HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-23 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' • • -· own er. • • • ' . I ' - :. alJey-~'B~al~-Ca)b p~lgn· ·. . ' . . ' . - O~Ds "With-Angi-y BIDSiS WEDNEsDA Y it.rnRNOON, JU). Y. 21, :1969 • VOL. ... ..a tl'I. f llCT9otflo tf PMU • . l •• .. . • . . Council · Oka ys Helicop _Paµ-ols . . . "$85 ,500 ' Mi's. Robel't Weed ' 1 . 1':T -t w r-, · nditme J:•~ewpor· -~~w'.·oman , r , • .' j',• ' ',,''I . . . . A -· ~ + Fo ·umall . ,f Juti · __ ~~~ ) • I ' • : ' OrpnlalJQq « lhe I -poU.. . .Mrt.Jlol>e<l_N.J!'Jld.JU!«POrlJ!t1cll today was appoh\lld foreman -ol the Orange 'County Grand Jury. ~li'i llelie<ipttr 1Yl\em ln Orange County Is 'I undt<·way-tod.y, ,aner·C011&.._-ai1- Cooncll1 ·-~·r,TuesaiT <i ,, ....,..; eipected to .-..u,y ~ beymlelt1, J.!enn'I. Weigar4, 24, New'port Beach, takes time out from rehearsals for upcoming Orange Coast Colleg!...!UJ!!!.11er music~ to· relax beside the bt::au· Uful sea. Menna plays the country girl in OCC pro- duction.of "Most Happy Fella." Kenned y License Jerked Moon Explorers , • • . Pa8s Half -w~y As Polree Probe Drinking .Mark . in Re.turn • Frtm WJrt Services ·fatal acclderil Troubles m911nted today for, Sen. Ted ~-estioiung ol'111hers who .aUended the Kennedy. as Masstichusetts authorities sfx-man, slx-woMan dinner party at a wspended his driver's license and pushed rented Chappaquiddick Island cottage not deeper into the tragic, post-party drown. two in.lies from where Miss Ko~hrie ln1 ·death of a~ :youna aide in· his car drowned in the overtUrned car ·'may Saturday. · detenliina thlfi. A 11pecla1 prosecutor·for Dukes County .... "I "cail't s,ay specifically that we ai:e also announced COMideration or ·charges mating an investigation into •1teavy' paralld to. CaDfomia'• drunken driving drinking.'' Steele told newsmen, adding arxl reckless driving could be 1...-U.-. that the ,roper questloo Is whelher either Ing. complalnl> wlJI be aougbt. A number or critical quesUops remain A~sampte: of M1,sa Kopechne's blood, unanswered about Sen. Kennedj's degree ta~durtng aµtopsy .after her body was of fault ln the auto accident wtiich cailiied ed U. hours after the acctdent on MJ11 ¥'~.Jo Kopeclme, :ia, to ·c1rown lo a ark, Iida! l•larxl road lbo>fed Diiiy a a tldo.ljcliid flear Edgartown. pegligllilt «DJ011111 of alcobo~. N ltiilator, you~ger brother of JFK Edftrtowo Police-. Clilel •Oomlnlc J . ud 1\flt_: bu been C<Nldered a primlt Allnl, wllo;gafe ftrlt word' o! the·...,,.. ~ lo try Id follow their paths tidnal jl(Obe, epblogalcally amwaed towlrd !be ilblte Hoo,. In 1111 ~ but q9!I0111 wblch have been In many that._. o( hla lulure iJ now dirkeoed. mlndJ Sileo !be l<ddent Friday. Meo Co\Jnly Pmecutd'" 'Walter E. Skln~en r«>OVered the victim'• boc!1 Steelt said at 1 nre"s confettJ>Ce Tuesday after the, sunken car was found by the that cbargCI of driving to endanger and rickety bridge ()'om which It plunged by drlvin, under lhe in!lu 'o! alcohol aro two boy!, belore the lime Kenneey pooslble. ' notllied folice. "Thele have aD )'ai conaldered and "If you'M lnr1lve mt -U she, hidn'I havt not been r)dtdiout," 1114 Stetle, ~i wet -it Wll!I a If lbt .., .. notln( lhal 89'· Kennedy bes already fi'Wnl 11>8'11 to go lo wwt' or • par\)',• been cbarpd with leavlll( lhe acene o! a (!et IU!lNNEDY, Pap II ~ I > I . . SPACE CENTER, Houalon (AP) - Yearning for home, Apollo ll's moon ex· . ploren streaked ever Cuter •toward earth today on a perfect course that is to land tbem in the Pacilic Ocean Thursdey morn1ng. • "No matter; where you lravel, it's nice to get home," Edwilt E. Aldrin Jr. 1ald as the astronaua beamed a television pic- ture -0{ earth from mare than 180,000 miles away Tuesday night. "It's getting appreciably larger now," said Michael Collins. "It's looking more ll)i:e a world. · Md, _looking ahead to . splashdown, APono t t commander Nell A-Armstrong asked about tbe weather in the rt.COVtry area: , , . :11 looks real good out.thert," miuion conv.I told him. · -"'The forecut is ~scattered cloodl at 3,000 feet arxl a vbibillty of 10 miles. So It looks real good !or -ery." Aj>oll-0 ll Is to Ian<l-at 9,49 p.m. PDT about 1.200 mUes southw'est of Hawaii. The astronaull set thW'· coune Tuea- dey by !lrlng a aliort engjne burst to steer onto a precl .. pelb inlended·to laad them .... the alitrae earrler llarilot. ~ elided their hlllorlc aE:atlii! of tlie ._ ~ 1'leildJ1 ab' o o ti ti I (loo APOLLO, . J) ( ' ' • . ' Judge RDberl Gardner's ~~ of Illa oe1 .. uon drew •pplauae ll!>m ~ fellow Jurors a1 the group met wl~tbe Superior Court jurist ~ cloaed doan thiJ morning. . Mn. Weed, the wile ,o! Orange Com DAILY PILO'I' ~· ~-!1~ Weed, has now taken flVU the dutf~ relinquished' by Wllllam o. MarUo or Laguna Bead!. The f<l'Dter Art· C.Olony mayor reaiined last Frid~ under circwnsltncea which have not been made public. Mrs. Weed 's first action on taking of.; fice was to pay tribute to the Work ~ot Martin, who Jed lhe Grand Jury from ill creation ieveo months ago. "I can only say' that I will do my very best Jn my perfonnance ·of ·duties as foreman," Mrs. Weed said: "We on the jury were all very disappointed at Mr. Martin's resignation and feel that· he wu doing a line job." The new foreman ,plana.no changes 1n the listing of . jury offlcer1 . establiabed under the Martin administration. "The only change," she said, ~·wnl be In lhe appointment 9f a chainnan of the county administration committee. UH: post 1 hekl until today." Hilton Dalessi of Fullerton takes Qv& the chair of vice foreman, also formerly held by Mra. Weed. I Marti.D's member seat on the Grand ; , . " •n.Y Pn.oT • .., ,._.. NEW GRAND .JURY FOR!EMAN Mn. Robort N. WHd. Jury was rilled to,lay by Joe Cooper, a Fullertoo real., Maje broker. CQoptr, was sworn in by Judie Gardner prior to lhe appointment ol l!n. Weed. Mwlslinging R~eall .Vote Hinwd in .Valley Drive By TERRY ®VILLI 1 Of .. Dlttr ...... Miff "I'm tired and I'm reedy to fl&bl. If brlnglng oul the trulb Is DOid ilqlhg- tben 10 bt Jt!" With 1hal waJ'Olll(, Ma,..· llobert ScbwmlUqer IOUPdOil the·~ cry !or a hOtJy "'°teAed --thal pro-n>llel> to lbail• Ibo di)' '11 Foontabl Valier. , Almolt burled0 durilll ""1 ..... ol . ahlrp_llld __ _, .... lhe action laMI by Iha -..... Ung the dale o! a -spedal recall - Sep\. :13. Allar the dale -set, Ibo .-.. ....,. ~ aplnll ....... ~ nolll -la ln- lendall lel K be "-a !My ... Pu to bru 'thelr lonf· allence · and for.'colilly anmrUle ~ qalnjl-. Said ' Vleo MIJW Dmlf:l4.•r,. .. , JI. { ' ' ' .. , • , -· ~--------' -" ,_ llmJI& • Tbe "5.500 -aerial .ur..m..~ l!Ylfen Ifill formally· fieiin Jan.' i;-WiU.-troln!ng of -plloti .ancl iJ upoctocl to llarl !unc:tlomnr next.Jyqe. Councilman Wllllam L. st. CWr - hotertng at lho Jaoj.. minute o•ti hla" ""'8 button -Cail a oo bajlql-linally, ltlctlnC -to Ii& --tliot eo...1o1 ... -a!ford lb start It alone. Counlclman c:.or,. A, Tuclr.er made the firll motb> .lo( •Pll"JV• U. hellcop pacllage after a 'looi Mmill( laced 'Willl 1mpre511¥0 c1a1a.arx1 mt1a11c1 by ·n1mJn. v.Wln1'11fttDi-Mj& He. suggested beglnnlng )l'jlh -helicopter only, lho aame a\J!il!>dJopper prograprtISf4 ~!Pomona, bUt ~ .. died fot" tack Of a teeond. , • • , Vice ~or llObert M. Wllaoo lm- medlaleif of!-Ii tnotion ldonllal, 19 °"" he mad< July 11, loj' Ibo !ull-recjui!ted Iii' Pol!Oe Cldef Roa~ & N. CQUnciln}ao Willard T.Jontm-_,. Uomng the raUo of crime, popalollaa ucl resulting ground paliol !or<o -· -secoaded the W\IJ<!!l ,mnUon. _ . Councilman Tucker voted Illa JIPIWOVal Ip_ the" 1n,....ia of ...... ,..mi, law .eri· !arcement;~ ~ 1..-1n the audience cl1anpd SI. Clair'• milll "" cppllde"'4 the pame,-.. ' '"foql<! you er• _r.aJ!r llt>!IY • ;lOlll (8ee llllUCOP8;>PaP]I' · -.. ' I CeMC I .. • ' ' I " , I -·- ·- - ' . Wt<inHday, July 23, 1969 c + 4 • • H.YMOUTN ""' 000 .. ., aoeAITOWN {"'.,f.,"4~Ull!"o.l~ CllU':"IDDICK L ·o~""-"'1~ $-9.2 · Milli~~:;.~!!~.~~~~~--~e.~g .. i~ .. -" -~ -· t•-•• .,I • • • ,...., Huntington High ~t.!~l Set8 .Ele~fion for February . . "" ' B IJ!!l.JllEDZIEJ:llKI • . Of 11119 Dlil!J-,llit_ SI A '9.% million bond iuue for the 52- !"!uanr. mlle lluntlnilGn...Be'°~· U!J!pn Hilb School Diltrict. wu. cal ltd, by, the boird of lrusteea ~ ulfl~L • , ~e election, perhap( to be combined with a 50 cent tax override, will be held sometime in Febraury, lf passed by ~ voters, $1 mllllon or the hood money· woold be uud tor Fleta ~~t~'~cler ~i:. == linllon Beach Hiib SCbool campus. Some f1 .5 mlllion has been pegged for tilt! coostructlon of a 3,00D wpil high scbool and SU0,000 for tbe expam.loo of district oWce facllitiea. The ta:r: o v e r r i d e , administration representatives explained, will bt needed flrom ~page 1 HELI~Ol\S •.. powers agreement?," asked Sl CWt, wha has stea~utly campaigned agalmt Costa Mesa's -!Olo ll!&bt lDlo -1ol law enforcement. - "No, aww, no," several persons pr~ s ~ ¥t1tilliOlt DI~ &illllto~~ OD lhe,_,,,., ... Jointt.q~y, · In the d.lltrid hu not lncreued auf-bUL 11 • •·w~sooiild clfarly des gna e w a ·"1 1 --1-the'---~'· 1 educatlonatF.oces& wlll bt two or three f1wenty to u-laln ,..._ zve 'ol .. flllly lruotee of the~ board . yean-miin nOw and dleSI the Impact It edUcllllOt>ll.a<rvlcel. to l'OIO oplnot ~~Dr. Jooeph · wtll havt on our bulldlna n..,t.s." ~--o~lfy CO'l_Sldf:Md call19 ·!l' JUbal, ·~ up *bit +•aJt these ef.. 11Whlt we are doing now is not top an t11.e.s mllllon bond election but p&J:fd rortt to te:U CCII~] bond la.lues are notch. and I'm glad ltijlt my kids aren't It down to the· present figure after going .to flt; In Ulis system yet," he concluded. eliminating '2 mllllon for the acquh:ltlon "The ·-i!fjJe fl d..k and Ured.'' said Trustee chairman Matthew \Veyuker or another site and '250 r000 for the plan-Ribal, of -paytnr -~ a public acMol said, "we've been doing we dances -rillfr d an addlUonal hlCh acbool. system whk:b llrflOl ~&btiu& with around this bond issue every time It has II'iusteo -Up!J BalM!I' l1l(ltJIOd the · chan1ea In llie ejfucatlooal-. ' come µp and I'm beglnnlna to feel lil<e a culs, aplAlnlnr to Ute adml'llatraUon, "I · "Peoplo are lei! up wllh Id.educational i>ll!<! dancer. We've (o( to 11t moy1Ji1 on have a lot of l)'m:pllhy for what you ate. syllem that don DOt. i.iae Ila present tlila." . _ trying to do, bYt if the cut.I aren't made, f!lclUUes," be added. , John BenUey, another trustee, also ad· the bor\d .~e might fall. The most Im-Ribal, a p1ychology lnstructor, laid du-dressed hlllw:U to Dr. Ribil's comments. portll¢ f.!lJ.nJ. now is lo put a roof over riog ibl nut ftw )'ean he eovWooed addloc "Maybe what you're talkln& about the hfadi ol l,oOo studenll." changes Id ~ull;,c wltlcll. wQij!d mllce Is conllng, but I don1 think thls II the "We've ~·a whole series otelections use of pre.sent fadliiles on a lo-hour a time. I'm not sure lhat tile public really and we· have to anrWer to all the critics day basiJ, wilh student.I com.iJag and wallt! all these dramatic changes." ATLANTIC OCEAN -t~ted, " Ul't T ........ MASSACHUSEnS -Mop ollllinu general area of Massachuaetta a.n4 Its major offabore resort .iJlands. Chappaquiddick lalond ts where 'vasJc accident tnwlvlnl Sen. Ke11J1edy took place. ' KENNEDY • • • ' ~~ined..._ · -. • -Who.took him back lo hla ·hotel? . ~-Eveiytiihii was-buttoned up, i1ghf in -Wiifi"rsOlne euoti"Jnade .to qlfmfM""' place." Kennedy when he was being taken to his Sen. Kennedy, who attended Miss boi.e.I, to detennine what ~d happened to Kopechne'afuneral Tuesday In Plymoulfi, hl.s car.and Miss KopeQlloe! l'a., suttered~Mlnor"'htCk lnjurlee and a -U he gaye informaUoo to the penon concuuion when the Oldlmoblle ~an Lakin& him to hla hotel, why )'eren't the dove Into the lagoon. police notified right &way IO a seatch "At t a.m. that morning we had could have been llarted for Miss nothing to indicate he had been drink-Kopechne~ ing" Chief Arena said Tuesday, "but the -What happened to Kennedy after his c~ aga1nst thlJ man begin tbe moment ar:rival in £daart.own? he walked awaJ from the ,.ccldent.'' -Wouldn't someone In Edgartown - Under Massachuattta law, IUSJ>eDSlOO perhapsr a police officer or a tourist - or the 37.year-old Democrit's driver's have seen him and offered usistance? 1lcense ts routine, but ~otor vehicle -Why would he be confused -he had .. ,,.,._.U~ saJd the preliminary probe tn-been in the area numerous times-and d~ --.rtoua fauh on tbe aenatQr's take a wrong turn be.lore reachiD& the -brid&e? ~u L-·~·~. he could have hla lkenle ~ qllel!IP,lll ~'he answe~ dur· axm<~ ·tn1 '6olirt pnicH<llop m COIOinl ,. .. u. r evoked for s\:r: months. nie next step in these Is Monday's ~ Sen. Kennedy was &ret:ted by newsmen show-cause hearing. Its purpose ls to ~y when be returned to Hyannis, det.e~· whether a summons ls to be 'M.a.,dr~~ a~ hlggar~~ offtrln« issued, b g· the we to trial. 1• pray~• at the catholic <tlel lor li!l llte Ultdtr · · ia• -oOn- broU.-campaip akt•· 1: vlcted of leaving the actne 6r&n'aceldent VOICE T~ orr\...._. may recf:ive from twO mOnthJ to tWo uked If iiT Wooia fillle 4 i)llij-~jail, ·but sud> -tencel Ir .. 'Ibey • , . • . • ..., • quently are upended. mmt. . ... "TblJ Isn't the ••• " ht did, bli 'fok:f:' traill!t( od •1'hls u the day of the funeral. Thti: l~'i th• approprt,ate time." "tve just come ftol;n.tbe ~uneral of a very loY~y (!rl and thll & not the ap- proptlate time to coauilea~" he snapped aJ the qoutlons continued. ' "Pleile, 1et me to the car," hls wlte · Joan said, tuminC to an alde. So llr, Sen. Konnedy hu aal<I he became contused on th~ dark., niral road and turned In the wrong dlrtcllon from the ferry sli~ .~ MIM Kopechni was: to hive cauant a tide. An off-duty Dukes COunty shertff'sl deputy, Edward Look Jr., 11 believed to havt aetn the Ktt\Oedy car u It made the wrong tum, bu.t he could not Identify the driver, NOwmiESS ~- The Edgartown police chie( noted 'l'l*-, daY this leavea toveaUaaton without 1 wlbleaa placing Sen. K•onedY al the wheel of lhe death car. , Saint or the queatlons yet to be annrtred Include: -'WbJ did the senator wait ao Iona beloio-aoln( to the police? .. , Ul\111 l'ilOl ........................... .__ ---,.-c...--. c•~tFOIMI" Cl¥lfll COAS1· f'\19'-ISMlfltO COllM#'I ··~N. WHI • ,...... .. l"llllllllH J•c.• .. c.1.., Vtct ..,.. ... -o-rtt ~ - n ... , .: ... a .... l~*""'' k M.-li1H 1Nn""'9 11Ufw • , • - Apollo Seismic Test Detects Mobn Tremors , 1 SPACE C!N'l'Ell, 1IDulton (AP) -A sel!mlc -rimeat left on the moon by the Apollo 1l llltlODll!ls hu plcUd up unexplalOed ..... nie .elsm.ometer hu detected ''MVttal disilnct e\'enta" or tui'floe movement, which may come !tom natural IOW'cts, said John W. Smi)I, monoter of the Lu..,-Surloce ProJ"'ts office. 'llte upertment, power.cl by .. 1 .. panel•, Is apaprently alowlY dylnfl from overheating, Small said. He said lt was de1Iaoed to dlu:har1e heat throuah radlltlon, but lta:· rldiaU~ surface has been damaged, poutbly from the blast of the rocket which lttted Nell A. Armstron& and' Edwln E. Aldrin Jr. from the lunar surface. · Temperatutts durtng the lunar day reach 2.50 degrees, and Small said the device would not survive if this beat couldn't he dls~pated. Another e1perlment ten on the moon has BO far been a failure, Sma1111ld. A mirror-like devlct designed to refit« Jaser beams has not been located lly astronomers after several attempts, he said . He said McDonald Oblervatory at El Paso, Tek., and Lick Ob9etv1lory of california have aimed laser beams !l the Sea of Tranquillity landing site of the lunar modqle, l>ut the beams have not be<n re.nacted back. . Wheel Off Plane; : Runway Blocked A 111\lll 'pla .. iOlf a wheel on takoolf from 0ran1• Govnty Airport Tueaday evenlng aod blocked the·nmway, causln& · a Sknlnute delay. .. One of tht tlrp0rt'1 tw~ runwa71 W'U ·-· dul!oi llti delay while tht jllahe ,..,, cltarid·from the Wl4ln( "'>!l tahlJlf area. AD olrport official aald the mllhlp ,.., iiot 1 .,.jot problem btca~ l!lllll oJn:l'all wtt'I aUU· able . to ~ and IUtofl on the •lrllort'• llC01td nmw1y1 Btporll tht\ !WO lar(e jll pla11f.1 ..... ' dl•oriod to other • alrporta durfn( .. Ute delay ·win aald to be !aloe by the a;okeslnen. Councilman St. Clair threw up his handa in surrender and punchtd the No button. Mayor Alvin. L. Pinkley prJ>mptly responded to this by 1ppolntit11 Coun~ cllman St. Clair, Jardan, City Attorney RoY Julie, City Admlniltrator Arthur R. McKemle, and Chief Neth to atudy lll<h a · progam. <lllel N«h s a t d during the 111./lour heartna: that Hunt in 1 ton Beach poU~ want some type of cooperative maintenance program ftr their helicop- ter program . He said Tuesday, as.he had explained lhe_~!'!.i:~bel~J'.Q.un.tain. V{l.llet police want in On a helicopter patrol pro- gram, as well as Westminster, while Seal Stach authorlttes an: interested, One of the most comprehensive reports offerid .90 fir came during diSCulSlons. Tuesday by LakewOod Cily Coun<Uman Geor~ Nye, two Los Angeles County authorities and the Whittier police chief. Nye said be was as skeptical as Coun. cilman St. Clair when Lakewood in- augurated Its n!ltionally known Ope.ration Sky Knight program 3'h years ago, but is now a ataunch suppotrer. After conclusion of · the project con. ducted by the federal-pernment and Los Angeles County Sheriff's offi«, DAILY l'!LOT Sl-'t l'llotlt SHARK FISHERMAN WRAY (LIFT), HELPIR PALAZZOLA DISPLAY THEIR CATCH Herring Pnw11 to be Undolnt of fl••FOOI IW. Shuk Swlmmlnt Nur Huntlntlon Pier :::;,:;ci initiated ii>. own hellcopte~ Fe h St Nye ·oald tbq·bo\lihl thrff heUcopters 0 • .., ory ~~J,t!'.'~~~th~r U:..:.17:~ 13 · ' ' cities on a very successful contract bas~. Sha k CL _ ~ . ~T . T C · J. Despil• the fact Lal(ewood hu grown r 11AJUses wrong . reat, aug~~t II perctnt in ~OA "1!'11'1h an· ' , , • · ' · neuUona, he~!.~ era rate has The little herrlng looked like I tatty who. lilted the fiv•foot shark out oi the dropped conJlittntly ·~ no n e w Tuesday afternoon arrack to a brazen blue water and onto the-pier. potiCemtnJ\llv•been ~.J.n two.years. shark swim-1 .... In the water oU the I t Wallilr a1,harki caught offthe-.. 1er Lee AriiO!d. ~ Ange!:es co u n t y ..... ,. i" coordlnatot for tht Atgua One and Arius HunUngton Beach pier. a:o, and Harry waa 1lad ·that lta final Two }lellcopter poUce '•l)'atems, echoed Unfortunately, the herring was at-meal COl'1l1.lted ol herring rather than Nye's enthusiwn, ackilng one important th someone's leg. point. · 1 tached via 25<potmd-tat' line to e He caught the toothy fish at 1:15 p.m., He uid -u did Nye -that Colla flshlni pole of 17-year old Harry Wray, aft.er It waa aem awlmmin.g in the aru Me1a authorities will have to develop with two other aharkJ. their .own sy1tem, because ~Jvlduat Flsbmntn on a local aport-fiahin& boat area . oeedJ, .do not, ;&ljow co,ivlng o! Cranston Claims •Potltd the trio houra earlier and even another agency's x._ograrn. . ~ hooked the 11n1e shark twice, tKit Jost . Los Ans!lq SM!lll'-a Qflloe capt. Bob him both tlmu. Hofhnan. bead 'of t5e U.SO ~~ropter W Hike Sought "He wu pretty well tired when I boot-~lv~ton of[,;id a (ni/nher of. ~wers ar ed him," aald Harry. "The ,..,, on the to uctmtcil l.od'cdtt ~dt~·°'~ pro-boat muat have alrudy worn him out." (lams. . ' . WASHINGTON (UP!) -s.n. Alan It took two saU• to un him DUI of the Wblltltr PO~ Chitf Jamu Bales said Cran11ton CD-Calif.), said today aome water and onto the pier where Harry and his clty ll ant or ~ tnvolvtd In the senators with "great influence In the hb friend Ntll Palazsola, I~ Stanton, ad-- i!oopentlve Argus hellco'pter programs White House" are seekin& to escalate the mlnl1tered the coup de gract. and is exLrtmely satisfied wiLh cost and The shark, dead but lllll -wlggllng, at-, war ln Vietnam. tr ·~ of 1-·· ler ... iefylct. ac_. scorea cur ....... p WIWl.US lfl a prepared Senate spe«b, Cranston and fllhermen who were interested in APOLW ... themselv1a out ol lunar otblt and iiradually aalned .speed aa they raced deei)et lntb\he'.·grtp·or earth'11ravlly. 1'111! ·TV'.show was the hJchll&ht of an othtrwl!e quiet day. said demands for ucalation had: been stein& his bl1 "amlle." renewed even thoUgh both President Nix-A resident of IOMl Suburbia Lane, on and fonner President Lyndon B. HunUngton Beach, Harry regularly goes · to the pier to catch raya and shark!. Johnson had sought to limit the war. AlUwugh he haa cau(ht many, none hive Cranston said a military victory in been this alze. Vietnam Is not possible and that escala-"I'm going to remove the jaws and lion might result in war with Red China mount them," said Harry proudly. "It's and possibly the Soviet Union, but said he just about the bl1geSt shark I ever had heard some senators argue that the ca\Jghl." Y•ar sUll could be won "If we decide to One of bis friends haJ already claimed spend the money ~ make the the regt ot tbe 60 pound fllb and plans lo sacrlfict!:." convert lt lDt.o at&aks. fll'Olll Pore J RECALL ••• Dick, "hf' laken the rfdlculous potltlon of not lelec:Urc a elate of condl!fato., This la ablolutely and completely Ir· ~ble, or Is It a guise to put you --aaleep while they take over. Let them bring their candldat.el out in the open." Paro and Recreatlon Commlulon Chairman Ron She_nkma.n •lood before tbe council and called for "peace 1n the Valley" declaring "the courts have apoken, let's now conduct the recall l.saue with digoltJ." Shenkman, apeaklng from a neultal pmltJon be u.ld, pointed to a recent in- dustrial firm that backed away from Fowrtaln Valley becaUJO of the pending recall and ur1ed all aides to avoid mud slinging. Another surprise v;ame from John Mangano, rectntly figured to be a can· dldate In the recall election, who declared he wOuld prefer to see "the entire Issue setUed in April during regular elections." Replying to calla for a clean campal1n, the mayor stated he originally thought everyone would be told the issues, but considering the lack of f!lir play the issue would come out, "whether you call it mud slinging, betng aggressive or gutter poUUcs -the people-will get the f1cta." One question came up on the form of the recall, when atorney Robert Sanooe. a recall aupporter ,. complained • that persons voting against the recall should not have the rlghl ta'vote for a candidate in the' election as indJcited by the recall resolUtlon. ll atarted llke a comedy show. Whtn a plctutt of the 11'lOon fluhed on the morutor In mission control, the capaule communicator, a!lnmaut Charles Duke, ctmmented: "We tee the tltlb in the center of the scretil/' Robitaille Police Chief -- ! ' . ' NIW POLICI· C.HI f Capt •. lori. italaltalllt .. Beach Captain Takes Over D~partment in August Dy RICHARD P. NALL CH tM Del1' l'lltl Slat! Capt. Earle Rcbliallle ls the neW Hup· Ungton Beach poUce chief. Hts appointment came in th~ early momlng hour! today as councllmen met past mldiilgftt• iD execuUve session Jn· lervlewln& the seven top candidates for the post. ~ RoblWllle, 38, be11N his expanc;ltd dut- ies offlclally Au.a:. l at • Alary rance of u .sao to $1,719 mont!lly. He repl1c:t:s Chief John Se.ltur, retiring after 32 yun of clty service. Robltallle , who will tell )'OU flatly th•t llunttnaton Beach already bu the best police department In the COWJty, poaihly tht slate, his come a 1<1111 WJ.1 In police work l1nce ltse. He w11 a r6okle patrolman then wllb the Campton Polica Department. He advonoed to dtlocllv• and crl(ne ln- veoU,a!or In Cbmploq .,.S.wu CJ!ldU•~ with an ,00<11tt tit •rta dairi<.!run Conu>\on Collil~· .. ·Ii', ; . . . ' ' l"o\lt.fean 11t1rhl ooiao·t..~rur term' irilll the, \!$. :-;·~ ·1ltpi., .. crlrnlnal_ invesU11Uon dlvtsl~n. A s~d~ Ullgnnlent during that penod had hl\n working f6r then Attomey GenetJI . Rober\ Konnedy'a dttyi ~ailut or1aftli- ed crlrrie. _ · .. No sttan1er ~ the tnatl•, tb.e new thief lnve1U11ted ayndlciltd i a m b 11 n g btt'l\ieen Mlarnt,. New York, Cleielpd, Chicago and Lu Ve1a1. The work 1ea to lndlctm1nta aaatnsi ao to 70 mafia members and union coborta. un1:!v~~ld ~ '°°~.~:U'd:or;·~~ porations unearthed ln lbe lnvtsU&1tlon. Robitaille Joined the oil city foiu in 1113. He hu worked here aa p1µolman, field mpant. watch commander, train· Ire olf~r and admlnlatraUve uatatlnt to Chit! Seltw. . ' Edtl<laUonaJIY. he bu ranreii 1n1o flelda balde.t pollce aclenct. 1beao tl!CJude hJa LUIClite Of Iris del... In prtdtnUslry, wotk toward a muter'• dlfl:M 1n RUbllc 'ldrnlnlsttaU.0 ind 11 lllllla tPward 1-~" : ~~ baadlJil the d!Y'• doted\ .. • dMatcin, Rob!taffie nv11 .'ID lltmt!nCtOo Beach With hla wilt, Ltll ~ .. ,ld.en, llorf, ~ n • .,.,~ 4 ' ' 11 ; Br.,d,'10; anti Erle, 4. )le and the family were glad today tha1 the "hectic" period ct decision about a new chle.f for the rapidly 1rowlni: city bad reached a happy end. RobJt.alll1 said ht plana to ·place more emphasis on problem areas such as downtown which he c!llled I focal point •.. for a real narcoucs problem l.Q Hun- llngton Beach. • "We can't ignore it: we hatfe It (narcotlct abuse) In a big way and It's our "'J>Oll•lblllly," Robltaille iali!/ The chief aaid the department u In aood shape as to caliber bf ~f'IOM6l and tqulpment. "The cooncU and admtnls- tntion have been tremeridoulb' &ood to vs aJ>out eq\llpm<nt when we cu Justlfil the need. We're the only ~"' ment In Oran&e COunty wt th bellcoptira, '' he said. · n1~~= ~1:.: ~tu~~ . pie <>t the city ste w I the pol!ct f "'l'l It · il1fnt to do. "W~ want.to lot thtm kno• . ···~ fryiJli 1o. lio ~· 1iot191> P1$llll• •• bO&akt . ' ..... _ ...... -~·--'-.._ .......__._~ ........ ._ ... --~~~___.__. ... _______ ~---------~--------------------- • ' . I I --1- t I I I ~ (I i j 11 t ' I ~ • \ . I ' I I ...-.u' i -·f~ .. ··-····· ............... . ,LN._y. Sw1*• . WEDNESDAY, ~ULY 2'-J, '1969 JEN CENTS . _ ... _.;. t .-! /I' :\ltliitiftgtti~:Schools -Seek $9.2 Million in Bonds 1-. • lly 1\UDI NDlDZIELSU • • • Cll .. '*" ·'*' ..... A IU million bood tssu• far the 5%· ~ 11\ile ' Ht'milngfon Beach union 8ll!i Scliool illstrlcl .... ·ca1i0c! by the board« trustet,!'Tuesday night. 'Ille •lectjoo. pc/h8J!' to be combined ~ui1a ao..cent.tu override, wW.-be-held 10metlme in Febraury. it passed by the voter•. II mUUon or the bond .-y,iwould be<used,for JI';~ ACt .C!9Dtin&encies, aucJt--u· ~uake pctollac ollhe older pori!QDS ol, lbe ijuii- ·" ' . . Huntington Gets Its Map Capt. Robitaille Named Police Chief B1 IUCllARD P. NAIL Of .... '°""' ,,.. ..... ~ Earle Robitaille II the ..,, Hun- tington Beach police chie~ -His a~·~e ·ln"6e early momin& hours today u councllmen li1et put •dlbll!!htin.......UV• .. -.·'1n· terviewing the seven top candidatel for ._ theJliOs.1, , RobllaWe, who will tell you flatly that uslgnrnent durln( that period bad him Hunun,ton Beach already bu the best workini for then Attorney General Police department in-the county, possi~ly Robert Kennedy'• drive 'against orglliiz. the state. has com~ a Jong way in police . -.1 ..:....... ~ • work alnoe 1956. He WU'\-J. rookie -""' ... e. _pa~1!nJn th~~~~oli~ lf~ s~~r_lo ~e rtafla •. Y:1e.new ch!el=-Depaft~l , . Investigated iYtdiealed g am b t 1 n g H~ adv~ to deledive and·crime in-b:etween Miami, New York. Cleveland, ·• VUU£alor m Compton and WfS graduate;_d Chicago and LaJ Veias. The wort led to Robitaille, 38, begins his eapanded dut--:-"--ft!l=offk:ially-Aug:-t-.t--.~aa1a~ange or Sl,380 to $1,719 monthly. He replaces Chief; otohn Seltur, retlring after 31 years with an associate· of arts de~ from indlctmenls ag~ · 1!9 to · 70 Compton Colleje: ~ ~ ~ ineriibers arid uilion C0ho~~rts~. --""J '·""'"'---! Four years later he began a three-year He said it took accountant! S'i2 years lo term with the U.S. Treasu,ryl>ept., unravel the tangle of dummy .cor• crimlnaJ lnvestlgaUon division. 4 special (See ROBITAJU.E, Page Z) ot.cltjl...,..;tce. . ~roves Ott i~ Valley Angry Rec~ll ·~ight Ope;ns 1 •·• ~ • 1o ' ~. ,. • "'-, r, .. -, ' ' .. • 81 TDllY COVILL!: Of ... '*'" ..... ,, ... "I'm tired Ind I'm ready !e, lllht. Jr bringing ~'the triith II mud sllnl!ng-tben so be jtl" ' . Wllh ~, ""'"""" 'Ma~or Robert SclnrerdU..,_.oaftdeihlhe battle cry for a hotly con~ ~recall issue that pro- miad to-lllUd<e' tile City :o1 Fi>untaln . Valley • Kennedy License Jerked Alm"t burled dutinf an evening of sharp temper~ and belted starea Tueld~y was the action taken by -the council lit.- ting the date of a 1pecii.l recall election Sept. 23. • As Police Prob e Drinking I. .' -• After the dai. wu aet, the three coun- * * * Sassone First From Wirt: ·Strvlctt • Troubles mounted today for Sen. Ted Kerinedy, as Massacbusetls author.Uies 111SPt;fldeci his driver's licens.e and,P,Wbed deeper ir.&o Ule tragic, ·wst~party drown- ing death ol a young aide in. h1:5 ,car Saturday. . A !!ipeclal prosecutor for Dukes ~upty also announced consideraUo,n ot .c1iarges ~allel ·to Ca!Uornia's drunke'n · drlYing and..Teckless driving could ~ !ortbcom- !Jig. . A number of critical questions remain unanswered about Sen. Kennedy 's degree of fault In the auto accident ¥"hich caused Miss Mary Jo Kopechne, ?JI, to drown ·in' a tidal pond near Edgartown. , The senator, younger brot.ber of JFK and ·RFK -has been considered a prime contender to try to follow their paths toward the Wblta House hi ~ -· bu! that aspect of his future is now atrkened. Dukes Cou#f Proffcutor W.iltf · E. Stet1e said ara news cuif~DC~ '.fU~Y thal charges of·driviu;_,to en4aJ1ger and Orange Coast Weather . DeSJ?lte the morning ovcrca~t. lt~s still 1 lovely day to enjoy 1um.mer purauita. The wea\&er • wtll remaJn that way, at t~ut (or the next five daya. · INSIDE TODAY Now that it has happened end man h4I probed outer space, dO anv of thost on earth wh.o -saw it really Undt'r· . ttand what ha1 happe_ntd and · what ft mtan1. Paae l:Z. ' #"'!"" 11 Nlte• JS 11f:l't-~1 1'n'f , .. Orer:t• cr,:r.tr ''"lf '""'...., n fKJ1f ..... ,,.,. '"'"" n-u Or. &ltl!W.1'919 t1 ..... "' ....... ,, ,..,..,.Mfll ,, M _,,.. M ........ •. ............ . . I ' . ' driv!nl'under the influence or alcobol""' ~~ hav• all been considered and To File Papers have not been niltd ,(!Lilt'' said Steele, · ::gcn~~tt!ds:;:ih ~ee;1~l:10i~8!c!~~ln Valley Recall fatal accidenL 1 Questior.ing of others who attended the Allorney Robert Sassone, prominent !n six·man. 1ix-woman 1 dinner partl at . a the campalgri to recall three Fo~ta1n renteq_ ChalloJqulddlc~ Island cottage not Valley dty . councilmen, was .the first to two mi.Jes ··trom where · Mi&s;. Kopechne announce his intention ~ay Of becoming drowned 'in the overt~ car mily a candldate. for council in the Sept. 23 determine thUI. · recall elect.o1n. "I can't say specifically that we .,.e Sassone picked up nomination pa~rs at making . an .irwesugauon itllo 'heavy' IG a.m., tod.ay, fro_m the city .clerks of· dri!lking," Steele tokl .~w6im:n. adding flee and J~~~eiy announced he that the proper question Is whether other would be c~lleng1ng Mayor Robert complaints will be sought. SchwerdUeger ~ the Sept. Z3 election. . , , As of press · lime, no other candidates · A Mmple· of· Miss . Kopechne 1 blood, had appeared at city hall. Today was the ta~ during aU\oPf)'. after _her ~y was fi st day for potential candidates to pick recovered 1,2 bou.rs a.l1er Uie accident on tr . a dl\rk ttdal ilJalkl road showed only a up nommation papen. P<&ligibie·omounCol alcohol lndtviduah who-plsn to run In the eleo- . EaaartnW.'..-hu-ce Chlet~ DOrnwc J tlon must r~ the ~JnaUon papert Arena .. "bo·giVt finl word\Qf' the itnll: with thl signatura of ten registered iionil protie;; · .. potocotl&Uy answered voters by noon July 31. questiOOs • which ha,v.e been ln many Saaone has appeared 1n court seveTal JQinds aiooe the l<:ddeftt Friday, Umes on behalf of Utt recall campaign ·"Skin i:tfveia recovtred the victim's 1;1ody and its legal battle against tbe city~ ~ter the tunken car •WU round by lhe tic'k.~f~Di'llige £r~m wJ:Uch . tt plunged by two lioy" beforo tll• lime Kennetty ;l,arwin Awaits notified ~lice. · · , · , .. 1( yOO'fl {orgtve-me -if she hadn't ~ '!rir\ging· wet. -it was as if she was getting .rt~y .to go to work or 1 party," the chief uplalned. r "Ever)'Ulin&1,..H buttoned up, Tight in pl~.~·· , Sen. Kennedy, , !VI» .attended MIH K<>Pedine'• funeral Tueaday In Ptymoutb, Pa., auffered minor neck lnjuria l1ld a concusalon when th•. Oklamobile 'sedan dove iqto'tbe la:oon. "'At II a.m. that morning · we hid nothing to Indicate ho.')lad tieeol clrlh1<· ing," Chief Arena said 'l'Uaday, "but the case against this man began the Jll'.QD)ent he walked away ln>m ft acddtnL" Under Mauadwsettl law, ,nlipension of the 37-year-GJd bemocrar1; driver'• licenEe II routine, but rrlqtqt.. ~vehicle authoritlO. said tile P,.lhn!nary pro!J.e In- dicates Mrious faUlt on •th teM\or'1 parL • • • . lf convicted, he tould baWl•·till Ucenle revbktd for all moothl.. • i Sen. KCJmldy was p-eeted bfne nnw,..,,.,~,.I! _ Tu•"''" when he r-to !i,)li&mll, -.,(IM lt£!ailllt~ .. l), · ' '• Court Decision , Larwin Company attorneys e:rpect. a California S\!preine Court decision Aug. 21 la their latest appeal of ID Orqa County Superior Court ruling that ~ cooatructlon of 11111 bomea )n FOulltaln Valley. ~ttotneys wen ln!"m'ecl by _the llat. Suprwme. eoun,that • ~ will be made by Aq. 11 oo whothir to camlder' the oppe.il. 'J'be -limit WU utanded became ol a heavy court caJeadar, iald the ncitlc:e. 'l'wo appeals on the Superlor Court declsloo wett tumetr dQwn.by, the ... ta Appellate Court in Sari BenWi:ttno. Steele /llerfceC• • • ------------ '°' ~ ;.. '~ • ·I" • <'! • I ' cllmen an1nlt wbem die rteal1-Is lo-"let !hi people ban both · aides el !be tended.let It.be known iJ>ey were going to •tory." bttalHbeir io., 1allence ind lor<efully ·, --, ~ answer tile ....,_., igatnst ~ 'Tho mall backer.a llBY• U9e!I 111, Saiil • vtF" or · . ·1'rf1eau, J!bo9 ~,o1 1o1 ·-;• f!lld ~~ "H.ill<IO)ah1 t· ; tyo been freedt ...,. Mle ·~ have flt,m · · • Now for.~· -el tla Will ~ a..t ever uJllllllOd II r-CO!P.t._~ltlt._ ~loLM ... t.alrl:YaJ.iiY.--'-.--- . The aliht .;.. . <er '.tilth .~.bi, •-1!.e Jiowi1a1n vau;,. CioJe Aooodatlon eluding ptaqnlnl comDilJs!Oo. dlainnan whldl lii!Uated the rocall," conllnueci James DlcJt twins 1nto the r<eaJJ · IUP' DlcJt, •has taken the rldlcutoua. pq.w.. porten who ~ ;•attemptinc to do3tlOy ot not ael'!'Ung a slate of Clndldatei. ctt, 1ovenunent.! Tlwr Is aboolutely Ind compietely Ir· Dick, speaking u a resident, told the responlible, er iJ tr 1 guile 'to put you council &ild audience of more than 100, uleep wbUe -they take, over. Let theui thal ho felt h WU blah time the ~ (Seo RECALL, P ... I) Astronaut,s ToldW eather Looks Fine for Rec0very SPACE CENTER, Hou&ton (AP) Yearning tor home, Apollo 11'1.moon ex- plorer111treaked ever faster toward earth today on a perfect course that 'is 'to land them in the Paclflc Ocean Thursday morning.' "No matler where you travel, it'• nice to get home," Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. said as, the artronauta beamed a television pie· ture or earth from more than lso,000 miles away Tuesday nighL "lt'1 getting appreclably larger now," said Michael Colfuu:. 11It'1 looking more like a "1>rld. And, looking ahead to •plashdown, Apollo 11 C<)mmlnder Nell A • .Anmtron1 uked about the 'Nea~ In the recovery area. '· "'It loots· reail aood out there," mlsaioa·· conlrol told him. "The forecast la for Scattered clouds at . 3,000 feet and a vlalbtUty of 10 rnila. So it look!: re.al good for recovery." Apollo 11 is to land at 9:49 p.m. PDT about li_200 miles southwest of Hawaii. The aatronaull set the1r cOW'!e Tues- day by firing a short engine burst to steer onto a precise path intended to land them near the aircraft carrier Hornet They ended their hi!lorlc exploraUon of tbe moon early Tuesday by 1 h o o t 1 n g themselves out of lunar orbit 1nd gradui.lly gained fP:ed 11 they racecf deeper Into the grip of earlh'I gravity.. . The TV show was tbe hlghllgbt of Ill (Seo APOLLO, Page I) ' Coast Wo~an App,ointe(l · . . . . Foreman of Grand Jury . Mrs. Robert N. Weed of Newport Beach today waa . appoloted foreman ·of the Orange COllnty Grand Jury. Judge Robert Gardner's announcement of his 1electloo dre!r applaule ·from her )ellaw juron u the group met'wlth tile Superiorc.urt jurlst-beblnd doled doora this monilng. • • Mn. Weed, the· wtre ol Orange Cout fj>AIL Y. Pam l'llbllsber • Robert N • '1'eed, ~ now taken over 1be dutiu rdlnqulJhed by Wlllllm D~ Mar:thl ol · tquna Beach; The !Gnner An •Col.0!!1 111ayor mllned 1111 Friday under t-which l\IVI not betlNlllde pubUe... -~ ~ Mn .. Weed's lint 1ictloo10, ~kllla of. f!oO WU 10. ~ trfbuta.IO ,Ibo. wtrk.of Mlrtln, Wbo ltd.the.Gnad J1117;lrom Ill' .... 11oo ..... -.. .• "I ~ CllllJ u;. MJ,dJ;di) 111); '11111) . • f • best ln my performance of duties u for.eman," Mra. Wttd ~aald. "We on the jury were all very disappointed at Mr. Martln'ueaitp11Um and feel thal ho wu doing •·floe job." The new foreman plans no changes fn tbe )lstlnC ol-Jurl' ·officm....tablllhed; under the MultlHdmlnlltratlon. ''The only chai.at." ihe aakl, "will be In the appointment ol 1 chalnnsn of the .. . ~ . COljlltJ lldJplnfatrat!Ul COlll!lllltee, the poet 1 held untl! tod1y." im\.O Da~ or PullertOn talies over °' chalr of vice ri>reman. aiao formerly held,,,, 'Mrs. weed. r 'llartfri'I m<nther Mii Oii Iba . Oratld J1117 WU flllecM11de1 ·bf Joe COlper, I r real~ -..eooper ... '"1n· b1 ,Judlr 'Otordoef fflor to' Iba awHi•Mllllln.iw..L . :~ I I ( ' ~$e'rt;' Police. Still J>robin . · -r- J.>·-\•·g ... P~ckihg BltJ~~: Fire and' police olllciars an! wail.1ic together tit uncloud the. ~ 1 llJC- roondlna; •1$20,000 blaze thal datr.yed nearly 1 thf-d,ot·a lllmtJqi.n Beacll pro- duce pack!ng,flrm 'llnJndoy. Firemen .fbuod ~~ !"'inta· ol opgln for -the blue and labeled. It. probable .,_.ll[jnging bl· detecllves to aid In In· vestiiation.' · Detective Sergeant Jaot IU>elnboltz said Monday tbat no .suspecta .bave been laeiittned but mot!~ .for. t!>8 fire mfjfbt mclude I dlsgrunlled em~.or JOUlll kids doing H f<r · I prank.. : ' . ''But we still0don't' have any idea who," he added. The blue de!troyed abouf 18.1100 In . . . \ ' materials and fll,000 Jn facUities at ChiCa Farms,~ 11101 Nicholt -st., late Thursday afternoon, said 'rU"emen. "ArSon is fairly common m·Huriungtci, Beach,'' aaid rw f:!Opartmeat p1p1a1n J. V. Vincent, ••~t roost caaes involve children lll<l pm ltreo. 'Ille criminal type of anon is a Jot harder to pin down.'' , ~ 1 , "¥* 11 a hard aime to prove," ht Co!lcluded, "becalll6 · the' evidence II ~eslroyed wfth·the' t!Hme:" ·.' t NIW GIU.llD .lllltY ·~ ' . ' ... _ .. ,_,_ I Mri. It ..... • II,!; " __ f" --- • , . -' • I I I ' l I 1 I I I ' -• Z DAILY PILOT " •• Wodotldoy, Ju~ V, 1'69 1 ., . . . .. I ' t • • Wacoo~&v HANTUCKIT SOUND • S91ne lllO HUlllliJJl<o :Unloir dth" -lllllric! -clldnt 1et all thef wl.ntea 'l'Uelday In suJle;rior Court but their happy .sPokuman left tbe courtroom lo announce bis "COJllplete saUsfacUon" with the. Verd.kt of Juct&e Robert L. Corfman. · Judst Cor!man-re~od the argumept of attorney David Holden Lhat the teachus should be paid in fuU for May 29 -the day on which they ettat.ed "dangerous and sometime• chaotic liitua: lions'' by not working lo schedule and by not working the full day. But he agreed with Holden that the district had no right to deduct pay from teachert as a result of ·their actions <>n June t. He defended the claim <>f the teachers -all members of the District Educators Assciciat.ion -that they could apply one of their two annual dally leave.s Valley Orders Recall Fraud ' ATLANTIC OCEAN Charges Study · Fountain Valley's recall batlle may be Ul"I Tt~ •MASSACHUSETTS -Map oullines general area of Massachusetts '·and !ls major offshore r~ort islaml•. Chappaquiddick Island is ' where tragic accident inwl.Ying Sen. Kennedy took place. carried to the criminal courts If the cit1 attorney can prove fraij(!Jl}ent practices in the distribution of recall petitiorui against three councilmen, Tuesday night the ~ncll agreed 3 to 2 -with strong dissension from Cowl• citmen John Harper and F.dward Just - to authoriu City Alt.oi'ney Edwin Martin ,, From Page l KENNEDY • • • 1-tau., dr1wli&nd hagaird, aftef' offering Pruers at tbe Catholic rltts for h1i lite brolher' c:ampaip alde. ~Olc:g-TIWLEli OFF :·They. aaied U.be would m•ke a state· menl "'Ibls isn't the ••. " he said. hlJ voice lrallJni off. "Thll Ls the day of the funeral :'J'bls laii•t the appropriate time." "I've Just cxrne Crom the funeral of a very lovely girt llld )hb is not the ap- propdlte time to comment," he snapped .., the questloos Clljlllnued. -ip~·. a:et me )o the car," ma wife A1!I, tumlng to an alde. f~, Sen. K-.ty hi! salil he 4 conlils<d oa the darl<, lllral ""'d .... 1umi. In .the 'wrcing dlroctlon fl!Oin tJ10 ren:i;a:~i"tiere Mlss Kopechne "" lo~.. ·a ride. .. An olf-dUty Dukes Coonty sher if rs 4'puty. Edward Look J~ is be~ved to f ' seen 11\e K~y <H 1'.ilfl ~li!p. i.n pt ·~ pol,l . dr!Vot. • NO WITNESS The EdgWwu po!lce_chie! noted ~' day thb lelvts lnvestlgaton wlthouf 'I witness placlng Sen. XeMedy at ~e wheel ol the delth car: · Some o[ the quesllOM yet to be amw<Pd lm:Ju.d<: ., -~ did ~e 1el\itor w;t so Jong befoie going to the police? ' 1 -Who look blm.badt1o hlJ h•tel! -Waso~ some effort made to questim:i Kennedy when be was be.lot taken to bis hotel, to deteimtne whatli&abappenedlo his car and MW Ko~ne! -If he 111ve information to the person tai.lng him to hls hotel, why weren't the police notified right away so a search could have been started for Miss Kopechne? .. -What h_appened tG Kennedy after his arrival lo Edgartown? -Wwldn't .llOmtooe In Ed&artown - perhaps a polict offtcer·or a tourbt·- have seen him •nd offered assistance ? · -Why would he be confused -be had bem, In the area .numerous ,tiriles-an~ · take a wrong turn before reaching the bridge? ~ questions may be. ~nswered dur· ing court proceedings in coming weekl. DAILY PILOT OU.NOi COAlt "UILISHINO (0Ml'ANY • •oMrt N. WM4 · """""lltl' ...... l"vbllshlr Jedi l. c.,1., lllc:e .. ,~I l lMI ~ .. Mllll,U ntrn11 Ke1•il ••w tho111•• A. tr.lwphi111 Ma1111l119 IEdllor Alb1tf W. 111;~ ... llllCllll l!dllol' Hi.rt .......... Office )Ot ith Strttt M1lllnt Addrtn1 P.O. lo• 790, tJMI --H""'811 9eKfl1 m1 w.1 .. ltlH louliMlrf <Mtt Mew: DI W•f l•Y llNll ~ lltlcll.r tt1 F-M ·- ; • The niXfSlep In lfii~ls--Monl!if"s show-cause bu.ring. JUI purpoae is to detennine whether a summons is to be issued, brillilni the case to trlal. Under Massachusetts law,r.rsoru: con· vieted o( leaving the scent o an .accident may receive from two months to two years in Jail. bul su.cb aentencea fre- quenUy are suspended. From Page J ' ROBITAILLE •• pontiops U:Qta~ 1n the lnvesUg1Uon. Robitaille jointd UJe oil city force In 196.). ~ has worked btrt as palrolman, field i't/gN]ll, wil<h commali<le+, train· ing Officer and admlnlitrallve usl!tant lo Chief Seltter. EducaUonaJly, he bas ranged into fields b(;si,des P,01¥;e ~ence. 'fheae tncl ude bis ~·"' oli8f:ll d~rte In ~UJ!IY. wort toward a muter • de"'" In pullllo admlnlslraUoa llld It unlls toward a law to purllle legal JC(.ion. M charges of fraudulent practices alleged by the · ma- jority factien of the-comteil. Mayor Robert . Schwerdtfeger Look a swipe at Orange County District Attorney Cecil Hicks, wh<>m ~ said was unwilling lo lnvc1tigate the Ch3.rges when uked two months ago. Donald' Fregeau added his support to the Mayor asking, "Why doesn't the District Attorney help me?'' He had also sought help from the district attorney. Both men said Hicks' reply to their re- quesl for investigation wa.s that he did not want to become involved in a political issue . "That doesn't help me Ir he Jn- vesUg1tea the charges after l'\o·e been recalled.." said Fregeau, who added that he also rectived no satisfacti-On from the Grand Jury when he pieaded for an in- vesUgaUon into the praclic.es .of rec.all supportm. When it came ijme for lbe \'Ole authorizing: Martiµ to pul'S\!~ court action JWper llld JUJI b<>th. obj •• tj>O fll'lllOda ~t c!lty \mcil' not be ... pended fer any ?1$0fe • 1 volvement. "[ !9ij'!WO!I !Ii• ,,,. .. wllh the degree. , . dlslr1cl attorney wJ:i=l.s ·rrom ,AJ~nUy· ~a~ ~ ~ty s dettctive both side.," *hf Just, · g· doubt -, llob1laille, 1!"'!1 In Hun~· . thit· fflcks WQ betnr (0 ooe Side. Blach \;Uh bis wil~ Lela; chlldrtn; llon, Jui! suri<aW that !he cOurx:u ., a tf; Brad, tq, and ~ric, 4. . body shbuld ~k fil'!t the district attorney H~,and ~ fa.m.ily ~ere g~ad loday that then .the stale attorney general to in· the he,ctlc penod o(. decision ~bout a Vestigate the enUre recall issue. His mo- new chief for the rapidly grcrwm& city lion was defeated 3-Z. had reached a happy end. In 1.... h ... _ Robitaille said he plans to place more swmn .. '6 up w at 11e ~~l~ertd the emphasis on problem areas such as problem, Schwerdtfeger .said, 1 ve !"ade dewntowo which he called a focal point repe~~ ~e calls.~ the m8;" (Hicks), fOr -a re.atf wcoUcs i>toblelil . fn Hun. : anc_i it d1~n t move hil'n. J dO!l .l mean to Ungt<ii Beftb.i--' -· , . ·. •cast asf)m .. -ml Cecil ·~cu, "'>~l 1 "We can't 'i(nore It; we 'have ll doo'tl. thint we can Upeci. hU'.'?-:tci do (narcotics abuit) in 8 big WI)' and it's anything about Ute charges now. our respons.lbility,N Robitaille aaid. The chief said the deparbllait ls in gooll shape Ju bi c:lllbi!r of perto1111ef llld .equipmenl' ·!"J\W. COW'IC'll and ·adminls· 1.ratlon• have been trtmendowly good to us about equipment when we can jU.SWy the need. We're the only depart· menl in Orange Coilnty with helicoplert," ht said. Robitaille 11ald he plans 1 fuller com- munity relations program to let the peo- ple of the city see what the police force is trying to do. "We want to let them know we're trying to do die best job possible," he uld. Terse. Note Sent By Japan on Gas TOKYO (UPI) -The Japanese government in a terse, two-sentence statement lacking in d Ip Io mat I c pl.3tit.udes t o d a y noted the Pentagon agreement to remove nerve gas from Okinawa. Chief Cabinet Secretarf Shigeru lforl, Prime Minister Eisaku Sato's chief spokesman. delivered the statemenl: "The U.S. decision is an indication of the importance attached to Japan by th~ Nix- on Administration. We wish 'to pay our rtspects to Pt6ldent Nixon for the .speedy rtsisonse lo our request." · A public outcry had erupted In J1piin · and on Okinawa u result of dlscl0&ure t.t1at 23 U.S. aol.diers and ao American etvlllan einploye of the Army, on mtlaawa were given medk:af lre1tmtn1 1Rer et· posure to the gas J~ I. ., Fires Rage in North FORT BRAGG (UPl)~Vloltot IJahl- nin& storms touched off at least II fonst fires In a ooe mllllon-acre art.a steUOsl.of northern CaWomi1 w.s.y, . '111e0 state· DIVlalon of l'orellrt aid most of the tlta were1Under an acre tn oJie but were creottna dijflcultitt bee...,. of· the wl•"Jl!Ud m• aod tho. in-tbllft1 "' -of Ult l>laa!. RECALL .•.. bring their candidates out lo the open.'' Paris and Recreation Cormr;ila.sion Chairman Ron Shenkman stood before the council and called for "peace in the Valley". declaring "the courts h,ave spoken , let's now conduct the recall' issue with dignity." Shenkman, speaking from a neutral position he said, pointed lo a recent in- dll!llrial firm ·that backed away from Fountain Valley because of the pending recall and urged .Ill· sides to avoid mud sllngi.n1. Another surprise came from John Maneano, recently figured to be J .can- didate ift' the recall dection. who declared he would prefer to see "the entire issue settled in April during regular elections." Replying 'to calls for a clean campaign, the may91' stated he qriginally thought everyone would be told lbe lssue..s, but considering the lack of fair play lhe issue would come out, "whelher you call it mud slinging, being aggressive or gutter polllie1-the people will get the fact.." One question came up on the form of the recall, when atorney Robert Sassone. a recall supporter, complained that persons voting against the reeall shoqld not have the right to vote for a candidate in the election 11 indicated by the recall resofutlop.. Valley Market !{ohbed of $70 A gun·lolil)( bandit tOGk !70 .cash from 1 1man·r.untalil Valley market aboul ll •"clock Tlleaday nJlht. ' PoUce sald'"thfi man entered the •tore And told Ille clerk, Micllaol Voelllnger, "Th11 It a lllclup, let'• 1e1 the cash." VoeIUnctr deocribed ,...pon used • a cal .1$ COi~ .. ......,,, alY!e -r. Only one man. wu teen1 aald police, bu't anothe< .ffndll' may have. been hlYol•eit. There were ·00 other WI_ lo the roi>, ~ 11PR' Ne..i.ipo S~ -. .o , • · of aboence to tliat dli(. He ,~,tjlt·ar-nt of a«omey William ir.-llT"..coort' r.rlM alslricf that lhe' ~-P· to l)ola a mus meeting •t noon on June 9 was an "unla"1ul work stoppage'' and just al much a breach "ot contract as the May 29 lncldenL ''We're 'very, very plea.Sed with the declsioo,''; 1ald DEA prelid<ct Carl Manemann ... We look on it as a Vf!f'f falr verdlct and It'~ a solutJQn itiat wt could have arrived at some time ago if the district had beeo Wll1ing." McCourt argued that the teachers' ac- tion of June II could not be condooed by the court aince the leave or absence wa! not, In the llgbt of state code.a, gciverned by "Personal interests or nece3Sity.'' 1'The1e taachers were trying to tn!orce a collective bargalnlng agreement."' Judie Oarfman replltd:11'Ibey.claim that: .-~ ~ ~ .. -;: 'f .. -· • they, were driven to the1t 1cUon1 by .. uf*ribr CoUrt. And it appears doubtful nee:ess.ity and thetwera~ccrtalnly work.' -tha t.be..aiction wllfbenvived with Ute Ing on personal moUliU. ' -r.>llM!I OI the new scliOoJ )'tat In tlli: fall. ''And J can't tb!nt of anythin1 •Mfr ..._~ It b po;ufblt, h9'ofevet, .~rdJ.ni to necessary than ro~ and what 's more McCow't, that the dlJtrict wW appeal that personal than., ge'J'tlnJ some more of Portion ~ Jgdge Corf:man',11 ruling which that!," wu Judge Corfman's wry ad· favors tlie DEA argument. diUon. • ~, "That will l\e. up to the dlBltlC\,''" l>o _ lie !)tden<I lhe ~t to lmmeitialely said. "I wxle~stand thal they are roJnr to pay the 29% teachers involved In tbe June. call an executive ees.sJon end lhe matter 9 walkout. He dent~ W payment ol will coine befare tbem at that time." · damages claimed in the action but ln-At · the ·neart ·of lhi issue' is' tJ\e st.ructed theplslrid to pay all legal costs. teachers' relusal .to accept the 4 percent Post-hearlilg discutsloo appeared lo In· raise receoUy o££ered by the dbtrict dicate ~t the raltng will lead bolb board, an increase which might possal>ly parties to resolve a djsp.ite created when ~ave betn boo.sled by another 2 percent diatrtct teachers demanded ~ pay. in ti.e f.a.ll. A tempDCary lnjunctkln which would The pay dispute led lo l,acher1' cfe. have forbidden the DEA tucbtrs from f!~ pl district wort schodules on May cal.liaC i. strike .at any of U... diJtrict's 29 and the walk-wt of teachers at1008l ot 6Cbools baS. ~ Liken ott Cilendar in the district'• schools on.June I. .· °"'"'"' .. ,t.OT , ........... SHARK FISHERMAN WRAY (LEFTJ, HELPER PALAZZOLA DISPLAY THEIR CATCH Htrrlnt Proves to bt Undoing of Fiv•Foot Blue Shark Swimming Near H11ntln9ton Pltr " n• Culottes Win . I 'lit .,,. Shark Chooses Wrong Treat, Ca':'ght S~hooJ Approval But Not Slacks The llttle herring looked like a tasty Tuesday afternoon snack lo a braien blue shark swimming in the water oU the Huntington Beach pier. Unfortunately, the herring was at- tached via 2S-pound·tesc line to the fishing pole of 17-year old Harry Wray, who lilted the five-foot .shark out of the water and onto the pier. It was big as sharks caught off the pier go, and Harry was glad that its final meal conslsted of herring rather than someone's leg. He caught the toothy fish at 1:15 p.m .. after it was see n sw1mming in the area with two other sharks. Fishennen on a local sport-fishing boat spoUed the trio hours earlier and even hooked the same shark twice, but Jost him both Umes. "He was pretty well tirtd when I hook· ed him," said Harry. "The men <>n the boat must have already worn him out." It took two gaffs lo lirt him out of the water and onto the pier where Harry and hi:· friend Neil Palazzola, 15, Stanton, ad· ministered the coup de grace. The shark, dead but still wiggling, at· tracted scores <>f curious pier walkers and fishenoen who were interested in seeing his big ".smile." A resident of 20861 Suburbia Lane Huntington Beach, Harry regularly ~ lo the pier to catch rays and sharks. Although he has caught many, none have been Ulis size, "I'm going lo remove the jaws and mount them," said Harry proudly. ••1t'1 just about the biuest shark I ever caught." Students battling lor·a revision Of drefS standards within the HunUngWn ·Beach Union High School Di:Stnct"won shirttails and cu Iott es (divided skirt!) from trustees Tuesday night -but that's Jbout all. The board. by a 4 to l vote, ~dopted the new code which .specifically forbids long hair, mustaches and the wearing of san- dals without socks for boys and slacks for girl.s. Only departure from the dress code In force during the past year is that the boys mar now wear T-shirts and to leave their shirt tails out of tbetr trousers. Oirb: culotes, which formerly had to ap- pear like .skirts, no longer have to give that appearance. Green· Valley, Developer Student Jan Jones, who worked with the adminia;Lration on the dress code, aald after the adoption, "1 don't think this will help our admlnlstralion-student relation.! any." Trustee Joseph Rlbal who favors no dress code at all and cast the lone •·nay" vote against the regulations, said "This could cause a great deal of trouble in the years ahead. Contest Lasts One Round The first bout In Fountain Valley city hall Tuesday niih\ was a one-round ~n­ test between Green Valley;·homeowoers and representatives of developer George Holstein. Homeowners In Green Valley allege llo\stein is changing the entire concept of the development by p r o p o 1 l n g apartments <>n part of the land. Holstein -facing financial problems in Green Valley -claims he must have the apartments to survive financially. Foui: areas involving recent zone changes or potential zone changes were the central items of discussion. Zone change 195 has already been ap- proved by the council for apartments on 10 acres on the southeast comer of Slater Avenue and Ward Street. Zone change 200 was approved t>y the council Tuesday for single fa'mlly resldenctS in four pieces of property touching three comers of Green-Valley. Potvttlal zc:ine changes 196 and 197 ba\'e not yet been requested by Holstein. Bill Hoblln, president of Homeowners.. AssodaUon No. 3, faced the Holstein representaUve.s and told lhem. "We're here to guarantee the stabillty of the G~n Valley master plan of ownenbip as It was .sold to us when we bought OW' homes.'' He then took a worried look at tht map and explained that it was potential "aone dl1n1,s tttl and 197 we fear. We could accept the one apartment art1 already passed if we were sur no more wouJd be ~·" -'1•1ilelll't men riplied thal the areas In quulloo =·•co.son ll'•tner ~vriu• -1;re beJn1 died atd ·a dec;isjon has · not i,... on.what U,.,. wt11 be, , . . . . "It's really a shame tbat't.be board did Homeowners were first angered by , not at least accept the iec<immendations zone ch81lle 19& which put pro~ of the smdeot commltttt.11 apartments where they claim they were He refered specllicaDy to pointa of di!· promised a commercial development. ' fe~ence between the students and the ad· The central problem, as Hoblio ex-m1nlstraUon <>n the items tel~tfr11 to hair plained it. is that apartment dwellers length_. mustach';'!, sand~s w1~t socks would ipoil the Green Valley concept of . !nd gtrb slacks. . . private recreation and green belts. ,. ·. '.l'be new ~e. which will 'o Jnto effect ''With 500 people there wi couldn't , thi.s ~all, prohibits the fol!ow.Ulg ttl!!'ls for "b) k them <>Ut f .. boyli · ~glasses worn ms1cte buddings po~! Y . eep <> our parks, ~e without .prescription, hats, non school s1i · , . j a e k e t .s with lnsigna, thongs fight ~cilman John Harper suu;eiled ~d-trousers and cut-off jeans. ber?nudas, m1tUng the apartmenll to the •ntem •hd hair Jbhger than the shirt collar H make them pay for the parQ, ~t mustichcs, sideburns extending 'belr:,; homt<?wne~ objected that reolers~-.Id the earlobe, and beards. 1tln not become Involved~ the pnl]eCl ·a, Sunglasses worn inside sch001 buildin 3 the homeowners, which 1s the basis <>( are also prohibited for the girls · ~ Green ~alley -fn90Jvement. ~ dition to the wearing ol hair curii~~ !Po Councilmen dlrect_ed the homeq~rs paratus, spike heels, shoes without heel to meet with pla~111g stiff and ~teen straps, bermuda.s and slackt, see throu It Valley representa~ves before decld1nc on dresses without sUp.s, midrU£ bloua!"s. whal course of act10n they would Pf'oPose ti&ht·fltting cloth.in&, noisy jewelr:y and lo the councll. jack& with non-sdiool wlgola. From Poge I APOLW • • • otherwise quiet day. It starttd like a comtdy tho•. Whtn 1 pietUre of the moon naahed on the monitor In ml.sa.ion control, the capiule communicator, astronaut Charles Duke, commented: "We see the earth in the cen,.ter of the llCfeeh." , · After • pause •. Aldr.ln corrected him with: ·•e.ueve that'• •here we juat.came f(om(' . "II Ls,,buh? Wall I'm r..U, loo!<Jng at a •• ' bid screen h<re, .. Dllke said. "Sland by one. Hey, you 're right ~" ~Later, when a picture of the earth wu shown, Duke said : "1 refuse to bltt on lhil one. You tell UJ ." "You'~hava-fan atlMF.,..-,1 ,.._ . .aw tlill -·· Ceiltha ldcide4,! h... ::: '( l•Jt'~ . J;lo. a.m.," Duke coun~' "l:v•ribodl'll be asleep. l'rn (Onlla-• P~. (~J:i!lglj;ll)t ~k 'ID·" . ... --· ·-·-·~ ~ 1\ I • • DJL1M1tl'"c ... :•·111~·~c.-.c.M. ~ • 11141 .... Aw... • .......... s..,,i., ee.. .•.•. • inM~·P f\e,St.•r.........,n..,..c ........ •.•· • .._. ·~ ••· ...... ,..., .. .._.A'''"' C:."!'1 .tt.t. • '"' c..._.t. ... •~c..tr...._•.o. e 1461 W ...... _......, St.ldlaga: c..t.t, S.A. • 2M9 ....... -........t.-....,... c.....t, c.w. 7 e Jl1J1 .... '*"l.•A"-"t.H.I . '· 11 Ii Solid State 3 Regular $13" Walkie Talkie .. ,,'~'~]$897 l! f. a.mp, t,.ittrs, bot.t- (· .• l ' 1 'p" ~~~- \ ''~ 1 ~.~:· • 98' Scripto \ ~lli'trldge Pen Set l . . ~ ' 1 I •.· • I . . , • $1 C•rtri41• Po • t 9c v.1 ... 1 hiteil • ''' v.1 •• r 1.11 '" ·~ :''' Heavy Duty · ·iabel Makers I . . ! ' .. '. ...... .... .. .. $2" Tape tool ernbofo ain1 machin~ 11Jo es%;" ta~. With :Z plasuc lua:· It.re t ••• and chaint. H.H.Ayer's "GOLDEN CHANCE'~ Bath Toiletries SPUSH CoLO&IE. SPRl Y COLOGIE HAID I BODY LOTIOI foua CHOICI Fresh New Styles! ShuH011s D111rt Flower s2so Value! Aloe Vera 3PIECESET 9 Iattoductoq kit ol 1 6' No-Iron Fancy Dusters ~:.J~:J:i~ $3'' cmbroidcry or· lace. V ·.,.;ally priad I ~ momin& nooa '• a .ni&hr. . n.e ........ _ - War jcam iA nia:rcd bl111 denim. "Cut full in 11Js • to 11 • OL Moi-eBU•, Niabtaeam a: Oeuis. tt, Kttp Wn smooth, •upple. t9" Cassette Tape ' Pamper Disposable ,~layer with Radio . Diapers s1 00 Val.! Antique and Scatter Pins $26 88 Capitol !•pe p!a)'tr with j>uill-1n A}.( n· dio • combo to Ulr:e '"' anrwhcre! P/11 w- Sflte or listen to the radio ltlotion of }'OUr iu. lamlly Size ; 14-lnch Barbecue ; . $577 Portablt 1rlll/· chrome plated •d· jusi..ble ,frid with -""'""· ..._ r· alu.rit.inura. foldinl ltp. Grat pimic· '"' . S4" Yllutl Yt!Jt • . SwimMuk ll~quality ~· -. mub. ' So S-Oft to baby"s ten- der skin. Choose from pack ()t 15 Daytimr, 12 Overnight. 30 Newborn and 30 Day- time. Piiiow Style Air Mall1tu !(!~·~ 94c 271:71" .. flattd 1 t 1e. Ctl••• Deloe --.CalpSton S'l744 , .. Value! t Rylautol ·· . 1ron-Plus:-:- Mlhfp1t Y'itallllns $ 88 Faultless t4n Val_y~d Travel Syringe ~~~$244 P •I -:I• for •ton,e. SlfC a.lmc»t $2, • Kleer·Sine · Decongedant Ii"> Tablets ~":, 89c ('M<ofSO $1 .4f l'or linua~ .. w.. !>'! ,_ - -drip. 4.;Pi.ce Comb Combination .... , .... 94' $3 Values! Col Jewelry C..11rtl~l1 lllf·llCklaCIS Copi" ,, .,_ $197 pemi•e hi·fuh· .ion jewelty ln ,.,-.~ Gold!ont 11· sorted coins. ................ $1 .t7 Aluminum & We Chaise Lounge e.-$594 ~IP •~11-11 l" ahlfl1• inu m tub- in.-: frame, ,.\, wt1ther· rtsiitiat - . Sana wd:N:. • -···C!ioi• ........ $1,95 Coppertone or Sta & Ski =. 20vn••h•• . ... TaaLetlo11 DAii. Y' PILOT J7~ • 1JIU lrHllhvt1t Sr.-' w .... i .. M;:_w"ttw.•• c:iaNr, •.• • e 6811 Wtst.i...., _. Gt!W.. Wnt, WemM..m ' • ,,,,, , .. ..,on.w .. c"'_.. ... .-i-r.....-"-;•: .. ,. • " ..................... , ...... .i .... .., '4'' Value! Capitol Stereo Albums Sorin lnclud11 Gle n C111,11tll'1 btut Hit "81IY1stuP and Rom11 • Ju ll1t Souad Tratkl fl11t Tim• Ev., 1 •• at Thl1 L~ Prictl nrifrr scoops the towo on. intcma.tioru)ly f&m0U1 l .P. album. I Specuculat-ldectioa. icldwb; 2 of the CO@lr(I 10 top seUen. otbe:r top artittl 95 Valutl Rtcton Diamond N.ecllt• • . s4" to 55'' Values! Major L.P. Albums Dot, ta,...,, $121 United ArtiSI .. World Pacific! Fnruring11'orld. f • m~d .artists, , nrrmc titlal Pfqable • Monaun.I or Stuco ~ 1t1phs. Saw: .... tfMR BEFORE SOlD FOR LESS THAN $1.00 OrlglHlly ·Made to Sell tor '4" and •sn -•allf._1abeLAJb.ums._ ~r:...~~~":'.'.'.':!i 59c lfO\IPf I IJl_ f'.UJt qUllitJ I Oioose • - from a widl nridf at ififnp you --_ ab't beat ••• at 'I'briftr. =----"'=--=--* 2'' Value! Children's Set of 2 Albums Moth<, c;..,. ...... "' .. M.... s1 s• Up lo 70 minu!n of pl17iag time! :Z 12" alb.ma and 6 ricturn for color- in1. Aatholol)"' o fairy Liies l4d "D!lOU'ftb)'DMS bf" Mother Goose Ot• chatra and plarco. . m'• •0 ~..-... 01 60c *1 u GHleHe iid r, Riteoxide 6~ 0z. Hot Lather !~:~~~~~.~ . 49' .::~:-:::. .... at $350 Max Fador s4 Val. Corn Siik ~quid Cl"'!~·i:·or ' TAN FAN POWDER & Skin Frt1ht1tr . $200 B\u1hin9 . , , ... Cream 12 Ounc.. . • .•. 1 • Combinati"" • • • • • " . . ' . / -.... -.- • j ::.t-----,H D.lU.Y Pll.OT H { I ·' -· ·~·· - • • • • " " .- •• .. Money's Your Worth -+--0-VE-R-'IHE OOUNTEa-:----. Completr-New.. York .Stock .List -·· ......... ' . Overhaul of Job Help Due Quality Painting toz:ioyears J.P. Carroll COMPANY INOUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL PNmlNG l DECORATING CONTRACTOP.S For art 1st1m•I• 01 broctux• calf ot writ•: ORANGE COllNTY LOS ANGELES 201 E. Comm1re11I S!. Fulltr\Ol'I, Clohl. {71.f) .87W230 218 N. Juani\1 Ave. (213) 388-1441 What is the Dual Management Approach? ' IC yea arc m a....,n.e. iGWJ5kr Wk • $:5,000 portfolio,_~ ...... ,.. -d be. .Yog PIJal M·-raemeat. · The t«boical and f\Wwlama:llll arpro•ch to anrc:*¥C portfolio _,e.. .mcnt i:> ici••l\ubk. If yoo would li\i"c to learn !n<R aboet Dual Managemeot, ~call Mr. '.Hmcll •l~94-'111 . @ MITCHUM JONESk N TEMPLETO 1•Cll f ll4•1• • • J 1 I -·'"-·--· • :t ... .. , • Wtdneld11, July 23, 196-9 ' H • DAILY l'llOT ' n St<JCJr Exchange: lisr- • I I I " • ., • - I -" • .. -···· ...... . a u r a -"1-.,, ,,. DAILV PILOT Wedntsd(f, Ju~ 23, 1969 • • Wedntsd(f, Ju~ 23, 1969 >ILOT-ADV'ERTIS!:~ 27 ~How High the Moon. Wl1~:~n ~ .the.· Paper lndu·stry? Best Tip, Know If . You're Ill By PE'.fER STEINCROHN So niai.y patients have ask- ed,· "wliat would you say is the one most important tip you cm.dd give on keeping healthy!" Jnvarlably, my Skippy DOGFOOO T111 11 Quality ••• hll 11 , ... 1101risbment. Gi .. 12111. CHS GIUml Razor Band 1.11 Mj•ilHlt C1rtrt•11 Wit• 11 E4lt1. . ' ' ' oa; WfST'S Toothlirvshe . llNGSIZl "Drive" • DlTIRGlNT ... 'l'f'Et-lel'l'I" Stiiil ltllftr 5 IQ. 4 1n. ClRCIA· "300" Ree I MITCHELL LICENS ·. lor light salt w.Jter l1shing. OJ,e "Jergens" LOTION SMUi1s n•t•. lnrt1t1t •••Is. I Yll ti. Sitt :• •••••::tffot ••••• 11 ~Jl:i ............. ~ ·i-NEW! f "COPPERTONE" : Tanning Butter ·colgate "100" -Oral Aoiiseptlc fer •r1at• c;111r11 and-1a11le ••• It c111- w1mit•!_1lu!lt_•~l!.-_ tli:lSc tL S1r1 i Rieb i11 coetia butltt aid' ctC01114 oil 6 ... lilbficates ~n ~ speeds I rk• : de!!ll la~. : • Cr eat for Sbrfers ind : 111-day beacf!Riks! : 1sc 75c . ; 1li IZ. Sizt 1 . SEA &SKl E SUNTAN AIDS LOTION ~······················· ~ ..................................... ~ i "Mod" Watch Bands i • ·-· . % • C~oose from m;rny as.sorted · i ~1:: ma\eri;,ls erid col01s, in-• · ""!.:~'.!.~?llt'>. Siles for : i children, men alllf womrn. i 1.75 4 ez. Silt 1.29 SEA •s1<1 .............. ln~tr/OttfHr . !.!IT!!IN- 1. ' , rep)y: "~ing you 're sick.." . . 'Ibat requires a bit of ex- ' plaining. ---f--...Y,-""Hllll·RAY !rul<OlO ·•'· • · Sangtas:ses Me l?f!lafbble For Fresh Wilter Spi11 Cilstinc .•• FISHING ~-. W1\tt'ff0 spools:!Canbe usedalse . ~ . ~;&t~'1,:,..41~5oo]y~~91 . , ...... Dlpt. . ~ •11-11.11 • . : .. ,. 1.19 sac .~ i 11: 3~'. I .,. · W,bat I imply is lhat many PCl..AROID lensts tllat stop ~ ~Uy healthy people are Vi · 1*1 i. • Spinning Rods : Yo1r t•1ic1 Iii i • n • Dark Tanning LOTION ,."Bick and don't suspect it. In ~f~~~r10"11rv:· as demon· '"'other words. to reel well is no ; '" : ; €"'11'·•·• ! -. -..,guarantee or being well. . ' . • FOR EX.AMPLE. here is a yocmg man, big and strong , who i$ far from a feeding pro- . . DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE '" .... b~. He bas a tremendous "' •ppetite, and his wife -anx- .. ious to please -bake! all kinds of pies and cakes and other !attening foods. ''He says, "I eat like a horse and feel as slrolJi as a horse." ·.. I have seen many like him They are ampJet.ely "floored" when a routine examination , shows they have s e v e re 4~:es. 1 is another young Waiiant apparently suffering fnli) ~Ion headaches. They ,in:ay be. due to tension, all .Ji~. but a blood p_reswre ex-~hiauon also rev ea I s ~ high blood :jims!M": .ANOTHER EXAMPLE' a ,_oung' husband just dotes on cheeses. Whole milk. butter, "fggs . (he has three for breakfast every morning) and nice ju:icy, fat steaks. He's Slanother · apparently healthy &pectmen: One day he (fortunately) breaks his lrg in a skiing ac- cident. While in the hMpital he has a routine ECG a d cholesterol test. Although only 30. there is already evidence or too much cholesterol. and changes in his electrocardiogram suggesting coronan artery involvement. He is put on medications and a special diet which will prolong his life. I HOPE I've made my point. In these cases, the best lip for staying healthy and alive was t h c unexpected realization t.hey were alrea dy s i c k . "Knowing you 're sick'' can be a life saver. MED{CALE1TES (Rtp!ics to Readers)J For Mn;, U.: l am glad that you discovered poor eyesight in yoi.ir yOUllgSUr so early. otherwix it would have un- doUbtt\dJy interfired with his school WQrk. Bad report cards are not invariably due to stupidity. Bad eyes are often the unsu!pected culprit. Here zlrc some suggestlons for pareots of young children : Become ·suspicious ,that their ciyesight may not be up to par if they get into the habit or squinting; or, rubbing their eyes mostantly; or, look:ing at an object with one eye closed If they sit close to a TV set and habi'tually hold a book cloe to the face . DON'T DEPEND alone on achoo! eye.test< (allhouih Ibey ire ol use in screening out tboulands o t youngsters). TW your child lo an eye 1pecl.1list for • complete ei:- amin•tlm ODe ..Umatt Is thal aboul JJ m1lUoit acbool chlldrtn re- quire ,,. 'C8,'!'· Don~ just pen .Uiat JfJ!f younaster is notoneolU-. '~countdown" ~ . <f\tw rimless style w1!11 9 ~ Clllved lenses kr wider coveraze. V'1 lens~ _...., ~-4.98 · I ,. . "-·-. .,. """• r· ·-· ~·· ....,_._ ....... ..__ ... ---··.....,, 1 "Hi-lo" Ironing Table i MOY PROCTDI -Contou1 CUNed t legs for moie leg room ••• eiSy wll I' wheels. White 109 w11h 8' 98 gre1 metalhc legs. t le1. I D.!5 1 f ------~ .. ·-· -·--..... ~ ------ I ... -..-----... "Custom fit" IRONING Pad & Cover PROCTOR -Outwe~s olbtrs 5 lo 1 ... oad ol ~eavy tonon 1 98 (u~h•oned w1!h res1htnt !Mm. Rtt. 2.98 • -. ... .. . ,,. ...... -- I "Marvalon" lDHEs1ve 1 ' Shelf l D"wtr llHER .•• , _______ .... A quality ro~erin11 m assorted color~ & I f!iltl~f!I\ I hat are \t~1n· 1 39 r.rool and Ya'AWNe. l.lt 11"19 Ft. Rtlli I tl.1 -·· ...... _., Cnoo~ from fi~ « 7 ft. medium acliolt·rods o! tub111¥ glass. Hard 11 99 c~io1Jle11 1~1rles aod tip-lop. Cork llafldle~ w11fi sr:re111l0t~1ng 1eel ~~at. ferruled 1oward br.111 $etlion. R~t.15.11 , • • ; ••.•..• t••····,······~~..; ~~13--~l!l~El~l!I~ 2.00 5 1r. s,ray 1.59 HUCK FINN ~~·"''''' 3 50 ONLY • Revlon Eterna '27' SKIN CREAM Wil-(Jcl11i11 Pn1enitin Rl!Pl;nkable skio cream thlit broogbl dfnilic, "1ible 18· ~uu~ lo 'Mllrl!!ll·s Mill in ti~ 0111 ol '"'~ff'"" easies te~t." ed. i tr. 15.llD Sire a ANCHOR HOCKING . m •E•rn• "Blue" Mono Line "Chip 'n Dip" SET ~--m J.lodern desifn w 8" tb1p bo·1t1. •· ~.. \ , ~1: I d1p bowl w, brass Lolor 1 29 ' · "Tried & True" CREME dt Chantilly Creamy liquid e.,._ yelops yov i~ f.ilrJ ~mp eylon ~"e lllSl.lfeS holder. Avoc<!Ckl & H11"· lD11g~. tasB ca~s. A 1111e line . ey Gold LO![lls, Stt • .... - fer aft typeottl!iing. I>~. s,.i y, iu,., "Ice Tea" GLASSES 4-111~.Tast 12-411lTts.l 1.69 ... 1.98 .. DAiii "Deseo Flower" HAND & BODY LOTION S•.n <oo!hing lotion w11~ tt~ Vb'Y ··~~d!\'' ot J;il'l(l\1n and 1 00 del1&Mtul f1ag1dlll"~. Ill. t.OD Sil t I Friction Llltion l1r All1r hi~ Sets your body aRI01t 1 25 11"1th 1 wOlldef1ol fraji· ro¥1ce. I 1L 2.50 Size· • l. "T abu" ouu No·o11 you can "batll! 111 l~ · lu ·'I fr•F'ICe ..• l'~I ~ol• h O" eologrie ttiat Irr; ers. on ~rd or. 608 Y1ht 1--.-.-· -....-... ..,.,.,...-r _,,,..,.. ... j "YIGORO" i Dichondra Food ~ wit~ IRON l INSECTICIDE , , , \ l~ng la~l•ni: lvcd t•Yf l 1 yoor ldl:n a t•"h d .• 1~ 2 88 1 f fPPn t llfif ••. h•lp, t'cntro! 1~ ~t.!<:. 40 lbs. , --_.,.__ ..... .,.. • ' "NP-27" AEROSOl for Athlete's riot llills infr:chon undrr !'~ ~ur!3rg a:>welld\On the:url.ice 1 09 ••• rel1"V"'i 11.-h. 1.4! 4 fl. Silt I ANT'ISIPTIC "Sea Breeze" Hlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltm!lllllMlltUllllH!~lll!IMHI IHI 11 ltll ltlll Hml 11 IMll!I lfttttmftll!lllll!llJ t VACATION SPECIAL! " h ,, S Y FEMININE SYRINGE The r.asier, modern w;y. Mo 11\lse or h.an1· 110. Pe1ite, comp1tt .•• Ytt holds 1 lull lwo qy.rts ot waler. Cl'mse from asSGOed tolof1~1 tallJ CIStS. "1 4." 4.45 DeA«JJ/tl. LIQUID 10.00 ,._.. ~···--. rP==============a:=='il THEIA.PIUTIC I "DRIAL" Allergy Tablets •• ADI PRIClS PREVAIL: lMrSf17. J11y 24~ 1kr1 's...,,, .tlfJ 21" 3.50 . ----,.. 1tautifu1 Hair ..• 'Miss Breck; HAIR SPRAY 59~ .. ~ m " 0PlN•AMl•10PM-7DA1SAwnK •. ftst19lrefofd11 tr•s~o!~~v I H"1NTINGTON IEA~H IMllAIPlrMl l Cltanses. dtador i1,5, 1 00 93c lcvtt, colds ird ool!!n 31_ A.do,. '"' ltMl!luu't ta rl1 ~""'~ d~si2n i1 lrtslltns lhO!OllilllJ. Dt· i1L Sl11 HUNTINGTOIJ IU.CH 11.ood ..• 12 i~r' t"d 40 I licat~lrscmted ••. con'I-. l~g,~s. f ·-···• ·-,~, ,. "Beauty Salon" · MILK IATM w/COLD CRlAM 98 }/-,~ =t~!c!::~n~:1~! 1.ts 1 69 1211·'9 2 '09$'1 Sff'ls;Jll~.;,~i;-IUCH ' ~~ .,~~2.~ .. 88,. tmbre1~1blt pla~lic. I tt. SIJ• J · • · 1020 ,,._, a. W11Mllfr ,._ L 1 ) 11 .._ ____ ... .__· _. _..., l!:a:=====i:=o:::::::nJ . ''~·. ........__. Milt""~ ,,~ 1• a•a 11rfd r u • •s ~. ·~ C ' 1 (1t1•is1~r r·~g·ill\t :oam. Re1 11! Ot. ·~ 1 W8YHMlllffWllHNUlllllAlllllU-Ml11twwMPWj!'RMn•MWYffi~ftllllll..W(lllU ~ ~~-~-.... -~-·"-----...;...·-h-'-'-"'"---h-· ~-h-··------·----------------. -. ' ' I I . J I I I r '\ -1 • -Today's ... 1 ' ' ' N.Y. Steeb ,Fo.u~ ain1 V a~Iey EDI TION ~ , ¥61.'. l.2, l'lO. f 75, 4.. SEC.TIONS, 86'1'A6Es· ORANGE cciUNTY.''CALIFORNi;l; WEDNESDAY, :JULY 23, 't969 . ' ' .~ ( . : . llulltin~()n ·Schools Seek $9.2 Million in Bonds . . . • -,, llUDI NlED7.IELUI tlngton Bolch !Ugh Scllool ._ Jl down to the pr_,t figure alter • ot 1fM l>eltr f'llM,..ll•l:f • Some f?,5 m:IIUon hU been pegged for eliminating $2 million for the acquislUon A l'J.Z milllO. bond issue for the 52. the ...,.t/uctioo of a 3,000 pupil blgb o( another site and $200,000 for the plan· aqulf°", mile 'Huhtingt(ll Be•ch Union scl;foo) anif '250,000 far' the "expansion oC · nlng of AG additional high school Hieb School •Distri<t "tfas called by the dbl(ict pffiee facUlties. Trustee Ralph Bauer lllggesled the boerd:of.trustees Tuesday nlghL The ~~ o vet r l de, ad,mlnialratiQn cut1, explaining to the administraUon, "I 11Je"t!fection, psrhaps to .be. combined rQpresertatives explainJd, wlll ,be ~ ~ve a lot of sympathy for what you are with ta so cent m -overrlde will be -held since-lbe uses.sed valultlon or property tr)'illr to do, but" If the cuts aren't made, aOniMime'TiO Febriury. ' in ti}&: district has 1iOt increased "suf-Ur€1>0n<t lsstie might fail. The most lm- If Puled ,;; the: .voters $1 mllllon or fklenUy to maintain the _present level of portant tb1Dg now is to put a roof over the -"""'"l ·Would 1Je \1sed for Field educatimal servioes. . • . the heada of S,000 aludenta." · Act~cclriung~f!s. sucll as _earthquake 'truS\eel ori~ally · iifid calling "We've losfa who~es of .. e ectiorul ~ 91.the'ol<ler port;.ns.ot1he·llwf...-..-u~eo·mtJ1iop;b<Olif:flt!C1!01(1ill~-·••rwe hive to:iiiliiier to ilr\he Cflll<S .. -"' .. . . ' .... . who ue going to pay the bucts on the tu bill." Only trustee of the five-member board to vote against the Wue wa,s Dr. Joseph · Ribal, who explaintd that ''all lhe5e. tf. forts to stll coovenUonal bond iasues are going to fall - ... The w,hlit_-Ji!L .lick and tired," ·said Ribal, of payJng for a public achoo! sy~ wbicbJ1 not keeping abreast with changes in the educational proceu. "Peo11!!...!n ~!!1!.M!!u1uducatlonat systerii that does not uae· ita:· present f adlitltl," he added. In thln)'ltem yet," he COIJl'ludecl. Ribal, a psychology lnstru<tor, aald du· Trus\ee chairman MajilleW' lt.,.iter ring lhe nerl few years be envisioned said, "we've been doing ioe dances cbangt!!ll ln scheduling which would make aroupd this bond ~ e.,-, ti.me U bu use of present facllit.Jes on a 10.bour a come up and I'm beginning to,ltel .like a d1y basis, with atudenls comlng and ballet daDcei'. We've got to aet D:iovJDa.CIO going all day. tbls." -_ .tt-We should clearly desJgnate What the John Bentltfr .ar>Other trust.ee .. alao -'· educaUonaJ process will be two or 'three dreuedhimaelfl.to Dr . .ftibal's cwnmen&l,-- yean from now and aaaesa the tmP.'CI II • ~ "M~be •bal Y?I'~ talidnf about wUl have on our building needs." I• coming,· but , l_'~:t lhlnt thla.' ii the -"'.What we are doing ,_ is-not-lop tinie: L'm not'..,...ltiat1M'jililili0 i'iillY notch, and 1'111 &lad that lJl1 kids aren't l'antii all·theae·4ramalk chlnp&• _ ' • Huntington Gets Its . Ma? Capt. Robitaille Named Police-Chief By RICHARD P. NALL or -.. o.ii, '1• 11aff Capt. Earle Robitaille ta the new Hun- tington Beach pollee cblef. His •Sippt>Yrltment came ln the early morniftg hours today as couocilmen met llS!ignmenJ during that period had Wm working for then Attorney General Robert Kennedy's drive against_o!Janii- ed crime. -· · I • ,.... ~"fl"l!Hfrldi_iigiii'_ "ilMttl!1t!Ve~~ terviewing the seven top candidate5 for Robltallle, who Wiii tell you Oatly that Huntlngton Beach alr<ady has the best pOliee department In the county, possjply tbe state, 'has-""""" looc ... ,~n•po!lce WOrk slnct J956. He ·WU ·• rookie '11n>iai•'!Jl1~0..,·!@L!!i~.~~alice :p&i{ment. · · . --~ ~!t.!W,-io.lbe mpfi•:~t :X-::" ::;· ,.__ lnveltla:ited $idicated g a m b I In g between Milml, ~N~ Ycrt. Cleveland, Ctiicago and Las Vegu. Tbe wort led to indictments against so to 71t ·mafia members and union cohort.!. I ~ ' 'I I 1 J' . -. • .. ... • •• '""f ,.. .. ,i f ' , .. • • • ~ -' .. ""= ' • • u,c 'f ....... -~rH·FR0IE~D'S AID, ~OSEPH K~CRNl!'.e~C~itTS wfFE ~ ~-~··. tn ~emuflv.i.nie,-a F'unera'.I ~~ •ljr•tty Gi rl ~~nne.d.y _Licens~. Jerked ~s ·police Probe Drinking • I • ' . From Wire Servlctti Trcaible.s mounted today for S"en. Ted K'1utedy, as Massachusetts authorities ~ "!S driver's license and ~hed d. if.to the tragic, post-party drown- lni iiellh ·of a young aide iii ·his car Sat-y: A ll!feial 1Jro1ecutor for D.lkes..COUnty also 'tilriounced: 'C1lnslderatlon of chai'RJ!s plrall~ id 'Calif,omia's drunken driv ing ~nd rec!'!i"' ,kll(iog could be forihco'1'"' Jng. . A $1mber of crltlcal qufsuons remain una~ered aix>¥t Sen. Kenliedy's degree or fault in the' autO' aCcident which caused Miss ~ Jo Kopechnc, 28, 'to drown .in · a tidal pond near Edgartown. The senator1, younger brother of JFK' and RFK -ha~ been <:1lnsidered a prlme contender to 'try tD follow \heir paths· toward the White House in 1972 -but that pPect of·liis future is nOw darkened. Dul:i!S County Prosecutor Walter E. Steele said at a news C9nference Tuesdli!Y Uiat charges ,of driving to endanger ~ ' Oruge Coas t Weather :.oe.plte the~ morning overcast., JC1' 'itUI ' lovely day to enjoy sWnl'Qet" .Purstµts. The weather will · remi.ln t.hat way. at· least (or the next five days. INSWll TODA. Y Now that it 11a3' happe-r1ed and man htu probtd outer space, do any of tli.o8e on earth toho sa.io it 1'eaU11 tuideT· stand what ha! happtncd and 'Whot it ·mean.a. Pafl( 12. . ' driving UJt<!er the Wluence of alC'Ohol are piossible. ' "These haVe all been considered and have -not been ruled out,'' said Stefle. ~g that. SeA. K~edy has already been,charsed with leaving the scene of a fatal acci.de.nt. Questioning of others who attended -tbe six-man.I.. six-woJllan dj.nner pa_rty at a. rented l..1\appaquiddlck· Island cotl.a"gt not two miles trom· wbtre Ml$ Kopeehne drowned , in the overturned car ·mey determine this, . •1 can't say 1pecilically that we are maiii!g 1UI __ investi{atiOn into 'heavy' drinking,•• Steele to~ newsmen, adding that tlie proper question 1s whether other complaints will be sought, A. sample of Miss Ko~hne's blood. uiken during 41-utopsy after her body was recovered U hours after tbe accident on 3 dark, lldal island road showed onJy a 11egUgibie amount of alcopoJ. , . . Edgarlolfl1 Po~ce 'Chid DominiC J. Areaa, whQ gave !ii'st W9f'd~ of· the sensa- t1ori81 pr~be, apa1ogeticelly answered ~iol"ls which tiave been. in many minds since the acCident Friday. · Skin dlvers-reconred the •ict\m's body a,fte~ the sunken car: was found by the ric'kety ?>ridge from 'which It plunged by two boys, before the tin:t_e Kennedy notmed e'!lice. · •1u you1J (orglve me -if she hadn"t been wrtnging, wet ~ it was as if she wu get.ting ready to go to work or a party,'' the chief: exp~in~. "E .. ,.Ythlng WU buttoned up. right In place!!' t l • · Sen.,.~·· woo atlen<ied Miss Kopeci!M'a funeral Tuesday in Plymouth, Pa., suffered minor oeck injuries and-a COOCUS!IOn when the Oldsmobile sedan do'(e into·the llgoono .&At 91 a.m. that morning we had nothing to indicate he had been dfink- lng," Chier Arena said Tuetday, "butthe case against this man began the moment he walked away from the aecidtot." Under MwachusettJ law, suspenslon Or'.· the 37..year-old 11remocrat'• drlvtr's UceMe ts routine, but motor vehicle a11thoriUea; sald the 1>11llminary. probe in· ~Jestes serious faull on the senator's part. U convicted. he. could have bla llcen&e revoked for si'l·monlbs. Sen. Kennerly wu greeted by new.men Tuelday when he returned to Hyannis, (llee ltENNEDf, PoC• I) • the poot: . ' · Robitallle, 38, begins hb expanded dul· tes olficlally Aug. 1 at a salary range of ,1,380 to ,1,719 monthly. He replaces Chief John Seltzer, retiring after 32 years of city servi<%. fie adv,anced to detectlve and dime in- vestigator in Compton and was graduated with an a~at'e of arts dqree from Compton College, Four years later he began a three-year tenn with the · U.S. Treasury Dept., crimlnal investigation div'ision. A special He said it took accountant,, 3~ years to unravel the tangle of dµmmy • a>r-- f See ROBITAILLE, P11e I) Gloves O.tt in l' alley Ang~y R~call f .ig4.t -.:9pe.Ii.s By TEMT ~Li: ·Mlmtft:;p~ ~bom the,~ la tn-·~~-~e~ ~le have ~ ~ ~ ~ °' • DMtt ''"' '"" tended let it be known they were going to mo ,, . ,''I'm ilred 11\d l'ut ,...dy to fighl .. If bteat their ldng 1llence an<j forcefully .:.:;,., r<call back · ha •• ~ ,,_ tltlfilD1.out the truth ~ mud slinging-an.swer u.. cbargeo<ag~ .. er1 .. ve "":" ..,. then ao )le it!" , Said Vice lll3'!0' J'r'lead, phony llaut <II~~" aald Iliff, "14 .With ihat wpmlog, Mayor :&bert "HaUelujahl I feeUlte. lie 1*n freed! BJOO'e .P,09flil ifllo havt 1-i-·iaJllll · Schwen!Uegit $lndjij.tbe battle try for Now for the' Orsi iiilia ..... el uo will ey"')'lhfil, 1hot ever ha~ in )au&. a .hOtty contested Nica.11 issue that PT?" come. OQ\"~th a diHereal.poiat of view." t.aJn.-VaDey. • -( ·-! mtsea to shake · I.be. city or FOWltato ~e night wu filled wjth 11,U"Piises in· "Tbe·F.9U11taJn valleyctvk'MJaciaUon Valley. cluchng planning commll!ion chairman which tn!Uated ·the reci.U "C ontfnuecf· Almost buried during an evening of James Dick tellring Into the recall au~ Dic.k "bu taken the ridJc~OUI )lolfu0n sharp tempers and beated stares Tue!day porters who are "attelnpting to destroy of ~t ' selecUng a alate ·of candidates '!as the action taken tJr the council set· city.1overnment.'.' '11lll' ·ii-' ablohlttly and cmDptetely U: Ung the date of a special recall elecUon Dick, speakin~ u a resident, told t.lle respowlbJe,.or ~ it. a gui8e rto pot you Sept. 23. coancll and audience of more than 100, uJeep while they take aver. Let them After the date was set, the three CO!Jll. that he felt it was high Ume the council (See 'RECALL, Pa1e J) * * * Sassone · First To File Papers In Valle y Re call Attorn ey Robert Sassone, prominent In the campaign to reeall three Fountain Valley city Councllmen, was the first to announce his intention today of becoming a candidate for council in the Sept. 23 recall clectoin. Sassone picked up nomination papers at 10 a.m., today, from the city clerk's of· !ice and immediately announced he would be chaUenging Mayor Robert Schwerdtfeger in the Sept. 2.1 election. As of press time, no other candidates had appeared at city hall. Toilay was the firS1 day for potential candidates to pick up nomination paperl. Individuals who plan lo run in the elec· lion must return the nomination papei:• with the signatures of ten registered voters by noon July 31. Sassone has appeared in Cf>ui:t 6everal times on behalf of the recall campaign and its legal baUle against the city,· Larwin Awaits Court Decision Larwin Company attorneys expect a California Supreme Court declalon Aug. 21 on their latest appeal of an Orange County Superior Court ruling that stopped constniction of 500 homes In Fountain va11ey-:-- Attorneys were Informed by the state Supreme Court that a decision will be made by Aug. 11 CJfl whether to consider the appeal. The Ume llmlt was extended because of a beaVy .court calendar, said the notice. Two appeals on the Superior Court decision were turned down by lhe st.te Appellate Court In. San Berilai\!!no. NEW YORK (Al') .-The J!!>!'k market cliloeila lOiir qilii'tooay u tha dOWo- treod wbl~ cai'riod ll ohatplJ lower Tuo!dar continued !lttw&h another -•loo. .(Bet . quolod..., .Pa& .. 21-111)1 Astronauts Told Weather Looks Fine for Recovery SPACE CEN'l'ER, Houston (AP) - Yearning for home, Apollo tl's moon ex· plorera streaked ever faster toward earth today on a perfect course tbat is to land them In the Pacific Ocean Thursday morning. "No mattu where you travel, il'a nice to get home," Edwin E. Aldrin Jr: said as the astronauts beamed a television pie· ture of earth from more than 180,000 miles away Tuesday night "It's getting appreciably larger now,'' said MJchael Colllns. "lt'1 looking more like a world. And, looking ahead to 1plashdown, Apollo ti commander Neil A. A'nnrtrong asked about the weather in the recovery area. "It looks real good out there," million conlrol told him. - "The Corecut. is for scattered cloudaeat 3,000 feet and a visibility of 10 miles. So it looks real good for recovery." Apollo 11 Ls to land at 9:49 p.m. PDT about 1,2q0 miles southwest o( Ha.wail. The astronauts set their course Tue. day by firing a short engine burst to steer onto a precise path intended to land them near the aircraft carrier Hornet. . They ended their historic exploration of the moon early Tuead•Y by s b o o t t n g themselves out of. lunar orbit and gradually gained speed as they raced deeper 1nto the grip of eartb'a gra'/lty. The TV show was the highlight of an (Set APOLLO, P11e I ) ' . Coast Woman Appointed Foreman of Grand Jury Mn. Robert N. Weed of Newport Beach today was appointed foreman of .the Orange County Grand Jury. Judge Robert Gardner 'g announce.merit of his 11electlon drew applause rrom her fellow jurora as the group met wlth ij:Je Superior Court Jurlit bebiJ¥1. closed doors this morning. ' Mrs. Weed, the wile <II Orange Coa!t DAILY PILOT Plibllaher Robert N. Weeil, 'haa now OOeu dvu Iha duties rellnqulihed by -Wlluom D. Maritn of Laguna .~ch, The rotmer .Alt eoio.y inayoi' ~eilgned · bst , Friday· under ctrCumstlmcel wblcb bave116t be<o made tiUc. • ' • l!"iMro. lleec!'t .first actillll oil. toking 'GI- iie< .!iU-t41ilY' ti'lliulO ~ llie"woii: ol MµUn, who li!ii the Grand,Jµey fnxn Ill crea~on '.1e .. 11' ""'"pi. .,.. -.I ca\i oolf N1 tliol I will Clo ITl1 VOl'J ~ - :r c .. -......... - belt In my performance of duties u for'tmaD,1'' Afr•. Weed aaidi "We on the 1.lll'Y were all very dlMppolnted at Mr. _M~'I rnlgnaUon arid feel.that he-Wu dolni i fine job.• · · ' •. The new foreman Plans no c:banges in the listing ol jury ofllcer1 atabllshecl ·und"" the Martin adinlnlstratlon. "The only change," she AW, "will, be in the appolntmeftt of a chalnnan of \he county admlnl1trat1on · ·comrnlltte, ·the pool Held·unt!! tociOf. ~-4 • Hilton DaleHI of o\'Ullerloll,tom over the cbalr of vlce ·foreman. alao lortneriy beld by Mra. Weed. ' , Maillo'• membtf ae,!l~ on t~~ Ju,Y W.. flllecF!Oiliy .,.Joe COopori • FuU<rlon reol estate-· COo!*'-1'9 "°"' Jn b1 Jodie , Gmlner ~I lo tho lppolntplent Cllllil. ~-.. " .( :-" -- ' r ' -~..,.. ... ·~····. -·--.. .. ' •1 '· tt.'.'lr f~llt~D{!'~~, Still P . b" . ·r·. . . . . -ro mg ". ,.-. ., • ---I Pa:cking. ·Blare'., I . • ! • I j , Fire and Police offiCials are tndbta: toJether' to un~loiid Ille m;m.;. • ..,. '°"""l'I •. !20,000 bliu that dellroyed nearly' I. third of 'a. Huntington Btadi pro-d~ tPaciwlr. firm Thuriday. Firemen · f;und· three point. of odsin for the bl~~ ·and· labeled Jt• probable anon,. br°lnging in deteclives to aid in In· vesUgation. · DeloCtive ,liergeant J'll(k ~nholtz sa~ M~~B¥ that no .s':.15J>eCl.a have-~ tdentified· but. motives for tbe tire might Include a dbgnmlled emplnye ci JOW11 kids do!~ tt 1or.a ·pran1<. "But we sWI don't b4ve any Idea who," he added. The blaze · deslrllyed ab\lilt $8,000• In materials and ,11,000 in facllitla •t Ghlaa-Farms, 17101 Nichols S,t., Jate Th\lfSday afternoon, said, firemen,. .. "Anon is faldy commoo in llwltlnilon Beach," said Fire Department C&ptaln J. V. Vlnceo~ "~t ...most cues involve dll1dren aod ~ f1re1. The crimina l type. of arloft Ji · a lot • hArder to pin down." "Ar!on ·is' a ·bard crnne to 'proVe,"'~ concluded, ·~uae. Pie, ~ldence .b destroy<d with the, <;tlr!le.• M&Y ~~~,._ NIW GRAND JUll'rl'VllllMAN Mro. 111.'"'1' "'.Wt\ill ' . ,• f I ' ' . - ~~,..-~~~.~±<,·,-..~~· . ·- Court Rµ:ling :Please·s·. · ea ahf:rs ;_11=.......;;=--~ .. --=--=-=:.-..;-_.;;:....:..;,;....~1--..: ,....;;,'J.~s.a,_~ JlJh~~kt~~ijs: ~~d.~:,:_}?Jz~; _r·~, ~ro~es~~-..• -ll!o~~~h • .,.._,IQ~ld~~ · -t~ w~re ijnviri~to:;ifie!t ad!Ona :;-&iP.erlor'elurt. A114·!foam><on dool>tfut ' ... llDHltD • CAl'J COD M Y .ATLANTIC OCEAN · Vl't f•~'9 MASSACHUSETTS - Map oullines general area Of Massachusetts and"'lli iifi)Or Offs1iore -re!Ort· tslaqds. Chapltaquiddick Island is 'wh.e~ trll&lc accident involving Sen. Kennedy took place. • 'From. Page 1 .KENNEDY ·-· .. :- M ..... dnwe and haggard, alter <Jlf«illc J>raYtis al the. C.lbollc r!tu for his ~te .brother' campaii!J aide. VOICE TIWLED OFF · They aaked il be would make a.llale· ' . -ment. "This isn't the ••• " he said, his voice t.raUiNI; off. 1'Thl1 i5 the day of the funeral, Tblajm't the applOfll')ate tim.t." 0 I'Ve just come frorn the funeral of a very IDYely glrl and this Is not the ap- pl'01'1111e'tbne lo comment," be snappOd as fJ)I! questions continued. "Pleue, get .me: to the CIT/' m, wile. Jooiua~. lum1na lo an· aide. . So w. Sen, Ktnnedy has laid be bOcamt.~ oo the itsrk. rw.\l~ ~ tuliied In the wi'oni dlreclfo~ from the fetry sJlp where Miss Kopechne wu ·to have cav&bt a ride; An off-duly Duktll C01jllly sheriff'• d•J>Ul~ward Look Jr., Ja.1 beij~~ to bve tjiO Kebnedy cir as l~t~ ·!be wroeg .tum,"bat he could oot I -the dftver.-~ -· - NO WITNESS Tbe Edgartown poliee chief nottd Tues-· day this leaves iovestigatGra without • \vitness placi.Qg Sen. Kennedy at the wheel of the death car. - Some l:lf the qu!stions yet to br: Slll'llft!red include: -why, '91d thit senator wait so _ lOQg belort go1JJ& to the poll!"? -~took him back \0 .his hotel?. -Wa'sn't some effort made to question Kennedy when he was belna taken to his Hotel. t.o determine what had happened to bis car aud Miss Kopecbne 1 -U he gave informalioo to the person . taking him to his hotel, why weren'l lhe police nOlilied right away so · a search could have been started for Miss Kopecbne? -What Nppened to Kennedy after hl.s arrival 1n Edgartown? -Wouldn't someone ~n Edgartown -. perba~ a pollCe officer or 'a touria~ ~ · have 1ee11 him and offered assistance! -Why would he be confused -he had been.JG' the' area numerow ·times-atid lake • wroaa tum before reachinJ: \he brid&tl ' Nit questions may be answered dur· in& oil!rt' proceedings in coming wee.ks. . . . ' DAI l V PllOT ' ' .,. ' JtoMrt N. w •• d l'rl!llO.nf •rod l'utl!i!Mr J •,k R. Cud•'f Yk:i ,J•lllenl Ind G4nt1'11 Mto,..ll!f ; \:', Thom•• x .... n Ed\lof Th•m•• A. M111phin• ,..,_,...Int Elllllr Alb•tf W. 1•111 ~1•1'1 IE"tor H111t1""9• IMcli Offla JOt ilh Slt••f M•llint Ad11lr•n1 P.O. l •1 7,0, t264t -°"""' ,......., e..dlt Vil Wnt a."9• 8ou1W•f'f c.ts Mot .. ,• wet ••r s1,....1 ~ ~ a..d\1 m,.... ..,_ • . ~ .. ----' ' • 'llie ·oe1I st.p .fo lhe<e ls-Monday's show-caUBe hearipg. Jts ·purpose is to determine whether a summ0tl3 is to be issued; bringing the cue tO trtal. Under Maasachuutts law, persons con· vict.ed of Jeaviltg the sCene of an accideJ'lt may receive from two months to two years in jail, but such sentencu frt-- quently are ·suspended. Fro1n Page I ROBITAILLE •• poraUons unearthed ln the investigation. Robitaille joined jbe oil city force in 1963. He has workedibere q_ patrolman, fleld ~geent, watch commander, train- ing officer and administrative assistant to Chlel,Sellzer. .Educationally, he has: ranged into fields 1-i~ W,ll<e .ojen .. , :r1jese incllld• Ilia a.Uo<!ai. pf~ de~• in pttdenlla!rf, Work toward a muter s degree in public adiiiini.stratJOD iDd 21 Wllts toward a law degree. Currently-heading the clty'J d~tective dlvision, Robitaille· Uyes ln Huntil)gton Beach WI.th his wife, Lela; children,' Dorl,· l l; Brad, 10; and Eric, 4. He ·and tbe family were glad today that the "heetic" period of decision abrut a new chief for the rapidly growing city had reached a happy end. Robitaille said he plans to place more emphasis on problem areas such as downtown which he called a focal point lot ,a· ieaJ rtan:otica. prob~ in Hun- Ungton JI<•~... . .! . , "We can~ Ignore it; we have it (narcotics abuse) in a big way and it's our responslbility;••·RobitalUe. SJid, The chlel iald the departmlnt lo In good sha~ ~'-t~ ... !'.!lliber .of pe;~el -~ equipment. 1"1'ht council arlil adminis- tration have been tremendOusly good to us about equiflJnent. when we can jostify the need. We're the. onty ,depart- ment in Orange County with helicopters," he said. · Robitaille said he plans a fuller com· rpunlty relations program to Jet tht p!o-pre or the City see what the police force is trying to do. "We want to let thetn know ' we're trying to do the best job possible," he sai~. Terse . Note Sent By Japan on Ga s TOKYO (UPl) -The Jap3J'Jese government in a terse. l\\10-sentence statement lacking. in d i p Io mat i c platitudes t o d a Y noted the Pentagon. agreement lo remove nerve aas from Okina,va. Chief Cabinet Secretary Shigeru Hori . Prime Minister Eisaku Sato'• chief six>ke!man, delivered the statement: ''111e U.S. decision is an indicaliOl'.I of the im~rt.ance·at~ed to Japan by the'NIJ.• on Adtnlnistrauon. We wish to pay our respects to President Nixon for the 'peedy response to our requtst ." A public outcry had erupted In Japan 11nd on Okinawa as result of disclOlure that 23 U.S. soldier.s and ~~n Arpirlcan civilian employe of the ArrirY on 01tlnawa were given inedical treatment !ftcr e:i.· poeure to the gas .JuJy 8. 1 Fires Rage in. N~rth ' FORT BitAGG (UPll-Vlofent lllthl· niog ptorms touched off at lea•\ I& fortst fires tn a one mllllon-acre a.i:u teetfon o( "°~"' California toctay. · --11'0 Suite Jllvltlon of fortSl<Y. Iii<! • of Ult fires were under ap acr.t in 1\U but were creatln, dlf.flculllts becau.t of "" wld•opret4 .aru. and th& lna<:«ssibOtty or lom• ofU.. br~ • SoMoi DiJtriGt 't.iicllln 1Jdo1t Pt all J1t ~~'llie..al1Wllfnl of allom<Y necessity and th<y were cerlaiJ>ly work-that the actJon wlfl be tevlved with the they wanlod Tuteday in superfo• COUrl l'l!PJIJI.}. Iii~ f<!f lit• d~lfkl that Ing on perwnal m9llves. I.' . I «lffl of tltt pew &<:hoof yeor i!l lhe laq. but their happy spokesman left the the dtciaion .to hold a mw meeting at "And I can't thl.nk o! anything ."10?.e• ' Jt ii }IO&Siblt, h.owever, aecotding to courtroOm to announce bis "complete noon Oo. June 9 was an j•unJaw!ul work necessary than money and whal's tnoi'e McCou.Ft, that the diltrlct wU1 appeal.that ·sali.$cU9p" with lhe verdict of Judge stoppage" and just as much a breach ot personaJ than getting some more of t port.Jon of Judge Co:rfman's ruling which Robe'rt L. Corfman. contract ult.be May 29 incident. that?," waa Judge Corfman's ·wry ad· favors the DEA argument. Judge Corfman rejected \he argumt!11t "We're very, very pleased with the dition. ' "That wJU. be up to the district,'1 hi of attorney David r Jiolden that the decision,•• said DEA president Carl He ordered the district to irnme(liately .sai~. "I understand that they ·are-golng to teacher_s should J>e ,pal'd in full for May 29 Manemann. "We look on it 81 a very fair pay the 291 te~Chers involved in the June call a.n executive, 8'4:'100 aod the matter -, lhe. d•f <fi which tbe)r crffted virHict and it's 1 sOluUon that we could • . 9 walkout. He denied any payment . of ~ wUl come before them •t that Ume. ·~ "dangerous and sometimes chaotic situa· have arrived at some time ago il the damages claimed in the action but in• fi,t the heart of lhe issue is the- tiona" by not workihg to schedule and by district had been willing." slru cted the district to pay all legal costs. teachers' refusal to accept the 4 percent not working the full day. McCourt argued that the teachers• ac· Post-hearing discussion appear~ to in-raise recently ·offered by the dlslrict . Bu& be agreed with Holden that the Uon of June 9 could not be condoned by dii:-ate that the ruliilg will ' Jead both board, an Increase whiCh might pOssibly district' had no right to deduct pay from Ute court atnce Uie leave of absence was parties to re.Wve a dispute.created when have. been boo3\ed by anolher ·2 percent tea~ aa a result or their ll(:Uons on not, in.the llgM of atate codes, governe.d district teachers demahded more Pllfl in lhf! fall~ ' · ' June t. He defended the claim of the by ''persoOal inttreata or necessity... A temp-0raiy injtmc:Uon which would The pay dispute led to teachers'" de- teac~s: -all members of the District . · "Tliese te.achtfs were trying io enforce have forbidden the. DEA teachen from fiance al. diatrlct work ach«td:ules on 'MQy Educators Assoai\lf?p -that they cookl a ~necpv~ bAr:hinlni -"CI"ttment.." cilllng a ,lfttikt _!!:t _a!Yf. of · the district's 29 ~~ the .w~lk-out of .t~ at moil of apply one-of theii fWo aMuaJ daify leaves Judge Ci>rfmJD replle<f.., "They ctaipt ti:iat schools hai l>ten ta)(en olf catenaarm-me diStrlef• schools on June 9. · · , Valley -Orders:_ Recall Fraud Charges 'Study .. Fountain Valley's recall battle may be carried to the crlmf'nal courts U the city attorney can·prove fraudulent practices in the distribution of recall .petlUont again1t -Oiree councilmen. Tuesday night. the cou~il agreed 3 tO 2 -with atrong dissension from Coun- cilmen John' Harper and Edward Just - to auUwnze City Attorqey Edwin Martiq to: pursue legal" actio~ on· charges o( liWC!u!enL~ ··anc,Jtinl;e · •· jority faction of the council. .:..._.:::. Mayor J..R6bett--Sch\¥trdtfeger 'toot .a swipe at vrange County District Attorney Cecil Hieb, whom he said was unwUllng to investigate the charges when atked two m<!:nths ago. · , 'Don•ld Freaeau added his support to lbe Mayor a.sking, "Why doesn't the District Attorney help me?'' He had also sought help from the diStrict attorney. Both men said Hicks' reply to their re- quest for investigation was that he did not want to become involved in a political issue. "That dowi't help me J! he In· vesUgates ·the charges after I've b,een ~ailed,'' said Fregeau, who added that he also received no satisfaction from the Grand JU'f ~hen he pleaded for an ·in· vestigation Into the pr&ct.ices of reel.II supporter•. When it came Ume for the vote authorizing Martin to~sue court action lj-r aJl!i J UJI bo , obj~ on the grounds that clt,y. lun should not be n· pended for any more eral Involvement. "I followed tlll same route with the dJstrict .attorney 1with complaints from k¥>tli sides/' aaid riu.s:t.. expressing doubt that Hicks was JSeJng .ui\&air to. one 5.ide. Ju&t suggested tha~~ couooil as a body should ask first the district attorney then ·the st.ate attorney general to in· vesUgate the entire recall issue. His mo- tion waa defeated 3-2. In summing up what he considered the problem, Schwerdtfeger said, "I've made • re~ated phone calls tp the man (Hicks), 81ld. it di4r}'.t. Jl19.Ve ,hiro~.1 don'.t· .qiean to cast • asperaic.IM on (;eCII Htc,kf, \ut l don't' t.h1nt' 'We ' can ·'f!i-pect hltn to do anything about ihe c~argea now:: *. * *· • From Pqe J RECALL •.. bring tbe.ir candidates out In the open." Parks and Recreation Commlasion Chairman Ron Shenkman ~tood before the council and called for "peace in lhe Valley"· declaring "the , courts bave spoken, let'• now conduct tbe recall issue with dignity." Shenkltlan, Jpeaking from a neutral posltJon he 1ai~, pointed to a r~t in· dustrial rirm ·that backed away from Fow$1n Valley because of the pending- recall and uiged all sides lo avoid mud slinging. · Another surprise came from . John Mangano, receotJy figured to· be :a: can. di.date Jn the recall election, who declared he would prefer to see "tbe entire is&ue settled in April during regular elect.ions." Replying to calls for a clean campaign. the mayor stated he originally thought everyone would be told-the -issueS. bUt considering the lack of fair play th~ issue would come out, "whether you call it mud slinging, being aggressive or gutter politics -the people will get the facts ." One quesUon came up on the form or the recall, .,.:hen atorney Robert Sassone, a recall support~. complained that persons voting agains:t the recall ahould not have' the right to vote for a candidate in the election as indicated by the r~all resolution. Valle y Mark~t Robbed of $10 ,. A 111n·loll!ll bandit took .170 caab. lrom 1.""*11 Jl\lOplltn V1ttay;marktt;-·ll o'Clock T\&el4ay niaht. • Pollce'llid th~ men entered the store. and told ~ clerk, Mlchatt .Voe.llinger~ "Thl1 ls * &tJclAlp, let'a aet th~ c:aah." .. -VtelliJll&' ~-ibe4 "''"f'On •Md aa.:11 cal .u Ci>!~ .... i.rn •trl• tlito1. -., Only on• min was setn, sald 'poUct • .but '"'ther' baodll may have bMi> .l!fvolv,.,. :r~~i:e no otller ~ltn-lo tho rqb- berj' ii t!OIO'Newhopt St.: " 1 ' I ' . ' ' , ' . ' OAU,Y l'llOT Stflf PllM9 SHARK FISHERMAN WRAY <LEFT), HELPER PALAZZOLA DISPLAY THEIR CATCH Ht rrlng Prov11 to be Undoing of Fiv•foot Blu. Sherk Swimming N1!1r H·dntingfon Pier No Fish. Story,; Shark Chooses Wrong Treat, Caught The tittle herring looked like a tasty Tuesday afternoon snack to a brazen blue shark swimmihg In the water off the Huntington Beach pier. Unfortunately, the herring was at· tached via ~nd·test line to the fishing ,POie of 17-year otd Harry Wray, who lifted the fiv~foot shark out of the water and onto \he pier. ll was big as sharks caught off the pier go, and Harry was glad that it.s final meal consisted of herring rather than someone's leg. He caught the toothy fish at 1: 15 p.m., after it was seen swimming in the area -with two other sharks. Fishermen on a local sport-fi:i:hing boat spatted the trio hours earlier and even hooked the same shark twice, but lost him both times. "He was pretty well tired when I hook- ed him," said Harr}>. "The men on the boat_must ha ve already worn him out." It took two gaffs tp Jilt him out of the \\•ater and onto the pier whtte Harry and hi~ friend Neil Palazzola , 15, Stanton, ad· ministered the coup de grace. The shark, dead but still wiggling, at· tracted SC-Orea of curious pier \\'aikers and fishermen Who were interested in seeing his big "smile." A resident of 20861 Suburbia Lane, Jiunti.nglon Beach, Harry regularly goes to the pi~r to catch rays and sharks. Although he has caught many, none have been this size. "I'm going to remove the jaws and mount them,'' said Harry proudly. "lt's j ust about the biggest shark I ever cau~ht." Green Valley , Developer Contest Lasts One Round The f;irst bout ln Fountain Valley city hall Tuesday night was a on~round con· test between Green Valley homeowners and repre.Hntatives of developer George Holsl'eln. Homeowners In Green Valley allege Holstein is changing the entire concept of the development by p r o p o 1 i n g: apartments on part of the land. Holstein -facing financial prcb~ms in Green Villey -claims he mutt have lhe apartments to survive financially. Four areas involving rednt zone changes or potential· zone changes were the central items of discussion. Zone change 195 ha1 already been ,IP. proved by the council for apartments on JO acres: on the southeast comer of Slater Avenue arid Ward Street. Zone change 200 was approved by th& council Tuesday for s1nale famlly residences in four pieces Of property touching three comers of Green Valley. Homeowners were first anaered by zone change 195 which plit prop()!led apartment& where theY. claim they were promised a conunerciat development. The central pi"tlt:Nem, as Roblin ex- plained it, is tha,t apartment dwellers would spoil the Green Valley concept o[ I private recreation and gr\en belts. • "Wltb sOO people there we couldn't1' PQS.\\bly keep them out of our parks," hi saJd~ · -,?-. Cooncilman John Harper suggested ad. milting lhe apartments to the system aftd make them pay ·ror the parks, 'i>ut homeowners objected that renleri wOuld stil l not become involved in the project a!I the hom~wners,. which is the basis of Green Valley -lhvolvement. i- .Councibnen dlrec:ted the bomeowne rS to meet wtth pltnnlng s'taft and. Grten ·valley representatives ~tore declding on what coiirse of action they l\'ou.ld propose to the cooncJI. Culottes Win ' ,.., . Sch(>pl Approval But Not Slacks Stude~ts battling for a revision of dress standards }"ithin the HUfltington Beach Union High School District won :shirttail• and cu 1 o t t e s (divided skirts) from trustees Tuesday night-but that's about all. The board, by a 4 to I vote, adopfed the new code which specifically forbids Jong hair, mustaches and the wearing o! san· dais without socks for boys and sl acks fo r girls. Only departure from the dress code In force during the pa.rt year is that the boys may now wear T-shin's and to leave their shirt talls out of their trousers • Girls culotes, which formerly had to ap- pear like skirts, no longer have to give that appearance. student Jan Jones, who worked with the administration on the dres s code said arter the adoption, "I don't think lhi~ w111 help our administratlon-student relations any.\ Trustee Joseph Ribat who favors no dress COC!e al all aiid cast the Ione "nay'' vote againat the regulations, said "This could cause a great deal of trouble in the years ahead. 1'Jt's really a shame thal the Mafd dtd not at least accept the. recommendations of the &.~dent commitlte'/1 • He relered speocificaJly t9 points of dif. ference between the students and the ad- ministration on the It.ems relatina to hair 1.ength, mustaches, s~dalt wltbotit IOaks and girls slacks." · · · ' . 1 !he new c~e; which "Viii gp into' effect lh11 fall, proh1b1ts the following items for ~)'S: Sunglasses worn insid.e bulldlngs without , prescription, hats oon school jackets "'ilh insigna, 1tbongs,· tight trousers and cut-off jeans, berm\ldas, hair longer than !he shirt collai' line. musta~hes, sideburns extending below the earlob~. and beards. Sunglas'ses worn inside schoOl buildings .11re also prohibit~ for the girls, in ad· dltion to the wear1na ol hair curling ap. paratUJ, spike heels, 1hoes Without heel straps, bennudas and slacks See through dres.'ieS without slips, mid~iff blouses tight-fiUing clothing,~ noisy jeWelry ind jackels with non-scflool .insl&ntl. Potential r.one changes 196 atid 19.7 have not yel been requested by Holstein. Bill Hoblln , president of Homeowners AssociaUon No. 3, faced the Holstein representatives and told them, "We're here to guarantee the stability of Uie Grttn Valley master plan of ownership as it was sold to us when we bouabt our homes." From Page 1 . He then took a worried look at the mlp and eiplalned that ll was patenu.,.-•rone chsnges 19$ and 197 we fear. Wt could · accept the one 1p1rtmtnt arta· already paMtd If we wtre sur no mart would be ~1· rea~eih'I mtn'n!plleitbat' U,. .:l~~fD q~~-OM r1cU ~~W1mer:A.vlnue -iii """' ltlllllod' ~'" dtCft!Oil hal not 11een'reach"l""l "''"if'lh01·"'m:w. : t,, ~ ' I• • APOLLO • • • otherwl1t quiet day. It 1wted li);e a comedy show. When a picture ol the moon flashed on the monitor in mission control, the capsule communicator, astronaut Charles Duke, commented : "We see tbt earth in the centtr of the JCreen.'" r Alt.r a pa.... AlufiJi C<l!Ttcted bin! w\th: '1Beuev, lhat•1 whtre we h•.t c1m• from. 't ' ' '~' 'ii "Il is, huh? .Well T'ljt fcall1 foo1t1ti1 at a • bad scr..,; h•lo." Ouk• Hid. "Stand by one. Hey, you're right !'' . Later, when a picture: ol lhe urth wat shown, Duke said : "I re!UH to bi~ on this one. You tell us." • "You'll hive some tun at~ pres1 ~n· lo-e alter lhll l!bllt.'' 'Collins kldcled ltil\l. •1ft'1 ::l:lO a.m .. " Duke countered, ••gverybOd)l'll be aalefp. l 'm conna sneak o!I llli""8h thebick-way." .. • Cl,\l\Y' PILOT S&tft' """" , . SPEAKS FOR NIQUEL CORP. Attomoy Alox Bt.wi,o .. ~ n"Own . t e-· .. ·--· Mission Trail·· WaUiout Halts ' llarhor Wor\ . " niNA J'Ol!iT \'.., ~ •l ihe Dana l'olnt 111ri>Qr proi.cl JI.a•-. to a stand.d:iiJ this week as a rd of the ....u..it <i Operalill( E~ Uoioo __ ... " Rislilem Project En!lineer J'* llalnes ~I!" loc\IY. ~the w~aallk\ed about 25 ojltrating.engin""! "1l>C on the proj~t. Another 50 men · · ked out Dn··tht job, he Siid, becaute ther. were unable to continue their job :wfthout the heavy equipment. ~ Raines said there would'.. be no monetary 'loss to the county because of the 'falkout, just a lime loss. }le 1dded that the project was s!x monthi,1abead of schedule at the t~ of the watkbut. .e Slide Sltetohtg !_et DANA POINT -Color sU@es with det.alled sketches and explanatian by the South Coos\ 9cenic Impruvemeill Project of .. Pn>Posed changes in this community ~ be pr...,.\ed Thuroday night by the Daria Point Clamber of Commerce. The 7:30 p.m. meeting will be held at the Richard Henry Dana Schoo~ 2t2U La Cresta. The Project his proposed rerouting Coast Highway to Del Prado Avenue rather than widening it, making a park around the present lookout at the cliff end of the Street or the Blue Lantern. and widening and landscaping Street of the Golden Lantern. :e Girls Join Gu ards SAN CLEMENTE -For the.first lime tn tts four·year junior lifeguard program, ii girll have signed up· with 70 boys I<> receive instruction from the . S a n Clemente Lifeguards in water safety, nm aid, and activllies. '[be: next session will nm from July 21 through Aug. 29. Further infocmation may bf! ohtained by calling 492-0750, e Contest Plannt!!ll. . ' MISSION VIEJO -While one llt!le_~ig: gy 8~ fo market, other ume-.pJilies wtil be WJ>p!ng over I<> the ~..Ylejo Recrea&,i Center for the Big Toe contest at•t:30 p.m. nut Thu~ay. Competltion will be open 4!>-.ail, age groups, providing they are im~rs .of the ~Uon center. • . JudgeJ wlII l>t lookiq !or llM!lmosl an!