<;R NOW! 540-2177, res 67>2589 FOUR All grey kittens; part 34' CHRIS Oalt Ui-cabin, Otll mgr. 548-9919. Work tn back office, will CIRCUITS Cm mat) Ital Prov, solid HAMMOND BATTERJ!S 6 v S4 95 ex ~ Siamese, howlebroken. All stateroom, bedroom &: RECEPTIONIST -•~ In unusual line ot ......... . cberry, guperb 968-2012 in CORONA DEL MAR v $5 9S 18. p' males, Call after 6 P.M galley .fiylng bridge, auto "~' """ e SILK SCREENER -· E ,.,___ . ex, guar. mo. a,y 646--0424 1121· il t t · ~ One of the leading compa.n-FINE Old Italian Empire ."°'" · ~t Hwy 673-8930 $L40-old batt. 540-9990 P o • w w CllJ'JM!ling • .J"••C- ies in Newport Beach. Beau-lnvenControl.fr$90wk .~ • INS-PECTOR sofa. Excel eond. suitable Franchise Closeout 3 FEMALE% Germ. Shep. ed fOr immediate sale titul new facilities. Must be Kan.lex, some cost & pro-fmmed. opening lor penon for living room or entry The factory baa ordtted c}oge Mlscellaneout 1600 & ;1· Toy Collie PupP,ies, 9 $6,300..675-4570 or 673--2265 good typist with general of. duclion exp'd 1n manufacturln& of hall. Appl Call 673-593( . out ol 4 Console &-2 Spinet wka .. and 2 ch I ck ens. 17' MITCHELL Cab I 11 fiec likgrnrt, Factory Tmet to $2. printed dreuit boara&. • Pianos on a cost.plwrbasis. * AUCTION * ~2382 71'1.2 Cruiser fiOhp, McCullouih MISS EXEC AGENCY Female, all shifts. CHEMFLEX Never again p\4no bargains 3 LOVABLE tiger striped eng. VerY clean. $1400. .. 510 w. C.oast Highway 3767 Birch st, N.B. ~!~~e Furniture _ 8010 like these? First come. first U YoU will aeJJ or 001 kittens. 1 brown, two grey. Days: 537-m7, &. after 5: N'ewpbrt Beach 646-3939 MALE .Equal opportunity STANDARD Otfice desk w/ served. " A fve Frw~. •7 ~: Weaned & tralne(J. 7 wk.s ,,SJS.J371,....,""==,,...=c--,,.-f' emplO)'er M/F left hand retum. Brown WARD'S BALDWIN snmro UC ons ......, !;;w p.m. old. ~ 19' GLASTRON, 221 cu In. SERVICE Station needs girls COUPLE ID m•"·-& --'n-1819 Newporl, C.M. 642 •••• w· d ' A t' B pl I ~ .... .. for pump serv. Xlnt aal. S El T T--L --~ ....... wood fin. top noo. 548-6258 .........., in ys uc ion am 2 SWEET Kltlens, ready lo com etey ove ..... w , new POINTS SHEU.. uz.3444 ec est ~•to Wn 18 unit motel in Costa HAMMOND. Stelnwa,y . Ya· Behlnd Tony's Bldc. Mat't live \Vilh . you: weaned, 1 lop &-full cover. 2 live-bait $170 wk Mesa. Must · be h ard Store Equipment 8012 0 maha! all -m"""'ak.,·.•Beus.,ed..,~~. in 2075% Newpoprt, CM 646-8686 beige, 1 ery/wht SC>-4592 1~ks, ·A-1 cond. .,.,,, .,=-Jobt.-Men Wom 7500 3 yrs. exp. in lab. test & workers, no exper. nee. .,~ ~ u•.-.....o ' • trouble shooting. ~/mo plua fum. 1% bdr RETAIL Store oWnera: Have So. Calif, rliht here. 48" CONTINENTAL Pe<l 19' LYMAN inboflrdt 110 hp J/l newpolt. personnel agency Production Engr fr eaftft apt. 546-9279 glft boxes, custom display SCHMIDT MUSIC OJ table w/4 teak & vinyl 6 HEALTHY Kittens, 6 wits· 6 I, -G M . Excel' ..... JOIN HAIR CO fixtures, %" gla.sa for 1907 N. U n;.. " chairs, • • $135. GE Washer $25. old, to good b om e. ro"'nd. .':/_.;..,,, """',:..:_ ..:. BSME, exp In high volume & . ··three far ~.-...... 6 Hid bed $65 t r """""''...., .,.,... "' production methods. out hair atylistfll Opening shelves, 6' island display Santa Ana e-a· • Se o 496--S857 7/71 54&-6370 ask 1or D 1 ck A '·t 1 Balboa unlt, custom wrap counter. HAMMO Encyclopedias $25. All xlnt 1 LONELY kilt ·u· •-h . ug. u. n Island 646--0045. m E. l6lb SL ND C-2 beautiful condition.''~l856 ~n wai ng for ocauc amp. Mo1d Shop Call Sun, Mon, Tues, Wed: walnut Separate speaker home. ~parkijng penona.U--$67 \VE'RE moving! 13' Fortman fr $3. hr 714: 67!>-1230 or on other C.M. cabnts. Fine for church, GE Console slen!O w/tape ty. 968-4397 heavy for hard 833 OOVER DRIVE Able t.o supervise, must have days, 213: 449-6967 Furnltu,.. Auction 8025 club or home. U495 or oiler. =;:ut~b·w'J'°cl G! ONE kitten, a:rey k/ white 3 blned molor & &a~~~ -NEWPORT BEACH past boat e.ii:per. HAIRDRESSER, N I GUEL --...-_ .-May take small grand in $200 Womans' golfcl bs:, mos. We're leaving the bottom. 14' mast &: rudder. ~ F:c~:~~~og~!O:rc. 64Z-3870 QC Supervisor fr $3. hr HAIR FASHIONS, No. 19 • Furniture • trade. ~ Bowiing ball $10. ~ country. 546-1188 7/71 Long.unused sails. 613-6644 642-3910. If you are a sel~ve job 5 yrs~ supervision, & final Monarch Bay PI a 1 a· ApipJla~tiJ__._J;oliu TV KIM~_J2.1&DO, _Xlnt CC?nd. _ajt s. -Kl!fENS; all ~ora. Box Learn to Fly Now! also tee jobs. seeker you owe It tD your· boat inSpectlon. --499-2221 ~ AOK AUCTION Ve?')' orante woodwork. tttihed."'f'ree to CoOO ho~ · - Independent Personnel sell~ talk to our profe• R di T h $3 h DRAPERY workroom. no m2 Garden Grove Blvd. $200. Call for appt. 545--0JTI ELECTRIC golf cart, heavy 836--4493 712i 10 hrs of instructions $55. 1ns Orange Ave., Suite C slonal counselors. There a o tC • r exp. nee. Full time work. du I y, c I ea n, $ 2 5 0 · Selco School. 642.7424 C.M. 642-0026, ~79 is no charge for their 2nd class lie to qualify, 17352 Armstrong Ave• ~e:s~in~~n~. ;MG..&a~ SPIN~:~RANDS :~~~~~. 4~Scellent 3 COAL* ~~Ki;1'ENS. '66 BOSTON Whaler Nauset ORDER DESK profes.WnaJ guidance. Mill Mach Oper fr Irvine. 540-8503 Estate consgnmt. Repo. N1?w ............,..u 7171 w/Johnson 90, $1 995 . Cood h ....; & t I ,..}..,., $3 50 h ----9 x 6 Persian rug. 67!