HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-30 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' WlD.NESDAY -AFTERNo,ON, JVJ'Y:JO,. l~69 w VOi.. &t.JHJ. 111, lctlCTKtlfS, ft ,..,,., ' .. M~riner 6 Tahing More Historic Yars Photos • Nixon Flies to Saigon, ..1r ~ . • -• U,I ttM~·.>~ ~·k ' 1 ~' t ~Ir"" .. PRESIDEllT Gl!!IETS C~llA'f TIOOPS IN VIETN AM . 'Com•-on ~n to My N9'tf Heu•• fd r • Swim' \ ' • I • • Fho~t .'Lady ;Pl~d:ges 'N~ Concessions' . ...., .... .... ' ....... ·,~Y,· ~ "t'. J ,. t-, _ _., .... , t I, ., ..:1;,. ·} 1;• 04 .T tens .. ~'!~ -.. -~~: . M~ta1ton ~· . Nixon Opens. Pool War May Be · Ana :imSc~6tils'·Pol'icy Pays ·~jsit . In vites Hero Down for Swim VIETNAM (AP) -President Nixon pres!nted. 1 three Distinguished . Servlce Crosses to soldiers in ,the u,s. Isl In· fantry Division today and .mixed serious and good bomore~ ta!~ with ttie µ-oops . Nixprf iriVited bne army private to come to his San Clemente home arid go for a swim in the President's peal. "I just bought a new home in San Clem!-~nte," Nixon told Pie. Franklin Wal· raven. 21. San Bernardino. "come on down· any lime, the pool will be open." Walraven told lll_e Pres}deht he woul~ take him up on the offer. Nixon also had a brief word with Capt. Enrique P. Rodriquez. Miami, Lt. Gary Tuckel, Visalia . and Sgt Michael J. Mur - ray, Ohio. as he presenled them with the Army"s second highest award for valor. Th e President spo ke with Spec. 4 Gab- riel Flores. rrom his hon,etown of Whit· tier. They talked about the Whittier high schools and then Nixon lold the young solrlier, "yotfll have to visit · i;m'ney- land ." • "1 alreai:ly have,. sir. my -~the~ works l~ere," Flor~ replied; , · "15.Jl't that somethini'?" Nixt>n said. and told newsmen, "and we didn 'l even retiearse lhis, •• • ·• NiXor:i also played up his reputation as a sports fan as he discussed baseball and football with the soldiers. The Chief Executive also carried on some very serious talk with the troops. At one pojnt he , paused and said to newsmen , "You look at these men: their del..ermination. their leadership and you heard them talking quietly about their homes, why they're here, what they think, and in some ways you can sense their feeling s . . . we are very fortu- nate that we can produce men like th al." Nixon also chatted occasionilly about the astronauts .. He was tolci by ooe sol· dier that m<tny men at the base had stayed up all fiight to watch refun s of tile moon trip on armed f.orces television. "You fe!JowS:, are f.OUng enough,'" he said. "You'll be goini to Mats." Mariner Takes ·2nd Sieries -' , ·-. ' . Of Historic :Mars. llhotos . ; -. " PASADENA <UPI) -f\1ariner t ·bep.n taking a second series of television P.iC· tures. early toda y as it hurlled t"ow1rd a "near encounler" \vith Mars to find out whether life can e;odst on the red planet The first batch or 33 pictures of Mars, broadcast live on home television screeps Tuesday night, showed a small, egg. shaped orb with the "'hile south polar cap standing out clearly from a molUed. tight gray surface. It was the United Stales' second .space triumph this month. coming oo 'the heels of the Apollo 11 mission that landed men on the moon. Tlie Soviet Union has been plagued \\'ith communications failures in their seven Mars probes. i\1a~iner 6 began snapping the second series of pictures at 12:23 a.m. PDT to- day . They will be beamed back to earth starting at 6 p.m. ll1riner 6 will fly pa.!lt Marg at a rl istance or 2.000 miles tonight at 10 :~ PDT afler a voyage of lfl million fl;lile.s thrnugh ,!Pict. Despite Jhc ,·ast,dis~aoce,. the spacfocraft will ·be only 99 seConds la te ror the rendt>zvous. i\1f1t'incr 7. the 850·pou11d space twin of ~filrincr 6. wtll make its flypilsl'fivt day11 later. Between them, thel w 111 pbotagrapb ~ -entire 1urrace of: Mars twice as ·ii rotates beneath ·.the two television clmeras a·board e 1 c h spaceSrl!:ft. . .. Mariner & Will have only ts minutes to pe(form ilf a:ienUfic uperiments and lake two dor.en television P.ictures .ol a region near ~1 Marian ecjualor which shOUld &boi" areas as small .11 .900 fiet across. , Al the ~ time, Instruments aboard the spacecraft will go to work{makine a chetrucal AilaJysis 'and mappffig the lllrface by measuring lhennal radiation. Of pirticUlar inler'est is whell'ier the air contains nitrogen. oiygen and hydrogen -all present in e-arth 's atmosphere-tind i( there l&. water on me planet Tbe acie.nl.ist,. in ,jet P.r op u 1 s Ion laborato,ry'• missi9.n coatrol confe!Sed Tut!9d1y night ttiey were rather diap- po.inted in the first of the 33 pictures that slowly unfolded, Urie by line, acl'O!s the televigion ~reen. The )rlnclpal objection was the low contrast. bot JJr. llbl><rt B. Leighton_., lhe California Institute of Technology i;::iid the rater sbo(s were "much finfr than I've ~v~\seen lf1Af1otographs and {S.0 lllAR!lla, POI' I) • Finest Hour SAIGON (AP) -President Nixon Oew to, Saigon t~ay and declared th!l Unlled Slates and South Vietnam could make no further peace concessions. Later he .told U.S. sold leis at a nearby base that the war "may have been our finest hour." Niion flew first into the heart of Saigon becoming the first U.S. president to visit South Vietnam's capital. He was ac- companied by his wife who made her own bit of history by touri ng a field hospital arid a home for war oiphans. No other First Lady has visited $0uth Vietnam. Ni1on also became the first president to visil a combat base in South Vietnam . He spoke to the American· troops at Di An. headquarters of the U.S. Isl Infantr y Division 12 miles norlh o[ Saigon. Nixon spent rive hours and 25 minute s in Vietnam. much or it in conferences wit~ President Nguyen Van Thieu and other government leaders. , He returned to Bangkok. Thailand, late today aboard the presidential plane and was whl&kcd back to the palace from wberJe be slipped away early in the day to begin his sec recy-shrouded trip. He will leave Thailand Thursday to continue his round-the-world trip. "In Oi An, he pictured the war a~ worthwhile -even as he called it the most controversial in American history -because. he said, it may lead to the establishment of an enduring peace in Asia. While meeting Thieu earlier al Saigon's (See NIXON , Page i) * if * More Gls Leave As. Nixon Visits SAIGON (UPI) -President NifO~·s brief visit today CQiocided wilh an all - , quiet battlefront r~rt and the departlj~e of 750 more American troops under b1s plan. to "rithdraw 25,000 from lhe 'jlar zone by the end of August. Allied military spokesmen said (here l\.'as no fighting of any significance in South Vietnam Wednesday, moving the current battlefleld lull into ii& seventh week. Al Nison was landinf in his presiden- tial jeUlner at Saigon s Tan Son Nhul Airport. an airlill wu begil;inJ~g at nearby "Bien Jioa Air Base to c-rry the 75e American troopi to Schofield Bar· rack1 In 11aw-Rii. 1:hey are ~be.rs of the 41h Balt"lion, 39th . Regiment, 9th Tnrantry Oi v\tlon,'..1c:ommanded~by Maj, Do!>tld W. Crooll'i ot Albany, C.llf. • . s Voluntary Prayer To Hospitals A new policy has been adopted by the Anaheim UnioO High School District, which Will aUow voluntary prayer in ' schools. Author or u\e policy, Trustee Edward 1-larlnell, said he pushed for the program wilh lellow trustees because "students in lhis area who were afraid to pray ln any way, even In their own groups, asked me to tielp them." The board-adopted policy suggested' that principals of the district schools set. aside a ~riod or lime each day for si- lent prayer or meditation. Each student wou ld be free to participate or not par· ti~ipate, Hartnell said. "Students are trying drugs and all manner of _things while crying out for spiritual ident.ity." the Lrustee said, Before approving Hartnell's prayer plan the board consulted the county counsel's office and was told that the Panther Oeared fn Weapon Case Daniel Michael L)'nem, once accused 0£ the murder of a :>anta Ana police officer,. \vas cleared Tue~ay <>f the last of a series of charges brought against him in Santa Ana MUnlcipal Court. Lynem, 2%. who identifies h!mselr as a lieulenant of e<1mmunications in the Black Panlher organi:r.ation, was r-reed by Judge Eugene Langbauser on.charges or carrying a con~aled weapon, He was booked on the offense last April, just tight weeks before he was arrested and 8ccuscd of gunning down Santa Ana police officer Nelsoo Sasscer. Lynem wa! cleared or the afftnse while a fellpw Balck Panther. Arthur DeWitt Leagµe', 2Q, of Santa Ana, was, being ar- raigned in a. neighboring court on the murder . chp.rges not ·pttsaed against Lynein.· It was ·alleged during Lynem's prosecution that he. Le11gue, and Odlt Nathaniel Grimea, 21, also of Santa Ana. were together when Sasscet was . .shot alld i!Tied. Lea~e must return to court Aug. $. Grimes, also cleared of impll'c'1ion Jn the S~S!cer slaying, is awaiting fedllral ae· Uon on cnaraea of harborln; I r~;!Uve. ... ' . ' U.S. Supreme Court decision banned only Involuntary prayer. The new policy will be implemented when regular classes resume In the· fall . Newport Police Nab Corona Man, Seize Sex Films Two Newport Beach detecti ves Posing as buyers Tuesday arrested a Corona nian and seized ·nearly 300 rolls of movie film, S<lme of which were alleged to be obscene. Garan Dee Childers, 29. was arrested at a residence at Ceda r Avenue and West Coast Highway by Detective John Simon and Sgt. Ken Th<>mpson . Police booked Childers on charges of' possessing obscene matter for sale. Childers posted $150 bail and was releas· ed. Simon; poll~e vice and intelligence in- vestigator, said Childers set up a private showing of the films Tuesday afternoon, AJterwards the oUicers.bought 17 reels at $17 each, then arrested the man, They. then confiscated the rest o( Chikler's stock of movies. "Not all of the movies ~e look woold be classified u pornography if you com- pared lherTI to what's being shown .in some places in Los Angeles," Sim<>n said. But, he added. severaJ af the film s gave ~lice reason for making lbe arrut and seizure. "We hope that we can show severaf of them to ,a judge lo see what he thinks about ttiem," he said. Simon s-aid he h"ad received a 1ip from ''a l\ighly relialik! source .. who"'tola him where he could obtain movies..:ot' that tyi)e. . . • t ... The ·'.iSQ'eenin(P -was set up lor' "llie early afternoon TUesday. Chifders .,111 arrested ·aft p.m, _ Thant fssncs Appeal UNITED· NATIONS, N. Y. Ci Pl - Secret.ary-Oeneral U Thant lhued an urgent •ppeal today to both •I~ In the Nigerian civll war to 111ake arran1ements for resumpUon of emergency daytime fllehllft r1ll•f supplies. • SAIGON CAP) -With armed guards. and helicopters flying cover., Finl· Lady Pat Nixon made two trips into the South Vietnamese countryside today to cheel"' soldiers at the 24th Evacuation Field HoSpital al Long Blnh and visit war orphans . Her surprise trip with President Nixon made her the first U.S. First Lady to vi.ti~ the Vietnam wai-:wne, • Mrs. Nixon expla.iited· hei: mission : "I wanted to say heUO tO lbe men Wh:o are doing·so much for us. They're wonderful young men." She spent 20 minut'es shaking hands l'n three wards where abdut 40 soldiers were recovering from fevers, wounds and ·ac· cident injuries. The Pre:iidenl's wife shook their hands, patted the young men .lying in rows or hospital beds in blue pajamas. She wish· ed them "good luck" and "Gad bless you" and the press secretary handed out ball point pens with Pr.esident Nilon'1 autograph on them as souvenirs, Mrs. Nix911 toured the Thu Jue Orphanage·~~ •e ·there ari 744 war orpba~, Md visited with lhem for 45 minutes. The children sang. perrormed folk dances .and, she patt~ them on their beads. Between ' their-Mops at tlhe orphanage and the· 24th EvacuaUon Hospilal, Mrs. (See FIRS'J' LADY, P~1e %)1 Orange Weatlter 'l'hc.te's, no ;doubling'. that il's summer along the Orlnge Coaat. Just Check ,Ule w:eather;.ii!s ,clear. blue skies, mercury in the high ?Os. INSml! TODAY You Can 1lat1in11ovr .tioomp- ect boot-dbnost inde/inittl11 b'Ut I ·you wm\'' iink if 1'0" ""'' 0 , 'tl<W Jlot.Q.ii_cm meihod now Mnde-roo~ i'g !f•I. ,Boad~g Pag< IQ. ' . ...... ~ ' . M•""'* ....., t I 0.11111 ~ 1t IYJI! .......... • tt ~ lecflt '"-I n-G ·~' . ··1· or. ,11••• t .... ,.... .,. '~ ... -. -. ._.. _ .. l l I • -·- Ex-Newp,Oilt Aide Flre,d By P,hoeµix Spedol to Ille DAILY PILOT PHOENIX -Fonner Newport Beach city manager Robert Coop has been firtd as city manartr ¢ Phoenix. Sources bert saJd Coop, ~. was u•td by the Pboecllc City Councll to tither ""'"' ar be ftred. The ""ndl llltialllllln wu unanlmous. . COop'• formal Jetter of resltM.Uon was submitted at a formal counclr 111t10n. "Thll II POI a volunlar)' declaloo," nld $82,000 Deal? the vei.rao'munlclptl adnllnlstrator. 'llJt "crtdlblllly J•P" b<hrten .hlmaeU Oil<! resJgnaUon ls er!ect!ve ·AUl\llt Ui. lbe City Council. "Jt ii apparent," he said in h1s letter to Mrs. 11tel.lkas speclflcally charged that th ---ti "tha ""-·--city aides and st.ate iegialaton hid met e ·~~ ' t City ~ll-!11llnager without council kno ledg She bo relaUonihips h1d reached a point where l alleged lht had asked weoo;·,, ques~ could no looger be elfecti~ u your dly 11i1Ce -May ol 11118 ud rtCtlood only 10 man11er." • anawm. Troubl,. for C4ap beaan to lll(laco • The credibility pp al\epllona In <arlltr this s1umrier when Phoenix Coal> Phoen!J IOll!ldod mudl like a r<play o1 cll....,,an Doroehy Thell.ku publlcly the hiNla llll'mllldbii Cooo """' he loll char8ed Ille dty manJ1tr will> • lhe NftP!"I c:1Q> manaee;r, )IOll lata In 19" to -I JM Phomla Joi>. Coop bad Tha.""" ~u wtre a~ by tilt lltl'Ved three yem as Newport'• top city c:ouncll, wlil> U,uor and to~ dealers administrator. ~ vl11"'9111iy. 'l1>e Phoenix coundl'• llllbapp!Mss Is rt taler deve.IOPO<I that only hall of the believed to have stemmed from his pro-t4 mllllon wtl! iduaJJy be genetated by JlO@!>ll. oew city bud&<t Jin\ submlUed~ the. oewly l~Jevles. last March . lt exceeded anticipated ' Coop'• &aluy as a manaser of this city revenue!J by $6 miUion. oi~ 112,000-.was $28,000. It ls u.pe<:ted that Coop trbnmed it by fl million al the Phoenix councilmen will haye to pay council's lnslslence, and proposed $-t about $35,000 to 6is successor. His salary million 1n new taxes on liquor and tobac-at the time be left Newport was about co to balance the rest of it. $20,000. Val~ey Officials Named Saigon Can't Take Over for Years: Stennis LE.AVIS PHOENIX POST City Managor Coop In Realtor Switch Suit ·: Cahbie Quits -After Shots =From Sniper ' . Cab driver Shtrman W. Bunllne, Jr., .f;'bo escaped with his lite when a Pacific 'Ctist. Hlg'tiway sniper fired a hall or slugs at hll tad, quit bis job with YeHow Ca.b .Colnpany of Long Beach rue.day. "I just don't want to dri'fe a cab ·an:)11l0f'e," the Vietnam vtteran told bll boa. . ~o one around taxi headquarters blam- 6' the 2S year old driver. · He we.a c'aught ln a volley of sniper's l>ulleta In Sul, Beach al 4,09 a.m. Mon- . day wh1ch shattered his windshield, nar .. rowly missed bis bud, and sprayed hJm with gla.u. Tbe five shots set.med to come from · \M. vicini[y or the M.artna Palace, a • teenage dance hall on Cout Jli&lnray near the wot di)' limlll ol Seal Beach. Seal Biach and Long Biach detedlves are still pl!Dled by the sbooling and bave not yet uncovered any clues leading to Ille capture of the mysf<rtous gunman. ' "SO far we've juA come up with a b!IU,'! aald Ll Robert Gana of the Seal J Beacb Police Department today. ' . Ila ..idad lblnrapnenll of the ilass • c:ollocled1illlde tl>e automobile have been • ..nt to llie .aime lalll ~ both pollco • departmenllia ... n as the Orana• Coun- ' ty SbullHor analy.ls. ' I Pllca of the bullet. hitting the ab- bit'1 car were not recovered, increuir)g the cfil(jcully of determining the type of weapon Ultd, police &&ld. Fountain Valley's civic turmoil took on new dimensions today with the filing of t lawsuit which claims that Mayor Robert D. Sch\11-'erdtfeger and City Attorney Edwant Martin persuaded wealthy land· o"·ner William G. Lewis to switch broken in a $7.S million transaction witb the Larwin Company. °"''ti~ of Lemon Htlgll~Realty, Santa Ana, a~ both men and the La.rwln Company of bre1ch or contract ln his Superior Court action. He claims that Schwerdtfeger and MartJn. working·as real estate brokers, "tntenUoo&lly .lnduced Lewis to bracb h1a coatract" and consent to a dtal which gave them $U,OOO ln commission. Lindley wants that $12,000 plus another $100,000 in damages. He argues that SchwerdUeger and ?ttartin a c t e d "maliciously and opprt!!lvely and in complete disre~ard of (Lindley's) e-0n· tritctual rlgbU.' Llndley was alltiedly selling for ta.s million tbe lGt.M aces• lo the Larwln Compony at the northwest earner OI Ellis and i(egnolla in Fciuntaln Villey. Tbe 'clio1ee acreage eventually became the lite of the IJ.Arwin tract and the sub- ject of Superior Court action in which Larwtn'• bid to develop ttie area was struck down wilb the rulin& that Larwin had violated city rtgulations on indivJdual lot sizes. Several appeall by the t.arwln Com· PIDY q:airut the decllion of Judl;e Byran K. McMiiian have been rejected by tbe Appellate Court Mayor Schwerdtffitr had little to say toUncllmen facing recall if city rtsidents vote that way next September 23. He and Martin have tun strongly criticized for their actlcma during negotiations belore and during city acceplaoce of tbe pro. ·• · poeed t.arwln tnct. i;.· Fro11t Page l Lindley claims that he was working ~: with Larwin on We of lh~ ~wis acreage EFIRST ' LADY -at • fllr<1, percent <;<>nllllWlOll wben the . · _ : . • . ~6~ IUddenly biooke off '°'•ot!•tiom:. c · . . · • -· -rHe blllntl Scllwerdfeger ~~Martin .fdr . lion spent 1 'ii ~s havlna .tu with ~ thal def~bpment and a(C\llses .tJ1mi of ~:Mrs. Npyen Van Thieu, wife of ~e Viet· · making •1representations, promises and ))8m'5e president, and Mn. Nguyen Cao: • concealment of relevant fact!." • u., -presidenl'• .. u •• and !he ..,. ~va of olh« government officials. ~... Asked if ahe was alnJd of coming to ;, the war zone, Mrs. Nino replied: "No, l 'm protected." Mn. Ntlon had Wd earlier she wanted to cmie to Vletnarn "so she COUid see 90lne af the aervlcemen and tell them how much people back home appreciate what they are doing for the.Ir COUDlry," a press 5J)Otemian said. Wholesale Price Rise Indicates Slowdown WASHlNGTON (UPI) -Wholesale prices made their smallMt monthly in- c.TUR of the year in JuJy, posalbly ~ dlcatlng a s!OW<lown In tho sharply rising coot of llvln&, the Labor Department aald tod•y. The Bumru of Labor Statiatlcs said prlllmlnary eltim.ates showed wholesale prices went up only 0.1 percent this month compared. with an inaeue of O.t per«nt in June. !JAIL\ ~1101 ........ .... I' 1 I''"-..... ------CAUPOIUUA OLWta (Sbl P\IM.llMttfO C'OMllQ'f ••Mt H, W-4 -.. -J ... LC.I.., Vktl'r .......... ~ From Page J MARINER ... mueh finer, l think, than ever~ by the eye from earth." He said lbe pictures showed details never before seen by man, such as rag- ged edges of the south polar cap. The poles, believed ma6e out of frozen carbon dioxide -dry Ice -were the clearest details In lhe Initial batch. The 17 pScturu taken Url! morning and to be transmitted back to earth tonight were tx~t.td to show greater detail because Marrner I will be much closer to the planet. SF Firm Demands UC Okay Users' Park BERKELEY (AP) -A spokesman for a San Francisco .1rchltectura1 flrm declartd Tuesday that the University of talllornia would have to hlre another company unless it P'nnlt.s a "user- developed park" u part o( a student housing complfl planned for construction on the site of "People'• Park." F'rank Tomsick, speakin,e for G. M. 1i1cCue and As.wciates, Inc., told a 11tudent-faculty committee that "I can't possibly se. how we could go ahead without giving conslderaUon to ustr- de,.loped park lpl<!O then." Mayor Shcwtrdtfeger had liWe to 1ay today on the filing of the Lindley action. "It never rains but what it pours," he commented ruefully. "I did not know un- til today that such an action wu even 1.:ontemplated and I Would prefer to wilhhold comment unlil J have had a ch6Jlce to study this document." Martin al.lo rt!used to comment on the Lihdley complaint. "until I have had a chance to see what th.ls man is com- plaining about." Upper New-port Bay Golf Course, . Club Under Way Grading for a ne~ %&--hole golf cour5e and country club will start "sometime early. I.his fall" on sever~ ftuMred acres overlooking Upper Newjprt ~ay, Irvine Company ollicla!s Aid toda1. The multi-mllHon-dollar llnka and clubhouse will be bounded by San Joaquin Hillil, Jamboree and J'ord roads and MacArthur Boulevard. Irvine Vice President or Planning Ray Watson said that earlier·repo~ that the course would be extended. onto the Back Bay side of Jamborte Road were In- correct. That part of Big Canyon. he explained, could not be deYeloped for any purpoise until tbe Back Bay land exchange issues are cleared up. Watson said that a name 8.nd specific details of the course design are not available yet. "We still have to bring all the plans and drawingl up be.[ore the planninl conunl11ioo and dty COIDICll," he aald. Residenliel constructJM along the fringes of. the [i 11 a J)OSStbility, Jr'line spokesmen d, but those plans ... 11111 Indefinite, . . • The de.lgn of the """"" ,.111. conform to standards set bf the Profe.ssional GoUer's Association (PGA). I ., New Chess Oub Slates Totirney v.s~ fi'J.ag on the Moon American Flag stands on surface of moon surrounded. by footprints of astrOMut> Neil Armstrong a.nd Edwin Aldrin in lhia photo taken from lunar module. In Houston today, scientists sought evidence of \vhether or not any fonn of life exists on moon by tnjecting moon dust into laboratory animals. See story page 4. · From r_,e J NIXON ••• Independence Palace, Nixon !Slued a history of warfare." statement reciting coodliatory moves '"It is 8 peace of reconciliation that is and ~posals made by Washincton and ~, ..... AA " · Saigon In an effort to get tl'le Paris peace ..-i""'"~ Nixon continued "a peace jn taJka: off dead center. which the people will decide, a peace "We have gone a5 far as we can or that is just for both sides, a peace which should go in openi(Jg the doors lo negolia-is fai~ to both sides, a peace "'hich offers lions which will bring peaet;,'' he said. "It an equal ch~ to both sides . is now Ume for tile other side to sit down "We have gone as far as we can or with us and talk seriously about ways lo should go in opening the door to peace th k Iii and now it Is time for the other side to stop e I ng. • ·" respond. Otherwise the other side mll5t Later when Nixon and Thieu made assume the responsibility for the con· remarks before televlsk>n camera.s and tinuing sufferln1 among the people who radio microphone.I oo the steps of have already sulfered much too long both Saigon's equivalent of the White House, in South and North Vietnam." Local chess fan1 can match wits at the the U.S. president said It is clear to all Before returning to Bangkok, Nixon newly fonned Bolsa Chica Chess Club, the WCl'ld ''which •Ide has gone the extra traveled b yhellcoptet to Doi An, the Jst meet.Ing every Wednesday from 1 to 10 mile" ln an attempt to promote peace. Infantry Division headquarters base 12 WASHINGTON (UPI) -Senate Armed Servlce1 Cbalnnan John C. Stennis (0- Mlil.), aald today alter a briefing by Gen. Earl G. Wheeler, it will take years before South Vietnam can take over all combat operaUons from A m e r i c a n troops. Wheeler ls chairman ol the joint chiefs or stall. "On the bula of wba:t Gen. ·Wheeler said, it's goliig to tlke tbne at the very best.'' Stennla told reporters alter the closed-door session or the Armed Services Commlllee ended. "We'll be d¢nl a good part of the flgbtlng." • Steruilil WAI asked whether he WU talk- 111!1 In terma of years belcw• the South Vietnamese army would be totally ready. Stennis replltd: "Yu, I think in terms of years .•. not many perhaps. It's not a ahort-tmn propos.ltion and the Years run lpto tach olfier quickly.'' Wheeler, who recently returned from an inspection trip to Viet.Dam, was not available for comment. Both Stennis and Sen. Stuart Symington (0.Mo.), lndicated that Wheeler's .assess- m'ent was not. encouraging. "I wish the story bad been more en· couraglng," Stennis said. Symington commented: "It's the same old story, very aad. I can only hope that jt get.s better." ·· Stennia said Wheeler dJd not" provide the commltt.ee with new lrirormatioo on U.S. troop withdrawals but added "if the sltuatlon Improves in the next three months , that could mean stepped·up withdrawals. '1 Harbour Swim Team Competes Members of the Huntington Harbour Swim Team will enter the Orange County Swim Conference ''C" division cham· pion.ships this Saturday with an un, defeated record. The meet i• 5cheduled for 9 a.m. at the Estancia High School pool, Costa J\.ftsa. The Harbour swimmers will be among nine teams participating for the cham· piooship crown. First place winners in each di vision, plus the next seven best times will qualify the participants to <:1:1mpete Jn the league final s Aug. 9. The swim team chalked up its sixth st raight victory lhls psst weekend by defeating the University Swim Club of Irvine by a 437 to 156 point margin. Wins Divorce p.m., in the park blllldlng al Bolla Chica "Now it 11 time ror the other side lo miles north of Saigon. Park, 13860 University St., Westminster. respood," he added, with Thieu at hia There he met 250 men in full battle LOS ANGELES CUPJ ) -Singtr Keely The Bol.sa Chica Club will liPoflSO!' a side. gear preparing to leave for a combat SmiUt obtained a divorce from her third United Stales Chess Federatlon tourna-Nixon aid the United States and South operation and told them: "We're doing husband Tuesday after she testified he menl Aug. 6, 13 and 20 wlth t.Dlry fee: for Vietnam have made a petce offer "which everytbi.ng we can to bring this war to an "drank excessively," rem tined away club me mbers. is as g~ as any ever made In the end." from home and occasionally struck her. Offlcerb elected last week for th e club lr=======-============================"'=;;·===1 were Ted t.ioore, president ; Derle Fitzgerald, vice president ; and Kim Common,,, secretary-treasurer, For further infonnation call Moore at 89U476 or Commons al 8f7·3SSS. Membership is open lo anyone in Hun- tington Beach , Fountain Va I I e y, Westminster or nearby areas. Czech Refugees J a111 Austria • VIENNA (UPll -Czech o s Io vat reru1ees hs ve jammed Awtraln transit campi1 to capacity, torr.Ing the govern· ment to begin homing rtfugees In private hot.els. The interior 'ministry said Tues· day the wave of refU1ees began last sums mer wilh the Warsaw Pacl lnvuiao of Cuchoslovakia, JN.00 ,, .... n ... .:l""' n•-•A. Mllf'Jlll'-9 --Bohhy Sox Task :•: ... ... ·!· ·:t-: • .... ~ • • Winning Only Part of Valley Pl.ans Youni t\Tls \n the Fountain Valley Bobby Sox sof'tball league have two lll<Jor lWa facing them in the near IU-- Satunt1y ru,tlt a group Q( them, the 111-!llasm, Will tnvel to El 5elUncfo to ll<klt bve <Jlller I-Oct! bobby '°" te:a.ms In the. 111'ta tournament . Victory could lead to the state tourney in Buena Part. But whUe a select lf'OUP of 1irl1 are baltllnc for otai. (oumt1 honon. the othtr puiym, parenta and volunttm wtll lllrl to work lmpro-.!nl ltnd do- nated to the l~ for coostructlon ol 1 bobl>y IOX softball li•ld. 'lbq'll be crading, hoelnr and raltlng to improve iaJld et the CO!'.MT of Loi F!Ol'OI Simi and Elli• Avonue, leased to them by tbe Southern Baptist Church I <A Fount.a\n Valley. Bobby soxers plan to iMtall two eoft. ball diamonds, with back atoPS. blttch- ers ind sprinkler systems on their new silt. Olrrently they are ~ f« vol· unteers t'o help w1th the work, and ~ to dootte m•tttiab. lk.Oby ti0Jm have ttn months to com. plete their work before the &NJOn opens nfJxt May. But the tirll PkYlng Saturday wtll have ooly the ...eteild lo prova lhtlr 111porlorily over teamJ ltom Nonll Allab<lm. South Anahtdm, Sliver· ado, Sclrth-Gantea Gro" and El s.rou":..ln Valley's .U-st.an art. com· petln( lft the &rN tournament for the otc:ond ~W-The leque bas played In FOun~ln Vllley ror three ytars. S.UlrGay's all4tar Ult wtn beii• at I p.m. al El Segundo Park. ' CONVlNIENT TE~MS IANKAMERICi'RO MASTER CHARGE '"'" To the girt who ltnow1 what she wints but nc>I where to find it.' Match your style with au!" m.1 ny dtstinctive designs. And ask os about our famous 011nge llouom gu&nntH. UOM J. C. ~efu.i~ !_J~welerJ llll NEWPORT •VENUE ' C<;l$T/I ME$/I 22 YU.RS S/IME LOCATION PHONE 548.3401 I I , t I ; l ; r I ' , t , 1 I r I *· . I WOL. 62, NO. 181, 5 SECTLOJllS, 62 ~AGES I I I J '""' ....... !Im .PRESIDENT 'Gll&ETS .ctOM'BAT TR9C)~S 1.N.Vl.ETNAftl' .' 1Come .,. O.Wn te My N•W Hou11 for • Swim' · Nixon Opens Pool Invites Hero Down for Swim VIETNAM f AP ) -President Nii:on presented three Dislinguilhed Servk[e Crosses to soldiers in the U.S. 1st In· fantry Division ioday and mill:ed serious and good humored talk with the troops. Ni xon invited one army private to come to his San Clemente home and go for a swim in the President's pool. "I just bought a new home in San Clemente," Nixon told Pfc. Franklin Wal- • raven, 21, San Bernardino, "cortle on dow n any time. the pool will be open.'' Walraven told the President he wou ld take him up on the aUer. NiXoo also had a brief word with Capt. Enrique P. Rodriquez, t.1i.am~ Lt. Gary Tucket, VVi:alia, and Sgt. Michael J. Mur· ray, Ohio. as he presented them with the Army's second highest award for valor. The President spoke .with Spec. 4 Gab. ricl Flores, from his hometown of Wh il· tiE'r. They talked about the Whittier high s;chools and then Nixon told the young ~oldlcr, "you·n have to visit Dis~y­ land.'' "I already have, sir, my father works there,'' Flores replied. :'Isn't that something ?" Nixon said, and told newsmen, "and we didn't even rehearse this." Nixon also played up his reputation as a sports fan as he discussed baseball and football with lhe soldiers. The Chief Executive also carried on some very serious talk with the troops. At one point he paused and said to newsmen, "You look at tbe.se men, their determination, their leadership and you heard them talking quietly about their homes, why they're here, what they think, and in some ways you can sense their feelings • • • we are very fortu- nate that we can'produce men like that." Nixon also chatted occasionally about the astronauts. He ·Was told by one sol- dier ihat many men at the base had stayed up all night lo watch reruns of t'ne moon trip ·on armed forces television. "Vou fellow$ are young enough," he said. ''You"ll be going lo Mars." 1,500 to Toast Apollo 11 Heroes at State Banque.t By RANDY SEEL VE Of ,.. Oellr """ itd' The Apollo 11 astronauts will come back to civilization in Los Angeles, Augusl 13, when they will be the guests pf honor at a state dinner held at the Cen- tury Plaza Hotel. Fifleen:hundred guests hAve been in· 'ited to break bread with the astronauts 011 lhe second day after they are released from quarantine. Invitations to the event have been distributed from the White House with ~uch discretion,. according to a Washing· ton scuree, "DOl even the rovernon CID hr.Ing cuests." ' Buddy Ebsen Sued Over Bite From Dog "Be\•erty Hillbillies" television 1tar Bfiddy Ebsen of Balboa Island today was sued for •tS,000 tw!cause his German ihei>h<'rd dog aUegedly bil an It-year-old Agoura boy last Aug. U. The suit, filed In Los Ange.lea COunty Suf)trior Court, charaed that Homer R. Alien was bitten on lhe hand and thl&h by the dog, Which had been Uken to • neighborhood gathering at an Acoura 1rena by l!l>1c11'1 daughter, kalhy. ·No UckN will be available to the pu,blic. Among the gueat.s blvlted by the President's staff are the governors of the SO states, ambassadors from around lhe world and Uie White House staff. The event will be the first state d1nner btld <1utslde0 of the. White House. It ii! being scheduled at the Century Plata because Nl.00'1 entire staff will be at the Supmer White. House in San Cltmcnle foi' the month or August. Tbe ,uests will br entertained Jn the h<bi's C.liforata Ballroom, w b e r e ntoVUle. wall1 will .be shifted to-a.f«m a rodlqulu, Sf,ootsqllll'Hoot, lbr ... li<red 'b>nqu« hill! . . Prominently displayed will be a llx-fOOl replica of tbt Apollo 11 Sul, fasbiooed In sugar ice. · The moc;lernistic hotel is apparently a favorite-of the. Prestdeni. since he. took over the e.ntlrt 19111 noor wtµle. cam- paigning in Laa.Anaeies durin& th< 196! campaign. It was also the sce.ne of a violent demonstration on June 13, 1967. when President Johnson alt~ed a Democratic fund-raising dinner there. Police offlclaJs ukl they belleve lht -popularity of the astronauts And the. patriotic fervor 1tirred up by their historic rut make It doubtful any d~onstrallon1 would mar the 1tate din· ner. ' ' ORANGE COUNTY, C).LIFORNIA ' WEDNESDA't", JULY lp, TEN CENTS ... . Nixon Visits Thieu, GIS • President Warns Reds 'No More Concessions' , . ' I SAJGOf-1 CAP ) -Prcsideqt Nlxon new to Saigon today and declared the United States arod South Vietnam could make no further peace concessions. Later he lokl U.S. soldiers at a nearby base that the war "may have been oW' line.st hour." Nl1.0n flew nrst into the.heart of Saigon becoming the first U.S. president lo \'!.sit South Vietnam's capital. He wu ac- companied by his wife who made her own bit or history by touring a field hospital and a home for war orphans. No other Eight in Race For 3 Valley • Council Seats The field of potential candidates for the September 23 recall e1ection in Fountain Valley today had grown to eight, with the: addition of two more names. J ohn G. Gino, Jr., 18540 Cork St., pick· ed up nomination papers at city hall Tuesday afternoon and indicated his ln- tenUon lo oppose vice mayor Donald Fte11eau. This morning lhe ~ghth poss ible can- didate w.u added as Paul C. Gui.so, 17578 Santa Domingo Street, took out papers and also stated thal he plans lo .oppose Fregeau. Neither Gino or Cuiso seem welt known In Fou.nta1n Valley poliUcal circlet. Fregeau has also drawn two other an· n~ opponents, ~ie. Svalai.d and Paul P. Savarino. 'Only one opponent ts thus far Hsted ror Ma yor Robert ScjlwudUegcr, ch1el target of the recall. He is attorney Robert Sassone .. who has provided legal counsel for recall backers. First Lady has visited South Vietnam. Nixon al.90 became. the fint president to vi.sit a combat base in Soulb Vietnam. He spokt to the American troops at Di An, headquarters of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division 12 miles north of S&iaon. Nixon spent five hours and 25 minutes in Vietnam, much of it in conterence11 with Pre•:ident Nguyen Van Thieu and other government leaders. A White House source said Nixon and Thieu discussed a new U.S. lroop wiUidrawal beyond the !51000 aiteadY ordered but no final decision "" reach- ed. He. added they did not pin down the number to be withdrawn or the timetable but th,ese details wlU be ironed out in (he last half of August. Ni1.on also discussed with Thieu the curt.ent lull in ground flghUng and .de.ck!· ed that if it proved lo be enemy de- cscalaUon, the pullout of U.S. forces would be speeded . lhe soarce re.Ported. But be said the United Stale.! has no Councilman Joseph Courreges, the third recall target, has three potential op- ponerits so far. They Include Ron Shenkman, chairrr.an of lhe parks and rec reation commission, Roy D. Richards, a political unknown locaJJy. and Donald E . Frank, active in the recall movement. More candidates are. expected lo pick up nomination papers today, and all must file their papers by noon, Thursday. BOBB SOXERS -Debbie Hilberg, Kathy Brady and Cheryl Rolr eris ( left), all 11, will be amonf all-star Fountain Valley Bobby Sox Softball players traveling to E Segundo Saturday for tourna- menf that could lead to state playoffs. I 6,000 Students End Huntington Summer School Bobby .Sox Tasli Winning Only Part of Valley Plans Nearly 6.000 students in the Huntington Beach Union High School District com- pleted summer school July 25 and clean· ed out their desks for a rull·lime vaca- tion. Tht 201 teachers who had been con- ducting classes for the six-week period, interrupted only by the July 4 holida y and July 21 Apollo Day, also headed home to recuperate. Orivr,,r education was the most popular of the 53 subjects offered at the four high llchools.with l,68l students enroUed. Typ- ing followed with an enrollment of J ,083. Several "pilot" courses were tested dlK'ing the summer and may find in· clusion in the regular curriculum. These ll'lClude.d computer programming, oc- cupaUoaal guidance, ceramics, reading improvement, computer mathematics, marine biology, Negro history and an· tllropoloiY. All campuses will be closed during August to give crews time to clean and paint buildings and grounds before claases resume in September. • Regular sess ions begin September 10 on 111 campuses. Faculty meetings are ICbeduled just prior to that dale. Young girl11 in the Fountain Valley Bobby Sor softball league have. two major tuks faci ng them in the near future. Saturday nighl a group or them. the all·siar players, will travel to El Segund<i to tackle rive other local bobby sox teams in the. area tournament. Victory could lead to the state tourney in Buena Plrk. But wh ile a .select group ol girls are battling for state IOurney honors, the other players, parents and volunteers will st.art to work improving land do- nated to the le.ague for construction of a bobby sox softball field. They'll be grading, hoeing and raking to im prove land at the comer of I.m: Floret Street and Ellis Avenue, leased to them by the Southern Baptist Church of Fountain Valley. Bobby soxers plan tO install two 11oft- ball diamonds, with back stops, bleach-en and sprinkler systems on their new site. Currently they are looking for vol· unteers to help with the work. and someone lo donate materials. Bobby so:rers have. ten months lo com. pl ete their work before the seuon opens Police Butat Sniper next ·May, But tbe.&irls playiD& Saturday will have only the weekend to prove their :ruperiorily over teams from North An.9.heim, South Anaheim, Silver- ado, Southwest Garden Grove and El Segundo. Fountain Valley's all-stars are com- peling in the. area tournament Jor th• second yea r. The league. has played in Fountain Valley for thrtt years. Saturday·s alhstar tilt , will beein at 6 p.m. at El Segundo Park. Valley-Larwin Co. Talks Called Off Tonight's special meeting between the Pountain Valley City Council and the. Larw in Company has been canceled. Larwin representatives were to present pla.o.s for lbe development of their con- troversial 100.acre piece or property. but apparently aren't ready yet, city officials reported. No new date: has been selected for a speciai study session to con1kter the problem. · · Cab hie • Ill Shooting.:. Quits. Cab driver Shennan W. Burdjne.. Jr.. dax which sbaJ.tered his Wlndshleld,"nar.' y,·ho escaped with lti• life when a Pacific rowjy missed his head , and sprayed him· Coast Highway sniper fired a hall ol slugs with glas.s. At hi!~ taxi , quit his job with Yellow Cab The five shou tei)med to come from Company of Long Beach Tucsdff. the vicinl!,r of the Marlna Palace. a "I just don't w~ ·14 drhit 1 cab fecnage dance hall on COistttlihwty • anymore," the Vietnam· vetcrtn told his near lht welt ~Y Uml.U of 5'&J ~b. boss. · 'Se'ai Beadt and Loo& BuEh 'de'!.cUves, No one around tW 'fie&dquart«'I blam -1 art·ttill .pu1'Jed by .. shool.JOi·and }'lave ed the 23 year old drlter. I ·, . · , °"' Stet unco,v'trtef any qua kltuii~ .to. Ile WH caught ID 1 t oUey ;ol •nhlef<, · lhlJllp\"lt oMhe irii&tuku1 1wunan.t , bullell In StaJ Beldrlt4'~ofrinf.'~Mo11.' 'r.'Sol fat we've Jutt -<:ome· U:P' w1tn a .i, • J , .... .. ' ' . ' • I • • ' ' blank," aaid U.,Robert Gana of the Seal BUdi Police De~artmenf today. . He •ckied tha t-fra&menlt of th! ellss ' -' ' ,. . . ' Coll«:ttd lnalde the a(ll.ornoblle have been ' , ' ~rto . 11e~p~ ilbs ol both polke, departments Is wen as the 6ranae (:oun- 1¥ Sherifl lot·~naiws. , · . Pl•, ~f Ole buliell. hll\lllf , the cob- ble'• car Wt\'.l'CI' .r}ot1f'CCOVfl'tdf tnqreasin( '!"\ cljlliculty'!'r ~\ef,.i""'8 u.e. 1-.i· we.apon uaecJ, police 1ald. ·~ ' evidence North Vietnam ls wllhdrawlng its forces but may be moving them into Laos and Cambodia.· H~ returneci to Bangkok, Thailand, late today aboard the presidenUaJ plane and was whisked back to the palace ffom where he slipped away early in the day to begin his secrecy-shrouded trip. He will leave TbaJland Thursday to continue hiJ round-the-world trip. In Dl An, he pictured the war u !See NIXON, P ... l) Police Bitter As Prostitution Raps Reduced By RICHARD P. NALL Of ... O.llY ,li.t Stiff Charges or soUciting for prostitution In · Huntington Beach have switched lnl1t case s or disturbing the peace at a massage parlor . Police today were embittered at the metamorphos is in their case with the fil- ing of lesser charges against three women they had arrested. A district attorney's spokesman 'main- tained it wasn't in the cards legally, lbat necessary element! ot the original charges wen! not there to make a sue· c~ul prosecution. , The three women, Patricia M. Shelton, %7, of '1191 Sla\et Ave., I:.ola i..M""'1's.. 21, or '607 llth St., bOth of HunUngton Beach and Betty J. €ostello, 19, of Lon1 Bea::h, were arrested by the detectives ln Huntington Beach April .16. The three, erilployr.s of the ExecuUvt Suit,e: SaJo.n, a utina parlor at 174M Beach Blvd., were subsequently charted ~ misdemeanor offenses of iewa and dissolute. conduct and soliciting for pro- stitution. PLEAD INNOCENT The three women pleaded innocent of the ct)arges later In ApML The district at. tomej's office recently withdrew the moN! serious misdemeanor charges and filed less serious disturbing the peace charg~. A municipal court aide said the three pleaded guilty lo the disturbance charge in Westminster. Patricia Shelton Frid.y was fined $35. TI;le plher .two defendants are to return Aug. 8 for sentence. A deputy district attorney said the case did not Include acts or offers of pro- stitution to support the more aeriou& charges that were dropped. On the other hand, c-.pt. Earle RobitaUle, who becoqi.e1 Huntington ~ch police chief Friday, aaid "We're extremely unhappy about UW;, We get reducUons in charges from lime-to.time but we had no notificaUon of this reduc- tion from the dlal.tlet attorney's office." OPINIONS DIFFER Robitaille said a strong difference of opinion had existed between police and the local district aUomey's office in Wesuninster. The officer verbally W,. derlined local. Robitaille said the maUer has already been broought to the aUeotion of the district attorney·s investigative stall which eooperated In investigating the case. He said he plans also to confer with District Attorney Cecil Hieb. "We felt tbat we tiad a very strong case, that's why wt worked It u hard as we did," the officer said. "Our bone of contention ts th'at we Were not ·nOUfled.~' Robitaille said pollce have already made recommendatioos t.hat the businu!I license of the sauna be revoked and that (See POLICE, Paae Z) Orange Co as I Weatlaer There'• no doubOng that 11'1 rwhmer alone the Orange Coast. Just dll!Cll" the wl!'ltbtr; il'S eltar, blue Wes, mertury-in the hiah 70s. INSIDE TODAY •You caw 1ta111n• Vo11r 310Cmp- td. boot ciimo1t i11dc/inikl1/J b\lt. U'OU 11,1o"'t ''t1~ IJ +udM', ti.Se • Tl.fol ' flo cation · inelhod.• nOto •fitlt1g&-1 i'IO t~si. Boo.tit)'1 PC19t IO. • -' 1 ' r --. ----. - Ul'I , . ......,_ "-MAIA , ~.S. Fkig on tlte Jtloott ' Amerjc:an Flag starids on surface of moon IUJ'TOUllded by footprints : of ut.ooaull Nell Annlln>ng and Edwin Aldrin In this phol<> taken -·lunar module. In lfou.rlon today, sclentim sought evidence of whether or not any, Sonn of Ille ·eJlists on moon by mjecting moon dust into laboratory animals. See story pege 4. l From Pop J • Wortlawhoe -.... u he coiled .11 lhe ·aiOot C..-ental In Amerloan hlltory , '-'*-""• he laill, It may lead 14 the .¢.bHlhment of an enduring J>01<e In Alla. Wbile rnttline ThJeu eatUer at Saf1on•1 lndepmd..,. Palaco, Nh1on ll1$11ed a ,l\lteineit r<eltlng condltatory moves and propooab wde bf Wahington and ~1n an dlort 14 11'1 the Paris peace p!b .a dad center. · -"': ,"'W• hne' '* U far aa we, can or ,...,,.,, ... _... lhe <loan 141MiloCla-JW"-..m brlOe-.. he ialil. "It • --far tho other &Ide .. sit ckiwll wilh ua and talk seriwsly ahool w111 14 atop the tilling. • • • Later when Nb:oo and -Thieu made ·nmuu billono tt1ev111on a-ai and • nd1o mla ophoou cm the st.po DI :.llataon'• equivalent of the Whit. House, ;,,1he 1,J .S. praklent saJd It la clear 14 all. :.'"the •orld '.'Which side his gone the" extraz ~le" In an attempt to J>r'Ol'DOte peace. • '1-· ."NJ>w It la lime !or the olher llde to ' ~;· he added, wilh Thieu at his · ~Ni.on lald Ille Ulliled Stea and 5Qldh ' ~ llave made a peace oiler "wlllch , • • • • ,.,...... Pqe J POLICE ... the permits of the three mas5ell9es be ~ed. Thia l! 1 matter for City Counci1 decision. City Attorney Don Bonla said today he II reoearching the mati.r to make~ recommendations to the coun· ell ... w. ~·t let this matter d!ag," he uld. "'lb& dty haa to make a deOalon." City aides said the mat,.r may he broqht up at Monday night's -eOuncil Miiien u a prelude to setting a public hearing for a councll decision. Aft.er tbe aJ"TeSt or the three women, police aald they had selud clooed circuit teltvtalon equipment ovulooking the wort are.as cl. the parlor and had atizt.d a11.,edly pornographic ma,.nal. Sauna parlor representaUves said the teleflslon equipment was uaed to monitor the operation and make 1Un1 nothing """'I-· DAILY PILOT ••Htf N. Yl••d ..... ...,.,...,,...'"' J11.lt II:, C•rlaoy Vici,,...._.~"--' Mlllttt1 nt-t K•••il E.dUOC' n."''' A. M111phl111 ,.... ....... l:fllOf Alb.rt W. 1,,,, A~lt .. e1111tw ........... tHc• Offk• JOt 5ih Street t.C1ifi1tf J..ldr•ltl •.O. 1111 110, '2641 -Offkn ,.....,. 91fclll ttll Wttl 8.1191e ..,,..'-"-,., Cell• Mae: •'Wet! •• ., ••rttt Ululll 111CJ11 m ,._. •- t II u _.,.. a any ...r made In 111• hillo!)f of warfare." "'It Ui a peace ol reconc1llatlon that 11 offered," Nlzoo continued "a peace In which the people will decide, a peace that is just ror both sides, a peace wh ich ii fair to botb sides, a peace whiCb offers an equal chance to bo\h aides. "We have gone as far as we can or should go in open.Ing lhe door to peace and now it is time for the other &Ide to respond. otberwtae the othft' side must assume lhe resJ)Ollilbilily for ill\! .,.,.. tillJlln4 oal!erbw, -.a lhe people wlio have alrtodj oaltered mucJr too IODC both In Soorth and North Vletnam." Befort nturnlng to Bangkok, Nixon tra•eled b rt..Jlcopler 14 Doi An, the I•! lJlfanjry Division beadq\lll'len bale U mllei norll> of Salgoo.. . . , ·Tiier< he met 2111 men Jn llill baUle gear pf1!paring to leave for a combat operation and told them : "We're dolng eVflr')'tblna we can to bring lhl1 wlr to an ·end." Newport Plans Development of Beach Property Newport Beach city government hopes to hike its income from a lwo-acre Newport-owned parcel in Huntington Beach from $.1,400 lo m,ooo yearly. The now undeveloped property ii at the southeast corner of Brei khursl Street and Adams Avenue ln a commercially toned area. lt Is. now used as a site for four billboards, for which the city receives a ~ morit.hly rental. Newport councilmen, on the Joint reo:mrnendaUon of the city staff and a committee of the Newport·Meaa Board of Realtors, this week called for bids on leaslne: of the property. 'I'he lease pro- posals are scheduled to be considered by the cotmcil on Sept. 22. The minimum accept.able lease ~ posal will be $21,700 a year, councilmen agretd. Assist.ant City Man ager James DeCbaioe explained that lhe mini.mum lease figure is based on 7 percent ot lhe property's appraised value ol about 132'.000. "We anticipate -proposal! of at least $2$,000, • he added. City officiala said the reason the land is to be leased rather than sold ls ill un- derground welk. It has been estimated there is enough water there to serve, alter Lreatment.. ooe·third of Newport's pr-I population. The underground reserve will be kept as a subsidiary water BOUrct, should the city ever have to tap it. The city now receives Us water through t h e Metropolilln Water District. LeMe requirements for the BrookhuNit· Adam8 property, DeChaine said. include guar111tefd ~asemenls for Uie city to l1y distributor lines to the underground basin. Newport acquired th!! property many ye.an belore the. city of Huntington Beach arme.zed ki tbe Sanla Ana Rive:r. Wholesale Price Rise Indicates Slowdown WASllINGTON (UPI) -Wholesale prices made tbe:lr amalle.st monthly in· creue of the )'tar In July, possibly in- dicating a 1lowdown Jn the 1harply rlslng ..,.i of UT1n1. lhe Llbor Department uld tod11. The B~•• of Labor StiUrtlcl aald pnollmll\.lry esttm1tea lhowect '9holeulc pr1ces went up Only 0.1 perunt thl1 mootb comparea with an lncrtase of 0.4 percect ill JuM.. ' . . . -. ' cOulity Schools Rap ·Criticism ' ,. ·Officials Launch Own Attack on Grand Jurors ' . 111 J4at BllOBAClt ---'.or .. 041W·"" ""' Oraage County Superintendent of SchQols Dr. Robert Peterson and School Bom1 Ch&inM!I Clay Mltcliell of South Laguna launched their own attack today -a frontal assault on criticism released by the 1M9 Grand Jury Tuesday or the superintendent, board and county schools office. . A.titcheU termed some oI the Jury's con· clusioos, "a bunch of baloney" and Peterson said in some instances lhe jury's findings were just the revene of Ille trulll. Taldng the Grnnd Jury's Interim roport l)Olnt.-by·polnt, Peterson and Mitchell said In reply : -On reapon.<lblllty of the county school board to set policy and lbe supe rln- teodent's responsibility to administer policy and the need for good com· munlcatlDna: between the two. Auwer: The.re is no latk of com· municaUon between the board and the auperinltndent. This is obviously a misunderstanding on the part of jury members. Some minor d i f f e: r e: o c e s . between the-superintendent aod board members is healthy. -On lhe county school board'a •pen· ding too much time thJs year in areas ove:r which it has no conlrol, such as the choice of local dl&trlct le.xtboolu: and the desirability ol a course ot atudy on Fami· ly Ule and Sex EducaUon in local distrldl, and the censorship of library -·-ANSWER: (by Mlld!ell) We bad one case of textbook cboloe "Land or the Free" and we did have: the rlj;ht to look into it. I studied the book carduJJ, and Valley School Aide Health Education Pushed ll'Wlli tt tM DAILY rlLOT SAN DIEGO - A broader proeram of health education is needed in California schools , Dr. Tom W. Robinson of New- port Beach testilied here Tuesday. M chairman of the California Medical Aslod.ation's ~mmittee on ICbool and collega heallb, tlie Orange Coar! pedia- trician delivered CMA's pos1Uon paper on health eclucatioo lo a fact-llndlng com- mlti.e of Gov. Rta;an's Advll«y Com· mJtue on Olildren and Youth. Or. Robinson, who iJ pediatric con· sultant to the Fowitain Valley School Dlslrlct, said CMA doesn't believe the optimum le:vel of health education has been achieved in CalifornJa &chools. Th~efore., he said, the 24,000.member atate medical as.sociation eocourages "co- ordlnat.d dfort by schools, -d .. partmentr o! health, privat. prac!IU....,., fn meditlne and dentistl')' and communi- ty health agencies." · "Hea!lh edu<?atioli ""1!'id pnpore our DAIL V ~It.OT Iliff rllelot BUILDING FLOWERS Vallay's Julie Lawhun, 7 Valley Children Proving Handy At Craft Work Fountain Valley chlldren, ages 6-14, are learning to make a wide assortment o£ handicrafts under the direction of the city's parks and recreation department. Some of lhe items they ha ve produced include a bunny ~nk, jersey loop potholders. a chO<K"hoo train note holder, paper weights, paper flowers, encl ot.ber handy liUJe home items. The cost per week is 25 cents for one seislon of arts and craft.s at any on• of the city's eight supervised playgrounds. Classes hold from 20-40 youngsters for . about one hour. Instructors shift rrom playground to playaround. alternating classes on dif- ferent days. With several hundred younglters involved, recreation directors believe the arts and crafts program Is one of their most successful summer ven-tures. Harbour s,viin Team Competes M~be.ra ol the HunUn,ton Harbour S1t1m Team Will enter the Orange County Swim Conference ''C" divlaloo chem· pionship.s this Saturday with 10 un- defeattd m:ord. The meet ls scheduled (or 0 a.m. al the E•lancia H11h School pool, C..la M.,.. children to percelve and practice health· ful llvin1, both in and beyond tlle school environment," Dr. Robin.son said. Health educ.ation mu.st begin in the home, through e%>I11ple and guidance, and It must continue in the schOols through the college years; it should not merely inform, but should modify be-h>vlor so that the individual fuJly utilizes preventive and predictive medical ser· vices, he observed. In the schools, such education should include not only _physical education and recreation bu t also specific, conUnuing health instruction and health aspects in relaled sdence and humaniti es subjects as well I.! aounse:.ling and guidance, not· ed Dr. Robinson. CMA b&ieves tbat "a school health program should endow each student with the ia,owledge of hia .heallb reepcmslbility as a child, a parent and a member of society. This cannot be achieved with- out coopenUoa of related pnUsaionaJ and parent organir.atlons In the fonnation of school hea1th programs and in con- tinuing support of the 11 ch o o 1 health J>l'Oll'am. •·Tue schools nu:t provide an example ol the respo1111bW(y ol people lo provide a safe, physically and emotionally beal\h- ful envtrorunent for tac b other,'' he stated. And because parents cannot supervise !heir children at school, the schools are obligated to offer a healthful, safe en- vironment for the child. "To accomplish this," he said, "schools and colleges l1VJ5t insure l~ availability of health services." Testimony from CMA. and other organi- z.atioM is being gathtred for dlcennial st.ate hoU5t: and white house conferences on chll~n and youth scheduled for next year. The conlerences are designed to furnish communlcatlons among organi- zations working in variooa fields of cbil- dreo and youth. ' Valley Officials Named In Realtor Switch Suit Fcunlaln Va1ley 'a civic turmoil took on new dimenlkms today with the filing of a lawsuit w1l.lch claims that Mayor Robert D. Schwerdtfeger and City AUorney Edward Martin persuaded wealthy land- owner William G. Lewis to switch broken In a $7 J mtllloo transaction with the Larwtn Company. Chris Llndley of Lemon Heights Reaily, Sant.a Ana, accuses both men and the Larwin Company of breach of contract in his Superior Court action. He claims that Schwerdtfeger and Martin, working as real estate brokers, "Intentionally induced Lewis to breach his contract" and consent to a deal which gave them '62,000 in commission. Lindley Wantf that $82,000 plus another $100,000 in dam.age&. He argues that SchwerdUqe:r and Martin a ct e d "maliciously and oppressively and in complete disregard of (Lindley's) con- tractual rights." Lindley was allegedly selling for $2.5 million the 104.64 acess to the Lani.·in Company at the: northwest comer of Ellis and r-.1agnolla in Fountain Valley. The choice acreage eventually became the site of the Larwin tract. and tbe sub-- ject of Superior Court action in which Larwin'• bid to develop the area was struck down wl\h the ruling that Larwin ...... • ...... had violated city regulations on lrxlividual Jot sizes. Several appeals by the Larwin Com· pany against the decision of Jud1e Byron K. McMillan have been rejected by the Appellate Court. Ma.Yor Schwerdlfeger bad little to say councilmen facing recall if city resWenl! vote that way next September 23. He and Martin have been strongly criticized for their actions during negotiations before -and during city acceptance of the pro- posed Larwin tracL. Lindley claims that he was working with Larwin on sale of the Lewis acreage at a three percent commission when the company suddenly broke off negotiations. lie blames Schwerdfeger and Martin for that development and aceuaes them of making "representations, promises and concealment of relevant facts ." Mayor ShcwerdUeger had liUle to say today on the filing of the Lindley action . "It never rains but what it pours," he commented ruefully. "J did not know un- til today that such an action was even l-ontemplaled and I would prefer to withhold comment until I have had a chance to study this document." Martin ~lso refused to comment oo the Lindley complaint "until I have had a chance to see what this man is com· plaining about." ~ider it a very Inferior _text. A hlstory ~ should be a hiatory book. tf you want..to augment It wfl.b WormallOn on the part minority groups play in hlltory that should be ln supplemental material. You shouldn't cul out other useful material to include: aucb information. On se:1: education : We had qulte: it degree of that In public schools when t attended (Los Angeles High School 1926 to 19%9). 'Ve had !ilUdle.s on venereal diseuea and other similar subjects. Pe:tenon: The school board ii rtQ>Ons i- ble for t~ county course of study for grades kindergarten throti.gh eighth, but we ezercise no censorship If the districts set op their own course of study. They need not be approved by the board.,. MJtdleU: The Grand Jury ignored the fact that locaJ boards may set up their own study courses. One of our board members (Lyle Guipre, no longer a board member) wanted to set up a com· prehenaive sex education program lik.e the extreme one in Anaheim. We had to study the subject before making a decision. The jury was wrong In saying we shouldn't We broucJiUnto the open what Anaheim schqola were dom, but we did not tell them what to do. We believe in local control. When the jury says we spent too mucti time on this subject It is a bunch of baloney. We conducted all our itl\llar business and lben held lhe hearlngJ (aler. We ·had to listen to the people. -On the jury's contention thai lhe ef. fectiveoess of both the county school board and the superintendent are hamp· ered by the fact that both are elected ood suggesting· that the super!nt.ndent 1bould he appOtht.d. .WWer: (by Peterson) the citizens qy just. lbe' oppoolt.. They -feel. the su~tenaent. aa wilh other eormly·'elec- tive olficeri, should he mpooslve to lbe citizenry. My well-discussed barbershop poll Indicated !bat rn pe=nt of the' peo- ple want the post to be elective. -On the jury"s contention that u local district! grow they become increaslngly independent of the County Department of Education and that most local districts feel there is little, if any, need for county school services. Answe:r: (by Peterson) an actual study made shows ju!lt lhe reverie is true. For example, in foreign languages only two of 30 districts now have a specialist. Our e:x· perts must fiU in the gap. In reading, on- ly three have a specialist and we aupply the others with aid. The obvious reason iJ a lack of funds in the district. Only 13 districts have special music direction where previously there were 20 with this aid. On health. there are only four whereas 10 years ago there were more than a dozen. One final quest.ion was ppged at this morning'• press conference : "Is there anything in the Grand Jury report you can approve?'' Answer: Attendance of jury members at our board meetings was commendable. SF Firm Demands UC Okay Users' Park BERKELEY (AP) -A spokesman for a San francilco architectural firm declared Tuesday that the UrUversity of California would have to hire another company unless it permits a "user· developed park" as part of a student housing complex planned for construction on the site of "People's Park." Frank Tomsick. speaking for G. lif. h1cCue and Associates, Inc., told a student-faculty committee that "I can't possibly see how we could go .ahead 1vithout giving cons.ideration to user- devt:loped park space there." 1ts.t1 U0.00 The HarbOur swimmers will be among nine teams participating for the cham· plonsblp crown. Ffrst place winners In each dlvl!Jon. plus the next stven best tllnu wlll qualify the paltlclPonia lo compel< In Uie league llnafs AUJ .. I. CONVlNl.!NT TERMS IANKAM!RICARD MASTER CHAAGE J. C. .J.lumpkrie6 'J~wefer6 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION The swim team chalked up Its sixth l'ltralght victory this psrt weekend by defeat!ng the University Swim Club of Irvine by a 43'1to158 point mar1ln. \ Jill NEWPORT AVENU E COSTA MESA PHONE 5~1·l40 I I ) l ) • ' PJLOT·AOVERTISU fi s OM. Y I'll.GT" J. There Are Many Factors Involved • Ill Sportscas.ting By JOYCE LAIN capabilities. You've got to perhaps major In En&ll.ah with percent actually doing the believe the lleld Is as wide transportation problems.•• the achool which meet thls Mb• L•"' •we••, N«u••• _... koow what's &Ging oo tn a broadc~or. event. (All 1port&casters in-open now as It wu when t criteria are : U. of Kaa.. ~ •• _,,...,.,. of 1t1e ".,.** 11..-rll•r sport.s, and learn the English tervlewed emph1siied the started. B 11lca11 y the SCHOOLS. Try to attend 1 Wash. Stile, Mlcb. Stat& tr., co .... JttnltY Ptt•-· Lt'M. u1.: I nd bo to it CHRIS SCHENKEL, ABC I f h ll e I tisity hich (I) t nd u•·• S ··• U "kl>cl 11 • 100 .. ,.,. 1or Mt but ansuage a w use necess ty or t or o 1.1 g b network! handle everything co eg or un v w U. o 1 ., lolU• late. -• !~ ~=-.,~·!_~~ • .. ~::!; easily. Sports, wanted to be a preparaUon and s ports and the people they have can has a good radJ~TV school (1:) of Ala. Thert are other 1ood cDll•• tr1t111t11t" spoctscaster at the •ge of 12, knowledge. You abould IQ'low uaually do all sports. Wltb good athleUc program, and (S) .chools u weU. A. -''Mlnlmal," says VIN SCUU.Y, L.A. Dodgers, listened to every radio broad--many sports tor year-round jets, you can do several events a student stat.ion. Harold Send )'Oar .. peatioM ror Robert A. Poulsen, ao authorl· suggests future sports an-cut posslble,and attended work.) ' 1n one week, and fewer in-Niven, vice preaide.ni far plan-falare ~ &oplcs le J1yce ty on the subject. Bob, a nouncers 1 ' take particular ten~.! school with a campus Purd11e.._ He believes lhe work Schenkel adds, 1·1 highly-dividuall handle the -&poN nlng and dtve~pment, Na· lAla, C.rttr Coratr,e-1 DAJ- talented graduate student in care In rect.lvlng a college radio station, participate in in TV sporlScasting ls about 80 re«immend sportsc&s~I to ~ than ln the earUer days tional AisociaUOn or Broad· LY PILOT. Sony, ... mall the U. of Kansas's rad.lo-education," and lf possible, at-extracurricular actlvlUes, and percent preparation and 20 youngsters although I don't when there were 1 om e casters, says a balfGert of auwen can '-Jlven, television-4'.ilm school, isl--------------------------------------'-------------------'---------------- wriUng hs master's thesis on sportscasters and has labored many hours interviewipg suc· cessful sports broadcutcrs. Thank.I for sharing, Bob. Though not all the ... 8 I G S P 0 RTSCASTERS finished college, toi:tay jt would be almost impossible to ad· vance w i th o u t edue!atlon. There are few jobs; com- pellUon is intense. B o b estimates there are, at most, only 200 pro sports an· nounctQ .. jncJudL,1 less .th11n dozen network stars. You'll need all the training you can get to break in. SCORECARD. There are four types of sportscasters: play-by.play announcers, who describe the .action of the game:icolor men, who provide ana lysii of the game: sports reportei'!, who .bro adcas t sports news; and sports com: mentators, such as Howard Cosell. Sportscasters usually begin Uleir careers in small radio or television stations, perhaps as a s t a I r an- nouncer .Others, such as Sandy Koufax, were athletes who made broadc181ieli a second career. JIM SIMPSON. NBC Sports, offers this advice: "A young man who wants to be a sportSC$Sler should h a ve played 1parts -not nectssari· ly the varaity squad. He must learn the love and lhriU of the came, and his own Do Check On ·Uterus Fibroid PETER STEINCROHN, MD Dear Dr. St.eincrohn : I'm a healthy, JO.year-old hoosewlle except that my doctor has just discoVl!red that I have a small fibroid in my uterus. I've beril wondertig about it Will it get larger? Will I have to undergo a hysterectomy? I'm not wor· rying,. but as I said, just wondeiing. Mrs. M. ' CO~T: Will it get larger'. Yes and No. J presume that your doctor has advisejl you to come back a rew t~es a year to check on DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE it. If it begins to grow, then be will see you more often. lt's possibh! that he may recom· mend . removal of the uteni:s. But these days such an opera- tion isn't performed for fibroids unless there is bleeding or rapid enlargement. Oocton are m o r e co~ servaUve about these usually harmless growths. DEAR DR. STEINCROllN , My brother, who is 45, was a successful professional man. Recently divorced, he lives in ·squalor in one rented room . lfis room is a mess . He seldom shaves. His clothes are dirty and wrinkled. He .is a brilliant man who was the head of his graduating class. What can be wrone? -Mrs. o. COMM.ENT : My hunch is that a psychiatrist will have to answer that. It s~ms he is in some sort of depression. But I suggest a visit to an internist first to rule out the possibility of organic brain changes as a cause for his right.about.face in personality. * * * For ?.tr. V.: Painful big toe is often like a green arrow to the diagnosis of g o u l y arthritis. But remember that gout ts not too choosy. Many another joint aches and pains on and off for years ~ is unsuspected of being due to ,gout. Such patients Ull up on aspirin and other medications and keep wondering why lhey don't help their "rhemnatisrn." For more lnrormaUon on 5out and other arthirltic disea&es, send for my booklet, "How ·lo Live Wilh Arthritis," ln care of this newspaper. Enclose 25 ce.nl.s In coin and a g t a m p e d , self-addres..ed eave.lope. For Mn. M.: One of lhe best flf'St aids for an ordinary kitchen burn of the hand b to immerse ii in ice water. Nol only doeB it relieve the pain, but It promotes h e a 11 n g . Besides, it Is not as meuy as appl)'izl& butter. II air Cnt m 11r M11: tic 3 1r .. It makls hair look GEL yOl.rllger, thicker, more 66 handsome. Help~ to C prnent dryness. 1.35 7 tl. SPRAY age ~ENNEN "Sol-Stroke" A SHAVE CREAM ••• PUSHllITTOM Deodorant _ Jn N(W "lime". Ir MENNEN •.. Bonus S11e. 1.11 59c 1.0 Hu. BBC 10 u. Sin Slit MEJ1Jt111 "Ski• Brxer" i A~P;;fpirant AFTEI SUV£ •.• .~; if :8. '"g': ,~-r~ ~·D:hole5fa9m;~ ..... "'"' Sbr . 'ar. Si11 -~ • "Torino" Brandy CllSS~S •• : Willi kine, trK:efol s!t!M. I~" 1all 1ft a~snrted . ~tyl•s and colorj. Ama1ing liquid medication kills. 1ungus serP~ picked ~p in weeds That cau"Se ~summer itc~". Ideal tar cats, al~o. • ' II. Size I ll. Size 1.19 1.98 e HUNTINGTON BEACH, Sprl119d•lt & Edl119tr ' • _>.. e HUNTINGTON llEACH, Ad•m• & COOL-RAY' POLAROID. SUlllLASSES f1r M11 ' •.•.. Yoil're war ahe16- all ttlt way with the • ttmarbb:l• Polaroid lenses ••• special lens with an optical banier that locU oul &laf! and ends bl11d spots. Ai DetM111tr1tell ti TY ''Bravado'' t•r M•• 1 ••••• Clloose: ham black or ""\llW'•rllr bast Gray Lenses. ., "" lenapin lrames with g ,... ~~:"Bravado" 4.98 "European ~aturals" SHAMPOO-IN Hair Color -(11 \~f:.: -mi9 : •• bolll 1el~1 cold sores, sun 111d fever hlii· ll!B ••• instant toalifl& relief. That captures !he great aalllfal shades al [llfope, Assort~ $ftildes. "Visine" m 11ors Soothes tired tyts. ••• eloo " rHness in SfCllftds. i~ 1 .. 19 1t1U5 4.45 tJtlHP/f!. UQUID "" ~s.es, d~~ frl?W~.thrr'(1112t1Jy. Ge1k~lelf ~ ••• w~1ely ftll'llllllle. i11 lbt very 11wt WI)'. Ill petite llbfeabf)Je p1istic, 1·11 93c u 5 1 69 'IZ. Stle I 11. Slz1 • COSMETIC~ ,,--,,,; MAX FACT.OR SUMMER ~ X'Beauty" AIDS '\ f•r 1 ll•ll•• n111 11111 Skin Freshener Cool loti" . • . 2 00 3.51 12 11. • Meisturizing Liquid Cleanse;10 12 oz 2. 00 Moisture Essence Ul14er make·llP lotioo 3 00 • , , very-light leK!ured. 5.ff I 11. • Dry Skin Cream Larrolil en· 1 75 Jlcilecl ••• l.H•1!.i1z. • 11101•••••••01111001011111101111••••• sHuuoN "Desert Flower" HAND & BODY LOTION With lllt wtf:'J .. llem'' of lanolin ..• 2.00 I I I. Sill 1. 00 4.11 ll 11. Si11 w/Di1,.111r 2 • 00 Friction Lotion fir .lfttr 1ani -S91ash it on •• , smooth 1t in •• , sets your 1 25 bodr '''°" with f11graince. 2.51 I IZ. Silt • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••o•••• caEME de Chantilly lty Ne1d11i1••t n. 1f11r11c1 tk•t ,,. sk1k• J1•r nrll ••• Rd, cmmy liquid t11eSStt the Wall'llttl of 'f'll'"bodV. rft· vtlopes: rOIJ 1n llagrill'CI that diqs llOW alttr hour. ··~ UI Sit• 3.00 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . ~"Hi & Ori" ANTJ.PEJSPIRAHT 2 00 ~ .. ~!~! . Brookhur1t •NEWPORT llEACH, 1020 lrvln1, WHtcllff Plua , .I I I -. --~·--- 1! OAn.Y PllOT H Wod•tsd.n'. Jufy !!O, 1969 Yo•r Money's Worth OVER THE COUNTER Complete-New Y orl{ Stoel{ List Baby Also Victim Of Inflation Era l ........ "'"'"'"'"''"''"''" ........................... c::;:ir [ ""W 'Vl''lll( tAPl Wectr>ttO•V'l complel~ New Vork 5roU; bWnM prl~ wltM Situ Ntl t~#.1 Nit~ l tw Cloil• Chi NASO Listings for-Tuesd•y, July 29, 1969 flt-llflW lftlff ... ltr lllllO'lllllllll I I IPP,.l!lnlo.lf91~ t A.M, ltt"' MAI D. ,..;~ .. Ml !Mludt Allll tr l!lolll'lu;I"' mlt11 .. Wll tr COMll'lls'*" , .. ....,,.lol .. 11 \1{11~mt; S~• frttl -8-- l t.I Hltll Le.,., CllM Ctlt. 1:~n~1:;e_11 ''ri il tt\9 ff ff v. .:,:1~, ~~1"1, 1: • .. ' 1i 1• u ...v. •~\.'I ~h + ... t):;~· .. u.~ .i!O -• '"• $0 4 1'il n ll -~. Ooric: Co .31 ~l!W YORI( IA.Pl ~~ Alli If u MO ltlKll S.\lo lltr 'l"u ·1-~ A 11.•ll' I.Ill ,, '51'1 '5 65\.-\ + ..... ~ FG• 1 ~. 3'3'11 ~~-..... -\'i Do~·· Co ~ ( Ott lllr 21 tJ Mlru: VIG 1;i; "*~•11 HO 29 ft Ar.WI ... ff 2~14 t 1'4 2~ ,._, Bt!E"f.:i~' I ~ 3)V. Jll.i l V. ~ Oorr Oliver f.rw:I lfl<... C!i.'011• "''''" tr 1• 1-0ll ,,,,_,. Pll. '"" l? In lt ,. 1) :..•!::...... I 1.•,." ' n I 1., 50 ,.. _ ..., "4°" r1VOCP l o&O f10n6. IUHll ... bl, Db< Inc: 1~ '"'Moor. r "' 111\li I M1" lS ,....,,.. ' l \16 1141 •,,., ... KfOltk .'JO 4S <ISO u~~ ~ +11.11 r.ulnd l olO -l'lle tollowl"' bld O.Wt1 E l\lt 1'1\ Mohwll II: 2~ n1r E A '~140 111 ~ ~· ~· -.,." _, FG~ "'. < 1_ !!", ~.~ 9t'W -1\lt ~WC:hm l.60 fM N1ll011•I '-•.ot ' l.IOC:illtl '• H MOort 1M 12'6 Id Corr111 <I 4\llo Ad.Im ..Sii 1•1 If .... 12\.\ 12;i/o . !et<ll Air ,JS '' 1'1'> U~1 ltl'I + 1-1 OteJsr P!l.70 11lon ot 11otturltl•1 PoliY MG 11\jo 1ty. MOt(.11 M I t kl ll!d ' 61-. Ac1 M 111 20 1,. ' .. '!?. 1,.•~ 'IE i•~ iri" .. ~ m, ~.~ ~, 20'11 -"-Dtn."' pf 82 l.le11tr11 Inc., ltl uow Jon 11~ llY Mot Club il 15\11 kot Som ~ tl\o\ 1'.<klrt ll \ o&O :it •• •\lo ,y;, Ill 11(1 19., 1-ltllo -Ill r ~tYSCP lb -11•.•"'VIA l'Q!"TER e ludes -" In obslttrlclans• !'IOI .cru,J _ltlMtto.C1o1r1e:oe 22\lollw.Mv111er _ ~.ll'lkri..O.H n .-.m~1 · n 1s1to ,~ 9'19 ,,., , 60 n,. 55\lt S6VJ-tl'! ,,._ '"° # _.,.. ~\ -1klnl but l rl ,. .. §'" Ml >\'o •'II N•t''-' C 24\li krt1to A ~ 1 A.oltlWll.lt 1 40 "°" :k\li 3) 3$14 -~'o ln~rcQ.i 30 t l"I. 9 + \(, ounBrld I JO I t ti d bills, plus a c ircumcision fee rtMn1.nv1 1 .. i.r-11n1c.1n o "211 ~ f'I• D•tld • ™" s..ri. Pl 11 17\llo A~''"' co · It ,,~ 1'~ 111111 +t airm1, 0 l •1 2m J•l'i: '" -1'4 ou1li•n C• One o! the eas no ct <k'•llr prlmi I I qi Ufl•On 1)" ..... a•IC•.r ft u, j•I' ht1 Cm• 23 2• .. , Prod 30b $ol lXo\ """" 3M."" lllndU! .i!O 6f :1914 1 31 +111> .NPanl l i08 .'vlctfms', of Ibis era's aallop-and the -t of ~'aln'c c•-. ••-1m111tv 'Et P11n1 20"11 21\!J 11 1e....,, ' o ~u• 11"' 1•v. Ar PV PU is , 111,,.. 11"" 11m -1-e..,e1F1n 1 H l4,, ~..., ¥..L 41•• ...-J'li duPOn• ""·so ,_...., .,.....,. .,. ~ P IYI ' II wnld'I !ti"' ;;•II Sn l"t ,,,,., FG Pd 21\111 29\'J S.vtn Vr 62 6J.,., AlrRedn tSll I" I :ill lhl l + 141 lllnflF pU SO ... ... .,.... 581'1 ::l ~UPQnt p!J )II rdr '--JolQ.lr!lleJ <CUld ~«m l.•b a v. '3\.\o •I <>a.o Jl 1• ~hto Nl 43 st Aj lndunrl•t n "' I'-'> + 111 grnllF 1>1• lO J 1111~ 1>9~. l>t~ -""Ouq t.t 1 64 !"" lnflaUon has L-Aan a ba by. NEW BABY'S wa 01..1':: h•v• *n PY• 11;01Kb ~· ....,,.. lo.o. "''' Lib 21 24 sr11ne1 co • ' A 1 G1, , 1 1 .. 16'• 1611 .,.F 5Pl1 XI i~1 l4~• 33•, ~ -v. oa l 1Spf?.Gr ... """"' ~$1(1 t1Wted) or 'fdvc: S~I 6 1 'lot Pr1 l"' l ''I ~0•11 l'IP 11 " AkloC .n 41 )J :If 1t i ~ !I-vet 2309 "ll ll\.1 lt'·• -\~ OIJ<ILI 4pl 1 Never In .. :~tory haS a baby $70, \OC(Uding everything from tolO {blQJ inter <;I l'l•""I 1,i1t. !~ Ntt $1(11; 14 151',i jCl1 Wei 11 ISVI AklMiv I \0 16t ,."'6 2• 241, ~ lli!vt! fn 1S1 70li 18 n"' Ovmo In .SM lu..1 dt•I... m1r~•l1 ii Nllt 1~ L• ,N•I :>how ~\'o t h oNE Tri 411\lo •11'1 Alt0Si1nd 20 46 21h 20\lt 21!1o i~ erkP~ 711 .,\fl \SSJ! 11•~ Sl1 .f· \:. Ovn1 Am ~ ._.11 u e·~"•i"e to bring 1'nlo s hirts and blankets lo booties C'tlo"lle 1t1r1M.'Qn· 1 Miit'. IJ 1s N1101 S'l4 6\lo s..un G1 u~ 21111 ,.. ~co .uo s. u ... 13'11. ,.,,. '4 ermec con• _, 1., ~ 11 ·+-u. ~ ,.,,_,_ • ovl I~ div. Prl<.. )Clepv 1 1 NE!\ GE 1' t'"" iW t;•i::o 1A1"1 fl' A , 6Pt .611 •1 XI $0 $0 -2 Betti su \ !O 430 30 29'4 -•4 < d • .. t• 00 nat h>tlllof !;Jff!!I"' o / M N1IG 24 241'.i Sw EISvc 11 11 Al lud J4G 46 42t• 40'.'i •::tq. +i\1 BHM Ina 2Q 3l 19'-i 9 l9\I;-lo l!ulfPt~ 11ct the world a3 now, What S an uun Ing rel11I mtttr,yp, El c $~• S t INlch1n F ll J'l\'i ''~c,.rv ti,(,. t A\ Lud pf J , ~ .it 4f -2 &!9 Three 611 19 3'~ ll~ 31\ir 11c:o CP .90 " p1· m•n;Gown or com ... , Cl•t• 1it 7J l•tl•lt A ""'JO'lliStG "'"I' 2jl'llSl'JAm 121 111 21 ~ 20~. e11rkOk 120 161 .u~ 61 61 +1 •• , Alt Sil more .II ' be evidence I've Basic nut s e r Y sup 1es: m1111on.. El Modul ,_. 1V11N1et~ e :io1 .. 311,(, ~Id $crw 1 '' Alli c~ 1 20 202 27"Mi !'~ 2~ +lo\ et,1rJohn 4t 1•3 lav.. 1~ 1 14 -1~ •~tGF 1 u1 AAA t:.nl 2•14 U It( \..IP 23.,, 2•,,, NA ll:t ac '1,; i \li ~en HPcl 25 21 Al a1n A 2• 21 11'1 ::tAO '!It elu Laue 1 6 2l\~ 12\1 211'1 • Ea51 Ulll I •O •-en ' able to put together $517 18 -includrng baby car-Coouultant AAI cgrp 11" 10.,.. l:m,s j ' 11 11v. Near NG 9'4. ,,,. 1r1w <:1 '2 sJ\!J "'\!HM 11 .11 , u,,.. :u """=:it. i Bin 1 50 • .,,.;,, •• •t•• -1• E111 Koo1k 1 aio:; AUM (;II 11\'t ltl<I "nerf .lo' SI WEur OU '\'I •'i'I ubM: T<t lVt 4 At I ... Pd 6f .. 21 U41i 271.:o + \'o fl 8rk1 46 \$\Ii 1, .. 1~ EllllFIY• 1 40 ' '-"ts "-t we're •n the midst r lage and crib, bassinet, Aur11 El H:i.i 12y. EMt9 , Sl4 "''N'"" Gas l•'• uv. ea11 F "" 1D•1.o Allllcls•r 1 •o n :M"Mi ~ ~ _ ~ 111°'~J!O 1.20.. us l'"" l1\• "'-+ "'"Et11s.co 1nc1 2 ·~ uw . rd M . t h Ac.me ""' ""' " IC"nl• e 11 ll MW N11Q "' JO\\ jt•bo Fd ' tlh AUltGSI pf 4 l20 51 51 se 8ol .... 1t . 595 58\'il Jl!Ufll• + 11 t:cn!lnM! n Of • -·d escalatt'on •1n this changer, diaper pall, hnens, Richa oriar Y as AFA Pr s » u E"iw1" 1• 1s NW P.,.sv 1r .. n,. •Jto• 11' 17, AlnMs110 ·'° 4 u 1''-'l 15 .:._·1.1o l~Stl'$1 •1 '; ?~'" ii"" ,r,,~• _, .• i',",,e..rE,,~"" ·~-b ed leasing .. tt "°'o 2•1'l2• i:°" cor11 ·~ ar. ~1 Rsc n :Hi T'""' ' 11 .. 111i ·c~a1m 1.1 ?• n:i.i. nl'\-I"' ., __ 1h1 .i 113 27:i. 2i!S?o .... -· .. 1 ' -·•· d b th eqmp-een n am Air 1nc1.... 1 • E-..11 0 11 13 14 ~111 Ari 11 11"" T111P•n 1~'• 11 Alllh•Pf. JOG 1u 1~ 1'~ ""' +"'Irr'"'" ·r v. 2b . v.. o a.G .10 coi;L <=..1Jng an a 1ng c 0 n 5 U I I a 0 t fo r the Alrbrn P s"" '"" ~·11 T« lJ\l 1~ 10 w11 n )0 ,.,.u11 14 1s "''°" "° 111 66,14 u~ U\lo + "' n w1r J,5 ~.l '~'7'~ ~~.• ,, !11-1 1Mu•k O'lo b. th Albert• 104411 .... Ell«IO 2SVt 27 0111 SCIO\ 12 u Tevlor w ,, .. .,,.Am11s.ia 160 12 J~ '6'A 1'>..,-\li earm1ns .,., ,., Ul4 v..El«I ··-In addition to being about as m ent, car seat, It an-N 1 al B k Al~• 1 .. c 10\~ '1 ~ '""'o } • 0rmon1 1 ,.._ Tt••• AS , t AMBAC-.$0 91 11 1w. ,~,_~Ill' ec11111 °' 11,.. 18 11,,,. ,,. 1:1""'' spec tc F I f 5 t a 100 3 0 Allco Lnd l5'h ,6 F•br\ Tk ™ 114 Oner TP 18.141 ltltto Tl!,.rm A 11 'It 12V. ArnerEs 1 211 t 11"9 21V. 114-+\Ii -~rl~lr nc:SO J~ 1J V, li:: a'l1' -"' EtMemM w1 h t .' •OU COUld nouncementS, V8purtzer, e · ildin $ ( Allo ll•~ S~ ~ f11rt ti f o\fio 1'.lo Ov1r NA 1HO IA'.4 Tlffrw Co '"'-JO\li AmrEt pf16' JS l7 lS\'J 37 +1 •• · 6 4911. " v.; ;y. EIMeM pl wl uman as ory ., Bu g 1n e gers ro m Alie PeP 1 1i..F.rr11111 191420 O~YC1t uv,101'1 T111nv 1,. u~1J"•Amer Hf!s• '°' 43 4j:i.; ~1\~-1~ ~~ff:v 2111Jlt 111 sw: s.i"' ~+11-1,E1111nN1t 1no "" ts. n economic Basic maternity wardrobe: Center, S anta Ana. Oc-Alld A••o 4'4 s • FHIN Mt D• 111 PE:c 11r1 1,.,.. 1Jv. Tit1n GP 12 11.\ofi AmeH Ml XI m 111o•i. t 611t " _2,.. Brl:tM~ pf 10 43 Ara .o + .,., e1Ps10NG 1 imagme, LUUI a AOled Eci 1"1. IV, F~! Bofl 40 4S P1~1 Br 38'11 3t1,; Tran•C I • .,. AAlrFl1fr .80 lG lS""' 25 2~ -~ B!lwY Hal~ 1 12 W< 31 36 -1 Ellrl CP 1.10 tale Or ' 'mport··-. The ,-II"' t•. This includes two cupancy of the to11•e r Alp~ Gto lS'J:I "'" ~llG 11£ 1¥ .... 21 i" F•E 3~ 3"1'1j, Trnc:nl G IN 11\'o ""'Alrlln 10 JOO 24"'1 2m. 24'.I. + ~ ewvH1 pf A7 8 r,·:. 4J.\lo ··~ -'•Emu ~lee I ..,,...... ;i-"'" n V Amide 11'11 10 F1IM l~V 16'1oi 17\11 11t;co Co 1\(o I Trn<"I 0 • A-Am Baker 1 110 15'!!. 1! 15"1. +'Ill BkiYnUG J,n 16 ~ :H 21 -11t EmEI pf & 90 ·-da~·-cir oc~·" bed led I J Am Ol•I ~·· ,,,~ f•I ll •Pll •'I• .,. l llCOI 10 \fl~ Trend In 1914 10 AmBk "'"'" 1 l 21 21 ?I • Brown Co 6 ~ 1a·~ lo>•+ .. Em•ryAJt llO WllJ be, as )'Ve ~Dem· , ..... e esses, ODe C AWlil JS SC U Or an-A El lit! 7'h I l'~I WFln 5Vto !*Pkw,r 01$ 1• 10\'ITr!ro Pi:r :lO'I :r? Am llr•ncb' Ult 311~ 31~ 3211-1,\,Brown Co of 8 l"'1o 16'4 lt"1 -•~Emr1rl 1100 L<~-d ( J970 Am E>.~r 6f 61'1> F11ci<n~ 111<. 11-P1111fY ~ ltV. IS Trld•lr 11\':i 121'1 Am8i:ICll 1 6 O ~<(2 S2 •9 Sl\'> -V, llW" ShirP 1 31 11'11. 11 1711. -llt l!mpOIU lo~ 'ph••'•!ng, the decade o( the. dress, tWO Sr..uw. an our Uary, Am F'11rn l'J:I 9 FK!fll ~GI lJ 2• P1.-.lll tV. IQ\to TroPICI 26'4 11 Am Ctn 2.20 It ~·~• u I.fl'! -\to &wnSl'>ot 1 ~ • ~6 ..... 36 36V. EmPOrC '100 ------'-------------IA O•ttl 31 37"4 F-lo~ 6>'1 1 PMrlH T 11 20 Tv1on Ftl 16 1.1,(, AC1n pf 17S 3 11\~ 27 27...... 'lrun.<wi< ~To ~'l 1 .... 11 ... l9 •o _, >~ ~!IOJOl\n lfo Illa Ntl IMt.J Nltll l.tw c;. ... 11;111. -0- •OU"" marr1··•s and .therefore tops and $35.86 Of Underwear, Am Hrrll l4 15'"' For11 OU 19\/t 20°"' P1n DiwL N 4'1. Unllf1' t 10\lt """ Cem 60 17 lJ'-11\11 ll'h , BunEr 120 3' 20'" 211 20\~ + 1 .. E1111lhMln ~o ., ''6 I;:\! , • A!H 1n1<1 l•VI I•"' fo>t Grnl 'J i.t"t P1 Ellllln A< S !Jn.Art Th 1• 7!11'1 A Ch1ln 14'0 n ll:i. ~ 11q +'I• !il,1(1(1 co 9(1 41 17'o 11'' 11'~ , o:Ml•Bu• 6• f ruarenl.5 }t IS becOm· medium-priced at Macy S IB Am Mrdl 23 24 Fo1oc;hr '"' l't. Pa Glow 16 l6V. un Oollr 71 ,,,;, Am(redll tO 34 11 19\fo l l +1V• Budg , pl 6D t 1 1 1 EqutGes l 20 0 young r-· New Yor• Caty. ,...., P•l>I! 11 11 frM• c, 1111tt 11111 P.1M1 A:E 13\lo ll¥• uu Hklm 32 32"4! ACr~S...g 1.• 1s 14\<o 24 2• -.,.. l'lud~et 1n 6• !Ii. n ,, 11~. +" !se '"' 120 'ng .......... than possible that • 10 A SI Gob ~'4 ' Fmlttln E 20 11 PM>tl WI ·~ i·~ Un M,r.u ~ ..... I'll •Cry pf •50 111 D 6lq 67'h 6j~ 8uffl'or1 1.10 10 31"11 301• ~ -l''o squl~ _JO ,,_, rt Ill THE GRAND TOTAL is ·Story Asr G 111 '" 11 fuiv'"' 1i.-• Ptr1n1 '"' ""' n R•f• 1Jv. 11111. ""'cv111 115 21' 11 16"' ,,~~ + ... surcv• .IO 1J.t •••• ., ..... 4-'" •st•1nt 1.10 .the COSl Of cbild-bea ng W Am Telv lJ lJ\lf G1rll'kl 1114< l N Petrie SI '41 11 IJ~ 1'~1tol lf:W. ~ Am DlsUll I J l" l'~ 'l~ -... Sunk A;amo 314 10\io 9"' 101\ t ... Eltlrl Cp 12 • -"I -~ $1,538 21 1 Ana.r Ca n 17lilo Ull IVC ))'\-• 16"' Pllrollt :it~ II 5 crw.. A <6>,lo AOut lVI ,,. 21 I~ 1" 1 •• + '" 11 ... nl<R pll 50 "' 3~.... 3''. 'J\l;I J Et~vl .. n ~o ""come a s16 , ... C~1~ COD-' Ant•1ro.o~ e. 59"6 60\'o G Alrcu •~ 1111 P~A;G11 "' " n JS ""vtl 1!'11 !? ~!;!11.~,', ot "• ,•, 6 1:w. ll\lo lJl~ +Vo Burt hid 1 40 114 J:)\~ 311, 33 .. Eurcrtt10 1ilQ ~ .. _ d ..... of Ad I.be tab ea!ilv could be Anlltn c '" Jl.lo (j Q1v1ce ) JVI Pl'ill Sub 21 22<\0 JS :!uatr -........ E "'I 161 :io... :JO 30'0 •. Rur...ty 7!I 51 31•, y, .. l• ... -· '"' Ev•~P $1.itl s1deration in UIC. CCUlluiw n ., Off. s Arca!• N 3J>.:i 32'"-G l(lne!lc !\4 5.\11 PhotQM 1~ ll~ JS i'rltt 3&'4 37~ Am Enkl J 3• 79'11 2'1Vt """ -"'8vrf"9h1 60 ... nt 121;;.1?6\oi +51'11 Ev<:r$~•r11 ""-• ~•"g marrieds 00 when much higber-ir YOU go to the ices et A•cs l1t<1 H'/I 16¥1 (;RI l:•I ~ 10 Pie PG 4\lo •14 Up PtnP 2!V. ~5" AM E-p !I'd 4& 1S\\ 'JV. ff.._+ I\ 15..t>Unv l lll 11 10'111 "''!. 2n~ -'• E•CellO I.JS un;;;oc ,...... ~~1.