HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-22 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesai"-·~·--~--·~~"7'~ .......... ~ ..................... ~ ........ ~ .............. ~~.-.~ ........................ '""' .................................. ;... ............... ""!' ....... ~ ..... ""' ......... "!" ........................ "".' ............... ..,~~ ......... .,.,.~. ,._ ' -._, • • --- . ... I ' • • ~ l ...... •• ~~w--s~~~11it~ _!fL-Sts n-·-'..::: . -,. . ... . y ~ --~ . . ..;.. . . ... ' ... ,-;'..t ed ~~r .s .. ~peet ---. ~ . . . . ,... . -· . ·t:al'llle •illing • I ,, • • • ' ·---~ ' --TUESDAY"AFTERNOO~. ~ULY 2_2, 11969 VOL. a, ICO. 174. 2 ll!CT\ONS. H ,AOl!J • 'T : 0.i•g· to Fu~~r:a~:-. ' ... . '"' . . -. -~--. ' . ' . f ,, , UPI T•...,_te Sii·KENNEDY, WIFE JOAN'HEAb FPR KOP.J;CHNE FU~ERAL ~9111 Accl~ent .VIF:tlm, ~urled;.Sen.itor .Aw.•its ,H,•fll;l~.on Charg~s . · • r ·-· ' From Wire Senlctt '" . ,. • . ' The langled tragedy of Ted Kennedy's wrongway drive that ended ,fatally for a pretty aide· took a new tum today, with SPl~E "CENTE~., Houston (AP): - the emergence of. an ~off duty lawman Apollo ' 11 a ship laden with" scientific whose $out couJ$I have saved a life. l!easu:l'es'and a fame that will ,atand for A sharp contradiction in time elements all Lime, speeded up in its homeward surrounding-tba-QCJ:'ldent-aqd-subsequent journey today as-earth-gravity-begltn""its- drowning 0£ Miss Mary Jo Kopechne, 28,, mighfy pull is also renected in the newest develop-Its crewmen turqed the abip toward ment. ' . earth early ln· the day, then slept long A Dukes Ccunty Deputy Sherill Iden-and deep as they hurtled· through the tified by reliable sources as Charles Look moon's waning sphere of. influence. Earth J r., has given police informaUon iTJoo won the battle for C<1ntrol at 16:32 a.m. dicating he saw the MaSsachusetts PDT. · senator's car just before lhe fatal They were together . again: Neil A. · +· mishap. Armstrong and Edwili E. Aldrin Jr., the d. . o· d s . T Sen. Edward.M. Kennedy did not rePort first hwnans to tread and feet the aoU '3f .. ' · . g.e ·.·_ .r . e· f: s an•ty, ... est. the accident which killed Miss Kopechne th e moon ; and Micl\11el . Collins, who . It qetween midnight Friday and· 1 a.m. Jrtrdled that barren gl.Obe ln the mother Saturday until nearly 10 a.m. Ute follow-Ship, awalilng their return. ! ... : ' · . · ing morning. From liftoff on the moon, l.hrougb .9.::r. . A _ _ d c· nd. le K .1-fe · · Tt!e senator_ considered • prime con-linkup with Collin• •• ttiiough t·ti e -n . c"'"·· Qe· a' . ' \ . ' ... r' tender for the 197'2 presidential race -maneuver that started theni home, the . .. . . . -~ . . . . . . , . · · I< . llsted the approximat. Ume as u, 1$ p.m. a!tronauta were unrestrained In t&ir joy : .. _._ 1 , •• i . . • • · + • • ~ri$y, while his car was allegedly seen that evetythlng worked. ;,I · · · · at· 13;40 a.m., by Deputy Look1 "The· Eagie is back in orbit, having_ left : JI ·BY TOM· BAtitL!:Y Ing ~ s~f~. ·OU(ctrs Said 'Liberty had' Edgartown, · Mass.. Police C h·t e f Tranquillity Base and leaving behind a • ; ....., ot ..... De~ ~~ ,,... placed l)Urniilg 'candl~ 'al'Qund the body Dominic J. Arena has asked New Bedford replica ffom our Apollo 11 patch· wilb an · ~: Su~ior Court' judge today· refUied'. -Of· his .autied'victim. Blstrlct Att.Orney Edmund Dinis· for pro-olive branch,"·said Annstrong after thelr Pt ... h._t ital ruling tha, t accused Both Libert .... .a the str-.. 1ed secution of the !enator on ~arge's of )WJar lander roared off the surface orthe 03P . . 1·~~! . ' 41'5'. •woman) leaving the scene of a fital accident! mOOn. ' ' ellght. gil~r·• ~rl Willard· liad IOng rl!COrdB' of nfentat•illness;-and A hearfng to determfne wheQter Sen. And 3'n hou~.la:ter, as the two sjl.ips ~1 wu sane and able to participate lioth had beeh <MiDosed :and treated in· Kennedy will be arraigned· as requested· again be.Came ooe, mtsSIOrt control asked .. murder 'proceedings against'him. the mental ward of Orange Ccunty is set for July 28, while authorlUes in the ColUnS Jlmtr' it kit to have cqmpany. ~~· Willlam· Speirs appointed two MedicaJ.Ceiiter. Liberty aod Mrs. ~ndis meantlme·probe for significint ·<1etaiJs In· "Damned good, . J'll 'tel1 1 you."' be ;;~~~~~~-. the ~nst.er had made several, unsuccessful swcide the mystery· accident. replied. · ~~ia to ewnme . attempts in recent years. Blood analysis of a sample taken from And finally, Collins announced they ~nd wnrrut~Aug. 111 on~~ ~I Liberty was sent to Atascadero after a Miss Kopechne's body after Jt was were off for homi;._ with a ahoqted : "Open C9011Won. Liberty, 22, will be bed m Sl!perior Court judge ruled that he was recovered from the wreckage Saturd8y <up the LRL doors, Ol;rlfe," l'eferrtna to ~e' e»unty jaJl unt.µ·tbat date. insane. and unable to ,assist in his own showed only a minor trace of alcohol. the lunar receiving ltboraWry that would ~,~erift.-.C!fl~s · dt£ense. He was later sent to Norwalk for "Insignificant," said Dr. Donald R. be their home on earth for at least 18 ~~tlfa 1reek .al!<" he wallted to mornd~-psychiatric'lberapy. (Seo DEA'lll·CRASB, Plae Z) · dB)'s 'While docton make l!tt•''they ~ ftora Metro~tjtan 'S t a t e · ' F ,. ,.r ~ lllillPJla1 a>?iolwalk. Hospl~l offi<;ials '"' . s· . . . 4 p . . -f . 'G • I -~the~:~~~;rne:~:-~m:::; .. enaaor . . ·rays ' or ; ~ · . t '1n~t;J patJ.~nt and · stressed , ~ . . . · , , . · , 1 • · ·b~-'7"'~;=~'ArWe1~--:-:::-~fan A.ddi-sensa wn -t0 Smemn, -Yuneral Servree-·-tm .:~-·iliolpital:.' ·t1:-~ • . :1 .... -; . ·~ : ,, . • • . . . . • . . . .. WU i'!I. the e9COpe of 4bel'IY bi '" " . ~'' . .. ,, . . j ' -" ., ; • • . • " • y :Nmi>lnl!' _his ·...,.rda as dis· ~ 1f1re Strvl~s , Mary Jo'K•pectme, 28, was somewba~U' JQtellh ~· -~tor ,... Wi lls'inslsied tl)at u;. hospital · Vwbb.,•orn by, the «deal 'ind -ln •tils 'pecied b~r sWI added~• toudl o1· oensa. b9rn ln .the mJidng t.w,.:blii;Jnoved wjth · ·hfi.lreedom thf:o'lgh a,c!er· own words -".flshlng. he cOuld ,trade ~on .to die .soltmn.serifce., • . ~r famlll to BerUlty ~ghta, ,N.J., 20 ;IPflt that was "nothing new at places ~·with .her, Massachusetts Sen; Someof~whoattendedt1-eluneral y~lgo_,toldne_!~,J~y .called :·~ .-. .. ' .. ~ . Edward .-M. Kenneilj! toilay Offered In i'Oi1 brl~ St. Vlncefrt'illomari Calllolic him · pert011ally' ~'ill"; ·myster!Ous -1Llllilr11Y go! the· label "Candlelight prayers a! the JuneraJ .ol a girl whe Chureh .wen thert for a gllmpoe 1' Keno tr .. ~., · ,-. -. cnq- . " from officers who investi gated drowned in tl;le wter:kage .of his Car nedy, who wore, a light nylon ttecl !»:~· 11i Wish \t had been 1me.jqsteld,11• he . ~ sioylng ~·· Marcella tan-Satur<lay. · , Sen. Kem~)" who '!'as drlylni 'Miu qu~t.d tht 37-year-ol~ youneer b~r of atiractlveb etteshosharedhis A crowd of nearly '190 pe(IOnS tumed Kopechneaw~fromjlj)arty1in·a 'Q]Uqe the la~~J®n and~ JCemMAy as · em at 1312 istmlnster Ave., out In Uoy PlymouUI, Pa., to lay' farewell • around mldrughl Frlclay, ~ 10ltli aayll)i. during the wthappy CCl!V- er. to a mlni111 town Jirl wt)o oharl!d 1ome minor, iniyr!es ''!flen the blad: -: _,,,e Kennedy' party -11oclud!Oc lhi allege they found the wild -eyed of the gJoty-and tragedy-of the Ken-plunged of! a rickety brldl!' iJ\lo ·a Udaf wido"! 1' Sen. Rol>erl F. Keniiedy .;. flew on June 4, 1966 strumming his nedy clan. creek. fi11m Hyannls, Mass, for the. funetaf tc;;. . .,....,..nd llO!tly bumming whUe U,., body Attendance by the senator,apd a group r Miss Kopeclme drowned, tripped 'in Ute day allcl later Jolnod a ti-ear conege to .,. jlll'amoor,lay dra~ across a llv, 1' fatiill)I and lrlends at oaUtolli: rites lot. vehi~a, • . , • • (Sie FIJNEllAL, ,..,. I) · t· " ' . . . 1. " ' . ... •' ) -• Restaurant For $4,500 brought bac:k no mOon bugs. A bandit 'wearing, a ski mast and "Roger," saJd Charles Duke at mtsslon gardening gloves held up a Seal Beach trol "W g t ml ho ,, fried chicken restaurant Monday morning con • e o you C<l ng me. · and esc' aped w1'th " 500 af•·r ban"-"''"" Apollo J.1 Wu behind ·the moon for the _ """' "'~ ':"'__... 3t.t-anchlaotidme-and·out-oHou<h-with~ two. ha 1"'-emploY"': earth at 9,57 p.m. PDT Monday when ihe S~. John A!elyt ·Of Ute Seal< Jleac engine fired for 2Yl minutes. 'I1le push ~ohce Dept. said the robber was already speeded the'lh1P w ~700 mijes an hour, in the Kentucky Colonel drive-in, 12491 breaklDg Jt loose frdin tbe moon's pull Los Alamitos Blvd:, w~ _manaaer (Seo AI>OU.O· Paa• I) Robert Soukup and employe Davlcl'!Cnien ' came to work at 7:50 a.m.-* * * The bandit ordered Soukup to "duclc down and open the safe" while holding a New York City revolver. to the baclc of his head. He then ' galled the employes: tape<rthelr-eytt shut and handcuUed them to water and Chi Pl gas pipes. . cag 0 all Police are otlll nol certain how the ban- dit entered the restaurant but are con~ Apollo Parades slderlng the possibility. Utal he might have gotten In Sunday tvening and spent the night there. ' WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Apollo 11 as"onauts will be given tickertape parades down Broadway in New York Ci- ty and in. Chlc~go's Loop on Aug. 13, the White House a~ced tOday. · . President NiJ:on who will be vaca· tJoning at hll· new San Clemente home at the time1also will be hOst to the trio, Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. All:lrin and Mrehael Collint, together with their familles and all astronauts in the nation's space,prOgram, the. evening-of Aug; JS Lat tbe ·Century J'laza-llotel Ill Lii Angeles. White!' House pfeas secretlly Ronald Zietiler ·said-tire PHsldent suggeSted :the one-day, nation-spanntng toUI' to celebrate America 's 1 pace ac- complishment and the N ·at ton a I AeronautlC!I· and Space. Administration. (NASA) concurred. The victims were bound up ap- proximately one oo,ir ·before being ~~ cued from their predicament-by Seal Seach firemen v.1io used .large Wirecul-ters to breek tile bond!!. Duke Richie,t owntr·ol the irestaurant. discovered the"crlme;at. approxlmit.l~ 8:50 a.m. and alerted police; "It.was the 'Drst µme I ever bad a gup poinled at me and tioy, .was I afraidJ' said Soukup today. "When' I was heniflng .Ver· the .aafe ·[·could· feel · lli againsto lll1 head." Orange Aug. 13 is two days after the moon ex- ploration team emerges from a three-Weatlaf!r wee)c . quaran~ipe; ~spent in a ~1eale41 ·Sunny ski;s, ba, 1_,,,. tftetes and tra.Qer-llke faclltty. : ' ... ., ff all goes well, Aldrin, Armstrong and warm .tempera\jll'Uo are ltill com-1 , • --- Col.linl wllltemerge fr'?l!!l~-~~on b~ to ~ive Orange Coast cott-1 ori Ut'i llDl,1speliil lVy.m~-:-Wilfif-if'-tm~..uinne,..,,Ut!-....:.:....::::-'lf­ their wives and colleagues and then leave foe ,thjo big day qi ceh!iJra~ona on.-Ibo 13.lhi-1 I '• l ' ~Y will be-.or'I"'. from ,-Ho• abiiafd a 'pr'!fd~ jet)iner .to New York !en; a, !Mlillng, Piii:~ ,Utflt ,to Chicago fer a mlilaltemoon 1 parade· throug!Lthe loop, p:loi to.a flilh~ lo Las Angele. !or .a dlnlier and r.COptlon hosled by Nb:on. • . , The-Pr,ealde~t .~lam to .Jee U.. apace neroes Wore-::--~howewm . r, He is-- 11£becju)ed, lo lie ~boar1i 'tj>o US& Homel, ' u.. prune recovery sbtp In the Pacific Ocean, on ~wn day ThW'lday, and Ioli to lb•,.,~uts \htougb Ute wllidow of \¥< qClltanilile hu~ . . I INSIDE TODAY Goodbt1e BagU, gou were a I maonifici'nt· bir'd, maybe finest in hi!tofv and you totrcm't destined 1o ... ret1'rn to earth belt ..... t/Ou'll not bC forgotten. PQllt-20. l lrtM 11 Mtm ..... .._ ii · C11it.mleo I ~ n Cl .. llfkll ,2WS ~·. it CMlla ,i ti .............. 4oJ ~ 1 1•-.or ... ~ ., ~Mtlftt .._, ti.t ;-. m, ......... , ..... .. ,,.... , .. ,, .......... ,, ,...._ ..... ~11 P'IMMt 1•11 'nl~ 11 1 ... ,.~ .. 1 11 .,......,.. ~ ·~ ...,.. ...... ,, ...... , . """ ~ 11 Wwtil ' """' .. , ,~. ' t - l l .• I • • . I • r • • l I f · ~-·--- ; • • J D.\11.Y Pll.OT s ' ·r . .. Ul°IT ........ TRAGEDY MAP -Map shows route Senalor Ke.nnedy'a car took last w e eke n d on Chappaquiddick Island o!f coast of MISSI· cbu.setts. Chappaquiddick is short distance from l\tartha's Vineyard, another Massachusetts re- sort island. Senator was driving car !bat plung· ed ·off bridge. He ~caped. His companion drowned. From r-.e l DEATH CRASH ~tllll "such 8f mi&hl show In a petSOD who bad bad a couple of cocktails." New Bedford District. Attorney Dinis is also expected lo interview certain members bf the groop of 12 who atteoded a Kennedy dinner party at a ocarby cot· Lage the nilbt of the trqedy. Sm. Kennedy was driving Miss Kopedme to catch a ferryboat for the three-mlrarte trip to.Edgartown from nar- row Chappaquidict llland, ao she could return home. Deputy Look uid he saw a black OldsmobUe apparentty "llriVen by Sen. Kennedy -whom he dld not ~ .-pauae at a crossi:oads before tumin& away from the fe1TYboat slip. . Look, who bad just. gotten off duty from his moonlighting job at the :EdgartoWn YacbJ ,t1ub, 8;llisl_ ~ dri~er ap~ confuaed and he shouted· to a.sl if Hi couJd offer help or directions. Tbe ay came too late, however, and the aaiator'• car was beaded in the wrong direction, plunging alf the woodtn bridge moments later into !be !Hoot tidal pood. Sen. Kennedy -saying tatu he ns in shock and suffering from a!Tained neck musda and a m 11 d mncuuion - esca ped somehow, but bi! pre t t y passengu was trapped imide. Deputy Look said be at rim tbooght three penons had bttn in the ill4at<d Kennedy car, but could not be certain, in t"'1molly anDCJUllC<d by Police CUel Arena. The coroner's ei:aminer who di..,,..,, !be a~ ... Mla Kopecbne lllid - it WU I clearcut case of accidmLaJ drowning, wifh absolutely no other cm- tributinl injuries. "OUr combined opinion was that an autopsy WU Ml needed,'' Dr. Milla ukl, referring to a prior conrultation with the district at.omey about tts advisiabllity. The party which flftC<ded !be fatal ao- cldenl was r<pe>rtzdly ottend<d by m young women -the~ bbiler room gang -instrumental in telephone cam- paign work fer Robert F. Kennedy. SD. men also alttoded tbe affair, wbiCh ETHE~ ATTENDS Ri°TT Formor RFK Aide lurled lollow<d competition by Sen. Ktmlldy's ylldll Victoria in o Mar1ha'1 Vlzle7ord boat regatta Friday. If the hearing scheduled into the acct. deftt delermiaes there. ii probtble cauae to proceed with pro9tCUtion, the senator could race two moaths mlnlmum. to two years m&Emum in prlso!I. The court has tradiUooally handed out fmes and suSperded sentences in such MassachusetU cam, instead ol mortln& to actual im~nt The Edgartown police chief llO)'I be Is perfectly certain then WU llO -.I negligellct involved on the MUtor't pert, while leaving the BCene was oonetbela' grounds far action. Miss Kopedme's fat.her Wd aft.tr her funeral today th.at he al50 ·ahares the belief that the senator wu not ne&111ent under known c:lmunJtancel, Sen. Kennedy Will be represented at the July 28 bearing by Edgartown attorney Richard J . ~arran. Nixon Orders Additional Agency Spending Slashes WASHINGTON CAP) -President N'a· on aaid today he bu ordered CoYernment. agenclu to reduct 1pendlng by an ad-. dlUonal $3.5 billion to affset what be delC:ribed asa worsening budget picture. "No federal program ,is above scrutiny," the J>re&iden1 said ln a state- ment. "Some highly dellrable prOif'l.DUI will have to be 1tretcheci oot -atb~ red.uctd.. The dollar reducti()DS will be ac- companied. by a further lowering ol the OAIL\ PI LOT ............. M•I• .... --_,..., --C'l'llVlllA ~I (.Oo\11 ll'VSLWtlltO COM .... NT l.loerl H. Wee4 ---Jeit\ a. C•rll'f Yin,.,.,...... -~ INlllfU prnonnel ceilings established last April." Nixon said the reduction iJ neceuary to bring soaring spending estimates back down to the $192.9 .billion target he set in April. That was when he sent his own budget for the new admlnllt.raUon to Congress. Since ~n. he sakl, the fina.ncla.1 aitu•· tion has become worse. "We oow anticipate," the chief ex- ecutive said, "further increa1t1 ol ap- proximately $U billion In upendlturo for such uncontrollable lteml u lntcrat on the public debt, medk:are, Social Securl· ty, Civil Service retirmlent beneflta, reduced receipts from off-shore oil leaaes, public us1staDtt, and veterans• bene:fitl." Nllon noted also Uiat Conerea haa done nothing aboul i!ICftllaln1 !be postol rate, which be ~uested u of July I, and hu acted ,inconsistenUy with bud&<t I""' poaals In Other fields. He aaid it bu Q()t ended. as he recc:m- mended, special mllk and agrlcul-1 C(JflservaUon programs. -. ' • Nerve Gas C()nfirmed ~ V .S. Says Okinawa Stores to · Be Removed ------WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Pent.qon and rectlved medJcal attention.. medical attention. , acknowledged today that nerve au ii The Defense Department said the 1u Today, the Pentagon said ihiit o~Ju -··<loml-utO-..,...OO··~....._....u~. -"~ ...... -._~~--~~i..it.~.J"-". •. -~-, • ..!!. ... ~ ~ and .. prtpU'l.Uoni are belrig made to during a paint remaval operation. Th~ ' . ' " ". I J ,.,..,. r.,e J FUNERAL ••• St. Vincent'• Cem<lery. llelpit< his pe-1 *"1claa'1 ad•lee. qalnat the trip, Sen. Kiowdy and the rut of !be group sharod a pew at the Id! ~ ol tho allar to the amall churcl!. A va.e of simple yellow flowers - from the Kennedy• -offered a vivid spluh ol color 11-.. the Jlf'1 metal Cllbl In which Mia Kopedmt's body Ill'· The Rt Rev. Mqt.-Wllllam Bun:hill, -o( the RequJen Mau, today . PB1"11 that the pr<tl1 blonde aecretary wbo helped In Robert'ltmmcty'1 ill·lated cam,paign bt Jran1ed elerDal rat. The drowOed lid'• _.. lllid they -Plymooth !or the funeral 8ervlce and bU'ial at nearby IArtsvtlle, because it was their daughter's hometown and she often visited. . ··She bad her root. Here,"' u)d heT lather, Mio wu ctr,.eyed today, wtille hil wt!• wept openly at the lunerol and while leaving the servi .... Asked whal else Sen. Kennedy -wbo fices prooecutioa fur his IWl<nys\orioUI port In tho tragic auto --bad to AY to the family, Kopedioe COllldn't fully up lain. "He was so brobn up l could batdly --him," be nplfed. Fulhrton Man • New Meinber · Of Grand Jury A P'llllmGn Ml estate alelmon "" named today u 1 replacement for William D. Martin ol Laguna Beach on the Orange Coonty Grond Jury. Superior Court Judge Robert Gordner drew the mme ol Joe Cooper from a drum cont.lnlng the names of eligible grand )un>n not oelected when the panel wu formed seven months ago. It Is not ye( known when Cooper will tab aver the spot vocot<d last Frldly by Mll'tin. Seleetlon at. a new foreman to take oveor Mll'tin'1· executive duties wlII be ll)ade WedmN!ly, Judie Gln!- oer AicL_ · -- Mortin'• IUdden doClslon IO quit the Grand Jury lll'Ollled speculotlon that the group'I c:rffic:ilm ci. the county's U · charce ol Bad Bay land with the Irvine ~ bad l!llered the vdeno civic ollldal. Grand Juron hl~re that Infer. ence. Sevtn.I aald k:a.I dlfftr· """' betWeen M ond other Jury 1neuM-a: had been evident for tcme Ume before be ml&ned. Nixon Asks Overhaul Of 82-year-old ICC WASHINGTON (AP) -Pralltent Nfl· on l"--1 today • mojO< overbllll d. the 81-year<Jld JntmWe Canmtrce Coounilll«I, indwlinl outberlty fir the Prtsident to ltlect a chairman who would bavt 1 tr en & then e d admlnlaf.r1t1oa powen. In a mesaq:e to COogrtu. Nixon Wei the U-member o:immlM!on ii hampered by "lack <If eantlnulty" and "lack ol ltldenhlp" and uld his plan would ruult "b:i mon efficient optra.Uon" of the natioa'I oldest rqWatory agency, removed. . remove tertalD chtm.lcal ll'lunJtioM, In-persons experienced "minor symptoms of A few hours aller the Ryukyu ~luding IODle tozlc agents" from the toxic exposure" and safely procedures in;· lfclslature held a special sesakla on 1aland. It dld not tdenUfy the • other eluding protectlve maWi were lm· Okinawa calllnt for i.mnfediate removal chemlcala. mediately used, the statement 1ald. of the reported stares of g'u, the Deftnse 'lbere wu an outcry both on Otinawa No one was aerlously affected, the Pen- Dtpartment aald a nerve pa lmowD u and ln Japan u a ?elUlt al dlaclolure of t.tgon said. It said roor of the military GB had bttn llond there. . the Incident -fkst ftported by 1l>e Wall personnel were btlef13 00.pllalb.ed, all GB can be IDCap&cltatlng er~ fatal, ~ Sltttt Journal last week. At the Ume -were put under precautionary medical. dependin1 on the dosqe. It was inVOlved and up to today -the Pentagon refused obsetvation, and all 24 were returned lo In an accident July I in whlcb 23 U.S.• to C'Orlfirm Olat gas wu Involved, full duty within six hours. Army saldien and an American clvll1an althouab 1t acknowledged that 24 persons . No Ryukyu islanders or other noo U.S. cmploye ol US. army wen apoMd &o pa wn ~ved"ln an lnck!ent and Nedved nationals were involved. c 1 • .Nixon Predicts Vast Space Pravel by 2006 WASHINGTON (AP) -Preoldent Nix· on,dtaarlng hii opthnian. obOal the More, uld ,today be belleves·tllal·by the yw -Earth people wiD nbave Yis1ted ntw wcrk!I where there wm be a form of life." And voicing hope that "the next great venture of spact" will set Americans jolhed. by representaUves 'from other ...mrla, be noted tbal Ddlber the --Red Cbh>ele kadenhlpe ""°"ed teleTision coverage d. the ·U.S. N>oliii 11 moon walk. · - "I wanl the Ume to comt when the am-people and the ltualan people and all the people of tbe wcwld can walk toptber and talk together:' the Prell· dentuld. Nflon spoke to atoundUi %,llllO lorei · hlih lcliOOlifudeiitl ga er~ an south 1awn·o1theWhite1louJe -and be Wll <mvtUIJy elated avtr the iucee:sl of . tho U.S. l1WMll>the<nocn venture. • He did not speelly where be thought a ronn or llle would be encouutered in oiner space, although be did """" of Mure Wldertakinp to ucerta1n "~hat may ar may not be ~ the moon or Man or Venus." Nixon~ "told his youthful ~udience U..t when be learned al the U.S. ltMiilanding vehicle coupling back withjts comm@n(f shJp while traveling 4,500 nines an hour "I reallz.ed this is no time for the pessim!stl. "This is the tiine ror the optimists, ti he told his·)"OWll.!illtora. "Be optimistlc." From Page J - \ AP6Lt6· ... ·-1-· -. and~ It tonnl lbe brilliant, cloud- IWaddled ball o( earth %37,1119 m1lt8 and two da7f, four houri away. 1 As they -. away. tbelr speed drop- ped rapidly due to the -ioued iniltr """' d. lbe moon. Later -· when they puled tbrooab that inv!sible llne where earth'• atrac&n avercome:s that of the mooo, they began to go faster again. Awaiting them at splashdown in the Paclfic at 9:51 a.m. PDT Tbunday is the strangest weloome a nation has ever ac- confed its heroeo. 'l1>ey'J1 be sprayed with disinfectant, sheotbed In on air-light gar· ment with a~ gas-m a s k to breathe throug21:, bustled into a leak-proof trailer and Oown in it to a quanntlne laboratory at the Mamed Spac< Cooter. The Prottdeoi of the Unil<!d Stata will b! on thelr reccivery carrier in the Pacific, the USS Hornet, tq greet them - but it will be through the trailer'• win- dow. Weak carnmunJcaUons kept whatever joy they ei:pres!ed during their reunion MoOOiY from reaching the ground .. There wu a litUe problem In the docking - never e1:plained. c.awns wu beard to say ''all hell broke loolt." "I'll bet you'd almost be talking to yoursell up there after 10 revs (revolu- Uont) or 80," sald mission control. "Ob, no," Colllns replied. "It's a happy home up bfn. It'd be nk:e to have some Mr. Dinwiddie Funeral Set Service• for Redfield D l n w I d d i e , Newport Beach mldent for 1e years, wfll be ·held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at WtstclW Mortuary Cbapel. Mr. Dinwiddie, 75, died Sundoy at Hoag Memorial H()IJ)llal after a lengthy Ulneas. A pUot durinl World War I, be served overseu with the RAF. He was reUred a.s an industrial insulation. contractor with his blllineas In Do\mey. Survivors include his wlle, Eileen, of the home, 01 Gloucester, Costa Mesa: five daughters, Virginia Hronek ol Burbank, Dorothy Donnandy of Fresno, Blllle Sandra Damon of San Jose, Janis Ind Ciro! Dimrlddle, both ol Nowport atach; nine cranddllldren and two great 11ondchlldren. The family auuest that thole wbo wilh m.,-make a memorial contribuUon lo !be Americln concer Society. company: Matter of fad, be nk:e to have a coule of hundred mllllon Amerlcana up here." "1bey were with you in spirit," aid mWJon. control '111.at aplrit bad caught the world like no olher since Undbergb new the AUantic and Jobn Glenn and Ylll'i Gargarin had nown in space. Lull Continues, But Reds Using Harass Tactic SAIGON (AP) -The enemy p!'Uoed h•raaing attacks aaalnst allied positions Tuesday but the.re was no major break in the month·long lull on the battlefields. Tbe mOlt serious incident reported by allied spokesmen occurred In the village of Pbuac My aouth of Da Nang when guenillas sprang an ambush against a U.S. road<learlng detail and reJnforcin& govemment troops Monday. 1 That ski.rml!h left ane American killed and four WOUJ'lded, m. _government milltiatnftl tlllf.d and six wounded, and four civilians killed and flve wounded. Enemy cuualUes were not known. There were 11 memy shellings reported during the 24 hours ending at 8 a.m. Tuesday. Of tile8e, a U.S. spokesman said, only five inflicted damage or casualties and there were no Americans hit in four barrages aimed at American bases. Israel Planes Cross Canal, Bomb Egypt 'I UR!tM ....... 1111..ii..1 Israeli p anes streaked across the Suet Canal today and bombed Egyptian artillery positions for the secood Ume in three days, an Israeli m i I i t a r y spokesman s£ld In Tel Aviv. Jordan reported sil Israeli planes attacked posi· tion1 ln Jordan b!1ow the Sea of Galilee. The Israeli spokesman said all l.sraeli planes returned safely to ~lr base from the attack which followed a barrage of Egyptian artillery shells against Israeli positions oo the eel bank of thlo ?Jllll. • CAILY "ILGT Slllf ...... GETS JUST ONE REPLY Holiday Advocate Toole Moon Holhlay Idea Gets Youth Burke 'Tlianks' When David Toole submjfted his kfea·19 President Nixon for i naUonal haliday to celebrate man's landing on the ·mooo be wasn't sure if anyone would pay at. tentian. But the lS-year-ald Westminster lad 1-elt something Ollibt to be don< In booor ol "Man's veatest achievement.'' Now that Moooday (July 21) has come and gone what thanks did David get for bsi suggestion? • "Just a letter of thanks from Assemblyman Robert Burke ( R ~ Westminster) and not a \\'Ord from the President," comments David, 8 9·1 O Universe Ave. David wrote a letter to the President on June 2S, urgi ng him to declare July 21 a national holiday. "We celebrate a d11y for lovers (~!. Valentines Day ) and even for pracliCal jokes (April Fool 's Day )," wrote David, "why not one for our outstanding scien· tific achievement'.'" Last Thursday President Nl:..on -not necessarily at David 's suggestion -call· ed for a nation al day of celebration ""'1.li;h was quiCkly picked up by people across the country. But David, a junior th is fall In Fountain Valley Hi gh School. is philsophical about hi.s venture into the sea of lost sug· gestions, "I'd just like to get a reply to my Jetter," he shrugged. 'lat Plal11 l'e~ed' Dr. Jack Scoles \Rites W e.ch1esday Funeral services will be held Wed- 111 .... 'IC...,il ·-n-~~ifl• Instead of reduc lnc aid to schools in impact.ed areas, he said, Congcu is movinc toward increasing it. Roel\ 'Con' Upsets Mayor . -nesday for Dr. Jack R. Scoles, 49, associate dean for student.services at UC Irvine College or Medicine, who died Saturday o( a heart attack. -C.... MfMI tlil ll(wl ..... II'"' ....., ....,, 1'11 .... I ...... ....,._ U.. ..... !Hf. ...... 14-....... ~----The mayor el ffuntin&toa Bead! pro. Grttn said the: Situation ls in no w1y vertisin& 11 avoided because radio waves Or. Scales, a resident of Glendale, died at a hospital in that city. Laguna Canyon -Y-rre~ue11e -~-=·-. hi~]!jy!t__q,Ja....'ltx!d I\ • _.llk~~sta..ldm.-~":j-1s:~~ross counly 1,ines -~ into ~ dtlun Jetter oppo&lng the upcam1na 1ltuaUm -both protracted outdoor Green said the police are following He bad been associate dean or the UCl College o( Medicine since. Ul66. In l!H7, ht: was""lf.ffwMed 1s a~r t..sudent from the College of OsUopathic PhY•lctans ond Surgeow, forerunner af lhe California College af Medicine which subsequenlly Fin ol undotennlned ori&ln burned over 40 acrea d brush and arm on Irvin< Compony ranchlaodJ ol tho ~ •nd o( Lquna Canyon Monday all.._, It was the county'• om l'ftlJor' bruh fin of the 11aaon. The blb.t, reportad 1boolt I p.rn. WU brought Wider control In !us thin tl>m hours by C0W1ly Ore crews. Locatioo was: ,.,.. ol Laiu111 CIJ11'll Rood and -o1 tho Sin Di•&• Froowlj'. Flrt olOclaJ1 Wd teven truck.I, two buUdOIUI, two consuvauon camp cnw1 and rive air tanker& frvm Rtmona and Ryon field In Hemet were Clllad Olll to quell &he blaae. youth rod: cooctrt O!.~ city ls Uh-events. . every step of the siluat.k>n, derwritJnc July 2T. It ti in Huntington Beach Hiah School Gr<en wd he ti coocemed now that "I'm wry upeet about thlJ ltlltr. l audllortum from I p.m. to 11 p.m. Tbe parents becawie ol publicity given Mrs.· think J'Oll cUd lrrmable hann,•1 uhi bands are ''Canned Heat" (cumntly Kailer's letter might not let thtlr MUG< Jack G-to Mn. GoorlO s. very larp .., !be mod scene), "Cot )'OWl(Jtan bloy tickets. The ccuncil Is .IW>or, 111'1 ll-.t Lane. duriD& Mon-lolother and the All Night Newsboys", Ulldennttlng the IJl'>l1'llll to the tune ol daf'• OlllltlCil -tins· ond "Futlon". lt,lllO whlcl! It~ to recover. Mn. ltaloer 1114 •rlttbl that ollt lilt Comed H11t rocked m:tt1tly in both Councilman Jerry M1tney wd, "Thu the --lo .iew ol eqiorlen<e of Sonia Aoo ond Ana1lelm without ignlt!nri 11 pniblbly the flni <lme .. ·vr triad to othtt dtlol -would bo detrimantal. She ttwuhle, the m'Y<Jr uplalnod. Ho sa14 do oxnelhlllg pol!Uvo for youth ond riaht told COUDdlmen lll!o dolt forir tho )'OUth 9llCh COll ... rU aro m problem il they ire or """"' I hope to bell we do It." acUYlilet nO that the conctrt launchu. • one4hot evening event. 'Jbe mayor 1uggelted that Mr•. Kaber MeltUontnc Cotta Mesa'• probllm con-Devonshire Down1, be uid, was ad· mett wUh lhfl Youth COlllltlon Committee Cert and tht DIYOnlhlre Dewna nuco, vtrtittd ln the undeflTOUDd preu and spansorlng the youth events, BM aid Jt teemed nuyone ln Hun-tauted nationally. Orttn said that the "The Youlh Coalltlon knows If this ttntion Jluch omct1ldom wu bopln& il Huntington Bead! evtnt ls AdVtrtbed on-doem't go over rl&hl, &hcy'vc had It and doeso'I bappen bite. 17 la Orang• County. Even radio ad· we've had It," the msyor 1ald. I I bec=~c!~~g:t ~!ed~C:· at St. Mark's EpiJoopa.l Church, G~le. Interment wtll follow al Forest }.awn Memorial Park, Glendale. 29,000 l\Ian Qraft - Called for Septenilier . ·-.. WASHINGTON !UPI) -'nie ~ Department called lod1y for a dr1(l of 29,000 men in September -27 ,!'JOO (di'" the .Army and 1,500 for the P.larine ~: ' .. t it or ui;.' n· • {~ to he at· !ell o! . m• for om R· lhe 10 enl • 2l -~1. :Cal ti~. en· not all- ich oss a.in out ug· : to y 'ed- <9. UC lied ~ed JC! ,he ... and 11ia lily •at Ile. fwn ' ' • er • "'" l of the ... Ii .. ... B~niiitgton-Beaeh Today's FlD•J -· N.Y. Stoek7 ·· ---. EDITION ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORh!i.(" ' " • ~ .. • -• ' ,. ~ . ' -------. -,.. • ' ~ -----·-.,._ ,.~ Earth P.ulls Snoozing Spacemen Hoirie SPACE CENTE!I, HOUJton (AP) Apollo U, a ship laden wlth 1clenllfic &usures and ·a faine that will ~tand for ~ time-, s~ up in ill hori}ewar!I Journey today as.earth gravity began its mighty puU. · · -llll crewmen turned the ship toward earth earJx in the day, then slept Jong .,d deep: u !hey-hurtlecj _through the rfiOon's•warung sphere of lnnuence;-Earth ~on the battlt foe control at 10:3! a.m. PM. They were toeether again: Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., lhe first humans to tread and feel ttJe soil 'Jf the moon; and Michael Collins, who girdled that barren globe in the molher ship, 'awaiting their return. From liftoff on the· moon, through linkup Y1ilh Collins, tlj,rough t he maneuver_t_hat slatl.ed _~ bwne, the astronaub were unrestr~ in their joy that everything worked. ''The Eagle is back In orbit, having left Tranquillity Base and leaving behind a replica from our Apollo 11 patch with an olive branch," &aid Annstron8 after their lunar lander rOIU'ed oil the surface of the moon. And 3th hours later, u the twO'ships again became one, missiou control uked Collins how it ft.It to have company . ' "Damned good, I'll tell you," be repiled. And finally, Collins announced they were off for home with a shouted: "Open up the UU. doors, Charlie,'' referring to the lunar rece.lvtng laboratory that would be their home on eartb for at least 16 daya while docton make sure they brought back no rrioon bugs. uRoger," said Chlrles Duke at mls.slon control. "We sot you coming home." Apollo 11 was behind the moon for the 3lsUDdJast time and. ouLof toucb~wlth earth at 9 :~7 p.m. PDT Monday when the engine fired f(l' J'ii minutes. ne push speecftd lbe ·shlp to $,'11111•mlle1 on-bour, Padllcal9o51 a.m. Pl1l''l'lrursdayfllbe breaking 1t loose from. tht moon'• pull strange{t Welcome a naUon bu .enr ac-lmd heodt1111t<1oWard the brtlllaol, clolld· corded Us heroes. Tbey'U be 1prayed1wilh 11waddLed ball of earth 237,489 milei'and ' disinfectant, sheathed in an air-ti3bt·P1"- two daf.1, fou'r· ~a'A'.ay. ment with a gas m..a s k to bruthe As U!oY broke away, their sJl'led drop-lbroup, hU!lled Into a leak-proof-trailer ped rapidly .due to 'Uie contimled influ• and flown 1n Jt to a quuantine laboratarJ: ence of the moon. Later today, when they at the Manned Space Center. · passed tbroagh that Invisible line where Tbe President of the UrUted states will earth'a atraction overcomes that ol•.~~__,be,._,an_tbeir recovery carrier in the moon, they began lo go faster again. Pacific, the USS Homet__.. to greet tbem.- AwalUna: them at ,plasbdown lo..-the (See APOU.O, Pap I) . -l(enneoy Cra-sh :Mjsterjr~Grow·s Law Officer Who Saw Car D~putes Time of Accithnt From Wirt: Services lilied by reliable sources as Charles.Look listed the approximate Ume as 11 :15 p.m. the mystery ilcddent. 1 • · The tang!~ tragedy of Ted Kennedy'~ Jr., has given police infonnalion in-~riday, while his car .w~s allegedly seen Blood analysis oL a sample taken hm1 wrongway drive that ended fatally fot a dicating he saw the Massachusetts at 12:40 a.m., by Deputy Look. Miss Kopedme's body after it wd pretty aide took a new tum today, wllh sen.ator's car just before · the fatal .Edgartown,· Mass., Police -Ch le f recovued froin the wreckage-Slb.aday, the emergence of an off duty lawman mishap. · . Domlnic J. Arena has asked New Bedford showed only a minor trace of alcobal. whose shoot cOuld have saved a life. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy did not report Dlltdct Attorney Edmund Dinis fo'r P"'" ''Instgntficant," said Dr. Donald. R, -A sharp-contradiction in time ele01~ts ~ Ufe. ~wbtat..-Jl~d Yis• Dpecbne· ~'Upp at thg""''\°t)on J:b'!lts a[. Mills. ''such u 'mlght ihow ln a rr-1 surroondlnl the acctdent ,net ilubs6tpient • bet\veen mldnigbt Friday lfJld · 1 a.m; lea~ the scene a a aCddeliL ' who bad bad a Couple of cocttailJ! drowning ol Miss Mary Jo Kopedme, 28, Saturday until nearly 10 a.m. the follow-.. Jt bearing to determine whether Sen. . New Bedford District Attorney Dtnla ls is .also nflected in the newest develop. ing morning.· ~ICennedy will be· arraigned u requested abo" expected to ~temew certalR - ment. · The senator-collsidered a. prime co,.._ ii 1et for July 28, while authorlttes·tn the members of the group bf 11 wi)Q. attended -.. --A...Dui.e.s.l'~~..:.~.lfl-.~~-. .iAY~l~~!"lt..;.._,.;..i_~=-z-..;..~~~-'-~~ ... ....._~~~-:..Z...-'!~~°P!;..~':--.... ._ .. _ . .. -, . . UPIT ..... htfe TED KENNEDY, WIFE JOAN HEAD FOR KOPECHNE FUNERAL Accident Victim Burled ; Senator Awaits Hearing on Charges Senator Prays Cl.an Turns Out for Funeral From Wire Su:v.ice1 Visibly worn by lhe ordeal and -in his own , words -wishing he. could trade places with her, Massachusetts Sen. EdJard M. Kenne.dy today offered prayers at the funeral of a girl who drowned in the v.·reckage of his car Saturday. ' A croWd of nearly 700 persons turticd out in tiny Plymouth, Pa., W say farewell to a mining town girl who shared soi;ne of the glory-and tragedy-of the Ken; nedy clan. Attendance by the senator and a grouP, of family and friends at Catholic f iles for Mary Jo Kopechne, 28, was somewhat ex~ peeled but still added a touch of sensa· lion to the solemn service. Some of iliose who attended the fune.ral in red brick St. Vincent's Roman Catholic Church were there for a glimpse of Ken- nedy, who wore a light ny.lon neck brace. Sett Kennedy, who was driving Miss Kopechne away from a party·in a cottage around midnight Friday, escaped with minor injuries when the i>lack sedan plunged off a rickety bridge into a uaal creek. 1 • UPiT ...... ETHEL ATTENDS RITES Former RFK Aicie &uritd Recall Vote Date Before Valley Council Setting of a recall election ts on the •genda of a •r>eci~Jo!I or lite-rp ·totn -Valley etty 'tMiclt· at I ·o1Cl;\;t tonight. ~ • Sept. 23 la the tentative date erpecled to be set for the recall election dlre.cted against three o! the five city councilmen. Last Tuesday councilmen were ordered by the Superior Court to proceed with the recall. Ma_yor Robert Schwerdlfeger, Vice 1'.1ay0l' Donald Fregeau aml Councilman J06eph Courreges are the subjects of the recall movement lead by Fountain Valley resident Eugene VanDask. Another controversial Item on tonight 's agenda involves the rezoning of several parcelB of land within developer George Holstein's Green Valley project. · Several Gr~ Valle)'. jlomeo~en ap- pea'l'ei:flfst week Ul regfster objections to some apartments already approved for the Green Valley development. Spokesmen for the Green Valley residents told the council that apartments would destroy the Green Valley concept ot private park., and recreGtion m,ajn- taJned by homeowners. Mayor Schwerdtfeger suggested that all-Green Valley zone changes be held for consideration at tonight's meeting to study the entire Green Valley master plan. Holstein tonight is uklng for a ione switch which would make homes out of a previously designed apartment area. * * * Candidates Step Forward Tonight Candidates for three contested aeata on the Fountain Valley City Council will begin stepping forward Wednesday if the DAlt.Y PILOT ti.ff r""9 Asleep Near the De~p Sleepy couple got rude awakening ~arly Wday at·Huntington Beach City Beach when clean up crews beg~ rattllng·trash'cans about 7 a.m. Beaclt sweeper made discreet tradts atound dord.ng duo, whd were not breaking any Jaws. It's perfectly Iefal to sleep on the city beach before midnight or· after 5 a.m., acconling to city"authorities. Southern Pacific Protests ~ncil tonight seta Sept. 23 as the date , , for. special recall election. S t B h · ... _ -exati· on Nomination papers for the recall elec· unse eac fl.Wt lion will be available at the city clerk's · " ~ -· . office starling Wednesday. Deadline for · 1 Miss Kopechne drowned, trapped in the vehicle. filing applicttioru in the apeclal efec:Uon By RICHAJ\D P. NAU. the question won't reach the electorate. who helped in Robert Kennedy's lll·fated Js noon, July 31, said CJty Clerk Mltl')' • Ol "'9 o.11r '"" SIMf na."tale will bi"tOld-at·~tton bear- ca!!Jpa!_gn be grap~ etern~ ~~ ---Co~~lng date for filing for. a special Anneu.Uon·of Suntet Beach1to_lt1Jtr.&e _mp Bat month.{· ----- 'The drowne~ girl.a paren_ts said they election is sel by law as ~ days prior lo neighbor. Huntington Beach· became ' a '1'>e .om Js se .(of. ·AUg. ·a and the &e-- . . Oversize Sign Gets Blessing ·= Of Councilmen -A lllln !bat wm ,.., to olJmtlltn belgbll over tlle ~1 ta'l'Oi Mntture store received the: bJtaaing of ectnamic- mmded Hunt\nglon Beadl. CC1.1ocn!TM!n .-iay ni&b~ Aller a brtd mloortl)' altmpl lo whit· tle the jumbo ldentificatil;m to 71 er-IO feet. councilmen went the whole diltance -112 feet -aought for Lev1tz Furniture Slori. , - It Is being erected on 13 acrea _ ai the northeast corner of Edinger Ave. and Gotbard ·St. Allowed height WOllid have been 35 feet. Tb• planning stall ,.._. mebded 70 feet but city planners went for 112 feet. The matter was brought before council by the appeal o! Cowlcibrwl Jer· ry Matney. A representaUve of the ~. _Jay Krieger, told coundlmen tt will.~ five acres o! buildings, the equivalent of walk· i1111.~od.U.om.~ ''lbe tara..i furniture store in the world under "bne roof." He sald expected annual gross b $17 million with Sl mllllon allocated to ne.wspeper, radio and television ad- vertisJng . to draw from Los Angeles to San Diego. Krieger aaid the store will bring hun- dr<ds ol pef"'11 daily Into lb< tom• munlty to shop, people who would not haye otherwise come. Cooncilmen also heard a strong pitch from the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce lo letter form. As Krieger aaid the sign will aay furniture at a height of 70 feet. Above that will be the name Levitz on a slarr35 feet.wide. Thls, said Krte1er, Is to build the "corporate image." He oaid die 111tti w 111 employ 250 persons and hoe mote UWt 25 dellvery trucks. Tbe leued alp, be aald; will cool $290,000 for five yeen. Krieger, in talk-ing of precedenta, aid that rnool -busi· nenes could not afford auch ldentilfca· tion. Coondlman Geota• McCrack<n com• puled !bat the $17 mnuon opected grou means to the city $170,000 In expected an- nual ales tu revenue (one percent return to the clUet). Oruire -Jo&eph--Kopechne.,. whose daughtec..was~ bOm in the mining town but moved with heir famUy to Berkeley Helghls, N.J., 20 y"ears ago, told newsmen Kennedy called him personally after the mysterious tragedy. ch<>1e Plymouth for'1 the funtral service the election. bigger question mark today following fll· · c®d Js tenlaUvt!ly. llCbedUled Aug." IS. and burial at nearby Larksville, because Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger,· Vice ing of a protest by large property owner, Rich-~ H-~-~. su-'•••·•eot or _ Wea•"er M Don Id F nd Cou ·1 Southern Pacific Railroad . .iuu A11~1 .,... ... u:uu .,.. it was their daughter'• hometown and she ayor a regeau a nci man Addi!" all s·-J Be · h bU or "e Su···• Beach Sant••-.. D'J~J -Joseph Courreges are the three targets of . . ion Ya w!OQ ac 1)tl C· -w. i.-. ..... ,-wua;~ c .. -ki .... i.a....~ bl"ffZU and often vislted. the recall eJection. If more than so per-f1c1al who is dead set against thfr an-whk:h Hunti~ Be.ach·woukl 1blorb if ........ ,-1 es, -"tr "I wish Jt had been me Instead," he qdottd the 37-year-old younger brother of _.the .late John and Roher! Kennedy as &al_in& during the unhappy conversation. '.fhe Kennedy party -including the widow of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy -.new from Hyannis, Mass. for the funeral to- day and later joined a ~r corteae to St. Vincent's Cemetery. "She had he.r roots hel"f:," said her cent ot lhe voters 11nree to recall each nexatlon maintains_ he hae abou_ t enough apne¥Yon t_ia~,,~d hti bas ,lliled warm temper&Jure1 are awt coni- -Ir ... led t sulflci ~~~~~"~+~b;iru:·"f:a."!l~•;.:,:"';ve;,;Or;•;:-~•~C~<Nl~..sl~coo-::!:~-fa~ W'Ldo~.while..bi1. carvfidale, eacb 001mcil 3 seal wlll.~-~t .. strena\h a re.ady glj,. Ullll' ~ot ULnear 1 en ~ ""' ·~ .. -.. wife wept openly at the fwte:ral and while thrown open -on the aame ballot -to a -i:rne~tO previriffhi iiiiRUlrom aomg 10 IUis> ·the PfOPOiid o;;::n'Jili Despite bis persooal physician's advice 1gaimt the trip, sen. Kenliedy and the rest ·of the group shared a pew at the left froot of the altar In the small church. · A vase of ·simple yellow nowers - from the Kennedys -offered a vivld splash of color against the srey metal casket In which Min Kopechne 's body lay. · . The Rt. 1\.ev. Msgr. William Burchill, celebrant of the Requiem Mw. today prayed lbet lb• pretty blOIHI• aeci;elal'Y -J 1 lng th 1 new list of candidalell. election. , , counting U¥: ~allroad't oppoilll9D-1 eav e serv ce. · Potential canclidate11 for the. recall elec-"It looks preUy much tcucb and go," Harrllon tilld ~erfll.P: of ~ Asked what else Sen. Kennedy-who lion mUBt file u a candidate for ~e of said Paul J~s,_Huntington Beach city with an .agregat.e 1r1e111d1vaNaticin.of faw prosecution for his stJll-m,ysterlous the thiee contested aeats and name &he clerk of U'le rallrOad's pr:otest. $t.~110. ~ ailP*f:an rtot\.9pnelaUan part In !be trqtc auto .•ccldenl -had to Incumbent he ts chapengrn1. . He referred to 11\e lid ·!hi/I pr«..i by peUlton.COOpleil l'li!l,ll!o ratlrfl\d'Pl'9le<I ,.Y to the famlly, Kope¢ne couldn'tfully Any registered-""" llas .11\>ed ln IO ,pen:eal,'bof1,the pro_perw ownerslllp t!i)a· ~ 1111'1!!!~ lban}·tiie;·iO explain. · Fountain Valley l<X;c~I tout-.aie, ytar is rneasillOOL y WWiil valualjiii-COii d jlCl'Ct1I( ~ and wobl<utop tbl- '1H• was "' l>i<>ktn up I could hardly ellglble-to run, uplained Mn. ColO<· klll (be )'06'ib!Uty·ohn eleotlon. . , onall<Jrl for at 1Uat a year. uodersta[Mf htm,;• be ~· Tbe Fountain van.y Civlo:"-latlool, ·Tt>a ·"-41 nlultlon of'1be ..., .. ,.. • ,11111/"'1 iatd-'19 w •"""JI P. lormed by rocall·leader Eugen. VIODallt aidmd lor anneutfon m lalll)'W'1 pro-ptriy 'OW11er fl Na n acamot •an. Si-le MtirbU and oeveral clllunr0ppolled to lb< con-peity tu rolls arMUm.d to aboul #.1 neulloo encl bu lo up wllb~ troversfal Ll"'ln Tract, ha.I thul far ·intlllon, JonOI old. Sou1llent Pocllic'I alls. 1111 adl\>iliel JI< .. ftachoil U far NEW YORK (AP) -Alter a amall early bounce, the atocll: market fell back on a wide front and tumbled to a steeP Joss Coday. (See quotations, Pag" lo.ti). Tradlni near the d,.. wu mod<nte. .I decided not to aeloct> a liato of · can· &bin of tbla -a mtle·lon( llrip !bat the u Cuper, ~'°" lte aaid. • dldales, but "°"ibly· lel'Ye u All'-ir> c\rlfty it condlmnlng. !Ori ~ '-• Aonttallon4'Pl'*<f ~ _,, formation aervice 1ot candSfatea,i: •c-eame to-about mo.ooo. ", ;· 1 • • Harrilbti aai!, are telltntthe d11 of Ji• · cording to Mn. Barbar• Secoor, ~11', Sllulheln Padllc'a -Ilion, "°"pied · tlngton1 Beaoh, "'8bJ, we doo'I _.. .. 1 officer. .. • , with .... of olher-ownorahlp,.could JDO&lt 100: 7W'•• ollni'UI ~·~ . • . ..-. ,• ,\ -INSm£ .'l'i)'DA. Y Goodb~ Eagle, 11ou .,..,.. • ""'Ql!Vlcenl bird.. lJ)Cltli>< fimrl fn llirtorv and uau wrntt dt1lin1d to return to .tcrtJi. but 1/0U'U ftOf ~ ffWl/Oflitik. pojo:JO. ' .. -. ' j • I . I • ·, • • _ .. . :2 DAILY PILOT H • • ' Nerve Gas Confirmed ' . . IJ'I Tllftl ...... TRAGEDY MAP -1'.1ap shows route Senator Kennedy's car· took last w e e k e n. d _ on Chappaquiddick lsland o_U coast of Massa. chusetts. Chappaquiddick is short distance from Martha's Vineyard, another Massachusetts re- sort island. Senator was driving car that plung· ed o!! bridge. He f\'Caped. His companion drowned. .· H4VSI-WN,lt¥ PIATY WA.S JllLO ,/ I :i'' ' • ' ·, • '. I • :U.s:. Says-Okinawa Stores to Be Removed • WASHJNGTON (tlPl) -The "Pentagon and received medical altention. medical allcntlon. ,. ' • i~knowledfed today that nerve gaa la The De.tense Department said the gas Today, the Penta1on said that on. July 1tored on Olrinn...,a and ,.,.;nil ... 111 .. 11 l..._ was mo".'~_to.~klna'I!.~ ~er~ i__ears ag~ ~-1!-~all leak dev~!Opl'd in ,~ ~~apon _ = · · ... "' """"""' · ~,...,,.. ""'.....,.. a~l!'""jifeparatm!lt""'e ncing illillf'il>~alll'll\g lrJAlliffenlo~di.>Oll' mCP" removed. . remove certain chemical munitions, in-per!IOnS experienced ''minor symptom11 or A few hou~s art'tr the Ryukyu eluding some toxJc agents" from the toxic exposure" and safety proced ures in· legislature held a special session on island. It did not identify the other eluding proteclive 1nasks were in1-0kl~wa calling for immediate removal chemicals. • mediately used, the statement said . Q( the reported stores ot gas, the Defensa , There was an outcry both on Okinawa No one wa11 seriously affected, the Pen·~ Depaftment aaJP a nerve aas known as and in Japan as a retult of disclosure ot tagon said. lt said four of the military CS had been stOred tl!tre. . the incident -first reported by the Wall personnel were briefly hospitalized, al~ . OB can be lncapacttatlng or fetal, Street Journal last week. At the time -were put u~er precautionary medical depending.on the dOsag~. It w.as Involved and up to today -the Pentagon refused observatio~. ~n!(.all 24 were returned to in an accident July 8 1n which 23 U.S. to confirm that gas was involved , full duty w1th1n six hours. . Arm,y soldiers and an American civilian although it ackno\li·ledge<l that 2~ pecsons No Ryukyu islanders or other non U.S., emp.loye of tbe army were e1poted to 1as 'were involved in an incident and recelved nationals were inYOlved. Meetbag Tonight Council to Look Over 0 d S. • T From Page l l ud_ge -__! ers anity ·-~st -DEATH . CRASH ~olice Chief 4.spirants • OnAccusedCandleKiller a Kennedy dimer party at a nearby cot. With a sll&ht twist In the normal pat-session at 7:30 o'clock to grill candidates tage the night of the tragedy. tem, seven high ranking pollce officials for the post lert open by retiring Cblet Sen. Kennedy was driving Miss will be . the ones sweating out in-John Seltzer. ' By TOM BARLEY Of IM DallY P'llet S11tl Kopechne to Catch a ferryboat r.r Ille t · 8 h Last week the council booSted the list errogation tonight as Huntington eac 1 t th~mm· ute trip to Edgartown from nar-City Council looks over the lield of can-0 seven candidates after Ci t Y ical error that was "nothing new a ... .,-Administrator Doyle Miller had chopped Norwalk-'' row Chappaquiddick Island, so she could didat1:3 for chief of police. it to three. Mayor Jack Green said the Liberty got the label "Candlelight return home. CouncUmen will go Into executive group was expanded because of the.close A Su""rior Court judge today refused KJU " f UI ho 1nv.,tlg1led 1·~ er rom 0 cers w Deputy Look said he saw a black '·margtn they Scored on the oral exams to accept a hospital ruling that accu~. the bizarre sla~lng of Mrs. Marctlla Lan-and •"· lmpo~---f th ·'t' t the ·"-·"··ed hi-Oldsmob.ile apparently driven by Sen. M ked B d• -ulC" • 1&1J1..:e o e po:u ion o ''Candleljght Killer" Robert Willard dis, the attrac ve brunette .. ...,...... "' as an It community." Liberty was sane and able to participate apartment at 838Z Weatmin&ter Ave., Kennedy -whom he did not. recognize The 10 J10 w 1 n g men, listed in murder proceedings against him. Wettminsler. -pauae at a crossroad.I before turning alphabetically, will be interviewed toniiht Judge \Vllliam Speirs appointed two OUlcers allf:ge they found the wild-eyed away from the ferryboat •lip. Robs Restaurant by the council, with a possible decision ·~-In th w~mJ"•ter Libert. y on June 4, 1968 1trummlna: hl1 " J U c In •·Jt • psychl1tr..,.., to exam e e c;,, .... ·tar __ _. softly humming whlle the body Look, who had ust gotten 0 duty from om g on .x: zer a successor : man and will rule Aug. 18 on blsbmelend "m· I guof ~r-cwu 1 draped acrou a llv-his moonO&hting, job at the Edgartown I S } B h Ed~ard ~la11ow:1 40, Costa Mesa pollce condlllon. Liberty, 22, wUI be 'uo paramolµ' ay captain\ has 13 years experience with Orange County jail until that date. 1ng room tofa. OUicera aald Liberty bad Yacht ~~ub, said the driver appeared Il . ea eaC Oranie County agencies and holds an . Libeity surrendered tO sheriff's oUicers placed burnina candles around the body confus"ea and be shouted to ask il be . • . associate 1n arts degree in police scl~~· < f;:l~ last month a week after be walked to of bis alle&ed vlctlni. could offer help or directions. A bandit · wearing a ski-mask and Henry He)'etl, 39, Fremont police cap- freedom · from· Metropolitan St ate _ Both lJbert)' and the .strangltd woman ""' ~ ~ .bo nd gardening gloves held up a Seal Beach taln~ with 11 ~ sei:yjce on th!!.dnt~ '\~!!lfi~~,,....;..fJ;'I<(~~ ~fii.i·iri ffi.,hn,;ii;'flii.;pJtat=vf6ci'at51~--ftftd.--k~-H~d ... r.:,~~!llnem. e=.--~U'~ .ttl. ',IUM... --~--~"' _wev~~ ... ,..ti'i~·tS1idtt'!ll ~O.fatit'MbiiU<()'~irtmfi~lg" ,,.. iiiebl. 'lJ'e 'lia s alfended. f:'Orifia-"'COsta-~D jected the district attorney's immediate both had ~ diagnosed •.nd truted in the aenalor s car was headed in the and escaped with $4,500 after handcuffing Junior College and the University of ... -.. \i'arnlng that Liberty was a highly the mental 11 ard of Orange Coun~ wrong direction, plunging off the wooden two hapless limployes. California . dangerous mental patient and atreued Medlcal Center. ur and~~· L:~ ~ , bridge momenta later into the Ul·foot Sgt. John Averyt of the Seal Beach Walter Koenl1, 59, Torrance police that he had recovered his sanity. had mad& .. tevera unaucces 8 e ·. tidal pond Police Dept. said the robber was already chief: old~t of the candl~ates with more But Deputy District Attorney Al Wells atte1mpta ln recentt Yto"'Ats. ..i ft i, Sen K~edy _ s•"lnl later he was In in the Kentucky Colonel drive-in, 12491 than 30 years experience including" 26 Immediately_ accused the hospital of L ~rty wu sen aJCaqtr.O 8 fl •~ -· . "Y Los Alamitos Blvd., when manager v.·ith the Los Angeles force . He holds a "white waahtn&" the etcape of Ubtrty by ~uper1or Court Judie ruled that he waa shock and tuffenng from •trained neck Robert Soukup and employe David Kroen masters degree in sociSJ science. belatedly stampini hit 1'eC<>rds as ~ Jnsaoe and unable _ to asslit In hla own , mutcles and a ml l d concussion -came to work at 7:50 a.m. BW_ Meenk, 44, Los Angeles Sheriff's dla1~ Well1 lnsi.sted that the hospital defense. He Was later sent to Norwalk for escaped somehow, but hl1 p r e t t y The bandit ordered Soukup to "duck Department captain, with 20 years on gave Libtrty hll freedom th.rough a cler-more advanced psychiatric therapy. p.uenaer wu trapped inside. down and open the safe" while holding a that force . His educatiol11ncludes 87 units Nixon Orders Additional Agency Spending · Slashes WASJl!NGTON CAP) -President Nix- . on said t~ay he has ordf!ecl government agencies to reduce spending by an ad· dltional $3.5 billion to offset what he described aa a woraentn, budget picture. ''No federal pcogram ls above scrutiny," the President said In a a~te­ menl. "5ome highly desirable Programs will have to be stretched out -others reduced . 'I1ie iSollar teductlons w1ll be ac- companied by a further lowering of the personnel ct::iling1 eatabUshed last .\ilrll." Nixob a~d lht r~uctlon ls n~~!Y _!.o briag soaring spending estil'T\ales back down to lhe $192.9 billion target he set in April. That was when he sent his own budcet for the new admlnl~trallon to Congress. Slnce th~n. he said, the financial 1i1ua· Uon 'has become worse . · "We now antl clp...-.e," the chle f ex· ecutlve eald, "further increases of ap- proa.lmat.ely $2.S billion Jn expendlturej_ol'. such uncontrollable Items as interest on the public debt, med lcare, Social Securi· ty, Civil Service relire1nent benefits, reduced receipts from off-shore oil leaaes. publlc assistance, and veterans' benefits." DAILY PILOT OJl:ANGI! COAil f'\il~IS"tiNO (OMl'ANY Roberl N, Wtfd. Pt•IMnl •Ml Pulll!llltr J•tk R. Curl•r Vitt f'tnl""'I Incl 04inttl Mllll"r Thom•• Ktt•ll Ed!IW Thom11 A. M11rr,h1~. MllllGl~t l!llf Dt Albtr' W , B•ltt An0tl1t1 Editor • \ Nl1011 nOted also that COJ1ere.u ha4 done.nothing .about lncreaaina the Postal rate, which he requested as of July I, and has acted lnconslsten.tly with budaet pro- posala In olber fl•ltls. He sald it bas not ended, 8! he recom~ mended, special milk and aarlcultural conservation program1. Instead of reducing aid lo schools In impacted areas, he 1a1d, Conarw is moVing toward increasing it. Fron• Page 1 APOLLO ••• • but It will be throulh lbe trailer'• win- dow. Weak communlc1Uon1 kept whatever joy the:y e1preued during ttielr reunkln f\1onday from reaching the ground. There v.·as a little problem In the docking - never explained. Collins was heard to say "all hell broke loose." "I'll bet you'd almost be talklng to yourself up there after 10 revs (retolu- tior.s) or so," said mission control. "Oh, no," Collins replied. "It's a happy home up here. It 'd be nice to have tome company. Matter ol fact, be nice to have a coole ot hundred million Americans up here." '·They Y1ere with you in spirit," said mi~sion control. That spirit had caught the world like no other since Undtjergh flew the Atlantic and John Glenn and Yuri Gargarin had flo"'n Jn space. Deputy Look sf.id he at first thou&ht revolver to the back of his head. He then in police science. three·pe:raons had been in the ill-fated gagged the employcs, taped their eyes Earl Robitaille, 38. }funtington Beach Kennedy car. but could not be certain, In shut and handcuffed them to water and detective division captain, with more testimoDJ announctd by Police Cbie[ gas pipes. than 3 years law enforeement experience Arena. Police art still not certain how the ban. including three with the U.S. Treasury The coroner's examlner who discussed dlt entered the restaurarit but are con-Dlpt. lfe hokil a bachelor's dtgree wt the autopsy on Mill KQptcbne said today slderlng the possibility that he might police administration and 21 unit,, in law ... It wu a cl..,.cut, ~1:18 <!. • tfddeti'81 have gotten in Sunday evening and spent school. drowninc, wlth abaolUtely no other con· the night there. Loren &s1cll. 38, Huntington Park trJbuUna lnjurlea. The victims were bound up ap-police captain, counts more than 17 years 110ur combined oPlnlon was that an proximately one hour before being res-o_n the Huntington Park force . J~e holds a autopay was not needed," Dr. Mills 1ald, cued from their predicament by Seal bachelor's degree in police .science and a ref~rrllll to a prior consultation with the Beach firemen who used large wirecut-master's in pollce administration . district atomey about Us advlslablllty. ters to break the bonds. Geor1e TJelscb, 37, Garden Grove Tbe party which preceded the fatal BC· Duke Riehle, owner of the restaurant, police chief, youngest of the candidates, cldent wu reportedly attended by 1lx dl!covered the crime at approximately has been chief in Garden Grove since youna womtn-the !Kl-Called boiler room 8:50 a.m. and alerted police. 1967. He has more than 15 years of law 1ang -lnstnunental ln telephone cam-''ft was the first time 1 ever had a gun enforcen1ent experience and holds a pal&n work for Robert F. Kennedy. pointed at me and boy, was 1 afraid," bach.el~r's degree in police science and Slx men alto at~nded the affair, whlc 1 h said Soukup today. "When 1 was bending adm1n1stration. followed competition by Sen. Kennedy 5 over the safe I could feel it against my yacht Victoria 1n a Martha 's Vineyard head ·• boat regatta Friday. • If the hearing scheduled Into tht acci- dtnt dei'ermlnea there ia probable cause to prQCeed with proteeutlon, ·the senator could face two months minlmum lo two yean muimum in prison. Tbe court has tradiUonally handed out flnu and mspended ttntences In such Mauacbu.setll cases, instead of resorting to actual lmprla:onmenl. The Ed&artown police chle.f aays he is perfectly certain there was no actual ·ne.ill&:ence Involved on the senator's part. wh11e leaving lhe tcene was nonetheless grounds for action. Miu Kopechne'& father eaid after her funeral today that he also shares the belief t.hat lhe gene.tor was not naallgenl under known circumstance.a. sen. Kennedy will be represented at the July 28 htarlng by Ectaartown attorney Richard J. McCarran. Dr. Jack Scoles 1.Rites Wednesday Know Next Move? Try Chess Club Know your nexl move? Even if you don 't, you may join a chess club now being organized by the \Ycstmlnster Recreation and Parks Dept. The club, open to both teens and adults, will hofd Its first mecUng at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday on the Balsa Chica Park grounds. Additional information is available by phoning 893-8476, or 847-3636. Nixon Asks Overhaul Of 82-year-oltl ICC WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· on proposed today a major overhaul of the 82-year-old lnterstale Commerce Commlss!on, including authority for the President to 1elect a chairman who would have s t r e n g t h e n e d admlnislraUon power1. Beacl1 Teen-agers Jailed in Mesa On Drug Oharges A pair of Huntington Beach teen-agers who told of be.ing questioned and released by another law agency earlier were jailed early today in Costa Mesa and charger.I with possesskln of 600 drug pills. Booked on the felony charges were Jer- ry J. Faulkner. and Patrick K. Mahaffey, both 18 end both listing their address as 2316 Delaware St., Huntington Beach. Police said they spott ed Mahaffey anrl Faulkner staggering along at Baker and Enterprise streets shortly after midnight and stopped to Investigate. Sgt. Bob Ballinger said he saw one of the suspect.111 kick something under a parked police car and it turned out to be a bottle of 500 amphetamine tablets and 98 barbiturate pills. Officer Harlan Pauley said the suspects claimed to have been Involved in an ac- cident earlier and questioned b y California Highway Patrol officers before being released . Funer1l services will be held Werl- nesday for Dr. Jack R. Scola, 49, associate dean for student services at UC Irvine College of Medicine, who died Saturday of. a heart att.ack. Or. Scole1, a reeJdent of Glendale, died '.Just Plain Vexed' at a hospital in that city. - DAILY f'ILOT S"tf ....... GETS JUST ONE REPLY Holiday Advoc•t• Toole Moon ,Holiday . . Idea Gets Youth Burke 'Tlianks' "'hen David Tol)!C submitted his Idea to President Nixon for a national holiday to celebrate man's !anding on the moon he wasn't sure if anyone would pay &t· tention. But lhe 16·year-old 'Vestminster lad felt something ought lo be done in honor of "~lan's greatest achievement'' No"' that r-.toonday (July 21) has come and gone what thanks did David get for hsi suggestion? "Just a Jetter of t ha n ks fron;i Assemblyman · Robert Burke ( R • \\rcstmin ster ) and not a v.·ord from the PrPsident," comments Da vid, 8 9 6 O Llniversc Ave. · David \Vrotc a Jetter lo the President on June 2.~. urging him to declare July 21 a national holiday. "\'1e cel!!brate a ch1y for lovers ISL Valentines Day) tind even for practical jokes (April Fool's Day J," \l'rote David, "why not one for our outstanding scien· Ii fie achievement ?'' Last Thursday President Nixon -not llecessarily at D:n·id's sug gcslion -call- ed for a nati onal day of celebration which wa s quickly pi cked up by people acro:ss the country. But David. a junior this fall in Fountain V111ley High School. Is phllsophical about hi~ venture into the sea of lost .sug- gestions, ''I'd iust like to ge1 a reply to my Jetter,·• he shrugged. H.wftth1V.11.l.~ch Offlc1 _ --1 l09 Ith Slr••l M•ilift 9 Addr•111 P.O. 101 7,0, '12&•8 OthM Offlcn NtwPGrt Btl(h: 1'11 Wti\! l11bot Boulev1rd (O$ll ~It! no Wnl ••• ~!rttl I...-tMc:lll t2J l'or.'1 A'(JllW Swim Class Set By Westminster The W'Wmlnsler Rec'reatlon and Parks Dept. will open re1JstraUon S1turday for Us fourth summer 1wlmmlng lnstrucUon st11slon. _He.lutd J>een auocllle..deon ollbe UC! Colle1e of MedlclM 1lnce 1968. In 1H7, he WU sraduated 81 ID honor tlu<k:nt from the Collqe of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, rorenJMer of the California Colleae of Mtdlclne which 1ubsequcntly became UCI Colleae of Medicine. -·RocR-'Con' Upsets Mayor _t ,. ' • . ---- Registration can be made a t Wefimlrf1t1t .or La Quinta Htgh School pooll t~m 10 a.m. to noon 1ftd from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. l..el$0N will be offered on th• be1ln- ners, advanced beglMera, lnttrmedlate and swlmmtr lml1. Chlldrtn entorlnl Ibo '''""" m\llt be 4'-lnches t • 11 ftom the floor to t b e lhoolder to be tllilble. All cluaea bavt 1 M reaJst.raUon ree. Soviet Union Launches Ea1·th Orbit Satellite MOSCOW (UP!) -The SOvlol Union today launched an unmanned 11t.elllte In· lo an earth orbit lo carry out ICif.ntlflc research, Tau reported. • • Sflnrtcu will be at noon Wednesday at St. Mark'• Eplacopal Chun:h, Gl•ndale. lntelinffit wnt1a116W"""lt Fortif tlWn Memorial Park, Glendale. 'l\lommy, Me' Swim ClassesNow Offered Cbildren three to 111.J: ye.an old are ellgtble It.I' Ibo "Mommy and Me " IWlm-mln& courset offered by the Weatmb\lter Reatailot1 and Parkl Dept. · Rqlstr1Uon wtll be lleld 1 .. m to a.m. to noOn and from 2 p.m. lo 4 p.m. Satur- dny •l th• La Quinta and w .. tmlnttar Hlgti School pools. A II fee .. w be chars· Id per cblld. • -------·· The mayor of lluntln&:ton Peach pro- nounced himself Just plain vexed at a cl-~""f>'OlllinK youth rock concert the city is un· denvrltin& July 27. .,I'm vtry 1.1pset about this leUer. t think you dJd lmvocable harm," said f\.1ayor Jack: Orffn to Mrs. Geor1e S. Ka11er, 11701 Robert Lane, durtn& Mon- day's councll meeU~. Mrs. Kaiser had written lhat she fclt the CGnwt -In view of experience of other cltiet -would be detrimental. She told councllmen the doe11 f1vor the youth 1ctlvltle1 week that the concert launches. MenUonlng Costa Mesa's problem con· ctn and the' Devonshtre Do1;1:ns liasco. 1he aatd It acemed everyone In Hun- tintton Beach officialdom was hoping it doesn't hllppen here. • Green said the situation is In no way verllslng Is avoided because radio waves like Devonshire Do"·ns or the Costa l\few '"·ander across county lines -Into Los eiW1Men hotft--~~~-~~--· --. ________ , .. ____ ·- Grttn said the police are following · every step of the situation . evcnLs. ft is in HunUngton Betch High School auditorium from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. The banda are "Canned Heat" (cumntly very lara:e on tht mod scene), "C11 l\folher and the All Night Ntwtboys'", and "Fusion". Ct1nned lie.al rockfd rttently In both Santa Ana and Ann.helm without Igniting trouble, the meyor uplalned. He said such concerti are no problem lf they are a one.shot evening event. Devonshire Downs, he ssid, wea 11d- verllscd In the underground press and touted. nationally. Otten IA.Id that the Huntlnaton Beach event Is advertised on· ly lD Orange Counly. Even radio ad- , Green said he Is concerned riow thRt parents because of publicity given Mrs. Kaiser's letter might not let their youngsters buy tlck~. The C()llncll !J11 underwriting the program to the tune or 19.?M which It hopea; to recover. Councilman Jerry Matney said, '"JbfJ; Is probably the first time we've tried to du .something poa!Uve for youth end rl&h1 or wrong, I hope to hell we do Jl." ' The mayor sugg~sterl that Mrs. Karscr- mett with the Youth Coalition COmmlU.tie. sponll<lrinR lhc youth events. "The Youth Coalition know1 U fhls doejll 'I go over rl&ht, they 've had it and we've had it," lhe mayor aa.ld. I ,. ruty pon ~-- sof ; in· im· 'en·._ :ary all lcal l lo J.S" __, I • .. Ho do he Bl- •me for ·olll R· the !O enl '21 rst. . cal ;id, .en- not aIJ. Jch <>SS ain ""' ug- . to ves Los Ing hot ""-Jtlr 'Is I Of 'his I to ght ie.-... . .hls Uld • .,. • ' THIS HAYSHED HAPPENS TO ~E WHERE THE ACTION IS AS FAR AS FIRES GO R,ural Firt Station Boasts Volleyball Court But Lacki Flrtpole . . • TotldlJ, July 22, 1'6t DAJl.Y 1'11,aT I UCI Meet Aimed at . Tomorrow . 1RVJNE -"Orance County Tomonow'• could tit tbe p PirGiiliiiillOOTor.OOIWie,,,__1 aa the eouofy: Pl•nnln1 Depertmtnl p0aht1 Ill plllll io establllll 111pflee • 1 • JUldelloe1" for lutuft tleYelop- n1ent. · The wetk'1 activities wW be. climaxed by an ID-day con- lereneo at UC! Stlurday to bash over the. county'• 61Prol?'am Dealp._lroject." The mffUop are 1pllnl0ttd by .. Project 21" aad co- ·--by the CGWlty Boazd of Supervilon. l?-De-Fighters-..Live • ID SWEEP OF HAYFIELD SURROUNDS JNN'OCENT LOOKING 'SHED' Lonely Building Turns Out to Be Wtll .. quipped County Fire Station Establlahment or 1 o • 1 s mark the llnt lltep In the pro. poaed fonnatlon of a n lnter,ovenunental Plunlng Commlutoo and • CiUatns Dlroetlon Flndl commut ... ln· tegral ~rta of the overaU 1""0- gram, accordin1 · to count)'. auUloritle1. The county Is dan&ll111 a $117,000 budgtt beforo dty of· llclals In .. ollorl to pl Miid partlclpaUon from l!lOll of Ille -county'• IS lneorponted com• munltllo. "The COWJly bu no pOwer over land ule ill U. cltiel, so thl1r coopention 11 • paramount requlalte,'' ~s Orange County P I a n n 1 n a Director Forat Dlckuoa. ~ Hayshed's Just Like Station, Except for Pole By RANDY SEELYE backboard. "We had only a dirt road in-January. IRVINE _ Paint it fire It lacks only a fire pole. tc> the barn t!tree years ago The cu rrent temporary sta- A new structure for the sta-and when it rained -the mud engine red. lion will be built closer to the track made it hard to get the lion is primarily concerned A barn, high on a knoll in UCI campus by 1970, but unlil engine unit out. Now we have Y.'ith UCI. "Ten to 15 ~rcent the center of the Rancho San then, the barn serves as an a paved road," he said. of our runs are to the cam· Joaquln Golf Course is a engine house. Eight men are assigned to pus," Glenn noted. member of a fire fighting Fire Captain George. Glenn the station, with four on duty "Our biggest fire. was at team. said the station is very depen-al all times, according to UCl's Natural Science building It is the temporary home of dable and perhaps "as cf-Glenn. last year. We saved f750~000 the University Fire Station, ficient as any fire fighting •·we kinda like it here -worth of structures," the cap- which serves UC Irvine a11d force in the area." there are not a lot or huile$. -tain.·said. the new University Park com-· "We hav:e recelyed 22 fire But, we are looking forward 101------- munity in ,the area. calls since the beginning o! the our new buUdlng." 'nle barn, or hay she4, SC· year, have responded to 17 Plans for·.the new building • San Clemente U11derwater .Tests Resume SAN CLEMENTE -The vicinity when aquanaut Ber. Navy is experimenting un-ry Cannon died. Apparently he derwater off San Clemente • was breathing through a tank Island ag&Jn, testing a new life . . su pport system to be used in which did not have certain deep sea diving and salvage chemicals necessary to take operations. out the exhaled carbon diox- in February the Navy was ide. ~ conductelng the Sealab Ill The new testing Is not projed Jn Jbe ,F&!P8-&eneral directly connected with Sealab II, DOW in dry dock, • spoktsman for the Naval Undeneas Restarcb • n d Development Center in Los Angeles said. The new system, • called Marl! II, Includes decam- pres.aion c b • m b e r 1 IDd penonnel tr1n1fer ca~. tuall)', ls complete in most · rescues and assisted other sla· have been adopted and bids -.... ~!:Q'eiru1r;-~ ~ib1M{ .. -twisMveo..t.im1ti..-:;~,,,_~ -·· ··--t«. th~!".l!:f_ten.are.belni ·-----~-------gl!it "We can respond to a call studied. that sleeps six, a complete fire: and be on the road in 45 The Orange County Fire: The 1117,000 \IUdFl l!nl .... not yet be<11 approved by tho BUpervllon in tbetr current liitdaet llearinp. '""1 bava until P'rl&ly to mab • llDtl deciaian. dispatch radio system, a seconds," the captain said. Protection Department, 180 S. volleyba11 court and basketball The University Fire Sta· Water St., Orange, said the DEATH NOTICES RAYES Jallll ~!'l'IOl'ld H<l'l'ft. 4071 Morlll119· •ttr Of'tw, Kun!l"'ltln ll••dt. O.tt of Melfl. J\11., "· $Urvl.-.d by ww.. 141 1 clolU9111tr, Mn. ,..,.r'I LGU *"""' &ol'I, Olarle1 C. H-. Prtv1t• H!'Vktl _,.. ......, Mol'ld..-, o~., 11ro111tr• ~,,.. 142--nn. SWANSON #.ttJ11 s.r..,.on. JOUI lfTl-ltt1c- L-. ~ 9Mdl. D1'9 Ill d""'' J111'f :tt. r..ntca ,.....lflii 11 Dllder arotl'ltr• Morti..r1. ao.1m. tion 's temporary half-acre slte lowest bid for the new station used.to be a cattle feet Jot and ls $24.3,800, but a contract has the shed was filled with hay. not been signed yet. 'The hay was moved out 33 Glenn said the new station months ago when the fire will have an addilional truck fighting force moved in. company and the '\, snorkle Captain GleM, who is of· truck at Laguna Hills Flrt ficially a Forestry Foreman Station will be moved to the for Orange County, said there new site. were several problems when It is expected that the con- the. department first moved to slruction will be completed in the site. late December ·or e a r I y 'Trust Fund' Swindler Placed on Probation ·• Fortheltst'year, Shea1-son chooses 1Q_un~ommonvatues m coilUllon stocks. JONES Alie.ii M . .S-. lflOJ D1tot1 AVi .. G1rder1 G~•· Me of c1e1111, Jvlr n. Bt!Wfd wtl• of tt1111 J-11 mo!Mr wt ll:•rt11 l. All!n. cor-d11 ~r. ,,. Lll!d• ~·• J-• of G•"''" SANTA ANA - A Los year prison term was suspend· Gf'l'.l'ffl ct.uilll"r of Mr. 1nd MrS I c'*''" 11ot11111. of s111 DIH01 1111er Alamitos man convicted ast ed. f.,,!.~=111:"'0:. ~.~.a&;!~.~ month with four companions Prison tenns of one year _..leaf. s.tvrd11, 10 AM. ,, tne of defrauding investors in the were suspended for Douglas ~'!in: ...,Me1t1s<;!~oJ:1111~.-., cori;rnw:' Americans Building Conslitu-Fahy, 45, of Long Beach, and 1:-w11i. ~1 P•rk.. W111t11tr1 tionally trust fund hsa been James Walsh, SI, of Fontana, ::: =JU! =~ g);:::!;:: Femll., fined $500 and placed on three Calif. Both men were fined ...,...,. 1t1ote w1.,.,1,..,., rr.ell• ,,_. years probation. $5,000 and placed on three '" -'rlbufloflt flHM contrlbvte ID . ""' Liii~ Methoditl c!\urtf! of tr Judge William Speirs ruled, years probation. YIN ~ "" °""" '°' Ille ritw 1•ne before sentencing Charles R. F ed K n->1 61 I tu•..,.. r -. ......., , , 11 Bllllngs, 40. of 12501 Christy Elmhurst, JIT., was fined $500. Lane, that Billings was guilty No probation tenn was set. oi a misdemeanor not a felony Defense attorneys confirmed ciw~ w. A11um. AM .a, o1 '-17 with re..........t to his conviction ALLUM Prlncefon u .... COil'• Mew. o.1e °' "r-'"~ that they will appeal the dMll'I. J111'f "'· sv ..... 1wd by wHe, on et>nspiracy to et>mmit theft. verdicts. Judge Speirs ordered M.rottlM• "''.. <'tlld~. N1n(V He cleared BlJJinas of grand l"•tll •"" Jtlcftln11 brOl!llr, OoMld -"& stays of execution pending fiJ. .1.1111m, o1 eo.11 Mft.1 1 11x 11sr.r1, theft charges. ina of the appeals. Mn. Ar\ene Jlttldlle. IMM • .a.rh-1 A S · ~-··rt · f d ~~ Mn. F,..,. frwn. LH v""" Mf'I upenor \.NU 1ury oun T 1· d . th I ,.,. Ollsi.otm. Grn1 F11i., M011l11111 all five men guilty last month es 1mony urtng e s I · Mn. 0or11 E1rt, 11u11e, Mont1ne1 Mr1 and accepted the prmecution week trlal indicated that rive J..-.i,,. Priu'Kffkll Ind Mts. s.m Coulff, Mon11r111 Mn. Rlltt! P1vM argument that they bilked Costa Mesa <!. o ct ors were c111v1r c1,.,. 1'11,,.r•! .. ....-1c.1, n.ura. Ca11·fomlons ol " m a n y among a number of Orange "-""• 1 PM, a1tu Cot!I Mftlt Ch11Mt w1111 111 ..... Jot1n HC1MYt1111 m11r1t!l11t thousands of dollars" through County investors who lost 1ntoPmwnt, Ptcmc V~ Mlll'lllrl1I I f t th P~ric. Dll"fl:tfd bv 1111i M0t1111,...,. their operation of a trust fund arge sums o money o e 17'1 SU1H1rlor, coai. Mt1•· swindle which was centered in ABC syndicate. Barrington, Ill. lr==='=======.I Orange County victims con- C'fl\ll J. l'IKller . ..,,, .,, of ~ w1i. tributed an estimated $2{1,000 11111 PllCf, CGlll• ,....,.. °''' o1 11e9111. to a plan which was offered to JWl'I' 20. Survived bV wilt. ~r'I "°"'...,., w__, • .,., • PM. 1.t1 Broad-investors as a method by "''~ e11-•· lle<1U1tm M.u. Thllr,.,..,. which they could avoid the t AM, SI. J09(111m•i C.lllolk Chllrt!I, FISCHER ""'"' ''· Tflom.t• J. P<it'lln Di'lldafl11t payment of inheritance taxes 1MenMnt. Hel1 StPvldlt!r c......itrv. on death. The subject of a Dlfwcltd 1W Ml a~r Mortu.,., no trotd¥1'111. co.1• M.... Congressional invesligaUon, Americans Building Constitu. tionally has also been probed TMIU c. s1rl'llM11. ""' CIK1-Drlw in its home state of Illlnois, in ~ 111.c11. s-1tn ,.,n11;,.. 11 Los A n g el e s and other w.--.1t1111 c11e"1 Mortul•v, ~. metropolitan areas. STRANAHAN STAFFORD Alk1 St.-ffonj:. S.rvk~ Nnd1M •! W!tldlff ClltPtl M91'1\141r-,, ,oll-4 .... KINER tl!Fl.frt"klnw, ~ll'f-"""'"' Mr •1111 Mr1. Jllltlaril O. ll:lntr. Pr1¥1lt 1tMCM wlll ~ l!lld •t WlildHI OI•""" Mortu1ry, TIN~IY. hlilllY, 10 AM. Judge Speirs levied the heaviest fine on Robert Hayes, 68, of Wheaton, 111. Hayes must pay $7,000 and serve three years probation. A one- LET'S BE HIENDLY If you have new nelghbon or know or anyone movina to our &reL please tell ua ao that we may ext.encl • tr1end1)' welcome and ~P them to become aequalnf:ed ln their new aurmundinp. So. Coasl Visitor 494-0579 Harllor Yisilor 494-9361 I • • l .. -+ ·---- . ' Once again, as they've done every year since 1949, our stalf of sr ~urities research analysts have pooled th'.Jr knowledge and reached agreement on the 10 stocks they consider most altraclive, to purchase for the year ahead, at current price levels. In spile of all the uncertainties in the economy, we believe thes'· JO stocks will give excellent performances for investors who are inter- esied in growlh. Uncommon Values In Common Stocks is the booklet in which we name these stocks. It explains exactly why we are enthusiastic about them, gives their . recent prices, alld outlines our expectation< for business and the market for the next 12 months. We believe Uncommon ValuN could help you make bigger profils in the coming year. For your free copy of this 24-pagc boQk· lei, mail lhe COUPQn today. 1 · r-•••4••--·--~·4•••-.w ... 1 Ul'(:ommon Valves · S-HammW.tCo.~ "° Ncwpon c.ar. llr. N~ .. tlMJ I --•ftae"'VfcfU•111 .. w.....; I NliTlt' . . .• Addttss ' .• .• , , CilYI-----------..,..,.. Telephone S11te zis. , ; J ~Hmlll•tit.' '"' I . .. TM.,,.,, .J .. ••• __, _______ ........ 114 ... ~ • - i t I • ' I T I • -· Jt ciii.v Pd.oi '' H • ... . .. . .. Tu.M11. JUiy 22, 1969 . . . . . . .............. ~ -.... ' California Yoar. Money's Worth Complete-New Y orl{ Stock List ' -.. ::Production . J C i:!tl D :-'..:! -~~lll,I 1m11ng :AlphabetSoupCroupsOffe~JobHelp ~wY!i·.~;~:·~::_; ·:~ ... , ... !'.:. :-.:.;: ...... ~ • Tola\v manufactures l n • # CalUorrita ro11e 6 percent In 'lune to $25.\3 billion, a s :payrolb lotaled $14.tO billion 'Pnd em.,lti y meot ap- ::i> r oDmate.ly J ,687 ,000, ac· • ~ding to a report issued ·\\'ednesday by tht 8:.nk of California. , ProCluclion of durable goods teactied $16.2S blllioo, a gain tif 4.4 percent over June 1968. ,and nondurable prOduction, at 48.88 billion, advanced t .4 per· cent. : In the production ar goods .#Ind services, manufacturing is one of the nJne ma}or in· 'dustrial component!! in the 'bank's-econoplic series. · In concept, value added by ·-manufactures is measured by ""subtracting the cost o·r •materjals nn arfival at tht ·plant for processing from their .•value at t.be time of shipment. ::The.. bank's eslim~tes are seasonally aclfu sted at an an· ., · nual rate. _ Produclion in the metal COi!' 1 nected industries, 'lll·hich ac· : counted for 44 percent of all 87 Yl,_VlA PORTER u >"" ..... -untmpklyea. d l11d v 1nta1ed young .\jnerlcalj, yqu mipt try to get job training help froni tt.e federal ·govtrnment through tile NYC, the llDTA "'JOBS. Or yqu iuigb(r apply: for job coonse1ti:i11 al )'Ollr loeaJ 'YOC, AJC or oaTES. U 1ou1·are u olae.r Am<lricu .. in · need ot job traloing,.)'91L l!llaht chtti with MOTA, <$!'. lllU>. JOBS, WTS o~. 1 ~.Uf. , ;Check wJlh these\ that, is,. unlesl you're an Amencan«-Jhdlao, llll whlc~ ..,. )'<1111' ohaliceoJor Jobjletp wool.d be beGu wUh ~ the Plhef JllJiil, H. )'<Ill ... ID "-ploy~ :lttdltlil ooder IP JI, • • I • Tmil silOUi.D ~ · -" alptiabet ...... aoupt ~. Make. my polnt: QU:r. natloaal manpower • <1uooti<1>\rllnltic....,_linf p r o .g r a ln 'ha diiw~ptd. tragiCJllY,. ~....a lllW1Strous bureaucratic tan~le. Slnce 1 new $'1 in -vcd' ional educa- tion was launcbe in our land by P:assage In 1962 of the histor'Jc Manpower Develop. meat &-Trafning Act, our politiciam have 1 t r u n g manufacturing in the state, ----------- totaled $11.06 bi l I i on . .; Transportation ttt1uipment, at · $3.as billion, was down stighlly from a year ago. Electrical eq ui pment and ,components, including com· puters aod other electronic machines, advanced 9 percent i.n a year to $2.92 billion, wh ile mach.inery, up 14 percent totaled $2.03 billion. Fabricalion . el metal pro- . duels registered a 7.4 percent gain in 12 months, while • primary metal production in-· : creased 7.8 percent to $960 million In lhe same pe riod . Food production, including meat and da iry products, can- ned and frozen foods. grain •· mills, bakery products, and -~ beverages rose 3.3 percent in ·' a year to $3.48 billion. The growing California ap- .' p.arel industry advanced 6.6 percent over June 1968 to total " •' .--· ,. " .. . $650 millio n. Print'ing and publishing, in- t I a d I n g newspapers, com- mercial printing, manifold • business forms, and printing trades services rose 6.t . per· cent in a year to $1.19 billion, v.·hile chemical s and"l>rodllct.s· climbed 10.4. percent t.o $1.27 billion . Callanan Gets. Sales Post Andrew J . Callanan ha.s .~ been appointed manager of distributor sales rot the ,• microeletcronic operati ons of Hughes Aircraft Company's Newport Beach division . Sare• 111.iitqer Rfchard C.1 Parsons of Migaiori. Viejo bas bee'n named. to-the new posi· lion of' premium and mili.ll!Y -'ales inanager at ,Th.e . IJeisure Group, ~1Dc.1 .J;te ls fesponsibje for· mtlttary ·sales end devel~nt of n .e w b11sirf .. s llirough slahl~ companies~ mail order aDd djrecl mail houses. Warner Picked Philip Warner' hill been ap- pointed mana'-er of manufac· turing for Hughes Aircraft C-0mpany·s Nepwort Beach division. Callanan was previously Los Afteeles district sa tes manager for Dale Electron ics. division of Lionel Corp. Before that he had served as national .,, distributor sales manager for both the electronic component division of TRW, Inc.. and International Resistanct Co. Warner was previously with General Instrument Corp., HicksVlllt, N.Y., for five years, and prior to that Was with lRC, Inc., Philadelphia, and Philco Corp. 's Ltndsale tube division. • •. " Build Your Future in Data Communications a ( milgo) company The ou•sta"Cllil'il i1CC1p11nc1 or OU! MODEM ••oa 0 111 Sits ll'ld out continying d1.,11opment or new d1t1 commuhic1tion equipment olle11 new oppor1uni\!11 lor q u1llfiod l'1-Qividu11f. to sh•r• In our e•panalon. U you can help 11s Jn••"l•in ov1 technical l111det$hi p. or exp•nd ou1 custome1 1upport, _.,, ,..dy to 11111; 1bout imp1ovlng your c•tfft in d1t1 cOmmunk:.iiona fltlw! Sales Opp01tu"ity lof ••pt riericed ind1'1idH1 'lrit91 :....10)'elrt in wi .. cl computer/communic•J.ion perlph1r1l eQulpm1N. M•rkellng Represent•tlv• To N responsible lor ell Clh•MI ol cuS1Dll'•r 111111, ff.~ •nd i.ohnleal M1ison. Appllc1t ions Engineer To g•ner1t1 cuttomer 1upp(H'I ,...11rl11 tor •PP1rifta. lt1tt1l!tn9 •'Id u Mc1ng c:ompU11</commu11ic1t\ofl r»tUll*•1 •q11ll)rofflt..WllU.~CiWllMDIJL4!!Kll.Y..--- Senior Engineer .... O?PO"litlltY tQf •nior i.vel Cl1d o.ign 6fltiniNr whll ex~tiPC• Ill comP'!