>-6161 days, 54frl9l9 eve ...,..,.ng e e1,,...,ne Account lo $1000 EPF • . r Schools-Instruction 7600 EVERYTHING mUst be sold PIANO WANTED :ri.1ake Offer! "A" ruu" * KITI'ENS * technique, for heavy phones. 2 yean: expene:nce. by J 1 25 u · t 1100 ~ 3 18' CABlN Cruiser wl 33 bp '·. ~,-"k• -ung. Import auto sales & service FLIGHT Inst or altt:ra!t -n-u Y • nuna • (213) 877·1035 Pvt Parcy 771E.16th Sl C.M. wl!ite, 1 gray, 6 wks. "'oh·-n OB trl • .,,; .....u "'" ~~ Warens D • $2 60 h ...... ... Stamp collection $200. Plus 64.>-1688 "' '""" • r, • .....,. Miss EXEC AGENCY background. . e river • r ·uu. Good 1966 Cessna 150. 70 YDS beigo ny .. n 7121 equip. $1050. 897-«ISl D f -EPP a D L •-O C Dual .. , 10 years ot good junk. Daily Televl-ton -05 " 510 w. c.oost Hlghw•Y re tsman to • .,."" ean · ·• ruK,Ow · • ume, $14.50/hr Solo I · _. 9 " carpeting. Gd. cond., ndo SERVEL Gas refrigerator, 14' BOAT w/trailet" 11~. P I ~v11E......i.-A· tim ~50/hr Full . 2-8. 1751 East'Ocean Bvd., -R-EN--T-OR BUY-r! t ndltion. ~ ~ Newport Bear.h 64&-3939 re er'-' "l!i"~"ring exp Welder to $3.25 hr e, ..,. . • Y in-bidboa. 675--0251 clng, Bargain $70. 645-0113 pe ec 00 uo,,....2158, good fishing boat tor bay. as pertains to water dis-Some exp, arc &-bum. := 54~~ed instruct.or SATURDAY-SUNDAY COLOR TV NEWPORT TENNIS CLUB llll w. Bay, NB 7/21 536.G325 tricts. Field service helpful. S' W Id f p bl Oli tti S I h $9 Month Up Family ?t'Iemherihip $650 FREE female tabby calieo 18' JOHNSON Cab ........ ~ 50 Legal Secty to $600 EPF igma$3 he tr r Educational Vacation 5th orta e ve pan 5 ALSO plus transfer fee, 644-2005 kittens, hse trnd. 2 mos. old. hp, Evinrude OB, Tlil-.,.'J'rlr, Secty to senior partner, must • r graden ••. Sr Citizens key~ typewriter, O 1 d STER EO-REFRIGERATO 646-7349 &ft 5 pm 7/'n have top &kills &-good PR l ". 000 material, Chilcoat 10 lesson typing porcelain, 14 piece canister RS 3 PC Luggage $10. Table · equip!, $1050. 847-4678. ahility. Sehl. Trial Le&son. 173 Del set and much mott. W group with lamp $25. Sile 14 PERSIAN mother wishes Office Equip M CM ~.0 <><Kn 2579 Willo Lane, CM ASl·lERS OR DRYERS clothes SOc-,$2. 642-7046 home for her tabby s, S1llboat1 9011 Marktg/Sales Seely Repalrm•n $130 wk ar, · · .,...,......,... OPTI54o~ ,.7;' 39 BUY G & H OFFSET o..:-11,_ 646-5433 i-'-=="'----...:.::..:.1 to $600 EPF Exper add, clllc etc. SOU'J'H Coast Sailing achl. A 1· 8100 __, .---.u ...... ..,_ 1 B CORONADO 2:1 No. 604. Full 2 yrs Sllles or mktg exp. Learn to sail on 26'-!tace PP iances (dlscountonorder200&over) LUE eye & l green eye race equipped, Deluxe in' \Vork well w/men. Controller fr $700 Sloop, 645-1133 G.E. Americana Dlb, oven 177 H Rlvenlde. NB 642-0920 white pregnant cat to good t¢or Aux:. power. lmmac. Stcret•ry to $600 CRF Degree, familiar with tax, Ra Ro · HJ.Fi & Stereo 8210 home 836-4493 1113 Leaving area. sac. $6500. Engr and/or service back-financial statement, genl ofc MERCHANDISE FOR 1 ;:.ec:~~ . ':i ~ Misc, W•nted 8610 1 LOVABLE box trained fiea. Atter 6 PM. 64&-lm Eicperlencl'd • •WAITRESS • • HOSTESSES Apply In penon REUBEN E. lEE 151 E . Coa" Hwy. ground helpful. acctg. SALE AND TRADE Ph. 546-6127 1969 SOLID State stereo, 4 less happy kitten. Call 17' DAY Sailer. Complete . ~~-~~,....~~= Secretary to $550 CRF Boat Rigger to $4. hr Furniture 8000 EASY w~her/drye.r com· ~xi, !.~~~i::~. ~~~ WE PAY MORE ;;646-8405'i-;""<;'==,,,.-....,,....1::1.:23'.I ~uipment, includes Olllhofi 1 Bkt. ... r Assistant to $SOO Ability to work wiot·th busy. ag. Must be experienced. ~ OVER-STOCKED blnation. p~fect cond. No ovtT smail """""ents or pay CASH 2 GROOVY Kittens tiger & Balboa Island m 6 o !'In 1'1 · Newport Beech Fee ;id, need poised \\'om an ~~~~~P engineers. Maint Mech to $5. hr ~:,ble oUer refused. ~~ bala~"' of $73.68. ~~.: 1 1r 1' • L 0 ~/~1-p-"°~""~"""'s-333".'-"'t~~~~·o,1• witti purehas:lng bftckground. ln:ventory Control Strong e I e ctr o. mech MUST SELLI .... ,=oit Dept. 535-7289 11· O'Day Daysailer Al!IO f~ jom, ha kgro nd al 1 l I MOVING. rilll:i:t sell Ken. WHITE Furry female feline Demo U750 -Used $1350 Independent Personnel Clerkto$550CRF &. ~qulnu ' n1 n a1n pan &auL walnut 9-drwr dres-9-more automalie washer. 1969 RCA home en-2· yn old, de-clawed. I 4' O'Day used ........ $500 Purchasing background, ..., ~ er, two 2-drwr commodes, trutainment center. 23" col· For fumitUtt, appliances, 66-1688 7/71 Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa 1n6 Orange Ave .. Suite C knowledge of ge9 ofc. Type Trnff Teller to $400 hdbrd & framed mi.rror, all Very good condition $30. or TV, stereo AM/FM &: I TV la C.M. 64Ul0'26, 545-0979 accurately. , Will train sharp young man for $172, New 9 pc, corner 543--3630 phono •. Walnut cab In et. co ored ' p nos, organs GERMAN Shepherd, large. 26' ENDAVOR, lrg active Nwpt clasa. Top equip. Price $4850. (213) 270-4936 GI Rl FRIDAY Dlct•phone with 2 ~ coUege. arrang. choice ol clrs. reg. GENERAL EL EC T RI C Retails $1000. Our price and anDll~~o· night Free to good home. '"' ,.. ·-· $149 50 H . ~-. -~22A.. ·~ .. L ~L20 large yard. 968--4722 1121 Interested in securities, good Transcription ,.._,.. Of ...vu, now . . cadbrds: automatic wa.sher, I ate "•i;.:,•"";;:,,:,-:;.:::.