· bl b t t Ardon M 1114 11V. c;.otel IV. 5\'I Plllkrln ~VI 56.,., UllO~ 5Ld 6"" J~. AEwlnG pl-'6 '•"• limo m10~ ' ~ -+ :'? B11tlersSh '° A Jt 3Hlo 32 + \.I Faber~e olC 'a nd •-· maey cbllcJreo they m 0 S I fo.:>&d0n8 e 0 S e r1~ Ardtn pf 38 '1 t;onen h"' 16VI ~orlr HK 21\t. 1f'lli tll tlld '6\'r 11\.'t AG9ntn1 XI •• ,.. -.. C Facto' A UU" Ark Ml;>P U'A lll4 Glna't 31\lo 32\li ro Goll 15 151'> 11 LO 91!. ~'.lo AOnln 111\ IO 27 l'Mo lO'• 11 -'~ --falrc~C SOI! Will ••ye, If SO, this in ttJrn Ci.ans, lf YOU Stay in the Arrow H •9\'r 51 .... t;1111tll :Jt .ii rot! An• ~ 514 Vince S• 11 711 ArnHolll 10 lOS lJ.'ii 11~ ~ -.... (1bot CP Mt 11 ,. 11'~ 11''> -1-, f'Gf•Cll Hilltr ~ I I th the I A h • Ar•lda I•~ 1ru Gleasn W <1.1,., "4Yo PyD5 NH 2114 ,.... ~ Wodw<t !?~ 21\'J A Hom1 1 o111 255 ml SJ~1 5~~ + '4 Cil Flnenl 1•2 l!Wi !1• 9,,. + o,j Ft rmonJ 1 .Wiii have a cliscernibJe. lmpact bospita onget an n na erm :~foC s~i' 2r~ 2r· ~~,..~"ti ~'h lg'h ~~t~ ~~ ~~ fSJ: %""l:'..i: 'i•;, 1: ~~~°"'°' 211 1J ~ ~~ ~:;lit c:::.-.:rL ·~~. :: I:!,°~ ~~,; ;~:! = ~i ~~~~p,1 ~~ I On the size Of our nation. and_ average fJ Ve to Sil d&yS, if the Avemco 9 9:1\ Urion Cn 16\oO 11\.• Publi.hr 14 14\.':i N1rlhw 10V, 111/, Amlnnl 1.1 10 p;~ 17\'ll 11 • + I• CampSp I 10 St ?'IO 13~• 7a;i,, -" Fa.., fin l JO ty b'rth comphcaled Or Jn lhl;ibllt 1V• II!. Graph, Sc 51 Sol P11reaa ~·h 6'h Nash Nt; 11'• 57'Mo AmMFdv to lOI ltl'i l' l,~. + \~ C<ln Brew oct 59 7... 1~, + 1, F•nO!eel lllC •the quality ol our socie In I IS -B nk f A d c I IJa<•O At \J ,. Green Ml 16'14 171'o p Bl'l'tlel 2! :hi Neth RE H~ u AMtt(I• 210 " 45\'i 44\lo 4•~ -\.'I Cd~ PK 3to 16 Oil'> 66'• ~1 \' F1r Wtsl Fin .'he r.--• y·••s of •"·..,... .. cen-volves Caes arian section, if a o mer1ca an ana ·a~,. lt\lt 20 Ornfl RE 16 11\1\ P"•llV s1 16~ 11 N•• Tr J<l.I 16>1o Am MotorJ ~ ~!t" ,,• ~~:~ c<1Pac in) 20 1 •;'• u 1• v~ -• F•r•nM1 801> Wll:ll ~ U~ .8VU• , Bel P1ln1 ''"' io.<o uronne• 12f llj PO~o Co 6'/0 6'\t N1l>b Re 16\lt 17\'J AmNal011 1 ,. .... .,. """" • c nallltl 1 10 11 1~ 23 231, ~ Fecldtro •O the b&b)' is born With medical ftandoJph d1vers1fled reaJ f'S· 8P,,nl wl S"' 61h (;rove Pr IS 1 Pu!~..,, I• H el<!trn 11 11 AmPhel oql, 1,J 1Mt P'I l~\'o :t: 'lo • 11 ,.,,, = l~ l='tdMtXI 1 80 tuTllEry. ar.•Q"S (Or the baby problems inVO)Ylng Special tale developmenl ft' rm h°'e g:~~ ( 1~:.; l'1~ ~~';';~ C~ lnmw6~ =:~!DOvFnl ~V. u,,., "'::1~~ ~ J?~ ~~ :!'A'1~~~ 4wi 2\'r '"·~ J!J~ in,~ +1~ ~:~Dr1n 8!.iJ 'r n:: :~~ 1':l;!:; ~ ~C<lt'1"cc 0~11.~~ -'" ' •••In p Q l~ ·-~.a Tee J J"' ~·vch (p 171 'll •• 1~1 p nv. ll Am 5t•I 1 • lHii '''.lo '''· . Carll• 1 I ,, ., .. Ffl1 P1118<1 I I b · s care or treatment, il you stay · • •• c , -Am sn•r ~ I '"" 1~1) 101, + v. Cera ca.Oh J z?O ,, 11 FedSl!ns 60 ',.,...t spira are o YIOU • broken g round for construction 8evle$S 12'~ lJ'lli Gulf IM •~ ,•vm P • ..v~1n NA 11', 11><; A >mei 1"" 6s 11,, ,1\.1 111, +\lo c•roPll 1 •1 " l• J"• ,,,., -•• '"" •-ln a pr1vatehot1pltalroom.(Or llel'C!lm J• n t,;vrodn 1.-.11 ... l(:oo Eq !4 571'1 Wi!n Mte ,',"•'•""AmSoAtr fov 191 l'Vv.. 3'1'o ;~i"+i ·C••PT(h 1.60 ~• 1t11 :n•, 19~+·~Fec10 1 r 9S Hospital room Costs iJ.aVe f a t0 slor y office bu1ld1ng Belle l~lt l1V. 13 Him CM 11"-U"" lteo MJQ 11'~ J~ •ln P•·t> A 5Al 1 '10 l l7'J:I U 36 rarrltrC<> 611 91 :i; ll J.< + -~~roM/:o., 1)~ le of •f vou have twins) O -ae1m ini:r 10•, U'h ti•nd !lo •'" ~ Rtt C:red :!'I~"°"" Wint Wh n:~ 11~.1 A':i. st~ i" 116 lt. J.r\'> ~~ +1 C1rtGn 1 ne 4 30 2"/\1 29'• -If, Flb•ebrd 10 SOar-..1 in the past coup h II ff '''!''' .,,, 10 H1novr s 23\.'I 2SVt OlleY qo .. Jl WlnblO J!1 ' 31 ~ ' ' ' ''' C•M•.W •• lM n"lo 'l '"'II + ' ' ~ ( a· y the same token, the cos t t hat will be t e ta est <> ice p,~, HA :n u "'•v~n tn J\' ,,,, 1t.w1<1 E• 21.,.. ,4,,, ln•lw r 3"" 4y, AmS1d Pf4 15 11 o oo•,, , · • 1e1<1c1M 1,JO Year' and the average cost O ,,_ 17.,_ ., '' ,, '" ,,. Am Stern 4! 3 21 2e•1e 11 CeH JI n, 12,,. 12•/, 11"1...,... v.. Fll!rQI 1 ( I f b Id h Btll Liil> 49 50n Hlth Mot' 11'!• .,.. 0 ~ M ll i•r Pl • ASl!!l•r 160 21 1\\.li ?•l11 i'(\o-V,Ca5e PIA14~ 71 l• ',', ++,,','Fii! Fe<leraln hosp.,tal care for 1'ust one day could be ar ess l you u1 ing 1n Ana e1m •1.uyo,., w ~'\lo ••.:. Htnrea f 1~ J1 R~tlQM 11~ 11'4 wn11w e 5\'o s.,., A 5 of 61 • 10 10 0 ~1.rleCke 60 ~ 11i;, 2•'• Fire ine 1 60 full t f b b Qlrd Son 34 :J8 Hnl!wn ll'i'I H\'r <!ov "••I ~"" A\11 wv~nc1 C 21'4 11~ A:;: T":T 2 •o 1179 Sl... Sl\~ SJ>, + •,~ 1111rTr 1 10 .,, ~lo •I' o ,jl; + '" Fttc'fi,1 1 UI now Stands at $65.24 -m ore already have a se o a Y T he building will be COO· s1 r1~n• •'• '°'"' Ho•m EP 51 !1 R~• $!ov 21'1• :ia~ Yr<lnv E 6'-i ~ A..,WWk• 56 , 11•~ 11Vi ll'" c 1 'M1rq111 '° ?'"' 9 ,,,, ! 1-. F•INCv 110 f VI 0 U S 81aci< HI 3''1• lS KoOvlr 25 15'U 1,WWSf>! 115 i60J 171'> 1n;, 11'll -11> Ceco (p .80 I~ ?'lo 1•>0 2~'-• I~ F!INStr SQQ than double the $S0 average equipment rom pre s tructed on property bounded B11<1ue El l~• ··~•"''"'Fis I 'll. l¥>t "f\4W&: AiJiit' 11•-a Aw P,..f 115 i11 1r:. 1r11t JI"•+ >nce1111e-iee11 1 32 61 6J'I. 6J~ + ·~ FIKlll>c:h 60 S• "-I haboes·iffr1endsandrelallves Bolt Ber 1 9""Huc-. Mt n 11 AW'.!of l•l i.so 21" 22'-tt"-Ce••no!A4 '11 1 11·~ 6•V. 6~~, i:r,~~·Scl J6 one decade ago. ~ll<lr y, • by Harbor B 0 u I e var d , 100111• c IA 18 aYG Pl' 2" :JO' ,A~ • .!lni: •A 1 }J\lo 11\lo 11v. -\~ Cl!<l~Q Ins :IO 121 l4~ )2 3-1 -'*'" Flrmlnv so ( ntwbom h""""'" OU With b<>h<• gifts• if t11 C1P 21'h 29V. !II GI• 1• )\/) .,_, ... ..., 11 13\,,, 22>.:. 131\ +'.lo Centf<lv J::Qd ,f2 1 U,\'t 12~~ 13 -..... Fhnlkott t nursery charges or a u .. ~ Y ...,, ' Broadway, •re Jena and Elm 11r~w G 69 10 ur•I " 10\lao 11v. MUTUAL Aml&dnc ea ., ,,,,., "'~ •no. -~ c ... Hud 1 •& ,,.. ,~ .. 1•v. -'• F11n1 PIA1 so baby' deli.·~ room fees, other "Oung mothers pass on h k h d erwn Ar 2•v. 15 H1tt CP 13\lo 1~~ AMK CP JO 312 21'4 2J•11 11•,,. . CM ntLt 1.12 11 ,.v. 1J~. ,.,,. + 'h Fl• E ce1.r ..,.., " s treets. The an pure. ase B•u•h Be 11"' 21111 11\d G11 ~•l'l 15 AMP inc .a 6l •sv .. 41'• ••"4 + ""<: 1111.1 P"JO 110 6~ 69 69 i=1a ,.,, ·~ Obsletr.lCl'an!' (....., and Other clothes and equipment to you ; th l' bl k I )968 Bud<N l lV. 12\0o Ind N"cl 20 21 AmPeJ Cero 215 381\ '.15'!o lA'o +114 Ctnll!PS I 11 1 0 1 lf"• 19 lt Fii Pow J 5? -he Ith · e e n ire OC in ear Y · llurnv11 s 11 11"' •n•otec • 5 Amil ... 140 JS lll l• '.\II + ""ce,,!L•EI ea 21•. l"~ n.. FlaPwLI 1 BB Costs have risen sha.rply.. if you have a rns urance B nk ( A " • A heim eu'"'' F 1s"" ''"' 1t11r•ra sv. ,.,.. FUNDS .o.m11t n 11 uv. 1~•11 11·~ ce,,MPw 1 n 21 l8'1r 1n. 11 -'• 1'1a s1ee1 90 I kik th t · 1$200-a 0 m rcas na cib!G•n 10\,,10~11<11 cont 11 11 .,ntcQf'KI 2 '!0 m ~ nr. m'o-"-'"Cenisw 110 ,~ •"'• 39,, ·~•.-+>.,F1~orco 2m1 There's no end ID sight O which c s in e ypica main office presently Jocaledc~t wsv 26 ':5"'1iw;n svs 10'11 11'.lo 1,ntt.Hock .eo 411 11v. ;.a l6 -1"1oc,n1 So~a flO 30 21•1 n 11:i..-'•FluQr PIBJ n~ ( d h0Sp1ta1 COSts' if ' l'."1mco ,, 1~ lf\1rm In I 8 Ancor~SY l 6 '11'1o 7:] 1l"i + \'o C:enTolUI 118 lj8 l~'t 11>,lo J~'' -... ~IV To~er 10 this cost escalation. ~ owar • at J50E L 1ncoln Ave.,w1llbe c•rion M 10 '' int Bw,,1n .t .. ,•,." AndClav 110 '33v. 3,.,., :n•1.-·~ctrro 160b 111 "'' 111> 17'~-'•FMc cp 8s E th f II do 't send birth an -. r_,...,.M B n 1i •MM' ·~,, •• o,111ct>eto ?ct ~' 2ow. 1• 1"\lo +\\Cert•ttd 10 11 11~ 2'l'• 11"-+ll•"MC 0111~ TO DISCWS e u y ou n relocated 1ntG the firs t two can•a<I A\IJ 5 1n• Meir 1s\li l6t.t -:-,. .. .., •• , .. Pti4'1:;; :il!l:~ AixOOH 1 •11 a1 l! l~·.i. 11 -. cut.teo:i pfl'O J 21 21 1J FOOdFa1r l'O -• th Heallh In nouncements and don't indulge ( h ff rep ~-1~ M •ni S11 11"" 19"' A0111 cnem •' 33 11 J?>.1. + "conn~AI• 80 •• ?I ''~ ''~ ..._,,~ Foo1n c11 ao story, l ask..... e . -floors o t e ne w o ice c10 1n1A 12:14 13"1. 1n1 ~Y Pf IS'lr '•' , , 2, , , ,, ., 11 ,,. All"' sve •• 6l ""' 911'> 98''1o +v. (Fl 511 eo 20 20•,o 19•1 10 -1, Foole Min · t (Hll) Jn New in such equipment as nursery Id Th · ht c,,.r,n ~''• 7 1n1 ]•"" ~"' Vi ~11 ~ nve• O$ ..., •• Arc~D•n 1 '° s .s t4>,:, •4~. -I cn1011rn inc 1., 11•, 1~'• n 11 + "~oo1e Pn 1ft 'surance Inst1tu e .. n ll but 1ng. e rema1n1ng e 1g eerie Bl 61/t ' 1nte~ 20 '11', NEW YORK IA"l 1nv••tor1 Group ArllPYbfvc;:' 1 7• 74,_. 2•Vr 1•'~ + \t c~ampS 120 Jr ,,,,. 21v. 111., -·~ l'ordMoi 1 •O k to Ork OUt details On lamps hot plate!, uut e ft f Jh d ff Cl!r!r r..~ 1~ 111 1onl(I 1111'> 721J -T~• lollowl~g "''"' IOS rldl 456 4tl Arl1n'D~ 10 79 ?II~ 7~ '11',~ -V.. Ch1r1erf'/Y 2 lO 4l ''"" •l -b Fo•M(k ~ Yor w warme'rs, bath tables·. 1·1 your oors o e mo ern o iceC•S(' NG 11'11.12\11 11 sou111 261n21 1111on1. 'upr'"' 'I Mon 9••10 1 ArmcoS1 1611 111 nv. 11,, 71 +•.-.cn1"'Mn 11o uo " •?'Jo 43 _1 FMcl( P'1.ao 'today's baby-bearing costs s pace w1U be ava•lable for 1°"f1ttv 1~·~ '' JtcOD' F >V• !>.:. me Mallon,. .o.1•C1< Proo • 09 4 AS Armr ,.,.. 1s 2 64 64 "' -''• cneO.e• Mo• 16 11 l'tl'lt 'lfl:i. -i, Fo.,wni foCJ~ ta h t than cen VPS 21"• 11.-J1C<111n C 17 ll e!lon ot Securities Sto.r;:k IS•• 1!1 '7 Atmf!Ck 80 It 34'~ .JI J~'• + !-. Cheme1n 1 80 l.S :JO\lo 291." )O>,. +n. Foti Wh l>t 1 from obstetr1~al fees to diaper hosptl.al S Y IS or er lease. r""'t 0 11•) 11 .rn w11 11"• Ill(. D••I"'" 1.,r, ~re SelKt 'D5 t 7l ArmClt p131s 110 S9 !f 59 c~emN Y 1.•~ 11 52'1li 51"" 51 ,, _ ,,. l'o•OO•~ ~ th b b > C~m LI• 1l'4 141.\ 1mtbY 11\IJ 111.4 t~e Pr I cu II •Much Ver Pv 1"' I ti Arm Rub 1 o&0 A •O* .tO "°"' t "lo C:hemw1v 20 n 11'11 lo•;, 11 \'; + •< Fran~ Sir 32 P\nS and lbfOUgh e a y !I a verage C'1emld ~·, 3:i.l; 1llv FGo 6 l 1'1f•• S«\<tfllfi Inv A:Hh 4 7] ! 11 Aro Coro 90 t '20 191~ 10 'J C"e~ Ve 1 60 I 3•' 1 J.tYt lo! .... -'• crrec1•, n J -~ !••st w--· at home. Here's a BUT EVEN if you, today's '""'Ind b'· 7 K1l1tr SI 65 66 (QUld h•vr 91en •stel ,,,,.11 ~! Arvin IM.,1 6 .... 16~ ~6··-·~(~<:S Dh<O . 11 6'0'• 59'1 60'• Frul'l>C .. 110 ., o:i:.A r~e-i U!ll l••~ 17'" kertSI pl lf"" 'N~ •oM (b<dl or IX>YGht lve1t 13 •7 I• n A•hlG 011 11tl S04 3'~'1 l5'4 :If -+~• C"e•ebro 9'l 21, le''I 37\1 Jl't -,., Fuqua IO>G Summary Of hu_,._,1~ of JlemS to-be-parents, manage t 0 CM Brl51 '°'>51 41 k1 tv1r llD 170 C•sktcl) l'UGIGIY I~ .... ',','> '• ',', Agld Brew 41 9!-'o 9 9'o +~ CM<E•1I 111 12 11'4 11:1.,, -•/, =~ I Int • r~rl51 S ll• 117 K1v1m !\Ii~.\-> I HI A1k ••"'~ ... tldOG 110 19 Ur. •lV. 'l 'h , ChlMH S!Pll ~!! 11~1 1414 1•~-·~ the Hn Prtc•-' fOt me : a chieve all these SaV ngs, errm thrl1t of 100 104 k1•r T H"' 1$\.'I .t.bllrtln 1 25 2 '6 llhntln lt ~ 19 N AsdSDll 1 20!) 11 31 ll JI , CMMSIPP C1 -2~' • 2l 14', + \lo GAC CP 1 SG ~ I ( d th l fll...,tl e•i. 8'4Kelll!!T s~ 6'1'tAdv .. , 6&l 74/,Keysto~e Funds · AH<1Tr1n 40 1 ll~ 11''t 12'1't '"MSPP pf S 3, 51\'> 5''~ 57\'>+~l OAC Co Dll H tal costs·•i=.1et:1The you'llalmostsurey m a CltlE UA ~4\!t 15•/,ktlh•d 19 :IO Aft lll1Jd 7.6Jl26 c ... sE'll191l?ll,UAllClvE1 1.JO ?S16'h16 11 -·~CMSP l'ltl S 52 .jj)l,5l +i.r:GAFCotP'1,I ospi · "" ' · havi'ng a baby 1's much costlier r111, u B 1"" '~"• k.eu11 E n·~ 1<l"' 1.1ut•e t n 9.12 c 111 B1 20 15 ;; 20 AllCE1 olJ 11 1 1021.., 102''> ""'"' +"" Chl Mu;lc 1 •\ '~'• ,,,,. 11•'< -J'"' OAF 01110 b ••esl items here are the da1-F ill' s Cl1rtl' Ml 22>..:i 23'.i Ktve Fib UV. U'i'I AlP!ll Fd lOt• 11 96 Cll• B• 9ftl 10 •• AIC!tvE I pl . r!O 6S'" 65Vo UVi -l!h ChlPneuT l :JI lJ'• 31\l Jl'<• -""G,,m Sko ! 'JO ·-•• ( than yOO had SUSpected, t t C11vlo~ ~<1 < Kev• Cvl 18 J? .0..mc•<> !,ftt 6.1'1 Cul Kl 1 15 I.to All l<idllfd 1 1U4 lO,'<o 09l'I ~'t -l~ Chi RI Pee • 1;1, 11 ']'} -V. G&mS pll /, Jy ?OOm charge -$65."" Or ac y e CllM Mer ?°"' llh K11•I PC 6"1. 1'J:I ... m Bus 3.1 6 3 4 c;,,, 1'1 • t5 5 d AltRth pfJ 15 I.110 UV. !4'h 56'h -11'1 Ch RI P Cl UP 1J :n 11 11 11 G1mS pl! 60 ch Be realistic and prepare for r11n1o~ o A'• o•, 1t1n11• E1 1 ' Am o v1 n 9,•l 10 1• Cui ~1 lt 16 7J '5 Atl 11 1C!'I ll'f l 16 n• 111 HJ -3V. CllRIP c1Nw 22 1 21'~ 1o.t. 21 ,~ + ~ o~n"e" ~> SIX da\IS -nunery arges Claw (p 19 1QV,Kl11111 Pr ,,, .. 23"1.AE• '"' tl1 (,,, 2 1~••11 "'"AllRth pl1 80 15 1\l'o 70'" ,, ... +"'CMTl!le 220 SO>~~ 50'·-~~G•r W!llld ' -day and the costs Then you'll be. able r 01-m F • 1> 11<1 II.Inc c~ 9,,. 10>.;, Am Gr!"' 6 u 7 1111 cus Sl 1 '45 • IJ All•1 Chfff' 1 s1 14 21v, 2l''o + I\ Choe-Full .oo 11 ii•;, 1~ 10~, -1 GtrW 11,1 111; for the baby at .- 8 Burroughs Corp. has leased Collin~ "' '1 1~ knlP vot '•'•" ',',~" Am IM""••'·",,> o,, '",1,,", •;•, '• ~ At111 corr, 361 s 4.,.. •'• + v. c:nr10 c11 611 201 n;i., 12 11~ + 'It G1rdDon 1 30 • i $75 deilVtr room lo handle properly lbe eX· ColQM $Tr 1"" I~ .... K~rGC<> • Am " 1G ..-" Auror a P 11 31 B•~ ll ll ..... -v, CCII CVPI Hid l 251'> 1S'~ 11\'I + ll: G1rlDC~ 11(1 a typ1ca d 7.000 square feel o( manufac-Come~! Jl'n n~ LMC oa1 2•, ,•~ AmN G111 2 tt l 16 ic:K",",~D .. 1 ,,1 lo,,',,", AutSDll•• oee 1u 1'\'o 1m 1• +l'.1o Chromau .•• tl4 14'!'r :n,,. 1• -~ GtteW'l'ln i.o h penses, the baby an rom ,1, 3; l"'> Ltnct In 7" 1-. An•"o' Grouo n ... Automin 1,,.,-'' lJ H Ul'. -•4 cnr~11.., 2 •3'2 311; 35'!'r 36'h +11~ G«nfnl c..,, C arge. tur1ng and office space 1n the cam Act 1 a•, L•nda •n •V• ,•,'• CBP•' ,•, '•'• ,•,• c,er1n,•: •• ,•, •,,",", !~ Avco c o• :10 112 1~ 2l"1t "'• -,... crnn<>E 1,40 'lt ''™' 2•'i0 2•'ffl -'" oem n•n ~~ M~'"al costs · $280 This in-yourselves. I . . I t r:om In" ... , ~· .. L•n~ Wd 11 YI r.rwlll 1 J e• _, .... Avco plJ'IO 107 SA'h Sl 'lt J.ll, +.,, Cln GE p1 4 ?lj.D, 62t. II~ 61~. -\l:i GnA!nv 2ng ._.,:::;••::::-~:.:==~=~::--:::--:::-"::::--::--:;::-:-:-:-:-::-:-E l Pac Bui ding ln Irv ne, 0 com Gas 11•1o 1J t.1r10n '~ '"' 1 .. v I 51 t l.f ,1.111r, ",",. ',',' • ,•, Ave•~Pi:r 11 11 !I'/• SGU !1\'o +•'o ClnSuTt! 1.io •1'~ ~J 11•> -I'> OAmoH 60b I I t (on> T•• '~ ,, Len Co~I 6W I F<I Inv ~:ltl\OIY ,, .. • • A~netlnc 411 290 lJ 121'1l1'1t+l4clTFln180 260 34'1 31'" 34 +l''>GATr•n l~O I ••••••••••••• I serve as a Jnlenn1 ac1 1 y un-com 1-11111 13 uv.. t.•ltur G '6 21 A11oc11 1 11 ••a Lile •nv 6" 6"' Avnet pt 1 J 2•'> 1•'h llV. -1 !111es Svc 1 5SI so ·~·, .u + ,.. GA Tr" Pf2 10 I I th M. V Pl t r.,,.., ,._ "~~»1 L~~'"T" 1U lJ Af.tron 591,,i21.ln9 567 6.20 Avon P<l l'l\'I 1121;o>.<i.1 1'8'~-V. nv1n~ Xlb 351 2l'421>'121 .+I ;~nB~nc ~ ti e ISSIOn lejO an IS Cmp" Cm U~ JaV. Lewi> BF l!'lr 19\1) AJte Haughlon Loomis StVI~• A1tK DUG~ 6t 15 l•''o IS +to 11~\f\Y ol B2 61 t0'4 li''o 19~. +1'4 On Cable 1 ~ compJ ted rmo 1~~ l• l'"·LlllY E:ll 03146'\lo F ul\d A ~!6 713 ~lnJG l'S,36!9 _g_ !1vln 11!l:l1 1 SI''> 51 l1 5lV.-'•"l~n Coo l,u .TAB fl fti. .... fel1pll•ll .-weriftf Mnk• • e ' (mp Mth •''> !\, LobiGW 1 7Vt Fund 8 1 41 9,1\ toll 10 ~1 10 A1 B1b(k W 1 36 128 ll~~ 'll'. ~]'~ + ~ ~\~k~1~11 :g 2: ~\:1 ~:: ~\'!lo -t ~ g~~6~~~,;!lll i .. o,.... Cootr. Beginning Aug "· employ-r::'vlm!~c 1 :.,; 1::~ t::.: ~I~~ i!l.'I 1~~ r1~ B =~ ;&J; M~nl/.1tn 1t~~ ':~i 1•k•OllT u n 11\'> 11 11 .... +\lo Clor< 011 •O •4 •I" 39'/j •1 ') t•. o~n E~ 260 ffieOt OffJCeS WJlibe lOC.atecltn ~""Pl)"I( 1"'"l'""LvncJ'I C Jl•tll 'cl CP \1• ~IO M''' Fd 10 211117 •llGE 1JD 10 :111o-Jl'4 Jl""tl'CltVCIUt 160 ><' ,J!~ l!l'!:i le't-V,!JnF.,~! .aq , f I I. Ct Slrat9 6'• ~Matl GE:I 11.,,,ll'JI B•~ 1 11 l l1M1n r:-1n 111111 •• B•HG pl(4 JlD 6C'h St'!o 5'14 1"(1tvEllll 204 ..,. JSlt Jl"o GPnfds 2..1.0 Mor. doctort, donti1h, 1ttor111y1 1n111 P'' 11' •111 the facility at 18651 Voo r""''"' R , ,\ M~f1c c~ 26'~ l7'"' Alli• Fd 9 1~ 'ot M••• Tr 14 l91$1~ B1ngPun1 60 n 21 '• ™' 2n. -\.\ c1ev p,1 l so JHWJ !J Sl sl G•n 110$1 ' d ct I bl• Con!rl" 1"4 )'•Ma Jtl!y tvt 9'1io Bon<l1tk un•Y1ll MBT,1 ''' ·~ B•nu" pf 1 9 3J ll'lr 3'2\4 -1'<C'.lfvl!e 210 11 6.6'• 6S 6~ -l Gen In"' s" • poop_ I, ui t TAI btc1u11 t •Y ''" •P• 11 on '' '1 • Karman Avenue, Irvine. Some rnl'ne• t. l ", >«, M~llktt "', ~t, 'lotion SI • :ii. lO lJ M1ther• 10 92 10 92 Bank Tr 1 1<1 ~1 st•~ SI\~ .s.ir -•:. c~vue pll.SO 1 e.1>1, U ', 66' .. -ll.1 O•~lnsrr ~1 1 . b · corps lS J9 Moml As 4''> ''•So•ton 104 1.1t McOon l"I 9•1 BerbOU 1l5f Jt !l Sil S2 -1 Clorol! /Sg 1112 19 t6to '' -'•GlnMlll• !8 $lt'V1<t. electronlC assem Jy Oper8ll00S r rw•·O ,_, JM, Mft<gur lS U\11 "'""" $1 1J5' l•.~J M!tlA M"1 ~21 6 1'9 B•rtl CR lJ 71 .,._ .U•• •9 + "• Clue11Pe• 90 33 ?ll.I 1•'• 1U1 -'r G~nMot J•ca PER Is II I th creatMh a~1l911)Men!nM s1.;,6 e..,uoc:k 1'·"'1S8•Meottvco111.n1•11 11a1•c lnc10 9Js•,.1s 1sv.+1,.c1 ... 1t•P rr1 119 19 n +"'f oMoisor~ • FOR AS $1450 • a 0 Wl be ocatecl ID e fro•• C• ~~ .. M BtQWf 33'> Ji CG Ftl 8 ~' 0 ,, MOD<ly's 1195 14 15 8allt "" J ~ JlJO •t ~1 41 CNA Fin 50 119 20>~ 19 19'• -~ G Mo• O!J 1S J 'er! ( •'J t Cr"1!Ch R il>•l'''•Md Ship 31 :ny,Cenadft lll•1919Mnrlol! FUl!•h 15olt5 Mlg ll 10'1• 10 10'4 +V.(NA pt Al lO lltlO l~ 24 "l5'• -'•G~nPC\"m 20 .. Low AS MONTH • n m a .. 11 y. ""P''' c 1">11 MnY~f 0 ]l>':l8\i.Clll\! Inc 110 ·~E Grw111 t4'\~~S llath Ind ,2 l•>.. lf''o l""'-+1•coast S! G~I lJJ lj 31''> ll~->t GPullU! 16'.l Burroughs Mission V1e1'o onn1e1 in n•~i··~McQuv 2s~uv.c1011 Sl\r 6•5 7.06 incom 3,•,•, •,,", c11sGs p1119 i. :1'l lll"• l9 +~•Gen ~erract • "'"\V M M'>'"~MeOlc H l( 16 Cent Sl\r 9!1i10,18 ln1ur CDCaCol ll'l 92 67~• 6.S'lr ~1 .fl', Gen Sia t<o TAI ce1 ......, r••r ph..... Plant currently under con-De!• 0 •1 11 u Med1rn 32V. J.t Chezr.1nt FNn~•j1 n ~:f-~1h ; ~t ; ~ CC1<1B110 l.20 1 :n.,,, JJ\o J2'., _._,, Gt., Sia 01 • •• eon NOW for ........... MCI ~ • struclion on a 53-acre site at g:~l!M~r11 ,;;:~ ;~:~~~:~:'No J;~ 1:~ ~:Jnsl 1 69 1 as, MMo o"•0,· ,,'",", ,',·',', J b l~~:.·1A1~20 l s: ~;:~ ~JV. ~;:~ 4.+1,.., grp;r'J/1ndl .t0 . '1Pro• 1n 1n, 1''• "'1<Ch Gr" l•J ~ Grw!ll !"2 64 II m ~ A t ColllnRad to fiM •!\'o U •l•\ t \.o GTelEI o!l,S{J Jeronimo R oad and Lemon o.i.anc 8 8'1Mldld c. lO>ioll ~ liw;om 1U 837 MM"'• ','", ',",','•"•' n e1111a 0 Cololn!•l 160 10 *\' ,.,.. 36'1 1•1>C.Te1 ofB!JO I S • l d h d '1•!~ I'" "• 4 Mn!~• 'lo 6'~ SPeCI 160 JM V •• Colo Sou p! A llO"" 5~ SO -1 GtnT•me 80 = • treet, IS expec e to e rea Y oe1u~ c~ •a '9 M1~ ... Gr 7J 11 Ch•1e GrQU~. NEAw~' 1:~ii~: ca11 Ind sa.r •1 •l ~~ :is•, 40'• + '• G•M Tlr~ lb for occupancy later this year. oet c~"r 1~" 1' Moi• Gas ll'lr J.t\li ~~~ ~s ;: ~~ ~ ~:: 1,,.,-c 10 '' 1~ ·~ E:i! I~ g:: U ~ ~r"' ~~.. ~~:! -,.., 2e~:o "! J, s~r1id 1~~1i00 Nat 1ov11 1 J1 111 FOI' Collins cBs llOI> 160 •1'~ .1,, •l.,,-•,G1nu1neP•• 1 • Chemcl l6.0811 56t-'~• S1w r St• CBS Oil 5 1!''1 2~'· 11''> 08 P•( aeti co•onl~I e111n 10011091 co1.,c;1, 1611 Bet 16\'i 1S>.; 16 + ·~O•P•t P11 6l l Ewtv 41J 4,61 l'orw:t S •I S •I (OluPlcl •Sq 96 21 13>, '6'• +t, Ga Per Pll •O • o w k h s h d l d Fun" JIB\l1 tlfl Ol~ld •JO ~IO ColSoO~ 116 19 32>< 311 1 ~1\.'.i -t•~Qt•l>er 110 • Or S Op C e U e orwth 3 93 6 37 f":•w•~ s"" '" Collins Radio Co h as been Combf" 2,•G •4 S•'" $1'" s• -,~ ueuvo11 l8Q I Of· vinl 6 M 6 ~? Pl Stk 6 9• 1 ~ t I d b ' th J I Com1So1v .•o •7 11'1, 16'• 11'• g~~~~ ~~ '1o commc 1 9711'" t"c""', ''••'• ••1, se ec e y e e ComlSol pf.90 11 ,,,. ,','" ,•,•'•-'•aibr•1t Fin • • t om5 Stl • ~? 5 Ol 5!o.r:k ComwEd '?O •I •l'• G •••••• •• ••• commonwllh Ftls N .. 1 W••f '°" ''' Pro pul s i o n Laborator y,comE nl141 J,,",,",,",, ",,,, ,,_G:~~!~e~"'1 48° ('~p F<I 88T 9~7 NEL G1h llS 9 61 h h c 1·1 ComwO•I 60 ~G II! 0 S • B • 1nc:om 9 "° 10 21 Neuwt~ 7' n n •a o perated y t e a 1 or n1a com,.,t XI 2091 2.,. :u•,; u"" _ '• •mb~ ' 1 t t t~Vt•t ~ )j Jh roo N~ Enq 9 41 10 14 f I Com...,1 lSl 43>;0 41, •l~ .; -g1en Alden n ar lng lLsll"€SS stott tts '''"'orw *"'"" 2•9",.., I nstitute o Tecbno ogy, to e-M111s 1 u 16•11 16 ' 1 6•\+•'i.ai!~~ldo1~~s It cw1m "" 1 '° LJl New Wld 12 n 13,90 provide lwo 2IO·foot diameter Canrarco 60 16 :i..111 n J1•~ + '• Gff•AI .,f21s Quality Painting fo£1-Qyears Prospective business owners will have an opportunity to learn the advanl11ges and disadvantages in starting t heir own business U1rough a pro- gram a nnounced bv Alvin P Meye rs , r egional director of th e S mall B usines s Adm1n1stration Meyers s a1d that these chn· lcs call for one-day "'orkshops for those considering sta r ting a business of their own or J. P.Carroll COMPANY AOv1rl!1tmt"I FALSE TEETH INOUSTRIAl-COMMERCW.. PAINTR>ta l CECORAmQ COHTRACTORS That Loosen For.,, ft!imlfte or brocll&n cd ot ..,.,,.: Need Not Emliarrass OAANGE COUNTY LOSANGE.19 20tE Coll\merClt!St. 211N.JunteA ..... Full1rton, Calll. (Z13J llMM41 (714) 179-3230 What is the Dual Management Approach? 1r JOU arc an a@essilO iovcsto( w1lh a S.ZS,000 portfallo. or more. JOU $hould be Mi Duol M-- Tilo"' l•w"' ood laodamcnlal ............. utli .. partfolio-............ u,..-11:e1o"""'""'"' oboot Dul...,..-, ....... call Mr. lic=U .~9781. @ MITCHUM JONES& TEMPLETON ltco•etl.All• Cwlth (0 1 65 l 1i NY Vent 1 < 1< 1~ '~ CIWI Edi• 1 10 215 J0'4 l'IV. JO .... -'• G ol:al M•"n coma A~ Ho• 1s A• Newton ll 62 H 90 s pa ce c:ommunication an· conEdl• pf 6 ' 01•11 91 91 -1 G1~un !O (omOl!!I 11n1vf.H Oiore~·l 1• I< J• 1• ConEdl$ pl s 6 ,, •• 11''. 11~ +'• GOO<lrlth 117 Planning lo buy an eslabhshed romo 1111 9 ·~ 9 9~ Ocngp~ 7,9'1 1.n t ennas for the NASA/JPL ConE l>IC•.65 r200 66'< 66'• t.o>1 Goo<We•• ei; Comp Ftl 9 5110 ll ri,,.,e~• 1 ~1 I 0• Con F!lllds I ~6 lJ .. l~ 31''> +'4 r.or<IJlv'I ?• one They arc conducted bycorn1r~ •1& 520100 Fd 11.111s?' Deep Space lnstrumentallonc:°""" ou50 1t1Do 100 100 GoulGNB J•o · loricord 1s 131s'3 '~1 F" ••• 0 1 F ac1ht1es (DSIF). l:~~fb'11J~& 1~ ~~.,. ~ •• ~:~=1 • .,&~:~t~0 1 11ri SBA staff personnel and SUC·c~~~t 11; 1~1~1~~;~:;s.,'f"'S l!~?l~~ E t Id 1 (th t con1P ..... r 190 .S6 ~ lJ'• lJ'1o-~0Gran<1u~ &0 f t L I b . ro•<> La i. at l& JI\ Qppef'llt , OJ 1 u s ima e cos 0 e WO ConPw ol• s1 11 65'1 6S•, 6S'• G•anl•rc s11 cess 11 os Ange es us1ness ~~~"t..~c~ ii~ 1J ~ ~:""M:rq ~ ;; ;,;; antennas is $20 million Colhns ~::;:~: g:: :~ i~U :r"' ~f' ~~) -1 r,~:~!~v 11.00 and professional men T hecr .. w rn 10 ?4 11 11.,·11~ 1··~n·1 also wlll construct and 1nstal\Coo1.o.1rL ~ J~6 13 J?"t lJ +•~G••nl o! JJs chn1cs are charge. ~~Vu~ Al bl l8 61311 Plli!••to I~ t 2t Cont Ct~ 1 ;>ct 15S 6l\.'.I t?•1, 61 -\~ Gr1vDrg 1 20 available \Vithout Oeca! 1ncl161 1211P1to1 '~ 1 ~' the servo control a nd ctcen or..2s 110 6\ 65 ~~ -1 lot A&P 130 n~l•wr~ 1?~11•MPonr SI 10.48104 , , Cont Copp JO Jl lQ tt. 10 ~ •,Q<tNolr 13S~ o~na Tr 1f' 1 31.,0~~,, 11 ••P •• hydraulic equipments used byc1coo r>1115 ,70 11•0 11 ... 111. ~·~r.tNoP•1> Jio giv T st~ ~,; i ~ :~1~~ 't'~ ~\ :~ µ !? the ante nnas. Er'c'P co'lA~ ~ 1f~ ~:~ ~~'h ~~·~ ~1j! g\ ~0;,/{F'"~ Eight major topics vn!l be .. ~::;:,,, ,,n 6"~ 6 1~ Pro Fund '60 t6o II be ct MIQ' 110 isa 31« "1) JI' ~ ~ GtWnun t ~o oreK-1 u 5' l• '' <>•n"~nt •., < '~ The giant anntcnnas WI contMlll 100 11 21'11 l1« 110: • l'iWUM ~q ,q,e tl1scussctl 1ncl11d1ng franchises, E~7!~'i.~~0,,,1,:,~1 1311 ~~;~1:.:; Fv=~~ 10 79 loca ted at NASA/JPL Deep Eg~1 0~111 ~501 3001 J?6,4 ~~\ l!:~~ ~'. g~~a~P,~~ i2 general rn<1nagc1nent prin· P~1~~ '" '' '',. EQu11 '"" 10 J4 Space Stallons near Canberra co"' T•I ., 1» 1n1 ~ 19.,. l"'' t w r.r~n~~ 1 w < ' Grwlr. \J Sl 11 lt r'~•tg I• ;1. 14 '" 'Control Oa!~ 151' J-«t•~ llS"I> l 1'11 '1 "•~Yhoun<I I C'p!"!I 1 I 11 , ghl b ' es •~•om •"' ";11o Grin 10 59 11 51 Australia. and M adrid. Spain conwoe1 1 100 n l5 J• 34 -1, Gro11,, 1 60 ' • 111 lC rl USln S Sl'f'cJ JO •1 11 ,A• I n(~"'\ • '' •" • . Cool< Uni! .~ ~\ l9"'i 1N 1' •• 'T GrummnCo 1 location, A question an d !~~~;~ 1; ;; !1 ;; t7~~:' 2 ~: 1~~ 'I hey \llll provide m ore tha n ~=~1n1~-'o, 1:, 't;t, 'f,,,. 2:;:. +.;.:..; ~~:; ~?1 l fg 9re1 1••111•• v,,,..,, '"' , •. six lime the performa n ce of cooPT 0112s l 20\1 l'O'' 20•i "·u•1 "'~"" s c:ss1on follows each~;::.~~vsc i~~!1~n ::e •• :'ch J~~~1~~ lhe as.root diameter dishesc~:::1R~ is~ ~ :l :g;: :?1,+1:·~~~~:1,,11'~ ans\\ rr ::;peak er This Enter,e Jtl 166 Ro•tn1h ,., 861 presently u~A .. In the NASA-~o~wlStl l?O 11 19•, 191~ 19'"-'• G111IS•eu, 9~ cnu11y 911 9911 ~ch•"" 1•"11SS5 ~ CorlnthB .1111 11 11,_. J• 1J•., Gul!Wln •Olo fr c e pre-busin ess §qut G'h 16 i111 •1 scuddtr Furlds· J PL netw!lrk and will m a ke Co<Gw 2 ~ los 1•JU 1J1•~ 2'11 -'• cou1rw "'' 1~ ~ue~ lt~ •ni Inv .. ~•v~1 1 • Caronelln 12 34 73 1J•1 2) +"-•l'Ou•tW 1>'110 \Vorkshop is scheduled for Fve ••• In 1•041s 21 SDCI l•l'l~?t possible acqu1sihoo of scien.cowl•• 50 · 17 10•4 10'0 101• Gu11w 11!l11 A 1: • .,.e, '1 ... :n fl? "'•I H" u 21 . CoxBdc•s ~ • 31V., 37 371~ '""'"W <>!5 IS l\tonr!ay. Aug. II. from 9 M F•lrtd 1 10.10 11 o• com st 100t1n09 t1f1c data from the edge of thecPc 1n11 1.10 91 3J'4 nv. "Y. + .\\ G~lton 1,,d t • 30 p u th dt "'~rm u 1n•,1n •~Uc "Iv 1"~'1'" · Cr1nt ltob 2S 40'/o 40 40'9 o , · "l in e au 1 o rtum FH Grr11 1152 13 '° SK Ectul! j "° l n solar sys tem. rromor"nd1t1 ' 16"1 16'" 16'> -1~ or Ille Los Angeles Pohce ~:: ;:~d i~;:;;~;;:re\n:m ~~ ;~ T he 21o-foot diameler an·£~==-0~1 1~11 5~ ~ ~ 1::':-1 ~~~~~.•1,'~J~ Building a t 150 N. Los Angeles ~l~~hTtl;~ ;;.;,,,1 25 ~1 ~;:+ o:!~s ~; 1iil ~ tennas are expected to become c~~Ol'~or:J ll ?~(~ n Tl:; t+',., ~:~:~.r: :.~~ St. . Pnd-:;;'t : ~ ~;; ~:~~a : ;~ l~ ~ operationa l by 1973. They wi ll l~~n~•1:.iL:t ::8 ii·~ 1::~ z;;~ . '. ,, ~~;,o;,~~~ 10' Stahsl1cs r evfeall more th!l6a1n t~n7" 1.'1lltf~ s.;:,n\""B 1~ -~II?~ be used to send commands to EJ~.h~orto •0 :: :~:i ~;;: :~,~ .~~;;d'M;r ~~J 18,000 business 31ures 1n l , c,,F v~ .. ~~""" ~·~ 1n .. ~-1 "" '' a nd recover data from various Cu<1hv p11 ls 2 11 1~ ia .. ~ •• ,, 90 • I "A I Fit l~G!h I " '11 ~ovtr tnv ll 63 u ~7 ru111o~n ?~ ) 2·j 22'\ 2l ~· 0, He'llndll', 1 JO nlcyer:s ~ddc( a r g e "'' 1~\·~ "·~ A•• ~''°''"' .-;1 , .... •.,.. NASA planetary m tssions dur-cum .... 1" .lllb •• J "• lll.O asv. +11~ •;"'~'"1 1 I ('I ' r I Fil Mui!! •OJ 91J$t1te ~1 o.!OO IT CIO ' • run~o,uo Ill '' ,,,,, 11lt 1~·, +•r.H..-rls lnl 1 percen 3g(' o 1cse al ures ~., •.• , .. "' , ,. 51.~""''ft ' .. ~d•· 1ng the 1970 s a nd 1980 s , ln· cyr!ln w" 1 Jt 18->\ 11 1111o -,, ·~~··'" c~ 1 I b cd I k f ' ' • ->O •> n '"' l•<I 10"" 111$ I d' h V'k ( i"· •• W• A 1 ' "1'.. 7:1'~ ll}M. + '• Ho,ISMr.-10 c,1n ic ::ittn ut to ac o .. r •• 1!! ~.,,, "•"vc'' ~~ 7., cu 1ng t e l 1ng spacecra t cu!lfl' 11 1:10 l~ Jo 3~>.it J~-1·1o1 .. ,, ., 11~ t d FI Fnd 591 Sclrn •ll }11 I -• ( rb'ti C~tloP• lto 1 l3 JJ l:l ''' H~t Corp •O 1n,1na~cn1en experience an ,,,,er ,.,~ ~ ., ~.., ST-'ft Ree "~·· · program p anneu or o 1 ng CfPl'u•M ; •o 1 '"" •si~ •6 + 11 1 4 .. w.1 E• 1 ,·i knO\V huw ·• )1e explained Fn~ Gift •., 1.. 1111 19 11 1' 11 and la nding m issions on Mars -0 -~~v,!:,\''"'•" ' . "'"""~-~ ..... ~" r·~ o~ , .......... For further 1nform1tllon con· Fou .. o 11 or lt 04 si"'~ ii.o• ii O••l--------------gan ~1v 1 lO •s ,,.._ 11•• 1rlo -~ H-c1~"'"g 10 , fr•~-Hr Gr••••, ~U" '"GI •'• ••• ftnaCp I') J9 21 22'i 13 -'1Hoi~t H1 ~· t.\ct lh(' Small au s Ines s Com SI 15! '13 ~ypJnSt ' I St !·" ~farJ,et "8"•'•'• \~ 1\1 9i 2 ..... ~;1• 1~ !1\~ H:lr"~~ 'i"'-'~ d . Lo I ro••rc 1~ ., 1•" rvr•r tct '~ i< • " "" A rt'lfll~l1ati0111n S AngeeS VIII •7110TMR Ao 111)Jtf7 .ivcoco 71 11 :itti 36 l6t' Hellfrrnr wl '"l' 'Th •••1•"' 08VCoCtwl 1 1•~14"'1/•1"-~"'•'•• 'W at 688·2935. F•'= 115 •'021::~..;1 560 622 O•V(O pl41$ JJ60 t~ 91 ' -s Hel .... •l'i:I$ 1 "u"" Am • >l o « 'T.r~v•t 1 •~ s ,, I Otylll"L 1,60 92 ,_Ito :Ul'I Jll~ t •• 'ft'"'''"' '" Nannco Given ,, SK: 10~S106SlKMnol 7'6 I J) 11••• 0 s OPL p1Al.1S l.0 5S sj .,.~1 He>n1WI'! (~o r.1br•lt, 111111 11 T""p ... )1 ~' ,. "' llPI. PIO,. l.)02 JG.I 1031'1 104 Ht'l•Ulf'(, •la ,_ SK Towr MR 6 S• 11$ Peen Co 2 91 ~ !1 l81" +lv, H••c !~c l tero !'.c ~ •6 t O'/ Tr8n rfto 1" ~.,. .._ De1m1rP 1 ot It 20'<> ;>ct>.\ 20~ -\;, """~'°~ I '1 ""' 51 ll0llt 8 Trev eo au t6t ""' fo0ow1 ,,. h I kw to sv,,.botsi u'td Otlm.rPL ti 25•'•'> ,'," ,',P, ,•,·lJ ~ ,. H_tu•-•.•,fl 7~A ul Ad o"" , "I T,,.,,,~ Fil l' •117,,. In tllt tlCl<k m•rlttt r-b. OOPOllle Oel Mnte 1 10 • " ,. ·~ " Orth Ind 20 )120 " Twnc GI 3 '° '?6 oite ~ll•A.lr olO ?SI 11''~ 16'li. 29'~ 11'• Hloh Vollaue (;t ol\~ lA~ 1~ •I TwnC I rte • •• ~ ilt S•let fl•~•ft 1r1 Ul'IOffidlL ellet Int ll 11 •0 10"t 1j'I ~ 'i u'rl~M••'tl 1 v.,~ 2ll47'3"1 !Jnll M ... t lo11t1114 -A.l110td11 or•~ir1s.t-.\M ... 1l o•ld nnM~ 611 lU 1S"" ,. ?\•-I Hltco lS 111r , •+o • 12 t '» In J96f olut stock dlvldtndt. t-Otcl.trtd tnnMlll 01 1 1 ;is 25 '5 -1 >lo~••• Ml la H~11110n •" 5ot J~llfd FUntll' -or Hlct JO ftr tlll' vur 1-Ptvffla I" nnvlhf IJ.l 111 '5 ,, ... 2li.r. •?''I Holl fltcfri, .,, 1 1• • t? Acrm •.., 1 ~· slOC~ during lffl . .,t\mf!ea, r11t •lus 5'1PIY 1110.o 11 t i ~I .c(tlo -,. Ho!ll!vlnn 1'0 II• h I C · ' "' 111 1 l? 1 l•n •Iott dlvf<1,"0 d-Otd•ted or c•ll'I v~IU. nRG• 10 t II~. 1••~ ,.,, _,_., ~011aA 110b t taker orpornllon S ~·m; ~ .1 ,,. ~f:,:" I?: '"' or i11ddlvld•nd or •s~11tr1bu1•on "''ti Cl! A 1 ij Jl s~ -J .. ..itvs •o 1 "" NnrnlC'O ~1alerials Dtv1s1on.H1artwll l~ft\~~uF,d cr1 7~~"121:;::• ot'::~ '1,~~~~·:l'H.m 0:~ =~~··"'"""' ,: ~·:~~·"I ~·:::J~t1~.'J~~·,~ C t •1 h •--nted •1 ,. • ev • "~ ,. "' '' ,_ ... ,,,.., -•··~ ,.,, •••• '' ~ -'' •• '• ,,. '' "' "-" '' '-. OS a 1• CS:l, (IS 1.ot."\lll gra ":l" Oor t 60 t 611 v11 Lin 111, ' , ,.-~,,,,,", ••"·-• • "••i:= '" ar. ~·, ~· •> .• "' "" .,.,... 1u tl .,. 1••~11" Ire.,,.. < 1 \,~ ¥•" ' ""' " """ ""' 6 90 lt\'r liCl !~o•! Intl ~ " qual1tv su1>11ller award by .,,_ , ... ~" >ot s11 , 1~ 7 •j reat1. -P•l<1 1~1t vr•' d v "" 01!11tlt<I °'' •••I 60 ll 11 ~ n "'" 1 ·~ 1-1111•1 (p A.., ' ~ "" ,· "Y fl,,. s, 1 ,~, •1 ~errt<I II' no •tllon l1>ktn 11 1151 01¥~ o~v11r 21 71j l"• u•~ )611 -" ·• • ~ , the r.1ar11n Marlctta Corp, ~u:-,;,~~ ; ;; 1 ,. ~;~a"" P 7., l" -, ~ .~1"1ivr,-,-£,«1r~.~ •• ,•.•'~ .. r .. ,l!.6: 00',"'•'"",,• ,.,~, ' 'I'. ii 1J ti°"'' M111 ., 01 d Fl ~ir.1~ •t-1••'11~...,. •'• 1~'1::.:1 IM "''led_,. 1"'" · "''4f~·~··-···~·"'"1 0 ';., '111 Od. I "1· f l~6 '~C..o ! ~ 1: ~! ~~:1n~ndP ! U i ?! :l':i~ ":1· 'f!1.;"1!1r1Uf: d:~ 0:-t~~ §~=~~·";. ~a4G , '!!l ' ~, , J1;; : 1,"l ~~?~ '::,4• IJI. 1 Je lVSon was Qne 0 I Gil'< , .. lit L Moro fSO 919<Wldt!lr)f d Vlo!flld. !IS !p01.~ 14 !'' 1 .. 111'"-'•HOl/<O•L" ,,, tl1rce r.r1n ~-~l'lcctcd from ap-·~ F• -a 1•.,12,., .. ,~11,, ·~ ' ·7• 1'" ~.19,•,.!.~ "',',':.,, •"·'-" ...... _,, 0k1•1111,~.,• 1• , , 13 ~ '• ,,.,.,.,~.-. M ' ' " Inc: l"ee 12j 1,, W1$1> M ... 1J Of !J )1 ,~-..... ,¥.,... ..,,. lfbolG d ... ' .. ,, .,,~ • '• l!OllG' "" )0 Proxunately 1$00 acti!i'c SU"-•n<'!tf"'" -~ in-oN.11.,1~ 1t ••l7•\d11rlbullcn. •r-E• rlt'fll'I -wn11ov1 0101or1110 .60 11 it•, it'• t•'i ~ '•HowJ!ll'ln a , ""-flCI Trf'd n .Jt I),. Nu• lt'ld 6 Jt 1 :u """In!• --w1111 w .-, r r -n t t g1111na~m .)ti &l ,,.,.. 21 , ,l._ +. •\ H,,...,,.,.., ?u l!nn.i;-t(!C()nn1zcd bV ~1nrtsn •no••rv '•I • 9't ""1'""11 P 1< 1< q ~-Sl!<u•lll"l a>tvm~ !)'I' WCh n<l-Ntli !ltonCo~ .~1 ~ !I .. 1$" is·~ "IVO•n& l •O<I " • I t81< 1tk •05 'l.IWll'd•or IU t &tw""n dltll\llUl..-J, w1-""1>1n l•,uttl. bel.,.01Mr(lyb Sit II 1011 10 1'0 1-lO l4U11"1of~I ~ ~tarietta for cffort!l lo s upply .~y co• ,,-w.ui• "n'l•ld )•1 on• <1ro1n11rv 11ndtf '"• e-n•'""''' l<d . otRl•n:; lOb ~l I•" n·> 1•'• ~1·, 1:•"0"w '"° deftct·lree hardwar~. '~~ f~~ i, li i, ti li',~ i ;r·3~1~ Hv <1t1 w ... -w•rraf'lta ('On'P,,,1.. ts:~,~ 1;$8 ~ ::,i~ :::: ::: ~ ,; ,i;."1'e11~rii';,,1 Quality A ward I W ednesday:s Closing ' • • \ .l Prices-Complete New York Market Recovers From Early Loss NEW YORK (UPI) -Prices on !he New Yorlc Stock Exchange rebounded sharply in the last 90 minutes of trading Wednesday, reflecting specula- tion that the prime interest rate may be lowered. The trading pace stepped up, causing tickers to run late at the close. The speculation was touched oU by a rumor that Morgan Guaranty Trust Co. was gotng to cut rates and was fed by reports that a number of 1n- stttulions have lo\Yered sltghtly short term lending rates. Spokesmen for Morgan and other leading banks qwckly derued the rumors of a prune rate cut. So1ne of the firms announcing lower sho rt term rates were General Motors Acceptance Corp., Commerc1a1 Credit Co .. Bankers Discount, CIT Frnancia1 , Chrysler Financial and Merrill Lynch Pierce, Fenner and Smith. Analysts said however, it ls doubtful these cuts would lead to wholesale reductions 10 the pnme rate anytime in the near future. They pointed out that the Federal Reserve Board still is pursuing a policy of ti ght money. Shortly before the close the UPI marketwide indicator was up 0.32 percent on 1,595 issues trad· ed Advances held a small margin over declines. 691 to 658. The Dow Jones 1ndustr1al average, off more lhan 7 at 1 p m , f1n1shed more than a point higher. Volume was near 15,000,000 million above Tuesday. shares, more than Stock Exchange List -American Stock Exchange List • OAILY PILOT JJ I I I ·-·· ···~~.... . ...... . . . " I ' " S11111et S•il Sabot s a i 1 o r cruises 'vaters of Newport 1:lar· bor as summer sun sets over ijarbor Is- land (background. Sail- or is plying channel north of Balboa Island between Collins a n d Harbor Islands. Huntington Gyms Open For Summer High school gymnasiums and the Huntington Beach city gym have opened their doors this summer for public ac- tivities. liere is a schedule of events orfered at each of the Joca· lions: Mondays 12 :30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., open gym, Marina High School. 3 p.m. to S p.m., Beginning and Advanced Girls O r I 1 I Teatn., Marina High School. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., "·eight training, Huntington Beach High School. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m, high school wrestling, Huntington Beach fllgh School. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.. weight training, Marina High School. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., weight training, Huntington Beach High School. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., high school wrestling. Huntington Beaeh High School. 6:30 to &;30 p.m., weight training, Marina High School. 7 p·m. to 9:30 p.m., table tennis and badminton, Hunt- ington High School. 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. adull volleyball, 1o1arina Hi g h Sthool. Tuesdays 9 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m., in- termediate and a d v a n c e d ~-omen's volleyball, city gym. 12 :30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., open gym, Marina High School. 3 p.m. to s p.m .. Beginning and Advanced Girls Drill Team, city gym. 7:30 p.m., high school sum- mer basketball. Huntington Beach and Marina H i g h Schnol. Wednesdays 12:3U ~ ... r. lo ~ :JV p.n1., open gym. Marina High School. J p.m. to 5 p.m .• Beginning and Advanced Girls Drill Team, Marina High School. S:JO to 7:30 p.m., weight training, Huntington Beach High School. 6:30 lo 8:30 p.m., ~·eight training, Marina High School. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., high school wrestling, Huntington Beach High School. 7 p.m. lo 9:SO p.m., adult volleyball. Huntington Beach lligh School. Thursdays 9 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m., women '!J beginning volleyball cily gym. 1%:30 to 4:30 p.m .• open gym, Marina }figh School. J p.m. lo S p.m.. Girls Beginning aod Advanced Drill Team, city gym. S:30 lo 7:30 p.m .• high school .....uing, Huntlngtoo Beach High School. 7:30 p.m., hi~ school .sum· mer basketball. Huntington Bfacll and Marlna H fa: h School. P'r1day1 11:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., open pm, Marini High School. $:JO IA> 1:30 p.m., freight 1ralnin1. Huntington Beach High School. l ::Jtl to 8:30 p.m., weight tr1inlng, Marino High School. Saturdays l p.m. IA> a p.m., Junior ......Ulnfl. Huntlngtao Belch Hip SdlooL , . . • . . . . . . . . . 2Jff M_..., .... -H-., ... ,, ... c.ttir, CW. .... e 6127 W•tMi--« •o1.i.. W•t-W•t.11t1Mf 21111 .... ~lhd.lltA.._..--Hnd ........ . 11MJ l..Ue.t. .... • t.dkt-• ... l-4SH,,hit c.t.r-G9'M h• 12112 ~It ... w ........ -w ........ c-...... ·~.,. '''1 c11.-a .... .,.,......-~.e ... .,,,...._...,... z.iJ 1.17~St.-C .... MtN ...,. .. c.t.r, c.te M... r~ 11t•1 • ....,._.c•.,=•-....,..PI--.._...,... !....wd ..... -$179 with clua.ble ca t to a · ticl:iQI ia plStd prim m .fttc. Will ltlf fftlhood..w.ot. • ' 2fot .. Fruit of the Loom . ' Furniture Throws 60x1'1!' CHAIR SIZE :::n::::.ttr~ ~ .... "':. s2•• •asblble. drip.dq, fto••· • aold Gtpt:4. • 72xl08i' Sdfa Siu . }SH ,· . ' ' ' ' $211 Stuart Hall $1n Westiilahouse Boxed Stationery · Peick of 3 Flaihcubes $)47 96c $1111 Framed Spanish Pictures llt :11•44'• $6'' Htndsa1r1e Spanilh srtocs iD rich ioakin1 Jundwved d· feet In.mes. s4" Plastic 9 Piece Salad Set •••• , • • S S6 Value! Porcelain Colander .•••••• s3tt 98' Grater & Bowl . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 53• Metal Enamel Roaster . • . . . . . . . . . • 66 • · $9" 2 Quart Fondue Set. . . . . . . . . . • $511 Yan Wyck Eledrlc Can Opener ..... $444 llue Aztec Glassware ..........• 6 i $1 Reg. $4" $249 Set of 2 Roll·out Full Length r,w: Appliance Door Mirror ~=~ . Wheels ~ SEMI· .ANNUAL . Mr. Paul® Hair$pray Cii'ftl h.ait betiirlful aew ndiUICt.. Lacquu.frte ••• a.t1't ka•t: ha.it ~tkky or ltiff. 13-0Z. CAN 12'41 s3aa ·~·:' ·,, $162 1"' ~ • ~'."" ....... "',... n.~i s2 Vallie! Shulton •n ..... rmmo1 """'" '"°lb. io.d ~·· Syringe & Hot . . . De· ·ser1 Flower •·«• '""n"' • .,. n•ro•· "-1o, Water Bottle ""!! tion·fRlrtcflcction! •nr ll'Pli· M.'# Htn4 I: lt•r Llt111 --.=:---~ ·· 2 .,. .. ,... 99c ,... Qwi<r lotioo $ J 00 Cotton Filled Folding Bed Mallress .• $3" .. :!~':.. :.;::;. '~~~ Dunstin Scotch FIFTH GAU.ON ~-old-&.tillol ""1 bknderl .io ScotllocL Sift BllW' .tile' it'• ... lawa' ... OU: ~ -...,,.., .... " ... ~. $388 w.....,. ""7 '°· 1969 PJLOf.AM l!Tl!U • 1460 w. Edi••., Md ltlml St. -l!dl119H c .. ..,. Seat• A11• e 17904 M .... 11• It. 9t T .. IMrt-'flll.,. Ceiittt, fo111tal" V•ll.,. e .._. _. ··~ IJM. -H1111ri .... 1 IHch M!oppl"t C......,, H11atl•tt11 .... e H_.., It"'-.. 1111 .. tt -Cethl Mid . t $1'' to s2" Values! Plasticware · ~=7' GUARANTEED 2 YEARS •II.It lo_, un•11 "'"" ,,. ........... , ....... • 11• It-It. MMYJ DltJ' D1s•pt1 . • llM IMt. H•YJ Dllt1 P•ll •SI .. llM Drslw ClKNce d. .A•ocado. Gold at $29'1 Value! 4 Foot Lo·Boy Record Cabinet ,.,,.,,.... ~~·~$22aa cla11ic bea.utf mmbincd Y {tb ....i.m ' lit)'. Holr::-300 tetOrdf, 16x19X 48 inch 1izt. $2's Value! Daisy Kitchen Ware " Handbags y.,, $237 ·choice flta Wa-'s 5-rftter Hats • • . . • • • • SJ':f· $ ' 1r. .::...._ Sand ' $22' 2" Ila 1an. Le.....,r . a ...... , ... , .. . ; s 191 ~inyl Pateot .sandals. • • •• ~ • .. . s·1;.t · '1" Women's itr~tch Deni S•erls .. s1•1 '2" Boys' Auorte:d Swim T, ks ,,. .. SJ" s391 Uttle Girl~' Summer Shifts. • • • • . S2" Wom•n'1< AcrJllc Shells s1•• Virgia. aaylir, dene- lt:u. with but zippu. Pashlaa. a:iloa .i4 3' .. ... ·women's .Fancy Bikini Briefs j Ynra.I• ,_ 3t4 " -- Fountain Valley Today's Final N.Y. StOC!ks VOL 62, NO . 181', S SECTl<:lNS,62 PAGES UPI•~· · 'P.Rl!SCT GREETS' COMl,\li TflOOP.S IN . v.IET~t.I -•· • -M ' boW" te My New'~·• f.r a. SWi m' Invites Hero ·Do·ivn for Swim V1ETNM1 f AP ) -President Nixon presented three Distinguished Service Crosses to soldiers in the U.S. 1st In- fantry Division today and mixed serious and good humored talk with the troops. Nixon invited' one army private to come to his San Clemente home and gg for a swim in the President's pool. "I just bought a new horn~ in · San Clemente," Nixon told Pfc. Franklin Wal· raven. 21, San Bernardino, "come on down any time. the pool will be open." Walraven told the President he would take him up on lhe offer. Nixon also had a brief word with Capt. Enrique P. Rodriquez. Miami, LL Gary Tucket. Visalia. and Sg.t. Michael J. Mur- ray, Ohio. as he pre~nled them with the Army's second highest award for valor. The President spoke with Spec. 4 Gab- riel Flores, from his hometown of Whit· tier. 'fhey talked about the Whittier high schools and then Nixon told the young soldier, •·you 'll have to visit Disney- land." "I already have , sir, my father work.! there,'• Flores replied. "fsn't that $0Dlething?" Nixon said, and told newsmen, .. and we didn't even rehearse this ." Nixon aIBo played up his reput..alion as a sports ·fan as he di5CUssed baseball and football with the soldiers. The Chief Executive also carried on some very serious t.alk with ~ troops. At one point he paused and said la newsmen, "You look at these men, their determination, their leadership and you heard them talking quietly about lheir homes, why they're here, what they think, and in some wa ys you can sense their feelings • . • we are very fortu- nate that we can produce men like that." Nixon also chalted occasionally about the a!tronauts. He was told by one sol- dier that many men at the base had stayed up all night ta watch reruns of t'ne moon trip on armed forces television. "You fellows are young enough," he said. "You'll be going to Mars." 1,500 to Toast Apollo 1-1 Heroes at S.tate Banquet Bv RANDY SEEL VE Ot .,,. OallY "ll•t ,,.., . The Apollo 11 astronauts will come back to civilizalion in Los Angf.les, August J3, when they will be: the guesli ot honor at a stalt dinner held at the Cen .. tury Plaza Hotel. Fifteen-hundred guests have been ln· \·ited to break bread with the astronauts on the second day aflcr lhey are reJe.1.sed from quarantine. Jnvitahons to the event have been dist ributed from lhc White House with such discretion, aecor~ing to a Wub.ltig· ton source, "not even the governors can. brilll·£U8SL9.'' Buddy Ebsen Sued Over Bite Front Dog "Beverly HiUbtlliea" television star Buddy Eblen of Balboa Island loda1 was: 5Ued for $1$,000 because hll German. sbephtrd lkla allqedly bit an ll-yw<old Agoura boy lu& Aua. 25. The !\lit, filed 1n ·t..os Angeles County Superior Co\lrt, charged that Homer R. Allen was bitten Gh the hand and thigh by the dog, which b~ been taken to 1 neighbOrhood gatherinJ! at an Agoura artna by Ebstn's daughter, Kathy. I ' . ' No Ucketa will be avaUable to-the public. Among I.he guests lnvlted by !he President's staff are the governors of the 50 atatu, ambas&adon from around the world arid qse ~e House staff. Tbe ev"'t will be the flnt slate dinner held outalde Of the WhJte House. It is bein& scheduled at the Century Plaza because Niuin'a entire start will be at the Summer-White House In San Clemente IOI the month of August. 1'he pests will be entertained in the hottl's Cllifcrnia BAiiroom, where moV•ble •alls will be stilfted to a torm a rectanjUlar, "24,000-square.foot, thfte. tiered banquet hall. Prominently di.8playl!d will be a six-root replic~ of u..Apollo·ll SeaJ,•fashioned in sugar)ce. · Th•· modernillle·hotel 11 ·appareatly • fa vorite or lie Preaident,. since be took over the-entire· 11th floor while cam· palgnlng In Loi An1e1ts durlna the 1968 campaign. It was allo the actne of a violent demonstration on Jurie %3, 19$7, when President JohMoft attended a Dt.mocraUc fund-raO:log dinne'r ~ere. Ponce officiall said they believe the popula~lly ot the astrona11ts and the patrkK.k: fervor stirred up by their hlslorlc fut make It doubUul any demonstrations wolild mar lhf: state din· ntr. ' " I.' ----------- ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFC!RNIA WEDNESDAY, JUt Y 30, JW.9 ·-TEN CENTS Nixon Visits Thieu, Gls President W ar·ns Reds 'No. More Concessions' SAIGOr-' (AP) -President Nixon flew to Saigon today and declared the United states arod South Vietnam could make no further peace concessions. Later he told U.S. soldiers at a nearby base that the war "may have been our finest hour." Ni.ion Oew first into the heart of Saigon becoming the first U.S. president to visit South Vietnam's capital. He was ac· companied by his wife who made her own bit of history by touring 1 field hospital and 1 home. for war orpbam. No other Eight in Race F 01· 3 Vallev • Council Seats The field of potential candidates for the September 23 recall election in Founlain Valley today had grown lo eight, with the addition of two more names. John G. Gino, Jr., 18540 Cork St., pick- ed up nomination papers at city hall Tuesday afternoon and indicated his in- tention to oppose vice mayor Donald Fregeau. This morning the eighth possible can· didate was added as Paul C. Guiso, 1757& Sanla Domingo Street, took out papers and also stated that he plans to oppose Fregeau. Neither Gino or OulMl se.e.m well.known In FCJUJ>Wn VaJle7 polillcal drclu. Freie.au bu al.so drawn two other 1n~ nounced opponent.!, Bernie SvaJsbd and P.aul P. Savarino. Only one opponent Is thus far !isled for Ptfayor Robert SchwerdUeger, chief target or tht recall . He i9 attorney Robert Sa!SOne, who has provided legal counsel for recall backers. Councilman Joseph Courreges, the third recall target, has three potential op- ponent., so far. They include Ron Shenkman. chajrman or the parks and recreation commission, Roy D. Richard!', a political unknown locally, and Donald E. Frank, active In the recall movement. More candidates are expected lo pick up nomination papers today , and all must file their papers by noon, Thursday. 6,000 Students End Huntington Summer School Nearly 6,000 studenl:1 in the Huntington Beach Union High School District com- pleted summer school July 25 and clean- ed out their desks for a full -time vaca· lion. The 2b1 teachers who had bee.n con· dueling classes for the sii-week period, interr·Jpteo only by the July 4 holiday and July 21 Apollo Day, also headed home to recuperate. Driver education was lhe most popular of lhe 53 subjects offered at the four high schools with 1.682 students enrolled. Typ. ing lolJowed with an enrollment of t,083. Several "pilot'" courses were tested during the su mmer and may find in· clusion in the regular curriculu1n. These included computer programming, oc- cupaUonal guidance:, ceramics, reading Improvement, computer mathem.atica, marine biology, Negro history and an- lbropoiog;. All campuses: will be closed durin( Auaust to give crews lime to clean and paint buildings and grounds before classes resume in September. Regular sessions begin September 10 nn all campuses. Faculty meetings are l!IC!hectuled just prior lo that date. First Lady ha! visited South Vietnam . Nixon also became the first president to vi.sit • combat base in South ·Vietnam. He spoke to the American troops at DI An , headquarters of the U.S. tsl Infantry Division 11 miles north of Saigon. Nixon spent five hours and 25 minute.!! in Vietnam, much of it In conferences with President Nguyen Van Thieu and other government leaders. A White HOWie sOurce said Nixon ahd Thieu discussed a new U.S. troop withdrawal beyond the 25,000 already orde.T'td but no final decision was reach· ed. He added they did not pin down the number to be withdrawn or·the timetable but these details will be ironed out in the lest half or August. • Ni.Jon '-lso dlsc~ed with Thieu the current lull In ground fighting and decld· ed' that if it pro ved lo be enemy de- escalation, the pullout of U.S. forces \vould be speeded. the sourte reported. But be said the United Slatea haa no DAILY f'ILOT Staff,..._ .. BOBBY SOXERS -Debbie Hilberg, Kathy 'Brady and !:heryl Rob- erts (from leftl all H. will be among all-star Fountain Valley Bobby Sox softball pt8yers traveling to El SegundQ Saturday for tourna· menl Utatcould lead I<> slate playoffs. Bobby Sox Task Winning Only Part of Valley Plans Young girls In the Fountain Valley Bobby Sox softball league. have twn major tasks facing them in the near future. Saturday night a group of them, 'the all-star players, will travel to El Segundo ta tackle five other local bobby sox teams in the area tournament. Vic tory could lead to the stale tourney in Buena Park . But while a select group of girls are battling for stat.e tourney honors, the other. playe:-s, parents and volunteers wUJ start to work improving land do: nated t.o the league for construction of a bobby sox softball field. They'll be grading, hoeing and raking to improve land at the corner ol Los Florea StTeet· and Ellis Avenue, leased to them by the. Southern Baptist Church of 'Fountain Valley. • Bobby aouJIS plan to install two soft- blll dlamondl, with back stops, bleach- ers and 1prlnk1er systems on their new site. Currently they are looking for vol - unteers to help with tbe work, and 1omeone to donate materials. . Bobby so1ers have ten months lo com- plete their work before t1ie season opens next May. But the-girls playing Saturday wi1\ have only the weekend to prove their s1,1periority over teams from Nonh Anaheim, South Anaheim, Silver- ado, Southwest Garden Grove and El Segundo. Fountain Valley's all·slars are com- peting in .the area tournament for the second year. The league has played in Fountain Valley for three yea~. Settlrday's all-star tilt will begin at & p.m. at El Segundo Park. Valley-Larwin Co . Talks Called Off Toriighl's spcc:iaJ meeting between the Fowtiain vlney City-Council and the Larwin Company bas been.canceled. Larwin representatives were to present plans for the dtvelopmenl of their con-- troverslal JOO.acre piece of property, but apparently aren't ready Yet, city o!Iicials reporred. No new date has· been 1eiected for 1 Sp!Cia% study session to eonsidt'r th'e problem. Police B1•nt Snipe1• Cab hie Cab driver Sherman W. Burdine, Jr~, who eteaped with his Ure whtn a Pacific c.oaat J!ir;bway 1nlper fired 1 hall oC slugs at his _fad. qult hi• job 'flth Yellow Cab Compan)I ol.-Loo!c •Beacb·'loelday. ''I juel dbh'l' went ta Cirivt 1 clb anyrnor;e.." thi Vietnam v'ct.uan to1d bis boM. No one around taxi headquarters bl&m· t:d lht: 23 year old driver. lTe wu caught in a volley ot sniper's bullet.I ln Seal Beach at 4:09 1.m. Mon· " I • Ill ShoQting · Q ~ui·ts ' day .whk:b 11h14tertd-hl1 wlndsbi'!ld, nar· rowfy ,missed h1' llcad;and sprayed blm with 11Ns. ' · · The fi1• lholl> """'!Cl lo come from the ,vlcinit}' "' ..... ~.. • lla!Me, • t"naae d~. l!aP oo Coot HigilwoY near. !he west clly Jllnlta ol·S..I Bead\. Se1lrBeacb ind Lon("Beach detectlyet are still pualed by lhe shootinl and hiave not yet uncovei-M any clua leading lo the capturt of lhe mysterious cunnu1in. "So far we've jU!ll come up wlth a ,, ~lan,k," !"id Lt. llQbert.Garu pl I.he !;eat 'Beacb Pol~ olepart\iient'l'!'l•Y· · He addecl't.hat ~apnenls of the 11ass · collecled tnilde Ute ""°"1<>I& have betn 8elll' to the crime labi•ot both poUce departments as well u lhe Or•nc• Coull· t'Y ·Sberifl'for analylls." · 1 Pieces of the bulleta hltUng the cab- blc's car ~re not recovered, lncrc11ing the ~U!ladty of detenninlna the type or weapon "'edt !"'lie• .aid. ' ' evidence North Vietnam ls withdrawing lt.5 forces but may be movin& them into Laos and Cambodia. He rt!tume<i to Bangkok, Thailand, late today aboard the presidential plane and was wRisked back to the palace from where he slipped away early ln the day to begin his secrecy·shrouded trip. He will leave Thailand Thursday lo conUnue hL5 round·the-world trip. In Oi An, he pictured the war as (SM-NIXON, Pase 1) Police Bitter As Prostitution Raps Reduced By RICHARD.P. NALL Of ""' ~ ... llllf Charge.!! of soliciting £or prostitution ln Huntington Beach have switched into cases ef disturbing the peace at a massage parlor. Police today were embittered at the metamorphosis in their case. with the fiJ. ing or lesser .. charges against three Vfflmen they had arrested . A .district attorney's spokesman mairto tained it wasn't in the cards legally, that necessary elements of the original charges were not there to make a suc- cessful prosecution. The tlfte wotnen, Patricia M. Shelton, 27, of 7111 Sliter Ave., IAi! Le.Mastera, 21; of f1:11 111.h St, both Of Huntington Beach and Betty J . Costello, lt, of Lene Bea~h. were arrested by the detectlvei \n Huntingtop Bcljlch April 16. The throe. employes ol the Executive Suit& Salon, a sauna parlor at 17434 Beach Blvd., were IU~tly charg..r with misdemeanor offeMti of lewd ed dWolute conducl and solicltJnr for pro- stitution. PLEAD INNOCENT 'Tl\e three women pleaded Innocent of the chargea later in April. The district at;.. tomey's offict recently wttbdrtw the more serious misdemeanor charges aod filed less serious disturbing the peace charge!!. A municipal court aide uid ~ three pleaded guilty to the disturbance charge in Westminster. Patricia Shelton Friday was fined $35. The other two defendants are to return Aug. 8 for sentence. A deputy district attorney said the case di~ ~t include act! or offers of proo slltut1on to support the more seriou~ charges thal were dropped, Oo the other hand, Capt. Earle Robitaille. who becomes Huntingtof\ Beach police chief Friday, lllid "We're extremely unhappy about thh!I. We get reductions in charges from time-to-time but we had no notificaUon of thia reduc· lion from the district attorney 's office." OPINIONS DIFFER Robitaille said a strong difference ol opinion had ea:isted between police and the local district attorney'g office in Westminster. The offictt verbally un- derlined local . Robitaille said the matter has already been broought to the att.enUon or the district attorney's investigative staff wblch cooperated in investigating the case. He said he plans also to confer with District Attorney Cecil Hicks. ··we felt that we had a very strong case, that's why we worked It as hard as we did," the officer said. "Our bone of contention Is that we were not notified." Robitaille said police have already made recommendations that the business license or the sauna be. revoked and that (See POLICE, Pase %) Coast Weather There's ·no doubting that it's mmmer alohg the Orange Cout. Just check the weather : It's clear, blue skies, mercury in the high 'IDs. INSIDE TODAY ·-You.am stav in vour swcmP.- ed boat aLm0&t fnde/fnitclv b1't yov won't sink f/ tlO" u.tt a 11cw Jloiation mtthod nOtD undcroo- tna tt.Jt, Boating Paa• 10. _,.., " -·· ' "-n ................ ., ' ,,,.., c...... " -·-" ·-.... IYMI fllwtW " ...... M ..... -.. . ·-" ...... ,,.,, --" Of" ......... " .-... !ft ,, .... ' • ... --· .. •tt ... i.rt•"'-1 • ·-.. ··-..... ·-• -• ··-• ...... _ • ........ •• -~ .I I I • • I -- 2 ~y PH.QT--H ~ • U,1 T.....,. """" "-\IA ~.§;!.J!log on· aae J.(ooa ' ... # • • • ! Amerlc:m Fl&J! stands on surface of mooa l!UlTOUDded ·by footprints < of ...,_lits_ Nell Anustrong !llld Edwin Aldrin in tbls photo !alien -'. fr(l!U liil!ir'modu!O: In Houston todiy, lclenu.ta 100ldtt evidence of ·' whetller-or·not any form of life ulall on moon by lnjecting moon ~ dull mto laboratory animals. See story pee• 4. • •• :--. . .. - . CouQty ,Schoo·ls Rap -Criticism Officials Laurich Own Attack on Grand Jurors . . . 111 14CI: BIUlllAClt 01 ""' Dti11 ,.Jltil . tiwf Orange County S~perlntendent of Schoola: Dr. Robert Peterson and School Boml Cbalnnan Clay Mii<bell ol South Laguna launched their own attack today -a frontal assault on criticlsm released by ~ 11811 Grand Jury Tuesday or the superintendent, board and couaty schools of flee. Mitchell termed IOIDt of the jury's con- cluslon&. "a bunch or baloney" and Peterson said in some inat:a.nces the jury'& findings-were just the reverse of °" truth. 'faldnl 1be Grand J1117'1 lnt•rim nport poinl-by-poln~ Peterson and {'lltcliell aald in reply : --Oa respe11!1billty of the county .achoo! board lo .set policy and the 5Uperln· tendenl'• responsibility to adtnlnlater policy and the need for good oom- municaUons between the two. A.inter: There i! no l~lt of com· municaUon between the board and the 111perlntendeal This la obviously a misunderstanding on the part of jury members. Some minor differ e 11 c es Valley School Aide between the suoerintendent and board members la healthy. -On the coWlty school board's &PM· ding too much lime this year ln 1rtas over which it has no control, such a.s the choice of local district te1tbooka and the de&irabllily of 1 course of 1tudy on F•ml· ly Ure and Se1 Educa.Uon in · local diaitricta, and the cenaonhJp of library booka. ANSWER: (by Milchelll We bad one CISe of le~ choice "Land of ·the Free" ind we did hive the right to look into it. I studied the book car<lully and Health Education Pushed ...... -.,.. DAILY ,.ILOT children to ptroelve and practice he&Jth- SAN DIEGO - A broader program or ful Jiving, both in and beyond the school health educaUon is needed Ia Call!ornia environment," Dr. Robinson saJd. schools, Dr. Tom W. Robinlon af New-Health education musl begin in the port Beach testified here Tuesd.1y. · home, through example and guidance. As chalnnan of the Callfc:ntia Medlcal and tt must continue In the schools Asaociatlon's committee on achoo! and through the college yean:: tt should not college heal~, the Oraage Coast pedia· merely lnfGrm, but should modify be· triclan delivered CMA's pogWoo pape:r havlor so that the indlviduaJ fully utilizes on health education to a fact-~ com-prevenUve and predktlve medical ser- mllleo ol Gov. Reagan's Advilory" Com-vices, he observed. mitt.et oa Oilldren and Youth. Jn the school!, such educaUon sbould Dr. Rob~ who 11 ~ con-include not only phy:iieal educatlon and sultant to · the Fountain Valley School recreation but also speclfic, conUnulng District, tald CMA. doem't believe the health instruction and healUI aspect& in opt1mum level of health tducatlon has related sdence and humanities subjects been achieved in California schools. as well as counseling and guidant"e, not · Therefore., be llld, the 24,000..me:mber ed Dr. Robinson . state medjca1 assoclaUon encouraies "co-CMA brlleves tl;lat "a school health and parent or1anh:ltrons In the formation of school health programs and in cm- tinuing support ol the 1 c h o o I health l'""ITam. "The schools rmst provide an example of the responsibility of-people t., provlde a safe, physically and emotionally health- ful environment for each other," be staled. And because pa:rellt.S cannot supervise their children at school, the schools are obligated to offer a healthful, slfe en- vironment for the child.• ••to accompli:ih this," he said, •'schools and colleges nmt imure Uoe availability ol. health servl~." ~der it a very Wmor tut. A history bookr obould be a blstory book. If you want-to iu_.,i it with ·lnlonnallon on the part 0minortty llfOUpll play in blstory thal should be in supplemental material. You ahould.a't cut out other useful material to include suth infonnation. Qn. ser eduation: We had quite 1 de;ree of that In public schools wben I attend<d (Los Angelea High Scbool t916 to 1929). We hid stud.lea on veoerul di3eases and other similar subjects .. Pet.enoa : The school bOard ls m:ponsi· ble for the county course of study for grades ldodergarten through eighth. but we e.xereile no censorship U the district.! set up.their own COW'3e of study. They need not be approved by the boa.rd. Mltdi<U: The Grand Jury Ignored the fact that local boards may set up their own study t;0W'St3. One of our. bowd membtra (Lyle Guipre, DO longer a botrd. member) wanted to set up a Com· prebensive sex educaUon program Ute the e1treme one in Anaheim. we bad to study the subject before makinJ a declsion. The jary wu wrong in sayma: we sbouldn'L We-broo:gbt lnto the open what' Anaheim ~ were doin1 but we did not teU. t~ wlW lo do. We believe in local conlro1. , ' When the jury says we speritJoO much time on lhb wbjeet it ia a hanch of baloney. We conducted ' all our ftgutar business and lbelihekl the hearlDcs'later. We had lo listen to the people. -On tile jury'& contention tbat~the er- fecttvenea of both the coonty school board and the aupe<lntendeat are hamp. ered by the fact that bof.h are eltcted end suggestipf that the BUperinleodent shbuld be appointed. • • --·--;:-. ---:-· From Pilte--;J-r--··----<rilnlted effort by achoola. ~ta. de· p_rogram should efl®1v ~ch student with --partments--ot b!a11.h,lJritiliPfidlflOOeri" -th-e lmowl~e Of tii! health responsibility in medicine and dentistry and communi· as a child, a parent and a member of Te.!tlmony from CMA and other organl- r.aUoos is-being gathtred for dictnnlal state hoost and white house conferences on.children and ywth sche.duled.for-nut. year. The conferen«s are designed to furnish communications among organi- zations working in various fields-of chJJ. drtn aad youth. Amwer: (by Peterson,) ~citizens say JusL.Jb.e_o~ 'l'llfY. . feol th• superintendent, as with other cOunty '1ec· tive offlcen, should be reapon&ive t& the citizenry. My wejk!locull3ed barber.bop poll indicated that It perttnt of tbe p,eo· NIXON. -. t 'F,.... P .. e J POLICE .•. ~Is ol the three m......,. be 'I1lil ii a malter for CUy Cowldl decision. City Allomey Don Bonfa ·laid today JM! jg .-rcblng the -to make lepl recommendations to the ccun- cil. "We ean't Jet thJa matter dra&.'' he Aid. 0 Tht city has to mate a cled.Goa!' City aides aid the matter 1n11 be bnlucbl up et Monday niprs cwncll ....ton aa a prelude to oelllng a public bearing for a council -: At1.tr the arftSt of the three '!ft.men, Po1Jce aald they bad oeiled clooed drallt teJev1sloa equipment overh>otlng the wort .,... of the parlor ud had oeiled allepdly )JOT1ll>8raphlc mat.rial Sauna parlor representaUves uld the televllloD eqlllpment wu used to monitor the operallon and make "'"' nothing ....., occurred. DAILY PILOT CllUMtl CCASf ruaulMIMI COM'°.tJn ••'-' N. WMI .......... "* ....... J1tlc •• Cotl:r \ltc9 ""'*"' atld o-t MIMtn noa•• ICH'ril ..... n°"''' lo. Mu,phlM Mt111911'1e EllW >.lb.rt w ...... _ .. , .. ,,, d , ..... °"'99 lot''" $tr.et M•tthtt AUm11 rJ> • ._ 190. 92641 --...... -..ot, ,,,, "'"' 1e.-~ C.-.. -.: O W9!f ..., S!lftl ...... ~ .. F...i "-'*""' fa .. -.. 1111 .... Dlade In the hlll«J of warfare." · H 11t 11 a peace of reconc!Hatfoo that II ollored," Niml conlintled "a -In which the people ..m dedde, • -that la Jllll lor both &ldel, a _. which, la falr to bodl -· a peaoe 11hlch olfera an equal ebanee to both 11d ... ty hea:lth agencies." society. This cannot be achieved with· "Health education abould _.. our out cooperaUoo o( related prolOSlional Valley Officials Named In Realtor Switch Suit had violated city regulatKlns on individual lot sizes. • pie want the post to be etecUve._ · -On the jury'• contention that as local dlstrlcta grow they become· lncr<aslngly independent of the County Department of EducaUon and that moot local dlltricta feel thert! b little, U any, need for county IChool services. AlllWer: (by Peterson) 811 actual Jtudy made shows jmt the reverse ls true. For example, in rorelgn languages only two or 30 districts now have a speclalJJt. Our ex- perts mu!t fill in the gap. In reading, on- ly three have a specialist and we supply the othe rs with aid. The obvious reuon is a lack of funds in lhe district. "We have gone u far u we c1n or should go In opening the door to peace and l'l01' It 11 time l«-the other aide to rupond. Olherwlae the olber aide mllll assume the n1pooalblUty !or the eon- tln111ng auff:!::fr..""'°"' the people who havo airoaolY ed much too looc bolll _ ln South and Norlb VJelnam;• Foul'llaln Valley's civic turmoil took on new dimensions today with the filing of a Jamuit which claims thlt Mayor Robert D. Sch"erdUeger and City Attorney Edwa1d Martin persuaded weelthy lud· owner William G. Lewis to switch broken in a fl.S million transacUou with the Larwin Compiny. Several appeaJs by the Lanvin Com· pany against the dedslon of Judge Byron K. McMillan have been rejected by the Appellate Court. OnJy 13 disbicts ha'l'e special music d1rect.lon where previously there were 20 with this aid. On heaJth, there are only four whereas 10 years ago there were Belen ""'"'1q to BanPot, Nixon b&Y<ied b ybelloopt« to Doi An, the 1st lnlantry Division beadquarten -lJ lllil• nib ol &i.,,.. . n.ere be met :ao -le run blttle gear preparing to leave ror • combat ·operaUoo aod told them' "We're doing e""1lhfei we Clll to bring thil -to ID ,.xi." ' Newport Plans ·Development of Beach Property Newport Beach city government hope1 to hlke lLs income from a two-acre Newpon.wned pa=! la Homtinaton Btacb fn>m $5,400 to $15,00l yeerly. Tho -undeveloped property Is at the soulheast. corner of Brotikhursl Street and Adams Avenue tn a commercially zoned aree. It ii now used as a sitt for f...-blllbolrds; for wblch the clly -a $4$0 monthb' mtal. Nw))tlt counct1meo, 00 the joln( --oo or the city etaff and a coaunlt!ee ol the Newport.Mesa Bomf of R..iton, lhls ..-.et called for blda on leufng o( the property. 'Ille 1 .... pro- posals are ocheduled to be eoosidered by the counctJ on Sepl 22. 1be mlnlmum acceptable lease fll'O- posll will be $21, 700 a year, councllmen agned. Assist.Int Clty M a n a g e r J ame1 DeCbllne ezplalned that the minimum Jeoe·flaure 11 bued on 1 per<ent o1 the property's appra!Md value C( about $321.00l. "We anUelpate propoeal& of at lwt $25,000," ht ldded. aty ofllelab aatd u.. ,. .... the tsnd is to be leased rafber thlJI. IOld ia HI un· derground wells. It his betn esllmated there Is enough water there t.o aerv~. after treattnent, -thlrd of Newport'• pment populaliOn. The underground ,....,... ..Ul he kapt u a lllbcldlary water IOUJ'C'e, should the city ever hive to tip IL The city now roco1... Ila water tl1rough t b e Metnpolltan Water !l1llrtc\. LMae "'lllimn"'la f<r lbe B'°°"-· Ad11111 property. lleO\alne laid. lnelode guaranteed ea.semtnta for the city to lly dbtrlbulor lines to the underground b&&in. Newport acquired the property many yeara befort the. city of Huntington Beach annezed tu the Santa Anl River. Wholesale Price Ri!e Indicates Slowdown WAllllNG'IXIN (UPI) -Wltolaale prim Jtjade tllelt smallest modlhlY In· 'tmat ol the ,_. in JulJ, -1biy 1,,. 'dlcatJq • ·-· In the lbatplJ rlalng -ol. livtna, Iha Labor ileparbn<nt eakl todq. Tho B...,u ol. Labor Ste!Jatiel ukl P."lllhlnuy ntlmatea showed •1 .. 11e Prica wtnt op only 0.1 percent tht1 mo111Jt comptHd •Ith an Jncnase of o.t percent In J une. ' 1, DAILY PILOT ltetf ""'-BUILDING FLOWERS V•ll•y'1 Julie Lawhun, 7 Valley Children Proving Handy At Craft Work Fountain Valley children, ages 6-14, are learning lo make a wide assortment of handicrafts under the direction of the city's parks and recreation department Some of the items they have produced Include a bunny bank, jersey loop pothoklen, a choc>-choo train note holder, paper weigh.ta, paper flowers, and other bandy liWe home items. The cost per week Is 25 cents for one session o{ arts and crafts at any one of the city's eia;ht supervised playqounds . Classes hold from 26-40 youngaters for about one hour. lnalrudors shift from playground to playllfOUnd, alternallnl claasu on d~­ ferent days. Witb H:vtral hundred youn&aters involved, recruUon directors btUeve the arts and ctafts prorram b; one of their most auccellful summer ven-t...._ Harbour Swim Team Competes Members of lhe HunUnaton Harbour • ·Swi!n Tum will enter the orange Coonty Swim Conference 11C'' dJ.Viston' du1m. plonsh!ps thls saturday with an un- defeated record. Tllo meet Is -!er t a.m. at lht FAtancla lllgil 6d1ool pool, Colla M .... 1'l'le Harbour nlmrnen wUJ be among nine ,...., pattldpatJnc for the cham- piGnahlp crown. Finl j)i>C. wtnnon In each dMsloo. plUI the out aevon beat tlmea wUI quallfy lht J>arllctpanla to compete in the leaauo nnal1 Aue. o. The 1wlm team chalked up Its ab:th 1tral1ht vietory !his put w..kend by defeating the UnlvmllY Swim Club of l rvlne by a 1.17 to I 56 Polnt martin-• Chris Lindley of Lemon Heights R:eally, Santa Ana, accuses both men arid the Larwin c.ompa.ny of breach of contract in his Superior Court action. He clalmii that Schwerdtfeger and Martin, working as real estate brokers, "lntenUonally induced Lewis tG breach hia contract" and consent to a deal which gave them $62,000 In commission. Lindley wants that $62,000 plus another $100,oo:l In dama.gM. He argues that Schwerdtfeger aod Martin a c t e d "maliciously and oppresiiive.lf and in complete disregard of (Llndlefs) con- tractual rights." Lindley was allegedly selling for $2 .5 million the 104.64 acess to the Larwin Company 1l the DOrthwes-t corner of Ell~ and M1gnolla in Fountain Valley. The choice acreage eventually became the site of the Larwin iract and the sub- ject o! Superior Court action In which Larwin's bid to develop the. area was struck down with the ruling that Larwln JM.to JOO.Gt Mayor Schwerdtfeger had little to say cotmcilmen fatlt\g recall if city residents vote that way nen September 23. He ind Martin have been strongly criticized for their actions during negotiations before and during city acceptance of the pro- posed Larwin tract. Lindlty claims that he was working with Larwln on sale or the Lewis acreage at a three perctnt commissioo when the company suddenly broke off negotiations. He blames SchWerdfcge.r and Martin for that development and acruses them of making "repr~nlalions. promises-and coocealment of relevant facts ." Mayor Shcwen:llfeger had liUle to say tOOay on lhe filing of the Lindley action. ••Jt never rains but what it pours," he commented ruefully. "1 did not know un· til today that such an action was even contemplated and I would prefer to withhold comment untll I have had a chance to study this document." Martin also refused to comment on the Lindley .complalnt "until I have had a en.nee to see what thi.S man is com· plaining about." To.,.gi~.....,--tn wants but MM:~ to ftnd it.J ·Maleh 'f09°f 1tyle wttlt' OU.fl m1ny dltdodM ~ Ancl ask n ahut out fa•o•s OrMat Nreoal ,,. • 711 more than a dozen. . One final question was posed at this morning's press conference: "Is there anything in the Grand Jury report you can approve?" An1rwer: Attendance of jury members at our board meetings was commendable. SF Finn Demands UC Okay Users' Park BERKELEY (AP) - A spokesman for a San Francisco archltedural firm declared Tuesday that the Unlvrrsity of California would have to hire another company unless it permits a "user· developed park" as part of a student housing comple1 planned for construction on the site of "People's Park." Frank Tomsic k, speaking for G. M. McCue and Associates, toe., told a student-faculty committee that "l can't J)O!Sibly see how we could go ahead without giving consideration to user· detr!loped pari space there." '''·" 250.00 CONVlNIENT TERMS - IANl<AMERICARD MASTER CHA~GE J. C. J.lumphrie& 'Jewefer:J 22 YlAlS SAME LOCATION ' I/ Jill NlWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA PHONE S41·l40t I I, l • . , - • Bea eh T~y'• Final N.Y. Stoeks EDITION - VO L 62 , NO. I tr, S SECTIONS, 62 PAGES ORANGE ·COUNTY, C LIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, T969 TEN CENTS .44 Million Budget Review Starts By ARTIRJR R. VINSEL Of tti• 0.1111 PU1t 11111 Talks on Laguna Beach's preliminary $3.« million city budget wUI resume tonight, probably with a·rew fiscaJ policy hawks and doves in City Council chambers as observers. Only a study session is scheduled al !he .7:30 p.m. session, wittl no final action planned, since much division still exist~ In opinions on what the document should or should not include. Down the Mission Trail Viejo Drug Abuse ----1 Council to Meet MISSION VIFJO -The next meeting of the Drug Abuse Council has been set for 7:30 p.m. Aug. 7 at Mission Viejo High &hool. At that time. reports will be presented by Nance North af Mission Viejo and Rev. Robert Lange of Mount of Olives Lutheran Church. A youth program on drugs that w.ill Include planning and participation by area teenagers is expected to be launched in the rail under the council 's sponsorVtip. e Dl$t1ef1ll!11d lliSit- MISStON VIEJO-A day·lonf _ excur-~ion to Disneyland has been *heduled for Thursday by the Mission Viejo ft«.. reation CeDter. Buses will leave at 9 a.m. and return at 6 p.m. The cost for adults 18 years of age and (l[der is $5.75. Juniors ages 12 through 17 must pay $5.35. and childrm ages three through 11 must pay $4.IO. e Capo Co1t1n1et1deil SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -The California Stale Waler Resources Control Board has commended the City of San J uan Capistrano and the Santa Margarita 'rater District for trying a regional ap- proach to sewage trentment and disposal. The city and di strict had applied for S5i,7fi0 and $461.400, respectively, in grant funds for ronstruction of a joint sewage project. · Del Obispo Out Of Ball Playoffs "I don't think it's passible to approve a budget until everyone in town agrees on it," Mayor Glenn E. Vtdder observtd during a recent session. Carried lo its ultimate limit, this might mean indefinite delays. The South Coast Democratic Peace Club's executive board has urged coun- cilmen in a detailed paper to abandon any further addition to the police force and eventually cut It by one-thlrd. Mayor Vedder Tuesday scoffed at lhis Ul'I Tt i..io.t. COED KILLER? Michigan police circulated this compos- ite drawing 'of a .suspect they are seeking in lhr!lr search for killer of seven coeds. State in Charge Of Suspect Hunt In Coed Killings YPSILANTI. Mich. (AP) -Michigan authorities today took control of the manhunt for the killer or k.illers or seven young women in the Ann Arbor·Ypsil- anli area -and called for assistan« from the FBI. In a joint press conference in Lansing, Michigan Gov, William G. Milliken and Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley said tile director of the Michigan State Police had been placed in charge of the manhunt and that the U.S. attorney general had been asked to provide FBI assistance. "Atty. Gen. John Mitchell assured us of The Dtl Obispo All-Stars were bounced the federal government's desire to ool of the Little League b!lseball pla yoffs cooperate in the fullest extent possible Tuesday n i g ht by C-Omptorfs Victory and said the specific request for FBI in· Park team, 3 to 0, at Bellflower. volvement would get a very early The Del Obispo outfit . composed of \ response," Milliken said. players fro1n the Dana Point • Laguna So far . slayings of seven young women Niguel • San Juan Capistrano area, could in the adjacent college towns of Ann 1nustcr JUSt six hits. Arbor and YpsilanU have mocked poHct Con1pton executed -....·ell with bunts and efforts to find a killer or killers. had Del bOispo·~ in r i e Id off-balance The body of the latest victim was found throughout the game. Del Obispo ended Saturday night in a ravine in a thickly its season with a 5-1 re c ord in the wooded area between the two playnff:s sootheastern Michigan cities. La9una9rlns ly Ph;) lnterl1ndl ' • • ..... t II. "Wt Always G.t a Breu• From Hara -We're Ju1t Above City H•ll -of Court• • Lot of It 11 Hot Air'' • • suggestion as more philosophical than practical, along with other aspects of the Peace Club's budget criticism. He said they object to policies already established by council agreement and not in question in terms of the current budget, which illcludes a major Chamber of Commerce subsidy. ReprcsentaUves of the Laguna Beach Tai;paye.I'!' Association Inc., will also be present, with an uchange or coun· cilman.ic observers upected at that or&,anization's pubt..: budget panel lalk Tllursday night. The aroup headed by Gerald Linke also objects to certain aspects ot the i:s.+. million linancW package. but hardly along the same lines as the ·Democratic Peace organization. A erltique·4ubntitteli to Mayor , Vedder Monday calls for a complete re-evalua· lion of the Laguna Beach budget. plus revamping of city government organiia· lion and , a sharp cutback In certain allocations. These are more routine ln nature, com· pared to the pea« group's call for elimiJtation from the budget of funds :111.1~ porting so-called repressive measures, namely police authority. The di$tnting group headed by David A. Munro urges an increase in proposed expenditures for such things as recrea- tion, the Human Relations Council and a Free University program. They also call for cutting out the $49,000 allocation requested by the Cham- ber of Commerce, although it •ppears whatever clty promoters get, It will bt less than asked. Referring back to a len1Uly history of city-Chamber activiLies concerning ways or dealing with Laguna Beach's alleged hippie menace, the Demc:icrallc Peace Club paper's authors admlt negativism. The rommuniaUon from Munro. representing il:I executive board, Mys this is unfortunate, but they fetl thtle demands must be met before lhe citJ is r,eady to begin positive pro!P'ama. Lagnnans Ha'.Ve Brush With Death 2 Women Call Surviving Ha·waii Crasli Miraculous By JACK CHAPPEU. Of tM O.llr !'Ii.I St•tf Two South Laguna women today re- counted a tale of how they sW'Vived a plane crash landing at 110 milts·ptr hour on a winding canyon _road in Hawaii, only scant feet from .a sheer cliff. , They ~d their survival "is a miracle." The women are Barbara Clark, JS, and ~1rs. Maria Phillips, 40, both of 31572 Bluff Drive, South Laguna, who were among 11 passengers and two crewmen aboard the twlH'Jrlgined airplane taking tourists for a Hawaiian sightseeing trip last Friday. One woman was killed and JI people were Injured when the aircrafl crashed on the istand of· Kauai near Walmta Can- yon. The woman died when the t.1il scc- lion of the craf~ bn'.lke off on lmpact and plunged into the canyon abyss. "It.was.a miracle-of God ,!' Miss Clark ·said . She 'said that if the plane had landed 10 feet in either direction from where ii did , it would have disintegrated upon hit- ting the rock wall or would have tumbled to the canyon bottom .. '·It was an ordained landing," she said. Just prior to the accident. the pilot had announced to the passengers "we're Flying Visit to Saig~n going down for a close look al the canyon n'ow", Miss Clark said . Then something happened and the plane dropped into tall Lrees. hit some kind of guy wire, and stopped on the nar· row road, she 11aid. Mrs. Phillips was only scratched in the mi shap while Miss Clark suffered a back injury and must now wear a brace. Following the crash, Mrs. Phillips, who works at South Coast Community Hospital preparing surgical instruments for operations, organized emergency work. Utter confusion reigned at the accident Nixon: 'No Concessions' ' ' ' . ' SAIGOf'-1 (AP) -Prt11Kient Nixon Oew to Saigon today and d.ftlared the United States and South Vietnam could make no further peace concesaions. Later he tokt U.S. soldiers at a nearby base that the war "may have been otb' flnest hour." Nixon flew first into the heart of Saigon becoming the fust U.S. president to visit South Vietnam's capital. He was ac· companied by his wife who made her own bit of history by touring a field hospital .and a home for war orphans. No other ' . l • ' • First Lady has vlslted South Vietnam. Nixon also t>eame the first president lo visit a oombat hue in Soutb Vietn1m. He spokf' to the American troeps al 0\ An, headquarters of the U.S. lst Infantry Division 12 mila Jl<!rth1oC Sajgon. Nixon rpent fM bollts add 15 minutes in Vietnam, much of it in conference., with ?resident Nguyen Van Thieu and olhcr government· leaders. A White House .!IOurce said Nixon and Thieu discussed a new U.S. troop withdrawal beyond the 25,000 already ordered but no [inal decisibn was rea.ch- ed. He added they dld nol pin down the number lo be withdrawn or the timetable trut these details wW be Ironed out In the l!:sl half of Aagust. Nixctll al.so Hlscussed with ThJeu the current lull Jn ground fighting and decid- ed that if It proved to be enemy de- escalatlofi. the pullout of U.S. forces (See NIXON, Page Z) Planners Back Buried Lines Move of PUC Sawdust Exhibitor Tried Many Different Styles A proposed ruling that will make undergorund public utilities mandatory In certain cases has received the support o{ the Laguna Beach Planning Commission. Commissioners Monday instructed sec- retary Al Autry, assitant city planning director. to write to the California Public Utilities Commission In support of a role proposed by PUC commissioners A. W. Gatov and examiner John R. Gillanders. The proposed bill would require that any new electric and telephone lines be inst alled underground , and that when ex· isling linl!s need replacement1 they too be placed underground. The request for the letter to be sent came from the California Roadside Coun· ci~ a private agency supporting bei.ULWcation, preservation and con· serv•tlon. Aulry told planners that a 61).day study conducted jointly by the planning depart· ment and the city engineer to look into undergrounding bad been completed. The results of the study will be presented to the advisory panel when Commissioner Dr, Joseph Tomehak. who requested the study. returns from hi~ vacation. Autry said the study · is ex- pected to be presented within the next few week11. ,. 'ART ISN'T EASY AT ALL' Sawdust Fe1tlv•l'1 Co.- Robbery Victim's Lead Results in Arrest of 2 ' '\ • . !· ' . • ' A, fresh lead by a alrongarm robbery; crime as well, are bei'n& 1oughi from he victim and hours ol IK!• investigation -d~kict.atlorney \Oday.• \Vilh minutea to spare -led lo the cap. . GtnlfiJI, or Beaurnon\. Ctlit."and Mier, lure of two drifters leaving Laauna o( Van!;IO\lvu, &C., "en· booted tntD' Beach with a cark>ad or luggage, police Lag~ !Bf:adt aty JaUpon Slllplcion of reported today. robbery and ttso burglar)'. aocordine to The manhunt touched oU Monday led lo Ld.. f'raftk SCh!>J>Cn. • Aoaheim, through .cofl'\e_lket¥<t channels • The distlnc<Mi, white •sporta-1ype car of bank records to . • Costa Mesa auto wbich led to lbelr capture -or one Uke il p3'nt shop and back to a 1Agun1 ~11.cb 4...1 was also/ tten near a burgliriztd street corner Tu~ nl&ht. . . ,.) .. l · -llpartme:nt accorclinC to Oet.tcuve, Ira· C.mpl•inls chargJ111 Rtc~~in\ 1 JI.Wk>. . • • , • • , ' 11. and Paul j,. Mlef, 111 ti! · ~t:J ·t ' Brook• said Paul N, ~paidln(. 