· quo ·painted toe; ~ • ·e wet1tJ1er 011 c41t · SAN CLEMl!NTE -11wt lilqward department )ltre ' •stabllsbed " reconiod .P/Kirie T '° wltjcb ollm "'complete mrl ant \.her ·JnformaUon" ln t¥ san ctemenl~ . ~a. The number to call la 491-)tll. The ~· according I<> a lileguard spokesman, are. tUttt oft· tbo .San Clemente pie(. aod 1rt ~ l'Kenever thfre II a clliQp-tn llUrf ~. ·S teele Merfeetr • ' Be•eh · • • Flood. Drain Under ~ttidy For :Tollrists By JACK BROBACK Of fllt o.llT Plllt lfeff A pedestrian pathway to SAii Credi beach between South Laguna Ind Daoa Point ;In ooutbeaatern Oraage County will be 1h1Wed as a possible solutiqn to tbe muclHUscussed public beach access pro- blem. • • . ., • The Board Of Supervison Tuesday, after a two-boor hearing before. an ov~~~e or more than·l50 ~h lovers, voted unanimously to have the • County Counsel and ·Flood Control District sl<ldy the posslblllty of Including a pedestrian walkway in a pllnned flood control channel from Pacific Coast Hlghway I<> !hf beach. ,__ ... :r1ME FOJnOMrnACHES' Laguna Attorney Wilcoxen b"I\. Y PILOT Wf ,.... :Sp~hdowii ­ Weather Looks 'Fine · The suggestion was made b y Supervisor Robert W#'Battin, but he first moved th!t ·the pedestrian walkWay be required aod that Laguna N I g u e I Corporailoa'1 drainage plans not be op. proved unless the pedestrian path was in· eluded. BRENNAN McCLELLAND LEAOS.FOES OP PRIVATE SALT CREEK BEFORE COUNTY SUPERVISORS Oueat fo r a Lost 8'.Nch Takes 'Hev~· ancl Suppo11•r1 to Inland County Seat ' - Coast Woman Appointed . ' . . ' SP.\llll';gqrf~ ~,,_ (API -YemiinJ "rot bOme, -~._;-"ea· ))tor«& .streaked ever fut« toward ea"rth ""'-Y j s perlect coune thal II lo 1'00 Supervbor llavld L. Baker supported Ballin'• Idea but (lbjectod slnlnaly to the !mandatory wordinc. After much ~. the bomJ IJ> prov'!' the reviled motlee but . l" tlmf Wl,I HI Jar tho ·C!'lmreJ Ind ·dialrlcl to ~<JJeJP~ .of. GraJ!d ~~.' .. Ii tlie l'acillc Oc~ Th""J'17 I . ' n11ttar where yoa travel, It'• nice to pt ""'1Jl," Edirln E. Aldrin Jr, ~ u jh9 utronauta be>med a -pie> lllf'ti-ot ·earth .from more th&D. 1801000 miles aw•)' 'lil<sday n!gh1. '~It's sef.Ufl;g appreciably larger nolv," said Michael Collins. "It's loot.log iqort like a world. And , looking ahead to splashdown, Apollo 11 commander Neil A. Armstrong asked aboUt the weather in lhe recovery .area. · "lt looks real good out there /' miuion control tok1 him. '!The. forecut ii tor scattered clouds at 3,000 feet and a visibility of ltl milea. SO It loots real good for recoven." Apollo 11 is to land at t :ff p.m. PDT aboutJ,200 miles &OUthwest of Hawaii. The astronauts set their course Tu& day by liripg a abort engine bunt I<> lleer onto a precise path intended to land them near the aircraft carrier Homtl They ended their historic exploration of the moon early Tuesday by sh o o t l n g themselves out of lunar orbit and gradually gained speed as they ractd deeper inlo the grip of earth's gravity. The TV show was the highlight of an otherwise quiet day. It started like a comedy ihow. When a picture of the moon f1ashed on the monitor in mission control, the capsule communicator, astronaut Charles Duke, commented: "We see the earth in the center of the screen." report back. .. Large ·i.i-111\ded' tho -· decision frwn the ltlVl1l\Y _partisan ccowd {rnnl Lallw Beoch, Dana Point •nd Sin \-"~-,,.. cr6wd 'Jilcluded. llWIY imall illlklr.n. . B~ "'Heva" Mc:Clellam, I ra!dent of tagullO l!Ol<h· lincle IMO, led the forets opposing Laguna Niguel Corpora- tion's plarui for a private beach to terVe lhe development'• ulthnate 8 0 , 0 0 0 residents. He said he was repreRnting "the surfer element," but laced his rem1.rk1 with quotes from an u n n a m e d serviceman, "a (ocmer surfing dwn~ pion." , "Thia Is wbal I'm fi411Ung for, I<> enjoy bucbe9 that offer good aurllng. Salt Creek is outstanding," McClelland quoted without notell. "Let the voices ol our servJcemen be heard the loudest," he concluded rmo- tionally. McClelland said the Salt Creek public beach p~ents "had no organization but the help 'we are geUing is surprlJin,g, We have htmd(edll of petitions ouL ''Artists also favor the beach there" he continued and had a painting o1,.' the beach shown which he said would be raf· fled to raise funds for the campaign. He (See SALT CREEK, Pago I) Apollo Seismic Test Detects Moon Tremors After a pause, Aldrin corrected him with : "Believe that's where we just came from." "It is, hub'! Well I'm reallt lootfng it a SPACE CENTER. Houston ( • ") _ A bad ICrten here/1 Duke said. .. Stand tiy IU'" one. Rey, you're rlghll" seismic e:iperimtnt ldt on the moon by Later, when a.pictu.re of the earth wu the Apollo 11 a!tronauts has pk:ktd up shown, Duke said: "I refuse to bite on unppl8:1Qed tremoQ. "'. , ' 'Mn. Ro!)ert lj. Weed ol Newport Beach ~ WU ·~t.d f....,.. ol Ibo Oi'ange County Grand 1ury, Judge Robeii ~· -t ol ht& oeloctlQo .drn 1..i.loo -ber 1'1ll>w jUton u tlie pp '!ail with the Super)..-. coon lurlsl ljO!llJld cloled doqra this mornin(. . Mi-1. Weed, the wUe of Ortlnge C.OUt DAtL Y PILOT Publlaher Robert N. Weed, has now taktn over the duUu relinquished by \\'.llllam D. Martin of. Laeuna Beach. 'I'.be former Art COlony mayor resigned last Fridly under circumstances which have not betn made public . Afrs. Weed's first action on taking of. flet! was to pay triliute fo tbe work of Martin, who led tbe.Grao(i Jmy from ita creltlon seven mohths ago. "1 can only u.y that I will do my very best in my performance of duties as foreman,,. Mrs. Weed said. "We on the jury were all vef"/. disappointed at Mr. Mart.In'• re:sl"q:i and f~l that be,wu doing a fme job." Trie new foreman plans no changes in the llsilng of jury officers established under the Martm administration. "Tbe only change,"· she sata, "will be in the appoin~nt Of a chairman of the county administration committee, the post I held untl! today ." Hilton Dalessi of Fullerton takes over the chair of vice foreman, a1&o fonnerly held by Mrs. Weed . Martln'• member seat on the Grand Jury waa lllled !Oday by Joe Caoper, a Fullerton real estate broker. Cooper was sworn in by Judge Gardner pior to th• appolntmeot ol Mn. Weed. . Laguna~amber Not ·Just .Whim this one. You tell us." The aeilmmneter bas detected "several "You'll have some fun al the presa·con-sUn {s" • bel "'-to the Cha be ol Co ference after this shift,,, Collins kidded di . ct even or surface movement, Is one,u•& , m r m· lifm-:-.--·-· ---which may-~frorn nttural-IOUf'te!;-merce -just a whim· forJ.;agwla Be;i;ch merchants! ''It's '2:30 a.m.," Duke counlert.d. said John W. Stnall, ·manager of the A·'2,)00Cbamberoperatlngbudgetde- "E'.:Verybocfylll be asl!!tP. I'm gonna meak Lunar Surface Projects office. flclt OI dues owed would perhaps in. of.I throughJhe back wa~." The experiment, powered by tolar dlcate IO. Anos~I. sbowf;d vleweJT·twd sealed panels is apaprently. slowly dying from Chln\ber "President Harry · Lawrtnee boxes tn wh1.eh are ·packed preclou• bits ·' n-asked ·at a directors rileeUn« lfueiaay, Of solll.lld -• .,,.. •· -~ ....... ~1. overhea,..., Small, aald. • ·-• ""' ·~ NN _... ·T "WbY·are peoi>le ·ao ·slow · In · paying l«:led>'durbig•thelr mom1"l<IUl''!W .. bour He aaid K was deiigned to discharge a.amber 'l\'_es?'" . · • · walJ«oe th• moon SiDm1. 11 but throuch radiation, but Its radiation He ·waa·lOlll· by Betty Myen, chamber "We· ™1' , tbefe'i' i 'Joi '"' li!1enllat4 ..,race hu been darnaied. pwtbty from• ""'"-"Mger;"We're· just, a ·whim. DAILY ,II.OT 1td ,,_,. NEW QRAND JURY FOREMAN Mrs .. Robort N. Wood .Te1·se Note Sent By Japan on Gas TOKYO (UPI) -'!'be Japanese governme.nt · in 1& • terse. two-sentence s~len\ePt l~lag Jn .dlp_lomati-c ptslltU<!Os I o<l ·a y noted !hf Peolqon 8gi'eem'ent to rtmove nerve gas from Okinawa. Chief Cabinet Sttretary Shigeru Hori. · Prime Minister Eisaiu Sato's chief spokesman, delivered the statement: "The U.S. decision Is an lndlcaUon of the lmpi>rtanee atl<ldled to Japan by !hf NIF on Administrutlo•. We wish to pay our respects to President Nix~ for the speedy response to our request.'' , A public outcry· bad enipted In Japan and on Okinawa u 1'5Ult of dbclOIUl'6 that S3 U.S. aoldiera and an American clvillan emplaye of t~·ArmY on Okinawa weni· gtven medical treatment after ex~ """"' to lhe ... J~ &. from a nliliibi!r ol. """"'* -.. by the blast ol !hf rocket which lilted Nell Peop~' d<llil ,leel ·lliey~ ha ye W'bieloal~ to '"" -'~ lll!PPlea and ·'We · Al ~l~'iia rld!l1( !or live 'niottlha." · • • · thOughl ,...d·lle '"-ter-tn ...mi that "-An)>slrong and Edwin E. drln Jr. ~1 if6es t<the i:btJiriI>er·ar• •·"" Laguna. Gree~r. · they mlbi•&re'ke;••be aald. . from the ltmar aurlace. '*"'~ . . . tbe' ~ <i' Temperatum during the lunar" daf lmjilOWO:M· llle ~ IJliiln..,.. · • • · YoungsJers Guests At Sawdust Festival . - reach 250 degrees, Ind Small aid •IJW . I t" ' . .. . I • • . • G #a l\T . r at -would ilol survive if thlo beat • , ' . . I '' '. ce uo "L ~.ew~o cooldn't be dilalpated. ' S .. '-' ..1._ .l . " Another esp<riment left on the moon. OptlrYlSO.n! "1'ppl'O.Ve U ollidal La11ma Btacb Greeter Eller has ao lir been a latur<, small md. La Tra'llc S"""d·y· Larseo ·...,..,lo be a hll inore -ul ' A mJrror.llft de>ice designed to reflect guna ~.,. '"' · U-· lait few ~ It's bee..., be'< the .• luer beams has DOI boeli located I!)" Qrange eooniy· 'llU)lmlilon Tll!llda1 ·proUd .,;;,er <i a ~=-ted oAI. • utronomen ari.r .. veral attempts, lie ~ed .a 'atud1' leading lo 1nitailMJoO Tho - -pu · ::fu the L111n1 aalH~ nld MrDonald -.Jorr at El .;;:c .:::~~~:t':.. ~~F<:..~~~.-<b-4~:-=2 Paso, Tu, and .Lid< ~ OC ,,, """'""' 'lo' ..,.. .~ Hl•-~ Thll!ldoj~ '7:11 " Oalrias callfandahnralm!ll1*r ....... llill '!l!! ••"' t ' ~:. ':'!'•;' ...... . . . Sea •<i 1'nllqlllllllJ ~:-=;-.. :•*a=~ ..... ·~· .11111~ -*'dilialEUalsaliood7 -r ...,., but a. .. · ¥,•.._.. '.' .... li!Wnlorol -Jnlthe-coot -ICl<lollnOloC ~ nlleded -. -. • .' . illio ~tal. • • . . II In. ' . • -. . • Laguna .Trustees Okay Tea(!he'r · Salary S~, .. ' ' Approval ior pr.Vlouol1 '-..i teacben' &alary lncrwea &1-.iq ,. $427 at the bot1an ol !hf salary acalo and $1,0l3 at the top 11• lli•!D TutlitlaJ' allbl by bualeoi ol ti» Lacuna .lleadl tlnllfed SchoOt llfltricl . • . • .. TM· lnerta.., In salary aod lr!ngt benefits .will cort the dlltrlcl IN.ODO next schocif year, a 'fliw't eidller aPl!rd<ed bt the ~ after klo( ~UOO Wiiii teachers. . .. ·Tho · salary 'schedule . dev<lo)iod , by teachei's arid adminlitfatlve staff a mabs' the top salary 113,708 and the bOl1om $6,827. Tblrteen lleps from top to bottom .,. figured In the· propoeal. TeaclJen move up the llePf acoordlng to education Ind . . . experience. - Total amoont to be spent for teachers 8alary and benellll ~ II.297.517 ol the district's $1.7 million bud 1 e t e.J· peodltures- Wheel Off Plane; Runwa y Blocked A small plline lost a wheel on llieOH from Orange Co4nty Airport Tuesday evening and blocked the nmway, otaalng a 33-minute delay. One of the airport's two 1W!WJJI war closed durJng the d!lay whlle.h.,plane waa. cleared from the landing and laboll area. · An airport oUJclal saJd the Dilahap WH nOt a major Jllefi!!m becl""' ... n aJrcrall ~ .lllll iibl• to land and ~eotr-on the alrjort'1 leCODd runw1.7. Roporls 'Illa! 'two.large jet pl.-wen divert..I ti> other alrporta• darinC' the delay were aid -to be falle bJ the spokesman. ' " Orange Wea tlaer . Despite the mo"'1QI over~ 11'1 still a lovely•day to· enjoy summer punUlts. Tl'le weather will wnaln lllal ...,, al leaal (or the nm-n,. dlya. . INSIDE TODAY t < N OU! tht\I ; It haf happn<d . ...i. . ""'" Mi> J>rObed . oi.Ur r ipG:ct, 00 onw • •ai 1t11.ore 'ot& eortA. who. tllW it rtelllf under· sl4n4 1Dh41 h~ MPJ>fn<d and ID"41 ft tn<Olll. Pago 12. ..... , .. -· . c........ JtolT c:... ..._ " ---" Class I II --. ......... , .. ·---···· . -· -=. ' 11 I = ............ ,..11 , ' • ... .. ! ' • z ~LY PILOT . -• . . • -- ~Ken11eay-ticelise H~l r. ... ., ..,,i. ., f 1 ·, • .. • ' ai-ty Drinking Pr,pb~d ' ' \ t l I . . . ' From wn Servl«t perallll to Callltrnl•'• drunken drMn1 • coj.i.ndw to l!Y to 1!111.W l!>!lr pitht •,. ~ ~ ~vllic. tjle ~ of a ............ ,..._ toiiay fer la 'lid lbd ~ drlvtq coWd be forlhcam-toward tho Wbhe lloUlo lll ll'lt -!Mii t1lll ICd4lol. .• 'l K~ :...::;':?~~~ -ll)I. • ~.;., • • ll'Jlr=i,.: -9\!!Mi. ;.·111.,.,~,ijo~O.al;,.'n.-';,..n . ..::-:r-u.: · · ~-, , qu,,...... •I ,.8\ee uJdJI~,~---........, nnladChai>ooouWdlcl<!JJandcoiUIJenol deeper.It.to lbe lra ~-----·a~llla--illli!ffY'•~ i!loitp@t'.¥'vtiilw'lliidlii&it iid .two in11"':1noD~wlllff MIN Kopechno Ing clioll> of • )'QUiii aide tn bJs "'"' ~f faulrtn Ute auto •e<!4'1!1.Whlcli c1liu<I vfug under lbe lnl1tience of afooljiil 1re drowoed Jn •. the . •'-rtunitd car l\'8Y Situntlf. Mlss Ml!Y Jo. Kopechne, 28, to drown lll possible. determine ibis. · • . . a Udal pood oear Edgartown. "These have all been conaidtted ~ "l ean't ..,. 1peclfic1lly that we are A-tpedal pr"O$!COUlr for DU.tee CciUnty The senator, younger brother of JFK have not been ruled out," said Steele, making an Investigation into 'heavy" also IMOlU'Ctd conslderaUon of. ~aes and RFK -~as been considered a pritne noting lha\ Sen. K~edy has already drintinf," Steele told newsmen. ~C . JVd:W E~l :i o~iis ln Menagerie On Beaches " Lot's· of dead things wa.!h up on Laguna's beache!. Usually It's seals or fiah. Once ft was caw. -,~Y~-SPCA-w• cali.4:. - retriett from-the Matn Beach a de&d eel -- about th,.. <eet lone. . A group of chlldrtn were huddled arumd oflerlng their appraisal. "Eeuu,,~' they screeched. More Ofteil !he .morlne 8J!tclmen that calla for lbe dlspolal 1kllla of the ·OPCA· .,,: (Society for ~ of Cruelty to Anlmalal ts • .w. "We find aboUt ooe aeal a week that hu wuhed.uhor<,"·lald Dm S!nkway. • ... A P""'°"" 32.qnli ezpmdon· of the La&UJll lleach Shoals 1p1rtment complex at 1801 South Cout Hlthway will have to rtmaln on the drawing boarda until further .Wdtes 1t1 made on the lrafflc clralliUoD, the toJ>Otraphy, and u:act !ay011t Pill»· · LaiUJ11 planning comm!saloners Mon- day night told applicant l\!chard Burt that additional su.pport1q data for the engineerlni aspects would have to be provided~by-blm before appf'OQJ for lhe conotruCtlon could be given. VOICE TRAILED OFF The public hearlnJ wu caottnued until They asked U he would make • ota,te· Aug. f, when Burt ls ~ to present ment. ' hli)nore detalled plem. • "This Isn't the ... " be aald, his voice The el,ght-unit apartment ii located at trailing off. "Thia is the day of the the foot of Bluebtrd Canyon Drive, with funeral. TbJI tan 't the 1pPropriate t.tme.!1 access to the complex by the &tmt ex-"I've ]U:St cOme from the fl.iberal of a tension on the ocean . side of Coast very lovely g1r1-1DC1 this la not the ap- Hl&hway. Plannera apteued a concern proprtate time to ~en"" pe snapped for tbe now of tra!f1C at the corner, as the qut!tlons cOntlnUed. wblch ·is presently controlfed by three "Please, get me lo the car.'' his wife If the oea1 ts alive and caugbl tn • Udepool, SPCA of!l~ls will try to prod It bacl:'lnlo ·the ·ocHn. U !t ts ·deail, It will be carl<d away to SPCA headquwn tn Laguna Cufon.1 An SPCA truck that makes the round! (Ince a weet_.to area headquarters to pick up dead anlmall. will then lib It to Los Anleles. where It will' be ·cremated. stop ll&hts. Joan said, turning to an aide. :"\. . , · oa11.Y ""·"' fllf'I ,...,. A pump atation adjaoan1. to the pro-So far Sen KeMedy hlis saj4 he · C.UR10US, BUT SQUEAMISH, YOUNGSTERS KEEP DISTANCE FROM DEAD (EM-Yvt<I ·EEL perty was aloo a point oI concern for became .;,nlus;.i on the dark. rural road II the llOa1 ii hurt,· tt willbe ldlled, Sinkw'ay said .. " Maln BHch Olotovory for Rlvoraldo'• Mlk~ .and Bambi Kl!'l'lliY ond MldMlo Shido!@ of Or--"!!~p .M<ii:o.detallal layout pl.~~·.~jil.Jbe.'f'-·~ired"¢~·•·c.-: ler,-shOW1Q11n\f'it1t'bOl<rif(e~ the ferry slip _w~r'i'Miss l\6pefline WI! One ol lile.l>taea\ prob1-.wllh."'" · ~s IDn8Y"e::rpialned1 ii to keep ~a at a safe distance. "Seab can uhy rabies just ilke any other animal, and the)' btte vecy 1<r!ously," he warned. But the.rt are more dead animals and fish tb&n juat seals and eels. · Laguna lifeguards recall once retreiv· Ing a parpoise frpm the sand. And las~ 11wnmer there wu a strange fbih guard! latlt learned ls-only 1Upposed to be found lg t,200 feet, of water -in the Indian nr.an, 'flley'nr ,1111 b1lnl to figu<e that lfl""y out.' -' . ""t'-~. yes, -Oien· there was the dead cow, :f!'~ ...,... ~[ the h'~"l' ra~ 1~ Thert's no telling what the Pacilic mi&ht live up to Laguna's beaches. T .A. .. Ru11 · l)tiver • ., ,-~., .. ~ #-t•i.: }'ot!l on New ·Pact Little Items -Cover a Lot Detailed Paintings Highlight Tiny Plywood Pieces By JANtct BERMAN . _ 01 the Dally .. lltt SMlff Some of the ·tiniest works at Lagun3'~ Fistival of Arts are by Thomlls \Vad- deldW . But ill terms or detail, they cover1~ilot of ground. .. -t, ~ i.~1ar-old ,i;ool\1 La"'1'• JWllter *ork,! lri oil on gesso. Gesso ls plyWood with an overlay or six coats or so of plaster, sanded down to a saUn-1mooth finish that lltill readily accept Waddelow's liD~ ~.---.. •. ' Ho'.~~f lhlp1 tit <1*~ and. aequJJj l!lll!ni !111 piling• bn \ioords thlt ~artl}i ti~ bve by five mctie:s. which they could be lrabslated from idea ' to imag~. ·. "1 f.1ess my attention span is pretty '!hort, • he said . fie motioned toward a painting of a .OWlioy on a hor>e, ~Y d'1fneated •g~lnlll ) bae~gr .. md ,Af b~ 'linooth n!OunWns. ll was aiorthoi11 "bt' IYad- delow's staMards1 about four fed long and one root high. ' "I began to get tired of painting all those mount.IM," he 0!111J. "It took me aboat a'mCinth ~do ~ti• ,, t 1 · WiddeloW safd thtr1 iS a new iwje oi intereat in 1 art. ' j h~ said. When be paints, he Hplalned, be "'°' I menla.1 J>rdCess that'• the anUthesl1 of a noi><>b~st palnf.u's, ·Finl be viiuatllet iubject in ·.a 1erte1 of geometric fo-s, then he increaau the detail of each object aa he adds It to the patnt!rl&. ' What emerges Is tntrtcacy down to tJ\e last blade of grass in front oti' wOodtn 1hack in a field . And the whole palnt1nc ls no more than II square lntbes. .1::,:.,:n:t. w~.tt. ~!f' ~ photo1n1pl1'. Wh)' ID tmaJI ~ '-LOS ANG!LES:(IJPI) -Drtv'er~.bave SMALL ONES'· "People are Ured of machh1e-made product... And the ar<llt thirig Is the ktcla. Look at tbeln all The ~oe Is off of art ()OW, and l><>9riy ! " , "Medell havo priced lhfmlli•es out 1>f the market, 11 far i.a ~ coocemed," be said. reached • ~p.ve agreeimµt on a new "'At tlrst; I didn't know if my paintin1s lhr ... Y"' contract with ;· 'Soulhern ! ~ l>e succeeslul, so I decided !hit tr ( California rapid transit . di~ict c4Jlln1f ; worked 9n. small ones and they didn't 10 for wage bll:ei of'·t5 :cents lfl hour'plus. • we.R, {wouldn't be ·losWg much,'; he. e1- :. Besides, be rudtly admits, he doesn'I ·like people. TheOftlyperoon tn ony cilhls pldtzru oa dll)llay 1t the Festival booth othd benefits. • plained. The drivers, members of the AFJ;CIO • "And ·I liked ca?T}'ing my .studio in· a He lhlnb cbildrtn art drawn to his work beC&uSt;, "They know whaPlt is, they can see a horie, a cowboy, a seagull, a house.". ls the cowboy. ' He Uva alone and works 1tone, at hls own speed. And not. unleu he feels like Jt, whµ:b is moat of th!! Ume. United ~Uon 1)~1 are .~oUng suitcase, so I could go wherever I felt in I mall refertndum. Tht California like going, whenever I wanted to," He siild he Is a great admirer of non- objective and lmpreasionlatjc art, .and has many such woilts on 11\' .;.•llf o( ~I• own State ((bncWadon Service. will count the Later, be found that -he enjoy~ the ballOIJI from the 2,500 driverslhe nlebl of precision, the delf.11, the orianlzatlon Qf "I'm roally lu~ that I dQn't get bog· gtd down. This Is my play end my work," he said. home. · . · • Jul¥.~· "' wall palf\lings, as 1t'eD as ~speed wlth · "But I Just•<!O!l'l llb ~ ~o· it ,']'Y..U," "A few very percept.Ive people have come by and leln rnY work ll'!id said, 'You mun lead a very orderly life,' and J do." • .. ' .. " '·:;' ·i. ': 11 From:: P•ge 'I . : ' ·. ' _. .. SALT CJ{EEK PATHW A~: U~DER SWDY .\ ; .. . .. " . " ft shows tn his work. Eveeyth!ng Is pl8llllld-<v<fy ·-"' tile sa1I of • ship, valued the painting at ~. "We respect the rights of the Lagwia Niguel Corporation to . develop the J*<r t>ert)' they own but there ls a solution to this problem somewhere," Brennan ad- ded. "All we need ,is convenient access 'to the beach. Our beacbfronl property ls the most.valuable in the world.'' JaCk-Snipes. chairman of t he· Capiltramr Bly Park and Recreation Distrkt board, led off the dlscUssion, urg- ing tbelwpervbors to "do the best you • • ..... COAi• "111.lN!itt• dw.N.M't :. . ~· 1 t•N.t N, w,J . • I . ..,...irMtll d IJlltlllMf J.,k It. C1rlcy • ...-~ '9lfMI ~ a-ral Mt111ftr ·.·\' ., t1ri ..... 1Ctt ¥il • fofillr T!IOMll A. M1,.,i,Tft1 -·-~I& •• ,. r. Nill ·--,~., lfllOf -....--·--.- can to prOvide .ac'cess to beadles In our ' Bowie said speakers had · tpld "of area. We appreciate what you did at beacbes that diould be acqul~ In the ~°ar1::~~h but we want soq.elhing in nest few years but thef left out tht:how.'' He offered . petition!-With more than .. the 8tt'orney noted. "You have here two 1.500 signatures from people-in the area Jegrnents of the taxpayers trying to from S-an Clemente to Newport ~each, accomplish the same goal In clltterent from Los Angeles and al.1 over Southern manners. California . · . "Laguna Niguel acquired the Helen Keeley former Lagwia Beach · councilman and grand juror, who trig-beachlront for cull and plans to ~V'ide gered the Salt Creek controversy last. a recreation area for 80,000 peOple. This spring in a hea~ before a state will leave th~ propeqy .on ~ ta• rolls, legislative, committee. quoted from · paid [or j)y'tupayers," Bowle continued. \'oluminous ;i.iments which :We sal,d "HoW caa fOU solve the problem/' the contained: · · attorney asked the supervisors, and then -The ~laster Pia Ii of . · Short line answered the question . Deve~opment of, O'r~e County , (1941) :'You ~n bQ)' it wi\h lax mOJJ•)' but Is mentioned a·cqwsuton ·of beache!I from that flQ\Utable to the people of the COWty Three Arch Bay to Doheny State Beach_ as a whole! Is ft fair to have the-county -A Board of Supervisors resolution buy beaches for the use of ~pie from (1949) "Proposed Salt Creek Beach ac-many' other counties. HoW do~ get ~e qul.sil!on to include 8,800 feet o( n1ost ror the taxpayer's dOllar? The beachfronl. ans'Ner lies in undcvelgpe'(t portions of the -A denial by the County Planning coastline. This property Is well alone in Commission (1956) of abandonmen t of developmenl." Salt Creek Road because "il Is needed for Attorney William Wilcoxen of Laguna 11ccess to the beach." -Beach, who has a lawsuit pendlna: against "The demand ror the beach is here the supervisors ' abandonment of Salt now," Mrs. Keeley concluded . "Salt Creek Road, countered wllh, "The county Creek Mould be a first priority for you r has spe nt hard, cold dollars in Laguna acquisition." Niguel ~ds. and flQOd control. It's time Ten others spoke in favor of "saving tO pro't'1de S(Jm& beaches1 the l'.leadl '' topped by 8-y ear.old Tim . SuperVilar Alton E. Alleo. who last Pri-~-lulvey of Laguna , v.•ho said ~ w11s . d_ay 'proposed that the county put .mt fl "I did the CGWboy abcKlt a month after I saw him in New Meilco. He Was wa\ting ·for tome traffic to go by so ht could crou the road. I aaw him out my window. I kept thlnlclng about I~ and planned It In my mlnd. Then J knew I had to get it dovm, so I did." First he sketched the painting, U!ing eight lfyers of Ussue overlay to add one detal.1 to the next. The.n he. painted IL Waddelow's cllentele Is mostly "Middle to upper-middle clau, f i n a D c l a 11 y , because of the prices ol the painUnp." They range from $100 to about $ISO. "A lot of young marriec! peoplt buy my work too," he &aid, '!&nd ... thlt really makes me reel ijocid .• TMYil sell the fam ily jew<ls )>e<au .. llley'Ve.jUJt fol to have thll ralnUnr, an4 you ~ it I net just to fH up an ernpty space on the wall." :·1 like people at a distance," he ,.id, "and I enjoy the Fettival, altheqh 11 first I thought I WOllldn't ..., all !\>< ...... pie. and you think the cities Ir!: crowd- ed." he said, laughing. ' "But after six weeks, I'm thJ'Olilh, That's it for th~ year." Mayor Appoints · Pair to Boiu-d speaking "for the younger klds." lie million to be raised by a 3-cent t.u levY pleaded lo lhe supervisors to preser\'C .fOt beach acquisitlmli uplalned thaL if Former mayor Jesse Riddle atMI the beach. tbe supervl&ori follOw his sugpstion "it arehltict Storm CtJe •efe-appolptld ti One speaker related the use of beach-dOes not meaD the money is brtnarked· the Bofird of Adjuatrrienta by Mayer es to lhe current prob!cn1 of drug use by for Salt Creek. We would p~~~ n1Jne, Glenn E. Vedder 1t • recent· City ~ youngsters. a commission, as we have ion• Whh cit meeUng . Paul Allen Qf..ijana Po1nt said, "Young parks, to advi~ on a.cquisitionS:'' ' The tblrd.,man on lhe llOlrd. ts ~e people want llie beaches. A substitute is Allen noted 1}\at th.e .CO\Ulty seV aSide ·i-Spi"ln'gt, iliftctor of "1ldlo1 arid plaMin& the mind expanding drugs. In Hawaii all cents or at>qut '700,000. a year-for •ri for the city. citizens have Uie use of all beaches. Why land purchase. Riddle had been on the board bcfere. Isn't that true on the mainland?" Board Chatnnan WltUara· }L Htnte\Q. C.se was appoh'j\ed after a city A series J)f co lot •lldes of the Seit quiCkly· l'epUed tha~ "We arel"lllnl l bl onllnonce woa cli<nged th1t had 1111~ a Creek uu were shmm by Dtck • I cent.a -In tix rate IJ'lOl'!.I)' frori'I -UW .repreaentldve of the city Pl~lna Cem-- Brothertoll. Laguna High School,"!llor. Hartor Dtstrict Into harbon ud beaches,. mbslon mu>! be pre""l Pl111Mr Nod Oeplcted were beacb soenes, surterr, four or .ftw: times u much Q parks." Br'llP had been Cll1 the t»ou"d· &eals and "''"· , . · • '; ·,Atlx>nlq 1 llowle·• ClllC!Uded , ~ _ _. 'l'he BJ>ard of · ~lilts 1w>{lts Knowllon Fernald Jr .• vtca p,..\deo\ of:-.Nt.llel'C'cno.by commtntt~, "I.Wont lo l'ootlne. ,~., .111«1~'n91<t the Llguna.~lili•I CorppraUoa.1nd AlllX miib lt'eltn'thit"' do · !~~ .Gibe ...... · 'lilt lht-P~: ~wJo,,atto""y for the l!lin Pl<Wi<!id II!"' lpPIOTO .. , mocflll~.. 'llOr; '"'Commlllfoa. A -~ ........... -• , devllo~ent ol the 1re1). r "'tied., llll tt .. ......n.: -. .. :..:·. \. . :-~ r ' =t--_ v ~ -'..t .. • · . • J ~-- acceu to ~ pump 1talion. would ~ave to have~caU&l'J1..a ride. · to-~·~ed., tb.eJ •aid. . . An off-duty Dukes County sherUf's From the ocean view, the b~dlng deputy, Edward Look Jr., is belleved to would be four storlea high, with can· have seen the Kennedy car u lt nl~ tUever archltecture, according to lhe wrona. tum, but he could oot klenUfy archl.tect Richard Dodd. Jn order to the driver •'maintain the natur1I character of Ule ' rocks'' below, thebutldlng would be sup-NO WITNESS ported by post and piers, rather than a The Edgartown police chief poled 'futs.. retalnlng wall, he said. day this: leaves investigators without a From the front view, 11\e building would witness placing Sen. Kennedy at the be 30 feet above the 1treet elevation. wheel of the death car. ·Beauty Group To Plant Trees Lacuna Beach beautifiers toda.y have the_ permission of the St.Jte Dl'1sion of ~ya lo p1anl Imo· hi oqumi cut 11"!1!' ~·lldewalk alq Coal! H-17. Uoyd Milne, chalnnan ol t•h e beautification commiUee ol lht C!tenlber of Commerce, .. id t1>e•tr0Ww11r'lie'll1- reet i.u end spaced :111 feet aport, illd the lint °"" will ·be pl8111td ea South coast Htah••Y betwMn Laguna Avenue and Legion Su.et. Milne dldn~ ilnow when tile n ... t trios wUl be planted as funds have to be raised and a final decialon made on what kind of tree to plant. The etty Parka Department re<:om· mends att evergreen peat tree, be uid, but there ire members of the beautUica- tion committee who prefer eucalyptw. Permluton to plapt the trees Along the atate t)la:bway wu twice pmrkrualy dented, Milna uld. Certain lrtet don't meet state-specifications for hel&bt. likelihood of limbs dropping or ll\13Ctp- tibtl~y to be'nd when llnlck by 1 car, be uplalntd. . Some or the questions yet 1tl be answered lnclude: { -Why did the senator wait so ong before going to tbe polict'! · -Who took him back to his hotel? -WJl.Sn't some effort made to question Kennedy when he was being taken tO his hotel, to detennlne wh~t had happened to his car and Miss Kopechne? -If ~ pvc information to the person taklnc him1Lo hit hotel, why weren't Uw police, not.llitd right away so .a tW'cb cwld\' hJve . been started for Wu Kopechn1? , -What happened to Kennedy after his arrival ln Edgartown? -;.W~'t someone in Edgartown. - pe~IPI tt. police oUicet\ or a kM,trlst - have seen him and offered BMi!tance? -Why would he be coilrused -he had been In Ole area num1trOU3 times-and lake a wfon1 turn before reaching the bridge? These '1'stions may be answered dur- ing court proceedings in cmning weeks. The nut step in these U l'otonday's show-c~ beartng. Jta purpose is to detenniql whether a summona is to be issuedi t;rtna:ing the case to trial. Under.Musachu.sett.s law, persons con-. victed of leaving the scene of an accident may rectlve from two months tG two years in Jail, but such sentences fre-· quently ire 1uspended •• u ....... .,. " . . 'I • : • • • ••• • • ,. SOU MD t """"'°'" ~~r~-PUl""·....i-.:..!. ........ '· ' • I • .. ;;""'- • Recovery Ship , . • • ' - ABOARD> USS HOljNET <·UPI) - ~patatlooe ,J¥e" alnlmt complete on this recovery ship tod&y for the.arrival of four Important visJtor, -Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. Aldrin Jr .. Michael Collins 8nd President NlxOR. . · ''There has uever been an occasion when the recovery fon:e was as ready ..• !or all ~ilities," said~Reir~ Adm . Donald C. ll<vb, Task Foree' t:IO com. mander. .. warm Pacific waters. Lt. Cmdr. William G. Tuker, 31.. Hm- lington Beach. Calif., the Homel'1 weathennan, sald Tue3day night the tem- perature will be about 82 degrees, wlndl JO to 15 knots and wa'9es up to about three feet on Thursday. Tasker said tropical storm Claudia -which had been $pinnlng·arouod a couple. ol. lhousand miles away had cteaenerated to a mere lropioal depreai«l,and trop- i~ storm Viola near Guam wu out ot !he picture. He arrived abc?af<t ship ~'fueaday from John>!@ !fland and said IJe . would "do the h"5tlng'" for. the P'l'fdeot and his party-oof apl~ momln1r'linir<day. v--·· Adm. Jobii.S. McCtln Jr .• -lllde<· alle. y Ord· ers ~ of jl.S. , Pacllic ~· several White House • lides 8Dd a Secret L ',NEW POLICE CHIEF Capt. larlo R.Ollalllo .. .... Menna Weigard, 24, Newport Beach, lakes time ou.t from rehe'arsals fol-upcoming Orange Coast serviceman ,,-ere ape«.ed tot . come R all F 'd a~ ~ay to "' ~:lll!l!ll fO( 'Nlxoo's . ec r · ----al'rivat • - Nixon will. be abdard th}'ft lt9urs, IT• . riving by heli(;Opler .aboUt ,haU an hour Ch · 'St 'd befort Apollo t't slams lnto'tjie eafth;s al· ' ar. fl .. e~' . U .y mosphi!re T!itJ/Bday abouf dawn (t,u P . ' tifllVsea. Menna plays the :collllfrY girl ·in DCC pro-· ducti on of "Mo st Happy F~fia ... ' H~tingto~ llobjtallle As ' .. · . College summer musical to relax beside the beau-a.~l:~~ilng for 'lht. astraliaut.s-1, . a · Fou'ntai.n Valier'• recall battle may be Chief of Police Valley Recall ·Campaign Off To' Angry Start telegram Crom the "Family ot ·Murtu.lil'' carti'ed ·to the crtininal cOurta .• .lf 1the city I Gomel, ByeloNSlla, USSR, ·addrwect attorney can prove fraudulent · practicea Oil F D to "~ Apollo ll.". , In the distribution of rec8!1. ~ By ,RICHAIUl P.·NALL • . . e c· M "Dear. Lunamen," it reads. "We are Of ttMI Dlllr ,.,... ..... ' ' J.rfilS . fl01ll)i e· . ove overwhehned and .very p.OOd or' your against three councilmen. Capt. Earle RDbltallle.il the now Hun-' . -. rema:rubtt. acbleveme.ut." . Tue9day nlght'tbe council agrffd 3 to 1 tington Beach police clµef. . ' _ Tb!:meuige...-was tranmUtted In -with-ff,rong dissension from Cowt-His appolntmeot ~ in ·tbe wJy . T C D I • R h R~-n to the Hornet and Alexander cllmen John Harper and Edward· Just -morning h9urs todiy aa •ocUndtmes me~ . 0 U-t ep .et1on e· ate Volildjn, a ' Voice of America stauer, to authorlr.e City Altorney Eilwln Martin P81t m1clljigi,t in ez;a\Uve~· , . Jn •. tr,.apafated,lt , l 1 · I U h o! l ... , .... th •-•-• t' !~ . The astronauts ·can look fotward to G pursue ega ac on on c ara:es erv1ewUl6. 'stiV~u ..... p ~ ur " • i. • pleuant weather for what Navy oCticials fraudU!ent_ praCtices alleged by the ma· tbe post . '.'1''!1 lire~ and I'm ready to ~ig~t. It Un.it.ed PftSI lalenladoaal dwtry ls 1 whippin& bGy for con· promise will 'be a v~ brief stay tu the Jority faction of the councU. Robitaille, 38, begins bis expamed dut-- bringmg 01.u the truth .Js mud llin&UIC-. grersional liberaJ force$ ... H ed Te r , Mayor · Robert Schwerdtfeger took a les officially Aug. 1 at a salary raoce-of ~ then 50 be it!" -_ South~stem on company SJ>Qkesmen .. · e urg . x-. swipe at Orange O:>unty Diatrict' A~orney Sl,380 to· $l,?l& monthly. Re replaces . ._,;. .. ':VM':... \Mt_.v~~ .. ..!kl~ _ and. polit.ieal leader~ from $alt;s ~ as congr~men. to acoel.:!...ft.e: ~ eJ.· ·-_ L1 _ _ _ • 'J:I_ J;d-t:! . .,_ . __ ._ Cetjl Hlckl_, whom he said w.u ~l~ng ~ef John Seltzer, retiring after 321 yean ... -Sch ·-du ·-·=-'•eil .th-·bil 1-.. · -~ nadm 'lleffi>ttu-fortt!o.,...ld111i•n•"""" d:rnurp'11f1!l<r-'6UUSf,ft--i.'6 ~ -l!!tlfB""'lliO'cliiijb-'Wfien _....of ·CJ·ty ,~·-_ , .. a~; c=~~;'~n ~ssue ·~~~: :~ts i::idoif'::p~e:n ~w:~e1t-JnasGe -~PlllilYB-~·--J .. -u-·--:--Gi··rls -f ..... C .... -.. r .... h.: ..... -"'='.~.JW~'f:ff:':au added~. IQ~t;'~H ll~=~~al~~--:;~ . . f F . 'ed ced b ,..A_ or.e . unn r .• ezecu ve vice 0 ras " ' un ..... a ...... ~~· ·~· uaa WE """'~ mists to shake the -city o ountam r u . y ......,ugress. .d t ol tbe..E¥plo:r: ti ..and Prod the Mayor . uklng, Why doesn t the . police department in tile Cowiti pc)aiblJ , Va.J,ley. The Howe Ways and Means Committee ~reai i:n a Oil ~-. • , District. Attorney ~p ~i" He had alio the state, has come a ~,,.aim poUCt • Almost buried during an evening of v~ed Monday lo reduce the 27.:i percent lion Division of Cities Ser:'lce Oil Co. in WORCESTER, Maas. (AP) -'N911t -Of 60Ught be1p from the d1@trict0attomey. work since ; i9S6. lie,· ft! .a 1~ • sharp tempe 5 nd he ted star 1 TueM:lay oil dep!etiGn ~llowanc~ 20 ~rceht on Tulsa, Okla., said the cut ""will ~ertalnly th~ five. glrla. who attended the party. that Both men Ai~ IUckB' nply Lo their re-. patrobnli:n thin' with the CGm~teiirPOUce ~ _r a a • e domestic production ·a eliminate tbe ha".'e ~etrimental effects ~ this nalkm precedfld Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's auto quest for invesUgaUon was . that he did · Departmebt. 1 ~as the aclioo taken b_y the council ~t-allowance completely 00 oreign oil pro.. ~1~~ lS ~dependent on otl and gas lor accident last Friday night 00 Chap-;iot want to ·become involved in' a poliUcal He advanced to deteC(ive and~ ln- tint the dale-of a special recall election duced by American companies. its heedl. . paquk!d{ck · Island knew about the ac~ ~e.. vesligat.or in Compt.oo'-and wu.gta~ Sept. 23. Texas LL Gov. ~n Barnes said:i.J was •''Any cut wW reduce the net mcome ol cident until Saturday morning the "That doesn't help me If he Jn. with ~ ..aisoclate o1· art1 ~ f1Qn . After the date was set the thr"ee coon-1'ertremely disappointed" by ·the corp-any company or individual who now Worecester (iar.ette said Loday 'in a vestlgates the charge. after I've been Comptpn cOnege. ~ , ~ •. : • ilm . b iti 11 is in-mittee's action. claims statutory depletion," Bunn aaid. copyrighted stOry. · recalled,"~ Fregeau, who added that FOuf.~·tater .he betan a ~yQt - c en ag~t w om e reca "I had anticipated a much smaller "This willa·moUnt to an increase in the The Gazette interviewed one or the he also received no satisflCUon frol'I tbe tenn WiOi the lJ.S. .. ~'~ ~ · tended let it be known they were going lo cut." Barnes said. "The oil and gas ln· cost of doing busineu and 1uch increases girls, Miss Esther Newbur1, 26, ol (fral}d Jury when he pleaded for an in-crlnllna11 imlea\fgatiOn 'dl•laoft. 'A:! break their lo~c sile~e an.d for~efully dustry p~ya 41 percent· or ~our idm.e noriuaJly must be recovered trom ~ Washina;tOn, D.C. veattcf.Uon lnLo the practice• of r~all assignment duftnc that·pieriodtbad, . answer the chaiges against therp. taxes. A decrease in the depfebfui consumer." She ... ld the &iris were advlled c)f f.he tUPPf>"'tr•· 1 weriln&~ fo," .~n ~· , .il....i.. Said Vice Mayor Donald ,Freaeau, allowance wi~l_fecrease exp\p:f.lon, apcf ·~~t'by J09eph F. Qar1an111 he wu WJiiD it came time for the Voll Robeft}K~'i drt ~~~. · ''.Hallehijah! 111'1 )ike ·l've ~.'freed! this Jn !UV' wpf redlf~'"t'l!lt e1u~." dtt~lill 11'""1 ID Ulch a firty Satur4af authoriiinl fdartlii to P!!J"" ~ • ...,...., · ~ .,._ , Now for the first time aome of us will ~en RamSey, chaitmin of e Teias Ph · D momtng. Gatgan is KenneCly 's fir&t Harper and Just both objected on lht ed Cl'ti)le, -· • • a : · come out with a different poi.nf. of view." Railroad Commission, the state agency o·ny . OCtOr cousin and a close political associate. Re grounds that city funds &hould Ml be a· No stranger to the mafia,~ new c&iet The night Was filled w;th aarprises in-whkh ngulah•.the oil industry in Texp.s, 1 r rented the small cottage on Chap-pended fc:ir 'JDY more legal involvement. lnvestlga~· ibated~-~~~ eluding planning commwion chairman said th•jlropooed cul would "resp)! lo'an Fa....... 'La•"sw't paqulddick whlrt the paJ'!y ..u beld. . "\ foUow!d the..,.. ~ '11th lht bet,,.. . -""'· y -' Jomes Diok tearing tnro thelntall' mp-inma1t.lh·Ult pricle.i•pettol!ltril fu •ctin• '-""' " '!be paper ~~ Mili N*"""'t *' lllllfl!I .~ litllt ~~ frol1i Ch!Ctio · ~. 'le'd ': porttra who are "atlempUng i. d!ltroy 1Umen. ·~-die wasn t lure what time Garr.. both sldts, said Just, UPl'fall1i Clciollil lndlctiMnls ~ IO to 70 ~ · city govemmenL" • '· · 'Cl/RTAiL DRILUNG• B E • dr<tve d>em to the ferry. that Hicks w._. being wlfalr to on! side.· memJiOn and~ ..iiorta. . , , ' ,.'."file !'frect of u oo the oil business 1n y X•patient . --, _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ ,.. _ Whetmore's BID t?i:1:.~Jt~raT~~~U! i::~1i~ ~03{. ~~~= ATLANTIC MUSIC-SONY HEADQUARTERS!·,·' diminution Of our reserves," Ramsey Alabem1 marit the dl:nlc be pntettced In ' 0 N Co,· • ..!.~ aa d ' and five of lib propeTly accrtdlted ll eW u.< ""' ~In J. JY>bert.on, ,preslden1 i>f the medical colleagues Tuetday for $200,000 Dies in Senate The st.ate Senate Finance obm.1ttee has tablfd a bill by Sen. Jamts 'Whet- more (R-Garden Grove) (or creation of a new Dl11lrtd Court of Appeals ti Ori.irge County. · ~.. I.. It wa.s tabled Monday, which 1was the deadline (or hearing . on Senate bill in ciIDmlttee and Whetmore's request for time to develop ti!ttmony was rejected. SB 177 would have split Orange Coultty from the fourth district and crtated a separate appellate district. Tlie Fourth Appellate District includes S a n Bernardino, San Diego and Orange coun- ties. Tbe legislature has decided to move on a bill by San Diego Assemblyman Pete Wilson, to add three judges to the ex· jsting appellate courts. ' Mid..Qmlinent Oil and Gu AsSocic(uon bf ln damages. ' Tl'x:as, said the HoUse .cOmmittee bowed Jess Allen of Senta Ana names u prtn. to "emotional and poµtical presSurea:" in clpa.I defendant in hil Superior Court ac.. approving-the cut. • tfon the Fullerton lntei'nal M*1lclni "Such a policy wru also prove to be Clinic, the facility which hired Bnlwn last adverse to the bm iot.erest5 of the na-January aasertedly tn the belief that he lion's consumers and .oor-defen.se force s was Dr. Glenn Lyon Foster, an Alabama When• dGmestic supplies s h r i n k , ' • heart specialist. . ~ aaid. Allen's sutt indicates that he was one of Texu Atty.iGen. Crawford Martln said some 100 pjttlenls mo..;t of them auffedng the cuts would have a "tragic effect" on from~ heart ailment!, who were treated Texas achoo! chlk1ren. by 'the bo(l:US cardkllogist. over a tw~ ''11te action by the House Ways &1\d rnqnth period. He claJms that "Dr. Means Committee in recommending a Foirter" first ezamined him on January cut in depletion to 20 peroent iJ a severe 14 but that be su!fered incrusing pain blow to all Texans," Martin said. "No and dislrea during 1be-period that be re- otller industry carries so much of the mained IDlder biJ care. , load for government at all levels, yet stlll Allen alleges that his health has sells its products·at a price_ level near ten deteriorated as the result of Brown's years ago." "improper treatment." 'WJDPPING BOY' Martin said it was "unfortunate for the entire nation that Texaa and the Oil in- Brown, 36, of Blrminah8m, Ala, Is DGW serving a one to 10 year staleJ.rlson term illij)05ed bx SuperlOr Court udi;e Byoo K. McMiilan last June 5. Spanish oak table wiilt two filb .six high back chair.s 199· es · 1' , .. compete !et • - A Complete Selection of 28 New Sony Moclels ·90 Display ·: . ' I . I PRICES ST~RT . 1,11.J ~S LOW AS ~695~· ' ' . . • • I f ------- . . . . , .. - -., ---• ,. WtdnotdoJ, Jufy 2),1'6' Bl.-11t Etad l'lr.•t • ·p-u~n.ace A waits 0 .. SPACE CENTER, H-(UPI)-•go broochl more pfqbltml·Wltl>mlUtary Tllo fillhl of Ap01lo II ends al 9:4' .. m. guided mlulJ• They ftrll tr le d PDT Thursday in the P1clfJc Ocean about streamlining. cc ••• w ......... -1 .. 101r miles southweJt of :Honolulu, "Hllf the heat aeoeriled by trlcUon Wul•-m • ...J:.. :•• Pil.tJfield, llowail. . . wu going Into the miallet," uld Harry ..., e. ....n.m Vi • . . ~'lblt point -markuig the end or •.n.. Julian Allen of that approach to the II">"' JU. won. the Men's Pork cookout epic spe001ig~t ant!_ the_!_tart ~ isol1Uon -.blem....Ha..wu..an..asonautial engineer at: Coolal With bis, &riled ham !""' and testing lo prove the •pacemen the Ames Raearclt Center then . . IJ!'. H,tnrwon half·a hog. ' , healthy -com" alter a !~min•~ trip .. 1 ...-"~bad to deflect Iha heal • . lhrmos"'pgherethc .. !'beery to ~e~pei:!hi eartbp • 1 at-Into the air and let it dluipate. Thtrefort After a dinner party in a west h .. , · streamlined shapes ·were the worst pom.. e"'d club in London the guests The re-entry has bten . travel~ before ble· they had to be blunt." " I -Apollo 8 and 10 flew lhts particular <lne ' • ~bed in for a ride in LCM.I • . -and ~tudlcs bave ~n made of ways to And freqµ that-approach came tbe Bf"CiWn'1 •m400·.t:ar: Tlie 1cl1fuf· get .back to ~th ~fely since the space famlll~r cone shape o( the Mercury. reur tried-16 start the engine ·And ·progrim-~ljlc -GemlJU •.Qd Apollo_apacetbip.!. The.blunt nothing liappened. :Brown ahd his BU) 61.Mlchael Collins said before the end Is covered by a .material !lJal flrll friends pushed the Rolls· Royce flight, the tt-ttltr)' aJwaya is critical. chars and then vaporizes at a controlled l\lO Yan!&. bod it did not start. A As the rHntry time •pproached, rate. Rolla · c;mpati.y spokesman later Collins ¥'f b~ moon uplorer comrade. The blunt end P.km-15 into the a.ir fint eijilalned1he .@Jira !"ll!lemont.-., -Nell 'A, ·~ng and Edwin E. and as thetenl~•iftire'bull<IJ rapidly to -~-·--- te18,2bone _ exteniloD _ teleV.fslon, ~tdri!' .'!'·.:-ColBted toward earth with around 5,~. d:erff1, 1he_ ~!al be.at-. ·--___ ---· __ ,.._ . 1-p ·-tecofiler Alf Cl!l!dltlnnmir ~'!!O""'°"''«>·d&-'lhan"<?otdt·----hl.td-lfiliia'ltMIO!!nlll-lil' 11111"'110J..-MAYOR JOSEPH ALIOTO' GRtETS PRESIDENT AND MRS. NIXON AT'S'AN FRANCISCO AIRPORT ad th cig llgbters all costing planet sw:eµ tlowly In, aiu. gases. The lb.ape of the apacecraft..spews Nixon P•rty Sti1rtln9 11-cli1y World Journey Left for P•clflc This lft1rnoqn -an ree ar It-SECOND BURST the gas out aild away from the 1p1ceallip ' ' $7,200 -bad worn down the bat~ . They fired a· !O.aecond rocket b4rst and Its precious cario. tery. Tuelday to sharpen tllelr a1m· oa the . · ...... ' • . hooit In the sky they' mus\· hit to land 81'1'11NG IN OFFl~n . OAS May lireak . A... , Nixon Arrives-in Stiite The hunch player1 at Los Al4mttos Race Course appa,... enuu haven't been Ji;eeping track of the ..tpoUo 11 1to111. A lwrae :,\am e'd Moon Cargo woa th.I· fit1t ~ at the ~r· I<• hor11 track cmd pai<I $27.4P. fl$.4Q. and $11.40. Moon Cargo won the hard way -by di.t· qualification of two horses wh.o finiahed in a dead heat for Jir1t. slfeiy. Aai>ther GOmetioo probably won't Inside, -ll'• llke olttln1 In an alr con- be nectSllry dtUoned olflce -If the apacecraft Irita En(ineera ·nm encountered the pro-that layer of air at the right angle. blems tlf friction-generated hut wtien The htlle in the sky -about 30 miles in they built airplanes to go twice the speed diameter -ia the critical target. At ol IOIU>d. The .eotlY days o! the spece Apollo·ll'•~-21,000tollelperhour -a mlacalculatlon could be fatal . Too aharp · an angle would ,push the temperatures higher than the cratt could Bf Uulted Prtll lnttrn•UOl;tlll SAN FRANCISCO (UPn -Pi-e.sident Nixtln will fly tolJonolulu, Hawaii, and .stand and the bulleting (lf the air would Nixon' arrived in Callio1J1ia early today th--to Johmton Island which w1U be break iL up. . The Organization of American States .... At too shallow an an1le, Apollo 11 (OAS) today called an emergency on his 11-day round-tbe-world journey, used as a shutJe base for his visit to the 3 A ' wouJd si:lp oU lite a $tor\.e on water into a weekend ·meeting to. decide what to do carrying with him the same message of ·USS Hornet. He ~Jans to be on the Hornet StrOnaUf;s lon1ldopin&·~biL1114! utronauta: je.ttison about El Sal~acltir•s· refusal to ~ back peace America's utronauts left on the to chat with the. returning moon astro-'.-~·-t ' . the bulk ol Ui"elr supplies ~foreTHnt.ry from. land aeiud from ~oDduras m the _mOOJ!.. __ -: _ ~------·---~-auts.:_in~i1::i?Omed ~~-. . . At Start of World Trip Salvador Ties Over Invasion * * -ti W orUl May See When -di -l~ed into ilart' iii . 'fl ,;ft-u:_-..:: J -· --- - -•nd-"':y 0would-nm~oi:.~ before -Central Amer!canna~· bonier"."'. • ~c~Ait.F.Q.«e.j!!,.~\>,.. _ Jh'll }ie'l!.li<!!!oll.:!!..!'llJlltI!lt 8 .1!!!~-:H~~.., LN~~G~la00~·~.,_ ~·~!.~Qt.nn.-,,. ·-M~:iit~~~~~dlyt.i;t'ur~;~~ -;;~ e~=7n:~ ed down al San Francisco lnternaUonal to Manila, the P~ifpp1ne! and tin tit noon, .~ w~:ttier: b~llU 'insisted ABOARI) 'USS HORNET-. l ·and moat of ~ happen . after the perhaps eeonomic sanctlona. "The ne~t Airport at 12:~ a.m. PDT It will a:et out Jarkarta. I~dones1a_i Bangkok, Th~1and:: I 1' I ' ' I • L the ~~i' .~k1es indicated "Rub-a-diibodu'b·-·f0Ur·m1n tn ~1:b~" superheated air surroundm1 the stage w~d be to break off all diplomatic across the Pacific early this afternoon. New Delhi, Ind~. La.hare, ~a~n. j!Ut d•rk tjou.i:is ,~t nln. Afte: That'• the:.Wat·~ ¢. Sttin.Utr, the tipaceshlp cut!: cornmwllcallon with the relations -l~late El SaJvador the way AJ. the president lef\ Washington Tues-Bucharest, Rom_an1a, and Mildenhall A~ lite r'1D.; a -sl)Ok:'5man explai~et1 . space agency'• auoclate tt<ilvt;j team ground. we did Cuba, he said. day night, Vice President Spiro T. Agaew Force Base. Britain. ••You ·can't {oreca1t these things leader, descrjbes "Uie flrit thlV fhat will The fir.st contact wttb the •Ir Js at The deadline the OAS had set for El said: It was ·also expected, though not mo t'8ctl1.·" · · •. ~ to· Apollo 11'1 "'Ulronauta alter ~~;~ =t:: :!':'·~~a~:~~! ~vador ~withdraw from H-Ondur811 ter-"The meaaage or the olive branch left nounced for security rea.sona, that Nixon tbetr splashdown In lhe Pacific Thursday. commurUcation with the ground la black· ntory expired Tue_&day n_lght although on the moon by A.rtronauts Armstrong would make a quick side trip {o Vietnam ~fer believes it Ctl\1ld . b e ed oot and JO second! after that the BnD;Je5 tlf both nations said they would and Aldrin will be carried by the Presi-for a visit to troops In the war' zone. IOmewhat "humlllatlnj:'' for' the astronauts feel the first tug ot earth's obey a cease--fire .already In force. dent in his personal effort to find the President Lyndon B. Johnson made two astrooauts, particularly If the1 land in gravity. But both sides were reporte.d moving road to peace, progrw and human such trips while he was Jn office but they camera range of thla carrier. · new units up to the front. understanding for all mankind. were not disclosed in advance. · "It's ironical, but when milUOns ofpeo. RADIOS CLE~ . . "It won't take m~ than one Incident "We wish him godspeed, success and a Before leaving, Nixon entertained more pie all tlVer the world .get thelr-.lnltial But they weia:h e.e Umu their normal ... to set it all off again," said a U.S. of· safe return ." than 500 basebafi players sportswritera, glimpse of the astronauts on their fltum· b:1fnbt lAm~~e, 21.~ :{ter re-entry ficer on the OAS obiierver team in Hon-Nixon left Washington In 1 monsoon· owners managers umpkes and othera to~ they will knock ~ out g 1• nl 1 : .'.m.~a os clear and duras. ''And with the weapons they have , type rainstorm whlcb forced him to drive associa'ted with the 1port at 1 White I~ r ·~ he said. . ~ ' ~·~· :u ~~li~t r et k,''and 1 l he I would think cuualllts would be quite to Andrews Air Force Baae in nearby House reception in conjunction w1tb the . . e ving .Apollo 11, Neil A. At ~~~ w 24 ~ ~ n~. p high if they beiin the war again." Maryland instead of taking the preslden-later-postponed all star game. ' FAwin E.s Jr-. and cilic itte l~'~tes :eerfited ~ . El Ealvador has refused to withdraw Ual helicopter. But the storm .lllowed The President was given a trophy Jo fil CoJ~thwfl cl u12fet-...!n by mortar ahelfs and ApcUo 11 slows to 11:8 troops fro'!l ?ond~u as the ~AS has hlm' to leave an hour earU~ than honoring hlm as "America's Number One .• ae er · ~.., 171 miles per hour. d1tected, lnsislin( it mult tint &et ac?ieduJed because it forced ca.nce:llattan BasebaJI Fan." ·. · .:, 8.~ Diep, I Navy~:.~.~ At 10,000 fetl the three 83.5 foot main ~aranteo that :.xl,000 Salvadorans liv· o! the all star baseball game Which he He replied, "This will have 1 very ~in men wblllotber~ ~eutllOth mliJuteBSodl chutes begill to o~ and slow it to the 22 mg ln Honduras will be protected. had planned to a.ttend. proud pllCe 1n the pr«:Side:ntial library." · ru g eac uv .. 11 w um miles per hour it Wlll be traveltn1 when · h_ypocillorlte as part or the an-it hits the water at 9:49 ·.m. PDT. Ucontaminatlon pro,ram to Insure they bring back no lunar gemis. Two 11oung t1tterprising bu.sints8· m.rn, With their e11e1 on 3pcice, but their feet on the ground, have co,.. 'tteted a highly..p;_ofitable market in ZanenriUt, Ohio. Wtth all the hocipla about the moon landing a.r well a.t temperatures tn the high sos who ctluld rerilt this refre1hing treat? Kida in on the action were (from left) Chris Goff, 6; Rand11 Cane, 10; Gail Riehl, 7 and Jenny Colling, 4. • E m p I o y e s at a Leamington, "It will be quite a scene," Srontsifer pTI!dlcU. The astronauts will be squirm- ing all over the small raft -they can't . stand up without tilUng it over -whHe .. they and Hat1eberg iCt'Ub each other front, under the anns, oo the bottom of their feet, ~re. SP ACE EXERCISES SHOCK SURGEON Explorer Cla~s Ra Proved Point BRIDGETOWN, Barbados (AP) . - Norwegian npkn'er Thor Heyerdahl says hlo unsuccesaluj altempl to sail from Afrlca to the New World in a papyrus boat 11111 proved lhat E&YPtiana could have made the voyage.tbouaandJ of yeara .... England factory complained to the parking Jot guard that a vandal 'vas breaking off their automobile windahield wipers. Guard Wllllam Barber bid one night and saw two crows Dy lnto the parking lot and tear the wipers from the cars, dropping them on the ground. Heyerdahl and biJ alJ-man crew ar- SPACE CENTER, Houstoo (UPI) rived in Barbadoa Tue>d•• aboBrd the Apollo 11 astronaut Edwin E. "Buzz" _, • Aldrin decided to try aome unannounced yacht Shenandoah, three d•YI after they space exercises Tuesday,-and-it--was--a --abaitMloned-tbeir-battered reed-l'met,- b.11d moment for John F. Zieglschmid, Ra, eoo milts short of their goal. astronaut flight surgeon. A1drin. whose "I think we have made our Point." the normal hean. rate is 50, was working out • with a special exerclaer Tuesday and SS.year-old 811thropologist said. IWe sell • Four Co1umbus, Ind. policemen almost tripled his normal rate to 147. ed 2,700 mHes before we deserted the Ra, "lt brought the surgeon right out of his and the shortest dillance acrou the fell like taking the bull by the boms but they couldn't. It took them two hours to lasso a 50(). pound cow which wandered into town from a farm. chair," capsule communicator Charle! Atlantic from Africa to the Americas is Duke . radioded the a!tron8uta. ••nits is I IKlO miles In addition none of UJ had the highest heart rate ever seen on a ' . · • manned .spaceflight •• , the surgeoo ii prev1oua experience aaWne a papyrus about to die." reed aaft." · · Mid-Atlantic Coast Soaked 200-Residents Evac uated From Homes in MiiJialiisville I . -. ce .. tel MtMI"' 0¥t!Utl '"°'tfy "'""' ltY lftet~CWI. 1,,19111 Wllit;lll Wl/ldl ll!IM ..,.-"*""',.. llouit '*""'"' wftttrlr I '9 lJ k'/ltltt. Hlttl' 10ff¥ n, y""'*"'' ~.,.,,. ,....... ·-• llltll 111 46 te n. l1111M ""'"''"',.. ti"" -IJ Jf k. W11tt itf'llffrtlllrl ... " fm' ..... S11n, MM11. Title• WIDMllOAY' 'lrtl l'llM . • .. 4:G p.M, I.I TttVUOAT ,,,., llltfl ••••..•...• ''" '·'"· *'' flr\I ltw ., • .,., .. ,,. .. 11141 '·"'· L. ~ llltil ............. 7;41"111 . .!I.I , tff ..... J1S1,1.ll'I. .... 1:1' '''"· M.-.. ,,.. I !., t ./TI. "'" ~ •. Pini •• ""' J111~ 'JI ,t,119, I Aut 10 Allt. 11 ·-,t,11'"" .. ~...,, .... 111-.~ ... "'IM I-VIiie C~lcA• Clr1tll'INll ..,_ ... -..... ,., -·--1e._1 City 1. ......... I.• A....+t& M .... I MIMMHll1 ... _ ....... ..... Ji.ttt ""'"" OlllllwwNI City ...... ,.im '""""' =..- 111•111 Cllf ... ,..,., ... ttcrt-• ... -S.11 l'tl lltllO ..... =I Wllillll'll'ttll Hltll L9w Pf9C. .. ., " n ... " ., • 51 ~ M " u ti • .. " IOI n . .. . _,. Ill .. .... .. . " n .. " " p .... ... " " . " lit ,, "' . " . .. . "' .,, Ill .. : :: :: a 01 a f1 " '-• • FURTHER REDUCTIONS . ----- S~OES STOREWIDE ·SAVINGS! • LIFE STRIDE Reg. to $18 ELiso - Reg. to $24.95 FLATS and CASUALS I 052 Irvin• W eslcliff Plu1 · Newport hoch NOW • NOW SJ90 .. '=c--~----•1090 to Shop Monday & Thursdoy ,. • • Evenings Till 9 ~ ' ' I Phone 5'48·868-4 • ,, l \ I r I , I . - I I · ;Racketee~ War Lull ~··-···---· TAMPA, F la. (UPI) -"It's The machine, called a too late," choked the mother ··k.idn~ dialysis unit.., assumes of critically ill Joanne Ma:zuccl the kidney's function of filler-ing impurities from the blood. as doctors pondered whether Reports that tbe hospital to use an expensive artificial bad refused to use ·the kidney machine in an attempl machine on the girl because lo save the 23-year-old g.lrl's her family had no money to life. pay for ·it prompted the "She h3s no mind n~," she Sarasota County Commission • said. "She's a vegetable." Tuesday to guarantee pay- • -... ~ • --- DAILY I'll.OT G ' • • Senate Moving tQ Pass Surtax Bill "L I • • ' ' • T1mtol:IOpm.lolll-. ) 7:004:30.10:00.11-:30 IM-1:00-2:31M:00-5:10-7:0l-l!SO PM· 1• Mor• on WHkendt. - - . l\J -R · h In a bitter attack Tuesday ment of all costs, which · I 11-V ea~• auainst w..elfllt~: 8,IJ.!!mitlr.L -~ijaL_9J~~~Hl~ '"''_.--_ ~----· .. ~ · ~~ndlio~ta1o'rrrct31S rnsaras: coulcrexceeal.iQ~ooo. be ot.a and Tampa whom Mrs. But-J. Danforth Browne, I I I -I I ' Septem r Dominic Mazuc c i says chairman of the ho.spital coun- • "dickered over money" while ell~ said use of the machine SAIGON (UPI) _ The her daughter f I o u n d e r e d had not been ordered by a present lull in Viet Cong and between life and death, a physician during the girl's North Vietnamese ground at· bereaved mother looked back hospitalization and that a tack.a could stretch to Sep-over a tragedy she says might physician's direction is re- tember and 'becOme the have been avotaed. quired before the machine longest of the war ln Vietnadi, "Joanne had either a brain could be engaged. U.S. military sources said to-hemorrhage or a stroke early A· hospital 11 pok es man Sunday morning," said· Mrs. reported Tuesday that Joan- dafhe military sources sa\d Mazucci. "If they hcid given ne's kidney condiUon actually they had changed their minds her the kidney dialysis then I improved without the use of about last week's prediction of feel she might have had a the machine and that "her 8 rrew Communist offe~ive chance. Now she doesn't need other medical complications before the end of this month. it, but it's too late anyway -have betn determined to come ,, " her mind is gone." from other causes." "July hasn't come Ou, one Joanne was rushed' t 0 Or. Thomas McKell, chief of source said. "It's doubtful il Tampa~-• ~ital [rom staff at Tampa' Gener a I there will be much this neU ""'"'t:..:a month· either." a Sarasota ~~~lal ast week Hospital, said the girl's need A relative Juli in fightini in because her· faililly physician for tJte mactµne had not yet Vielnam started lite in Junt. said "that wlthoUt the kidney been determined and that the l{ the low level of fighting~ machine there was no hope,'' tests could not be completed tinues throughout August, It according to her mother. for "seyeral days." would be a longer lull than that of late 1968 • and early 1969. whi ch ran from late No- vember to early January. BSZ bomberl blasted ~ munlst infiltration r b tit-era between Saigon and the Cam· bodlan border again today. But only light and scattered -:t ·ABM Foes Offer Plan To Delay Deployment The allies repo1 ~ 1t.1 • "ht f ot the said there was little chance of 115 Cotnmunists in sm ma1~~,,, otS • an:-a vote before t b e end of the ,. ·~ < ........... • actio1 was reported on the WASHINGTON (UP I) -peT1ding buii11es1 before ad· lfOl:ll'lll· 1 · _...i '":llin~ •stm tnslsting they are in the jourmnent today. But they engagements. Commun tlballis£ic mis!ilet.)rslem plan..: month. troops daring the . 24 hou ned to unvelJ ·a revised pro-Tile, .ABM is a system t ended. Wednesday night she~J}.· posaJ, today ba~ing ABM • desi&ned to protect lbe United -r:~ ed 11 targets but only t deployment1or one year. States' Qffensl\te roisslJes from .,; 5uch aUJicks caused an .•. , deslrucUOn by eni!mf"attack. ,,. ~ damage or caaualUes. ~5 Sens. Philip A. Hart .(I). s,.n. G"ordon L. AlloU (R-.,'-'r. American was woonded in wi Mich.),_ and Jo~ S~an Colo.), who 1upPoru the ABM, .~' • shelling . . Cooper.(R·Ky.), s&Jd their new said ll was apparent that op- ' .. ,...,.... ;."" ~. ,..,,r:._":, ..... ..., ~ ... ....,,.{;. • J •• • . , • The American sources µid amendm~to the $20 billion ponents "think they're going • theY.lelt Nort~ gVlthe~J~-defense pr~ement b i 11 to lose and they're trying to 1 troops were us1n e ,.~ · · . put off the evil d.Ry as long as " . ·~ to refit and resupply thel\ would be unchanged 1 n they can In hopes something units. They said lryfiltration in-subslance but would "give it a will drop into their laps." to Sooth Vietnam 1t'as con-clearer definition of purpose." But Coow said, "l think we tlnulng wllh top. priorities f.or The two lttislators planned can snU. wfri IL.,.. replacements given to units endme t lh While refusing to com· .oepraUng in the provinces to make the am n e promise further, Cooper and , around Saigon. Hart have unsuccessfully tried 1 ·;Red Chinese · . .. . ' ~Release 2 SF Paper Heir Dies to convince opponents their amendment would s i m p I y delay a decision "On ttle ABM while permllUng the ad· ministration to go ahead with everythingjt had planned. Their original amendment •v.s. Sailors SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Mn. Helen de Young Cameron, daughter of a co- wvuld ·.~4ve given the » ~ ministraUon the $759.1 milli(ln • founder of The San Fran~ '! HONG KONG (AP) --r: Chronicle. die<! Tu.,day al her ¥er;~:ns ~:.~~ i:a;::r: by home In Hillsborough. She was 1~muJst Chinese fishermen 86 and . had bee.n. in failing -~igtltalYS-.go;-held ~r---bea!th-since suffenng a heart - 1•11nd questioned abOai"d thelr; at~k nearly two years ago. 1 acht and then rele~ ~ 5tie was the eldest daughter 'lthi R morning. · of N.H. de Young, who found· f TimolhY. Allan . Pierson, 24, ed the new spaper more than a ·:-'f,tinneapohs, ~inn., a n d. century ego. Her husband, 1 \Pebreana Chrit!me H~lde, :&3, George Toland Cameron, who •9;anta Barbara, Cahf., said became .wblisher oL The -4\hcy were-taken--~Cl&ilody._'t'hronicle;;fied in 1955. · '~ner they acddeotllly atrayed Funeral arrangements are ::Jnto Comuumill· w .•· t er 'ti Incomplete. Mrs. Caeron is ~l~•on Slkt ihe:J 1 were no survived by a 'sister. Mr~· pnistreated durinC~ tbeif con-i Nion Tucker of Burlingame....:'... ~finement. · " • '+· Plerton, who came to H~g I.. , : ong several week! ago, said Transatlantic 0 had converted an . old • -ifeboat lnlo a :!Moot sailing C . D l d ,..,r•ft. During a shakedown alls e aye · •buise on July 14. lhe yessel it requested for this fiscal year, "Ith the stipulation that ... none · ol it could ~ used for depl01tJi'nl·OI' buying sites. FTC Vows . Ad Check WASHINGTON (API -The Federal ·Trade Commission 'hal 'lndlcaled ft may try to retaliate il there is a nass!Ve increase in printed cigarette adyefUsing when the tobaceo industry blackl out radio and television commercials next year. ·~-. f ••• • •• ,. ~ .L"' 1-tt(~~ ... • ,. ,,- • ' 9'collided wllil a small Chfn.,e NEW YORK (AP) -Tw .. I raft and we lost our mast'' to four-hour delays I n Tiear Pedro Blanco Island. transatlantic telephone calls FTC Chnlrman Paul Rand Dixon said Tuesday Congress a n d his regulatory agency &hould 1.e e to It tlleT't are sa!eguards against 1 new Oood of advertising In news- papers, magazines and other 1' , , • about 55 miles, east of Hon( continued today because 'of a ' j • Kong. broken cab~ near Enaland. A "Wilhtiut the mast," he said, •Pokmn•n for the American Dlxoo sald hit agency would ~~..., • put QJC until July l tll any ac--' • ~ !Ion on Ila planned effort to re; • ~ V, quire lhat health hazard warn-"" ._, I "We started drifting and were Telephon& Ir Telearapb Co. 1. , ·=ess to contro~ our di.rec-aakl It would be filed by I .. ~'1 mornina. admedia. ~"f~ruD~R~~lm~~· ~-~·' in·p accompah.y p r I n t e d clpr<Ueld•ertlalq. .~~~~~~~~,.....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'--' I • • I • ' ' • l 1 I ' --. • 1 DAIL y PROT EDITORIAL PAGE I New .Loo~ at Bay 'Plan t-~~~~-~.,...,,,,...~~-; ........ ~..,,.,,,.....,....,,...,.....,......,.,....~~~~~ ~ • 'l'llo eo••trf• rHponribfUI;< in its tnate.,hlp of 111< tial reason for starting over on _!lie pper Bay tiide: \ ! I' I I I I • I Uppu B411 tld<lands u to "'k th,< tl1"•t"t ""'4#1 far ti\,. Legally, It probably has no statua. But It Is slgnlllcant grff4tt number oJ pcopl< /or tilt langell p<riod oj .a... because It is thB first action by an official body in far U.. i.ott :.Osl 1 ' Orange County ca1!"1g for rHxamlnation ot the buic That statemen\J1.ll a COtqlty official c~sulius the concept of Upper Bay development. very. complex alld emoilOnaUy JnvOlved problem of the Where does thls leave the Upper 1lay land ex- Upper Newport Bay land change which last week be-change? Presumably just about where it was. No mat. came the subject of an Orange County Grand Jury ter who gets what property by exchange or ~emna-..,, resolution. lion, the questions of legality and financial eqUity aWl · The Jory's reoolution suggests that a new Upper will be setUed in court. Bay plan could be developed to .give the public moi;o How to achieve the "greatest benefit for the great;. waterfront than lt envisioned in the land exchange pro-est number" always will be disputable. But is cannot gram now agreed to between the county and the lrvine be divorced from how much we are willing to pay. Co!Ilpany' . --. The jury wisely avoided comment on the legal and financial aspects o( the land exchange. These 1issues already are beaded for adjudication and surely will be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court in Califor- nia._ - 'Ibe Grand Jury's action comes against a backe ground oL greaUy increased pubJ.ic__concem over pre. servation ot ocean lhoreline for public use. T1W COP. cem bas been symbolized mnet recently in the Santa .Jl!ldlara Channel oil ~aster and in local coocern over abandnnment::;of Silt Creek.Road-near -D• Point. 'Ibe l!l~jor ·deficiency in the Grand Jury's study ill · ~t it produced no new information upon which to · base .Its .conclusions. The list of ~ersons the jury talked to is Indeed a Jong one, and infonnatlon reviewed apparenUy was ·•Voluminous, but no new ot_ disinterested "experts" were consulted; no 1new majot facts were bncovered. Both Sides Bent Laguna Beach school teachers and school board members have reached a salary settlement agreeable to both . . It took them almost to mid-fWllDler to come to agreement, but it was done without recrimination. Negotiators for both teachers and the board penevered, -both -sides .~DJ::J!l::wu:lt~g.mgod;:~-c-c .. .,.-.-_...,.-,-:t_-=: That makes Laguna Beach Unified School District different h1nn other school districts around it. ln New- port Beach-Costa Msea and in Huntington Beach, some teachers walked out. In Capistrano, they threatened to. In U:ie San Joaquin District, taking in Irvine-El Toro-- Mission Viejo, teachers have threatened not to perfonn ou.W.f-the-classroom duties in the fall. So, what we have is 1n effect a statement by a s~ eta! tYPI! of citizens' committee voicing hope that per· naps an Upper Bay plan can be developed wiih greater be~t for more people, with decreased emphasis on th.ii •Jeast coet" consideration. . • The Grand Jury's resoloiion is not In itsell atibstan- But in Laguna Beach, because there was no break- oU in negotiations or teacher mass meetings, teachers did not work up resentment against the school admini· stratlon. The c:qmmwiity -particularly the children -will benefit fn>m this apirit ot good faith. IL) .--~~· " ... AND I lAN'T 4tf nit <AP. FII1'D, AND TJIE !>ISJ/PJAffU UoKE POWN ~&MWJ AllllTOf TV QUIT ~!1$TAS You wER.E Wlt!N6 ()N me~ Drivers ·Find Staius-M-ark ~ On Freeways Dear -Gloomy Gus:- An EmeraJd Bay resident aaid he!d talk lo the community'• gov· ernlng body about holding a teen dance at their e:zclwive tennb: courts. Ob boy, tbat'll be the day. • ( \'.!\ ;'H81riii . An oblerver from another planet -in- hlbHed by more ritional creaturea than "e are -would be bard put to UJ1. dmtaad the behavior of Earlhllnp, il he hovered 1n biJ interplanetary spacecraft over any American freeway or ex· preuway at I in the morning ar·s-ln the afternoon. 1 He would aee tens Qi. tHu11ndt of can lnchinl fanranl ~po,. to' bumper, four or sir Jana: abrUSt, some taklat nearly an hour to anive at their delUiiatJon - whUe, parallellinl thla freew_ay, tl'lere is 1 b~ Ind totally empty surface ttreet. WIUCHEVER CITY he drifttd over, he would find the wne iDe1plic1ble traffic Marl, with the same almmt deserted avenue running alongi1de the ex· preuway. And he would have to conclude that H was not :s~ but some other desideratum that prompted millions o( motortst.s to move their cars onto ei· pressways at these particular hours. But we would be wrong In assuming that Earthlings are as rational as the in- habltanls of his planet. For we are what traffic engineers call vicUms of "freeway mentality." Because the freeways were built to relieve congesUon on the surface 11treets, we have totally abandoned the surface strttta and transferred the con- gestion to the freeways. No longer a means to 111 end -getting there faster - the upressway has become an end In itseli. JN A RECENT ISSUE of the journal, ••Traffic Safety," a transportation official -Y.C. r Tiii• ... ,.,. rt1IKtl ""'6tn' .,....... ... _" .. ,.,,. ..... .. "" ---· 1941 Yeur "' _... ......... ,. °"' OlllY l"IW, In Los Angeles warned that ''freeways can be victims of their own popularity during peat hours, and manJ.concemed autborillea ate the 0 v· er Io~ de d superhigflway1 tuntlng Jnlo baU!enow." He poinU out that onJy fife percent or Calirornla roads are freeways, yet they carry 60 percent of the traffic:During the .six peak houra of lhe day -which is lo say, about half of the daylight hours, when people do most of their driving - the averaie speed Is only 30 iniles an hour. Hardly a breath-taking veJoclty ror a mulU-bUllon dollar road system. YET, THE paraUeWng surface streets would be' just as fut. and sometimes much faster. Every motorist knows that one car out of commi.saion in one lane of expressway can tie up traffic for a mile -and this is most likely to happen dur· ing the rush hour!. But hardly anyone will give up the dubious status of riding the freewq and take a aurrace street to his destination. Freeways become obsolete almost from the moment they are completed ; It's a part of Partin.son's devllish law that trar. nc mounts to meet the-muimum"1:apaci· ty of the road, and there la no end to this process, unlil the country is entirely crtss-crossed with freeways and all traf. fie has ground to a halt-whUe kids play ball on IUJ"face streets. Trashy Folks Pay Visit To the Ed.ilOr: In anlWer to your editorial, ''Beach Restrooms Needed," may I direct and in· vtte you to come to my home and (lb&erve the "unfinished s a n I t a r y ac- commodations" st the foot of Barranca Street. Q-e.scent Bay, Laguna Beach. Prior to _ the construction of these "sanitary facilities," we had no problem of persona urinaUng on our property or the beach. This eesson such conduct has been rampanL FROM MY DINING room, living room, Bt1 George --..., Dear George : How aod to whom can 1 complain about the system of rating movies? The last rive "Adult Only" movies I went to were hardly dirty at 111. FURIOUS Dear Furious: Fl,.. off a letter to the Legion of Decency -let aome of tbeae pro- ducen get away with a litOe here, 1 JIU)e there and before you know tt we'll be back lo another rerun of "Tho Wizard of Oi." Dear 0-1e: When ii it all rijht for a girl to .wt nteklng! • BLONDIE' Dear Bloodie: Wbln are 7ou now? (ll'rlf .. lo~Gtor1e and nollct how 11t111 K II to npect • tolal 11tanger to tolve your p-oblems.) • bedrooms, deck and pat.lo, I have seen not only the above, but the !ollowiq: L People attempUn1 to, or entertna and leavin1 a public ratroom. 2. A woman with a baby •ashinl: 1 · diaper.in the drinking fountain. 3. Boys washin1 their feet in the drink· Ing fountain . 4. AN OBESE woman fillina a milk carton with water from the drinking fountain and showering herself under the parts or a two-piece bathlng suit. S. Papers and muddy water all over tbe entrance deck fixed to the toilet raclllty facing our private beach. Don't be (ooled! We were told the lif'eauard would observe th e s e "l.tdllUes." On Crescent Bay the IUefU&l'd sits 7S feet away with his back toward the !adlltles. Mr. Editor, and resident.I of Anita Sttfft. don't let this hap~ to you . Milli. ROBERT J. BOWMAN WiCtra fftlm rtodcn art tDelcome. NormoUt1 mun aholdd conwv th.tit ..,,_, If< IOO wordl ar l<u. Tile rioht to -lclllrl lo /ii l]JGC< or eliminate Ubd u runwd. All It~ ...,. mun fnc:hock ~""' mid ,,..ff. ing ad41'1!11, but Mml!I mGV bf With.. htl4 on reque1£ tf 1u/J'c:Utat rtoton is apparent . . A form letter recently circulated to sign designers in Southern California focuses attention on a rapidly developing trend that is dictating a change o( think· in.g in regard to some pracUces that have been popular Jn designing sign> and out· door advertising. ~ . Stereotypes Need Correetioa . - '·--·."•~··-·· I ' ' ment and the like, the sign and outdoor advertising industry must be alert to reg. pond wherever aod however it can. Considering the distribution and impact of 11ign and outdoor advertising ex· pression on lhe American scene, extrtme care with copy and pictoria1 to avoid..lr· ritaLion that would fuel the controversies, would obviousJy be a prime contribution lo the cause. But sign and outdoor advertising designers have much more reason than that to pay ~ to the sensitivities or minorities. For one thing, these pro- gressing minorities are rapidly becoming much more affluent markets [or ad· vertisers. Also (If great importance to the· success of the sign and outdoor ad· ---- vertising programs, the general public ts no longer in a mood to laugh and respond to the old bromldes which an now in- creasingly considered to be in bad taste. To avoid unfortunate lncl\:ient.s develop- ing in the rush or designing activities, it would be wen to go through the morgue files and eliminate characterir.atlom that are out-<>£-step with the times. Dave Souder F.dlt« SJ1n1 of Ute 'nme1 "For many years, you and I have beel1 watching the government try to solve lhe problem of race relations to no avail.'' writes Jerry L. Marks in behaH of an organization called Progress ("People Repulsed Over General Ridicule Employ· ing Stereotype SugaesUom"). This has resulted in the pulling apart of the races, lnstea.d or the coming together," he ctin· llnues. "In most cues, people have had thlngs .shoved down their throats; unemployed man with a family being forced onto the welfare rplla instead of being retrained for ·a new job, and tax· payers being forced to pay high la.J:es on account of ill-managed ~verty pro- granl5." It May Be a Year ,to Fear Items from a space age newspaper In the year 2069. NEW YORK-The insertion of a new spinal colulJUl into Roecoe J . Wilbers. 23rd, today on his 112th birthday made him the universe's champion rective r (If "YOU A.RE IN A position lo help human Lramplants with • total ol 56 change the Udes: of prejudice ln this great parts. country ol ours," Mr. 1'1arks pointed out. Here is a breakdown of hill transplants : "For years many sign designer1 have 9 hearts, 17 kidneys, 4 spinal columns, 16 been designing si&ns that depk:t a Mex· livers, a brains and 2 ears. ican as a lazy, poorly dressed and un-"I hardly know who I am anymore," tMworthy·looking person. In dolng this, joked Withers, who sat up and began tak· sign designers are contributing to the ing bending e1:ercbe.s Immediately after series or nearby craters had been eI· terminated by aerial x·ray attack and ad- ded conUdently: ';The rest will be rounded up shortly." All of the fug itive convicts were desperate life-termers, each of whom had already been imprisoned here for 200 years or more. poisonous tide waters of prejudice that the operallon. CAPITAL CITY, Saturn - J ohn F. have Oowed from generation to genera-Nixon McKinley Roosevelt, I 4th 1 lion Jn our country." SEA OF TRANQUILITY, the Moon -hereditary ruler of the universe, an· While his remarks referred only to The massive escape attempt by 3,869,512 nounced today that the solar system '• P.teiican types, they were sure to brina: convicts rrom thls satellite's third largest projected $897-octlllioo budget for the im"!ediate re~I of ~egro, Italian, prison was reported under control early year 2970 had been cut by $35 oclilllon. Jew11h, American lfldian, Ja~ ... -todB.Y~ _ ___ _ '!We.must-Oikveff cemer and tighten Chinaman, Hindu, "_Hayseed," hillbilly Some two million had surrendered. our bell.I!," he said in a message to the and other . characterizations. Since the Guards reported that another million who Universal Congress, "in on:ler to avoid a earliest days of signs and outdoor ad· tried to make 1 last-ditch stand ln 1 dlsastrous inflation. vertlslng, art and de!igh morgue files have Included some unflattering st.ereot)'J>eB. And whenever a sign or out· door advertising display waa to e.xpress a parUcular whimsical Oavor, th~ was an incllnati<ln to dig into the file and pull out one of the old, dependable bromides. It was a simple and usy route to "crtaUve" e:zpression tbet would set a mood ; it was sure to work well with a general public that gave llttla thought to the sensJUvitles of minorities. Groups so characterized acctpled the situation with restgnaUon, as there didn't appear to be anythlng they could do about U. Marriage: Just a Laugh ''ENLIGHTENED PEOPLE everywhere a.re coming Ml the realization that It 11 the little things in people's lives that give them the feellng that othu peo- ple art inferior," Mr. Marts continues. "Example: LltUe chl.ldren,..eelft& a Mex· lean Jttlrayed on teleYiak>n, i n newapapers, radios, signs and ou\door ad· verUslng, as a laey, stupid, poorly cfreas. ed and dishonest per10n, get julll one view of Mexicans and conclude Utat all MWcan.s are that way. The result is pre. judlce and discrimination being directed toward Mexican-Americans." Such had been the situation; but anyone who during the past few years h.u been looilotl al televillon and movies , li.stenlng to the ta<Uo, reading newspapers and magulnes or limply carrying on conversation& wtth other people, hardly needs to be told that the whirlwinds of change: are having the!! ef. feet. Not only have the minofttles spoken out aga.tn,n dlac:rlminatlon, but tbe 1eneral public h.u become coplzant ot mlnortty vtew,:poil'lta aM sensttlvUla. Whlit once puied. u natur1I humor now ....,., antipathy u beinl '""'If unfair and In -taste. WITH PRESmENT NIXON e1U1n1 upon business ror lnvolvtmtnt In the ctvil rlatM al'Mt urban renewal crista and wtlf\ buatneas organtialions and leaden (n&- ti onsl Btate Md local ) undertaking pro- dlglou1 programs of Valnln&, tmplOy· During a teenqe party, one of the girls tossed a playful chalienie at her boy friend : ''Marry me -I dare you!" The 1dea .s~ed so hilarloua thal lhey drove across the state line, found a justice of the peace, and went through a formal weddlng ceremony. Afterward, both the' ~bride" -and the "groom" returned to their respective homes. A few day1 later, uneasy about what they had done, they went to court to hav! the ceremony annulled. And the court ruled that, de1pile the formalities, they were never truly married. • "J\1ERE WORDS," said the judge, '4• 'llllh Ml wllll tlttH kl• flu wr11c will tit nrl•!' • Aciion ' • '4;. "without any Intention corre&ponding to them will not make a marriage." Most courts agree that, if a marriage is purely in jest,-it bas no legal standing. However. ·it Is a dlftemit 1tory U the marriage -.;"""'" a1tboug11· meant to be lem· porary -is no joke. Thus: An engaged couple bad-a bitter quarrel the night before their wedding day. In tesrs, the girl said they should break up. But the young man pleaded : "My bo!s has promised me a raise on the basis of our getting married. Let's go ahead so I can get the ral!e. Then, later, \ve can have the marriage annulled," -Btn' IN nns case, the court refused lo grant an aMulment '.fhe judge said this ceremony, even though entmld Into for a special, limited purpose, was still a mar· rlage at the moment it wu performed. What abollt a "trial man1agt!" One • coople got married with the prlvate understanding that, if things did not work out, either one or them could have It an- nulled . But hert. too, the court found no ground• ror annulment. As one Judge put ll o "MarTla.ge is not something to be swept aside URhUy. To permit the annulment of a marrlage othenrlse lqal, upoo mere proof !bat Ille partlea qroed beforehand to have It 1nnulled, ~ou&(I dertroy the dlgnjty of the marriage relatton.shlp.'' An A.merlccn Bor Association pvb- lk 1ervk1 Jtatv.re bu lVill Bcmard. I "Tm.· a"-lnlslratlon Is iiJ<dged to preserve ttll value (If the dollar." At the saipe time, he said, It would still be necessary to increase the universe's stan<Unl mQitary torce by~ millioo mm to prOt&t ~e Solar gystem from any in--va.sion,'lhr~ by troops from neighboring systems. BOSTON, Mass. -A convention of educatbrs at Harvard University n· pressed alarm today at what they called "a growing tendency" among youlhl under the ge or 200 to qui\ school. "These 4roPouts already constitute a threat to an on:lered society." a state- ment they adopted unanimously said. ''.Jn the ~rid of the future any young mAD or Oman who abandons I.he ciassroom fore the age or %00 to 250 will find mself a misfit inadequately prepared bold a responsible job." · -Delegatei to the convention we1 e toood· ly booed by an unruly mob of 75,000 lUgh school pupltg, most of whom appelttld to be about 150 to 175 year1 old. ' CANAL CITY , Mars-Authorities here quietiy announced settlement of the lon& strike by the Interplanetary Federation of Sanitation Workers that has left tht so~ system littered with debris for lhe last 45 yEJrs. Althoud terms of the compact were not disclosed, it was believed each or the 125 million sani91tion workers received a $57 million wate hike. Tbelr work wetk will be cut to fi ve hours and they will be given seven-month vacations. An.ANTIC CITY. N.J. -A willowy lass froni the planet Uranus triumphed over other flnallsts lonlghl to ~ beauty qUeen of the solar system. "i'hi.s is all so unexpected," gasped Mls.s Uranus. Her three bright blue eyes rilled with tears u · she-received her crov;•n. The lirst bald·headed girl in history to win the contest. 111iss Uranus is only 7S years old. She is 18 feet tall and she has an SS.inch bust, a 47·inch waist, and ai in~ hips. --~-- Wednesday, July 23, 1969 The edUorlal page of tht Daily Pilot saeks to infonn and 1tim. ulote rta<Ur1 by pre11T1ting th.ts newspaper'• opfnfom and cOm. mtntcru on toplc1 of fntttcat and 1ignlftmnc1, bv protrid.ing 11 foro.m for Ule t%Pf'lllUm 01 our readers' ophtion1, and &, prttendng the dtvcr1e vit'IO> r;Wntf of fn/onn,d observe-ra and 1pok.esmeri on topfca: of the do¥. Robert N. Weed, Publisher • ,, I· I I ------'"· I MEANING OF Ai>o-LO 11 • • • an telephon-gradually will increase man'• (ConUnued 'rom race lll the SovieLNa.. stay-time on the moon and Kepler, N&wton, Arthlmedt.l!, y or Sclerices scientists wil be flown on the Co Per n icus, Tsiolkovsky, aeeking irilor allon on Lu.ia's later t~. taking ·along flyfn' Oberth, Goddard and othen course. In 411 Unprece:deoted and rovlng machines to in- from many lands provided the gtsture of /cooperation. the crease thelr area of ei· basic knowledge years Md Rupjan Cl~led Borman tl!e ploraUOn. c:-.,.<;;en:.;tu;;n;:'•;;•:,,•;!g~oi:. ==,,,.-r.::-"''.,•,.•ct...,cf.i~I of Luna 15 and ~eow FEASIB'' ""Y· ··-oot lnteri...-_,. ~, an-I . --·'-..·->"-'"':Thleae-FMdln-g"-w I ding on the moon long before w th A~o ll llnding-m13'don. detenn1ne"' the feaslbili\Y of he created naUOOJ. S'o . NEW PBRSPECI'IVE , ~blishing an A:iitartica•t)~· Armstrong aiia Aldrin went The t)we American A1>9llo ~-on the mooft lo .-coJl(li.JCt there as representatives or crew11 who have flown to the sclentUic, m e d t c a 1 and everyone on earth. vicinity of the moon ha~·e engineering experiment.5. They planted an American, aJVeo nwi. a new pers~live i America'$ future course in nag . But they made it plalril l'ol hta h&lle pltnet: whirliug a space may be set in ~>­the~ were ambassadors for all Jooely vigil ~b tt\e SQ)ar • te"1ber, wher{Pres.Jijent N1:son nations when they left beh~ ·Qlle!n' ~ from · the nceives a report from :t task a plaque which said tn' P,&tt : clildly radlalioh of the sen.ring force committee that is lo _ "We came in P<atLloLillt tallll. ~d plniabL~~"!!!!"end 1p>alslor-the~.JCt mankJnd!' "" ~ '; · ai tbln Jayer of-~asesl ~, ~ l Man's urge to lsiek ~~i pfd in 1 gravttationaJ'l ~ltiead Of ~ comm!ttee unknow!l ot, ·~~· wllJcb ~ Ot\f.; ., , V1Ce P're!s"tdent Spiro T'. began m the spu1t of com-Beyond the-veil of gases 1s a AgneW suggested during the petlUon, may reach maturity ('ti.llle ~orld that many na· flight ~( AP!)llo 11 that '!.he m_a COl'.'peratlve effort to build 4tJon&· may want to con~e.r 1'1Jhltei:t$tates1~t a goal Of lc.11- scientif1c c~ps on the mf\On .i toge~er. By world;ng ln un1~n ding men 00 Mars In this (.'t~ and to use 1t as a base for el:· • on such a great endeavor as tuty He is expected to be plo~ation of the universe. spa~ exploraUon, the leadi~g over~ed because s p a c e . Since the ·Apollo a crew ~ nations of the world might-Join teideri believe It would be~m­c1rc~ed the moon I as t ' l O.,i e ~ h ,e r to lmj:>rove advisable to set such a r;1m. Christmas, there has been a . humaruty s lot on earth. mitment until after a series or thawing of relations between That is ooe of the hopes Probe!! have been ·sent 'to the the United Slates and Russia engendered by the flig~t of red plane in the next rew ancllh~."l"'t\pollo 1 1 ~---~---·--.~-----. -- --of-corntacttnrlotnt SJ!8ce"~cf. r-Bur,rlrrtl!Fab!enm"'"'of~ 'lni\ta;dr'Jhe ICOmmittee, ls f~rts. There was cons.tdernble \ such cooperation. the Uni~ ~ed to recOmmend lhe discussion d u r in g Apollo 8 States, )'I ans to .press on "'11th . m· cj-.£j91o laUnching of a lO l commander -FJ"ank Borman's Its oWQ exploration Qf spa~. ·1 -~ ... l . r~t successrul visit to Rus-1 l Nine · other luhar llndlnp l ~1 .11d%-mandsctpacees~tie:n ,.!.~~ liJa, . are planned in the next .thl"t'e fW. o;in u w. a . • '" As Rui!ia's. unmanned t..unaB ~ears, ¢a.ch tO.adifierd 3·rea 111un_icahons, e~gmeen.pg, and 15 was orbiting the fl)OO!l.J o pipbe variOus gebloglcal J e:~enUUc eX'.J>f:!TUnents. 'By ~d­ y.·hile Apollo ll beaded tor·its.;; aturf3. These miss i or. s I ding segmen~ t9 ~e /ita tion ,. I • from time to tune, it coCJld ac- 1 cOmmodPt~ 100 or more men A · F , j I M j andwomen. .I rmy ai. ' ·to eet I ·BECOME !JOME I Ttie station rould become E l • K!. / the ~omif. o~: special~ed. in· n "Stment u· OtllS doitrtes, ..:uSJns .. th• unique , " vacuum and weightleSsness of · ' space to manutacture such WASHINGTON (AP) A recruiter for 60 Indiana · items as perfectly roun<! ball President Nixon's promise tol counties blamed uncertainly ··r"~.freclslon ° Pt t 1 r: a I elimin~te the dr~ft, and other, for the t u r 0 d 0 w n in ~-~ s ~ Pe r s r 0 0 g factors ass.ociated.. wilJ:l _,J.he~ ~nlistments. "Ma,q;rof the kids ·· tp~ .... i.a • -Vieh1~n ~·~ llm: Jte1USt7ltfffil -ai'irUffii'\\ra1Uilg0 T!"~~&} eerr.~whe•tr Army .to miss its enlls~ to see what happens,'' he said, tien~ are rocketed to.orbl~.11g goal last year by 9,000 men. f'\Ve're me-cttng ·our objectives ..hcs»I~l w~. Sproe.!lledl~al The deficit ·.and conclusion ·ln Indiana but not ·getting as ex.~.rts beliE;ve .w~lg~lleSSi17S5 are reported by A, r m y ~an'y enlistments as a yea!.-.. m1gtit .be beneficial m cur111g Recruiting Command offi~ 18go " • , certain diseases. Hearts, for who say they cin't recall''1Y. , · example, woul~ oot have to year when the. Army fared s ( jAREA REPORTS pump so hard ID the ab$euC1! badly in signing volunteers. t BUllngs, MOnt., was one 0£ of gravity. Army enlistments fell short ~he areas ttporting t h a t When U .S.-Soviet cooeera· of the recruiting ·command'i-.enlistments·wefe-still sa~e-'tlon Goes rome, 1r prol>ably objective' evtry month ~from-1 'tory , but a reeruiter credited will ·be di reeled at a lunar November through J u n e .~ ~hat to the loc&l Indian tribes. base which would be manned almost a traumatic failing for JJillings has tllr(l area reserva-by scientists and engineers of a command accustomed to' lions wbere' the Indiarui are m·any nations. Conside:·able success. ~I !ways Anltstiog ·as part of spacework has been done at Figurd , jus,t compiled fOr , heir inh~rltance to .volunteer sev~~al i.ntemational spal-e. fiscal id sbowe4 the Ar:JQy l or ~ombat.. he explamed,. 1 • me~gs. ...~ persuaded taa,ooo mea..to·to~-t-~ The Ft. M~ TetTTWtt~ ~a one day ,man wi.11 Oy to up out#ide the draft; comP,11'.ed ~ and sayf;: President ~1x-• ~ pi.ne_ts amt. deep 1~to ':h~ with aS objective ot'tt'1,00e. )(.1. ·t$ p}9lJ .r~t~lal 1t~ ~dm~~~· __ becatise !~Jt froutie~ the previous two years ~ ibilili a .@teifi fto ptct hf§ beelJ ~~to ,them by recruittts surpassed their &I\-raltees b~1 lq. and1proballly tliE courageollSJftt-Who today nual goals by 8,000 and 9.oboO _'t affect enUstme!ib. , · n.Y Apollo If baclt to earth. , men. f The >::troy isn't running short of bodltS, of course, because there's always the draft to fall back on. But the situation p r o m p t e d the recrulting command to pay close attention ·to what's been happening. FOUR FACTORS Col. Donald L. Roberts, chief of staff for the recruiting command, said in an interview tllat four factors combined to cause the severe drop: -Richard M. Nixon pledged last fall that as President he would strive to establish an all-volunteer force, eliminating the draft when the Vietnam war is over. "Immediately when that an· --nounccment--was-made,--<1u!! recruiting went into a nose dive," Roberts said. But that wasn't all. -The recruiting command suddenly found its seasoned recruiters were being grabbed up for administralive and leadership dutjes in Vietnam. Recruiter strength fell by 500 to a low of 2,430. -Dissatisfaction with the wa r left a bad taste with many young men w h o otherwise rr.ight have been rsuscept.ible to the persuasive powers of recruiters. -Peace talks got under way in Paris, leading some young men to believe the war would soon be-ending, .after all. and maybe the selective Service System wouldn't be ringing their doorbells. POLL BEARS OUT An Associated Press pall of recn.ilting bureaus tends to bear out some of the colonel's impressions. The Ar my Philadelphia recruiting office s e r v i o g eastern PennsylvanLa a n d Delaware-reported -young men were taking a "general wait and see attitude." Boston reported it ·had been unable tO make its recruiting quota for the past two months. "Young men ari impatient," 1 spokesman said. "They think when .the President says something, it will be done im· ft -; ENTER NOW.! .L!.'!.~~"t . You:child's photograph can win an exciting $2,SQQ.OO SHOPPrNG SPREE IN OUR STORE! .. ' i: ,'i@i .. t;;,.~ And !hat's just one of the hundreds of f!<1lua ble prizes and gifu totalling •2s,ooo.oo in tire 350 Nationn,l Children's , PHOTOGRAPH CONTEST! lOU CAii WIN OllE Of THESE NATIONAL PRIZES: E'irJt Prize ••• •2,S00.00 Slwpfling Spree SlcoiU! Priz• ;-, •1,SOO;OO SliOpping-Spree j j Third Prize ••. •l,000.00 Shopping Spree Fourth Prize. •• •soo.oo Slwpping Spree 1 1 ·SO fJf'iJ. Priz_ts, ea. 100.00 S/wppi111 Sprees. ( GI IHI OF HUMDll DS OF U. $. SA'lllffl$ IOHDI AS llOffOltULE MDmON PlllUll Ha•e yourtell a Shoppini Spree .,, yes,• paid· qp chai:ge 1a;ou,nt that lc:l.9 y,011.hu.y .whatever you want! It'• a 1n1p to enter and euy to win . Let u11 photograph yoµr child ~d wa'U enter a duplka1': in the Conteat at no extra cbarge.. CompleLe de· tails a'nd mies ill our Photograph Studio now. Big t.1lloon will be given to every contestant ----..... -·---..... mediately." -· 1 • •t M •• -~ • a I a Sped1lprieeeo111 •M1.aiu:t1•dpboto-phlini!ihea.Foruample: " on-&o ... _,,., " . , •·• reatf'iters ·in charge o f CoNTnT 7 -. 495 orw: ai:IO Corone1 Afabama, Mississippi Ind ' IP'ICIALt por~rait! and iii waflei"iu Ni>rtllwest Fjorida r!J)Orled [ .-"'--------'-'-----------: Or••''" c .. i.r w tlotr, tn.oiar . they fell 90 short or the'.lr qootas for March and April, and attributed much ot I.he di!Oculcy to adminlrtratlon ta 1 k about revamping t be draft. '-==============='.. • ... ... • I ' • NEWl>O~T 'BEACH' · l ASHIOtflSCT\NO OPEN £.VERY NITE TIL 9:30 FOR YOUR ~PPING CONVENIENCE M~N'S TOWNCRAFT MEN'S WOMEN'S --smrcru ...--1-·SUMfB;PJ'S---su--tURE1WIMSUlr Ori9. f80 to $90 now 6800 · Cfto~s• f;om 'wool i~d silk o'F I 00 "!. woo)-2 button model. -;; --.-- • O•i9. 3'98 CLOSEOUT • Sh~:: sho~:.. . f 94 to 11~4 Short 1le•v• ti nd long leg. Knit !_>r_ w~en. Sit:•• S-;M-l-Xl Choose from f11h loii 1tyle1 in one or two P.i•C:• suits. PopU'llr s r:•s and patte(nl:- L ' DAILY JlfLOT CLEAN-UP-, W_OMEN'S ..,,..-~>-Ll.-ACRYLIC--STRIW. HAJl~DBAG-s • Ori9. 5.0~ ~ 9.00 ' now ' . 8e1utlfully style~ we1v11, rattan wood b11ds and \'iSC.01. • SWPlllG JAG '-;: 9" Full l l" • 75. W11h1ble I ®" t1lon· ipp•r. T-..l. -.. Men's ,Syrlm~or Cle or . · . . . -· ~OnCJ. 391 AUTO----·-·--·POLAROID AIR CONDITIONER LG-S.WJNG. ii_"'"·""'· ,.,.,.1=._,.. ~· . ..Ow · NOW · ,. now . 2" Pen n"'Prest no iron',Moc~~T urtle ·or High V-Neck. Asst. colon. S..M:C.xL. Available in fashion popule r; men's sizes. styles in or19:21 ,,01·s6'° · ·oriCJ. 1, .. 11•- ~· MOS. GUARANTEE Electric Eye, Built-in Flash, STALLED PRICE Easy P.ac Lo•_ding. LOWER LEVEL •. Mahoqany Top Comb. Water Skis ,, SP-.UCI COii MILAM IJ!fl lqnpM, 4'~1 ~-0-Mottc lllldl1t11 Orlt. n ;fl NOW ~ I . ' . • Banana PHI Slaloill Ski tAMl!.\IA-TID MAHOGANY'. SPIUCI · 11" 1.oc•·O·M .. k lfMl11t • on,. 21 .•1 ~ow . . ¢-'1',,int-l'emper ·RY Fisllln§ . ~- Jo1N1t D l 'la' fllll GU.SS CONST. 6" F~L COIK HANDLf Ori9. ll.OI NOW -~ • Fishing· Hooks, SwiYels, ·we(9hts LOOSI U.IT HOLDER HOOKS IAltll L SNA.r SWIYILS Orft • .29 ~O_'!', 12¢ ~. 9'i9' Umlirellil Tent 6os. -M1tDEYrl-WAn1-----2900- RESISTANT. SLIGHf II, .Orl9. 44 .tt NOW • 9'x12' Fall!lly Tent llPNI DOOR l W'INDOW 6600 MISSl~S ~.ous. o,..: .,~ .": . NOW > • liJ9~ssional Pool Table ADJUITAI LltLIG 36600 ,l.11to~ ~· OrhJ. 4tt.O~ NOW • 2 Pc. 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THROUGH THI Ll~S Mn ll lN• 12600 hftLMth'l'C-Orlf l l t.t l NOW MAIN FLOOR • Women's Straw HandbaCJS · U.nANS, YISCA AND IUDS 222 · Nmrel I eel.,. Orif. J,OG:".00 NOW - • Noya Twffd Handbq9s ftt:~~:~~'~'woosr •.oo 3" MAIN FLOOR • Outstandin9 Offer in Women~• Rats !-: <,. ,, •• - CoM11N•t10N -u.sT. CASUAL ) i"81 ANDS!IYlc:t,S,TYLIS OtJt.l .ff N W :..~£·· ·r~ ·• ~ " • ' . • · Menis and Boy's Shffs :' llATHll-• eOIUOS"IOH SOLIS ~ .'t II CA,W.o.!!l~:JiyJo.t,..GJo.yu .... -. ---1-···~"-'" w"' • -~.c.'...::.'...:-::.0-"'-· -"-"-"_o_w _ _..,= 01Sc0Nt1Nun ,.,"' co•o•r -99¢ e Women's Fa. shion Sandals -ONI SIZI FITS ALL O~t· 2.00 N' OW • Women's Costume Jewelry •OPIS, PINS, IAlllN•S so H~h Fahl .. C•l•n Orlt . '.00.2.00 NOW ¢ • Women's Lo1111CJin9 Culottes EASY.CAi i FAlllCS llUQ.HT PRINTS Orit . l0.00 618 NOW • Women's Summer Shifts lltlGHT PllNTS, MANY 3ii ILINDS, eOMfOltTAILI -• Women's Swim Caps WHITI -STlnCH IN SIZES ~-M·L Orlf.1 .~9 NOW 50¢ • Women's No-.lty C.rop Tops WILD STYLES, IN SOLID ' •· • 311 AND PllNTS Orl9.6.M NOW • Gin9ham Check Coordinates 1 oo•.-conoN. fULL y LlNID 1 " 111 rt1k, lfff, A1'M Orit . 4.to.1.00 HOW • Women's SumlJler Blouses SLEEYILU' e •o•:tors 1 " IASY eAl"1.,'~ICS • • Women's Skirt Clearance MINI & Rl•UU.I LINGTHS ASSOITID PAIR1CS • Women's Ankle Pann·Jamalcos ALSO l<Nll LINGTH Au,. Celet1. htlriu Orlt · J.OO·l.00 NOW ' • ..W-!!!!t !''s An.Id' .Pant1. POLYISTEl· ICNIT·HOP SACK IASY CAltl FAI RICS Orl9. 10.ot NOW ' e JUNIOR DRESSES DllNDLI SKllT MATCHINa ILOUSI 4nAqHID Orlf, 11.00 NOW ' · • Jr. Petite Jumper Dress 100% conON Pl9Ut: flONT 1unoN DITAIL °''•· 11.00 NOW • Jr. Petite An9le Dress CASUA L, COOL AND eOMfOITAILI fULLT LINID Orl9. 16.~ NOW 3" 7" 7" 681 11" • Tailored Pant Suit PANT, YUT MATCHIN• ILOUSI. MISSU SIZIS Orl9, 22.00 NOW 1381 • Coat and Dress Ensemble SHUTH STYLI DlllSS J 7" COAT FULLY LINID 'Orit. 26.00 ~Now • Misses' Summer Dresses HOW ·11" MANY PANC Y FA.lllCI AND ASST, STYLES Orlf.17.00 • Fa~hion Styled Swim Ccips ~.,._..,. C•l•tt & ,..,..,.._ S•n• a t1t44 ~44 Vf.tet' •. ..,.hlltt o r1,.-2.oo-4.0o Now I. 1 • ~ • Tote Style Beach BaCJS COLOIFUL DBl•HS AND PATillHS FULLY LINID Orl1. 2.00 NOW • Straw T ot1 Ba9s MULll.,UIPOll MANY USU PIRP:ICT CAl•'f·ALL °"'' J.so NOW 111 e S.Mational Group of Women's Shoes WIDI SILICTION 1m1s I COLORS 3" MID I HJe.HtfllU 0 ,...12.ff HOW , • lOW ,, MID. ""llS ' 411 . Al.L~'ltYLTN" Orft, 11,99 NOW UPPER LEVEL • Summer WeiCJht Piece Gqods conoN Ol MNDI, IHlllS. SO.Ml 77¢ PINN PllST 16" r. 41" Orft •• 91 NOW _ ~·· e Girls' SHrsucker ·Playwear 1 re. sm -s1m l·•• 1 " FOi SUMMftFUN °"""'·'°' NOW • Gii'i~ Seersu• l'tayWeor a re. sns -s1m 1.14 · 2" rAsY c.t.11 'A111C · C)rit, 4.ff Now . . . ; • G1r1st Fatflion ~reues PAITl&.S. l&llVILISJ I strna 2" 4" SIDS 7·14 Orii. l.tt-.9... NOW • • Toddletime ~crllan:® Separates MIX 01 MATCH, 'COLOI FAST IN 1 '' 2" Pl .. or,.,...,_ Offt. J.Jt.J.91 NOW • . . ' ~ ' e Girls'; A•kle. PG11ts 100% conoN DINIM, PASTILS SIDS 7•14 Orft. J.oo NOW • lnfonts' l Pc. Seersucker Sets Lt.SY CAii PAlllC 144 1 " SIDS 2 • • ~ J.19 • J.00 • • •. ~ ··' • Mer1'1 Swiln-•r DAelON-COTTON, U.ITU SNAIKIKIN, ~XII.I Orft, f.tl NOW " I . e Men's Terry Cabana Sets MATCHING .IAFKIT I TltUNkS ·all ILUIOI GltllN Otft.12.tl NOW • WUd Print Beach Pants DRAW: STllNI;;· W411t sm· MID. ONLY4,. 9~ 1.tl . NOW v, . -. 4" • Men's Striped Polo Shirts COLOU OF OtAHGf I GlllN.1 MIN'S 144 SIZIS. $-M·L-XL Orft. 2.4t NOW • Men's Casual Pants CQNTIHINTAL Ol_ft.IATID OLIVl 'Ol .w'IL(OW. OrCf.·l .tl NOW . ' • Men'• Dres1 Shirts , ..... 'Pill• coiioN WHITI SHOlT SLllYU Otif. 2.tl NOW T. B. A. • Car Back ~ests MITAL fAAMI WITH SA.RAN Wll ITU'5 Orlf. 2.44 •Colorful f:loor Mats PA11L T PllfflS H>l P:ltONT 01 MCI Orft. t.11 NOW NOW 3" 1" 1so • Deluxe Cor Head Rests 'llAUTIPUL COLORS, ZIP ON CHIOM I SUPfOITS Orlf, Ut 'NOW 210 • letter 4-Ply Tires n 1111 ..:.. 1Mlr11 -rLM,-CLM & llW 0 .... U.lt-21,tl NOW lS" · PENNEYS NEWPORT BEACH,. 0NLY1 ·,i,. LIKE ·IJ', CHARGE IT!· I ;1 --;- •' /· ' • f I I I ' ' l • . . • ' ' --• • ' Pl~OT,-ADVUTISER Wfdnndot, Ju~ U, 1969 • -Always at Sears•· Satisfaction ·Guarante~d_or Your M,on _ey Back1 • • • ' • .r .. , Ask About Sears Convenient ci-edit Plans Save s13 -on Ketunore Canister Vacuum . ' ' • • 1 • -~on:Sears .Exclus · ' ' . ~'Sonata ·BoUcle'' Drape~ies '"""' ,..,. 192.84 59,<)8 ... ,., 12.98 '"'" ,,_,. 19.97 ..... 29.98 %5.'17 ""'"'' .98 3:!.ll1 I ..... 44.98 39.91 1 ... 90 ..... 49.97 i9h90 ' 59.98 54.97 - 48x9:i 15.98 ll.97 '"-" !6.98 22.117 ...... lS.98 "'·" U0.95 45.98 ... ,,, 53.98 18.?7 65.98 59.97 ,.,.., 13.'8 ''J 7:! :?0.98 18.97 One w. Draw lOOx&l 31.9"' 26.97 )~ 39.98 3.197 16h72 ft.91 17.97 J60xM,. '6.98 •1.97 Percale or Muslin Sheets Plain or PERMA-PREST. ----------... j \ I I--.----., \_/...,,~. ' i White Cotton Mu•lin Sheet• Regul1r Sl.99 Twin Fitted/Flit }29 $2,29 Foll Fiued/Flat._l.59 $1.09 Pillowcue 79c • Lo"ll we1ri111o 111 qulity dun.hie l'lllllli• e S1nfori&ed bottom nutd tbttt. White Cotton Percale Shecl• Regul1r S1.39 }66 Twin Fitted/Flit $2.69 Fn11 Fitted/Flat.__l ,99 $1.39 Pillowc11e 99c • flnt quality eo.W.d tiel101 pefcek, '"\wtarinp; • Sen oriscd bottom filled thtth Regular $2.59 Twin FinedJF11t }78 $3.59 Fnll Fi11ed/Fl1•~ _ _.2. 78 Sl.69 Pillowuae 1.48 • 'l.\11:ldot ..,.h. tumble, •o INu1 • Polyftttl"/conon blend e I::l1110-Fi1 t..,,.en • Regular -~1299 • Use Sean 'Revolving Charge 48xM-inch ' • Rayun.--.cetate-boucle with=d~ivtane·cokm~ ·...,-.=- • Fah]'icated with fine quality detail • Blind•titched •ide and bottom hems . • Deep 4-inch buckram back 3-fold pinch pleat• • Matching shorty, •ill, floor lengih, ceiling-to-floor and one-way draw draperies • Decorator colors •• Futurist Traverse Rod• 30·10 50-inc 4.98 84 to 156-in1 ___ 8.98 50to90-in 6.98 120 to222-i 11.98 Luotgrous Rayon Tie Backs 24-incb ai•• l.49 36-incb aiz.~•---~I. 79 Save 13% on Penna-Prest® Rihcord Bedspre~ds Your Choice of Full, Twin or Bunk size also choice of colors ~egular •7.98 '6~1. , (any 1ize) • Perma·l?re•~ never need• ironing w~en tumble dried • Round comer etyling adds a neater appearance e Keeps their good looks wishing aftet washing • Available in Red, Avocado, Orange, JI Joe, Gold and Brown Multifloral Print "Fdam Latex PiUow 2ro~5 or $2.57 ea. • Ct11.t0n tick. -Sanitied fin- i1li n:1l1ll b1cteri1. e U.tton tick aipper 1t one en!\ e1!'f remonl (or laundering. , ' Sa,!e 2Qo/o lo 46% Ori Regu lar 139.95 s2 .6 ·· Perma-Pre11t• Wltile Percale Sheet• RepU1r$2.99 Twin Fitttd/f'1•t 237 : Cotton/Nylod Quilted Mattress Pa<f ' Regular $3.49 _ Twi~ Sise , · · 2 77. A1k lbout Sean Convenient Cndit Plan• $4.49"Full oiu J!,77 , ! · $3,99 Full Finod/Flal--ll.S7 $4.19 Tw;n }';11..i.___J, 77 $1.99 Pill-.-1. 77 15.19.F oil Fi11ecl._4. 79 • I • Autom•tic cord rtel, 1s.n. cord and· ,u.chment aet • :;._ .. ~~: -• .-t1w rnttU Cushions arid piotects mtttr~ases. sJtorized cott0n 'CO\'~ fo. e U!etdi1po1•hledu1tb1p •N:Hlilntwuh.t1u01eW, · • h "nk: Doubl • h d b' d ·fe • Rolh e•ily on 3 non·mtr cutera • EJ....rtt _..... " finH .z-" m1rumum s n age. e sntc c rf2pe lD s prevcntS a.P ing and ri~ping, · ' ~~~~-------------------------------~------------•i · I IUlHA PAIK TA 8-4400, 521-4530 a MCNll GI 3-3911 LONG W.ot HE 5-0121 l'ICIO WE 8-4262 SANTA FE SPllNGS 9~11 V~llY PO 3·8461 . 984-2221) CANOGA PNtl. 340-0661 G1DCMa Ot 5-1~, Q 4-4611 CIYMPIC a. S010 AN ~211 POMONA ED 2-1145, HA 9-5161, YU 6-6751 SANJA MONCA IX 4-6711 ~PL 9-1911 'I I ~OH NE 6-2581 . NE 2·5761 llDllYWCCO HO 9-5941 OUNQl 637-21 00 SANJA AHA~ 7-3371 SOUllt COAST l'IAZA 540-3333 I • ClOVl-IA 9«>0611 -Ol a.u21 ,......_MU 1-3211. n s.c211 IS I TOIRANCl 542.1511 . . i : ~' - - - - - - - -~ • - - - -- - - - - - - - -ears - -... ---- -- - ----... - -• -- -,, "S~lafcaction Guaranteed or Your Money Ba~" _.,_,..,....,, shop 6Nlahb Mond111 through Sa!utcloy 9:30 +M· .. 9:30 P .M. · , , • ,, ·---- • l • 1.7 • ~. l • . :~if-Sad A - I I r . • • - ' N.Y. Stee•e .... j •.. ;11~ " ' r .-A~sa1 -~~ c , • . ! • i ~reek ~-Aveess -~'" .. ~- ' ' . DAILT PR.OT Sp.ti' ....... SPEAKS F.OR NIGUEL cORP ... Attorney AleX Bowi,( . . --·Flood-Drain Under .Study For Tourists By JACK BROBACK Of '" DetPr ... lt.tf A pedl!3trian pathway to Salt Q-eek beach befween Solith Lacuna and Dana ..Point in southeastern Orange County will 'be studied as a possible soJuUon to the m~ public bo.Qch access pro- blem. • . ~Th~ Rna_m_E .. ~~~~.Tn~.· ·after a two-hour h~g before an 1 overfJow audience ol more than 150 beach D -•U•• . t""-~,· -· -· ~ ·· ' lovers, voted unanlmDUSly' to have the ... ...,.. ff~ DAllLY PILOT Sl9ff '""" County Counsel and Flood Control I· 'TIM" ,FO,R !,l)ME llEACHES' District study the possibility of Including • · • 1 ,Li19un~ Att.rMy Wllcox•n a pedestrian)'iilkJ"ay in a-.plailntd flood , M1• IEl ..., •. ,,,,,,.. n· . cootrol channel from Pacillc Coast 13'3 .. , Highway to the beach. f · · 1hi The suggestion was • made b y Tr.ft¥... sp-J ~,s dow. n Supervisor Robert W. Battin, bul he lirsl ...-~ moved that the pedestrian walkway,: be required and that Laguna N I 1 u e I W h Corporation's drainage plans not be ap- t/ . eat er proved unless !he pedestrisn palh .... in· :W alkou Halts, . cl~:!.visor David L. Baker supported Lot/ks .-F~ue1 • =~ .... ~.tronglytolhe Har)lor ' ·OFk ' Alter mud> -· lhe boml IJ> ' -' SPACE k£ 'ER, H~1 .. L (AP) -proved lhe reviocd moUon bul no time fiANA P6 -COmtruction ·of the Yeamlng for e,.Apoilofi·~ moon 9 • was &et far the counsel -and district •to Dana.Point r project bastcom. e to a plorers :T,' eel ever fanet toward earth report back. ..,, • r. · Large applaUH ~~ the bOard•.1 l,lal)d>tiil WS week as a result or 'lhe 1oc4y .on · ecl'<.llllr!O lhlt I! to.land deci&ioo lrom the mtoo 1 -M•••• walkout ol · mg EngineeJ:l Union ~rm:. , P~~. ~eap. ThUnday crowd trom. ~ ~~ban';' ~i mfi:.:ber~ · · ··/Noma w~.·· "avel,lt's 'ni<e and sin ciemem.·.,>ftie>Ciowd·inl:Ji1de4 • ·~ l t l<'n • J 't Riinos ft! ~-u~ 4I m!ny 81Jlall dlil~ 1 , I ~ ident ro ec _,.gmeer "'i . to get ," l!4 'E..Alddlt•Jr. aaichs Brennan "Revs" Mccielland a mklent ...umated . ay lhal}l\e w•ll\out.aU.ct.d the.' • ula• ,.·<lllevlllon p1~ r ... D •• ~ ~ ..;. 1~ '•" about 25 alil)g ·~· "ll'Jilnt on turO of~'· ""'U'.ia llO,oDO ~....;;;~'7~;ii;."N1~ c,;p;..'7. t~ prof t. Another so men walked •out m~'~lf· ii>I ' ~~~"ill'~,. ~~'5! prlval•l>eleb to - on· fit• jbb, he •saicl, ~ 111'\y,;rQ~ ~ .. Ml " • 1 ;:::;., •.• ·~·-e tllo> ~· -l·l',l'fl unable io continue tatitlr"jA 'iWi ilie ~ ,;-~• "UUI fdldtnt.s. . heaVy faquipmenl J.l.A~· ·WOJiu.. . ' He said i1e was J:tpteRntiaC. "the • .. iries slid 1heri wvuld be no ' lbokiJI& abeitd t9 spluhdown, surfer element, .. ·but. laced bis nmarta m~ 10!31.o the c¥ty because of A o.J,t,commandu Neil A,f.AJ:m5trong with quotes from· .. an a.n n araed the ·waJi:oul, just a Ume'los&. He added as~ed abo t the weather in the 'recovery servlcelrian, "a former surfing cham· / ' Ix th ahead of a;u. I pl00f'I. It, that the project· was s mon s . "It looQ real good out there," .misaion acbtduJe at the time of Ue walkout. Control to~ him. .,d"!: 1sth:~t0~: f~::~!f~::~~ .e/ SH.le SIWwinlJ Set "The lorecost is for .scattered clouds at Creek is outsta-g," McClellind quoted 3,000..feet.and.a visibllity.'OlJO miles. So It without notes. DANA POINT -Color &Udes with lobb realrgood for recovery." '" "Let the voices of our suvicemen be de.tailed sketches and explanaUon ~ tbe ·Apollo ll iJ to.J.aod +ati9:t9 p.ml PDT heard the loudest," be concluded emcr South.Coast Scenic Improvement Project about 1,200 miles southwest of Hawaii. lionaJJy. Of -proposed changes in this community The astrooauts set their course Tues-McClelland sald the Salt Creek public .Wlll..-be presented Tb!,JI"Sday night by the day ·by.firinga.short111gjneburst.iostffr beach proponents "had no organization Dana Point Chamber of Commerce. onto' a precise path in'tended tq 11nd them but the help we are getting ls surprising. The 7:30 p.m. meeting will J>e held at near the aircraft carrier Horne1. They We have hundreds of petitions oot. the Richard Henry Dana School, 24242 La ended their hl!toric explpr&tion or the "ArUsts also favor the beach there, ",he Cresta. moon ~rly Tuesday lly sh 0,0t1 n g continued and had a •painting o{ the The Project has proposed rerouting themselves out of lunar orbit and beach shown which he said would be raf- Coast Highway to Del Prado Avenue gradually gained &:peed as they.raced fled to raise· funds for the campaign. He raeher than widening it, making a park deeper into the gr!p of earth's gravity. (See SALT CREEK, Page' Z) arOlilld the present lookout at the cliff The Tl/; show was the highlight of an md of the Street oC the Blue Lantern, and otherwiJe quiet day. widening and landscaping Street cf the tt starte<Ylike a comedy show. When a Golden Lantern. pictur~ "of the moon flashed on the monpor in mission control, the capsuJe e Girls loin 611ards communiel1or, astronaut Charles Duke, commented: "We see the earth in the SAN CLEMENTE -For the first time center of the screen." Jn Jta1four-year jWlior lifeguard progra~ After a pause, Aldrjn corrected him 11 girls have signed up with 70 boys with: "Believe that's where we just came receive instruction from the Sa a from .•• Clemente Lifeguards in water S&fety, "ll is, hub? Well I'm really looking at 11 first aid, and activities. .. bad screen here," Duke said. ''Stand by The next se111ioo will run from July 23 one. Hey, fQU're right! .. throug~ Aug.' 29. Further -information Later, when a picture of the earth was ma,y be obtained by callia~ (92.-0750. shown, Duke said: "I refuse to bite on P l ' ti this One. You tell us." e Contest -f:"'"e "You'll hive sorife·run at the press con--· MISSION VIEJO -While one little pig-ference after this shift," Collins kidded U ' goes to market,r Other little piggies him. Wilt be tripping ovet to the MissJon Viejo "It's 2:30 a.m.," Duke countered. ~reltfon Centlf for the Bfg Toe ''Everybody'll be a15leep. I'm gonna srieak Conlelt all:30 p:ln. next Thursday. off 'lhrough the hack way." , Q>mpetition 1Will be open to all age Armstrong &bowed vleWm two 1ealed gr;oopi, providing they are membeft of box:es ln ·whi&~are packed precious blls ""the Recreat;On Center. of soil and rock that .he and Aldrin col- Jadges-wt11 be looking ror \he.mosl um. Jected during their momentotis tw't>-bour qUe·pa.lnlt5d~Wie.. ---· wafk..on.the.-tttoon-SUDday •. -• --- .,----"We eo, there's a )at of sclenttsts .• Wf!•tlaer 011 C•ll . from a mnnber o1 countries standin& by · ' to . lee these • lunar samples and we SAii CLEMENTE -The llleguard thoogfit you'd. be lnt....ted m ltting lh1t depaftment here hu establisbt.d a th realJ ........ " he --1.1 niconled phone message which offers •Y Y are _., -· ''complete aurf and weaUter informetion" In the San CJemente area. The number to call Is ttllOIL The readb:igs, according to a lifeguard spotesmin." are taken olf the San gemeote~ler, and""' oJl!lill!d whtstever ~ ., a <hinge <In ,.ii( or we11her. i. .Steele ltl•rleet• I • la:w YORK (~) -The stock morkel cl-a I-qaln today u the down· tnid btch 1<11Tled It iltarply 'l°""r -y·contlfiutd llll'<lu&h ...chfr .... 1~ (See quoUUOlll, Pqes IW9). f ~ l ' Youngsters Guests At Sa wdust Festival Nlilely-lhreelcltaol cltlldren from Costa M ... •and N.wport Beach were guesla of the SawdUll Ari Futlval in Laguna Beach ·Tuesday. Tbe Y~11'frdW, filth and ab:lh ll'aders taking. a IUIM1ier enrichment program for ~g~ ltudenb, ere 1 h o w l'I d __ auona ol art lonn• IUld locllni· q""' and toured lhe Jll'C)unda. Apollo Seismic Test Detects Moon Tremors SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) -A seismic experiment left on the moon by the Apollo 11 astrooaulJ ha1 picked up tmexplained tremors. The seismometer has detected ''several distinct events'' or surface movement., which inay come from natural sOurces, said John W. Small, manager of the Lunar Surface Projects ofnet!. The expe1lment, powered by solar panels, is apaprently 1lowly dying from overheating, Small said. He said it l\'aJ designed to discharge heat-through radiaUoor but--ita-e.adilUon - BUrface lias 6een diinagiil, possllily fr9m . lhe blast ol lhe rocket which lllted Nell A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. from the lunar aur!ace. Temperalurtr during the lunar daJ reach 250 degrees, and Small said the device woald 00!, !ll1'Viloe U lhls bell couldn't be dissipated. Anothe.r erpe.rlment Jett on the moon has IO far been a tawre, Small said. A milTO<'-llko device dealgned to nllect • laser beams ho not been.loclt<d 11y astrooome.n alter several attempts, he uid. He said McDoruild Oblervatory; 11 El Puo1 Tu., and Lick Obienatbry or C.llfomla..have aimed later beams at the Sea of Tranqu llllly landing 1ite of the hmar module, but lhe be1m1 have nol be<n .. oec:t.d hack. , ,r LI •• .