~=--~--I _ pnent ot1'ice background, (Medlcal) to $500 APF Asst ""l""9ratlon1 cer Kings. $15, Queens $12.50. model. xlnt cond. ;so. MOTOROLA Consol! HI-Fi, 8 MONTH old Beagle, male. 22' 6" PEARSON Ensign. will he right ann to rres1· Type 60 (know medical ter-from $500 Full $10.50, Twins $3.96: 847-8US ----excl cond. -----mcon:Js 'ii'icl. · --AKC ttg. Good --wt th S3;{i00. Complete with watm, -&!11t of eo. . mlnology). Good work background, some Trundle S<!ts (duo riser) w/ BRONZE coJOt"ed stove, dbl $100. Ofc 540-1177. res $ WE BUY $ children. 64i-m3 1!'11. sails It outbrd. 54S.3lll. MISS EXEC AGENCY Secret•ry to $500 bank exp. inner1so19r150ng ~tt. reg. $1~. oven &: broiler. 3 yn old, _.Ji'lS--2589 etrl'E kittens, Jave people, SAILFISH, MW aa.il. Wood 510 W. <bast. Highway fff ~iable ' Factory Trneu to now · · n.ull-.11.-way beds $185 Qr best oiler. 642.7371 -e_ FURN ITUR~_ t e_ housebroken, look for home . hull with free surfboard Nrwport Beach 646-3939 Prefer ax;;;"ftlrnr cxn w/ $2.25 hr ~ .. /~~inn. sp~:,,,,m•.'!: .. reg. LADY KENMORE automatic Sportlng Goods 8500 ~ APPLIANC~ Free. Call 675-4482 7/'ll $100. 548-79ot3 CREDIT CHECKER '"'ban~eage, llSliltU:. gleeper-sofa reg. $239.50, now cond ill:ib!::7~'tet;-xtm 1 SUftFB'(}AR()g, -0.stom Color TVs-'i•nos-Sf•t•ot .--u • ,,.ppy ~ftlt ' . .__ " -- or GENERAL-CLERK UNITED CA~IFORNIA BANK Secretary to $500 Janitor Custodian f169.50, New beds: Kt n g · · mini.models c 0 r k y Car-1 ''••"' HHM P..R Female, -t months old. canva.o;: baa-5. Good 0011<1. 1J1 EPF $2.75 hr $99.50, Queens, $89.50, Full FRIGIDAIRE rnfrlgerator, rol/Hobie 8'-6' Ex cond CASH IN JO MINllTIS 963-1071 7/'n :$225~=5.18-='1~4\~~~~~I XLNT opptnty In penonnel ............. . l all""~~~ $49.50, Twtns $39.50, fullt good condition $95. 646-8578, $85·$35. 548-6985: s1s-5398 ' • 541 '531 e DAR.LING lovable grey 8' SABOT fbrgls, $250. l6nt fil'id. Good SR A 1)-plng rf'lt. -..,.-ncnce. n .... _....s, guaran. King.size spreads, 546-9426 ""' striped ldttera. 10 wka old. Edge1vater, Hunllngton J:lar.. A/P Clerk to $475 EPF Work near home! choice of clrs, reg $20.95, KENM\)RE washer $25. Ken-Misc•ll•neo_us ; l600 Covet all Oranre 6 LA Co'• SG-4398 alL 6 PM 7/'lJ. bor. (213) 59'1·1790 Joumal vouchtrs. cod;.,.,, now Sl.l99 SIES'l'A SLEEP more "'--....... Good con-• WANTED s TO '" tmin on ·NCR S95. ~. SllOP, 192'f Harbor Blvd, CM dition. ~ '68 HONDA 350, ... xlnt cond. CHOOSE from: Pup. ,_.' ALCORT Sa i 1 fish • ' 2IU w. eoa.. Hwy. Girl Frlde~to $440 APEX &<~27ro dally II)<), Sat.sun $515. ~"'drum,.,, bl-bat & FURNrruRE = ~ Cocl<errror;:~ ~s'l23n .. •ly fin~hed. Ne•.,,.t BeOch ,646-2431 'L EPF CRF !<Ml. AnflquH 8110 cymbah $50. 96S-:l693 TOP '"SH IN "" rn-"-,1"'~~,;;::.::...,,__~,.'.'..:: ..,.,-.,..-.,-~~~t '' " E I A ---.-. ""' inu11.1~ CALICO Kitten, female ~s LI00 14, Dae. tails. rd. h.rp gb1 for mktl terV mp oym1nt gertcy e Fumlture e OLD library table $ 2 5 , Quallty turnlture, color 'IV a, small dogs. 6Q.6931 7121 cond. $750. Daya: 835-QlS, ~_ISCROW CLERK dept Type 50 wpm. us.· ID Th Appllances e Color TV COMPtrrER Division d~ portable Mlwlng machine 1lereos, appliances, toola, eves· ~ _..~. f!X'J)er tn construction. key adder. 1 * e eesy way AOK AUCTION ea of rooclern McDowell & SlS. Sat an 1 pm, &tz..6334 o!fice equip. FREE kittens to g 0 0 d · : Jio aldJls. bkkx backgtound (•sk us why) TTl2 Gard~n Grove Blvd. Craig lliteel desks, chain, PORCELAIN stN'K. 21 x 3,3. 531·1212 homes. 544-9424 7/1.3 30' Tahiti Ketch $2,200 bdptul. Veey pn:crH&tve oo • EPF, employer \Vemnlnslr:r nr G.G. Frwy files, t11.bles, etc. wllh chT-ome fauceL $10. ATLAS Marine Skipper au 1. • BEAtrrlFUL blk loving SAC. AS IS. w.J So. St. Malo. w/Xlnt potential: peys fee 1873 HARBOR BLVD. Tues &.Thurs 1 PM-Sat S:JO ~~MAH8 AN'1S 772vd44SO 675.()696 t.ogl.ne. handbook. kitten. &(l.7764 T/'J.'J W. Covina (2l3) '195-0569 e~ 1 MISS IXEC AGENCY • APF, appl'··nt (1/2 block So. of 19th) Estate co"•"'nml. Rcpo . New ........, · Anahc m Bl " in ISLANDER Bahama 24· fully ' 51() W. Coe.It Hin-hw•" Ka ·-Ann.t1'?im (alongaklc SA APOLLO ll? SP ace a h Ip Call 67$-3341 2 FLEALES.5, frisky, box .........i f • -,,.ys·fff COSTA MESA IT'S &och house time, Big· Freeway at ~tella) Playhouse. Send your kids WANT E O: OW TOY trained klllens. &46-3405. "'""" or cruising w/choict ' Newpc1r1 Beach 646-393.9 • CRF, company ~st Jltllrctlon ~verl See. the rro-matter wl\At 11 is, yoo to the moon. $100. 546-4738 TRAINS. f I<ITI'ENS, 7 .,.In. old, 2 Newport tdlp. 833-2837 DAILY PILOT, WANT ADS! relmburMI fee 541-J.42' DAil.Y PILOT Oasslfled t.1tn tell 1t with a DAILY THE QlJICKER YOU CALL. * Phone 642.-0382 * while, 2 lf'8.Y. M~ 1122 CATAMARAN, Crelfr 1-t', : •· DDfG..RESUL-Tm I !!!!!!!!!l!!li!iii!li!ii!!!!!!!!!!! :I 1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!•1~-~tlott~~N~O!!W!..! __ _:----PILOT ~--~•·• ad, THE QUTO<EJ\ YOU SElJ.. White El ............ ? ,..... • nc IT all glaas 100 gq It of at1l'. • • " ~ ~.-.::.::::::.;::::!'~:=:-::::.:· __ t,_....:~:=::::::::E..:_:./L__ $5IO w/lrl•. ~2 • • <> I ·-. . . . . . ... . . . --------~,,~----------~ ---------_,.. --'""'T" -. -~-- TRANSPO RTATION I TRANSPORTATION TRANSPQRTATION TRANSPORTATION Sollboata . 9010 Mobile Hornet 9200 Trollert, Utlll!! 941q Imported Au tos 9600 nJIERGL.IS9 2\' Sloop, dps GREINLl!AF PAR K r'ACTORY bullt-Natlon .Wide DATSUN _4, galle)',_ encloa:ed bead. In altia.r, clean, cOot Costa moving· traUff.-.-!J'ahdfln • _ Dacron sail!, roll" reeling, M .... New 92 , .. ,. O<lult w1 ... 