11, ol •lr<>llllltlll j6ti, "'41-a w late T!IUT8, Pa .. l ) I • By JANICE BERMAN Of tt.. Ol!IY "1191 II.., "I thought art would be easy. Well, It isn't," 11aid Thomas Cox. F-or the 29-year-old Lagunan now e:t· hibit:ing at the Sawdust Festival, artistic expression has meant a struggle of many years through many different styles. "I've been painting this way sin~ January," he said. "I don't like to talk aboul the things I did before." So1J1c or the "things" I n c I u d e d seascapes and still life&, as well as life studies. His current work, he th inks, is really his own. Done in acrylic and water color paint, his canvases are softly blurred, curvin' masses. abstract representat ions ol bio logical forms. Tliey take shape as you look 11-t them. A curving blob of yellow soon becomes a cat. A Persian cat. It has no discernible eyes, ears or tail, ytl it's definitely feline. C-Ox says he planned it that way , as he plans all of his paintings. He begins by wetting the area he wants to paint with lvater. Then he puts bis paint on the can· Va!, controlling the flow with a brush to keep the paint away from the areas he wants to remain whlte. Painting11 of the female form and the non-human vein are among Cox'11 ether works on display. The vein reveals his interest In biology. "I have a friend who works in a lab at UCJ. They'll take a monkey brain and cut ii into sections and study it, rlght back to the spine. Ifs a fascinaling thing," he says. The vain he painted look.s a lilUe like. 1 ve.in,'and a little like ~ aqwebll iu U\e P."oCcss or dJYidini, tt 11as ·a QUa11ty of IDO'i~ent. f • , . • ~ §~lilg al bis work. Co1 ~~ -''J wlsb tnt?re -was · Some '*•Y you coU'd sh thl3 happenill( all. the Uni!· 1l'• lcal)y in' credlble." '- Thant Issues Appeal • UNITED •NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) - Sectttlt)l.C.•ml U Ttnt lsau<d Ill lll'gtDt 1ppe1Htoay lo l>otll oides In the ·s11et1an ctvll wit to ma\le arraogemehl& for resumpll6n of errierctncy• daytime !Ull\t& ol rtllof 1Upplles, I scene as nearby villager• 1warmed around and injured passengers either lay on lhe ground or walked aimlessly,. Mrs. Phillips said. "The people who came to the accidect were dazed and Maria got them working, she told them to be calm and calleJlnie ambulance," Miss Clark said.- Seven injured passengers were taken from the Kauai Veterans AdmlnistraUon hospital by Coast Guard aircraft to a Honolulu hospital. Miss Clark said thal all are now recoverina rapidly. "Our last worda are 'Thank God,' " Miss Clark said. Social Studv "' Courses Get Going Over The embattled social studies program of Laguna Beach schools received a thorough going-over Monday durinl a thrff.hour meeting of critics, school ad· mlntstrators and two board trustee.s. Positive result.s ol the mar1thon meeting are not clear' -critics rema.Jn critical and school of(icialS' remain stoically official. Agreement was generally. reached on tht desired ends ol the program - students should be taught to be proud Amer.icans, logical thinkers. and aware of lnw and social change -but the means to those ends remained in contention. It was announced by Supt. Dr. W.illiam Ullom, that proposal made by school Trustee William Wilcoxen a year aago for a curriculum committee is still being studied by the slafr. In essence, the committee would maJcc recommendations and review school pro- grams for the school board, a duty now held by tea chers and school principals. At issue In the Monday meeting were claim! that the social 11ludies program is not teaching children th• right way, nor is it teaching the right subjects. E<h~ard Lorr, a Laguna Be a c h hairdresser. wa1 primary spokesman for a group o( about 10 concerned parents a t lhe meetine. Jt was his appearance at a May 2t> school b o a r d meeting that prompted I.he latest session. "As far as I am concerned , they are firmly entrenched as to their approach to the teaching of history at Thurston and this is in opposition to the traditionalist wliy of teaching hi.story,'' Lorr said t~ day. "All we seemed to come to Is the coo· clusion that they have ttfetr way of think· Ing about it and we have our way. The parents are still dissatisfied." he said. School Superintendent William Ullom said he feels that "lines of com· munication have been opened , beneficial I (See SCHOOLS, Pa1e ZJ Orange Coast Weatller Thcrt's no doubting that It's 'summer along ttie Orange Coast. Just check the weather: lt'a clear, blue skies, mercury in the high 70s. INSWE TODAY YoJi cnn 8'°»' in U<>Ut swcmp- ed', boot f!ll!IO" lnde/injh!I~ b\ot vc>11 thon'e rink t/ ~" "'' a'Y1c10 JtotaUcm method now undtrgo- lng test BO.Ung l'llgo 10. -· . H.tlltll•I ....... I or--(w.f1 11 lnrt......,. • --... ...,. , .. ,, Df. ·~ lt .... ,...,.,_ •11 ._........ .. -. •••ltltt • 1'ftfl8 ....,., .. I i I . -.--:::r DAii. V ~!LOT , .,. . ... - - ----' ----r Wtd.....iq, *.'It· 1..t . -. -.. . ... . "-•-·-· -: Ensali! Bay, ..., rldlill tnlo loWll wllh -·County ·schools Rap Cri~ieism l'fl iiiOtber Mona.,, wbeo be •polled Ill< :-~11o ~to wlikb ho ni ... bed. iad iOOli~ De-' . -. &gdlf -. ~· ., • ln-1pton did not 8'1',. ,wlitlher , ~ Spoldlng ideotlfied Gerwin and -Mte<.ulht.~.i'llo rnbbod lllm nl l!O • J!1d dumped lllm In the CIO)'Oll Acrea Drive,,-... . ,, A .,a.-of !he Sl!ll< dt!Sc]'lplloo .;,p abn ..:.1een.near ap apartment at 253 wl st., ~-FuJlerloa Vllf&tlonen ·)fr, ·'and '·Mrs. Mark E. Carl<oo\ loot . ·•uo In '~alual>les ..... Ibo --· :· Detective Broob traced the llctnae number lhroogh lhe Deportment of MO!or' 'Yebkles to a couple tn Anaheim, who had .:,Old It for $50 two months ago. _ They forgo' lht nam<_ ~ the ~chuer In the casual deal, so BrOOks ran ~gh .their t>an~ ac<;o11n! and trace4 Uit check, written l>y a Dougtm .Hawldns.'· - "l got busy .and. f'1I the m., down In CostA Mesa." sald Brooks, who erplalned Hawkins works for a low.cost auto pain- ting center and had re-furbished the car for quick sal• and prolit: · .. Hawkins tQ!d '.~tlcaton bO snJ4 the_ vehicle to a youth named Gerwin for $275 !everal days ago, then added a new note of interes.t to ~ cue.._. He said Gerwin ·-up Mondly' night and tried 1o-sell1he-car badt. Detective Brooks 15ald an area-wide radio broadcast had gone out for arrut STATE'S CMA'S POSITION Podl1trlcl1n Rollinson Coast 'Doctor Cites School .. °' lbe ..,.pects and lmpaanding 01 Ibo Health -Needs ..car, ~-stm ~ lo Its former Anaheim owners. . - l'tdlll "tlH OAILY •11.0T SAN DIEGO -A broader program of health education is needed in Ca.IUomta achools,·Dr1 Tom W. Robinson 'of New-port Beach teatilied here Tuesday. Pair1?1man Larry Ga\Jt had ¥one on his evening shllt less than one hour earlier 'Tuesday, when he pulled over Gerwl.11 and Mter at Holly Street and Cypres! Drive. ..... He aald the suspecU -who have been ·"'1'08Dllnl all over the .west recently -had ·1heir belos;igjnp ·all 10;84ed up, ready to ~"'Co again. As chairman of the California Medical Associauon·s committee on school and college beallh, !he Onmge Coasl pedia- •· _lj!clan <!<livered CMA'• l""!ltton paper on hWir"eaiicatlon il a-fiCt.ftnd!ng corn- • · ml11ee -of ·eov. Reagan's ,l.d~ Com- mfU.ee on Children and Y_outh. From Pflfle J i,~SCllOOI$ •.• Dr. RobJ.nsoo, who is pediatdc cm- sulWrt to !he Foon141n. Valley School • In-Dis~. said. CMA, cloeon't b<fl<ve tile ;_~to ·und~ta.ll,~ !~ au· the people optimum level of. health educaUon hu votved. 09 been acbleYed in. California schools. . . ite nOted !hat th< m~ showed the' • Therefore, be said, !he 21,000-member .... ab.ility ol people to tali: with dlpjty" state medical as.90ciaUon encourqea "co- 'aboat a subject often embroiled tn irate ordillated· erfort by schoola, parents, de- emotionallsm. partments of health, private practlUoners :• Basic criticism of the program deals In medicine and dentistry and communi- -witb the conceptual teaching method, a ty health agendet." metbod which relatea 50fTle socio-"Health education should prepare our 1!conomlc and pollUcal coocepta in children to perceive and practice health- • history, irrespective of time or fut Hiring, both in and btyond the scbool · -ceographic lines. eaviromne~"' Dr. RobbJSOD said. ·' LjJrr call& !he concept an anU· Heallh educaJi be"'· bi "· -1 i!iad_pll~_way ol tea~ and fll<ler• home, through ,:m: andp~ ·~ cbrooologlcal mW ~ ol aod II '!""*! e In' Ibo 'scbools '. :"8°"""He . .iJ. ob.._.• to lnalructlon of lhrnugh th< cOllege yean; It sbould not • • ~... merely intorm. but ahoold modlly be--_ llerwio'• ll>eory ol E>.!olullon, to 1be tat-havjOI' ao !hat !he illdivl<bl lully utillz .. ;.·boot ''Lend of the Free,'' and to bl'IO:Ye:ntive and predidlye medical aer· "proli,lem eo!ving" lnslruclton. . " l1m, lie. obu~ . , . '. ·' J -Uri' added ~ he ~w.tµ b!\et the lrt the 'sc6oois, 1UCh ·e&fd.Ubn Sh:ould ~ ~d meetl!lll, ..!11 Tuioda). \o Include not only phygical educitloo ·and ~<f=' ~ ~ '::~~M~\~1 . ,~tJ:i!".t.,. ~~~~­-~,Iii ... ~-!!'!f'JIUl,-li!o -~ilA'~ ..,_ ~ -~'.;,.,! .hl\D#I~~~'. ~~r!l'P'l'Ocb:lli-~-lo 1t · ¥ weQ ~ COUlllOllnil end IU~·-~cbnol -am. . ed !Ir. Rol>lnson. ' ~, ·"-· . , • ·CW.-i.;;;ves ·that "a scboi>I htallh -!'.lt>..:_hr-d~-Alb-~trmi;;. • ·tc,~.,~~:tr:=tb'01~ ~n..,.,,..,. . -~ . ...~ ch!!d..• pal'lll and a. ~-ber o1 l • ·" ~ ood!t1· -'llils -'COllnOI be a~ wilh-s ' T "k oat C:oopenUon of related professional tereQ 8 en and parent organiJoUons In !he formaUon of schocil health programs and in cono Worth $l,600 ~~pport of the school heallh "The scliools must provide an uample of the respon!ibillty of people to provide a safe, physicaJly and emotionally hea1th- fW. ovironment· far t: 1 e: II other,·• be stated. 1 Sound equ1pment and a vast haul of record albums wGrth $1,600 were reported ""'"lit' .. *1ndow burglarko, at two Larpma Beach homes, police said loday. WiUWn· J. Phillipg, 23, of 198 Locust st., lillal'hta tou at 11.200. lDcluding' • tune&'~'iptam and amolifi<t' ,J>lus lllO albums, accdrding to Lt. Frank SbOpen. The victim aald lntroders cam0 through an unlocked side window while he was away most of Monde.y. Coc:ete:hare TabuhuteranL 30, of 544 Lomhlrdy Lane, lost an estimated $400 in liOUl1d equipment to burglan who ap. parently entered in the 5allle manne:r at ao ffriier date. Tahulwtarani's report was filed Mon- day by • lriend, ·Miry A. Kramer BC• ""'11111:. lo lnvesJil!ators. .. OMlllll! ~ .... _ f; ,.., ..... M.."W ... --- n.:;,._':* ~r .. a1 .. "4 '· N•ll ·--(" ,_ And because parents cannot supervise tht1r .cbUdren &l "achool, the schools are <i>"·'•..t to olfer a healthful, safe en-v~ fi>r tho child. ''Ttt IOCOtnpllab this," he aaid, "schools and con.g,s nut Insure tl>e availability of health services." . Testimony from CMA and other organi· zaUons is beln& gather~ for dlcennlal at.ate ·hou.w and white house conferences on ahlld~n and youth ~heduled for ne-xt year. The conferences are designed to furnish comhlimJcaUons amoae orgaru.. .... zaUms working in various fields of chil- dren and youth. ' NIXON • •• would' be1 sj,eeded, the IOUJ'Ce re:ported, But be said the United States h11 no evidence North Vietnam Is withdrawing its forces but may be moving them Into Laos and Cambodia. He relumeci to Bangkok, TIWland, lat. today aboard !he p<eoldenttal plane and was wtrlU:ed back to the palace from where he alippe4 away early in the d1y to begin his secrecy-throu""1 trip. He will leave Thailand Thursday to conUnue his round-the-world trip. - - -In Ill t:"• be plctlrod th< war " t:t2 r.mt A-. worthwhile' -eVeh as he cal!ed it the M•fnlt Mtlr.., PIJ. ha~ tlNJ most C!Clltroveraial ln American hirtory oe.·°""911 -becaUJle', he &aid, ll m.,-lead to the ~Ollt..:"nt,..:' .. 9:..":'-.. e&tabliUune:nt of an enduring peace in .......... Allt,a. a While meeting Thieu e11Uer at Slip's I~ Pala<e, Mimi ltsuod 1 ;:I gt&~~ ;'°tia~~ . <'.! :iii'"f'""'-""~ ---'!.: :•,; o. ~'lii;.. tff~ 1el :' Pw peico " ... : • .....,.. :;-c ~· · _.. t:r:'c'..H :dad' cent.er. • •· ~~;' • ....,_-"'f-,2. ---· "Yle N1v•· 1ooe u far 11 we, con or .... :.t . ,.._..,_._ ... ~ ... W; .....-JI ' _, ~ ' eboukf go iD opt08'I the doon to ngo&il• < 1't ' ~"":1:.-,:..rr"=' , .-WIN-Will brbi& puc:e,'I be sak!. "It t. •R~~-·):11 •. -·!""'" :U now lime~ tbt oC.her aide lo, sit down, : t:' :.. nll ., .. 111 .; --wlllt ua ••d tilt 'wtousb-Jbciut wm w • • · --m -. ...,.. tho kllliRf. •• • ',;I .....,... -. ;:i ,~.£!-!&,~a ·~'i!:..NI:.;::: .. ~ -· ~ rw-. "!"!! .~: n!io ~"' on tile PP" o1 • . ~ !~-"!!!!..· ==-= lalp't ·-ol ll>e IYhll4 ifoufe, -~~ .. --!he U.S. ~nt said U 11 clW to all _, • --. the •Mid ''which aide bu IOOll the extra mlle" In an attempt to promote peoet . '· Officials L~unch_ Own Attack_ on _Grand 'f uror,s· ~· . ., J4Clt UllllA(;E ................... .orinee County S•perlnt.ndenl ol .kb®ls Dr •. !lol>trt p'"'llO!l and ~ Boord CIJainnan Clay 141lcbell of Soulh Lapna ~ their own attack todty ~ a'frontal uaau!t on crWclsin n1eued by !he 11119 Grand Jury Tueoday of !be 111putot.Dolent, board and OOllll!y llcllooll olllce. . Mitchell t.nned some of !he Jury"• con- clus!Ons, ••a bunch of baloney" and Peter.aon ~d in aome. lml&Dces the jury's findlnp were jUlt tbe reve:rae of the trulh. T~ lhe Grand Jury'• lnWim r<p>rt point-by-pnint. Petusnn and Mltcbell aaid in' reply : -On "'J191l!lbll!IY ol lbe county ocbool b6ard to set policy and !he wpertn- tendent'• re!pOOSiblllty to lldJnlntller policy and the need for good com- munications between the two. Auwer: There Is DO lack of com- munJcalJon between the board and the supertn16odt.n:L Thia ii obviously a mi&undenta.odlng on the ptrt of jury .memben. Some minor differences bet)'OOtl 1l)e su-t and board membera Ii btallhy • -On the county school board1s spen- ding too much time this year in areas over wh.ichjt has no.control, suci] a.s the: choice of local district textbook> lnd'lhe duirabllity of a Course or study on Flmi- ly Lite and Sex: F..ducalion in local djstrfcta, and !he ~P of library bookl. ANSWER' (by Mlld>ell) We bad one case of textbook choice "Land of !he Free" and we did have the right to look into it.. I ""Studied 1he book carefully and consider It a ~ery inferior text. A hil/lllY book should be a history book. u you want t.o augment it with Information on the part minority grnupe play In hiatory that ahould be in supplementa1 material. You 'shouldn't cut out other uaeful materl1! t.o include such lnfonnaUon. On sex educatkln : We had quite a degree ol that In pubUc schools when I aUended (Los Angeles High School 1925 to 1939). We had studies on venereal diseases and olher similar subjects. Peter1oa: The school board ii tesponsl- ble for the county course of atudY for grades kindergarten through elgllth, but we exercise no censorship IC the dlatricta set up their own COUJ"le of study. They 1943 to 1945 Laguna Grads Get Reu_nion Call . 't .., ' A r:IQrdon 1• or i ,ftudents who were lfaduited 'from ~a. ·Beach High in cl....., of 1913, ff,' an4 41 wjll be held ~ug. 23, ~-to_ •lee<IM committee chairman Jiln "Jamo'' Whll'tM.. 'n1e eommittee i!aJ plaoned • dlnMr ·dance. to· ~ st1cecf in Ben Brown's Restourent al Lapia Beach Country Club.. " A no-host cocktail hour will bea:in at 6'.30 p.m. to be followed by a pririle rib buffet dinner from 8 to'9:30 p.m. Dancing to a six-piece orchestra will go on from 9 p:m. to, 1 a.m. ln addition, originAI recordings of the Hbig band sound" will be played, Wharton said. 'l'he evening will cost $15 per couple. or S8 for thole who wllh to go stag, with a ISG-penon capacity. Reservatlona may be made by writing Billie LOu Switzer Quam, 950 Temple Terrace, Lacuna Beach.. Since ool7 about 60 pen:eat ol !he graduates have been located, -Imo•· ing the wbereabout.s or graduate• are asked to contact Mrs. Quam. 'lbooe oo !he steering commlttee In- clude Pat Blrdwood Jaekton, Dan McFarland, Fred JUdae, Bud Fowler, Norman Anderson. Anat.alie Baird Annstrong, Bruce Pierce, Mona Nicholl .and Be.tty Barnes Wm. Newsman's Wife Said Improving The Wile o1 Lacuna Bolch ......,.. Hubbard "Hub" Keavy II bi salt&lact«y and imJl"OVed condition today, after I freat auto ICddent whlch apllled bet to the pevement Monday. Nunes at South CO.st Community Hospital sakl Mn. Harriett Keavy, 6', or 32266 Vista De Catalina. South LagunA. is reipondlng to trtaunent of a head il\Jury. sbe felJ out of \he car driven by her husband oo the San Diego Freeway near Cost.a M~a when another aulo entering at the J1rnboree Rold onramp cau&ed him to brake sharply and send the car skidding lldtWIJL Panther Cleared In Weapon~~ D•nlel Mid!.1el L)'nem, once aacti.d " tho murder ol a Santa Ana pollco offtccr, .... ·-Tutlday ol the 1811 of a IOflet cl chargn bn>ualtt qabilt him In Stnta Ana Munldpal 0oart. J.ynem, U, wllo tdentUlea htmioell as a Ueut.nant al -.nantclllcas In the Black Panlhtr orpnlutt.r., WU -by Ml• £..,... Lona!>•-an dlar1u of (arJYlnt a.. ~ltd •eapon. Ht •11 booked on the olfwe Jul April, )ual el&hl weeks before be wu arrated and attUSed al gunnlns down Santa Ana pollce offie<r Nellon Sasscer. • ""4.Jlll bo .,,...ed f!y lhe board . Mttcloell1 The Grtn4' Jury Ignored tile lad !hot local bnaid> may ,.t up !heir own study courau. One: of OW' board memben (Lyle Gulprt, DO longer• board member) wanted lo .eet up a com· pre:bensive sex educat.ioo prOgram like !he -... In Analteim. We Jlad to stud)' lhe iUbject before makinl I d~ nt jury wa1 wrong in saylng we shouldn't. We brought into lhe open what Anahfllm 6Chools were doing but we did not tell them what lo do. We believe in klcaJ control. When the jury 11y1 we spent too much time on lhia itUbject it Is a ~nch of baloney. We conducted a~ qur regular bu5iM:815 and then beld the hearings later. We bad to listen lo the people. ' -:....00 lhe jury's cotrtenilon that the ef- fectiveness or both the counly school board and the superintendent are hamp- ered by Lbe fact that both are elected and suggesting that the superintendent shOllld be appolnt.ed.. Auwer~ (by Peterson) the citizens aay jljjlt lhe opposite. They feel the 111perioteodent, as with other county tlec· tlve officers, should be ru:ponsive to the citizenry. My well-discussed barbenhop poll indicated that 87 pe rcent of the peo- ple want the post t.o be elective. -On the jury's contention that as local districts grow they become increasingly independent of lhe County Department or EducaUon and that most local dis tricts feel there Is little, if any, need for county school services. Aaswer: (by Pete?'l!IO) an actual study made. shows Juilitbe 'revene is true. For exiztiPte. ln rOlelgn tinguages: ontY two of \Ill dlatrk:ti.now~have a ~llsL Our t:X· perts must fW ln the gap. In reading, on· ly three have a speclaliit and we supply the o~ers with aid. The obvious reason is a lack of fund& In the district. Onb' 13 districts have 1peci11 mlq:lc directJon where previously there •ere 20 with this aid. On health, there are only four whereas 10 years ago tQere were more than a doien. One final question was posed at this morning's press conference: ''Jg the.re anything in lhe Grand Jury report you c~n approve?" Auwer: Attendance of jury members at our board meetings was commendable. Dally Meditation Cahbie Quits AnaheimSchools'Policy Mter Shots Okays Voluntary Prayer ~~~~sh~~!~~: .. Jr . A new policy has been adopted by the Anahtim Union High School District whith will allow voluntary prayer in sdlool!. Author of the policy, Trustee Edward Hartnell, said be pushed for the program With fellow t.ru.stees becaWle "students in this area who wde afra.ld to pr1y in any way, even in their own groups, asked me to help !hem." The board-adopied policy suggested lhat prlnclpola of !he dlstrict schools set aside a period al tim. eaclJ clay for sl- lent prayer or meditation. Eacb student would be free to participate or not par· tlclpate. Hartnell said. "Students are trying drugs and all manner or things while crying out for spiritual identity," the trustee said. BetQ11! approving Hartneil's prayer plan the board con.suited lhe county counsel's office and wu told that lhe U.S. Supnme Court deci!too banned only involuntary prayer. The oew policy will be Implemented wbeo ttgnJar claoset resume bi !he fall. Mariner Takes 2nd Series Of Historic Mars Photos PASADENA (UPI) -Mariner 8 began taking a a.econd aeries of. television pic- tures early today as it hurtled towl.rd a "near encounter" w:ltb Mars to find out whether life can aist 00; the red planet. The first batch ol 33 pictures of Mars, broadcast live on home televJJlon acreens TUeaday night. atMnred a small, egg· shaped orb with the white south polar cap standing out clearly from a motUed. light gray surface. It was the United Slate&' second space triu mph th.l.t month, cooting on lhe heels or the Apollo 11 mission that landed men on the moon. The Soviet Union has been plagued with communications failures in their &even Man probe.I!. Mariner 6 began snapping the second series of ptdures at 11:23 a.m. PDT to- day. They wW be beamed back to earth starting 1t 8 p.m. Mariner 6 will Oy put Mus at a distance of 2,000 miles tonight at 10:03 PDT after 1 voyq:e ol. 241 million miles through spa;ce. De8'flte the v81t distance, lhe spacecraft wit be only 99 seconds late ror Ult: rendeivoua. Mariner 7, the 850-pound space tw in of Mariner 8, will make Its flypast five days later. Between lhem, they w i I 1 phd.ocnph the entire surface of Mars twice as it rotates beneath the two television cameru aboard e a c h spacecrafL ~ Mariner 6 will have only 25 minutes to perform Ila acleotlfic experiments and J00.00 ... take two dozen television pictures of a region near the Marian equator which should abow areas as small as 900 feet across. At the same time, Instruments aboard the ~cecraft wlll go to work making a chemical analysis and mapping the surface by measuring thermal radialion. Of particular interest is whether lhe air contains nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen -all present in earth's atmOSt>here-and if there is waler on the planel. The scientists in jet propulsion laboratory's mission control confessed Tuesday night lh ey were rather diap- pointed in the first al the 33 pictures that slowly unfolded, liDe by line, across the television screen. The principal objecUon was the low contrast, but Dr. Robert B. Leighton of the California Institute of Technology said the later sboti were "much finer than I've ever u.en In photographs and much finer, I think, than ever seen by lhe eye from earth." He &aid the pictures sbowed details never before seen by man, such as rag- ged edges of the south polar cap. The poles, believed made out or frozen carbon dioxide -dry ice -were the clearest details in the Initial batch. The 17 pictures taken this morning and to be tranmtitted back to earth tonight were expected to show greater detail because Marlner 6 will be much clllSer to the planet. To "'"girl ___ ,,., ~anti but not where to fbi rt.J IM.etck your style with ouri 1m•ny di!tindtw designs. An<J, aJk us •bo\lt our hm.ous O~ge Bklssora l\WV'lee. who escaped with his life when .a Pacific Coast Highway sniper fired 8 hajl of slugs ai his taxi, quit his job with Yellow Cab Company or Long Beach Tuesday. "I just dorf'L want. to drive a cab anymore," the Vietnam vrleran told his boss. · No one around taxi treadquarW.:; blam· ed the 23 year old driver. .. - He was caught in a volley of•,aJlipe:r's bnlleta in Seal Beach a1 4:09 a .nt ·Moll- day which shattered -his wlndSb1'1d. nar.· rowly m.iwid bis head, and sprayed him with &lass. The five shots seemed tO come Crom the vicinity or the Marina Palace, a teenage dance hall on Coast Highwar near the west city limits of Seal Beach. Seal Beach and Long Beach detectives are still puzzled by lhe shooting and have not yet uncovered any clues leading to the capture of the mysterious gunman. "So far we've just come up with 8 blank," said Lt. Robert Garza of lhe Seal Beach Police Department today. He added that fragments of the glass collected inside the automobilE: have been sent to the crime labs of both police departments as well as the Orangt CouJl. ty Sheriff for analysis. , Pieces of the bullets hitting the cab- ble's car were not recovered, inereasing the difficulty of determining the type ol weapon used, police uid. Trial Postponed For Bah)'.·sitter Trial for a Laguna Beach woman char- ged with child neglect stemming from an incident involving a baby boy left in her care the day the child's mother married a policeman has been postponed. Set to begin Tuesday, Mr!. Ruth L-. DunLavey's case was continued until Aug. 19, when she was ordered to return to South Or ange County Judicial District court. The defendant. of 790 North Coast Highway. wa s babysitting for f.frs. Carolyn Howe on May 2, dale of her mar- riae:e to police detective Gene Brooks. Mrs. DunLavey reported David Howe, 20 months, the apparent victim of a kid· naping. but searchers found he had crawled outside and tumbled down a steep embankment. '''·" no_.. • CONVINIENT TUMS ' IANKAMERICAAD MASTER CHARG;E J. C. ..Jlumphrie!J 'J~wtler!J !Ill NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA PHONE ! ~8-1401 ...:) \ • l ~I I r f ' ,. , • c 0 y e ' • u '· " ic !• lb •h js n· "s .,. 1r.- m "' • •Y:" " ve lo • !al ISS •n ice ,.. •b-mg of ,.,. an her ied L. ntil urn rict Jast 1rs. 1ar· we, kid· had l a ~1 ••• -· ~ ........ ,.0.....----~·---.. -----=-~:--77-:-=:r=~:-=-"'""""--------------------~~......--":":""""..,.,,-...,.. IC-IN ., ... D1h I' ... 'ltftl St•t• Sen. Georte D•nielson, a Los ~les Democrat, ran over hig s 'ng time limit in a debate over a divorce law reform -so he asked his colleagues: HWon't someone· give me five more min- utes of eloquence?'' • For. 18 months, Biii P•arc• of Wolverhampton, England hid from police all day in his mother's mop closet. Pearce, 28, a burglary sus- pect, went out only at night. Then, police said, be ventured out during daylight to rob a wine shop. He was caught. • Princus Anne wmpUs-a glass of orog, a rum drink, aboard the-HMS Eastbourn1 at tM start of a two-day vi.sit to rt 11 it w Britain's Western Fleet. • Burnham on Crouch, England Town Council is considering pub- lishing "shame lists" in local news- papers to make delinquent prop- erty tax debtors pay up. • The nudists are not bothered by ]ow-flying planes sweeping over their camp at Laughterton, Eng· land. Pig !armer TM Duckering is. Duckering, whose fields sur- roun9. the nudist camp, said ''the number of planes flying Jow over the camp has shot up during lb~ fine weather of the past three weeks. They frighten my pigs." ""'""'"""-~¥~-,..,., .... "**"'2l " "Help, l am bl!!ing kid·napped: iVl!!'re not married!" read a no!e ~ that a service station attendant r,: found u11de r thl!! hood of the · auto he Uta$ servicing in Ukiah, • Calif. Aftl!!r the coupU in the auto drovf! off, the attendant ca.Uttl police. Ccdifornia High- l9011 Patrol officers stopped the car 20 mite1 south of the sta· tion and found only a "try em.. barra&sed pair of newlyweds. Officers said thl!! note was a wedding prank. The y released ·~ the couple without asking their · names. ?rftll!affD.~ ~. ~.n,;.._""1:¢4') • In llorhsrnan, England, Fred Hogsflesh was used to his name but he did not want to infilct a wife and children with it. So when he married he changed his name to C a s we I I, his wile's maiden nal"(le. '1The change cost me 17 shillings (42.84 dollars) but I con- sider that money well spent. Hogs- fl esh was a name I didn't want my wife and children to have to put up with," he said. Dr. Barnard Divorced CAPE TOWN, South Africa· (U~l) - Supreme Court Judge BasiL Ji'. Banks granted a final di vorce degree todiy to Aletta .. Louwtjie" Barnard rrom pioneer heart transplant surgeon Christia.an Barnard. Btrnard is currently in New Zealand. The actkm wu uncontested. lib1r1I Terms Av1iliblt -First .La(ly -_ P~ys Vi~it To H9 spitals .. . SAIG~ ·(AP) ..., )Vllh Wed l\Wds and hellcoplers flyln& cover. First Lady • Pat Nixon m~e two trlpa UUo the South Vietnamese countryside today to cheer soldier' at the 2tt.b Evacuation Fitld Hospital at Long Binb and ·Visit war orphans. Her surprise trip wilh President NitM made her the first . U.S. FirsL Lady to vialt tbe Vietnam war uine. ' Mrs. Nilon ex],lalned ber.IQiasion: "I wanted to uy b.ello .to the men who are doing so much for us. They'n wonderful young men." She spent 20 minut'es shaking haods in three wards where about 40 saktimi were recovering from fevers, Wounds and ac- cident injuries. The President's wife shook their hands, patted the young men lying in rows or hospital beds in blue pajamas. She wish. ed them "good luck" and "God bless you'' and the pJess secretary handed_ out ball point pens with President Nlioo'ti: autogriaph on them as souvenirs. Mrs. Nixon toured the Thu' Jue Orphanage near Saigon, where there are 744 war Ol'pbans, and visited with them for 45 minutes. The children aang perfirmed tolk_dances and she pattod them on their hiids. Between their stops at the orphanage a~d the 24th Evacuation Hospital, Mrs. NIXon spent 1 'iS hours havin1., tea with Mrs. Nguyen Van Thieu, wife of the Viet. namese president, and Mrs. Nguyen Cao Ky, the vice president'• wile and the wives of other government orfi~ials. Asked if she was afnid of coming to the war zone, Mrs. Nixon replied: "No, I'm protected." ' • 0 Nixon Opens Pool _Invites. Hero Down for Suii1't ~· vu:TffAM (AP.i ,... Pi-Ill Nixon pieMotod thr<e lllltlil&llllbo service c......,• hr IOldleia In Ibo U.ll. Ill 1"' 1111117 m.lllan -ud --ud aood b.......S Wk wllh the troop&. NWlo Invited one . 111"1 ~ lo come lo hll San Clemeale -and I• 10r a mm 1n "Ille Pr..-~ pgol. "I lust boUgbl ~ new' l>ome 1n San Cjemeft!e," Nixon told Pfc,'r~ YW· ~ven, '11, Sin Bemardfno, •1• on dOwl\ .anJ lhne, tbe,.aol wUI be apen." --... told thePm!denl he·would tab lllDt'llp on 'the·olfer., Nixon aloo bad a brief W'd wJthtCapt, En!IC!ue P. llodrlqQu, · r.noinl. Lt. Gary ToCbl, Vlaalw, and Sgt. Mlcha~•J.,Mur· 'f@, OhlO, u he· prOolnb!d U)lnl with the' <Arult• ......i blgbest airlrd lor lkii;' 1. •' ,, '.,,;;:Pr<lldon~~--~4 Gab- ri<! Flota,'"'" bis .......... ol'WhJt. utt. "ll>ey talked abcaltthO Wblttl<r blgb ochool5 and then lfuon told the young soldier, "you'll have to visit Disney. land." Senators Told S. Viets Can't Fight ~ar Alone. WASRINGTON (UPI) -Senllo Armed Services Chairman John C. stennls (0.. Miss.), 1aid today after a briefing by More Gls Leave As Nixon Visits Gen. Earl G. Wb,.Jer,.11 will tal<t·yWs before South Vietnam can ~ tm1r .h combal operations from A m. e r I c a..n trOOJ).'. . Wlieeler ~ .chairman ot llli Jolnf ch!Or. ' . . of staff. PRESIDENT GREETS COMBAT TROOPS IN VIETNAM SAIGON (UPI) -Preoldtnl Nixon's brief vlsll today coincided wltb an all· quiet bsttlel-ftport-ond the departur. ot 750 more American troops under bis plan lo withdraw 35,000 from the war """' by the end of AIJlllll . "On lhe basis of whit Gen. Wheeler said, it'• golna to tab tJme al \be very b.,I," Stennis told reporters lfl<or :tlJe closed-door session of tbe Armed Scrvic9I eommuiee ended. "We'll be dolna i .... part of the 'flll!Un1." . F otorania COD.test Entries Pile Up; Deadline Nears -'Come on Down-to-My Ntw HouM for a Swim~ Sleimli was· ailed whether be wu taJW. 1,500 to Toast Apollo 11 Allied mllltary· spokesmen said !bee was no ngbtlng of any aigniflcance in South Vietnam Wednesday, moving the cumnt battlefield lull Into Its aeventh week. Ing In term5 of yean before tho soUlli Viebwne,. mny would be totally ready. Stennis replied: "Ye1, I think In tenna of years .•. not man)' perhaps. lt'1 'Id 'a ahori·term ~poslllon and tbe yun nin into each other·quickly." Pictures ol the sea, of children of animals and even one of a karate student so zealous that he is nothing but a "white tornado" in the photograph of him prac· ticing his special brand of self-defense to- day are piling up at the DAILY PILOT. Hero~s-a~ State Banquet As Ni'lon was 11odinf in hlJ prakten· till jetlineT at Saigon s Tan Son· Nbut Airport, an airlift was begiMing at nearby Blen Hoa Air Bue to carry the 750 American troops to Scbofltld Bar- racks 1n Hawaii. 'Ibey Jre memben of the 4th Battalion, Uth Reaiment, 9th. Infantry Division, aimmanded by Maj, Dmald W. Croob ol Albany, Calif. Wheeler, who recflitly. returned from an inspection trip to V.ietnam, WU not available fer comment •. Both Stennis-and Sen. Stuart S)'lllincton CP..Mo.), indicated that Wheeler'a Ulell- The stack of photographs represents first entries in the Fotorama Camera Contest which will result in aomt lucky DAILY Pl.LOT reader wDtning more than $500 for a 1ingle black and white photo. ~~~e for the lint week's com· petitiqtf.is li0on'1bursday. ,,, . ' .Amoni: rece.nl entrants in Ult.contest is Phil Slate,, 19, son ol Mr. and Mn. Syd Slate of 1209 Park St., Huntington Beach. A graduate of HunUngton Beach High School and sell·taught in the field of photography, young Slate said he only became a "serious, but non·professtonal" .photographer last winter. He shot the karate class picture last January at a karate school in Costa ?i1esa. First, second and third place winners in this week's contest will receive $25, $15 and SIO, respecUvel;, in Fashion Island gift certificates. The: certificates can be redeemed at any of Fashion Island's S8 lilores and restauranl.!I. · Grand prize winner in the photo con· test. to be selected by popular vote o( visitors to Fotorama at Fashion Island Aug. 21 through 13, will receive an ad· ditional $500 in gifl certificates. Here are the contest rules: ·> By RANDY SEEL YE ot tM D_!l.lr l'li.t 111tt The ApollO 11 ·astrOnauti ·will come bact to civilliation in Los . Angeles, August. 13, when lhey wSll be the gu eSts of ti~ at • rtate diMe!i heldllt-'ftle Cen· tury Plaza Hotel, Fifteen·hundred guests have been in· vited to break bread ' with I.he astronauts ·on the second day alts-they are released rrom quarantine. .. Invitations to the event have been distributed from the White House with such discretion, according to a Washing· ton source, "not even the governors can bring guests." No ticket! will be available to the public. Among the cueats invited by the Presldenl'1 stall are.the governors of the 50 stalei, ambassadors from around the world and the WhHe House staff. The event will be the first state dinner held outside of the White HouSe. Jt iii being scheduled at the Century Plaza because Nixon's entire staff wnl be at the Summer While Hoine in San Clemente for the month Of August . The gu~ts will be entertained in the hotel's Califomla Ballroom, w h e r e movable walls will be shifted to a form a rectangular, 24,IJOO.fiquare-foot, three· tiered banquet hall . Prominently displayed will be a six·foot replica of "Ute Apollo 11 Seal, fashioned in augar ice. The modernisti c hotel is apparently a favorite of the Pres\dent, since be took over the ehtire 19th floor while cam. Wholesale Price Rise Indicates Slowdown WASHINGTON (UPI) -Wholesale Prices mad e their smallest monthly in· qease of the year in July, possibly in· dicating a slowdown In the sharply rising cost of living, the Labor Department said today. · The Bureau of Labor Statistics said preliminary estimates showed wholeaale prices 'went up only 0.1 percent this month compared' wJth an inc.Teue or 0.4 percent in June. ' .. ..... ~ BEAUTY 11£GINS 'AT ATT'A'S ....... ~.,,-~ -,........ .., _ .. if. !11i.flw ..... "" "" •"" ,...,.. .... '" -... .. Mi.we4 .....,.... "fleoll wftli l..,,,Afht • •lltl .... It ·~~· - Op.,,.Doily 10-6 P.M. Morldoy and FrJ. TiJI 9 P.M. paigning, lo Los Angeles during the 1968 campaign. It was also the scene o[ a violent demonstratlon on June 23, 1967, when President Jobnaon attended a DemocraUc fund-r~er ·~e.~ ~\t, .. 1 Police officlala aaid they believe the popu~rity of .the astronauts and the patrioUc ferv.ot stirred tup ,by their historic feat.. make tt doubtful any demonstraUoos would q1ar th~ ltalf din· ner. \~ ·~ t ~- Center Proposed WASHINGTON (AP) -Sen. G1)llonl N'el5on (D-WIJ.), proposed todarcrt1lion of· a naUorfal telttng, center to evaluate new ctn,,. before they can be sold to the publlc. ' ment wu not encoura&lni · "I wlah the story had been men en· couraging," Stennia Aid. • r Symlnllo!I c:ornm.led: "ll'a·tho- old .llory, '-r-Nd. l•cao 'Ollljl lilpt thel Jt· .. bet$9'.... -: i'"'" l!C:'\i.~ 1'"' ... Slamls Aid -did not ·Jll'.'l"ldt the committee with -I I ·-.. U.S. troop',11lthdrair111 "-·-l'W,.,, .UUlllcin Jnlprovea In 1111 ~ -m<nll>o.· that' .could "'""' ~ wff.b4r'1wala." • . ' ot lantic music is SONY headqua rter s, 28 new models now on disp lay! ·~ 4, ~ ' ·from $49.SO ·to S~; t,hey're all. here, see · ·f~9ni,, 'hear · them, play them yourself, then se~ the tape recql'.der . that best satisfies y~ur particular ·needs • • • · I I /I • • ' ---... --•• f DAIL'( Pll.llT -ti Legisla1Qrs Dirksen Saved Fr.om Farmers . ' ID Distress WA&lllNGTON CAP) -Capitol poUet olucked Se. !Afwar~ M. Dlrk"11 from Ibo 'lnldlt ol •houtlni. Ci!t<hol<lng farmert 'haday, endlns a confrontation ,,... ~ that U.S. farm poUci., .,. loadln( tp rural ruin. Tbe a farmert, wiVq and children - who drOVe from Illlnols, Olrbeu's home stale, ~ a caravan ot tractors -sur- rounded rtbe Republican leader as he cmerRt4 from the senate ciwnber. n.e)r demMded a return to full parity in fann prices and a stronger voict. for fmners on 4U future federal agricultural pollctts. • When Oirlu<n told his c:omlituenU "' Is one ol I) HOii.ors IUPPortine a bill to take up to'1G mUHon acrt! of farmland out of production and to er>d erllting farm Jll'Oll'UDI within five years. be -we answred wtlb abouts nt, "No! No!" The aboutlng got louder when he mponded to a ""flleal that he buy a bushel ol grain at the parity prlco-$3.06 compared to about the present market \'aiue of about $1.05 -by pulling a $20 bill from !tis wallet. He told the farmers lo give the change and the wheat to the poor. "We want parity, not charity," the farmers ihouted, echoing the s)ogan that bas been their rallying cry during the Jong trek from lbe1r eut central Illinois homes. 1'I'm tllklna," DirUen boomtd bac-. re!Q&i.n& to aoctpL the return of the ,,.,.., or the .. cl<a ol 1nin piled at h11 feet. : ,. ll• llld his bU~ .. hlob Is backed by the Americ1n F a r m Bureau Federation. would ralJe farm prices by cuttin1 back production. "?.'hat'• wrong with a farm program tied to f!rity," a farmer ia overalls sbout.ed. 1V.'e'U take tbt land out of pro- duction JIOW if you give us a fair price,'' another man said. •·we can't buld a farm meeting in this recept.1<11 room,'' Dirksen said, waving his hand at the ornate crystal chandelier1 and gilded waUa. ' "You can't make a demoJl!tration here," he told the crowd that Jammed the room. "It wW disttirb the Senate." "Don't push WI around," a man yelled at Dlrkaen. The noise attracted capitol police who wedged tt.eir wa y through the throng and opened a path for Dirkun lo retreat to the Senate floor. where his colleagues were debiting the surtax bill. "I just came out to say, 'Howdy,' " Dirksen said as he moved away. Later, he aded that the clamor "did not .faze mt a bit.'' "I went out under my own power ," he said of the police intervention. * * * * * * Texas Land Commissioner Tries to Chol{e Solon AUSTIN, Tex. CUPll -Texas Land commlS&ioner Jury Sadlet, 11, likes Sllllll, but not long hair or ln!nillirtJ. A Tex•• lecialat.or, whom . s.dler grabbed by the neclt and !Tied to choke Tuesday, now...can be added to the Ult of things that displease the 91·year-o1d cOm· missioner. The lawmaker charged Sadler waa "not !n oootrol of his faoullies." It &11 hei;an when Jake Johnson CO.San Antonio) walked aver to the land office while Sadler was cataloguing and ·~ Young Wife Injured As Car Blown Apart SALT LAKE CITY (UPI) -The young wife d a recent immigrant from Iraq renalnod !n crltial ooodilim today from an apioAon that police btUeve cnay have been call!ed by dynamito wired to the Jg. niUon of the family car. Jin. Kaelym II. Rahawl, 24, 111ifered mu!Uple.lnjuriel to ber lep and,-... -1-. car -tom' apart 'Neldap as she attempted to start it about I a.m. in htt .,.,,.,rt. praising tniasure from a 400-year-old Spanish g1Ueon . "UnW the at.urr is 1udited by the com· mi&sion, there may be some people I don't want in there," Sadler said. "Get out of here. rm not going to let you in anywhere." "Why, Jerry, the commisston asked us to come over." Johnson replied . With that, SadJer leaped at Johnson and grab8ed him by the neck. A radJo broad- caster stuck a microphone In fron t of Sadler and asked: "Mr. Sadler, are you trying to choke the representative?" Sadler pushed the broadcaster aside just before Sadler's employes Intervened . Sadler, crimson-faced, wheeled and stalked back into his office to finish checking the gold and silver discs, can· non balls, crossbows and rare nautical in· struments Q"I display. It was Ml Sadler's first scuffle with a Texas lawmaker. Ten years ago Sadler, one of Texas' most colorful figures, hit a member of the legislature in the chest on the House floor in a clash over a resolu· tion. Lan spring the snufl-di.pping \and com· missioner banned long sideburns and mini1kirts from hla office. Several employes resjgned. ··-CLASHES WITH FARMERS S•n. Everett Dlrks•n Mice Getting Moon Dust Shots In Key Tests SPACE CENTER, Houston CUP!) Biologists took blood samples from the Apollo 11 astronaut! today and prepared lo inject lunar dust into germ-free mice lo see whether chunks ot the moon harbor infectious organisms or poisonous chemicals. So far m the pilots' two doctors are concerned, all evidence indicates the moon material is safe and that Nell A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin should be released from quaran· tine on schedule Aug. 11. But scienlists agreed that the st.art of biological testing late today in 18 white mice, tissue cultures and bacteria.sup- porting substances was the key to v.•hether microscopic organisms thrive in the rock and soil samples brought back by Apollo 11 lasl week. The blood of the astr.onauls was sampl- ed before they ate breakfast to make cer- tain their condition had not changed since exposure to ei:traterrestrial ma terial. The pilot.a later briefed. top project Apollo officials on man·~ first moon Ian· ding mission. FREE CARPETS ' If P.,a11r Dtinu• 4 Bii DAYS OILY Ill OllDEB TO PROVE to YOU THAT TIFFANY PRICES ARE THE LOWl:lll' JN ORANGE COUNTY WE WllJ. GIVE YOU l!OUIO 'woRTB OF CARPETING FREE AT NO cosr Jr YOU CAN BUY THE SAME CARPETING FOR A LOWER PRICE. THIS OFP'ER lSGOOD FOR 4 DAYS OR AS LONG ASTBE STOCKS LAST. DUPONT NYLON Why;~,..,..... •••. get th ft f•nt•"' tic CWV.iity •t this low, low price. Llmltod ••• 1119'4 C.F. Pllo DOUBLE JUTE 'BACK RIG. $4.-99 KODEL SHAG E1stmen Kod•k's. L1te1t Achieve- ment Kodel Polyester. 100% ........ 1 Polyesitr plfo DOUILE JUTE BACK REG. $1.99 DRAPES CUSTOM Wt hive just bought m1ny c1ns of i,,.utlful febrlct et fen111tic s1v· ~·· e~·~r-·s9c OF COLOR RIG. $2.99 REMNANTS I 2x9 Nylon Gold .... $2t.OO I lx I l Nylon A voe:. $l5.00 I 2x 15 Nylon Gold .. $Jt.OO 12xl0 Nylon Grn .... .$33.0I I 2x8 Nylon Green .. $28.00 I 2x7 Nylon Tweed .. $22.00 12xl2 Nylon Tweed $21.00 I 2x9 Nylon Rod ...... $24.00 i 2x 16 Nylon Sha9 .... $4t.OO l~x 11 ~c:rilen Grn ... $51.00 I 2xl 5 Ac:rilen 5hag .. $79.00 I 2x2 I Ac:rilan Olive $19.00 12x/4 Ac:rilan G1n ... $St.OO 12'20 Nylon Gold .. $15.00 12x8 Nylon l•ig• .... $22.00 I 2x I 6 Nylon llue .... $62.00 12• 11 Kodol Sha9 ... .$35.00 12'9 Kodol Sh19 ...... $2t.OO IS.IS Kodol Sh19 .. $lt.OO 12' 11 Kod1I Sh19 .. fst.00 12'2 I Kodol Sh19 . .$7t.OO OW. COU.EOT KO DEL 21/2" LONG SHAG TOOo/o Fortrel Polyest.i Piie front leading menufKturer• Never offend IMfor• atthl1lowprlc1. 5 99 DOUBLE JUTE BACK · so. REG. $10.99 YD. DUPONT "sol'· SHAG 100°!. Continuous Filament Nylon Pllo. This is th• buy of• lifetlm•. DOUBLE JUTE BACK REG. $6.99 HERCULON or DUPONT 501 100°!. ContJnuous Fll1ment Nylon or lOOoJ. Of•ln Piia. Over 40 rolls to choose from DOUBLE JUTE IACK REG. $5.50 ,,, .. -- FOR FREE HOME ~STll · :S .IUIT A PHONS CALL W1LI. •RINO ONC Off OUl'I; OICOlllATOlll. TltAJNIO L.~ttn CONfULTANTI TOY.DU• HOMI AT vou" C.OMVINllNOI. WITH Al.\. THI •Al.I IAM~Laa, lank Term• • No Down U' TO I YIAIS TO PAY-to DAYS SAMI AS CASH 1111 w. u ... 1 • .!!.. ":.!' ::.,, A11lielm I YU.•• AT THll LOCATION . ·- Russ Author ' Disappears LONDON (UPI) -A BrlUah'pul>llslm uid today he bellnp Soviet author Anatoly V. Kutnetlov, to,,who Ytnl&hed lrom bl.o London hllltl Mooday nl1ht, may bave defected to the WMI and con- tacted an aoll-Oommuollt uoder;rouod i'OOP· Tbe pubUslier, Reginald Davis-Poynter, managlna director of MacGibbon and Kee, &aid ~ hid 1ppealed for KUU1etsov to contact him because he believed in· volvement in an underiround organlia· tJon "could be diadtrou.I for him." He did not explain. ' Ken.nedy Bac~ed In National Poll From Wlro Servi ... NEW YORK -S.n. lldwml M. Ken- nedy should oot ttslcn his Senate aeat, a poll of 500 persons 1,cross the nation in· dicated Tuesday. Edward M. Kennedy 1hould '"i&n Crom the U.S. S.nate. ' The paper aald lelophone al~ were II> to one in favor of JUa. remalni:ng In the Senate. The' Her•ld Traveler said that u nt Tuesday, 14 letters favored Kennedy re· maining in the Senale and 103 were op- posed. The Soviet embassy earlier broke a 43· hour llltnee and aaid rt had asked the . BrlUah Forelrn Office and Sootlaod Yard to help Cind KUQlOlaoY. Sindlinger & Co., a market analysis firm, said their telephone poU, which was beguJ'I Saturday and will continue until later 1n the week, showed relatively few of those interviewed "positively believed Kennedy should resign.'' According to Sindlinger "between one half and two thirds of the persons in- terviewed believe Kennedy lhould rtmain in the Senate." GOP TAKING AIM IF KENNEDY RUNS Balloon Test stit by NASA W ASlilNGTON (UPI) -The space agency plans to launch four balloons, each 175 feet wide, during the next two weeks. The balloons will tell a aystem of .z~vering: payloada from space. They will be launched from Wallops Island. Va., and the recovery experiments will take place over the AtalnUc Ocean. An evaluation of the public's atlitude toward Kennedy'• White House prospects will al50 be evaluated in the completed poll. Jn his nationwide telecast Friday night the Massachuaelts senator had asked his constituents to help him to decide whether lo resif. from the Senate because of his allure to report the automobile acc ident in which a Washington secretary was killed. Meanwhile the Boston Herald Traveler said today that the vast majority of let· ters received by the paper say Sen. BOSTON (UPI) -The Massachusetts Republican party will roll out "the big· ge&t gun possjble" ne:itt year if. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy runs for re-election, a high-level GOP source predicted today. The source, who requested anonymity, said Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe, a former three-term governor, and Undersecretary of Slate Elliot L. Richardson, former attorney genual and Jleutenant governor for MaS!achuaetts. topped the list of potential candidates. Heavy Rains Blanket East Sal,t Lake City Shivers Under Sum1ner Hail Storm C•llfel'llla ,JtlYllW °' UllwtAntEWM11EllfOUWr TO 1:1t r.M. EST ~ ·10·•• Tl'tlrt -(ON;lolw•b• ~,,. "1tfl ll•tl•lllt cklud1 ttltaulhoUI SWIM"' Ct l!kirnlt lodtl' With ~alclnet •f· ,.,..._ •rod .... 11n1... 't!Mldtrar-. •vtr ltot """"11•1nt I nd 6nwh. TWt w11 "1!1 Cl\aonn In h,,,. -•t11ret. TM Los Atwtlel CIY'lc Ctnter Md 1 lll11't or n , !hr• 1:1..,.n •bov• T\lftdtr'J m1J<ltn11m. TM low IOl>lthl Wl l t "'ef:llcllld 4$, TW1 Wit 11th! ,.,.,.. ln "" centttl t...:I 111'-nd _.tlonl d 1111 LOI Aftllia llttln. ..... Chk'90 C:lnc!n,..11 --"" ,.._ HI"' L• ,rte. " n M M 102 '' .. .. n " " 7' .lS .. " n " 11 ,, u hlcha Md --"' morot111 Joe "'~ whltll butMd 1w1v tr)' mid· mor11ln1. Hltfl ,..,,_.,turn tMOOl!d !rpm 70 IO 15 WJlll 1111 Wtllll" 6' d ...... ,. l'IWl&1Mll fVTOCAS1® Fort Warlh " '! .Cl M U .... .... .... F~tno H~h!.,. Kt-Cllv L•• v~·· ~ " .... I~ 11 ,.....,,,,,Jn ,._, ''°" htd ~lfllt In '"" mid tels with tc:1ttwftl cloud• .,., ll(C111one1 ll'tund•r~ .,,.,_,. tnd •vtnlnts. Duerr ...... CM!lmiood """· Ntodlft, with t 11111'1 llf 110. llW With lkldlr.rt •nd COO!ld19, AtJ1,, 11 !ht J'Mlllon'I llof IPOll T~S)'. Sun, Moo11 , Tides ltllvll'f 111.0 clev1ktPIO !ram Utth tucn 1111 11.odly Moun11ln1 ta lht c"'" ltl l P1-lru. toa An11lt• Ml11t.r M~l1 New Orllln1 Ne• YOf'll " '' .. ,, '·" W•DNI SDAY " M Flrot low s,1;2 1.m. 1.J Wtil'tl'llton. H.H. r-ttd aim"'! "" lncllts of r1lf!11H in 1 7•hour -100 ....,..,. "'"' 1001¥. Acrcu th~ n-11(>11. 5111 L1~• Clh, Uttlo, 1111¥1'red \Ind,.. ""rl~ on• Ind I hi ll lllCl>M ol r1ln •tld "911. 17 12 1.U Tiie wealhlll" -.l<J't flvH.., lorec•tl ul'*' for "*'• tf "" ,.,.,. ""''"''' lhrOlllth Mond•v. Pl.-.f h•I~ . 11 :12 .,,... J,, NGrff'o 1'11!1• O.kll!ld Ol<!-mt Cltv n '' .11 'Cl u ,11 THL!ll:SDA't" ' 01,,... f'lll hl T11111111v •nd w.111,ted 1•111 teUv IMl<HI• l-111(11 7 .. MI 5tnt1 Manlcll ~n. llur11ot* .,.,., Mt' WI'-M-M, l'I~~· llJ·l l;I llt lv•11d1 ff.'9, Ptlm $pr!t>ts IOf·lla: lltkWtfl•lcl IC0-Jf1, S.11 Pi.to 1!-15 Stnl• "'1Nif• n.n. · Flr.t IOW' ............ J,q 1.m. o.• " " IO It J l,..I hltlo ............ 11:\2 "·""· ~·' A 11p,1 rtln 11'1111 CDol, htM i..1..ci1 t ld- td llrdl9'11trl urlv I001v 1s IMv slr\IVlllW lo conl1l11 '"' worst Wyomlnt foretf flA Ir! fl'lf .,...,.., T"e ti,.., llMl'rn-1,,. 1l11Ct k!urdt'I' In tl'ltl Medici,.. kw 111111-1 Forest wen or L1r1mit. wenl oul et eontrol .•wrr Tuftd•v. -· .. u •w " 'N '1 s~ IO• ............ 5,1;2 1.m. 1 J P1lm Sltr1,,.1 1-w Iliff! ........... 11 :a ,.m. 1.• ~lllK Pll'fltN ..... P.-M lll•pld Chy lllflll SlufT '' '' .•t Coastal llltol ':OI •.m. Stts 1:3' •.m. 11'-t :U ,.m. Sits 7:4J t ,m, .. " u ~ , ... l'ttl Utt Cl. 1"111! Cl. New lsoltlltd. PftUllder•,_.,.1 wt r • ·-s..cn.-.. .. ~ . .. " A111. 11 Aut. J .. 111. XI A11t1. ll ,.._.f"6 Ill fPW ~ldflc sfllfl.. I ncl 0¥W tr. Mlltwl!, t llhoutoh illtlet 9RMt•llY 5tlt Uok• City S.n DI"° IJ U 1.3' ,. .. 11.S. Summar" ~0:1':!f'11orm Anl\t, tlr1t of "" h!lf. •iu,,. "''°"' c!)llf'""'9cl to okld s.n FnnclKo ..... " " 71 .SJ It doesn't complicate your Ille. Maverick is the simple ma· chine-simple 10 own. simple to repair. simple to seMce, simple '°drive. 11 doesn't coat •lot. With prices everywhere g06ng sky·high. Maverick comes along with a down·tcrearth prtce-$1995.• It doesn't have a tiny trunk. Maverick gives you 10.4 cu. fl. of trunk space-nearly twice as much as lhe leading lmp<>rt. Now the whole fam - ily's luggage can ·go along for the ride. H doesn't aqueeze you In. seme big people 1;....e tr. tniS country. That"s why we made Maverick bigger than the im- p()rts. Lois of legroom and shoulder room, II doesn't sq!M8Ze you out. tt's great for parl<ing. great for handling, great for zipptng through traffic. FORD :..,,"'wt;~tl'f m1'..1' 11~/.':ut~ •• ~ s-..... TMnnel W.ilhl1>9IDt1 .. " lOI 11 Ml1ml. """" w•s •xoectld kt 'ttdo hwrlctM foru tcclt 'I'. M " It doesn't cost• lot for maintenance. You can do most maintenance }obs yourself, if you want. If your mechanic does it. lie can do it in a lot less time. Great when lime Is money .ancf the money is yours. It doesn't Med • lot of service. Maverick oil changes and chassis kJbrication come less often than tn the leading import. (Isn't it time you staned seeing less ol your mechanic and mofe of your C8f?) Cheaper by the doesn'ts. It doun't aklmp on -nUels. Maverick gtves you tough brakes, unitized body construction, rustproofing, and four coats of paint. tts 3·speed transnilssion is able lo han· die twice as much horaeJ)OW9f as the engine 1ums out. It doesn't bum a lot of ga1. Maverick gives you 1he kind ol mUeage you 'd e:itpect from a little import-even with • Powerful slx·cylinder engine. It doesn't hold back on power. Tum on the engine and tum loose 105 horses-nearly twice as much as the leading import. This means highway power, passing power. The kind of power you need. It doesn't handle like a kite. The road mtghl be wet end the wind strong but Maver· tck's tread is wider than the car is high-great for stability, (Most economy imports are higher than their tread ts wide.) It doesn't follow the herd. Maverick's new, different. A bright idea with bok:.I, new colors. See your Ford Dealer for the rest of the story. Find 001 why Maverick is the hot· test selling new car '° carw along since Mustang. MAVERICK~ ....... I .... ····----............... ~ ..... --.,.., ................................. 1.1 ....................... ..... USED CAR SHOPPERS: Ford Delln-@Llled C.. n the beet )QI cin gill • IUSH JAcms s149s $24.95 VALUE I Notlonally ramoua SPOIT SHllTS RIG. $4.98 •3•• TIU Llnsr lfyiM"' -Piii .. S.llds. Chtcka e"4 ltrlptsl ,.,..... ... ,,. •• f1~rfu. Sileit ..,.. .. S-M4,.XL ''WINDIDNG'' .llcms by P1dflc Traill I SALE!! I BERMUDA SHORTs llEWI GOIF SUCKS UCIUIAIU.T $3.91-$4.91 2: •s PACK Pl.I.MU ANO ,.OrUJIONAI. MUCD'I IQUl'flllrNT ll OUl l'ICIALTTI ••• llt ... , ... ,.., • ., USE YOUR CREDIT RIG. $7.95 2 i $11 at GRANT'S! * GRANT'S CHECK WI* 0 FOLDING CAMP STOOLS ••• , ••• 91c 0 J&J FIRST AID KIT ......... $6.9S 0 MOSQUITO HIAD NttS ••••• , •• 91c 0 LAUNDRY IAGS , ............ 91c D TINT &AGS ............... $1.91 D TINT POU &AGS ........... $1.91 0 WATllPROOP TARPS •••• sq. ft. 10< 0 100% WOOL ILANKITS •... $6.95 0 COl.IMAN MANTLES .••••• 2 for 39< 0 100 RIT 1/• '' ROPI .•..•••••• 98c 0 AIR MAmlSS RIPAIR KIT .•.••• 98c O WASH IA.SINS ••••.••.•. from 49c THOUIANDI OP CAMPING !TIMI TO '°' TOUR IYIRT NllDI See Grant's FIRST! We Rent EVERYTHING In CAMPING GEAR! 'FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! IJllKT11111QKT fOOD$ fOll OlfTl!OOdMP ....... GRANT'S CAUIU A COMPUTI LINI OP •ldi-_ ...... _ w1n1 u111n 11111,lt tt llM, .,q11"', tttl•'"8 -l<ffltl f., k l Wtlitrl *J.1/1 GAL • , • , $1 .41 S GAL ..... $1.91 4-11. DlCIOll "II" & "76" EXarTIONAUT ··""· 1tvr4y '"" .. mc .. 111. lllu1I ,,.tKtlen filllnt. Soll rul1t1nt llrtwl'I llluclt Cf¥1r. llcll lt11M1tl llnl119 with ... mlto fl.Ill Ltntth 1lp,.r. lip ,,.,. .... ,.., hr jeu\11 llql SAVI! NOW! SEl.lCT FROM 15 COLEMAN SLIIPING ll~S Pl1aD nOM $~.n TO $54.88 '---------------.... fftJfF Slngl• Mantle UNTERN $988 Tumer PROPANE FUEL f\fl tll Nfr.H et Terc h1 11 ltllftrM I II I Sto•t•. 9gc STRIPED T ·SHIRTS REG. •1•f $2.98 Grant's Haa ••• LEATHER VESTS AND JACKOS r., ~ Cewt11• '"'" •ut lffhlfl , .... 11111 VNtl. ......... """'4 "'"" '"'"' s19•s TO $45.00 CONVIRH DICKSHOU LIST '8'' $9.95 ntOSI fAMOUI C."""' Dect: Sitt. .... --,.. •f • """" ftt ••• ,..,.. "" ...... .,. ..... .. an., "'"' • Whit•, •• •bM. Famous Name WESTERN SHIRTS Nowl $695 NUT DOOi A GRANT'S &ULF saYICI STATION T·SHIRTS II '6-'-7·'• l.UxuatOUI c.W cttM ... TM ,........,_ .UI .... • •"'1flf" .. ..t .,_,.. (tM ............... ). °"' 1,.000trll , ...... ...... HANO-TIN TIUNKS , $6-$10 mT HATS, TAN Ol KACIC. ....... $3.91 WllTUN ITIAW HAU .......... $2.49 1"·2'/>' lllU, 21 "° •o ... $3.91·$5.91 · fonious Durango ROUGH OUT BOOTS $16'5 =v: .... ""I:!\'~~ Ovf# INtftw fw 11ittt4 ...,, lhM' .. 12. •• t ; . -:. .. • . •. .. ·= ~ .,. CLOSEOUTS -! SAVE $$$$ HOWi COl.IMA• Tllm n.t.MI • • • 1.1 1i. llfl·Tt• lllck •tt1••···~ -... ·~·· '"''' l.....,lt ,. ....• • ... ..ti ......... .... ... ........... , '""' ·~-4 ... ....... um.ii ..,. ..,-. '*'· Colemon'• Moat Popular l~;EB' $ 7 711 $I 00.00 VALUE CL~:i~~r "VAGAIOND"-tougll, tlgl!t tnl rtlltblt. ~00111t1y ilry with otw double vloyl~otlttl nylon fltorl thtt oxllnl 10" abevo gnU1ld 1 .. o1. Off...tilto 1.,. nfltct lht httt- ltll In lht llgl!ll , All Brand-New Modefsl cnw,:::rn ROOI llODllS AllD DUIOllSTUl'Oll ... w ..... mT • llCll9l'lll -.. :.! • • ~ ~ ~ • ~ -~ --- 110W , , , llVllAL Moial fO AUcr llOlll t SAVE ·":;:s NOW! 1i ~ < i Sensational Dlscowrsl * Immediate Derrvary *No W1ltingl ... l: ' I • ._ ..._ .... -·· '!DAILY PILOT 1 EDITOIUAL PAGEj Cracl{down on. Dingbats Laguna Beach has adopted a stiller, one-warning policy in handling housing and zolliOg. "°?" violators. Aller tha~ offenders will be given a citation .and they can tell ii to the judge. f\1oreover •. more than one citation may be given it the infraction isn't corrected, and failure to appear will carry the same penalty as in a traffic c:ase. The old system of repeated warnings by the cily zoning and housing inspector -along with ~ require- ment that the city attorney draw up a complaint to take a viclator to court -was an unnecessary drain on city employe time and talent. The new procedure frees the city inspector t~ ~over a lot more ground and gives the city th~ capability lo go on a meaningful enforcement campaign. It is desirable to enforce zoning and housing ordi· nances to upgrade the city. But any campaign shou1d be tempered with reason. City Building and Planning Director Clyde Z. Springe noted : "It is unlikely we are going to paper the town . ., That is reassuring. It must be remembered that Laguna Beach started cut as a community of small cottages and th~t during many of its growing years building and zonmg rules were more relaxed than they are today. A zoning enforcement vendetta could cause great~ grief, even create chaos in the older sections of town. Springe chose well when he cited examples of type~ of violations that will be rapidly enforced. He spoke of display of unauthorized banners or fl ags and trailers or campers parked in front or side yards. sons parking trailers or campers in view will be .given two weeks to find another storage locaUon. That sound& !fir. Springe also '!iienlioned the more restr!dlve. city sign ordinance which goes into effect in another nine months following a three-year grace period. He estimated that 65 to 70 percent of signs In town still don't comply. That Is lrur warning' and something for merchant. to think about so they don't get caught short at the last 'minute. Saddlehack .Moves Up ' . There was good word Jor, Saddleback Community College last week-it mov.ed a step closer to accred.i· tation. ~ , The junior college now has been promoted from the status of correspondent, wblch it was given last year before the college opened, to recognized candidate for accreditation. Full accreditation, which means the college meets certain standards of educational performance, normal· Jy takes about three years. Accreditation is particu1arly important to ~udents who go on to four·year colleges after completing tbe two years of junior college. It can mean they get full transfer credit for courses taken while at Saddleback. • ' . Warning on banners and flags, which can easily be taken down will only be for an hour, he said. Per· Sadd.leback calls itself a community college. Its approval by Western Association of Schools and Col- leges is something the south county community can be proud of. "PAT IENCE BOY. AFTER ALL IT'S ONLY BEEN 15 YEARS SINCE YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET OUT." Ill "No Foul t' Plan Kid Next Door ~ Not That Bad Dear Gloomy Gus: Insurance Overhaul Asked The media are getting to me. All the caricatures which now move Americans to action, and sometimes to violent acUon, are beginning lo be graven into my mind, through the kindly medium of TV. J med to pay very litUe attention to the telly. Kind of IMbbery, 1 guess. Recf;nUy I lived in England for three years, where 1 watched the BBC and independent television far .a single reason : To learn something about the people I had been Ji\·ing am<ilg. . •. ; In England, the experiment worked. Knowledgt. gained through the telly, brwght sympathy. It brought some hos· tllily, too, for Britis~ ~vision is self· critical t.nd almost impllicably honest. In balance. 'though, what I saw ifiade me like the '&lglisb more than I might other· wile baVe. . . • ... IN A SIMILAR spirit, I have taken to watching television in my own country, the better to understand the perpletlng people I find all about me. The experience, to this point, has nol been altogether happy. Take the question of the young. as a single example. When I think of a student now, or even a kid, the stereotype which comes to my mind is increasingly the gweaty, smelly, rock·throwing, long- haired, bearded rebel who is Ule most popular character in the dramatis personae of television, with the possible exception of the drunken black man run- nirig out of a store with a stolen tele vision 1et under his arm. I know the stereotype of the young is nonaense. 'lbe young today are no dif· ' • ' ferept from the young or my day. They are worried , but we were worried too. We worried about getting a job. The young~ nowadays worry about not getting shot for their cquntry. We worried because l'i'e knew that,ge,µIJlg ajob was, ll}ostly. out or our hands. Th e present yOllng worry because they know that their lives are much out of Uleir hands, and may soon be compl!ely so. • NO, rtfJS. NOT .the ~g who have changed,, ,It is their elders who have chan&ed and changed terribly. The things matute 'men pursue. today are far more evil than the things they pursued when I was a kid -and those things were bad enough. I was reminded of this forcibly when I recently read some words spoken by the distinguished poet, Mark Van Doren, on the occasion of bis 75th birthday and the publication of his 14.tlt volume of poetry. He was speaking of tlte young: "They are called destructive but it isn't the young people with beards and long hi:ir who are the destroyers. 'Ille destruc· tion that really matters is being done by clean, well·shaven men in business suits who are polluting our atmosphere, strip- mining our countryside, bu 11 d in g armaments and conducting a cruel, ut- terly senseless war in Southeast Asia . ''They are literally tearing our world lo pieces.'' lletp keep Laguna beauti!ut Hose down a hippy. -D. T~lt h l lwr• Nfltc~ ,. .... ,... Vin.. Mt lllltQUrllY tti.M 11 tM MW-Mr. $end ,...,, J4f -v• M OIMrnt 011 .. DtllY l"ll•t. To the Editor: It is time for the general pqblic to speak out against the present rising CGils and inequalities of automobile liability in· surance. An average rise Of 55 percent in premiums over the last 10 years should provide the needed motivation. It will not be ?SY .... ~a~i; of the large and powerful"organi7.atk>n of lawyers that op- poses any .. changa in the present• in· l!iurance system. .. ' !. 'The best plan now being advciCated ls Words like these,.,eloquent and true, are the~'No-Fa!f:'' plan. It offers a~WYtud~ what bring me back to sanlty. They blur, fl" oenefjts'· over the present •"IJ!tem.' as it should be blurred, the propaganda Rather than havipg to proye. negligence image of the young as useless, crypto-on the part of a driver prior .to co!l~Ung criminal mon.st.ers liability,'insW"aDce compafli4s Would 'im· :!t , • · ~ediately MY 9f.Jl~f-pocke;t ~s, such .•1 WORDS ~ these remind me of ' ill"' medicaP. bills and ·~ wages, nimgs I used to hear, like "The young are • -regardless o! who was ~t f~lt. In the the hope or the world." And iniieed they event fault was p~ven tJie inJured party are. The shape of the world lo come will ro~ld collect punitive d~age.-i based on be made by them. Indeed, in their haste, a. f~ed scale and determmed by a !ault· they are trying to make it now, without finding board. the real power to do so. They will prevail, if the world prevails, simply because they will outlive us. It is, I fear, too easy to fall Into gloom, and conclude that the world, in this coun· try, and late in this century, is uniquely wicked. The evidence, unforfunately. is pointing increasingly in the direction that this is so. Under the cosmetic lie of affluence and jolly leisure at the bowling alley is a cor· ruption of spirit that Is fully visible to lhe eyes of old pools like Mr. Van Doren. and young militants, like the kid next doOr. They have found us elder fell ows out. For this we cannot forgive them. For this we are beginning lo ,bate them. THIS PLAN would reduce the cost of insurance premiums by lowering .ex· penses now necessary to insurance com· panies. With immediate settlements on a no-fault basis there would be less need for lawyers, invesligators, adjusters and the mountain s of paperwork necessary ·in ' accident cases. Insurance companies · predict a 25 percent decrease in liability premiums if thiJ plan were placed in operation. 'Why Don't You Leave?'· Citizens could feel sec ure knowing, in event or an accident, they would im· mediately be compensated without fear of lengthy litigation and the possibility of not collecting at all. There wouldn't be a worry about expensive court costs, lawyers fees and long delays. Even if you do win a court case now the lawyer will receive 30 to 40 perceit of the settlement plus expenses. TfUS PLAN would free the courts of needless suits. Most courts presently have an average backlog of cases that will take 30 months: to complete. some as long as 69 months. By eliminating liability suits, the judicial system would be freed for more important cases. It would take fewer tax dollars to support the courts. One of the most ignorant and hateful statements that a person can make to another is "If you don 't like it here, why don't you leave." Thal attitude is I.he main reason America was founded, in all its hope and energy and goodness. The people who came here! to make a better land than had ever been seen before by the com- Performance Counts Leo Land agr'!!d tn writing to sell Bill Buyer half his farm for $50,CW. When Bill tried to close the escrow and pick up his deed, Leo tried to back out. thinking he could get a better price else where. Bill asked the court to make Leo sell, and "specifically perform'' on the COO· tract. Bill's lawyer also asked t.be court to make Leo pay damages of 125,000, Bill'• losa H the deal fell through. Leo bad PO good reason to back out, the coort said, and he had acted in bad faith. Jt therefore ordered him either (1) to give Bill the deed, c:ir (2) to have Bill prove his loss in profits and collect the ~.ooo. But Bill C-OU!d not get both the dO<d and hill damages. ff• had to ~·· Ol'TEll A plaintiff Uk£ Bill can take 1<venl legal attps. For example. suppose Brown agrffd to buy a 1923 claasic car from Green wbo promiled to have It in "5bo.r aod ramJnc condiUOn." U the car fell slat al tltll ......... -could the•• I« -cf the cmtract - jull call Ibo dal all.°' he cwld 1111 ,,.. "l]>Odlle .,...,......,. .. by h•vloi. court moire Gnen ..a !he car and put U In good --mlgbt allo uk a.,..,... ml Jel plld !or hill lime and l Law in Action expenses. In suing, Brown can seek lo prove all of these things. Shoudl he win his case he can then "elect" or choose which award he likes best. Yoo get "specific performance" only when the agreement Is for some "unique" item, such a.s land. art objects, an old car, antiques, or the Uke. Otherwise, the buyer must settle for da.m8ges only when aomeone fails to carry out a con- tract with him. Often the · court will refuse to trant ''specific perfonnance" if the contract calls for too much tuperviaion or its e ... lorcemtnl ls too difficull Thus contracts caJUng for peraonal service, say. a slnget to 1ln1, or an arU!t to paint, are never specifically enlorced. U the plaintiff wins such a J1waalt be must &eltle for reuonabJe money damqes. Note: California iawvtr• ojftr this column 10 uou mau know oboUt 011r low1. They didn't like conditions where they lived, and wanted to improve them. U they had been allowed and encouraged to, the Old World would have had a happier history, instead of the miserable tribula· lions tnat turned the eyes of the people to America as their la5t, best hope. NOW WE FINO that many Americans -sm•Jg and fat and entrenched in their affluent int:rtia -are saying the same ugly thing to their neighbors: ''If you don"t like it here. why don't you leave." But mcst people who "''ant to change conditions do like it here : thl'y love it hen.". They love it so mul'h they ca nnot. stand to see it suffer fron1 its im· i.ierfecUons. and want it to live up to its ideals. It is the people who pl acidly ac· cept the corruplions and perversions and inequities in our society who do not love America -they love only their status and security and special privilege. Nobody should be faced with lhe mean choice ot accepting conditions as they are or abandoning the place he has grown up in, We not only have a right. we have a responsibility, lo make our environment as just and as nourishing as our Found · ing Fathers declared it must be if il were to live up to its aspiration as "the standard of the world." THOSE WHO want to leave have a right to ieave, but those who want to stay and work for what they consider a better society must be protected in that right - for without it, our nation would 1ink into stagnation, and tbe process of change would llld"den into repression by those who benefit by keeping thinp just u they are. If all the settlers who came here, with high hopes for a new and finer sociaJ order, had been compelled t.o "go back w~ they came from," we would hive had no United States of America. With many insurance companies ad· vacating this change for our benefit, how can we stand idly by? J urge everyone to write to his Congres.smao and let the lawmakers know that there Is widespread support for this sen5ible reform. EDWARD A. FEURY His Parrot'• Found To the Editor : ~1any people or Laguna Beach com· plain that there is only one local newspaper llnd that the DAILY PlU.!1' is Wicks LetteT'S from Yeadtr• are welcome. Normally writer.s ihould convey thtiT' messages m 300 wof'4a OT less. The right to condemt letter1 to fit space or eliminate libel is resrrwd. AU ltti- ters must include signature and mail- i11g address. but napie•. may bt_ wit~ held on request if•"Pfficient reason is . apparent. qJerely capitalizing on the news to make money. Not so! Recently my parrot. was lost and I turned to' the DAILY'PIIX1I' for hefp. As I opened the paper that night, l n.t!O<d an article concerning my J05t parrot. I thank you for your focus on local news as well as internatiooal. - I wish your rival newspaper had the same format. ROBERT KRONMAN . l)'lail Find the /lloon? To the Edltdr : Let's put things in their proper perspectiVe. If the astronauts had landed irP the center of the Sahara Desert, they would have landed in a more fertile area. At least there is air there. One of our bombers sat on the Sahara for 20 years af\er World War II without ever being discovered. The c r e w members' footprints were still visible. No one a going to inhabit the moon: just as no fish are going to live on I.he hot sands of the Arizona desert. There .is no reason or advantage to being there . This is not a discovery of a new world, That old moon baS been there all of the time and it will still be there and used for the same purposes. The United States has accomplished a great scientific feat, but its use will be publicity and Invention of material and systems. JAMES W. BOLDING 'A Rational Voice' To the Editor: Since moving to Orange County a year ago, I have wanted to add my voice 1o those who commend your paper for Its fine reporting and especially Its rational and sensitive editorial policy. It is such a vast and welcome difference from tbat so-called "£reedom" paper who seems to be doing Its level best to raise another generation of bigots. Your paper provkles a bright spot for me in these days when our "leaders" are indulging in an emotional orgy of hand· ringtng over pornography rather than poverty, tn censorshi p rather than social justice. This 10-concealed camoufiage or crucial issues that they are either In- adequate or unwilling to de.al with ls, in no way, going to· eradicate the social and economic inJusUces in this country which are lhe basic root of all our problems. The continuing i.eommunist"-and sex- ual witch-hunt by the "freedom " f(or ~·born t wonder?) paper would be funny if It weren't so frightening in its im~ plications. I hoPe that you wlll keep up your good work Jn providing Orange County with the voice of sanity we IO badly need. HARRIET KANE 'Liberal ., Rea9•"' To !he F.dltor' It has been amusing lo observe )'OU as the unwitting and probably unwilling tar· get of accusatiom of liberalism from the fringe-dwellers on the strength of a few innocuous shots at the more ludicrous manifestations of the John Birch Society, with whose basic tenets you are really in agreement. I would categorite the DAI~ LY PILOT as bein& u liberal as Ronald Reagi.n. A good quick gauge would be to note how . many limes a week the ·DAILY PILOT carries Art Hoppe, and the:: sub- ject matter of the columns they select. E. B. O'NEILL Beach Protectloia -To•the EdJtor : I am dazed as 1 read of the Orange Coanty Board of Supervisors dedication of the hew roads ''tD encourage development." Why not protect, let along encourage usee of, -<>range County's outstanding. natural values: its beaches and access thereto? Wha l other county in the U.S. can offer the people an ocean shoreline with such beaches, such warm water surfing, such marine life and such seascapes? What wouldn 't $1.4 million (road co5t) do toward making these values more easily available to the public? We the pubHc would like to be recognized. We do exist. SARAH BELKNAP Oia Railing Boys To the Editor: The following is from the Tri-City Herald of Pasco, ruchland and Kenne· wick, Washington : On rearing bad boys: "Whatever their origin, the rules for rearing delinquent children deserve at· tention. They are : "Begin in infancy giving the chilcl everylhing he wants, so he will grow up believ ing the world owes hlm a li ving. "Never give him any spiritual training. Walt until he is 21 and Jet him decide everything for himself. "Pick up everything he strews around -clothes, books, shoes. Teach him to push bis responsibilities on others. "Allow him to read anything,he can get his hands on; sterilize his drinking glass but let his mind feast on garbage. "Give him all the spending money he ~·ants. Why should he have things as tough as you did?" "Take his part again5t teacher, neighbors, playmates and policemen. When he gets into trouble, rationalize by saying: 'I never could do anything for him anyway.' "Prepare for a life of grief. You have asked for it!" · HAZEL B. DORMAN ----- Wednesday, July :W, 1969 The editorial page of 1tht Daily Pilot 3eek1 to inform 011d stim- ulate readers bJl presenting l hl.s newJPOpn~s opinions and com. mentoru on topiu of intcrut al1d slgnifica11ct, bt1 ~oviding a forum for the erprtssion of\ our readers• opinlom,_~_by J)rfttnting 1he divnse vttto-' points of informed observers and apoJcumtn on topics of the i1ov. Robert N. Weed, Publisher I ", ' • : • 1 Saddlehaek • EDITION TN•Y'• Final N.V. Steeks ' VOL. 62, NO. 181, 5 SECTIONS, 62 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CAL FORNIA WEDNESDAY, JUL')' 30, 1969 TEN CENTS • • $3.44 Million Budget Review Starts By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of IM OaJIJ ,lltt It-" Talks on Laguna Beach's preliminary S3.4'4 million city budget will resume lon!Jlll, probably with a (ew fiscal policy hawks and doves in City Council chambers as observers. Only a study session is schedu1ed at ~he 7:30 p.m. session, with no final action planned, since much division slit! exists in opinions on what the document should or should not jnclllde. Down the Mission Trail Viejo Drug Abuse Council to Meet ~tISSION VIEJO -The nest meeting of the Drug Abuse Council ha! been set for 7::11 p.m. Aug. 7 at Mission Viejo Higll Scn001. At that time. reports will be presented by Nance Nortn of Mission Viejo and Rev. Robert Lange of Mount or Olives Lutheran Church. A youth program on drugs thal will Include planning and participation by area teenagers is CJ:pected lo be launched in the fall under the council'• sponsorship. • Dl•R"!tland Vtrit MI$JON VIEJO-A day-loog ucur- liion to [Mneyland ha! hem scheduled for Thursday by the Missic:m Viejo Jlec· reatioo Center. Buses will Juve at t a.m. end return at I p.m. The COil for adults 11 ytars ol age and older is $S.75. Juniors aees 12 Wou&h 17 must pay $5.35, and children age! three through II must pay $4.90. e Capo Comme11oled SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -The California State Water ReSOUTCel Control Board has commended the City of San Juan Capistrano and the. Sant.a Margarita Water District for trying a regional ap- proach to sewage treatment arw:t disposal. The city and district had applied for 157 ,750 and $411.400, respectively, in grant funds for construction of a joint sewage project. • Del . Obispo Out Of Ball Playoffs The Del Obispo All.Stars were bouncert out of the Lillie League baseball playoffs Tuesday n i g ht by Compton's Victory Park team, 3 to 0, at Bellflower. The Del Obispo oulfil, composed of players from the Dana Point • Laguna Niguel · San Juan Capistrano area, could muster just six hits. Com pton executed well with bunts and had Del bOispo's in I i e Id off-balance throughoat the game. Del Obispo ended iU: season with a ~I record in the playofls. "I don't think It's possible tn apprcve a budget unW everyone in town agrees on it," Mayor Glenn E. Vedder observed during a recent session. Carried to its ultimate limit, this might mean indefinite delays. The South Coast Democratic Peace Club's execulive board has urged COUil· ('ilmen in a detailed paper to abandon any further addition to the poliCf: force and eventually cut it by one-thirq. A-1ayor Vedder Tuesday scoUed at thi! COED K'ILLER? -Michigan police circulated this compos- ite drawing of a suspect .they i.Te seeking 'In their searl!Ji, for killer of seven coeds. State in Charge Of Suspect Hunt In Co ed Killings YPSILANTI. Mich. fAP) -Michigan authorities today took control of the manhunt lor the killer or killers of seven you ng women in the Ann Arbor-Ypsil- anti area -and called for assistan<..