•,,,_ . - ' ~ . .. ' , • ; " • , ,· DIJL.'f"P _, ,_. BRl!NNAN McCLELLAND Lwi os F'o&s OF 'P.ii1v'ATE ·SALT c~IEK BEFORE·cOuNTv suli1R.v1)Qu,, ;;· Ouoot for • Lost Bud!' To~·~ "He••.' end SUpporkrs to lnlend County 5Mt : 1 .. . ., .. ,, . ' -; --1 •S " Coa~t :Woman Appomt¢d ~ • ; I • I .Terse Note· 5ent ' ' . ' By Japan on Gas TOKYO (UPI) -The Japanue government in . a terse, two-sen~ Ch he, statement. lactto.g in d I p Io m a t i e Laguna .am r platltudeo to,d:!JY. noted lhe Peotagon i~t to, _re.;nove ~ p s fnm J Wh • Okinawa. . . • ·Not ·ust1m 01t1.r cibtge1 !fcretary Shlgeru Herl. . . PJ'lm6 . Minlll\lt.'. tbaku. Jialo'l _chi<! Is belonging lo the Chamber of Com· · ~.~an, delivered the statement: mm:e· just a whim for Laguna Beach ·'lbe U.S. declsiOa la an Ind.lea~ of Jhe merchanta' i ln)partance aUICbed to J apctD '7 the Nb:·' A IZ,300 Cbsmber operating budget d.. oo Admtnlltn~. We wish to P<Y our Laguna Truste~ ' ... O~y Teache~ · . S~~Y -~~. '.·. Wheel Off Plane; Runwar Blocked ' l A small.plane Jost a wheel on tlboll lrom Ot:ange ·County Airport. Tum&.y evening and blocked tbe nmWAff cnaina • 33-minule d~. One of the ,airport'• lwo nuJWl1I wu c!Oled during U>! delay whilo the.plarit was cleared ln>m'lhe landlnf ml llb\>fl area. An airport olllclal saicl lhe mllliap .... not a mljor ~ becaUle mall aircraft were ltin-abie to land and takeoff on the alrpart'a,MCGDd nmwl)'. Report& lhll two• Ju&• jet1pia-·~ diverted to olher alrporta durfnc UM delay wer~ .aald lo be i,11e by tho spokesman. Orange r1c11 of dues owed woold perh;ips In-respecta to President Nixon . !or lhe dlcate .o · qeec1y,......,...1o our requett."' · · We~doer . Chamr*r Presldetil Harry LaWrence'. A pubHc OOltcry had eru~led Ill J1pan " 11 dlrecto u Tu~ and on Oklollra aa l'.ellllt ·of diaclosure • Deaplte-the•mornlng overtut. as ed at 8 "mee ng ,ay, that 23 U.S IOldlets and an American , 11·1 itill ·a·love•~•d•• '"enjoy "Why are people' so slow fn paying • ru.1-, • Y ~ ""' Chambe; dues?" · ' cl~Q.ian e1'J>kllre of tbe-,\rrny on vau~wa -summer pursuits. Tb.a weatber •-se-wu tolil'by!lletly-M7"' dmn1ba ...,._l'-·~.~tW.lftlt\-el -f-wJILt<in.aln...f]ra'f.a • ... ' aecret.ary:U,attager; 1'W!'fe ~a whim:1 pollll'erto dw Pl wy I.' .---' • tOr the· nest five daya. People don't lee! uley have 'to btlooJ. • • • · • • Some keep"' rid!lt( lor'Hve moolhl." :~/' . · : • •.' INSmE TODA.Y horual·due1 to '!he cbnnber are~ lo Laguna ·Weeter NolJI thol 11, llal h-td !250 depending -!be -ber of • ··~ .. emplOyes of the mtmber business. · Pf ... ~· I ond man h<ll ,,robed• outer • ' ' . . Ge•~. ~T ....... L'.n.nf. """" ~ •!IV' of !1/lol'f' •• ..... l •l .,w 'ti......., tart• ........ It T..Uf "'""" Supervisors Approve Lagll!l~ 1).!lfiic Study ~ county lllll!l'vilon Tneldly ·-· • alody ~ to ,iMtallaUort <I tr1lrlc ilpail 1t PaclClc CoolHiabWIY and 7th StNet In South Laguna'at 'tlte "'1- trance• '.Ii> South CoMt Cmnmunlly HOlpllal. ~ . nie. request for 1he !raft.lo JJcbls WIS mlde by &lnley Volp,,admlnlstrltor ol I lhe 1bosplll1. ' •land· .. 11a1 ""' li4ppeMd' mid. whol u '"'°"'· Page 12. ....... '' ..........__ I ........ .. _,....,., '-c.... lt.n .................. , c-W.. ., ............ " ~ ............... ~" c:... ......... ""' =""'..... ,.. Or. ... I ... '!:I I fffMW p... ..,. .... --... ............ ,.,,....,... : ,.... -: ~·, .... ~: ·:~.'•ir• • ;;er..-.. Mam-......,. 11-11 ~ ' " ' • ~-....... -·--•.>• •. , •. , .. _ -Miw• ~·-.•n·ib ..... •= -h -.......... -.... .. • .\ ' .. -• ----- :t DAILY PllOT l . -•• • •• ' Kennedy License Held;-Par.ty Drinking Probed • -.,,....Wtre ~ ,-Pl'.a.i to ~·1 hikin Wlvlnl ;"to hlJow lllllr Mliia r fi 11!11• miollllld I04lr ltt 11111, 'h4 Md ltOlllllt 4rlftlil OMiJil ,N ,...... ~ tlll ._ II I~ K .... 'u M1111t"'UMt&t ....... J.rf. • -=-11·•-1' --•~ A __ ...::_ ol _. ...... ·-'--·i.. ' _. ' a115pendeci hlJ driver's lie<nie and .....-. ,__ ,.. ,..,.. ....,_ ,_ laid l -.,.,_ TllMdlJ - d,.per Ir.to the tragic, post-party drown-~N lllOul ~ .....,,~ ~, • IQI o!,WJM. ol il!'llll ~ ~ lllil · IJll dull> of •. young •ide in hi• car 111 tault 111 llil iulb utlcWiit w\lcll ~ driving uoo<r Uie ruruenc. 0/ ilCOl!Ol 1te urd • Miu Muy Jo Kopechne, 18, to drown In • poalbl.e. Sat a:f. 1 Udal pood near Edgartown. "The• hive all been c:onaldered and A ipedal proeecutor for Dukm County The eenator, younger brother of JFK have not . been ruled out," .said Steele, Ilsa lllllOllll<:ed coooideraUoo ol cbarg" and RFK -bu been COM!derod 1 prime DOUng that S.O. Kennedy lw already Now Eel .Joins ln Menagerie ·On Beaches Lo<'• or-dead thina• -wuh-111L.m..- Llgw111'1 beacbeJ. lJ..Wly It'• aea1s or fish. Once it WU CIJW, 'l'llelday the SPCA was coiled to retrtev. from tl)e Main Beach 1 dead eel about three feel long. A croup of cblldrtn were huddled amund offering thetr appnolsll. "Eeuu. yuk." they screecbed. M"' often the martne IJ>'Clmen that calla for the dJapolal UillJ ol Iha SPCA (Soclet1 tor Preve'"1on "'· crue1i, to Anlmalll IJ. eeal. ··we find about one teal a week that hu wuhed aabore," said Don Slnkway. .IUhe teal IJ alive al!j! caq!it In a tidepool, SPCA officials will U, to pred It back Into Iha ocun. U 1111 dead, It will be carted awaY, to SPCA beadquarten In LquMCuyon.' ~ An.SPCA truck.that mabo the rounds llJe60 <!lil,..a wllll 1tn1n1 lbe llC<lle ol a !bat lhe proper qu:.t1on la whether other flltl lj!Ollllllt. oomplllllll WIU DI IOll(lll. ~ilonlfti ol ellltll w1Io 1u..atd llll "0 • A Hl!lpll Of /ollil. l!OP4fbill'I tilllod, ~m.._ 4Jm1et ~iffy al I like!! dlltlllf IU~ lftir Mr !lady WU nntld '"'4.lek bland cottage not recovered 12 houri lfW lhe accident on lb ml ~ , Wblre Miss Kopeclme .a dark, tidal island toad showed only a dntWnid fit tM oYehurned car may negligible amount bf alcohoL • detennlne this. Edgartown Police Chlef Dominic J. "I can't say 11peclflcal11 that we are Arena, who gave ftrst word ot the 1ensa- making an lnvesllgaUoo into 'heavy' tlonal probe, apologeUcallf anawered drinking," ste!ie told newsmen~ adding questiODI whlcb bavt ~ In ~ \ Study Sla~ On Exl!.ansi"9n Of Shoals A pJ'OS)06e(I 32.WUt npam.1on-or the Laguna &each Shoals apartment complex at 180J South .Coast Highway wUI have to remain on the drawing 00.rds until further studies are made on the traffic clreu!atlon, the topography, and exact layout plaIIJ. Laguna plannitl'g commissioners Morl- day night told applicant Richard Burt that additional support1n1 data for the enginetrlng aspects would have to be provided by him before approval for the coostructlon could tie given. The public hearing was continued until Aug. 4, when Burt is ex:~ed to present his more detalled plans. 1. The eight-unit apartment is located at the foot of Bluebird Canyon Drive, with access to the complex by the strttt ex· tension on the ocean side of Coast J1i.ghway. Planners eipressed a concern ror the now of tralnc ·at lhe corner. which la· presently controlled by three stop lights, ,. mtnds since lhe accident Friday. Jkllt Cl-t'MYW IN~ llt'Y alltr Uta tll1tltlft .., ... !Outid'b)o llta r!lltt, llllC!IE 11\'llll li1llClr II j!ltllll!d tiy a..o • boys, befort thlJ time Kennedy ·ll<>Ulled pcllce. "If you11 foril:l ve nie-.-l{ she badn't been wrtnalna wet -it J'U u U ahe was getting ready to 10 to •ort or a party,0 the chief explained. "Everythb>g , .. , butlonod up, right In place." Sen. KA\Ul«17. whq1 attended Miio Kopechne'1 luneral Tuelldaf ln'Pb'n>Outh, Pa., IUlfered'w:plnor neck Injuries ml 1 concusston w.~ the Oldlmobile aedan doff il>to the u; .... "At t a.m. thli mornlnC we ba.d nothing to lndlcato i,, bad. be<n drink· loiO:!liief~Areoa uldTuesday, "hulthe caJe against thla man beaan the moment he Wilked away from the ~accldefil ... - .Under Mauachusettl law, SUlpension of the 37-year-old Dmwcrat'a driver's licen&e la-rou.Une,. but ..motor. vebicl* authoritieb Said the prellmlnary probe m. dlc11tes serious fault on the senator's part. If convicted, he could have his license revoked for slx months. Sen. Kennedy was greeted by newsmen Tuesday when he returned to Hyannis. (See KENNEDY, Paa• I) Mass., drawn and haggard, after offering prayers al the CathoUc rites for hi! late brother' campaign aide. VOICE TRAILED OFF They asked if he would make a st.ate· ment. . "This isn't the ... " he said, hi& voice trailing off. "This ls the day of the funeral. This lan't the appropriate time." "I've just come from the funeral ol. 1 very lovely girl and this Is not the ap- propriate tµne to comment," he snapped as the questions continued. ''Please, get me to the car," hia wife Joan said, turning to an aide. -oDCe i week to area headquarters to plck up dead antrn•l1 will then take Jt to Los Anaelee, wbero lt will be cremalod. ~ CAIL Y l'ILOT Stiff l'!Mlt CUltlOUS, BUT 5QUIAMISH, YOUNGSTERS ~llP OISTANCE FROM DEAD (E-Yu~I EEL M'oln Beach Dl-.ry Ii. Rlverilclo'1 Miko ond lhmbl K1n11ly ond Mlcholo Slodolo of _Orongo A pump station adjam'lt ·to .. ihe pro- perty was: also a poirt of concern for planners. More detailed layout plans for the complex. showing how it would affect acceas to the pump 6tation, would have to be presented, Ibey aaid. So far, Sen. -Kenned~ has said he became l'Onfqsed on the dark, rural road and turned in the wrong direction from the ferry :slip where Miss Kopechne was to have caught a ride. I! Iha ,.a1 IJ hurt, It will be killed, Slnkway llald. • One·ol the blaffl problems with Uva -. Sl-y explained, 1' to keep onJooken at a safe distance. "Seals can carry rabies ,just like any other animal, and !hay bite very oerloully," he warned. But there are more dead anlmiala and fish than Just seals and eels. LagUna lifeguards recaJI once retrelv· Ing a porpoise from the sand. And last 25ummer there was a str'&nje flab gu1rds later )earned ls.aoly supposed tQ be found in 1,200 feet .Of'l'la.ter -in the lndl1n Ocean. They're 1WI lrying to fl&ure that one out. Oh, yes, then there wu the dead cow , washed ashore after the heavy rains Jut winter. • · There's no tellln& what the Pacific ml&bt live up to Lq\INI'• - LA Bus Drivers :Vote on New Pact LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Drivers bave reached a temaUve agreement on a new three-year contract with a Southern Caillarnla rapid . transit di.nrict ulling: for wqe bikes c:l 95 cmta an hour plus other bene!lta. The drlvm. members of the AFLCIO United Tra.oipOJ'taUon Union, are voling In .a malt nferendum. 'nle' California Stata ooncmauon Service wm count the ballob from the 2,$00 drivers the nf.cht of July IO. Little ·Items Cover a Lot -Det.ailed P'!intings Highlight Tiny Plywood Pieces By JANICE BERMAN ~ Of l!M 0.lb' l'llM Iliff Some of the tiniest worka at Laguna's Festival of Arts are by Thomas Wad- delow. But in terms of detail, they cover a lot of ground. " The 48-ytar.(lld South Laguna painter works in oil on gesso. Gesso is plywood with an overlay Of &ix coats or IO or pluter, sanded down to a aatbH:mooth flnlJh that will readily ace<pl Waddelow's tiny brush atrokes. He paint. aalllng ships and cotlq., and sea.,,U. allllng on pllln1s on boordJ Lhlt rarely u:ceed five by five incba. Why to small? SMALL ONEii "At f!nt, I dldll'l know If my painlinaa would be successful, ao I decided that ~ I worked m nnall ones and-tb<iy dlclnt IO wtll, I wouldn'l be losina: much," be ei:- plalned. "And I liked carryitlg my atudio in • sultcue, 90 I could go whertver I felt like going, whenever J wanted to." Later, be found that he enjoyed the precision, the detail, the or1antzotlon of amall paintlnp, 1s wen u the aPeed with f're• P .. e l which they could be translated from idea to imqe. "I guess my attention 1pan b prelty short," he said. He motioned toward a painting of a cowboy on a horse, sharply delineated agaln!t a background of brown, smooth mountains. It was enormous by Wad- delow'a standards, about four fett long and ... foot hlll)I. "! began to get tired of painting all thoee mountalns," he said. 0 It took me about a month to do that." Waddelow said there is a new surge of tntereat in art. 1'People are tired or n:i~ne-made producP. ¥d ~ great lhing 1• the kid!. Look at them all Thi cur.ee ii off of art now, and hooray!" He thlnb chlldre.n a.re drawn to his work because, 11Tbey know what it ia, they can ate a horse, a cowboy, a seagull, • hou8e." . He W d he ls a great admirer of non- objective and lmpressionilUc art, and has many such worb ca the walls of his own home. · "But I just don't like to do it myaelf/' he said. When ht paints, he explained, he uses a mental process: that's the antithesis of a non-objectlvlst painttr's. First he vi.sualizea his subject in a aeries of geometric forms. then he increases the detail of each object as he adds it to the painting. Whal emerges ls Intricacy down to the last blade of grass in front of a wooden shack In a field. And the whole painting is no more than 12 square inches. He doesn 't work from lie, be :said, allhough :s o m e t i m e a he'll use photographs. "Models have priced themselves out of the market, u far as I'm concerned," he said. Besides, be readily admits, he doesn't like people. The only person in any of lii.s pictures on display at the Festival booth is the cowboy. He lives alone and works atone, at his own speed. Knd not unlw he feels like it, which is most of the time. "I'm really lucky that I don 't get bog· ged down. This is my pl1y and my work," he saJd. SALT CREEK PATHWAY UNDER STUDY • • • • "A few very perceptive people have come by and seen my work and said, 'You must lead a very oroerly life,' and J do." It shows 1n his work. Everything is planne.d-e:very shadcrN on the sail of a ship. va1ued the painting at $500. "We respect the right., of the Laguna Nlrue1 CorporaUon to develop the ~ petty they owl\ but there !1 a aolution to this r.!';blem somewhere," Brennan ad- ded . 'All we need ls convenient access to the beach. Our beachlront property II Iha most valuable in tbe world." Jack Snipes, chainnan of t h e Caplltrano Bay Park and Recreation District. board, ltd oil the discusalon, urg- ing the aupervilon to "do the best you c~ C04St ""'~ 11t1111~ ~'" ••M.t N.'Wntl ,,...,.. .... ,.... . Jtck l . c:-1.y 'Ylilll,,... .......... ,.._.. n.:.11 Kn•ll ·-T\tlllll A. M~ti;~, _ ..... IUcll1'4 P. Had ---(ll'f' l.i!DI' ---J11 ,.,.., "'"· Mtlltf M*ta1 P.O. h• 66&, t2611 ... °""_ c....-.. ......... :!f. ..... .._,.MO! '2'11 w.1 ... ...,. ,.,..... ... ,,. ..... I can lo provide access to beaches in our Bowle said spe1kers htd told "of area. We appreciate what you did at beaches that should be acquired in the Aliso Beicb but we want something in next few yeara but they left out the how ," our aru." He offered peUtlons with more thin the att:omey noted. "You have here lwo 1,500 signatures from people in the area aegments « the taxpayers trying lo from San Clemente to Newport l!each, actompll!h llle same goa1 in di[ferent from Loi Angeles ind all over Southern maMers. California. "Laguna Nlguel acquired the Helen Keeley former Laguna Beach couocllman and irand juror. who lrli· bt.achfront for cash a,nd pl1na lo provide gered the Salt Cretk controversy last a recreation area for I0,000 people. 'This spring jn a hearing before a state will leave th~ property on the tax rolls, legislative committee, quoted from paid for by tupa,yers," Bowie continued. voluminous documents which she sl\d "How can you solve the problem," the contained : attorney asked the supervisors, and then -The Master Plan of Shortline answered the question. Development cA. Ora111e county (ltfil) "You can buy it with tu: money but is mentioned acqulaiUon ol beacbe! from that equitable to the people of tht county Three Arch Bay to Doheny State Beach. as 1 whole? Ia It fair to have the C'Ollnty -A Board of Supervlaon resohiUon buy beaches for the use of people from (1949) propoaed Salt Creek Beach ac· many other counUes. How do you get the quisltion to include t,IOO feet of most for the Ui:payer's dollar! The beachfronl. answe.r llea in undeveloped portions of the -A denial by the County Planning ma1tllne. nits property is well along 1n Comrnlulon (ID.Se) of abandonment of development." Salt Creek Road because "it la needed for Attorney WUllam WilCQx:en of Uguna access to the beach." Beach, who has a lawsuit pendlnc against "The demtJld for the beach Is here the supervisors' abandonment Of Salt now,'' Mrs. Keeley concluded. "Silt Cretk Road, countered with, "The. coonty Creek should be a first priority for your hu spent hard, cold dGllara in Laguna acqulsiUon." Nlil\el roads, and Oood oontrol. !l's tJtne ~Ten others SJ)Oke tn tavorn--c•a.a91ng-""'~·to prov1de-"!ome beacbfS. --- th< beach" topped by 1-yeaNlld Tim Supervloor Alloll E. Allen, wbo last Fri· itlulvey of Laguna, who utd he w1s day propoeed that the ooun~ put ulde II speaking "for the younger kids." He mllllon lo be ralaed by 1 3-ctnt ta1 levy pleaded to the supervisors to preserve for beach acquialtlon. eiplaintd that U the beach. the 1upuvllore follow hia ..suagesUon "It One speaker rel•led the uu ol bt1ch· dbes not mean the mnney 11 earmarked es to the (Urrent problem of drua use by for Salt Crttk. We would probit.bly na1ne youngsters. a commllslon, as we have done with Paul Allen of Dana Polnl said, "Youn& park!, to advise on acqulsltion1." people w1nl tht beache1. A substllute Is AUen noted that the count1 set.a: aside 1 the mind expandln& drugs. Ip Hawaii all cents or about '700,000 a ytar for ptrk citi&ens hive the use of all beaches. WbJ land purchaac. llo'L that true on the mainland!" Boa~ Clialrman William H. Hlmeln A 1ttle1 ol color alldts of the Slit quickly rtplitd lbat, "Wt Ir!: pulling I to Crttk area were shown by Dick I centa ln tu rate mortey from the Brotherton, Ll111n• HllJ> School senior. H1rbor Dt1trict Into hltbon and be1cht1, Depicted Wife beach JCenet, turftr1, four or flvt tJ.me1 u much u P•rk1." 1e11s and wavn. Attorney Bowie concluded Llif,lnt Knowlton Fernald Jr., vie. prellde.nt of Nlluei'1 cait by eommetit~n , "t w1nt to the Laguna Nl111el Corporation. and Ala miloa It clear tblt we do by ~lene<. Bowle. attorney !Or Iha !Inn provided the approYI any modlflcollon pl1111 (lor ~Uoo. development' of the areal." r, ' "I dld the cowboy about a month after 1 saw him in New Mexico. He was wailjng for some traffic to go by so he could cross the road. I saw him out my window. I kept thinking about it, and planned it In my mind. Then I knew I had to get it down, so I did ." First he sketch~ the painting, using eight layers of tissue overlay to add one detail to the next. Then he painted il \Vaddelow 's cllentele is mostly "Mlddle to upper-middle class, fin an cl a 11 y, because of the prices of the paintings." They range from 115£1 to about~. "A lot of young married people buy my v.·ork too," he said, "end that really n1akes me feel food. They'll sell the family jewtls because they've just.~ lo have that palntlng, and you know it s not just to fill up an empty space on the wall." "I like people at a dislaDCi!," he sal4. "and I enjoy the Festlva~ although '' first I thought t wouldn't-all these peo- ple. and you think the cities are crowd- ed," he said, lauahing. "But after six: week!, I'm throuah. That's It for tl)e year." l\!ayor Appoints Pair to Board former mayor Jesse RJddle and architect Stonn Case were appointed to tlie Board of Adjualmenta by Mayor Glenn E. Vedder at a rrcent C:Jty '=oon· ell meeting. The: third man on the board II Clyde Springe, dlttttor of bulldln1 and plannlnc for \he city. !Uddle bad been on the board belore. Cast was appointed after 1 city ordinance wa1 ch1natd lhat had stated a reprMtntaUve of the city Pl1nnln1 Com- mlulon mu1t be preH.nl. Planner Fred Brlgp bad been on the board. 1'he J)oa.rd of Adjultmenls h1ndle1 routine varilince requuta that would othuwlse bl handled by the P11nnini Commtsa:lon. A board dflCLllion ctn be ap- pealed to. the city coundL ' I • From the ocean view, the building would be (our stories high, with can- tilever architecture, according to architect Richard Dodd. In order to "maintain the naturll character of the rocks " below, the building would be sup- ported by post and piers, rather than a retaining wait, he said. From the front view, the bullding would be 20 feet above the street elevation. Beauty Group To Plant T1·ees Laguna Beach beautifiers today have the permission of the State Division of Highways to plant trees in squares cut from the sidewalk along Coast Highway. Lloyd Milne, chairman of t h e beautification committee of the Chamber of Commerce, said the trees will be six:- feet tall and spaced 30 feet apart, and the first ones will be planted on South Coast Highway between Laguna Avenue and Legion Street. Milne didn't know when the flrsi trees \viii be planted as funds have to be raised and a Cina! decision made on what kind of tree to plant. The city Parks Department recom· mends an evergreen pear tree, he said, but there are members of the beautifica- tion committee who prefer eucalyptus. Permission to plant the trees along the state highway was twice previously denied, Mllna said. Certain trees don't meet &late specUications for height, likelihood. of limbs dropping or suscep- tibility to bend when struck by a car, he explained. ' PLYMOUTM • An off-duty Dukes County sherifrs · deputy, Edward Look Jr., is believed lo have seen the Kennedy car as it made the wrong turn, bu\ he could not identlly the driver. NO WITNESS The Edgartown police chief noted Tues- day this leaves investigators without a witness placing Sen. Kennedy at the \\'heel of the death car. Some of the questions yet to be answered include: ' -Why did the senator wait so long before going to the police? -Who took him back to his bote.I? -Wasn't some effort made to question KeMedy when he was being take.n to his hotel, to detennlne what had happened to his car and Miss Kopechne? -If he gave ln!ormaUon to the person laking him to his hotel , why weren't the police notified right away so a search could have been started for Miss Kopechne? -What happened to KeMedy after his arrival in Edgartown? -Wouldn't someone in Edgartown - perhaps a police officer or a tourist - have seen him and offered assistance'!' -Why would he be ainfused _-be had been in the area numerous t.im~nd take a wrong turn before reachlnc the bridge? These questions may be answered dur· Ing court ,proceedings in coming v.'eelu:. The next step in these is Monday's show-cause hearing. Its pul"J)OSe is to determine whether a summons is to be W-ued, bringing the case to trial. Under Massachusetts law, persons con- victed of leaving the scene or an accident may receive from tv.·o months to t"'o years in jail. but sucb sentences fre- quently are suspended . ,,,,,coo ....... HYANNIS "o•t ~ CAPI. COD ~' N411fTUCIC ST SOUHD IDOAITOWN ~ CNAPPAOUIODIC._ 1. ~ o~~-v-,. ATL4NTIC' OCIAN . "'I T,..._19 MASSACHUSETTS -Map outlines general area of MaSJacbusett4 and ils major offshore resort islands. Chappaqulddick Island la \\'here tragic accident involving Sen. Kennedy took place. I) • { . • I " --?• • . ~~wport Jlarhor ED I JI 0 -* * * YO!:. 62, ~O. ) 75, ;f SECTIONS, 8')A~ES ORANGE COUNTY, CAOFORNI.( WEDNESDAt, :JULY 2f, ,1 969 ~ • PLYMOUTH CAi 'I COD Uy " NAi lfTUCltl f IOUND . ~ i FAA Ignores Us: C ~ilnt . . .. ' r •' Pleas for Noise Ac·twn Vnanswered By JEROME F.-COLLINS cedures fOl'-alrcra!Ulylna lo and cul ol "ln.J1mwer_lo. your March II quay, Of tM o.itr PH'' s1aH the airport.. _ pleue be advbed that the Oct. 29, 1- UnUI the Federal A v I 1 I i on Parmll . .q.o """"11iJ to ban by · ...., Adminiltratlon answers Its mall -and orrlmaDCeil1pure jet departures" between and NOY, 4, 1911,•Jetten frwn )'OU were perhaps even 'lhen·-lhere Isn't much II p.m. and 1 a.m-. --".1 fr!:!._mled to: the w..iern lloJ!oo'!, legll local govenunenJ_can do about muffling The lirlll lelter, llllned by (1. M. "~" counlel far• ...pfy.• the thunder of super jets using Orange F_ea~lt1 Qa ~ ol Jttii ~~ -11ADQtbat11,Jt,11 llll.Bre#'•Nn, "Jwt County Ai:port. " llOiiO'<( lloi>en'llon. wu oeol Oc1. 2t. ; an ~lodcemenL N«lllnf'llle. We'r. That's the admittedly· unhappy ouUoot -'Ibe ~71etter,~~ by~Bttmahan, · atill waitlnr tor· a reply·from. the FAA'• of county Airport Director Robert was sent NOY'.~ _1 • 1.._ .. 1,counad." ~ BreSnahan. The county waited four. ·monthl for tbe ...- He said Tuesday the only measure ot replies. U recelv~ none. So on M~ch 11, ~Bnilnahan IUIPeCta.that the reuon the control his office bu been able to lmpose th.I.a year, Bresnab&Q sent another lett~, nln9;mon&Hld requeabl· frorh the coonty on the huge aircraft is to wrest from the aUemjrtingto prod the feder1l q:eqg..,ln-Ue JU.l1ed ,IOll\eWbeJ;e Jn the FAA'• airlines a "gentleman's qreement" not to a response. · -~Uc:~ b ~~ ~ nolle abate- ••fly at nllJU. ·A weet'Jat.r, Joaeph A. Ott, the FAA"s ....,l probUm 11 bJUer !bu Orange Nine months ago, he said, the county ln ass!Stant area rrianqer, flnally wrote Otlmty Airport. aeparote Idlers uked the FAA lo: , biCt. 'Ibis la-be-of,_ be "I koow lite FAA .~1 do JnY1b1nt for -Ellllblloh noise abate men I pro-aal<I : .. (lleo :UESNABAN, Tip I) ' .. ~ •· ~ RUITOWM selection Appt.~ . · .. "_ . : -· _sp.laslul.aWJt Mrs.Rohert~ee.d·Named :Weatbe t' · :--,( ... ~,_,, ... ,_,S! ....,,!:'_CIC L . ' o~ .. -'V' 0 • t1' .. _ 'THl!"f''RE NOT' ANSWlalNG" ' • A)rpo<t Chief ........... ' -. . ~ .... -. ATLANTIC otEAN Foreman of G-rand-J-ury L'Ooks ·Fine · · SPACE CENTER. HOOllon (AP) .l\'Jesa'1ipprov~. UPI T1 ..... MA$$ACHU$£TT$ -Map outlines general drea of Massachusetts and its ·major offshore resort islands. Chappaquiddici Island is where ti:agic accident involving Sen. Kell!ledy took place. Mrs. Robe.rt N. Weed of Newport Beach today was appointed foreman of. the Orange Coooty Grand Jury. Judge Robert Gardner's announcement of his seleclioll dtew applause from her fellw jurors as the group met with the Superior Court jurist behind closed doon this morning. Yearnliig lor·home,' >.polio11•1 nibon ... S · d "''-' ' plorerulreated OYe!'fuler Iowan! earth econ . wURty today on a perlect courae that is to land them in the Pacific Ocun Tburaday ' ~ • • ~ ~ .11ero )'Oii lr•nl; w. n1ce He~c~p Pl~ _ · ~ennedx License Jerked Mr1. Weed, the "ile of Orange Coast DAIL1{ PILOT Publilller Robal-N. Wet<!. has nirw tak!'I. OTtr ll>t 'dllliu • t eilnqublied bf Wllllain, D. ilartl8 Of LllU!ll ~ Tbe lorm<r Art Colony mayor i;eslgned ~ Friday uncler circumstanc:p ~bleh have not been mai!e to 1e1 11!1!!', • Edwl1I ~ A14r1n Jr. Al\I P By .\lmllJll It. 'f1*lt tho .-u11 be>laetl a tolevlllon !'JO-_ °' ,.. """ ""' -w.,a~--~·"· ~uha·~~·· ,.·~·· ~~ 1 I '•'.,., r -~ . .li .. ·''tr.! . ·~bit tupt-.. 11' .,, -. , City ' A-s PoJice Prob~ Drinking public. . Diel 111c11MI' com.. •1rl ~ m.. ~·~~.;r.:::.=r:; • un a wmtd.. ... llmitl. • . ,.. t.F ~ ~ ahead to ~ Tile 11(,iOa::: A~ll ;\l~-=N~A.~ ~~ -~~::.: ::: .... at Ills II lbl.:~rt ~Mat .rdne. i-.. ,8¥ "II i..i.,· . aooil eut-e:• mllllo6 ' • ~ 1IQl!mn i:., Sf. aa1r :- Fndl Wtre l!mktl Tloilblet ....-!Oday !or Seti. nci Kennedy, as Masia.chu.sett.s authorlllts 1111speoded hii driv~'s Ucenae and pushtd deeper Into the tragic, post.party drown- ing death of a young aide in his car Saturday. A special prosecutor for Dukes County also 8Mowx:ed consideration of charges parallel to california's drunken driving and reckless driving cou kl be forthcom- ing. A• number of critical questions moaln unanawered about Sen. Kennedy's degr~ of fault in the auto accident which caused Miss Mary Jo Kopechne, 18, to droWll In a Ud•I pood near ~artown. The aenator, younger brother of JFK 1nd RFK -has been considered a prime c.onteoder to try lo follow their paths Construction Walkout H alts Work on Groins A strike by heavy equipment operators has shut down work on Dana Habor, the Newport Beach groin construction project and several other public and private operations, checks Indicated today. Wort oo the huge harbor project at Dana Point is completely shut down. Excavation and rock-laying work at the three unfinished Arroy Corps o f Engineers groins i'n West Newport is also atopped. County Harbor District spokesmen said the strike had been expected three w~ ago. Another of lheJr projects, the Sunset Beach Aquatic Park, might std· fer, too, they said, but delays will oot cost the district more money_ The Wetclilf Drive lmproveme.nt pro- ject under way in Newport Beach also is .klled, city aides said. The pxt,000 atorm drain and resurfac- ing prOject includes water al}d &ewer inllne and new lrlfflc alpals. · Among private project& affected by the 1lrlte are dredging and eu.avatioo operat.ioos for the Irvine Co . . -<:nna tbol have been diaffil for the firm'• new marina at the Bahia Cori~ thlan Yacht Club on Bayllide Dri'(.e are Idled, comPIJlY apotennen uld tod•J. Youngsters Guests At Sawdust Festival ' •, Nlnely-lhree school chUdreo lrom C..11 Mesa and Newport Beach were pests or the S.wduld Art F..Uvll In La .... Beacb Tudday. Tbe younplerl. liflh Ind aittb lfadel'I llkiDC a 1UDUDer enrichment program for gULtd ·studDs. were • h ow n d-•lltm ol '!'I forms and tedmi· qou aM toored the .....,.is. to.im! lllt 'f/11111 Hoose In !VII -l.ut ihat -1oi1111 folure la -~ar~ened. Dukes Coollty Prooedttor Waller E. Steele said at a news conference Tuesday tbal charl" ol driving lo endanger and driving Wlder the lnflueoce of alcohol are possible. "These have all been considered and have not been ruJed out," said Steele, noting that Sen. Kennedy has already been charged with leaving the &Cene of a fat.al accidenl ' ~g of others wbo al,.nded the six~ Iii-woman dinner party at a ~ (llappaqulddkk Lsland cottago not two miles from where Mi&5 Kopechne drowned ln tbe overtumed car may determlne this. . "I can't aay specifically that we Are making an investlJaUon into 'heavy' drinking," Steele told newsmen, adding that the proper question is whether o£ber complaints will be sougbt. A sample of Miss Kopechne's blood, taken during autopsy arter her body was recovered 12 hours after the accident on a dark, Udal Island road showed only a negligible amount of alcohol, Edgartown Police Chief Dominic J . Arena, who gave fint word of the stnsa· tional probe, apologetically answered questions which have been in many minds since the accident Friday. Skin diver• recovered the victim's body after the sunken car was found by the rickety bridge from which it pltmged by two boys, before the time Kennedy notified police. "If yoo'll fOrgive me -if she hadn't been wringing wet -It wu u if she was getting ready to go to work or a party," the chief explained. · O:verythin( was buttoned up, right in J.; .. ce.'" Sen. Kennedy, who attended Miss Kopechne '1 funeral Tuesday-in Plymouth, Pa., suffered minor neck injuries and a concuasion when the Oldsmobile sedan dove lnto the lqoon. "At 9 a.m. that morning we had (Seo KENNEDY, Pop I) Mrs. Weed'• l!nt aclloo on laking of. lice WU to paf tribute to the wort ol Martin, wbo led the Gtand Jury from Ill creaUon seven months ago. "I can only say Uuit I will do my very best in my performance of duties as foreman," Mrs. Weed said. "We on the jury were all very disappointed at Mr. Martin's resignation and feet that be was doing a fine job." The new foreman plans no changes jn the listing of jury olllc..-. eslabllsbed und'er the Martin admlnistration. "The only change," she said, "will be In the appointment ol a chairman of the couoty ·administration commltttt.. the poet I held until today.'' Hilton Dalessi of Fullerton take. over the chair of vice foreman, also formerly held by Mrs. Weed. Martin'• member seat on the Grand Jury was filled today by Joe Cooper, a Fullerton real estate broker. Cooper was sworn in by Judge Gardner prior to the appointment of Mn. Weed. Copelin Sets Sights High er Ray Y. Copelin , who· thla month step- ped down after serving 22 year1 as secretary-member of the Newport Beach Planning Commission, isn't yet through with being a secretary. The pMmeer resident made t h e discktsure today In a note to city cw.n· cilmen thanking them for a com· menClatory proqamation, He said be ~n· tinues serving as secretary of Amigo.s Viejos, a club of "old friends." Copelin lhen went on to say: "I want to become secretary one more time. I have placed my application to become the first secretary of the flrst Planning Commission on the moon. If I gel the appointment I will have it made." Copelin, ao apparently !mpr<Wble OJ>' Umlst, la 83. .. CdM I:niport Shop Victim of Theft A "chubby, theall'ical~ype"' shoplifter Tuesday walked out ol • Danish Import shop in Corona del Mar with •a flOO allver platler, polic< said., Stall at Karen Margrela Dan!Jh lmJ>Ofll,. 26IO E. Padllc ColJI lllghway, told police the thief entertd the ahop Tuesday afternooo·wlth lwo friends. As a clerk noUctd the trio feavtng, the chubby man wu cart)'ioa the allver dish under .his arm ~th his-coat.- The toscripUon on Ule plate read, ln Danish, "Merry Ouistmas." I • , ' Sioek ltlvlcits . NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market clO!ed a loser again today as the down· trend which carried It sharply lower Tuesday continued through ~ aet· 1ion. {See qoo<attons, Pages 21-29). Trading was fairly active near the close. Declines Jed advance! by better than 600 iatle.s. e0111r01·to1t . 110v.rmi ot U.. IOlt lllllntto of'1' !di,,. "The la for lfatteted 'Cloudl •I bullcin -cait • nl> bl\Jot llnal)lo, ill~ S,000 le;c Ono!" a vlslblll11 o1 1& mllet. SOit to 1>11 ar""'*lll ,lhll ,Coala Mm ~I loob rW lood !O< reeovery.. I/ford to •!all II alooe., • . ' ' Apollo ll ·ll·to·land al 1:41 p.m. PDT Collnlolmaa Geor1e A. ..Tucker~e about 1,ltltl mlles li>ulhwest of Hawall. the lint mcitlOa to oppn>ve the lillJOJp . The tolronlull iel t!>elr .-.. rue.. package &!!or, a, long hearlOfl laced ;with day bya• -")&1ne l!<Jral In at.er _ impreulve data and •tatllllq by .... In· onto a path !Jltmled jo llnd lhem volved In current prograim;" near .,,~all ciniir llon\el. '!lier He auggested beginning with on< "1deil ....,. ~ltt6rtc GplortlJcP of !be beU<ma" 1111y, !!lei-~r moo!\ Mrt:r' ~1 . by, • h . o 11 n g -uaed by -. 11111 !he iMl!on lheil!Mlves , GOI ti luMr. Cfbll ,and died !or lacll of a ltOOnd. f.::Uf!i~~gr!Ji""~.i~·~ m~:~~~Mi, ~~ The 'TV iihow wli the t of ln one he made Jul)' 14 for the fWl progrim othenriae cntlel day. . r equeated by Police Cblel Ro(er &. Neth. fl ttart.d' ilke a' comedy tllow, When a \:Ouncllman Willard T. Jor.dan -men- picture of the moon lluhed on the tl<infug Ibo raUo ol crime, populallclt and monitor In mlaslon co¢rol, the. capsule rmilting ground pa~I loroe l*ds - coqununlcalo!', ~I Charles Dul<e, seconded the Wllaon inollon. , comp1el)ted: "We tee the earqJ In the Councilman Tucker voted hi& aPProvaJ center Of the screen." · · In the Interests ol. comm~t:v, la;w en· After • pause, Aldrin corrected hfm forcement but anU-helicopter fAcOona. In with: "Believe that'• where .wt just came the-audie~e changed St. Ctair'a IDiDd ·u from." . be considered the Woe vote. · · ''.It ls, hu)t? We~ rm rt!all1: l~ktng at I ... Would yotl IUY• rially ~-~·Joint ba~ screen here, Duke Rid. Stand by pew.en agreement?", alloid· SL C!!!lr one. Hey, you're rlghtl" wild has aleadluUy 'cam)lllgnecf aPmst Later, ~ a picture pf the w:th was Cost.a Mesa's IOlo fUgbt. ibtO aerill Jaw shown,' Duker said: "I' refuse to bite oo enforcement. - this one. '.Yau tell UJ." "You~D have some fun at the preu con- ference afler' lbil lhllt," eo111na tldded blm. "~t'_-2;~ a.DJ.," Duke countertd. "l!;Veiyi..ctJ'l!;be ule<p. l'm IOMI AIW off thiouP the back way." Annltrong 'showed viewers two leaJtd boxes 1n Which are packed precious blls of aoll all<! rock that tie and Aldrin col· Jected durihg their momeotoue two-hour walk" on the moon Sunday. "We know. there'~ a lot ot tcientl!ta from-.,.number rt COUJ!lrles lllandlng by to m these lunar umples and we lhou&1rt )'OU'd be lnlmmd ln·aeetn1 tbol 1beJ ruJJy are here;" he Mid. "No, aww, no.'' aeveral .penoai pro- le>led. Councilman St Clair tbmf up 'biJ handa In sw1emioo: ml~ the No button. • :. • -i May... ..:1.m L; PIJ\kley -prom;tly reopooded 19 lhla bf, appol')llng , Cc(un- ·dlman SL .CJ,alr, ./Ql'dan, City Attoriley ' (See, !IEµCOPS, ft•P I) Oraa1e County Eyee. _ ~-a~hw~y to Sal~. Creek . J?esplle lhe.11\0rnlnc' o~roaat, l~r illll a, 1 ... b' day ·to ·~Joy . 1U11111ter punu111. ne·· -tber Will rematn UtatJway, at leut for'lhe nett !IV• da)'L· • By JACK BROBAC!t Sujl<l"Vilor Robert w. Ballin, but ho lint Brennan "RM'" M~~ ~lilil tbe.saJt cr.eJi P.llllC! JNSmB--rolf.t.'Y ~ °'"' -... -moved tbal the pedestrian waltwq be of La"""' Beach • IHI, ltid the -~ proponen11''1iacl no ~ NolD !hot ll "41 MJ>l"'n<d A pedeslrtan pathwa• to S.11 Creek -ulred and tbal Lamm• N 11 u e I forces opposing Lapna Nltael'Corpa:a-but the llelp,wi ate·=twptflhc, _, •·· •·• t 1 ·.., ·--tion'• plans for a ¢.vale beach to ler.ve we hin 111.M-... Of • ~out. inw man ,_ pro~ ou n beach betwetn South Laguna and Dana Corporation's dralnage plalUI not be aP'" 'die d l t' 111Umate tO 000 .• ~-:-. IJ)CCt, fW 0 G1tr of · &hate. mt Point ID southeastern Orange County will proved llnless the pedestrian path was Jn.. . eve opm,en 1 .. ' "MUlta illo taVDr .the Mich thiire ":he tm1h •who ltUO # r~'·'· ~ be studied aa a possible aolullon to th• I ded reslde)!li, ~-and 'hl<t a , l>alnilnl: ,o( tliti land .... .: h fio..:l:'..t .,. muctHtiacUased public beach access pro-c u ' \)e· a&JCI he w1s repruenllni -1the ~·mown, which-tit.MW would bJ raf-'',.•-;1~'!:1''_~1 ~~&?,w~·t bl Supervisor David L. Baker •upported surler element," bul fated ,bll. ~u l1!ol to-<llla.fillldl,for"tbo cami\atp. Ha ·~· ' "' .. _ • .,, •. ,. em . Ba!Un's Idea but objected strongly In llie wltb quotes (tom an a,n na nh d · •·.' .. u "'·-'"''""II'""'" , 'ii . ". --~ • " The .Board of Superv1'ors Tuesday. ndatory ordlng ..---r:-"":'19 .,..,... ,..... • ••-• tw .. hoor bearln1g before an ma w • aervlceman, "• lormer !ll>'floC cham-" 1.•mc"·---:.. •• : • .'r•~• ., tbe '---• • , • ,.n - -., I W::I lb.an Aft.er much di.scus.!ton, the board •Po ~." ' • ·• ' . ""'· .. ~ .... I ...-~ ...... '¥' ' c.w' :tt" ..... CiiiMtY \f'U ~~-.~~":"~":~to :'v~ proved the revtud motion but .no li!n• "Thlt,llwhal l'm,flrl!llilllot toeoloY ::.~=i:::..~~ -=:" ":: ·:••:,~t:!' ..: County COuMeJ and i1ood Control was Id for the cotlnliOl •nd dlllrlcl lo l.&m !bot .offer good' ~ llalt lhla ---., • Br · icJ. ' ="""-• l: I:"' "'l: Dialrlcl 1tuc1y the poulll!Uty ol lncludlng report back" • • .. ~luut-lnl/" .ICc:Cldlwl.quoUd did. lAJI;; lllod lt -":. to -..:.::-~ ~ - a pedalrlan w1111w.,·1n i pllnnecl flood d= ~~-u.e~':," -=~ w\ll!ojil-. • ' ' llio ~OW bH-ior..-:\YJt tbt · ~ . -iSi:f I: e<111trol chanod !nm PacUlc Coast <:rOWd frvm LllUlll ~ Dona •l'oint ~•Lel-lho"YV:C..,ol oar "'"a-1bo moof~,fl!' w.IL" '=rr=..., l:, - -J Hipwaytothebeach. , and..S.nClemenle.'lbe.lcrowdlncluded '-'tlllt,loudeal,".l16C011Cluded....,. 'lad",· , 'chalrinan o1 Ib o ·~·-.!"'' , . Tba 1ui1eollon w11 made by many amall children. . Uonafl:r. . .. , .lfM ~ 'l' !"!"'-·'• I). . r • ' l ) . .._ . . (.,, ' . t. r ' • • • ,....-••• 'Mllf•1..a ..... ~-r-•-• II w.._.,,MfU,lM ' ' I • ' Bard ·n .. 1s· .,., __ :sott· -Hats ~ .. ! ; i ... Ne.,t .falice .C~a~e '!M ilitar y' Image • • HARD HAT • , , ;· ,~ ' .... Styli.II' Offl<1r •••• 't ·-. B~ Doctor . _,, ... Fac~s Ch,~:ge Of.Assault 11)' .foJlll ,VALTall • °' ...... ,.. .. - A~ •eo .u.l O~ ...... .:-!!-.···~ ~ ~-hf 1111 • p>JICO:oflfctr,ln J':(~.Be~ •. IM. police 1dmlt: Iii abllity to protect a patrolman's head confllcted with another lmpo<tanl Upecl -"'bli image. ' .,.. . . ' ~ ., . ' ' With that and another un• factor in mind, NewpQrt polloe mve DOW put their bebnet& up on !be Ille!!· and _!<rived the aoft hat u part of lheir unjlopn. Image wasn't the only reason the helm- ets were retired. niere isn't ~ m~h beadtodm in today'• po~ce c~r. . . 0 We wire ditCOverinr. tJ4l,'t Ute \aUer officm in O\U' squad cars ,couldn't evtn ---~ . . 1-:-~r:1··,.··/' .. . w~ 00 ielm111 .. bllo.0jiy,...,. drlv· "' u !11111111!W'~ @di: !!in 0)/111. • ~ ,/lliilit.<il111e nitfm'~ ~·they 6iiuldn' ,., ...,.-a4 wb iheir btlmct o~ iii the pi'trol cars. The~helmet _ visor bumped the window mo1Udln1 every tlme an officer tried to .turn hil head.'' ' Elaborating on the Image lsNe, Oyaas sald lhat ~ ~ha~1e w&~ ,.1~ ~linlte effort to help.lb< Im•&• of the P91J!:• of. fleer. 111 have to say it retuctantly, but ad· mµtedly ·we were almOll forced Into It." He said that olficera often received taunts of appearing "far too milltarisUc" with their helmet&. -• The safety factor afforded ' by the hflqur, he uld, liu nOI 11-, rull1 IMtod too Jlluch Ill Newport Beldl. Amai;ia Ha o t h e r disadvantaa:es. f>!lrOlmtn air-et!; la the helmet's weight and ·ils attraction •to )'ourll thieve.s who regarded a' stolen policeman's helmet u a Prize. . "We've lost a lot of Uiem that way,'' Oyaas said. . Th,: hard bat, howe.ver, hasn't been abandon'll m~etdy. litoiorcycle ol!k:e:n still wear them. and a complete stock will be kept on band wben c&turbances call for strong police action and added protectlon, · "We ju1t · h9pe we dqn't haye to use them Under those c1rcumstances,,. Capt. Oyaali added. DAILY PILOT ll•tf PllS!t BRENNAN 'MctLELLAND LEADS FOES OF PRIVATE SALT CREEK BEFORE COUNTY SUPERVISORS Quest for • Lo1t 8~1ch T1k11 ~H1v1' and Supporters to lnl1nd County S11t Fr.em P.,e l Striking Paper Utiion ·to Seek SALT CREEK PATlIWAY UNDER STUDY • • • ' I j1 ' , '. ( .~ •, io· I • ;;~Plll>r'~~ l g•!# . ~pi.tr~ Jlay Pprk ~nd ,n.er_.tion Dl1trlct board, led off the d~01ura· ,.inl ·the aupervllor1 to "do the best you · '-~·Lee Anlelts1H~ld·~1ner can tol)royide a~eu to btacbea in our M:....,,.rmen .wl[I try II~ ~ at J W.· We appreciate what you did at . Nowport Blodl Q!J' Hall to wut ·ponnb· Aliso Beach but we want '°"''~ in , •llllW -'• aall por:t.lble Jouc!:IPIUer " our are·i .iw-, ·. i l'!tJI'.:~~~·= ... '. "JM oa,!;.i 1(1)!°'1•~''"""·1han • ~ A .1•1!111 all!!'-lrori> 114 jli 11>.e freo -~ l'llM' -1 unacbd Of ~ Im' Biii Climenle to ioWPo!t. Beach, -·~·-~-"-'". . fn:nl ,t.pl An1elel ·and ~over Soptbern Jenime "'G<irdea. COonllnalor ol the ~-I fferald.b iOj ' t J lilt • strti...Loc~ t Heleli Keeley fonner Lquna. Beach ~--~• ~"""·•d•' · lhO uni · °:: .. COOllC!lman · •od:i:and juror, '(ho trig· ~. --Y .., e ' gertd · th• ·Sal! conlrovel'I' lgst np....,.li y!U.~ ~'vi>!' II M.°'!d!'!':• ~ ai>finl. in a ' bef.,. t 1 atite ~'.:l!Jfl~ to aJ>lieol the .EJ.' · leitiliUve pommlttee, quoled-· fnirn ~ !"" ~.:'f ........ ~ qu~. volUmlnous documenll which she aaid newspaper ou ~ ltruck •mce contAlned : · ~' ~~ . · -'nle Master Plan Of Sbonline , : · Development of Orl.qfe Count)': (lMl) · ' rnenUooed acqulslllon ol beacb" frOln ft~ Off; .Plane· Tl\l'tt 1r<11 Bay to Doheny Stett ljeacb. • . , ' -'A Bpard of -SqpervJ,ol'I ~Uon ' ' · ' ' ' ' , CJMO p_,i s.ilt. O'e<t Jloacb ... R. unw· .. Blocked qu111U6" .. io , lncliitl• :~• iae1 pr ~ y . l>W:blraot.: , :· I ' . ·~ ~ , ·. · ~f. <lih!i1l: by' Uie , coWilii Pl~ A -.mall plane IO!t a wheel on takeeff Commlasi~ .(t,956). of 8.¥n<f~A~ of !rem Orange ·County Airport T\jead•Y Salt CNik ft91,d)ltca.,. ·;~ is,ooeded·for evlalnc md bloc\:tcl the ni1#1y, causini access .lo the beiqi.'' ~ 1 1 .•• : . a Jkllnute delay. "The .d!riwd !or !be .beacb ls bere One of the airp0rt'1 two runways wa!I · now," M". Keeley cOncluded. "S4lt cloled' during the delay while the plane Creek should be a first priority for yopr wu.cJeared, f1"om 'the ltndln1 and takeoff aequi.s.ltion." .,.... · ' Ten others spOke hi favor of "saving An '1rPOfl offlciaf111ld the ml1blp was •'the beacll"' topped by 8-year-old tlm ..._ a P.Jot ~bl~m' because lmill . Mulvex of Lq:Wt•• who said lie -was i.irttaK=Ytrt .,Ull able . to laiwf ·and •. speakirig "for the youn&er jids:. ·• He taMilif an the 11iport'1 leq)nd MJl!Way: ·pleaded to lhe supervisors to preaenre ~ ~.1'1111_'1mp !<I pl""* ,..,.. . the beach. . dl'(lrlld. ·tt <ithe? lltpo!U dur!nl t!te · One speaker r<laled Ille ""' of beach· delaJ wtrt aald to be · false bJ· the t ea to lht curnnt problem of drug use by irflf*llqWl. youngste.n. . · Paul Allen of Dapa Point sald, "Young people want the bea~. A subllltute is the minli expandirJ& druJs. In Hawaij 111 citlzeN llaft the use of all beaches. Wl!Y isn't that &rue oh'the mainland?" ' Brcilherton, Laguna High Schqol senior. ~~M,er~ beach.. ·~ •IU';fers, affll and -~Vf!. Knowltoll Fernald Jr., vice president of the Lapna Nitu~l CorporaUon, and ,Alex ~~y for 1 ~ ~ provided: the " ./jowi, ',;fJ,~: I bfd fql<i "ol """'1a IMI~ · • acqu1'ed 11 the next few yun bu( lef't'Cllt'the bow,'' the attorney noted. "Yob 'have here two segments ol tbe taxpayers trying to accompUlb the same 10&1 In different .m~=~ :~ NiJ-~~ th t beachlniot for cash and plw to provide a recreation area fer 1>1000 -people. This will leave the propertJ on the ta.1 rolls, paid for bY t.axpayen," Bo,le copUnued. "HO'I!' can _you solve 11' ~om.'' !be attorn11 asked the ~laon:, .arid then • an«Wued.th,e ·questJon.-• ->-· ,_, ··vou ~1WY it with tu m<wty but ill thll eqljl\ilbl• to the peo~le cl! ~county ,-.,~· wl>01ft!~Ji-it falr·to hlvl tJ:ie, county buy · beidfU' tbr the u1M!' of ptOP.le from m•JIY oth~ ci>iintjei. How do !'0'!·1et the mOlt loo-file · tupayel"• -~? The alJSwer lie!'in uJHlevetopera port.tons of the coastline. Th.ls property ls well a1ong in · development." · Attorney William . Wilc6Xen ·of Laguna · Beach, who has a Jawsull pending against lhe supervisors' abandonment o( Salt Creek Road, countertd with, "Th! county has spent hard, cold dollars :In Lltuna Ntcuel roads, and flood control .. 'It's lime · to provide some beaches. · · . ' . 1.otAlllll 1COln Pl.IM ... (OMf'AN'r A series o{ cOlor: sli'd!i of the Creek area weri: shown by S1:1pervisor Alton E. Allen, who.last Fri· day propoled lllat.tbe oow>ty Pol utde ll mlUJGo to be rabtd by a 3-<tat tu levy for ·beach &CCJ!li&ltlon, uplalned that i( the iUperVllorl follow hit suttutton "It ®es, n'* mean tbe·-money b u.nnarlced for S&lt Creei_, We would probably name a commisslOn, as we have done With parlai •. to ad"~ on acqui1lUons." , Salt Allen noted Ui•t the county se.ts aside 2 Dick cents or about t;oo,000 a yur for park. -·--. • ., ...... 11.v....i .,,......,.. tfiillll Nltwr .::-••• '1w'*"' -0...fl ~-· n .... , K-a .... n.... A. w •• ,.;~. _,...,.. : J•,.111• F. c.01-1 --'" ----1211 W•I 1•1* lt•Sn•rl Mla.flMr•••.0 .... 1171.tl&U . . . ··--~Ciilifaiiiia ........ ~ ........ "9dl: m ~ .., ....... ............ 1 •• .,... • 1 Frotta Pqe l HELICOPS GET APPROVAL • • • Roy Junt, City Admlnl1trator Arthur R. 1rnf lease the se.rivces af three e1ptrt ~lcKenzie, Ind Chief Neth to study such a LASO pilols, serving other surroundil\8 program . cllies on a very successful contract 'hasiS. Chief Neth s a i d during the 21}z-hour Despite the fact Lakewood has grown flearinf that Hunt fnglon Beach I~ percent in pcpulatlon through an· police w1nt some type of c~ralive nexatl(flS, be noted, the crime rate hu ~~:=~ procram for 'Cbeir heltc:os>-dropped consl1te11tly and no n.e w -. -"'1ie said ~e-sday; as 1leli36 exprarned -POllciemen-have--betR-hlred ln tVio-years. the week before, that Fountain VaDey Lee Arnold, Los AngeJts count Y , polict want tn on a helico~ Pl.trol pr!). coordinator for the ~gus One. and Ara:w gram as wall as WutminSter while Seal Two h!llcopler poUce 'Y•lpns. echald J. Beach authoHtles are tnteres~. Nye.'1 ent.busiastn, addin1 one. lmpotl&nt · One ol the most compr~lve rtport.s pOlnt. , ottered so far ~rft:e dl4iJD1 ~slons He 11ld -as did Nye -t~t Costa ~ Tt,esday by ~1"0d Ctty Cooncilman Mesa .ll.llthorjlles will have to devemp Ooorie Nye, tWo, Los M1tle1 County their 9"''n iYlt.em, btcause indl'f'idual 1uthorltle9 and the WhltUer poll~ cblef. artll i\efids do not 11low copYtna of N~ aaid be was N sbplical aa Cton-another agency's program. . cilman St. Clair wllen .Ltlomlod J•· Loo Anfflel.:miertlr1 Of'"'° Co~ Bob au811l'attcflll 'llaUoll4U1 ~'<l\*:il!On l!oflr(!an, liiid of the LASO Iii .~' Sk;y JCii1iftt (>fOll'onl111 y~ .p, loul lo dlvl11"n, olr.r<d a -number or a wt!" now a otounch ouppotrer. --to laelm~al and cort queatlono of.the~ Aflar .,,,.~lualon Of tl(t .nltcf con· l(amo...._,..:..._ ~;.,;.. ., , . ._,0 dvcted llr1l\I f--1 ~"1\ 0 ~ WhJ..,,., nm« ..... 'Jaq,tl .DI .. ..,._ Loi . .A..._,iu: C!ltlnl1 ·&jlil'ltf'1 -cilnee. hi• ctti-' 11 ... of tho•• 1n .. 1v111 ·1n ti.. 'land purchase. ·. · Board Chairman William H. Hirstein quickly replied that, "We In! putuilg 8 to 9 cents in tu rate money from the Harbor District into harbors and beaches, four o-t (i~ ti~ d mllch pe: parb." Attorney Bowie concluded L&Juna Niguelt1 cue ~y -tin1, "I w~ to make lt!clea11 f:tll•.we '& not.,1 by slleace. approve any modlncaUon of pl.am (for development of the area).'• School's Pool Shut for Summer; Oasses Switched Mechanical jlr.oblems and resulting repair work have forced clO&lll't of Newport Harbor High School's pool for the summer. As a rtl!lult, the swimming program at the school will be shif~ to o~er pools, the Newport Beach Parks Department announced today. Youths 1igned up for the third and fourth sessio n nmay go to CMona de! Mar High School's pool or at lhese bay locations: County Harbor District, "N" Street in Balboa, Ruby Street on Balboa Island or Las Arenas (18th Slleet) at the regularly scheduled times. RegiillraUons for awim claases will CO!l- tinue at Mariners Park, the CommunJty Youth Center, Eastbluff Park and at Puks Department headquarters from 12:31'.1 p.m. lo 1 p.m., and froft1 5:30 p.m. toe p.m. diutn1 the wetk. .Terse Note Sent By Japan on Gas T.QKYO (UPI) -The Japanese government in a terse, two-senttl'lct statement lackln1 in d l p I o m.1 t I c plalitudes t o d a y noted tne Pentaaon agreement to remove ilerve gas from Q.kinawa. Chief Cabinet Secretary Shi1eru Hori. Prime Minister Eisaku Sato'.& chief spokesman, delivered the statement : "'Ole U.S. decision Is an indication of the importance attached lo Japan by the Ni~­ on Adminislration. \Ve wllh to pey our respects to PrW.dent Nl1on lot the ' spttdy re sponse to our request" A public outcry had erupted In Japan' and on Okinawa •s result of disclosure that 23 U.S. soldlen and an AmeriCln civilian employe of the Anny on Okinawa were given medical lre•tment ifter ex· pesure to the 11s July a. Co1µ1 cihnan'11 Wife / Out or Hospital . Mra. Gall Mctnnl1, wife ol the Wut Newport Beach Qty COuncllm1n Donald Mcinnis, was rele11ff from Hoai Memorial Hoaplttl _...., ofter •Pinal ~ Jalttaled Ill oWn bellc;,pter ·cooperaUva o\rJU• :htilcopter ·~ ' i>f..,...,, -. and 11-.q iilWled .wllllf cbit •a\ld • Nfo uld Utey bollahl thrtt boillc0pttr1 wvlca. · . · : ''S~wiu 01)el1d • ~oci o{ ·" .. ;.' wea1t4 JI her. boale. Ubl Sutboril Drl•!, recupiratlng. . • ,. 14 • I ~ -• ,+ ' . .. l r • .. . ' ... • I f'rolll "'"'" J K~~~,;"rl;. ~ .. nolhtt¥ ~. lndkat< be ~ been drlak· Ing," Chlef!Artna aa!d~y. ·:but the ..... !&$.!!'ii)!:< .... _ ~l!!....~•nt .. ~ .... itl •'f'1-tlti.IC"ldtol ." . Uilllor "'"''"'l!"tt&Ylf!it ~ ol the 374ye.,.okl , t>eiuocrat's driver'• )lcon!f; Ji ''"'tine, · "!ti motor v!hlcie ' auU>olttm.1114'1be·pi:ellininary-.proheJn. " 'd'Sftit ·• _'.:: oi!, ~?Jt~~~ t6e· seriator's . • , DAILY ~ILOT trUf ,,.. ... • ••• SOFT SELL · ••• , Retd Gloaht n Seismic Tes t Left on Moon Detects Quake SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) -A seismic experiment left On the moon by the Apollo 1 l astronauts has picked up unexplained tremors. The seismometer has detected "several distinct events" or surface movement, which roly come from natUral sour'cts, said John W. Small, mp nag er of the Lunar Surface Projects olfice. The experiment, power.ed by solar panels;-ts apa'prently slowly dying fratn overheating, Small said. He said it was designed lo discharge heal through radiation , but its radiation surface has been datrU!ged, possibly from the blast of the rocket which lifted Ne.II A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr. from the lunar surface. Temperatures during the lunar day reach 150 degrees, and Sm;l!l said the de.vice would not survive if this heat couJdn't be dissipated. Another experiment left on the moon has so far been a fai?lJre, Small said. A mirror·like device designed to rellect laser beams has not been located 1'y astronomers after several attempts, he said. He said McDonald Observatory at El Piiso, Tex., and Lick Observatory ol California have aimed laser beams at the Sea of Tranquillity landing site of the ltmfr module.. but the beams hue not ~ rdlected back. 1 t ' ' '' 1 I ' Cranston · Cl'all:ns War Hike Sought WASIIlNGTON (UPI) -Sen .. Alan Cranston (o.calif.), said today &ome Mnatora with "great influence in the White House" are seeking to escalate the war In Vietnam. Jn a prepared Senate spteeh, Crenston s1id d~and! for ucalation had been renewed eve!t though both President Nix- on and former President Lyndvn B. Johnson had sought to limit the war. Cranston said a military victory In Vietnam is not possible and that escala· li on might result in war with Red China and possibly the Soviet Ublon, but said he had heard some senators argue that the w1r still could be won "if we decide to spend the money and make the ilcrilices. '' Pfrl. ,· < ' Jl. ... ~,Cilllld ·have his li...,.. rtyok!d for sis b\onlha:'. "'~· K,enned>',}'WU ITCffled b~ newsmen Tl>esday wbea be rehimed to Hy111nis. MW .. ,drawn aJJd 1taq,,.r, ifter 6!1erin1 ll'~ at th~.l!aQlol~ riM (or his late IJ!Dllf'~' <IJl!J!OI; 11ae. VOJCE TRAftmb -OFF nley aat.ed if he woul~ make a s~ate· n)ent. '"This isn't the .•. " he said, his voice trailing off. "This is ·the day of the funeral . TIWi isn't the appropriate tJm,:• "J'vt JusJ comy l'Qm the funeral of a very lovely' girl and this is not the ·ap- propriate time to comment,·~ he snapped .., the questions cootlnued. "Please, get me to the car;• his •ifc Joan said, turning to an aide. ~ So far, Sen. Kennedy has said he became confused on the dark. rural road and turned In the wrong direction from the ferry slip where Miss Kopechne was to have caught a ride. An off-duty Dukes County sherifrs deputy, Edward Look Jr., is believed to have seen the Kennedy car as it made the wrong turn, bill he could not identify the driver. · NO WITNES!i The Edgartown police chief nottd.lr.1fls. day this leaves investigators withOuT a wltne" pl<!cing Seo. Kennedy at tbe wheel of the death car. Some of the que.Wioru yet to be anslll'ered ~Jud~: -Why did the senator wait so long before going lo the police? -Who took him back to his hotel? -Wasn't .some effort made to question Kenned)' when he was being taken to hls hotel, to det.e.rm.lne what had happened to his car and Miss Kopechne? -If he gave information to the person taking him to his hotel, why weren't the police notified right away so a search could have been started for Miss Kopechne? -What happened to Kennedy after his arrival in Edgartow n? -Wouldn't someone in Edgartown - perhaps a police officer or a tourist - have seen him and offered asslstanre? -Why w<>uld he be confused -he had been in. the area num~ous times-and take a wrong turn before reaching the bhdge? 11le.se questions may be answered dur· lng court proceedings in coming Wffts. The ~xt 11tep ln these ii Monday's show-cause it.eari ng. Us purpoae is to detemllne wftetbu a summom is •to be iMUed, brinCin& the case to trial .• sUnder Mmacbusetta law, persom con- videcl of leaving the scene of an accldtnt may receive from two months to two years in jail, but such sentencis fre- quenUy an suspended. Tito Congratulates U.S. on Moo n Trip BELGRADE (AP) -President Ti~ warmly congratulated the American pe& • ple and the Apollo 11 astronau).s Tuesda1 during a meeUng With fonne.r Vice Presil dent Hu~rt ·HUITlphrey, a spokesman IOI Humph.rey .said today. · The spokesman said Tito and Hum phrey talked for two hours at Brioni, th• Yugoslav president's Adriatic islandi about the U.S. space program. the ,_1iddlt East crisis, and other topics o{ in- ternationa l interest. Fron& Page l BRESNAHAN HITS FAA • • • just county airport," he tlJ)lalned. "There have to be nation1I standards." Brrsnahan was reminded that FAA \\1estem Region Director Arvin B.asnight said Jest weelc that Orange County i Overnment, as operator of the airport. mu.st lnlUate a propogeO noise abateme~t program . lt would then be considered by the FAA, In the light of air safety Te- quirements. "We've already asked them to a1\ow U5 lo do the same thing-here that the FAA tW 'done at • Washington National . Alrport," Bresnahail r e s po n d e d . (Washington National. one of the few tn the riatJon operated by the FAA, has a night flying ban and other anti-noise procedures in effect). "\Ve sWl haven't gotten an answer back from them," Brtaoahan said. "Orange. County can send all the pro- posed documtnts they want us ·to, but What good fa It aoing kl do ua?'' I "Besk!e.s, 1 doo't think tbe FAA's Western Region has tht"authorlty to act on this. The FAA In Washington must take into consideration the whoJe. air travel system." The courny atri>ort chief emphiLSized: "We can't control deptrtures. We ha\'e no control over Left or rl1ht tum pat- terns. What ls Ba.snlght referring to as (noise abattrnent) llmita? The CAB aind the PUC conlrol airline scheduleJ. The 1irllnts don't even submit their scbedules to ua." Bresnahan waa optimistic on one point, however. He pld ht btljeve1 the county's "rentleman's agreement" with the lll'lines eonccnrinl nilht fliJbts wlil stick -Indefinitely. "Tiit only Yiol1Uons 1 ferun •re OQ hohda~a. whili the afrlln• have to pqt1n · ·~!ta nllhli ta .,_, pei>jtte; 1r0m Ja"1· ming up the temUn1J1: '! ' · · · APlrt from·thot <KCeptloa. he "'°· "I think the genUe.man's agreement wil hold. All of the airlines are sincerely in terested in operating compatibly with tJw adjacent areas. I~ doesn't s e.e n reasonable to me thi\t nia:l'lt fllgtrts ·w~H be ott\erwlse needed....; a1"1ong u we ruJ. the alt'Port as a met:z:op:)rt operatidn. Anc that'.a wha.t we're do'.ing now." ' . Capo R e~enacts- 0P ortoln. Trip A dramalic reenactment of the fil'9 Spanish expedition to pass througl Orana:e County will be presented in Sa1 oluan Capistrano Sunday. The costumed recreation of the'Portoli Tide\,which took place 200 yeara a.go. wil be eld on the Buchheim Field d C;ap~\fano Junior Hl1h School at 3 p.in . It will be the highlight of a dly d festivities marking the bicentennial o Calllornia. Other entertainment during the day irl eludes the Freddie Hemander ?.kxicai Trio. troubadora and the Lllly Arulla Dancers, whidl wtll re-create tht days a the Spaq;ish and Mexican period. A...bat'becue will be &erved In the al lcrnoon In the "hospitable tradiUon ol oll California ." Tickets are being sold a $2.i$ at many Orange Couo.ty Ch1mber o Commeree offlcts and local "'4slnesaes a the community. The Portola ride rftnactment is base on ttie trtk led by Metlcan Govemo Gaspar de Portola In 17&9 to estab1lsh lh sites of future mlssioM ln California. Tht orlcjntl •plr\f .~.fi'ved I• Ortntl 1 C<iun!Y ... J.olJt ilJo ......... ed lhlouiJ I fhe1 ~as of San Juan C~ Misaim · VltJO,:.llte lrvhie Ranch and the s.ni : Ana River / ... ·• .•. ·.: '\ " ' .. -• \ \ .I FBI Nabs 1 ·9 Mafia . War Lull 'May Reach September SAIGON (UPI) -The pruent lull in Viet C.ong and Notti\ Vietnamese ground at- tacks could stretch to Sep- tember and become t h e longest of the war in Vietnam, U ,s. military sour~ said to-- day. • The millta)-y sources said they had chanced their minds aOOUt last week's prediction of a new Commnnl!t offeMtve before lhe end of th.ls month. "July hasn't come ore;· on:e1 r;ourct said. "It's doUbtful 1 there will be much this next: mooth either." A relative lull In fighting In Vi etnam started late in June. Jf the tow level of fighting con- tinues throughoot ·Augmt, it would be a longer lull than that of late 1"68 and early 1969, which ran from late No. vember to early January. 861 bo~)>la!ted,.,.,... munist lnflltratlon r o tffe s between Saigon and the Cam· ))odian border again today. But only light and scattered actloa was report.ed on the ~·~Illes . r!ported kli\ing 115 Communiltl In _amall e n g il gementl. Communist troop! during ·' the 24 boors ended Wednes<l>Y night ahell· ed tl trrge\s ~t only two _ such attacks .~ cauaed any damage or cuualties. One American was *®nded in the shelling. . The American sources said ihey felt North Vietnamese troops were using the peri~ to refit and resupply their units. They said lnfilt.(atlbn in· to South Vietnam wa~ con- tinuing with top" priorities for replacements given to ~nlts oepraUn g ln the provmces around Saigon. i Red Chinese ·Rewl1Se 2 '. V.S. Sailors HONG KONG• (AP) '-Two ; AmeJ:icans told. news:me)'l. to- . · day they were captured by Communist Chlne,se fishei:men 1 eight daY..11 ago, f>eld ~tsMer it :and questioned at>otrij their ~ yiicht and Ulen re(e~ ef1:Y , ·this mom Ing. ~ Thnothy AJ!an Pierson, !f, :1 Minneapolis, Mlnn., a n d "\: Dtbreana·Chrltsirre Hinkle,~· f Santa Barbara, Calif., mud ' they 1tert tn:en inte"ft5tOdY 11 aner they accklentally strayed fl Into Cornn'tmi4 ;,,. w ft er.• • P!mon uid !he'/ '["'° ool ,.. mistreated duritf ~, C00-- 1 finemenl \ :lo Pierson, who came to Hong '' "Kong ~veral wteks ~go. said '"' he had convert!d ..an old ~ lifeboat into a 30-foot aaillng \craft. During a shakedown ~ise on Ju)y 14, the y~l l ~Jco\llded with a sman Chinese <:craft and we lost our mast" near Pedro Blanco Uland. ! about es miles eaat of "Hong ;, Kong. . t, "Without the mast," he said, ~ "We 1tarted drifting and were ,jhelp1ess to control our dlrec. Uon. .!. . : TAMPA\ Fla. <VPI) -"It's too late;" choked' the mot.her of critically W Joanne Muuccl as doctoni pondered whether to use ·an expensive. "artificial kidney machine in an atlempl to save the 23-year-old girl's life. "She has-no mind now.," ihe said. ''She's a vegetable." In a bitter attack Tuesday against welfare authoriUes and hospital officials in Saras- ota and Tampa whom Mrs. Dominic M a z u c c i says "dickered over money " while her daughter floundered between life and death, a bereaved mother looked back over a tragedy she says might have been avoided. "Joanne had either a brain . hemorrhage or a stroke early Sur\day InDrning," said Mrs. Mazucci. "If they had given her the kidney dia1ysis then I feel she might have had a chance. Now she doesn't need It, but it's too late anyway - her mind is gone." Joanne ~ wil rushed t o . Tom pa G<ioenil II it.al fnim a -Sarasota~hogpl~ week because her family physician ~ "that without the kidney 2llachine there was no hope," according to her moUter. .. The IJ"l&Chtne, called a kidney dlalySis µnit, uaumes the kidney's function of filter- ing impurities .from the blood. Reports that the hospit.al ' . ~M Foes Offer Plan to D~fay Deployment . . WASHING TON (UPI) - suil !J!slsting ~'are in the majottty, foeg of tile an-- tibaJlistic missile system plan-- ned to unveil • revised pro- posal today ~fng ABM , deptoyl:n.ent for one year, Sens. Philip . A. Hart (0. Mich.), and John Sherman Cooper (R-Ky.), said their new amendment to the $20 billion defense procurement b I 11 would be unchanged i n subs(ance but would "glve it a clearer defiajtlon of purpos~." 11le two legislators plaMed to make the ameodment the SF Paper Heir Dies SAN FRANCISCO I AP) - Mrs. Helen de Y o u n g • Cameron, daugh~r of a ~ founder of The San _Franclsco Otronicle, died 'I\lplay at her home tn Hillsborough. She was 86 ·and had been In faWng health since suffering a heart attack ne3rly two yeani ago. She was the eldest daughter of M.H. de Young, who found· ed the newspaper more than a century ago. Her husband, George Toland eam-. who became 1 pOblisber of 'Ille Chronicle. die<! fn 19!5. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. Mn. Clm>n i1· survifed by a sister,· Mn; Nian Tucker of1Burlinpnesi l Transatlantic • Calls Delayed NEW YORK (AP) -Tw .. to four-hour . delays I n transatlantic telepbooe calls continued today because of a broken cable near England. A spokesman fW' the American Telephone & Teleuapb Co. said it would be fixed by ~ lll«1lin&- pending basinets before ad· joumment todaf. But they said there was Uttle chanct of FTC Vows Ad Check t 1 .. .. • DAl1.Y "LOT Senate M0ving w PWJs Suritix Bill j 1 ' • • Nowf PSA •• i .• '\ ~ • ,.,....,., • ".W.~ 1 m1nulesto San Jose!· r 7 1111 lo 1:30 pm. loth ,,.,.. 7:00°1:30.10:00.11 ::!0 .,..UI0·2::1M:00.5~7:0M:SO ..... ;1 More ip!) WHkends. _ · • l • , _8 [D!'ILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGEi ,i Ne~ Look at Bay Plan ' 1114 COV11ti/'1 .,_ail>IU&u l'I 111 tru,ttt1ktp of t~• V-BG!I Udelcmdr ti lo "'" the !great<St b .. •fil for th< fl•"<ol<ri,••!llbel' of p1oplo f<>r the' l<mfl"' v<riocl o/ lim< for tM r<oit oost. , • That 1tatement by a county official capsuUzes the- "ery complex and emoUonally Involved problem of the Upper Newport Bay land change whicb last week be- came tho subject ol an Orange County Grand Jury resolutlon. The jury's-resolution suggests that a new Upper Bay plan could be developed to give the pubUc l)'Ore wat.erfront than tt envisioned in the land exchange pro- gram now agreed to between the county and the Irvine Comp8ny, The jury wisely avoided comment on the legal and fihancial aspects of the land exchange. These issues already are beaded for adjudicaijon and surely will be BPPealecl all the way lo the Supreme court In Callfor;, nia . .....-.-......- Ual reason for 1tarilng over on the UpPel' Bay tnile. Legally, It .probably bas no 1tat111. But Jt ii ~ant becauH ll iJ lbe first acUon by an ottictal body In Oranae County calling for rHxamlnation of the "ba1iq concept of Upper Bay development. Where does this leave the Upper Bay land ex~ change! Presumably just about where it wu. No mat,. ter who gets what property by excbanee or condemna- Uon, the que1llons QI legality and financial equity sUll will be •eltled in court. How lo achieve the "greatest benefit for the great- est number" always will be disputable. ,Bui is cannot be dlv.orced from how much we are ~g to pay. Civic Center Need '!be Newport Beacb City COOnell 1n the past two years has gone on record decilrtng: The Grand Jury's action comes against a back· ground ~f ~Y increased pubHC conceni over re-1-....-------iiemtt · an sborel1ne Tor pu}illc use. con. cem has been symbolized most recently in the Santa -Th.ere U a serious and accelerati,ng need for a new, larger civic center. -The present site ia wholJy inadequate for expu. sj.oq, while ptoperty at Newport Center is suitable - I ~ • I ' " · Barbara 'Channel oil disaster and in local concern over abandpnment of Salt Creek Road near Daria Point. , ~· 1T6.e -majOr deficil!lncy in ibe Grand JurY's study is \:0,.:tb'tt.lt :produced no new informati~ upon which to !!1 ~ Ill· conclusions. , • 1 'nle list of persons the jury talked to Is indeed a 1,lon.g one, and inforination reviewed apparently was '\tblumtnous, but no hew or dJsinterested "ei:perts" "''ere consulted: no new major fa eta were uncovered. . , · So, what we have ii lo etcect.a statement by a SP!!!. tlal type <Jf citizen•' committee voicing hope that per- haps' an Uj\per Bay plan can be developed with greater )>eilefit1 for -more people, 1!ith decre~ec\ emphasis on ~· '1eul cost" c00al!ler'u°". . _ . ~ , • Tlie Grand Jury's re&Olution 11 not In 1t;elf 1ubstan- ""'· r L ••/' ,and available. , Last week. councilmen hired \Vclton Becket &. Associates of Los Angeles to prepare preliminary drawings. . An important step foUows ; financing. Councilman Paul J. ·Gruber noted that voters haven't passed any bonds for the $4.6 million project and the fund hurdle hasn 't been cleared. That's true, but whatever recommendation comes from tbe city's financial· consultants won't change the city's need. It Ja the council's responsibility lo meet lbal need • In the moat economical f.,blon possible. Further de- • lays will simply add to the eventual cost. (Nl Stet"eotypes Need Correction Drivers Find Staius Mark . On F~eeways Dear Gloomy Gus: ·changing Shiftless P~dro's Image ' .• An -..v.r from anotller planet -ln- hablled by ,.... r1tlooal creaturea than we i:rt -would be hard put to ~ un- d~ the behavior of Earthllnp, U he hov'*ed In 1111 lntttplan<tary 1p1cecraft over 1111 American freeway or ex· prdlWaJ at 1 in the mornlq or & in tbe afternoon. ... , He wouJd tet J.!1.1 of tlloulimdt of cars Incbin& 1-bUmper to blmper, foqr « 111 11.!wt lbreut, acme ~ Marty an hour to arrive at tbefr' destination - while, par;aieJliog thil lreew11, Iller•. b a broad and totally -empty surface street. WIDCllEYER ciTY he <Wied over, he would find the wne inuplkabl< traffic snarl. with tht same almolt deserted avenue running alongside the ex:· prasway. And he would have to conclude that tt was not speed but some other delldenibml that prompted millions of rnota,ilb: to move their cara onto u- presnrays at theae particular hours. But we would be wrong in auumlng that Earthlings are aa rational as lhe ln- habital'lts of his planet. For we are what traffic engineers call victims of "freeway mentaUty." Because the freeways were boDt to rellevr: congestion on the surface Streets, we baye totally abandoned the sUrface streeta and transferred the con- gestion to the freeways. No longer a muns to an end -getting there faster - the ex:pTe.ssway baa become an end in ltsell. IN A RECENT WUE of the journal, "Traffic Salety," a transportation official I read In Your paper th.at the Newport Beach City ,Council has Instructed the ataff to -seek ways to increase the county tuP'(Via- ors' aalariea. For once the coun- cil dJctn•t hire an out.side con- sullanL • -IJ. I. Tlll1 ... lllf'I ,..,_,. ......,., Vf9WI. -' __ .,., .... " tll9 -· •• ·~i ..... '"' .... _.... .. ....... , .... .., ....... In Loa An,eles warned that ''freeways can be vlctlma of their own popularity during peak hours, and mlJ!l concerned aulhorit.ie1 aee the 'l'overloaded auperhJahways turning into bottlenecka." He poinL!I out that only five percent of California roadl are freeways, yet they carry 80 percent or the tralfic. During the s.Jz peak houri of the daY'-which is to say, about half of the daylight hours, when people do moat of their driving - the average speed la only 30 miles an hour. Hardly a breath-taking velocity for a mulU-blWon dollar road system. YET, THE parallel Ung surface streets would be juBl a.a fast, and sometimes much faster. Every motorist know• that one car out of commJsslon in one lane of expressw1y can tie up traffic for a mile -and this is most likely to happen' dur· ing the rush hours. But hardly anyone will give up the dubious status of riding the freeway and lake a surface street to his destination. Freeways become obsolete almosl from lhe moment they are completed; it's a part of Parkinson's devilish law that traf· fie mounts to meet the maximum capaci· ty of the road, and there is no end to this process, until the e<1untry is entirely criss.crossed with freeways and all traf· fie has ground to a hall-while kids play ball on surface streets. Those Good Old Days To the Edit«,, Newport Beach City Manager Harvey Hurlburt and Councilman Rogers may like to know that they did have company on the 4th of July. I certainly didn 't enjoy being "one of the few" but felt that childJ~n should_ be taught to obey 1 law eVen though it does seem farcical. I grew up in a very congested in· dustrlal area in England and some o( my happiest memories are of all the parents and cbikirtn in the neighborhood setting o(f firework.II on Guy Fawkes Night in By George Dear George : How and to whom can I compllin about the system of riling movte1? The last five "Adult Only" movie& I went to were hardly dirty at all. FURIOUS Dear FuriOUI : Fin oil 1 letltr to the Logion of oecenCy -let aome of lheae J>to- ducera f away wtth a little here, a little re and before you know It we1J be back to another rerun of "'!'be Wlwd of Oz." Dtlr Geor1e: Wbtn i• tl all right for a air! to Urfnecldllg? BLONDIE JlMt Bloodle: Wbs'9 are JOU now! ~ to·Oolorp and notice how llllJ 1111 .. aspoct • toll! 1tr .. 1.r .. -,.... probl•m1.) their own tiny back yards. ALL TIIROUGH lhe years, I never heard of anyone getting hurt and those were really fireworks, not the kind we get today wtuch fiule out half the lime. Surely Newport Beach parents can be trusted to set them off In their own patios or yards and should not have to go to designated areas to be supervised by the fire department. Can you imagine the coogestlon? All tho&e can, parents and 'dllklren arriving at lhe same time. What a headache for the police departmentl NORA ll WARREN /tloat ll111terptdtl /tfan To the Editor : I disagree with your "Mauldin Cir· toon" of July 17th aa to the moet un· derpald m111 -airport air controller•. This despite the. fact our aon-ln-law lJ 1 m pilot. The most undtrpald men on the United Stat.ts payroll a.re on the flrln1 line in Soulh Vietnam. Apparmily Mauldin just aimpl)' foraet1 at times, despltt h1a wkle PoPUWity. RUSSELL BENNm A form letter recently circulated to sign de.signers In Southern C&llfomia focuses attentJon on a rapidly developing trend that is dictating a change otthlnk· ing in regard to some practJCeJ that have been popular in designing signs and out- door advertising. "For many years, you and J have been watching the government try to solve the problem of race relations to no avail," writes Jerry L. Marks in behalf of an organization called Progre.sa: ("People Repulsed Over General Ridicule Employ· Ing SteftoiyP! Suuesliona"). Thil hi! resulted In the putllng~ ol. the races., lnatead of the coming together," he con- tinues. "Jn most case.t people have hid things shoved down their throats; unemployed man with a family being foroed onto the welfare rolls instead of being retrained f!W a new job. and tax· payers being forced to pay high laxes on account of ill-managed poverty pro- grams." "YOU ARE IN A t>05llion to help change the tides of prejudice In this great country of ours," Mr. Marks pointed out. "For years m1ny sign designers have been designing signs that depict 1 Mex· ican aa a lazy, poorly duased and un- trustworthy-looking person. Jn doing this, :ilgn designers are contributing to the poisonous tide waters of prejudice that have flowed from generaUon to aenera· tion In our country." While hl:i remarks referred only to Mexican types, they were sure to bring immediate recall of Negro, Italian, Jewish, American Indian. Japanese, Chinaman, illndu, "Hayseed," hlllblUy and other cbaracterir.ations. Since the earliest days of signs and outdoor ad· vertising, art and de11ign morgue files have Included some unflattering stereotypes. And whenever ; sign or out· door advertising display was to express a parUcular whimsical flavor, thert was an Inclination to dig into the file and pull out one of the old, dependable bromldu. It was a simple and easy route to "creative" expression that would set a mood: it was sure to work well with a geoeral public that gave little thought to the se.naiUvitiea of minorities. Groups so characterized accepted the situation with 'resignation, as there didn't appear to be anything they could do about U. "ENLIGHTENED PE OPIJ; everywhere are coming to the realliation Utat it Is the little things io people's live!! that give them the fee.ling that other peo- ple are inferior," Mr. Marks continues. "Example : Little children. seeing a Mex:· ican portrayed on te.levi51on. I n newspapers. radios, signs and outdoor ad· verllsing, u a lazy, stupid, goorty dress- ed and dishonest person, get just one view of MeDcans and conclude th1t all Melicans art that way. The result la pre· Judice and dl=imlnaUon belne dlncted toward Mexican-Americans." Such had beoo the lituatton: bot anyone who during the pul few yun: hu been looking 1t tele•lalon and movies, llsttning to Iha radio, rudinC n<WIJllperl and --or simply carrying . on convenaUona wUh olheT poople, hanlly needs to be told tllal the wlrlrlwlnds of change art' having their tf· feet . Not only haVe the mlnorlUea spoktn out against discrlmlnaUon, but the general publle hu become coinlunl ol mlnortJy vlewpoinll and 1<nslUvJU... Whal once paaed u n1lural humor .now rooAeS 1ntlpalhy u be.tng grossly unfair and ln poor taste. WITH PRESIDENT NIXON c1ftlng UPI?" bualne11 for lnvolve.ment ln the dfil rll:hll ind urban ttnewal crl.MI and with bualom orge'nlzatlon1 and leaden (M· tlonal 1tale and local) undertaking pro: dli10U1 programs of t11lnln&, omploy: ': ~ ~~ . f . . '.> !, '1 Guee\ Editorial l . \ . ~ i;. . ' ' mem and the like, the !ign and ouldoor advert.iaf.nc industry must be alert. to res- pond wherever and however it can. Considering the distriootion and impact of sign and outdoor 1dvertising ex:· pression on the American ICelle, atr'!me • care with copy and pictorial to avoid Ir· rllation that would fuel the controversies, would obviously be a prime contribution to the cause. But sign and outdoor adverlis.i.ng designers have much more reason than that to pay heed to the sewiUviUes of mlnorltiea. For one lhln;. these pro- gressing minoriUea art: rapidly becoming much more affluent markets for ad· vertisers. Also or great im~rtance to the succeM of the sign aJ¥I outdoor ad· vertising programs, the general public la no longer in a mood to laugh and respond to the old bromides which art: now in- creasingly considered to be in bad taste. To avoid unfortunate incidents develop- ing ln 'the rush of designing activiUes, it would be well to go through the morgue files and eliminate characterliaUons t.hat are out-of-step with the t~es. Dave Souder Editor Slp1 of the Tlmts 1 ! It May Be a Year .to Fear Items from a space age newspape r In the year 2069. NEW YORX-The lnlertion or a new spinal column lnto ROICOe J. Withers, 23rd, today on his ll2th birthday made him the universe's champion receiver of human tT&Mplanl! with a total ol 56 parts. Here is a breakdown of his transp\anls: 9 hearts, 17 kldney1, 4 spinal columns. 16 livers, a brains and 2 ears. ''I hardly know who l am anymore," joked Withers, who sat up and began tak- ing bendlilg exercises immediately after the operation. SEA OF TRANQUIUTY, the Moon - The massive escape attempt by 3,869,512 convlc:; from this satellite's third largeal prison was reported under control early toda y. Some two million had surrendered. Guards reported that another million who tried to make a last-ditch stand in a -<-~ series of nearby craters had been ex- terminaled by aerial x:-ray atiack and ad- ded confidently: "The rest will be rounded op shortly." All of the fugitive convicts were desperate tife-tenners. eacb of whom had already been imprisoned here for 200 years or more. CAPITAL CITY, Salum -John F. Nixon McKinley Roosevelt, 14th, hertdltar) ruler of the universe, an- nounced today that the solar system's projected $897«tillion budget for the year 2970 had been cut by $35 octillion. "We must cut every corner and tighten our belts." he said in a message to the Universal Congress, "in order to avoid a disastrous inflation. Marriage: Just a Laugh During a teenage party, one of the girls tossed a playful challenge at ht.r boy friend : "Marry me -I dare you!" The idea seemed so bllarious that they drove acr06! the state line, found a justice of the peace, and went lhrough a fonnal wedding cer.?mony. Afterward, both the "bride'' and the ''grOOm" returned to their re11pective homts. A few days Jaler, uneasy at>Out what they had done, they went to court lo havl" lht,. ceremony annulled. And the court ruled lhat, despite the formalities. they were never truly married. "MERE WORl>S," 11id the judge, Wic ... ¥¥• 'lllU •• .ut tHH kW. ftH WTNC wttll tilt nrjl!' r . l ' " ··~· ' . . ! biiw~in Action ·~, >f~"J ~t I '' ·-~ .,. "without any intention corr.esponding to them will not make a marriage." Most courts agree that, il a marriage i! purely ln ·jest, It has no legal ~landing. However , it i5 a different story if the marria·ge -although meant tc be tem- porary -is nG joke. Thus: An engaged couple had a bitter quarrel the night before their wedd ing day . In lears, lhe girl said they should break up. But the young man pleaded : "My boss hes promised me a raise on the basis of our getting married . Let's go ahead so I can get the raise. Then, later, we can have the marriage annulled." Btn' IN TRIS case, the court refUM!d to Jtlnt an annulment. 'the judge &aid this ceremony, even though entered lnto for a 1pecia1, UmUed purpoae, was atlll 1 mar- riage at the moment lt wu performed. What about a "trial marriage?" One couple got married with the private understanding that. If thing8 did not work out. either one of them could hive It an- nulled . But here, loo. the court found no around• for annulment AJ OM judge put u, fMarr\age Is not 10mething to be swept •tde ll&htly. To permit the annulment of 1 marr11ge O\htrWiH: leg1l. Qpon mere proof that the p1rtia agreed beforehand to have It annulled, would destroy the dlgn!Jy of the mm!.,. Nl1tlonlhlp." An Am~ncon Bar A.aaocfotWn pub- lic aenJU:t /•otttrr b~ WiU Btrnord. l ( "~s adminJllratlon lia pledged to preserve the vitue of the dollar." At the sawe time, he did, tt would still be nfcessil~ tq 1 increa~ the ~n.iverse's stan9ing !111-lltary force bJ 58 million men to Pf'Olect Uie ·solar syst~ fror:i any _in· vasion threat by troops fr,om ne1ghbonng systems. ' BOSTON, Mass. -A convention of. educators at Harvard University ex- pressed alann ·today at Whal they called ''a growing tendency"t among youtb5 under the age of 200 to quit school. "These dropo1.1ts already constitute a threat to an ordered society," a state- ment they adopted unanimously said. 'tln the world of 'the, future any young min or Wt.man who abandons the cldssroom before the age of 200 to 250 will find hlmseU a milfit inadequately prepared to bold a respOns.ible job." Delegates to the conv~ntion were round· Jy, booed by an unruly mob of 75,000 high sdlool pupils, most of "hom appeared to be about 150 to 175 years old. CANAL CITY, Mars-Authorities here q~ieUy announced sett~ment of the long strike by the Interplanetary Federation of Sanitatioo Workers that has left the solar system littered with debris for the last 45 years. · Although terms of the compact were not disclosed, It was believed each of the 1%6 million sanitation worken received a $57 million wage blkt.tTheir work week will be cut to five hours and they will be given seven-month vac.ationa. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. -A willowy lass from the planet Uranus triumphed ove r other flnallllb tonight to become beauty queen o( the JOlar !'¥Stem. "This is all so tincxpected," gasped ~tiss Uranus. Her three bright blue eyeii fiHed wilh tears as she rtteived her crown. The first bald·headed girl in history tn v.·in the contest, Miss Uranus is only 75 years old. She ls Ill feet tall and sht h11s 11n 8.)-inch bust, a 47·1nch wai!t. and 82 inch hips . ----- Wednesday. July 23, 19611 Tht tdllorlat page of &he Daily Pilot seeks to inform and aUm. 1.date r1ad1rrs b11 prtitntino thU newspa~r~ optniOll.f bnd com- mentmif on topic1 o/ inttrtit !!rtd liontficanct. btJ providing a forwm for t1tt t%J)rtuion of our rtadtrl' opinioru. and flt preaentino the diutr1t vitw- poinU of tn/ormtd ob1tn>tr1 and f1}0ke1mtll on iopks of '1lf dav. Robert N. Weed , Publisher 1 - Costa Mesa . ··-" -• • ORAN&e COUNr.I', eAtJFO&NJ,( .. .. -. • -: ' ' . -. :wEDNESDAY, ~ULY ·2J", l 969. . ' . •• . ~ . . --' . .. .. . - Mesa Coii.ricil. Okays HeliCop Patrols By AllTRUR R. VINSEL °' ... Dlltr ..... '"" Organlzatioo of the HCOOd , ~ helicopter l)'lleo< In Orange ColintY ts under way toda,y, after Colla M..a City CWncil approval Tuetday of a prosram Hpectld i!>-evt$allJ.aprUd beyciod-city Umlls. • Tbt .'85,.5iOQ: aerial aurveillance system "'\Vlll f0nnally be&in Jan. 1. with training • of lhre< pilots ai>d Is upected to llart runctlon.ing nut June. . \ ' • Councilmon WWlam L. St. Clair - bovei'tiii al the lut llili!uie PV<f !)is vote button -ca.at I DO ballot fui4fty,.1Uckini to'lllS argmnenta tbat Costa Mesa cannot afford to start it alone. Couniclman Georae A. Tucker made the first motion to apprqve the ·hellcop package alter a Joq hearing laced with impressive data and statlstlca·bY men m. volved tn cumn1 srogama. 1 He sugguied beginning with one bellcopter only 1 the wne aiziaJe.cbopper (Apt: COO IA Y c ... coo NAWTUCICIT -·· ~f!j~·~' 0 ATLANTIC OeEAN U'I T•..,...._ MASSACHUSEnS -Map outlines general area· of Massachusetts and its major ofbhore resort Jslanas. ChapP.aquiddick · Island is where tragic accidenl involving Sen. KeMedy, took place. Kennedy Liceme Jerked As Police Probe Drinking From Wire Services Troubles mounted today for Sen. Ted Kt!MedJ, as Massachusetts authorities suspended hi.! driver's license and pushed deeper ir.to the tragic, post-party drown- ing ~eath of a )'OWll aide in his car Saturday. A IJ)<Clal prose<11tor for Dukol County also announced conakieration oC charges paralleJ to Callfornla'• dnmken driving and reck:leM drivlq: could be forthcom- ing. Construction Walkout Halts Work on. Groins A strike by heavy equipment operators hu shltt down work oo Dana Habor, the Newport Beach groln construction project ind several other public and private operations, chKks lDdlcated. today. Work on the huge harbor project at Dana Point ii completely ahut down. Excav1tion and rock:.Jaytna: wort at the three unfinished Army Corl" 0 r f;nglneen 1rilna In Weal Newport Ls aho stopped. County Harilor Olstrlcl ~esmen said the}lrlb had been-expected th ... weeks ago. Amtber <i their· p;.jects, the SUnaet Beach Aquatic Park, mitht luf· fer, loo, tbeY' said. but delays Will not -the dillrict ....,, -· The Wetcliff Drt•e improvement pro- ject under way in Newport Beach al.!Jo ls Idled, city aides aakl . · The '300.• storm drain and resurfsc-tnc project lnclucta: wallr: and sewer malna and new traffic atpall. Amq private pn>jectl affected by the Wike are dRd&ina:: and ez:cavaUoo operatloos fw tho -!rrloe CO. • cranes thlru .. """ cilalnl ,for lbe ri....:•--mariM al the Bahil c.rm. thil>fYac!tt Ctub on Bay1ldlo Orf .. art Idled, compony apoiSnon blll today. · • J \ ,. ' A number of aiUcal questions remain un~ about Sen. Kennedy's dearee ol fault in the auto accident w~ch caused Mtss Mary Jo Kopeclme, 211, to drown In a tidal pond near Edgal1own. The senator, younger brother of JFK and· RF..K -bas beell considered a prime contend"er to try to follow their palM toward the Whlte H.'luse in 197% -but that aspect of hiJ future ii now darkened. Dukes Couhty Prosecutor Walter E. Steele Wd at a new1 conference Tueaday that chargu ol drlvin1 to endanger and driving tmder the influence of alcohol are possibl~ ' wrhese have all been conaidertd and have not been ruled out," uid Steele, noting that Sen.• Kennedy baa already been charged with leaving the scene of • fatal accident. QuestiorJng of others who attended the sis:-man. sls:·w.aman dinner party at 1 rented Chappaquiddk:t Island cqttage not two miles from where Miss Kopecbne drowned in the overturned car may determine this. "I can't iay apecificalJy that we are making an invest11at1on into 'heavy' drinking," Steele tokl newsmen, adding I.hat the proper question Is whether other c:omplalnll will ba IOUgbL A sample ol Mias Kopechno 'a blood, taken during autopay alter her body wu ....,.,.-U boun alter the occident on a dark, ·lldaf Jaland road ahowfd only • 11egUilble amounl <i alcohol f:dgarlown Pollce C\l.t Dominic J. Arena, who gave nnt word cl the lmll· tional P<"bo, -apologeU<ally answered queeliona which 'have .. m mlD1 milida ..... lhe· -Friday. Skin dJven recovered tbe victim'• body after the IUflken car wu fomxl by the rickety bridp from which K pltlnled by IWo boys, before the time Kennedy llO!llied pollct. '1! 7ou'H forpve me -If lhe hadn't been wrbJcinl Wet-tt WU &I If abe WU pltlnf ready 14 .. to -k .... 1*17," tlledtlelqplaioed. ~ . ·~,__up, rllbt Ill plKt...~ S.. 'Kennedy. whit allended Mia • (!lee IU!:NNEDY, hp I) • program med by l'<lnolla, ·!Jut the ll)Olton died for lack ot a second. Vice. ~ayor Robert M. Wilaon im· mediately offered a moUon \de.ntk:al to oat be made July 14, fOr the full program requested by Police Chief Roca' E. Neth. CowldlmaD--Willald.T...J ordan ~ mtn· Uoiilfta; the ratio of crbne, population and miilliJii)i<Jwtd patrol ~on:e needs - secoaded the WJ!aoo -qtlim. ' CooDcllmln Tueter-vdted.hls approval in tbe lllterelltl of eommunfty law en- • . . forcement, but anll-hell<opter factl<\ns In button. He Uid Tuesday, aa lie bad uplalnelf the aDdleoc~ changed SI. Clair'• mind as Mayor AMn L. Pl~ley proinptly the week l><ft¥t, 'lblt' F<\PWll v~ be considered· the same vole.· responded to !bis by appelnllnc ·Coon-police W"lll.1n .,,., l!etlaopler patrol !'I"' "Would you guys really study a joint cllman St. Clair, Jordan, City Attorney gram, as _well u We:stmtnatrr, •bile.Jiii& powen agreemcnt?,'' asked SL Clair, Roy June, City Administrator Arthur R. &acb aul.borities are tilterelled. wh.> hu steadfa!Uy campaigned against McKenz:ie, and Ch.id Neth to study such a One ol the most comprebenalva. reports Cos!A..M<sa'L~o_.f1ipUlllO.Miai-la propam. offer«! ao-lar·came-durin(-- ~orcemeo~ " : Chief N<th 1 a Id during the 111-b,>ur Tuesday by LalleWood City ~ No, aww, no, teve~al-penooa pl'O--hearlng~t u.a.tJ..ng..~_Geor_~JiY$Jtwo Lol~;oua~ _ t~ted. -" pdUee want ~e type of cooperaUve au norIµes ~fflei , . Councilman Sl. Clah> threw up his ---·for !heir hellcop-Nye said be wu u C&l UCooi>- hancls In. lllmlld<r and ~ the No ~ _,.am, · (!lee BELICOn, Pap II · . . Tucker, ~t. Clair Both A tta:ck Record Expenditures T~ flared Tuetday nver a .......t-ldtlnJ Cooli Mesa annual budget .. hlch rtandl formally adopted today, d"!>lle an attempt t<i reject it ilntil 10 pen:en\ ii cut for l'Hjloimenl by the city ad- mln&trallon. Cooncllman George A. Tucker failed In hi.s .Uorl to get the bud&el totaling ff.II milllon rejected for further streamlinlrig, . but still won a partial victory. He dbnanded a special reporl on how much city money bas been spent on the FA;\ Ignores County, Says Bresnahan • By m.or.it Y. iiowNs °'---.. ---Until the fed<ln!l' .A• I a t 1 o o Adminillralio!I . .......;. Ila mail -and perbapo tven lbOli -t!Mte lln 1 miJCll local .............. do about mu!luq the thunder of ouper jell usinl Oranp Coonly Ai'port. That'• the 1dmJtfudly unhappy autlooli of c 0' u n l. y . Airport' Director Robert Br~~~"'Tuesday the only measure of control hi.! offjce has been able to lmp<>Ae on the huge aircraft b to wreat from the aJrlines a "geoUeman's agreement" not to fly at night. Nine months ago, he sa.id. the county lo separate letters asked the FAA to: -Establlsh noise a b a t e m en l pro- cedurea for aircraft flying in and out of the~ -Permit lhe county to ban by ordlnartc~f .. pure jet dtpartures" betwft'n .l l p.m. and-1 a.m. The llrll leller, ~J!"'d by C. M. "Cye" ~eatberly, then cha.ipmn or the county Board of SU'pe"borS, was aent Oct. It. The second Jetter, 1igned by Bresnahan, was sent Nov. 4. The county waited four months for the replies. It received none. So on March 18, this year, Bresnahan sent another letter, attempUng to prod tht federal agency In- to a response. A week later, Joseph A. Orr, the FAA's assist.ant area manager, finally wrote back. 'Ibis b what he said-all of what he said: "In answer to your March 18 query, pleue be advised that the Oct. 29, 1968, and Nov. -4, 1981, lett'ers from you were forwarded to the Wellem Reaion'• lqal counsel for a reply." "And that's it," said Bresnahan ... Just an acknowledgement. Nothing else. We're sU U wailing for a reply from the FAA '1 legal coume1." Bruiiahan auspecta lhat tt.e TusOil tht nine-moath-<>kt requests: from the county lie tangled .somewhere in the FAA'a. bureaucratic web is that the noise abate- ment problem is bigger than Ora.nae Colinty Airport. "l ~ow the FAA can't do anything for CSee BRESNAHAN, Pap 11 Wheel Off Plane; Runway Blocked A small plane lost a whtel fin takeoff from Orange County Airpol'I 'l'u<aday evenln& and blocked the runw17, caustni a 33-ininute delay. One of the alrport'a two runwaJI was cbied during the d<lay while the plane wa1.cleared Crom &he landing .and takeoff ares. An airport oUiclal-.old the milblp waa nol a miJtr Jl'Oblem bOcauae aiilatl alr<rall were llllt able lo land and laDolf 6n lbe lirport'O:Hcond nill .. 7. Rlpoi'la !hit"'° Jara• Jel ,._ ...... dlwrled to «htr airport> dutlric 'lbe del11 were aald to be Cal•' b)' th. ipOkeanai:a. ' ; calll>ltoubled mlllllclpat JIOlf coone and FiOlnCfl Dnctor Ro1M!rt Oman wu a!k- ed to aubmll a . d{tailod aCCOID!I in 311 dayo. CounclbiW) ~had a~ spelled out bll --to ~ I..,. bOdatt •and jG1ned Tucker, a fliiiker, ib the heat«! i..ta<t batlle._ The exchan1e OW!' puu,gfi or the budget which includes separate operating costa; goU course; parks and recreation, and 1\rttt lighting sedJODJ; Wis Ui'e bit- terell In publfc far molllha. Tucker made lbe lai.boo!' -to .. )eel lbe bildi•~ daplU -..... pliin portlOns ei. ll ltld "" ,iv. a swill -by Colmcllman.Sl Clolr, . Vico Mayor 1loberl M. Wllaon ..... ptty punched his No 'fOie button, wblch glowad · the ~ colcr u Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley'• face -aid at Umes In the auc.. ceedlng 1Tl>mef1ts. The b.asls of, Co~ln)afl Tuck.er's argument wu that more money should Seleetion Applauded Mesa Police .S_top Loud Car, Find . . 100 Drug Pills Stopped on charges of a loud car ex· haUll and brohn lallllghl, a Loi Angelea man wu 1ailed in Colt.a Meaa Tuesday aft.tr police claim they fQUl'ld more than 100 pUC. wrapped lo a newopaper on the floorboard . Frank W. Brassell, '7. was booked on 1w1plckln ol po$IOSSloo, of dangeroii1 clnlga aod _..1.n ol drup for sat., wltl> HI tablela ,all<ged Jo he LSD and """"'' ael!ed. . Patrobrian Pat Donohue·aaid he dr9ve up hehlDd jlraaaell at 11th Sttttl and Part Avenue, pulling hiln on~ lo the 1700. block <i Newport B,ol!levard II I: 15 p.m. lo lloue the i:!Ujloos. Becauoe the motorist aetm<i! ao nen'OIJI, be was asked J)el'._!'Dlal\on to 9'arcll the car ·and compl)ed, wbidl J!Olioe • ., resultiiafii7 clbCovm ol °" Contnbind pllla. • . • I 'Ille ~ told Ofllcm•the cache '""" "'"' iiOeil rorrouen· W 11r& ""8-hahl lllldlhlhrl· ba aatd "' bid J\111 ~-<ill ... Vlctorla -· t " . . . . . . . OAll Y PflOT ...., """' NEW GRAND JURY FDRIMAN Mrs, Robert N. Wotcl Apollo Seismic Test Detects Moon 'Fremors SPACE CENTI:R, Houslon (AP) -A seismic uperiment left on the moon by the ApoUo 11 astronauts has picked up unexplained tremors . The aelsmometer has detected "several distinct ew:nts" or surface movement, which may come from. natural aources, said John W. Small, man.aier of the Lunar Surface Projecil office. 111e experiment, powered by 90lat panels, Is apaprenUy •lowly dylnr lrclm overheating, Small satd. .He Aid II waa dellgned to dilcharge ~at through radiation, 6ut Jls r~dlaUon aurfaco hu been damaged, pOllibly from the blall of lhe rocket which llli.d Neil A. Ann.t'°"' aha' Edwin E, Aldrin Jr. from th4 lunar, ..p!ale, · • · Telnporator<1 *1rtlig the luoar cts1 reaoh liq dqr<el, and Small aatd the devl<e would llOI llltVlve If ·this· hul CO\lldn} be dissipated. A.hot.tier experiment lert on the moon baa .. far """' • flill> ... smatl said. A mlt'ror-llke da'1Ce dtaJtnad to n11ec1 lutr lluJ1li. ha) .... -located by ub'"'*1\ln after aeveril attilaiptl,. be alkf, .'.... . lie plaYcDonila -otiiirv•""7 il"'Er P"'°' Tex., and Lick Obool'Y:oi..,-. <i . Catllorllla tm. atmod i.,r1beallll al lbe Sea 0( ~ ...... Illa <i .lbe I-~but Ille bUiU -not -rail back. • • area. "It loota real good nut u..r.,• mlalon cnntrol told him. • "1lle lortcul· la f«.l<lltend. doudl II !,000 feet and a vlalblltty <i 10 mUa So It loots rut a:ood for recovery." Apollo JI C. lo land at't :ll p.m. Pl7I' about 1,100 mlles southweat ol lflwatl. The astrooauta set the1r ~ Tue&-4•Y by flrlni a Short englnibUnt to.._ onto a precl.le path Intended to land lbem near the aircraU carrier Hornet. 'lbe1. ended their historic aploratlon <i Iba moon early Tueidav bw 1boo11 •I themulves olit of' luifir ootill ' irid, gradually i•lned speOd u 11\!ij .,_ deeper into the arfp ct-=· . The TV show was tbt Mal'L•Gf m· otherwise quiet day. . It atarted nu a comedy allow. Wiien a picture o . l)>e mnoa -on lbe monitor In ~ eootrol, lhe caplllla communicator, ·UtnmMt 0.IM ·J:>uke,· commented: "'We IM· tbe earth la, tbl center of the screen." Alter a paoae, AldrlD corrected him (!lee APOLU>, .Pqe I) ••• Weadter . ' Deoplto th• inorni.c overcart. It's sWJ a lovely day to enjoy awn.mer pursuits. The weaUler will remain that way~ .. le11t ror the next five d.aya. 1Nsm111 TODAY Now thO( ii flea llappent!d encl mm1 flea prnb<~ • ....,. 1pact, do 0,.:11 of' thore · on tarlh "'"° '°'° ie '~ '~ alond ODhol llaa ~ and wllol ii '"'°''" Puo< U . . I J ' • • • ---~ ---. ·-t .,_,, -- 2 OAllY ,llOl f c -- Hard -Bats to Soft .. Hats . I -~: ~uiJ)(Jr(PoUce Chtinge 'Military' Imoge lly 1e.ll!I V.ILTERZA0 ................ ~ d ... u.. ~ lltll\llt ...,~ ... ~ f<i< Ibo ~ ~ lo'lf""1>0rt ch. L ·, weu tboir -. wbllo lhf1 """ clriv. ll!f " !!!II r!vn !'!tr!! ~f!I· ~ · · · ~Oll'·J.:: Aid, hJI not been really lotod toy mDCb In No"l""l Bach. Amons Its o t be r disadvantates. ~trcitl'.D"1 ~· .11 tht helmet's weight and Its atlract,on to yotmg thieves who regarded a slolen policeman's helmet as a prize. B.ut. police admlt. tt.s ablUty to protect a paLrolman'1 held conflicted with another lnn,ortant a5pect -his image . -With tha~ and another unusual factor In mind/Newport police have now put their btlmets up on tbe abelf ~ revived the sort hat as part of their uajform. ' ~!i""'· 'o1 llli .... fOlnfll.llllid th•.7 .icouldo, .... ~ -'hood 11llh lbtlr helmet on In the patN>I cars. The htlmei visor bumped the window moulding every Ume an officer tried" to tum his bead." · El.abor•ti~ on ttie Jn:iage issue, Oyaas said that the change was also a definite effort to belp the imagt,, of the poUce ot~ · "We've lost a lot of them that way.'' Oyaas said. 1'roM P .. e l QN~;EDY ... Kopechne'a tun'1-al Tuesday In Plymouth, Pa., suffered minor nt!ck Injuries and • coocuasion whtn . the Oldsmobile sedan doye Into ~ llg<>«L "Al -., i.m: lbal mornl"I we had notldnl lo lndlcalo he bad been drink· mi:• Chief Arena said Tuesday, "but the cue agaJnst thl1 man began the moment he walked away from ~ aectdent. ·~ Under ,llulachulelll law, _.... ol the. 3T·ytaN>kl Democtat'• driver'• lietnae Is rtlU(lne, but motor 'Yeblclt authorities ~d tbe prell!Jlinary probe ln- dicata aeriOl1I fauh on the aena\«'1 part. "':.. ' ·If ~. be could bave bis 1lcenso ,..ot6il. f<* tlJ months, . . · s..l. It~ wu creeled by new1111t11 'l\Jaedq When be returned lo Hyannll, Mua:,iltain and bagpnl, ~ oflorlnl Prmts at the .Catholic rlw for blJ lat< brOlblr' -a1cn aid&. They uUd u be WOl1)d !ll•k• a. llato- menl. ' "This lsn 't the ••• " he uid, his voice tralll"I off •• "Thia ls the day of the lunoral. 'lhll lm't lbe appropr!aw um.." "I've' jmt corrie from the tunenl of • very lovely etrI and this b not the ap-p~te l1llf< to eomment." he miapped as the quoillicil ...,tloued. • · Image wasn't the cmlJ reuon the helm· ets were retired. Thtrt isn't as much headroom in today's police car. "We were dlloavering that the taller officen In our wquad can couldn't even _._ ___ _ ficer . · ''I have to say lt reluctantly. but ad- mitt.edJy we were almost forced into it." He said that officers often received, taunts fl. appearin( "far too militaristic" with their helmet.a:. The 1a!~ factor afforded by the The bard hat, however, hasn't been abandoned 'coinp1ettly, Motorcycle officer• still wear them, and a complete stoCk will be kept on hand when disturbances caU for strong police action and added protection. "We juat hcjpe we don't have to uae them under those cin:Umltanccs/1 Capt. Oya., added. CAii. Y PILOT Sttn .._,. llR&!<4NAN McCLE.Ll~li°J.EADS FOES OF PRIVATE SALT CRE.EK .BEFORE COUNTY SUPERVISORS Q~at for • Lost BNch T1kea 'Heva' ind Supporters to Inland County Seat Salt Creek Path Studied "Pleue. get me to the car," his wife 'Jotn sald, tumina: to an aide. ~~~~~~..;:let,.!~ County L,ooks at F. laod . C~ntrol Channel as Route and !iihied. ID w!OOI C!liecU"I' lJOOl Ibo ferq •lie .,.,,.,. -~~ .... • ByJAClt"liROBAcit California. '·1 (Ii ftiii'C.ucm a tide. -' Or ""' ot11r ,. • .., si•H ' Helen Keeley fonner Laguna Beach : All 611-4111J DuUo· County oberlff's A pedemlan • pathway to sa11 Creak COWlcilman and lflOd juror, who tri1· dlpd;J; l'A1rard Look Jr., ls believld to beacb between South LalUQI and Dana gered the Salt Cteek ~troveray last ha,_.,.. Ibo J!-.d1 car as II made r~.~ Or ... ~ w!ll "l!ri'!( "in a ll<ll[fn.I! !11'fore . a , .. le r.•:~ l'lll-tf~ M!Y ~~~ri;.U:. ~~ ::::.=: ~~otffibe !:l:l TM Mr,-. poll<i! c!!lol fdJ'rn.. contained: day Uiliileoveo ~ 'wllboUI .a bl~ Boord ..t SupervlJOl'J Tuaod&y ,-The Muter Plan of Shoreline wt-· .Dlaclltl ·loo, lmmd7 •I th••. an. • lwo-lloltr bNrlnl -. G DmlOJDn'1'1 ol Ora111• Co1!1111 (lKI) )Mheelcillhe~ar._. · ·, " . ............,•u•ll-olmotellanlllf-11 nilllllooed '<i"'tulstllon of t>oaches lrom Some "!.,~~ . Cl1lilslioao ytl, IA> oe : ~ -lln'OlmOY!ly lo have the Three Ard> Ba7 lo Doheny stat< !leach. answtf'td·fp..:iwe. . , • county Counlel and Flood Conttol '-A Board of St,tperVisor1 resoluUon -Why did U,e oenalor Wall 10 IMS . Dlltrlcl atwlv the -·'bllllY of ft>cludin& (IK9) propoood Salt Creek Buch ao-before coil!I lo the police? • ...-qiuaJU~ lo include 1,100 ft<I of -Wlio to<ik:lllln ba<k lo bl• bold! a pod..trlan walkway In a plaMed flood bea~t. ' -WU!l'l some effort m&dt ·to queal!On ceollOl channll lrem PacWc Coul -A dtnlal· by the County Plannln& I<'"'*' 1')!.en)>e wu.l!<l!N: IU.n to ~i.· illlh...., lo the bead!. Commlalltti (1116) ol abaiidooim<1\t of h'lltl. !O'detatmlne wbtillicl 0 luoppe8lld lo The 11l1CesUon was . mad• b Y Salt Creek Road b•anllO ~'ll luMO<ied for bis clrani! Miu~! ,. · Supervlaor Jloberl W. J!attln, llul be llrJt "''"" lo !be beacil." .... . -U be.pve lnfonnatlan Ill the peraon m..,ed ~I the pedqU-1'",.11•1:1'., lit . .,'!'lie ~ij· !'or ·l!IO "N.ch l• .here taklnl him to blJ hotel, why w;ren't lbe ~U ~=~' l.e!,!'!-.! ,!;_Ill} 11.ow.• "1!•· .Jreeley C<!!l<lu~. ·•salt pollc& notified rifl!ll · away IO a 1<11ch _,..., 0• ~,. ..,-,.., ..,. ~ •Po Creeli 1hoai~ be a ffrlt'pFlorlty fiJr.·your ceuld have beta ·started fer MW proved anl• -~~ 1llr • aeqUlittloll' .. : 1 k , , · . r. ~-· K~? clUded. •. • 7 .·_·" .. I 'Te!H>lh~ •JIOk• I)> lifor ol ·"laving -W!iil hawened lo0 l<enn<dy aflefbls Sttlnu~ldlt6r ~.!:;.~~ Iba bbch" !ollf>ed bf t.y.aN>ld" Tim arrtval in Ed&artown? . Bl I .. -~-!(""'_., Mulvtj of ·~114-, \ii~ ..... id , he WIS -Wooldn'I IOIDeone lo Eqartown -mondetor, w....,ic. . • •peaking "(or lho younge;o ·kids." He perhl,,. a police officer or• touriat -After much dlliO\•Mkin, Ut.e bGari11 ap-pleaded to the supenison to~'Preser\'e have Men him IJ'ld ottered auistanoe? proved the r!vlled motion biit. no lme the Wach. ' -Wh)' would he be confused -he bad wu eet for the coqn1el and diJtrlct to One speaker related the ~ of beach· been · t.i} Ult area nunierous Umes-and report back. es to the cur.rent problem of drug us:e by t.aU a wrtrn& turn before rea.chlna the Laree ap1')111Je ,creettd the" board's yoongsten. brl~' 1 d~lsloo from the ·strongly pirt1aan Paul Allen of Dana Point uid, "Young TMij quilt1oo.t mQ be answere6 our~ crowd frcrn LaguM; Beach, -~ Point people want the buches. A substitute ls . # pn>ettdln&s In cocnl"I wi~. · allll.San Clemente. The crowd !licluded the mind .,pandlna drup. lo Ha.wait all ··-1_ 1.. •L.---is M , many small ctuldren. dUlem have the use of all beaches. Why . •-r w ~1 •, Brennan "Heva" McClelland, a resident tbow-caUl9 ht.erlnl-ll purpoae ls to of Laauna Buch atnce JMO; led QJe i1n'.t tbat true on the mainland?'! ~~ ~thtr a 11.Ubm:CN ii to be, fCll'Ct!s oppoalne IA.gun• Nifuel Corpora· A aerlts of color alidta of the Salt iwue4..' :brlbrinlina tbe. cue. to trial, . Uon's plans' lot a private beach to aerv. e Creek area were abown ~ Dick ' ' -. --~ '""" ............... . . . . ··'"" ... 'W.,. . ... .,.,. ............. ... .. n-·· tc; •• ,11 -1\•:::!. ~=M .._ __ 2JO W•tf lef l""t M.itilt ...... ~,:PA ... '""· tz•a• --· .......... 1.,, ................ ':"'....r::"'.;.: l3 = .. Brolberteo, 1.-luaa JUc1> Scheol Mnl0<. the develol>(ntnl's ultimate 8 O, to Q Depicted were beac~ actne1, eurters, residents. ~ 1e1l1 and wavt.ao He said he was representing "the Know-It.on Te~ld Jr., vice presicJe.nt of surfer element," but laced hia remarks the L&Cuna NliutJ Corporation, and Alex with quotes from· an · u n n am* d Bowie, attorney fer the ftnn proylded the serviceman, "a former surfing Cham· opposltictn. , , pion." Bowie said speakers had told '·of "This ls what I'm flghtin1 for. le enjoy beaches that should be acquired in the beaches that offer 1ood surfing. Salt next few years but they left out the how,'' Creek is outstanding," McClelland quoted the atWney noted: "You have here two wi thout notes. segments of the taxpayers trying to "Let the voices of our servicemen bt accomplish lbe same goal in different heard the loudest," he concluded emir manners. lionally, McClelland 11ld the Sitt Creek public beach proponent! "had no or1aniz:atlon but the help we are getting ia surprlslAg. We have hundreds of peUUon1 out. "Artists also favor the beach there,'.' he cGOtlnoed an<! had • palnUnr Of ~ bel.Ch shown whk:h he said would be raf· fled to ra1Jt funds for the campalp. He valued the palnttna at $500. , .. We respect the rl&hls of the Laguna Niguel CorporaUon to develop the pro- ~rty they own but th~e I• a 1alUtlon to DUs problem &0mewb.,-e," '31enl\an ad· j!ad. "All wo .llff<lls CClllV<nitn), &CCtS• to 'the beach. Our l>Mch&ooll pro;orty ls the IDOlt valuable in the world. '1 , Jack Snipel, chalnnao . of the Clplstr'no Bay. Pork ·~ R<qftt!vn ·ll!ilrlct ~ iod off the ~1111°1' q th• _ ..... lo ."do lbe-l>Jst,... an. to -pro\ffde access to beachta. In "Cl.Ir artL We appreel1te what ~. 4id t 'Allao Bach bul we wont IOO>ltiilnc lo :W;.'..i ~-with -~ . "Laguna Ntgue: acquired th t. beachfront for cash and plans to provide a recreation atea for ao,000 people. 'nils will leave the property on the ta1 rolls, paid for by taxpayers," Bowle conUnued. "HoW ctn yw solve the problem," Ule at&or'nly uked the supervlnrs, and then al\lwered the quest.loo. "You c:.an buy It with ta1 money but ls that equllable to the pt&ple of the coun(y fl a wbole?-)1 it lair to have the county l>Uy btaches for the use of people from many ~r counties. How do ypu get the' most for the la1payer's dOllw? The answer lies tn undeveloped pertlons et tl\t coastline. Thl• prepert, ls well l.loni tn deve.lopm'1t.'' Attorney Willl1m WOco1en o( Laguna ~aeh, '1ho h11 a lawsul\ ptndiita •iall)lt tf>i 1u.mlsori' •bal!&>runetll cl Silt Creek. 'flMd, Countered with, "The eeuntyt • has spent hard, cold dollars ln Lquoa. Nipel roads. and nood com..1. 11·1 Uml lo P"!"l°de ...,, beachb. . . • •I~ *turu from people In ill& aiei -11111 Ci!Jll..._, to Nt'!POfl 1Bead1. "-!~=::=:::=::~=:=--:-"'.-:":-~1 from Lao An&<I.., and..all.ov llf"lben> Supervlior Al• E. Allen, ~ l~ !fri; darp,_.i lhll th• Otllnll' P114Jld&.11 ; mflllen lo be rallfld by • ._ 11<.l<YJ • lor bUl:'1 acqubltlon •• eiplatne4 tllal U l U>O: supervllotl follow blJ .__.. "II • • -• does not mean -the O'lCIOeY ill ti.armarked for Sall Creek. We would probatiJY na1ne a commiaaloo, as we have done with paru, lo aitviK OO,'!'lu\!ilions." . Allen noted t6tt 8'0 ci>llnty .. & utile i cents or about fl00,000 a year for parl land purcbue. , t Board Chainnan WH1iam H. Hirstein quickly rtplied thal, "Wt are putting 8 to 9 cents in tu rate ..money from the J{arbor D~trid Into harborS and beachu, four or five Umes u mucb as parks." FroM P .. e 1 BUDGET .•• snapptd the mayor. Tucker re-explaintd the motion, which called. for establishment of a special capital improvements fund fur deposit or that 10 percent which would be c u t elsewhere: Tucker said he was confident City ?i.tanagtr Arthur R. McKenzie Could find a way to reduce the budget, but if not, perhaps rouncilmen could do that job as well . Councilman St. Clair joined In the criticism, saying he questioned v.