1s & ~-..._ All Ugbt• 1967 "AJSUN outboanl. Nlctt TRY J)f.rk, Modelt &: &llet oUlce Lloenetd. ruut encl<*d 5' JI $2300. Jerry 8'75-S)81 IOcated at Park, Opcri .9 AM x 12'. 2822 Fraricla Ln. Mesa TRANSPORTATION to 6 PM. de! Mar tract. SJA~ON W~GO~ SA!UlQAT, l ft. with -· ACCENT MOBILE TrucL-9500 • cowr and trailer. $125. liOME SALES M A . ii lo * OTh-lTia * 1150 Whlttltr Ave. utomatic tra.nsm s n, ra. • r •.viNQ• J" -•-••-•--Cgata '11.e• 114: 642-1350 * SHELLS * din alld heater. Liecnte nwn- "• iw • ....._ .....-. SU&btly da.n\qecf/cheap;---bet WS&l2. colle2e racing! fTOO. WiU UDO Penlnsul.a, Ideal 339-18CXI ~ $1595 -•', Kl •--• oond ~nt loeatkln. Trailer I='""'=""°""'"'"'=--,,," I """'ei,oO? le"! equ.., ' w/ 1arp cabana. New w/w U6f CHEVY-6, % Ton PU, -------• Mondq, Juij 21,-1969--DAJLY·PJLDT ,29 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTAT ION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATI ON TRAN5PORTATIOfli · ' -... '-.,....... ~ ,.....---'--::--: l'!'J!!!:!!!'. Autos SUBARU 9600 Aulot W•nte~ , 9700 Uto d Coro 9!!!!l Ulld Cara 9900 Utad tars 9900 IMPORT!i WANTII:I> Ol'Jlnge· r..c.iutltfts CHEVROLET FORD OLDSMOlll.I Subaru of Calif. TOP I BUYER '68 C>ncyROIZI' lmJ>&IL '&I FORD 11a11onw....,, vs. OLDS ;;;i;; 5, , . . e~ ~ ~J"TA ...... .r..,'"'1l · ""· P.s.. i.c1o;,,. o1r. •11\0.. r.s .. "" l21SJ. ,,,,. .... lnc.-Reta1I Div. "· S.•ch. Pb. 811-1>5! auto., ...ito .... ,er. i W•K· a coWJ81!1> $1lll! ruu pm.. - $1297 POE ····-szn Like Now. 122911 ,tull CONNEU 1982 Wl'L4SS J'-85. TN• Opt 00"'• SJO. ,..,,,"'" m.so L • 9810 """"coNNELL CHEVlOLET ..._ ... ,1ao -· N•w Handling •49. "'I. WSO.SO l•A•u,;;t;;o;;;;•;;;•;;:•l;;ngi;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;,j 2821 liart>ar DMI. :::r;*1ao ""' - 1000 +w:~~11\:;.'N.11, Ll!ASI! • R!NT CHEVROLET •C.M. IW$U\ll ·-OLDSllOO,:.~-~~ .; !45--0(M * SIQ.m3 ALL POPUr .R 2!211 llarbor Blvd. '63 FORD ~ RT .... 'w u,. __ -. MAK ES..,. -C.M. ', 5'6-UOS "'"' dlr ~ ..i; . Kint PIS. Air """'· RllL '7,000 61>-6615 ~~ ~ . .,,,,c~, .......... .,,,,.... !a'iO... •11.. , .... »--l!ii2 __ -DOT ..... w• r Alldnrl9000 Ml':mt ---Po-BL CM. Kl 5-9194 - ,,_CLEAN, SAll.S ~14 ANGEL Trailt'r on beauiltul 'Gt FORD PU, V-8, A·l cond. Tl\VOI A Illa .. ·~--<In! mt. Excelknt """'"Woman ---• '-'!'.I. =•-~--·~•-· -'-™--· ...:.-'Cttl'(SLD:·-· ~;il'~-~~ Calf -~··=~~·!!;i~F=lR IT[0 lYIOJT'A1 AULT:::i~~ID '14 CHRYSLER 300 H.T. vie-~ F~lan•.' r. ~:':;~~AM gr DATSUN _..... 11pac;:e, Muina Park on w/ca.mpu 1beD·. 8' bed. Rea.. 1""e:-;;W°'A'°N"°T"'E;;;D"'K"l"T"E,....•' 1 Penn N•w 5 yr 1 ..... with oonabl,, !1<3-1l'3 Good condlf1on. 6'16·1955 bey \!Jew, fm(IO, fl5.Q83 I '52 GMC 18835 Beach Bl'1d. _ _ _ _ ~ SYSTEM . Cpe. Factory air, auto., 1 cJoar Loaded. vs, etc. tJc -========o:I Ctt Our Competitive Ratea power at.eertna, RAH. <XEV· IRMM9. p h 0 n e MUal3 - Thtodore 9U> $1295 ruu prlce, 'DLR.. -B••t Dtal1 Are At ROllNS FORD CONNELL . ==:.=;=:::::=:=:~= 2060 Harbor Rlvd. CHEVROLIT MUSTANG ~a Mesa &42-0010 e WANTED KITE e -Rwu. pld . 1100 Huoti•Kton_~ Good contUHon 646-1955 fl' MOBlLE home, cabana. 21 >====~;;~·"===•J·--"-.'i9·718l~~orf'40-04j,'l~(i-;t'--1968 Harbor, C.l.t 646-9303 Br. Ba,y view. Lido Park. I~ '69 DATSUN . Speed-Ski Boals 9030 $6000. 61~2319 Jeept '510 Big Sedan, dtr, ovmead BILL MAX}i:Y · 2128 Harbor Jllvd. '61 MUSrANQ, V8, 2 ptu. 2 TRLR spa ... 8x40 or email. 1966 TOYOTA·-cam, outo ...,,._ r/h, "'"" • "" LEASE ,,. C.M. S<&-12tll lutbocl<. Faotocy air contll-1~~~!:,· ~~1·ti~e:1:. ~~;. ~s.]:~~. bch. yrs . ~~de:~t~;· !°:n:1;~1·~ ITIO~ilQITft!J ·~~:i~us~~~we, COMET :,~S::t =:.r. <TVY· ~·"· Xtru, ... cond. * w~shf& Wax* LAND CRUISER ~"!. 'll,15·y~:e. ol~ ·1ua14 BEACH BLVD. "!':..~~ ~:::,~aa-'61a:>MET2 dr Auto. trans: CONNEU. 16' ·FIBERGLASS BOAT Summor Speclal ~ Vie '94-9m. Hunt, Buch 147-4555 '41 °'""" rh; pi, $61.SO mo. 1195. 54>-1432 alt O. all tt., CHEVROLET DEAN LEWIS PLYMOUTH - 1967 PLY. WAGON * Good coodltiM • Clfu *' 9 pusenrer * Air Conditioned * Power Br*1c;!!t. Steerln:. $2350. Will trade .ly for IVOrk car and take OV· er J>6)'1:Dent,: 5tMl"f alt 3 PJd. AND ~ 17SO l'owor wench, .,peclal wheeh '69 DATSUN 3 ml N. o!CoutHwy. onsth SOUTH COAST 1.;Sa=t·======="" 2828 Harbor Blvd. • 642-1011 • Ele<trlc Ca ra 9250 •ntl u .... rnck. •pot llrht" 4 Dr Sed 4 pd dlr front Tov· OTA CAR LEASING I' C.M. 5'6-120) · PONTIAC et<:. Liam .. number $RVll59 buekot .9ta, 52,oOO MllH on . ~ W. Cat Hwy, NB ""2182 CONTINENTAL 9032 AUTOl:JTE, ..,...,, b&"·-· $2495 '68 MUSTANG. 18,000 mt, ___ O_NH_f_ll_lf_H_J 801t Tr1ll1rs ,_, gpeodomoter. Will make .X· llEADQUi<RTERS Xlrns, Ilk• now. P/S, '65 8 V . ~i~bau~llo~ = ceUCnt deal to private party. ELMORE "Used C1rs 9900 '63 .CONT. 4 Dr. Leather 1 1.o.. R&dio, lline Cold. 2l3: DOT F'uil price $1725. LB YHW484 ---::----'.'.'.""-;-mJ. Beat oUer l)f trade ate 434-3989 FuU pwr, dlr, fad, air con- '-======:;;===I Mini Bikes can Bill 54S-06J4. ' SCRAM LET-S model vw. <n4> S29-l49J 'M"u'*sr".-;;;'61"'F"'ot"•k"'."'m"""7•"'•""P· I dlt1ottlng, pWl' wmdowa, low, ' '68 'DATSUN 15300------eeacll Blvd, \Vslmn,str ' • '63 ALL power acctss. Air, M ta 11725 On low mileage. xinr-....i•tii:in Mc_•_ri_n'-e_Eq_,_u..,ip_. __ ·90_3S '6 ·-,-H-0-N-DA_M_;,-;-s-.,...-,-L-ike DATSUN Big staUon wagon, auto, ov-Phone g94.SJ22 !,1;9~ti~~! ~~~Uer. &OOd 64.Z-~ ~~e1. iM.1862 ~l.lld~~t.T;~~-~: HIGkwAY Trailer for U' boat. $100. 