-e from the FBI. In a joint press e<>nference in Lansing, Michlgan Gov, William G. Milliken aod Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley said the director of the Michigan State Police had been placed in charge of the manhunt and that the U.S. attorney general had been asked to provide FBI assistance. "Atty. Gen. John Mitchell assured us of the federal go\'ernmenl's desire to cooperate in the fullest extent possible and said the specific request for FBI in- volvement would cet a very early response." ~lilliken said. So rar. slayings ol seven young women in the adjacenl college tO¥lns of Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti have mocked police efforts to find a killer or killers. The body of the latest victim was found Saturday night in a ravine in a thickly wooded area between tht t • o southeastern Michigan cities. ly Phil lnterl1ndl ''We Alway• Gtt a l rfftt From Hert -Wt'rt Ju1t Abo ve City Hall -of Court• a Lot of It 11 Hot Air" 1 ·- suggestion as more philosophical than practical, along wilh other aspects of the Peace Club's budget criUcism. He said they object to policies a~dy established by council agreement and ,JOt in question in terms of the current budget. wbicb includes 1 major Ch.amber of Commerce aibskty. Representalive5 of the Laguna Beach Taxpayers' Association Inc., will a)so be present, with an exchange of coun· cilmanic observers ~expected a~ Jhal organization's public budget panel talk Thursday night. • The group headed by Gerald Linke also objects to certain aspecU of the $3.44 million financial package, but hardly along the same lines as the Democratic Peace organization. A critique submitted to Mayor Veddtr Monday calls for a complete re-evalua- tion of the Laguna Beach budget. plus revit,.mping of city government organiia· lion and a liharp cutback in certain allocations. These are more routine 1n nature, com- pared to the peace group's call for elimination from the budget of funds sup- porting so-called repressive mea!W'es, namely police authority. The dissenting group headed by David A. Munro urges an increase In proeosed expenditures for such things 8.ll rtb'ea- tion, the llumiii Relations Council and a Free University program. They also call for cutting out lhe $49,000 allocation requested by the Cham- ber of Commerce, although it appears whatever city promoters get, It wiU be less than asked. Referring back lo a lengthy history or city-Cham~r activities concemiog way1 of dealing with Laguna Beach's alle1~ hippie mena~. the Democratic Peace Club paper's authon admit nega tivism. The communication from Munro, representing its executive board, AYt this Is unfortunate, but they feel these demands mu.st be mel befatt the city is ready to begin positive proeraw. Lagunans Have Brush With Death 2 Women Call Surviving Hawaii Crash Miraculous By JACK CHAPPELL Of ~ (l.llty l'llM lllff Two South Laguna women today re- counled a lale of how they survived a plane crash landing at 110 miles per hour on a winding canyon road in Hawaii, only scant feet from a sheer cliff. They ~\d their survival "is a mira cle." The women are Barbara Clark, 35, and Mrs. Maria Phillips, 40, both or 3157'2 Bluff Drive, South Laguna , who were among 11 passengers and two crewmen aboard the two-engined airplane taking tourists ror a Hawaiian sightseeing trip last Friday. One woman was kllled and 11 people were Injured when the aircraft crashed on lhe island or Kauai rn:,ar Waimea Can· _ yon. The-woman di.ed when the-tail lite· tion Or the craft broke off on impact and J)lunged into the canyon abyss. "It was a miracle of God," P.tiss Clark said. She said that if the plane bad landed JO feet in either direction from where it did, it would have disiote.grated.upon hit· ting the rock wall or would have tumbled to the canyon bottom. "It was an ordained landing," she said. Ju.st prior to the accident, the pilot had e1noounced to lhe passengers ''we're Flying Visit to Soig~n going down for a close look at the canyon now '', Miss Clark said. Then something happened and the plane dropped into tall trees. hit some kind of guy wire. and stopped on the nar- row road, she said. Mrs. Phillips was only scratched in the mishap while Miss Clark suffered a back injury and must now wear a brace. Followine the crash, Mrs. Phillipa, who works at South Coast Community Hospital preparing surgical instruments rnr operations, organized emer1ency work . Utter confusion reigned at the accident Nixon: 'No Concessions' . SAIGON !41') -~ldtnt Nlnn flew to Saigon today and declared the United Stales and South Vie&nam eotnd make no further peace eoocessiogs. Later he told U.S. soldiers at a nPf'by base that lbe war "may have been our fin~t hour." Nixon new first intO the be.art of Saigon becoming the, first lf.S. president to visit South Vietnam 's capital. He was ac- C.'Orripanied by his wife who made her own bit of history by tOuring a field hospital and a home for war orphans. No other .. l ' I . ' First body binlolted Soulll 'Y/t!Mm. Ni.J:on also became the firat president to visit a combat bate in South Vietnam. He spokt to \he Ameriean troops at Di An, headquarters of the U.S. Lat Infantry Division 11 miles barth of SaJ&On. Niion spent five boon and 25 minute~ in Vietnam, mucb of it . in cqnference~ with Prt:tiident Nguyen Van Thieu and other government leaders. A White House aource said Nixon and Thieu discussed a new U.S. troop wllhcirawal beyond th< 25'.Dot ~eody ordered but no final decision waa reach- ed. Ile added Ibey dld. not pin 'llOWn th< number to be withdrawn or the Umttable but these detaill will be ironed out ln lbe ltsl nail of Auguat. Nixon al.so dixussed with Thieu the curreit luU in ground fighting and deckl· ed that .if it proved lo. be enemy de- escalation, the pullout of U.S. forces · (See NIXON, Pa1e t) Planners Back Buried Lines Move of PUC Sawdust Exhibitor Tried Many Different Styles A proposed ruling that will make undergorund public ulllities mandatory in certain cases has received the support ol the Laguna Beach Planning Commiss.ioo. Commissioners Monday instructed sec· retary Al Autry, assilant city planning dire<:lor, to write lo the California Public Ulillties Commission in support of • rule proposed by PUC commissioners A. W, Gatov and examiner John R. Gillanders. The proposed bill would require that any new electric: and telephone lines be installed underground. and that when cs- isting lines need replacement. they too be placed underground. 'Ibe r~uest for the Jetter to be sent came from the California JWadside Coun- cil, a private agency s uppo r ting beautification. preservation and con· s~rvatlon. Aulry told planners that • ~day study conducted jointly by the planning depart· ment and the city engineer to look into undergrounding had been completed. 'nle results or the study will ht> presented to the advisory panel when Commissioner Dr. Joseph Tomehak, who requested the study, returns from his vacation. Autry said the study is ex· peCted lo be presented within the next fe•·week.s. 'ART ISN 'T EASY AT ALL' Sawdust F•tival'• Cox Robbery Victim's Lead Results in Arrest of 2 J A fresh lead by 1 a.lrongann robbery vlatim and hourt of new invest111t1on - with minutes to apare -led to tht cap- ture of two drifters leaving Laguna Buch with a carload of luaagc, pallet reported today . · The manhunt touched off ~fonday led1o Anaheim, thro¥&h amplllll&ied channels of bank fecordi to a Costa Mes• •11to paint shop and back to a Laguna Be8ch 1tree1 cornet 1"1.e'salJ ni1~t r ·• Compltinta charging 'J'.l,ig»e t.. •Gerwin. 1'. and Paul t :Mter. rt, ;Jltft lh~Sunot.~ stronaa.rm Job, and a aecood w~kend crime as well, are being sought f~m he di.tlrlct attorn.,ey tod•y, Gtr:wln. ol l!fawnorit, Cali! .. and Mltf, of Vancouwr, ,8.C., we.re booled into La~ Btach City Jail on suipicion 9f robbe,.Y •nd al.w buiglary, aceordJni to Lt. Frank &ho~. . · The di1tincUv1.,·..w1Ute .. sporb-l)'pt car "'hich led la lhtlr capture -or one Uke It ~ ~• Aflo seen near a buraJariu:d 1.partmtnl. according to Dttecclve lr11 Bt0<>ks. ' 1 • • ·erool<t ""kl r~1~ lj: $1>1kling, .ts. or (!Ito TllEl'n; ~·""' By JANlCE BERMAN Of ""' Dtllr l'\lllt ll•H ··1 thought art would be easy. Well. it isn·t," said 'Ib<lmas C.01. For the 29-year-<>ld Lagunan now ex· hibiting al the Sawdust Festival, artistic expression has meant a struggle of many years through many different styles. "I've been painting this way since January," he said. "I don't like to talk abou l the things I did before." Some of the "things" I n c I u d e d seascapes and still lifes, as well as llfe studies. His current work , he lhinks, Is really his own. Done ln acrylic and water color paint, his canvases are softly blurred. curving masses, abstract representations ol biological forms. They take shape as you look al them. A ru rving blob of yellow aoon beco mes 1. cat. A Persian cat. It has no discernible eye~. ears or tail, yet it's d!!rinltely feline . C.Ox says he planned It that way. as he plans all of his paintings. He begins by wetting the area he wants to paint with water. Then he puts his paint on the can- va!, controlling the Oow with 1 brush to keep the paint away from the areu be. wants to remain white. Painllngs of the female form and the noo-human vein are among Co1'1 other worn on dJspJay. The vein reveals his interest in biology. ''I have a friend who "WOrk! in a lab at UCI. They'll lake a monkey brain and cut it Into sections ind study it, right back to the spine. It's ~ fascinating thing," he 1ays. The vein he painted looks a little !Ike a vei11, and a little like an amoeba. In Lht process of dividing. It bas a quality of movement. Staring at bis wotk , Cox said, "1 wish tbere was some Waf you could 11ee this happenln• all tl)e time.1 lt'1 1 re1Uy Iii· . credd>l~.'1 ' · . Thant Issues Appeal \ UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) - Secretary-Gtnerr.I U TbanL · Wued an urgent appeal today to both sides In the Nlaerlan cl•il war to mike 1,rrll)lements fnr resumption of emer&e.ncy dtyUme rua:hu or rtlief 1upplles. f, scene a.t nearby villagers B anned around and injured pasaengers either lay on the ground or walked aimlessly, Mrs. Phillips said. "1'1le people who came to the accldMt were dazed and Maria got them working, she told them to be calm and called the ambulance," Miss Clark said . Seven injured paSSC!Dgers were taken rrom the Kauai Veterarui Administration . hospital by Coast Guard aircraft to a Hoootulu hospital. Miss Clark said that all are now recovering rapidl)'. ·•our last words are 'Thuk God ,' .. Miss Cllri: said. Social Studv ., Courses . Get' Going , Ove.r Tho embet11ed oocl>I ltudld-p...,., ol Laguna !!each schoob recem.1 a U!orouifl 1oio1..,..,. ldond•y d'urlo1 • three-hour meeting of critics, school ad· mlnistrators and two board lrusteeJ, PosJtive reJults ol the marathon meeting are not clear -critics remai n critical and school official! remain stoically officli1l. Agreeme nt was ienerally reached on the desired ends of the program - a.tudenLs $hou.Jd be taught lo be proud ~merlcans, logical thinkers, and aware of law and social. change -but the means to those ends remained In contention. It was announced by Supt. Dr. William Ullom, that proposal made by school Trustee William Wl!Coxeo a yea r aago for a cu?Ticulilm committee Is .Ull being studied by the staff. In essence, the commit tee would mak a recommendations and review school ·pro- grams for the achoo! board, a duty now held by teachera and school principals. At is.sue io the Monday meeting were claims that the social studies program L• not teaching children the right way , nor i! it teaching the right subjects. Edward Lorr, a Laa:una Beac h hairdresser, was primary !ipokesman for a group of about 10 concerned parenll at the meeting. It was fVs appearance al a May 20 school b oard meeting thal prompted the lat.est session, "As far as J am concerned. they art finnly entrenched as to their approach lo the teaching of bislory at Thurston and this is in opposition to the lraditiona.lia1 way ol teaching history," Lorr uid to- day. "All we seemed to come to is the COl'- clusion that they have their way of think· ing about It and ,we have OW' way. Th• parent.s ate still ilissatlsfl8'.'' he said. School Supertntendent William Ullom said he feels that "lines of com- munication h.ave been opened. beneficial (See SCHOOU , PBJe %) Cout Weal.Iler There'1 no doubting that It's summer aloni the Orange Coast. Just check the weather : it'• clear. blue 1kles, mercury ln the hi1b 70.. INSmE TODAY You can 1ta11 in uour .tlDOmp. ed. boat alm<nt intUJinitel11 b1.1t lfOU won'& link If Vo• N it 0 'MtO · J~Uo• m.t:thod "°"' ttndcroo- . lag 1<1t.. DOOiing Pogt JO. L ., I • 1 • ---- .. r • • -~~O;;;All:=Y;,.:Pn.Of=-..--'-t'-' -:.==~~~-=-=­..,.. .. PQ" :1· J'HEFT8 •.•. l!morald BIJ, wu rldin& Into town with .fo11 mother Mooday; wben he spotted the ':• -...1 to"ioo.la wtilcb be -.... boil~ ind look lhillceiiii -· -.. .;; lnvesUiaton did not say 'lthelber -.,...,,. Spalding ldmtlfied Gerwin and .~Jor ·., the 111en who robbed bim of ~ .and dumped him in the CanJOft Aerts :t>rf\ie artL • -A car of tbe same dtscription was alJo ':aeen near an apartment at 253 Pearl St., .;'here Fulltttoo vaC4tiotlerS Mr. and Mn;. l.lw E. c.rim Iott fl!O In :t"aluahlts over the w:.ee.tend. Dti.ctive Broots traced the Hcena 'loutnber thrUlgb the lltpartmenl or Motor Vehicles to a l!ouple In Anihe.im, who bad 'SOid it for $50 two months ago. -)'... .·-' -#. --.... C0Ui;it y· $c hool s Rap .Criticism ' ' . ' ' ~ • •• 'uneh Own Attack on Grand Jurors . Ofl:idlJla r . . ' ' . ~ 'llz Id~ ~--Ill loo_., .. br Illa boar1!. ., - -~ '. 1111~: 'JM Otllld Jilly lportd the • Or11111~ County Superintendent .of !Oct-Wt IOcal boo\$.;~"' ·up· Ulolr 'llcbOola.J)r. liobecl' Pliorlall ind Stlio61, ~ llolnl Chairman Cliy Mlicbeu of s.lu111 Laguoa laWldltd lllell' own attack toclay -a lrvolal .... ult on c:rlllclam nle.d 117 11>11 111111 'Grand Jury TUMdi.1 /JI Ille lujlerlnltndfn~ -Ud OOllll\7 a<booll oliice. · · • Mlicbell termed oom• of the jury's COii· cluslons, "• butlCh ot baloney" and PeW'aon said iD tome i1lltances the jury'• flndln&• -· Jllll the ........ ol """ sludf' ........_ OM of out boan1 memben (Lyle GWpre, no kmaer a board member) wanted • ltt up a com- prtbonilve sex educatloo Jll'~am like tllo tlllttmt -In Aubell1l. w• )•d' to ~ tllo •ubjecl before llllldllll I dedllon. 'Mio; ,Jury was wn>ng 1n U7lnl'we lhouldll'L In b<ougbl lnlo the open what Anahelm school• were dolnib!Jt WI did not tell tbom wbat to do. We 011Ueve Jn locil cont.rot -9n the jury'• contention that Ille ef· (ectlveDe55 of both the counly school board Jnd the superintendent are hamp- tnld by lbe fact lhat both are elected and s~esting that the superintendent sho<Jld be appointed. , Aa1wtt: (by Peterson) the dtlzens aay j111t tha cppoalte" They lea! the superlntllndent. a1 wlth Olher'eounty elec- tlve officers, should be re1ponsive to the clUzenry. My well<lliaiaaed barbenhop poll Indicated that 17 percent of the peo- ple want the post to be elective. . A11wer: ('by_ Petenon) an actual study mlde !hows just the re9erte is true. For txillipfe;·1n foreign )tnKuoiaa ofllY two of 30 dlstrlcta now have a apeciaUst. Our ex- perts must fill in the gap. In reading, on· Jy three have a 15pecla.li!t and we supply the othen with aid. The obvious rea3CIO Ls a lack or fund1 In the district. Only 13 dWrlcts have: apecial music direct.ion where prevlou.sly there were 20 with this aid. Oo hulth, there are on1y four ~·bereas 10 years ag1:1 there were more than a d01£n . -'nw:y forgot the name cl the purchaler ~ the casual deal, 10 Brqoks ran throu&b fll<ir bank 1C<0011t and trac:od ,lhe cbod, writteQ by a Douglass Hawklu. ' .the truU1. Wbtn 'Iba jury aays we lpl11t too 'much time on !1111 IUbJact It 11 a bunch of blloo@y. We oooductod all our rel\lllr ~ aCd 11*> bold th• hurtll&> liter. Wa luil to 'llltea lo Iha people. -On the jury's contention that as local district. grow they become increuln&ly independent qr the County Department of EduoaUoa and tbat moet locl1 district. feel there la UtUe, lf any, need for county school services. One final question was posed · al this morning's press conference : "Is there anything in the Grand Jury report you can approve?" "l aot btJ$Y and ran the man down In Co11ta Mesa:" said Brooks, who e%plaJned Jlawktns works for a low-cost auto pal~ 1ing center and had re-furblshed the car !or quick W• and prolll • , H1wkini".toki lnvesU,ators he aold the vehlcle to a youth named ~nrin for $275 t;everal daya a(O, then added a new note of interest to the case. He said Gerwin sbawed up Mond1y night and tried lo sell the car baCk. Detective Brooks said an area-wide .r,tdio broadea!t. bad gone out for arrest ol tho suapecta and Impounding ol the -bir, · still rtg~tend. to its former 1An8beirft owners. Patrolman Larry Galat had gooe on his t\'ening lihilt. Jess than one hour ·~ller 'I'Uesda)'., when be pW..led over Ge-wtn and • Idler at Holly Slre<t and Cypr<SJ, Drive. He said the suspects -who have been "ioamlng all ..., the ....t .-ntly -bad • \heir beiooliDP all Jooded up, ready lo Joas~ From P llflC! I _;:SCHOOLS ••• ~ .... <1o ll!ldenlandlni ror an the paople In- • volved;" - .,._He noted !bat Ille ~ showed the -~'ability of paople to talk with dllJllty" • about a 5Ubiect often emlJrotled In lrale .pnotlonalism. . . _ .llMlc criUclsm .or tho pro1J•m deals 'With •the'.Q>DOtlJlllal 'teachin& melhod, I met.bod· whkfl relaid sc.ne . IOCJo.. ecooom1c and political concepts in history, · 1.rr"5pectlve of time or _j(e<>graphlc llaea. ~~·Lorr calls the conc.ttpt an anti· ~ diaclplinary way of teaching and prt:{ers '1lle cbroMlogical on!er metllod of """''ni• ' ·t ..,..-He allO ob)ecll to hutrudlon af· 't)o~'a 11-J ol Evo!UUoA, to the ten, '.bi>ol; "Lenci Of Ille --fl>!," • to '')>rol>lln> 10Mn1" lallructlon. • . Lori' ocldOd that bO wll1 be .it the -:ichocl boll'd me.ting, next Tue.day, to ~~~hll,sldo ~ wbl! .... ~ J :>'Jlt" lald It •l&:lllll· too etrl)"fllr 1111' -~ ..... >PProach In oppoilttoil ":t. llMi· ~~ ... ,c: .. l . . ~-' •' , ...... ;n~xd Albu ms, !! . • ,;~.!_.:_~· . ..: . .• ' . ~ .. ·- Stereo Taken Worth $1,600 Sound equipment and 1 vut haul or record alb!Jm& wortb fl,!!l!L -,.:ere repnrloi!· lllk~ ht sld....intlow buriliii" at two Laguna Beach homu, police u~' today •. _ Wllllal!I J. Phillips, 23, of 41$1.ocu•I SL, lllted bll l<lSI 1l ll,lOO, ~Ing" • tun«,' epMkt!r and ampllfier,_cflua !00 albums. •-dlJll lo Ll Frank 5Ji6i>en. 'Jbe vldlm Aid intruders came through 1n unlocked side window whlft "he: wu away most of Monday. , Cocetebare Tabuhuteranl, ~. of Iii Lombon!y Lane, lost on estimated l400 In aound eqWpm~t to ·burglan who ap- parently aitered in the same manner at an earlier date. . . Tahuhutaran.i't report was flied Mon- day ~ a friend, Mary A. Knmer ac-c0nl1!lil .lo lnvostlpix>rs. " ~'°"'"'*'-...... l•MftM-W ... .................. J••• .. e.t.., .,_.,,...... ... ._.. ....... n...,., K...,il ... n .... "'-....__..,,._ •• --~-... P. N•ll ..__ < .. ,_ STATE'S CMA'S POSITION Podlotrlcl•n Rolllnoon c oas·t Doc tor Cite s Sc 1wol Health Needs l..clal 19 tfMo DAILY I'll.OT SAN DIEGO -A broader prOlfllll of heallh educaUon la needed in California schools, Dt. Tom W. Robinson 01 ·New· port Beacll lesti!i.0 b<re Tu..CS.y. >,, clWrman ol the Colilorola Medical Aasotiation's commiltee on school and cOflO(e health, tho Orange CGut pedla- tdrJan delit.erfd,.{:~ '1 ~Ilion piJl:r on "health educatloii lo a f.aCt:ttn:aing eom: .. mlU.. of Gov. Reagan'1 Advisory Com· mlttee on Cb.Udren and Youth. Jlr, Robinson, who la pediatric con- &ullaat to the Foontaln Valley School Diltrict, •aid CMA doesn't beUtlve the opUmum level of Jle•lth educaUon hu been achieved In eaurofl)la IChooia. Thtrdort, be &aid, the 24,IJOO.l!llmb<r state medical ISIOdaUOo encolJJ'lgta "co- Ol'dloaled effort by achoola, partnu, de-partinen~ of health, private practlli9flers .in i:nedfclne and ~enUstry and eom~unt­ ty heaJth agencies." "tlealth education should prepare our children .to pereelve and practice health- fulllvlng. both In and boyood the school enviroamtnt," Dr, Roblll50D 1ald. Health education must begin 'in the home, Virough example and guldanci:, and it mu.st conllll.le In the schools through the coBege yeara; tt sho<Jld not m.ttly Inform, but sbould modUy be- hovt..-llCMhat U>e iadl-.J fully uUllus JftYentlVO and predlcUv1 medical Hr· vtca, be obHrved. In the achoola, 111ch educlUm llho<Jld Include not only physical edllcallon and ~·but a!Jo. specific. ""'1J"'ll•I bealllf> lmtrudJm and boallli ~ In . reitleil adenee u4obumon11t .. ·aubjectg • woU u """1le1lni ~ llUldanc<. not· ed Dr. Roblnaoo.'. ' ' ' cM,i. b<lieves that "a IChool heallh prop:arn ahould endow each Student with · the .kiiowleclge IA hl1 health H:sponslbUlty as •. chlld. r .parent and a member ot . s0de6>. Tblt 'Cannot be ac111 .. ed Will> out cooperation of related pro(eulonal and parent orga.Nzations in the formation of school hea.ltb programs and tn eon. tinufng support d. the 1 c b o o I health rprogram. "The schools must provide an example or the responsibility Of people to provtde a safe, physically and emoUortally health- ful enviromnent for e 1 'c h othtr," he 1tated. And. becauee parents caMot &Upervise theit thlldren at school, the schools are obllpted' ta oCfer a hea1thful, aafe en- vil'Dlllntnl for lhe .child. •'To accxtnplish this," be said. "schools and colleges mllst Insure ~ availability ot health services." Testimony from CMA and other orpnl- &alions is being gathtred (or dicennlal at.ate hOUS'e and white boUSe conferences on chlld~n and youth scheduled for next year. The conferences ar.e de&lgntd tc> fuml1h communJcaUons among «gani· uUons working in various field.I 0( chil- dml and youth. From Pflffe l NIXON ••• would be speeded. the oource reported . But he aa1d the United Statts hu no evidenct North Vietnam is wlthdrawinc its forces but may be movtne them into -Lace and Cambodia • He telunferl to Bangkok, Thailand, lite tod.y aboard the prtaldenUal plan• aod wu whi&ted back to the paJaoe from where he eUpped away early ln the day to be&ln hlJ 1ecreci"•hrouded trip. He wilt leave Thliland Thursday to continue bis round-lllO'WO<ld trip. In tll An. be pictured the "" as worUlwbile -em1 aa he called It the moat cootrove.ra1al In American hlJtory -because, ht &aid, It _may lead to the eotabliahment of an tDdurln& peaco In ......... While meeUna rtUeu earlier at Salaoo's 'Indopondence Palace, Nixon llSlied a dl.ttmenL tedUna conciliatory movu ..., )ropdlll4 m>d• by w.altlllflbll .... -SaJgOb In tll ~ro.t lo &el tM earls pt.lot ta1u o1r cllad caii.r. • "We bavt eone u far · u we can qr ~ .. in...,.111 the doors r.-~• tJOlll wbich wru brtng peace," he 111\i. "1t k notr liOM! for the °'40f 1idt lo •it down wllJI Iii 11111 talk leri.,..q abOul Wlyt lo ~ ll>t k1W., .•• " Liter wb«I· Nma l!ld Thlto made ;,q,u111 bolora leltv1atoa comerat >nd r!ldio mlCropboli<s on «tlli -of ' 8afgon11 eciuJv1t1nt of the Mltte HOUH, the U.S. pr<sldent "Id R la clesr lo all 1hC! world "which skte ~1 cone the u:tra mUe'' in an attempt to omote puce. p Taldnf Illa Grand Jury's lnltril!I report pomt.by-polnt, Petmon and ll'IA:l>oll •Id . Aaswtr : Attendanct of jury membef'3 at our board meetings was commeodab~. ln~:uponalb~Uy of !ho CIJllll\1 IChool · boir1! to Ht policy and , the IAIJl8iln. ltndef!l'1 1'61p001Jblllty to ~ policy and tho noed la< 1ciod _. muntcailons betw-the two. 'Al:lftl': There 11' no Jack or com-- munication between the board a., the superintendent. This is obviously a mlrunder&landing oo the part of jury membets. Some minor d tf fer enc ea -tile ouporlnteoclent and h<lord Datly Meditation Cobbie Quits AnaheimSclwols'Polic y After Shots mombtrs -11 beallliy. --9o Ille -ty achoo! boar1!'1 •pm· ding too much time this year ln mu over which it bas no control, lucb u the chalco of locil dlllrl<t le>lhoou and' Ille dealrabllity of a coune of study on Fan11-t~ · Wt and , s.. Education In local dlJ;tlct., and Iha _.nbjp of Bbrary booll:L ' ANSWER: (by Mildlell) Wa had ooe case of textbook cbotce. '11.and of the Free" and we did have the right to Jook: l:M It. !. *"dledJbe .book_carefu!i'f~ consldir it a very inferior teat. A book 1bould be 1 history book. Ir you want to augment it with information on the part minority groups play 1n hlatory that lhould be tn supplemental material: You ehou1dn 't cut out Other -UJtfW material to Include lllCh tn!oriil.atlm . On HJ: education: We had quite a desree of that In publlc ochooil wbeo I 1ttendod (l.oo Aqeles lllgb School 1928 to 19'29). We had studiea: on venereal dJseases llnd other sjmilar subject.. Petera&a: The scllool board 11 retp0nsl-~le f?r tbe county COUfle of study for grades kindergarten through eighth, but we exercise no censorship if the dlstriets aet up their own courae of study. They 1943 to 1945 Laguna Grads Get Reunwn Call ' ' ' , A. ~Oil for lludento wtm were gradUat..i from Lqima s..ch.lllgb In cl-. of ™3. 44, and 46 will be held Aug. 33, accordinl lo.•letrlnf commltl'" chairman Jim "Jamo" Wharton. The committee has planned a dinner dance to bt staged ln Ben Brown's R..iaur .. t •I La11J111 Beach ~tzy Club. A no-host cockta'll hGUr will begin at 6:30 p.m. to be followed by a prime rib buffet dtnner from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Dancing to a lii:-plece orchestra will go on from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. In addition, orlgln1I rtcordings of the "big band sound" wW be played, Wharton said. The evening will cost •1s per coup~. or $8 for those who wbh to go sta1, with a 150-peraon capacity. ResetvaUool may be made by wrlling Blllle Lou S!fit&tr Quam, 980 Temple Terr1et. LqUna Beach. Since oaly about eo percent of Iha gradilala hive been localed, lhoet know- ine the whereabouts of graduates are asked to contact Mra. Quam. Tholt on the steering cornmlttee I~ elude Pat Blrdwood Jackson, Dan McFarltnd, Fred Rldp, Bud Fowler, Norman Anderson, Anatalle B al r d Armatrong, Bruce Pierce, Mons Nlcboll and Betty Barnes Ware. Newsman's Wife Said Improving The wife of t.fW\I Beach newsman Hubbont "Hub" Kuvy II Jn lll!Jfactory alid improved condition today, after a freak auto accident which spilled her to lhe pavement Monday, Nurses at South Coast Community HosptlaJ said Mr1. Harriett Keavy, 86, or 3WI' Villa De Catalina, South Lacuna. is ttipondlng to treatment of a head injury. she tell out of the car driven by her hu~and on th e San Dl~o Freeway near Costa f.fesa when another auto e:nttrlrtg al the Jamboree Reed onramp caused him lo brake llharply and lend the car skiddin1 sideways. Panther Cleared In Weapon Case Dan iel ~Ucllaal L)nom, """' accu!ed of tho muri!er ol 1 fianu Aa.L police omw, WU cltarod Tutadl)' of lbe 1181 of I ..ri .. of chara• brouJhl •Jalntt him In ·Santi Ana Mmllolpal tourt. Lynem, 2*. who kl9'1tlfiff hlm11U a1 a U.Utananl oi c:ommualcaU.... la the Bltck Panther orpnlulion, w11 lret<1 by Jud1• Eufr"'" ~ ... , .. clWI• of emytna a conctaltd wi1poa. He w•s booktd on the offen&e tut April, full tl&bi week.a belort he wu arrested 1ftd •ccused of gunnln& clown Ssntl Ana polke offictt Nelson Sauctr. Okays V oluntnry Prayer :~~~sh~~~~ .. Jr . A ,_ poUey bas been adopled by the Anahtbn Ualon Hiil> School Di•lrict which will allow voluntary prayer in schools. Author of the policy, Trultee Edward Hlriz\ell. aaJd be pushed rar the prolJam wlill loltow truateea becluM "1tudtnla In th15 1rta who were afraid to pray in any way, even 1n theJr own IJ'OU.ps, uked me to help them.''-- The board-adopted policy suagested !hat prlnclpail or tho district lcboob Ill aside a period ol time each day for ai· ltnt prayer or 111edlt1tlon. Each •ludent woold be !roe to port1clp1te or not J>ll'" Uclpoie, Hartn.ll 11id. "Students are trying drugs and all manner of thl.QI• Whlfe crying out for splrltual ldenUly," the trustee aaJd. Before approving Hartnell'• prayer plan the boar1! CONUlted the county counsel's office and wu told that the ~U.S. SuptUDe.£ow1 decision banned only __ involuntary· prayer. · The naw policy wtlJ be tmplamenied whee t"lfUlar clules resume in the fall. Mariner Takes 2nd Serie s Of Ilistoric Mars Photos PASADENA (UPI) -Mariner I began takinl a second aeries of televis\OI\ pic- ture• early today as It hurtled toward a ••near encounter" with Mars to find out whether life can mat. on the red planet Tbt first batch d :U pictures of Mars, l>rowlcut live oo home televtalon acreens Tuosdty afch1, ohowed • m11!1, en· ahtped <rb with the white ioulh polar cap aiendlna out clearly from a moWed, Ugbt eray surface. It wu the United States' second space triumph lh1a month, comina on the ht<il ol the Apollo It miNkm that landed men on U'9 moon. Tbe Soviet Union hu been plaiued with communicatlons failure. Jn their seven Man probes. Mariner fi began mapping the second seri~ Clf pictures at 12:23 a.m, PDT t~ day. they will bt beamed back to earth 1tartin1 at a p.m . Mariner 6 will fly past Mars al a -distance of 2,000 miles tonight at 10:03 PDT after a voy11e ol 2-fl mllllon miles through space. Desrite the vast dlslanct, t.he spacecraft wll be only 99 $tCOndS late for the rendezvous. Mirintr 7. thf: 850-pound space twin of Mariner I, will make ill Oypui five days Jatu. Between U\tm, thty w i 11 phcitoeraph the entire surface of f.1an lwic1 as it fall.tea benetth the two televlalon cameru aboard e 1 c h spacecra!l Mariner I will have only l5 mlnutt.s lo perronn tu aclontlllc uporlmenis and ·'"'" ...... take two dozen teltvisiOn pictures of a region ne•r the Marian equator which should show areas as small as 900 feet across. At the same lime, instruments aboard the spacterlft will go to work making a chemical analy1l1 and mapping the surface by measuring thermal radiation. Of particular interest is whether the air contains nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen -afl present in earth's atmoepbere--and if there is water on the planei. 'Mie scientists in jet p r o p u I s i o n laboratory's mission control confessed 1uesday night they were rather dlap- pointed in the first of the 33 pictures that slowly unfolded, line by line, across the television screen. The principal objection \\'as the low contrut. but Dr. Robert e. Leighton of lhe Cllllornia Institute of Technology said the later shot.a were "much finer than I've ever seen in photographs and much finer, I think, than ever seen by the eye from earth.." He said the pictures showed details never before seen by man, such aa: rag- ged edges of the south polar cap. The poles, believed made out of fror.en carbon dioxide -dry ice -were the cleare1t details In the Initial batch. The 17 pictures taken this morning and to be transmitted back to earth toni1ht were exptcttd to show gruter detail because Mariner 6 wru be much clo.ser to the planet. -. To the girl whet~ what she \wants but not..,._ IO find it.I IM1t ch yo'"' style With ou., J m1ny diJtlnc\Ne de:si3M. Andi ·•sk us 1bout O•r fainous o..nae-- who e!icaped with his life when a Pacific Coast Highway miper Ured a hall of slugs at his lnl. quit hls job with Yellow Cab Company of Long Beach Tuesday. ''I just don't want to driv~ a ca.b anymore," the Vietnam lleteran lold hts bos~. No one around taxi headquarteN blam - ed the 23 year old drivu. He was caught in a volley or sniper's bull~ta ln Se~ ~ach at 4:09 a.ID. Mon- day which Shattered his wfnOSlil!ld, nar· rowly missed his head, and sprayed him with glass. The fi ve shots seemed to C<ltne from the vicinity of the fo.1arina Palace, a teenage dance hall on Coast Hlghway. near the west city limits of Seal Beach. Seal Beach and Long Beach detecUvts are still puzzled by the shooting and have not yet UDCOVered any clues leading to the capture ol the mysterious gunman. .. So far voe've just come up with a blank,'' said Lt. Robert Gana of the Seal Beach Polict Department today. He added that fragments of the glass collected iruide the automobile have been sent to the crime labs of both police departments as well as the Orange Cou~ ty Sherif{ for 'analysis. Pieces of the bullets hitting the cab- bie's car were not recovered, i:Acreuing the diUiculty of determining the type of weapon used, police said. .Trial P ostponed For Baby-sitter Trial for a Laguna Beach woman char· ged with child neglect stemming from an incident involving a baby boy left in her care the day the child's mother married a paUceman has been postponed. Stt to begin Tuesday, Mrs, Ruth L. DunLavey's case was continued until Aug . 19, when she was ordered to return to Sooth Orange County Judicial Diatrict court. The defendant, of 790 North Coast Highway. was babysitting for Mrs. Carolyn Hov.·e on May 2, date of her mar· riage to police detective Gene Brooks. J\1rs. DunLa vey reported David Jiowe, 20 mon ths, the apparent vicUm of a kid- naping, but searchers found he had crawled outside and tumbled dO'o'-1l a steep embankment. lfl.00., JSOM CONVINllNT TOMS IANICAMERICARD MASTIR CHAR&& J. C. .Jlump/u.iM 'JeweferJ 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION \ 1121 NIWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA 'HONE S<l·l<O I ! t I • • . ' ) I I s ' • r· n j l .. :t sl '· ,. •• d· •d a New}io._.t • . . Barbor ' v6t:. 62, NO. 181'. S SECTIONS, 62 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY. JULY 30, 1969 Pier • Hippies Not Ours, Say Mod By JOUN V ALTERZA Of ""' o.llF ,,, .... ,.,. Do ahops catering to psychedelic tastes worsen the Newport Beach waterfront "st~peeple" problem? 'The owners of one of two 1uch bll!.lnessea on McFadden Square today &aid their store doesn't And they want a meeting with their rell01( waterfront businessmen to resolve bitltnless arising from suqutioru by several 6hopkeeper1 that the 110lution to the "street people" problem Is the closing of psychedelic shops. Geri'Evans, Dan Strassberg: and Kevin "Bear" Mulhurn today denied that their Glory Shop contributes to problems with the waterfront yoolhs. Their defeMe was sparked by a letter received by the Newport City Council P.fooday, signed by 10 businessmen demanding thaL the city not grant licenses to "tuppie bu!inesses." Coun· cilmen will conaider the issue Auaust 11, Mayor Doret:n Marshall said. The letter crlarges that the area's two psychedelic gift shops cater to a clicntele that is "90-percent hippie ." The Glory Shop owners disagree. "If 90 percent or our clientele were hip- pies we ·would have been broke months ago, 90 percent of their gripes !the 10 signers) don't apply to us," Mulhurn aa.id. "What 'hippie' can afford a $'l50 hatch· agree with them. Our business is hurt, customers aren't hippies at all. They're -Nixon Firms Stand Assures Thieu, 'No More Concessions' SAIGON (AP) -President Nixon Oew :o Saigon ·today and declared the United ii.late! ar.d South Vietnam couJd make no !urther peace concessions~ Later he tokt U.S. soldiers 'at a nearby base that the Nat "i•rria}illave tieen0ur fmest.ho\lr." Ni.loo Oew first into the heart of Saigon occoming lbe flrsL U.S. president to visit ioulb Vietnam's capital. He was ac· :ompanled by his wife who made her own oil of history by touring a field hoapital and a home for war orphans. No other First Lady has visited South Vietnam. Nizon also .became the first president to visit a combat base in South Vietnam. He spok" to the American troops al Di An, headquarters of the U.S. Isl Infantry Division 12 miles north of Saigon. Nixon spent five hours and 25 minutes in Vietnam, much of it in conferences with President Nguyen Van Thieu and olhe'i' go\·ernment leaders. A White House source said Nixon and Thieu discussed a new U.S. troop withdrawal beyond the 25,000 already ordered but no final decision was reach· ed. He added they did not pin down the npmber to be withdrawn or the timetable but these details will. be irooed out in the_ 12.st haU or August. Nizoo also discussed with Thieu the current lull in ground figh\.ing and decid~ ed that if it proved to be enemy de- escalation. the pullout of U.S. forces (See NIXON, Page Z) 'Credlhlllty Gap'. Newport Police P1wenixFiresNewport's Grab Sex Films i i .;Cit·y· M_ anager Coop After Preview Two Newport Beach detectives ~Ing :i.s buyerS Tuesday arrested a cOrona man and seized nearly 300 rolls o! movie film, some of which were alleged lo be obscene. SptclaJ t.o lhe DAILY PU.OT PHOENIX -Former Newport Beach city manager Robert Coop has been fired as city manager of Phoenix. everyday people that come to visit the beach," he said. He conceded that the Glory Shop has eJ:perienccd the .same problems as lhe other types of businesses along the three· block area, "perhaps even more severely than the rest." "They claim that the stre.K people destroy their business, and we have to agree wilh them. Your business is hurt, too." Strassberg: 'Jid. "We haven't ha oo• drug arnst inside So11ae Necklace our shop ltnce we started busineaa five months ago, and our relationship with the polke department is ei:ceDent. We have had no problems with them," Miss Evans said. She added that the shop has faJlen vie· llm to shopliftm and burglars. '·They even tried lo set fire to the plact once," she said. The three agreed that no youths that appear "high'' on drugs of any llind are allowed ln the shop, nor are brnwsers T"'ay's Flnal .~~Y, Steeb TEN CENTS allowed to frequent the place ,for any period ol time without buying the warea ol hand-made Jewelry, porters and gifls., The Glory shop· does not seU tome types of merchandise fourid In other "head sbopS"· •long the Orange Coast - "roach'' clips used to 'hold marijuana butts, booka detallin& tho cu lUvlling of the weed and undergound .newspaperL "We have lo serve as Slilesmtn and social workers in our bualneu," M\llhum (S.. MOD SHOPS, Pace I) DA IL T f'ILOT Plltle llt' ,,.... 'I ... Sources here said Coop, $5, was asked by Lhe Phoeniz City Council to either resign or be fi red. The counci l ultimatum Garon Dee Childers, 29. was arrested at a residence at Cedar Avenue and West Coast Highway .by Detective John Simon and Sgt. Ken ThornP30n. Police booked Childers on charges nf possessine: obscene matter for sale. Childers Posted $150 bail and was releas· ed. Liz Ward, 11, Is aJ I awhirl in hula hoop contest at lrvine Terrace Park. Liz, an Eastbluff resident, competed with lour boys at Newport Beach Park.s Oepartment...sponsored event. She won LR the girls' division -at the very least. ' LEAVES PHOENIX POST City Manager Coop :Anaheim Board OK's Voluntary ' School Prayer A new policy has bttn adopted by the Anaheim Union High School District ·wltich will allow voluntary prayer in iichools. Author or the policy. Trustee Edward Jiarlnell. said ht: pushed for the proi"am wilh fell ow truslecs because "students in this 1rea who were afraid lo pray in a.ny way, even in their own groups, asked me to hel p them :" The board-adopted policy suggested that principals of the district schoob Jet. aside a period of time each day for si· lent prayer or medit.atioa. Each dUdent would be free to participate or not par· I icipate, Hartnell said. "Students are trying drugs and all manner of things while crying out for 1piritual Identity," the trustee said. Before approving Hartnell's prayer plan the board consulted the county CUJnscl's office and was told that the u .s. Supreme Court decision banned only involuntary prayer , The new policy will be im plemtntcd when regular classes re5Urnt In the fall. Immediately alt.er board members ap- prnved llartnell't moUon , ht uld: "That should bring ou& tht .atheisLs." ''Let's not ,cet into lhat," trustee John Birton admonished. ·- was unanimous. Coop's forma l letter of resignation was submitted al a formal council session. "This is not a voluntary decision," said the veteran municipal administrator. The resignation is eUectivt August 15. "It is apparent," he said in his Jetter to the council, "Lhat City Council-manager relationships had reached a point where I could no longer be effective as your city manager." Troubles for Coop began to surface tarlier 'this swnmer when Phoenix Coun- cilwoman Dorothy Theilkas publicly charged the city manager with a "credibility gap" between himseU and the City Council. Mrs. Theilkas specifically charged that city aides and slate legislators had mel without council knowledge. She also alleged she had asked Coop 39 questions since May or 1968 and received only 10 ansv.·ers. The credibility gap allegations in Phoenix sounded much like a replay ol the husle surrounding Coop when he left the Newport city manager's post late in 1964 to accept the PhoeniI job. Coop had served three years as Newport's top city administrator. The Phoenix council's unhappiness Is believed to have stemmed from his pro- posed new city budget first submitted last March. It exceeded anticipated revtnuea by $6 million . Coop trimmed It by $1 million at the council's imistenct. and proposed S4 million in new lazes on liquor and tobac· co to balance the rest of It. The new tues were approved by the cooncil, with liquor and tobacco dealers protesting vigorously . It later deveklped that only half of the: $4 million wiU actually be generated b,r tbe newly lmpo9'-d levies. Simon. police vice and intelligence in· vestigator, said Childers set up a private showing of the films Tuesday afterr.;ion. A!terwards the officers bought 17 reels at $17 each, then arrested the man. They then confiscated. lhe rest of Childer's stock of movies. "Not all of the movies we took would be classified as pornography if you com· pared them to what's being shown in some places in Los Angeles," Simoo said. But, he added, several of the films gave police reason for making th e arrest and seizure. ''We hope that we can show several of them to a judge to see what he thinks about them," he said. Simon said he had rectived a lip from "a highly reliable source" who told him whe re he could obtain movies of that lype. The "screening" was sel up for the early afternoon Tuesday. Chi lders was arrested al 2 p.m. Thant I ssues Appeal For Nigeri an R eli ef UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP) - Sccretary·Generc..I U Thant iss ued an urgent appeal today to both sides in the Nigerian civil war to make arrangements for resumption of emergency daytime flights of relief supplies. Declaring that relief effort s by the United Nations and the International Committee for the Red Cross are now in jeopardy, Thant urged both sides to gjve immedlatt consideration also to opening of land and river corridors. Mariner Takes 2nd Series Of Historic Mars Photos PASADENA (UP I) -Mariner 6 began taking a second stries of teJevis.ioo pie· tures early today as it hurtled toward 1 •·near encounltr" with Mars to find out whether life can ui!t on the red planet. The first batch of l3 pictures of Mars, broadcast live on home television screens Tuesday nlght, showed a small, egg· shaped orb with the white south polar ca p standing out clearly from a motlled, light gray surface. It was the United States' second space triumph this mor,th, coming on the heels of the Apollo JI mission that landed men on the moon. The Soviet Union has bttn plagued with communication.!! failures in their seven Mars probes. Marinef. 6 began mapping the second series of pictures at 12:23 a.m. PDT It> day. They will be beamed back to earth starting at 6 p.m. ttariner 6 wlll fly past Mars at a distance of 2,000 miles tonight at 10 :03 PDT after a voyage of 241 million miles through space. Despite the vast distance, the spacecraft will be only 99 seconds late for tht rendezvous. ~1ariner 7, the S:,O.pound space twin of Mariner 6. will make its flypast rive days lat('r. Between them, they w i 11 photDgraph the entire surface of Mars twice as It rotales beneath the two television cameras each spacecraft. ~1ariner 6 will have only 25 minutes to perform its scientific experiments ind take. two doun lelevision picturea or • region near the Marian equator which should show areas as small as 900 feet across. 1 At the same lime, Instruments aboard· the spacecraft will go to work making a che mical analysis and mapping the surface by measuring thennal radiation. Of particular interest is whether the air contains nitrogen, oxygen and hydrogen -all present in earth's atmosphere-and if there is wattr on the planet.. The scientisU .in jet p r opulalon· laboratory's tnission contrbl cOnrcssed Tuesday night they were rather diap- p<Unted in the rirst o! the 33 pictures that slowly unfolded. line by line, across the television screen. The principal obj«tion was the low contrast, but Dr. Robert B. Leighton of the California Institute or Teclmology said the later shots were "much finer · than I've ever seen in photopaphs and much liner, 1 think, than ever seen by the eye from earth." 2 Acres Worth $25,000? He a.aid the piclures showed details never before seen by man , 111Ch 11 rac· &ed edies of the south polar c1p. Newport Seeks That Muclt, Each Year Newport Beach city government hopes to hike its income from a two-acre Newport-owned parcel in Huntington Beach from Sti,400 to hS,000 yearly. The now undeveloped proptrty ii at the southeast corner ol Brookhurst Street and Adams Avenue in a commercially toned area. It is now used as a site for four billboarda, for which the city receives a $450 monthly rentaL Newport oouncllmen, on the joint recommendation of the city staff and a committee of the Newport-Mesa Board of Reallon , this wttk called for bids on lea!ini OI the properly. The lease pro- posals are scheduled to be considered by the council on Sept. 22. The mlnhnum acceptable lease pro- posal will be $22, 700 a year, councilmen agreed. Assistant City M a n a g er James DeChainc eqJlalned that the minimum lease figure is based on 7 percent of the property's appraised valut of aboul 13%4,000. "We anticipate -p~als or at least $2$,000," he added. City officiall said the. rtason the land is tn be leased rather Ulan sold b ll3 11n• derground wells. tt· has bean C!timatetl there la enouah waiter there to Rrve, afler treatment, one·third of Newpart·s present population. The underrround reserve will be kept es a subsidiary water.sourct, 100Ukt the city evu ~ve to tap it. The city now receives it.. water throu.1h l he Metroriolitan Water Di11lricL I.ease requiremenLs for the Brookhursl· Adims p1opertJ, 'Deehalne. said, lncl~e auaranteed eue.rnents foi: \be dtJ to lay distributor Jiau to tht underground basin. Newporl acquired Uil: property many years bel<!re the elty ,of HunUnpon Bcodi anM1ed tu the Santa Al'la R,4ver. Panther Cleared . In Weapon Case . Dank!l' Michael Ljntm. once accUHd ol lhe murder of a Santa A~a Police officer, \VII cleartd. Tuuday of I.be laat <if a ttrit.a ol char1ea brought agalnlt him ln · Santa An• Municipal Court. · Lynem. zz. who identUiu himself u • lieuteMnl of comm.unlcaUont In thc1 Black Panther orpniuUon, ·••s freed by Judge Euient Lan&haUH:r on chatces Of· carT)'lng 1 concealed wtiaporu Ho ,, .. ,. booked oo tho offen,. lut April. jll!t cJght woe.kl before he was lrrat'ed •nc\ •collltd ot &UMlnl 'down S1nt1 Ana police officet Nelson 'Sa11ctr. Cabbie Gives Up Job Following Sniper's Shots Cab driver Sherman W. Burdine, Jr., who escaped with his life w6cn a_ Pacifte Coast Highway sniper fired a hall of slugs at his taxi, quit his job with Yellow ~ab Company of Long Beach Tuesday. "I just don 't want to drive a cab anymore," the Vietnam veteran told his boss. No one around ta.1..1 headquart!!rs blam· ed the 23 year old driver. He was caught in a volley of sniper'• bulleb In Seal Beach at 4:09 a.m. Mon· day which shattered his windshield. oar· rowly missed hia head, and spriyed him with glaM .. The five shots: see.med to come from the vicinity ~ the Marina Palace, • teenage dance hall on Cout Highway near the west city limits of. Seal Beach. Seal Beach and Long Beach detectives are still puzzled by the sliootin& aDd have not yel uncovered' any1 duesl leading to the capture or the 'myslerious gunman. ''So far we've just come up with A blank," said U . RoberlGana of the Seal Beach Police Department today. Oraage Weatller Th>n'• no dclubllni thlt Ifs 1ummer alone the Ci'ange Coast. Just check the we.atbtt; it'• clear, blue 1kJes, mercury In the hi&h 70s . INSIDE TODAY You · con stou tn Uol'r JllJGm.J>- ed boot olmott indeflnirtll/ but 110u won't 1it1k Cf JIOU uae a' ftClO flbtotio• method now u11cleroo- ing te1r.-~ooting Page JO. -t --. ..... ~ lt 11"'9 ~ • ---.... l .. ,, r: ...... tt ---T~ • -. -. --.. ' • ' ---.-. .... -- -. ri DAJl.Y PllOT N WotM;d;y, ~-~ ... -• • • . . . l " Reds Charge · -· ~Nixon Visit ;Cou~ty ScQools Rap Cri~icism .:.• ' . ' ;fushes War . "' l!AltlON (UP!) -Viet Cong radio aaid 7~ Prtsldtnt Nixon pnived by his : ,rfp t8 Vietnam he wishes lo lnt.uily the :. rietnam War. ·; In a · COll1Jl!«rlary broadcall oil the ·"~•-Natlonol Lib«tdoo Front lNLF) radio lea thin five houri after · tuon left Saigon, lhe Viet Cong Wd NlJ .. 11's visit was a "blunt, shameless pro- >'OCIUon toward the world wtiieb hu p: lemJnded he end the aigresslve war,0 ~. 'jlt waa an lnaolen~ challenge toward ur people wbo are atru11l!n1 l~y lo -overthrow nileu-Ky• IUOllll In order lo bring bad peace lo lhe .,.,,,1ry. • the commentary said. The atalem«ll· r<ierred lo South Viet. 1amese PIJ:sjdent ·_Ngqytn Van Tbltu; tice Pmldent Nguytn Clo Ky 8lld •remier Tran Van Huong. "The lad lhJt.an Am<rlcan PreSident iame for the first lime to Saigon with rieky plans. · •. Proved that Nix&n has rled to cling to hia Th.ieu.Ky·H®rll oervanta In the hope lo UAe them as a Joo! .(J continue intenlifying the aureaaive .., fuD GI crimes lll South -VleCmm. ": be lorOodeasl Aid. . 'Ibo oonu1ie11tary aald al~ NIJon lurlng bis trip spoke "uooeaah\gly of -oad goodwill," the United States tu !lid efforts lo !nle!tlily the war. " * -. ·F,....P .. el 'NIXON ••• • 1'ow•I" be ·apeodtd; the IOlll'Ce mort..i. -Sul be uld the Unttal states !tu no ' • 'IVld....., Noclh Viet!lam ls wllltdrawln& • ta foroea but may be moving then lnlo : l.aos ...i Carobodla. " He relunJeQ lo Banal;ok, TltoOand, Jato. -oday aboard the presldenUal plane ...i , ; '" wblWod back lo the pa1-from · riler'e be sllpped awoy early In lbe day lo . .eg1n bis ~ trip. He wDI ..... 1lWiand 'lbunday lo -bla iOUnd:U...-ld trip. In flt An, be plcturod the war u l'Ol'llnrbilo -even aa be oallod II the ooll -enlal In Amtriean blst.ery --l)ec•1•, he aald, lt JnlY lud to the · · tsf.~. GI an eodllrln& peaco In ~ UAL ... • • " Wblla -.a Tltlat uriler 1Ulalp'1 -...,...,..... Palaoe. Nlxoo -• !•'itt!Mnlttt. redttng ccnciliatarJ movu '"ind II~ made by Waahln&lon al1d ,, lal&m ln·an dfart lo 1et llie Parll peace· laJb all dad -· " . · •i9fe have gone aa ~~u "' Cl1I tit -:~ .... ~ open"'c tbe door& '° negotiao- '~ !low~ foe Uie otbei' aide lo ill cl · •"D .... w•w. will brip8 peoce." hi ffld.~· ~ ~ u and tl!k terioUJly about •IYI · ,: -o!ilaO 1be :JilliDI. ;, :. " ' ' ' I ! ' "" ~ Wbell N-...i Thieu mitde ~ ;: ~ " befOre television camefu and ; ~ ~~ «l the ateps ol ;, '• equival~ of the Whltt House, ~ 'V:S. presidOlit aald il is ~_lo•!! ~ -worwr "which aide _bu 1one f&e eitra aUle" ln an attempt to promoUI peace. ••Now it is Ume for the other side to respond," be added> with Thieu at bi.I Ude. Injured Child -. ' . R~ains Critical The ~ two-year..ald IOn or· former Newport Boacb a..istant cit1 'attarney Ge«ge 'Roberts Js .. bold.Ing bis own,'" Costa Mesa Memorial H O'I pit a 1 5pokesmen said today. LitUe G«rge Roberts Jr., however, is •till on the cril.ical list, !Ulfering from 2ULo era.ab injuries. .. 'lbere ii a litlle improvement," a.id a boapllal aide. "Bui be ii lllll In our ln- tensl'fe care mdt." Tlte ~ w.. ln]urod In • twooar oocld<nl Sunday In Costa M ..... Dhll i PllOT ' .... COAll ..,. .... ~ l•'-t N. W ... ' ---Jee.• •. c.rt.., vi. ................... ,,...., r-a -.... A. t.hr,\t.. --. ,ff,_ '· c.Jn .. --"" ----2211 w ................ . M ... AU-•.o. ... 1111, tlN>. --t:......,•m-----.............. == OHicia~ Lau_nch Own Attack on Grand -Jurors -. - .. JAQ!t···~at ' Of ....... .J'M ..... Orange County .. Superlntendtnt of · • Schooil Dr, Robert Peleraon and School '1IQanf Chairman Clay Mltdloll of South Laguna laW>Ched their ~wn attack today -a frontal usaW.t on criticism rel.ta.std , by the 1919 Grand Jury Tuesday of· tbe ...,.nnt<ndent, board and county l!Cbooil oUfce.' STA1'.ES CMA'S POSITIO.N Ptdl1trlcl1n Robin'°" Coast Doetor Cites Sclwol Health Needs SMClll h _., DAILY ,U,OT SAN DIEGO - A broader program of health ~Uon is needed In CaUforni& school!,-Dr. Tom W "'-Robinson of New· port Be.ob teatified here Tuesdty. Al obalrman of tlte California Medical Ad«laUoo'• oomDlllloe on acbool and college bealth. the' Orange CoU1 pedla-trlolsu dellve!'ed CMA'a poolUoo paper oil health eduoatioo lo a fact-fll>dlng oom· -of Gav. Reogan'• Adviaoey Com-mlttM <in -CliUdren and Youth: . Di. Robliiaon, wbo ls pediatric COll- sultant lo tlte Fountain Valley ~I DiJtrlot. said CMA doeon'I believe the ·optimum level of health educaUon has been achieved in California schools. Tlterefono, be said, the %1,000-member state medical iwoclation encourages "co- ordinated effort by schools, paritits, cle- partments of health, prlvale practlt~ners in medicine and denUalry and cOmmuni· ty tiealth ·ag0110les." · "Health education shoold prepere our children lo perceive ...i practice health- !ul llvl!!g, both In and beyond the lcbool environment.'' Dr. Rablnsoo Bild Mllehell t'.l'Jlled some OJ the Jury's con· cluaions. ..a ·bunch ·of baloney" and Pelenlon . oald fu '..... -· the jury's findings were just ·the n:vet&e of tlie truth. · Takln( the Grand Jury's ln!eim report polllt-by-polot, Petmon aod. Mitd>ell aald In reply: -'-On reSpmslblllty Of the ocunty aobool board lo set policy and the supert1> tendent '1 reapo111lblllty lo admlnlltar policy and the need for good com· , municaUons between the two . · • Answer: There: is no tack of com~ murilcaUon between the board and the superintendent. This is obviolisly a mlaunderstanding on the part of jury members. Some m1oor d t f f e r e n c e s ~ the ~o<rintondent aod !>Oard ~berl ls healthy. -on ·the county-IChool board's spen· dJni tOo much time this ytar Ill mas ovtt which it has no control, such as tl'le cboloe· of 1""'11 dlatrlol tenbooka and the daalrahllltY ot a c/Jurie o! sttidy on Fami- ly We -and S.. Education lo local diJCrlciJ, and the cenaonbip o! Ubrary --ANSWER: (by Mltd!tU) We bad one cue of tutbook cboloe "Land of the Free" and we did bave tht rl&ht to look into il I atwlied the book carefully and oonalder It a very·lnforlor Int. A l!llt«y book_ sllould be a_ blstoiy_ book. U Y9U want lo aupnent It with lnformatlon on the part minority groups plsy In hlalory that should be In auP)'lemen\al malerial. You shouldn't cut out oWer useful material to include 5UCh information. On sex education : We had quite a degree of that in public schools when I atl<11ded (Los Angeles High School 1926 to 1929). we had studiei on venereal dlseases and other' similar subjtds. Peterson: The school board is respons\. ble for the county course of study for grades kindera:arten through eighth, but we exercise no etMOrship if the districts set up their own course of· study. They peed not be approved by the board. Health eduoalion mu&t begin In the· hao>e, tbrougb ewnple and guidance. and " -'l!qn!lnue ·Ill' ti\'.• "*'ls throuih lbe"ooUegi yoari: It ihOuld nol merely · ln!orm, but ol!ould modUy be- havior ao that tlte Individual fully utillus prevenil'ie and predictiye medical-1ser· viceo1, "'1 oboerv_ed. .. . In 1llO schools, IUcb tiducaUoo,1)>ould fru;lude not only physl_cal educitlOn and. recreation but a.fso specific. ex>ntinuio4 ~ealtl! instrudion and-·'heallli Upects -jn related sdeoce and human:iUes subjects . ·Mltdttll• The Grand Jury Ignored the 'ract that local bolrds .l?lJY eet up their own ttud1 course& .(}Qt: of our board membera (Lyle Guipre, no longer a board member) wanted to set up a com· prehensive sex education program like U.. citmno.one lo Analtolm. . as weU u _ oounseling and guidal!ce, ntJI.. - ed °'' Robtnsoo. . . · d!A· beifeves tliat "a school 1-altN program should endow each stndent:w1tb the ltfioWJei.fge ·or his health respOMibility as a chlld, a parent and a member of society. 'Ibis cannot be··•chh:ved wlth· out cooperation of related proftsslonal and ~nt organi:.atiom in the formation of schoOl health programs and in con- tinuing support of the a c b o o J health program. ·~The schools nmst provide an example of the respoDli.bUity of people to provide a safe, pliyslcally and emotionally health· ful environment for ea c b other," be staled. And because parents cannot supervise their chi.ldM! at &ehool, the schoolg are obligate<f to offtr a heilthful, safe en· virOmnent for the child. From Page l MOD SHOPS • • said, "and we think our shop can do a lot more to 50lve the probJeing we see on the sidewalk than the busine&Sea whose . ownen say we sbould close down." He said the ~ess frequenUy niceives calls from runaway teenagers' ·Parents, private investigators looking for underage dropouts al1d yoothS with pro- blem s. Closing . the busines, or l'e:fusi.ng to grant i~ a license. they charged repeated· ly, would be unfair and wouJd not alter the problem. "We are completely misunderstood, and if we could all get together, talk openly about it. not like a bunch of angry kids, I'm sure we cah work it out," Strwberg said. They &ald they would offer their shop as a meeting place for the businwmen. Invitations to a meeting would be mailed oot this aflemoon, they said. In the meantime -on lhe sldewalk - the probiems Which seemed to reach a cllmu three weeks ago seem to be fadl1'( a bit. Police. who have revived the ages--old technique of ofJ.k:ers pounding a beat, han qread thal the NtwpOrt palrol Idea i• Working. 'Fewer youth.\ are seen 11itUng on park· ed cars Ind lncidenta involving unruly ~tt<!Wds pthering •round an amst- ,are tewer9 -''We hive noticed a definite Im· pn»'°""~ 10o." Sll'auberf said. , "1 don't tblnk we ban bad to Ilk one l<jd lo leave la the past 111-~1 f0< being r.dded out (high on -al). ' We had to study the subject before malting-1 decision. The jury was wrong in sayilt/( we shopl!ln'lo We -(0\lilll lntq lhe open -• Analteim . aclibOii were <laing but we did not teJJ l:bem \fhal to do. We'betieVe In IoCal cohtiol. . When the jury sa31:1 we spen1' loo ·much time on this subjeCt. it ii ·-burx::h of baloney. We conducted all our regular business and then hdd·tbe bearings later. Wt.l\a<l lo listen lo the people, -On'lhe jury's contention that the ef· fecUveness of both the county school board and the superintendent are hamp- ered by the fa ct that both are el«ted anCI suggesting that the superintendent-. &hould be appointed. An1wer: (by Peterson) the citizens say just the opposite. They feel the .iuperintendent, as with other county e.lec· live officers. should be responsive Lo the ciUzerui: My 'well-di"scus:sed barbershop poll indic8ted that 87 percent Of the pea.. pie want tbe post to be elective. -On the jury's contenllon that as local districts grow they become increasingly independent of the County Department of Education and that most local districts Grading. on New Bay Golf Cow-se Starts in Fall Grading for a new 27.tiole goU course and country club will start "sometime early this fall " on several hundred acres overlooking Upper Newport Bay, Irvine Company officials said today. The multi-million-dollar links and clubhouse will be bounded by San Joaquin Hills, Jamboree and For'd roads and MacArthur Boulevard. Irvine Vice President of Planning Ray Wat.son said that earlier reports that the course would be e~tended onto the Back Bay side of Jamboree Road were in- correct. ' That part of Big Canyon, he explained, could not. be 4evelcped for any purpose unUI the·Back ~ land exchange is.sues arc cleared up. Wal.Ion said that i name and specifie details of the course design are not available yet. ••we sti11 have to bring all the plana and drawings up before the planning commissior. and city council,'' he said. ' Residential oonstroctiOa a the frlngos •I the toune ii 1 blllty, Irviiie ~kesmen uid, but plans are still indefinite, too. Tlte dtslgn of the coarse wlll conform t"O ctandatds ' set bf the "?rctesslonal GoUer'a Asaod1Uon (PGA) • -·A painflll oflllhOOI GI lbe ..Ure Issue over youth problema ...i chirgtt that the mcbedeUc shops make-them -worae " heCama evldeat Tueaday with newa of the . Dr. Sheppard to.Debut evldlon ol • --who _..., a gllt llhop nw-the wat.rfront. fte evlcUon ordtr !rom the landlord, tl'le th.rft ahopkeepcrs aajd, was a "direct result of the Jetter." I COLUMBUS, -Ohio (UPI) --nr. Saro Sheppard wlll make his debut u a wrestler Aug. 9 when he meets Bill "Wild BW" Scholl in 1 benefit matcb at Waver· ly, Ohio. \ . ' fflll'lhere lilj\Ue, If Ill)', need for county foelloOI -ioo.. -· · Au~er: (by l'ettrson~ an actual study made<sbows 1~ the ·revere Is true. For example, in foreign 11ni""8e& only two of 30 diatrictl now have a speclaUst. our ex- perls tnust fill in the gap_ In ""1ll!I. oo- 7 W out.en Siain lf three have a specialist and we supply the others with aid. The obvious reason ls a lack of funds In lbe district. Only 11 districts have speclaJ music .direcLion where previously there were 20 with lhis aid. On health, there are only four whereas 10 years ago there were Michigan Takes Charge Of Coed Killer Search YPSILANTI, Ktcb. (AP) -Michigan Bl,,lthorillea today took COntfal of the nwibunt for the killer or killers of seven young women in the Ann Arbor-Ypsil· anti ma -and ·called lor assistance from the FBI. In a joint press con(ertnce J n Lansing. Michigan Gov. Wtlliam G. MWlken and Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley said the director of the Michigan State' Police bad been placed in charge of the manhunt and that the U.S. attorney general had been asked to J1J'OVide FBI assistance. "Alty. Gen. John Mlieliell asstired u& or the federal government's desire to cooperate in the fulletit extenl possible and said the specific request for FBI irr -volveme.tit woUld let a Very early response,'1 Milliken said. So far, slayings of sev,en young women in the adjacent college towna of Ann Arbor ahd Ypgilanti. have mocked police efforts to ftnd -a killer-or killers. The body of the latest victim was found Saturday night in a ravine in a· thickly wooded a.tea between the l w o southeastern Michigan cities. 'I'be girl, Karen Sue Beineman, an JS. year~ld Eastern Michigan University coed, will be buried today in her hometown of Grand Rapids. While Milliken and Kelley were an· nouncing the state had taken control of the investigation. the man who had been in charge, William F. Delhey, Washtenaw County prosecutor was in Hazard, Ky., checking out a lead in the story. COED KILLER? -Michigan police ci.rculated this compos· ite drawing of a suspect they are seeking in their search for killer of seven coeds. snore than a doun. One final queatlon was poJed at this rnomine'• press , coolertqce: "la· there anythln1 In 11 .. Grand Jury re)lort you can approve?" . Aanrer: Attendance of jury memben al OW' board meetings was commendahle. Bal Isle Youth Gets Surprise After Theft A Balboa Island youth who was allegedly surprised while conunltting a burelary in Newport Beach cho6e the wrong street for his escape. A detective was wailing at the curb for him. Bruce Davidson Hill, 18, JZS Agate Ave., today faces burglary charges stem· ming from the incident Monday alter· DOOD. " • Detective Sam Amburgey arrested Hill In the 1500 block of Mariner's Drive after the officer monitored ·a radio bulletin describing a burglary in progre53 at 1700 Dover Drive. Amburgey.! driving back from an ap- pointment ai the District AUorne!i''S of· fice, parked his car ne,.-the crime 10ene on Mariner's DriVe and waited. A few minutu:·latfr.Hlll ran by the car, The delective arrested him. ilill will be charged· with-{>urglarizlng the home Of Helen J(:atber~ ~ who told iiolk:e ahe walked Into Iler h6in< aM l!1l'1ll'fJed the burglar. The thief then 'fled witli change and a bank book, police said. About gjx police units answered tbe call and patrolled the area looking for the suspect, officers said. Jam Austria VIENNA (UPI) -Czech o s 1 ova k refugees ha ve jammed Austrain transit camps to capacity, forcing the govern· ment to begin housing refugees in private hotels. Delhey. accompanied by Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey, went to Kentucky Tuesday night to question a man whom Hazard cify ·police bad acf.. mitted killing a girl in Ypsilant.L A similar confession by a jail irunate in Nashville, Tenn., in one of tbe earlier murdera proved to be fail<. ' City , Can't Muffle News Vnion, Councilmen Told Buddy Eb8en Sued Over Bit~ From Dog "Beverly Hillbillies" television star Buddy Ebsen of Balboa Island today was sued for •ts,ooo because his German shepherd dog aJfegedly bit an It-year-old Agoura boy last Aug. 25. The suit, filed in Los Angeles Counly Superior Court, charged tha~ Homer R. Allen was bitten on the hand i nd thigh by the (tog. wh.ich had been taken to a ne.ighborhood gathering at an Agoura arena by Ebsen'& ·daughter, KaUly. Wins Divorce LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Singer Keely Smith obtained a divorce from her third hu3band Tuesday aft.er she testified h!' "drank excessively," remained away from home and occasionally struck her. JOUO A striking newspaper union's request to use a portable amplifier In the city can- not be legally denied, Newport Beach Ci· ty Attorney Tully Seymour has advised city councilmen. As a result, the permit sought by the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner Joint St.rike-Lockout Council will probably be reluctanUy approved by m u n i c i p a I lawmakers August 11. Councilmen two weeks ago unanimous.. ly denied the application, submitted jn writing by union coordlnator Jerome Gordon. Gordon appealed the decision at th.111 week's cooncil session. Seymour explained to councilmen that a re-reading of the «dinance in which the original decision was based supported Gordon"s plea. "The ordinance," s1id Seymour, "allows the city to prohibit the commercial use of sound equipment, but not non-commercial use." He said the ordinance when drafted in 1964 was written in accordance with a re- TothegMwho __ ,,,. •wants but not where 10 ftnd itJ M1.tch 'II.Our s ryJe wi1h ouf1 1 many distinaNe de$igns. Al'ldl ask 11s aboat 011r famous Onnge lk>ssom guarantee. cent Supreme Court decision. The high coort declared t.hat bans against the use of such equipment for relieioos or political pufPORS con· stituted an abridgement of freedom of speech. Councilman Paul J. Gruber !aid he would like to· make a "test case" of the issue, nevertheless. For that reason he voted against a motion to hold the matter over for two weeks. The city staff was instructed to prepare recommendations on limlting the hours of use of the small portable amplifier for: presentation to the council on August 11. "It seems to me," concluded Mayor Doreen Marshall, "that our legal position obligates us to grant this permit." Gordon said the ~uipment will have 1 sound radius of only 30 feet. It will be UJ<. ed by small groups of pickets in front of Herald-Examiner advertisers, "just to give the public our side of the !tory. w' can't afford big newspaper ads," he nJd. , .... •• CONVENIENT TERMS . IANKAMER1CARO MASTER Q-IAR6E . J. {!. fiump~;ie& 'Jewefe~j i2 YEARS SAME LOCATION ltll NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA ~ESA I PHONE 548-1401 • I l ' ' t ,, ,, ,_ >f • • ,. ' • >f '" " n • ~ >f lo 'e' L '• Natlonally famaus SPORT SHIRTS RlG. $4.91 '3'' I SALE!! I BERMUDA SHORTS •ACK ru.MU AND HOJUSIONAL NIKll'I IQUIMINT It OUl IN(IALTYI ..... ...., .. ,,,,,..., ' ''WINDKING'' IACllYS by PKlffc Tralll l'ACll'IC • ~ ..• ,. -~-.. NYLON GOLF 1acms 1 .. ,. '" ....... 11 ... 1 .... s4,, th fll • M(ectfp of I MW c.ltn. C.,i.te af11 r•nt•· .... $US. NIWI GOLF SLACKS REG. $7.95 2: s11 * GUNT'S CHECK Ull * 0 FOLDING CAMP STOOU.,,, ••• 91< 0 JIJ FIRST AID KIT ......... $6.9S 0 MOSQUITO HEAD NITS . , ••• , , • He 0 LAUNDRY BAGS ............. 91c 0 TINT IAOS ............... $1.98 0 TENT '911 BAGS ........... $1.98 0 WATERPROOF TARPS •••. sq. ft. 10c 0 100% WOOL ILANKITS •••• $6.95 0 COLEMAN MANnES •••••• 2 for 39c o 100 nn 114• ROPI •.•••••••• tac 0 AIR MAmlSS UPAIR KIT •••••• 9Bc 0 WASH IA.SINS •••••••••• from •tc TllOUIAllDI OP CAMPING l1IMI TO PILL YOUR IYIRY NllDI See Grant's FIRST! We Rent EVERYTHING In CAMPING GEAR! 'FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! • LKIMTWlilOMT FCIOO& .... fOl OllfDOOI ....... GRANT'S CARRllS A COMPLITI LINI or ..... -·-1111 ... ,..... w1n1 can111 Si.,,H It ... , ••I•, 18't._ -ftenn f9f let ftttfl 2V2 GAL •••• $1 .41 5 GAL ...... $1 .91 4-11. DICIOll ,,.I" & ''76" D!CIP'TtONAUT w1rm, stvrlr 1M 11nfc11bl& lu1l ,mKtkMt fllll"f. Soll rt1llt11tt •ro"" llvck c1v1,, IJdi &"'* 11 .. 1 .. with lumbt fl.Ill lentth *'"''· Zip tw topthtr ftr ..We .. , 1 SAVE! HOW! SEU ct FROM 15 COLEMAN SLEIPING IA(iS PRJaD FROM $7.n TO $54.88 "CHARGE IT" 11 BRANT'S SURPLUS '"" Slngle Montie LANTERN s9aa Tumer PROPANE FUEL fif1 all m1k11 11 Tercht11 Ll"'ll'lll •• d St1vt1, 98' STRIPED T·SHIRTS REG. $149 $2.9. TllMENDOUS NIKtlon of 111 totto• 1trlpell T.Shlm In lot• of tolon. Sit•• S.M·L. Stoel( 1.1p now tor l1ck-To-khotll Grant's Has ••• LUTHER VESTS ANDIACKm r., 41u1ltt, Cowti141 NUth IVt w....... 1tyl1il Jtcbtl 1it4 Y11tt. s. ... wftll fri"11d •Im. CONVllH DICKSHOIS LIST '8'' $9.95 . THOSE FAMOUS C:O..... Deck Shott th1t ''""'' YoU ef e perftct fit ••• pos1tiv9 1rt, Min ll't lont· wt1ri1'19, NtYJ 1nll Whitt, 1H m-. Famous Name WESTERN SHIRTS WUTEIM mUD ftr WnttrMn • • • 111d Ptnnt"'nt Prus ftltrkt, fff. New 1hlpme11t of Mhl pl1W1 .,., Miiii tontt, In 111 "'"' l1f'111fw 1M MCk 11ut. o I NIXJ.DOOR i l GRANT'S GULF ~RVICE STATION j • T·SHIRTS II '6·'7·'8 LUXURIOUS a.-... ,Ftft9n Mle11-T .. TIMhlrts wlll 1Mk1 I "MW" lftlll Mrt ,,_ ~ (the ,.,, loft ...... tot). 0.., 1,.000 .. dltoM tr.RI HANO-TIN TIUNKS • $6-$10 RLT'HATI, TAN Ol,IUCK •••••••• $3.tl WUTnN STUW NAJI •• ,.•.•, ••• $2.4• 1H"'2'/2'' lnTI, 21to40. ~ .$3.91..,SS.91 famous Durango ROUGH our BOOTS $1695 !AMOUS "DUIANGO" WH .... ... .. '" "" l•tllf styi ....... h. , GI.It"' IMfNr f'Ot rvteed wttr. Jlt-11' .. 12. Acme's N-11 Stylo -5J9'5 .-with hclde Acrott front •• .. .. ; ~ ... -~ • ,.. ... -.. i:: ~­j: ~-.... ,. __ c_L_o_s_10_· u_· 1_s_l!IJ I SAVE $$$$ Coleman's Most Popular All Brand0 New Modelsf =:: ,. ,; ,,. " •: ~: ,: ~= ·: • mm ,:::r.s r~ 11001 MDDIU A•D DlllOllS1UTOll i ~ 10'x8' s7 711 .... ~s:':iii.'!:s~o=':.. j ~ SIZE CLOSEOUT SAY. . E HUNDREDS NOW• :: $100.00 VALUE PRICEI OF $$$$ e ~; •: "VAGAIOHD"-tovgh, light 1od rtlloblo. noors otoy 4ry with new llovWe •lnfl-coatM nyl01t f10tr1 thlt 11ftM 111'' obm """"' loYOI. Off-wtill1 ltJll 11lllcl lht hlll- 1111 lo the Hpll SensatlonafDlscountsf * Immediate Delivery * No W1itingl .. ' --------k ~-- ,. -: . . . . . -· -: .. .. ~ ' , < '• . . ·: . . • . .. ;"! ' I 1· ---- • 10MLY P U.OT. EDITORIAL PAGE J ' , Lid for Count.y Airport Fourteen month• ago, the Federal Avlailon Admln· lstraUon mid Orange County Supervisors by letter that the county had no authority to impose jet nolse controls by ordinance. Nine months ago, the county by letter told the FAA in effect: All right, if we can't do it, you _do it. Four months ago, the county asked tbe FAA wheth~ er it had ever gotten that letter. A ~eek later, the FA/\ replied. It had gotten the letter and it was under study. That's where the matter now rests. But Orange County Airport isn't resting. Business, like the jets, is booming. What's the outlook on a noise abatement program! At a glance, dim and confusing. Robert Bresnahan, the airport's harried director. thinks he knows why the request from lhe COW'lty for rome FAA action lies tangled somewhere in that agen· cy's web. The noise abatement problem, Bresnahan explained last week, may be bigger tban Orange County Airport. "'I know the FAA can't do anything just for our airport. There have to be national (noise abatement) stand· ards." So the county, it would appear, has no choice but to wait for the FAA to act. The FAA, meanwhile, is apparently waiting for the county to act. "So far as the FAA is concerned," FAA \Vestern Region Director Arvin 0. Basnight told the DAILY PILOT two weeks ago, "it ls the county's re· sponsibility to come up with an airport use plan that is compatible with the community and can serve the people safely." · can't control departures. We have no cootrol over left or right tum patterns. What u BasnJ'ght nlerrini to as llrnlu! The CAB, &ad ~PUC control airline sched· ules. The airlines d~ ev.eo submit their schedules t"' us." . ... , ;-. .. ' ~ A hopeles~, impasse? Maybe not. The county, as owner·propr1eto r, makes the decisi'ons as to runway length and te11J1inal , faciljlies . By re!u•ing to ben<i to the pressure for expansioo, the county could impose soi:ne measure ,of control on: service, and hence on jet noise. 1 ' It would he a ·roundabbut means of reaehing an end, but it may be tbe .o&ly one open w the county. Up to DO\Y, the •only control. over night flights and other commercial ret expansion ts in "gentlemen's agree· ments" that Lave no binding clauses. Softer Police Image ~artier tbi~ year: •. Newport Beach police began phasing out their familiar black and white squad cars replacing them with all-white vehicles. ' • An all-white car,,~ce explained then, might help ~mprove the officers image. A car painted one color is also somewh~t cheaper, they added. . Ne~port police last week announced another image· unpr.ov1ng step. Patrolmen -with certain exception.'! -will. no longer \Year crash helmets. Soft hats will be w~rn mst~ad. "The helm ets were too militaristic," said a police spokesman. . . . . '" • ' I - Bresnahan, apprised of Basnight's views, replied: "Orange County can send all the proposed documents they want to, but what good is it going to do us? \\7e These changes in outward appearance may indeed help our officers' ''image." But the best help for that image will come when f6'ver Jaws are broken. A policeman must do his job no matter what he looks like. ' "PATIENCE BOY. AFTER· All IT'S ONl Y BEEN 15 YEARS SINCE YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET OUT." Have Faith, Youth Isn't Ruining Life r-:~~:ies-~:c~ ) r . f.. ..£;l.. ~-.... ./; The media are getting to me. All the caricatures which now move Americans to action.. and sometimes to violent actioo, are beglnning lo be graven into my mind, through the kindly medium or TV. I Ulfld to pay very lilUe aUenllon to the teQJ. Kind ol snobbery, I guess. Recently I lived la England for three years, where 1 wak:bed the BBC and independent teJevialon for a singJe reason: To learn somethiP.i about the: people I had been living among. f •. In England, the experiment worked. Knowledge, gained throtigh · Uie' 'telly, brought sympathy. It brought some h06· tility, too, for British television is seU- critical and almost implacably honest In balance, though, what I saw made me like the English more than I might other· wise have. TN A SOm..AR spirit, t have taken to watching television in my own country, the better to understand the perplexing J>POple I find all about me. The experlen<:i!, to this point. has not been altogether happy. Take the questkm of the young, IS a single example. When I think of a student now, or even a kid , the stereotype which comes to my mind is increasingly the sweaty, smelly, rock-throwing, long· haired, bearded rebel who is the most popular character in lbe dramatiJ personae of television, with the possible exception of the drunken black man NI>"'· ning out of a store with a stolen television Eiel under his arm. I know the stereotype of the young is nonsense. The young today are no dif- ferent from the young of my day. Ttiey are worried, but we were worried too. We worried about getting a job. The young nowadays WOJTY about not getting shot for their country. We worried because we knew that getting a job was, moetly, out of our hands. The present young worry because they know that their Jives are much out of their hands, and may soon be completely so. NO, IT IS NOT the young \\'ho have changed. It is their elders who have changed and changed terribly. The things (N) ls It T~: -~ to Start Over? Dear Gloomy Gus: Upper Bay Land Swap Reappraised How Is it possible we have heard so little about the pay TV put in last month in Newport? (The area around Harbor 1-ligh School). -W. H. To the Editor: .; Your editorial of July 23, ''New Look at • Bay Plan," which reflects on the reCent re:so.lutioo by the Orange County Grand Jury to review the Upper Bay Land Swap is most welcome by those who hav! been concerned with many aspects of the ex- T~11 tt•hlt• ~ ,......,... ...1_ "" change for years. The DAILY PILOT ;:..~1",..~ ~..,::t :;:.-i:.~ .. ~ ,-.-· COtJld perform a further public service by ~· ~;;...ftvlewing once again the detailed and '--------------"'~·.: .complex history, particularly its political mature men pursue today are·far n)ore evil than ,the things they pur~ when J was a kid,~ and those thinp were bad enough. · · · aspects. Let's face it, decisions of this rtind are political ~ Those who are Jong-lime. Upper Bay ex- ,diange watchers·are certatn to have their •Uention called to what the editorial im· x l~ ----•"'"""'"""'"''"II>_.·· ·~ j Lettera from readen are welcome. Normally wrlttri ihould convey their me1aage1· in 300 wonii or less. 'The right to condtue lf:tten to fft fPCCe or eliminate Ubel U reieroed. A'U let- ters mwt incltide rignoture and mail· ii~" addTeis, but names may be with- hel4 on ~que:st if iufficie'ltl ·f'ea.son ls ai!f>ar .. t. truly'ls not my personal aggravation on a small portion of beach, but a serio\Js .matter we should all be challenged to .control. _. " The swimming was closed along the coast this winter from a small river pouring into a huge ocean. Will our con- tained bay remain safe much longer for our children to nlm in? Are the fish now caught in the bay safe to eat? And lastly, with the present bay now 'dirty how can we possibly plan a public. beach for the farthest end of Back Bay! I was reminded of lhls forcibly when r recenlly .teli! some wordl spoken by the distin~ea poet, M~k Yiln Doren, on ·the ~n of his:IMI! b6-lhday and the publiCaUOn of his t•lh: volume of poetry. pl!es is an action unique to the history of !-111! controv~n: "The major deficiency have decid@d. lhat such a letter .should n(lf. m the GraQd Jury 's study is that it prtr, 10 unanswefed. r. It is obvious people·~e.tlu!hing toilets in the ~y. Aa.10(\I aa ~are allowed to live ·on boat! this will happen. Yet more slips mean more boats, mean more sewage. , He wits speaking otthe young: · "They are called destructive but it isn't the young people with beards and long hPir who 're the destroyers. The d'estruc- tion that really matters is being done by clean, well-shaven men in business sults who are polluting our atmosphere, strip- . mining our countrysldeJ b u i I d I n g armaments and conducting a cruel, ut- terly senseless war in Southeast Asia. "They are Uterally tearing our world to pieces." Word! like these, eloquent and true, are what bring me back to sanity. They blur. as it should be blurred. the e£._opagaoda image of the youi'li1a ti!eleu, crypto- criminal monsters. WORDS LlKE these remind me of things I used to hear, like '"The young are the hope of the world." And indeed they are. The shape ot the world to come will be made by them. Indeed, in their haste, they are trying to make lt now, without the real power to do so. They will prevail. if the world prevails, simply because they will outlive us. It is, I fear, too easy to fall into gloom, and conclude that the world, in this coun· iry. and late in this century, ls uniquely wicked . The evidence, unfortunately, i.s pointing increasingly in the dlrettion lb.at this is i;o. Under the cosmetic lie of arnuence and jolly leisure at the bowling alley is a cor· ruption or spirit that is fully visible to the eyes of old poell like Mr. Van Doren. and young militants, like the kid next door. They have found us elder fellow! out. For this we cannot forgive them. For this we are beginning to hate them. .~ure:I no :,aetr,: information an which to p· • ..v.. · ''f>ase its cotiedusion .••• no qew majol'l-,• 1rst of all, M.A. Stur~"Seems to be .THE ~NTROLLING ;of sewage and tacts were•dncovered .,, ·.• over simplilyJng the case. 'One does not the thro!iJ!g of trash are almost im· destroy the environment aot:I ~irlhright of pos'slble ti> police, buL It faciliUU wt.re · IN.DEED.' it is the decision-making by public bodies without appropriate study that under.lies the whole controversy. The most glaring example ot such .action is what brought the controversy to its present .point of confusion. In 1967 the State Lamb Commission , revers~. the decision of the previous comnuss1on members who had denied lhe land swap. This gave the Irvine Company the go-ahead It had long sought. What. may not be remembered by many JS that the commissioners in 1967 had been in office only a few weeks when they reversed the decision of their predecessors who were more familiar with the details and history. No new studies had been made. f\1any observers felt that the reversal of the decision on the land swap in the absence of new studies was simply a resul t of the 1966 general elections, which resulted in a total change of Land Commission person- nel. ls it only coincidence that the tthen) lieutenant governor and leader or the land commissioners, Robert Finch. shortly before the reversal vole, had beEn made the star attraction by the Irvine Company at tbe dedication of its Fashion Island Shopping Center? PERHAPS, as your editorial em-pha~~es. the Grand Jury resolution is not sufficient reason for starting over on the Upper ~~ Trade. Ho\\· ever, the bistory of t~e. pohtical handling of it ls more than suff1e1ent reason for doing so. And the sooner the better. thousands or fish, shellfish, shore birds av.aitable for boaters to use, l feet . it and waterfowl for the sake of a dollar wotild be a giant slep forward. There sign and a few pleasure seek.era with should be well-marlced ti ash. barrels at. their boats. each public dock and all gas doclcs. Many thousands of people are already At boat launching areas and boat rental enjoy~ng this, California's last substantial docks paper sacks should be gjven to peo- estuarlne environtnent, thrOughout the pie who have forgotten ,containers. l know year, and many of them are able to iden-· 'of no public rest rooms available to day lify far more than "a few mud hens," as boaters. other. more .accurate surveys have Flnally, and most Importantly our revealed. Four million bird-hours were problem should be advertised. ' recorded by California Fish and Game NANCY W. SATILER Department surveys during 1968. ALSO, It is still questionable if the pro- posed land trade and project are legal since the California State Constitutio~ assures public access to our shore and prohibits the sale or grant of any public tidelands lying within two miles of an in- corporated city. Interested cit i z ens should look into this carefully. It is generally agreed ihat people of all .ages need the priceless experience of ex- ploring and discovering in nature's habitat -observing the wonders and beauty which abound in such a primitive area as Upper Newport Bay. Evidently~ walking around It every day does not bring a full appreciation to M. P..1. A. Sturges and other critics. They are, therefore, invited to join one of the ex- ploratory groups sometime to discover what others arl!!: finding 0£ recreational value, not dollar value. lo be sure. It should be a pleasant, and resUuJ, surprise. WILLIAM G. PAINE President, Sea and Sage Audubon Society Why Find lhe ~10011? To the Editor: Let's put things in their proper perspective. If the astronauts had landed in the genter of tbe Sahara Desert, they would fiave landed in a more fertile area. At least there is air there. _ One of our bombers sat on the Sahara for 20 yean after World War II without ever being discovered. The c r e w members' footprints were still visible. No one is going to inhabit the moon : just as no fish are going to live on lhe·hot sands of the Arizona desert. There is no reason or advahtage to being there. This is not a discovery of a new world. That old moon has been there all of the time and it wilt still be there and used for the same purposes. The United Slates has aecomptished a great adenUfic feat. but Its use will be publicity and invention or material and systems. JAMES W. BOLDING manitestalions of the John Birch Society, with whose basic tenets you are really in agreement. I would categorize the DAI· LY PILOT as being as liberal as Ronald Reagan. A good quick gauge would be to note how many times a week tbe DAILY PILOT carries Art Hoppe, and the sub- ject matter Of lhe colllJJUlS they select. E. B. O'NEUL w 'A Rallo11al l'ol~. To .. the. Editor: , S~ce moving to Orange County a nar ago, J have wanted to add my voice to _ibose who commend your paper for it5 llb&:reporting and especially itt rational and sensitl\.