·here funds would come from for certain 1treet and highways projects . He said ht was informed by city of· ficllil that It would be paid by '870,000 in county arterial streets and highways funds. conUnuing to compJaln this fiWe wasn't even Mown in the budget. "I think it would bt ridiculous to pass a bud1et tb'at doesn't sbGw Sl4(l,000," he s,,apped. The sub3equent vote was 3 to 2 against bud&et denial and Vice Mayor Wilson im· medlately,moved for itii approval, which came on the same 3 to 2 vote. Ted C. Bologh. of 286 Del Mir ~ve., !!ked a number of questions earlier, but missed the fireworks u I t I m at e I y generated by demands lo know about golf course finances . David Varna!, of 2683 Tiistin Ave., followed Balogh Lo the podium to crlticiz.e the golf course, saying it should be transformed to something else if it makes no profit. Vice Mayor Wllaon eiplalned to him the cour~e will evenhlally retum a profit which \\'ill be poured into other typts of recreathma l facilities for noo-aol.f!nl citizens. Councilman Jordan said under ques- tioning that during the past few months, the course ha1 been showing a t6,000.per- 11'10nth profit. which will be offset, however, by win tu losses. In the lona: run, it hasn't returned a dime. It was at that point that Tucker flared, saying integrity to the public was at tt.ake antt demanding lo know the true flnanelal picture, adding that the course was ori1inslly envisioned as & money• maket. Two private opentor1 have lost money on the counb'y club porUon wl\tch wa.s ~ bx.lhe cil,y an<l PRO ~ -Ii)& Jut -Is now •P11illi>I U. ,nceivenhtp. 1 • Cllf "ollk:lals-•~ ourrtn!l1 llunlfnl someone lo take over ~ Jobi --·---- Helioop~ - Spark'far. -·""·--: ·~f Stab.. tics I 4 . ,• • ' <. ~r.!filllil·~ < • ;.1>;,:.w : to w~lili ......,. ... Jor.~i)veo )lsuo and a fonnld.able IUTfY wu offered Tu"i<!ay, during CO.ta Mesa poll<:< b_elicopter hearings. • . •OitLY Pl\OT--.;, ........ ,\A llfOUP '! eipert$)i £~ililc> phasu of th' total ...... of UC\ll law on· fol<~ appU;id at \h;,.1nvi11t1oo o1 C<llndbnan Miilam L SI. Cl>it. rt'bey f.aced a hind£Ul ol. cOsta Mesam, lncluding , ' an attractiv{ b Jon d c •••• SOFT ·SEtl • · ~other, who had done 10mt: re- sWCh of her own. · • . • • Reed Glothtn Frotn Pllfl.11 l APOLW ... with: '·'Believe that's where we just came frGm ." "ll is, huh? Well I'm really looking at a bad screen here," Duke said. "Stand by one. Hey, you 're right !" Later, when a picture of the earth was shown, Duke said: "I refuse lo bite on this one. You tell w." "You'JI have some fun at the press con· ference after this shift," Collins kiitded him. "It's 2:30 a.m.," Duke countered . ''Everybody 'll be asleep. I'm gonna sneak off through the back way ." Armstrong showed viewers two sealed bores In which are packed precious bits of soil and rock that he and Aldrin col· Jected duriilg their momentous two-hour walk on the moon Sunday. "We know there's a lot of scientists from a nurnber of countries standing by . . to , see these lunar sainples-and we thought you 'd be interested in seeing that they really aie here," he}ald. He explained that the samples ~·ere placed in containe'& in the vacuum of the moon and were sealed to preevnt po6· sible contamination of the earth. The final television 1how from Apollo 11 was k"hedu1ed for 4:30 p.m. POT tonight, on the eve or the astronauts' homecoming to a hero 's welcome. From Page 1 BRESNAHAN ••• just county airport ." he explained. "There have l-0 be national elandards." Bresnahan was reminded that FAA \Vestcrn Region Director Arvin Basnight said last week tha~ Orange · County governm'1)h1 as oP&alor ,ol the. ~ must lilitlate a propo11ed nolse abatemt{lt program. Jt would then be considered ~ the FAA, in the light of air safety re-- quirements. "We've already asked them to allow us to do the same thing here tha~ the FAA has done at Washington National Airport," Bresnahan resp c:i n de d. (Washington National, one of the few in the nation operated by the FAA. hu a night nying ban and other anU-nolse procedures in effect). "We sUll haven't gotten an answer back from them ,'' Bresnahan said. "Orange County can send au the pro- posed documents they want 11! to, but what good is it going to do us?" "Besides. I don't think the FAA's \Vestern Region has the authority to act on this. The FAA in WMJ\lngton must take into con&ideraUon the whole air travel system ." The county airport chief emph asi7.ed: "We can't control departure1. We ha•e no control over left or right turn pat- terns. What is Basnight referring to as 1noiBe abatement) limits? The CAB and the PUC control airline schedules. The airlines don 't even submit their schedules to us." Bresnahan was opllmistic on one point. however. He said he belie-.: ts the county's "renlleman's agreement" with the airlines concerning night flights will stick -indefinitely. "The only violations J foresee are on ·holidays, when the airlines ,have to put in extra nights to keep people from jam· ming up the terminals." Apart from Ulat exception, he. sakl, "T think the gentleman's agreement will hold. All or the airlines are sincerely in· terested in opei:athlg coippatlbly with the adjacent areas. It doesn't seem reason&-ble'to me that ni&hl fllghts would be olhe"'1se needed -as long as we run the airpoit a.s a mttroport operation. And tb11-. wh•t we're doing now." Capo Re-enacts Portola Trip A dramatic ttenactment of the fin:t· Spanish expedlUon lo paas lhrou1h Orange County wUl ht presented ln San Juan Capistrano SU'Mtay. The costumed reere1tlon ol the Portola tide, •hich took place 200 yean a10. will be held on the Buchheim Fteld of Caplstr11no Junior High School at 3 p.m. It will be the highllght Gf a day of fetUvlties marking the blctntennlal of Callfomla. ·Mrt.-Lucy Wau~ C\ 2433 Colle&< Drive, &aid sbe contacted flie U.S. Marine Corps fgr some. flgw;es, based on their b"alning flights in !he Or.nge Cout -are•. She quot~ one major in charge of tl\4 USli-1C fill:ht control center as offerinl a· lofJli of 15,736 fllghls Jn • llS<iay period, along a one-mile corridor to the Mlle Sq~are training field in Fountain Valley. "That's an awful lot of flights per day," ahe deCtared. • " ' She said she understands the btneflts of a helicop system, but feels C<M!ta Mesa is too small al the present time and should initiate other crime-prevention methods. l\.1rs. Waughtal alao declared she was quoted out of context in DAfLY PILOT coverage July 15, containing remarks o( many citizens who spoke for and against the system .. She said concern for sunbalb~rs·in·the­ buff in her College Park area was only a minor objection to helicopters overhead, comparM to more pertinent and cqncrele . effects. such as noise, cost, and more· basic crime prevention .. Ted C. Bologh, of 288 Del Mar Ave., followed Mrs~ Waughtal to the pactjum·· and charged the men invited to the Tues-. day session were there to sell the city a bill of goods. He and another speaker both urged the helicop program be put on the ballcit next April for votm lo decide. Lake\food City Councilman George Nye, and others Involved in CW'rent police helicopter programs offered equally in· tcresting statistics and background in• formation. One of the specific complaintl by Costa 1.1esa.ns has been a need for investment in programs which will steer young peo- ple on the vray to good citizenahJp, In· stead of nabbing them in crime. Nye said Operation Slty Knight cover· Ina the Lakewood suburban are.a has \la!lly increased the respect for law and order, not among criminal elements, but the general citizenry. 'He said Lakewood city recreation pro- grams oCfeted It night have shown I 300' pei'cent increase, due to the added ptlfllic ' safety and confidence in police pro-· lectlon. Crime statistics have dropped roughly~ 10 percent each year, he added, allhoug~ the rale of prowler reports went up 250 percent the first year. Nye explained thls is due to' the fact many people did not report such incidents when a patrol car couldn't arrive for to minutes but are quick ot call when SkY.: Knight can be on the scene in three mlnu; tes. ''Two "ere ~ght just two houa~ from mine last Saturday night," he_ noted, saying t)is farnily was unaware o1· the capture and arrests in progreS11. .. In 30 days, nobody will even know it'11 ' up thtte," he added, when questioned about Sky KnJght noise complainta. · · One newspaper story about the heticop program demonstrated public enthusiasm -and a bit of misunderstanding of its Hnance -Nye continued. More than $250 In mailed donations came in atter a feature article in which Sky Knight was reported to aist only St· per capita in the city of about 75,000, persons. Luckily, he added, most of lhe dona-. tions carried return addresseJi. - From Page l HELICOPS ... cilman St. Clair when Lakewood In· augurated its nationally known OperaUon Skj Knight program 3¥~ years 'ago, ~t is now a staunch suppotrer . After r:onclusion of the proje<:t con- ducted 11& lhe federal 1overnment and Lo• ~eles County Sheriff's office, Lake.v.· Initiated its own helicopter progr Ny~ ie)d th~~ bought three: helicO'plers and !eaie the serivces o( three ope.rt 1,,ASO pilots, serving other surrounding cttJes on a very succes1ful contract basis. Otspite the fact Lakewood hu grown 15 percent in population through an· nualions, ~ noted, the crime rate bas dropped conl!Stently and no n e w policemen have been hired in two years. Lee Arnold. Los Angele! c o ti n t y coordinator for Uie Argus Orie and ArlUA Two bellcopter police aysWns, echoed Nye'& enthusiasm, adding one lmPortant point. <Xher entertainment dW'ing the day In· eludes the Freddie Hemande1 Mellcan Tr1o, troubadors and the Lilly Aguilar Daaoers. ..Uch wtU re-create Ule days or · the Spanish and Mexican period. He said -as did Nye -that Costa ~fes.a aijlhoriUes will bavt to develop the ir own system, because inditidua\ area needS do not allow copying or anothor a4ency's program. Lot Ancelea Sberifr1 Offloe CapL B• }fo(lman, head of t~ LASO hefiCJlptlr division, orrered a number o( answers to tecl\nical and cost quesUom of the pro- A barbecue will be served lo ll[e f:i lernoon In U,.1'hi>lpita~le lf~Uon !If C.lifomla '" Nets are belill ·sold 11 $1.fi at m~ny Oran1e 00Unt7 diim\;J dt <:ommotce olllcu .. hd local .bulllne-In th< comsnuni!1. -I ;. " grama... \ •1• I I 11?>\ttler Police Chief Ja111e9 Bales aeld • hli cl{f·is· ont of thoge lnvol•ed In tl\1 coopm;ttve AriUS heUcnpter Pf()grams end.II extrenlel1 utllfied with coot ll>d scrvlct--_ . I I I F.RJNabs No Cash!' No Aid War Lull May Reach. . SepteJ!ther ·SAIGON (UPI) -The pre!ent .lull in Vjet Cong and North Vietnamese ground al· tacks could stretch to Sep- tember ·and become t be longest of the war in Vietnam, U.S. mllitary sour~ said ~ TA~,A. Fla. (UPI) -"~'s too late°;" choked the mother of critically ill Joanne M~ccl aa doctors pondered whether to Use an expensiv~ artificial kidney·macbine ln an ltterript to 8a.Ve the 2.1-year-old itrl's life. "She has no mind now," she 11aid. "She's a vegetable.". -in a bitter attack Tuesday against welfare auttmiUes and ~it.al of!lcials if\ 'Saru- ot.a and Tampa whom Mrs . Dominic M 1r z u c·c i says 'ABM Foes Offer -Plan I\ ··To De~y Deployment Red Chinese . . ' WASHINGTON (UPI) - StlO insisting( thq fre in the majority, foes ~ the an- tiballistk missUe~enf plan- ned to unveil a re~ised pro- posal today barriql ABM deployment l_oc one Year· , Sens. Philip A. Hart (0.. Mich.}, and John Shermao Cooper CR-Ky.), !aid tbe1r new amendment. to lbe '20 billion def en.le procurement b i 11 would be unchanged i n su~tance but would "give it a clearer definition of purpose." The two legislators pl8nned to make the amendment the SF Paper. Heir Dies SAN FRANCISCO CAP) Mrs. Helen de Y o u n g Cameron, daughter of a co- . founder o£ The San Fraocisco 1 HONG KONG (AP) -Two Chronicle; died Tuesday at.her r Americans told newptusmeden ~ ' home In Htnsbo~. shi was day they were ca r Y . . . r. uni.st Chinese fishermen 86 and had been JD falling Release 2 • · U.S. Sailors , ~mm ·~-· I _ .. , . b 11 .r.igtlt days ago, beld 41tlsoner 1,_.th a net 3&illenng a eart ~ a\)d questioned ·~ tbelr ~ttack nearly two years ago. J.....~cht and then rel~ ea£.ly 1,&e was'the elde.st daughter .. -this morning. :: ~ .-. M.H. de Young, who found- .4 'Mmolhy Allan . Pierioni-24. eel the newspaper more than a t Minneapolis, Mmn., 8 n d c;eolury ago. Her husband, ~ Debteana Chrltsine H~nk1e, ':'· George Toland ~l'Oftt who l"'S&nll Barbara, _Calif., said became publisher o( The 1 they were takn 1nto cutody Qirorticle; dted Jn 1955. 4 after tlleJ aocidenllll:1 llr•yed FUneral arranpmei!IJ aro 'into ~i;:omsrn:mil\·•fttr!.· Incomplete. Mn. Caertn ·a l'l<itol!· Hid tliOt ~ '!'I' survived by a llater, 'Mrw. ·' mi•troated durin& ·tlltlt con· Nkm Tucker of'l!wilnpme. 'flnement. , · ' Pierson, who c:~me lo Hong · I 'Kong .. veral weelol ago, said Transatlantic ; he •had .iconftrted Jn old lifeboat tnto a 30-foot sailing t crafL • During a shakedown ~lse '"' July 14, the v..,.I -,••collided with a small Chinese ,,craft and we lost our ma!l" l(neilr Ptdro Blanco tsland. about 15 m1lel eaM-of Hona- ltong. -''W\thout the 'mast," be·q,id, ''We started dr1(Ung and were helpleu to eo:M'I our. clJr<o. tloo. Calls Delayed ' ' , ~Ing business before ad- jOuryunent today. But they said tl;lere was litlle chancfl or a vote before t b e end of the month.· The ABM is a system designed to protect the United States• offeMive 1nissile9 from deslrucllon'by enemy at1-ck. Sm Gonion !. Allot! (R- COio.), wbo supports the ABM, • ' .... • ' 7Mtol~,...-~. . '1 7:D0-1:30.10:00-11:30 .... 1:00,Z:»-4:0o.l::!Oo7:0M:SO,... ti Mor• on Wffktnde. .! " l " 1 ' ' . .. ·-~ 1 ' 1 • I • • • • I D MLY PILOT . EDITORIAL. PAGE I ·New .Loo~ a't Bay ~I an The ' covrttV• re1pondt>flitlt' tn It.I 'ruiteuhlp of Ui. Ui>J>a llfv tfd<lond• It 1o lf<k 111< Qffi!tu& b<n<ftt tor Ille grcalul n•mb<r of people for &hi longesl period of iilM Jor ~ lt11&t co.tt. _. -·'!bat statement by a county official capsulizes the very complex and emoUonally involved problem of the Ul'l"'r Newport Bay land change which last weei be- came the subject ol an Orange County Grand Jury resolution. The jury's resolution suggest& that a new Upper Bay plan could be developed to give the public more waterfront than it envisioned in the land exchange pro. gram now agreed to betWeen the county and the Irvine Comeany. The jury wisely avoided comment on the legal and financial aspects of the land exchange. These issues already are beaded for adjudicalion and surely will be raled all the way to the Supreme Court iii Califar._ The Grand Jury's acfiOn comes against a back .. grouDd-of greaUy increased public concern over pre. &ervation of ocean shoreline for public use. 'Ih1s con--cem has been symboliud most recenUy in the Santa Barbara Channel oil disaster a;nd in ~oc'1.c,qnce~ over abandonment of Salt Creel Road near. Dana Point. '· The major deficiency in the Grand Jury's study is ·that 11 produced no new informalicln \iJ10n ~hich to base ifs conclusions. The list of ~ersons the jury talked to is indeed a long .one, and information revi~wed apparenUy was Volwninous, bul nQ new or disinterest~ "experts" were consulted; no new major facts were uncovered. So, wbat we have is in effect a statement by .a spe- clal type of citizens' commlltee voicing hope that per- haps an Upper Bay plan can be developed, with gr~ter benlllt ·for more people, with decreased emphaS1s on tile ~least cost" coaald¥e1Wn· , '1'be Gr8J)CI Jury's l'Ololution Is not lo tt&elf 1ubstao• . . Ila! reason lPI' 1tarli11& over on the UPJ>Or Bay trade. Legelly, It pro)>ably has no 1latus. Bui 1t 11 slgnlllcant beca(IJe .11 fa the first action by ao official body In Oranre• County calliJlg for r....,xamtnatlon of the basic concept of Upper Bay development. Wbere does thia-leave the Upper Bay land ex- change? Preswna~ly just about where it was. No mat .. ter w"bo ceu whf.t pror.:rt.y by u:change or condemna· Uon, the qu01Uolll of egality and financial equlty still will be selUed in court. How to achieve the "greatest benefit for the great· "'" est number" always will be di1putable. But is cannot be divorced from how much we are willing to P•Y· The Dqwntown Plan The -Calif!'rilli Hig&way Conunission las~ week made ii o!ficial -.the Newport Freeway will veer we~ard froin Bay Street and end up followin& the general routing of Superior Avenue into the city of Newport Beach. A, the DAILY PILOT bas suggested previously, freeway construction provJdea a· unique opportunity to develop around. the new roadway and can even provide a mearis of clearing the area of blight or potential blight. . .t • The city-council and downtown business owners al· ready have beard •n• redevelopment proposal and the '• city planning department is s~king more offers of e.1.· pert advice. · Now planning can begin in earnest. Both the city and lhe dcnyntawn merchants' group have shown strong intel'Oll in .a redev~opment plan. 'l'llat intere11 must !Je turned IDIO ac:jton -and very soon. The ~rllln- 1ty to take advantage of a ten-year program " in its ear)!ost stages. · . Dear -1-- (Cl , __ Drivers.Eind ··S tatus Mark I On _Freeways Gl90my Gus: t . ·Changing Shiftless Pedro's linage • An obler'Vec from another planet -ln-habltid 1" m<l'1.raUonal 1creature1 than we ire -would be bard put to un- denllnd the behavior ol Earlhllngs, U he -In bis !nterplan<tary spa ..... 111 over an1 Mm:rican freeway « ex· preaway at I in tbt morabl& or 5 in tbt af~ el U.....00. of Cll'I lnchlnl bumper lo ~· loor or •Ix iuW thrwl. -Uklnl 1111rly an lioor lo arme '-! their d4!Rlnatlon - while, porallelllng this tne'>rOJ, there II a broad and totally emply surface street. WIUCHEVER crrv lie drifl<d over, lie would find the aaine Inexplicable lnlfic snarl, with the same almoet deserted avenue running alongaide the ex· presiway. And he would have to conclude that it was not speed but some other desiderabun that prompted mUliom of motorists to move their can onto U· pressways at these particular hours. But we would '9 wrong in auum.l.ng that Earthlings are as rational as the in-- habitants of his planet. For we are what tralfic engineers call vlcUms of "freeway meJltality.'' Because the freeways were built to relieve congestion on the surface .streeU:, we have totally abandoned lhe aurface streets and transferred the con- gesUon to the freeways. No longer a means to an end -getllng there faster - the uprwwa)' ha.s become an end in ttseU. IN A RECENT ISSUE of the journal, "'Traffic Safety,'' a transportation official Costa Mesa'• 'ma)'9r bas 1 real sense of humor. HJa rtetntly ap- pointed 11elf..ltyled"'blfle . ribbon" freeway colnmlttee of establish- rnt'nl empolyes,· whtle demon- strating hia keen sense of hutTior. sadly dilcount. his · reputed smartneas IS the pilot of I vkil upanding city. --J: G. M. Tiii• fMhlni nirlleb "'"""' WllWt. 111111 ftKffMr11r ,,.... .. ' .,.. ..... , •• ,,. 1411111 '"' .. ""'" ... ......,. ou .. O.ltr ..... 1n Los Angeles warned that "freeways can be victlma of their own popularity during pua,~. ud many -.med authorltlel aee the o v.e r 1 oa de d lll(>erhlPWtY• 1Um1ng mto bottleiiecks." He Polnlo out that only five percent of California road! are freeways, yet they carry eo percent of the traffic. During the six peak houn of the day -whJch is to say, about half of the daylight hours, when people do most or their driving - the average speed is only 30 miles an hour •. Hardly a breath-taking velocity for a multi-billion dollar road system. YET, THE parallelling surface streets would be just aa last, and sometimes much faster. Every motorist knows that one car out of commiMion in one lane of o:pres.sway can tie up traffic for a mile -and this Is most likely to happen dur· ing lhe rush hours. But hardly anyone will give up the dubioua status of riding the freeway and take a surface street to his destlnation. ·Frteways become obsolete almost from the moment they are completed ; it 's a part of Parkinson's devilish law that traf· fie mounts to meet the maximum capaci- ty or the road, and there is no end to Utls process, until the country is entirely criss-crMSed with freeways and all traf- fic has ground to a halt-while kids play ball on surface streets. 'Little Guy' Fi nds Voice 'l'• the Editor: The UtUe guy has little chance of being heard o:ctpl througb letters to the editor. I write as a Uttle guy, and l note that the continual arrest of petty dope violators ts something to make all of us retch al the idiocy of busting a little guy, cau,tlt with some "grass," while the 10Urse of lhe grass remains untouchablf:. American dope, Sold to people ln Mex· ico, comes back here lo make millions for the syndicate which controls the dope B 11 Geor11e --~ Dear George: How and to whom can l complain about the ()'Item of raUng movies! ';he last Hve "Adult Only" moviea I wtnl to wm hardly dlrty at all FURIOUS Dear Furious: Fire oH • letter to the Legion of Decency -let aome of these pro- ducers gel away with a lltUe here, 1 lltUe &hue and before you know It wt.11 be back to ano\her rerun of "'1'11o Wilatd ol Qi." Dear Gtorge: Wbeo IJ tt oll right lor a girl to artnecldntl llMr Biolldll: -... ,..._, BLONDIE -(-lo Gecqe Ind notJco how sllly It It Jo •llJl<d a Iota! atrangor to-,...,.. probt<m1.1 traffic by the threat of death., rr IS THAT simple, yet not so well known. Even Adam Clayton Powell, wanted in every state to 'repay the federal money he wasted. deplored the busUng <lf the little guys while the big ones go free, for which he got applause on a recent TV interview. Let's keep on retchl.ng at the outrage until the ~Illy Congfm does IOU'lethlng about tt. WrlUng to them Is just old hac But. retching Is something new. MILT BASHAM ltlon Vtulerp•ltl M•n To the Editor: I disagree wtlh your "Mauldin Car· toon" of July 17th as to the most UR· derpald man -aJrport air controlltra. 'Mila despite the fact our son-in-lllw la a 727 pilot. The most underpaid men on the. United States p1yroll are on lht flriDa: Une in Soulh Vietnam. Apparently Mauldin Juol simply foratta at times, daplt.e bis w1dt popularity. RUSS£L!-~ENNl'!'f Lttt.n '"'"" rHdtrll .,. ""'--"'9imWllb' Wl'flont "*'Ni -""Ir "'""" 111 .. ..,._ er It ... T~ rlfltl M (9MtnM lltMtt 9-!It -« lllll'llMi. llbtcl 11 raM ....... All ltll"I llltnt 111(.""9 11t...-hln1 ~ m11l1111 ~'"'' !:NI ,,_ wlll W •l!flllolllll .,. ,_,, II wnkttnt ,_ It _..Nftl. A form letter n«nUy circulated to siin designers in Southern California focuses attention on a rapidly developing trend lhat is dictating a change of think· ing in regard to some pract.icea that have been popular in designing signs and out· door advertising. "For many yws, you and I have been walcbing the government try to solve the problem of race rilaUons to no avail,•• writes Jerry L. Marks in bebalf of an organization called Progreas ("People Repulsed Over General Rklicule Employ· Ing Stereotype Suggesuow">· This has resulted in the pulling apart of the racu, instead of the cogllng together," he con· Unues. "In most~ ~le have had lhlngs shoved don tlleir throats: unemployed man with 1 family being forced onto the wellare rolls lruitead o( being retrained for a new job, and tax· payers being forced to pay tµgh taxes on account of ill·managed poverty pro- grams." ~ "YOU Al\E IN A position to help change the tides of prejudice in this great country of ol.D's," Mr. Marks pointed out. "For years many sign designers have been designing signs that depict a Mex· lean as a lazy, poorly dressed and un- truBtworthy-looking person. In doing this, sign designers are contributing to the poisonous tide waters of prejudice that hl\'.e Oowed from generaUon to genera· lion In our coonlry." While his remarks nferred only to Me:dcan type's, they were sure to bring immediate recall of Negro, Italian, Jewish, American Indian. Japanese, Chinaman, Hindu. "Hayseed," hillbilly and other characterizations. Since the earliest days of signs and outdoor ad· vert.lsing, art and design morgue files have Included some unflattering stereotypes. And whenever a· slgn or out· door advertising display was to express a particular whimsical navor, there was an inclination to dig into the file and pull out one of the okl, dependable bromides. It was a simple and easy route to "creative" exprwion thai would set a mood; it was sure to work well with a general public lhal gave little thought lo the aensltiviUes of mJnorlUes. Groups so characterized accepted the situation with resignation, as tllen didn't appear to be anything they could do about ti. "ENLIGHTENED PEOPLE everywhere are coming to Ute rtallu.Uon that It is the little things in people's lives that give them the reeling that other peo- ple are inferior," Mr. Marks tonllnues. "Example: Little children, seeing a Mex- ican portrayed on televilk>n. i n newspapers, radios, signs and outdoor ad· vertislng, as a lazy, stupid, poorly dress- ed and dishonest person, get just one view of Mexicans and conclude lh&.t all Me deans are that way. The result is pre- judice and di>criminaUon being dir«!tod ~ard Mexican-Americans." Sucb had been tbe situation; but anyooe who during the put rew 1yevs has been looking at l<l..Won ud movtea, listening to the radio, reading newapape.n and maaatlne.s or simply carrytng on conversations with other people, hardly needs to be told that the whirlwinds of chana:e are having their ef· feet. Nol only have the mlnorll:les spoken out agalMl 1liscrlminaUon, but lhe gueral public has become coplulll of minority vlewpolnls and senaltlvttles. What once passed ·u natural humor now rouae1 1nllpathy u being arosaly unfalr and In poor ta&t.e. wrrR PRISIDENT NIXON calling upon t.int.11 for involve.ment In the civil rfghta and urbln.µnewa1 crises and with business organl1a1Jons and leaders ( R8· Uonal state and local ) undertaking pro- dl&loua programs of lrainina:, employ· .· -:·-""'"':'"""'" ~-·' " ~ . ',, Gu~i •.Eaito"rlal \ ~ y . ' • ' '•"'" •• .. ~· '~~ ment and the like, lhe sign and outdoor advertlslng industry must be alert to res- pond wherever and however it can. Considering the distribution and impacl of sign and outdoor ~dvertising a· preasion on the American scene, eitreme care with nipy and pictorial to avoid Ir• rltation that would fuel the controversies, would obviously be a prime contribution lo the cause. ... But sjgn and outd?Or advertising designers have much more reason than that to pay heed lo the semitiviUes or minorities. For one thing, these pro- gressing minorities are rapidly becoming much more afOuerlt markets for ad· vertisers. Al!O of great importance to the success of the aign and outdoor ad· vertising programs. the general publie b no longer in a mood to laugh and respond to-the old bromides which are now in· creasingly considered to be in bad taste. To avoid unfortunate incidenta dtvel~ tng W. the rµsh of designing activi.Uea. it woutd be well lo go through the morgue files and eliminate characterizations that are out-(lf-ttep with the times. Dave Soader Edlter Sipa ol the Timts It May Be a Year t0: Fear Items from a space aae newspaper In the year 2069. · NEW YORK-The Insertion of a new spinal column into Roscoe J. Withers, 23rd, today on his 812th birthday made him the universe's champion receiver of human tran!plants }Vilh a total ol 56 parts. Her<> is a breakdown oJ his transplants: 9 hearts, 17 kidneys, 4 spinal cplumm, 16 Jive.rs, 8 brains and 2 ears. I "I :1ardly know who I am anyriiore." joked Withers, who sat up and began tak- ing bending exercises Immediately a!tcr the ope.ration. SEA OF TRANQUIUTY, the Moon - The massive escape attempt by i,469,Sl.2 convic:; from this satellite's third largest prison was reported under control early today . Some two million had surrendered. Guards reported that another mHlion who tried to make a last-ditch 51.and in a series of nearby craters had ~ U· terminated by aerial :1-ray att.ac!k and ad- ded confidently: '/ ''The rest will be rOllJlded up·shortly.'1 AU of the fugitive convicts were de!!perate life-termers, each or whom had already been imprisoned here for 200 years or more. CAPITAL CITY, Saturn -John F. Nixon McKinley Roosevelt, 14th , hereditary ruler of the universe, an- nounced today that the sol1r 1ystem '1 projected $897-octillion budget for the year 2970 had been cut by $35 octillion. '"We must cut every cornef and lighten our belts," he said in a mwiage to the Universal Congress, "in order to avoid a disastrous inflation. "This· lldmlnlatratloo II pted&ed to preserl'e the ~alue of the dollar." At the same time, he said, it would still be nectsSary to increase the univerae'a standing military force by sa million mt.n to protect the solar 11ystem from any in- vasion threat J>y troops from neighboring systems. BOSTON, ~iass. -A convention oI educators at Harvard University e:i· pressed alarm today at what they called "a growing tendency" among youths under the.age of 200 to quit school. "These dropouts already constitute a threat to an ordered society," a state- ment theyjEd ted unanimously said. "ln the wo d of the future any youni man or n who abandons the classroom ore the age of 200 to 250 w!U find lnuiell a misfit inadequately prepared to hold a responsible job." De.legates to the convention were round· ly booed by an unruly mob of 7S,OOO hi&h st:hool pupils, most of whom appeared to be about 150 to 175 years old. Ma rr iage : Just a Laugh CANAL CITY, Mars-Authorities here qaietly announced setllement of the Jong strike by the Interplanetary Federation of Sanitation Workers that has ltft the solar system littered witb debris for the last ~ years. DuJ'ing a letnage party, one of the girls tossed a playful challenge at her boy friend: "Marry me -l dare you!" The idea seemed so hilarious that they drove across the state line, found a justlct of the peace, and went through a formal wedding ceremony. Afterward, both the ''bride" and the •·groom'J returned to their respective home.3. A few days later, uneasy about what they had done, they went to court lo have the ceremony annulled. And the court ruled that, despite the formalities, they were riever truly married. "MERE WORDS.'' said the judge, Wlclu .,\(• ·1111• .. w1111 ~ ... kin • fld WINI will ~I wt!U!' ' , Aittiougb terms of the compact wei::e not disclosed, It was believed each of the 12S million sanitation workers received a $$7 million wage hfke. Their work week will be cut to five hours a.nd they will be given seven-month vacations. "without any Intention corresponding lo . them will not make a marriage." ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. -A wdlowy . f . _ Jass rrom the planet Uranus triumphed f..fost courts agree that,11 •marriage I! over other flnallsts tonight to btcome purely ln test, it Mas no legal standing. bea1.1ty queen of the solar system. However, 1t is a different story if the '"nlis is all so uneipected," gasped ma rriage -although mtanl le. be tern· Miss Uranus. Her three bright blue eye.ii porary -1.s no joke. llbus: • filled with tears as she received her An engaged couple had a bitter quarrel crown. the night before their wedding day. ln The first bald-headed glrl in history to tears. the girl said they should break up. win the contest, ldlss Uranus is only 75 But the young man pleaded : years old. She Is 18 feet tall and she: ha~ "f..1y boss has promised me a raise on an BS-inch bust, a 47·incll waist, and 82 the basis or our getting married. Let's go inc6 hips. ahead so l can get the raise. Then, later, we can have the marriage snnulled ." BUT IN TIUS cRse, the court refuted to grant an annulment. Tbe jud1e bid this «remony, even thou.ah entered into for a special, limited purpose, waa still a mar- riage at the moment It wa1 performed. What about a "trial marilage!" One couple got married with the private understanding that, if things did not work out. either one of them could have It •n· nulled. But hue. too. lhe court found no 1rounds for annulment. AJ one Judge put It: "M1rriage i.1 not !Omelhln1 to be swept aside lightly. To permit the annulment of a marriage otherwise legal, Ul>Of\ mtre proof that the parties agreed beforehand tG hive It annulled. would destroy the dlpily of the marrla1e rel1tlonshlp. ·• An Americcn Bar As.ii:ociatlon pub- Jlc seruioe feature bu \VilJ Bernard. . _..., __ Wednesday, July 23, 11169 Th< e4ilorlot poge at the DoUp Pitot 1ee1r.1 to inform isnd ..Um- ulatt reader1 btt J)T'fttnting this newspaper'1 optnio11.1 and com- mentarv on topicl ot i7itcrcat and ~onl/iconce, b11 provfdino o fotam for the esprt1rion .o/ our reodtr1' oplnfmt1. and bv pre1tnting the dlu1t1e vitw- poinLI of fnforni.ed ob1crver• a1ld ipo1oe,.... on lopicJ of the day . Robert N. Weed, Publisher 1 • - ' Early Bird Catches Wfl:t?~ Morning surf enthusia6t-fights for balance as h·e ·drives ahead of break near Huntington Beach Pier. He made it. Air temperatures of 66 degrees, with \l.•ater temperature o! 63 degrees and ape lo three- foot waves \'las the set up about 7 a.m. as several surfers put in a bit of wave time before heading for \vork or summer School. Salt Cr.ee.k Path Studied • \ . . ~ . . County Looks at Flood Co11tr_ol 1 Cliannel as .Route Pllony Jbo~ Faces Suit· . • By ~a~~~n! A fonner paUent ol pllony phfslclan Robert ,Ervin Brown sued t~e convicted Alabama man, the 'c:ll.f\lc l'le p'racUoed· in and . fil-'e of his properly • accredited n1edical colleagues Tuesday (or ~.000 in damag_es. , • Jes!I ~ten of Santa Ana nall'\es u prin- cipal dtfeqdpnt ln bis Superlor1Court ~e­ Uqn the FullertOn ·Internal Me~ute Cllnlc; the ta.clllty which hired Brown last January aqe~ly ,In the , belief that be was Qr. Cilenn Lyon FOsler, an Alabama · heart sitf:crallst. Allen's su it Ind icates tha~~e was one of some YOO pati.ents mc>!it of them sutr.ertng from heart aliments, who Were treated by the bogu! .cardiologist over a two- mon..!h, ..PiJ:iQd~~Ht claims that "Ur. Foster'' first examlhed him on January 14 but that .. he suffered lncre.aslnC pAln and distress during the period that he re- mained under his Ch. Allert alleges that his health ·has deteriorated as the result or Bi:tiwn1a "improper trtatment." Brown, 30, of Blrmingbam, Ala, Is now serving a ooeJo 10 year state prison tenn in1posed by Superi.or Court Judge Byon K. 1o1cMillan last June .5. A Superior Coort jury retu~ a guilty -.et'dict· ·on two of 14 felony count.s of practicing medicine without a license. Throughout hi.! trial. the $Oft-spoken bespecta<:h;d Bl'Qwn, ·an Impressive and eloquent 'lfilliess i11. his own behalf, in- slstec;t .,that he knew his limitations and that hi! would never have allowed hann to befall any of bis patients. tie revealed a deep medical knowledge and famil~rity with card_iol~gy tOCoughout a lengthy trial. s DAAY ,..., ;l:.. 4 I i ) . Dre:clging Chatinels . . . . f j P-ropose s[f Sunset- Special Dl~t~,ict ; J . ' ' . :J A public hearing has been set Cor S:!pt. 3 at 9:30 a.m. on the propo!led1fonnatlon of an Improvement district to pay for bulkheadlng and dredging in Sunset and ltlh Street channeb in Sunset Beach. Supervisors Tuesday heard Gerald Jones of Sunset Beach requ est th3t the county pay all costs of dredglog, estimat- . ~ at $58,000, in the total job which may cost $350,000. - Supervisor David L. Baker denied that Dick Ruiz of his office had told property owners in the proposed imP.fovement db.trlcl that the county wou_*-pick up the tah for the dredglng. "If It is legally poS!lble, and i£ the county . through the !{arbor District, can afford the cost, the board might 'tpprove paying for the dredging." Baker said. Jones pointed out t~at most of the ero- Beauty and Hosts At Dual Opening You might call this one Beauty and the Hosts. The new host etimmittee of the Hun- tington Beach -Chamber of C~mmerce will ofOcla te at a dual grand opt:ning Thursday with the pretty ass istance of Conn ie Jo Pllster. Miss Jiuntinglon Beach, and three queens. The infonnal gatht!d.ng wlll oote the opening of Charles Steff ans of Huntington Beach, manufacturer of W o m e n ' ~ perty owners in the propoaed ~ :~ (east and west or Broadway_. on the norO :J side ol Pacmc Coast Highwoy) "V, · workine people." 1 :) "\Ve want two·pqints cleared, up befori ;. t.he hearing," he ar'gued. "Fir1i, a lS-feaf~: qlfnlmum on repayment or bonds, and thl .. counly lo pay the cost ol the dndglng." .: : lie was 'UsUred that the bonds would : be for 1~ years or more. :' Jones pointed out that the $350,oOO !' estimated cost was I ~ ti.mes the tolil ' assessed \•alue of the propo6ed diltrict, f and "I ,can't guarantee that lhe people • ~ill approve .the dislrid it-thef tiave .,i pay for-the dredging;"---.. He said many homes in the a·rta were: flooded at Um13 ol high Udea or ~ rains "because the okl bulkheii<ts· iii-~ stall~ by lhe ~~le ~ve deterioratlld~ • • ·Board Chairman William H. Hlrstel'n ; wanted to know ir there wa.s any area .. available ror pabllc docking facilities. i Jones said four or live ·street ends were ' usable. 4 Little Leagues Oasl1 Thursday Top teams frorrr" each of Hupllngton Beach's four Little ~ague baseball areas \vill clash Thursday, Friday and Satur4ay on the Oceanview Little Leag\11: fieldi tn what may be the start of an aiinual city chan'lpionship tourney. l . j By JAc;K ·BRODA.CK beach shQ.!n which h1! ~d would be raf·, Creek area were .shown by Dick qt '"· Dfiltr. r11o1 11111 . fled to rtlie fund.!_ for . the campaign. He Brotbe{ton, Laguna Hl&h School tei:Uor. A pedestrl~n:--p&th)"'ar t.o -Salt Creek --velued-ttte,.pairlllftg-~H500: ·---· =---Depieted:wer~-~ • Sportswear, and DeGuell & Sons Tape Whetmoi·e's_Bill_ Town, carrying stereophonic eguipment. -, .· --The-n-a:m. event will-be at Steffaus Meeting in the initial co~te,t al 1:15 p.m., 'Olursday, will be the championship teams -not all-stars -from 5qvtew ~· bittlet.ague a•d lhmlillgloa'\I beach ~tween Soulh Laguna anQ Dana _"\Ve respect t~e rights _of_the·~.gu~a ~I•~ waves. . • · ,· Point in southeastern Orange Counly will Niguel CofWraUon to d~v~lop tR~-pro-Knowlton F~ld Jr., v1~ erestdent "O( he studied 11-s· a possible solution to the pe.rty they own but there!~ a :salut10J1 to tJ1e J;agupa. NigµeJ CorporaUqn, and ,Alex much-disciwed public beach access pro-llus problem some~here, Brennan ~d· Bowie, altomey for the finn provided the blem ded. "All we need Is convenient access to opJ>O$iU9l1r., ·~ ~ ·' Th~ Board of ·Supervisors 'l'uesday, I.he beach. Oul' beacblront proj>erty is the' SqWie aaid ~akers had told "of most valuable in the world." ' beacttes ' that shoU!d be acquire; in lPe after 8 two-hour hearing before an Jack . Snlpek, ·chairman Of the nexlfew,yea"' but.they left ~.the h.ow.'' The state· Senate F'lnance Committee overnow audienc,e 0~ tnore than 150 beach Capistrano Ba~ark and Recreation the al"" ...... " noted. ''You hav" ,here two bas tabled a bUI by Seo. James Whet-lovers, voted unanimously to have · the · ol · """"f'->' 1 ,.. • f County Cdun*.-' and Flood Control DiStrlct boar.d, -I the dJ.scuss1on, urg-~~,.ot ..... y:>e ~11ers-i:try1ng_ to more (·R-Garden GroW'e) for creation o a ~1 ing. the supen: lo. "do the. best _you, acccmpll~ lilt! sam,, ~-'Ii' different new District Court of Appeals in Orange t;>ist!iC,t' s\u~y .the posslbilit)' of ip~l~di,ng can to prov.ide. -·to beaches 1n" our. mannet~' r. i::..i !. t~~ -County. Ii ~estrlap walkway in a planned flood ar~a. '1le a~ref:ia(e wbal yot'.J ~id ~t "LagUna N1(ue1 · acquim ' •t ·h e It was tabled Monday, which wu the contriil channel ftom Pacilic Goast Aijso Beach but we waot aomettung m beachfront tor ca.sh and plans to xovide deadline for hearing on Senate bill in Highway to the beach. our area." a recreation area for 80,000 peopl.e. This cimmittee and Wbetmore·s request for The sUggesUon was made b Y He offered petitions 1vllh more than will Je1v1, the propertl. on the lax rolls, time to. qevelop testimony was rejected. Supcnii.wr Robert \V. Battin, but he first 1.500 signatures from people in U1e area paid,,for by'taxpayers,' Bowie continued. SB 177 would have' split Orange County moved that the pedestrian walkWay ,be from San Clemente to Newport Beach, "How can you solve the problem," the from tl1e fourth district and crealed a required af!d that Laguna N lg u e I from Los Angeles and all over Southern attorney asked-the supervisors, and then .separat~ .appellate district. ·nie Fourth Corporation's drainage plans not be ap-Caltfornia. ~'ered the qut:stion. Appellate Dl6tricl includes San proved unless the pedestrian path was in-Helen KeeleJ. former Lagwril Beach "You can buy it with tax money but is D~nydlno, ~llJ Otego and Orange, coun- clud~. _ ~ _ ~ i 0£fill.!JCi hnan ~nd .grand J~ror, wJ10 trJI· tb11t ~y_lklflkJO_:_the_peop!.~ 0£ tbe ca@JY tl~. _ • __ ___ _ Supervisor David L. Baker supported gered the Salt Creek cohtroversy liUt u.a whole! Is it fair to have the county The Ieglalature has decided to move on Batun·s idea but objected strongly to the spring in a ~caring before a slale buy, beaches for the ~ of people from a blll by San Oi~o Assemblyman Pete n1andat-Ory wording. ~ leil51ative JP)mmittee, · quoted frcin many other cot.lntlm.~ Hiw -do you get the 'Vi~ to ad~ ee JudaU. to the ex- Anef much discussion, the board ap-Volulniii'ous documents which she said mMt for the taxpayer's dollar? The ISUnt i•~lla~ 01i N'e.w Courts .. Dies in Senate establishment located at Adams amt Atlanta Avenues. -·· . Valley to Study State· Park Bill ' Fountain Valley Parks aiid RecreaUon ConimlSsioners will take their third look al a stale assembly blll lo provide paik rands lo local governments at 8 o'clock tonight. Conslderatjon will be given ,lo the pro- vls1ons.ip the Z'berg Assem bly Bill 2233. Fund tbr Establishing Recreation Mon,ies for Local Governments. • The blll would pi:ovide state funds for loce.l r:e~Yoo n~ oti bot!\ a match\n&. and a ce!Cl...basis,_park money would.:.be drawn -1n1m~ special laxes ~AAfd ad-- mlJslons to _prtlng activ1tr~ •• lar&e aales of 111>9rlJEI, ~W.PmJn~ and a sum· nterttme tax,Ot\ lhbtot fUel. '. , tie Leagu.e. . Friday's conte!l will pit tbe top teams from Robinwii>d and Ocea.nvlew lJtue·- Leagues, also at 5: 15 p:m • Losen of ~ fi_rst two games will bat. : tie ·for third plact in a 10 a.m. tilt,; with the city 'championship match !oll<iwtnJ • at 2 p.m. ~ Tennis Oass 8et For Housewives A few openings remain In a .temds course for housewives'; offered ~ the Westminster RecruUon and ParU1liept. • All clasaes start July 2' and will be of· fend from 9:30 1.m. to 10:31 a.m.. Sl t;. ~ QJolnlt .mal> ~..-~1:111".m." : 3,30 p.m,alYt'emmloller .. Hlil>JlcliaoL Reglsttatfon -1qr tlie 'l'Uiid1y ...ct · .xhut'!'l<Y sessiON will be taken al the Jlecre&Uod .,·anc1 •Par~ llt;i.1 10 o we.tnllnster Ave;( • I . proved the revised mollon b'ut no time etin\ained : answer lies In undeveloped portions of the I---"'-'-:..!.-~ \V8S set for the counse l and district to -1'he !\laster Plan of Shoreli ne coastline. This property is well along in 'ATLA:~NTl·c· MUS: ·re' -SONY report back. Development of Orange County \1941) development" Large applause greeted the board's mentioned acquisitlop of beaches from Attorney Wllliam . Wilcoxen of Laguna decision from the strongly partisan Three Arch Bay to' Doheny State Beach. Beach, who has a lawsuit pending against HEADQUARTERS! crowd from • Laguna Beach, Dana Point -A Board of Supervisors' resolution the supevison' ~bandonment of Salt and San Clemente. The crowd 'included (1 94.9) proposed Salt Creek Belch ac-Creek Road. eot"1lered with, "The county many small children. quis.itlon to include 8,800 feet Qf has spent hard. cold dol.IW in Laguna Brennan ''Hevs" 1'1cClelland. a resident beachfronl. Niguel r'oads, and fiood ~· Ifs time of Laguna Beach since 1940, led the -A denial by the County Planning to provide some beaches .. forces oppos ing Laguna Niguel Corpora· Commission (195&) of abandonment CJf Supervisor Alton E~ Alliµt, who last F'ri- tlon's plans for a privat e beach lo serve Salt Cree.k Road because "it is needed for day proposed that the county put aside: $1 the development's ultimate 8 O , O 0 0 access to the beach." million l9 be raised by a ktnt tax levy residents. "The demand for the beach is here for beach acquisitton, t:xplalned tbat If He said he was representing "the now," Mr1. Keeley concluded. "Sa lt the supervisors follow his sliJl:gestlon "it surfer element," but laced his remarks Creek should be a first priority for your does not mean the money is eannarked with quotea from an unn amed acquisition." for SaJt Creek. We v."OUld probably name servicmian, "a former surfing cham-Ten others spoke In favor of "saving a corilmli&ion, as ''e have done with A Complete Selection of 28 New Sony Models on Display pion." the beach" topped by: 3-ycar-old Tim parks, to advise on acquisitions." . "This is what I'm flghting for , to en)oy Mulvey of Laguna, ,who sa id he was Allen noted that the county sets aside 2 beaches that oller good surfing. Salt . speaking "for the younger kids ." He cents or about $700,000 a year for park Crtek is outstanding.·• P.1cClelland quoted pleaded to the supervisors to preserve land purchase. without notes. lhe beach. Board Chainnan William H. Hirstein "Let the voices of our servicemen be One speaker ~lated the use of beach-quickly replied that, ''We are putting 8 to heard the loudest,'' he concluded cmo-es to the current problem of drug use by 9 cents in lax rate money from the. tlonally. youngsters. Harbor District into harborJ and beaches, lMcClelland said the Salt Creek public Paul Allen of Dana Point said , "Young four or five timu as much as.parks.'' beach prDpOnents "had no organization people want the beaches. A substitute is Attorney Bowte concluded Laguna but the help we are setting ls surprisJng. the mind expanding drugs. ln Hawaii Bil Niguel's case by ·commenUng, "1 want to We have hundreds of petitions out. citl.tens have the use of all beaches. Why make It clear that we do not, by silence, "Artists also favor the beach there,'' he isn't that true on the mainland?" approve any modification of plans (for continued and had a painting of the A series of color slides of the $alt development of the area)." s1999a .. · .. ~.: ~ . ·.· . : :: ... ' '· . ' . •. . .· ... ·.. . -------·------·~--,...... . ---. , housands.o(records ~nd 4·track tapes, all at 33% discount:-.,;;;.,'r.,:~::: f . .1' ~-~ ":; ........ • .~r: stereo t!IP~ car>ridges ·end cassette~., all at .20~. di;Sq9unt'. 1 .}c~i;.,,:.,.::,;r.'!',r\ I . . . . . . .... . . . . . ... , . . ··J-. "' . ii.• . . -• -· -~· ..•. • ......... ,.., ~··••',•··.,,· .• j --~·-··· ••. "'····. ' ..... ~,··. ··--'-•, ........... ·. • ... ...................... ......... ., at.~ -, -. - Spanish oak table wiih twofill.s, six high back chairs 199 es 1 _ comp e~ .set ' l ' • I I t I _. ' • • I ., -' ~-..... ----- f . . .. -Wod<wldlt, J•~ 2J. l'J6t •<-..... ·-...... \,,Pit ~ :Wllll1m A. Hirn of 'l'lttofield, JQ . won the Men's Pork Cookout Omlest with bis griled ham rec• ipe. Ham won hall a bog. • Aft.er a dinner -party in a west end club in Loildon the guests climbed in for a ride in Louis -8'0-wn's $32,400 car. The _t._hauf· !<lnr 1rt® 1o start the engine and npthing happened.Brown andn!s lmends pushed the Rolls-Royce 400 yards, but it did not start. A ROUS cOmpany spokesman later ei:plained the extr.r equipmen~ telephone eitension, televls1on. tape recorder, air condition~ng and three cigar lighters all C06t1ng $7,200 -had worn dow n the bat- tery. • The hunch players at Los ~ •1 Alamitos Race Courst appar· ently haven't b e e n keeping track of the ApoUo I I storu . • A horse n amed Moon Cargo 1· won th:e first race at tht quar· Blunt End .firat ' Furnace Awaits Apollo .Re-entry SPAOE CENTER. HouaftJo (UPI)-IC•~tnoroprobitmlWltbmlUttry The flight of Apollo If endi at 9:19 • ·Ill· ll\1lded mielila. Ttloy 1tJ1t Ir I e d PDT Thursday in the Pacfnc Ocean about ttreamUnlnc· ill 109 ·miles '°"tbwesl of Hono1111u, "HaU lht beot aeneraled by friction 1wail. . . "" colnt Into the mlullea1" said Hairy Thii.t point -marking the end of an Julian All~ ·ot. thlt 1pproacl\, to tbe pro;. epic spaceflight and the start of isolation btem. He WU Q aeron&utlp tnaloffr at ' an~ testing to prove the spacemen lhe An\es Jleaearcb ctnttr then. healthy -comes after a If.minute trtp .. 1 reasoned we had to deflect the beat through the fiery hell that earth's at· into the &It.and.Jet it diasi-p1te. Tbenfor• mosphere can be lo a 6paceshlp. The re.entry has been traveled before streamlined shapet were the worGt posai· -Apollo 8 and JO flew lllil particular one b!e; tbey,bad to be blunL" -and studJes have been made of waya to And from that approach came the get back to earth safely since the space familiar cone shape of the Mercury. .Pt9grlllll b<gon. --~G~p&celhlps..Tbe.blunt. But as Michael Collins said before the end ii coverei;I by a material that first flight, the re.entry always Ia critical. chars and then vaportus at a controlled As the re-entry tlmt approached, rate. Collins and his moon explorer comrades The blunt end plowa into the air first. --Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. and as the temperature buildl rapidly to Aldrin Jr. -coasted toward earth with around 5,000 degrees, the special heat· little more to do than watch the home shie1d matirlal ·bolls Off in superbuteti phy:iet swell slowly in size. ga.se1. The ehape of the spacecraft apewa JO.SECOND BUJl.s'I' the au out and 1way from the ~cablp They fired a Ill-second rocket burst and ILs precloua ~ll'fo. Tue.day to sharpen their aim oo tbe SJT11NG>IN ft"""CE hoop In thO sky tbey ll\llSI htt to land ~" safely. AnOther correction probably won't Inslde,. It's like atUin& in aa air con- be necessary. dltioned offlce -U tbe spacecraft hits Engtneera first encountered the p... fJ\at layer of air at the right anite. blems of friction-generated heat when 1be bole in the 1ky -about 30 mild Jn they built airpla~s to go t';'flce the 11peed diameter, -ls the d'IUcal target At ol sound. The .early dtys ol ·lb< sptet Apollo ll'Jlpeed -%4,000 miles per hour -a ml>cakulatioo could b< fatal. *.* I. ttf"horse track artd paid $27.40, ;$1540 'and $11 .40. Moon Cargo wofl the hard way -by dis· · W · ld M · S ·+qualifi cation of two horses who or ay ee . Too sharp an angle would push the lemperatqres bJfher than the craft could. stand and the buffeting of tbe •1-would break it up. Al too shallow an angle, ApqUo 11 would .s)qp off like a stooe QI\ water into a loog ~In& orbit. The .,Uonauta Jellison tbTiiiilt7 of1helT ·.upplreilie!Oie rHiitlj and--they would ·run· out of .orygen before they got cloae enough to try again. i; finishe d in a dead heat for . · 1'.;;:._.,. ""'"", " ••• , .,M .. 3_Astr:o1UJ.uts: '. . . Wbei> ilay t.umed mio dart in Raft Rubda.,,n· New York City during .lbe after-""' ncr>q, tne weather bui'eau insisted Ult ' threatening · akies indicated iU.t darl<, cloud~ n9t rain. After t~e fain, a spoXesman explained: "You can't forecast these things exaCUy." Two young e~terprising bU1iness· tMn, with their e11es on spact, but their feet on the ground, have co,r· 11ered a highly profitable market in Zanesville, Ohio. With all the ho~pla about the moon landing O,! weU as temperatures tn the high 80s-who coul.d resist tlli.a refres hing treat~ Kids in on the action were (from left} Chris Goff, 6; Randy Cane, 10; Gail Rtehl, 7 and Jenny Colling, 4. • Em p Io yes at a Leamington, England factory complained to the ' parking lot guard that a vandal was breaking off their automobile windshield wipers. Guard William Barber hid one night and saw two crows fly into the parking lot and tear the wipers from the cars, dropping them on the ground. • F our Columbus, lnd. policemen felt like taking the bull by the horns but they couldn 't. lt took them two hours to lasso a 500- pound cow which wandered into t own from a farm. ABOARD ··uss HORNET <0~1> -j'Ru~a>(fub;dub-(~ 'inen in I tub." ..That's the way John-C. Stonesifer, the space agency{s associate recovery team leader, dt3Cribe! tbe :first thlng·that will happen to ApoUo 11'1 astronautJ after their splashdown in the PaclDc Thursday. ·stone!if~ 'believes ti---could-b e sq_m,ewhat "humlliaUng" tor t h e astronauts, particularly" if they la.lid in camera range of this carrier. "It's ironical, but when millions Of peo- ple all over the world get ~ir lnltlal glimpse or the astronauts on their return to earth, they will knock tbemaelvea out laugbtn&,'< be •lid. . ,. On JtOving Apollo~-11, N•~ A. .Atljlsltong, -Edwin E. ~ldrii Jr., tnd Michael Co!Uns will climb . tnio an " 0<ange lileralt wltb Lt. c~ Hatkbort, ~ 25, San Diego, a Navy f~~ JI f The men will spend at least 20 minutea rubbing each other down with Sodium hypochlorite as part ot t h e an. tlcontamlnaUon program to lruiure they bring back no lunar germa. "It will be quite a scene," Stbntsiler predicts. The aslronauta will be squirm· ing all over the small raft -they can't stand up without tilting it over -while they and Hatleberg scrub each other front, under the anns, on the bottom of their fee\, everywhere. SP ACE EXERCISES Slf OCK SURGEON SPACE CENTER, Hou.too (UPI) Apollo 11 astronaut Edwin E. "Buu" Aldrin decided to try some unannounced space exercises Tuesday, and It was a bad moment for John F. Zieglachmid, astronaut flight surgeon. Aldrin, wboee nonnal heart rate is 50, was workina out with a special exerciser Tuesday and almo6t tripled his normafrate to 147. "lt brought the surgeon right out of hi!: chair," capsule communlcator Charles Duke radioded the ast'ronauts. 0 Thi3 ia the highest. heart rate ever seen on a manned spacallgbt ••• the surgeon is about to die." Evenll happen rapldly during re-entry ·and most of them happen after the superheated air IUf'l'oundin& t h e spaceship cuts eomm,1ulicaUon with the ground. The fint contact with the air ls at 400,000 feet nor1heatt of Australia, at t :S5 .m. PDT. Elahteen seconds liter radio C001municatlon with the ~ is bla<:k· ed out ind JO Seconds after that the -.ui. lee! .tbe lira! IUC of eartb's gravity. RADI°' tLEAR But they wel&b U times tbe!r nonnal weight I minute, 22 -af1tt re-tntry beglna. At 9:38 _·.m., the radloc clear and communication retuma and t be astronauts' weight returna to nonnal. At 9:43 _ .m., 24,000 fee( over the Pa· ciflc, tM first PIJ"aehutes are fire d out by mortar ahfJf1 and ApoHo 11 1Jow1 to 111 mu.. per hour. . At 10,000 !eel the three 13.1 foot main chutes begin to open and stow it to the ii miles per boUr It wHI be travtHng when it hits the water at t :ll JD. PDT. Explorer Claims Ra Proved Point BRIDGETOWN, Btrbtdos (AP) - Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl saya hia W>SUccessluJ ttl<mpl to Nil from Africa to the New World in a papyrus boat still proved that EfNpUaoa could have made ~ voyap, tbounnda of years 130. . Heyerdahl and his ail..nw1 crew ar· rived in Barbados Tuesday aboard the yacht Shenandoah, three days after they abandoned their bittered reed vesael, RI, eoo mllea short of thtir 1oat. "I ~k we have made our point," the SS.year-old anthropologist said. "We sail. ed 2, 700 miles before we de9erted tbe Ra, aod the shortest distance acroa: the Atlantic from A!rlca to the ~Ii is 1,600 miles. In addition, none of ua had previoua experience Ullin& a papyrus reed craf\." Mid-Atlantic Coast Soaked 200 'Residents Evacuated From Homes in Mahalasville · Callfor11la • Coaatal Mlln'llM Olle<'C ... I ,,..,.11y till\tl'I' D'I' eftWllon. LllM ••rllll"-1 wlf'ICl1 n)flll aM "*"""' .,. bl<-11'111 _lttl., I i. U 11-.. Hitt! fOH1' 7'. v ... .,...,... *"""!\lnl ~ f,.,ol • tllltll flf U lo 11. lnl•ftlll ....,.,.,1lllrt rllMlt W• ll lo 14, W1tw •-11111'9 -.. dfft ..... San, MHa. rw.. WID,.ISOlliY ,,,... lllfll '' 4:4 ''"'' ... TMUltlllliY '"I blff! "' ............ ''" •.f"I· t• Fin )Ow ,,.,.,., ••••• ,19:0 I.fl\,,,, s.c... 111t11 ........... r:a 11,111. •·• ... .. .... t1J1 '""' tltt 7;J1 '""'' ~ ltlMt t r•t •·"'· .... L.ltt •. ll'lrtl •• ,... ""-• ....... • ..... )6 .,,... I.I ·-A1141!t• 811l..Wlotl4 ........ .... l ... M •-vlllt. "-(:ltKI~ ..... ... _ ..,,., ,.,, WWII\ ..... k•nw1 Ctty Lff \' ... , ··-"""" .. _. --M ,,.. .,. .... Httilt 11"-lltt ...... ~ca~ --"'" ..,.,...... :=-,.. Rwle Ctly . .., '""' ·--'"-$tn '"""'* ..... -•M -w ....... Miia \. .. llnc. n " ri n .• ~ .. p ~ .. " .. N II " .. " " .. .. " " .... " " ... .. • '" " .. -.. .. " " .. .. .. '" '" • • 191 " , ... I! :: .... u .. ,n c " " -. -. • , -Viii ,,..,.,. MAYOR JOSEPH ALIOTO GREETS PRESIOENT AND MRS. NIXON AT SAN FRANCISCO AIRPORT Nixon P1rty, Sl1rtint ll..J1y World Jciurnty, Lift lo< P1clfic Thia Alto,.,_., . • " -OAS .May Break Salvador Ties Ov~r Invasion · Nixon Arrives 'in State At Start of World Trip By Unikd Prta1 Iate1111tional SAµ FRANCISCO (UPI ) -President The Organization of American States Nixon arrived in CaWorn.ia early today (9~) tQday call~ an emergency on his Jf..Qay round-the-world journey, wetkend ineetlhf "tQ '«Wclde what to do · carrying with tum the same mesnge of a::;~=~~~:Plft~;-. P,e_!C_e. ~:ric!:s_~-!f9Jl!U~s l~l--~!!_,,_l!t~- Central Anierlc8n naUons' border war. m;: N. · t , A. F ·et tou n. An OAS source -said the organization · u:on par Y s ir orce J . c wu: exi>ected to jnvoke diplomatic and ed down at San Francilco International perhaps economic sanctions. "The ne1t Airport at 12;20 a.m. PIYI' It will set out stage would be to break off all diplomatic acroas the Pacific early thl& afternoon. rtlatlona .-~late.El Sllvador the. way AJ, the president jeft Washington Tues- we did CUba, bt Mid. day night, Vice President Spiro T, Agnew The deadline Qle OAS had set for El aaid: Salvador to withdraw from Honduran ter.. "The message of the olive branch left rltory expired \uel}lay nigbt" altbOut:h on the moon by Astronauts Armstrong armies of ~~ nations ~d they would and Aldrln ·will be carrted by the Presi- obty a cease-fire alre~y m force. dent in his peraonal effort to find the But both aides wtre reported ·moving road to peace, progress and human new units up to tM front. understanding for all mankind. "It won't take more than one IDCldent "We wish him godspeed, success and a •.• to set it all oft again," aa1d a U.S. of· safe return." fleer on the OAS observer team in Hoh-Nixon left Washington 1n a monsoon· dlD'aa. "And with the weapoos they ha~e, type rainstorm which forced him to drive 1 wo~ld think cuualties w~ .~ quite to Andrews Air Force Base in nearby high if they begin the war agam. Maryland instead of taking the preslden- EI EaJvador has refused to withdraw tial helicopter. But · the storm allowed its troops from Honduras as the. OAS has hirn to leave an hour wller than directed, insisting Jt must first pt schtdl,lled because It form:I cancellation guarantees that ·300,000 Salvadorans liv-or ·the all star bastball game whicbr be ing in Honduras will be protected. had planned to attend. Nixon will Oy to Honolulu,.Hawaii, and then t'o Johnston Island which ,will be used as a shuUe hase for bis visit to the USS Hornet. He plans to be en the Hornet to-chat with the i'etirninJ ...... ~oon astr~ nautrm~tlie1i'l:Solaied quartei'i:-- Then he'll hoP off at Guam for a fJight to Manila, the Phillppines and then to Jarkarta, Indonesia ; Baiigkok, Thailand; New Deihl, India; Lahore, Pakistan; Bucharest, Romani&i and Mildenhall Air FGree Base, Britain. ~ It was also expected, though not an- nounced for security reasons, that Nlxoo ·would make a quick side trip to Vietnam for a visit to troops in the war-:l()ne. President Lyndon B. Johnson made two such trips while he was in office but lhey were not disclosed In advance. Before !eaving, Nixon entertainOO more than 500 baseball .players, sportswriter1, owners, managers, umpires and others associated with the sport at a White House reception in conjunction with the later-postponed all star game. The President was given a trophy honoring him as "America's Number One Baseball f:F·" · He rePfied, "This will hivt a •ery proud place in_ the presidintiaJ Ubrai-y." FURTHER . . . REDUCTIONS S~OES STOREWIDE ·SAVINGS! LIFE STRIDE Reg. to S18 DELISO Reg. to S24.95 FLATS and CASUALS I 052 Irvine West cliff Plea Newport 8t1ch NOW NOW SJ90 I •1090 ' to 5690_ Shop Mondey & Thu,.dey Evening• Till 9 Phone 548·861M ' - FRI Nabs ·gi\tafia Racketeers • No Cash, No Aid Kidney Girl Dying? TAMPA, Fla. (UPI) -0 Jt's too late," choked .the motlier or critically ill Joanne Mazuccl as doctors "'pondered whether to use an expensive artificial kidney machine in an attempt to save the 2J.year-<1ld girl's w a1· Lull lif·~Sbe bas 00 mind now ," she ,,. _ -.--_ _ :_ _.said..!.'.She's.c'l:g.etable." M R h . Jn a bitter attack Tuesday ay eaC against welfare auUioritieS and hospital officials in Saras-- s he ota and Tampa Whom Mrs. eptelli f Dominic Mazuc c i says "dickered over money" while SAIGON tUPI) -The her daughter f I o u nde r e d present Juli In Viet Cong and between life and death, a North Vietnamese ground at-bereaved mother looked back tacks could stretch to Sep-over a tragedy she says might tember and becOme t h e have been avoided. ~ longest of the war in Vietnam, "Joanne had eith~ a brain u .S. military sources said to-. hemorrhage or a stroke early Sunday morning," said Mn. dafhe military sources said Marucci. "If they had given they had changed their minds her the kidney di~ysis then I about last week'• predictiop. of feel she might have had a a new Communist offensive chanre. Now she doesn't need before the end of this month. it, but it's too late anyway - "July hasn't come oU." one her mind is gone." source !Sid. "It's doubtful If . Joanne was rushed t o cb this neit Tampa Gelerai ffosgita.l from there will be mu a-1 Sarasota ......... ital last week month either." '""'t" A relative lull in fighUn8, ln because her family .physician Vietnam st.art.cd late in Jll!1"· said "that withool: the kidney .. t. . ~ , miehlne, there was no hope," Ir the low level of.fi&,Ung ~ according t.o her mother. The machine, called a kidney -Otaly!iJ unit, assumes the kidney's runcuon of filter~ ing impuriUes from the blood. . Reports lhat the hospital had refU!ed lo use the machine on the gtrl because her family had no money to pay far it prompted the Sarasota County Commission _'l\le.sday 19 g\,lar£1ntee _p_af: ment of all · costs, whlcb ) hospital officials esl.imated coukt exceed $.'1),000. · But J. Danforth Browne, chairman ·of lhe hospital Coun· en, said use of the machine had not been ordered by a physician during the girl's hospitalizalion and that. a physician's direction ls re- quired before the machine could be engaged. A hospital spokesman reported Tuesday that Joan- ne's kKl.ney corxtitlon actually improved without the use of the machine and that "her other medical compli~tions have been determined to j:ome from other causes." Or. Thomas McKeU;chief of slaU ,at Tampa General Hospital, iald tho girl's need for the machine had ·nol yet k'W..jL-.. , , been determined and that the 1..W •0 .~3·.o · i tests could not be completed i:. ~ ~r ·• for "several days." j~.w .,'t"' tinues throu"1out August, H would be a longer lull th8n that or late 1968 and ea rly • 1969, which ran from late Ne>- vember to early January. ABM Foe~ Offer Plan B52 bombers blasted Com- munist i"nliltratlon r 11 1\ t e,a T D J D J between Saigon and lhe Cam· 0 , e a.y . e_p ovm_ent bodian border again today. J ••"" But only light and scattered 1 , • actioa was reported on the WASHINGTON' {UPI) -·pending business before ad· grounl. . Still insisting they are in the j~urnment today. But they 'fbe allies reported tilllng ma"""ily, foes ~ the an-said-1here was litlle Chance of 115 Communists ' ln Wnall ,v. -a vot.e before l he end o( the e n g 8 geinents. ComuiWi~ tlballistic mis.!ile system plan-month. troops during the 24 hours ned to Unveil • ,Iii.vised pro-The ABM ts a system , ended Wednesday night shell· posal today barring ABM designed to protect the United i ed 11 target:! but only two • d~ployment for one year. States' offensive missiles from t ·<.i such attacks caused any . Hart {0. destrucUoo by enemy attack. damage or ciisualti'es. Ooe ~ens. Philip A. · Sen. Gardon L. Allott.. {ft.. ' .~~ American was wounded ln the· Mich.), and John Sherman coio. ), wbo aupports the ABM, t- i.helling. . Cooper (R-Ky.), said their new said It was apparent that op-! The American sources said amendment to the $20 billion ponents "thlnk they're going f • they felt Nof1!1 Vletnam~od defense · pfoctirement b 111 to lose and they're lrying to · troops were using the pen . put off the evil day as long as ~ to refit and resupply their Would be unchanged I n they Can in hopes something r units. They said infiltration in· substance but would "give it a will drop into thetr Taps." ~ to South Vietnam . w~ con-clearer definition of purpose." But Cooper said, ''l think we . , tinulng with top_ pr1o r1t1es for The two legislators plantfed can s:Llll win it."' , replacements given to units wru1e refu~tng to Corri-".;::::::.~...,,. oeprating in the provinces to make the amendment the promise further , Cooper and '.:. around Saigon. Hart. have unsuccessfully tried ~ , Red Chiriese Release 2 V.S. Sailors · HO~ KONG. (AP) -Two Americans told newsmen le>- day they were ca~ured by Communist Chinese fishermen eight days ago, held P~~r ·and questioned aboard \bell' !'acht and lhen released early ' 1.his morning. Timothy Allan Pierson, 2i. Minneapolis, Minn ., and Oebreana Chritsine J-Hnkle, 23, Santa Barbara, Calif.. said they were taken into custody 1 after they aecldenLally strayed into ~munisl w 1 l e r s . Pierson iald they 1'.':fe not • mistreated during l~lf eo&- f1nement. • Pierson, who cttne to llong , l<Dng several weeks age, ukl tie had converted an old lifeboat Into a »foot sailing t craft. During a shakedown J cruise on July 14. the vessel 1 "collided with a small Chlnese 1 (!alt and we lost our mast" • near Pedro Blanco Island, ' Rbolrl 65 miles east of Hong KonR. ' "Without the ma~t," he u\d, SF Paper Heir Dies • SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Mn. Helen de Young Cameron, daughter of a co- founder of Tbe San Franci!CO Chronicle, died Tuesday at her home in Hillsborough. She was 86 and had been in failing beallh since suffering a heart. attack oearly two yean ago. She was the eldest daughter of M.H. de Young, who found· ed the newspaper more th an a ce ntury ago. Her husband, George Toi.and Cameron, who became plllJ!isher of The Chronicle, diei ln 1955. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. MB. Caeron is survifed by l. sister, Mr.ti Nion Tucker of Burlingame. ' T ransatlantic Calls Delayed -to convince opponents their t "~ amend,ment would a i m p 1 y i \ l!l delay a decision on the ABM while permitting the ad-f mlni.stratlon t.o go ahead witti r everything it had planned . Their original .,,;,,,idment woukl have given the ad-t . . ministration the '759.1 million J, .. 't_ .;i ft requesfed for this Dacal .. ~ " • year, wllh the stipulation that none of• it .could be used for .,,....._ " depl<!Yiiient at buying 1ltes. f I A FTC Vows Ad Check WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federal Trade Commission has indlcated 'Jt may try to retaliate If there is a nasslve IJ Increase In printed cl11arette I adVertislng when the tobaca> Jnd\Blry blacks oot radio and ! television commercials next ... year. , · FTC Chairman Paul Rand ! . Dixon Pld Tuesday Congress a n d his 'regulatory agency shou Id B e e to It. \here are sareguards again.rt a n e ~ flood of advertising In newt- papers, magulnes and ' other ad niedir.· Dixon said his agency woold put off ·until July ltfl any ac- tion on Its 'Planned effort to te- quire that health hazard wam· '-"""J.!"'-'U..""" DAllY 1'11.DT /; . Senate Moving to Pas s Surtax Bill '" ' i -,. . 'lµ a ··. ~PSA •eK!Y · minutes, to San Jose! • ~ 7 em to 1:30 pm. loth wep. 7:00-1:30-10:00-11:30 •m·1:00-2:3M:OQ.1 :30-7:00-1:30 pm. More on Wffktndt. • ' '. • I t ' { I • .. • ' l , J ' , .? •! • ' I ' , ' . ,. .. ' ~1 •• '. "We started drifting and were helpless to control our dlrec- Uoo. NEW YORK (AP) -Two- to four-hour delays i n transaUantrc telepboJle-calla continued too~ tM!itaUse of a broken CJ.ble near En&J!lfld. A spokesman for !be Amerk:an Telephone & Telegraph Co. sakl it would be ·flied by TbursdO¥ JDOC~. 1"81 ·'""'°"'pony 1>r j n (e d ctsareUe 1dvertbtng. -=--::::-:---------------------'---------------------:=- . ' • • I ' I • ...... , f • l t • -- l_D~y PU..OT . EDITORIAL PAGE I· l(iser Takes the Helm HUnunglon Buch is welcoming a new Cbam)ler of Commerct! manager. " Bui he'5 not new lo the work of tbe chamber, ilJ needs, strenglm and problems. Ralph c. Kiser bas a long record of active chamlr er Involvement. A past president (1962), be has served as a board member for 11 yef.rs. He also is active in the Orange County Chamber of Commerce -and many other ciVlc undertakings -serving as a director of that organiZaUon. · · In the county chamber, b~ is serv~g as chairman o( economic developr:nent. Tb1s and his long yea~s u an executive and civic worker should help him with a stated goal -bringing new business, industry and jobs to Huntington Beach. , Kiser hopes also to double c~amber membership and bring into being greater involvement by the mcmbe,..hip. Ralph Kiser takes over his new posl Oct. 1. The community 'visbes him every success al a cbaUcnging task. · Plan Needs a Push Thousands of American teenagers graduate from high school each year and enter four years of college to prepare for a job they may come to hate. Dissatisfaction with career choice abounds in the adult community and th~ person who truly enjoys gel· Ung ~pin the morning and going to work has become a ranty. Un(ortunately, because lt Is admlllllltm oo a votunlllry basis. enrollment during the IWDllW' moot111 has been negUglble. Only three sludentl are teklltg-ad-· vantage of a proeram tbal might prevent decades ol dis&atisfactton. 'l'be district has already taken a great step In Ibo right direction by workin~ out tha delalll of Ibo pro- -gram bu! bas somehow failed to c0ovlnce the 11Udenl1 of ils Importance. · . Counselors "lOuld now do well lo meet with' each s tudent personally and to explain 111 bonellll inore persuasively. Flicks on the Sand -• For those in Huntington Beach who may 1ack time· filling activities during the summ~r. the Huntington Beach public library is currently sponsoring a fine , and uruque, program of oldtime movies shown-58.tur• day nights on the clty 'beacb. Families,· teens, beach 1tr0Jlers-all are welcome lo the free nicks which start at dusk and can be view• ed near the lifeguard headquarters. Library personnel are In their second year of the summer senes. It wiµ: initiated last year to fill the obvious need for outdoor entertainment. Orlglnator of the idea was Mrs. Oliver Glass, J library vlsuaJ.&14 assistant, .who easily <;oovinced Library Direotor Walt- er Johnson 'to move the popular indoor tnovte1 out.id• and on the beach for the wann summer nig11t1: For the strong of heart the library bas A lineup In· eluding Bela Lugosi and Lon Chaney. U you like to laugh come down to the beach and watch Charlie Chap- • -- I ' --~""'>; Huntington Beach Union High School District is to be commended. for doing something about this problem by creating the E]!:ploralory Work Experience Program w.btcb allows the youngsters lo gel a taste of their chosen profession before they commit themselves. lin, W. C. Fields or Bumr Keaton perform. . . Whatever your taste, Ille library Is trying to pl..,. JI. ~~.AllP I t~N'r G~rm (A" fllfDrAtlD T~E PISH~ASHER. UoKE POWN I '6Mt.1J ANO TllE TV QUIT ~U$T AS You WERE l..ANPIN& O» THE M~ • Drivers Find S-tatus-M arli On Freeways An -..r IJ'om another plane! -in· habited by more raUonal creatures than we are -would be hard put to un- dentaod the behavior of Earthlings, ·if he hovtrtd In hla lnterplanelary spacecraft over any American freeway or a· pranay at J tn .. the morning or 5 in lbe an.ii-. He ~ Me • of tboulandl of cars lnclJ!na fonrat\t bumW to -por. four or lls i-·abreul, -Uklng nearly an boor to arrln al ilietr dalinallcjn - while, paraDe!IJng thll fnoway, Ihm ii• broed and totally empty surface ltreel. WHICHEVER CITY he drifted over, be would find the aame lnuptlcable traff-lc marl, with the aame almost deserted- avenue ruMing aJongskle the ex- preuway. And he would have to conclude that It wu not. speed bul some other. desldentum that prompted millions or motoriala to move their cars onto ex- pressways al these particular hours. But we would be wrong ln a.uumlng that Earthlings are as rational as the ln- habltanla of his planet. For we are what traffic enJlneer1 call vlcliml of "freeway mentallty.11 Because the freeways were built lo relieve congestion on the surface gtreell, we have totally abandoned the 3urface atreeta and transferred tbe con- gertion to the freeways. No longer a means lo an end -getting there faster - the expressway has become an end In itsell. IN A RECENT ~UE of the journal. "Traffic Safety," a tran.sportation offlclal Dear Gloomy Gus: . First the state gives us surfing restrictions al Bo~ Chlca; now the beach-fuzz and thelr bull-horns chase hundreds of litUe kids and their parents off the beach on ly 30 minutes after the scheduled start of the grunion runs. Who are they saving this beach for? -0. A. S. Tllls ftltvre rtflkts ni ... n" vllWt,, Mf ftMUMl'!IY IMM .t ti.. --· ltMI • rwr "' _.,.. ,. o"""'' 011'1. o.itr 1>11M, In Los An&eles warned that "freeways can be vlcUma of their own popularll y durina peak bouts, and many concerned authoriUes see the over Io ad e d superhighways turning lnto bottlenecks." He points out Ulat only five percent of Calitornia roads are freeways, yet they carry 80 percent of the traffic. During the six peak hours of the day -which is to say, about half of the daylight hours, when people do most or their driving - the average speed b only 30 miles an hour. Hardly a breath-taking vekx:.ity for a mulU·billion dollar road system. YET, THE parallelling surface streets wtiuld be just Q fast. and someUmes much faster. Every motorist knows that one car out of commission in one Jane of expre.~ay can Ue up traffic for a mile -and this is most likely to happen dur- ing the rush hours. But hardly anyone will g.lve up the dubious status or riding the freeway and take a surface street lo his destination. Freeways become obsolete almost from the moment they are completed; It's a part of Parkinson's devilish law that traf· fie mounts to meet the maximum capaci· ty of the road, and there is no end to this process. until the count ry is entirely criss-crossed with freeways and all traf· fie h8$ ground to a halt-while kids play ball on surface streets. Thanks for All the Help To the Editor: The Knighta of Columbus of Huntington Beach sincerely thank the people of Huo- tlqton Beach who shared some of their clothtn& with Ben Cat Orphanage. We not only gathered 2,000 pounds but surpassed our aoeI by 10me 400 pounds, OUr clothing drive started with an ap- peal to Ron Knapp, newly-elected Deputy Grand Jtnlilit of Huntington Beach Coun- cil, from · Father Cllff Brula, Anny chaplain, lit Infantry Olvtsion, VJ~am . Father BruJa requested a few poµnds of clothlnl but was overwhelmed by the hu&e success. The good-hearted people of HunUngton Beach gave generously for this worthwhlle cause. You know we live in a pretty good town when a few people can clothe an orphanage for a wbole year. WE WISH TO thank Chief Anson for alLowing lbe Huntington Beach fire ala· tklOI for clothlng drop-off points and the e1cellcn\ cooperaUon hls men have given us. Thant you, aenUemen. Voa'• Market on F.dinger and Spring- dale bundled Iha clolhes for the drive. Bv Geo..,e ---. Dear C-1e' When i• Jt all right for a girl to tlart necldng! BLONDIE Dur Blondie: Whett a ypu now? (Wr1le to a.or .. and notlc<! - alJly tt II to UJ!'CI I Iola! llr111&er to oolve your probltms.) We appreciate this kind of :ocal bualness cooperation. Lyle Roberts, manager, and Dwaine were A·l in helping w to make our job eas\er. '.t Our clothes were flown out by the U.S. Navy, El Toro ~farine Base, who never hesitated a minute. Thank you, gentle- men. RONALD V. KNAPP lllost llnderpald /llan To the Editor : I disagree with your "Mauldin Car- toon" of July 17th as to the most un· derpaid man -ai~ air controllers. This despite the fact our son-In-law is a 727 pilot. The moir.l underpaid men on the United States payron are on the firlng line in South Vietnam. ApparenUy Mauldin just simply forgets at Umes, despite hll wide ~larlly. RUSSELL )lENNm Lttttr1 from r1ad1f1 ere welcome. Normallu writ.en should conveu Chtfr meuagr1 in $00 wordl or lts1. TM righ& to cond.etllt L1iur1 to Jit l"J)GCI or eUmfMU Ubtl ta rtatroed. AU ltt- ttrl must jncfudf rfgnatln't and mail· h10 cddrtat. but namc1 may be witl~ h4:/.d. 011 ''tques& i1 su//ldcnt rsason la oppartnt. s . Stereot11pes Need Correctl0.1· • • Changing Sliiftl.es~· Pedro -s·-1mage A form letter recently clrculaled to sign designer• in Southern California focuses attention on a rapidly developing trend tha t Is dlctatina a change of think· ing in regard to some practices that hav{ been popular In designing slgns and out· door adverUslng.' "For many years, you and t have betn watching the government try to solve the problem of rati! relations to no avail,'' writes Jerry L. Marks in behalf of an organization caJled Progreu ("People Repulsed Over General Ridicule Employ- ing Stereotype SuggesUons''). This hu resulted in the pulling apart of the races, lmtead or the coming ~ther," he con- tinues. "In most ~ people have Md things shoved down their throats; unemployed man with a family being forced onto the welfare rolls instead of being retrained for a neW job. and lax· payers being forced to pay high taxes on account of ill-managed poverty pro- grams." 0 YOU ARE IN A position to help change the tides or prejudice ln this great country of ours,•• Mr. Marki polnted ouL "For years many sign deaignen have been designing signs that depict a Mex· lean as a lazy, poorly dressed and un- trustworthy-looking person. In doing this, sign designers are contributing to the poisonous tide waters of pre:judice that have flowed from generation to genera! ti on in our country ." While his remarks referred only to ~fexican types, they were sure to bring immediate recall of Negro, Italian, Jewish, American Indian. Japapese, Chinaman. Hindu, "Hayseed," hillbilly and other characteiizations. Since the earliest days of signs and outdoor ad- vertising, art and design morgue files have included some unflatte r ing stereotypes. And whenever ;; sign or out- door advertising display was lo express a particular whimsical navor, thert was an Inclination to dig into the file and pull out one of the old, dependable brom ides. ll was a simple and euy route to "creative" expression that would set a mood : it was sure lo work well with a general public that gave little thought lo the sensitivilies of minorities. Groups so characterized accepted the situation with resignation, as thert didn'l appear to be anything they could do about U. "ENLIGHTENED PEOPLE everywhert are coming to the realiJ.ation that it is the little Wngs in people's Uves , that give them the tee.Ung that other peo- ple are Inferior," ~1r. Marks continues. "Example; Lillie children, seeing a Mex- ican 'portrayed on ttlevis!on, I n newspapers, radios, signs and outdoor ad· vertising, as a lazy, stupid, poorly drtu- ed and dishonest person, get just one vi~w of Mexicans and conclude that all ~extcans are \hat way. The resuh Is pre-- JUdlet and discrlminaUon belna: directed toward Mexican·Amer1cans." Such had been the altuallon ; bu.t anyone who during the pa1t few yu.ra has been looking at ltlev!Jlon and movie.s, listening to the radio, reading neW!papers and magazines or simply carrying on conversations with other people, hardly need• lo be told lhll the whirlwinds of change a.re havin,g their ef· feet. Nol only have the minorltits spoken out a.plnst discrlminaUon, but the 1eneral P..blic h11 be<ome copJloent ol minority vlewpolnls and amsiUvlttes. Whal once paa&ed Ill natural humor now rouses antipathy as being grossly unfair and in poor taste. WITH Pl\ESl.DENT NIXON calling upon buidness for Involvement 1n the civil rtahts and urban renewal criJu and wilb business organ.it.ation.1'. and leaden (n.- tional state and local) undertaking pro- digioua prosram• ot training, employ· - ment and the like, the a!gn and outdoor adverthing industry must be alert to res- pond wherever and however it can. Coll!iderlnl the dlstrlhuUon and impad of sign and outdoor advertiatng ex· preuion on tbe American ecene, extreme care with copy and pictorial to avoid Ir· rilation that would fuel the controversies, would obviou.sly be a prime contribution to the cause. ' But sl1n and outdoor advertising designers have mllCb: m6re ~ason than that lo pay heed to Uie seruJUvlties of minoriUea. For one UJing, these pro- gressing minorities arJ rapidly becoming much more afhuent markel.s for ad· vertisers. Also of great importance lo the · 1ucce!S of the sign and outdoor ad· - vert islng programs. the general public Is no longer ia a mood to laugh ~nd respond to the old bromides which are now In· creasl.ngly considered to be In bad taste. · To avoid unfortunate incidents deyelop- fng in the rush of designing activities, it would be well to go through the morgue files and eliminate characterizations that are out-of-step with the tllncs."' Dave Souder Editor Sia:ns of the Times It ~ay Be a Year to Fear . . • ,• . -,, Items from a srce a1e newspaper In the year 2069. NEW YORK-The lnlltl'tion ot a new spinal column Into ROlcoe J . Withers., 23rd, today on hill lltth btrt.hday made him the universe's champion receiver of human transplants with a tolal ol 56 parts. Her• is a breakdown of bis tran1plants : t hearts, 17 kidneys, 4 spinal columns, 16 livers, a brains and 2 ean. "l :1ardly tnow wbo I am anymore." joked Withers, who at up and began tak- ing bending e1erdses immediately after the operation. SEA OF TRANQUlLITY, the Moon - The massive ucaJ)t attempt by 3,8&9,512 convlc : l rrom lh1s sate111te'1 third Jaraest prison was reported under control eU'ly today. Some two million had surrendered. Guards rtported. that another million who tried to male a l&st-0.ltch st.and in a series of nearby crat.en had been ei- termlnated by aerial l·ray attack and ad· ded confidently : "The rest will be rounded up shortly." All of the fuglUve convicts were desperate life·termers, each of whom bad . already been imprisoned here far 200 years or more. CAPITAL CITY, Saturn -John F. Ni1on Mcl{jnley Roosevelt, l 4th, hertditary ruler of tbe universe, an- nounced today that the solar system's projected $197-octlllion budget for the year 2970 had been cut by $35 octillion. "We must cut every corner and tighten our belts," he said In a message to the UnJvertal Congress, "in order to ~void a disastrous Inflation. Marriage: Just a Laugh Durlna; a te.enage party, ont of the girls tossed a playful challenge at her boy friend : "Marry me r-I dare you!" The idea seemed so hllariow that they drove across the state line, found • justice of the peace, and went through a formal wedding ceremony. Afterward, both the "bride" and the ''croom" returned to their respecUve homt.s. A few days later, uneasy about what they had done, they wtnt to court to have the ceremony annulled. And the court ruled that, desplle the formallUes, they were never truly married. 11MERE WORDS," aald the judge, I ¥¥• 'IUll M wilt 1111H 11111 ftd ..... wtlll tM nrNI' • "without any intenUon corresponding tO them wlll not make a marriage." Most courts aa:ree that, if a marria&e is purely in jest, lt ha s no legal standing. However, il is • dlffertflt story if the martlage -although meliit to be tern· porary -ls no joke. Thus: An engaged couple had a bitter quarrel the night before their wedding day. In tears, the &ir1 said they should break up. But the young man pleaded: "My boss bas promised me a raise on the ba1I1 of <M"getUng married. Let'a 10 ahead so 1 can get the raise. Then, latt.r, we can have the marriage annlilled." BUT IN THIS cast,lbe court refused to grant an annulment. The judge said lhls ceremony, evtn though entered Into t.r a special. limited pu:rJ)ote, wu sUll a mar- riage at the moment It was performed. What about a "trial marriage?" One couple got married with the private understanding that, lf things did not work out, tither one of them could ha ve it an- nulled. But here, too, the court found no ~ndJ IOI' IMulmenl. Af. ont judge pul ii' "M~rr_laJe is not aomelhlng to be swept a.side ua,tuJ.y. To permit lbe ~nt o( a marriage odter~lae le1fl, upon mere proof !hat the partlu agrffd beforthlnd to have It annulled, WOUld destroy U\t lfltnlll' ol the marrl .. a.nllOOlllhlp." A.n A.mtricon Bar A.11ociatfon pub- lic 11rvk1 jeoturt bv WiU B1mord. ' . . 0 This dmlnl!tration ,s ·pledged to preserve the value of Ute tlOtlar." At the same time, he said, it would still be necessary to incr~ the universe's slandlng military force by 98 million men lo protect the solar system from any In· vasion threat by troops from neighboring systems. BOSTON, Mass. -A convention of educators at Harvard University ex· pressed alafm today at what they called "a gi-owlng tendency" among youths under the age of 200 to quit school. "These dropouts .already constitute a Ulreut to an ordered society." a state- ment they adopted unanimous ly said. "In the world 0£ the future any young man or woman who abandons the classroom before th e age or 200 to 250 will find himself a misfit lnadequately prepa"red lo hold a responsible job." • Delegates to the conveption were round· ly booed by an unruly mob of 75,000 high school pupils, most of whom appeared to be 4bout 150 to 175 years old. CANAL CITY, Mars -Aulhorilies here qu ietly annoUnced settlement of the long slrlke by the Interplanetary Federation of SanitaUon \Vorkers that has left the solar system littered with debris for the last 45 years. Although tenns of the <.'Qmpact we re not disclosed, it was believed each of the 125 million sanitation workers received a $57 million wage hike. Their \\'otk week will be cut to five, hours and they will be given seven-month vacations. An.ANTIC CITY, N.J. -A willowy lass from the planet Uranus triumphed over other finalists tonight to become beauty queen of the solar system. "This is all so uneipe<:ted," gasped Miss Uranus. Her three bright blue eyes filled with tears as she received her crown. The first bald-heeded girl in history to \Vln the contest, Miss Uranus is only 75 years old. She Is 18 feet tall and she has an a&-inch bust, a 47-inctt waist, and 82 inch hlJ>$. --~-- Wednesday, July 23, 1969 Tht editorial ~e of the Doily Pilot tttkJ to hiform and stim- "latc reodtr1 by pre11ntinQ ihil new.rpaptr'1 opiniolU and com- menta.ru on topic• of interest Qtl.d 1fg11i/tcanct, by provi<Uno a forum jor tht erprt.s.riOft of 011r reader•' opinioni. and bi: prtsentlng the diver.re view- point• or i,1/orm1td ob1tl"f.ler1 and spoke.smen on topics of lht da~. Robert N. Weed , Publisher ---·--· ~-···--·..._ --· .• -.. --~;;:.:=====:::::============~~=~~!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!"'!'!!!!!~!!'!!!!!':!!!W~~ . -·Jr t • • ""'I ,,1 ~ • .,, I ---.. • . •. • J I I SP.ECIAL FEATURE ' . 'Tl:tl HI J 0 Ii)' , Ten recordt in the pa,1cagl-20 I n11l ,, ~ -t 1: Box of 10 '9~ I I I .I I I · I . i I I I : I SOUNDTRACK GLEN CAMPBELL JRAIJIC_5th DIMENSION .I - I . 'ROMEO A":IQ__ 'GALVESTON' 'LAST EXIT' 'THE A,G~ OF I I I JULIET~ • AQUARIUS'. I Ii I I YOUR ·· CHOICE I· I I BURT BACHARACH I I YOUR ·CHOICE . I I HERB ALPERT I . ANO.THE 'I TIJUANA ~RASS 'WARM' 'MAKE IT I I EACH YOU ELF' I I EACH I . I I --~-----------I " SPECIAL BUY!· 5 COMPLETE STEREO LONG PLAY RECORDS 88 I I I .. I I I I I I I I [ ~J If~ I I I I HENRY MANCINI GUESS WHO -FRIENDS I I 'WARM SHADE OF IVOR'i'' 'WHEATFIELD SOUL' 'GRAZIN' I , I ' EACH 'Dance Porty' great for your next party •• , th;, album IMludes foJt trot, tango, cha-cha, swing, tango, Charleston, polka, 5<1uare dance, waltz! 'Golden Fifty' features popular concert music . I I I I I ---~---------------J SPECIAL . SAVE NOW AT -PENNEYS ' • TOP NAME ARTISTS - • s'T~REO RECORD ALBUMS CANOGA PARK GRANADA HILLS HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD LONG BEACH LOS ALTOS NEWPORT BEACH NORTH HOLLYWOOD NORWALK 77 EACH CHARGE THEM NOW POMONA RES EDA SAN FERNANDO TORRANCE · VAN NUYS VENTURA WHITIIER WHITIIER DOWNS The Incomparable Mancini does his great hits Os only he con, You'll get hours of pleasure from I I thl1 terrific tape that's now specially priced. The Guess Who? do their hits like 'Thfle Eyes,' 'love I and a Yellow Rose,' and Friends of Mine.' The Fri1nd1 of Di1tinction do a gntOttapewith tueh hits I 01 'Grazin,' and many more! ... ~ . .. J I SAVE!_J CANOGA PARK HUNTINGTON BEAeH .. ' . LONG BEACH LOS ALTOS NOW ONLY 69 EACH ' F;nt quolity 8°trock pr1-r11<ordtd 1toreo ' toptt oro J11<iudod Jn thl11tloctlon. Choose from mony top name artJats,.encl songs. NEWPORT BEACH SAN FERNANDO • VENTURA VAN NUYS ' I ' ' I I 1 • . I I I I l j 1. I _,_, __ • ---·----------------------- I I ~!'!:!i-------.. ,• . • • , ... , ~IT . -: -. ,W~i.lli~~ 111>! : ... ~.~.~.~.:.i;;.;~ .. ~1.""""·---'" ...... '--~""--""-' ............ '· •,·. _... ___ -,,.._ ~ ~· f enneg1_ ALWAVS FIRST QUALITY . . , OUR SUMMER WRITE GOODS MNT ·IS HERE• . . I . , ' . . ~ famous .Eashlon Manor-Sheets . ~ \ . . . .REDQ.¢ED"-.FOR A Ll:MITED . TIME! • • • • . . Pen.wys crwn Ponn-Pmt• white-,.rcal9:1tleciched ahnts of 1'.19Y•r Iron polyester/coJton ' Ponn-l'Nst-"Cemrnio~tt•~P!rcale_f!.riJlta, ~ pol~ter/Ciffift ... s~m or erdild . \• 1~ n .. 11u flot er twin fitted l>ottoro 2 47 Reg. 2.99 NOW • 72x10.C-fl~t er twi" fitted l>Offom -.~ . ~ ~.:, Reg.-4.9.9-NOW-..~-- I .. - • 11 x 104 Hal •• full f1lt9d l>ottoM Reg. 3.99 Nq'# t,,;. fitted ,., ..... ,. Reg. 3.59 NQW ' 3.47 3.07 full fitie<I top shttti Reg. 4.59 NOW. 4.07 '42 X J6 COMI Res. 2 for 1.99 NOW 2for1.77 · • ' . . Penneys Peiut-Pmt• s~ white ble~hed muslin lhffts tif'.-iron polyester/cotton -L. • . ' l • I .. "f , ' a1 x Jiµ,flat.orfull f~ bmtom . 2-.67. . Reg. 3;59. NOW -· . ' • 42 x 36 ca1e-1 Res. 2 for 1.69 NOW 2 ·for 1.37 Penn-Pm .. percaJe_ foshion color. in p0lynt~r/ cotton ... honey gold .. pink orcl\id, moss or sunbeam . n • 104 flat or twin fitt.,1.~.. 3 67 . Reg. 4.19 NOW • at~ 10411~.er;*"u fi11H"'9tlo,. . . . , ·• .A .L "I' . Reg. 5.19 NOW ~.v-1 42 ii1~ t..,n. ·• Wq,: 2 for ~J 9 N9YI 2 fG,r 2,1 7' ' \ f ... . . . \ .. \ ' . . . ,.; 6 \ •. I " • . I Ptn~~~.Jfi-hlon'ce_l!WJ\ •• poJynt•r/COfton muallM ... honey ICl!ilr '"*' 9lffn, Siam pink I •• • • -.,; 1 . I •• n •. 104 ff~te .. twht lillilil liettom 2 5 7 ·. ·· Reg. 2.99 NOW • . -. 11 • 104 llot or l•ll fitted i..-3 3 7 , · · · R~s· 3.99 NOW · • -. . . . . . ... '2x36ce"' Wet. 2 for 2 .. 29 NQW 2hr1.97 .. . .;... ·.; • • • • ; • ' I _J • I • •-.: rt * •" ' ' " ;PIUNN"!PR&"~"' ' • J ..... ..:::;::::~ "WI ...... _ .. , SAVE NOW, •• CHARGE m .I • • • ' '. "·r..t' ,,,,.. f • ~ ·~ . . :rHE.'.PBNN&Y STORY Why make -" .. such (l big deal out of quality? By ROBERTA NASH I asked a Penney store manager ~-he quest ion once and when he finally de· cidcd I was serious, he uid,."If I could use only i..one word tQ describc.1the J ~phenomenon of Penney's, I l'dpicktheword ,qua/ily. -"Mr. Penney has al- ways been a f and.tic on the subject," he continued. ''They say the on ly thing that still make! Mr, Pen· ney angry is \'Vhcn some· one suggests \VC compro· misc Penney qual ity to make a lower price." ' I ' . _. ,,11x104119iotf•lllittecl bottoro I : 5.57 Reg .. 5. 99 NOW I . 42. x 36 Cates R ... 2 f,, 3.59 NOW2 for 3.27 \. Penn-Prest• "Rock..GJnlenu poly .. ter/cotton mu~lin . prihts ... sunbeam or. C.19-'r .blue never needs ironin9 I 72x 16'flotortwiolittecll>otto'" 1 . · .. Reg.3.69NOW 2.99 efx104ffoterfulll!tfed,bott..... . . 3. 9. 9 . . !..•9· 4.6.9 NOW_. 42 x 36 cas•i Reg . 2"for 2;69 NOW 2'"filt 2;29 Penn-Pres .. po~~.te~/~ton p~tcale "C.mpan~tt••; 1tripe1 ... 1~n~am drpink orch.•d. never~ Ironing 72 x 104 flat or twin fitted bottortt . Reg. 4. 99 NOW 4.5 7 81 • 104 flat or full filled bottoro . '. ·5c 57 Reg. 5.99 NOW • · 42 x 36 cat•• Res. 2 .for. 3.59 NOW 2 for ~:27 I • Penn-Prest• polyester[cotton nl111li.f..4'n~ in .. honey 9old or Siam·pink .. :never neilra illlfiins . . 72 x 104 flat •. ,. twin fittecl bottom , Reg. 3.69 NOW 11 x 104 llat or fyll fittod"botto• .. R!tg. 4.69 NOW 3.99 t, . . . . ~' . . Reg. 2 for 2.69 NOW 2 for 2.29 . . Nation Wide• white cottan muslin, .133 ceunt bleached and finished linens ••. lon1-lasti"1l n x 108 flat or twi n fitted bottom Reg . 1.99 NOW 1.37 81x101 flat or !vii fitted bottom . l .. 6. 5 Reg. 2.29 NOW 42 x 36 cases Re9. 2 for 1.0t N~i 2 for 83c Percale bleached white cotton shffts ... crilp and cool and 1nowy ... long lastif19 -art 72 x lOl llat or twin fitlod bottom Reg . 2.39 NOW 1.77 11 x IOI Ila! erlull fitted bottom · . 2 07 Reg. 2.69 NOW. • 42 • 31 .. _ ·Reg. 2 for 1.39 NOW 2 for 1.07 . . . Our summer white g~ods event specicil on polyester filled fitted mattress pads · . ·. Twin 3.88 Full 4.88 . ' Buy a freah, new mattreu pod for eYery bed i"·th1 hou1e while they're tpe<ially priced now. • J • • • ' -r ,._ '• • , -~i.-···· .. ., .. ~ :;,r .··.'·-\ ... ' _;,;._., .... ~ ... ~· t ..• · -!I :: :~ .'( -"'-• ./.,; :t" ..... ·-. . -·•-..-.. --~-----~-··-~ ........ ..__ ·--..... _. __ . -' \· • -__ .. __ _ '" ~-,:. ) ' · .. • • . ., • J • ' • ~-' . .. '· ~.-.. 1 .. ; . .,.,,. " 'if'P''"' ""'!•·~ • • • ..... ··.~ ..... ' ~.s.~·"· ~' • 1· . . . • _;.. ·-··~ '°r""-'''~ ': ! . •: : ·: .. :..l"-;,.l,_ ! '" ·~ .· ' UICI rr ... CHARGE m '· '~-·t • -. -. ' ' i;; '· -~-·""~ .. -..... ,?l • .;. . --. -. ,, . . .. • .. ~ : . -~ .· . ' .. .. , .. . ' • ... '. -· ~ ... · . .s .. \.. ~".' : ~- pre g~rc;mteed .,., froi'ri aeloets in mat~" : ri1:d c;mdwarkmanship ' for two years from datit ot' pu;dlase. If · found to be defective \ '· • ~ • 1 ·'\,.; .. -~·-.·~~: • • • <: •• :·'· ~-. • •• ,. . . .. ··,··~:·t ~ .... --~-·-. · .. ), .. -.. ~'. ,,,., ..• , . ~ , . .~ n -~ . " ' ~ _ .. ,.,-l. y I -~ • .•'• .! • ' -. :~~~,~~-'.~~:~~-1:•1M•· .. ~~-~Lt~n: •·~ets· · -·-s·pe. · 1·1· comfort .. " ·. , · · ·--C ~'n ·tt;; OKI K! . · . _ . . . ••• . ,, '-.:"-; ··~· ' . ...: . "'I •. ··')·-·.--·r 'l'I.-··-·-····. :'J,..:. • '\''.~ :~ . ~Jri'~ort ,rj mailer what ihe wecither, with thf ~ff a dial! You know you're b\lx!ng q~ P')d, ' -... ~at a price you can.affard in our sleepshopsl Our:.'. . · r guarantee as.sures you that these·pofYM!l!i'l' .. ' ~ ,I r-•'f' • • . ' . rayon/cotton beauties .qre Q tremendous. value. You'll filld-J ' · in gold, moss, f"IC'l'OCk and pink ••• sei)l\&ti ·~' t. ·!_f.; \~'llr'.:'J~ f'!r~ l\#1 ~ra0m, a rid tfeai the whole ~~(peifect sleep I . . ;7 : • ' . ' " • '11.~ .. :..: -:~ '-·" •. '·' . , 'fithi!l .t~is_,pe.,t~~~i • . i.titilrn~P-~Cl!lil : blanket and[or con.\. ... ,, .. fr~l -~ill1'~1~.: '>'.,I• f' ,) -. ' . .__ ~ . -. ~..... . -· --. . --·~1'.tt '; • . . "· " --~ ...... ~~·~·~·~''!'l':~'!':!:~~-~"'l"""~-'-~--,"""!" ........ ~·~··~~~.·: ........................ ~----........ ~.·"··~··,;... .................... :::::::i ...... '""i;'";,1----;i;"'ii:":"-.::~~"'!"' ..... ~ :~ .... ; ... ·.. ::-;·. ,-. . . ty. PWS .to please .:~·j; wh61e family tl~- '\' . . ~tH~ws of flViry ~saiptitin ••• I;,. .every last,.!, '9r'1 pocket- ~' Sneeze-fr", polyester filled pillows, .fdC!m' ~lex fllled pilla'Nl,,:plump,!1.uffy. goose down filled pillows;·Tai\l!:our famoUs Sontiqw polye1ter filled pillows that come i'! ~j-i:nedi11111 or firm·.!lensity .•• with the pillow boll that cart,~'{efreshed In • ~...,..IH!ed(lillftr d I .• . • ., .•• ¥., . ;~1 ... 2•• 'with' ......... . your ryer ,. ·~'.:. r..: ·. ·~-• x ~ x5 · ....._ "1. • '1. I ~ ... , I . • .. < *4 -. -Clftllr. ·"·"~-·t · ·. ::. •·-·· · . 'Whlte.9o0u down filled plll9w ~· ' !~~ ~t-i~f -: ~-.; .-, . "ltl-;r:T-! .A·'~l«:l:Pi~ 20"4c 26••lfith white . ; . 1 ' ., ...... .... , ., ~ .. ~ .. . -~' ·_ .. , ,t,. ·. ~tripod~. '13 ' . " .... ((· • :.,!, ...... • .,. ,~ .. r ' " :-1 .. • ;,I_\., ... ...-" '· --~-... ' -r •• - ·SpecialB~yl . . . · -·-··-----··· ··MQ·nleJO·· ·· ·· ... u· "s;· -.~· ;: · · ···'ad":· ·· .. ·.;:·, .. . . ' . ...-... ' , . . ,· ' ..... . . ~ . . {. .. "'4 . . : ' .. ~ ··4:.j '" •· ~1.. . ~~,........... . • :_: • . . RI .•. ~-·tft:··· , ~ . -.~~' ~ .. · ·.~~-.~;.. .. '" '. · • lalll • OD.:. . . ~~-,To~I: ~. Fa•• "' 88 .: ;· ' ' , , Wsnh .A'. 88· To~els . ~!°~ c :· • . . ~ ; • .> Cl"'1\ 'for c St~.k yaVl">lintniclowt. Wlth ·'!*e·~-~ towel ensemble. • while'.tfWttF··· · · ly, nrit.ffl ~.colOn are clehcious ... haiity > ki ' ' ~ l ' I .. go '.JllOiS''iJ . ·,,.~; -oerine . • ~-. •• A , . - • I [I f I , • I • I -.. r • A ~mbl~ W ~ig hg ,....;:a=uffNl;;,....•--·-·_•1_·,,,..:....1 i;.;...:' ..... "inc1__,1 , t;llar,~he . F1i ~e Stat~· Tax ,1 .... ,;!,. ' • ; ' B,iff .to-iBan fJ DT 7c SAC1V'lifWJU (IJPI) - The moo~y was on lbc Aateolbl.1'• back today for ,_ ·or lalluu ol legisla-. Schools Get . ' ' I ,· 1 'I~ "', 1' . ~· -'!•"• ,!·~M p ' I I , .,.,, ! lr, ~... •":' ' , ., .. ' .. ,, . . ·'' h .,,;. ' ~·· . *· ~ .. ' . A fresh treatment of todafi.popukir and fashionable Mediterranean look. The · tile design is eniboSied·on aJ>lldlg~und :ol'il)ulti.Col~ed.giiinu!es, actented by ~ growl lines. Blue, greerHmd gold, beige, white and orange. DO A 10' X 15' FAMILY ROOM .FOR'. AS..UTiiLE~·AS .. . • , •• • • ~ . ~ , . " ' .. ' .. 13 ... 1, ~~~'.. - . ' ,. 11~-' COME IN OR ~HOHE .. < I FULLERTON 8~1-4~ MONTCLAIR 621 -3&11 LAKEWOOD 634·7000 HUNTINGTON BEACH 530-0981 NEWPORT BEACH 833-0792 .. ' I SACRAMENTO (UPI) --tlia1 lhi• IYM or allon ,<Oltlllilttee, w h 0 ,.. Pro/Ill rnad4.• ,,cliirdieJ • Thi! ~It has ~ed l(,btn,to tlii!ii·~~ P¢ ol bani!," chairman Is alio recepUve to n.m tbeir "• • ~• l'a led · · tU lfMo :1"°'1m• ch~• ,..,, llJO· .V'':lr.'~d a new1, t.ni lhe proposal. busi...,.s. :"'~":to-=:" !hat re:"~n added ·!bat no1 ~~:t .i:' ~=• :r o!":/~ '.,~~;: ·'Ille S.O.te clell'iil the only .chlinhes should be COi\• clos!ng,t!Ji> looPll•le naUonaUy. lloard, 8lild~~te measllre to thei ·~11 sidtteCI when lbo, eiempUon 'II ll'llJ• now in the state ''. SAld to es~ie bow mUdl nvtriue • • th< \jvy• 'wwld l'llM lloct no 'llleday DI( a 27'7 vote. G6v~ • ellliil"'l\ed. I\• oaid .cert..Qi ~l.Y.Jll~• ~ •'f>. ,..,. ~'·"""imicll~hH !IOnalll l\taran lateNncjlcai,ci ,,...1'Jlil\I """"'· tnel~c!!dJ ·BagY-ey, w h o 'head> !lie 1 a t hllve·.wve.te<(lJp J>!ilin.-.. he aeperallj sbpporJI rtmOV· orginized labor and law>-panel, • t 1 ' ' ' . J ,Be~e~.r\llAA\lii(/wQred Ing cl..rch exemptions for daUont1 ;.\..;;.Wf~ llO *">~ Bagley (R·San Rlfaoi), ,d Uie melSUlt to tq••JIU ~· -o.1.-.1 .:"" ~-• •·1..1.-~ the same proposal is ·tnclUded on bijShltsses regardleu tvho revenue V!:J•iV..u uum. 'OU.,."'° -at. "" In ~-major ~tax relonn pro-own1> tbe·m:· He said ttie· ex· enterprise!. '!be bilt'by Sen. Anthony C. gr4m be helped write that has emption pub UKtR in dinet 0 1 thlriik lhere's beeri prettY Bellenson <P-~l'.flrt1Hills),1s' "'4ta.lled in the Assembly. ...oampeUUon with ~ general agreeµu!nt ..,,.. there ii ~ to tie heard by the S~ifically the bill would ed buslneaset at 4 diud~ amon1 ~ the churdl peQple ~'!lbly Ri;,_ve~e ~d T,u -!evf ·a 1 percent to ot1 grOls vantage. ' . .. . '•, .... -.-,~-_.,__ 1·~'­... , . ' • en1Jey1 .. .... -.~ ~ 1• Ai.Vl4'@' FIRff-GUt\ITV\, , • • j • .._ ' ~ ., • ' " . ". • Pure riding· comfort with no tread whine and no lhllft!p ride! • Long.wearing, polybutadeine nib&er adds mil.I and miles to the tread I • Surer road contact acroq the entire treacl surface! · ~ llact tvi.Olau ' '5o-13 Reg; 18.95 NOW $16 ...... 1.79 hcl.· lllt ind old the Whi~1ll1 $2 -· • . ....... Sis• Pric• lax WHITIWAUS 'OliltY I ' . SIZE REG. l!llCE · FID• TAX . $2S 900-15 32.95 ·2.i3 ' NOW . 33 MOS. GUARANTEE Y/JTH 17 MOS. FREE REPLAC~MENT ( , . i . • I · . IGllllllT'llllliwlml · HEii's HOW OUR ·GuAiANfli ACWNST-A~-=--~~-~.\':'=*1~:'9.:!·:.,.C~.. . . FAILURE ·wOllcss" =I ttplkt ,_,. llfl M t -Utt ,_ SO.. U.. .,..... , ! 1le1 frbifltlMllltF'"'9l bc1M 'rn1 •t·,.....,...c .,_ Enth·gw,_... ptriod ••••••••• ; ... .e •• • .... -U~ '*'• ,.. ,., 1$~ .... -.......... l'lcl ...... ' t ' .. ' ........... ..,. HJWU-ff .. --.• tlrt ...... ,...._ off ,...,..-lxlMta • Free Npla~t ~···•••••••••···--\·17...,.... 'I ~. tl!llN " ,.. ca&ltt1 If "' ~-tM tn .rttr Gill ~·-.50% ptriod. • • • • • • • • ••••• ,, ••••• , la.is ...... , ,_ ,.,·~erU'lo 'ie. Willl .. _.. ...... "'°' lit 1ltll tltt ill& r....i btlM T-. 25% off perW, ••••••·• ••••,,, o •• ,, ... 215-33 ..... t-•--TMt ....... h..W .................... . ,,....._ ... ,_ ....... tt ..... "" JO.ODO .......... )IW. U.. Panneys Tima Payment Plan BUENA PARK C°'r.i!i~"l HUNTINGTON; BEACH CANOGA PARK MONTCLAIR • • . • ., CHULA VISTA, FULLERTON NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA ' r.:"'t;.ai:'l!Jllliiri:::;;:;l~;:;;:;;lir::w:ill:'ll::ll:lii::Dl!OIM~~~l[liiiiliiiiliiiii~~;w:;::::::;:;::!;:;::::::::;::c:::::::::;:::::::;:==:::;:::=:::;:=;;::::=~~~!!"!"'"""""!!'l!!"lllll(l!!l!!IJl!!l!!!l!!I~""'------~.~~ S~~, ~·· MO!J. ··Laser Beam Still .. ·- .. '· • I • • ~ Clara ~Qw~s -Son -to Get LAJC fl> Sup~~ Sapity Tests , m On_ C~ty f.!t!.l!!ies • ,, · ~ _ .. <I"' > • ' · EL C!lNTRO. (AP) -The ' l ·1 :...:~.o.;~"'-· • • . SACRAMElf!O ·(U.Pll -A • ~.:i,lnlld I~ ~I ..., ol lbe "It" git~ actrcu LOS ANGELES ·,(UPI) -ltp,.a ,., ___....,..__, .. ~ • '.~Can't Hit Shield • • proposal to taa Jlablicly,owoeil publl<!T ~ tl;dtrlc com· <;Jara Bow, and early western The Los Angeles ·Ju ri Io r day. • t · ' ' . . ~. MOON!' HAMILTON (UPI) -tody l1ll:1< baa !rowned •P9n : lislrondmen at the Uck 'btitervatory who have spent 'lWc.. aucce&slve night. shooting luer beams at inlster moon in, an attempt to locate a reflea- 1« l<ft by lbe Apollo 11 astronauts. . Sclentista at the University of CalforJ\I• wlll resume the quest torilghL If they cannot find the mirror-like shield by ~1onday, the search will have to be put off until sometime In' August~ aceording lo a tpok:esman for the obW'Vatory. electric companl~ at t be panlt.1· ~ ... '"~f ~~ an llCtor Rex Bell, 'tho beca1ne Collec.e boa.rd of trustees has Atn. M~tr uJd ~sh& Faller, co-director of the same rate .as private; uUUtlefi gener¥JY rlOWU' than u.e;: lieutenant Io v er a 4l' of voted to 'fire a jwUor (()liege woW4!fi&ht ber dllmillat.ll observatory. nrst nunl .'..... _ ml ht ha io . •Nevada, baa bee11 oommlttod · Engll5b tead>er 'for using a The bolrd •IM·Voted tO bAn ''Jf we find it soon it will be hu cleared ils co ttee private..,. .. ~ I .. ve ~ tO'.'Pltiop Staie HOIPltal unW ~ traulel'f to oib:r dlstrlctl f<!r pure and slfnple luck," Faller hurdle. raise ' thelJ:. r:ater because °'--.~, ia; ~~ ~bl&"' to a~nd Pll'!l' which w41, deacri~4, ti . , , aaid. "Since we doo'\ know lbe The ~blf. lkV"111< lJ!'I lbe tai,· > '.' ; • • I' \ rtf!al ,..::-~ @(' oq,mg. Po r • o I~ ....... 1 c • 111 her stul!O•l!.:~nvJ<!ed ol ·~ .. eoct•lociilion, all we can do is TaaxUon Committee Jn ,a ipllt , BagJey,Q.kl ._ ~rson sefvid. marlJ¥i+ .. ~x.'A er o 111 claaarooln. s~ lrom cam Pu• •hool lbe beam a\ several SP ASKS voice vote Tue!<IAy ,,.1 lbe by a l\l{lif)~f;~ '"1mpftl,~~~ ~ . l\frs. Deena Meliger, s2,;\;=dlstu=:::'~:::;b='ib::::=:::Jc:!::; ·~~;;'~sort . 0f like 1 s~I bill by chainnan William T. does nOt W~hli li1l.are _of~~~~· ~ ~ ~was ar-read lhe ~ "/ehovah'' gme-aquesUonolwheowe FOR 2 TRAINS Bagley, (R.Sao Rafa<!),_ lo lues.'I !t,• -·. ·\'·i.&.poi!WCG1irt•~illiievic1or Cbltd,"whlchsheirrote,loan ,C"'// I ,Q /) pick up the right sl\ell -the ways and mean1 cximmlttee How~ Allen, vlce pres!;., .~GillfllPle -.ilMid lihe .coin· English t9Jss at Los Angelu Jhink Jal# one lbe pea is under." The !"'""'•· which bas dent or ,~ Callton#ciillimeli~aller <•~ty Valloy ColJece. She called Ille .. • By shooting a tiny burst or SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -strong backing from private Edison, sihl. ,, homeowner, ·llearlDC'~·~. wbkti " a 5tate poem "hlgbJy moral" Md "a the high intensity light at the Southern Pacific Railroad bas electric companies would levy buslnw . .or' farmer ln a city or PIJ,cfllalt:lit · 'lald ·'..JSe.11 "'&! work of art.11 reflector and measuring t& asked lbe lnter~tate Cum· _ f _. ___ .:_,.,_.J_ area wlth a 19vernment-o~ 11~~ate---with his The trustees voted. 5 to · f lime It takes the refiect\on to merct c 0 mm I a Si' 0 n for ! peretDt wu ""•"Y"""" 111.1. electric service pays litUe or llW)'ert~bliclitse~olibia mental ·Tuesday to suspend ?.tra. return lo several lociUons on tborlt t d.lscontin d 'Jy • ~ publlcly .4wned eleetric no ·lax on hla utility bill condlMop,. • ~ .. · earth, scientists hope to pin--au Y 0 ue ~ companies. .,,•hereas hli n~ghbor in a city ''"'l'bfr pi)rchiatrisf.1 Dr. Etllel Metzeer _and to _l!f_nnanenUj•-'----.ll~'-'--'--""'- poinl lhe distance between the service of its ~de and r.1ty The tax wouJd reWrn Ill or '1'1a served' by an lnvestof. Chapman, said Bell wu a climtlss her In 30 day~. ~he I "We still don't know exactly whert h1 ~~ Q( tran- quility lhe moon walkers were." saJd Dr. James E. earth and moon, measure any of . San Francis<:tl passeuge.r estimated $S5 million in 19U. owned· ~electric ·utility p8ys pUiOOid iclilzOpbrenlc who haa a mooth to appeal_ -=lbe::·_:ac::·.11--.....-~..:T_,H..:.:;/ N:..:,:K.:__"""7~ w.obbitjnJbe...nr.bits_oLeither lrlllllS...and-operate_boULI:ln a Of this, m:s-J!rlUloll'""'foukt-~ state and local'1axerequaHo approvettiofrtttug-lawa-but-ftlt-tion to super1or <.WH.-. J planet and detect suspected tri-weekly basis. tq school dlstricts In the, up. 14 percent on electricity," they did not apply to him. She The board said It woul<f'.take . .C II.,.. ~. _ ~,q.·~-~~=~ shifts in the earth 's continents. Robert M. J°?crilie ~:11d where the tp was cqllect~, Opponents said most JMJbUc said Be~ had been in ment.11 QP the case ~ a ~ \Mfl I ~ ~-( [1c ~f'!i ~a ·u1onra ~ $11 million to cities and coun-utllltle.! pa)' cities a share of bospitali .in Heyada aad Jl•d tea_cher, Leslie Hoag, 25, Y.'bo Vt•ti.ltff PIU• St.Ni, Onl C~~ i:,, ~Fr~ 1°n 1~ Ues and $5.5 million . to the thelr revenue e\ren ·though it is moved here to-111n acCesl lo made the IJ>oem_ available ·to • I ·4--Z , ·-~-44' 4-. -" A. I! state. not tecltnlcally taxable. drua;s from MW~ _ her Englbh clus. at the col-. . ~ , Harb .Issu(i .in ,Court Betw~~ i:$. . .,~n.er~ · .. OFF 11·-· WATCH CL ·EAR-A-NCE • A CONrl.WOllAAY GROUP, CHop< 'Ult O' f~ION P!ASfS ••• AND fff( f-"q IS • iJi'T titf DlllAflST. •. . ··UG. 14.95 11 '' Naw Only CHARGE rr Af YOUR PfNNfY'S FINE JIWfUtY Of.P.ARTMffllf ... -- PUua!OM 0r ..... c..-.... ,. •I --.. fllWPOIT IU.CH ~ ........ 1 .... _,, Pac.Ilk C...1 H.-y. """''"II""' c.r-.._ .. HUHTIN9TON .. CH l ... '*"' ,.,.,, ' I , -., Penncreit•14 lb. . \ ' 2 speed washer .... Orig. 179.95 NOW s-.......... grti.t ......... .... _,.. ........ ...,. .... ... -----... -. .................. ... __ .. __ .. ,,,., ,_ .ht .. flltw, Wt " ....... CClflOdty, ., ... -'or{ ,,,_ '"'' .. ....tiite. Huny .......... qw:liiliall U• ,......,.. TIMe Poyment Pion ' \ ·Serve -on our Pennaes1• Serve on our great Penncrest• \P"'ll"'~ ~,.; .. it's great I Imperial cnilornotic .washer nowl ~rig. 2:i9;9$ !'!OW. $208 Qng. 239.9$ NOW $218 1 . Ttil WDlhar lit ........... CAlf.Mil\ON ~ • hUoa l6 b. 'aipocity, I pro.,wwl .... ...._ .~ po1wloift..-. flnbh, warw .... ~ ., • cMOi::utic: ,... IWifcfri for ... ml=nioad loOdo ••• '"" ... bad< .... --.. ••• -~--•-n1 Pon-• ATC prvgrammecl 9asdryor __ ,,,_....... '168 Orig. 1!M,95NOW• ATC P"'llrammed electric dryer ... ........ ....-.-$138 Or;g. 15'.95 NOW-. . . .. ........ limite!i quantities I Our pottablo frant loading dishwasher buy Oriti· 1 "·95 NOW PaMJCrft .. Cvsio. --17 ...... 1ettln9 copeelty, ,,_........._Ul'i~ covp)o witli ...,._ · • -.yposa. Whir. or coppertoM. c;l.JtOQA , ... ,,...._ tMmNQTOM PARK u'KIWOOO l.ONOHAQI l.OOAl.TOO _,,.,.,. OM.MADA Hft.U """"""'"* MACH PonncNS~ Sensor 11C11 ~ ... WMNo" fl .... , ;'188 <>rig. 209.95 NCNf Po,..,.,..I" Soft-oloctric dryer ... "" ..... _ '158 er;§. 119.95 tlOW · Ponn~rost• eye level lmP.riol gos range value o.tfi. 349;95 NOW . $328 3(f "Wiii ..... -., fM'POll ~·"II """ -"""'fool> Ion w.di ..... .,,..._ .... ........ trillt. 't¥hlN, ca,par1one, - • I I '" . . .-. ...... _,,,_._.,...,... --...... """ . TORJllAHCf . ..,..,.,. VI'"""" ·- ., • r I ~ y ,,.... ~--~ , -~ ... ., . . A> .. Gigantic colOrtv and ~.. · stereo savings~rici*.!""'· ' - Penn..-sie. portable solid it$' "'°"down If-. . . . Clearance wlu.1 $59," 88 Orig. 69.95 NOW e Two WI ronga ....... .mill -~ .... ~ lllOlcW UIJl:.5wott.olcl,..._.....,..,as.._.,UA15~, 41peiad outoMatk~wlth ,, • ..,,.,...., 'ccintroli1 "'°""""· '°"" .... w....,.,.,...,. ....... ..,,.., ... 8VINA'ARK MIRIANK ewtOQAl.AM co.TON . --...., . .. PennCftlt• stereo coillllJ.s ... 61 " Mediterranean or 59" Contemporary $329 ... Oift~·'.429 NOW . .. ·'~-........... _ . ..,..._ ... ......... 