673-3563 9275 MAR I N E e q u Ip men t New $165. Call 673-7267 after •Do'-'~ B h BJ·_. erhead cam, tllr, xlnt cond. VOLKSWAGEN ANSWERS Mike 545-(&4 transmissktn, con tr o I s , 5:30. .wo.>J eac vu. Take older trade. Total ' CORY IR * '65 MUSTANG, V-8, auto, h""==· ==-=== JIDm§. seats._ Wind~'·iif.~~~~=9~ Huntilu:tlln....Beacil__ -pr;~-1'159r.-ts~WBJ 589, --·---~~-----·.,I .Mucous ~ . .-.Basin-A 1~0wner; Xlnl cOnd. Come A 'GS ~DR.EBIRD. lO,OOY~'lnl. --<>---+instruments, blOY.-era, b. orcycl.. 9fo0 842-7781 or St0«42 can Vic 545-0034. LOVE BUG Banter -BO.!»ED 1--------tiff! ~4-1179 Auto. Fully K[Wpped. LIKE board gas tanks. 549--0530 -;;;;;;::;;:;;;;::;:;;;;::;;:;;;;;;J 'i•u!:JEEP~~· ~1/~ery[~lllf.:eo~Dde:.1 ========= '66 VW Sedan, Jovlnr:ty cared Attention aU men: He was '60 R/H, new tires, eng A·l. ····-~ _ ···-NEW! m..t650 -· - '68 EVINRUDE Out-Board ~ Many extrU. Private puty, for. Sunroof, RAH, rood tir-hesitate• 1a BOQSED. ad. transportation or dune . OLDSMOBILE motor, 6 HP new,.55 Balboa 9Q..m3 DATSUN es, '1200. . 673-30JC I ~TRAN~~S~PO~R~T~A'fTl~O~N~CARs~~ll~b~"~ggy~! Jl180~~54~0.~9975~== -------,--::-~;~:.'.',; ~'; 1968 New. 23 'i·~i'l,i;rm:., :;;. DfM<IR":..;;:;;;;::-, -. ,;;Lww.;:-;H"'.1 ~'61'.:""o:-,"'~..;..-. S_ta..;..w:-.,-.-.-xl-Dt ·~lie:. c,;';.:.ertt~;;.,:; N£WPORTER MOTORS COUGAR . n l'.h RAMBLER Controls and ' acceuociet. Warner hubs, 2 tanks, heat cond, I~ mil. LtoaV1ng c~ Aalt.Uig $575. UC : 675-0305 -··---· --WJ .. 549-0530 shields, heater, aeatl 1. try. $119;), 4~ eves. 2038 HARBOR BLVD. '67 . COUGAR GT PRE.OWNED BIG SELECTION '6.1 THRU '68's AU. -l\lODELS FROM $295. _ C°J/ I ' nooo 54o.-3163 - -'68 vw Sedan aleo '67 vw COSTA MP'iSA Goddess gold, full pwr, fact B~at,Sllp Mooring 9036 Jkidoo. ENGLISH FORD S<dM/"' trade lor VIV Bua. 545294 °' 548-1511 afr, dlr, landau '°P. Ownod Ci mpers 9520 962-232!1 FINANCING AVAILAB~ by, little 'nle hair dreaser TORONADO $75. mo. U-51.ip, 12' 6" by 38'. H from Laguna Beach, \V 111 appy ORANGE COUNTY S ·~ vw Suntoot. 1500 cc. BUICK· tak i · · trad-up lo 20' wast. , -CAMl'ER -f 1l•""" '"""'•!. Niew ... .i .. t -'"b. ro. .• ~ oreigl)21car ln uvv'686· NEW I< EXECUTIVE 0 • • • BRAND NE\V '69 $ll!9:8 £73-7449 VOLUME ENGLISH ...... ··~ ......,, ,,., -~~-----·I iruuprice $ 95.I.13 B'rthd $1015. 640356 -call Vk 54""'4. SLIP Space needed im-I ay S1l1s. Renta ls FORD DEALER .66 VW Bus. Fully ll18.ln-'66 BU ICK ONLY 6 \ · mediately tor 28' Chris. · Authorized DeCiler SALES -SERVICE Graruport C>nvutible TO '"'HOOSE FROM FORD } Perm or temp. 673-L~ Pat Eldorado • Fout Winds '69 MODEI:.S • ta.lned.' ~lltl~~· etc. Ex~nt •••••••• $1799 ,. Scol.lman • BarracUda Immediate delivery ~-...,_..,.,._,_ ~ BIO SAVINGS.I ... -...,_..;~ .... Mi;a23 Boat·Yecht ,. Cabove. Low.. LARGE SELEC'l10N 63 VOLKSWAGEN Pacific Coasf motors '57'FORD, ""' "body 'hi u . ., Ch.uttrs 9039 $799 Tfieodora Exc:cllent condition . good oond., .ieects engine n1vers1 y *Finest Sele··"-n, Power •-the gana; ?.!odeJ # 600 ROBINS FORD • 5tM?99 • 14001 Beach, WestmnJa~r ~~~pt~~~:~ ::'15°1:1 T-BIRP •~ ~ Th '61 VW. Good cond. R/H, re· * 893-5038 * " Sail. Skipper optiona["For :::::~~=::5:::~= I eodore 2000 HarbOf Blvd. ce1:1t valve job. Good tires, · '63 FALCON 11ta wagon, dlX: Old b"I '65 T·BIRD Full power. Air broclnJr<, call 548-<191 : ROBINS FORD Costa Mesa 642,0010· $5.'<}. 548-1391 '61 RMERA, n pwr, lad dh . auto, .,.ry clean. LB smo I e cont!. Wholesale bl""book Aircraft PIPER Super Cruiser 1947. Low time. Excellent con· dilion. Price negotiable ror use. Consider motorcycle. J. 3 or ? as part. 67J...49ll or 67~ Chet II. Flying Ltsaons SKYDIVING Newport Beach School of Sky_·Diving now taking ap. pllca tiom. 545-0844 wknd &: eve 548.{234 ask for "Chuti?". 2000 Harbor Blvd. l~~~~~~~~!'j 63l'lw.£;::-Ooo;d:R:iH.$iliS I air, itereo, landau top, CJM' Z77. Full price $599, price, $1550. 642-0116 Costa Mesa 642-00111 1 · 6J VW. Ex. cond. RIH. $825 thrm whls, lmmac. cond. 1 oau Bill, 49-1-9773--DON'T JUsr WISH for '°me. FERRARI ~~ Oller! Must Sell! owner $3400 pv. pt Y. '67 GALAXY 500, 390 V-8, 2850 Harbor Costa Mesa thlni to fuml11h your home RENT A SHE LL 837...6231 cond. $1650. Prv prty. 540-96'° • , • find great buys in. t~ . • • FERRARI . '65 Viv Mlerob.,, or I a '65 BUICK W••, radio, P/1, 67>-28-06 9 • PAM· TOP • 839-1800 N ........... rt lm .......... ud. ~ mlg 40 000 ·-.. -day~s ·Clas1llied Ads,_ 10 So H·-'-· ·-..-t""'.. owner, , · ~ e · P/tail 1.ate windw, new •61 FORD S<atlon w,n. Good 10 . ....-uur, Santa Ana ange Cmmty'i olll,y iutbor-!.fust see to apprec. 646--5662 /Ii tire $ll7S S49-3885 nm SUN NEVER SETS on HIGHWAYA1AN iZed dealer. ,68 VW '",OOO ml, Zenith w w 8 ' transp,· small VS, aut.o Classified'a action power. S cl · •--dbl •·• SALE0 SERV1-P • -s ..,, '65 RIVIERA, &11 equip., trans. $250 * 642-58&1 For an -• to acll """""' IOVe 05et lctUUJ\ ""'-'• -...,..,. AA• blUO, bJk int. JOnt -~ non y ~ft~ w•-ono -clea~. 5'9-CM12 • 3100 w. Coaat Hwy. $1150. Call., ....... o.. ..., ...... ~·~ery~cle~an;,.~N~ .. ~-~=wr=k•,l'Whlf:te::el:":han:;=ta~·~D=tm="' ... "'·~llne~;-~-;::D::•-':·~;-~D·;::~-=~-~"T::•::.·-;;A,~~the=cl~oe~k,~d~lal~!4~2$18.=~~ =========I Newport Beach ..--"10V $%100tbellt GU-«;84 _ • -Q.fl.M" ~v... · ' ..... ~ _..___ Cam-r Rentals 9522 64}:!!t.05orlz· .. MG ~~!1r64 c*'-*"''60""'vw=.-.