••t/cO!ftfnUnleoltlon PlflP'*&I ~!pl'l&nl, EleclionicEng-r ~lty IOt • NCMlt •nal'-""il 111dul!• to Jof'I 11'1• a.Nint'110hNc•I ... I'll In NII COfnlT'l\lnlt .. i.t'!I. Con1K1 lCC - lnteMtwa In. Ml1ml Of other cllle1 c•nbe 1rfll110fld. ~ '"°'lect: -'· M. MeHugh l~J 611·1220... lnlttnatloMI Communk•tJon• Cor,or•UOfl 7t20 INt ~ A\llll'l-. Mieff'll, Florlde 3ll4r. logethu 1 hopel~ssly com· tntnta11y, vocalionally and 'pllc1fed patchworlr of voca· .. socially" habd~pped. -· tional tduciUon efiorts. Among the ftdera1 agenctes deep into job tralnl(lg and au So befUddling haa l h e too frequently o f I e r i n g patchwork become t bat overlapping services are: the federll atencies are ·ribw ac-' departments ol Labor, Com· toaUy lssuing 1 p e.cl1_l~ merce , I nterior and "referel'IC\e guidts" to help : A.Jtfaillu~;' Health, Educa· Clbservers 30l1 out the dif~ I.loo , and Wtlfa,re 's Public ' ftrent job tillnlng programs. Heelth Suvk:t, Office of New q&ney "after new •eeney EductUon ·and Social and aJao 11 belhg.$Upetlmposed on RebabUitation Service ; the the vocational 'tangle, &up. Dept. of Housing. ind. Urben pooedJy to c:o<>rdina~ the Developmenl (~00); th• or- many prngrams or to prOvlde flee of Economic Opportunity; "one 1top" J n f O r m a t I o \'I the Civil Service Commission: services to baffled seeketa of the Defense Dept,: t h e traiolog Ind employment. Veterans' Administration. It bas reached the point The Nixon Adtn.inl.stration where clUes are runniiig ou.t of has promised a complete federal funds for one· type of -overhauJ of our manpower job training ' program wh.lle progams, with s p e c i a 1 untouchabl6 surpluses pile up emphasis OfJ allocating lump for another almost identiCal suma ta state governments to program. -use in meeting each state'.s ONE ESl'JMATE 1$ that most urg~nt manpower needs. there are more than ~ This w()\lla be a sublltltiite' (cir .do~Q dlihreJ1t fedefal ma~ our present '•pproach of pas,s... po•-er programs in op.eration ing out dollars on a program- -aimed at vat'ious groups by.program basis and funding ' ranging from teenage dropouts the programs year , bY' year. to the elderly poor, retired Since regions differ s o farmers, migrant workers, raC!ically. this new approach s I u m dwellers, ei:·milltary would seem to make sense. servicemen, the physically, NIXON ALSO bas promised lnve~tors' Reftage a complete overhaul of the AllKla ,.., seedy .fedtraklat.I U ,.s .. AbbilM-1.11 Employment Service. And as..J,J.7"1•2·• a startt r, this agency recenlly Mam~l.;F. was renamed the U.S . ~~1'11~1 .: Training and Erl'lployment _:ri~ 1 40 Se rvice - although it is 11lill ~'::,. cO known in some areas of the :1,l.da:. ·rt "unemployment office." :~ 'B:r"'P"' We have made a real begln-:::'~ i~~ nln1 in the sphere , of jo :~~:' 10. training. Ju~t the fact lha_t we :Fi::!>: l:t: now rect1gn1ze that vocational AlllactCI! 1."111 education is a vital weapon ~\j~\jj 1t a~alnst unemployment and 11 :M~t!':"1 :!! crucial prop for economic :lll~tti,01,J growth signals progress. J ust :U:~~~'.~ the fact that we are giving the !~s~ 111i_60 vocatianally trained lhe dig ni ~Ae'i f.120 ty and respect his skill war· =~·,r.ri.o rants shows ·we are grasping =~ r.3·1~ the meaning of "excellence." :~'l1~11fn ·\O But we have made no more :;:: e~!fFi t than a beginning. The time :;::er.~ f ·~ h~s come when we must tear :~iNlc:!. .~l apart the patchwork of man· !~r:~111-~ power prosrams and put !&¥s:r !·• together a system which will !~t': ~11,! truly serve tht unemployed, z;:ek'::. 1 ~ the underemployed, the rest of ""' eio \lld us too. !a!~fl.,, 0.~4 SINCE ''YOC,'' and "\VIN," !~tl:1sr'~/f and "AJC" probably will be! 11'=' .~-·~ around for quite a while, ::::1n~::0 1 n though, 1'11 translate the baf. ~~t1~Y t':'o flegab in tomorrow's column. !:::H'.::~:s , AmP!lot M<I AAr..rcn Al<! •m 1~• ' Am hlP .lO A smelt l '° AmSoAlr .70 o\mSA!r ln.70 .1,,m Siii l ~;::s~~erft1•:~i -A-1'~"0, W M 'll !l. !ll " u:i '! 11 lltt ll~ + ,:\ •• f 'lM ~ ~ ' ~1~.l ... r u: "" m: :: u · 60 = ~ ~=l~a.t I t,li ~~ f ¥ l:lt :'i 21 ~ ~ -• ~ ~ 3~ g~ ~ ::m ~-:! :t!-1r: ··~ 1~r rE.•· lfl, ~! n ~IYo ~ ~I + "'fltlfl Incl ft , ..... ""\! n ~ !Iii ... +"' 21• 1)1'1 I 11 -\< aall!IN:I Jrl f ''"" Jrl t t' "'-\~ ~ ue I 1~ ~ &&lltd!Lb .IO ,J, 41 t.i ~ .Mfllo + 'llo If.IC• 1 ..a f.:-f I~ +to 7' r-7\\ 11~· ~ · · =:i~ :~ 'f4 11 .. fl ·~··• Pvtlr.l' r:.S \·f.• I~ ~ !.r -•-... ,..--112 ~ 43*-4"4 -J 1..,111et 1 11 ,,.. x "ltli :..:1~ 011 an f~' '9 .• ~ l lt i'u _,,_, 1:19 11;, 11\<o 11\lt -~ ... Edi 1 st lr. :W\~ ).II.I. -.. 'I'll ant . IU Uno '"'"" Im. • • ~ .... ~-jg-' -•• ., .. ,,,i ~ .. i" ,, ... +• ""'~1 -·· • " ... 'ffi' _, l l. 1•'-' l'"li -~Die 0 .30 7S '" 06>9 f ~ du Pon i:rl1 • ~ ~\>;, ~ -\• lll 10\.'0 ,\II -A .1S 3t 2J n~ -\\lo 2_.~11 LI f.;I. &1 11.-. 11 7 \.i + "- I 11" l \(r, lE-crtc .t nt ~ '17 -1\'t~CILI •Pr t WO "~ ,. 1' -~ ~!! ;:~ :i.. ,,..:t.,~~l,St!.!' ·I! !lii111 ~ ~+t?o ... ~114:"'j!, l20f1'l~ 1l, 'lei\ +•,o U 1l'll. n -i'He;W '.60 l! 'I~ "4"t IM \'t -1 11Y OAITI • ..0 U 1•1• 14\e l&vt -.. ,, l'"" l~ 1 -,~ 1 1n1trton .... n1 ..; --~ -E·F-1•.., .,,, ·~--= ,, 1 ll ~ S4\I> -... , 11~ 211/o '!..."' _ \'-• ,... ,.5 "'"' r +'141 .. 1e .. ~ ... 3t ,,.. 00 .... 21~ ~ 2ll 1Mll 2A. 21 ... -" I• ., ' t ''" ' -"" •. fO lG 'l" IE-, 71 mi. 211'AI 1''-' -'i'I a-IFll! 1.60 ii .alto 41 • -I\ •I Ar .)0 f:lO I \\ I ::. ho 1tll 114oo 11 21tt .. 1., liiiftflF pf4JO 1 7l l1U' =111.1 --'ii atlGF 1\UI 01 2• U ffi ·+-lJ ln:. 26'.4 n -.,. a~F '"' -1160 .,. •• '' -" ••1 li!U ... •14 15\o\ 1~ ... 11 Jill\ lS\li 3 •. , .. flftlou" ,#U Ml ilv, iJl'a '2'!it -1~ •ti ICod'\' I 302 1S•ft 74;1 7 + lo l:IO 5'\• 51'141 5 ~• ••••• aenouef f11 ,.., 14 " 21 atonY• .at 12 »:w; JI 31 -'11 16 Utt IS~• 1514 •· ... &trtlPlle 711 :H 19V. 11''1 111'' .+i. l lOl'I pl_l~lf < j1" 31"° 31._ +1111 4$ 2' 2~ 2•~ -"'gtierlTllC Corp '10I 1~ 11\1, 11 ... --E0&11e1 Ina l SU j\.t 7J 73 -.. 1 11'4 11'.!o !J1.. + Ira '"' Sit I IO 2l1 ·av. SI ,, .. -'ii ,~!lllMIO .11 IJ 1'\o lm lit\ -{\ j ft.~ r,t: n~ :::~ l~~~~ 1'.I: ~ 3t~ "iii ~v. +·~ di~11rfi'1 'I n J,,~ ntt i » J n¥o 21._ 22.._ _ i: e1ac11D11 1.211 n .,. ·~ ~ -,.. ~-~1c· o it nA 31· fi'i;, _,n x2 41 .... «IVi .e111 ->o fllr,afrJoM .d at 2.P'I m,. 2311& -r,t = f .OJI! ~t. ' M" -'"' lCI U\• ~\'I Jl\i> -1V. 8111 LIU9 1 I 'llV. 73 :JV. -ft F.l ~ I j°"' S i_ ...... N \IS" 1U Ill -1\i> 8111e lltH l.SO 10 ~ at::.i. 41IM -'lo e ;x: loK .. I Iii IJ~ 1~ -n 10 21 fil; J'1\ _ "'I ~i. flr~t 4$ It~ [V. 1i\I, ••• 1' I -w< t'f l"t: ).:,. 1 -1~ 1t~ ~i:i 16 1:1'\ .: ~ gr~~, 1 f5b ir,1, nim· Vo Jt:Z =l'lt, = pj Wf 1 li lf\'I mt = ~? IS• l<I"' JJ'lii 3Jh -.... olld In I 'j I HJ;_~ IP n ., llld "' Jiii I~ l!RO -.... ll '-:I 4o(ll'i toVJ -2t. lloolcMI~ l.H 20\/o 20\t + :w; 1 l~G I l~ ~ i•11t 11\a -\I& l I U'lo 4411 '5 + \.'J llorclo!~ 1 10 2U Il'--11V, 21 -~ llra l,:IO 25 i O\IJ 1lV. 29'.li -If'. ,, 2114 11 21 -~ lloroWar 1.lS 70 \lo 2j11i 2~ -~ ~flllr lee I 101 J.OV. at~ at't 2' Ii 11\\ 12"--Vo 8orm1111 .IO U l\.'t l II -\lo Me<'Y lr .ill 15 .S..,, 45\ii •S•4 .: ... :14 J5 331~ 11\lt :ttVt + •Ao llos Edi• 1.0f 11 .OV. :tf'4 «lllr. + ~ Eml'l.lrt 1.20tl If •H'll al 41 _. t <. H 11" 21 ll'-+ VI 111.mt Inc 20 20~._ 11'11 10\t + ~ EmPDtC .90b 3 lf JI H ~. ?l 25..,, lSllr. 75'IO -Vt r•nllAlr SO IH U\, 11 12\li ..... EndJllhn .1711 2 lJ lf'' Jl~ -,., !'° ..:ic. •l '"" + ~ r!GQS! 2 . .0.. I soo.;, 501'o 50\11 -\II Eno!l>Mln .«I 15 '..'2~~ 2 w 7214 +~. · 41 '6V. 2S't »¥. _ 04 !Viti My l,lO 24'1 6e\lt 51'116 ~ -2 E111 M Pi•.1S I l:U Ila l:W -~t 29 12" 111. 111-. -'• lfrll!Nl¥ or 1 • ., .11..., •n~ + ~ El!UICl•1 2.20 11 J•.a .16\<ti ;ww, + "' 111 l7'~ 31 ~ -'-l!dw\I HI~ I 15 31i.., JI ,,~ •.•. e~a Inc I 20 IQ 231.. 231-\ »Yo -w ll JD!lo ){I Jll\o -\0 Bw¥M IOI Al • •l'li •P~ 41~ -'i E..:iulre .lll • 15 21 70\\ 7014. -"'° 21 ll\i Xl''t Jiii• -2\~ fllilYnliCl 1.n 11 '9i.:. 21111. :1111:. -V. ElliUlnl 1.70 ~5 JIVt Jlo.;, )!~ Jl70 1•1'1 14\> 14"1 .• 1rown CP ll 111• 11'111 I\~ -1>. Etnyl Cp .n .to ?I 26\o l6'1o ....:11~ nl lJ•o ?2111 tt••1 -'1-'t <OWn Co 111 4 !Tl. 11 111~ + 'i Ethyl Pf1.40 '"'/) 43\io 43 43 _ h .. ).o1t., ,. ,.,., +1u. llWll $~rp I u 1f'l-'t 11'1• 111.\ -.. Ewcl!ld * ' t9\i It~ IN " 19 U'o 14"• Jo .. -o,. !lwnStioe 1.j.O 1 fftO ll'O llh + "" Eurofd ln",109 I 11 11 If - 90 '7;• 56~ !>6'~ -\.\ Bruns'Mil .Olo 111! Yo 19 19~ -Vo E¥&nsP .o!Gto "" "''°" 42 .42'.lo + y, 1 ... ,,. I.I 14'!0 + \'t flYCYEr 1.70 6l 2 2tl•'t ~ -Vii ¥et!llfrp ;u 14•·· 11tt• U\lli "' lJ1 l6'1 ™" "'' . ' Dudd Cc .10 " If 17~; 11111 + '1 •ClllO I 25 69 21h ~ ="' n 11,,. 11~• 11"' +'Ill lludd co ot s 1.0 ni.11 n 11 -v. lber" .oo 4t n;.e l .,,. ~1V. _ \• 611 :!OV. ltl• IHO -lh !ludt F 1>1.611 I l ''o f'.\ l\'o Factor A 41 35 14 ... 34 .... _ '• 7S .... d 41 -"""""'"I" .~4 13 11~• 1.PO "'• -111. FalrchC .lGo! 410 oli:\t ~ ~ -· 10. ti' ·~ ••• -" !luHFOllll 1.1• lJ :w•. lo!"' l.fl4 -lV. F1lt'1'1 Hiller lft• IN Int -•• , .. 3.4~·, "'"" ::M'M + ,., !lukwa .flO rn .u·~ •.\ d\<o + "'F•I'"'°"' 1 11 1l'io ~ !Mt -1-. 61 11 1'1 II 11 -IA llunll; R-IO llYo 11Yo 1~ -'-" F1lillff .40 .U ll>li ffiil 11 1>1! -~. )'l2 \96 191 •192 -.5~ llYnloR !>fl .SO 6 loll'o l4 34 -\I! F1m Fl" 1.lll :10 ™Ii 20\li _ v. 1 n•;, ?l'/• nv. -"" l url l<><I 1 . .0 1)4 lolll'I n •.11 lllh -lV. F1nslftl Inc 2/ 16-b "' 1.W. -•l, JS 20•1o :10 20 -\Iii AurridY .10 103 JlV. JI ~1 .... + '~ F•r Wet.I Fin I lfV. 17\1), 17\o _ 10 llt Jl l~'I J0A0 -'~ Burr9I" .611 325 1;is·h 12111 12'1'o -5'1t F1r1~M! .toll 73 Sl\9 SS SS _ •t Jl s1~. 51\ 5H'o + h ft•hU"~ 1.111 1 11'/• 21\lt 111i-.... F~1 .40 16 14'.to n·~ Jlt\i + \o • 51 d 'h Sl -C Fe+:!Moo l.IO '' 30\0 :rn. '914 -''• 11 31'• 36~ 361·4 -+ ~' -1"tdP1c E'lec n 15 2•14 14'Ai -•• 1 107 101 101 -1'" C1bo1 CP .611 •1 :»•·· ~ Jtl< -~ ... F Pac pfl.76 6J n 111.11 Hv. -14 1? 2'1\i '9\lo 71 .... -\lo Cal Fl"1nl Ml 11\1 IOV. 10'1 -I~ Fr<1P1118d 1 ' 26\'o 1, -'lo 30 26'1 76 76 -v, C1llahNl .1lf 71 2' ?5 ?SI.to -:Ii< FOdSl9nS ·'° 11 19\io 21 -1 Land Used as Growtl1 Hedge ~~~l~!l AW prrt l '5 o\W 4.11>1 1.•1 l 41'• •l'o •l"O -\0 C1mPRL .•SI 21 lC''o 29'o 21'1 -°" Feo'OS!r .•5 lOS l4 JJ'o 33~ -•, 11 10'1o 10 10 -ll C•mo5p 1.10 1s ~ 29.\o 21 v, -V. Fl!d Mii ln¥ 3 )~ 1011 101 ! " 1161 s-Sl'• 51•• -• '•"Soll 111v l 1100 ,.. 56 56 + v. Fe•o cp 10 , 24' .. 1• 14• 1. U 1Po 11•• II'• -1 Cdrl Brew .-IO '4 t•I 1'0 I'~ -~ F rebra .~ ~ j1>:'o 26U 11\la V. 1HIO 11'• \1\• 111~ Cdrl8rw '"'O I IJ... p>; 11, F klclM .olCI • 1'i< 11 11 ... tlDO 2l 11'> 11. +l Cdn Pie 1 10 4 76U J~;, 1\1, -IYi Flllrol 1 14 36 U~I 3" + •< NEW YORK (UPI) -In ·times · of inflaliOll1JJ:l~ public uncerta.Inty over the economy there i.!: a tendency among in· veslors lo seek · ©!fge in the good earth, Land, for)ll prac· tical pO.rposeS, • is pms~ ever Increasing in value as people increase in• nu~rs and • growth hedge asal_llflt_~ flationary erosJon, for cor· poratlons u well U. the in- dividual home ownet~·' In recent months, b t g business more an~ inort has gone back Lo the land. . Gulf • &. western ... Realty Equities COrp. (REC) and Oiden Corp. have acquired major horse racing tracks, not to improve the breed but to get their hands oo vast acreag~ of land. Madison Squa:te Garden Corp. of New York, Campbell 's Soup and Nation,I Industries ·have bid fpr other tracks. Donaldson, Lufkin.& Jenret· le, a prestigious "new wave " Wall Street house, has in- ve&ted heavily in a 700-aere auto racing and leisure time compleI at On~ario, Calif. and T. Rowe Price of Baltimore recently set ·up his third mutual fund, the New Era Fund, geared as an in· flationary hedge and strongly w_sltloned in basics such as mining and land. Jerome Deutsch, executive" vict president of REC. t $200- million company based ln real est.ate and moneyfi'fanage- ment, talks quite frankly about why REC has gone into horse racing. "Ifs the land, not the horses/' said Deutsch. "Land Is tbe base and it's a profitable base:, too." REC bought the assets of Eastem Racing. including Suf • folk Downs track in Boston, ror approximately $12-million. ll got 1,000 acres of land, 45 of which were not in productive use and situated 80 percent in Boston and 20 percent in Revere. Recent appraisals 0£ the '5 acres set their value at $10.mllllon. close to the total purchase price. On 21 of those acres REC plans to build a r•ll ,ICKU .. a Dll.IVl•Y. -OIPINCJA11.1- TYPl NG WISTWA't s1c•trA•lAl. 11av1c• J40 .. 114 200-room mptel, twin theaters aiid a small shopping center. Obviously, the company will have no additional land cost for · this development. The motel has favorable oc· cupancy projection because the only nearby competition is the Logan Airport Hotel where most of tbe track visitors stay during the racing season. The movie houses would be located in a high traffic area for both Boston and Revere residents. REC is in the process of ac· quiring a packaging company for $6-million. The comp.any, which last showed earnings of $700,000 annually, leases a 350,000.square foot manufac· luring plant of which it uses; only a parl The rema inder is vacant. More importantly, the Am ZllK Amrlel< .60 """'~CllK !0 plant is on a 14-acre site fron· ~~ ~~ ·\ ting a major .traU-ic . artery ~:,. 1~;& ripe for development with a Am"1,.;:112 XI shopping center, additional in· !~oc: ··'1 dustrlal bu ildings or whatever ~f! vl .70 wi ll turn a dollar. The ap-:=~1.i~ praised value of the land is ~':t f~ •• about $il.S...million, a g a l n ~~:.?u"r."s¥~·~ almost Ui"C pcoposed purchase••"'"' os .10 ArmceSt L.O price. Arm••Ck ,10 Wh REC . . . t Af"mRub l .60 en • in a JO tn ven-Af"o Cor• .oo t f.1 1 dth ·4r¥ln lndl ure. 1rs en ere e movie o.sMd on 1.70 theater business. it purchased ~111;:~• 52 theaters in lhe centers of !~!!G 1 ~': secondary cities. In many A•:&,'ti' 1 ~ cases, they· included adjacent ~11ce1 p11:11 · . All Rldo l IQ park ing lots. Sometimes the AllRc~ p11.15 d t. Al! Rich of l property ma e up an en ire AnR c11 .,n.10 downlown block. Several of::~:'~:,';: 1 these theaters have been AY•or• Pl'• "u1SD4<.lr .OI• taken for urban renewal, and Autom~n \'1o REC gol at tra c ti ve con-~~~ ~.70 demnatiOC1 awards. ~~~ i.! :~ Avnet pl I •vOf' Pd 1.IO A.ll~c on Gs 2 ll 1l 21 -"C<:1Pic !nJ.10 1 10 10 10 Fl1 Feo'111ln 10 11 261.o l•~ -'·\ 11 16 Jilk 2S\~ +I/, CtllllRO 1.10 14 15"> 1•':0 7~'4 ·.._, 1 FftKI,,_ 160 36 S4lo S4 54 -l, •l SO •9'> 4'\,+"tClll ( &<:ICSI llS 31"> :il'\ Jl'1-l'· F~l(lvl 1611 1!J 40"1 3' .. ,..,._,~ JI' J6)1, 25'1 l&'~ + t' Cerbr11n 1.40 11 "'" '1\ii d +' Fi!N~ 2.10 171 6l1'o 60~• 61 -21.oo 17 46\• ., •• ~S" ~. ! C1rll1lt . .o U· \9l~ ,~ 1• -~ FstN~ tr .509 Joi 36h J4J.\ 36\~ + '·" 704 •I"' .Olt 4q>lo -1" Care C:l.O/I 5 :1'0 71 11 11'4 t' FISch ~ .~ l 28'·• 21.\t 11'-t + ~ 1n '.)Olo ltlit '"II'' -\Iii C Plt 1 42 16 ;.1; J•'lo 34\lo + Fl1her I !' 26 TM~ U\lt 15 .. -~, 15 1111. ll , 11,1" +" "',:~:Tc~ t.io '' ll'~ 311; ll'lo F~mf"' .so 5 16 1~ IS\, -I• 4'1 11'• :liJ>, ll ~ (•rrie•CP 60 16 151:. h"• 3~\.:. i; ~llntk,oM! 1 .so! 2.S'lll 2•1'o 24\lli -H• f •2~ •P~ •11•-'•cartGn l J1.i 6 j1V. 3111 ll'•-V>Fll Ce&ll 1S l1\• 36\lo ::16\~-1 \i> ' 14 11" r ..... -lo Carl•rW ·.a. 111 )'4 11 2l'• . ,'.• GI' .,.a... H • 11'.1' 17"' I~ -"' 3 JN l'.l"Xo lll4-"c•H JI . n H ll•i \l'•-" Pow .... 5 41'.o " ... 51 l~o 17\0 '' -l "I. c ... pl Al'' 6 111\ ?l'i ?Hi -''•',•.••,LI 1.tl .3S ""1i 61'1t. '"" . . II :D'l.t n... '7•'1 _.... ( !llCll " fl JI 79'~ 2'1'11 -t~ IHI .l'O 40 21 25 j1 +lV. ~ 3''111 ll"" ll\'2-1 c:~rTr "1.i!i60 1.a •l'llo ••'~ •1'• +..~F,~P_.28.c31 41 3214 JJ •I, I°'-~ "101 102 101 -1.~ CCI M••Cldl S9 ll'lf lC .. ·o· ,., ... or ... 3 J 52 51'1> S2 -~ .. • ..... d •t -•• C C 110 1f 7t'lo 77t'o n;~ -Fly Tl1w .10 9) 19'h 1~ UV. -i-. ,. 2~ ,.~ ,,,,, -"' "f0 p . 6S ,,,~ 61"-61'" + \\ ;~c (p .IS 101 26:i. '' H --.. "u' ??_',' •• ,~ l.1~ =~ ~:1:::'.i:-.J.J I 6J>.; I~'" t.Jt .._1;. C 011.15 S 4]\~ •l 4"1-•;~~-l ..., • "' " Cence tn 30 111 JIU, 1i"•~ Jill~ +. 'oli F-iF.ir .'10 39 tt•i. ?I~ 2lh -14 11• ::16"-::16 36 -\0 Crn!Fd'o' • io:ld 1 16•1 16\lt 16Vt _ t; Feo!f C:D .Ila 9 12\lli l l:Vo 1 1~ -4'i I •1\r •? •1''o • c1,. H<>cl i 41 11 2"• 1&V. 261> + !,') Feo!e Min 5 15~~ 1S'I> IJV. + \lo 1' 11 :io•o 10.,. -'• C.rn l!llt 1":12 71 1'''> 24 14\'t +\lo FeoTr Pt2.20 1 21lio 71'l'. 11'1• -1111 11 71\'. 24V. ,, •• _ .. '""lllPS 1"12 lS 1''• 1,1\ "'• ForaM<>! 140 40S 44\\ 4l\• 43\lo ~ 1•5 •7Vt •l''o 41..,. -1~ C.•nllaEI :M 21 n•~ 21 22,., +·1.1. For NlclC .n 111 29lt m . ?tin+ \S , ll'AI &3'4 13'. -11.1. (l!'nMPw 1 n 20 "'• I~ "'• FNlcK "1.IO 14 .. .,,,. •7\'t + ''o 11 11"> ll"o 11>1 -\~ Ctn! SW 1 ·111 66 •l''> 4ICI" .it.1~ _'lo FostW~t .6(111 1• 11'11o 11\~ 11\11-'A. :IOJ 'l'• "" '1"1-·~c ... 1Soya 0 10 16 22'ill """ 221 -\lliFos!W~ pl I '161" 1' 16 -.'• S 3'1''> 3''> 31''> -·~ (enTelllt If 41 ~ lf'1 lt'o -\t Fc•born .60 52 ?&Ito 21 71 -1''> 1 U'lt U'Ai l•'·• -:· Clt"rD 1.6Clb 66 7J 24"' 1•~ -"'Fr•M Sir l2 •l 76 ,,... " ...... 1• 2Ho 11 11 -·' C:er•·•erd llO 15 71'• Jl 1l'• _ h FrtePSul 1.611 I" 2~ 2t 2t -~. J 101 100 101 +i cer•·•rd pf tO , nu ,,,. 2:1'i _ v, Fruo.l\Cp 1.10 UI la~ :u lo! -,.,. £,\1 Hit IDl1·o llld''o -4'\ CR-.n&Alr ·111 1f 2•'~ 1.S•o 2$1..._, Fu<1u1 lr.d 15 34'" Jll.l 3" -i,1 1410 ~'h S! Sl'h !Fl SH t0 11 ,,,_. 1°'4 10'1. -~\ -G-u 18•'" 111 111 -t'" h•dbrn "inc 62 H 11'1 U'I> -'lo 11• 11\lo l'O't., n -1\lr ~lmPS 110 10 ,, .. ~,. .. '''" + "'GAC (p 1.)0 ltl 1:2 4 1; 4f'~ _.1, •I ll'-• 24•' 7SI~ Ch•rrtNV 1 19 4S> V. -IJ'o GAC (p l>f I 11• Joi ll 0 11 -2~ 160 Sll. 51~ 5'/J -'i ChaHMn \ 10 :JO 41\1 M <Id~• ~IV, OAF Corp .40 II ll'lii 70~1 ::010 -.... ' 1•(· 14'• H~. +I, Chemet~ 1"111 50 ll•1 :n l2 -1 .. GA F Pll.20 IS 19 211. 29 +\lo 76 1•1 .. 1s•; 15•'< -~ 1hemNY 2·.o 11 st•, ~·~ 541v, _\Ir Gam Sko I.lit 60 25o.;. 7•1• ?•t'o _ '• '1 ll'lli 15'o lf''o . . hf<nWIY "'° 30 ltl; 11'~ J2 -\.o Gl"1S Pll.11 J 2t'-'91'.o 29111 + ~. )(100 11v. 25\o '™ + '·" 11e1 v. i:'° i 4 36 .. 311 Jo! -1 Cl•mS Pfl.611 4 21·~ 1no 11q _ i . 1111 '7 ~ S6 .0. l• Cl>t$ Ollle ' '111 61:w; 61-'li t l"-+ \t. G•n11e11 .6' ' ;i.o•,. 35\lli .l511t -1, 1 S7'~ 57 s1v.. + \Ii c~ n 1.i; .o lf\l. :it.,. _ ~. Cl•r w-i ' 9i,, 1:i.. "" -"1 121 \ .... 1• .... 1~ -Iii (hl<E•11 ill I 12\li 12 12 -°" G•rW 1>11.1~ I ]4\, :U>~ )l'llo .• 1 30 ~ 30 -1 CMNlll $IP p 11 76\~ 76\'o J61'o -"' G1<<:1Dl!'n I 30 ~ l2\1 l2\~ l2'4 -'lo 17 lS.11• 1571/J 157'.\ -.l\I> ChlNlSIPP ct 61 '1 ?Slit 1)1.-o -1\• O•rlOCk .llG ' 2l ... 2l'•• 13'"° + ~ 13 16\~ 15"'° 151'\ •••.. ChMSPP pf 5 , Jl\/o ~ ~Ii> -V. Ga1ewyl11 .611 11 12'/o 11'.'o llli-~ 8-CMSP p1 e1 s 1 » " " -.lh Gem\"' C1p 12 \"• \"' I '• ;; ,,,, ,.i~ 1•v.-'~ ~~:p~·ic,1 n 3:"' ~r.! ~:"::1~g~1~!n,:~ 211:!: ,F 21~~-·~ 21 211•> :l!l\'t 70'.I& ••• Cfl RI Pcl UP 7 ;t11.(o '1'• 11'~ .. G""101l ,60b 1f 59\lo ~l< ~\\, -j1 13 rl\o 33 ll -'ti C~A IP CINW s ,,,,. ,, ... U\~ -1 GATr•n 1M JI l7'1'o m. lt.'11 -ft 1:2!0 .. ,, " -Ii... Chi Tit~ J10 I U-111 5'\'• 56~-... GATrn Pit.SO ....... " a -r· $250 Million W ortli CflOdlFu~ .60 I S u llh n -•.• Gf:n B•nc .St !S 1•4 llllo l•\lt + .. Chrl1 Cll . .0 11 1• lS'o li'.\ -''> Gn Cable I 70 91 )li.;, 70'~ 10\• -~. Of Planes Requestecl Mesa Firm In Medical Chrom•ll .44 Sl ,,,, 1'11o ,,~ -,, Gen Ci! , 10 II n 1!'11 21\'J -1 C:fltY•IH 2 M• :it•• Jo!\o JI -1''• GnOfYt .141 9' 3\\1) lO lC -11-C!nnClE 1.40 S6 24'~ 1(1-0 2•\o -\.< Ge<>Ovr1am • .II 211, 111r. 1•1'\ ->0 ClnGE Pl•.IS 1370 10''< 10 IQ -~1 Gen Ele< J,.O 161 17'11 ts!\ l.l\"1 -1~, CJ" GE ol ' JllO '1'111 61'0 '1\o -1'111 Gn F1rp1 .109 1' l• H 1• + ~. C 11Mflf (4"11 7 5'J 51 Sl •• 7"' Gen F!11 7.60 lOI l'0\'1 76'~ 16'4 -l' > WASHINGTON (AP) Marine planners want nearly $250 million worth of speciul fighter planes designed to take off straight up from sma ll clearings clooe behind battle lines and provide immediate support for infantry. Congress has been asked lo vote $57 million for 12 British· built Harrier planes to be used for service tesling a n d developing tactical doctrine. Marine sources, a"I read '! convinced the 1-larrier would be more effecli ve than any other fighter for the fulu1 c, said the Corps hopes over the next few yea rs lo buy a lot1 t of about 65 Harriers and organize them into three squadrons. The Harrier. already bein{: incorporated into the Royal Air Force , is the first vertical· short takeoff and landing plane - VSTOL -to show real combat promise, Marine experts said. The United Stales and Bri· tain have carried on research and development in the field for years but with limited sue· cess. The Russians a r c reported near production or a VSTOL plane code· namNl "Freehand." - The Marines have a reputa· lioo for relative austerity in !heir budget proposals, and this reputation could held them. The Marine decision lo go ahead with the H a r r it' r Electronics CtTFln !.IO 69 :U\'o Jl'(o M -.... Gen lfol.I ~ 21>\1 II• 1~ -1 .. (Illes Svt 1 111 U 50"" SOV. -.l.,., Gtn ln>I .54f Ill lSlo 3• :i.•.11 -It• C:itv In¥ .JOb 4J1 251/J <•'~ 1•1·• -1"' Gtnln1lr Pf l ' oil'•< 42V, •1'i• + i. (llvlnv p!82 51 '1>1 •1V. 4l•'.-\lliGenMll!s .H 67 l2,,. 31\·io l? -~ (!!Vin pll .ll ! SJ''> 51 51\1* +1"'° GMllle pfl,l.S 25 56 ~ 1' i l CllV Sltl .M> 1 13 .. 13'ilo ll'o -\O ClenMol J.-111 75\9 14'~ 1~ -1\"' ClerkEq 1.40 ., J:U'o 311/o JI•• -1" G Mot !Pl S 1 11 ... ~ 11.,,_ +l'!ti Clarlc 011 ,00 IS •S'o 4414 "-1 .... -1\1 G Mot PIJ.7S J 60>.. 60'1o ..ai.;, + "" CIWCMll 1.60 11 •11Ai 41 "1 ... GenPC.,,. .Ill 9 19\'I lf\lo Tm •. C"""Ellll J.fl.I 24 36 :HV. 35'0 -•.r. GPubli t 1 60 •IU 15 1114 2S\Jo '• Cle¥ Pit J.)O 110 ~ 57 Sl + ·~ G<>'I Relr•d oo 11.._ loto 11"'° .f '• ~5:~~: Ja J ~~ r:~ n~ n~ ~ ~ ~~s~\t,~1.~ it n·,. n:: n~ ~ ~ ha~~~~~~ ~~~i~~taM~~~i ~~:r,:;pf~C ,:~ ~r~ ~!~ fl1• ~?~ g{:':W~,;7~ y~J ~a ~E t!~: ~ ~ culminates a search for more ,..._ h.ch .11 CNA or At.10 7' 31~~ 10 JI +1 Ge~r1me .to l4 l9 11,,., 11,, _, Instrument """"""'· w I WI C..<11•15! G11 lt 36''" " l~ -·~Gen Tl~ 1b ISi 20 19~ It\• -a, than 20 years for 8 plane to · _,.. I lectr · ~<><•Clll 1.:n lll 691.. •' 6° -.. G 11,. p1 s 1&.<1 1s1,. 11 15.,.. f l engage 10 mt:1.11ca e onu~ oc1s1111 , 70 1 J.11.\ ~ J~ -· 1 G•M-, 60 41 31 31•.i. 31" _1 ~, mp'. e I th h I' t . h . . d plq P1I , :xi ,111 4 •o"• 46" -!\~ GtnYlnePti" I 1 :i2V. >>'-,,.. co 1m n e e 1cop er 1n resep,rc , eng1neer1ng, an !c111~ ,,,, •. 1 !I 2s.,. , • ..,, 241. _,..., c;, Pac .80b 1,1 •. n, .,,; 42{! ~ i. u ploitlng what is called tnanufacturing. gr~rn1:1d 1:~ 1; !f:i. 2" !8\.\=l:!GaP" 1111 u 1 60\o 6G'• Ml'~. he I Sou I ' jlO S2 51 52 G'•bcr 1.10 t 30 7'1'• tt" -" "f d ·1· The ne w company will 0f tnd 050a 01 42 J9~'o .1 • ..,.::.;,Gt11,011 .319 2.M ..o•. "'• sti.-\, orwar area capab11ty." t.t .th S:~,," •••2S 16 75 lJll> n\.':i-2,,.,0e11r P11 20 • 11~ ••'•II'•-'• A M run as a separate en 1 y WI ~' 1,. 1111 '° 6 71 , ,, ... G.ant PC: ·• ,1 11•·· 1J•• n1• + ._ s arine experts envision its own profit center, and will ~Ii ~;'fb 'i~ U:1 ~~: ~~ =1~ g1~:ial'e-!'1~to ~ ~~; r,';t ~\~::. :: it, the Harrier -built lo carry perform its own engineering !oluG_•, 1.60 loo "'• "" 21•" -\~ Glflt!te 1.40 1~' .,.,. d i'> ~SVii _,.,., Ol'l!!,cl .•!.a 2J2 Jl"o lO'"' 3011 -~ Glmbl! Br l 1' l'I'• :W.\1 3'W -'• ll 5,000·pound payload of and manufacturing functions, g:,,b'E~ 12:,~ ,f ~·~ il·~ ~''• :."" ~~~,,,f~H'.is ·~ ~g~1 !~~ !~~ =1:.: bombs, rockets and Olher a1mo.unctd J .G. Hammerslag, ~1."'•, ,.~" n "'• u •\ 1s>1i .+. ""G1ot>A1 M••I~ 101 ll''. J1•• :n -1 -·· •E .0 o·o •1\1< .CO>.. -II• Gtobo:lin 1111 I 17•• "'• 11'~ -.,, d Id be president. 1°'" E 011..n s 21>. ?61'i 16'(. .._ i, Goodrlclt in •;1 .,1. 1,1., :it'1 -l'• or nances -rou posi· H I . t d ornwou .611 T•J n ''" 211 -l'•u-ve1r IS 181 ?It• 71 21,~_._ t1oned far forward. close to ammersag app i;i in e 1 ::i:/ kl ~& !11" ~:: ~;v.='~gor<:1J:;:;u u 79•• 11~ 11'•-I J oseph M. Campton genera -M111, l 1• 1••· 111<i 16'• -1, G~~c. 1·sg 1if ~ ;;,, ~)? = !: regimental or brigade com· manager of the new company. ~:'r.ifs' 1·~ o 1~ ~:: ri .. fF:: ~ Gr•nb, 110 29 'XI'• 1''• JOh + ~. mand posts 1<1nEdls or 6 • t!.>1 91 01 ... Gran<IUn !'O J/1 14'• 1J'h 1• · Campton has been in charge enea1. 1 5 11 n·~ n•lo n" _ •, G••nl tec s11 si 111, 111, 11-1> _ '" The plane could be orderPd of basic medical research and :eF~·6f 1~ tt:.: tt'• ri:,::: '1 g~:~;i,:;¥11•~ ~ ~~., ~~v. ~·~ _ ,_ aloft·rlsing vertically r r om d I t f th 1 ~onFd ot•.so 11os•. lM'• 105'• -'• Gr,.nt pl l,15 220 56'> .S6'~ ~~. +1 • eve opmen or e paren c. .... FrrlJ>M 1 'J 21 l•'.• 2111. -~ GravDrg i.10 11 11 n 21 -1•. clearings in forest or jungle -IV>m pany. He moved t 0 <~onN.!'.'", ,'.·~ ,. 11,. 11•0 ,,.,. -"01 Al.P 1 Jo ., n 2~'• 26'• -'• I f. ""v ~ ,~ •1 3)111 JS\.o 35'' -'> Gr!Nolr l )Sf l1 \51, 1s•1 H"' + '• for c ose ire support of in· Sensitron from Continental on w ou.i.o 1JO ~ '' ~1 -'• G1110P1p 100 n .sr, s1•i $?•• _ '• f I f. ht• h on!Alrl. .!O ;>a. 1J'• ll'li n•;, -•• GI NO< RY l ?I '6\t tS:I;, ~5 .. -j. an ry tg 1ng a s or t Device Corp a Teledyne com-Coftt can 1.10 11 w. " 661. + I• Gt we11 f 1n1 ns 25 2."' '"" _ '• distance a"·ay. h ·h lh · H ~on1 Cc!:' .JO ~~ ~~ ~~ !1! :..:. ~; 00•.wnunl• .to is 4S n '1 -l'• pany, w ere e ran err oog !f'~n p~A}~ ,, .,,~ 41,, , "'_1,, un p11.11 1 ?J1'1 1J>. lJ'~ •.. Conventional fighte r planes Kong producti·on " ,,, !ill 1 .,1" 4l'n .,,,-, _,,, G1W1...,1n 50 16 11,., 15,, ts-, • D D • 51 lJ.'"o ll )JI• -~ Gr•tflGnl .96 n 26l'll 76 26 -'• norma lly ha ve a considerable The new company will be :,..,;ti:r }~ 16 n ·~ l,1,. 21'" _ '• gro:vhourio 1 262 :io 1•i.:. .,.,, -,, II.Sia j t el f h ont 011 1 50 155 3414 lVt :rl"I> -h 1"1111tr 1..0 76 ~ 5S•'o ss~ ... < nee o rav rom t e concemed with the marketin11 cont s11 l · , •2 •l ., . G•umnAlrc 1 uo 31 "'·• tt\1 . e bef th b . d uf t . f Peon! Ttl .u 'l 71 """ tt•t-11.Gul/MO i.:i 2 H'4 15 15 -~· r ar ore ey can ring an man ac ur1ng o a new Clltllrol oaia 50l 1411~ 1J1'l. n1~. -.l>• GuHMO~ pr s 1 as•, 1s•/• 111.t .. lhel·r W po \ he • tnOal pU .!O tllO 63'• 63''o •!"'t-'o Gutr 011 l!O 1!1. 31'• 3f JI'•-'• ca ns O ar tn sup. electronic thermometer now COl'lwod 1.to.. • 3110 3 •• .., 3s• .. _ '• Gult Resrc•s 11 l•'• ll•Jo ll'" -'• port of gcound lcoops d f h ·t f ed' 1 f"°" Uni! .!O 17 "'• :11 ... ~l'~ +•~ GYlfll n D' 10 1 10•. 201. 20'~ -·~ · · rea Y or osp1 a, m K:a _rin 1:4 70 21,~ 26 ,~ -"~ G1tlle1 Pfl .10 , 1p, 20•1 ~ _ ·• The Harrier. "'hich looks d k ts Other "°~ 1111 1 20 " 11·~ 11'" -'' Gu11sr•v1 .. •s 7•'• 21•. 1l'• -'• an consumer mar e . c-r "'''s , """ '1'l 211,_1~Gu11su P!•«I ,., ~·, 6l 'i 64'" +1 li~e a conventiona l airplane, medical instruments, including c-1,1no 1 .. · 10 • 4l o11i. •1·. • '• Gu11w1n •01 .li? n•. 2Ht-n -1 , I c°"" "' ,, • .,,~ ., •P· ·· "GuHW p11 15 1 n n n -l'• can acce orate lo horizontal a s o 1 i d s t a t e e I e C· c-•su 1.10 '' 70·, 10·. 10·. -'• Gu11w 111 }D J '°'' to•~ oo·~ -•'· fllgh' t·n 15 cc nd d t .,. h · · Cer1"1hll .22q ,. 2l''t n • '1'• -1•,(;ullW 01.1.ll 16 !1'• .!O\• .SOlo-1'> S 0 S an Can roca1ulOgrap , are In Vanous zorGW 2.$0.I 11 2~''t 2.!!1, 2.51") -! Gul!W DI! IS 6 61'1 •1'fo 61\'J _ '• reach speeds of 700 mil es per design and test slages. All of cc;.,.~11~'°.n ~! ~f" 1~:~ ~~'~ = ~! Gu11on 11>11 '~H 11>. 21 11 -'• hour M '. I h · ''"''li 50 • 41''> 40'• o1t1·~ -11, -·I-' a inc ex per s say. t ese instruments use com· CPC 1"' 1:10 111 JS'• 34•, 34'• -•, H•ckwat ''° 1 •J 41 4.1 _. ;~ In addition to bombs and ponenls and assemblies pro-C••M 1.60b 6 •"• 41'111 11 ·~ -•, l-<•11Pr1 l ..O~ • ~,~ ~'" .o•, -" (rompKn .llO 6 11''o "'• 11''t -~. l-<•illb\i•! I OS 70 •e~:. 411 48't -, tockcts, it is eq uipped with a dured by other Sensitron c""'"'"1...:1 1 I ,.1, ,,,, uv. -'" 1-<emwa1 4~1 ~• 1~"' •J.>• 1µ1 -'• 30m C•owCol 1S\I ~ »~ 311\. :1 ... +•·H•mmPtP I u Ht. 71\'t '"·-·· PSA m British design cannon. divisions. ,,_,, Corfll ' Iii n"" ,.._ -·~ H•m"'n<1 10 " 11 11111 ,,,, _ '• l\low! Th I ---------------lt ......,,z111 1.61 11t "IS'l M·~ ll\~ -·~ Hancnmn .&I ,,. •1·~ 41 '11• + '• e p ane can also fly from crn z D1•.10 1~ •I"' ,,,. 61'\li -·, H•l"ld "'' n • ''"• 11,,. ?1.loo •• lhe deck. Of assault 'r.nsports c,!J,.',~',·• 116 11• .. 11\0 11:w; + "'"""'''P oo • n ;o 2?'11. n,,. .. M k t ,... " C 4S 14'• 1 ·~ U'o -I,') l-l~nntM 1 JO 1l Jf 311,4 Jll!,ji -•\ • , ncf -•• h.b, ft ar e Cudtl¥ !lfl.15 1 11>!. l''t 18V,-11 H•rcourt i 11 t.J\il 63'4 63•.~ -•1 a uuier amp I 1ous era . 111111111" :11 It ~11. 1:>'" 7• 1 + '• H•t1co en 1 ll ,, fl~) ::010 • • umml" .IOb 41 16"1 :M'oi 3'' -'-' Ht r!SMrx ff 71 j>• " ~~ -'• S b l 1ullill Wtl l 5t 10 lt14t 1~ 't •:. HBI CtrP 40 ) !Oto IOV. \'J -'o every """°'1111 .10 • 11111 30U JP.II + Ha,.. Al 1)0 M ]\.. 11 V., = <: Y -· 0 s Uri Wr A 1 I )!\~ l1't 31'• -°' Howl! Ell .. J2 l 32!'o J1l4 U. ••• IIT J h .... ullet H 1.10 ,, Jll''• J1•· .ll!~ ""' HtYU llt l 11 11'~ 20\~ ....... a Seo Cv<IOPI. l.IO 11 )I", llU m. -'• H•1el!lnt n l' 'l'' ,1~ ltl.o • Tht ~ 11 a kl'I' "' l'lfnl)GI, "'"c,...rvlM 'oo 14 '~• .. ,. "'" -~. ~e.:1aMn.. NI SJ 1 ,, ~ U"":..:. '~ les to ~ ... ;t"'e llodi: "'ltl<fl •-la. -l!f -0-H::~:.. Ht.,,,. .J $: n~i t~ ~ ;: mlnu ~w . ~-ie.1,,.,,tt .,._,,.. g•n lltlY 1711 JO 11"1 II'• H'0-1\HtU "Col 60 10 11.i. 1ru ll'l.-1'• A d ""' .. •111 C• 11s '' 74•• n .. '' -'• Hel~•WE .o I.OS I' 11111 17\l -'1 Ins ' '1a1• •-AllO t)fl'r• or e•,,.81. ~A ...... I N IO girl Ind ~ 2!1 ""' •S'• •!,-Po HtlfTM P<:I• j 1, t'lo l' lfl• + +0 l' (. In 1ffl Plul II«~ dly<dt'f'\Cllf f"-Otcllreo' irl Ind Pl1 72 51 .50 SO'' -1 HelmrtlP IQ lt 2.S l ... 23 ... -t•o ::_:aid,,,~ ttr 11111 vear -P..,10b~lt. 11'1 OivcoCP 111 10 'I fll\~ «I\~+'• 11,ml•c+. C.•n • n 1 ,,,. J'. Oi-E I-···''· .. --11+ __ _,,._____ .. _ A •• --...-........ ~ ..... ~ ... -,,_, .... ,._.,,.._.... _..,.,_,. _ _, ... --·----' 1t~dlvldtl'd.CJ-.C)ti:"1rr<1ar e•s~n PL ~07 4 il"OIOllolOIV.101''1-1 Hef"t IMC 1 Id :1'"' 38:\11 ~ i , A special safely award has.,, ex-c11V!dend ot e•-<1i1lrHMklll II•"' "'°e co 1 49 ,0,, :It"" JO•i -~-1r~Fo 110 .o 2.!'I 11 1~ _.,, been \\'On by a Costa Mesa:tt:.•111.,\::~ ,,,~~oec;..•...a ... ~ ·~dg.::~;L1·~ ,Ji )1.~ ~16• \'.ac-"'M~~vk 'lo u ::;: P.'" w··~'.'.. firm for its record Of accident :v;.,~11~ i:r_ -,:111\ ltl~,¥~·1 rn :'. ~'lt~~ 1JO 1l~ ri;:: ~!: ~ :: :~ ~lft~Hgl!rt lt u~~ :t :.: =,:: 7:15 •ln to 1-:45 pm. lo!h wars. 1:1M:ts.1~15·11:45 ••1 :1.S-2:~:154:4~7:15-1:45 pm. Mote on ...a•ndl. W'rf'f worry •bout• NS•rv•llon when PSA hss OYlr 180 ftlghts • dliyt Such •n ••t)'"'to-f•rnembw ach9dule ~ou e•n e•rry It around Jn your hud. Wtry rem1mber lowest fir"? Or all ltts? ()c grMI Mrviee to s.,, Fr•ncl1CO, San Jose. San • . -Ditgo, ind S.cramento? Or tt111 klda under 12 lty PSA (•llh their p•rtnts) for h1lf tire? Still want t re"Mllon? Just c1_!!~r !ravel 1oent or Wha l&Jtln1m1 •trtlnu. PM oi'9i )VU a Ifft. Pre'••ti'on and 00 •'-abti'ng i ... re.t"--l'•ld •h11 """· dl¥kterld _,llt<I •it~· 1,,; 4t .,.,. 17 ,1 _ 'i H tee u :Ill 21•, 1~ , _ '• ..... U1'> ... lkftrrecl or "' Kiio!! l!~fll .. , lat! cl\yl. fll" Ml~ H 11 341~ " n -71J "1'<1 Pl A n l l•l'I 2• • .. jurie~ during the past year. :;:.;~l~~~r~"t;ldlfl 111,: ~~I 9t.J l~ r.,, r,,., ~ ~ :! =i'~~,.:,a ~ ;~~: ~~ tilt :1;.: The plaqu~ goes to JTT :r:""""' ~ ~!'T~;~ ~~ ":-t'l 'ri \~ 'i ~·-:i:: ~ -~. ~.:X "r.IJ!10 ~ ~~ :!~ :!= ~ ·~ Jabsco 1485 Dale Way a set-QV!Oe'lin. ~ •tee 111'11. st 3 ~ +..., ~:"' 1. 1• 231-. 21 Jil' -·~ Uon of the fluid h'andllng ~i~'i1:i."'.1~-!• 11lYhM!ld. lNlll-1!, 8!~~'"~~'° 11 ll•i. s;"'" ~\'t -t~ ~Oflt•.!1'1 ·10 1!l 1~~ ii:" n•"' ::.~: • f dl1trlbut!on. •r-11!~ rltllll ww-Wll'llflul ~J dl1 1 ofO "' j'''• t!'' n -•,. lleoY ~ 1.1!j3 1' J.0 ... 31~ !?"' -'• dtVl!IOO 0 JnfemlltlOnOl w'""'"" -W!lll ;,. Irr• n l I o;I d llf~.$0 1 Jli r." 'i'ft + J ~'1'1 ~!!I\ ft tt,~ ~l' l'li.a + ~· Telephone and Te 1 e i rap h :t;.5?1:r.~:~~w1:n~...:~-:r~ ~, ~:1Siff~4 ·:. ~, }/~ 1:~ r\6~; ~t H= Mi;:l :~ ~ jl~ l1 ~: 1"1:t ::t :: Corp. ero•nlrecl llnder !ht l•"-'ll"t' d," • ~J:.,..,~t 1.• '~ ,...,, .,, • _ 1: ~"~~F 1 10 10.. 11111 k\I~'• ,, Th. 19611 P-stdenl's Saf•ty o•• dl'H• ..... -warr1n11 _.. .. ,, n. l"r.,,. . e H '"~ j'" ~ -"' !1t111t"' "''«I ' 110 i10 o "1'1 ,,. ' 11 pfC2 1'1'• ''• '4+•,11ou-'',P"l.' '~''ii'"·•-:• A.,•ard was accepted by the SCHO.OLS ~18::!1 1: ii;~~ l~~ ,f,':= .. ~l~G~1 ~\ 1: .M'; ,.•~ ·~.: local nnn·s general manager l.wlcl .. b u • 1 ,,, __ ,,, u~«J""':'f, .~ fi .. ;t, ,. ,, + ~' l(";lef"•lo "° • "'-"'' '"• -•• • • E c Stork thconlysuch cil:'!· On • ne .... 101"'' l1 lli '(011 .,~,Ill.II 'llU, 31'• 3,,~ .... ,Howm"1 10 "71'•1 71''· ,..,._, •. . • • ' I b ' ' 'I '-" i l' r. "'• _, ~"""' H•t ltl .)0 .!04 ,... li -' tlon given to !if North fl'P •I, ino•• 0 l•n, I 01t wn• 0 ne pf A' 1'6 ~ -'\ ""'°""' 1,llO •'° .,,,, "'' ...... ' · 1 1 • 1 y ·11 no ''• i.. ,,, ,,, '"' -'' •t•~· •••k: 1 '' 11•, u•. 1·~ -' American uni!~ of its ~b:e, ac· 9°•• 0" "' oca ''"P' 1· ou !c•u~ ·.~ 1, l' il' 1 ,.1 " • \dt•lfl pU,JS 2 n•~ 1''·' 1 ,,., -1• I . flnd lhtl "''""'"'par it tit• \•M'<' n ~I 6 ·~ ,., -'• H '""' 1.50 •! S\'1 '°'" 30U - ' eorong tolIT ch1eflinrold S. D•ILY PILOI. 11Se".'-li. "'4 "'4 --•\ "C.·~ •fl"O 11 '8'111 s1i1 ij"'+'I G ,... tPflOP!' . lft~ 0 H'I -•1 n Pt wl .MI t0 lSI~ ,_.,,. 114i +'I cnee.n. M ~ • '' u~ t1i..'41.-. -b 111 '""' ,tl..JS a10 3' u . ........ l 'I • -' --. -~ .,,,-.,.-..,...v-•~-...~~"~~·····~~~~~~~-·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~:-~~~·~~.-.o~->::--~--::--:-=..,---=­- Tuesday's Closi~ 1111111 .,.,1-----------· l!Nl.l Ml• uw ( .... ca.. Prices-Complete New York Market Suffers Anotoor Decline NEW YORK (UPI) -Prices fell sharply tn moderately active tradini on lht New York Stock Exchange today, reflecting <.'ODtinuing c,oncern over inflation ·and the ellect o( tight money on corpor- ate expansion. The UPI marketwide lndlcator was ott 1.33 per- cent on 1,545 issues traded. Decllnes held a three to one margin over advances, l,021 t'o 330. The Dow Jones average of blue chip industrials fell more than 11 P.Oints to 834.41 near the close. Volume wa s near 9 mUJlon shares, to 8,590,000 shares at the close Friday. compared Oils were weaker altar the House Ways and Means Commlttee voled. Monday lo reduce the oil depletion allowance from 27\!i to 20 pen:ent. Nat .. mas led the decline, losing 8 near the close. Stand- at<I of Nt_w Jersey closed down !\.Ii al 70 518. American and National Airlines bucked the downward trend 1n airline issues. Neer the close American gained 1 518 on new1 that the line hai been awarded the Transpacl.tic route. National was up 118. United lost I 1/8. Chrysler was about the weakest In its ero<JP after more than three hours of trading cloalng off 2 718 at 37. Genefal Motors, Ford and American Motors also softened. Electronics were lower, with several issues posting point-sized declines. Among these were Sperry Rand , IBM, Honeywell, Control Data and Burroughs. IBM closed al 3181'•, oU 4%. Stock:, Exchange List • DAILY P'llOT JI Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List • -------------------- +1W. \ . • I· ! I l I • • I •• . - . . Births· , • • Birtlas 1'11arriage Lice1ases ' JUf'll H BiloNNEllMAH-LEON,lllO. ttorvtv t ., :JC. al llOUJf ?, tlo~ 1981, N(lrt!IPOrl, Al1., '"" J""~~ A. n , ol 15111 Quart? SI., WPSlmin1I'°' MEYEll.FTT-GU!S, C1>ttle5 E , 10, ol 1U7'S Ht~ St., M""°'•v Cl"' •"<I 11.....,,1e s .• n. ot sn1 111t11........i Ave., GardM Gniv~ I GALLAGHEll:-IROWN. Pll!llp M., ,,, ol 1~1 Ort,,.,•lhor.,., l'ull~dOn •nd Llncl1 II .. '°' ol nu BIMCtk, 'fif'f1tmln•!t• S'Tll1CKER-WEllTM .... N. Wllll•m S , 11. o1 n1 Cherl•1, Clnc;no811. ('lhlo end Lindi P., ?1, o! ~1 Akcrn, OM~ COOK-GAlt.t.tlo. Ro'' W , 11. cf 1'?fl JI"'"" SI' ....... o. r, •• M~I> nnd Ofboral'I L.. 11, cl 5127 •~v Drlvo. Wtt""ln•lor H-"LSTEAO-NEWELl. llontkl t ., ?! cf Im N. F1\""'1~. s~nt• &.n1 ~nd Marlorif! II , 79, of lOll Cool1<191!, API. ~. c ... 11 Mo•• WHl!LESS-lUEH\ ICF. Edwl., J, '' of 23l'O Flerld,., Hun!'""""' !!•~c~ "'~ Pa!N!IA II , 11. n! lll:W. '"'' Lindi l•ne. r.•rlff!n Gr~v· HENOERSON-t.tNGO, Gary l , 1!, o4 srn C.1rOM C.rO\I• lllvd. S<>.lc• 1111 Wttlmln•tor a!ld (hr ·•!l~· II . If, ~! 7010t 1-1•1•1•-.t rh•"""'''h· ".:•"'""'"'" DUN~JAECKELS, G<'crlll' .... ;o .... IOIY McF;M!d•n, Wo•tmln•tpr ~ .... MlrY E., 11, ol 111 N. Fr•tmfn, San· '• ... ~. JOHNSON-van d•r li'.AAY. W,•vn• P , 11. ol Rout~ 7. Nryl\ M<nn. ~n~ Jo-c., lt, ol Sll1 Cell• "" Soc•, Sin Clem~!• VAVlt4--SHEELY. LYI• v . '' cl 1tn M1!n St .• Apt 1!, Wn'""'"'t'' 1>"'1 Lorr1ine, 70, of 111' N. C.1101, $llnt1 ·~ G 0 OOWIN-llDNNtwEll. TlmolhY II .. H. d 7Jll Ot•MO low ind Pon di ll .. 71, ol U.60 WhUll,., both ot (Olll Mew McEU&.N-SMYTH, St•v•n I'. ?l. o' 711 Oo:t•n 111•!1 .• Al>!. 31'· 1-tunu ..... 1~" llffd> 1od Sher"' l, it. ol 17•11 R•ndlf!ro W•v. C.1<d~n G•OY' CAVANAUGH-VAN TUYLE, '!•v•n L .. 11, fl{ 179'1 Wttl St. r.•rd•n o"'.,. 11111 SiiSlt'I l.. ll. o• 1)().1 w ~ ........ tM .. ,._, l'•~rh MOlllGA~OW£R5, S«ill l . ?O. ol 1111 L01r1, C.~r .... " C."w• ~...,, Col..., lit .. u , of 6061 C11v1,. c;tt~. H.,.,!1"9fliti INch llltOWN-FLl15. C1r1..,, 71, el !''7 I~. LI P •lm" ""~ CM~••ln• M.. 20, ol 'tllf 1'11rg1ret Orlvo. NN'l'Ort tlo,.ch COOH--8AT&.S, l>\1n H , 71. "' '0C ~I~ Jt,, ,,,.._n." eP•r~ ...o S~llv J • XI. °' "' Rftlllndf,, NeWDOl'I !!•~ch DOOSO-REED. Rocco ,. , 11 ol &'!I ()'d9rd Df'lw, Hur>!•""""' II•~•~ ""a ·P,,,.,,11 E., lt, cf UIS W, 11111 ROIO<I. ·-"" OAN(ltl-MARIC!IUJllY. I.er" M, ?~ of f16 Ser-SI, 51" (te<r•n!• ""~ s ... i.e., M., 11. o1 :1110 wosl"""ld. s~.,,~ .M MILLl!ll-MOlllllSON, D•vld A .. It. fol 11) Oomlflltl/eJ, Son C~o,.I• •nd OllM s •• lf, ol 10t11 [, Rine (•rel•, • c-1~ c1111. MA.ltTl .. ~AHNIGAt-1. Joll" 0 • '1· fot m W. Aftfllll~ 51" An!Dl'll<I, ~'" C'-W Ind Cl"'I S, M, ol ?'IS11 VII v .. iw. .... Soi>'h l """"I CULLEY-CllOWLf'f, L1rrv l ., 1l cf ?SJ A~. Llr-. To•1• 8"<1 Petrlcll I .. 2J, "' 112 TOPI•· lhltloll lsl.tnd J(l+01$0M-OEIT!1£R, Gin' W:, 1'. DI '°""" Tv'llln Aw .. llnd &\lltll""" (., "· (If HU Re•Ull>dl Drtw, bolh ot Gotl• Mtil • PUT CASH IN YOUR POCKET kit unwentcd Item.~ with a DAILY PILOT Claalllod Ad. PHONE 642-5671 .. .~. I ,. ' ' .. ' -t \ ,, • . ' . . ·' .\v ~ . ) t. :r-\· ·. .. ' • • . . • l t ·" • " I ., .. ' ' ' , • . . "-• . . ~ . the Orange ·I • Four Coast · • .,.. CAUFORlllA FEDERAi. SAVI---- • •• • • • •• -1nax-tmum . . ---- 1nterest:p s I._ .... ,a.. at ifomia. • • • . .. ··~ ... "'f"!~ -·• The Guaranteed • Grriwth Plan. Deposit $1,000 or more. When all your money and Interest remain at our gilaranleed 5.25% annual rate, c.ompounded daily, your account will grow .. __.........,.__ --30-0;(, in 5 years 23% in 4 years 17% in 3 -years .. The Guaranteed •.Income Plan. Open an account of $1,000 01morefor36 lo 60 lllOdhs. We'll gul.l'al)te1youa5.25% anrAl3I rate, oompcunded dally,'wlth the interest paid .out to yea e3ch qaartsr. In case of hardship or emergency, you may withdraw the nece9" sary funds at the end of any quarter and get fuU il!_lelest to that date. • The Bonus Plan •The Basic Plan. Here's a 3-year account that lets your savings earn V• % more each year than passbook accounts do. They now earn at a 5% annual rate. So Bonus Plan accounts currently earn 525% a year when the bonus is credited at the en d of the 3-year period. Invest any amount, In multiples of $1,000. Interest can be transferred quarterly to a passbook account and, when held for a year and compounded daily, will earn 5.13%. The most flexible plan. You can invest any.amount of money and withdraw It whenever you wish. if you leave all ycur money and Interest in your account for a year at our current 5% annual rate with interest compounded dally, you'll receive an annual yield of 5.13%. You earn interest from the day you deposit your money 'til the day you withdraw It. And the money you deposit by the i Oth of any month earns Interest from the 1st, when It remains until quarter's end. For all details on these 4 maximum interest plans, come in and see us now. • -· More than ever ••• the place for the money you can't afford to risk! California Federal Savings ADd Loan AS&Ocl3.tion. 18 otilccs. Awts O'fCt ~.5 Dillion t NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL ANAHEIM OFFICE: 600 N. EUCLID AVE.• n~ ' ' COSTA MESA OFFICE: 27DO·HARBOR BlVD.-•·546-2300 ORANGE OFFICE: 3810 W. CHAPMAN AVE. • 6394033 Head Office: 5670 Wilshire Blvd,. Los Angeles • - • . . \ • I I + . ~ . -• " ' Teaay'rFtia•~-1 t-__,..,.i ---, ~. ·•.Y.~ Steeb~~ ., ' ~ . ' ' VO~. '62, N0 . .'174, 2 SECTIONS, 26 PA~ES " . .. .. ORANGE COl,INTY, CALIFO~NIA -. TUESll~Y.,:W~Y-2.2, n9~9 •P T~N CE~$ ' ' t,, ........ ~ -.J . Earth· Pulls Snoozing . Spacem~it H9me SPACE CENTER, Houston (kP) - Apollo 11, a ship laden with scientific · treasures and a fame that. will stand for all time, sJ?ffiied up in ils 1,b0meward journey today as ·earti.-gr!Vity )legap its mighty pull. . . Its crewmen turned the s6Jp fuward ejrth early in the day, then slept. lbng and deep as they hurtled through the moon's wa¢ng sphere .of influence:Eatth· \lllOD the batUe for control at 10:32 a.m. , ' PDT( They were toge(her again: Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., the first humans to tread and feel the soil '.lf the moon; and Michael Collins, who girdled that barren globe in the mother ship, awaiting their return. . From liltoff· on . the moon: ·.through linkup with , Collins, throyg.tl th e maneuver that started them -home, the aStronauts w~rt:. unrestrained in their joy that everything worked. ~ . .:....1., ''The Eagle ts back In orbit, having Jett Tranquillity Base and leaving behind a replica from our Apollo 11 patch with an olive bral'lch.." said Armstrong after thfir lunar lander !roared off the surface of the moon. • And 31,~ hours later, as the two ships again became one, mission eontrol asked C.olllns how it ft.It to have company, "Damped good, I'll tell you," he repiled.. .. • And finaJly, Collins announced they were off for home· with a shouted: ''Open s~ed the ~p ta $,700 mil~~ an hour. up the LRL doors, Charlie,'' referring to breaking .It lobse from the mooo·1 ~pull the lunar receiving laboratory that would and Jleading it toward the brilliant cloud· be their home on earth for at least 16 swaddled ball oC earth'237,489. ~ea and days while doct.qrs make sure they two days, four hours aWay, . , brought back no·J!lo<>n bugs. Ar ~they, l:Jrqk~·a:way;\lhelr sPetill'drop- "Roger," said_,qharles Duke at mission ped rapldlr.dUe to tbeiCOQtl~•influ~ control. "We got yoo coming hOme." ence of the moon. Later,today, whett'tbey Apollo 11 ..,as behind-the moOn-for·the -passed through that invisible Urie where 31st and last-time: and out of tQ.Uch with earth's atract1.oh ·overcomes tbat" of tqe earth at 9;-6'.1 p.m. PO'F·Monday when the -m®n,_tl>ey began•to go faster,agaln. engine fired 'for~2~ minutes. The push Awaiting them at splashdown in the I ··:·-·-.-~ •• T-........ . ' ·Paciltc at·t :St a'.m. PDT TllurllCl.Y Ii tlie atranrest welcomt a 11atfo'ri ~u ever ~ cordll!1·lls heroes. They'~ be ~ayed, wltli disinfectant, sheathed in an air·tii!llur· menf. wtlfi a gas · m a '1 k to breathe throuih, ·li\lStled into a leak·proof trailer: and·~ In it to a quarariu~· Ja~ at the Manned Spaee Center .• The President of .the-Unlted States wlD be on· their reeoviry carrier in the Paclfic, the USS Hornet, to greet them - _ (See APOLLO, P•ft I) . _ . . • ' - Law Officer W ho Saw Car Disputes Ti~ of Accident From Wirt Services tified by .reliable sources a.1 Charles Look The tangled tragedy of Ted Kennedy's Jr.; bas given poJ.ice information in- wrongway drive that ended ·fakl\ly for a · dicatlng he saw the Massachusetts pi'etly aide took a new turn today, with senator's car-just before the fatal the . emergence of an off duty lawman miship. whose shout could have saved a .life. . Sen. Edward.M; Rennedy did not report A sharp contradiction in time ·elements the accident which killed Mi!s Kopedlne · surrounding·tbe ~cctdent..and subsequent between midnight., i'tiday and l ·a.mi drowning. o{,Miss Mitr}'' Jo Kopechne, 28, Saturday until nearly 10 a,m, th~ follow- ·listed the approximate time as tt :tS p.m. Frlday,,while his ca.t_W@.a1leged1~ seen at f2 :40 a.m., by Deputy Look. . ' Edgartown, .Mw., Police · C \) t e f DOmlnic J. Areni has asked New Bedf6rd Djstrlct Atlorn~)' Edmund Dini~· f~r -p~. ~Uon ,of the -1enator -on: chll'rges Of leaving tlie scene .!lf aJatol accliten~ . the' mystery accident. . · . Bl90(!-analysis of· a sample' takeft fnin Miss' Kopechne's body alttr "It' - recovered· from the Wreckqe SaturdlJ, i;howed """ • minor -at alcohol. "lnsignlllcan~" said or ... Dooald R. MlllS. "sUch as ll!tght ihoW;lit ·•-~ who had· had a coupteot'cocllfifle.' • '. -1 is also reflected in the newest ~evelop-ing mornJng, . " • ment. ·-. , The senator-: considered Lpcime con-- A heartne ta_ detennine whether. Stn. · Kennedy will be atratgned as requested '.is oet:Jor.July 211, .whll• 1111lloz:lli .. to Ille' meanUme probe for signtfl-cfet>Jb i.. New Bedford District Attorney Dblll 11 .1 .. ,. expected to lntervleW . ~ memberi ol tl)e IJ'C!O.P''!! lt,:wbo .~ _ .. (See DllATH CMIB,-Plp.I[-~- ,j ... , • . > t , • .1.11'1 T•le.....,. -·-------~--'" '° I ---- TED KENNEDY, WIF'E JOAN 'HEAD FOR'KOPECHNE FUNERAL Accident Victim Buried ; ·Senator·' Awai.Its Htarint on Chergt• Sena~r Prays Clan Turns Out for Funeral . . ' . _fD111 Wtr~ice... _ Visibly worn by the ordti!al and -in his own ·words -wishing ,he: cooJd trade places with her, Massachusetts'• Sen. Edward M. Kennedy te>q,ay offered' prayers .at the funeral of a girl ·who drowned in the wrttkaie of bis car Saturday. A crowd of nearly 700 persons turned out in tiny Plymouth, ~a., to say farewell to a mining ·ttJWn girl who shared some of the glory-and tragedy-of the Ken- nedy clan. Attendance by the senaklr and a group of family and friends ·at Catholic rites for Mary .Jo Kopechne, 28, was ~mewhat ex- pec'ted but still ·added a touch o( sensa7 tion to the solemn servict. Some of those who atLended tbe lunerat In red. brick St. Vincent's Roman Catholic Church were there for a glirilpse of 'Ken· nedy, who wore a light nylon "neck brace. Sen. Kennedy, who was driving Miss ·Kopechne away from a party in a cottage around midnight Friday, escaped with minor injuries v.·hen the black sedan plunged off a rick\tY bridge into a tidal creek. Pwtiss Kopechne drowned, trapped in the "ehicle. . · Joseph Kopechne, whme daughter w:as born in the mining town but moved with her family to Berkeley Heights, N.J •• 20 years ago, told newSmeo Kennedy. Ca~led him personally after the mystenous tragedy. . " "I wish It 'had been me lnslead, he Wfd the 37-year-old younger brother of .,iate Jolm and Robert Kennedy as ' 1aying during the UnhipPy-coifVe'rsatlon. The Kennedy patty -Including the widow of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy -flew (rorri Hyannis, Mass. for the funeral to- daf and later joined a 2Xar cort'ege to St. Vinctnl's Cemetery. Desplle bis personal physician's advice against the irtp: Sen. Kennedy and the rest of the. group shared a pew at the left rront of the alt.ar in the stnan church. A vase of simple yellow flowers. :- from the Kennedys -offered a vivid splash of color against ~ sre~ metal caskel in which Miss Kopechne 5 body 1~e Rt. Rtv. Msgr. Wililam Burchill, eelebrant of. the Requiem Mau, t.od11 pr111ed lhal Ille prett1 bloode oecrdaI1 ' Ul'I T_,...19 ETHE L ATTENDS RITES Former RFK Aid• Buried whO helped in Robert Kennedy's ill·faled campaign be granted.eternal rest. 'nlF'droWned girl's parents said lhey choee"PlymCllth for the funeral service and burial at nearby Larksville. because it was Uleir"daughter's hometown and she . oft.e11 ,vJ:;ited. • "She ·had her roots here," said her lathe(, who wu dry-eyed t~ay, whi!e his wife wept openly at the funeral and while leaving the service. , Asked what else Sen. Kennedy -who faces prosecution for his still-mysterious part In the tragic auto accident -had to say to the famiJX, Kopecbne couldn't ftAllY explain. • ' , • 4 'He ,.Vas ao ·~Token up I could hardly tind"""{>d tiinl;' l>e .~ptiect: .. ~' f.. Sto"k Markets NEW YORK (AP) -Alter a small early bounee, the stock market fell back on a wide .front and tumbJed to a steep loss tOday. '(See quotatioos, Pages 10.11). :rrad!D& near 'the close was moderate, A 01:1.kes'"Cl:fcmty Deputy-Sheriff iden:r:-tender· for f.he 1972 presidential race -. Recall Vote Dat e Befor e Valle y Council . • • ·~ -.. ' Over.size --Sigil Gets Blessmg-:-::- . Of Councilmen ' . Setting of a recall ~lecUon it, on the , ageMa ·or a special·~ or uwr~'' ·taftt.-:.Valley.;;cil.y~~;at.-1~~ tonight. · A lien thll: wt!I iur to o!Jmplan '• "· ·lle'*'111 °"" tl!e'wodd'•·~.~ . .tore recelved the l>leal\bl Of KGBOI .. SepL 23 ii' lhe tentative date upeclOO to be sef for the recall elt<:tion directed against three of the five city councilmen •. bast-Tuesday-councilmen-were -or.dered hy the Superior Court to proceed with the recall. mlndtd ".llunttngto1r11Udl --Ill~ night. Afllr a tine! h!1n6r1IY atteropl fl> ""1lo Vo the jiimbo lcientiltcalloO to 1i tr • feet, councilmen went the whole diJtante -112 feet -sought for Levitz Fumitura -sore. It.is being erected on 13 acm lt·dtt northeast comer of Edinger Ave. aad Gothard St. Allowed height would have been..~ l~t. 'nle Jilannlng atalf ~ Mayor Robert Schwerdlfeger, Vice htayor Donald Fregeau and Councilman Joseph Courreges are the subjects of the recall movement lead by Fountain Valley resident Eugen"e VanOask. Another ·controversial item on tonight's agenda involves the rezoning of several parcels of land within developer George l1olstein's Green Valley project. _ 111ende<f 70. !eet but city ptanners wenf for J.11 feei.!...'the. maUer·-,W&I broup t .betoni coimcll II)>. Y,e apP,81 ol Councflman Jer- -l"J Matney: , . - Several Green Valley homeowners , ap- pear.edJaiLweek.to register_objections_to some apartments already approved for the Green Valley development. Spokesmen for the Green Valley residents told the council that apartments would destroy the Green Valley concept of private parks and recreation main- tained by homeowners. Mayor Schwe rdtfeger suggested that all Green Valley zone changes be held for consideration ·at tonight's meeting to study the entire Green Valk!}" masler plan. Holstein tonight is asking for a zone switch which would make homes out of a previously designed apartment area. * * * Candi.dates Ste p Forward T onig ht Candidates 'for three contested seats on the Fountain Valley City Council will begin stepping forward Wednesday if the council tonight sets Sept. 23 as the date for a special recall election. Nomination papers for the recall elec· tion will be available at the city clerk's office starting Wednesday. Deadline for DAILY PJLof •. ,. .... Asleep Near the Deep Sleepy couple got rude awakening early todar-at 'Huntlniton Beach City Beach when clean up crews began rattling trash·cans about·7 a.m. Beach sweeper made discreet·traclts around dozing duo,.who were not breaking any Jaws. It's perfectly legal.to sleep.on the city beach before midnight or after 5 a.m., acco1'fing ,to cify·authoril~~!I. Southern Pacific Protest~ Sunset Beach Anile:xation I ·• • filing applications in the special election By RICllARD P. NAU. the question WQn't reac~ the e}ectorate, is noon, July 31, said City 'Clerk Mary Of,.,. e>allJ "'"' s11H The tale· will be told. •t uneuUon bear-Cole. ... Closing date for filing for a special Annexation of Sunset Beach to tl.t large ings next month. election is sel by law as 54 days prior to neighbor Huntington Beach became a The first la letrfor Auf. I and the te• the .;lection. bigger question mark today following fit.. cond is tenlatl-vely IChedtlled A\11. ii. Mayor Robert &hwerdtfeger, Vice ing of a protest by large property owner, , ~ •· .. t•·-p if' Ra'lr d ' Richard Ham.on, ~"'-'·tenclent ol Mayor Donald Fregeau and Councilman ....,... '"'"' 11 ac 1c 1 oa • • ... ..,... ... Joseph Courreges are the three targets of Additionally a. Sunset Beach public of· the Sunset Beach Slnltary District - the recall elect.ion. If more than 50 per· ficial who Is dead set a1alnst the an· which Hun~ngton Beach would abaOtb if cent of the voters agree to recall each nexatioo maintains he has about enough annexatUm_ happened, Hid he hu lined candidate, each coURcil seat will be protest stiength already on the dotted up nearly sufficient pr~ 'already to throwri open_ Oi'fl)je siitt[f balJot>'--to:a ;;;Jine.J.o-prevenLlbe...ma1ter-from..going to -stop...tbe.,~elec~ .. 'l'b1a Js_not new list of candidates. election. · cOulJllriftbe rallfoad'a OJ)poelUdn. Potential candidatea for the recall elec· "It looks pretty much touch and go.'' !Jarrlson aaJd ~ of ~y lion muai fUe as a candidate for one of said Paul Jones, Huntington Beach city . w1t.b an aggregate awiltid ,v~l~~ of the three contested seats, ahd name the · clerk of tl\e rallroa<!'s protest. ii.qos,1~0 bail.~' an ~~tlon incumbent he i!:,challengtng. . · · He referred to the flct .that ~est by ~uuoo, Couple<t. ~llh..tbe"~aptj>ad )Jl'Otest Any registered Votell ~l»·ha1:1ivtd"'Jn : 50 ,Percent ·oftllle,Pr?perty.ownersbW -:~ ~S \~l~~~i!t:tHan .tbe 60 Fountain Valley tor at Je.ut. .one. year1js measured by asaelsfica:Yah1atl4'.-cli~. percerit ~P-aO<t~'dofute an- ili1tble to run, "explained ·Mrs .. Coit kill the possibility.of an ~le<:tion. ~~OfttfCJYa\.leut~year •. ·~: 'ftle Fountain Valley :Civic •Aa8ociaUon, • Tbe1 auess~tbtaJ~on ot'.the .. ana-l:on-•• I}~~·~'~ 1'\.ilk'"vtry pr;o- fonned by recaUJtr.:der·Eugene VanDisk slderedlor annexauon on llst,yt.at''l.Pf.P"1 1 ' pt}'tY ~e:r"'I~' ~<s~· qal:rilt .,,. and several cilluni oppouil to the con-· ~rty Lax rolls a~ted 1.to .1b9\lttia~1;-nrutatlOn ~has foll~ up 'wlth phone troverslal Larwin1 .Tract,. has thus far n'lilllon, Jones 11ald. SO\llhem ·t>ecl.flc,a t8Qs. HI• ~vlU.11 tiayt ruclMlcf:u f~ A rePresentaUve of the store, · Ray Kri•J''" 'told coondlmen tt'wilt be llY• ,,,.., of buJJdtrijfs, the equivalent olinlk· Ing tlµoogh 14 model bomd, "!tie lariesl fumlture-~ln~tlte-world-UBder-one roof!''- He said espeded annual gnu· ls• flf million with Sl 'million alloca.\ed · to newspaper, radio and televilloit -ad· vertlslng to draw froin Los Angeles; to San Diego. , Krieger said the af.ore ,wiJt·brtag ~ dreds of persons daily into. the ~ munity to shop, people whO would not have otherwise come. Councilmel{ • heard .a strong pitch from the H~ Beach Chamber of Commerce lil·liiet fonn. Aa Krieger said --:the sign will: aay furniture at a height ol 70 .I~ ,i\J>,ove that wlll be the name Levitz oo·• ... • S5 feet-wide. This, -Saki Krie.ger, is tQ .build the "corporate image." He aaid lhe ' lllol't ""1 ~I ... plOJ ISO 1*!rsons and have mOn tban.21-deUYery trucks: The !eUeil lfl!i; lli'llld;.Jrill- $29o,ooo for ftve years; Kiieger, to.talk· !nil ol precederts, said that moot bull· ne!ses could not afford lllCb ldentlllca· ti-Oil. Councilman· George McCracken . .com· !!"led that the. 1n mt)llon espeded &?OU mew to the city 1170,080 to.apoCl«I ""' nuill :sales tax • reve,nue {OM· percent return to the cities), .. •. Weatller . Sunny a\Jea;"balmy -and warm ternperatprea are sun com.- bioing to give Orange Cout con- 1lnuing 1w1uner_::-weather, JNsme-TGDA'Y decided not to ·&elect a alate of can· share· of this -a mile-JonJiatrlp thit~ •• .. Casper~ Wyo., he tal~. . ... didates, but possibly' serve as an in· cOUGty. ls condemnlng +for .. ·pattlng -1 ',Ajmexa~ ~poeedr1"QPert~owpen. , formation servJce for candldiltea, ac· · .came, to aboa( $270,000. · . Hani10n..W, ~telllnLthe ty,of Hun- cording to Mrs. Bubar a S«:our,.publiclty · Bootl!trn . PacU!C'• .o~. coupled · ~ !l'Jic!'.."!Jlaby;•wt · 'L:. wanl officer. . , -, .. " wtlll lhat ol olher ·~·-CO!l1'! inoan-you; you:ve.cilf~ "!nolhlqc·",.. .. · ' --------· ___ ... __ __ ,_...I.I ... • • ' --·:.---.. -.--.-...-... ...... ~ .. -.... r • ' • \ -Nerve G11s Conf irme1t . -· U,I Tl'-Mll TRAGEDY MAP -Map shows.routo-Senator Kennedy's car took Jast w e e kt n d on Chappaquiddick Island off coast of Massa- chuHtts. Chappaquiddick is short distance from Ma~. Vineya'rd, another Massachusetts re- sort island. Senator was driving <ar that plung- ed off bridge. He etcaped. His companion drowned. • CA_. INl:NT l'/l,Sf Dtlf6 HDV8C AIJOVT J /t.N;. HOVSo Wlll/1¥ Pl/tTY WAS HIL O / .i·· ,. ' " .. .. (!-1-iulg~.s Saii_ity~Test ' 1 OnAccusedCandleKiller From Page I DEATH CRA SH a Kennedy dinner party at a nearby cot· tage the night of the tragedy. Sen. Kennedy was driving Miss Kopechne to catch a ferryboat for the three·minute trip to Edgartown from nar· row Chappaquiddick Island, so she could return home. By T0!\1 BARLEY ical emir that was "nothing new at °'"" oenr tl'lltl SI•" Norwalk." ' · Liberty got the label "Candlelight A· SuperiOr court judge today refU!ed Killer" from officers who lnv.esUgated to accept a hospital ruling that accused the bizarre slaying of Mrs. Marcella Lan- "Candlellght Killer" Robert Willard dlil, the attractive brunette sho lbared his Liberty was sane and able to participate apartment ·at 8382 W~ster Ave., I in murder"ptoceedings against blm. Westmtnater. • J:f: Wlllia"m Speirs ·appointed two Officers allege they found the wild-eyed y trista: to examine the Westmilllter Liberty on June 4. 1!166 atrun_imtng his Deputy Look said he saw a black Oldsmobile apparently driven by Sen. Kennedy -whom he did not recognize -pause at a crossroads before tu.ming a~ay from the ferryboat· slip. 1 condilfciO.~µDerty,-22, will be ·held in.-.~f his paramour lay draped across a liv-j ~an tncl will rule Aug. 18 on his mental guitar and softly .humming while the body l• Orani:e COunty jail until.that date. 1ng room aofa. Officers said Llbuty had Look, who bad just gotten off duty from his moonlighting job at the ·Edgartown _:Yacht CluP, said the driver appeared confused and '"he 11houted to ask lf he could OUllf_}!_elJl qr__dJ!~lj.2D§1• __ • · Uber\y !urrenOered to lberiff'• officers placed burning candles around the body · t fast moh1h.:a w .. k after he_w~ to _ of-hla alleged vicllm. · . • 1-+.__..,.r~mffliiii~;;;;w6[l0~.-~d lb• strangled woman Hospitil at Norwalk. Hospital officials re-had long reco:ds 'Of mental Ulness and The cty came too late, however, and the senator's car was headed in the wrong direction, plunging off the wooden bridge moments later into the IO.foot tidal pond. r 1 I I I l jected the district· attorney's immediate bo~ had been diagnosed and treated in warning that . Liberty was a highly the . mental ward of Orange County dangerous mental paUent and stressed Medical Center. Uberty and Mrs. Landil that he hid recovered his ianlty. had made eeveral unsuccuaful suicide But Deputy District Attorney Al Wells atte_mpts in recent years. Immediate! accused the hospital of L1berty_w11 ~t to Atascaderq_ afti;r a "White w:hmg" the escape of Liberty by ~uperlor Court Judge ruled ~at he was belatedly stamptn~ his ~rds as djs-insane and unable t? assist 1n hia own charged. Wells insisted that the hospital defense. He was later sent to Norwalk for gave Liberty bis freedom through a cler-more advanced psychiatric therapy. . Nixon Orders Additional ' . Agency Spending Sla she s WASHINGTON {AP) -President Nix- on said today he has ordered government. agenclea to reduce . '~g by an ad· ditional $3.5 J;>illion to offset what he described as a wor&ening budget picture. "No -federal program ls ab o v e scrutiny,"_ ~e President said in a _state- ment. "Some highly desirable proiflm!- wiU have. lo be; stretched out :...-others rednced.'The dollar .redcict.ions wll1 bt-ac· companied by a fur1het lowering. ol the peroolllld celllnp established last April-"' NllOI\ aald the reduclion ls neceuary to bring s'oartng spending estimates ha.ck dowri to' the f192.9 billion target he set in AprlJ. That wi.s when he sent his own budgf:t 'for the new administraUon to Congress. Sin.~ th~ f\e said, the financial situa- tion ha! become worse . "We now antlcipae," the chief ex- ecuUVe 58.ld. "further increases of ap- pro~tely $2.S bllllon In expenditure for such uncontrollable items as interest on the public debt, meditaN!, Social Securi· ty , Civil .~rvice ret•rement ben.eflls, reduced receipts from off-shore oil leaae;., public assistance, and veterans' bendlts.'' DAILY PILOT -.. OJtAH~I ,COAS"I .. VJl.llHIHG COM!'AH'f Roll•rt N, ·rw •• d p,...lcftnt •11111 Pv~n,,.., Jtcli: II:. C11rlt y Vltt-.,•l•t •nd (;•Mral M•iv .. , Tholl'I•• Kot¥11 ldllOt fhomt1 A. M11rr,hlr1t Mal\fll~t Id! lit Nixon not.~ aJso that Coniress ha! done nothing about increasing the postal rate, wft.lch he requested as of July l, and has a_cted Inconsistently with budget pro- posal! in other fields. He aa1d Jt has not ended, as he recom- mended, special milk and agricultural conservation programs. Instead ot reducing aid to schools in impacted areas, he said, Conaress is moving toward increasing It. Fro.m Page I APOLLO •.• but it will be th.rough the trailer's wln- doW. Weak communications kept whatever joy they expressed during their reunion M(!nday from reaching the ground. There was a little problem in the docking - never explained. Collins was heard to say ''all hell broke loose." "I'll bet you'd almost be talking to yourself up there· arter 10 revs {revolu· tions) or so," said mission control. "Oh, no," Collins replied. "It's a happy home up here. It'd be nice to have some company. Matter of fact, be nice to have a roule of hundred million Americans up here." "They were with you in spirit." said mission control. That spirit had caught the world like no otber since Lindbergh flew the Atlantic and John Glenn and Yuri Gargarin had no"'" in space. Swim O ass Set Alh1rl W. l 1ltt -D w • ~ .;;. _Anoe.It~ E_dl!Or -"'----. _ _D¥-=-estm1n ste1• Sen. Kennedy -saylng later he was in shock amf aufferlng from atrained neck muacles and a m I I d concussion - escaped 110mehow, but his pre t f y passenger was trapped lnlide. Deputy Look said he at first thought three per110ns had been in the ill·fated Kennedy car, but could not be certain, In testimony announced by Police Chief Arena. The-coroner's namJner who discussed 1be autopay on !>f1u Kopec~ silld lo!i•Y lt was a clearcut case of accidental drowning, with absolutely no other con- trlbuUng injurlea- "Our combined oplalon was that an aUtopsy·wu-notneMe:ci," Dr. MJllnald;- referrlng to a prior consultation with the district atorney about Its advisiabillty·. The party which preceded the fatal ac· cident was reportedJy attended by six young women -the so-called boiler room gang -instrumental in telephone cam· pa.Ian l!_ork for Robert F. Kennedy. Sit men also attended the affair, which followed competition· by Sen. Kennedy's yacht Victoria In a Martha's Vineyard boat regatta Friday. lf the hearing scheduled into the acci· dent determines there is probable cause to proeted with prosecution, the senator could face two months minimum to two years maximum in prison. The court has lradlUonally handed out fines and suspended sentences in such Maa.sachusetta cases, Instead of resorting to actual imprisonment. The Edgartown police chief says he is perfectly certain there was no actual negligence Involved on the senator's part, while leaving the scene was nonetheless grounds for action. Miss Kopechne's father said after her funeral today that he also shares the belief that the senator was not negligent under known circumstances. Sen. Kennedy will be reprtsented at the July 2IJ hearing by Edgartown attorney Richard J. McCarran, Dr. J ack Scoles '.Rites Wednesday Funeral services will be held \Vt:d· nesday for Dr. Jack R. Scoles, 49, associate dean for student services at UC Irvine College of Medicine, who died Saturday ot a heart attack. • Dr. Scoles, a resident of Glendale, died at a hospital in lhat city. He had been associate dean of the UCI H•11tl11 .... IHcJi Offiw JOt Ith Strttt The \Vestminster Recrtation and Parks College of Medicine since 1966. In 1947, he Mtilint Addrettf ,,0, I•• 1t0, 92~•1 --"'"""°" a.ach: 2111 W•t 9tltle• 80\IMPYl rcl • c..11 Metii.; ut W..t 81'1 S!rttl \,ffUl'lt ltKIU 22J' "-' A- Dept. wlli open registration Saturday for was graduated as an honor tsudent from its fourth summer swimming L'llltrucUon the College of Osteopathic Physicians and session. Surgeons, forerunner of the California Realstration can be made at College of Medi cine which subsequently Westminster or La Quinta High School became UCT College of Medlctne. pools from 10 a.m. to noon and from t Servicts will be at noon Wednesday at p.m. to •..p.m. _ _ ____ st. Mart.'.s..EpW:opal Chw-ch,-Glendale. Lessons will be offered on thf: begin-Interment will folio" at Forest Lawn ners, adv1nctd begtMers, lnttrmtdlate ~femorlal Park, Glendale. and swimmer levels. · Children entering the courRS must be 48-lnches t a I I from the floor to th e ahoulder to be eli1lble. All classes have a $4 rtatstration fe,. Soviet Union Launches Earth Orbit Satellite ·MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviet Union today launched "" unmanntd 1atalllte In- to an earth orbit to carry out 8Cltntlllc research, TUI reported. · I 'J\lonuny, Me' Cl~sses Now 0 • . - Wllll ered Children thret to alx ye a old are ellglble f<.or the "M0mmy and e" 5Wlm· ming courw offered by the \Vestminstcr Recre1llor1 and Psirka Dept. ' Re&Jstr1Uon will be held from 10 a.m. to noon and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Satur~ d11y at the L11 Qulnla and Westminster Hl&h School pool$. A 1$ lee will bo <hR.rG· eel per dllJd. : U.S~ Says .Oki~tfi_a .S~ifS to Be Rem-0tled -I W,umNGWN (UPI) -The Pentagon · lCkfww1edatd t6da7 that nerve gas is stored on Okinawa and Said ll will all bt removed. aqd received medi,cal attention.-medical attention. The Dtfense Dtpart.meht said the gas Tocjay, the Pentagon said that on July was moved lo Ok.l~w:a ~erl!.I yean tigo· yt, ·•"511\aU leak developed •imeapon and "preparations are being made to during a palnt reJMvaJ operation. Th,e 24 A few hours after the Ryukyu legislature held a special session on Okinawa calling for immediate removal of the reported stores of gas, the Defense Deparbnent said a nerve gas known as GB had been stored there. remove certain chemical muniUOllli( in· persons experienced "minor symptom• of eluding some · toxic agents" from ' the toxic exposure" aod safely procedures in- island. It did not identify the other clud\ng protective masks were im- chemicals. mediately used, lhe statement said. There was an outcry both on Oki.qawa No one was seriously affected, the.Pen- and In Japan as a result of disclosure of tagon sa.ld. Jt said four of tbe military the incident~ first reported by the WaU persoMel were · briefly hospitalized, all OB can be incapacitating or fatal, depending on the druiage. It was involved in an accident July 8 in wh.ich 23 U.S. Anny soldiers and an American civilian employe ol the army were exposed .to gas Street Journal last week. At the time -were put under precautionary medical and up to today -the Pentagon refused observatJoh, and all 24 were returned to to confirm that gas was involved, full duiy within six hours. althoi;gh it acknowledged that 24 persons No Ryukyu islanders or other non U.S. were involved in an incident and received nationals were involved. Meeting Tonight Council to Look Over With a slight twist ln the normal pat- ter'n, seven hiih rank.Ing police officials • ~·Ill be the ones sweating out in- terrogation tonight as Huntington Beach City Council looks over the field of can- didates for chief of poUce. Co\lncllmen wlll go into e1ecutlvo M~ked Bandit Robs 'Res taurant · In Seal Beacl1 session at 1:30 o'clock to grill candidate.!! for the Po't left open by retiring Chief John Seltzer. Last week the council boosted the Uat to seven candldates after C i t y Administrator Doyle Miller had chopped it to thret. Mayor Jack Green said the group was expanded because of the close "marlin they acored on the oral exams and the Im~ of the position to the community. 0 - The following . men, listed alphabetically, will be interviiWed toniibt by the council,.with a-possible. decilion coming on Seltzer'ji successor: Edward Glngow, .0, Costa Mesa police caplain,~has 13 yeari exj>etience with Orange County agencies and holds an assoclite In arts degree in police science. A bandit -wear1n( a ski. ma.sk a~_ I!~ !f.!rt!!~C!lt ~uce-c;t .. ~·-· g<iffl4ftml-,ro"9'«1Jtiull1'-, SEtu Bma 1iin·;--WIUllT"fiars service on that dep ~ fried clUcken restaurant Monday morning ment. He has attended C:OOtra Costa and escaped with $4,500 after handcuffing Junior College and the Univ'ersjty of two haj>less employes. California. . Sgt. John Averyt of the Seal Beach WaJter Kotnig, 59, Torrance police Police Dept. said the robber was already chief; oldest of the candidates' with more in lhe Kentucky Colonel drive-in , 1249t lhan 30 years experience including 28 Los Alamitos Blvd., when manager with the Los Angeles force. He holds a Robert Soukup and employe David Kroen masters degree in social science. came t.o work at 7:50 a.m. BUI Meerik, 44, Los Arigeles Sheriff's The bandit ordered Soukup to "duck Department captain, with 2Q years on down and open the safe" while holding.a that force . His education includes 87 units reVolver to the back of his head. He then in police science. gagged the employes. taped their eyes Earl Robitaille, 38, Huntington Beach shut and handcuffed them to water and • detective dJvlsion captain, With more gas pipes. than 3 years law enforcement experience Police are still not certain how the ban-including three with the U.S. Treasury dit ente.red the restaurant but are con· Dept Ha-J:!olds--a bachelor'r-degrtt in - sidering the possibility that he might pd'Uce administration and 21 units in Jaw have gotten in Sunday evening and speat school. the night there. Loren Rusell, 38, Huntington Park The victims were bound up ap. police captain, counts more than 17 years proXitllately one hour before being res· on the Huntington Park rorce. He holds a cued from their predicament by Seal bachelor's degree In police science and a Beach llremen Who used large wirecul· master's in police administration. ters to break the bonds. George Tltlscb, 37, Garden Grove Duke Richie, owner of the restaurant, police chief, youngest of the candidates, discovered the crime at approximately has been chief in Garden Grove since 8:50 a.m. and alerted polict. 1967. He has more th<1n 15 years of law "It was the first time I ever had a gun enforcement experience and holds a pointed at me and boy, was I afraid," bachelor's degree in police science and said Soukup today. "When I was bending administration. over the safe I could feel It against my bead." Knoiv Nex t Mo ve? Tr y Chess Club Know your next move? Even tf you don't, you may join a chess club now being organized by the Westminster Recreation and Parks Dept. 'The club, open to both teens and adults, will hold its first meeting at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday on the Bolsa Chica Park grounds. Additional information is available by phoning 893-8476, or 847-3636. Nixon Asks Overhaul Of 32-year-old ICC \YASHlNGTON (AP) -President Ni,;- on proposed today a majo'r overhaul of the 82·year·old Interstate Commerce Commission, including authority for the President to select a chairman who would have 5 t r e n g t b e n e d administration powers. Beach T~en-a gers Jailed in Mesa On Drug Charges A pair of Huntington Beach teen·agers who told of being questioned and released by another law agency earlier were jailed early today in Costa Meaa and charged with possession of 600 drug pills. Booked on the felony charges were Jer- ry J. Faulkner, and Patrick K. Mahaffey, both 18 and both Ji.sting their address as 2316 Delaware St., Huntington Beach. Police said they spotted Mahalfey and Faulkner staggering along at Baker and Enterprise streets shortly after mJdnight and stopped to Investigate. Sgt. Bob Ballinger said he saw one of the suspect.~ kick something under a parked police car and lt turned out to be a bottle of 500 amphetamine tab!~ and 98 barbiturate pills. Officer Harlan Pauley said the suspects claimed to have been involved Jn an ac- cident earlier and que'atkmed b y California Highway Patrol officers before being released. 'Jtist Plaita Vexed' OAILV PILOT Sltff Plltft GETS JUST ONE REP LY Holld1 y Advoc1t1 T 0011 ' Moon Holiday Idea Gets Youth Burke 'Tlia nks'. When David Toole submitted his Idea to President Nix~n for a national holiday to celebrate man 's landing on the moon he wasn't sure ·1r anyone would pay at· tention . But the !&.year-old Westm inster Jad felt something ought to be done in honor of "Mail's greatest achitvement." _ Now that Moonday (July 21) has come and gone what thanks did David get for hsl suggestion? ''Just a letter of th a n ks from Assemblyman Robert Burke ( R. Westminster) and not a word from the President,'' comments David, 8 9 SO Universe Ave. Davld wrote a letter to the President on June 25, urging him to declare July 21 a national holiday. "We celebrate a day for lovers (St. Valentines Day) and even for practical jokes (April Fool's Day)." v.•rote David, "why not one for our outst anding scien- tific achie vement?" Last Thursday President Nixon - not necessarily at David's suggesti~n -call- ed for a national day of celebration which wa5 quickly p;cked up by people across thC country, But David, a junior this fall in Fountain Valley High School. is phi!sophical about hi~ venture into the sea of los t sug. gestion s, "l'd~ust like to get a reply to my letter," he shrugged. _Rock 'Con' Ups_ets Mayor~ The mayor o( Huntinjlon Beach prt'· nounced himself ju1t plain vexed at a cillzen letter opposing the upcoming youth rock coneert tile city is un· derwriting July 27. "I'm very upset about this letter. 1 think you did Im vocable harm," uid M1tyor J11ck GT'ffO to Mrs. George S. Kaiser. 16701 Robert Lane, during Mon· day's council meetin1. Mrs. Kalstr had v.·riltcn that &ht: foll the conctrt -in view of experience of olhtr cities -would be detrln1eotal. She told councum·en she does favor the youth actlvlties week lhat the conctrt launchts. Mentioning Costa Me11·s problem oon· cert And tht Devonshire Oowru: fllsco, she gatd it seemed cveryOlle In Hun. tlngton Beach offlclaldom was hopin.a: it doesn't happen here. O ~n said the situation Is In no way like Devonshire Downs or the Costa Me5a situation -both protracted outdoor events. It is in Huntington Beach High School audltorlum from a p.m. to 11 p.m. The .. bipds are "Canned Heat" {currenUy very large on the mod scene), "Cat Mother and the All Night Ntwsboys", and ''Fusioti". canned Heat rocked rectntly in both Santa Ana and Anaheim without igniting trouble, lhe mayor explained. Ile said such concerts are no problem If they are a one-shot tvtnlng event. Devonshire Downs. ht said , v.1as Ad· "ertlsed tn the Ulderground pre11 and t'Outed nattonlllly. Green Hid that the Huntington Beach event Is advertised On· Jy in Orange County. Even radio ad· vertlsJng IS' avoided because radio wavts wander across county lines -in to Los Angeles. Green said the police are following every slep of the situation. Green said he is conoemed now that pannta because of publlctty gtven Mrs . Kalaer 's letter might not let their youngsters buy licketa. The council is underwriting tbt program to the tune of $9,2'0 which It hopes to recover . CouncilmRn Jerry M'8tney said. 0 Thii> Is probably the flr!t time we've trltd to du something positive for youth and rl.aht or wrong, I hope to hell .,...e do It." The mayor suggested that Mrs. Kaiser meet with the Youth eoanuon Committee sponsorinR the youth events. "'M1e Youth Coalition knows If th is doesn't go o~er right, they've h3d it and we've had Ui'' the ma)'or said. I I j t r ' I ; ) I ' ; l j Bea eh Toda~• Final N. Y; Stoekii -· ~ _.YS>L '62. NO. I 71. 2, SECTIONS. 24 eAGil-.--..:... . · Down the Fron• $427 to $1,023 Mission Trail- Watercolor Oass Planned in Viejo Teacher Salary --mie Scale Set Laguna Beach school teachers this up- comifl& school year mighl receive salary increases amounting lo $427 al the bot- ~11SSION VlEJO -The '-1ission Viejo tom end of the salary scale and $1,023 al AMOCiation of Artists and Craftsmen will the top. sponsor a watercolor workshop under the ' Tr~tees of the Laguna Beach Unified direction of Roger Armslrong beginning School District previously approved the Aug . 5. The six sessions will be held expenditure of an additional $84,000 for Tuesday afternoons through Sept. 9, from teachers salaries and left the division of 1 to t p.m. the funds up to teacher and ad- figured on a salary increase of about $72,000 in prepacation of the budget. The added increase of $12,000 will have lo come from other budget are.as. Or. Y.'illiam Ullom, school!' superintendent said. Big Red Barn Anmlrong, a member of the National • m.inistrative croups. Watercolor Socl ety, is currently an in-The Wary schedule de.veloped by the s M B atructor in watercolor and drawing at the committees will be before the-board at oon ay e , . Larun'. School .of·Art and Design. 7,30 o'o;locl< tonight for considerstion. · . Additional mformalio!l about t ~ e · The proposed scale would make the top ·-• • --~--..----- Gravity Of Earth SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - ..Apollo II, 8 ship laden wllh llCientlfic treasures and a fame. that wW ltlhd tor all ome. speeded up in its holntward journey today as earth gravity began its mighty pull. Its crewmen turned the ship toward earth early in the day, then slept long and deep as they hurtled through the moon's waning Sphe1t of influence. E-1ll won the battle fcir control at JO:SI' a.DI. PDT. They were togetller "'"'' Nell A. Armstrong al\d Edwin E. ·Aldrin ·Jr: lhe first humans to tread and feel tbe .6u et Ille moon; and Mlchad Colllm, wbo girdled lhal-bamn globe la tho mqthu ship, awaiting their return. . • wor~hop ma>'. be ob~::;1 by ca~l.uig -· salary $13,708 . and the bottom . ~,827_ .D . ~ ..Ma.J'Jlid.Sw.aw~.. ... ---'f.,.chen 4"""'"""Y -wen··reeo1'ffl>g-.-J..\oe8taUl'.:a1l.t--· • · · From liftoff oillhe moon, tlll'oUCb linkup with Collins, tliroup.. th' e -"n_nfrfeu~-erttnlt start'Ed "air tklrm!;"'ihe'·- astronauts were unrestialoed Jn, their joy l e Capo fn 'S'tcitn' maximum of $12,685 and a minimum of $6,!00. SAN CLE~fENTE -Registration (or The spe11ding plan gives 13 steps from the third "learn to swim" session for bottom to top on which teachers are plac- children sponsored by the Capistrano -eel according to experience and educa- Unilied School District's summer recrea-tional level. lion program at the San Clemente city Total amount to be &pent for teachers pool wtn be held at 9 a.m. Saturday. salaries and benefits is figured to be AII chUdren must have completed lirst Sl,297,567 of the district's $2.7 million grade to par.ticipate in the . program. budget · Classes are offered for beginners, junior The plan provid~ for the full payment Intermediates, intermediates, swimmers, ol health insurance premiums for teach- advaoced swimmers and junior life A.V-en and other district employes bJ the t school district. • r.:.;· ng. A $1 rtgiatratlbn· fee is charged for lnfonnaUon re1a'rding the a erage each 1e11ion. AddWooal .infonnaU. may aatal, paid to , tllstrtct tadlen ii .kQlltalned J}y'ctillilliJp&:La15. u!lMTv·Ne · ' ---~~-...-a:s-atao-proY'ldJd for .e Bo-1pltal Wins Atoerd teached, •bo eirn doc;torate d'""'· They .will be paid $14,529. On1y one te.acbe1 now holda a Ph.D. LAGUNA HILLS -The Laguna Hills 'Animal HO!pital al 24271 El To~ Road tias· been selected for a naUonal Animal --J.Iospitat-Design -Merit-Award b Y Veterinary Economics magazloe. The award told of tasteful -combination of tile, composition iock, stucco and brick, with redwood trirri. · e Y Caravan Open MIS.SION VIEJO -There is still nmited space a""ilable for boys ln. the Mission Viejo-El Toro area for the eight. day South Orange County YMCA Caravan to Yosemite, "Y'" Oiredor Roger Carter announced today. The caravan. open for bays in grades six through nine, will leave July 31. The CO!\ of the trip is $39, which includes transportation, meals, insurance. cam· ping fees, and other incidentals, ac- cording to Carter. Additional information may be obtained by calling the YMCA, 494-9431. .e (;lay E.rplorallo11 MISSION VlEJO -Art workshops far children working with clay will be held each Thursday beginning July 24 and run-· ning through Aug. 28, sponsored by the Mission Viejo Association of Artists and Craftsmen. Jack Taylor, an exhibitor at the Laguna Beach Festival of A~, w!ll in· struct the chilaren. Emphasis will be p!Aced on learning techniques, with the students eventually going into figure modeling. Further Information may be obtained by calling Mrs. Paul Swanson, 837-3143. ..._una9rhu A ...wcturing ol the Khool budget taking into account the increase in t.Mc·hers ~larles will also---be-up for board cons.ideration. Administrators had Officer Halts Laguna Burglary A patrollnl Laguna 'Beach polict of- fictr who spotted someone oo the roof of a supermarket early today was credited with breaking up a burglary and leading to capture of one suspect. Lt. Frank Schopen said the man ar- rested near Ute Safeway store in Boat Canyon Shopping Center was still being questioned by detectives at noon. He was not Identified. Cases of beer and a large sack or assorted meats were found stacked up in· side the market after the job was broken up at 3:30 a.m .. by the officer's 11rrival. Whoever escaped during moments when other patrol cars were en route had broken window louvers along the roof to gain entry. Stock Markets NEW YORK (AP) -After a small eerly bounce, the stock market fell back on a wide front and tumbled to a steep loss t'oday. (See quotaUoos. Pages lG-11 ). Tfading near tht close was moderate. By Phil lntorf1ndl Pend ing clarification of w h e r e customers wou1d park, a ~ble new countywide restaurant franchise may have its beginning in Laguna Beach with the opening of the "Beaci Barn." Sam owner Dave MacPhee approached Laguna Beach planning commissioners Monday night with his request to open the restaurant at 24(1 Thalia St. The: barn was previously known as Country Boys' Market. Planners decided to continue a public bearing on the requHt until th:.:r;i probJt.m WU solV~S . a tonOC!!r1l there migb(·lili 'two leasa a Jot-MaePhee-said-be would \Jse far:"hlr,---'-So.