75 """--...................... -· 'oOwNn l'UlUllTON QIU.NADA MILLI HUMTWICllON HAcfl ljUNTINQlON Jt.U:IC · Macttwn111m1 """° ii ct..y ws -hard•ooll &olck. C1•1 pS•r~ h oilild wo1nut ...... - "'""""""" ..... --'"'~ ...,..,.,. VINTUllA ,.,.,~ .. ..... - 0 • '. --:=p.,_ ' ' .. • eaµing · of Apollo . I ' " ' ~ ' " . . ·~ ) '. . . • • ·.~ •\ -r.! I ·. • 1: .;. .~ .. ' ii . ) . • • " ) .. .. d . . , ~. WorUl Realize What'_s_Happened? .. ' -~,· -~'·ii -11)\,lll>WAllD BBNEDIC\'.__<qulpmenlJo do'"" Job ..._.M ...... lhao.Ll'W-WOS-1""---:end. -. ·~· '. ' ,_., ~=="--· AP ~'"4,_ Wrtlu !sled. . But lhe re1Ullo are ""°"n "1 AUNAV9 FIRST QUALITY Houston. The largest. m o s t 1m· the ~rd. Sloce re&Ul1llnt: , , ; b ·d • SPACE CENTER. 1 !native 1 0 v er nm en l • manned launcbins• I a 11 (_AP) -For eight Yf:ln: ~:--i~.univuslly ttam ever Odober wllh Apollo 7 • W.W hu been eooditioned usembled for a alnt:le project America hid conducted four ~~land 0:-J: n:!:, ~= went lo work and the miracles perfect misaiona~t e / P \ n I " hal happened. 'Ille world ~ be&an. In eight ytan, the ')A"~ tr Ill' • .v•n "" uclted. But doH It re4Jly :;;m ~~t ~::e~ 420~ ~ u wu~~ wtttr thlnp that =tand wlW has hap-reoiarnb1.: and powertid "'t Jildn't tlli! a -· years 111 .. · on the moon or inachloes that carried the !Ophiittcl'ted ,compule{I and ~::ronauta NW A:· lb$ m.n ~o the moon oo &Jn. guidance 1yllem.s, m I c r o · d Ed In ~ day, Jolf20, 11!1. . · i1iiJllOlure electronics and new ~ha:~ curie: man'~ ~t Utt st.art, test.' rockets ~X· metal' alloys. Dey,?Pmeot ol temal . '*'1Di ror l h e ploded, spaceships failed. But these , devictt Ml m ~ ~ t ~ 'lo ailoUler celestial tbfn John H. Glenn Jr.; put Ame l c 1 1 t b e w.o r J'..d s b6d)> ~ U ve opened the America in Ult oA;ltal race . in · technotd;lca1 leadtr. , Umities. fronUtr of space. 1962. The two-mlrJ Gerruni ApoUo la a U.S. p~am. .Ui That door will never clbse. . program ~nt .the tJrit:<t rockets and spacesbiJ>I bear Men cheer the expi>rers of Slates aoermg Jlltit the Soviet the Stars and Stripes. Apoll 11 but they do not fully Union i.._space in 1166. But history will record I.hat o. · ' · · the voyage to the moon grasp the m~cal C?~· OPENED EVES ~ ':""'belOnis'to all men. It wu lru· plexiUu and the teclinological Then, suddenly, deafh. 1'he ly a tri umph of man's in. and human skills lhat got three Apollo t astronauts died domltable spirit to push to them to the moon. in a nash fire that swtpl new horl!ons. _ _ ::MANY A MAU D lhrougb thejr space cabin ~ VislonarJ' men like GaWeo, Thole wbo do undersl!nd ing a la~ch pad teat at Cape (See MEANING, P11e 13) are ama sed at the KVlnedy tn 1967. _ _ __ _ tedmoolottcal Procriss made The goal seemed beyocxi mtM\Y-lMll: tn:ICI·• ~"II It In Ille last decade l>ecau..e of reacll. ' d fhe PICKWICK ~ the space program. • But the lragedy openc _ Wh•n Pl'end<nl John F. •Yi• of lhe ,Nat Ion• I BOOKSHOPS Kennedy stung by Russian Aeronautics and S ll a c e so.it11 ea.st l'laD, c:.strtleM space ~loils. declared the Administration. Manaij:emen~, ~"'~' --.c::: United States tn ·the mooo race design and inspection lechf!,.._ 110 .,,_. 11'1(. in 19'1, virtually nOne of the ques 1Were overhauled: fllllll""°" at]) 110 w 1u : " .. • • .· .. • ... . . , "· ' •. "\.;;i 1 4 ~~ c._·; ...... .#/!· • • • • -. ' . PRIC~S ARE REDU'C:ED·,'. :. ... " -• -·A . ... • . ' I •.. !I -' • !1 " • • • -j, ON TH-SE GREAT SLEEPERS:· , .. ·-J 'l . ,; thru·;·Saturday only! _.: . :q •• • ·~ • -t ... . ( . ' . . ., . -, "" ••• ,~.Ji ~ .. ~J~ ... ~ ~ -t! -·., ' : I • . '~ ' _; ' I , I• • . .. .;! """""-•-• Oir---~--.:.-, o--.. -:-~ . ...'i.~-"'' .... ·-·---· ···--·-· """'··----~. ··---'~ .. , SPECIAL PURCHASE! HAPPY, VI EW'I NG ... OUR ZEISS TYPE BINOCULARS'-... !- 7 x 35 WITH CASE • Focus in on this very special value •.• Zeiss type binoculars .with an extensive 360' viewing range, including center foais . They'd make a perfect surpri•e gift for the man in your life .•• great for ball games! Black vinyl carrying case Included. LIKE IT •.• CHARGE IT! MONT~R CANOGA PARK .PUI I FRTON NEWPORT BEACH .VENTURA LAKEWOOD HUNTINGTON BEACH • I • • t DELUXE QUILTED BOX SPRING OR MATIRESS Extra f1r111 nK1ll1w and box springs that wi11 giVI yoy gNCl!er slHping comfort! They fllalvre deluxe palyu .... thane faorn filling for a smooth, firm slHplng surfaat and a quilted rayon sateen print cover. Resilient coll IMenpring unit · and special Penney EdgH for side svpf1911. .. LOXUR.Y.. QUILTED BOX $P~ING OR MATTRESS Sleeping"is l~,;.,rio~s with these 'mattresses cmd box springd They·feature palytirethane loam insulation and poi:lding ·for a comfy sleeping surface and on elegant rayon dammit: cover. Deluxe coil innerspring unit cmd Penney Edges It.at give plenty of side support. DACRQN® QUILTED BOX SPRING OR ·MATTRESS • Here's the comfort you want at a price you can afford! These m""-cmd box springs feature a DuPont• Fiben:oll bonded Dacron• polyemr filling that's multi- nHdle qu ilted to a beautiful rayon damask cover, Plus luxurious coil lnnenpring unit and Penney Edge side supports. l ·-. ~ -.. . . ) -;.r. .... • '" l • • "' ·~ a . . ., . Jo .z :, • " ; :.J:; ( : = ·h •. ·"1· ... 'IC. -;.;. .. • ••• ')'I • ~ '~ --I'> '~ -. -:,;d . . .. . . ~ . '"". \ "REG. $70 NOW , ... . • • , ; I .• '~ . i: : :,:!;: ... ,. ·,9·. :. . \, ·~ . ~ ·' l~ I ' ~"T ' • . . . lo( -•• ,_ ... • : ·, .. ,;· '1iJ•rFuHsiu .. : .' ... . +·•l" ,..) Qu~ '"'"'lim'11r111iof11 and!->o,>. · J,io>(sff:;111 ~ '. ... ·'·~i $i99 NOW . '16.9 l'J111 mattr111Gftd . ... .. -·2·29· · bGi< spring IOI lteg. $2'9 NOW · . \ .. - • ' . .. ' REG~'_;~~9 ~ow . -'J • " ·--;· • ... • • : ."1 • 'i M , .. , . .. .' 1b -.· '.It -' .. tl - -•)(J ~. • •.J1 )l •• '65 ; 1 • • , Twin cio; Full~· "' "'' .... • • .._ ~ •• -• ·' "<l Queen mattr111 and . . .. .,, ... ., ' 1 box sprlr.g IOI lt•t· $21' NOW. TI • • . . . . u ~=and ·it,,. $offt :t.ow . '249 .. . ;. · :; :Reg. $90 NOW . $1 .s .. Twin or Full lile Queen mattress and ' · box spring sat ltl'g. $239 NOW '19.9 King m-ond 2 '. box spring set R_ft. $J29 NOW • 79, - -~,, -·'·;1l : ·~~ ,. -~"' -• -,G . n; . ' .. ,, ' .. .. .')(! •" ·::1 :·ri "' . ,,,qt .• ·j, -1~.t .t-<c:? '· LIKE IT ... CHARGE ITI CANOGA PARK FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR .. NEWPORT BEACH .. YENllJAA • ,, . '·" ··.-;~ .-·<t ~p ''4 • lib . ~ .. ' -a'li> , -~ ' ' i ( ( f • • f I t • I I t ( • • I I l I I I t • I • t ' ' I ' I [ r I I l q • d l • MEANING OF APOLLO 11 ••. I (C.UMel fnlt hp Ill touthdown. Bonnan teleph(on- 1\epler, Newton, Archlmecl.Js, ed an olflcial of tbe Soviet Na· tlooaJ Academy ol Sciences c oper a iM, Talolkovaty, seeklna lnfonnaUcm on Lu:m's Oberth. Goddlud and o«i,n coura lo ao unp-- rrorn many 1111111 provided u.. gatur< of coopetatloo, lb<: buic lmowkdc• years Md R""1an cobled Bonn.n the «nturles qo. eaact counie ol Luna 15 aOO And man drtamtd of Ian-assured it would not lnlerfcre cling oo the mooe IOOC bef<n with Apollo .11 landlnl m~un. he created · naUonl. S o NEW PERSPECnVE Atmotronr and Aldrin went '!be three American Apollo there u repruentaUves of crews who have flown to tl)' everyone on earth. vlc.lnily of the moon ha\·e They , Jlilanted an American Jiveo man a new perspective fla&. But they made It plain ot his bome planet, whirling 1 they were ambusadors (or aU looely4 vi&!I through lbe solar n1idons when they left behind S)'ltem., s~ from the a plaque whlctl said tn part: diadty ra of the se01riug · "We came in peace for all IUQ and the coJd or nlgbt o'lly mankind." · by a thiQ layer of gases lilan:s UllC ll .ttek the rtrapped Jn · grav.UatiMal unknown ol.~ .. lplet. whlch Oe)d. began In the spirit of com. Beyond the veil ol gases is a petition. may rudr maturity hostile world that many na · in a cooperative effort to build Uons may want to conquer scientific camps on the mooa toe:ether. By working ln uni:ion end lo use it as a base for es.· oo such a great endeavor ;is ploration of the universe. space exploration. the leading Sirp; lhe Apollo I crt" naliom of the world rnigftt join circled the moon I a Ii t t o g e t h e r to imnmve Christmas, there has been a humanity's lot on earth.· tha11t·1n& of relatlons between That i! one of the hopes the United Stat.es and Ru:ssla engendered by the flight of and there has been more talk Apollo JI. of conductina: Joint space ef· But, in the absence. of any forts. Tbere wu consid~rabJe such cooperation, the United discus.sion d u r In g A.POiio I Slates plans to press on \Vith commander ·Frank Borri\an'1 its own exploration of sp~ce. reoent succmful visit to Rus· Nine other lunar la~ sia. are planned in the next th ree As Russia'• unmanned Lurw years, each to a different arra 15 wa:r ori>ltlng ·~ moon, to ~ N~s geol ogical while Apollo 11 headed for its features. These m I s s i o D s .. Army Fails to Meet Enlistment Quotas gr11lually wlll lncrwt man's stay-time on the mooo •nd sclenUsts wU be flowD on tne 1 .... tripe, ~ aloog n~ and rovlrc mac:blrJ<s to lo- ..._ tllelr "" ol ... plontlon. SHOW FEASIBILITY These I 1 D d J DJJ wjlJ detonnlne the f..,lbWtJ ol establUhlnl .. An~·lyjle base on lhe moon to eOnduct sclentl{lc, m e d I ca I and englneer1ng experiments. America's future course ~ !j>ac:o mar be 14\1· Ill S.1> tember; when Pre&ldent'NiXoq ~lvea a report from u fask force committee , the.t I~ to recommend 19-31J for the 11e.1t ~adt .• • The ·helld Of the cotrunlttee, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew, suggested di.Irina: the flight of Apollo 11 that Ille United States tel • goal oC If~ din& men on Man bl this ,Ctf)- tury. He i.!J expected lo be overruled because s p a c e leaders believe it would he b\. advisable to set such a f'l-.n· mitmenl until after a series ol probes have been senl to tbe ml planet W the ne.1t few )'ears. Instead, the committee is expected •to recommend lhe mld-19785 launching oC a 10 or 11-man space staOon that could conduct weather, 'wm· qiunicatlons,. en~ring and scierit.lfic experimeqts. By acf. ding &e(ments la Jhe station from time to time, it could ac· commodate 100 or more men and women. BECOME HOME The 'station could become the home of 'specialized in- dustries, using the unique vacuum and weightlessness of space· to manufacture suCh WASHINGTON (AP) A recruiter for f.K1 Indiana items as perfecUy round ball Presi~t Nilon'll promise to counties blamed uncuta!nty bearings, precision o p t i r: a. I etim.lnate the draft, and otbtr lar the t u r n d 0 w n in lenat1 and s u p e r s t r o n g . f3;ctors aptr!atttl "Wlill; ·~-· 'ttill.stinentl. "Many of the kids m_~teri¥,s. . Vietnam : 'f&r, caUJed .fhe are ju!\_ sittin& arow)d waiting The.diy may CM)e when pa· Army tor mw its ·tnllltmeota w-see what ~ppens." he aa.id. Ueots 're roct:etedr to orbiting i:oaJ Jmy.ar by t,OOI mm "We're meeting our <>bjectlv.. hospital wanb. Somo medical The ckl(dt ·and ~lusi.,. la Indiana but not getting ., experts .belleV. we~ are re~ bf ~rm y many enlistments as 1 year might ~ beoeficial in ewin& RecruiOn1 ~ouunat¥)·. offiCera ago.•• cert);in ·diseate:r. Hearts, ~for l\'ho. say they -can't recall a · erample, would not b4ve , lo year when the~ larJ!t 10 AREA REPORTS Pl¥11P .JIJ hard in the aWence b8;d.I)' fn ~".oimltieri. Bllllii1s, ~CJ(lt~ was ~ Of 'of gravity. Army ~ fell ahort lbe areas reportipg t h at Wbe:n U .S.-&:ivlet coope.rR- of the ~ command'• enltstmints Wert'ltill.satiifac-lion. does come, It probnllly ob}ect!ves t.v;..... month from tory, but\J recruit~ credittd will be directed at a lur.ar NoVembe.r ~ Ju n e , that·tv tbe" loi:al lDdian tri~ base which would be manned aimosr a .trat11J1allc faflin& for Bl11inp ha.I two area reserva. by scienllsts and engineers of a command ~ to tionl WMri lbe ·Indians are many naUons. Considerable success.-· always." enllst.Utg as part of spacework hu been ' done at Fi~ ~ eamplled '"for their lnha:ltance to volunteer several tnlemaUonal :?>'J>M.'e f~CIJ 'If'!'. lboril 111o•· Anny lot COO!ba~ he uplaine<i. meetlop. penuiideil 118,0Dt ...., to joill '!be Ft. Monroe ...ruiting And O!I' day man will fly lo up~~ draft, compvtd command 1a11 Pr'=5ident Nil-the pl&Dets and deep into the with an~"'°' m.ooo. In on'• more )'eeeJ!t propoaaJ, to universe. becauJt Ulll froutier the pre'fiouf' two yean, ~y . ettablbli' a Jotiery to pick has beeo opened to , lhenr by ncrult<r!;ourpuaed tili!lf... dr!lftees·bu not'arid Pf"llal>ll' the C<IUf>i"OllS m¥'°" todol' nual f01t bJ 1,000 and ·t,IOO -1 '!fl~enllitm,m...: 'IJ><~poJ!o 11 bade to eailb. men. -r. ".1i£..C. • .-r ~, '"i!;:::ii::·j.-$;;:~~;3;:;;;:=::i~::Ot;;:::::=;;;;:.:::::::,-j The ~-'l nmlftc " _,... ' ' £ short o1 boctfts;.,o1 · coane, . ' ' '.' ~. Ef(fER NvW! because there111 always the draft to fall back on. But the situation prompted the recrultln& command to pay clooe attenUoo lo what'a been happening. FOUi\ rACl'OftS Col. Donald L. Roberb, chief of staff for the recrultln1 command, saJd in an interview that four factors combined to cause the severe drop: -Richard M. Nl:a:on pled&ed last fall that· as Pruident he would strive to establish an all·vol:unteer force. eliminating the draft when the Vietnam n·ar ls over. "Immediately when that an· nouneement was made, our recruiting went Into a nose dive." Roberts said. But that v;am't all. -~ recrWtln1 command suddenly found its seasoned recruiter11 were being grabbed up for administrative and leadership dutles in Vietnam. Recruiter s~~ fell by 500 to a k>w of 2,480. -Diuallst'actlon with the war left • bad taste with many young: men who ctherwlte nU1bt have been susceptible to lhe persuasi ve powers of recruiters. -Puce talks got undu way in Parts, lead!Jtg eome Joun& men to Ulieve the war woukS 1CC11 be endin(, after all , tpd maybe the selecllve Strvlce System wouldn't be rlo,WI !heir doorbelb. ' ' POIL HARS our An Alaoclated Presa poll of ttcnliUng bureaus tends to bear out some of the colonel'• imj)rasiens. The A r m y Philadelphia .. R~!!~!I• Your child's photograph can win an exciting s2,soo.oo SHOPPING SPREE IN OUR STORE! And thas's just one of th• lumdrtd, of ooluahle priztJ and gifts total/Uig •2s,ooo.oo in the 35t1i National Children's PHOTOGRAPH CONTEST! QI CM Wll OllE Of TllESE llATIOllAI. PlllES: Fi"• Pri# ••• •2,soo.00 SlwppiAf Spru s..,,rul Priu •• •1,soo.00 Slwppin1 Spn" Third 1'rin •• •l,000,00 Slwppin1 Spr .. Fourth Priu ••• •SOO.OO Slwppinf Spru SOFitf! ;;,.,_ . ..,, 100.00 SlwppiJJtSprees recrul\Jil1 olfict •er v Inc H .,., ., llllDIDI ., U.S. SA¥1NU ao..s eastern , Pennsylvania a n d AS llOMR'• I MDl110lf NIZUt Delaware reported younc men • H.tft yoa'nelf a Shoppiq Spree, •• 1•, a pa.id· =-=~~:~al waJt ui cJwp account that letl you buy whatner you. Boao.i. reported Jt. had been want! It's a nap to IDttr aod eur lo win. Let u1 unable to make Ifs recruiting pbotograp\ J~Rr child and we'll enter a· duplicate qtJOta. fa!' the past two monthl. ill IM Contal: at no extra clwge. Complete de· ''Youn, men are lmpailenl," 1 ta;ilt and rides in our PbotolnJ>h ·5~ now. IJX'll:taniA said. ·~ thini 8;• haHoo. will he .-iftll to flit,_ C"""tanL when the Presldent .. ,. ~ ~ -, """°""'· ~ wiD be done l!n· ________ .... medlltely." " ........ A I SpecW11icimoa ... .m:.111dp~hW..f11taua11le: ""· ....... ,.ornay' • a .. r«11riWJ in <:har&e o I COllTDT 7 . : . 495 0.. hlO ""'°" Alablma, Mlsalsllppl I~ d 8PSCIAl.I porlroU$ nc1 .;1 -llet•• ~.. j1loricla ~1 . .:...~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lhey fell IO short ol their quow 10<' March llltd April, and attributed much ol tho P\IUllT ... flVffTtHTCMt 111.t.C:M fllWl'OWJ IUC:M Onllllt• C'*lllr --l ........ h ... ' ' - 4" prohaaional qlHlllly '"" ftyl.,.-- brittle """" ••• Floggad and tlppad bristles, hardwood hondla. May bo used with aithor oil base or la11x paints:- 2.99 .. \ SIMI-·· sholv· Ing with extn •iiiiliii .. iill1 atrong, four shelf unit thcrt' meawres 4• x 24" x 10". 3.88 Mech1nic'1 tool box that futur• 1 red lift- out troy, full length piano hinga. Heavy. gouge steel, padlock eye. 19 inches long. ·9" SAW STAND.A•••· feet motth for your rnot01"i1ed sawl lugged •11 steel con· strudion. 24 99 • Extension wing for 911 motorized saw 12.99 3.44 • W-11. Juli ?,; 1969 ' $ - , . 2 alloni of.,Penncroft• 1mog1ne... g,. t watthislowprlce. ·mlcootoe ... ~ .•. Prem1u d that rep04.ntln9 · the time to o 1• Now s tl 'ng off Penncro t · been pu 1 • • job you \It . nteed to co'ler in latex is' (utly-guaro : ooth pre~ . '' one coot. It's s.uper-sm d• d ·.; 1u d r gon rl..-<> Vents blis.tering an pee inle . p too . Eycan·U '" . n ·just 30 minutes. as . i L brushes in water. Just wosn . t ' OAll V I'll.OT 13. • r • ~ • ,. 9"MOTORIZED SAW, ORI~ 139.99,NOW . . ' . . ' --. ' . Carpentry work's no problem with this 9'' '$ motorized. JOWi Features built-in Z HP ball bearing motor that's lubrii;oted for life, ond self-oligning fence. Culs 2·7/8" at 90' and 2· 1 /32" ot 45'. Motor has overload proltc· tion. Mitre gauge included. 110-120 vott, AC . Ute P1"n1y• Timi l'aym1nt P'lan Casters for 9 inch motorized saw Blade guard 'for 9 inch motorized saw ~ 21.99 18.99 CANOGA PARK FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH NEWPORT B'EACH VENTURA LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR dlfflatllY to tdmlnlatntlon , ~allowtAvampkl&tbeJ-=================================~J-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-;-~~-;-~~~~~~~ I .... ,...., 1111-00 ..., "-'· m.nn ..., .......... ,,,, .. 1 , l I I • • - • JI ,ILOT·AOllUTISER £ !£ · -4.lways at Sears • • Satisfaction Guarant~ed or Your Moriej Ba . . . t : • I l ' . ' ' l I \ Save.sa Now ,on1 Sears Exclusive ' . I ears ''Sonata Boucle''lJrapen.es --·····-· 11.98 8.97 72x84 :2.98 19.98 16.97 96xB4 29.98. 96154 26.98 28.97 · 120..M 17.98 48s84 12.98 9.97 l'4lt84 4".98 39.97 SPEW.M:.-ORDER SIZES · 48xJO ~.49 1.97 ·168xM .. 7h30 14.98 12.91 19b8' S9.9i ... ,. 20.98 17.91' ... .., l:.l.98 """' .... ... , ' 90 .. ... 19.97 , .. ,. 15.98 lS.9"1 ..... 29.98 25.97 -. 21.'JB '-11.97 1""90 S7.98 3:?.97 411145 10.98 ~97 1"•90 ..... 39.9'1 7h45 17.98 lS.91 168x90 ..... ..... 23.91 'i!t97 192x90 59.98 31.98 U.97 ... ,, 15.98 l:L91 •lb:63 11.98 -9. ~ ' 12195 ,.,. "'" 72163 19,91 11.97 -96s95 a.1.9! J0.9T 4i.98 4(1.97 53.98 -48.•n 144,1.63 40.98 35 97 16811.95 6.l.98 5'l.'l7 41h.7Z 12.0 10.91 19211?5 73.98 7:!,.7:! 20,98 1&.97 ()o,. Wav Or1w 9h'i2 27.98 2'.97 l~IG 31.98 1:ZOX72 !5.91 IO.t1' ~1251184 19.98 l S.97 1u..,, a." ''·" lSOx&l 46.111 •1.t1 .. Ask About Seara Convenient Credit Plans ~ Percale or Muslin Sheets Plain or PERMA-PREST" SaYe 313 on l(enmore \ Caµister Vacuum Regular -'39.95 $26 A•k about Sean Convenient Credit Plans • Antomatic cord reel, IS.ft. t:ord and allachmenl act • l-ee!i dispoe1bJe du!il h•P ' • !tolls easily oh 3 non-mar tultn M6dd 2?32 1-.....,..--·---- \ ,----····--- ' . I I I"" '·~t---. \ :.9'1"--, .;,;...< ·-..... ·-., , White Cotton Mu!lin Sheet• u ... 1 .. S1.99 Twin Fitted/F1al }29 $2.29 Full Fiued/Flol...-1.59 $1.09 Pillowcase 79e • Lonll" weari111o ltt qudity durable llUltiin • S111forittd bottom lilted 1beell White Cotton Percale Sheet• Regular tz.39 }66 Twin '-llttd/Flat 12:69 Full Fiued/fliL-1. 99 Sl.39 Pillowca!e 99e e llnl qu•lily combed cotton pen:1le, Ion-. weerin~ \ • Slllforiaed bottom fitted 1beeu 1 Perma·Prest• White Mualln Sheela Replar 12.59 }78 Twin Flued/flat $3.59 Fall Fined/Flo• 2. 78 I Sl .69 Pillowcase 1.48 • P.fiaebioe •·ah. 1uni.ble, ne iro• • PolJll'tf:r}l!t!Uon blend • El ... •fh eomers ' Perma·Preot' White Percale Sheets Regullr'2.99 237 Twin Fitted/flat SJ.99 •·un Fined/Flot 3.37 Sl.99 Pillo•uM'!A 1. 77 • 2·1n. tw. .. o• eKh Md tluil ,_ for evtn ... e.r • ~luhi• nlh. C.mble dry • EJ-..Fh ......... fined tbee.• ·-··---Regular ·--·-·· '1299 .97 ... Use Seart Revolvins Chari• 48x84-inch • Rayon-aceta&e boucle with deep tri·tone color• . ..e Eabrio&ted.wi\h..fine-quality-detail ·-· e Blin<btitched aide and bottom hem• e Deep 4-inch buckram back 3·fold pinch pleata •!\latching 1horty, eill, floor length, ceiling·to-floor and one-way draw draperies • Decorator colon Futurlat Travene Rod• 30 to SO.lnoh 4. 98 84 to 156-in 8. 98 50109().in. 6.98 120 to 222-ln 1.98 Lueturoua Rayon Tie Back• 24-inch 1lse 1.49 36-inch size I, 79 Save 13% on Perma-Prestill Ribcord Bedspreads Your Choice of Regular '7.9\ Full, Twin or Bunk size also choice of colon 6 97 ach, (••1 •ll•l • Perma·l'ret~ oner need.o ironing when tumble dried • Roand comer 11ylin1 1dd1 a neeter appearance • Koep• their 1ood loob w11hin1 after w .. hing •Available in.Red, Avocado, Orange, Blue, Gold and Brown I Multifloral Print Foam Latex Pillow 2ro~5 or 12.57 ea. • Cot!A>a tlek -Sanitised fin· iah retittt h1cterl1. e Cotton tick sip,,er at one end. euy removal for launderins.. Save 20% to 46% on Cotton/Nylon QniltedMattressPad Re81llar $3.49 7 Twin Size 2 7 U .49 [Jill ,;,. II, 77 U.19 Twin Filtod..-3. 77 15.19 Fall Fiued.-4.79 Clllhloas 111d pr0teets mattreskl. Sanforized couon <Ofer for dlinilnwn sbrinb,se. Double sdtehcd tape binds prevents tear. ins 111d rippins. ~---------------~--~-----------------------------, 1UEHA , ... TA 8·4400, 521-4530 n MOM!l GI 3-3911 !ONG lfAOf HE 5.0121 PICO WE 8-4262 • SANTA It-P"4-11>11 VAUFI PO 3·8'61, "°4·2221) I CAHOOA ,..,. 340.o661 . GUNDAll 0t s.100,, a ,.,611 on""'1<: • ao10 AN 9.521 1 l'Qlo\CHA ED 2,u45, tlA •·51'1, vu 6-6751 IAHTA MONICA EX •~11 YBMONT PL 9.1 911 I I COMPTOllNE 6-2581, NE 2·5761 HOUYWDCDHO 9-'9'1 OIANGl637·2100 W<TAANAICI 7-llS71 S0\11HCOASTPIAZA 5'0-3333 ' I p· CO'IJNA 966-0611 -OR 8-2521 PASAlllHA MU 1-3211, El 5-4211 I I 10lltAl4CI 5':Z.1511 ,._ - - - ----- - - - ----- - - - - - --Sears - -- - ---- - - ---- - - - - -- -# "Sati1faction Guaranteed or Your Money Back" __ ...,.., Sliep6Nfahla MandaJthrouthSalurdar NO AJA. .. NO P.M. . . • • ., ---...... ___ . . . ' r Domes or Industry? Hippie~ or Not, . Recal~ Raging FOR SUMMER ENJOYMENT Oattloor Living is 11 w11y of life in Southern Calil ENJOY IT NOW CALL US TODAY! ,----~ The NEW LOOK for '69 CANVAS AWNINGS VALANCES CURTAINS Norhing deco1ote1 like canvas. B•ouli f~ n•w color1 & new fobric 1. fOI' homes • , • for bu1ine11 .• , for trail tr1 , •• for tompe11! MlllUIACTUllO • INSTAWD FREE ESTIMATES NO OBllGATIOH WE DESIGN WE MANUFACTUr.o WE INSTALL ALUMINU.M SCREENED PATIO ~ Planned for large, small or mobile homes .,. completely bug proof. WINDOW and DOOR AWNINGS Many styles & 18 stunning decorator colors for your selectio.n SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING co. FACTORY SHOWROOM 2202 So. Main Santa Ana O 545-0491 ht --.,i.te lHDOOll• OUTDOOll fYr9ihlro 41'1'1.,. BRANCH OFFICE:ORANGE COUNTY AWNING CO Phone 897"67J1 -Sti-vlng Norlh Orange County: ' I' • ·r .. ·-- , • •• • GWC Class Thmls With .. .. --.. ~-·~ --·· ,_' .~ .... ..,. ...... • OA/t.,Y "1.0T Jji 4 •.-••• • • au+ • ~. 206 Students ·Lincoln Reveals Honor Roll r • • -8ARGAINS:-SAl:0,~-- !.liop et ho1J1• .,-·••II from yo11t •rin,htif. It wor\1 olfhtt w.., ""ith DAILY PILOT Dlmt•.t•Lin• td•· Pilon• 6'4Z·567l. . Sears FINAL d:i:l Men's Suit '~'.. Clearance ...: \\' I' "·J -,-,, ' _.-,. Regular $83 . 5988 Regular 6988 $95 e Prices now !.l11~h,.rf on thr~e hanrl110mr 1ui11 lailo~d in fine fahricA, ~pccia llr de11iltd • Choote fron1 ~Yf'ral po1n1lar ~1y le1 in the lale1t colorw in muted plaidt', in· leri:~ling weav,.s e In men·1 broken aize~ and c:olol'll . Atk About Sean Convenient Credit Jl'lano , _ ---------------------.. ------- - -...._ ____ P.!I.!"•• -·---------. I IUENA. ,ARJ: El MONTE lONG llAOI r«:O ~ Rimpou SA.NTA ,l $NINGS -,,. VAUEV I 'CANOGA ,AllC GlfNOAlf OlVN#IC a. $OTO ~A SANTA MONICA VflMON'T •S-.. I COMIJ.Ofl HOUYWOOO OIOANGI 1 · $ANIA.4Ni $0UIH COAST PlAIA I COVINA INOl!WOOO ,AUDENA . s TORltANC! • '-----------------------eaIB ------------------~--' ''Sati1focllonGuarantaed cnYaurMoneylack" • ....., __ .,, $hop 6 Nl9hhM•nffr tltrw1h s.tvrM1t130 AJA. le till P.M. . . I I I . I * w..i ... ,.,, ""~ 25, 1'69 '"'---• .... llliM ~~~a: • • ' L • ~ ~ NeWFire .Station ' • " -... ··For ~CI Approved ' IRVINE -A 12%1,900 eoo- tract to coostruct the new UCI beadquarten county fire sta· tion at 311()1 Staton Road was awarded TUesday to t b e Crosby Coostruction Co. or Ccsta Mesa. The supervisors approved the dimination ol f o u r features saving '18,900, as .......,,ended by th< Building SOrvicerllepartment. They Include 13,400 for pip- ing for possible future· air con- diticming, $1,500 for ceramic tile, $13,500 for landscaping and sprinklers and $2,000 for dr1wall con1tn:iction 1ubstitutint for c e m e n t pluter. · Cost or the facility was estimated by ardtitecl Wlllanf Jordan of Costa Mesa at $237,000. Sil bfds were rtceived rang· Ing up to 1313,473. Board Chairman Wiiiiam H. Hirstein said, ''nia will be the most expensive fire station in the county." Building "Services Direclor Joseph J. Smi.sek rep1led that the proposed faciUty "is lden:- tical with the Leisure World headquarten station built four years ago. Buildhii costs have gone up in the rneantlmt." The UC! a14tion will bouae ~ :,i::e::·.':.:s ..:'lb bwli.neu -ces. For the Record Marriage Lie eases tMtA ... W COUNTY ""'llal.friel LICllflll IUUID MOUSE-TAtlTENHAHN, 1"1ul E •• n. 1!1111 Marlene L, 23, bvlh llf 2" 11'111 SI,, ,._1 lffd'I. · TENGWALL.OKIMOTO; ltlllffl' W .. 'S. of flU EadJiert, H11nt1....-lltAch ~ JIM M,. U,. ef l5l:I W .. 11tl St., Lo. A1111les - ALVA·McMEA.NS, Ntd!Hl E ... '°' ef lno.J H11vesl, N«w11k IMI Trudr L. 11, d +m ... ttl. Wt1lmlm1t.r WOOD-COZY, Jollll C., 27, of H711 lulhln:I It., Wntmlntltr 111<1 51ll'f ,\_, If. ef f027 LI l'llma A¥1K FcKtfl.. l1ln \'1ll•r GOOl..E'l'·ll011NWN, JOSY!I E., tt. of ll6.I l'lle911tll Av-a .• Apt, A. Cosl1 M-lflCI Olrl1tlnt L ... If, ef f!71 Llrk1~r Orlw, W11lmlt11t.I' HAN.MONO.VAN Dl.N EL l E N , Rid!•"' EK 22. of tsn l'l1ce11111 A'/11 .. 1nd l"rll'ICIKI J., 11, fll •n Govwnor. 1111111 "" Coli. Mesi ltAY-IUl!DEL, J"'°" W .. t4, of "501 Orrl1111or! JI.Old 1ftCI J1Mt M,, 73, of .UO Semi Df"lv1, bofh of Coronl Ht ... CA:EAM.IA:OWNE. Joht1nl1 ti., '°• of 2'1 w. wri.on. APt. 11, ca.11 Mn• 1ftCI Lllldl A .. U, of lt460 OrteN, S1t1 Ju1n C11l1tr1N> kOHL..STltlCl(LAND, lttYITKlllll E~ 1S. llld M.1¥11 A., 21, bolh of 216 Nnhv11Je, ,.,, c. Hunl!l'lfhlll lttcll $ EltllElt·HIGGINIOTHA.M. Wllllar11 E.. n. of ll'2R San.. l\ICll SI •• 1'Wt1holt1 V1lllY AllCI Sii.iron \.., lf, of lnn Cti!-L1M, HuntlnlfDn l11dl MAHONE'l'·WILLll\MS, w11111m L. ~. of 1'16 11111 St., N.W ... Wnhlnt10ft, O.C .. 11\d Alberi. S •• JO. af tl'22 St. All:l1t1'1, LOI A .. mlto. MUOD·MOltNGO. Mldoall It .• 19, ot Um Lt Pat, AP!. 11, Watmlntt9r 1M Sh•...,., L., 1', of 1611f Wll\Cll Clrt:tl, H'"'llllll!Dll ltlCh FltENCH·SlEP, Lll\CI E., 23, of ltl2 W1t1t1msburw, W11fmln1tv 1 n d .. l"Wtl M., lf, of l2W. Krill JI., Apt. I, G1rdln G!lWI JULY 1 Hl!!ltFUllTH-SWAN, M.!ch1@I L , 2l. <11 1i1 1'1r-Aw .. L-8~1c~ Ind CuY" M.. 21. of :t63 Monte VIiia, Colli Sl:ri:rG-LI NDSEY. J1met A., tt. 1111 1"1 w .. 171h St. ,,..._.,. Ind C1ro1 J .. 17, of 2.1, ltuby SI .• L .. unl 9Hch l.AWRFNCE·McCONNELL. M&no; S., 20. of «IU G'lr!Nlntkr, Irvine •nd $1intlr1 K., lt, of 21002 1)1!1 II., Hi<thl1nd, C1llf. FlllOElllCKSEN-l..AWS, K1r1 A., 1'. ' Births GRAND OPENING -- JULY 24-~26 <:HARLES STEFAN Orlglaal SporU...ear MISSES & TEENAGE Register for: Door Prb~ • GI~ Certificates • Tickets for Disneyland & "Hair" mA.BLES STEFAN ef Buthi,aeia Beaell , 1~~1 Al.Al.\MA lat Adams> H~rflltton ... cit • Ope11 9:30 tll 9:30 • ..-1. ._ '---__ •c ___ _ I .Jeweler Beeoverlng Countian Judged I For Murder Try " SA·NTA ANA -Arthur A~a jewelry dort. B'rucker · Frank Kleis mU!l auve what reached for a gun while the could be ·• 20-year term in ·&Wo men were stutfi.ng c8.sh atat. prlaon fM' th< attempted and ltJ11I Into lbelr l>OCkets murder • of a . Santa Ana and opened lire onihe bandits. Sentencing i\.r Forger~ SANTA ANA An Anejlejm doctor c<>nvictec\ of forgw WU )&entenced ~s­ day 10 ooe to 1i'1W. In stat,e Jlliaon. ,Superior Judge Rob er t Ganlntr ,..iu.ect the plea of Dr. Sldney'M. KoWer, 52, !or a new UUt:-· . A jury agreed with pro&eeu- tlOn irgumenta lhat Kottler forged paUeilts' 11 am e"s .on .comJ)a)'Jies and pocketed th e .tAPE TOWN HU~TINc;TON BEACH • . . . GRAND OPENING JuJy 24, 25, 26 TAPE-DECKS bis • proceeds. 1be physician was ruled to be sane after exami- nation at Atasca·~o It was tesillied ttiat KotUer received insurance c h e c k s varying from •t50 to '250 over a long period of Ume before h.is forgeries came ·to light. He was proseculed after "several patients told d I st r I c..t ai- ·torney's investigators that they had "received copies of payment documenta relating to no~mtent illnesseL jeweler, ... Kl<b'· 'oompanlon, Louill A3--· mood , 11,1 of g.... J11an ·•an' ·•~ a -um to Superior Court Judge Cl!platranO,,waa:.lhi'im;,;;gh :i;.w.;t;;;. buS~;... WllUam Spdn ,..i..ced the the:l!e¢ In' the luslll~de •f Kleis was "'1'eated after•he AJlahe1m man Tuetday, noting . olWti and dle_d,;111 • poi>1 . of D<,<I from the store, He was that penal codes do not •peci(y blood Oii the<• "'°I> llOor. Identified as the bandit who a mlnlmwu -for the )!rucker ci>llapoed on•hls side _ put five bullets Into th< plucky crime. He dismissed ad--ot the counter with seven Jeweler DOOR l'RIZES Gift cfltif!C:ates Gift Tapes Tickets .To , Disneyland & CAR·'STEitEO ' BOAT-DECKS ditlonal cbatilea of armed rob-bullets lnJU,s ~. Brucker today. ls the recl- bery and burglary. Brucker .survived ·wounds pion! <I a handsome tlophy Klels, 25, wu one ol lwo that W(Jljld, holpltal doctora . · silbscr.jlledJo.by his downtown men who engaaed in a IUD said,· "~ve killed · many a buslness1 associates aa a battle with CS.year-ok;J ~m younger man.!.' H~ .ii ,today . tribute to his. courage in lkucker, the owner ol a Santa . COIMl!e.Ctng"•l·lill•home;and rtsistlng the ml>eey,"1\empl. -- Ute Sear• Revomng Charge .. ... - ''Hair'' HOME-UNITS 1623 ALABAMA IAt Adams) .HUNTINGTON BEACH . 536~6669' Open 9:.30 'tll 9:30 Seclrs '" . . Tailored for Casual Carefree Wear! • Men's PERMA-PREST® Spori Shirts Sensational Sear• V slue! for or 2.77 ea. • Polyester and cot1pn blend shirts never need ironing when tumble dried , •• etay neat, crisp all day long · e Short sleeve shirts witl1 button-down and clas&ic collars. Orw pocket style. Solids, •!ripes, plaids. S.M-L. Men's Traditional Ivy Style Slacks Exceptional Low, Low Price • Plain front slacks with belt loops, cuffs. 190 weight couon poplin e Popular colors include whiskey, beige, medium blue, navy, olive. 30-36 . . ... , . 397 ., I • ~ --------------------~-----------------------------, I IUlNA PAil EL MQITf LONG IEAOI PICO at....... SANTA FE Sl'llNG$ VALLEY CANOGA PAK GlfNOALE OLYMPIC I. SOTO POMONA SANTA MONICA VERMONT at Slouson I I cx:wrroN HOUYWOOD a.ANGE SANTA ANA SOUTlt COAST l'IAZA I '-~ - - - --.!4°~ ----':'!™..!----I Sears I ----~~ ---.-----------, "$atitfacllon Guora"'9ed •YourMoneylack• --""• Shop 6 Nighb Mo.day lhiough Saturd.y ,..30 AJA. to 9.30 P .M. • 1 l l ' • t • ---------... ____ __ ~ · i~g Sting Out of ~pun~y Public Comfort,' No Disea1e Goals of Mosquito Control • ;,, • ' Ar i '' . ' \ dy'llANDY'~YE '· "pli611C comlort.•"• ' dlltrt<t .....,., WU quick to rlle"o(l.I ~I" Ille l-ot'.~ P111t .,.,., ••we hive been very fl. add that eveey cltlJle wltb a t~ yW ~~ lo GARD§ll'.OROVE ,_;·y111r 'fetUve in holdln& back Ille pool ol watot, on old,11/t;J tn oellt I.,. llle ·== cents a yurliUI lhe aUD(ool number''Of mooqulloe1 ln Illa bird balb, Un .... « 11owtr ci..p1"° llit . ~ of living on lhe Orange Coast county," Dlatrlet Manapr pots II maintaltllll( • IQOl!lulto J~ In v • 11 provide• protection from Jackl\--.IClmbol!laW; l brffdln&, f"l!J!1d -IJWIY ..,,..,.m J~. Ille ,dlf. lhe annoy big,_,... ol lhe "We locate !eedln&: artu wll1Joul,r•flll!IDC 11. · 1 ... ..., oi\d. amatl 1tnaect Cullcldae -bet· and .a bile or ellinlnate !tit .,., the auffi-1!1'"1lha lhe 'l'h6 year17' budpt II Ill by ler kilo!'• u Ille unlrlell!lly pests In Iha! area.", l 411trlet hired IL oddlllaoal the clJJlrtct•1 bo&r4 of mosqullo. The dlslrtet, whleb ,.~ employ•, lllOltly llodeota, lo lrulteel, wblell ta ·l!lllde up ot The Orange,. County Mo,. all ol Orange ' Coonly excejlt patrel the lhouJandl of -t 2f re-taUva of Oranr• quUo Abatement Dlltrict uses for . a smill. atction 9i f dr&ioqe dltcbu; bundreda of Coul\tY ~tfu. . ., flinds collected from each FUnerton, employ1 l11 full t1aie mtla ot rotdllde drllooP. dlt· Mtml>era ot the bo&r4 "' county taxpayer, al a one ctnt staff members_ in' lts bltije chel, ravlnel and Oood. dwl-teleeted by city counctlt and rll•, to ellmlnlte moequlto against lhe moiqultol. DOii. Theu areal IOlllt be Ille Orance Cow!ty lloanl of ' breeding cow~s and the prob-TotaJ eli.mina&a of moa-treaied ever, Hven daya with Supervieon fOr a tw~ear lema lbe Uttle pesl mtghl quttoet ta virtually lmpoul»o, 1,_Ucldes · becaUIO ol lb• term. c:feau. beea""' they breed in ,.... rapkl bree4in1 rai.. ~ Cttilty's Abatement l ·'I'lle ~dlllrict operates on a days in neai:Iy all loca;Uqm. 'Ibe diatrict he~, Distrii:t ts atmUaf te If other bud&el 'Of over !300,000 • year Morqui!oea ooly breed In 13001 Garden Grovt BIV4.. -and cqtnlzatlom In . an<l.~•1'• 111 ellorll on •la!l!iln& w_fler, bul 1 b.• Garden Grove, allo handlu Ca!Koriila tliat dee! with lhe $900 for Courtroom Control Turned Down more than 300 phone calls a mOsqwto problem. It costs month. "We rtspond to ca1ls about $8 million statewide to within 24 houn and invtsligate control the pests. possible backyard sources," The Orange Couoty district Kimball noted. is divided into Uu:ee Pl,rb, .one A major phase of the of which deals q~vely Orana;e County Mo I q ~ l to with the Orange ~ are.: . , Ab.ment Dittrlct ta . to "February and Mittb are · educ.te ~sldent.s about tn.oa· the busiest months for ,,,,. Dr qui to problems. _, the beach cities,'' ~bllf:--'· . do~pr~~03.r.~~;'bl:i ::!~ed~ ~:-'~~ .. !1: Pioneer Familg Honored . . ! . "· SANTA ANA -A reque!l lOrcement unit ~d been ·form·· for $900 in equipment for a eel conslstUW of•two a.tnan; proposed Marshal's Special sQuads of marehAls, two squad Enforcement Unit to control leaders &lld _a__commander, courtroom disturblnces was and th&t .~Y planned to turned down Tuesday by the undergo 40 hours of specb.I Board of Supervisors.' tralnlng. They said the Sheriff'! Equipment needed included Department cou1d provide for protective h e 1 m e t s and rontrol at the courta, with the chemical mace unit!. exception -ol those courts Rhea pointed to the recent located i,n cities where. the race problems in Santa Ana, Sheriff has qreem.ents with the Hmrtington Beach riots local pollce depirtments f<I' apd the Strawberry FesUva.1 support. · · dtltilrba~ in Ga,rden Grove booths 11 fairl and oom lb• bulk of OW' worttlllro.:~,, All O'Neill Avery (Jell) her mother Marguerite : parUclpatlon In lhe -..hoot.. Drainage and flood coo..,. .-_co. · "ch •J O'N' ill rtl The diStrict also provides a routes are map~ oUt t;y the O'Ne~. 91, ~nd ~rother, ru . ar~ •. . e , pa c-~ ~ulto study kit -which fi ve employes an the ad-.. ipale 1n ~ed1cat1on ceremonies ·fot firs~ of series includes live moequltoes, egrs ministraUve staff and 33 filld of ceramic murals al Or8.l).ge Count~ ~rport. Mu- rals at pa ssenger terminal depict county hiatory. First mural was completed· through efforta of O'Neill family, owners of Rancho M!.,lon Vlej_o. A letter. signed br Don E. which "overloaded' the courts Rhea · marshal' bl the Southr-lo Westminater." and larvt, accompanied with a men (including surnm& ~) • , · i. .• 10-mlnute film oo the abate· patrol these routes. 1, • ment , program -for use by Two major melbods are "'. count)'" .schools. _ ed by the crews to coqlrol the . 'Control pr o.c e du res in mmquitos: . : Ora.nee ·Counl)t. which were 1) Pestici4ta, l\tCb • 1 fits! ~ In lMB, have Baytu and' Abo~; ntjther ol redociecf iDoiquitQet -so ef. which contain DDT Of . affect . fec:Uvely that an epidemic, , fish, blrds « anbnlti, 111 .• .· ~" ' -.:i•., .. ·: Oran&e .G_otmty .J u .d l_cw_._~.~~w~. lha~ _ Pn~4~t bistrict~in J..llUU· Beach, aak·, nn:na,rd Nlloo's moving Lo ed for the ·dMnclal support ~ ClemeDte ~ already because o&.~ ''uttonwlde ·1>..rouabt on planne d mass dl!pll;JI <if oontainpt and ~emoqatl'IUons and e o uld planned delnorw&raUou for · eventually le_ad to ~un­ those dLsplayl ... ." · . Cou!rollable clW>a" in" ,!CJUlh startillJ ..tlth mot,quito-bJtes, sprayed l'.Wtl"_problem area:-' -~ "'--:---__ ,...._' ....-- is COn.!tdered impossible. 2J Small f1sh1 ttnntd rD* · -~.... •...::. ~ . :' ... ,--·~ ·~,_ ..... ,,1..------------- Rhea -aid 1 tpedal , sn-~Q.range ~nty court~. Diseases such a s en· quito fish, are uled ·to <*trfl ce1Jh1Ull1, commQn11 called Mosquitos in .p e rm •.n • ~ l oleeplna·-..., "!ld""IM.l•rla bodies o! frt&ll watar. -n,t which ue canied by the in· crews stbck latM, l'Wt"VGlln l ~ are non-e.tattnt in the a00 . sll'tOml witll ti-tfp Otl,llle County ~on. '"Tbis feeding~·-·· e .'Joa PRINJIN~ e PUBLICATIONS ta due ,lo the IoW ,rnlniber ol .._,'-"· "t'"I -mooqujtoes In the arei." KJin. N ·•-"'11y w .. · , -_ ball •aid. . ow -. The district Is opetaUng on .r.a I &~'Pl!'ETH a ix.tcet of about '350,000 thUi ~~ 11 Ii. • NEWSPAPERS • Quality Ptintil\9 •Ml D•p•nd•l>I• SerYic.• for rnor• th•n • qu•rtar of • c•ntury. Pl!.OT PRINflNG 1111 wuT MuoA a.n .. NtlWOIT ID.CH -•~t*4121 . .. .r·-~;,;. '~ • ,Jf'"\. ,.,.\ -• •i • '· . . . • ye1r, up abool 11 percent from • -W!t11· ttle 'Norry last year's $306,610 in e1-'~~ ~~ ... ~ t:· ~ndit1,1rea. • twn:. ~~ d 'stvcint}l·tive'percent of th& ~3'htn ~~ bOdatt goea IOr at&ff ulartes, ::.= z:J:-r Milli ~= IQ · pertenl for malnlll!W>et -=~.;Z;'o!!I o,Uationa (In c1'u d I n 1·1n-=l.'f:f,!:O.,~ · ~ oecticldea) and nvo percent -~-.1..~t·=t.= ..... for~pltaloutlay.-· g:i,~.tr ... :=: ~all n...,.. 11\it the tax ' ' • The reasony_ou're not reading.this is because you alreaCly know we have mornjng,mid-day and evening jets going to Phoenix. . . • ' . ~- DIAMOND ... . . ... ~ Quality Solitaires ·a .. (\ Wedding Bands ·J.· Reg. L \,-ivct. Solit.aite S325 b. \4 ct. Solittire ·S328 c.1A ct.Solitaire Sl35 d. \1ct.1WWcddiogB,.d 1215 ~ *'· 2/:, a. TW Illusion IZlS (. I CL TWWeddJo&Band $(15 1 g. Pendant 138 b.14 ct. Pe..W.t 1!32 i. Cocktail B.;og 1200 ~ 11a,1111Noo's1.ing 1240 {)~ ' Diamond Ring Remounts Sa1e 1269 SZ69 '109 '119 Sl19 S349 •s2 1109 1169 •209 Choose from 72 '·' 1clcpnt men's and .~ i • .._ . women's sertings •.• ·' ~·· ..1 ~--. ··' j. ' . • • I f • .. '· .. ' • ·-· <--h LIFETIME :rRADE·lN Sein~~~. you full cuh price pa.id (cscN~ve of uses and ~~pt*"') on l.llJ Tradition di&m0od rin&. pin. euriqa ll er.de for a hi&hcr prKed di&aw:>M.at MJ ctmt. • Thereasonyou'renotreadingthislSbecaueeyoualreadyknowwehav•MiV=r DC-9's with more Iea-100m for all passengers t.o make Yol!f trip n'lor~ comf• t. _ So instead of reading any of this, jll!t call your -n-._yel Agent or Air West ~ go. • ,· J .. BUY SEARS DfA!M:ONDS WITH CONFl,PENCE BectuJO d~unond ~i1hrs ar~ 1eldom idl!aricil approxim1te carat ~eigtus are &hown. Sew j 1,·cs ygu, a Cuat WetSht Crrufic11e •h1cil fl:tttt dtt_~1 •ei&h<, ro oot·hundredth of a cu11, of t>VCl'J Tradition cca1er 'dllrftbnd ·of 1/20 c11.1t'dr ~~ . • Airlltlt ia die weat\ own lidinc•• ' . . St•n otteh ~·eh.I c~n P,l11n,Tortour COft'f'flnienee. Jewelry e~d lo'"°" tlcu1L . . . ' ' . .... ,. ' __ ,, . • • • • i 1 I I j ' . ' Sati8faction G«a.ranteed or Your Monej Back ' I ' ' •• • I Shop Mo.nday thrt Sal•nti1 j 9:30 A.M. .. 9:30 l'.H. I ' i Sears . IE"~,,,.,.,..,,...,."'o"u"'u="a~AN=D~CO • . . -··· ·-- • " I' ' J ' I I I I } \ . '* Wed~I. July 2l, !969 CHECKING •UP• • I ;~he Keeps 5 Men.-- !>. " .;On Hand for Dates "' • • Twin 'IJ:S. ,$paeeeralt · , .. . ' , Mars ·J?icture~ Expected ·'fhis Month • \ r ~ • , • PASADENA \AP} Pie· past Clvl1lzatlons 0 ,on t.tars, AUi• 4 and televise those • temperatW"tJ radlaUng from tures which coll1d be the most l~g a subj~ of, .science fk:-~ cklseupt ~.followtitg ni&ht.• the. IUl'face and the pressuru exciting yet from r,1ars w:e lion .wecuJation. · In the camera\ path' of the and deoslties of tbe U\in at- s c h e d u 1 e d to atr.eam Mariner 6 will snap the first two s~aft are ;10111e of , mosphue. of its ·pack of 74 plcturea J,uly ·the rhofJI: in~inc:' areas qf ' Precise measurement of the el!'\.bward late this month. as 38 wbile 770,800 mfles ' (roll' ¥ars=-\.aif' rtg(Jm1 w )11-c. h temperature of the white polar twin U.S. spaceera!t ny near r.tars and keep &hoot.ing .. as,it. iroW da'rk in 11prfu1 arid light cape could show· whether they lhe myaU!rJous red paint. • sweepa .within 2,1000 miles' of in summer; I~, ·'ijlrlr"line1 are frozen water or carbon Mariners 6 anid 7, launched the plane;!! equator July 30. · which early ntdriomers·called "dioxide •• which is far colder from Cape Ken'nedy, Fla., lust Its Urst distant pk:tures, "canals,"\and one of Ute white and toxic to known lire forms. February ancf March, carry stored on laJ>1, will be telev~1-•1 pollr caJlll whlch~ sllrink in Finll proof of-whether even cameras that can show .ed. Jqty 29. a~ eef milllop summer , as if 1 they were ·mhfute forms of life exist on · · features as s1nall as 900 feet mites: to rught controneH: at melting. Mani wW have to watt for By L M. BOYD said southerners were just ex-a'~mpa(td wilh the lbe U.S. Space A:gency:a Jet Most; JClentisl.S doubt there later missions. Two Mariner· ercising an interesting accent l~e>-mile resoluUon of Marine'"r i'fopi.dsion Laboratory; here. ii· an,y b.i&her fonn of life on claas ·vehicles att scheduled to .-•11EVERY TENTH engage· ontheword ';poker."Thus. 5.1n 1965. 1_ ._ Mariner 7 wtll{Start ta~itg !\fan ..'... the 21 pictures orbitMarsfort~monthsln 'tiient ring, say the jewelers, ·Space sdentfsts say they are ita 1J7' pieture& Aug. 1 "lrom tele.vised by Mariner 4 showed 1971 and two years later two goes to a woman married RAPID REPLY: Yes·, Mrs. sharp eoough to pick our mw:e than~ _milUOO miles and a barren , crater-pocked , Viking spacecraft are to orbit 4 ··" ' ,., .. ,, "PUBLIC ,: NOTICE!" • Th Earl's Plvlllti!!f .. Inc., is nit affected by ·· ~-~at strike •. t-Our · rates remain the saint 11111 as always· we dis~ount-labor and materiiils. . .. • Thank You. THE . EARL'S . PLUMBING, INC • An1heim • Cost1 Mest . Fullerton • 1J'IOfl! than 10 years. . . . s .. am told I.he best month for clfnals, pyramids, r u I n 1 , _begin te.lev1suig them 24. hours landscape much Jib. the moon. Mars and detach vehicles EVEN WHAL& EXPERTS car salesmen usually Is temples or geon1etrical pat-1ater, It will 1weep within Beskle.s cameras, they carry wWch·wiU descend and uinple agtte all mammals have hairJ_;S.=.pte:cmc:c.ber_. _______ 1_or_ns_tha_t_nu_·"gl_rt_bc_s_igns __ •_f_2_.ooo_m1_11t_o1_M_•'l~· sout __ h_po_l_e_l_ns_1nune __ ._,._«>.c..._me_a_s_ur_•-';!h<,---lhe--surl-•_ce_. _____ ,.;._ _______ .;_ ____________ , .. , • STATISTICALLY, it's now1 said football is ap- prolimately 115 times more dangerous ll)pn boxing. . . . A VERA GE ~Wter haul runs $2' in vilui. ln BERl'tlU· DA ~Llee give tlr..kels to we>- men who show up downto~ wearing curlers. LOVE AND WAR -A t9- year-old girl in Salem, Ore .. says she never has fewer than five gentlemen friends at hand cager to take her out. How does she do it ? That's what our Love and War man wanted to know, and so in- quired by postcard. Today her reply arrived, and read in part: "First, I tell a man I do not want to give him up, e!,'.en though 1 ~D-not marry him now. Secood, I te11 him I am hopelessly confused at the moment. And third, I promise him, no matter what happens, he will be my second h~band." - AS f"AR AS the Inco me tax peopie are conc:emed, you 're allowed $600 a year to lake off a youngster. But the federal 1ob corps s~nds $9,000 "I year to take care of a youngster. Something's wrong here .... AN A MA TEUR name gamester contends girls called Julia, gi Ven an opportunity to mix much. attract a wid e variety of men. That may be. Calls to mind the real tirsl name or Lane Turner is Julia. BASEBALL-So R e g g I e Jacksiia, the honw: run handy- man •with the Oakland Athletics, sizes. up all the pitchers ahead of timf:' lo figure out how they're going to thruW to him, does he? So he saja, so he says. That must be th~ Way to proceed. At ~s writing, he's out Marlsing Roger Maris. outRuthing Babe nuili, ,ev_en. SUD, knowing how tht pltchef' wltl throw doesn·1 necessarily guarantee success at bal. Jn 1934 , that classy cocky character Dizzy Dean walked Into the old Brooklyn Dodgers' dressing room told each batter. in t~lineup hov.· he Intended to pitch ag ainst each. then went out and whip- ped them 13 to 0. CUSTOMER SERVICE ' Q. "\Vhat's your stand on legaliz- ed lotteries'?" A. And ror t h e m . Appropriately con· trolled. If we wei'en't so busybodily policing o t h e r citizens' moralit)', we might rind ways to protect ourselves from this treacherous ta load .... Q. "WIUCH GET the most money-our star football players or Britain's star soc- cer players'?" A. The soc~r boys. At \easl one of lhem, 22· year-old Georgie Besl, com· mands one million dollars. None of our Joe Namath types have managed lhal yel. POKER -A client wants to know why we. call lhe card game "poker" by that name . \\'ell, sir, the Frenchmen who inloroduced it to New Orleans called it "poque." Th e southerners who didn't speak Jo'rench called it "pok-ah." And th~ nort herners thought You,. quesfions and com· ment.! are welcomed c111d will be ust"d wllerever pos· 1ible in "Cl1ecking Up.~ A.ddreB.! mail to L. i\I Boyd, in ca re of the DAILY PILOT, Bo:r: 18i5. Newport Beach, Calif., 92663. South l(or cans llonor Apollo SEOUL (AP) -Sooth Korea'a fi rst superhighway, linking Seoul wilh lhe port city o( Iocbon , has been named Apollo In honor of t h e American moon landing. The four-lane , IS.mile toll road was dedicated Monday. the. day in Asi a of mRn's first moon landing. Nea rly Everyon e 'Listens' to Land ers ' ) ~ -. • -J ·Sears •, ' .. Little Girls and Girls' Perma-Prest® School Dresses ·$9 3for - Siz .. 3 to 6X I nfants'-Childrm's Dtpt. Girls' Sizeo 7 to 14 Perfect back·ro-schbol sry les for teacher's pels! Polyester and cortoo blends-never need iron- ing-stay crisp all day! Snappy plaids, checks, solids and prints. Chubby Sizes, BY.!-16!1.!-4.4 7 SA VE 24o/o to 45%! Little Boys' School Wear Your Choice 2 "$ for U.59 Perma•Nee ~lack.1 have rei n- forced knees for tougher wear. Euy· l.tre fabric. Sizes 3 to 6X Slim. !3.49 Per ma-Pre~t• J e1n1 in couon· nylon denim. Vulcan iz ed double knees. Sl ims and regulars, 2 to GX. 13.:?9 Acrilan• Knil S hirt~. Short ,[eeves, crew necklines. Euy-carc Acrilan• acrylic. New California Fall colors. Sizes S·M-L Use Searo Revohing Ch arge $1 HOLDS Your Seleclion Until Sept. 6th • , _____________________________ _ -------------------~ ' BUENA PARK EL MONTE LONG BEACH PICO al Rimpou CANOGA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO POMONA ~OMPTON HOLLYWOOD OR/\NGE SANTA ANA ' COVINA INGLEWOOD PAS ADENA Is J " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -ears "Satis fa cti on Guaranteed or Your MoneyBack" "'""""'"""" ... S/\NTA FE SPRINGS VALLEY SANTA MONICA VERMONT al Slauson I SOUTH COAST PLAZA I TORRANCE _____________________ , Shop 6 Ni9h11 Monday through Satu rday 9:30 A.M. to 9,30 P.M. ' , .. \ • ' ·. • " • !'-•t, July D, 1%9 'I( DAILY ,II.OT JP }.!hilippines lo Host Nixon While Champing at U.S., ·~t •: '.A/' . * ·,1 t j .. ' 't • • ~ ~ MANlLA cefi> nil. lbe II m!Uloo cilium lmpov--challeN<r, Seri!• ; 0&11111111 a <C<Jmmodalloaa evantu1U1 blllleral lltCUj'il7 _...1111 ,= AIJlln Carlill P. rate lllJI ytar lllllllly hpt;ll llQtld3 m11 ' a t; Pltlll~plnet tlllt 101N Preol· erillled. with a por capita 1 .. , Jr., II, nmnln& on the Liberal wW hive.lo be mode w\111 l)ed fnd AD*icfl> e con om l 9 l!as called for the ol lbe brukthtOllJI> In rice dlfcuaied. ApPfOP\'!O, 'c dee! Nlxo¥or 11 '-ne!Jl """• ol onl7 .. 1Jl.IO por year. 1 Plrly ticket. ooamena his China. , · wlst1nce. Phlllpplnes lo exerclae grea ter production which m,l4e lhi• not, Nlaon'1 lo"?!!'i' ;tort in'f!ekend ts ;.-country proud of &lde by jowl wllh packing. made much in his campalgn or Olmena has accused MarcOI Ed.ltorllllata, at ltut, fee.I aovtteJgnty on the bases in-coontry not only ~~t necUon. with one ol ~ bl8" Jt.s Jir)b Wt.th Wuhlngtui bu\ crate·aquaUer's shack.a ltanda bt.lng strongly f r o .• of Olrtlng with communtsm. a that the Laurel.Lanale:y Trea· clUtUoc wider c r Im l n a I in rice bu t an expotttr for the 1est aott drlnk maktri. ln Ute chagf}iin&; under l ts de~ the manllon8 of-some. ?f the Ainer1cJn-.. 100 pecen pro charge not without lmpact tn a ty irtva Americam unfair j\altdkUon aver 011. Romulo flrst time. Stl.teJ, ha! glveo M to de"=e. on ttie United Slates. weal~ men ln As1' _if ~lean'' some newspapers country that iii as percent ec.on:.o.m1c advantqu, Id--abo yants a aborter lease If suffered a trade deficit ot reporta lhe United Stat.ea lt(coulda't be c.-lled a love. not the )'Grid_ where cbam· have quoted him aa saying. Roman Catholic. Marcos v~ta&U · that tmack ol ·the period which already has been $302 mlUion t.n 19881 the bJa~ would Uke to review the sugar hale rel1Uqnal)!JY. 1 Lon' fr. pagne bu been known lo flow · The usual tss ... ol law .. nd-1mlles oU lbe char.., and low U.S. colonlll tr• from 1111 lo . reviled from 511 lo 25 years. gest oJnee I"' with. Imports al agr~4 Salt drink mai,,rs rilatlon would be more "Pl lrom lountalnl ·dur1n& glll· order aod e co no m, c Im· Wealem diplomats bolltve the IMl-lbt Pblllpplnel II the on-Thb country with stt.,_l.15 bill!on1 outpac1ng expotll ""' ......,. Iha largtst bu7ers Contrail and bombUI "iln In ter!ng 10C1a1 tftllll. • ,pm'<Dltnl perva<le the cam, presjden\ rtally iJ tumlJ\f lell. ly CllWllry ill ,Ula ever col· Spanllll lnllu...,. alter mori" ol llll mWion. The balanct of of -Iii tha~ld. the Phlllpp,lJlesl 1.11 7/#J The Phlll Ines that 111 . ._, but soinelhblg new has In the ZO houn NillOJI ts onlzed by the United BlateJ. than 300 yeara ol Spanlah rule paymenls also wa s ~n-The Phlllppl1111 bu rep!•ced islal'lds -. u~ uod4irPoP0lat· fete the u /P Prealdent f;:ah been .added-Eut~Wut rel1,· here, talks with Mareo1 will 'nte future ol La u re t.. has lhown CoM\der1ble ad· favorable t11t year -to the CUba u tha bllPlt sQppher~ ed -oiler it•PH>r~ but from' Ibo' moO.\wllll triumph ls tlOJll, be wlde-rangin& althi>ulli IKIC· Lantiley and P b 111 p p In e • mlrlUon ~ver 8patn'1 hard· tune ol Ill mlWon -but \he &Ular lq tho llnlled Sl11U. '' performance bas kept JJ*t of detp~ ln one of Jll bUtertst Prealdent Mareo:s h a s esaarily not uacUy P~I ln Am~Jc.an ecqoornlc rtlaUons nosed stand in Its bases i•P w11 oot corwlder1ble Hilt ttsl mlllilin wctih or · '.r prOllOenUal campallllll Ince authorized cloeer cultural and the limited amount of time put an e11tmated hlU 1 bllllon ne1otlaUons wilh the United bee~ rtcelpla Included ber· 1u1sr a year lo lbe United l k P 1 • L'; il(e' nation became., re blic, trade relations wllh, E .. t avallable. U.S. dollan under a cloud of Sta lei. rowing from lbe lnternaUonal Slale1. Under lbe aveement. B ac anwer ln tiff And whether'be~IJW European Communist bloc na· The big problems between uncertainty. The most complex IUbJec.t ts Monetary Fund and U.S. more than.half of that amount -D 1'..t. · ·, ttM-"9t ANixon. wW t.. ~u&hf lions-this in a country that the natio.ns are the Laurel-There also is considerable economics. banka. is a aubaldy .,..... representing Jm•y e1uye6? rlaht in 'uie 11\iddle ,..... · -. banned a Yugoslav buketbalJ Langley Trade Agreement a&itation for r~vl!lon of the 1be Phllipplnel had a com-Amer I ca' s reported· prlcts mote thln twlct: world -. &tb major candki.ates wttr' team in 1962. -and b~ pid which will empire in 1174, U.S. baS6I pact. sectttary of mtna.bl't. t .S ~t growth restJvene1s over the suaar market prica. LOS. ANGELES CUPi) -try lo use him for thili ow Seleotlon l'~ury In the trial purpase. I n c 1.1 m b e n t Ji• ot thr~J • c~ei;..,wt~ clonaJi&t*° Presidenl J'erdlaUd murder In t slayir!g of two E. Mal'COI, SI , will house hi! Black Panther membtn al visitor at Malacanang Palace UC~ last January may be on the Puis River. delayed unUl lhe end of the But Nixon will meet with tht \\' e e k because of len&thy arguments about JdmiJsjbillty o( evidence. §.l!ellma_ker,i11c. · Dfedges Marina Th~ trial ~ Geor&e Stin:et. 22, his brother, Larry, 2lt and Donald Hawkins, 20, opened In superior court Mondly! Alt three art m'embers of the Shellmaker Jnc1 of N!wpart black natJonaliBt group ";J.IS.'' Beach has been awarded a $220,000 C1?ntract , to dredge -~ ·'/ 425,000 cubic yeri!s_ of sand Cuba RepoJ'ls and debr~ from Ille south••· t,rance of Marina 'd!l Rey, the J\foon T ,andin_a ,. U.S. Army Corps ol Engineers ...,.-r-~ announced today. HAVANA (l/l'I) \... Radior,;::========,\ and television ln Cuba carried reports of the U.S. Apollo 11 moon landinJ ;and.the morning newspaper Gt-ii.om~ headlined two page~ne.· columns on· the LOCAL event. ·~ ' ' No ofht r hiw1p1ptr t1ll1 you mo tt, tv,ry. d1y, 1bo11t whtt'J golftg Oft i11 the Gr11t1r Or1n91 Cot.at th111 th1 DAILY PILOT. ~Sears Great Buy! ' Triple Action Bike Sale RegUlar 884.95 6888 • Pump the pedals at whatever speed feels best; .. al and lfandlebar will move at the ~ , eame r ate . • Adju1t pedahension with a turn pf tl1e knob to m•ke pedaling ea1y or difficalt . ' ' . ~ WereSS~5Se1rs trim· Twi1t Redoeed238 Prlc;ie! •-Fun to extrciae ... juat twi1t and turn •Wooden platform on 6\.'4:•ineh aqua.re connected by steel : ' ball btarin11wivol Ask About Sean Convenieni Credit Plan1 -- -~\\I · \ti\\ ti\ t 11 l·lt I . \I.Ill"' '62.95 Filidg Cabinets Save $23! 3988 Four 25-inch letter size file drawers glide on n}•lon btarings.. :'.!-Drawer Cabintl! ____ l 8.88 Save '30! Conference Over-Hang Desk New modcro steel desk. Black with W'llnut grained plastic top, black io- sert. 2 hen.: drawers, 2 file drawers and 1 lock.in& cetner d~~r. 60:&30-in.. 10988 Saye '10, on 1 79.95 Contonred Cb•ir 6. 988 Swivel deak ·chair. Seat adiusu 16~ to 2().i.n; Nyloft sear, nauga!iyde upbolatery. . • -, . ' , "''/' .. • Sears · •239.95 Executive Dea.ks SAVF >IO! tops in ~andaomc walnut _ ' H ip preMurc ,.m;nated 19988 ,...oodgra.io pattern. C-en· , tcr drawer locks all draw- ers. Roomy drawer&. 72x 36-in. top. SPACE SA vERS . F•'HODHl or Office Reo•1•d1bt Steol 510..,. Uni .. s ... w1 5as· Ropi...$8.69 . . . '4'ld'a10" • FAelt tbell ii triple rilt~ • Jlolat ~ -~· Dl!WU TB4TVftzS • A.ec11•t ltri1M rtvtne Crom walnt to bl••k •Les Jt'Yelen for unenin 01" 1lopin1 11 .. " .; , ' '68.88 Electric Adders I SAVE SIO! Adds, subr!'1M:ts, 5 rriultipliea. Compact, yCt ban· 888 din big jobt. Adds to 7 coJ. · , amna .and l:>'tlls to 8 columD.1. Regular 122.95 Secretarial Chairs SAVE$3! 1988 Comfortable chair witb padded seat and badr. N1uaahfde vinll blaclc uphols tery. Enameled but. . -, .. --------.. -~-:"' .. -_ ....... --------.. -·----------... --------' I MMA tAtl: fA 1·4400, ,,t.•)30 11 MOHlr GI 3·3911 "'"' llAOt .. 5-0121 'ICO Wf 1·4:lt1 • Wll'A fl WINOS 944..801, ¥Mtn' IO :1·1.UI, 91 ... -C:loMOOA t,t.111 3•0·0661 OUHO.til CM 'S.1004, 0 4 ... tll ClYWC a~~ f.SJtl JaMOttA IO J·l145, NA f.·51tl, YU 6-11.SI SAHfA #i»cA tX 4.6711 YW11C1Hr rt 9.1t11 e I <OIWft!N ,.., •·2.s11, Ml ,,,.,,1 IO.l'l"fl'CIQO HO •• ,,,,, os.\HIM w .1100 U.WM ....., a 1.w 1 SOUTM COAST nw s•o.JJJl I (C)rnofA Mf()lll INOUWOOO OI •·2J21 ,~,.., l~J11, I\ '"'''' Is I ~ ,..,.,,,, '------------~-----~~---ears ---------------------1 "So1l1fadionGuoronl•1derYaurMon1yledt" ---· Slltp6NfllltoM d.,-.~loo.·""r9>30A.M.1tNO•.M. ---------- .. I ' I I I ' T All Brand-New Mod~ls! CAMP TRAILERS 'fLOOR MODELS AND DEMONSTRATORS ••• ALL NEW ••• MUST BE LIQUIDATED , NOW ••• SEVERAL MODELS TO SEUCT FROMI SAVE "::;:;s NOW!· Sensational Discounts! '* IMMEDIATE DELIVERY * NO WAITING! AmNTION SCOUTERS Gr1nt'1 Is Sco11t1r Kt1d4u1rt1rs- frt1m C.ntttlll to Cnk 1111 ind 111 rour hiking ne1d1. BRING IN YOUR scour l.D. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS ON CAMPING ITEMS! Prices' Effective July 23rd -~ July 2~ GRANT'S GUN DEPARTMENT 11 1t1ffod by tJptrh In tt.1lr field of lhoollng. Whit. evtr you m•y w1nt In gun1, from• $20i00 22~Jf11 t• • $3,500.00 Shott""• Gr1nrs h11 It Mt stoc•t Com• In and 111 for yo11r11lf ont of tht lattt1t 1tock1 of 911n1 In Stuthtm Clllfomi1I SHOTGUN SHELLS Winchester AA 2d loxes of 251 $4088 CASE · 5·38~~. UMl•GlOll - Ulf U2.00 MIUTARY. AMMO i Im -COMPLETE STOCX OF MRITARY AMMO ON HAND! TRAP & SKEET SHOOTERS '"of 135 s2•• Clay Pigeons Spring l.oldtd $395 -Throwers RELOADING SUPPLIES SHOT I pjtr 100 lbs. I ••••.•. ; . $22.00 POWDER I :t-lb. Keg 'Red Doti' .. $7 .SO SHOTGUN PRIMERS I per 10001 $9.50 Power Piston Wads 110001 ... $6.99 * * SPECIAL PURCHASE * * "The World's Strongest Bolt,Action Rifle!" __,__.-REMINGTON 700BDL68 C1,11fol'll Dix . .222 ltm. M11. Modtl-Th1 fin11t 1ll-4!re11M •11 t•m• rifl• madt ••• Snick It •P•ll. You•u 111 th• 1tronttlf HfiN '"' pvt I• 1nr riflt. Slll'll It cloHd. Now rour e1rtridg1 he1d is pNfK1111 ~ thrff o••r· l1ppl1t1 rl1t11 •f Miki 1111 . You won't get liett1r 1ccur1cr. Or 1 ch1n1r Inner pull. Or 1 to119Mr finbh. Or 1 m1r1 comfort1bt1 stock, •as•• BROWNl~A, automatic rifle from $J 7.4 s~ ! IROWNIHG AUT0M.ATIC-th• hl1h pow1r rlfft 1veryon1 ha~ IMitfl waiti!)t f,rl , , , wtlth~ 1111 than 7Yt lbs. •• , S-1hot ttpKlty 30-46, .270, .308 11M1 .2-i3 e1tlbtn ••• unlq111 trip door t6tt1th1W1 m111riM for quidt lo1dlnt •. , fully 1dj111t1bl1 1ight1 d~llled 1114 hpptd for 1to,. mountl111 ••• prtcillon 1Ctur1cr tnd IOh r1e1il. l!JUMJIJlfQ 1 I ml"I ,.,.,....-. _ -/ MJGK.POWR JMe 1.5 eaiibm. hm. .?22 R to .tall WM., .... s219so SEE TllE WEST'S WGID STOCK OF BROWNING GUllS! ... ' J . 1, j ' , . ' i '\ "TffE OASIS" c;;rm ' WE RENT Everything In CAMPING EQUIPMENT! "°' JUI! Olll """ lt ,..-q,.I• ,,.,""' c-. SHAKE BITE KIT REG. $2.91 •1•• SURF RIDERS Wt h1v1 OM of tht largest 1tl•c· lion• of Surf lidtn 1v1r u. ltmbled .•. S.1 Gr1nt'1 Flntl Oth•r Mod•I• to $12.95 .FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! ' CAMP TOILET Compl111 witlt fr1m1, u1t. ind 6 bagi. LIST $3.98 $2'' -. ~ ·~ WATER CARRIER 11•,11 11 Ml, lff<IUI, tHllluJ -ff1u .. fl< IU •llt<I 2 1/2 GAL ••••• $1.4& 5 GAL .... , $1.91 . . -LB. INSULON $1488 • ftRACTICAL and rugged long· wearing bag with 3_.bs. of ln- 1ulon 100 polyester filling. Full ,(11 ••• full zipper to convert k!to 1 double big. . COUMAN SLEEPING BAGI FROM $7.n to $SUI f@.f.ij GAS GRILLS , ... 'C1.,., ..... J'""I NEW! YOU'LL srOll YOUUILF with thl• ~;;~~ new 111 9rUI with jumbo c1p1cfty ;;::: ind lnflnttt h11t control th1! 1d- l111h f111t !ht Wl'f JOU Wlllf it, W11thlr-proof ind dtpend1•l1 1Mr· lorm1nc1·,lu1-1/I 111rt1 1r1 1111r1n- 1t1• for oltt r11r 191ln1t f111lty wtrlMIMhl' or m1t1rl1l1. SAVE HOW AT GRMt' llGHrw£1GHT rOODS fGR OUTDOOlllMUI M llllton GRANT'S CARRIES A COMPLETE LINE Of Rldt·M4tor . Freeae-DrlM Feotls Comp19fe Stoc:k of CAST llON COOllWAll 12" Dut<h Onn $9ts ,;CHAftBE IT" 11 GRANT'S SURPLUS I - NtW -1"'4t1m W1t1rr,l'flof •lnyl co1t1d nrlon floof tX· t111d1 10" ftlov1 1rou11d •••I to insure prottdlon 111d 14ftty. FEATURING tfte 1xc\111i" locli:-o-in1tic d11ltn ••• 11111 twi1t tht ttluc.eplllf (tOI• ..• llidt t. dulrtd l1111th, twl11 b1dr. ind lode. C.lor codld polt tips on 11! ouhidt frtinH ••• '""""""'. ....... ... s9995· ., •• '°'" evtoftlltlultf .. lint f.a.ric M&itn • lftltttr whit tht ""'""'· 1 O'x&'-CATALnlC: -.-ONLY-... * OfflCIAL''/( HIATIU " l@M I ,,,. REPAIR STATION MHel 2DD-.A fw fH •d • .w..,.\ul ••• ftnllll1 i..1..._ Sl..,J1 ... u., IUGS for ''"'''"'' fHl•lltw rtlrn~1r U•lor1 ... tHllf 111~!111~1 LOW $445 .. ORANGE COUNTY! $988 "XX" DENIMS l\1 1111..Jt.tt -HID% •""-· ••'• tlra :r7 19 ... '" lto.tlU. llJ'I ilia I 19 11- ~. M. ss~· LEVI'S® FLARES TRIMCUT PLAIDS Cn••l.Dfu•f 1l1ck1 I• 1l1l<ls ti '"""• 11•1, M•ll"I, c;..l'to ... 011•1. AU lt111t•o. Siu• 21 11 11. $10 OVER 20,000 PAIR LEVI'S" IN STOCK! SALE! BERMUDA SHORTS 2·Mct1Ul1 lcint1nn, ffeiw. •••• , ••• $11.11 "HANG-TEN" SPORTSWEAR!· HANG-TEii T·SHllTS GREATEST SELECTION IVERl-Wiclt f narrt1w 1tript1 & 110lids. Ho shffftt'. - in9-no lroninv. S.M-1.-XL $6·$7.sa HAllG-Rll TRUllllS ALL .... Colofl-f'llW •ty\•• of svrftr trvnkl in nrton prinh & solids ind new solkl cord1l • . ·, ,, THE LARGEST SELECTION · OF HANG-TEN STUFF EVER COLLECTEDf .r ' WINDKIN~ , · JACKETS "· by P1clflc Tran llUGGED. wlndproef, luxury l1ck1t by f1m.u1 P8'1fk TrtiU.· tht n1w11t "111tffor-loolc'" i• t.;.n Grttll,, T111,. Tu,..j 11uoi11, Ytllc.w, Puinpkln. Oy1t1r, N••r •1t4 ~ •Hien. SllK ~" ti JO. · l .. • • •• Ballks --Stand~ut ·Hitter~ B~Dtan .ue·ng WASlfl~GTON tuPJl-~rnle Bank.• . IJjn ~ one on a, "pass" and u,.1 dlsll'WH him. Jt.aboUldn't, because basebaU finally is doinl somethine for him arter all he tw dobe for it. -' Em.le BanU IS 3l He shouldn 't be playln& In this All.Star game. He rully shouldn't be playing . major 1,ague baseball at all! ~ot'. many peo- ple do ,at his aae. . has to be seen~ bt believed . with in the turmoll ol evccyday Uvfng. today. I Ud.ok l1l! ·be just like • kid, Other baUplayeta grumble abolit Doesn't he UUnk tliat maylk he getUne auto,STaphs, taking pictures having to sign autographs ; Ernie might be overdoing th.la 'fhOle tll!JU: a and what not" Banks does so happily . Some kick litUe and comlng· on too happy~ about I.he scfledule-and the long ho.Un: ~ "During these times, with llO tna{ly They once took an infoii:iu1J pqll.ln Erni,t ~ lalijlu and says they Problems, r do reel a little Ol!l of fh: dugout a m 0 n ' the C\Jbs, ( 0 t \.ought to ~ay thrie pmes a day. An«t step," he conceded. "People look at whom Banks bas.played 17 yean, to when Ult J':l'Opbets of doqm preach <' 1me, and say why are you so happyl It ~ a',.nyo!t00thhey8dco~erd d 8 iscoee 0 verh 1 .mthea 0 1aat 8 ' ry~1•1 '. tltal t>iue Is no'. real hope for . ~r both4frs meJhat everybody can'l be as .. T Ul . s9':1Cty, Ende.Banks spys ROiif wi.ll a .. happy as lam." , • nobotl.Y could ever remember a time, much as 10.lS times a day, just relax, just reJo.x.." Wben you ask Banks . who helped him rnostJ he &ays il was his {JlOlhet. "She always wants lo help olhers and iht set me a prlme example." ' pitcher to make room fdr Banks. Schoeodieoat d r e w considerable crlticbm for p151lng o'er Jenkins. the league's strikeout leader and a 13-• game .winner, but the JtOry bebJnd the move dl,dn't come out Wltil Mondey. !.~mrtt• ~l'ny rooinit and there's no other person I'd' rather see make:_~ AU-Star, teamt'.' he· .,said. "I Jeel b:ad aboUt &hat. (never dream .. Sut Ei'n1e 'Bapks Is rather s~a1. · minute, of Course there Is. ..: Ernie Banks i!I telling the truth. !t ' Ernie Banks never has been Kicked Ther" la nothing put-on abo\it 1Ernle does bother bim that more people out of a ball game. He bas never even Oh, yes, about that i•eau" It today"• AU-&tar game. It wu tbe'ldd or W•tTen QJles, tl\e National League pres1dent. Red Schoendi1J15t. manag- rtlg the NL all-stal"!I, went 1rlon1 ~itb • IL . • ' ed ol' matin& the team. Fellows Utt Willie McCovey.. and Ltt May bav• beeJJ d.olng fanlasUcally." ... -Eml6-BanU-tellHHmaell-thorf. Banks. He is an extraordirial'\ly can't share his happlneM. had a real arguinent with an umpire: 'si~i'e ipdividual as well as an ei-~ "It's just part of my nature," ht. "I become angry occaslQnally, but Not· only u a ballplayer with ~ the C~qo Cubll but as a human being in our. time. He hu done a lot for the Cuba With hia baL I!~ has dooe more for everyone a~ hi~ with • cl1eerfUJ and unselfish· manner that . traordirwlly talented one. , says, perhaps a bit self<0nsclously. ''I when you're mature there art· certain "I clln1l find ap.ything to complilin ,:., truly enjoy--being-around"llCOPle and····"t11M2~·you .. t1ave··w~·swit10W: he sakl. about," be smiles when you ask him if associating with the ballplayers. You "L. concentrate on keeping calm. 't¥re isn't something he can find fault watch me out there before the gan1c Sometimes I bave'to remind myself as Bank's wasn't seleelt'<I to the squad but Giles suggested tq Schoendienst it w~c.&cature If he-werl a ed to It. The St. Louis Cardinals' manager agreed a~d d r ~ p,_p e ' , ' Ferguson JenlHns, lfie Cuba1 AiJe M~vey and May both woold ..,.,. he bas been more fif,otutlc'thin ~m. Mucfi,Jonger,'too. , , . ' ' . ~· ·~ .••... ...,_,.._....,_,.,,,,,....,.,.__, . . .......... "'" ................................ ..,. ....... lllf .................. 111!4 ...... ~ ..... ,,,, ..... .... ' .. ·- Feller, Robinson Excha~ge Hostilitie·s Drowning ' Prb.mpts Precaution Perh.8J)3 someone else's son o r daughter will 'be S&\'ed from the tragic death which took Bob Cunningham of Costa Mesa recently. The 1$-year..old Estancia H I c h freshman drowned at UC! during water polo activities:-No one seems able to CJ.· plain ·exactly bow It happened . But s~s have been ta.ken by Estancia to slash the chances of such disaster hap- pening in ils waters. It used to be that one man was l-harged t.:ith the responsibility or keeping score, . •UIJtll P HITI ................ ~ WHITE WA SH .... , .. ,. ............ ... being timer, liferuard and relcree durlng \\'atet-ROlO..actlvltles. A' 1.iinJ1-ar system was apparC!i\tly emplbytd at UCI the night young Cun· ningham drowned, according to Barry l''ry, hi! coach. · Howevir ,' Estancia regrouped and h;u now eriiployed one man to function only as a ijfeguard to safeguard against mishap' during the polo matches.·~ Fry is still shattered over his youthful protege's dCath. "I used to take him to school once in awhile -I advised him about CQUrSCS to ti.lke . , . 1 even suggested he might go out for basketball because he was so Lall (6-3). I felt vtry close to him. When I uent to the hospital the night of the ac- cident and they lokf me he was dead I just \'ifnl to pieces. I haven·t \vanled to e.t near a S\\'imming pool since then." · t'ry tells the irony of Bob having gone WASHINGTON (AP) -Hall of Famers Jackie Robinson· and Bob Peller clashed Tuesday over -Robinson's chafge lhat tbe ba'*b8n eStabllshment ignores the black athlete when his playing days are over. Robinson~ appearing at a news con· ference with Feller and other former grea~ honored lhc previous night, said baseball "his made great strideS over the years, but baseball ownership has not moved ahead with it." • The statement was an o b v I o u s reference to the raa -that there are 00 Negro managers or high-ranking club of· licials in the major leagues: "I think !l's a tragedy in vic\v of the conlribuUons black athletes have made to baseball ," said fm;mer Brooklyn star Robinson, lh.c first Negro to play in the big leagues. ''.l can understand "'hilt .Jackie Robinson is saying but I think he's wrong," ~tered _Feller, wbo was hanored Monday night as the gamc'a greatest living right-handed pitcher. "1 don't lhink anyor\e O\ves anyone anything." "Professional baseball ha ii done as much for lhe colored players as they have done for baseball. ''I think basebalJ bas done more (or Ufl<o ddprivileged people, for minority group.~. than anything else. And I think the club owners1 deserve. a great deal of credit. "Ability alone Is what should ctiunl - Jn the front office, lo:>. I think there will be a Negro with thnf abltily ."' "I C8Jl'see that Bob Feller hasn't grown any frQm 1947 to ,loday," Robinson ~hot back, I • "He still has·bis head in the sand when it comes to race -relations. But I don 't want to get in a haS!le with him today." Al lhe !lwards dinner, Willie Mays, .lhe ~Cl far the polo match. ,'He rode over \\'ilh another kid -And t t boy "·asn'l even going to go. lie just . ~ naed his mind at the last moment $0 went with him . Bob had never played 1 UCI be.fore. . ~ . ' THE LONG WAIT -This ~oung .. fan waited. for three houts Tuesday for the 40th All..Slar game to start in Washington . He finally went home disappointed because the game was \va shed out for t~e first r,. • tl'I Tt.....,./tl ~"And.tlis <CuMln3ham's) folks had just @ne...to see him play at Estancia for the fbt time the '\'edncsday before it h&p· ied," Fry recal~. ry says he held Bob out of lhe &llfr!e the last quarter so the young goalie dn't get too tired. \Vhcn lhe game d anC:: the Learn went into the dress.-llJi area, Cunnln&ham was missed. Upon return to the pool deck his body .,as spotted on the bottom of the pool and retrieved. But survival efforts failed. 'Uem"l'lnl Funrl }'ry reportl that a m e m o r i a 1 1cholarshlp fuod has been established by the J\lua-Ne\ijort School District 1 after 1eceipt of donations. ' The address i,1 1601 W. 16th Street, Newport Beach for anyone interested ln contributing. Musial, Campy Set for 'Hall' McLain Race s To Re slated All-Star Game WASHINGTqN (AP) -Denny McLai n Is flying back to the nation's capital to throw the first pitch in today 's reschedul- ed AU-Star game. But President Nixon isn't. Tha( set of circumstances came about Tuesday night when a storm that hit \Vashingtan In late artemoon forced J>OSlponement of the AU-Star classic until 10:45 a.m., PDT, today, weather perm~t· tin,. The President had to miss the make- . · up game to make his rendezvous witn the Apollo 11 splashdown in the Pacific and was to be replaced by Vice Preslde~t COOPERSTO\VN. N.Y. (AP) -Stan spiro Agnew. . P.1usla l, the fllan of the st. I..Ouls eut while baseball had Agnew pinch rt.rdinala, and Roy Campane)la, the -&fcher who rattled the fences of EbbeUI hitUng for NiJon, ?i.tcLain expected to be tie Id with~ the qld Broo!:lyn Dodgers will on hand In tiJM to throW the actual· first h Inducted form ally Into the Na?tonal pitch before a sellout crowd of 45,000 and Baseball Hall of Fame Monday. 8 nafional televiSIOn audience that will be · Joirilnt them on their o!Jlclal entry into wa~.; · .... ovu NBC. the shrine ror b.iseb:ill immortals WDI bt ~ pittj)ers Waite Hoyt and Stan tovel~. McLain fle-f, out ol W~shin1ton kl his '1lte roor will have an honOr guard COITI· prop plant shortly after the Prttldent's ~ of men whose careers p}ayed ' '" Air Force One lifted off. eq&j,Dy important part ln writin1 tile Tbe unpredictable righthander returned • lcltnd or the sport ' · · to k · · • • • )aying them l~ibute \\'ill be . Dr1t t~Detrolt eep an-I a.m. pentl11t1 ap- b'(eman Elli Terry,.~nd basemen p((otmmt lo have hla-teetl:I C~P.ped,. · Frank Frisch and Charlie Gebrinaer, .. 'Mcl.ain :said he would return In a jet lhw6tops Luke Appling and Joe erorun, after the dental .wort and should arrive thtrt! baseJ!lan Pie Tra):'OOr. ouUjekl.m: at about 12:30, ~avln1 him just over an Joe ~fedw1ek and Zach Wbut, Mai , r _ Carty, Edd Roush, Lloyd Waner: HeJnie ho~ 5 clearanct lo r~h the ball park. Plfilnush and Sa'1n Rice, .cakher Ray su1l UJ. take some warmups and step lip Scluill:, pitcher Sob Feller. Burleigh on the mound. Ptig)es,.Ldry Groye'""' r:_ed Lyon1 aqd . "Ube doein't cet ltUs teeth lhinc·done muager Casey S engel. ~ " Ill ha • 1 •· _ __. f r,, the ·afternoon. the Minne8ot.a TwJns •ivW u w "" 0 'IC ~...... or .. 11nd Houston Astro~ "'Ill play the annual wctk, 110 he has to go, explained lfall oC Fame aame al Doubleday Field. Amerkan League Manaaer Mayo Smith. time. ~. deep. In some of the The game was tunnels un·der the stadium, the water \vas hiir rescheduled for today. weather .permitting. • ~· • I ' Vj"I .;.......... F'LAMETHROWE RS -Lefty Grovc\lelt) and 'Bob · ·handed and righthanded plichers. 'l'lre honors came Peller "'ere cho~en by the nation's writers and a l a \Vasbington banquet honoring the lOOlb anni· broadcasters Tuesday as the greatest living left-ersary of bas@p.ll. ' . .. • ,I ·• ' only Ncrro honored -he was named Lo the team o{ greatest liying players - said Robinson had pro.vided the Jn.. spiration for himself ahd other black players. Robinson ,. however, said he. wu dilaP' pointed that the late' Branch RJckey, who broke baseball's color line by Orlnging Robinson up to the Dodgers-in 1J47, falled to receive any recogniUon during t h e ceremonies. ~ AlITon· Event Pros S~ooting . . "' E'oP~l25;000 ' ~ l. ... ~ ·· ~~RQN~ Ohio.-(Ai!). -Gol~1 new breed, the risirm stan:':Who fre threaten- ing to diSpla'Ce the':°lltiblisbed names or the eame. rn8Y, once. again steal the 11'potlight jn thl~ w~'• $125,000 American Golf Classlc. ! . , Frank. .Beard, one ol the mo1t conai!lttpl gOl!ers on tbe tour and a man who has pfo-Y.tii ¥ can play 9'• lflO~ Firestone Country Club coor,lf, JllBY be one of the lpp chqicea Jor the~pS,000 first prize - but shuns the role... ~ "I'm 1Ull tired," Beard sald Tuesday alter a practice rouhd:m itie 7,IMI yard layout; "1 may not bi"h bad a.s I was a ·Wee~ a~o~ bUt 1',m U~ i'~e just been PlaYfni ioo. much !atclf~~ ~ r .... mre«f or ~' i.1~ ~ Minnesota " .a,,...,·'" W&lii' ~ o;;.11Jnw.e<1 mth ' luslr0¥Mk~o1Hfii'ieaden' pace lasl w~k·in the"P~UacJtlpl\ia ClaSslc. \ie .bo~ed 6\1.t pn. the, fir.It e.rtra hole while Japk Nicklaus and Let Elder .eqp~'"in . .-~f.amltk: fJve hole playoff 1 W#i.NICklaus finally wlhriinj~t. Big Jack, who isn'l due UhUI today, 11So will be among the hOp choices because ol the length ol the course U no otOl!!r reason, but has h1id his troubles of late. Arnold PalRJer, another late arrlvaf, hasn't won in more than a year but ccr· tainly will be among the gallery favorltes w h e n, the n -hofe event g e t s 1tarted ,Thursday on the par 70 south course at Firestone. Dave Hill , winner of last week's Philadelphia Clasaic and 4Je hottest man 'oh~e tOur, will 'be among the top ca~ didates for the first pr1.~ -If he show.I\ up . .'(91Jrney offlcials·tl"ere not sure he'd '1'~i1t Tuesday, though be .&aid Sunday he w~ld play. 1 Bruce Crampton, at r an a p I anted Australian who has been playing very v.:ell al-Ong with Cha,le11 Coody and long hitting Tom Welskop/, also are among the favorites. · Davis Chp Vets Advance, ;\.f ter Hard Victories ' INDIANAPOLJS, ~. I (AP) -Cliff R1chey, Charles Pa!lareU and Ecuador 's Pancho Guzman, three vriterans of Davl1 Cup ctimpetiUon. head for second-round play today In the 59tH National Clay Court Tennis Tournament after having to go three sets lo get there. Richey, 196fi Natiooal Clay champion from San Angelo, Tex ., and fOurth seed· ed, Stopped Rlit:hard Russell ol Jainalca &..I , 54, 6-3, T\lesday. 1,;. '" Pasarell, sl.rfu.~ed American from Sanfurce, P.R., •l<kll~ed Alllltnlian Roy KekUe f.fl, U. 1-2. ' Guzman,· No. 8 foreip Seed and ~ .1lnalilt here In the t"7 Wesl<to; delealed Dave Hannon, Salt Late City ·dollegtan, 8-i, H , 6-1. ' • . ¥ ,Much of.1\iesday'i schedule wu rained 6ul.for tht •econd ~eight day.·. T..,.....ied Arlbw-Albe of ·Rlchm<>nd, V~ .• dldn't1 hav°'l 1to ~step On 1he court 'l'\iuday u his On1·"""1CI oppo.ienl, Ter· ry 'Davidion of Australia, defau»,d. Delend"'8 champion Clark G~eboer of New ·Yorlt, No. 2. opened wldl a 6-3, U victory o~er~ltaly's Victor ~ta. No. 3 Stan &mHh, Pasadena, membet of tlic U.S. No. I dollbl" )Olm, whipped Strclo .P1lmiql of Jlal)l "4, ~, Smith's doubl" mai., No. s Bob Lub nt IAa Angelea, beat Pedro• Lal'lfl'I of Mexico f.I, H . • I I I I I I -----· ......... -~-·-------·-------------· - , . ~ ' • " .. , !' ... .. • as s wt•,.,, JlllJ,2.S, 19" i • : " .....__,,,. Rustlers May Have Prize Catch-Bonwell ' . • Net ~_,, as one to l!p ills b~, a..., $1la<;kl~r4 bad to be badglfed to reveal blJ •• ~r Goldan West COllt&•'• i-. football team .• ·Jn tlu'ee .. 111ons,. Sbockltfonl hu nt. to prodqce a losing ouUil at GWC and ao whell he •llY• 1!111 •••· son'• aggregaUon should be bis bei~ the topic d11erves iO!lle expohsion. "Woll, on paper this group loois like our best yet. And we'll be in a new conference with a chance to win ll," Ii' ~·· . · When tile l\usUer heed coach gathers up bis play· era on or about Aug, 25 tor pby1lcal1, be expects lo find among· them several !Jlces who were key ones in last season's area prep pictqre. The big catch appears lo be Tony Bonwell, the 1iick Huntington Beach quarterback who bas told .• Sht.cl\leloi;t h•'• h~dl.d for Golden. Weal. II tl)al'• tb• ' cl!'~. l!ollwill . wlll -be matched with returnee Steve :·:iztttJ ~ ·~_ttat' «hoill4 be . an lil~1Ung &trutgle · for · '.: Sh~ord will :Wo check ooi'¥Aler Del's 'fed _ ~ IUmiltoi\: alld Jim Valbueno, wlio wu a reserve QB two lqlOlll ., •. at awe. . At· tallb~C!'· Sbacklelord figures he . has Westmin- stet'i Charlie, Buckland and Marlna'i Mille Wlltlck, a couple of 17~nders who could give ll\e Rllitlers the ~ataway . -•1· they'v~ lacked sinci 1b~ days of li\M camij r. · · . • "Iid~n .fia. a ntUe !!!Ore speed but both of those guys are. awfu!IY 11>od backs," the coacb 11t• .. · • . b!I .n~t)I• defensive back from Marina, Buddy Mot!I; It Ill the ·Re,iter camp, as are Toft\ P,lematt, a .lighl·~ and ll!lij)acker from Westmlnattr and wam· • IJll!e ·Totn.~~d~°'lve..batk.~ --'nl•t's ~·~uer 'P.tep cr0p:t11a~ Sha~e(orij usqaJly .:.gelf bllt li~ ilth lacb the one be wantl moil. Thal'• ~:Mill• Qllint\, at210.,.und light end from (llfden Grove's 'La Quli)ta Hllb. ~·s und<Clded between GWC and ·;s1111a Ana ii 'I.he ~•ment and Shackleford '°"" he's ';leaning toward Ulii'):lons. ' .·: 1 "We reall,y' Mid 'a ligbt en\!, IQ<>," he 1111. ' • Tar-s , .upset 7:·Ra11e - -~ -.. :o·· ' Marina Beats Oilers 8y EARJ, OUSTKIY Park. The Sea Kings never °' t1tt o.n, ,.... ••" ~uaht ·~p. Newporillotbor High Bcbool ~ounl¢n Va)ley found Ilse~ am~h.e<t ~ Alamllos ·In "1 a cl<ise ope will\ pra_01blng the b o P.fc." sire\ch Tuesday Jildlson w,tien tile ~rgers n!iht ~'riillled tile Vaqueros' un"'pla!nibly shook 'loose 18 chances of.an' unbeaten lll(n· polnts in Ule third quirt.er ba-ketball 'lh whUe holding the shocled mer s ~ w1 a Jarons to !ow'. am.as lf.6iVIctory. ~ The tum Of eve'nts during A> It was, Rancho sl!\I vllto the evening rQulted In Msrlna the HunUngtuo Beach. summer and"Westmlnster IJlng for ,.. leagu!! b a s k e t ~ a 11 diam-cond pla~ w!th 9-2 markl and jOIJsbJp wilb a ltt-l ~ 3~ Huntington llnd Newport N # _, third 1 • • deadlocked at 8-3 £or sec<1nd. ewpoitWOUuuUP .. a....... , >- after Tuesday's final round of Ht'Wl'OlllT ~~0°1trisn,,. '"' bouts but Sailor coach Dave r.i.11 ( .1 1 ~ ' Waxman was nonetheless ex· ~~ l r: ~ : ~ ultant with the vie• .. ..., "..,, ' 1 ~ 11 -~· • $61rt1111 J ' 1 10 "lt was by far our belt ~::;, : : ; ,: -~.TAHOINoe, RlflCfl<I Altmikit 10 Mttl,,. ' Wtttmlniler • +wntlfllt!Ol'I Bl.Id! I N'lwHl't H~ I Gerfff\ Grov1 l vui. hrll s ~= !hi Mir ~ !'GUf'llalf'I V1I:..,. 2 l• Qvi""' , loM GrtnoSf> 1 Tut ... Y't SC""1 L G• ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . • • • • ' . . ' . . ' ' ' .. . NfWPOr't H•rllot II, Jl..nc:flo All • , "'"" 6S ~rllll !'I, H11111i..11111 ll•ch 7' T011l1. l:I IS l' 11 Youthful Matador In Tijuana, Currlto Rivera, the most sensational young bullfighter to come along in ~ecade!, will 1ame or the season and I think make his third appearance of we·~ shown we'll be com-the season Sunday when action peUU•e in the Sunset League will shift to picturesque Plaza next 9eason." MonumentaJ, the' Bullring-by- E41ton JS. Fou ..... ln V1t..., .. W.-tm!f'll,lff ... Otrdtn Gr°"' )J Vltl1 Ptrk 5$, Ctnni dtl Mllf o&S I.a Qu inta 71, llGIMI Gtllld9 •9 Waunan says Westminster the.sea. ts tbe team to beat next The 17-year-old Rivera, Wl10 season, especiaHy after the Is Mexico's youngest matador, Lions JllOPr:: up the floor has lopped all compeUlion ...!•"' I -oA-iA-G from Mexico and Spain in his ~...,-™'mpos · .uvrn... rove two r)reVfOOS--8ppfaianCes Tuesday, ~-h Marina setUed a cc 0 u n t s ere. He won .... "jJBir of ears ln E'"' Way to I',.. .. ,..-.... . with Huntington Beach by hb debut June 15, July 6 stole ...,..,...,,.., beating the Oilers, 'f&.13, In a the show from Spain's pride f ed In 1 b. IU Antonio Ordonez. SJn Dieao Chargers .coach Sid GUinuilt ei\Joys his pipe and a bit of relax•-~::._ ter-c ly a 0 at Aller a brief novic. c•m· tlon wbll• he ·observes his,,football teain •w9rk at UC Irvine. The two-a-d~y Edlaon ran wild in the third palgn. CUrrito, son of Mexico's sesS1"'11 (9 a.~ and 3 p.m,) are open .~ tbe..public. · . ~ quarter and toppled Fountain ri::!tefe':1 !;::J!; ~~ --~---~---~-f Valley, '15-M and Vila Park llANCttO At.AMITOI (jl;J ... "" ,, '" AJWtttln 1 I I 16 011111111 1 3 ' ' ~ s •• l!I s.u s •a1' ··~" lltt M.~O.nltl • 1 I I 11 ltliabr 211• Tiii!& H ll II .. ............... N-wf Ht,,_. 11 t1 tJ 17-11 1t"""9 Al~llot ti 11 ti f--'f MARINA 011 ''"'"''"' ,V..llr I 1 • 11 hll'f ' 1 • l MullillY U I 1 '1 s1r11i.n1 l ' • • MCGvlrt 2 1 1 ' Cronkite I II , ' Be.I Ji Ill Tott!1 'l U ti 7t HIJHTIHO"TON •I! CH OSI •o '' ,., T~ Willers ' 6 J 11 H1trell 7 J t •17 TllorN~ 0 I • ' 0.Brlltoll J I 11 C1rl'°"' i t 4 It M«ctd I I I J WlJI! 3•310 Tci111s ,, '1 1a n k-• ., Oii•"'•• M1rln1 11 :!!I 17 ~,. HUl'llin.toft ll l' I' 21-J'J •OISON on l'G ff l'I' T~ "'"" ' ' '· 10 Driller i o t l! Fl1h(f ' 4 1 1t FUllkt $ 11 I tt Htfmon 2011 Jl.llcl\tf 1 I 4 5 Wltso"' l O' 1 I Wr!,hl I 0 l 2 Tflals 11 Jt 11 75 l'OUNTAlN VAlL!:Y {Sfl l'G'l,,T,. lttlllw ,_ ''"" V1Jtiu-.... Gforbflt K1111-1 Gaad•ker TMrljufl Ta!llt , 0 , ' J • l ' ' , 5 • s ' J lJ ' , t 10 I 1 I J I 0 t t 1 , 1 .~ l 0 I ' 20"1154 lcwt " Outti.n EdlRlf! 1t '' 21 1)..J'S F!"'l'lll!n Vt lltY ll U I t:l-$4 \llLU. PAlK Ull · l'G 'T l'I' T~ ltdW!f 2 i t 10 Htlm 3 G ,' ,', t'S.~; ··~ ~ ' , L1wlller I 0 0 t ~n (Ofl P1rMnS IJ17 Toft~ ,, lJ 16 J3 C:OltONA OIL MAit UI) Sttv'"" Holi.1111~ '~~ st-1,.,,r IC.IUllfl Grlttb"f Got!nr T•lilt ,0 " '" '"' ' !I J • ' t t ' ' J 1 D 5 0 J • s 6 J S IS I 0 S J • t , 10 11111•0 . It Wiii loo ~n oJt.;,.ti..r U!!I~ IJ-f9r !ht_ llt"'f. ::1 .... N91 . ..,1v ··~•!hoy 1 ••. n.w. ,...,.11.,,"'" Jtyfll. T __ Ala ..... ;tos ·orn Cellhl'!llo ,c;~-•<!ivt tliU.ff'lff a MW· -ch, J.Am .uu ....... Geno l'errtll, hlroll '""".•nu .. "'"'· wlll ... -South Pick beat Corona ·del Mar, 53-45, in September 21 last year. He two other games p i t t i n g was on1y 16. ICDA " Ovl,..,. VII.. 1"1rt; It 11 1 16-JS c-n1 oer M1r ' 11 lS IJ...-U Orange Coast area fives. His unique ·trademark Js Waxman got t'fV\n 20-polnt the swirling "psychedelic'" OAll:Dt:N 011ova u11 ~In cha,.. of the Olf11MI .. 'lflto, · :. Thol'• liio ff rat ch••_..., owe·· -•hint picture ••• 1-the school's dOon • ......., I~ IHt. l'rtd H••or , romolna the delon•lve backflold cOad. l!Mf DM It.We Aho dofeml .. line -ch. · ~ Shec~lofol,I Mlfht hint et a ch•Mpfenohlp ftr ~.!HWinj!loll ware It not for the pr-nee of iad LA '~" the .,w loe9ue. The Hu•klff fbtlsho4 ......i In tho :steft pllyofla IHI .,.., otMI hno a ,,,... ,._ , .. ::tvmtnr. , · , , . , . And Shacklaiol'll is' surt,>rlllnlly blgb qn Rio Holldo, ·.a d~,b that took o.e latbenng atGr apotber fast •ueon. .• I look for -1\1• H~nd<> io ~ a blr 1wpri11," be -~~ . . . . .. : '."l'h•y',r;o Jeltlh( a lot 01 Ji>Gll .high scllqoI ldds and • their new \l(llC!i, Jim Willlatna _,, a real· good cine." :: WllU""1*\ Will btad ... ~ ·~ ·ca1 Stele (LA) beiora • taking on tbt Rio Hoijdo l!•ffl)!llint. From rl6w unW p~adloe l\Jttl ~ept. 1, !!!• ooodl .-wru meet d~y ·with l111 staff, rewnttns old plays and · dn!8lllin~ up, DOI\' ones. · ; ll's th* ~ilne i:Ou.tJne Shaeklelonl has pedall!d for lll• past tlir~ ••,.on• but iolllehow you detect a Uttle .?note hrvor \bil \inle, · · ·- Mater Dei, Estancia Move to Semifinals By DAVE C!;,\RLl!Y Of "" DlllY ,lllt ,..., Eitancla Ind Moter Dal Id· vanced ·to the etmlflnal roupd ol the Co&te Mo,. baokolboll leape tournament Tutlday nlst>~ Estancia rocki!ll Sad· dleback, 60-35, and Mater Del lhra5hlng Los Amigos, 71-38. League champ Buena Park ad•anced to the finals by trlmmlng COiia Mtaa, SS-44. Estancia had liUle difficulty dllprenslag " I t h weak Sad- dleback, flllnc up a Ill-point marrln a the half. 'nlt re- boun<llng o! Skip Williams ovtrpOwered the small Sad· dltback aquad early In Ille aame. ~ Willll!Tll finished hi1b-man Wlih 13 polnll, wblle f°"'ard Stove euu.,. added 10 i.m ... A IUI boll -1Dt spree by Nat.er DeJ completely overw1'elma1 Loi Amigos U Ille MOlllrdls pjled up 41 Vikes Nail .. 11th Straight Marina lllch ,... Ill lltb ,. tmllhl wtthoul clefeol Mon· day ntgbl In the Orone• sum· .,., ballletball 1ucue wttil • -d«llion "(If b o 1 I °""'" . l . , Tom Mullally le<Wlll Vlk· lnp' 106rJ111 COlqJ!lll wllh II p6lnla mi KlPP Baird lddod JO. -- \ •• Poinil In lhl last hro perlo4s. Guard Tony llom)amp lad oil flCOnrt with 1l Co&te MUI, which Ufllllty mlJn in one low·IC'M'lrll quarnr with fine 11 n • period•. luroe4 cold wly In the seeond QUll'ltr aplnat Buena Park. Mark Wal~lna -k'4 the Mustanp with a flOlntt. E!tlll<>ia and Mater Del oquare off 'l1l1lrsdl1 nfahl al 7 In the only -lfl•ol cto!aL 'l'ht winner-faces Bu~~art for lM toumtY cham_.alilllfp ne.zt week. -· ~~""' .. ,. '"""' • I I • w,111:,,.. , I ., O\tt •t·.t Pett.rt • 1 1 1 CtUll!M tit• ~lu~ ~~?; ... ,.... ,,,, Wiiii" t ' I l 4 w.tf • • 1 • ..,. . ... t.i.I• f1 lt 17 " ,_,._ llltfte l'trll 11 " .• 1,...; (•It Mtt_~ JS ,I It 1~ tlTAfill!Aftrln Pf' "' '"''" l ' ' 10 """'r 1ttl W'!llllMI 11 1 i n leflfu,,.._., • 1 t ' ~II l t I ' T'*"" 1 I I ! l(tnfflt 'I • • ' V~ltf'e Jtt4 " .... -. ... *' ,, .. ~ '' • t-.ll Id~ I 11 I• 11 ..... Lql ...,.UL '" ,,. ~''" ; r~ l I ~1hl ''·'' .. """' ,,,,, iitl;ll tll7 '""'°"' i • ' ' ur. ' • ' ., ·~ .,,,, '"· .... ..... , -17 ' ,, ,. ' MATH e~n/.r P• Tll' 55 t : i : 1:::" :~I1l ~~'f:ttttu~ ! ; l : i:."" .1.1 •• .A..' I I t•lt. II It n ,_., t,.--""... II ' II "'-'# #ieMt ""' 1• .... ,.......,, Entries • ., nlgbla out of Lee Haven and movemerit. He uses to make v .... eioem ·~ '! ": T~ Taras Young, 8 JV vet who'll the bulls charge from across a.1~ ' 1 .1 , th . B I h th Ki<Tlhn ' ' ' 1' be a junior guard with the e nng. u w en e Ruu 1 D l t 1969-70 varsity. . • handsome young man with the ~~~1 l : l ~ AS Pr~P . Newport led ror most of thi'!l Jetblack hair unfurls his cape. s1""°"" 0 0 , & way in the upset and llnally his style ls classic and pure. T01ir1 WISTMINST•~ r.,: tt 3J ,_. ..._..., ,_., n, 1 ...... 2' .. D.w Not Gu!llY {IMbod•l 111 C*' l l'ffi, , .... ,., 1141 .M. MWWIY DIMY (Llpf\1111) 1:1!1 Stars Duel broke it open in the final Like Spalil's El Cordobes, •• ,, ,, ,, period w It b 8 17·9 marain. Rivera has the reputation of ~;:OUle ; ~ : 1~ Young had 10 points in the las\ fighting close to the horns and H1wi.y l 1 o 1 quarter. he seldom backs down. HI.a ~·.~:on ~ ; ~ 1: ~ ti\ ltf • W ·~ L-l"1rr (AOllrl 11' ........ ••flfl • ._ ~M 1Mr1fl1U) 111 1 -•1v1 a.r ••ttt ie.n1oai 11' By ROG!:Jl C~ The Ylk~ller confrontation bravery communicates to the ~= : ~ : 1: was a beaul It was a 11lam-fans and he currently has the T01111 . 22 u t• '' PllQT llACf ... .,_.r..it. ~1*11 t 1114 t'.,. fJl~rck) 1,~ Of ..... ·~ ....... ,.., .... ci.1m1"'. l"Urte su.a. Tiii: V•t"' IMl'ldlt'tl 1i7 ·~ ~~r. ~ ~ l"*'I lt& '°"" Ifft (Hirt> Prep football 'I! J!;' best ''" -=......,, 120 11XT" uc1. * .,.,..., l ._, returns to the \·~thland .,....,,.,: !WllMl'I) 111 ... tl'd I/Ill lf'I Offft A MlnUJ. l'urlt \<.. ban&, raztle-dmle !!how that bluest following of any ring o.tn1fft ~~ itr or"r' • ~ hid 1 crowd of 200 behaving figure in Mexico: w11tm1~11..-'' 1t 11 n-.. as if It were a league cham··--'---------------------Jl._• 1 "'*' 1• a1e0. tort.lght In tht sh!ge Ol U1e 18lh ...... Mlktf (t.IJ'Mm) 111 Tlwlllkf OK {ltenl•l 115 . ,.....,_ ~' IANltl nt L~ ,,~ , .. (W.11411'1) HI 4nnual ~o~utb , s ,h r l n e MidlM 'CflV (itNVM) 11' ' T• T~~rt'I 111'• game al '·· Ange I es Jul"iilll Ollt (h'-•N) 117 ~·· {I • llnkJl ) ......., =c-~1trit.1 Jr, r..NIL. ~:4 \~ ~~1 ~l~ Memorlal Colli;eum. Game plomhlp mttch. Marina had a combined seven-point edge in the middle two quarters and that was the difference, as it turned out. HunUngton's Curt Car 1 son closed it to '14-72 with 36 seconds left with a layup but Marina's Bob Beal CIMcd two free throws four aeeonds later and Huntington never o> "Eii{ClraoUl Ill a1.._ J 0 30 t1coii• ~·· '* nm. • .,.., '"' ( 11~ wue 5 o: . • ..-• 111 or• • l'tw. l'11rM SWtror'• • ~ tllf!H:> 113 The cl'"''"c p1''• I he flM, • M...., Mltl (st-I 111 .....,, 14 TJl9 · ,1, ~1• .,,..., '" , graduated senior f'o o t b a 11 .ffliit tfUlildl (! c.tWll) 111 llVIHTM llACI'. lM .,..rdt. I , =:. ~4 ~rl~1cMN1I :1: ~ 1:'1:" ~ 11'1 Orldt AA M\tM. pi.,yes from narthem and TtiMW ~l I 1 111 ~· Mlrnfl o Adfllrl 111 Southern Calllomla for the ,...,....l'lt.t;'S · 1 ,. twllfl'1, Jt•tt rr t.11111am1 '11 bentiht of the Shrtnen He&-~· v .. Ill I JI> 'Golf Dl•l IC"1tdol1) !IS ~Iii ,_ < . lrl 11• I'm a.ri. (P$l us pltal for Crippled Children. ~Ji::' w.:.iy1 ~:~ e=i.c::-rw~.!jnllO l~ . the Soulh is a Slight regrouped. T• 0tct Jllll• lH c ... 1r11 111 fa·vorlte. TM1llJ 1tAC•:-irY1rft. Ml'°"' t ,.,.,., 11111: 8'11 u 511111"1 ~:: From all lndJcatioos it lt' V:·a:::t1 ''* 120 :t"~1t::!.1111f.~111 1u should be the North's passing Marina led at the half, 41-39, Coro11a del Mar slumbted fl the gate and was ouWcortd by a tM gap In the first quarter and paid dearly for the slow start against Villa = ::-.(r.=I (Sh'lllH) ::~ llOMTH RAC!:, 314 v1rd1. 3 yt1r game against the South's ,. Otilri' 1Mll 1• 6•11hl 120 ~"' 1M "" In G...s. AA Pl~s. Puns rusPlln!I'. offense , M111 Gold l'•rkt. C~•) 111 S:IJOll. T. he Yankees have Mooll A•ln (lit\Chill"ll•I 117 All•"!• Jft (W1hail) 1\t n. llllfllll"' an. cMtlrJ 111 Gold LM Miirlt csm1111i 111 quarterback Jesse Freilaa at It~ &11111 1r1ro 1~ ~ootl• n It Adtlr) 111 lh ho! d fl t el 'ffint l'tf " L.lllhlml 111 ~11 B•• 11 K1ni.1 u1 e m an gure o r Y n.1 "* 111, 1~ .,'*., 111 1t1q11111td Cl'ILU: (C1rdouJ 11• heavily on the arm that lhrtw JCM_,.11\t J1111t (lrlllklw) 11s '°"~" 1:Ac•. • v1,.. ' _, s1!1or'• N1.t11 1Jl a1n1u1 nt for 23 tpuchdowns la~t year. "* tflif"" 111 .,.. • Mt11111. ,.,,,.. Ol(lt Nol• !P•ttlai "I The Soutb't backfield 11 Volleyball Title Won tll'lit. Y..:ltr Go {1 L10fl1"'l ll ~ ''C-..!!frbt "' l'WC11t cu (O e111M1 111 aomethtng ·to . UholG with :-: .•.. ~ l1etr:r1 -H: HIHTH It.AC:•. "' nrd1. t .,.., Orange County. stars Darryl ""° lltdttt (Jl .. nkl) 111 old\ tr.cl I/Ill !rt Grfft A P'f\ls. l'urw Berg (Westminater) and l&UC = ~~w'1 lrtnklf'\'l ll~ ~=~ ... Ot'll'Olt n tt.r11 11• CurtiB (Santa.Ana) leading the "ThrM Cflll oWitMldeJ 11i 1'111'1' ~ (Wll'°"l lli pack. "'" aw ...,_111 l1' °"'* a.v ••r <Sm11111 11r u.. IU •· t I •· k By Bruins v1un• •~"'°" 1W.rtl 1s Jttt1r1 o Ma1r1 11' uc:rg w l,lllC: a w ng,,..c 0ti ,., 0tr11-o.~m) 1a Hip H-11 c1n:1"'11 HJ while Curt. ls 11 !.he lallback in -Mt~·· Moort (H CrOlbYl 111 l • d Chri Le "'"" UCL -. "''4" s .,.., VWvron "'' 11t .,,.,, 111 Ute S ot·T formation . Tom M:id1soo &Tl 1 e. .-. c111m1 •• ,_,. u.. ci.1m1.... unci. l!d"r tS1•1uu.1 1" Steve KIGSterman of' ""''"a a pair from UCLA. 1wcpt ~ QIOI, w1~ Mt Tr1vll 10 81nkll nt h I .... -, I Id Llltll ,.,.....,. 1111111t11 111 lllCQI'• Kiiiy 1wr1111n 111 Beac , the first Art st ever to through a BG-team ie O\·Cr 4 2 , , "'*'**'"""'W..:W perform in the Shrine Ult, will t?le weekend undefeated to start at defensive tackle. take the class A championship Race Results Quarterbaicking the Rebels in volleyball action at Corona will be El Rancho HJgh's Ran· del Mar State Beach. dy Drake, a player respcnslble The Bruin ·duo won the for 42 touchdowna In his senior Newport Beach Recreation year -rushing for 25 and Dept.. 's class A Utle with an T_...,, 11" U. Ifft ' llMt. '"' pas.ting for '17. easy 11 -5, 11-3 win over Dick Santa Barbara'a heralded Acres and Joe Eggerer cf OH·ff'ftn pr11111 81,. '''*") '·"' Sam Cunningham, an All~lF Manhattan Beach Sun~ay. OH-'t\IU"' ,,,. CSt,.._l t.Ao first team c. ho.lee £or two Highest finishing team from "Tl"'-11 $/lO semcflw-v1c:1d Hltllt, t i.,y icoo.,.. years, bas been Moved to the the Orange Coast an:a was w.o:t'-~ '°' ""· delensJve backfield to make Ken Cody and Tom Llngo of room for Canoga Park's Bob • Ltauna beach. The Lag1ma ''"'" 1tac:1. J4t .,,.""'· 1 .,..,.. °* ... Adams. tandem was fourth. _, vp_ .,,.__ l"une iat11 I .,. r irt..• g,.,."" iMtM\lllli J.tli ~.• 1.• CUrtil wu hampered ·with The open c ass.uica .ion L1vncfl,, 1w11•1 , ... l.ill lnjurtes for almost his entire begins Saturday at 9 a.m. with ~~ 's'rro 111 .. nktl tAD senior year at Sant.a Ana Miah. a malimum of 64 teams H$ M .. tc,.., including the football and entered. track setSOM, but i.. ap. Expected to compete in the perently in top shape for Ute open tourney are moat of the all-etar cluh. U.S. Olympic team 1¥ffil>t!rs. Coaehel or lht Southern con-Entry lee is $2 per team. tlngent are Mal Eaton ol West Further lnfonnatlon can l't? Covina and Jack Mathieson of obWntd by calling ,J I 1n Canoga Park. The South leadt Keane. director of the tooma· In the series. N-3. m~t, at 642-1391. '·'° J.to i .... 1 .. ------------------... 1 '·°' , ... ••• OUINl\.\.A -l•Cllllllr & 4.otnl DELTA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost . Less! e COMP\111 UNI AYAIUM e WIOf OVAU-l'l~ltl 1.ASi Bll"LtlO-J\J,.Elt fl'"fMIUM -l"OL YI tit ltAOIAt, 11'1)11ft - SAND llJQOY -. lit IP'l!CIALI -' ALL 11?1 1 llVCIC Tlltts. IAMUMlllCAJID MASTll CHAl•I BERG'S DEL TA TIRES 141 E. 17th St. • Costa Mesa • 645·2010 .................. I always go go go r Green Stripe Stripe Stripe NOW ! s500 ; mr.i USHER'S GREEN STRIPE Since 1853, the fil'.ig!ni!} light Scotch l f 1 I l • I I I J lllW'll. '•N'1Ut. , .. ,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,...;t·--------------------~ • r .... '"---'--''-"-----~~---!-.._\,;___ -------• -... • • Ii:;;;;~ ..... ~;..; ................. ~.-.;,;;·;..;~.~--:::.:~~--.-.-.-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::;::::;:::::::;::;:::::::::;::::::::::;:;:;;;;;;::;;i;:;:;::::;;;:::;:::::;:;;:;;:;;::;;;;:;;::;:;;::;:;::;;i;;;;:;;~;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;~~!l;:'!:;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;:::::i -...... _______________ -·-~~~ ... I Unbeaten • Woody's • In .Romp Woody 's Wharf racked up llJ ninth slralght wln without a loss Monday nlght In the Costa Me&a open basketball league at Or'ange Coast College with j routine 90J74 win over <Douglas. Jn the companion feature, Lucky's took the measure of Orange Coast College, 12-69. -Pacing the W-oOOy's scoring attack was Bob Bedell with 27 while Greg Kind and Pat Gratlf -Neri adding 17 and 16 to the tot.al. Dennis Dixon led Dougl8l _ 1corlng with 25. Larry and Rick Mancebo, £ormerly of Newport Harbor High School, led t.ueky's to .Its win over Orange Coast wit h 28 and 21. The winners overcame an eight-point deficit at the hair. Leading scorers for the Orange Coost crew v.·ere Phil Jordan (19 l, Troy Rolph (\~) and follark Laney (14). tnH>P5 ltu!Cl!i") kind YIOOOY'S OD) lll!Pll• 1 3 10 3 D Q ~ Grnl\I 11-11 Oe•r11•1~lmc. r Tollll \ 1 s ,, 4 • 3 16 1• l 1 1) , a 1 u •Q lQ u I'll OOUGl.AS (J" l lfld•.•v llreck,(Y DtlOr!i ,_ It 11 ,1 I• 6 l ' u l • II 10 1 ! 3 1 }I ' D I ' Glltitrl nort meo,r ' 1 ' s fo!•!s H1ltllmt 1cor~ I Q l 11 .)) 10 l • ,, v•c,d..-·~ •1, O~u~1&1 " 1.UCK v·s (tll " " " .. "~ ' , , " G!lleWol• ' , " G1rnltr • • • Ill;. M1nt•~ ' ' ' " L M1ncebo " . " ~·~ • ' ' ' G.,.i.fMlll • • ' • Toltb l7 • I " ., "' U'1· I• f! '' '' $•1c~•lmt1e~ • I • t Jo•"~" 1 s • 11 l~ney S 1 II Tutl~Y l 1 5 l{n~P<H" 0 0 1 Rolo~ 'llU Yfrio.gy 1 1 0 5 To!al1 • ~s It 11 6' H1 lfllm1 1cor~: OC.C ]9, \.uckY'I 11. FV Swi111 Su111 1naries Fountain Va~!ey and Hon· lington Beach met over the weekend in an Orange County ag'-group dual swin1 meet, pitting swimmers rrom 7 to 17. No score was kept. Fountain Valley next meets Newport at Fountain Valley Hleh Saturday at 9 a.m. Fountain Val ley results: , .• S.11 JI lreoe -1. Pot!i!I I. I. Tl"" -,6 I .SO bre1st -1. I r""''"· J, Olll1rd. Time -1:01.1 30 bt t k -1. 0·11,•en. Time -S•t .. 11 90Y1 50 lrn -I. lloerd. nme -t> I 30 tore•~ -1. llr•m•n. 1. Nomura Time -1<6.S .50 C.ck -;>, So•'"· l llt1m•n. Tl,..,. -10 s .SO fly -l Nomur1 1 llttmtn 1 Irr• -•l 0 ~ 11·1? !!OJI Sii •rtt ~ 1, Hu.i~•, Tl(t'• -J) • !1 11rr•,t -1 6•~~11 1 rr• • _, 1 ~D h!od: -\. H""t\, T;rr~ -•O 1 .SO fly -I. llrocltll, ), HVllek Tim• -U.D ll·!I l •YI !O lree -1. Mrl,Gfm1. 1 tttm· m••1ltQ, Tim• -1'.1 .SO brc~'t -?. Jaciuon. 3. l uoen Tim• -38., 50 betk -1. llrltl>eld~r. l'T~ -:16.1 50 ny -1. J~r\'°". Time n .t 15-17 ••·11 SO lrtt -I. Frtnlon. J, FrtY llm~ "·' 50 brtll l -1. Gordon. 1. Mtr<ltk, l!mt -:>6.J 50 bit~ -1. Fr1nlg11. 1. M~rrlc.k. Tr .... -l!l,i .SO fly -1. Goro..... l. Mtrri<JI; l !m• -ll.1 1 .. Glrll 50 frff -1. Hu,.lu. n--•1 o 50 llrf-U -1. llr•m•"· Tim• -~J 1 50 to..C); -l, Hunlu. 2. Br1m1n. Tlmt -J1.t .. It Gl•l,1 50 Irr• -1. 1111chr•a.r. Tl"'f -Jl ~ 50 b•tk -I, l•lt~!Mr, Tlmr -l.S.I .SO fly -l , l~ICl\f!CI~. Time -JI.I 11·12 Glrll SO !ttt -2. ll!Noder. l . lhKf. l lmr -ll.f 511 b•t~,1 -' 1 Oonrll. Tl~ -413.6 so block -1. Oorseu. J. Se1mo>1.or. Timi' -41.l Sii rrv -l lPf>hd•r Time -••' Jl>I• GlrlS JO l>tt -l Mtrrick. Ti...t -1' I SCI bre11I -!. Aa,r. 3. C..-...es. T-n., JO lwte~ -1 AtPf. 1. Mtrrlc'° l'""--.. !'O llr -1 A,ceY. J. J1t\"On. Tlmt - 11.s 15-17 GfrlS }(I Ire• -1. Odlt,..,. Time -31 5 Ml br!til -1. Otl!t,,.,, Tlmt -l ] I 3(1 back -1. Odlard. Time -ll,I JO tly -Odltnd. Tlmt -,!.J SOFT SELL SAM • DAILY PILOT Z' .l:i~ Al/Mid P~ , Off tlie Area Gree ns ~ ... Pros Seek •' ~~, ,~ .. TIM•W,., ... ,~.~ .. "" 1 SA CC Tourne , ,WATCH OUT fOR .'lOOS.E' . • > y GridTaient ~ ' ~ ! 'l'l\i H a w 1 fl li n W}infm, newest entrant In 'the Con· tlnental Football l.Aague will 70ftod ~fcCammon was thh d 'open training cemp here at with 71 and rour players _ Chapman CoUege Thursday Jim Frtes, Bernie Parryman, aod head coach ~uck ~enen­ . Jack Sontag and Don Goddnrd bock ~ys he Is 11bll looklog ror in Semis. LI ES IN THE ROUGH \\lh~n the ball rests In deep grass In the roueh, it Is "ery easy to aceidently move it 11s you add ress the shot. Tht ball usually-rests on some of the long grass ,and is easily dis - lodged. •• Should this happen whilt you prepare to shoot. you are obligated to assess ·yourself 11 ,11,•.' one-stroke pena lty. I •• , T ' o avoid such a penalty, ·;~ ~' practice addressing such shots / 1 ~\ f h •I without grounding your club· ,,.\ \~ 11 , •( head in the grass (illustration , 1 l \1 , •11., !i-No. 2). just as_ you would if ~, ''t~ · 1.i~1; . .,,,,,,, you were playing out of a · • ""'' hazard. '• ,,, 1'•• .... J\ .... ~L ~ !RO'N OUT THOSE. IRON. SHOTS! Arnold P1lm•r'1 boo~!•t "Hltbn& 1he Irons" 11;1ves champrtlnsh1p llPS to help sh1rptn your iron.shot technique. Send 20f. 11nd 111 ~t11mped, re1urn e n~elop• to Arnold Paln1e1, in care ol lh1s n1ws p1per. Blue Dolpl1i1~ Tops S~h111nh1g Rival Blue Dolphin $\\•im School defeated Virgo of Garden Grove Saturday , 303·263, in an Orange County s~·im Con- ference meet at the loser's 25- metcr pool. Complete results : Glr11 14 's Ire• -I_ TvSOtl 11101 T. T•t• (1101 l. No IMrd. Time: lJ.1. 7' brnat -1. Tvscn (!ID~ 1. Morrow 11.'DI J. No !lllr<!, ·n,..,., o.o. '' bttk -1. T1!2 1110) T. Morrow 1110) l. No !lllrd. Time: "·'· "I It. -1 r~ ..... (1!10 ) '· Motrow 11101 J. No 11>1rd. Tl-: 49.5. Glr!t 1·1 U frtt -l , E11l1M·r~ fllDl 7, P•r· rl-.rn CV! '· 1.wll !V), TJrr~: :!Q.1. 'II ''tt -1. l1yijen tVJ 7, l"k·,,l:k (FD) l /Mlh<lny fllOI, Tl ... e· •l.G. "I brv•I -I, G.-rrlso~ !VI T. l••t fl'-DI J, Lull (V). Tim<!: ]l,1. ·~ lvck -I , L•vd•" IV) 7. E°""lburn (r Ol.l. Elowklt !!ID>. Tl,,..., 73 J. ·~ r1y -1. L11~n !Vl T. ElswkW 1110• J, Lull (Vl. N~ 11m1. 01f'1 '·1• SD lfM -L l!Mo.,.11 !!ID1 '· MrDon•ld !V) l . lwll !VL Tim•: •~.7. 50 bre..,.1 -\, !lo.well llllll 7. J>~•k~r fV) 3. McDDtl•ld IV L Tlm~: '" 50 back -1. Vl•fD IVl !. Lu!! (V) 3. llr•die"r 11101. Tlmr: l J.1. 50 !Iv -J, v1r..., (V). t 11ict>on•ld !VI l, O!"ton (110). Tim•: 4' I. 11'!1 "-do -I. "vl:•r !VI •. Vl•to IY) 3 '"•9t!ltY 190}, Time: l:Jl.I. ••• •·e• -l , P•-~<!r •VI 7. !"·'t!leY !110) 3. Gtrrl~ (VI. Time l:J:.O. Girls 11·12 'II b.o•--1. Hr•.,..,.<! IV! l. Sub.enl IV ! J Gist l!ID). TilT>": JI.I. TOO <r~! -1. t';l1! !l'!Dl '2. Otto tllDI 3. ~"Y"•r IV). T im~: 1:71,f , ·~ llrt~•t -1. s .. ,,.,.., '"' 7. l int 1r"1 .1. 0110 !BDl. Time: •I l, •• 11v -I. '"'•w••<! (Vl 7. llOl"lf'll 1r"' l . Cral" (V). Tirre: 31,1. 100 1"~0 -I. H"W•'d !VI ?. • .. 11on1 f'I) J, ll<l>wft! r•ni. Tl..,e: 1:,7.7. r.1,., u.•t JM lr•t -l, lt•I (V). 1. £"'''"''" 11!01 1. 8o>w"'I (BO). Tl,...: l::>t t, IM bro • .. -1 l• t1 !VI '· '"l'llpplt 1nn1 l. """""I'''· r1,...~· l:l<•. tlft l'I:•\ -I. "'ro• (Vl ' ..-.,1bU"° C""1, Bur'"lfl fVI. T'"'°' 1·••t, 1~• 1·~ -l . Vlr!"' <"l 7. Jtw•r !Vl ] ... l't''"lf. r....e· 1;•5,t . ••• ,_ .. _ -' .,. •• ..., IV\ • Po,welt !BDl ~. Liiii !VI, TllY'.e: l :r..1. Gift, 15-11 I'• fr"f -l . "•••~·•m I""' '· Vlr~o cv1 l. Fl·~•"• IV). f ir--•: l :li.• . '('II t>•e.o~l -1, Fl""~" •!!01 '· VI•-" fYl l. Jtw•r fVl, Tl .... •: 1 "~ 1ro l'l••r,; -1. E'••'bl"• Ill"' •. J~"·•r IV) l. "•!I<~('• IV' T',..r· l•" 0, 1r• ll'f 1. J1wa• ~vl. Tlmo: 1:!•1. H:O i,...., -l , FkW.'•'1 t"D' '· Vo'11 (V) ]. Fuk..:18 tVI, T•-t: l:H.T, St" M t~ ltr -1. H•tr!""""' (~!'11 ' e.,, lll'n,., /'!DI ]. Wini-~ /Vl. Tl/I""' ·~ n 7J !'IN•$! -1 H,,,•...,IC111 (1101 1, S•·•ll"'"" 11101. Tl--: '' £ ?5 ti/'•~ -l. ~·'lflliPPC (!IDI T. w1ntr• IVI. Tl,..•: :u.~ "< fly -I. H&fflMIClll !IDl. TllT'f: •s 3. 9•vi 7•1 11 trr -1. t"~rr·!I 1110! T. llt11 (~Iii ], VJlnt~'5 !VI. Tim!: :HI.I, $0 Irr, -I_ H..rrl~~lo• !llDl '· 111, .. 11 l'VI l. T11e1~., lllDl, Tim" u a . 15 l!rNf1 -1. lltll (1101 •nd Wonlt,.. /VI, \lmt: J7_6, •s M '*" -1. T~•11en 1~n 1 T. 9Jsr.tll IV' J. Wlnttr (V), T .... e: 76 a, 1S II• -I, !It'll 110) ~"" 111\Hll (\'). l TNlll'n !!ID!. Tl,.,,.· n.•. ·~ t·1f ~ tree -L E~I(-11101 T. 11·-ro1 jV) 1. T1too1 llDI. T!mt; «I.I, 100 frtl' -1. l •...-soor9 (VJ '· ""'"'" fBOJ J. 0Wt~1 !Mll. T(rnt: 1:71.1. !O brt~•I -I Ltw,""41 fVI ' Fi..,,14; (!10) J. Ct!);in, 190 1. Time: .tt.I. ivS: :~c':iiil.!' ~~· ;,8,!~ i,~,lcherd1 ~ llY -I. Olmls 11101 2. Mtl'etl t80~ J. 10(11.,.dt CV}. l ime: U.t . 1101 '· E!lwlck 18D). Tl,.,.: l::ll.L S•l'• ll·U 11:9 '""' -I. Htrrln91"" CllDJ 1 . Wlllgcolt CllDJ 1. Lull IV!. Tlmo: l:tl.1. >I IM"tlil -I, ~ 0~0) J, W~ Pie CllD I J.. Lull !VJ. Time: to.). 50 bK~ -1. Vlrto CV) 1. Hlrrln,lon CI D! J.. 9 1a<k 110). Time; IJ.I. 51 !IY -1. Vlr11<1 !VI'· JtMtn t9D) J. Jtwer (V), Tlmt: '3.1. 1~1 l"°o -1. VitllO CVl J, H1,.ln1lon {110) l . Lll!I (V). Tlme: l:T..1. a..,, 1).14 IOI) fret -\. ~ ..... lVI 2. O'Oanne!I (Vl l. No\J~l1 !80). Tl"'°'; l:C.~. 100 btttSI -1. MlrtW!!I (V) 2. 0 ' OontKll IV). No time. 10I bloc~ -1. Marcum (V} '1. 0'0or>- Mll IV) 3. Nou ..... 11 illD ). T1rM J::it.•. lot llY -I. SteOP IV). Tl<T>I : 1:4'.1. lr.t lrtdo -1. Stepp (V) 1.•Mercum IYl. Time: l:)C.S. IOJt 15-U !II(' trH -I, l•!\t !9DI. Tl-: 1:11.1. t'J llltk -I. l•ne llDJ. Tlrnt: l 1t.S. xa Inoa -I. l•nr CllD). Timt: J:llt.,, C1mMftl ll.., l·U Mfd~v relfy -1. ll1u~ DelPhln !El~w~ G1rn1t1. Herrlngllln). Time: l:~.J. ceriiw1111i... ,., Frte •el11 • 1. lllur Dolploln (Tvaon, 51nllllp0>0, Tur. H1rrlntl011l. Tl""': l:~i.1. C11111!1111tltft , .. Free re\1y -1. ll!ue Dolpltln. 1£111· burn, Elswick, Gtrrolf, H1rrln"011), Time 1:J5.l. r.'.edl•r rf!IY -l . VI<-Tl"": C1mW,,_.tt... ,_II M""lel' rrlly -I. Yl'llo. T~: J:Ol.O, F,...t re!1y - 1. llki9 Dotllllln, !TY-. Owen.. Denlo!I. IOIWllllJ. Time: 1:~1.0. c...,111n1ri.11 11·11 Mt<11t1 r•l•r -1. vi,..., Tlmt1: 2:1'6.J. ' • F•toe releJ -I, llut Delpllln IOhl. (•~I-I~ Wh[pol1, llOl!Wr~L Tr,..., 2:33,,. c .... 0111111too 11>14 Medley rc·o1r -\. Vlrto. lime: 1:3'.J. FrH •l llY -9 11/f Qplphl 11 !E111burn, Nouwels, Jwt1t11. lll'lwell). l ime: 2:)0.?. C-•Me!IM 11-11 ·""""l!Y rellf ,.. 1. 9tuo D11111111n IE1slbur11. Otto. FlowcrL r+Dllwell/. No ·~· frtt r•1•Y -I. llue D111fthln 1Et1!bu•n. Flllwt•i. lleck. OllO). Tl/Tie; J:G.1. Del Mar To Open Thursdav • Picturesque Dtl Mar, the charming track by the side or the sea. begins its 30th 1eason of Thoroughbred racing Thurs· day, with Neil S. McCarthy's always-elusive Time to Leave topping a talented linC·U p Of eleven fillies and mares in the featured $7 .500 Sin Diego 200th Anniversary Handicap. Post-lime ror the first race Thursday and every day throughout the 42-day meeting f • ( : Competition bas nlM'O\ved down to the semifinals In the seventh annual SQ»la Ana Countrv Club E xc 1u s1 ve s championships "Ith the Cir:als set for Aug. 2. Survlv:ors to make Ul<' se1nis are Bill Liv ingston aiid B, D, Robinson in the upper brat ket and Rupe Hendricks and Earl Vtnsorr ln the~klweri:llvlslo:i. -They're set to baltle fQr finAI spGls this week. The Zlst annual men's club invi\3Uonal ls slat~ A11ii. 5 thrQUgh 10 with the ISO 2·rnan team <fleld filled a<.'<:ord.ing tn tournament chainnan L e e ME!µge r. The partpers best ball cve,!1l \viii include last year's cha1)1· plons, Jerry ' McMahon or \Vilshire Country Club and Jue Gary of Galifotnla CC. Ed Hayrs of N~wport Beach scored his first hole-in-:me in • 47 years of golfiog when. he utilized a fctUr-lroo to ice the 111:yard 13th holo Moolli.:1 afternoon. Playing wlih him were ft'red • Walker, 0 . Z.i Robertson and Dr. Jtirold Boopr. Rancho SJ T1ed fur second, a t.!t0 ka back, were the tandems <1f Jim McD1tnlels and 8 I i I Collum and Burke Wilson nnd Vem Thomas. Sunday's m\_xcd best bail or foursome pJa}'_ was wo:i by Pe5rl and Mae Blbte ard Ralph and B. J. Johnson "'ith a M. ~ a"l\[!ual .§8nl1!!:!_ tot 11·n1t~TJJ! qy_arjet or John_ an ment for men's club mernbc.rs Juli~e Ad ams and Bob and at Rancho San Joaquin Coon· Ve_rda Shirley \vas second WJth try Club is Aug. 2. 57. There is no handicap ll m:t Dick rvutehell sunk a hole-111- for Lhe 72-hole tourney tbii t one on tile J80-yard 16th hole n1ns through four week!. Age during Saturday'• best b::i ll limit Is 50 and O\'er. event in men's club actio·1. • !'lle•n Verde llal Gto6Sin and Wes Curr.I teamed up to score a f>8 l..i '"'i" the partners best ball ~\·flni Saturday In men's club ::tt'· livity at Mesa Verde COiL1n)t Club. ~cncnir Art Brpwnell and B " b Pestolesi tied for low r,rciss honors in the weekend plav fll Sea cliff Country Club with 19 .... Low net went to Ed Allt>n·s 67 followed by John Shepard a~ ' -.tled ,for fourth wJLfi 71.e. q11atif1ed playen. . · The Warrlon will train In t;I J\'igate l Orongc for approximately three weeks before playing a pre--seuon . game In Mexico City. ~n embarking for their new home in Honolulu. Rie\ Gouin 11ld i~uc: Parsons look first p I a c i: honors irt the annual Guylt"an<:i Dolls tournament at El Nl.;-.11•! Country Club in L a g u n a Niguel, posting a 86 Sunda;1. Second went to Robert C':\f· rick and Marge Howell wi!.!1 66 ~) followed by Bob Marvln and Shlclcy Klnsel's 6'. Dr. Al Cole and M.'lrion En1erson were fourth \~·.~h G9112. Four teams lied for fi1'St r~n!IY in a partners btst ball tourney wlttf Oh u ck Osborne on two of the wlnoing teams. The Warrkn took over the fran chise of the Sao Bernardino (nee Orange C.OOn- ty ) Ramblers in the Coo· tinental League and most of the Rambler players will form the nucleus of the new team. Fcncnbock stressed that lttis will be an "open" camp and all positions arc still up, for grabs. Interested players may report for phy s i·c a I ex· aminatlons tod~)'. !ti" ThurlKlay at 6 p.m. to the Chapman Qillege 1tadiurn. 1 PLY NYLON CORD"MARATHON"TIRE WRAP-AROUND TREAD BLACKWALLS 87 6,DO I 11 t\IOlltS\ 1>lut $1.59 ftf, E• l•r. Na TtJde Jj el!dltl . •Extra tough Tu!syn rubber adds 1tre11g1h 1o the body and milrs In ···~ tre11rl. , $ WHITEWALLS 87 '00 t 13 hlllt1tu J>IUI l l.$t Tt d, [r, 111. Nt Tftdf """"d· • 1'.1orii than 8,000 sripping edges give good lraclion to .1t11rt -~lop - ra in or shine. SAVE NOW-NO TRADE NEEDED Tftettu ..... ... ... 111., "'' ,.., .... h . Slr1 ""' "'" ""' ""' 1••1'* l lltn•I! ·-WllittWlll ....... -6.~' 13 $14.30 ltU7 !17.60 115.17 11.59 7.35114 119.45 117.50 $22.75 120.511 12.07 7.75114 120.25 111.22 $23.55 121.22 12.20 8.25114 123.05 120.74 126.35 $2U4 12.36 5.60115 lt8.55 111.19 121.85 111.11 11.76 7.75x 15 $20.25 ltl.22 !23.55 121.22 12.21 8.25. 15 123.05 120,14 126.35 $23.74 12.46 USE OUR EASY PAY PLAN • FREE MOUN·TING By Marvin. Myen 100 k!lll -I. U!Yl!*~llt CVI 2. ltll""r-;~~~:,T:fw~:t;:l ir.::::::::::::.:T:RA~:':C:T:l~O:N:~H::l··~l~A::l:l~E:~:~:~:.:~:,!:.~:-:~:T.:!::'.r-o:n::R:.u:~:6:~:,~~~-~.,~ ..... ~,'.0~""·'~,,,~,~~;~~-"~_.~._.~_~_:~..:.~=.~:-:::~·='~:="'~•:."'~·::·~ .. ~~ fa vorite to add Del Mar's six· T11btl1ss 6 PR $33.35 $2JO .... l>'o_ ... ,,_ .. _. furlong inaugural to her flossy 90 7.10 1 15 list or accomplishments. The liJiet ' 6 Pl diminutive daughter of Father riJifi' 1 ~sPR $33.15 John has won several stakes . 7.00 1 15 during her career "h 11 e ,J!,~~ • N Tubal 6 Pit $39.70 ~r:.g earnings or aimostl iJ!;::::::::::::::::-:::::::::~::::~::::i:•L:~:"'::~~:"::'::n..:1:.:oo:':i:'•:-•::$::39:.90::::13:.oo:::! ~1osl recently, Time to • Leave was an easy winner • ~ • • •-• •.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • ei: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e e e • e e e e e e e e • ~:~ri~.: .. ;.,/"'~:.f., ~: i SERVING ALL SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ! worlds record by less than a t t second while carrying 124 t · ' t pounds. Danny Velasguez, the : • phenomenally swift f 11 1 y ' s . + regular rtder. again has the • YOUNG & -LANE TIRE CO. -15" lllWl'otT co· STA M. ESA • ca ll from trainer John Canty .