-ood....,..eo=oo"itton:=· -Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 lmpoi-ttd Autos 9600 ~~ ~ ~"-,. ~ ~~ $395. 481)5 Rlvor, N•wport CADILLAC • -• RE Beach 645-0523 * * 14 HARLEY Da....,n 1966'.' * EXPLO R * FIAT '65 vw SUNHOOF, otereo 1962 CADILLAC Conv. Beaut 300J actual miles, xlnt cond: By week or month. LUxuri-racUo, like new. $1050. blue, good cond. All power. $1500. Call between 4 & 6 nus. Sleeps 6. Sell contain-'68 Fiat 124 Spt Coupe 494-7865 or·494-9314 $650, Pvt party. 833-1276 PM -494-1934. ed. l..Jmi.l.ed._.uumber. ~call -Like new~_:---ij.68~v'iio:f:LKSWii;nii:Ai:rofiEN&---to=:r====== '66 CZ 125 "Herby is Here" •HOME OF -TJ-IE -. toc1ay atter s ca11 so.1395 CAMARO LEISURE RENTALS Corwertlbjp 11650 • ' * 546-4045 * -;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;; mo ll4U611, c1"> """""' MERCEDES BENZ 1 =__,,,,,.....,.,,.......,....-.,,.;,-• Mobil• Homes 9200 DIRT EQUIPPED '---'--------'-$300 • ..._ ® LOVE .B·UG .@ 10 x 55. 1 BDR, unlurn. awn- ing, skll1tng, cooler, shed. Adult park. 2'766 Bl'istol, CM. '69 HONDA 175 Scrambler Pert. cond. $475. can John Dune Buggies 64Un4 DUNE Buggy Show Sale. '65 VW Mlcrob.,, orl" '67 CAMARO owner, mlg 40,000. 1500 en&:· Must ~ to ap~rec. 646-5662 4 Spd. dlr, :ii:lnt condltiolll Sacrtnce! Will trade for MOTOR HOMES 9215 1968 BSA 650 Tbunderboll Bodies from $149. Cha!s.is ()1 .1n'l" Co•Jnty's (_,1111"\I 5('1ection N··w & u ~r'd Mf'• r1·d1·:; l\('nr VOLVO foreign car or tot&l P"" lr.;~jii;;riij~~j;;i I \Vill tell or trade for V\V from $2C9. ·La Paz Dune bu.I or camper. 675-6694 Buggy Supmnarket. 3623 W. Warner, SA. 546-4045 Jim Sl cmon s Imps. -----·----I $1599::J.B UJH 173, Call BW VOLVO .... 911!. HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTORHOMES ON DISPUY THE ALL MtW DDDGE "EXPLORER" "''.c'~"'"'" •ttlt .... ,...,. 11•1111, hill '*'" wltll .~ .... lltcllM, a1ttp1 tlfllL .-LL lll la. 21 •OOT, U •OOT, IS FOOT. 1 Yl.-111 rlN.\NC- INQ .-111 A,,llOVID Clltl Olt. 16555 BEACH BLVO HUNTINGTGN 8£ACH .h. 5·10-11'Jf,(t • Auto Services OPEN 9&9 wkdys, 9-'6 Sat & & Ptrts 9400 Suo ==-==~=-,,.­PARTS for MG TF cyl bead BURRO BUGGY, '65 Super '57 MERCEDES 19 0 SL comp! wt val\'es. $20. ·Dual · Varfan engine. $950. can Roadster Convertible, new intact manlfold $15. '!19 Sim. 842-1555 painL Real beauty. 962--1966 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9303 W.o llf'1 & M.11n 5t. San:,) An« 546 4114 Best Deals Art At DEAN LEWIS ca cna:. $2.S. 847-8217 Imported Autos 96QO M B '59, Roadster, white. 1964 VOLVO. Gd cond. 1 '67 CAMARO, V-', 4 1pd, R/H, P /S, nc tires, Marina blue with blk Int. $1750. 1168--3564 or 9fi2...3121 '67 CAMARO 3.:iO V-8, P/1, P/b, air-cond, landau top. Loaded! $2350. 549--1279 RECENTLY reblt 4 cyl. Jeep orig. red leather. XI.NT owner. Low book or belt o1· engine, incl. Bell housing & '66 SIMCA 4 dr sedan, new cond. $3900. 835-2421 ter~ ~-_. _ ·clutch. $100 or best oU. motor $750. '68 HONDA P50 -CHEVROLET 9620 -------646-1312 aft 6 pm &: helmet $100. 675-4188 CORVAIR bucket Cherry condition. 545--0906 s eats, $40 ..... AUSTIN l ~========I SACRIFICE '59 AUSTIN Trailer, Travel 9425 Healey 100-6. Overdrv, wire 15' STARFIRE travel trlr. Sips 4, extra cupbrds. crpt, whls, hardtop. Xlnt cond. Best ofr over $500. 642-3675 ready to roll. Yours for BMW MG MG Sa.let, Serv1ce, Pan. Imrnedlale Delivery, All Models J1 rtu JJ o rt 31111ports $695. 15&8 San Bernardino Pl, CM or 642-3973, • .. -BM\-.-,-600-."'·s-1"'w_w_/_hlk 3100 W. Cout Hwy., N.B. BECAUSE we don 't like to Int. $2450. Dys 642--1617, 642-9e 540-1764 rough It when camping, we 540-9251 aft 5 pm. Authorbed MG Dealer are looking 1or a 15'-18' trailer in need of repair that 110tneone wants to unlood for a CHEAP price. U the shell l! tn rood condition, we'll do the rest. Ple/158 cllll days 64Z-0114. Ext 294, eves 646-0836 with delails 15· TERRY, sleeps 5, stow, ictlxlx, good cond. ~. 2234 Pacific. C.M. THE QtnCKER YOU CALL. THE QUICKER YOU SELL DATSUN ORANGE COUNTY 'S NO. I DATSUN OEALER DOT DATSUN 18835 Beach Blvd. l-Juntington Beacl\,. 842-7781 or 5f°"°'42 For Dally :Pilot Watt Ads Dial .,642-5678 for RESULTS OPEL '64 OPEL Kadett. Xlnt mechanical oond, paint Ir body, Nu tr&rul, & tires. ~3 or 548-2847 1968 OPEL Rallye, lD2 HP. Stereo tape. $1650. Call eves 536-.1801 '66 OPEL Waa:on, 77,000 ml. Except1onal cone!. Must sell by wknd, 968-1797 Race C1r1, Rodt ALEXIS For. Ford, trailer & spare engine. All brand new. 644-1433 Autos W1nttd 9700 WE PAY , , CASH for uaed eu1 4 truw. 1ua1 call us f.nr tree nttmate. GROTH CHEVROlfT Ask for Sales Ma.'\&PI' l&2ll Beach Blvd. Huntlnaton Beach Kl 9.3331 CONFIDENTIAU Y 'w e Pay More For Foreign Or Sports Cars PAID fOR OR NOT B. J. SPORTSCAR CENTER 1968 CHEYROLO EL CAMINO CUSTOM Yellow extf"rtor with black Interior. 