-'-~-----, · 4 ~=:~g·! ::k:p:~-Kennedy Atten:ilS Rims, would be clarified by that time, and that the barn is expected to open for business 1n-1are-August. Sh M--k .l. o ~---1 Besides the parking problem, a letter ows·. ar 01-r~a -- addressed to the commissioners and sign- ed by ten neighboring property owners told of a. concern of increased traffic. The letter asked that an alley between the 900 block of Glenneyre Street and Coast llighway be opened to through traf. fie. It now ends at a funeral home. Earl Secor, one of the persorui who signed the letter, said their objection originated with a request, s i n c ·e withdrawn, by Trans Auto Systems to operate a car leasing agency. The letter- said the increase of tralfic would justify the opening of the alley to through traf. fie. Opening of the Beach Carn would magnify the traffic problem, Secor claimed. The Beach Barn is planned to have faci\Jties for 72 customers. Live en- tertainment, in the fonn of folk, rock or country music, would be provided from a loft above a 15 by 20-foot dance floor. Sports films would be shown during the week. Bam employes would wear cos· tumes associated with farm 11 t e , MacPhee said. Besides serving dinner, beer and wine: would be sold. If the operation is a success, MacPhee said the idea could be franchised throughout lhe county. College Moves Ooser to Full Accreditation From Wlft Servlct1 Visibly worn by the ordeal and -in his own words -wishing he could trade places with her, Massachusetta Sen. F.dward M. Kennedy today offered pra~n at the funeral of a girl who d...,,.00 Jn Ille wreckage ,o( hiJ Cir Saturday. · Aocrowd of nearly '190 --<l.lt in tiny P1yrnouth, Pa., to say fll'tftll to a mining town girt wfiO shared 19me o1 Ille glory-and tragedy-<>! the K,.. nedy clan. • Attendance by the senator and a group S.. Relotld Story P1g1 3 ol family and frieoda at catholic rites for M_ary Jo Kopechne, 28, wu somewhat tx• pected but still added a.touch of sensa- tion to the solemn service. Some of those. who attended.lhe ·funeral in red brick 81. Vinw)t'1 Rom111 Catholic Church were there for a glimpsit·ol Ken· ncdy, who wore a light nylon neck brace. Sen. Kennedy, who was driving Mis• Kopechne away from a party in a collage around midnight Friday, escaped with minor Injuries when the black sedan plunged of[ a rickety brid(e hrto a· tidal cretk. Miss Kopechnt drowned, ln.pped In the vehicle. U'1 Tf ...... l!THEL ATTENDS RITES l'orn\or RFK AJ<!• Buried Joseph Kopeclute, w~ose dauihter waa born in the l'TJ,iniog town but moved with fl'Olnr'Hyumil, M.w. for the runetal·to- her famlly· to Berkeley Heighta,• N.J., 20 dljy and ta1er joined a :zxar coriege to years aa:o, told oewnnen Kennedy called St. Y!Dcerit'• Cemetery. him pe.....,.Uy alter Ille myat<rioua Despite hts perional pbyatdln'"odvice tragedy. • • "l wlsh it had been me instud,"'he agalilst1he tttp,,Sen. Kennedy and the that everything worked. "The Eagle is back in ·Ol"bit, havln1 left Tranqui!Uty Base and leaving behind a replica from our Apollo 11 patch wilh an olive branch," aa1d Armstron1 after their lunar lander roared off the surf act of the moon. ' And 3~ houri later, u lhe two ahlpg again. became one, mission control uked Collim bow it f'1t to have company. "Damned 1ooc1, 1'8 tell you," be repiled. And llnally, Collin! anncJ1U!C0<1 lhey were off for "°"1e wUb a shouted: .. Open up lhe !'.ru. doors, Chlrlle," relmlni te the lunar.~"'1& labor•lorJ~lu4 ""'id be their llbme on wth lcr ot lwl II day1 whUe doctorl mate 1111'8 they brougtt back no moon bugs. "Roger." said Charles Duk,e at mission control "We sOt you coming.home." _AJ>Ollo..ll.w..U..l!tndJ!!un<!91>..1!1:...l!!o 31st and last time and out of touch with earth at 9,57 p.rii. PDT l\foriilay wllea lhi engine fired for 2~ minutes. The push speeded the ship to 5,700 milei1 an hour, bnaking Jt loose from the moon'• pull and heading it toward the brllllant, cloud· 5waddled ball of earth 2.17,489 milu and-. two days, four houn away. · AJ Ibey broke away, !heir speed drop- pod rapidly clue to Ille continued 1111111- ence oC the moon. Later today, when they passed through lhat lnviltble line ,.11ere earth's atraction overcomes lhat ~the mooo0tbey began lo go laster.-qaln. - - Awaiting them at 11plashdown 1tn the Pacific at 9:51 a.m. PIYI' Thursday II the strangest welcome a naUon bas ever ac- corded Its heroes. 'nley'll be IPl'•Yed with disinfec1ant, sheathed in an air-tight 1ar· ment with a gas m a s k to bruthe through, hmtled into a leak.proof trallet and flown in it to a quaranUne laboratory at the Manned Space Center. • The President of the United Stltea •Ill be on lhelr TectiVtry . carrier 1n the Pacllic, the USS Hornet, to greet them - (See APOILO, Pa1a I) Emerald Bay Man Elected to Board John A. llundll, Emerlld B1y, Lquna Beach, hu been elecled to lhe t,aguna Beach School ol Art and Design Board <)( Directors. Dundas was formerly, the· corporate vice.president, lnternstiooal A f f a i r s • General Dynamics Corp. and served 11 attorney and 'ExecuUve Vleo>preskie:nt of Douglal Aln:rall. Saddleback C.Ollege, after a year of quolN the 37-year-old younger brother of ~ ol the .1"9QP ahared·I ~,w,at'teeJeft Or-•e operation, has been promoted to atatus of the late John an~· Robert Kennedy U front ol the altar in the amall chur.ch. . recognized candidate for accreditation by saylng during the Unhappy COl)Ve~tkm. · A vaae of simple yellow flowers - ------the ·Western Association-of Sehools~and --jheJC_e!YJf:dY,_,_pa_nyF Jceincl~mgllith..!__from 1hrf(__..~ offered 11ITid------,..All widow of Sen. Robert • nne -ew "w~" -....., eges. splash of color ag&tnst the ·1rey metal · .. .. • Las.l y~ar, before it opened to student~1 casket in whtch MID · Koi>echM's body the 1un1or college was granted cor-.1 respondent status. . I.iaguna Cany· on ay. • Full accreditation, which mean1 the r 'l'h• Rl ·Rev. Msgr" Wllllaln Burdllll, college meets certain standards of educa-celebrant of the Requiem Mah: tOday tional performance, normally takes about f; .. e· Quelled\ prayed that ·the prt4)' .blonde leeretary three years. >i who llelpodJn'llol>erf.Jtennedy'1'il!-fai.cl Accreditation b particularly im!IOl'tant • .caJ11PlillLbe.grintet·<ldnal.wt. .. Weatller sunny skies, balmy breezes and warm tempefatures are still com- bining to give Orange Coast con- Unuing summer weather. JNsmx.. TOD~'Y to studenb who will go oo to foor-year Fire ol undetermiMd-origin. 1iurnod Tho dr)lwaed .gtrl'1 pai'entl .~t1\<7· colleges after completing the two years over. 40 acres .or-,bri.ilh and .crau .on choee "Pfymouth.~or-Uie'flineral ~ Coodbve laoll, vou wrc a. ol junior college. ACcndllatkm can mean · frvlne Com_pany ·•~·al Ule .oonh and· burlallrltda\l"ibf ~e, ~ mognl/l'tml l>ffil, ""'Wb• /lMI~ fhey gel full lrsnsfer credll (Of courses end oft..;un. Can~ 'Monday an.r-, it WU ihe b&lfltr'a bollieloWllll~;,abe in hf<torv and VO• tocr"''I tal<en while at·Saddteback, . It. waa ihe coun!Y 1 Jlta\ QlajOr .bnlab ,olte!> rilited.. .. · •.-• · .• ·-dullntd to rt!UhJ to torlJI b•I Word ol Saddlebact'• pn>gr•-'low•rd fire'<)( II" ,....., · . I "9ie-' hild., Mr ·n>oli l'bere. •: 'IOl.'bi!r JlO•'U ftOI fie tor(JOU.,., Pa~ 20 accredltaUcn came mitn,Dr.•Heftrl T. -..nio.,bllze,"~-ll>oul~·J!-1'!-,-·l.allll!;•·il~tacky . .wbllthll-• -· : --~ 'l')fter. "'""'ti•• ~·"' .,. weaimi~: JJr sJi1. under con~ Iii lill ,tJioi! lhtt4 :WI!•·~~· ~{"li"al~ .W!ill1 r..~.i. , JI ~ l'. APociallon,foUawi•I review .If·' viii! to .. -liy~ty llre erew•.· ~ ""' 1<11/UIC twlfrYI , . ·-·"' • "'ll ---ll the t"Ollege. by t'wo educa1orl Jn lhe ;'Wtl'l-'of .1.ll';D'l~onlloldud.,utb ~,WJ>attlse~~·XeMedJ,-who ~ t• ~c:. •: spring. • , of the San Diego Freeway. . ,. ,. • tact!'iipr01tCUUon fcrr hi.I .Ull-iJVJt~ ._.. ,.....,. ,. t:f!.._ 1•1• Next fall, Saddleback.cotlese will moye Flre ;>fflcials aald aev~n ~,'two .p.;l't;ri the tracl~.dto ~nt-bad 10 =:.'.:: ,; t::'....,. ~;t onto tu perman;,,t WllJll)a and o(fer 1 '!!tlld0¥,n •. l~ocon1";'aUon~~· 8')'t0thelllTlily,•~cou1d9'tlltU! ·=,. ,.:: =" ;: 110phomore cumcµlum , ln addidon ·to and f)!! alt'.r!anke:ra,(i'<lm ~and .explain.. . . , .... """" ,, .......,. • frellunan cl ..... 1iv<11 ·llwpul'achool . Ryan1.l'ltkl \il.ff •. were eall«I .,.t•to , ".He wu.,ao ~"'up f coold bardlT \ ·-..._. " """ -.. yiar.. t·.~t.. J ' quell~ ... ~~ ,1 ,., • .. : •• 'undltrtand1llni.'',.rep1Jtd.' '. l . ' I .~,... . • ' • J• . ... I ~ ... • -, u.':,.. .a ' ,.,, ~ • ' .... t --·· ~~------------"-- ' I I I tl I I , ! . I t I ' • -• .... -·•-·•·~ -·•••• .... -•,'.,4 -.-!""4 f°o~--··· .. ·'.".~•>•-"'.*·-· Panther~ Giyen Delay ~ Bai~ Ref~aj ~n SA Of~cer Slaying1Case . ~ A llllir~ICCustd In-the Sla9lot" ct a Santa Ano-polic. officer today won l dela ·or a · 001.imLon murder· chairges. ---,--- Santa Ana Municipal Court Judge Wllllam Thomson ordered Arthur Dewitt League, 20, of Santa Ana, to return to court Thursday. He refuaed bail. for the aceu.sed Santa Ana man. League la one ol three members of the militant Negro organlr.aUon named by police laat June il u belDC involved in the thooting of officer Nellon Sasscer. He evaded capture unill last Friday when he and Odis Natharuel Grimes, 21, also of Santa Ana, were arrested by FBI men in i: Beverly ffitls.bwltt.. M!Chael ~nem, 22, a "lieutenant of com-:. Federal ottict.rt burst Into the base-munications" in the Black Panther ment occupied by tht two fugltlves after3'jnliatlon, L;em must return to court 1 fh!t*ra."UP=that-t;e:aguMM"'GTllflet' -2i t3 ta& IPIQ Of Clt1'91fil i C!OJF were hidinJ out in the plush home of a cealed weapon, filed three monlhs before Hollywood actor. he was booked on the Sasscer's killing. Grimes ls awaiting arraicnment in League's attorney today predicted that federal court on charges of harboring a court action against his client will be fugitive. League 11· named in federal identical to tblt adopted agalnat Lynem record.a on a bookin1 of unlawful flight to -transfer of the charges to Superior avoid prosecution. Court and "a sealing down of the charges But both men must first face ac-to a relatively minor offense." cusaliOM that they were there when Of· AU three men were indicted for murder fleer Saucer was CtJ.Med down as he by the Orange County Grand Jury. But questioned three.man in a downtown San-evidence in the case -of Lynem was not ta Ana street. iufficient to sustain the capital offense Cleared of murder charges is Daniel count, investigators later explained. Oversize Sign Oppose Tax Bike DAILY PILOT ........ Ttn'Y C.vl8' Early Bird Catches:'-WW,e-, Gets Blessing T axp~yers Elect, Girt}, r Morning surf. enthu•iast li1i1Jls for bal.;,., ..... he -foot waves WllJ tit• sot up about 7 a.m .•• several Of Councilmen B . ~ Bud drives ahead of break near untingtond Beach Pier. ~urfers .!'"t 1n a bit olci.':1v:-e-tun_e_b_ef_or_e_h...c~_a_d_ln.=g _______________ ~11-1Jr._ 'r. *t H .D.D.t---··-·-ffe riiade it. Afr telnperatures of 689ClftS, With -·101 WO!a. W -Smnm.et""15 • ~ ~ e- \Vater temperature of 63 degrees and one to three-' A sign that will rear to olymplan Fullerton Man Gets Martin Post on Jury A Fullerton ~al estate salesman was named today u a replacement for William ·D. Martin of Laguna Beach on. the Orauge County Gralld Jury. - Superior ~rt Judge .ftobert C~dntr dttw....tbe .name. of Joe .Cooper from a rum i"OnliutlDglhe name'i oriilfgible grand jurors not selected when the pane1 was fonned seven months ago. , It \s not yet known when Cooper will take over the spot vacated la.51 Friday by-Martin. Selection of a new foreman to take over Martin's executive duties will be made Wednesday, Judge Gard- ner aald. Martin's sudden decision to quit the Grand Jury aroused speculation that the group's critk:ism of the coonty's ex- change of Back Bay land with the lrVine Company bad angered the veteran civic omcLal. -Grand Jurors have rejected that infer~ ence. Several said t>hifosophlcal di.ffer- eoca between Martfn and other jury members had been evident ~91". som~ time before he resigned. Lull Contin,ues, But Reds Using Harass Tactic SAIGON (AP) -Tbe en~y pressed haraaing attacks aaainst allied positions Tuesday but there was no major break in the month·long lull on the battlefitld.11. . ~o mo!t serious incident riported by allitd spokesmen ocrurred in the village of Phuoc My south of Da Nang when_ guerrillas sprang an ambush against a U.S. road-clearing detail and reinforcin&: government troo1>5 Monday. That 1klrmish ltfl one American killed and four wounded. six government militiamen killed and six wounded, and four civilians killed and five wounded. Ene,ny ~sualtles were not kno.,.,·n. There were 11 enemy shellings reported during the 24 hour.! ending at 8 a.m. Tuesday. Of these, a U.S. spokesman said, only five Inflicted damage or casu&lttes and there were no Americans hit in four barrages aimed at American bases.· · I Ol'ANoa co.t.11 P'Ull IJHtHO c:ow·.ur• l•Mrt H. w,,4 ..,....... ... l"lttbfllt J1c• I. 0i.1.., \lltt ~ ... ca-• MtMli'I' Ta-..... , KHTll ·-1\offtll A. "41r,hi11• """"""" l!,11 .. '-ith1NI r. Nell ·--C:llY· •lfllw ..---222 f•••tf A••· M1Uh1t A,44,, .. 1 P.O. I•• t~4 • .fJ412 ....... -C..11 MIMI :at WW .. , """' ........, lllHll• mi...,.., ....... .....,. IMltlfl91M .. «II: • Jiii '" ... Judg~ Qrders Sanity Test On Accused Candle Killer By TOM BARLEY bolh hod !\ten diagnosed and ireal<d in Of ttM Deur '111t 111n Q1e mental -ward of Orange County A Superior Court Judi• today relUled Medical c.nter. !Jberty,and Mrs. LandiJ hM ~ stveral unsuccessful suicide to accept a hospital ruling that accused atUmpt.a ~ recen. t years. "Ganillell. ght Killer" Robert. Willa!'d .....,. -_ . Liberty wu aent to Atucadero alter a Llbtrty was aane and able to participate. Superior Cowt judge ruled that he waa in murder proceedings agaimt him. • inlMt. and-unable -to, ustsr in hill own ·Judie Wiilianr Speirs appoinlea l~o~ftONorwalk-YOr cbiitrist& to examine the Westminster· more advanced psychiatric therapy. psy .,, man and will rule Aug. 18 on hil rrien~. cond.Jtion. Liberty, 22, will be held .itt Oranje County jail unUI that date. · Liberty surrendered to sheriff's ofticen1 -last month a week after he walked to freedom from Metropolitan S t a t J Ho,,pit.al at Norwalk. Hospital officials ft- jected the district attorney's immediate warning that Liberty WIS a highly dangerous menLaJ patient and stressed that he had recovered hls sanlty. But Oepucy, Dia1rk:I Attoroey I.\ WeU. immediately acCU.,ed the hospital of "white wa.stµDg '' the. escape. of Wberty by l:ielatedfy 1tamping bia recorda u dik charged. Wells inSisted that tbe hospital gave Liberty his freedom through a cler· ical crJD r that was "nothing new at Norwalk." Liberty got the label 11Cln~lelight Killer" from officers who Investigated the bizarre slaying of Mrs. Marcella Lan· dis, the altracUve bruneUe 1ho •bared hl.s apartment at IS82 West.minlter Avt., Westmlnlter. Officen allece they round the wilH:ytd !Jberty on June 4, 1916 alrun\mins his guitar and aoflly humming while the body of his paramour lay draped acroaa a uv. ing room IOla. Ofllcaa aaid Llbttty had placed burning candles around the body of hi.s alleged victim. Both Liberty and the strangled woman had Ion& records of mental illneu and FretM Page l APOLLO ..• but lt will be through lhe trailer's win· dow. Weak communicaLions kept whatever joy they expressed during their mJDlon Monday from reaching the cround. There was a little pi'obltm in the docking - never explained. Collins was heard to say "all hell broke loose" "I'll bet you'd almost ht talking lo yourself up there after 10 revs (revolu· llons) or so," said mission control. ''Oh, no." Collins replied. "It's a happy home up here. Il'd be nice to have some company. Matter of fact, be nice to have a coule of hundred million Americans up here." ··They "''ere with you in spirit," &aid mi.qkM\ control. That spirit had caught the world like no other since Lindbergh flew the Atlantic and John Glenn and Yuri Gargarin had flown in space. -;sheep Attending Summer Session Saddleback College iln't holdln& 1um· mer-.chool but It hu a head_count_ of ciflrlex> l:lft""'lts MW pennanent campus. And that im't pullln& the wool over Y"'!' •>'"· nae head count refers not to studtnta -but sheep. UnUI the full college Is developed, the :zoo..acre alta !U.11 makes 1ooc:1 pasture land ancf so a:itlece ofOclal1 have rentfd it cul to shM:p r1lstr Gr1Uan Bldart of El Toro. Bldart I.I paylnc a penn)' •nd two mills per head per day lo &raze hit sheep. And Slddlebatk Collete Is making " few bucks on tbe side. Oh. and the real head <pnt of students In the !•II ts upecttd to be about 1,IOO lu!HilDo. \, " DAILY PILOT Slllff 1'11119 GETS JUST ONE REPLY Holiday Advocate Toole Moon Holiday Idea Gets Youtli Burke 'Tlianks' \\'hen David Toole submitted his idea to President Nixon for a national holiday to celebrate man's landing on the moon he wasn°t sure if anyone would pay at· tention. But the 16·year-old We!tmin~ler lad felt something ought to be done in honor of "Man's_gre.atest achievement." Now that Moonday (July 21) has come and gone what thanks did David get for hsi suggestion? "Just a lelter or thanks from Assemblyman Robert Burke ( R 4 \\'estminster) and not a word from the President," comments David, 8 9 6 O Universe Ave. David wrote a Jeuer to_lbe-.-Praidtn• otfJune 15,-ufgingJilm-to-detlire-July ft a national holiday. "We celebrate a day for lovers (St. VJlentlnes Dly) and e\'en for praclical jokea (April Fool's Day)." wrote David, "why not one for our outstandlng scien· tific achievement?·· List Thursday President NIJ:on -hot neces1arlly et David's 1uggertlon -c11I· ed for a national day of ctlebrlUon which w111 qulckly picked up by people aero~ tht country. But David. 1 junior this fall In Fountain Valley High Sdlool. Is phllsophlcal about his venture Into the sea of lost tug- gestlons, "l'd just like to cet a reply to my letter r" be 1hrugged. • llelghts over the world 's largest furnlture store received the blessing of economic· minded Huntington Beach councilmen Monday night. After a brief minority attempt to whll· tie the jumbo identification to 70 or 80 feet, councilmen went the whole distance • -112 feet -sought for Levib; Furniture Store. It is being erected on 13 ·acres at the northeast corner or Edinger Ave. and Gothard St. AJ!owed height would have been 35 feet. The planning staff reconr mended. 70 feet but city planners went for 112 feet. nie matl!r was broughf beh>re council by'tr11: appeal of Councilman Jer- ry Ma~y. ,. . A representative or the ·store,· Ray Krieger, told cooncilmen it will be five ~i:t1.Gf..buildinc1,-&he..eqWvale8'-el--walt.. ing through 84 model homes, "the largest furniture store in the world under one roof." He said expected annual gross i.s $17 million with $1 million allocated to new'spaper, radlo and television ad· vertising to draw from Los Angeles to San Diego. Krieger said the store will bring hun- dreds of persons dally into the: com· munity to shop, people who would not have otherwise come. Councilmen also heard a stropg pitch from the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce irt 1etl!r form. M Krieger said the sign will say furniture at a he.lght of 70 feet. Above that wlll be the Dame Levltz-oin-sittr~ feet-wide. This, said' Krieger, is to build the 4'corporate Uria~." lie said the store w i 11 employ 250 persons and have more than 25 delivery trucks. The leased sign, he said, will cost $290,000 for five -yean. Krieger, In talk· ing of precedent.s, said that most busi· nesses could not afford such identifica· lion. Councilman George McCracken com· puted that the $17 million expe<:ted gross means to the city $170,000 in expected an- nual sales tax revenue (one percent return to the clties). Senators Vote To Tax Church Business Money SACRAMENTO (UPI} -The senate voted today to tax income derived by churches fr om businesses unrelated to religion. The measure by Sen. Anthony C. Be.ilenson, ([).Beverly Hills) wu sent to the Assembly after the author urged tha t all businesses be treated e qua 11 y regardless of who owns them. "When a groUp is operated as a profit. making <>rganization, it should be taxed just as any other profit-making group," Beilen!On said. "If a church wants to 10 into business, that business should pay taxes just like any other business." The measure passed 27·7. Among 15 Republicans voting for the bill was Sen. J ames Whetmore (La Habra). Sen. John Schmitz (R·Rustin) did not vote. Beilenson, one of the legislature's leading liberals, said that the current in· come tax exempt.Ion granted churches "·ho own outside businesses puts com· petitors at a disadvantage. "Taxes are a cost of production and an lmporlant overhead factor." at.ilenson said. "A church-owned business not sub- ject to t.bll same taxes. has a.major com· pelitlve ad\'antage over its commercial ri va ls." But Sen. Ralph C. Ollis. (0.Gardena) opposed repealing the exemption on grounds it violattd the constitutional ~eparatlon of church and state. Moon --Day-Spent Enjoying Beach Judging from the site Of beach crowd•. the "Day of PartJclpaUon" Monday was a holklay like all others. . Laguna nreruards reported a beach at- tendance of 20,000. The.re were three regcues In the two to four-foot surf. Guards reported few jellyfl.sh pesterin( 11whnmtrs. Along San Clenlente't cHy and county hcaeht11 there were 21,100 people, guards reported . Seventeen nrlmmer1 were pull· ed lrmn tbe'one to three-loot 51111. .. ------ Election of olf~ers has been announced by the newly reactived Laguna Beach Taxpayers Association, now girding to do battle over the city bud1et which calls for a tax rate increase of about 20 cents. President of the taxpayers· group is Gerald Linke, retired Navy captain who· already h.1s eone before the City Council lo request a copy of the budget and a delay in budget adoption. He got his budget and his delay -the hearing will be July 30. Other new officers are Bob Miller, first \•ice president; James Lawler, second vice pesiden.t; Charles Veale, eor· responding secretary; Mrs. E s t h e r Loc:kway, · r ecording sei:retary, an d· Edward Lorr, treasurer. Directors are Mrs. Edith MOll.!, Merrill' J<>hnson, Lloyd Milne, A. H. Lounsbery, Harry ?i.foon, Norman ,Anderson, Peter Ostrander, Mrs. Betty Heckel, Mrs. Albert Nirolett and John GiUette. Laguna Beach T;1xpayers Associallon was organized in 1947. It's purpose., ac- cording to Veale, is to effect the greatest possible fCOnomies rons.lstent with ef· fieiency in spending of public funds. The taxpayers group takes in all the area of the Unified School District, ex· tendng from Crystal Cove to Three Arch Bay aod Into Laguna Canyon. It ~ al· filiatf!d with the California Taxpayers Association. Dues are $2 annually. Persons wilhtng to join should write to P.O. Bo1 40f,' Laguna Beach. ~ Ni.Xon Orders Additional Agency Spending Slashes \VASHINGTON (AP) -President NiI· on said today he has ordered government agencies to reduce spending by an ad· ditional $3.5 billion to offset what he described as a worsening budget picture. ~No--leder.al-program-is a-b.o..Y-e scrutiny," the President said ln'9latate- ment. "Some highly desirable programs will have to be stretched out -other.! reduced. The dollar reductions will be ac· companied by a further lowering of the personnel celltngs established last April." Nixon .said the reduction II necessary to bring soaring spending estimates back down to the $192.9 billion target he set in April. That was when he sent hill own budget for. the new admlnlst.raUon to Congress. Since th~n. he said, the financial situa· lion has become worse. "We now anticipate," the chief ex· ecutive said, "further increases of ap- proximately $2.5 billion in expenditure for auch unrontrollable items as inter.est o_n the public debt, medicare, Social Securi- ty, Civil Service retirement benefits, reduced receipts from off.shore oil leue1, public assi..stance, and Veterans' benefits ... · Nixon noted also that Congress has done nothing about increasing the ~tal rate, which he requested u of July I, and has acted inconsistenUy with budget pro- posals in other fields . Fund to Help Injured Youth A rund has been started to defray h<Mipilal expense.! for the family of Jerf Wilson. 15-year~ld Laguna Beach boy who suffered a fractured neck dlving off a rock Into the ocean Fourth of July. The youth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilson, 848 Ramona Ave., has been In the int.e:nsive care unit at South Coast Com· munlty Hospital since the accident. A spokesman close to the family said Jeff has shown progress and has respond· ed some lo instruction. Ht! was in the ·water for several minutes after the dive and v.·as unconscious when he reached the hospital. Persons wish ing to assist the family should send-checks to the Jeff Wiison Fund at Laguna Ftderal Savin&s and Loan Association .• 280 Ocean Ave. Suit Seeks Darnages For Laguna Wreck A Lacuna Beach woman hu 1ued the clcy, Oran1e Collnly and Ille Stile of CelUornlo for da-toWll111 !300,000 in a Superior Court complaint that ... u to detennloe rupons;blllty for allqedl1 unoal• road condltlonl on CoQI fUPway ., Emerald Bay. Kathleen Lenrill blunn those con- dition• for an accident lat Oct. JO in He said it has not ended, as he recom. mended, special milk and agricultural conservation programs. Instead of reducing aid to schools In impacted areas, he aakl, Congress is moving toward increasing it. Dr. Jack Scoles .Rites Wednesday. Funeral services will be held Wed· n~ay for Dr. Jack R. Scoles, 49, associate dean for student service.! at UC Irvine College of Medicine, "''ho died Saturday of a heart attack. Dr. Scoles, a resident of Glendale died at a hospital in that city. ' He had been associate dean of the UCI College of Medicine since 1966. Jn 1947, he wa.s graduated as an honor t.sudent from the College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, forerunner of the California College of Medicine which subsequently became UCI College of Medicine. Services will be at noon Wednesday at St. Mark 's Episcopal Church, Glendale. Interment will follow at Forest Lawn li.1emorial Park, Glendale. Lagwra Legion Gets Service Citation Laguna Beach Post 222 of the American Legion has been cited for "outstanding community service" at a recent meeting of the Ameri can Legion District 29. The presentation was ma'1e by O. w. Price. a Lagu~a Beach resident, who w1s al~ re-appointed community service chairman for the fourth year by new Dist. 29 Commander Steven Borak. At a recent State Legion Convention, Di.!11 . 2' received the ·state's "Outstanding Com· munity Service" award. Israel Planes Cross Canal, Bonih Egypt ly URlllll Prtu lft!entl!illllll "israell planes streaked atross the Suet Canal today and bombtd Egypli~n' artillery positions for the second Ume in three .days, an Israeli m i 11 t a r y spokesman said in Tel Aviv. Jordan reported six Israeli planu attacked pogi.- tions in Jordan below lhe Sea of G1Ulet . The Israeli spokesman said it.11 Israeli -planes returned safely to their base from I.he. attack which followed a barrage cf.. Egyptian artillery shells apintt lsraell poettloos on the ... 1 bani: of the canal. Membership Meet Scheduled Mo nday which she was thrown from her blcyclt: • The quarterly membership mttUnf of et the lnttrsflcilon. She cltlms that 1he the Laguna Beach Art ·Association 1$ whet! of htr machine was uu11ht in a 5thl'duled for 8 p.m. Mond1y, July 28 at metal grate adjacent to !he curbing. the Association Gallery. )(t7 Cliff Drive: Miu Lerwill complains that the road 1-·onnatlon of a nominating committee condltion.'i: "have existed for several to choose a slate or three penon1 to run years." Her earlier claims for damages for the board of diredon for the 1111t have been denied by all three qeocies. Utrte-year term ill on the acenda. -: - ' , I -·. I ,,. -_,. .---,,,. .. ----------·--·-~---~------------------------------------------------- • -. _!_.....,, JulY 22;1'69 L DM.Y !!!Lor 1 nsfield:· Ken°-1edy Wen!)t tlu~ i11 ···1&-72 •• WASHINGTON (AP ) -Sen•te bridile In Chappaquiddick bland."Masc., Democratic Leader P.likt Mansfield yYS and the passenger, Miry Jo KopecbM, report thal he wu dam and •bocked. Mll!lfkld sold 1!11 bellil tl!ot Kennedy 'Ille Re~Ucaill n lryln( 1o ..i lilm up • ePullcol Uut~..,, COPE -Openeol a "He has been goln1 af'OW1d with a back wtU not gy I~ llii Im nomintUon has ., a clay i>1&oon. lkll;he•ll 111 old pro·lti ,...,,, n"°t!nl al Piner Point. llld., ~ he thinks Edward M. Kennedy wilt/pass droWtled. KeMedy did not report t~ ac· brace for several ye1r1 aince he was been hued OiD hll oliler-f.uon. ot the PollUca· at fli He Cll!,,afford-to wait Ube. dilcutl 11ate bY ltate conirtM1onal raccet almool killed Jn an airplane occldtnt It M b...U. lor' 0 wull lo. He hll a mind o1 hi& own aftd -nexl year, Jnci!JdJni ~·s .. peeled any attempt for the presidency in 1m, cident to police for nine hours, saying he but not because of the .uto accident tn sUffeied (rom lhock and exhausUon. ~:Web a woman riaing -ih t tie Miii'lftel01ail beaupPosse1 some pCO; woul_d hav .. bc<o direc;Uy=···•·-: hi& dQC· lhe "':ter'I .;....::.,. ! ~~land he wl)I mate It up'jn h1& own good tlmt. • ; bid (or ·..-1ec11oo. ...,..., ~ ~ .ji~-~~·· Othel' P<>i!llcll !>!!oer! .. dl4!i\ """J!ie :a ~~:IP-.IU-lllt...- itassachwetts seria.10r's car wa.S killed. pie "will Say that Kenoed)'"s political pro-tors• <!irilerrto ifiVf1i'llO tne water·~. 'l'lili""-.r~ COOCJiiiiiiliti:i oneev 1 fao. same View or""lhi acctdent's eW 1:1t .1o coul<f. win ·rH,lectJon to the Senate COUid have conlrlbuted lo h1& elhaUJUon lors," Mlllllleld uld. "Ooe Jmporjllnt Koonec1.Y'1 ca-. _ : <(osp~e lhe &ujo acci4tn!, but W Mansfield had told colleagues for speeta have been damaged by leavlna the --il~liit""~ond::w:o~r:-~me111enl"""1>ur-=110t that Kennedy, the Senate's No. 2 agree.'1 ' anc1-1bocl<. one J,t;'.lhirli& J!tt llii work hm )II Ibo _ "It's a disaster" !qr, . K~i-'1rl!!lllY !ul!d-2!!!...~~·LL._,..'!': =iV-ll'-qUtl8-0Jkl<l'-b1«=Ulli II rat'!OOii'1lii_._ dld.'r .PriiJaeiitli£iij;l;au&iF,~~ nce:m"'D'I£ -. ---~-·---· <!'. ~Uc le~der, would delay any, bid /~-Even .politk:ians are human and thls Kennedy could have been. stl!Mfid a.•d This....,.., allUlioo to the late Pre&dent hl&beal polil!c.i advbm ol lhe AFUIO Some 'thou&bl he ' might overcome mlghl not have known what be wu doing Jobn F. K•noed)' arld the l•te Robert F. -tradltlooally sirwll llglpCrl4r ol advers& feactf<ih lo the accident In Qme f9r, the White House untll 1976 or ~ond. could happen tt> anybody..·• Mansliold Doubts about Kennedy's poUUcal future said. "His 1tatement that he dived into f0r oeveral hours after the accident and Konnedy. DtmQCrauc presl~Ual candldalel. to ma11• a bid ror the ~ruklenUl! the plzyslcal strain ol hav1ng . dived "~lot or peoele have been tryln1 to Approslnlalely lot ol!Jci•l< ol t1ie AFL-nomlnaUon In l&'lf, but these appeared lo v.·~· sounded after bis car plun&ed off a lbe water ' 1ev.etal Umes 'suppor{s his oeveral um .. in oearch or the car.•• push bim}nto IOlnS alter the nomlnatlon. cro•s poUUcil arm, the' Coli>mltt.e On , ~ In tlie minority. • CAR W£/fr PA$T DIRE HOV.SE .. . . * * * * * .th Mystery ws -- Lawman Contradicts 'Accident Time .. . • From Witt ,Services boat regatta Frid1y. . perfectly ttrtaJn there was no aetwiJ" The tangled tragedy of Ted Kennedy's If the hearing scheduled Into USe aCd-neg)lg~ Involved on \he senator's part, wroogway drlvL.tbaLeoded lalally !or •--dent-de(amjnes-lhere ts probable came wbllt leaving tlie-icene-waa-nenetlieleos pretty aide took a new tum today, with to proceed with prosecution, the aenator crounda far acUon. -- ~ em~rgence of an off duty lawman cook! fa~ two, month! ml.nimum to two Mi.Bl Kopeclme's father laid af:ter her whose shout could have saved 1 life. years mazilpym in piison. funeral today ·.that he also ·abwes,-.tbe A/1111/l J A.Ne~-\~·------t/7. ,_ ... _ ' , . A '1lart>. contradlcti!'Jl in_Ume ~ents 1 !h• court ~J.•iildidonallyh~liied "*-~ ~~•!," no! ~. -+--'-'aun:;Jildliig tl'le acctderit and subSf!Ciuent I.Del an~ aua:penu aenl.eiieiS au unq_er. ea. ~ drowning of.Miu Macy Jo Kopedme, 28, Massach~tts ....,, Instead of resorting Sen. Keoned.Y will be repr ... nted,al the UP'ITt ....... . , • . ".I TRAGEDY MAP -Map shows route Senator Kennedy's car took last weekend on Chappaquiddick Island off coast of Massa· chusetts. Chappaquiddick is short distance from Martha's Vineyard, another Massachusetts re- sort island. Senator was driving car that plung- _cd off bridge. He escaped. His companion drowned. JfOllSE wHr/U Pl/tTY WA.S Hll.D ·,/ - • ·-Seientis-ts~-Loaking ·Ahead McDonnell Douglas Working on Station, in Space By RUDI NIElfZIELSKI run through a chiller to provide cold or It!• Dall'I' "'"" s11tt drinking water. The far reaches of the universe , once Solid human wa:ste 'in future space sta- thousht unC{)nquerable, have been blasted tions may be disi>osed of according to a General Electric prototype which will open for exploriltion through man·s first also be tested during the 90-day project. steps on the moon. Called simply the "Sling." the device But scientists are already · looking C{)ntains blades \\'hich stir up tbe waste beyond the moon. And to get there they materi~I under vacuum and de~it it in are turning their thoughls ·to the con-a ~nt~er where 1t ls va~m dried . - . _, --•-•:---hi h It will be as·elose. to be11!8 at ~me as t st •on-~pace ·~....,,..,_., ~ -may -po15i51e/•-saliflrougbton. • someday servi.oe vehicles bound for other p 1 h . ·u •-•• th planets. ersona yg1ene w1 11t: assur~ e A variety of problems remain to be occupants thro~gh. a vacuum .sponge ~r- solved before astronauts w\11 be able to rangef!lent. which LS t~_eated with a mo!-!t training before the test," said Houghton. "But It's worth it to them, not because of the maney involved, but because this is about as close as they can get to the space program." While the men are bottled up in the simulator, they will be asked to perform certain physical exercises, Pr&ctic.e dock- ing maneuvers, prepare their own space food and maintain all of the onboard e<tuiPment. · · Even with ·an-the wort that has bem scheduled for them to perform, they will have plenty of time to continue their studies. CONTINUE WORK spend extended periods or lime in . outer ~leans1, agent and w1l1 be used for daily apace. The compleXili~ range from pro-. baths .· ----.-•·It would be possible for them to con· Viding efficient. life support systems to _The life-syppotl jys~m,_11 ~~~ unit t.inue work on t.he.ir courses," added the design of living and work space. based on the Saba tier pnnc1ple, will Houghton. "And there is the possibility But today al the McDoMell Douglas recover ~gen from waste.~. In the that what they will be doing could be us- Astronaulics Corporation in Huntington process the oxy~en and ru~ogen com-.. ed as thesis material, on a master's Beach engineers are already at work in P?nents of air will be reclaimed ~.ad· level." · solving some of these problems -at ding hydrogen to waste carbon d10X1de, The long-tenn test will be cooducted by their" own spacntlitRiff---thereby converting the carbon dioxide to McDonnell Douglas under a contract for water and methane gas. the National Aeronautics and Space BEING READIED 1'he water wUI be separated out Administration (NASA) primarily to test The 0 !pace Cabin Simulator", a double through 8 condenser while the methane the closed systems approach of aup- walled steel cylinder, 12-feet in diameter gas is expelled from the cabin. porting life. · and 40-feet long, is now being reatmd for .. Oxygen in the water collected1tlirough No physical or mental tn effects have a ~round test which will duplicate space condensaUon-would then-be freed througti shown up_in the crew daring the previous liVing conditiotls for fOur men for 90 days. the process of electrolysis, Houghton ex-30 to 60 day tests, except for a minor cold Or. Karl Houghton, 57, chief engineer plained. and a puuling sore throat. of the finn 's biotechnology and J'O"''er Men for the project. scheduled to begin Medical examiners outaide had a few division, says ttiis trial will be the longest in March l9'70, will be chosen for their bad moments diagnosing the sect1nd mal· yet for the rompany. which has already physical and mental attributes from day and after consultation with the conducted 30-day and 60-day tests. university graduuate students. crewman's family denUst determined One of the innovations to receive his "They virtually have to drop out for a that the subject was culling a wiidom scrutiny is a system which utilizes year, since they will require weeks of tooth. radioactive !sot.opes to vacuwn distill '--'----'---'---------------~•---urine and produ~ potable drinking wat~r. - "These isotopes are putting out heat all the time.'' said Houghton. "They're just like a hotplate. And we're planning to use the energy in the distillation process." The water, .which has to meet zero bacteria standards as established by lhe National Academy of Sciences, will be run through microbial and ion resin filtefs for the removal of salts, bacteria and other impurities. About 160 degrees of heat will insure .that the water ls kept S'acleria free at all times. Portions or the distillate will be County Building Nearly Halted By Two Strikes Ninety percent of all residential, com- mm:ial and . in:dustrial construction .in Orange County has· been halted by .&he current strike of operating engineers, 'c- cording to Royce Coln, an executive ~­ r«:tor of I.he Building Industry Assoe1a· Uen, Orange County cllapter. (See de· tails. Page_l}, _ _ ,_'...,~-"I ·nie operating engineers. wno n1UK1 e heavy eons&.ruction equipment, broke oU ne:gotiaUons with the Associated Building Contractors Saturday and 2 3 -O O t members walked off the job. Compllcatlng the building tnd~'s problem. Is the plumbing strike <ilhlcb has bte.o on since July 1. NegoUaUou ire aMJtinuina in .bot>t• of settling that · walkout. ~tanagtment has repcrtedly offered the striking enginetrS an 11 perctnt rabe f'.ach year for the nezt five amountfa& to '1l6 Ctnll an hour a year. The union ii domanding $2.IJ per how in the llUI t ... yean. A•leep Near tlae_Deep Sleepy couple got rude awakening early tO(lay at Huntington Beech -City Beach when .clean u~ crews began ra!Ulng trash cans •!>Olli 7 a.m. Beach sweeper made dlacrt<ft 1rack1 around dozing duo, who were not breaking anf law\ .. It'• perfectly legal to sleep on II>• city beach before midnigh or after 5 a.m .. according to <317 authorities. - Ls also reflected in !lie newest develop-lo aclual lmprlsooment. July Ill bearing by Edprtown ~ ment. The F.dgartown police chief aay1 he LI Richard J. McCarran. A Dukes -county Deputy Sheriff iden- tified bx reliable sources as Charles Imk Jr.,· b~ 1iven police infonnation in- dicating be saw the Massachusetts :senatpr's car ju:st 6efore the fatal mishap. • Sen. E1ward M. Kennedy did not report.· the accident whicb killed Miss Kopechne between midnight Friday and I a.m. Saturday, unlil nearly 10 a.m. the follow. ing morning. The senatqr -considered a prime t'Oll· tender-for the tm presidential race ..-. listed the approximate time as 11 :15 p.m. Friday, V(hUe his car wu allegedly seen al 12:40 a.m., by Deputy Look. Edgartown, Mass., ·Police Ch t e f Dominic J .. Vena has asked New.~ford Distdct..Allomef..Ed!llU!)d.llinis..loc..pn>< secutl'on of the senator on charges of leaving the aeene of a fatal accident. A heiring to detennlne whether Sen. Kenn~dy will be arraisned 14 requeated ill set for July 28, whUe authorities. in the meantime probe for significant details in the mystery accident. Blood analysis of a sample taken from Miss Kopechne's body after it was recovered from the wreckage Saturday showed only a minor trace of alcohol. "Insignificant," said Dr. 'Donald R. Mills, "such as might show in a penoo who had had a couple of cocktails.' New Bedford Dbtrict Attorney Dinis is also -W· to Interview oertain membeo otlhe croup iii II who attended a Kennedy, dttlll!!''W'Y at a .DU"!Y cot.- tag• the night of l!ie tragedy. ' Sen. Kennedy was driving Miss Kopedlne to catch a ferryboat for the three-minute tr.ip to Edgartown from nar- row-ehappaquiddiek--lsland, so she C"OUld return home. Deputy Look said he saw a black Oldsmobile apparently driven by Sen. Kennedy -whom he did not reco(l:nize -pause at a crossroads before turning away from the ferryboat slip. Look, who had just gotten off duty from hi• moonlighting. job at the Edgartown Yacht Club, said the driver appeartd · confused and he shouted to ask if he could offer help or. directions. The cry came too late, however. and the aenator's car was headed in lhe wrong direction, plunging off the wooden bridge moments later into the JO-foot tidal pond. Sen. Kennedy -saying later he was in shock and suffering from 'strained neck mU!!iCles and a m i 1 d concussion - escaped somehow, but his pretty passenger was trapped. Inside. Deputy Look said he al first thought three persons had been In the ill-fated Kennedy car, but could not be certain, in testimony announced by Police Chief Arena. The coroner's examiner who discussed the autopsy on Miss Kopechne said today it was a clearcut case of accidental drowning, with absolutely no other con- trlbuUng injuries. "OUr C{)mbined opinion was that an autopsy was not needed," Dr. Mills said, referring to a prior consultation with the distric.t atomey about its advisiab!Hty. The party which preceded the fatal ac- cident was reportedly attended by six young women -Uie so-caJled boiler room gang -instrumental in telephone cam- paign work for Rcbe'rt F. Kennedy. Six men also atteilded the affair, which followed com-petition by Sen. Kennedy's ·-")'acbt~ Vlctori1-in-a· Martha's Vineyard County W Olllllrt Dies in Accident -A.F.ulh!lioniQIJlan.llb..kl!lM amt f othen were injured when the.it car atruck a median divider on Interstate 10 near BeMon, Ariz .. and overlurned. Lupe Enedina Luw, 37, m s. Highland was killed in the cr11b and her husband, Marlo, 48 and her to chJldren, Martha 11 and Kennedy, lf, were taken husband. MIJ'lo, 41 and her tWo children, to tbe Tucson Medical Center. The driver of the vehicle, Ruben C. Ybarra, 20. 120 W. Lincoln, Fullerton, was treated rar bruiaea: and shock. Htghway patrol officers sakt YbarTe, .. look hla eyes of! the road to .adjust the refriger1tion unit" and the car hlt the center rallini. Asks Russ to Join Nixon Predicts Vast Space Travel by 2000 W kSHINGTON CAP) -Pruident NiJ:· countries.. be. noted that neither Ille on, declaring his optlmtsm aboal the Soviets .. nor ,lied Cbhwe lead•nhips future, said today he believes that by the allowec;I telemion coverage of ~ u~ ye'ii!OOirEirth people wfif•'baVe vlllited-A~~!tTe :~·io.come when D; new worlds where there will be a form of O.inese people and the Russian people life." and all the people of tbe WOfld can walk And voicing hope that "the nerl great together and "1alk together," tbe Preli· venture of space" will see Americana dent said. joined by represent.a.Uvea from other 'Ntmn spoke to around 2.000 faretrn. h1gb IChool atwlenta ,gathered 011 ·the New York City, Chicago Plan Apollo Parades WASHINGTON (UPI) -·™'Ap0llo 11 astronaut! wtlJ be given tickertipe parades down Broadway in New YDrk·Ci- ty and in Chicago's Loop on Aag. 13, the White House announced today. President Nixon wbo will ~ .vaca- jioni111.at.hls new San Clemtnte home at the time also will be host to the trio, Neil A. Arms_trong, Edwin E. Aldrin and MichaeJ CoWmi, together with · their famWes and all astronauts in the nation's space program, the evening of Aug. 13 at the Century Plan Hotel fn Los Apgelea. White House press ··secretary Ron1ld Ziegler said the President suggested the one-day, nation-spann.tng tour to celebrate America"s a p 1 c e ac:- complishrnent and tbe N at ion 1 I Aerona_11\.icll_•nd~ Space _Admloiltration (NASA) concurred. Aug. 13 is two days 1fter. the moon ex:~ ploration team emerges from a three- week quarantine, spent in a tealed, trailer-like facility. If all goes well, Aldrin, Armstrong and Collins will emerge from their isolation on the 11th, spend a day In Houa:ton with their wives atld collea~ and then leave for the big day of celebraUon& on I.be 13th. They will be flown from Houston aboard a presidential Jetliner to New York for 11 morning parade, then to Chicago for a midaftemoon parade lhro:ugh the loop, prior to a flight to Los Angeles for a dinner and reeepUoo hosted by Nixon. · The Preaideat pla111 to see the apace heroes before that however. He is scheduled to be aboard the USS Hornet., the prime recovery ship in the P,cilic Oce&n, on aptashdown day 11rursday, and talk to the astronauLs through the window of their quaranUne but. south lawn of the White House -·and•be wu obviu&ly elated over the, succeu of the U.S. men-on-the-moon venture. He did not specify where he thought a fonn of life would be encountered ill outer apace, allbough be did apetk or future undertakings to ascertain "wbat may or m1y not be. an the roooo or Mari «"'Venus." --· -, ' Nixon told hill youthf\J.1 auWence ·that whenb~1eamed·or01e u.s. ·Junar'lilillnr vehicle coupling back with its eom'mlnd &hip while tra'vellng f,500 miles an hour "I reallied um iJ no .time for · tbe ~•imlsts. ' ' ' "Thil l$ the time for the optimists/• he told hll )'Otml, vl!ltors: "Be opthni!tiC." Woman Sails 6,ooo ·Miles SQl.o Across Pacific ~_ANGEL~S_(J)l'J) Tlle_f!m !!l!l!I Mrs. Sharon Sites Adams wanted to do after sailing more than 1,000 miles across the Pacific alone was tali:. "She was very depl't$Sed and ~. '' reported. her husbaild, Al, in a shlJ:Mo- •hore chat with United Press lnterna· UOnal. Adams, a sailing inltructor,·sailecl out to meet her near Point Hueneme to- day. "But she had to talk and talk-" .'fNaw ahe,_wania us to !\and bJ~•.bile she WIShes ner hair." 1 • Mrs. Adams, who began her . trip 71 days ago from Yokohama. Japan,. as part of San Diego's bicentennial ceJe&fa. tion, became the first woman to make a IOlo crossing of the Pacifk:_ Adams Aid her 31·foot ketch. 'Se:a Sharp II, held up well "She.says sbe '1 had mougb adventures to fill four book!, .. be said. "She ran into sevtn gale& • , • aJ¥ only broke two halyards." "Her first words," he said, "were •t came right where you told me to and l"'e been here all olgbt'.'' Gas Ad111itted U.S. to Take It OfLOkinawa.._ WASHINGTON (UPI) -The. Pentagon There was an outcry both M Oktnn'• acknowledged today that nerve 111 11 .and in Japan as a resuh of dlacloaurt. of tor·• Oklna nd 'd · :rl'' u •-the lncidenl -first reporttd by tbe Wall 1 ~ on . wa a aat it 1 U'l:I Street JOurnal last week. At the,time - removed . L and up to t0d1y -the Pentagon rt.fused A few hours after the1'"" Ryukyu to confirm that gas wa1 involved, legislature held a special -on allhouah it acknowledged that 14 pmoo• Okinawa caJ!!ni fnr lmmediata remov,~a"-'l~ml'!'..;"!:~~lPl:f~ul~00l!J. lqc)~mt and !!!i.. Ofilie repc>i'tid .tore. Olps, tbe lie!enoe w,... "'"" Department said a nerve 1u known 11 Today. the Ptntopl said that on· July GB hod been stored ~ I. •. ....U lialf deVeloped In a WtaP,>n GB can he tncapacl11Un1 or lafll, duruir a· paint rtmOVal 6pmUon. 'Ibe',U dependinc on the doeog~ It w11 lnvolvod penona exporlencecl "min« 11111pt<ms or in. an accident July I in .which 13 U$. toxic expooure" and safety plvceddrii Jn. Army eoldl<n and an Amettcan ciYlllan duding jm>tectlve m-'1"R ilu-employe ol lhe army were upooed to IU inedlately used, the stat_ llld, and received medical attention. • 1No one w1s HrioUly affected, Ute ,_, Tbe Del .... Department &aid the g11 togon said. It laid foitl' ol <the mUlt.ry was mo\tfld to Okinawa 11tVer1l 1eara 1go peraonnet were briefly bospi~. all anct "preparaUons are ~Ing macle lo wm put und... precautionlrJ modlc:al remove certain chemical munitions, in-obetrvaUon, and all M •tre ntwuad &o c1u111nc 10111e .to1<1c •cents" rmn Ute run duty 'l!lthln 10: ll!>m"i· • . Island. It did nol ldeotlly the otber No RyU);yu l<landei,.r· --U.S. chenti~all. natlaoala wen lnvol•td. ' ' -~ -----------------~-----------------~-----------. -------- I I i I I i I ' A towel or two, ·a bar of soap ••• but this is carrying the custom of pilfering from a hotel or motel too - Jar. Dale Brunk, manager·of Motel Sil in Des Moines, Iowa, says sO!DeOOdy "'5!01Falle<I . • The Stove, Furnance and Allied Appliance Workers Union has a stand-up-arul-take-notice member· shlp. P.articularly now that some- bOdy stQle 70 chairs and lc!:bles from Ille union hall in St. Louis , Mo. •• • The choir at the Langham, Eng· land Village Church went on strike this week. They walked out of the cbotr stalls in a dispute with the vicar over who should play the organ during services and after tho vicar fired the choir leador. • r " ·In Racial French Riviera ·Crowd in Orbit CANNe,s, France (UPI) - A new dance sent swingers into orbit on the French Riviera in honor of man's first landing on the moon this week . Called Utt "Lem," it is performed to eleclranic accordion music and consists t)f: -Marking Ume and swinging the arms to &Ive the ide.a cf speed, , -Shouting "Go" an the 1th beat and TU London trearury admit· kd ft b having second thoughts about_a. rtce1it econ_omv mov.- no cat aUowancts .for govt~ mnt ministries. Wiih no cot8 tM government offi ces report- ed thar rat population was in- creasing. There were 100,000 Nta in -the civil aervice -be/ore CM trtGIUry imposed the econ· omy move over the 42 cent at· ~ j recommencing nine timu to mimic Lt. reval11tian11 around earth, ~ -Jumping on one foot (the left) in ~ aslronaut posiUon six times, ' -Moving the anns slowly to give the ~ ~ jdea or~weightlessness,-- -lihauting "LEM" and clapping hand.!. lowantt per cat. - • In Oil• British school, at least, Nixon Renews Bid for Surtax WASHINGTON (UPI) -Preoldent Nixon, backed by trusury secretaries in four adminislrations, made a new appeal today ta Congress to approve utension of the income surtax. APOLLO 12 SET FOR NOVEMBER love c:Qmes second to the telev i- sion. A survey of. students at a Hednet!ord, England high school, showed the average student spent 19 hours -a week watching televi- sion and only eight and a half dating. • Cardiff, Wales jury found a policeman innocent of stealing 47 daffodil& worth 60 cents while on nigtit patrol on the grounds of Car- ditt ca.sue. The officer contended be found the fJOwers strewn -on a river bank and did not pick them (rom the casUe gardens as charg- ed. At a White House meeting by Nixon with Congressional leaders cf both parties, Senate Democratic leader Mike Mansfi eld roporttd. the treasury secre- taries "were in unison" on the need for swift action and wamed ()f "possible econom ic dtfficultles tied to infiation." SPACE CENTER. H""'ton (AP) - Man's second moon landing -Apollo 12 -probably wt11 be launched in November wilh the landing madt in the western hemispbere of the moon. The adminiatratian has been pres.sing the Senate to approve the Hou.se-pas~ bill but Mans!ield, backed by the Democratic policy committee, bas refus- ed until a tu rtfarm bill ls ready for pauage. LL Ctn. Samuel G, Phillips, director of the AioUo pro~, said Monday the final Siie selection for the second mil). ned lunar landing has not been com- pleted, but that a point in the western Mare, or lunar sea, will be picked. Weather Aids Kansas Pot Torrential. Rains Bring Lubbock, Tex. Flas1i Fwods . • '"' ..... ':.N • "'· ..... 7·.N •·"'· lit-11:1-1:'1 "·'"· Ifft lt:U t.111. .... l.•t •• •irw ... ..... ~~ 2' '°"9• I Jvty U Aut. II renaperoturu ., ........... Ali.tllt a.~tnlltld lllMMrdl; ••• ...... •-v1•1t q_~ ,lroc:i_fl .._ 0.1 Moines Delrooll Ftlrtlot'*1 .... _,. ·-... ,_ _.., v.s. s ......... rv .._ -~tttn "'--~lrif ~:-.-::.-- ... NWl """""'"'°° ~ ef fl'ltrll11111e Ml-I ...., ~ "' h T~ Ptl'lltMI"' •··· • ..,.. ...... .,, ~ -Mll'W*Oellt "'""'"' ....... ....,. " _, et .... ..... ~ Mi!Gfl ~ '~' -"*'· .... v.-x ...... , w"'°'1 ~ h lr .~ -·-'""" "19M tt "'°' .. ~ '"""' .,..,., ,..,.,,. ~ ............ ~ ... -0.klend fltft, """'9 !flt ~~I f/f lf'lt .... Oli..,_... C1tt _...,. ,..., the ""' Ml -lheor °"""" ""''' th. lin t ,,..,, "'"""" tldM "••"' s...11111 ~!I-lfl -tll .... lltrvwt19rt end ""-1• l<lw ""''°'°' ,..,,, (ll'l!clels ttld -""'*..,,.. • m-.,. Ill "*Ille c.u9h1 .ia1,. MM PortlflMI _.., •tt "•141" --.. Jh•lil (!.., l ... """ .. I rt lfl KC:eo"IHlllM tlclw-ltM 'luff mwlM ......,."~ 111 ,,,. l.utlllo(,, It"'° Tt • • ''" "'" tee. .... Moft lllt fl '"" • SK•t-lt lrlc:l>ft • l'lfft Q \IMd -'"-"' kif l.e*;t (11'1' 11CHM11,,.. $t" o• M"""y ltw VS. WteJ!l'r BUl"ttll ''" FrtllClKO ~ lie•~ food We•fll-for" l!, !i•lllt Frt t'IOO!t n lit ~ltvt CW1>1lt1 SHiit,. Jfl INl!lenl M1"wl1 111 ..... Wllct Ill Tllettl\el Pict~, rtlfllo Wuflltlf!Oll Hltll 1.tw "°"· " .. .. n "' .. .. .. w " .. " .. • "---.. _ .. " " .. .. .. .. .. " " .. .. m ,, .. " .. " .. " ... " .. .. .. .. .. n " " " M .. .. ~ " " .. ::i .. M a .. " .. .. .. '" " "' .. .. .. " .. " .. " " n " .. " '" .. .. " ·" • • .. "' ,, M • -~mnproml1e Made Tobacco. Firms Offer _TV · Ad Ban Ul'I Tt ..... 1'9 BOWS TO PRESSURE Mor ris' Jose~ Cullman Wheeler Relays Fears of New Red Figl1t by August IT'S FUN TO BE SLENDER- BEAUTIFUL and FIT ••• CALL NOW FOR YOUR COMPLIMENTARY TREATMENT AND FIGURE ANALYSIS ---- WE OFFER YOU GUARANTEED I REDUCING ••• Not Just Promises TODAY with the assistance of fully qual ified personnel and spec~lly designed equipment CAMEO FIGURE CONTROL SALONS wlll guara.nlee you tht s I i m perfectly proportioned figure you dream of having. Why continue wilh stren uous exercise, starvation diets and un'ertain results? With CAMEO you are not required to indulge 1n exercise of any kind or to contend with starvation diets. TH! l!Sl'ONSlllUTY IS OURS, CAMEO FIGURE CO!ITROL SALON guarantees you in writing that you will ac.hievt pre-determined results. Your figure analysl, al the timt of your complimentary treat- ment, will determine the exact number of treatments needed to realize the meesurements you want, ind the exact cost. NO HIDDIN CHARGIS WI ARI NOT A GYM. NO DIHOllNG, --CoM-...dr....cl-et-you or.-in any comfortable dothlng, WE OFFER YOU A OOSELY SUPERVISED PROGRAM AND A WRITTEN GUARANTEE THAT YOU Wll( ACHIEVE PRE-DETERMINED RESULTS. I I I , "· ---~-.. I • • • ., . • • ---------·------------- • • JEAN COX, 494-9466 f.......,, fflr ti. tHf .. • ... " " Club Has Cash -/ For New Loans Worlhy Laguna BeaCb---mth. School graduates who .wish to continue their eduCalion may be able to-do"so with the help of an 1nterest,..free loan from Lagllna Beach Ebell ~ub, M"rs. Jun Chino, spokesman fO!' the gro_up, announced recently. ' · -_ -----. . " ______ ..,.... __ ,,.,,__."""""'"'"-- • The money is provided by ,_student Loari Fund. Mrs. Gordon forbes is chairman of the loan committee which includes Mrs. Gordon Brown and Mrs. Aldon Clark. Students wishing to qualify for the loan must be Laguna ,aeach High School graduates and have high scholastic standards. Money received will go to the school of the student's choice-at)d is not transferable withoqt reapproval by the loan committee. Loans ari due · and payable three months after the student completes his studies at the school listed on the application. Further information 8nd applications may be obtained by \Vriting to Mrs. Forbes, P .O. Box 422, Laguna Beach. · Since it is a revolving fund , only a set amount of money may be available. Thirefore students who have borrowed from the fund must re.- pay their Joans in order to facilitate new ones. The_p: Joans, -safd Mrs. Cfino, are in varying· amoilnts acco·nfulg to the need()>! the applicant .. Committee members decide who shall receive loans. · · . -----'Since t11e-eslab1fslfiilent onJle -roan··cunam-1~sruaents naVe re- ceived assistance. A1 present nine are being aided.. · The fund , explained Mes. Chino, is separate from the Ebell Scholar· ships awarded annually to Laguna Beach·High School gfaduating seniors. T"Je cl ub gave six $500 scholarships in June. • .. • ' The club also gives financial assistance to South Coast Community Hospital, the Laguna-~1oulton Playhouse building fund , Opera League, Boys Club of Laguna Beach, the YMCA and the Child Guidance Center of Orange County. RAINING MONEY -.Mis. Gordon F.o>rl>ill!',. 1 Mrs. Aldon Clark (left to right) wallow in money like Scrooge McDuck tq illustrate Ebel! Club of Laguna Beach .has extra cash available for Lagu.na r . rBeach High SchoOI graduates whQ .wish to make in- teres~Cree loans in order to continue their educa· tions. • I I A LONG WAY FROM use Palntar Suzanna Bl .. gl . ., ~-· -------" ' • •. ' Artist Gives C--e-nfo-rm ity the Brush By JEAN COX Of ""° D1JIJ PllM Sllft . The Canyon Acres is a perfect hideaway for artists, hippies and free spirits, and no wonder. It is beautiful, rural and most of all, it is cheap. The houses seem to have been dropped down-from above by some divine hand, helter skelter onto the shaded hilly setting. -'ffie homes are moStly Of the -"Tortilla Flats" variety. Many are no more than shacks and most are desperately in need of paint. Therefore one little cottage on Arroyo Drive, gleaming grey with cheerful yellow trim, stands out. It seems to belong in a children's book, nestled as it is among the trees and flowers. It looks very much like it has an artist by the name fo Suzanne Biaggi living inside. Suzanne, with a gleaming sunshine face and round, srniling Keene eyes, brings to mind advertisements for orange juice, clean living and peppermint drops. Seated on a confusion of cu shions on the floor alongside one wall of her living room. she surveys her $100-a-month home and artist's studio and her life in Laguna Beach with obvious satisfac· tion. It's a far cry from the structured conventionality or .the Delta Gamma sorority house at University of Southern Califor· nia where heallhy normal little coeds play at education while · conducting their quest for lifetime mates. NICHE CUT OUT The ,daughter of a wholesale florist in La Crescents, Suzanne began wondering in college whether she was going to be very comfortable in the niche cut out for girls in her position. But p:uided by a practical mind, she majored in education and just dabbled with a few art courses. ''I used to say I was going to be an artist, but I was afraid it was all talk. Yet at the back of my mind , I knew that's what J wanted to do." Her teaching credential didn't do much good, for as she put! it, ''The four most miserable days of my life were the days I practice taught." When she was 'graduated she felt she owed it to h~r. parents to get a job worthy of a member of the Class of '64.· So she paid her debt. by becoming an assistant buyer at-J. W. Robinson's where she worked 'joyles~ly but like a demon for two years. By this time she was aware or what' she had to do . In eveniilgs she look painting lessons from a private instructor and at the Art Center to prepare and "undo the damage that was done by USC art courses." Her next step was a job at an art gallery where she-. had a chance to .show her paintings and receive guidance. When the gall ery went out of business she grabbed her painting!, got her coat and' hat and directed her feet down 'the suMy Si<le of"the street. She's· been traveling there ever since. Darpe Fortune has been smiling on Suzanne. For the past three years she has been exhibiting in the Festival of Arts and for that same length of time she has been able to live solely off the money she makes from her paintings. , OIFFERENT PATTERN Suzanne admits that her life as an artist does not follow the pattern which her parents mapped out for her. "They sort of think of me as some kind of a hippie. They're proud of me now, because I am doing something at which. I can make a living. Yet it is a change for them. My living in Laguna Canyon and painting is not a pattern most people's children are following, so there is some reservation in their pride." (See LAGUNA ARTIST, Pago 141 ·----- ~Flash-Mom Sheds Light • Room on Recreation Activities .- ., •DEAR ANN LANDERS ' I'm to asham· _ ed I can hl'l!IJ bold ~~my held. _Last rilght my boylri.nil atiirI weni too fir. ~ot. all the way, but nearly. We were in tM rec room down.stain and the 1i1hts Were off. Mom thoughl we were still out tb a movit and she came downstairs with ~ flashlight because she thought she Heard some noise. or course, she caught Us. She looked so hurt it ~arly ~lied rhe. Thank heavens &he was very calm .and didn't yell or anything. She asked Harvey iD leave while she talked to me. Haney Nisted Ofl staying. He said it was more Ms fault than n'iine and that he wanled lo face the lecture wilh me. Honestly, Ann, he a5 wonderful. Harvey apoklgized and asked Mom to give u.s another chaoce. He promised we would never do anything like that 11ain if she would let us keep seeing each other. He'r decision was that we couil date, but not steady. She said I'd have to go with the other bo)•s and that Harvey should date other girls. Ann, I don't ,want to go with anyone else. I love Harvey and he loves me. We are both 18 and have been going· steady for 14 mont.bl. PleaH help us c:oovince • . readers. Jrs about Ume yoo said 1 good say something nice about lhe unsung The people who reaUy count doa't IO word about newspapermen. heroea -the guys who put ~~~per ~ meauin_gJwtheada. -DAISJ --°My hiisbanddciin•tpertormsur1ery M i'ilnotililne~El)TOl)NE -DEAK FRIEND: ney 1;y Ullkl deliver babies, but•be sees to It that t~ DEAR MARRIED: Happy te -some don't &ell bat yOI dkl ud I'm &JM. Mom we can be trusted and that she should give us anoUlu chance. - BALTIMORE BLUES DEAR BLUF.s: In my opiaion your molht:r was pttUJ d1mtd ceaerous. Ac- Hpt her dttlsto., couldf:r youne.lve1 lurky and cool Ii DEAR ANN LANDERS; I'm becomin1 a little bored w t t h your defense of doc· 1or1, minlJten, .bold malda and meter newspaper gels out every day and this of my belt lritndt are aew1paper me1 TUnb fw wrtuq. , means 1 lot to people who consider their ud J mean It slocertly. ' newspaper a~ an Important part of lheir daily lives. In our town the sky woukl fall jf we didn't get Ann Landers. A 'tioliday ii jutt Jike any other day to my husband. He works on Thanksgiving. Christmas. the Fourth of Jul)' and New Year's. When something big happens. my husband works all night and half the nc~I day. On Election night he worked for 20 hours straighL When President Kennedy wu assassinated he didn't take his <lather oil for Ihm days. So ploue, Ann, How far sMuld I teenqe couple Co? DEAR ANN: The letter from the girl Can necking be aart.l ~ does it,, who 11 miserable because she has 1 kJw become too hot to handle? Seod for Ann" forehead really got to me. My problem is Landers' booklet, "Necking and Pellina just the opposite - a high forehead. All -What Are the Llmlts7" Mail yOUr ~ through grade school the 'klds called me quest to Ann Landers in cart·cf this ·'Baldy ... J felt like a freak. I decided newspaper enc::loslng 5o ctnls In coin and bangs were the beat solution and J have a long, stamped, sell-addressed enve• been wearing them ever aince. ·An~ Landers wil be 'ltad to help ,cMi The real solution is to aceept yourself wiU:t your prob~ms. Send them to her in as God made you, do what you can to c1reottheOAILY ·Pll.OT.e~a look ,.... bell and then forget aboot tt. · seU-add(Wed, slamped en~elope. ~ •• -4 '> • . . \ - r I r ... .,._ ~ -. -. .. .. .. . . ' ······:··' .. -......... , . • • ' Horoscope Gemini: Stick to Fac:ts Hauling Away ta Balboa Bay Club's Beach Party . . ' . Children, dads and moms all will have something to look forward to next Thursday when Balboa Bay Clubbers gather at 7 p.m. !or tl eir Beach Partr. Tugging away toward the fun are · (left to' right) Murray Wilson and Kimberley Wilson, with John Booty, Jobn Wilson and the Mmes. Wilson and Booty· (right) willingly being pul~ along. The evening will feature an outdoo r barbecue and dancing on A·Deck as well as games and contests. Joining the \Vilsons and Booty s on the host committee are the Hal De- vicks, Dick Attleseys and Dick Keilholtzes. Weddings, Troths ~ < Pilot's Deadlines Honeymoon in Hawaii Rings Exchang·ed V.o -----~--·---~ ----il--K"Cllfdlellll!i-.-. .. rcn.-or.-c-· ---- To avoid diaappolntment, f!TO&pe<:tive Andrew's Presbyterian Church brides are reminded to have thell' wedding united In marrlaie usan Ruth stories With black and white glo815y phot~ Nelson and Jo"hn Hew I t t graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart-Forbe•. ..., · ment prior to or within one week after the The Rev. Dr. D9na Moomaw wedding. directed the ex~ows arid rings for · ter of For 1 edenthgagement announcements it ts Mr. and · A. sugges . at the story, also accompanied Nelson of Oorona.det<Mar and by a black and white glossy picture, be the son of Mr: and Mrs. R. submitted early. lf the betrothal announce-Tasker Forbes of Glendale. ment and wedding date are six weeks or less ~i The bride's rather escorted aparly only the wedding photo will be ac-her to the altar. Her organza cepted. gown with chapel train was trimmed wilh venise lace and a venise lace headpiece caught her \leil of silk Ulusion. She carried a French nosegay of stephanotis, miniature white To help fill requirements on bo.th v.•ed· ding and engagement stories, forms.are avail· able In all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494·9466. , roses, baby's breath and bouv-., ardia. From Page 13 • • • Laguna Artist Hfet they raised me lo do wbi.t l believe in," she con- tinued. "I realize I have to lead my own Ille and thars what I'm doing. But, still it bothers me that it bothers my partnl!.11 Of course, studio. There was no stove. just a hotplate. She slept In a loft and kept the refrigerator outdoors. ~1rs. David L. ?..fayer came fro111 Seattle to serve as her sister's matron or honor. She \vore a yellow French crepe grown with bow-attached train and short sleeved bodice of venise lace. Her bouquet was of yellow and while roses with baby"s breath and bouvardia . Wearing identical gowra and carrying yellow rose bouquets were the bridesmaids in- cluding Miss Lynn Ann Bundy, the bride's cousin. Others were her sorofity sisters the lo.1isses Jane Moomaw from Albuq u erque. Suunne Haywood , Susan Barton and Mrs. Robert Peck. WEDNESDAY JULY"21 Double Ring Ceref11'ony Performed Wh.ite tapers and white sum- mer flowers decorated St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church when Kathryn Louise )Jrock became t.h8-bride of Mark. Allen Voorhis in an afternoon . • Newport Temple Sharon Hohors Leader Harry Gort/er Harry Gartler, founder of many generations of Jewish Temple Sharon in Costa Mesa wanderings in Europe. and president emeritus, wUl All members, friends and be honored in the temple for dedicated service by the vlsitors are Invited to attend Harbor Area Jewish com· the services under the direc- munity Friday, July 25, his tion of Rabbi Goodman and to 70th birthday. join the oneg shabbat, or :J~inl JtoJn lnhl W•tcllff Piasa Stor9 Onl1 642-2444 surprised at t:.. _ _, l tumfld out, herseiL '"The mo,,l astoonding thing to me was when I met artists at the 1allery I work~ for and found they were really regular peo- ple," she said. She expected fantastic, wonderful creatures who also were, w e I I , "weirdos." She was so busy painting, she didn't notice the in· conveniences. The only thing which annoyed her was the bare hills outside her door , so she planted flowers . However her family and friends, she admits, were horrified. Standish Fleming stood as best man for his cousin. Seating guests were Peter A. Nelson, brother of the bride, NO SACRIFICES ,James Hix, the bridegroom's Highlight for the 8 p.m. eab-social hour, following. bath services will be a presen-1----...:.....:.._;:::: __ _;=========== For six months, before she moved into the canyon Suz- anne lived in what was, at $.15 a month, to be her artist's HB League Sets Meeting Mrs. Steven Elcber\y's Hun· tington Beach home will be the. setting or La Leche League's meeUng at 9:45 a.m. Thursday, July 24. The Huntington Beach group will dlscuS.S when the baby ar· rives. ThOle wl.ahlng · further ..inlormallon JJJay call . Mrs._ David Watercott, 847-8059 or Mrs. Donald Walter, 962-3987. Party Opened ~ To Card Buffs cm•n'1 Club of l•gyna- a..dl la Inviting the publli: lo its fint summer bridle and deuert party to take place in the Woman's Clubhouse at U:.30 p.m. neit Thursday. JlaervaUOllS may be ob- lalnod br · calllnJ Mrs. Louil 0 . ~ood. 6'-3417. Harbor TOPS "You don't give up anything brother-in·law, John Kendrick, if you really are doing what John Dubiel and Kevin Egan. you \.\'ant to do ," she ex· Wedding music was pro- plained . "I always loved work-vided by the bridegroom 's ing with my hands, drawing sister, Mrs. Hix. things and making things. l Approximatel y 250 guests am totally committed to paint-attended a wedding reception ing, Why am I so obsessed ~ in the home of the bride's My philosophy is people are parents f o 11 owin g the drawn to what they do best, ceremony. fi.1jss Linda Nielsen. first because they like to do it. also a sorority sister, attended Then it is reinforced because the guest book . they win praise by doing it." Special guests y,·cre the b r 1dcgroom's grandmother, ~re has been plenty of • Mrs. Caudrey Forbes and praise for Suzanne. West fri ends of the bride ·s parents, ~ast collecto~ such as Frank Mr. and ,..1rs. Paul v an der Sinatra and Sir Isaac Stern have singled out her paintings. She has won awards and been chosen to exhibit in many in- vitalional shows and was Gathering • MRS. JOHN HEWITT FORBES Former Su1an Ruth Nelson talion by Rabbi Garson Good- man, former staff chaplain for Commander Service Forces, Atlantic Fleet in World War II, of the Torah Breastplate rescued from Hitler's museum and presented to him when he Noordaa from The Hague, fillated with Beta 'Theta Pi . was honored as armed forces llolland, and r-.tr. and fi.trs. chaplain of the year. Richard K. Van Nostrand of Following a wedding trip to The Tor ah Breastplate, New Jersey. the 1-lawaiian Islands, the modeled after one oE the The bride is a graduate or newlyweds wlll make their sacred garments worn Corona del r-.1ar High School first home in Corpus Christi thousands of years ago on }.1t. and of UCLA. where she was where he will be serving with Zion, was made in England 1968-69 president of Delta the Na\'Y· and passed down through Delta Delta. 11er husband, a\so i;::============~=======~I a UCLA graduate, was af· Laguna S-A-L-E Artist· of -the-month for Ch 11 k'll · a cnges lo s 1 and the internationa l organization.1 Newport Junior Ebells. But the best praise came ga mes just for fun \\•ill be on The grou p"s aln1 is to help' just last ""eek. An elderly the program when Parents single parents bring their! woman stopped at Suzanne's Without Partners get together children s uc c e ss f u 11 y to exhibi t on the Festival of Arts in Laguna this Friday at 8 nH1turity and to com b a t1 grounds and looked for some loneliness in a c o u p I cs time at a picture of a lone girl p.m. oriented soc iety, according 101 waiting by a mailbox . There All sing le parcnls in the Mrs. !\-large Mii ier, pressl \1'Cre tears in the wo1nan's area are invited to the chairman. PE DEN'S FASHION MANOR- KIMBERLY KNITS -COATS eyes. metting in Laguna Beach Those whose wish furU1cr in- " I don't know whal there is Fcd°'al S3'ings and Loan, formation abo"t the group PURSES SWEATERS DRESSES BLOUSES about that picture," she told and to a\~nd other activities may call fi.i rs . 1'.1iller, 494-2025, --- Suzanne...'.'.I.t~verlli~ for !l t"'!'_~lnontl!....P!...riod whlle__J!ernice Gunckel._m~rll-------- to me before. But the:re is lliiy consldei" membership in George Clark, 49Hti07. ... something abo"l it th at says --_;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiilii ____ , ROBES -JEWELRY something to me. 1 guess ~ there is a lltUe part of it that is me." Suzanne says that's just about the mo s t wonderful thing that's ever happened in hrr young life. l'JTll[Mn T LUC( STOCI{ • twiiiftfl 111 ta Luxury l·bedroom and den, 2-bedroom 2·bath, year.round, on-the·beach apartments. Quiet, security, spacious sun decks, patio, views, pool, sauna, 20 min. to L.B .. 40 min. to do'1'1ntown. from 225.00 per month STARTS THURSDAY, JULY 24th PICKWICK ~ Harper school In Colla BOOKSHOPS W. ii the klcaUon wbtre 'fhe HUNTINGTON PACIFIC 357 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach, California 494-1940 manberl cl TOPS Harbor =:1~11 ""'· c.ii. M•u • u,bten ptber tlcb MoDdaf t 7U tltll)'WMf It.,. tvenlnl 8' f :JO, ltllrftOl'(.WlNOMlll I ' 711 PJcific Co.1st Hw'f. (on the oce:in), H11ntington Bc;1.ch 1:elephones: (714 ) '36-1487 ~ (71 4) '}6-4616 - FAMOUS _ _ 'NAM_E I.RAND WOMEN'S SHOES VALUES TO 32.00 NOW e .n ..,_AMII • M ac,...._1 ... ,..,..., F•1hion Island, Newport Beach Rivtr1lde Whittler An1hllrri • . 1 I -saddlehaci( EDITION \ Down the Frfmt $427 to $1 ,023 Mission ----- Trail Teacher Salary --. ... - Watercolor Oass -niKe -Scale -set· I ' • Planned in Viejo Laguna Beach school teacherli this up- coming school year might receive salary increases amounting to $427 .at1the bol- Pt11SS10N VIEJO -The Ptlission Viejo tom end of the salary scale and $1 ,023 at Association of Artists and Craftsmen will the top. sponsor a watercolor workshop und~r !he Trustees of the Laguna Beach Unified direction of Roger Annstrong beg1ruung School District previously approved the Aug. 5. The six se~ions will be held expenditure of an additional $34,000 for Tuesday aftemool1s through Sept. 9, from teachers salaries and left the division of 1 to 4 .p.m. the funds up to teacher · and ad· Annstrong, a member ol the NaUonal m•ative groups. Watercolor Society, is currently an in-.The salary schedule developed by the structor in watercolor and drawing.at the committees will be before the board at Laguna School of Ar1. and Design. · 7:30 o'ck>ck tonight for consideration. Additional infonnabo~ about I~ e The propOsid scaie would make lhe top workshop may be obtained by calling salary $13,708 and the bottom $6,827. ... -2~~~~~'!:.!E~.:---~ ..... ~ --T~--Mrs--Jll'CViOU!., wexe tteei't"ing-r e CaPf) in 'Swina' maximwn of $1~,MS and a minimum of -$6.400. SAN . CLd EMENTE -_R~~istrat_ion r1<\(, the th1r "fearn lo swim session or children sponsored by the Capislrano Unified School District's summer recrea- tion program at the Sin Clemente ciiy pool will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday. The spe11ding plan gives 13 steps from bottom to top on \11hich teachers are plac· · td according to experience and educa- tional· level. TOI.ii amount to be spent for leathers salaries and benefits is figured to be Sl,297,567 of the dill'trict's $2.7 million budget. 11>e plan provides for the full payment of health insurance premiums: for teach- ers and other district em~oye.!I by the school district All children must have completed first grade to participate in the program . Classes are offered for beginners. junior lntennediates, intermediates, swimmers. advanced swimmers and junior life sav- ing. A $1 registration fee is charged for each session. Additional information may 1 _~obtained by.saJling 4*-12)5. .• Hospital Wltti Aaoarcf Ip.formation regarding the average ·111~i:i lo dlltrlct tachm Is • unav . A iilarf fncreue WIS al.JO pr:ovid«l for teachers who .earn doctorate degrees. They will be paid f14,530. Only one teacher now bolds • Pb.O. LAGUNA HlLLS -The Laguna Hll~ Animal Hospital at 24271 El Toro Road has been seleded for a national Animal Hospital Design ftterit Award by Veterinary Economics magazine. The award told of tasteful combination of tile, composition rock, stuceo and bric k, with redwood trim. e Y C11r11v11n Open 1i-1ISSION VIEJO -There ·is still limited space available for boys in the Mission Viejo-El Toro area for the eight· day South Orange County YMCA Caravan to Yosemite, "Y" Director Roger carter announced today. The caravan, open for boys in grades six through nine, will leave July 31. The cost of the trip is $39, which includes transport ation. meals. insurance, cam- ping fees, and other incidentals, ac- cording to Carter. Additional informat ion may be obtained by calling the YMCA, 494-9431. e Clo11 Exploration ?i.11SSION VIEJO -Art wor.kshops for children working with clay will be held each Thursday beginning July 24 and run- ning through Aug. 28, sponsored by the Mission Viejo Association of Artists and Craftsmen. Jack Taylor. an exhibitor at the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts, will In· slruct the children. Emphasis will ~ placed on learning techniques. with the &tu.dents eventually going into figure modeling. Further inrormation may be obtained by calling Mrs. Paul Swanson, 837-3143. Lquttagrlns ·A restructuring of the school budget takirlf into account the increase in teachers salaries will alto be up for board consideration. Administrators had 01ficer Halts Laguna Burglary A patroling Laguna Beach police or· ficer who spotted someone on the roof of a supermarket early today was credited with breaking up a burglary and leading to capture of one suspect. LL Frank Schopen said the man ar- rested near the Safeway store in Boal Canyon Shopping Center was still being questioned by detectives at noon. He wa11 not identified. Cases of beer and a large sack of assorted meats were found stacked up in· side the market after the job was broken up at 3:30 a.m., by the officer's arrival. Whoever escaped during moments when other patrol cars were en route had broken window louvers along the roof ta gain entry. Stork Markets NEW YORK (AP) -After a small early bounce, the stock market fell back on a wide front and tumbled to a at.etp loss ioday. (See qu<btioM. Pages 10-11). Trading near the close was moderate. ly Phil lnttrlancli figured on a salary increase of about $72,000 in preparation of the budget. The added increase of $12,000 will have to come from other budget areas, Dr. \Villiam Ullom, schools' superintendent ,said. Big Retl ~arn -. ' . Soon May Be -ReSt.a-ur-tint- Pending clarification of w h'e re customer11 would park, a possible new countywide restaurant franchise may have Its beginning ~ Laguna _Beach with 1he opening of the 1'Beach Barn." Bam owner Dave MacPhee approached Laguna Beach planning commlssl.oners Monday night with his request to open lhe resta~ant at ZJO Thalia St. The barn was prev10usly known as Country Boys' Market. Planners decided to continue a pubUc hearing on the requeil until the ..P!l:~ problem. was solvlllt~er.ali(i ~C 11 a_eoncern. tbere. mi&bt. bitwo i.-·•• 1ot-Macn.t said ·n.1 would ua lor hi• customers. The bearinf was aet to resume Aug. 4. Mac.Phee aald the parking problem would be clarified by that time, and that the barn is expected to open for business in late August. Besides the parking problem. 1 Jetter addressed, to the commissioners and &ign· eel by ten neighboring property owners told of a concern of increased traffic. The letter asked that an alley between tile · 900 block of Glenneyre Street and Coast Hlghway be opened to through tra'f· fie. It now ends at a funeral home. Earl Secor, one of the persons who signed the letter, said their objection originated with a request, · 1 i n c e withdrawn, by Trans Auto Systems to operate a car leasing agency. The letter said the increase of traUlc would justify the opening of the alley to through traf- fi c. Opening of the Beach Carn would magnify the traffic problem, Secor claimed. The Beach Barn ia planned to have facilities for 72 customers. Live en· tertainment, in the fonn of folk. rock or country music. would be provided from a loft above a IS by 2G-foot dance floor. Sports films would be shown during the week. Barn employes would wear cos- tu1nes associated with fann J i f e 1 MacPhee said . Bes ides serving dinner, beer and wine would be sold. lf the operation ls a success, MacPhee said the idea could be franchised throughout the county. · College Moves Ooser to Full Accreditation Saddleback College, after 1 year of operation, has been promoted to Rtatw of re.cognlzed candidate for accreditation by the -wutern Assoeiafion of Schools and Colleges. Last ye1r, before it opened to student~" the junior college was granted cor· rtspondent status. Frem Wire Service• Vl11iffiy worn by the otd'e&I and -In hla O\Y11 • words .-wishing ht could trade places with her, Massachu.!etls Sen. Edward M. Kennedy today offered prayers at the funeral of a girl who drowned in the wreckage of. bis car Saturday. A crowd of nearly 700 person.. turned out in tiny Plymouth, Pa., to aay farewell to a mining town girt who shared some of the glory-and tragedy-of 1he Ken- nedy clan. AUendance by the senator and a group See Related Story Page l of family and friend.'5 at Catholic rites for Mary Jo Kopechne, 28, was somewhat ex· pected but still added a touch of sensa· lion to the solemn service. Some of those who attended the funeral in red brick St. Vincent's Roman Catholic Church were there for a glimpse of Ken- nedy, who wore a light nylon neck brace. Sen. Kennedy,.who was driving . Miss Kopechne away from a party in a cottage around midnight Friday, escaped with minor injuries when the black 1edan plunsed oU a rickety_ brldf:e lllto· a t.idal creek. Miss Kopechne drowned, trapped in the vehicle. , Joseph Kopechne , whose daughler was born in the mining town but moved wilh her family"tO BerkeJey Heights, N.J., 21> yeara ago. told newsmen Kennedy called hbn pertonally ar.,.-. the mysterious tragedy. ' -- "l wish It had been .me instead," be qaoted the 37-year-ol.d younger brother of the late -John and Robert Kennedy as saying during the unhappy conversaUon. The Kennedrparty _ _,,.,fudlng -the widow of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy -Dew U,ITt.._.. ETHEL AnENDS RITES Former RFK Aide Bu rled from Hyannis, Mass. for the fun~ral to- day and later joined a 25-car cort'ege to St. Vincent's Cemetery. Despife bls personal physician's advtce against the trip, Sen. Kennedy and the rest of the group sha~ a pew at the It.ft front of the altar in the amtll church. A..vase _of aimple yellow-flowers-- from the KeMedy1 -offered a •lvid splash ¢'. color agalfl.!t the grey metal casket In which Mls5 Kopeclme's body ·Laguna Canyon 1a~. ru. nev. Msgr.-wm1am ei.n:hm. . celebrant of the Requiem Mass, today who helped In lloberi Kenned;y'1 ill-1.n.d Today's Ft.al • N.Y. -TEN -~ Gravity Of Earth -P--uHS-:Craft -. ' SP.ACE CENTER, Houston (AP) - Apollo l l, a ship laden with aclentlffts treasure.!! and a fame that will stand fof all time, speeded up in its homeward jciurney today as earth gravity began lt3 migh ty pull. . ' Its crewmen turned the ship toward earth early in the day, then slept long and deep a.s they hurtled through th• -moon's waning sphere of .influence. Earth' won the batUe for control at 10:32 a.m .. PDT. Tbey were together agatn : Neil A. Armstrong end Edwin E. ~ktrln Jr., &he first hwnans to tread and feel the:.toO of the moon ; and Michael Collini, who glli!led that barren globe In the motbel: ship, awaiting their return. . From liftoff on. the mooo ~ · ' -1mkiJjJ -1¥1nr-ca-11Tri5, t~ -e"'=-· maneuver that lltarted them home, the astronauts were unrestrained in µ,~ joY. that everything worked. . "The Eagle is back in orbit, having lefl Tranquillity Base and leaving behind a replica from our Apollo Jl patch with an olive branch,•• saj_d Arms~g after thdr lunar lander roared off the surface of the moon. / And 3* hours later, a.s the two lhipg .again became ·one, misSion control asked Collins how it f\..lt to have companv. "Damned good, I'll le~ yoo,1' hi repiled. And ·finally,-Collins announced they wen off for home wiUt a 1bouted: 110pen up the~~ Char!)L"-~lo the lunar receiving laboratory thlt would be their home on earth for at leut 15 days while d9(':tors mate IW'e they brought back no moon bugs. "Roger," aa1d Charles Duke at mission control. "We got you coming _llome/' Apollo 11 was behind lhe moon for the 31st and last time and out of tooch with earth at 9:57 p.m. PDT Monday when the engine fired for 211.i: minUtes. Tbe push speeded the ship to 5,700 miles an hour, breaking it loose from the moon's pull and he·ading rt toward the brlllian!1 clood- awaddled ball of earth 237 ,489 miles and two days, four hours away. 