• 1 Pho•• Ma..tJU · t Among Time to Leave '• ·• + rivals is Mr. and 'Mrs. L. K. f Sha'pli'o's Fast Dilb, who will + ~:f!i: r\':~ i.::!. ~! • YOUNG & LANE. TIRE CO. ~~~Vt. LAGUNA : years 1go in fhe Del Mar + : Debutante. but the McCarthy t $36.05 $2.55 ''ftlTl!fl Ml),({, 1 f .:-/i'EJIEI? J3ffll RffJ) ... TllAti:G 10 MY KNMNC; 41/IIN TO ,f[J/6N/' filly gained belated m-enae In t ... • the aforementioned seven·: THEODORE ROBINS FORD ZOHHARIORILVO COSTA MESA : r~1rloog contest 115 fast Ol~hl . . Pho., •• '42·0010 • • finished th.ird whlle the odd&· t + on choice. ••••• ••• ••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••• .... •••••••• •• ••••, • •••~ " ·\ • I I I. I, ,I 'I I l • • l;(,DW-J'ji.OT ; Bi9cal W8if,We Unniasked U11led ~rtll Jntern allon1I On April ;. 1915. the Cenn&n1 successfully launch-· ed a cYlincltr .al chlorine gas against Frenoh 'and British troope In the .l'pres Sector of World Wa.r J ·and thus of· flcloted. ~f>.lht blrthini .of' chemical wadare. · By tht 0me the United States entered the war in Its last nine-m0aths, the techni· que ol clletni~l warfare had so advancild that 21 perce.nt or all Amerl.Can casualties were suffered ff'Om gas. It was oiily lhe beginning. and as man has pressed his search for ml!:ans of des troy· Ing himself, researchers in secret laboratories h a v e brOUJl)JL Into J>dng chemical and biological weapons whose horrors most can only be Imagined. Most potential victims learn or it only through oc;casional tragedy or near. tragedy brought on by-the ex- perimenters. On March 13, 1004, th'e wind suddenly shifted and more than l ,CMX> sheep died in a Utah Valley from a lethal nerve gas known aa VX, The Army was testing It al the Dugway Prov- ing Grounds and an opposite shift or the wind could have made people the victims. Last year earth terrnors shook DenVer. The tremors were believed traceable to a two-mile deep well 0 r PoiSOIJOU5 waste waters, a by· product of the manufacture of chemical agents at the U.S. Army Rockey -P.lo u o ta.in Arsenal. At the same arsenal the Army has annOllDced it will dismantle and detoxify 21.000 nerve-ga.s bombs at t h e storage site. • w~ • .111~ 2i, i969 ,. I • t/111 Telt~htl1 Met1iorial for RF6. - -·~ . - --- Mod;,j '1)[ pr~~ permanent gravesite to honor t)le late Sen. Robert F. K,en. nedy shows Robert's grave at top and the late President John F . Kennedy's a t the bot tom. the site will have a low granite wall with a .nwnber of his quotations inscribed on it. the Army ~nnounced. Most of the cost will be borne by the K~nnedy family. The ~Y orjgtnally had--------------------'--~-----planned to transport. the bombs across country and dump them Into the sea. A furor or protest brought about a change ol plan. More recenur· an accident which h os pitalized ZS Americans on 0 k I n a w a , reportedly traWble to nerve gas stottd thert, let!: tcrrurther reports that Similar gases are stored at other American bases around the world. . Early this year ah Army spokemnan reluctJntly disclos· cd tha t _the ·annual ·CDW (chemical. biologica l warfare) budget Is $350.milllon. But he quickly added that the Soviet · program is eight times as great -enough "to kill most of the people of lhe free _ ........... ~-~ ·~- ."'t.. yi,_~' ~:l IMl!oi' .... •'lllK .... :,t ' • \ . ' • I world." For many of these specially d e v e loped genns and chemicals there is no known an tidote and death can come v.ithin mlDucs or a {ew days. President N i x o n hns declared lhe control of tuch weapon~ a subject or "major concern." Reports have been 1nade to the UnJted Nations and to the Disarmament Conference at Geneva. But , so far the only real restraint is the knowledge that these weapons can l u r n aga.µut those who originate them and that no one knows what would happen· to the world i£ once turned loose. """~'-'"·_,.,"--------------... __ ----- ~---,,._ -· ··~·--- Many Illegal " I M ex,icart 'ExOdus . . ' .. ~ \ ' . ·· ,7;.Q V.s .. Contin~si ·'i 1 By MARK P ~NJt'CH "Smu allena )N t 1 . ·' ~ •; , LOS .ANGELES (.\!') -Jn become ~ business," Hid : Jbe past • M~ c!Uzeos 5eitz. "A -can cllargel200 . , crossed illegally h!lo the lei l3llO a bead la, ,..tum for ... UnJtqt States to look for jobs transPortitiqb from \Jle border l 1, In agriculture. They were , area to lllU: point 11~te.'~ '. .,).J,.~~ ~~ ~; · "J-11i GlilapiO"ra-gOO<t-. be<auif Ibey ulWli~ J1ld to ·~ ol .. the profw},ooal · swim a river to get1 ~ere. sl?ill~Jier or tramportfr, he .. , said.' .Giiiespie arranged to ~.t • a.n oil! ster~ype meet about XI men at various and;}t • brealdni .down -y poin\S along a road' throup fas\, . .ald'Robut Set~ of the lbe mountatna' near OCotJllo, N·~allza:Uon Service.. acrou the border f r om. , ~·Qv~. the put few yl.,-s y;e Tecite, Me._ico." . ba)'J! '~l(d "I".!"'" ilnd .'!!"'• ''E<l<h man paid It SO to llOO people., m ~ban areas •. he in ' advance," Seltz i aJ d. said. Las.t year .more than ''Gillespie drove throu h the haU . of the Illegal Jmmi9Q11ts mountains with a rent~ aeml- detained by the ~r~ Patrol trailer truck rig picking up his were taken in cities. people, but be wu st:Opped by • From Jutrt• to February a Border-Patrol unit on a Up 1969, 23,500 M~Cl:M were ar-and captured."· Ul"IT~ Fit for a Pri1we ~ed for being tn ~em Gil lespie was sentenced la.st ~omla illegally. Dunng the fall to 10 years in federal fiscal year from July 1967 to priaon. He already had a July 1988, 5;."5 were .ar· crlminar reeord Inc I u ding . rested. In 1964~ 1here were several convlctJons for smua:· Llke father, like son, go t.he complaints of British 10:~·11 of thOae .. 00 f 1gllng aliens. fashion d'signers. While ~ey admit that Prince work 9 In the Jiesklngha~ Mobley M. Milam, chltf· Charles is right in the swing of men's fashion, tpey relaUves or friends there" assistant lJ.S. attorney forihe wish he wouldn't, as shown in this father-son pic-- 1aid Seitz. "UsuaUy they l~lr: southern ~ict, which .~n-ture put his .hands_ in his jacket pockets. The for an unskilled job where eludes San Diego and Imper11t ·.stance is bad for the line of the suit, they say. language isn 't a factor ." cqunlles, blames al lea.at p~ .,---------'-------'---"-..:....-- "But more pnd more," he of tJ:te lncrease in smuggling said, "we see people who are on light sentences meted out skilled workers who can run to smugglers. machinety or 1do some '1:an-"I fttl the ~rts are much nery work that takes •ktll. J too lenient in handling alien guess this reflects dev:&l@r-1 smugglers," fl-11lam said. "But ment of industry in Mexico.' of course part of the problem But he said the United is just the enormous caseload Statta 1s .UU a land of OP:-here, almost as big as Los · portanity for-· many: who havt -Angelq with only two 1kill1 but can't market them permanent judges." at home. Milafn said that irl 1968 "People come here for there were 710 cases of illegal many reasons. But the moet entry and smuggling pro- common still seem to be secuted by his office with a desire for a better job, desire conviction rate or 93 percent. to be with relativaa and just a There were 14,771 caught, but plain sense of adventure." most simply were deported Last Year; of the more than without a lrlal. 52,000--arrtated, 20,000 ~Were "{iut,'t said Seitz, ''as long picked up-In the greater Los as so many people want to Aneeles area. AnCf of that come to the United States number, Seltz said, about half smuggling will continue to be had ~ in, the city 30 days or big businels. And as long as less. · there U such a difference in How do illegal impllgtants the standard of Jivjng between get to Los Aggel~ other the United States and MeKlCQ I cities or to northern and ctn-can°t foresee a drop ln the tral California agriCultural number of people who want to districts.· come here." Many_ Top Scholar8i Eying News Career~ More than haU or the na· school n e w s p a p e r took lion's top high school students, Journalism aad c r e It Iv t the 1969 Presidential Scholars writing coi.uses. . . . ' Twenty-four addition a I . a r~ potenll al wnters . 0 r students 'shc:r.ved interest ill editors, The Ne~spai>t;r Fund • writing through wofk 011 reported today in Princeton, school yearbooks and fiterary N.J: . . magazines. and by · othe r Eighty-rune of the 1 Z 1 writing activities. ~ sCholars ~ave ~ x pressed Awards or prizes r or stro~g inlere~t 1n 8q'me fo~m .• creative writing have bttn of . .JOUrnalistic or creat!ve won by 24 Qf the scMJjrs. Fif· wnt_ing e~perlence, a~cording ty.four s.tudents reported hav. · to 1nforri\aUon supplied The ing poems, stories, esaays ~r Fun~ by . the Commission on articles printed in publications PreSJdent1al Scholars. outside the school. The fund · reports 65 of' these Presidential scholars are outstandlnf high s c h o o I superi or high school cradu1tes gr.ad u ates had pre\1ously wflo are chosen and hooored demonstrated an interest in by presidential commission for journalism througl'I work on their performance pote_nli1!. A.Tent Show of Telephone Wonders fun for everyone Exhibits and Demonstrations Pi., TIC.TAC.TOE Apinst 1 Computer • TEST Your Hearing SEE and HEAR Yoir Telephone Voice • Telephoning By LASER LIGHT BEAii FREE Demonstration Long Distance · Calls * FREE * FREE ·*· FREE TELEFAIR coming to: • • • ~ASHION ISLAND, NEWPORT BEACH Thurstlay, July 24, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Friday, July 25, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. Saturday, July 26, 10 a .m. to 6 p.m. H " ' ! I ' Values to 4.99 . ' " WITH COUPON llOllD91 .. I , t N. KWO. Af .W,ONIHlll ; I • DAil V I'll.OT K! Z.ODVS COUPON CRISTI TOOTHPASTl 1 •;,:· 39c1 ,... I 'wlTM COUPON Y•1tr ~lll•lce 9f .,.. .. 1 •• , ., !Whit fl ........ CNlt h.l ... ,,...,..., .... ,,.... I L1111n1 WJTH COUPON ZODYS COUPON AnlD.IP~TI IXTRA .~RTI 1.00 49c I value WJTMCOUH>N I R•ll•ltla a11t._ .. ,. .,,,.. .. t .,,., , .... I ...... , •. , ... ...... LIMIT 1 , •• , ca,. ., ...i.... I WJTH COUPON- ·e.J-~nta.ant9,t .. D8'••C! •IUICll MA,WTltOltMI "'19. Af SO.UY CrNftl I ' • ' • ,, ) \ ------~ ·-----. ' •• OAllY lllOT • "Wolntsdl>, July 2', 1969 •• JO PllOf.AOVERTISER • • ,.. ...,...,. '""".,....""" ...,,._. ~-. c.i. .... • 111.si .... I ..... "'-~---... • Pi .. Ultl M.....C-1• M1M ......... c;-..w, Ct-tie ~ • #1111 ................... ....._ ............ .. • 1'ft W ........... I r .... 11.-._... ,_,.,, ...... ,._. • 1"'4 ........ If. tt T...,._VH• CMkif, ~If Vlll!IY Men in Service e WlcC' .. lL•W:.:1a1a1 ll'alit•~..._.,.... e l'*Ylllf.,..0111'111• I Ja I ............... • ., ......... ""'it ...... , ............ c-tw ...... c,..,.. • ""0-,, ........ rt ...... c..r ,.--. .... .,... ............. 11Mo Ila-II ;,I ......... C..W, N~ hlQi • ' ho or,,. Cout men· ate ..... Ina wtth tho qullCI 11.S. . Araly ~ Soni& Ana ~ ft. 1Awts, Wub., for ihoir .....i two -kl GI llWMler ttolnlnc in the 11.S. rt1e"'e rerea. They ... !!pl<. 5. Rlcillnl -,. GI Newport Btadl who b lnlolq 1L Madigan Gtoerol H°'pltll and Spee. I. Jteblrt .C. Belkr of D111a htnt, _.CTtnl 81 first aid in· atructor for_,_ilO'l"C cadetl. ,,,. mll.oloo " the llSlnd IJSAH ~ the two weeb lncl•des ll'llnln( with the Madigan per1onnel coun- lerplrtl, lelchlnl flnt lld to RO'Jt: Cldtts, m a n n i n a: various dllpensaiies and uslstlq In ldministtr!ll( ap- proibn•Lel7 1000 phJ>IClll per <lay to rtturnlng: Vie.tnam soldiers &le for early outs as !"rt of the 25,000 Lroop withdrawal. Mldllll-Edwlnl L. Ft .. rue., Jr., ton of Mr. and Mn. Edward L. Ferranto, Sr,, Hun- tington Beacll. will 1Tadu•lt from Callfomla Mar l t ime Academy, Va~jo Friday. Fttm:ilP w1ll receive a bachelor of !clenoe delJ'tfl in marine tnglneertn& artd a United States Coast Guard- issued third 1s1l1tant engineen license in Ole U.S. Merchant Marine. Spec. 4. Robe.rt M. Aialey, .. 23, '°" ol Mrs. John H. Jooes, 4901 HeQ. Huntington B<lcll, received the Brome Star near Long Bini!, Vlellllm. Spec. Ainley wu pruenltd the awarer for merltorloul service in gmund operaUoni aaalnst hostile forces. He ii a mllllal}' _poU«mm with th~ • 191111 MllilAr7 PoUco COm· -pony. \ HJs falhtr. John Ainley, lives at 17S3. Santa Ana Ave .• Coata Meu. Pfc. l\lcillnl E. lltbtrt, 20, SOii ol Mr. Ind Mrs. Enctne Hebert GI 114 c.ncreu St., Cooto MtH, llU bem mlgntd to !lit Vltlnlln~ IOth Enain«r Bripde ,u I carpenltr. Pfc. MkbeJ J. Ctlllu,.,,. '°" of Mr. and Mn. John R. Collins of 2Q Swan Drive, Coot.a M,.., bu bttu u.iped to !lit lttth LIJl)ll lufontry Brigade ln VJetnam. Private Collins ii I rifleman. Airm.u AUrff G. hit. son Mr. 11111 lln. Gerh1rd E. o1 ma Donot Lene, Cost& MeH, hu 1-1-to I unit of Ille Air Tnfiilng Conunmlr-Sheppml AFB. Tu., lei' ll'llnlnl and duty In metll·wwtlnf. 'Jbe aJrman ts a graduate o[ Cool• "' ... High School •nd .tltndld °""" Cout c.n,.c befo,. enttriJ!t the MrVice. Ainnu MleUel E. Pert.111, oon or Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Pert.ins of 8191 Medford Drive, Hunttnitoo Be1ch, has been a!slgned to 1 unit ot the Air Force Loti.UC Command, Hiii AP'll. UW!. Trained IS I r•dlo repainnan, the 1 I r m 1 n gndu1ted from the Keesler AFB, l\IJN. Leclmtcal 1chool. J.U II. J11t, 1:1 Wavo St., Larun1 Beach, hu been com- rn.iulolled into tht 1f'!Md forces Ilona: wllh 14 other graduates of Stanford Unlvtralty. J llO .WU commissioned 8 steond lieutenant in the United Statt.s Army Reserve. Two Huntington B e a ch brothers are serving ln the U.S. Forta1. Sons of Mr. and 1'fr1. William Seibert of t70Z Park St., l\ad)', grad&Jated fram Fl Ord, and has been assigned to Ft. SIU, Okla., for adv1need lrlintne In Field Artlllfry and WWIUI p .. II. I Emplo y es Honored El&ht employes who have 1erved at South Cout Com- munity Hospita1 since It open· ed ten yian aao were honored 'I'hundly nlsht 1t t h e hospital'• arioua! emplo)'es service award dinner. In &d<HUon, nine other workua wtrt given rtcogrli· tion for five yeara HrV\ce. There 1'tre 140 fJtSl! Jnltllt. Thon rectlving ten-ye1r certifkttel were Stanley W. Votca. hospital admlnlslr1tor """ Ult firtl tmployt: Rolland If t n dr1cbon. comptroller ; 8ever1T Stavro, nitsttrld lMlrtt; Audft7 Mflltr , ~ nune; Je1nnett• ,,-., pbyllcal thtraplll; Boll4ttt. BtnneJ; Eva Col, .,.i Plorl Houaman. "11..iploolA GI flvt -ye1r anrdl wm Mary L. =·· M11 Eddo. Gtor1e , Ma.rpret Gonules, ~Lopez, DolberL IAtdtflc, liar'1 !.Canning. Irene l!ol 1111 ..r lloudt Daniela. • Jlll'llroop<r hu 8trved lo Vietnam for a )'tat and in 'Jballtnd for • year . &Iii boy• .... ~ ... ol Huullnl1a> 1lelcb Scbool. Randy andualtd In llltl7 1ttended Orlllp Cool College before entering the service and William WU a 1165 Huo- Ungtoo IJ'IMIUllt. Easigb Moe-. A. Judy, USN, M>n ol .Or. and Mn. Thomas R. Judy ol 3611 Ctnlt<· St.. J.a&una -· hu cradUltd lrom the 0 I'll c eT 1hdOc> trtnaUoo School, Newport, R.J. Upon hb .,aduadou from dental ICbool, be will 1erve u a dental officer in the U.S. Navy. Pvt. Lan'J W. Taylor, USMC, son of Mr. and Mn. C. F. Taylor of US E. Bay St, Costa Men, has graduated from the Ordnance School's lnrantry Weapons Armorer Courte at Quantico, Va. The course covers-t-h e operati9n. repair, auembly, of such infantry weapons as pistols, rifles, machine guns, grenade launchers, f 1 a m e throwers, recoilless rifles and mort.an. SIL Jury V. BolflDln, '°" of Mrs. Virginia Judice of 1651 Tardlnes Drive, Huntbt(ton Beach, ls serving witb the U.S. Combat Air Forcea at Dai Nang AB, Vietnam. ·The aera:eant, a munitions specialist, is I graduate of Ocw!I Hif)i School, P1ci0ca. Avlltloo -ct Todlnl· cbl" Z.C. Bria Dolly, I/SN, 90t1 of Verne Daily of Ill Emenold Bly, Lquu Belch, II aerving 1boanl the clttteycr ltnder, IJSS Bryco Canyon. . C.,t. lUcUr<I Lyto, llSNR, of 1741 !'.. Ocean Front. Balboa, hu been appointed Group Commander, Nava I Rt1erve Command 11-1. Capt. Lyon WU I member uf the 11.S. Olympic swilnmln( !tom Ju llMO. He holds I d(ne In mebllhugical engluotr!ll( rnm Vile Unlvtnity, and I M.B.A. degree in buttneu ad· minl.straUon Crom Stanford Unlveraity. He bas !erYed on active duty in the Pacific Theater in Olina and in the Korean conflict. Graphic Ar ts Program Set A new graphjc arts program will open to students or Golden West CG1Je.1e for the first time 1111.o r.u. Gene L. Tardy, 37, of Westmlnlter wUJ bead the pro- gram. A r1111e of graph i c technology skilll will be taught in the two-year Pn>ll'am. Students will be equipped for jobs in newtpape:r work, schools, pubijc relations and ad vtrUJlng. The m o d t r n lf•phlc lab in the mu1lknedia ctnltr wtll Include thrte offset preases, an automatic platen press, bindery equipment and olficL lithography lncludloc camer1, plate.makers a n d strlpplnc tables. Tardy hu been a craphic aria teacher for 11 years at Polyttclmic lliJl)l School, Long Buch. 10 on Coast New CPAs Ten Orange COut resident! have JU!ed tht Certified Public Aceountant exam and hi v e received CPA cerUtates. c.tia Mesa: William F. Schwan, 3132 Bennuda Dr. Hunt.tapoa Beath: William ~. Mallory, 18402 Magtllan Ln., and Lester R. Pete.r10n, Jr., 1t3IO Beach Blvd. Ntwport Beacll : Andrea H. Pfister, 1611 Cornwall Ln. Seal Bead.: Rusaell P. Becker, l!m Merion Way. Weetmlasitr: Donald C. Lewellen, '708Z F'enw1y Dr. TusU.o: Stephanie E. Fletke, 15742 WiUiam1 Sl.i Robert H. Sherrill, 15Mtl Tuotin Vlllace Way: John w. Andenon, 13224 Newport Av.e., Md Calvin F. G1tea, 18SI Garland Ave. Wayne Newlon Sues Metro LOS ANGELES (AP) ~lnae.r Wayne Newton has fil- ed suit In Superior COurt Uit- lnl cancellaUOD of h1I thr. ye1r oootract with Met Golctwyn.M1yer and ~.ooo dlmqet from the company. In the compblol, Newt"" ..i.1 Monday MGM did °"" live up to Ill port ol lht 111'1 con. Lr1ct lo publlcWq and ..Ulng hll records-As 11 result, the alnger &aid. he received amaller royalllet than be ex. pected. The contrad expires Oct. ZI, lt70 . ---------- • s39's Value! Framed Original Oil Paintings · 1 stQuallfyCClnnon 19' Wash Cloths •1 n Adhesive Vlnyl Shelf Paper : ' '· ,, . ' Boarlan or Fudge Creme Cookies 49' Hershey Bars lag of 10 i 3~ ).!ilk Chocolate. A!mnail Oioc:olate llld Mr. ~-1st ill fl'YOI and flayor! Span sh Wrought Iron Candle Holders .... 99c Chelce !ipanistft.taaU.fJpt tmdl~ holders in cl.istincti•t ~la finiJhcd in Al'Oeado, Pine- 1pple ud Tu.auiqr. *12'1 Twin Bed Size Electric Bankets W~Ht 1111 Prk1f s999 """"1ol b.,. .. "" poly. •tu. 3,90 DJOGo 2°" CIXtmi. 117loa ~ Nite Um tem- pcrarani a:iottol for alccpiqi mmt'ort. " decoiatot roloa. l colon. 2 ff·~ • $f).tJ fvl ' Sin $11.tl •a00 Values! 1 l·lnch Club Bags Y .. r CMlct s299 Monogram Straight Bourbon Filth Gallon s299 A t..r,._ia at ow ...,,0.7 low' pdet ot #3AP - ICIW J01m 9tmD patu sa...U.. •47• Value! Coral Key Clgan lox of 50 $249 , Sll&bt ~ ol Ammca'1 futat •llill6 ioc dpr. Slllht impafC"O- • lioos will not l.ff«t &mokin, pl.eto ..... 77 Dinette Chair Seat and Back Replacements Q"'1itr ... ,,;,, ...... ~ $2'' or Yellow fem patttm! Eu7 to do-110 sperill · 1oob oetded. MMe old du.in Jook likt ·~ in miauta. Tyrolean Ceramic Beer Steins 99' $249 Hand Blown Glass Pitchers .. o. ... $167 ,_.., d"' lw>d blowo Maic::u alut lot RrTiaJ J'N.I' ~ itt luramel diinb. W'itb ice lip. Reg. s4•• Munsey Table Broilers · 3" Chrome fLQ. i10.. To1.111. warm roll•, .,, ... "' qoolitrl -""" ""°"'! C-from ..... -deeptOOt t o J 14 •, ltri,tl. daecb, priotsl 11211" cot-... i.,-...m. Bur '•bflbt--. 15 Inch Square 3-Plece Walnut Stack Table Sets ~'"':='! $10'' that ... &.I: aid 1JmbOJ. Ugs ve J)'' high. Pafttt . for knr fumiturcl •1• Value! Plastic Boudoir Baskets 99' Lifelike Plastic Vegetable. Strings ., " 88' Colorf.t -"' ••• Ma ... el "nlb<JIM pla9lic i• Dll1ln1 CDbl. ~ i .. ,..d -' • tab wear --...... Nu.nl -hlod<..d1-llr. $2" Ingraham 40-Hour Alarm Clocks •1r v•1 Lally $1thk CAPRICI SKAYll .. . •11 11 Norelco Lady s•11er $787 T----4· H lric: llwftn paf.cfor-.. ··or,,........ •Iii .... 7x35 'Kalimar $29'5 Value! Binoculars =-=;~$1688 mm diunctu of · frootobj«lite. ''' ft. fidd of m. at 1.000,m. SOC Value 18x27" I , Sheet linoleum ~ 19'' ~ $6'5 50-Foot Extension Cord $495 FlatliM plastic E!eo-· ,tricotd , . . ~· duty, top qutlitJ 11 •• fu~( .fl.00 off ttg'O.lat ..... ) • • . '1LOT·ADVERT[SER I l Wednesday, Ju!y 23, 1%9 ;::~~;:f ~g. s2'1 Men~s ~ Acrylic Knit a. a. 1,1,,1~ - ,. "GOLDEN CHANCE". Shirts ·~ Bath Toiletries ~ .· ~ -sPLISltCOLllGfr -----·- SPRA Y COLOGIE. .KAllD l BODY LOTION YO~R CHOICE Full fuhioned •it&in Acry- lic knit shim ia Wbitr, Bild. Gold., Oli•e or Ror· al Blue with contrutini rnlor oo nlOd:: tuttlea«k. Gtat buys! Solid State 3 Regular $13'' ' F.-esh New. Styles! No-Iron Walkie Talkie Reg~ 984 Scripto Cartridge Pen Set -~ • $1 Cartriift• '•" • 29c Vah11! P1ncil • ltc V1ht1f lall ... 59' Ttpe t00l mbos- 1inJ; ,!°adtine l;"-~s,.. bpe-, With 2 plu~ IUJ· Bl£" t a J a and chains. fancy Dusters ~J~E~b~1~ $399 embroidery or lace, Very 1pec:ii.llr priced! J..ight mornins, NX>n & iii,dit. 5100 Value! a Scarf Holders Se:!!~~ . flowu and "gem" ' ' stone set designs in looped rins or back clip stJ!es. Bell Bottom Boys' Jeans $294 Dilctvnt ...... TI.e seuon'• lllOtt po~ ultr jeans in rulged blue dtnim. Cut full iJl 1iz4t t to I~. 29'' Cassette Tape · Pamper Disposable Player with Radio Diapers $2611 Capitol tape pllt}'tr with built-in AM. r&· dio • rombo to bkt anywhere! Plar as- Xt!e or Ji1ten to tht radio station of rout h ice."'"' s() soft to baby's ten- dc1· skin. Choose from pack of 15 Dayliml', 12 Overnli:ht. 30 Nl"wborn and 30 Dey· lime. 'pmily . Size _ 24~1nch Barbecue s511 Porl•hle 1 ril1/. dvome plated •d· juet1hle 1rid with hu.dlis, f' 1Juminum ~int JegJ, Great picnic· ker! ; S'1 Stay~A·FI~ &~ . The 119 ~pper Swim Yut1 · Water Float SH; ii ~1 4 ··· Fbt 27 !JI. $2" on yCM.Lr ·, ~" ·-cha in di .. to\fot --·~·:;;,;5 mttua.1oin w~. ~~-iacha det-p. ' ShuHon's Desert Flower $2 50 Value! Aloe Vera 3 PIECE SET ;:~:o.z,kii:::.'. 96c Ni1ht cream & Cleans- er. K~ps skin smooth, supple. $1 00 Angel Face Gold Lightly Liquid Make a ........ ........---= c ~ ~"\ IY 4 Geld·~ PONas Warm, 10Jden --if hiJhli,taten fo r , chCttDones, fore-h..,. Lii Want's mqic turban ket]' hlirdot u )'Oii slee:p, ba1h~ drive, worlc ot plq-. Nylon ttiniorccd! s1 00 Val~! Antique and Scatter Pins Discount $9'' Prlotd Rugged full 1iR bag: wulhtt 1triptd for wumlh and com· fort. Comfortable 5 Jb, Acrylic fill. 100" 1tp1ntitlj: tipper-2 bap an bt ripped fiDlctbttl Coleman Deluxe 11""""-.i Camp Stove . $1744 '17'' Yala1l Coleman w-~d, ~t!m $12'5 b•Jptoof. . . '9'1 Value! l Rybutol r.oLflus _ Multiple Vitamins $ 88 J.fWtip!e •itttniot with 1toa Plut in atuktiff apothecary bottle. The bctt .ittmift ••lue ta ton! non·r min it -••ff UJ in apl'Cial offer, • • · Faultless •42' Value!· Travel Syringe with. qWirp. lttlCb-44 menll, CUIT c a 1 .. Pint q\llllitr complete $ 2 Guannlffd {or 4 rn. · Po l>l 1 for atonp. Sn• 1\mo1t $2, Kleer-Sine Decongestant Tablets :;-:, 89' '-lt.tJo_ ••.4t Xor 1inus mi&eition, colds. har In u, pott- nw.1 drip. 4_.Piece Comb Combination .... ,, .. , 94c All AIMriam't oiof9iona1 hai.tdRMt(_ tool.. -Dew Drop, I.at Ta.ii Double 1'eutt, BeMiriciam' Rike and: Comb.().Lift TftSiag .C.Omho. . s3 Values! Coi Jewelry ~~ Cont1rtl~l1 Bell·lecklaces ~~hi~:.· $)97 ion jtttlry ia Goldtone a1. aoned i;o.Uu. •Linf11p .••.... $1 ,t7 ·Aluminum. & We Chaise lounge ; .. $59 ......... u t"·alllll'l· inwn tub- ing fruic, ,.,, we.tbet• ro ilbnt . SUlll webs. • Matt~IOI · C[Molr ........ $1.9~ Coppertone or Sea & Ski :::... 2°"11ceTulle ... , ...... 11 ... e 1JIU 111 .. k~urtt St. •t Wttt.IM...,_WH tffff• C....,., •••. e 4127 WfltMINtt' .. Go.._ WHt, Wh?...._ • l lt61 Y.ite,YltwllltC._, ........... -r .. tptti Pl.ao,c;.G. e H_.., fl~·• ldl...,, f OMfal• Y.rt.y• ' t •1p• Valui!· (urrent Top Selling Albums $4" to 'S" Valuesl Major l.P. Albums Major Jabel1! 2 ... Cumot top re-cording artist.I I Top tu.De. I All 2t'op 1eller1 ! ~ -or &dd to yout re- cord libtuy. Save bia 1t Thrifty ! Dot, J;.it..rty, $127 United Atti3U, Wodd PKific ! Fetturingworld' f1mrd artists, _ ' curr~t tit!e5 I P!a.J&lll•, ot11 Monaural or Stett0 pboao- Jrtplu, Save $f$. NMR llEFORE SOLD FOR LESS THAN S l.00 Orl9l1ally Made to Sell fer s4n and s5n Maior Label Albums T~ pl•"" LP . .n.w., ol "'°"po.. 59 ··Ur~. otthfttnis, TOC1l1tts, ~I c· poup1[ ~II Ein.t qU11itJI , Choo1e · Irom a wide Vltlety at l&Ylllll you UA't beat , , •. at Thriftf, ::::::-~~~-=--=--~-:i = .. ic> 0th•x• at 60c •i 2s Gillette , ii ?f..~ Riteoxide · 6 ~ ez. Hot Lather Developer 49' S~lf·••ati•t a• 4 Ou nce . . . . . . . • ~ Shave Cream. . . • 6. . 1$35• Max Factor . $4 Val. Corn Silk Uquid Cl-...~ tr TAN FAN POWDER & Skin Fre1hlit1r . $200 BhlshiMg $300 ·t2 Ou nce .. ; ..•• · : g:;binatlon .. . • • . . . ' ' • • ' ! DAJlV I'll.OT Your Money's Woi!th -•. . • Overhaui of Job He p Due I t • • • • • • TAI cu RIW., yew pktle. Call HOW t.r kM•-.... WerMetl••· Quality Painting fo~Oyears J, P. Carroll COMPANY INDUSTAIAL-COMMERCLA.l PAINTING &, DECORATING CONTRACTORS For..,, •st1m1te or brochtltf et# or writ•: OP.ANGE COUNTY LOS ANGilES' 201 E. Commttc!lll St. 211 N. Jutt1ill AYf, full•rtotl, C.HI. (213) ~1 1714) 87N230 a.:_:.;:_;.:;::_:_ _______ -. ------- ----··--·---•"'! ' t OVER THE COUNTER wmplete-New York ~tock List • .J. . ··-• = 1 • ••• , O'llV l't(OT • • . . • \ • r I ' I I r I I ' I I I I I - . . ' . . .. , -. --... ---. -~ ~ --....--... -·~------------~-------------------·~---------- 1lf' DAit Y PILOT ·" Wedntsdiy, July 23, l %fl PILOT·AOVERTiSER 27 ,; How High the./Moon Wh~D,-.' n "~f4~~ -.~~per Industry? By JOYCE LAIN management to lab rese>rob ind tries. tn1 J068dllbem1pJ7o5yed and1paper. Somke chemi.1 Li and -1HJ1i!33Jhllil0 1111 1· ~al ~ndt e 1 !dCI r on I a In· ber1 1 and end as~•t In the wood· resulti for Ullcrpretation by lo the s1le,.of lht. fi nil:ihed pro-6f>l,OOO peop e, an y • 18 eng neers wor as sa e£1me~ ' • " 1 suu,IOOn s an· .P. owe r . bu" ng operallons. (Wood is enuineers and scientists. Ml9' ltlM •w••'ft I Mttwrv pl TIS 000 . r I t k ~ In ' • -'""· COl.lrfltl' d 11111 llo:Y•• duct, Aowng those with the expected to em oy , . supervisors o P an wor ers, i j~o,tral C and dislrlbutlng lhe raw material for m011t FOR l\IORE INFOR)IATION {t;',:~'1t. ~~~.!' 1~ ~111 be 5 t --prospects : engineers, Paper ls somehO\v Uivolved in or as adft!ini.strators. • ' ~ ~1Flent. pap<"r products.) send me a postcard in care ··1·en11·s1s marketin· g ex-... 0 nearly every aspect of our Che I aJ and -ban' 1 D l ~ I '' .. ,...,... •1t«1u .. -.......... ,. ""' • ...,., ""' m c • m...... tea 1 -r~ c v ·•GING engineers · .. ys ems 8.11alysts and com· of lhiis newspa""'I' f""Uesti~ M _..... • nllH 'l. ..,... teclmicians and ski 11 e d civilization -from printing · .i-~-1-.M ""' an ,.., ~"' .,..,_um...:• .. iMI•• 11 lft • d engineers ...,_ign., CQlklu......._ _1 •, • • • puter programmers are in-"paper techoology.•· The fr """"·H workers such as electricians, and pickaging to tLSSues an operate. control and improve , d !srr1and supervise the pro-ctellSlngly important as com-career material will be sent A. -The paper industty mac h 1 n er 'I .epairmen, in-toys. pulp and papermaking equip. dUCQ011 of paper . and pute~ are being used to to you Chruugh the courtesy of moon is hanging over a strument repairmen, pipefit-""' ment. They transform new paper technology to the pr~ paper)?oard cootalnet'I' and ~ coordinate the comp I e :x the American Paper lnsJltulc. career-bright sky. But not for ters and millwright$. P ft 0 F ES S 1 ONAL and pul)l and paper1naking 1echni-duction: process. package. Many box and con· papermaking process and pro-~ Send your suggestions for all types of workers. Though technical jobs include : ques, develoJl'.td in the lab, into talner manufacturers a,I so ccss aCCOUDting and manage. ~lure column topics to Joyco economists see stead Uy In-SEA OF PAPER. Pu1p, Chemists, who control the practical prOductJon met~ods. E 1 e c t ri c a· 1 engineers Cll}ploy artlm who work out ment statistical data. Lain, Career Corner, c-o thl'! creasing demand ro~ _paper paper and allied products is quali~y of products by Some chemical en g In e c rs supervise the design\ develop-deslgris .and .coJors. Technicians working In labs DAL y PILOT. Sorry. no mail and forest products 1n years one of the world's large basic supervising the testing~ pulp supervise the application of ment and oPerational of elec-Foresters •manage tim-conduct tests and record the answers can be given. ahead·, labor.saving 1echnologyl-'--'------.:...----'---''----'---------------------------~-------.:C.------------'--'--'-----'--'--'-"'--'--'-­ is expected to reduce the need ror certain types of plant -wort.ers. ---rbe~ralio-of SUcb workers as mater1als handlers. hand·fed machine operators, packers and other laborers is likely IQ drop sharply by 1975 because: o! automatipn. CAREER CONFE11'1. On the other side of the moon. de- mand for more educated and s~lled personnel is likely . to yncrease. Paper -comparues J~k bright young 1.eople. of • .yaried talents for many Jobs :tranging from forest and mill . Best Tip~ Know If You're Ill f By .PETER STEINCROHN , So many palients have ask- • ed. ''What would you say is the one most importanl tip you could give on keeping healthy?" Invariably. my reply:.....'.'.Knowing yoµ're s1ck~" That requires a bil or ex- ~ · plaining. • , ·• - What I imply is that n1any , ·apparently healthy people arc .--..:;-sick and-don't suspect ii. In nther words. to feel well is no guarantee of being \\'ell. , FOR EXAMPLE. here is a young man, big and strong, who is far from a feeding pr<r DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE ··: ~ · blem. He has a tremendous • appetite, and his wife -anx- ious to please -bakes all kinds of pies and cakes and other fattening foods. "He says, "I eat like a horse and feel as strOng as a horse." I have seen many like him They are completely "rloored" when a routine examination s~s they: have s e v e r c iliabetes. ! flere is another young .;woman, apparently surfering ~rom tensio n headaches. They .linay ,be .due lo tension, all gright, but a blood pressure ex- .>roination also, r e v e a I s tunsUspeeted hikh b I o o d J pressure. -~ ~ AflO'OIER EXAMPLE' a :poung husband just dotes on ~eeSC6, whole milk, buUcr, ·eggs (he has three for -,fbreakfa:st every morning) and -,!Jli~ juky, fat steaks. He 's . ~not~r · apparently healthy .·~ specimen. One day he (fortunately) breaks his leg in a skiing ac- .. ci.denl. While in the hospital he t':_ has a routine ECG ad cholesterol Lest. Although only 30. there is already evidencl' of too much cholesterol, and changes in his :.¥ electrocardiogram suggesting coronary artery involvement. '"' He is put on medications and a '<( special dlet v.·hich will prolong ·1. his life:. :* " ~lt ·~ =~ l f ... •• I HOPE J've made my point. In these cases. the best lip for staying h~althy and alive was L h e Ulll'Xpected realization they \Vere already sick . "Knov.'ing you're sick'' can be a life saver. l\lEDICALE'M'ES ! Rcp!ics to Readers ): For ~1'rs. U.: I am glad that yoo diUovered poor eyesight in your youngster so early. Othentjse il would have un- doubtedly interfered with his school work. Bad report cards are not invariably dUt' 10 stup;i4:Uty. Bad eyes are often the Unsuspectefl cuJprit. • Here· are so1ne suggestions for parents of young children : .. : ... ·' Becomf' suspicious thal their eyesight may not be up to par if they gel iJ!.to the habit of sQuinting: or, rubbing their eyes constantly; or, looking at an object with one eye closed if they sit close to a TV set and habitually hold a-book close lo the face. DON'T DEPEND alone on scbool eye..t.esls (although they are o! Wle' in screening out .. thouaands of youngsters). T:.a11:' $lid lO an eye s for a complete e~· • aminMJOn, OrJt -estlmai. ls that about U iplllloo school cbi!dren re- quire· eye cart. Don't just l!JCSS tha t your youngster is notoneof lhcs<. kippy DOG FOOD . lop s i• Qualit1 ••. lull of rood nourishmettt. C/11! 21 oz. Co.RS COOL.-RAY POLAROID'· Sunglasses ~· ~. ••• -J ·/-. .. . . . -· .. ----~~ ·~countdown" ~ -New rimless stylt with ! b<ise tllf'led lenses for w16er coverage, i:lay le~ses. COOL-UY ,. POWDID 4 98 "Countdown" , GlllfTT! Razor Band COLGATE Instant Shave DR. WEST'S T ~thbrushes KING Sill "Drive" , DlTIRGENT 1.79 AIJ1st1•I• C1rtri•i• wrt• ii EQes. • ___tl___!r nu1ne f';impa~ ! · tolihid• .•• fofdfo! 2 95 i ily!t · w1lh 20 wiew pass ca~~ • .......................... i 19e "Cera f iPbr" ••• As11rttl lrlstte:s I Ctltrt. ~ wr 'l1·l1l•t" St1i• l1•t1tt 5 l~s. f eu. ,l.17 GIRCIA· "300" 'Reel MITCHELL Far Fresh Water Spin Castine ••• Fl SH I NG 1\\' wan two spools! can be used al~o LICE NS . · . for light salt water bshing. One . s.pcol will hold up to 12a ~ds. ol -~ · -6 lb. Plafyl. the other LUO )dt Inquire At The -· ~~t11~~1:er~.silive 14 69 Phote D1pt. .le1. 11.11 ~ . r ,_I a 4 6 1 Spinning Rods Choose Imm £il1i or 7 ft. medium ac!imHods ol \ubu!ar Rlass. Hard 11 99 chromed t~illes and t1p·top. Cork handles with screwlockinR reel ~eat. fttru!ed loward btltt seclioo. Rec. 15.11 • C """ik ·':.J •• l HUCk flHN Spin-Casting OUTFIT Blar~ 5:'l 11. 1wO oiec'! SOl·d ili1S IOd. Retl l•ll•d w1•b !00 yd~. ~l ~lb. 1•1t mono 111\e, ~lu~. extra s~:;~I w1!h hllf'. Alum•num Lhlii:~ ha~le with co;l grip. PENGUIN "Blue" Mono Line U\r;i limp nylon line insures -longer. easier usls. A lull! hoe for all t~pe ot l1shin~. 1lii 1•. s,u1 v. 1•. s,,,1 4.111•. Test 12·401•. TtJt 1.69 .. 1.98 .. All •ml Tackle Box .. • • .. • • "Jergens" LOTION Stel\cs to11i•. irriUltl ~u•s. 9yj 1t Sizt Choose lr on'I ma~y a~3orled ~tyles, md!eriol~ arid t1llo r:;, in· c!ud1ng "ho\"~sh~es. Sizes for cilild1en, men al!G woinen. •••. 1.1! aac V~ur Cha1c1 ... I ,,. .. .. • ·colgate "100" Oral Antiseptia f9r tire11• co~t10J JRd lMJle. ·-in t Oll• '•nie•t ,1uuc ••t· tie. 79c 6 1z. Size i 0 • SEA&SKI. SUNTAN AIDS ' LOTION 1.75 4 at Size SEA 'SKI 1.29 ~ ............ -lndtor/O~tdo1r LOTION 1.SO 2 11. Tiibe . f 1.35 ~ _Dark Tanning ::: LOTION . .. -· ., ....... _ . .. , ... _,._, ' ·~ .. _, ..... '_,,... ... -. _ .... ,, ----· . . "Hi-lo" Ironing Table ! MAIY PROCTOR -Con1o~r {orved !e~s lor more leg 1oom ..• ea~y roll : 11~eels. White loo with 8 98 grey me!al ht leg~. t f Re1. 10.9S • 1 ··-·-----. ,.. .... ~· -~ ............ -... ~ .... I ...-. -··--· I I "Custom fit" llONING Pad & Cover i PROCTOR -Oulweat s ot~eis 5 lo l ,. •.. oad of ~~Y cotto~ 1 98 tu~h,oned wilh res1!1ent 1 loam. Re1.2.tl • I __ ,. ___ ............... ··-------....,, ~f1"''l1tt 3 50 ONlY • "Tried & True" ~ 01. S11e EACll 2.50 "Desert Flower" HAND & BODY LOTION S\ n : O~lli·rg lot10~ vn!h thr 1•·y • 1" drt' ol lanolin and 1 00 ~~lig~tlul fr~gr~nce. I tz. 1.DD Size • friction Lotion "VIG ORO" Dichondra Food witll IRON & INSECTICIDE ••• t,o~ /., t1·,b 1 Mg·,' )l•ur l~,1·n ~ 1 1(~ n-1·•. 2 88 f''" ~ r ~l11r , •. I I~, r nnlr~l 1n,~. t· .. 40 l~s. , "NP-27 " AEROSOL for Athlete's fott ANTISEPTIC "Sea Breeze" ' ' I' -, Revlon Eterna '27' _______ ..., __ ""''""" ·--. --- l!lf "Marvalon" ADHE SIVE. \ r.-.,.,,_ .. "T b " D.'llA 3 U DUET 11 Sbelf i Drawer LINER ••• ..-A 11ual1ly ~over!ll~ 1~ assorte!I colors & p;i\l0r~s that aie ~la1n· 1 39 r -.J r,rMI and washahlP -~ .~ .. 1~!.!~-.: ·~:!t !•1US 4.45 Dtl«Jlfll LIQUID • C 1ea11ses.'dtodori1ts, lrnlleas 1loroo1h!y. De · licalelr stU~.,. com- fOtelf !""""'-" "' Vfl'JftictstWJf. lft petite li!llrt1kaO!t plntle. · . t.OI .& u . Site I.IS 1 69 I 1z. Sill • SKIN CREAM Witll Exclu sive Pr1ceniti11 ll~111ar~ablr. $~in Crttm lhdt bioughr drima11c, visible 1e· s~Hs t11 '/W\llllen's s~1n in ~·( 1111\ cl tvery len CISe'l: tn!.' ed. l 11. 15.H Sitt 10.00 • N'"'' 101,1 ran ~.t~~ in !I I, 1 Jr dgrarr.~ .•. 11 • pi~o~ on tol(:ign~ :~t 1 ~t ti~ ll" a~~ nn. S.00 ¥1lwt 3.50 ..• ~llllll!llM!l1Mhllllll!lllltlll!l!lftlllt"ll"!lll"l!lllll!IHlllJMllll!lll!lll\U1111111!1lllllllllll!ITllHl1111Ull1WITilg: I 'M ' B k1 ') l • Beaut;ful Ha ir... ISS rec --I I HAIR SPRA y ~ !)•~ ' ·+·•., .... ·· a 1<1 •• ~n~~·1 1r~l~r·1;i-'",.. ..9 · 10• PRICIS .PllYAll: 'OllRM£T 1 •1 rr.Yt~~ Iron RAt:ulr. :-itr"'. l " ~, C 1ii!11: 1~·s~~la,~·,~1:~1:1:•r• • Spice Rack i !I v;~eo,:,;::. i'd s":·;, i;,/;:,: " ... ~·' ; M . , ... ,, ritr '~ ,, "' l""'" C • i . ..-,..~ , • il!'i •. ' ' -7 oz. SHAMPOO 88 . , DRUG STORES ::c"" cl•'·",';"' . . "'hi.. , ;~ ~· 1: o"•••M••10•M -7 •••uwnl II -·o,.a.,~. s~.~~~:~.~.RSPIRANT83c ~ ~ l HIJNTJNGTON IEA-.:H ............... ,.. , Soi. S11e t• I'• 11$1. fali_tt of •sh'es ol hay -.M11~ ltvtf. toW~ and pollftfl 11-., .... -" "-•••u"t l~J!~ A~•-'loafl de~i:~ i" 'j Beauty Salo· n" ler&iet HUNTINGTOi~ IEACH wocd ... 12 jdr~ 1~d 40 I ~ a : NEWPORT IEACH ~ludi!d. Soot~·~ alld 1•la1cs tlP.d Mu '\r : "''.' C '°4-' · 1.19 2 • 09 1 OZO lniN, 11 W•rcllff rt-. ltJ. JJI , 2 1 88 tdr~~1rt, 1•J~r~~1 t1Mlfl. Res 1.19 Dt "".:.. i ' MllllUll!llllllllllffMllll»lllllllllllfflllllllUIUl!lllllllllllllllllllllllftlUllMMHlllilllllllilllllllllil I 21•1 45.1 S,n"'"'9 ... 14f11fff s•paralt ~Pitt lll!P,:!s In· MILK IATH wfCOlD CllAM 98 ~· 1·· -----,---' l:.:================="' ---!m1~11111u1"1iji11UllllUlllll~IMIHllllJIMlllllllllillllUUlllll!IUll1Ml\hlll~HlltllMllftlllllll•lllll!l!lttUI : ' ' .l_....__..c...:...-~-.-...._...._ __ .... ~:.~ .... ~ ---------~ -·· -. -;:;;;;•--------· ... , -. ' .Uter Paelfle _Sharon tooking I . Towards Atlnntic LOS ANGEi& (.\I') -.\<1&1111 llld lrlelldi' from Sharon Adami, otarina !he Loi Anae!ta W.re UP'i*d lo end ot a 1,0QO-eille vOyage u join hlti\J n .acorUng ·hll wUe the first worn~ to 1111 solo to San Dteto where; ht ..,., across lhe Pacific, bu already there WU\ De 1 :~twee, Wild made plans i~ anther con-party with the m•:yor· and quest -the AUanUc. everybody." "But ahe , warits to rest Mn. Adame 11 to be first," Im, her hu1band, wtletmed by an armada Of Al, Tues!IJY 7 redlo from a pftvai. boa.la and \ioctulde power b o .• f~ytng CfO'l!dl. On Sheller lllud 11 Mrs. Ailaml ~ llQI -!f!l\¢or'!.. "1!!~1\0.e; Jilt desUn1Uon •• S4. ' a ·~ 1111 "She's ve;t · 111& wlU f I ~~·.,::~h'Jt bi . 'lf: y ta Ja~ct.'lt = 11 · before Ille •llllil fiiw ='t.li MW .1!!: a trip acrOll tit t . ' tueee&&ful crown, and L.:g ,_.trs. Ad~• 'tar.Old be w:u aorry he \fould not bl mother of o from ~ In Sail Dliplo ftl<ome ~. Vista, C1lif., trptc\ed 'to She 11 CJttYint a letter troni. re a c h Sil\ ~Thljnday Asuklll lo the mayor ol Sin S C D ' d nlghl or Frl<llll • . -~;-Yl ~a'Jlliitnl .1. P'RJr QC; · (;w--A• ol loday, illt -U i 111 IOf Mthj -Aft f lllll 11 ~ . f days al sea alllff •llUnl 1all lo wamen bl1 wire wu In !tv' ii 1 (~ J~ko~= =• J: t,! t.f~r.J~'!f Umplllf !': 1 Ydll . 1 f. I 'lt'-1; . first woman tt 1ill alone to For part.I of two d•ys, n e l ... r'd' WJ\ . , f . r-f~l · Cbt lsl.JrtdSr· Hawaii . A~ams said, his wife bun by = ___ s _ '+'0 -':!~~~':;':-:••, Adame said lllf wlCe 11 prlm· 'tier heels over the edp of the -' · ping for lh• •m .. 1 -p111u., liott with • line tied , ... nd Col um. b:a· . • h.· . c· ap. tures finishing toucMo an 1 frilly htt·~tt, scraptna mo!I and ,. i>tl' pink dress ~ jijtched durtnr blmlCJes . off the hUll with a the cr1lising DI her !l;feot parhla klli!l:. . ketch, Sea ~lrf' tt. Her rad.lo trwnutttr went ff M k • R "ShesJid, '11 ilcin'I care bow out ~120 days ago, he said, . · UfQll• (JC lllUC · UC~ ti reci tam. 1 '11\l~lnf te 4"'tve and although she couJd listen like a lalfy, " .. ms sal~. 1he couldn 't send a ny He aalJ &hi W~ ..wmtd mt.s.sagell. MACKINA.C ISLAND, fl.fich. and their cwrected ltines for 1 week durlftl Ult C1J1111nc He .aaid hls wife lUS an-(AP) -The Co111mbl1 50 sloop ~·ere: and weathert4\tven aal~. noy~'1hat only~ ibip _the Diavolo out of Milwaukee has Cr u Is f n g C, Gretcb, She trie4 ta 1hoo away a ss MclClnley-reported her been declaf'Jd winner of the 49 :11 :28; Crulsint: D, Sesame, ' TITLE -Robert F. JoluJ· son's 7~foot lleldl W!i)dward Pusago f1<>m Lahalna Yacht Club on Maul Is •!town cro11lng tho finlllt line at Dill!IOltd Head with a now elapsed Ume record. Flv. days later Ibo yacllt wu deprlv· I Tran•ec Winnen DAILY ~UT JJ . ' ed or the flr1111o flnlob honors 1and lhe new record when a proln by lhe yacbl Elpl'it was upheld, addlnl 11\'0 houn lo WP'• elltpeod Ume and mtl.k- tni Blackfln winner. r Harbor .Skippers Given Top Hono~s . . ' . shark from 1'tr ~. a whereibout.s to him. 45th aMual Port Huron to 50:50:28 ; Cnilsina: E, Nan small instrumtnt that V.11 She said that ahe was spot· Mack1nac ~Una race. · Tlm, 50: 46: 12. Cruialn1 F, lly ALMON LOCKAIS'l equally YOW'll crew.~ the P•q• wu J*llbtd two finlah was Charlie Brown's astern the Mt\ Jlld meUVff ted by nurnero:us ships during Tom Flsi.'• MY Gypsy. out lioialtelo, 55:04 :13. · a•"-,..,.. Cal-40 ~ut. vlctol'J.' ~ on __ ht(__Mi_J!ftd tlrne CuriMor bother Cll-40, th• distance lr•valed, tie Wd-her --1na and ~Y-pl•"" o1 the Gro,iae Point. Yach! Two Newport H1rbor Yl<hl wu Riiillilacefti 1lie tll'i -Iller • protoll by the :J4.!ool Ailolhor new lroplly, for the The shark WjlQ, takinl u,e that new so low Ille-could rtad Clu~ was a cl<>5e second. Club aklppen received top, Tranlpac when Youna Skip sloop Esprit wu upheld by ·the lint lortilD yacht to fl.nlsh, !nllnjmenl . l!!!lr nll!!\Ws. . The black-hull~ Dlavoto Boat Board honor• Monday nict>I 1l Ille ~~nd.;1,:-:..,o1 .~~ ::;m1:1':.;.1~ ~...:!, "::: wen! lo Geor•e O'Brien'• Mir owned by A. ll. Stern oov...i trophy pr'9entallon foc the •• ,... f "· ~'!..al v ~~II• :t1 ~ia! h«tora 1n. tM ~CaMO Holiday two yacht& at tht atart of be rom ~ ~"'3 ancouver »E.tia RiiJJQ,_:mo-'JtJMCD :-1 ~~"·.-=....~":'a~lf-Meet UE~~,~~S;1 : ~ •• ~·prompled "~U:· .. Uil,.IMC!it•~~ci·:· f:.1 ' mi:.~: · · · ·II· 7 My nyp~ 'ad a cor · I I Cl A Tr••ipac . y-~1 'O"ub --. C wlitner and l!ltpr!t WU the he!... finishing llld 1alled ONt:I .... Jif.".I" Wtll (OA!lfl ... Mltl Lu-• • • ~ .. ~ ., • handicap w nntr n ••• • .... gf.I II \Nf,11 wi IA Clua D crca h finish J 1 J c111e von t1t1U. c11111 Nirit1 Alttil reded time ,,., U·S8 •4t 1~ The _ State Harbors and wot John Hall, o--~kt....,." modort Gordon Curtis Jr. to nntr • a t e n e Allee M. J-a. ljlllt Dtlil•t. Av~., lnm•n, N-" ltlldll flvt ,,.,..,_ v~ •'. ' . ~•"(. "'_...., r~ W'··-of "· ""W trophy •--~•Ma us'ma· h•• -'-••n G.f*" o"'"· ~ " ••Ill. Jvl'f 2L (l'l!lll'(tn 1114 ten 6mJ.1relidctil!il,..,. wirutlnt boats started crossing Watertralt Comntiasion will of the Columbll-6~· conuntnt: u...,.-~· ''"' •.u"•" • ... nUMoe ·~· Wft9 "' It"'-Jel\tt1 molf\tr"' kr'lkes. ~rloMv. 11 AM.. ltllf CfletMI, the Unlah Une late Monday Cork II klpr: ' "II ·-· all you n·-..1 1~ for tbe f1nt Hawaiian yacht to •all for power. kt"t" l. 1.11111. ,ti ~ lht JMr, 1741 suHt'lor, '°'''" M1 ... 1nte""'"'· • hold a meetin& Monday (July Tom e , er--1 ~....... ~ w ~r;!....~1'::11t11i.;-.;11., J M:: ~nc1 °·;:;.~ !iV:-~ o~' P~: ll'ft:~':: f'!l•hm"d -~.':!lugh's I1ru1 emo 2a) lo dilcusa bol.Unc needs of the Cal,48 Sa1ac:la' wu e win the ~ I• • youthful CMr'" INlefll '1 ··~ D!Htl tllt•r h lti" ~,,.,, Olrtcta~ w I e wu.i• ovtra at thr L... ••• i._ • winner In Class B. 'Oarked, ln ~ whole lather oww • u s s ii T k r d cf o.._ Vtrmllllln. LI Hl~I •114 F CH fa ·44 ·10 [ollowed ~Bay Be1 ougi,_,yt il1e state. dUf••enl boat WlS the Ind hu no partlcul•• a or a -n J""" 11 .. !Hlt, ·o.i .._...,. ,._,., IS ER · · • "~ • 1he Red a ~ • ... • • ~ ...... ~ w111 bl hit~rMY· 1• CY,..., J. Fttctwr. «1 w1111111 "lfa, 41:41 :30 j 8 car a !1',0 u eh e, At Ondo Beach Clly ovmll winner in the 111& plans [or it dutinl the IUm• • ~:'.,~.Y:'~ ~i~~~~ r;:wo:;: ~~· io~;,,.:i::, •1~ ·~,.~ ::~ 4l~H:lfl; and -e-.-, ... -u-1 e-, -Hlil1-~U---Chl.ffi15tts, 1Ir race. In the 1167 tM:e Sal&cta mer.'' \,. SANDHAMN, Swtden (AP) thlrd raCe, ~u disqualined. I M G,,,..... Ftlll\hl' ~ "'°'·' "~ lltOllf't ""lt>flf, w ....... y .• f'M, h ll 4.9:06:0'7. D1amon4' St Redondo Beach was dlamaated wl\lle letdin& ll .... w·· ~-alghl ---sw·"·' 5 ......... Hla , ... , Neme·'· wen· I~. 1,,. ,,, IPlttil ~J CM!Tlliutl-. 1'""'41Y Olll>el. """"""Ma• Thu.... . •• • N •w ll"I: l;WMI ... -:"'t"'" Kil .... ,.., .. ·;~M ,e..,1r1w"' ,. ~ 11111.,.,..,,., u y t AM. sr. JOK111m'1 c1!Mlk: The Mltena Syndicate's \\f\n. cmaideraUon wtll be given for her clus. Tr&nlptc which hid betn won brotben, Olympic clwn, pkins 1to~fifth place while the ~'"' O.urdl Ill Irvin. '°' "" O.ufdl, w1111 Fr. T1ton111 J. H•vln dl&o wu the faattlt boat, ~...... · Nearly 1 500 perlOM cbtertd by a Cal-40 1"'-. tbe S broth med th ~:~ .::w:;;. -=~.,.,. lit-~· =n:=-~ ::=~ completing lhe rac:t i n p,~ changes in mt.sslon the winner'.s at the &ala prilt-'lbe trophy To: lint to finlah :~~~= 1:r ~~~.~~r 1114. iner :: r:th in th: SWAN90N 11• anotdwtr. C0tf• ~· o ir11;1era. &3.:19:31 but she HnJlhed ninth re~ons on the uniform giving festivities whld'l mark· waa awlrdtd to Ktn OiMeuae, clau yach11 ... world ch&m· 0 '°''""".u .... . ::r1~:V. ... "'~,,.1~':1nt~on• ~~= KITZMAN o't'f:rall with a corrected time state matker system. ed. the windup ol thf 15tb owneNklppe.r ti. the 7S-foot plwhlpa ~.,.. with Robert _.. .... ,... ~:,~ r~;-:; .. J:W~11tt~~e:,.: :;= .. \M.~"i=::·,,,:::. :!:.vi':..': of 41 :15:34. The meelln& starts at 9 a.m. Trarupac race lrOID Loa ketch Blacldln from St. Fran· Econd. Tu. mer ol Atlanta,~.,• l"t/oomy Gvs 1•5 etY •l'ld M1dlffll1 !::t"'" l !MI flilir fllltf!IMI, e:11~ 1<1wr. Lii• ~ne Crul8ifl& B clus was a.nd a public hearing ls 1laled An1elu to Honol111'. cis Ylcllt Club. Blackfln \I !!'.~o1"'!1n~,t,.;.,., Mr. ~;,.'=:.: ~i:~· ~.~~~,1~:_, L= won by Doll Snld~r'1 Flying for ,J p.m., according to com· The overall Jlandicap winner flnilbed nwly an hour bth.l.nd Charles S h u m w a '1 ot Y. . K" d G (llff S'MnlOll. FllM1"1 11f'YM:tt will •rttldCll!IClrtn Ind ,._.,,.,.two .,..,. Jtnny With. corrected .i ...... of mi11ion chairman William A. WU Jon Andron, • Y~I San-Robert P. John1011's 7S-loot D-.tA..u..., R.J. ''Wht htldN . '...... rn a vy be hlltl I I Fl~I Chn.n_,. Olvr(tl. •rillddl!ldren. F1mlty WllHll fit• 'r:'~ . . b •I..• ... ~ ~.,, .. ,_Yi .. ""' 1"7 M.1~· s1., H•ntf"'t.,. a..dl, Fr~ wlltll,,. i. 1n1kt mmoor1t1 ~rJ....,_ _S0~:0~1~:~54~.~0~th~e~r~c~ll~U~WIJlne~~n~~~~.M ~~~J~r·:_ __ _:__ ____ l~a~B~lr~lr~l'._J,~~~pper'.'.'.'.:'.:..:~'.:N'....'.an:.~W~lnd~W~W~-p~Ul~ll!'~•:_~b~U;l_the1_'!~0V~e~rall~!llandli1IJ~~~~-~~ill<~;":;:'c::z'~·;;::;::;::;::;::;::;:::::: "''· 11 AM. lnff""*''· il'tc!lle VllW 118111· ...... , .. 1r1M1te HI lht ~ •. :z..::z.::3 ... ::..: -M~I P'1rk. Mr, SWI-"" • ltl 1"111\d, Oltlfl l1,11tM1tl'I CPl\ll"Cll, t ~ mtmbtr llf s .. Thrrn ll1Hflel 1M111tr1'et c.si. M"'. se ..... i.:u, Thurld1y, t ""===-Iii t~I llt .. 11"1111 1111•,..,. btfJQ'!· itrvlft• PM, C:to.rbt l111Mrf1n C";fl11rdl, w!lfl r Ulllludfd by DIMleJ' l l'ffh1" MM11-1:1¥. l . V. T-otttcl111n11 ,.,... ,..,, a.11-1n1. ,,.,.,.,, U"'11m. HOf'Tfl o.i.11 • a.it pOOK lfMdwtV Mortutry, C";0tlt MfM, Ol- w 111i. ... W. Cocill; • .l.11 &1, of 14155 "'""· c;-8d Wil•an Trtll Ptlm DP.tr!. $</t'YIVK [l;y Wlff, 0-'llY f'. CINI<! IOI\. O..n.. C. G«ll;~ fll Mll'lhllltln lftch1 mlfMr, Mii. Herti. s. C8'1k. Sl'!!!I ,i.,n11 1!9ttr, Ml11 M•r111'11 Ctdi:, IMl ........ 1 ....,.r, lltdber'I I!. co.-. ln1Uc11 '"' tw1 '''"*"'""'"· Fllntr11 ...-Vk•1 (:II t. ht !4 ThUl'l- 11,Y, 11 :JO M . tl-l Cllurdl ol tftt N.$111!, iU inl'I SI., kflll AM. ,........... •rvl«li wlll be htill Frldly, 11 AM, Sf. Ma,.1n1'1 E•ltt••I °''?r:Pt llrl r>Mfff, Mr. Cook .,..., fh• r !UMnoltot "' ..... il!lo Dh-trld, twr11111' Ctl.ltllY. His. l1Mlty tlltlftll lf!CIM 'l'ltfllnt ID l'l'llkl IM-~I rt111!~, 111111 CM!ttlolllt to !Mir '•""11t dllrlb' In ~II flllrM. t"t""71~1. •-Hlh1 Mtmtrtt t ll'frt, W!lltlltr. •1th ~Fl•. 11rt E. Cotst MltfrwtY, Cf'IN ... MIJ, Ii: """'· . DAVIS Ell.., Gort °"'It, .1.M tl. ti tll !lriotdwtY. CDl!t MMI. O.lt 91 ... Ill, Juty tt. Survt ...... , WI•. kY '· llbtil, c_., M11•1 Nvt11ten. Mra. ARBUCKLE • W!WI We1tclUf l\lorta1r7 U7 E. 171.b St., Cotta Me11 l4Mili • BALTZMORTUA~ Con>H de! Mir 011 Wiit Costa l\lts1 aO 1-IW • BEIL BROADWAY •!ORTUARY llt BrNdw1y, Cost.a Ale11 LI a.JIU • DILDAY BllOl'BERS HuU1atoo Valley Mo.jury lltll Beilcli Blvd. Jlilllle*"" Beacll aem1 • McCOW.U~ LAGUNA BEACH MOllTUAllY 17i5 Lap .. cu, .. -........ -lN-Hll • PACIFIC V~ MEMORIAL PARK CemalMy e Mortaary a..,ei UOI hctlfl~ View Drive NewfOl1 Beldl, Clllfonla -•· PU!t F Allllt Y COLONIAL FllNEML _., m1 llelta At•· w_,., -• SHEFFER MORnJAllY ....... Beacll .... , .. Sa aeilnte l!Mtll • SMITll!' MOR'1JARY DI Malo 81. RQiUofl .. _ - • LAMB h••n W. l...tmll • .l.91 n. ti Ui ll'tctll s:~ Muntlnthlll IMdl, Sllrvtw.I by 11tu9l'l~r. Ptrellly ...... WIK-l"' ._ i.on1, E._ ltmb, f l fi11ull'M1 ttlchtrd Ltlna. Hul'fllrwttio1 lt9tt!1 lwt ~llhlrs. 8e1!1 Lee, W)'Gmlflti Cry1t1I l,.,..llt, C.Wlda; t l9111 l[llOll~lll,.,. ... •.ei! 1ort11-tri._t11 llrH, M,, l1rnl:I w.1 • ~, al lllt .l.mfflC.ln l ............. so .,..r.. "'"'k:tt· flwr9. ltY. 10 AM. $t!'rtih1 Olt•I, lllttf' """"· Wtttmln1hlr Mt<Nwlll P'1rt. Ofl'Ktlld ..... Slrl\~ Mo<'lllll'Y• STRANAHAN T"*'lll C'. 1rr.11111tn. 1MI Cln;le o r .. ,....,,,,, ltedl. 041• " •"' ~~,., ft. &ilnolffll h' 10f!, ,...,, .1.411.1". Ill' ,,,.....,..., dtlltflft<, Mrl. IUl"fttl H1"11..,, Newport l1tt~1 Mrs.· .......... elf Hof-, Slnlt 1\11111 nl,,. trlflf. Cl'llld,..., Incl llvt O<tll·•r•f!dcfllldrM, Sll'Ylc.a. 'r[d1y l1 A.M. Wftlcllff QHll, wllll R.tY. H1r!1n Col'lltnellll offlctttln•. lll'hlfm8"!, c11v1rv c ....... hll"I'. Olrtomd " W11tclll! Cn1P1'1 MM1V•l'Y· itMtat. STAFFORD A.tiff l1tl'lllrd. 2'5 I . Hit! PIK., e- ll Mt ... Otr. 1111' dttl~, Jiiiy 22. S.Ur- vlwM ~Y Kif\, QoMld Stt,,.,d, H1w11l1 llllO'f Sttffonl, lt C1rwct11 lff!1e11, Jr., Ca1t. MfQ1 d1u1h~. Oerolhy Stlf. r«d, C~tt Ma.1 lJ trlMd!lldN~ tnd fOt.+r ''"'"ft'tn«lllldr..,. illro'- iat, SttunltY I~» "M. M•klll'f Chutl, w!tf! Dr. Otl'!tlrlltld lllllcltf. 11!9. l"'ffT!Wftl. Ft111'11""1 Memcorlet f'1rl!. wtllClllf Clltllfl Mor'llllM toflt ""· O!rtdtrt. . . Jtleeti11g1 100% CONTINUOUS PILtMBIT NYLON "LI M11ll·I-t111 ..,..,.... hnr11r7. D"• 111d ,.1111~ '""1"11 111 1 ., .. 1,t11,..d 111"1!h• Must• I.. tlll1" '1t .,,,..1111 '"'' 'YlllM Dlllllle .... "'* ... ._ "' tt.ck. s .... •.ts SAii 3!.yd. lf1c.r11w GOlwl, ,, ... "''"' , .. ,.. Mil 3!~yd. I , b91C lb»' .. ..... ,, .... 209.00 r:tMC O• 1111 lllr'lf't• lit ... , •.• 64.00 2Mtc .... tbl\', .. ' 111 ... , ..... 69.00 ,... ·-..... ,,..,..... 111 ......... 122.00 ll4"C c ....... ,,., ..... Ill ... ,,. •• 79.00 J1110 " ... , .. ,,.,. "If· , ..... 70,DO MOtO ••>tt 11d'11'" " ... *·• 36.00 ' •t.00 J,._O •1111 .,,_ ,.....,.. ..... , .... t 41tD ltl .. T .... lldt"r • _ ...... 249.to M 1• r.ur._,MI &.1111 .. ,IL ,-... -... 311.~ Lim H::tt-J:'=-,1..,_.. ~~•JI . I . 1~1" "•*"• ' I L tW1 H~lyt;l.. c9J:.:,nt Aft~ .... ' .. ,.. ........ zst.1• M:19' l)vll"•~t ................. ·-4.00 ... , .. ,. •.. ..... c-..,. .... 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'\. ~. " . ,, ------~ ~-............. -·-------------~--~·~--; •' \,, " , • • ' ...:..W:.u ... , , ,7_.,P-1~ p,;...i' /: 7.U.1~ . '. . f.JS..14 . 7, ... ,.. (: ' f:, •. ; t,, " . . . ' '" • ' -' • I ' ; , . • ~ , • P,ORTAlfE-HOME -AUT ; : ~·t~cK STEREO TAPE Pl:AYER v ;., .. ~ ... 88 . • -------... ' ' . ' • "' ! ~·~ i ~ ' . " " --lll•W.. ... ....... .... I .. ::t '"' E $ E WISTMINSTEI\ SPECIALS GOOD AT TH~-~ E ~ Lq_.~,A~.l9, NS 0 NL Y ! 154401111iclt11t¥D. • I At1McF••il•1 . I -~,-• ·- \ ,~ BUEfl'A PARK SIU 1,1.~COLN >AVI. A\ ~Ohy ,Vlow • '26t': ' \ • " -.·~· " . • ~ • ' • If • P4RK ,. .. . 'COSTl 'MESA SANTA ANA BUENA 5301 llEACH HltVO. At LolfWJ"'"' ' . .S23•J940· " . • ' . •\"' " • 2280 HAUol II.VO, AtWlheo 541-2082 1400 IDIN•• .At 1ritto1 . 546-7131 ••• . ' ' ~: " • , t • ., • . . ----·---• ' Carlos Gonzalei, 1, soo .of Mr. and,. 1drs. Carlos Gonzalez of Hwhington Beach experiences his first haircut ' of Nixons Renew Acquain tances • • .1 ;-· ' . ~-rs-t-Lady -Meets Asia.' s 7F·trst Ladie.s .. · ' a ,J.i!E DiLWpRTH movement d u r I n g the ~ ... -'j;£N..: ·... _, · J"1>inese occupation and as a ·'.;-: -'"'?."i~ (UPll -In the niember of "LASWI" the ~i.\ior!di!l~lyl.s-women'• legion qfpni..a·..-: Asia<~dt!j'lt and ·~~ ... Nix~ fight agalnsl the Dutch in 1945. on .w1ll •Jtieet.four "omen on ANOTHER HOSTESS their Jort.hcomlng tour who woWd be~~g in any _society. -.~Ill ti'i'flflli o( !he Asian fµ-st ~ Jt so_ thy -and wrapped in so much tradition -that H Ls daobttul the Nix· OM will zneit-bef •at alL If ttJeY"1dl.\_ they would never ted:igniJe h9r <10 a second ni<OW.g: 11\e wlll be ID ~her lace cover<d. Hartinah and Suharto hard- ly knew each other wheil'their . parents decided the tllne had come for them to marry. 'nle wedding took place i 11 Surakarta Dec. 26, 1947. The five-foot, ooe·inch Har1in8b has six d:llldrell, three daugb- ten and three sons. Mrs. Suharto, 47. practices lhe ancieol Javanese art o! batik cloth paintlng and has an avid l n t e rl: st in Gamelan music and the classical Javanese dance!. Jn.a-pan~ !)le world where petite women are tbe order o( things. A!ra-Ni>on, 57, will loot up to at ·Jeast one, and she'U,tAve a war age to all ez. cept poosib'r the one &be won't meeL Queen Slrlkit is 36. She has been married 19 years, and she ls the mother ol !ow-. Bilt 'Ibe. five are Mrs. Imelda she alill has the face of a , Rom~ldei-Marcos, fU'Sl lady fashion model alld a figure to ·of 1tie Ph.ilipjlines; Madame tch . .tSIU 'Jlartinah Suharto, wife of m~he ·has often ,been called ~ the • 1>..restdent of Indonesia; the world's molt beautiful , .4.,,,~i:en Sjriklt of Thailand; reigning queen . Wilpout doubt • · ""'· ,lodlra Gandhl, prime part o! )be cr<dlt must go to "ORinllttr . pf India, and Mn. her fan-lovlDg, jazz-playing Yahy(Kban, the llnl lady o! ~usblncl. King B bum Ibo 1 Patlsta.n. ~ Adulyadej, and to couturier 'REAL PR~IDENT' \.. fterre Baima.in ol Paris, who Al 38, beauUlul l.meldO: ~'I. keplL h.er on lhe "best Romualdez>Marcos ts ofW. ~Jls~, for yean. ~ reh!rred ID . ., the republk'a-ill, ~<" OJO<I ~q~n Ls the ~ <" Hawa iia n-Mood Calls l\C··--·:-. " Members will be doq.ning Hawaii•~ styled outlits-"'1\en tlley ,(llleftd·the Coast Women's Club membership tea Thui:Sday, July 31,1 in-the.-OSmeo Highlands home of Mrs. Jack Hart. Mrs.' Hart .(right) welcomes Mts."R. J; Mmfr'· W!Ut the traditional Hawaiian lei. The tea will tak&:plaCt from~· to-4 p.m-~·j(> '!ftgh- light the new meniber drive, scheduled ·to end 'in SeptetnberJWith a cash do-_ nation given foe th~ one -bringing in the greatest number:..o1 n.ew "members for the group. , ~ 1 • • • . . Peering Aro ~nd • Celeb'rations . " • Order - grandson artd wlfe. " ··• Id t " P 'd te<i ..i" ' ~.:J!1!1 f · r<;41. pres en . res1 , 10.~tQ.&v:: .-~.N Ferdinand E. Mateos hlmse ft~ • • ,V/r::r., ,• • Jtf.._etl '~ her. t~•lW • ~~· ' 1! " o"!J. ... s' 1'.AA ,ir weapoo!' -and political pun4 )'00 w Wllll lCA dits credit ber wtlh drawing at Europe where the ~med ID least half a million votes, speak . fiwent . English and virtually the margin o r French. Marcos' victory In 1965. MET BY ACCIDENT There .iJ even talk. in the col'· She and the king met by ae- fee houses or Manila that if cklent -literally. When in her husband wlns re-elect.ion 1948 • BhurnJbol then studying this fall , she ptlght be In ~pe, ha4° a seriOU! ac· nomlnated to succeed him Jn cldent in a sporta car, her am· 1973. The talk ~ more than basiador 1faUJ~ rushed to facetious, Ltu!atme. HJs dit)ghler'was jn Imelda, as she ls known tow. She never left. from boo t b I a c k s to She helped nurse him back millionaires, came from one of to health and they fell in love. tile Philippines' r or e m o s t They were married 111 months families. · Sbe won a muslc later. Both are mualc buffs, scholarship and hu 1inging la she of classical music, he of credited, wit~ helping her jazz. Plano player Nixon may husbands political career. be Invited to join the combo. A beauty quee·n at 111, she Mrs. Gandhi at 52 is prime TO GREET NIXONS -Four of the five first ladies President and Mrs. Nixon ~ wUI ~ee(: during their upcoming tour. of ·five Asian C9unttjes a·re, (clockwise, !rom top left) Mrs. Imelda ll<>mualdez,.Marcos (11166 file photo), wile of Philippine President Marcos; Queen Sirikit of Thailand °(1960 fUe photo): Mrs. -Indira Gandhi (1968 file photo}; Prime Minister Of •lndi.8; Mme. Slti Hartinah Suharto (1968 file pt\oto). wife of the wesident of Indonesia. Ttie Nixons have met all four previously . her leader of 500 million In· Is back at work at eight in the MR. AND MR& DONALD Lee Jenkins of ltunUngton Beach hosted ·the 50th an· niversary celebra,on of h1s grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Robert Lee Wal or North Long Beach,. · The Jenkirls . were married July 22, 1919 'ID Doage City, Kan. and have lived in Loog Beach for 43 years. Irene Kopinski of the sarrie- •ddress. She has postponed a flight home until mid-August. met and . married lb en minister or the world's most l't1RS. EV A. M c C u 11 o c h Congressman Marcos 'n 1954. popuk>us d e m o c r a e y , im· dians since January, 1966. She inherited her polllieal compl exities from her father, morning. She, too, Is the prodtfct of revolution -She joined the Indian freedom movement al h."han observes purdah and does not appear in public. Sources ln Karachi say It Is doubtful that she wlll be in· They have three children. poverished but I m p r o v i n g Other hosts were Mr. and Mrs. William ~oson, lhe couple's daughter and hus- band, and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald William enkins of West.mlmter, thli honorees'· PROLONGING S 0 V T H • LA.ND v i s l t is Miss Pat Kopinski from Chicago trbo i! staying with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Durand of Fount.aio ·Valley and. her van&nothert, Mrs. celebrated 90 years of living recently, the last 30 in Newport Beach. She greeted 2S guests during a tea In her honor In the home of her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence McCulloch of NewportBeach. Mrs. S u h a r .t o, the next India. hostess on the Nlxons' nve-na-She may 'be the most com- tion tour of Asia, .ts, like her pie~ rema~ .. Jer80flallty the husband, a prOdUct of the Nlxons will encounter. She Is Indonesian revolution. Her .humahe, kirwfly, affectionate demure appearance belies the and soft spoken. but she has a courage she showed as a l'julck temper and a sense of 'member of the women's political inlrigue.that has kept ihe late ~awaharlal . Nehru, the age of 12. · tJ"oc!uced ~ th&! Nlxons. prtm.e minister or India for 1~,. .. . .t", ll.ue is' known .of Mrs. Khan yetffuhtll he. died in 1964. ~ -DO~'T APPEAR \ ,• -not even her age -except A widOw. s~e is the motner. I rMf1. Yllhya Khan. the wife ! lh!t she~ the mother o( two of two sons, Raj iv, 25, and of the president of Pakistwl, children. She is the only one of Sanja, 23. She I i v e ,; in a probably will not meet t~ the first ladles the Nlxons modest government bungalow, Ntxons. Like most Moslem have not met before, ·and the eats light food, retires .late and women of her generation, Mrs. chances.are they never Will. Mistake Keeps Ge_tting Older, But May Not Resemble Truth DEAR ANN I.ANDERS : 1 am 14, hai> pily married (for nearly 19 years) and . have a great hU!band and three beauUlul children. J made a serious tni$ake several years ago and ~ tbe "mi&takt" . is in bis early teens and looU exactly like the other man. I became aware of the resemblance several ~ars ago but I kept telling myself il was my guilt plus an overactive l.maglna.Uon. Now I can no longer take the t1ltuaUon casually because too many peo- p~ are beginning to make comments. JU!l last night a close friend asked me - kiddingly, of coucse -if I got drunk one night about 1S years ago. (lf she only knew how close she came t.o the truth !) ANN LANDERS ~ty conscience Ls killing me and l find my sell brooding by the hour . What sh.all I do? Please don't suggest prayer. I've tried it and it does nothing for me. If I confess to my hll!!band I'm afraid he mlgbL. turn against the boy. Help me, pleaS<. -HEAVY PENALTY DEAR H.P.: Since yeu wtre m1rrled at the time you m1dt. the "1erlou1 mlitake," there's an outalde chance lhet your hasband Is t II e father of Ute clllld. Cling to this pos1lbillty. Slim lboaP It may be, M't • rHl one. U yoo feel you mut kll 1orntC1M, telect a therapist who I• trained ud pakl to listen. A c.Dfessloa of Dis kind 11 ltOt for the eart of 1 friend or rell~e. DEAR ANN LANDERS' Thia IJ !Or 1• Alive and Well and li~ng In Decatur," the man whose wife went to bed ln underwear and ankle socks for 17 years. [ · think l married that 1'oon•s twin brother. I'm 42 years of age, attractive lnd neat. I don't sleep in ankle sox -or face cream or hair curlers either. We've been married 11 years and for the put rive, he has · looked my way once every two month! (when I'm lucky). ln between times he pats ~my cheek or fakes a beat wave 10 minutes before we are e.xpectlng 10 dinner guesls. What baffles me is that this man IS ln- leretted in se1. -but only On the ~inted page. You should see the garbage he brings into our home! t'm •one or those 4.bnormal cal! who get.a no kicks from looking ~l dirty pictures. Please tell me what Is Wrong and whll l can do about tt.. In the m'knume I hope nobody comes along because I'm ripe and ready for a lover. Sign' me -HALF ALIVE IN QUEBEC DEAR Q,: Grtwn men no woald nther look at pktures then enjoy the n:!al thin& are adolescent. Plctuta make no demand1. They offer no cballtnge. Anybody can loot. Paste thk column on the TV 9C'feee 10 ytMlr lru1band wl11 be Burt to stt It. Jr U.at '°1'tr comes alot1g he won't be ab~ to NY yDI dldn'l warn blm. CONFIDENTIAL TO WILL 1T HELP? Yes. Computerized dating machines will ' • .:....o;;. ---_.._ __ _ help people who own lhem. It will help tJ,lem get rich. An individual who Would rely on a machine to find friendl bu got to be painfully u n s u c e of himself oc a little cuc:kooH, • ., "'l'tie Bride'• GWde," Au Lllldeqt booklet. answer. 10me et the mtl& tr. quenUy uted quesUOM •boot ~ To rteelYe )'out eopy of this ~ preknlv• pidt, wrtte to Ana t..den. tn ewe ti \bit new1paper, t11elollq • long, seh·lddreped, Jtampecl ea..,. ~ 31 <tnl! la colio. , A n D Lanilers wlU be tlld le W. )'• wlljl yoor probltm1. s...i ~'" lo liof la .... or lloe DAILY PILOT, ....... ~ atl!·addrit"'1, stomped · ... velopt. ! . t~ t t ' 1' I ' f ,. ~ I, I ' " I .. --~ ------.... ----... ----... ·--.... --. -... ... -...,.._ -----... --......----~ --... -----------~____..,.-------·-----• ., ' .• ' • l • • '' .:_.I'~ • ....._,,"'1A1Nf I M# .· ,. ..... ~..__ ~ .. " Slave No Long~r , 't· •• • Stuck • Kitchen? ly JO OLSON Of tM o.llr Plllt Stiff Love to cook but bite to spend the tllne in the kitchen? ••• • There ts a solution for homemakers who want to serve tasty meals but are loathe to spend too much lllne at the stove and sink. Dorothy Wenck, home advisor for the University of California Agri· cultural ExteD!lon service In Orange County, offered suggesliOD! d1/flng the lhlnl In a series tlUed Work Smarter, Not Harder. " The first question posed by Mrs. Wenck was "Do 'you like to cook.?" Jn answering the question she stated that we like to cook b~ause we like to eat; it is a creative activity, and the results are appreciated. In a Cornell study where 120 homemakers 'vere interviewed, cook- ing was listed as the most liked homemaking task and cleaning and iron- ing were least liked. The problem with cooklng, Mrs. Wenck. continued, is niil. thal wg dislike the task, bu! we don't have enough time for it or feel 1t lakes too · much time. Finding ways to cut dowd on kitchen work can Teally pay oU In hours saved. U you doo't like to cook you have additiomil reason for gel· ~-tJte..;ob·dooe,cand if-you-do-like to cool<, there are •till occa.ion. when- • • to OefiniUon or a summer ' dOIW't : a breeze lo prepare .•. cool and refreshing lO the taste. A potfect example of the ' . -rt deflnlilon ii canned . ...-...• Dutch chocolate, inWt c6ocotate, rice wilb cin- namon and Freoch vanllla. Sbeltbaody, tbeee •moot h, Cl'.U®' }IUddiols spoon ready· \o.oerve from cao lo dish for Jmmecltate enjo)'ID<nl . B..ideo be1ll( • delight ·p1aJn, tbele puddlnp fonn the b<aln!>b>li ,,. -~ Jar clOoserta.. OU. choice lo • two.layer Joel of rice Wl!h cJn. namon.,puddlnf ,bl-· with ...... juice, ..-...... -rind Uld"plneapple oil • bue ot Dutcll chocOlate and ..... a'OID\. Each combination ls a muterpiece ol. flavor dealtn In i1"1! ... topther they're simply eleganl To further enhance th< blendl, lop th• loof with your choice of ad· ~ oranp rind, 80Ur cream, or chocolate curls. Serve with 1ta.ues of iced col· fee. LAYERED PUDDING LOAF 2 envelopes u nf I av ore d gelatine Jh cup water 1 can (16 ounces) Dutcb chocolate puddin& "2 cup 30ut cream lh cup orange juii:d . 1 can (15"' ounw) rice wlUi cinnamon pudding 1/3 cup drained CMhtd pineapple 'h teaspoon si:rated oransi:e rind In saucepan. BJ>rlnkle 1 eqvelooe Re.latine over water,;, sUr over low heat uniu gelatine Is dl!solved,.Blend In-· lo chocolate puddln&'wtth sour _. cream: pour into loaf pan . (915XJ"). ChJtl until set. In saucepan, sprinkle t envelope RellUne over craftp jul~j stir over low •beat un~11 gelaune Is dissolved. Bleod In-to rtce puckilJul:; stir in plnealr 11le and oranae rind. Pour over you need to whip up a meaJ i1! a hurry. , , · WHY COOK? KEEPl>ESfi.RlS tOOL DURING LONG, HOT SUMM!R . ·f _,.. chocolate layer i.r~~! 4 !lours f.fo~ firm.. • ~- .. t· It is especially important to have a good meal,,~d¥ ,wh.en yOu'V'I been up to something your hwband doesn't enUrely ~I'll~ of, sucb.u a '• shopping spree or bridge afternoon. · ~ ' Cooking also can be a strong point ·to compenl;Ble ·tor .w',altness-,in'. other areas of homemaking, but there are .other goals 'than those for pre- paring good meals. I· With the. Greatest of Ease ··. ' " Meil Ume is a relued, social time for the family to be together; good nutrition is the respooslbillty of the homemaker, and good meals that are ec«IOmical are a boon to the budget. · • · Aerialist F,li~s Thr9ugh the Kitchen · Goo;!, economical m--1s just don't happen however, Mri. Wenck stated. 'Ibey talce planning ahead and deciding what will be senoecl.when. With forethoogllt, the bomemak .. is one step ahead of the tame\\"" ; Do armchair sl!<>Pplng. Cbeck the calendar for busy days .\li•I need extra eonsideration •. Have a reminder sy&tem· so staples will be;'~laced . when used. Reed food ads· ind compare with recipes. • • • Include a list Of fOoil for spe<dy mean-a1&g with your recipes. 'lbink· in terms of quick cooking foods such as hot dogs, hamburgers, steak, rub, egg1 and stroganoff; .precooked foods such as instant potatoes, meat plea:, canned main diahe1; homemade foods that taste good warmed over, and food& that coolc while you're somewhere else. When you plan aheed for uu of a food, put it In Its most usable form before storage. Meet loaf, meat balls or hamburger patties can be mixed-- and abaped before fl'ozen. Lef!Qvers, such as ham, turkey or chicken, can be cUt up and frozen for ~ady use in casseroles. Salad greens and vege-tables can be washed and trimmed. Cook in quantity, preparing enoogb food for two or three meals Instead of just one. Hearty soups, casaeroles, spaghetti, basic hamburger·mtxes and leftover meats lend themselvee well for warming up. Work simpl!lication principles alao can be applied to kitchen jobs. Have a questioning attitude about the way you work. ELIMINATE JOBS ' What parts of jobs or whole jobs can you eliminate? Drying dishes, ext.ra shopping trips and setting the table (serve buffet style) all can be forgotten . Serve fewer dishes but more food in each dish. Omit cooking some foods and. serve them raw. Omit cooking steps by using convenience foods, using creativity and imagination to make them "yours." Combine jobs. Make one job out of two dovetailing tasks to make better use of waiting Ume. Start dinner while wa•hing lunch dishes, Cook food In serving dishes that do double duty. Use waiting time for cleaning jobs. Cook and wash di shes with one of your children beCause it ls a good lllne to chat. Keep things in easy reach. AnaJyie· your kitchen for · lhe kinds. or· Jolis you do. Three major Work· centers are uSetu1 :~ the range Where f<>oa '. l.i cooked and served, the sink where food is washed and peeled and dishes ;. are washed, and the mix center, where food's· are mlXed, cut: and blended~: Think about the food and equipment ~ need 'at eaeh.of !4~e cen. ifrs. Try to store things at point of fir st use, or where used nlost Often;. ~ore things together that are used together. Use your stor~ge space effi· . tJ.enUy. . · · · · ; . · · ' • . . When you are the aerial di- rector for RlilgUng Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus, you've got q_ijile a job. Your responslb1lities include creating and directing the circus' elaborate' aerial ballet and daily checking each NPllng COOKING'S A CIRCUS Antolneta Concello I ,.,.---. lady of the aerlal corps, in-and pretty lady who handlea surlng that qqallty and pro-&his big job for "The Greatest flc1'n.cy are maintained. Show On Earth," coming to Antoinette ~o the pert the fabulous Forum I n ' • ' Inglewood,· July 29 throoih Aug. 11; the Long Beach Arena, Aug. 12 through 14, and the Anaheim Convention Centu, Aug. 15 through 20, Ls w.ell qualified by e1perlence and temperament to handle this exacting job. She's tbe grutellt female Dying trapeze llar tn history -the only female who ever successfully completed that most dllflcult of aerial ac. compllshments, the t r 1 p I e somersault. Antoinette ls at home in the air !Ugh above the clrcim. Her trlends are mostly other performers and the show 's ex- ecutive staU. And, with a.II her responsibilities, she still finds time to be one or the best c:ooks In the circus. "Cooking is a great relax~ atlon for me," says the trim MIM ConceUo. 1'For almost 11 months every year, home for me is my stateroom on the circus train. It's not terribly large, but I have acquired a pretty complete kitchen and am able to prepare just about anything you can think of." One of the cireus lady's favorite recipes ~·as passed on to her by the wlfe o{ an ltaUan aerlalisi several years ago. She caltii it Pizza Fi'ankfurlers · and she's become ••famou.s" for it. "This is a.n euy .111m to preppir:e and I've yet to find any~y who doe'sn~t Ukt it." PIZZA. FllANKFUllTERS 6 ·frankfurters, heated and split . I frlllk!urter rolls, split alld touted . I tableopoons canoed tooiato sauce Oregano ~ 1h cup shredd Mouarella cheese 2 tablespoons 1rattd Parmesan cheese Place frankfurter on bottom halves of toasted rolls, spread tomato sauce on frankfurters. sprinkle with · Oregano. Top wtUt Mozzarella and Parmesan cheese. Broll untll cheese melt.a , Add roll topa. Antoinette saves more com- plicated recipes for prepara· tlon·on days when the circus it off. On those occasions, one Javorlte dish Ls a speclal Crun- chy Fried Chicken. CRUNq!Y FRIED CHICKEN 1i1 cup milk · I egg, beaten sllgbUy 11:4 teaspoon salt l/t t4!aspoon pepper 2 cups vegetable oil I teaspoon paprika l cup finel,Y crushed corn flakes , I !rylng chicken, cut up Combine milk and egg in shallow dish. Blend salt, pep- per, paprika with corn flakes 1n a~r shallow dl!h. Dip clttcken ~n · mllk.:egg-"nilXtµfe. then into com ·O~es .. Heat veg<Jabl! oil 1n· heavy okilleL ,\dd· chjqken; .• Jlgllll1 :brown . Trans!eo1 to ~ dlob·. bake at :350 d*°5 tor 30 ~el. ' ,\ . t· If · StapHylococcus ~om es to Call, Lunch's No Pic~ic · By DOROTHY WENCK ·•u1• c.u.nty Home Advisor SW¥fay morning we joined the lhouaDd.s of people soaking up the sunshine at Newport Beach. Our stay thereJJU br}ef. But many families look· ed ~ they bad come equipped to spend • the cla1. I ci:Mdn't help bu t wonder ii any ot them "would end up with picnic poisoning at a mull of uting food that had been too ~ too long. Food kept cold in an ice che!I wou1d be no ~· But periahable foods kept u~S:-t.ed on the beach. on a picnic table..;.OI' in a Cif triini. on a warm day could lfic:orDe .~e In a or 4 houn. The cauMJ' npl4 (ll'Owlh of food Poltoning badft In t.od. ' OP'PeiiONING • i( ·1811 pols.U.,. ~ ... Ailiiilri''l:fi;e1!)~Uoionww cnm}ll - W1J le -•-c1a1 ot ru. . nc IYQllJtmll& m1J1 ihcw upe boan atter-tbe fOod ls eaten lt po1Joa1q ii caused by boelerta. U 11tmooella or m~'"'· .· .......................... ' Home . News and Views chlOltlridi~ pe.rfrlngen.s bacteria are the cul~ltts. tymptoms may not appear for u to 38 hours. tiow do these food poisoning bacteria get into your food? Uwally .througtl careless handling -a cook who forgets to wash her hands before handling food ; a cook who 111\ff~ or ~ua~• Jnto the food (20 percenl of ttl' · h a r b o r staphylococcus bacteria in throat and nwl paf88ges); an unclean cbopplna ' board or utemill·or wor~ area. · · '111e important thing to know js that you c1n never be sure whet.her or not food pollOlilng bacteria are present. Yov·can't see them. And contaminated food c.n look, smell and tule perlecUy 1ood. ,a.~ toly W•f 1".P~iepHOOil poi-.' I'll !..to~' foed p~, to ~I U bacti'ri• art praent, titer c~t ibuld· ply ·'° much lbat t1te1 caUH UlQeN. The rule for proper baodllng Is very sirJp&e. Keep hot foods hot -above 140 de~es-and cold foods cbltl -belovr 40 degrffs. A. lukewarm tcmptrature of abql:rt 100 degrees is ideo l for rupid bacterial growth. Foods held for verv long· at th!! temperature could reanY ma ke you sick. FiSods to be most ca uUous \Y ith th~ mo1n friendly to tbe growlb of rood po!SO(tlng bacteria -ar~ mpist i:iroteins such as meat$, fish, chicken and eggs. Cold cuts and sandwich fillings such aa ham,, chicken, egg or luna salad: foods maqe with JRllk or crcanl like custard filli~1s:,potato salad; baked beans -all . cou~cause :11roblcms and should be kept cold,"" or very hot, until eaten. · · B~ don 't lose heart Picnics nr~d not be P,roblem1.' An lnexpc.nstve insula ted Ice cheit wlth a generous hunk of fc:-e can keep foods slfely cold for many hours. U )i_ou don'L ba \'C an ice chest you can make one by lining a sturdy cardbOar'd melted synthetic fabrics such 11 nylon or box with n1any thicknesses of hewspaper. polyester from your iron. Set the lroo..on ti-lake yo ur_ice chunk in a covered plastic the very lowest setting and heal unUI it is bo11;t or pitcher or a half gallon 1nllk . carton and ke ep lt in lhe container so the slightly warm to f.!ie touch. Ustn~ a s~l ice chest dOC'sn 't get wet as the ice melts. wool soap pa~ wh1<:h has been dipped in , _ . · ' , acetone · (availa~ at drug &tores).-or tr you don t want ~o b~tber \Vlth an IC4 .. fingerna il polish Temover, rub the sole chest. you can ~till ~ind_ many nont .. plate 'llgh\Jy, being careful not to scratch T>t:rLshable r.oods for _a .PJC~1c. Foods that it. When the stickf deposit is removed, will keep \v1th.011l clulhng 1~clude peanut wi pC the sole .plate clean with a damp butter or Jelly sandwiches; foods cloth prepared with vinegar such as pickles, · . olh•es, n1arinated bean salad, or pickled Q. I m~ IODl~·apricol jam, pt.It It la n-.t.ats: hard cooked eggs with uubroktn . Je.0.Y Jara aocl·COY~ the &op wlUI paraf. shells: ftesh fnrlta and vegetables: aan-!lo. Now I've noticed tbal the jam 11 OOJ· hcd foods that arc ope ned at the time of mg u.p arolltld I.be sides of \he parafrln In sc rviog and dried foods such as fruit or some of \he Jan. Does ibis mean Ute jars beef jerky. · aren't properly 1ea1ed and \he jam won't QUESTIONS WE ARE ASKED t keep'! Q. J acci dentally prtsstd a nylon A: Yes, 1£ the jam can get out then you blouse with an Iron set for Un111.. The don t have a perfect seal and th is means nylon melted onto the Iron. The blouse 11 that yeasts and m<>lds can get in and ruined but ( would like to ••l"age the cause your jam to spoil. This ls why we iron: Is there any way Mt remove the do not recommend the use of paraffin for nu~lled nylon from ibe botibm of tbe sealing jelly and jam jars. iron? You had better cover the leaky jsrs A. There. is a fairly easy way to remove with a lid or a piece of alwninwn foll and ' store them In your·r~· eratQr ~freezer untlJ yw Ult them. In e f\ltUre YOO c1n avo.id this problem using jelly jars with fresh self sealing lids like those U5td on canniJlt jars:. J~~ ,tbeae It · (1 not neceuary . to use .,... .,~. ~ )'dU can be sure of havibl an •Lrtliht~ ~ Q. I alway1 mike uncqoked 1trawbtriy jam (wblcb J •tore in the freezer) ud my l•mlly lblnb·th R1Vor 11 111 pettUI hlUer &llaa cooked Jim. Cu other trulta I~ iprlcoCI •1141 phuno be .... for Wo kind of ,..., . 1 A. Yu, you can make uncooked jam from fruit such as cherries, peaches, apricots, plums, raspberries a n d boysenberries. And you can also make uncooked jelly from frozen orana:e C grape juice. Most of your commercial pectl.ns come with recipes for these )aroa and jellle.s. Or lf you would like 1 tree pamphlet on "Ma.kins JeUlea, Jams, and Prtserves, .. write ua at the Unlver11ty of Callfornla Agricultural Extension 5ervict, 1000 S. Harbor Blvd., Ansbelm 9280!. I i l ' -,. ' . , •• • New Adm inistrator • . ' Neve.r a Dull D9y .. i·n. Her Hospita,J.. . ' . B1 JO QLSON ~ ~ 0.111 Plitt Ii.fr Art e1.hJbit"Frlday, Saturday and Sunday; fashion _show Saturday; chain bet m us i c Sunday. Tbls i:slt't the progr~ for a weekend art festiva1 or an ex- -cel'\lt from a university or col- lege l:lulletlh, but a not-too. unusual weekend schedule for Newport Convalescent HO$plta1. Mn. Gle.M V. Allen. newly appointed administrator of. the hospital, is the person bthind planning events such as these fQI' the hospital and adding many Other extras that inake the days 'of the pilienll more of &n adventure than · an ex- istence.. Takin1 the reins of a brand new ~bed hospital which in- cludes a stall or 50 is not a small task. but Mrs. Allen has approached her . a551gnrpent with two major quali(icatlon.s Jn . bet favor : her varied previous ei:Perience and her loVe ror llfe .. Btgil)njng her b u s I n e s ! career ln depression' day!, the attractive blonde ad· ministrator progressed from a job as' a comptometer operatOr to owning her own dress shop where custom desli!1s were ~leaiured, to operaUna: a ~ay nursery, serv- . Ing as 'a'b'ridal consultant and {iotlJY 'to the field .of hoSJ!!l•I admlnlfi~atlon. HAN<lS OllT SIGN ' • A ~aUYe Californian, Mrs. Allen bulig out her dra&-n:iak- ing sign in Inglewood and made formal gowns and bridal 'wW and did a bQomlni b u.s Ines s in square dance dresses which were sold from coast to coast. A natural progression was irilo the business of being a bridal ccnsultant. Mn:. Allen would sew tbe bridal gown and at~nts· dresses, order in- vitations. plan the reception. order the flowers and cake and do everything but give the bride away. · Leaving the bridal business. Mrs. Allen turned her latents toward ~nvalescent hmpltal administration work , and came with William Allen, . pre'sident of Cali forn ia ' HO!Pital Administraton, Inc .. to Newporl Bead! to opm the Newport facility. After a seven-month period Mn. Allen wa! named administrator. OUTLOOK The Spanish style building over which !be ptesidts with its COCQP,lemen.tary fumlshlngs la quietly reflective~ the ad· mlnistr~tor's quUook on lUe. Al Mn. Allen wf}ka down U)e wide and ~ «>r- ridors, deOOrated _with tuWul scenes, she bas a smJle and cheery word ~ evtr.YOne abe puses, from miploye to pa .. Uenl lo visitor. S~inl much mort lime than required at the boq;ital, t.trs. Allen never misses a speoial event if at all possible. She invite! the fimllies Of the pafjents, who range in age from 10 to M, for special ·parties' on holidays, ·such as the July 4 picnic recenUy plan- ned, and urges the patients to put On their best for the special weekly meal whero dinner, s~ed by cancllelight, Is accompanied by w i n t . Those who are not able to come t.o the dlnlng:·room a~ !erved wine with their diftner, if they choose, from 1 candlelit cart. Weekends find Mr!'. Allen bu!y cooking (strictly by taste) and experimentini with new dishes in her University Park home, much to the delight of her hu.sband, who is rellred after 30 yean with the • Standard Oil Co. of Callfilrnla. ' SURPIUSl!'.'S Guests never knoW' •ha' to e1~L ·when .conUnc to the Allens, ai Mn. Allen'• Jove of Ille and spoataneoul w•y or dolna lhlngs "ave, room ror many surprises. The Allens have two maf- ritd sons, Donald, who Uvu in Enclnitu, and William, a minister In Chester, Coon. Two •• ·andchlldrrn already are in the family •nd a third will arrive In September. Oil painting, playin1 the organ and serving as president of the Newport Harbor Sorop- timlst Club also art 'lucked in- to Mrs. Allen'• crowded schedule, along with an oc- cas.ional swim in the Universi- ly Park pool. __ The vivacious administrator gets,a twinkle In het eye when she speaks Of a trip the couple plan lo Milan, ltacy, In 1171. The ~~s hope to vis1t Lull! CedoUne, the lint AFS student to attend Ina:lewood High Sc!xlol, who made his home with ~ in Inglewood during that school year. LOVES WORK Why ®'1 Mrs. Allen love bu wort al Newport eo,... ~· valelC«it ~lal ! "Bee• ... l'9' inlerW«I In the patltnta .• ~1 want to do everytbln¥ 1 tt~n to make their - 1tay pleuadt~We a~ very in- t....ted in~ patients' speelal diet.I,~ example, and do our beet 10 see that they are tutelullJ.~pared." Mrs. Alltif,~ ln fad, la 10 concerned ~t lb< food be served well ·.that she even takes over tM cookio& when tMte is an erl,.!rg.ency and lbe coot bu to be•aw,ay. A. hospital employe ,.., asked why ~ t.bou.ght Mrs. AJlen WU·I pod .. boss ... ••Because ~ .. -wanti to pleue her ~Uents and her staff. She 11 a''good leader. She taW time ~II' her employu ind explains~"'" and hel" lhem Ieim • when they make mistake!. She loves life and wantS \ live It to lta fulltsl" He's. rigt!( Anyone who would serve.·:Aandlell&ht din· nm accompalijed by wine in a convaleseent hospital, brln& the latest fasbionl in clothing and art to the patients, cook hospital dlnn!n hem!! and greet patients· and staff llike with an always cheery anllle sllttly mu.st JiWe life. ' , Wtdnttdl1, Ju~ 2l, 1'69 LOVES LIFE '-'! Mrs. G'-n V. Allen r....--_,,......,~--.....,------..----------------------...--------.._._. .............. _,-..... __ _,1, ,r Mary Wats'on Becomes Bride were bandtd with gold ribbons l. and they carried bouquets of ivy and talisman roses. Honeymooning in the Hawaiian Islands are Mr. and f\frs. Larry Michael Hiber. y,·ho recited wedding vows befort the Rev. Raymond Saplb in Our Lady Queen of Angels Church. 1be former Mary L e f' Watson Ls the daughler of ~1rs. Josephine Walson of Corona de! t.1.ar and fl.torris R. \Y atson of Bakersfield. The bridegroom is the son of P.1.rs. Chauncy Steltzer of Madison. \V is.. and the late Michael Hibtr. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white gown of peau de soie with long !leeved overdress of chantilly lace, which she fashioned herself. A fitted headpiece and bow of lace caught her all lace veil. She carried a prayer book , gift from her husband's mother with her nosegay of white and yellow roses. Mrs. Patricia S h r o c k , matron of honor and Mrs. Roger Gagosian, bridesmaid, were dressed In noor length goWM of antique gold trill_l· med with ivory lace. Their broadbrimmed hats of ivory Miss Kathy Minct, the flower girl, wore a white voile dress with yellow embroidered "'"'· Robert Hiber Wa6 best man for his brother. Tbe bride's brother, William Watson, seated guests along with Michael Riley. A garden reception in the Corona de! Mar home of the bride's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mn. Warde Walson, followed the late morning ceremony. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jerry from Missoula. M-0nl.. sister and brother -in-law of lhe bridegroom . The bride aUended Santa Barbara High School and gra'duated from Orange Coast College. The benedict was graduated rrom ruce Lake High School in Wisconsin and served in the Anny and Marine Corps, earning a Pur- ple Heart. The couple plan lo make their home in Corona de! Mar. CORRECTION The Sefew•Y Dlaceunt Ad -thl1 l11ue -rHlll A11t. Empereeu1 Jema & Jellln llueberry • Str•w•brry • •r R:ttl R:•••krry -10 e1. J1r 4-$1.00. The •chtrtlsemeat sho11ld hove read - E X C E P T llueHrry ·Strawberry· or led Raspberry. FROM OUR GLASSWARE GALLERIES Old Bohemian "Vine end Wreath'' pattern. Freezer proof parfaits, Set of 8 , $10. leers and liners to match. Set of 4 , SS.95. Feethams ;'. Make Forget Status ' ,. C ypres~ ·Home , -' . ~ ·--MRS. LARRY MICHAEL HIBER Hawaiian Honeymoon Sorority Honoring Husbands The King of Heart! will be the theme of the annual ti1ank you dinner sponsored by Xi Xi Pi Chapter Beta Sigma Phi of Fountain Valley, Next Friday at a p.m. members and their husbands will gather in the Huntington Beach home of the Eldon Dvorak&. Se rving poolside will be the dinner committee, the Mmes. Robert s9ay, Jerry Cannon, Robert ·Kremer and Norman Nleberleln. Among !peclal guests will be Cannon, Dvorak, Henry Kelly, Kremer, Norman f\.1cGiruti!, Ken Moore, Jobn Moquin, Nie be r I e in. Shay, Ron Sarouhan, Miss Dorothy Dunn Coats Bloom The Originala fashion col- lection for fall featum an im- portant group of ll&htwelghl unlined melton ctN1ts i n brilliant shades. Shaped coats in the col· leetlon have wide leather be!UI. Some coats had Edwar- dian collaN and deep gauntlfi cuff11. For the necklines, bri.ht and beautiful long over-111ze scarf! wrapped the new coat look in accent colors . Good for Baby A crib pad Is a nursery necessity. To provide max- imwn protection for baby and mattress. the fitted all-Cotton pad is made ol soil. absorbent flannelette. Double-textured with rubber center or single teitured with rubber backing, thlt one com- e11 in prints or white. It is machine washable. · Bethel 157 Plans Ahead Summer plans for Bethel IS?, Job 's Daughters, include participation in a d v a n c e Christmas card sales, beach parties and a luncheon~ and fashion show planned by Linda Weatherwax, honored queen. The group's final meeting for the summe.r in Newport Beach Masonic Temple wa,, an Initiation gathering, " h e n Miss Christine Beatley receiv· ed her inlUaUon work. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold ,fi--------------------· Norman. WBGHJ @. WATCHERS. • Sornl ttlkint. aotne listtnino ind 1 progr1m lh1t wor.ks. 1• 1'1R61l\'IA'S SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE )J)-4 Ee1t Coest Hwy. e Coron• tie! t.A 1r 'hone •71-IOIO De•t Me"' lr.•111'! "•' "'11cJ. ti"'• fo r S11ip '11 StitcJ. egel11 !Ir.ii w•••· She e...i r'•I •r• 41ting • 9111t lli1ctreth19 j!Jlt tfl Hleif 11ew i.,,,., •. All p1oj1ct1 will •• 1e111plet1i tlr.h week, 11 11e1I we1• we e111pleyees 1re gei119 t. p11L 'Me"'' 111 tJ.e h•i111e '''''""' •• 1he he111't ll>e111 ere1111i •it0v1J. I• ••• ell th1 flew, •••itl111 weelt enlli "11Hts w1've lr..111 1111pec•l119. Se• v•w '''"· JACKIE 19 Furthei· Reductions SEMI· ANNUAL SHOE . s·ALE •LORSHllM DllSI 1HOU •• Jl.tl IYANI MEN'S CASUAL 1HOIS tt 17.tt CHILDREN'S 19'° 12'° ITRIH 1"1 tt , •••• 8°' & 9" WOMEN'S IA.NIAL$ 5'0 PLA1$ ,, ''·'' 6'° & 10'0 fALLIT .. rt.et PLOHHllM, ti LISO, JOHANSON tt JI ... 16~ 13'0 10'° SLAVICK'S !-~t ~llOCHUllE-CAU 135~ FAIR ' Vl19itd1 '1 De119ht1• P.S. If ytu 11eelli f1tirfc ht ,,..,111 •••111•111, 111ck 11 1cheel, 9r•w~ 11111f1rfllt •r tiriJil flO•r+f , ••• we'll ll>e 11111t h1,py N ,,,,1.1 1rile1 yewr 11eelli1I llEMPHILL.'S Ii COSTA , MESA Jewtler1 Since 1911 I I FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -6••·1310 YiloU• Cl'ler•~ Ac:tt\1111 Wekotflt -11n..Al'Nlrk1rd, Metlfll' (lltrtt. tw o,.n Montl1y, ,,..,,, untll 9:30 II·"'· F•1l, f11r, f1ct11el. Th111 !htet. wo1d1 u1"' wp f1cle11 111 ep1r1!1111 •" lhe DAILY '!LOT MIH01i1I ,,,, '"''" iev. I -~-------·--- " ;1 " •' ''· 1' ,. 1 I ~ I' ' ' "' .. SU ti> ..i "' ' "' .. (Q I no f un !al co ... bl Sl I .. .. I '"' UM ill .. ' ,1 ,.--,,~ ... . ' .. . . DAILY ,.car-·· -~·' . -WldntldQ, J,~ 23, 1969 Ul'.IT~ GOING TO WORK -llalian Countess Antonietta Riva Ninnj has been retained by an American film as a fabtic and design cbnsuJtant for a line of "Countess Ninnl" clothes. She drl\•ts her children to school, fetches them when !Chool's out at 1 p.m. and takes them home for a lunch ..:... at which time the family is joined by the meter of the house, AJbert.o Riva. He is a consultant in mechan ic a I ehgl neerlng. The countess thlnks she is the first~woman on the family tree to work for money. "Ac ou n te s s," s~e said , "likes to work-:" eve r yon e needs to work to express one- Southland Clubs Join Invitational Tourney Women from 27 Southern catlfOmta country clubs were entered in the loth annual Guest Only lnvltational Coif Toumament dubbed Straw Hat Day. by the Women 's Golf AslOl::i1Uon of Irvine Coast Coomey Club. Canad.I . Los Angeles, Los f Coyotes, Palos Verdes, Red ~ llill, Slardust, V i e t o r i a , Western Hills, Woodland Hills, Me1a Verde, Redlands, San - Diego, Santa Ana , Oakmont, Wilshire, Yorba LI n d a , Virginia, Thunderbird, South Hills and San Gabriel. Mrs. Robert S m I t h . chllrman of the luncbeon;Jp;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-, comµUttee , wore a coe:.ume careytn1 out the colon of yellow, orange and green USC!:d for dlnlng room deeor. as did her committee members. they included the Mmes. Jack Riley, decorating : J. R. Freebairn, prize!: E I t D n Hallttt. refreshment.!, and 1t1iSS DeeDce Wh ite, scoring. €lubs represented were An· ncndale, Arrowhead, c.ildlewood, California, Ca· n~ Hacienda. Glendora, l.a ·INTRODUCES The New TRAVEL WIG! Designed for the INSTANT HAIR-DO e On The Be•ch e On The Bo•t e On V•c•tion Just roll it up in your b•g end teke it •long . • •ruth into your own heirdo •nd pre1to! A1iiiiil1bl1 in d1r~1 -blond• -Si lt & p1pp1r & f•o1t1d ,),1d11. '• -YOU CAN EVEN WASH ITI - OUR · PRICE WIG Ii BEAUTY SALON u11iU.. : ,,.'filti~ f71'R sn: .. 1. HILlS•EN SQUAlE COtl.A MDA. CAUfOINIA ' I s2lf. It's not working ; il's en- jojlng." Hear, that,~worker1? Straight from someone barn rich and royal, too. Secretaries ~ ·~ "-.. ~ .. ' l .' •• ..: \ . • . 7 I • I (.. ~. ------------------------~----~- Blue Ribbon Day 1 ...... . '~eoo~nititSn :~~ncder~i:med Somelhln11S~ll0r SQmo. .. wllhiJr .. tho · hoojillal ,since Ju Laa Madl;inlll'.Cluo~r; Mra. · o ~tiSpecla~JI Au'1Uary.1 .. of opening will ~We ·s~al Gert.rude._ Cal-roJI, past presl· , 1 ~tb ~ C .o~tnU ,!'JtJ .,~UOn ... r• •'", -"_.._ dentofthiaux.Hlary aPCIMn . • ;l!OIPllol • •\bocoe ..:~"It~• '.·All. menibet:O!'ol 1 !ht llhx· J >'.Tb.Dn' : s · · ' ·d J~eptember ':iite Plans • An nounced " . A serif! of parties in Nel'P\lrt Beach and Lodi Celebrated the engagemeot of Allison Lee Buhler of Lido.. Isle and Michael Herman Krutz of Lodi. She is the daughtei: ol Mr. and Mn. Donald F. Buhler of Lido Isle and he: is the son ot Mrs. EUen Krutz of Lodi and the late Mr. H.J. Kurtz.. .A f.amlly dinner party in New.part. ~WU ~-by her par-ents. Hosts for pariiat in Lodi included Mr. and "'"· Adolf'Selber and Mt. and Mn. LeMoln Becklnan as well as Ml"S. Kurtz. A wedding ls being planned for Sept 20 In Christ Church by the Seit. ' . ' ,; School to New Hampshire and recelved bis BA deeree from the Univusity of the Pacific. Furt.'ler announcement ot the wedding plans wu reveal· ed When Mias Buhler passed a bouquet of sprio& flowers wltll a candle among her sorority sisters. The bride-to-be is a graduate of Culter Academy in Loa Angeles. She attended Calilomia Lutheran College and is now a 3eoior al the Unlvers.lty of the Paclfic.,jiijiiijjiijjijjjiiijiijiijii where she is alflliated wlth Delta Delta Deb.a and l! a member o[ Alpha Psi Omega dramatic fraternity .. .-LUGGAGE SA.LE!' , Tll' ... -PTI. -Uf .. Her fiance Was jr:adua~d Crom Hiih Mowinl Hi&h • 1 3 P:cs. Linen•. LUGGA_ln ·. CM Ove reet~rs · $1 lt5 " . ' HOUSl.'Qf ' . MARCUS. THURS.~Rl :-SAT. ~ Mak• ~~CH"atron $•1"1!'-'" , .• Wnll and Dry. \Vorry·frtt looks In cotton & polye&ter, Koratron finished, mach!nc·wuh1ble le machine dtyable. -Colon : Blue. Y~low, Pink, 'setge, · Pr'lnts, Plaids, Pie.IN NOW WERI 6.00 to 17 .00 3.99te12.99 .. TOPS -S-J\1-L COLaITES -8·18 Sl,lRTS -,. 8 . ..:ZO rtcg. & Tall JACK ETS -8·18 rANTS -8-20 RI:'£. & Tall d A:.I ,\IC-AS ~ BERMUDAS 8-lll: and · SWIMSUITS REDUCED! " 30% ··-40% SIZES 8·20 Ol"fl D.lly t:~ t•' 6; Prl.i11 'tll t . ~ ' ' . ' . IN COSTA MUA IT'S Dll'Atn11'1NT .-i'.Toilli ..., -1116 NIWl'OllT IOULIVARD MAJOlt CJllDIT CARDS HONOJllD ~ of -every aiembtr IDary .., kt"Jted. to .. un lhe • . as wanson. onors Ja underliDtd '11uring ,,. ,a>(l'ee event io Sb Juan Ca_giakano chatrma.n.. 1 · atMr.fndMn.Jose.Rolan '1 1 C\vic •. ;diplWieJ,-.., board · Mrs .. ?Edwar;d , Kri ,1, Ranch ,i;San J'pao 11t1 lt a.m. ·.memben:, ,~,and other· ·f\\tmber:shiP; ,cha1nn~n. and . ,d •l!JJda,. '· ", •• .. ' •lalf,.b<rl ilao h....,. Ileen her •:••1111)11\« .will dist<lbute Tl\o opoclal bluutbbon, Wlt.b . ~. . i . , \ .. """ ¥W' "99i<s &lid Mrs. G. anA_m<rlcJn~osJlllat~•·. llrj;,~' l ,ly-p~nt ''IY.K-y,wµljead&number -.tlj)p •pln ·ol b,oMr ~e<l;•l'O• .wJll '. • lli& meolinl •...i of Candyatripen ..,, ..... at ii, will be present..i l>Y·S-y . ~ r=:;· , u.uu1eo, --..,.U..=cofl=ee;;;;:. ;;;:;;;:;;:;:==:::::; .Volga, ~tal odn)lnlotrator ... '~Mi .,.,-_,, tp ,ucl\ .)<Olunt«:r _wllO"llas ,'!:it":·...)..,;.~ have.p'~~ l f}fu. ;:. ~' ~ ~ -~ed. tMA>oun or m~ •·-· • ....,...... • · · ,...,,.... -:""'"111e•.. . ~~.¥!"', '-~ ooll• hqpr •• • • : t.n •· n ~ ll)I Yr,,f,·. -c . • • Hoo-. j:l)altt,d, by . .M"'. '" , .,.. . Thlt. ls ~ ,lqth ~~ve . Pona\~ T~IOf, att-tlle Mmes. · • " "' '' .,. · ' year. "o)un~ra; hi•!-:~•-'1!a!P.J~' ~. Jae~ Stt\oart • l'i<ognlzed by the bciaid .of . ~ jnl)ii U.wioh. ', .. ~ora.,,and t!los9 .auxlllary , t>.Jile. , llr1alll'ine!lll -and . piemtxr& .. w,bq ha~ -.Wor~ .. {Jowers ·are .the.duUes of Mrs. · . .. · ~ WW\im finlvl!f 8lld Mrs M. -'H ~ ·c; oiipl.e . ~~~·=:!: , '!Jiu ·t T M ;··. ·Sf"'"'· g ~lll ;;:~~em ~"-•· '· n~LA ... O·.·, . arry,. .. 1 · pb:1 -Si·v:."~.l Go~ . ·~· Wf\J ' . . #fell ~ "14". Only , _ , , Chapter>-I.11'1. William Ttocy, l •. ·~ 4 The . first ~hri;stian_ ·Church pres~& ol. the . euliliary'a • · , -!" , r · in Huntington Beach will be • · · (he StlUirig for _the Se}it'. 5 ~~d· difli linking iri martlage Carol . Mi~er and.Rod Llghlner. , . Parefl_is · of the. .cou,Ple ,;u"e . Mr .. rrid Mrs. El~on Roy ·, -s~1:D.E·WA Lk .. ~SAlE -.~~ .· :, . 9NE D~Y; ~L'W\ .. · Miller and Mr. and M;r. lrl Ugh.tner, aJI'. of Hw:iUuiton Beach. StTURQAY, 'IUl.Y ' 2Mh Miss Miiler is a gTadu_ate ·of Oranse Coast College and ls entering her .senior .. year at Californb: State CoHege.:.at LoQg Beach.. Her fiance· ii an . alumnus' ol OCC aiid Will enron ·a~·~ .. . . :s111 SICTIOH S IN P•IDAY, JULY itth :t:DJTrON . '·· "0 ,,0 IANGI COAIT DAILY PILOT . ~·· . ...p;j .. • ..... + ...... n;rni):r•lt1rl!:•u1ta -~--~ ·'.:-~"~TT•~. ' • tn sor (~ Unbelievable But True -Clearance : : ~ Thurs. 24tlt-Frl. 25tlt-Sat. 26th ,. DRESSES.:~:.;:· $]off ~ $90()1:~ 19.00 NOW ,.,.~ _. ~ to 23.00 $1200. ~ NOW ~ DRESSESR•9• to PRESSESR•9· l ' DRESSESR99. to 2~~~ $150Q, ~ SWEATERS CA PRIS SKIRTS All Types and Styles While They Last Capris ·Skirts· Tops· Blouses, etc. · ~ REG. TO 900 ............... NOW 500 " ~ REG. TO 1400 ...... NOW REG. TO 1900 . . . . . . .. .. .. ...... NOW ··sw1MSIJITS•99. to 14.00 . SWIMSUITS•99• '° 19 · 00 SWIMSUITS•·9• to 900·' " SI' or • •• OUR OWN WINOIOlt CHARCIE HARBOR CENllR ~ ~.'iloot~::>C'Ni!JMii~· 546-2622 •• I· I. " '. d ~ ' .. " It I: I J ,. ' . • · H~roscope • • ... --- " ., " ' " !!> " ' i ' I • . . . • . • SANTA ANA \ . ·New Wedding Custom . ~ . ' ~ ,. I ~ I, In Communist China - 11JOIBPll14& lie-led Mao'a ~ HONG KONO (~ qala ood found U-- <'_,,.inllt .a.Joa. II mrrltlnc from the chalrmao: "We oWf Ill< <llquelll baok for ...... hlvt· to -a JllOU ...... ' ' '...... >.' llnlplo aplmt .......... and ptt!f-!IGurpall ldeolop .. . '11ie-,,_ ..... -. 'J\al Ill the• laClw ol 1111 ~ ..... -• lot brlda' to "**•nc..lle - "" -but takes .-of Ille lhrl)IOul-cil old-· thel. weddlllc _.11 -' Depullftc f-lbe:· pat ="' .... w<iUld nol bt..., \AIJet ol lbe dtl, Pekin1'1 ol· The bl& dar nemd. The dc!al New China New• AaellCY fatbe~ ol lbe bildecroom caD· (lbinllua)• pve. IJ! o«Glllll ol ed oo Wq to !>II' hll ,. the kind of m!(rimonlal plan-n~. ' nlDC whldl bU evolved from "Your daqbtor ood my aoo Ille Cllllilral · llo\'Olullon. are plllnl mmled, and we I .. Wq Cl»theac .. a Chinese will be ulatlvea," tl)e father farmer, was about to marry of Ille bridqroom•told Wan•. St d off lill daugh!er, the •&ency "I'm very aorry r haven't ewar ess ....-rePoft.ed. broughl you· a &ift not pretty New-airline . bost11•s--1.s Waq wondered about this clothes for my new dauahter· Cbrlst!na· . G a n n o·n, -dauabfer'a dowry and COO· in-law." suited bis litUe red boot con-"Never mind " Wa a I daughter of M1·. ai1..s ' lalnJni the lhoqtill o·f ,.plied. "Both ,..; and I have Mrs. R. C. Gannon ·of ~·Macr,.,..11m1.-· oludled·a.atrmon MIO'•~ . SarL Jl!llll Caili$.IJ'll!!O .. We. mUSl not ·i,te 1 abort Let'• tree OUDe1ves 'from old who has compfefecl @'er -vtew and indulge tn cuatoms . Let'• anwh training in C.on:Unental wa1tefulne11 and el• bollrgeoJs ~." Airlines' bo§tets scliool. travagance," MllO'• boot Aid. They dld -She is baled in lJos So farmer Wq leclur<d his Bui wh.;. Wq's daughter <\i!geles. wife: "~o mak! a~ wlth a left home to~joln·her new bus---~~-----­ dowry and ban<juet:" for the band. the fllher rolented wedding-ls an old feudal somewhat and prosed five d Q custom, a bourgeois way, We &lfll on his dauahter. fnsj 8 Ut poor and lower-middle. class He 1ave her three boOb - peuanll lhould nol eopy their "Sele<:ted Worta fl( Mao .Tle-~Je." · tuna:." "Quotations , from 'lberefore. no Mry for Ch a Irma n Mao" · and Miss Wang. "Chllnnan Mao'• Thret As~lht wedding day IP-CoolllnUy Reid Articles" - proacfied -aiid excitement in ' a-.n d-t w o. a.akman': MH the villqe lncreued, Wan& badges. wondered what, be.would 4o If Tbt Communist C b·l n e 1 e ftl&Uvta ~.-fr:lendl. arrl~ Mtri aatncY called it: 11A new with &lfla.lor lbe ·lliwJ,Ywodl. 'IVtddlq autom. • \ Somelhlnl mlly cl\!lerenl -watch worb cuff llnb, These pnu1ne watdl .,.orb ... IDOU!lt.d .. cull i 'links piated ii! u ,karat aold. . Watch w~ art ,the back!i of watches, teen when cqnt Ii rtrnoved. 1be cuff adommenui ~ .availlble round or •rec· llna!Hhlped, JULY CLEARANCE ' and AUGU 'ST SALE BE.GINS .• tomorrow, Thursday, July 24 9~30 a.m. until 9:30 p.m . REDUCTIONS Of 1/3 and 1/2 I • . throughout the store -I • r • SPECIAi. SAll'MfNU . • ~ \ wllbeolltMlolhe .~ folllla m.1\11._W.........,., "'""""·""""and 5alUnlay '. i • •" I ' : I ii - I I I , I " I " • Ch .. ti .. CA • ~ nf "' "! co b: SI I · ., .. • '" °" ·~ . • I 1, • • ~ .. i • , ~ ' • ' r • t ! l • t r . • • • . • • • ' I • • ' • , • ~ • • ••• With this Coupon Only c -& H.SUGAR LIMIT. ONE-5 LB. BAG DOLE PINEAPPLE CRUSHED, TIO&ITS, CHUNKS NO. 211 CAN ....................................... . MA YFRESH NO.;..,,,, BEVERAGES iE.W:~ ASSORTED FLAVORS ........................ , ............ : •..••..••...•........ , .....•......... MA YnESH 46-0Z CAN 4 s1 CHUN KING CHINESE FOODS c PIN~PPU JUICE ............ , for : ~J~~~~g~M:J~EIN a· ioL1·s1Aso••D.· 30 3 5 s1 . PORKCHOPSUEY 42-0Z. -• IEEF CHOP SUEY SIZE _.,. • ..:.. GF_ oR!GENER.-BsEAN! :-· .. c A.N -6 .. 7!~~ " ·---1-CHOW-MEIN-NOODLfS...0 . .;11·CA~HL -.. ALLGRINOS -· ~t?.~.~~~" ON " v '" "" CHUN KING SOY SAUCE 12-0Z. ,,, ___ JC)< • I ' I ' ' ' • 'I •. HOFFMAN'S 'SMOKED .PICNICS LEAN PORK SPARERIBS -· ) SWEET SMOKED CURE BARBECUE FAVORITE LEAN EASTERN RliS MA YFRESH ~ m~_ Fair Liqll;O" COFFEE ~ ma_yfair Dtfiea«sstn- 1.u.57c ~, GIN .. CAN ', BfRWICK'~tiALE GALLON ,80 PR. 2-LB Sl.13 3-LB.Sl.6 9 ~~ 99 liJJfl.DiOO'~iOOiOOOO ~'~ S&. \ f d V ' l ':~ p CANADIAN WHISKEY s419 van e (\amps --~... (A.NA01A.N1ERRllO~V llOPR00f ••• $1h BLE NDED WHISKEY s329 s429 SPECIALS ROYAL O((A$!0N 80·Pll:OOf .. f1!1h °'· Th urs.-Sun., July 24·27 lc~d or Sugartd P•t· 39 c Cinnam on Rolls ,, 1 Cllocolate Chip, Maple Pecan. Almond t(e Sol, Dutch Cris11 39c Cookies .. __ . _ .. "''· Co_conut Cake _H,,.,$119 OOOOOO lWf"OOWOO r"~llg~~ 1~~~~"~~EMI UM BE~·~······ ........... $299 RO YAL OCCASION DRY WINES 8URVUND~, CH48LIS. (Hlll,NTI, PINK (HA,8U5 S 1J9 RfltlN"""l"IN 5A,lJ1fllNE, VINO ROSSO. VIN RO~f C.A\\()f',j VORINOFF VODKA __ ou...,_sl." RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT '°' 71. SUNSHINE CHEESE ITS ...... o .,,0J1s1 SKIPPY DOG FOOD . .. .. ,.o, ,,,.fr.st CHIPPED MEA1 . - ~=3 .. ~fH:Ci. a· •1 SMOKED lllf, HAM TUIKIY' CHICKEN for PASTLt.MI _ ~'v'!!l~!l~oE_~~.! ~~~i ~G. 49c LUICHEOI MEATS •·0ht\~tAM< 53' OSCA~ MAVEI AllM!AT O• Mtf _ . .,, i&'o6N ... ., All MEAT .FRANKS 05C4~ MA'i'EI l·ll . Pl(G. .. 79' DANISH SALAMI . S 139 16--0Z. nG. ·-··· .. ·--·-··· ........... -............... ,. .... _ ... ····-·· ... . ADVERTISED PRICES EffECTIVE 1 FULL DAYS THURSDAY,lULY 14111 THIU WED., jULY 30th 175 EAST 17 .. STRUT, COSTA MESA 2030 WEST ht STREn. SANTA ANA 9H2 WESTMINSTER AVE., GARDEN t\P.OVf • for • for ,' mIDJl'air frqz.tn-Food--- FRC>zEN -6-0Z. CANS for ~~~~!!!~!!"~!ABLES 29c CARROTS with augor glou 10.oz . PEAS with ce!.ry •.•................ PKG. • VA~ DE KAMP UPSIDE DDIVN CAKL ..... "."~-"-'·"·-·--·--··········-····· 17 OL 69' JENO'S PIZZA ROLLS ........................ . .............. '"' "" 59' MAI-TAI MIX FROZEN ................. ···-··--...................................... '.~';~~·~;:"4;s 1 !!r.!!!! _ -29( !,~~N~t~I~~ 4~ s 1 MACADAMIA NUTS ~~v:,'z_";,~·_11AN • 59' MAYFAIR DETERGENT ~:~,a ___ ............. 79' fl"!-\ Qi§<Ji DtWl9 Spttints ! _. ~~;...,, ICE CREAM -~~< • ~ ARDEN HIGH QUALITY 5 I C . ONE HALF GALLON 1 SMUCICIR5 12-0I . 29' ' PINEAPPU TOPPING ARDEN SOUR CREAM -------""'49' ~~~:25' ARDEN POPSICLES """ __ 79' .... 49' BANANAS GOLDEN RIPE, CHIQUITA -FRESH JUICY LIMES .. . ..... 5' , LARGE COCONUTS ··········--····EA 19' ti li::;ri;iz;;~· .... ~-·~~~--=-""""-="•<'•--·---..-~,,,-~ . ... ·~7"~~~~~~~-"'-"~~~aa~ttaiW._..~ • Bii'· ..... ... --........... , ... __ ...... __ •• 1~---··----· ........ 1 .......... ~,--... ~~~~.·----~, .. •,l!lllll!l!IJlll!ll \ I -'·--~~---------· -------------.,----.-.,..--:-----------------~·..,..--~-~·---,--·---------- Skewered Beel -Roulade ' Gourmet Barbecue Fare Don't limit yourself to hot dogs and hamburgers this aummer. When the barbecuing bug hits you, go gourmet with these scNmptious slices or economical California beef. raj\e a boneless beef flallron roast -slice it bulterfly fashion and remove the mem- brane. According to the CaUfomia Beef Council, these boneless chuck strips are tender as a f\let when done this way . Sprinkle fir&l with an inatant Armenian Type · Bread Makes Sandwich Treat When you want to serve hero sandwiches to friends coming for lunch , supper or an evening p.arty snack, bake your own bread -the Arm~ nlan way. Thal means you'U make up Pineapple · Confection An ingenious way to use a cake ml1 with delocLablc mu Its. PINEAPPLE KIRSCH CAKE 1 package ! I pound 2.ll ounces) pineapple fla vor chiffon cake 1,~ cup plus 2 tablespoons kirsch (clear dry cherry brandy) Pinea ppic fllllng . set below I pint Heavy crcan1 Pinch of salt 14 cup supcrrine su£ar Mekt up the cake according to package directions, b11t mix the cake batter packet with 1,~ cup cold water called for. Cut in~ 3 layers; put layers together with Pineapple Fill- ing. Whip cream untll stiff, 1radually adding sugar toward end of bealing; quickly beat In lhe 2 tablespoon.s kJrsch. r~rost top and aides of cake wilh crtam -it will make a 1 e ne r ou s covering. Refrigerate unUI senlng tlmc. Pineapple Flllln1 Tn a I-quart saucepan thoroughly stir togtttler ~ cup au gar, '1' teaspoon nit and v, cup comsi.rcb. Gradually stir in unUI en- tirely smooth m05t of the juice f'r1:1m a l·pound 4 ~~unce can of cru.ahed pineapple. Add rtst of juice and the p i neapple . Cook over .. moderate heat.._ 11lirrtng cotl• 11-l!tly, until bubbllnc, clelU' tnd \'tl'f thick': cook aod lttr • ftw mort mlnutet. Remove from heat. Gradually sUr In 1 tablupoon1 kirsch. While fllllng Is still hot U may be 1pread on cU:e. a simple yeast dough, shape it into 4 round! and give it a sesame-seed topping . When you're ready to mflke the sandwiches, tech round can be cut in half crosswise and layered with the filing - cold meats, sliced cheese, let- tuce, sliced tomatoes and whatever condiments you like. For good munching. serve scallions (green onion•) and radishes along with t h e heroes. This Armenian-type 'bre;i.d, called Peda, is made the easy new way. The undissolved yeast is not 91Jftened in wattr -il goes into tht dough "as ili:· This recipe produces a sofl spongy bread ; don 'i cxpc,:l 11 to be crisp. l'ED.\ (Ar1nenl<i11 Dr,utlJ :. to 5~ cups unsiltcd I lour 2 packages instant blended dry yeast 2 tablespoons sugar 2 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons shorleni ni;: 2 cups warm tap waler 11'.!J lo 130 de11:ree&) Sesilme seeds In a lar11e mixing liov.I thoroughly stir together 2 cups of the flour, undissolveri yeast, suga~&alt and shortening. Add weter : at low sJ)et'd nr electric mixer and 1'Crap1n~~ bowl constant y, beat '! minute . At high speed, heal 3 more minutes. Sli r in enou11h or the remaining flour to form a soft dough . Turn out on lightly floured su rface ; knead unt\I smooth. Plaef! In grea1ed bowl : turn to grease top. Cover. Let rise in a wann draltfrtt place un- til doubled -45 lo 60 minutes. Punch down dough. Let rest 1~ minute.a. Divide dough into 4 parts; ahape: each lnlo a ball. Place balls well apart on rreued ceokle aheel. WI th knuckles flalttn ln ~-tnch thickness. With raior blade or sharp knife slash tops to malct wide wedgca. Bruah with milk. SPrlnkltt w I t h sesame seeds. Let rile as above until doubled -20 to 30 minutes. -in puheated IJ6.derree oven until well browned -20 to 30 minutes. Remove lo wire racks to cool. meal tenderlz.er. Next roll them around green onion and parsley for a perky summtr touch and secure well with skewers. Then ca refully slice the beef rolls lnlo slx In- dividual roulades. The spiral effecL is pretty wiUl its briiht green color. But what really mikt1 this something specl~ Js the dry mustard eo1Un1. Go ahead and rub In i,ii teaapoon on each side of the roulades. The mustard ml.1es with the beef juices, af'\d lhe beef comts oft the 1rlll brown a,nd cruity. The flavor Is brlsht and sprightly, yet amazingly mild with no dJscernlble taste of must.ard remalnlna:. It's a grtat Idea to try. BEEF ROULADES, CALIFORNIA l California beef flatiron roast• tabout 2 pounds) lnstant meat tenderizer 3 tablespoons c h o p p e d parsley 2 tablespoons chopped green onion 1,~ teaspoon salt 1,; teaspoon pepper 2 tablespoons dry mustard Cut b t e f open lengthwise frurn polntea end buuerfly1 fashion. Remove f I bro us !'heath through cc n t e r . S11rinkle with meat tender Ii.er, 1 f'l ilowing 1 n· be 1 dtrtctlons. E;>rlnklc with parsley, onion. salt .and pepper. Roll up beef and faaten wltb ~kewers, placing them about ~:. Inch apart. Slice Into 6 piccea cutting b e t w e e n skewers. Fasten each roulode \Vlth a second skewer to hold l spi ral together well whlJc l roo king. Rub each side o! each rouiade with ~ teaspoon dry tnustord. Gl'll l o~er !·11t coals. un~ll ' coo!<ed to de sire d degree of (](lnercsfi. f\l<krs 6 scrvin~s. *Don~l::ss ehu~k roa st j Put She rbet Into Pun ch Children or all ages \Yill love Punchy Sherbet , an ex- ciling new party punch made l "'Ith convcnlenl c 1 n n e d pineapple punch. Simply chiU a 46-ounce can of pineapple Hawaiian Punch thorouihly. Pour into pretty bo"·J. Float scoops or lime. raspborry, 111d lemon sherbet in the bowl. Serve in cups with little sponns, giving each person hi sl' choice o! sher bot color. I Topping I lleat <"anned ·a s p 1ra1 u Iii •Pftrs and drain; top with fmfi ·bread crumbs fried ln huller unlil ~olden-brown. W1dntld1Y, JviY U, 1'69 ,MARKET ' "Oft the "P n huplla'' • SUMMER VALUES ARE HERE! GARDIN ·FRESH PRODUCE FRESH CORN Cl each I I ) Stoke Iv GATORADE . 32-oz. bottle 3 i •1 Springfield Alberta PEACHES ' Can2 5c 39~ I I • - WE RES~RV! TH! RIGHT TO LI MIT - ~ee·j L~abobs ~@~· ~arbequing BR OADBILl FRESH $ Watermelon 59~ 1~. ' AVOCADOS Seedless Grape~ 19'.:_ 59 LB. 39 LB. Coronet TOWELS Giant Roll Sara Lee Strawberry Cheese Cake 69c -SHOP AND COMPAi! - • Su mmer Bargains • 39' D•I Mo11t• Tr•pl•ol f ,RUIT SALAD COOKIE a'i 'i:AK c 'oOKIES 39' Ne• Cl1t1er•I Jillll• -Jrewcll Prlff POTATO CRISP TIDE Detergent 0 1 ... M ...... 3~51 4P1 ON THE PENINSULA-608 E. BALBOA BLVD.-PHONE 673·8310 HOURS : 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. • • ' I• I ~ I I f I ' f t ! I I· I: ' ! I I • ' lh SU lh ed ti> lh ., t~ .. "" ~ .. .. .. I\ 'J u ' • IC , .... 40 DAILY PILOT 11=W,a·s·hol:!t at B_~rbe.cue?·~ Try Snap.p_er . ,._ / - • ' .. --,,... • , • •• ' . • t GRILLED RED SNAPPER WINS P!JPULARITY POLL > • ~ 'Marble-ous' Idea • • I I Cake Recipe Simplified • • l Somt'lhing nr.w has hap- pened to the ra rnous Americ an { J. 2. 3. 4 Cake. Thars·thc cake i~~~~ i~u~~~~d3 °~u~~~ro~~t~~,~· ! rggs. This time sweet cooking !chocolate 1s added lo the b<it~ l ter to make a !. 