4 «peed tranamll- slon, bucket seats, rn.aa wheels, Mickey Thompson 1pttlal tires. License num. ber 883148, $2895 . DOT DATSUN 18835 Beach Blvd. HunUna-ton Beech 842-71'81 or 540-0Ml ' Low, Low Prlca on-Thne SPECIALLY PRICED IUCHI '68 YW SEDAN Aulom1tic: Sticlt·Slllft, rtd!o, h11t1r, Ebony with co11trt 1t- ing inltrior, l ow mll1t 91, Uc. No. XEW61J. $1899 '66 YW CONYl ltTllLl Ah1oh1t1lv lik• 111w. M111I 111 lo •ppr1cl1!1. Uc. No. SGS 155. $1599 . . '67 IUG A h11util1.1! h1ig1 with hl1ck i"ltilor, Full f1~tory •quip. Radjo, h••'•'· Lie. m ,e,, ' ~1499-- ft'li tht Ctr t"1f wo11'f 9lv1 you 1nvthl"9 to worry 1bo·ut. w. m•k• uir• Cl f th. t. w. givt ii th t VW 16·point 11f1ty t n d p1rfor111 · -t ncl lt.t. /I h11 fo pa1t. So •• qJ.,1 It our 100 % guar1t1l•1 th1I wt'll r•• pl1c1 t ll m1lor mtch1nlc1f p1 rt1• for JO d1y1 or 1000 mllt1 , which1v1r c:om11 fiut. li11't th1t wll1t I lllW Clr·OWlllf n•td1? A hug that won't driYt you 11ut1, · '68 YW '55 PORSCHE SQUAii IA.CK . A cir of di1ti11ctlon-Gor• Rod wltlt h11ck interio r. 110111 ~1Uow with COh• Showt 1xc•ll111t Ctl"t, So tr11tl119 l11t1rlor. V • r y 11ict 011 tht rotd. Rad io l h11tt r, l ie. No. VTU li44. cl11nl I.le, No. SVX 15, • $2299 $1999 '57 vw $ 9 '68 KARMANN GHIA LIC. TXUtli 3 9 COUPI . Ltk1 n1w ,,,.,.,. 41t1!1. It '59 YW $ hit r1dlo A .\lf'hil1 t!dt w1U1, UL •WFJIO 599 Lico. UHG lllS. '60 vw $499 $2299 Lk.XWYJ" '66 YW '61 vw S-499 FAmACK SEDAM Uc. Kl•763 OrigiR1I bt!J.• flni,h; r1dio & h11l1t. 11k1nd 1j>tcltl '63 YW $ 99 prlc:1, l ie, No. Rt«X 9) I, L.ic..HG.GU6 _ 3 r -·$1-S99 1970 N. Harbor, aosta Mesa Gt IA YSIDE DRIVI, NIWPOlT llACH ' ... . . . ·-· --~---··--· ----~-------~--~----~.-:.:....~ ....... -..~~"-'-'- -I I ~ il I ' I I ! l I -. • .. ... ------------··---. ----''--- I • . . ••• ·-, NY Grand Prix ' ' Woman Sailor Nears ·Goal -.~ _. ,_..,.~ . ,..--,-~ Lures:Top D~ivers '. She'll Be 1st Female to Sa il Acros.s Pacific Alone . . ' . ' , M~A DEL REY (UPI) apptlfe<f to be In good bellih' , -Shili'ol! SllOI Adal!)s, who and Iler · boar, Sea sruu,. U, NEW YQRX -some ol u.e was the fii'st U.S.. ·race ,thll,, alllfllil aJOO, lrom Japan ' seemed to have e.Caped major • ~ .. !OP oflahore powil ....... tn l'!hlcl> ~ toW ~ ber 31~19!: •in lbe_.,tormy_.,,_. -boat roce c1r1•en will liiltmllu.iilil o!follQ!O Utl• 1 calllornla 111 day• ago, wa!I Ing. . here July ID f<r the Henneay wm ilwmled by the Unlon:ol~ al,ihted Sullday five mU.. off ~ He said Ibo planned to aai! New York GrlDCI Prt.. ·The l • ternatiooaf ·MotorboaU., Pt. Arguellb. ·south lluoo&b 'the ·Santi -~~ .. ~a·!i•dri.:ii illf .~ 1aJtaoenor 1><ant~"l.;i::-!ri~~..;:,1.'" 1n United States waters this pn t~ ~~rican and WQ.J'ld .rnld·.P-clfi~ mote ~n '•. . Mrs. 4dall)s, a mother of season. · {itles·ls~ Aronow, o1 Cdrl\l m'onth 1101 ap~ared.1 to_;be ,.. two became~ first Won}&ll At Ieaat JS drivers have in· Gable!, 'Fl~,,l A former world · ~· Uie worse· rof her tl,000-to sSu alQDe from Lot ~elea dlcat.ed to Todt Bottomley, and Amefican title flolder, Dille tok> voylge: • . • • to HawaU in the suminer of race chainiwi !or lbfo '. N"'I Aronow ... ril Into the Sam She" w!I!. ~ the . (lr,t 1965. She lwned to aai! onty York Of[abore Powt!t ·Boat. Griffith race with t b r ~ • ·woman· to ·aall acrou. the five months before but her · Racing Aaoclation, .orsiolzer lll'alght ,w1111 'behind him ...: Pacific alooe when'slie makes husband called her ,:one or the o! the event, Uiat ~~lwill be' Long Beacb-Enaenado J'·•lnl' ner .. plaMed .. Jand!all In ·san best salting studenll I ever '"ported gale !°'? wlndl wilil" 20-fbol IOU. Last week<lld, wbeo it - 40 dafl llnce the last ollhlinf by the liner Pre1ldent McKinley, Adams llld he WU - not worried about his wU!:,__ _ He-Rttled-.n-July~TueF- 1day, for his wlfe to complete the voyage. A1 It turned out1 he was right on the button. Mesan Honored ·-At Pacific U. in the running for\ ~.ooo. 1n Beach Gateway Mara th Of\.. DiesoJ , · · ,tabgbt." . · prize money offefN , by the 'and · the ~MUIS 500. He Bob tG~ skipper ol· ihe SM left Yokohama last ~fay Michael P. Woodard, 2873 French cor;c c!U)lll!'rs, Ju .. dropped ·oot ol the G'\:fith fi!hl•I veSI<! Edward Nell!, . 12 and about lllO 1pectaton in-Drake A•~. Coota MO¥, hu ~enneasy Co. Ah'!Pn1-~m race\t'.1~~8_?,1lc~·treuJ~.::. ~rted the.stgbtlhg to-P.Irs. eluding Yokohama Mayor radiotelephone, but Adams betn ·granted honora at en. rs Bill Wlshnlck, of New .10.rk Jt ·, 18 · reY':'"'~ that: ~~ Adao)!., hUSband, AJ a aajling Ichlo Asuk.ata watdled the believed It had become in-he nl I the Cty, who aet •TIP olf•hli:e Y~• R.en~ G~ ?:1'~ imtructor.Rf tlils ~.Angele,· pirik and white vessel pull operative. ~=ctfnls~':"lyof epeed record of 70.28 tD;fiea per victOr. Bill ~OIS, of~ M~t cOuo .... marina.~ . · away from the dock. hour tn capturing • nnt place Beach, ~be 1n the ~kptt. or ·~ . . Adams kept track of his Woodard, -a recent graduate in the Sam Griffith Memorial . Barn .'CQhi!o'• 2 11 ... fo o t .' Adams planned to sail, this,' Mrs. ~dams waved and wlte's progress by watching of Costa Mesa High School • • ' Race oU Ft Laudehiale on Aquarlas. Cohen from Lido morning to ·rendezvous · \Vllb smiled, and then began crying weather reports along her pr1> was siven the honor based on ...: -- ' Wi July 12. · · Beach,: N.Y.,' tOC::k a seventh ~ Y(ife.-, ·· ' · anf fought back Ule tear!i . jected great circle route, For hill B~plu!I' grade average to Shown .al the .. starting lin~ July .4 is Concerto, Jphn .. Hall'• aloop . from Newport Harbor Yach~ Club whidi-won Cla.s.s A laurels in the 25th Transpacific Yach( Race, Salling with Hall were George .Sturgis,· ~~rbotr. Transpac nner, _ _;The~~G:,:;rill:::::ith::..,::M::;•moria!::::::.::' ::..,::ra:::ce::....::l•::":..;. Y!.:•::ar:::•;_ _____ "-_;:G:ilJIDO::;:n:....;:°"::'d:,..:Mn=·:..::A.::""="":::...,.....'Th;;;:.•_;Se=•_;S::h::.•rp"-"car::.rl:;;ed::...::.'