'As they broke away, their speed drop- ped rapidly due to the continued tnflu· ence ol the moon. Later today, when they passed through that invisible line where earth'• atraction overcomes that of the moorr,they began to go faster again.- Awaiting them at splashdown in the PacUlc at 9:51 a.m. PDT Tbursday'b the strangest welcome a nation bas eva ac· corded its heroes. '11ley'll be sprayed wltb disinfectant, sheathed In an air-tight gar .. ment witll a gas m as k to breathe through, hustled into a. leak-proof trailer and flown in it to a quarantine laboratory at the Manned Space Center., The President of the United States will be on their recovery carrier In the Pacific, the USS Hornet, to greet them - (Sff APOU,(), Pap I) Emerald Bay Man Elected l<J Board John A:-Dunda.s, Emerald_ Bay, Laguna Beach, has beeD' elected to 'the Laguna Beach School of Art and Design Board of Directors. Dundas was formerly the corpprate vice-president, International A f f a i r s , General Dynamics Corp. and .served u attorney and "Ei:ecutive vtce-president of Douglas AJrcrafL Oraa11e Weather Sunny skle11, balmY' breezes and )¥arm temperatures are ll'till com· blning to give Orange Coast con. tioulng sumr:ner weather. Full accreditation. which means the collep;e meets «rtain standards of educa- tional performance, normally takes about three yeart. AcccedlWinn.ls part.lmiJarly.Jmporjant to students who will go on lo four-year colleges after completbur the two years of junior college. AccredftaUon can·mean they a:et full transfer credit for co\ihes taken while at Saddlebac:k. FU'. e Quelled prayed that the pre\t)I b-.. cretary . . _wnpalgi1.-.,raoted--real.'-' -- F~e ol undetermined origin burned The .drowoed:girl'a paI<illl. aald they --msmB -TODAY· - l r Word o( Saddlebatt'• progren toward nccredltalion cani,'.,..lrom1 l>r. Henry T. '.J'1l«r;uecutlve ...r.lary lo,the .Western · AslociaUon. fGllowing review: of a v).tit ~o f h e cOllege bY' t w 0 educators in the &pring. Nett' fall, Saddleback College wUI move onto it.a penb~. eam~a abd offer a sophomore curribdum t In addiUon lo lmhmu ~ ·llYm tile ~ ICbnol rear. ..... . ">. ' "" t ~ ... over 40 acru 'Of brush and · gr~ on chose Plymouth rfor the funeral service Irvine Company ranchlanda at the north and burial It< nearby Larbville,:blcame f:nd of Laguna Canyon Monday afternoon, it wu their daughter'• hometown and she It wu the ·eomit)''1 'first major brulh often~ , • fll't of the season. ' ~·She · had her root.a' •her11,11• uid1 her 'l'he •biaii, reP>rW about. i, p.m. was father,·-wu dry~'today, wbile hi• brought,_, control in' .... than thrte wife wepl Oponly 81 tile luneral and,wbile houn by _CO(lnly Dre crews. Locat>on was · ltaving the service. · wtst:ol Laguna ·Canyon<Rold and'IOUlh · Asked what else Sen.•Kewiedy -iwho of 1J>C San Diego Freeway. . faces proeecuUon for bis sUU-.mysterlous FJre of.fiCiats uid ·seven trucU, two part in it>e traaic auto·accldurt -had to buDdolerf, two coniervation camp creWs say Lo lhe family, Kopectme couldn't.fully and five air tankers ,frOm Rantona and explain. • ~ RY.JU hldtln Hemet were caDod.:oot to 1111e wu eo btoken·up 1 could bardl,y qudl the Wazt. • · understand him," he r<plled. ' " ~---" ... ·T• .. r 'f ......... ! Goodbye Eaalt, 11ou we.rt a magnfJictnt bird, m.a11be finest in hiitoru and 11ou wern't du«ned to retvm to earth, but you'U n<1t be Jorgotten. Pao• 20. 11 • •P " 11 • • .. .... .. 11 11 - [ ' r1:-'-! I 1- l •• E""l11-Bird Catches Wave·, CIAIL. Y ,IL.OT ""9tf _,. TtnT C.'l'llle -L~ . hfor-ning surf enthusiast fights for ~balance as.-he drives ahead of breftk Del\r·Huntington Beach P.ier. He made tt. Air temperatures of 66 degrees, with water temperature of 63 degrees-and one to thre~ foot-waves was ~ set up about 7 a .m. as severaJ surfers put in a bit of wave time before heading for work or summer school. Fullerton Man Gets Martin Judge Orders Sanity Test 'T • Post on Jury On Accused Candle Killer A Fullerton real estate salesman was BJ TOM BARLEY Of the o.ur , • .., •••ff named today as a replacemeaC for A Su~ior Court Judie today refuatd W"llliam D. Martin of Laguna Belch on to accept 1 bospH.al ruling that accused • the Qr111ge County Grand Jury. ·"Candieliglit Killer" Robert Willard botb bad been dla.gnostd and ire.ated in -Ute merital ward of Orange Comity Medical Center. IJberty and Mn. Landis had l'DIM: several WllUCCeasful suicide attmipts-m ~t yeara. SuPerior Court Judge Robert Gardner 4berty wa.s. nn~ and able to partlcipate .,._.___,_~~ ·the-name--ef-.loe-Gooper-frorn-...-i~-proceedings agairlst him.--' . lJberty wu Hill lo Alucadero after a Superior Court judge ruled that he was hJs;;iN arid-unabti!-'tu -iJiist··tn h1J own defense. He ·was later sent to Norwalk for more advanced psychiatric therapy. • ... .drum containing the names of eligible Judge William Speirs appoluted l'f.~ grand jurors not selected when the psychlatri.n:i to e:r:amlne the W.estmlnater _ panel waa formed seven months aso. man and will rule Aug. 18 on his men~ ~ >tt. ... ilrr\ot yei· known when Cooper will coo ·uon. Liberty, 2%;-will be held Jn take over the spot vacated last Friday Orange County jail untA th1t date. by Martin. Selection of a new foreman Liberty .surrendered to aherUf's offlettt to take over Martin's executive duties will be made Wednesday, Judge Gard-last month a .week after he walked to nrr said. freedom from Metropolitan S t • t • Martin's sudden decision to quit the Hospital al Norwalk. Hospital officiala ~ Grand Jury aroused spepiJallon that the jected the district attorney's immediate gn>UP,'I crlUcism of the ~nty's ~:r:-~e of Back Bay land with the Irvine warning that Ljberty was a hiJhlf Comf.:iny had angettd" the veteran civic dangerous mental patient and str~ ~~~ Juron havt rejected that infer-that he had recovered his unity. ence. Several sald phi{osopbical differ-But ~puty Dinrict Attorney Al Weill ences.betwetn Martfn ancf ()ther jury imrnediaiely accused the hospilal of meruben: bad been evident . fof aame "w~te washing" the escape of Liberty ltY time before be resigned. belatedly stamping bi:i records as dis· Lull Continues, But Reds Using Harass Tactic SAIGON (AP) -'I'h_e! enemy pressed harassing attacks against allied positions Tuesday burthere waa no major break in the month-long lull on the battlefields. The most serious incident reported by allied spokesmen ocrurred in the-village ol Pbuoc My south of Da Nang when guerrillas sprang an ambush against a U.S. road-clearing detail and reinforcing 1overnme.nt troops Monday. That skirmish ltft one American killed and fOW' wounded, six government militiamen killed and six wounded, and four civilians killed and five wounded. Enemy casualties were not known. There were 11 enemy she\lings reported during the 24 hours ending al 8 a.m. Tut!day. Of these, a U.S. spokesman said. only five inflicted damage or casualties and there were no Americans hit in four barrages aimed at American base!. uAllY PllOt OltANG~ C0411 f'Ul,l llMlttQ ~-· a.Mtt H. W••• ,.,. ........ '*Witt" Je~l a. C•1lev Vka "'-*"I tifltl ~Ill Mtnlftt n, •• , i.,.,11 ·-Tho111•• A. Mwr11h!ftt ,,.,.,,..i ... f.fltol ~i,h1rol P. Nill -~ M.oi Clir 141W l.....-..... Of .... 2t:t f••11t .. ~ •. M1Hlftt Mil•._,, P.O. I•• 6ll, f2l5:t --CM•• Mtu: nl Wnl • .., S•r.-t IN-' 9"<111 J7h "Mttt ........ .,.,.,.. .... ~ ..... ...,,, • llll "'"' charged. Wells insisted that the hospital gave Liberty his freedom through a cler· ical error that \\'as "nothing new at N:>rwallt." Liberty , got the label "Candlelight Killer" from officers who Investigated the bizarre slaying of Mrs. 1.1arcella Lan- d.is, I.he attractive brunette aho shared his apartment at a:'83 Westminster Ave., Westminster. Offictta allege they found the wllHyed Liberty on June 4, 198& strumming his i\lilar and aoWy hummlng while the body of his paramour lay draped acrOP 1 liv- ing room aofa. Officers 1aid Liberty had placed burning candles around the body of his alleged victim. aou. Llberty and the strangled woman had long records of mental illness and From P•11~ l APOLLO ... but it will be through tile trailer's win· dow. Weak communications kept whatever joy they expressed during their reunion Monday from reaching the ground. There was a little problem in the docking - never explained. Collins was heard to say "all hell broke loose." "I'll bet you'd almost be talking to yourself up there after 10 revs (revolu- Uor.s) or so,'' said mission control. ··oh, no," Collins replied. "It's a happy home up here. It'd be ni~ to have some company. h1atter of fact, be nice to have a coule of hundred million Americans up here." "They Y.'tre with you in spirit," said miFsion control. Thai sPlrit had caught the world like no other since Lindbergh flew lhe Atlantic and John Glenn and Yuri Gargarln had flown in space. 'Sheep Attending Summer Session Saddleback Colleae isn't holding aum· mer idlool-tNHt -tiara head-count-of over &00 on its new pennanent campus. And that isn't puUin& the wool ovtr your eyes. The head count releri not to students -but r;hetp. Until the Ml college is developed, the 20!.).acre slte sUIJ mikes good paslurt land and 90 college officials have rented It out to sheep raiser Grat1•n Btdart of El Toro. Bldart. 11 payina 1 pe.nny and tv.·o mllls per head per day to grau his sheep. And Saddleback Collt1e 11 makln.g • (ew buck! on the side. Oh , and the real head count of students In the fill is expecttd to be about J,$00 full·lime. DAIL. 'f PIL.tlT S!llf ,....._ GETS JUST ONE REPLY Holiday Advocate T oolt Moon Holiday Idea Gets ·Youth Burke 'Tlianks' \\'hen David Toole submitted hla Idea to President Nixon for a nation1I holiday to «lebrate man's landing on the moon he wasn't sure if anyone would pay at- tention. . But the !~year-old Westminster lad felt something ought to be done In honor of .. fl.fan 's greatest achievemen t.·· Now that r.foonday (July 21) has come and gone what thanks did David get for hsi Ruggestion ~ "Just a letter of I h an ks from Assemblyman Robert Burke ( R. \\"estminster) and not a. word from the President," comments David, a 9 6 o Universe Ave. -David-wrote a lett.er-to-lhe President on June 25, urging him to declare July 21 1 nitional holiday. "We cdebrale a day for lovers ISt. Valentines Day) and even for practical jokes (April Fool's Day J," wrote David, "why nOl one for our outatanding sclen· tific achievement~·· Last Thursday President Nixon -not necessarily at David's au ggestlOn -call- ed for a national day of celebration wh.lrh was quickly picked up by people across !he country. But David, a junior this fall In Fountain Valley High School, is philaophical about hi' venture into the sea of Iott sug- gestions, "I'd jllSt like to iel 1 reply to my letter," he shrugged. I -.. ' . . -··.··.!~\.~~\' ·t ~-~ ~\ • Panlher ·Given Dela:f •. Bail Ref~{3d in· SA 0.ffi_cer Slayin Case · A B!llCk Pint.I' ICCUSed hi the staymc of a Santa Ana polieO officer today won a delay or his arraignment on ~urdtr chargu. Santa Ana Municipal Court Judge Wiiiiam Thomson ordered Arthur Dewitt League, 20, of Sanla Ana, to return to court Thursday. He refused bail for the accused Santa Ana min: League la one of three members of the militant Nearo organltation named by police laat June 4 as being involved in the shoot!ng of officer Nelson Sasscer. He evaded capture untll last Friday when he and Odis Nathaniel Grimes~lso of Santa Ana, were arrested by FBI men in Oversize Sig11 ~ts · Blessing Of Councilmen A sign that will rear to olympian llelghts over the world's la rgest furniture slore received .the blessing of economic· minded Huntington Beach councilmen hfonday night. After a brief minority attempt to whit- tle ltJe jumbo identification to 7fJ or 80 feel, councilmen v.·ent the..whole clistance -11 2 feet -sought for Levitz Furniture Store. · It is being erected on 13 acres at the northeast comer of Edinger Ave. and Gothard St. Allowed height would have been S5 f«t. The planning staff TtCOm· mended 70 feet but city planners went for 112 fetl The matter was brought before council by the appeal of Councilman Jer· ry tditney. A representative ot the store, Ray Krieger, told councilmen it will be five acres of buildings, Ute equivalent of walk· jng through 84 model homes, "the largest furniture · store in the world under one roof." He said expected annual gross is $17 million with $1 million aJlocated to newspaper, radio and television ad· vert.ising to draw from Los Angeles to San Diego. Krieger said the :itore will bring hun- dR:ds of persom daily into the com· munlty to shop, people who would nof have otherwl.se come. Councilmen also heard a strong pitch from the Huntington Beach Chamber of Commerce in letter form. M Krieger said the sign will say fumlture at a height of 70 feet. Above that will be the name Levitz on a sign 35 feet-wide. This, sald Krleaer, is to build the "corporate image." He said the store wt 11 employ 250 persons and have more than 25 delivery trucks. The leased sign, he said, will ctist $290,000 far five years. Krieger, in talk· ing of precedents, said that most busi- nesses t'OUld not afford such identifica- tion. Coul"lcilman George MCCracken com- puted th"at the $17 mllllon expected gross means to the city $170,000 in expected an- nual sales ta:r revenue (one percent return to the cities}. Senators Vote To Tax Church Business Money SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The senale \loled today lo tax income derived by churches fr om businesses unrelated lo religion. The measure by Sen. Anthony C. Beilenson, (D-Beverly Hills) was sent to the Assembly alter the author urged that all businesses be treated e qua 11 y regardless of who owns them. "When a group is operated as a profit- making organization, it should be taxed just as any other profit·making group," Beilenson said. "If a church wants to 10 into business, that business should pay taxes just like any other business." The measure passed 27·7. Among 15 Republicans voting for the bill was Sen. Jame:t Whetmore (La Habra). Sen. John Schmitz CR-Rustin) did not vote. Beilenson, one of the legislature's lt~ading liberals, said that the current In- come tax exempUon granted chU(ches who own outside businesses puts ctim· petilors at 1 disadvantage. "Taxrs are a cost of production and an hnporlant overhead fa ctor," ~ilenson said. "A church-owned business not sub- jecl to thrt same lazes, has a major com- petitive advantage over ill! commercial rivals ." But Sen. Ralph C. Ollis. (0-Gardena l opposed repealing the exemption on ground s it \"iolated the consU tuUonal separallon of church and state. Moon Day Spent Enjoying Beach Judging from lhe &iu of beach crft'ds. the "Day of Partlcipa.Uon" Monday was a h0Ud1Y like all others. Laguna lifeguards reported a ~ch at- tendance of 20.000. There were three rescues in the two to four·foot lllff. Guards reported few jellyfisll pestering swimmers. Along San Cltmente's city and county bfaches there were 28,100 people, guards reported. Seventeen swimmers wereiptill- td from lhe one to lhree-foot 1urf. ' a Beverly Hills home. Federal offlcerl'burst Into the ba~e­ ment occupied by lhe two fugi tives artu receiving a tip that League and Grimes were hiding out in the plush home ·of a Hollywood actor. Grimes is awaiting arraignment in federal court on charges of harborinf a fug.IUve. League la named ln federal records on a booklng of uni.awful fllgllt to avoid prosecutlon. But ..both meo must fir:st lace ac-- cusa.Uona that they were lhere when Of. ficer Sa.sscer wu gunned down !ii he questioned three man in a downtown San- la Ana street. Cleared of murder charges is Daniel Oppose Tax Bike 1'1ichael Y,nem, 22, a "lieutenant of com· municaUons" in the Black Pa~t er organ)Z;BUon. Lynem must return to_ t July 29 to face charge:i of Carrying a n· cealed weapon, filed three months before he was booked on the Sasscer's killb1g. League's attorney today predicted that court action against his client will b9 ideoUcal to that adopted against Lynem -trapsler of the charges to Superior Court and "a scaling down of the charges to a.relatively minor offensa." All three men were indicted for murder by the Orange County Grand Jury. But 'evidence in the case of Lynem waa not sufficient to sustain the capital offense count, investigators later e:r:plained. Ta~pf!-y_ers EJe~t, Gird For Battle on Budget Election of officers has been announced by the ney,·ly reaclived Laguna Beach Taxpayers Association , now girding to do battle over the city budget which calls for a tax rate Increase of about 20 cents. President of the taxpayers group is Gerald Linke, reti red Navy captain who already h:;s gone before the City Council to request a copy of the budget and a delay in budget adoption. He got his budget and his delay -the·hearing will be July 30. Other new officers are Bob Miller, first vi~ president ; James Lawler, second vice pesident; Charles Veale, cor- responding secretary; Mrs. E 1 t h e r Loctway, recording s~etary, a nd Edward Lorr, treasurer. Directors ere Mrs. Edilh hioss, Mmill Johnson, Lloyd Milne, A. H. Lounsbery, Harry 1'-1oon, No,rman Anderson, Peter Ostrander, .Mrs. Betty Heckel, Mrs. Albert Nicolet! and John Gillette. Laguna Beach Taxpayers Association was .organized in 1947. ft's purpose, ac- cordmg to Veale, is to effect the greatest possible economies consbtent with ef. ficiency in spending of public funds. The taxpayers group takes in all the area of the Unified School District, n - tendng from Crystal Cove to Three Arch Bay and into Laguna· Canyon. It Is af- filiated wUb ~e California Taxpayers AsSGCiation. Dues are $2 annually. Persons wiahing to join shdtild write to P.O. Bo1' 40-i Laguna Beach. ' Nixon Orders Additionru Agency Spending Slashes \VASHINGTON (AP} -President Nix- on said today he bas ordered government agencies to reduce apendl ng by an ad· ditionaJ $3.5 billion to offset what he described as a worsening budget picture. "No federal program is above scrutiny," the President said In a ltatf':"" ment. "SOme highly desirable programs will have to be st retched out -others reduced. The dollar reductions will be ac- companied by a further lowering of the personnel ceilings established last April.'' Nixon :iaid the reduction is necessary to bring soa ring 1Spending estimates back down to the $192.9 billion target he set in April. That was when he sent his own budget for the new admintmalion to Congress. Since then, he 1aid, the financial situa· t.ion has become worse. "We now anticipate,'' the chief ex· ecutive said, "further increases of ap- proximately $2.5 blWon in expendJture for auch uncontrollable ltem.s as interest on the public debt, medicare, Social Securi- ty, Civil Service retirement benefits, reduced recei pts from olf·shore oil leases, public assistance, and veterans' benefits." Nixon noted alao that Congress has done nothin1 about increasing the postal rate, which he requested as of July 1, and has acted inconsistently with budget pro- pOaals in other fields. Fund to Help Injured Youth A fund has been started to defray hospital experuies for the family of Jeff Wilson, IS-year-old Laguna Beach boy who suffered a fractured nee.le diving off a rock into lhe ocean Fourth ol July. The youth. son of Mr. and Mr1. Richard Wilton, 546 Ramon• Ave., has been in the intensive care unit at South Coast Com- monity Hospital since the accident. A spokesman close lo the family said Jeff has shown progress and has respond- ed some lo in struction . He was in the \\·ater for sevrral minutes after the dive and v.•as unconscious \\'hen he reached the hospital. Persons wishing to assist the family should send checks to the Jeff Wilson 1-~und at Laguna Federal Savings and Loan As&Ociallon, 260 Ocean Ave. Suit Seeks Damages For Laguna · Wreck A Laiuna Beach woman has 11.1ed lhe city, Oran1e County and the St.ate-of California for d1mq:e1 totalling $300,000 in a Superior Court complaint that seeks to determine respomlblllty far alle1edly unsafe road condlUon1 on Coast Hlghw1y at E\Tltrild Bly. Kathlttn Lerwill blames those con- ditions tor an accident lut·Oct. 20 in which she was thrown from her bicycle at the intersection. She claims that the "'httl of her machine was caught in a metal grate adjacent to the curbing. Miss Lerwill complains that the road conditions "have existed for several years ." Her earlier claims for damages have been denlcd by all three agtncles. ' He said ii has not ended, as he recom- mended, special millc and agricultural conservation programs. Instead of reducing aid to schools In impacted areas, he said, Congress is moving toward incr~ing iL Dr. Jack Scoles Rites Wednesday, Funeral services wUI be held Wed'· nesday for Dr. Vack R. Scoles, 49, associate dean for student services at UC Jn•ine College of Medicine, who died Saturday of a heart attack. Dr. Scoles, a resident of Glendale died at a hospital in that city. ' He had been associate dean of the UCI College of Medicine since 1966. Jn 1947, be was graduated as an honor tsudent from the College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons, forerunner of the California College of Medicine which subsequently became UC I College of Medicine. Services will be at noon Wednesday at SL ?\-lark's Episcopal Church, G!endaJe. Interment will follow at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale. Laguna Legion Gets Service Citation Laguna Beach Post 222 of the American Legion has been cited for ··outstanding commun ity service" at a recent meeting of the American Legion District 29. ~e presentation was made by O. W. Price, a Laguna Beach resident who was also re-appointtd communitf service chairman for the fourth year by new Dist. 29 Commander Steven Borak. Al a recent State Legjon Convention, Dist. 29 rt<'eivtd the state's "Outstanding Com- munity Service" award. Israel Planes Cross Canal, Bomb Egypt •'I' V~lltd l"tat lftl-llllNI Israeli planes streaked,across the Sutz Canal tod~y and bombed Egyptian artillery positions !or the second Lime in three days, an lsraeli m 111 t a r y \ spokesman said in Tel Aviv. Jordan reported six Israeli planes attacked posi- tions In Jordan below the Sea of Galilee. The Israeli sµokesman said all lsraell planes returned sa!ely to their base rrorn the attack which followed a barraae of Egyptian artillery ahells against Israeli positions on the cast bank ol the canal. l\1en1hership Meet Scheduled ~louday The quarterly men1bcrship mecUna of !hr Laguna Beach Art Association Ls scheduled for 8 p.m. A1onday, July ZS 11t the Association Gallery. JJ7 Cllff Drive. Fonnation of a nominating committee to choose a .!late of three persons to· run for the board of directors for lht DUI three-year term h• on the agenda. ! t I I I I I I ,. .. n- er ~t ·n-ro :! m or "' er ut . ot " ill y, er ·s. Jn C• st !f- 1e X· :h of· rs 1g ~. n- al In is ~ l- 9, c '1 "' :r •• n od .. . y tt n " ,, • n I. ,, ., n n y l nl j. II n •f Ii f • t .. , 'I I., 'ii ",-,.~ • ..-~ .. • ' • • Newjiort N.Y. Stoeu • 1101.:. 6_2, NO. 174, 2 SECTIONS,-26 PA~ES , ORANGE COUNTY, CA(lf:ORNI,&; -' -~ -· ... ----~~· ..,.. ~ -....... ;1cn ...... ...,,~ ... • Earth's Gravity Pul,l,s C.raft to "Thursday SplmhdQWn ' -· .. UPI T.,.,..,. SPACE CENTER. Houston (AP) - Apollo 11, a ship laden with sclentUlc tteasures and a fame that will stand for all time, speeded up in its homewaid journey today as earth gravity began Its mighty pull. lts crewmen turned the shlp-..toward earth early in lhe day, then slept long and deep as they hurtled throush Ute · --moonlo-wani~ere·M-influence. Elertb won the .battle for control at 10:32 a.m. PDT. $10 Overtime Parking Fine Upsets CofC By JOHN VALTERZA 01 11111 DlllY 1'1W Steff TED KENNEDY, WIFE JOAN HEAD FOR KOPECH~E FUNERAL Accident Victim Buried; Senator Awaits Hearing on Charges Newport Beach's blue-pole parklng meters where the overtime bail is $10 drew criticism fi.1onday from NewpOrt Harbor Chamber of Commerce ~orr.- The opposttion to the stllf bail penalty for the recreational zone meters was an offshoot of reports by the chamber's parking committee at the directors• monthly meeting at the Balboa Bay Club. J(ennedy Attends Rites, Shows Mark of Ordeal Chamber Manager Jack Barnett lold h1ayor Doreen Marshall. a guest, that be believed people should know lhc ball .amount on high-priCed meters. "This Is quite a valid tbn1," Barnett said. From Wire Services Vislbl worn by the ordeal and -in his -o\\-ii wotd"s -'WlshTng M-~&lle places with her, Massachusetts Sen. Edward r.t. Kennedy tOOay offered prayers at the funeral of a girl \\oilo drowned in the wreckilge -0f his car Saturday. A crowd of nearly 700 pe'rsons turned out ih tiny Plymouth, Pa., to say farewell to a mining town girl who shared some of the glory-and tragedy-of the Ken. nedy clan. Aile.Dclance by the senator and a group See Rtilated Story P age 3 of familS and friends at catholic rites for }.tary Jo Kopechne, 28, was somewhat ex- pected but still added a touch of sensa- tion lo the solemn service. Some of those who attended the funeral in red brick St. Vincent's Roman Catholic Church were there for a glimpse of Ken- nedy, who wore a light nylon neck brace. Sen. Kennedy, who was driving Miss Ropechne away from a party in a C<lttage kround midnight Friday, escaped with mlnor injuries when the hlack sedan plunged off a rickety bridge into a tidal creek. Mi.s.s Kopcclme drowned, trapped in the vehicle. Joseph Kopcchne, whose daughter was born in the mining town but moved with her family to Berkeley Heights. N.J .. 20 years ago, told newsmen Kennedy ca.lled him personally after the mysterious tragedy. "I wish it had been me instead," he f!Uoled the 37-year-old younger brother cf the late John and Robert Kennedy as saying during the unhappy Cilnversation. The Kennedy party -including the widow of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy -flew from Hyannis, Mass. for the funeral to- day and later joined a 25-car cortege to St. Vincent's Cemetery. Despite his personal physician's advice against lhe trip, Sen. Kennedy and the "test of the group shared a pew at the left front of the altar In the small church. A vase of simple yellow flowers - from the Kennedys -offered a vi vid Mayor Marshall told the direclon that the sign idea II beiM comidered at Ii., citJ staff levt1. -~--· ~"if. ' --nus ts a Je&Wmate concern,.t1Ma Marshall said.. She explained the heavy penalty has been in force since the ·middle o{ last -year, and its effect,, have been studied since then by -the judges Who agretd to raise the penalty and the city officials who asked (or it. UP'! Tt .... M ETHEL ATTENDS RITES Former RFK Aide Buried splash of color against the grey metal cas.ket in which Miss Kopechne'.!I body lay. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Wiliiam Burchill, celebrant of the Requiem Ma~. today prayed that the pretty blonde secretary who helped In Robert KennellY's Ill-fated campaign be granted eternal rest. The drowned &Irl's parents said they ch6se Plymootb for the ruoer11 service and burial at'ntarbJ Larbville, because it was their daughter's hometown and she often visited. "She bad her roots here," said her father, wbo was dry.eyed today, while his wife wept openly at the funeral and while leaving the service. ~ed. what· else Sen. Kennedy -who faces J)'rosealtion for his stlll-myrterious part in the tragic auto accident -had to say to the family, Kopeclme couldn't fully explain. "He was so broken up I could hardly understand him," he replled. "Now we don't have to wait and see any longer," she said. The chamber's parking committee discussed the issue at its last quarterly meeting in late June, but it took no of- ficial stance on lhe ma'tter. The directol'i did not vote on lhe Jssue either, but several members took ex- ception to the heavy bail amount. .. It's unfair to invite these people lo our fair city, then soc,k, ~ witb a Jl.O fine,'' one chamber member said. Lull Continues, But Reds Using Harass Tactic SAIGON (AP) -The enemy pressed harassing attacks a8ainst allied posiUons Tuesday but there was no major break in the month-long Juli on the battlefields. The roost seriom incident reported by allied spokesmen occurred In the village of Phuoc My south of Da Nanc when guerrillas sprang an ambush against a U.S. road-clearing detail and reinforcing government troop., Monday. That skirmish left one American ldlled and four wounded, s.lx .... government militiamen killed ~· x woundal, and four civilians killed five wounded. Enemy casualties were known. Tbett were 11 enemy lhellings repcrted during the 24 houn: ending at 8 a.m. Tuesday. Of tbeae, a U.S. spokesman said, only five inflicted damage or casualties and there were no Americans hit In four barrages aimed at American bases. They were togelh« .,iln: NeD A. ~an4 Edwin E. Aldrin J[ .• the ~ firilliumiiis 15 tread and feel ll>o toll :>I the moon; and Mkhael -~ who girdled lhit·barieft globe In lhe"lnolher ship, awaiting tbelf return. · . 1'f001 -llllolf" GO ·the..,_moon, thrilug!P linkup wllh · Collins, throutlli . the ma: thil·~~ them .me, the . aahh were mnestrained ll!ttheit ju) that e:verythlng worked. "'lllo Eqlo ·la back In orbl~ havJog left ~ -up the LRL doors, Olarlle," referrin( to the"tunar-recelvtng laborllory that - b8 lbeir home on earth for at leut 11 d~y1 while doctors make iW'e &beY. blougbl back-no moon bugs. "'Roger," uid t:barle. Duke'* mlllkll • control."WeT<SrY~OOiii<. - Apollo II w,. behind tho moon for tM 31at and last Wne and out of twch wiUI earllrat-t:$7-y.m,-1'00' Monday-wllen·lllor eD!llne fire<! for 2~ mlnu1A!s. Tllo> puab .(See APOLLO, Pqe II Unger Buying Cannery for ·'Cannery Row' • B7 JEROME F. COLUNI ~ Of .. °"" ,,.., ...... Robert Unger, former Costa M.,. city manager, ls buying the ~year-old abaft. -·-doned· w .. tern eanDer.-Co. -]!tlllo!lna· ---;,,-~opposite -· the Lido Peninsula. Newport Beach city aides said Unger has hopes· of rehabilitating the ancient structW'e, wherein the last fish was caJtoo ned a year ago, and converting it into a ••cannery row" type of restauranl "We're all agreed that It wouJd be desirable to retain the present decor and atmosphere u much u possible," said Planning· lliredor Larry Wilsoo. ••But there are real structural pro- ~Jema. The pulap undanulh the i,ma.,.; lot · era pradk'allir, -sc.~~ .-OlalC' ~ ~ .. !JO.-qult 1111 job --Calla !Mm,_-~-~ ago to io intl prfvatf development, wu unavailable for comment on bis precill Plans for the property. · There were report1· that Unger wu also attempting to acquire adjacent pro- perties for a mas.sive waterfront. develop- ment "package," but theae report.I could not be confirmed. MARGUERITE WEAVER MOVES •CH TO NEXT JOI" TYi.tin GraMmother •·Veteran ltM&I• Painter He is buying the West.em Canners pro- perty from Walter Longmoor, a former Newport Beach planntug commlsaiontr and longtime Orange Coast College trustee. No sales price wa.s d.iJclosed. Grand1i1a Moses? ' . . ~ . City sources said Longmoor and Unger had been negotiaLing the transaction for several months, with Longmoor'1 chief concern reportedly being to sah'qe u much of the old structure u praclfclL " . 'But.ch, Weaver Uses Bigger Brush . Broker for the transaction is Sam Keyes of Newport Beach, according to ci- ty officiala. Keyes could not be reacbed today for additiOOal Information. By EVELYN SHERWOOD Of Jiit DtllY P'li.t Stiff "Butch" Weaver learned the house painter's trad~ from a master in San Diego 22. years ago. "He said it was as good a way U any for a widow io sUflPOrl three growing !ons," "Butch" related ts she slapped a coat of paint on a Newport Beach residence. Mrs. Marguerite Weaver hu been a house painter ever aince.. In f.act. ab.e's the om, "oman memher of.Orange Coun- ty Palnter'1 U-Local ll8a. When the Tu!lln graMmother of. lour started her trade more, than • ·seen ol y..,. ago Ille earned ool1•1150 a month. But the yeon have paid olf. Her pay now II IUI an hour. Mrs. Weaver, ·clad In coveraJla·made for a man, worts with her brown hair tucked under a clalsic painter"• haL She's a grandmother of four now, and lives with her eldest son. Donald. And in the inan's world of house pain· Ung she works with the best of them. "She woru jiiifllke aliiii aoes," Jim ·Grant, 1Upuln~endent for Nict:tolas 'and Nlcholu paint c:ontracton, said. 111 figure she ls aa good 11 any of them." Her rmployers say she ii a lower-trim speclallst. "I try to be u good as the best man on the job," she says, tmiline. ''l'm in perfect health, and MW that the boys are raised, I hope to put something ulde for my old ag~," she commented. The fellow• in the crew · take her in atride, Mra. Weaver said. "The lunch break! don't pose too much of a problem. The "1JYS U!Ually talk about racln1, 1porll and tbetr wartime ei-periencea. She chimes in a bit,. too. 'Laguna Canyon Fire Quelled Fire of undetermined origin burned over 40 acres of brush and grau on Irvine Company ranchlands at the nOl'\b end of Laguna Canyon Monday afternoon. It was the county's first major· brush fire of lhe season. The blaze, reported about 3 p.m. was brouJbt under control in less than three hours by coonty fir! crews. Location was west ol Laguna Canyon Road and IOOth of the San Diego Freeway. Blasts. Wreck Costa Mesa Shop Fire officials said seven trucks, two bulldozers, two conservallon camp crews and five air tankers from Ramona and ... Ryan Fiekl in Hemet were called wt to A series ol ttv.e explosions-caused when ~ wiring •ho•i.J&l!lte<I vapon li:o!!t fluid used to clean office machinery caused $l,000 damage to a dmmtown Costa Mesa ""!!' Monday. quell the blaze. Orange Weadler Burglar Enters Car, Apartment Senate Okays Church. Tax _ ·A -burglar visited an apartment ~a__ _ _. _ _ ~ No Injuries resulted from the blast.a at Typ-0-Mech, 1124 Newport Blvd., ac- cording to Costa Mesa Fire Department BaUalion Chief Bob Beauchamp. Sunny sides. bafmy brttzu and warm temperatures are ltfll' com- bining to give Orange Coast con- tinuing summer weather. INSIDE TODAY • car pai'lced outside, taking jewelry Ind sound equipment worth more than $200, jn two t:ases reported to Costa Mesa polict Monday. Non-religious Businesses May Lose-Exe_mpt Status - He sa)d young ~ge Vaeuen, 90l1 of the office eqUipment allop owner, Pierre Vaeuen, waa on duty wben the first '!:. J!JOilim--at f,jj 1»m., and ran outside to call for h<Jj>. "Ho did the right thlq," Cblef Beauchamp oald. ' ln'911fpton llated '4111 In adoal litt dlm1ge and an lddltlonal t«IO dam11e to -In the bulJcljng, -by Mlcbaei Garnro, cl SU Gabriel. Goodb~r ~le, Volt _, • magnificmt bird, ma11bt finut i1t hiltorv and Vo"' ...,.,,., datinff to retwm to tartA,· b•t ~···u not be foraotun. PaOc JO. Roger C. Mangskau, of 2641 Elden Ave., said the lhlef entered his home and gtole a $125 gold ring mounted \11ith a white stone. Officers dispatched to lhe scene said th'el"e appeared to be no forced entry to Mangskau's apartment unit. Charles D. \Vintcrs, occupant of another unit in the same building, said a f • car stereo ouffit and three sound tapes I tolaling neirly $100 were stolen from HIS" I auto. • , I I SACRAMENTO (UPI) -The· ..,..le voted today to tu Income derl•ed by churches from bu&ln...., unrelated to religion. The measure by Sen. Anthony C. Beilemon, CD-Beverly Hills) wu sent to the Assembly after 1he author urged that all businesw be treated e q u a 11 y ttgardless ol who owns lhem. "When a group Is· operated RI a profit· making organiaalion, it should be: taxed just as any other prolit-makin& group,'' -..xi. "II a church wmta to go Into. llullilesl, that· IM"'-ahould pay ..... just like any other .. ..-" The measure pa....i f7·7. Among 15 Republicans voting for the illill WU Sen. James·Whelmore (La 'Habi'tl . Sen. John Schmitz <R-Rustin)' did not vote • Bellenson, c.ioe of the i,&islalure11 leading Uherals, uld Uiat °"'current In- come tax exemptlqrl .grantliif c~hu who own outside INiiieaoet'pull eoril- • pellton 1t a dlaadvllllap. .... ""' a _,,, ,....,_ and .. 1mima-, -. .11c1or:·· -11id. " ed. business not aub-·1e4 ll.4ll · • · 'j.ns; bal a major com-' , petiUvf."ai&anilge over ll> commen:lal I -.fin c. Dill!, (~anlena) re 111 the uemptlon on It ated the coostituUooal . and lllate. ' t· { 1,. . ....... ~ i. - m · YORK (AP) -.Alter a small early bounct, the 11ock market fell bacl< on a wfdo front and tumbi.d to. a 11etp Joa l'oday. (See quotations, Paga ll>-11), Tradln& oear Ibo dOM ,,.; modorato. ·. MlrriMI u... lt -.. -" ......... ........ --. ~ ..... ,,.,. :::--. ltif -,. -. -. --.. , I I I I I· ' .. -. • II • Panth~,r Given Delay · A~ • ' • I .'!Jail ~e~e~-,in SA · Officer Slayin,g CRSe 1w....;:;~d'1n-ihe !la.Yllil~'. "'f"'B"e"'vb"r"J'l"'R0i1ni11si'f\Ori\""";,~,.-----------1:!1c6ael 'C~1nem, 2t"'i"''lte'U enanl"o""co"m,,.--- of a Santa An& poll~,officer today won 11 Federal officers bUrst into the base-munJCations" in the Btack Panther 1 delay of his arraignment oILJJlW'der ment occupled by lhe two fugitives after . organiiatian. LJnem filUSt ret~m to C$_!l · -,,.._ ~-~ -receivlng-'l~tip that League al'id ·Grimes -JUlf29\ofaceehargesofcarryinga~ charges. . were hiding out in the plush home Of a cealed weapon , filed three months befo~e I Santa Ana Municipal C.Ourt Judge Hollywood actor. he was booked on the Sasscer's killing. \Villiam Thomson ordered Arthur Dewitt Grimes ts awaiting arraignment in League's attorney today predicted that ' OAtLY l'ILOT Sti ff PM!e Portable Classrootns Arrive League; 20, of Santa Ana, to return to federal court on charges oJ harboring a court acUon against his client wU1¥ court Thqrsday. He refused bail for the ft~giUve. League is named in federal ldtntJcaJ to thal adopted against Lynem accused Santa Ana man: records on a booking of unlawful flight to -tramfer of the charges to Superior League i.!1 one of three members of the avoid proseCutlon. Court and "a scaling down of the cbar&es militant Negro organization named by But bOth D)en must first face ac-to a relaUvely minor offense." -police·last .June 4-as being involved in the cusationa tlJat-·tbey were thel'e-wheb.1H-A11 lhree-n'len -wert indicted for murder shooting or officer Nelson S<isscer. He !icer SasSeer wu gurule(I down u he by the-Orange County Grand Jury, But evaded capture until last Friday when he que!IUoned lbree m~· a downtown San-evidence in the case of Lynem was not ..and Odis Nathaniel Grimes, 21, also of ta Ana street. sufficient to sustain the capital ofiense Santa Ana, were arrested by FBI men in Cleared of' mur er charge! la Daniel count. investigators later explained. Elected Chairman Fullerton Man Newport's Mrs~ Banning Gets Martin . ' T-'J Lead-Library Group-~~~.~,.~~.m~! .. w:- n•med today as a replacement for William D. Martin of Laguna Beach on the Orange County Grand Jury. David Brennan, 10, fifth grader at Lindbergh School in Costa Mesa, cocks his head for betier look at portable classroom whictr arrived at his school early· 1ast \veelP.-4It was first . of more than 40 to be used at various l-larbor Area schools start- ing in the fall. Installation of portable rooms will eliminate need for double sessions, according to scbOQl officials. Money for portables came from re- cent bond issue approved by voters. Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner drew the name oi Joe Cooper from a drum containing the names of eligible grand jurors not selected when the panel was fonn!d seven months ago. It is not yet known when Cooper will take over the spot vacated last Friday by Martin. Selection of a new foreman to take over Martin's executive duti.es will be made Wednesday, Judge Gard- ner said. J udge,·f)~ders Sanity Test DAllY PILOI flAAMQI (l).Ul l'Ull tltOMQ 'OM.l'AM't RoM•I N. W114 •r••*"'.,.. l'WUllltr J1c• I . Clirlo'( \,IQ .. ,..i...., -0.llt'flil """''" Tilom.l't K11vil. ' l!!dilo• Thom11 A f.l~rphl~t ..... ftH!ft9 [Oltor . J1•0<110 f, Coll111t ~"'-' 81~ -City .. <llllOF' tMw,ett ••II OHie• lJ 11 Wolf l 1lt111 l111l1•1td M1ilift9 Add~1n1 P.O. l oo 111S. tJ66J. -o,...; OMc" c""' _, uo w .. 1 ,,.,. 11r..i Lt ........... ~-nt '°"11 _.."',,,,.. • Hllltllll"IOll .. WI; J0J .Mt! '""' DAILY l'ILOT Shill PMi. GETS JUST ONE REPLY Holiday Advoc1t1 Toole Moon Holiday Idea Gets Youth Burke 'Tluinks' \\'hen David Toole submitted his Idea to President Nixon for a national holiday to celebrate man's landing on the moon he -\vasn't sure Jr anyone Would pay at- tention . But the 1S.year-0ld Westminster lad felt somef)ling ought to be done In honor of "Man's greatest achievement:' No\9 that Moonday (July 21) has come and gone what thank s did David get for hsi suggestion ? •·Just a letter of th a n k 11 from Assemblyman Robert Burke ( R - W115tminsler) and not a word from the P(eSident." comments David, 8 9 6 0 Universe Ave. David wrote a letter to the President on June 2S, urging him to declare July %1 a national holiday. . "We celebra\e a day for lovers (St. ~ V11lentines Day) and even for practical jokes (April Fool 's Day)," wrote David, •·wby not one for our flulslanding scien- tific achievement!" Wt Thursday President Nixon -not nttessarlly at David't 1uggeatlon -ctll· ed for a national d1y of celebration which wa& quJckly picked up by people acroSI the country . . . .From Page 1 APOLLO •.. Expelled Fro1n Soviet MOSCOW (AP) -Two American tourists, Paulis Lazda and his wife Irena. have been expelled from the Soviet Union for allegedly trying to smuggle out an an- ti-SOviel article, a Soviet newspaper gays. Dr. Jack Scoles .Rites Wednesday Funeral service~ will be held Wed- nesday for Dr. Jack R. Scoles, 49, associate dean for student services al UC lrvine College of MediC:ine, who died Saturd ay of a heart attack. Dr. Scoles, a resident of Glendale, died at a hospita l in that city. lie had been as sociate dean of the UCI College of Medicine since 1966. In 1947, he \\'as graduated as an honor _tsudent from the· CoUege of Osteopathl t'Physicians and Surgeons, forerunner of the California College of Medicine which subsequently became UCI College of Medicine. Services will be at noon .Wednesday al fi t. Mark 's Episcopal Church, Glendale. Interment will follow at Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale. Early Bit'd Catcl1es Wave Martin's sudden decision to quit the Grand Jury aroused speculation that the group's criticism of the county's ex· change of Back Bay land with the lf"\'.i~e Com~y had anger:ed the veteran c1v1c offic1al. _ · Grand Jurors have ~~/:!ed that infer. ,.. ---ence~11er.al_said__p · phicaLdiffer- ences between Martin and other jury ( members had been evident for tome time before he resigned. DAILY "ILOT $1~1! l'M!O CHAIRS LIBRARY BOARD Mrs. Hancock Banning 111 29,000 Mau Draft Call ed for Se ptember WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Delens~ Department called today f-or a draft of 29,000 men in September-27,500 for the Army and J ,500 for the Marine Corps. Nixon Orders Adtlitional ' Agency SpendiI1g Slashes 1 WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix· on said today he has ordered government agencies to reduce spending by an ad· ditlona1 $3.5 billion to <1ffset what he described as a worsening budget picture. "No federal program is ab o v t scrutiny," the President said in a state- ment. "Some highly desirable programs will have to ~ stretched cut -others reduced. The dollar reductions will be ac- companied by a further lowering of the personnel ceilings established last April." Nixon said the reduction is necessary to bring soaring spending estimates back down to the •t92.9 billion target he set in April. Th11t was whl!n he sent his own budget for the new adminislraUon to Congress. Since th~n. he snid, the financial situa- tion has become worse . "We no1v anlicipate," the chief ex- er:utive said, "further increases of ap- proximately $2.5 billion in expenditure for such uncontrollable items as interest on the public debt, medicare, Social Securi- ty, Civil Service retirement benefits. reduced receipts from off-shore oil leases, public assistance, and veterans' . benefits." Nixon noted also that Congress has done nothing about increaeing the postal,. rate, which he requested as or July 1, and has acted incoOsistently with budget pro- posals in other fields. He said it has not ended, as he recom- mended, special milk and agricultural conservation programs. Instead of reducing aid to schools tn impacted areas, he said, Congress is moving toward increasing it. Mr. Dinwiddie Funeral Set Services for Redfield Dinwiddie , Ne\vport Beach resident for 16 years, will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday at Westcliff Mortuary Chapel. Mr. Dinwiddie, 75, died Sunday at Hoag Memorial Hospital after a lengthy Illness, A pilot during World War I. he served overseas with the RAF. He was retired as an. Jndustrial insulalion contractor with his business in Downey. Survivors include his wile, Eileen, of the home, 431 Gloucester, Costa Mesa: five daughters, Virginia Hronek of Burbank, Dorothy Oormandy of Fresno, Billie Sandra Damon of San Jose, Janis and Carol Dinwiddie, both of Newport \ Beach ; nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren. The family suggest that those who wish may make a memorial conlrib\Jtion to thf' American Cancer SocietY . Sheep Attendii1g . ' Stlllllller Session S.'lddleback College isn 't holding sum- mer school but lt has a head count of over fiOO on its new permanent campus. And that isn't pulling the wool over your eyes. The head count refers not to students -but sheep. UnUI the fuU college is developed, the 200-acre site still makes good pasture land and so college officials have rented it out to sheep raiser Gratian Bldart of EJ 'foro. . Morning surf enthusiast fights for balance as he drives ahead of break near Huntington Beach Pier. He made it. Air temperatures of 66 degrees, with water temperature oJ 63 d•it••• and one to three- foot wavos \Y&S the set up about 7 a.m. as several surfers put In · a bit of wave time. before heading for work or summer school. Bldart is paying a penny and two mills per head per day to graze his sheep. And Saddleback. College ls m11king a few bucks on lhe side.' Oh, and the real head count of stlld!nts In the fall is e1pected to be about 1,600 full·llme. • • • I I I I ' I I I BEA ANDERSON, Editor ,.......,,, ,,.. II. .... • .... Lt Yachtsmen's Bal-I Af to at ( ' -Plans are moving full' sail ahe.ad for lhe.Jirst Yachtsmen's Ball in the Balboa llaY Club op. Friday, Aug. I. · The event, sponsored.Mby Harbor Ke'y of the Child. Guidance Center of Orh.ngLCounty ,_will' salute the many -sailipg enthusiast& of South em California. Highlight of the evening will be the presentation of the Grand Old Salt award to the one who-bas donated most time and effort to the work of the center, which is a nonprofit, low cost psychiatric clinic !.or the emotionally ~isturbed children of Orange County . • -"l Commodores and honorary· grand old salts, those for many year! active in the sailing community, are lending their support to the premiere of the b~ll, which was the inspiration of o .. _\V. "Dick" Richard, a dedi· 0 cated worker in behalf of the ceAter . .. C~hairmen with Richard in planning the gala dinner and dance. to be staged among the burgees of the yachting community, are the Mmes. Ii1urray Choti ner and Charles J-lostler. A hospitali ty hour is to begi n at 7:30 p.m., and dinner w111 be ser.ved al 8:30. ' Others coiltributing their efforts toward the initial success of-the -.. _ Ya!htsmen's Ball 'are Mrs. J. O'Hafa Smith, new president of Harbor' Key, 1He" Mmes.-Jack Hamilton, Anthony Otting, Stewart Peter.sen, Wayne Slo-- ··-own, Cora Peggy \Vallace, William H. Weaver and Miss June Martins. Besides this new e,qdeavor to support the Child Gilidance C~ter, the 1-tarbor Key has maint ained the · Thrift Shop in Newport Beach , and has backed such fund-raising events as the yearly Empire Debutante Ball and the Treasures and Trinkets auction. ' • • • Treating children of all races, creeds and economic levels , the center is under lhe direction or Dr. Leonard Lesser with Dr. Burton Lasker as st.afr psychiatrist. Children are referred to the center by doctors, clergy· men, attorneys, school officials and commurUty agencies. EAGER LOOKOUT -J.ooking ahead to the first annual Yachtsmen's Ball , planned by mem6ers of Harbor Key for Friday. Aug. 1, are (left to right) Jack Barnett of the Newport Beach .Chamber of Commerce;-h1rs. Mur· ray Chotlner, one of· the.ri;nen for the ball, and Bill Shock, honorary grand old salt, who supports work of the Harbor Key in behalf of the Child Guidance Center of Orange County • A LONG WAY FROM use P•inter Su11nne Bi199l • 4 --' Artist Gives Conformity the Brush By JEAN COX Of 1M DellY ,HM S!ttf The Canyon Acres is a perfect hi~eaway for artists, hippie~ and free spirits, and no wonder. It is beautiful, rural and most of all, it is cheap. The houses seem to have been dropped down from above by !ome divine hand, helter skelter onto the shaded hilly setting. The homes are mostly of the '"fortilla Flats" variety. Man y are no more than shacks and most are desperately in need, of paint. Therefore one little cottage on Arroyo Drive, gleaming grey '' with cheerful yellow trim. stand s out. It seems to belong in a children's book, nestled as it is among the trees and flower s. It looks very much like it has an artist by the name fo Suzanne Biaggi living inside. Suzanne, with a gleaming sunshine face and round, smilint: Keene eyes, brings to mind advertisements for orange juice, clean living and peppermint drops. Seated on a confusion of cushions on the floor alongside one wall of her living room, she surveys her Sl~a-month home and artist's studio and her life in Laguna Beach with obvious satisfac· tion. It's a far cry from the structured conventionality of the Delta Gamma sorority house at University of Southern Califor- ~ where healthy normal little coeds play at education while Cbnducting the!r quest for lifetime mates. . NI CHE CUT OUT The daughter of a wholesale florist in La Crescenta, Suzanne began wondering in college whether she was going ;o be very comfortable in the niche cut out for girls in her position. But l?uided by a practica1 mind , she majored in education and just dabbled with a few art courses. 1'1 used to say I was going to be an artist, but I was afraid it was all talk. Yet at the back Of my mind, I knew that's what I wanted to do." Her teaching credential didn't do much good. !or as she puts it, "The four most n1iserable days of my life were the days I practice taught." \Vhen she was graduated she felt she O\Ved it to her parents to get a job worthy of a member of the Class of '64. So she paid her debt by becoming an assistant buyer at J. W. Robinson's where she worked jnylessly but like a demon for two years. By this time she w'as aware bf what she had to do. In evenings she took painting lessons from a private ihstructor and at the Art Center to prepare and "undo the damage that was done by USC art courses." lier next step was a job at an art gallery where she had a chance to show her paintings and receive guidance. When the · gallery went out of business she grabbed her paintings , got her coat and hat and directed her feet down the sunny side of the street. She's been traveling there ever since . Dame Fortune has been smiling on Suzanne. For the past three years she has been exhibiting in the Festival of Arts and for that same length of time she ha s been able. to ·live solely oU the money she makes from her paintings. DIFFERENT PATTERN Suzanne admits that her life as an artist does not follow the pattern which her -JL&Ients mapped out for her. "They sort of think of me as some kind of a hippie. They're proud of me now, beca;ise I am doing something at which I can make a living. Yet it is a change for them. My 'living in Laguna Canyo n and painting is not a pattern most people's chi1dren are following , so there ls some reservation in their pride." (5" LAGUNA. ARTIST, Pogo 141 flash-Mom .She'ds Light on Recreation Room Activities DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm so asham- ed J can hardly hold up my head. Last night my boyfriend and I went too fa~. Not all the way, but nearly. We were _1n the rec room downstairs and the ligllts Were off. Mom thought we were sUll out to a mov\e and she came downstain with a flashlight because she lhought she heard some noise. Of course, she caught 'us. She looked so hurt it nearly killed me. Thank heavens she was very calm and didn't yell or anything. She asked Harvt'y to leave while she talked lo me . Har\ey ·insisted on staying. lie said it was more his faull tnan mine and that he wanted lo face the lectur~ with me. Honestly. Ann. 'hew-as wonderful. Harvey apoloaized and asked Mom to ,ive us another chance. He --· ANN LANDERS promised we-would never do anything like that again If she would let us ke\!-p seeing each other. Her decision was that v.·e could date, but not steady. She said J"d ha\rc to go with the othtr boys enc! 01at Harvey should date othe r girls. Ann. I tlon·t v"ant to ilO with anyor else. I love Harvey and he loves me. We are both JI and have been going 11teady for 14 months. PleaH help ua convince Morn wt can be trusted and that\..she should give us another chance. ·- BALTIMORE BLUES DEAR BLUES: In my opinion, your mother was pretty dinted ~cneroc~. Ar· ttP.! tter decision, con5::::r ~ ·: lucky aDd cool IL DEAR ANN LANDERS: l'n1 L. : a little bored w I t h your ~ltnSe of doc- Ion, mlnilter1, hold m.aidl and meter readers . It's about time fOl! said a good word about.newspapennen. Mf husband doesn't perform surgery or dellver•babiel, but be sees to It that the newspaP,et 1ela out every d~y and this means a 1ot lOi people who consider their newsplper .._ an imPortant P,lrl of their daily llvea. In our town the sky woukl fall U we didn't a:et Ann Landers. A hoUd1y ls~just like any othff dll!Y to my husband. He works on Thanksgiving, Christmas. the Fourth of July and New Year's. When something big happens, my husbi_TKI works all night and ha!! the nttr day. On Election night he worked for 20 hourt straight. When President Kennedy was assassinated he didn 't take hls clothes oil for tfr<t day1. & pie.,., Ann, say S!)mething nict. about the unsung heroes -the guys who plit out the piper rain OI" shine. -MARRIED ro ONE DEAR MARRIED: Ham to -..... of my belt frleJHls ire newspaper me.a, and. I meu it lllKtre:ly. DEAR ANN: The leller, from lhe girl whO Is miserable because she has 1 low f1:1rehead really gol·lo me. My probletn Is just the opposite -a high forehead. All lhrough grade school the kids called me .. Baldy". I felt like a freak. I dtcided bangs were the ~st $Olullon and I have been wearing them ever since .. The real soluUon ia lo accept yourself as God madt )'Otl, do whit you can lo look yoor best and then !"let· about ti. The people Who really count don't 10 around measuring foreheads. -DAISY DEAi\-FRIEND:" 'ney 111 dahln d<Nl'I . leD bt\I yao did u4 1'111 1fod. Tbulrf• wrHll1. How f'1' abould a t~e coqple go? Can , necking be .. rel ~ cloea k bealme too hot to hahdle? Slhll 11or· Ann Landeri: book~t. "N.ecking and Petting • -Wbat Are the LJmUs?'1 Mall ~ rt--• quest to An~ Landers ln tart ol this newspaper-enclosing 58 cents in coin and a long, ttamped, self..addr~ envelope. f,n Landen wll be glad lo help }'0'1 'Y yOlr proble1111. Send them to ber in o re al the DAILY PILOT, onclolloc o -oeH•oddresaod, mmped envelo!>!,_ •. i I 1~ I • • I • If DAILY PILOT ' ... " Horoscope Gemini: Stick .. to Facts WEON~SDAY JULY 23 By SYDNJ!Y OMAIUI; roya1Ues, money owed. You Malnlain ba1anct bet we e• gain cooperation from one who+ wor~ and recreaUon. pmiously ghowed litUe in· CANCER (June 21.July %2): terest. .. More .RJ,easure i n d t c a l .• d Good day lor lltlllq, /ia... -lf!;g. Ill ll'OOUI~ •vol lb• garish. Acctat penonaltty:""bat don't 1 i r e 1 1 ihe obvious. Subtle manner ii road l.o ac· TAURUS (April %1).May-l>f:. because you are appreciated. ' Accent on jolnt eUorts. Mar· One who means something to rlage •nd.4nutual,agreealiilltl-~Oll ys___meaningfuL com·--'~- figure proninently. Day to plimtnt. J • • Hauling Away to ' Balboa Bay Club's Beach Party cept.aoct. ' ARIES (March 21-April 19): Some of the past catches up; you could realize financial gain. Fine for collecting wait, observe and collect data. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22l : Study Ariel message, ' ,_ • Older individual needs at- QE~INJ (May ,2!· June 20): tention at home. Give it. Don't ElseotlaJ, that yuu get at facts. spare praise. Help others build Rumors, speculation should ego. If you give today, you have no place on agenda. Deal receive tomorrow. Accent on with recognized authorities. domestic a d j u s t me n t , residence. Double Ring Ceremony Vll\GO (Aug. 23-Sept 22): Yoo could be fooling yoorsell about a trip. Messages toda)' tend to be garbled. Get the fad$. Then act in mature, i,,.. telligent manner. Some simply Performed in White tapers and white sum-.-..... mer flowers decorated St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church when K-athryn Louise Brock became the bride of Mark Allen Voorhis in an afternoon ceremony. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steve P. Brock of Costa Mesa and the son of Mr_ and Mrs. Allen Voorhis of Newport Beach exchanged vows and rings belore the Rev. Cecil 0 . Eanes. Newport talk for sake of hearing themselves. LIBRA !Sept 23-0d. 221: Keep-watchful e;e o ll posse ssions . You have responsibility of protecting . assets. Utilize past eaperience. Don't be talked Into dropping guard. Good d1y to C1>llect debts. • - SCORPIO (Oct 23-NoT.11): Children, dads and moms all will have something to look forward to ntx.t Thursday when Balboa Bay Clu bbers gather.at 7 p.m. for their Beach Party. Tugging away toward the fun are (left to right) 11-furray \YUson and Kimberley Wilson, with John Booty John \Vilson and the Mmes. Wilson and Booty (right) willingly being pul~ed along. The evening ,..,ill feature an outdoor barbecue and dancing on A·Deck as well as games and contests. Joining the \Vilsons and Bootys On the host committee are the Hal De- vicks, Dick Attieseys and Dick Keilholtzes. The bride, escorted to the altar by her father, wore a full length gown of peau de soie u·ith a front panel of lace designed and fashioned by her 1nother. fo.1atch.ing lace trim· med the long sleeves, and the skirt extended into a chapel train. Her cameo jewelry was sent by her uncle to her Cycle h.igh; you can make good contacts. Be a 5tlf· starter. Take inltlaUve. Stress independence of. thought, ac- tion . Highlight originality. No day to follow rouUne pro- cedure. SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Obtain hint rrorn Scorpio message. Strive to break through emotional bat· riers. Key is greater ton- fidencf:. Maintain dedication in face of apparent adversity. Weddings, -Troths Pilot's Deadline~ • . To avoid .disappolntment, froSp-~tive brides are reminded to have their wedding stories with black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT So<i•ty Depart- ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. For engagement announcements it is sugge sted that the story, aJso accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be submitted early. If the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date are six \Veeks or less apart, only the wedding photo -will he ac- cepted. - To help fin requirements on both \\·ed· din_g and engagement stories, forms are avail- able in all of the DAILY PILOT~ offiees. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. = From Page 13 • • • Laguna Artist Honeymoon in Hawaii Vows, Ring~--E·xc~an_ge_d A candlelight service In St. . Andrew's Presbyterian Church united in marriage Susan Ruth Nelson and John Hewitt Forbes. The Rev. Dr. Donn J\.1oomaw directed the exchange of vows and rings for the dauahter ol r-.tr. aod Mrs. Richard A. NeliOll or Corona de! Mar and the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Tasker Forbes of Glendale. The bride's father escort~ her to the altar. Her orgam.a rown with chapel train was· 1 trimmed with venise lace and a veni.se lace headpiece caught her veil of .Uk illusion. She carried a 'French nosegay of stephanotis, miniature white roses, baby 's breath and bouv- ardia. Mrs. David L. Mayer came from Seattle to 5erve as her sisler's matron of honor. Slie \\'Ore a yellow French crepe grown with bow-attached train and short sleeved. bodice of \•enise lace. Her bouquet was of yellow and white roses with baby's brt!ath and bouvardia . ''Yd they raised me lo do what l believe in," she con- Unued. "I realiu: l have to lead my own Ille and that's what I'm doing. But. still it bothers me that it bothers my parents." stud io. There was no stove. just a hotplate. She slept in a loft and kept the refrigerator outdoors. \Vearing Identical gowns and carrying yellow rose bouquets were the bridesmaids in- clucling Miss Lynn Ann Bundy, the bride's cousin. Others were her sorority sisters: the Misses Jane Moomaw from Albuquerqu e, Suianne Haywood, Susan Barton and fo.trs:. Robert Peck. mother from Italy during •;.;~j$1:~ World War. II. A single-red· P' rose centered her bouquet of orehids and st.epbanoli5 and a crown of pearls caught her rJ~ii*if.i.i thTee tiered iilusion veil. 11 r 'Vearing a"tangeriri! gown of MRS. MARK VOORHIS mira mist was the maid of San FranclsC:o Home honor, Miss Marta Miller. Yellow gowns were the attire for bridesmaids, the Misses Cheryl Chamberlain and Wen· dy Isbell. At! wore headbands of fresh daisies and earried daisies in white baskets. Also carrying a daisy basket was flo\\·er girl Gina Martinez, whose dress was of wh.ite organza over yellow \\'ilh a yellow sash. Chris VOOl'his was best man for his brother. Ushers in- cluded Wayne Jor.es and Brad Peddycord. For a reception in the Fireside Room of the church. attended by approximately 100 guests, decorations featured yellow and tangerine flowers. A late r champagne recep- tion in the bride's parents• home was attended b y relatives and close friends, in· eluding the bride's sister, Mrs. Dennis T. Henderson from Koilua, H awaii; her grandmother, Mrs. L e o I a Ho lbro ok and the b r idegroom 's grandmother, fo.1rs. Garnett Barrick. The bride was graduated from Newport Harbor High School and from a dental sc hool. Also a Newport Harbor Hlgh graduate, the benedict attended Orange Coast College and now Is serving with the Army in San Francisco's Presidio. The couple are making their home in San Francisco, follow· Ing a honeymoon trip to the Monterey Peninsula. Tempie Sharon Honors Lea?ler Harry Garf/er llarry Gartler, founder of many generations of Jewish Temple Sharon in Costa Mesa wanderings in ·Europe. and president emerltus, will All members, friends and be honored in the temple for dedicated service by the visitors are invited to attend Harbor Area Jewish com· the services under the direc- munily Friday, July 25, hi.l!I lion of Rabbi Goodman and to 70\h birthday. join the oneg shabbal, or CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Money is highlighted -it comes your way. Reoognize opportunity for adding to assets. Don't tum back on chance to enhance. financial securitf. A friend gives villid information. _ . AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18J: Review ambitions. You may be going after something (or someone) you don't peed. Give you rself altematires. Be versatile. A sense of humor It> day helps immensely. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You are able to ascertain long· range·pJans of o~ who means much to you. Accept facts as they exist. You do not own anyone. Realize this and res- pond accordingly. IF TODAY IS YOU R BIRTHDAY you possess an abundance o f intellectual curiosity, When you want answers, you find them. You are due to met.l new i)eople .. and begin new phase of ex· istence. t1 find °"' more 1110111 _..u 1"'9 nlrololly, orOtr $yd...., Om1rr'1 !6--boGl<i.t, Tri. t ovlfl Allolil AttrololY, i.em $0 Cl'fllf to Om1rr &oclclel, IM DAILY PIL.OT, k 11 3140, c;......, Cet1tr1I 11.tlein. HfW Yer k. N.Y. 10011. :Jkint JtGIO tnM W•tcllff Plua Stort Only 642-2444 Of course. r' -·~ r' r -·· 9.lrpristd at tL , ~Y t.1: .. ~. turned out, herself. "The n1o:>l astounding thing to me was when I met artists at the gallery I worked for and found they were really regular pee. pie,'' she said. She expected fantastic. WOllde rrul creatures .,.·ho also were, w e 11 , "weirdos." She was so busy Painting, she didn'l notice the in- conveniences. The only thing which annoyed her \\'as the bare hills outside her door. so she planted flowers. However her family and friends, she admits, were horrified. Standish Fleming stood as best man for his cousin. Seating guests \\·ere Peter A. Nelson, brother of the bride, James Jiia, the bridegroom's brother-in-law, John Kendrick, John Dubiel and Kevin Egan. Highlight for the 8 p.rn. sab-social hour, following. bath services will be a presen--1-==.::::::::::::::::::!:_ __ 2:::=========::! For sia months, before she moved into the canyon Suz- anne lived in what was, al $35 a month, to be her artist's HB League Sets Meeting Mrs. Steven Elcherly's Hun- tington Buch home will be the 1tlting of La Leche Le.ague'• meeting at 9:45 a.m. Thunday, July 24. The Huntington Beach group will di5cu.ss when the baby ar- rlftl. Those wishing further infonnation may call r-.lrs. David Watercott. 847-8059 or Mrs. Donald Walter, 962-3987. Party Opened To Card Buffs waman·a C I u b ol Laguna Beach is invlllng the public lo ita first summer bridge and deDerl party to take place in the Woman'• C1ubhcRJse at U :JO p.m. next 'Thursday. -rvallons may be ob- tain<d by calling Mr1. Loo~ o. IJndenrood, 4'4~"- Harbor TOPS ..Harptr School In Costa M.eu is the location where mtmbtr1 of TOPS Harbor Uablm pth<r .. ch Monday evmlDCll 7:111. • NO SACRIFICES Wedding music \\"aS pro- vided by the bridegroom 's sister, Mrs. Hix. MRS . JOHN HEWITT FORBES Former Susan Ruth Nel son tation by Rabbi Garson ~­ man, fonner staff cha,gla or Commander Service Fore s, Atlantic Fleet In World War 11. of the Torah Breastplate rescued from Hitler's museum and presented to him when he "You don't give up anything if you really are doing what you \van~ lo do," she ex- plained. "l always loved work- ing with my hands, drawing things and making things.J I am totally committed to pai~ ing. Why am I so obsessed . 1'1y philosophy is people are dra\\·n to what they do best. first because they like to do it . Then it is reinforced because they win praise by doing it." Approximately 250 guests attended a wedding reception in the home of the bride's parents fo ll owing the cereinony. Miss Linda Nielsen, also a sorority sister, attended the guest book. Noordaa from The Hague, filiated with Bela Theta PL was honorectas armed forces Holland. and Mr. and J\1rs . chaplain of the year. Richard K. Van Nostrand of Following a wedding trip to The Tor ah Breastplate, New Jersey. the Hawaiian ls lands, the modeled after one of the The bride is a graduate of newlyweds will make their sacred garments worn Corona del 1'1.ar High School first home in Cori>us Christi, thousands of years ago on Mt. and of UCLA. where she was where he \\ill be serving with Zion, \\'U made in England J!J68.1.9 president of Delta the Navy. . and passed down through Della Delta. Her husband. alsoi;::========'===:::~~;;:;::;;:~~~~~I There has been plenty of praise for Suzanne . West Coast collectors such as Frank Sinatra and Sir Isaac Stern Special guests \\'ere the b r idcgroom's grandmother, Jo,trs:. Caudrey Forbes and friends ol lhe bride's parents, ?-.tr. and fo.trs . Paul Van der have singled out her paintings. , · She has won awards and been G th . • chosen to exrubi• in many in-a er Ing vitalional sho"·s and "·as / a UCLA graduate, was af- • Laguna Artist· of ·lhe-monlh for Challenges to skill and lhe international organization. Newport Junior Ebells. ~ But the best praise came games just for fun \Yill be on Tl)e group's aim is to help just las t week. An elderly the program "·hen Parents single parents bring theirl Woman stopped al Suzanne 's \Vithout Partners gel together children succes s f u 11 y to exhibit on the Festival of Arts in Laguna this Friday al 8 1naturity and lo comb a I 1 grounds and looked for some p.m. loneliness in a co u p I e sl time at a picture of a lone girl oriented society, accord ing to 1 v.·aiting by a mailbox. There All single parents in the ~1rs. Marge Miller, press! "·ere tears in the woman's area are invited lo the chainnan ....... -• . eyes. meeting in Laguna Beach Those whose wish further in· "I don't kno\v what there is Federal Savings and Loan. formation aboul the group about that pi~ture," she told and lo attend other activities may call fo.trs. ?-.tiller, 494i-2025,I Suianne. "lt's never happened for a two-month period while Bernice Gunckel, 492·2102, or to me before. But there is they consider membership in George Clark, ~7l something about it that says -~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iilliiimmmm;;; something to me. I guess I .4 luxury I-bedroom and den, there is a little part of it that is me ." Sui.anne says that's just about the most wonderful thing that's ever happened in her young life. en 2·bedroom 2-bath, year-round, -neach on-the-beach apartments. Qui•~ er Winer security, spaci ous sun decks, -.t..,,., .. -"'& patio, vtews, pool, sauna, 20 ----%rCLe,. ce min. to L.B., 40 min. to !IT'llrto1nT u~ STOC«. £ftl"iltP 'ti! to ~ downtown. !~~~"~~!>.~! , ;:~:,/!~1:!H~!t;f.~!oc?~ H1:.i~o~Ff5. seo.it•c'-~ Telephones: (714} '}6·1487 • (71 4) '36-4616 S-A-L-E PE DEN'S FASHION MANOR KIMBERLY KNITS -COATS PURSES-SWEATERS -DRESSES -BLOUSES ROBES -JEWELRY STARTS THURSDAY, Jut Y 24th 357 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach, California 494· 1940 PICKWICK ~ from 225.00 per month 11uNo11,..-''"'· ,,_ ___________________ , •ir-M t2.JJ,l lt0 Nlll -._ ____________________ ..fl • _ FAMOUS NAME BRAND WOMEN'S SHOES VALUES TO 32.00 NOW • en ..a. ft..,! • .. •n.,_,..1 ... ,.,..., F•shion lsl1nd, Newport Be1ch Riverside Whittler Anthelm 11 ,. I I • / 1 I I I I I' '' ,..... __ ..... ------- • Costa Mesa UNT ....... IED KENNEDY, WI FE JOAN HEAD FO~ KOPECHNE .FUNERAL Accklent V ictim Buried; Senator Awaits He11rin9 on Ch1r911 Kennedy Attends Riws, Shows Mark of Ordeal From Wire Servlcts Visibly 1t'm'D-by the ordeal eod-.ln•hil 1 O\'ltl woo:ls -_wishing he coo.Jd._ -trade places with her, MassachuselU Sen. Edward M. Kennedy today offered prayers at the funeral or a girl ~o drowned in the wreckage of his car Saturday. -A crowa-Of neTrly 700 persOns turned out in tiny Plymouth, Pa., to say farewen .to a ...miniJJg~n girl whQ shared som~­ 'of ihe glory-and tragedy:....of the Ken- nedy clan. Attendance by the senator and a group S.. Related Story Page 3 of famil.Y and friend.'! at Catholic rites for Mary Jo Kopechne, 28, was somewhat ex- pected but still added a touch o1 sensa- tion to the solemn service. Some of those who attended the funeral In red brick St. Vincent's Roman Catholic Church were there for a glimpse of Ken- nedy who wore a light nylon neck brace. Se~. Kennedy, who was driving Miss Kopechne away from a party in a cotta~e around midnight Friday, escaped wtlh minor Injuries when the black sedan plunged off a rickety bridJle into a tidal crttk. Miss Kopechne drowned, trapped in the vehicle. JQseph Kopechne, whose daughter w_as borfl in the mining town but moved w1tb her family to Berkeley Heights, N.J .• 20 )"ears ago, told newsmen Kennedy ca.lied him personally after the mysterioos tragedy. "I wish it -had been me instead," he quoted the 37·year-old younger brother of the late John and Robert Kennedy as •yiog during the unhappy OJOversation. The Kennedy party -including the 1'ldow of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy-flew from Hyannis, Mass. for the funeral to- day and later joined a 25-car cortege to St. Vincent's Cemetery. . Despite his personal physician's adv.ice again.rt the trip, Sen. Kennedy and the rest of the group shared a pew at the left front of the altar in the small church . Uf>t T ....... ETHEL ATTENDS RITES Form•r RFK Aide Bu ri ed who helped In Robert Kennedy's ill-fal<d campaign be granted eternal mt. The drowned girl's parents said they chose Plymouth for the funeral liervict and burial at nearby Larksville, because it was their daughter's hometown and she often visited. "She had her roots here.. said her ralber, wbo wu dry.eyed today, wl\lle his wife wept openly at tbe funeral. ind. while leaving Ille -Ice. Asked wbal W. Sen"K<medy -who la<es ~ for bis atllHeyllerlou1 part In lhO.lraglo auto llCcideal -had to say to the famlly, KDpedme Couldn't fully explain. ' "He WIS so broken up ] could hardly undenWd him," he replied .-- • ·~eilay'• Flul . ' N.Y.-.S~ • Apollo 11 Snoozing Home ---Earth' s(;ravity Pulls Craft -to Thursday Spkuhdµwn . . • SPACE CENTER, Houston (1\1') - 1'poUo 11, a ship laden with scfentific trusures and a fame that wlll ltand for all lllne, speeded up In It& homeward journey toclay u earth gravity began Ill mlghly pull. Its crewmen turned 1 the abip toward earth early In the day, ·t11en 1lept long and d..,, as th<Y hurtled through the moon's waning sphere of influence. Earth won the battle for control at 1.0:32 a.m. PDT. 11 Council Studies . - City Budget Again Tonight A Jong and not~necesaarily uneventful Costa M.,. City Council meeting ta Oii schedule for tonight., u city. leaden sit down to consider a fiscal .budget totaling $7.56 million.. _ Councllman William L. st. Clair Mon- day anncnmced hi.a opposlUon to the budget -including an $85.525 poUCe helicopter patrol -and says he will vote against it. The city budget paclcqe is the first matter on a 7 :30 p.m. qenda which ap- pears likely to stretch on into the wee hours, depending on how the budget ba~ tie goes. At le.alt one frequent critic of .Costa Mesa government, Ted C. Bologh, of 2tl6 Del Mar Ave., has announced hia op- positioo to the 1969-70 fiM:al budget. Bologb ii circulating a Oyer con- demning a . number of 1111 described therein, from the proposed police ~~:t1:. ~l!lem,lo ~~ ol pr~ lie urge cllizei>l lo --"l"tlit! -en meeting and mue their -known, while demanding answers to questions about nemiess upense1 in the budget. Contacted ·today for comment about the _meeting,.Mll'OI' AlYin.L..l'lnkley. BalcLhe is confident the budget will be adopted u it is, including initiation of the police helicopter-program~ -- "'But bring a cushion," he added, Hin- ting that councilmen and observen who :1tay late will be burning a bit of midnight oil over the budget and other m1Uen. Councilman SL Clair bas also Invited spokesmen for two Los Angeles County police helicopter programs to answer queslloos about the ~ty method Dl law enforcemenl Councilmen split on a 2 to 2 vole, con- stituting no decision, at a tl'r'O-hour hear· ing on the matter eight days ago and coo· tlnued it unUI a full council could act. Bl~Wreck Cost;;t Mesa Shop A series or three: uploeions caused when a wiring short ignited vapors from fluid 1.1.!ed to clean office machinery caused fl,000 damage to a downtown Costa Mesa shop Monday. No injuries resulted from the blutl at Typ-0.Mech, 1721 Newport Blvd., ac- con!lng to Costa M ... Fire Department Batllllon t1>lef Bob"Beauchamp. He Aki y_oung George Vaessen, aon of the ornc. equipment lhop owner, Pierre Vaeuen, wu on duty when the flrlt u- plosion Occurred at J:a p.m., and raa outalde to call for help. , "He did the right thing," Cb)ef lleaucbamp aald. lnvelllgal<ln li5ted l!OO In &dual fire damqe' and an additional !800 cfamqe to equlomen( In the bnlldlng, -6y Michael Cl!Taro, ct Sin Gabriel. DAILY PILOT Iliff,..... Air-view or-Fairview- ""il>liew-state-Hospita1-1or-men1a111-retan1ed- sprawls over Ill l~acn! ·site ht Costa Mesa. Har- bor lk>ulevard is at upPer right. Fairways and greens ol Costa Mesa Golf an(! County Club wind -around-groµnd lHlf-boopitaJ,-whicb-<JUm!Dfly-boUse' 2,300 patients (Its capacity) In 44 wards. Hospital employs 1,650 persons. Unger Buys Old Cannery_ For 'Cannery Row' Cafe By JEROME F. COLUNS Of .... °"" """ ltd Robert Ungu, former Costa Mm city manager, i1 buying the 35-year-Gld aban- doned Welitem Canners ·eo. building overlooking the Rhine Channel opposite the Lido Peninsula. Newport Beach city aides '!lid Unger has hopes of rehabilitating the ancient slructW'e, wherein the last fish was can· ned a Yt.ar 1go, and converting h Into a "cannery row" type of restauranl "We're all agreed lbal It would be desirable to retain the pre1<11t decor Ind ~e u much u P!*lblt." llld PlannlnfDlreetor Lan7 lillloo. . "But there are rul structuraJ pro- blem1, '!be plllnp underneath the buildlna, for example, are pnetlcaUy ,...._Bo u,.er bad ~'move ful" uncor. ,.... quit . llli JOI> u Costa Mela's chief administrator three yeara &fO to 10 Into prlVlle developmeol. WU unavailable for comment oo bis prec!M plans for Ille property, 1bere were reports that Unger wu also attempting to acquire adjacent JJl'.O" ·perttes for a tna53fve waterfront develop- ment "package," but these reporta: could not he conflnned He b. buying .the Western Canner• P"" perty ftom Walter Lonamoor, a former Newport Beacb planning commissioner and longtime <>range Cfa$t College trustee. No Ille& price WU aisclosed. Clly aourcs l8ld Loo-and Unger had been negotiaUng the 1r .... ct1on !or several montbi, with Longmoor's chief concern reportedly befna: &o salvage as lllllCh ol lbe old -. .. pracilcal. . BrOter for the transaction ls Sim Keye& o( Newport BUch, _.sing lo cl- ty'olllclala. Key .. coUld not be reached todiy for addlllonil lnlormation. Beach Teen-agers Jailed in Mesa On Drug Charges- A pair ol Huntington Beach l«!>lgm who told ol being questloned and .......,. by another law agency earlier wtft jaDed early todl!Y In Costa M.,. and charged with po&8eSSion ct 600 dnlg pills. Booked on the felony charges were Jer- ry J. Faulkner; and Paltlck K. Mahaffey, both JB and both listing· their address IS 2311 Delawan! SL, Huntington Beacll. Police Bald they spotted Mahaffey and Faulkner ataggering along at Ba'kor and Enterprise streets shortly after nrldnl&ht and stopped to lnv..iJ&ll<. Sgt. Bob Ballqtt l8ld he saw one of the llUS]ledo kick IOlllelblng under • parked pollce car and It turned out to be a bottle of 500 amphetamine tablet& and Ill barbitural< pill&. O!llcer Harlan Pauley said the llUSJl'Cla claimed to bave. bttn involved in an ac- cident earlier and questioned b y .. California Highway Patrol oWcen before being released. or .. ge· A vase of simple yelJow flowers - from the Kennedy• -offered ~ vivid .r;plash of color against the grey metal casket In. which Mlsl Kopechne'a body Firms As-ked for Plans Mission Control Couldn't Help, Descent Off Roof lay. 'l'I B --•·11 The RL Rev. Msgr. Wt 1 am u1,;ul , celebrant of the Requiem Mass. today prayed that the pretty blonde secretary Nixon Asks Overhaul Of 82-year-old -I CC -,. WAlllilNGTON !AP) -Ptt1ident Nix- on orutiOled today a major oVerhaul ~ the· O:year~d lnte:rstat"e Commerce Ccmmlssk>n, including authority for the fre:&ident to aelect a chairmin w~ W°';Jld have ·, t re n g t b e n e d 1dmln1Strallon pqwen. NEW YORK (APl -After a small e:1rl1 bounce. the stock market fell back on a wide front and ~bled to a l!llffP I°"' today. (SO. quotaUons, Pages IG-11 ). Tradin& neat' lbe-doR wa1 moderate. D.owntown Ideas Sought ·~ Onna with Ideas o• lrlllllfoin\Jng downtown c.ata M-lllo. a commerclal lllowplice today are Wini invited to submit their concepb (or, ttvlew bY. etty ol6ciala. Costa M"Y Qty Manqer Arlllur R. McKenzie said Fr11tay the ulthnate job ol the rmn 1tleol<d lo enP.-the pnijeet ,.II tnvolVe two basic problems. One It crullon ti an OYtral1 general ptan for the citJ to replace the existing outdated version, one of the first required steps u n d e r the SI.ate· 1 1947 Redevtl- -ent Ad. Second ls a redfveloPmeot Piaa for the downtown buslned area ft.left, for· IUklr and eventual adoplion by Ille Calla Meal Planning ~ and City O.IDCJI Eallmated to -°"' dty ..... Ille plannJnt·~ will-be pUI for U.oop a tu-. Wbich ..m.-to chan- nel fund& lo redpleol ~ .. bat - ...... to Ille pnljttt. . . ' City ofljclall aplalned """ Iha -works th1s way:· · Tm a particular area that _.i.s thecntlcally $30,000 .....Uy In tu money. The rm year, perbaJ!a. the assessed value riut, .muJttna · in ~a IS0,000 tu fund. That -a IJll,000 .... lnlo the redevelopment tttuury. . No formal ac:tloo ii expected on patting the plan into efl'ect for at Jea'st one year, hut 111bml&llon ol pnipoals !or tbt ...,. downtown loot la a dellnlta atop alioad. • -, . . Astronauts who had parked on the ~ M-y could easily sympalhiia -1!111 feellnp ol tWo Ollta M.., boys, -ponllel pllgbt -With a """ -ul llftofl. too. 'Ibo~ --k on a north-llde aUpoirilarloel niol wlib ilnli a i<le- empe ad • 'loni' way back "to &be ~ Pat Alexander arrived al the -Bl'OI. Market. 1175 Babr St, after a .....pidouJ d!Jpetcher at a noaity•flre' ltltloo no(Jfled pollce. -0. '1'1n.<. U; of llB Ek Camino Drive, &M Mldiael H. ScbJue!Jr, I, ol . -· -y Ave., said lhey &lllnoled up a guyw:tre' 1o an EdlAOG Compuy -pole and onto Ille niol to ,... their telesoape. 'llle1 callle'-down 'fla !!rt department laddet and>W99 debrlided al>out tbt pslll bl oi1tJn1 foot ,.._ -a wl&e ..U-Ut mlil>l -.. -. We atller Sunny 1kle1, balmy """""" and warm temperatures are still com- bining to give ()range eo..t ~ Unulng swnmer • weather. INSmE TODAY Goodbue Eagle. yoai totre a m4g'ni/icmt bird, maube· finut in history and uou tDert9''t dt.stined to f"etum to earth, but you'll not b~ foroo~kfl. PaQ£ %0. .,,,,.. ,. C.