2. 3. 4 tllarble Cake. r The fascinating part of 1Jii:; l(.fCCi pe is thal instead Qf 1n- terlwinin& the choc·ol:HI' banrr .. with the plain baller. Jt)ll :'f11mply sptcad the fo rmer 011t·r ~he latter. ~· Because the chocolate batter ;Js heavier than the p!a1 n. 11 ;_sinks during lhe baking and {Creates a rn arble effect. t I,?. 3 . .t, 1'.!ARBLE CAKE "' 3 cups sifted cake floitr ? 3 teaspoons double·ac11ng baking po" der • • • ~ teaspoon sail 1 cup butter 2 cups sugar I teaspoon vanilla 4 large eggs l cup milk I package ( 4 ounces J ~w· cooking chocolale L1nl' lhc bottom of a 10 ; Lube pan "'itb tax paper. In a medium mixing L sift together the floor , bal.. po1vder and sail. In a large mixing b cream butter, sugar ;· vanilla -for 10 minutes in , electric mixer. longer !.'reaming is done by hand . Add eggs. I at a tin1· beating well after each a1...· dit ion . Gentl y beat in flour mixture in 4 atlditions, alternately with milk, until smooth after each addition. Turn · half the batter into prepared pan. In a small sauceP,an over low heat melt chocolat.e; fold into remaining battg; spoon over plain batter bei ng careful not lo spread it !1ickly ·around tube. During b a k i n p; chocolate ·:tier (heavier than plain ) ;11 sink to bottom, creating a arble effect. Bake iQ a preheated 350- ~gree ovin until a eak~ tester 1serted in ce nter comes out 'can -about I hour and 10 iinutes. Witb a small spatula, loosen cake from sides of pan and around tube ; turn out on wire rack ; with another rack. turn right side up. Cool. Store in tightly covered ti n box. p1ngco , .. • • • _There·s a sh111er in ever)' sip of ~:::e·<:>ge F armff Sou PS. Just ice them down. A'10 sr:~ lnem up. Glide inlo our Vichyssoise. ~?:;::)::::;.::::::::;;:~ Fresh r;:e!fl St';e\t.! bra1red in butttr. With tiny snow . ~~· And lots of country cream. Or dip 1 1n10 .ie.Jl.ed't.onsomm~ Madr1lene, Made wittl S sc~piious stocks of chicken and beef. \,~~~'--'\.---"lr/'--; coon 111 ft.e cool of Pepperidge Farme Soups • hnO turn off summer. • New ' Have you let your cookouts ~ tireif reruns or last a u m m e .r· t 1 pttformances1 Well, oow 1a the Ume to ~'" '" efl!irely new me.nu !hat will p\Jr yciu back oo 111p in the ''eater-i.ateriat" polls. You cab make this 1wnrner one ol pleasant memories wit.h just a Utt.le extra effort in planniog ?""!' cookout mellll3. It's. been sitid that a "bit of variety can go a Jong way Y(iltt- tbe ~out crowd, ,:tio lay aside some of tit! ,old regulars for something that's ra little unusual. ·For example, Home EconoQ:tbts of the United Sta(es · Department ·of the Interior's Bureau or Com·. merclal Fisheries receptly gave us a oew "steal i.dea,"- red snapper steaks, that is. These tender steaks from the sea can be found In the fresh and frozen food counters ol most supermarkets and seaf()Od7 shops around the na· tion. -...Jlere. .the-snapper-steaks,are- basted with a simple-but• sayory sauce made with lemon · juice, Worcestershire_, sauce, ' liquid hol pepper sauce and cooking oil. They are then basted 'n' grilled over the coals until -well, you try them and see! SUBTLY SEASONED CHICKEN Taste Treat ,, • • Grill Work Fancied • • t t ~ l· 1(1 WI 13 OZ. • It's barbeC'Ue time again~ \Vhether you use the backyard grill or the hibachi on the porch. "Lemon Barbecued Chicken" will provide a new taste treat. - Sweet basil and lemon juice are used in the marinade for rich herb navor -a pleasant change from most hot and spicy sauces. It's deli cious served with baked macaroni and cheese and a dewy-fresh l<»nato salad. Basil is one of the herb s lh<1t ... "''as rtrst known to man. It was used long before the time of Christ and grown com- mercially in Virginia In lhe late 18th century. 0 n I y recently, however, has pro- duction reached major pro- portions with large-scale com· mercial planting s in California. LE!\10N BARBECUED CHICKEN 2 (21,..: lo 3 pound) broiling chickens 1 cup salad oil 1 i cup fresh lemon juict I tablespoori salt I tell.spoon paprika 2 te3'J)OOllS onion powder 2 teaspoons sweet basil, crushed ~ tl!a:spoon thyme, crushed 1'1 teaspoon garlic powder Sp lit broillng chicken: clean well. Place in a shallow glass pan. Combine oil. lemon juice, salt, paprika, onion powder, \ _____ g_ sweet basil, thyme and garlic powder in a pint jar. Shake well to blend. Pour over chicken ; cover tightly and marinate 6 to 8 hours or overnight, tui-ning chicken occasionally. Remove to room temperature about l hour before ready to grill. grill. Place chic ken on grill skin side up ; brusb Yi'ith marinade often. Cook 20 to 25 minutes. Turn chicken and repeat brush ing until 1 chicken is golden brown and cooked through (about 20 minutes Ion g er). If desired, place chicken about 8" fron1 broiler heat and broil In tbe oven. Makes f servings. PRE.Tl'Y·As.A·PIU11JRE Tl)!l!A SALAD 1 cup mayonnaise t~ cup French dressing 1,'2 t1aspooa, salt . 1 ~ teaSpoon' ·t&basco Salad~ • 4 \ ' ' I I • ' ;,~~ .. ·· ... ~ -• --.+• •• • ' . PHONE 673'4360 FOR HOME DEUVERY , ' PRICES EFF£CTIXE JULY 24, 25, 26 • • . ' • 1 • • • • ~ YCS. W-°,HAVI KIN$ SIZ& IUNS I l 1 ' • vtiHN~-' . . ; ~ KJntSize Franks ... ,98~ > . 1 1, NEWI IUR6ER SIU KRAFT AMERICAN SLICED ' ' • ' • t , I Cheese Round .. 39• "LUiURY IUTTERMILK ' • ' BISCUITS ... L 2: fer 19• AGED OVER l YEARS! NEW YORK, AGED, . '• • • Sharp Cheddar·~ ... 1.19~; ~ ROD'S 6EORMAE SALAD DRESSIN6S 1000 .ISLAND or 8LUfJ:Hf_ESf._ ROQUEFORT ' ' • Sk l9c M~un~-limonade ML 10 ,; $1 ~INuTE' MAID LEMONADE ' ""' 2 ,.,39c CLARK ICE CREAM BARS 6 ct. EGGO WAFFLES -•~ovnt . 3 for $1 VAN DE KAMP 'S Macaroni & Cheese 11 ••• 3,., s1 BIRDSEYE PEAS wltll "'...,.._ BIRDSEYE ONIONS llRDSEYE BEETS with Or~:; Glue 3 for $1 ' llRDSEYE, with Hollencl1l10 S1uco Broccoli Spears ,... 3,., s1 . . .MENlJ HONEYDEW COMPOTE with PORT WINE BARBECUED TURKEY !\ICE SALAD• SLICED ONIONS, TOMATOES , AND CUCUMBERS Mari"attd in lern1fein'1 Italian Ort11in9 HOT CLOVER-LEAF ROLLS PEACH SHORTCAKE with SHERRY WHIPPED CREAM •SEE RECIPE FOR SUMMER ENTERTAINING PASTEL BAVARIAN MINTS Pa1tal c:ov1red chocolat• mints, tr"ian, pink or ytllow R•t· 1.00 b .. 79¢ .... nmm• FOR LONG-l:ASTING COLORI PCM p()~ CHRYSANTHEMUMS Yellow, whlft ,.,iftlc or bronlt 1.191UNCH Or91~ ser1n1d1 For Your Plffsur1 by LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO IShE '11 .... iCI F1y Any 1ummer evenin9 on r.•tlo1 encl t1rrec11 acro11 th• country, p.ap • ere 1nj oyin9 the 9r1at Am1ric1n p1 1tim1 -• Barbe~uel The 1m1JI of chercoal.roe1t1cl meet, t h• tinkle of ic1 1 the 1ound of leu.ghter. Rlchercl1' has all the tood ••• for YOUR barbecue. · MU!~ Tho best l11ting chiclton you'v• ever hod-plump, FRESH, California grown. No pres1rvativ11. Chickens r1i11d in other ' states 1rt shipped in ice with pres1rv•tiv1s,1which often af· feels the delic1te flovor. They coil len , but wo think only the be1t i1 9ood enough for YOU I ~CKY FARMS, FRt SH, CALIFORNIA..6ROWN Whole Body FRYERS r 011'"'"', Cut-Up FRYERS Forw~t~·~:.h~=. SPLIT ,BROLIE~S To~:.~:. w~ltr CHICKEN PARTS Legs or Thighs 79c "· Chicken Livers Chicken Wings 35c LL GIZZARDS BREASTS SkLL Necks or Backs ROASTING CHICKENS ZACKY FARMS FRESH HEN TURKEYS Hive You Iver Tried Ono Borbtcuod? 39¢ LB • 49¢ LB. 4f L.: ,,,LL 35c LL 10c LL 69¢ LB. 55¢ LB, Cornish Ga_me HENS Wh;~~, 69¢ •A. CASI OP 12 .• , 7.'5 lo• . · ·Carpenter SQUABS Yov•1 '•Tondor 2.49EA. -cA~ LONG ISLAND DUCKLINGS ,.................. 98c LL STUFFED ROASTING CHICKEN c'-""'-'" 79c LL Stuffed Yi Cornish Game Hens ,_1,.1,,,11 ,. 69c ... PLUS U.S.D.A. PRIME BEEF NEm CINNAMON ROLLS CLOVER -LEAF DINNER ROLLS . PEASANT BREAD ..,. '" ,_, 1 LA YE:R CHOCOLATE CAKE 6,.,35c 6,.,31c 45c 79c , Ii~ 1 S!ePGJll&Wiftl!1£•sFJISJL 10£Slb~!AS!l!'L1 a;4uu2a lliJ\PU JJTJJIPS&. LJZUP nus ~~wt..-MARKET , tfOME a; GIFT SHOP • .L!DO Y.ACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR • . ·. OPEN DAILY t -7. S!lN· '" • OPIN DAILY 94 • OPIN DAILY f .6, SUN. 10-l DAILY f ·l:lO, SAT. 9.1 I ~ J ' ' I • DAILY l'llOT ~ HAVE A PEAClj, SHORTCAKE! FANCY, Rf Pt; YILLOW-MEA T, FREESTONE PEACHES 5 LIS, $1 SERVE WITH SOUR CREAM. DILL I CHIVES GARDEN.FRESH , CRISP, LONG 6RiEN ~UCUMBERS 3 POR 29' DfLICIOUSL Y SWEET, YIN&' RIPENED HONEY DEW MELONS LI. 1211 FOR SUMMER ~ALADS, HORS D'OEUVRES RED, RIPE, CHERRY ' TOMA TOES BASKET 25• RICE SALAD Ccmbin•. 4 C. ~okod rico,J/:i C. choppod onion, lfi C. finely diced celery, lfi C. dicod cucumber, '/4 C. dic1d grHn poppor. Tass with B1rmt1in 's Vinogrelto Sauce. Sprinkl1 wilk chopp•d torre9on ind porsloy. Arrange on o bod of groins in solid bowl. --Folger's COFEEE lb. 69~ FOLGER'S COFFEE FOLGER'S COFFEE --1.37 I Ill. ,,., 1.98 ARDEN AA BUITER LL Ile NAllSCO "COOKIE BREAK" VAN ILLA Sandwich __ Cookies .... LAU!IA SCUDDERS PARTY 39c MIXED NUTS u~L 6tr REESE CANNONIALL Stuffed Queen Olives SCHILLING • 99c Freeze-Dried Chives ,11 ~ 49c HOLLYWOOD Safflower Mayonnaise,,.. 49c MAH-'TMA LONG GRAIN RICE ' "" 3lc RANCH STYLE BEANS No. 300 6 for $1 CHRIS & Pins 26-oi. Polish Sandwich Spears lk FRENCH'S MUSTARD ' ••• 1 ... HEINZ BARBECUE SAUCE KINGSFORD CHARCOAL -BRIQUETS ,~lb. •·a P.S. WE HAVE HICKORY BLOCK~. SKEWERS AND STARTER FLUID, TOO! ')FEAtURE Of "CnualatoM" by Coventry 19c 59c COFFEE CUP FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS OPEN DAILT f .6 DAILY 1:)0°6, SAT. 1130.g . ' • ' I - I ) I, I 'I ' I • J I I. I. j, , , I tll .. tli "' tll ui ~ l•· u, Ill ·'!:e~;~iu.l4lo~~·or -, .; ""'~ -.. -"·1 ,,. ... r .............. .,...,... . . IZ DAILY PILOT \Yed••.i.i. Jll\12', 196? Ho11 ¥wpod .Starlet~· ei-sctJsses ' Brew -. ' .. ' ,· .,. •\.!' ,,. By JOUNA SUNN eat good food and lo be with pubs In Lopdon: 01 COW'l4 91 !llihy pots evel')'Whero, Bui -dleed c&15"role). At 1he oime Ume more liquid as needed. Cot- good friends, that's !he begiJI. I hl<en'I. teally seeo aU -of'J lfeally toddle around W<e one Two • large turnlP1 ( o r brown dlopped onion •io!l'ly 1n rtc1 seaaonlngs. Tblckeo stock UNfVERSAL CJTY -"Tea n.lng and end ol 1 great evtn-New York."1 sbe said, hedging. ol those tiny wee blnh on the J)arsrupa ), peeled, cut in m e I t e d bu Lt J r ( 0 r with flour q deiired .<_not re- 11 nol very irood he.re. Those ing. To eat weJI wllh good peo-She was lookillJ forward t.o beP '' COll'le dice oleomargarine). Add cbbpped 'Quired s1JX:a M \llik-e•'l' tu baga <an """ brew • pie and good wtne, il'a i.r-making a movie ID Lat Ve1,as. JACKIE BISSETl"S BoQquet Jami, wrapped In -. tumlp11 (or pannips); IC -J-).' ~" -r spot of tea. I like olto rifi<'''fferfriendsareamfx-"Someooe llid ~V.ps..,,•• 81!1!1\~W l!oc.(pfncb lhyme, large brliwn.>till>Uy. , ...... .....,....__ bave a iood strong pot ed bag of actors and ...,_ bit lib ll""" inolde I ·..-I • 2 pounds wp lean beef sprig. parsley, I U I• Pour ell.Heal lat from -Serves I. -an·1 tea, Eng I I• h pro/--box.'I 1hink If will be tm-fbly' (shQulder .r steak) cut Into bayleal) optlonal. • , b_,,.. beef,.Atrange brOlll)o • Altutlloqhll: F,or 1Wff1. style." Sltelnves blgcltles but oot exciling. 1 l)Ope to.j>ave time. ll»lncb rubes 6 peppercorM, s ll &htly ed beef' and v e1eta b l er1 sour lreabneol. acid miaJJ, 'Br:ltish actress d'ackie Bisset New York, she said. ''I loathed to see all \he shows." seasoned flour · bruised . ' .. together lt1i orie cauerolt. Add qua n t l t y ol .,.eet spices'· atarted the Anglo-American New York, what I saw or iL I Jackie deacrlbed bersell tn 1 tablespoon 'Y. e g e t a b I e 1 % pints dark beer. ".(or ~uet ,. gaml, pepperconm, f (cround ~on, or cloves) discussion of food with a time-round il very unsym~thetlc. the kitchen. 1':when I stay shortening undifuted c a n ned ~ lliet (Or ... canned beef broth) tl116 ~;,... 1"~ (or boDored view of the hearty People keep tetn11I me I home I Uke·to~todclte al'OO.rid. 3 large yeJlow onions, peeled broth) ' ·• •..enouab water to ool/er. ... • ~~ twist' af 'lemoil ·(or Englii:h brew. should go back there for That's exactly whit l do in ~ and chopped water as•JH!'eded' • ln'.iog to._ slow slmmer: re.r-teupaons ·~r ma It . ' -~''When 1 make tea, I don't publicity and 15'1 can'l we do kitchen. I'm like a little bird. 2 tablespoons butter (Or Prebrown\ fl o u r.ctr~ed cover, ~II: Slewly about two v\nq;lf) te during the 1 • wann the pot. 1 fill a kettle il here. I love bein1 in Paris I've trained myself to c!lar up ~olOOmargarioe) ~of beef In bot Vttetable bgun (or 'unW meat and ~·~" •\ . -tTC"~ODDLER! with cold water and shake n,, _:and:_:__dln_i_cn&:_formall _ __;_Y_,...i~-lhe--as-1-'g-•,_ao_Uiere __ •,.._'_t _...-___ 2.__1ar_1•_cam>C1, ___ ,,.._led. __ •_il _1n __ he_a-'vy-'~---I_ t(or..,, -;-""4_,. '-'°"-b..i~:...;:-...__1e_nd_er.:.)_Add _ _,_,_.:.:"::.' -:::':::·,,,.,;::::::.:• '""=--~..,._-<...Jc.:~:..,ml_,.,.,~~---- then hang it over the fire toi - boil -that's what they do in England," she said. On the set of ··Airport" her makeup man was spattering the "l r e t t y actress whh 1Jmufated blood and grime for lhe scene where the bomb ex- plOOes aboard the jetliner. Jackie portrays the English stewardess opposite D e a n ~fart.in in lhe film. She e.i::- plalhed -s;he--was: be.lni;lousro up ·or someUtlng like that," and she giggled. She still look- ed lovely despite the smears and tat\e_red clothes. "Beauty will out,'' the makeup man said . LEISURE TlM.E She likes to spend her leisure time walking -along the docks and down King 's Rood in London, and albng the windswept c o a s t trn e in California. "I've always had t his marvelous idea that one day I'd like to Jive in an old farmhouse in the South of France. Maybe I'll get it now and I'll disappear there. I ha11e this image of an enormous great old-fashioned kitchen with sticks of garlic all over tile place., clusters of ohioos ~ing about, · tureens bubbling with Soup. botlles of drinking wine and plenty of dogs and calS around." A buzze r called her away to film another scene or the movie. Jacqueline Bisset grew up in a 300-year old thatched col- tage.50 miles from London, the daughter of a Scottish doctor and an English-French woman who had been a lawyer in Paris before her marriage. "It's charming there. really so pretty." she said, returning from the set. ··\\·ith lots of ap- , pie trees and flowers . The house is really t h r e e shepherds cull.ages all lumped togelher , but it's still very small. It's rather like those photographs you see of old England." The greeiayed brunette started as a model. being paid $120 for posing in front of stately homes for a Came-lo- Britain booklet. Then she tried her hand at TV commercials. For several years she did one for thl! Egg Board in England . .. I had to eat 15 boiled eggs per day ,'· she said. lAJVES TO COOK ! "I don 't really cook anything complicated, but \\'!)at 1 prepare tastes very good. I have lols of imagination. If I on ly had more Ume! Still. I cook nearly every night. Get- ting to the market is the pro- blem. and I always forgel one Ingredient ." she said with a giggle She ~·as lh•ing in a beach pad in l\iaUbu. where her cooking was spontaneous. "I think "'hat do I ~·ant to eat tonight. so I iusl cook d epending UpC>fl what vtgetables are around. l just stick lhings together. r..lostly [ try on the v.-eekends. I get 1n lots of food in and -I hate to do this -but I slick a lot of Jt in the freezer:• She would rather shop every day in the British manner al the but. chers and greengrocers. One of her best eHorts is a sort oC stew, she said. "I don 't know what kind of stew it is but you use a bottle of Guin- ness in it, that great dark beer. You chop up a lot of vegetables and stick it into a very heavy casserole. I don 't have any recipe books. I sort of pick things up from friends Who phone me; I have bits of paper with bils of recipes on them. I don't like to foll ow wriuen recipes, anyway." lier cooking-is sauCf:less despite her ha\•ing a French mother ... ,_,y mother used lo make_a lot of sauces, but she's become quite Anglicized ac- tually. My fathe r loathed most French cooking and loved good old meal and potatoes and eggs." EATii WELL Jackie relates food and peo- ple In this •·ay : "It's a joy lo Fruit Drink For 'Punch' Add Hawaiian style rom1u1<:e k> an evening with pretty .Uuw .mode wtlh canned fruit punch. Try the Lover'• Knot: Jn 1 tail g1m over let, mix \14 cup tihtle wine and 14 cup fruit juicy red HawaJlan Punch. l'Jll wilh d ull loda and garnllh wllh !mb llrawberl')'. . \ ~LOOKFOR 1HE wctcr_"~IOHD" t>N 11(E PACKAGE ••• 11'S YO!I,, ~ tJNC:dNDl1101"/'L GUARANTEE Of FLAVOR & 1ENOERNESS OR Y?Cll: ~~M;:ONEY R,EfUNDED.. RUMP ROAST .............. 17~ · · ~" 9, CHUCK-ROAS~ 47 t SIRlQllC STWl ............ :.'lll ,,.._ --y ...:., _ .._ 2, - --P01111 CHOPS · ... "':69 • -J""""' IAIY FOOD -'-1 EM · . ··············~ _:· SIMUCUQUID--26' LUCU BONDED , .......... _..-.. '-\Ml -II GROUND ROUND •••••.••••• "87.. . -·-< RIB STE.AK ,-8 CHUCK-STW. ••••• ::.:~~~~ =~:ROS;:=~1~• C PORTERllOUSl • • • • • • • • • • • • • I ~ • -,,..k ' HIUS IROS.='"'-'I,. --E-Z CUT CUIE St OA • • • • • •• 111.• " BONDED FDR TENDERNESS ................ 11 FRESH FRYERS HIUS BROS.=-"'~--11" GROUND BEEF 5 5-c CH;~;~::-::.1~~~8 .:. UPTON TIA -~~~~i. I 59 < ·BONDED FDR TOP QUAUT'f ................. 11 GROUND CHuCL ...... , •••• 78.:, UClllTY SPLITS. RIB ROAST 89 c GAMI HK.:;~p¥?'79~-BURRY COOKIES ' ,. .. . . . ' --. ' •• j t IUF STIW :::'.::.. _ llOLD KIST ~VY ::t"..r"....:,.~ Plllqlj_J~.~-,..:_)1• HAUBUT nun.~ 'I" Tsu~oa'"'DN·-LMI_ ,E~ ENSO _T __ .. EAK_ -. $1331~1 .. ~=G ::aVE:a:·:A~;c:!.o·:~.N~ Vas~ • ..RIUIT COCITMli;..:.. ·12$_' lllLS IElllJ'1£11...DELICIDUS BAR-I-CUED ... '.:~ 6-'I!! c ,: V-1 APPUSlUU-~.,..-_20'i. •. 87 C ~ · •ilouPINwN=. .. __:,,js•1 BRUSSll sPltoUTS'=._~.:._ 57• ,~--='--sa~ ~ -"" >; =-~"Z!W 111111Sm AWAlll ~ 37' ROUND STEAK " ~!!~!.~~-1 u.~~.~ .......... 69' DR MOf!Tl PUCHES =~-2 < CENTU CUT ... IDNDED FOi ru1111 ........ ~,2_11[",!!;,~~~~-~-~--: 77' -DRINK ::::::.,;:::=;-ES--:--2 3 3 1' BONELESS CROSS RIB ROAST 87.:. ~!e!~~!'!_c.~-~..... .. 79' =A:~;:;.;::--30'. ,........u1urLOW ·E><T)dayPricc! FRfSN fASn Dill. lflMS! THIN SLICED BACON 79 58 lUCKYSUCID e~~~~,!~_WllN~~!_.,_.,,,.,,75' .__, ... ,,, ·i~~··· c PRUlllJUICET;~;-:::-:u ' ... ~~2t.!~ !.~ISi, :?!~~~~1!,10~!! . .!..":' .. 77' ··s·Ol:·····~TOILIT Ml~~l~890FRENCH=1 OUYl. Ptckll & f'IMIPTO, IY ...-OR 1000 lSLAND CREAMY aL& a ~c~~-~~-~5.~~;::::-89' M.D. TISSUE DRESSINGS ~~~!~s!'~:.5. .... :~-~.~76' .r.;o:;;.'a ...;;~o ~!!!~~';.~!"~ ............. ~.,:~_.s11s ~~ ~iiil::lll' :~~~~~!.}.~-~.48' BAR NONI SllADS "'• •-42' '"iANiNis 100\( CHIQUITA '0~; BRAND f1 ... a-1M .. ~-:=.t ,... ... ltlM• ........ -..I la«l. 10~. AY,.OUNC E CAN AU PURPOSE U.S. N0.1 RUSSIT ? go Pot'atoes 10 ,:.;: 39ci....,.,,,,~==~ ;-'!.,:!A]·'-LOW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES 8 BEAUTY AIOS POICl\AIN-fNAMEl CORN POT 12HAlt """'""-$199 ,.. ..... _ ...... ,,_ -- CORN SKEWlRS 27< ~ .... 14 ....... -1 ............. BONGO STRIPED DECAJmR ~ ,,_ ...... •"" '"""" ..... 96 .......... .,....,, .............. ,.... c ....... PORTUGAL CHINA MUGS ...,.rk .. _.......,.19c wit\ ....,_ ••• •"""'"' --· ARRID DIOOORAllT II'" ..,.,_u.. .. .,..,c-.. .' ..... _99c ... 79< ~~~ •• --H•2 ............ 76C MlNNlN QUINSAllA .... ,~Sok -.-·-········ 78< COi.GA n nus Ml1 DINT Al CREAM tAIGIStII TUii Colgate Mr• (l'MCllKlnakOff) 64 c '" GILLmE fOAMY·UMON UMl SHAVING CREAM 11-0LCAN -.,_ ........ 93 ... ,. 411kll .._., Ow ..... c ·~ ....... GILLETIE TECHMATIC RAZOR WtfM THI PUKMAJI O•ANIW101DGI ADJUST AILI IAIQllAND OUllOW IYllYDAY .. Kl $139 ~-·· -" . --~ .... ~ '' . • . ' • ~.1\.•;!l·. -- llEYllOLDS·WRAP :-:-3D' ORCHIDS' NAPlllNS-.-_ 55' IONDWARI PLATES-~ 41" LUCKY TOWRS""' 27' IVORY SNOW :_~ ___ 79' DUZ DmRGENT ~.:.~ 87' -.. -l::y'Bwtf.-..,, FIEJICll'S INSTANT POTATOES 61h-OUNCEBOX :ae GAIN Dl11RGENT -----12' Ill LAUNDRY AID ::".~ _ 68' CASCADE ::;""~---69' IVORY UQUID :::::-:: _________ --58' DOWNY SOFTlNEll ='~------79' CAMAY SOAP---:--·--15' GOODWIN AMM0111A --45' .. IRWFAST ~':::. 27' DD. MONTt (()1111::-="J:"' __ 23' DO. MONTI PW .,.. _22'. M GREEN IEAHS ::_ 16( HUNT'S TOMATOES -~-31' SPINACH ~'l':__ ___ . ------21 ' POTATOES =-"'~----39' CHRI IWIS =~-----_ 17' UIBY'S QIT llflTS -~----18' ~···~"-... DmRGENT '9-0UHC! IOX 0 & C ONIOllS C:::'... 29' TOMATO ua:=-'~------· 33' VllNllA SAUSAGE ::r'-. _______ 27' UBIY'S llEf mw-~--.. --61' CARNATION TUNA=. ___ 35' l ORA"6l JIJ!CE r.._ ____ 26• ... ~&y/.-­ A DlllOOUS DRINK HAWAIIAN PUNCH 46-0UNCE CAN . OLM Oil=-----·----------13' SPRECmS SUGAR~-11_•• DRESSING ~~,;.~~-49• llQ SAOO =~-----33' BRIQUETTES ::::::: _________ 11" CHB PKllUS ~·---------' ___ 62' BllF RAVIOLI =-"----·---1.5' PEANUT BUmR :r.~~-------61' • it ... 11:ya,1.-- SPRAY WAX - JOHNSON'S PLEDGE 1'-0U!'jCECAN '• •:met: .. llllAlS CRACllElls' ~--31• SUNSHINE YUM YIJMS .,...._ 45• .lllAD ......... _ ... _ 35• _., ___ ..___ IUNS =~.:.~-----·-·-31• wwilVan de Kamp'sswr AH OUTSTANDING V AllOY OF RIESH l~GOODS ' ' -' , • CAf -WCIT " ' . . ········-·--/DOK FORKEY BUYS ,., .n:' ...... ...... .... Ir --........... ~ .... llt"' ... Ii.I -""' I .. '.I .... -................. ~ . ,....._ ... .., .. ' -.. """"' .,,. iWNI -MUI • ' • l • I ... " • DAILY PILOT • 4$ • -· €~kens ·' .. llf_E.JT DEP'I'. t'ROZEJV FOODS . ~ > .... ' • 6orton'.t . • J4.oa.. 59c • FISH STICKS ••••....••• ",ig. • Gorton'• 1-os 49C l'ISH PUl'FS ............. Pk9. . Gorton'• •-01. 49c FISH CRISPS ............. Pkg. Re,..L >LORIO>. ·for Sunshine State Froze11 . . .. . i1rnation.--2Jb. 98C ~ PISH STIAKS ............ Pkg.. • R"'"rt'• N-ied . . 1 ~-4r 55c ·l'BCH Fii.LiTS ............ fkg.', R,uper+'• Fri,•d • 12-0z.:. 59c SOLi flLLm ............ Pkg. . Mn. F•l~1y'1 1-lb. I 59 GC)liltin ·SljllliiP .••.. Pkg. ~ < Hon1y11!G\t~/G•1vy 18-01. I 59 SLICED TUltm •.· ..... Pkg. • · c Kold Kl1t· 8 1 ll ·•L 89C UU STU.KS ....... ••· · SEAFOOD ~PECIALS ' ~ Fresh Fillet& of ptr 69C MONTEREY ROCK COD •••• (b. LB. Fresh Fill'1t1 of ptr 98C DOYER SOLE ............. lb. Frozen Whitt per 98C · -, HALllUT STIAK .......... lb. • /. 6-0Z. TINS ~~. ~ LIBBY 'S w/Butter Sauce VEGETABLES CUT·ll_l!_FRYERS ... · ............. : .... : ... ; .. : ................ 39~ BREAKFAST SPECIALS ' . i<iNG. s1i:1 nYn • '''' o• ™·· nna -w1LSP!l=s-c1usPRITE st1c~o 6 '5c- SWAN~ON DINNERS -. a•coN 1 • · 39¢ ! 55b r M · .. · · · • .. • .. " .Pk9. . , ~ ~ - CHICKEN l NOODLES, MACAR~ & tEEF, SPAGHEnl I MEAT IALl..$.-«£6. 4f• IAIY LIMAS, IRUSSELS SPROUTS, CUT !EANS, CORN. MIX VEG., PEAS. PEAS & CARROTS HALF HAMS ~J:oAM~ ~~~y~~~;J~~l~~.'-~ ......... : ............. s 1.29. lb.J'_' SFAAEUR JSO~GPOli.-Trtt69~ · TUl~IY ROAST ~·~,~~~li0t.t.~~~.s.~ .......... : ......................... 894 lb.. _ .......... Pt . • 39~. ., • 29!' IOIL IN BAG TYSON PRIDE GUDE "A" ROCK CORNISH GAME . HENS LIBBY'S 5 #lOl $100 FRUIT COCKTAIL ... ..r1 .. VErs REG. CHICKEN & VAR.14 ISY,.OZ. •100 D.OG FOOD .. . TINS PRE-SOAK -INCL. I Oc OFF •lz..................... . ....... 2~g,r 59c , TENDER-LEE FINE QUALITY -SMOKED PICNICS .. ' C ·,. i:::ry-0-V.c lb Wrapped 6-0Z. TIN -LIGHT MEAT CHUNK STYLE • • -. ' •• • • • • ¢ • • • • • • • < All GRINDS HILLS BROS -· HI LLS l ''j BROS /I'·~ ·:~.<.Orlt ' COFIEE -- I-LB. TIN c lb • • I LO.CAL WITH LEMON i NESTLES TEA MIX • • • • • ~z~ ' Summe1· Specitds JANE ANDERSON 39c MAYONNAISE . . . . . .. ~:: . JERSEYMAID ~FIRST QUALITY 79c ''AAu BUnER .... . .. cfi;L: IT ·STILL ROATS 4 Pm•"'1 IVORY .............. . . ~:·~ JERSEYMAID FRUIT or FLAVORS 6 •1.00 2 5 c ._Y_O_G_U_R_T_._ .. _ .. _ .. _ ... _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _. --~-·~J_: __ ___, MACARONI . .. ~i~: 2 2 c • Lower Than Discount WESTWOOD CATERING . . ICE , REA . . HALF GAL. CTN. BEET ioR.scHT Delicatessen Specials . 29c OSC~R MAYER'S QUi'.RT . , • . • UQllOR DEPT. . SPECIALS ALL .VARIETIES CWI 1-0L 99¢ COCKTAILS ... ~ ........ '.'~~ t1 LONDON BRIDGE ALL MEAT or ALL BEEF BOLOGNA, PICKLE or PIMIENTO LOAF y ., j ./ .. · '.0 .. ,. Ii .\. ~ --·' 8-0Z. PKGS. c . . . . GIN QU.t.RT $399 . . LB • FUD~E~1cL~s _oR . 6 cT. 25c , DRY BOTTLE . . POPSICLES ............. ....... PKG. · . · GwaEE w1sc0Ns1N sHARP · . 95c • · ... • ·SIMPUi SIMON . JERSETMi'.ID-.t.tL ·V~-IETlfS vo·DKA CHEDDAR cH1EsE ..... .... .. . lb ·: . CRIAM . conAGE VIENNA PURE BEEF PRODUCTS ··• ~ '%• ~~"jfc·. -'39! 79-'~~I 69~~~ 6~~ • • • PRICES· E~FECTIVE' THURS'. t~,. S.Ulil., JULY ' 24, 25, 26, 27 . I ' . 'o1 'HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA • 13922 BROOKHURST, G.&""'""; ~~~\IE e .. _i30l '\Y: .Er>JNafR. SANTA · ANA .5858 WARNER, HUN1'1NGTON ~BE'ACH ·' ' ' 23811 _EL TORO, .-EL tORO · '.. ' t ' ' I ~ . ' I I • . I • 1/ ' I 1 I I ' ' ' I " t I l ' ' ' I l , • l • 'M -~ !'f. --., .. l'!~.Ju~.2'.l'6t._ •• I Cart!ti'!!!! Invites ,,Disaster ' · lnc1uae Safety on' Barbecue ~enu . ' ' -~ ~ .. Pers tan ·Ga rden s In spire Relish Meollrlnoo IUW In pi'o!Ulloo PDllAN, JIE! lSH . II llUpOOn.aii • In the fabled Penion gardenJ 2 lo 4 fresh neotartoes I bay loaf , ol lon8 1ao, and oo l\'• not 113 cup chop~ green pep-Chop eoough of ~ nec-~ --llWI)-Jybausec!Olll4conorlo11ell· be.1Cbtevtd%.~llll•ltha protect the fire from --.g providell ev<11,beat at·•-uolikel1 that oome ol ~ J°'cupclloppodUlloll lltloes lo meuur• S cups; .,.t II baibacolni: and. venttlated In door loeatlllll minimum o1 Cooking drafll, , •llDI !emfl"roture lo ttlalh -• uted , lo make rillJbes I lot llb.,_ white wine comblnelrith all mnolnln1 ln- ltke "'1 otbor l,)'pe .t -.S, web 18 I fil<place With In with I layer Olle briquette T" .. bettconln>lco111<11from DltUraJ juices while bu1>o-oucllUthbone. -sridleaia.CoverandehlDfot u.cl!nlqoe ....,. I 1111jor role. -drafl deep lbould ba enouah. I covered or kettle !Jrlll that cuing. Persian Reu.h Is • pretty 3 llbftfPOOM chopped dill """ day lo develop ~yor. A Pniper ..,.,. ~ Controlled beat is the desire JOl',areater hul control and traps the NW much Ute an After you have flnlahed golden color .'oJi!ilh 1peck1 Of pickle nice accompanlmeot f 'r cu .,.u' 1111 11 f.l i r • • c e ol tvtrY die!. And for beat ,.. lawor buon!OUI IJ>ITU, el• oven. grilling, extingubh the live areen. Ulli the larger ¥!!aunt z !Ible!-salad .u barbecued llmb cllojll IJC biel • -in eoloYable mHI IUlta for every lyfl" ol oaldoor perll proler 1 .:overed lrill or /. covered g1'lll elln)lneltl charcoals by doulinl· them ~.~.!':" u_ ..lOU like 1 flltl1 1 table.cJIOOll honey kebabl. Mdp:UntlaJdil&&ter. ~reo_::::·fl"2,~a~u~ow~·-•v<n~be~n_m~•Y:.....l~w-loo_bre~ak-'-'!"~tbe.:....::grlll.:.....~'°~'~:.__rb~and~fiame-~~·~and;..:,,;1~i...:.....w~l=th~a~paol::::.:w=ol=-w=ale=r=.~-::-~r-::::.!"~':.:;::gltl!'.':::_~~~~~~1c~~~ve~c~ar~~~.~rnln~ced~~~~M~a=ku~Z~cupa'.!::..~~~ Al with 1111 flame or firo, r_,i for the crtD ll>ould alwlO)'I be -~ """ when l'Rlllrlna IOmetblq OU)' lo la JIU liot clop. Di:la't crlJI tn u area where chJ1dren are pllylnc. " wolea cbiJd m I 1 In· 14herlently nm lnlo the grill, tip u -. Ille! ba .. ....iy -UanypartolgrtDtnlwtn r-- - - -.. • • ~ .... to be -u particularly 1 COUPON ~ -'!!'• llgJltlnc the fir<. Miii)' lrqedi(f and neor I OOU.BLE BLUE CHIP STAMPS I trqedle.c .,. cauiecl "'"" I HE . .. 16''x 20'' Color Pj;traits Of The APOLLO ~I Crew. year by .....-,. In with thla coupon on tho tf!!al I IJabtinc charcoal. I 1mount of any purchlM exclud· VOii h ,..., It ilfll • 1111 •1 ti""' tts •1trlam ....... .., ..... 'I · Gui>llne, be<auR or nt ex-I Ing 11 q u o r, tobftco i nd tluld I *Mel A. AinllWi ,..-•• I Ms al••-al.AfClllD 11. l tt11 -· ._ ..._ ' ' plollve 01t u r., abould be mllk pl'oduch. 1 covpon por cut-I *~.L.!..E. at...._ 1 .........,..., .. -~.., Jlotof ••-n ... M-.'lO• J avotdldllqwtthlO)'ftun. I tomar. Coupon pod Thursday I ..,_ _,,, ·-..... If•-"'· _ ........... ..._._, r-ari-'lttfl mable mallrill not expmaly * M"..l.~.t ('·"'-· r-•-r•• ,.._ ,-•-desJ&ned f,.. blrt>eculng. Eleo-I thrvSund1y,July,24 to July27. 1 _ , -. vinm 1 -Wral 1 lllllWraAllllT~ . tric charcoal Ugbtera lhoWd ·L. _ _ .. _ _ _ _ _ .I · -, :,..:;t.~~d= WE'RE CELEBRATING YOUR FIAT WITH 'OUT OF THIS WORLD' BARGAINS! ...... ••' Follow the directions on the lla:hter fiuid container which always say to let the llQWd ..U Into the chm:ool be/ore lillhlJnt lo reduce the buonl of • Dash flame. Do not .-. anr circumstances add llgbter fluid °""' the grill b 1'>1111· VONS TAIU KING •IF . -· - Ji'cc ~ food on the grUI, It'• a pid Idea to have Jong-bandlod tooll, pnfenbly '°"" that .,. alunly •1111 fire-proof IJl'fps. A pal< ol huvy p,... will keep -.sole w11en 1'1 neeeauy lo bandle ..... hot Item. RIB TEAKS A be&vy apnia lo. ..- clothing from greue and 1perts ia a must for the chef. RoU up your 1Jeeve1 aod tee:p 1•nWne clothes •• • y thol llre. "1ien cooklnl lleW thal drip fat Into the ftn, I sprinklJng bottle tilled with water i• belplul In curblq flmes that CID ruin a fine pl«e ol meat. MOit oo1door chef1 fall lo rtllile lbe dapger ol cban:oal fu'tll which give off carboo mmmk't OJan:oa1 lhcukl OD- Turn Your Salad Blue Htr • an two drf.uings dtffloped by -. eoonomi111 Ol the Amtrican Blue Oleese A11o ciatfo n that are ....,..toed lo pep up your mmmer aalads. l"IU!:NCll BLUE CHEESE DIDllNG I C111 (ltm . ...,...) con- dmaed lomllo aoup 1i2 aoup can vinegar ( ~ cup pllll 2 llblespoons) II .ip CID u1ad oil ( ll cup pllll s llbleopoool) ' tab)elpor:inl mtnoed onion s llblespoonS ""'" Z llblelpoon> dry mustanl V.-1111 'It cup American blue cheese (about 1'4 ounces, crumbl· ed) Dash of pepper Combine all incredients In a 1.quart jar. Shab well before uslng. Maku about 2 cupe of dmsln1. VEGETABLE DRESSING Z/S cup 1alad o\1 1/S aip wine vinegar 1 teaspoon salt 1.2 teaspoon onion salt v. t_, frubll' around pepper Ii 1lwpoon p1prlkl 14 teaspoon sugar z llbielpoonl Amer1eln blue -. cnimblod Z pimlonloa, chopped finely Beat all ln&redJenll lo&elber well, or put in a blender. Makes about 1 'ii cups of dressing. Ideal for a carrot, celery or potato salad. Children Like Portoble Luau Here's a new kind of fiesta -an auto Ju1u. It's one way te nep chlldml happy on lq1lly llUloriiobl1. trips. CllTY lliq • &ood aupply of !!Pallln puncb In the ••sy· USDA CHOICE BONIUSS STEAKS to• 059 SIRLOIN ,. I 11. Club Steaks ~~~" '1 !! T-Bone Steaks ~ an• '1~ Porterhouse ~~.i.'nrws '1~ Boneless Round ~' , 98;. CREAM PIES • MARGARINE VOllS 2!;1 -~ ~':'~ I ' ~ ) GARDEN FRESH Honeydew Melons ~ 10;. Fancy Avocados ~ U:. Russet Potatoes :r..:..Ol 10~ Golden Bananas ~ 2 l 25- GREEN 19c BUNS LL 2~ROLL , 35c IW<llll EMf ••••• ••••• tfl._. POUND au 39c rlMM, QIN' Cl. ~ Ol.ltJIU, """ ~ 111111' RYE DUD . 37c KJNOm-om IV.IN-lllU.l.ON ......... . ~ .;;~;;"9""'9c ~ IOTI'1£<11CO SCOft MOllllWASH-•• ..... .,..J.11 "91 UQUID SHAMPOO -"' .. "."'-·M' maoea -·--··~···-•1• . -•• Liquid Detergent =. 32 ~t 39' Orange · Juice ,,,:,,~-~"" 4:99' Pork And Beans =~ 2:39' Westwood Ice Cream :.s 59' Nestea Instant Tea · ·:::: $1" Purr Cat Food ~ =-~~ 10' Jerseymaid Butter ::.r~ 7tc Vons Premium Coffee ::i::stc 1(11.iJilJIJ "011N !OOD BUYI ~ $pl9'lo -----·-35c ...... Cod ..... ·-·---···-····...., SI pl du ._.Or.ah-·---.. -.'91: _.,, 12-«mce """'· chilled ... -pld<ed In Ill In----· SPECIALS GALORE PLUS BLUE CHIP STAMPS AT VONS! • ....,Dop ········-....................... ..... Wm he lwfta .. Yttt ... 111 .......... ""''~ -4'1"' llrlo( along .Ill -- o( --fnill juicy red. -· plnelpple, Ind l"'J>I -'Ind I -lllwalllll lal lo ---· --ptnlll ... :=1;t i: .::...:= 1011 Adams Ave., 11 Brookhurst, Huntinglon Beac6 drtl4 -the lei malchlnc hll 4081 Dohe p rk D I ( I •·· h 4'lrtt. l'llln •lllllll cookl• a<> 3 RJ 1 r Ye, ap strano 11at ...n wtlll .,...,,,, ( HILlli BROS. COFFEE ~ 68' l 2"""' s11i j 3~•1" f :" ... "'1.. 'I '' tl--"9C......--Ale ~ ....... 1---..... _ .. 11-= ~ • ..,,....... ... _ .UC Olwlool. ,._ ......... .... ..... ... • 5.k y,..-c..---. .... -................ <11• -ftGnMta .t-1-0..,.,. : ~- #IATClll'DN«U , ...., .. ,........, • ._. ___ ., M.t.l'.OOZDI Baby Food .....,s....~-·---···•1.21 Fruit Drin'9 =-2i31' ===-~,:;;;;;.::·: ::t: 4145• T ... ~w .. .-•. ,_, . ., .. ,, ... fk 5922 Edinger Ave., 11 Sprlngd1le, Hunflnglon Beach 17950 Mqnolia, fount1in Veller 21082 Beach Blvd., Huntinglon Jeach . ' PILOT·AOVERTISER 'f H ' ' Wtodnesdar~ Jllty 2', 1969" ALLlMEAT WIENERS MAN~TTAN-QUALIT'I' l 0 POUNDPACKAGE 49~ ,VETS' DOG.IOOD . 12 "26-0l. 37" ' llG. . VETS' BURGERS s6-oZ:~ 1.17 •STAITMILK LARGE·SWEET VINE RIPE ' FOR LAIGtSwut'l'ILLOWMEAT 2· 25' PEACHES .................... LIS. LARGE FANCY !ffPE HAS~ 29' AVOCADOS ...... ,2 FOR ORIGINAUTALIANSWEETIHD . 3 29' ONIONS ...................... LIS. . , LIS·TERINE MOUTHWASH 14-0Z.' 9:2( BONUS IOTTLE -I • --_.._ ____ . -- ' ' L~ .. , c LB. RUMP , ·Ul.tHOtll llllOS. altTIFl.ED llEf c LB. LB. , ,, .,, USDAOtcnaOISTATUllOS.CtRTIFIEDlllf 59 iiuiiisti'iK ..... u.89-ROUND BONE _·:~.~.~ .... LI . c ICNWUHO"'DHUSDAQO)lctORSTATHllOS. • C siiioiiiili:~EAK s 1 o~. ROLLED ROAST . ..8 9 . . . . . . .... L•. PENllYWISEIU.ND-HALSMOKlttOUHFLAW>I $ USDAOtOtQOISTA~"!llOS.CRfHOIUf . ·· SLICED BACON ..... -.. L.. 9' CUBE STEAK ......... Ll.s.l .J»9 J.UMllJOMHWOlltlO J -6ftc USOA.OtCMCIOl$TAT11UOl.c9mm11D •• , •• 'GIANOllLI NECTARINES LARGE IXTIA FANCY "23' TOMATOES IXTIA FANCY 110 llPE 2 =~33' . ----~----- SAUSAGSPOLISH .......... LI.. T CLUB STEAK ................. LI--·--- ..otMflCOO«.IDftAOYTOIAT ,$ , 89 JAIMll'P4M-COClli:lO 4ftC . CANNED HAM ...... 1'•LI SUCED'HAM ................ :s.oz, ... . , . l • ' .. ' " r f ' Seafoo Cooking Wtdl1tfCllr, #I U.1'6t . Ollw oil OilOMIY olhll I pjtllflll ""-for •-of 111 ill Cho nor1hem hembpl\en who m ulld 11 !OOlll eooUd ill 1ntmal !111 auch 11 bulllr. In Che oil"' oil belt, wNe!I 1lrttches rrom Spain acrou the Medittrr1Man ~h Jt1ly, North Afr\cl ind pvlo of th< Middle Eut, each .,.,,. try has a dlatlnctlvt cuisine, but olive oU II OQI ~l~t commonly u1ed tn food preparation. Barg~ins in Quality f oods~Always Everyday Shrimp, one of the matt popular 1e1fooda ln t b • Medi~rranean and the United State;, can be prep1red In many dlff•ren~ waya. bul tbo.se of you who already know -or would like to learn - what wonderfUI UUncs olive oil can do for foods, will welcom• lhil Spanish 1hr1mp recipe from Che ID14rnaUOllll Shrimp Council . SPANlfiH SlllllMP 2~f poundl thrlnip frNh or froztn or I J>Ollndl froze!! peeled &IMf dev11n•4 shrimp I C\IP Spanish olive oil 1,~ cup lemon juice I lable~poons mlnetd rre5h !ll'lllY Plhch powdeiid saffron (op- tionll) I tablespoon grated <inion 1,1 teupoon aalt, or to taste Clean shrimp if DeeeSsary. Jf fl'1J2en, let thew on paper towtliJti to absorb IT)o1sturir. In refrigerator, marinate the abrlmp ln the oil, lemon juice, parsley, saffron and onioa for 14 hour;5. Remove _ ~from marinlde and broil until :shrimp tum pink and opaque; al>oqlc I minutes. Sent hot with the marinade as a lllXf:. M.Uu all ~r\'· inp. Suve wttb tic• ~::! mode by lddlna 1old,. ro to rict. Iced· Tea -Garnished Wblo Ibo tmipor1ture ibee, Cho -"''-" lilbt ill the worid II 1 lal1 fft>llld 1hw of iced Ila ~th I Akbh pmlah! You can mak elic Iced tea from tea bap oose tea, or With converUent instant tea and lllvorod Iced 111 DID•. U fOU_ Uke your teed tea "'""'11bt," the iDflaDt tea hu U>e,i adnnta1e1: . (I) a dtlldoWI freab.brewed navor (J) tt dluolvea lutanUy in cold tap water. If you go Lo for navored iced te1, thert ls 1 variety of flavored let tea mllu already sweetened. There II 'e\>en 1 low-caloria I c mo n-flavortd iced tea mix for w e i I h t· watcbel'I. Garnish augge:stlona are : Use peppennint sticks for 151.i.rrt:rs, float miniature monhmlllewl 11111 m I n I •prlp, tap w1lh ICOOfl of lllDOCI olllrl>el 11111 halved fresh ltrlwberritl, aktwer tiny melon balla oa top of 1lripied. lippers, add Ice cubes with strawberry, cherry or mint leaves frozen ln center of them. Llll(ON TBA SPECIAL I .,.el_ (I.I .....,.. •Id!) Jem~ flavored Iced tea mli 4 cups water ~-teaspoon allspice '4 ..._ dnnlmon 'ol~nutm11 I C\IPf CrlDbe!T}' julct coclctall '4 C\IP Orllll• juice In 1arp pltclw!r or punch bowl, combine lemon navored toed tta mix, wattr, and 1ploe1; stir. Add cranberry Ju I c o coclcllll and °'""' juice. Chlll, M1ktl II to 11 ,.rvlnp ('4 cup 11ch). Drops Pose As a Rose To f11hlon a sumdrop r•. chooH four rose-colond 1m1ll awndrops. On , I augared board, roll t•ch to fl1tten. Roll up one of the flatltntf '"'""'"pl IO fonn the ctnlor Of the rou. Overlap the ,. mallllnC th"' n1tttnec1 .,,,.. dropl around the "ctnler'r Ind eh io1ethor Drmly 1t lhe Nike u many "Nlft•" u )'GU Ukl U4 u11 u a cake -tloa. Custom Cheese fJl"1I Ol'y ~ ... SJ.Or. &...I;.! ""' 99• .IUTI• • • • • • • • • ~tu ~-I,.._ Jllo01, 0 ........ ...----110L •. ,._,, Q< ., ......... !-71 0t. W.oly-~ llOL l•rtll••• •••••••••• c... tic l•uce ................... Ste Sau1rkrt1vt ............. 39c Pvrae ............... c.. J.Jc C•r,.,.,,,, ••..•.•..•. c-23c -...WM!. ~L ,..,(..W_, .. ....,...,. 110L -·.-~,,-, .. tr._ IJOL ........ -lt.0., """"""""-....... _ l.t~ P'« that lddecl toucb tbal lle•cll .••••••••••••. " .. 6)c Dre11ln1 ...•••.••• "" .•tc Toppi"''"'''"'"',.. 3Sc Cec.kt•lf,,,,,,,,,,,, c.o 21c Coffee,,,.,,,,,,,,,.,'" 12c makes I ftPUll\lon for I Jood ....... ._._.i...T.i..w •o.. ,.., ~ ·~-·,c...-o4 110.. ..,..,,,,,,,....,nc""'"' 100• ~""rC."' 11-...01 c;i..--~ ..00. ~~caraway Of popp)' Marln•tle •••••••••• "' 4ic Stuffing ............... 49c. topping ............ Jo• "'' o ................. c-2Sc Aprlc•••············ C• ••• =.. -:r.::; ~:?;pl::;je COST A MESA~~!!. ...... 1 e NEWPORT GEACH,..:\:: :~1~:·:;;~1 ::.~!~1~';,n" e FOUNTAIN VA1..,1;; ,---"w" ;:,:uonlnp '° co11ag• e HUNTINGTON BEACH -"~.:.•:;t;:"'"'~ e SANTA ANA-•:;.: .. ·~·"' .. c.._ \ ,. G Pl~OT -AOVERTISER L Empress Assorted . Jams & Jellies - IMny or red '°''berry · Your Clltict l~.l!Kf In · f • or 1alad Dru1iag1 o 111,., W111111'1 Aul1.0.. I •ti FDJI Wr9 ,.. -·~-~----or .. ~----------·-- • Highway Garltauo BUNS .T-lPlartffld 8 s1 llJ !'IMiYI ISO., C.. •erlldltJ...., • .. ...., IJ..Oi. C. 0 · , • llW Plfatt.111...., is.or. I • orltllipCllFIH "" Town Houn Tomato Soup lltll Thick T1111h 10 s1 ·1Q1'1.0.t c. • .•r T•att Sauce : lllrt1 "'"' lOL tM I .. , ... ,,... ' ~·· $i•.i..d, !-" • Safeway'• Owii. • Troplcana Am. Toothpaste Fruit Drinks Fluoriaor ftt11chJor11ll1n1 rJ• Tt fl,tM 1tollo lloc.fJ' \ ""' ... ~·~.Qr. 2 $1 •'!f::ii!f!:""" 4 s1 • · •orLala1l'llM ' : "''''"~t ~-: • or Plttooplo Julco l.a..i flmi1d •DL • Highwoy Brand Pear Halves • :r°Fi:-1011 hachn :' · "'"""' ..... · 3 s 1 ""'°' Gto! S~d :!ML •or Pork A hlns tnipklfa Ho. Slylo zt.01. CM Party Pride First Quality Gard1n1ld1 Brand Snacks Nylon Hosiery Tomatoes So Vt!WtilJ 21«. • or Fidlt FaddSI. o Uorn-11 So "¥! ...Oi. I . _!_Dr SmUJ~l(l_l!pDlnp __ - •tr C!wak T11111 : kt TiDr l!Pl 6\t.Qr. • •er Sllllllao Fornni.11 •:~!='-pair ' .., Pltnlf f• nos. ' • ) . ! '• I -· . Ciu11 0' the Cro, ·u· Rushed rrcm Ntwtiy Eu l-4•1111 -," ... " ... ....., ....... 4 s 1 'Klltllen C!tll ~li.nl-Sl4.Jo!I ~~~f~~~kl . 3Is1 f(I' Dellffll. tut, f\noiri. li.o. ......... .. Melrose Soda h•· •• 4-, si ..... ---- lrocacle Quality Tissue Pl ........ lllpo 4 s 1 .--ftr Wlto l).4f; ------~MMilJiOllim ----~ . ..,. ... _. __ ,,__.. Crackers !~!~.\:!k;~· 4. s1 •• , lfh_i1td Cotklts 0 1..,. 611rr MsorW-I Ttw CtCIWti Witll 1111 "Pll'IJ r-· loP1 FM lun<' llPtl Or (le. 101'1 .... '-Roll Pocb ••r '"''on lu-.tlrllln ol 20 .. 311 w.tpt. Qlllt 3=$1 ruit Sherbef ~~1%'"" 3 :. ~ $100 Bel-air Waffles=· a=: •po ' WiCl>ldd11 1eti- to~c .. .,i \.l.ot. • tr Puffed Rlct THIS cau•u aaoa FOR DOUBLE ·" Blue Chip Stamps On All Purchases Except Tobacco. Flu id Milk or Liaunr This Coupon Go~d lilJr1., July 24 lllu S<n, J~ Z7. At Your Local Sa!ew;iy Store. ULIMIT ONE COUPON PER FAMILY 'V V U V V 1.V V V V V V V V 11 u Angel Food Mrs. Wrijhl's f"sh Baked Rinr Ideal Dessert Topped With fresh Fruit Or fawrite Toppin( Kii 1ct41 39· C 12·0.C. Lemn or Apple Puffs :.1~ 294 ,_. Wt .. ZI' 11111 lru4I '::t 21' Choc•late Milk r...'~:".'~:t .i::::. 39' luceme Sour Cream .:~:. 35' Cereal Blend t;:,O' r.:;~ .:::'" 25' Wh!pping Cream \~:....:. ;z::; 29' Peaches ~~!~\;:!:~! 5 , ... $1 00 r.-.-.-.-h-.-0-0'"""m~s-. Honeydew Melons f2?$ 11.12' Russet Potatoes ·;~1 .. · 10 ::S 59' lit. 79' Fancy Bananas ::.:~1:'. 21n. 29' 4 FOR $1.00 BUYS.' Bel-air Pre11i•• Q1ality ............. ~u... • .,.... ..... lll«..•.,.,,.... ..... ~ lk • .... ""'9la ........ u.a. YOUI 4 Fi; $100 CHOJOE -~ J _. U.S.D,A. Choice Graded Beef U.S.D.A. Graded A Hen Turkeys ...... " llall111Ja 111112-6. a,. WL I Aged & Trimmed • Beel Ri• Steaks • Boneless Family Steaks • Center Cul Ro1nd lb. Boni-In S1eab Veal Chops Frm smi.or ells 79' Tendtf, LNn And Meal1 IL Ideal f« Pa"'8roi!inJ. •• , Pork Chops ~rtsh Rib Eid Cits 79c Also fresh Por_t Steaks JL Eastern Graln.f::.:<".;.::''""'· --'"'-"-'"" Lamb .Chops Glllufne Fmll l•rlca• 99c Shoulder Cuts-lde1I F« Panfryina Or Broninc. I. · Veal Steaks F1U Cit Slrhln .. 99' Tender, l.!#1 And MN1J Ideal For Pln-Oror11ni. SEllFOOD SELECTIONS lb. Turkey Parts:=: .. 39' . . T -Bone Steaks ~~~= .. $J3' Porterhouse Steaks .. $149 Top Sirloin Steak ~ci::: .. $1" Spencer Steak =:;.=r .. 'I" 7 ........... ~..:..' .• no .... uw ... 1:::"'..r.::: .. ... lwl•• ltHb r.:'.l:.'l:i a.79' IMf ......... t.'11:.o · o.4P .... 1ua ·-·~ ..... .... ....... :: .... ... ... , llllo .... l:!l!::.. .. 9.. .... ....... ==--.. ... lunch Meats .. , ... , ...... BoliJP., Olin loaf, ... L 45• C t --· ( .. 11"~ ·~ ... PlclJ1 l ""''""· pl•-., • WIVIC9 ,.WI•••••• Jilf, ~· orSpjctdl.llDChloaf .. eopt. a..1 .. Solt m1t11 ••••• ~! ,,. Fr-i-ed_C_h-lc-k-en Capt. Cllolct Hiddtdi lllltt• •• :.! 69' Capt. Cllolce Perch lllltll .••• , ;;:: 59' r ... e .. 11• ... ,,.,~1o1 I·"· 'I 69 Y• De laoqo'1 llol11Hot ..... :;: 77' ¥:' i!f~1~r-pts. Yn De ~amp'• Alaska Cati .::; 57' Slicect Bacon Sweet Corn Oranges Peppers Cukes Dates Avocados • ,,,,.. ,,., ,,,., 1~1. • 69• '""""""" 1 llrr ~robllY•itll'I r,..11 1.ailtCro11 I OttJdN•-I l ... lil• •Dll-'.\ltMIMk•I pk" ¥•~• .,1,... "' -·-~ hnll buw1 """ hl<rlJ savory ~i~ Smoked .-8 ~ 98' ... JO' 3"' 25' l'h;\~59' 4 •· $1" Sliced Bacot :r:.:~-· "~ 7~' Er:::=. JO urs 69' · 211 E. 171h St., Costa Mesa • 1000 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach • 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. IJguna 636 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Bead! ·e Santa Ana Freelltay at la Pai, Mission Viejo J ---- ' l • • ' .. ., I' • I , , ' ·1 .I ii • @ DAILY PILOT P!LOT-ADVERTISU\. Gj . This Time Put Punch Pastrami • Into Your Party_ Pl·ans Plcked ·,Up Pa1uaml Is for , plpllcs, porches, parlors, or 1nywbere 1ood food la onjoye<f. 4~ tentlvely .Prepared, qils pick~ Jed and smoked beef ls oever sweet, yet brown 5Ugar is ad- ·ded to lb<. •oaklng brine for Oavor; herbs·and spices. onloo aJfd garlic give pungent iest Summer ls the Ume for p~lUer parties. Flowers are available from the prd,en, the women are In · J>8*l ~resses or colorful culottel and the · party food llseU Is Uibl<or and more attracUve. Whether you we ce.lebnllng an annlversaey., w e d d I n g • birthday ••• 0< JUI! a friendly o o -s p e c I a l«easlotl get together .•• a fruited bowl of punch adds a festive note. The punch may be aJcobolic or non-alcobolic. Eilher way, tangy citrus juices are the basic ingredleut. ne puocbes are refreshing, deUcious, and so attractive garnished with fresh fruit. There's a Wide variety and aU are excellent. This summer, p.it some p u n c b into your prettiest party. PART\' PUNCH 3 cups boiling water 2 tablespoons Lea er 6 tea bags 1/4 cup snlpped fresh mint 1r2 cup light com syrup 3 cans (6 ounces each) frozen orange juice con- centrate. undiluted '{t cup lime juice 1 pint orange sherbet , softened 1 bottle (1 quart) sparkling water 2 botlles (10 ounces each) quinine water 2 oranie.s, sliced and hal ved Sliced st,rawberrie1 Bring water to a fulf boil in saucepan. Remove Crom beat and add tea. Brew, uncovered, 4 minutes. Stir and drain into large contai.Der; cool. Stir in com syrup, undiluted orange CQOCentrate, lime juice and sherbet. Pour into pllnch bowl over ice. Add spark.ling water and quinine water. Garnish wit.h halved orange slices and sliced strawbtrries. Yield: AP; proximately 30 Vz-cup serv· ings. ~ cup curacao J bottle (4/6, quart ) ~ane. ctll.lled CiTRUS FRUIT Co m b I n e orange juice, PUNCH sugar; lime Jµice, cognac and 2 cans (6 ounces each) curacao. Stir until sugar dissolves; chill. Pour into froze'n orange juice con-puoch bowl over ice. Add centrate, t h a w e.d , ua-diari'lpagne. y I e I d : Ap- dlluted proximately eighteen •,~-cup 1 can (5 ounces) frozen ~ings. grapefruit j u i c e con- centrate, t b awed .. uo-RlmATl'A PUNCll diluted % cans (6 ounces each) 4\i cups waler . f.rozen orange Juice coo- l can CU ounces) apricot centrate, re<..'Onstituled nectar 1h cup sugar 1 can (11 ounces} pineapple V. cup lime juice juice t ! /3 cups Oark rum 1 boUle (1 quart) ginger ale \i cup cognac Combine undiluted orange % cup Benedictine and grapefruit concen'trates, I can (18 ounces) pineapple water, apricot nectar and juice After days qf marinating, -the~ thick meat slices . are dralned, dried, ~vered with paprib, edges dipped in era~ peppettorns and it is T e i d y for lb amokehouse 1>oor11. • Hot from there tt mllll he divine; 'cold trim the delicatessen, it JI superb; reheated '6ut daf..t" it is still mighty good eat.iag,.. But no maJter · how lhJck you might want ii cul;. the hearty, robusl· navored pastrami 'ls alway• sliced delicately thin. pineapple jqiee; chill. Pour Combine an ingredients ; stir over ice in punch bowl: Add until sugar dissolves. Pour~· L f TV WEEK ginger ale. Yi e Id : At>: lo punch bowl o'er lee. Yield: !I proximately 30 'n<Up 1erv· Approximately 24 'fM:Up serv· in8•· , in8L PUNCH ·PACKs A WALLOP Turn You On BLUSBJNG CHAMPAGNE 1 --=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..:....::.:.:::.:.::.:..:.:.:.:::.::...:::.._:::.:::::~,'..__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__:__:.::..:.:__:_.:_::.._::..:_:___ PUNCH 4. cans (6 ounces each) frozen· orange juice con- centrate, t h a w e d • un- diluted 6 cups cold water 1 cup sugar 1" cups grenadine f4 teaspoon salt 2 botUes (415 quart) cham- pagne, chilled Combine all ingredients e1· cepl champagne and -chill. Pour over ice in pundl bowl. Add champagne. lf desired, garnish • with mint sprigs. Yield: Approximlltely 30 ~­ .cup servings_. ORANGE BRANDY PUNCH 3 cups orange juice 'f.i cup sugar \ii cup lime jujce % cup cognac fARMIR -'OHN SHANK HALF fULLY COOKED STOCK-UP FOOD SALE WE ~LL fl.~.fJ.A.(H)l6£'8EEFJ · U.S.D.A. "CHOICE" BEEF PLUS VALUABLE BLUE CHIP ST AMPS! . CHICKEN. WHOLE LEGS 011: THIGl-fs fRYER , PARTS .. . Cooking in the Wind LUflCUALlrY,ORI( 3 •·o•·$· 59~ Sauce Accents Steaks He~s a meat lhat'1 got everything: Color. flavor, and I.hat special appeal that comes wit.h out.door cooking. Nothing beats a steak, ~pecially.one that's charcoal· broiled in your own backyard or patio. The rresh air seems lo sharpen appetitn, and this hearty i;teak sandwich will help to satisfy them. It's a meal with man-ap- peal; lnexperudve, too, since you use cubt steaks made ex· tra tasty with a butter-based Right Track J i ' C_J " " : I : I " '' " " " " " I• ' ! i ,• ' r I,. 1..t-1 f ' ... 9340 12~-22~ i.., 11f,..i_ 1lf~- You're on the right track to summer! Zip up part way for criap revers , all the way for a bright. roll neckline. Sew this easy shift in cotton now! Printed Pattern 9340: NEW 11a11 siu. 1211. 141;. 1sv., 11\2, 20~ ZZ~. Sile 14 '4 (bust 37) t.a1tes ffi ydl. aB-in. SIXTY-FIVE CENTS In coiM for each paUern-.add 15 cent.I for qch pattern for first-class mailing and aped.al handling; olbenrt.. lhlnl-clw dellvecy will· .. ke !Mee -ks or JTKlft. -6md to Marian Martin. !he DAILY PILOT. t41 Pallern Dept. 132 Wes\ !Ith SL, New Yort, N.Y. 1001 L l'rint NAME. AJ>. DRl!llll with ZIP, BIZ! Ud STY1E NIJMBEI\. Sprint.&muner P a t t e r n Catolo«. l'lft pallml oouPon- rio etnll. . New INSTANT FASHION Book ans•ers au what·~wear problernl Dooble w•rdrobel AC<OllOrY, fliure Ups. fl. ' J, sauce. The sauce has no exotic in- gredients, just a simple blend of butter, Worcesttnhire and steak sauces for zip and sliced green onions fresh from the garden for zing. 'I'be flavor's BUperb, thanks to the smooth presence of butter. Top off your s le a k sandwiches with fresh tomato slices. Serve the sandwlches hot o!f the charcoal grill nn slices of crusty Vienna bread which you've toasted, then brushed with extra sauce, The perfect companion is a zesty Blue Cheese Slaw. Dairy sour cream g l v e s It smoothness and zest all in one step. Just sUr it together with bits ol Blue cheese, a dash of lemon juic.e, milt and season- ings. The milk helps thin the thick, velvety sour cream so it mixes well with other in- gredients. Toss the cabbage, pimiento, green onion and green pq>per • with this sour cream dressing just before serving so the slaW will be crisp aod fresh-tasting. Pour mugs of milk to make the meal complete. Indoors or ouL, milk is the best beverage for family meals and snacks because il gives you vitality as well as fine flavor and re· freshmenl. SAUCED STEAK SANDWICH '7 cup (I stick) butter 1,, cup sliced green onioM 1 ~ tablespoon steak sauce I tablespoon Worcestershire sauce 6 cube steaks 6 slices Vienna bread, l·inch thick 6 slices tomato In small saucepan combine butter, onion, steak a n d Worcestershine sauces; place on edge of grill to heal Broil meat over hot coals 2·3 ntin· utes on each side or until de. sired degree of donenw. P..1eanwhile, toast bread on both sides. Brush bread with sauce; aTTange on platter. Place a steak on each bread slice; spoon remaining sauce over all. Top with a tomato slice. Serve immediately. Mak~ 6 servings. BLUE CHEESE SLAW l/l cup crumbled Blue cheese 3 .. bl-milk I tablespoon lemon juice ~ teaspoon sugar ~ teaspoon salL • t OU> dairy 10Ut mam 5 cups s~ded cabbage I< c!up cliopped """' pepper ~~Cup c:bopped grttn onions J toblespoona chopped pi- miento ln ·a sm:aJI bowl stir Blue a-_ milk. lemon Jule<, l\IC&r and salt lnto IOI.tr cram: chtn t.o blend navon:. ln a large bowl combine cab. bage, green pepper, onions and pimiento. Just before seryll'I( pour soor cream dreSsln( over cabbaj:e and Loos lighlly. LINK SAUSAGE ,,,, U.S.D.A. CH04Cf lfff-IONftfSS $169 Top Sirloin Steak ,._ 69.~. SWlfT" LINKS -llOWN 'N SflVf Pork Sausage U 5.0.A. CHOICf !fff ST!AI( Porterhouse - NORTHIRN ASSORTID GREEN Gl ... NT BATH TISSUE BUTTERED RICE MEXIC AN, ASSOITfO !tNTtfES 3.XI ROSARITA DINNERS 12 ROLLS '1 ASSORTfO . (Three SARA LEE CAKES .(.Jloll Pkgs.) l lUf8flRY, IOYSfNIERRY, CHERRY JOHNSTON PIES LIQUOR SPECIALS DELICATESSEN ClUS SELECTED 6-YR .• QLO OL' VIRGINIA ALL BIEf STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY SALAMI !;;t s3st '1•"" FIFTH 12.oz. 59c CHUBS . MAWUftltA-WHITtOIGOlO $399 NAUY0X~Nl !rEPPfRONl !ri1 00) ' 99c TEQUILA """ CHEESE PIZZA'::::• LONOON on GIN -90'K>0' lAYI $1349 OANOlA IMl'OITEO SllCED ~·1. 01 65 c BEEFEATER $1.20 "'" DANISH HAM ,,, GAl. llAUMe!STtt WISCONSIN Pll5Ntt $198 AUSTt!AN ~LI'S SUCfD IM,OITIO • 49 C BEER NOO~~.~·.~""' SWISS CHE SE ~:; . Special Top Quality ICIMOSIUTUll • IGG SHAMPOO 'Vote'foothpaste 74• • °"6.At*TISffi'IC .... ~ .. SHAMPOO Lfsteri ~e '~;· 84' • CRIMI RINSI" ;/ ME fUIOl't""'. 2 COLOR$ $ . · ·· Natural Hair 1 3 7 ~f 77.C 0'""''~'!"0l'"'Di ''' •'"79' 1111> . • Pam-er apers . G1'\\.0" •• Ill Of 60 TAii.iTS · Bufferin 78• ~ ..... - • 3 1lor. F'~9•· $1 .. , 45c ,,, .. , asc pkg, ,,. asc .... STRAINED OR JUICE FROZEN 2-LB. PKG. DIET IN Sl ANT BREAKFAST, 3 vorieties, 6·pak .. . ...... . 59c GERBER BABY FOOD lQ c BANQUET SUPPERS c.-v ... ·~""' ~.,, .... .., .... y .. ~ ... ,_ c ... ...,,~- FRIED CHICKENS l .B9 JOY LIQUID DETERGENT (;net. 20< ofll. 32·oz ............ 67c SAlVO DETERGENT TABLETS o;ont bo• . . . ...... Sic KRAFT PARKAY fMRGARINE, (inc!. 4c off) 1 lb pkg. 25c KEN·l·RATION OOG FOOD, 1011 cons ... . ........ 2 for 37c VAN CAMP'S PORK & BEANS, i!o. 2'11con. . ........... 27c KRAFT JET PUFFED MARSHMALLD~~. I ·lb. pk~ ......... 29c COOKING OR SALAD WESSON OIL 24·0Z. BTL. WITH COUPON AND $2.00 PURCHASE • llMIT ONE -ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER FOOD GIANT ASSORTED COOKIES 5 reg. 51 29' to 39' pk gs. values SWEfl, JUICY IA&COC:l PEACHES .... 3 ,,., $1 p\11• DELUXE MACARONI KRAFT DINNERS CORONET FROZEN ONION RIN GS ''9 ~·~~ 29c 1 ~k~~ 4 9c • OkQ SPAGHETTI w meat Sauce 59c. 2300 llarbor Blvd. ut ll'ilso ... St., Hnrl1or Shopping Center, Costa Mesa • i • • r r I • • l l ' ' • • . I ) l I • • . ....,. .... .,... -. ---.------- t Another El Rancho Super-Summer Event! - • • Who wants to eat indoors every night when it's Cook-Out· Season? ·Jn Southern California the answer is: NOBODY!. That's why El Rancho has arranged · another great Super-Summer event this week! t ---~ 'I Chateau ·Briand the ultim&IA! in .atWact!on ••• eoch is 2\1 te 3 lbs. of sheer pleasure · •.•• !ea&til!i that'• fit for kJ.,.,..,. . ....,d···EHl•D<ho-S..,.,..shopperil - Roasting Chicken ... ~.~~.~~ .... 49~ Bii plump bjrdl ••• 6 te 4 lbt. of tenderlldl.ll Froah u e&n be, te offer you more satia!Yil!i flavo1· when you take these off the opit! . ' . FreSh . Salmon .......... ~.~.~ .......... 98~ . . For a particular!~ en.lora)>le c1Jr.n1e o! pace ••• blrbe<:ue, w..;pped in foil, aeuon~ your way! ••• or try center cufSalmon Steaks. $1.29 lb. . Ground 'Beef ................................. 59~ Chopped Sirloin Steak ...... 99~ So froth I ••• Who ee)'I you e&n't have flavor on a budget! · Three pretty pattie• per poun4 ! Ground Sirloin ... 99c lb. Ground Round ................... : ........ 89~ I Sliced Bacon ............ : .................. 79L Leto and fteshl ••• Patti!o, teo .•• at 89c lb. El Rancho's own ••• a little thicker, lesrter! • • Grocery Specials for Su~r Shoppers Garden Patch Values Zee Tissue .......... !~r.~~~~~ ........... 29' Looking for value? Check El Rancho ••• for quality, variety, service ••• and a&Villfl I S k• t 0 . J • 6 One Cans 5 ~ $1 un 1s range u1ce . . . . . . . . . . • Giv~ California oranges the credit for thil tlner flavored frozen concentrate! 12 oz. can ••• 39c Libbys Tomato Juice .................. ~~~ .. ~~~ ................. 3cr Stock up on~ ounce cans at th.is price ••• start every d&Y, with a amile! ••• Royal .Host Ice Cream ........... 75" Premium pack for particular people. Round ¥1-l'al. Smucker's Topplnas ...... 4 "' '1 YoUr choice of 12 oz. vJ.tiea I Save lOc each. Welch fruit Drinks ........ 3 "' '1 Big '46 0%. can•Q •. Welchade ot. Apple:G11pel 'Burger Pates ...................... 29-. Bondw&re • ; • packact of fifty .•• 6 Inch 1ize. Avocados ........ 4: $1 Hau variety. , . buttery meat that offera so much pleuiire In oa!adl, ee!lii- wiches ••• or dips I Serve guacomole this time l Cherry Tomatoes .. ..... ................ ..... .......... ... ......................... 29- Lov.,, little beauties •.. red ripe, yet firm .•. flavorful enough to please the most discriminating I Wit. Romaine ................................... 10:. Mushrooms ........................ , ..... 591. Crisp leaves, garden fresh and green. Medium alize buttons .•• for meaty value l Super Summer Delicatessan All Meat Franks .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... 59~ Nalley' s Salads ....................... 3 ,., '1 Bar-M , •• for every cook.out menu! Your choice 01' S9c varieties ••• 15 oz. cups! Cheeseburger Slices ............... 39' Sliced Natural Cheese ............. Jr Heinz .Ketchup ....... : .............. 19-· Belol!i' on a BBQ table! ••• 14 oz. bottl~. Hou1e of Gold ••• Swiss, Muenater, Brick, .Jack, 6 oa. Instant Coffee ....................... 99' MJB · ••• enjoy it often at thi• loiv price! 10 oz. From the Houae of Gold ••. 6 oz. pncI<age. . . ~ . ' ' Green Giant Rice ........... 3 "' 1 FrozeU:1.: • your choice of flavor sensations ! Uttle -Plzias ........................ 49' Chef Boyardee ; ·pkt. of 4 ..• 3 varietiea ! Frozen. .:tr . SI' . 4 '1 Zucwnnl 1ce1 ............ , . "' Frozen by C& W ••• flavor by nature I 12 o&. pkp. Petite Peas .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. 4 "' '1 Tiny, sweeter, in.ore tender! C&.W 1'~n, 10 oz. Pea Pods ..... ~~-"~.~.~.~~~.~ .... 39' So deliciously different! Frozen ••• C&\V •.. 7 oi. No-Pest Strips ............ : .......... 1.69 'The remarkable imect killer from Shell! Each. Dial Soap ................. : ............ 49' Speci&l offer on· a b&l'll .•• bath alie .•• Clorox Beach-........ ,.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 33' Real whiten-inr power ••• and value! Vt pl. MJB COffee ............................ 65~ Two pound C&D ••• 1.29 .•• Three pound can, 1.98 $-DD\1'00°~ Hoepltall\l 'belina with a . frosty rlua • • • tinklinf with the promise of re-. fre41unent that quenchea U\lrat and •hlllJJOn& appetite& I El Rancho Gin ... FIFTH ... '11 Don't forget the tonic! 90 prf., ql $4.86 El Rancho Vodka ·"™· '3.69 Mix,. so amoothl,fl 80 proof, qt. f'.69 El Rancho Bourbon"'"'~.59 Stralrht ••• aa pf<lOf ••• quart •.• 9&.69 . Cold Duck ....... F1fl1t ....... '1.99 Bubbly, Chamlllfll• and SD&rkllnr 8ur- itUndy from .Jacqu .. Bon.~. , , taataliO- inr taate .•• refreahll!il ,. I I • . p...,., in •lltct Thurad<lu tkrouoh Sw'144v . . • Op.,. d<luv g too ••• Sundav 10 to r I Tuly 24, fo, £6, :r. No ,.;., td d1<Uera. . Ask the manager about our conve11lent Charge Account Serv/~11 HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Wa taer Ave. & Alfonquin Sf. , _ _ NEWPORT BEACK: 2727 Newport'B!vd, • 2555 ijstbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Center) Also conveniently located stores in Arcadia, Pasaden~ and South Ppss,det11 , I J ' ' l 1. 1 '· I, I I 1. , , , , ' ,, I _ j M OAJ\.Y l'ILOT Wrdntldiy, Ju~ 2J, 1%9 8 PILOT·ADVERTISER " . I Juicy, Rosy-red .-Strawberrie$ Capture · Dessert. Attentio.n·~ · Bright, ~red strawber· 2 eggs, &lightly bcaren Dash ~( iah with !ork. "Gal her up ddua~ iorenr JO.ID ·rn~ut.es. ·~ave , tM>t mixture to e&Pr rehun all of ute unevenslzed ; 4Jlct r&-;~,. ~ut 11~ s&:~er t ~ rte1 are a joy to behold. And I tablespoon butler I teasppon ·butler with fingers; shape lntO ball. ~edlately fril4U1• pan1 ,onlo , to uucepan. 1 • ' maindet and set aside. ln ,_ CQol iUgbtJy. _ ~,. J lhe:lr t.ule is just as alluring I teaspoon vanilla Red fobd colorirlil Divjde lntQ a poi:Uoos. _ wire..rack to cool. -· • _ Cook-1 .ad~ mtnuia. small llWCepan .c 0 m bl n e -A[ranae beni~ 40 top 11 their IQOks-fresh, sweet U3 cup whipping crean1. To prepare tart WJ!a : Into a On lightly nou~ suryace To prepare filling: 111 a 2-stirring conslantly. SUr-iD but· crushed berries, sugar, water , tilllrw: spoon &Jjie over • and juicy. Anytime they're wl)ipped bowl silt together flour, sugar ~II each porU:on mto a CU'Cle quart saucepan combjne nour, ter aod add vanilla. Cover and cornstarch aod salt~ rlu. ailJJ. Mates I secvqs. paired with cream-aod lhal ' ·GLAZE and sah. Cut · in ,butter aod >inches in d1a.me.te.r. Shape / su~ and salt; pdl.!ally add co 0 I, sUrrlng occasionally. Cook overi. medium heal. ~ can be in a variely of tush 3 oopg-rresh sfriwberries lard until m.\Xture resembles ov,er back of a 1od1v1d~al ~rt milk. Cook over medium heal, Fold ii\ whipped cream. Chill. sUrring constantly, u n t1 I G/oorny Gus ·is ways -there's particularly '~ cup sugar small peas. Sprinkle waler pans :W.. i; 't!-4 lncb. Prick with stirring const.anUy, u n t.J·I Divide evenly ln_to tart shellil. thickened. Cook 2 additional f , wonderful eating In sto~. 14 cup water over flour mixture, I table-fork. ?lace on belting 11heet. tb,ickened. Cook 2 additional To prepare glaze : Wash and minutes, SUr in butter aod d : • There's certainly cream .1~ tablespoons cornstarch spoon ata Ume, mixing lightly Bake 1n prehea&ed 400 degree •, mtnutes. Add small amount of illull strawberries; crush 1 cup food coloring to Ont desired Y.our Kin O 'Guy .. ,.; galore in the strawberry cheeaec_ake-in the form of" c r e a m c h eese--whlpp1ng cream, too.. This is one of the recipes ulit bas made Lindy's restaurant in New York so .... f lamoos. Easy and qulclt tbil cheesecake is not, b u t marvelous eating it is. • Splendid as lilt1e jewell are the pastry carl -pritty strawberry tarts with their shimmering g I a z e . 1 The ''cream" in their case ja a iltnooth vanilla cream filling hiding be'neatb the berries. The dainty tart shells, too. are especially tasty. The secret? A bil or butter, that flavor wooderworker, goes into Uielr making. The final elegantly simple - and i;lmply elegant -way to combine strawberrti!s and cream is berries "a la Russe.'' So quick to serve-just sweeten dairy sour cream with a bit of sugar, add grated lemon peel for a citrus accent. and spoon over the fruit in sherbet glasses. UNDY'S STRAWBERRY CHEESECAKE CRUST •,~ cup {1 stick) butter ¥, cup sugar J eu yolk 1 tu9poor1 grated lert).on peel . 12 teaspoon vanilla ' 1 cup sifted regular all- purpooe . tlour FILLING S packflges (8-ounc~ each) cream cheese, at room temperature 1% cups sugar 3 tablespoons regular all- purpose flour lh teaspoons gral.ed orange peel J 1,J teaspoons erated lemon peel 1,~ teaspoon vanilla 5 whole eggs 2 egg yolks 1,• cup whipping cream GLAZE I quart fresh strawberries :i,4 cup suaar v. cup water I~~ tables~a com&tarch Dash of salt'' · l teaspoon butl!'!r Red food coloring To prepare crust: In a small mixing bowl cream together butter and · sllgar until light and fluffy. Beal in egg yolk, lemon peel and vanilla . Gradually add fiour. Pat 113 of dough over bottom of buttered 9-inch spring form pan (sides remoV1!d). Bake in preheated 400 degree oven 8-10 minutes or until browned. Cool on wire rack. Attach sides to bottom. Pat re· maining dough on sides lo a heighi of 21/~ inches, gently sea~ to bottom c r u s t , Refri~rate while preparing filling. Preh~I .wen to :;oo degrees. To prepare Filling : In a large mixing bowl combine cream cheese, sugar, flour, orang~ and lemon peels and vanillL Beat at high speed to blend well. Beat in eggs one at 1 Ume; beat in egg yolks. Add cream; poor i n t o pastry-lined pan. Bake 8 minutes. Reduce oven tem- perature to 350 degrees and contin.ue baking for I boor . Cool on wire rack. When completely cooled r e m o v e sides of pan and glaze with strawberry glaz.e. To prepare Gla1e: Wash and hull strawberries: crush I cup uneven sized; set aside re- mainder. In small saucepan combine crushed slrawberries, sugar, water, cornstarch and salt. Cook over medium heat, stirring, ~nstantly, u n l i I thickened. Cook 2 additional minutes. Stir in butter and food coloring to t I n t desired shade. P u t through strai0tr; cool g1aic slighUy. Arrange whole berries on top of cheesecake: spoon gla:ze over ben-ies. Make Ul-20 serv- ings. STRAWBERRY TARTS ' TART SHELLS 11/4 cups regular all purpose nour z· teasp:ions confectioners """ '~ t~aalt 3 ta~l!'J'OOll' bultrr 3 tabl<si>ocm taro 3 lab~poonl water FILI-ING 1,~ J:YP reeuiar 111-purp<)lle nour 1/3 OJI' .,,.., ~'I teaspooa sail 11' cups milk Custard Top For an ele1ant dessert, Rn'I ~t cuatard o v e r glng~ad. applesaue< C>kt or bated apples, says DaJey Council ol cautornla. 1 '· ROUND STEAK ~;:~;,:~~.~~'. ...... lb s 1°' PORK (~OPS c'"'" c,1~b ......... lb 96! HOT DOGS :VO:.~~~.'.::'.':'.'. ........ ~.lb-694 FREStrO'YSTERS w'"''" .::,.;,, ,:,88'1 RUMP ROAST ,.,; .. Boo•l, ....... .Jb 981 . (OIN .PQRK,CHOP.Sc ..... 0;1 .... lb 1°' SLICED BACON c.; ............ lb ,., 661 TURKEY ROAST !;~;.~:~·;.::·~g,.; 36' POT ROA ST-:;';~;::;,•;;:;,", ........ ,. 391 SPARERIBS '": .. ,,fy,; , ............ ,. 781 HALiBUT Fl LETS ~'.~"~:;:., ....... ,. 49! WIEN~S_._,., ... "; ............... ,.. 561 ~ORK ROAS.1··. ·~ :·:.HEN TURKEYS Rib or Loin En lb.etfson' s Fresh Frozen LIGHT and . MILD • FROM CORN FED PORKERS 12 to 14 POD ND AVG. Pl UMP· YOUNG A"C>-TENOER • i LUNCH MEATS °'"'"''"'v,.;.,, 98! , _ l1KJ1. .. Squo1• 01 ~0:1t1d , , ... 12 oz. _ • Mll.!D Cu EE· . SE .,,...,,..,,.~ · 89! 0 ' Wtigh1 ...... -·-··-·••••·· ..... -lb. , f • I 1 MILD FRANKS v;,,,,,, .. .r ............. ,, .. 881 BOLOG,NA ~'"''"¥\,;. 5-8< ('1unk, ....................... , ,,,,)0 or. SAL:AMI CHUNKS v; .. ~".8!"·····""·88< KNACKWURST v; .. ~ ...................... 8 al ·9~ KNUDSENS. ~~~!~ SOUR CREAM·ri::'r'.,IO" SHOP and COMPARE NATIONAL ·BRAND ITEMS at FULL DISCOUNT-7DAYS A WEEK Save at Albertson 's 0111{1 ,,. Save at Albertso n's ' "'" PllU Pll(I '"" • HILLS BROS. COFFEE ,., ........ 71 < 68! SALT Mv!o" '"°"' .. 1o.1 ••• c1i ••••••••••••••• 15• HILLS BROS. COFFEE , ........ 1 '' 1" FRISKIES cuBEs ................... 1" HILLS BROS •. COFFEE , ............ 2•' 1 .. PUDDING..,.,._ •. -11 .............. /27< BEA NS ,., ........ Cul c. .• .., 303 •••••••••,,, ••, •• 25• 221 PUDDING ''""'"''°''"""·-.... -; .... 2/3Jc PEPPER AID.·1 .. 01 ..... ~ '"'· •••••••••• 35• 33! RICE MIX u,..1~a.n'1Spor.o,th ............. 39• WHEATIES :1 ...................... 53< 48! LYSOL SPRAY "" ,,., • ._ ......... 98 • RICE KRISPIES "" .............. 51< 50< APPLESAUCE '"~'"01·-· , 37 < Gol""" c.i,.;..., l.S or , ••• , • LISTERINE EVEREADY ex FILM Bonui Bottle 'Voll TransistcK PROCESSING BATTERIES KODA COLOR ) 170l 94 3 EXJR:.-. e 2 ,,,,88< l1X ~ 101 OUNCES 197 297 "DOUBLE DEAL" Produce Specials , .. ·~ltl ' 12< . 1" 12! 361 89< 35< Save at Albertson 's 011111 , .. Save at Albertson's 01 .. ~ ... ••1a "'" ra1u tt1a. BREAKFAST •-••·• •.• ~, ........ 59' 551 ORANGE JUICE c..., • .,...,.,~. 47' 45< PEANUT BUTTER '""'"'""" .. v.. .. 1111 0 ...... 63 < 59! SQ APwi.,10 •"'9 G1<1nu:O•H G.o"I , ••••••• 73< 63! SOAP PADS ....................... 31 • 29< DOG FOOD •··"···· l>M ......... 19< 171 LEMON FAB ~~"~;,;. ............... 82< 67.1 MARGARINE "~""'"''" ...... 38 ' 351 CRYSTAL WHITE .,_u, ........ '69' 591 SUGAR c a..i Hr: .. ca .. ' 11.... •• •••••• 59' s8< SlA·RCH · · • • · · ''"Sop· <>y 21 Ol-o 0 , o, o, o o o , o o • 71< 611, CAKE-MIXES '"""""'~ ......... 38• 35~ CLEANER ........ ~•···"··i -...... 59< 511 JELLY· .. .;,i.·, u,op• 20 ............• ..:. 43 ' 39< ICE CREAM ~;~·c:;,;.~; ... _.59< POT A TOES 0" "''""'" .. ; .. 45< Re9ulor/Cf'1 nkk2 lb1. PIZZA G;,o,Ch.m ...... '"'· 59< TOPPING ... lwh;pQoa<> ..... 47< PIZZA G'"•'• Sa~·•"' 75< PepDf•o.,1,·, .. ,,.,.,,0 19 Ol. STRA ~BERRIES :o·~~'. .. 4/1; Fresh "~.·.~0~:.· In-Store Bakery ASSORTED DANISl:i . SWEET Thompson Seedless VODKA "''"~"·'c''"~' 739 Filtered 1/2 C.a!lo!\ ••••• SWEE;T RAPES FRESH CORN SWEE T lOCAL f-Ms.H LOCAL SAl.J.() . 1 4~ TOMATOES ; ..... TASTYRtCH Co\1.11'.C>ltNI-. 1 A'(QCADOS ... - l, ' SALV0 0o 74~ CHEER G•82~ ,DRE FT Gl~NT 79~ . 399 SCOTCH ''"°"•"F·••h ... -... C"AMPAGNE ~.::;.,,., •. l 91 DON Q RUM';""'"°'"'"· 5 99 GIN Albe.11011'1 C1y11o l J79• Cleo• quo rt bottl• ••. •••• • •••• • · : ROLLS ' oum.,lAkE J 9 J. 1DINNiR ROLLS oo~ 'r 160Z.LOAV'f5 3/ 1 RAISIN BREAD • ASSOIT!O"IOXEO 4/ 1 COOKIES DOZEN . • ea. Featuring Foot Long Hot Dog Buns This Week Ivory Liquid Thrill Liquid 12 0!. 58~ 210l. 5 8~ • ' (1 (! l 'I ' .. '" • J • ... • Huntington Beach -8911 Ada1111 Corona del Mar ,_ 3049 Coast Hwy. Fountain Valley -16042 Magnolia· Huntington leach -1 ~ S 1 I So. Eclwi~u : • f Laguna Beach -700 So. Coast Hwy. ------···-- • •. . . ' Filger's · _ I ·COF:FEE ·. 3 .I ••. can. • • --Large fresh ~~­ Grade AA . DAILY l'ILOT 1J ) (.~ : . ~·' • I .• . . ' . •, • 1 ~ .. J . '. -. • • . • "r. .. ' ' ... .. ) . ;, . . . I~ . . :89 I ., ' • bt ' • • I lb. 69c 2 lb. $1.37 Foremost. ~MILi -. IMITATI HOMOGENIZED Vi GAUON · 35' J • • • I ~ ;, ; .. ". NAllSt <? OREO COOKIES 1 lb. cello 49¢ SP.RINGFIELD • 383 cans· . . . . . . • Cit 'Green Be1n1 ~, ire~n Peai • <1. I. ,. ;,, ,, Sunlh~ ,VANILLA WAFER ~='"· 35¢, . .:' 1 • • ' ~ ' , •• ,,.. j r- Paclfl;"RGi:$0DA CRACKERS I lb •. 25¢ • '". •' ' . . ' I ' •. Cr~a111 Style Cor~ •• I -" FROZEN FOODS • ' , MfRACLI W\llTE -QT, BOTTLE . ·. SUPER (LEANER / ' ~ . • ·• • 1;·whole Kernal qotn ' ' ' , • .. ~iE1oi~a.tl ; ·-~4.•11.-c.m~ . ·3/$1 ! . f:BANQUET' . · · · -· · -~/$1 . MEAT ' PIES • CHICKEN • TUR' KEY_ • IEEF a.iNoun· ··Chicken• 11 King ' (~~;krf" Grovy 4/$1 W~DOW~CW. NER -~·_39~ " . .,: FOR ·coo· KIN' BAGS • 114tf .. G .. "' · · . . . •And Ott.or Vorieflu. 1• .'l' · ' -· , ' • ~ !oWlGt CONCENTRATE 6'0UnC.i n. ·a/$}; ... ..-.~ ... ~. ~ .. ~----... -'~-·14.a§i:IQ;t•]U!li(Locic-: ij 5.., .. '--I._ _____________ _,.. . Extra· F~~c/i~ SWEET CORN en. 7· Northern s· less · . ( I . I . . + - -• -------..._ ------- --------·-- 'GR·APES ORANGESCY 10 Lk 99¢ . . ' 1··9c,b MusiliooMs ~~~ . ROD'S SALAD DRESSING .. , .. ,.,, ................ ·"1 s..,c...., ••• , ... .. 1 ... W...-······~·······! .,, .,. . .., - Bar M We~tern Style · EASTERN GM.IN _F~D 79·· · Boneless Lean ·PORK STEAK , ~ . ~ . Hiokory Smok'd . : . TAV~RN · EASTtRN GRAIN FED-RDLLm 39· . . . I: . -. ~1 1 29 P"RK"· R' o'·A··sy· . ~ HAMS wl..Helf . LB. v .. ' . . . '. \ I • ). ' ' ' 79~ )•RicES E~~TIVI: Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sunchjy 49t .. ' I-: _,._._,_2_ .. _. _2._.,_2_._._i_7, ... ,. _ Prl-ou~I to ~ on ,~~' 'il ···.:1 I # 1 • " .. r. '.l .ll • .. 1. r- '. • DAILY PILOT WedM!dlf, Ju~ tl, 1'169 ----------- • ' ' , Cl-:L,--•m=;;.• .[ • • I ) !, ~ . ·• ' J ' t ' f ~:.' ~' '1' I Al , j1 [~I ~ ' ~ I TUE ~or:oo~ai~·· llEADT TO~T -1 llPHl Im • J.U, • C5c V>J.Ur! ChUI CU Cerni wllll lans llltlllfll •1-L!.•&VAWE ·SCALLOPED POTATOES sP'lmmwiihTur · 42' 42r 42' · ~LrllR IUR llRIECUED CHICIE11'1111HS $1.59 LB. $)49 VALUE l'- lm*-1 ~ Br.who I.ii Da. ...Ju., 11M U. ILritR Im RfADY TO EAT HOT or COLD IElT LOAF 19c LB. VALUE ~79c • u. . • '°JJt CAW• 13-0i. CAN STqll HOUIS MOH. thrw FRI. 10 AM·t PM SAT~•M SUH. 10 AM to 7 PM PORK I IUIS ! l)l Al ',1 " '"' . ( ~ ! " ' I~' ..... ..,._ =~ •-=i • ' l ~( lJl\([11 .. ' [ fl~; ' ~' ~i;/S llUlf COCKTAL 'Jtc 2&1 n 1itlh1 JlllCl ' asc 33' ·~"" UllTil•• 1!9J..1.~AI 21f COii • lllffiU 211: •!!!!. OIJllC! c.. 4&' u11rs COllllU am llASll ac _,_ OIJJICt llOT!1< • Pl.\(:E!) - ST1JTrED MANZANllU •; 89f uurs otms ,, 1,. ~ CONTADINA • 1-C& CAN 9f ~ TOllATl.SAllCE lie .a, .. ,,. C!IW<OUTm .... , C l H SVJIAll ltc UV 10.U. BAG • 1,lf 11,lt SOlllWllS G~OlllD,~ i , •.. • ~. 'f 98c 89' •SUGAR •OATMW._ • CHOCOLA?l CHIP otl~llAllOll SWIRL --~-. ~·-· ----'----_..._ -~. - 41° • -'!'-·-~~~---~--- "BAR,llCUE • fAYOllTE" . ' ON THE COB lOl~l !1 •~f()U 'I " I ~(PY l)l • I IJ f i'! r 1\ C ::ini. l' f ~ t ~ T [;' ~' • Wo.h~-: tltAllGE l'lltlCE ilouiiirl'Dinus 49c 441 t W.'iutffiro01. 3Sc 371 .~.1{' CllEEH CHIU !UllR?TO • 1-0Z.. 49= n. F!IOZEH • 2r~. PACKAGE: JUST HEAT & EAT OR ENIOT C01D r:inu&cmi 1.n 111 1()0.Uc:fom·~·Ftlltr·CookM • llLrHll Ifill • u.oz. BAG ~ SHOESTlllll POTATOES.,. VAL.""" Your AlPHA BETA Nel&hborhood Butcller (1Jia Min Jn the Rid •on) Proudly Off•JJ MlS.JlllDArS f110Z111 lftUDED IHlllP · ~ '$1U ' riiur llF · RDDKFJIN 78:. BUTPHEl'S P!IDE MEATS MIATI YCIU'U. .... OUD TO san • DISCOUIT Pll:!D • U.S. GOYUll11£MT • llUAUTT • SATISl'ACTJDM 111mcrm GUAUJmll COlOIADO IID ALPHK arrA 1mm 11111. '. • Giiuli. e5c BEIF~:IMI ~-LI. . ~.:.'l:.Tu ...... 19:. WllSOll'S CRISPRITE -SLICED ·BACON swm SMOKED • J..lB. PKG. • ·' ' . -. I L I • ... + --·-!'}. Wtdr'l~Sday, July 23, 1969 NEW . CAR GlEAN-u~· AT JOHNSON & SON .. • • . " .,. .~ "!') '.! -~~.,.·,._.,. ,. __ . , j 2 Door Hardtop. Brand ne.;;. With air conditi6ning, pop~: , )ar lig~t Aqaa'with ·390 -2Y,·,wheel cove~s,fw.Hite walls , 1 special trims, <1elect 'shiff, .power'. brakes and stiering~ ;radio, tinted gl11Js . Serial No. 578419 · f; ' w ~·5 1 ·~5}~.flf .;5°/o Ov~r lnvoice$;.3: .7· .. · ·2960 Price .................... : · . . . . . , rS,AYE: $794~ 0 ' \ · '65 t~BIRD ·COUPE • . • . . • liii. • • • 4' Door Sedan. Beautify! medium bl4e cqm{ort-weave · '· • · ····~(.' int.6rior, white ,vinyl roof, J~fect •hift, White sidewalls, Coupe. BraTid n~~ wlth :air co"ifditioning, medium lime, powe.r steerin'i, power disc brakes, whi'sp_er air condi-black.roof, '.White ' walls, ti.II' wheel,• power disc brakes tionihg, AM~'di~, tinted glass , h~.i~" rest and delux~ and_ ~teerin9, d 1 ecor 9 i"o up_. tinte.d ~lass, guards, etc: _whe:el cove1s., erial "lo~, 9!::11 QFS~ltQi ~.erial.hjo .. 531 !, l.D _ . _ _ _ ,. : ~ · W~s·. $40·11;~ · '.. ·. . . W~s , $4~83.~0 , . ~:~'.1·~~'348465 ~~~·1~~·;~,~$3795 75 s~y~ $~33.1 s . _.. , ·., _. s~v~ _,sa.1.is .. ' . All ··Too HERE'S . YOUR LAST CHANCE ~To 'WIN .• '65 BUl~K Si<JLARK . . A IRA.·ND .N· E·w·' ~EBR.A MINl-Bl";;E·.' 'D. UR-·. 2-0oor Hudl•R• v.a, .,ro.,.1;c tr•ntmluion,'powu ,,.,.;.,-, .. d;o, hHI· Ali I\ •r, Aztec Gald-,(i jt}i. with m1tch.in9 interior.>. Lie. No. NIZ -124 • . INGA>UR 'A'NNIYJR.SARY SALf, WE.'R~ . . . . . . i,''. $1375 GlflNG ~ W ~'(; THREE! GET YOUR ~-: ·· ·· , . · ~" ENtRY IN TODAY! ~ . · '65 PONTIAC LE MANS COUPE . -I .. , -' . v.1, 1utom1tic trensmit~ion,';ower steering, r1dio, h~ater, whitew1lb, THIS ~llK'S·WINNll OF A lllAND NEW MINl•JIKI Aegean Bronte finish with gol ' interiOr. l ie, No. SLW 019; j)ower brakes, power wind.o~s, power se1ts, Ndio, heeler, whitewells, , : V:s, eut'cime~ic·~'tNnsmission, f1cfory •ir c0nditioning, power sfttrin g, "lUSSILL WILSON" 21631 lltANTA CIKl.E. HUNTIN•TON llACH, CALI,. $1275 silver mist finish with m1tch'in9 interior. Lie, No. NNT 433, ... --------1!11!1!-----~-.. ~ . ' , s 177 s " ZEYEB_s_ !_R ••• Ari> .MINu .. ~':TOI-WBINIKA E --... . . .... : .. ~ob-, 0-R S'E!,;;!.N~~~w c· .. h""~.-~---~B--~~'"!"'"~"'·m·~--;~'"''t''"'wr .. ,ho""'m~a.;.!;;-h;.-. ;-;,.-... -•. i '-67 TOV\OTA ADOOR Aut~m1tic tr1nsmission, radio, he1ter, power steerin9, power brektis, fac· ~ I' ... · ' , " tory air. Lic,-No. MGF 615. · ~ ,. • 4 ,y1;,d.$.1;275 a.w.11.. . ::::~·:~:: .... :1T~--~::~-.:.T~1~-~~5.T:.~°.-~.J--~~-:~-~-1".~ , ~--~ $77 S · ~ '65 'coRVAIR CORSA COUPE ~T~~~::-:.:~::::::::~.-::::::::::::::::.:· ... ::::::~ ;.:: ::·.:;~-~~~:~:::::::::::::~::::::::: ',4 '[)(;)OR HARD;ol9a~~,~~~~.,~A;~:h ~~ m•lch ;og ;_~ ....... n . 352 CID •ngin ~. Autom1tic tr1nsmission, radio, heefer, power sf•ering, ~I' i'~.)ode•,~~'P"$'9ed;o7,hH5hr.L;<.No.PIX9bl . DRAWING TO BE HELD ON MONDAY THE 28th f><lo•y•;•,ok -L;c,~o.RTS4]8727S I : I ~O NEE'D TO BE PRESENT AT DRAWING. lj '~. --·-··-'67 T-BIRD LANDAU 1966 T·BIRD LANDAU · , - fi NO Oli.l.AT[ON, •• JUST DRO. P IN THI IOX AT ·JO.HMSO. N'S 8 ·1· h G 1· · h 'lh t h' · · d bl k' I d • F 11 , ; v.a, automatic tr1nsmi1sion, fec:tory ai·r conditioning, pow1r st11fing,. _ _ rt n reen 1n1s w1 m1 c 1n9 1nt1nor en · ec en •11.J oor, u y ;power-brekes .• power windows, power 111t 5, ridio, heater, whlt•w.:O.s., ---~--------------.-... -.. 'luxu ry equipfied. AUtOmttic frtnsmlsslon, rtdiO, het+•r, pow•r steering, ; t"i.nyl top, •tert:9 · *.•pe, deef> b lu e mettllic fini ih with m1tchin9 inter16r1 • r · ., 'Power br1k•s, 6-w•y se1.t, ftcfory tir conditionln9, Llc. No ... RT& 7?4. ~ LTc . No. nw_~~··. . $2875 USE. 'D:: A·NcD,,DA. URINRti JUSLYA. ·• l. E I . 1.967 CON~!!~! 4 DOOR~.<; j, '64 OLDS . 88 . . " . • . s ... 1;ful Gfild So;g. Mht 1;,;,h w;th nddlo 1 .. 1h .. ;.,.,; ....... block .. ' ' -r. • ltn~•u roof. Fully luxury .quipptd. Autom1fic: tr•nsmissio~\ AM-FM redlo, . ~IESTA' PASSE!"'G~R. V-8, tufomttic: .+ransmi11lon, fe.c:tory .•ir ~o~diti~n~· OUR A'NNIVERSARl SALE HAS A'mACTED SOME power 1teerin91 '.po0wer ,bra~es, power #windows, 6.wey sett; tilt s~•erlfg bl~~ ~~:yirj~:=~~~9l.~~-:. ~c~·2~;~10, httf•r, Arctic Wh··t• f1nnh Wtfh OF THE FINEST''tRADES IN ORANGE c·ouNrt! AND ; -N:~tiu~·~~CO.Y t tr:'cohdJtJ~n·ng.-.door locks: ~tc. Excellent th(oug~~ut. lie. i . •' ' '" ' ' . ~,ti.... ri '1· 5··. WE'VE PRl~ED THESE Fl~_' CARS lO SEU. SE.E $2975 ~ . THEM TODAY • • • illY YOURS 'l'ODA Y! ,. . · · -a, !;. ,. i. ~1 J • ,) "' • •• ~ ~ . ~. ,· ' t ' \ l • ly Ohorlff M. ~his lllR1f*fl(Nj9.llW~.'!'fl alll>M-11EOIOt!I- WHARF BOUND -Jack Lord. who pl~ys lhe part of f..1cGarrett in "Ha"'aii Five-0" tonight oh Cban- rtll 2 at 10 p.n1 ., finds himself hanfing aroun~ the wharf waiting for some smu gglers who are beheved;.;~I-.-----------~· By John Miles to be on a fishing boat trying to bring ili gotcrba ..------~.,,----~ ,~~--.....:.------. : ..h<>m Japan. TELEVISION VIEWS TV Uses Imagination By RICK DU BRO\V HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -~Some shrewd ,pr<>- .iramming imaglnaticm resulted in an unscbedu1ed IJut winning, specfal broapeaiLinvol'lin.g Jn®n..J:OV· erage, baseball and entertainment on N~C; 'FY Tuesday evening. It all start6d with a long-awaited .-.baseball-game that never came of!, -the annual major league all-star contest, scheduled for Rob~rt F. KeMedy stadium in Washington , O.C., with President Nixon to throw out the first ball. NBC· TV came on the air at t30-p.m. PDT well before Lhe planned start oC .Lhe game, and pre- sented. some colorful feature materia1 about a new· v·•tlecled group of players named as alt-time· ~ats. t There 've re also interviews with a couple" Oc ~tq>erb, retired players, Sandy Koufax· and Mickey QdanUe, both relatively new employes of NBC-TV as color commentators. Another ex-player, Tony ....... .Xubek_als,o_ a net~orlc SP.9rts ann~ncer , conduct· : ed. the interviews with Curt Gowdy the anchonnan. · '-Alas, however. all the buildup went for nothing becaqse ft was raining in Wubintton, and the pme lillally wa1 postponed shoI'tfy before 5: 30 . ~.m. PDT, '.and rescheduled for 10 :30 a.m. PDT to- Jlay. 'lbe arguments that finally got the all-star · ',game played at night was. the !act that mos't fans who iupPort the sport all year are working week· .. days, and can't see the big contest, or at least not ~ortably. ; ; AT ANY RATE, NBC-TV executives use"d their 1fmagination as the baseball coverage '"ent oCf the ;.air Tuesday evening. In the lengthy period oC moon fcoverage that followed, there was inserted so me ~pecial material that was planned for prime lime aat Sunday night but was caneelled out because ;the astfonauts moved up the hour of their lunar jwalk. :_ Aline Saarinen w11s the hostess of this special .•-materiaJ. which included dramatic readings by : James Earl Jones, Van Heflin and Julie Harris ! ·and moon-oriented music by Beverly Sills and : ;.Jerry Orbach. There was. in addition, an altogetlr ; ~r charming film segment of reactions or young- • 1ters to the manned lunar landing, and their O"-'" ... 'feeling about going to the moon as compared "'ith staying on earth. / IN THE MIDST of this special material, mean· : while, there was of course. the highlight -another . live, color television trasmi ssion from the astr~ ~ nauts in space, en route home. , i ,., For the constant televie\ver. one or the pleas· : llfJ.res of the combined (by accident) baseball-moon· ~ :flllertainment package was the fee ling that here. ~. whatever the reason. was programming that v.·as not airtight : that is . totally secure , distant, almost ~. irtbuman. On the contrary, there 'vas an improrpptu looseness, a lva rmth, that video radiates beautiful· ~ ly ~·hen it has to think on its fee t. The celluloid fa c • . tory had broken down momentarily, and the result, as usual, was good . ,~~.....,~~---'=-::~~,,..~~~~~~~~~ i Dennis tlae Me11ace . . JUDGE PARKER ' I TMIWI( SO, JUPC,E~ SHE IAAY MA\IE 501o\E tMTERMM. lt.IJUtlES &l1T SHE WAS SAVEP !Y MA~IN6 uew THROWN FROM THE 0.1! - TUMBLEWEEDS Ill BET VO\J GUVS REALLY LIVE ITUPAT THAT SH ERIFFS' AND G000 GUYS'CONVENTION! MUTI AND JEFF YOUR& WORKJNG AND YET YOU'RE ALWAYS 8ROKEI -- I NOT t.IKE rr tl?l'5 f()~ 'IOU , LINDA! I KNOW, I MAKE VERY LJrTl.E MONEY, MUTT.I TMAT'S HCAU51!' r AOMl~I! "l'OI/. " ..... ' ~ ·•·.- OH, WE HAVE OJR LIGlffER 'MoMElffil BUT, IT'S MOSTLY 'MlRK ,'MlRK, WORK! FO!\ INSTANCE, TlllS YEAR WE'RE HAVING A BADGE POUSH ING CLINIC AS WELL AS A VITAL LECTURE ON BULLET BtTI NG- TID!NIQIJES! AND, OFC.OUl\St,r.'OSTOF US ll/lll VISIT THE· VLTAA MODERN NAUSEAJUNCTIONJAILeg~~-~E, +!OW MUCH ooyou MAKE? INSPECTION TOUR? I'M ASHAMED TO TELL ANYONE- 'Ye5 . 6UT IF YOU WERa A r TllUt INOIVIOUAL , you S<e. wout.DllT ctJPY ME. TAKE Ml,"°" 1"'5TANC.E .l Ml AN INONIC>UAL.J OON'T C:Ol'Y ANYONt=. ,..----- . . ' . -:.,.ik==~==:!J, By Harold Le Doux WE'VE MOTIAED "TWE' WRONfr!J OFFlCE! TMEY\1. MA.YE A TOiJ$1 TIME IPEJmFVtt.16 TNE..BOPY !. :By Tom K. Ryan DISTURBING· THE PEACE. By Al Smitli -8tlT 'lHE GUY NEXT DOOR CASflES MY PAY \=~ECK AND ~ES ON WELFARE! WMYCAM 1r you &• MOIU! t..l~a Ma? By Mtl I . I ~ t lJ '' . ' ! /'I i ' ~Ull' 21 . ' T 11 u j, : ' I DAYTIME MOV!Es ,J 1:1111 "1\e ....... -( ... tlfY·temedy) '35-WlllUfll' ,..... , ... Mtlut. ' lttl 8 '\111 ........ I""'"'" 'II ~IY '"flt. Cll U4• .. irw.. U,ll ID ._, ... ,.. Wo,.l "'- -UH w,.M, Ct!M'ltl lldhi'f., ~--..... -(-1:11•-" ·-<ll'-t1H•l '42-Will Wapt, SU.R HtJ. IN) •si-ain Wiltitwi1, °'ri ... wu•. t(ds. • (<) ..... ,_. ~I) 1"9 8 (C) "lift II i..." -) 'SO -fnH SittUa. IOIM llttt, 'A-Uqm ...... • ....... V«•·llltA. ErtlYI Rl.llllil. ~ < 0 "A ... "' Mttlt" C*-IM} UI 8 "nil .,_ Mn" ('"""' 1 -.Iott• Hofitk. ""' TiltMJ, --Ftmr. ~ ..,.... • ANDY HAS ANSWERS 1 ----------.... -----.~~~-~~~,......---...-..,.... 'W +,. ¥W -.-__.. 4 '"• ¥"F"+" f''f '¥" •+ +• "'"• o + .,,. ..- 'Most Happy Fella' . . OCC Hlis Femak Pro ·j~~ New SiWw . . I ' 'MOST HAPPY' GAL -Beverly Anderson of South LagUna will play the part of 'Rosabella in the Or- ange Coast College production of "The Most Happy Fella"' J uly 30-Aug. 2 at 8: 15 p.m. in the OCC Aud- Night in Vienna Slated . . This Saturday evening the ' Pops1 Concert at t!Ollywood r " ·By JACOB DONN - BB: HELD OYER 1 . DEAN JONl!5 I "THE LOlE IUG-" pPl/i :lnO Ntw l'Nlur1 01 $N6Y'5 "G-NOMEMOllLI" with WALTE• tltl!NNAN Conllnu1u1 O•!lr I :• 1'.M. .. . .. e NOW-ENDS TUESDAY e f Sho•1 ot 7:00 "4 t i40 e Fr•d A1toire • '-'"'• Clork e T 0111my Sfffle atd i...to• Yly•• INVITE YOU TO ·JOIN THIM FOR A FUN.FILLED (YENINCi OF DELIGHTFUL ENTERTAINMENT FOlt ALL! BO\\'I will be ;.A Night in Vien- na " with Anton Paulik con· ducting the orchestra In the Ballet Music from Verdi's j ~i!l)Jlflil:Jllii!Willf romanlie music that has made "Otello" and Suite from Rich-lnnewsatm&plm4ar... j' . _lh..e lllµl;l~ J'.ienna • Iamous..__ai:d Strauss' "~r .R~enk_avl!: ~JllllOlfimii•Jl!dmtow! Opera singer E I i s abet h lier." · DIMDO~:,._.._, Schwarzkopf will sing songs Miss-SchwarLkopf will Sing a by 'Slrauss and Lehar.· group of songs by Gluck. Ne~t week Miss Schwarzkopf Mozart and Shubert; two \rill return to the Bowl lo ap-arias from Verdi 's "Otello" pear with the Los Angeles and a group of songs by Philharmonic on T 1,1't s d a y Richard Strauss. Crossword Puzzle t.CROiS , I ~ ith dej)OSit~ ~ l~terior de corator's ill'lll 10Man',na;r~ 14 Got o~: of ,.,, $<1(\: 15 l.'iss A ~a !"1s I~ Rt'Sult af ' ~notkout b'o"' .t 7 Florid<t. porl 18 \!ember : ~ ftrna!e . ._,. or.gan1za· tio11 : 2 words 21l Judge or Israel 21 Ibex 23 Giver of shots 24 Appro aches 2 ~ Veh1clts, of a sor! 2S Orien t~! "ftligion JC Neb s 31 Lacking a ! firm tOIJlll'cliOll 32 Vi llag<> ot1 tl1e Hu4'o 30 Orin I: in~ spot 37 Noni-: Amerfca1 ' anlma! 38 Numerical prer1~ 3~ Rtp1estnlc by words ~2 Bla11ched 2 l • . ' " " " " " ' 50 55 ., toward lS Nanty OI Lor nt --•o IJas~ing•.cr o•. Ottawa group J ~ I.lo rt con!1J'!nl SO Over :he lenqth cf ~l i..rr1ve •t ~ placf -52 ~.(pus~lci: of wo1ldt1.Tt' .~ 55 Tiansportat •on me di um 5! E111!1 ligi·.t &O Mew \\e~::J art colony 1.l lola!e a11ima! ,,2 Opera &3 Sea bir d &~ Pass r;11tchers &5 Act as Helmsman DO~H>l ~B ehind sd1eclult ~ Ta~en b\ the mout J Austral • .; and C.111;i~.1. onc e ~ !.l~nial te !~­ nath~: Abo•. S Wa~ of access lo the octa•1; 2 word s ~ L..is •···· i Kind cf enlrance 5 , 8 Title J7 K~en 111c1- '! fish slve qt1al1ty 10 Ruined 41) Certain l l Wal! opM1n~s Asiatics 12 M;i.ke lau911 41 Placf :o 13 Associates pr actice 1'! Se-rpentfne golf 22 Gold, in 42 Pollc.t Acap ulco statistic 25 Abstract 43 Nolt being 45 Coofeclio11ery 26 1<in9 ()f store item Judea 4& Heredit;i.ry 27 Otrivt b·1 soc .a' workino :irvlsoon 28 Coaste-d ~7 Foell po n'. Clver a Of ;a churc.i surfa ce 18 Cht>mical :~Use a l.'l ~mtnt sharptn111Q J ~ Kutd~ de~1ct 51 (hristrna~ 30 Establisil fd cornrr.unicatiott 32 Cot1n try cl 53 At onl' tirtt A ~1a 54 Use for 33 Unde-r clolhing rt1ffere11\ 56 Artic!e- circumstances 57 KnC1111 liow to 34 Bord 59 Weathl.'l'man's }5 Numbe-r wo1d . ' 11 13 CONTINUOUS SAT t. SUN FROM 2 PM FREE PARKING Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are • "The April Fools" Tec:hnicolnr• i!la> A <.:1nt.'INI Ceni~r f1llftl ~--­ A 1'1t10MI ~~•l Plctu~ RtW-, AL~O s-. Mc9"1t11 ,..,. Dt1ncry "THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR" BIPPY" SHOil SUiJECTS 7:00 "Go11• Wltl Tiie Wind"' s-....... 7;45 O.Jy- ~-*5•1f~-­ tlQNCOlOft""H~ ._., ,,..... WAAHrR 9Jlos..aEVOI Mf5 & "AL,INl SUMMEI" c.i., CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M. HELD OVER STAATS NfXT WED. Walt Disney's ''THE LOVE BUG" Thrill to Thoroughbred action! .. r Th• Thoroughbreds are coming/ The best of racing ••• thrill· filled as only the Thorough· breds can make It! Come alive to it all ••• the flash of brilliant sflks ••• the bri ght mood or fun. Be here for the first thrills of Del Mar"s 30th Season. 42 action-filled days ••• 9 races daily, , Mon.-Sal., throu gh Sepl. 11. A breeze by free- way ••• come, see for yourself! Res. 3sars from $1.20 (Sal., holiday• $1 .50). Post time 2 p.m. Opens Tomorrow! • • " * MATINU'S DAl~Y * ~' .. "llt Di.wy's "" . ..'!<', : P'.Eml PAN f.'' JOlf ISUfflO • llfW.-O•T C!'ITT:• ~jjj·~···,,.FIRST AREA SHOWING FOR 1 WEEK ONLY ENDS TUESOAYI There wUc three men in her life. One to take her .... one to love her -and one 10.kill her. ClAUDIA CARDINALE HENRY I~ FONDA ll08ARDS -. CHARLES &llOllSIJll . A GIANT 01' A MOVI&: COLU'-181A PIC"rUR1!:8 PR£1!1EN1"fl llllDBT./ DMll PICI I SllRIP ---CAJlL__FQREll.·IAN:s - lllClllll'l IDLD S1h WEEK Now -•<>•-LEE JAM•S REMICK COtUll:N ............... no . .. DAI\ : • R CONTRACT EVERY FATHER'S DAUGHTER IS A VIRGIN! OR IS SHE? You Must Sn The OralHJe County Preslfltatlon of "Goodbye, Columbus" A l'ILM fll:OM THI! NOVfLLA •Y PHILIP ROTH, The Author of the Now e .. 1 s.11 .. "PORTNOY'S COMPLAINT" • "Gtnuln•IY lntlmat• Lovt Sctnff"-Times Mogazinr • "Rtfrtthlnt To Su"-Llfe l\fagazine • "Mtmtr•bf•"-Saturday Reviev.• I "IRRESISTAILE"-New York times -PEll:SONS UH DEll: li HOT ADMITTED UNL•SS WITH l'AJtE~T: "OHi HOWL 01" A l'ICTUll:E" - VAll:IETY l'llOM THI! tlG tll:GAOWAY ~•GIT COMlllY Complete Printing Service Top Quality -:-·Fast Service iili.iljidllllfL 642-4321 2211 Wt1t Balboa Blvd. Newport B11ch • • . . ..._I., J . . ' " ..... 1 <),~ BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR.I 8ACADEM . AWARDS . - < DAILY PILOT ' • :f HELD OVER 2nd WEEK! . i CONTINUOUS FROM 1:00 .P.M. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 12:30 ................ ' ........ l,llJPl-1" ...•. ~-...... ,l'l .... -·1--· ALSO PLAYING ! m\'i"••"'f I w THUTU -,_...:: %905 f01t Co01t H'9hwe• Corona Del M.,_,h. '73°,260 EXCLUSIVE AREA SHOWING BIG ALL FAMILY PROGRAM ALSO PLATING--------- COMING TO THE PORT THEATRE JULY 30th. EXCLUSIVE AREA ENGAGEMENT ""CHITIY CHITIY BANG BANG" -· lm!i:En1·n;1;m 'lloce To the Top of th• Wor14 Rot.~ H11dJ011 -E1 n•1t Booonine "ICE STATION ZEBRA" plus Gregory Peek -E¥• M1rle Sein t "THE STALKING MOON" Movies Every T uesd1y Night • . . loff Hit ef tfrte YHr Din Raw•n -Oit.k M•rlin "'THE MALTESE BIPPY" plu1 De"id Ni"'" -011i• N1l10P1 "THE IMPOSSIBLE YEARS" Two •f Wolt Dkiley't Grffttit! "PETER PAN" pl~· "SWISS FAMILY ROBINSON" ........................ ~ ... .,. ..... .. .. ~ Jonh W•vn•-Rob~rt M;,chY"' "EL OORADO" .. .,, ............. ~ ... ·····~···· ' foMlty ~II: & Adfffltll,. 011n Jon•• ~ Buddy H•c:k•H lfl W•lt 01111•v'1. "THE LOVE BUG" plui A11dr GtiHah -Jer•v V_!n_OJ~• "A,. ANGEL IN MY POCKET" ··············~· .. ······••et ' -.s11s ~J ,,. -......... _. CAJILOAD Twe Ttfrlffc T- Vlnc1111t Price Chti1tofher L•• "THE QBLONG BOX" • P,/111 J.J "DESTROY ALL MONSTERS# ~ ff: , . f ' ' ~ '. & ' i •• • ; , ,_ 1 I r • ! l .. ' ~- • . • .. J ' r l 1 I ' ' ' I " . .. 1 I l • \ ' - . . ' ' . •. ---~ .. . .. . ' \ • .. . , ' ~·- l·H_OIJ....-5_.l!;.;.S..;.F..:0.;.;R..:SA=\E::,_.,;.;H;.;;OU=SE;;;.S;;..F_O;;.;R,;.;SA;;.;';.:L;::E_I HOUSES FOR'SALE HOUSES F.OR SALE (ll~~lf.OR SALE HOUSES FOR S4LE ttOUSES FOR SALE HOUSIS fott· SALE HOUSES FOR S4LE I -•l 1°"' General 10111 !Jellor•I 1000 Gantitl 10001Genorol 1ioo Genoral 1oqo ~vntl""°" -h 1400Hunt~ l!Mch 1400Huntlngten INch 1409 .iiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iii• I roitm · o '. NEW .uoME · '1 HAMRcA11E OLE.S.ON 14r~~R~t~J ,cOMMERCIAllllDG •. lt YlA~S . 1 -n • CIR LE , Imrnedla~ ~n. 1. OLD INTEREST '·spacio"'-""·"'m; , . ::_~~!".:;.~;!':',;,.~~. & 2 BR.ffOMf -r-arr~W-IN OAANWf COUNTY i . • On large .• conM!r Jot Jnr., Rcalt9rs brick fireplace in living i Ia e:cclu.sive Ba.Ycn:st room Dbl t:arac 14r1 50X18o' corner lot next to • 4 Big bedrooms. 2 baths. wall/wan c\rpet1ng, • BedrooiM, 3 811~ ~enced yard 7 yee. -e bept. orniotor Vehlcle1. R~AL ESTATE , eomplete1!Y ~uilt·in kitchen, cothnletelr; La~" r~muy·room ~·ith FANTASTIC BUY Good tin. Pric:e.s1.!1~~w. S.390 pot't liioome. Reduced r;. ~nck firepJa ce, opcM $1 9,700-$0 OOW'I 1$60 Newport Blvd CM Sl.f,000. FENCED, un er.ground utilities and mu c ,onto yard pool r· Rltr. &46-39'l8 Evt! &w.1655 $31 000 Announce6 lhe Opening • • l rpore. Immediate possesslon. }.lll'rored m.aster b&droon1 You'll rarely find a bargain h · 1 wHh "~::..~'"' ""'"' hkc tlm! c..tom built! 3 La' c enmye' r ·Very Low Dow~ P•yrnent-Low lnlerett ..,, .-bedrooms! Cf-ntt'8.lly Joca.t~ OF " FULL PRICE $29,950 For further· inform~tioi call • 5464141' .· & Walfa;e MESA DE FULL .. BLOWN. FIXER~UPl'ER' CLll Jobn Abell t'd near downtown shoppi.ni:, ~s. walk to schools. No down for l;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•I G.I.'s ($900 for non vel!I 1~ $ 11nd nO Znd loans . . BettU 21 500 "" '"" Call ....mo: • ,. • HO~SE RANC!-i CALL 894-53 I 1 I 5366 GOLDENWEST BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH , CALIF. * 642°1771 Anytime * . NEW CARPET EXECUTIVES , ?/4 Acre--Newport NO QUALIFYING movin(-to Newport Beach. Picturesque country honie Evtryo/1t' can as:;ume this New Ivan Wells' qualil)' ~tied in the gentle, rolling bigb FHA loan. vie1v home in Dover Shorts. routttryside of upper New-546-9521 .. or ~ Large 4 txtrm 3 bath family Lt!T YOU!!: HOM!: FOi!: SALE WITH US ~OR 60 DAYS. WE WILL GUAUNTEE TO ADVER· port Bay. Charm.ing l bed· room. See models open daily TISE IT AND-HOLD AT LEAST ONE O~EN HOUSE ! IF YOU OEStllE l. VAL ID JULY AND room home on * aett of va. at 1430 Gala.xy Dr l v e. AUS.UST ''''· 646-1550 cation livirig all year Jong. You can ha\'e horses, too! $22,500 -4 BEDRMI So easy lo own. Owner "1·1u11'llzzzz::::=::zz~I Excellwt loca,tion near n1a-'!~~~~~~~~"'!!~~~~~~~~~ provide Hnancing. On I Yl1 n...... .. Hse. Until Soldl jor shopping & an schools. :: P l=l=l R ON "J .. *1 ....... ,~. OFFICE Nl:JMBER TWENTY Special Q//er -----·---- . -. Assume 61 · I.nan , :l bread and bull~ units fbat 11rc crying for a liUle atten- lion. 2 two bedroom and 1 ollC' bedroom untl13ring gar- ll~nin~ tools, paint and save l>i;. Out of town O'l\'ncr 11·a1irs quick sale. S2S.5CO anti :;ubn1ll your 1cr:11s. Localed ai.2359 College Drive Vac;lnt & ready to niove in. J BR + larqc tantlly room &. huge LamiJ..v kitchen y,•ith )~uilt-ins. Used hl-ick fire· p la c r &: HARD\VOOD f'LOOP.!<i, S3t9.10. Don'! be late! Call _,_.., 2 baths. Living room wilh M•t• Del Mar 1105 University P1r" 1237 _COco."-.• dtl Mar 1250 6-t5--03C3. <L847 TAHI1'I 'DRJVE_ tirepla~. Fa,m i l y ·room. " · "' Big family home. 5 BR, 8 11 Sp S Sp 2900 set.. ft.• Anthon)' pool. u t·in ldtci~~· 54Q.l72U $700 Below Appraisal MAKE AN OFFER LOVELY 4 bd~. CO'\~rTd pati<i. brau1i!Ui !aa'.lscaptn;;. C"Xct'I!Pnt a.n"a \"rry l -. lou' tn(rt"t"$1 GI luan ran • b.> as:sumed h1' ,\,'l \'"0:0.L ..,.·1th monlhl;. paymoits y,·ay BEL.Oii' $200 P"T' rnpnlh includ- irc P.J.T.t ~'\111 price . $21,500 ~V~ts.oo dtawn P)'.m.nt.) Newport •• Victor ii ~21 ANI H LENDOR freshly redec. Sharp toe in TARBELL 2955 Harbor, 3 BR, 1~ BA. Bltins. cpb, On this nearly neiv 4 BR, Broadmoor Jiomc • $53.750 4 BEDROOMS Mesa Vertk. Li~tM 154,000 PALM SPRINGS drps, Enclosed ·back· yard tam. nn. townhouse on Less than a yr. old. Beaut. Remarkable Spa.ni&.lt e 1 e . -but all oUers invited! Est. liq. {block 'vall) wilh larg!' pa. choiee greenbelt Jor. nr. ;'hB';;;..t~~m& ~1;;,1:· A~~ gaoc-e . .f. large bedrooms. 2 ~ Sf6 5810 ~ • 3 BR Homn: 23 unit apt tio. !\Un yard ca.re. $22,900. pool play area. This is a occupied. Pro!. lndscp:"" tiled bath.I. Spa.ni.sh tile en-t°•~ttitml bldg. yrly lsed,°2 Salton Sea $16.9 mo PITI. 3126 Barba· dissolution ot partnenhlp & Cheshire Real Estita 1,.,.._ !\tasslve doubl• fire· Ol.LEGE RE•"~ watrlmt Jots. Owner will dosp Pl. (}.vner/Agent. 549-attorney wants an offer. G""-"""" .. ...., u•" ., ' ,,._ • ...._ ""'~ ri!' t d !TI<I 2785 e R-' H'JI R It '""~ --.n.u plat!e. Open name cooking 41N~ll:MMW; lSllC •ce or ra e. ..;,;=· =====-== 9Q 1 e' y il't a gourmet latchen sut· 838-l9U or (TI'l! lla-6848. ... 111068 cu.Iver Dr., Irvine .. ·~ 12UOO. Be q~ , r•nyJil!!'l rottndod by oonv.o~ot bull!-.~--SUNSHINE HOME !:lewf!!rl Be~~~"-1200 OPEN 9 AM~ PM 8.lJ.-0820 .ins. And ... the big + "hugi k' rBR"" 1"-tiilh·. tiil ~ -BEACH BAR~A. INS C~EO.HIGHLA!lOS Executive Home ' . ;.:.COATS f " : , W WALLAC.E REALTORS ----.546-4 t 41- C> copen-ef"en1n951 H141 ·'42 .. 235 "For A \Vise Bo)'" -Colesworlhy & Co. 642. 7771 l 90I °"""' ~ .... s..;,. L'O ORANGE COUNTY'S ''i:iiN:...,.,,ij=·=Be=·="':: I LARGEST -w e•r8 -ExPanclin9- SALESMEN \\'e llE'ed you:~! Our fll'll' olf- k" in Corona del ~ar is anot her ,,.,·inner. Earn morr ... Scn·t' bettrr. f\·fore r!os- l'd t'l!Crul\'S, lesJ frustration. Cal] i\tr. i\tcCardle 5l6-2Jl3 ' THEREAI: I~ ESTJl.TERS ' ' play room with waJls o1 glius fl~ ...ciits I drps. lrplc, . U COTona del Mir 1250 scan a .settln&: that Colum-d~ g a i:a a: e,-be'utilul N~: ~t:•ns. carbaa;e dis. . t.Y. A·Frame 3 Br. 2 ba. bus \\'Ould· Jove too • • . fente4·)11.rd. ·"4.500 .L--poSaJ. ·d~hwasht!r, water ~)~ut We, $26,;iOO (or DUPLEX South of Hlwa,y wilhin walk· 3 BR, 2 Ba. J>"a.m rm, POOL Sho1vn by appointment Owner • • 673-6560 Brsl you hurry Oi:tlv _ * ZONED for BUSINt;S; 1 heater. \\ater softener, 3 S29 9j() . cau Mu· 645-03oo BR cott&ge w/gar $1.f.,500. BR, 2 ba . S21.9j(). ,, ' 6~!i 0303, ' NEAR sHOPPING Rend RNlty '45-'1340 f'um. 3 BR. 2 ba. Steps to oct"an. $25,000. ing distance to EYERY·i ~~~;";;;~;;;=~~I THING. This weJI located home plua income could be THE BEST • Wells--Mc:C11rdle. Rltrs. · 2299 Harbor Blvd .. c .r.1. 1110 Newpon BJW., C:M."l Co1t11 Mes11 1 ioo CAYWOOD REALTY 6306 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. the "just right" investment OF THE BLUFFS PENINSULA POINT . 5.f.8.7129 anytime $_1'_7_M_O_NTH'--PA_Y_S_A;.:LL.:.;. • 548-1290 • for you .. live in it" year VlEW, 3 PIUs den . Small dou·n wiO buy !hill im· ------Nice 3 BR 7 bath home - 'round or keep it for a sum-Immediate Occupancy! maculate tl!'i,1ch homt in *. * * * * excellent Eaataide n?Skien- best area of point. Charm· A1 Black at South Coa,!t R~al Ual" a'rea. Assume $18,600-i~ living rm. u1/frp1c., l Eitale js •loOklng for i;>nthus--6\~~-;, Joan-no inlerest in- Br. Cozy kitchen. Relax I: lastic a.sllOCiates lo br atfili· crlasc-no loon fees, Nol rnjoy this >'ear round home, ~ •ith a professlori'al ni'lny l.i1'c this at $23,9,j(I. jta\ a s.kip to the beach. Real E&lall-· ollicc.-Over· C>LL ~5-8424 Soutb Coaat HUGE mer retreat • South of tbe BOYD REAL TY hiway for only $44,500. 67J.1550 O THE REAL "\. ESTATER.S $.;6,5CO. Good linanciRg. whelming &nUs Plan. Call Real Estate Park-Hke. e$lafe sized yard. Oloice Back Bay loc. 3 Br. I: lam. $49,500. (l~Cl PROPERTIES WEST 1028 Bayaide, N.B. 61>4130 *BLUFFS * BLUFFS :il5-842i South Coast ReaJl--------- Estalc. • * * * * • * * * * lT'S ASSIJ~lA.BLE 3 Bdnn, den, 2 baths. Cus-Fountain, lUl'lh pro(Wl.ion of RE ALTY * (,,6')-$176/MO. PAYS EV-tom drps. crp~. One l<""1•el. trees, Dowen, private entry 2cc~~\I". Dal ~ Blvd., ~.6. Waterfront-ERYTiiING l big bdrm~. Reasonable. ~r 644·2187 court creatt" tropical i.sland 'Call Anytime 67s..6000 family rooffi, wl perteet pa· WESTCLIFF mystery and relaxatkln in ---Duplex with pier, all this tio f~r family fun. This ont' BY OWNER. newly decorated 2 bedroom Sell, lease/Ontion for 16.3,500. Good f.inancin&. ~ t lut 1onl;. c.om~e ltee ~ l bdr Mme on quiet strt'Ct. & drn with breaklast area. I'" l860 Nev.·pon Blvd CM CllJOY. CALL 546-1151 Herl· dining mom, patio enter· ·• tage Real Estate $45,(.0). Owner will linanCl'. tainment center. Perimt'tcr or Lease Rltr. 646-3928 Eve. ~2"190 • .. * * * * MS-1698, 645-2510 heating offers year • round L h * Bt OWNER * comfort tor only S42.500. ·. ac enmyer 2 Delightful Oceanfront Home Hel Plnchin & Assoc . Th111 jovely CU5ton1 hon1e has on R-4 lot. J Bdrm. UtiUty 3900 E. Co:asr """'Y· 675-439'l ~sq 11· 4 Ja.rge brd~n:1!'1, ___ __ NICE homes on l bi loL rm, .SC\\ing rm. cabana & BUBBL!NG mDCA'RPU' 3629 E. Coast Hiway, Cd.'il 675-5930 CdM: "INVESI' NEAR THE OCE.AN. 3 Br. 31,t ba, den, 2 lI11l. din, mr. 3 Gar. Can build another home on lot. Some view, nr. beach &: stnps. Bkr. ~2010". FABULOUS View! O'loo\dng LHUe Corona Bch. Hear the surf! Immac 'I BR. den, 2 BA: Fee simp. Xlnt fin. S:sf,500 Ownr. n 4-i75-S176 bkn welcome Lido Isle 1351 4,000 sq. ft. 106 VIA EBOLI . :(,1'+•• 293 E. 1~1.i· St'. ~94 • _ ..... Eastsiile Duplex lf Be•m Ceiling nro BEDR'00:\15 EAClt •• Cozy ·I bdrm Pac.-escl· U~IT. Buih-in f;'lectric oven 2 ~ baths, 2 co'•ered •pa11os IMMACULATE • Asir:-·~1 000 Owne •, . patio. shag "• r re t in g OPEN HOUSE Horse Ranch-~.!~~~ir:.!r ~1: ;;=:: DUPLEX . ing ..... ~fa~: a;ooous. r ~~ w/ bltm. Jdeatl Joe oear WED. & THURS. 1·5 1cr;:t1~. 3~rp~.th.u3:us~ar;!:: l1nmcdiatP.occupancy. New-l~ Cree.nvalley, Tttsl1n G~N QUEEN 546-1111, 1, schls. $67,000. G73-G990 681 VISTA BONITA tures. Built in 1967. Owner Laree lot u•i!h '1 BR t ba1h porl Beach: $52.500. 2 Bdrms., 2 bat~. Beaut. Hentage Real Estate. BLUFFS • 3 hr,. 3 ba, w/ Where else can you enjoy 3 12131 244-3101 Eves: (213) 1 · Irr, upper htesa v~ and rani:c. Rc-C<'ntly paintt'd area. lush landscaping, in a1'd out. Lartf. ·re1tr yard, h • 1 -'·' G-' -JEAN SMITn landscaped, s pr t n k It rs. HALECREST-l Bd-. l'·'· u a•'-Viei,i.' \\'ide ,.,..,..nbelt BR., 2\¥ balhs plus pool ? '!46-0700 financing availablt' ' · bath, hrdwd fln. tam rm. Ste~ 10 ~I. Cus. addtns_: -BOYD REAL TY -~J~U~S~T~L~!~ST=E~D~J--1 rune, g:araite. en1..-ru . ....,... I n . $35 750 ''"• 71' ~ • e.·~~ · SJl.950 l 't close lo sDopping and ~ ~~~· 0':~ ee r se:;:,~~ schools. ADliLT OCCUPIED L860 Nt'11·port Blvd .. C~t Realtor CORBIN-MARTIN pa!io, lndscpd, crpt'd It _s.c._vo_._l4c..c2._;oo_._0wn __ ,_64_4_4_2'5 3~ E .c 11· Cl'! Charrninn Sn.~nish Hacienda Rltr. 6-16-39'18 Eve 64.2.{llS.:, 646-3155 REALTORS dr,,"d. ;.~ r;., as:;umabl~ Joan, 3 BDRJ.f Waterfront, No. 62, ...... . oost ll\'ay, c 1 ~·,. ,.... , .. S?A,!QO. -F'ull Prier oo!y 125,000! ! ' ')l~~.sa\ ~r~i 'J\~ .1!"tl • 546·5990 . L h · · 3036 E_ Coast lli\·y .. Cd~! Slz.} n1onthly pymlll In-Balboa Coves. $ 6 O, O O O. --=·;.6"7>~59:,;30::___ ~ei~7o:~· ;f b:u~ey be~~ ac enmyer You Red.carat~~; e 675-1662 e ~~~axes._ s 7~ 9 oo. ~:~~~d54tz~~tror acreage or (\';u2~\!.!e r!"~nt11 Larg(' pati~51~~~ot: Good 4 + fam rm on corner, OCEANFRONT ASSUME 60/• GI LOAN LI --'-00-SAN--05-.,,-,-",-ifu_l_3_B_r_ 2 3 BR· Oen .. 2 Baths Lido Realty Inc. • -GOLOEN VALUE II-DO HURRY! , Beautiful Ne1vport Beach Lo1v dn pymrrt handles. Lg. ck bay home. \Vallt to the (.'Or. lot • 3 BR 1% bath ' 'Upper bay -4 laq:e btod· I-:vcnings Call 616-1050 hon1c, New drape11. qualily roorns, \nterrstiog Camlly .,.iiiiiiiiii .... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, I \1·/w cpt.!i. Block walled rrar ' ' ; ' ' l ' I ·roon1 . 1l..<tl3 dining room. yard. ,Asking $22.Z>O. l\lakc '2~1 baths. Douhlc used brick ' \ offer! · ""''''"· '"""~;,, ''""·k Barrell Really • Pwc 546-544~ buill·in fn:>ez"r a.rid refrig. kl!chen • :?.000 .'<quarr fl I '~ SACRlf1CE acre lo!. Better hurr .... 'on!}' presents ~"°" .lll.900. lO',i dou·n. -BAYCREST . '-0 THE REAL \"\. ESTATERS ' " ' . " &-!Irr transferred & tires of eommutin;::. Anxious to find a new oll'ncr !or thi11 drlight. ful 3 bdrm il'an \VP!Js' hon1e. Bayl!rest S bdrm l~z bath ~ome. Olvner moving East. Don't mi.'<s this one! Arnold & Freud ::SS 1::. 17th ~1.. C~I Choice location. May lea.sci Realtors ~ 6~G-Ti55 flption. i\lake offer. fi4&.TI71 -5')6.231~ -·· ~ _.... . L!KE·t.: NEW PENNY ! $23,950 ·MESA l!EROE Conf~ely rep&irifed"! 3 big bedrooms. 7 separatr batl\s. Built-in.kltchtn, Oloiee area. >l<J.1720 TARBELL 2955 Hnbo' 160.l \Vcstclill Dr, NB su.:4oo BY Q\llNER • 51A% lAan. Easts Ide 3 Br, 2 Ba, family room holl'll". 11 642-5931 • DAILY PILOT WA.i.'l"r A,OS! 1000General 20•3 Westcliff Or. at Irvine OCEAN VIEW 4·PL£X ·- BY O WNER: E-°"Sidt-3-sr-:-2 Ba. bltns, crplfl, drpi;, i,iu\et 11. close lo schls. Vacan t. VA apprl $2.1.950. Ori\"<' by 430 ,E;sther S!. lolf Tustin) then · ca\1 642-3863 o r 837-6417 Open Evanings Ovcrlookini: ;o..·f"\\'port Beach, on land you O\VN!~ One bedroom And bachelor units for lroublc-frtt lrnant.s \no c.hlldtt.n. no .(.JE'tsl. Submit your terms 1t $42,950. I LOW INTEREST SPEC!ALSl!I AN\'ONE quallfics ti) ai;~ume th~se beautiful loaru WITHOUT iocreue nr poinl-5! You ""ill save thousand~ of dollars over a few yean!! 26' M4STIR SUITE 1 JuaL mAdll for "~lni•Slud'' ~ts. Vpry 1pt;clOU9 family home, includes 2ti bl.th. delU.'ftt huilt•ln kitchen, tlrtpla(I(', 2150 sq\,lart Ittl. at Jmt $31,950. ) l>tesa del Mar. !'Ids paint 3 Bk home on excellent Save Thousandii Now ba by oc:ean v.'ith many ex· Doctor has ITcenUy moved I.: 3400 Via Lido 613-3830 ~~a~~i::·~~n,,.,Takcb ' b<G!lCh; $54.950W-'11· Anyone qualifies! Owner tras. $32.500. 642-3~ lhooomk'•"the'~"~~·~c~~t·,:'.,.,,,ak~ ~ 3 INSTEAD OF_l_ • . . . o r • llY eorge 1 1amson sacrificing 2 yr Spanish--... " ... ~ "' a bargain! Listing is S29,'7'""...0. REALTOR style 3 Br, 2 Ba, F IR, spk.trs Newpor't Heigh_ts 1210 details. A lriplex, u·cll located, all "G·'!IO 673-4350 Eves. 6T.?rl564 S.B-Que, frnJc. quiet comer. LEIGHTON LINDEN RLTY lea!!ed, no vacafKlb Ii le 3 ~ ' • ORE s 64'TI<l 6~ ""2 Bdrm~. plus gar. "Oo~ to (1161Jcinema',,,__' __ __ _ ~1ake an orfer! 5t6-6666 ST. AN W RO. s,-or ,.,.....,,, .. _ shops, Ask. $105,000. Submit. . ~-EGEftEALTY S BEDROOM -BY O\\'NER: Eastside CM. 3 Spacio5us 3 ~nn-11&1·v 'naniily Broadmoor Bay View R. c. GREER, ReaJty ._ MHl.-,CM. LIKE RENT Bdrm. bltn kitchen. natW'81 rm. tone uy)'C.. oors, Front seal, box sr.at, loges 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 '' '.. Paymenl.s! Built-in range. birch cabinets. 66x.126' lol C"pfs. I: drapes. Clean & -you have them all hrrc TIREO OF LOOK ovtn &: diahu·ashE'r. Family wf alley acttss for boel or sharp. Desirable location. iii thi5 lovely 4 BR a.nd fam. , room. Cuatom carpeting & trailer. 5~;.<;;. loan can be !:81.0001_. Ch\'Jl;;f~1k1•4". 1vi!I ily room honic with an all "-~OthLD6ER H100M1 ElySho? drapes. Covered patio. Pric· asswned, $24,950. 642-4.118 c~:='=":';o""='=·=~~·00' ~= lime bay & ocean v ie\.\'. ~-c IS yr. o arm me WANT A' 6% LOAN? ,ed below re&llacemcol. 3 BR 2 BA t -2 ~ Formcr model home, prof. \v/4bdrms .. conv.denl:din- 3 BR ho.rne -large lot !:>40-17l0 • • crp 11• · Dovw-Shores 1227 decorated I.: lndscpd, S6.i,000 ing room. Call for app't. ,Askin<:: s21 ,950 . . TARBELL 2955 H•rbor :-, ':t..7Jf3·900· S% GI ------Cheshire Real Estate Walker Rlty. 675-5200 DAVIDSON Reelty * VA APPRAISED * 1 2="=~"------* UNIQUELY GTJ.2503 639-~12 54"' "" E BY OWNER Low · t--t Different "Old \Vorld" Con· lh1'llN \'Cs. 546-8169 lk<aut. 1~ 3 BR homt> & a tam • in oe,o .. s TRULY A M•NSION ----· 5%-6~~ h1: trana!errable temporary, Executive luxury ,.. 1355 S BEDROOM m1. ~fany c:dra features. • 0 , home. Unobstrucled Bay & Colonial 2-sty., steps to beach. 6V2 °!. LOAN Spe('. front patio lighted, 1hl.ns.2 ~I l J.J.~o:; 3-E !\fin vic1v from n1ost nns. 400) Sq. Ft., 4 BR. + nur-ESTATE SALE ? Rent llke payments • 3 sprink!c~. ',"""p~ht iro1 ' lo0r. ' • ...;.8 DE' 2;BR rA-5.000 sq. ft. 4 BR, 4\i BA + scry, 4h Ba, 4 {!-pies. Bad· ~t.ths,.,. All "elti-triC ·built-In 2 ba, bH-1n lt. ark-ikc Y · E""'. I • '"'"t""b. maid& qtrs. Ideal for enter-n1inton rt. Xtra lg. lot in kilch;!'n. Family room. Patio Sll.500 VA/J>~HA lr•·rn~. drapes. L.arge fenced ba~ taining. Easy malnL lmmed. best loc. S119.0CJO. 115 Apolen• July 25, 1969. 9:30 am, Mu- nicipal Court-A, 200 N. Gar. lield, Pasa'iena. 2 units; 3 &Inn hsc, Bachelor •pt. Min. bid $49,~ cash.. (2131 799-6506. . private orchard. Flttpit for PWC 546-.5440 1 yard. Near schools & Clvic occupancy. Furnished. Delancy Real Estate thosto lu11us-. 540-1720 QIARGE your want ad OOW. ecnter. S23.000. 641)..$161 $118,000. Good loan, Box 1637 2828 E. Coast Hwy, CdM TARBELL 29SS Harbor Find it with ,. want ad! Dial 642-5678 !or RESULTS N.B. ~7249 673-Jno 1000 Geniral 1000Gefterel 1000Gener•I 1000 Gener1I 2000 Gen•r•I 1000 NOW ·IS ,. THE TIME TO BUY .. ~-... HUNTlNGTON BEACH OFFICE 842-4455 7612 Edl11tt• • .. i.. J "u1o1T1::;::.·~ ... T•• Ope11 EYnhtp .. ~ .... --~~~~~~~~~~~- FHA Loan atf~~ ', \l'llh 'i~rat Payments of S.123 P.I.T.L f:ral ih&rp doll ho1Ue \Vith 3 qu<'f::nf size bedrooms'. Go{r;e<1us 11ullman bath. Anyone qualifies. tluge ~x.100 lot \o,dth double garage. HOme has a built In vacuum. Submit your dou·n too! .. 1141.00 PER MONTH! Includes FHA Loati al 6%, t.a.xei and Insurance. Anyone can. qua.li fy to buy thls 11hArp 3 klnptze bei!room11, 2 beth home. t 4x24 co,·cred p11lio le11d5 to huge fl'n· cl03ed yard with J~h grttncry. Doubl~ Garai;e vdth laundry area . Gas bullt·ins. Submit ynur down payment. on-122.500 price. I OWNEA ' TU.NSFitlUD 3 Huge BNitgom.,2 lwwrlom baUJs. Entire home hi beautifully decorated. Dr•Pl"s throughout. "Near new car~ta. Ekctrlc built·in kltchHi ts lf)Otleu. Bloc:k waJI complell'ly. Sfl'lll'r SAYS sell Gt. No Monry Down or low doy,·n FHA. Low Prlec Fuhlon' Shore home at $25,SOO near HUntfn&toh O!nter. · WE SELL A HOME-EVERY 31 MINUTES • COST A MESA OFFICE-545-9491 Z790 H4Uo;;.•.;•;::L,;,;YD;;;·'------...;;0;i;P;:;Oft;.;;.E•:.:'":;;';;;•ts 'tn ' P.M. IEAUTIFUL POOL -BEAUTIFUL LOAN!! ln chotttst CGSt.a h-lesa ar"a 1\·itl'l most private largr mastrr bedroom, plus 2 more. Gorgeous cu11tom STONE F1REPL.ACE in specious friendly living room. PIU.!lh carpets And custon1 draperies! Al.L ELECTRIC KITCHEN!! FaJnily room leads to m•nicured rear yard \\'Ith OVERSIZED POOL and loads of decklna!t Sepuate Clffi..DREN'S PLAY AREA!! All this plus sprinklers and water IOfte.ncr and ()ffrred &t No Down 10 Veterans, FHA terms, or $4 ,000 Do"''ll to oth@n. 116,500 PRICE AND 1800 IRICKS Make up lhr massh·e patio! \\'here in the world can you find a 3 bedroom 2 bath home, NEAR THE BEACH with electric built·lll$, excellent carpet, boat d0or to back yard. and VAc;A NT!'. LESS TI:!AJ."i S2.00l 00\VN!! !11ZO PRIVA Tl FAM!LY ROOM Plus 4 big bedrooms and 2 bath11, mak!'s this • \\'Onderful growina fam\ly hom• on a LARGE LOT!! Thi~ spotltu home complettly carpetf'd and draped. bou1t C\lstom Orepl&ce in step-down Uvinp: room, elegant ALL ELECTRIC Kn'CHEN with dlSh\Ybht>r, and so many rnstomiz:ed frature11, \\'e can't llat them all. 'l'tlb 11dult oetupltd hortl(' can Ix' tr"ded n for your sma.llrr home nr town house! Call on thb exciting $2,000 sq. rt. home now! Offered .i.t a LOW S31.9M. .... _. .. • • • , • rJ .PILOT·l.OVE"TlSllt Wt~t~•Y. J11l12', 1969 110USfi•l°FOq SALE HOIJSES FOR SALE RENTALS RENTALS ··-.... --Hou .. , Furnished Mouw Furnished ~u"tlngtor: 8eaC"h l-400M~"t1rt91on Beach 1•0!) -- R!NTAlS . Apt1. furniahff RENTALS Aeta.~UnfurnhW Wrd""4ay, J'~ 23, 1'6t DAILY l'fL~T $7 ~INTAL~ I I olMI JWSIN I -¥1. Unlurnl.sh°' FINANCIAL FINANCIAL .... -N1wport 81.ach 2200~!WP~ .Beech . 2200 ....... No,.Port llouh 4'00 c .. ,. -5100 Corot1• slot Mu 5250 Bus. °"'""""ltlot 6atBu1, Oout-1oo '3CIO -----........ -• . LIOO AREA AP.T, RE.NTALS -YEARLY · w~e. 1'!> '"~ i.odmj,. t BR .:11 Bath, furnished .... , ......••... "·· .'150 cu1tom 't\ltn, ~-bid. MAKE OFFER New homes r eady to move Jn. 2. tQ 5 ~ed~ rooms. 2 to !baths. ~mile fron1 beach. First paymenl up to 60 days after n1ove in. VA i FHA T•rms. From $23,t90 H> BR., I Ba!IJ , fu:epl•ce; unlurn ........... '200 ~ boat ·~~ Ytr,;JlSO 2 DR I "'•'" u·'""· MM '""· or mo . ..,. 1>o.\ll:• --u .,. """' •uurn .. · ...... "" """ , .• -Wolkor .Rily. '15-2676 4 BR., II> Bath, uniurn, Costa Mesa ......... $200 l.OWER bee - <fllR., 2 Baths. unfurn..... .. .............. $275 1 Ne .. port, 2 anlll\ ~1 8~; 2 BR., l Bath, furn., Channel front .......... SSOO i f'rplc 4 pr, avail Sept. L 3 BR.1 l Bath" Den, {urn .........••....•• ~ •. $350 • Ll1ter 111e. $210. ~ 3 BR., 2 BaU1s. Den furn .....•..•.••••.••• · .$350 e \\'lN.TER R&VJ'AU e The Beach SUMMER ._ WEEKLY ~ \VlNIFRED L. FOSS, All All slz•t & locttlons, from .... , . ·~ ...... , .. $100 e Stl-3850 e lo" Brookhurat 1 mil• South of Adams) 962. J353 ---------------- SKIP to the BEACH I Elegant \.'Ofllt'l' Joca11on, 1v11h cu11to1n frplc. in n1as1c1· bdrm., luxuriou1> ~·arpt>ting, 1nirrored closet doot'S, '1 spa- cious bdn11s All al lt'S~ !han lt1vcstn1tnt. · only S.f:!,300. FHA Terois. P11.cific Shores Realty 3889-i or 547-8586 HUGE HOME P'our levels of luxury livini;. 