>e editorial policy. ~t {!such a vast: and 'f.elcome difference' kom that so-call~ 0 frtedom" paper who.Seems to be dding it! ·level best. to raise another generaUon of bigots. Your pa,~, provides a bright spot for me in these.,i18.ys when our "leaders" are indulging in an emotional orgy of hand· ringing over pornography rather than poverty, in censorship rather than socia l justi~e. '!hi' ill-concealed camouOage of cruCJal lSSUes that they are either in· adequate o: unwilling to deal with is, in no way, going to eradicate the social and economic injustices in this country which .are the basic root of aU our problems. The continuing "Communist" and sex- ual witch-hunt by the "freedom" (for ~~m I wonder?) paper would be funny 1f . 1t ~eren ·t so frightening in its im- pbcatlons. I hope that you will keep up your ~ work i~ providing Orange County with the voice of sanity we so badly need. HARRIET KANE Eye on Airport To the Edilor: I have followed with extreme .Jnterest ~he position the DAILY PILOT has taken 1n respect to CQmmercial jet flights over the Newport Beach area. The citizens of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa should be grateful to your paper and its staff for unrelenting. perseverence and far sighted understanding of the long ran"e im- plications incident to the ever inc~easing jet overflights. ·Performance Counts It will be the only way to achieve the goal called for in the italicized lead paragraph in your editorial : ·• .•. the greatest benefit for the greatest number Df people for the longest period of lime for the least cost." CHARLES R. NEOOFF Poll111lon Abhored To the Editor : Beach Protection .Your periodic editorials CQncerning the airport have vividly spotllghted the re~ for ~!ling a halt to increased jet ut1h~llon: The many searching articles by. city eddor Jer~me F. Collins ha ve pin- pomted and detailed the complexities nf dealing with public auth orities in an effort to correct a wrong \\'hich they aid and abet. Leo LRnd agreed tn wr1ttng to sell Bill Buyer half hi1 farm for $50,000. When Bill tried to close the escrow and pick up his deed, Leo tried to back out, thinking he could get a better price else where. Bill asked the court to make Leo sell, and "speciflcally perform" on the con- tract. Bill'• lawyer also asked the court to make Leo pay damages of $15,000, BiD'1 loss if the deal fell tbraugh. Lto had no good reason to back out, the court ,.id, and he had acted in bad faith, Jt therefore ordered him either (1) lo give Biii the deed, or (I) 14 have BUI prove his Ion m pronta: and collect the fU,000. But Bill could nol get both the deed and hll damages. He had t. -· OFTEN A plalnUll like Biii ell! take -lefl1l 1tepo. Far eumpte. 111pJlOSO Bton ..,...i to bll1 1 1IZI elaalc: car fmn «-who prom1led 14 have tt in ••1how ud nmntna coodW:On." Uthe car fell -<I that promlle, Bron could thin uk far ,...,._ ol the cootuct - lull can !lie' deal oll. Or be could aat !or "specific pttlormancc" b)' bavm, 1 court make Green aell the car and put il In good condition. Brown might also ask damages, and get paid ror his time and expenses. In suing, Brown can seek to prove all of these things. Shoudl he win hi~ c~ he can then "elect" or choose whlch award be likes best. You get "speclric performance" only when the agreement ls for some "unique" item, !IUt"h as land, art objed!I, an old car, antiques. or lhe llke.·Otherwbe, the buyer must seUle for d•maget only when someone fails to carry out • con- tract with him. Often the court will refuse to grant "ipeclflc perlonnance'' If the contract c&lls lor too much supervision oi' Its en- forcement ii too difficult. Thus contracb calling for penonal euvitt, Sly, a gingfr to singt or an artist to paint, are never apodllcally col~. U the plalnU!f win• such 1 lawsuit he must settle for rtuon1ble money damqes. Nott: California taw11era offer this column ao vou ma., know about our lawa. A Bigger Gift To the Editor: Watching the T.V, coverage of the realization of man's dream to walk on the moon has given me what surely will be the most memorable birthday of my tifc. A really far out gift, so to speak! Within my own personal o r b i t , however, the greatest news of the week was the finding by the Orange County Granct Jury that the Upper Newport Bay tidelands e1change should be r c - evaluated. Thank you for the generous coverage you gave to tbe. Grand Jury report and the additional comments by Assessor, Andrew Hinshaw. FRANCES ROBINSON Dollar• .,,, Wiidiife To the Editor : Sometimes ago you published a letter from M. A. Sturgu regarding the Upper Bay is.we. Alter much dellber1tion, J Sometimes in the enthusiasm of long· To the Editor : term planning, immediate problems are .. I am dazed as 1 read Df the Orange not noticed. Such is the case of Newport County Board of Supervisors dedication Bay . .If we are trying to make our bay of the ne"!': roads "to encourage available to more boats and more people development steps must be taken now to halt the pollu: Why not Protect, let along encourage Uon that is rapidly developing. usee of. Orange County 's· outstanding All of us were shocked by the news natural values: Its beaches and ~ccess broadcast or 300,000 dead fish in Los thereto? Angeles ~arbor last ye_ar due to pollution_. What other county in the U.S. can offer yet that 1S also happerung here to a lesser the people an ocean ahoreline with such degree. beacti@s, such warm water turfing, such Our home is on ..Bayside Drive, mar.ine Ule and such seascapes? 5?"1etlmes called Carnation Covt, where What wouldn't tl' ml!Hon (road costl tides are strong and the water used_ to be do toward making these vahw more clear. Each morning I go out .and pick up easily available to \he public' at least te n large dead fish (the record Is We the public would ilke to be %2) from the beach. Contrary to present recognized. We do exist. reports:, these art not onJy sand bass, but SARAH BELKNAP halibut 1nd croakers. NEXT I pick up the trash. Two large containers are filled weekdays, three after Sundays and holidays. The Uttle 1cr11p1 of to!let paper I can do not.hlng about. I bave talked with Mr? Sampson {Coun- ty Ol~or of Ha.rt>ors and Beaches) who has been both courteous and helpful. But 'l.lberal a1 Reagan' To the Editor : It has been amusing to observe you as the unwltling and prob1bly unwilling tar- get o( accusation:. of liberalism from the fringe-dwellers on U\C! strength or a few Innocuous ahots st 1he more Judicrout For yoor public spirited concern and action you have my gratitude and. I am sure. tha t of many other local residents. I hope that your concern for what ls right will continue to be expressed publlcally. • 'I CLINTON RYGEL ----- Wednesday, July 30, 1969 The editorial page of tJ14 Daily Piloe seek! to 11'form ond •lfm- uCote readeri b11 presn1tino this rteW$JJGptt'1 opinion1 and com. mmtary on topics of interes t and 1ignificanct, bM providin" a forum for the txpreislon of owr reodm' opiniotl.!. and by presenting the diveT.se vitro- poinU of informed obaerver.r 0-nd spokesmen on topicl of the day. Robert N. Weed, Publisher • ', .JQjained QUEENIE lly Phll lnterlandl ' ,,ioy'sMom " : . -~.1krested ru.dr ,,,,..'BLYTHE (AP) -The 1<l mother of a 1-Ytar~ld boy ·hlund chained Inside a ~ •II 1 crate in a desert commune · I ~i"'fiear Blythe has been jailed on ,~.'iUspicion of contributing to the .,1~1inquency of her son. ~'l/l!'l\feanwhile, the ch 11 d, f:'JJ¥1ntl)ony Saul Gibbons, is ti Mperalina: at a reOOving ., hpme in Indio. He l! tn good :·' 1t119ndition and "doing ifne," ~!in.id Riverside County Proba· ~1ulion Department spokaman. ;od 11ira. Beverly Jun, Gibbons, t< !16, of Vid.alt was arrested in 7-30 Blythe TueMtay while tflkinl· to Je!fr<y Tbomu I1'1!'111l. :n, L.-----------------' Identified by police as a "Parlez...voua craab-cow8e French?"' member of the commune. ----------,.---~'-----'-- Flynn, of Vidal, was also jailed. He was accused of en• dangering the health or life of a child, the same charges filed earlier aga.insl six men and 1'!¥0 women commune mem~ h"ers, now free on ~.000 bail. A Bridge Opens Soon S.anDiegans Take l preliminary he1rin1 in their '. ~ will be held Aug. 13. Last Ferry RUle ..... ·~ _ Pollet aaid they are seeking • .Mrs. Gibbons' husband , ' .. "J~s. identified as a Los ~ Angeles County probation of· SAN DIEGO (AP) -There many a tear-ls shed as these . . '1.icer, for further questioning. are few sentimental journeys, riders observe in sadness the ·· ·• A detention hearing was as many people will attest. to merging of two eras . • , ~11Cbeduled to d e t II! r m i n e equal a moonlight ride on a For. a craphic nostaligic ii· ;.irW)Jetber to return I.be boy to ferryboat. When thll! ride_ is the lustrafton, EWe Berger, a ._,.!tis parents. Capt. Ronald Jast an the crossiJw between native San Diegan who once ;:.;J3iclanore of the Blythe sher· San Diego and Coronado the Jived in Coronado, sums it up : ,,,•riifs office said he would rte· spirit of nostalgia is something "It breaks. my heart they're 1 ... ~a:nmend to the court that to behold. going off. I have been taking a ... ,·Anthony and hil slater, Tam· The very thought of.a bridge ·la.st ride' for a week and ex- ;,: • .:zoy. 11, who also lived at the replacing ferrtes which for pect to continue until the last ._,.commune, remain under coun-generations have carried peo-ferryboat v.·histle ends the run ·•:'tY care. He did not t.laborate. pie -some on business, some on Saturday ." -.c;1t, Tammy is with her brother vacationing, some unabashed Mrs. Berger recalls the fer· ,,,...;at the Indio home. seekers of ramance -Is so ries when there were few cars .~~,, Anthony was round Saturday shocking that there is a rising and the decks were filled with :;-:·by officers chained by the left cry for at least abbrevialed, passengers. Car c I u b s, • ankle to a heavy steel plate in· occasional ferryboat runs to organized and otherwise, were ~ 1• gide a wooden crate six feet by continue. commonplace. . · six feel. But the verdict is in: No It is much the same story Bickmore said the boy more ferryboats after dedica-wherever fe rries have bowed ,,. claimed he had been chained tion of the bridge across San 10 the economic pressurt for se-fle set fire lo the cOm-Diego Bay next Sunday. greater speed and depen- s living quarters -a So they are thronging the dability. But for those like .. t hut and o ther ferries tor a "last ridec" Some Mrs. Berger who plead for "at hift buildings -on are going by daylight, some at least two ferries" to continue • ~ May 20. dawn. some in the foggy hours if for no other purpose than to The boy said he had been and some under the light of provide a tourist attraction, ' chained for nearly t w G the silvery moon. Then there lhere may be some hope. ths. Bickmore said are some -an astonishing Jn San Francisco, for ln- thony's story was supported number, say the ferryboat stance, there is talk of testor his aister. crews -wf1o are almost living ing some of the ferry nlDI as 'ff4' ·.aafd none of the com-on lhe ferryboats these past a practical means of reducing mane· ment>ert arrested few days. For them each "last pressure of traffic coneestion "''ould Jive statements about ride" leads to another. And on the bridges. ~.boy1 lrellmen!. --'--------------=----- \~ 0 0fficer :!indicted I A LAST 4 DAYS! lenne~J Your chil.d's ALW/J.VS FIRST 'QUALITV Of Assault LOS ANGELES (UP!l -A veteran Loll Angeles police of- licer has been indicted for ·ersauJting a suspect during a ;i:earch ror a machine gun. :·'The county grand jury In- .dieted John R. Salyer, 30. 1\lesday on one count of liisault with a deadly weapon ~d one count of assauJUna: • 'person in his custody. ~·Salyer. a detective who hu ~eu on the force eight yw1, allegedly struck Eddie J. Tunstall Jr .. 35. Pacoima, in the face and groin with the butt of 111 shotgun afttt TunstaJI allegedly b e c a m e .Jl.busive and obscene during • questioning. · Tunstall was one of about a • d~n persons found in an empty Pacoima b u i I d I n g where an informer reported a machine gun used in a series of bank robberies was hidden. Officers found no trace -0! the gun. 'Collector ... Convicted plwtograph can win an exciting 5 2,500.00 SHOPPING SPREE IN OUR STORE! And thol', just one of IM h.undrtds of valU<Ibk prizes and gifts tol4lling •2s,ooo.oo in the 35u. Natwnal Children 's PHOTOGRAPH CONTEST! YOU CAii WIN ONE OF THESE NATIOllAl PllZU: Fir.t Pm• ••• •2,soo.00 ShDppinf Spr• 106 ANGELES (UPI) -An Secoiul Prue' • •1,SJ)0.00 ShDppin1SprH _overzealous I o a n collector : faceo aentendng Oct. I on ThU4 Prizo •• •1,000.00 Shappinf Spr .. _,.ult and attempted ex-Founh Prize, •• •S00.00 Shappili/t Spr .. ~ torUon charges. 5 r Rlchard J. Caroleo. 39, SOFifthPfu<J,eo. 100.00 Shappi•1 preu y EoCino, was convicted Tues-•• Oflll Of MUNDltEOS OF u. L SAV*llS IONDI Hay on two courtls each of Al llOllOMKE .O.tllOll PllRSI ult with a deadly weapon attempted extortion tn Ha .. yoanelf • 511...,U., Spr,.. ••)Wt• ,_id. ~ ec:Uon with two loans. up....,.._tl.ti...,..'l.,i~roo sis-man. atx-womao jury '!Dtf Jt'• a map to eate:r ud n1y to• Ut ut t..i.liberated for nearly five .. !'lo ......... JOllr child and .. 1r1111er a daptiwo I hour!i befon!' c o n v l ct in I ia *' Con'8lt at" no a:tra char--Com-ta.. d& Carol® of usin1 a run and i:i-t-<> I !)lreats of bodl(y harm In lailo 'aad tuJ. In ""' Pboiograpli Siudio oow. trying to collect fl'MXley from Big "b.Doon wiD he giYen to ftfet1 c:oateltan.L t.Mrs. Beverly B. Belvedere, 21, _ ..._.,.,.,llllwt __ .....,llMl1 .... I and Al Hacker, 50. ~Caroleo was accuaed of Speci.JJriOll•'""til.••d~w.ir...F.rC1U1ple1 fiilstol whlpJl!ng Mn. Belve. ' 9 ' '(!ere in 1987 t cOl:loct ~-COllTDT 7 , 4 !J \ollfl blG Coron. i O a-••1 portTlUU 111d ti' wtllet..a. I bad borrowed to poet an r•- marijuana and wort b I e 111,.!.------..:..----------- ;.cbeck charges. He abo wu PUU.PTOll °"'"'"•" c.. .... JM 1"", '71.0G "UNTl ... TOfll •bOI ~<.-rt•• w nw, tn·mt .. llfl'l"Olltf alACM '"""" 1Jl•l!f w floor. U4-JJ1J I accused of thruteninc to blow Hacker '• brains out unless he ~d tl0,000 Interest on a "lhor1>teml 116,000 loan In 1988.1 L-----------------· • Gas Tax • To Drop On Sep~.-1 . ·' Vi~ce Continues ' ; hi'Frema • Uon•gaa A .... tii 3 j E I ( Tax ~eforllJ Plan ' Yrobabf y Burll3d SACllAMENTO (AP) Even JlopubUcu Allembly Spetker Robert T. M'"'"I'" was adnUUlnt tOday that Gov. Suit Seeking Oass Credit OAKLAND (AP) -Six pro- feaon and lf atudenll lrom the Univenlty of caillomia's Berkeley campus have filed suit a1a1n1t the Board of Rqenta which d e n I e d academic credit to a COW'St in wblch Btact Panther Eldrkij:e Cleaver wu a guest lecturer. 'Ille 1awsuJt,_.. filed i n Alameda County S 11 p e r I o r Court Tuesday, charged the regents acted il1e1Ally when they ruled Jut Sept. 20 lhaL guest lecturers could on1y ap- pear once a ciuarter In credit coorses. The peUUon claimed the regents vkllated the coo- stitutiooaJ rilhts of atudeotJ and faculty and broke their own ltandin&: orden . .. R>oc••'• tu rtfonn procrll!I 11 deod for 1• :.. -ittlo,f a leitalaUve ratracle. With the loslllalu"' ohootica for adjoutmtnt of Die IMl'°'1 within 10 days, M-en was aaked TUesdly n 11 h t whether the nll!t rMUlt ol • day'a an1ry maneuvertnc. wu that Reqan's priled pro.,..,. is dead for the year. ''Tb.It'• rf&bt. .. he replied. The GOP ltocfer -Trocy point.cf oot lhot 8-'• pro. ...,,., lnu.&lced mcallll qo, ham'I even been pul.., Ille file for a b>uUJc In l.U>e Assembly Ways aDd Means Commlllee. He polDted out, bowev•, the fact or legislative lite that "nothing is dead around hire until adjournment." Bul hls comrrients un- derlined another fact: It would lake a turnover or miracle proportions for the covemor's highly publicized plan of tu inereases to finance tu reduo- tions for the homeowoe:r to pus the Assembly and the Senate by the end of nest week. • THRU SATURDAY ONLY BIG SAVINGS -ON BEST -SELLING DINETIES SAVE$141 5 PC. WROUGHT IRON PEDESTAL SET /HG. $15,, NOW$14 5 Note the grocefully curved . . b lock: frames, the woodgrain finish chair backs, the rich 'Concho Red' vinyl print up- holstery that wipes cleon easi- ly. Matching woodgrai• table extends to 6fY' witfot on• 1711 1 ... 1. SAVE $141 OVAL SET SEATS 7 COMFORTABLY HG.$12',NOW $115 Tobit measures 36"W x 48"l end extends t.,....?!,, in l&ngth with fwo 12" I.aves. Choirs • ere, handsomely upholst1r.d ' in •c;-oncho Moss' pattern vinyt With black frames. laminated p\dstic tqble top has textured oak wooclgroi" finish. '"'-l11tlwl• "'""'IT 1 .. n•r lscsl tl•ll••"1 -· CANOGA PARK DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD MOITTCLAIR SAVE$201 7PC.SET IN ·MEDITERRANEAN' STYLE HG.$169,NOW$149 'Spanish Curry' pottem vinyl · in gold o nd ovocodo eontrosts boldly with black wrought iron frames. lamin ated plastic table top hos textured walnut grain finish far laotiog t..outy. , 42" tab!. ut1nd1 to 6()" with 1 BH I.of, -NEWPORTBEACH VENTURA . ' , • I ,... . .. ... . . . . . . . . . . .. .. -. ~·· DAILY PILOT Wed~. J~y JO, 1969 ~. ~ ' • ' ' • s .... ,.., Mission Viejo Beef • Eric Tulleners (center) of Mission Viejo ~klre_Farmers sold Ruby. Reserve Grand Champion Steer and top Hereford at 1969 Orange County 1'-air .. to the f\.1ission Viejo Company. \Vith Eric and Ruby after the sale °Ke Richard O'Neill (Jefl). director. and Tommy Mitchell, manager of Mission Viejo Inn. The 970-pound steer brought $1 per pound. Drug ~se De~li~~s ' !'-. ' Abuse in Japan Curbed-But Hoi v,? SANTA ANA Harsh punicllmenl for drug abuse and a tough narcotics law have produced spectacular results in Japan in practically rliminating drug problems in that nation. So says Touru \l+'atanabi. a visiting Japanese narcotics agent. in the current bul\elin at the Orange County Proba· Hon Department. He "Tole the article with the aid or Dc_puiy County Probation oflicer Bill Takahashi. The s!,lmulanl drug use problem Was Strikingly i;urb'.!d after 1951, Watanabi reports, when the National Diet (Cong ress) pa s s c d the Amphetamine Control ·Law DEATH NOTICES POTENBERG. JR, Llovd H. l'o!el'l>urg, Jr., (If tolum- b<.11, Wl~I ... .s.<:rvlnl wltl ""' ~•Id S..llllWIY 111 J~t Fu,..••I H-. c.1~ Wloco..sln. P•clfi< viow M.,,.t\Nlry. tO<'Wtrdlng tllrtcton. POTENBERG WHml It. PoMl!Wrt, of Columb\jt, W]t(.Dl'lfln. Sftni'.C'I •Ill lie ~IO S.!· urd•• In Jane1 '""'''! Homt. Colu,... -· WllCOllOI". P1Kilk View Mor1ul '1', ,.,...1n11.,. dlredon. OLSON l ucllle M, 0 1...,., o1 Colum()u1, Wil- ' rY ' ' "''II "' MIO S1turd•• .~ '""'' • Fu11e••I HDfT\., C11h;mbllf,, w 11eonsl11. P1c1rlc "''"' Morlu1•v. torw1n1ono 01<e<;or1. OLSON 11 .c~ard A O!...,, Cll Columbu,, W••· cOl'!ln Scr•lce1 w11t boo "tld Salur4·• ,11 Jo~t~ Fu1Wr11 Ho....,, tol11mt>u1, Wf1co.~1ln P1cl!lt V!!w Mor1111rv, tor· w1ra;n9 Olfl\CIO.,. ARBUCKLE & \\'El.SH Wes lclifr f.lortuary 427 E. 17th SI .. Cost.a ~1esa 6t6·4888 • BALTZ l\10RTUARIES Coron• del l\1ar OR 3-"50 Co1ta Me111 Pttl S.U!4 • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Co1&. l\le1a u l-J-133 • Oii.DA V BROTHERS Huntington Valley Mon u1ry 17111 Beach Blvd. HunUnrton Beal'b l.fZ.7771 • McCORM ICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1795 Llipna Canyon Road Laguna Beacb 494-9415 • PACIFIC VIEW l\IEMORIAL PARK. Cemetery e ~tortuary Cllopd 2508 P1dfic View Drl''' Newport 8e.1ch. CalUomi• 144~100 • PEEK FAMU.Y COLONIAL FUNERAL HO~E 'iltl Bolu Ave. We1bn.laster W.JW • Slll!Ff"ER MORTUARY lApn1 St.ell •tt-1535 which decreed harsh punish· ment for users. Watanabl, quickly added, ''The Japanese government would like to assert that the harsh control laws were responsible for the eradiclion of drug and narcotic abuses. ''However. they feel that this approach is too naive, and the answer lies in some socio- psychological p h e n o m e n a \\'hich are peculiar only to the Jap<inese nation. ~e governmeri.t !eels that a ,tud)t or . U'lese phenomena might · be ' h e Ip f u I in det1rminlng some of the ca~ative and preventive (ac· tors in the abuse of dangerous drugs and narcotics." Nevertheless,· Japanese of· ficial said the effet'ts of a har$h anti-narcotics law v.·ere spectacular .. "For the control or heroin, the maximum penalty for sale was changed lo life im- prisonment and a fi\'e-mil\\on- yen fine ($1-4.000.)" Watanabi stated. "Additionally. the Jaw included a system or com· pulsory hospitall:tation Jo r natcouc·addii:ts-: "Between the years 1955 and 1965, the average arrests per ~·ear \Vere about 1.500. By ·1966. they "'ere down lo 33 per year. and the government nmv feels il has no known users." The Niponese official said that prior to World \'liir 11 Japan h~d no official drug or narcotic addiction prob\£>ms . But. beginning immediately after the ~feat or Japan ln , 1945, lbere ~was a sharp in· crease in the ust of stimulant· type di'ugs. I , "The government theorized that the abuse of stimulant drugs was caused by the feel· ing or depression caused by a naUon suffering d e f e a t , ' ' Watanabi continued. "It was no problem to obtain the drug since the Japanese govern· mcnt hiu~ produced large stocks of p drui similar to amphetamines, which were used In the ractories and in the military service to illCTea$e efficien.cy." Takahashi reported further, "Of great interest is the fa~ that although marijuana liffov.·s freely in Japanese rice fields, they do not consider it a problem and arrests due to the use of marijuana are so scarct they do not include il in their national crime statistics. "Howev@r, during the OC· cu pation of Japan. between l!M6 and 19~. a control law was enacted si nce the U.S. Mililary Forces Wt!!l'e. having great difficulty with members smoking marijuana. "\\rilh the end of occupation. the sale and use or marijuana seems to have disappeared. The government has no logical explanation as to the reason youths in their country have not,laken up the use of mari· ju11nii, however .'' ~--·----------------~ ~n ne• •1 ~~::.::!~~: .. ~.:..~:.?~~~.!!:: " :-. ~· ·~·· '"''"'· ALWA VS FIRST QUAUTY • •-'-"•-; ., . .W TCH lU MkU ~ '*' "' .... ....,;: "* .... ~ 3 DAYS ONLY AT THIS SPECIAL PR ICE lot .... '"""" .,, .. .,, .. "'. ,1...i, •vOfl>.v! ,_. _1,~. Y-'"'•"h .,.JM ._, • cl••••• ..,4 •4ivtto4 • 1 ... ~1, ··'•' . ...... ,.i .. ~., •• 1 ...... 1 •• 11~ ,:_, ....... , .. ~., 1;1,, , .... 1 S.95 "~' P••I•. Jwlo"'•';.,, c•1••• e..1, e!o..,!<1, fhf ... e!l"•~I 111,..11r "''"''· <>VI: FIRST THOUGHT •• , YOUR CONFIDENCE YOU CAN TRUST oua IX PERTS IN E•rtt W.tct. 1e,.ir;.1 • ,._I eti.I ..... l ettri11-"'t • Jn.. 1irilt1 • l lio1 leW4i111 • Plti.-11.I 5etliri1 • 1-1111tt.t I FUUDTON NIWJIOIT IUCH HUNTINGTON II.ACM VO . .lfl (,.«•l_, l-t i.11'911 1•11111 H,.>'•'ll•Ofl (;#llW liar-ft ~-•t "" .......• , -~"'-"_ ..... _~"~~-·-·_'"-'~""-'_'_'_~_"~~~'-"~"""-"~'-"'-·~~-SuCl..,..1< llUHO • I'-~~-==--~-=~~~~ sMJrns· MoRruARY r 'or Top Sports Coverage 1%7 Main SI. Hunu~'::i:""·h Rea d The Daily Pilot , . Hig~way User Tax Dis~ihuted SACRAMENTO -Distribu- tion of $52.6 million lO ·the state, ·counties and cities as the June apportionment or highway user taxes, was an- nounced today by state Con- troller Houston I. Flournoy. Orange Counly's share v.·as $784,448, and Orange Coasl cities received : flunt!ngton Beach, $72,994 ; Costa Mesa, $48,685: Newport Beach, $30,273 ; Seal Beach.$16,097; San Clemente. $11,6'3; Fountain Va 11 e y, $19,318 ; San Juan Capistrano, $2,635: Lagun• Beach, 19,20!: Los Alamltos, $6,626. Anaheim topped all county cities with $109,490. Of the total figure, counties received $13.4 million; cities, $9.7 million, and $29.45 million went to slate highways. The total user tax was derived from : Gasoline t~x. $47.8 million': diesel fuel tax. $2.9 million : transfer from the 11Iolor Vehicle Trnsportalion Tax Fund. $1.8 million and the balance from miscellaneous sources, Flournoy said. Wh1s Award Fred A. ~1cMai:;ter of Newport B e a c h has w o n t h e Edgar J. Helms A w a r d from Goodwill Industries (or his efforts on behalf of handicapped workers . H ead Start OK SANTA ANA -The Orange County Community A c t i on Council has receiYed approval of a $l8QJ.04 Head Start grant from the u .s. orfice or Economic Opportunity. The grant will make it possi- ble lor 120 children Of low in- come fami1ies to participate in a niJle-morrth pr.e-school pro- gram which place.f' emphasis on the health of the children. BuiUling Permit Record Se SANTA ANA -Wl1h a big lndUltrlal alructurei at $&.3 boost from the $3.1 mllli9Q , mlllloo; 61 1wimmlna: pools •l B\llTWlbl C.rp. lndultrlal 1118,1:18,•IKl.167!or bome Im· structure in Mlsslon Vie.Jot provunenta wortb .$$47,?SI. ~ullding permitl for tbe unjn" In addllloo lo Ille Bumuahs corporated ',ar~as of the county Corp. pe:rmlt for a 300,000! ael new" records 1ln June with square--feot. ·com~ter _com- tbe )!ighett 10\lll far a 'sbi-' ponents mqulacturillc olimt, month pertpd ind_ the high.st ln~U81Jial •ta.N "1uiied live June 1n history. County Bulklin.( and Salety Directpr Floyd O. Mcl.cllan. ~r.,said his department is'sued 1,017 building Permits last month With a valuation or $21 ,3 million. FOr the stx mon1hs since Jan. l the total jumped to $77.5 million, $11 million higher thau the prev~s half. ytar record set 10 1964.. Permits issued In June in· eluded 57S for new homes with 1 value of $13 million; .11 for • In the Irvine Ina·u1trl~1 Complex west •Dd nortb ot Uit orange CounlJ ~\l'pCllt._ Listed were M~ Mot .. Hotels, Arne. Adhesl~ co. B. T. 1'1iller Ma .• , ell, Morrison Engl , ·and tho Stanford R<neatcb stitute, • Adul.t Library Center l\foving ORANGE -The Mull T am to 1:30 pm. Both wiyt. 7:00·1:30-10:00-11 :30 am•1 :00-2:SIM:00-5:30-7:00-1:30 pm. Reference Center of t h e Orange Counly Public Library is moving from Its present location at th@ Margaret Mor· rison Library in Oranie to a new site at the ·carden Grove ~1ain Branch. The center will be closed un- til September 2, when the new facility, 11202 Stanford Ave., Garden Grove, will be com· pleted. Mort on w••k1nd1. Why worry •bout a reservation when PSA has over 160 flights a day? Sue~ an easy-to-remember 11c"'edule you can tarry It ·around In your head. Why rer.iember lowe11 tares? Or an jets? Or great service kl San Franc:sco, Oakland, San Dlel)O, and S1cramento? Or tnat kids under 12 fly PSA (with their par@nts) for hall fare? Still want a reseNallon? Just call yoor travel ag@nl or whets!tsname airlines. PS..\ gAes,.,.. •lift. It's open season for sportsmen at Penneys! FAMOUS WINCHESTER GOLDEN SPIKE 30-30 CARBINE Winche1ter excl u1i\I• boosts its proud role in our America11 history with official Golden Spike Ce11ten11iol "'°edollion imbedded i11 its wolnvt stack. Commemorates th·e doy the East ond Wet! were Joine d by Iha U"ion Pocific ond Southern Poc ific Roilroods. Engraved gol d ploti119 o"' receiver or11:J tang. gold plo!ed barrel bonds. 37 3/•' 1e,.glh, 6·ro~nd copocily. 119.95 SPECIAL ! FOREMOST• SEMI-AUTOMATIC .22 RIFLE Greal 'fo h1e! COMel "(ith 4 x· Smm 1co pe! Cl.l!ilOrn feoluret includ• checkeri11g, safety button, gold plated triglJer. 19 lo.ng rifl• routw:l1, 42.99 GLENFIELD LEVER ACTION 30-30 RIFLE A favorite wit+. deer: hunlrr1! Co111ff with 4 X 32 KOP9···• real mcnay..oving co111~11. 4-cortridge 111a9otil'le plus rov11d i11 chornb~ mokr ~ 5-shot reprah!r. 99 .99 ' PARKER HALE DELUXE BOLT ACTION 30-06 RIFLE Mouser otfian, odjurtable trigger, hooded ro111p fro11t 1ight, Mrftel checkering, rubber r•coil pod, iMre. A truly superb rifle! 149.95 Set your campsights on these great Penney values! FOREMOST' 9'x !S' DOUBLE SIDEROOM TEN T Sleept 11p to S. 2 screer1 wall windo-.. with out1ide llOrP11 curtains. Talon"' b1011 zippel".li on l'-'eer1/ canvas door,. 7' center height, 3'6~ end wotl height. Se,.,i·dry linis hl"d cation drill lop. cotton drill ... olls; Dry finish•d cotton drill sewn·in floor . 69 _99 FOREMOST ' 9 'x9' HI-WALL TENT Sleept up to 6 h• double deck bunks. All outtide o lur1'1itiu111 frort1e a 11d extra large windows for space a11cl ver1tilotio1t. 7'6" cl"nte• J..1ight, 5' woll height . Collo11 drill roof, .5 wall1, s•""n·il'I lloor69 •99 FOREMOST' 3 Lt. DACRON ' BB SLEEP· ING BAG with oll ar01.1..c:I 100" Tolan• 2ippet. 12.99 LIGHTWEIGHT FOLDING ALUMINUM COT 11 -sy lo 1to••, carry. Re"'o"'abl• coH011 co11¥es cover. Open siz ,. 72~•26.•1 •1/,~. CANOGA PARK DOWNEY 7.98 FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR ~ , ··}. 9 " :~\ ~I ·: .. ,,, NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA - I j Mesa . • c • N.V. Stoelu YOL:. 62, NO. '''" 5,SECJIONS, 62 P>iGES O~ANGe-e6UNTY, CA(IFO~NIA -W EDNESOAY:, JULY 30, ·1tw TEN CENTI .t\BMFault.s l\.nown Says Sen. Gore WASHINGTON (IJPI) -Sen . Albert Gore, (D-Tenn.),, Mid today he had un· covered three separate Pi:ntagon reports ' concluding that lhe . d.eil,iin of t,he ~afeguard anti-ballistic missile system was inadequate for its task. Gore, an opponent of the AB~t. told newsmen following a meeting of his foreign relations subco~mittu on disarmament that the Aerospace Corp., the Jason division of the Institute for Ddense Analyses and the Advanced Research Projects Agency had con- ducted studies for the Defense Depart· ment in 1967 and 1968 on missile defense. ~le said nooe ol them supported the present design o( the Safeguard system. Sen. Karl ~timdt, (R-S.D.), noted, however, that the studies were completed long before President Nixon recom· mended the Safeguard program and thus were not direeUy critical of the system, since it was not in being at the time. Gore said the classified documents all concluded that a "hard point" defense, such as the Safeguard, would require a lar greater number of radars than plan- ned for the sareguard system. And the reports made it clear, he said, that the radars would have to be far less exposed and vulnerable than safeguards. The ABM vote was held up to permit Gore's panel and the parent Senate Foreign Relations Committee to hold ad· ditional hearing• oo what members described as new information casting doubt on Safe&tlard's reljability. The Safeguard system is a ';hard point" defense -meaning its mission is no~ principally ta_ defend the population against atflck but lo protect offtDsiye missiles and bomber bases £nim any enemy at~mpt to knock them out in pre- crhptory strikes. Gore said lhe only report tht cnm- mittee ha s received supportln& the Safeguard design was a 11,i, page memorandum front the DefenSe Science Board task force on missile defense . I ~ 'iaid the system design ''appeared to be adequate and would meet the stated ob- jeclives for the Safeguard system." Cabbie Gives Up Job Follo win g Sniper's Sliots Cab driver Sherman W. Burdine, Jr., "'ho escaped with his life when a Pacific Coasl Highway sniper fired a hail of slugs at his tax i. quit his job with Yellow Cab Company of Long Beach Tuesday. "\ just don't want to drive a cab 11nymorr," the VieLnam veteran told his boss. No one around taxi headquarters blam· ed the 23 yeM old driver. He iA'aS caught in a volley of sniper'~ bullets in Sea l Beach at 4:0!! a.m. Mon- day ...,,hich shattered his windshiekl, nar- rowly missed his head, and sprayed him \\'ilh glass. The five shots see1ned to coTDe" from the vicinity of the Marina Palace, a teenage da nce hall on Coast Highway near the west city limits of Seal Beacll. Sea l Beach and Long Beach~detectim are still puzzled by the shooting and have not yet uncovered any cl ues leading lo the capture of the mysteriou s gunman. ··so far we've just come up with a blank," sa id Lt. Robert Garza of the Seal Beach Police Orp.artmenl today. He added that fragments of the glaSJ collected inside the automobile have bee:n ~cnl lo the crime labs of both police rlepartments as well as the Oran1e Coun- ty Sheriff for analysis. Pieces of the bu llc1s hilting the cab- hic's car were not recove red. increasing: the difficulty or determining the type of weapon used, police said. Injw·ed Child Remains Critical The two-year.c1ld son n( former Nev.•port Beach a!sislanl city attorney George Robert.I is "holding his own," Costa A1esa Memorial H o • p i t a I !ipokesmen sakl today. . Lillie Ceorge Robert! Jr., however. is l':lill on the critical list, $U(fering from aulo crash injuries. "There is a llllle improvtmtnt," saKI • hoep ital Ride. "But he ls still In our in- tensive we un1t." The younsstcr was injured In 1 two-ca r K cidCllt Sunday In Colla Mtu. Nixon Visits Thieu, Gls • PresUlent Warns Reds 'No More Concessions' COED KILLER? Michigan police circulated this com(los- ite drawing or a suspect they are seeking in lheir·search for killer of seven coeds. State iu Charge Of Susp ect Hunt In Co ed Killings YPSILANTI, Mich. (AP) -Michigan authorities today took control of tht manhunt for the killer or killers of seven young women in the Ann Arbor-Ypsil- anti area -and called for assistance from the FBI. , In a joint press col)fere.nce ln Lansing, Michigan Gov. William G. Milliken and Atty. Gen. Frank Kelley said the director of the Michigan State Police had betn placed in charge of the manhunt and that tbe U.S. artorn<y g<ner>l hod beeo ul<ed to t>totide 1.'BI assistance. - "Atty. Gen. John Mitchell assured us of the federa.l goverMlent's desire to cooperate in the ' fullesl e-xtent ~le and said the ~cific rcquei:t for FBI in- volvement would get a ver.y early response," lt-tilllken said. So far, slayings of seven young women in the adjacent college towns or Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti have mocked polict efforts to find a 1..-iller or killers. The body of the latest victim was found Saturday nighl in a ravine in a t.hickly wooded area between the t w o southeastern Michigan cities. Tbe girl, Karen Sue Beineman, an 1!1· year~ld Eastern Michigan University coed. will be buried today in her hometown of Grand Rapids. While Milliken and Kelley were an- nouncing the state had token control of the investigation, the man who had been in charge, William F. Delhey, Washtenaw County prosecutor was in Hazard, Ky., checking out a lead in the story. DelheJ. accompanied by Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey, went lo Kentucky Tuesday night to question a man whom Haza rd city police said had admitted killing a girl in Ypsilanti. So1ne Necklaee SAIGON (AP) -President Nixon new to Saigon «>day and declared the' United• Slates arid South Vietnam could make no further peace concessions. Later he told U.S. Soldiers at a nearby base that the war "may have. been our fl nest hour." Nixon Ucw first into the he.arr of Saigon becoming the firs t U.S. pre.sident to visit South Yietram's capital. He wa11 ac· copipanied by his wife who made her own bit of hlsfury by touring a field hospital and a home. !or war orphans. No other First Lady has visited South Vietnam. · Nii:on also became· the first president to visit a combat bue in South V1etnam. · He spokt to the American troops at Di An, headquarters of the. U.S. 1st Infantry Division 12 miles north of Saigon. Nixon spent five hours and 25 minutc!ll in Vietnam, much of It In conferences with President Nguyen Van Thieu and other government leaders. A Wtute House source !aid Nixon and Thieu discuued a new U.S. troop Mariner ·6 Ta~ing More Mars Photos PASADENA (UPI) -Mariner 6 began taking a aecond series of television pic- tures early today as it hurOed toward a ''near encounter" wilh Mars to find out wt'tether life can exist on the red planet. 'Phe first batch of 33 pictures of Mars. broadcast Jive on home television screens Tuesday night, showed a small , egg· shaped'orb with lhe white south polar cap st.anding out clearly from a mottled, light Anaheim Boa1·d OK's Voluntary School P.,r ~yer 'A new policy h111ilieit.,.._._..the Anaheim Union High. School District which will allow voluntary prayer in schoot5. Allthor of the poltcy, Trustee Edward Ha:rtneU, said he puMted for the program wtth fellow trustees because·"students in this aiea who were afraid to pray in any way, eve n in their own groups, asked me to help them." . The board-adopted policy suggested that principals of the district schools set a.side a period of Ume each day for si· lent prayer or meditation. Each student would be free to particlpale or not par- ticipate. Hartnell said. "Students are trying drugs and all manner of things \\'hile crying out for spiritual identity," the trustee said. Before approving Hartnell's prayer plan the OOard consulted the county counsel's office and was told that the U.S. Supreme Court decfsion banned only involuntary prayer. The r.ew policy will be implemented when regular classes resume in the fall. hnmediatcly after board members ap· proved HartneU's motion, he said : "That should bring out the atheists." "Let 's not get into that," truslet John Barton admonished. gray surface. It was Ute United States' second space triumph this month, coming on the heels flr the Apollo 11 mission that landed men on the moon. The Soviet Union has been plagued with communications fa ilures In their seven Mars probes. Mariner 6 began snapping the second se ries of pictures at 12:23 a.m. PDT to- day. They will be beamed back to earth starting at 6 p.m. Mariner 6 will Dy-past Mars at a distance of 2,000 miles tonight at 10:03 PIYT after a voyage of 241 m.lllion miles through Space. ~pjt~ the 'vast distanct, the spacecraft will be on1y 99 seconds late ror the ~O\IS. Mar~ 7, ~ ~ ~c~. lwlll ii! l.-1ariner 6, will. fualtt-lf.s n}Plll fivt. da§s laler. Bet•n· \hem, 111ey w 111 .pboiograph the entire surface of Mars twice as it rotates be.neath the two television cameras aboard e a c h spacecraft. • Mariner 6 will ~ave only 25 m~utes .tn perrorm lts 1clthtifl~ HQerlmfz#s ,and take two dozen televi&ion pictures of a region near th! Ma'rj.an !qtJ&tor which should show areas 11 small as 900 feet a Cross. Al the same time, lnstrumenls aboard the spacec raft wNJ ao to work making a chemical analysis and mapping the surface by measuring thermal radiation. Of particular interest is whether the air contains nitrogen, o:rygen and hydrogen -all present In earth's atmosphere-and iC there is water on the planet. The scientists in jet p r o p u 1 a I o n laboratory's mission control confessed Tuesday night they were rather diap- polnted in the first of the 33 pictures that slowly unfolded. line by line, aCTOSS the television screen. ThP. principal objection was the low contrasl. but Dr. Robert B. Leighton of the California ln91itute of Technology said the later shots were "much finer than I've ever seen in photographs and 1nuch finer , I think , than ever seen b"y the eye from earth ." J,J11 \Yard, 11, Is all awhirl in huJa hoop contest at Jrvint. Terrace Park. Liz, an EasLbluff res:ldear, comp.tad wiUi lour boy• al Newport lloacJi Pm .. Departmenl·•poo'°red evenl. She won In Ille girl3' division -at t.ht very least. wlthdra11al beyond the 25,000 already ordered but no final decision was reach· ed. He added they did not pin down the number to be withdrawn or the timetable but lheu details will be ironed our ln the Jc:st half of August. Nixon also discussed with Thieu the current lull in ground flghUng and decld .. cd that if It proved to be enemy. de- escalation, the pullout of U.S. forces would be speeded, the source reported. • LIAlllS PHOINIX,l'OST city Man ... r c;.op Plioeriix Ousts FQrnier Newport Manager Coop Specl1l ·to Hae DAILY PILOT PHOENIX -Fonner Newpc>rl Beach city manager Robert Coop has been fired as city manqer of Phoenix. Sources he.re said Coop, 55. was asked hy the Phoenix City CouncU to either resign or be fired . The council ultimat4m was unanimous. Coop's· formal letter of resignation was submitted at a formal couociJ sesslon: "This is not a voluntary decision," said the veleran municipal a:dminialrator. The resignation is effective August JS. "It is apparent," he Said in· his letter to the council, "that City Council-manager relationships had reached a point where I could np lqnger be rifectlve as your city manager." . • ' Troubles · for Coop began to surface earlier thi s summer when Phoenix Coun· cilwoman Dorothf Thellkas publicly charged the city manager with a "credibility gap" between himself and lhP. City Council. Mrs. The.Ultas speclfically charged that ci ly aides and state legislators had met without OOWlCll knowledge. She also alleged she had a.11ked c:oop 39 questions since May or 1968 and received only 10 answer.11. The credibility gap allegaLions In Phoenix sounded much Uke a replay of the hassle surrounding Coop When he left 1~ Newport city manager's post late In 19'4 to accept the Phoeni:r job. Coop had served lhrte•years as Newport's top city administrator. The Phoenix counclYs unhappineM Is bel\eved to have stemmed from his pr~ posed new city budget first submitted last March. lt exceeded anticipated revenues by $6 million . . ' Coop trimmed it by $1 million al the council's insistence, and ·proposed $4 'million in new tucs on 1iqoor and tobac- co to balance the rest o{ i~. The new taxes were approved by the council, with liquor and tobacco dealera protesting vigorously. It later developed 11111' only hall •1 lhe ·•4 million will actuallY be 1entr1ted by the newly Imposed levies. · I Buddy Ebsen Sued , o,·er Bite From' Do g ''Be•erly HillbllUie" ~lal«I 'otar Buddy Eboen of Balboa !&land today wu sued lot $1S,llOO< beaUle hi> Goni1in 1hepherd·dof a,Uegedly bit an 11.year;atd . Agoura bot alll A'Uf. 25~ E sult, med 111 Loo Anieles Counfy Su ior 'Court,, charaecl 1111! Homer R. Al en was JllltM on I.he hind and'.thiah ~y the dOf!:, Which had bd<ln t1ken to a ncighborhood gathering '1 1ri' A100/1 ·arena by 1EbJen"1 f11ui0tttt, Kathy, • -. . . ... --. But he said the Uniled Stales bu no evidence North Vietnam ls wlthdrawlna it& forces but may be movini: them into ' L.aos and Cambodia. ' He returned to B~ngkok, Thaifand, late today at:ioard the presidential pla.ne ~nd "'.as whisked back to the palace frOT- where he slipped away •early ln·lhe <tay tn begin his secrecy·shrouded trip. He will leave Thailand Thursday te contin1,1e his (See NIXON, Pa1e t ) Officers Grab Sex Movies After Previeiv Two Newport Beach detecUvcs posing as buyers Tuesday arrested a c.orona man and 9eized nearly 300 rqlls of movie film , some of which were alleged to be obscene. Caron Dec Chllders, 29, was arre.'Jted at a residence at Cedar Avenue and We!t Coast Highway by Detective John Simon and Sgt. Ken Thompson. Police booked Childers on charges of possessing obscene matter for 1a1e. Childers posted $150 ball and was releu- ed. Simon, police v~ aQd ln~lligenct Jn. vtstigator, sald ChUdera set up 1 prlvatt •howin& of tbe fllma 'l'leldly ~. Allerwardt lhe olllcen boucht 17 rools..1t J17 each, tben arrested Ult man. ~ They · then' conflSCJted t.he l'tlllt ef Chikler'1 stock of movies. · "Not all of the movies we took would be claasifiod as pornography tf you com. pared I.Mm to whJt's being ahown in ~ places jo Los Anletes," SJmon uld. · Birt, he added, aevera.I of the fllma! gave. pollee reason ,for mekioa' the-irrert and teizure. "We hope that we caii show !eVer•I ol them~ to a judge to see what he .. thltl:k1 · about tf>em," he 11.\d. Simog said he bad received a tip from "a highly reliible 8ource" who told him where he could obtain movies of that type. The "screening" wa5 set up for the early afternoon Tuesday. Childer1 was arrested at z p.m. Panther Cleared In Weapon Ca se Daniel Michael L)nem, once accused <if the murder of a Santa Ana poUce officer, \•1as cleared Tuesday of lht last of a series ot charges brought against him ln Santa Ana Municipal Court. Lynem, 22, wbo identifies hlmsrlf aii; A lieutenant or communications in the BlacK Panther organization, was freed by Judge Eugene Langhauset on charges oP carrying a concealed-weapon. "e waJ bqoked on the o«ense last April, jU5t eight weeks before be was arrested and accused of gunning down Santa Ana police officer Nelson Sasscer. Lynem was cleared of the offense while a fellow Balck Panther, Arthur Dewtt.t J,eague, 20, 9f Santa Anl, w1s being ar· ralgned ln a nel&bboring cour\ on the niurder charges not presaed agalnat Lynern. IL was alleatd durin& Lyr¥im 'J prosecution that he, Leeaue, and Odis Nathaniel Grimes, 21. also of Santa Ans. were together when Sasscer was shot and killed. Orange C.ees& Weetlier 1 There's no doobUng that 1t"1 summer along tbe Oranat. CoasL • Just check the weather; It's clear,, blue skies, rrlercury in the hi&h \'Os. INSmE· TODAY · Yau con rtat bt uowr "'°'"~ td boot .i...,t indcfinilcl~ but ' J/01' ""°"'' .rink. if JIOU ...,, a NIW flotot1on methocl ft01D undcrvo- ing tett. Boo.ti~ Page JO. , ' . ~- • I • - . c;. --• County Schools Rap Criticism -·· ~;~ixon Visit : • r :·Pushes War. »,.;· ,.~·. Qflicifl~ Lau!Wli Own Attack '!n Granif, Jurors '111 JAIZ -!!I J' 1 , ,depot Gl'l!>ol lri M ocboo!, when I W• hellav• I• local control. f;dijcaUon at>! th4t ~t loc•l di.trlcta . '. .• •., ---· alltndtd (Loi Anftla11415 llc:hool t926 Whet> the jury •BY' we 1pent too much • feel lhere 11 lttlle, U w. 11ted for cowil)< ·, Orange County Superintendent of to 1920). We ~d. ~ on venereal time on this subjed it is 1 bunch of •• JehoQI aendcu. , -.. ' .. ,,.. . ' • ' SAIGON (UPI) -Viet COiii radio uid :· }onll\llt P!Uldent Nixon ~rid by hll . • trip lo Vletnom ~· wbh" lo 111t!nally lhe : ·Yletftam War. ·. kbooia Dr Robert Peterson and SchOol dlaeues Ind of.Her similar subjects. baloney. We conducted all our regular Aa1wtr! (by P9t.er90ft) an actu'.t atudy .-.-:·.::-_. ..Ii.._;.:_ Cl M'itchell of Soilth Peitnoo: The eebool board ii re11pon1i· bua.lneu and then he.Id the hea.rinp later. made ahow1 just the reverte 11 true. For lWU'O "'~nan ar ble for the county course of study for We had to listen to the people. example, in !onign languigU only two of Laguna launched their own •ttac~ today grades klndergarten through.eighth, but -On ths jury's contenUon that the ef. 30 district.a now have 11pecl1Ust. Our e1· -a tfrontal 8551ult on crltlchm relemied we e.xerclse no censorship if the districts recUvenus or both the county IChool perts must fill io Jhe ••P· ln readlna:, on· , by ·tbe Jt6t Gnod Jury Tuelday of I.he Bd. up their own. C<M&rM .or' study. They board and the 1Upe:rintendent "11 hamp. ly three have a specialist and we supply .-In •. comm..tary bl'Oldcast .. ~ · ""ClandelU:ne Nltional Libtrttioro rront . :tNU'l radio lets th.all flvt hour> lfttr '. .Nl1Qn left Sal&on, £he Vitt cone !aid Nix· supaintendeat. boud and c:oonty schools need not be apptoved by t~1 board. ered by the fact that both fre elected the others with aid. The obylous reason is • -MUcbell: The Grand-Jurylgnored the and suQeJUng thlt the supertnfuident a lack of funds Jn the district. cC&::e-· . ' • . fact lhat local boards may &el up their should be appolnt.ed. Only 13 districts have special mus ic Mitchell termed some ol lhe jury s con· own study courses. One of our board Auwer: (by Peteraon) the dtlzena: uy direction wbtre previouaJy lhf:rt were 20 • on'& visit wu a ''blunt, shameless ~ \•ocation toward the world which ha.a dtmandtd he end the aigresaive war." cluslODJ, ''.a bunch of bak>ney'' and members {Lyle Guipre, no longer a board just the 'Opposite. They feel the witb this afd. Oo bea1th, there are only Petenon said in some inslanct! the member) wanted to 6et up a tom· supuintendent. u with other1XIW11J ele<> four whertu 10 years ago there wt.re Jw?'• findings were just the reverse of prehensive sex educalien program like live officen, &houkf be respomive to the more than a doun. -&he utreme ooe in Anaheim. clllunry. My well-discuued .barberabop One final quesUon wu posed at thl1 the truth. We had to study the subject berore poll indlcat.ed tbat 87 percent ol &be pee>-morning's pr~es conferenct: "11 ther• "It was an tnsolent cballenge toward our people who art struacltng d~ly lo ovuthrow Thieu-Ky· Hom& In. onler lo brln& bock peoce lo Ille country,'' lbe comtntnt&ry uJd, Takln& the Grand Jury's Interim report mak ing a decision. The jury was wrong pie want the post to be elective. anythin1 in the Grand J!Jf'Y. report yru pohlt-by·point, Peterao11 and Mitchell sald In saying we shouldn't We brought into -On the Jury's contt.ntion that as local can approve?" STATES CMA'S POSITION Pocll1trlcl1n Roblntan in rn>b': the ·open what AMheim l!ICboola were diatrlcta grow they become increulngly Answer: Attendance of jury membert :c.on ...-po!llibiDty GI the ...,nty. ocbool dolni bul we did oot 1<11 them what lo do. indepl'ndenl of the Cowll)' Department of al our boar~ m,.Unis w"' _,,,•ndable. ,,,, mtom<nt referred lo Sooth V}el· namese P1tsJde.nt Nguyen Van T!:lieu, . Vice Pmldent Ngunn Cao Ky and Premier Tran Van Huong. "The' fact thit an American President came for the first time to Saigon with tricky plans. •. proved that Nilon hu .. _. tried to clln:a: t.o hl1 Thieu-Ky·Huong · -Morvant.I in the hope lo U5e them as a ~ , $o continue inteneifying the Bll"es91Ve war full of crimes in South.Vietnam," the broodeut said. ,,,. "''""""tary uid olthou;I> Naoo durin& his trip spoke "unctti!lingly of peace and &oodl<ill," !be Unllod Slalol bu made efforU to intem.iff the. war. F,.... P .. e I Coast Doc(or Cites School Health Needs - .......... lllit DAIL T PILOT SAN DIEGO -A broader program of hMllll education II needed In Callfomi• schoolJ, Dr. Tmft W, Roblnaoo of New· porl Beoch loltllled h'"' '1'11ad1y. A> cbolrmln of the California Medical ANoc11llon'• comm1Ueo on ocbool and coll ... heallll, the Orange Cout P"ft• tridan delivered CMA'• pClliUOb paper on bOaltll educaUoo lo • fod-flndb>i tom· rnJl!ei GI GOv. Roapn'1 Advtllory Com· mltloo on Clllldrto and Yaulh. Dr. RoblnloO, Wbo II pedlattle eon· ''·' l'OU!ld.tho1"rld trip. IUltonl lo lhe Founlaln Valley School • • ·1n ot· An. he ·i>Jdurod the "" 11 Dlstrlel, sold CMA doesn't believe Ille .. · worthwl>lle ~ aven u he called It !be optlmUD! i. .. 1 of h<ollh educ•Uon lw NIXON .•• mOlt ...,ttoverllal In American hlalory been lchleved In California -~- '. . -become, he lllld, It may lead lo tbe Therefore, hO lllld, µ,. Zl,000-member " ~tbllMmenl of an eNlurln& peace In 1ialo medleol uaoclaUon encourages "«> 'bclird lo let policy and !be 1uperi .. londenl'• re.pollllbillty lo ·-r PQIJcy and lhe 1lted for flOOd com• munlcaUons between the two . :' AlllWer: Tbete 11 no lack of com· munlcation between the board and the auperlntenckol Thia 111 obviou11Jy a mllunderstanding on the part or jury members. some mQJor d i I f e r e n c e s between tl:le .superintendent and board member& is healthy. -On.. the county school board's !pen. dinj: too much time this year Jn areas over which It bas no· control; such ~s tile ·-of-local d~ -b and the destrabWty of a courae of study on Fami- ly; LIJe and Se:i Education " lh local distrids, and the censorship of library books. Auwer: (by MitcheU) We ·had one cue of tenbooll: choice "Land of the F'rff" and we dJd have the rlght to look into it. f studied the bock cvefully and ct1nsider it a very inferior tell. A history book shoukl be a..history book. Jf you want t.o augment it with information on the part minority groups play ln history .. that should be in supplemental material. You shou1dn't cut out other useful material to include such information. On au education : We had quite a Afll. ordinated elf~~y ochoall, P"':t de· While meeting Thieu earlier ot Soiroo'• portmeai. GI -th. prlvalAI pr• onon Newport Plans ,. Jiidepondeoce Potace. Naoo !slued • In medieU!e and denUltry and communt· 1lalomfllt ttdtlng ....itlatory _.. ty health .,enc1 ... "" • aild propoull made by Waahlnglon and "Health educaUon 1hould prepare our D } f · So1p1n1n.rfortto1e111>eru11_.. ~::.~~:.~~lh.':::i eve opment o talb olf dead center. e:nvin:mment,'' Dr. RobilllOD said. . : ~ bsvi:~!'~"~:-Health education mllll begin In Illa Beach' Property tfona.~ ,;;n-s;.~ .. he llllcl. "It home, through ... mple and guldane<, ~. know time for Wftl • " thi'llugh theicoUe yem:-tt abould not Newport Sta dty pernment pes . ~-Ide lo 't clown •ft\! It must ~ In !be tcbool• cb . ho -......_ wttb m.and Ulk ~ ~ WIJI to merely inform. shoWd modify be-to hike iti income from a·· two-acre .. ,J_ ttop the ti.llb!g, • ·" · bavlor so that the lnd.lv1dual rully utilizes Newport-<lwntd pared in HunUngton ".>t · • Lala' when Nixon ad "Tbleo made ..-v-:•• and ...,. • .iictive m-.1;,..al ser-. -·~ ~ •·'-"" --· and ,.. •uw .-= =~ Beach from 1$,400 lo 115,000 yearly. ,, .• .,u_._ ucaore l-CIC•NYOD ...-u--vices. he observed. ""'° mlcropMoea m the. l\epl of In the schools, such education should The ~ undeveloped proptrty Us at the . • 'Sllp'• oquivllent of tbe White Houle, lll<ludo not ooly J>h)'llcal educllfon ond IOUlheast tor!lfl' el Brootbunt Street ~lbo.U,&. Jll'lldeal llllcl !! II -lo oil _.auon bul .r .. gpectflc, corillnulng ~d Adam• Av<llll• in 1 commm:lolly i :tJll~ ~ ljdo ""' , Iba plrJ =laltlJJC!foq al!<f~th aa~ii; • · t ~ U I silo for -~laib111t111nplte Mlilte.•& ~-M 0 "" · ' • e111· )II• city :'J'!l'l""!t\.... . . .,>!Jf~'~lbf '~· ,1' "' ' ~-J~•-!i.li4C1idi " -.. · ;..,•t\t, ~ •· N -(Ill 111• joinl ;. o\4e, · • . l· ' · ' ·' ' ~ . CMA bollem tll~t "• !Chool beollh noommenditlon ~ tlty llalf and a 1f: ' Nlml'lllilJhe Onllod ~ bl''l!alllli l><oaram 1bould end.,. eacb atudent 11111l commlll" of the !'lewporl+l"4 ilolrd of J;: ~.he~ ll)llle • -~.":,'t: Ut• ~Tedi• of his health 'r•ponlibUlly Roallon, thlo w,__k· ctl\ed for 'bids on ·_.;.::11 .. -.... , ... --. .. • i:blld, a '"""t •• .i-,.r mentber of leui!11 di tho proPertll. Th~ , .... pro-,. bllt«1 Gl ·warlare." · .,_ ... ; ~ society_ This ermnot be aclllev<d wllh-polal; are tehedui.d lo be c:dlaldered by "'It Ja • C of nrcnodll~-"'"I . oot cooperation of rellltd· profoufonol Ill• counc!l nn Sept. iz. t cJff~ on ~~ ~ 10 and panmt organlzaUom in the formation The minimum .acceptable lease pro- •hldl people 1 • = of school beallh programs and in con-posal will be tu,700 a year, councilmen !Ml .la just for~ sides, a~~ ..u tlnuing support of the 1cboo1 health agreed . , u fm to bod'I s1<Sts, a peace w~ au.era nl"Nn'lft'I · c ·t 'f J an .... ual chance to both I.Ides r~--'-'--, · vt•· 1 M11!1llot 1ty i• an a g e.r ames ...., · "l1n: auruuis Jftlsl pro uc: an eump e DeChaine explained that the minhnum ~ hav~ gooe. u ~ :'oorwi, can or ()( the respoMlbillty of people to provide lease figure ts based on 7 percent of the and ..:'11 II '1:,'"f or !be other J:': • sole, pleyllcally and .m.tlooally h~llll· property'I appralaed value of about r .t. Otberwile tbe other &Ide must fut envtnmment for each other, he $324,000. = the responalbilify for the con-•ta~. t*w ts annot auperviae ''Wt anticipate proposal.I of at least timllllr lgfterinl lmaAI the ~le ""'° their chUdttn a~~ the school! are $15,000," be added. ho ... ~ oulfered much too IOll( both obligated lo offor 1 heoltbful, •II• ... City officlall said the re1801! Ille land la tn SOIA, .IDd North Vietnal'l'I.." • virormeDt for the cblld. to be leued rather than &Old ii Its un-lllflft' miming to Banatol<, Niml derground wells. II hu been e&Umaled ~ b ~liccrpC.er to DoI An. the lit , there is enough water there to serve, lnfantiy D(vi&lo.n he&dquarten bue 12 G d' N after t.rutm.ent, ooe:-lhird or Newport'1 mllel -el Saleon. ra mg. on ew pre .. nl population. Tbtn he met 2$0 men in fuD battle The underground re-serve will be kept par prepertng tc leave for a combat }£ •··d· ho ation pd to1d them : "We're doing Bay Go Course as a SUm.l 1ary water source, s uld the :e'erytblrl&..,,. can to bring this war to aa city ever have to tap it. The city now end." receives its water through t b e Nisoo plnMd Dlllln&uilhed Service Starts in Fall Metropolitan Waler DislrlcL O'CMel -the Army's second hllhtlt Lease requirements ror the Brookhurat- •ward I«--on tine men and lben Adams propeny, DeChalne uld, Include eall<d !be blberl. who bad been formed Grading few 1 new %7-bcle 'oU """"' f!Ull' .. teed ..,.menb for Ille city lo lay Into r-. Into a~ """"'1 blm. and country club will start 'aometlme di!trtbulor llnea lo the under(l'oond f• .'< l 1 [•1 'If -CGlll' ,_~ CC?FUfl ........ ---- ---SJO Wttl ......... M.-.. ~PA._ tNt, tlllt , --~~.....'!.'&"'...='%~ ~ ........... early this fall" on aeveral hundred acru buln.. OVl!'lootlng Upper Newport Ba,y, lrvlna Ne~ ocqulnd the property"mllly ComPlllY olllclals lllld ·locl"l'· ·~·•~of B The mulU-mllllOIMlollor links and Ylll'I are -_, aalfn&loo Boacb ..... ed lo the Sonia Ano RI,,... du-will be bounded by San Joaquin HUlo. Jam!xfte and Ford road• and MoeArthur Boolevord . Irvine Vice Preakt1nt of Plannina Ray Watson said that earliu reports that the course would ~ extended onto the Back Bay aide of J 1mboret Road were in- comd That part of Big Canyon, he nplained, ~Id not be developed for any purpose until the Back Bey land e1chan1e Issues are cleared up. Wat.soo aald that a name and specific deta.111 of the coune design art not ·-)'tL ••we ltll! have to bring all the plans and dra....,. up before the phmolnc commlallOr. ml ell)< C<>W1cil," he told. Relldent1t1 construction ~ Ibo frln( .. of Ille COUl'M is I !lily, Irvine apokmn., Aid, but pllJI& ..,. ollll -~ite, too. 1\e.dft!Cn of the CCIUl'le wm conlll'tTI to 11aodanfs set l>y Ill• Profwl<loal Golf« .. .-allon CPGA). ,Rites on Thursday For Former Meaan P'uneral servlcu will be .conducte.d Thunday In Blllllllng for former COlta Meaa rel(denl John 0, En&ler who died 'l\JeadoJ •.t the ... of 11. Mr. Eotit<r. who llad mov.d ...,.,,uy lo Cobuon, came lo COiia M,..111 1141. He WU 8 deocoo In Ibo Cllriltlan Cl>urc.b of C..la Mtsa . SF Finn Demands UC Okay Users' Park BERKELEY (AP) -A spokesman for a San FranclS<:O architectural firm declared Tuesday that the University of Call!ornla would have to hire anoU1er company unless it pe.nnlts a "u1er· devtJoped park" 11 part of a 11tud1nt ~ compln: planned for oona:trucllon on OW site of 11People'1 Park.'' Frank Tomsick, 1putlng for G. M. McCue and Aalociates, Inc.. told a Jtudent.facultJ conunttt.ee that "I can 't po11ibly ,.. how we C<Nld 10 ahead Without giving CM1kterat.ion to uaer· dev<loped port """' tbere." Keely Smith Wins Divorce L05 ANO!t.ES (UPI) -S1tt1w l\et!Jr SmUh o!Qlnod a di"'""' from 1itr third h1lsband Tueoday 1ner •ho t.etllled he "drank ucemlvety/1 ranalned ,way trom bomt and ecca,ional.ly struck htr. The court approved a &8Ultment under which compoitt and record productr Jt.m11 Bowen, 41, would 1>&Y Mila Smith, JI, $2,SOO monthly allmony for three ye11r5 and .she would pay half of a M0,000 pn>ml&$0l')I note. •Pier. Hippies Not • Ours ~ Psycheil£lic Shops Say They're Too Expensive By JOHN VALTERZA Ol 11111 DlllY , .... Si.ff Do shops catering !Cl psychedelic tastes worsen the Newport Be.a.ch watufront "street·peOple" problem? The owners o! one ol tiA·o such businesses on McFadden Square today said their store doesn't. And they want a meeting with their fellow waterfront busine&.Sm.en to resolve blttemus arising from &uggutiooJ by several shopkeepers that the solution to the "street people" problem is the closlng of psychedi:Uc shops. Gerl Evans, Dan Strassberg and Kevin "Bear" Mulhurn today denied that their Glory Shop contributes to problems willa the w1terlront youths. Their defense was sparked by a letter received by the Newport City Council Mondsy, signed by 10 businessmen demanding that the city not grant licensu to "hippie businuses." Coult* cilmen will consider the issue August 11, ~fayor Doreen Marshall said. The letter charges that the area's two psychedeUc gift shops cater to a clientele that la "90-percent hippie." . The Glory Shop owners disagree. "If 90 perctnt of our cliente.le were hip. pies we wouJd have been broke rnontM ago. 90 percMt of their gripe& (the 10 signers) don't apply to us,'• Mulhum said • "What 'hippie' can afford a $250 hatch· agree with them. our business is hurt • customers aren't hippies al all. The1·re everyday people that come to visit the beach," ht u ld. , , , He conceded that the Glory Shop has experienced the aame problem& as the other types al. busineues along the three. block area, ''perhaps even more severely than the rest." "They claim that the street people destroy their business, and we have to agree with them:. Your business is hurt, too,'' Strassberg said. "We haven't bnd one drua: arrest inside our shop since we started bwinem; five months ago, and our relationship with the police department is ei:cellent. We have had no problems with them," Miss Evans said. She added that the shop has fallen vie· tim t.o sbopllltera and burglara. "They even ltled to set fire to the p1act once," she said. The three agreed that no youths that appe.ar "high" on drugs <>f any kind are allowed in the &hop, nor are browsers allowed tO frequent the place for any period of lime without buying the wares of hand-made jewelry, posten and gifts. CONVENl!NT 'TERMS BANKAMERICARO MASTER CHAJl&E The Glory shop does not 1ell some types of merchandise found in other "head shops" along the Orange Coast - "roach" clips uaed to bold marijuana butts, books detailing the cultivating of the weed and underground newspapers. "We have to .serve as salesmen and &0eial workers in our business," ,.iulhum said, "and we think our shop can do a lol more to solve the problems we see on the sidewalk than the businesses whose owners say we should close down." He said the business frequently receives calls from runaway teenagers• parent!, private investigators looking for underage dropout.a and youths with pro- blems . Closing the bu.sinesa, or refuslng to grant it a license, they charged repeated- ly. would be unfair and would not alter the problem. "We are completely misunderstood, and if we could all get together, talk openly about it, ncit like ._bunch of .angry kids, I'm sure we can work it out," Strassberg :.aid. They said they would offer their shop as a meeting place for the businessmen. Invitations to a meeting would be mailed out this afternoon, they said. In the meantime -on the sidewalk - the problems which seemed to reach a climax three wee Its . ago 1eem to be fading a hit Police, who have rev ivtd the ages-old technique of offlcert pounding a beat, have agreed that the Newport patrol idea is worttni. Fewer. youths arfl seen 1lttina on park· eel cara and incidents involvin• unruJy young crowds 1atherlnJ aroqnd an arrest are feWer. "We have noticed a definite hn· provement, too," Slras!berg said. "I don't think we have had to ask cne kid lo leave In Ille past 10 da~s for being redded out (high on seconal).' A palnfuJ offshoot of the entJre Issue over youth problems and charges that the psychedelic aho~ make them wont became evident Tuesday with news of tbt eviction of a buslnesawoman who Clperates a gift shop near the waterfront. The eviction order tram the landlord. the three shopkeepers said, was a "direct result of the letter." New port Can't Muffle News Union: AttorneY, A striking nft'SPI~ union's request to use a por\able amplltitr In the city can-- not be legllly deaied, Newport Beach Ci· ty Allomey Tully Seymc>ur ·has advised city councilmen. As a result, the permlt sou&ht by the Los An1eles Herald-Examiner Joint Strike-Lockout Council will probably be reluctantly approved by m u n i c i p a I lawmakers August 11. Councilmen two weeks ago unanimous- ly denied the application, submitted in writing by union coordinator Jerome Gordon. Gordon appealed the decision at this week'1 council session . Seymour explained to councilmen that a re-reading of the ordinance in which the original decilloo was hued lllpport.ed Gordon"• plea. "The ordinance," sakt Seymour, "allow1 the city to prohibit the cornmttclal use of sound equjpment, but not non-eommereial use.11 He said the ordinance when drafted in 1964 wu written tn accordance with a re- till NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA ' cent Supreme Court declalon. nie high court declared that baM against the use of soch equipment for religious or political porpoees con· sUtuted an abridgement or freedom o! speech. Councilman Paul J. Gruber u id he wookl like to make a "test ease." of tht issue, nevertheless. For that rea!!On he voted against a moti on to hOld the matter over £or two weeks. The city sta.ff was instructed to prtpare recommendations on llmlUng the houn of use or the small portable amplifier for preu.ntation to the council on August 11 . "It seem1 to me ," concluded Mayor Doreen Marshall, "that our legal position obliga tes us to grant this pennit" Gordon said the e.qulpment will have a 80tmd radius of only 30 feet. It will be us- ed by small groupe of pickets in front of Herald-Examiner advertisers, "JU!l let give the public our side of the story. We can't aHord big newspaper ads," ht 1aJd. 22 YEA~S SAME lOCATION ' PHON! \ Ml·l401 l Is ly ly ,.. of 1• •• ly ;., ic 20 ly re ril fl "' " •• ed a be >lei at, .. m· ••• for on· of he th• he ter are IOf for !1. yor .ion •• ... : of to w. ud. ·, IUSH JIClllS $14ts $24.ts · YALUll ''WlttDllNG'' . Jlcuts ~y Ptclflc Trllll ' --.... wla~~ .. ..... Pedfk Yrtll. 1111 ...... s.l" lo L.--To~ T-Yellow, -lo. -----~~Optw, Nnr IN ""9IWJ 1th.ti. .... M .. 10.. .,.,._lly femOUI SPOIT SHllTS UG. $4.tl '3'' I SALE!! I BERMUDA SHORTS UCIU\AILT $3.91-$<1.fl 2: •s ~4.E!t~~~·1 ~ .. Mu-.All-"'' PACK PUMU AND PIQt'lllfONlL NIKD.'11 IQUIHIOl'f II OUll maAA.m ..... lllftflpf ,,,._, NYLON GOLF JAcms '°'"' .............. , .... s4•• ............. ,,, .... ,..,., '"""'" .. ,...,., .......... UG. $7.95 * GRANT'S CHICK WI* § POLDING CAMP ITOOLS ••••••• tic .NU PIUT AID KIT ......... $6.9S MOSOUno HIAD Nm •••••••• 91c 0 LAUNHT IAOS , , ... , ....... 91c 0 TINT IAOS ............... $1.91 0 TINT POU IAOS •••••••••.• $1.91 0 WATIDIOOF TARPS .••• sq. ft. 1 Oc 0 1 DO"/, WOOL ILANKUS .... $6.95 B COUMAN MANTUI .••.•• 2 far 39c too nn 1/4 '' ION .....••... 91c 0 All MAnllH llPAll Kif •.•••• 91c DWAIN llAllNI .......... from 49c TllOUIAll• O• CAMJllllG ITIMI 10 PILL T-llVIRT NllDI See Grant's FIRST! We Rent EVERYTHING In CAMPING GEAR! FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! ......... -... -.... -GIANT'S CAUIU A COMl'UTI UNI Of Ilda ••• , --- wam ca11111 ""'''' .. -........ t.mi.. -fronu hr lo wttM I 2'/1 OAL. .... $1.41 5 OAL. ••••• $1.91 4-11. DACIOll "II" & "76" IXQrTIONAlLT w1n111, lturly 11tl Mrv1t11~l1 lw1I tNtMtttit ftllh11. Son ,.al1t111t kftft luck ceY1r. klch "''""' ""'"' with lvll'llt. full l11t9!h r1,,.,. ZJ, ...... ttaw ,., .. w ... ,. SAVI! HOWi "CHARGE IT" .11 IR&IT'I SURPLUS '*' LANTERN s9aa Turner PROPANE FUEL fits all ,,.. ••• 1f T1r1h11, Llntlnll • II Ill Ste¥M. ' . ' Dltt.Y -I' NIJIT DOOR ~T ADDnlOtW. flU ~ PARKING ·~ G,RANT'S GULF _ llllYICI STATION ;, t Sl'fCIM. PURCllASfl STllPED T ·SHllTS REG. $f49 $2.91 - HEMENDOUI ultetlen of 111 nttt11 1tr$1M4 T.Shll'h h1 lots of color•. SIJ11 S.M.L Stfct "' now for l1ek-T• khHll Grant'1 Hai ••• LUTHll VESTS AND llClm r., ~·"" Crwhftle ,...h M W1stt111 rtytM Jtdim trtd Y11ta. s.mt wfth frlllfl~ trllft. from s19•s TD $4S.OO T·SHIRTI rll CONYIUI DICK SHOii '6·'7·'• LIST '8'' $9.95 lUXUtlOUI ....... ....._ ..... Tim TMOSI' f AMOUS C.ftllfM DKt T .. Shlrta wlll fNll.1 1 .. ,,... ,. .. Mrt Sholl thtt lllllfrt YM tf 1 ,.met •~ (tlM .. It '°"' '""" IM). Chw flt ••• '"'"'" •rlfi ... '" -1 t. chMtl froml Wffrlftf. N1'ff -~ Whftt, 11 MIN. HANO-TIN TIUNKS • $6-$10 Pamou1 Name WESTERN SHIRTS RLT HATS, TAN Ol ILACIC ........ $3.91 WllTlllN ITUW HATS •••••••••• $2.49 1''·2'/i'' llLTS, 21te40., .$3.f1·$1.tl . Pameu1 Durang• , ROUGH O"T BOOTS $16'5 :::"::""~~~ Ott" """" ,,, """' ... ,. lint',. 11. Aano'1-tSf1M-SJfH wtth luckle Acrou Pront •• " 'V -· ·~ . . . ' . . ·, '' . . . , ',. .. ... . ... • . ~ • . ' . . . ' • ' ·: ' • < ' ' • . ~ .; .. •• •1f --------~--------.. CLOSEOUTS SAVE $$$$ COllM.ll nm RAMI ••• t.I M. lrl•TH hti. .... " . . . ~."' ..... , ...... ..... . . . ,,,.........,... LHll+Malff: pal•• •• , I .., -•llfflM ..... :r. WW.., tlllt ti• Ill I • .,. .,. .. 4 ......... ™'" ••• ,. •rt-'*"· Coleman's Moat Popular 10'x8' s77•• SIZE ClOSfOUT $100.00 VALUE PRICll "VAGAIOND"-tou'fh, tight inti rollablt. """ atty ~ry with ntw double yJnyt-co1rM nylon ftotn thlt tlttnd 10" U... powd l1V1I. Ofl...t.111 tops tttltct the hlll- loh In the Oghll . .. . . · ROOI MORIS .. llllOmUTGll .• ... ALL -... llUIT • 1111191'111 • IOW ••• AYUIL WI TO llllCJ llOlll : . SAVE "::;:;s NOW! : S.n1flflonal Dl1count1f * lmmedi1te D,livery * No Wilting! .. . . . -------- ' I' \DAD.Y PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE I Lid for .Count y Airport Fourteen months aao, the Federal AvlaUoo Admln- islraUon told Orange County Supervisors by letter that tbe county bad no authority to impose jet noise controls by ordinance. . Nine months ago, the county by letter ll>ld .the FAA In effect: All right, if we can't do it, you do 1t. Four months ago, the county asked the FAA wbeth· er it had ever gotten that letter. A week later, the FAA replied. n had gotten the letter and ii w~s under stu~y. That's where the matter now rests. But Orange County Airport isn't resting. Business, like the jets, is booming. What's the ouUook on a noise abatement program? At a glance, dim and confusing. Robert Bresnahan, the airport's harried director, thinks be knows why the request from the county for 50me FAA action lies tangled somewhere in that agen. cy's web. The noise abatement problem, Bresnahan explained. last week, may be bigger than Orange County Airport. ••1 know the FAA can't do anything just for our airport. There have to be national (noise abatement) stand· anls." So the county, it would appear, has no choice but to \Vail for the FM to act. The FAA meanwhile Is apparently \Vaiting for the county to act'. "So far as' the FAA is concerned," FA.~ \Vestern Region Director Arvin 0. Basnight told the DAILY PILOT two weeks ago. "it is the county's re- spoosibility to come up with an airport use plan that is compatible with the community and can serve the people safely." pr right tum Pllllenu. Wbat II Balllllthl nletrin1 lo• as limits? '11te CAB and. the PUC control alrilne sched· ules. Tbe alrllnM doo't,·tve submit their •cbedulea to U.11 ' • '1 • j ,, t • A bopefe1s lmpauet' Maybe not. The county, ., 1 • owner-proprietor nuiles the decisions as to \runway length and, ~al !acllities. By re(uslng to bel)d to the pressute for expansion, the county coula impose sor_n~ measure. o~ control on liervlce, and hence, on jet noise. · , It would be 4 roundabout means of reaching an end , bul it may be th'!-Ohl>,< one. open to the county. Up lo now, tbe only coptrol py~r night flights and other commercial J el expansion ii tn "genUemen's agree- ments" that have no binl!llfg. cl~uses. Go~ Stop, J erk Costa Mesans who trav~l through the voqex of the city's traffic center -the intersection of Harbor and Newport boulevards -must have questioned the effi· cacy Of computer-driven signajs in recent weeks. When beach traffic mounts, the computer tells cer~n signals to stay green or to st.ay red for longer periods to accommodate the heaviest Janes of autcr mobiles. That's fine, but during the period the signals are switching to the new ti'.tne control, drivers get a full set of go-and-jerk-and·stop commands. Bresnahan, apprised of Basnight's views. replied: "Orange County can send all the proposed document! they want to, but what good is it going to do us? We can't control departures. We have no control over left The computer is fed bf traffic-counters beneath the pavement, certainly an accurate and reliable sys· tern of gathering data. But one wonders il about three sets of eyes -in the heads of police officers -couldn't diagnose the problems faster. And ~olve them much more easily, particularly if the traffic officers were stationed at the key points ot "PAT IENC E BOY. AFTER AL L IT'S ONLY BEEN 15 YEARS SINCI YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET OUT." clog-up. ._ (Cl 'Greatest Benefit for Greatest Number ' • • • Upper Bay Land Trade: Is It Time to Start Over? To the Editor: Your editorial of July 23, "New Look at Bay Plan,'' which reflects on the recent resolution by the Orange County Grand Jury to review the Upper Bay Land Swap is tn06t welcome by those who hav'" been concerned with many aspects of the ex· change for years. The DAILY PlLOT could perform a further public ~ice by reviewing once again the detailed and complex history, partkularJy its politic~! aspects. Let's face it, decialons of this kind ... polWcal. ,,_ -""' Iong·tim• u_. ~Y ... change~ are c:enabi '6. have their au..tloo ~lled to wliat the editorial bn- plies ls an acUon unique to the hi!tory of thiJ cmlnlversy' "'!be major ddicieocy in the Grand Jary'1 lludy is that It pro- dueell no netr information on which . to base tta coftclUSion ...• no .new maJor facts Were uncovered." . . . _ INDEED, It is the decision-making by public bodiea without appropriate study that underlies the whole contrcveray. The most glaring example or such action is what brought the cont·roversy to its preM:nt point of confusion. In 1987 the State Lands Commission reversed the decision of the previous commission members who had denied the land swap. Thia gave the Irvine Company the g~ahead tt bad long sought. Whal may not be remembered by many is that the commissioner• in 1967 had been in olfice only a few weeks when they reversed the decision of their predecessors who were more familiar with the details and history. No new 1ludie1 had been made. Many observers ftlt that the reversal of the decision on the land swap in the absence of new sbJdlea was simply a result of the _1966 general elecUons, which resulted in a total change of Land Commission person. nel. Ts jt only coincidence that the (then) lieutenant governor and leader of the land commissioners, Robert Flnch, ghortly before the reversal vote, had been made the star attraction by the Irvine Company at the dedication of its Fashion Island Shopping Center? PERHAPS. as your editorial em- phasizes. the Grand Jury resolution Is not cufficient rea300 for starting ovu on the Upper Bay Trade. However, the history ol the political haod1in11: af it is more than liU!ficient reaJOn for doing so. And tbe sooner the better. It will be the only way to achieve the goal called for In the Italicized lead paragraph in your editorial : ". • .the greatest benefit for the greatest number oC people ror lhe loogest period of time for the least cost." CHARLES R. NEOOFF A Bl99er Gitt To the Editor : Watching the T.V. coverage of lhe reaJiz.aUon o{ man 'a dream lo walk on the moon hal pen me what aurely will be the mOll memorable birthday of my life. A realt)' far out gilt.,' so to aptak! Within my own personal o r b I t , bowtwr1 Ole greatest netfl of the Wetk wu the riDding by the Orange County Grand Jury that th• Upper N...,.n Bay tldeluds exchange should be r e - e\·&loited. . 1blnll: you for the generous coverage )'OU p•e to tbt Grand Jwy report and the MdlUOn1I comments by Auessor, Anc!re1rlllmhiw. FRANCES ROBINSON ~ "'· 1t'IUllte TotlloE.llor: --· ... 7«J publJslled I lctltr 1n>m M. A. lltur"" rt&ardln1 tlrt Upper Bay laouc. Alter much dtUbera!JoL I have decided that. such a letter should not go unan!Wered. First of all. M.A. Sturges seems to .be over slmplilying the case. One does not destroy the environment and birthright of thousands of fish, shellfish, shore blrdl and waterfowl for the sake or a dollar sign and a few pleasure seekers with thelr boati;. Many thousands of people are already enjoying this, palifornia's last substantial estuarine eriVlronµlent.. throughout the year, and mlDJ of them are able to iden- tify far more than "a few mud hens," as other, more accurate . survq,~ blve revealed. Four ll!lllion .bird-h6tft were recorded by Cali(ornla Fish and Game Department surveys during 1968. • ALSO, it 1\stil1 questioolble if the pro- posed land Ind• and pr0ject ar• legal, since, &ht CallfomJa State Conatttutlon ;uaures public access to our short and prohibits the sale w grant of any public \idelanda Jxing within two mile.s of an in- .,.«rporated city. Interested c J t Ji ens should look into lhia carefully. It is generally agreed that people of all ~e.s need the priceless experience of ex· ploring and discovering in nature's habitat -observing the wonders and beauty which abound in such a prlmilive area as Upper Newport Bay. Evidently, walking around it every day does not bring a fuU appreciation to M . M. A. Sturges and other crilia. They are, therefore, invited to join one or the ex. ploratory groups someUme to discover what others are findlnR of recreational value, not dollar value, to be sure. It abould bt a pleaaant, and restful, &urprise. WILLIAM G. PAINE President, Sea and Sage Audubon Society Pollut ion Abhored To the Editor: Sometimes in the enthusiasm of long- term planning. immediate problems arc not noUced. Such is the case of Newport Bay. If we are trying to make our bay available to more boat! and more people, steps must be taken now to halt the pollu- tion that Is rapidly developing. All of us were shocked by the news broadcast of 300,000 dead fish jn Los Angeles Harbor.last year due to pollution, yet that Ls also bappenlnJ: here to a lesser degree. Our home is on Bayside Drive. somelimu called Carnation Cove, where tides are strong and the water used to be clear. Each morning 1 go out and pick up at least ten large dead fish (the record Is 22) from the beach. Contrary to pre.sent reports. theae are not only sand bass, but halibut and croakers. NEXT I pick up tlte trash. Two large containers are filled weekdays, three after Sundays and holidays. The little scraps of toilet paper I can do nothing about. l have talked with Mr? Sampson (Coun· ty Director of Harbon and Beaches) who hat been both coorteou. and h<lplul. But truly ls not my personal aggravaUon on a stnall port.Ion or beach, but a serious matter we sboo1d all be challenged to control The swtmmlna wu clOM!d along the coast tb1s winter from a small river pouring into a huge ocun. Will our con- tained bay remain sate much longer for our children to nlm in? An lht fish now caqhl In Ille bay Ille to ut! And last!J>, with the prt.Stl'll bay now dirty how c:1n wt powoly plan a public be.tell for the larlhe>t end DI !lack Bay! tt ii obvioua people are Ouahinl toilet. In the bay. A1Jong11 the, •re allowed to Uve on boat.I thil will happen. Yel more l.ttt.n. fTWll ,.....,.. •re ..,.lcoinit, Norm•11" wrllen. 9"ould COll'ff'!' their ~ Ill a ~"'' or •u. TIM titohl to ~M lltt9n. IO nt t.HCt or ellrnlM I• in .. ...,,. -1'\'114. AH ~ ,,...., 1nciw. •ltn1turt '"' ·m•IT!ftto MldrM1, but Mlfla win bt wltl'llwld ~ ... ,.,,_. Jf wffkilftf ,..._ .. _,..,,.. 'ilips mean more boat!, mean more sewN;e. TIE CONTROLlaNG of sewage and the •throwing of trash are almost Im· possible to police. but if facilit.ies were available for boaters to use, I feel it wou}jl be a J!f!:;;.