-I c-.... ~:"-.. :; --' ,_...., .... ............. ,. ....... tt-11 ~. ,, "'"' .... '' ... """*" ,, , I Mtm ......... -q -" __ .. --' .......... t>ll ... '"'' ,.. ,...,.. .. ,, " ............. -" -. ....... ,... .. I I , ' , -- • : I DAILY PILOT • ,, c· • Panther .. Given -Delay · ----'-B ___ <!:~l..:.!iefua~g_ in SA OfJjcer_ Sla in~(;~p J I A Blaclt Pintar eccused In the ~YlN. • ~verly Qilb bo!Pe. _ if ~ ol!rcer IOilay won a -ederal ottfcerrlluht 'Into "'the base- ' delay of hl4 arral1pzpent 00,, murder men! occupied by the two fugitives alttr ,.. --charsn • -. ~ -=.::.. receiYin1 a tJ__p~that te_uue .Jod Grimes I Portable €la11room1 Arrive David Brennan. 10, filth grader at Llndber11h School In Costa MeJa, cock• hll bead for better look at portable clas•room which arrived at bis 'school earJy ,·last week. It was lint of more than 40 to be used at various !{arbor Area schools start- ing In the fall. lnstallailon of portable rooms will elfm.lnate need for double sessions, according to school official•. Money for portables came from re- cent bond llaue approved by voters. Junge Orders Sanity Test Froa P .. e J APOLLO •.. 0 · A . · · d c ndle K 'lle. -apeeded the ahlp to 1,700 mllea an hour, · _ bre~ it l!;loae from. the moon'• pull n ccuse a l r and headln1 It l<>werd the brUllantl cloud- Br TOM Ji.(RLEY Of 1111 DIJIJ f'll•t Iliff A. S~pertor Court judge today rtluaed I<> aocopt a hoapltal rulln1 that lCCUled "Candlell1bt Kiiier" Robert WUlml Uberty wu une and 1ble to partJclpatt In murder proceedlap agalnll him. Judie WWlam Spelra appointed two l>l)'Chlatrltla I<> examlna the Wntqrlnater men *'1d wm rule Aq. II oo his mental c<IOd!Uon. Liberty, :D, will be bold In Orll1(9_ Counll jail unUI tl\ll ~.__:. Ublify aurnndered I<> aherUfa offlctn Jul .-th a weok_.lfter,.he walked to fntdom lrom MejrpJQlllan St a le llolpltal at Norwalk. "Hoapllll ofOclali u- jected the dltlrlcl attorney'• Immediate w~ that Li~y was a highly dlnjerous Jnen1.ilpiUent and stressed that he had recovered his sanily. .But. Oep.Y.ty _rnstrict ~ttorfil!l'.Al .}Velis Immediately aCCllJed lhe h...U.I of "white wuhlna:" t.he e1c1pe of Liberty ~ belatedly stamping his records as dil· char~. Wells insisted that the hoilpltal Jave· Liberty his freedom throu.&h a cleJ· ical error thal was "nothing new at Norwalk." Liberty got the labtl "Gandltlilht KJUer" from officers -whO invutlcarea the bizarre slaying of l\frs. Mareella. Lan· dis, the 1ttracUVe brunette 1ho shared his apartment 1t IS82 Westminster Ave., Westminster. Officera alleae lhey found lhe wild~yed Liberty on. June 4, 1966 1t.rumminc hl• cuJtar and so.Illy humming while the body of hia paramour Jay draped across 1 liv- ing room sofa. Officers sald Liberty had pl1ced burning candlea around the body of hll alle1ed vlctlm. Botb Llbert1 and the stran1led woman had Jona: records of mental lllneu and both had been dlagno:ied and treated In the menlal ward of Orange County f\1edlcal Center. lJberty and ?i-trs. Landis had made several unsuccessful suicide auempta in rec:ent years. Llbel'ty w1a aent to Atascadero after 1 llfi.lll' PILOT ~ti CO.Ut PUel""Utt ~..,., lekrt M. We14 ,,. ...... .,.. ""*""" Jeck I , C1rtey v• ,.,...111 -••-.i ""'""' T~•111•1 Ketvi! ·-Th ..... Ii.. M"••hi~t ~l'tEt•'-1 C•"9 W.. Offk.t 110 W11t S.y Strttl M1iliftf li.44'1111 P.0.111 15•0, •26J• .,_......, Hew90'1 ktcfU 7fll W•I ..... I0111rv1r• Lt•--..t.Ju 1'1 '-i •~""' Mllfltt..tllafl .. ld'I: ~ ~~ lltttt . 1waddled bill or earth 237,'89 till ea and Superior Court. Judie ruled that he was lnsane and unable to aulli In hia own defenn. He waa later sent to Norwalk for more advinced Pl)'Cillatrlc therapy. .Mesa Police ' Seeking More Laymen Lawmen . . • They mlchl be called Laymen Lawmen, but raervt offlcen are vttal to a rtplar fON:e and the Co8ta Mesa Police Depart. ment ls in the midst· of t recruitment -drive:-- Prospects must be 21 years old, ihl1h school graduate, U.S. citizen five feet, -nine ~iDChes till with proporUonate weJ&ht. eyul&ht correctlble to 20-30 and live. within 11 minutes travel Um.e of hudquarters. "Upon acceptance Into the reserves. the olricer begi~ training in a Reserve Academy set up by the departrnenl," says Bob Kredel, recruit1n1 spokesman. Under a new department pallcy, he painls .out, the reserve officer may receive specialized training for his parti- cular role as a layman lawman. Begfuning with 90 days' probaUonary Work to familiarize hlmself with police procedura and policies, the new officer is then tested to determine iI he qualifies as a regular reserve. He may then be eligible for promotlon to advanced reserve and eventually senior rtserve, authoriied to fill in ror regular police officers whe.n the occasion requires it. The city pays for his summer and win· ter unirorm, bitt the new lawman must buy his cwn service revolver, handcuffs and. leather 1ear such as belt and holster, approximately a 1115 Investment. Reserve officers must donate a basic JS hours each month, but receives pay for duty at special event.!, with an hourly salary for emergency duty. Tralnlng seaslons are held each month 1nd the Colla M!tSI reserve pollcem1n gains addJUonal ezperlence while l'tdin& u a partner with a recular officer. Min)' men join the force rull-tlme after working aa ruerve otncer1 while hold1ng d::i.,..•n civtUan jobs. Additional information may be obtained by contacting t~ Cosla 11-lesa Police Dep1rtment at 834·5230, according to Lt. Glenn WAiker, who heads the program About 15 men currently are on reser ve status , but the Costa ·Meaa City Council has authorized up to SS reserve officers. Youth · Injured Cl1asing Steer A Costa Mesa youth helplna corral a runaway steer ln the wake Ot the Oran1e County Fair waa lnjured e1rly today in 1 unique type of rOW\dup eccldent. lie crashed hi• amall truck Into a llJht pole block«! from view by a buddy riding on the hood. • two day1, four ·hours away. Ae they bn>ke awo,y, their lpeed clrap- ped rapidly due to the contlaued Wlu· ence of the moon. Later today, when they pwed throuib that lnvltlble Uno where earth'• atr1ctlon overcomes lhat of tbe moon, they be(an I<> 10 futer again. -... AwalUn1 them at 1plubdown in ~ Pacific at 9:11 a.rn. PDT Thurlday Is the stran1e!t welcome a nation hu ever ac- corded Ill heroee. '!lley'll be aprayed with dlllnfecten~ aheathed In an alr-llaht pr-ment with ·a cu ma 1 k to bre1the lhrouP, hllllled Into • leak·proof trailer and floW)l ln It I<> a quer..itne laboralory at !he-Manned space-c<i!ter. The Prealdent of the United Siam will be on their recovery cm1tr In the . Pacific, the USS Hornet, to lfeel them - but It will be throuah the trallu'a win· dow. · Weak communications kept whatever joy they ezprtssed durina-their reunion Monday from reachln1 the ground. There was a little pro~Jem in th~ _d_~kina - never explained. Collfua was heard to say "all hell broke loose." "J'll bet you'd almost be talki"I to yourself up there alter 10 reva (revolu- tions) or so," aaid mlalon control . "Oh, no," Collins replied. "It '.s a happy home up here. It'd be nice to have some company. Mitter of fact, be nice to have a CGU.le of hundred million Americans up here." "They were with you in apirit," said miss.ion control. That spirit had caught the world like no other since Undbergh flew the Atlantic and John Glenn and Yuri Gargarin had flown in spact. Expelled From Soviet P.toScow CAP) -Two American tourist!, PauliB Lazda and his wife Jrena, have been expelled from the Soviet Union for allegedly trylng to smugle oul an an· ti·Soviet article, a Soviet new1pape.r says. S nta . •·· M 1 . 1 were hiding out In the plush home of a I "'.. un cipe Court Judge Hollywood actor. William Thomson ordered Arthur Dewitt Grimes ls aWaiUng arraignment in League, 20, ·of Santa Ana, to return to federal court on chara11 9' harborina a court Thonday. He relused bail for the ft\llUvt. Leque It n11111ed In federal a~ctlled San1' Ana man. reconll on • booldnc of unlawful fllsbt lo ·Leque It one of three memben of the avojd proMc:ul(on. mllllant Ne~n> orpnlza\JOll named by Bui botll moo muit flrot face ac- pollce 1ast June 4 u being lnvolVed in the cut1Uona that they were there when Of. 1 shooting of officer Nelson Sas.seer. He ricer 8aucw' wu iuMed down 11 be evaded capture unlil la.st Friday when he queltioned three man ln a downtown s.n.. and Odis Nathaniel Grimes, 21, also of ta Ana ltrftt. , Santa Ana, were arruled by FBI men in Cleared of murder char&tl ii Daniel Huntington Post • • Mesan, 6 Others Vie For Police Chief's Job ' With a slight twist in the normal pat- tern, seven high ranking police officials v.•lll be the ones sweating out in· terrog1tion tonight as Huntlnpin Beach City Council looks over the field of can- didates for chief of police. Councilmen will go into ei:eculive session at 7:30 o'clock: to grill candidates for the post left open by retiring Chief John Seltz.er. Lui week the council boo>ted the U.t ·10 seven candJdates atter C 1 t y Administrator Doyle Miller had chopped ll to three. Mayor Jack Green.'said the ll'OIJP waa expanded bec1uae of the close "ma,rfln they .acort11 on the oral e:rams · and~ Importance. of the paliUon to th• community." The rollowlng men, listed alphabetically, will be Interviewed tonight . by the council, with a poulble deelalon comina: on Se.ltzer's 1ucee1sor: Edward Glasgow, to, C{>ata Mesa police captain, haa U ye111 ftpertence with Oran1e County agencies and holds an uaoclate In arla degree In police lclence. Henry Heyen, 39, Fremont police c1p- ta.in, with 11 years service on that depart· ment. He ha s attended Contra Colt• Junior Colle1e and the Univmity of Call!omta. Walter Koen.It. 9, Torrance police chief; oldert of the candidates with more lhaD 30 years e%])1!'1ence including 26 with the Los Angeles force. He bolds 1 ma.aters degree In social science. Bill MeeU. 44, Lot Angeles Sheriff's Department captain, with 20 years on that rorce. His educaUon lncludes 87 un.lls in police aclence. Earl Bobllallie, 31, HWlllngton Beach detective dlvilion captain, with more thlD 3 yeatl laW" enforcement uperience includlng three with the U.S. Treasury DepL He holds a baebelor"a dep in police adminlstraUon Jnd 21 unita in law school. _ · Loru · RuaHU, 31, ilunungton Park police captain, counts more than 17 years on the Huntln(ton Park r~e. He holds a bachelor's degree in police science and a master's in police admlnlstr.atlon. Geor1e Tlelsch,, 37, Garden Grove poUce chief, youngest of the candidates, has been chief in Garden Grove since 1967. He haa more tlwt 15 years of iaw enforcement erperienct and holds a bachelor's degree in police science and administration. Nixon Orders Additional Agency Spending Slashes WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix- on 11ld today he h11 ordered a:overnment 1genclea to reduce apendln1 by 1n .... Id· dltlonal $3.5 billion to orfset what he descr1bed as a worsentng·budaet picture. "No federal ptoaram ia above scrutiny," the President aald in a slate- ment. "Some highly des.lr1ble programs will hive to be stretched out -otbm reductd. The dollar reduct.ions will be ac- companied. by a further lowering of the peraonnel cellln11 eallbllsbed wt April." Nl.xoo saJd the redl)Ctioa ii nect3wy to brlni 101rlng spendlnc esUmates back down to the tin.I blllloa tara:et he set in April. That was when he sent bis own budget' for the new administration to Congress. Since then, he said, the financial a.itua· lion has become worse. "\Ve now anticipate," the chief ex· ecutive said, "further lncre.ases of ap-- proximately P.5 billion in expenditure for such uncontrollable items as interest on the public debt, medlc1re, Social Stcuri- ty, Civil Service retirement benefJl!'l, reduced recelpta from off-shore oil leues, public usilllnce., ind veterans' beneflta.'' Nilon noted 11ao that Congrw has done nothlna about lncreiiln& the postal • rate-, Wbteb-he"l'lqueated as otJUly,,-aifd hu acted lnconslatently with budget pro- pos1ls in other fields. He nld It haa not ended, 1s he recom- mended, special milk and llJ'icultural conaervaUon proaram.!. Instead of reduclng aid to achools in Impacted areas, he aald. C.Onarw is movin1 towlJ'd lpcrualn1 it. Israel Planes Cross Canal, Bomb Egypt I~ U111tW ,,_ l~"llllH1! Israeli planes alreaked acrou the Suez Canal today and bombfd Egyptian artillery positions for the second time in three days, an Israeli mi Ii tar y tpoke.!man alJd Jn Tel Avfv. Jordan re ported six Iaraeli planes attacked posi· lions in Jordan below the Sea of Galilee. Rlchml W. Klnnty, II. or lllO' Mln<r St.. was treated 1t 'CoMa Meaa Memorial Hospital after the 1: ISO 1.m. acrident on UH-falra:roun<ts property at 81 Fair Drive. · Pollet orncer Dick DeFranclteo aaid Kinney I01t two teelfl. knock!!! out when hi~ mouth 11truck the &leering wheel. . Earlfl Bird (:atche• Wave The yoolh rldb>a on the hood escaped Injury • Morning •Uri enlhuslut fl&hl1 for balance as he drives abead of break near lluntrnglon Beach j'ler. He made it. Air tem~rature1 ol M dearee•. with water lemperature ol Ila dearees and one lo lhrt• toot waves was the .set up about 7 a.ni. as several sunera put In a bit ol wave time before heading for wor• or summer 1chool. • r - ' - Mlch4el.L~·n~ 21. a "lieutenant of~· unlcatlbns" tn the Black Panthtr organization. Lynem mwt return to court JuJ.y 29 to fact chata:es of cach'.lnl It eon:. cealed weapori, filed three months before he was booked on the Sasscer's klJJlng. . League's attorney today predicted that. cow1 ,acUon against hi.I client will be Identical to that adopted •&•1111\ Lynem -tranlfer of the cl1ar1" to Superior Court and "a 1ealln& down °' the char1u to 'i relatively minor offwe.11 I l/ All three men were lndlcted ror murder by the Or1111e COOnty Grand Jury. JM evidence in the c•se of Lyaem wu not au.Uiclent to sustain the ctpitaJ ollemeJ count, lnvesUgators liter apl1irled. DAILY PILOT tltff Pllllte GETS JUST ONE REPLY Holiday Advocate Toole Moon Holiday • Idea Gets Y outli Burke 'Tlianks' -V.'hen.I>avid-Toole submilLed-hla idea to President Nixon for a national holiday to celebrate man 's landing on the moon hf wasn't sure if anyone would pay at· tenlion. But the IS-year-old Westminsttr lad felt something ought to be done In honor of "Man's greatest 1chievement." Now that Moonday (July 21) bas come and gone what thanks did David get for hit suggestion? "Just a leUer of thanks from A~emblyman Robert Burke ( R • Westminster} and not a word from the President," comments David, 8 9 6 O Universe Ave. David wrote a letter to the President on June 25, urging him to declare July 21 a natioilal holiday. "We celebrate a day for lovers (St. Valentines Day) and even for practical jokes (April Fool 's Day)," wrote David, "why not one for our outstanding scien• Ufic achievement ?" Last Thursday President Nixon -not nece55arily at David's suggestion -call- ed for a national day of celebration which was quickly Picked up by people across the country. But David, a junior-this fall in Fountain Valley Hi1h School. Is phllsophical about hi.• venture into the sea of lost 1u1· gf:!itions, "I'd just like to get a reply to my letter," he shrugged. Fullerton Man New Meniber Of Grand J u.ry A Fullerton real estate salesman was named today as a replacement for William D. Martin of Laguna Beach 011 I th e Orange County Grand Jury. I Superior Court Judge Robert Gardner / 1 drtw the name of Joe Cooper from a drum containing the names of eli£ible grand jurors not selected when the pa nel was formed seven months aa:o. 1 ll is not yet known when Cooper will lake over the !pot vacated last Friday by Mart in. Selection nf 1 new foreman to take over J.fartin's executive dut~ will be made Wednesday, Judge Gard- ner sa id. Martin's sudden decision to quit the Grand Jury~arou.~d speculallon th1t the i rD\lp's criticism of the COOl]tJ'I e&e 1 change of Back Bay land wit h the Irvine Company had 1ngertd the veteran civic official. Grand Jurors have rejected that Infer. _ ence. Several said Dhlfosophlcal differ- ences between Martfn an<f other jury members had been evident for aome Lime btfore he resij:oed, · ) ' I I I I " I I I / I t I ' I I I .. . ' -DAIL v' "1.0T ') Mansfield: Kennedy -wo~!).t Run in· -1972 W ASKING TON' · (AP) -S e n al e bridge In Chappaqu.ldd.lclt Island, fl.tass., Democratit Leader Mike fl.1ansfield says and the pa.wenger, ?ifary Jo Kopechne,, he thinks Edward M. Kennedy will pass drowned. Kennedy did not rePort t.he ac· ony au.mp1 lor·U..j>< ...:__ ·in !!!!;~"'='~"'··~ lot"!!!" bouni,.!! !!le be but oot because ol the auto accident in 5Uffered from aboek and HhausUon. which a w_oman riding ht t h e, Mansfield aaid be_IUl>POS'f~ some P®- Masiachusetts senator's car was killed. pie wiltt:ay that Kermedy'tpotitieal pro- Mansfiekl had told coUeagues ror spects have been dam~ged~aving the &ojneUme before the weekend accident scene of the accident "but I do not that Ken n e d y, Ute Senate's No. Z agree." DemocraUc leader, Would delay any bid "Even polillclans are human and this tor the White House until 1978 or beyond. coo.Id happen to anybody," Mansfit\ld Doubts about Kennedy's political future said. "His atatement that he dived into were sounded after his car plunged oU a lbe water several times supporu his -Music in the Air . - report that he ~aa daud and shocked. Mw!ldd sal.fhk~llM till( Kl!$<dy "lie hQ been going around wJth •beck w1u· not tly /br the lm nomlnaUonhu . 'lbe Rtpubllcona are tmna to oet him up PoUUcoLEd11C•Uon -CQPE -·opef!td o as a..clay pl1eon. But be 11 an old pro in major a.IMUR& at Piney Pobtt, Md., tt bract for sfvfrat yws since be Was been based on bla 'observaUona of UHi aJn.,.i killed in an.aliplane occidaol I Massacb111ett& -~ plrOOO!llty and poUUcs at '7. He can affdrd to Walt lf he diXud ~ b)' 1tate -~e&sional 'rt6el want.a to. He bu a mlDd of hl1 own and next year, incJudln& fCmriedy'1 ezpected -"ould have been ieclfy ogiliiifliblJOC; iiie latter's operatiolll aa -lie..-will~~~li b&i owa IOOd tun..~liMUor.. Other poUUeal obser~ didn't take tlle. Tf>e COl1ltQIUS appear~ to be Kennedy tors' orders \04 dive into the wattr. This "My conc.NsJon b: baaed on stviril fac-. could have contftbul«i-IO b1i ubaus!IOn __.,.,,., ~1(j111J!le)dl-Nld " 4mpocilot- same mw <l the accldent's effect on could. win rwJectton· lo the Senate Ke~• greer ... ~ despite lbe--aiJto .acdde:ttt, but wu and shock. one Js that be llkea the work here in the ':It's a ~ter" for. Kennedy's virtually ruled out of. the presldenUal "It is quite understarxlable that Sen. Senate far more than hls brothers did." presidential 111ptrat!ON1, said one of tile race in Im. blgbest'poU!lcal advisers ol the AFU!O Some thought he might overcome K~ could ..have been stunned ,amt Thi! was an allu.slon to the late President might not have known what he was dol.ng Jahn F. Ke.nnedJ. and the late Robert F. -traditionally strong lbpporter of adverse reaction lo the accident in time for several houn after the accident aDd KeMedy. Democratic prtSl.dent1il c~datu. to make a bid for the presidential the physical strain of having dived "A Jot of people have been trying to several times in Slarch ol the car." push him lnto .1oing after lhe nomination. Approxl~at.ely 100 officials of the AFL-nomination in 1976, but these appeared to CIO's poliUcal arm, the: Committee Oo be in the minority, Beach Man Sewer _ .. i Cut, Beaten 2-county Project Studied ~~'i 1 By_3 Thugs ' A.Joint project for dispoul of RWage rromjltverlide County ...i. northeastern Orange County wblch would save life two are14 ,more. than $5 mllijon will be. discussed Wedne$day nlilht in Fountain Valley, · · · Three thugs, one wielding a knife or cutting instrument, jumped a Hun&ington Beach metal worker Monday night and left him bruised, slashed and bleeding on a downtown residential street. "Tl's just l!ke opening a box," • · - murmured one thug while cutting David BeaCh Hop·mg· .. Franklin Smith, 18, of 306 !Ith St. Smilk -. . :· · told police he was walking along Hun- tington A"nue about "15 p.m .• Mo.,.tay, 'Cann. ed· Heat' weyen a stranger grabbed him from l>Eihind in a strangle hold. Another man then hit him frt>m behind, To Stay Cool \\'hile a third came at him wilh some type ' . of cutting Jnstrument -pe.rh8.ps a can _ . . oeener or a knife _ and began slashing. Worried mldent.s art hoping that the · at him, said Smith. "Canned .Hut" wilt a.hnmer on lbt 1t.qe Smith sard the·three men then left, tor Sunday nigbLwitbout seWnc Ort lo U00. no apparent reason,. and he was itrug-teenagers e1pected for a big ~ocll: conotrtt gling to get to a friend's house when 1 at the Huntlngton Beach Hlgti • Scbo61 police un it found him. gyft,. • · Police said Smith could not identify his The 8 p.m. program, billed a1 a sit· attackers and knew no reason for the doy;11 "pillow C1:1ncert", will be put on by savage beating. · Smith was treated and admitted to the city-sponsored Youth CoallUon Com· Huntington lntercommunity Hospital for miUee as the main event of a youth severe bruises and cuts on the face, back culture week. Rivenide County has an unsolved pro. blem of disposing of its h u g e nonreclaimable industrial waste watet and northemltern Orange Coun~y {County Sanitation District No. 2) Js faced."With an urgent need to expand ll! trunk line capacity to meet growth. A solution to tb.e joint problem. prepared by Lowry En~ring Science of Santa Ana, would ~ a 56-mile, $16.S mill.km sewer lin.e along the Sant.a Ana River to the Orange County Sanitation Districts' sewaie . treatment plant in Founlain Valley. District No. 2 directors are eipected to order ·a feasl.blltty atudy follow!og ·the Wednesday report It will be submitted to the Riv~slde County Flood Control and Water ConservaUon District for further •~Y· Agreemeota on financing would ~ developed later. Riverside 'Count7's prOblem ls not only how to baRdle current waste wat.e..c from industry bot how to pcov1de for pew - areas of industrial developmeht. Overshadowing tbe whole problem art new higher standards on. wastewater discharged from tndusl:l'iaLlacilities into the Santa Ana River channel recently liet by the Santa Ana RIVet Basin Regional Water Quality-Control Board. Ji1ark Wood, Clay Hildenbrandt and Tom Jacks (from left), beginning tuba players in Fountain Valley School District's summer n1usic program. make with the "oom-pha" sounds in preparation !or upcoming concert. All students enrolled in special summer music program will perfonn in concert at 7:30 p.m. ·July 31 in Fountain Valley- High School gymnasium. Admission is free. and stomach. His condition today was But considerable objection }Tu already termed good. been leveled at the youths and their adult advisers. These have all centered on the Valley Teenage1· poes.iblllty of a riot. In Orange C<lunty, the problem is pro- viding for dispo!al of domestic sewq:e in a fast growing area. District· No. 2 in-- eludes the Santa Ana Canyon and mo!t of Anaheim, Orange, Brea. Yorba Linda. Placentia, Villa Park and Fullerton. Domestic sewage flowing from the large district is now funneled into the Newhope-Pla~ntla think. which ha.H a present capacity of 46 million gallons a day. The fk>w is expected to jump to 80 million gallons a day by the year 2000. Scientists Looking Ahead Knocked °"1 by Statio'Q ~andi~ McDonnell Douglas w or kiiig on Station in Space A FounlalnVa)ley\lenager clu€bed Un· consciow by a bqndit who stole $100 from By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI Nationa1 Academy of Sciences, will be 01 ni. o..i1Y Plitt •••tt. run through microbial and ioo resi:t The rar reaches of the universe. once filters for the removal of salts, bacteria thought U[lt_OJJQ)Jg_able_,_!iave been b~ste_!l._-.-a.ncLothe.r..lmpuritie:s~ _ __ _ _ ()pen for exploration through man's Krst 1'1eps on the moon. FREE OF BACTERIA But scientists are already looking About 160 degrees of heat will insure beyond t?e morn:i. And to get there they that the water is kept bacteria free at all ere l~m1ng their thou~hts to .the COO· times. Portions of the distillate will be struct1on of space stations which may . . :someday service vehicles bound for olher run through a chiller to provide cold planets. drinking water. A variety of problems remain to be Solid human waste in future space :sta- solved before astro~auts will be. able to tions may be disposed of according to a spentti-extended per~~!i of time in outer General Electric prototype which will space. Th~ ~mp!.ex1l1es range from pro-also be tested during the 91)..day project. vtdlng .eff1c1e~t . hfe support systems to Called simply the "Sling," the device the design of hvtng and work space. contains blades which slir up the waste But tocl_ay at the ~cDo.nnell ~uglas material under vac:uwn and deposit it in Astronautics Cclrporalion 1n Hunt1ngt~n a container where jt is vacuum dried. Beach engineers are already al work in ''It will be as close t.o being at home as sol~ing some of 01~ problems -at possible," said Houghton. their own space stahon. Personal hygiene will be assured the BEI NG READIED occupants through a vacuum sponge ar- The "Space Cabin Simulator'', a double rangement, which is treated with a mo ist walled steel cylinder, l2·feet in diameter cleansing agent and will be used for daily "baths". and 40-feet long. is now being readied for 11. ground test which will duplicate space The life-support system, a complex unit living conditions for foor men for 90 days. based on the Sabatier principle, will Dr. Karl Houghton, !>7, chief engineer recover oxygen from waste gases. In the ()f the finn's biotechnology and power process the oxygen and _nitrogen com· 111 be th 1 t ponents of air will be reclaimed by ad· division, says this trial w e onges ding hydrogen to waste carbon dioxide, yet for the company, which has already thereby converting the carbon dioxide to conducted 30-day and 60-day tests. One of the innovations to receive his waler and methane gas. scrutiny is a system which utilize~ SEPARATED OUT radloaclive isotopes to vacuum distill The waler will be separated out urine and produce potable drinking through a condenser while the methane water. . gas is expelled from the cabin. "These isotopes are plilting out heat all Oxygen tn the waler collected through the time." said Houghton. "They're just condensation would then be freed through like a hotplate. And we're. planning to use the process of electrolysis, Houghton e.1- the energy in the distillation process." plained. The water, which has to meet zero ~1en ror the project. scheduled to begin bacteria :standards as e!t.ablished by the in ~1arch lflO, will be chosen for their physical and mental attributes from the Costa li'fesa .SU'dce station be was tending alone when atlacke.d it improving university graduuate students. today, after bf!in" hospftaliZed. siilce "They virtu~lly have to drop out for a Saturday. ~ ..Y.ear. fil_nce ~-~ll~_gl!!!e "!''Y~ of Brent D. Braden, 17, of 18.124 training before the test," 5aid Houghto~n~.-~er=oo1ffiurst-st~iSrouna-ar-1900 ''But it's ~·orth it to them, not because of Nel'i·port Blvd. about dawn Saturday, by customers and a youth on duty at the ata-the money involved, but because this is tion across the street. about as close as they can get to the Nursing aides al Costa Mesa Memorial space program." Hospital !aid Monday that young Braden While the men are bottled up In the was listed in good condition and his con· cussion was improved. simulator, they will be asked to perfonn The victim told police he was attacked certain physical exercises, practice dock-by a man who approached from behind Ing maneuvers, prepare their own space as he sat in the office, demanded a key to food and maintain all of lhe onboard the cash box, then struck him with a · I heavy weapon. equipmen · Police Detecllve Lt. Glenn Walker said Even with 811 the work that has been $100 was found missing from the Unlon scheduled for them to perform, they will Oil Company station afler ~the robbery have plenty al time to continue their and assault with a deadly weapon case studies. was reported. CONTINUE WORK "It would be. possible for them to con· tinue work on their courses," added lfooghton. "And there is lhe possibWty that what they will be doing could be us- ed as thesis material, on a master's level." The long-tenn test will be conducted by ri,1cDonoell Douglas under a contract for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) primarily to test the closed systems approach of sup- porting life. No physical or mental Ill elfects have shown up in the crew during the previous 30 to 60 day tests, except for a minor cold and a puzzling sore throat. Medical examiners ouLslde had a few bad·moments diagnosing the second mal· day and after consultation with the crewman's family dentist determined that the subject was cutting a wisdom tooth. County Woman Dies in Accident A Fullerton woman was killed and four others were injured when their car struck a median divider on Interstate 10 near Benson, Ariz., and overturned. Lupe Enedina Lusar, 37, 422 S. Highland was killed in the crash and her husband, Matlo, 48 and her to children, Martha It and Kennedy, 14, were taken h~nd. Mario, 43 and her t'wo children, to the Tucson Medical Center. The driver of the vehicle, Ruben C. Ybarra, 20, 120 W. Lincoln, Fullerton. was treated for bruises and shock. Highway patrol oUicers said Ybarra, ''took -hL:s eyes off the road to adjust the refrigeration unlt11 and the car hit the center railing. Some of the adults in the b>mmunily, such as Mrs. Gecrge S. Kaiser. 16701 Robert Lane, say they do not· apprOve of the concert. .which will feature "Canned Heat," "fus1on;0 and 4'bat Mother and the AU-Night Newsboys. ''She plam to Jodge a protest. The spectre or riots and near riots which have marred youth band events at Devonsh!re Downs and in Costa Mua are cited by some-or the-adults u-the basis · for their tear! that "aomethlrlg might ,h4ppen.:,. .........._ _ _ _ _ ___ _ Larkin Slentz, one of the organlurs of the concert hls'dismisstd tbeae notions. "We are not plaming, a rklt by any means. We don't believe there will be any trouble al all. Teenagers regularly get together for football games, basketball and Friday and Saturday night dances without cau.sing trouble In Huntington Beach." "We are planning a Ustenlitg event - to the kind of music lhe younger Ht likes. Adul.ll! feel free to attend concert.a of their kind of music without public outcry, why can'\ we?" He said the group is "meeting all of the requirements of the establlshmf.nl" and aaked that the adulLs of the community give lhem their aupport. Part of the needed support. aald StenU, Is parents allowing their chUdren to buy tickets to the concert. 'l'1le city has underwritten $9,250 for the bands, which it Mpet: to recover from ticket sales. North American Gets Contract North American Rockwell ha1 been awarded a p mllUon supplemental con· tract for research and development of the post.boost prot'Jlslon lyrtem for the Minuteman W. The funds came from the Department of Air Force u a part ot a $208 million contract for work to be dooe at lhe Anaheim lacllity. Woman c.-osses Pacific . Lowry Engineerlna-Science es_Umates that the combined plan would reduce cost to the sanitation district from $10 million to $7 .J mfl.lion, and Riverskle Coonty'• cost would be cul from an e!tirnated $11.1 milllon to $9.3 milUon. Pretty B•l>bteS Debby Marsh, 12, di!plays championship fonn which re- cently won her girls' division title in bubble gum blowing contest at Eader School dur· ing summer fun and games sponsored by Hun.ting~on Beach Parks and Recreation Department. Lone Sailor Wants to Tallf. Artist in Sand Some · artists use oil and canvas. Some use clay. For others, \he 'medium Is stone. or metal. But .Robe.rt Burnett, 18, Anaheim, found the sands ot I oAtlY PILOT ..... ,__ Huntington Beech suitable for creattng lhl• "Re- clining Lady." He a.lso found-eand -an imperma.. nent medium. The lady disappeared overnl&ht. LOS ANGEL~ (UPt)-'llle first thing ~frs. Sharon Sites Adams wanted to do after sailing more than 6,000 mUes across the Pacific alone was talk. "She was very depressed and tlred," reporied her husband, Al in a lhlp-to- shore ~t with United i>ru:s lnterna- Uonal. Adami, a sailing instructor, aailed out to meet hu our Point Hueneme to- day. "But she had to ialk and talk." "Now she wanu UIJ to W.od by while sbe washes her hair." Mn. Adams, who began Mr trip 71 days ago from Yokohama, Japan, as part or San Diego's bh:entennlal i:tJebr,.._ Hon, bet.me the fint woman -to make a 50lo (:rosslni of the Pacific • Adams 11id her 31·foof. btdt, Sea Shaip II, beld up ...ii. "She says lhe'• had tn00gh advent.um 'to fill four boob." he uld. "She ran lnto seven galea • • • and only broke two halyards." "Her flrst werd!, '' he sald, 11we.re ·r came r1gbt wberl you told mt l<I and I've betil bett all night'." He oald his hoe~ ihe Allwl1 out o1 Marini Del Rey-t ."u within five miles ol her'• oil Monoay nlChl. but be wu unable to ... her bec:ouse her ligbis were weak. He said she waa unabie to use her r1dlo to conserve power until early todat wbff' •he tuned in a com- mercial atat1oa and bean! I -· rej\ort kTiing her bU!bancl's boet was waiting to meet her. "God l.s with us," she said. "She's done a terrific job," he said. "She's a little thln ••• 108 pounds ••• but ahe'1 beginning to smile." Her supplies held out. Except tar some o( the fesser ii:etns which Ad&mll planned to pas.s onr to her before con.voying bet on l'o San Diego. "Sbe wanta to continue right on ·to San otea:o," he said. Adams added tu. partJ will ~ her all the way. "She'• In bettter C<Jndttlon than I'd tJPOCL" Mn. Adam.t. 39 and the motbet ol two, will be the ~ ol boaor II O '1huge, wild party 1 In booor of bel' ~ when ahe arrlxts IQ _Son ~ IOO>dltne lote 1llundo¥or~· '( · l 1 . - I • • I • A tpwel or two, a bar of soap .•• but this is carrying the custom of pilfering from a hotel or motel too Iar: Dale Brunk, manager of Motel Six in Des 1i1oines, Iowa, says somebody stole a bed. • The stoVe, Furnance and Allied Appliance Workers Union has a 5tand-up-and-take--n~tice • member· ship. Particularly now that _some-' body stole 70 chdirs and tables from the union hall in St. Louis, Mo. • . Jllficial from Wapa koMta, Ohio Chamber of Commerce waited little time 'in updating this hiltoric sign on the cit~'s main approaches. • Tbe choir at the Langham, Eng· land Village Church went on strike this week. They walked out of the choir stalls in a dispute with the vicor over who should play the organ during services and after the vicar fired the choir leader. • _TM }Aindon trf&llUtJI admit· tidit U having second thought! about a rec1nt econcm11 move- n.o cat allowances for goveT11.· mtnt ministrU1. With no cat! the governrttt"ni officts reporf,-· e_d· thtif ·rat population was in--· crta,ing. T~rt--wert 100,000 cars in the civil service before the treasury imposed the econ- ~1 omv move o?Jer the 4g -cnit-al- lowance ptr cat. • In one British school, at least, love comes second to the televi- sion. A survey of students at a Hedlf08ford, England high school showed the 8.verage student speni 19 hours a week watching televi- sion and only eight and a hall dating. · ., • cantiff, Wales jury found a policeman innocent of stealing 47 daffodils worth 60 cents while on night patrol on the grounds of Car· dill Casile. The officer contended he found the flowers strewn on a riveT bank and did not pick them rrom the castle gardens as charg- ed. -· In Ra cial \ Flareu_es . ~ .,™°'*'*""' Two peraon1 were ~lied Monday nlfht In dl!lturbances that bit Columbus, Ohio, and York, Pa. Curlews were declared and National Guardsmen were ordered out ln both cities. Ther!: also was a minor distur~e in \Vashlngton, where police used tear gu to disperse a crowd of 150 penons. • Columbus police reported one dead, 25 Injured'~ 130 arrested Mopday nJght In rlotlnf that apparently was lriggered by the fatal shooting of a Negro man Mon- day afternoon. Gov. James A. Rhodes call~ up t.M>· guardsmen after city" offlciab reported that the disturbances, the city's first.ma· jor racial outbreak, had sprtad 9ver a 10- ~uar~mlle uea. _ Police Maj. Dwight ' Joseph aaid the rioter~ .:some wearing gas mub and armed 1-Mth tear gas canbt\n, threw bricks lbd flied Upol'.l firemen sent to n.umerous blazes µ,·bus'iness place's. "We'll return fire with fire ••• wt wUI shoot. felons on sight," he said. The man killed Monday night was George StUlb:, 47. Police said he was slain by a sniper. Lt. Rldlard Born said Stu1tz, white, wu bit ·while tiolding a flart to assist police. One fire occurred in a dry claning shop where Roy Beasley, 27; a Negro, was shot to death Monday "afternoon in what police said· was the culmln8lion of a neighborhood dispute. The white shop manager, Davt E. Shesnut, 89, was ar· restesf and charged with ~od--degree m~der. Jn York, LlWe B... Allen, 27, of Aiken, 'Sl:. was fat.ally hit by sniper fut as she siood by her car In a ~bled ~ea of che : city •• LEM Dance Pu tS Fr ench Riviera Crowd in Orbit CANNF.5, France (UPI) -A new dance sent swingers into orbit en the French Riviera in honor of man's first lancling on the moon this week . Called the "Lem," it Is performed lo electronic accordion muslc and consists of: -Marking time and swinging the arms to give the Idea of speed, -Shouting "Go" on the 7th beat and recommencing nine times to . mimic revoJutloos around tarth, -Jumping OD OTie foot (the left) tn astronaut posiLioJJ 1ix times, -"Moving the anns ilowly to give the idea of welghtleuneas, -ShouUng "LEM" and clapping hands. Nixon Renews Bid fo r Surtax WASHINGTON !UPI) -President Nixon, backed by treasury secretaries in four administrations, mad~ a new appeal today to Congrw to approve extension of the income IUrtu. At a White House meeting by Nixon v.'i\h Congressional leader1 of both parties, Senate Democratic leader Mike Jdansfield reported, the tr..uury seer .. laries "were in unison" oo the need for swift action and warned o( "pog!!lble economic dtfflculties tied t"o inflition." The administration has been pressing the Senate to approve the Hous~·passed bill •but Mansfield, baeked by the Democrallc policy committee, has refus-- ed until a tu reform bW is ready for passage. -. ' UPIT ....... QUARANTINE LAii -The Apollo 11 astronaut. will be quarantined tn the lunar recei\ing laboratory (1bove) being loaded aboard prime recovery ship USS !Iornet on their return to earth. The diagrammed l!rawt.ng -shows how the trio will be confined. with doctors to guaran- tee that no genn1 perll Ibo earth. I INJI AMCI I I . I' · llDIOOM AllA I ' 1 I ~!MOBILE QUARANTINE FACILITY (MQF) l ··~~~~~~~~~-::-:-~~~~~~~..:...~:....~: ••• Solons to· Face Pressure -·- For· Flights .Beyond Mo.on . ,Cmnprombe Made Tobacco Firms • Ofler TV Ad Ban • ·,WASHINGTON (UPI) -'Ille tobacco Jrldustry offered today to do Bway with all cigarette coounertlal.5 on radio and television by September, 1970, provide,! Congresa imposes no reslrictioos oo other ,_lyP,eS of advert.ialng for smoking. Josepb F. CUllman DI, chairman of Philip Mortia Inc., and chairman of the Tobacco Jnsutute, made the offer of a vo- luntary broadcast ban Jn S e n a t e teatlmoriy in behal! of hia firm and eight .. others, Including the nation's top seven cigarette makers. But Sen. Frank E. ?ifoss (0-Utah), chairman of the Senate Commerce Com· mltt~'s consumer sU"bcommitt.ee wh1cb heard the testimony, said Congress must also move .to clamp down on non-- broadcast forms of clgartlte adverUslng. Cullman said the indwtry still did not agree wilh the U.S. Pubttc Health SerYlce's indictment of cigarette smoking as a major cause al lung cancer, heart disease, bronchitis and other ailments. But without specifically saying so, be acknowledged in effect that tbe industry wu yielding on broadcast adverti!ing in hope3 of getting extension of a law enabl· ing it to contµlue advertising in newspapers, magazines and billboards. Ul'I T1i..o11eM BOWS TO PRESSURE Morris' Jo1eph Cull man Wheeler Relays Fears of New. Red Fight -by Aughst Cullman said: ;'Each company ill prepared! to agree to discontinue all advertlsii\g of cigarette on television and radio in September, 1970, when the major exWing contractual arrangements will expire, provided that Congress enact leglslatioil which provides that an agree- ment to lhis effect shall not be deemed il· WASHINGTON (AP) -_Gen. Earle G, legal under the antitrust laws." Wheeler, chairman of the Joint Chief! of . J{e said C!tare~e mater1 woulj:I stop Staff, said today U.S: intelligence expects their· tiFOall a vertising even sooner the enemy could launch a new offensive -anytime after next Dec. 31 -if in Sooth Vietnam late this moo.th or networks and broadcast stations wO\J,ld • early August. cancel cigarette adverUsing contracts. Wheeler, returning fr9m a four~ay ill· Moss, leader cf a strong Senrate an· · spection trip to Vletnain, said an assess- tlsmoking bloc, commented that leaders n\,ent based on movement, of enemy WASHINGTON (AP) -Congress ap. Orlearui, the Boeing co. ls building the · of the cigarette industry "have been the forces and their supplies as well as other pears unwilling to sign the blank check la!t authorized Saturn v launch v~icle. victims of the all too human failure to Jntelllgence infonnatlon, "indicates they for a new space commitment to .. -.1 Wh . face unpleasant facts" about dangers of are preparing for another series or at· °"'"' en 1t is finished the space ·agency smoking. but added : tacks." man beyond the moon -despite momen· will have nine Saturns, en"" .. i. for three "Today I sense that the c1'garelte 1·n· "H h nd h 'd d th ""6'' ow eavy a ow w1 esprea eso tum fueled by the success and 1tardust ol mooq flight! a year for thret years. dustry is turning av,.ay 'from stubborn may be, we don 't know," the four·slar Apollo 11. The departing Johnson Administration conflict end preparing to accept the general lold reporters es he arrived at But government programs ladling out did not include in its 1970 budget any heavy burden of its pub 11 c Andrewi Air Force Base in nearby payrolls and prof.it! usually develop a funds for further lunar exploration after responsibility." Maryland . the first Apollo landing or for con· While praising cigarette makers for One of the purposes of Wheeler's trip to rocket·thrust of their own. tinuation of Saturn production. their offer to stop broadcast advertising, Vietnam was to check the current bat· The pressure will be there in the coD-The Nix-on Adm inistration amended . fi1oss insisted, "We must also make cer-tlefield situation in advance of President ~ressional debates ovtr D at 1 0 n a I that to add funds for the manned prrr tain that other forms or promotion -Nixon 's decision, to be made next month, priorities to keep the manntd spact gram but Congress has yet to approve magaiine, billboard , couponing, point of on whether to go beyond the 25,COknan .e!\ablishmenf-symbolized by the Saturn the money. · sale-are adequately circumscribed and ••ithdrawal, anno.unced earlier Qili; JUffi• V rockets-a going business With a goal The availability of the Saturn rockelll, restrained." · mer. !llch u 'Mar1 ln 20 or 30 years. plut the multimilllon-dollar installations But Cullman urged Congress to pass a Wheeler declined lo say what he will In fact the pressure ts already on with ~at ~ouston and Cape Kennedy, make it bill, already approved by the House, to recommend to the President. He said It plans for manned space fllghl.t waning in unlikely that Congresa will not author ize prohibit government regulalion of would be "somewhat prtsumptuous of me the early 1971'.ls. Even before the Apollo 11 the completion of the moon ptogram into cigarette advertising beyond a fairly mild to preempt" Nixon in forecasting what astronauts got moon dust 00 thtlt boots ~e_nlld·lf10ll. healt.h_wam!ng on cig¥ette pacg.._ __ might be_ done. Vlce President Spiro T. Agnew and H~:l-"riiiiiii;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiii;i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiilliiiiiiiiiiiiii--iiiiiiiii~ J?emocnUc Whip Hale Boggg were call- 1!18 J~r _a new _g~l o( Mars. .AroaOOCepe Kennedy, Fla., there is worry about the 20 percent cut in employ- ment planned for the next 12 months. And In Bos&•' home dlatrlct of N.., • APOLLO 12 SET FOR NOVEMB ER SPACE CENTER, HOUiton (AP) - Man's second rDOCll landing -Apollo IJ -JW'Qbably win be launched in November with the landing madt in Ute western hemisphere of the moon. LL Gen. Samuel G. Phillips, director of ~e Al;>Ollo program, said Monday the final SJte selection for the second man-- ned lunar landing has not been com.; plcted, but that a poJnt In the western Mart, or lunar sea, will be picked. IT'S FUN -TO -BE-SLENDER· BEAUTIFUL anti FIT ••• CALL NOW FOR YOUR • COMPLIMENTARY TREATMENT AND FIGURE ANALYSIS WE OFFER YOU GUARANTEED REDUCING · ••• Weather Aids Kansas Pot Not Just Promises TODAY with the a»istance of fully qualified personnel and specially design!d equipment CAMIO FIGURI C 0 N TR 0 L SALONS will guarantee you the s Ii m perfeclly proportioned figure you dream of having. Why continue with strenuous exercise, starvation diets and uncertain results? With CAMEO you are not required to indulge 1n exercise of any kind or to contend with starvation diets. THI RES~ONSIBIUTY IS OURS. CAMIO FIGURI CONTROL SALON guarantees ycu in writing that you will achieve pre-determined Torr ential Rains Bring Lubbock, Tex. Flnsh Fwods 1 ........ "'"""'· L• ._... flMI -11'J' l•lr WM,,._ •r durlf'OI f"9 4-'I' wOll MMlll111 - c;lclt,IOll'lns on "'' ~t incl IWWdk•td 1111 ,,. ... , Clwcll~. Hlvh l•-r•· tu,. IOl:lt'I' w11 17 wllfl • 11rtdlcl9d low of U-tonlto!ll. Tiii' A.Ir PolluOm Colttrtll 0 11!rld Mkl fl'll'rl ..... li9111 -Jn lt>e Liii ....... " &11111. Al tl>I bN~• • ...,.,e t.1911 ,...,~,. •lvrw _.. lft lfl.-lwr 1'11 wlni w1•-r .,_..,,," In 1111 "'ltfl tol. tlllutll• -_,""" until Ill• morn!"' """' n.. ~ .............. INl••IY" 111• wlltt 1 i.w ~ •-tt>ufl-de""-rs.. Tlll ...-l1IN _. moiirty l1!r •Ill! • '" ~ lll\lrldtt""'-•• •1 .. ..,. 1lfl""°*'· T.. """"' ....,_llvlw •I ,._. -''"'"" ,...,. ,. .., a. SOUTHl!!llN CAll~llNIA. -M11tflf f1lt celtill llC"flcont• 1""-lt WtdM .. dw lM,it Pllttt' 11'1d "'" ""'1""'1"' low ~ .... '°' -· ""' , .. ,,_ '"'""" claud'I' .i """" """"""!"' ,,.. 111 .. .,,. wtlfl llOll!fd ·""-.... ·-nt.'9 'ltlulldllill-•. LOI ANGELI$ AllfA--U~ !1lr ~ ~r 11111 """' ,,.. ..m _,.... lrcM ~ N-er flM -'• L_,, _, 6'. Hllfl T-..av IJ. CQUTA.l ANO INTl!ltMl!OLATf VAltl'.T$-Moltfll ,_If .......... Wed-,.....,, l-. • No .a, Mltflt T""41y ., "' "· MOUNT ... IN AlllC.U-Vet!Nlt dlllldt ...,,.,.. .,.,......., wtlfl ltllllfllll '"'"" -·""~~........,,. INTllUOtl AHO Ofllltf l!OIOHI _..,...... , .... ---.......... Wl1fl INM!olif ~ Miii .........,. .....,,.., ._,,. LOW't_.::k.~. °"""' \111 ..... " ,. • )......, ,......., ... ,.. v..-"''"""' 1• .. 111......, vtlm. Coatol Clol,Nlv n-1'11"' 11\1! """'"' •-~r 11 1.m. lllflt n•ll6oM •Inell nl-"'t al'llf fl*"lll"' how.,. IH't""I"' "'"ltrlv • l'I M knott. 1111t1 !Wlv 1'. 'l'K"1"U l"s Wl'l"111111'1 ,..,... fnm • ltl.., Ill .., l'I n. lnl•llll "°"""tu,. r•"'llll ,..., M l'I N. W•t•r i-r- •'""' _. 61 °'9r"a. S11n, Moon, T itle• T"11DA'I' 'ltll flltll ............. J;• "·"'· S,1 Fll'lt ._ , .•... ll:t• 11.m. 1.J WIOH1SOAT ,1,.1 l'lltft '"''·········· J:lll •""· 1,1 ,lrwl ._ . ., ...... ,, .. t :lt 1,m, r.t Slc:ond l'llfll ..... , ...... •:U 11,111. I.I IWR lllltt4 S:$6 Im ... ,. f!N 1.111, ..... Al-I :41 ~"'-lotft, U :l) •.111 . f'¥11 L•tl 0, ''"' 0. ,..,,. JlllJ' M Allf. I JWtf 2t lulf. II V.S. Sumttt0r11 w""" _.,..., "' Klf'IM• .... ,....,. "" 11etr1 u-tn crw fll m.r1hN111 11111 -"-fll 1111 Tern l'll'll'\lndr. •-lenotcl -llv ul'Welt"""' ...,_ ~lvmll 1'1d1V II ~t fll 1111' Ml\oft ·~ 11"""'' -awi.r. Kl-.vtftorl""' r""'"ld 11ottr f911JIY vii" If "" 11kllm ll'Oll'I lrt''"" ""' 111tl(lll Cln~.-.M Qfl 1!111 11 .... """"'• ""' """'"' fll .,.. ~ ~if!Vll ,...,. .... !lrtl hot -hf U!llll "" fir,! tro1r, 1'1ri•••n 111ld au"*"lti.t 111 "*'"" """"",.... ,,.. '--.i+lllc1m1111 f/lflci.tt 1111 "" tt\ltlfft• ll btlftl ~I -'dlllle IN ............. ""'"°'"'·" TClll'ftftlltt r1lll t«orn•nld 1i- -ir... hl~~1 lrl~\.~ T .. ., ...... rtr !WIY. Mire NII f'~ lrld'!'1 el B iii QU--flli!h ·-· MOl'llf1v 1111 U,s. W"!Mr •lffft'I IUuH IW.... leod Wlf'lllnn IDr ''· 'r111Ctl• allll 111. Gl1lrll..,. ceuMlff !11 """"'"" Mlulurl Ill flle w..1:1 Ill flffvr nu. ........... ... _ ""ff'Jll•lll •1-rac Bow 11...,...,.svui. .,,_ Cl-...,., ... ,.._ ... ... F1lrbf .. t ........ ,.,... -·-........ K.,.IK Cltv LM Vft•• "'-...... .. ...-. ,,, .. Or....-. Mew 'l'on; Hertll l'lttt. ""'""' Oltll"""-CrtY °"""' 1'1111'1 "''"" -· ,.._, .. ....... ll..W C!~ lltd .""" .... .S•tt•""""" $11t l11!1 City S.11 OltM 5.., 'r1PICIMa ..... s_..,,. =.... n .. " n '" " M " " • .. " .. " " .. u " " .. " u u .. • •1 .. • , .. " " " N " .. " "' " u .. .. .. " " .. n " • " u .. .. .. " • " I" M IM .. u " • • u u IM • . .. M .. .. " .. " " u .. n " .. .. '" .. • n Al ... ·" ·" .., •• .. ------ ~ -----. ' . ' results. Your figure analyst, at the time of your complimentary treat· ment, will determine the exact number of trutments needed to realize the measur!men11 you want, and the e.xact cost. NO HIDDIN CHARGES WI All NOT A GYM • NO DISRO l lNG. Coma dressed as you ora in any comfortable clothing. WE OFFER YOU A CLOSELY SUPERVISED PROGRAM AND A Wl!ITTEN GUARANTEE THAT YOU WIL( AOilEVf PRE·DETERMINED RESULTS. l • d G. of els tVe or ID· "~ my her hey at· ... 1tar I at rby p lo bat· lent nth. nan um· will d it me 1hat r. / QUHNIE ly:Phll lnltrlendT uyoa..hoo? Qujck. make me an offer?" . Nixon Ol{s Hughes Buy of Air West WASHINGTON (AP) -The drawn out Pacific air route battle has coochlded with President Nixon a w a r d i n g American AilUnes a.u1hority to fly between eastern U.S. points and Hawaii and the South Pacific. Also, the President approved billionaire Howard Hughes, purchase of the regional airline Air West. Eutern Aft Lines was predicted f avoriCe of~ lndusfn spokesmen and conaresslOnal observers fQI' the Pacific route before Nixon's announcement Monday. The award to American followed a reccmmendaUon last week by the C i v i I Aeronautics Board. T w i c e before the Board had recom- mended the same routes for Continental Airlines. Lyndon Johnson also approved the Continental decision, but Ni:r:- on overruled this when he took office. John1100's decision came amid claim& 0( favoritism. The law flnn of · Johnaon's Defense Secretary, Clari< CIU· fOtct, represent,, Continental. A CAB eumlner had ruled 1n favor ol the Hugbea Tool Go. 11<quirlng the ..... 11 "' Air West. a merger ol three smaller lines, which serves eight Western stateS, Canada and Mexico. Th~ Air West price is $90 million and the examiner reconunended the d e a 1 because it would provide "unified direction and purpose that bas been lacking in the management since the merger became effective." Hught!O nce held 75 perttnt of the stock -in Trans World .Airlin'!S aDd sold it for. $500 million rather than face a mismanagement suit. The PreaidetJt'1 order for American, effective im- mediately' allow• the line fli~ts between Boston, New York, Washington-Baltlmore, ChJcago, St. Louis, Mo., and Dallas-Ft. Worth, Tex., to mlo and Hor.olulu, Hawaii. and on to American Samoa. Fiji, New Zealand and Australia. The Presid<nt ha! final authority in all international air route awards, but be ii powerless to change CAB ac- tion on domestic decisloo. A fresh set or routes bet.ween Hawaii aod the mainland awaits approval by the CAB. -Prince J uan-C-arlos To Succeed -Franco MADRID (UPI) - A tall and tanned prince, not well enough known to be popular , wiUl his people. won Gen. Freciaco Franco's approval today as Spain's II: in g de.signate. Prince Juan CarlOI of Borbon, 31, father or three, will Inherit the throne aban- doned by his grandfather 38 years ago when Franco dies or steps down as Spain's-chief of st.ate. . Franco, 78, summoned the 554-member Cortes (perlia- ment ) into a special afternoon session to make official what government sourctS reported last week~ Juan CarlOI would be hill suc:cuwr. Overwhelming Cortes ap- proval was virtuallfs4ssured for the athletic prince whom Fraoco has groomed for ,the job since Juan Carlos was 1$ N In • years old. The prince had the 0 Jur y military'• backing, • neceaf· ty. F d All indica tors pointed to a 0UD in. continuation of Fr a D co ' 1 policies once the generalissimo iitepa down, a King Dea th move not expected in the near future. Until then, Juan Carloo ATLANTA (UPl)-A med· will be called the prince of Jcal examiner'• report shows S~~nco·s a pp o Int men t no foul play in the death of the: bypassed the prince's father, Rev. A. D. King, the ooly Don Juan, the 56-year-old aon brother who once s t o o d · ahoulder to shoulder in the of Spain's wt king, Alfomo civil rights movement with XIIL Don Juan hu nnkled assassinated crusader Dr , Franco with crtticinn of bis strongman reglple. Martin Luther King Jr. Alfonso XIIl fled Spain when King drowned accidentally the republic was established to while taking a late Sunday dip 1931 and died ln eDle. Franeo In his backyard swlinming has ruled Spain ever since the pool, associates said. republican government was Fulton County Medical Ex-overthrown in 1939. am Iner· Dr. Tom Dillon said · Don Juan, in seU~xlle tn there was no indication or foul Portugal, said he would be "a .; play in the death. mere spectator" to hil IOll'I .. However, Dillon said the ex-designation. He wu on a act cau!C of the death would Mediterranean cruise, having not be known until 11fter dJSMl:ved hia two advilOI')' laboratory tesls are completed monarchist councils and aiven later In the wee1t up ho,te of succeed.inl hla The Rev. Andrew Young. ex· father'. ecutive director ol the ---------- Southern ClrlsUan ~rship Conference, 11ld Kin& drown· ed accidentally. , English Roads . Most Crowded LONDON (UPI) -Britain hu the moat crowded blobwa1s in the world, the lliltlsh Road Feden1tl0n aakl IOP>'· When all the naUon's -,ltlll vehicles alt in uae the'e are only 11.5 yards of apiece for each •ehicle. Dlmplte Uie conse1tion, Bri- &aln'a.aut.o..accldent death rate ·Tiu the lowest lo seven years I " First. Quality Mesh Knit Nylons 3p~99c • Badget-priced nylon1 ttyled with nattering nude heel •Choice of three 1h1dea ••. bare bei«e, 1un1et and mocha . • Stock np now ••• ·~ 9 thna 11 U1e Se.. R-"'9s Chuse . \ . SAVI 11'1! Rep!art2 Lacy Bras . I 2 3·, 33 I! .. -... aor , · . . • t-\ htlimata bra -1 and deli-In green, while or pink • Streich frame, laey eapo •nd Iaohlollllile.-..ped hKk ' e N•lllnl cnp 3U8JL ud. C, conll>nr 'otyle in 32-36A, B " 'I ' • . SAVE'11 '5 Lacy . . . Panty Girdle 97 1-• .i.ty 22, 1969 • Darlinp of tbe Night • • • · No-Iron Dreame~ 66 ~--------------------------------------~----------,· I :--rARJC ~ ~~o:oro . =...~ ::g~=-~...... t i I =ON ~ =~ . lliS~~J :aCDASTftAIA · I , _____ ... ._ __ _._.~--------....--·-ears ----------------·---·' "Salleloci!o~Goarali.dar.,_,..,..,., •" • ..,,....,..M11J11•r .. S11Y1lqN1i&&11•rA I " • • .. • I ' . • • I DAIL y PI;LOT EDITORIAL ~AfiE I / New .Sens;e .. . .-·,. .. rl>urp(lse- , I ------- 1-W~ ___ _ Wbalnow.! . • :; -.,,· .,........,Jo;•I' u . He wllll4t!JIUIJOIJl"'°ll'.~ ..,_,.~_ ..... 'I"°"° Our nation, even the world , e~ult;r'iri:a·E" · ,.. ll)oi\es of Apollo 11 might not kindle a new sense or Rur- acbievemenl ol mankind and basb In tUe, . y+ry. 2£ l>O'e, a prideful moment oii which new dlrecllbn colild s;:_:,. __ _::;:.._U>.n::e".JneJL wbo._Joume~ inlo 2~~ce 'WB!-4 fid .... ~ J;e;otterect:to:r oura-;;-•nd-tbe-.wqrlcl!._. --- millions upon millions ol gazers into the heavffi. • -· It some of 1111~ ~plrJt· ;could be coupled J"lth the ' . . • I Who can lorget lhe bouncing, almbll l-play-llk~'"' ~ dramaU~ !al>&lble acl)levement,J,ol the Apollo .mlulon, romp of Buzz Aldrin as he bounded over \tie !urface 9f . ... there ia no teeson whv we. could not ov .. -m·e "e the moon? And who can forget the cool commanding , -..... ~ presence of the first inan on· the moon, Nell Arm-maladies that have thre,ftened to engulf us. · strong? Who can help but feel deep naµonal pride at '. llJndfft:I._ there ta such a new spirit, .1Amertcan1 -" Amercia's great achievement in ~p~ce? . coUld· cure "t,beir racist ·afck.oess, clean their polluted Yet there is a question: \V as 1t JUSt a !eat o! eog1-•lte*1IU Ud afr, rejuvellat~ their bll&hted cities, w neering and bravery? . \'Ot,'Se ~ J>D*ertul trend td'Wartl crimtnallty, and otter, Or just possibly is there someth111g greater .for the ln''f~ iq~ opportunity fot all. United States in the smashing spectacle of placing the -~it-COdl. ~~in slt-yeJl.r.s. The technical aspect• first man in the heavens -something that spills to of such..a~!fl lfere.Proved h:i the Apollo ntl11ll:ln. Wh''t ... the entire world? remains tO ~ Seen is if the nation can, ca"plt.allze on the There may be. . . neiv pride we all found when Neil Annltrimtbegan h!s All of us Americans -all 200 m1t11on of us -have c.al.m dis~l'siqq;of rotj(s and iQil on t.bt tun,~~ sUrface. some desire to participate in , to be a part of, this great • J.,4lY: 4~ "1'1?'8 -it could be· a date :torr.a J:Je\v. and all step. Perhaps mo st of us cannot articulate this deep impqrt1tn~ n8tJotu1;1 goal . «Jf tt,rere, the .•ttt:(mauts from emotional wish , but we know that something great has Joi,n G~fll)~. tfed Armjtrorig would have acbitved far happened something great !or all ol us. l'l)DTO lllaD pltitlng a hUman being on the surface of tho Perh~ps what Armstrong aqd Aldrin did when they •moon:. ,,. · • · 1 • ' • • planted our flag on tbe ino~u~ ~as give. ~eric.ans a new spirit. If they did, 'that rebirth of sp1nt alone. "'.Bl \Vorth the-S24 billion cost, even above-·the tecbnolog1es achieved in engineering and planning the fascinat~ng journey into space. , The late John Kennedy ignited _this spark briefly. ' . -Spirit of All.antis Another salute lo •man'• Jnll~bl~ spiMt goH lo Mr. John Fairfax of Loddlln.' ~ wu cheered last weekeM as he de~rked. at .l!"!ln>'<>od~Iieacb, F1a. Flirfu had come.JrOm 'thi Cana Islands (4 000 miles) In an ocean voya1e that took e months'. ' Since his death, it hai; .fiickered and as the mora!s .of Vietnam dragged us deeper and deeper into .:a bog_ of hopelessness the flame has nearly died. !J'be· greatest nation on eafth has stag~ered and its people someJlow. have lost themselves and may well have. been in' ufe process o! losinsi: their nation. "\"-~fv.,. ·~·· , t 1 1 New York Times writer James Rest~rioted 'that . ·the United States only six years hence will J;e"celebfal:' Jn a .rowboat. Alorie,' 1 A cheer, If you "please, for the first man to 1'1w the AUantic. · · Acrou the ~,ojdt:eQ1114 , .• into a new age. •• .• • • t. . j .• ;.. :.'~ f -• -' . •. ,'."\·-. Some People Do ~~n C_le~nte 'Great Gray Anthill' . . ·~ .~.s~mm.er.-F-olk .... -Soc.ialism -Trend· Reversed 'Get Involved' .~'iid<Fr~nd:s ·· · · • --~ · .. • . By J~ E. WHETMORE ( To the Editor: ...... lfl ~er to get away .from It all, ?.ff.. I ~~:d f It is with pride and ·appreciation, I am and Mn. 'Nixon have purchased a typical i writing you regarding your article . "Pair Mailbox. ' lttUe "'40,000 summer hmnt In the typical Shortly before the Russian tanks clat- '"G11est Report Save Driver from Fiery Death,'' Monday, '" little -sbulhttn California beach com-tered into Cttthoslova.kla, there. was on a July 14.. .~ ....... ~ munJty of San Clemente. wall ot· a castle overk>oking Prague a In these days and time!, the public is Letlers from readers ore welcome. The pow!aticn of San 0¢mente CM-crudely lettered word, "Svoboda," which concerned \\'ith the apparent apathy Normally writers should convet1 their ~of apPto:lirnalel1'1~.~~aUve mea.oa "Freedom." which seems to ex.isl among many o( our --'-1 Th I\ePublicans, 2000 aurfers, ·rlye poor -~ -~nuit alim ls painted out now.' messoges in 300 wo1u.t or ess. c . r""" •" young people. I might add, I feel at times right to conderuie letters to fit space ple roughly the ;gante number of libq'al What a stranae l'Witch it ls that Czech this same apathy exist! among us, the or eliminate Hbel is reserved.·Alt let-Deo1ocrats and a guard at the sate to dtlz;ens enjoying at that time free speech older group (20 plus) as well! ters must include signature and mail-keep any more out~ ·1,.. .• -and .who were, u It turned (IUt, to be The news inedia is constantly urging all The Nlxons' next-door nellhbor IS Mr. so~ silenced -were referring to the ing addres.!I, but names may be with.-J h ... bu·'" ..... 11 .~ . ....1 of us (young and old) to-become in-o n o>'l:"VerlOll, pu u.auer ... .,,..w-lcr lrlenda ,of the Kremlin and the adherents volved-do something worthwhlle to help hel.d on request if sufficient rea.son lt1agazine. In typical AmerlcU\faaftkm, of old.line soclaliam as "Cfln.servatlves," • fellowmen. is apparent. while those who were seeking a return I BEUEVE that down deep in (lur hearts and our conscience we know, or should know, that In helping each other, we thereby build a strong. courageous and morally responsible character. In reading-your above-mentioned arti- cle aOOut two· fine young men, (Karl Allen and Hugh Talman) my faith in our )iouth has been furthered. May I humbly, but proudly, add that 1 11m the fortunate mother of Hugh Talman. BETI'Y LOU HAMILTON Officer Who Did To the Editor: now are SU ind $200. A good part of wage·increases are eaten up by higher living costs and by a greater 'Lu·blte (from moving Into a higher ta1. bracket). Inflation hit.s the poor, black aod aged the-hardest. You're hurt-if you save - bonds, savings accounl.!I, in 1 u r a.ace policies and pension plans. INFLATION FORCES the government to raise taxes, to curtail spending for social programs and to tighten the money supply. Califomla mortgage rates rose to 9"1: percent. This inhibits new building and raises prices. Businessmen buy extra machines and materials now to beat further prlct rises. This feeds inflaUon. Runaway inflation could bring a serious recession and large-scale unemployment. J>e p!ansJo u.row _, 1e\·a<qUainled -t party .J'fhm the NllOOI move in next monlh. Let lll hope the Nb:ons thlnt· twice before accepting. We all know what typical American get-acquainted block parties are lii:e. .. m THERE, neighbors, I'm Diet and this ls my wife, Pat. And l want lo say how proud and pleased we If! by this neighborly welcome." "Oh, we do it for an the new people," 1ays an elderly lady in tennJ1 aboes. "Tell me, what 00 you do for a Jiving?" "Well, ha-ha, you might aay I'm in Government." "That's a relief. With an lhe.se bodyguards around. 1 11\ougbl you might be with the Malla." toward freedom of choice were .con- sidered "liberals." IN OUll BELOVED country, and, in- deed, In much of the Western World, members of the bureaucratic and -actdemic cl assn "have stubbornly revers- ed these deflolllons. Every extension of government power tNer the individual has been regarded as a llep toward "Uberalism." The American business communHy, which has olfued a greater choice cf options to the average cltilen than any other economic system yet invented, la regard- ed u feloniously ''.conservative." Although this business system has been subjected to the cruelest dl.scipline of all-the approval ft the customer ••• al- lhough If exercises no right equal to the ever.present right to go broke ••• we have beard much political oratory and many C&mpul lecturts malnlalnlng lhal Ibis srstem is. born in greed and sustained by "high pressure, if not by fraud , I TIDNK I CAN now say that I have good news for you. 1 believe history will record that the great fact (If the last thlrd o[ the Twentieth Century is th at socialism is growing old. More than 50 years have now elapsed since the collapse of Kerensky's brief ·democratic hope in Russia and the fastening upon the Russian people of a government of rigid theory and ruthless force. Nearly a quarter of a century has passed since nations on the eastern perimeter of Europe -some of them with ·proud democratic tradiUons -saw the Iron CUrtain fall and began gazing West wistfully across the minefields and I.he barbed wire. THE ARCHILLES heel of the socialist theory is that the more intensive ly it is applied the moi::e the hUman being loses his options. Without the .fret interplay of the .forces of I.he free marketplace the greater must be the centralization or planning and authority, and the greater th& role of coercion. · No one as yet has~ able to devise a way to cure two great weaknesses. Socialism leads not merely to spiritual disaster -to the suppression of the voice of inquiry and protest -but to disaster in the field of materialism as well. And materialism is its most strident sales talk and its most alluring promise. It cannot deliver I.he goods. It becomes the system of the quilted jacket, the two- family apartment. the long queue before Ute store. It is the great, gray anthill. About the only good thing about it iJ that it never produces a traffic jam. FOR l\1ANY YEARS l have been hear- ing business men and trade associations speak or defending the free enterprise system. I think it is about lime we stop- ped defending and went on the offensive. As socialist failures ha've multiplied, as the ground has begun to quake beneath the planners in Moscow, Peking and Havalijl, the more intensive have become their efforts to destroy the free world from within, and the more reckless have grow!l their assaults from withQi.lt. Time, they now understand well, is not upon the ir side. The power of glorious exam· pie, which their original theoreticians thought would drop the world into social· ism's lap like a ripe apple, d<les not work for then1-and they now know iL . THAT JS WHY the winds are rising. Jn the graying da ys of socialism, the hour has come for those who believe in free choice to speak to America without diffidence and apology, to speak clearly, and to make a Jot or sense. The last Jew elections, it seems to me-, show that once again free enterprise Is making a great deal of sense to the average citizen. With reference to the item in the Pilot, "'Off-Duty Officer Credited with Saving Woman," appearing in the July 14 issu~. I would Uke to state that a friend and l were having dinner with t-.liss Sullivan (lhe near victim) at the Hotel Laguna that Friday night when she strangled, and stopped breathing. Officer Vincent Vasil of the Santa Ana Police, who was sitting near us, saw im- mediately that she was strangling, and applied mouth to mouth resuscitation. thus restoring her breathing. This he con-- tinued until the Laguna Police came with emergency equipment. His prompt action 1aved her life. The German mark was 4 to the dollar in 1918 ("Tbe Rising Risk of Runaway Inflation," Reader's Digest, Aug., 196&). Unbalanced budgets helped brittg creep- ing inflation. Then came runaway In- flation. By Jan., 192.1 the mark aold 74 to the dollar. IN JULY, lft3 the mark was 160,000 to "' the dollar. The workers ln Germany demanded their pay every day. Finally the mark waa 4 trillion to the dollar. And the German middle class lost their sav· ings and pensioru. "Too damn maoy peoplo lroeloodlng on the Government these days. I aay," aaya a florid gentleman in B.trmuda short!. "Htar you flew out here In I private jet. !.fait've cost you a bundle." How to Live for 100 Years Jn '.his day and age when the Police come in for so much uncalled·for abuR, it is g?Od to know what fine men we have guaroing us. JANET BEMENT lnflntlo,. and You To the Editor: Infla tion hurts all of us. The value (If our money is dwindling so that a 1958 dollar is worth only 79 cents today. Generally speaking, Items that cost $1 in 1939 cost $1.61 on April 30, 1969. You can see this in rising prices for Jood, homes, taxes (up 15"~ in 3 years), mortgages, and. rents, land, medical care and con- struction costs (Time. "The Critical Fight Against Inflation," 6-~9). Labor room and doctor's bills that were $25 and $150 two and a half years ago Dear Gloomy Gus: ' Jot or people have betn 11yln& If we chose nol to go lo the moon, the Pf billion it cost lo ge~ us there would have been better spent a.v~ 1111 our cities and feedlne ,the poor. Pi-y. Thal money jUll wouldn't bave beeo apenl. Period. -J. R. .,... ,,....... mJilCft ,...,... ........ .... ........ ,., .... " ""' _.,....... ~ ... .... .... .. • ...., .... Dt>llf ''""· ' A major cause of our wage-price spiral is deficit s pend l n g (the govemmenl spending more money than il collects in taxes). This "Inflates" the money supply. More money chasing the available goods forces prices up. Workers want to protect themselves against inflation caused by deficit spending. A second major cause of inqation Is the national practice or grantll'!g pay in- creases that an greater than Ute gains in productivity. The average negotiated wage-increase In 1968 wa& close to 7 per- ~nt -3 times the gafn in output per man·hour. Other lnnaUon factors Include an unex- pected bulge Jn demand. a temporary shortage of workers and too rapid an ex- pansion of credit. BECAUSE we've had Jnf1ation In the past does not guaran\ef: that it will con- tinue in the future. But we might expect the inflationary forces to cont.lnue. Steps to control Inflation may be tem- porarily painful" and r e q u I r e un- derstanding and courace. The covem- ment shoU)d balance the buqet, lighlen money to keep the supplJ lrom growlnc too fast, give businesi .a%ld consumer• confidence that our eeonomy win be stable, and lower or scrip luput quotas and subsidies (Time, &.zo;e9). Keep wage lncreuea nearer the pr. ducUvlty gain. This lnvolvu new meaaure1 wllh strike-prone 1nau1trle1 11 printing, ablpplft& COO!tructlon: (I) more reatlatk sttUements, (2) remove the bar. rim to CG1k11Uiog technology. We may hedge qainat lnflaUon "lth {I) a IUCC'tlSful, wcll·mana.ged family busln..,, (I) well·locakd r<al ul>le 11\al appreclate1 (Including your home) or (J) growtb·type common stock or mutual funds. LEONARD WRIGHT "No, no. It cornea with the job. You see .. "Taxes are too damn high, I say. Everybody flying around the country on the taxpayers .. money. }{ear you paid thrtt-forty for this place. Pretty good pickings on a Government Wary." "NOW, SEE HERE. t made my Jn(lrley honestly as a lawyer oo Wall 1treet and .•• " "Oh, one of those Eastern Establishment fellows. No wonder you aot a lot of socialistic idus." "I'm not really from the Eut. I vew up over in Whittler and I'm proud of it." "Whittier?" JI.YI an elegant lady. "I met a person from WbJtlier once. A friend of my chluffeur'1, J believe. And is your wife, Patricia, from Whittler, too? Patricia, such a pretty name." "No, she's from Nevada. And, actually her real name's Thelma." "Oh, I see she'• mnode1ed the place and put in all new furniture. It certalnly looks -well, differtnt, you might say. But we do hope you'll enjoy it here anyway." "TRANl YOU. I'm IUl'I Pat Ind 1 \"\'ill. Bui lt!I m<, coo\ aomethinc be dooe ab6ul .U :these long-haired y""" people running around hall naked on the beach. playing their fUllan all aJ1hl! Nol lhal 1 hsve anything qalnlt hlppl,., mind yoo, but ••• " "Hippies! t.Jsttn hen, nel&hbor, those are surfers, the cream cl our youth. You'll never catch them proletllng q:aJnst this or that and furthennore ••. " And on the way out one Jtdy 11y1 to another, "I suppose they're very nlct, for Ignorant, SocJ.a.IJ.sUc parvenua." "'lbank htavena." 11y1 \ht otbtr., "that they're only sum.mer people." so, AS VOU p through lift, ·remember Ille Biblical Injunction to love U., neighbor. And, therefore, don't fnternlze will> hllD. There Is a good deal of cant spoken ln our society about the elderly and the old . We a r e constantly ratUlng on about 0 senior cliliens," as If these were citizens metamorphosed Into something marVeloua, and wise, and pacific. We ta!Jt of "the golden years" as if life had some apeclal radiant quality after 70 or 80. Those ads far community homes for the elderly~ o( the l1lON! interesting new real est.ate and building de velop. ments of our time -would turn Shelly green ,. with the lyricism of th~ir talk of lUe pmong the aged and retired. MANY OF THESE place!, according to a doctor who has done much work with the aged and very aged, are simply ''physically attractive ghettos to house the elderly, where they are FCnstanlly ex· posed to contemporaries who are dying or disabled." The evidence Is strong that the Establishment dislikes its parents almost 11 much 11 It dislikes many of Its children. Consider the fact that, since World War II, new homes are not built with room for parents to be with their children in I.heir latAsr years. They must die in strange sur- roundlnp -posh community bomes il •11 George ---. Dear Ge«1e: . 1 don't Jlke to be a Cflmplaining neighbor. But . the neighbor who lives directly behind me hu taken up archery and Is v~ careless. Three ·Omet thls week I've gotten anon In my patk>. Would it be un- neighborly to complslol MlSS V.C. Dear Mia V.C.: No, you'Ye been polJte enou&h for aomebody with a paUo full of ar- rows -stop hJm now before be shoots at your veranda . . ~ • • ,.- 01arles McCah~ \ .. they are well heeled, a government hospital or a lonely hotel room otherwise. A KIND PSYCHIA TRlST passed along to me recenlly the results of a survey by the Social Security Administration of 267 people who have reached the age of 100, or the estimated 10,000 centenarians wi10 were in the U.S. in 1960. The results were enlightening, and depressing. Of the 267 there were only 11 "whose expression of eagerness to live was con· sistent with their everyday patterns of activity." Forty.two ext:iressed a continued in· le-rest in Jiving but this response was associated with no "tangible actitivies or emotional involvement; their living pat- terns were completely vegetative eating, sleeping and requiring care by Others." AN A.DDmONAL 47 expre ssed ton· siderable discontent with living, and three openly expressed the wish to die. The remaining 162 were described by interviewers from Social Security as un- concerned or apathetic. "They seemed," said a summary of their findings by Dr. Joseph Lerned, of Honolulu, "lo acCept and tolerate the sit- uation ln a passive m1Mer without any real eagerness or pleasure. Many seemed to react. in a mechank:al, seml·avtomatic fashion with almoSt no spontaneity, H that little of their own personalities was expresstd. " ••. Theb' apparent lack or enlhll!iasm about cqntinuing to live may have betn the result of difficulty In communJcation or org8Jl.lc brain chanatt, but tht overall impression was that these old persons did not really parlicipa le in living and ex- perienced very little affective reaction to their life situalion. ''This was Cflnsistent with the marked restriction of their personal activities and the extremely narro1v range of I.heir in· teresl." ONE OF THE TllINGS which helps to perpeluate the nolion that centenarians are jolly and contented people are us here fearless journalists. Lei some lad hit the century mark, especially if he once happened to be a substantial ad vertiser. and the brightest of the young fealure boys i.s sent around to chronicle -if I may use the word - I.he salty views of this sterling old lad. "J . P.1or1.imer Blumenthal, who hit the century mark yesterda y, still appreciates a well-tu rned ankle, etc ., etc." "I have never knoMa person to live to 100, or more, and then die, to bo remarkable for anYlhing else." -----~ Tuesday, July 22, 1969 The editorial page of the Dailu Pilot seek.$ to inform and stim.. ulate readers b11 presenting tl•ia newspaptr'1 opinicm.s and cQ1h.. me11tar11 on topics o/ fnterelt and rignificanct, b11 providing a forum for ihe expression p/ our reo:der1' opinions. and btt prescntlnQ the diverse trlt• point.I of informed obserwr• a11d 11>0kermen on topici of iu c1av. · Robert N. Weed, _Publisher ~~-=-------:i====;;:::--., -:-. -:---:~-::77-:-:-:-:-:-:----::-:-::-:~--:------:--~~-~~----~---------.. --.. -. ·. -.. . . . . . . -. . . . . . ... ..... ~ . . ~r nd les It he ... ire m. iat ,,. ~· .. >p- '· as oth .nd •• rid " 1e, o()fl m-m• al· 101 iL .he in >UI ly, 1e, Is :he ' I Jiid EX· "' <ed md in- . lo '"' us rk, ' a esl md the oles - • • ,. . .. ,. -- 1 + t ; ' ' .. c... . .. ' . ~ .. ' .. ' ' . a ' . . ' .,. • What have you done for your car lately? .. If you've been turning in at Texaco, you've been dof ng quite a lot Because only your Texaco Retailer has Sky Chief-the gasoline made in Long Beach for the way you drive. , . .... ·' Texaco Sky Chief keeps deposits from ·build~ng up on engine valves-better than any other ·lea(ling gasoline. That can drive down the cost of - driving and save you money. " . .. '. ' You might say your car and Sky , "· · · ·. · · · · ··· ' Chief were made for each other. '" TEXAC:O So start 'urning in at Texaco now.. 1 :. ·. • . • . ,. ·• ·. Do a good turn for your car. · · · ·· ,,_· . · (.] _. !r. . ~ . . . '• ···...-------:........-----------------------' , • ' I ' t ' ... -'! • Iii: .. • (\ , • • . ' I • I , I I • • I WHAT DOES THE BIBLE SAY about SIN? SIN causes one to be asham- ed and afraid and to "'ant to HIDE ~ Adam ·and Eve. the original sinners. tried to ~:!DE from God alter they disobeyed, Gen. 3:3. Sin- ners, in the Judgement Day, will "'ant a place lo hide, but none will be found, Rev. 6:16, 20; JI. Criminals. 10- day li ve terror-filled lives, in anxiety, trying to hide fro1n justice. SIN causes trouble and turn1oil in the life of the sinner. HERE : and eternal oondemnatlon HEREAFTER. Sin is an UGLY word, it is an UGLY thing. •·-The way of the transgressors (SIN- NERS) is HARD". the Bible says, Pr. 13: Ii SIN has a GLIT'l'ER to it; it is temporarily attractive, Heb. 11 : 25. But Ille aged sinner, imprisoned either in a cell or by haunting thoughts of a wasted, rvil life, will advi.~e the you ng to avoid sin and cling to that which is good, just and law- fu l. SIN 1s "-transgression of I.he law ·•. I Jn. ~: 4. One Who violates the laws of lhe land SINS against his fellow tnan: · Spttdcn, arsonists, disturbers . of l h e peace, drunkards, hard • drug us- ers. anarchists and other civil law violators cause un- told misery in the world and cost billions of dollars each year in destruction of life and properly : even these people pay more taxes and suffer because of their sins. not to men!ion innocent suf .. ferers. One "''ho violates God's laws sins against God. ALL of God's laws are for the GOOD of mankind. The earth would be a nice place if all men obeyed God's taws, Come. study God'1t laws with us. Church of Christ, 287 \\1• \Vilson St.1 Costa Mesa. -;- • Heeteil ••"""'" Swl"'mln9 "••I • Ultre Moftrn Cenilltlenlne l•llll1le1 • lelften Steom •o•m• • llodto11ll M••••• .. • Plnnl1h lee• S.1i1110 ....... • llorldo S1i111 Ton IHml • Whlrl~I ... th• • Co11illtlo11l111 fo.cllltlu • l wl11 foclel MffhllMI Guard Se~rch 1 I. For Lost Boat· 1 LONG BEACH (\!Pll -Tiie Coast Guard hu laWld»edf 1 search for a c;omnfercial fishing boat repOtted overdue in San Diego. Officials said it was un- certain where the 57-foot albacore boat Trojan was operating and the search ex- tended f1om San Clemente Island to San. Diego. The skipper of the boat. which car· ried three crewmen, was iden· lifted a!I Chester White . OHN HWTH SPAS . , r~ FACILITIES FOR MEN & WOMEN • -· . -....-..-.cT-_ -....-..'"'---• -~ ' There was a time when the San Joaquin Valley was threatened every sprin g by flood s. · The reason: melting snows fr om thelii&h Sierra in Ce ntral ·Ca)lfoinia. \Varn-rai;ed down -.the·craggy slopeu::omplecel,y uncontrolled. And wasted: Edison was determined to control this water and put It to work to generate electricity. And Big Creek began~ne of ArllefP's m~jor.hvdroelectric • Neutral In Primaries ....... -- . TH.INK JtoJn lbht Westcllff Plaza Sto,.. Onlf 642-2444 ''!.'' ~ , __ --~ ... power projects. Over the years, Edison con· structed 15 major dams plus six man-made lakes to hold the water at different levels. Now this water is released downward from lake to lake to spin giant turbines in powerhouses along the way. Result: low-cost electricity for you And flood control and irrigation water for the Valley below. Plus a vast recreation area for all Californians. Big Creek-an example of one of• the many Edison prCJjects which · make your life a brighttr life. • Southern California Edison s;,C.E AN EQUALOJll'OlTUHITY E~1l'WYEI\ I • ' THIS HAYSHED HAPPENS TO BE WHERE THE ACTION IS AS FAR AS FIRES GO Rural Fire Station Boasts Volleyball Court But Lacks Flrepole Fire Fighters • ID Live Barn for Pole - Tiltldll, Jul1 22, 19H SWEEP OF HAYFIELD SURROUNDS INNOCENT LOOKING 'SHED' Lonely Building Tu rn• Out to Be WelHquipped County f ire Station DAIL T Pit.OT 9 • UCI Meet Aimed at · Tomorrow ~l!IVINE-=-"Orlll.I.' qounty - Tomorrow" c:ouJd be the ..,.. r!Mfl!!l!lon far ~~ u lbe COUDty f l 1 nnl n1 Deplrlment Pllllla Ill plaqs to establlth '11pact I I e 1Uldellnel" lor lu!Ure develop- ment The weelt'1 acllvlUu wUI be cllmaXecl by an aU-<l>i' ...,. !er"""' al UCI 5alurday to hub Over the c ou nty'• "ProP"•m DHllJI Project." The meeUnp are 1ponaoted by "Project 11" and co- spom«eci by the county llolrd ol Supervisors. E1tablilbm<nt o! 1 o a II mark lbe firll i1tp In the pro- poeed fopnatlon of a n Intergovernmental Planning CoouniNlon and • Cl-.a-- ~parta n: ==--gram, accordln( to <OW>t~ authorities. - The cowrty la dln(llng a $117,000 budget belort city ol• llclal1 In an ellort to get solid participation from mo11 ol the ey RANDY sEE~YE backboard. "Wehadon1y adirtroad1n-January. _ San O emente U11derwater Tests Resume :':it:.