4 bd1ms, 3 bath.\ Jor1nal dining & separate raini!y r<>Qn1 on <1uict cul-de-sac sh-ect. Pri{'l'd ri~ht a1 S41.- 9'50. Assun1e F"HA loa11. MUT.UAL REAL TY 142-1411 anytime • HORSE RANCH! 9 Comls, 2 Bdrm. & den. !rple .. oak floors. 1rrl bar & tack room -all on laf1:C 120xl40 lot, producirig SISO per month income & only $37.500 run price. Pacific Sho1'f's RC'al1y 847-8.>86 )'::vcs. 962-'.lill 4 BDRMS Immediate Occupancy ANY TEP ... 'dS Sl;i.7.'iO Rex L. Hodges, Riiy 847-2525 FHA Appraisal 4 BR, lo1mal din t•m, elcl'!. kit. I& scp. Iamily rrn. Pro- fess. dec:or, unusual drapes & wall papers. 83x10R' cor. kit. ~·ner transferr('(I. BRASHEAR REAL TY 847-8531 · Eves. 968·117il GI RESALE Assume low interest loan on this 4 Br. 2 Ba, COl'Jlt'T lot home. I yr old. Cl'ptsl drps. Only $28,950. S111Jmit on lcrn1s. HARBOUR REAL TY " 847-8595 " Slashed/$22,500 LO\V l\lonthly Pymnls l BR l'li baths. lntmat• home HAFFDAL REAL TY "lionll!S to l'o1atch lncon1es'' 8740 \Varll('r, FV 8l2-440Ci TRANSFERED, as:sun1c 6'i;, GI. nr nc1v 4 Bl, fam rm ,1'/lrplc. r.lany 1"xlr11s. xlnl area. S37,000. 842 .. ISO.'\ VILLA PACIFIC. JO\V do11n. 4 br 3 ba 6~ 'lo fr!,\ condo. 9741 Verdel\lar 96'.!·J;,40, Huntington Harbour 1405 l·IUNTINGTON HAR.BOUH. BAY FRO'.\'T 16971 Harbour Lanr. &au1i- ful 4 bedroom, J bath, t·ar- peled. buill-ins. dock facili· ties. Owner has rnovcd East necessitating salr. S'i9.500. Laguna Beach 1705 *VIEW HOME* 1705 Co"dominium 1950 J BR, 21 ~ BA. 13,j() sq rt Con- <.10111. apl. Crpts, drps, irpl. p:itio. Sell. opt to buy at S:lOOO under prrsent mrkt. Al b11'1ii with $2100 paid dPpos1\ for $1500. 642-4414 RENTALS Houses Furnished 7682 Edinger 842-4G'i or 540.5140 Open Evt-s. $210. 3 Br. fam rm. 1% Ba, "'/1v, fenced yard. Children General 11•c\come. Bh.T 534-6980 "WOP.l\!NC Girl \1'an\$ lo 'E"'X~E'°C"°UT=IVE=°'H""o-m-,-, -L,-'1:--...,5 Genera l 4000 """...;..."------Share apt In NB. Bal Isle, Bdr :i Ba. DR. :FR. Avail Sl:J:>. 2 Br 4 -plex, close 10 11·1\h I or 2 girls. Katie, Sept 1. $325. rno/ a48-1J44 :.:hopping, encl. gar . .Ava.ii 548-:mll LEASE'; 2 bdr at $150 HB & 8-1 . Bkr. J34-6980 Rentals to Share 2005 4 bdr at $270, Q1 a!:ik for -,~IZ~.~,~.-,~du-p~lcx-.~W~ll~V. Bobbe Suikki 645-0JQ:l yard, child 0.K. Avail row. SHARE Apt. S'lO mo, male or 3 BDR, 2 ba, plus pool Bkr 534-&980 fc1nal('. con1e anytime. aft 4 335 University Dri'l.'f', pm 2020 FuUerton Ave No. Phonr 642-0744 9. CM. l -2~B~D~P.-,,-,-,-,~.-,-,-,,..,,..,-y~, \Viii share n1y 2 BR, 2 Adul1s only. One-story con- BA apt "with student or do. 96S--I3S4. $160/mo working girl. Nwpt Sch ..,. •• 71 Newport Beach 2200 DOVER Slxlres b a y r r 0 fl t homt', 6 BR, 4 ba, large 'J>.'.!lio, 'i()' private dock. J une & July. S2500 mo. Beg. Sep!., )Tly lse, $1000 mo. 21:1: 78(}.j()13 or 213: BEACON Bay 1nod. 3 BR & or xtra Ii;. 11!ayr1n. Pvl. 1.wach 1 clock $32.j or S27~1/11 k. Also 2 Bit apt S2'ZJ/11k. 67 J -:l094 or &12-8839 Cost~ Me5a 3100, O.EAN Attractive 2 BR. 1''cnccd yard. D r a p e s , garai:c. $lll. 3l.:i8 Pumona, cr.t EAST Side 2 Br, fenced pri pat10 & yard, ga ra;e. Adults, no pets ~138. lsc. 673-7629 2 BR house. Obie garage. Adult s -only $145. 879-2628 eves $190--1 BR. 11ti BA. trplc. patio. fc~. near !!Chls. Lease Aug 1. 968-2467 4 BR Costa },lesa Home, 'l Ba. rrplc, crpts, drps. dsh1\•hr 2 Car gar. 51G-1488 Costa Mes• 4100 $30.00 wk. up • Oay, week, month. e Studio It Bach. Apb. • Ind Utils A: Phone 1erv. • Maid Service, TV avail. • New Cafe k Bar 2376 Newport Blvd. S.U.9Ta.5 VILLA POMONA Fum Bach l: 1 BR apt. Adults, no pets. 1760 Pomo- na, 0.1. LARGE I Bdrm tuppcrl. Built-Ins, ln<lry rm. Nr shpg. No chldrn S130 n10. :~1.)..5270 BACHELOR apl, $7J. per n10, iocludes ulllitles. 5'\8-9577 ALL Ulil pd, l BP., lurn. in· di\', units. l mature adult $110. 2335 Elden, C~1 PARTLY Furn 2 Br. Adults $140. 1613 Santa Ana Ave. WATERf'RO/\'T . 1 Br, nt!W· ly !'ptd. furn. Yrplr. 4 car Jlark'g. S2Zi0 11'k. July. $300. 11k Aug·Sept. Avail )'rly $5:'10 mo. 673-'1449 LOVELY Twnhse. 2 Br, 2 B<t. pool, pa1io. frplc. S300. 'nm. Unfurn $250. Also 3 Br unfurn s21:; .. <\i;t 646--0132 C:.•:.lc.l•:.:!IOc:..c.Pc.ar_k ___ 3_1_15 I ~"~'~2-~7m~c.· -"-'-'-"-'""~--"~- AVAIL Aug. ls!. 1 Br Apts. Sl20. Stuclio!I $1HJ. 2135 Elden, Apt 6, Costa ?1-lesa Balboa 2300 $19.~ !Penn. po1nn 2 bdr OOusr. :! IJ<tlio~. "/w 1-rp1.~. on E<>IVur Lark'. Avail. Srpt. 673-4077 Vacation Rentals 2900 EXTRA NICE! l BR 2 BA Family rm, Large enc. )Id. Cl~c to schoolli, sltops. $2'1:;. 8J3-0,1TI Newport B_e~ B/B To11'nhoUSl'll 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, 11pli1· lcvrl. 3 car carport. Faces pool. $26:) 111onth. ALSO GORGEOUS Ne1v l & 2 Br. ActlvllY rm, pool, saunn. 2000 Parsons, C.AL 642-8670 Newport 8•1ch 4200 CUTE Baytront Apt. suitable for single git•! \\'ho likes swimming & boating. SIOO mo. utll. paid. 548-1202 or S4ih10'24 2 BR-I BATH APT. New avocado 11hag crpt, paJn! & drapes. lrg palio, \Valk In close1r. \Vasher/dryer ca.bi· net. Unbelievftbly beautilu1! Sl•to, Adults. Call 548-29711 VERY sharp 3 BR, 2 bil.ths, v.·/w carpeling, dt'llpcll etc:, Pool & recreation hall avaJI. NO\V $200/mo. A&t. ~16-4141 CONsllU<lMI JUST COMPU116 I -------· ·~~D. '.!f. ~1"', ~!.: • OISTIUllUTOIUHIP • ;;;:"'lL=''llSO=u""=mo.='i:'=-=· =·-,,..1UNITED STATES POSTAGE ~"I!"!.' ....., S40I ST AMP MACHINES l"WAilhH •• RELIABLE persOft will be •elected 111 UnfvrnllhM this area to own and service postage 2' btdroom. 2 bl.th, cpu, drap-stamp machines in locaJ stores. More es, built • ins. 1 blk to !i poataae stamps are sold than any other polntt lhontnr trolJl $Ui0. product in the country. Sales of this nec-~01 ~'~pt. D, 642...2.835 essity are in the upper bill:lons yearly and you can get your Share of it now. Profits 11iE POJ'lta1bl, tr a c r o u 11 , beJin;.lmmediately and~are greater than secluded living, ~ Je:e 1 ever. .. br, frlilc, dOriff pr. adWts. ::-i,468171 Garlicld A11e ALL a~unts are secUred b.Y company exPerts, therefore .no selling 1J required. NE\V $150 up. l·~ BR.. Tbla ts a servicing ·business. It is NOT Heated &: aauna pools, rec a •roet Rich Quick" scheme and not a job nn. H•il ~ Ali;ooqum. "-'· but 1n opportunity to ~et started in a de-~137 pression-resistant busmess that can be NE\Y L Br, blk to oce11.11. $135 started in spare time and be developed ~~n..l: "t~W ~A into a big profitable full-time business NE\Y Modem 1 BR. .cpta. {with company financing ) if you are truly dtps, avail Nov>'! ~mbitious and sine.ere. 536-257S 2'1t: l BDRM, 2 fi:a. pvt )l.Uo, You can m•k• up to $200 Monthly Spare Time , •nd over . $3,000 Monthly Full Time To qualify you must have a Car, a few spare hours weekly and a cash invest- ment of '1170. (secured) For peroonaJ. • · intervJew write to United States Postage Stamp Co. 129 Cabrillo St., Costa Mesa, California 92627. • HORSEMAN'S i HOME A aeduded 4% acres •PJ>J''O.X• tmately J.ioO yards from th( ,Newport • Rivenide .Fr't'ej ..waya. View h0n1e • complete• Iy remodeled 1vith 4 bed• rooms, ? bedroom suest hOuse. all electric kitche~ n.;n1ming pool, ltOrse ham\ stall.s, paddockll, train~ ring, hay barn It Looi room. Full price $150.0CXI w i I U lcrms. For more infom111; 1 ion Please call G I r. n ii ;Thompson. Eckhoff & Assoc., Inc. 1818 \V. Chapman Ave. , Ora11&e, Calif. ' rl'll-2621 Eves-v.·lmd$ 54&-61"1~ AVAIL No\11•, large 2 bdr apt. nc1v crplS, painted. bit-ins Sale or rent at $200. Couple over 45. 673-0130 e NO SMOG! e BY OWNER MAi\1MOTH Lak!'s Vacation PERFECT rondition! P.lust P.1obllc Home, furn., slecPI see inlerior lo appreciate! 7. S6j lll'r Wttk, SJ:t-3374 2 Bedroom :l bath. spht-lcv· !'l. I garag'e, l carpo11 , $22j month. Gen•ral 4000Gener1I 4000 General 4000 Offl It I 6070 .;;.;.;...o.;;;.. ____ ---------------~~_.. 1t .. ms ·i.r Rent 5995 •• onto Hlth Desert Dry Air Cameo Landsca114 NEWBERRY SPRINGS: l BR. 2 BA. lge comer Joi. 1-'-"-'-'-------- 0CEAN VJE\V. All electTie Incl kltdMr., Thermo .. -on- n-ola e1ch room. REDt.;CED TO ~.700 111-ilh IS,000 do1\'n, 61-'~ lntl"rest. J"a)' b&le ncc month!)'. 9.t11e •~~r. P.O. Bo)( 914 1.Acun• Beach or call •94-"716 a.nylilTW'. CHARJ\1ING Split t'lve! \\•1!11 \\·ooQed & ocean· iv1e1 ... , 2 BR + sittini! room. large panel- M room~ ~/b e am s , 111-eplace, modern kitt'hl'll, orfiL"t', wall· IG-\\'all bed. $31,;jOO. Owner. 4!H-86'i3 LAGUNA CANYOi'l 2 BR htluse SJtSOO. f'('nccd yd. Zoned industrial. 494-8170 NOW'!. THE Summ•r Rel\f1li 2910 BEN BROWN APT .• fliOTEl 61. I & 2 Br. apt$. Comri. furn. Priv. patios, hill. pool, TV , restauranl, 9 hole golf course. \\'ilik to beaelt, No trarfic Mi.!te. \Vecldy It n1onthly rates. 3U06 Coast llll'y., So. Laguna, our cn- lnHIC!' by Ali~ Beach. NEWPORT BEACl-1 j hi;es from Ol.1'an. l BR's-ne"•ly painted. Avai: Juiy, Au;. le Sept. free prkln in aHcy. Dn'l.'r b)' anylime, IM.'e mvncr J27-34th St. or call t'O&-ct (213) 798--1532 Bay & Beach Reelty, Inc. !I()\ Dover•Dr .. NB Suilc 12fi f..1:).200> Eves. 548-6966 BLUFFS'L"EASES 2 '= 3 BR. Condos. Sini;lc IC'1·el~. 2,sty. I.: splil·lcvcl. G~nbell & BluUs site. Cpt.s .. drp~. Dbl. gar, pools, elc. S373 to S425. Eas(Dlull Realty 614-1133 BA \'SIDE glamorous 2 Br. 2 13.1, Vif'IV fr'Ofll SQ' deck, $'100. ~to. 497-1537 or 644--0&17 2 BR l h bi!.th.,. N""'ty decon1ted. NP.ar C\'C'rything. Yeariy $200/mo. 6i~2 NEAR ocean 3 lovcly 3 BR hon1es for rent al $240. $28:1, sna. ca.ywo00 ru1y a1s..1290 Solve.a Simple Sercimbled Worcl Puztlt for a Chuc kle • 0 R9Ctl'ron;. l•tlert of tM four scrombled words b• low to form four slmpl• wordt. f I I I' I I ITUSIE I I' I I I I I I' f rom a fOrtun• t:ookia: "'1.ll· COtiIP. Private room & bath. LAGUNA ~EACH Corona de.I ~tar. quiet uca. Air Cend1t5oned Empl'd. peraon. • 61:>-2880 ON fPREST AVENUE e\"t'. D!1k gpace1 available in ne\\'el!t ollice building al prime location in downtol\·n Lquna Bf'ach, Air oondi· I *OWN YOUR l OWN LAK.I "IO ACRES JUST SOLDI" • . • ROOMS Jo~or rent vie. Adami I: ~taanolla HB Collei;e boy!! welcome. 962-3980 tloned. carpeted, beautiful : COLLEGE Park area, Cos'ta entrances: Frontaa:e on l J.feaa, for older person Ol" Forest Ave., ftar luds lo NOW AVAILABLE: cpuple. 549-3802 Munclpal parking lots. $;;() 93 11.crrs. with 1rell and pu~. $15 \VEEI{ It up w/ kit. Apt per month for apace. Desk !~el land for Jake, 1.lfaJla $30 week up. Sunny Acres and d1alra avallable for $5. · a-1'011·ing, "pl'icot or nut fF P.!c.l~. a48-a7i'.i Business holl.!t'I an."rn'erinG chards. fii!h raisini. raniil, -===;=======I tervice available for SIO. hor.ses! ' Gwst H.m.. Sffl All utlllOO paid e11:C<!pl '" ---------tclcphollt'. Ol·~r 100 n1•n·n1atle lakes )o * PRIVATE room far eldCt'· DAILY PU.OT 1re». ,,..: ly lady tn lic'd cucst home. :?22 FORESl' AVENUE ~ 64S--3391 LAGUNA BEAQJ Or'. 10 acre: :.'O llCl't', 40 •aft 4!M-$466 pa~ls 1ivaUablc • \\'hy Jiit 5 "' LOC!XTION: 181 E. l 7lh St.. ~ll lor lnfonnalion! Owtir • ) . ' ' ' ' • l 1 . I ' ~ '<. • • . ' ' ' ' f I • I~- ~ l l • • i l I l l j l I l I • ' TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT MAGN IFICENT V-~w bay &: ottan 2 Bedrms. 11pllt k\'el, prlvaJt> $175 wk. avail Corone dtl Mar 32.SO July 24 lo Aui 10. CaU ---'--'---'---'-;.;..; lie white lie many t!q\•s leads !".'"=..,-:-:-:----..., to o case of the -." IMULGEE I 7-13 Mh_~•-·_lt• __ l!f_•_ll ____ 1 adjacent to Stcur1t)' Pa.cllle 841-6640 eV't'nings after ,6 STOJtACE Garqei avail Nat'l Bank. CM. 642--4210 or 1-''::·m:::·..:'::'..:•::0:;:Y::":::"'::.'..:"'::"::k:::•::.::;e I &!J&. lat. J'UUy end'd. $20. eee owner at 181 E. 11th St., ptt mo. 21S5 Elden, C.M. CM wile M. WANT AD • •-' MS....2394 art 6 PM CUSTOM Exec. 4 brd. J ha. paJlOC'al1'11t: V~'41 Of l'liarbor i '$200. MO, 2 bdr. crpts, drJJI, bit-ins, new dee.. Yr lac. 'i'IXi hf&rprlte, Cd~t. jelly. new strim po o I . 2 BR House, excellenl cond. Sl508/mo. 6'75--2'717 Married couples &. no B.lL8QA, 2 bdr nKldern-ttal t:hlldren. S2.50 mo. • 675-3291 tlun. fe>1.' ~lep!. from oceen • CORONA Ot:t. MAR • ~'''Ill , By month only. i\u~ 2 BR house, Sli5. yrly lease tn l.ahor Ua~·. s;,oo 673-oo.;:> Call ('VCI 49!J..268J ~· -ir--r-r-s-11r-i 0 Comp!at• th• dMkla qllOIM I I I I II ~y lill;no 1" ... -~d · · ... ,...,-1opi ........... s .... Aj>t i. NEIY De!W<o oUko -OARAG~. $10 ma. S» tD l2IO IQ' ft al Su~ 10.U. llO mo. Neor -· -,..,., A Crown. Vallq ~ tvmolf. 831-1.00. .......... . DELUXE A/C, crpt'd OfCIS, PLACE )'out ftnl 'Id whimt alm 1Tx23 •tort. Hub ol they are lookt1¥ -OAfLY Hal'bor 11tt". 48S E . 171h •I PfLOT cla11lfled &C$1I I l1'Vlno, crir. Olvnar fr.l..G.i'f4 TUF. SUN NEVER SETS aa.ttled 's action po\\' For an ad ro tell UWld ... clock, dial -. ~ It's But:h boulla time. Bi• 19t wlecUon evtr! See • DAit. Y Pil.OT ClallWfd 1CCl.ion NO\VI ;, --, '· 1 r I • I • • ..... • •• • ••• .... • 4 • ' • • -.. -. .. • ... ' \ ... ' -~r.,,;,,;. :tt-V \.• .. •1 • ,,.,,-,,,,.: •• ,, .. ,,•./t>'•'"'' •>,•,1 'r-~,.·,..,,~·<1 -.,·,o ~t ··,.., .,,., ~ .... ,,,,,,, )~,.,~Jo.?•..,'l.·-'t-·.,..~·· .. -. ,.,,<f ,,.,...,. ... ._ .. _ ... , • \ ., ......... , ••.•. , ....... "'. >. . ' • .. , , , • • ,. . ' -. r ' • • ' WITH Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of the BIG action today! Dial Direct: 642-5678 Just say: "CHARGE IT!" !North County, 540·1220, toll frttl . -. ,/ ' -. . , • • " . ·'t ,.. •• . " .. IT'S · EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-.EVEN DOLLARS . ' . PENNY PINCHER WANT ADS. . . . ," ) . . . . -·-- . ' '..NEW-LOW-RATE 3 LINES l TIMES $2.00 ANY ITEM $ OR LESS -e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e 0 NO ITEM OVER $50 0 NO COMMERCIAL FIRMS 0 0 NO COPY CHANGES 0 NO ABBREVIATIONS 0 Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! ' • ' . - .. . ...... ·~- . . ' I '-1 ! . ) I . ' ' , I •\ ' " " I ' . , ; I ., .. .. " : ., ;1 , . I 'I '.I \ : . '" •I . : [ ~= i ··1 . . ' '. ' ... ... , ~ ' ' '• .. 1 ·~· . : ., " . .. \' ·. ( ~ : .~ . ' . •I . ~I •' .. ~ . " ... ' •• I '-~ "•' ( ·: .. ;} .~II ' •'\•' ,, ~· .-.~:~ -• .. : J •• , ·•" ... ' ' .. .. ~~ " • ~ ;t "I ' . • . •I ,, . ' ·' ·. -.1 ' !\j "I :I .. ~ .. :i 3: -- - "' .. ,. "' •t , ... "" "' '" "' .. ... "'" f: . .. .. ... ~ ... .. ·~ '" t f I T~i ... .. , .. "' ... '" '"" ... "" "" ... '" ... "' ,,, t: iri "' _, •• rlCI '" ... "' '"' "' "' _, "" '"' , ... fil .. ;11· r~I Sit• rr. "' r::. "' g~ ... , .. ... ... ... ,., ... , ... ... ... WU Wlo '" "' "" r•tt g~: gll vii " ·~ ii•• '"' • • • " "'' " • " " Ori• Ori• ·-'" "" wu WU , .. ·~ "I '" ... ... ' . ·~ ·~ :r. erlt • .... • ••• ... ... "I '" .... "' "' "' ... "" "' i: ... "' GM "' '" ·~ , .. "' •M I U ... " •• •u U' "' "' , ,, '" '" '" ~ti " •• "' "' '" ... '" "" ~t. .. .: • " ... ,. " •• " .. ... ' " " "' '" •• " " :i " •• " .. " .. ,. " " ,, .. "' " .. I' .1 ,, " • ~ t " t • • " 'I • . I • • WANT TO UP Oii YOUR ClW OUTI FOi f ASTr fASD ACTIOfll · CAU DlllY PllOT tWS· mm DIPT. D I A L D I R E c T - 6 4" 2 • s 6 7 8 lllAI. Ul ATI oea1 11.1.W ....... $$MOU WH $$ BICYCLE: WOMAN'S, SEARS, W/BASKrf. VIC. JEITY, ,BWIO,\ PENN, No Quutlen1 'Aakffl m.:rros ""' BEYERlY JlWOll RWTY SM. Red 1001-ba ired D""'bund VSc. P a e i f I c (21$7) A Vtc:toril, Of, Ans IO Pebblts, nd1 lhot1. Whoddyt Wtnt?·WhtddYt o.t? -SPICIAI. CLAISIPICATION FOR MALE, 8 moa old German/Samoyed m I x . Fifa "°'-lr. Weighs abt 70 lbt. Vic Avocado le Nwpt Blvd, CM. 646--0165 NATUit+L BORN SWAPPlltS Sptdtl Rtto 14740$3 .. MM24S S Llnu-5 tlm11-5 bvch • llULfS -AD MU$T INClUDI!. ..... ...., ,.. ,,..... • .,..., ......wMt -....., "' ...... ._.,OU• .,_. 111111# ......, ._, Ii• .ii ~- '"""'°'"'NO ftOlt M L! -TltADll Ofrtl.'f'I SMALL 'Black male Poodle, flu colllJ-.no tqs. VM: Uth Ii: Orante A\le, CM. Rew. PHONE 642-5671 To Pl1C9 Your Tr1der'1 P1r1dlM AIJ ·~· ~~~-~ 54&-3M4 233 E. Palmer, VACANT LCl'I' IN AFf1LlAtt C.M. NE\VPORT BEAOI CANOY SUPPL y LOST' Cat. tu/ wht '"'''· WILL ACCEPI' TD'S lllOUTE hu -1.,: Vic F>~ & OR BOAT. (No Sf'Dlnl lhvolved) J'ab"ykw CM. R l: W • I W-'.1898 ,/ Excellent t.ncome for f~w 545--~ 3 BR I. den, w/w ca.rpet, hOun: WHkly v.'Ork (Daya or 8JWWN &: wblte, p a rt tittplace. Eltt blt-lnl, d~ tVt:ftinll). ftefillitw & col-Sputltl inlle do£, 125. wuher, 2 patlol, dble c.ar lectinJ' moneY from ;cou. op. ~~· P I! a 'e can llU'alf!· Trade fot duplex, erat~ ditptJUtl"!J In Costa ~ or tQulry 1n smaller"boust. ?1te11& & lUUTOUndlna lrea. snu. Ofl'erinc reward tcr1-"'-"-"-"------- \Ve c~t. route. (Handles small white Poodltr wunrc TRADE 45M eq in 4 BR, 4 name b r • n d c&nd,y A: blue collar. Lo&t '41h July Ba, pool, fab. view al Emer- anuka) S.U75. Cash requlr-Vic CM. Qt~ sn..1"3t aid Bly, Laguna Be.ach ed. 1'or ptraon&l lnttf'Vitw home for eommer., acre· in Costa Mtaa an!a, seM FOUND TUelday Jbb-15 aae, TO or yacht. Campbell. name, addrtu I phone nUm~ .,: female, part <»cm, -IM-1385 · · her to Multi-State Inc., 90'E W HbloB~" ~b & NORTH Tu&Ut1 Lot, $18,j()() E lm.ptrlal Hwy Downey a.mer, · • -· . ci.Ju. 90242 " ' FOUND-81 . ,_ Vic ri ... •-F'tee &: clHr, most vi:cl. eye"". -.. &.l"M, 1.abuJoua view Tr, for HILPi I R.lvenide Ave, NB. can to Inc. property w/1~ndable. Nar\on&.I Co. needs a. itlrtrl· klentlty. 64&-~ Bkr. Sofl..G469 butot IDt ~ ana. NnK>n REWARD.: For a 11.v er el@Cf:ed mlltt be a~ to de-~· bit near 10th and 1'rade $600) f'(Jty In small vo~ 2 to 10 hrs. ptr ~'Hk Ped.11.., Clll S3f..3940 tumlahed duplex, n e a r ldays or ew1.) to makt very LOST-: 2 ParTots. Blk hl!11ds, ~ for cntlsin&: p.ilboat hl&:h ~. You. ~ ~p yellow/tip bodie1. Vic 47th to 35'. ·66-3409 . )'GUI' prettnt poddon, No st NB R... ~ -n ttlllnr No ~rttnce nee-" • • ,.,......,.. 20 Aerts raDCb. 3 Modern easuy'bot m\ll't be reliable. tiofflt1, 2 welJ1; fen«d. Com~ wW teach. We PerMMll 6405 Tn.l.rl1n& track. huee ~· mHl with ilan){l!r.ll Apfrov-14 ~;.FOR. J.tn.;1, unt~ .i.-11soo <alb -c... . • COUPLES • : or ' l<>:OOfEq, tl5'tl59 """''· Tor Jmmedial• In-e SINGLES e l HOUSES In Wilml .... o. tnvkw ln )'OU!" atta ltJ1d Tir!d ol Bui, Mall A: Hi Coat $33,!fJO full price. U4.000 name, addrus and P,honl! .computer clllbs: JOIN nIE equity. lncoine $340/mo. number to: FUN! THE IN CROWD _ Submit local or land. "OlSTRIBUTOR DMSION" DIV. OF J.M.P. M~t othen1 Smiley, Realtor M6-8666 P.O, Box ~ _ with YOtlR Ul~resta at our LEVEL Jot w/taii plnes in Pomona, CaWonna 91189 weeld,y pa.rtie1 or select area al exduaive bome1, PIZZA them lndlviduall.J IJ (GALS for hom or unita.. Cotta join' FftEl:) Call Ltt.h 1-9 r-.1· o Fortin, tt.m. ~9320. Re "!:.'* in:u1~:~: ~~ * 1·1vel r~u;;: ~~~~:~;. c!Wae crtndtr, pizza pans. bot oboe. machine, SaJtl. • \Vll1 accept trlllt dttd or Strw ice-cream maker (wa· -clnr pt0per1.y, Owner: ttr. optratec:IJ, Toutmasttr Meet that QMtciaJ .omecme TI4'1JS.340o Cllle htnch..tr)ltr, etc. 93% Is bflln to Uvcxl• ' .. -· maflln. Tolal v.i.. OJWIGE • 517-" * * Lot, lile mernbenhlp Cub San Modti, Lake Gresory, $2500. Want late modt1 ear, camper, or lot in N. Calif. 8'7-2681 CU5tom fJ11lc1 It cement \\'Ork, Remodel &: room add. SWAP· FOR Autog~ots, !)r-T f -1-----· .. 542-72Zl * I-Jave lit TO. $63.000, 10% int. due 5 yn l leued co~ mercial $65,000. $34,500 eqty. Want: Free It clear. house or unita. Myeni 673-6756. 1000 ac. $250,CXXJ. 80 mt from dntwn LA, 5 min. from fwy on pa1/ed rd. btwn Beawnont &. Oak Glen, Trd for inc. prop! 547-6469 Bk:r. Rented boU31!, 50xlf0 M lot, Nr. Garden Grove CMc Center, $20.SOO. Trade $9,500 eqty for unlu or '? '! O!mel' Broker 547-6469. TOWNHOUSE 3 Br, 2'Ai ba. Beaut. appt'd, Prlv. patio, pool; nr bay, Val $32,500. Eqty for TD., car, camper or ? ! Owner ~- WANTED MOTOR HOME Will trade VW Futbaclf. trailer or '? for aame. "8-0<11 Trees, trtt1 on 2 kn. With house thrown In, lot value of land alone;.room to build. For N. E. San Dlero, For- tin, Realtor 642-5000 FAMILY size disbwuher, worka perfectly, Trade tor good quality Ptfono-St1n·90 ™X>rd player. &42""'52 «'Yel. * * * $5SOO, will M:ll all for $2500. M hiour ftCOrdlfc --~--~------SERVICE ·DIRECTORY ean 92S.1116 or 633-1628 C.oJ.. FEMALE Rock blues 1lnger Sl!RVICE DIRl!CTOltY lcct. wants iood tultarl1t &: MANAGER/Ji~ ....... _ .., dnnnmer tor n>cil: iJ"OUP· Brltk, Matonry, etc.. ,C..r4tning 66ID -Uoc..>, Further lntonnaUon write 6560 well-located Secrttarial J .K.V.2K3Apt.l,SantaA.na JAP~ Gardenl111 service. Must be excdlent st.; CM. CaUt. wur cOntad BlJJ'.LD• -Remodel, Repair «rlice 1100 rnainte~ typist + dictation. lnvtlt-)'OU hnrned-lnclucle phone. Brick. bl~ e o n c re t e , Alie> c1ran up. ?Mnt ~ + weekly .=.;.;;._=::;,,:;;~::,..!0:::::::-.1 crpntl')', no job too trnall --t e 548-J572 e ..wy, 2 oUictL R'!'1> Box LICENSl!D Lie. Con~. 116>-'915 .U:·s G·~-'-" La Pee, Da.11)' Pilot · SpirituaJ Readlna1, advice ~ .. ~ wn iEAUTY SHOP-"" ol! matten. 312 N, El Bu1lnou Service 6562 ind tn.1 "°'· ~ ?lfodern local with 4 station&:. C&mino fteal, San Oemtnte qs * ~ ':tlal. Excelltnt equip., 100c1 leue, ·~·-:-P':' 00.CTORS JIM:S Gardenlnc A. 1-wn low rent, 1'.000. Terms. The I --~;,.;=;:;;c,;;;.::.;:;=--l ln1ura.nce papers proceued. ma.In Real Estaten MG-7ln . .Uk INTELLIGENT? Pick-up" delivery. Prompt , ~. Res. " Com- for Van. UNMARRllD? &: reliable. 548-11123 nletclal. * 543-&Ctr c&iCTAIL Bar, Tornnce. Thia is )'OUl' invitation to hap. TOP DOLLARS PAID ~~~ble..J~ wtUld maJct: a •winline bw. pint11. Phone stT.:1646 for Items your I~ John ........ r. .,_. Otmrr ""4115 U hr rteorded ml!"l.l'.e. 536-612& ' fo.ll' f:ree estlmale BEAUTY Salon. 0 w net. R4a,onabl:e. Newport Blvd, CM. MMim or SG-0015 Affr1ctlft lxpert JohNon'• Cardl!fling YOUNG WOMAN C.rs-nttrlng 6$90 Finell equip., l!Xpert care. dancer will teach yolJ all PlantJn&, clearMJp:. B-2035 latest 1teps. Call Ardell CARPENTRY BUSINESS &: RfSIDEN· Meney te LNft 6l20 213: 581-UlB 1·10 PM P.·nNOR REPAIRS. No Job TlAL Garde nifll: & Cleanup. --'------Zlppo Club Adults Only :aa:, ~~ ,c;;-:i:e'ca~:: Exp'd ~ .b1 A 2bd Jo.l'tl fer quick Color pictures A: ph no. oJ 5*81~ U no anrwtt kavt CLEAN-UP Speclalis!! lifow-.m. Berrow cm )'OUI' pi-. datea you.~ pre ... ~ No mac ~t 546-2372. H. O. ing, !dalnl, odd· j o b 1 • Pft'b' -r without dt.turbln& namts UMd Wlt1l )'OU IO on Allduaon Reasonable. 543-6955 J'C1Q1' low 1zrtn'wlt 1st TDa. dates. 837-9644 Cut A Edp Lawn A1ae ~m: b' 2nd TDa. BAdi S'T' 1etlc alncere iirl QUA.IJTY Repairs -Altera-?ltaintenance, Uttnsed S&ttler Mort.pp Co. Ine. to 35 Ior tun A oom-lions -New oonst. by h:iur 548-«l8/645-2310 alt 4 ServinC Haner Arta 20 )In. I ~·""'°"""=~~-·~·,.-~~~_,,,__l;"'i.<iiCoffi'ofltrJlactjis:. 646-3«2j;;iiif';;;;n;;;a: 3SI r:. lTU. St. , r NEED th! -...itln PARTmONs, Small Remod. JAPANESE &ardMer Compl f42..21.n ~ for )'OU!' '°=t p~ "flli.e I Movt! walb. etc. Nlte/08)' serv. Exper, dependahk, WILL loan $25,CWXJ· on rood Hyp Ust• M6--0B3S • • R.eas! Call Ken 5f0-4679 frtt est. 642-4389 ht Truat Deed. Dttaill to ~srTtv""" GROeveUP•· MAS1'ER carpenter ,$4 per J.,..,... G•rclener Box No. M-18S, Dally Pilot ~·"' hour. Remodell.n&·Repain. Exper, comp! yard Hrviot! CL lf'lt Mee~ Thun July 24.tb. T:30 642-6409 or 536-3900 FTtt! e1L 548-7958, 546-0124 pm, 296 Walnut, C.M. M-rt1 .... , T .o. '1 6J45 JJ.a>HpLlCS Al!Oeymoua Cement, Concret• 6600 G.ntral Strvlt»t 6612 Pl:llJm 50-721T 0;· wrftit tol.;.;;:;.:;::.::;o_:.;;:.:.:.:_:;;;_.;.;;.;.; W/e DISCOUNT P.O. Box 1Zll C'oata. Mesa. ecuS'l'OI\~ PATIOSe Emt~ncy -Sacrifice choice concrete 111win& A removal lAt T.D."a, 10% int, qvuter-6410 State Lie. • a.u.1010 AnhOUIKlllMnft lY. 3 yr due date. Blr)'tn paf * OONCRETE Ora. patios :~~(J ~ ca;:Yr:; Und1tect1ble Men's elt. r.oncrete I: blk top u. .... Ing. Reu. Don, 6424514 e~. Princlple1 on!)'. Custom.made halrpieee fl'Oml ~.=:.,:cc~,.,,,,;..;;;:;,c;,.;._~ P,950 2Af) TD at $20 Mentb tran~pattnt artificial ikln. • CONCRETE work all te'"' Comlortable, natural·lookine. t;ypn. Pool decks Ir cuatam. Incl. .,. Int., all d~ 3 yn., n... .... e Co, Hair .__place-Call 548-ll24 on ocean view lot, t.acun& ..,...... ™' '-=-=='="===-===== We Sit Better Inc: Prof. care Jor childrrn. elderly, OOnvalesctnL Jn home-hoa- pital. 24 hr .erv. Hr-day-wk· vac. AWARDED PARENTS MAGAZINE OOMMENDA· TION SEAL. Slttint Pretty Aeoncy . Sublldiary of Gerber Prod. a,, 6G-3%74 Stach-:20% dlM:ounl ment enter, 03 N. Tustin,t· • .,14, .,._1131 °'"""' Cll o:IJ.001 Carpet Cl~nint 66:!5 Haullnt 1730 $1,IXIO 1Sl' tD on ocun Yltw Amateur Movlem•klng CARPET It rum. clcanifll'; YARD/pr cleanup Jtemove lot, 1%, dUe 3 YM"· 10% JIM the' Fun! 642-0497 for 1 ~ 91!rvice k quality trtes. ivy, dlrt,. tractor d.llcounl at-1210 work, call Sterling for *kboe, grade' 91)..'745 (llT·lml eienb,..l SlllVICI DtRICTOllY brigh"""! fi42.<>lD HAULING, General, -., AiiNOUNC:_,,,.,..Ti a.bylltttnt 1150 Carpet Laylftf & bedp•, ''!"""· -· 1114 NOTICIS Repair 6626 "'"'°"""· B•• Jo!m • ...._ ., (X)LLECE Student: Ba.bJsll· GARG. cleanout. aometlmea rou'l'! (fr11 Athl ._, «nr 11.CXI hr. Neat WUlon • CARPET LAYING ftlr "°'"'""· Truh haullnr· r6UND -Gtnnan Sbtphttd HU'bor in C.M. Week C.A. Page 642-2010 546-4743 Of 54&-A9U fimaltt ~ I , mo. old. iilehtJ. ar entln Wl!t!Rndl. CLEAN UP I Ute moWl& _. • whit.. VI<. SAO)la A.-for ~ Sl&-1111 Eloctrlcal -,.,.. • •brub removal. All• AYll •• Ott Mat. 28~ wru.. BABYSIT. M,,. hOme. . Rtuonable. 5f9...13S9 Wt.a Ana Ave. Apl E., Nloe play room .t fenotd In ELECTRICIAN, no job 100 I ,-,=,,...,.--,,----==I C.M. yard. On1y lunch fu:millied. amall. For prompt .ervkle 645-2256 Anytime, BOB N w tclltt e.Jl 5G-4614 Cleanup, lit truck, pract:a fulJNg fOW11 male dos. ear es lhoppln& Jor ~. rolotU, reno'¥', ........ _. blldt !rootlnl, anL Call 5'M!3JI floo.. 66651 ==='"""=='=°'=' _, ""C ba~. July a "'" CHILD &ie. ""' lowty H-1Nnlft9 67H nea Mkt. Ntwpft"t 9Mt. borne. Btc fencd. yd, nr. 23d C11rpst Vinyl Tl .. C.?11. MM112 A S.nt.I Ana St. O>tta Mt-.All •l>'* l'.'11:1 c'Olon imt BJMlti niale .... eut ,._ 6#413'1 Free etL Lie. -· oJ atate v\lllOr, hauftd. !:)'pt. B48Y'SfriING, my hofnt, 541).?"Jg • $CMm 1..: ,,.. e14. "'"""" • 115 for ... <hlld, ao 11r --------Jula Ana .... ~. ~. ""'"" v1c. n.mn ... 0.-I !nl!N6 &14 .. Whlto 1..... •. ~ CM., ... , .. ' "' 66IO MAIN'I'-rn/amte'I, wtndowl --lalty. --........... ..,,.,.. J .. l I I ' I ·• I I I 11·. ~ll.V ~OT Wotllnday, J~r 23, 1969 I Wotl!HllU, July 2J. .l'l6'l PllOT-~VUTISE-.33 llllMCI iDli l CTORi' J OIS & EMPLOYMENT JJ<>lii & IMPLOYMINT JOIS & •EMl'\.D!MINT JOIS & Efl"LOYMUl;r J~S ~PLOYMUff. JOIS ,&. ill+PLDYMINT J_DIS I E~LOVM'INT JO~$ I tMPLOY.MfN J...tt...lal 6790 Job W•nf.,t, Ladl( 7020 Holp Witntad, Mo_e noo.~-, W•fti,d. "''" ·nqo ~p' WOntod, Mon 7200 He/p Wonl141 • H,1,iw.-Hole Wantad ljolp W~ntad r.-r ---· ' · • T k Wemen -1400 Women 7400 Wemen ... 7400 Women 7400 WALLS. Wi~'I, Doon. XLNT ~tot your d\Udn!n • Do-YOU a e -.,_ - '1"1"'bJ. 0om ... 1<1a1 A &I« pets In,..,, hOme tor J, c. PENNEY COMPANY I SALESMEN SALES Ol'nCE • RN or LYN -tlal. Daily. •'OOlkY vacaU..1,. ..,...,. Xlnt FUhlon ls..,,d -New...,l """ • • WANTED. ) Et.\P~OYMENT• "WHY DELAY,7 * " • • * ' ....V°"Mo. lm-7j50 cbanlctu rd.I-I 71<1 NG ,. • COUNSELLOR u · . • ~ HAS OPSNI S l"OJt \ wltk a ..-1 .. Of 8'.!t? Cln'I. It ""'U ,ht.Ve.t"• ablU..,,,,, d~ )'OU have evu lhO\cbt of J.C. Pertncy 1Co. (C&Jitornia Llccfllledi &l/ & Beach Gtaninl Strv "1' rJbtame I "" '"'-•J r ~~~ tempo~lly, nQ\v i!i faahlon J~ Ooipm. -..!-. noon, etc CGn•paNon ~t c 0 0 K • I u s I 0 y s ..,. Ilia .... I to • sil'e to lvotk wit)) ... Pl• A the t!i)\o to .. ~ We h>.e Newport B<ach Res & c.ainc'l. 64&-.1401 Aide or p~et. nune avalJ. lowtd a few, m)'leU 'only to have !:'lad uJes or publle 1:on-pJt':nty ol lntert11tinc, J~ P,apert\intlnt ~:S ~=~~!·,. ~~ ·With some i~rlence IJld wWinJ to !:Jdo~Pfiv~lM~I> T~ ~: !:tu ~~ w~ ~~ pa.yJnc Jbl)s, 1 • P•intlft: 6850 ;i;;;i,i'-=:-c·=-;;;;-;::-., learn. Top work.big cQnditiO)lB &: enVU'Ol1· cleim11 In the ad. tion'• Juse•t with tJVer Bl =.1! HOUSE Cleanme by hr. S2. ment., Competitive •wages plus mealt &: DO YOURSELF off.ices coot to·eout: Draw 0f:J:Je~vo:b SUBURBAN Painilng~c 1 baby~lttlnt: eve 1 • Sl hr. tij>s, an~ outstandin g benefits including : + commiuion, S6000 to \Vcsiern Chi Expeort Guaranteed \Vork 96M~J hospitalization and profit,abar~g. A, FAVOR ! $8000 11nt year, Call ?-tr. ,_ • Free esl. No ;ob 1o0 lar&e A.ND , Cullum., •• WE' Nl!EDI 0<100 ...al>.'t9"Jl90 Pomntle Halp 7.035 Applht in gers~05Ai:!,~• 9 PM , EXPLORE COA$T•L AGENCY • Typfsta PAlNTING Int & ~ LoY.'e!lt ENGL Is lf 8 u TL ER on ay ' a . ay ' THIS ONE ! Sne:~ ~e~~i~: Inc. • S.Cretartei ~~,:~~~0P;:: ~: -VALtt-PENNEY'S F.ASHION ISLAND u you would like t.o ma.kc 2190 Harbor Bl, C.M. ~ e B:ookkMper1 Jin1 Weeks 613--1166 DRJVER, Xlnl rehi! Equal.QpportunH.y £mployet $250. per •Wttk imuiediate\y. * ACXDtJNTIN.G Cl.ERK. • Keypunch Opr1 tNTER. & Ext. Painlini;-, Far East Agency -64U703 All stud~nt posUons are filled. \Vlth an O~P,Ortunity for Ope~ exists for a 'persQll • L.,al Secy'1. Lie. & Insur. 3(1 yrs. &:pe.i:. Chinese Jive-ins. CheerfuJ • • much more 1n the future, '\\1th rece'nt experience tn in. J~ Estitnate. Call Oiuck Permanent. Experienced I ~..Ji.kc to ·talk to )'OU, vtntory ~t •CC®nlJ re. &,15-{)800 • Far Eaat Agency 642-S70l Hele Wanted. M•n 7200 Help Wanted, Men 7200 U ;IOIJr qu,OOeations match ceivable k Pa.ra»Ie, In OW' NEEDS PART TIME SALESLADIES Hou1ewlVe1 & ~lhtr• Can you apart. a te\11 ·houri each da,y and add to the :.faml\)I' luoome ·al "1• aa.me tlme!i Sehe.d ult1 convenient for you, motnina:a, .dter- 'noon!, e~nil'lgs OJ" t.'Oinbina- Uons o! &U. Work in store w>Mrt thl!! fine11t of candi- Uona &fld top supel'Visicm. APPLY IN PEJµON Jo'tlll Ume, ( lo 12 Apply ln penion J.lunlinzton Be•ch Coovalesctnt Ho;;pltaJ 18192 Oelawa1'!! SL, H.B. Day & Ni;ht Shift for ~U!)' cotfeto abop MAl!NING'S COFFEE SHOP .24031 El Toro Rd. CALL RUDY CHINESE AJ\WI I ~;::;;;;;;;;;!;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.J our,requ~menb, th.lg could accountina: dept, ·co•·~ m· TODAY , , * MACHINIST. A rew vaca.n-/ 1 be the career YoU"vl!! been ' .,u;. PENNEY'S Paintint:-Cemenl-Odd Job$ Avail in 1 \\'eek cits exl!rt for. machine ahop *· * looking for. Call for penonal caU JI A 0 .. ' ~ • * ll1$lruclreu & Sa.Jes .. • 646-:lnS • ,.~ar East Acency 642-3703 TRAlNEES, no prev. ,eirp. J, C. ~nney Co. interview bet. l OAM l 3 PM 6¢;2~ EX'~9 .••. Llij ' · . , _' ~· ~ASHIQN ISLAND lloJi!9! Health Spa· C.M. E>."T/Int. pnlg. AYer r1n. $20 Gcorre Allen Byland Age.ney required however, applicants J.'ashlon Jst&nd'"" Cn<t) SU..1701 10.AM to 5 PM -...,.,.,. Harbor Blvd, + good pa.int. neat work, Employer Paya Fee must have an exhibited me· Newpo11 Beac:h SALES:~ Great oppoi'tunity CULTON INO:USTR.IES J.I0'14a1 thn1 !'ridi.y Agertasl\•e type tor sales l: toe refs. Roy, 847-1358. lOl>-B E. 16th, SA 547-1)3:95 cha.nlcaJ ability. ltas An Opening for ,\vbi'kt'r with a vtrong 1644 Whittlel" Ave, phyaical IJtness work, ,.Jes Laauna l lilla 837-1014 ~" J1·m Hyam•. Da••·· ror ,.. __ ,. M """'" Internalional T•mpo'''""" A" ·Student po$iliona Jllled. experience preJtrred but no! PAINTING by the hr or i·ob. ......u .. desire to advance. St.art ......,.. esa, -.iu, :1-: ·-.. ,. SU-2400 E S46-0ll9 · r .. al rtunl ) Help Service Equal cppo11unity employer ~sary. lifust have trim No ma1'k-up on materials. Help Wanted, M.n 7200 · vcs. Part or Full Tim• S70CX1. Call Buel Snell, ~u oppo ty,empO)'er figure and be able to meet Ge<><x• Mark. "'-"'' GULTON INDUSTRIES -SALESMEN -~ . Lnaf Seely to $750 '"•h•im 1184 w. Lin"'" • • arid deal with !he ,..,bJ;c. A-P. PAINTING .. Int/ext. 2 Univ ,,~~ Wh. . A · G ~-Sho "'O~TAL AGENCY "ft . . San1;< An• Pl>. "' 0 -•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pJy in perr.on. Re 1.,.... 1ttier vt. lll our a1....,n p A member of ,,,.,.ON.>,, senion;. 3 yrs e1\I). sp. • Co * Costa Mesa, Calit. Snct.Ung & SneJling lnc. -Employer pay11 tee. 11.apna Costa Mesa. Z700 Harbor--LYN Ir Nurses Aids 833-2232, 492-443:? eves. J . C. Penney · Equal opportunity empJoyer Recent, suctesstut c.X· 2790 Harbor 81 Costa Mesa &l'ea.) Ability 10 prepare pe· An Equal Oppot1unity VETS Bonded ~ainting. 10 Fashion l.aland perlence prefe~. Con·,. l=====·==·==o;l tition15 & accounts 1vith mini.. ---~-E~m~•~lo=y~'-'---fTT JABSCQ Large Pl'Cli1"f'ss!ve EO" needs yrs in area, Uc'd & insured, Newport Be!lcb MECH &NICS petitive wages and excel· nium IU,IM!l'Vision. \\'ork for U, Orientation provided by • .... "' Jeni be-ne!it program. Help w.nted . -· ,. L". ,_ n.. full time, in service, educ•· 642-M'" ~1 Mechanic. Air Condi· Wa""n 7400 an exeeptj(ln.,..cy ine i;:cn!lf!· "'""-pcr""nc"" tor. Openings on ... 11 sb.il'ts. NEAT. 'Exp. Palnter, no NEEDS A tionlng ~ £1tttric&l Meehan. APPLY JN PERSON ~ mctn. Also fee jobs. • • WAITRESS Differential pd for swingen; drinking. College student. !cs. 50)50. ExCt'ptional work· 10 A~ to 9 PM S' I Newport e e HOSTESSES COMPUTER 8.: nite owls, Only those who Uiw prices! Steve 548-6t!I * COOK * ing rxinditions: Jle\V facility: t.fonday Uµ'U Saturday 1ng e Personnal Agency eare need apply •t 1030 ·W . • PATCH PLASTERING. Jarae volumt deaJv. San 833 Do~r Or., N.B. CONTROL \Varner, S.A. 546-6-450 Reef:nt ::;ueccssful e.'tpolienct D' Ch ""' "°'O >'°2143 Apply ;0 -1·-•• All types. FJ"ee estimate. in all'phues or the food in-ieao Fi-ee\\·ay 8.: erry J C PENNEY CQ ~ .. ,,,. ~ "',,.."" COORDINATOR KEYPUNOIOPER: Mature, caJ · A"·· north. APPLY IN • , , y GIRL-Friday t ypo, in-know 1,,1, ,llrllln a•-••• dustry is required. Competi-ERSO 8130 oung DCUBEH E LEE --PAINT G .P~pcring 16 yrs live 1vagts and outstanding p N. 827" teresting ~ varitd ivork. I\&. • !\lui;t have isenior key. inr field , Great tutu.re for ir H r a.re.a. Lie. & be.ncli!S iocludirw profit PACIFIC AUTO SALES 2!.fa1_hfon l•la11d Requires knowltd&'.e o ! punch / v.erilying cxperi· you. Starts $450. Call Gloria bo . Refs furn. 642-2356 sharing. '3600-tben'Y Ave. An equal opportunity ' 11hthnd. good t Y Ping' 151 E. Caatt Hwy. r.ncl". IBi\f. Good i1'0rking Kay, 540-60.JS Lo~ --Beach employer Adults purchasing exper. desirable. Newport Be11ch c:ondilions and benefits. ·COASTAL AGENCY 6890 PLlJMBrNG REPAIR No job too sn)all • 642-3128 • Remodel, Rep•ir, 6940 * If you ·ne&:rremo:dellng, painting or repairs. Cal l Dick, '642-1797 APPLY IN PERSON 10 '.M to 9 PM Monday thru Friday J. C. PENNEY CO. * * Willing to learn & gro1v 1v/ A men1ber of * DRIVERS * company. P 1 ea s ant sur-----EQUAL OPPOJ\TUNITY SneUlng & Sne'Wng Inc. · -DIV,ISJON-· roundlngs. Ap p I y 215 * Accounts P11yablt Ti:l.fPLO'ER :?i90 Ji'arbor Bi, Costa Mesa No Experience CONTROLLER Luxury stngJe, 1 & 2 ru ..... w. '"'··NB Clork . . r-• MAID AND STOCK WORK Necessary! bedroom apartments, . •Typists Experienced on l y t)tPc 60 l·JS.·, DALE V.'AY Pcl'maJJen+ for fine..__.. ...... , R P.,... °"~· · furnished and wilur-w Pm CALIF -s ' .. -.. ·-· l.1lL!lt have clean cautornia a i......, e."!_,,..in• micro-• Ste~raphert · · · COSTA t.IBSA, · :i.<V.< clothini;:: store. Retail ex· . dri'".""' _ _. -An. p'u eltctronic ma.nutacturer re· nlshed, with complete Hrtv sft:y-e Recept-·* ..,Pfr16n~( ~1i1t•nt (114) 54.>82fll perienc."f! helpful, or will -24 F111hion Island · ·-. ~......... v qill~s Division Controller. privacy and landscap-. Experienced in uitervtewlng YELLOW CAB CO. p0 ... .,_, ,.. .. ~., d;,:,. .... u •• to General.contractor wilt be lo-_,.d _,1 p•---, -• ..,.._,, ___ , train. Apply : . An equal oitJ>Ortunity 186 E lSth St ,........ '" ... -.. ..,. ed COlllllry club at· ted Sa ta _.__ .... '""' ,...,.., .,,. ,.... • ....,.uig employer · • genl!ral :muiqer. Coat ex· h · r d' ca ll1 l.l ni"" · now work. Good typing skills. ""'=====---* * Costa Mesa perience desired. Newport m,osP. . ere me u mg taking applle.a~ns tor per· Cood opJ)ortunity in ADVERTISING Roofing 6950 .'.',,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..;.i ·--::::-.::::::----Beach location. '750,000 w or th of manent _pos1t10rui;, General faij arowin& company, S t / 1--~~----,..-'!! E:-.."JX'rlenccd recreational faciliti es t'~nstruct1on expe1~encl'! de-Call for apl}Olntment ecre ary Roof Coating & Repair TRAINEE: Wonderful oppor. • BUSBOYS Contact A. J .-· Ei;-li designed and operat~ su'Cd. Send applicants "' POLYOPTTCS INC. Rock Rool our Specialty tunity to advance for a a:reat e~ just for s ing I e reson)<'s to Donovan Con· 540-2'250 Bookkeeper BACK STRE.ET Fashion Island Newporl Centf'1' -::-Gal Friday $43_0_ , I ""' "timat" >13411'l lif" Start •I i.;200, Call B"d • DIS. HW &SHERS RADIX I -"'"""'0" Co., S670 Wil,hitt cq"al op.po•tu•I-•mploy" Snell, S4(}.6()S5 " peop e . Blvd.1 Suite 660, U\ 90036. -.r Ne\\·po11 Beac:h l'O. pleuant S•wiit9 6960 COASTAL AGENCY CORPORATION Attention: Leo Niemi:'. TELLER: Fol' sharp J>E'rson Responsible, top level !!w·roundings, rriendJy · '»- ·-'" Apply in ~raon 184 E. Liberty Avenue ANAHEIM ~--..====--·I \\'hO likes reg. hours &: plush patitian far sh11rp, tak• wo1·kcl'S. Call Edel:'. ~ • Dressmaking -Al!eratiims Snell.A m&e~~-of 1 Anaheim 879-060 m So. Brookhw-st WOMEN location. \Vil! go to sm. charge 9frf. Must h•ve J111on Bett CustDm Designs tng mg nt'. REUBEN E. l£[ Experienced (1 blk So. or Lincoln) Betw•en Aga1 25 & 40 Call Gloria Kav, 540.6055 excellent skills incl. Employment Agency * 641>. 6446 * 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa Meu COASTAL AGENCY · "'20 °-M · s (TI4) 772-4500 needed for testing of elec-shorthand; h•ndle lite ·""' ""'· a.in .A. Alterations-642·5845 SALES fl ·c H BROILER MAN tronic compooent.5 Exp. A"membtr of bkkpg; billing. Under osE;:;CRM>iETrnAoR'Vy:-, -,Le;c;:,a1::;-;know=o.I Neat, a~rate, 20 years exp. YELLOW PAGES ISi E. Paci c It wy Six nights a 1vk. Starting rate GARDEN GROVE pre!erttd, good· ·...,·01icing Snelling & Snelling lnc. 30. C•ll Barbllrll, (714} how in beautiful new ofti(.'t --·-· · ·----Local telephone directory Newport Beach $26.00 a day. Cont11.ct the conditions. Pay commensu-2790 Harbor BL Costa l'olesa for somt lu<'ky person. TILE, Cer1mic 6974 Orange County area, No SALES • chef, Jnlerview~ bet. 12-4 13100 Chapman Ave. ra~ wiU1 expcrltnlY'. '42-3910. Starts .'500. Call Gloria Kay, travel, abovt averae:f! ca111-YELLOW PAGES p.m .. l\1on.-1"ri. Apply in <4 Bib. \V. Santa Ana Fwy,) Ele<:tronic Micro Syll\Cmll CREDIT CHECKER VERSATILE GAL Jor l girl :H0-6055 TrM Service 6'80 ES'l'ATE Maint Tree · Scrv ~rUo~l ~ trimmlni:•. mr estlma.le. ~an ~.OOSS. 6990 czyKDSKI'S ·Cust.. UPhoJ. l:.'uropean Cra.fbnianslilp JOOti* fin? 642-1454 - 1831 Ne1vport Bl., C.M. PLANNING TO REMODEi.! ' . ; .. .. • '1 " I - /... ftt•d Cl•1slfleetion1 ... 6501).6900 In tM DAILY PILOT ' • ings, full lime work. \Vill person only_ t7l 4l fi36..l030 549-:t.?95 or oflicc. Repo11 1o Div. ilTgr. COASTAL AGENCY train. Seer.tr. F1-enu1 7:30 Local telephone directory GENERAL CLERK ~1in. :; yi's. <'xp. Type 75 ~--e Co""Y ••-• No•-NEWPORT BEACH TYPIST: Trainot!. Cool ma· A n1c1nber of PM Th J I ?4th 8 ~" ........ '& '"" " • ..... FIVE CROWNS "·pm, Sh. too. Exp. in all • urs. u Y -or : "" vel, above average earnings, turt" person. Cr!' al advance· Snelling k Snelling Inc. Mt Fri, July :?at!'!. full lime \\'Ork, Will train. RESTAURANTS Irvine and 16th SI. n1ent for career mind .. >d, UNITED phases of ofc, iv or k • 2190 Harbor Bl,. Costa Mesa HELP WANTED° See t.lr. Frenzel 7:30 P~1. 3801 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. (114) 645-0;;;iO congenial, type. starts $350. CALIFORNIA BANK purchuing, isale5, produc. EXPERIENCED e Boat Carpenters Thurs JUiy 24th or 11:30 AM Corona Ml Mar Call Glo1ia l\ay, 541).6055 tion. can Jim Hyam5 Day~: •Boat Mechanies J"ri, J·uly 1>th 6i. E. Broad. I ----'-'-'-""---"---I South Bay Club COASTAL AGENCY 2712 \V. Coa:it 'th\~. ~~O~v~~:D~~~'i WAITRESS •Cabinet Makers way, Anaheim. • REUBEN'S • Apartments A memDer of Ne1vpo11: Beach · &ft..2431 1644 \\'hitt,icr Ave. C.l\I. • Journeym<'n i\IGi\1T TRAINEE Old Snellin& &: Snell.ing Inc. Equal opportunity employer Apply in Person •Boat Finll!hcrs 1 1 ' · : re· RECEPTIONIST:"Be the star 2790 Harbor Bl, Com i\lesa · SURF & SIRLOIN S h E I . liable co, rapid advance· C · M 0· bi'Li't 1·e 5 93 •v•nna n erprise• ment for top .person \\'it:i osta esa attracllon for JoYe).y medic. ATTRACT \Von1an needed to 5 0 Pac. Cst. Hwy. ' 776 lV. l ~lh St., C.i\I. gOOd initiative $5(!00, Call (•enter. Starts $42J, Call Glo-learn a.nd Uach make -up an L·i m iteO T i'!S . J NtwporJ Be1ch Production Cantral Bud Snel1,-54Q.6CG5 NE.EDS 1·Ja Kay 540-6055 techniques. Also pos:-iibte l.o .-' --GENERAL Cl.ERK: Va.rie- Clerk ta $500 COASTAL AGENCY COA:STAL AGENCY o"''n small business of your OfJCO~lj .J: _,' ty & public contact. Start ai Xlnt oppty \\"ith vital, slablt' A merriber ol •DISHWASHERS· A member cl own, \Vrite Jerry Shi.vet, Quality Positions Jor ~ $400. Call Ann \Villian:is, co. Call Bert, ~5410 Snelling & Snelling Inc. SnC"Jling & Snellillr 'lnc. 8200 Van Nu;ys B lvd . , Qualified Applicants v z IJl.il ftlD£tl.S • l'•n~•d ...,,,~., 5W-li055 Jason Beat 2790 Harbor BJ, Costa r.rcsa 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa_1.1esa ,Panorama Cl~ •• Calif. or 488 E, 17th St., Suite 224 =·~·;:::t,:-,,;,~1".t~~ COASTAL AGENCY E1nployment Agency MA INTENANCE man for Apply Personnel Dapt. C0l\1BINATION, Sharp Bar cad 213-787-4494 collect. Costa Mesa 642-1 470 1hOM J'6·2ll A membei· ot 1555 \Veost. Adams. C.~1. ~I ·els s.. Go Go D MOL NG · I 2120 So. Main. S.A. 1\'0tk arc u n d apw'tment ;;,;ro;,-,~-::::-:;'-;C:-=I a1 · ancers. DI . SECRETARY, EXEC: A ~nc ling&. Snelling Inc, · e DESMOND'S e bu ildings, condominiums, COOK: For one of the bet· Top ii·agcs $3.~$3.50 lo OPERATORS ar TELLER: Rea) opportunity 2790 Harbor Bl. Costa i\fesa #3 Fashion lslallcl etc. Full time (or property ~~an~~8~0uraan~!anc;,xcei!:! ~':gyp~; ~l ~;~ TRAINEES ~e,; ~i~~to~~'!.,~0: ~~~ for brigh! person. StlU1 a! MANICURIST Ne\\'PC>rl Beach mana1ement com Pan y. ~ B ' , Suu1s $j50_ Ca.II Gloria, !~~"-'~all Ann \\'llliams, Fashionable Ne11·po11 Beach NEEDS Needs carpentry, elecbical, ~~ Call ud Snell, ,,c,,.'.,1,.· 7.1=-::-=::;:-=c-=l!\fust be dependable, over 21. 54~ .. ..,...,.,.,., salon n<-eds an cx~rienced Permanent. full Onie painting and p I u m bl n r COASTAL AGENCY CUTE' Girls to W(lrk full or Apply 8-4 p.m. 850 \V. ISth. COASTAL AGENCY COASTAL AGENCY run time nianicUJ:ist. Quarn: _JANITOR_ skills. Salary open. Submit A nieinDer ol part time at' LOVE BIKINI 1~eo='=ta=M='="~·=...,.~~~ A menibcr 01 A n1cmber ol & commission. paid vacao All company ·benen~. pleu res.umt to P.O. Box 1810, Sl-IOP Apply in person, ORTHODONTIC A&sistant • Snelling & Snelling lnl'. Snelling & Snelling Jnr. rions, etc. ?least' ca 11 ant working cond's. 8:30 to Newport Bellch, Ca. 92663 :n:~~~~; Br~~l~~~sa ~1 ~i Marine Avf:., Balboa Office f\-Jngr, Diversified 2790 Harbor Bl, Coista i\lcsa 2790 !rarbor Bl. Costa l\l rsa 644-1570. 5 p.m. Apply in pci-son. MECHANIC · · ~s. scC?'("tarial skills. Exec Secty to $650-R.N. SUPERVISOR--no~,d:<e:::,cno::e::;skc;:to°'$"'31"3~:1 BOYS IO. 14 Foreign Car. BMC & Ferrari GENER AL ~1ACHINIST, J\faturity. good personality X1nt oppty, dynanllc I as r Full 01· part 1i1nc. 11 Recent ll'Ol'k exp. goad t;ypi:it; Carrier Routes Open deal~r needs 2 cxper. men. 5 exp'd, \vilh stainless steel F /C BOOKKEEPER & jud{:ment re qui r' d , gro,ving Nei\-port Beach co. p.n1. lo 7:30 11..n1. Good young, beal'h firm, call L& for day v.·eek. Proven high parts to close tolerances, Costa Mesa CPA office, Salary open_ 847~70 Call Kay, !°)40.~110_ salary and h·inge bcnc. raine, i\.Ie~hants P<'r!ionnd 1 '-una Beach, So. 1 ·-una earn~. paid vacation, capable of doing own setups Interesting • Challenging BEER MAID J•aon Best lits. Agency. 2013 \Vestcliff Dt~ -DAILY,P!LOT.._ unllot·mis furnished free, on lathes.. Call Jim Hyams. Commensurate Salary. P•rk Lida N.B. 64~2770. G In • th Days: 6-12-2400, Eve a: Please call Ll S.8!174 Apply evenlni:s.: t:mployrnent Agr11cy C , . 1 "l2-4JZJ roup i1., n: o er 2120 •-M . SA onvnlescenr dosplla FRY COOK .,. benefits. Call Joe iltoore 5'HHl319 'i\tANICURIST Allredo's Hair SCOTTIES ""'· ain, '· · 1"45 Superior EXPERIENCED S ervice 642-941).) (.,ULTON INDUSTRIES Etc. 326A. t.-tarine Av. Ba.I. 436 E . 17th St. Stcretary $4f5:-f .. '4=-N~lll'Ol'l Beach 6-12-2410 i\falurc, cxperienct'd lady Station man, full time, ---• ..-.8-.U"S'"B"'OY___ 1644 Wltittler Ave. C.J\1. Isl 675-6070 Cast• Mes• Personll<'I dept. good s~'{.'. day or cvcnin~. lull time, H + · · SECRETARY : Top flight CaJI re · 1 · l\f :~~:~~-g~~~i':''pay (over lS J Equal opportunity einployf'r i!l'f Gan. Office $2 p.h. SECRETARY· IV ·k 1 1. ~::!!:·. :::~~:n7sa.P~n~~ oppty 11'1fh top c.-.:ccutivc. Callcnd;r ~i:.;1~4~'.44ss~1e aftCT 40 hrs. 990 E. Coast 1' .. ull tiJne eves.. Apply in per· •CARPET LAYER• Good typing s~ills, 4 how-s a. nanclal ex~rt. 0~1us~r o~: Agt>ncy, 2043 \Vcstcliff Dr .• ~~~~.a~lt~i»Ca.JI Ann \Vil-Executive Secretary H1~'Y-· NB. son 2 · 4 P.i\f. ~ay, call ~~amc, 1-lcrch~ fice, oppo11unity! S400. Call N.B. M;).2710 lal:io lee jobs). COASTAL AGENCY Frin~c benefits, bonus fai;h. EXP'D. MECHANIC, part ersonnt' ft 11 c Y, Ann \V\lllams 540-ro5;) ion Island office. 'Salary lin\c .Sat. & Sun. ~Hart July B~~·~-~~~.·~~y ISELXAPNEOREkE~COET~R o"'R"AtcFlilTf os'M·· AN.NB. 64a-,~.2,."tOh. COASAT~~m·~G, E 01 NCY SECRETARY: Rettplion for Snclli~g n;_~1~::rii~~ Jn(-. 06~•.' ~.218Phone after 5 p.ni. 19th. Corona del P..Iar. Apply M y ""' uc enginee1·s. GOOd pc1"SOnalily. '"" in pcr!!On, 3Ul0 E. Coast Costa es11 HOMES, INC. secreta1ial \\'Ork desil'ed fc1· Snelling & Snelling Inc• Start S4j()_ Call t\nn \Vil· 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa !\1csa SALESLADY \\'anted for ac- H\\'Y· BOAT ASSE?l1BLERS. Mu11t 2135 Canyon Or., C.l\I. Oceano~aphlC' finn, GI. 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa r.t~sa lia.ms, 540-6055 cessory ~lea. Exp prcf'd. ~P7AN..-;1"vAS=H;;E;;R;-;•-aU::;;-...,..=::,nd::; I be ""Ptr. "-1aat. Top pay, 64!:_9ra8 Call collect 545-348G TI-lREE Chlldttn 112. W. 6l COASTAL AGENCY See Betty Bruce al Beals Home l"urnishinp, K1TCHEN MAN, La~lois pltnly of overtin)e. Perm, STO=RE""-;&. TO:OL RO<?~f TY~IS:r;exp. fa.st, accurat~. need babysitter for re-A member or m [; UOO lrvint', NB. 60--0262 Fancy Frozen Foods, 21144 position. No lay--0lfs. CLERK for rapidly growtng Sh1ppmg dept. Apply tn mainder or s u mmer. Snelling k Snelling Inc. • ORAL ~urge1"' olf iC<'. Im· Laguna Canyon Rd, Laguna ~tERIDIAN LTD. 10920 f.ta:inc Prod_ucts Co. E.-.:· person 2144 S. Hathaway, 96S-lr>ll vie. ot liiagnolia &: 279o Harbor Bl, Cotta l'.les.:i l.~J XeC mediate e.m .. ployme.nt tor 2020 H 1 1v t h o r n e B I v d . , pcnence desired, but not SA. Ad HB OLDER Woman to babysit 2 A!;ency for Career Girls Beach. 4~ Ingle\\·oocl, Ca.HJ. 90304. 1213) necessary. Pol!ition 1\i.11 re-. . ams. · 11 UO \V Coast H vy N B dental assistant. X·ray CX· EXP'D. BUSBO~. Apply tn b'1H200 quire apti tude for detailed fl'.LL or pt-lt.m.e Beautician. LEGAL SECRETARY ch da-en. · l~i: & 4 yrs. · 1 •• ' ' perie.nce. Call &48-7719 ·r .:.18 Stitt & ;;;====:-c:~::'.;:-;;: . chentelt' pref. but not re· F . , ood Dependabk>, Io v Ing. 4 By appoint. 64&.:393! ~P.;.-T;;;c:ri:::;;-,o;;rr::--1 person 1 over · PART Tirne help wanted : No wurk. ";PPIY 1n person, 1916 qUittd. New :tad ivelcome. ast~ accurall'! l)'pJSt, g days/ivk 8-4:30. !\'ly hoinc, ,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,,. Part Time. aerli: Te:lloJr Sirloin, 593'.I Pacific Cuast cxperie~ l't'QUil-ed ... days cPoli:"LEi''"'"".--;''~····,eo.""ta::-Miie;;;"';;;1 ~CaU~~~'~l8-";;99l~·:'F. ..... ==I on pholl<', SomC' sht~nd, o.. 01vn trans. 125 1vk. {or Sal'ings & Loan Hwy. N. B. \veek. Student or retired. COLLEGE h mi:'r. a· · S1nall ti us y office, liB. ,,.,, -·i TRAINEE: •·ac1ory 1vork. 671-5010 .nge man • s arp EXP'D SALESLADY 536-8078 or 838.6460. .....,.._,, good work record. no hoine ;w;n;,,--,;;;;;C,:;:,n;:== SERV. STA. A'ITNDN'T, Apply in person only. Neal's -cle~t -·to \VOrlc Ml or A ''cc=NTS="'R'°'"-·-,.&'b"il"'li::,,gc--gc-,irl bl Sol'd d SPECIAL Machlnr {)peratcn ovel' 18. Exp. r'M'C. Contet Union Station, 3001 Newport pait lime with adult youth r.ten & \\'omens Clolhing BAR.r.lAJD. No expt'r llt!c. pro ems. 1 • stea Y fy!)('. ror Garmenl lilfgr. Up . ,.. * 548-5383 * 11·a.11ted. E.xpe.r, only. Ac· Start $300. CaJI Ann \\'il. l'K'c. 6~2-2666 MIKE. AIRPORT TE,,.. Blvd, NB leaden ln YMCA. Must !\lust be sharp, nil es. Apply MU'Mle typist. Apply\\!. B. Hams. S4(}..6&jj lni:ww-C6=::o-,=" ACO. 467S Campus Dr. LUBRICATION man f 0 r have car ,_ w'Ork 110me SERVICE Station l'll!'eds g;i1is tn per.ion: Vikkl'11 Uluni;:e, Schock Co. 3502 S. Greendill COASTAL AGEWCY Dl::NTAL A~ist11nl • Chair Ncwpt. Bch. die• .. •I ..... cks. Sonie Jinht nights. Call 494-MJI for pump serv. Xlnt sal 5 179% Ne111>0rr. CM 5, •-·ta· An• side Orthodontic oUict. -"" ~ POINTS SHE" 84°' .. 4 ., ~· . A n1cn1bc1· of EXP'D. 2nd. shl(t Injection mtthanical 1v or k . Ex· ARCHITECTURAL ....... """'" Snell'°" & s-lllng I"". * 642-2040 * OPERATORS ACCNTS )\ec. l billing girl -.,,. "" '" Molding foreman. G d , pcritneed only need apply. DRAFTSMAN, 8 I K I N I Barmald/dancer. . ivantcd, E:qier. only, Ac· 2790 J-larbor Bl, Costa i\lcHa MATURE · Part t Im e ben's. Apply 9 to 5 PJ\f. Boat TrnnAit Inc., 871 \V. l nterml'!diate Exp Tom l: f'uU or parl·lime, Costa Experit'nced on d r" s s, 1, curate typist. Apply \V. b. BEAIJl'lFUL Girl, n i cc kitchen help for Dell. Appk, SMALL PARTS INC. 161.h St., N.B. Truskier Arc.hltecb Ai.A i\fe11a. 646-7301 .'!ports '\"aaJ', zippers, Top Schock Cc, 3502 S. Green. shape, for figutt model. ~· 171h St.. C~f. 1346 Lopn Ave., C.t.t. SERVICE Stal ion help. l Hunt. Harbour, 846-0in BARl\IAID, street dre ss, Pay. AllKI PRESSER. ville SI, Slnta Ana Strictly aniateur, 4fE]DC1'0W; Job TRAINEE 19-24. radio gar· J;ravtyard, 2 Jbl' day llhift. Iv. EC H ANICS-E.:xperienced parrtln)e. \VUlini; to train, 863 Production Place: Day ah.ill. DESI.:: CLt:RK. pay. 1 afternoon per "'eek. I-Men, Wom, 750d •ie door field. 11ervlce & E.xp prtf. No phone t.-a.lls. \\'{inlxlards, outboards I.: 549-t6j2. and $49-2769 Newport Beach. 646-0303 E.'.'J)trlenced only apply. r.;ay bl' married or 1inglt', MANAGER ror apartrne~ lnst.a.11, Radio repair back· Ricltficld, 19th & Ne,\'J>Ol'l, ste~drlvcs. ~all Anc~~ BABYSITTER wanted: t.>ly MOTllER'S Helper to ti~ in. JAMAICA INN HOTEi. but p1-efer over 21. \Vrile house. 6 unitg: 1 bdr apt fod Kf'OU.nd. AlHO P.T. radio tt-· Cl\I J.tarme ~ Rcpa,1r. 6"4-4.)45 home · 21st., Ci\f. 5 day, Pref. Cli.'PC1' w/001v baby. l--.=~6:;:13-3;;,!20~-;;;;--l nBoF'·',-';;l';i869-;;. ,n.,aU~y'P;:l-,lo,..1.;;;;::;; senriCl'!'e. 1209 w. Balbol( palnnan. 642-3490. PLATERS, 3 exp. !lard ht\i'n 9-5. $25 \vk. 646-5263 No other e.hldlren. prlv. DES p A RATE L y Need Blvd, Balboa. 494-5189 i ESTABI.JSUED ln!;W'ance • chrome, ha.rd JLnO, cad, t'OOK·lr)' .. exper. ~-man * \VAITRESS * Over 21 _ rooin it. bath. Start Al.l&-18. SECRETARY subSt.ilute motMr/S l-T old COFFEE Shop Cook~Mak! oc Leads avail. N.B. OUioc. platen. S\\'ing ishirt . Apply 1vho desire~ J)OSltiOf• \V/ Experienced rraveyard &4~ Atk11lOOM ol\ly, Trainee ok. girl, gqing lo Klleybrooke female . run t.ime lhtftJ Ca.tttr oppt, ~ in ])C1'80n 2144 S. Ha1ha1va,y, fulutt. for inter. st't !\fr. shift. 613--0'J77 ;'cu'=R"T"AIN=-,.:--:do:,:c,,-p:-:-,::-:or y Gd. lyplnt k r;horthand or Sehl &. 3 yr cld boy. Startini: open. Apply after 1 pm. 503 ASSJ~ANT CHEF 1 all. SA Schrerhold !\Jr. Sltak, 2267 saleslady c:qi'd. No phone Stenoret~ required, 962-6912 Sept, ;, dA,Y wk/~. Plea1e E. Edgtowater, Balboa · uound cook. Country club, SALESMAN: ~1. ttme. &II 1'8il"Vlel~'. 0.f. 6'11.07JZ Fu*tl ~VNOIR17UY ~bb ~A eall11. UdoU's. So. Cout 1_ .. _,_o-:"-:'-:pm°Nt.iit<>:S-:--:-:---i ~'=';:;",;;':;;";;';;'::;'°~·::_5'0-59>5:;.;';;_:;',.,-BEA •~y ~- top \\·aae.s. 496-5446 IN-DEMAND product, lli S TEREOComponent H tu~~;. ••~11.~ .. """'P1ata ... NURS&<; .• , \\'ArTRESS ·OVER 2l -...t"t'· v8~· '°'i.o' full or EXPERIENCED llhoe sales-~~ ,pa,y from ala.rt. t!O. saJesme.n. Knowl. of current unt. l:K'l•. ~ CENERAC OH:ice hclp need· nN-Reliet r.hlft Day t evenlilg shift. ,.... ·-ime-. usy II p. Xlnt man. Inquire 245 f'OttSl sample1 tnposit re.lundable. ste~ oomp'nt.s. i11bc 21. SEC{RECPT tor Dental of· ed. Accurate. typi.na rtJquir-LYN, full nisiht.&hift Call : ~9863 localion. Contessa H a ir Call 642...4886 CLAN IND Ph: Lee Van fl.t6-8S97 fice •in Cost! fl;leu.. ~-per. ed. 50 WPM. Call 646-02'.l:I Apply in prn10n Fashions 675--:o(i ' Aw .• Laguna Stach. f'ACT'ORY Ttaintt, ~ilft preferttd. ~ 8:3G-S u'k lo:t Mrs. Bp-ry. Lquna Beach Nunina Home BEAUTY Op ERATO RS HAffiDRE.SSER NI GUE t. ~~~a:me'::~.!i~ ~~ e1:!~ .!11°:~~ ·work. -EARRO C O RP . srrr£R WANTED lot 2e t KJ N J Bai'mlid/daJ'ICer.,==~=·-~~~·~-~~~~ =ry~~~o6~a1;.i ~l~rcrAS~NS,p~:-t.~ Acres 1'1o~I $48.8755 laundry on \V, 19th St. Flberalaaa Dlvisiort, 18811 am.aU cltildren w/exp Ir. Full or part·tirnl'!. ~la SALES Clm, exp, pref'd., EC SECR ••y M 54.'"'3641 1\d. Hunt. Bch. \ ~ts. CdM area. 615-46J:7 lt1"sa. not nee. Stationery &: office L AL ET..,.. • min. ~n-2Zll DON'T ;:Ive. It eway. eot E:XJ>·o. &tW>e nuan ~ed, CHILD care and 11 t e e.1s.no1 supply. '10 hr \l'k , call for Gt yt11., exp .. Sal~v~n. '•"0"1.'"sm:ntt"'°S1'"'1E°'.R~•c-,;Pc-,,..,,..,.,-m-,I quk:lr cull for fl with • EX p ER. Landl'IC/maint. GUDE'S BARN:ETI', So hou11twork 5 d11ys \\'k. 2 appoint . 642-4563 i.!l< for nera PJ".1tC"t1cc. 4:30 to I p,m., ~ day 'llik1 Dally Pilot ~~~7~1 ; :. t~i. ~ft~e;;::n PO Coait Pl8.TA , Com P.tt"M «h.ildren 9(i8...1620 OAJt.\· PJLOT \VANT ADS! Mr. \\~t!lmri; or l\fr. H~k I \\'bile ~l<'phan\l!l50tme-a·l!ne 11-12-2410 I, I • .. . . .. -. -_ ...................... __ -.... . . . ---. -. .. , . ·-.... __ ~ ...""' - -=-=-,.-... , :,,:,., , • ~ , • Wtd-iay, .M) 2J, 111>9 DAit Y PILOT tl M!RCl'IAND!SE 'FOi( . MIRCHAND!SI POR SALi AN-~ Tui>J . SA(I A~D TRAl)l ~~CllANOfSl..Pl>~ · • • RTA ION SALE ANQ . TRADI F.REE .JO-YOU 1 ._ & 'r.thll ·9000 a.11.vict.t IOOO Pl1no0 I. 0.,.no 1130 M11ce!l10-1 l600 llAVf: One mJIWo-toid Id• . -Chi-. to:lt ·IEAU'TY .• orERATOR /,;;;;;;~=~~~~~~;;=~~;~==~=~~~=~;;;;;; HAMMOND' y.1 be1utlful ltQ ten • .b.tra eute wltb "1 WE'JlC mov1nr! ll' --------·I I walnul. &!Pf.l'*lfl speaker KIRBY nclnun c: I tan• r tbtlr g..tiotd feet. lta'tlt lhotl .heavy for twd '*· cam-* J'tDtst 9tlec1loft. Phw 6 ctbnta. Fhle kir"' church, w/1tllcti, pollabtr. XL.NT It wlU ~vtr. $J1S8 art~r blntd motor A tltl. fbf•. oa .'Sail. Skipper opUaall. ·For • club or home. $.14'."i t1r offtt. cond and ebar·" hY on 6 om ~ 712:5 bottom. 14' mall • rudder. tirocbu.re can 5'1-.Cm . hfay Lab tmaU crand ln bllance. al $39.IT or t.Xe )'REE To qUll. ~. lov. t..orw;unUMd Al1a. m.aM4 • Must be ••perlenctd. Our 6,000 ft. W1rehouM •open tq: Pu-.Hc Pint Thnel trade. 61s-.t028 · mr paymmtl. Ooilt Dept., J'UJ"t bm! Beqlt, · male. ;tfi8 ~ Jae It Low houn AJrcreft 9100 .li 2:111 f j ! II i j j 1] i'i 3 ii il:JI! fl;j/j SPU<~:;jRANos v~~~~1~~~ ~~i'~~ ~ ~~ ~: llO.~~ ~ Pif: i: =~; · :-PPLY Pert.'""'91 Office Third Floor OtASE Upricht. Good c:Nliinatts. Llc:. , c 0 n 1 r, ~ Kiltelll and .Molhtt to &Ol)d ..... ,.star fl r I • ue. CoNlder motOJ'C)'de, ~ P Riio.ns SlioWrwm Furniture Over $1000 value/$38?.95 l ""t:h~ ~=" ""'4"'· .. ~"".;.,!, ~ ~~ .. ':"'!':; ;;:'.::"='.· :!~°s'=.·.= ~ ~. ,_,11 • THE BROADWAY NEwP6RT BEAc11 ... .. 21" ADMIRAL. Cotqr TV prett)', 1&. b.f1rtd, 3 lemale1 1..;;. :,;;:;.,;:,;;====:;:-( Examples of I 00"1 other once In -a llfetlm• ,ipecl~s! Tefe•l•lon " 1205 ~~~1;1,: ~':;., !:; "" caltco.·1<6-74l0 1124 S1!1&oofl ' • .' 9010 Flyl!'J Lo11ono 915o • 5 Pc O&me Sets wro1 'ht iron from $59.96 • 8 Ft Dec .Divan & Love f. • ) · wtattchlllts, 2 )ITll qld $60. 3 WHITE blue: eyed ldttw. i 11' Thi.Ille Sloop All raelna L Fly N ! ' 47 Courtt of Fashion Seat $149 95 • 60" Hea" ' Spanish Coffee table $29.95 e Lg8 Matching Ct.JI MT~ monUW.• dct,,., 2 male, . 1 sear plus .fr!r.' Xlnt cond, ••m to ow FASH19N ISLAND , Lamp tables $19.95 e D.coretive Spanish LamQl::s from $1~.95 e Guar RENT OR BUY POOL TAlltE femu. Alao '""" oldor kit· MUST SELL. 16'1> °' "'" 10 Imo ol t111tructlonl IS. Newport h•ch Box Sprinas·& Ma. ttresses $19.95; 15 yr. Guar. ..111y Kings & Queens COLOR TV tens o! ,dlUe:rent colon.· otr. See at m Aaron No. &lcp ScMof, 142.104 · • ,........ $t ~th Up Brunawlck S X 10 "Gold' MS-662'7 1125 2. &A. (£. oU Fa!rvWw, inl:;;=:.;;=:;.:==::==I At Terrific S.vlng1I Stacks&. Stecli:a &. Stacks of M.ttr•tHS ALSO Cron'' Like nt\'1-Ctnuine - An Equal 'qpPortunuy Ba I. slate, top.of the line. atr-4466 1 WNEl/l _ Ulff' it1llen ml. North al San Diego Mobile HCNMI Y.AN Employer ( d't na or sTEREQ.REFRIG.ERATORS wait~ 1.t1f riv, Jipme. FrQW)') j Demo-Sale• re I \VASHERSORDRYERS BOYS St\~1·m "~ Swe6t -dl&p.011 1;o n GLEN Lu· o:cellent eon-GREENLIAP PAR"" TIME, llFE Slore OPTION TO BUY :!,~~ s:.e. isll' J;:;.;: 9l)S..ofJ971 7124 dltioll.. p~nr blrp1n al in cleat, clean, coal CqlB WISHES Terms Charge su.cs39 642-5666 eEAUTJrtJL R •• ,, •• ,1 , ""' s1oop -da"""' :"t;.: .. ~; ::! TO IMPLOY pups, ~ Lab % GermNI sau., flber&luee~. st&tnleu located at Park. 0pm t .AM SALES P .eOPLE 541-9660 o ,_ t.t Delff HI.Fl I. Stereo 1210 CARPET . SbilpKud.... 6 wk! ota . ateet rluine with trailu. to iPu S..10.S Set t4 Shag!. tweeds. hi·lo pile. All 4M-5A28 . 1/'l!J ~ A~ MOSM \Vho i•;ere formerly wortlni a.hind Harbor C11r .Wish Ent.r on H•mllten or BarNird St. ...._-'~.;;.;.:.;..;;.:..._....;:.= t'Olors. Free nt. 1Jc Omtr. or a.re CWTantly worldn&r~!!!~!!!~~~!!!!!"'~::!!::!!"!''!'l!!~!!~!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ -,., so4 LID ~~ .... stereo, 4 546-44'J3. EXCELLEN'l'ol:. -~•lc'NSorho" ,Ts F.~~·~~~~~PB0 HO~-~~ part time with oompanlea l: 111 , lpea .. ,., a lO 1Y'lem yn. a , • ....., ....... I ,,... o , • .....,.,,, e,"'.._ ,....,, . lT;>O nw.o "-· .!iUCh as AVON, A.MWAY, or Furniture 8000 Offica Equipment toll ADDlliMM 8100 in walnut COMOle. Take ~CRIFJCE -._Ne~ Sch rood adult home onb'· Dacron Ails. roller rerfin&, Coata Mesa n4: td-13'3 FULLER BRUSH. Demon.I--------~ -~. overa~1*¥Ulentaotpay ienoUJ Club n:iembership. 642419 7/2( ootboard. NICE! TRYBoAT£Rs1f Doable J:i. sti:a.Ce our beauWuJ book! to -MOVING THIS 181.f Executive typewriter & LARGE'&election of recondi-cuh balance' o"r $'13.6S. ~any 8 u t I er 1-3• wk cM hoUsebroken kit· $230D. Jm-y GT~ Mndo aO'OM trona 'btW your e1lllbll1htd cu1t~M1. Autoi)ophlt. U" caniage, Honed appUa.nces, repos, ap. C'.redi~ Dept 5.1$-7289 ten, &l.24at' ---ter-& pm1/25 CORONApo :ti No. 604. FUll o.na Pbll"lt ~ ¥"fl No charJ:~ ·Jar hilffirit' or WEEK WILL au-bon n·bbon. .,.__A.i .... uy pliance1 from model bomes 1969 RCA. hom e en-RECONDITIO,NED Typewril-PET' ond 'IVISTOCK race equipped., Deluxe m. meet m • n •I' em eat..,. Wes It.It. Prefer eduation • i-•GL...... -all guaiantttd, 1e-•n-•.nt -·•-,, 23"'-•. e-electri'" sta.ndatdltpo~ ~ ~. .. terlor A Im ... "CRIFIC-E bo·and ""'11500. 540--0852"· ·~ .. ~ _.,_ ---~ . .. •• powor. moc . .-i. -ol'iented people What have ~" S4G-TIS2 \Ve Service -\Ve Finance or.-"·TV, atereo AM/FM l table.2$75E!dtn.:A.ve.,.O:ista Ats;fll,Mrat'•,. • llOO Leaving -.rea. sac. $6500. LlOO Peninsula, I deal you_ sot to J'os e ! Call 6 rms. top cond. modern DUNLAP phono. Walrftit cablrittt', Mesa. . Atter6PM.,64&-lm bayfront loc&Uon. Trailer 6,38.5400. tum., appJtance1. 71282 81-e-G.ra~ Si.le 8022 APPLIANCE ~~11s .. A.,n.st;io3.' Our P.rlce WANTED OR IE N T AL SCRA~ ·LETS i1· DAY kiltr. Comple"te w/ 1arte ca'6"&m. New •lw Ion Lane, (Seabury Homes). 18lj NcwPQrt Ph·d., Cfi1. .,..,,.,. .,.,.i...2'Jl3 THROW RUGS PV. Pty. ,_ .. • , equipment, Includes on_more t:rpt,, Stove a: retrlJ9n,W. FRY coorr D 0 u BL E ll; e.!J' mal-J. PtECE walnu{ llvtnc room ' ~~ • NE\Y Se4f1~Ste.rec2 494-MSl ' ~NSW.ERS Balboa lsland m~or Inc. Aaklng '9000 646-2516 ftJ lrcSS/'eflnzs. d r e s s e r • iables $25. 2 lamps $1~ 6' 'co"'-MP=trr=ER"'o"';".u.";"'on:-:;db"-=" I a p e a k c rs 1 • s p e e d GO-KART SIOO. Mini...Slke Phone 5U-3S3l 65 Pah Atnei. 12 "57. 2 EXP dreaslng table · maple finish green couch. i;ood oon-c,, of modem McDowo?IJ It b 1 a c k /'bro w n 45 al· $150. Both &ood condition. : . . l'l' \)•01.)': o;;;un~r 1314 BA Enc. pardl, •~ Top ivages, permanent, hon-$40/all. 675'-4423 strucUon. Scotch guard Craig steel desks, c~in. tachments $4,;. fi75..a742 LI 3-4Cl6 rtabby .. Suite • Vlola • U.: ?"~ $1750 • Used $1350, lnp, shed. Adult. PK In SA. est, and work1nc coodltions 2 PIECE Rctional. Earcy cover Sl:i Set o( goU club lilc5, tables, etc. --G &. H OFFSET Printlnr gume •BLUES. From •tor-14 O o., mtd , ....... $500 l.Jke 1N f11SO. SO....o&98 ; .. ·-a'• "ad;,. -•la"-·t. Am•rloon, fao··. 120 1....., covers ~ and ·SlO Sc>t or McMAHAN'S m.acso Ctmt..rD 1'__ ~!lip. 8300 · ) tune cookie: ''L~ whittl~Flln~~Zone~'_Boa~~t,!Co..~,_Bal~!!boa!! ll~iii'ijjjjji;;;;;;i!iil,'"iiiii"ia ......... "" -... ·~ ....... ' '"" !<.fT65 llfcGregor golf clubs --(dl11COUntonorder200ltO'V9r Ue many Umea leads to 1 , -8xfO Biltmore 2 Bl\, fun ti.. Apply 9 am to S pm for in-We1tmin~ter, No. C, CM. $.j(), Set of :l iv 0 0 d 5 1830 S. Anal)eim Blvd .. in PHOTO Eqi..lp: enla.rpr, 117 ll Riverside, NB 642--0920 cue of the BLUES." FOLDING, 13 c omp , Cpts, drpll. Fum or unfum. terview at 548-4683 McGregor lull set lrom AMheim. (alongside SA print washier, paper, ln)'ll, CHAIRS Sl-$4, bed $15, paint. w/aaUs a: trlt. Use w/ob 18 Lowfy Palm ~ Pk. HI chair;. drapes; bridle al __!'reeway at Katella.) many othn' items. &U-4862 lnD"s $5 -$25, drapes $7, FOR SALE : $1.91 each ~e;-7680$950 + new, best ofr. Rebig. A/C. $%.oo. ~ MANNING'S CDFF.EE SHOP \V ter Hagen older model, GENERAL ELECTRIC ... Dutc:b Banded Bwmie1 ...,, lamp; round table , ~ folding but in good .!ihapc, just need , tables p-$15. 499--2334 3 months old ... A~ .....,., ..,.,. ,._,____ lil>er&lau ANGEL TnJler on beautlful chain·, mirror $10 each. ....._ · lfc" p h ·I automatic wcher. l ate Ml•-lloneo111 160Q ~·~ "" ........ ~an ·~w grips ~ 1 <: o 1 x1 S50 -· space, Penn. Ntw 5 yr lease, U031 Ellroro Rd. 847-631.! • refrigerator, clean "''I th mode• nt coDd. · Misc. Want.cf 1610 Doll 8125 mold. F..-tim.ated v •I u e with bay view.~. 6T'a-63&3 Leisure Worid La&una Hills SOFA, Brown 8., good for separate i re ~ z e r rom· 847-8US AUCTION • · $1001 Sell $l:M) or best oUer. &: ·67S4112 &37-Wl4 _bead:! ~ ~ or_ ol!g,_ partmenl, nirui good $3.>. 2 La.le model d~. *· . * '-· :_ .. ALASKAN ·Malamutea-(s!ed Call Chrlratt 8. ~-n .. ?ilQBD:EliiQj cibana 2 5016 Sea.short'. 3133 Sharon Lane<. 546-4145 I?' o • t ·free Refrigerators. · WE PAY ~&' ctoi pupsf~ AKC, bei.lrt1tUI ~YmG JR. • Ready Jot ._ n .. -ftn iJti p.$ SELLING AVON -IS FUN- EaJ:!.J U }:Olil learn. !========..:======== Xlnt rood. 644-l!!So FRIDAY ii-7:30 'M c1·s1 '<;olodJW,'J':;,f~dcp, coiilie roclf>l!'.$100. Will ~-'.'m. . . Furniture IOOOFurnitur1 8000 NORGE Wa&her $50. 1 year JULY 25th ' · triendl)", ~ ieUY IO tndefotlQJelnequlleond. ~ 23lt old GE. Dryer ~. ~th ln B«lroom s e t s, Dfva.ns, . .trJ!n.. Ptrfact show dola. ~ Electric Cira 9U0 pcrt-worldAa-O>Ad.-'44-.0096 ·b!:niocie~. me""~'~=. --· --Rejta~rec1. P.~~~ ~-26N·~~v:a-.;J}. '!:~ '68 rotfu-::S..:... .,,_ P~. Pay bills, make friends. Ter- ritory openll'lf• · neu . ;YOU. :i41J.7041 or 546-5.141, PUBLIC NOTICE LADY KENMORE automatic ~ f' furnlttu pplLanet wp, "YI' ~ .... p ._. ....... washer, lafe model, -xlnt -1,.ari)i.; Pldurq.. Mattreu. or -e, • s. up. 492~ Price ftlSO ·(%13) 210-4938 · Vt, ·auto. RAll, n.aDI ml. 1..'ond, SUS. 847-8115 i '-·~~table, Stenos, TV'1, colored TV, pianos. orsans MALE "Cermah Shepherd " • .-ith 'SS 9' 4-wtnd ....... Co&ttd ta Pe recorder, and antique.Ii. . ; .~py; .AKC Ni' 10 wks. 22" ' 1P~ Ensign. camper. $4,395, 5'1-M i Trunki, Foot lockers, Re-Day or nl.p:ht Black A: tan. ~ ~.SOO. ~mplci~ with watts, •.c. ~ cam , II I, DECORATOR GETS CANCEUATION _,.,, Stov" w.,..,., • 6J6.30f" "'~ ~ Olllbl'd. 543-mt . ..., ·-per, '!_,,, Antlqu.. · 1110 Real Estate Saleiimen A MENTS L MLJ t &: MUat MoRE~ • COCK.JpPO() Pu}lliet,·2 mos SAILFISH, new aall. Wood ~l· J)eW,· U.000 ml.. WlliJ" ~r:~~ ~~ ~:::·~~ ~~:~ OF 18 LUXURY AP RT \l/.::~~,~~1re~i~ ~~ ro~ BROWSE AROUND $ WE BUY $ okl, a.11 bl.le~, no~~"· SS. hull with ir,e lurfboua eqplt. '2300· 54&-al ad•'I., lloor tlm•. Foo ron-Spanish & l\ltdlterronHn Furni1Urt rotl ·top·o, .... ...i •"".......," llllllQY'S 'AUCTION · · :' .un~: .:.._:..,, $1110.'~~ A•=l~~ ":l fidentlal interview Broktr All BRAND NEW china CJ'binets, 11ecret;am, fl~ $ FURNITUR6 $ feN!e. f. ,.i ~ UOO lt·N'o, 23U. Gd, cond, Write Dally Pilot Soi lll-&J5 675-3581 ~ Mm,.-o;,.,~ ,..,_ sU1i. • "-• Eur. Armolrf!:S, brass beds, J:l, 75~1 Nrwport Blvd~ APPLIANCES . I "tta...."Old. S25. -•A-1•vlnc OOUl'ltry, must tell. - COUPLE to manage le ma.in-!Ptl"~tAH.:-r™'s.i!!f .. ·i:lli~i£ilW'•1th .itetdl1111 Li:i;1f-18.• 300 clocks 4 much JnOn!. ~!Tony's Bldi;. Mal'IL . WE.,,,:;,,,ER a~ 673--9291 MJnl Blk"• 9275 ~llMutlM C ... NH.'51 •.......•• ':ft: ·:: Wholesale&: retail. ~428 New • ......__,_ f.1,..,.. • ,~ 0~ Color TV-Pi•oos-Sl••••t IMAK.Al\l • ne: .. 1ever ll' Sallboa" ,1.._riaa w'""" .• ~··---------.I :~~8 ~~;xit~ in h~~ ~l-!~.,~~~c;::.·~~l·:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;',H; m":e port Blvd., Costa Mesa. OrEN-oAILY 9 ~ 1 l'leu ., tt ... ••II pupplea"8 wlQ old.. ma.st.. F~ .. in. ~":s. '68 HONDA Mini Sh'ett Lite workers SHntlfl H•"'91:~ ~ UI• ut.tJI ............ iiMM · ~7383 CASH IN JO MINUTI$ * 983--48 * 543-8368. New $165. Call 673-1267 afWr ""''""'•1:0 :';I\':; A decorator dream house on display -2 5 1 M hi ,120 LOVELY Mopl• """'""' • 541-4531 • l'<X>Dt.E_ Pu~1.., AKC SAIU!OAT utt "'"'"""l=''::'°::·=====F=I apt. 54&-9219 rooms of gorgeous Spanish furnifUre ·(was •w ng •c nes ~~. amPo~bl~ttlAe. .~~ Cover' all ors.nae:.. LA Co 's Su&a~ ~Pk>n stoc:k. cover anci'traile;, tl.25. ' Meter--._ __ JOU< JIAlR toO'.l .. tra.e Iu $ ""9 SINGER '°"ci>-o-matM:, ' ~~ •. ~W " ··-,.-* fl>-17111 * ---=......,-----1 out hair stylllts! Open.in& reg. 1295.00 zig zag, bullon holes, """'S automatk Phonograph ~"I~~ WTTLE Girl needa a toy 14' illlJioA.T, iidt into 3 Aug. hi in Balboa Is1and. SACRIFICE $398 on buttons, blind hems.. rei_'OC'd album5. Kenmore FURN"'URE . poodle to replace IM• one --...... .....__. nd $31 88 · .. ,6 s~ =s sewi'"' machine In modem .11 .. A, __ , Call~ -·i canva1 ....,.1.. UUUll co • call ,SW'.\ l-1.tm.~ 't.Mt's. \Yed, ' • • • • • • ' · or ..... ,. tr!O· ~· waln~~ desk' ~abinet. HI cl\air ·1 ~:-"CASH . IN 30 Minutes """' -... ......._,. $225. 538-7741 • • n4: 675-1230 ' or on other c111D1T TERMS AVA.II.AILI c11101T Q.IAlllD IMMl!DIATILY Musical '-at. 8125 small ratlios. pictures. l\.1edl-Quali7 •f'lmltutt, coiQ; TV 's. GERMAN S HEPHERD LIDO 14, Dacron &a.ils, gd, days, 213: 44~96'7 R D . t•I{ u E ,,, ca.I Encyclopedias. m I .5 c. stemll!I.' appl~ tools, mate, ~~s. ahols. rond. sm. Da.,va: ~ School1-ln1tn1ctlon 7600 fDMllT R BUNDY Oboe, con.5ervatory books. Kitchen ware.Ii, WO-ollicc equip. re•· fi13-$64 • FLIGRT.ln't 0 • al-oll -·-Bl!nn .. d (at 11ystc1n $150 men·s, me 10 and 12 dresa-'!-'53J\.1212 SCHNAUZE~ ~UP cmERBOARD ;:&00{ with , .... .~.. _ -048--7117 es. blouses, coats, purses, \VANT TO buy power ed&er (213} 3.'JO.&'i9a sail•, A P.U, · Xlpt, c:ond. . tao!:_,Goodtim•lS66. n•c·:.'1'h';." So15ttlo. 1144 Newport ' . HarMr llvd.) 12 STRING Bruno Ventura ~':t~.7% o~ 8~ h~~~~~ and' ) "!"", ", .• .. m_ow~ (reel HDrllil"-. aao *7312 ..... "" Gult11.r, *ood tone. S60. blankets, linens cl 1 ~pe · " us in fi .......... con-· 11' Al.OORT 'Sa i I fl ah • 'time. $9.SOlhr. Fully in· C ~ Mesa "'Dly 548--092.1 '. .. . " ~!IO~i .. ~ All 'saorsega~~ 1111.1oo and r(l &fi~!t•bly lWST~l1$1000.PartThoroi rn.aJqany, newly ttnilbed. ~condition llll'ed certified lnstructor °' os,,a ,• ri..f~ "HT priced, Phone 64~ JNnfer:~·"!" .urntter, ~ S21J. ~'1'1 -. . .._.._ _,, £lrtral avail. 549--0126· p· & ,,__ .,9130 _~fl'~·~will tradefor B!ue _.._, '""-ldf •ff,,,,. ~ , , _ ....... • 'IR w·· Stt 's 'Tll 6 ••nos -~· ' . 1 ~ ...... at.amps or Slr:H Green \V • .\ N X.E ~: ' P~n • ..,.... -~--. ;i • IW)t cond.. 30' T1hlt1 °---h •2,200 . , ~ • EducaUonal' Vlcation 5th : (Yffl'Nltftt. 9--., · un. -..-----TRAINS ')'l'I. -..4rldet-.1 Bkr9• ~..,~ • iii; l~I!!!!!!!!! 6 WEEK• * $12 otampo • ..._1584. Saturdo.y •. -• ~··· SAC. AS I& 169 So.~ Milo, 74 HA1U.EY DavMf80n grad<'rs . . Sr Citizens " S * Pho!\(' 642-0682 * anr or aft I pm ~ ~._ Chilcoat 10 lesson typing --Orian clas5' le&!OOS for be· &. unda.y 9-5:.JJ. After &' • f. OMM. IUJ) 795«eeve ml actual miles, xlnt eond. Sehl Trial Les110n. 173 Del Fu•no"tu•o IOOO G_1r.ige Sile 8022 glnnen. StAr.tipg Tuesday PM weekda~. Mlchlnery llC 8700 GEN'I'LE/~·k'lbut ~~Donna~rlt P...C..t NO'. 32 on traiJeT $1500. Call between 4 4 i ' ' July 29 1at 7 PM, Practice' • "' ._ . itafi:, C... CLEAN, SAILS GOOD 1 ~P~M~•-9<-~1934~·-----I ~1ar, C.M. 543-2'59 ------.--TWIN Bed & spring11, no organs available. Jorn the CLOSE-OUT SALEI. HEAVY-duty rota-tiller. 3 at!tr 4 p.m. ~ $3)00 494-5014 HONDA 250, good runmi. l\fONTESSO RI Teacher of· e Furniture mattress: 2 book shelves: 8 y Id Pi fers mus.le inztr. begln'g: all Appliances e Color TV tun! REGISTER NOW! speeds forward. 1 reveMie. r. o nto. maie, pnlle . cond. cheap. $115 or besot ol.· \\'OOdwin<k. advc'd flute & AOK AUCTION couch, ad· cond, no cush; HAMMOND Top Names at WhOleliall' Ex~llcnt' condition. For buL spltiled, 15.1,, $250. Aft Pow1r.'CrulMn 9020 fer. 842-6469, S.J2 am. chair: beet fry: 1 rug 9x12; in OORONA DEL MAR S.it/26th 9 ·,30. 5·.30 sale or trade for front throw 6:30 pm~ '68 ••• = CC. "·' .l oboe. 642--0957 1'122 Garde.n Grove Blvd. chair Xlnl rotl(!, nylon 2354 H 673-3930 * 2'7' Sp ORT-FISH t R _.. _,.... 1\£1.1 SOUTII Coast Sailing sch!, Westminster nr G.G. Frwy cover. 2205 C Canyon Dr, E. Coast wy WILD FLOWER ' lawnmower, JlOWtt ·f!d&tt TIU.NSPOITATION $5850 * chrD~. Perfect• c:ood. Learn to sail on 26' Race: Tuea & Thurs 1 PM-Sat 6.:30 O.f. OU Vicloria betw. HERE ! 2'50 MeM Verde Dr. and/or! 642-54B8 B4ets & Yachts· 9000 Fl.Ybridce comp. eqp'd ready ~· * 53l-89lD .. Sloop. 645-1133 Estate ronsgnmt. Repo. New Placeritia &r-Brookhutsl We've la.oded on the moqn &. ;C9ltt Meta FREE TO YOU ~-·-~=.· F~m""'o,.t Auto S.,Vfces MERCHANDISE FOlt ORIENTAL Rug, 9 x 12 THU~Fri, 2lll8 Thalerope, you can't play the Ori;an or 20' Dory, decked. cuddy, ..... ~·"'",,....... VI a p ...... SALE AN.D TRADE Sarovk, rood ron:P. Best of-(Republic Homes) CM. Piano yet. Gt! busy •rent-4 \Vl:JEELS a: ure11 67 motor "'~II. flberslassed, 2 info pbone 6U-5Ul or _;:;..;..;•:om;.:.. ___ .;,.,...'-":; I fer lake.5. 837-7494 Bar&ains for Sl ! 546--0S5:i al1 froft\ $10 monthly • we Camaro $40 Ca1h reaister ~~~~~d~n~nt-:,wm~ molon, 1 new trolllng, 67J-.3353 C 0 RV A J R "' b b 1 Furniture 80001±'=''=''='====='-"========= leach too. Be-the tint iri $45 Car roof rack $10. coverR. Dry flush hlad, manllolcllctrb $65 Tldl I '------Furniture IOOOFurniture 8000 your !amity to solo. 615-2774 panlon • walchdog. Male. trailer, zlay aboard. Ocean Speed Ski loats 9030 eyl szo. ·Cal'Vtllo • fo& uri. OVER-STOCKED 1-------------------Gould Music Cdmp1ny POOL TAB'"S _ •--.t <l•al'. 546-6017· 1124 u.fe. In water. Nwpt Ital!'. 646--4780 a:lt 6 ••• •••••••••••••• 20<> N. Ma;n, SA • 647-0681 ~ ~· 3 FEMALE ',I Gorn>. Shep. Under SJOOO. 646-llDJ .,.~ MUST S.11! Le&vln( foo . MUST SELL I F•onch'•• ~lo·-·t. New warehou.w stock -& 14 Toy Coll.ie puppies, 9 FlBERGLASS Supply centt!; Europe. 19' Jet Drive speed RECENTLY reblt 4 cyl". Jeep * 3 ROOM GROUP * I ,, --quality slale. 100~(-finan-wks., and 2 c h I c k en II. boal. 421 hp. seats &: engine, Incl sen housing a BcauL walnut 9-d1wr drclls· The factory ha..s onkred close cing. 545--1'715 aft 5 or Sa1. S49-2J82 7122 now in CM-NB •re a · covered enctne, Fire engine clulch. Slotf or best cfl. er, hvo 2-dnvr commodes. COMPLETE out of 4 Console le 2 Spinet Everytl)ln& for . your boat, Red wf chrome. Just 646-1312 aft' 6 pm · hdbrd & framed mirror, all Pianos on a l'Ollt·plua ba&is. SWING set no: I a r g e ·c Kltteps:. Part-.SiamHe. 2 surfboard, car or home. hastd for $5000 Best I~°"'""""",.;..""----· I for $172. Ne\v 9 pc, corner Living Room -Bedroom -Dinette Never again piano bargains playh0u.5e S50: 30" Range males. 2 females. l All Boat resin special now only pure .· ud CORVAD\ bucket, tea>t t . ariang. choice of clrs. ~~. $297 like these! Fint come_ lint .. ~~· ~~1veral door• $2 each .!'!~~.~!hers black & wh 7 1 1 1 24 e. $9.95'i pl retail. Wlnd an' ~fr c:n":, ~ m: b~= ~'.Z.., c:ondltlon. $40 pair. S230, now $149.SO. Headbrds: __ .. · <>'K>"'......., ......,_,J..J Sea l'IJ? su-rlor CM ..,'1-\IWO i;e1·v...... -' ..... ' ' · trailer Call 645-2564 Dover -~---~~-~I Kings, S15, Qneen1 $12.50, Weekly Payments .. \Ve Carry Our Own Contracts \VARD'S BALD\VIN STUDIO ROTARY Mower $1( &iris FREE: Darling beige bup.. 64t-1W? Shon•: NB. for appt: to see ·n FOrd Convtttlble, nfflla Full $W.50, i\\·ins St95. 1819 Newport., C.M. 642-8484 20" bike $12, boyl! 24" bike nle1 with food lo good home. '67 GLA.5.'iPAR CI tat r o n , It! ~~;_S50 w best oUC', Sofa bed mattreue1 ~.50 VAN'S Discount Furniture HAMMOND. SleinW"" -Ya· !~· ~~!3 \>l'krl&e Ave, CM. &U-3929 1125 Inboard-outboard. 120 Mere.,.,, FBG'. ,. be·-.~. v ~ '·' Rol.l·a·way beds w / 1 n n . , ...,.. u-u-.iuw """ ._, _., ......., . SJ>rinc malt. res. $59.SO, now 417 W. 4th St., Sant• An• Free Park1n9 maha . new & used pianos I;-;==,.,--,,.-,.,--;--KI'TTENS, all types & all Cru!1er with ~ 3'1 &: 4Shp eng, Amer. tilt trir. MOTOR HOMES S39.SO. F\ilJ u. aleeper--10fa Open Daily 10.1 Sat 10-6 -547°2412, of all n1ake1. Seit buys in UNUSUAL Handqwle, one caklr'I to good h 0 me 1 ~ ~. ltlmto • '"1'ullj0y,·, ""'A"'i i' '36-<66S:lnyl seats, Xtru. ad· cood. [jp;;p;;~~~~j:;:~~ So. CaJif, ri6ht hert,. of a kind 1na4Sl\te Spanish 839-4493 7/'L '""<>w ~,~; I:!;'.'· Z:'.. ni::~: • • •• • • • • • • • •• •• • • SCHMIDT MUSK: co.. co ff,. table. su.<689 aft • maln"'"""' "'°"''· . l G h ., 190I N ... _,_ PM: SOfA, Need~ uphol5teri~. 011,ner Kl 6-4444 1961 16' lasfron 50 .p . Queens, $89.SO, Full $49.50, • . · •>uUJi. 4001 o-tta. 1fun01 .. ~ton ' M . XI t '·• $1° m 1Voina $39.50, hilly gua.ran. Office FurnJture 8010 Furniture Auction 8025 Santa Ana WANT To bUy (homcJ bar. Beach ~·~ .... ~/25 ~· OtRIS Cran tli-cib\n, ~f;;t'ZZ>9 n CO•~· Kin1-1iz.e spreads, choice of , . --1 -~P-l~A-N~D~W~A~N=T~E~D~-% round or L lhaped. Musi r..-.-stateroom. bedroom ' . clr11 reg. $20.~. now $ll.99 SOLID Oak desk, 4T wid!• • Furniture • p be reamnable. p h 0 n e FR.E.E to aood hOme c-"'"" galley flying bridge, auto 15' SK hull. 7D hp Johmon, full sz. $9.95. SIESTA Si..EEP 31 " dC'ep, loek le 2 keys. S45. Applianc11 e ColDr TV (2ll) l'l'7.J035 Pvt arty 644-4681 Peke p11pp ie1, 6 "''ka, old. pilot, v.·lw carpeUnc. Pric-tllt W. $950. SHOP. 1927 Harbor mvd. CM 841.-6319 AOK AUCTION la Your Ml In oar cl&aaifte4e:? I-====-:-,=;-S.iS.l868 7125 ed for immediate sale 642--1'03 Soinacne wm· be looldnr i... Quality klbi ""' .,at.o. 66-41~60 dally 10-9. Sat-Sun IT'S Heath house time. Bia;· T1'l2 Garden Grove Blvd . It Dial aMt ..-b:,mplete, utlUsed $98; \\'Orth SOFA '" $8,300. 5'15-i510 w m../D65 15' Glasspu tilt aa.ilor 10.6. eest selection ewr! See the \Vestmin11~r nr. G.G. Frwy. • '"""""'0 $750. After 5 or wlmda, ~1515 19' GL\STRON;1 221 cu Ii 30hp JohMon eng. $395 KIN C Head b o • r.d ; DAILY PILOT Ouslfied Tues & Thurs 1 PM·Sal 6:30 TIIE QUICKER YOU CAIL. 847--0406 1125 "completely overh&Ultd, new M6..s11S1 ""1•pread·, room divider; section "'OW! Estate consgnmt. Rcpo. New TJlE QUlCKER YOU SELL I :;;-:;;;o,,-o;=.-:==~· A~FF=ECTl="o"N;:;A-:cTE=--;c;,.:=.y:-7a: 1-It tuJI cowr. 2 live-bail T A 8 L E S S10· ~ita\\l'lnt ... ., Bo T II twin stroller; 15" Sirls bike -# IOOO diJihes $50, lD Spited bike S35 wtute kitten,. rrttn eyes. aaeks, A.J. cond. • It r1 1r1 S15 each. 147-6319 IOOOFumlf"!re 8000Fur"lture la Female m-5983 7/25 $2825. 67M59> HIGHWAY :.:._-u-1_ 12, En rger S2S, Pola.told SJ). , , ... .,. ... S PC Cherry.wood din. ml. ~7774 PUJtE Siam~S<> kittens It 19" LYMAN lnboard, llO hp, boaL su0. 673-8563 9032 !let. China ta.binet, buffet, s PAN 1 s H HOVING Sale.Furniture _ cata. Fl't'e 10 sood home. 6 eyl. Gray Marine. EJu:el.l-;:::i,.:=:=====;- table &. 6 chain. Mako of· amall boat w/oa.l"S. M 1 1 c. 6f6..7234 71~ · ~:,..,, ~ .. ~ lorJoh0n - 1 cotk Merine Cquf,. 4t0U · f r. 64U417 Hema. * ~1806 2 Kittens, housebroken .,._,,.,,., 11 MEDITERlWjEAN• dining MEDITERRANEAN ·64S-254J °"'"champ. • MARINE equlpm•nl set in bea.Ut walnut. Oncy Anliqut! wa.ll ·clock:f 7125 wANTib To 19nt: s.y traNtmakli\ control•, """'twice. Ori&"'"' 1425 • As Shown In Model Homes Gt'lndt.athor clock 15 • Boo~ min. 11'·1• aood ..,,; -. "'"' ...., .. _ _ _,.,_ ... 1111: ....., 1791 • ac.use · · ·3 MAU:: pupplll!I • •~ wka. dltJon .... ,.. .. ·• u 1•1 t tnllr\QntlHI.. Wowtn. » ...,......,.. • ..._. .......-Whit lft excitin .. rcenel Your horn• can coma eliYe with our .. 11morou1 Small _.._.. ..____. ......... • """" " .. • • I FUR a>AT -~!. !" _if, •-kldo"~:"-..0:-"::: -.boori'pe -~ BRE,\Kl'ROMT " pc pecan dtcor.itot·cotreltttd p1ck1gtl ' livln9 room includes: Uuuriou1 So • ~ ~ '2)o IUl" .--.... • ..,H . le.d .::ta. tJ5i •(oost iooi:n'. ancl love Seat in quiltecl flor•I f1brio1. 3 Sp1nish O•lt T .iblts, 2 d ist in· Xlnt b Zodlnl: tQmd 1 C . • b,. "' BOSTON Wht.ler N~t Q '\I A liT J: iii A 8 TE k Wllnut lamp table Pl. 9ui1h1J Conqui1t1dor T.iblt l1mp1. "H1ci•nd1'' ladroom: Spanlsh load .-id~Sl'XL &n .. TfN 2 CUN~ Klr"'* to · • 1f/JOhnlon . SO, 11115. AutorDIUc ~tut. ;re · * 494--S3S4 * Triple Pre1str With Framed Mirror, Kin9-1iu H•.idbo1rd, 2 Cornmod11. BATraJUES 1 Y14j5 n , 12 ~ MmeMs..at1s iP"IY,Tn} 615-6161 4'.ys, st&-1911 eve -,&ttt. IUllWltll( t! O Quality klnt: be'l, quilted, 5-Pc:. Wrou9ht Iron Dinaftt Sat, Sp.inish O.ik h•xa9on toj. Must be V SS.• ec. IUM'· 11 mo. P"1 ' 18' CAJJIN b\lllft "' S3 hp 5*-DIS Complele. ullUMd $95; worth s•an to ·ba truly .ipprecit ftd ••• so com• in todeyl PMct tls•wher• $I.to.old bait. 5tl).a) li BWB e)"t • 1 anen eye Johnaon 08, bT, fll1ll' CHkYIL.Ell ~"HP 1t11 N..W. $250. After • « wlmd1 el St95.00. NEWPOilT. 1tNNJS· CLUB ""1'" .,......, cot 1o ":! ..,w,. $11111. Ir!-,Oootrola' Iii\ -· ..,~ hnl"1 Meta-p lll>O. --T.-, w BOAT .. ,iiJOf 11ts;,..,.-...,.,,.;=';;==""1'~~ HONDURASMaholdml7>. eu.o NIW S11CtAL SALi E $439 • 111 ... """'*' '""· ...._ l LOVABLEtooxhlfttd-FOd 11""'11ball""1111' . . tON idesk $50, trttnk sia. 2014 • c." •• P"''"'•'-' ••P•t•ttly 1A1uJ.1111CID! t'OMB.,~ ptatt ~ ~ tttttn. cau · ' 53Mf25 1 ,· • "9t lf!P ~~·!':nil _ Federal. CM. M~ 5,.,, Cr•l it T'""' ·Refr1&. • OU ''°"' SIJ. "' .-'flt! ;:5,~ lbdropll,nl. EMtllmt' f7S, mo. U..U,. lJ' I'• bf 3t. =1" • ""-·-1 5,0 . -~ , °'"" -· ·-,I Wll' old PuPJ!lo, to ...,i eooilltlotl rt 1l1 t t'I ti on Up 10 :IO' lnllt ll< r~ u•-· SANTA ANA • .. w ..... ,. • • ~-·~ ~· .,.,,, ... .... -Hllh-Soy s:oo. TWln ""1• IR j ,..,. ••• EtE<;. Goll~ ~ • •-·~ ~ • ~n ~· __ ,..,. 171,7148 conrphtle $00 each. W..m.I UlllltaR ~ IOQd c:On4itkin. dt•-"· I • kfi'i'ENs. mlxed, ".ti.!l ' 1i'J&6190N&· cu' av rie lu:P Space M.ct.. fm- Foo-"'"'"'l1•«w1•1 .,, RJRNITURE, _,., .. ,.,...._, ... ~;_ ,,.. 5.47.07a9 RP.1.:mt11•0lltt,'7Wl83 "" ... --• 112:1 ~~ E-os;TlltTrtr, mtdlatw11 ""' • ., Qlril. Dia! 64>li61i loo RT.SUl.'l'S OWtqr.:1ffi . , ~Jl.Elt-oqulft, '10!0, Ml..,._ l'mlto<tonip.113.L197 I I I .. MOTORHOMES ....... ---- ' I I ,_ ' I I • . • • ; f I ' • • "-I· ... .. .. ' . ... . . . '" • •~· ..... 1 •• -• • . .... • • -" ...... . .. . \..... . . . . . . .. ~· . . ............... .,.. .. .. ... --~. U ~1/-1, rlLOT • \'I-. Jul1 2J, 1%9. '~ltIDIOli -TRANSPO!!Tlli'Kiiii I T~SPORTATION ·. Wltd1ttsd1y, JulJ 2.3, 1%'9 PllOT·AOVERTISEft 35 TRAN,SPORTATIDN TRANS!'QRTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION l'RANSPOR 7 A TION 1'RANSPORTATIDH , • ..,Too~~ Eqldp 9410 TroHor, Trani 9425 Trfller, Tr•vol 9125 t ' afi:lr.in T .S'I' b 9-F I re 15' St'ARFIRE .tRYtl trlr, 15' TERRY• lleeps 5, Stove. I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, lmporlod Autoo -lmportod Au!M -lmportod Autot -lmport•d Autos 9600 ~ ... :l!. ~:·~~~ Au.st i n America 1-;;;;;;;:T;;:;0;;y;;;:0:;::;TA;;;;;::;:; lmporttd Autos 9600 --· Camper1 9520 TRIUMPH ! ~ .,..,., -BL M"'t pull. SIP'! ~ ulra "'"""'-crpt. ;<."°"· pld "°""· MMI&. CAMPER Comp)et• ~-flu. t 1 I ttfllty to roll. Youn for 2234 PaeUic, C.M. AUSTIN BRAND N~ 1'''' ITIOfv10rr@ '67 SPM'FIRE-. 14,000 mi, Xln t cond, \\'h•r \\ 11111, nu ll1'!'s, n1a ny other Xtraa. $\~T.!. &l,;J-1310 °""°"' ~ lin!m.<e.' • lllS5. 1"3 Su Birnardlno Tr•tlors, Utility 9450 S.lff • Ront•I• 1 • 'lllle new WO. ,..._ Pl. CM o~6'2-3m Authorlud o..t.r 4 SPEED AUTO MA TIC TRANS. Bott o..r, Are At j MOO T~'l'Trailer. 1 whed_EZ Eldorado. Four Wlnd1 ~ In•• fed :Autol 9600 Imported Avtot · tow. J'qll Ila mattttsa. ScoWnan • 8a.rTacu@ '62 AUSTIN HEALEY 300Q Mark il. GREAT! •CHOICE OF COlORS e DISC llAKES DEAN-LEWIS ~ TR--4 f..xocl. Cond., Conv., lov,.-11\1. & low price. 536-985.'i or :-,.&S-2ll 7 j • Lockup atanae. Extras 1' ~~w M 1 $135. 541)....1315 837~ art Ii pm. • FRONT WHEEL D~IVE ==="='====== e INDE,ENDlNT j lEATHERqT,E INTERIOk t968 •Harbor, CM. 6-16-SJOO '66 CROWN WAGON Stick shift with ovt>rdrlve. one owner. Lie. RGB 760 .. FR E E .. titodeJ #.all i • . 8'lf "' P11Tle< tralle<, tilt Thoodoro : ' ~lv9 on. $12l. 646-4619, I alt 5,.,, ROBINS FORD 1 !·'======'=:;=;::. = 2000 Harbor Blvd. BMW ORANGE COUNTY'S HO. 1 DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN • SUS,ENSION e, IMMEDIATE DELIVEllY DlllVE YOURS HOME TODAY! ./ CHECK ./ OUR WEEKEND SPECIAL 1969 AUSTIN AMERICA FULLY EQUIPPED with automatic transmission. $997 VOLKSWAGEN '·65 V.W. BUS $750 * 2.132 \VRlliH'e, C.M. 1967. 1966. 1963 V'IV engines for sale. 642--0350. 646-7610 •• ... ,. " •< Auto Air Conditioner _r.u,,.._.ik_• --- 9-500 "°' .. M•• __ "!: '62 DODGE REIH-A.SHELL Radio, h$']•6 9 50 ~ii•• ha Of PAPtf-TOP 839-1800 Wiftt The Pure H . PICK.UP 1010 So. Harl>or, Sanla A"" l~ Befch BJvd. l{untlngton Bf'1'Ch 842-7781 or MG-0442 (H.,.173'!) flAT 124 $795 FAMiLY WAGON Compor R!!!l•I• 9522 D,ATSU_N __ 1 ALS() I S·e• 01,1r Gold Seal U•ed Cari Olt>.NGE COUNTY'S FINEST SELECTION Of Pors,he's, M6'1, A-HHl•y's, Ferra ris OR : ATLAS *' EXPLORER * '69 DATSUN By \\o'ttk W month.. Lux Uri. Bir Sedan, dlr, overhead ous. Slee1>1 6. Sell contain-cam auto tmns, rib; wsw, J?rtuµort 31111por1 ~; ~IAT 124 FAMILY SEDAN FIAT/24 work-'n-p1ay wiuo• IMMEDIATE QELlVERY OqtYµR -PL~tOUTH ' ~. LimHed number. Call load~! J..oW, low miles! OD· 2929 HARBOR BLVD. 'today. der• Jactoiy warrant)'. FUll COSTA MESA 546--193:. LEISURE RENTAi:.$ pi·ice $18?.j, Take . oldet Open Di.Uy 'Iii lo p:m. !714) 6·12-6611, (7141 837.JS(l9 trade. LS YNW146. Call Authorixed Au&tin America-MG Dealer '65 DATSUN j '69 Dune Baggy for mle. Vic 494-9773. 3100 West Coast H Pickup . The hard to find '68 DATSUN l 100 w.st Coa1t Hiway-Newport Beach ~·orK-horse, clfan. dean, 642--0350, 6'16-T6i0 6'2 9'0S S'O 17 ~1 Lie NHW .... ft -=========IBlg station wagon, auto, ov-1,,,====·==·=·=·===:--===·::·:;;64~===r= .,..ean. · .a..i. -9525 erbead cam. dlr, xlnt cond . r Beat 0~~'7? Are At _D.;.un-'e,_B_u.:91:<ie_•'---C-' Take oldl!r trade. Total ..i. DATSUN DUNE Buggy Show Sale. prict ll599. LB WBJ 589. DEAN LE•WIS Bodle., from $149. Ch;ls8is c.a:ll Vic ' 545-00J4. · h~m $249. La Pa\ Duno '"'69 b ATSUN • Ji.G·H~r; C.P.1. ~ Bus:gy Supermarktl, ~ 4 Dr Sed, ~ ii:xl. dlr, lront *SHELLS* \V, \\'111rner, SA. 546-4().15 bucket seata, :.!,900 Miles on STATION WAGON ~iptq_damir:edlct>eal!'. OPEN 9&9 wkdys;M Sat & ipttdomi!;ttr. Will make l!!x· Fully factory equipped. Econ- '68 DATSUN PORSCHE PO~HE 9ll/5 '66. Sunroof Untcd glass. 6" Alloy rints, Konil. New P~is many extru. 64f.:.1433 P 0 RSC HE '60 Roadster, Best Deals Are At DEAN LEWIS 1966 Harbor, C.Jif. 646.9.103 61LL MAXEY !TIC)IJYl§ITlAI 111881 BEACH BLVD. _Hunt. Beach 847-855~ 3 mi N. of Coast Hwy. on Bch TOYOT.A I lEADQUARTERS ELMORE 1£00 Beach Blvd. \Vstmnstr Phono 894""'2 TOYOTA ,'67 Corona scrlan, auto. $1389 likr nc\v in & our. Going East. 6 O 6 P.1arlgold, CdM For Daily Pilot Want Ads Dial 64Z..5678 '68 V\V 15.000~ ml, zenith blue, blk int. Xl nt cond. $!150. Call &!:Z-2380 '68 V\V Bus. wood grain paneling. 11,cn> mi. $1650 or be~t offer. alt 5: 644-4319 ** '6-1 vw ... MU.!!-T SElJ..,. 6/:i-Oll2 * * '60 V'IV. good condition. $3!.!5. 4805 Rivcr. Newporl r.r'nch fi45..0:'J23 * * '68 VOLKSW AC EN Convertible Sl650 * Mfi...4045 * ·t)j V\Y ·Microbu.s. orig, owner, 'llllg 40,000. 1Sl:KI eng. Musl sec to apprec. 6~6-5662- 00N'T JUST \\'!SH tor some. tiling to furnish your home- .•. find great buys in to- day's Classified Ads_ 839;1800 Sun ctllect dea1 f~rt:= omy p!UI. CXE\Y 135) . ';2 ~.J\I T w/uOI be\I. ·m VIY C.mpe•, doh"' Full ...... I . $1595 new lop. new seats, e;'(· Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 " vat';;'~ tied $2000. 1st $800 pop-top. Bellt olt over moo. Call Bill Sot&-0634. • takes.. 543-6366 Eves 54S-7938 . '67 ~ Sla Wa&:, xlnt A ~~~~::;,,,==="' lsiiuiJiRRiROROEBilUGGiGG:Yv;:, .:;i·6'.-.siiiupor~· -cond,,kiw mlli.u&vina couh-TL·As cellent cond. Sl875. 4944620 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iij SUBARU !;:: 901 E. 15' St., Santa Ana 54z.aao1 -:,..,.., ............................................. .... TEMPTED BY "'--,, ' . -:. Read The Great Ora.nge Cqast's . ;·r Je•ps ., 9510 Varian engine. $9JJ. Call try. $11$. ~ ~-----,.--,-'-' 842-1555 BUSIEST mai'ketjllace 1n CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH '47 JEEP. uery ilf bond. DAILY PILOT· Df?i.fE.A. iown 'The DAILY PILOT 2929 HARBOR BLVD . P.111.ny extms. Private party. LINES. You can USe them ~ifled aect>on. Save COstA MESA 546-1934 962-4193 fo1 just peMW:1 a da.y. Dia.I money, time It effort. Look Open Daily 'ti! 10 p.m. CHARGE'°"'""'"' ad oow. fiU.561' now!!! ENGLISH FORD :~ No. l Daily Newspaper! ... ·' -.... .. ~ -. ·~: •• •• • ' ' " • • • .. • " • • I "• "' " ·t'. .•. ... • ·: " '• " ,. ·: I • • • • • • Now C.n ~9~800~.!I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;= ---ORANGE C:OUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES·. SERVICE '69 MOD~ Inunt._dlate. deUVezy LARGE SELECTION Theodore ROBINS FORD Dia Harbor BJvd. Costa Mesa 642-0010 CHECK .·WITK1J$ BEFORE YOU BUY No Better . ~ric~s Anywhere ! FERRARI FERRARl,--- Newport lmporu Ltd. Qr. an&• County'• only author· lzt'd dealer. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 3100 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach . . . BRAND N·E·w · 1969 BUICK C.up1. Aute h en1., f•c· hory •ir c•n~, power 1teer., rtdie, h•tler. CWIJ 1,101 $2795 :n BUIC:K l11vKia eoMpt . Full pow· er. FACTOkY AIR COHO. LUZ 240 $895 '64 OPEL 9'el ]2. 4 tpe.d, t•· .. i•, h11t.r. SVC 197 $1195 ''5 MONZA H114tep. A1... tr1M., frnmatMlet• conditi111. (TXJ J761 . $1095 '66 CAPRICE Auio lr•r11. FACTORY All CONO. Aulo +t•n1. power •lttr. SIM lll S1995 '67 MUSTANG Con•1rt. VI , .t 1p11d. 11dio, h11t.r. TXS 163 S1895 '68 DODGE Co1onet Cou,a. Au+•. lr1111, power 1!terin9. XEV 7]' $2495 '67 RIVIERA GS Coupe. fvll power, J.ACTORY >.IR COND. I' 141 $3595 OUR OPEL PRICES START AT s1m '6S ELECTRA H.rcltop coupe. Full pow1r. FA.ClORY AIR COND. NCI 4?0 S1895 '66 T·lllRD Full pow1r. FACTORY AIR COND. L•ncl1u lop. SLV 4,1 S2595 THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS '6S OL.DS 88 4 Door h1rdiop, l1~lo ry 1ir cond~ power 1t11r., ,.dio, h11t1r. NOY 146 $1495 '66 IMPAL,e. <I door h11dlop. Ftclo•y ,;,, 111!6 tr1n1., I'S. ••· d io, heeler IRYNSl51 $1595 '69 ELECTR,e. C111tom coupe. f•clory 1ir concl . Fullv pow1r equipped. YPT 4.t6 SAVE 06'1 CADILLAC Seel. DeVitlt, Full pow1r feel. eir. (HXS .?421 S795 NO lmER rRICES ANTWHHE MAKE US PROVE IT! Fully equipped incluclin9 V-t and power steering. '4ll279ZI 12S<t'4 .. Corontl 400 4 door. Coupe. Auto tr1n1. ••· F1clorv •ir concl., 1ulo. clio, h11t1r. RAD lt6 lrt n1 ., powtt 1tee•, rt- clio, ~eele1. !VGIB '7'l $2695 '68 BUICK Elech1 4 door 1•cl111. f11ll pcw11, FACTORY -'IA. COND. WID 145 $3595 '66 IMPALA 4 Door H.T. Fectory 11• cond., t vlo. lr1n1 .• pow· t r at11r., r1dio, h11ter. $1695 '6l IUICK L1 S1bre. f1ct i lt cof!. pow1r 1!1er l ~t1ke1. IHYM 411 ) $995 $395 '66 VOLKS 4 ip11cl, rtcl io, he1t1r. TRH l?O. Low, Low Mile19e. S1495 '67 c,e.MARO ftclory 1ir co11clition· i~9. 1ulo lren1, power 1t1e1in9, low milee9e. $2295 • '67 OPEL ll11lye Sport •. 4 1pe1d. r•clio. h1eter. VCJ 176 $1595 JAGUARS LARGE SELEC:TIOH NEW· USED Compliite S• .. • •nd s.r~c• 0.jMrtment Open Mon. thn Fri. 8 a.m: .to 9 p.m. -Sat. 'B a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AUTH~ED Burqc • OPEL • JAGUAR SAU!S lo SERVICE ,, 642.9405 54~ 1764 Authorized MG Dealer FIA'!' '6J FIAT fiioor, sharp and clean. Lie. YWE 155. $597 B•st De•ls Ara At DEAN LEWIS 1966 Harbor, C.M . '68 Fiat 124 Spt Coupe Like new • $2400 after 6 caJI 842-739:: KARMANN GHIA '67 Karmann Ghia. tuned ex- haust. 35,IXKI mi, good corxt . 642--0290 btfore 5 Eves. 1760 Pomona No. 47, CM 190SL Roadster Convertible, new paint. Rtal beauty. 962-1966 M B '59, Roadster, white. orig. ?"l"d lcalher. XI.NT cond. ;3900. 835-2427 MG \ MG Sales, Service, Pam lmrn!diate Delivery, AD Mcdehl J2rl11por1 JI 111 p Ll rl ~. 3-100 W. Coul Hwy., N.B. 642-9e 541).1784 Authorltt'd MG Oealer MGB '63 P.fGB, hard & sort top, new llre1, radio, wi~ wheels. Vtry good cond. l\fust sell. Make olfer. 494-98{'8 PORSCHE 1964 Porsche, xlnt t'Ond. 64,IXXI ml. AM/FM radk>, chrome \\•heels. ~ki rack. "'bile w/blk int. From 9 to 5 call 6iJ..3310 <11 e\'t!S CB.Ii 644--0>JI . '1'6 Po1'5CllC 912: ;, stxl. New kon!JJ. cont. radials, tuned exhaWJI $3800. SH at 2)89 Harbor, Ot:. 642.-7317 '64 l56C, llDk:c mupe. New ellJt. I'll· cnnd. Xtras. S2995 64.J.-0136 l!ra9 PORSCHE Supcr- 1169:1. * 548·T!M3 * Subaru of Calif. lnc • .....,Retail Div. $1297 POE Opt equip $30. l"reiaht Sl!l.50 Handling $49. l'lel. $1390.50 + True ~nd License l!XXI \V. Coast Hiwa.y, N.B. 645-0050 * 519-2733 SUNBEAM '65 SONBEAM TIGER Convertlble, VS, radlo. hm in lhc st1n. Lie. UOJt 21Xi $1847 Be1t De•ls Are At DEAN LEWIS 1966 Harbor, C.ri.t. 646-9303 TOYOTA' '67 TOYCYl'A CORONA. Autoniatic. $1150. Private party. 962-488.1 White Elephants? a~a~ara SEE flEA N LEWIS TODAY! '69 TOYOTA ;.OM $1790 e BJG SAVINGS • EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOW! '69 TOYOTA MARDTO, .................. $2089 '69 VOLVO SEDAN, Automatic ....•....... $2975 NEW TOYOTA MARK II NOW ON DISPLAY WE NEED YOUR TRADE.JN FOR OUR LARGE USED CAR DEPT. DEAN LEWIS Or1nge Ce, Toyota·V~o Hdqtn. 540-9467 • 646-9303 1966 HARBOR IOULlVAR.D, COSTA MESA Imported Autos 9600 Imported Autos 96001mported Autos 9600 "Herbie is Here" HOME OF THE @ LOVE BUG @ Low, Low Pri'n on Thne SPECIALLY PRICED BUGS! '68 vw SEDAN Aulom1tic Stick.Shift, r•dio, h11l1r. Ebony wifh contr11I· in9 interior. lo• mil1191 . Lie. No. XEW 6 1 J. $1899 '66 vw CONYEllTllLI Ab1olut1ly lik~ new. M11tf 11e lo 1ppr1ci1l1, l ie. No. SSS ~55 . $1599 "6 7 IUG A be1111ikil b1 l9e wilh bite~ inlt rlor. f-ul! l•clory 1quip. Red io, h11ler, Lie. ID'''· $1499 II\ +~1 t•r t~1 t won't 9iv1 'tOU •nvlh l ngto worry 1bo11t. W1 m•k• 1ur1 o f I h 1 I, W1 give ii lh t VW I b·poinl •• 1.,1., • n d ptrfor!'I• •net test. It k.1 lo o•n. So we qive it our I 00 % 4'1U•ronltt th•I w1'!1 re· pl ~c;, •II m•jor mech1nic1I p•rh• for 10 d•v1 or 1000 mi!o1. .,..hid"""' come1 fir11. h n'l th1t whit • new car-owntr needs? A bu9 lhtl won't drivt you nuh. '[.8 vw 'SS PORSCHE S9UARE IACK A <-~r of dislinclio'>-Gor• '"" wit Ii b!1ck inl11io1. '}tOUI ye llow will\ Show1 1~ce ll1nt con· Clre, So l•11lin9 in+1rior. \I I r y nic1 00 ... road. Redio & he1t1r. lie;. No. VTU 54.t, cle1n! Lie. No, SVX 159. $2299 $1999 'S7 vw '68 KARMANN GHIA LIC. TXU956 $399 COUPE u~e ... everv d1t1il. " h11 r~dio & while sid• w1H1 . 'S9 vw $599 L•c. UHG 185 . Lie. GWFJ80 '60 vw $499 $2299 lie. XWYJO' '66 vw '61 vw $499 FASTl.ACK SEDAN Lie. Klll76l 01i9in1I btiqt lini1h; r1clie & hetler. w,,\111d 1peci1I "63 vw $ p•ice. lie, No. RHX931. U<.•GU" 399 !-i1 599 at IAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH . I ' 3 PILOT-ADVUTISE Wt<lntsdoy, Joly 23, 1%9 ·-. . • f!!~~~~~=ij!!A~N~~R~~~J!r?RA~NSPOltTATION ~SPOltTATIOL TltANSPOltTATIP!!._ "tll.t.NSPORTATION \!!!!"""°" A~~ ,608 Autu ..Vo~lod 97llll U101L Cora HOO UIOd Cora 9900 Uood Coro 9900 'UIOcl Cora '900 VQLKSWAGIN 1'w-E-PA-Y-.. -.---~HEVROLEJ' DODGE OLDSMOllLE PLYMOUTH VOLVO IUYS CASH '61 Chovoll Mollb• '67 DODGE • • '86 PlYMOUJH ''9 Pontloc ~TO ~8 FIREllRD ,,, 112 • Hardtop ~. Local On.! Hardtop Cpt. 8000 ortz. r'nllff, HARbt'OP. Factofy air, •U· PJU:;QWNl:D ... BIG~ ·s1 TllRU Lic. TIT741 owner cir, l ii:i>ted, radio, R.T. COUPE FURY 4-DOOR lt.adk>, heater, po11i1er 1tetr-toniallc tt'f.lllm1'alon, pow· b'fra Sharp. for Ulfd. CUI 4 ~ JUlt he11.ter, power 1teerlna. V-1, automatic tra&., 1 ... dlo TORONADO V-8, powtr 11Letdq, rt.dio lo: tnr. 4 1peod, l peei.aJ wtieti,, er itttrlng, radio, heater, ALll 1\1~-\ ffiOM S2IG. ·· ''1 144 call DI for frM Hthnal•. brand new radial th'ft, Lie. A: beal.er, power st~11n&, het1er, tacWry air cood., vl~L root. Lie. YCJ...M&. special premtum tlru, r+ 4 dOor. Uc. Wo, UVA333 GDM'll. CHEYIOlfJ \YEWa?S. Don't miss th1I pc)\ver brakes. <ULD 510>. lSYt 4461 . Special price •t onl,y niainlnc lactoty ..,,,unnty. • • • BltAllD Nl:W 'W II* •~totna"" lr&IWnialon, au ~·"' °""· $1995 . $1195 $32tt Roouctt1 .1o· I.le. XTr 19& -~:r"S44" .iiJt for SalH .,_ $23'9 NEW &0 IXE(UTIVE . 12481 1 • 1::'k. 8:."i.r~peect~}. ~::!. ~ ·ATLAS . ONLY 6 ATLAS 0 Al DEiN1CAEWIS Ill$. ..0· NFID• ...... u." o~ y CHRYSLER_ PLYMOl!rH TO CHOOSE FROM CllRYSLER _PLYMOUTH .. .. RllA ' ' 29'l9 IWIBOR BLVD. BIG SAVINGS! "29 HARBOI< BLVD. W• PU More For a_ COSTA.MESA. 546-1934 u • •i COSl'li MESA.• 546-1934 P'Oftian Or S~s Cart ~.. Open Dally 'Ill 10 p.m. n1vers1 y Open D&ily 'Ill 10 p.m. apeclally ordered for a -GM PAID FOft OR .NOT '\' '61 .l>odgo Stotlon W•g. 19'7 PLY. WAGON ·oxocullve wt . ev•ry .,.,,. ol I. J. iPORTSCAR ' . CQRNF..'T 500 Old b I * Good condition • Clean 549-30.11 Ext 66 oc 67 celvable cMtra. Like nt!w • · corid ~ 1tUl ,~ b '62 Rambler conv, auto, MW 54&-3431 ~t. 66 or 17 9 .puiie111er beauty, It has smo I e * 9 passen&er 1970 HARBOR BLVD. . cov ''"" y 11-_ ....... int. -. !£». 1970 HARBOR BLVD. ev~ey thlfc Including tac-* Alr Conditioned OOSTA MESA fact. warrenty. Can ~ seen , .... -..-· ..,,., OOSTA MESA tory l.lr, powtr steering, * Power Brakes, Stttring, · • at Texaco 1tallon, Ba-btol rr: Superior St. C.M. &f&.-t1U: --,,=.,.-,===--I '64 CHEVROL£1' El c.anund l~ rack, automaUc 2350 tlarbor Costa f.fesa $23.50. Will trade equity '6$ IOllEYlllf .HJ Baktr, CM. wee It day"': .a Cttstom F to ai · p's. ':r-~lon. radio, he.11.ttr, 54~9640 for \\'Ork car 11.nd lake 0v. 9 am.S pm CVFN 2-U) T·ll11D auto., ·rU~ ... ~ff~ )~ ~1,~Hi~ YQNIJ01 rNIM • • er payn1ents a46-4145 alt Full pwr, dlr, !act air con. '89 Flrebird 400. fllll tw·bo '6S T-BlRD Full tower. .kr =:· ~u;:.d~ ..... ~ D,,,,....U,. i*L·i\i· '1~s I . . . ·-·~~o:.~~~.E.~ ~i:.::;~~~~:~.:;;i: [~"~.~ .. ~".fr:~' =.,::-=u:i .. ~ . . . " •ton;;.UTH vl!WI loP • -ilripino. LB VBA Jli. c.u aw. RAMI~·"'., ·51 T-~J!tt> ~.l."J.,;.~ ==M 0 . . ' _.. -...... ' ... "'""" 1.(6 -..... ·~~· ~0034. s;l;ft Spd. '""'"d'*~•(!..,. •. 11\of ltlll 'l!i\obor c M ~ 'ii ~ER.'-ialit ~ 111111 .. llut ..,..., ·• Tllll;B!RD. 10,000 ml. "'lltnl·aii\il. · C, ..... WI ' . . °"'' -nq, Custom' llOil'TJUBrWJ8trlor~ Aslq.111111--.. lJKE '64 RAMBU:R STATION '14 Nli!d'"ifnt· and. Alli ' . ' •'llOll . hoodeis A lplllou. Ex· t!dltt Ill ---NE\VI -. .•. ti WAGOll. Sllck 1hUt ""°· )wr; suoo:.iji;1151 • alllO lnlllo Pl ·:.ii:c.:-) · · IJatt ltbape. altn '' , •. W ,... lb ... 'l'lii QUIClll& ®, ~· Wt>· !l6l-<883 oAi!Y l'iLOr WANr iilf 1966 Harbor, C.M. ...... w/6 . tillll ... ~ti.Ty. 'M FQfw Station Wqon. VI. ~ ; .. cky'1 Ou.sl1*j , m PU.O'I' WANT M>SI BltJNG !\F.SULTS! LOVI iUG • t " ' ....... chal1111, ,v..; llkits. flclol)<"''· oUlo., f .8.; 116 Now (Mo ' 9800 N-Coro . .... '16 VIV Sedan, IO~ ,.,.,a ~ \ {.l!(J ~TIT •. . J1, (0~1 $le5 !WI price. =iiiii'liiiiiiimiiiiiii~ •" :~· s~:'."'· RAii. ~:; !t;!fii! . c~C:::J~ r - '68 V\Y, 15,000 milt!J, sUll MUI Mi ' lf\ii: · unq~r warranty, excellent :!v.. ' -flrft, _ _; Olai: d, , .. _ lll;bo}. '?L 1111 condition. ~. days, .,....., ~ C,M i ..,.. ,.. ' . . OFFICIAL . 196' ~ 'CLEAR . NCE~ ·. C11AIA·ICE!~ ln.<482 "" •ORD ·" Cb•;.y '0, ( 'o;t(I "iJ; -. .. llt Jlili'l1111 1968 Campl?rmobile, 17,~ 2~ H-_._ --new Uteij ..... 111 fS """ .._.....,r "'"'1~ ~·--548--9430 I "-r loaded, VI ,-, ... Lie. nu. \Vestphalia. pop-top Co!la Mc.q 6111Mm.D lllto! iii ~ :1 .... tent. $28:i0. ~3773 eves 1-9 1 "''""""'"!'1~~'""!!11• \ '59 lmpala l J1li iffldQ J1'M· ~-Phone btMl23 Dir only i · y11 LEASE V" Nf'w motor ~UI. Ofili 'If )"ORD, tires rt:;dy in V"OLKS 6 4 Imn18culate? '68 Cadillac CouPe de Ville, cond! $325. 64.&:'!!iQi 7 _' ~ oond., neqj~ englne Drafted! ?.fust sell $850. Sec fully equipped. $139. m~. '64 IMPALA sit Wq: Pl~ W*k· Best oller. MO Wilaon at 199.J Church. Apt G, '67 Ford, 10 rass slation was-P/B air xlnt 'conct ''$1LIO; .ll11. Apt "49, Cost• M;.., 4--6PM on, r/h, &Jr, ps, $75 mo. 496-3'7o2.' ' 'I fALCON 11ta ~ dGC, . 5~ V\V Convutib"le. low '67 Chryl. Nwpt ., atr, .66 CHEVY l'ltalilfti,1 NW dlr, auto. very •clean .• LB 11 -"' ~"·r n $6'l.SO mo. "-· '"'" .__.,k xi· • _11,. -GJP.f Zl'l. Full price $S89, m eqe, !--: co ..... i io . SOUTH COAST ..._.,,. .., w -._ ei. n~ _,., '"'·'I BUI 494--9773 ' ,uklo& 151,. n1,. 675-0305 t1600. 536-1837 i'""' · tvee. CAR LEASING 1960 CHEVY sia Wgn. itlJt D FORD XL. HT'\ bc!kt ,r. VW •·•·-,1,. •67 VW 3C(. W. Cst Hwy, NB 6Q.218'l ne .,_ V, cl..,.· •ts, dlr, fact ili, xlnt M ~· "' "'""1• ...., very ' 1hf.IM'1 hew pA.lnt. LS ATB SQan/or trade for .VW BU6-Used Cari 9900 833-2599 7!.18. Ttiital prl(e $6S'.9. c.aJt 962-23:$ '61 Imp.:la (bevy Hardtop, 4 Vic 54~ V\v BUS -Sunroof, 23,00J TRANSPORTATION CA.RS door, Riff. G 0 0 d cond.1 •. ,.;;:;..F,:;.;c~~;,;,-.~~v~ .. ~~ .. mu... """"'"' , • • • . as:wPORTER .uorORS • 531~!95 T1llll ';..;.i. ,~: _. :· · Private party. 837-76'3 ,.;n l'I 64~7Sl.1 .I '68 V\V. r.twt aell, going 2036 HARBOR BLVD. CHRYSLER '59 FORD STATION 'Eul Priced for qUick sale. COSTA MESA WAGON $150. 642--0350. 646-!6!0 54529'4 or 541-8511 '67 CHRYSLER "3HQI• afler l'Jln . '68 VW Campmobile FINANCING AVAILABLE •59 Ford i ,door •. automatlc,• new tlrts. 25,000 mi. SJOOO. 2·DOOR HARDTO'P v...g, nt:fl. aobd .runner~ &37-6083 BUICK V-8, automatic, factory air, Beat offer. 84)....4853 '66 VW Sunroof. 1500 CC. powC"r s~ecling, power bra- .67 Country Squire Sta-. win. Jluns pa,f. New paint job. '67 RIVIERA, U pwr, fact kcs, radlO & hc~ter. Imnia· ll,OOO orig mi. i2450. Phone i:J.075. &'4-ro56 air, slerto, landau top, culatc. {UDE 74.:.l. S42-8102 '66 V\Y CAA1PER. f.tUST sec t'hl'm whls, lmmqc. concl. 1 $2295 \'°'=======;, to app~clate this FINE owner $3400 pv, P 1 Y • MERCURY BUY! ~"' ="'='...,=1==== ATLAS ·s; vw Mi=bu" 0 ". CAMARO '67 MERCURY ov,.ne r, mlg 40,(XXI. =21 -------.,...-CHRYSLER -PLYf.tO UTJl r.11,1st i;ee 10 apprec. 167 CAMARO 2929 HARBOR BLVD. COUGAR '13 V\V, New clutch, new Spart Coupe Z-28 p ' 1COSTA MESA Sf&.UfJ4 V8 enaine, radJo, beater, etc. brakes. &ood tires. $495. or FORf\1ANCE ' PACKAGE. 4 Open Dally 'tlf ID p.m. (7F91A5ll045). bkt ()fif'r. 536-3296 :1pced. pov.·er steering, disc '64 CHRYSLER 300 1-1.T. $1895 . brakes, radio, heater, RS ~-Factory air, auto., VOLVO package. Only one in town. powr-r steering, R&H. (XEY- Reduced to, Lie. VAG 253 9ll)1 $1295 full price. , ATLAS VOLVO Best o!!i": Aro At CONNELL CHlt~ di'-PL~ a .. 1 DHIS Are At DEAll LEWIS CHEVROLET ""HARBQl .. BL""' D S ,, 28'l8 llarbor mvd. COSTA MESA 5"4934 EAN LEWI 1966 Harbor, c .r.1. 616-93M C.l\.t. 546-1203 Open Daily •t1110 p.m. l966 Harbor, C.M. 646-0003 '61VolvoS122. 4 dr. 4 1pttd. New clulch & new titta. $tSl. * 67f>-3TI9 '67 CAMARO 4 Spd, dlr. xlnl mndition! Sacrifice~ \Vill trade lor Cottign car or tot&l price COMET MUSTANG CONTINENTAL '66 MUSTANG H.J. Rec• C1r1, Rods 9620 $1:.99. LB UJlf 173. Ca,11 BW '63 CONT. -t Dr. Leather Lo. V-8, aulo1natic trans., r&dlo 494-9773. nii. Best oUer or trade late &: heater. powe r stecrinz, air ALEXIS Far. Ford. trailer~ I'!''"'!""'!!!!"""!\"!!!'""'""'"" I model VW. {714) 629-1492 cond. <TBM 0171. apart ~ginc. All brand '67 CAMARO, V-8, 4 spd, '63 ALL power acctss. Air , $1695 nl!'\V, '44-1433 R/H, PIS, n1. tires, Marina $1195 or be.st ()fier. £OOCt 1·A=u~,= .. =w=.=.=tod===,=,oo"'" 11 ,,:,~"ue°'"'.'~''"~"'' ,..: .. ~~~-L~l"J ""=· """="'="='·="'="='=-3853=· ===I ~AS 1---------'68 CAf.1ARO Z-28, 4 speed. CORVAIR · . WE PAY CASH Good eond. l2ll00. Call Dave -------ICllllYS -)'J,YMOUTll aft 5:36 at 673-1829 · ~-ARBOR BLVD. .. FOR YOUR CAR '':.,,..:~o~~1:•=: ~~ A MESA o515.W, CHEVROLET litt~ 543-2'68 " Opeo DaUy '111 10 p.m. CONNELL '68 CHEVROLET Impala '65 CORVAIR MONZA 'f..~~~~j,,~8·,~ ~,:.,~ EVROLET coupe. Factory air, P .S.. S900 842-9:l01 tioning, radio, heater. CTVY· CH auto., ,..d~. "'''"· IWAK· 140) $1"'1 1WJ prt .... 2m ~ Bh... 871l Like Now. 12"" 1u11 CORVmE CONNEU Cr:>lta ~fesa 541-1200 price. CONNELL '68 '" '"'"" '" 11r. CHEVROLET CHEVROLET bl,./blk. lol.: P"'· sl•"·· 2823 >lubt" BJ'•· Wiii Buy brakes, \l'indows; stereo, C.!\1. M&-120:t Your YolkswKaen or Ptlrschc 2828 tlarbor Blvd. tape, low miles. Musi sell .66 M 289 • pa. • top •-11·-. Pa.Id for c 'I 54&-1..,,.. 67~2613 u.slan' 4 sp. PIS. " ...., ..... ·' · ~"" -~~~~-.--~~-! RJH. 1 owner. Ex· or not. Call Ralph '57 N0~1AD 350 h.p .. 3 .spd, '65 Con-ette, Xlnt cond, fully ttpliclnally clean. Best Of. 673-0000 Corv. alum rims. Straight eqp'ci, never raced. Call fe:r. 642-4704 JMPORT.i WANTED body, ncW paint; orii: int. 675-7646 1--,.,=====7'7." OrsJtp Counties Pwr wind()ws, strr. & brlts. =========I '65 Mustang Convertrndio TOP S BUYER Sacrilice: $673. 642-1044 COUGAR heater, PIS, new BlLL MAXEY TOYat A 'iii 327 Chevy SS, low Ures. $700. ·-Beacll Blvd. ,67 "· ~ , pd or best oiler. 842-3008 ~ mileagr, air, aood tires. Mere ...... ugar, ~ s , , . H. Beicb. Pb. hl-1555 $1800.·6i5-195:> reJ inside le out, nu tires. 66 Mustang, 11,ndard .lhitt, WANTED junk cars. No tow· -.,.,~CH=EV=v-l"M'°P"A-.L.,-A-X\nt cond. Best ()ff e r. nu Urell", 1mmac. oond. Aft :away ctiarae. 546-6106. 2 dr. VERY CLEAN? 5-\1-1047 5:30 pm, 67~'.l' SOCK Tf' TO 'EMt $250. 642.-00'17 SOCK rr TO 'E!lf~ '68 v...g, R/H, Xlnt cond. ===;~==~;::::============~~~·====1 14,000 ml. one c>wner. Aqua. match. inter. 847~1 • I u o tiQ )fl1r i.i ~Au$.u \ \ ·6j OLDS Dynamic M. 4 dr. P/S. Alt cond. R(ll -47,tm mi. Excellent cond. Woman dtlver, ntnior ""11te. $1~ See at 263S Oranse St. Apt B. C.fl.t. bef~ 9:30 M! mo afl 8:30 PM . OLDS '66 Cullan, 2 dr, V.-8, HT, bckt stall, autD, ps, r&h, fact air, landau top. An im- ma.wlate CU'. 9S2...s520 U162 CUTLASS f-85. Five tr&nlportaUon car, New lr3m:ml111k>n and orlgln.11.l paint. $350. Call 837-5871 OLDS Turonido $21.50. Fine avail .,....,,. BUSIEST mllrketplac. ln , town. Th• DAILY PILOT Qa.11Wed aecUon. Saw ' ..... ,. limo ' ettoit. Loqil nowltt FORD ., .. llFORE YOU BUY - ANYWHERE! . CR•C:iif~J~:1t,um. " FORDS' _. f.tUST A-NGS FORD. TRUCKS . . . , 1 OVER 200 •NEW '69'i, NOW AT , ' ·FINAL . CLEARANCE SAYINGS f ENGLISH FORDS I ANOTHER BOATLOAD JUST ARRIVED! En9l.,nd'1 No. 1 Selltr , • , America's No. 1 lmporf Buy! Cu1tom1 -GT's ---:-Sta~lon Wegol)t t · ~· ltrO• Solldlon of A'tJ'1:! on<I /'o~r'SpMd,11 \ ~-- READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BUY! GOOD SELEC110N ,TO CHOOWFROM I R E&T.J'n',n .r . ..r ECONbMifAI: '' ,· RATES BY DAY-WEEK-MONTH ' ' ~~ SALES EXPENSE, NO PREPARATIOlt CHARGIS,•NO DEALER ADD·ONS OF ANY., KIND! DRIVE HOME ANY NEW '69 T-1111.D IN OUR llG STOCK AT THIS PRICE! 2 DRS.,, .4 DRS. !-ARGE ~-.~qN ·ol' COLORS AND ECj)UIPMEkr! ' I . I ~ • .:I "ff· . ~ ( .. .;>I I .. - NEW '69 VB FORD '/2 TON PICKUP ancl CAMPER Model 600 RENT YOUR VACATION HOME , QN WHllUI • · · New '6f-For4 I/a••" pick•p wil~'V1 ffl{'., 1• ~.d, q11•q•1. •11lr• evil. 104., end h•••y duty ''rl11fa joh11 '69 111<!!d1I lerr1•11rle teb· IWfr c1rnp1t With ii1i1le111 1,wf •l•c. l19M1, llli11in9 nook tebl•, 1ink ind rlr•ln, fully rlr•perl, etc. FIOYRE90055 • $3195 'l'o• "t• •Hro ye1i1 w1ot, tfoy •h•'* l yo11 •-.nt •withe1t e~olt, er '''''' Ytlie~5 Whe11 yey r•11f 1 leM11 Dtln• Pic~wP. C1rnp1r er Conrler M.tet Hom•. REASONABLE ltATIS RESlRVE IARL Y OVER 2 ACRES OF ROBINS RELIABLE USED CARS NOW AT SPICIAL SUr.\MIR SAVINGSI '67 CHIV. $1795 Jl.T. Impalll 4-dr, V·8, auto., P.S., air, RAH. CUKU-157) * POLICE CARS * -4 to chooac from. All art! fully recondltian!d and have freah new pe.Jnl jobs. la&mfl": ;:~~~JOO. $1795 auto., RAH, P.S. (4919) Slk. P8101. '67 FIAT 124 $1295 4-Dr. Sedan. Full !acL equlp- Pf'd.. Low mUee.ae. C~XP 298) - 'H PLTMOUTH s795 Sport Fury 2-Dr. H.T. Gtttn w/black Inter. VS, au!.()., PS, CY?CS462J 'M ·CHMOLET $895 Bel-Air 4-Dr., Auto .. R&H, FAC· TORY AIR. (VTLB81) '64 DODIOE Dart 170 2-Dr. Equipped. 6 cyL, <PBY&o5J 'U FALCON Futura 4-br. 'sed. Auto. radio. (ll:!G400l H.T. Tempest '67 PONTIAC ~ 595 Cust. Auto., p.s., RlH. ('J'RJ053J 12' UAILU $1295 Nonhwat Coach, aleept 6, full¥ equipped. UJc:e new .. (~) ~ .. ~!~AC· 51 195 TORY AlR, R4'.lf .. -I PS, PB. (YCU550) ~~~':,,. Sod $995 Y·8, AIR CONO., auto., R&.H {VWS- 426 ). Low mileage '63 PONTIAC $895 Grand Prix. Aulo., ' R&H, P.S., P.B., AIR COND. (JJV920l ., '66 MUST'NG $1295 6, stick, radio, heater, (SQA 698). STATION WA~ONS Finest Selection of Fords •nd Cllevroltb, Country Sedans & O>untry Squires 2·'68's. lxampl•: hm• wfth Air CoMltl11nln1 'M FORD 9 PASSINGIR ~~1r~:tiffi~~-51095 (0\lN544,l '' • rbd c t '·"" .. t P•"'-Men.Ff 9 s.t f' St• ID 1,1t1. to 6 p.~ • P' I SlllVl~I HOURS ' ' 7 1.111. t• t /,:, M111 e •71.111. to 6 p.111. 1..,,,.frl '65 CAOILLAC Coupo DeVlll1. I ew11er, •p,.r•l.; ll,000 rn!l•t. full ''"'' 0114 ff••' lorv eir c.onclitio11i119, N1w tire&. IREX2911 '68 SHELBY GTSOOKR ' Fe1tbec .. 421 C111iita j•t, ·A11to1r11• tic, p.,1 •• rin9 & ~r1ke1; eppr...,' 6,iOO rnll11. 1¥VJ ijs1 '67 CAMARO Autometic lr1111mi11le11, r.Jle, 1114 h••l•r. 1J.e•ll111t 1•11cUtie,( fWIH. · 411 ) , '67 FORD WAGON \ Ce1111fry S-4011. Duel f1clflf tfll'~' 11th, 190 VI, ,..,10., RIH. P'$.,J Pl., F1clory t ir ••ntlltienln,. A11,.;. I l ,000 rnl1e1. F1ct. w1rre11ty t weil, !VCIC 144) : '68 GALAXIE 5Qo: 2 Dr. H.T. 390 VI, •lilte., vlfl'tl ,.;., 1 PS .. 1pp1. 11,000 rnll11, f1~t6tJ. ... ,,•o•• ..... a.~1., (WXW•11• • d' • t '· I I -: • • • Wt<l....il)' • .ki!J 23, 1'169 RTA o ltAN PORTATION .GRAND ~PRIX , 8r1nd N•w 1969 St111d Prix. Speci1I paint, cordov1 top, turbo hydr•m•tlc tr1n1Mi•- 1ion', push • button ,r1dio, · ow1r st 1rin 1J OWlr disc br1k11, .tlrit1d 9 I 1 s s, AIR ·CONDITIONING, 678 x 14 , 1276579P3n4601 t' . . . ~ . . , ( I 69 ~~!!!.ft!~~~,"~~ .. '!,~, ff1dory •ir, l••+h•r lnt•rior. N•w Jtoll1 ltayc.• fr•d• h1. !WWM 9]51 '·66 ~~!~?~~' ,,,.,;,,, wh;lo w1U1, b1l;y blu• "fifh blu1 inl1rior. 115,747 mi111. !TXT 119 1 I 64 !~~~~~,.~:,~~"""' .,;;,, li11f•r, wliit1 w1ll1. )5,794 mil11 . fOSW 1171 • 68 PONT. Le Mans Spart cooip•. VI, hyd r1m1lic, paw1r 1!111rin9, r1 dio, h••l•r, whit• w1 Ut. IVOU 121 1 14,111111il11._' . " • ' I 1 SERVICE DEPARTMENT O,EN: ~ MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M . • SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN: 8:00 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. EVERY DAY , BRAND NEW CATALINA 6< PASS. WAGON .. New 191>9. Decor 9roup1 turbo hydrolf\otic transininion, push but- ton radio, deluxe seet belts, power steerin9, tinted windshield, AIR CONDITIONING, heevy duty sp rings and shock•. ( 2523b9C I 31 • 400) WHAT ABOUT LEASING:? •••IN MANY INSTANCES LEASING YOUR Niw -c.t.R HAS DISTINCT flNANCIAL ADYANTA!HS. ROY CARVER CAN LEASE ANY MAKE OR MODEL AUTOMOlll.E. INCLUDiNG ROLLS ROYCE. LEASING MAY IE l'OR YOU. DROP IN AND LETS TALK IT OYER. -.. .. $72.77 . '68 . ~.L.!~; .. !a~~~~~~.~;,. 1io 11, po'"''' 1t11rin9. Gr••n •1tl•riar. $2677 I 66 ~.~~!~ ~~~;,!~;~ .,;;,, · ~••+er, ] 1p•.d. f.,ary In 'al•r. IT22· IW>.I Siii ' llSSl $2.177 I 65 ~~.~!~~~.:~!!?,;,, .... $16Z7 •• 1i•1rin9, vlnyl lap. fll:RI 5231 . :'68 PONTIAC GTO ' " R•dio •nd he•l•r, 1ufa,.,1t<.c, powe r . lleerin9, f1cla1y 1ir 'ondilionin9. fWIC . ' 067) $1377 . 1 66 ~~~~.~~?.~~.~ ,,d ..... ;,, ·s1977 '"' ~ 68 ~~~~ .. 1~.~~.s~;" .. ,;,, pgw1r 11111'!119, pow•• br1li::e1, l1cla1y "· ~ pwr. 1!11r., pwr. br•1 .• R&H, F1 cfary 1fr. l rOll'll in celor. I SBW 196 ) ··..,, ' 1ir. WSW. 11,467 mil11. !TSlOA l . ' $2777 1 66 !,~,~~.~~~~.E~dro '"' $1377 • 67 FORD FUTURA ' 1 Oder.' Sm1 ll Vt 1n9in1, 1i.1!om1tic, h11t1r. ISSl !041 .. • -' • ·~die, h,.1t1 r, _..ii• 1id1 will t ir11. '. ' . · 17,14) ,..;(ft.~(UDM 1011 ' ·e NO.W ON DISP.IJ'J • • .. • THE TRANS·AM FIREBIRD ! •. Equipped-With -.oo cu . in. R•m eir en9ine; 4'sf)eid:tr1n1ml 1si on, push button radi'o, tinted wi~d-h.rtld,.F.70 white l11fter~d fiberglass belted tires, spec1.el hood ·witk longer fun c;,t i9nal eir $Coops , dec k lid eir foils,· f1011t .spoiler, 1peci•I full length ·1tripes on hood.' 122JJ7.9N_l0~4SSJ ' . ' ' ' . :;-.. ... \ ) ''-·. [(] ROY CARVER PONTIAC ~925 HARBOR BLVD I COSTA MESA • , I Kl-64444 • ' ' ' ' ' ~J_,_..,_.t .. .., '"J ' '. •_i!_~th ,._ __ ••• -~ ·-.. -----~ $1377 I $2.977 s3577 $1677 . ,,, §Ml _ .. , ........