~ep fonvard. There ~ be w 1lljlrJl:ed trash' barrels al eaclj ·.publi$jklc;~fDd all gu docks. At boat IMdichl:ng' areas and boat rental docks paper sacks should be given to peo- ple who have forgotten ®nlainers. I know of no public rest 'rOOms~available to day boaters. Jl'inally, and most importantly, our problem should be advertised. NANCY W. SATTLER Wlty Find the 1Uoon? To the Editor: Let's put things in their proper perspective. Jf the astronauts had landed in the center of the Sahara Desert, th ey would have land.eel. in a more fertile area. At least there is air there. One of our bombers sat on the Sahara for 20 yean after World War 11 without ever being discovered. The c r e w members' footprints were still visible. No one Is going to Inhabit the moon ; just as no fish are going to live on the hot sands of the Arizona desert. There is no reason or advantage lo being there. This is not a discovery of a new world. That old moon has been there all of the time and lt will sWI be there and used for the same purposes. The United States has accomplished a great scientific feat, but ils use will be publicity and invention of material and systems. JAMES W. BOLDING Bench Prolerllon To the Editor: I am dazed as J read of the Orange County Board of Supervisors dedication of the new roads "to encourage de velopment." Why not protect, let along encourage usee of, Orange County's outstanding natural values: ils beaches and access thereto? What other county in the U.S. can offer the people an ocean .shoreline with such beaches, such warm water suM'in11:, such Dear Gloomy Gus: It will b< comforting to ~-that this year as our children walk the atreeta (no, sidewaJU) lo school (portabl• clusrooms), they wlll be watcbed over from above by poUce helkoplera. Tbat'1 putting fir.st things first. -W. J. A. 'nllt ffftm .....,. ,..._. w..... "" ~ .................... , ...... ,_ "' _... ......... , Gv-. Diiiy 1"1111. marine lite and such seascapes? What wouldn't $1.4 million ·(road cost) do toward making these ¥alues more easily available to the public? We the public would lile lo be recognized . We do exl!t. SARAH BELKNA!' 'Llb~~.i ~ Reagatt• ·, To the EdJtor: { It has been amu&ng to observe yOu-u th• W!Jittlng and,p-obebly unwilling w. get oC,~00."lf liberalism ffllllt the fring&.<!trellers'tnt 'tbe strength of' a few innoQous shotl .at the more ludicrous manf(eatations of,· Jobn Biro'1 Society, w-Jtb. •hose basic, ls you are. really in ..,._~L I w -ca~tOie DAI· L~ PILOT as belfll as liberal .aa Ronald ·,fleagan. · A good quick gauge would be to note how many time1 a week the DAILY PILOl' ca.nits Art·. Hoppe, and the sub- ject. matter of the columns they select. E. B. O'NEILL ' 'A Rational Volre' To the Editor: Slnce moving to Orange County a year ago, I have wanted to add my voice to those who commend your paper for its fine reporting and e'Speei~Jy its_ rational and .sensitive edilorial policy. It ls such a vast and welcome difference from that so-called "freedom" paper who seems to be doing its level best to raise another generation cf bigots. Your paper provides a bright spot for me in these days when our "leaders" are indulging in an emotional orgy of hand· ringing over pornography rather than poverty, in censorship rather than social justice. This JU-concealed camouflage.of crucial Issues that they are either in· adequate or unwilling to deal with is, in no way, going to eradicate the social and economic injustices in this counfry which are the basic root of all our problems. The continuing ''Communist'' and sex· ual witch-hunt by the "freedom " (for whom I wonder?) pafler'would be funny if il weren't so frightening: in ils im- pllcatlons:. I hope that you will keep up your good work In providing Orange County with the voice of sanity we so badly nwt. . HARRIET KANE T hey Worked To !he Editor : Your papi?:r's headline or Monday, July 2t. 1969, on the first page titled "Apollo Builders In County Close'' is in error. I'm employed at the Seal Beach facility of North American Rockwell's Space Division. Friday over the public address system It was announced that we had to report to work Monday, July 21, 1969 and wouldn't be entitled to ha ve Mooo Day off. MYRTLE H. McCLOSKEY R e tltlln'• Speerh To the F.ditor : Tom Reddin'• July J6 speech belGre the Costa Mesa Chamber of Cominerce, in spite of exetllent 1lqe p(esenct and many witty remarks, was, in my oplrtlon, a very unblppy birthday present for · the City ol Colt> M .... ronner Qllef Reddin ts a muCb respected ma ind he talks to hundreds of thouaandi of people •vtry nlglr~ beclu9t of tblt I expected, and hoped for, more lhln ne11:1Uvism and blanket Jn... crlmlnallcm that he dealt with Jut W-ay. SpecU!cally , He Inferred t.ttat every student group minority group .• ,or .µiy other group that was organized for the purpo,se of changing the status quo was pretty much a bunch of "rabble rousers." He repeatedly abhorred the violence that occurs on college campuses but made only a P!lS!tng,. if somewhat faciUous re lit ark ·abou( Vietnam. History wiU -probably r«91'd Vietnam as I.he greatest example of violence the world hu ever seen. (~ore toos of TNT have been dropped there in the last 3 years tb~n were dropped in all of the battles fi (Wortd•War ll')) He criticized th e violent tactics of student and minority grOopl and claim~ e4that he would be au forkroups that ~ed tOeir cause' witb '"9cefuL non- violent means. In the· nqt bre1Rt he belittled Clesar Chav• for .. 'cmlY.'"hav-. ing 40 people'' who ·peaCefUlly marched through 125 degree heat to bring al· tentlon to their grlevance1. Whether one agrees with Chavez or not, it is fact that his movement is strictly non· violent. (In the comfort of an air con- ditioned country club, after a full meal, one could not help but wonder, "Would 'l'.om Reddin or anyone else in this room be willing to endure a 2-4 day fast ~ause 9f a belief in a cause they feel is just?" Caesar Chavez did for a cause he felt wu just!) Pi1r. ~din pral11ed the Constitution and implied that our nation's problems are caused In part by questionable in- terpretations of this e n d lt r i n g document. He cited several nampl~ but overlooked what many people feel is a most llagrant violation o{ our Constitution. That being Section 8 to Article I: "The Congress shall have the pdwer to declare war." Mr. Reddin chose not lo discuss the fact that the United States Congress. has yet to declare war in vietnam. In lhe quesUoo periOd Mr. Reddin praised a new student group called SQUARES , fonned to oppose, with arm- ed violence it need be, lhe current groups operaUng on campus. Other than lhat he said he didn't know ~uch about lhe group. but d!d aay, "ll·slioukl be run to wal.ch." This type of speech does not work towanh any soluUon. I feel the moot grevious error 8Q1 public figure can make in theie troubled Umes is lo insist that there Ls only one side, one soluUon to the problems we face. Tom Reddiri, riluch to.my d~1y, appattnUy sees only one side and hOPeluUy selected hia remarks lo please his audl'enct. JAMES B. WOOD A Pellre 'Crltlr To the Editor: On a recent Saturday afternoon a .lrlend and I were,sttUng in front of my business (Ulasa gilt shol>) on 17th Street in Co'!!UI Mesa , talking about the world and watching the can: go by. A Costa Mesa police ofOcer drove by, saw us sit- ting, tumed around and pulled In lhe driv{lway. He got,out,of his ca'r, walked over to us and asked us what we were doing. I answered.th.al we were sitting ln front ot my store. talkiOJ about the wOrlit tie asked me who I was: J lotd him my name and that 1 owned thls store-had for the put tv.'O yt!ltl. He uked for my identification: I stiled that l bad told him who I WA:.S, "hat my bu.slnelS was · and what I "'' doing at the time and lllat It was my und<rstandlng that I had c:anplied with the law by doing so. HE RESPONDED with, "Okay,.on your feel " My friend and I romalned ,.ated. I reminded lllm that both of us were tm my property, as wa!J he and his car, and lhat if he had no charges agalnst us to please get° off my property. He walked back lo his car, and suddenly another police car pulled up. and a very young officer jumped out with his club in his.hand. He spoke to the other officer for a minute, and then cime walking up to us wi1!J his club \>l!ld very ~enlngly, ;nd told uS 'to ,(et ·Up. · ,\ I replied that I felt a Jot sattr sitting, considering hiJ club. My friend, a gradliate student at Long Beach State, asked this officer what he wanted and to pteue put his club awa y. I sTooo UP and said, "T've had enoughJ>f this," walked into my stort an4 cl~.the door. ~1 I looked back out the l'flndow, ~e Were 1'z'ee Co6ta ~1esa pol:fue pf. ficers ·_in the· driveway, my friend wa! . against the c8r•beint ~arched, and I was too angry .to be insidt. I stepped out the front door and asked the of~ what they were doini creating this disturbance on my property • They did not respond. I sat back down where I had been sitting before, and ask· ed the young officer wilh the club (still in his hand) to please get of! my property. ~ He replied that it was a store aM therefore public property. I replied that I owned this stOre and was ordering him to leave il be had no business. His next sentence was "Whatta the girls call ya? Faggot?" . (I am a 27-year-old veteran. ex-Orange Coast College student; my parenll live in Newport Beach and own a business in Corona del fl.far: I have been in bu11iness in Costa Mesa for lwG years at this ad· dress, have a one-year-old son and many good friends in the community. I a!S(J have long hair.) I replied. "Mister, I told you to get lhe blank off my property!" THE OFFICER screamed . ''You'n under arrest for profanity in public!·· On the way to the. station I told him I'd just had a lung operation and to quit shoving me around. it wasn't part of his job. He replied, "Shut up punk, you ain·t seen nothin' yet.'' At the station he yank· ea me out of the car. pushed me so hard t ran into a wall. and threw me Into the booking cell. The officer behind the desk looked up and said, "Oh, you gol another pretty one. What'd he do?" 'Profanity I~ Public (311.6 PC). Excuse me. Profanlty?l"didn·t take the name ot Olir U>rd ln vain, and I didn't call anyone any names, and anyway .... About a year ago our store received a very nice write-up by your paper. A fe 1• months later. l wrote the DAILY PILOT thank.ir!i the Costa Mesa Police Depart· ment lot its beautiful handµng of lbe Pop Festival. There has been no trouble in our store; this is our home. But S111turday afternoon was too much, I wtll not 11tand for this. MICHAEL DOYLE --~-- Wednesday, July 30. 19" Tite editorial page of th.1 ·Ddf111 Pilot .sttlca to inform ond 1ttm- ulate readeri bv pre-st ntitto &hil n.elD!pOptr's opinionJ and com- mtntarv on topfes of intntat and significanct, by provfdlng • forum for the t %J:>1't•ti0fl of our nQd.ert' ~Noni. and b11 preaenting tht dWcr1e irltw- pointl of Informed ob.ttnJtr1 and spokc.tmc• on topics of tht dav. Robert N. Weed, •Publisher ' " : : . •.. I ' ·~. . :.. ., . • I . " ' . -• . • • ; .. -':. .,. . .. • .. '.' ' . . ' . -• . . . " ·: . r· .. "' ... .. - •. • I i ' -. . "· '' " 11:-iw ., ... Ollllr ...... $ttft) State S.n. George D•n1et1on,_ a Los Angeles Democrat, ran over his speaking time limit in a debfle over a divorce law reform -so he asked his collel\gues: "Won't someone give me five more min- utes of eloquence?" • For 18 months, Bill Pearce of Wolverhampton, England hid from police all day in his mother's mop closet. Pearce, 28, a burglary sus- pect, went out only at night. Then, police said, he ventured out during daylight to rob a wine shop. He was caught. • Princess Anne samples a glass of orog, a ntm drink, aboard the HMS Eastbourne at the start of a two-day visit to review Britain's Westerr1 FU et. • Burnham on Crouch, England Town Council is considering pub- lishing "shame lists" in local news. papers to make delinquent prop- erty tax debtors pay up. • Th'e nudists are not bothered by low-flying planes sweeping over their camp at Laughterton1 Eng- land. Pig farmer Ted Duckering is. Duckering, whose fields sur- round the nudist camp. said "the number of planes fljrin·g low ..ever the camp has s'hot up during the fine weather of t)le past three weeks. They frighten my pigs." • --, "'Help, I am being kidnapped: p We 're not married!" read a note f• th.at a service station attendant t~ found under the hood of the : auto he was servicinp in Ukiah, ~ Calif, After the couple in the '!} auto drove off, the attendant f' called police. California High· ', way Patrol officers stopped the 4. oor 20 mites south of the st.a· fr tion and found only a very em-rt barrassed pair of newlyweds. ~ Officers said the note was a ~ wedding prank. They rel.eased the coupk without asking the ir «;" names. 111> ....... ..., ....... ~4. ~~~ ':! • In Horhsman, England, Fred Hogsflesh was used to his name but he did not want to inflict a wile and children with it. So when he married he changed his name to Ca s we I I, hi s wife's maiden name. "The change cost me 17 shillings (42.84 dollars) but I con- sider that money well spent. Hogs- flesh was a name I didn't want my wife and children to have to pllt up with ," he said. , Dr. Barnard Div-0~.Ced CAPE TOWN, South Africa (UPI) - Supreme Court Judge Basil F. Banks granted a final divorce degree todaf to Aletta "Louwtjie" Barnard from pioneer heart transplant surgeon Christiaan Barnard. Barnard is currently in New Zealand. The action was uncontested. liberal Terms Available Wtdntsdoy, Ju~ 30, 1969 • S DW l'JlOT S 'S6~000 for Y yu1h CHP Jteveals Owners -10 · Meet M~or:.Sa;;-s . 'Loss'-Really. ... 'J!xpenst>J.--. \V..est:'11~ster---· -·--·-0---F · · · Sunday night's "Canned Heat" rock Somewbat unexpectedly u.. city Mon· Off. Pl n re eway con<ert may have c<iot the city of Hun-day received• !2il0 refuod !(om Marshall · JCe Dn · • Plan tlngton Beach as much as $6,000, ac-Berle, booking agents for-the three '4&• · · cording to recent ticket tallies. b~. He ex.plain~ that "Canned Heat" • But even though the figure runs high, decided to donate their aoubd eqillpment f.1ayor Jack G~q conte~ that the city ~~r tht e.verpi;ii con9ert rather U!an rent bas not taken a financial llath. 1 1t out. 1 "It's not a loss. We simP}>' spent $8,000 Jn i leUer containing the check Berle on our youth,''· he said. J. told the mayor,'"1 understand you look a "The word •1oss• tias r. tendency to heavy 1ou and I hope UliJ does not stop shock ~ople. This concert is no different your efforts in continuing the fight to en- tban the' city's Fourth of July Parade and join people of your community, young even though tt·costs,monej, it's not call-and old,· so that we all may have a better ed a loss but ah expense." understanding of one another. He stressed that the money was ap-"The rock concert is the best means proprialed from ~ city's music a1¥1 pro-available to communicate with the kids motion fund, which is created annually and after seeing the warm reception they through a small levied tax. gave you Sunday night I feel your efforts The rock concert, sponsored by tbe were well rewarded. YO!Jlh Coalition Con:imittee, ~as up· . "Not only did you bri.dge that generit· deiwrltten by the city counc1l which ion gap between thOse kids and your com· agreed to take up any losses created bJ. a munlty but yoo more than llktly won small audleuce. over 1,000 potenUal' voters." Close to 3,000 tickefs had to be Sold in Members of the Youth Coalition COm- order to reach the tireak-even point., but mittee have blamed the concert bomb-out as of last count only approximately 1,000 partia11y on insufficient advertising. yooths paid the $3.50 charge. · partially on insuffcilent advertislDg. Human Relations Group Plan Meet AmQng .People Members of the Santa Ana committee to study the possible formation of a Human Relations Commission will go to the _people for their' next session, ac- cording to committee member William ' . Wenke, president o! the chamber of commerce. "We wan( to know what Santa Ana needs and will try to rind out from the people who live here," Wenke said in annoiincing that the · August 11 session of the committee will be~ held in a mi- nority neighborhood. • This week committee members beard reports of how cities like San Diego, Fullerton, U Mirada and Los Aiigeles Count;' handle their problems. A~ the August ~11 m~, members of community $?rvite organ1:r.ati0!1! will be invited to speak oo what they think are Santa Ana's problems, Wenke said. Judge Lester Van Tatenhove, past presicfent of the Santa Ana Community ~t'::su~~Eil:~i~~~~d~~~:; the proposed commission ... will be an in- $500 Missing From Restaurant Sam's Seafood, a Huntington Beach restaurant on Pacific Coast Highway, lost $500 over the weekend, but nobody j(nows how. Thi: losS was reported to the restaurant Monday afternoon by the Bank of Amer- lca, where Sam's Seafood deposits the day's earnings each night. According to bank officials the restaurant was short $500 in 5-dollar bills \Yhen it deposited its weekend earnings, said poilce reports. · Police investigators have found no ap- parent robbery, explaining that Ole money had been counted and sorted before it was sent to the bank Sunday night. Employes of the restaurant ha ve agreed to take lie-detector tes ls, said police, and no other clue to the loss has appeared. Burned Woman Still Critical A Hunlingt.on Beach housewife was still in critical. condition today at Or ange County Medical Center with burns suf. fered when her new bathrobe ignited in flames Monday night. Mrs. Maria Fackelday, 8382 Munster Or., suffered first.· second and third <1.egree bums over 20 percent of her body when a cigaret ash· ignited tbc robe , said police reJ20I1.$. ' The robe -bought only two weeks ago in orange County -will be sen~ to the crime lab !or lhe detection of any foreign namnialite · matehal on it; slid ln- .• Vestili~OrS. . Mm.. Fackelda)f's' husband; .John1 suf- fered ml.Jior' burns on his ban~ . whjle smothering the flames. , · ·Checkl~g tl)e robe fof foreign materia!S is a routine matter, said detectives. vesligative bod)' that checks out com- plaints, or an educational board to help open communication between minor- ities and city officials. Miss Betty Garcia, a lpcal resident who studied San' Diego's hmnan rela- tions board, advistd that the CQnwnission should be set up so that it "won't be- come the city's commission rather than the community's commission.•• Fotorama Contest Entries Pile Up; Deadline Nears .... Pictures of the sea, or children ··of animals and even.one of a karate student so Zeaious tllaf'he is nothing 15ut a "white t?r.nado'.' in the photo.graph of him pri.c- t1r1ng his special brand of self-defense to- day are piling up at the DAILY PILOT. . The stack of photographs represent.! flrsl entries ii\. tire Fotorama Camera Contest which will result in some lucky DAILY PILOT reader winning more than $500 for a single black and white photo. Deadline for the first week's com· petition is noon Thursday. Among recent entrants in the contest ls Phil Slate, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Syd Slate of ·1209 Park St.. Huntington Beach. A graduate of Huntington Beach High School and self-taught in the field of photography, young Slate .!aid he only · became a "seriow, but non-professional" photographer la.!t winter. He shot the karate class picture last Januar)" at a karate school in Costa Mesa. First, second and third place winners in this week's contest will receive $25, $15 Jnd $10, rcspeclivel)', in Fashion Island gift certificates. The certificates can be redeemed at any of FashJon Island's 58 stores and restaurants. Grand prize winner in the photo con· test, to be selected by popular vote of visitors to Fotorama at Fashion Island Aug. 21 through 23, will receive an ad- ditional $500 in gift certifi cates. Here are the contest rules: BEAUTY BEGINS· AT · AlJA'S •, , In~, .. •tati!Ktlotl .... iMti6" "1 _. l!UDtlll•• !Rt.ti« ,,,,.,.,. ~ )'OV •nit y...,.. ~•+ ~ •u• n•w ·~Iott•' .,...,,...,.. tillt4 '""' "'°'""'i;.... ·~' t111h ··~"'"' ldllOll Open Daily I 0·6 P.M. Morldoy and Fri. Till 9 P.M. ' TlW.~aJlfomla Highway Patrol plans to open .oew , ~eodq~ In I b· e \VestminSter area within-aven or eight months, increasing the Orange County for:ce by·nearly one third, acoordlag to R. C. Blossoni',' cltief of staff II CHP bead· que,rtets In· Sacraownto. Blossoin said the new headquarters will cover t6e· west secUon of Orange County and th& south eastern edge of Los Angeles County and wlll have a force of about 80 to 90 officers. The new office Will operate. in· de~ ot>the ~ent Qrange Coun· ty CHP headquarters Jn Santa-Ana, Blossom said. Growth ol the county dictitts the need for the new he'adquarters, the CHP of. ficlal said. 40Accident rtco~ and ad· ditlonal mil~~C.-freewa)r prove the neeQ." Recently 20 men were added to the Santa Ana patrol are a brfuglng to 192 the total uniformed personnel operallng In the county • The CHP. county patrol area covers 120 miles of freeways and 4;00 miles of surface streets. n A P.Uhlk meellng li acheiluled Thursday to Plscuai future roUuna ·or the· Oraq:e Freeway whlcti fS expected to follow a path alon& the Santa Ana R!ver between Costa Mtlla·Newport Beach and lfun- tington Beach. "The future value Qf your property I.! at stake -whether you Uve next door to Fullerton 1:Jaby Drowns in Pool A Fullerton infant drowned in 15 Inches or water in a portable swimming poo1 in the family's back yard Tuesday, the Orange County coroner's office reported. Kenneth A. Corbett, Jt'mon~ ol 1301 Ponderosa Ave., was dead· on arrival at St. Jude Hospital at 10:30 a.m. the cor- oner said. He was lhe son or Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Corbett. Police said while the baby's mother Susan was morne:ntarily In the· house the boy apparently climbed onto a· plastic wheel toy beside the pool and fell into the water. -1>er freeway 11 up to·i'ou'f7 said Mesa Verde l!amO 0........ -lion .Pres~ deJlt Nonn French toda7-> iD l plea to ~ u ... •r~denls. French laued 3,000 circulars urging arta retldenta to attend 'the ThurSday seislon to d1'cuis the propoaed rooie of lhe Orange Fr .... ay (R<iute $'/.), The -Ung, to be bekl al CO.ta Mesa's Estancia Hi1h School at I p.m.1 includes a panel talk frorn city cOun· cihnen from Costa Meta'-, ,Fountain Valley, Hunllngton-B<aoh -atjd;:f'ewport Beach ... .:. ~ ... . . -~·~-+ Members O{ the Sta.~ I ·Di'tl!ion• or Hlghway ROllWPlannlng'aDd-lftO Orange Coonty-Rl>ad C-Mllt1!feri<!. 'nle Oi'ange FreeW.,-,,,. ai J)n:4>oled by the DiVJsiOn· of Hlghw8Ys at a pre1lml11iry' studies meeting, June 2'1, will probably follow the route of the Santa Ana River. • .. The area under sludy ls 'a corridOr It miles long and abbut «>' nille Witte. It af· feels the cities of Costa Mes.a., .Fountain Valley, Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. ' Members of the Mesa Verde-· BOme Owners Association expr~·~ at the first studies 'meiting 'and tl1q were told to hold a meeting on the subject, HUMAH WHIRLWIND -Instructor stands clear lo avoid lleing (j>8rdon the pun) "belted" In kar,lt< class by $udent wbO iS all wo~d aj> in his lesson. 'llbi& ls 'ntry of Phil Slate, 19, Huntington Beach "111 •J'Olor~a Camera Contest. · · • '• .~ ,.,• "' • c •. ' , .. atlantic music is SON Y headqu arte rs, 28 new models now on display! 1from $49.50 to $7500°, they're' all here, see them, hear .. them, play th!m yourself, the.n select the tape recorder · that best sahsfie~ your particul~I'.' needs , •. ~I TC .. , t trw!I Ctrtrid911 Jl-rftr. 1 l • • f. DAil Y PILOT WtdnuPy, J11l1 JO, lt69 • ID Distres Legislators Dirkse1i Saved Front Farmers ' WASiDNGTON (AP) -Capitol polie< ~ -8en. Edw1rll M. Dirksen fronl tM midst of shoutln&. fist-shaking fvmen 'haday, endlnc a confrontation ovw prol.elta I.hit U.S. farm policies are loldlll& !<> niraJ ruin. The 100 farmers. wives and chlldrtn - 'fiho drove from illlnol1, Olrksen's home It.ate.. In a cmvan of lractors -sur· rounded tqt. Republican leader as he emerged from the Senate chamber. They demanded a return to full parity In fa~ prices and 1 strooger voict for lanne.rs oo &ll futin federal agricultural policlet. WMn Oirklen tokt his consUtuents he ts one or 20 senators wpporting 1 bill to take up to 10 mllHon acres of f1nnland out ol production and lo end existing fatm programs within five years, he "'as answered w1th shouts of. ··No1 No!" The .ahoulinl got louder w~n he responded Ul a request thlt he buy a bulbel ol grain at the p.arlly price--.$5.06 compared to about the present market value of about $t.05 -by pulling a $20 bU1 from hJs wallet. He told the tanners to give the change and the wheat to the poor. "\Ve want parity, not charily," the £armers shoutl'd, echoing the slogan that has been their rallying cry during the Jong trek from their eaat central rlllnols hom'!S. • "I'm ta lking," Dirkstn boomed ·back, refusing to accept the return of the money or the sack£ or grain piled at his feet. He said his bill, 'orhlch is backed by the American :~arm Bureau Ftderalion, "''ould ral&e fann prices by cutUnc b11ck producUon. "\Vhat's wrong with 1 farm progrem tied m parity," a farmer in overalls shouted. "We'll take the land out of pro. ducllon 11ow if you give us a fair price," anolher man sa.ld. "We can't hold a farm meeling in this reception room," Dirksen said, '~a·1ing his hand at the ornate crystal chandeliers and gilded walls. "You can't make a demonstraUon here,'' he told the crowd that jammed the room. "It will disturb the Senate." "Don't push us around." a man yelled at Dirksen. The noise attracted capitol pollct who wedged their way through the throng and opened a path for Dirksen lo retreat to the Senate floor, where his colleagues were debating the surtax bill. "I just caine out to say, 'Howdy,' " Dirksen said as he moved away. Later, he aded that the clamor "did not faze me a bit." "I "'ent out under my own power," he said of the police intervention. * * * * * * Texas Land Commissione1~ Tries to Choke Solon AUSTIN. Tn. (UPI\ -Tons Land comnUJsjoner Jerry Sidler. 61. liku snuff, but not long: hair or mini.skirt.I. A Tens letisl&tor, wbom Sadler i!'•bbed by tf>e n<et and tried to choke Tuesday. now can be added to lhe list of lhlnas that d.laplease the 6t·yeu-old com· misaioner. The lawmaker charaed Sadler was "not In control of h!s faculUes." It all began when Jake Johnaon ([).San Antonio) walked over to the land office while Sidler wu cat.aloping and ap- Young Wife Injured As Car Blown Apart SALT L,<KE ClTY (UPI) -The YOWll •t'ife ol a l'tlC:enL tmmlgrant from Iraq rem•ined in crilical condition today from ~n eiplotion that ~Cf: believe may have ""'° caused by dynamite w1r<d to the I&· n1tioo of tht. family car. Mrs. Kaelynn R. Rahawi. 24., sufl~ed mulUple injuries to her legs and abdomen when her car was tom apart Tueaday as &be attempted to start it about I a.m. in her caf1IOrl. )X'aising trea1ure from a too-year-old Spanish galleon. ''UnUI the stuff Is audited by the com· mieion, there may be some ~pie I don't want Jn there.'' Sadler said. "Get 09t of here. I'm not going to lei you in anywhere." "Why, Jerry, the commission asked us to come over." Johnson replied. Wllh that, Sadler leaped at Johnaon and lflbbtd him by the neck. A radlo broill· caster stuck a microphone in front or S2'(flier and uked: "Mr. Sadler, are you lr)'lnC to choke the repl'esentative?" Sadler pushed the broadcaster aside just berore Sadler's employes intervened. Sadler, crimson.faced, wheeled and stalked back into his offict to finish checking: the gold-and silver discs, can· non balls, crossbows and rare nautical in· struments on display. It was not Sadler's first &CUl.ne with a Texas lawmaker. Ten years ago Sadler, ooe rJ Texu' most colorful figurea, hlt a member of the legislature tn the. chest on the House floor in a clash over a resolu· t.ion. Last spring the snuff-dipping land com- miisioner banned long sideburns and minlUirtl from his ofllce. Several employes re.signed. CLASH6~ WITH FARMERS Sen. Everett Dirksen Mice Getting Moon Dust Shots In Key Tests .. SPACE CENTER, Rouston (UPI) Biologists took blood samples from the Apollo 11 astronauts today and prepared to inject lunar dust into genn·free mice lo see whether chunks of the moon harbor infectious or'ganisms or poiionous chemical!. So rar as the pilots' two , doctors are concerned, all evidence indicates the moon material is safe and lhat Neil A. Armattong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin should be released from quaran· tine on schedule Aug. 11. But scientists agreed that the sLart of biological testing late today ln 18 white mice, tissue cultures and bacteria·sUp· porting substances was the key to whelher microscopic oa;anisms thrive in the rock and soil saniples brought back by Apollo 11 last weelt. The blood ol the utrooauts was sampl· ed befort they ate breakf~t to make cer- tain lheir condition had not changed since exposure to extraterrestrial m4ttrieJ. The pilot.s later brief~ top project Apollo officials on man's firs.t moon Ian· ding mission, FREE CARPETS By P1pul1r Demand 4 BIO DAYS OllLY IN OIUJEll TO PROVE TO YOU THAT TIFFANY PRICES ARE THE LOWESr IN ORANGE COUNTY WE WILL GIVE YOU $100.00 WORTH OP' CAl\PETING FREE AT NO oosr IF YOU CAN BUY THE SAME CARPP;l'JNG FOR A LOWER PRICE. nns OFFER IS GOOD FOR4 DAYS ORAS LONG AS THE STOC~ LAST. DUPONT NYLON Why 9NJ more ... get thl1 f•nt• ... tic quallty at this low, low price. Llmltod ••• 100°/e C.F. Pile DOUBLE JUTE BACK REG. $4.99 KODEL SHAG E•ttman Kod•k'1. Latest Achieve· ment Kodtl Polyt1ftr. JOO-!. Fortrtl Polye1ttr pll• DOUILE JUTE BACK REG. $8.99 DRAPES CUSTOM We hev• just bou9ht m1ny c11e1 of be•utlful fal:rlc1 •t fantastic 1av .. ~·r.: .. th• g~~~~:~s9c REG. $2.99 REMNANTS I 2'9 Nylon Gold .... $2'.00 I )x 1 l Nylon A voe. $35.00 12'15 Nylon Gold .. $39.00 I l x I 0 Nylon Grn ..... $31.00 I 2x8 Ny lon Gr•en .. $21.00 I 2x7 Nylt?n Tweed. $22.00 12xl2 Nylon Tweed $28.00 I 2x9 Nylon Red ...... $24.00 12•16 Nylon Sh19 .... $49.00 12xll Acril~n Grn ... $51.00 llxl S Acrili1n Sheg .. $79.~0 I 2x2 I Acrilen Olive $19.00 12 x l~ Actilen Grn ... $59.00 12•20 Nylon Gold .. $15.00 12x8 Nylon Be i9 1 .... s22.oo 1lx16 Nylon Blue .... $62.00 12• I I Kodel Sh19 .... $JS.OO 12'9 Kodol Sh19 ...... $29.00 I h 15 Kodol Sh19 .. $lt.OO 1 i.11 Kodol Sh19 .. $59.oo t h2 I Kodol Sh19 .. $79.00 GAU COU.ECT KODEL 2Ih " LONG SHAG • 1'00% Fortrel Pol.,.1ter Pile frorri leading manufacturers Never offered before Dt~h~~LE prico. 5 9 9 JUTE BACK so. REG. $10.99 vo. DUPONT "so1 " SHAG 100°/. Continuous Filement Nylon Pile. This Is the buy of 1 lifetime. DOUBLE JUTE BACK REG. $6.99 ltERCULON or DUPONT 501 100-1. Continuous Filament Nylon or 100•/. Oleln Pile. Over 40 rolls to choose from DOUBLE JUTE BACK REG. $5.50 ,,. FOR RIEE HOME ESTI, S .j'Ul'T A ~HONI CALL WILL IJUNQ ONI Of 01.1" OICO .. ATO" T .. ;\.INID C..lft~IT CONIULTANTI TO YOU!! HOMI AT YOU .. CONYINllltCI. WITH ALL Titl ULI UMl'll.I, lank T •rm• • No l>Own UP TO J \'IAllS TO PAY-90 DAYS SiMl AS CASH 1118 W. Unol1 .!!'~: .::,,, Anallllm I VIAlll AT THll LOCATION -hlly ... ....... S1111. 114 \ Russ Author " Disappears LONDON (UPI) -~ Brltisl! publlsl!tr said today he be.llevts SQ\lltl author Ani\olY V. Kumetsov, 4-0, wilo vanished IJ'\1111 hlJ J,oOdon hotel Monday night, may have defected to the Weit and r;on. tacted an 111tl-Ol1nrmintst under~ sroup. Ttie publisher, Re&tnald Davis-Poynter, managing director or MacGlbbQ.n and Kee. said he had appealed for Kuznetaov to coot.let him because he believed in- volvement fn an underground organlza· tlon "could be disastrous for him," He did nol explain. The Soviet embassy tarller broke a 43- hour silence and said it had asked the British Foreign Office and Scotland Yard to help find Kuzneliov. Balloon Test Set by NASA WASHJNGTON (UPI) -The space agency plans to launch four balloons, each 175 feet wide, during the next two ~·eeks. The balloons wil l test a system of recovering payloads from space. Tfley will be launched from Wallops Island, Vi., and the recovery experlmenll will take place over the Atalntic Ocean. . .. . . ~ ... Kennedy Backed In Nationai Poll From Wire Services NEW YORK -Sen. Edward M. Ken· nedy shou ld not resign his Senate-iat, a poU of 600 persons acn>M the oatfoo in· dic.a!_cd Tuesday. Siiittlinger & Co., a market. analy&Ls firm, 1ald their telephone poll,.wbip> was begun Saturday and will continue until later in the weel, showed relalively few of those interviewed "positively belle~·ed Kennedy should i'eslp." According to Sindlinger "between one half and two UUfds or the persons in· lerviewed beUeve Kennedy lbould remain in t.be Senate." An evaluation ()f the public's atUlude toward Kennedy's White House prospects will abci be evaluated in the completed poll. ln his nationwide telecast Friday night the Massachusetts senator had asked his constltue.nta to help him to decide whether to resign from the Senate because or his tallurt to report the automobile accident in which a Washington secretary was killed. Meanwhile the Boston Herald Traveler said today that the vast majority of let· ters r'eceiVed by the paper say Sen. Edward M. KeMedy should resign from the U.S. Senate .. The paper sakt)e1ephone calls were 2'1> to one in favor Of hlt rema.fnln1 ln the Senalf. The Jlerald Traveler said that as ot Tuesday. 14 fetters favored Kennedy re· maining in the Senate itnd 103 were op- pos<Jd. GOP TA KING AIM IF KENNEDY RUNS BOSTON (UPI) -The Massachusetts Republican party will roll out "the bi&· gest gun possible" next year if Sen. Edward M. Kennedy runs for re-election, a high·level GOP source predicted today. The source, who requested anonymity. said Secretary of TransportaUon John A. Volpe , a fonner three-term governor, and I Undersecretary of State Elliot L. Richardson, fonner attorney general and lieutenant governor for Massachusetts. 1 topped the list of potential candidates. Heavy Rains · Blattket East Salt Lake City Shivers Under Srl.mmer Hail Storm C•llto1'111a Temperllturea Mltll L• Pnc. 11;1' o.m. J.t THUllSOAY J.41 I "'· O.t 11:17 o.m. •.t J<'l ··"'· l i 11 ,,2 • "'· Lt 1ctfVll\I •l>o de\l'tloped lrbr!I UTatl •c.rou "" ICodty Mo11n111n• lo 11>1 ttflo 1•11 Pllln1. W111'1ln1lon, N.H ,,_.,ed 1tmo,1 •j• lrtdte of rllnftll In 1 l•l>our l>el'•od -ln1 •••iY tOC11v. Ac.rou lht n11'°"' Siii L•k• cttv. Ut1h. 1hi¥o:rt<I u""er ,,..,1y 11111 1..0 • 1>111 lf!Che• of r11n •nd ... 11. --"''-"'' ll~ld llitmlftll ..... "'~ !lrDW<i.\llllt' Chfc190 C:oncl"n•!I Denvff "" Mol...,, Dtlroll •ort Wor>~ ~ ... ~ H~le"" !( ...... , '"' "' Vf911 L01 Antll'k1 Mi.mt Mlniw-11• "l~w Or1e1n1 N .... Ycrk Norri\ 1'11119 O.kl•fld Ole llhom• '" Om~. P1lm S.r!n1u PnQfnlx Pilflburlllt ~ n N N "' " .. " .. " " " " " " .. " " " " • " ~ • " .. .. N " " • " •ro " " .. .. .. .. • .. n " .. • • " " • • u " '~ " '~ " " u Co•stal i~n lllHI '=Dl 1.m. Sell 1:!4 o.m. M-ltilt1 t::n •.m. Sllh 1 • .U 1.m. A H11tt r1tn '"" cool. "9M wlrlCI• •Id· tel tlrt!!1hl1ru •••Iv lodlY 11 I~ 1rr11111led lo ntnl10n llw ...,,.,, Wvomlnt torett 11r1 in t;v, ve1ro Tne Iott, tiour,,. 1.., 1lnce $a1ur<11v In !hi M..:llcine &ow N•U-1 F"'"'"' Wftl of l1•1mlt. wt.n• .,, of conlrot tlrl'/' Tllfl(l1J, POO"l\lrlCI """ c11, Red l lull ~ " .. ~ ·~ N .. ~ • ~ S.Crtmtnll .. " hol1led '""""'''~" w • r e l'Yll l.111 O. l'lrol Q. Ntw ....... l1 ........ j "'"'· 70 ....... ll reoarttd 1 .. llW P1dtlc 1111 .. -.,...., !1'19 Mld>rnt, 11!1\oUlh !«Its -•II'/' ware clt'ar. Sell l 1k1 C•ly " " It doesn't complicate your life. Maverick is lhe simple ma· chine-simple 10 own, simple to repair, simple to service, simple to drive. It doesn't coat a lot. With prices everywhere going sky-high, Maverick comes along with a down·IO·earth price-S 1995. ~ It doesn't have a tiny trunk. MaverK;k gives you 10.4 cu. ft. of trunk space-nearly lwice as much as the leading import . Now the whole fam- ily's luggage can go along for lhe ride. It doesn't sque1ze you In. Some big people live in this country. That's why we made Maverick bigger than lhe im· ports. lots of legroom and shoulder room. It doesn't squeeze you out. tt's greal for parking, great tor handling, great for zipping lhrough traffic. ' FORD • '" -" .. ll.S. Sum ... ry Trooltal 11atm AMI. l!rsl tf 11\e hur· •lc1119 sffton, C1111!lnuecf •o '"°" norlh-•!-rd •I I' m!IH •n "*''• 1bout ~.000 m11t1 •••'·S01.1lh11S1 <>f Ml1P'l'\I. Anni w1s l~PK!td !O r11d1 ~urrlct,,. fotce !od1v. sin F,,_l.c:Mo s~1tlle , .. _ Tl>erm1I Wl'llt•nelt>" ,. " " " H " •• .. • " It doesn't cost a lot for maintenance. You can do mosl maintenance jobs yourself, if you wan!. If your mechanic does ii. he can do it in a lol less lime. Great when l ime is money and the money is yours. It doesn't need a lot of service. Maverick oil changes and chassis lubrication come less oflen than in lhe leading import. (Isn't it time you started seeing less of your mechanic and more of your car?) Cheaper by the doesn'ts. It doesn't skimp on euentlalL Maverick gives you tough brakes. un ilized body construction, rustproofing, and four coals of paint. lls 3·speed transm ission Is eble to han· die twice as much horsepower as the engine !urns out. It doesn't burn a lot of g1s. Maverick gives you the kind of mileage you'd expect frorn a liltle import-even with I powerful six-cylinder engine. It doesn't hold back on power. Turn on the engine and tum loose t OS horses-nearly twice as much as the leading import. Th is means highway power. passing power. The kind of power you need. It doesn't handle like a kite. The road might be wet and the wind strong bul Maver· ick's tread is wider than the car is high-great for stability. (Most economy imports ara higher than !heir tread is wide.) It doesn't follow the herd. Maverick's new, different . A brighl idea with bold. new colors. See your Ford Dealer for !he rest of lhe story. Find out why Maveric k is the hot· lest selling new car to come along since Mustang. MAVERICKfll» ·'' " ·" \ .• \.U ·" . .. ·" '·" .... ·\ t,. ................... .... ...... ~HIM_... -0 lklo: U!7i..09Do.,_I *· o.fOlt. ...... .al11. '°'* .... -:11, , ... , ............. "'''*' ............ -· ""' ... , .... ltw; .... : ........... --.esa.-.. •11w•••.......,•-.• 1:1i111:1......._ .... _..,...._.. 95· $24.ts VAlUll · ''WINDKING'' . Jicms Pfati-/ly lam0111 1 . IPOIT SHllTS ' lllG. $4.ta '3' I SALE!! I \ BERMUDA SHORTS' QOIAAILY $i.91•$C.91 2: •s HUNDUOS ti MW 1tylu hi Mllll ctlen, cti.cks 1rtll r.•I•. AU trt Pt ........ t Pl'HI 1•rlc1 -M 1,.-.-.az to ll•..dtr. Ml •hh, "" .. PACll RAMU AND ,.0'1SSIONAL Hll:P:'S IQUJPMlNT II OUR l'KIALTTI • , • 01 kldt•• prlc-td NYLON :GOLF JACKETS ,..,. oll ....... 11 ... 1 .... s49a in.llle~oflMW ttlen. c..,a.tt 1ln ''"II'· .... , .... , lffWf GOLF SLACKS USE YOUR CREDIT UG. $7.95 2: s11 at G~'S! * GUNT'S CHECK LIST * 0 FOLDING CAMP STOOLS ..•...• 98c 0 J&J FIRST AIO Kil ......... $6.95 0 MOSQUITO HEAD NITS •...• , •• tic 0 LAUNDRY IAGS •••.• , .•••.•. 98c O TENT IAGS ••..•••••••••• ,$1.91 0 TENT POLE IAGS ........... $1.91 0 WATllPROOf TARPS •••. sq. ft. 10c 0 100•/, WOOL ILANKITS .... $6.95 0 COLIMAN MANTLES .••••• 2 for 39c D 100 nn 1;4 •• ROH .....••••• tac 0 AIR MAnRESS REPAIR KIT •.•••. 98c 0 WASH IA.SINS ..•...•... from ot9c THOUSANDS Of CAM~INO !TIMI TO flf.' YOUR IVUT NllDI See Granrs FIRST! We Rent EVERYTHING In CAMPING GEAR! *;4,, Sl~ISt *Att COtORst *Att STYUst ll'ICiAl 'UICitAlit CAil. Y PILOT IS STRI D T ·SHIRTS REG. ,., $2.9 Mltctlt1t tf tll eotto11 1 11'1 Iott of colora. Slit• up now fff ltdl·T•· CONVllSI DICK SHOES LIST '895 . $9.95 nt<>41 fAMOUS C..W.!'11 °Dldt ShoeS fNt .... ,. JIU tf I "'1tcf flt ....... ,," ,r1, "'" .,. fot11· wt1rl111. N•YJ' anti Willtt, 111 alztt. Nll('{._DOOll Al GUNl'S GULF 9UVICI STATION T·SHIRTS LUXUIK>US eo""-tl Cott.ft Hlnt-Ttft r ... SMm wlll "'*• , .. .,.... "''" M tf JM (Hit 1111 1"9 'tm, ho). Ottr 1,000 h ChMH freml HANG•nN TRUNKS • $6·$10 ---+~------------------ Grant's Ha• ••• LIATHIR YISTS AND JACKETS 'To, 11v11fty Ctwfildl n111h tvt Wt1t1111 lfyt1d J1cktt1 tnd Y•tt. Stmt wlttl frt,.,. trim. from s19•s famous Name WESTERN SIURTS WUTDN STTUD fer Wtftmwt • , , 11M hm.IMftt p,._ t.kkl, tM. Mew tlllJflllnt ti Mhl ,i.u. 1M ..rJ4 ...._. ... tll ., ...... ''"'"" •ftll Md: alzn. • mT Ht TS, TAN Ol llACK •••••••• $3.91 WlmlN STIAW HATS •• , ••••..• $2.49 1''·21/2'' lllTI, 21to40., .$3.91•$5.91 Pamaua Durango ROU~H 9ur BOOTS $1695 FAM•us ... u .. •w .w""" loth '" tht ltttJt 1tyl1. "lo111h· Out" l11th1r for rvn•d weir. Sli11 6 ti' 12. Acme'tNowostStylo-Slf'S with luclde Acro11 Pront •• \. . " ' . ,, . ' . ' . ·-.. ·-.. . ~· -· . . . I' I . . I ': .FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! CLOSEOUTS LJC"""MlMT moos fOI OUTDOOllSllll .. ....... GIANT'S CAUIU A COMl'UTI LINE Of lie~-· •-Dot ......... WARR CARRIER ILIB1lt It nt, ....... ,!ult .... -fruru fw kt •flttl 2'/• GAL •••• $1.41 5 GAL •.••. $1.91 4-UI. DACRON "II" & "76" IXCIPTIONAllT w1rm, 1tvrdy 1nl Hl'Yic11lll1 •u1I prot1clio11 filllng. Soil RSl1t111t ilrown duck uwr. llidl f111111tl 11111"1 wittl Jumllo full l111gth dp111r. l ip twt> tog1th1r for •oul.11 blgl SAVE! HOW! SlltcT FROM 15 COLEMAN SLEEPING BAG$ PRJaD FROM $7.n TO ,54~8 14@·8 Sing le Montte LANTERN s9aa "CHAR(E IT" 11 &RAIT'S I '::;_ 1 II BE Turner PROPANE FUEL SAVE $$$$ COi.i.UM llllfl FIATllll •.• I.I IL Drl•t .. •n• • ..,., • • • .-IHtltd:N ......... " ........ "' lM•+.liAtttli "'411• • • • 4 .., ftlltllftltill ......... ......... tlltt llJ '" tM • . .,. ,,..., ... ....... •NIN \'lltyl .., ... f!Mf. Ali Brand-New Modelsl r~ CAMP ·~TRAILERS Coleman's Moct Popular ROOI MODllS AMII DIMOllSllATOIS $ 7 7 . , . AU. lllW ••• MIST • llOlllNllD 1 O' X 8' 8 8 MOW ••• SIYIRAL l!IOllU TO IDICT llOMI SIZE CLOSEOUT SAVE HUNDREDS NOW• $100.00 VALUE PRICE! OF $$$$ • "YAGAIOND"-tough, tight ind r1ll1We. Floon ''" llry wltt. new Hubie .tnyl-coatttl nylon ftotn th1t extend 10" 1bovt 1round l1Yel. Off-wtlltt tops rtfltct tht htat- lth "' ttoo liptl Sensational Dlscountsf * Immediate Delivery * No Waiting! .. · ) . : , ·. "' : : . ' ' ' ; :: ~ ·: ... :-. .· ' .. ~: .. :: . .. · I I ' .. :: . . I ' :-... r , • . · I .· -.. .. · , r: : :: ' ·: ' •. . ; • • , . ' . . : -· . < • ' : •• . . • • • : • . • . ; . • . . t . • • . • • . • • • • .... : • .. , .~.y PnAtT 'tDlTO~~ PAGE I J U I I t • New · Chief at the .. HeltQ ~ • J • • ' • Huntington Beach law enforcement will have a new hand at lhe helm Friday . , Earle RobltalUe, :18-year-old P<>llce .~ecuUve, wUl as111mo colJlD)lllld from Chief JOiin seltzer, reUrln' aft# n years of nrvice lo lhe city. . . . . CumnUy head of lhe detecUve divisiotr In Buntin'· l9D Beach1 Robltall1e has come a long way since b11 roolcle days ii> 19116. ms 13 years of Jaw epforcement experience have been broad and varied. 'Ibey range throuih basic police work; scientillc liivesttgatlon, admlnlsltation and ev~n crlm.e busUng at the federal level. His educat!<(nal packet looks good · too, iliclucling public, administration and study ol law. Robitaille owes much of his ·experience lo Chi el Seltzer. And lt may be said in all truth that Seltzer is turning over to him a lop..notch department with good equipment and good personnel attuned lo l'lQdern law enion:ement headaches and techniques. The choice of RObltaille was a good Ol,)e. He's ex· J)erienced, intelligent and he knows what he's up .against In a fast-growini beach and industrial city. The community joins Huntington Beach 1>0lice in sincerely wishing both Chief Robitaille ·and Chief Selt- zer well in their new roles. A Plug for Planners . ' Bui toolldiredlon and steady conYjcUon• have kePt plannln( commilslooero out o! lhe heiit of blttle while funcliorilnN In lllelr appointed ·po•!Uo~, • Co~ion Cb~Jame1 Dtclc Jiu consistent-,\ Jy re!usreo aUow: 1be recall lo become an lllue i& planning eclsions. "' • 'Fae \Wilh the l11ue In several plannlnf. aesaions, Dick has · ed angry· crowds -many of them opp0s- ed to ~· s WI\ views -wfjh a eenUemanllJ!fss and fair· ness all rare in pu}>llc-'bearings. 1 Co 'ssioner Carroll, Mohr has also avo!ded'bring- ing the r all up wh"ll decision~ are made op planning items. , And while Mohr 8nd Dici: often hold oppoafu1 views, they make their speecllts and cast their '(Oles wlth0<:t any personal or political afifmosities. Botll men, even in disa'greement, have-abowii a clear intent to try and make thidecislons uley feel right for the city without political nsiderationi. The ewest comrlltssioner', Dr. Eldon Bainbridge, was labl by recallers as Mayor Schwerdtfeger's man. But in ~g fqr a 6,0!Xl square loot minimum on plan-ned deve rnent.s he stood in opposition \o the mayor's vtews. · Th . Grafton !las not been involved mucb in the heated b Ues of the city. He operates in a qule~ steady manner. I' Co~oner Ruben Alca1a doesn't speak much, but has showtr enough conce rn for bis job to attend sessions at U.C. lr'vlne in planning to improve bis knowledge of the subje<!l Whlle Fountain Valley explodes on all sides like an erruptlng volcano over the approaching April recall election, the coolest sanctuary in the city has been found at meetings of the planning C9mmission. Lot si~s and zoning were the initial Items that sparked the recall-end the planning commission would 1eem the most likely site for a bloody hatUe ground. . All five men have shD'Wn a consisttnt coolness f~u~nes~ ~' imp~_rtiality in a time wheq very few othe~ c1v1c-mindidi residents of Fountain Valley can boast the same. ""PATIENCE BOY. llFTER ALL IT' ONLY BEEN 15' Y!ARS SINCE . ' ' Kid . Next Door ' Not That~ Bad 4.,, ,, --::-"'"; The media art getUng to me. All the Caricatures which now move ",,.. ~ Americans to action, and aometlibes to 4 - vk>l.tnt acUoa, are ~inning to be graven into r.zy mind, through the kindly medlwn of TV. \" • " . Dear Gloomy 'Gus: Whars 'f. • the; state using trail- er !)9usei;. I• hot dog s~d! ~ Balsa Chief; State Bea.ch? •I thought ttallen: and commercial mes were i.UelaJ Jn residenUal 200eJ llll:e thii beach. s YOU WERE $UPPOS~r TO GET OUT," ' 'No Fault' Plan ' -lnsur~µpe . O:\te.r ~ . . To the EdJtor: ·.the unwitUng and probably unwilling tar- Jt iJ time for the. general (ltlblic to let of accusations of liberalism. from the spea~ out against the present ritlng cQ.ts hinge-dwellers on the strength of a few and mequalitle,, of autorpobile liability in-innocuous shots· at the more ludicrous surance, An average rise of 55 percent in manifestatiOD.S ol. the John Birch Society, premlum1 over the last IO years should with whose basic teoets yoo are rea11y in J used to pay very little attention !o ~ ferent from the young of my day. They tellyJ~Cif snob · tf'«u •.• ~J··a-=orrled, bdl..,rwere worried too.JN•~~ I liv )ii E · ee """' wh<r• about 4!1Ung a job. Tb< ~ I wll<hed the and .'Independent no worrf! 1bout not gel!!iil, .&I teleYWon for a reasOn : To learn f0r tiWti~try' We worrled-~"e 1 -F. B. B. provide the needed motivation. It will not Le£ters from reader1 are welcome. agreement. I would categorize the DAI· T111t '""',. ,.A.... ,....,..... •ltwl. ..., ~, •.•. ~ ... 1 ll)@c~U5e_ of the lar4~ and ·Normally wjtt'f4.,1~·<10nve11 their l .LY Pij.Ol ~ ~ iU,!Jl>er.al as Ronald --itr llltt!.\w·. 1tt ....__.. ._, ,. pOJrirfUl ~Uon of lawyen.:.\111!.t op-message1· fft 300 ~~.'Or less. The ·' fteagan. ;~ ""'' ....,·~: · .-, ,....... ,.. --i~ ... tt.llY l't.... . ~· rC:C~i-=~e in the ~in-right to "'condeme "1t"'Ff1 to fit space < ~ gocxt.._ quick gauge w~-be to note ~~'~--,1 or eliminate libel W rfterved. AU lti.. llQw many Umes a wee):-"''=-.DAILY 80l?lt!~ about ,, JOOPle J had been kn"':~~elli!1 1ajob'w~r,;~·.·ouff lJvln& llDOQ&. t T.'. ~ ol out,~M· _'lje presen~.y . wofr)'\l In ......_},~'~ent worked. beca ... k!*>" that ,.. ves are,.. Knii!'~~~ the t.Jly, mucb j(af"f thji!r batoll, • , may ooon broochl l)'lllpath7.1t l>routl>t """" -be coibj>lbl••teltely ... .., ' .. tilit;y, loo, for BdUsli' television Is sell· . crltiCal and,,almost i¥U>lacably honest. In NO, · jg NOT the young who have1 biilaoce, though,~'1W I,,. made me cha ·lt is "J.be1t.1elden. who have.'i Ille the Engllab ~ lil!Jli~t ,olher· · ~1<rrlbly. The things" wilt lave. ' ·• "4 ~ ~ men pt¢lde today are far mor.e,~' '"' '41•'. \.~,., • • • • • ·,·~~ •• than the lh1riis they pursued whttf-1'"'' IN A SIMILAR spirit, J have ta.kt.fl to wu a kJd -and those things were bad watching television lu my'" own country, inough 1 • the better to undmtand .Ille; perpl"1ng IJW ... fdn~·ol thiJ foriiibly wben I people I tiOd all about me. recenUy read some words apoken by the • Tho experience, to this poin~ baa oot dlstingulsbed poet. Mark Van Doren, on beeo altocetber bappy. !!¥ occul9!1 of hill 71th blrthdar llld the Take the quest.ion of the young, as ' a publlcaUon of hia 14th \:Olume of poetry. 1lng)e e:rample.. When I think of a student He was speak~ lht young: now, or even a kid, the stereotype whicb • "·They are c destructiv~ byt tt Isn't comet &o my mlod Is increasingly the tile young~ peOp e with"" beardi And · Jong 1weatJ, 1melly, rock-throwing, long-hair who are the destroyers:. The destruc- haired, bearded rebel who is the most Uon that really mailers is being done by popular character ln the dramatis clean, well-shaven men In buslnesa auils <personae of «Jevlllon, with the pouible · who· are polluting our atmosphere, strl~ ~xceplion of th;!!;dQ.in~en bl,ek 1Jlan run-mining .. our countryaldt, b u J I d j n I ning out of a store with a stolen television annament.s and conductJ.ni-• cruel, ut- tet under his arm. terly senseless war in Southeast Asia . I know the stereotype of the young Is .. They are literallv tearing our world to -· '!lie Yoiin& todlJI are do "dif. pieces.• · • ' . 1 · • i' The best~ now being ad~~Lfs terJ muic include iigftciture attd mail-·. ~ILOT canies Art Hoppe, ;md.o..9'e sub- Words like tbete, tloque.nt and true, are·'"" (qe "No-F(uJt0 • plan. It offers t'.illilit~ ing addre1s but ~ may be urith-Ject matter ol. the columns tbey:•ielect. wruit bring me back\to llllllty. They blur, ""'<f~~-the pr...iif'ijysteni, held on •·iiu~t i/1nfficlent reason : ' E. B."O~ as it should. be bl\Uffd, flat propapnda .. ~· ~ .Jaav,J.ng to prove. rft&ltgence• ·is apparent.· · ~~ .,,_; · ..... - image of.\he younPis Uleleas, crypto--..the~1't-adriverprlor..'tO~Iect1"1.,, · · : /.~r' :·:. .. crinlinaJ .moosten. 1 . _'llllbllity, ~ companli' oilld 'frii. . · : • ;. .. Bearh Protertf9to .. j · i;nedialely'JlePout-of-pocll:et ses, such .. of North American-"Rc¥:11:well's Space Yc. • WORIM UKE thew. talind mt or ' " medl~t.. bU1a: and ' wages, . Division.. Friday over ~ public addresa ~he ~Itor : I things r'l!id to hear.111<6 ''Tb('l'oung ll'J !'t«anUe~,111'\W!>o wa!f4\ifl in the 'iaYstem JI was snnoil!ICed; thatj ve had to I l;'.j'.; am bawl as I read of -Ole Orange the hoPe OI the world.~' And~ theY. • event (au~.., proven.-,fojured party le):!Ol't to1work MoMar,..July 21; 1969 and ., Cifunty brd or Supervisors dedication are; The Wipe oC the "vtld io· come wlri could oollecti>unkfve' ges based on ~wowan·t~be entitleB lO ·lia,e Moon Oat· ob~'tbe 'tidr .roads ••to encourage be made by them. Indeedj tn their haste, a f~ed scale and determined by a fault-off. development.' ' they are trying ~ mali DOW, without finding board. J!rn requesting a retracljon fl:om yopr. Why nol protect, let along encourage !-hereat power to "do so. f • "y w1U prevail, paper .stating thal NOf\b American usee or, ·Orange CIA:lnty's outstanding lf _the wor1d prevails, sl tt because they TlUS PLAN would reduce the cost ol Rockwell's Space Division employees did natural values: its beaches and access will outlive w. • insurance premiums by lowering ex· not receive the day off. thereto? It ls, I fear, too easy~-into gloom, pema now necessary lo qmuance com.. , MYRTLE. R McCLOSKEY "What other county ln the U.S. can offer and conclude that the wor~ln lhl3 eoun-panlu. Wlth immediate settlements on a the people an ocean shoreline with such try, and late in this cenl\Jl'Y, 1J Wliquely no-fault basb there would be less need beaches, such warm water surfing, such )Vicked. The evidence, unfPitunately, is for lawyers, investigitora. adjultm and · W{IJi F•nd the JtJoon7 marine llfe and such seascapes? t>olntlng Increasingly In the direction that the-mountain! of pa-ptrworlt 'necwary in What wouldn't $1.f million (road cost) lhis is so. · acc:kltnt cases. Insurance ct>Olpanles To the Editor: d predict a •• -rcent deer•..,. in liabi'li'ty Le , th . o toward making these values more . Under the Ci>Eimttic lie of atlkJence and Jolly lelsure al the lxlwllng alley ls a cor- ruption of sphit that ls fully vj.ftble to the eyes of old poet! like Mr. Van Doten, and young militants, like the kid inext door ~ey have found us elder felloW, out. Fo; this we cannot forgive them. F91»lhis we are beginning to hate them. -,.... t ! put ings 1n their proper s'I 'labl t th bli • PremJum1 if thiJ plan we-placed in ea 1 Y avat e o e pu c. t'~--. --'" perspective. We the public would like to be opera rvn. If lhe astronauts had landed In the gnlz~ W d · Citizen& could feel secure knowing, in reco ~. e o e11st. event of an accident, they would Im-center of the Sahara Desert, they would SARAH BELKNAP have landed in a more rertile area. At mediately be compensated without fear least there is air there. of lengthy Utlgatioo and the possibility of not collecting at an. There wouldn't be 8 One of our bombers sat on the Sahara worry about upensive court costs, for 20 years after World War II without lawyers fees and long delays. Even if you ever being discavered. The crew On Raising Bo11s To the Editor: 'Why Don't You Leave?'~ do win a court case now the lawyer will members' footprint! were still visible. recti:ve 30 to to percent of the setUement No one ls going to inhabit the moon~ plus expense.s. just as no fish are going to live on the hot TIDS PLAN would free the courts of need.leas 1uits. Most court.s presentl}r have an average backlog of cases that will take SO month! to complete, some. as Jong as 6t Jll(lnths. By eliminating iiabl1ity suits, the judicial system would be freed for more bnportant ca.set:. It would lake fewer tax dollars to aupport the courta. sands of the Arizona duert. There is no reason or advantage to being there: Thi! is not a discovery of a new world. That old moon has been there all of the time and lt will still be there and used for the ume purposes. The !ollowing is from the Tri.City Herald 0£ Pasco, Ricbland and Kenne- wick, Washington : On rearing bad lxlys : "Whatever their origin, the rules ror rearing delinquent children deserve at- tention. They are: One of the moet ignorant and hateful ltateme:nb that a person can make to another is "ll yOu don't like it here, W..Y • don't you leave." Thal attitude 1s ~ main reason America wls founded, in all JU hope and energy and goodness. The people who came here, to make a better land than bad ever been seeir bE:fore by the com- mon people, had been rebuffed and re- jected by their nelRhbors tn the Old World. Performance Counts Leo Land agreed In wrttlllg to 9ell 8111 Buyer half hlJ farm for !50,000. Wben Bill tried &o close the escrow and pick up his deed, Leo tried to back ou~ thinking be l'OOld pt • bolter prl<:e elH where. BW asked the court to make Leo sell, and "•ptelli<:ally perfonn" on the ~ tract. Bill's lawyer also asked the court . to make Leo pay dam'll" of 125,000, Blll'1·Joa ll the deal fell througll. Lop bad no good re111011 to badJ out, the ...n Nici, lllCI he had acted in bad faith. It tllmfore ordered htm either (I) to live Bill the deed, or (I) to have Blll ..... bb ,.., in -111 llld oollecl ,Ille 12$,GllO. But Bill J;.k! Doi pt bOlli the deed llld hlJ domain. He bad lo -· . ' . expense!. In 1utng, Brown can seek to" prove alt ol theu things. Shoudl he win his caae he can lben •'elect" or choose wbk:h award he llkaJ best. You ret 'l.apec1flc performance" ooly when the agretmeQC 11 for some "unique" IU.m, sud! as land, art objecll, an old car, antiques. or the like. Otbrnrl.ae tile buyer ·must ..ui. for ilamageo oni1 when aomeone fails to carryiout a c:oo- ,tr~ wlUI, him. · 00... Ille l:oort will ref\J.Se to lfllllt "spectftc paformance" 1f th'e contrllCl calll for loo .much oupervialon or Ito· en- fom!meot II • cllllJcult. 1bul contrldl calling for peraonal lerV!ce_ II)', I aln(<r to lin&. or an artflt to pabrt. art ttever specllfciillj eftfOtted. U the pllinUff wlnl IUCb ,<1 .. J1w1Ult he must settle for rt110aabll money damages. Nott: Cali/OrTlia foW11tTt Offer Chi.s column 10 uou. mau knoso about our lawr. They didn 't like condllions wber" lhey lived, and wanted to improve them.'-U they had been allowed and encouraged"to t~ Old ~orld would have had a ha~ ~1story, instead of the miserable trlbUla· lions lnat turned the eyes of the peoplf ~ America as their laJit , best hope. NOW WE FIND that many Americanr: -smug and fat and entrenched in their arnuent inert.la -are saying the same·• ugly thing to their neighbors: "If you .. don't like lt here, why don't you leave." But meat people who want to change ~Uons do like it here; they love tt here. They love it so much they cannot stand to see it suffer from its im- perfections, and want it to live up to 1t1 ideal!. It ls the people who placidly ac-~pt the ~tT\lptionJ and perversions and mequities 111 our society who do not Jove America -they love only their status and security and special privilege. Nobody should be faced wlth "the mean choice of accepting condillons as they are or abandoning the place he has flJ'OW1\ up tn. We not only have • right, we have a respoos.ibllity, to make our envtrcmnent as juat •nd u Oourlsh.lng as our Found- ing Fathen declared It mun be if It were to live up to tt.s uplraUon as "the sllndonl of the world.• THOSE WHO want to leave have a ri1ht to ~ave, but thole who want to stay and W«k ·for whit they consid,er a better oqdety must be prol«led in tllal rtgbt - for without It. our naUbn woukf a1ni into st1gn1tlon, and the procas of change would hU11en Into re,....ton by thooe who benoflt by t .. t>b>i things JUI! u they are. If all the aettlers who came hert., with high hopts lot I new and finer aoclal order, hod been compelled to "go back w~Jhey came from ," we would havt had no United Stitt• of America. With many insurance companies ad- vocating th1s change for our benefit, how can we stand idly by'! l urge everyone to write to hl1 Congressman and let the lawmakers know that there is widespread support for this sensible refurm. EDWARD A. FEURY Tiiey Worked To the F.d..ltor: Your paper's headline of Monday, July :ZI, 196i, on the U.rst page titled "Apollo .. Builder! In County Close" is in error. I'm employed at the Seal Bea.ch faclllty Wfrks The United States has accomplished a great scientific feat, hut Jts use will be publicity and invention of material and systems. JAMES W. BOLDING •A Rational l'olre' To the Editor: Since moving to Orange County a year ago, I have ·wanted to add my voice to those who commend your paper for its fine reportifag and especially its rat.ional and sensitive editorial policy. It is such a vast and welcome difference from that so-called "lreedom" paper who seems to be doing its level best to raise another generation of bigots. . Your ,paper provides a bright spot for me in these days when our "leaden" are. fndUlglng In an ·etnouonal orgy of hand- ringing over pornography rather than poverty, In censorship rather tban social justice. This ill-concea.liid camouflage ol crucial Ls.sues that they are e.itber In- adequate or unwillq to deal with ii, in no way, going to eradicate tbe social and economic injU5Uces in this country which are the basic root of all our problems. The continuing "CommutUst'' iiKf sex- ual witch-hunt by the "freedom" (for whom I wonder?) paper wouJil be funny II H weren't so frightening in Ill lm· pllcatlons:. t hope that you will keep up your good work .In pnividlnf OronJe County with tJie voice o( lllllty we ao badly need •. HARRIET KANE 'Llberal •• Rea9an' To the EdHor: It has been amUJin& to observe you as "Begin in infancy giving the child eve_ry~hing he wants, so he will grow up believing the world owes him a living. "Never give him any spiritual training. Wait untU he is -21 and let him decide everything for himself. "Pick up everything he strews around -clothes, books, shoes. Teach him to push his responsibilities on others. . "A How him to read anything he can get his hands on; sterilize hi1 driQking glass but Jet his mind reast on garbage. "Give him all the" ·spending money he wants. Why should he have thing! a! tough as you did?" "Take his part again.st teacher neighlxlrs. playmate! and policemen'. When he gets into trouble, rJUooalize by saying: 'l never could do anything for him anyway.• "Prepal"!l for a life of (rief. You have a!ked for Jt ! " HAZEL B. DORMAN -~--- Wednesday, July 30, 1969 Th• tdltorial paoe of th•· Oidly Pt1ot SHkt £o inform and 1tim- &1latt readers b11 presenting thil ncwapa.per1 opinioni and com- mrntorv on . toplct of fnUrtlf ·•lid lignfficanct, by prcwidiftg a forum for the r.xpre1tjon o/ our readers' opinhm.t, and t111 presenting the diiitr11 ~ points of informed ob1erwn ond 1wktsmtn on toptc1 of ~ dau. Robert N. Weed, Publisher • • -----~- -• r t. " . ' . . ' ,,. .·111 L. "")Ot'D f ~~"Did )'t4l ~ ......... wllf....,. aNm'lo........, ........ -·~ dion .... do!" Ir.net Quimbt-'ISll!tvlni inaho !hi, , , ' ,, '" ' " 'l11e diJli. '11\ir~ on a m•n 1 , . ·1" , , , · , t • caJIMI :.·~, tblchrilng. _ '.I "iiolYt!I.~~ ,,_c , 1161' to one ~ ~ • 1 •• bollteril1fiio~tance.~~:"· ~,,~-1 -ft~·," , :s&¥. •"Tbve tw .~+'. ONE BVllVEY Indicates """°~e ~ai..w-.,,.:f..vriiey~~~ ~· 1·, lyooeP111fmumsi.,wu-ec1· -ll;i~.dlrl71UJO'.Olht~ .. "vecr ilo•~, hll l!Udl•lher, • .WIBll 8 0 E ~ ,._ ... · .::!..,d • "' ""'""""'"" kl "•'° h!ch ~ M-... o<• ·~ r .•-0•~ ' --..--• wou Ku me " .~ '<bite ai'lilg as~#.FinaUy.,Ule lop ~ --~t. Louis.or~ Solnl Louis • • • '6f ~ 1)14 ~ f~ ..,ij the Other ' ~UJ!!~.::; .. ~ ~OOft; "•aitecl ·a .ii~ •. \hen ,M , } "poin In i!ie -.''.' NOW BA\'1> a lliulUd AWOyL FIJl>ny thlnl. aD ,Uuv:.tl/t lemlniJI< ttader In Vballa, Cal,· .. .._ .~ 1{era i""'lul<llY alli!nt, not, a gro'wl., ·DOI '""'1.~ . , . first name la \l{eslee. Never bum:Peil .tqto ,,'f"'T._ , . . J , Me ol those before. .. ODDS RUN .0. in Ri<MEaiiiER-'All " tight, ~·· . ,U '. ' el,gbt your favorije. football· player will , Whit wu thf:.fi.rst df you eve,.., 7 burt hi.I leg put season.-· rode inl Wbat1wu1lhe bradd-bf clgkf1tt~~ · COWR QUICK -A colol: expert has jOU fir$! sJnokedl.Wbat kfud,ol <"""! ~d , .'· •. , come up with an odd contention. Namely, ~1ou firs( shave wtUt? Whit wast.be .. J!: people who prefer the color red tii:e to o~ ttie' flrsl mt'lvte YQU ever saW? ,~~ . '"' ~ take lhe lead· in' maUers of romance. car I remember wa1-an . ~~r ~'t i: 'Ibey tepd to.oUilk· Bu< people, who prefer t .the. cigarette, ~\tbo.J;. setued!,oo ,. " the oolcr ~ue like to wait It out They are ,p p . MQni11 >hort!Y • ·al~ ~ · .,, apt to be 'entra)>lled. 'J'h<nfore, ii fOU ha i chAnied•afuct. ~,f~ WjlS.~ ' : ~ meet a )lille,1rh<i Uke1 rod ·ind bef.bils-.G· tte. -~· lor ]lle :tinr n>i,vlt. <11'\'t bandwfi.ol,lldblue.aay1he,youcanbe '~. •'a.ff.Pl 1r·· IWTed· Ken fairly ..e.,,the• wile,. not the .Jlusband· ...-_,, 'iBOct~ Jonts·,or ThD .McCoy, engineered the romance. Am turning this .orie. IricldentaflY-r.Jones!-died ·1n 1942, but fiieCJrY over to our Love and War man for Maynard and McCoy are still around, fiirther aoaly1ls and ridicule. altho I don 't know where. :(:u~~ s~.R~E: Q-"Do Yo•r questions and comments ·ar:e ' • ---· • -~~---• -~·-;--••• IWl.Y mor ~ . Cliapges-., • 1 s . In • Way IXOil \ Jr, • ···.··,.1-..'J.·,, . .. EN RO~!il W=:lllXOI\, -'1'11• • · ~I'"'·, clrcu.mst.anbi ot N r o 11.1 • 1 public clllelooure ol to ncsace · grutly and completel1 alter Amerilan mllltary cammltmellll 111· Alli 'gave.this • , .,__.., Important .WC!arolloo oddeclllirCe.. . • , It wal ~,..&,la Guam, which t et, hadsa'id 1t aU'in 1 briefin&otthenewa Is e major ~111 mllltory. ~,.and' ·medl1t travell~ 1filh tt>e' Prmdeftt a lllten to tho P.nofdenl ~ !qr $$ -k Wort.· SeCtttµy of Sta~ llalers minut" ln--tbo moet· ~~ W •l ~ been ·hiotfnc at ~-approach 1 ... his ..... ....,.. to reall&e UieJ11~ lmfld ,ot., ,• .co11ple ol moothl. ~policy could be , 1 his declsloo. He gave his ~ lo U.. deducted lr'o!'\ the , beginning of lniop <· luiurlOllll~ club ol lbe_~ U • .. .,ltl)drawab'lriJm Vietnam.' 1 · -base a clrcUinltance wblch perlia ha.JI \ • · · .. 1 / -• it" ·., : , ..,.M eymjioJJc 'llnljltyJ ibl.ut·IJ. •. "' •WHAT WAS NEW wu Ulit Ille Prell- ., .;, ... 'lbe •-"' .iotJ_. ~ • .,.,;;,f.!. . .,;..i..._.., <leo! hbm<ll·wae -.,.ac1y,1o articulate . . • " ...... '-.. , ..-::.: 1.':!.. .,,-,, , ~ bis lollfl llrm aim ol llllftinr to 1 " • • dbculak>n was 1 raUlllCI' ~ !'~et~ .. the \M'..,emmentl of Allan ..... 11or11 the re- l · '< ' to his tntentlon lo reduce' American • ..;.!.;;:llity ·1 ••··• ·~-·•ty H f Ill•"-~I ~ Iii! · ~~,._lo Y '· •~ or ~r own ~w.1 • e • · • • m _, w~ Vtm=• ~ ·~. "°'"' . de!:Jded not to, do this in Wuhlngtoa~ and not mefely 1o As.la.~.. .. · ' .. ' tte tiad rtrst Planned' but' to do ao. on e •1 • • closest American threahold to Alla 1 •Y ( WHAT mEt ~· ot tllil1ven· befoft be met with A!ian leaders. , ture will be c<uu1el'llO ~. JM what ' The tranicript o1 Nb<M!s dlxourae at t can be foreseen ls the flnt detei'.mined Guam does oot..coove)' lbt fllll flavor of it effort by an American President to ei:· because it does not reveal his emphuis lricate lhe United Statea from Ute im· and tone of voice. The cokt wordll are ,,. ..... ,;;, .; ' mense military burdens it has tried to carefully hedged as a Jong term. policy ··· carry since lhe ~QJ }V~ld WJI ll In Iooki.Q& down :.the1 road live, 10 ot 15 maintaining order and stability in the yeartl:. but Nlxon'J maMer and intonation world. . gave· hia ·Policy more · bnmediaey than The Prt>ldent ~ ~lhhl&\ ~e ni>t that· and it coold bo ~ed thal be la much noted. An enom~<HJS amount of bis:-hastening the Vietnam Withdrawal and Ume and Uuit of his 'assoclatts, "be 'pjd, ii eetUn'g ready to wn fortes out e>1' being laken up by hla attempt to.fJDd just Thailand ,' too. " · bow to do that. Tb1a is prObabiy tht he¢ . Hls true m!)Od was probably revealed of lhe problem, ~.ow to. a\IOid military in: i!l. his· emphasis ch report& be II.id ht had Wolves mate f« lire?" A-dray wolves welcomed and will be used wherewr do. Once· went out to clean traill for the pos.rltilt in "Checking Up." Address UQlted Staie. Forestry Service with ao mail to L.M. Boyd. 1n care of the "GOING ro MARS WA~ YOllR ll>fA, SPIRO. l'Vf GOT WllNE~SES." volvement and still carry conviction as received from· the chain:nitl of the Joftit the leader of the free world. Chiefs ol Staff, Gen. Earle Wheeler, that Essentially, as Nla:on said, there was the South Vietnamese army ls doing well old woodsman named Henry Heidemann. DAILY PJLOT, Bo:t 1875, Newport He Wd ·ht had seen two male gray Beach;Calif. 92663. ·-.. -' .. · nothlnli neW in hls -discoutse: IU1 cbtef 10·-taking ·-uvei 1 eaponsibilttiet-relln- naUonalsecurity adviser, Henry Kissing-quished by American troops . -'. • . • J ., -, •r-.. · ~ ' ' ~ ;. ' " . • )'~ . , -.. . . ' .. '" . ... ,. ~.~ . . . ~· TOMOR~OW ONLY! SAVE 1/3 TQ ~ti Q.FF. • i • -~. ·• '" ·-_, .l • • • • . • .l ' ' "' • . .. ' ., .. • .. • ,, never before advertised by Buffum~'. at t~ese low prices ; .' • all reduced from reciurar stock . ' · · fl "'' • ' • • r · '• · no special purchases • , ~ quantitjes ~.~ sizes lim~ecl •• ,.'nO mcdl,. pho~e, C.10;d, Of'.ders •• , '.· RIR SALON Jip dyed sable boo, '#:1793, reg. 125.00 ..... 80.00 Neturel ranch mink capo, :#.17621, reg. 399.00 ._,,,_._ .......... .,.. ... -..... -............ -----···"""''""""''"''"·-·-250.00 Nelurol Tourmaline• mink capo, '#.1268, reg. 699.00 ......... _ .... , ...... ,.,_ -.......................... _,, .... , ............. , .... _ .............. 450.00 Grey and white hlgan lamb fun fur cool, '#'10932, reg. 450.00 ........... --····--·-·-..... -.......... -.......................... 195.00 •r.M. hllle M111k Ir•-'•" A1u1c11tio11 All fur produch l1btl1tl to 1hew country of otigi11 of i111pert.d fur.. SUNCHARM SPORTSWEAR . Save on fashion pants from our regular stoc~., Chooso from cottons, cotton blonds ind polyoslots. Rog. 13.00 to 20.00 -··-..... -............... -... ····-'h OFF. • • • • llJDAI.: SALON BRIDAL SAMPLES 60.00 ·• I 00.00 Reg. I $1ve 40 ')'.-50% .on tr .. · dition1I styles for t~e J.Um'""' or fol bride. Brid1I gown siies 1ro 8, I 0 ind 12. BRIDESMAID DRESSES 19.00. 25.oo .. Rog. Formal style dres .. s for 1R occasions! In many ele9ant fabrics and colors. , . SAVE ON BRIDAL ·VEILS 20.00 ~ 25.00 Reg. 30.00-42.00. Many styles of bridal veils to select from. Buy now and 11ve! . YOUNG CALIFORNIA SHOP Excellent selection of c:otton sumtner dresses in pas· tol colors, siies 5-13,, reg. 13.00-28.00 ···-7.99-17.99 Long·ilHvod shirts in •variety of fabrici end itylas, silos S.15, reg. 13.00 ond more -------8.99 Wool skirts and vests in sotids, sizes § .. 13; skirts, reg. , ............... , ··-·-_ ................ 8.99; vasts, 10g. .............................. -............ _ 8.~ BUDGn DRESSES Famous "Country" make dress-s reduC.d. Choose from me ny great styles, petterns, coJo;s and easy· . I , . c•r• fabrics. Rog. 17.00.23 .00 ··--'-.. -.10.99 . ' ·' • UNGERIE ~ND ROBIS • Lingorio roduced lo c'"! -~· 1/3 • I /2 OFF 5"llts, clusters, ind loung•wnr:.roduc,d to clear ----,1./3-1/2 OFF NE\¥!'0RT CENTER • #1 FASHICll ISLAND • 644-noo • I •· HANDBAGS " ' Hendbo,gs in coif, ..-ton vi n y I with Iii~ look , of leether. pelent, tepe.sfiy end straw, D1euy. 0 r Iii~ ored s~les!;., many:sii•.s, fashions and basic colors, reg. _,,_ .... _,, ___ ,, __ .... _,_ ........... 2.97-19.97 '· ' ' Visor male-up mirror with fight, reg. 6.95 ,_ .... _ 2.00 Col'emlc soop dishes with cherub end flower de. si9!1s :i~ .. sciitod •lyles 1nil colors, reg. j.OO .. ~, l·.50 ' . , .. '• ' .. . A,) •11ortmenl .. of novelty soap• ot savings. Round, woven boskol 'fillod wHh .~elt soap , reg. 1.00 ....... 50 • " j . • ' • Cherub' dish with guest soap, reg. 2.00 ....... : .... : .... 1.00 I ' flower pomander ball; delightfully scented, reg. ,.oO --............ ··-... ..:. ... --.. "-··-·--· . ,,,,,,,,,_, -· 1.00 ., ' " INFANTS' 'WEAR ., ' INFANTS' AND TODDLERS' STRETCH NYLO"! 'SHIRTS .99·1.,99 •• Rog. 2.2S',,3.50,. Sava on these femo,us, m1lor stratch nylon shirts. ··Discontinued styles. t -~ • • GIRLS' SHOP . .~ " . . Gir1s' purses in1 auortocl pott.•rns ind, whit., blecl ind 1.ntiquo hues, 10g. 3.~.00 ..... --~· :i.49.3.49 SmaM· 91~p of on.o onci .ti.o pilc<i 9irl\' drossos in spring end 111mmor p r,l n t ~ ••d solids, 119. 7.00-~· " I •' , ' . • • • • ' 18.00 ---··--·--··'"'"·-·--;-·--·~-;·:-""-;;-• 4.49-9.99 f•mous manf's girls': S¥fim suits;., ret.I: -4.S<r .to 8.00 ........ _...... . .. , _______ _:__,......;,_· l!J OFF MONDAY , TH.URSDAY,.'FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9!30 I • : Atsorftd qui~ed 9irk' joclelt in mony siua. luy tlie oll·weotl\er cool 11ow, u<j. I O.OO.ll.OO.,~!i.99:12.99 , I ,. · I ' ' ' . -. ' ~· t Assorted bib shorts ind ·~ed p.ii~ts in p~ii ~nil so:ids, reg. .......... ·-·---··-····-.1.99-2.49 '· • • • -,: •• j /.~· Slliell •r9"R of Knff Hi soch .ilfidork shodos, •ff· I :oo .. ~ ........ _ .............. .' ...... : ..... _ ........ -... -.... :: ........... ' .... -.. ·-.29 UTILE SHAVER SHOP GREAT 'SAYINGS IN P!-,JAMAS 1.99 Rog. 4:()().5.00. Laigo assortment ofcotton embossed Dacron® polyester ancl' C!1tton ~perptantn+ ..press ptij1m1s in • wide Choice ' 'of 'hindlomo cofors. Ch o o s o from · long sleavo, long leg ind short sleeve, long leg styles; in sizes 8-1 Bi '' . .. ,, ' . . STORE FOR MEN ' . Pirma~nf Press ~CJ · sl~eve d..eu shirts if\~·. wicf• so:octi.on of con,r .~tyle.. Cho"'9 from ."ssorttd soficl colo.rs ~nd many Jtrip• _v.ariatio~, in . •v•ral sizes, reg. 7 .00 ----:-"·H----~-·-~".. .. --·-·--,I .t9. , .. ' : . : . ' VARSITY ' SHO" : .. < • • F1mqus maker ~\ 'turtle 'OrlOi.® ecrylic ikoit 1loov1 init sl!im. Priced lo cle1r ·In dies' S, t;e, L ind X .. L. re9. '12.00 ..:___ _ __ __; __ 4.99 . . ~~ ~ ~· ' Long sleeve butt.it dowo ilrosa sl!im in whit., ~. or m1i•: Pr~ to ·cinr, ·~· 7.~ , _____ _: f .99 . -.. • • l • OtHEll ~YS io.~o. TJLL,J:~ , .... J .. • I ·1 . I I I I \ • ' • l I DAIL V I'll.OT U.S. Offers 'Deal' on Okinawa TOltYO (UPI) -T b e llh1tecl Stalls wanta unfetttred ... ~,Ila military -.. Oldoaw1 In omer(<llCI"' II It -lo give the Wand back to J~, inolonned Japanese source.s &aid today. Secretary of Stat• WIJl!am P. Rogen diacUl8ed J1pu'1 nquest · for return of the Island In an haur·loo1 clDsed door meeting with Japanese Foreign M1n1mr Kllcbl Aichi American oftklals I a I d afterward the "'ott result was . to bf'09den the artu ol agrtiemenl" 1be U n i t e d states bu agreed to negoUate over Japan's plel for' return of ta island fortress in the Pacific. Wormed Japanese a a Id Roi"' told Ald1l the Uniled States want.a ••freedom of military action in time of bostUities" on Okinawa even if th6 former Japanese ~~~'f.!' =er• 18 , Lunar Landing S•te UPI Tt ... llttt near the edge of darkness. Sidewinder Rille and Diamond Rill• extend from left to right across the center of the pictures. View of soutbwestern Sea of Tranquility looks generally west. reasonable attitude on both The approach to Apollo landing 1 site 2 used by 1ides with aome lmporta'nt Apollo 11 is seen in this photo taken from the lunar points to be satisfied before module Eagle while it was still docked with the agreement can be reached," command ship and in lunar orbit 69 miles above an tnrormed U.S. official Wd. the moon's surface. Site 2 is located in the center A1chl'aview of the talks wu----------------------------------------less optlmlJtlc. "The Untt..i States II !Wng a severe attitude on the return of Okinawa to J1pan," the Japanese foreign mlnlst.er told newsmen in a brief news con- ference after he met Rogers. AJchl did not elaborate. Negotiations on Japan's ~ quest for return of the U.S. jsland fortress in the western Padllc will continue in Tokyo tbrourh August with Ambusadot Annin H. Meyer niiftsenti.ng the U n i t e d Stites. El Salvador, Honduras Fight Over? ' WMlllNGTON (AP) -A tentat!ft ~ was nacbld est)> fodoJ by lbe Ora•*"km cl Am er i can States for a settlement of the Ju..1 old El Salvador·Jlan- 1urm crllls. ·1 Tonna or tile '"°"" Id· aemmt were nMlliid alter El Salndor, In a U,.... IMt'e, ~ lo wilbdraw tta troopl, which have oceypied Hon. cluran aoil f<f Ille pall. hlo ....a. 1be Salvadoran decision was announced by its foreign minister, Francisco J. Guer- rero, 'l\lesday afternoon but it was only alter Jong and acrimonious debate that the detalla of the setUement were tentatively agreed to. The eettlement provides for the immediate wlihdr1wal of Salv-an troopo from Hon- cM-an ·terr1tay accompanied ~.Y. certain guarantees for the $.fety of the some 235,000 . Stlvad<rlIIB retkllng in Hoo-djlroL • • lt also urges that both na· ~ bring to trial persons iuIJty ol bllvlog "committed 41me1 and violated t b e Imm.an rl&hts" of Salvadorans living In Honduras and vlce versa. After Guerrero 's an· nouncement, which received shouts of approval and ex· tended applause from OAS !<reiln rnl.W...S, the OAS named a four-man commission to hammer out the details ol the peaee formula. Violence Study, Nixon Help Shoot Down New Gun Laws SEC Chief Asks to Head Six Funds WASHlNGTON (UPI), to gel my gun.' And here It Gun control appqn a ..dead b." issue in Conareu tbtl year There was 1 i t t l e C1J& aod perhaps • next, ~ another dramatic uAulna· ti on. Ironically, the final blow may have been dealt by the National Vi o I enc e Com- mission's proposal under whldt the _crnment wwld confiscate . 90 percart cf the 24 mWJon privately owned plllob in the Uoltod Statea. "They've prO.ed 1hal the gun nuts wm. rilh(." 111<1, dDe congressional source w b o WCl'ked Cl~ coatrol..for two years. "When thll whole flap started, the immediate nac- tion from the gun loftn waa, 'you blle, ,.,.,,. t17lnC f gresslonal lmpetwl anyway. The N i x o n admiftbt.raUon, asked to testify on various gun control bllls, told a Senate subcommittee this week it was against all proposals aimed at requiring registration of guns and lcienslng of their ownel'S. Moreover, the admlnistra· tion signalled Its belief gun control required little atten- tion. To tesUfy for the Jus· tice Department, it aent Don- ald E. Santarelli, an associate deputy attorney general. Sar>- tnll'a relatively low rant ~ with irun control tieltlmony by two' attorneys reneral, Nicholu Kalunbacb Pope Asks for Truce In "JYigeria Civil War CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy (AP)-Pope Paul VI a..-led today tor a truce ln tbt Niger- ian ci vii war, guaranteed if necessary by a neutral Afri- can country. On the eve of his deperiure fer Africa to attend a coofer- enoe ol -· the Pope aim backed a Bl.afran·proiposaJ for a cease-fire to laSt the dura- tion of bis three-<tay visit to Uganda. "He said be hoped it would lead to negotiations. 'nle Biafrtn pnJp)S8l was dismissed by a Nigerian offi. cial today as propaganda. The Pope, in his most im- ~ ~ to date on th• bloody N1gerian coofHct, aaid be would continue to wu"l'k for an end to the war but appear· ed to admit that his chances 6:#' 9UOOe9s were not good. He ruled out a visit to the war-torn area tn eastern Af- rica on grounds ol log\!tics and beca"'° ol "the pollUcal interpretatiool this w o u I d raise." His ~ for a prolong. ed. truce with the pnsenct o( a third African power WU the Ptipe's most explicit to date regarding dforts to move toward a settlement. A> for the ....._fin pro- posed two days ago by Bl- afra's leader, Col. <>c:twMgwu Ojukwu, the pope aid: "N'"ews has reached m now regarding the proposal for a cege.fire ~ our trip to Africa. May God wt.n that tt comfS true . .. and prtludes negoUatioos toward the solution sought for purposes of civil ar.1 Christian peace and for the example that the world awaiti from a free, you~ Africa, lndepend-- ent and in accord." In Kampala., Uganda's cap- ital, Nigeria's chief negotia- tor, Antbooy Enahoro. said his country sees Ojukwu's proposal u an attempt "to tum this -.olemn OCCl.!ion Into I polttlcal and propaganda skirmillh." Enahoro is there tor the Pope's Yislt. WASHINGTON (AP) -The alli Rmnsay Clark, durin& the chalnnan of the Securities and Johnaoo administration. Exchange Commsision said be Santarelll's appearance fr-would Jlke to become president ritated l"l1 conlrOJ proponents, or slx mutual lunds If.lits boos who remembered hb'n as a -apparently President Nixoo ""aaUve factor when eon-ess -approved, Senate sources h~mered out last year·:·ban say . ' on int.e.rstate gun sales. San· A soorce close to the Senate tarelli then was counsel to Banking and Currency Com· Republican members of the mittee quoted the report Tues. House Judiciary Committee. day night from minutes taken "rm. against any gun CQ& when directors of the sil trol legt&lation," Jamu 0 . mutual funds managed by Eutllud (0-Miss.}, chairman Investors Diversified Servicta of the Senate Judiciary Com-Inc. met in Minneapolis June mittee, 1ald in an interview. U to elect SEC Chairman Eastland, whose committee Hamer H. Budge their new baridles gun bills, said he aaw president. no prospect for congre.ssk>nal Budge and representatives aclioo this year and probaJ!ly of the funds and IDS weie nm. ~ . • called before t h e sub- "lt'a just a wUd statement.," committee today to elplore a EUUand said Of the Vjolmee ''possible conflict of intemlt." e~ mm i ~'Jo n propoojll. The minutes, as q.-by ''Cboiress Wdlld paa no Olich the c:omrnlllee "'"""'• ldentlly JeglaliiUon. '"'He said prospects George E. MacKinnon, vice were not milch brighter for president and general coansel Uceming and registration bills, o( the funds, as approaching largely because there was lit-Budge about the job. MacKin- tle public pre$1ure. non wu conlli:med ~ay 1 and Last year !:9ngress passed sworn in June 14 as a jlldge on Its first significant gun leglala· the U.S. Circuit Court of Ap- lion since the gangster era, a pea]s for the District of bill banning most lntersta.te Columbia. gun sales and all interstate Ntlon nominated him April mail order ammunition sales. 23. • The congressional fire had Budge, reached at his home been,_fed by public outcry from in Washlngton Tuesday nig~t. the assassmations of Dr. declined lo cmnmenL He in. Martin Luther King Jr. and sisted in a statement last Sen. Robert F.-K~. week he had rejected U:le offer After Kennedy'I de a tll , and had done nothing lm· President Lyndo3. Johnson proper. created the · ion 1on MacKinoon was away from Violence. Its an is his home in Minneapolis and Milton S. Eisenh , brother could not be reached. of the late president. Nixon was a director of four 'Ibis year, according to FBI of the mutual funds from late statistics violent crime is in· 1964 until May 1968. He and crtasing: with murder up 7 MacKinnon s e r v e d in the -percent and armed robbery up House totJether; duri.Di the mid 27 percent. But there is no 1940s and MacKinnon was a (resh blood from a famous U.S. attorney in Minneapolis figure, a fact even gun control when Nixon was vice presi· crusaders like Sen. Thomas J. dent. Dodd CD-Conn.), recogntitd as----~. ----d..,,-- a 1eg;s1attv• 11abmty. · Tell Your Ki s To Read Uncle Chief Justice Exploited? "No admo_niUon will ~ale a groundswell of public •up- port." Dodd said. "lt "1-P- parently takes the de.ath cf a belO\'ed leader to temporarily &that" " . . Len's Column . DemsHitGOP. Publication I YOUR PROB ~~M: - • . You w1nt to ••II somei Item • • .'W,\SlllNGTON (AP) -<"A Qemecratic perty olfici1I has 8CC.