~~~~,:: IRVINE P . t ., 1. It lacks only a fire pole . to the barn three years ago The current temporary sta· power over land use in tbe Hayshed's Just Like S tation., E xcepi -am 1 LrC A new structure for the sta-and when it ralned -the mud SAN CLEMENTE -The vicinily when aquanaut Ber-II, now in dry · dock, a clUes, IO the.lr cooperaUon ii a engine Ted . lion will be built closer to I.he track made it hard to get the lion is prlmarily concerned · Navy ls experimenting un-ry Cannon· died. Apparently he spokwnail for the Naval p1ramount requisite," lll)'t A barn, high on a kn oll in UC! campus by 1970, but until engine l}nit out. Now we have with UCL "Ten to 15 percent derwater oU San Clemente thin <>ranee ·COunty PI a n n 1 n I the center of· the Rancho San then, the barn serves as an a paved rOad," he said. of our runS are to the cam-lsland again, testing a new lif~ was brea . g through 1 tank Underseas Research 1 a d Dlrector Forut Dk:kuon. Joaq: Gflf Cf?ursef' ~. a engine house. Eight men are assigned lo pus," Glenn noted. support system to be used in which did not have certain Development Center 1n Loe The tlrl,000 bucf&et item bu. niem r 0 a ire ig ung Fire Captain George Glenn the station. with-four on duly "Our biggest fire was at deep sea diving and salvage chemicals necessary to take Angeles said. not yet bee appro•ed b1 the team: said the station is very depen· at all times, according to UCI's Natural Science building operations. out the exhaled carbon diox-The new l)'llem, called supervilon 1n their CWTtllt h It 'us t~e te.mpo~~ry h;m: of · dable and perhaps "as ef· Glenn. last year. We saved $750,000 Jn February the Navy was ide. Mark 11, Includes decom-budf et hearlnp . Tbey haTe t e. niversity ire •. tatlon, ficient as any fire fighting "We kinda like It here -worth of struci.ures," the cap-conducteing the Sealab Ill The new testing Is not pression ch am bet s and unti Frl6ay to mate I ftnM \vhich scrv~s U~ Irvine and force in the area." lhere are not a Jot or hassles. tain said. project in the same general dlrectly connected with Se1lab persolinel tran1fer Cae1Uln. decision. the ~ew. University Park com· "We have received 22 fire But, we are Jookfng forward ~o•----------------------------'-----------'--,~-----.;;;-------------- muruty lh the area. calls since the beginning of lhe._, our new building." The b~rn, or hay s!'1ed, ac-year, have responded tc 17 Plam for il\e new bulldlh& tually, J.S complete m m1'.t't rescues and assisted other sla· )lave httn adopted and bldil eve~ wa~. ~t has . one Jirc lions seven times._ __for the construction are being engine unit, A mobile tio'!le ·•we can respond to a call studied. t~at sleeps six'. a complete fire and be on ·the road in 45 The Orange County Fire dispatch radio system, a seconds," the captain said. Protection Department, 180 S. \•olleyball court and basketball The Unive rsity Fire St.a· Water St., Orange, said the DEATH NOT ICES IIA YE.5 Jctin Onmond ll•Y••· .I021 Mo•nln11· •lie o,, .. ,, Hun!ln11!01> Beath. Otle pf dt•ln, July 21. su,...1....,.d by wlte, Ilk; dl"9111••, Mrl. MlfY Lou Hug .... 5; t.Oft, Ctwirle1 C. Htvn. Prl .. a1e tHVl<ei "'•r1 held Mana1y, Ollday 8 rOl'llff1 Mortu1rr, u2.n11. SWANSON Mt!Yln SWl/ISO". 111161 tm""'rl~! c- llfMI, Hunlifl9ton Be.ell. 01!e of dttt~. Jul\" to. 5'!rYlte1 ~ln11 1t Dilday IM'oll'lwl Mort\llfY, 14!•7111 . JONF.S lion's temporary half-acre site lowest bid for the new station used to be a cattle Ceet lot and is '243,800, but a contract has the shed was filled with hay . not been signed yet. The hay was moved out 3.1 Glenn said the new station n1onths ago when the fire will have an additional truck fighting force moved' in. company and the snork.le Captain Glenn, v•ho is o!· tnick at Laguna Hills Fire flcially a Forestry Foreman Station will be moved to the for Orange County, said there new site. \\'ere several problems when It ts expected that the con- the department first moved lo structlon will be completed in the site. late December or e 11 r l y 'Trust Fund' Swindler Placed on Probation year prison term was suspend· ed. Prison terms of one year were suspended for Douglas Fahy, 45, of Long Beach, an ·James Walslt, 51, o{ Fontan - ' Forthel1styear, · Shearson chooses tOunconwonvatues ·me on stocks. -.. ol.Jlq M · JOIWI. '701 01~ar11 """"·• Gtrden {.rOYI. 01te of ci..!h,-Julr 20. llloYtd wit. o/ RUH J_,; molt.tr ol Keren l . Allk'I, Coron. d~ M#lr, •M Lindt Mlorlf Jll'll!I ol Glrden Gf'oft1 dtullhi.r ol Mr. ind Mrt. C111rl" 8oelof>1, ol S•n Dle9o; 1111or ol Greu Vtrmllllon. OI LI Hfbrt, "'Id JtlMl hel-o1 Del Mlor. F-11 50,...icel. S.lvrcl1v, 10 AM. e l the Untied Mt11H1c1l1t Cllurcfl, COtnef' of Metn incl Sl1f110fll, Glrdell Gl'Ol'e. 11.ose Hllll /Mn'iorill Perle, WIUlfieri Ro!l9 Hlll1 Mortutrv Dl~llnt. II.OH Hl!l1 Morl\Mlry Dlr~tlnt. F1mll't 1\1911e'lofs lllOw Wlirhl"' to make memor- !11 antrlllllllon1 P1••!19 con!r!bu"' !o !!'>1 Uflfftrtfty Melh<ldl1t Chun:h ol l•- YlfMI tor ""-°'"" tor the roe.,. 11nc:- !11tt'Y' SANTA ANA -A Los Alamitcs man convicted last month with four companions of defrauding in vestors in the Americans Building Con.stilu- Uonally trust fund has been fined ~ and placed on three years probation. Calif. Both men were finedt--- $5,000 and placed on three ALLUM C""'I" W. Al!um. Ate 11, ol 4-17 Prlnee!Oll L1n1. COll1 Mell. DIM! ol de.th, J""' 71. $\/Nlwod by ...tfe, M&n:•l!ne; """ chlldren, N11KY. Petti •Ml llldl1rd; lll'otller, Dolllld Al!um, of COii• Mftl: 11~ 1l1i.n. Mn. Arllflt A"ld1l1, ~ ... Arl1-; Mn. Ftedl E_,., l11 Vettll Mn. Bibi Chl~m. Grut F1111, Mon!1t'll1 Mn. Doti• 1!:1r1, l ul!t , Mont1n<11 Mr1. Jmel>hl,,. Fr1ncetldi 11'tcl Mn. S.m CllU~. Mm1!1nt1 Mrl. Alli'l'I Pl'tM. Cul....-cnv. ""''""'1 ""'kes. Tilur• cl.• ... 7 PM. 81n1 C<11t1 Mest1 Ctwipel, "'llh i:tev. JOflfl Honn(ul! offlcle!lfl'll. 1n""'me'l'll, Pee/lie VI..,. M<:<M•l•I P11r~. Ol-1ed bY ltl!r Morh11rY, 11'1 Skll>erlor, Cot t9 Me11. FISCHER Cyru1 J. FIKlltr. "'" 11, ol 4'.! w.~ llU! Piie•, Cos.II Mew. Diie Of OU!h, JUI\" le. SuNlwd b'I' "'""· Mlrv. l'Marv. Wlldnnd1v, I PM, Belt lrvmd· ..,,., ChtHI. lll""'ll<n M1u, T~urll(le't, t AM, ST. J1>11C11lm•1 CtlhOlk Church, ... im Fr. T11orn11 J. t<Hvl11 olfltlt rl!'IO. l'lltm'>l!fl!, Holy SePulche• C..-netery. Directed by 8~1 Brotd..,t\" MOrtu.ry, 110 Br1>1111Wt'f, CO.II MM.I. STRANAHAN lhetk• C. Str....n.11. 1S'I Cln:i:e Drlvt. HrWll<lrt l ea<fl. Servk!'S ....ndi"9 t i • Wnt<.llff CIW!pel Mortu1ry, ......... STAFFORD 1.1;t1 St1f'lord. ,s.e,..,.lc" J1111dl"9 1t W11ICHll CINNI Ma<'!Wrv. UMIN. KINER lrtftlll Klt'llr. $\/,...lwd b'I' H~l1, IN. t nd Mrl. llllt;h1rd O. Klritr. PrlY1le ,,,...lctll will bl field 11 w1.icllff C~el'IOI Mortuery, T1111d1v, t0d1y, ID '"· OIMWIDDIE Vedlleld T. Dl"'wkldll, Ql Rochnl~. C~l!I Mesi. 01S. ol clfflh, Jul\" 20. SuN I* tty wlft, E.llHlll d1U'lhlH1, Jinlce end C.rel. pf Ill.I! ~; Vlr• 1lnl• H('OIMI<. l ufb.lnk; DorO!llY Dor· m~nclY. Frl'll'IOJ eh11t ~Nlrt 0.mOfl. Son JORI t!Sllf, DO""hy H1n1!lfl, P ~1bo1 1tl1nd1 cousf", Mr1. Olmwlctdlt BOU<;,..r; "lne 1rl<lclchlld..., 1nd !WO ctr~1T·l•tndc:~lldren. Slrlk"n. Wl'lfMS-ct~Y, 2 PM, WMJtiill CIW!pel, Wllh Jtev. Jom<:S !~In 11111 111<1 Se<rf1rl"9 1'N· ~on;c l0d11e olllcl1!1M1. We1!clllt (1'111»!1 Mortu1ry, """4&11, Dlr.cl0n- F8"111Y IUllH~ I ..... wllll'll"ll to mloke m"'"'Ofl!ll cor1trlttur~ vlH!19 OOfllrlb. uie ro IM Hiit! f\lnd or 111<1 Ctoilctt Soc~y. SASSE Joh" o~ s11se. '°' 8 llorod• Mencltoll, l nvnt Hl!li. 0•19 ol otellft, July 20. $W•IW9 by wlfl, Glt'ltvdlll 1lt!tr, Mn. 1!1'1'1111 Qef'TICfl, 61 Wltl- "!ll!t, !Ill""'· J«Ytc.,. Wlrclfll!'ldffl J PM, Ptt:lfk V" Ch-I. lflft!f~ wiH btr Jletcl If\ ~lorldl. f t fl'lllY ,..,._ I U!l ~ W19'11nt -mtkt """*'Ill tQntrittun-. elM•• cCWll'rlbll!t to '"' tue_rt Fund or 11>1! C1.-nr Society, Pacific VllW Morh11rv, 0 1rec1or1, Judge William Speirs ruled, before sentencing Charles R. Biiiings, 40, ol 12501 Christy Lane, that Billings was guilty of a misdemeanor not a felony with respect to his conviction on conspiracy to commit theft . He cleared Billings o( grand theft charges. A .Superior Court jury found all five men guilty last month and accepted the prosecution argument that they bilked Californians of ' ' m a n y thousands of dollars" through their operation of a trust fund swindle which was centered in Barrington, Ill. Orange County victims con- tributed an estimated $20,000 to a plan which was offered to investors as a method by which they could avoid the pay1nent of inheritance taxes on death . The subject of a Congressional investigation, Americans Building Conslil.U· tionally has also been probed in its home stale of tllinois. in Los An ge l es and other metropolitan areas. Judge Speirs levied the heaviest fine on Robert Hayes, 68, of Wheaton, 111. Hayes must pay $7,000 and serve three years probation. A one- years probation. Fred K. Dell, 61 , n f Elmhurst, Ill ., was fined $500. No probation term was set. Defense attorneys confirmed that they will appeal the verdicts. Judge Speirs ordered stays of execution pending fiJ. ing of the appeals. Testimooy during .~e sl.x- week trial indicated that fi ve Costa Mesa d o c t o r s were among a number of Orange County investors who lost large sums of money to the ABC syndicate. LET'S BE FRIENDLY U you have ntw nefahbon or know ot anyone movin1 to ou r area. please tell us 10 that we may extend • trtendly welcome Eld h111p them to become acquainted 1n their new 1U1TOUndlnp. So. Coast Visitor 494-0579 Harbor Visitor 494-9361 New "Sleep + Aspirin" tablets help you pop right off to Sound Safe Sleep I WITKDUT ... .,., ............. .-~w I (8,.elal) ... A N•• Y1rk cllemlrt from 1lmpl1 •••rrd•r ••""'''' h11 p•rfKttd a nni1rk1bl1 "Atpu· te11lion., Slttl!" fonn•I• which u11ltu la 1n1 {3) L.tt bat not 1111t, A9"r· 1J1111TI t1bl1t I 1&!1 1ld1 to 1ou11d, Sleep eont1ln1 an&lfutc:. pa!n-n - 1 ,.,fmb.inr 1l1ep. No 1lller 1lttpl11r llt•inr ••plrin. Tht. c1rbi tilt ml•· lllbltll offer more comfort •• • yet trlea of common h11d1chtt, told• 1r1 t10l h1\11t-fotrnlnr1 and mlnof arthrltt., rh1ura1tl1m Nt'l'etl:tefon h11 tb1n bffn 111ch 1111111C1!1r •nd m1n1tnal 1chM 1l'll 1 combh11tio11 to N ip 7011 r1lltl'I pain-to help 701 1lttp when tlltH tM probl1111 of 1lMp l•11ne11 -to di1 t11.rb1ncu 1n1 kHpl1117111w1k1. llorlllf rntfal •lftJI wltho1t ~tblt· St (ft 70111 1leq toalcht wit}. f onnlnr dnp. No prt1crlpt1on 11 oat tb1 d•1rutlnc &ft.lr-tft'.ett of 'nteded-j111t 1111 for .. At)Ht-S1"p hablt-fonn n1 dnip. Atper-81.., Tobl•U". Fer 100% ••f• tlNp tali• tt111•ln1 10 horirlttt1at61. Y" pop •• dlrtcttd. otr to 1l11p, •eke "' "brlrh\-11tc1 Th• u11on yoo ••n fall ulttp to and ho1h7·talltcl" not d11ll ordo,.1• f11t end 1t•er, lik1 1 lor !1 th1t Durln1 th1 11l1ti1 7011 ore ,..1 .... 11th Aapt,...8 ••p t1bl1t cont1i111 y1t rnpo1\1h•1 to e1111rseadu. lh•,•,• I lnl'ffilih•lnu: hi h (' ~ tldl c a a U•llH I An 111ti-1tamln1 " t 1n A11'•r·ll11p 11r7.1 !o• h1tt1r '• teit by dotten) pro-.ld 11 dtt-f11w •IMP tkta 0117 1 wplnt ta~ ti•• u 1 e1v1I don of phtno~erbl· l.t 701 litl't 4ttr Uok111 ., , Marn t61 ... yel A•J't'r-Slo1p ii mlld, 11f•. tb1 p1rtl7 aaed bottle 111d fi1 •II f21 A 1tdativ1 ,..Ith rt11tl1 aoeth· !oar 11011•1 ti.ck. A1k tor ~l)er- 1111 proptrtl11 -to ht!p 1•~ rt\1.1 lfff kblet1 at dM1Ql1ta. N L Once again, as they've done every year since 1949, our staff of S' "urities research analysts have pooled th· .1r knowledge and reached agreement on the JO stocks th ey consider most attractive to purchase for the year ahead, at current price levels. Jn spile of all the uncertainties in the economy, we believe these JO stocks will give excellent performances for investors who are inter- ested in growth. ' Uncommon Values In Common Stocks is the booklet in which we name these stocks. It explains exactly why we arc enthusiastic about them, gives their recent prices, and outlines ou r expectalions for business and the market for the next 12 months. We believe Uncommon Val,;cs could help you make bigger profits in the cmning year. For your fre e copy of this 24-page book· lei , mail the coupon 1oday. • · r• ... ••=••==••••~···-·~···--..... Uncommon V1lues Sip.non. Hammill &:. Co. Jocorpcnlc:d 5!0 Newpon Caller Dr. N-Beacll '2663 Please rush a fret copyofUacommon V1luu 100 N"'1<•~---~----~~~ Atld/al~~-~------Clty·-----------n:lc:p~ _ s1•'' z;p • 1r SklnO!l.u..llll•C.. L ••••••••• ::::! ...... , • ..J =--• JI DAll.V PllOT California YourMoney's Wol"th Production . AlphabetSoupGroupsOffer JobHelp ~·-~till~Rising By SYLVIA PORTEil together a ~ltlsly com-mentally, voctlioaally and • compltle overhaul of tho ll •M• -•a ,,..m••--' •Uctled ~1chwork of -a-. "ID<ialb'!' ba.odlcappcd. seedy federal-•~ U , S • • -Y--•c, "~N'~' " ~.. U ·= -Among th• f-at agmctu -Etnployment:-S<rvlce. And 'IS d Is adv ant aced youna t1on1I educa\Jon e orts. deep into job training and all .. starter, this agency recentty I ' Total m1111ulaoturea l n €alllon.la ~I ptttent lo June to '2$.13 bllllon, a s payrolls totaled $14.10 billion an~ emp,lo'yme.nl I P" pr oilmately t,687,000, ac> cording to a rtport. isiUed ...,,., Wednesda,y by the Bank of Calilamia. Production ol durable goods reached $16 .t:; billion, a gain 0('4.4 percent over June 1968, and nondurable produc.-&n, •l $8.88 billion, advanced 9.4 per· An><~_o, Yl!\1 mlibt Ir)' to. So beruddltng has tbe too _Jrequeolly oJfe<ln&-IW renamed _lhe U.B. gel1<JI> tratnln('liel'p 1ronrthe-pa1chW1Nk' become · t b·a l overlapping aervicu m :-the-Tralnlnr nd -!m' ~-ot­ federal govemznent throulh federal 1aen.ciel are now ac-. departments of Labor, Com· Service -alfllougb Jt la lt1U the NYC;'the MDTA or JO~.· tually lasW~ 1 p e c I a I m e...r c.e.:. -1 n,t e.rJ o r. and known in aome areas ol ~ or you 'mi&ht,· apply for 'job ~reference._ pdes" to helpl -Agriculture: Hu}th, Educ&· "unemployment oWCe.:" • coun&ellnr al Y<iUI' local YOC1 obwveni aor1 out the 4ll· lion and Wellare's Public We have madt a real'bt(il> AJO or USTES. . ferent job tratnlng programs. H~lth , Service, Office ol ntng Jn the tpliere of job If you are. an o t de r 'New qeney after new agency Education and Social and traJnlna:. Just U.. ,fact that we American ltl need o( job tlao ls btln( superimpooed on .RebabWtaUon· Service; the now ·recognize that vocaa...J training, yao m!glil clJeck with the vocational tangle, sup-Dept. of llollllnc and Urban ed.icallon II a vi~ weapco MfiTA C&P RRD, JOBS, posedly to «>0rdinale the Development (HUD); the Of. agalDBt unemploymenl· and a YII'S ~ wtN. ~ with many programs or to provlde nee of Economic Opportua.lty; crucial r.;oP for t'lCOnomic these; that ls, unless you're an ••one stop" l n f o r rn a t I o n tbe Civil Service Commlal\on: growth a gnall progress. Just American Ind.Lill, in wb1ch servicel to .baffled ~en of. the Defense Depl: t b e the fact that we are giviDg the case your chtncts for job help trahtlft& and employmenL Veltrans' AdministraJ:.ion, vocaUonally trained the d.lgnl~ NCI RESIDENT William R. Miiie r cent. In the production o( goods and services, manl.!facturing is one of the nine major ill-' dustrial components in the bank's economic series. would be better with EAP. On lt bas reached the p:>int 'lbe Nixon Acbninlitrttlon ty and respect bis skill war- the other hand. lf you •re an where cllles ue running out of has promised a complete rants shows we an: grasping unemployed Indian under •ge federal funds for one type of overhaul ot OW' manpower the meaning of 1'e:1cd1ence." 11. • . job training program wbUe programs,· With s p e c J a I But we have made no more nns SHOULD be enougJI untouchable surpl~ pile up 1 emphasis on allocating Jump than a beainning. The time alph~ soup to make my for another almost identit;al sums to 1tate governments to ha.I come when we must tear point: Our national manpower program. . use in meeting each state's apa~ patchwork of man- e duca!ion-trainlng-counsellng ONE Em'IMATE is that most urgent manpower need3:. power programs and put progr.\m •...,developed. there are more _\ha.P ~~ _fb~b.e_.t_ty_~Jijyte.f9r together a 1ystem which will t.ragically, into a momtrous doz.en..diHerent Jederal man-our pres.en( 8PJ)t0ath_of pw4 truly serve the unemployed, bureaucratic tangle. Since a power programs in operation ing out dollars on a program-the underemployed, the rest or 1 W. Miller Heads NCI In concept, value added by manufactures is measured by subtracting th.e com 0 f materials on arrival at the plant for processing fN>m their value at the time of shipment. The bank's estimates are seasonally adjusted at an an· new era in vocational educa4 -aimed at variOU1 groups by-progrlm basis an.d funding us too. tion Was launched in our land ranging from tee113.1e dropouts the programs year "by year. SINCE "YOC,'' and "WIN," by passage in 1962 of the to the elderly poor, retired Sin~e regi~ns differ so and "AIC" pro~ably will .be historic Manpower , Develop-farmf;rs, migrant workers. rad1cally, thts new app_roach around for quite a while , ment & Training Act, our s I um dwellers, ex·military would seem to make sense. though, I'll translate the baf· politiciam have 1 tr u n c servlctml!n, the physically, NIXON ~ has promised flegab in tomorrow's column. nual rate. Prod!Jction in the metal con- nected industr ies. which ac· counted for 44 percent or all manufacturing in the slate, ----------- totaled $11.06 bi I Ji o n. Transportation equipment. at $3.S5 billion, was down slightly from a year ago, Electrical equipment aOC: ct1mponenu, including com- puters and other electrooic machines, advanced t percent in a year to $2.92 billion, while mach~ry,. uti 14 percent tota1e<112.03 bilvon. Fabrication of me.ta! pro- ducts registered a 7 .4 pei:cent gaiil in 12 months-. while primary metal production in- creased 7.8 percent to $960 million in the same period. Food production, including · meal a'nd dairy-products, can- ned and froz.en foods, grain mills, bakery products, .and beverages rose 3.3 percent in .a year to $3.48 billion. The growing California ap- . par el industry •dvanced 6.6 , percent over June 1961 to total $650 million . Printing and publishing, ill- c I u d i n g newspapers, com- mercial printing, manifold business fonns, and printing trades services rose 6.Z per· cent in a year to $1.19 billion, while chemicals and products climbed 10.4. percent to $1 :J.7 • billion. ' . .. ;: Callanan Gets ' , :: Sales Post , ! Andrew J. Callanan has : been appointed manager of , distributor sales for the ··microeletcronic operatjons of Hughes Aircraft Company's Newport Beach division. • Callanan was pttviously Los Angeles district sales manager f« Dale Electronics, division : of Lionel Corp. Before lhat he had served as national distributor sales manager for both the electronic C{lmponent . division of TRW, Inc., and International Resistance Co. Build · Sales llfu .. er Richard C. ParsonJ of Mission Viejo has been named to the new posi- tion of premium and military sales manager at The Leisure Group, Inc:. He is responsible for military sales and development of n e w biisfueas .through •tamp ~nmpanies, milil, order and direct mall houses. Warner Picked Philip Warner has been ap- pointed manaijer of manufac· turing for Hughes Aircraft Company's Nepwort Beach division. 'Varner was previously with Genera1 Instrument Corp., Hicksville, N.Y.. for five years, and prior to · that was with IRC, Inc., Philadelphia, and Philco Corp. 's Landlale tube division. Your Future in Data Communications a ( ~ i Igo) company Th• outstanding 1cc1pltnce ol our MODEM 4400 O.t1 Sits and our continuing d1¥1lopment ol new def• communic1tlon equlprn.nt olf1r1 new QC)portuni1i1s kif qu11ill1d lndiolidu111 lo 1har1 in°"'' 1J1p1ntlon. II you can M1p \4 m11n111n our 11chn1c11 .. &01r1hlp, or 1•pand our ciatom1r M.lpport, w1'r1 rhdy lo ltll{ •boUI lmprO"tlf\9 your carff• In d1t1 com~nic.lllOna now! Soles Opportunlly lor 1 xperlenc1d lndlvldual With S.10 )'Mrl In 11111 ot compuMr/communic1Uon J)9'riph1r1l 1Qwlpmtint. M1rketing Repreaen111ive To be rnPontlble lor all ph1111. or cu1IOll'l1• 111~•. NMce Ind technical HlltCfl. Applications EnglnHr To g11Mr111 cu1lomer IUJ!POf\ ma\1ri1l lor 1pplytng, lnst1Ltlng 1nd 11rvlclng cornput1r /communlcallon perlpherlll equlptnent. Wlll cont1ct C11Slomer1 doreclly. • Senior Englnffr Investors' Refuge Land Used as GroWt:h Hedge NEW Y0RK (UPI) -In 200-room motel, twin theaters times of inflation and public and a small shopping center. uncertainty over the economy ~viously, ~ company will th . d · ·. _ have-no additional land cost er~ 1s a ten , c~y amo.ng · m-for this development. The ·vestors to seet reu!ge lll the motel has f a-v or ab I e oc· goOd earth. Land, for all pr2c· cupilncy ·. projection· because tical purposes, is constant, <Jhe only nearby 'competiUon is ever increasing in value llS· Che Logan Airport Hotel where people inctease in numbers most of lhe track vis itors stay and a growth hedge against in-durlng the racing~seaJtOn. The flationary erosion, for cot• movie houses would be located porations •s well as the in-in a high trafftc area for both divldllal home owner. Boston and.Revere residents. In rec;ent months. b i g REC is in the process of ac· business more and mort bas quiring ·I packaging oom~y gone back to the land. for $&-million. The company, Gulf & Western. Realty which last showed earnings of Equities Corp. (REC) and $700,000 annually, leases a Ogden Corp. have acquired 350,~square foot manufac- major horse racing tracks, not turing P,lant of which it uses to improve the breed but to only a part. The remainder is 11et lheir hands on vast vacant. More importanUy, the acreages of land. Madison . plant is on a 14-acre site fron- ting a major traffic artery ripe for development with a shopping center, additional in- dtistrlal buildings or whatever · will turn a dollar. The ap- praised value of' the land is about $4:.5-millloa, a g a i n almost the proposed purchase price. When REC. in a joint ven- ture, first entered the movie theater buslness, it purchased 52 theaters in the centers of secondary cities. In many cases,· they included adjacent parking lots. Sor?Rtimes the property made up an entire downtown block. Several of these theaters have been taken for urban renewal, and REC got attra c tive e-0n- deronatlon awards. Square Garden Corp. of New York, Campbell's Soup and National Industries have bid for other tracks. $250 Million Worth Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenret- te, a prestigious "new wave" Wall Street house, has in- vested heavily in a 700-acre auto racing and leisure time complex at Ontario, Calif. and T. Rowe Price of Baltimore recently set up his third mutual fund, the New Era Fund, geared as an in- flationary hedge and strongly positioned in basics such as mining aod land. Qf Planes Requested Jerome Deutsch, executive vice president of REC, a $200- mlllion company based in real estate and money manage- ment, talks quite frankly about why REC has gone into horse racing. "It's the land, not the horses," said Deutsch. "Land is the base and it's a profitable base, too." REC bought the assets of Eastern Racing, including Suf4 folk Downs track in Boston, for appro:lirnate1y $12-million. Jt got 2,000 acres of land, 4S of which wett not in productive use and situated 80 percent in Boston and 20 percent in Revere. Recent appraisals of the 45 acres set their value at •10-mJUion, close to the total purchase price. On 22 of those acres REC plans to build a PRaa PICKUP a OSLIVlllltY -oal'INDA•LA- TYPl NG WUTWAY JllClllTAltlAL JllltVICI ..... , .. WASHINGTON (AP) Marine planners want nearly $250 million worth of special fighter planes designed to lake off straight up from small clearings close behind battle tines and pfovide immediate support for infantry. Congress has been asked lo vote $57 million for 12 British- bu.ilt Harrier planes to be used for service testing a n d developing tactical doctrine. Marine sources, a I r e a d y convinced the Harrier would be more effective than any other fighter for the future, said the Corps hopes over the next few years to buy a total of about 65 Harriers and organize them into thre e squadrons. The Harrier, already being incorporated into the Royal Air Force, is the rirst vertical- short takeoff and landing plane -VSTOL -to show real combat promise, Marine e~pe.rts said. The United States and Bri- tain have carried on research and development in the field for years ·but with limited suc- cess. The Russi ans a r e reported near production of a VSTOL plane code named "Freehand." ~PSA .everr m1nulesto Oakland! The Marines have a reputa· tion for relative austerity in their budget proposaJ3, and this reputation cOuJd held them . The Marine decision to go ahead with the H a r r i e r culminates a search for more than 20 years for a plane to compliment the helicopter in exploiting what is called "forward area capability." As Marine experts envision it, the Harrier -built to carry a 5,000-pound payload of bombs, rockets and other ordnances -could be posi· tioned far rorward, close la regiment.a l or bril!ade com· mand posts. The plane could be ordered aloft-rising vertically from clearings in forest or jungle - for close fire support or in· fantry fighting a s h a r t distance away. Conventional fighter planes nonnally have a considerable distance to travel from the rear before they can bring their weapons to bear in sup- port of ground troops. The Harrier, which looks like a conventional airplane, can atcelorate to horiiontal flight in 15 seconds and can reach speeds of 700 miles per hour, Marine experts say. In addllton to bombs and rockets, it is equipped with a 30mm BriLish design cannon. The plane can.also fly from the decks o1 assault transports and other amphibious craft. ITI' Jabsco WinsA,vard A special safety a~·ard has been won by a Costa f.1esa firm for its record or accident ' William R. itlller o I Newport Beach bas been elected president and chairman or the board ol Newport Center Industries, Inc. NCI is a mulU·industry in· vestment firi'.n localed in the lrvine Financial Center. Miller had previously been a regional vice president of Standard Packaging Corp. and is currently a director ot-J. D. Jewell, Inc., a Gainesville, Ga. based processor of pre-cooked, packaged chicken products. ·Mesa Firm In Medical Electronics . Sensltron Inc., Costa Mesa, h83 formed Sensitron Medical Instrument Co. which will engage in medical electronic research, engineering, and manufacturing. '11le new company will be run as a separate entity with its own profit center, and will perform its own engineering and manufacturing functions, announced J .G. Hammerslag, president. _, Hammerslag appointed Jose.pf! M. Campton general manager of the new company. Gampton has been In charge of basic medical re.search aod development for the parent company. He moved to Sensitron from Continental Device Corp. a Teledyne com· pany, where he ran their Hong Kong production. The new company will be concerned with the marketing and manufacturing of a new electronic thermometer now ready for hospital, medical and consumer markets. Other medical instruments, including a s olid s tate elec- trocardiograph, are in various design and test stages. All of these instruments use com· pooents and assemblies prO- duced by other Sensitron divisions. Peso Lives On Oldest LA Street LOS ANGELES (AP) -On Olvera Street, oldest in Los Angeles, the peso is es sound as the dollar. Two pesos, in fa ct, will buy you Ht cents worth o f merchand ise at any of the 80 shops \.11hich line the pic- turesque old street. where some of the city's earliest of- ficials lived. A progra m called ''Ac-- ceplamos Pesos Mexicano&" (Accept Mexican Pesos } , began July I, shortly after the ~1exican consu\11te moved into a building a block from the s t r e e t ' s tourist-attracting shops. The merchants, visua1izing the 400 Me.xlcan nationals who visit the consulate each day, figured accepting lhe pesos would be a 11oodwlll geslun!. The money can be exchanged easily for American currency at the Bank of America branch on Olvera street. Market SynafJols • Oworwntty jot ..,No1 i. ... e1 CiNlull o.Aon lrt0IM1r ~h 111P9rilnc. lf'I comput1r/comll'l\ln1C1llOl'I P*fiphtu11 eciu•pmtnl, Elec:ltonlc EnglnHr 7:15 1m to 1:45 pm. Both ways. 7:15.,:45·10:15-11:451m-1 :15'-2:45-4:15-$:45-7:154:45 pm. p'revention and no disabUng in· Tiit fol)Gowtnt ts • UY ,., •'t'ftlllllll ._. J ' d ' th Ill fflil lllKk _,... . ,__, -"" Oppe>rtunlty tor 1 recent •flOinMffnf G,.CJ\11te 10 join 11'11 lffdlnQ techrilc•I a.am I" dall comnwNcatlOM. Contact ICC- lntervWn In ~l1ml or other chics can b9 ,,,.ngtd. l't\otMI tOUKf. J.M. McHugh (30$) 691-1220, ••rMlllffll Cofnmunlc1tloM C..,WllM , 7'20 PM -,._V'lftW, M•'"';Ftodde 13147. Mor• on Wffk.emb. unes ur1ng e past year. Noo:. The plaque goes to rrr ~-"':ttt. ':: ~~ ,.,111 ~absco. 1485 Dale Way, a sec-?J1e1':'1~~ .... ~J:1:: hon . of the fluid handling 1toct 111=°1d. ~~~ ~~ division 0 r International :...P-:ld-4?.:J""ni ~J.,... .... 31' ~~ Why worry about• rMervalion when PSA hM ovtr 160 fl lghlt 1 Telephone and TC It Ir 1 Ph C~1:,.et1 ., .. u'tr"t11" °'-~ !ii :.,: Corp. cvrnu .. ,,..,, IMw wrtfl dl~ •• d1y? Such •n •••y-to·rMMmbw achedul• )'QI.I can c1rry " The 1968 President's Safety :t~~~;·i:o n1•• ~M• ., :r~ •round kl your Med. Why remember lownt faret? Or •II Jett7 Award was accepted by lhe :r.:' 1 dtl'llll 'L."P.:"1t11t 1 ,1:: Or are•t Hl"'lk:910 San Francisco, San JOM, San local firm 's general manager ~:i"!r ~=iJr: =: U\ Ofego, and Sacramento? Or that kids under 12 E c st k th I h 'ta ""'J<U;u,,. t1lvldt'f1Cl. . . or , eon y 11uc Cl -r-S.1ts '" tvlt fly PSA (with their parents) for half fare? Stlll tion given to 111 North ctot-e1HM. e•-Ell 111vldlnil. K-1111-IJ want a r1111rvatlon? Ju at call your I ravel agtnl A · It 1 · 1 "111r111u111111. •r--EK rlfftt.. irw-wrlflol/1 mer1can un so its sze, ac-w•rrf~· lll'W-Wllh •''''"'' ... orwh1t11tir111m••lrtlne s. ~lh-)'UU•lift.. cording t.o JTI' chief Jiarold s. :g;d1;:.rr~~·~t!...•1Kti. ,..,_HY:! Who Reads tlie Stars For the Stars? • -~ --- oJT;>C' It's Sydney Omarr And now this articulate writer who has been celled the "e•lrologer's ostrologer'' reads the stars for you. Sydney Omarr. longtime personal astrologer to many of Hollywood'• end the literery world's most femous stars, is a DAILY PILOT columnist. Omarr's record for ac curacy ot predictions based on ostrologicel anal ysi s is amazing. Whether you reod astrol09ical forecasts for fun or as a serious student of star-gazing, you'll enjoy Sydney Omerr's doily<:olumn in tho DAILY PILOT ----------------------·I-'===:;::=================~ Geneeo ,,,,"11r1c1 u...,. "'' 1t'ifJ=A~., • • ••r cs.11 .... no. ·~•rr.itll Cllll'llltflla ... ________ ""=•~----------i I • • • • • " ------...,,,....,,~~~ ------,----.,-;:o-:=--:-:::-:-•c-----------..,-------- -------------------.. ' ,• ·' ! I{ Had ~Usy 7Da< ' -. ~ ' ' • , ' ' • · .. Jfe created und: tieli~r_.ed .....,,_npther _ft'l.~~ elf~fig~~ 6:t~_The .. P.4.lt r Plt;D~ .· TEAMWci~.!'•rqi!'-'~~/!?''I"' .. ,;<;('It}l:'pn,.,,l:, ... :.:u.L~' '" .. ~,. .,... .... ,. .. v ' ~ ""'I"'" !~-:·: -~~ lsts like-'111ofua(i)i'•rl\l!te ~ ~~!tr isf"l!ucatioo,.,.~Wtllt a-1 ··•·! stall pbbtogr~l,Ukt' Pa\I!,~ 'Q'iliO ' · gel!!'' StorY.. !>Olh',lil "llJ<la ' and_ pictuf.S: 11le staff SfiOt ?tr,000 'p1Cl\trtsF"t9'ti ytar tll'1IDU!trate"•yie ·.-.~ .. varied story of Orange co·ast life. Nobody knowa·~ many local stories we wrote. Not even us. ' ,. ·-" , •• viii~ kiui"e/w~ '•yth<·eoj,y lleol."'oJ.iLY ~:to~~ .Chwi'·•~'>-·~,; ·~'RAPID Bl" ' · 1· ,..,.. o! u.ii p.;.."supem,or Juulla .Fiw -'NOl'Dllli And_,., !rllbll aided by Tarn' .tltua«bldrcl•undl aJ\ol:ot111t. "f ,' ~·utiier~ '. v' ·"~' t,fii! tr1J111CU011S •·week bf pbone, ·coPYt'ead~•tvery, d~ sil~ ch«ks 'i!\<!.~ more ;~, ,le~ fnili f.E . " i tlng ' ·: . · ,Ofl.~ed ads -words whkb help -1•· ... worlclwl~ news ·~ th8Jr,the avtrlp ~newt ma,astne-pOI>':.-, ,...... !(." ·bu .\'le8!1 _ • ···~ 1.,,,_~.oyen flnd lost dogs. Many of~ D~Y lishes. Edit.ors scan enou'h telephotos to wallpaper a ll~ing room every Pn.oT'S 150 pbone·Unes are plugged in.here. the cla~q.t advetfllnr de- 24 hours. Speed, bom of experience, helps them. keep tt all fresh, too. partment, borne .of "Want Ads" and Dime-A·Lines. 1 '--•' . ,_ ...... r·~... , ~'" •'•-" \., , ~~....,,,, .. , . , ~ ~ ~! l' ., *•'"' .-.. ·-· ·-~~ .• ~-lt • " ,. \,;. CREATIVITY helps advertisers tell (Uielr storfes Mcf sell th Kbods·'tn · .the affluent market served by Ute DAILY PILOT. Gordon Crawford (centeli) of display advertising department, discusses• with layout artirt Suzie Gunderson and DAI1. Y 'PILOT Staff Arti!t B6b Noyes an ad which will be ready to appear. in the ne'Nl!lpapet ~y hours after Noyes puta final touches on artwork and it is approved by the advertiaer,, a local re- tail merchant. . . ; QUICK HANDS place lin'es .Of fype, aas aft<t cuts '(the metal ~platea ·used to reproduce pictures) into page fonm as~the day's product begirul to ~ take shape, Composi~r Arden Malsbury1,is, Qh!.K_ ~ne of a platoon of , printers who "build" lhe news pages WKler p_r~ 9l_deadlines, work~ 1 ing against the clock to bring reader.s th~ 1ate!t available infQrm.aUo,n in each edJtion during the day. . · · .-DELIVERY of the newsaper is a speed event, too. Conveyor bells carry t the papers through the mailroom where they are automatically tfed in i bundles of 50 and tossed to waiting circulation district managers (like 4 Blaine Roberts, shown here, righl) who speed them via ·• (().vehicle ~. fleet to carriers for deli very. Mailroom foreman George Arauz (left) : " ' I THE WORDS are ready. Marjorie Jackson ,feeds thetn into a $25,000 co.mputer, a DAILY PILOT inves.tment ins~ and accuracy, j<y~ch uses a logic ~ystem to hyphenate words as it reads cDaracten at tne rate of 1,®Q a second and punches @ new tape which will. ~cijv~ another machlne for automatically setting type at high &peed. The machines can set type at the rate of fi,000 lines per hour. MACIDNES hasten the processes ·ot :preparing plates for printing ihe -• pages of the newspaper. Here, Charles Haubrick (foreground) and Ed- ward Qµinn operate a casting ·machine which molds curved plates to· tit ·onto high speed presses. The DAILY -PILOT £tej:ii Iii il9cl more. thin. 40 tons of type metal which is used , melted down and used again tn the conUnuous job of printing 100,000 words a day. MObERN' equlpm.;;t helpi die accoUiitlnf'~ent keep up with the "today" pace at the DAlL Y PILOT. Even as the day's newspaper is being sped to its readers, Bonnie Chauvin be~ feeding figures int.O a computrorllc bookkeeping macrune that belpa keffl Clack of billings for ads an4 spb:scrlptlons. The (nacl)ine, flJt'erunner ot-a 'brace of computers , recently added, band.IM·S,000 account.a a ~Month. l ·' PIC'l'IJIWI, top, a~. u.;· benelit :o1 ·~I'!: elftclenl ~...,j,~. by - craqsineo who ~tphotograph them alJCl then tr...Cer ,the JJ111ie1 to 1 ""'1ilud IMW .Ptotes which are.used to reproduce the~ u .read- etl' .will _lhe}!i,io"tbe newSPOper. Here, Chuck Ry1111 i.-I rtlll1 ~:l:t.':te~ a 1ii!(ativ~ which will bt. Uled. to <lch the Image cm the ,,. . . 1 ~·~RODIJCr Is checked 'by Elwood AndJ!l'IOD; preeo ettrf cb!'f, :1 even aa hlgti!-spet!d ·presses continue to roar a~ 60,000. impresslolit per ,hOilr : ~ compl.etlng .the !fal'• run on press unita whiclJ; represent ~ investment of • · '3.S~mDlloo-Eleveo·mlin press crew"Wlll "feeil llllo7tlt• ~. ! !quiVaJent of. a roll of paper one page wide and 110,000 miles loo& in : pr1ltinc the DAJLY· PlLOT Utls year. 1 • • .., • . ' . " :· ' ; ALMOST belore the ink '!• dry, the ~nicluct of our busy d8J' Is loosed . deftly on your .Jawn or porch by one of our 100 newtpaperboys. who are: important links ln the chain of people it takes to bring you today's news : and features today ·;n the DAILY·PII.pl' Anc!'as our young lodtpeodent '. merchants, Uke John Melton .here, •mAlr• 11Je1t deljvyW, w_e~ J8'TJl!i ; up !or another bu!y d8J' -aU 1,000 ol us. 1: t and his crew can move 20,000 newspapers an hour . I .. I , . . ·• . .. .: I !The '"Now' Newspaper fo:r All The Com111unities ... I ' t ) " " ' ' · ~, ~· ' I ~ \ • I ' . Of The Growing Orange Coast I . . ' ' t - ' • ' .. ' .u ... , , .. - '. - ' ---'---·~-----·-· " ., l I l I I ' , : " .• ,.., .... •. PUf WI-I i ·. ' . -~ " .•· >Jr.· ••• : ·-.... ,, ...-1 -• ' ... ,. • ' -·~·· . : • ., • . ~·' .i •. >! •• • :" · ..• •.,.., r , . . . . ,. f• 'I . o, .... .,,. t} .. ·· t . ,. • i' • ·l <! ' ' ... " . • -t.'~ ...._ '•( .. r. .!, ~ , , .. . ;\ . ~' >J' ·' .. ,..! ·c.1 · .. _..;,\ \-' ' "' *' f.,." ·~ I • '··· ·~I ~r r t "' . ':.t·:, --• ... ~ ~,. ~ ·~ . .. ::·.o;-~·· --·:-:: .... ' . _., :IV". . ' .. . . .. • . , . " -.... ~ . } ..... .._ ·,r .... ~~··· .. ·. '• ". ·, '· ' • • •• I.._ #'i . . ·,:;;._•' ~ '-. . .. . .. ~!\o.~t ..:r . " ' ·-.. ' . - .. _, .. ,. '. ., ' .. - ( . -, • -~ , ··'. "'{ , -., ' . \..'.;· ·. ,,., . ,j_. -· . . ... ••• ' .... •" . . , ,. .. ~· 1" .... c; } .. .. • '. 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" -. ..... . •• ... ., !-··· ' ·~·· ... I.: ... . .. ·-'~ . •. ·.: 'fl, ..-. ,~! ... 1 ,,j, ·'' .... ~' ·' ' . . .~ . • . --· ... -'. ... c ' f,:.~~r ... .. ' • 1-----:-·- ... ' • ' ! • -, I J " • --- I I I ! • "' ' -. " ' • '• •• .. ' ' •• I 1 • ' . .,.. . , . ' • JOl;l~AN ~STING$, 642-tnl Tlll'lll~. J11Y U. \te t .... \i ' Deserted - Before the culinary treats are sampled-the Jaycettes will sub- mit for approval the yearly calendar and plans for the annual luau in September. Results of the latest fund-raising project will be an- nounced. The Fountain Valley Ja'yce:es assisted "with manpower" the Huntin gtoll.:..0 :-ach group Wlth their latest project, the July 4~~~~e~end carnival. .The Jaycees' Wives, in tnrn, helped-their busbaDas o)' con· _--.,.tributing ina!!Y wortJtwhile hours_~t the carnival.. ' • --The piCnic "planned by the Jaycees and Jaycettes earlier this _ month was ·termed suCcessiul. More than 40 childre"n and a. dozen families were represei:ited. . . Hop· g t? l).'!'1' ~. . l!.~~t ~~.a. bi e 'be\!er cii.t" .~ew ' oUtcers. ·' ~Oii'. . 'Iii"'-~ prer,tent; 'J •l Scott, v1 e·-. ; . · arle.r'~ __ ... ~~-Tom . KeUey, recording secr.e~ry·m,a .-F1 .. , ~-er~ •. ~re.~~i:r .. er~. -~~' ·: , , . . Chainnanships ~h}i"· -...:.! ~~ti'tift~Und~· ~":Ii< ITV' TALK -The annual~~ ll. lfl!la \\ray s and means ;~:-ber'litiif~l~.:'ttu~ J)Ublit:1ty;t1"/,\"~--· taln· Valley Jaycette·s•ll~_bce fhi~ and Carl Hobkirk, hospitality. paring their !avorite recipes are (left to right) the ' ~- ' '· I. ;• f • I [' I l ~: ·, A LoNG WAY FROM use P•lnter. Su1•nne 81~1 •• -~ll'IN?.!t)'Ol!ilil~~ .. . ~: .'~ Room say something nice a~t •the unsung heroes -the geys who ~ oul lhe paper rain or shine. -MARRIED TO ONE ·• ,, ,. • ·' • •, •. . '- , ·.,.;n1ce1bel:Cef.)iext n\oliJ!j' · ~ !oc ~ra only. .:: , I I I "N" •"· ..,.ly-• l· .· . ·!,'. .• ';' ~; ~-·-~-~ .• . ' .. ·.,: .. ~ .: '. ,. . .. ~~-. ! ."1& ,..,_,...,<I ,.:::, '°"': ...:,<! 1" • ' ~ t'\ . . ·' ., -.. '•. • ) I . ' • Tlllldlr, Ju~ tt, 1969 Horoscope Gemini:· Stick to Facts ' Hauling Away to Balboa Bay Club's Beach Party Children, dads and moms all will have sometAmg to look forward to next Thunday when Balboa Bay Clubbers· gather at 7 p.m. for their Beech Party. <rugging away toward tile fun are (left to rildll) Murr~ Wilson and Kimberley Wilson, with John Booty, JOiin Wi!Jon and the Mmes. Wilson and Booty (rigbt) willingly being pu~ed along. The evening will f¥ture an outdoor barbecue and dancing on A-Deck as well as games and contests. Jt'>ining the W{lsons and Bootys on the host committee are the Hal De. vick.s, Dick AtUeseys and Dick Keilboltzes. .. Weddings, Troths -. -· ~-Pilot's Dead/111-e-s t ·• I To avo(d .disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have theJ.r wedding . ll!Orles with black and white glossy pboio- grapbJ to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart. · ment prior to or: within one week after the wedding. For engagem.ent announcements it ts" suggested lhat...Lhe story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be submitted early. U the betrothal announce- mell;t and wedding date are six weeks or less apart, only the wedding pboto will be ac- cepted. ...J~belp fill requirements on both. wed· ding and engagement stories, form s are avail- able In all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Socia.I Notes staff members at 6424321 or 494-9466. Honeymoon in Hawaii Vows,~ Rings Exchan·ge.d A candlelight service In St. Andrew's Presb)'terlan Church united in.marriage Susan Ruth' Nelson and John Hew It t Forbes. The Rev. Dr. Dorm Moomaw directed the eichange of vows and rings for the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Ne lson oC Corona del Mar and the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. ~t Task.er Forbes of Glendale. The bride's father escorted her to the altar. Her organza • gown with chapel train was trimmed with venise lace and a venise lace headpiece caught her veil of sUk illusion. She carried a French nosegay of stephanotis, min iature white roses, baby's breath and bouv· ardia. _From Page 13 Mrs. David L. ltfaye r came from Seattle to ~rve as her sister's matron of honor . She wore a yellow French crepe grown with bow-attached train and short sleeved bodice of venlse lace. Her bouquet was of yellow and white roses with baby's breath and bouvardia . • • • Laguna Artist "Yet they raised me to do .what I believe in," she con- tinued. "I rullze I have lo lead my own life and that's what I'm doing. But, still it bothers me that it bothers my ,parents." studio. There was no stOYe, just a hotplate. She slept in a loft and kept the refrigerator outdoors. She w" 5o busy painting. she didn't notice the in- cooveniences. The only thing which annoyed her was the bare hills outside her door , so she planted flowers. However her family and fri eods, she admits, were horrified. \Vearing identical gowns and carrying yellow rose bouquets were the bridesmaids in- cluding Miss Lynn Ann Bundy, the bride's cousin . Others were her :sorority sisters the l.1isses J ane Moomaw from Albuqu e rqu e, Suzanne Haywood, Susan Barton and f\t rs. Robert Peck. Standish Fleming stood as best man for his cousin. Sealing guests were Peter A. WEDNESDAY royalties, money owed. You :::;;;;;;;~:JtiiFFT.~~~~·um_~romonewoo -pmolGUSij iliOWiQllllle By SYDNEY OMAJIR temt. Good day for fllldq -' TAUR~ (Apioil ,_:l\llo7 2D): Ulf. ID croomlDg, •"'' Ute A~ on joint efforts. Mar. tarfsll. 4eceat pel'IOllaWJ bat rlage and mutual agreements d , ' figure pronlntntly. ·Day to OD t • t" e • 1 tlle obvlout. wait, observe and collect dala. :b:.:.auer b road '°· ac-Study Arlet message. p GEMINI (l\lloy II· June 2D): ARIES (March 2l·April Ill: EssenUal that you gel at facts. Some of the past catches up; Rumors, speculation shcllld you couJd realize financial have no place an agenda. Deal gain. Fine (or co 11 e c tJ.!i g with recognized authorilies. Double Ring Ceremony Performed in Newport White tapers and white sum- mer flowers decorated SI. Andrew's Presbyterian Church -w11e1.-Kathryil Loiiiie-1!rock- became the bride of Mart Allen Voorhis in an afternoon ceremooy. • The daughter Sr Mr. and Mrs. Steve P. Brock of Costa Mesa and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Voorhis of Newport Beach exchanged vows and rings before the Rev. Cecil O. Eanes. The bride, escorted to the altar by her father, wore. a full length gown of peau de tole with a front panel of lace designed and fashioned by her mother. Matching lace trim- med the long sleeves, aqd the skirt eztended into ' chapel train. Her cameo jewelry waa sent "by her u.n: c I e to her mot b e·r from Italy during . World War .II. A single red rose· centered her·'bouqutf. of erebids and stephanotls and • crown or pearls caught her three tieredjgusion veil. Wearing a tangerine gown of mira mist was the maid of honor, Miu Marta Miller. Yellow gowns were the atUre for bridesmaids, the Misses Cheryl Chamberlain ·and Wen- dy Isbell. All wore headbands of fresh daisies and carried daisies in white basket!. Also ~ing a daisy basket was noWer girl Gina Martinez, whose dress was of white organza over yellow with a yellow sash. Chris Voorhis was best man for bis brother. Ushers in· clyded Wayne Jones and Brad Peddyconl. For a reception in the Fireside Room of the church, attended by approximately 100 guests, decoraUons featw-ed yellow and tangerine Dowers. A later champagne recep- lioo in the brMie'a parents' MRS. MARK VOORHIS San Francisco Home home was attended b y relaUves and cl06e friends, in- cluding the bride's sister, Mrs. Dennis T. Henderson from Koilua , Hawa ii; her grandmother, Mrs. L e o I a Holbrook and the bridegroom's grandmother, Mr s: Garneu. Barrick. The bride was graduated from Newport Harbor High School and from a dental school. Also a Newport Harbor High graduate, the benedict attended Orange Coast College and now is serving with the Army in San Franciaco's Presidio. 'Ille couple are making their home lzl San Francisco, follow· ina: a honeymoon trtp· to the Monterey PenlmuiL Tempie Sharon Honors Leader Harry Gort/er Harry Cartier, founder of many general.Ions of Jewish Temple Sharon in Costa -Mesa wanderings in Europe. ~ htn~~ i:~=ie ~ All memben, friends and dedicated service by the visiton are invited to attend Harbor Area Jewish com4 ~ services under the direc- munlty Friday, July 15, bi& Uon of Rabbi Goodman and to 70th birthday. join the oneg sbabbat, or Maintain balance b e t w e e a work and ziecruUm. .... C UM :r,r-u1y-n~,~- More pleasure J n d 1 c a t t d because-you are appreciated. One who means somethlni lo you pays meani.ngfU.I com· pllment. LEO (July 23-Aui-' Z2): Older Individual needs af... tention at home. Give tt. Don't spare praise. Help othen build ego. If you give today, YOU. receive tomorrow. Accent on domestic adjustment. resideoce. VIRGO (Aug. ~. Zll : YOU could be fooling youneil about a trip. Messaees today tend to be gari>led. Get lhe facts. Then act in mature, m. telligent manner. Some slmply talk for sake of hearin& themselvu. LIBRA CS.pt. 23--0ct. Z2): Keep watchful eye on possessions. You have responsibili.ty of protecting · assets~ UllliA.past experience. Doo't be talked lzlto dropping guard. Good day Jo collect debts. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Cycle high; you can make good contacts. Be a self- starter. Take inJtiatJve. Stress independence of thought, ac- tion. Highlight originality. No day ' to follow routine pro- ttdure. SAGnTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 11): Obtalzl hint from SeorplO meuage. Strive lo break through emotional bar· rlers. Key is greater con- fidence. Mai.Dtaln dedicatJon in face of apparent advenlty. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Money is highlighted -it comes your way. Recognize !opportunity for adding to assets. Don't · turn back on chance to enhance financial 5ecurit)'. A friend gives valid informaUon. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Review ambitions. You may be going after something (or someooe) you don't need. Give yourself alternatives. Be versatile. A sense of humor to- day helps immemely. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 2D): You are able to ascert8.in long. range plans of one who means much to yoo. Accept facts as they exist. You do not own anyooe. Realize this and re,s.. pond acconlingly. IF TODAY LS YOUR BIRTHDAY you possess an abundance o f intellectual curiosily. When you want answers, you find them. Y<Q are di.le to qieet new peopl and begin new phase of istence. Tl flnll out '"°'' 1blkrl _..II 1"4' ntrololY, «*r S'>'dtllY °'"•"'• JO. Nte bOoki.1, Tiie Trvtll About AllrolotY, lend 50 unt1 to Orn•rr Booklet, tltl DAILY PILOT, 10111 12'°• G,.nd Clf!lr1I Stltlon, Ntw Y • r 11:, N.Y. 1111117. :J/iinl JEOJn tnhO Westcliff Pfau St.r. Onty 642°2444 Of course, ~··e's rr1 •-,.~ surprised at ti:. 1.uy L1::,J; tumed out, herself. "The nwst astounding thing lo me was when I met artists at lhe gallery I worked for and found they wert really regular peo- ple," she said. She expected fantastic, wonderful creatures who also were, w e 11 • "weirdos." NO SACRIFICES Nelson, brother of the bride, James Hix, the bridegroom's brother-in-law, John Kendrick, John Dubiel and Ke vin Egan. Highlight for the I p.m. 1a~ social hour, following. bath services will be a presen-1---.:.::.:..::.:.:::::;:::.._ __ :!:::========= For six months, befort she moved into the canyon Suz- anqe Jived in what was, at $35 a month, to be her artisfs HB League Sets Meeting Mrs. Steven Elcherly's llun- iington Beach home will be the setting of La Lt:che League's meeting at 9:45 a.m. ·Thursday, July 24. The Huntington Beach group will dilam when the baby ar- ;rlvts. Those wishing further infonnation may call Mrs. David Watercott, 847.fl059 or Mrs. Donald Walter, 962-3987. Party Opened ·To Card Buffs ''You don 't gi\'e up anything if you really are doing whal you want to do," she ex- plained. "'I always loved work- ing with my hands, drawing things and making things. t am totally committed lo paint- ing. Why am l so obsessed? My philosophy is people are drawn lo what they do best, first because they like to do it. Then it is reinforced because they win praise by doing it.'! Wedding mus ic was prG- vided by the bridegroom's sister, Mrs. Hix. Approximately 250 guests attended a wedding reception in the home of the bride's parents followin g the ceremony, Miss Linda Nielsen. also a sorority sister, attended tl1e guest book. MRS. JOHN HEWITT FORBES Former Susan Ruth Nelson talion by Rabbi Gar:son Good- man, former staff chaplain for Commander Service Forces, Atlantic Fleet in World War 11, of the Torah Breastplate rescued from Hitler's museum and presented to him when he Noordaa from The Hague , filiated with Beta Theta Pl. was honored as anned forces Holland. and P.tr. and Mrs. chaplain of the year. Richard K. Van Nostrand of Following a wedding lrip to The Tor ab Breastplate, New Jersey. the Hawaiian Islands,· the modeled after one of the Special guests we re the bridegroom's grandmother. M111. Caudrey f''orbes and friends of the bride·s parents, Mr. and l\1rs. Paul Van der The bride is a graduate of ne .... ·lyweds will make their sacred garments w o r n Corona del P.1ar High School first home in Corpus Christi thousands of years ago on Mt. and of UCLA, where she was where he will be serving with Zion, was made in England 196U9 president of Delta the Navy. and passed down through Delta Delta. Her hu sband, also j;===:'=::=======:::::;;~:;;~~:;;;;i:;;~I There has been plenty of praise for Suzanne. West Coast collectors such as Frank Sinatra and Sir Isaac Stem have singled out her paintings. She has won awards and been chosen lo exhibit in many in• vitational shows and was a UCLA graduate, was af- Gathering in Laguna A r't is t • o I ·the-month for Challenges to sk1·11 and th · I 1· I · · e 1n erna 1ona organ1zat1on. Newport Junior Ebells. I But the best praise came games just for fun 'viii be on The group's aim is to help just last week. An elderly the progran1 \1·hen Parents single parenls bring their l woman stopped at Suzanne's \\'ithout Partners gel together child ren s uccess f u 11 y to exhibit on the Festival of Arts in Laguna this Friday al 8 maturity and to comb a I grounds and looked for-some loneliness in a c oup I es lime at a picture of a lone girl p.m. oriented societyl.according to walling by a mailbox. There All si ngle parents in the Mrs . Marge Miller, press were tears~ in the .woman's area 11re Invited to the chairman. eyes. meeting in Laguna Beach Those \\'hose wish furth er in- S-A-L-E PE DEN'S FASHION MANOR • KIMBtRLY KNITS -COATS PURSES-SWEATERS-DRESSES -BLOUSES FAMOUS NAME BRAND WOMEN'S SHOES VALUES TO 32.00 NOW · Woman's C I u b of lAguna ll<acb Is inviting the public to it,,. flnt swnmer bridge and deawt party to take place In "the Woman '• Clubhou&e at 12:• p.m. next 'Ibunday. "l don 't know whal there is r~ederal Savings and Loan. formation about the group' about that picture," she tol d and lo attend other activiUes may call ~trs. l\1iller. 494-2025, Suzanne. "It's never happened for a twG-month pe riod while Bernice Gunckel, 492-2102, or to me before. But there is they consider membership in George Clark, 493-4607. something about it that says -jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimm;;;~ .90mething lo me. l guess I .J there Is a little part of it that is me." Suianne says that's just about the m o s t wonderfu l thin& that's ever happened in her young life. ~each q_,jying luxury 1-bedroom and den, 2·bedroom 2-bath, year-round, on-the-beach apartments. Ouie~ security, spacious sun decks, patio, views, pool, sauna, 20 min. to L.B., 40 min. to downtown . ROBES -JEWELRY • STARTS THURSDAY, JULY 24th · · -.Vollom may be ob· lllnod by colling Mn. Louis G. Undonrood, -17. ----- . Herbor TOPS "'''""'""'"""' .. "'""'~"' . PICKWICK ~ M~ ~.u~ ,;:: BOOKSHOPS mtllbel'I of TOPS Jtubor :;,~·1 l'lllt, C..tf Mtw LlS)llmJ.tlher etch Moo41;y e141J11111,_. 11wc. evQlQc 7:30, 111..-u.w HO 1o&1t1 Cfurq_,ea~e from 225.00 per montll The HUNTINGTON PACIFIC 711 Pacific Coist 1-l"''f· (on the. ocean), Huntington ~ach 1'elcphoncs : (714) 536-1487 • (714 ) ~)6-461 6 I 357 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach, California 494· 1940 •• . . e.n ..... fhtel1 .... ......_, .......... , ' F11hion Island, Newport Beach Rlv•nlde Whittler An.helm • f I ' ' • , II • I ' ~ ; • Tut1d11. Ju~ n, 1'16• DArtV mo+ J ;} \n-=·----..------------=---~----====-====-==~-~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_~ Beavy•Hitting Ja~kson . Owns · 3 .7 Donters REGGIE JACKSON, HOME RUN KING OF THE OAKLAND A'S, SHOWS HIS STU FF AT AN AHEIM WHERE HE GOT HIS 37TH HOMER. ' Baseball's Eli·te Loci{ Horns • Ill D.C. Tonight Jackson 's - 011ly Goal Is No. 38 WASHINGTON (AP) - Before lhe long hot summer ends Reggie Jackson might be hitting his home runs under pressure. But tonight he'll be swinging for pure pleasure. "In this game we just s'ho\v up and play for fun," the 23-year-old Oakland slugger gaid 1'.1onday on the eve of his first All· Star game. "I'm off today and tomorro1v night will be fun -a choose-up game between the leagues." Every day baseball can be more pain ihan. pleasure, but JackiOn has been at- tending to his business in spectacular fashion this year -and enjoying it too. He hil his 37th home run Su nday at Anaheim. rocket irig six games ahead of Roger Maris' 61-homer game of eight years ago. "Righi now t'm just looking for Nn. 38," he said. "Sixty is too far a\vay. 50 is too far away and wilh the higher up you get the less they'll pitch to you.'' Jackson doubtless will have to learn to livt with pressure, as Maris did. if he conthrues to bomb the fences. But for the next 24 hours. he intends to relax and ap- precia te his first All-Star appearance - as the American Leaguc·s starting center fielder. "Just playing between tv.·o big Franks In the game (left-hander Frank Howard and righl·fielder Frank Robinson) is going to be something for me," he said. "I'm gOing to be impressed just being out there on the field with all those gu ys." Jackson led all AL outfielders in the All-Star balloting. But he doesn't see himself as a superstar. "A guy is a star after he puts five or six good years back to back," he said. ''Matty Aloo (the National League's <Jll·star center fielde r ) hits .350 all his Jile. And guys like \Villie Mays and Hank Aaron play like the sun -it comes up every day and you just wonder how hot it will be. "Aaron has been here for 15 years. \Vhen th e All-Star game comes up, they j\lst roll him in . He's the best natural hllter in baseball. He plays the game "-'ith 1 fluid ease.·· ·•Ma}'s? Thafs my ballplayer. \Vhen all 1 the cream is at the top. He seems to 1 dutshine the others." 1 , Ernie Banks, the Chicago Cubs' 33· ~ar-old sunshine kid, is another of '.\ackson's favorite people. They met 1 "'hile Jackson was hitting the long ball ( fpr Arizona Stale University and the Cubs · were training in Mesa, Ariz. 1 "He'd sLand around two hours after an I exhibition game and tell the fans, 'come iauf. to see lhe stars tomorrow. Willie 1U~tays will be here. Willie P.fcCovey wil t ~lie here.' He 'd mention everybody but I' llt. Baseball -Ernie Banks. 1: 1 ' 'II f· .• ' ,_ • j t THEY'RE TH E GREAT ES T -Babe Ruth (iefll and .Joe DiMaggio "'ere the biggesl 1~·1nners in the Bas£'ball \Vrilers of Am"ri c:t poll that named the gan1t!·s aU-tin1e teams. Ru th was named th e game 's Ul'I T•l•PIHll9 grcat~t pla ye r ()f all time and DiMaggio '\•as tagged the greatest I lnyer now living. ·r11e photos were tak en in 1930 and 1949. '"AL Se~ks _End · To 6-ganie Loss Streak • WASHINGTON (AP) -Some 45,llOO fanll, including President Nixon and a host of baseball greats, will watch the power laden American League try to break a six-game losing streak again.st the National League in tonigbt 'll 40th All- Star Game. Eight hitters in the American LC':ague: starting lineup, Including Oakland's Reg- gie Jackson and Washington's Frank Howard, have bit a total of 179 homers, This com pares wilh· 105 homerll for the National League's eight besl. In addition to the President and the ael\out crowd here, a national television .. Tonight 011 TV Channel 4, 4:30 audience will be watching the American League attempl lo blast open the pattern of recent years. The National League won 2·1 in both 1966 and 1967, and 1-0 last. year. "We 've got power on lhis club the Ameri can League hasn't had In recent years." said Manager Mayo Smith of the Detroit Tigers. "J think after the last three gam~ people would be very happy to see some balls go out and I think IOme balls will be popped pretty good." So does National League Manager Red Schoendienst of the St. Loui5 Cardinals. "I don 't think the pitchers can overpower lhe hitters as in the past cou- ple of years," Scboendienst said. But Schoendienst isn't about to admit that lhe American League's homer ad~ vantage will be enough for them to snap lhe six-game losing streak that has given the National League the 21-17 edge - there has been one lie -in previous AD· Star classics. The American League power parade features Jackson, the major league's ho1ner leader with 37, and Howard, the runnerup with 34. • Ruth, DiMa ggio Honored No Bor edom For New U.S. And it has Rico Petrocelli of Boston, 15 homers: Boog Powell of Baltimore, 24; Frank Robinson of Baltimore, 22; Sal Dando of Oakland, 18, and Bill Freehan of Detroit, 13. Only Rod Carew of Min- nesota, among the starters, Is under dou• ble ligures, with si.z. \VASWINGTON (API -•·tt doesn 't matter how far ~·ou hit 'en1," Jue DiMag- gio likes t::i tell Oakland 's young fence busters. •·You can only tag four bases .. , Dl ~iaggio. the Silver-haired Yankee Clipper of bygone days, was still touch- ing all the bases ~tonday night whe11 he shared the s1>0tligh1 with the immortal Babe Ruth at a gala av.•a rds banquet honoring the greatest players in. pro- fessional basbatrs first 100 years. Ruth, the home run king or the Yankees· first Golden Era, was named the Greatest Player Ever in a poll of the nation 's baseball writers and broad- casters. Di~laggio, who has returned tn thr. game as a vie£' president and coach of the resurgent Athletics, was acclaimed , much to hi s su rprise. the Greatest Living Player and best center fielder in history. .. To play this wonderful game the1t I enjoye<I so much would ha ve been enoug h,"' DiMag gio said after his st.~c· lion as the premier center fi elder. "I never lhought I'd be h®ored this way for ple1ying it. ··1 we1s si tting back, relaxed , th inking naturally it would bt' one of the. old- limers. 1 never drean1ed it would be rne." Di'-1aggio. just before. was one of three living players selected to the all ·time team -and the only one acti ve in the past quarter of a century. Third baseman Pie Traynor and pit - cher Lefty Grove. both 69. also accepted their awards before an applauding throng that included several Cabinet members, Supreme Court Justice Byron "\l/hizzer'' \Vhilc, Terence Cardinal Cooke and former Apollo astronaut Frank Borman. Ru th, whose widow Claire accepted his award . a;id Ty Cobb, were the other 01Jt.-· fielders on the all·time team. which also included right-handed pitcher Walter Johnson, catcher Mi ckey Cochrane, first haseman Lou Gehrig. second baseman Rogers Hornsby and shortstop Honus Wagner. aight-hander Bob Feller and Grove were the pitchers and Bill Dickey lhe cat- -cher on the honor roll of living players. Stan l\.1usial and George Sisler lied for the first base spot, Charlie Gehringer "'ar namrd al second, Traynor al third, .Joe Cronin at short. and Ted \Villiams and Willie l\.iay~ in the outfield along with DiMaggio. On the bench are such other homer· hammerers as Carl Yalllrzemsld of Boston, 29, and Harmon Killebrew cf Minnesota, 28. The National League has Willie LOS ANGELES (AP) -As the 1969 McCovey of San Francisco, with 30, and track and rield season in the United Lee ~1ay of Cincinnati, a reserve, with 29. Stt1 tes concludes, some of histor y's Three other National Leaguers have greatest athletes are announcing their reached the 20-homer plateau. Hank retirement because of boredom. Aaron or Allanta, 24 : Tony Perez of Cin- On the other hand , Nlck Lee, winner of ('inn.ati 22, and Ron Santo o[ the Chicago the 41JO.meter hurdles in the U.S.·Russ ia-Cubs, 22. British Commonwealth meet J a s t McCovey. Aaron and Santo will be In weekend, says he wants to win an Olym-the starting line-up along with Johnny .pie medal in 1972. He's pl anning now to Bench of Cincinnati, 12; Cleon Jones of avoid boredom. • the New York Mets, 10; Felix Millan of AtlanLa, five ; Don Kessinger of the Cubs, "I know 49 seconds flat isn't too dif-three and Matty Alou of Pittsburgh,' one. ficul t for me thl s yea r in ...Lba-IP~---Th<-;ermlonal League Mlt"trf llfl'llUfiter- t.ermediate hurdles and I hope lo rua that the AL's home-run edge by starting left· in Europe this summer.'' bander Steve Carlton of St. Louis, woo Lee feels. hov.-ever, that the world has a 12-5 pitching record and a sparkling record of, 48.l by Dave H.emery of 1.65 earned run average that is best in ~6 ' England at ~1exiC1J City's Olympjcs last the majors. yea r. is "awfully good. It's going to take The American League starting pitcher t'verylhing being just right klr anyone to will be Denny PtlcLain. last year's 11· ever run that time again.'' game winner who has a 14-5 record this "I'll concentrate on the 220 and hall season. Weeks Off Didn't Change -Namath " r HEMPSTEAD, N.Y. (AP) -Joe ,N"'1ath 's six-week retirement d!ctn•t hurl 1hii.razor-sharp throwing arm. and it cer· ~taillly didn 't discourage his adoring fans. 1 • Both the super qua rterback and his ~ltgloru of admirers were in fine shape A rfthtay when Namath compl eted his first 1\tcfkouts with the world champion New t t<i'Jc J ets since settling his differences •With Commissioner Pete Rozelle over a "BW!hging East Side restaurant. 1• ;..,.le looked good," sakl coach Weeb 'wliank after drills in passing and run- • n!ng play~. Nania.th had little to say except, •·rm glad to be back and I feel fine.'' '·f'JI play in the College All-Star Game Aug. I in Chicago if they'll let n1e,'' he added . Na1nath, who arrived at the Hofstra University training camp Sunday night, was greeted by 500 exuberanl youngsters who showed up ear\v on a dreary, drippy day and c::hantcd, ''\\le "·ant Namath. we want Joe.".as he sawntered from the field to lhe locker room. ' The crowd swelled to more than 3,000 ror the afternoon drills. Namath sl@;ned a few autographs. ate me.'.lt loaf. mashed polaloes, string beans and gulped do"·n three glas.ses of punch ror lunch, and joked with his teammates. He changed lo black and pink rlowered pants and a gray lee-shirt for lunch and a card game between practices. But he was silent on his dec ision last Friday to bow tQ pressure and public opi- nion and promise to self his controversial Bachelors Ill which Roze lle said was frc· . . - • quented by gamblers. His appearance on the field restored optimism and buoya ncy to his teammates who had been confused and depressed during Narnalh's retirement and the sensitive negotiations which brought him back. "I hardly know him. but somehow l 'm more con fl dent nov.•. '•Said tiitJt end \Vayne Stewart. a highly touted rookie Fro111 the University of California. "Joe·~ a real friendly guy. He 's good for the team." mile next year and maybe run the 440. Smtth said his No, 2 pitcher will be Then. in t97l, ['JI run a rew hurdle ra~ chosen from among Sam McDoweJI of and I won 't really r!vt training for the Cleveland Mel StotUemyre of the New hurdles again until 1972.) want to have a York Ya~kees and John "Blue Moon" mental edge " Odom of Oakland. "I'm really only a novice in the quarter-mile hurdles event, and I believe Starting Lineups it may be my best race for lhe Olym· pies." Lee says. ..I've only run II of them but the llth 1~·;1s my biggest victo~ ever." Lee c.:inie from far back on the final turn last Saturday to surprise with a vic- !ory in 49. 7 sep>nd1. • < ~1~' ' .t.fMl'ICail L""'9 C•• ... Mlnne019, 111 JWllOl'I. o.-i.1111, d lloCl!llSOfl, ••ttlmor•, l'f flow.ft, 9•111"*•• ll H-•rd, W1thl"910n. H • .,..,., OMl:lttld •• f"elr-..:•m ... tlfl. " '•eellell. 0.1 .. 11, c M~Ull"' Dlrrolr, 1 j I • I I I , I r I- I [ • Tip-ht By l\.ent 1 Does It BJ DAVE CEARLEY OI .. C11o11r f>IW Sl1H' A llp-tn by Newport forward Steve Kent drove the Tars to a dfamatic $4-$2 wtn over Mater Del ln 1udden dealh Mond1y nl1ht In Santa Ana basketball Jeegue play al Santa Ana Colltge. The victory over the second plf.ce Monarchs I e a v e 1 Newport wllh 1 10.0 mark and • clm:ba a tie for the league dlamplonshlp. Newport leads Mater Del by two games with only t~o rames left to play. After a 6eClic fourth quarter that ended in a 5Z-52 deadlock. game...offlclals announced that under J~e rutes·then would .. be: a sudden death overt.lme .with lhe fint .quad leading by two points being declared the winner. The &lilors controlled the overtime tip, but a shot by Kent missed the mark, with Monarch guard Werner Raes scooping up the rebound. A short bank shot by Mater Dei cente( B.alph Chandos also missed, W in the scramble for the rebound, Chandos knocked the ball out or bounds. • ' UPI T1~h•l-f Newport broughl the ball down the coort, then Kent drew a rool and was at the free throw line with a ooe-and- one &hol that wOWd end the ,conlesl Joe's Many Faces • 1$.enl's loSi hit the rim and hefdrove down the lane for the -tipifi that proved'lhe-declder. Newr>Qrt forward D&ve Ee· cles and cent.er Lee Haven fouled out In the fourth quarter, leaving the Sailors with diminished rebounding strength. Mate.r·0re1 had ·a chance to wln the game in regulation time after Raes bad tied the · score with a patr of free throws. The Monarchs had the ball with 30 secondi remaJning and played for the last point. Raes became hemmed in with 10 secoods left and paased of( to · forward Tom Walker whose last 5CCOnd shot WIS wide. MATllR 011 IUI P"G P"T ,., TP ' " , " • • ' . C""ndot '"' ""' ....... M<:Mt,..IT'ln H..-n11l1u~ Wt Iker "'" .... ' ' . ' ' . • • 1 1 , l • ' t (1 I 1 1 l 1 t I • :illJl'Oll N•W .. ORT IHI fG FT ,., Tl" ~nnort • o 0 ,1 Tal'IU J I 2 1 Hevt:n J1lt Ettl~ l 5 11 S.11lon 0 1 1 1 IM1'.t1 D G D 0 ken! 11311 llclft 1011 T11lor 0 0 D D You,,. 1 11• To11 11 _ 11 11 1' ~ Scut '' Ou1rt•r1 Ml!rr Oel ,. u 14 1 c~11 Nt'llK'f U Ii U I l-41 FISHI NG STILL GOOD ll was the same old story over the weekend f o r Orange Coast area fishennen -plenty of bass and bonito. Operators of the two lan- dings in Newport Beach, Davey's .Locker and Art's Landing , said the bass and bonito fishing rontinued at its hot pace. Barracuda a c t i o n re· mains slow. A number of 10.pound bonito were landed Saturday and Sunday off S a n Clemente Island by anglers on Art 's all.day boat. However, those \.\'Crt: the big fish of the weekend. Bolh landings sent boats down soolh after albacore but came home empty. • MR.MUM p ll II I Broadw~y Joe Namath -the controv~rsial quarterback of the New York Jets, shows his m~ny moods as ~e ponders h Is ~~elings a~ut returnin~. to pro foot- ball after~ ~~o!:l~~rR!..JetlJ'e_l!J~nl_hass le m connection wJtb owning a bar !re- qpenJed bl d1sreJJ:uCable characters. ~ ··· - - - - --- Baseball Standings A~IERICAN LEAGUE East Division Baltimore ""'ton Detroit Washingt on New Y-0rk Cleveland Won Lost Pct. OB 65 31 .877 .1_ 54 42 .563 11 52 41 .559 ll'h 51 50 .505 18 'h 46 52 .469 20 38 59 .:m 271,2 West Dlvi1iou Minnesota S9 37 .615 - Oak1and 53 S9 .576 4 Ka.Mas City 41 ss .m 18 Seattle 40 55 .421 181h Chicago 40 56 .417 19 Callfornia 36 58 .38.1 22 S1lur!li-..'t. hsMlb N"" York 9.\1, W1i.hl11Plon •• B.,.ton 5, 81lllM0re l Ottrol! 10. Ck~el1nd ' Chk1go 5. 1(11t111 Cltv ' OM.lfilld l. C.Ufornl.t-2 Ml"r>elO!I !I. Sf1lll' 7, ID l~~ln~1 !'-"' 1 lnnlne• of •~•J>enclf<! 91me pt1~td SYftcll•I ' Sullll•Y'• Rt1un1 Nrw Yor>. 1. W1i.hlnoton 2. 11 1nnln11 BOiton 4, ll•!tlmor• $ Oe!rolt l·I, CIC--.11"4 2·S. lnll 11~ JO lnnlnv• lt111M1 City l·l. Chic.lllO .. 1. 1nll """ 1l lnnlnos c1111<>ml1 '""· 0.1'.laroo :J..t Mlflf'll!'.a!I 4, SftN)t 0 Tu11-.y•1 GMlll Ail-Sl1r G1mt I~ W11hltl9ton, 5 11.m. NATIONAL LEAGUE Eut Division Won Los t Pel GB Chicago 60 37 .619 - Nevi York f>J 39 .576 4 ~l St. Louis 49 48 .505 11 Pittsburgh 47 48 .505 11 Philadelphia 39 55 .415 191~ Montreat 31 65 .323 281.: West Division Atlanta 56 42 .571 - Los Angeles ~ 4 l .5fi 4 1 S. Francisco 54 52 .563 I Cincinnati 48 41 .~9 31 ~ Houston 48 48 .500 7 San Diego 33 65 .JJ7 23 SllUrdlY'I llH\1111 Man!rHI s. mw Yo•• • PMll<l~lohl1 5, Chlc1110 l Sin Dlf"90 6, A!l1nt1 I San F••r.cioto 5, Los An!H'lt• • l'l!llbur•h J, St. LOUii 2 C!riclnNll )0, tiOUlton t, 11 lnnlnv1 SulMll\"I ltUUlh Manlrtll J·J. Ntw Yor-1 I, 2nd ''"'~ 10 lnnlntt CMc-1 ... , Phll"°"IPltlt 0-1 All1nt1 10, Si n Ol"o O Sin Fr11..:isco 7. Lot A"9fl .. l St. Loul1 I! Plll'lllut9h, r1 ln Hou1ton 1t Clncln,..I! 2, r11n TOll•I"• G1mu Al~St1r G•-in W1•hl"1ton, J 11.m. 0n1. 11me ICM<Nltd In Prep Classic Yanks Have Kept Pressure on Rebs Seventeen g1mes ha~ gone by ~e boards since the idea w~ .. ,conceived to have a NorWSouth All-Star football game involvlna: the graduating stars in the sl.1te or California. That clauic will be renewed Wednesday night at t h e Coliseum. In a series always figured to be dominated by the South, ,.,Jth its legion of schools throughout lhe Southern Sec· lion CIF along with Los Angeles and San D i e g o schools. the underdog North has put a lot of pressure on the Rebels on more lhan one occasion. The 1957 classic might be a prime example. The South went into the contest a top- heavy favorite wilh such stan. dout performers as ~11ckey Flynn of Anaheim and Randy Meadows of Downey. The pair of ba ck I i e Id marvels were CIF Southern Section co.players of the year after the two schools had tied Sot1tl1 Opens Grid Drills Physicals and pictures open action for the South Friday <'!fternoon at Santa Ana High School in preparation ror the 10th annual North-South All~ Star football game at Orange Coast C-Ollcgc Aug. 14 . The South, unde.r the guidan- ce ol Santa Ana High's Tom Bald~·in. will ha ve physicals al 6 p.m. Friday. followed by a session of picture-taking. The 25-man team will begin its practice workouts ~1onday at Santa Ana fligh at 6:30 p.m . '"ith ses11;ions lasting 11~ t-0 2 hours according to Baldwin. I for the team championship ln a 13-13 thriller. A record turnout of 15-:931 fans flocked to the Los A:ngeles Coliseum to watch the dynamic duo tear the North apart. The North, however, prevailed by the lopsided score of 32-0, a margin second only to the 41--0 win for lhe S-Outh in J96t The 9-5-3 lead the South has in the series-is accented by the fact that three times the Rebels have been fortunate enough to triumph by a single point. In the initial game the South edged the Yankees by a ~19 tally and two years later it was by a 7..0 score. And in 1960, the South came from behind with a touchdo111·n in the last 2!h minutes when Craig Fertig unloaded a 44- ya rd pass to Willie Brown. The South won 13-12 with Dave Richman's PAT. And so it goes. Just who has been establish- ed as a fa vorite in Wednesday night's 18th edition isn'l clear. And it doesn't matter. Frorn past .. records, prc- game fa voritism doesn"t mean a thing . Orange County athletes to \\'ate~. for the South team \Vcdnesday are Darryl Berg (Wes tmin s t e r). Steve Klostcr1nan (Laguna Beach), Isaac Curtis \Santa Ana),Ri ck DeLesk (Loara) and Don Simpson (Anaheim). I See By Today 's Want Ads: e !'cal~ ''rar them y f' a r a.round. bu! if you're RlZC 10 Ea.stem bound, you niay nr-rd this SeaJ rur coat. in C"lf'gantt. • &nd ywr kids 10 the moon. Apollo U ! 2 11&£"c i;pac::e ship playhouse, or earthling swin&: ~t. • Not going 10 lh(' moon ? Coup!!! "-'flnlod to maria.I! 11.nd mRfntatn 18 uni t mokl In Costa Mesa, Salary + apr. Good "'Ortffirs bul no e.tprr. necessary. • Sports in Bri.e f Chargers ·Axe Four Alexander u ads 16 To Fina-s -. ·Fr9ln pCI Campsite Roland Alexander, a ~t Lo.1 Angeles bo\fler who was an earlier leader in Costa Mesa·s West Coast Match Game Eliminations, is back atop the·heap today. The San Diego Charger• have released four men from their tr1lnlng camp rmrter at UC!. . The American Foptball League team Monday cut light end Andre White, three-year veteran from Florida A&M; cOrnCr back , Dick Spe.ight.s, two-year ve\ 1rom Wyoming; and !rte agents Sklp Siruill, linebacker from Houston and Harry Olnewskl, linebacker from Clemson. Coach Sid Gillman said cor- nerback Leslie t>uncan won't play in San Diego's first ex· hibition game Aug .. 1 with Baltimore because of knee surgery last month. • The Los Angeles Rams held their first full squad workout Monday, and coactt George Allen said "evcrythlng looked good." Cut by the Notional Football League team were free-agent rookies Dan PitCOCk, Wichita State punter; Dan Kubleka, San Fernando Valley Stat~ defensive tackle ; Larry Barge, Morningside defensive back; and Harvey Palmor,e Morgan Slate guard. The action brought the squad to 46 veterans and 31 rookies. • of stomach paiM Sunday and hls case was dlagnosed Mon· day when· examined by Or. Walter Timperman, a Cln· cinnaU physician. He wenl into 1urgery a short while later. Helms ts expected to be out of action for at least ''three weeks" and will be placed on the disabled list, t h e spok_esman said. • In women's singles, finals, Lesley Bowrey of Au!lralia was declared the winner when her opponent, Gail Chanfreau of France, collapsed from muscle spasro.s and stomach cramps at 10..all in the third set. Miss Chanfreau took U1e first, 6-4, and lost the second 7-5 to Mrs. Bowrey. Bob Lutz and Stan Smith defea ted Arthur Ashe and Charles Pasarell, 6-3{ 6-4, for the men's doubles tit e. Australia's Carrie Harris It's Oilers Vs. Marina In Finale and Valene Zlegenfuss of San Diego, Calif., captured the women's doubles title Sunday and the other final matches were postponed because of rain. • TEMPLE, Tez. -U.S. Open champion Orville Moody told newsmen 'here Sunday he has completely recovered from lhe c[fects of heat prostration which forced him to withdraw from last week's Philadelphia Golf Classic. · Moody collapged on t h e course Thursday after 17 holes of play and was taken by am- bulance t-0 a ho~ltal. "I felt pretty awful for a couple of days," Moody said. "I was real weak, but I feel better now. I played 36 holes on Saturday." Moody said he will play In the American Golf Classic this weekend in Akron , Ohio, and in the Westchester, N.Y., tournament the f -0 l I o w i n g week. He said he would then take a week's rest before the Professional Golfers Associa- tion championship. • NE\V YORK -The 10.man team whlch will meet Great Britain in the 22nd Walker Cup matches in MU'A•aukee, \V is., Actually, it's not such a big heap anymore -the field was pared down to the top 16 after Monday night's round In l h e weekly, three·monlh tourna- ment. AJexB.nder lo1ged an 819 block Monday to give him 7 ,587 pins for the 36 games so far -a scant 21-pln lead?-0ver No. 2 man Foy Belcher of Glenda1e. Only two Orange Coast area bowlers qualified l-0 bowl in next Monday's round. Fred Riccllli of Westminster stands li!Jith after a blaz.lng 850 Mon- day. He's followed ln 10th by Dick Braasch of Fountain Valley. It was the third time Alex· ander has moved into the lead in the Kona Lanes event. · In the fina ls beginning nex:l Monday, each man will roll n1atch games but now, for each game he wins, he'll be awarded a 50-pin bonus for every game he wins. The remnants of the original starling field of 120 bowlers are tightly wedged as they enter the home stretch. Only 240 pins separate Alexander from 16th man Bob Kennicutt of Santa Fe Springs. -SAO PMJLO, Brazll-Mtx· ico and Bri!-ill split two sin&les matches Monday in t h e American Zone Davis Cup ten- nis competition which had already been wQn Sunday in doubles matches. Aug. ~ and 23 was announced Huntingt-0n Beach H i g h Monday by the United• S"tates lra~ISto'1d"a:Ilna-t0nlgbt to GQlf As&oclation. Defending champion Lamar Keck of Reseda is makiiig a determined bid -th: ~d the highes t score or the nlgtit, 'an-.:f- 86t and moved into third place, just 13 pins behind Belcher.: In Monday's play, Mexico scored its first victory against Brazil when Joaquin Loyo- Mayo defeated Braill's Adson Mandarino 2'4, S.7, 7·5, 6-3, 7·5. Thomas Koch of Brazil downed Luis Garcia 4-6, 6-1, 6- 2, 6-4 in the final match. • MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL- A Minnesota Twim team phys!clan e.XMJlined ailing out- fielder Tony Oliva Monday and gave the 29-year.old slug. ger the go-ahead for resuming action Thursday. Oliva, hitting .339, will still miss Tuesday's AU-Star game in Washington, D.C., because or a bout last week with the chicken pox. Oliva has been resting at his Minneapolis home since last Thursday and missed five games due to the disease. • CINClNNATt -Tommy Helms, second baseman for the Cincinnati Reds, w a s reported Jn satisfactory ron· dilion Monday evening at a local hospital here following surgery for an acute attack -0f appendicitis. A team spokesman said the 28-year-0ld Helms romplained put~ wraps on the Hun· .Qnly two .O'f tne 10 golfers, ting ton -Marina 'summer Wi!Jlam Hyndman III of Hun· basketball league and to settle tlngdon Valley, Pa .. and Dr •. h Edgar R. UpdegraU · of t e issue of second place. Tucson, Ariz., have played on Game time is 7: 15. previous Walker Cup teams. Rancho A 1 am it o s. un-The -0thers selected are Five of the leading 16 arc bo\\·ling in the Elims for the first time. including Alexander and Belcher. Finalist Standings defeated after 10 starts and in Robert Barbarossa of J<'orl possession of the league title, Lauderdale, Fla.; B r u c e Fleisher or Hialeah, Fla .; 1. P:oltnd ·"'"'~~M<'•;. Wfs! LA 7.s-1 meets Newport Harbor at Marvin G1'les Ill of c•·rlol· 1. Foy B!lt;ll<r, Glt!f\d1l1 7,5'!S H · 8 U<I l. Lamar KM~. 1'1fJ~da 1.111 unt1ngton each in a 6 tesville, Va.; Hubert M. Green •. GIM Nn1n1. Las Al ~.)Ill O'clock ti'll. [ Bl ! Marty •n<l••an. •~•~. 7.4!1 o nningham, Ala.; Steve , a'""" Bea.tr. u1r~ 1.111 With a second-place trophy Melnyk of Brunswick, Ga.,· 1• Ml~• Stftver. Tcrr1nt1 T."-'• I. Dalt! Glt~n, w .. t LA 7.lolO up for grabs, here's the situa-Allen L. Miller of Pensaro!a, '· Fr~ 11;ccm1, wntm. 1,126 Fl R. h d L S 10. Die-Braasch, F.V. T,ll l tion for Marina, Huntington a.; IC ar . iderow! o[ 1i. s~ve Schw''""'r, L• vr11 1.¥J1 Be.ch a d W Stm. t II Westport "-nn and Jerry L u. Mt> 11arn1rer. Anlh-7,lltl n e ins er -a • \Al •• • 11. Jerrv Hacker, El Mo!ltt J.l1t going into the final night with "Lanny" Wadkins Jr., of Rich-u . Bob Problrt G.G. 1.H.1 •2 marks. mond Va B . "'t Ch~•tton, 11 vr1!"" 7~'11 u-• · 16. Bab 1(.-nnlaJff, Slt Ft SPrl!IVI 7.J.17 If~Marina beats Huntington -------------""-""-'==c::::..:..:.=""= Beach, the Vik.es claim second place regardless of what Westminster does, h a v i n g beaten Westminster, 75-72, ea- rlier. If Huntington. Beach wins and Westminster is victorious over Garden Grove in the 8:30 finale at Marina, Westminster is second by virtue of beating Huntington earlier, 67--55. If Huntington wins and Westminster loses, lhe fonner takes second wllh a 9-2 mark compared .to S.3 records for Westminster and Marina. w Lo• " 1· : • l • • ! • • , l • : . • • • I Save sl.40! Now the Crow t/2 gallon is easier to get hold ot: nowsll.49 (was '12.89) Now Callfoml•'s most populu half pllon coma: lo )'-OU at an euy.to-pick. up price. Same amooth, modem Crow. • Grip.fur ll.lndle. Perfect pip for balanced poUJi.a& from ftnt pour lo lut. • Comped 1lu. No 1aller thu • ft!th, but holds a full .. "'"'"'-• lhallt.la poarv. Pufect pourin1 control .•. smooth. driplcu ftow cVCl)' time. Old Crow TISle ..... tt Ille~ mos1 popalor Bourbon. ll.11\ICll' I~ IOllllllll tllaMI • ,_,tlOOll Ill IOllUI "fMIDil ... UOll •tWI'! ot.tMM1Mt.n. • FAMILY PIZZA PARLORS • ANAMUM-. I M6thw1f a a.fl •3S·••eo • COStA. Mr 17tt. a Tt1111fht ..... 713• • fUUllTON--0..l"ftMI & Sf, c...._. •7•·33Q e OAADIN GIOYI--~ o,...,. ....... -'34 .. 11 • 1-ft'tll• latt •f NDrltor • HUNJ\f'IGJON NACM..l<lodl a MDII •47·1214 • SANTA ANA--... ano.i .. Mct...u... S4•-Jt•3 • STANT°" -hllCll-1/1 r.Wl<I •t2·SS2J ~ M 0..-GN.. ltv4 ~_....,_ , . .. ' ] • . ' -• '._.., J • ' •• -· Feat11re Perfor11ier Currito Rivera, Mexico's 16-year-old bullfight sen- sation, will be the.. center of attention Sunday in Tijuana as the Plaza Monµrp.ental bullring opens for the 1969 season. · Iii swaw+: E'ii7i?"'l':'"'"zm:\w1 ...... J41 ... , -. ..... - - -... Los Alamitos Entries rn;' .. •G.'0 # .. ...,,;..-41:!?~~· ~·~•:;;::;;:;::~·~·=zc:="'""''=ff~·~tf:i:l:i ~ij :::::i4~: ~·~""'' t'OI' T~I,, J•lr 22.. 1H,_Ulh DIY Clr1r & "••I. l'"lnl Pnt J:U P.M. Dwbi..., ltl 111<1 :mt R1cn Q1.11Mllli on "" ••ce l"IJlrt ••c•. «IO v1n11. 1 ve1r o'6s Ind UI> ln G.-.cle 8 Pllll. P-SISllO. F!&slw HD!<fl!'so ( ...... lsufH) 11] Tl""' lllht (P.rllol lU Tito Dlndlf Ill htlktl 116 ' °""' Turn fl C1.ooi.1 1 U Lto'I Bir 0$111 tLiPl>aml 116 Dill $flu• f[)rey9r) 116 Mocilah M.tble {1(.,,111 lU F!v!nll Slt1w (H1111 ~ 112 Bourbon Ple•ie (Sml!l'I) 111 81~ (Rldlanll) 117 THlflO llACE. 3511 V1'11S. ' ve•• l!lrt$ -119 In G"9de A Mnlus.. Pur.e l17DCI. Triple Dedur (C1rd011) ,,_.,.,. C!!artiet" (0 a.n1111 Lud<v Jmle C1I (Slr1uu1 Rosita O\rltll (H C~vl Aml>ft' DeP4'11 Ol a.nk•f Miu Tap Pea:. {1 Llo!MmJ Miu Ai.mltos (Snllfll1 Miss l llfh• 12 W•!-\ Bl nc! Oftll!l'"r!! !Adtllr) MKklY .. 81r !I W!IM>n) '~ '~ "' "' "' '" "' "' '" •• f'OUITH II.AC& )SO y1rd!.. M1i~ '1 ye.ir old1 bred In c.rir. Puri.e "10Q. Mr. Lllfle Deck ll<a'!ll) 110 Moolafl Radel>! 18rtl!ll:l.,...l 110 ~n Grand Rtr (SI-) 170 FlllY Rov1I !SendlelJ 111 Mlkl'l ear rs1r1uu1 no Siient ~ CD 81n.k11 117 Vldd NI~ CMclrrt1J no ,,Gila Go Man 170 M PrrY J1111nt1 (Drl!'l"!'r) Ill 'l<l1>tv'l COIMI IC•rdola1 1:10 l"ll'TH 111.ACE. S.ft yards. 3 y~r 1>kb ~ 1,11>. Alla•···-· PUrff 5200CI. H~-10 IWll!.on) 1n Re11 Ctw~r IM&tsud1) lli L111!"dle< !WllJOn) HJ Got11 Ber Too IR ea~-u 1!~ Do<.lbl. Hi»IV (8r"1klevJ 116 J•ti.11 Bulk Eve CD Bullr.11 111 Sft....,. Llkf'lv (Strauss) 111 The Potlroon fWrillftt) 111 Sa<np-·s Sllltt CH C...a.t>y) 111 SIXTH II.ACE . .IOI) yerds. 2 year oktl. AUowulCet. Pu•>P $2100. Recon>mPnded (H Cre&by) Sl>olel!d DWH (Morris) FaJI Ecldlll' RhOd.1'1 k\<;111<1 {WI~) Thne Go'I fCllr'ODl•I Twisted Shadow IH•rtl C1ectl For Ml' (I Adllrl c.rt..!n S<imPl11 (BrfnltleY) Gre<l'*ln CP-1 Sertorlv• {Smith) !EVENTH II.ACE. V~Sl!IJ 5r. Couroe --170 yard1. ~ vNr olcb 11ld 111>. Clelmlna. P11rw 12600. tlalmln11 J>rlce $3~00. qu1eeH flk>!>e"'\ Go Al GI> ($m11!'1) Sir Wl>lr (Wl!M>n] Barfll>aled [Act.Ir) R<>n Slt:kle (~!