....;:fi_;ve:....::d•"Y:::'·...;·sbl=p::.• ..;ln:....::he:;r_•:;re::•:.....ch::ig"'h"ach=oo=':..:· -----" ·..,._ -l!!'m.W, .. and .Bill..Lawborp,.Nacho.Lozan,o,.swede Johnson; Dick Blatterman, Walter Demanuel~ Fred - MacOonl!ld and Bill Clumb. • Aluminum Grows Fast In Recreational Boats A.lumlrwm may never rival fiberglass as a construction material for saiall recrea- tional boat.; but ii Ii growing In popOlarity. final J!!dyilry figures for 1116& show lh1t in o r e alumini.un. and specifically .its -mariqe alloys, WU shipped to 'the recreational marine in· dustry than ever before. A total of 110 mllllon i>Ounds of a1uminum w~ consumed by the .boat, motor aod acces- f/IJl'Y manufacturers. -up ti percent over 88,00,(Q pwods in 1.967, according to G. R. fetfey, ctW:nnan of the A I um i n u m Association's Marine Aluminum CommiUee. 'lbe ~Ual ma r ine IDlall fiJblJi& IDCI uUlily boat. ~New' Boat ow Siafed) Whm !he ......i Loo Ang .. le. 'Boat Ii SPir1 Show 91'""' oa Oct. JO in the Los Angeles Sf.':':'& Arena, the expoeitioo will have a new and fresh look. Produced by F. H. "Skip" Cn!ger, n!Jted Loog Beach yachtsman and. bolt des.ignet, the 100.. will be preaented as the latest concept or marine and~o u t d oor recreational equipment merchandising. Producer Creger announc- ed: 1'We have eliminated the aboddy carnival and coontry fair a~e to which the -outdoor" Show attendance-has oflat been subjected by pl'O- motors of sporta afi eld. "OD the other hand the Los Angeles Boat & Sports S h o w will be a ·10 day premiere, Ct>n- cludlng Oct. 19, of the finest and newest In sailing and pow- t!f boats, trailers, campers, al- llM accessories and services." gains were attributed by Petrey to greater familiarity with marine aluminum · alloys by. boatin'!'. ·industry manufac- turen, dealers and b o a t owners. He also noted that the number o( recreational cra ft and outboard moton produced annually has risen steadily sl~ the early 60s. DEMAN]) !USEs Peb'ey sa id: "The tre.men- dowl increa5e In demand for over the past_ few years, • large share of which was sold by the naticinal arld regional chain stores, has helped buil d the aluminum-·shipments to that industry." / · He also pointed ·to aft' ln-- creaS'lng use of alumlhum in ·runabouts, sk.l boall in the 18 to 22 foot range, the mli!h- roomJng houseboat market, and the &wing to alwhlnutn for use in metal pontoon boata and WlOes as major factors working in favor of aluminum Jn boating. Additionally, be n6ted, naval architect& and custom power and saU yacht·~bullden· have turned with growing tnt.r..I to 'marine aluntJn~ for use in these "top or the line" water crafl Naval architects have el· prused their ljlle~ In the li&J>l molal bee!!!!! il,provld" ·them With u9uWY 1high llreJll!h-10-wei&l'lt ratio; so !Jnportan In ~the design of CUlloln yacbls. Hi'NDLB MATERLIL Builders hoe meanwhOe )earned' to liatidhi ·the m~tulal In fabrication of lhe bulls, and tnodem weJd!ng techniques have been most hel pful to lhem, Petrey said. In their quest for bigger and more powerful o u t b o a r d motors while keeping weight to a minimum, outboard manufacturers are also using much grtater ' quanUUea · of aluminum in their unJb. They also -favor -the rnHH!Ofl'oaive qualities of the marine alloys, Petrey observed. · · Trophy Won By Reinhart Carl Reinhart, captain of the UC I rvine varsity ~ng team, w· o rl the Unt annu81 Ocean Racing Competition for the Wayne Crawford Memori· at Trophy 5aturday at New· port Beac~. The 3&-mile nee from New· port Beach to Dana Point and back w a s held 1n ' ldenUcal 30-foot Shields sloops. YOUR PROBLEM: ~ You want to •II some Item that yeu no longer need but someone elt;e can use for NOT OVER ... 7 ? .. ., ? s·s_o ? ?. -VOUR~NSWER: ' • ' ... You call THE DAILY PILOT, a1k·~r Claulfled Advertising, and piece • ~~-.PILOT ~ PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFllD AD .AT OUI SPECIAL LOW RATE 3. LINES 2 TIMES 2DDL L ARS AND YDU .. R CREDIT IS GOOD I D I A L N.O W D I R E C T I 642-5678 rt•,._ .._,. C...., Mlotlltl l ' -• ' . ' . . Mopruiy. and Tuesday, July 21st and .. 22nd! ·'Sears "Buy Them By The Pair" Full ~y Nylon Hi-Way Special $ • for .~' . 6.95x14 TUheless Blackwall Pi111136 Fed. Exe. Tu on Each T'U'e and 2 Old T'.i... Built with Safety in Mind I SIZE The rugged 4-ply nylo11 c9rd bOdy of· fer5 superior protec- tion against impact and · puncture .i...,,. age. R.cs.ists heat build·up and moi,. ture damage. also. Your family deserves this added driving protection.. Trade-in Price Tubeless Blackwalls - 6.50xl3 2 for '29 1.79 7.35x14 2 fo r '28 2.07 7.7Sx14 2 for '32 -2:20 8.25x14 2 for '36 2.36 5.60xl5 2 for '25 1.76 7.75xl5 2 for '36 2.21 ' • --1 '-~--o!Tl;':tl'ewitD'illDI:f--.---11--·---·-·- •3 More Per Tire! ' . . ' , ,-------------··----·--------------~--------------~ MtU.tAM'.TA•4400,S21·4SlO •-llOl3-3f11 toell.lrOIHr!.Olfi flCOWIMl62 WffA'flf S1'11NGSPUIOl1 ~tulr2' I UNOIMU•:J.40.0661 ~OIS·IOOC.Q....Ul l Cl.IMt&kMIANMtll ~8>2-11"·*"'1'1,'Nt.'151 IW4fAIJIOMCA0:4"711 l'MtnPO:l-t.461,"'·lllO I I cowtCMMJ t.lllll. Nf i.wt Mlll.1\"#0C9 HO ,_,,., CW«:11 611-2100 YMA N>¥ a 1..s111 90IJJM~fWA s~ _.I\ f.1'11 I ~ ""'°"' '"8UWOOD01 t-utt ,_ 1111.1 t-3211, a ~n11 tCllUHa s.12.1s11 ' Scars ,_______________________ -----------------~·--' '. ··-• -- " • ..... _ _,"""""....., ........... ,,,.,,,., •