-I the Rtpu~1 of ex- Jlloidng Warreo E. l!urgv'1 posiUon as chief justice "for narrow partisan purposes." Alvin A. Spivak, publlc af. ~ director of the -allc Nallonal Coin· mtttee, bla.sted tbe Republlcans for publishing a newsletter showing & picture ci' the new Supreme Court <$le! wllb A. Linwood Holl<ltl, Republican nominee I o r governor ol. Virginia. .. 1.heled "Dominion State ~Powtl'.'' the pjdure alao inchld<o President Nbton and Mrs. Hl1oo.. Jt appear1 in lhis week'• lllue ol "Monday," a weekly, four.page publication itf*b CON to IOM@ 14,000 llepabllcoo party lltdua. "Tbe dtlef jultlco tlhould be-and 11-above portllonshjp, · and for lhe ~111 lo u,. him in ..... bl•~' l>ollllcll ""' .. ""'II uofalr lo Mr. Surcer In cullnl doltbta upoo hla llOll· political role," Spivak saJd In a statement. Ken Rietz, director of in- form.1Uon for lhe Republican National Commitee, said the Ev~Men Face Trial? MANILA (UPI) -The U.S. Navy announced today it will slut a fonnal military in· \'tSUgation next wtek to dttmnlne lf the three senior olOcers aboard the u . s . destroyer Frank E. Evans will undergo court-martial pro- ctedlntl· A Navy announcement aaid Vice • Adm. W. F. Bringle, commandtr of the U .S, 7th Oeet, will convene the in- vest.11ation "on or about Aug. I '' at the U.S. naval base at Suble Bay, northwest o I Manlla. picture was taken July :ZO after a While House church service and Is Intended to show "a situation at the wrute House." "It doesn't mean lhe chief jusUce is campalgnlng for him," PJetz told a reporter. Supreme Court prcM ofUcer Banning E. Whittington, in response to an inquiry, Issued a statement J•yinc Burier wu on the recdving. 1b>e WI NW>n and "Photos were taken by various photographen with many of the guests Including mtn1berJ or~ o1 boUI parties, '""1e chief justice had not met Mr. Holton prior to that day nor ainct," the statement added. Spivak chlrg!d 'The Re. publican National Committee's publlcaUon of Justice Burger's photograph In a political con· ? • that you no longer need but someone .1.. c•n UM for NOT ? ? • OVER ? $50 ? ? YOUR ANSWER: 3 You call THE DAILY PILOT, a\k for Cl11tlflecf Advertising, 1nd pl•c• a PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIFlliD AO AT OUR Sl'ICIAL L9W RA TE LINES 2 TIMES 2DO LLARS ANO YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I DIAL NOW DIRECT! I • tell is a rather "'"" explol· 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 : taUon of the chief justlct to _J the United States for narrow IYen tr.. H•rtt. CoMty 141·12J:OJ partisan pu~." .............................................. , .... • \ .. Negroes NU1onRenewsPle~ r . ~ lnH~1abWins For Su~·klx :Ac·twn } ~ama . · . E'~AW Al WASHINGTON (AP~ -"' , a. CUP!) -. Nepoes wm control o1 the President Nbiotl has reached a..... c..o~ Cammh11jm Ir.om 11a11 ... ., around. the IDd IChool board Tuadly In a -Id In ao auemO. • apectal elecllmh Necn> leodon -·~·· Iha •· lnr;. haUtd Jt .. 111e1r grWeal •IOQ> P·--~ute w ex- lion triumph In recent years. taodlnc tbe lncClme surin. In The county becomes the ""1ger \r dyln1 al nildnlabi ftrat In the IOtllb &lnco Thu~. ' ~tnlctlon with both the Vice P..stdenl S)!lro T. ainu_nlaalon and Ute · IChool •-aaid -~·•........., bolril dominlted by Negroei. ...~~ ' ...,.. ~ Greene county offidals said had been in communication the lllx Negro candldala, with wllb N-In '!halland. The an unoltldll tolal ol •.110 PrWdent "II dee~ly con- voting. hid margins of from 18 -~ b ilJ:! of the lo Jiit V<Jtes. N-mate up ~·-y the 1n111· y -t lwo-lldrcla of the .... Senate "' act and htjury pculmately 8,000 voters on thUI threatens to ' e Ye r y. :a G~ County rolls. citizen," Agnew slid. ~ ''It looQ like a bad day for "He int.ends to discuss these mlnlst.raliou. T)e Democ·~ ,Greene County," Probate aatdtheirpropoulwoold~ Judge Dennis Hemdoa told maUen frankly and fully wtih the Senate time to work 00 me caner after all the boxes the American people upon bis were in. "All the white cm-return Monday,.,. lbe vice broad tax reform bUJ w · did .:... •~ and all ••-y say must ac----::.1• •-_,, tbe colored preSdent went on. An aide '"c ........ po.11,1 candidates won." aald NW:lo mig.bt 10 00 radlo conUnuance of the surta.z. • "We have come up out of and televllion at that time to And the Democrats turned EiYPUand. Thi! brings us to a the screws tighter by an-new day," declared Hoee.a get the public behind him. Williams, an official of the Prior to the statemeot by Douncing they would not con. Southern Chriltlan Leadership Agnew. who canceled a West sider a 15-day extension of th.• Confe--"W• •-vo -·~ paycheck wlthhol"1"" rate.a ·~... ~ ~a· Coast , ............... na11oemeu\ ..,.'6 td tllU: sptem ~violently by t--• ~-which the House 1pprov~ inlegralian." klday "' be 00 band "' f'lht Tuesday. Williams, the Rev. Ralph !0< extension, the surtax ap-1---'-----~ David Abernathy, SCLC ptts1. peared the probable victim ol dent,1 and Dr. John Cba.s1n, a Democrat.GOP S e o a t e cbalrmao of the splinter Na-deadlock. Uooal Democratic Party of '!be temporary utemlcm ol Alabama, came lo Eutaw Sun-payroll withholding rala · day in an effort to get Negroes eluding the turt.u expi..ru at "' the poU.. midnight Thursday. and both "I thinlc you would have to sldu in the disprte a&1"' ii call this the most important this happens it will be very Can you eut all day and ,till lose weiqht? ,,,, • election in recent years In the difficult to rnive the WEIGHT&. south," Abernathy said. "It surcharge. '4:llP,: has the potenlial of being The Sen ate Democratic \ l /ATl(HERS. vastly more significant in the Policy Committee held !inn Y Yt\I, • lives of -not just Negroea, TueSday on lt.s proposal for a Some tilldng, some listening and" l;lu.t everyone -than Ou.des fiv~onth uteosioa of the 1 progrim th•I works. •• , E'{.tn" election 11 fDl10r al surtai:. rather than the cne-rm llOCHUH-CAU w.ssos 1 FIY.<U.. Mill." iiiiiiiii.iyuriii.iplan~iiol::.il~biei.~'d~· ~'~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil I • WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE HUIDREDS OF ROLU OF TOP QUnrtY CARPET Ill 01 SALE THIS WEEI , We mutt make room for new orders arriving soon. All oclvertised carpet in stock for fast delivery. BANK TERMS SAVINGS ARE GREAT GREATEST VALUES EVER! YOU MUST BE EARLY FOR THESE! -100% DUPONT I 00% CONTINUOUS NYLON PIU FILAMINT NYLON PILE Long, deep, plush P.ile lmur" long High-low tip aheored luxury. Deep and plush looking in a sculptured de1ign. wear ond luxury. Double jute back. Must M• rhi1 1o opprec:ial• tru• value/ Available ln four be1t Mlling color•. Double jute bock. 3 colors in stock. Reg. 6.95 Solo 3'~,. Reg. 7.95 Sal• 495 ~Yd, CARPET ONLY CAIPfT ONLY COMMIRCIAL TYPE 100°/o KODEL TWDD PILE 100" contin"°"' filament nylon pile in long plush akog in 3 dk'OfotOf colors. on all locp con1truction, Hord wearing, Avocado, gr .. n, 90ld. Thi1 b top qual• easy to cl.an, S.v.,-ol Populol'" colon to lty ttard wearing ma;. This won't laat choose from. bCH1bl• I~• bac_king. at thi1 low price. R'f. S.95 Salo 264 leg. 7.95 Sale s•! .. ~. Y ... CAltPfT ONLY CARPET ONIY SPECIAL PRICES On hundreds of top quality remnants. All sires to choose from. Up to 20 ft. long. Wool, nylon, acrylic, polyester. All fibers ond colors. SA VE UP TO 60°/o HOURS : ...... ,._..,, M. .. 1120 '""• ...... Set. N:OO kft. 12..S One llock s..th ., Weni•r UING YOUR ROOM MEASURIMlNTS SANTA ANA • l Sake It To Me? s'amptiDg the sake in a Japanese teahouse in this stene from "Sunday in New York" at the Long Beach Playhouse are. (Iro1n left) Ron Filian, Randy Keene, John Eagle and Madeline Drake. Lending the native charm are Bernard Simon and Carol Jones. ~ .. :Ii• • Many ,•~p~. Slatetl -. . ' Next Lunar ~i,s~ions Critical Effort~· -l . . • ' By AL ROSSITER JR. knowledae, NASA cooalders rdloctor. Conrad 'and BW> UPI Space Writer c<lfttindfd !kploraUon cl. the wjll deploy 1 mare ad•anced SPACE CENTER Houslon moon bnportant lo~ Ill ..-oter power.ti fot day- ' UPI) _ The nigh!' of ApoU poltntial for expoitaUori ol Ill nlpit operat!oa by • nuclear \ 0 natural resources and as a &enel'll« and lelve bebJnd 11 was to moon ei:ploraUon bast-for futw-e sdent1t1c and three new experiments -a what America's first Mercury space operations. magpetometer, 1 device to flight! were to earth orbital And more important to monllor gas partic:JlS stream· operaUons-the begiqnlng. man's future e1ploratlon of Jng from the. sun alld an in- Tbe goal of Neil A. Arm· the solar system, the moon sb'W'nent to meuure charged strong and Edwin E. Aldrin will serve aa a trainina ground partieles around the moon. was lo pr.o.v:e..tbat man.Jndeed for voyqes.Jo the planet.&. OJ:HER PLANS U Apollo 12 Is as successful can land on the moon. walk its "It ls difficult to look far surfa~ and return home. This ahead," said Dr. George E. tbey did. Mueller, usociate NASA ad· Like man's early probings of ministrator. "We can only as ApaUo 11 was, Apollo 13 f may be dispatched to 1 sheet earth orbital space, he musl r advance gradually ln his ex- ploration and exploitation of the moon , taking one step al a lime. N£W5 ANAL YI IS The National Aeronautics and S pace Administration speculate today about lhe (NASA) has the ne11:t nine feasibility or the moon as a moon steps already mapped@for an ~bservatoi;y or a out. They lake advantage of permanent science station. man's increasing confidence of "The eventual goal of a operating in the lunar en· unar base would bring into vlronment, and In modut ex-focus the steps that must tensiona of the capabilities of precede it, just as Apollo was his equipment. important in establishing the objectives of Me r e u r y, FlRST STEPS Gemini, surveyor and Orbiter. For his first steps, man i.~ "Critical to future con· of mountain debris known u the FRA Mauro formation In the lunar hJghlands, on the edge of the Sea of Rains. Apollo 14 may be the first to attempt a landing: In the cratered highlands, on the fiank 'of the crater Cemorinus 100 miles southeast ol the Apollo 11 landing site and on lht northwestern edge of the Pyrenees Mountains. The Apollo 13 and I 4 mis,,ions, under preeent plan- ning, would be the first to ex- plore the rugged highland areas that cover much or the moon, and their results should tell scientists if the moon 's mountains differ from the seas in composition as well a~ topography . "Then after those kind of ,. At the Cape He Beat All the Odds using the crudest equipment to sideration of a lunar base goal solve the biggest mysteries. is information on the lunar en- For later JJtisaion&, he will vironment, locaUon of natural have better tools a n d resources and strategic sites spacecraft ol greater duraUon that C1Juld serve multiple to find answers to more detail-purposes. cd questions. "A long-range goal like the "It's a paradoi: really, but lunar base would dire ct ,. it's always true In ex-technological ad van c e s . landings," Foss said in an in-Nicky Morrison. 9, Huntington Beach, listens as his great uncle , Rep. George terview, "we start talking E. Brown Jr. (D-Monterey Park) makes poinL Nicky, son of Mr. and Mrs. about things we like to do that Patrick Morrison, 9022 NJguel Circle, Huntington Beach, was guest of bis are much more grandiose-In areas where there are specific great uncle for Apollo 11 launch. Nicky says he would rather be an astronaut . I. n Creati"ng Theater ploration," said Dr. Ted R. Stimulale publi c lnleresl, and Foss, chief geologist al the attain subsidiary objectives ~ manned spacecraft center. with earth application such as _ The availability of better food synt.besis, environmental ,LONDON (UPI) -They other small community -&r · · _ _. 1 1 · h l ghed equ1pm~l l!I 11\11. 00 ar in t e control, and recovuy ol useful ' u when Bernard Miles even underground -theaters f 1 By 197! NASA h u ure. . opes elements from rock." !iftJ. down in his ruined are plain. to be able to have the four-leg- "fclttbouse and said : "1.'hi& is P.1iles, once best known (or ged lunar module modified lo BASIC STEP 'l}Y new theater·" cornball monologues in the i1tay as long as three days on Man's first basic s t e p ~t todliy the th eater lhat guise of a country bumpkin. the moon -~ompared to the toward such an objective was tile warehouse became -the wanted to return to the l8th 22 .hours spent by Apollo 11-taken last week w b e n lnnaid -· ls JO years old, and 19th ~ntury tradition or and to equip its crewmen (or Armstrong, A Id r In and d·still going strong. It is an the actor-manager. There wal ks lasting a total of 18 Michael Collins established complisbrn,ent or more, than were good reuons lO years hours per man. and inhabited Tranqulllily al significance. ago far thinking him 'mad. Armstrong &nil Aldrin could Base for 21 hours and 3ff Not merily for' the ptays For·one th\Jlg, television just venture no farther than 100 minutes. h have streamed 'out of then was 's I au I ht er Ing yanb a-om their spacecraft. Th.e next step will come in Mermaid io Hollywood *°d legftimatc and movie theaters and they didn't even go that November or December when dway as well as London's in London in wholesale' lots. far. Crews in two years should Apollo 12 astronauts Charles I' es l En d -plays from For another'. Miles -M.nted a hive a moon scootir to carry Conrad, Richard F. Cordon IAUie" to the current Broad-community tlleater -this Is them and their gear oh three-and Alan L. Bean set out on an ~y hit "Hadrian VII." the heart or London, where mile traverses across the expedition to a flatland on the tAnd not merely (OT the community spirit is about as lunar surface. The f o u r. 0 th er side of the moon 's ent Miles and the Mermaid slrong as tissue paper. For ye:t wheeled, ~pound vehicles is e:arth·facing hemisphere. on scovered or encourag~ -another . he wanted to abolii1h now under development al the the Ocean of Storms. Ursl production was old theatrical· convention&, do Marshall Spate Flight Center Their mission, scheduled to t signed by Sean.Keiiney. who away with the picturti-frame at Huntsville, ;-\la. begin Nov. lit, will be similar s since lakelY even wortd stage, mix ac19r and audience Later lnoon explorer' may t.o Apollo ll's with one big ex· irs in his stride, and had inextricably -and this was 10 have more ~isticated lunar ception -the Apollo 12 ez- usic by Lionel ;Bart. wbPJe years .ago.. · rovers for 'more dist an t plorers will carry an advanced liver!" swept. uP this y6i"s'' Somehow he Per s u 8 d c d surface expeditions, and they geopHysical e 1 per i men t ademy Awards. buninesses in the Inner City of may even have little flying package to be left on lhe Its signi(icance is in its birth London lo help finance con-maChlnes to take tbem on ng.s arwJ iri what Miles bas verting the ab a o done d short hops to areas of interest . m'.:1~strong and Aldrin left ade d... the Mermaid in Its Thames-side warehouse al Besides the obvious benefits t w 0 experiments behind, 1 ade of Ure. The lessons for Puddle Duck in to a barnlike. to be gained in international moonquake detector powered bare-bones theater. Passersby leadership and s c I en ti f i c by solar cells and a laser "bought" individual bricks for:l~l-:;;;:;;;ii;;ii;;~=§§§§§§§::ii;;ii;;ii;;ii;;~ ' t a baU-crown e a c h . Con-CSlJllIDS er 1r;bui;ng companies got thdr names on au honor roll still -PACIFIC - t o Produce displayed. Brick-buyers got lo autograph (he;, bnck• ~Cl I~ I. jf :f:~ ,, f\fermaid shows were timed --• •• _ ••• -·-. d Co } ' for the tired businessman -a d up e performance jusl alder oflice hours and anothtr later in the. »A three-act comedy by evening. Miles incorporated a testminster Players, Neil riverside restaurant timed to tlmons "Odd couple" revolves mat.ch performances. He stag· froond the hect.ic li ves or two ed I u n ch -ti me shows eompletely different divorced calculated to capture an au· ~en trying to Jive together. die nee !or the theater. -ilh one be.ing a mother hen All the tricks worked. Talent lf\d the other a friendly slob. helped keep the Mermaid con- fiiughter fills the audience. tinually interesting -though ! Readinp wUJ be Aug. 2 al 2 P.files never developed one ac--Jm . ;nc1 Aug.3 at t p.m. in ting star and "discovered" te Players theater. located on only a few new playwrights, e mall in the Westmi nster directors and designers. Miles nter. . , shunned th e experimental and k Rehearsals will begin Aug. 9 the avant-garde, and quality f..th product.ion dates set for often sagged . pt. 12, 13, 19, 20, 2ff and 27. But managerial t r1 c k s, The cast inclu·des six men shrewd audience targeting and two women, 30 years old unremitting hard work did the older. Technical and crew job. They gave the Mermaid pie and all actors welcome. a permanent fixture of Lon- irect.or is Larry Tramm~. don's stage. I'm Europe, baby. I Im! you Dutdl Ela .,.._, ~Mu1h ..i R-. Roulette. v .. --w.ww• v ........ r1w11zs. Mowwm even. Pl.US RIOTOUS CO.FEATURl e JAMIS GARNIR OLNU-MICIHD.1.NUtM l ".,MllML...acs· M'"'Y Fo"d1 -Cl1udi1 C1r4iift1 l1 "ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE WEST" Pha Joh11 W1y11t ~ Robert Mitchum "EL DORAOO" ' l"ANTAffK: MUSICAL • Oiclt \1111 Dyl.• -Silly A1111 Howei ''CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG" Plui ' "SUBMARINE X • 1" ............. ._..... ........ . ""' AOUL T MOVll. .UOUT • TODo\Y'I t••NAOl•S "LAST SUMMER" Plu1 . "100 RIFLES" f Ht -1111'111., It Wll' Ill Hl'llttN ""lttl IC• ~"'""11111 •r "'""' w ~,.i. .. ...................................... J•ck ltft'!IT\011 -P1!1r l1wlord • "THE APRIL FOOLS" plio Avdr•y H•.f!t11 r11 ...._ Ricli1rd C•1nn1 ''WAIT UNTIL DARK " "..,,."' ...... jJ., Mlflh ............. ._. ............ . Gr••o•y '•c• -Ann H•vw•ed "THE CHAlmAN" )1111 C~1rl•to~ H•1'•" -~Mdy McD•w•ll "PLANET OF TllE APES" """".._.. .... ., ,,..,,... -···········~····· • $175 '"' '-••• -w,11,. ~•' "THE ODD COUPLE" ,1111 rll J•11• Fo11d1 c LO.U "BARBARELLA" N• -""'" II wrn " "'"'"'" 1111i.11 94Clltl ............. ,.,"" ........... 1 .... things that have happened to __ t_h_an_a_c_on_g;;.r_e_s_sm_a_n_. -l-:;iiii;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;~~IOiii~;;;;;;;==;;;:;;;;;~ the moon that have been th e subject or interpretation by M•tlllfft o.11Y 11 1i• · 1 ., moon's ract. ,.._ 111rc1 T"'ra.. •-. various peop e. -.. l h h l d" 1 ,.m.-flrl 111. 1r• d. JJ 1..... ·111e e g t an 1ng. ac· AC'cor mg to Mue er, luo:: '""· 1 '·"'· fifth landing by an Apollo cre.w co rding lo Mueller. Is planned BEST PICTURE is planned near lhe cr~ter Lit-for Sc h rote r ' s Valley OF THE YEARl trow, north or the Se.a of Tran-northwest or the Ocean of 6A qt111Iity, and believed to be an Storms. ti looks as though it AW~ example of dark volcanic out· may have bef:n rormed by · waler. PoUl'JllP. The ninth misiion under ten·. OTHER LANDING lative planning wll be a Ian- Next, under present plan· ding near the Hyginus Rille nlng, will come a landlng near whlch may have been formed the gre11;t crater Tycho which by shifts in the moon's crµst. is located in some ol the most The final mission under the rugged terrain on the moon. It present, lo-f1ight ootline woukl is considered an excellent ex-land two explorers In the great ample of a crater created by a Crater Copernicus whlch is lremendous meteoroid impact. probably one or the best The seventh target site, call· places on the moon where ed Marius Hills, has numerous astronauts have a good chance dome like features that ap-of picking up material ex- pear to have been formOO by cavated by li01ne explosive !,.=~~~~~~~~~===========" volca nic actlvlly . IL is localed force from deep into the\' on the western edge o! the moon. A GIAJIT or A MOVll iii!iiii!iiiiiiii,i,.ii"i"~'iiiiiiii~~ COLUMBIA PICTUREl!I pfl"•••N1• ENDS IUIDIT I D•lll TU.IS. HOMY ,.... _.a... ...... Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are "The April Fools" T ecltrMoolot• l!l Qllt A Ct-"1M<T F11rN f'y_,...iion. A Nalion•t ~I Piawra Rt le.ec. Twenty.four hours In the •life of 1 guy who's reedy for som1thin9. (Isn't She Something?) EVERY FATHER'S DAUGHTER IS A VIRGIN! OR IS SHE? You Must Se• TI11 OralHJ• Canty Prn.-.rl• of "Goodbye, Columbus" "' ''LM flltOM THa NOVIL.LA aY PHILIP lOTH, The Author of th• Now 8Hl Soll"' "POITNOY'S COMPLAINT" • "'G•nulnely lnthn~te l:.ov. Sc•nff"-Tlmc1 Ma1azine • "Rtfr••hln1 To SH"-Ure M&gailne • "Memorettle"-Saturday Review • "IRllEllSTAILl"-New York Tim6 RATIO It -P'•llSONI UNOll• '' NOT AOM ITTID UNLllS WITH P'•ltlHT1 * • BEACH BLV AT ELLIS • * HUNTINGTON BEACH* 847·9608 • S.cend Gro1f Shows • ''O"I HOWL o' A l"ICTU•1• - VAll11TY ,ltOM THe a1• lllOAOWAY LIOIT COMIDY --------· •••. 1:······ ~ · CARL FOREMAN'S ~ MICllDl'l IGLD ............ -PLUS- J1m11 Garn•r in ... ,,.,.,..., .Iii. Leall 1h1rltr H •ATN to1.•i..-.... ""9019--~---..CClll4 ... -"' ...... 1he countdown. is .. ng •• H !lie RM Od1111 tlee1klW. ,,......,.1.1.~ .. will ......... -· 20th Century-Fox prMitnta • liRE•Y PEIH ·llll• .,_ I l \ J , • r Je DAILY l!fLOT ·staying Afloat F.restigious Trophy Sought . ' .: Flotation ~'Fest AiJ.s Saf ety n. recreaUooaJ boating in-' d\lltry bas taken a giant step toward a aru prodUct as a rautt of flolaUon tests coo· ducted la~ June in Fort M,yers, Fla. The test.a, sponsored by Lhe boat test committee of the BoaUng Industry Association, were aimed at determining the beh locations ror not.alion material to insu.rt that boal.S will float upright, even when fUled with water. because. l.bey don't have this kind of room in most of thelr present destg~ Thompson said. PROVIDE FLOTATION ''Many companies already provide sufficient u p r 1 & h t notation. and eompetltJon and irowlng governmental concern for product safely will un· doubtedly prompt even more firms to make the changes necessary to achieve it." Thompson added. Jle said upright flotation ls especially important in saving lives in cold water areas, and that regard1ess oI water temperature. the customer isn't as likely lo lose all his loose gear in the event or a The committee -made up ol engineers from 13 firms, plus the BIA staff -tested four basic hull shapes -nat bottom, semi·vee, deep vee, and multihull . 1be boats were loaded to their recommended capaclUes with both live and simulated I o a d s . and meaaured quantities ol foam flotation material w~s shifted to various parts ofr the boat hulls. mishap. SWAMPED AND STILL UPRIGHT -flotation City Plan~ BIA has had a flotation tests by the Boating Jndustry Association~ Showed standard in its engineering need to keep foam flotation as high as possible in manual for more than a the boat if tl is to float upright when swamped. decide. An upright flotation Photo shows strips of foam lashed to gunwales. TEST DISCLOSURES The-lt:sl! disclosed that ·a boat should contain enough flotation material to support $0 pe.ret.nt of the live load. with at least haU or the material located along the sides as close to the gunwales as possible. This will insure good st.ability, even if the boat is completely swamped, tht engineers found . There was no marked di f (er e n c e in swamped, stability due to hull aize or shape. Committee chairman Granl Thompson ol Cruisers. Inc., said the g r o u p ' s recom· mendations call for slightly more flotation materia1 ·than BlA currently recommends, but that wider industry ac· ceptaoce is anticipated because of these tests. "There is no problem with these .stiffer .requirements in bigger boats ; they have planty of room along the sides for more foam. MUers d small fiahing boats wiU have some difficulty complying simply standard firs t appeared in la.st year's edition and was follow· ed by an In dust r y.wid e engineering conference on the subject in Chicago last Sep- tember. Concurrent with the flotation tests. committee members also experimated with a series ~ests designed to reline the BIA formula for s a f e horsepower capacity of small fish ing boals. Test courses for larger boats were too easy. the committee fell. because craft st.eered with an outboard motor handle can turn much more abruptly than those with sleering wheels. SHOWED NEED r, The .tesiS" showed' the need -for several different avoidance co~s, and will probably resl.GJ in a down-rating of flat· b0ttom.1>o1,t! '\Qen analysis or test data Is completed Flat· bottom b08ts -such u john boals -tend to skid in tight tu~1_ but can get alone on smaqer m~ ~1'C they ·offer ,leu 1e1ist.ance to the waler. Boat Spending Ris~ . Despite 'Money,.rinch' Jf consumers are cutting pcrfor~rs of the model year back on speriding, it's yet to thus far: . be. fe ll by lhe manufacturers 1 Outboard motors -running . down. l.8 percent In unlts but of boating equipment. up 1.6 perctnt in factory The monthly s h i P m e n t va lue -due ·Primarily to de- report. o~ the Boaling lnd~stry mand for larger, more cx· A.uoc1at1on and the National pj!nsive mot.ors . Auociation o( Engine and Boat ti1anufacturer1 shows U3,00G SOLD that the factory value of Outboard boats -10.a per- boats. motors and lrailers cent ahead in units and 21 per- shipped in the first three t't!nl ahead in factory value. quarters of lhe 1969 model Some 233,000 of these craft year is running 16.2 percent were sold last year . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Honor for Japan Sailor, New Yacht to Defend OAKLAND (AP) -A 23- year~ld Japanese flSherman, who said he "really didn't know where Oakland was ," will be honored Tuesday at a America Cup Planned Robert W. Ml'Cullough or Riverside, Conn.. conftrmed that he is the head of a syn· dicate which will develop and campaign a new lZ.meter yacht in the 1970 defense of the America's Cup. The as yet unnamed defenst candidate is being designed by Olin Stephens and will be built by Robert Derecktor of Mamaroneck. N.Y. Stephens was the designer of three other Cup defenders. Columbia in 1958, Constellation in 1964 and Intrepid in '1967: McCullough said tank tesls at Stevens Institute i n Hoboken, N .J. have prir Ausn·alian Yacht Nears Bay Title SAN FRANCISCO I AP) The Aust r a Ii an yachl Toogooloqwoo IV tied a besl- of-seVen series at J.3 Monday as lhe Seattle sloop Goose was disquaJIJjed, setUng the stage f0r the decidi.ni race Wed· nesday morning. The Goose, which had held .a 3· l lead before the Aussies \\'On Sunday, trailed for much of Monday 's 12 .9-mile race on San Francisco Bay. Halfway through the race . the Goose overtook "Toogie" and with four miles lei\, the six-meter yachts were even. gressed lo the point that the luncheon for sailing his small syndicate believes a superior yacht 6,000 mile.s along across design can be developed by the Pacific from Oakland's the Ume construction must sister city o( ~ka. begin in late September. Ryusu ke UshutPl'a tied up Target .dale for launching will his 24-ofot Th~~ Jack be April l, 1970. London Square Sat~8y after The syndicale itseU has an . a{l 86.day triR and reCeived the unconventional .. name. It will key to the 0i:1tY trJn Vice be known by the boat's sail M numbers _ 12/iJS 24 ayor Joshua Rose. George R. Hinman-of Port He would have arriveJ Washington, N.V., manager of 1·earller the youth explained the relatively lirge sy~ca~ ~rough an interpreter, but he of prominent East Coast and spent three days off ttie Great Lake.s yacht.sinen, in-Golden Gate waiting for "a dicated that Sl,lffJclent funds hole in the fog." have been r;Used t(J launch the Then he tied up at San Fran-- project, but~ addiUonal con--cisco's Fl.Sherman's Wharf for tributor.s were expected to join an overnight stay befo:·e the group and a complete list Oakland city officials escorh·d of sponsors would be an-jim acrsos the bfly. nou ced at a later dale. , The jovial, long-ilaircd youth laughed when aske<1 about !he 18 Qualify For Sabot -,. • Regatta greeting he carrie.1 from Mayor Genzo Abe Fukook'll. ''I tell you,'' he sai1!. "Greetings -and please takl! good care or Ryusukl! Ushi-- jima." Ushiiima, who expects to re- main here a month, said he weqt )hrrugh three storms and th-Ought "many times" !ha;: he Eighteen Harbor Area Sabot wouldn't make it. sailors qualifitd for the na· The youth arrived a day tional championship •regatta after Sh~ Sites Adams, a which will be held at Mission 39-year~ ousewife from the Bay Aug. 9-10. San Diego area·. became the Topping the list of local first woman to sail alone sal~ors was Nina Niel.sen of across lhe Pacific. Newport Harbor Yacht Club. lie left Fukuoka May 6 and The elimination series was sailed a northerly route. held at Newport Harbor Yacht His craft was flying an Club and Lido Isle Yacht Club American flag on its mast and ~1onday and Tuesday. the Rising Sun at ils stern PREDICTS RECORD Robert Woodward ~ Collegiate Team ... 2 Newport Sailors .. ·Now All-American$ ' Three Newport B e a ch sailors we.re named on the 196U9 AlJ.Amerka coUege sailng team a1111o•mce1f by the lnercollegiate Yacht Racing AISOCiatioo of North America. The Newport Sailors were Tim Rogan and Argy l e CampbeJI of USC, both of whom made the all-star team for the second consecutive year, and Chris Seaver of Yale. . ., Johnson, Princeto n ; R. DuBose Joslin, U.S. 9'aval Academy; Richard MeytzTosc Jr.. New York Mai;j_Ume Academy ; Step h e n 0. Milligan, MIT: Daniel'• N. Rugg lll, Navy and .<Chis Seaver, Yale. ·• The young sailor! will ha\·a their names enshrined irr the College Sailing Hall of Fame being establiJhed at the •U.S. Naval Academy at Annai>olls. The Hall of Fame stems fNn1 a recommendaUon of " the Hogan and Seaver are prir Fales Committee, an advisory: ducts of Newport Harbor board composed of inter~ Yacht Club's junior sailfug nationally known ya,chtamen program and Campbell came who named the body in bonor up through the ranks of of the late DeCoursey Fales, Balboa Yacht Club's junior for many year! owner .. and program. skipper of the ocean.ra~ Hogan was also awarded the schooner Nana. who took a Everett B. Morris Memorial great interest in the senrlce Trophy for the n ation 's academies -especi al l y Space for the Southern outstanding collegiate sailor. Anapolis and Kings Point.,. Space Going Fast for Boat Show California Marine Association He was the secood USC sailor __. J1AeR: OMtT ....,.....,. • 1111 tt. from Newport to get lhe['~RYl(l Sailboat Show, Oct. 24 to Nov. coveted award. It was won the!' 2 is more than &5 percent sold, year before by Scott Allan. l'Clialli aceording to Bob Woodward, Two other Southland sailorsl.' chairman. were named on the All-Amer-... ~'l'~;,_g~t!ij The even l is the first in· ican team. 1bey wett Edward dustry sponsored all-sailboat o. BuUer and 'Ibomas w. show and will be hel d at the McLaugblio, both of San Diego Long Beach Arena. state. Woodward, who recently In June BuUer a n d headed up the most successful ~!cLaughlln won San Diego Southern California Boal Show State's second consecutive in SCMA's history, is equally ICYRA·NA dinghy crown with flCtMCGt.OfPMtllMllON"_...,J optimistic about the sailboat USC's Campbell and Hogan as ,_....a....,... _'r. show. runners-up. ''\Ve will have the cream of Others chosen on the team the industry's exhibits, plus were 'I'homa$ E. Bernat~ some fascinating seminars on U.S. Coast Guard Academy; subjects sailboaters are In-Davld M. C.Oit, Yale; John terested In." said Woodward. Dane Ill, Tulane; Richard T. Woodward comes we 11 • Doyle, Notre Dame; RObert E. equipped to head up'• sailboat . ..:llo=oy::l•:..;..:H.::•::rv.::•::"':::':....:.A:::ndl:• ::"'.::· _:L:,2. '========== show. A member of Balboa1· Yacht Club. he has a wide background in sailboat racing. including the Transpac. New England, Pacific Northwest; Northern California and local Southern Calilornia races. Crossword P111.zle ACRO~S 44 Small child: Yesterday's Puzzle Solved: Var. higher than in the same period Hooseboats -28.S percent list year. The period includes gain i11 units and 62.3 percent the peak volume months of gain in facotry value. Sales of March, April and May. these craft -which cost near- Heading toward the finish line near the Golden Gate Bridge, the Goose pulled in towa rd the San Fralfeisco shore, and ils skipper. Brian Wertheimer, called out for sea room . Others qualifying for the na--when be sailed into Oakland. tionals in order of finish were It is equipped with a four- Dennis Durgan. B a h i a hoursepower engine, which he Corinthian Yacht Club; Gordo did not use, but has no radio Johnson and King .Humann , transmitter. ;===========;! Balboa Ya cht Club; John Ushijima said he had notl McCune, NHYC; Rug o deeided how to get back to Schmidt and Burdick Ray. Japan, but added that he LIYC ; Curt Weiss, RI ck hopes lo leave the boat in the Flamson and Dougal Johnson. care of city officials. 1 Toot it "' ~· ,,. 4S Californ ia peak ly SIS.000 each -should near DEFINITE TREND the 4,000 unit mark in this '"Ibe trend is definitely model year. toward a larger. more lu1-Mrs. Napie r noted that urioos boat with a bigger boating appears to be dra .... ·ing mot.or to push it and a bigger a larger share of the recrea· trailer to carry it." observed \Jona! dollar than ever before. Marianne Napier, BIA market "\Ve are no longer selling researeh m&nager. '·Boat ship-just the fisherman and the ments are running 8.1 percent competitive sa ilor." she said. ahead of last year in units, but ''The camping boom has the factory value is twice that helped boating because people -15.9 percen1," she added. are buying small boats to Mrs. Napier estimated that complete their outdoor rec- manufacturers have shipped reation package. 1lle fisher. boats. motors and trailers man is finding that by buying worth more than $900 million a larger boat he can still fi sh, at retail since the model year and the rest of the family can began last September I . Sh~ enjoy skiing, cruising or skin· cited the following stand-out diving. MIWNIT I ll.tit -"' 1-. ••l••N• .. t•k• lM• lot. -Oii. M JM E~•. Show Starts 7 p.m. Continuous Sat. & Sun. From 2 p.m. FREE PARKING HELD OVER f!NAL WEEK He has a wife. She has a husband. With so much in common they-just have to fall in love. "The April Fools" -... MA.IOI NA.TWiii - fttP* Tht ·uflli c'tfi4J1{, 466Mi" ' . STAltTS NIJCT WfDNl!!'SDAY -EXCLUSIVE "CASnE KEEP" Len Esdaile. skipper of Toogie, tacked and came about. but the Goo.sc didn't follow through with her rt· quest by also tacking. Instead, a rules committee: determined, the Goose con- tinued ahead in still water. while Toogie got caught in a flood tide in tbe middle ol the bay. . . The .illegal maneuver allow-- eel the Goose to cross the finish 2 minutes and 50 seconds ahead of the Aussies. ·Esda11e explained that he pulled to the center of the bay, hoping for more wind. when he saw that the Ameri can boat did oot intend lo come about_ BYC : Clif,f Wilson, NHYC : The Son of a potter. Ushi· Vickie Lohman and Carol jima said he· had been prepar- McCord, BYC ; Clark Pothoff, Ing four Years for the trip. He LIYC; David Johnson and brought with him a 200--day Mike Thorne, BYc: Tim supply or food and water. O'Reilly anrl Nick Boone, 1;::::::=:==========JI NHYC. Altemaleii are F' I e l c h e r Beach, BYC ; Philip Brown, NHYC and Curt OIJon~ BYC. Winner of the consolation flight was Lori D u 1i I a n : BCYC, and nmnerg.uf were Vickie Call, NHYC and' Jamie BedaJJ1 BCYC. : There were Tl starters in the etiminaGon aeries. CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M. -Fre• Parking- HILD OYD DU N JONI' "THI LOYI IU•" Pfltl 2llf H-l'" .. tYn OISNliY'I ''GNOMIMOlll r' Wiii! WA'-Tll ••tNNAN C91111olwn Dl'!J l:ll PM. -1(931' ~- NATIONAt. G!NEl'A\. ~TOf Fiiieti!!!! .. °'919 ,.,...., ......... -.ins ACllS OP fllE PARKIN• ,OPIN AT 6145 SHOW STAlTS 1 P.M. NOW SH.OWING "STILElTO" . . win Al•x Cord Britt Ekl'and ... Ja.on Robirds · • Bilff Ekl1nd •• "THE NIGHT THEY RAIDED MINSKY'S" IT'S HERE! The Most F•nfasniagoric:al Musiul Entertainment In The History Of Everything! 3 BIG ATTRACTIONS SHOW TIMES 0 Evenin91 7:00 .. 9:30 MATINEES S1turd1y I Sunday 2:00 I 4:30 ~··'a!' ....,~,·~~ .. ,,,,.. ....... "' ~· WALT DISNEY ,....... WALTOISNE\"_.. "THE lllCREDIBLE JOURllEY " 800GER ·TAO· LUA.TH -' "' 1 • -Also- W•ll Disney's "WINNIE THE POOH And The BLUSTER DA Y" I I ' . M •UP'I • ... ""'"""' -· ........... _, """ tf0,1 111 ........ .... , .......... 5 Pouncr 10 11,.lh or fH:ling 14 An emotion 15 ·-· rosa..: Rtd ocher 1' Rl•tr bant 17 Evrnt not dut to bt rtpealtd 19 Pt rt, lo USA: Abbr. zo Rousf'·into 1cUon 21 Matts unhappy ZJ Mi tes lt 'lt'I z• Giv1 up tttt gh ost 27 V1111ch for offlcially JO Admit IS I lllt lllbtf )4 lil1~e pre· p1r1tions 35 Antlqu 1lrd 37 A91ln's partner JI Knock 39 Drain si t In ship's deck 41 Olglt 42 E. Hr11l-- spht rt island; Abbi. 4l Lraf on 1 n1Uon1I 1119 .. .. 47 In th t rnosl distant past 50 Afttr th r fashion of: 2. words 51 Wilt 52 Girl In an Aussie so ng 56 Attack viol!ntly bO Kind of !lass bl nttrvt ning spa ct '4 '\-·-ls money" b5 In harmony: 2 words '' Ptrfect place '7 l end an tit '8 Tilltd "' Takt livt ODWH 1 S1111.ll l1111p 2. Solitlry ' 101111ntind 4 TV progra.111 5 Ktpl for lattr ust 'Ha¥ing lrr- qut nt rains 1 SCrlJI I Red cuprilt and iron pyrite 9 Th t Gtrden of Edrn 7 113016• 10 Old work on l b Weapon lht hi91lw1y 3' Srnsr " 11 lemon's 40 --·-···bacon rel ative .C4 Tc.ut 12. National, •H1 Wrnt to !ta Western or 48 "Tht llbes e Canadian Thal·~r-'' ll Strious 4 9 AtcOU'ltllrt'1 confll cts conctm 18 lns tcts' 52 ln,tcl abodt 51 C1p--:· 2l Lunch From ht1d counttr 10 loot: . 24 AcrobaHc 2 words antic: 54 Bring un'~tr 'Z words caotrol 25 Ustd an 55 Archlltc• orfict tural pier 1cctssory 57 Dlpl0111t'1 Z7 "---In asslst1nt Par is'' 51 Frm.fn f\Wlds 28 S1nt1----59 Pr t--Eastltf 29 Garmtnts pHlod ll Rl!lllOVt ropH '2 lln's 12 -··tour nickna111t 33 AYia{ 'J Co111p1s1 soun fOlnt ' .. • " ' ! I I c e I, I. ' • • • . " < ' • ~ ·. ' " • d • • ~ y L l I j • r " • . • \ I --------~--~------------ ~~·;~Arrested n:.i:!L~ iiob'1' ~· Jo -BLYTHE IAP) .t\mother ·Qf a a.year-old boJ .,. r lbund chalned inslde ~ pacldllf .111.-~ate lrl a. desert commune . r.:.o.~near Blythe has been jailed Oll , ' ~~1.~splcion ol contributing to the ;a111ftklinquency a! her son. nntz:.~1eanwtiile, the c h'i' d 1 ·~ "8lthony Saul Gibbons, Is recuperating at a rectlving :It t/ome in lndio. He ls~ in &Ood b •t kirvt,·u...., and "doln& ilne " v11~rr·-..... ' i\ii1~ Ri""slde Courtti Proba. '>ii Ion Depertmenl apolesmon. , ~ · ~ .; ·M'rt. BeVer1r June Gibbons .. 36, of Vidal, Wl:'J arru!~ ln . , -;"7r-l-=c'·Jll-...,.fA: Blythe Tuesday wldle lllkln.~ · ....L.lfV\.,.., f .. 7-30 to Jeffrey Thomas FlyM, %%, 1-..:•:_ __ ..::,. _____________ _. identified by police !IS a , • "~arlez·voua craa1?-~"" ~ ?',' member of the commuM'. I ·Bridge Opens Soon • Gas Tax ~· ,To Prop On Aug. I Violence , Continue8 ' 'Tu · Fresno • W-1. Ju~ 30, 1?69 DAJl.Y fllt.DT ¥ 'Men!i~ ;\dnaltJ Tax Reform Plan Probably Bur-ie<! ·, SACllAMENJ'O (AP!' -FRESNO (Ap) -~le ~·~-If~·· -~--···· N•U violence -· out !be ,...,. ~ ~·· "-~~ ~ ed Ina U bl k ·•• M SACRAMENTO (AP) Reagan's Ju relonn pqrom Into ·--lee ,fi'ilooa atartln& pr om. . n Y ac, -ti· -.. • Jean-American st1Cti0nl o l Even Republican Assembly Ir dead for 1• -battll\( a Sept. 1, .they I be pleased to west Fresno (or the. 1hlrd Speaker. Robert T. Monagan leglslaUve miracle . learn they're pay Inc a peMy • 1traighl nlgbl Tu...S•Y. wes ,ad milting '°'l'Y. lhat Gov. Wllh lbe lqilllwre -llll gallon les.s for aasollne. . Police reported at least for adjourment' of thf ltllloa GoV. Re 11 an antlOURceti .., three store3 wer~ ,firebombed within JO days, Monq.an _ _._ lb t and that Qne man auffered S • S kin Tu-y • emporary ,.., LA E . eunsbot .,...:mc11. no.ens of mt ee g was oskecl .,_, ~,, h I cenl lnct<83e In lbe flll• n JOYS wlndOWI -~· broke11. wbelber lbe .... l'<IU)t Gt I gasoline tu -instituted to Eighteen perioN; were ar· Cl C d • day's aniry m&ne\R'erin& WU pay for repairs to·. ltonn-G" w rested -before iabn was ass re It that Reagan's prized proeram damaged ~5 -will be as ar re.stored to Uk!.. bWb)ed city is dead for lht year. •---' A SI thr months early this mornillfl. OAKLAND !AP) -Siz pro-·-·t's ft~I," be -i· '. ..."Yr-u,g. ' ee LOS ANGELES (U~I) - A t ()(£leers said the trouble iwa • ..,, •vr ied ·'·ad of -•~ It feasorl and II students from ...__ GOP I ·•· f ..__ """" """'~u ' b dri th · '--"'e out tonow1111· a meeUn& 11n:: e~r rom ··-1 -·l ill --~·-· th I gas war u ven e price Ill'"" • the Univers.itv of California's , .... w i'U..IU\.-c e evy oi ethyl gaaoUne u tow as 30.t ti the.convention cenltr called Y pointed oul thfit Re.llgan'1 pro. from eight to seven cents per tiy blacks and M e 1 I c a n -Berkeley· campus have tiled gram. inU"Oductd montbl J&'O, gallon. 'Ibe tu has been In ef-ctfllS. a gallon at some major Anlertcans in an effort to suit against the Board of hasn't even been put 00 the feet since June I. oll company statlons in Las «:itablish communicaUons Rea:enla which d e n i e d file for 1 be.arm, tn \be The bill Cf@cted earlier this Angeles. between the two communities. academic credit to a course in AMembly Ways and Means year by ~ 1egillature called And regular is selling for as At . least one window was which Black Panther Eldridge Committee. " for the addiUonal tax for up to broken at the center exhibit Cleaver was a guest lecturer, He pointed out, however, !be little as 27.9 cwts. Tb •· 't filed I sis. mooths and gave the hall. e iawsu1 , n fact of legislative Ille that goveroof ~ power\ to The majbrs say ga soline Police said mobs of Alameda County S,u per Io r "nothing is dead atQIPld here terminate U any lime after the prices have been droppin1 for juveniles and adults roamed Court Tuesday, charged the until adjournment." first monll). two weeks. However. they through the west side and that re1ent.s. acted llleaally when But his co m men l 1 un-.• Flynn. of Vidal, was also jailed .. He was accused of en· dangering the health or life of a child, th e same charges filed prlier against six men and ~ -woinen commune \ne'm· bers, now free on $S,OOO bail . A · Reagan J.s attending the won't saY. whether the price crowds a1sO gathered on the they ruled last Sept. 20 that derlined another (act: lt .-otild S D • '· · T k ' Western G o v e r n o r s Con-will continue to drop . _ downtown mall. Most pf the guest lecturers could only ap-t.ake a turnover ' of miracle an le £1fl.-ns a e ference in Seattle. His an-No ooe seems to know who crowds dlspersed wbe9 police pear once a quarter In credit proportions for the governor's 1 11 ,irellmlnary he11ring ln Uleir ,:~~~se wlll be beld Aug. l}. ~1 • nouncement was m a d e started lhe war, but a Shell 'arrived c:ln the scene. courses. highly publicized plan of tu .J through his oUicc. spokesman says it apparently Shot in the leg In a west side The peUlion claimed · I.tie increases to finance tu redue- ". '.'Politt said they are seeking 'll'J'I!'~ ·'t ?otrs. Gibbons' h us b11. n d . ..... • , ide. He said State Public Works began when one company cut alley was Robert Vinson. 24. regents violated the con-lions for the homeowner to L t, Ferr·-y··. ·. R Director James A. ~ o e Jts price! and the otben1 bad .Vinson sald at least three stitutional rights or students pass the Assembly and the as ' . '.., recommended the early cutoff to cut theirs to stay com-youtlu were~ in the .sang that and faculty, and broke their Senate by the end ol nert • , ,_:d:•:l•:·----·-----~pe=l=iu~··~·~·--------'f=~~ed::....~lht!:c:.....::'b~o~ts~.-~---'-w_n_sta_ndi_._nf=-onl-"'_· ____ w_ee_k_. _______ ~ I. J~s. idenlified as a Los ;11,,f.ngeles County probatk>n of· SAN DIEGO (AP ) -There many a tear Is shed as these -ricer, for further ques tioning. are few sentimental journeys. riders observ~ in sadness the .. .,,., A detention hearing was as many people will attest, to merging of two eras. ~ri: scheduled to d e t e r m i n e equal a moonlight ride on a For a graphic nostaligic 11· ~;i:l}lltletber to return the boy to ferryboat. When the ride is the ' lus'tration, Elsie Berger', a ~ -~is 'parents. Capt. Ronald last ·on the crossirig between native San Diegan who once .,_1:.::ijickmore of the Blythe sher· San Diego and Coronado the lived in Coronado. su1ns It up : :r::·jff's office said he would rec-!lpirit of nos_talgia is something •·ft breaks my heart they're l'ltt: ommend to the co u r•t thal to behold. going off. I have been taking a \'toiAnthony and his sister, Tam· The ve ry thought ol a bridge 'last ride' for a week and ex- .:..;,:niy , II , who also llved at the replacing ferries which fo r peel to continue until the last 11:>noommune, remain under coun-generations have carried peo-ferryboat whistle ends the run ·~'.if ~are. He did oot elaborate. ple -some on businas,.some on Saturday." .-,!oi,; Tan:uny Is with her brother vacationing, some unabashed Mrs. Berger recalls the fer- h1'1<at the Indio home . seekers or ramance -ls so ries when lhere were few cars :il'l!:1.o. Anthony waS found Saturday shocking that there i• a rlslng and the decks were filled with !'I 'tty officers chained by the left cry for al least abbreviated, passengers. Car c I u b s . :.: 4nkle to a heavy :,teel plate in· occasional 'ferryboat runs to organized. and oUierwi.se, were ~ l !~ea wooden crate six feet by continue. commonplace. six feet. But the verdict is in : No ll is much the same 1tory .~ • _Bickmore said the boy more ferryboats after dedica-wherever ferries have bowed med he had been chained lion of the bridge across San to the economic pressure fo r use he set fire ~the cor:n· Diego Bay next Sunday. greater speed and depen- ne's livinc quarters -a So they are throng ing lhe dabillty. But for lhose like -·quonset hut and other ferries for a "\ail ride." Some Mrs. Berger who plead for "at ! CJhakqhift buildlflgs -on are going by daylight. some at least two ferries" to continue . abottt M3y 20. ~ dawn. some in the foggy hours if for no other purpose than to } The bOY 1fid Ue had been and some under the light of provide a tourist attraction, · Ahlil~"'° lot nearly two the silvery moon. Then there there may be some hope. ths. BlckmorJ!'! s a i d are· soroe -an astonishing In San Francisco, for ln- nv's stor')' W,s suppqrteq number,• say -the fe.....,boat slaoce, there i:s talk of i-estor-~-lst.e~ · ' crews -who are aimos'l living ing some of the ferry runs as He' Said '\()rte of the com-on the ferryboats these..past a practical mearu of 'rtducing wune meipbers a.r res ted few days. For them each "last preSsure of traffic congestion Would' ~ve statements about ride" leads to anOther. And on the bridges. the boys treatment. ----------------------1 . -; ' ... \~A / OffiC.e, l~ndicted ... , •· Of Assault LOS ANGELES !UPI\ -A .,\leteran Los Angeles police of· :tfcer has been indlc\'ed for : pssaulting a suspect during a '&earch for a machine.sun. ~,The couaty "gt'aod jury irl- :'illcted Jolm R. Salyer, 30, ·~esday on one count of ~ .. u wilh a deadl~ weapon .and one count of. diiultlng a :jferson in his custodj:"-• · • 1•Salyer. a det~tive·who has 'been on lhe force tigh~ears, allegedly struck Eddie J . Tunstall Jr., Ja, Pacoima, In the face and groin with th.! "Dutt of .. a shotgun· after ,:tunstall allegedly be.came .:abusive and obscene during "questioning. ' • 1 .. Tunst.all was one of about a dozen persons found in an empty Pacoima b u i I d I n a: ,..here an informer reported a machine gun used in a.series ·~of bank robberies was hidden. Orfi~rs found no trace of the flUll· " '':°Collector .. ·Convicted ·LOS ANGELES !UPI) -An b6Verzealous I o a n collet'.!tor ' ·:;taces sentencing Oct. a on \ssaull and aUempted ex - . ).Ornon charges. Rlchan:I J. Garoleo, 39. ncino, was convlcted Tues- Y on two counts each oI #ISiaull with a deadly weapon 't-ftid attempted extortion In ·1 connection with two loans. I A six-n1an, six-woman jury t deliberated for nearly five ~·hours before c on victin g roleo of u.stnc a gun and threats ol bodllJ hc1n In rying to collect nMJne)' Jrpm J.lrs. Beverly B. ~vare, )9; Al Hacker, lo. • Carofto WU ICC1*'d i 'stol wbipplnf Mrs • .am. re In 1067 to C'Ollect tM.,.. A LAST 4 DAYSI l@nne~J Your chiU's ALWAYS S:IR~T QUALITY photograph can 1vin an exciting 52,5()0.00 .. SHOPPING SPREE IN OUR STORE! 1 ' ; ' . . .id! ·, • • And tluU't"jU>I one of th• luind...il. of valuable pri.za an.d gifu totalling *25;000.00 in the 35th Naticnal ChiUlren's PHOTOGRAPH CONTEST! YDU CAii WIN OllE Df TMESl NATlllllAI. PllZU: firsl Priz< " •• '2;500.00 Slwppiar Sfl' .. Second Prize •• ·•1,soo.00 Sh6ppU.,SP,.u Third Priie •• '1,000.00 Slwppiaf Sprff Fourth Prize ••• •S00.00 S~oppin( Spree 50 FifthPrizes,<a. 100.~ SlwppU.,Spreu OR'ONE Of HUffDttlDS 0, U7°L S.YliU IONbl .......... ..,.._ liltms1 H"e 1......il-1 Siopei~ Sp.,.~: ,y.., a p.;d. up charglticcovnttlu.t Jet.: )'W.bay wh1tever you • w&nt.! ·lt't a arM.1 to enler and •Y (o wia. Let.u 1 pbat.Ograpla JM child •ni we'U enter aduplicait in d. Contat at ~o e:rlr chacp. Complete de- 1ails 'Ud n.ilee; ia our M!Ot*lpl. Slddie now. Bi1°lnllooo wli! be ,p-.,1, to .-y , ....... 1. ,_., _,.,,_.,.J._....,... __ ~· . . I ~ SpKial priotlfn~tiuaud pbeitopph ~ F.-e:u.mplr.: OOMnlT' 7 . 4•s Q11e ftlO Cqro.111 WICIAl.t portraitJ •nd Mi w1Tif!t .. in d bon'owed to pOit '8I1 on arljuana and wort" I e • • .-!---r.----------------- eck charges. He alao \fas ' actus«t or threatening '° blow! ·-~J;f ackcr's brains out unless he paid SI0.009 Interest on ··a rul.LlflTOll • o.,,,. .. ,1r c .. 1., ,... ...... 411-44 MVMTllMltOfl llA(H "~ C..i.. ......... M'4'm NIWl'OIT IUCH ....... ltllMI . .,. llelr, WPl* short-term $1~,000 loan in 1968.j ._ ____________________ • !'." • ' THRU SATURDAY ONLY BIG SAVINGS· ON BEST SELLING DINETTES SAVE $141 S PC. WROUGHT IRON PEDESTAL SET IEG.$159,NOW$145 Nofe t~e gracefully curved black frames, tht woodgrain finish choir bocks, the rich 'Concho Red' vinyl print up- holstery !hot wipes cleon easi- ly. Matching woodgrain table extends to 60" with one 17" leaf. SAVE $141 OVAL SET SEATS 7 COMFORT All)'. UG.$129,NOW $115 Tobie mea1ur1s 36"W x 48 "l and extends to 7211 in length ; , ' with two 12' , leav11. 'Choirs art handsam.ly upholttertd u ,.: 1 , I "' \..Oncho Mot.s' pottern viny , • I wi h block f mes. lominafed plci1tic table top hos t111:tt'r1d ook woodgrain finisll. rnc.. Incl_,. 11,n...,, "' "" i.t.i ...... ., ..... 'U.se '•nn•y• Time '•yment 'l•n CANOGA PAR K DOWNEY FULLERTON ""< HUNTINGTON BEAC f. > ' ' LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR SAVE $20! . ' • 7 PC. SET IN 'MEDITERRANEAN' STYLE IEG . $16';·Now$14 9 'Spanish Cvrry' pattern vinyl in gold and avocado contrasts boldly with black wrought iron frames. laminated plastic table top hos texturtd walnut· groin finish for lasting beauty. 42" table extends to 60'' with 18" leaf. NEWPORT BEACH> • VENTURA ' • ' • I • I • I OAll.\' PILOT Wtdnesdly, J(jtr !O, l "'" • Mission Viejo Beef Eric Tulleners (center) of Mission Viejo Future t"'armers sold Ruby. lleser\'c Grand Champion Steer and top"Hereford at 1969 Orange Co un ty Fair. lo thl' Mi ssion Viejo Company. \\1ith Eric and Ruby after the sale arc Richard O'Neill (left). dirc<;tor, and Tommy ;\l itchcll, 1nanager of ~fission Viejo Inn. The 97().pound steer brought $1 per pound. Abuse Japan Curbed-But flo tv? • Ul SANTA ANA llarsh punishment for drug ab11se and a tough narcotics law have produced l5pectacular results in Japan tn practically eliminating drug problems in that nation . So sa)o-s Touru Walanabi. a visitiog Japanese narcotics agt!nt. in the current bulletin at the Orange County Proba- tion Department He wrol'! lhe article with the aid ol Deputy County Probation officer Bill Takahashi. The stim'.ulant drug use problem was strikingly curb~ arter 1951. Watanabi rcoort.s. when the National 0 i el 1Conl{l'essl p~ssed IM Amphetamine Control Law POTENBERG. JR . LIO't'd 14. Po"''ll'"'· Jr., DI Colum· 11U1. W!Kc~ln i.trvke1 wm ~ ~el<! 5•'"1111" ln JOM1 Furw<•I ~om(, Col1Jmb119. Wl:w;a,,.1n P•<lllc View ~· tc.tW11Nilttt •1 .... cron. POTENBERG Wll'"" ll. Poltnllfrv. qi Cclll"'""'· W•IC-ln. $!<'V•Ctl wHI ~ !>Cle! SI!- '""'" In Jone1 Fu~••I 14:..,., Colum-hu•. W'1a>tl'ln. Ptci•k 111 ... MC•l!I••"· fcrwt Nll"' •lrt(IOro. 01..sos L<.ICJll• M. 01-. DI COiumbo.i•. w1 .. , • l ulll ti-"°!Id ~5turdlY '" JD~••' funrr~I Home. C~lu,.,,but. w;Kon1ln. PK lllc' v..... MOt1Ut ...... lGrw11d'"' ll•t•; Drl OLSO~ ro;c•1t"' ,. Ol1011. c' coiumbu>. w ... cc"11" Strylc'' wTTI ti. ~•'n s,1ura .. !n Jc<W• Fun.,•I '\om,, Col11m1>1>1. WIHllMlft "•title V•eW Mor•u•"'· !Of· "''rdlng dlre-i;lc". ARBUCKLE & \VELSll \\'estcllJf 1\1urtuary (%1 E. 17th St.. Costa i\1es a 646-48S8 • BALTZ MOBTUARIES Coron• del 1\lar OR J-9450 Cost• 1\tesa ~II 6-'Z·IZ4 • BELL BROADWAY .\10RTUARY 118 Broadway. Co!la Mesa LI ll-li:l3 • OJI.DAY HK01'HERS Hunti ngton Vallty Pt1ortuary 119!1 Buch Blvll. Huntington Beach 1a-m1 • 1\tcCORPtU CK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1195 Ltguna Canyon Ro11d Laguna Bt.acb 414·9'15 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK CemelA:ry e MariaAry Cloapd 350t Pmtlc 1/iew Drive Newport B<ac~. Calllorala Ul-2711 • PEEK f' A~tlL Y COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME *1 Bllu Ave. Wtsl.mluW m-m5 wijcb decreed harsh punish- ment for users. \Vi:t.anabi, quickly added, '"The Jepane~ ~vernnient would like lo i:ssert that !he harsh conLrol laws w c r c responsible for the cradicli on of drug and narcotic abuses. "Ho"'C\C r. \hey feel thal this approach is too naive, and the answer lies in some soc10- psychol ogical p h e n o m c n a \Vhich are peculiar only lo the Japaricse if13tiOI"\. .. The government reels lh:.tt a _stuV' SJ(;. these phenome~a .might . be b-e I p f•u I 1n determi ning some 'or the causative and prevcnth'e foc- tors in the abuse or dangerous dru gs and narcotics." Nevertheless, Japanc~c of· ficial said the cffe<·ts or a harsh anti-narcotics law \l"t•rc spC<"tacular. "For the control or heroi n. the maximum penally for sale was changed to lire im- prisonment and a li1•r 11111\ion yen nne ($14,000.~" \\'atanabi slated. "Additio nally. lhc law Included a syst!!m of com- pulsory hospitalization fo r narcotic addicls. "Between the year~ 1!15j and 1965, the average arrests p<'r year 1\-ere about 1.500. By 1966. they were do\1•n to J.1 per year . and the government now [eels it has no known usrrs." The Ni1X>nese orfici~I said that prior to World \Var JI Japan had no offiCiiil rlru~ or narcotic addiction problems. Bui, begiMlng _immediately ;iftcr the defeat or Japan in 191:>. thcrr 1vas a shar p in crease in the use of stimulant· type drugs. "The governn1ent theorized lhal the abuse of stimulant drugs was caused by the feel· ing or deprc::;sion caused by a nation suffering def e at, ' ' \Yatanabi continued. "It was no problem to obtain the drtig ::;incc the Japanese govern · n1cnt had produced large stocks of a drug similal' lo ampheLamiJ'leSI which v.·erc used in the fa ctories and in the n1ilitaey servi~ to increase cfli ricncy.·' ·rakaha~hi renorlcd further, "Of grc:'l irt~· :~st i.~ lh" f;;it·l that althct•gh 1nariju;:ina f,!ro·.1·s fr eely in .Jap:1nr"c ricr fields, they do not CQ11~idcr it a problem and arrests due lo th~ use of n1arijuana arc so ~arce they do not include it in their national crime statistics. "However. during the oc· cupation ol Japan, OC11rrcn 19-16 and 197>-I, a control law 11•as enacted since the U.S. i\filitary f orces wen• ha\'ing great difficulty with members smoking marijuana. ''\Vilh the end of occupation. the sale and use of mar ijuana seems to have disappeared . The government has no logical r.xplanatlon as lo lhe rea::;on youths in their country hove not taken up the use or mari - juana, however.'' ~-----------·------------, )ooeietui•t '" fi~• o.u"'""'"· Dt."'""' I0111oy~l .. 1, \¥•!<~• .. •• , ....... $o,..,.; .. , • £-111 ' . . ' ,...~ .... 3 DAYS ONLY AT THIS SPECIAL PRICE ht ..... ,..:..., "'"'h ...... ro1o•oly ..... ..,.,., .,...., -•tt.. ,._ ...... ~ "''" bt: ............. ;om., • lroo~lr oilttl o ,IT ..... 11 ...... • o1o<tr..,loolly ti"'"' • -· ooli•~•• 11•• "''"'I 5.95 Phu '"'"· J.111-.iic., ••I•~· '""' o! .. lrio, ..... n•t •aph• •ll9htlr loltl>tr. OVI FIRST THOUGHT •• , YOUR CONFIDENC·. YOU CAN TRUST OUlt EXPERTS IN • [~ptrt W.MI 1.,..t,;..f • '"'I••' a.ool l •11<i•..... • ll11r Sirif>t • li"t ltlit.ololi•t • Di_, Stl.;.f • •-•,,..1:., ._..-114-llll fUUlltON V> •-"' ,., .. .. _. ,,,_ .. Nl WIOlT IU.CH ... -1 ...... MKAr-t1 l"Klt~ C..11 11"'1, HUNTIHGTON llACH tl .. UlloO••• l.IMtor IEd ..... •! *' 0-,...,, SRl!:FFER :oRTUARY / Sao at-le• l !Mllt ll ,:;;::;:::=:::=======~=====:'.I sMJn rs· MoRroAa v , t<'or 1'op SpCJ rts Coverage U7 Mafw St. . """u;r.':'ln11e.a Read The Dail y Pilot I iflighway ""li!:-"·! User Tax . -Di~h·ihuted SACRAMENTO -Dlstribu· tlon of $52.6 million to the state. couaUcs ahd cities es the June a~rtiOnmen"' or highway yser taxes, was an. nounced today by stal.e Cort-- 1roller Houslon I. Flournoy. Orange County's share v.•as $784.448. a!'!.d ·Orange Coast cities recei ved : Hun~;;gton Beach, $71,9!U ; Costa ft1esa. $48,685 : New~rt Beach, $30 , 2 7 2 : Sea l Beach,$16,097: San Clemenle. $11 .6!!3; Fountain Va 11 c y , $19.3 111: San Juan Ca pistrano. $2,635; Laguna Beach, $!1,2tl8: Los Alan1 itos. $6,626. Anaheim topped all county cities v•ilh $109,490. Of lhc total figure , counties received $13.4 million : cilies, S9.7 million, and $29.45 milHon went to stale highways. The total user I.ax was deri ved rron1 : Gasoline tax. $17.8 million : diesel fuel tax. S2.9 n1illion: transfer rrom the Motor Vehicle Trnsportalion Tax Fund. $1.8 million and th e balance from miscellaneous sources. Flournoy said. ff'lns A1oard Fred A. McMaster ol NC\Vport B c a c h has 1v on the Edgar J. Helms Aw a rd Crom Goodwill Industries for his efforts on behalf of handicapped workers. 1-Ieacl Sta rt OK SANTA ANA -The Orange County Co1nmunity A et ion Council has received approval of a $180,204 I-lead Start grant frorn the U.S. Ofrice of Economic Opportunity. The grant will make ii poSi:i· ble for 120 children of low in- come families to participate in a nine-monlh pre-school pro- gram which places emphasis on the health of the children. FOREMOST' 9·x1S ' DOUBLE SIDEROOM TEN T Sl e-eps up lo I . 2 soreen wall windoW\ with ouhide storm curtoin1, To Ion•, bro~s iipper1o on screen/ convo1 door1. 7' canter height, 3° 6" er1d woll heig ht. s ,,.,;.dry fi1'i1hed cotton l'lrill lop; cot1or1 drill -t1lls: Dry l1no hed cotton dri ll stwr1 ·in fl oor. 69 _99 FOREMOST ' 9'x9 ',Hl·WALL TENT Sl!'eps 11p lo 6 in do11bJ11 deck b11nk1. All ouhide olum1r11,1m from1 and ei..lro lorge wi ndo...,, for spot• orod .. t rotilot1on. 16~ centtr height • .5' wa it he;ght, ~olloro d rill raof, .5 ... 01!1', sewn-in 1!00169 •99 ' ' • FOR~MOST' 3 LB. DACRON ' 88 SLEEP· ING BAG with 011 oro"'"" 100'" Tolon9 1ipper . 12.99 LIGHTWEIGH T FOLDING ALUMINUM COT •I easy to 1!0•1, ca rry. Removoble co.,1r. Open 1i111 72"x26"•141/z·, 7.98 ~uilding PermitRecordSe "1 SANTA ANA -Wltl1 a big boosl from _ lho $3.1 million Burroughs Coa>, Industrial structure ln MJulOo Viejo, ~ildlng jlel'll\11& lor the u11ln· corpOratM are.as or the county sc;,t new rttorq., /ll June with tile ~JgbOt IOla lor a >Ix· month period "nd the hlghc11l Ju.rie In bistbry: · • \ County BUildtng · and ~ely Dlrecl<ir Floyd G. Met<llan ~r. said his .deeartmen( lssutd 1.017 building pmnlts last i;noo{h with it valuation Of 12L3 l)>lltioo. Fot the aix months since Jan. 1 the' ~ jumped to $77.S million, $11 million higher Ulan lhe ~Ylous haij· year record Stt t.n 1964. Perm'it.$ Issued In June in- cluded ~73 ~ new homes with a l'&lue ot $13 million ; 11 for •• Adult Library Center Movhig ORANGE -The Adult Reference Center or t h e Orange County PUbllc Library is moving fronl its present localiol'! at the Margaret A1or· ri~n Library in Oraiige to .a new site at the Garden Grove ~1nin Branch. The center will be closed un. lil Sept.ember 2. when the new facility, 11202 Stanford Ave., Garden Grove, will be com· pleted. lrJCt1Jstri1t structures at '5.3 million ; &8 swimming pools at 1211.128. aod 187 lor home Im- provements.worth $541,7$1: In addlllon to tl1e Burioughs Carp. pernµt ~for a 300,000- iquare-foo& eomwier cqm- pontolii ~ac:~ianl, 1nduslrlal s~.~fiW! • iD the Irvine !ndu1trl1~ Con1plcx west and north or I~ Orange County Alrpor"-. ' Listed were MarriOU MOtor •lotels, Ame Adhesive Tape; eo. B. T. Mlller Manufacluro! ers, Morrison En&lneering'.; and the Stanford Renearch In-: stitule. 1\lbW!PSA •. ' -.·everr .minutes to SilnJose! ' 7 1m to 1:30 pm. Both ways. 7:00·1:30·1O:t0·11 :30•m·1 :00-2:30-4 :00-.5 :30-7:00-8:30 pm. Mor• on weekends. Why worry about a reservation when PS..; has o~er 160 lltght1 a day? Such an easy-to·remember sc~edu le you can carry It around in your head. Why rer.iember lowest fares? Or all j•ts? Or great service to San Franc:sco, Oakland, San Olego, and Sacramen1o? Or lnat kids under 12 l1y PSA (with their pa1ents) for hall !are? 51111 want a reservation? Just call your 1ravel agent or whatsitsname airlines. PSA giW'Ji )OU• lifJ. It's open season for sportsmen at Penneys ! .I FAMOUS WINCHESTER GOLDEN SPIKE 30·30 CARBINE Winche $ler exclusive booJh ih p1011d 1011 in 011r Americon hiitory with ofliciol Goldtn Spike Cen!enniol Medollion imbedded in itt woln11t slock. Commemorolo1 tht doy the Ea11 ond West were ioined by the U"ion Pocific ond Soulherfl Pocifit Railroads. Engroved gold p1o rin g o" receiver o nd long, golrl ploled borret bond1. 373(4• le no;th, 6·round copoci1y. 119.95 SPECIAL! FOREMOST' SEMl·AUTOMATIC .22 RIFLE Great volve! Come' with .C x .5m"' 1cope! C111fom feotures includ• checker ing, sa fety bul!o", gold plated tri gger. 19 long rifle ro11nd1, !om-proof action. 42.99 GLENFIELD LEVER ACTION 30-30 RIFLE A fovorile with dear, hu"teril Com11 wi!h .C x 32 scope .•• o reol money-1oving combo . .C·cor1ridge mogoiine plus round in chomb., r"oke o .5 -1ho1 repeoter. 99.99 PARKE R HALE DELUXE BOLT ACTION 30·06 RIFLE "'01111u octiol't, odjustob!e trigger, hooded romp front t ight, kond ,l1etker ing, •11bber recoil pod, mo re . A truly Juperb rifle! • ' 149.95 tr~ .... , . ., . · .. ·. .. ' . Iii . ·'.. \ ~ CANOGA PARK DOWNEY FULLERT01' HUNTINGTON 8,:AC H LAKE WOOD MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA . --·-~ -------~~--------- Wtdntsdly, July 30, 1'69 DAILY '1LDT .Jt Mo~n So~gs Multiply Publishers Bracing for 'Moon Wave' I ~ . , NAsltvnb;, ~enn. (UPI) Recording execuu,.. are In th• .moon all hi> troubles "1 -"Qne.e:yed monsters i:nay bracing for what ls npected and bow be.can't foraet her. • ,~ parade It, but the Rus:rnwi to be an avallnche of IOOP ~ "he •wakes i from U\e .' won't lflvade It. I'm building a about the moon, walkJ.ns on. , honky took on the moon." the moon ·· and epa~ in . ~lie ·fLnds It'• all true. The lnspir::i.Uon for 1.hat general. The gal has taken up with an verse and perhaps thou.sands "When some great hl!tork:al old Oame. or others wJS pl:Oductd by the event happens , housewives, The Utle is "Big Ole Moon Apollo It moon mission. truck drivers, and everybody Baby .Me." else who thinks they are The "HOf'lky Toilk on the State Okay songwriters start seodln& in M " ed b au UliJ junk," said one ex-ooo was submltt y a· ecutive. newcomer, says Aud I e Ashworth , vice president of Given Work 1'Withln two or th~ weeks, Moss Rose PublicaUOQS. we'll get the damndelt con· While thousands of moon ---------,,.--..,_ glomeration of moon !Ongs spogs probably are bein8 you have ever seen. They'll hatched in kitchen and bal'· come in by the sackloads in rooms, a. raft of moon records the mail and people will bring ah-eady art In .di.atribution. The California H J g h w a y Comml!ISion has approved the extension of a four-lane sec· lion of Brea Boulevard in Brea to just north of the city limits. them in oft the streets." There are some professional song writers who are writing moon songs. One is Hank Miiiion v.·hose hit.s .tRclll(j~. "Little Ole Wine Drinker Me," Record world lists "In the Year 2SIS" and "Good Morn- ing Starshine" a:i first and lhird in Its 100 top pops chart. The trade magazine has a singles review section on moon records blocked oU for its talk to the puseniers. 0 Wt are approachtn&, zero, gml· ty," aaya the capl.ain. "Sobn YQUJ"'hoot.,. will !loot amdng you to serve your secooct space meal." · •· .,.... ALCATRAZ SPA -Texas financier Lamar Hunt has proposed turning abandoned Alcatraz Island into a tourist attraction complete with tours of "'l:he Rock's" famous jail and a replica of Apollo 11. At ' a hearing of the city Board of Supervisors, Hunt VPI Te ...... i. unveiled plans that included : Construction of a plaza area, underground museum and a 364-foot replica of the Apollo 11 rock.et and landing module containing an observation deck for a panoramic view or the Bay Area. An allocaUon of $82,000 had been set asJde for the im· provpnent, which includes reloMon or traffic signals at Lambert Road and Central Avenue . The commission has also allocated $10,000 for replace- ment of chain link fencing at lhe 40-acre Emery material site jn Brea and Fullerton. Slides during the past win· ter undercut the existing fence on the Jte, which is used for fill material for local freeway construction. tt's a y&m -about a man who has a ,dceiO'h He stays up late watchl.ng mpon; acUvlUes and his girUiiehd Jeaves. The· Cir'.l ha!! 'the same type or Jeelinl some females have wbeo U\eir ,ll~ds sit before the tube ror 1b0urs watching football: c . ' . latest issue . TitltS Include : ''The First Step (lhe Sea of TranqWllty)," ''Space OddJty." "Everybody Gets to Go lo the Moon," "Journey To the Moon Part One and Part Two," "Firsl Men on the Moon," "Sweet Lady in the Moon," and ·:~. eryone's Gone lo the Moon," . In "Everybody Gets lo the ~loon," writer Jimmy Webb 1 By the Time I • Get jo Phoenlx, Wichita Uoemejt1 writes "Tsn't it a miracle t,Qat we 're the genera.UoO. ".bo ·'f/111 touch t!Ult >hloY boµble wllh our own two hands." , Nol all music publishers 1te widly enthusiast.le • about the prospecl.s of moon songs. · ~ • -Apollo Research Rules Revealed SPACE CENTER, Huston (AP) -. It isn't enough just to be a good scientist· ta wot'k in the lunar receiving laboratory . You must not smoke, drink. chew gum, spit. Jilter, loiter, or swear too rrweh . You must not drink water except from an approved drin.k.ing fountain . You must not rough·house or horse play. You can't wear cosmeUC$. You can't be an alcoholic, drug i.ddict, allergic or be on crutche.1. You a~rently can use foul language -but it mustn't be ex.cessive. That's only a smell part of the detailed operating plan for the laboratory where the first moon rocks and soil are being sniffed, sliced. peered at, catalogued, argued over and fussed about. .. The restrictiorus apply to Jafl • personnel who go in and out ol the big laboratory building. not to tbe quarantined people who are ljv\ng there and may not exit until the quarantine can be mainlained on both skies of the biological bar,_ r ier." • . ~ There are detailed in- structftlns on where to put clolhes worn inside t h e labts:atory and a .thorough sec- tion that points put all person- nel "are expected 1o conduct themselves in the highest of moral and ethical manner." That's where the smoking, gum chewing etc. comes in. lt prescribes "no excessive foul language.'' There are stringent criteria for handling itemi taken out of tbe laboratory. Laundry must be steamed for two hours at 260 degrees fahrenheit; trash. glassware, and liquids for one htiur at 250 degrees. To make bedding sterile, it bu to be steamed for eight hours. Park Meters To Go Out is ended. OCEANSIDE (AP) -The "Employment ln the sampl~ City of Oceanside will rem oVe laboratory is contra·indicated its downtown parking meters for persons with any of the in September in an effort to conditions listed below," says improve the volume of shop- one rule, and it ticks off ping. The City CouncU decision "hernia requiring a truss, is a one-year experiment. artlliclal limbs, c r u t ch es . In place of meters thert will hearing aids, chronic alcohol· be limited parking, the limit ism, a history of schizophrenia depending upon the location. and inability to take daily Enforceme nt will be eUected Alcatraz To Salute Now, Then? SAN FRANCISCO (UP!) - Texas mlllionaire Lamar Hunt envisions Alcatraz Island a.s a tourist attraelio.n slmultaneously 1aluting the city's past and nation's future. He wants a 364-foot tower built on the island in the mid· die of San Francisco Bay as part of a tribute to the na· tion's space exploration. The height of the tower matches that of an Apollo f<ocket. Hunt says the tower would have a restaurant on top and a space museum underneath it. Hunt made his presentation to the board of supervisors, sitting u the city's surplw p r op e r ty commitssion. The board will hear several other plans before Sept. 1 and lben decide what to do with, th' island, which has b e e n virtually deserted &inc:e _the federal government abandon- ed its prbon there In 1913. Hunt urged the city to buy the island rrom the cavern- menl and then lease It to him on a long-term basis at a total rent equal to the city's cost. In addition to the space1 area, Hunt said that' part of the prison and fort l•ctlities still standing wo;uld . bis con· verted into a museum.. The third facility lfOUld be a reproduction of 8an Francisco in the 1890s, wbiCh 'wauld in· elude many shop&· and restaurants. shGWer baths." by marking tires. ---------- But lat.er in the outline the Revenue from the parkin . · ·// y K"d rules appear to be modified mel.en OD -&tnlel!' last year ' Te ou r I s somewhat : "Th06e personnel amounted to $21.253. wfth an on the Access Ust I the additiooal $5,189 from meten ~ ·· higbe•t pr1or1ty .nc1 requiring ;n· ctty-owned parking 1o1s. , T ci . Read · U nde· physical aids such as hearl.ni . . Meters will continue ift uee aids, canes. etc .. will be ero-: on off:ostreet parking lob. and vided with n e c ts s a r y on patting lotl ou the Strlrid replacements so that sucb aids area of the-beach.. '· : · Len1s-·co/umn AT EDISON'S RECTRIC LIVING CENTER A SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR THE TEENAGER Cam• for 1n adventure with th• ATOM includln9 1n infroduction of its discovery. Also,• tour through a nuclear power exhibit. To compl.••• th1 picture, you'll ••• food cooked in seconds in the FA BULOUS ELECT• RONIC RANGE. Huntington Beaoh Electric living Centor 538 Main Streot Huntington Beach, G•lifornia 't • 4' -' .. J ' • 1 1 I ' f: • • ~ Tuesdey July 29 IO:q,G •·'"· & 2:00 p.M. W1dne1d1y July 30 l.O!QO~-.m. & 2:00 p:rn. Thund•y J,ly l I IDoOO ..... & i,oo p.m. • I • ' P4boo's home -if' will..,.,...~ ..t -,... _.,.!er thrifoy, time<niog""' cl mod= eloaric appllo,~ &big a In.I--..., fri<ndt, aad dJaooorcrnhuhle lleW bQ!ncmakq hlaia. .. . • Another communlly-urvic• of...,,-,:: .::::»-:;:::"" C•liforni• Edi•on Com/jilny Let TV WEEK Turn You On ln ~ht 'l003 ' he takes off from ca-pe lteMedy lo take a m.900 Wall. Ha tells the man ln another, ''Moonbouod," the captain and the hQSt.ess "We felt there would' be such a plethora of product that we dlll'!ked the whole thine." said Bob McCluskey of Acuff. Rose. FOREMOST AF/X WIDE TREAD TIRE CUTS DOWN SQUIRM BRINGS UP MILEAGE! PenneYS New Polyester Core:\ .fiber G\ass ... Be\ted Tre\ • l~'l,lyflNr• ,1 ... w. ...... ..... , ........ ,1 ... ... •• , ........ Jn.ti .... 1~i ......... .. ··~ .. 1 ... •• • ... , •• ....... ....,.. ... 1.- ~·· • 1..p 2 .,i, ,..,,. ......... •1i~i· ...... . ...... .. ., ............. p••· M<IO .. .-1 i.iow. -· 3!) months guaranlH wiih 15 months free replacement D70-14 rM/while ....... ploo 2.24 IM.,_ ..ct oltl tire (•t,..14) 34.95 170-14 rM/whlte tvbolou ftlut'"2.33 fed, tax and otd tire F70..14 nd/while tubeleu plut' 2.44 fed. tax and old tiN f70.15 rwd/whh• tubtlffl ,1 .. 2.50 , .... -........ 11 .. 070.14 Nd/white tubeleu ~-2.$9 lod, -aod old Ibo 070-15rod/whito1v11o1- ~ .. 2.ff fod. -nd· old tfro H70-1S rod/wllito ..... phn 2..15 t.d, twx end old tire , . ,. 36.95 (7>1-14) ·38.95 (77J.14) 38.95 (771-U) 40.95 C• ... ••> I 40.95 ' (11•/12>-IS) I 42.95 (M>/151-U} F.Atf,l'ASTIC AFX DRAG SLICKS! 800/85G-14----~: .. .': ......... -..... ____ 29 .50 ph• 1.19 fed, tax and old tit9 900-14 .. _,_, __ ........ ~---··· .. ··----··-·--·· 31 .50 plus 1 J2 fed. tax ond okt tire ~15 .. ·---·--·-·-..... ___ : ______ . __ 31.50 plus 1A3 fed. tax and old tire •IOD/-.15..-.... -~: ____ .. ., ..... -·---49.50 pfua 1.1$ f.d. tax ond old tire 10.00-15 .................... -·--·~ ................ 54.50 plus 1.83 fed. tax oncl old tire 50 Benelli 'Fireball' trail bike 50 c.c. Dyrtamo compact motorcycle Duel sprocket hlgh perfonweJI Twin- cyde llinglne &h gMI up ta 1 eo milel per gallon. .,..OS ta 50 m.p.),. Fow tpMd trannlllktn. '265 BUENA PARK ( °'•""""'0'"" ") DOWNEY V11leyVltw '299 AF/X bike uNly IMlmet 16.118 LAKEWOOD NEWPORT BEACH CANOGA PARK FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR VENTURA ----------~~~~"-'-------------- I I I I • I I t . r • - -~· ., WOME°N'S ·-NYLON :JACKETs ' -. .· 1 ::;.': ~~·~~t~; •·•····-·-.. -.......... ;-.. .;-.. ~ .. ~---~OW 3.88 JUNJOR SKIRTS & CULOTtES ' ~:.'° ~tt: !·'' ···-···············-··-····-··········· .... NOW 4.88 SPORTSWEAR SEPARATES ' ,, . -. ~~% Kooiel• po1t-l!f•r;r 50% cotton 6 88 lo 114, ~· 1J~t-lf.00 ............................ NOW • ANK~PlttCs P11111-PrHt•{t!-fe:.N 4.88 Mlt. ~loo ···-·-·---·-----·-;.. ....................... NOW MISSES PANT sm - 2 P'· 'l~OJ. y H011 polk1 doh . 3 88 lrit-~.00 ~;·..:·······-+.······-·····----·-··········-..,-·······NOW • "PEEK·A·BOO" SHIFTS BOYS' 50.CKS " BOYS' SPORTSHIRTS .,Uh 011d wow11U i1 111ortM dyl.1 erif. 1.11,. 191 --. .MOW 2 ~~ 3.00 BOYS' SWIM TRUNKS prrr.h 111d pl1id bo11.1r1 .n,. 1.79 h I .ti ---·-·········-······--·--·-·······NOW 1.44 PRE-SCHOOL WALK SHORTS pl1itl1 111d 1olid1 1ii11 2 to 7, wf9. 1.01 ·······-··············-··-··········HOW PRE·$CNOOI. SHORT & PANT SETS ' . :;;;,''i~9~ty~~ .. ~:~-~~::_.,_ ...... -............ ~ ........... NOW 1. 99 BOYS' H~ i'S- e.z r•h h•h i11 tnirt."i! 1.22 color1. erit. 1.SO ...... _ ........ -.............................. NOW GIRLS' PENN-PREST* KNIT TOPS t•tw .ntc~, 1hort ,i;,_~, 1 22 4 to •-. i+n1-J"° t.:1.59 ---.......... .. .............. NOW • SUM~ER 'oRissES " I •·• • • w11h1blo w~ Crti,.,1· tnd 2 99 D•R ltiwo·r• ~tt.111, ~ .. 4.tt·N J.H ----.. NOW o CAMPTEEN PORTABLE SINK I 911. c~~i;ity,..f11•f re1\1t1nt, 9 88 erit-t ~.91 -·-............................. :.. ....... -.............. NOW • CYP~SS GARDEN WATER SKIS ;'~",'.'~~,~~~~t;2.tl ··-·····-···· ... -....... ~ ....... NOW 18,88 JIM r URNESA GOLF CLUBS 11 ul'l'li 1t11~ oh.alt, I iron1. ) woodJ, 79 88 ri9ht lt1 ~d o'ly, ~t· ft.II ----··-·-------... NOW • WILSON 'SUPER STROKE ' l th•• llj i•otu, t l•ol 1lt1ft ;;J~~ .. s~l~;~, ,~ers -Now 49.88 1 ond ) wold•, 5 iro111, 11111 1h1fh ..-It. 51.11 .......... ~··-··················-······-------·-···NOW 49.88 FAMILY EXERCISE .. co.111bi11 1tion lit~ clt~.t pul!· wfll pull. 1k1, ropt, h•I'~ 9op1, "'"'· 5.99 ...... .. NOW 4,44 DRIY~A'Y -SEALER !:t~.•;:c 1.~.~-~;~~:~:.~.~ .. _ .. -.................. NOW J tol. tot 1.00 CIRCULAR SAW 7 'It " hit • .,., dll t\' ..... . J only, «it-59.91 .......... ·-·-"-·-...... -....... NOW 39.88 CHROME ·COVERS 91111r1t•r 11nd 1l .. rfl1lor co••rt, )Ori). ~.If to 1.Jf ..... :. ,. NOW 66c IACK REST "clip-011" ..... , 1tyl• • 3 88 1001 f.,. 1111111111t, wit· 6.91 .! ..... ....:_,;__ .... _NOW • ~ -... ... . . PAji#.-FLOOR MATS ~ . ... f I. av1ilt1'.i fn"bJ~·· gold, block, rid, full or twin, front and retr, 2 99 erft. 6.11 .. I.II .. _ .. _ ... _ ..... .HOW , • • Wedntsda)', July 30, 1%~ H -JO PILOT·AOVERTISEO HUNTINGTON BEACH STORE 7777 E1D ING~R.·, HU-NTINGT,O.N \· . .' •') ONLY BEA-CH I 1 ! l END;-OF-MONTH • \ ' ' REDUCED FROM ~TO ,CK! LIMITEb 'QUANTITIES! l FIRST WqMEtfS BETIER DRESSES .. • Gtoup .~ orig. 12.00 lo 14.00 NOW 10.88 Group: II · orig. I 0.00 .............. :.NOW 8.88 ' Gfoup Ill orig. B.00 to 15.00 'NOW 6.88 . ' . . WOMEN;S SWIMWEAR Group I orig. 9.00 to I 0.00 ...... NOW 6.99 Group II .orig. 11.00 to 13.00. NOW 8.99 Group Ill orig, 13.00 to 15 .00 NOW 9.94 Group IV orig. 17.00 to 21.00 NOW 11 .94 WELT·O·MAGIC HOSE 111111lou dron 1h•1f1 I 'h to 11. •rit· 99c ·------~----.. ··-··--··· ................ NOW WOMEN'S HEELS hl;h •nd ..,,d;~,,. 3 88 l•ethtr. ptltnh, otl9. 10.99 to lZ.99 ....... -•. -.. NOW • WOMEN'S FLATS :•;:•:~.·;;r~•.;, -----·····-··-·--· .... ·-·---NOW 2.88 WOMEN'S SUMMER SAND~._ f•1 hio11 col~n, op111 tnd t!.0119 styl•1 2 98 4 to 10, ortt. l .99 ta 6.9t ----····--·-· .. ···-·--NOW o • FLOO·R ' MEN'S SWIMWEAR knit •nd boxer styl•s., 21 to '40, 2.99 or'9. l.H 19 5.9' -.-.... ·-·-.. NOW • LUGGAGE CLOSEOUT weekend, pullmon ond bo•uty ce10, orig. 19.50 15.88 .. 24.88 19 35.00 ____ NOW MEN'S UNDERWEAR cotton hrief1, w1kt J0-40 2 1.22 r1und J'tck t-1hith, ]6 to 4• ............................ _ for DRESS SHIRTS whit• 1hort 1110¥11 14'11 to 16 '/t, orlt. 2.51 ... -.. -........... . . .... NOW 99c MEN'S POLO .SHIRTS :;.-;'i.~t;ip-~:-~~~-~~----···--·-·· ............... NOW 1,33 ,MEN'S SPO.RTSHIRTS ' -w1do111 111cl body 1\iirft 3 88 11uirt1cl c.olori, wit. I .II -.......... -----··· ........ NOW • SECOND FLOOR llOYS' WALK SHORTS elo,t ic woist, ploid, 99C 5i1e1 6 to 18, orlq. 1.'49 _____ , _____ ... NOW • GIRLS' SPORT SETS ) pc. jomoico' ond mid-coif sets 100 -;. cotton seersucker, and b•by 'o'd 1 99 oriCJ. l.00 to 4.00 .... NOW o to 2,99 FABRIC CLEARANCE d ros s ond sportswear fabrics 45 " ond 36" width1, cottons, voiles , piquei, jersey knits, 77C 4 88 orig. , .. to 6. 95 _ ... NOW 19 • STAINLESS FLATWARE SETS 50 pc. service for 8, orig. 14.H ................................ NOW 50 pc. serv.ic• for 8, orig. 19,.98 ................................ NOW 24 pc. servic e for 6, oriCJ. 7.ta ................................ NOW 10.88 15.88 5.88 GIR-L.S-5POR-Ts.WEA ... R....-----•--l-'THROW COVE .. - 1 vorioly of, ~.hift, i!m•ic•~ ond 1nldo pent sets, ploysuits, :;i~. ~.~:~~ 4.~ NOW 1 t1 99 to 2. 9.9 GIRLS' SWIMSUITS l lo 6•, t •nd 2 piect liyltt ..!9. l.OD t• 5.00 --·-·······-··········-NOW 1.88 GIRLS' SWIMSUITS ~;:i:i~.4~~;'."4.~~d '-,.OD --··------.. ---... -..... -... NOW 2088 cover-ups for ch1irs, sof11, petio furnifllro, 60x72 , 90x72, and 108x72, 2 77 7 77 or19. 4.49 to'·" __ NOW , 19 • " GIRLS' ANKLE PANTS !li re 119 t1ylt1, ,,;""· 101i41, 1 99 2 99 pl1id1, Mt. 2.19 la 4.tl ............ ,_ ... NOW • t• • GIRLS'' JAMAICAS ll't nri-Pro1t•, priRh, 1olidt 1 99 end ptoid1, .,.._ J.M ·-.'...·-·····---------................ NOW • THIRD FLOOR VOIT SCUBA E9UIPMENT .,.oit rogulotor, stainless steel, ori9._4t:aa .................... NOW 39,88 voit "oir tank", 7 1.2 cu bic ft. 39.88 capacity, orig. 49.88 ............ NOW .,.oi t rogulotor, steel port1, 19.88 orig. 22.18 ............... _ ............. NOW 1/4 '' DRILL vori1bl• speed, 9 only, 12.88 orig. 1'.H ·-.... -... -.... -.. -..... NOW DRILL KIT 2' pitc• ~it. l •nly, ot i9. 12.11 •.. _ .......... -......................... NOW 10.88 '/a" DRILL ~••vy duty •on ly, oriQ. 26.9t ... -................... . ... NOW 14.88 11" PORTABLE TV inth~I on, whllt er bi191 I .-ly, ..................................... _ ............................ . 69.88 AUTO TlUCK TIRES Cor90 mestor• ond Swper C.rgo mast ers 6 •nd 8 ply nylon 12 00 .,19, 11.95 to 27.95 ........ -.. NOW • DRY CHEMICAL EXTINGUISHER 11•• Oft 9•1, oi1 ind 1!1clrlc fi111 2 89 wit. 4.99 ................... _ ................ -...................... NOW • CHANDLER HARPER GOLF CLUBS steel shaft, I ,), & 4 woods 79.88 2 thru 9 irons, orlt. 99.89 ... ..NOW PATIO FURNITURE web chair, 9reon ond white, 2.44 orlt. 2.tt .................................... NOW web cho 1.o, green end white, 5.44 orit. 5.tt -------·---··---·········--········NOW AM CLOCK RADIO 1oli,j 11•1•, whih only •• 11ly ........... _ ....•..... _ ....................... . 8.88 AM TABLE RADIO COLOR CONSOLE TV ~·~ .. ~·:~~9~l~l·i·~-~ .......... __ ,,_ ........................ NOW 408,00 CENTER CITIZEN BAND RADIO Group I, orig. 69 .95 ···········-··-····--···NOW 49.U Group II, oriq. 110.00 -------····-·-·NOW 74.11 Group Ill, oriq. 235.00 --------------NOW 154.U . Group IV, orig. 19.95 --·---------·····-HOW 6t.ll Group V, ori9. 159 .95 ----···----·--·HOW 111.41 HEADRESTS lllt ili.. ••d, 9old ..... ~itt, bl~1. 1ll w1t, 2 88 '"'"• 1ftcl b1i91, °"t· 1.99 to 6.tf ............ NOW • MEN'S PA-:IAMAS M~N'S BEACH PANTS eolorfu,.pri11~~ JO to )I 2 99 orig. _1r91 __ .......................................... -............ MOW • MEN'S ~ASUAL SLACKS '••n·l'r•it•, lO lo 40 3 99 q , 5. 91 -----··------·--··--····--·······--··-········MOW • MEK'$ _DRESS SLACKS wool o"4 •Dot,.•-. pofyo1t1~ 9 88 ll to 40, Mt-17.ltO ··--·--· .. ·-·----................... NOW o MEN'S SUITS youn9 t111lry. 4 j.c. tuit 19 88 JS to 41, .n .. 