>ll!Wl 1<1>115 J>ro CR ll'>lllcll! U~ntvdY CR!dlaNls) '" '" ,,, "' '" "' '" NINTH It.I.CE. olOG ~l'lh. 3 Ve.Jr ol<h 1M llD In Grede M Minus. Pursoi s:noo. Tiell! SllUt<etf !Smlllll Chiller ISi-) LadY ""'°" 2 IW!eburiiJ Bunnv'• BHf (1 All•lr) Cl>1t111 Rov•I OC:1nhJ Bar Me Joe (Harl) MIH l!lfle Deck W•n<tv Mool.,. rwrivnn i'l•.tv qoad CCMdo:.11J Mr. Some C1>1ri1e 2 (W•hooi) '" '" '" '" "' '" "' "' '" "' Race Results Ml!lday, J1ty 2', Ifft CH11r .. 1"111 l'lltST II.AC!. ~ y1rd1. Miiden t ""'1r old1. Clllmll'l9. Purv IHOO. Ml>O'I C•'110 {lll>l\lm) 21.«I IS.Cl !1.IO DH-Lotta-I-CP-) S.00 6.10 OH·Sodl;lltome (H1rtJ 10.00 U.10 T!,,,_11 1110 Scr.tched -Mt.dtlm Cltll, Inly Bir 5uur, Rf'deson, Brtt•ln' Anni•. OH--CNdl>NI fl>r SK"""· DO & OOQ-...f' In!"'" In d"'1t>H I for 111, dls-lllled & Pltced ovt Ill "'" ~. Sl!COHtl llACI!'. 350 11ro1. l w~r oldt arid U'P Jn Gf'.-if A MIAlll. Purll Jl '°°· lrl!lh Se. (Llllf\aml lf.20 11.IO S to ~ndy av q°" 111: a .... ~.1 J.l'll 1.IO Mtci<1Y'1 Trovbll! (Wl'1<>nl 5.IO Tlme-11 l/10 Scr•lched -Ml!I Tao P"CO, A~ S lrttldlY, '"enny Cllllr'ffr. Hobll!f Rodie!. MIOHTLY DOUILl!--f.M-C1r10 & l·lrltll IM, "•kl Qfol .... THlllD Ill.Ct!. olOG y1rds. 'VM• l>ldl ftr"!!li. If) Calif. Claim!"'· Pll!"f UOOll. NH'IV 1'ale !Rlc~ard1) f .MI l.•O l.llO Line J>ISWI' (M1!1ud1l J . .tll l 70 T! ...... 1 Tomboy (tlrdol•1 6.00 T"""'-:IO 1/11 No ocra~. l"OUllTH •ACI!. UO V11rd1. I -· aids and "· c111m1nt. Purse snoo. La Pl1!1 J•v Cllrtllklf¥1 11.IO 1 . .0 1.<IO Ww OllC" T•& !H CnllO'l'I I Je 1 . .0 s;c ;;>? ::c :::: ;;;c; Time--!I 1/10 Sc•e!d!ed -Idle OIHrr, ltunctier, Plll!'O Bir Tl..,., l ll<r A Roc~e1. Sl!VIENTH Ir.I.CE, VHwlt Sr. Count --110 Y••di. 3 vur old! 11'<1 UP. ,,.,m. !I'll. Tllt! IECIWm l.klrln. Puroe UOOO. MJn WAm<>llm ("-AUi 21.60 11.20 1.00 And>or Bee CR B1nksl 1.10 1.80 B11nrw 81• LN (Llpht"") J.60 Tl~I 1110 kNldled Sir W1r a.m, 9rvai'1i Jet 81r. ~ P~. How.,,, Gel- l(f, Nll•t """"'· llGH1'H lllACE .... v11"rds. 3 ~·r olch '"" "" In Gr1de AA Plu1. The Al>Ollci 11 Ailr'Cllll\l'fl. P11ne IJ:lll. ~olld A:ocket IH Crosbv) I A t .liD 7.70 l.,,,1y•, Be-st Cl!Mtml 2.60 110 <d~'s !ov !Rld'lolrdsl 1.IO Tune-71 J/10 No 1Cr1tehe1. NINTH It.I.CE. «Ill v•rds. l Yell• old• a<ld up l'l GrW. A Plul. PUrM $)'°°· C1!Fhlrlllf 5m0111 (11:1d'lardS) Jefa¥11w (Card0.1:1) Oo W ... c:I> (Stnllr!) 11..._:IO 1/10 '·'° l 80 l .!IO l .OO 1.CI ••• S«11ft:IU!d-l.., Tod!!, Fllic:llV, W11<11 Me T,.""", Hip H1199tt. CIUINl!LU-&-,.C1!ll-l9 l.J.tl1¥11W ...... S11 ... ""' . LA City Athletics D,oomed?. Lions Suffer 1st Setback On Diam ond The Seal Beach Liorui:, com- posed of first-line ~arina High basball players, suffered their first loss of the season In the Long Beach Police League Sunday on a bizarre note. The Lions, who had come back from a 2-1 deficit to tie the game up at 2-2 with the Long Beach Bar Association Mustangs, ended up. forfeiting the game whe n they could not. field a full nine in the bottom half or the inning. Seal Beach tied the score with Mark Cresse's single and Pal Curran's triple. liowever, a double play and strikeout ended the threat and when the last baller broke his bat in anger the umplr_e ruled he wa!I throwing the bat and threw him· out of the game - thus forcil18 the league-leaders to forfeit the tilt. Seal Beach returns to action tonight at 7 at Seal Beach's McCaugh lnertnediate School. S•AL ••ACM _}~OHlll!tlH ••I C<1 .... bt!I. II 1 0 0 I Flfml1111, lb ' t ! )~~f.·j,1 I 0 1 ~ici.i,P i ~ 1 : C1r!f!l.M 0101 Ktu::-fJlhlr, rt ! : f ~i..ib 2 • ' To11ll '16 2 ' kw• " 1nn1nn . " . 01 a aoo1 -1, ,• OC1C1 GOii • -I •· • • T'"sd•Y. Ju~ n. 1969 DAILV ~JlDT J'; .-What ~rea H o op-F~~Qwe s Can Look for in .1969-70 • • Fasllion Clo_t _hing ENTIRE STOCK of SPORT COATS • Petrocelli • Le Baron • College Hall You're Reading Right -1/2 off! • Coats & Suits from 200/o to 500/o OFF BEST BUY in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD ALTERATIONS ON SALE CLOTHING EXTRA DURING SALE Also Save $-$-$ Like Mad * "?~ -Jackets • Casual Pants • Sansabelt We arcept Bankamerlrard ••• Master Charge ••• Carte Blanrhe • STARTS TODAY! B11dY llodt"'! CH•rtl 7 IO Tll"M'--11 S/11 Also 11_.ori Tile llNm, 51>ttd A lee-. 111111' Gabblrt, llld E1911t Bir. Deep Sea Report •• -'American Express ••••• OR Open a f!!tf-char~e ·~rcavnt and Take Up to 12 Months to Pay/ ' I OPEN NITES No ..:r11tf1!1,. f'll'TH ltACI!. 5"' vard~. J yMr olds 1nd U.. I.I-"<:~. TM Nell Arm- 11,_ Pur .. $160G. Wlfl&w R~I rMcllt"J>rlOIO•l C1'dl OKI!; fllllfltl'l'I) °"" JCllr (Herl) Tl....,_H lllfl Ho .::r1teflf!1. 7.C i !llJil'O ••• 1.00 ··~ SIXTH lllACI!. l!O Y•rdt. J ,..._r lt!ds\ 11>d llf' In Gr..:k M Ml"UI. T ... Mio "'"'1 Collfns. Puri.e 12100. AiH'll 0 111 CC•rdln~l l,IO •,llO l.60 i•;;q""il*i.'~';;.' •Tore 1sm11111 4.• J.'9 ........ (ltd) ... NliWPOllT l l!ACH !Art's la ... i.,1 -"' 11111~"" 60 1NrrlCUd1, "' llallllo, 16' bi»l. • l\lli;i)•/!. (0.."1''• Ll(•1r)-Jlt 1rpglers: 1,111 i-111>, 111 blu, t7 blrrtclldl, IJ 1tMcot" I dDlohln. HUNTINGTON S•ACH-11 a"Oters: ,, barr11cud1, na boll!fl>, 170 beu. J llll!bul, I IYl!flw HI blH 81r~, '2 lntllrl: '6CI llalllto. UO ti.rr•(lldl, SO h1llbul, 240 bets. ·LCINO •t.ACH (ltlrnlllt "lt'l'l -101 &Miar): 2 balTICVOI, '2 be~i. 51 btllfto. ,. l\ltlbul. S.•111. Ii ll!lllen' 1' hllrfKUGIJ, U bailS, J0t bonito, '2 l•Utcktr•I. f"ltl'Hlnt L•IHlllt!ll -241 '"'llnl .... ,,... .,. '*'Ito. , • 1''11o*11!1 f f' I c 11 I c L ..... 119)-l'l <1"91@rt: 1 we!towt1ll. 1 "'"ICllOI, 21 "'llfllll. '31 c•llco ban, 1U borlllo. OCl!ANllOE-lOl a"'lert: $6 bar. '"'""'· :tl1 bau. 1,:IOI' llor!11o. a ll•llb\11 . SAN Clt!MIHT•-24J .... Ifft: 1,IOf bo<!llo. IJ1 bl!H, t6J btlTl'Clldl, J rt<1lll>ul. lAN Dll.004,J l"llen~ , ~13 a1 ... cor~ SAlf "l!DllO IUH II. l.1ft.ifttl-M <1~gier,. 2 1¥11111 r.e1 btu. J ti.rr1c111Nt, l \0 t.911<:0 ban, 1110 bonllo. !NlflTl'I La".i11t1-1.u a1191.,.1: ' 11btcor1, 1 ANAHEIM BROADWAY-ROBINSON CTR. 509 NORTH LO ARA ST. !714 ) 776-4055 COSTA MESA SOUTH COAST\ PLAZA 3333 BRISTOL (714) 540-401 6 GARDEN GROVE ORANGE COUNTY PLAZA 9707 CHAPMAN (71') 530-4260 HUNTINGTON BEACH , HUNTINGTON CENTER 7777 EDINGER !71'1 531 -4382 111,.., 1 Y1l1owt11i. 1» bor!lt., *r'----------------------------------------------------------OI Ull<t Nit. -. J I 1 .- - FAMILY PROBLEM -Michael Cole and Nina Foch, Who portrays his aunt, are Jorced to face J1 decision tonight on "Mod SQuad" at"?.::.> on Chan- nel 7. Cole tens Miss Foch that ber teeriage daugh- ter is a member of a house robbers gang? ··TELEVISION VIEWS Nixon Works Hard on TV By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPl)-Televiewers who .watch- ed President Nixon speak to America's two astronauts on the moon will no doubt find interest in some details about the chief executive and video. I In the JuJy 11 iSsue of We magazine, Hug~ Sidney, who writes the column entitled. 1 'Tbe Pres1· . J dency," said of Nixon : -... ·-----..._ __ . ---- I I I I • I • THE PR&SIDEHT. prepare>. .~ainsJllkilu:!Y For his TV appearances. He diets to keep from 'looking jowly. H' dashes !>ff to Florida or California so that his face is aJwaya sun-tanned -best tor color pro- ductions. He bas his suits tailored to show a man of quiet good taste. "He eschews notes or reading text& for most of his appearances, feeling that to show knowledge a bout the major issues of the day is to build coo. fidence. Thus this man who enters more American Jiving rooms than any other figure does it with a certain cool competence that may not leap with in- ,;piralion but creates an aura of responsi.ble craf~ mansh..ip. In the aftermath or the tumultuous and uncontrolled personality of Lyndoo Johnson, it bas a certain appeal." WELL, YOU learn a lot from Teading. Did you know, for instance, that a.s of July 1, about 35.5 percent of all television households in the United States possessed. one or more color sets? That's What Al;IC·TV estimates. And that would meao !bat nearly 21 million video homes in the nation have been tuned in to the moon v~ture in color. NBCTV is full of announcements these days. For example, the network says that on Sept. 29. It will introduce a daily aftemoon comedy panel show entitled ~·Letters to Laugh-In," stemming from the ; hugely popular "Laugh-In" series that is No. l in " prime time. Gary Owen s the announcer-funnyman '. of the ni ght-time show, will be host of the daytime : entry, which will work as follows : • THE PANEL will be composed ol four cele- 1 brities, including one member of the night-time • series -and this quartet will change each week . ' To quote the network on further details: I "Panelists will perform jokes submitted by I viewers through the mail before a 'joke jury,' con- ' sisting of 12 members of the studio audience. The l• jurors will vote electronically on each joke. and at the end of the week, prtzes will be awarded to I• the contributors of the best and worst jokes, as well as to those who performed them." • ; . The prize for the contributor of the \\!O rst joke : will be a week's vacation in beautiful do"•ntown j Burbank. Also on Sept. 29, by the \Vay, NBC-TV ""ill of- fer the debut of a soa p opera set on a contempor- ; ary college campu s, "Bright Promise." Says the • network : The stories will center on the school's : ''administration, faculty an d students. and their re- l! actio~s ~o the ~apid_ly ch.anging and increasingly penn1ss1ve s0C1ety 1n which they exist." : ( OVER AT ABC-TV, mea.nwhil e. a 1970 series. ~ P;oduced in London,. is in the works for the pop J Stnger whose name 1s Engelbert Humperdinck. I• Den11is the Menace .-:-----=:=~~'"""' • ! I I • • ' I • j ~ ~ • j '1-li _,, ·--. . -_____ ._ ..... __ ... MOON MUWNS Qil OIQ.Y- ' lllTT Fll'ST J '--=-rr-' WE1Vi r;;>ME QlllrelJitWAY, t<AYO· SAALL WE "80<Jr- FACIO? - ' eoosr . ~UP. ,. < ..... --·- • • • • • ' TUMBLEWEEDS .-----.,..--r---+i FIRST W£tLALL MEET AT THE NAUSEA LODKIN' FORWARD I CAN HARDLY JUNCTION Cl\NTINA, WHERE WE WILL · 10 ATTENDIN'TI1E WAIT! RENEW()!! ACOO/llNTANCES, OCHANGE SHERIFFS'AN'GCl)O ftEASA_NTRIES,AND TCSS OFF A 11\NKARD GUYS'COM/ENTIOt>\ OR 1'NO Of CHILI.ED MIU\!. .. 111EN, SHERIFF? IT'S ro.YN TO BUSINESS, WHEREUPON MUTI AND JEFF GORDO , ,, , 'IQUKMOW,._. MV.'fH~'11H ~(NOIJJU9fl'Ott JA•! ,, . ··~ .. '. ~ • ~ SOMEONE WILL OPEN 111E MEETIN!7 IN 'THE TRADITTONAL MANNER! AND HOW'S 111AT? ·-- , , , , \ ...• ~ .. • J '• By Ferd Johnson YE~? 'TF>Y c,A~iN'ME ALL"TH' WAY HOME AND ',')!•..._,. 5EE •• By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith WE'RE LOADED. BUT B Gus Arriola ' TUF>OAY MY 22 • Jllm1 I UA .. ldilduJM. 1'2Dl>o "" -(C) 1:11m_,,., _,,., .. (Cl (IO) m,... • ,..... ct> <.90) .. Mtk Count Down." A ll:udJ' of 12·Mtlol 1P1C9 1"9Mf¢t. P"lilct wtlh lb NII II thl fw IOrth ti s.tM. Thi ton f/I KlruN Is alt1 rt 1111 ESAANGE racW Na. 1111 (IJ -(Q (30) Ill -.. (C) (!O) . -· a 112l 1Jl 11 K ,..,. • -tcl (IO)-·· 1-U-...., (0) ·--(Cl (IOI .... fl. 111..-T..-flltlt-lnf ...... -.-...... ,_ Uo (Cl (IQ) llJ Cl) -(Cl (30) Ui 11 QI! (IJ ... .., !Cl (30) Al· Mptinl to Jfl¥lllt the peulblt arrut rt two llder1J i.dJ lllOOfl. lhilllf'S, pllJld by Juliy11 fa itnd Fknncf Lakl, Doris flndl """"' Ille ob/«t of • Tr911111J Dtpert1 me11 hrmt111tloft. CR) - 0 lfll (J) I!) ITP D (C) (30) "Th• Attacker." Dettctlvea H1l1Mtr, Ward ind Corso 1r1 confn:intld lir 11u111111111S "a1nU" who contm le blillJ tflt flllR IOlliJhl U lhf I .. Al11nt " IMnll WOIMll wht ... 1Jo111. (I) D ... (C) (30) lid M~ CBI...,, a.. l&Ol &:I Qtdlt Mii.iid (C) (30) 7"8 fl CIS --(C) (30) Woltw """"" '"°" R lit CIJ '° """" (C) (!O) "T1w ~of 110 Minuta. • Pruldtlll G """' Mr u.r (C) {30) l'liloft ntchin1 hll!ISl!f lllitla 110rn-. m ,._, (C) (JO) inlted the R~litln calldldltl hi' Prnldtflt I pmor11I suld9d lout m .. _ 0,.. ..... (30) -TM of tti• llJl!lllllr "°"'' et tht Dub Artilt 18' tht City.~ Rilsllll Con· of WlndlOr, 1 Profile of bUUD111lrt ..--:t' ... !ht l'Dlfi ~ .atM .. ~ _ H. 1.. Hullt;.And-• _lwlllOfQJILIUIJ "' N . tiff fl'Dlll • u .. Parfi ~ol on MilskeJ m1kll up tonllfrt's ahow, Bon111ri Tou!wtit-Llutrtc eM Utril- lo to tht Ntw.. Yort Ill si.w. Marin m APOLLO REPORT and :. ";":;,,:: ~~ ~ * GEORGE PUTNAM NEWS wla: Ind P1lllllr RaMrt lndlln1 0 m .... (C) (60) wrho .,.... lf!IPlnitloll fllllll' conltrh· ,,,,.,, llndacl,. •nd cllltur1. 0 @ mm Did Cnld (C) (fill) -(IJ ~ ..,. ..,, _ (30) Guests; Tht Everly Brolh1r1, '"d ta •• '"' llleir fath er lkt 1r1 )ointd bJ Ali· m.... ..... (C) (30) J•ndro Rey. 7:.JO lltl (I) lMca (C) (60) T.-0 0.111! (C) (llO) >trry Butler, W .... 11 !lie wife of 1 ....... MDRJ Amst1td1m I/Id H1111 COn· r11d aum tit (t.111 McClrttlJ) wtloll lnlm pill lt.t prMUd • 25-,...r·loll( ID@ F11twn (60) fwd wllll Murdodi LlllCS. (R) fm 111• Alla .. Le M..U ('C) (SO) B l!ll -"""" (Cl (30) l~.JO m -(C) (30) Bin ""'"' e Jact ..., (3(J) "JKk'• Lii• Stofy.• .. .,, LMllcdrM it tu-@:I lup1 .... C.al•-(30> tvnd. Gllllb 111 VIII JotrMOI 111111 I!) F..... C... (30) Blllldf Adler. n ~m m"" ., .. IC> (!O) 11,,.000 mm m• ... (C) ~-Tmn.!nc to his oM ew. 0 AlfT9d Hltdlad lf1Y Hiib llllaf\tlortloM • • WI. 0 MME "'1111 DJ.• (dnlll) 'S7 Ptlll fh1dt llls tnortlt coU11 In -Jid: Web. trttubl1 ~ the In. Km1 W•· phtl Mn ta ...... tiq In llopls ti ford111 II.-.. tltrr "1· lllfl ii PIJ ltltdol " ... When ttt.ir ~ with tMlr .,... ll•hr ---~ piithttic bid tor 1rr1Ct1on. Klr'8 dtclda 1o 1t11I tht chffd. Dllllt (wlna JlltJS Katm Ind Niu Foch flJllll a 1111' mother, Vlt1illii -(R)" ~ ~10Ullfl!IWH•"'..., (C) (60) Mike Doujln 11\d her! Ba~ kT ... 8 MIM: 91111 •tlM II Jn_, 16a" (lllJltlrY) '41-Eltll Dnw, Robtrt l'flllDI, Miia Mthtr, MM• 11rtt Hqn. D lfll lJl m -. ,..., IC> n z.. .,.., (30) 11:35 11 Mnc: ...... n..11"' ~ (,.,,.tlfy) '52-fr1M Sil'llfrl. Ill-. m,..., (C) 1,., .., ., ..... e11 rn ... ., -1t> (30) JJ:JO m..... _ ,,...,, ., fl) Fllbr1 ('C) (60) "Yn Doft1 Mont1111 ... Btct: Dow!!." A '°""' Toronto doc:· tor ps 1tr1litrt fram 1 Clnffi1n 11:50 O lltvil: "'J1lit hrt: llllrnf' (drl· mtdicll IChool to I "ipfilll hoa· 1111) '46 -ln lff .. Olivie •t ,i111 whlrt h1 rnult compf1MTl!sl H1vil11nd • bttwe111 whit ht hn lltil tauitrt l:OO.,. O -~ ind wha1 b po.alb!•. -'"' m DlscolMll• • s.c. <C> <60) e Coll11vnlty llll11tl11 .... (t) m Nilled City 1:lO D lit (IJ t>o """" -(C) (60) Eve G1bor, fr111kil V1111'h111. 1:20 fJ Mnit: "CHr tf F•I" (St11- Th1 Sandplptrt tnd Scottish 11111p pe,nw) ·~nu Edw1rd1, P•l1ic11 tren Moir• AndfflOll fVISt. Blalr. 0 111.iltle MKlliait'1 lttler Hilt 1:JO m All·MIPt Shw. "Blick Ntrtft. Ko.-(C) (30) M1rprll O'Brltll 1J'ld 111s," "Front P111 stocy" Ind "Flrt All111 Shtfml1 l\llllt. MaidtM of Diii• Spect.' W l 0 t< l \ D h ' DAYTIME MOVIES WIO D _, "'""' ..... ...... Ccomtdf) '44-Jlmlll)' Lydoll, Clu11W Smith, Di1111 l)iln, Ver1 ¥1rua. _ 1!:JO m "&di Dl!flt I Dll" (drtmtl '39 -Jlllllt C.1111J. "l'ltliflHef 1M tlli llhWcM• (IM!ltun) 'M -.klhll Htrt. 1:00 a "Vtrlltr l h19 (mutiul-c:omedy) ·U~l"I erv.t11, IU ~ M117 l:IJ!G' GI ., Ac:cnt Mt ~ (dr• Th1lch•. fnl) '44-M•rr a.th Hud!M, JohR 0 "Plrdlfl MJ''"""" (COl!lldJ) '41 Ml!j111. -fltd M1cMurr11. M1rru•rtt• i:oo-__ If , • Cfl1p1111n.. • -·wl• ,.... (111)'11117) l'J "f'tr H__,. w.• <c:::J? '51 -Blrtltrl StanwyQ, Stlrllnt 'iili-Clh W~ Jotn I L Hl}'Ot11. t.:SO m .,. .... 11 .....,. (""""1) 4:JO 1J "It SMIM M*Pflff te tlll' 'SJ -Rllp~ Rkh1rd:toft, Mer11rtt ('°'"'41J) '&C-Jtta Ltmmon, Jl.ltf llitlrton. Holkt17. e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Qu•lity Printing end D•p•ndebl• S1rvic1 for more fhen • quarter of a century • Pll OT PRINTING 2111 WIST IAUOA I L,D .. NIWPOIT llACH -641-4)21 -_ _,_ -·--____ ...._·---~-----...._~ ..... ~-------------------'---------------------------- • I I L . . Wlao C1it tlae Liglats'l tlAILY PILOT lllff PMll Joan Wulfsohn, Les lngledue and _ Jacqueline Fleming (from left ) grope their w~y around a darkened stage "'h1le .foe! Jennings makes contact \vith Miss Fleming's leg in this scene from ''Black Comedy," now on stage at the Laguna Playhouse. Regarding Oue'!aet Plays --It's ·B·esi· to . Say Nothing .. . By ARTHUR R. Vl'lS~L _ Antl if one can't say son1cthin,:: Organization of the progran1 caused some ptargoers tu miss part of a double bill presented by a troupe of traveling thespians ov"er the weekend at Newport Beach's Open End Th eater. They left dur in g in· termission. Wherever members perform next , The Gelos i, an Orange County-based company. might find it advisable to reverse the sequence of their pair of one· act plays. "The Case of The Crushed Petunias," is not exactly one or Tennessee Williams' m aste r piec es in this reviewer's respecUul opinion.- A weak play can rarely do anything to strengthen the pcrformanee of-11 b'OOd cas t. My s.istcr, a rather talented actress herself, believes that. · nice, one should say nothing at a!J. ?i1y mother, a rather 1;ileol;<J mother, ~lleves that lle lu rnirig after in termission -vrhich son1e people didn't - the curtain rose on ''The Soldi2rs or No Country," a v:ell-e.xccuted antiwar pro- duction by Lawrence Ferl- inghetti. The J!M{ls allied undergrounrt fighter who gained fa me a:s a poet during the 1950s Beatn ik period can be a very subtle word-engineer when he wants Evers Joins Dr. J ohn P. Evers Jr., 125 Broadway, Costa Mesa, has been selected for membership in the American Chiropraetic A:isocietion. He is a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractics. Crossword Puzzle ACRO SS l Jn difftrtnl to llit & Co mfort 10 Blind I S i" ~-~;ds 14 Wa~t lt s1 rlg•d 15 Weather· 1111n's ·~· l ' Firs! "1J9niludt star 17 Grown up 18 Stiffly neat 19 G1rdr n ol·- 20 H i ~h ly sp1ctd ,. Italian dish 22 Trtallnq with disda in 24 Fl oating platform 26 Ptob1~ms 21 Portr1r" )l Part o I loot l 2 Ont of lhr Thou1and Islands 33 SL L1wrt nc t Seaway emplo yer JS Drrr's rrl1tl vt Jl lb11 ··-J' Pit tt of fumltll6l' • 40 US agent; Informal ' 1 l • " •• • 41 ··• laude: \Ii r\'J h O I Of 42 Su!Jponed one 911;..::i 43 "The ·-··· Mutiny" 4~ On behalf of .t5 S.,J-t tal k 47 Gr e.ittr i~ size 51 Ointme nt 5Z Puts back 54 Pert. to .i ~ttl e 58 Commo1 newt: Var, 59 Pe1to c~ 5 Lerro,1 -·-··· feature b Emp1ess: bl Being Abbr. util ized: 7 Tunes 2 words 8 Golfer's &Z Affl1m~ti~e pro blem ans wer 9 Alberta olt &3 Pref ii : Eight center &4 Number 10 E ~act sat1S· &5 ·--gas faction for bb Great Mother 11 Darken of lht Gods 12 Rocket stage b1 Tears down: 13 Stron g Var. ri a~o's DOW H l Chil d who bthavr s badly 2 Moth rr ol c ~stor i l\d Pollu"C ) Alumin um: Abbr . 21 To the 1ear of the stup 23 Loose, wa nton 1n<ing 25 Ne ither hot nor cold 27 Re cord 28 Man In the Bible 29 Fruit 4 On lh! prrm<1nen~ pay1cll JO .. K ond of bird )4 Lo~ded down ' • , • • " " .. " " " ; :·J 21 1/221&' JS G i~r off Jlo Passagtway 1 J 7 Joint 39 Corporal ion t xecu !1vt I 41J Flower 42 Popul ar '"'~tr 43 D iscov~•. of !ht S: La wrenc: 4J Speak brokenly 4& Danc e s!en 47 French port 48 Kind o! stagr product ion 49 Music11 I dr1ma 50 Penetrate lo 53 toc11ion 55 PtOJt Cling pitt rs S.& Arltlur -·· US tt!'inis sta: 57 StHpS 410 Mauna ••• H ,, " I ~ • " " " " ,; " rw .. lJ ,. ... " " 11"' . " I~ " . .. ' ,, ~ ., . •• 50 " f: ~ " SJ " " " H ,, • ., ,,.,, .. " if -.. ,. " l'!'J" ' ! ' Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are "The April Fools" T~" il8' AC-<A111"°f'tlmt.""-9tlrl- A l'lll-1 Gcne<lil Piel-Rett-. •fM '''"' Mc~h, ... F•yt D11"w_,. "THE THOMAS CROWN AF,AIR" I••· Slt•w 5t•rtt 1 ''"'' Coitt •• 191. •11• l•1t. fn111 J ,.111 • .. e llltb T .. ltllt e "ROMEO & JULIET" e St•tts We4Mtffy e ~·" ......... L@W f)'s1,. I Dl~t from r{]3 · J rue"td M'aL . 'rnaaa;ement! I M"'~-""°"' II l1:1f Tt11ltltl •I l1)f DAILY Jiii.iT Jll J'ackle's Ex-secretary-Says '---· ~inter Season of. Budget Qisputes @ tllllby~IJ'Jt U111tHArt1111 STARTS WEDNESDAY pnc11uu41a§?.QI MGM tin Ille !:ll'llfl lo P"eH!ll A h-n/(nclt<"J "01l1tfo11n llffrtnr --... J C•11ti-n D9ily t,._ 2 ,_,., i.:M1cH Prk.• 1.tll I p.111 • GRAND HOTEL 1 tlllllllll WIT • 111-Ml!M ACIMI ROM MAlll •ATl Of lllllnlllll OPENING TONIGHT r7t:.ir; f-" PRESENTS SUE CARSON -...... CASEY ANDERSON FRANKE ORTEGA .. .. _ ... waet Af 71./lftftlMS I AM 11, lft..sAf,/M , IT t lllllWATtt•s f71•1 772-7177 ••••• , SALlS 17141 nl-4121 . . OPENING AUG.1 12th CQ!lfOWIS INC.-STAARING lbe llll TWO w••K• oNL y "(llUt ITY1.IS, MURIU. lAIDllS ""' llltlll-"'"' lllllllt •1o1~ ' " .. ~v-.. ·~~,,,. <;:•"'I'\ W. • I ~ IT Will LIVE IN VOUR HEART FOREVER! ·---- .. . . --:._ .. ,_....,__ ~ -PLUS- -.... ---...--- SERVING THE PUBLIC AND TRADE WITH ESTABLISH YOUR PRESTIGE Compl ete lltod ern Plant Facilities For Every Job From Business to Social Pr in tin&. Phone 642 ·432-1 For FREE Pick-Up -O.llvtry 2211 WEST WBOA Bl VD., N.B. ANDY HAS AtilSWeRs • l ll•r•' .. 111ty .~. ,li ce )'II C•ll f!Jt4 lfl•tt llUwt'tt tlrie11 Y•• chilirtlt h .... Jtllt1tl11n. Chick lh. Juk A1tJy ftthHt .... ,., s.~ '"'tY 111 tho OAIL't' PILOT. 'f11i1'll liko It -11t4 11 wlll y~r c11rl111ty.llll•4 yMlllltor1, ... j l 1 • • ' .. • I I , I • ' L i I I f. I I I I r t • .. ~ . -., -. v The Old· Agai•ist~ tlie New' . . . ' ~-·. - -· .. --··· -----------..............---------------------------' .. .... ··uaAl NOTICE -LEO AL ·NOTICE ' .;iii'fiCi•or Tailifil>t SALa . ' ,-~~-·, ~!~,,,.... ... tlltD " • ":Me:ttc: :. llOtfOlll."'! ?ol <Cl•TWtCA;::. IU~ -~J ~OMI! ,.~~_,\lfl', IU•lltft CO\llll'f""O" ,,_ ' r\•tC"t1TtOV'S ttAM• :u, • ~ ~:r .~~~: t' ·1~r:::-t.J-1c,":'~" , I cor...":ar~·=""'··~-:1 ~:c:~ 'WM. Ml V.NIOAl.lt•rif N.AllY. t , , f", .~ A-of.J1JI '" H"* Mb.•11( ........., IMcl\. C.1!"111\11, SOA4~r ll11tblrof •nd·W-""" -..rn ........ "' OftLANDO Tlt•lllfll"'IUT llMll"tllt tlctlllo-.."llmi ~or IUO IN• •• ,...._ 'A'CMSed Mt,-lj; ,,.. '"' .. !~: ~ !~ Tlt£18Ell JtJTTON, 1k1 YE!.ITM!NT .... flllt Mid tlrm 11 wm-i:.i ll!fllf•ftf. otflcl•l.•ecorM·al °"'"'' ~rr·:OH· ... •1.<UI.. fUTTor. J':l'!'tl L .... fbl•.-OllpWl"8 _ __., ...._ =~~~!~~ ~"';.:."";: 1!: ,~ylCj._, {S 1 HfllttY. elY'IH " f1i11 :l':rro:;~~ ~ ·~ iif fttlllencpW"•r• of P'OVID!NT PIQQlol\-._ SAVJNQI u.ol~# ~•1b0Yt' ~ ........ ( lJ111111 • , t:ofvtnntl'. flt 11\'tldt AN9 1..0AN A I S 0 t: I ~·J I .O'N tw ltiM lllt ""°"' !MiYll'll (lefrN ....... , rhe fl,,.,., ~'-orf a-II. CtUtoflila. ltlXl'ltllOf -tM. .. 1"1 ..... •!,._. '911 . .,._. \rt rt'MrtC iit J.lbe '!f'llll'l> • O. L.. O'.Cttllr Jltl, W. CO.II )tin<, , """"'Mo'IU Mlf ,, M!llllc ~'-· ..-..... tfit."~ WllCM,.....111' .... tfltce N..._t 'llffdl.,C1nt0rn1'. ""'-'"'lddtr flor Utl! (PlYllllt ltl II ·;,a·tf111t-~Jllllttltid plljf1, OI 0t1td ..lllAt fJ, lttf, ~ 'd' tM Uftlhd"."lflltft •~t~'" . :UhMI. ,.,.,111 .,. _ _..., -· J-fl'~ Otlllttf!W at1ltl 11 ltlt 111.lfl Qr"'~~ ,. flW _ _. ttlt IHIOti:t1'1-I It b.MtlrM -o . .L'0',0.11 , °'~-Cdlint'<"""COl.lrt ..,.M.ln . cur of ot t.l!W(L VAltNI .. GHlllAltOELLI, At. Stilt ff C.llfltnl1, orlhlti Covfth':' '"''' AM, ~ .. -.o~;· "" "" .....,., •..1.~ Ir""' 1C1111ff.v.1, s... Ort-.Mil 11, 1~ ~ fM, 1 Nol•l"I' "CilllOriili;" ,. .. "i&W;;-llllt:W .,,..,.., • ~t41f191"nl• f\M!U;.Whkh 'f.. ~ 11'\!.Qlle; In .,,.,.,., -&1f~111Jl~ftOl'llb'-•.,, ~--~· =t"in :-,: ~ ·::i. ~ro:~ int~..=.,: :'~-·.:N :::' ~-0:'4 .;-;::r.:-~ = ~-"'*'-' f"I -l'tV 1lt\llltd ~ • .,.,rlllln four "*'tilt '"" ttlt 11119* '"' tubKrlbell lo Tiit wltl'llfl 11'1--11!, .. ., • c-tv of Or•11t•· tt1 , ,,, flnt 111.ibrlcitbt °' t111t •nc.. . 1 •· .~.,., tclr#IW...,_ 1M1 11.ttulld ~UMrnl•, •nd fHcflbH •• fol~('{, ' °""" ..1-21, !Hf. !ht.a-. ' -'lot .;.•of Trecj No. 3311>, In tllio•);ifY:: JNftM """°" Ii.tit tOf'FICl~L IEAll c;.i. MaH1 n ••r '""" rMlitrilHf: Ml'l'llnl1tr1trlll Wlll't-.... IU llk:hfnt J, "°'"""' 'book 1» PHH S4 to ,, I '":'( = of 1"' llloYe nlnMf ' Nolll'Y lll'_wjf(, Cflllomlf t Mfsewlltlou1 Ml"' 11'1 tr. ofl . / • • il'rlMtlii!-Ofl~ ill (\Wl')fY ltKotder of 11111 CwfttY•; · LllWIS, .ltNI & OHlltAAD•lLI • , Of11111 Collnl~ 1 SA1d'·Nlt ~wlll ~ fntde btJf:0 ,.ii .,. ke¥11 o. L"l'tlelil l"'lilblWlilf or.,..coa., 01llY Pllnt, JI/' ~,;,., w1rr.,.,.,, 11.HH•t._1-· •1 lowtll l rlllilll,._...,..,. It 1, 1. 1j, n. 1Hf ltl7-4f ,..,1rftllf" tin•, POSH .. ton~.. ;, ~ "" P•"""""" ,.C'*tnllt tlMI ~'°"'' .to .. ., tM ~"'"' ~. • It UUI M1;t1n · LEGAL NOTICE c:::J .. ~~.~ "°~· :-;i•11 ._ .-. • t.fltn::e."' t=:~:~r r>t11v· f'11o1. ,.,... . 1-nN ti Mid Offf of trU$t,_'1 "fW '!Julr 1• I. lSi :at. lf6t ·11~' ClfltTIPICM'W 01" IUll"lfU ~a::r:~~ :::.l::r.::, Ind ~·h ( LEGAT. N""'r<'fl' •tCTlftOVI NAM• ....... ~~·· 1"11$ ~.( 4 •,. ,. ,,..... V.&""(..., flle ~ .... c."11fY llf II (M-__,..,.ry "Vflllfr llllO' dtH ·d " ' · ductl"'. llWI ..... •t jkl. 1)16, N_, r::~.,.,._,,ttlll_,. of I bttld! OI'. ~:.~ • , ...... l'llldl. Ctll'°'1'1t1, lllldet" tne flctltkM tftell.:·::: =~ 1:;.btU,:-• caaTIPICAT. off· DlSCONTINUANCI firm "-,.,, NEWPORT MAlllNE ,, ~rltt-rt Cltdlrtllon °" o.t.Ulf ,7:.'"'".. ~· Ull AlD.oa AIAMDp_N~'I ENGIN!!llJl:ING 1nd lfl•I llollll II"" k 1'1'ii114 ~ i. n0r tit' · · 'll ell' JI CTITKIUI NA"'[I ' c:omPOMO ef 1'11e lollOWI ... ""°"' -· ~ .rt4" .,,•':'ttc';i,,,"''!:" 1 ,: TH!" ~UNO lf.5>GJ4EO ~ ;,,_~,...-,. n11T11 111 full llld ,Ila o1 rt1lden« 11 IJllCleraJe to UU$1 cwtlty W,• llhoellYe ..IUl'lf II), ,.,.., ht u lollowi.: , llM ffll .-111 P~ !_P ti di! DuiltleH under lfllll•fktltlwa Waner w. G-.., 1211 Ol111t1 Lii,, ~llu\r;.,w~··=~~·: l!trri llllM •°' f'AClf"IC tMllMll lALEI N•wport s.w.. (alffomll. .. u 1lf def~Ull 111111 t l.c-!ipn flt ~ fM lff Jllf 'Yf..,.thl A'lt., NIWPWt> 8hdl, JlllY ll. 1"1.:. ~~ , ,_.did .., .aooi.: "''· ·"tee, ia·., 'O,. ~!!W::-i!=:-.::,,.. "':::.: siai. et w~11n~~~~. eoun~ flehot ltKOl'da In ri ol'flcl"W·thi-C'Oiil!IY' • ... ·~·---''"" ' • R~r of llollltl CovnlY. < ~ In fl.II ~ ll4ICit "' r•~ -ti 11 Or'I JOIY 3, IHt, tlllort me, I Nol"Y 01~ /u,,..'3 '"' lollow...i.w11: " ll'Wllc ·Ill •nd for Mlcl Stire, ""°"''IV ' {ftAL , _ ' ' , , ' . • MIL TON t . 1-iAAyEV, 20% V\!;11 1PP11rft .W1ltrr W. Gfil'llf k!10Wn Jo mt "l!ilAND MORT(;A(;E COMPANV :OrlW. NewllPff hec:fi, Qillb'nla. be tr. Hl'"IOll "'1loM Mml 11 1ubloctll>t<I 1 Iv Louli J Ge~ . Ctrrfncitlt fof"ifftl'llldfOl'\...of llvsl lo "-wllt!ln lfltln.i""""I ~ ldl:-J. --Prtslde~I ·" ----uncle!'-·lhe-•llf--flcl!llcM--• Miii .,_ lfCIM :flt 11.Kllted Int Mnw. ''lll'ubnpd Oran .. ' coli; 0 11 • pr.Ot· .._ .... it ., .. DClllQn lfltt•MI' .... Oii fllil (OFFICIAt: SEALJ 'JulY '' 21 -.... A"'81}al ;f, itt.t' r 1 .... , ..:. In Ille. .tflCt' of '!WI Caunll' Cltrll: ·er! JOSE•H E,. 0,ltiVI$ ' ' ~ Or11111 .oCGYntv. under fhl ~1$~ of Nol•l"I' Publlc-O.llforn11 LEGAL NOTICE ~on MU of t111 ci...11 OQOt. 1. • Prlt1c:IP1I Offkl In -W~lNIUS mt hMcl tlll1 :lllh ur •I °"_..c-,,, IAR·llH J11111, 'Ht. -. , Mr Comml1tlon E1.p1rtt ·MOTICll" TO CJl:l!OITO·~· , MH11111 e .'HlrveY J""• 21, 1'10 SUlll'.11:101t COUlt't Ofl TMI lOFFICIAL 1r;:Ai.:1. Pobn~ Of-c..i Diiiy Pllctt, ~ \ · • ST ATC OP CALIPORNIA POa "\111"1' It. H111ry .'uly I IJ. 22, ~. 1Mf 17'Ut C\'Js'.· Guard's sq1.1are-rigged -training s.hip1 .. p a sse s marked the. begiMing of a visit to the South Street ·ni1 covNTY Ofl oaAN•• N011,., Puti11c--c111torn11 1--·---------t . . , , , .• , ~ ,.., A~Ut , lll'J!ncltel Oll!m In T l:V' AT-, NOT)CE un er' -New ..York's' Verrazano Narrows .. Bridge as . .Sea~.-M~ewn ·61).· the East-River ... ,. , -·. >.;· ... e:,,,,, ot·H°ELEN 1Ct.fblcik1, DK"t•Mlll · --:-·cw111111 CauftlY """"nu h h · . . Th h. ' . J NO'TJCE IS H&~Yi:GN'!N ti 'ttw • ~ iMV Comrnltllon E1.p!ret. er crew mans t e r igging. . · e , s 1p s .. arr1va 1 , crfdllOJ'l of 111e • -111"'" iM-· • Nov. i.c.1'n -. P-M11' ------------~-~-~~-~-~--------------.,-.--------------jtl'lillt IR·M~"flly...._,d.,_· .,., •• , -i ~11M!d Or1.,,e., CO.t,' 0.lf't · Plklt. CERT1PtCATl Of IUSINlll ~,. ..,... • ., ,.,. .... 1 ... 15 tt, IMt 12'Mt •1CTITIOUS NAM• ·' ' ~~llPfnl ••• ~.-..-!!Iii<"""" ~u • ~-' " ' \ • Tiie undtt1lontd dOes terl11Y ~e II con- )'rlllt tl'l1 llKesHl"I' ~. 'tl\·ftil oftf(ll ? • • , • • -· '' • ., ' >>O E ' 00 • . , ... '·: "' of !ht (lvk of 111f lbo'le lftfllled (QUrt, « • LEGAL NOTJLE vuC ng • ...,. '"'" I I I 1 G. db• • Ne B •. ' •. E . I to P•Hlrll . them, with·· fllei l ntc:a..~ 1 , :St..et, Cos!• Mnl, C1llfo'f1l1, under ' • · · · g· " Ille tlclllloul firm n1me DI THE PIGGY . . 00 ye· . . I ... e tr. a e voud'ler1, "" !tit und1r11otl' If Tiit U\11 • • • ' ..,.. BA.HK .,,., llllt uld firm " Compotfd • • .• , , : .. , . ._,., .~ . - . . ._. • -! ', E:N11~~~~0;1~~ii :.~?..:.=.:' .u~~~'fo\-":o~=~P~~o~s"' ~11~,.,~~~~~':i°~.:'i:'!,~:U:w!~ ... .,) ..,,. ... ITATR OP CiLIPOJtNIA fOlt Dorll L. a •• ,.,, 212' ROY•I P•fm : • . . • •·· · . · . -. l'lft1,..,·~ llllderalllnM In IH JNI~ THS COWiTY OP OAANel Orlve, Cotti Mn1, C1lllorftl1. . -. . . -. ' . . . ' Mrtllnll)t Jo the .,, .... of .Slid dt(9de~t. NI. A..Ulf 011111 July J, lttt. I•t' ·Di"cl Its Jo· b we· ll It Won't Be·. F o"rgo~ie· ·'· n tt:i:,i;t,~": . .rllr'""': flrit PUbllt•· O!::!:I'.' "'wh.'.FRIO a. VElltTY. De· Slit• olt:~,!n1:.~.,_ Coun!Y: . · ' -·· ' '.· Olled~"r 27, Ifft; ; NOTICE "IS HEREBY GIVEN to 11Jf .0.. Jutv J, 1"9, bWlre m•, 1 Noltl"I' ,...::,:,,~r.ti ~riNllon qf the lboY1 111~ dktid9nl l"ilb11c lft and for »!d lttlt, Pl!t1G111llr SP ACE CE.l\'TER. llouston (AP) Ave atquc vo le, Ea gle. See y-ou around the old cosmos. sphere -u·e,-)'el see in the gawk at ll every day.:.H is·.was quillity would-be-a niCe touCb~ ' -or llW e111te of . . t1111 •II l'frlOll• 111Yln1 (111m• l!11•ln11111e •1>PUrlld Dwll L. Btrl"I' knaw" tq_me"' ., . ? -•• . the •twlve lllm..i dece!ci 1 11'1d clKH:'"I •rt t11111!rwd ~• t!te tlltm, be-tt.1 .,..,.,,,. wtloM: Ml'Ylt 11 1ub1~•1bed flfcless .void .. Salaam and called the 8Jiirit ef St: Louis, don't you think Eagle" · · ,. ICUllDn·AND ANDt•soN '" wltfl tht ntceu•rv ....,udlers.-111. lnt•ofllu 10 11w within 1n1trvmen1 1nc1 tckr.o'NI-" 1· . £ I ..... . . 'k ... think ' ' i -1'2t ........ •"-"fWt' ol the clerk °' "" •bow en!ltJtJI ~rt, ... edMcl WM! tJ<earted the Sln'le. .>.iEI cm, ag c. U1Jt you,-we 1 e· , were You looked like 110 tiiz:A 1K.1t.t ~ntt ......_ C•llhll'llll ni•i , 1o ••""'' 111ern, with tM 11ettU1!'Y <OFF1c1AL SEAL \ . Tf')'. -to. fotgiye -and Ufl. the . $pf~td/i· \ '&Jl . of US. c • 1! tt-~ '::Jr~ fc7 .. 7tl · VO\ICMl'I, Ill #II underfllned It Ill• ofllc1 JOSE PH E OAVIS ....,,.. . b . ever Dew Eagle, but fOU bad,.. . . .. Mmfllhtl'etrla... , Of Mollr• ·-~t. ·~~\1.60_~11,elW Ncll,_ry __Pllbllc·Cllll"ornJ.~ -Yoii 'sfi'i'elY "Were th((ind'St -11e,_~wn·d-us, Eaglet" ut )"101.L SayoDafa-;-_ le. -~-~~. ' P1lbllllleocl Or• eo..i Diii Jillof c1nttr;·,1carwlbllli'I _,........,,,Los l>rhi~INIOfftct1n'Or1ngeCou11rv .xcl·t,·ng b·•d •n h•sto~. £-•·. had •~ be "left bef'lind.: YO" .• Yon were <lr1M'Y • m~n a M .. M ..... --indalhrtllbig ),;i,,i· 1 • ·1s. 22""1"' "iuui Ani,1es,· c.nroml1 t002•. Which 11 "'• M'!_cornm1ss1on Ex,1 •• , " ·~ "~ '-IJ '" -"I " ~..., "IW" • ~"~ .o:---: _ ,, ' ' ' ---pl1c. of bu11nltls DI th. Lll\cltnfpnlfd In 111 J11111 11 , 1t10 and for a few singmg hours _. ~~d_abJe... }"ou we.ren·t . bkd.. EflglC,, ahd 'to'i:hll moon Style a11·your-own and we I ' LEGAL ..NOTIC m1_rte.r1 ,,r111!11!M to I~ _•ll•I•_ of Hid Publl:llwd Or11111e Co.11 DlllY 'llol, ·yotl ~r;rf.ldC' a ·ramily Of m an .. ·deslgiled. to get back ·through ·you· "'111 re!qrn. Retnernber, remember/ We,u·-re·membe\:. , . ,..,:.111 . ~~~iic":i:"or~f, :' •tt•r·ni. Jul-,•· 15' n, 29' '"' u,..,, ,_ N.o~ we JP ~ur .se'pa'rate ways . (tic earth's at'mosphefe ·but Ro~rt .... ~a .cdn ,~ Scot~ E~ ~~'II _remember . when ~~ · .u•T~~~~I:u:~:"••• · . il•1-" J:~~1t,J~1~ ~t•ltv •nd LEGAL NOTICE ag'ain,··but v.·e'll remem ber. only to fly around the ll.lOO"n. ·bu~ied JJ:!. the, Antarctic ..and wuk hfe ol your •:own :ai;id ·Tri. UMerirtM<I dol!t nr11,,-tit.11 a111-J-eurrl" v1nl'I" · NOitclf.To c•P.DITORS . ' •• w.e. 'I\ ...,.member . Dos Vi!da.ny a , .S -or i y •. ".Eaole.· ·.·AU .r ,evoli: and Johtf Keats died in Rome, . sinoing .down from the stars cl.llCl/ns 1 """1""' .. ' 5J6 .W•st 1ttn Slfttt, · E~ecuton of ™' wiH suPe•101t cou1tT 011 TMf sTAT• > '"'\' ~ . · --~~ COlll MeM, CellfQrn1e, llndt• the fie DI Ir.I •boYI nfmecl Otctdeftl and sO. long, :Ea"gfe. auL w:icdetsetin. Eagle.. . Lord Byron ln Gr~. all -came the message: ''The 11t11u1 omi"Mm. or HOUSE oF MA11cu1 Moo1t1 a MOOltl!,· AttwHn ' TH:Pc~~~~-:'~~'~.:f:o• Fr-0m a ·qi.i&rter of a qiillion Take comfprt; Eagle, if "i~ is three far JrQtp..lhat t'sceptered Eagle has ,.wings." AOO We'll ;"loW'f"l:.' p':.':"on~1':..! ~tu1:l' := ~::'::-:: ... .,, . N•. A-O:iH m'nes; 'through the blackness you who needs comfort m':lre · is le" called Eog1and nmember we'll remember 11i.ee DI r.!•ldlfie• 11•t 1011GWJ, L.M Aiitelft. C•llfet'Rll...,. 0 E•tl::., °' HEN•Y J. HEINIGER. b 0 -t bus' S t' • I · Ill · I b ' · t !iv ' WILLIAM E. f<M,RCUS..· 1S12 Wost Alfer"lllln fW ·~ ~I · of space, yoo gave us a sense · l an ·-we.. \::.v um s an a And you, ·Eag ~ w cn·c e · t at mountain lop o our es, ·0c1•n ;:,on,, Ne111PO'r1 · B , •ch, 'llbllihec1 0,,,,,. cwit 0111-, Piiot, ~1 cE IS HEJtE&Y GIVEN 1o tr1e of our bigness a nd our Maria didn't make ; it b~k the .circl"e ·of-y oUr glory for that crescendo ,of the · ages; g::r:i~rV 14, 1,,, Ju~ 1J, n; 2t 11111 ...._,., '· "" tn:4 t ~~., !'1[$p:aon~11.~':',1=r:11'!,:1~ea~; smallness, Eagle.. A vision of tjth.er: · i~, \Vas · :"rec~ed· (ar months and slo\1/Jy I.be cJrcle "l'.he Eagle h~~ landed." • st·~ or wC.r;i,,,';i:'c"' LEGAL NOTICE 1;1~ 1~~e:~·~ ~=~e:' •. 1f11 1:,: ::1~· living creatures, more alike from , ~ome. They·. brought will grow sTttaller -and. you'll ·.Happy JRnuings, 'Ea g I e. 0,'1111, CO'Jnl\' 1 of ""' derti. ., ... 1m1 en1111e.t cour1, than unalike, hanging by 1heir ·Lindbergh'$·plane-back ttl the fly IOW11' and. fiilally,.bai;k. ~ Adios and · .. ~bye -Eagle. °" Jul'f '" l fft, "''-""· • Nott.,. su••"°••'•',",01~,c::~~~-~AT• · ::~ 1o .,.!~~.','. !_>em.:.._ w!~ .. ,','",,,."!'",·, · Th of T W '! • · (IN'""'· ' · l'llbllc In -for Mid Stitt, "rson•!IY ·• _,_,.,. '" '""' u .. u ...., thu-.• \.to. tl\e one warm blue Smithsonian and thll: tourists the lll(IOO.· e Sea ; ran· e I nev~ be: the same •. · ~~9:~ .. w.,oc .. L1A~.~,.~~.'."',.~~ o, uu,ORNIA 'o• nw 11 ... otfk es o1 WALSWORTH, se10EL ""f"' ou •K• .., ..--. -...,,,, ...• ,. THa Cl)UN1"Y QP OIU.NOIE ANO CRAIL. "16 We1lcllff Orhrt, Sul~ 1utitcrlbtd to lhe wffll"' l"1lhl""""' Ind . NI. A"Jln 209. NNPOr1 Be•Cll, C1lllOt11I• '26611, l(ltM>Wllfted M •X«ut.0 "" Nmt. E1tal1 ol JACI( FRANCIS ..... OOYLE. wtlld! 11 tllt Pll<ee ol buJlneu tJA the . (0FFIC1 #.L SEAL) known IS FltANC1S A. DOYl..E lftcl .,, ullcler1!glltel In 1!1 nw!ten perl1lnl"9 to S. F . lnsIS· ·~· ·. Joseplt E. 01vls fltANCIS ALLEN DOYLE. Oeu1sed. Ille ft!llt °' 111d dtcecltnl, with!" lour 1,.0 · MOIJll"I' Publk<lllfornl1 NO.TICE U HERE BY Gii/EH 111 tllt! "'°""'' •lltr !'-finl 1>ut>Uc-tlon o1 !hi• ··: ' .,,· La J'olla ' '. ~. . . to .Torrey~ ~~es . , ., Prlllt(P•I Offlct bl · crft'lton of tr.. above namtel ftc~ftt notice, """'· · ·· 1:· · l-· • • ; Ort1111 Cou111Y,' t111t·1lt """10fll·lllVlflt t1llrns11,•ln1t HM 0.llcl JlllY 11, 1"9 ' -. ~ TI · . - ' . {d~ .. p ¥'i Commlnlon £uT.-• N_ld d9cdnt •fi .'"'11f'fd 'flt tl!e tri,rn. · Jtfii Rtld H91nl,..-''. :v naer'wa·te t · -·r: ark ·P-lan.tte ... , ,' .~· I:~ld~·~. J~~i~ ?~~~N'::"OTI, •CE~;' 1~ [:"'i¥f~~3!~]1 WAitw~~·~i~A-=~:·~1L .. '. '' ·. . .) : '. _,.,. . . . . N . 'f . s . . . .......us......, Ofl!<t of llQY .... WOOLSEY. 1'17 W~I· 1'11 Wnldlff Ol"I-... . ·. . . ; '.·\~ t " } cnfl Or.....,, -s111~ ~. NtWPCrl ~1e11, 1"WHrt •~K~. C•H"'•nl•. ""' :~ J-' ' • •. ·, ., ; • ' , 0 . or a· e '" llf(ITtCI TO CltUJ1'.0ltl C1llfot~ft tu611. wMcll ls tl'le 111~ ot Ttf lnO 6f1.t44f, ln4J MMC72 '• . 0 ' • · " • ""t.--B S'•t n~ "''·ii:: S S\ll'l!alOi COURT "', TMlf bullr.$t DI Ille underllPllf<I I~ l!l"rn1tttr1 Al'ltmeYI m l!•tculflt · SfiN 'DIEG (A}>f. -\Vta p ~e~ sti!>_m~~~: : J.11~~ __ Ul'DB" w_ e ....... ~ of!'~!-ur t 1 ··r. , • __ " JTATI! OI'" t:AL1'D4I PllA"" . 11t•t•lnlM '°'-tM....t:l!.~•e .!!!-»:!JI ~f!:~'M' . _!'ubl!11ttd 0r1~ CO!'' ,0a11., Pitol, the sandwiehf S· tighll,YF sO theY wi!I .be ·uode.rwater ha,~_tt"a.ts. a1iifoff ~~ ~~i~llr..SOnoma , ··~AN F~ISCO (~j ...... . •: fQ 'tO~~~Jr,i'ltA_"•,• .· , re=':, 4:!~ ;~ ''"" 1119 Nra1 publlct· :July""lJ, n ~ .~ Awu~ 5, tff' 1331-49 won't get soggy, g ather up the wheil! person$ .p.n observe the· eo~n;: r1 . · ~ d 1 ~ ~ayf ~ost~ f!oto ·li~s,.~ ~~~-NNE ~tLLIAMS BREN··· ~arH~.t,1~·H~Dtwte · LEGAL NOTICE scuba gear and~head for the sea _bottom a nd sealife." ma rre . par eve 0 · ·\ll&e e c 8 rman ° a:'ci~~£-islh Hei:,;:v ·Giv_:N ci: "" .i.c1m11••str•1r1• w1111 wm NoT1ce To c1t1:01To1ts •1000 .. ~,·1.,: ... A . s·aid, •n ~,·n-rrom the advisory board's ef-·House Armed: Services Com-..... II ' 111'1 t ,n~m • t -.:: AnM•ed"ot ~ E•ll!t SUPl!ltlOlt cou•T 0, THI! park-Scripn<: Sobmarine Can· a _.. .. u ic 'f f rt. lo .. d. · 1· · ol •t th s F ·1--• _..,....,,,.. •v"' c' lftl "111" 1 of '"-lboY9 nameo:I Oec:e.tc~t STAT• oir C•L•fOllMLA fOll: •" form "l·,.00 , center .• <as .......,,~ o S stop etenora 10n· m1 tee at · an rarfei.x:ans Mld dlttdent 1r1 r11u!rt0 to fl!t 111em, 11 oy B. wooLSIY P k d R "" « ~· t~ ff b ~ ' ' · t Jd ff d' )e f tbe Armf wltl'l ll>e M(tsHtY Wlll(h•_J,, In lt!1 flltlcl t.ltenltY It Ltw THR COUNTY Of OllANOE Yori. ar · an eserve. pr-0hO¥l4 onshore, complete . e o s o, ~ ~.vU'Onmen . . v.:ou . n sa -0 • _ i!r 01 111i d ••-DI "" •t>ov• tftlll!9d, ~""'"· or ''" W•)!:lll' DrlVT. 1.,111 ,,., NI. A-um ditilornia 's first undcr\\'uter wo·t f•'lms ."~ p,·,turcs 1,.,_., The . reserve would-. protect Presidio · llere "unaccept.ab1e .... ·p.-..m · lllolm, wnti ""' lll!(ft,a • ., ... _. •••ch, c111trrn11 tw1 tc1 t1t•11 °' ETHEL M. G,t,INER, Decea)-~u '"'" ·11 '"' r·~ nd -· I d d ' t ,.~ I.. . •J1'1Cllt.,.. lo lt!e llndtrslg""" II tDl tiortll Ttl1 11Ml '*-""3 . state, par k probably \l'ill be d • be low ce a~1 ~ucS 11 \.Vf8 S, as· an IS as c1t1 . 8rff!f'W1y, $t11I• A/11,.Cllltofnll , whlclt Is A"'""" fer"Allf111illll1tr11rlll ' NOTICI!' IS HERE8Y GIVEN ID '"' 0 ·n · • well as itfi.,'archeb1ogical site at Al' to ' · I th .1 t" M .,, Pltce of 111111n111DI1ri. 11ndoln !inec1 "" wl+h Witt An,,..... · ertdllori ot Ille •boY<"-l'lllmtcl dtttcl•~I .dcd~CJ/,ed in .. October, Dr. "The sea floor in ,this" area . · JO 5en " e e ter on-&11 m•tten pert11n1,.,,. to the 111111 o1 Hld · PllbllltMiod Mnte co. 1 Dall Piiot 11111 111 "'~' h1vh111 ci11m1 1;~1"'' 11ie R•bert F· .. D1'tt.. on a r ,· "" h··s " "." ro'e!y· of unin"·-" the Head of the La. JW.la can. day to Dep Men''del RiVe·rs declclenl, WltMn four "'°"thl •l~r n.. J I IJ ·n 29 91'ld A t' s ,..," 1w.-i Hld cltt~nt '•rt rf'IYlred lo Ille th~m. " ~ '-,_. .. ... v •-i'"' -i. • -·~ · "rl . H-' , • , flrit •ublkitlon DI thll notkt:. u" ' ' llfll' ' wlt~ IM neceuerv vouc~!..,,, In t~f olfltr 1eologisl and chairman of the fcnture:s." Dill said . "The yon Wpere ~e" 2,000 India D-S.C., after press repOrts that . o111c1 J111Y is, '"'· LEGAL NOTICE "' "" c11rt. ot th• •bovr en1;t1e.t coor1, or S d · J3 · mortars have ·~en removed R. ...ft.. Bllnk of Amtr•c• N1tl0111I to ,r11.,,1 ""'"'· w1111 the nrct,..,ry ta l.e A visory oard on :southern part1lf ~the proposed ·· _ ... ·, · 1vers suppo.""'4-a ,program Trvst -s1.,.1r111 -..""rs."' lh• 11"'1tr5l11Md 11 L•w or- Underwatt!r Parks, said Tues· ·. park ha$ a rock floor that sup. by dlv~: , _ . to eliminate· military !acW.tlea Aucc1111on •A•·tMf 11,ts o1 Fr~ntnn 1nd F•1nk11n. 101 Ea•• d ay . · pt)r.t& a Jusb ·a,,0wth of bottcnn ''Throug~ al!1 !ti~ proposed no longe r needed ·tiy' lhe ~ .. ~,:~, '::rn':!!' do!'!:ectmt ~;:~·,~~ Tf'o5::o~~'-~E !~C:t·1~1,.:;°'~~.:n:; \~!l~~~·· ;16~~~ · ""'1 programs,' bju .~aid,, "it will Department ol Defense · Hu11tW1n. HuJM11Tt11i 'ltMI.• t1'AT• ott: tALn•O•N!A "011: un.kr11sntd 1n tll mttteu pert11"1111 10 "·We're ~retty \\'ell on the ~)lants --and -_a .tt enda·nt ...:1.. ·•1 t•• h . _, 4Hnnllf Slr'Mt THI .COUNTY op 0RANG1. 11>1"'•'•DI11111 dtcRC1en1, w11111ft '""' way," Dill said , citing recefn: o~arrlsms." · m""'~ 1 ·poss 111e t~ &~rve 1 e · The Prfsidio's ·1 '400 acres M-lltff a.tch, Cllfln!ll · "" A-41:ru montN •!tit ,,. ""' PllD11c•11Q" °' th1• Assembly approva l or a bill Submai-ine· .canYobs "ferm sportsma~. th~ ·SC!e~tists .a nd were "specifically ' nanled," l~ ::'r'-*' ·. E~~l~A 11M1t~E:; ~\~:· •kl JO "'°~~,;., Jutv 1. 1Ht. aulhor'••'ng su·h pa rks t I ·that s t! . conimer<:tal interest. f 0 r Al' l 'd .ft~bl._...., Orin .. Cl>ul 01111 '11(111, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Ille UNITED STATES NATIONAL "' .. · s pec acu ar gorges ce generatfOIJ5. -to·:oome ,, . 10 o .sa.i . iui, 1;:72 30 •ncl All9Ull " '"' l»M• erwdffors ot ~ 1tiow "''""' Clect<;ttnt BANK, • ft111ont1 b 1 n k 1 n g He si,ld the park Will feature . through · 11-submarine terrace · "ff the. Army · shou)d ·.be ' 1111t 111 H l"llll\1 h,.,.,,.. d1lms n11na1 flle e11oc.l1t1on naturi! swims, w i l h un-:. the~ ,'(tevel<~peti .. ¥'htn the sea · ·-·' dlrected t.o leave the Presidio, -l--EQAL NOTlCE . :~ ~;e;:.:~ =i:..~" 1:/:: ~;..,~· ~:;.~· d erwater rongers showing the .• level Was . much· lower, Thelie ' . s the city must aSk Conoress to -:l\4JfU DI!"-cle1'; DI,,,. •bovl 111111\td t:ovrt, or ExeciJlor"ri# 'flte WHI NT . "0 • •1 . , '''"· . NOTICI! TO Clt•OITOlll to prHC"nl """'' wllll 1ri. lllCUWl"I' al tM 1bove "•med decedent \\'ay, . . deeJ> CallyOnS a re idep_I natural ,._,ow. m 01•01•1 y enact \egJSi&l!On to retain thlS ' IUP'eRI09·COURT OP· THI! ~h"°'5, to !ht unden111Md 1t lh4I LIW 11,..lll!Nll 11111 .Pr1t1tnt1 La d t bb I ·tt h I )lo I ~-f · studyi h 'st I ..... •1.\.. 1.1:A ITATI cfl'"CA&..ll!:OltNIA •Ga -Offlcly, "' JOMES, .IONES, .sTUll:GES tu•· WI! st .. n u ers. 00, WJ ave . a ra Of11;'>·· or ng sea . I or ( acreaga Ill wn:: pu~ THI COUNTf °" OSAN•• ANO MURPHY/ 112 E. Br_.., • .,, Gt.n-Cllll Ml••· Cltlf. tim their· thing in tht-··e ight·mile-fJoor proce.5Se9." Sus3ri Gullander, 251 Flower .. domain ,". Alioto wrote. Rivers. · Mt. A"'* · Mll. C•llfor~I• tf205, wt11c11 11 1111 •1•e• '•" 11u> M-nn I g •, '· th t ·tt t tcl. tt · · · 1· t c h St n . t M b bee · H ked R. . , rt · r Et11i.. ot HAA.flY TH o M.., s If 11111men or 1111 unde.-.lonlld rn 111 m1t-A"'""'"' .., e~1e1111r · on ..-ar-r; a \\'! s re t • Di ~ it ·Js 1rs 01 w at ., '-"VS · esa, as n in-e as 1vers suppo or SCHWARTZ, ••• HARRY T. SCHWA•TZ. tel'\""'"'',.. to'"-nl•'• DI Mlcl dt<e-P11bl1llttd o .. ft11e cou t 01;1., P11o1. frtm La J olla t<i Torrey Pinc:,;' ·he eicpi?cts-to be a Rctwork ·of i.l.iated into· the-University of such legi-Jaticln ' · , D1e11sed. c1mt • ..itt.111 1e11r m011lh1 '"" tr. llrst Jutv 1. u. 22, 79, !Mt 129M9 · d t ""! • • " • • NOTICE IS HEREl!IY Gii/EN to tllt toUbllelt:IPJ> ol 11111 llOllc9. an a m l e offshore. u n d e r s e a · pa r Its and Arizona chapter of Gamma· Alioto promised to ma1nta m (rt1111or1 DI the .11o .... nam..i <He~'"' 011et Jt.fftt 21L Jttt LEGAL NOTICE .Iii a dCtade or so. Dill has resew .. es .. P, lans are u nC!er Sigrrfa· Delta, nation ;rl the land as public \hr"''"" city m11 •11 p,ersoni hwtne (!•F,,,• H111111 fht wm11,,, "·MU..,. · v'-'6'• . Mid dfuOl"t 1r1 •l!<llll•ff te. 1111 tl'lem, Ell.Kufllr sa id, "there \\"ill he sighl· way for such areas off Pfejfer agricultural ·honorary . zoning adion. wltn 111e ne.:1u••' voucMrs, 111 tt.t effke. of.Kit \tint of IAR·INI . . ··~oJlie 'Fi11•ill1J .u'«sc ·ic:Jiird~. ' l ' • ' ' 1,1'tf>utche'si' a famalc collie chtJ~es&, ·{or.. 11 )':Cars, ad~ed this wobbly·kl!.otlf"taw.n 'l'Jltn II )ltalked in- · ··'tlll · Meliyal'CI of 1Vilitti11>-Gooden'a-home-in Polk,.. • ' ' • Of Ille (llrk ol Ille •beve m1itt9d COlll"I. or tft1 '"°" n•mtd c1.ctc1en1 NOTICI! TO Cltl!D1YO•S 'U~l!ll:IOlt COUrtT 0, 1HI! STATlf 0, CALIPOl.Nll l'O• THI COIJHTY C• OlllANGI . ' . ' P.a . Fe'edln.g sesSions last about "flve· minutOs, affer whi'ol) .the ~lfiid !lif'il disapp!'-l'f•· - ·'9 · ..-e1ml llM!nl, Wiii!, the ntq~l"I' ·Cl ... W. I"""' 1111. ·'IOl/dlf,., "' lt!t 11ndenl~""" •I 1111 lllllce ,_., ~. 1111"'" 11111 MWPltf tf SAMUEL .... ~EENBu•~. AllorntY A"'"'"" lt\.IW 101•. Wet! Vtlls'f 1'16uleY•'"· Alh1mbr1, nt •• .,......, Ht. A-4J14, GAJllRY J. FLIGOll:, C.Hforn11, wllldl le "'-•Ir:· DI bl.l•lnesi. 0"'91111!1. CIHflrllil "* Euell or ot fl!t undt'11on"' r.. 11 rn11trr1 11tr• Tth f1U) ™"'n' Decr11ed. 111'11"' lo 1"' fflt\11 ol Ilk! Oleelltn An.Mn fer Exwlltlor NOTICE ts HE•EBY GIVEN Iii lht wl!llln four months 1tttr tilt flrll pu~I f'ubl!ll!ecl Or•"9t Cots! Dill'f Pllol. eredltor1 o1 tfte •baY• named dectclenl f!Of" of 11111 notice. · · • Jul1 1, t lS, 21, !Mt "124-ft lt!el 1!1 'erwfll lllYll'll cl1lm1 too;tlns! lht Dlt.cl Jutv n, 1"9. · . ' S.&!d dtcecffnt •rt rl!<lul•tcl Ill 1111 thrm, Lltlliln llvelt . LEGAL NOTICE wl!ll !lot "tcrHll"I' Y~fters, /ft the o!lkt •Eittlllrlx of•lllf! Wiii . of !tit clt•lr. II 1111 •boYt t"ll!l9d c·.,.,11, or , . DI Ille ibovt "•med c1etedeft1 111 oresrnl l'P!tm, wilt! t,,.., n«nstrv IAMUIL A. ORllNIUllO MOT1Ce OP SALi ()' voudotrs, le IM t.!nd1rol;"ed 11 1111 Lew 1n' ,,_.Vt!'" SM • 1.l!AL P._OPl!ltTY AT Pl.IVATlf IALlf Diiier ol LEO A. F•IEEMAN, UOo1 ........... , Cflll9r'!llt • Hot, A°'2172 Wll.sl!lr1 lllYd., L~I A"9flH, C1lllornl1 , .. , "'"') !14-WI '" "!h1 SUH•lo• CDllrf ef lfll St•tr ol 9004, whkh Is Ille Pl•<• DI l!ull11e11 ol 'A"-'f fw ~•.aitr1• , Ce"'°'"ll , for Ille C-1'1" DI Ori"•e. lltt Ul'lcle,.lgnRd I" Ill "'"""" a-er!1I"!~ .Pu bHllltcl o·r1"11e COlsf 01llr 'ltol, tn Ille Mitter of Ille E111i. of JACK II thl rsll1' ol 11lcl d-*nl, w!tl'lln lc11r July 15. n. 2' 11111 Awt.fll 5, 1"9 l)l'f-49 FRANCIS A. DOYLE. O.U.M!d. lllOnlll' tlltr Ille llrsl PVbllu!lon of U!ie . Holla II lltr4by' 111Ylri •fhllt ftl.e ...,,. llOllU. l.tGAL NOTICE dersl11'11d wlll ttll 11 l"rlv1te hie, to lftt Otted lt.!flll 21, lMt. , • lll~llest trill be-ti llldtltr. sut>!ect lo COi'· Mtr19n ,,., ·Welnbtre •· .._., • •· • · rtrm1tton DI Mlcl S~Plrfor Court, ot1 or AdmW!;'tr11.,,. > Cl!•Tl,ICliTE 0~ lllSl"lll tl!•r tr.. 1Jlll dtv of Jul1 lfff, •I ttt.!: ol ·ll'lt:E1!1!e of , ll"ICT'1TtOUS PlllM Pf~R · ofl~e of ROY 8.•WOOlSEY, AttorMr 11 ffll libeYI n1mte! dtc~nt Tile' vndenltnlld doeJ 1'e("Wby c.rllh l~w 1•11 Wfl!d fff Drfv1. :SU!lt NJ,11T1ti. L•O A. NIEMAN, .... t'lll JflJt:¥ 111 uncllldlna.1 b.idn11&.1! US M ·HNMrf Blfflt, C1t""""lf f"6e Coll,._ Al"""7 If Uw lttfrlltwoocl s1 .... 1. Cl!'( of Clll• M.,.., "' or O••M• Sl•le DI C..lllornl• •II "'' MM Wllllllr• '""· CtltlnlY ol Ori"",' Sm. of C1lllom!1, rlohl; tttll ,;,., tnltt"e$I ot f.ll:kl $ce11H LM Af19111'1, Cll"9'1111 '"'' l.lftdlf tllt fidll~·tlr1t1. n""t If dl1l1M-11 1119 tlwte tf llft•tl'I tMI 111 llit r1fM, 11111 Tete! f!U) U>-HH tton \llfi1c11 dOll not_ 1llow lh• true lllllM •1'111 rni...m llllt Ille efhlte DI .. 1c1 Anemt1 fll" A1lml!llllr11ff or 1111"!'11!1 of lt!e W"!IOftt' l"trr-ntR<I 1" Ulld clei:ffiK 1111 •C<Nlred 11v OffWlllon DI liw Publl1111d 0.11111 Co.1! Otlly "llol, bllillltU. lo-)Wlf: C1J~ NON JIECOR.DS tlf olfllrwlM, olt!er tf'l.9n•v lfl lddlllorl fll Jutv 1, lo IS, !2. Ifft II" ... llld lll•t 11ld flrrn II C!l""llOlecl ol "'9 tr1.i 91 ulcl dKUlld,. •I lfte· t!IM dl---°"==-o===--- tvllowl"' "'™'"'· w11ote n•ITIU -*'' du11t. '" •M .., •II 1t1t (trfllll\ '""""' LEGAL NCYI1CE .,._, ·~ n follows : il1'u1111f1. II! 1111 CllY of C••• -Mew, County!-------------! J1rna Wol~· Jr .• 1U lf"!_l'llwood of Or'""-llilll ot C..lfro17111o, NrllW11rlY P4"11 , Strwt. COllll MRJt, C1Uf0rnl•. c!IJtflWll •• follows, ro-wit: <••"rtt••• o• IUOO••OS · ltlftdlll ~. 'f Mfnlll'CI loed, · · .. lo< · porl!lli VilllY, Cell~ , . An1 Ot •II of 1he tr ltMt •led II f!I Tl"{M»UI HAM.I ' WITNESS my haflll lllfi ~ dtY Of lllfl, lOO:I.. 3041 Ind JIWS '"''!'°'• W1y, n. w~.urs--... artHV "'".It°""" J-1969 Clo\11 ~ ... C1lllo-nl• dtsCl'l!i«t 11 11111 dudlnt I lMfntM 11 UCIO .....,_ .. II/tit ' Jl~'WDll.r Jr .U Ind 1J, Trld '211 recifrdtlf In 8oolr. Number 11M. CCIII Mfte, C1flftm11, . Rlndlll GIW~kl . u': !Ill :n ""' 1:1. MISCl!ltnt<:IU$ Ml!Jl, """"' ""flcl"'-"flrrn -flf SOUTM . nATE OF CALIFORNIA -l rlall'O'J DI°'""" C111tnl\I, C111rtimlt . COAS T I EAL ESTATE Ind !Ml wlct ti"" COUNTY OJ' QrtANGt ) 11 Tt,..,I Ill Mlt, UIJI 11'1 llwf\11 -.V If Is CO<Tll'Olt'd of ftlt folltWllll .... on, • Ori flll• 13td 11111, 61 l\lrle, ~.o. ""· 1"9-°"'""' s11111 on CO!lflrrn11ron 01 11Mo . .mo.. ftlrnl Ir! hrll 11'11! 1111ct et rn1ct1nc• tlefot'I mt, 1119, ·Undlf1r..,,. •• • .Not.(11 tr "" Ulh •1111 b11.:..t. ..... ~ .-,. 11 11 foll:OWI : Mlle rn 11'111 for 'llld COun!Y •flf Stan Jl(ltr llKUl"td bl' ~ ...... T<U$I °""' ALEX "" tLACK, lQll Id~ Pl1ct. t'Wltltfli thertfft •ny -;,.,;~ Md on "".~ • tokt. T"" H«tllf of C11d1 M1t1. Cltlfornl1, • horn, ,..,._,!"{: ,......~ ·J-. A ~ bid ta be< •-r..,. wflfl 11111. 01Md .Jt.fftt )l, !Mt wo1• .. Jr .•. lt111f1lt_ Q,_._.; kl!owft0 ,.; flfd11'.,. oft«l "' be 11'1 \ll'l"IUflt Ind will Alex M. 811odl 11'11 le be 1119 .. ~ "Wllcu '*"" 1,,_ be ttcitl¥td et !hi 1fitlrftlld offkt 9f -Sl•!t tJA C11ilonll4i ~. "" wUllt• IMI.._..,,, ..... ''""' 'llltr tlle fl rat PUbllc1!1oti M reof ll!d Ori"" ~IY1 · • .. O'lt ..,.., !bit llllCI "'4brt il1lt 0( Hit, On Jllile llll, lwt, lie~ me, I NOii!"" JM: , . .,. • ·II.I( 0.trd 11111 "lh 111~ DI N/r, 1Ht P\ll)llc: !n .,..,, lot ••kl 511,., 1>1r1o"•llY ' WITtteSs fl'lr ,...,. ""' elndtl .... o-tlly H. Co-,... ·-•red ALVf M.. BLACK "'""-Iii "" (l!AL.l -. · ' Admln11tr1l•I• . Ill lie Ille ,.."°" wl'lmt nl .... II i110l(tl9-Mlt\91'1fo K, ~ · · WUll lllt wtll ..i II tllt wltt.11'1 Ins"""""' 1...r '. Nolttr , ... lie Ctllfernjl . ···=t: ol MW DKICllM, Kt.-ltclQlfd lie tM<lltld """""· ~;~~IC:,:~ In .. 1. ~.~ W~tllll r!i!. COl'FIC~~E~Lbf'lll • My COonifllnlolt E•flrt'I 1111141 ,.......... llol ' Noli,.., ~111:-Cillfol'nl1 ' MlrUI 2, lt73 N...,..,, 8tKll, C1 ... l1 fff4t Prlndp1I Olllot In 1kr1f1o11 e . DI .. A"'""' Ttt1 lfUI 646-fKJ Ottl'iot C-1'1" lllJ """" ......... , Atltnltf Mr "*"hlllll ..... '1• wflll wlll 111-My CO\'ltrlllulon E•lr1t ...... AM Cl....,. .... , J ...... 11, 1fl'I '""6~ Or.,,.'Co11r O•MY f'Uol JI/. -PUltllflllllf °"'"" Coed DlllJ !'!IOI, "ubllM'lld °''""' C..t 01llY Piiot, .1.1. IJ, tt. ,,.. ___ . -ui1 ... """ _u. M. 2L I!"! _, l~t Jvly '· .. 1&. 22, IWI 1,,,,. ... • • I ' ---~.......o...___. ______ __..__. _ .. -• -• __ _. _ ...... ~ ~ -... _,. ..... --·-_._ ...... _ - -..... ~ .. ----~--~----_ _,__~------·-·---------------·---- , D-Al-L":Y- . PILOT WANT ADS H\)USES FOR SALE'-"' Genertl 1000 10'!. DOWN $31,950 Shaiiittl iiOme iif' baek bay area. Owners have moved • immediate possession -3 bedroom &-Family room. Beautiful coveml patio -in- tJrcotn t.hroout -Pool size ,. ... CLEAN! CL~ANI Ready to 'l"nove In. CotrJplete-- Jy painted inside and out plus new carpets. 3. Bed· f9QmS -+ Family _ __room • Rf"B.dY to move in. $27,500 1090 down • or F~lA and VA Tenns. · WESTCLfFF VACANT The charm of open beam ceUlngs and a gpaciOU! look makes 3 Bedrooms & Famih' an exceptional home - Ready for immediate poa- session-$39;500 -10% down. ' FOR YOUR BOAT ller'C's the-pe.clect earner Jot with room for boat or trail- er 3 Bedrooms and bnily room, Vaulted ceilings, large enclosed lanai. Owner mov- ing will accept oUer -a.skin( $3MOO. \oTHEREAL '0-£;~'.I'i;;TERS 546·2313 • 846·7171 HAMPSHIRE CIRCLE Spacious Spanish Home On large , corner lot In exclWliVe Baycrest 4 Bedrooms, a Bath:t Larg<' family roon1 wilb. _ bric!Uiteplace, -0penJ-. . -or;to yard pool l\firror ed master bedroom with sepanlte dressing room -$97,500 Call )ohn Abell Res. 673-7365 john macnab UDO ISLE One of the most beautiful homes olleri:<I on comer Jot. on lovely Lido Js!e, across trom private beach. 3 Large bedrooms, large living room, formal dining roon1. 2 Fire. places. Beautifully decorated 1 or executive taste. $US,00o. Call for app't. _(714J M2-1235_ 901 Dover Drive, Suite 12n Newport Beac h OPEN DAILY 241 SfERKS, CM l n1mOOia1e possession, 3 large bdrms 2 baU1s, built· ins , FA heal, d ining ar~a + brick fireplace in Jiving rwn1. Dbl garage. Large fenced yard. 7 years new. Good fin. Price slashed! 1860 Newport Blvd., 0 1" Rltr. 646-3928 Eve. 644-16.SS Lachenmyer · CHARMING Delightful family kitche11 \l'i!h fircplaN'. 25~7' living room, 3 bdrm s including extra la11:e master suite, custom built. Lot 75x245', Call for appointment to see, Newport Beach. $49,500 JEAN SMITH, Realtor 646-3255 400 E. 17th, Costa l\fesa You Redecorate-OK? G ood 4 + fam rm on corner, J\1C"sa drl ~tar. Sds paint & la\\'11 renovalion. Take a look -make an of.fer -buy a bargain! Lisring is $29,750. 546·-5~10 lntar tinema ~ tk.~~EALTY --, "INDOORABLE - OUTDOORABLE" $24,500 Tall li"l'f'5 shad'-' lhe Y•rd. l hgh block '"llU fenee !Or privary, Ki n~ sized btd· room~. 2 ht1flU, f{'lrmal din. inf:!: morn. Plllt'~t built-In AD--r1ll1u11~1. 540-1 720 .•r-;. TARBELL 2955 Horbor SACRlf1CE BCLyrrtMI 5 bdrm 31,i bath hum•. 0wflf"r moving Eut. Don't rnl1111 lhls oiml • Arnold & Freud 3811 E. 171h St., CM ltr.fdlor.. &16-~ av-oWNe:R! E-aldt 3 Br, 2 ""· hltn•, r.rpt11, drp&, qui(<t 111. cl°"' In llcill•. Vaet,nt. VA Jtpprl $2."l,9M. Drive 'by 4.'ki El!hflr St. foff Tu1thO 11w>n cillll 84~ 'Ir 1.11-8411 • ' . --. ' 'HOUSIS FOii SALE HOUSIS FOR SALi • HOUSIS 'Oii SALi Gonor•I IDOO P-•I l•-•1 1• Bvlldar'1 Liq\lld•tlon Ne•r Tho llooch 4 NEW HOME OLD ·INTE~EST A save m on this blavy Wk.t root corr. homt wttb bali J a.cttaa and THREE CAl\ - GAR.ACE at ONLY $33.* wi th NO DQ\t'N TO VET- £R.ANS ' or FHA tt!'rma or 13.38> CONV. dowo. HUI" """"" .llledalllon ldtcben with BBQ llttplact! !! 2nd · 4 Bir bedroo1111-2 i.111s,.woll/Wall carpeUn~ -completely biiUt ·In kitchen, C:OJl\Plett • FENCED~ under·JrOU•d utrutles and ·inuc nre.Jace In enlerWoJnr ll Inc-room !! DIN IN G ROOM !! Th~ spack>ua bedrooms and Z luxurious baths!! F•mlly room and excltinz SOL.ARIU?tf Jar 1racl0Ull summer llvlna:! Plush de-ep pile carpets! Trade In your smaller honlt!'!I WE SELL A HOME . EVERY 31 MINUTE\$ Walker & Lee more. Immediate pou ... lon. . --. -Very .,.,, DiWn ravmont-Lew lnt1,..1 • • FUU l'ltlCE $2t,t50 ·For futtber lnformaUon call 546·4141 & .Wallace ··-- .•. T-, Jvlj Z2. 1'169 ~\''""1 Q HOUllSP"ORIALI 11®.SU.clalA!<I HOUIUl'ORIALI lllNTALS , ilNtALJ n...USll,CMPLI .1aao """'~!!!"!:'lwh 1411Huol! ... ~ W 1411_ ._H-• Pu~ Htuo• ,_11•11 0 _,. --~...... 2200No•e!!' ...... 2IOO --=.-:.::-:.:-ONLY. 2 OMES ·LEFT .. lllNTALl-YU~L~ 0.-al ~~.N%~ -:..":.=-..:1'1 lo IDOft ·ln,·~ mile 1 BR.,_1 Balll, l\lrllllllOd ...... ,. ............ '151 ;o· attar lo. P.Ylllllll up to eo do)'s I~ Bl<., I Bath, ftrepllct; unfllnl ........... $11)1) ~ =.,~t"':.!.~".e. T':°" VA/Ri..• P" . . ~ BR.8°'11•~~th~;;: ·eo· "ta" .M ............. = O I CWN;l'Y'S .,..-,...~-· "" ...... ..., tJi.'90. ~. "'"" ·-~.., 1 ua......... LA1to.'1~-.;.,..lndodedw1>11""" co~n AL SHORES • BR., 2 BtU.,. unfllnl ....... , ............. ~$275 -......... Wood i.-· l!.IU' . -2 Bl\,Ll .Bllth, fl!pi.,_CblllDJ,l l(ol>t.,.,,_ • .JIOt :lit 1-ll'lll SC 166 I~ ITC 11rrp1ace 0!1d -11n.,. (on Garfteld 'betwoh Beach ,. 11 Ila a BR., 1 Both, Den, f\Jm ................. , .. '318 ~ -rool, l cor.-. -·-,,.2. l "'I 1CD•. 3 ~R., 2 Bal!!~r Den ~ ........ ,v .. c·•.• .. ~ IDUllOdla .. ·P"-SU.. --, • •· •· tul,IMlll -WllKLY· -Clstll llllt ·~-­,...,·M•• aoo. · All 11,.1 & loc•tlons, f,.... ................ .,fllO N~ ~ 120t c....,. .i.1 Mor 1250 . IURll. WHm, llealtor . 1--,--,...,.....,...--2'11 .......... lllvd., NI . tl'Mllt , IXCluSIVI · 01'11'1 ·HOU~ . ilViNINOl1 6!12-DU or 67WU9 • ADULT LIVING W•D. & THURS. 1.S, IS L.I RINTALI ':;'=.~-c.' .. ~: ~ ~i!!T!~~ s H~ hech 1411 --'~sho!I -~ -llWIY '"' BR., m botl!t .,.. pool? .....,.,., llonttll 2'10 ,...pdonol 2!00 Oii· ft. I tna INCll., -· ..,.,, $11.ll!O y 'Mint h K'~'-t . --In a. lh;illaco .. S pot!Oo, doabli BOYD lllAL TY' OU -.... • ~ i<npoct H •Is U -· W,alli ... 1~. ·-• ....__ HI ~· In '1961 I '"" 1.t a < Bit 2 llN .. llOWN U.. --Qr C.- --·----- . -~ .• , ' : Fw,Quik:Sall .. 1190 Harbor Blvd. at Adi.nu s.l5-9491 Open 'W 9 P~t "F<>< A W"'i ll•Y" "'°"""''fiolnd-·aDox· -~.~ ..... ~ bothbomo,1Uballt .tn Al'T..MOTIL ·• 1or.-,bo<hlnm!Uld Genor•I 10M Oonoral . 1000 . t.,.,...:inah>te...,.., ...... 47S.S'30· . rare..• ..... ..,..,. • SC. 1 l .2 Br. -~·ff"· It.or'_. lo - --------,20,200 l'ull P.ric.-rollsworty ' Co. """'°""'· .......... ; and Lr1 ~ Vlow --• h. •• .... Prlv. potloo, hid. P,lal; p1.. ·-... boat • COLllGE PARK Located at 2359 Co11e&e Drive Vacant &: ready to mow In. 3 BR + large family room &: huge family kitchen with bullt·lnr,: Used br1ck 111"1!!· p I a c c & HARD\VOOD FLOORS. FORES? E. FitA Loan at 5%%,, witb to-• ,IJeC\ll'tty lmlioe, $4C.900 Above ~'bu.ch .t bQ": ~· ~an olct, 1prlnk. TV, .ftttaara{lt. 9 ~roll traUtt. Mljt:ttlc doable fNat 0 LS OlN laJ payments of $121 P.I.T.I. 60-T171 1111 Btwn Bl&' I. Uttle Cd.Mar • .;~ Pirw. cloee to courlt.·Wallt to beach No' doon 'lndtca• tbe. dtauoe Real &harp doll hoUSe v.1lh --... -----·1 . rJIPI btachl!1. Olrner lot. .s: x ..... ~ch I: I own.flle .land tramc noi.. wffl!Y .. um 2 ,.,. hamt 1DMJ' 3 qu"n ai.. "l<i""""" 'M&IU>~lllllDG, It I! A L•T y. 1n'. 2 -. • ...m.. t,400 ~ SlllOo dcrwn ·no 2Jid • m0n11>11 'nta. JlllS q..i""° too ~ 1o Gorltout pullman &th. ArrY· ~Vl'll'IUUilAI\., I .q. ft. • ' +· BR., ~·BA.. '!Ql'll'rett -u t b a ft nu! HWy., So, Lquna, OW' el)o-m.ntloft. Priced ••tandall!r one qualifies. Hll&'e 75 xlOO dM..lr 2CC5 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 3 car pr. CIJl vwnet'· tor Pkue, 1tt me:1tt.tt · . trance by Allio Beach. llelow market at M5,l50, 'die lotwltb doabl•pnp.Home '2 IR ·-C.ll ·Anytt""'7~ oppLPrin.only. • . .," N>:WPORT BEAOI 5 haoaood,.mltl. FAN..cASTIC BUY ::;.t"'~ -::cuum. sub----.Al!.TIStlC!. <n<l '™'"'~· . -. ""9 from ocooo. s .Bit'-. ~ 11 ME lOxUO' ...,,., lot . nut to TWi Jnf&ht bo the """"'•. . no De' Ann -. .ARlll"'. palnled. Aval:' Julf, ""'· • · inc., Realtors $19.700-$0 DOWN EWVEEllSYEL.•1LMAIHNOUTES Dept. of Motw ·VtlilclH. moot BU.II "'-· but . It !You Own TM IAndl 01 Rl""LE SepL ...._ jJrldn In olley. .... -. 11Llll· ,. $!90 pot~l lncDna: Reductd ·otters • blank· canvu for ' II·"'-. 2 •etha .~ Drive. by~ W!fme, 1te "-llJ~U!l,J:.JZl./IL 'You'll rarely find • barpin ·w · lk • •. l $1.t.oco. · -new owners to create their Doctor hu';;ntJy ;;:iovl'd ,,-Allllmt low inwrar tou on owner 127-Mth St. or call , . like ·th!>! Cuatom ballt! l a er Cl ee $38 flM own mood. '«· !>m. nn., hOmo b -vacanL Tiii< a :.: :"· 2 :-~~ eolloct 1213) '19f.1S.13 Asw 5J.1% bedrooms! Centrally locat· · .,... f~ bl&' ~I. Juat ·reduced for look It thtn c&D tor te·rms Ii: Only -..!'.-~. · ;:.bml~t· ... a:-.:. MAGNIJlCENT view ..... A $27,500 (V•ts no down pymnt.) N•wport •I VICtorla 646-1111 (•nytimt) BEACH DUPLEX REDUCED .. -··downtown shopp1-, 7682 e.olna:er .... _ ...... -~ ... ~ llOO. "'-•·"'-..., 111111 .,.. .,.. ~ W,;;:-,o.-b.Nodowo·;. w.<45501'540fil.. , -~Mg ·~·~-· --·· ...... ..,, .. 2-..i1ti.w1 ru1 At $17llll ... = Hal ·l'lndllw & A·-· LEIGHl'ON UNDEN Rt.Tl' HAR.BOUll Rl!ALTY pri.... $113 wk. ....... rr111 -G.I. '• ($900 for non wt•I Optn.. evfi. S900 E Coat Ji m.f39:1 and .. '"" loan• Better . u· NITS ilACH llRGAl"s w.n11 "' m.o3'l2 ' ... _ ' July u to ... 10. Coll y ..... 1 be fut! Call 645-0ire 4 . · " Bread moor lay View MA-mt att C PM 1._ UIY .. ..,,,..,,,. a ar. 2 ... """' ""· box ... ~ toca I l'~tlge I Home BACHELOR ""' """""" HORSE RANCH * '4s.1m. AnYtlml .. * :!::;{"'' ~. 126·500 tor -,... '"' t1>om a11 "'" Auume O..lnbl. M.,,.,.. """" or Yrli i... stow ~ Don't ~....,. ·-Qlllll-bxomt S51J; mo. on this t .. "!!!!!!!'!!''-!!!!!!!!!""•I ln thla lovely 4 flll...and tam-Very popular modd. nfrla:. 67>7292. "4--1405. ~. you dorl:t i..ve ~ jest lf. Acre-Newport plox. Built-Ina. larr• roonui. • EXECQ11VES Furn. 3 BR. 2 bo. si.po to Uy room homo with an all < BR. 2 ""· llEWPOftT Beech, Furn. 1 ll1<o It..,. at 5'1"· 1rr• f Picturesque country home 2 pr1.tlos. Low dc>'Nn -J.ak. moVine: to Newport Beach. oced. $25,000. ~ bay It ocean v I e w. HAfrllDAL REAL TY· Bednn. Slttps 4 Avail Anc. bedroom. 2 ktb bomf:\ llullt nestled Jn the ien~. roUinC 1na $44,250. Also 16 units. New Ivan . \.Vella'. quallt)' CAYWOOD llEAL TY onner model home, prof. "Hamn to Match Incomes" »only. $100. rJl.1236 .. tn idtcbtn, Coftftd ')lade. countryside of upper N~· 27 unit.I, 50 wtlts. ~r "'"'---_ W ~-H , 11 dean.led il lrMhcpd, $65..000 1740 Warner, JV, IU-4405 2 BR. Balboa • ..t •• u Then'• even a pll,y ~ tn port Ba)'. Olarminc 3 bed· will e"~e up or down. view home ln Dover"" .... ~ .. -• '-"Nl wy., .B. Cheshire Rtel E1t.t. TRANSFERED auume '" "-•A'-•·'-1 .__.,~ .,.,--;:! tt-. hack )'9Jd.. !::&ceDent room home on % acre of \-a. Wallett A Lee Mr, Leyint Larae f .bdml 3 bath Wnil)I • • 548-1290 • &15-2503 639-M12 GI, nr new f ' Bl, fam rm ~ .,~,,_ "~· Costa 'Mae area. call todlJ• ~0~0~V:v:° i:.:.. 1:!! ~~J~~rt 0.,t; ~~ = b~ r:n:. PR~:~:~~~JilT-F:c:n~~ ~~ w/frple. Many ntru .. xtnt BF.Aciu at door. Newly tUm So easy to own."Cv;ner will 646:1560 · 3 Bit 2 &.., Juxuriobl eoMo surf! Jmmac 2 mt, den, 2 a1'IL m ,tm. M2-4803 t.dr-llt d&rtilw at J.50. per .......... T\VO 3 bdnn 2 balh units jusL 2 blocks from the ocean. l unit has a fiL'!'placc & both have aundl!C!Q.-¥ery-fine 4or owner OCCUP!'f>'· Onl.v . 4 yean old ·Reduced to S54,9'j(), . t:OA'f S pmvi .. IU)anclog. Only e!k•soo $22,S00-411EDllMI O...b>"""<>oli,-6 !:,~..!-°!..,!,.."",t>,,~.;'!; !c.11:1. y_na_he_,ch_ 1705 :!~~-19HtcBch.••~ -r. -1H11111• "'·""'· Don't .. 1-1'! Coll "" ., . ·-Excdl•nt ....,. ..... ,,.&r1Q&· pout; SS2.o<IJ. ·moo --~-v ... -~ ~·~·· -~n -··-.--· ~.. -... __ - .645-<l303. -Jo' 1hopj>in1 6 Ill .cboOb. l02l lay'11!1o, N.L hl<nwelcom• · . ~I~ MOME'* A~~~~,.1!: • .t114'. • . li.n-_ . 2 bo\ho. t!Vliic "'°"'~ with -. ~ •. '7Mi:IO " • .., ~-· -•· ~-"''"-'i SPANISH SPLENDOR NEW. C,,t.l\PET =k!~U..';J::"m. . WE5TCLIF, Lido Isle . 1151 B OWNEll oo.r CO'ITAGf; clean. otpolll'&nd.;.,.2-.sbolll WAtLACE REALTORS ~546-4141~ co .. n .Evonlngsl 4 'BEDROOMS NO QUALIFYING TARBELL 2t55 Herllor · · B'l OW!mt. JUST LISTIDI !'EllFECT condition! lduat '-2 bu.be!\. -2 wkl, $<00Montke11o-·'1'1111 11 Everyone can uoume this · s bdr home ui.t lbttt • lnttrlor ~ •PPrttiattl mo. -* 673--7099 the dairahZe one ltDrJ' model Remarkable Spanish e I e · higll F._IA Jo&n, PALM SPRINGS . · on 4 ' Oanntnc Spaniah. Hacienda 3 BR. Z J;'A, Ip tomer Jot. . . -in ttie adult 11• ct le a. ranee. 4i J.arre bedrooms. 2 546-9521 er 540-6631 !:at. Liq. , ::~.~:w 1lnance. 3 .~~· or' ~~ b!'llntu OCEAN VIEW. All electrlc ~In• '""'' 2975 lka\ltiful dubhantt. rem.. tiled baths. Spanish tile en-3 S BR u 23 t ce ·• "'"' ,_.,, e. incl ldtcben. Thermo con---don and J)OOl factlldff. Onb' tr)'. l\lassive 'double firf.. • ... omea, unit •P •·ey OWNER* Lars:t: patic. e •·Jot: troll each. room. REDUCED WlNTE1t Rt:ntal. avail t/15. 1~ )'Un old. try $21.500 tun place. Open ftarM cooMn& bld&: • yriy ~. 2 Salton St• DtllabtM Oa!antront Home S5T,r::i0 • TO $38,700 with 15.000 down. 3 bdr, 2 1*.thl. ht . .Dr. New prict: in 1 gounnet kltichen ~· watrfrnt Iota. Owner, will on M lot. l Bdrm Utllll)' Lide Reatty I~ l~'Jf tntt:reft. Pl,)' i.lanct: f'un) duplex. All Xtru. $350. • FINEST CUSTOM ""'"""' by co"""""' built ...,.,..,. or . tndt. <n<> rm. """" ,,;, ....... • "°" VJa Lido .,,...,. monthly. Wrlto ow..,., P.O. m.:rm .. -ins.And ... the b\c +hugt """""':ls"'1"•~ooo:;;"""""l~""~'~"'~0~r~(!!:n~·!..>=~~~·-lpa:~ .. lbq: i-:~rp•tina: ,ROUD OWNERSHI, Box tlt Lacuna Bt:ach or LOWER OCf:&.ft front w. ~lust isee to believe. This has play room with walls of &lus 1 SlJIUHIJIE JIOME wf' l>Jtns. Idell.I Joe near Dlarminz· new Ena!. decor' Clll 4i94-4'72t anytlmt:. Newport. 2 Br, 1% Ba, ~~'Jy~i~~~"; _1~~ ~.~ou1"•"i~,tha100t Colunt Ne Down te G.I. achla. S&t.m .'1M990 tb?Uout, 21t0rf borne onl4' HANDYMAN'S 1'rplc tc .w . a~~ 1. "'" vua ... . • • • Coiy 2 Bedroom + r~ NEW: b1t-ins, prbi1p di&-OWNER'S NEW for 5 BR. cor. Immac. 3 Bd. '2 Ba. Din. SPECIAL lP mo IR. $210. -rm., 4~l baths, 3 tJvlet;., Best you hWTY. Only -on 1•-e R-2 lot -Room f« Harbor VI H 3 ba' itM ~ fonn. din. nn., lge. Jam. Call ~ ..... posal, dishwMhtr, water ew omt, '· Move Rite 111 . ..,,,;,w 4 J~ units, 120 Yd•. to . 14.L:. rm. 3~~ Car garage. Game $l9,950 · · · now' 2 more units. -New copper heater. Water ..ofttnu. 3 11\' nn. dln rm, tam rm. R. C. Grffr, Re•lty btach. Patio&, decka w/ .....,... UnfvnthW I I 1.1 1139 500 645-0303 plwnhlnc -immedJai. poS-BR. 2 bo. $71.950. bar, f&. Id~ 2 "1>1"-w/W "'6 Vb Lido 6Tl-!1300 ....,, v1..,. NdL -•-• ote.' • • nn.: ots o 1 e. , teSSD1 upon approval. R -~ ... -.a.... ard It .,....,.. ,.,,_ ti -Mary Lou Marloo 2299 Harbor Bl""., C.M. a-RHny-'45-:Q4t -,•~ -~ l many Tlltl!D 0, Should .,... lt,llOO annool. _ .. , , · - WESTCUFF VILLA BY OWNER. Iii% Loan.= u ,........ OLDER HOMlst Prlceltlfl,SOO,Tndffconold-l Bed 2 Bath&._ ........... -- Eutsklt: 3 Br, 2 Ba, fami1¥ s.,. WI' 'ft ~ 1amib' bmnt: eft'd. thfnt: =· Ox:bplmly ~ ii eetlhlc their fDm' ,_. el4 SEPARATE BUNGALOW. f'OO[D borne. * MJ.Un BLUn'S • BY OWNER: .1 w/4i bdrma., conv den~-11 & MISSION rR!ALTY fM;0'1J1 pal ted iniide 1"' b Ii: f btdroom. view !lorM. It'• Coldwell, Banker & Co. Double p~1 Jead~to ntctlY itw1 :a 'Br, 2 Be, ke inc room. Cau fo~ •PP't, SPlJT fntt1 2 BR tbarmer tn o.e:n , Leue ~t flTS• with spotlen: and. with a ...., .C 500 Newport Center Dr. ~1:;~~ e:;,t ta:n ~ Celt• Mesa 1100 ~~. ~ft' m;"~ ,;:::, Welker Rlfy. •7J..5200 =: ~·~~ woma11·, .. k~t c.n& L :'tt!e~,;;.~: .% Newport Beach , Calif. ~". ~~~~: Open HH •. UntllSokll Tito !lltlmm.Jn _ m,ujo . l•llloo hl•nd --1355 ~-"''"'"' be.ans I , 8 er . -ee j;~ !':tt~ ilb tt •t 833-0700 644-2430 DINING ROOM.· two .... 1.!<1 TAHm DllIVE l'rl.i. ef Ow.Orllbljl . ILU,,S -~ IDO\km ldfel>on, · • • cio\15 bedrooms and two Bil: tamUy home, s BR. Perfect condib thtwJhoUt sli&-.. dtn,,k,.·cuatorndrpl, ISTATE SALE iobl ot cloMta. $32.500. '16'2 !:d1rwer 51/4~/o FHA LOAN b&tmc·18'x16' .,._...,.._ _,.,._.,, It. """"""'. poOI. 1n .tbls ...,,..Jatie S Bed· .,,,..;_.lrNI, .....-_ 115 ,.,.i.n. · ~. -· -_,.. MDIHO __ ·- c d rooni has its own private fttsbly ttdec. Sha_rp Joe In room, 2 bath. 'beauty •• The OWM:t: ff4..m7 J'uly 25, 1J69, 9:30 am, )lo. 3 BDR 2 ba, 3 Jolt. J.car pr. Open Evtl: lack 1., an Be Assume patio and prden Beauti· Mesa Verdt:, Listed $5f,900 ~ btdroom1 and lure BiUi'ri -· J br, 3 ba, W/ nlcipal cOurt·A. 200 N. Gar. Panoramic ocean view, new 1125. 2 BR, Prdt:n' ~ .,, ""' By Anyone!!! Jully carpeted aid draped, -but all otten invited! livina: room with brlc:k fift. BIY·VMw wide pttnbelL field Pa1a-tt:..._ 2 unit.; I crptl Ii ,.mt thruout. rar, 1tove, w/w, drps. r. _ _._. H "REALLY BIG'" single story ,..,.~ ~.. dl.erlm.tnaM-.., __ , --' ,.,_ __ ,u~ -•~t1 '1"'11: uh Mn) Bkr ••• -· garagt:. ENJOY THE COM· C•O..thelMI ..... ~ · " .._ S&Ye! HJ~. vwm-.....-.... Min. bid _......, c • \.u.;I LAGUNA CANYON 2 BR • ...,..__. · .. Mee ........... h and double-~ "'lllO plaet: will ·pie..-the most Stql to Poor, 0.. addtiis. IJdnii hse, Bachelor 1pt. C9t-$93T Chlldttn, •lll.&U pe:t 0.1(. UIMIUt• - tmhi::: r!1.x p~-~:;p~~ ~{UNITY OLYMPIC POOL. Ol.LEGE R~ ~r hum~ t 3 BDRM W.tfttront,.No. a. ~-bouM nt,500. F~ yd. $135. 2 BR, 1"6 Ba. Townhle, A ~autifUl l ~ -- parties, Beautifully JendSctl.· DECORATIVE PATIO AND , ,._. ·-' mu. Balboa Covet. $10,000, Zoned lnduatl1aL 4i94-11.TO Pl.Ho. bUins,. W/w, cfrtJt:, 2 With hla and hen: ktbl. & peel EASTS1DE location,-a POOL SIDE BAR B QU~. SH. . Would trade fm' ac:nQI: er H""tl..,.., lhffh f400 childtn acoepWd.. B kr. pool U1'0llMld lfr ._ bani:ain at $29,$0! ! OME ~~-= r!!~:fore ac: * 3 BR 1~ b&th. c apta.• ~Tm Oww TremhrrM llJl_!A,.LI • I L-~ m.69a) ~ ~Ptrw.w.tt.rp WE SELL A H LIDOSANDSllet.ut!fullBr,2 3 H•-a~ 2 .. __ ..._ 'r-urn _t.._ 3 B01l. 2 ba, plus pool _.._ __ -_ --'-'- Es buy. Priet: to sell at $48,500! 1loon., cpts I drps. frplc, _ .. _..,.,,.... ,.....,_. 335 <:&Uai• .-... ~ ....... 6__.. EVERY 31 MINUT double aaract, beautiful •brocean wtth·f!'l&D1 a -~ batbl.. Entite home 1a Generil 2000 Untwntb' Drtw, coawnlenor. Call.~ W I k & L feDCed. yard. s~ tru. · $.32,!ill. ~ beautifully dtCOrated. ~ Phone ~" .•Wt. cnrmr amdoaa _. a er ee * ZONED for BUSINESS 1 l2ll •• -L Noar ..... ..,.. $113. 2 Bft, util pd. ''"'°"" $110. l BR -· pool, 139.llOO. 2M3 \Vcstcliff Dr. BR cottaa:e w/pr $14,~. Yo•'ie l(ldcff1HJ7 ~wpert H91thft peta. Dectric built in ldtch-yd, Bltim, w/.,, ctrps. w/w, drpl, Avail now. &r. ,,.,, 7711 Opon Eves. NEAR SHOPPING W " w. 3 ,,,., " ...... WIDE.'-·• au VIEW t:n 11 lllOtlnl. Block wall dllldftn O.K .Bkr. 5SM9SO 53f-6980 • ,,...,.. W•lls..McC•rdle, Rltrt. e 1 a .,.. __... ~· -""""9""' eompleteb'. Sdltt t&YI aeD · :l BDR. wa1h.t:r/dr)'t . family room .I: Ji:itcht:n e..t. Split stYd J Br,. 2~ Ba., din. G.I.No Mol1f:)' ~or low •-t•'-~-••-,. 2'"'' •~•u -•-. ~ ·-- ' WO Newport Blvd., c.M. In&' area', custom. ~ rm: ldtcben·b{t-1nl. Dbl. f!rli. dOMI: ntA Low pdct Fuh-i ·-------------.;,""'"' nu... ..,....., ~-,, 548-tm anytlrne drapes Ii: wall paper in a. 2 plaot. hf?u .ew. SM ttda ion Shore ·~ at '25,$00. stf,,ARE Apt. fTO mo, malt er do. -...J.3H. SUO/rpo Barren Really , -~E7.",.."'"oe•-=· ,..Coll .. ""=""'~ 1 ............ -........ ~ )!ftl' "'w Span!"' ,,... -. v1ow. i;a.... N Kon~ °''* r.m.i· -~-· "" , . '· $141.IO Per Monthl.' * * * * * lo °""' MHa ""l29:tltl0. Grah•ai llHlty '46-2414 WI SILL A HoME pm. ,:;,,, ~;;.,-;..-;,No. Cao!• Mota 31C)O presents ~... Includes FHA loan at g"· Al mack al South Coast Real A11aum'e F1iA loln. $215/MO. NW Newport Post Office EVIRY 31 MINU'l;ES t, CM. EMT .Side 2 Br, ff:nced. pri ho'l'hto . hutwo -.. 2, !.:_lmll ~ taxes·andlnsurance.Artyone Eltatel•klokinefarenthu. PAYS AU.. Set: tbl9 creat w lk , ., L . patio a: )lard, aara.ce : mt: a n, ,._an con quallly to buy ""' """" lutlc .......... to .. altlll· on,; ..,.,, 548-UM H•rllqt Devi; $!!... 1227 a er ee N••port llHch 2200 Adull1, 11' .... sm; i... ~~ ol1 _?!...,~. :::.·. 3 kingslze bedroom&, 2· bath ated with a profeu\onal Real Estate. • , T • • 573-1';9 _,,..."",... ....... .., ...... Builders Attention: Build up a good monthly In· come by living in a comlor· table hOuse in rear &: build· ing 2 or 3 unlte In front. Large lot $2x218'. Call far particulars. 1600 WestclUf Or, NB. 642-5200 ~ W•'r• Expanding SALESMEN \Ve need you!!! Our new oil· k:e In Corona del Alar la ~!her winner. Earn more .• , Serve better. More clos- ed escrows. less frw;ttaUon. Call Mr. McCardle 545-2313 iO THE REAL '""'-ESTATE~S DO HURRY! Lo\Y dn pymnt handles. lg. cor. lot • 3 BJ 1% bath homr. N~ drapes, quality w/w cptll. Block walled rear • yard. Asklne $22.250. Make offer! PWC Sf6.S440 homf'.14 X24oovt:mipatio Real Estate ottlce. Over. " *UNIQUILY DOVER!hora.ba1rr·o•t · Forced atr •hitat Brick leads to hu.a:e enclosed yard whelm In&' Bon\U Plan. Call $157 . MONTH PAYS ALL. DU!erent ''OSd World" Oin-,U: :n=lCD hoiJle. I BR. 4 a., 1arp 2 BR honff. Obte Pfl.P, fittpta~ and mlJCh mon. with hah ireenery. Doubt~ ~ South Cout RW N.1~ 3 BR 2 bafh home .. t.mporazy, ~ti'-" IUXW')' open Eves. patlo •. TO' prlvat. dock. JUDI Multa onlJ' $14;5. Sleep to the IOQDd of the Mf Garage wlth laundry area, Estate. exet:Uent Eubide ruldtn-home. tn.>bstiucttd Bay .I: I: Jib, $2500 mo. &1. .. 179--U eves It'• rtsht at tlila biacb. Gu built ins. submit your * * * * * Hal area. AumM '1J.6'XI-•MtD view from•ft'IOlt rma. Artlttt Attent"', Sept.,.Yf'1 lM, nooo mo. t BR ea.ta .Mela-Honw, J ps.500, down payment on $22,500 -MESA°VER-DE-I\~% loan-no !ntenst in-$#!0sq.tt.4Blt.t~BA+ Hedm.!.!-loencloMd~~ 213:· •1llJ..501J or •211: Ba. trplc, erpfl. ·drpi, price. 526. CM cruae-no tO&n ltt:a. Not maldc qtn, !dt:al fbr' ente,.. ........ att 'fol a ui:: 785-1333 dshwtlr J Oar rar $1).1f89 WE SELL A HOMI ,... man,y liko tbls •l $2l.IOO. ~. Euy'milnt. lnunod. ""'· ·p&tlo. Flaw<r janun<d . • EVERY 31 MINUTES H ... l'amlly Room CAU. se:MK Soulh 'Col<t oocilpancy. ro·nhh•d. laP,I .._ att ., !llUdlo. BEACON 11'1 oood. l Bft l Col'-r•rk Dity-O\&rmlna llvln&' room en-Rt:al·Eatatit $171.(Q(l/Good )Du. 8clx 1132 WkSe ope:n terma on .lhla or xtra la. ~. Pvt. ....... W lk I L h&nced by finplact. Fomal NA $d-12G ''lc&dtd with ft'tru" Homt:. beach I: dock $325 er EXTRA NICE! ! 9ft 2 BA n..-, .... n. a er ee dlntnr""""····• .. ldtchon, HAUX:REST-3 Bdnn. ll! R•x.L. .......... 1,Rlty. lm/wl<. .41., 2 BR ... ~-·~-·---~. rr .. · 12• bath, brdwd fln, fun rm. · . T • ,.,...... s=twk. 17 2 5 o It or • _,.....,, -•· J"'" $29,950 3 bdnn, TO"o\'ft &: Coun- try, near goU cout1e. F1oor plan haa tarre mutr. suite Quiet, or- dt:rly neiibbOrhood. nu Madeira. $29,950. ''I' -' i I :-l ', .. , 546·59 90 -PENINSULA POINT Small ..... will boy thb ... maculate beach homt in beet area ol. point. Charm- ine Hvinl rm. w/frpl:c.. l Br. C.Ozy titchen. Rtll.lt I: enjoy this year round baml, tual • skip to the btach. 146.500. Good ~. llDDMI REALTY 21ll5 \V, Ba.lboa. Blvd., N18 . c.11 Anytime '!~ DAn.Y P1iliT WANT ADS( tun'1y "'°"',.;:~""'bar. patio, · ......... ""''d 6 U:'!!!."."'Y l'ri 1237 3'1-2525 ..,._ -=-~--·.,.. -bn ldl It wt. TARBELL 2t5S H•rllor drp'd. >%% ...,,..., ,,.. •• YOUll Ol'l'OltTuNITY HUGE HOME WATERFRONT.< er, mw. · 11.-.--~ ..,.. OCEANFlloNT :;,. "".'!;,::"";!!:,. ~ ~?~~, ni,.'~~t -~ ·~ nur ...=• ,"" ~ ,"~; ty ~· ..!::"-~. • ear Now~ llNdt '300 .o.,.""" -Jard --. l d•·-~--S 2 5 I 00 ·~· •• ""'-· "' < -·-. ,,...,,, ormu pork I· -wlo. July,,$300, __,.. ~. lllr ,..., ._ . ' • c u ... -·· ' • can ltKJ'W' )'OU 2, I.·'"' I BR. d\n1rW • .epar&te-family wk Aua-5ept. Avail yr1J famD)'. Located 1n t ... -l -BA home-on excellent 56-0!IOS.---,. homes wliolt: O'NN!l'I cu ftlCfn on ·fJUitt cut<CtMric $550'm6. ·m-1• -I•· . .,, ~ detlfibll: tutalde or a.ta. beach.; $54.950. BY OWNER: Eutaide CM. 3 help you beat tht-hirh in(. ttreet. Prlcl'd rlcbt at U2.· TOWNHOUSI Mt:la. ·Oner ~ · ·..u, Goorr.!)lll•m'"" Bdrm, bltn kltebon, otatun! htsh down ..,.·.t.. l>l'!bi'm. 950. Auumo FHA loan. B•llloo 2*' . ADUL TS>ONL YI · termt' • ..-. try l2IJOO 'lOR bttth eal>UJeb. 16x121' lot e llM 11111 llHlty MUTUAL llEALTY ,,_ ....,._;.. 2 ...... or make.-· m.CSD """-113-156< 'ft/ alley· aeco!' 1or boat or 1.!18 eutwr Dr, ltYlnl ~:1411 anytime $1!11 Cl'en. -) I bdr F-· pool. Thno ,....,. 5 BIDROOM -tnll". 11'% loan eon. bo Ol'Zll l,A1114J'M,. ~ FHA ~I I "°""· 2 polloo, w/w erpb. po/a. Anll&blo Aupt'l.lt. uswned, $2«.!IS>. IO-UTI , . , la on BelVIM l.Mt. Aftil. ~. _ , . LIKE RINT a BR. 2 BA.,,,.... drPt. 2 C-.i.1 Mor 1250 < BR. ionoaa d rm. ohet. Sept. m.-. • · :~~~""=;. r~ :'n. ":::,.,.-· "' er TRULY A MANslON :0.".i:. :l"'.;..";: .__, llontalo 2'10 iaY &· Jeacll room. <>atom CU!J<tlnz l "" Oil4jililJ.lt7.-.,-. A waD ...,..., Slx1lll' eor. Molly, 1 .... drapn. Coverft pt.tio. ~ BY OWNER .. ~ lnllu'Ui 4900. 91. n 4 BK. + mlfo lot. Owner' .trandemd. CARMEL. CoQ 2 .hdr holM IOI D:mr1Dr., NB ltdte ~ "' ...... ,.p1a,.mco1. Ill(_.\!% trs -•titri . .l'4 ll&. ! li>lea. 814-BRASHilAR lllAL TY ,,_ oa111 a pine• llelfl -!ML. - 4 .... 2 $tlrJ $21,51111 511).1'120 • ~2 Allw 3 ~· "" nilnlon et. Xlila It 'tot 1n ort...n "'"· ' llll-1111 ~··:,,:~~~-!""~2204~,...,..='l~~~~~!'!!!'"!"!l~ TAllllLL 2tSS H•rlllr -· lldl. --!Ma loc. 1111.~. -.. CIJ!l'OM Ex<e. f i..t. l'bo; DELUXE Oondo. 1 Br, 2 Ba; Whore pt < IMMACULAtr.-EAm!DE ' 2 'BR. °"""" O.Lann lleil iot""' 5 lll/J IATH panonmle vtow "-a :"·~ lf: l"l:: :: ""' .... -... :'., _:·In DUl!~IX drlpn. '-tmced -. llizl E. Coul HwJ, OD< -., ., ...,._ lhll ~. new mm 'oe I. nll ' . -of. Coot& -·• Wit 1'322 Greenvalley, Tusttn ya.rd. Nm ldlooll ii Clt1c ' . m.,mo 1..AftGE ~ i:a "'8)' ,ditftr.. WOO/mo. m.mT ~ immel1 Bk:r. _. bt'i e I• a II tor 2 Bdrm•, ' i....._ ....... .....,, 12l.tltl0. _, • LO\ljLY &blo ...... , llALllOA. ' bdr -. -m -_, landli&Ptd.1prtnklor• . . -HOme .$!1.'llO ,.HAP',OAL RIALTY. dtan.-tow...,_troni_ BAY11DE-2Br, rtaiic---~i.t .... 135.'llO • -~ -1105 i.. -·• ;r . .w. -11omq to llWA:L~ .-••at1.a.llioalh..ir.A1s . ~ .,.,-~~ _,,_-' COR:=i:TIN B~~r,;::i.:,::14 ~BrbO.h.~·~~ :.i\ ~ti:.~ "::'.': ciwi~::.. ": -' , 1031 E Clout H.., c:dM Bit + tam nft. Sholi.r<tl OOCllplod, Pro!. IJOJloip. Doarllold. 1 nsL lo lleadl -J ., 11; 1or 1www I . lil fii lililii -,II'. ci 115-1962 it ,.uo.a wai.it.n ·llllO poftd Chollbn Roal •"""' $11.0••t OWMr. t • 11 ...... -.Ou m.e -..,s. -. •"Gtbl!c. . l'JT Q;;. Ollie. $2 l'-h $11.!lflO.' s, o-r. PrJn. ~ ISWl12 53M!ll SUE. Bllboa 111Y4, 11o1boa y--ITS:""' ORANOI COUMTY'I' Good~ eldlb, <boon ~ clpol1.c111ti" Open -~ ORIG!l'/IL 0.-• "'8th V1U.A PACIJ'IC. tow dowft. OCEAllFRONT "°""' IOU llEAll·-1.•....., I Bii • LAllGllT day ea11 Lon.in. Mntbanb ~. IG-Ue ·-t l!R. deo. ju11 ..... < br 3 bo Ill" nlA -. -Dr 118. ~ -lor nnt at $M0. $115, • Po,;.,..,.I A •• • •• Y, 20'3 MQUICKER YOU CALL; "~ wa!tt. rm VtrdoMar 1112-15<0. Dupl"' :ru ~ Bolboa sm. ea.-Ntr *lllO m •. 111h It. ltl UM Wtttdlfl Dr., N.B. o«>mo na: QUlCICEK YOU fllU;· -.. !Ill. Rlfr. f11..l010 Wllltt ........ i:blllil. llili UlSl -I !o:Alt~Y~PILOT~:!...:w~""1'~.:,AD1t:::::::J•••1111111••--t' -F-:1r · ......... •• •. ' .. I I 1 ... , TueJd , JutJ t.2, 196t • '• r='-.---.. -.-,."',.."'•'<'._-"="-'-.=;::.;;;.:;;r;,.l ALI , WINTAL' RIAL llTATI IUllNSSI w AHNOllNCIM"'11 ! HI 111 \l•!J!!~ Aefa. fyrnl""J -,,~a. U.ftJl1m.~...... A~ l!!!!!A'n_ •I r. ' flNANCI&~-' 01M1 MOTICU ! ~--'250 No!fp0r1 ll1ch 4200 '~' ....... , 51~ ~~~ ~ Sfll _Olllc! ~I , fl170 ..,.; o,,u-Ml'Uei Loot 6401 '•-.•'*·-<irl"< RENTAL ..... 114 •• i,..nt • Fumfahotlet L.(OU~'WH , ' " a1CYCL!::.woM~N·1 , , WW.. -di<. lT /ot. -(NlrmllCTJOI \!nfymlohotl Alr-C.WftloriM .UFIUATE SEAJtS. .. 1SASK!:r .. VIC. • ,'IS •JV'y. Oil. ~:li.r ~~';." $>XI. • """·''"' 2 liedroom, • baU., opLt, ..... ON FOflE8I' ~VENUE CAHDY SUl'I'~ Y '.";'~ ~:::+:.::·. ! ea;liliOlt; -lien\ ...... JUST. "( ....... ftml! "·· bullt -1.., 1 blk •• ; Delk ·-·-tile In I ROUTI ... e ~ CouJle,. • no .. lbOI'' 4300 """""'""' pomta ahoppip&: -~ St.®. Mlftlt otaoe 1-.Uildlnc at (No..Stllln& frwoJ\ied) ~ 1ct1Ucbtn. SW inO. * 615-3:9l 1 7701 Elli• A)t. b', W.28S5 pl"lqle ~.Jo -downtown ;Exctiltnt LnComt lO't t.e.w BAWL B1ac* iji&S; ~. • PENINSIJLA POINT ' -H 11o Hairto I' ··°' ~ Lqwj( ....,. Air rood!' _., -•'Odl lllon <r .11u ~ IQ1~-j )~~No_ carpet&, 4 -f'¥ Jm.__rnedlajt ·~ ~ •r, ~UN ~~ l'HEPanlalba.'~:..tfo~• -tloned, eatpetfd; '.1 utif\IJ ~>-alftU18*-•~+~~~ ... : l 'mo ~ 6'734i9'14 dtalrable ttnantl. Deluxe a1J with fircPlactt seclude:d Jivq, ex'"' Jae l 1en~1: f'rontalt on lectll3a moGe)\from ooM• ~ 1 • •A 2 BRt.l BA. carPort, $167.50 d)Jbm_~n, &; 2 bti~. br, tz:21:c, closed pr._a(lulta.. F~ Ave"'.___~~ j!). era~-dilPUlen tn COi!!: t:.M. IT---:!~ ~~-yw:tr." Sl)o.WS.---·t• -=-ltiritat M&iie.et:r-... -$135. 1177 Carlie~ ·Ye' ·M\mdpe.l-~lots:-$50 --~ ·~ .ltellc.I i•nn;;;OWll;;;;;~ • .-.:.,;;;bl;;; .. ;;-,-,,::,.::-::-.•l'·lf'-,,.-.-i ~ -BA:·ne~m rt. ·:r.ltramar Qr. Mrt."Cbrtltlensin 962--7446 ~P'.'l'. mon~ tor ~-Desll \\e e.tl. route. (H~ SpanleJ male dos. $23. w1. ...... ~ t un.. ... _.... n... .. ? : '25;0. ~2402 . 3117·A ClMemon Ave.' NEW $150 \Ip. 1~ BR. Uc! chain •Valilble.fw 15. name b r • n d ~andy " •a.\\'a.rd. P lt t t t :' call' ,..••1• Want """"&• _, 1 Ii•""~ llllCh 3400 Hunllng~ ~ ~ eost• Me... llKl'<I ~ .., .... ~-!~" •~ble "':r~ ~~. ~~.= ~ "'.:,:e~\LA~~~~lr~E~~R : -• i NE\V '200 up. J-l-3 Bt, htd I" P hMt J46..1PI rm. lieU e Alionqwn. Mar. AU :tlllUes .,.id empt in . Costa''*-u.a. •e.nd STILL Offerlttt ~ for Special ..._ : ,_ DI\,' 2 A, dbl aars. & sauna PQOl1. rec rm. HeU i 84th1l3'f teleph<iie. . • name, ..... a »bone n~ tmtll white P~ wildew I LIMt -S tlm11 -S ltvcks : itlshwfillr. fencff yd, )Tl)' It ~-Mar .....w1 ' $700 .. , ... Appr,alH f' 2 & 3 BDRM. 2 Ba. pvt patio, l>AILY »ILOT ' ber to M111tlollat. fnc .. ~ blue collar. Lu .. JuJy ll:ULll -AD MUST INCLUDE ; lse $XIS/mo. f'l3-413t DEL'"""C' 1 • 2 Br at beach. 3 en J"" BA! 8lttrui1 fPtil, h.YJ. ~ I p 0 0 I. newly 2Z'l FORE!l' A~E E, Im=', lhJ'f .. Downey, ' VJc Ol. 637-SSU. fB..lCt 1-W!lat "'" ""' .. Tt'Ht. 1--wtiel ~ ••OI In 1,. .. .. .. _... ..~ "'""" .. .. '",t. E-··-~· ·-k -~ d led -Calif ( ... 'l'OUll ....,. '"""" ... ,.,... __, ...... ., ffY"111.lfl9. : 1 • ~ • Ba, ... 111e. ei= car, 219 '15th St .. Apt 7, MulJ.I, di-p1, •1e1.....:\I .... c y-.... • __'.,J;,\GtJNA-BEAOf • -•REWARl>: \!f! •I I '! • r , """'NOTHING ,011 SAL• _ r 1t•Dll OffL ,., : """" "'· pool, 1 bll< no"jft" --lbloeWw&lll with lam pa• ·5700 -HILlll! ....,., lot\,...ar lOOI "1". ' 'HONE '4~71 :' ~~ "2-41.M FURN. apt. pool, beach •. J or tio. Min yard~. $22,900. :oasti t I Ip alO National Co • .,.... a dlstrl· Pfea.ft. C.U...., Te Pl1ce Yeur TrNej-#1 P1redfM M •. ·.: Lotunt luch 3705 i pe(,p1e hltheSt q~.· Jut, ~: ':::' b!!!·rl3..:n~;;: Belch Apfs. ndustrl1 rep. bu~r Jw )'Our area. P~l'90ll LOST; s Punt&. iii' ...... · " -Aug. IC-2335 ~ ns.;, UNUSUAL Off Piil 11eltcted mu.t bt a&lf to de-yeUowttice bodiff. Vic trtb Haw U:rtt biayfrOnt homt, Lot. lilt mtmbenhip aub :'pa 'Yfts bt. FabuloUI vote J to 10 hrl. JU week St.,· NB. Rew. f15..ll12 pi6r le tloi.t, Bilbo& Penin, San Moritz, Lake GtttorY. ·( VJew, w/VI crpbl, drps. 2 Oran.-Ceunty 4600 2 BR-1 BATH APT• Ne'(' • J)elt,txe • 2300 1q, ft. "'!a· bids. (dpp ~ e~} .to ~t1v~ · _ · M. N-.ed .miller h o m '· .$~. \Vant late model car, " Br 1\1 Ba ~ N1!1v avocado •ha&' crpt, nt (!IC) 5., .,16 • 1500 tq. ft, Uftidtt root Neb e~ 'loUMQQeP '9"""811 . .. 6tOf N~ '1t Costa ~f,aa. camper, or lot in N. Ca.lit. ~ ' · SINGLE )'OWll adulUI, tux-& drapes. Lrs patio. W in -• 3 Bed~ ~ your prew:it poettlon, No Bto1'er 813-1420 6T3-9l2J 84T-26SJ. :; L.,uM NlfUtf 3707 ~~e~cuTf.!· • w= ~~,~~~=:~{ir:;~u~! ~f ~e~n3~~~e ~ro1;ef ~At" uae • boat :e-=·~0 ~~lll~~ / / a BJl, ~ AAz Ne~rt Sborea ~~".,."'~".~'-.,.,;,..~.,~,:-;-.~';..-:"'~,.~dot ;; B~3br 2 plete privacy. South Ba,y $l40, Adults. ~ $48-2978 (3 bJks w. 01 H. B. Pier) manuflc~ . .: Co~etely ~,_. !~,._!!'':di X'W,• -l!fqpp'/ • • • = =~·.~ : SNl.P FOR ; bl.. bl•.:::· ~~ ~kh~1;.'8·~!.m '(~~i 2 BR. $135. -Separate house, -RE·AL-ESTA TE ~H,.~ai4 lilocl 'lftll ftnced. ineet ~th' Bali~ "rt!!· · D8¥S after 11, 962'5931, eves Autos, tnlcks, lou, or ? ! ~, fp, $300 '17M500 . att. gar, crpts, drp 1, Gener1I '111ElitALESTA.TE1tS-al. $16~~n.,~ 11~ Bt :hJ. M:"?-5&17. * Sf2.7223 * CfHMlomi • 3950 · ··~r, no children 'or ' 846-7171 5-16-2313 cw~. For ~ediale 1"° • l VACANT LOT IN _Have lat TD. jS3,000,-1.Qa:, : _ _ntum ~ G•,.,.-.G...we---461Ja ta. ~W,8 _:__'. '.: R!!)t1.l1 \:YJ.M.tt,.. .Jtt0 teMei in . Y.9..YL..&Xt.& end.· ~ trt~ a-'1-• 9i ~RT BEACH int. due 5 yra & leased com- • f:W7Biaut. flii, WlJ.i. ~ 2 BR ,v/nrport, $110. \VatC!r 2-3 BOR hse yard for mid-C~d\eicftl 60l5 ~~ :4dJ."'1' al)d phOM ' WJU. ACCEPT TD'S mercial S~.000. $34,500 , furn, Country Cluli Villa. SINGLE Youna Adults Lux-pd nr scbool. 2192 Placen-age cpJe ~ ,pets or chU-.. ~~-W.Oa DlVlSION" "IANl'CE OR B_OAT. eqty. Wanl : Free 4 clear, :: Crpta,.drps, blt..ibS....For in-ury prden !_P~· With coun-tia:, Apt D. 63&-4120 dren,-dbl~ W:-?rerer-C.M: l2% NNN P.O. Box 51 iJ ~ ' 642-1&9& ' howie or units. Myers fo call 211-826-3481 or try club atruosjhete am ······--To $160. 5484217 aft 6. LEASEIACK Pomona,,C&l~ 9170 3 BR.• den, w/w carpet. 673-6T;,6. · 3~1·94.31 :A71e~J:"j.~s.S():i: Newport Bt1ch 5200 WANTED Tot:.!u.. 3 or 4 Br Will .ell 12,!X» 14. ft. Onnze PJ. ZU LOVE firepllct. El.ee blt·inl, diBh-~,..:OOJ..:..:a-,-. ,.,~,,.~.ooo~. ~,.,-m-,1 1 3 BR, 2 BA O>ndomlnium. ho 1350 1 ,,.50 Coty, brick otfice bld&.. J• •-& ft.a.._ ~. 2 ,.tSos. dbl• cu from dntwn LA, 5 min. erpq, 4J91:{'bl~~l~· db CHAPMAN Ave.. Garden 3 BR ] bl. Eastbluf.f area. use. · 0 .,.. · per mo. co m p. modemiied, fol' _...... -... p.rale. Trade for duplex, from fv.')' on paved rd. btwn ._ __ "115/ri KX>Z'?O Grove 17\4) 636-3030 • (.7U Domingo Driv~) Brand · CdM, Emerald Bay. N.B. Sli0,000 & leue back on All .. i,_ .. · ~ ,t, • e COUfiLIS e or equitu in IDlall&r hou.se. BellunlOnt £:Oak Glen, Tn! ~ . ..-~ mo. -ne\\', balcony )'le'v tron\ Contact ?.·Ir. ~allette £714) ..-eq11.1p fot pin& so.url" '1 AL~ la"unl a .. ch 4705 both master BR & Jiv l'lll a.IS-ll21 or (4.1;,) 332-5632 IOIJ&' l~t'm, $1.8,~ Net per b~,' bw:i: ovtn. · elect •· $1N9LU ~ ';;;;=i'"'.:="7';::-=;:--; tor inc. prop? 547-f469 Bkr.· .a t F • hed "' year: I atronc ~uh-leases. Cbfftti trlDdtio' pla:a1 fll.ftl, Tired ot. Bue. M&.11 1: HI Coat TRADE UM eq in 4 BR, 4 R~ted house. 50xl'40 R.-3 .: "'' I. um11 CLIFF DRIVE arta Irplc, dshwllu·, $315·mo. l or 4 BR ho~. FanlilY of 4. $33,460 Income. Att. nt: hot 'ehoc. m&chine, Sall• ...,, elu" JOIN'_,,.. Ba, pool tab . ot E G c; . '' Glneril 4000 ..!.: bedroom furnished Call Tu r n e r 66-1260 or By Sept. 1st. Up to $140 mo . 493-1706. strvie ~ tfttbr (wa· =! THE 'IN: CMJwOC: ald Ba,}., ·i..a~:. .:':h ~t.n~~: ~~~ -r::;: $9,~ • • ~18.fl.\82 645--2907 aft 5 ,.·r. --·~), ~-----OF M p ••-•·-l ' All Deluxe Fee.turH -I dustrlal RMtil ... _,,. __. .. -.. -.. _. DIV, J, , . Meet Ou111:re ouu1e or commer., acre-~t)' for unit• or '!'? Ownel' : $150. 2 Blt fw-n 4-pltx. a;ar. \\lalkin; Distance to Beach I BR $118, utU pd. Ne\v crpt, BUSINESS Lady desirea l n . _."' cafe fre~trytt. etc. •95'°; With YOUlt tntemts at our age, TD or yacht. C&mpbell, Bi'Ukir 547-6469. • c r pt s ', d r p 1, I a rn i I Y $22;; _ Yearly lease built·in range ~ refrig. lol' bclnn unfurn apt ta $100. INDUST Bldg in M·l. 744 W. P!Ofit rbuz.in. Total Value weekly part:iet or 1~J~ 4&4-1335 : welcomt. Ava.ii now. Bkr. 4~244t sinrle adult woman. Ad· 64J.0086 17U.. SI., Ot. 3300 sq .rt. $S3CJO, !ilJ .en all for '2590. ~m lndlvidaally •. (GALS NOJ\""' Tuatin LI.It, $1!1,SOO. TOWNHOUSE 3 Br, 2* ba. ; 5*6930 joinin& apt. for l or 2 e RENTAL SERVICE $32S mo. &t5--ll33. Eve1 Call 92>1llt er 651-llU Col-join FR.EE) c&u Leah 1.-1 Free··i clear, mO!t excl. Beaut. appt'd. Priv, patio. ' RENTALS persons $1.2'1. Contact FREE TO LANDLOR.OS 642-1479 . lect. p.m. IM-9!20. trea, fabulous vle\v. Tr, tor pool; r"' T""Dy, Val. $32,500. Cost• Melli 4100 Aph. UnfurnlsNd 548--5931 for appointment. Bille Beacon 645-0111 M 2 lNi>uSTR.lAL-.... .!=rn MANAGER/25% gutner tor * Al t?. Inc. pto;;eny w/spendable. ~'r! ~~r·~~ptt' 5000 BALBOA BAY· CLUB ex-e LANDLORDS e . ._..... wt ll·Jocated S«?retart&I 1 ·n B~.JtT-M&.1 I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;. I quis1 e r . FREE RENTAL SERVICE W 17th CM C2U) CU-5082 ....a·v•ce. wt .,., a~.,. .. t • e R HOME • ' $30.00 wk. up Gon1r1I • . ·1 I B apt '"'" or . ooncrot< bids. ·3000 '!1 lt. 741 •·-" M •· ,...,.~ -===----~NTED =~~ow~~ .. 11 yrrN.DJQM~f -.. unt Lst •. 642-7633 . Broker 534-6982 •. ~ sQ. FT. BLDG. 861 .= tc=tt~n. ~; Y,IS'IT~s·-yiv_g_ . T~~~lnn:+~-.w VWFut.DO<J<.-1 • Ind u.i. A Phooe ~-__ ~ I;,,.. .Eut..81ufl-, .. , ~ 5242. 'Wloma'ff'r Riill '-" m 5 . Pro!lu~t~~·· · ". -salary:"l .-.:-m~iyw -""")li)(T . ~ for """'"" ..Ubo<t trlil" or ! tor ...... r. ·-i"ltf&id SiiYiei;'TV iVaiL . DB!ACULATE :APTS! ·• NEW DELUXE-. . ,. I P&G, Dally Pilot For rtt0rd&d: ftl"'8ge that to 35:'. 142-J.4le 54S.Mll ' •New Cd! & Bar · ADULT 4' F.UllLY "b -,-&-1 for \.J ase COLLJ!",CE Park area, Olf1• tot• 61 COCXTAJL Bar; Tomoct. will cbl.Alt )'out lite call 20 ACftl ranch, 3 Modern Trees, trees on 'i lots with ..:;__ ~ 2m Newporf""BZvd. 5";5T'15 SECTIONS AVAILABLE 3rr.d" •Pt. uite.(,din 'i,-1esa., 1or Ofder pel'IOn or . . 1vouid make a •whltina: bar. OIUNCE 00. 541-1861 home., % wtlla; tencoo. house thrown in, lor valut I I • I ii J " - t I r ~ r : VERY sharp 3 BR, 2 baths, CloH to 1hoppl"f, P•rk rm.· ~~;a:e. ~uto. couple. 549-3802 MAGNIFICENT -· Owner .fM-5315 24 hour recordi. inst Trainltlf traek, huae barn, ol land alone; room to build. ' w/w carpetina, ,drapea etc. * Spacious 3 Br"1, 2 Ba door opener avail. Pool &: $15 \VEEK &: up \Y/ kit. Apt Ocean view lot in La&wa BEAUTY SaJOn. o wner , LICiffi D 14 ttalla; FOR. land, unitJ For N. E. san Diego, h r· Pool 4 recnation hall avaU. * 2 Bedrooms rec. area. Nr. Cathollc $30 week up. Sunny Acres Beach. $5,950 wi+h $500 dn. Re&90nabte: Newport Blvd, Spirl~ l\eadL'IC:s. uvic. Or T $45.0CO Eq. e75-6259 tin, Realtor 642-5000 ., NOW $200/mo. Aa'L *SWim Poal,.PuVl!'ff'n Church il school lee Corona Motel. 54&-9755 bal@$50per mo. CM.642-Ul2Cll'se.o515 on aJl fnatten.312N.EI stG--OU * Fl-pt, Jndlv/lndry fac'ts del Mar Hia:h. 49T-121o 497-1«!1 ~mr . : ~"It.ea!, Sin ~te .. bARGE 1 Bdnn {upper). 1145 Anaheim Ave. e ONLY $255. e GU9st Hornes 5991 ' 6150 Mtney te Lein '320 ,49UlSI, .US.9507 · Built-ins, lndry rm. Nr COSTA MESA 042-2824 865 Am1&01 \Vay. ~.B. * PRIVATE room for elder-lt1ncC<!M 10 AM· l~ PM O-rll " shpg. No chldrn $130 mo. TOWNHOUSES 2', 3 1:.-4 BR, ls! 4 2nd IWll tor qq:Sck _ JNfELLIGINT.f S!S.."70 • RENT • l300 "'· See •1 '" Ami&os ~1 in li<'d aucn -·· HOllSEMAN'S cash. -.. YoUf ..... UNMARllllD? C11Mnt, Concrttt '600 ;;-;, Bttter Jnc, Prof. NE\VLV Furn ~ it apt. l Rooms Furniture Way. N.B. 6.15-0033 HOa.4'ir =-i:r = ~~ This is ;'Our bivitatlOn to hap.. care for children, elderly, ·i \V/\Y cpts &: Ire frost free $20 $25 Ir UP Misc. Rent1l1 5999 "'5-pine.u. Phone 547$4:1 W * CONC'RETE \Vork. bond-convalescent In home-Mr; . refrlJ. $lti. lfo. 1 child ok. • . E11t 81\lf.f 5~42 A aecluded 4~• acre• approx-AlS6 buyers tor 2nd Tps. 24 hr recorded messaie. ed le lie. Concrete sawtnr. pital 24 hr 1erv, Hr-day-wk- 523 Bemird SL ~ Month-To-Month llentala GARAGES-10x30, $10 mo, tm,tely 350 yard1 ·from tbe Sitttler·Mortp.p Co. Inc. A PhiWps Cement. ·SfM380 vac. AWARDED PARENTS * EASl' SIDE * WIDE SEt.ECI'ION Presti"" loca11·on 10Xl5, $10 mo. Near airport. NtwPOrt • Riverside· ~ ~ Harbor Atta 20 )Tl. ffr•ctlve lx,ert ecusroM PATIOS• MAGAZINE COMMENDA-A •.. 11 .. -... I; 'IV'• avail. ' •• ' l:.AD c<l\A• wa•s. VH!w '-me --.. lete-!311 E. 11tl. St. YOUNG WOMAN TION SEAL. l BR tum, adults only. No .,.........,..0 , .....,......,.. " '"' ...... '¥ "'"2171 u~-· d ct will .... ,.."' ... concrete sawln& ' removal .. ts $95. 54S-Tf29 No Security Deposit ly remodeled with f bed· -.._......._. an r .... ~ •. you""" Sittlni Pretty Allnc• HFRC Furniture Rentals For Ieue, deluxe 1883 sq. ti: Income Prope~ 6000 rooma, l bedroom peat Mor T' .. ' ...... la,,~~t ~~~ c.n, .... "!."!~ State Lie. * S.U.llllO Subsidi•...., ol Gerber ' GORGEX>US New l A 2 Br. 517 W. J9tb, CM 548-3481 4 BR., 2\i ba. Apt, Frplc.. TlT house, all electric kitchen, .,...., ..,. t .,... .... .....,: Olli7-·-·r • • CONCRETE 'C\Wk all ~., ··uv1N rm poof aauna. dra"'"S, <:&Jllelr>, wet bar, i c~ a:z::a:: .. _ Pool ....... -·d·m. Prod, Co. 642.J274 I ;;,, ,.::,.,,,.: C.M. ;.....,, 1>61 WE. ALndn.$TBAnhmLUF17F4-2'00 pri,::-balconl<o; dbl •• ._ COMMfll(. CORNER !~~=i.,':"';.,= 50% DISCOUNT . ~...::. T;' !"'Z c.'llS.,.u:u -• -w =========I off ldtch. Dlshwuber, dbl. tine:. hay barn & tool room. Emersency . sacrifice choice 4ltes YoU Pl'Ntlect. ·No Haunn! •730 * * S.rvicea 6612 I New,ort Be1ch 4200 Brand new 3 bdr, 3 ba apt. oven, pool. Convenient 10 Hottett &pot in Onu1et Cnt)'., Full price $150,COO wt th h t T.D:s, 10"' int. cruaner-names l1f>ed until you p on Cir!!!' Cl~nl"I 6'25 YiJUS/aar Cleanup &move ':I SINGLE y ,,_Ad Its ..... v~ew,of back bay.from bdr &hop's ., schoola A recrca· nr So. Coast Plua & new tC!rms. For more lntorma. 30 Jy'rr..Syrd dQll~;!~?.,pay -~. SST·9"4 • · treea. ivy, dirt.' tractor 0 -.. u ......,. artat & Iv rm, hq:• fin>-lion. bole! site. 2.55 Acres ready tion please call G l e n n •• own. _.......,,..._., re-_ ~ !J'fl ·teeJC lincert·-.i CAJtPET A: Furn. cleanitla; backhoe, rra,dt!. 962--l'l45. J ucy prd~n_y? ~ COU& -plsct>; all bltinF.---Enry~ ONL Y-$325 -MON'fH_ . fordew:lopment; a~ loe. Thompson. -_: ---quired, (ntJ-stMD -dq or · to 35 tor tun 4 ... : tor 1 Uy 1erv1ce-~ quality HAuimc General ~ 1 tey club •~sphere and thing! $325 on a years lease. W AMIGOS WAY for re1taurant, automotive Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. eve.· Princ1ple;t only. . . C93-0316 com work, ~ Sterlin& tor hed&es, 'topped, trlmmedi i complete privacy. S<?UTIJ No children ot pets See at NeWpart 8e1ch center ek. Only $240,000: 1818 \V, C'haPP\8!1 Ave,_ ~~950 2ND_~ t.1_$21! Mon~ pan~.. .w , . brirhtness. "2-3520 removed, 8tc John; 6ti-4030 ,!-BAY~~S,Jrvineat 745 Doml"l'O Dr .. NB then Mjr. Apt. t thls liicludes i ••'-station Orange, Calit.-fi\Cr.l0%1.11t.,1llauelyn:., NEED ao@lbfiii txeitiaf C L I & GARG J ~ 16th Nniport Beach. call wner at 64.5-l..'!60 or cm:ner. SU-2621 Eves-Wlmdl SU-6727 on ocean view lot, Lquna !Or Your: ntxt pn1:y. Hire a ,,.,., ~y nt I ''26 , • cleanout, aometllMs : 1n41 645-m50 o:.A• o.~ C •-i .. 5250 e Pl!l.!!e Call: Torn DeMaio Beach. 20% diaoount Hypaolistl ~ evea. Aep1 r -:tor contents. Truh h&ulfng .. " .....,...,_, orona ,... mlr e REALTGR 11• 6"" """'" • · 54&-47C3 or Sf64912 1 CUTE l!l)'front .. , ou!t.bi• ,, ·~~ 11<: <9<-U3T ALCOHOUCS •--owo (•fl"ET L•YING NE\V 2 bdr, l blocks to .a •200 _ .. , ,.. r ""' Sf.>.,.,= A-.11--BO for tingle girt who likes beach. 4Qj !Ith St. HD .., 7 TIMES GROSS ... crMgti $6,ooo lST, TD on ocean vie~ £.bOM 5Uom.t Ol' tn'lta: t• C.A. Pate 642-2010 -. ..,. ......... , B swia:unina: & boatinr. $100 $175/mo, 962-4152 alter 10 -...,, 6 Units with a good rental 5 Ac. Rancho Clty of tot, t%. due 3 years. JOo;;, r.O.tlo:xl221CbetaMeu.. · Cleanup, la:e truck, carages : , m-. utU. pa.id, 51~1202 or am ~ record. Ocean aide ot Balboe. Oceanalde Cabin lrff11 di1COU_nt. 497-lZlO Sensitivity Greu11 lltettle1I "40 for salvaae. rotot:il, renov. ~ fl,. •rt• Blvd. Nr. churchea. ocean&: water, el~. FtP' m.~ · (497-1021. everun,s1 &'6-SUO or. "54:il3 6735 a \VINTER RENTALS e 2 BR. Cpst, drpJ. Ref. Stove. bay beaches, Good inv:eat• 2060 ~ ·ANNOQNCIMINTI ELECl"iUCIAN, m ~b too Houncl .. niftf :.. WINIFRED L. FOSS, Art. Dishwuhcr. Util pd. No , ON TEN A~ menl. Aakina SU0,000. TemJs. G4a. ' .... ~ tiift!tl:U Anneu11ceme-. .&•Jo am.it For prompt Jerii~ l>tAlNT·fft/comc'I, window! ... ..._. P•l•or<fiil d roo.1 •>BR.F,...~u.-BURRWHITE TAKR OVER PAYMEN'TSI -=' "'• -r&ll Sl;.<61• 54S-9063/~1 --11 to acrts, no down,, Neu it.... •• ...:.11 (II. -.a:&.., ... .a.. U -' 1,;;;;o;;;;;;,======J our •peciaJty. Xlnt work,! I 4 2 BR. apt!, turn .I: un· Frplcs I priv. patbiruu · REALTOR k Ci .. • 89t-474.l r'9V,.. ·-__, ....., naetactable Meft't reas! Rell. 642-9446 ... __ MODERN 2 Br. cpts, drps, Tennis _ Contnt'l BJdlt. put• La e & v• · PS..ta 6'65 "===--==--~ •w-.i. $165 to $3XI yrly, GE kllch, e.ncl. gar, nr bus. 2901 Newport Blvd .. N.8. FOUND Gtnnan SMpherd Cuatom-made hairplect from · CAltPETS, Wlndow1, f)rs, Anlla, Jones RUy. 6'f3.,g21Q $145. Adults, Mu. 124 E ~in&::~e. OW Mt-261! 675-4630 673-0&59 Eves. Mount. &·Delert 4210 ttm:aie,.~x: i mo. old. tran.rparent artWcW akin, CtrpM Vinyl Tile etc. Res or Comc'L Xlnt * Oean 1 or 2 BR * 20th !MacArthur nr. Col.It Hwy) 15 UNITS • NO .Black &: white. Vic. Santa Corntortable, naturaJ..loOkint. AD IQ.oles l\'\d colors ~·ork Reu! Refs. 54&-4lll Adults, no pets, 2421 E. 16th Ana Ave. 4 Del Mar. 2S'l2 Ort.nae Co. Hair ~ Free est. Lie. conlr. St. 646-1801 Cost• M•1 5100 All 1 story bldr. No vacan· Santa Ana Avt. Apt, E., ~~center; 433 N. Tustin, 5.fG.7'12 546-447& J1nftori1I 6790 AV AIL Now, laf'll! 2 bdr &'Pl cies, &ood return & minu.tca c M ...,., ... ,.o:-(1) m.OUJ. • 1-BR. duplex blk. to ocean. ----..,.----new crpts, painted. 1ilt·ins to oel!ftn. SMO~ftf1 • : · SiiviCI DlllC'toay l! .. ,.nlnl 6610 WAU.S, Window.1, noon.[ $140 yrly, uUl. pd. Mils. HARBOR GREENS sale nr rent at S200, Couple Only $120,000 a FOUND younc ml.le doc, ' . -Clrpels. Commercial ., 3ID W. Balboa 942-1272 BA~'-AR .. ~.,...from ov<r 45. 673.(1130 FIRST PJPNEER. "H •1iih D-1,..1'°-:::-edwn.lon"'rmhae~b.laJcl<uly-U ... ; !!l*'Y11lllllf -6SIO e G"AliDENE• e n..•dcntial. Dally. ., .. lky ELEGANT, view apt. July \..ru:.IJU' WllUj.Jl MOD. 2 BR, bll-in!!, RlO. g. 8~-4421 Eves. 841·.7l7S 'Ill .,. .... --" I\ and/or ?.Io. m-7350 24-Aua:. 1 $350. Adults. Call SUD. Also ava.il J • 2 & 3 disp, u,,i. terrace, view FANTASTIC 4-P~. Xlnt. Dry Air Fl•• J.tkt. Newport &IVd. COU.EGE Student: Babysit· EXPERT JAPANESE Bay & Beach Cleaning Serv !143-.. 2394 afU-r 6 PM. Bcinn. Heated pools, child uW . 1150 mo. 540-2266 nd, ,;.__ • 1;.::.J ... C.M. S4M8l2 tin& $1.00 hr. Nea.r Wl!Mn &: O:unmerdal Lalldscapinc "·--115, v.'indow,, •---, el< l;BA,,..,;CHELO;,,,'°"'R,-.,A"'o"t.->1"'n°"•...,,Ioc-.1 care center, adj to 1hopplng. :a~s,ua;;1:,w to oCdf &; Comeo Landscap_• F o u N D Ju J 1 1 7 , Harbor in C.M. lV e e k lilsintenanee and aeanup ......, R',;8 • Comc'I. ~i4'o1 C l ose to bay &: No pets. Huntington BNch 5400 South Cout Plau. $585/JFO NEWBERRY SPRIN&S Betce'lblack poodle type nfahta, or entire wee~. MIKE INC. _ beach. *"'94n, 6T>T876 or 2100 Peterson Way income, puppy Glen lofar Tract. Ask !or 8tcky 511--tm. CALL 642-5196 ft1perh•ngfnt 4*2250 Coata Afeaa !i46-0370 NE\\1 1 Br, blk to oc-e~n. $1~ Four Star Realty 835-4422 OUR BrookhUl'lt Ii: Ad am '• MLL BABYSIT. ~ home. ALLEN BROS. 1'1lntlnt 6150 '"'"'"s"o"oo...,."N'"E'"PT ... U"N"EP-, BR Srudio apt. 111 ba, •ncl W>f"''" 1150 htrn. 2112-A ""'"""====== ~OWN y 962-30!1 Nie. play room • fenced ;, GAIU>ENERS STUDENTS ---"'---..::.:::.: a:at, patio, · cpt11/drp11, blt-14th. 673-l'TM & 536-tll9 8uslnn 1 lt•ftt•I 6060 OWN LAKE! LONG Ila~ IJ&'er striped yil'd. Only funeh furnished. 11.'0rkire Wl)' thru collefe. SUBURBAN Palntirc/Dec Avail now 3 Br, 2 Ba, deluxe, Call TI4: 629-1492. ins. $150. Days 542-li24 NEW f.foclern 1 BR, cpts, • male kitten. Found Jn ~ack Near WeatclJU 1hoppin& Elt:p, Lie. ltcas. 646-4203 EX?ert Guaranleed Work Eve1. ~ di.'Pll, avail Now! BALBOA ISLAND ''IO ACRES P&tkil'I& tot of Alpha ~ta area. Call 5CM538 JAPANESE Gar d 1 n 1n 1 Free est, No job too large PLACE your wt.ttt ad wbereJ ~ '°'e°"R"°."""'sw~,~2-B"R",-=1m=-. ""'"'"'ci""':::,;:"';:;"'.;'=:-:;= I Top location. ~ + IQ' tt. JUST SOLDI '' 1.D..1', 11th Sll'eet. 6'2-&SOI BABYSfii'iNG, my borne. lttVioe and maintenance. or too small, 494-3191) they a.re ~ -DAILY Adults onJ¥. Call betore • J BR. 1%. Ba. Crpts, drps. 4 yrs remaininc on lease. I • l''OUND Gold " WhJte fema-115 for ~ne child, $20 tor Also cleu up. PAINTING Int• Ext Lowest PlLDT clas&tfled 642-5678 noon. 548-2900 Nr beach. $165 mo. 842-4085 $175. mo, \Vrlte P .O. Bos NOW AVA I LAIL • le Collie. Vlc. C.M. lie No. two. Ace• 2-1 vie. Hamilton e · S..l5'12 e contract~ price•. Fully lns. :. i===;=:======..:.=;;,=o.====,..,=-'======7.'::= 15315 Las Ve1u. Nev. . 1551 Call &46-3356or6U-10J A: Sterlirle, O t. &Ci-1946 Satiltaction auai:. Free e:st. G.ner1I 4000. ·..;.:..Oe:..;;..,.;;;...•;..l _____ •_ooo_o.=",.'-'"-'-----•-ooo_ APPROX 1250 vq ft ~ice 93 acres, with well and pump, ·, wtu. bl.byslt in your home AL'S G&rdenin: &: Lawn -':,,im::;;;W,;•.c•kt.;:..::6'7-o>-;.:1166::::~..,,..,. I 1--------bu lne&S prop in Town A level land tor lake, alfllta MAN S \\.'afch, vie. oI Hnbor by ~ k y :ftfaintenance. ~nunercial, •1 ' ; ' ' • ' ' '" ' i ' }: ' ...... , ec:mtry .sho~b\a center at ll"Owin&, aprieot , er nut or-• Vk:torii... \Ved. Owner trarlqort&~'eee:U..itDT o u r indUJtrial a: nnctential. INT~. i: Ext. Painting. Bee.ch & Elli~. For further chards. fish rl.lsini. ranch, pleue idea~. S4M.s7' * lf6..3629 * ~~ E1:8t!'~t~ ~ ~k info. ca.II 962~1 honet! liJAN'S Schwinn. bib vie. lrklr; Mutftry, ltC. JDf'i G&tdtabla I: lawn 66--0809 • PRIME Retail Location • Ovtr 100 man·made lakes in :."::1 cou~ C:.."'::,, & 65'0 ~~=-~I: c.om. CALL l\UDY 17X!O, Xlnt foot f: auto traf. . ~na._ _ ~ "'I•.....,~ . uim:-. p . ,, __ ...._ __ • -Odd fie. lBfi Harbor, C.M. area. J.-t MOS old tan female llUU..D, Remodel, Repair F.XPERIENeED Japanese linw11t~nt Jobs 646-6654 · 0r .Joactt :?G ae ~acre Rttrievtr found on lhe ~·tloek. c~n c rt t •+ (ardener. Rell&ble. 54~137! •M&.2726 • * BEA.UTIFlJL ~t'§ office p.fcm atililabat ':\Vtiy ~t Penlnllu1a. 117'"'390C crpntry, no i6b too mY.D for frtt estimate EXT/Lat. pntc. Aver rm. 120 suite, atr<ond. Best dC!al ill call for Information? Own0r MlLE Dachlhund vie oJ Bl¥ Lie. Cohtr. :t!' JohNoll'• Gardenln& ~ ~ ~&I~ work. I town. 64.)..2060 847.aD eveniha:s alter • 4 Maplec SL, CM. MS-Sm I 1,... Witet 6562 Finut equip., uptrt cart. ' · ' p.m.~or anytime weekends. BOYS Blke. OW'Mr' 1atntltr' "'"' Plantinr, de~. flG.2035 PAINTING by ·the hr or job. Office R1nt1I 6070 and claim. llM-173 DOCTORS BUSI!<!:$ l llE8IOEN· No mark·"P on mot•rl&IJ., "--""------,jt.,E. Vftnttd, ., . TIAL aon1eruoa l aean"p. c.or,. Mark. sr.1-rn1 FO R ·LEASE . ." . ..... "6t J~=t· ~~~ Exp'd 846 cm P~"JG • Int/ext. 2 Univ I-rel\tbl 541tll M1iAJP Specbilht! Mow-~niors. 3 Y1'll exp. Resp. Offjce 1pa.~. Qillop.,Ctattr, 300 to 000 1q ft @3sc per 111ua"' root. "DAVIDSON ltHlty 54i-M6I) l:ve&. ~l LOCATION: 118 E. 11th St.. adjacent to Stturlty Pacific Nat'I a.rut. CM. &4Mtt0 Or see owner at 11!1 E. I Ttb St., CM suite 2-A. $$MORE WH $$ VALUAal.E .......... Gol4· •· -·btr. ..... odd· Joh . t334232, 49'4<32'vc•. en l'letr1t vtr. white rpot on ... _. ,;, ...,,. -VETS Bond~ pg· che•t. P16w n tvm to C•rae1ttwln1 wn _.~ .... r---' . """ 1nting. JO l"or Your H-· Equfh• ~--~•·· bo • .._ ... _. ;.,,s;i; • ,±J:.i.; • . iiii1J;i; lawn tt:l'ViQ9 yrs In area, llc'd l iNurt'd. -·~ v •-w•-y, ~~. CAlll'lf!Tft'Y: mow, ~-•• -. ' 64!.-0421 Absolutely no colt • -' ' 6~&6. MINOR 80Al&S. No Job * m:i«,c * NEAT, Ekp. Painter, no to )'O\l the SeUert FOUND TUe84l.y J\lly 15 ,..00 ""-"'" Clbiritt iii _.., -~..,,-,-,.=-,-,,..--12 yt:an ot payina more caal'I ... ..._ ·--cut 4 Edp Lawn drinkine1 Colleat student. for 'OraDst Coml(Y properQt. pul>Of, female, put Cocker, _,.. a ~ t •• r cUlrittl. _ . Low prices! Stew ~ C&ll Iha Rott """"" -· lltadl l SIM!li, U nit -... ,.. Molntt._. Ll<anHd • PATCH p• ·~-·c. -·n .... ··-;,,:,' """"''· ..... Q.0810 M•• •• ~n. IL o. -~0 "' • -·~=· , ,,.. _.. .,.. .c '' .. _ ""'"""e-_.....,._ O\mpl All types. l'"'ree e1limat1. FOUNJ>..Bleycl<. VloCl&yk -• JAP~·-•--·· C•J 540-6825 NEW OtlllX• omto ,,..,.. BEut:nlY JACK'"" Rl""rsld• Av• NB. C.U to QUALITY lltpoin • Alttra• ""'· Expor, dcpondlbl•. ~~~=i:---,.-,~ 81> to 1D1 sq ft at Santa •Ul INn itltntlty. e.f&..i\iii dons . Nf w L'Ollat lly llOW trtt est. fO..CSt PAINTING ,Papering l6 YTl'I Ana Fwy a: Cron Valley ) · la Your Ad In ow-ell.Ultitdl:l. or CM!tract. 14&-36&2 ,.,,.,.,11 L rtt.ner ir Harbor area. Lie. t turnou. 831-1400, 411Mli8 R£A1TY ~ will "' ~ ttr PXR'tinONs. smau 1ttm0d. &xper, cornpt ,.lh:I aervictl bol1ded. 1tef:!l turn. 642.2356 r SMALL omces avalJ for \l Dial f0.6m ?.'tOve waDc.t. ite. lllitt/t>a)o F"ree ~•· SCto7*. 546-0T.!t 'fumltfnt '"° rtnt. 3410 \Y. Balboa Blvd, 1474CW er J4S4245 IT'S fuch.,. timt, itt-fteu! C,U Ken MIM6'l9 OON'TiuSfittiitor•m• ---=---....:= NB. 87>1912 atlt ldktSott evtrt SM the MASfER·oarptnter ,SC 1>61' ttltn, te r.mtsb YOUt hom~ PLU?i.t'BING REPAIA -,00 to ltOO$q. ,i:-1 !i~!'!!'!!!!!"!'!'B!'!'!!!!i!!I DAn.Y l'tLOr a1••tt1 Mur .. lltmodt\blloaep.in. ••. ftnd t-• b"1• 1n .. No Job ,.,. •mall SCllM·LITS ANSWlll IN CLASSIFICATION 8000 OFFICE, C.111. 646-21lo ) Dltl &12~ !Or RESULTS • ...,,.,. llOW!' -.. ~ • ., .. Ou!itl<d Adt. • 6!2-3128 . -=.::=.:::::..;::.:.::....:.:.:.:.=.::.:.=.:.;...;.:.;.....;._~~~~~~--"-'--'-~~ • --------------,...--~~-~-------------,...--~---,... -------,...-----,... -- ' • ' 1 . ( 1 E l . ' - 'j J Ii I J c ' I . -.c i F G 1C • r I ' .. L t i I l [ I I A • 5 ! ' ' • I E I I i I E r ' l J, ' I I SJ ' I E I I f ' I ' I R • I E I ! ' ' ' E I ' ' ' ' • ' . V ~ ... --,_ M l' M • • · , , · -Tuotdl!r, Jiiiy 22, 1'169 • • DAll.Y P!W U SER ICE D Rl~TO!Y . JOIS ~-I P _ OY ENTJOIJ A lf!\tl.QyMlNT _JOBS 0~:!-0YMINtJOll_S &-IM~LO'tMINTJDa$ &.IMPLOYMIN'.f jOIS~l~LO'i'Mlkl JOIS & 1MPE_O~N.TJ0u:&:EMI!~ .R_•_rnodt-;-· '--.'· .. ~-+.,.."""''-Ir_. -'-MO..,,· I ~la.lntl'.ll<flon 7600 .s.,~1 .. 1 .. _1ructlon 7600 • School•lnllructlon 7600Schoo1Mnllrucffon 7*S•hoolJ-lnllrvdlon 7600School,.lnstrvcffon 7600School1·ln1trvctfon 7600~11ol~1tr111t1on 7f11.0 * II' )'OU "'oil; ~ • . palntl•c•;!,. rft\>aln. -Clo!l I Diak. 64119t; r-1"~ 'I J" 69Sj) Roollnl .• Schools and This-variety of fine schools could introduce new tomorrow. For further 1nformetlon re9ardln9_ th• Dally Pilot sowin..;'-' . 6ffO ·~ • IJ"'1'tionl Custom Designs nslruct1.ons Schffl1--_._•1ui_ln1tructi.11 Olr.ectory ;..: 1 __ ·-* Alterotlont • 642.$145 Neat. accurate, 20 yea:n ~. TILE, Coromlc · 6914 * vune, 'n.e TUe Milli * ~t. work; lmtall & repa.Jn. No job too am.all. Plaster patch. Leaking 11 b o we r repair. 847-1957/846-03)6 TrH S.rvic• 6980 ESTATE Maint ~ Sel'\' Removal &: trimmings, ,free estimate, Call Sil.fl088. Upholllery 6990 OPPORTUNITY .OF A LIFETIME be. .. - STORE DETECTIVE Men and women desperately needed NOW to help control shoplifling. • jr TOP PAY *LEARN AT HOME t ~harle1 Glazler 2441 Marino Drive Newporl Beach, CA1¥ornla Chilcoal Typing Scllool 173 Del Mar Avenue Costa Mesa, California 548·2859 COPRE' on the be ach of Balboa COPRE' SCHOOL Announces SPRING OF 1970 CALL 642·5678, EXT. 325 . ·$·12 For 6 Weeks Course on tfle HAMMOND ORGAN You do nol have to own an lnslnunt11t. Free practke time available. Rellster now. Beginners classes start on l'ues- day, July 29 at 7 P.M. Excellent teacher. Also claoses for secondary & intermedl• ate organ 1ludenls: Sign up now & avoid the. ru~h! Classes start Thursday, July-Ill. -C'LYKOSKI'$ Cl.It, Uphol. ' -""""~'" <;rat-hip . 100~ tin! &U-1454 Write noW for inform•tlon •t no oblfgatlon: Dear. t~~r: l am going into the 9th grade whrn I begin school again in September. From teventh grade on you write manp reporta hl #hool. I feel that if everu one knew how to type many Europe1n , Studj Progr1m FPN ·ENTERTAINING-· KNDWLEDGWI:£: 1831 Newport Bl., C.M. JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Job Wanted, Lady 7020 XLNT Care lqr Yout children &/or pets in )>our home for vacationing parents. Xlnl character refs. ( 7 I 4 ) 174-5505 MOUSE Cleaning by hr. $2, bab'ymtttng e v e s • Sl hr. 962-4.543 : Job W1nted Men & Womon 7030 Permanel1t. Experienced j Far East Agency 642-8703' George Alleo ByJ&fl(l Agency Employer Pays F.ee lQS.B E. 16th, SA 547~ J!!!p Wanted, Mtn 7200 EXPERIENCED FRY-COOK Full time, nighta. Mature: lead cook. Apply in person between 2 & 5 PM. COCO'S 2ll1 WESTCUFF DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH MECHANICS SECURITY TRAINING INSTITUTE, INC. P. O. Box 4327 . Anaheim, Calif. 92803 N1111H: Addr.u: City: State: PhOM: o.,,. 155·1 Anna's Pre-School -15' Grade ANNOUNCES F1cilltie1 for Enl1rged Enrollment Register ~ litUe ones fo r: • A Full (fun) Leaming Program •Music e Art • D1ncin9 Line Mechanic, Air Condi-e Cr11tlve Activiii11 tioning & Electrical Mechan- ics. 50/S<l. Exceptional work· ing conditions; new• ta.Cttiiy. large volume dealer. S a n Diego Freeway & Cherry Ave.. north. AP-PLY IN • Hot Lun~n A Snocb • A9H 2 throvgh Ill grade PERSON 2.110 Thurln Ave., Costa M111 Ph: 646-1#1 PACIFIC Atrro SALES 3600 ChelT)' Ave. Lting Beach · of 'their ,as~nments would seem a lot ea.tier to do. Also, many ~ople would n.ot. have to broadcast the fact that they h.Ove b"act hafld. !D"iting to the world! I think your method is highly effec:tive and should be taught in 1chool. Thank uou verv much. Charles Glazier • COME SAIL WITH US ! 'h OFF ON· FAMILY RATES -. Learn to sail on 26' Sloops Courses 9iven1 BEGINNING INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED • Soiling technique~, Th• student is introduced to the fund1ment1l1 of s1ilin9 1bo1rd 26' Keel Sallbo1ts, He be- comes f1mili1r with the bo1ts respons• to th• movements of the ·helm ind learns the basic ' techniques of s-1iling the boat to windw1rd ind before the wind. CALL FOR FULL INFORMATION SOUTH . COAST. YACHTS 1100 Woll Pacific Comt HJtlrwoy NEWPORT HACH 645-1133 for qu1tlfytng Juniort: & Seniors Testing for fall enrollment.now 1n progress SUMMER SESSION JUNE 2Srcf thrv AUGUST lit • Art -~- • COJJ.venatlonal Spanish • Typini • Remedial Math and Enrlish ~ 710 E1st Oc .. n Front B1lboa, C1lff., 92661 ph. 673-8610 • . Newport Air Associates Flile School & Flying Club LURN TO FLY $500. IPl...r .. A...nat,l•l Cornplet• Co11"• ln,l11dt11 40 Hout'I flight t ime in Cessna 15011 with 20 hrs. duel instruction. Club membership. 2 Month's free dues, lndividu1l instruction, tailored to YOUR 1bility. OTHH AIACRAFT AYAILAILE ot LOWEST RATU IN ORANGI COUNTT learn to fly now -and hive fun! • Fly Mn~ •d C.1d• I • Special Rat., fOf' t:ommtrdal and IMmnoet slud .. 11 - For Complete D•t1l11 Call NOW 673 ·0313 Rent 01'9ans Available \ During Term of Course. Register NOW I lnqulr9 for dotolla Hammond Organ Studios 2154 E. CoHI Hlghw1y, Corona dol Mor •71.ff.JO o,.. M...., I ,....,. ...._ lrulividual Attention . For lndividuat-Growth!- HAPPY CHILD Pl'.lE·SCHOO.L Sponsored By FIR-ST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH N~erl1n, Inter-Racial, Non.Profit Licensed by tho Stole Director: Mrs. Bruce Harrington H•ppy C~ild Pre-Sch_m 650 HAMILTON, COSTA MU.A 962-3185 e DESMOND'S e #3 Fruhion Island Newport Beacll NEEDS Pmnanent, full time -JANITOR- Help Wanted, Mtn noo Help Wanted, Mtn 7200 Help Wanted, Mtn 7200 Help Wanted, Mtn 7200 Help Wanted Women 7400 Help W1nhld Women Holp Wanted 7400 Women Help Wentod 7400 Women 7400 WE ARE LOOKING SALES All company benefits, plea&- ant working cond's. 8:30 to 5 p.m. Apply in person, BOYS 10 • 14 Carrier Route. Open for *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! . FOR MEN WHO ARE YELLOW PAGES * * ORTHODONTIC ANbtant .1-------- •. LOOKING AHEAD Local ,_ <IU<c!Dry J. c. Penney Co. d()ffitlece M"ll'· •• ~~:"""~~ • MllDl!ll•s • RN or LYN LYN & Nul'HS Aids Let us train you for a career_ Orange 0>unty area, No tra-Fashion Island ,:.tuiity.~...,. ~~tt'; UUDUI Lure progrnEve ECF nee48 in insuratice An opportunity · vel, above ave rap earnings, Newport Beach I:. judgment re q u 1 r • d. (caillom)a Licensed) U. Orientation provided by a to learn the ·bU5iness & earn full time work. Will train. Salary open. 847-6070 Costa Mesa full time, In service, educa- LaiUM Beach, So. Laawia DAILY Pn..ar 642-l!n Must have clean Calilom1a ~viE't.:OW'e:~·:IYco. extra money on a part time See Mr. Frenzel 7:30 PM. Tull ti.me, 4 to 12 tor. Openlnp on all ablfts. basis. before leaving your Th.un:. July 2-41.h or 8:30 AM NEEDS A BEER MAIO NOW Dltterential pd for IWilWtn 186 E. 16th St. present job. Become: a full Fn, July 25th 6a:J E. Broad· Apply evenings: OFFERS A Apply in person & nite ow1s. Only tine who time agent when qualified way, Anaheim. * COOK * SCOTTI ES care need apply al 1030 W. C05t& Mesa t!:XPERIENCED Se r vice with a guaranteed income MAINTENANCE man for fteetont succeu:ful .xperlenee 436 E. 17th St. · Huntington Beach Warner, S.A. 5'6-64.50 Station man, full time, ,...____;_.......1 per mont h. wqrk around apartment In au 'phase• ot the food in· Costa M•se BOOKKEEPING Cbnvalescent Hospital Exec s.cty f0'$650 permanent. Hourly wsge + "'"I"'"'..., .... "" Farmers Ins. Group bu Udingg.. condominiums, dllllfJ'Y 11 requtttd. Competl--POSmON-1879'1 Delaware. St., H.B. Xlnt oppty, dy'namic r a• t commission. OVertime pay • BUSBOYS Ed Lani 540-1834 etc. Full time for property Uve·waa:•• and outstanding COMBINATION, Sharp Bar Experienced ar6wing Newport Beach co . • 11 .. 40 ""· 990 E. Coast. DISHWASHE"S -DIVISION-management company. h<nofits lncludlni profit Maida & Go G< Dancen. (port !Imo) w•nnnrES Call·llaY. 54~5410 .. Hwy., NB. ll CONTROLLER N~~ carpentry, elec~eal. t,harlna:. Top w~s $3.00-$3.50 to AllKW Jason Best EXP' M painting and p 1 u m b 1 n g start. Pb. tor int. 545-9983 Apply In person EmplO)'ment Aeenq lime~Sat. ~J~ ~ Apply in person skills. Salary open. Submit APPLY IN PERSON S~ LASSY, 2901 Harbor, 1555 West Adama, C.M. 2120 So MaJ.n, S.A 19th. Corona del Mar. Apply Rapidly expandini; micro-resume to P.O. Box 1810, 10 .\M to 9 PM C.M. GIRL-ting~-tarly ~ .. e' in-foDray-lc N~tth,.t Sh-Ill FRY. COOK • REUBEN E. LEE oloctronic manufacturer,.._ Newport Beach, Ca. ""6:l Mo~·-,._, F"•·y LEGAL SECRETARY ""'' • v ~ work, -Ma•·-, -~····• , .... in person, 3100 E. Coast quires Division Controller. ,........, ...... ,. n•... ,,,..... ~1""•~•o.%U oa.q Hwy. Position reports directly to MEOIANIC Fut, accurate typist, good Require& krmvledp 0 1 MANNING~s day or evening, full time. 1'EXP='"·o"'."'B"'u"s"'oo=y-. "'A-pp"'1,...,.1n'1 151 E. Pacific Cit H-v general manager. Cost ex· Foreign car. BMC & Ferrari J ( paiNEY CO on phont, Some sbt.'ind. shUmd. good 1yP1 n g,, COFFEE SHOP CllJ lot: intnview, Marie "' · d ,_. N rt dealer """"2 exper. mon. 5 • • U1 • Small b u • Y office, HB. purchulng oxper. d.,lrable. Call-~-··~ ,_ person jf over 18. Surf & Newport Beach perience es,.~ ewpo day week. Proven hlgh 536-8078 or 83IJ.6460. Willing-to learn a: grow w/ 24031 El Toro Rd. . r ..-.aJ, ~. Sirloin, 5930 Pacitic Coalitl----s"~A7L~E==s'----Beactr location, earntna:s. pa.Jd vacation, 24 Fashion Island File Clerk & company. p 1ea1 ant sur-Lag\lna mn. 837·1014 Executive Secretary Hwy.N.B. YELLOW PAGES ContactA.J.Egli unlfonns turnlshed tree, Anequalopportunity Od p I $380 roundings. Apply 215 MAIDANDSTOO<WORK Frilla~benefits,bo.nus.Faah· JANITOR full 1· · ht emp1--r er roceasor 0 Riverside Ave., NB Pe-·-n• tor•:-___ ,,.,., Ion bland office. e .. i .. -. , 1me rug Local telephone dl~ry Group Ins,. & o the r -~.-.. * Good handwriting .......... ., ...,.,. .... .._.. p~ 5-• work, good pay. Ben Oranie Cnunty area. No RADIX benefits. Call Joe Moore * ·Independent Personnel • Typists clothing store. Retail ex-~ la.>De a.tier p.m. Brown's Restaurant, South travel, above aYetage earn-CORPORATION 642-9405 I !!!!!!!!""!Do""!Y~'lT~ak~e!!!I'"'"" lnG Orange Ave, SUlte c • Stenographen ~~A plybelpful. or wW Laguna. Mr. Gates 499--2271 ings, full lime work. wur 184 E. Liberty Avenue • BUSBOY ISALESOU MEN C.M. 642.oo:li, 5t5-0979 • Prlv Secy. Recept UQ.lllo p : EXPtull Eor~CE-0. ~ut· SERV. STA. A'ITNDN'T, train. Se~ Mr. Frenzel 7:30 Anaheim 819-4360 ( ll) General Co traeto will be I _... ui.-..... ovor. 18. Exp. nee. Contct PM, Thurs.Juty24thor8:30 Full . '"""Appl In WANTED) OPERATORS ...... In Sann r · o-BAa<: STREET houn.Bent.on'aCcffeeSbop . • CARPET LAYER. time eveL y per-ca= IA Ana • now Fublon laJand MIKE. AIRPOR't TEX· AM Fri, July 25th.,. eon 2 • 4 P.M. . with. a -'n 'Y salt'!' can·t Expel'ielad on d re • s e.. taking applicatklnt for per-Newport Center ~.~_£out. Ltauna Beach. ACO, ~78 Campus Dr. ME or EE or Equiv. .... .,, QJOrtl wear, zippers. Top manent p(isjtions. General · ~ -· · Newpt Bch. Production EXPERIENCED BOB'S BIG BOY ::...":' :~=..,~~,'~; Pay. Al"' PRESSER, con.tructlon ......,.""' de-Clerk Typist to $il4 F/C BOOKKEEPER EXP'D, .2nd.· shift lnjeclion .Superintendent ISLANDER MOTOR 154 E. 17th. 51. be diaappointed. The Job N::;,~~~ ~ !:~es~ =n~! ~. o:~tl~ta ~chi:: ~~;; ~~ Molding Foreman. Gd· Englftffr to $1100 HOMES, INC. c.o.ta Mesa 1eldom lived up to tlll ·~ u ... u.•o ben·s. Apply 9 to 5 PMC. Fee rcimb. Abo fee Jobs. 2135 Canyon Dr., C.M. BOAT ASSEMBLERS. Muat clal ln the.ad ·BILLING CLERK .struction C.O., 5670 Wilshltt ...-...... GIRL. Alfredo's Hair fu. SMAIL PARTS JN • Ind nd nt p I 642."758 .. • ·--To Dmo' You·R-SELF I nit••· 1day at12.77 -hr. Blvd., Sult. 660, LA 900.16. JASON ·BEST -. -Av. Bal. Ill. C M. epe e eraonne exper. .. ....... p pay, . ..-· A ... -E .. 1 ... --\ ,. • ., ....... m..ano 1346 Logan Ave.. . . 1TI6 Orange Aw., SuHe C Jr .. Acci" to $900 plenty of overtime. Perm. Inquire; Penonnel Dept .... ntlon: Leo Nlerne. m"""', ....... ,..e .... ., 1..,.,.....,,=,..,=.,..,,.,...-1 TRAINEE J!l.24. rad.o. gar-C.M . .,.,_ ... -..,111on. No l•y~a.. ' A FAVOR I Hoag Momorlal Hospital, Gal Frldoy ..... 2120 So. Main, S.A. . SALEhAOY wanted !Or"" igt door tleid. service & ~. ~,,, • Fee paid. Al .. fte iobB MERIDIAN LTi>. lo 9 2 o AND NB. X1nt growth post~~eas-EXPERIENCED Ce!llOl'Y aaJea. Exp pref'd. Jna;tall, Radio repair back· Accountant to $1000 fndependent Personnel Hawthorne 8 1 vd ., EXPLORE GENERAL ott.ltt htlp need· ant working conditions, tn WAITRESS ~!'T-~~. ~ ~1'111· giound. Alao P.T. radio re-Fee pe.ld. Local oon-di!:fense 1TI6 Orange Ave., Suite C Iogl~ Calif. 90304 (lJ.3) ed • .Accurate typln&" requJ.r.. Newport llnn. C1.1J. Kay, """' .,-y...,. ~~ ... ~ palrman. """400. co. 1111&10. Send ...,..,. •• C.M. 64U.<126, 515""'9 ~<-5200 • . THIS ONE ! eel, 50 WPM. Call 6*-0293 54&-5410. tP[ily In Ponon DEN1AL ASST., ....... at RETIRED Man "' open, call LaOTY. 546-5410 COOK.fry. exper, -. man p ..... ~I Cont I I? -· would ... _ lo make 8:3<)6 uk.for Mrs. Betry. .J1-Boll S p & SIRLOIN ctou chafrtide. Exoell. op. cl... • dean --"'I -o·n Jooon n.,, ... ._. r """' on ro ....... ..._ · ___;;,,, __ ,"'' ·-·~· .., ..... iu ..... ~ who de1irts position w/ Cl k to e:Uft $250. per week immediately. COCK'rAIL waltrea. full Empklyment Apney , · JNl}"l'"l"· ~ leundry on , W. J.9th St. Employment Agency future for Inter 11te M er ....,_ WIUt an -· .. ity lot time Be n B r Ow n • s 2120 So. Main, S.A, 5930N Poc.rtC!t: H'wyh • i itiIDS • Hotel/MOW ·-_,1 :ruo So. MAln. S.A. · Schre.:...1d Mr.• 81· •ak, ..!7· Xlm DPPIY with vital. atabl• .,~ .. -· · owpo -ac .......... ~ • ~-.,..~ '"" ._. 4Q Call Bert. 546-MlO inuch m~ in· the fUture, Rett.aurant Ir. Lounge, South CURTAIN a: drapery -.-..-.nee. ~·°" -· F.!sTABLJSHED I~ • HELP WANTED Fairview, 0-f. 64U'i3J co. Jaton Bett I would like to t&lk to you. Laguna. A1k: for Roy, saleslady exp'd. No pb:me ASSISTANT MANAGER for Call 67).9CIO t:.eada avail. N.B. office. • Boat Carpenters s TE R E O C o m po n en t Employment Aa:ency U yuur qualifications match 4994271 can.. UdoU's. So. Cout specialty ahop. Must be wAih'EO: WI&: 5t)ill.lit, expld ~C'Arttr oppt ~ • Boat Mechanlts aalesrne..n. Koowl of tum!nt 2120 So Main, S.A. our requirement&, this could BI K 1N1 Barmaid/dancer. Plu:a wUllng A able to a.uume p/time, aood Pll• C.U alt 6 •Cabinet Makers 11teren eomp'nfl.. M/be 21. • be the C&l"ffr you've been J\lll or part.time. Ccata ASSIST • ...... To help -· In respom.iblllty. Retail °"" p.m., 540-m'T 1 ASSISTANT CHEF 6: clallb· e Journeymen Ph: 'Lee lfaii &f&..88M PART Time bdp wanff!d: No looking for. can for pel'IOOll u -. my •. .':::.:_ I ,_ a ~::., 5 perience required. Apply· at n....o. T'--Clerk T-arouod cook. Country u • e •--1 Fin'-"-n -.. VftA..i.,......, ......,.ittd. 4 "'"·-, .... __ .. _ M ...,.,.. ....,..,~ ..... ...., """""' r·-ONS •~• ••• 96-5446 DQa .. ,"" DRAFTSMAN ilb ...,.....,. ...... ,.......~ .. -.......,.. ""c:.-vlC!'Wbet.lOAM&lP 646-'lXll dt,yaawk.$65.Mn.Nelaon _......., ·NNU lot forS.·"-l:LOl.ll top wage:a. 4 Savann1h-Enterpriu1 . . "' week. Sb.ldent or tttired. tn4) 53f..1'101 BEA'-Ol' E.R ATOR S •" -• , p•... South Cout Plau. Mk .;;,~0 EXPERIENCED shoe sale• Tl6 w. i:th St., C.M. 1Ccretarial ~ ~slftd for Apply In f>ttion only, Neal 's ui L ~.,.... .,.. Miss T ., ... ......,.. man. Inquire 245 Forest ARCHITECTURAL Oceanographic firm. Ot Union Station, 3QOl Ntwpott Help Wintecl !'Jlted: No f o 11owln1 GENERAL Omc.. 4-5 1a --ir.iier Tr"" $i25 SPECIAL MAcliine Optraiiii Ave., ~Beach. DRAFTSMAN, Ca11 collect 548-3486 mvd, NB 'Womeri 7400 nece-.ry. 875-4232, 675-3701 daily. Exp necetlal")'... X1nt o~ for ldvancemv1t, tor Gannent au,r. Dl;p. EXPERIENCED couple. for Intermediate Exp-Tom A FACTORY Trainee. shirt LUBRICA.'iiON man for • LEGAL ISECiitTARY, mtn. 54S-4Mo. f0.71tt beaut ntW Newport Beltbl,;;""';;;,· ;.;~;,..;;. ;;;..~~~-•; Ji'IOta manaaement. Sunn,y Truskier Architttts AiA work. FARRO C 0 R p. ditlcl trucka. Some light WANTED: BARMAID tor :, yrs. exp, Se.lary open. WAITRESS • OVER 21 oUlcet: call EdH 546-$(10 Dt.'NTAL Aalltant • Cbilf Jtfm Motel 54847$ Hunt Harbour, 846--0671 Flberglau Oivialon, l8Sll mechanlal work. Er· ntce bar. C.M. General practice. ~ Dey a: 'Mn&rw lh1tL J'ASON BEST aide OrtbodonOc omoe. PROFE&!IONAL MECH.AN· k E c H ANICS.IJtpertenoed Rd. Hunt. Bch. ptr\eneed only-nee<! apply. Call 6Q..488l ORAL •uraet"Y office. Im-Call: $45-$1163 EmJ>leyment Arf:ncy * fG..2MO *· 1C. S..tuy .It percentqe: w/inboarda. ootboa.rda ' EXP"D .. shoe man needed. Baet Tranllt tnc., 8'11 W. HOUSEKEEPER for 2 aftnr-mediate employmtnt for MOTEL MAID wan'9d. ~ 2120 So. MJiln, Santa Ana MAnm.E • Part ttme Tont Sba.rp Union OU 67J..3320 stemdrlvea. Call Anchor GUDE S BARNETI', So 16th St., N.B. noons per .k. 'Illes I-dtntal ualltant X·l'll.Y ex. ply.: to:n ~ Dr . lntcnstlnz • owknitnr kitchen betp tor Dell. (ppty Mfl,'i Yl,LOT W'..vn" "'°s Marina . Jtepatr, ~ Coast PWa.. Costa ti.tea CHARGE your waai: ad now. Wed. A,partmfnt 5'8:-7150 pelietlL't, Call $18.::'nl.9 N~ ~ Commlmurate si.taq. at119 E.,J.7!1l=.C)L · BRJNG RF.biJLTSl btwn 9-.s. CHARGE )'UW' wtlnt "ad now: -Find n wtth •mt adt -White ~tsf White !.:le~tsf . CiiAliG&:lri -P-.. ..n U.1#14 /-Wh.ii.~L • I -. . ·-i I I I ' f I J I ---· ----,o:;=c: ------. . ~·--~----~-.....--.... ----------------~-~. -----------. • Totsd.11', Ju~ 22, 191>9 NT JOBS" MP M NT .M RCHANDISE FDR MIRCHANDISE FOR Ml!RCHANDISI! F'Oll MERCHAHDISI FOii PETS and LIVESTOCK TRANSPORrATION -Holp..W~tld SALE AND r~!_~~ AND!,_~! '' ~~~ .~e T~DE -~I AND TltADI FREE T.0 '(Qij_ Dogs---8825 S.llbo&ts _9!JJO ~ 7400 W~ 7400l;';:";:m;:l~tv~re~;~il;OO~~;F~u~ml~tvn~;~·~~·~•;liP~vml=hlr;•~-·~·ll;;O;;+;.ol:Mlt<~~.n~~·•~00t~.Jt~~--~ll600~· ..... p..o.1 No. 32 00 1 ,. 0 .,. ~. --------,. ll'REE To qual. home. lov. ALASKAN Malarnutes_WlV CLEAN. SAILS GOOD 1.0\'U.Y "'""'le Credent.a J)W"e bred Beag)c'!, male. dog pups). AKC, beautiful $2000 Jl9HO!! -LEGAL -JTT JABSCO ~ : with . ~-bottle 1 Needa fencd yard and colori~, great famll)' dogs, I'=='=;:::;======! SECl!ETAR.Y • ~-.,. ...._!'.... 8 "" '011 d re.n. AU lholll. friendly, lovlnt, •"Y to Spff~kl Boats 9030 · ~.,. .nn-........ .f. •peed 894-.J.041 7/34 Crain. Perfect show dogs, l-'--'----,--- ()u:r 61\N\ ft. W1.-.houM "-n to~fntTI...t automaUC.p'bonoc1'apli5Kitt nd •L-' good for bre e d i n g t6'i'8CL.S.6'~8Jll.n-..v 1 , per month ~ _,... record albuma. KeftMOl"fl et11 • Mou.:r to good Re~~--· b 1.-· ~ sew1 mach1ne ln mc&rn ho~ 2 Mlle too mother &"'!"''~ pun! n.'d. ..... v 48bp e11g, Atncr, till trlr. TY OF • COMPUTll ' ~ .,. -and White, VI! ""'492-3513 vhoyl.M41$, I!-&'1 cond. -~ll.fjEWi>ofl""6EAC .ONll ---r· -11 'r::;~':~: ~ -.Jg:Joaom;.i.~~~~~~~~~j,AAH!!l~~~-,;;;;;. ,,;~.~.~-~ .. ~~;;.:t.1~-i &I Enc:Ydopediaa, m J 1 e. are t:aUoo. 546-7450 7/24 puppy. ARC l'f'g .. 10 ~. 151' Cbul:!lpar till Sllilor IW lit::=-1"-··""o-o1 murucll'!! J;OORDIN~TQIL 3·Rooms Sho ........ ---Fumlture·°"'"StOOO'YCll•/$389·t5 ~~ ~~~ MITl'Ef:!:T~.,,. read> ma.;•"' tan. -sohv '•=• .. $395 l~d ~utier11¥'!ittfttafY to - -. -. W•VV••t. . = . • • , ~'11 sille 10 aOO 12 dttq. tar: ~ ? 'Nb, have COCK-A.f'OC)-Puppie!J, Z mos •the assistant city· a{lorney. Musi have senior key· • ti, hioU:w1, IXl!lla, puraet, ahotf. ~tra cute with their old, all blttck, no pa pers, $$.1 ==========! Attractive olfke on the ... ponoh I v.rlfying .,.,.,;. Examples of 1001 other once In a Ufetim• .specials! ...... 7% .. I. """""" ]J;g "'" Will dellvu. Call 846-2721 Boat Trailers 9032 ftub~ BaIOoa. Penl.mula. enct. IBM. GOQll WQJ'ki~" e 5 Pc Game Sets wrought ·iron from $59.95 • 8 Ft Dec Divan & Love ~1 Dbl •he et 1 • after 6 pm 494-3838 7/21 Black m.illiature poodle,-JltGHWA y Trailer Requires three ~ani of ~tc~ condlt»ns •nd bene!lts. seat •t49 95 e 60" Heavy Spanish Coffee table $29.95 • Lge Matching blank.eta. linens, closet ao. .J. LONELY tiger klnen female. A real cutlc>! boat. $100. 61S-8563 far 12' ographtc experiE'ncel within ' · • S . hLa l $t•9S •G cesaorlea. AU Bargain waiting far oow home Sweeksold.$25.962--&IBG th(" last ten yeani, Including EQUAL OPPORTUNrrY Lamp tables $19.95 • Decorative pants mps !'Om . uar ~ce• or will trade for mue sweet ri is Po s l t I o~ M . E . at least one year of respon-DilPLOYER Box Springs~ Mattr':,fses $19.95; 15 yr. Guar. Qu~1~y Kings & Queens Chip atam'(lll ot S&H Green 968-UM 7124 Hones _ 8830 . ar1ne quip. ilibJe legal wtirk. Application At Terrlftc S.~friisl Stadcs & Stacks & Sr•c5C' Of Matt,..11e1 stamps. s.&-1584. Saturday 1 >o====-=-,..,~-'-~I·---------MAR. IN E e' quip men t 9035 :should be filed at once with 1485 DALE WA y Bank or &: Sunday s.5:30. After 6 EXCELLENT Watchdog, 3 GENTLE but spirited horse lrru1smlssion, c 0 n tr() 1 s ' the ?ersonnel (')lfict, City cosrA MESA, CALIF, 92626 Credit PM 'Weekdays. yrs, old, spayed, 1hots. To w/tack & stall Call Donna props, scats. windshields. \llall 3300 NewpQtt Blvd., (TI4} 545-8251 SIOfl , 4 WHEELS A: tire 67 good adult home only, after 4 p.m. 644--0439 instrumenlti. blowe1·s. in- Newpqn Beach, ~iL 92fi60 Terms · Camara -$40 Cash ~ister 642--0679 . 71~1'P~A~L~O~M'°1"N~o--•• -',,-ing--b-y· I board gas tanks.~~ 1n4i .67J..QilS Charge $45 Car root rack ilO. BLl<. Gey & silver tip ~lk kit. private ownr. Tack CHRYSLER 20 1-LP 1968 New, Ac'ct9 Clerk $520 54• 9660 o,... f,f·Dolfy 675-m4 ' tens, E:at well and like the available if needed. 494-5877 Controls and accessories. Experienced • •WAITRESS • • HOSTESSES REUBEN E. lEE 1st:c.Coa1t:1"1Wy. - Newport Beach * AccOu'nts Payable Clerk E.xperlenced on I y tfPe 60 ,v,p.m. * Personnel Assistant Experienced in rntero,·iewing and all phases of prrsonnel work. Good iyping sk\Us. Good opponunily in fut gt'O\\'lng company. Call for appointm<'nt POLYOPTICS INC. 5'6-2'1511 equal opportunity employer _CREDIT CHECKER " 'GENERAL CL~RK UNiT·EO CALIFORNIA BANK 2112 \V, Coast lii''Y· Ne\\')l011 Bea~h 646-2431 abilities anlimiteo agency Qualily Positions for Q~a!ifiecl Applicants 488 E. 17th St, Suite 224 Costa ~fesa 612-1470 See Bctcy Bruce at mijJ!:xec Agency !or Career Girls 410 \V, Coast Jiwy., N. B. By appoint. 646-3939 Girl Friday $450 Customer Service & Gen"l Of fice, Independent Personnel lnG Orange Ave .. Suiic C --€:-M. -642-00'16;---54S-7'J- OLDER \Voman lo bab)'5it 2 ehildl'('n. 1 \-= & 4 yrs. Dependable, I o vi n g. I\ days/\vk S-1:30. r..ty home, C~l. 0\\'11 trans. $25 v.•k. S.-2847 Secretary $475. fee pd. Personnel dept, good sec. skills, beach al'ea., Call J..o. raine, i\1erchan1s Per.;onncl Agency, 2043 \\'estcliif Dr., N.B. &15-2i7Q (also fee job~l. Order Desk to $383- Rec-ent 11·ork exp. good typist, young, hcach firm, calJ Lo- raine, J'.1erchants P<'rsonnel Agency, 2043 \Veslclill Dr., N.B. 6-15·2770. A1nt onp"' with stable So. lit" • s... 1.0.1 Sot f·6 .,.....,...L T aand-bOx, 6 wks, O Id · 540. =~o ' Y ~N.ow w~---·Be,~!eal•! 548-2462 7/21 L·1vtsl0<k 8840 ~-=~=======! Santa Ana co. Friendly it· Behind Harbor C•r W•1h En.Nr on H•mllton or Bernard St. .... .. ,.....__, ~ -~;,'5.f.~re. can Ed e·e, I 'li~~i"'i!!iiii'i"iwiij~f;'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~i'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!" quail•· ..... lOO H f'---GERMAN ,shepherd, male Boa t Slip Mooring 9036 ~ I. 'J ,....,,., 10 uwu .. black & tan, 2t~ years old'. ALFALFA HAY · Jason Best JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Music•I Inst • 1125 clng. 5f$-l77S aft 5 or Sat. Very good with children. $2.85 Bal._$47. Ton MUST Sell! l.4'aving for Employment. A .......... _ • _ ____ FJ1_rnltur•-8000 . • _ _ -~_q_ aet $10; large &U..3793. --__ ~ 637-6843-Europc.19' Jct Drive speed ~ ... , J bs-M W 7500 . playhou" $f>()• "'" Range ==.m-...-="°'=~=I ======~-boa 427 I • 2120 So. ~~ain S.A. o en, om. 1---------BUNDY Oboe, conservatory $45. Several doors $2 each J'\jUR All grey kittens; part TRANSPORTATION t. tp. seats • R.N. SUPERVISOR OVER-STOCKED system $150 646-35.57 Suunese, housebroken. All covered l'n1,r;inc. }·ire engine Full or part time. u 54g..ru7 males. Call after 6 P.M. Boats & Yachts 9000 lt.;od \Y/ chrome. Just ~ --.m. to-.-a-. -.-... -..!.&-."--FRY (OOl(S MUST SELLI Y· MPwet-~, girts -646-0424 7121 _ _ _ purchased for $5000. Best -,., ,,,,., .... ~ · . " -· · · 20"-blke f12 boy1 24" bib ' FIBERGI.oASS·Supply crnte!" offer QVer fi900, includes salary and fringe bene-Beaut. walnut 9"4rwr c:• Pianos & Or91ns -8130 $12. 1513 0~ Ave CM KEESCHOND 3 yrs. adults now in CM-NB a rea. l ull canvas covt'rs & big fila. ~;~ ~:1'-W~r~!'· -MUSl,.-,CENTER---&U-..5666 . • . or older chll~n. Xlnt com-Evccyth.iJli tOr your boal trailer. ca.JI 645-2564. Dover Park Lido T ..... wag.,, -rmanent, hon. v ' UNUSUAL. Hand ,panion -watchdog. Male. surfboard car or honte'. Shores, NB. for appt. to 6ee C · j u~ Ital ... ,. .,.. for $172, New 9 pc. corner · · made one "'A"'.,.,..., 7/2 ' ODVaiesct'!l · ~-P est, and working co,ndilions arrang. choice of clrs. reg. Orange County or a kind ma.sslye ~nish ...........,~ · 4 Boat resin spe~lal "?W onl~ it! 1445 Superior in area's leading restaurant. $230 now $149 50 Headbrds· KNABE e WURLITZER. coHee table 642-4889 It 4 3 FEMALE 1h Genn. ;Bbep. $3.95 gal retail. Wuid an $75. mo. U·slip, 12' 6" by 38'. Newport Beach 642-2410 Apply 9 am to 5 pm for in-' · · • CONN e. FISCHER P", • . a & % Toy Collie puppies, 9 Sea. 1737 Superior, C.M. Up to 20' -•·t . Kings, $15, Queens $12.50, ,.. ... ~ BEAtrrlFUL Girl, ni c e terv1ew at Full 110 50 -"--13 95 Rentals-Teaching-Sales wks., and 2 ch I ck c n s. 642-7607 673-7419 fi mod I ' • • ... .,. ' · Take Santa Ana ..,.___:..,.v •~ WANT To buy (home) bar. "A"2382 I=~~===-~--=========I sha~. for gure e · Sofa bed mattresses $29.50 r .-...:w..., w %. nd ... .,... 112?. '61 GLASSPAR Cit atio n. - StricUy amateur, ge.perous MANNING'S Roll-a,way beds w J I n n , Main St. tum-clf then rou or L shaped. Must 3 WV ABLE ·tiger striped lnboard-00tboard. 120 Mere. Boat· Yacht pay. 1 afterroon per .,.,.eek. COFFEE SHOP · tt $5950 south t-0: be reasonable, Phone kittens. 1 brown, h11" -y. Cruiser with ""'ver ""'t & Charle rs 9039 •-1-• · 1 spnng ma ' reg. · ' now Gould Mu11'< Company 644-4687 " &• ~ .,.. ~~ l'tla.y ""'marrcu or singe, 24031 El Toro Rd. $39.50. Full sz. sleeper·sola 1-~=~-~-=~ Weaned &: trained:. 7 wk! power trim, Full rover. --------- but prefer over Zl. Write. Lei.!iure World Lag11J1a Hilla reg. $239.50, now $169.50. 2045 N. Main, SA 547-0681 Quality king bed, quilted, old. 968-6336 Ready to enjoy. A 11 * Finest Selection, Power & Box f\1 869, Dally Pilot 837-1014 New beds: King $99.50, 6 WEEKS * $12 Complete, unUS@d $98; worth 2 SWEET Kittens, ready to maintenance records, l Sail. Skfpper optioncil For MANICURIST PRINTED Queens, $89.50. Full $49.50, Organ class lessons for be-$.250. After 5 or w_knds. Jive with you: \\'f?aned, 1 01J1ner, KI 6-4444 hrocbun:: call ~S-U91 FashlonaJ>le Newport Beach Twins $39.50, fully guaral). ginners. Starting Tuesda.y MT--0406 beige, 1 griJwht. 545-4592. 34' Cl-ffi!S Craft tri-cabin, salon needs an experienced CIRCUITS King-s.ize spreads, choice of July 29 at 7 PM. Practice TA B L ES $10 Reslaurant stateroom, bedroom & Aircraft 9100 full time manicurist Quarn. O SILK SCREENER clrs reg. $20.95, now $12.99 organs available. Join the dishes $50, 10 speed bike $35 4 Kittens Part-Siamese 2 galley flying bridge, auto Pl_P_E_R-So_po_r_C_rn_i_~-,-,..,-7. & commission, paid vaca-0 INSPECTOR full sz. $9.95, SIEST,A SLEEP fun! REGISTER NOW! Enlarger $2:1, Pularoid ~. males, 2 females. 1 ·All .pilot, W/w . carpe~ng. Pric-l.-0\V timl'. £<oo:cellenl con- tions, etc. Please ca 11 1mm~ . 1 ., sHOP, 1927 Harbor Blvd, CM HAMMOND 675-m4 bla•k. ot•·-bla•k & who't•. od. for 1m_ meihate sai. e d' · p · · 1 f =· opening or perso.. ,,A~2160 ,,;,., 1•9 Sa· SWl In CO ON .. '"'' ;> .. " ihon. rice negotJab e or ~--1_5_70_·=--~-~t exp'd in manu!acturing of_ i0'.6 .........., .,.. • t· 2854 E R A DEL MAR MOVING Sale-Furniture -545--0519 7124 $6,3QO. 675-4570 or 673-226<1 use. Consider motoreyclc, J. Secty/Recpt $433 printed circuit boards. · ·Coast Hwy 673-8930 small boat w/oa~. M is c. LITTLE Grey Cock-A-Poo.17' . MITCHELL Cab in 3 or ? as part:-673-4911 or CHEMFLEX SPANISH Franchi•• Closeout items.* 549-1896 ~ He,·, 7 m•• -e·-r·•--'-. Cnuser 60hp, McCullough 673-6900 Che! JT. No shtd, diclapbone typist, T .. -, _ _._ · ,...., " ... "l/<LI"" able t-0 meet salemeii. -~iT'eh SL,_ N:B. ME011'i:~~NEAN ~~......::.=-:..~close * FOR SALE: LMng RObm Loves children 644-09ln724 t'ng. ·Very clean. Sl · ~ ., -~,.. .___ I d nd t p I EquaJ opportunity As Shown in model homes'. .o~t ot 4 cOnsole & 2 Spin;et furniture, Frost-Free refrig, -Days: 537-8717, & alter 5: FJying Lesson's 1"116e~,.n~e.n/i..ve".,'s'·,°",.,.?ec =="'=e=m;,ploy=e=r=W=F=.==I 'Rms'..A fn ..... ,.,.rm liv , PWJOs OJt a cost-plus basi&. tape recorder. ~61 vw. 1 .. ~NE~:ft~:;;~_'}, waitin~~?f 539-;!37'1 • 9150 c.~'64'i:oo:z6, 54s.oo'19 ~ rin, & ~ffu~ p~ ;ise-~:;'~~e~~m~~ MS-5892 ... fy~....,.,.. petso.1'U.l· 19· GLASTRON, 221 cu in. Learn lo Fly NOw! School1-ln1truction 7600 where at .$895 ts )'OUl'S today served e 8' CUSTOM 1 u r f boa r d · . · · . completely overhauled, new 10 hrs of insri·uclions $55. DESP ARAT ·ELY Need suOstitute mother/5 yr old girl, going to Killybrooke Sehl & 3 yr old boy. ·st8.rting· Sept, 5 day wk/8-5. Please call alt 5: 30, 540-5955 SECRETARY at only $439, Easy Credit WARD'S BA' "'WIN S7UD!O 'perfect condition; 1 year old ONE'kitte~, grey kl white 3 lop & full cover, 2 live-bait Selro Srhool. 641-7424 fl.IGHT Inst or aircraft ren-Terms. JB!9 N ......., SSO. 847~91 mos. We re leaving the sacks, A-l cond. ta!. Good 1966 Cessna 150· Santa Aft• Furniture ewport, C.M. S42-8484 Antiquo wall ·tock 175 country. 546-llSB 7121 $2825 6f;Xi595 Mobile Homes Dual time, $14.50/hr Solo HAMMOND s .... KITTE S time, $9.50/hr. Fully in-426 W. 4th st .. Sanla Ana m-'"-.... .: .~e~~~!Y -, ~-Grandfatbet clock $175 ._, __ ~ ~"_!J00rooodlors.hoBox 19' LYMAN inbo~rd. JlO hp, GREENLEAF PARK sured certified instructor , -547-0789 "'"" • .,.. .. "" ..... <. ..... P a .. us 842-1359 ucuuc:u. "'"" g me. 6 cyl, Gray Marine. E.xcel. of all makes. Best buys 1n &16-4493 7121 cond .. ~7895 John or in clear, clean, eodl Costa avail. 543--0126 So. Cali!. right here. FUR COAT -Sea.I, sz JO. 2 CUNNING Kittens lo lov-546--0370_ask for Dick r..1csa. New 92 space adult 9200 Educational Vacation 5th Offi~ EquiprMnt 8011 SCHMIDT MUSIC CO., Xlnt for Eostem bound lady ing holne. 1 gray, 1 BeauchamP. nark. Modf'ls & Sales office Afternoons only. Trainee ok. graders , •• Sr Citizens 1907 N. Main good cond. $170. 837-7494 1 545-9115 11.,, located at Park. Open 9 Af\i Gd. typing & •gborthand or Chilcoat 10 lesson typing IBM Executive typewriter & Santa Ana ' carame · "' $67 \VE'RE n1ovini;! i:r 1 6 p~1 Stenorette required. 962-6912 Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173 Del Autotypist, 12" carriage, BA'M'ERlES 6 V $4.9S ex, 12 3 COAL BLACK KITTENS. heavy for hard use, com-0 ACCENT MOBILE berore 1 pm. Mar, c .M. 548-2859 carbon r ibbon. Practically HAMMOND C-7 beautiful V111;'.~1d"'ba• guartt .. ~1~· Pay * M2-1840 * bif1ed motor & sail. [bis. on HOME SALES ~m<E.s brand new ..,o;nn_ 54o.-0852 or walnut, Separate speaker ."IU"U • ~ 7/Zl bottom. 14' mast & rudder. 17'" \Vho'lto"r Ave. ' ·' ....... ~~ ' • • SOUTH Coast Sailing schl. .,_,., cabnts. Fine for church, PORCELAIN S1NK 2l ·32 7 ., c RN R•l'•ef •hilt 540-7162 · x • *KITTENS * l.-On,.·unused sails, 6 :~564•1 Co•l• '.!""" 71'·. <•2.1~ · ~ · Learn to sail on 26' Race club or home. $'1495 or otter. with bro fa t $lO "' "' " '""" .. ..,.., JJU LVN, full night shift Sloop. 645-1µ3 May take small grand in c me uce · · 3 white, 1 gray, 6 ""ks. WANTED To rent: Bay BOATERS!! D 0 u b I e Ex- Apply in person ~c:~c,,.:.::,.~=~=~ 'Store .Equipment 8012 trade. 6'1J...4028 67a-0696 645-1688 7/21 Boat, min. 18' in good ron-pando across f:rom nc\v Laguna Beach Nursing Home MERCHANDISE FOR APOLLO 11? Sp ac es hip SERVEL G•• -•-,gerator. ~IOll9087, July & Au g u ?t Dana Point M--'na. Most 494-8075 SALE AND TRADE RETATL Stett owners: Have KIMBALL piano. Xlnt rond. Pla.ybouse Send your kida .... • .. .u u,.,.... "-'' gift boxes, custom display Very orante w 0 0 d w 0 r k , ,_ ... _ · 1100 "'" ,738 · perfect condition. 673-2158. 1ncc1 m a n a .!.? e m e n t ap-GENTLEMAN wants a .mid- dle-aged lady hOusekeeper 5 clays/,.,·eek, · live in or out, own transportation. ii ):lOSS'i· ble. Call 494-2:i39 tor in- terYiew Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 ·BEAUTY· OPERATOR Must be expmrienced. APPLY i Personn•I Office Third Floor THE BROADWAY NE\VPORT BEACH 47 Courts of Fashion F ASfUON ISLAND Newport Beach Furniture 8000 ---~ SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS - Clique -Harpy -Inked - Throat -EARTHQUAKE- News headline: "Dl11at1ter In CDZSK Russian." I won- der whilt 'the name of the town was before they had an EARTHQUAKE. 7-22 3 ROOM GROUP e COMPLETE e Living rm, bedroom, dinette $297 Weekly Payments , • , , •• We carry our own contracts Van's Oi1count Furn 417 W. 4th SI., S.A. 547·2412 Open Daily 1().8 * Sat 10-6 MOVING THIS WEEK. WILL SACRIFICE fixtures, %" glwis for $200. call for appt. 545-om w '"'"'moon. ·.,.,.,..... 1ll1 w. Bay, NB 7/21 '66 BOSTON Whaler Nauset pmval. 830-4965 shelves, 6" island d~lay NEWPORT TENNIS CLUB w/Johnson 90, $19 9 5. LIDO Pl·ninsula, id ea 1 unlt, custom wrap counter. SP~~gRANOS Fplamitraly ~~e~~A!2005$650 ~;ns,f::a~~~~b~d; 675-6161 days, _516-L<:l19 eve bayfront location. Trailer 646-0045. 271 E. 16th St 636-l620 us '"'""r u:e, v-rr-~7349 aft 5 pm. 1/'Zl 18' CABIN Cruiser .w/ 33 hp v.·/ l~e rabana. New w/w C.M. 3 PC Luggage $10. Table . Johnson OB, trlr, fully crpt. Stove & f't'frlgerator. PIANO· WANTED group·witb ·lamp $25. Siz:e 14 PERSIAN mother wishes equip,-$1050.-897-{,(}52 -Asking -$9!XX'l 646-2516 Furniture Al)ction 8025 -RENT OR BUY COLOR TV $9 Month Up At.SO st'EREO-REFRIGERATORS WASRERS OR DRYERS OPTION TO BUY 543'.4539 f2U) 877-1035 Pvt Party clothes 50c-$2. 642--7046 ~~~Jor her t 11 b b Y s' 14' BOAT w/lraller S125, ANGEL Trailer on beautiful G & H OFFSEI' Printing good fishing boat for bay, space, Penn. Nt'\v 5 yr lease, HI.fl & Stermo~-8210. [clliiCoUiitonOi'dtt200&over) 1 BLUE eye & 1 greeQ eye 5J6..63'l5 \\'ilhbayvie\v,$7500.675"6383 1 white pregnant cat to good , ., • ~ """'2 1969 SOLID .State stereo, 4 177 H Riverside, NB 642-0920 . home 836-4493 11zi 12 .~ydropla~. Exce~!t>nt 1 -&~67'~.~="------• sµd; 4 speaker audio systeni cond111on r e g 1 s t ra t J o n 41' i\10BIL E home, cabana. 2 ln walnut console. Taite Misc. W1nted 8610 1 LOVABLE box traif1ed flea-papers. $50. 962-3965 Tom · Br. Buy vie\v. ·Lido Park. l over sma.il payments or pay =PY kitten, Call ?/2.l J8' JOtiNSON Cab crsr 50 $6000. 67'.1-2:::19 cash balance of $73.68. · hp, Evinrude OB, Tilt Trlr, lO x 55, 1 BDR, unfurn. a\\'n· Credit Dept. 535-7289 WE PAY .MORE 2 GROOVY Kittens tiger & equipt, $10.10. '147-467'1. in,;. skirting, cooler, shed. 1 tertainment r:enter. 23" cot-645-2246 7'21 Sailboats 9010 _* W h & W 1 1009 RCA home en-CASH black girl$, Love. AduHpark.2766Bristol,CM. or TV, stereo AM/FM & \I/HITE Furry femaJe feline GS GX * TWIN Bed & springs, no phono. Walnut cabin e t . 2 yn oil.I, de -c Jaw ed . 17' Thistle Slopp. All raring Sun1mcr Special 6~2-58G4 mattress: 2 book shelves: Retails $1500. Our price 645-1688 7/21 gear plus lrlr. Xlnt cond, couch, gd. cond, no cush; $l075. 646-2243 For furniture, applian<:es, GERMAN Sh i.. _, ,R_ MUST SELL. $675 or ~st Ele o:tric Cars chair; beet fry ; 1 rug 9x12; colored TV, pianos, organs ep.,e.u, ..... ge. ofr. See at 2608 Aurora No. 9250 chair Xlnt conCI, nylon MOTOROLA Console Hi,Fi, and antiques. Free to good home. iv/ 2, SA. IE. off Fairview. Jh cover. 2205 C Canyon Dr, exrJ cond. Records Incl. Day or night large yard. 968-4722 7/21 mi. North of San Die;;o CM. OU Victoria betw. $lOO. Ofc: 540-2177• tts 636-3620 8 MONTH old Beagle, male. FN"ewyl """"' '~=="'~~=~-~ Placentia & Brookhurst AKC reg. Good wit h1fIBERGLASS 21• Sloop _sips A trrOE."ITE, covrrd, battr.ry rhargcr incl. Good cond. \Vri!c Daily Pilot Box ?lf-335 ACCNTS Rec, & billing girl An Equal Opportunity 6 nns. top cond. modern furn., appllance-s. 21282 Bre- ton Lane, (5.?abury Homes), 0 Furniture• Mi1ce?11neou1 1600 $ W·E BUY $ children. 642-8Z33 7122 4, galley, enclosed hParl. M_in_i_B_i_k_•_• ____ 92_75 Appliances e Color TV CUTE kittens, Jove people, Dacron sails, roller reeling, •68 HONDA Mini Strt'et Like AOK AUCTION MARGIE WEBB $ FURNITURE $ housebroken, look tor home. outboard. NICE! TRY New ~l65. Call 6n.7267 after \ninted, Ex!X"r. only, Ac· Employer curante lyp1st. Apply \V. B. ---J/J--7~-'--~- Sehock Co .. 1502 S. GrcendiU newpOrt St, Santa Ana ACCNTs nee. & billing girl personnel wanted. .t:xper. only, Ae-agency curate typist. Apply \\', B. -~. Schock Co. 3502 s. GrecndiU Professional Service St., Santa Ana. for the employer Day f;hUt. DESK CLERK. and the appllcent Experienced only apply. 833 Cover Or., N.B. JAMAICA INN HOTEL 642~3870 549-2743 673-8120 LIVE-JN. Exper. lady to care for invalid I a d y Nc\vpm·t Beach. $2&)/mo 5-13-171.1 8.· 543--0608 -Profe11ional- Employment Assistance COASTAL AGENCY A member of Snelling &: Snelling, Inc. 279o Harbor Bl, CM 540~ Tm Garden Grove Blvd. FACTORY APPLIANCES Free. Call 675-4482 1122 S2300. Jerry 675--5087 5:30. Westminster nr. G.G. Frwy. CLEARANCE SALE GERMAN Shepherd Puppy CORONADO 2.J No. f30.1. Full ========= Furniture returned from dis- plaY studios, model homes, decoratol"!I cancellation. Spanish & Mediterranean etc Tues & Thurs 7 PM-Sat 6:30 2094 S. Coast Hwy Color lVJ-Pi•"o•-Sttr•o1 Female, 4 ·months old. race equipped. De.luxe in-Motorcycles Estate consgnmt. Repo. New Laguna Beach 1 Pftce ., H-F.H 968-lOTI 7/'l.2 lerior Al.IX. power, lmmac. 9300 RD FURNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd.,CM every night 'til 9 Wed .. Sat. & San. 'til 6 EVERYTHING must be sold Clase out of summer fash-CASH IN JO MINUTES DARLING 10 v ab 1 e grey Leaving area, sac. $6500. by July 2S. Unimat $100. ions at below factory prices. • 541-4531 0 striped kittens. lO wk.s old. After 6 PM. 646-1772 Stamp collection $200. Plus Good selection of panta sets, 549-4398 aft. 6 PM 7/22 17' DAY Sailer. Con1plc1c · dresses, hostess PJ1 Ii coat Cover all Orange h LA Co's · t · cl d h 10 years of good junk. Dally .• WANTED 5 TO CHOOSE from: n.1p, equ1pmen , in u es on.s o,.. dresses, now priced from r• Balboa I ] d 2-8. 1751 East Ocean Blvd., $10 to $35. Open Mon-Sat pies, 7 wks. Cocker /Terrier s an moor Jn g. hRlboa. 67S-«l51 FURNITURE mix. 5-1()...()6.§ 7/22 Phone 548-3.131 '66 CZ 125 DIRT EQUIPPED $300 494.6940 J!lEill BSA G:"iO Thunderbolt. \Vill sell or trade for V\V bus or camper. 6i5--6694 9o00. 5o00, Son 12030-5000. 0 e Furniture e SATU.RDAY-SUNDAY TOP CASH IN 30 Minutes 6 HEALTHY K·u 6 k l7' 'Day Day.sailer A I' C TV Portable Olivetti' Spanish * AUCTION * 1 ell:', ~· s Demo $1750. Used $1350 MOTOR HOMES 9215 pp 1ance1 e olor Quality furniture, color TV'1, old, to good ho me. 1,. 0 .0 ,, 1500 1;:.;;T,;f;iiijr.:;;;;;;iJ AOK AUCTION keyboard typewriter. 0 ld U you will sell or buy stereos, appliancti, tools, 4~5851 ' 7/21 ~. z." "Boa«~t·Co···· .Ba .. Ibo 'l72'l Garden Grove Blvd. porcelain, 14 piece canil.ter give Wtndy a tr:· office equip. licC.ALJwc:omliK"-'t;;te:;;--1;;;;;;al;;-,1;;;;;;~lc'','!'. ""~~.,~~~~·~".""".' Westminster nr G.O. Frwy set and much more. Auctions Friday 7:30 p.tn, 531-1212 1 n, em e oves FOLDING 13' com p Tu" & Th"-7 PM-Sat 6:'>" 2519 Willo Lane, CM W d small dogs. 642-6937 71-21 w/sails & lrlr. Use w/ob 18 -· ~·,,========~I in y's Auction Barn WANT TO buy power ied ...... FREE k' EState consgnmt. Repo. New 1 · &-1nens to goo rl hp , $950 + ne1v, best ofr. Appll1nce1 8100 Behind Tony's Bldg. Mat'l and pow-er mower (reel homes. 544-9424 7/'13 537-76M 3 PC Cherry-wood din. nn. 207&4 Newpoprt, CM 646-8686 type). Must be in good con. FULL or pt.time Beautician, clientelr pref. but not re- quired. New grad v.-elromli. Call mg-r. 5"t8·9919. EXP'O SALES~L~A~O~Y- set. China eahinet. buffet, MOVING. ·Must sell Ren, ditiop and reasonably 1 • BEAtrl'IFUL blk loving FLYING JR. -Ready for COUPLE to ma~.ll main-table & 6 chairs. Make ot-more automatic washer. KIRBY vacuum c 1 ea ne r priCt!'d. Phone 6#-4687 kitten. 64.2-7764 112?. college racing! $700. Will tain 18 unit motel in C.osta fer . 642-5537 Very good condition f31J. w/atlach, polisher. XLNT WA NTED: OLD TOY 2 FLEALESS, frisky, box trade for K!te in Coqual cond. Mesa. Must be h a r ~ MEDITERRANEAN dlnln& 548-3630 =nee ~f ~67 ~~ 1~'! TRAINS. trained kittens. 646-8405. 675-6675 • :f.Tcn & \Vomens Ootlllng Y.'Orkers, no .exper. nee. set In beaut waliiut. Only GENERAL ELECTR I C *Phone 642-0382 * 4 KITI'ENS, 1 wkll. old, 2 26' ENDAVOR, lrg active * a1~5383 * $200/mo plus furn. 1% bdr used twice. Orig cost $425. automatic. washer, late ;~nts. Credit Dept., WANTED steamer trunk for white, 2 gray. 541L-0409 7/'l.2 Nwpt class. T.ep equip. FOR HEADQUARTERS ' SERVICE Station needs girls apl 546-9279 ' sacrlflce Sl95. 968-1797 od I ··•---• ~ ;;;;=...,,,,..,,...,..,--,.--ll 6 WK. old ~.,,, . .,, to ~ Prict' $4850. {713) 2'ro-19:i.G lo • Xl t t 5 m e • AU•t '-vuu. ....,, VINYL TILE L l no I e um co tge: girl. Call J en I .-u IS""'' ' r pump s~rv. n sa · JOIN HAIR&: CO. -three 1&r BREAKFRONT 847-3ll5 ' ' ~ home 642-0043 7/)(% 'l.2' 6"' PEARSON Ensign. , POINTS SHELL. 842-3444 out hair atyUsts! Opening lead glass SJsO 2(~t ~)'.I ·LAD"'"Y""KEN="M"O°"RE""•'°'u"°toma=°"'uc :::~1ooTile;t~r':~ul F: ========~ PETS d LIVESTOCK Sl •. 500. Complete v.·ith \vat ts, : 8 IK1 N 1 BBnnald/danCf'r. A1t. ist in Balboa Isla~ Walnut lamp table $30. washer, late ~ xlnt estimates. Lie. c 0 n tr Machlne7, etc. 1700 an sails & outhrd. 548-33.11 ; FMuU °,;.,, !!~·time, Costa ca71< .~· • .,~n:._Tueon" 0~ .. --* 494-5364 * cond. i ll5. 847..atJ.5 546-4478. -'H _E_A_VY--.,-~~-,..---"-"·--. -3 Pets, Gen•ral 8800 SAILFISH, new sail. \Vood • tsa . .,........,,,.." : ,,,..u.w "' ...... --Quali-~ ... ~..,.-~..,-,-qu!l~t-od-t "°'=~=~====l 2=~""=~~~-= ...., v , .... ,...,..-· hull ~·ith free surfboard MOTORHOMES : BARMAID, stf't>l>t dress, days, 21.l: 449-6961 Co pl te used 'sss Mh ~~"tf ~lr~~ l" ADMIRAL Color TV i&peeds ·forwud, 1 n-vene. 512 FOOT, unusual rnarkt'XI $100, 548-1943 : parttime. \\'ilting !o train. MANAGER For apartment m e 'un ; wo on ' Conso1e, like new $250, Excellent cond.lfion. For Gopher sn8.ke. $10, or bestloSA=rLBO=~A~T~. ~,~1 ~,t-. -w-,th~ •• -,-1 •. : 549-1652, and ~\}-7769 house. 6 unit.a; l bdt apt for ~$After 5 or wknd!i 546-942G White lig zag ~wing t.1acb sale or trade tor front throw offer. 644·1008. ....,ve,. 8 _. ._i1,. .. , I'~.-• ' services. 1209 W. Balboel===-~--~~ =========I w/attchmfJ:, 2-yrs old $60. lawnmo\\'t'r, powu rdger ..... • "" "" ~· u.. • BABYSITTER ~'llnted: t.ly Blvd. Balboa. 494-&89 TRIPLE Drtsaer $ 5 o, Antiques 8110 Call 847-66611. and/or ! 64U4S8 ,, Dogs 8825 * 675-1776 * ; home llst .. CM, 5 day, COFFEE Shop Cook-Male or Hlg~Boy $50. Twtn beda POOL TABLE 14' SAILBOAT, folds into 3 i. $25 "'"'· 646-626.1 ftmal•. Full 1·,_A _ ... ,u. complete $50 each. 847-6319 Lirry Morgen Antiques Brunswick 5 x 10 "Gold FREE TO COCK-A-POO Puppif's, 2 canvas , bags. Good cond, W ·~RE.sS * 0 21 •= ~·~ Woald yoo "'"""'' D=n YOU • * ''"'' ver · open. Apply aftu 1 pm. 500 OREINTAL Rug, 9x12 roll rop desks. rd oa.k tables, Qown" Like new, Genuine mos old, all black. no $225, 5.18-2741 I Experienced graveyard E. Edgewater, BalboA SaroUk, good cond. Beat ol· china cabinet3, .secretary!, gJate, top of the line. 897-0466 JtUGE green eyes and sweet papers. $.5. 846-27'21 CENTERBOARD Sabot \l'llh •!; , atu···itLA613--09TJUND,RY HELP * HAIRDRESSER, N 1 (; U EL fer tili11. 837-7494 Eur. Annolres, brass beds, CARPET playful dispositton make this Ll'ITLE Girl needs a toy :Wis Ir gl'at. Xlnt cond. . HAIR FASHIONS, 'No. l9 SOFA, Brown 11', good for 300 clocks & much more. Shags, tweeds, hi-lo pile. All 8 rnolold gray &: white poodle to replace the one $195. 5-15-7312 ! .f\ill ~~!ml Crabb Lil. Monarch Bay p 1a2 a . beach hou11e $20 or otter. 'Wholesale & retall. 2428 Ne11,.. oolon. Free est. Lie Contr, 1'!:nian ~ r.At a very llhe lost. Call 962..,:-15'17 12· Al.CORT s a i If i ~ h, RVnt. Bch. 842--5565 4~2221 5016 Seasbort. port Blvd., Costa Mesa. SfG-4418. special ~t. 847-7769 7/.22 SPJUNGER Sruo.niel ""•ppit'S 1nnhog,.y, newi.· finished. -·RECPT ~ ~nlal of-TWIN. n-t-..... ~ •-ftbnl, 548-7383 . ,,_., '"' ..... 'J' _, ... ..,. u.: DRAPERY workroom, M ~..,.,.,,. « RECONDITIONED _:J'ypewrit-1 YR. old .cook-a-~ Sl)(L)'t!d adorable! AKC hunt or $2l!t 642-.')123 a .. ,~~. ~:,_sa. Expel". exp. nee. Full lime work. <no mat) Ita1 Prov, srilld Sewing MachlnH 1120 eni. ele<:trlc, standard A por-ftmale. hlk. L<ivts children. s~ $50 ea. 546-24~ 30' Tahiti Ketch $f,200 PJ't: e,,,..., ..-.. 17352 AnnstroJw Ave , cherry, superb 968-2012 table. 2575 Elden Ave., C.OSta Most find good home -mov-GERMAN S Ii E pH ER D SAC. AS IS. 669 So. St. litalo, ~ !fTTER \VANT£D for 2 trvine. 54£l...8503 1'1NE Old ltallan Empire J9CJ'j $INGER wltb iig-zng A: M~M. 1ng.-Dog house Included. male, AKC, ii mos. shots. \V. Cov!nn C213l 79~ eve : ,amall chll~n W/tJ<p & •DISH\'VASHER• Part time !!Oft. Excel cond. Suitable WFLlnut coruiole. Makes but-NO matter .Whal It is, )'OU 545-434(1 7122 •64i.un9* _ lST.ANl)f.R Ba)lam11. 2·1' fully nr.1 OiW arcL 615-4671 4:00 to 8 p.m., 5 dQ.. wk. for livini room or entry ton holes. deaigM etc., $5.2$ can wt It 11,ith a DAILY * KJ'JTENS * SCHNAUZER PUP rqpd for cruisin.. w/ctxiice , mz: QUlCKER YOU CALL. &f2..it10 hnll. Appt. Call m.-5934 1no. or $36.00 cash. 526-6616 Pll.D1' Cus1tied ad. fl6.31Sl (213) 330"6&l5 Newpori alip. 833-2837 • t • I ________ ............ ~..._ __ ....__ -~--.......... ____ - ON DISPUY TH( All N£W DODGE "EXPLORER" S1U<tt!Ul"•t •Ith •lrt,t .. • lit•lflf:, f\111 ~11th •1111 •••• l lltbl•, ''"" llf;lll, •~l •11ca. t1 fOOT." '°"'· ,. root. 1 Yr.1.11• 'l••lt6o lfrll All -''"10YlD ClllOtT. - rF M• 7~ 30 II p: '68 " SS cc n1 " 6-1 Rf .. cl " co Cf " = Tr 15' Sf " l< p BE ~ " tr M • Tr Sx: bo al Tr Cl cc Jo '47 M • c. - 0 " p 1 '6 l I c B c c • "''>It •·-•• • • ..... -•n• •-•••--··•"lo ....,.,._ - ~ ' I TRANSPORTATION • - TRANSPORTATION y .......... _ ....... ___ ,.,-~-·· T"'°'f• Ju~ 22, 1969 DAlU fl~OT TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATIO T R ATION TRAN POR A • l •• _.. 9300 1mer1tc1 Autos .9600 l:J1l"'""~ Autos 9600 lmp:rt•d ~utos . 9600 Usod C.rs 9900 IJ••f5~!' ~ ':=l,..., .. c.,.'"""'•--.-9900;.;;;;IUsed .. ,. 9900 Usod Ciro -------i>AT!Uft _'._ l'OllSCH! VOLVO CAMAIO CMMOLll' POID . MUITAN'r 1=~~!!!!!:1 9900 '68 DATSUN 1:wi"~~~M.1~ ~: VOLVO '67 CAMAiO l9<0 .. c:'.''v5" ~-=: 'f .. ~;!',~":.;;o~·.! ~.:,~ * ~~ ~U:~ STATION WAGON ~w1;'i'i7~~·. :!:m r;~ htt Deals Are lt . 4Sa~~:r, ~~t ~ltkl: i · ~ ~~&:~~ ~;;:.r. ITVY· ! ~~ t = ~:.~x~P~~ ~n. ~~ ~ or ewi call D~AN LE f~~ _ -~. ,P priri,; • CONNELL * Po':w 81\aM. lli!e --'$159 11..-c.ltl. '*'1\11 {' ... ,m. !111.~ , HEYltOLft-i~~~~~!tji.-i- ~;;;,;,,==~::;:=1 ATtAS _._ __ See .... '~!":.~!ti-.'~ie!·'67 CAMARO, v.s'.2~ m _..;..._ _.;.;.. C.M.~HarborB1~120.l --. - -lf.nDr, Cll.143-'1311 $400 * "'-171! · l\/H, PIS. nu"""· Marina 2-PVVI< ffl1RD1"'" • $$9J '66 Murtang '8'l 4 •P· PIS. :::;,. .,. . • •Ii • iiC XL/i't 1111ch. • blue ..,th blk inL $11'0. V-8, ••-.iUe, fa<toey •~. 2 Dolf Jooded vs ~ , ~ R/H. 1 own or. El<-PONTIAC ' l ~--~""-'ii-"TC-~=I CHRYSLER -PLYMO"T"' cotld. ~ llP'll'lnee R _ ~ 01J2;!!!! poi.w!r ateertng, powei: bra· JltM -_ · • -...,-. --· ceptlonally clean Best Of. ...e 74 ltnLEf Duldom 1966, '929 HARBOl\ BLVl), r&dlll u...., Sblllrlty nck: •co Con, Rodt 9620 -C:l,JJIVIO:= 2 lie•. l'Od~ & h"'"· lmma-, .119. ~~ ~lllr ~ 64)..4704 ' '69 Pontloc GTO •I 3000 &etual miles, xlnt cond. t'OSTA ME~' ' 54~ .J3350 642-0722 ALEXIS For. Ford, trailer It _n ' Lm"f ~te. (UDE 743). 1f'j6JU>. .--:r ...,-1n r• MUSTANS V..S auto Hardtop Q>e. 800'.lorla'.a t~~ botw,.n • & 6 0""'.69°'.'.:~Tt!lONpm,, 'lliilc, liClkC ooupo. N'w '"""' -All brand . '61 Chovoll fl11ibil $2295 :! e:f·• ~ ~-= 1.,., Xlnl CO:... Q,me l RA1ng<U40,~"· ~r •-. "'" ID .,,..,Id-cond Xtras S.2995 new. 8"->1433 HardtoP Coupe LotJl one S 49 , Mt Mtl '""'1T1'9 , •l""'Y• spec~ w '68 'BIA 650 cc. n.ed & Big sdn. dlr, ~114 fM..m6 · · _.........,_ • owner car, 4 ~peed radio, • ATLAS , t., Apt • na -vinyl roof. Uc. Y cl!~ per rec t cond. cam, au~ ~ r~ ....-, 1959 PORSCHE Super Autot W1ntl4 '700 Mtttr, 0 0 Wt ti fi.tni.. · 63 FALCO • t:tLQdloBILE Spec1&l price at only Sb""'?S. • 5.16-8910 ~ed! Law, ~· mila:t un. sums ~ l'lfW ~ill ~ JJc! dlr, auto, ve:ry diP_, _ . . ,:;a:: $3499 dij_ lacrory W&ttl!IQI. NI * r,.i.s...'194J * WE PAY • · , Wl.'WO:JB, Wap t lilt~ M M"YSl.ZR -PLYMOunJ ~ sfil7·4~ . •• • flJ. A~ ,:".:-;ices 9400 'I';:. ~15. ~41. ol~ PORSCHE 1967 9U s. s1.o1o CASH' •I ~ =R B4::1S34 '87' c.u.AxY SOO. ,., \fl, 1 . , -;:;v-;:;-;;--:;--;:;'.';l~V~lc~..,.,,_~~;....~"""'·C.· _ grey. Extr.u! Xlnt oond. ""'1 Diily 'tll l<I p.m. oond. llQO, Prv prty. ft~ ,; c o RVAI R ~ bbl :""1ff"i51TIUN ~895. Pri ~ty. 83l-09ll or 'M amYl:F.Jl 300 H.T. 613-M 'i lll&ftlttld/carb $65. Ta.ch 64 Dr sea ' •pd dlr lront CF 838-654 f~~canr:roe:~JUlt It -· ~ Cpe.. J'aetory alt. auto., .~6J~ro=RD=--xx..~"""'HT=.~-~1 TOION.&DO ~II o:S cyl 1$!1). Carvello ~ tlO. buc,ket Miw, 2,900 Miles on J>?RSCllE 9W~. '66. Sun_rool e us or es te. ~~ power steering, lWL CXEV· seats, d.lr, tad alr, xlnt II ,,.., ~p • ~ alt 6 ..... -Will .... ,_ Untod •'""· 6 Alloy """· GROTH CHEVROlfl ' sO 811) $1295 lull prico. ... ... ""' point LB ATB ~ "'" nEdlfri'LY rcblt l Of), Yt1il cen..:~eal io priva~e p~. Ko.~· "!~'.:"1P4'"'33. 11.is inany • __ , .• : . ' CONNELL '1'98, Total price $699. Call NEW 'rlLjUTIV-' I"' · 1 en&tM, incl Bell twlnf t .Fu.II ~.11125. LB YHW@t ex .... as. ......... A.sk for -Saks t.fanager ~ p Vic 545-0034 o ~ " clulolt. 1100 o• "'" fll. eon nut ~•. ..__ ,.,u "'''" 81,.. . ~ ,J CHEVROLET ~ .-549-31131 Ei<1. 66 or n """1ll2 alt 6 pm SUBARU Huntington Booob '\•• 2828 Harbor Blw. MERCURY · · l9'10 HARBOR BLVD. coRVliR b~alitl ••, t,. '68 DATSUN Kl !>3331 c.>1. 546-1203 TO CHOOlil •AllM .,, COSTA MESA 'ift· c..,.,. ooodlllttl> Ill oai.. "" OltaUon w .... n. auto . ..,_ Subaru _of Calif. CONFIDENTIALLY 54~30ll Ext. 66 o•" '67 MERCURY BIG SAVJ)i41L •n-11nNNE-YILLE S4~ --~e~ad oc~~~;'d:~;:.it ;,~ lnc.-Retail Div. We Pay More For 1970~~~;E~~~· COMET ;::_ . Unive.-.11u ~: dlr, fact alri Triller, Travel . '411 price $1599. LB WBJ 589. $1297 POE Foreign Or Sports Cars '&I CHEVROLET El C&mtno ·'lil COMET 2 dr Auto. trans. COUOAI It I J --f,Jfh ,"1i J...t......--;-':;;:';;;;;;;;::";::::::t:'.:l~Cal~l :!_V!:ic_;"""'4'1:"~~·--~ Opt -••p l.10. f'reioht $14.50 PAID FOR OR NOT Custom. Factory air, P,S., 'S195. MS-1432 aft 5, all -1~ .. V8 engine. radio, hta1't1 etc. · • pwrw ,....,,...,., • I'"' ITAR>"IRE t I .... .:: ...... -.,.... B J S ORTSC R to rad! .. _ Ilk ~ (7F91ASU045) Id b I mileage. Xlnt condl ~ raw U' .... '67 Dalliun Sta Wa&, xlnt Handling 149. Tlel. $1390!i0 p A au .• o, neater, e Sat. . 0 I e . in and out. Total Price . SIPI 4, extra cupbrds, crpt, cond, low mil. Leaving COWl-+ Tax a.bd Licenx • • new. (U4.Ll001) ;1495 full $1811 smo LB VB!\ 319. call • read>' to roll. Youn '°' fry. Sll!>;, 49'.ffi92 woo w. Cout lllway, N.B. CENTER prioe. CONTINENTAL ""'34. • · S691. 1588 s.n Bcmaromo ..._ * 54<>2'133 '"" Harbor m...i. CONNELL ~-- Pl, CJ!,J or 642-3973 ENGLISH FORD · eo.ta Me.. 5'f>.4<9l '63 CONT • Dr IA tbor Lo ATLAS 2"11 llu\IM C..t> Mosa '69 Fittblnl 400, Ml 1.,.. sECXIJSE wo don't liko to TOYOTA WI: PAY CASH CHEVROLET ml. llo•t'ou" ·., k..i.1a~ 9*9640 . ~":;.,~:"' ,..,,, jMI rou,h It when camping, \\'e ft&. 2828 Harbor mvd. model VW, <7141 ~ CIU\YQR .-'1.YMOtml • • ~1407 • Make .... are looking for a 15·.1s· ORANGE COUNTY'S C.M. . 546-120.1 '63 ALL power-;&i;L A{; J¥n itARBOR BLVD. ""'1ltr in noed of"'"'' that VOLUME ENGLISH ITIQ'YIQl!iAI fOR YOIJR (AR 69 SUPER Sport 7000 ml, lllie Ill"' or ""' -· aood 00/lrA MESA 546-1'54 '68 FIREBlRD. 10,IXXI ]ijL SO!llfOOC wan_t.s lo unload for FORD DEALER l I Q new. TransLerrcd. Take mnditlon! ~()pf:n Daily 'til 10 p.m. Auto. Fully equipped. Lil£ a QlJ:AP price. ll the shell SALES. SERVICE Best Deals Are At CONNELL over ~ent.s. Fae air. · ~ • '15 OLDS D)llllUnic 88. 4 dr. NEW! 673-4650 ~ .. I• ill 1ood oondlUon, w•'ll do '69 MODELS DEAN LEWIS buclre t ""~· Storoo PIS. COUIAR . MUSTANG PIS. Air ronil. Riil. 47,IXXI RAMBLER the ('ell. Please call days Immediate delivery CHEVROLEJ 186% Rochester, CM __ ml. Excellent~-Woman =· wl:;~,:U:· '"' LARGE SELECTION 1966 Harbor, CM. 6'6-'3111 2828 Harl>or Blw. 'S'! NOMAD 3Stl h.p., 3 •pd, '67.~'!'fdAll GT '66 MUSTANG ILT, :"':i ~~tSl:': PRE-OWNED 15' ftRRy sleeps 5, r;tove Theodore BILL M.AXE"W' Costa ~fesa !)46.1200, C.Orv. alum rim&. StnJght Godde51 \..";I lun.l"'tT• fact B. C.M. belore 9:30 AM or BIG SELEcnON • Ice .... ~ oond. 54S-6tl66: ROBIN-S· FORD · . ll WE PAY TOP ~-~.::. ·~•.,'.:'; oh, db-, :t.j "I>. Owned V~ • .,.,.,.., ...,rlna '"'11f aft ,,., PM. · '61 THRU '"" . ' ·!- .. ' • - -. 1234 Pacific. c.r.f. · 2060 Harbor mvd. I T~IOIT IAJ DOLLAR Sacrilice -S675.·~1044 · ~~~~ ~h.~·t~~ ~~M"cr!n ~ · aJr ows Teronado ~0~0~ . . Costa Afesa ,642-0010 • ·--_ ~ for _g~, clean used can, .68 OIEVROLET Impala ! foreilq ~.,-111 trade.. · $l &95. $2150. F1nf avail • Tr41l1r,, Ut1 ltty . -94s.Q -~ -1-·1 El'"CH BLVD all mali-, -~ Georr~ ....... Factoiy '·tl!'~r «; . -~·a uvv---~ l!!i:'l1P --, ,,;•wl1l•rm~Y~rt"---~-fl Sx14' car carrier trailer, tilt FERRARI Hunt. Beach . 847~1 2060 Harbor Blvd. _ .auto., 1'1ldio, !le•ler_! (WAK-::;. ~'Z'2!7b· · _ 1!"! ... =. f~· ~~~ •• -. -~ a Theoclore RoL1ns Ford ·. • · ' ·~ -..,. ---; bed.drive<in. $120. 64S.461.9, .. 3 rnl N. ·of Coe4t°H""Y. OI!• -·O;]d': · · -642-0010 ~Like New.· $2295 tun '6'l Im .Qll\tllf1 219--4 spd, ATLAS _ ---~,........, .,.... "",.,., N...,..,/~!!!RILtd. "" TOYOTA . Will B .CONNELL ~i'r:.·:.~ ~~:':":: CHRYSLER-PINllOIJl'H ~€J'C,.~ Tru1ks 9soo ~-~·.~,,"'. " oo1, ••ibor· uy CHEVROLEt ">-1047 • COST2929A .~~ l!1!'3•1· 934 "'JL•YwM .. 0~.:._. uoo:u ~..., 1-IEADQUARTERS Your Volkswagen or PO?'SChe 282&-llal'bor-Blvd '"~ .,... r "'" '62 DODGE SALES·SERVlCE·PARTS ELMORE & pay top dollars. Paid for CM , 5's.l203 DODGE °""' p;, y 'tll 10 p.m. ' 3I~e~~~~a~;>"· or not. Call Ralph · · ·-~· '66 M\iitA!f,;\ 1~ lhitt. '66 PL VllftUJH PICK.up ~ ·~ '62 Cbory ll, 6 oyl, 3 .... '67 DODGE 1•~ nd Alt 111111 642-9405 540--1764 15300 Beach Wvd. WstmMti nu . ..-.=•• mmac. co . !H-4:\732J Authorized MG Dealer Phone 89t-33Z2 lltPORTS Y.'ANTIJ) ne\v lires, gd cond. $35(). 5:30ifc ~7 FURY 4-DOOR $795 °""'" r"'"'"" ""'"""' OW'L THE v.a. ..,.... """""·.radio • FIAT TOYOTA '67 C.rona ""'°· TOP I BUYER '59 Im-4 Dr. Horotop. R.T. COUPE ~ T BIRD t I"~ Ilk · & V_. a·•omat•'• ---_.,_ h<ot", !ado'Y &i<. ~.. ~ · au o. ....,_, e new 1n Bll..L f.L\XEY TOYOtA-NPw motor overhaul. Good ' u• .... u ........ , ,........., TIME FOR (SYE 446). --;! ..... ~-~--·! ATLAS --------our. Going Eu!. 60! 1B881 S.aob Bl""-oond! $325. 646-2503 & "''"'-power ,..."""· $1195 '§5 T·""'n Pull pow•"· 4Ir '68 Flat 1U Spt Coupe r.,1 .. ..1-kl c.dM poWfT brakes. CULD 570}, ~. -,,.,.;;;:__~ .' 0 bl-Llke new -t $2400 .... ,.... ' K. Beacll. Pb. Mi-8555 '64 IMPALA Sta Wag., PIS, ~ -"'"°'"''T .... Gflll.YSLER -PLYMOtrrH al1tt 6 rall 8'>7395 TRIUMPH f/XNTEo i•nk "'"'·No tow-P/8, air, xlnt oond. $1""1. $1995 QUICK CASH J!l!!,.lll§Q,'42--0U6 ., p HARBOR BLVD. away charge. 54&-5106. 496-3702. ATLAS · fJF'fWJ:Zl-350 ~ 4 COfl'A MESA 5'&1934 MERCEDES BENZ .67 '66 CHEVY Malibu, ,..w ATLAS THROUGH A '*"· !j;.-Jl.Ol<e oHer. *"' n..n Daily 'til 10 p.m. SPITFIRE. l4.000 mi, Auto Leasing 9810 tires & brakes. Xlnt cond. am.YSLER -PL~ . . S'B-280'7 ..._:. Xlnt cond. wire whls. NJ DAILY PILOT • 2929 HARBOR Bl.ii· -* SHELLS * tires. mllley other Xtrn, $1600. 536-1837 Clm.YSLER -PLYMOtrm COSTA MESA UiU !!" ·-. $i,buy damaged/cheap. S1R2i 644-1370 LEASE . RENT 283 cu in. 4 sp. Afuat .ell! 29'29 HARBOR BLVD. WANT-AD ~ Dally 'UJ •• •'"· -., -839--1800 ALL POPULAR See to app~te 5'1-6565 COSTA MESA 546-1934 '"'r-" ~•'!fl VOLKSWAGEN MAK ES ;c,•1=t ;,6 =======°""'==Oall=y ='"::' ='lO:•::·m=·=! ==:=====:=:;~=· ".'Whl=1e'=~=""='r=bln~J!~f ll!!";.;,;!ll!l!~· 1i' 9510 FORD -c· AUTHORIZED New Cars 9800 New Can 9800New Can 9800New Cars LOVE BUG '47 JEEP. Very gd cond. ri '(i6 V\V Sedan. lovingly cared LEASING =l~xtras. p vale party. for. Sun1-oof, R&:H, good !Ir-SYSTEM l~*~====='lfs'57f=MijERC~~ED~F.S °'1°"9°"0 s=°L~ I cs, Sl200. 673"3074 Get Our Competitive Rates C!"n 9520 Roadster Convertible, new 1968 Campermobile, 17,500 Theodore , 1.;;;~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 paint. Real beauty. 962-1966 m1. Westphalia, pop-top ROBINS FORD CAMPER ?.t B '59, Roadster, while. ~~~ S2850. 646-3773 evl?I 7-9 2060 Harbor Rlvd. Sales • Rentals Authorized Dealer Jlldorado .. Four Winds lootsman • Barracuda . r Cabover Low ~ $199 ?.IodeJ # too Theodore ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor mvd. Cotta Mesa 642-0010 orig. red leather. XI.NT ~~-~-~-~ Costa Mesa 642-00lO concl. $3900. 835-2427 '57 VW C.Onvertible, low ""'""'"'"'~~""'""'"" mileage, good condition. Y" LEASE Y" MG MG Sales, Service, Parts Immediate Delivery, All Models . Asking $575. 114: 675--0lffi •68 Cadillac CouPe de Ville, eves. fully equipped. $139. mo . '68 V\V Sedan also '67 VW '67 Ford, 10 rass stalion.wag- Sedan/or trade !or V\V Bus. on, r/h, air, ps, $75 mo. '"'962-,....2329"'"'-="'""=--c= '67 Cougar. rh, ps. $67.SO mo. '68 V\V. Must sell. going SOUTH COAST East. Price-cl ior quick sale. CAR LEASING 642-0350, 646-7676 30C W. Cst Hwy, NB 645-2182 '(i6 V\V Sunroof. 1500 CC. Runs great. New paint job. Used Cars J1rtuport 31111ports RENT·A·SHELL Sl015. 644-0356 TRANSPORTATION CARS P,ul-TOP 839-1800 3100 IV. Cout Hwy., N.B. '66 vw •••. F•lly main-llWPORTER Moronr ll!lO So. Harbor, Safita Ana ~ 516-l'mt talned, nu tltft, tadkl, ate. U '69 . VIV Campar. ~l\IAf -Aq~)!Q .ll!!l!£_ ---9lJ 83J.284il "136 HARBOR BLVD. · ~lop. Bestolr overQ1.tll'. ZLEW_.a __ -------.--tr. ff· MICJ'!!bus. erl1 COS1'A MESA Ev<• >t>-19.18 ---_ • M•I · ,Wl\ft, ml& "1.lill. l!iOO '""· 548-5294 or 548-1511 jJiiiiF iii; --~-o.i }''f!Lsee to api.1f!C· 646-5662 C~;,.por Ronillt tftl 'Q i.idii) Jiijl\ t¥1di ""!'!67, 1966, 1iil! VW FINANCJNG AVAlLABLE * EXPLOltll i-Y[~~.;":l1; Q.'~~o BUICK By week or monfl\'.i ~ · ~3 0 -· #if 1' VW. $,WI nil, 1.enlth '67 RIVIERA, n pwr, fact O\JI, SleePs 6. Sell coft -... •pc• : bl!W-. lilk ir\l. :xint pond. air, stereo, landau top, ed. Llmited nwnW. " ~· Sii.JO. Call 642--238:1 Mrm wbl1, Immac. cond. 1 L\iSuRE RINtAL~· · il:i' oi;t: 7l.rt;e: 102 HP. * * '!iO V\V, good condition. owner '*° pv. Ply . <7li ) 642.6611, ITI4) 837-3809 ~~tape, $1650. t:!all eve& Qli: 4Qi Ri-.er1 Newp:irt 83'1-62.11 . - I 'lic;w;;:Bu;gpijj;-;;ii;"" l.i~~:..· ... --==• I Beach 645--0523 * * '65 RIVIERA, alftftutp., I 1il Duno B•ggy "" .ie. 'lj8 VQIJ<SWAGEN Jm ol'J!"-~!lo-li\>'ll "'11. I "'--0350· ...,J<m PORSCHE · ~~~ ~'-~@ D~oo Buggl• 9525 PORSCHE '60 ...oister, ·~"'111crooo,,_"""i!Q. ll* .,."'l!..."!J:l_ l)4!11l new top, new seats, ~-owner, m1t «l,IXXI. l5oll eJll• i>lf.OIP"~. MIMfl DUNE Buggy m,ew Sale. t'1!l1£'nt cond. Sl875. 494-4620 M\lit. ~ 1!._appl"!C. 646-W WtAcn~tiiWIDN '9d.., from 114'-Ch&MI• TilE QtnCKER YOU SE1L GJ!@I' WAN'J: ~ .1'141c ff!.58711 !Or J!!!!LT' ffDn1 S249. La Paz Dun _ ~ W Mll;!:•'!!FM : g,..._., lltlaY Sopennulie~ 3§j:l ~,._warnor. SA. -UP~ 9&9 wkdyt. 9-6 Sat & !l\tn B1J1lRO BUGGY, "'65 Super Varian engine. sooo. Call 841-155.5 1.,~rtod ,t.y'"L 9600 'W SlMCA 4 dl' 18j:t&lil, MW -$750. '61 H¢1f1DA 1'91! • helmet '"'· fl"IM188 AUSTIN '!ii AUSTIN ~ :JIXXl ¥lfk: It GREAT! 837-9524 aft I pm- BMW '61 BMW 1600. Slvr w/ bl k lnt. $2450. Dys 6\2-1617, ~J.-i:t 5 pm. OUHGI ¢OIJNTY'I "°'' DATS\1.,0~~·: DOT A U ----HuntJrcton Beach SU.7781 or 540-0442 • . , •1-'v~ ' ........ I '. ' NIW CAR OLIAN•UP AT JOMNIQN Ir SQN 5% OVE.R ACTUAL INVOICE! JUIT I~ OYI '1NVOlll ON ANY MERCURY MONTEREY, MONTEGO AND COUGAR. DON'T WAIT TOO LONG!! 200 CARI TO CHOOSI FROM e CALL 540-5630 '63 FORD IL •It 2-0001 har~top, Vt, ··~tJ~4l(f lr4ftl!tlhtl~~· p ower 1lu1.,119, power itl1l11, r.tilo, ll11lur, 1111dium lurq11oi11 with m1td1 i11g buc••t • ~•"· Lie. Nd. KSN 921. '67 TOYOTA .. _. evlind1r, r•dlo, "4-oi•f, ~!t..,,tlh• '65 CORYAll COIL\ COUN . I c.yll~dor, 4 spoH, recll .. Mstfr, Ue, No. ,,x 962. ,. SCJ75 '67 T·llRD LANDAU YI , JJUl01111tlc fr1111191)11lo11, f1ctory 1ir ti•• i itloilr&,, 111••'' tt••rlltf, po••r brak1a, power winclow1, powor 101h, ralf1o, •••fur, wh if1w1 ll1, Yi11yl top, 1f1r•o topo, d11p bluo 9ltt1!lic f111i1h 'Pltll lll•'tthlll. lltfl,lfr. ~ltt Ne, TTW041, '2875 '65 BUICK ll'fl.A,. t •Dlff ·~·~fllt v,J '11fJ!'ll•tlf ffllllll'lll1l1111 •••1• tlftfl~. '''''' -•'1*1'· Aztu1 6•1• n.111!' •ltl lflttl~!llt l"'•tl•r, ~11, No. NII Ill s.i375 'ti PONTIAC "MA .. IOUPI VI, 011lofl'lofla fftJWR ltt\lltt itt••r 1t•1rl1111 rodlo, h1otur\ i•-1fottw~ ltJ. "''''fl h1111t '1111" with t• 4 11 frlof, M4t No. SLW 01,, '1275 USED CAR DEPT. 540.5635 1964 CHRYSLER NIWPOIT 4 DOOi SD.Uf W11AJ1l1f1" l/11.111rt1llrs fflif"1 #Hh milch• lt1g intirior. Aulomtflt ifi.11u11i11lj 11, r1iio, h11tur, powor 1to1~i· powor b(Jk11, fie· '"" ol<. UL '775 li<s::i:w • 1f66 ?"'11D lrltlt~ ''''" tfii~'tl~tf m•tch'-9 lnlurior 111i "-lacl l111dou roof. Mill• hm1f'f .ciuippod. A11 .. 1R•tic tr•11•ini1sio11, r.dio, ~ .... ,, pow•r 1tuorh11, pow1r i>r•k11, 6-w•y ••fl, l•color'( •Ir, U&. No."Rtl 724. -lobaa•Oa.~8-QD 1u•11~1•·1-.•••TAL. llll•·•••••"'·'"''' ·-, . . , . • - r•t ... In .,. \ . . -• JI DAILY PILOT . ·- " • • ' ) • • .1 •• . -• ' . ,. ' • • r I '·.::i· I 1 . t (! '. t f • I I -. -~· .. • • -. , • • • • 1· -~ • t . ....,_ -. I < • . ·-·'\ .. . : ·. ' -:., I ' ,' •I • • • . ' . ' ' I • l '· ' -~ ·~ , I . . ' . . , . ., • • . l • . -. --· ,, ' AT FAO, .THE FAllll,Y DISCQUllT SAYlllGS E,KIER,_YOU..lYILI.. EliCD HONEST· TNOODllESS DISCOUNT PRICES EVERYDAY OF THE WEEK .. ;=w~" ·17' ' .' ... -.,.._·.,;...-·-~·=-~ · ·auPiFiuiT ~,-,- . JUJCE -SAVE .18c 6 . .. -iiiiill.oli· ·29.c • .• ICE MILl(sAvE 1oc, . · HUNTS O NO. 3_00 C).N TOMATO WEDGU . 5·F100 · SAVE 10 , .4.5c . . . PURR•3 VARl£TIES 10~100 CAT FOOD CANS I ' MINl-llfs •SAVI 60c I UODIG'S e Alt 3-0UNCE \IAllfTIES 3~100 Sliced-SmokelM~TS '. . ARRID DEODORANT Ern!A DRY . ~CE SPRAY CAN REGULAR Pl!ICE $1.29 66' ARMOUR GOLDEN STAI e All MEAT 65C HOT DOGS ""'· PAC<AG< iloiEi im(ltNAM~·O!iNCl 55c ,.LIEltcHMANN'a • 1-LB. CAltTON SOFT ·DIET MARGARINE 0"ANOIE Olt Fl'MJIT ~UNCH FLAVOPllD FOREMOST DRINKS Yo·GALLON ,S.OUNCIE CONTATNl:lt --' FAD POTATO SALAD • • • T 42~ 2s~ 37c EXCEDRIN TABLETS FOR·FAST pAIN RELIEF BOTTLE Of 60 TABLETS REGULAR PRICE $1.05 ·RAZOR BLADES 6.6' PERSONNI. o STAINLESS STEEL 38' DOUBLE EDGE • PKG. Of 5 REGUlAR PRICE 79c •