45.00 -·······-----............... -......... NOW • OFFICE .DESK CABINET •II i.,-1111, co111bi111t!o11 1o·fo', 27 .QO 11111 I only, orl1. ~O.tt ----.............. _ ...... NOW ' ' BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS 111ort•~ 04' tn1 cle1i!t11 ptdr ..tt. 1.Sf -·-.. ---·-··--.. ···-·----v----....... -... NOW 75c S\.INTAN .LOTION 51t ucl Ski, incl eopp.rlon9 1 •rtt-79c t. 1.,0 •. _ .. , ....... _ . .:..___._NOW 39c,. 79c .. TODDLERS PLA YWEAR ·~ - 111n111ih , 1 pc. 1th , Dul.bit 1uih 1i1e1 y, to 2, ori9. lie to 1.00 ... -....... NOW 2 '°' 1.00 TODDLERS PLA YWEAR drt1H1, 1wi111w11r, 2 pc. 1th 1 99 2 99 Yr to l. eri9. 1.91 t. 4.00 .... -·-··--···NOW t "" t FABRIC REMNANTS 2 lo 4 yd. len9!~1 "•fitly of 111•1 200/o ., 300/o •• ,.;,, _11 BRANDY SNIFTERS . ido•I for •cctnh •rl9. 2.00 ............................................................ NOW 1.22 TEXAN TUMBLER.S_ ---·--2.22 cl11•1bl•. d1cor1tiv t, 111 af I orlt. :Z.91 -········ ................. ____ ......................... NOW GARMENT BAGS drtn, 111 it ••d tr•v•I b • .,.. 2 5 00 h1ndb•9 '"t 1hoe b•91, orit. J.11 ... -... NOW far • NOVELTY CURTAINS 14", JO" i nd )II" l1nqlltt v1l111co1 i nd c11rt1in1 , •rit. Z.44 ....................... NOW 1.44 CERAMIC SALT & PEPPERS STEEL UMBRELLA TABLE bt~ed whi11, on411111 12 anly ................... -......... _ • 12.88 LAWN SWING •~11 1 print orlq. 69.ta ................................. . . ......... NOW 59.88 HALL RUNNER :~1;." ;;~·~: •• ~-~~:.:~~~ ....................................... NOW 65ctt. ACCENT AREA RUG IDO'X. royon, 27•-ll oci9. 11.91 .............. ·---8 .. . AREA RUGS ' qrotn, whilt . 9old. brow11 :Z4"~]6", O>ri9. J.99 .. -... -... -....... HAMPSTER WHEELS 12 only ori9. 191 .................................. . DOG COLLARS 25 only •• ;,, 1.1 9 .......................... _ ............ .. STlAW WORIC HATS NOW 6,44 NOW 2,44 ...NOW 34c NOW Sile : .. '; 73~9'13 1 ... :~.'.~ .......... -......................................... NOW 2.44 WOOD PANEL DASH KITS .11011 llP yo11r c•• iftterio r . 2 99 orlt. i .95 _ .. _ ........................... _.:..;,_ ................ NOW • . --· HURST CUSTOM WHEELS 14 " C!..iwl'fl1ot 11'Hi Fard wit-<14.ll ·"-·--------·-···· .......... -:-·--· .. ··· .. ··· NOW 25.00 CAR .RADIO i11 l ftcl OM! ,.111\tlo <J cli1 5 only, .,;,, ]4.95 .................. ,_. PLM TIRES REDUCED 4 Pl Y POLYESTER CORD • 65011 11. 695•14, ns11 14 · NOW 22.88 o•l•· 21.95. 27.95 ....... -.•. _ .. , .... ~NOW 1'.0D 855xl4, 885xl4, 7751dS, 815xl5 ori9. 29.95 to 35.95 ........................ NOW 2J.OO --~---~--~-----------~-----~-----------·-~~------------ -. --,.. - Wtdnl1day, July 30, 196'1 DAILY l'ILOT J$ Shadow of Russian Bear Hovers Over LA 4 -., . Spirit of '7;P-Rekindled to Bring Olympic Games to Soi1tthern Cq,Uforntit. .• • • , ..... t .. Jl's Ute Spirit o! '16 being rek~led. same body five 'years ag'-Montreal will probably base Its plea on people to organize and put on the great ' the site ror track plus opening ind closing wtth ~· majoc leape ~Upark It pro- again as a bunch of public gplrlted A the moment only Loi Angeles and the fact America has had two summer world sports spectacle. ce.remonies, , ~ the N•Uomtl ~e It would build Southern Callfomt~s pool their tn-Montreal are seeking the host city role Olympics and two winter Olympics. Zimmerman_ believes it wlll cost ~on-~nt plans for th~ Olympjc Village and is desperlt4Jy ln, need..of & larger genuities and ener11es to bring the 1976 and you can be.sure a 'll'tat. deal of bit Canada bas had none. , treal 4SOO million to put on the Olympics. Include 2.S ll9l'f bulld1np with M more ~ ~ . . Olympic Games to the Southland -temational pOUtJcktng ' will be uUlhed to Montreal 15 also certain t.o make a big LA's ~ would be almost negUblble than two Or t.lirt:e •thlet•-~ rocxn1. 1 • •· -, Marfreal d9f.l -iave the advantage of primarily Los Angeles but with '&ome secure votes. . compared with that amount. luxury not enjoyed by pnivlous Olym, '¥:in& ,Cloaer to Europe, which will to. plans for Orange County. For some , unknown reason, IDteroa-The southland metropolis needs a huge pians. , ,. lluenee yotefs fnam that area because ol Ooe gent deeply engrossed in the pro-Uonal Olympic chief Avery Brundage did Indoor swim istadlum, IJ\1. acceptable Competltor.f would be ·tfansported by• ,reduted tranfPm1ation coats compared jecl is Paul Zimmerman of Balboa· not close off the bidding date last year, , .. "'."''''''••••OLW••" rowing course and an Olympic Village. helicopter to the various '\lenuea:to avoid ~ wKh travel to I.GI Angeles. Laguna HUis. He's the retired sports di io WHITE The pool la the· major Item atnce the LA delays in street traffic. ~y. Kip Howevu\ v.rtous maneuvers tn fn.. editor of the Los Angeles Times and as has beep the,tra 1 n. River (near Griffith Park) can easily and Keino had to wali and jog three miles tO tehlati.Onal lobbyiilg could'neut.rallze that personally covered seven Olympic spec-Some of grupdage's legion of critics Inexpensively be converted [or rowing. Mexico City's Olympic , Stadlupi when ~ge. . , tacles. • !eel this was done to give Russia a shot WASH The Vlllage would be converted into an traffic clogpd in order to make his Amertca IUJ)llOSedly bas secured ballots Zim took Lime to give some inside in-at Lb.rowing its bat in the ring~ urban renewal development after lhe 1,500.meter race. from all the Latin representatives -ex .. formation on how things are going in the Since the Soviets have never tlosled the •*"''*-"'''"'''''''''''* Games and would thus be eligible for a Montreal has its Forum but just about cept oae Metloan -and tbe l\!rican bloc. bid to secure the Games and a few ol. the Games and because going to the...Us.5R •'-•NN '*"'" large federal au&ldy. all other raciUUes would have to be. built In a nose-to-nose ahowdown with Mon- plans already in the works in the likely would mean ,, cheap transportatlon o£ Pauley PavWon {UCLA}, the Forum. For a city some feel ls on the verge of ·treal; SOu.thern callfomta's bid UouJd event the 1976 Olympics are awarded to Olynipic contingents for all countries ex· play on the shaky U.S. image abroad -the Sports Arena, Long Beach Arena bankntptcy, putting on an Olympic win J:iy a lat¥islide. Los Angeles. cept those in North and South America, that we are· a country torn by rioting and and Anaheim ConvenUon Center are Games would appear to be as far out of Aqd:Zimmerman and W,. ~patriott Ne:r:t May, representatives· trom 79 na-the Russian threat to LA_ would be ex-general internal strife. • usable for gymnastics, volleyQall, basket-reacll as ,a trJp around the world for a. are acceleratin'g their camptlgn at every tions will meet in Holland lo vote on the tremely serious. Loa Angeles• strength is that It has ball, boxing, wrestling, wel&htUiting, fen-pauper. · • -, oppqrtunity, , 11tte for the '76 Games. Munich was Personally, I do not feel a Soviet Union many OlymJlic facilities already erected ·cing. The Quebec Province cmnmunity lost a But, whether their eUorts have 1100- designated host for the '72 classic by lhis bid will be forthcoming. ~ that it baa an anny 0( experienced And of course the Coliseum wc::id be bundle on Expo '67, sUll hasn't come up ceeded will not be known~ next May. Pro Cage Loops Plan '69 Merger :I LOS ANGELES (AP ) -The American Basketball Association and the National Basketball Association may merge within 30 days, the Los Angeles Times reported in today's editions. ' A merger would be similar to that of the American and National football leagues, the story said. Reportedly the older, established NBA made the first overture to~ the younger ABA , with the aim to end a war that has sent player salaries soaring. "The report says a source close to the situation revealed that the ABA has received a proposal from the NBA featur· ing three main points. I-There would be separate leagues, but beginning next spring there would be a common draft of college seniors. After the ABA has been upgraded to a rom- petitive level with the NBA, there would be a championship series between the leagu:?S. 2-The Los Angeles Stars and Oakland Oaks, both of the ABA, woold be relocated. Presumably, because the New York Nets are physically based on Loog Island, each league would keep its "New York" team. 3-Each ABA fran chise would pay the NBA indemnities, possibly as much as $500,000. Acc-0rding to the story, the last two points have not found favor with owne~s in the nedgling ABA, but the proposal IS regarded as a starting point in negotia- llons. --0ne-soarce-says1.he-raiding-of-players. which has ~en held to a minimum, will increase unless soroe agreement ls reach ed. A merger would also presumably end a number of suits now pending that involve both leagues and several individual teams. One urMton tifled owner was quoted as saying if there is a merger, it would come before Sept. 1. Hale Blasts Pipers in Loss Of Ace to NBA OAKLAND (AP) -Connie Hawkins is being paid $250,000 and $30,000 a year for life to join the Phoenix Suns of the Na~ tional Basketball Association , an official of the Oakiand Oaks said Tuesday. Hawkins, who with · the Minnesota Pipers became one of the top stars of the American Basketball ~sociation, jumped the ABA to sign with Phoel'\ix recently. Bruce Hale, Oaks gener~t manager, revealed the $250.000 and $30,000 figures. The former is to be paid over the span of two or three years, he said. The money apparenlly is not just fDr Hawkins' serviei!s but also an inducement tn get hirr. to drop a suit against the NBA. which had barred him on suspicion of being involved with gamblers wh1Je in college. Hale blamed the manag~ment of the Pipefs. who are moving to Pittsburgh next year, for letting Hawkins get away. "If 1 had bGcn with that team," Hale !Said, "I'd have done anything I could to have kept him. Losing Connie was a lilow to the league." Asked U the ABA could have matched the NBA offer to Hawkins, Hale gaid, "There is no question about it. We would have matched it." Ump's B.ad Night Is Angel·s'· Good ·Night By EARL GUSTKEY Of Ille ~llJ •11et lllft Wouldn't you know it thal ·it'd take a bad night by an umpire to '!fOpel the Angels out of the cellar, )he Angels had been on plate arbiter Larry Napp all evening Tuesday because they claimed he was giving Boston pi tchers Jim l&nborg and Vicente Romo strlkes on chin-higb pltch&3. Things came to a head in the ninth-Tbe ump called a strike on Jay Johnstone and Sandy Alomar screamed bloody morder from the bench. Napp thre_w him oUt of the game and manager Lefty Phillips promptly engaged in a nose-to-nose beef at home plate. Lefty fin-11y returned t.o his seat and Johnstone ltioked al another chin-high delivery coming at him from Romo. "He'd been calling those strikes all nigh1 long so 1 figured I'd better swing at it," Johnstone explained, 1$ minutes attez: · he parked the pitch into the right field seats to give the Angels a 4-3 win: The victory pried the Halos out of last place in lhe Western Division, a st.ation th<y had occupied since belng <!<posited there oo May 10 by -you guessed it - Boston. Johnstone, who went two-for-three Tuesday, ls one of several Angels Phillips has had at the Big A early each afternoon taking extra batting practice swings. Predictably, the hits have come mare frequenUy over the last three weeks. "I should be hilling better -Lefty's SORRY, MANNY -Pittsburgh's Manny Sanguillen didn't quite make It with this scoring aftempt agirin;t tbe Dodgers Wednes day in Pittsburgh. Applying the brakes Is Dodger catcher Jeff Torborg, who got me out here early every day," Johnstone said. The Angels conUnue their drive for the f"ll'St. division \his evening and they'll lrot out their ace, Andy ·MessermJt.h_ (9-7 ), to Angel Slate J11lw !IO Anotl• vt eos11111 7:55 p.m. KMPC !"'\ J11tjr 31 Anutls 11$ Bosl'Oll 7:JS o.m. l(MPC tlO Aug. 1 Angels vt WtllllnQ!on 7:55 p,m, KMPC 1710) pit.ch against Boston's Sonny Siebert (8- 8). Phillips and his pupils hope a sparkler by Messersmith tonight mlghl quiet the growing restiveness in the stands. Many or the 10,688 wbo paid to get ln Tuesday backed the Red Sox to the hllt: They booed when Angel starter Tom Murphy decked Mike Andrewa in the !illh and cheered lustily when aomebody hoisted up a "Let's Go Red Sox" poster in the seventh. "I think we can turn things around," Phillips said. "We're showing a little more poise all the lime. We're showing a little more ex~ ecution, too, and that's what thH1 club has to do to win. When a young club gt!ls down on Uself and starts going bad, li'a a sign of immaturity. ''But when a young club gets hot. It -can really go to town." - The manager indicated he li•s no cer- tain fourth starter at the moment. "Our certain starters are J I m McGiothiln, Messersmith and Murphy. The fourth is Rudy May, Clyde Wright. or Ken Tatum -ii~Wr i$ ready and depending oo who we're praying." IOSTOI( C'.IJ,.U101lHIA ••rll r91 ••r•rM O'Orlen, 3b S I 1 I A~r, 2b ' t I O Anclr-. 2'! I 0 J 2 5,,....:«, lb ' t I 1 'l'._tn:tmlk~ II I 0 0 0 ilt•ldief'Clt; JI I O O D Pttrocclll, ll J 0 I 0 FregDfl, 11 2 I I O Lel\Oud,rt 4000..lllhlQ;r.dttll Scoff, lb ' 0 • • Ybl4• '' ••• Lodi:, d 2 I 0 0 A~ollr Qlltr,•' I t I Satrl•no. c 1 o I O AK\llf. c.. J o 1 1 1.1iw:11 .. or o.1 .1:r ·M\ll'Jlfly, .. p 1 o o o lonllcwil. p • ' 0 • l ' ... ~I'll, p 1 • • • O . .IPMI, 1111• t I 1 I • • R0tn0.p 20 0 .0 • Totals 33 ' > 11-·2 "totall ltl II ' 4 ,.. Ol1t wn.t wlrlnl(w,..ruo tcOf'td.. l!IOllOP -, , OIO -0:111 000 -2 C.lllornl• • .., JOO 001 -• IP 'fl1 .-alt I• to Lonbor11 •·•t:tls Romo (L.~n. • ' I 1., I I 0 • M11rphy •l!i!.t 2 2 t I Wrtght (W,f_,) ...Vt 2~ 0 0 1 • HBP -bw MVFJlttY ·40, "°"'").WP -M\11111'1y, Tim• -a:21. AtfWdllQ,,.toML . ~ ' \ It's Not True; . . Leo Hasn't Mellowed CHICAGO (AP) -Suggest to Leo Durocher, manager of the Chicago CUbl, that he has mellowed and bia 8ll$Wtl' will prove he hasn't. Make an attempt to outfox Durocher and he'll come up the winner. Leo Durocher, a throwback to the Gu House Gang of the St. Louis Cardinals, the New York Yankees of Babe Ruth's era, the dally days of the Brooklyn Dodgers and heydays ol the New York Giants, is undefinable. --ln-one~breath-he-can-dtew-out-a-o!«ver--1 or an adversary and in the other he can U'I Tei.¥19 took an outfield throw lo nail the sliding Sanguillen, Action occurred in the first game o! a doubleheader, won by the Pirates, 4-2. LA won the second game, 6-5. charm an-admitted .uemy.to his knees. Once he was thrown out of baseball. by the then ConuniMioner Happy Chandler, ror conduct detrlmental to the game jtself. But he came l:iack. • H~ has stepped out of bounds witll managers when he was a player. with playen when he was a manager and the umpires adm1ttedly hate him. Durocher ~ched the zenith of his sany career last weekend when he went AWOL as manager o! the Chicago' Cubs. He complained of stomach pains In the third inning of a nationally televiaed game Saturday and left, presumably for home. He didn't show up Sunday. A story broke that Duroch~r spent the weekend with h1s recent bride at a boys" camp in Wisconsin. It turned out that it was a reception for pareTita at the boys' camp and Mrs . Durocher, the fonner Lynne Walker Goldblatt's 12-year~ld son, Joel Goldblatt was staying. Leo returned to lhe Club tielm Monday and refused to comment saying "lt's a private ro.atter and I ·don't discUss my private life with anyone." Meanwhile, (P. K.) Wrigley, owner of the Cubs, said Leo owed the players, the coaches and the manageme.nt an apology. "I'll speak to Mr. Wrigley," said Leo. Wrigley . and Durocher met Tuesday JflO!nlnf lot' )0 minutes an~ jt wu all over •. Belinsky to Join Pittsburgh Tos~eenP_~i 3.s) r1es irates • l>Urocher~ suffering from a hialal hernia'for more than 20 years, said "it actl up suddenly;,. Leo explained be had made a commitment to visit (.he camp after Saturday'• · jame-and made it despite the ailment •. Durocher .aid be • returned home Sun- day morning bul c1Jd,°,•1 feel like going to Pl'M'SBURGH -The Pittsburgh Pirates said today they have purchased Bo Belinsky, who pit.ched a no-hitter in ·his rookie year, from Hawaii of ~the Paclfic Coast League. The Pirates said Belinsky, purcllased outrlght for an undisclosed price, will report to Pittsburgh within a few days. Belinsky notched his ninth consecutive victory Monday night and bas a 1.2-S record in the PCL, tops in the league. His earned run average is 2.86 •. He appeared in 23 games. • TUSCALOOSA, Ala. -Former Alabama star quarterback Kenny Stabler has quit the Oakland Raiders of the American Football League "because there's not much gense Jn staying In it U l wasn't enjoying it." Stabler, the Raiders' second· round draft choice two years ago, said he was not displeased with his treatment at Oak- land but simply was ti.red or playing football. • PIITSBURGH (AP) -Tom Hutton'• tw~run" sing I e highlighted a four-run splurge jn the sixth inning to lead the Lot Angeles Dodgers to a 6-5 victory in the second game of a twi-night doubleheader Dodger Slate •••. "'1 1"'1 So.m. lr;F U) Ille ban park., " . His explanation apparenlly was good enou,g:h for Wrigley who later annouoced "'We had our signals twiBted and we 1ot straightened out in 10 minutes. There wu no apoJogy aaked nor none jiven." P A.IGE'S A.GE FINALLY LEA:.RNED Russell Ends Cage Career - BAL TIM ORE -Wes Unseld, whose re- bounding triggered many a fast break for the Baltimore Bullets last season, did n't know what a fast break really was until ~he went to Vietnam. "We were playing a game over there one day," Unseld said Tuesday, "when our troops fired an artillery round. I brPke for cover, and everybody thought 1 wu kidding around. It was the ~t fast break I was ever on ." Tuesday after Willie Stargell's tw~run Ioth inning llomer gave the Pittsburgh Pirates a 4-% victory in tlle opener. In tonight's game at Pittsburgh, Claude Osteen, 13-8, of the Dodgers faces Steve Blll!S, 11-7. l.OS AHGI"l.SS l'lnllUJl•H NEW YORK (AP) -It ~kl as U that age old quesllon about qeless Satchel Paige's age b., linally been,settled. Paige, oow a coach lfith the AUant.a Braves alter a loog ~ D\usbioua pit• chlng career in baseballi had tept everyone guessing aboul,.hls· age until be llnaUy admitted "I was born in lllOS." NEW YORK (AP) -11111 Riwell. p1'1· er-coach of the world chamPlon Bolton Celtics of the National Basketball Also- ciation and one of the gl.lme 's all-time greats, is retiring! Sports Illustrated said toda;.i in a c-opyr ghted artlcle. Russell wrote that he "no longer feels the urge to compete." The 35-year-old Russell went on to say : '"There are professionals and there are mer~naries in sports. The difference between them is that 1.be professional is Jnvolwd. I wu never a mercenary. If I continued to play, I'd become a mer· cenary. I'm not Jnvolved any more _ .. I've 1061 my~competidve urge, If I went out to play now, the other guys would know I didn't really cm. That's no way to play -It's no way to do anything ... "You can bet I'm golna to do some- Utlng that wUI call on the kind of energy I've been ming In 1port1 f<lr the last 20 years." In the meantime. he said "I'm going to become Ille holtal ~fool-I black lerthanded 16-handic:a p golfer to come along in years." Rw.sell's contract silll has one year to n1n. In BostOfl, however, a Celtics spokes· man said the team has no knowledge ol any resignation. ''k far as I know," the spokesman said, "There has been no ofOcial restg- nallon by Russell . He may have re- signed to Sports Illustrated -but not to the Celtics." Durlng i two-week stay in Vietnam, which ended early this month, '1Jgseld estimate& he and two otbtr National Basketball Association playerS Lou Hudson and John McGJocklin, were in- volved in about 125 pick-up games. "We'd pray aboUI 15 Of' 20 mlnlit" in each place," Unseld said. "Most or Ute time the lhtee of us would play against four servicemen on either hall or whole court." tit t ""'' ellrlill'M Wiik, 11 3 0 0 0 M,Alo\I, (f S. 0 0 0 Cra"l'fOl'\1, If • 1 ~ 1 C.T•wlor, rf • 1 I 0 Mltlkel1en, p 1 I I 0 "'-• p 0 0 0 0 W.Dtvlf, t f "f .. 2 t $ti11"99rl, If 4 0 I o Gtbl'ltt.I, rl l I 2 I $eno11lllttl. c S 1 I 0 ll11$1ell, rf 2 0 t t Htbnel', )b & 1 I 0 Hlli.I', o I 2 t 0 A.Oii,,..., lb l t 2 2 Mtkl'-Jib 4 I t 0 P11tk, 14 I 0 t 0 H""°", ID 2 0 I 2 Mal'llMlo 2D 2 0 1 t SltMTI01'f, )II 4 0 I I 1!1111. O J I I I '<»!tt', p t 0 0 o 0.1Cenl0!1, p I 0 o 0 Moeller, p o o o 0 MtrOl!t. p O t I 0 Mita, If 2 l l I (lefMlll9. rl I I• 0 I Tottll • '14 ,, TO!llf 3' ' I f 1.M AllOflt'l 011 DCM 000 -' • Plnt11uJ911 000 1• 109 -j ~ -Pt1!1but"Ofl I. LOI -L• AllOt .. t. ft11~!'11h t. 11 -Hiller, Cr1wfortr, Go.llbl'ltMn, 5t•'941!1, a..,..11111'"' W. Dtvl1, ttlt -A. Ollver 2 (I), .. -Hfllntr, Wlli.. "But at that time," ht. "added, "I have an lclea lllal llley wtren~ too fuasy ill Alabama about keeping aca1tate recorua of Negroes who were. bdng born." A check of Alabama records for bb'th <ertlflcates with vailaUons ol the name Paige found a ctrlilicate that Leroy Pqo was born ln Mobile County, Ala., cm lUlJ 7, lllOS. That makes SaldltJ la. DAILY PILOT Roger Maris will never make it, th.e academicians were saying in 1961. They refused to believe the Yankee right fielder would hit 60 home runs because be couldn't bit 18 in September, like Babe Ruth did In 1927. It's one of the mysteries of baseball how that axiom became so generally accepted by tbe baseball writing fraternity before 1961. Whether it was Jlmmy Foxx, Hank Greenberg. Ralph Kiner or Mlckey MaJ\Ue mak- Lng an assault on the magic "60," they continually claimed 18 homers in September were necessary. First Maris eiploded the theory (be hit nine in Sepl, '61) and now Reggie Jackson has done it -even U be doesn't hit 60. J ackoo bas 40 going Into August, which means just 10 each In August and September will turn tbe comer. ' And bear In mind that Reggie might stir up some excitement in Orange County in late September. Oak- land is at Anaheim Sept. 111-20-21 and U Reggie doesn't have 65 by tben be might be close to a record. j Last season, it seemed for a while that Denny M~ "3in 1 might get a shot at his 30th win in Anaheim but, as it turned out be won his 29th at the Big A. , * * * • ANGELS DEPT. -George Lederer, the t X·MWS. p.permtn who i1 now the Angeli• public relatJon1 dJ.. r.ctor, !Gld m•""SIO' Lofty Phillips Soturdoy that If &I'd kHp Rick Reichardt out ~ INtting practice Sun- cli1y he'd hit two home runs. j Well, the Aft9els conducted thei r PNot•me c•mer• d•y promotion before Sund1y'1 game •nd neither the f.noelt nor Yankffl had h.tting practice. Sure enough, ilefchardt hit fwo homers. * * * • EDISON DEPT. -Th• school hasn't ev1n opened 6• doors yet 'but •lrHdy Edison, the new Huntington Buch high school, has Its basketball followers .. cited. • Two tophomorn. M1rk Hirmon and Din Wilton, Eayed exceptionally well In the Hunflntton summer ague and Sffm certain to give the Charter• winning , amt In their beginning years. , Bedell (31) Paces Mates To 109-63 Hoop Win Woody's Wharf and Wilson Ford registered vlctcries Mon- day night at Orange Coast CclJege in the Costa Mesa Recreation Department's open basketball league. Woody's banked on a 31-pont night by former pro player Bob Bedell to down Wlgmore Bane Loses I-hit Game Losing a one-hit ball game is rough, but giving up two runs on no hits and still Josblg Ls even rougher. That was lhe ill-fortune of Midway City American Legkln baseball burler F.ddle Bane, as he allowed only one hit, an in· field safety In the first, fanned nine and walked none. Midway City was upended by Pomona In the Anaheim American Legion b a s e b a 11 tourney, (2·1), at Anaheim's La Palma Park. Insurance, 109-63. W l J s o n defeated Douglas, U.73, after leading by only two at halftime. Another high scorer for Woody's was NewPort Harbor High coach Dave Waxman, who logged 27. Pat Grant had 21. BEA.CH T ITLE TO VALLELY John Vallely of Balboo blond and Ron VOC> Hagtn of S&nta Monlca captured the ..,,,.,.1 Newporl lltaeh OpenBeadlVo!leybolt tounwnent Sun!IAY· Vallely, a coast area buketball •tar wbo now plays for UCLA, captured the d o u b I e ellmluUon '"""'""""' by takinl Ron Ling and Butch May -both of Santa ?don.lea -ln stralJlht sels, I H , 11.f, ud then 1n an extra 15-polnt game: lS.10. The runnerup duo had beaten Vallely and Von Hasen earlier in the touma· ment. Over 40 teams partlclpoi.d In the toumamen~ eight ol them former U.S. Olympic volleyball team memben from 19" and '61. About 500 watched the championship match Sunday evening at Corona del Mar SI.ate Beach. Dolphin Swimmers Post Win 1be Blue Dolphin Swim School of Newport Beach defeated the Fullerton Aqua Club by a 327-257 soore recently at Fullerton. It was an Orana:e County Conference meet. Results o Pomona tallied iU first run In tbe third on an error, a pu!f.d ball, an infield out, the runner scoring by stealing home. Tbe deciding run in the flltb wu 8COn!d on another er· ror. a pused blU, another in- field out, with the runner scor· Ing oo 1Ull another pas.ed ball Deep Sea Fish Report I Estancia Clobbers Coyotes To Capture Tourney Crown How They Stand SELL SAM By Marvin Myen t , I 50 !VE Rf A Tkll·CJR FAMILY·· BIG DfAL. ,,. AN EDSEL AND A (ORYA/R 1' Buena Park Takes 58-32 Shellacking By DA VE CEARLEY Of .. Dflly l"lltt Sl•H Estancia mushroomed a ZJ · point edge at the half into a root as it deomollabed Costa Mwa basftlball league champ Buena Park, 5&-32, in the league's post-season tourna· menl The Eagles oullcorod the Coyotes 23-4 in the last nine minutes of the first haU to tum a close tilt into a lopsided aUalr. Estancia suffered its only two league losses to Buena Parle. so the rematch victory was a sweet one. Buena Park relied strongly upon Its rebounding strength during the league season. and previously played a slow, methodlcal ball-control game. But the quick Eagle defense forced the Coyotes into numerous e r r o r s as Buena Park could only collect a pair of free throws in the entire se- cond quarter. Buck.els by Steve Butler and Skip WilliamJ in the first mlnute of the second period gave Est.anica a 14 point lead. Buena Parki unable to ccn- slstenUy control the boards, suddenly changed from a methodical squad Into a sloppy ball -handling team. Estancia led Buena Park in rebounding, gathering in 34 as against the Coyotes' 30. Forward Gary Orgill cashed in on 11 free throws out of 18 attempts in the first hall, seven of those in the climactic second period. " " ' " • " • " ' • ' ' • ' ' • ' • ' ' ,. ~ " " ' • • • ' • ' " ' • • ' • ' ' ' • , ' ' u n .... ~ 11-n VISITS COSTA MESA Jarry Watt 3Lakers Visit Mesa 'Ibree Los Angeles Later players will be at Ccsta Mesa's Sears store Saturday morning for a 9:30 basketball clinic. Scheduled to appear will be Jerry West, Mel Counts and Bill Rewitt, along with fonner Laker Tom Haw~. The store is located at 3333 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. The player s will demonstrate the fundamental.I of shooUng, dribbllng, passing, defense and rebounding for about an hour. The players will be available f o r autographs afterward. Ward's Hit With Loss A fi ve run rally in the last frame by the Santa Ana Junlors proved too much for Ward's Pirates, as the Orange Coast College squad dropped a 1·2 decision Tuesday nighl at Boysen Park (Anaheim). Pirate hurler Rick Davidson was working on a four-hJtter unUI the ninth, when he gave up three hits and the Pirate defense yielded four errors. " " ' . • • • • ' . ' ' , ' ' . • • ' . ' ' ItS an Old Forester kind of "' 86prool. $6.19' fifth ....... Save!O%whca !JZ,· . you buy by Iii< WC. At 86 or 100 proof Thm is nod!iltA btlttt in the 1mrlcr1.- ---.:~1 11'U1un •Dll•-ww11~Y· M "* . .,. "'oo' WllU• .. .O.• ••-../Of:-•1tnuu11 -.n1111·arllMIMW111 •umllllt t .. ' ' Los Alamitos Enirle$ Johl'I Gobf iWlllJllll) BUii E'l'I Ulkf11rd1) MlllYI (Slr•1J1t) a1.,. '-' e..n. tlrlnklwJ "'""ly ,., lllP'f (kiri) LGtt.SGll tSmHhl Chu C~ll Bob t (LIDM"'l DOnhien llonlf.C. (M1trJ Allrll Rtc1uftl (Morrill i;,;os Alamitos Results r.,....,, '"'"' tt. ifft , ... , .... ,, ,l.S1' •1.ctr. M1t Yl•lb. #M~ S w1r pkli. C•lmHie, P'llr111 51100. Kllttv'i S... (Wrletil) lf . ..:i J,JO 4 • .0 · Lii Owlf'lt fAIHlrJ 2M 1.60 llt GNw1y John (Lll>N"'l •.to 11' T.,__:M tllD 11• ScrttcMd-l'ollV't Dfindy, Tiii' Fout 116 Klr, Sul"llln Dile, """""Cool. '" "' "' '" "' -. SI.COHO ltAC•. S» ,_.roH, S ~r . old• lfld 1111 I,., Gr.a. A Pko tM'IO ln Cllif. Pvrw SltGO, P-.-Wa G!rl tP"'°l •·• 3.20 '"° Pll'Tft UCI". &141 vardl. Mlll!Mn 2 YM• old•. Purw tl1CIO, Lud<'I' &.rt Joe (W.1'°"1 11.40 7.ID Roc;ll; ... 1 k1b'I' !WU-) ll• Tl~" 2110 ••UiT U<!1 "'·""'· ' "" 0111,_ ci. _, "l!tt' ~ C..,#!llif 11rk t , • Goll• t+ I~ ~I 111 FV Angler Hits Jackpot Ric~ Roberg of Foun\@.in Valley lUl1)£d in the ~ boa: score in w!llli:entf flBbUtl 10- tion at Vail Lake. He b!¥Jted a fOUl'-peund, 15-- ()Unce ·bass end. A JJ o th ~ r weighirll four1M1Und1, three- ounces. bver '11) angler~ were on hand at the Jake Wt week. It's located in southwest Riverside County. "The fishing now ls as good as it bas been over the last three weeks," reported lake manager Dave Brownell. Rising temperatures and a turnover of algae we r e credited with the increased fishing activity. saucv CCICl<t•U ll•l~kle'l'J l(lpty'1 C11n1'11 (2 H~rl ) $18'1'11 Gill-• (P1IU0J Cl'IO!lol 81n IP11e\ MUI" l1r (Str1uu1 Mr, Y-k (Mllwcl1) Sl>ftd'I' flY (WatHoll) F1111 l.tw !k ... lll Prll'IC'l!Otl Tle9r l k1,.,l1l The Rtlfll'll,.,. One f1 Adl1rJ Standings MllTllO'°°'"ITAN S.UISALL LEAGU• l1 Fonda Jllrllonl ' ' OowlM Jfotl " ' L-e.<:#1 "'"' I ' A.ftlht.lm Hu--. • ' Errible Fl1conl ' • Wanl'1 Plr11H ' ' DI'-Pl~ ' I C'l'!>I"-ai.l'9ff1 ' " 111 krl'ldMcf.-ltodcel Vil\ .suu11. Den 1111 .. l/elblo, Go Kombrl!, Ch~tr, "' "' ·~ •n "' "' '~ "' NIGMTL'( DOU•L9-1-kl..tf't S.M & !·I"~ Girt. P1MI &U.11. THllllb UCI. GI y1f'CIL t YMr old•. Clollml,.,.. P11r$e 12000. TwO T'#enty Ff\11 (01'9nr) 16.IO l .llO •.IO DKk Pev11tr !H C""*"l •.IO l.20 RCldly Er-.m C~I 3.00 Tlme-20 7/10 111 SCr.tdled -Out D1ctdon, S.00~ IU WI,,..,., lndt.,., 11..:.iJt, L\ld<y fltr <:Ille. •n "' '" "' '" "' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • SIXTH IU.CI. Ul ....,, •• , mr_olch 111d 11P I" GtQ M Minus. ltUrH ~1110. Oldt91r'1 o.tn C$mlttl} :JP,60 ll.111 f.IO TOlll-1 Mol IW-'-1 UM! 1.60 Dlf-Mll*n lllOCll.l'f {IMhudll) 2.eo DM-Gldllet May tit hnkl) :2.llO Tltlw-ll 1110 k~ Go En14. Doll~. My k....ii:.t. Jt.olllm a.r C"- C>H--OIMdtleel '°" lnl. NINTH ltACE • .00 nrdt. S .,._, olll1 Ind \IP 1t1 Gr.cll A. MlllUL Pww lli'!IO, Rocke'! Mk\( (ApoUca) 5.0D J.OD 2 . ..0 8""'9Ul'ldV Raae \H CrOlb'l'I S.«I 2.60 Dffrlbll (P•lllO} J.OCI T~ 7!10 Scr11d'«f.-Rel•J'nl)OO Netrll. Ml'i'I Tep Peco, 8.lrokn:ilt Bob, BOOMT'I R• Qutt!, Ou-etl """°"'· OVIN•Lu-t-ltod!ltt Mlek & J-IW· 1111""1 It-. PIN UM. POR SUMMER ENJOYMENT Outioot Lirl1g is ~­ ' way ol /111 ia Soutben (ti/ii. ENJOY tTNOW ' CALL US TODA YI The NEW LOOK for '69 CAllYAS AWlllllGS YlllNCES CURTAINS Hoftlilto ifecototet lil• CGfl"WGS. laoutiM MW cokK1 & MW fabrics. for ito..a • 1 I for busineu I t I '°' lrahrs ••• tor CQl9penl umaCIW9 • 111Twa FREE ESTIMATES NOOllJOArlON WE DESIGN WE MANUFACTUR£ WE INSTALL ALUMINUM SCREENED PATIOS PlanMd ................ mobll• -···-·-bog-. WINDOW and DOOR AWNINGS Many styles & 18 stunning decorator colott for your selection SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING co. -' FACTORY SHOWROOM 2202 So. Main Santa Ana • 545-0491 s...., ,....,,... INOOOI• OUTDOOI """! .... - ·o 0 J ' J ~ ! 0 .. Wtd""4u, Ju~ lO, l'l69 DA!LY l'ILOT 17 With 84.55 Win Over Tr!'f Vikes Survive. Cold Spell Mar!M Hlgb't basketball . Next , loe !or Marica I a · \be' llnale. team, blljdlng !or a perfect Sonora tonlSh4 atarUns at Other Monday -.. In· season In the Orange SUmmer eluded Katella et , Lowell 64; basketb-!lll league, survived a 8:45 at the Orange HJgb l)'m. SOnora 78, Anaheim 411 and cold third quarter Monday The Yikes are 13-4 1olng Jnto Orange IO, Pacillca ta. nisht andddealed Troy,~. ------------------- The Vikes were oul·polpled a 17·11 marstn In the third ' quarter but banked on a margin they'd built up over the first th... periods. ~ SlraUord tallied 11 polnta I<> pace Marina olfenlively, Rick Mosier had IS, TRANSMISSION OR COMPLETE • ADJUSTMENT 95 ST!WGHT ADVICE FoR Yci.Jl DOWN$WJNG .ENGINE ELECTRONIC TUNE.UPI< ANALYSIS {plut Plrtt) IMPROVES SERVICE cJ~ES "M~~v •11• PROBLEMS · l!.H PERFORMANCE COSTA MDA 1tJ4 N..,_,. llvd .•••••• , .•••• 641-0tOO LON• llACH IJ1Jl4Z7·1416 PUU.llTON JASO l.Mt leocli ll'td. 71 I S •• .,...... 12'4f'7 'COM"ON IZ1J1137·ZJSO OUN•I IJl.ol73 1611N.L.Mt.._.llN. ..705 W. CM,_.(.,., GOOD/'YEAR NEW TRIADS R1trut11 oo '"""' 1'11'1 Bodi11 FDR COMPACTS * SIZis. 1.00.13 U5id4 1.10115 ..,.,,13 7.ll0"14 7.15115 7.00X!l 7.lllU ~EDIUM CARS •IZU< Bt1c 1.11.is 14 l.15xl5 Ll!al5 SlZES: l45x 15 IOCJ LARGER •Pim Z1C to 46¢ pw tn Eltlnw4lld r«L £.a. Ta ... v•r ldePll'dinc on sllU md '*lldM>fe tile of. sama size. •You get th!! NID9 road-gripping 1:JP8 tJw.cl design that comes on our new car "Power Cushlon" polyester cord tile •Pick Your Size Now-Go GOodyear USE OUll IAIY PAY PLAN • FREE MOUNTING OFFiil INDl1 9ATUllDAY NIGHT Everyday low prices . .......... ftlTIWW. ''MARATHON'' 6.00x 13 $14.10 $11.lll $1.59 4-PLVNVLON 7.35x14 $1L45 $22.75 $2.07 7.75x14 $20J5 $23.55 $l20 CORD TIRE 8.25x14 $2US $2U5 $2.36 7,75xl5 $211.15 $23.5$ $2.21 • Wrap-a round Tread 1.25x15 $23.05 $2US $l46 t SERVING ALL SOUTHERN .CALIFORNIA. •i i . . i YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. 15t&' NMOIT Phoo 541-HH COSTA MESA : YOUNG & LANE TIRE CO. ::!.. ~,t.vi. LAGUNA i • i THEODORE ROBINS FORD ::::.H~~~~fYD· COSTA MESA • ---------------------------------. ...... ··-..............•..........•........................•........• J I l; ' I' I J • D.lll.Y l'ILOT .w'1-· July l0, 1969 -• -Golden w;est -~ists ~32~ Students .on· Spring D.~an's L~st • • t ' • J, Golden west Collep In Hun-Woodhlld." Slianm L .• Wrliihl• 'llartlvlpen, San I o.rd S. LeBer. Michael S. Corrigan, Wiley K. ··Ubda ·)."Landon, Betty A. Olson, Phyllis A. ,Ospflng, Charleoe ·A. Tole<ti>, Virginia _, Unitoft Beacb toQy releued Alan L Z.mans\y, Donald /t., Haailns, Scott Hoseng, Yvette ~tCLEMENTE -Larry Estabrook, DoruUe R. Fisher, Love, Bltlie_F. McPeek, lJnda Charles R. Petenon. Roger J. To~. Bill A/ •yolgarlno, ~ ZoU. • . , ·• S. · Pll:tnam. · B,u r1t; • E. B. MatM1. Yolanda Garcia, Amy J . Gar-S. Mc\Vherler, Nancy A. Pgwer, Joe A. Rtnle, Alex· David J. Volgarino, Byron s. ' 111 deul'I llst of llonor NE;~RT, .B~Cll -· lllohan\S<>ll.• !t'Y M, ~ifs, WES'l'MJNSTJ;;R -Gerald reU, Thomu A. Gay le r,. Maler.,· Mwk ·W. 'Marchu.!, ander Romo, Tom J, ~II, Walker, Jean M. Wtlker, Bet· tf =:'er. for the s Pr In K Richard G., Craig,' Gary E •. SteJ>heri' Schetblattef. ..,. J. Baggs, tLarry E. Bagp, Charles L. GUbertson, SUsan ~ Inna P •. MU'tioei, James A. Margot M. Scheibe, Barbara ty S. Walsh, Kartn J. -· Goelit>,,Eva D. POI'<· SUNSET . B.EACll -,.Kan· Stephen T.llock. Katherine M. G,...., Daniel W. Halby. Madi; N~y M. Mootgomery, L. Shores, Rooae ,M; Sjcoug, W..iJ>n>Ok,. C ar.o le L. ~ Tt was the largest yet In the SEAL BEACff\-CWford W •. neth M."'...Lauher,1 Bernard 1J. ~. Yvonne· M. Roger R. Harter, Mary Lou ' 'Karen K. Morgan. James E. Sm'1Jwood, Oel:!ra .WillllmJ, Larry N. Williams, ., three-,ur history ol the col· Dahlin,.Kenfteth ;\:D•Yia.. Jer· McCabe, , Ant bo::rl,Y., ~ M. BethuJ'uroi )Bur A. Bolgarino, Heuett, Mildred L. Johnson,· 1'1b8U A. Nthrling, Laurel L. L. StevemoD, Janet M. Garq.M, G. w l 11 i ! ms on , I lege with 112 llljdents eamlng ry Eley, Su.an L. Grant, Peter ~. Janqt ,A..WP'jlOQ., ' llmert S. Bozarth, Edward H. Patri.c:ia A. Kemper, Jerry J. Nelaori, Joaepb C. Nibeel, Tabata,. f.eslle A. Tallman, Tbon\aa · E. Woods, Joan L. 1, o 11 ....-op or better and 17 !_A::.· ~H~o~••1J::•~·:_-':_:'Aild"4~·~:._;'L~· .:.· _:·~SURfS~.~~-Ip~Ez_, -=~K~a~d~a_;:~E':_. ~~~·~·~_!LaralneE~2!MI:_. ~C.0,~tts~, _K~e~rl>~y~·-Ran~~dy~C'.:_._Klrdlner~~· ~·'..'.':J· S~h~~ro!n~·~K'.'._>~O~'B~rl~en,~B~ren~t:_:A~.~·W~a~yne~S~._:T~a~ylor~._:_ __ ~W~oikman.'.'.!·~~--_;_· __ lltitb that perfect academlct"' ; 1 ,. ' ' batting average, a straight A 1 1 ' ·• • • ' ' average. The list of B or better atucleots, careytnr al least 12 units, includes: Named u booor students were; BALBOA -Rebecca D. lloll. BALBOA I SLAND ElJiabeih A. Bowlul. CAPISTRANO BEACH Richard L Spears. ' COSTA MESA -Dalvorie Azppetlan, Lloyd S. Sw111, Michael Weisberg. FOUNTAIN VALLEY - Diane L. Baty, G<orge M. Bollter, James W. Griffiths, Jean A. Kristioa~ Linda R. Louzao, Raodall L. Mailliard, Camille A. Meade, Grace M. Modglin, Steve N. ·Paselk, AUan W. Robinson, Oleryle L. Silver, Kathleen J. Soden, Elizabeth B. Stoffa!, Ester T. Strauss, David A. Valles. HUNTINGTON BEACH - Jacqueline D. Abare, Nancy K. Aiuto, Melissa L. Allen, GaU K. Altlmarl, Glenn W. Andenoo, Vicki R. Aoki, Paul M. ~to. Carol A. Bader, Beverly B. Baker, Donald W. Beal, Barbara A. Bell, Paul J. Bess, Briane G. Bovberg, Ethelyn Bradshaw, J obn R. Brady, Wllliam. C. Bray, Ellen A. Brewster, Patricia Brockh o us e , Beverly Brocknwi, Martin S. Broder, Stephanie A. Burke, Della J. Busch, llooaJd V, CampbeU, John M. Capoc c lam a, Chrtstlne J, Carr, Michael D. Cavanaugh, Donald E. Clutter, Anni Mae I. Collin, Paul R. Cooper, Chantal B. Cornett, John E. Cunningham. Gary R. De Boise, James P. De Haan, Susan K. De Lanais, Carol E. Dietz, Lionel A. Dobler, Denise M. Dunne, Randall T. Durham, Margaret L. Falconer, Elizabeth R. Fenwick, MJldred L. Fink, Peter G. Frust. Diana B. Gaedig, Stewart C. Godshall, Mark R. Goodwin, Pat:ick J. Gorman. David M. Grlmshaw, William Grimshaw, Sandra D. Hagle, Betty J. Hahn, Rita M. Hally, Jackie D. Harrington, Billy B. Harris, Hazel M. Hatfield, Stephen D. Hayes, Vicki R. Hen d ershot , Bob M. u -e n l1rid ge, Ralph R. Hernandez, Shelley Hofflund, Ell een A. Hooper, Nancy L. Humphrey. Philip A. lannarone, Ran- dolph C. Insley, Sue M. John, Karen S. John.wn, Nancy L. Johnson, Dolores A. Kearney, Michael A. KiU!an, Gary E. Kimbrough , Mary E. Kotsybar, DonaJd R. Kurzen, Bill P. Lager, Robert A. La Monte, Kathleen Lance , Kristine Lance, Robert E. Leach, Judith A. Leverone, Christopher Lilley, David P. Love. Mahmood Mabdavi, 'lbomas E. Manthei, Shirley R . Manuel, Brenda G, Matthews, Robin L. Matlhews, Paul D. Maxfield, Susan P. Mickelson, Karen L . Miller, Susan E. Minnich, David L. Mile, Maria E. Monce, Mary F. Morris, Lynda S. Olds, Michael R. 0Dg, John C. Overstreet, Kay L. Ovlst, J'osepph F. Pitt.luga, Maureen A. Pittenger, William A. Pretty, Elsa J, Rasmussen. Patricia L. Richter, Douglas J. Ridenour, RonaJd A . Ringen, Walter J. Roden, Gary B. Romineck, Gary S. Saderup, Mary A. Sandbach, Patricia D. Schermer, Laddie Schmldtbauer, Kenneth H. Scott, Linda J. Seaman, Del Nora H. Sherrill, Daniel C. Silva, Thomas W. Smith, Sue D. Snider. Mary N, Stancrldge , Edward L. Stanford, John E. Stebbin&S. Sandra R. Stevens, Brenda D. Stoddard, J ae· queline SUles, Susan S . lugden, Sandra J. Terrell, Diane L, ThieJ, Nancy L. Toomba. Beverly A. Totman, Gary D. Turner, Fran H. Van Hom, Gary T. Ward. Darlene J. Ware, Gary L. Weatherly, Octavia Winzer, Leslie L. Harbor Blvd. W o:rk Slated 'l1>e State Division o f Highways ls asking (or bids on the . lmpnwement of a porUon d. Harbor Boulevard In north Orange County. 'lbe project calls f o r murUdog and smoothing 1 4 . ....U. atretcb north of the Santa Ana Freeway between Buena Park ond La Habro. Bldo '"' the roadwork will open Oil Ausuat 21 In Loo Angdel. ,, . .-, .......... . l!IUOY:"COOL S--DIMllG Yfmt THI" .. LUXI UNIT. TOU :cOll1lOI. THE' AMOUNT OI''" ec).Ol.I/!! •wmt•A• ,__,UF!ll AND THE AIR ,D~.. . , . ,. AUTO AIR CotlDffiONER SERVICE • ~ COMPUSSOt Ai.D . VALVES • l'EllFOtM L.IAI AllD 'PllSJUIE TEST CHECK 5a1 • CHEC:JI I. ADJUST llLTS FOii PIOl'll TtNSION • CHICK SWITCH AND ' PWS THDMOSTAT ~t~11 ;/Lf7 ~~,Cllll ~·~~- ~~·· (~~.lllT-•• '33 l·llUO, ·~J I . ftir"NKl tO LIMlt OUA I ·sTANDQD DUT'· . f~ lf'?:'1 Fcrdl. C:lw\1'' · •• and P'l)'lltOU:ths f1" ...., 1, ... Ori&illal' *ltlipEMat 1ec:fliNIMf'!l type Mder At.tum ·idol.Ible wall Sholl Jnd d ec:tnwiallt Mklcd-seam. 5TOlll ·HOUlS:·DAILT 10 TO IO:.SUN .. 10·ro-l· .. ~ ,mtlES SAT. AUIO. 2,/l ht . ..... ~ ...... ' ' . .... ~~~ ............. ... -. ' AMBASSADOR BY FISK 27 MONTH OUAIANn~ !. :,YL;1~LY'01f,1\DM.COID 90DY1 TUa--.1i1 •LONG WIAlfHO 1Vu" TllAl>.DIM'tl ~~.CONTl .... TAL llMa..WIAJI AIOUND lllAD • .f..111 ••• a.oaoov1:11.,. ~1;11GN · ~NY $1zi LISTED ·~ow ,, ... ,. 7.1J..'S .. ... ~ 1.IS._1S 41,,S) All',..,.,'"'" ,.._I !~k. j; Whi ... lh Jl.00-· ~ k"'••t fllK TIRI OUAIANftl • ''" 1.,,1o.-.-lf the ti•• 11 """'-" -i..ble fo• Ol'Y '""'" o~rin11 tM fin! fO '-1~ efter ,..., .... .., It wm t.. r1plo...t •I "° thcr.rwe. FISK SPORTS SPECIAL FOR: Volkswagens & Sports Cars JS.OJH IU Of I Chanae ap.rt erforma..ce • l oad Ho1ord-A117 l•\111te !hot tomm 'U• le NOii horutil, will 0. ro!>loc.d .,. • ,.....,..a ..... of ...,.,.,,, .... .,.,,.,, 1111;,.9 P'i<• of the lir•, at ,;.,,. el ocfi.,.-1, _....,1,,. "" tr.od .-iAinO, 'ldrh opecifled ......Mr flf .,Olltlia _ ..... ,.. ... e W~h;, eflCI M.._riaH.....,. i;,. ... re'°' "'' h ..-,........, .._i;,,, •" .. ~. -.,_ In _..,,,_,,., ~ .... tm.1 f., lhoo life ~ Ille ~ ltftMf. If the liN fellt M .. tlefech 111 ,..,..hol -..I _...._...; •• th9 Ii,. will \;.t .......... cMrslftt .... ~ for the .,_, .. , ., ....... . -.111ec1. ' AU AlllUITMINn All tasm Off CUl:llNT M lrnAT llU9t9 ·f111ct,, AT '"' TURI Of ADJVltMIN"f-lfOT Uff l!IK'I Oil HO-TUOI f'IUC:L o ....... ~'1-' ••J&--14•. . . a6 MOMJM •UAIANTll • Nll 4-tlT4 'TOO% •lllSU'lt. COOllO •11-ITIPCNID ICT\OM cou·· tNt.•AllAllT ~OU COUl<I 11/fll" TIU.O DIPTM $ ANY 51ZE llSTED BELOW .K .. AU. ... KH N MW , ... --~ ~ .... JIUl lMll ..... 11 ...... 1.76 """ ·~·· $l5 . ... Pl'lqt ,.... Flldenlll t!.l!l:IM Ta: Wl!lft'Olll U.00 -· eOdl ITAHDAlD DVn SHOCK ABSORBERS 2 FOR ~--!lo -.., __ MoOI Whlll Covft -~ WAX,, 77·)061 tt OUNCll Carnpkte auper Mine ur 'kitwith• 1iauor. THESE SPEC'IALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY! WESTMINSTER 15440 llACH ·IL YD. Ar McFocWoo 8'2·20lt BUENA PARK 5185 LINCOLN AYE. Ar : Valley Ylow w.5800 BUENA PARK 5301 IEACH II.YD. Ar Lulrwlolor Sn.3040 COSTA MESA 2200 -HARIOR ILYD. Ar Wllsoto 548·2082 · SANTA ANA 1400 EDINGB Ar .Wrol 546-7832 ' . -------------... ---.----~ -· ..... -----------... ~--· ----------------... ----.. -------- Wtdntsday, July 30, l 96q H PILOT-ADVERTISER IS s OAILY PILOT J9 There Are Many · Factors .·Involved ... Ill Sportscasting By JOYCE LAIN capabilities. You've got to perhaps major In English with peretnt actually ~oing the believe the field 11 u wlde tramportation problems.'' the schoo1 which --meet this Miu l•lll •w•ro. , M"<11ry "°'''· know what's going on iu a-broadcast minor. event '(All sportscasters In-open now as tt wu when I SCHOOLS. Trv lo alte.nd a criteria •re: U. of ~ 1111, (allr1ny ot rM •ovti Tv_u.,. s""""•, and learn the English tervlewed emphasized t be .... rted. Ba 1 Ica11 y the / Wash. State, ri.Uch. State U.1 c;o,, ID llfl\OV PtterM~. Lfn., Ill.: t"'""" CHRIS SCHENKEL, ABC ""'" JI · ii h' h (I) "~1 11 !IOI '" "'" 1or ""' wt language and how 1Q use Jt neceaslty for tho r o u g b networks handle everything co ege or wuve.rs Y w lC u. or Ind., Utah State and u. !~~~~ ~~,i:r:11:C': ·.~;:,: easily. SPorts. wanted to be a preparation and s p o r l s and the people they have can has a good rad.io-TV tchoot (2) of Ala. There are other gOO,d eo111" 1rt1t11110l" " sportscaster at lhe age of 12. knowledge. You should know usually do all spol'U. Wlltl good athlet.lc program, and (3) schools as well A. -"Minlmal,'' gays VIN SCULLY, L.A. Dodgers, listened to eYery radio broad-many sports ft>r year-rouod jets, you can do several events a student station. Harold Send' your sa1ge1lloD1 lor Robert A. Poulsen, an aulbori-suggeats future sports an--cast possible,and attended work.) in one week, and fewer ht-Niven, vice president for plan-fu&ure column topics to Joyce ty on the subject. Bob, a nouncers • • take particular tend a school with a campus Purdue. He belleves the work Schenkel adds, "I highly dividuals handle the sporta' ning and development. Na--Lili~ ~ Corner; of DAI~ talented graduate student in car:e in receiving a college radio station, participate in in TV sportscasting ts about 80 rectmmend sport.scasUng to now than in O>e earlle.r. days tional Association of Broad-LY PILOT. Sorry, ao mail tbe U. of Kansaa's radio-education," and il possible, at· extracurricular activities, and percent preparation and 20 yt>ungSters althollgb I don't wben there were 1 om e ca1>1ers, says a ball-dozen of aat'f'flrt can be 1lve11:1 television.film school, is ..:.::.::.::::::..::.....::..__:.__...:... ____ -:--------'----'--'------.....:--=-----=--------------------'--'=------------'----='--'--- wrlUng bs master's thesis on sportscasters and has labored many ~ours interviewing suc- cessful SPorts broadcasters. Thanks tor sl\aring, Bob'. Though not all the ... BIG SP 0°RTSC~ER8 finished college, today it would be almost impossible to ad- vance w i t h o u t education. '.fhere are few jobs; com· petition is intense. B o b estimates there are, at most, only 200 pro sports an- nouncers, including less than dozen iielwork s~. YoU•n need all the training :YOU can get to break ln. I ' 1 SCORECARD. There are four types of sportscasters: play-by'-play announcers, who describe the action of the game;. ~olor men, wbo (>rovide analysis of the g~: sports reporters, who bro a·d ca s-t sports news; and sports com- mentators, such as Howard Cosell. Sportscasters usually begin their careers in small radio or television stations, perhaps as a s t a I f an- nouncer.Others, such as Sandy Koufax, were athletes who made broadcasting a second career. JIM SIMPSON. NBC Sj>orls, offers this advice: "A young man 'who wanls to be a sportscaster should have played sports -not necessari- ly ·the Varsity squad. He mµs\ learn the' love and thrill Of lhe game, and his own Do Check On Uterus Fibroid PETER STEINCROHN, MD Dear Dr. Steincrohn: I'm a healthy, 30-year-old housewife except that my doctor has just discovered that I have a_ small fibroid ln my uterus. l'Ve been wondering about it. Wi!Yt get larger.? Will I have to uru!ergo a hysterectomy? I'm not wor- rying11. but as I said; just wond~ing. Mrs. M. · CO~T: Will it -get Targer.1 Yes and No. I presu~e that your doctor has advised you to come back a few tithes a year to check on DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE it. If it begins to grow, then he will s~ you more often: It's possible that he may recom- mend ,_removal of the uterus. But these days such an opera· lion isn't performed for fibroids unless there is bleedipg or rapid enJargement. Doctors are m o re con- servative about these usually hannless growths. DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: My brother, who is 45, was a successful profesa.ional man. Recently divorced, he lives in squalor in one rented room. His roo~ is a mess. He seldom shaves. His clothes are dirly and wrinkled. He is a brilliant man who was the head of his graduating class. \Vhat can be wrong? -Mrs. 0. COMMENT: My hunch is Ulat a psychiatrist will ha~e ~o answer that. It seems he 1s tn some ·sort of depressioQ. But I suggest a visit to an Internist first to rule out the possibility of organic brain changes as a cause for his right-about-face in personality. * * * For Mr. V.: Painful big toe is often like a green arrow to the diagnosi s of g o u l y arthritis. But remember that gout is not too choosy, Many another joint aches and pains on and off for years and is unsuspected of being due to gout. Such patients fill up on aspirin and other medications and keep wondering why they don't help their "rheumatism." For more informal.ion on gout and other arthiritic diseases, send for my booklet, ''How to Live With Arthritis," in care of this newspaper. Enclose 25 cents in coin and a s t a m p e d , self -addressed envelope. For Mn. P.f.: One o( the best first aids for an ordinary kitchen burq of the hand+ Is to immerse 'it In ice wattr. Not only does it relieve the pain, but It promotes heallng . Besides, it is not as messy as apply In& butter. • · "Protein 29" ., MENNEN lfalr Cre111 fir M11: 9Bt 3 oL. II makes hair look GEL yollflger, thicker. rt!Of~ 66 handsome. Helps to C prevent dryness. 1.35 7 ll. SPRAV age MENNEN "Sol-Stroke:• SN,IVE CRUM ... PUSHBUTTON Deodorant In NEW "Li1ne:·. By MENNEN ••• BollUS S11e. ... ut 59c 1.11 _1111. soc lltz.Silt SUI 0 M!llNUI "Skin Bracer" Mr•~r• •1~". mn sHAn ..• i Ant1-Persp1rant-Rdreshing end fa~ -,.-ro: the whril~ lam1!y. =· .',"-11~unx8. gc . . 59c &~-;,.,., • ll, 1.09 .. -.. " ., $1zc 4 t1,Si11 la,it$' "Rl,iera" . , • Embos~ed de· sign in a 1aintiow of solid colors. 59c .... VeterinaJY Formula Works Fast . _ ; •• byBIGBOY Cflrome plated revolving grin, screw· type adjustmen~ 3 position sP1T: notches.: 3 lubular legs with 2 p_l,.lic wheel• UL Apllffl'Cd "Swin&· 09t" Motor. OUR PRICE MMee24t2 "Brewmaster" , c BAVARIAN • 11 "· 6:89 BEER 11., 6i1 .09 to Heal Dogs :~· Itch Sores 'lf , l4'Jl'J.wd4 !· iJ~: "Sulfodene" ·, A.'l\aliog liquid medication kiHs fongus sores picked up in weeds that cau~e ~summer i1ch". ldeal tor cats, also. • • oz. Sitt I 1r. Size 1.19 1.98 Don't Let Your Pet Suffer - Kill Fleas, Ticks ••• Stop Fungus'ltCH With "Scratchex" "PRO" Toothbrushes Chooselr~mAdult'~ 89c "Profile" and 89t .... b .. 0.tf. [;(lil}l"S, 3i99c - "Big Andv" sP•m• ftr f1rtili11r1 ••• l1srctlchln. tmJt! ol 6 or 20 1at S1le- 111. lie 49~ .. f£1TILIZ£1, Formu· lated ~sptt1a!tr for Wester" soils w/B·l. !11.lk BBC Cal. l)RlJG STORES OPEN t A.Mt. ii ;M-'1 DAYS A WEIK Bold ••• ''-85c Gain ••• GI. 85C Cheer •• et. 85t Salvo •• 11. 75• D1eft .• , u. 85c lwry Snow11.B5c Th1ill ••• et. 58" Cascade . 11. 65° COOL-RAY' POLAROID. SUNGIASSES fir Me• lWomH (I \( I ',f i 4111. f ' »'. VACAJION SPECIAL! -, • II h 1(1 5 Y .. FEMININE SYRINGE ,/ ... .,. ... The easi~r1 ll!Qdarn .way. No hose er hang-up. P~il~~acl ... yet holds a , llJll iwo .~111 ater. Choose from assorttf<ol<lrful:c ry titses. ltc. 4.S5 4.45 {)~LIQUID ·-!f· . deodo;,., """~' lho!QU"1y. O.lie>l•l1 -Mi ••• coll'lple~ty feminine. I~ Tue WUJ 1ites -.iiq In petite unbr~katlle plastic. '• .. , 93 1 69 1.lt c us . '·U. Silt 111. Sin • 'coSMETIC~ --' ;.MAX FACTOR SUMMER . ~· \'Beauty" AIDS ' ' 1'.1 ~ ftr a L111ite~ Timt G~ly! sHuul, "Desert Flower" HAllD l BODY LOTION Wilh the v~y "heart" of tano!i~ .•• • • • .'· 2.00 I 11. Slz1 1.00 -r,,,,.,..,.,.,. iiiEJ: : •• botb ttli~e cold ~ts. s~n and fewr blis- te1s ••• Mlsta11t cOGlinf relief. Tltat aipttjres the great na111ral s~es of Euroge. ·4.00 ~,,tr. $ 1 lz1 w{OISJe•str 2 • 00 Friction lotion "F.D.S." FE•ININE llCIEJIE SPUY •.. Amos!pm· minsl ~ort ol deodorant., 1.tl 1 29· 5 1r. Sll1 • Assorte~ •hade• ' . "Y'1s·1ne" !YE llOPS Soot~es tired ~yes . •. , tle.Ys Up JcdMSS in seailldtv 1.ll 119 ~~: . ftr Atter lat• -Spla~ it o" •• , smoot~ it in ••• $ets your 1 25 body agk>w with lra\rance. , 2.50 IZ, $i11 • ~"Hi & Ori" ANTI-PERSPIRANT 2 00 ' Deoda~. ~!~ . e HUNTINGTON BEACH, Sprlngdolo & Edln9or e HUNTINGTON BEACH, Ad•m• & Brookhurst e NEWPORT BEACH, 1020 lrvlno, W01tollff Pina I ) I I ' .i • l•••••m•c••a•••••••••••••••••IH .. v...tc •• ~ ""'-* u1111t wtt '"• w .. '"'-1 Mf• lw CIM a.. llNil&.) Nlfll L•• CltM Cllf,. NASO Ll•t.ln91 for Tue.sday, July 29, 19'9 ':,J Nill Ltw c•~ -~ -0- • ...,_,.,,,,. .............. aftlM .. ,,....._,.,, ' A.M. '~ MASO. a ekCI• .. I r" ft I I . 'lf, ·'° JI 1Jlj,1' r + ~ "'"*' ..... Mew. , ... 11 ..... ,.... ........... ., .. ·--1.... I 1' " .n 31 ,,., If OA!l V Pit.OT ~ W1dnoldq, July 30, !'169 Yot1r Jffon_s Woritla BabY; Also .Victim Of Inflation Era Complete.....New York Stock List OVER THE COUNTER Del llr ff fj Ml .. VIG 17\lirnlolt~.., Ho l!..fT-~~ ui'· ~~ ~ D...,!'Sn·,~i:. ~' .:!!'! s .w·~ .w~ ~ "~""l~l! ,J »~ ~ ~;I~ -Hf: ~~1iti~J 2!.'!.-""'E m 1t. t:...A~ ~ rill i::Hu~ e: ·n: •'4 ~t.)i"" , ~ g= '! ± ~ .30 ~ ~ _ " •• wie:. • 11a :lflo\r _ 1'lo .... •MN _, .. ct:;"' Cr ,,. ~:: = "'" "" 1 ,. r UVll ~ .. 1= ~~ . '4 + ... .1S u _, 11hidon' H It b--1'~ -.... l!:'\,11=1M~'r. IK11l~nc n: n .,_: r 1f: l'1~ I c.:. 1 '1? irN .. .M l : ~ n:r.;. ~ = ! 1f -= ~ -• f ~ n ~\' ti~ ID:= ~ !!::"-.: .~'1'.';: J i ,~,1r-==aic""M I~ i i"" t1 tlw =-:. •..io ':J f U.~ !'~ _U =a.i 10 ,.,., t: ""'='tl rtd :r. I.: "' n1, ~ .... +l" By SBLVIA POll'l'EI\ eludes l2ZS In obllt\11<111111' ~ "o.~ .:~·":: ~ ,~ •• ~ ~:i: c ~~ jftt i:::1 t~ l ~=~ :1!'·• 'Ii ., • la :'~ r, 'f,.1 l! ll~ ~ Ill! :::1" ~ f.~' ~ ft~ U~• n. ~ ,; One _. 4i... Jeast noUced b1JIJ,plus1citcumclsioo(ee ,.._11!1!1vt lnt1r. 11ilClnD lf ~1t,.llr"" .l"'.1~ rlfllf 1 1\'l ~t,J' .... NJ7 -., .. ~FlfljM ~~\lo ~·~-IW.f#j 1·1 1n11 l~~IJ:~···-• Ul ""'°' !INiet lll'lf:rJ • Of rlrDll 20"° ~,,,,,.f: k 14 I~\& 11 Cml nl'I ill\, iJ 111:_1, n1 I~ '"' -.... C::;!F ... :# ) l.j\4 ·•· · fll. f 14 '" ' -~. l•yictlrnl" Of this era 's g11lOp-Ind the cost of pediatric Cart. ~:i--~r~ICll 1t1n? :,,"1~nl 1~ 1t\'i N11F ~ iiYi ~l'I Sen~ ur ij l'I All 011 1 ff 1ll: 1nt 1:t ! t ~f"'1 1\11 tllt f°l"'4 ~ ..=t Ll cit'2 ,1t: 6~ ffi.-~~;: 1~ bab N-n··Y·s wardrobe 1W1rttrtt; QIU!d i~ L•b a \.\ a~ N11 G&-0 ll I' S11t1> Hl 41 I AlbtrlOC :n 20 "~~ u~ :NII' l II_. ftt "1 ,,. \;ii ~ " 111 561 1' ! ti ... ' Ing lnflllion has been a Y· o:.n -: 111v:.., ~ICI) "":;-av?ss! 'l\ii 'j-. =:i 5:1~ 2~*' 2~ ~11;''p~ T ' ~~111 1.10 '!! Ji4't M 'r' :::.~ ::kPtw. c«m M11 l!"1 1 1 \ v;-Am '...o 101 .. 1 "' 1J~ !_1~ Never in hlst.ory bu • bab1 $'10, including evtry\hlng from ~ (b~). l"le•· I P1~l1 l:Moi I.I NI KR 14 lS~ •I Wit u.. n.1~ ~1;;;..,'c!i:'.1~ ii 1m ul ~~ --81~1( 1.A m ~ -\o -E-F- sblrtl and blanketa: lO booUes :-,...,~ ~ .I ~~ 11 14 ... l lt ·~ E T~ ~ ll.~ A Itel= 'A 2~ SJ.., 1 lt fl~ ::f~ :~J..~ 1:1: ~t ~ ~ ;.: = ~ ~=Pi!t jg 2 9l r:= t;~ 1··~ -"\ beeO U etptnSiVe to bring Into = lh~~lr . .!:ca; ~~Cflr '! 1j ~rt.~ l: 1!~ eu1: ~~ 1Mt f" A "9L\Nf J'! 1 iJ ~Ito ~ • .:..:·-llli:gt~·~ ~ il,"J: ~Mil ~. +'t, E=t-A'ft1if1 '9 1• u" 1 ~~ =:: (he world aJ OOW. What'I andbuntiDg. ret~ 1T1t111:11p, I $,.. 5 6 idllft, JI 2!1'1 0"°'"' 1{tti 1' :1mn1J: Ho l1iw.2mmt+VJ l llh I 'jfl tt1t n~-~i11rtfr11 1-t0 ':J:rtJ4 t -\.o I' Bas' y supplies• m 11own °' um-1 ••• 10 n ~i.11 A '"' ~Shi 1t .. 1, l'l'I ttl'I All'~ ... 24 ll" 2 I;"' + "'I~ a.n ..50 ,, ""' ~ .... "lolo -11 ~·11 ~r" 1 'U 71,_, 1t\t n~ -\o ~· ~11~ ": evpu1t':ee~; $517.l~c ~~I~~ baby car: ~ c."~ ':~Pi~ i~, ~·~ ~ r!,Ul1~~:·m ;~ '!tt il~-~~ H il\'J :11~19c1~~ ~~ ,, if"' h H~ ::,t: = r.~· ~~ 1U lll~ 1t~ ~:"' lti1~.;; ti'j n: tt~ ff~;;; ~· d ib b . t Consultant AVM C_p !lit 1 l'I F,..... 54 I N!ur OU 4"-'"" SclbK Tv '"' .. "~ Ir l.AO :J.I r.: ~ ~ -"9oh(;as .ui. r• "~~ 51 1'\t -" ('II-Orw .. ;;..., 2211· 2l -\Ii '•-•·that we're in the midst riage an er , ass1ne, ACMe "I ll~ 1no EMrt • S'lil !""'"'"" O•• 1•<1o \m "'..,.1 "' ""'1~ ... A 1 -' 110 u !It .• 80lld stn l • 11"" n'" ??"-... s.lP-ifl,,. 1 -, ~ lj l1<1o + ,.,. ·~~ Ri h rd M · rt h Ac.me v i.o. u ln"I• ' 11 1 rl""' N11G '"' h •tio Fd , 1111 All , AG u sit. u~ 1iv. +·" ~"' 1.21 JJ "~ 11v. ,,"' -I'! l1.f.!:1r:•o u v. 111 ""_ -... of a record escalaLion in this changer, diaper pail, linens, c a ona y as ~~"t:!J ~v. l: -~2!,D l!.. i!,_ 11:,'M~ ni.r. ~"' 1"":::,_ 11; 11Jf ~1 ·~ ;t f~ ffil14 ~~ +1~ C:.W\,1 ·~ 'I: Jf: lli~ Jl ::. 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"'" ~·~ 71 107~ 101 101" rt1tMr Pi 2 II <I av. '2\'i -\.\> lnel' lee. I uo 4 ;; '"' -\') imagine, thls i.s an ecooomie Basic maternity wardro : Center, Santa Ana . Oc-:11t.re: 1: :~ ~~&call I~ lll :~, 1\'~ ~"" !J~ ~~'!.;",cG~ l!Jt ll~ ::::11~/1~ ·.ICI sll r~ 1~ ,.!4 +=a=~·~ .J 2} ~'" ~~~ ~·~ +1* ~fll.if " ·''W "6V. :9~ 7l .... I.le 01 un. -·~. The lrlllS 1184.ta. This includes two cup•-y of lhe tower Ah•n Geo 15v. 1iv. F,I('; 11 E ,,~ 11 P.c. F•E ~ ~ r,'m~1, g 1ni: 1~ M 1.r.. ... l 111 1w. 1~ s'41 _ "'lklYnuG 1.12 12 ,..,. !"' 111. •.. iii;E,~"511 1 T.iO , ~ D-H .... ...,._,,..,.~ ""'" A.ml« t h 10 F11M l~v 1 lNi ~•<o CO 7\li -, L" .a ~ Miit~• I 4 '1V. 11 ti -11'1 rown CO 21 IOV. a 101, t \\ tOb 1 -. -·~ ds..ti-· dressM oae cocktail ,., scheduled for Jan-Am DT•I :'01~ 11111 Fil 11....... ~ ~-llCOI II llW.i rend 111 ,, ... 10 Am 'Ir 2 tl2 ~ 21 -\'1 1-Co pf l 161' 16\i 1'~ \lo Ol'ln .IJD .,, "' VI "' -1 .. will be, as I've been em~ .,........ • " r:• Lllb 71'1 • """ wF111 ~"" w. 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'"' Unllft t li!il A Che!n l.60 lS Jll't II"' 31"l -'Ml \!Cid Co .IO <I lno 17 17lll + \lo !iquir1 .JO 1J 1•14 t'o ltl4 "" ..-w---.11 , __ _. I MaMr' in ""' ln1G I•..., 16.,., "II"' Grnl t) 2l\I, "' ~Miii lVi !I UMrt Tll 24 Am<:r1dlf fO 15 10 1-11'1 lflli-\lo F Pl'.60 n 1 I I . -~Inf 1.:tO I"! 32>1i :n :r.ii. -·~ Of vn11ng parents. It is becom-IUON um-pr~ I -..-S Am Midi 2J 2-4 FOIOChr N i"" Pt G6W :to! Hl'l 1J11 t>Dllr tJ 7' AC~• 1.4o J 24'1. ,,._ 2Wo llC!olt 111 _.. :It UY, ll'Mo 11"' + 'Ill th1I Cp .n 11 2-AO 74 2/ • .... ,_ 'b'-, .... t New Yori City Am Pl.,. 11 l& "'11111 c" lnYii 1 ",._ RE II'"' Iii~ un 1n..im ... Nn ltfl 125 m fl' ff= TI~\ : .. 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"6.j ""-' Si•• 5l"o +• these ynnno marrieds Oil wtltn mUCh higher-YOU go 0 t ices et Ara ll'ld 14''t !~~(;Al Ell 1 10 Pie Pel •Y. ~Up PtflP ts\.li 2S~ A nln. .SO 211 ~\lo 111t lt\'o -114> &ulltr~Sh .IO lJ Jl'ili ll"i' 31.\l -y, ~111rc~ H!htir 311 1~ H Tl"-_•! and h~i:any children they most fl!hlonable obstetri-~~= ~ ll\IO ll'>I ~i-,: ,:!:! 1i~ ~:l~''MK r.:.z ~ UJiih 1~d A\11 714 A 1U" Dfl .IO ~J ll-~:: l~ _: ~ -C-"': ~='' ~ 1 1f 1'l 21~ ll(o -i.. .., """" 11 ""' ArrDW tf 491.'t 51'.'> t:t•l"I! l"<l " ' • ., e~ An1 ~ Sl.4 Vef'IU Se 11 70 A Homt -1. 1 12 -1 11 Flnonl ltl •\.ii ' t -\IJ Im n 1.JO ~ '11) lt''I ifr\ _ t• Wl·u have a discemlble un· pact hospJtal longer than the Jn Anaherm• Arv1d1 1•\6 u,,., ~"'''" w .. .. ~ .. 11, ~1-1 ,.\, "'4-J woc1wt1 "" ''VJ ...,,, ~ tJ lGJ 34v. ·~ -+ ~ •lltl\M .131 11' »"-22•-. 221o + ..,. F,~'w'R', 'ft( ,, l•"o u v. 1.,, _ •. : Wiii have. U .. ' th'• 1·n turn Ct.•"•, " y-• Stay in the Ark MoP 12\li 12~ G!F'IO't 31'.4 !214 l>r11 Golf lj l~'" 11 LO 'j~ ~ :mt;= i~ 1il 56\/o \ol ~->•[I CD -'O 70 2114 ,..,_ 11 -v. F,11tt1,", .40 41 l? t&~ i°2~ :__ ~ • A\CC Flo! 1111 7\ ·IOI) ltvb 7 ~ Pub! HM 2AI HV. Nechw p IS lf Amlf!'rll 1 14 1'1\ 114 N 'lo 111111ltl ."51 140 ~ 19'~ 10 _"' tr ~! I'"(" '' 16 ..... ,, ,, _ ~ on ••· s'·• ol -·r na•:-A and average five to siJ: days, iI the "•"•~'-,'•" •, '•• ~.,,1.!r•,_ ,,,., HM P1•11 NC 11441 u~ '¥ 11_, ~"" • -""MFll'I'.. .Ul '°" 1~ ltV. -"" wnPID 1.10 " ltl'• 21\. ,, -""F•r•l'\Mr .IOb 41 .u1.1, • •1 -l'lt UJC ....... ...... uuu ~" ~· " 1~\lo U\li P11bllhr 14 14\.'I H•l'7iN loV. 111'1 AMlfCb( 2.10 67 ·1"' 451.lt 45\\ -Iii dn llttW ,40 105 I 7•• , •• -"'l'"flldfft _..., 102 23 :n~ 2'"4i ••· quality of our society in birth i! complicated or in· laf>b!" 104 t \6 Gr•Pll Sc fl ff Pyru11 •l'I ~ .... 11tr1 Hr. 17'4 n.._ Am ~ 2¥. 111 '"' tYo -1.lt liK 1.20 ie 611'r 11111 t11>lo -1111 F.o:IM0g 1.10 11 21•.., 7i a·~·._,,.. u; final yean of the 20th een-volves Caesarian section, if Bank of America and Canal-,~:. At :;VJ;: r.~::t :~ ,f~ 1M : .. r~:i: 1~v, n z::ri,~e tit' l11o1o ~~,,...,·~...: ,r,I ~~ ro"' 1:"' = d::.~J"t.~ J ;!~ ;!"' ;~ :::· ~edt:c .f,~~ I~ ~ n't ~~~~I~ th baby · bo 'th edical n . lph di ·'" I ~1 P1lnl 6l~ •14 "'rlnMI ''' lll PO\ID CP •'Ai 6'1i N.ii& lilt 1,"', ,',"' •,!'!"",-•., t 1ii~ 111 111 -n CID c l.<k•I ,1 21 ~•l'I 27 ... l"ed1"1t1>fci' 1 5 15,, 71,~ 'J'~ "! ,,,..., e 11 m Wl m fldndO ver::u.iled rea es· IP11n1 wt S\6 '"Grove Pr 11 16 Durnm• 1• u ti.t1r11 .. , ~ 1i '6ii 44 ~ -3 rtin.in J.<40 J2 '1"' •1 41 _ "'F1<;1S,~11s ·'° u 2~ 11~ 1511 · '\ _THE,. RE'"nMs for ••· baby probl-· 1·0 vo!vi•• apecial ~ •"Ill• c lft•.~ • ·~ "'••"' 1 Jn .. ,\'I ~ 1t9d °"" 1t 21 N•llN M '21-'1 ,~ Am s..t l 11 ,n•,, ",,. .._ +1 1rllMe l~ 37 iii.:. 16r.i, 11 ... ""," .. o •, .t5 so ll'4 32 l:l'Vt -+., ~~ ~ """" ·-tale development finn have ••rJtd! 12111 111 Gu1rd Ch 6\~ •'iii "•<ll'b i=t ,.v. "" .1111t " ·i,,.. in ""' tll!p .to --~ •ro c&un 1 llrt J'O\') 79 10 _ i,., 4 In~ , t:i. ~~~ ,,11 cost spiral are VIOi.iS. care or ea ., broken ground for construction ••Yltu 121• ll~ Gull 1n1 '"' m "••m r .. '• -:i~ a1n N' 111.1,i 11"1 AmSoAtr ·" "' ~l'li N -l 1•1>Tm 1.60 ,,.. 311, """' """ -2 F111<et1r11 .10 51 76.\1 l!\\ btio _ ,11 H-'tal room __... have in a private ...._.ital room. (Or e~l'Cllm 31 3? "'••od" l '"' 1'"" llKCO Eq 56 5711\ w''" Mi, "' Wt A.mV.I• ,,,,_,. ,r ~ lf,. , ..... 1rrlefc11 .60 220 ~"' ~l »·• +~ "ie,1"<'•, '·"° n u "v. 15,,, _vs ob · tr tmeo' il fOU Siay ' lla,111 " 0 1. <':ulfl ToC ' "'-lt1'1'dl Ct 222 227 •tut P 121/o 13 A Smttt 1 . .0 :UI 2"4 !"' r-~rof'lt l.•2 Ii :J.tlii J..11'e loll\ -""' Ftrro Cp .10 11 2J\ii 2'1• r :tn~ ~1., -... ·-~ •-y Of a 10.S(Ocy o(fi·Ce bUl.Jding9elle l1'9 111'!13 H1mCos 17v.111'1teo Mt• 1 1t.(o!~ \lllP•b 1~ It A.mS!dl •···· errGl'IJbnll 2 30\\ ..01\ ;x,10_-.,F.,ol 14 JJ\~ 34,., :141.0 ._. '-·-· In th• ••m couple of if you have twins) P.~•m lr.d l"'~ !?\I.I 1-f~r.d VO J'~ < lttt Crtd 3'\lo 40\li lflt Wh 1214 ll~ Am$hl pf4.11 7 10'1\lo 101 10 ..... •rlerW"':.tOs 1111 21 ~1 21'4 +YI 1'1n '°•"''"u" 12 ,.~. ,, 74 = "' UdJ~ ....... ' .,, be h II olll B•lu:.ol t'h lO HlnOllr s :zll'J25'11 '111ev ~·D :ii M ""lnbn )f'"'t31'4 ""l$1trll .• 1 77 27 27 -..... JI 51 12i't i.-. 17 ... _1,w.Flteotnt 1.t.O 139 ~2~ »l'o n·~-·-ft_,, th erage cost of By the aame token, the cost that w1 t e ta est ce "'~•k H~ ,, ~ """e" 1" "~ '"" 10~" e.. n~ '•"" w1 ... 1w T 1 .. •1t A ""'r 1.60 j' 'J'k ?-™' '~" ····· ·~ pf A1... , 2111o 20'4 ~ _ 'Ioli Fsrchrt 1 ... , ]9 :in, 31 .. ir:-~ years ..,... e av could be far less 1·r you . • . . Btr1 L•b .n sov. tttlll Mor 11v. "" Dbl'! M :;1 ~1 ,,, p1 211~ ''"'° AmS0!11 Pf ·" 18 f !~ .. 1f..., lf," ...::1;~ 1111.c~• .60 1u 26 ~4\1:1 1)1" + ~~·,:~cl:;.' '".!.:xi ,,, 60'" 5t.'Mli 910 _ h hospital care for just one day bu1ld1ng 1n Anaheim. 'l r11up• w "l4 '\" 1-l•~r"" F .,. 11 Rm;11c1n 11-" 12~ Wrdlw E Sl'I sYJ "•"wwn! '·~ 17 11 ..,. 11 y, 1.114 _"" 1er Tr L:!D 111 •S'' J'-14 '''' +it ""I"~ r . l5 151, :tt'loli alr.ady bave a lull .. t ol baby tll•d Son 34 31 kllllo~n li'IJ UV. Do~ r-.,1 "'4 .,., wy~roct f" 2,1!:' 2'.•. AmW 0__,1 1·.,, ':J:i 1 ~ l~ ''o _ -\4 Cl 11\arQlll fO t\1 t ~·~ -'-I'" ?t. ~., · •l 2111 17 U -;,t -stands at $6$.24 -more The building will be con· Blr1{ht i.•. IV. t<al.,., EP •• .. 11111 S!OY 27\li 711' Yrdll'I' t -'"' I n·~ -~ C<>CO Cp .IO ,. 2t. 's 7S -2 ~ ......... 1~ J5 ''h lJlio u +111 ·~· equipmenrrrom prevJou s 1111ck HI :i.i'4:is ~°""" 15 2!:w. :~4t~1 .o , fi.: ,,,. i"i""~""c•1•nr,ee11 2 s1 621-. •P\ •1 ·~ ~l'l~n11• .50 20 l••• • ., .. ?~.•-•· than double the '30 average slructed on pcoperty bounded 1'D11u• e1 l-li 4'~ t."'"'' ,...., '"" ''• '° 11 21,,. "" ,,.,, _ "< )tl•n DIA4.SO 2 011 ~J'll 61 1o -"' " • , 10 2•<Ao n·.-111. _ '• one decade ago. Similarly, babies; if friends and relatives Ball B•• 1 tYI 1-iuU: Mt l r 11 ~m~™f · •o 1u "'4 '""' 4 1-'1 _1v. ~enc:a rn. .ia 41 ls l~'• :u,, _ '\~I nlk~ C:,,: l30 " .,1 , _ ,,,, nur••ry char•ea lo< a -born h-·er you with baby gifts: if by Harbor B 0 u I e var d ' ::"'C.pc ~ .... ~\Ii ~~: ~=$ n rl"' ~.~·.~ ·.~ ).14 'f" .,.,.., n~ :+1v, c~'~: i~ H ll~ ~!;, !Jl 'l -"'F!: Gil~ ~~ tt~ ~ .. ~J~ -l ""' a ...... "" Broadway Helena and Elm 111.-.. G 6' 1t1 "'u•,, • ,...,.., ' "' MUTUAL ...,., ·R .... ;: ~ ~"' :v,,. _1v; c..i 1uL1 1.J2 J• 11"' ,l..., 1 :i,:. ... " ~·,•,.:a,• •,.52 3f •1 46r. 461, .:..:·;· b b de!. ~ room fees other young mothers pass on ' Brwn Ar 2•~ ?J H•t1 CP 2J>.1. 21" ~..-t.:!i c;0lQ ,( ~ ;,,1 ~....., _ 11, c.enu1Ps 1.12 u 1tl'I l• 1t .. .,~• s r .a :i.i 6''11 ,,.,.. .,,,. _ '• a y, IV ' • t streets. The bank purchased "r11<11 El<I ,,,.., 7"Vi IM ... ~. , • .,, ,. A"'i I ..n· 41 it>ti 11\~ it\~ -""ClfllLIEI ... I ,, ... 21·~ ;I\\ -... F ~"11;:, ii ""' 2j "" + ·~ ~e1ric· j--' ees and other clothes and eqwpmen lo you ; th 1. bl k · 1 1968 111c11;,,., 11 1'1 121'J 1nc1 Nucl 10 21 ... ~ 2,,_, 641 311..., :111 :w:l'4 + u frnMP wi.12 21 11"' 11'• 11\, -\~ ! D . 61 :xi u~ 11,.. -1\\ -· M~ h he Ith · e en 1te oc 1n ear Y . flu•""'• s 11 11 ~ '""''... ' • tfDdt .t0 u :llt\lo :i,.~ 3~ -l"l ,nt 1w 1.111 41 "°" 39•,. y,1. _ :-. IV TID~ ~. ,11 41 •111 •1,'r --51'1 -~-ha•e r '••• sharply. if you ave a insurance B k 1 A · • An h · 111i.11Mt i= 1s.,. 161'J 1n1r1re1 s" 1v. A"lfl , , ,, .. ,·1 ........ _.,., en1 s.rr1 .ao 1~ ,, .. 21 l:, 21 .. +"' c c 44 1114 u .. u._ _ "• o..v;:i1.3 ......._. • al $200-an 0 mertca s a e1m cibl ~ 1n•"' 1~ 1n1 cr~1 l• 1~ FUNDS ::oc~~,sv1.,. 15 3lv;-33;:t J:iih .. c1nr11u1 .It 61 ltll) 1• i~.• +" F~C Dg ,-is 111 '!fl' 14\~ ,."" -li~ 'J'bere'S DO eftd in &i&ht tO which kicks in the typlC main office presently localed C1I W Sv 16 2~'r'I 11\ctl sr1 lO\~ 1,1~ A ~ '° ~l ,1 .. il'li ""4 ..._.., ~ro 1.60ll 102 ~'-" 12\lo :n.,. + \.'o F-F•li ti! " 4 f •l'io d~ + ~ thl··-eacalau·oo • .,Kii toward ho!pitaJ costs · if • r..m<D ,1 21 '"''"' n ' ... ~11 '1;,, 121 :n"' JI ll -1'4 .. ,., ... IO 17 \0 :Kl~ :!D"l +~ FDO!t CB .ltO ll m: 10 20 .... -' al 150 E Lincoln Av& will be C•"°" M 10 ,, 1"1 aw111 1 • , , ... _ •• :11 ... " :ti\~ _ _. "''" pl'.90 ' 1 2\1"'1 21 + ~ Faot• Min .,... 11 11 -v. th full do 't send birth an ' ·• C1n11M 9 17 76 ln! Miii ''"" ,,-.., ... if.a'.' s;;'''.u 71 ,,··• fN fe -l'~ IWltAlr .to 11 1:N 1l 2J'4 . , fgore Dt2 20 ~ ~~~ j>,~ 13r' + 'II TO DISCLOSE e you D • r elocated Into lhe Unt two ~1nr9d •l'I s 1n1 Nc1r lsu ll'h 0 1 60 t •""~ 4 • .,., ~u... _ v. Fl s11 ·'° n :xi•r. 10 70V. ... loraMor ; •o 5l'l •l Vo 22•.11 -111o SI~. J ""ked ·~-Healtb In-nouncemenlS Uld don't indulge 1 th fl! "" Sow l \ 11 1n1 ~v• 11v. '~!.'! A.rth1 P ~tt'S · 1 12 21" ''"' 2.1-'llt -Vo Ch•llbrn Inc io1 11111 11v. 11~ -~~ <>rM<:K .,5 J 2"" •,,1:~ ',,1~ ... _. • .,...., .., wo:: floors o e new o ce ,, 1n1A "~ 1:ni. 1n1 sv "' 1sy, 11 Ar 1 " vc 10 ,, ,.~~ ,_,,. ?Rl.lii _,... cr..mpS 1.20 •5 Vi'• 1M-. 21"' + " M(K 1111.ao 31 44 .,~ ,,,.,·· -~ 1'-':tute (HlI} in New in such equipment u riursery b lldio "" . . . ht ·~Ta-~ ... 7 '"' T1111 •l.O ""' Jul'I' tt ln¥n IDI 11.G U,.,, ArtlM DS . llJ ,."" ,...._ 11'11 +1"' C~lrt .. HY 2 27 43\'t 4 ,1,.. -"' OUWhl .61111 21 16"4 16('. 16\'o ~-;;_ ,,,,....,. """ Jam~, bol pla'-, boltJe U g. J.ue remaining e1g C.rl• 81 61'1 1 lnlt•l 2'!I 21\li NEW YOllK CA") lnve•loo Gro"" ~= 1:: 1,1 )lo"" l•l,r, l<:r,i, _ u Cto1wM" l.IO tS 4.IV. 4j11 .u -:wi o.t Wk DI I tt~ 16~) 1''• ,,. York to work out detalll on ,... ~ floo of the modem office C:trtr r.o 1• 1!I 1on1~. ""'""""" -1"111 1011aw1.., "'"" 101 ni11r 4.M '·'! ~ p1J 7s 1.ao '°"" _,. 5t -2v,C11KJ1 .. MOI 11 72\~ 2 n -11~ o~boro .60 :i.i 14 7iVr ,.,.. •• 1 • ts warm•-, bllh tables,• ij your rs Cttt NG lnlo U:\11 IP SoUlll 2'1'J 27 ltllont. t.U"tled bY Miii t.t~ 10.1 Mm Rub 1 6o 21 IMO "" 111 -"'• Ctiemeln I.to .• ~.3-30t~ 2' '9 -~ Frlnli Sir ,)? ~ •lo l'" j•Vi -, -today'• baby-beanng COS .... ~ ce will be available for l"~1eor ?•Cli '' ·~crib\" '"" <:vi~· H11101111 A1-.f. Prot ,,Ot 4 . .u ·,., 14 '° ,,,,., 1•\\ -l\!s;"NY l .60 n Jl'• SJ jl"i-u "r•eosu1 1.t0 "' 1,, ••• -,' di hospital Stay i!I bofter lblD SpB C:•11 \/Pl 21°" 21~ JKDUn C 12 ll tl!Dll ol ~rllln Slodf l• •4 21'.?1 ~1,,c-r.:, '1 •• ?> ?•Vi ?• + •~ heMW•'I' .20 72 101; 10\-)i 0\. ... FrltolhC:,, 1,70 II Jl 'o lJ\lt 3)\o '.j:" 1 ! from obstetrical fees to aper Jea.se. r,~~1 ,•,, •,,'"• ,", ... :: .... "'."•' '''" '"4 0.111•-. ,,,..., ~,... setect 1.as •.n ",,111 nu 1 20 , .. :lit >'14 31.., _"' V• 1.60 1 ,..,. '4t. :1-1>., ••• Fll<lue '"° l7 :n:i.. n 11\/o + .., -·• ••-· b th baby's average "'n ,. .... ..,.. 111'111\lo tM Prl«• ., wto1e11 v1 r "v 7.M 7." A!11t 11,.,.· " 10 ~ ··~ _ '• Cl>t• ClnlD ' ~ "" .• •~ .oc1.., G ping auu Ull.vug e ' fhfmil'I ~·· "f\li 111• l'"O• ~ 1 !~•• wt111llln Inv llflli 4.11 S,11 And OG 1 .,. •• ,, •'ii~ 1iv. + \~ Ct\..ebro .n JI Jt Jll'~ lS._ +t<. - - r,_ k at home Here's a BUT EVEN II you, today's c"" 1nd 61,{o 1 K•ts•• s1 65 " r;o1,11d 11.1..-, -n11re1 ''""'21 .•• 9dS '""' 10 11 31 11 Ch1cE111 111 J 12 11-. n -\.GAc c::11 1so '"' 15 n •..r. ,3~+•\ .... ~ wee . r ..... VIit 1··~ '"~ ., ••• ~, pf '""' "'"II •ol<I lb!d' Of baullhl lvttl 1).0 l4,7t ti.r1~-n . fll !1 1''" ,,.~ ''""' +"" Ch!Mll SIP p IJ 14'4 fl\,, ,.,, .+II\ GAi" Coro ""' lo ,. .. M:~ If-I~ -'• -·--ary of hundreds of items lO-be-NllN>nt!I, manage t 0 In . Chi llr .. t "'P ., 1(11•~· llO l:!D (lll!ldl T11hd11, IVV ~" ~A ,, ••.• , ''O u 2tl~ ~ "'"' -'.Ii !h!M51PP ct 3l 15 24\o\o 24''t -\., l"F .Pll :Ml :n ,,... ... 2$'• -"" ·--.. ~" I t t"hr1•1 s ;1, Pl "~•·,.. .,, '" llMI 11.•t HflCOdt 7 s1 111 ''"" -, 1......., 10"1'1 _,,.. P\MSPP pf 5 1 57 $) fl • •m S1<a I.JO J.o ,. \Ii ll>• + ·~ the HJI priced for me: achieve all tbest SaV ngs, errm Chtl1! pf 100 IQ.I Ktll T 11'111 U\11 AtMt rGn 2.H 1.'6 ""n•1n lt'.M 1 :11 ::lrt"J,,d'rf;, 1~ m 1~ S7 51 ..a. -MSP Pl'CI 5 J 511'1 ~l''r jl•i, -t•;, •mS all 60 ' 11'~ 21 11\li + "• -~ The you'll almost surely find that i'u...se1 •"' '"' "'"''•1' "l• '1' "<'•'•" ~.-1 1.,, 1CeY1ton• F•m.:h: Ati 11:1ch ..i' , 1 , '"' 111 1 .. v. •1"" 111 M111lc 1 :io 21 1n1 1•i.. -'• •11n~1 .u • 33\.o u, 33"' + ,, Hospitalcost5:$51v.D1 . Cjll1 UA ,,l'JlS\lilCtllwd 1• :lit Affllllrld 2.43 1,1' CY$Fl1111.li?",,,.A,IRd!Pl'1IMI 4511"o m\\71 +v,fllPr>euTl :1lli1'a ~J :.:i•~+11o 1~';1" •!,!'Iii 1 -•• •--th d · having a baby ls much C08Uler t 111 u 11 ,,,.., ,.,~ "'~·•1 " '"'"' ,..,., Aru1.. '·" '·" c ... 111 'l'll.n n,:!D "I c~ · 1 ,, ,.,~ ,,.2 2J•\ -... 111 111 Pie 6 " ... 22i.-,,.., . G: .,0e i.i'~ D 3i -,._ bigestitems •~care e a1• F ill' S c11rt111' 22"':ll'iliKneF1b 1sv.11111 A1.,.Fd io.•4 H.ff <111P• 1.•11~ ... ._;:~c~ :no '"",, ,~_,...c11R1Pt1 u" i12H"t21 ft -111 G•'l«'t-~.O 16~l\l-•:xi\i-"• ly room Charge -l~,24 for than you had suspected. ac ty et Cit110l'I ~"°' !. l(~V• (" ~ )It )' Amt11> 5.~I ~fl C1tt 1(1 t.U 1.90 All1C., pf.5Gl ti! """ 1f"'4 "'1'! •• Chltll' c!NW IJ 11~ '6'1 ~1 -lloi Gl~IW'fln 60 17 1 10~ 211." -·~ -Cl!"! Mfl' 71-'1 •vt Kf'/tl PC t~ I~ Nn l 11t 3.16 ) 42 !'"u• 112 •.ts •.•1 A Piii 1 13\t 1~'"' 1~ +,...Chi Tiiie 7.:!D l Sl'" ~IV. ST 'a -\lo G"1!lnl c• 1• 1 10 10 -l'o ' '• days _ nur-"" char-Be reallstic and prepare for 1':11n1an o ,.,. ''~ "1n~• "", • • ""' ov1n 9•110).; cus s1 1•.u11.45 ,_~i~1r O:. 21 1,,~ ,,,~ 1;\ll -"'Cllod Full .60 62 111'.i ll 11b-,,.. ~lnrn ;,_ 31 J~ I~~ 1att-"" ... ....,_, 15 ¥-'ii be bl Claw CP It 101'1 t(ln91 Pr 71"4i 73"" AE• sol t.J7 .... !'"u• ~! 1n ... 11 ..... Au tam•n il'WI tl 1\\t l•''o 15 --'41 C~•ls Cfl .60 106 ljl't 12 ll -Vr nA lnv fHq 10 26"4i Vo -1-t for the baby at $20 a day aod the costs. Then you a e Burroughs Corp has leased ~=l~i ~ 2~"' ;!\Ii ~~=D \."ot ~:.; u~ ~ 8r.ntl ·1:~ ~:"'11 f.~~ u !·~ \-1.l Avco ~3 ~'It lri ~ .. ~~ ~~ = ~ ~~:~8'· '.~ .1 Ll: 2lf.! ~~ = ~ ~~~ ·f~ 1J1 li~ n,t'.t L5\t =11:: a t....Ota} $75 de!iYer' room to band.le properly lhe el· • CotOll $Ir 1~'" ?~"I IC""'t" 11 1'1~ Am Mot .IO t. 5 PDlar J." •.J7 ~::, 'P<i 37 lf 51"41 ~1 .fl ,. C~tr'!"'" 2.,. .'311>• •,:,, ,:t.!' l.~:l '+•> B1nc . .56 4Q l!'' ff" !~ = lZ ,,.. ... baby and 7 000 square feet of manufac-CDll'ltel JlV. :ovt LMC: D1t 4 4Vi AmM 0111 1., 3.16 nic•b '·'" 1.,. " "1 .... ~.,, 1m 1t1t 1114 -1.-.. .. n C1b11 l.:!D 1s2 v. ,1,. ,.,, \ charge. . pen!el, UJC ' . th CD<n Ct• 36 l'"" L•nr~ tn t7•t 27'-\ """"°' G,.,..O, l<nldl Gt 10.11 11.07 A:'lf•lncOll ,,_ J!>li 21''~ 'J!''"' -1 pl•.7!1 170 ~I°' n '\41 n;io +1•,1, ~"-Clq \·:!D !l li" j \ 1 ~ = .: ..,.,,. -. 1-.., ... ·-•!·-. luring and office space in ' i·om Ml 1 ·~ L•l'l<ll 1" 4V. "' c1an •.n •.01 Lexi""' '·" 1~ 1• I! \Cat "" 1'° l\\ ''\ m _ pf 4 i.oO •111o •IY. 02 :11 -" ~Devel ., l•l ~. , ' 1~ + \, Medlcalcosts:-. J.ullW"' , ............. ~ Bu". · · lo om '"u "" ~lloL~"" Wd 1' I''" e.rw1h 1•7'1?RJLt~ llldo ll,161J·~!.,,:.,~•1 ,. 1.,,..,....,1,. ,~ ..a.1 l • .o. 21 !l"' 51 51 --2J• nDvnem 1 JOl l(o 15 15 ~ _ _::===---.:...-----------,.-------El Pae i.ld,1:1ffi ml trvl!tne, = 'f:t ~?,. !i ~::;~ ... 1 ?~ l" ~"; i"" t~ 1~·i1: t1'1':"S111 t~ ,_N AJru on G1 111 "~ ,,"' Ul'I +1 I.lo"° 1,: ;J," ~I.A ~"' -;~ G~Ff1:f M: Jt: ffi:. tt}; ~:; \;, I, lll lhe MiJSion Viejo Plant is c~D c~ ~~ ~~ L-::;1~ ;F ~;.,. ;;v, ~tr""H(lr411~! •.5! Ll:..11 S.v~! ,.JG Bibdi w 1.3' .11• 2,~ ,,... 22';\ •.. 11:~ fu"r~ 500 ~ h H =5u 2::: r.:r' .511 ~ ~~ ~~ 171~ ~~ ••••••••••••• 1 serve as a 1n...,.1m ac11 y un-~om H!lll 1J l•lll Let,ur G ,. n "--'90Cl• 1.211 1.40 . 11 In• ~.,. ~•1 -8--~n0e1 vc t Hf •l'!Oo !tll< ''"' + .. Gf'ft F': 2 '° •41 77'A 12 .. g~ f-;o I ed C: 1""1 I• 1< .... LI'"' Ell ~qi ....... :t111111 fl A.~ 1.11 C1necl 36.Jtltf.!9 l•t,D!IT .65 il '"" 171' 11~-'t IVl~V Pl'ill! II 40\'i J:IVt 31"'-:l,,~h'll!r pl ] J ~ "5!.i. n~ ~! .TAB klo _ ... "";'..;,······ ....... ....... • comp el • c::::: Mlh 4\.'o 5\fJ ldll""" 1 7"" Fllrld I 1.0 '·! t~n!f 1~.~1 10.~I S.!IGE l.IO SS P.,1'1 3'7'A l? .. '.1 +1'-§IVln pl'l,Jl 1 5J 52',\ SHll -\lo Gen Miiii !I 51 n>~ JH~ 31,., ;'\ Beginning Aug 4 employ-fmo Ttc 1•~ l"-, 1:if1 "~" 1 .,.. """"" II •.•7 '· 1 Mui U.al 14.0I ,B•IG .. l."14.z: 1360 ... U Y. 211" + .... ,','"-!'~" ,.·~ •'1 •,·,\~ 1~1'• ~ = ~ g.~1!!'.., '•"-IS ' S5''> SH'lr 5"''11 -1''1 1 01"1ces w1·11 .be 0 localed '1n ?~ir:';yt ;~,,'I~ r~<j\El~ll ~t~ ~v. siya,, • ~·ff {:ff ~::•nFd 1~~~ ,t:n .:i;:pvn~ j s~ Wt ~\') mi -1 ,ii;-II .«i 7 .iov. m'lr ~,,, -r; G Moi sD1 s ·:~ ~~. ll14 7114-'~ • • men 11 ci'51••18 6"o 1't M..S GE i 11~ 13"" ,.~ 1,17 1.1 7 111•11 f'111 II.Ii 11." ll•n•P pf!.'5 1 1•'" 24•,1, 7ltf, -4 ltvCll I.to 6 40 '.it 11 -I 8 Mot Pfl 'S • 60~\ 60 :1,h .:!: :; M•r• lll•riort, d11ttirit, .... , ... .,. •"" pr•ff••l•111' the raclllty at 18651 Von tontrl(I J'4 .... ,Y.~Qlf r11 , .. ~ ,.... !~Ir P"d 9.1• '-" """"' Tr U.3' 15.n r·n~ Tr 2.1' l2 H"' ~ ~·4 +,~I.lo ltvE!lll 1.U. 31 l5h " JS HI\ T l'o •nPCfm :ea 13 17 1''4 16:'• .... i I ' 'I •· t' ''' ~ ...... •• r1li•bl• • So Cor1!r1n 4\l S'4 M11 RI!~ l 'lo tV. aro<1slli: Wl'llVlll M~I•• •.•I •1>1 lf"llOll 1.l~ l7 S. ,.. -le~ P!I 3.50 JIO Sl ~l !l "ubUI 1 60 lJO ''V. ll'lo 2• •. P••P • u•• .. .,.c:•w•• "rt Karman Avenue, Irvme. me rnaner L l•YI 1<>1o ,.,.. l!trr ..,,,. .,....., os•Pn st J,36 1n.Jl Mlllll•• 1a.n 10.n •"'• '• • ·','• 31 4 1'1 .i1,1r, :J'A -... l1vl!1 2.:tti :u 611'" 1.1 61 -J\~ Gen l!l'fri.ct '' 11•..r. ia"' 1o~ -~, ... • I bl I' CorD $ 3' 39 Mvmt M (YI (>;'j tlO!lal! I.Doi 1.7' MtOon 1 . .-0 '·" ttt t>C • ,u, 151/J 1! 1 -l1v1!1 ot.!.50 4 19'" ~· 11 -·1 Gt" Sit I 10 1' (lV. •ll'I •ll'I -s, M"I ' e)eciron C &ssem Y opera IOf\S !'"rwl•G 2" ,,.,.. M•nctuf I' ,.._.,. i\rOAC( SI 1.1.511•,ltf MldA Mu 6.21 •.7' l41et Ml• lGl'I lO"' lOV. ~ lorax )Sg Ut ll":i 16 '\ ll'A -t '> Ge" 519 pj ~ I l l fl ll +fl, '• FOR AS $)460 PER • also will be located in the '~~: ~ /.""~~~a"~~-~ .~:i ,t r~~ 1:·~ 1i·~ =.c. l~:~ ~~::: 1:~1!.,,"'0 pf~ ~1 i!v. ~"' i:" ±. ~ ~l:.':~~e•"'·r0 2f ':~ t:~ ~:t: !_ 1: g'l'ii'~,r.cl,;.'° ,1~ ~~:Z ~~ ~1~ .:!: ~ . LOW AS """' 111 Ulm ac l Y · !'"ynrt• c l~'' 11 """""' o ~-.... :W'4 c1011 tr>e 1io 1.11 Grwttt '·"la.» a.111rL1b .11 7( ~ •5* "'"" "" "'" "'Al. 10 16 :11i,,, ,,.,~ 1.1\t _,., nTI~ ·IO 14 74;~ 22\'lr :tl'\ _ ,~ unNTH . , . I u·t Crulclo It 11 .. 11\loMll S~IP 31 l2l-'lc1n..dn 17MlntMortCll'I F11M1: '"-" . 1"' SJ•• 5''~ JJ.,+-~!iolAFl1>1 .so 139 711". 2111' 2J\lo--ll!E" Dllll)O tlSO lt'\ lJ;• 1w.+11 • • B rroughs M'••t'on VleJ'O 0111;.1 I" jJ"-u v, ~ 2JY. :Mih Cltllt Shr 6."5 7.06 lt>Com J ""' .a,,_. otst SI G•• SI ~ »a;, :i.i -\\ flrt ·,b 183 lltli lit~ 11\li _ .__,_ U ..-O•nl~ M nV, 11\/J """"'t H I• 1A Ctnl :1.1\r t . .., 10.11 l""'r 7,13 7.11 11$GI Pll.19 7 ~ 17'.\ 3111. 1' \') Gellf'$CO 1 60 )61 ,. .... 29\\ 7'1,1, _;; Plant currently under con· g•r• D•j 11 11 Mt<!t•11 lll'J ,.. Ch1n..i1111 F11nc11: ""'"" F<i 1 . .u • « aceca1 1.J2 101 •™ W 65\oo -+ ..., o.nu1MPIS 1 , ~ 31,,.. :n•' +"• • ~via I'" °"" ·~·~ ..... ,~.. ''4 _.. l!41•n ILM n.n IF Gii\ 5.41 s.,J OUIB!ID 1.10 10 "'' Iii ~"" -"'Gt Pie '°" w ~ 31:\11 lt~ + • • st.ruction on a 53-acre site al 01 Mir 101' 21 •' Merle "'" 17"'-' 11\.'> com st 1,,, 1.u Mu nm G 11n s. 1 J h akl P1f LJ& Sf 4ll-'I si'-" +f"' G•"-< .,;1114 1 S1\li ~"' 57 _1"" Lem n..r .... In 1~•,, 1 11~ "-1•~ r-, 11~ • (;"''"' s.1'2 ,_j) Mu Oml n 1t.'2 10.lt Antenna 0 ~:, .m-l 150 n~ ff ?l =· ... GePI( D11:. » _., • • -lV. Jeronimo Road and on Re111nc 1 l \ot Mldld c1 10\lo Hvt 1ncom 7,'6 1.l7 .o.1u1 ~~ .. 11.•i 11.... Dll!nlltd .IO 1tt "'' ,1,, •l~. +l"i G•rk• 1.10 fl ~ JO Jr:I '. • Street, i! ex,_.ted lo be ready 0::~ ~ .. I ~"" ~ ;;,;;::;GT 2'i" ,:'"' .... '"'::1GttAJJfJ 1·" ~~~ l:;~,\ JJ~ ~-" lnllt 1.et 1: i.1~ :i.i>;. 31·-. _" g::;i-,,O!!i1J: '16 5••• 56111 !lt"o -u. •-o c ''''' M' O -·~••""""•···" >O.'">•.O"oO W!->O->O.>• ''"'~I"~ JI :19'~+1 · 6 l!Rli JIU. 11'~-•4 I-OCCUpancy ]alee'"'· year. tt 111 6 P 1 H ~•., _.,. ui-. "' • " """ """' > O J< • ' O " •>' 01' +> Gi1nt PC 1(1 66 111/o 1> »•• 0·, ,,.. uu.:i ''~' ll.tllt.tO H•I 11'1<1 1n.•R 10.~ F Collin 11 .., .. •• ' '' glbrll! Fin' :n :19'li 2t 7' -I. • lhrlld 1n,'8 l?,1111 NII lnrtl 7.31 7.ft or s i~ 11 .~l .60 lll ~~ 3~'tli ~" _ •; 1<111 Lew .IO 16 1-0'li :Ill :Ml ••• , Ch"1"CI 16.N ll.J6 Nrl SIWr 51>,, 5 DI I ,, !'"" 25 ll'" -1'~ 111•1!e !,40 9Ji ~J'' 4Ho •P~ -1'~ CD't!<!I~!: l1l1n 10,0jlOtl DIYGtl 1.60 tt 6 jl''°' l'l+~C>!m!Jelllr I 26 lt'~ ltV. 3tV,-1/, d led £DUl'I' •.?3 ,,n """d $; j •I Dl~lcl UD "' 21"1 26 + .. Gltn A,l(l•n 312 ~"" IYI ,.,, -\:0 ' • • w k h s h f'und 11.li ... 00 Dlvld 4.lD 4.10 c h be DI lh f.76 '9 :J.111. 2"' JJ -1 GltnAI gf3.IS 1 66 66 66 -7 Or S Op C e U Grwlh 5. 6.31 n.....,1~ 1 '1 '"' Collins Radio O. as en om n 2 . .00 _., m i. 5'\.'I 3.a•o _ ·~ G11nAld DI 3 i 611" 611V. MV.-l'k V•nl 6. ~~' Pl S!k 6.t4 {,SI I l d b th J l Dfl,10 1 1i•11 3-IV. l'i-~;Globtl M•rln 1111 7t~ 76''" 26'."t-"li Commc: 1 .•7 p,9' l..c""1 <,•I ~1 s' e c e y e c ! IV .40 :JO ,. 17\1 11"4 -""Glob.Un .ICI IS 16 1! 151'! -... •••••. ••••• ••• toms '" .a.t.2 5.C2 St«.t 1.11 6.•4 Propul s ion Labo<atory. ~• ,~,fll , ls is u . ,. GDOOrk" 1n lt~ ~% 3 • .., 341.,+1 Cari>momirllh FCl1: N~I W••I ~."'I ~.•l W (I .10 ,j ~"'-' .U .U ~Hr .&5 •'.lll 71111 2~ 25\ii + '4 l . C•D I'd I ti t,'7 NEL Glfl •.• s •.t2 operated by the California om E .•1 i'" l' i' ... >t GorclJl'l'A ,. 1] 27\fo 21·~ 11i,; •• 0 S • B • llltOt"I> t.IOI0.21 .. tvWI" 2'.7Jn.i Cll'l>WOJ 1i.o 9'0 904 tVo -\t GouldNill 1.'0 ~I JI ll\o 31\'o--V. n tarting Us •neSS 1nvn1 t.•11ft .0tHew Ent t.,110.24 Instilute of Technology, to •ut Sc tt1 2•lii 71 211.a +~Gr~D ,_50 83 :io... ,,u JOv.+..,. Prospective business 01vners will have an opportunity lo 1earn the advantages anJ disadvantages in starting their own business lhrough a pro. gram announced by Alvin P. Meyers, regional director of the S m all Bu sines s Administration. Meyers said that these clin- jcs call for one-day y,·orkshops for tho5' considering starting a business o( their O'A'n or J.P. Carroll COMPANY FALSE TEETH Tltat Loosen fMa'I ~OlbtOtlll#_OI_: Need Not Emliarrass OAAHGECOUlfTY LOIAM3"d 201E.ConuMf'Clalst. 211N..,_..A\le, ~Cd. (111l9M41 (114) ll'H230 What is the Dual Management Approach? • I{~ 11'6 • aanewre h:ttestlJi 9ilh • $25,000 poftf.UO. or more. JOU sbnoJd be ... Dmll Me • •lllOl'L lbeWhira!ond_ ......,.., __ pxllolio- ...... tr He 11,..-libtto ...,, __ Doll N a 1, (llcmecii 14r.Bmc11 -~ ®~N (I S!odl t.U t .lf 14..,. H"' ,.,.., ''·'!! 11 1J7 u 42""° •l + \~ Grtnbr 1.10 15 1.... ,..._ , .. rw11~ "" 1 . .0 l,!1 "'"" Wld U.l"l 13.tll provide two 211).foot diamete MHlt t t 1••.11 1& 16 -'" Gr11111un 111 i 21~ , • -1., CWl!to CO 1.65 1,1' 1.1'1' Vt~I 1•,'IA1' 1• anrecC1> ,60 fl 341; 11"' ll\:. -1•4 Granllte Sn ;7 16~ n~ ll:!.: ~ ComD As 1.a o• 1!.4-I Newton n.,l 14.tll s pa ce communication °" Ed\1 i.ao 14!1'' 111-o ~ ~ -.., Gr1nuev 1.., 21 :!D" :!D ,.. _;:: I · b I bl' hed Cam11tl ""'"'n Nore~•! '' ·~ 1• •• I the NASA/JPL ~1dl1 Pf 6 t•l'r tl tJ -'• GrenlW 1jo lO 41,,. ..a>o •l-\4 + ~. panning to uy an es a 1s tomD I'd ,,1e 9.9!! ~_, 1." 1.p. tennas or on dt1 !.' s ' n11o nVi n•i + '• Gr•n• pf J ,5 110 151~ 55,., 51 . ., -H•, one They are conducted by ~:::~, .. ;"'4 ::ft 1l~ 1i»'~d ,;::11;:0: Deep Space lnstrumentaUon :: F:!.i:·6t t~ ~"' ~~ r,;:.: :: 8f8l~3 1·18 JJ 26 25\\ ,,,, -''I · COFl(Ofd 13.rJ u.u 101 Fn ~•A 1~... F ·uue.s (DSIFI anFG Dl,.50 s ua " no -1 Gr11iq1r 1 J~ t: ~i~ ~~~;t '~r -'• SBA staff personnel and sue-ron.01 1" 11.lS 11.11 o.,. wms l•.n 1'-~ 8Cl • Ol'IFtt~ht 1 711 7' t!l'r is\'> -·~ c.1NoP•P i 1o 16 51 .,.. i9i0 ~9,~ -:_~~ 1 1 Lo Angeles business~:.'!" L~" 1::~t 1::~ .,~~ 1;.o; 1;:41 Estimated cost or the two !:;~:.!,, l:U !l ~~t? ~~'·' l~;~ t \; 81N:,: :~-~ 1 14'n u1,. 1 • ..., + ,,. ce~ds u 1 ' . 1 Th. ~~~r.,"c~ l~:ll 1~:~ ;:nnMu~q t1•; ;_ii anteM~s is $20 million. Collins ::: .... '1.i.""4·.~ ~1•1n"'•1;~1~~;:~ 4 ·~ 8:W"::~'n F-~' ~~ ~1~.: ~~i ~·~ = ~~ an procss1ona n1en . ecrnw 1n lo.1•11.1J"k•1~ 1 1.~11 • also will construct and Jnstall 01TIC1n 2.:10 101 fjv. •l'~ "1'1-1'-'t Gwun P11ti 1 ~ ~1~ 1~ ~1~~:.1:t . il bl Ill 1 .-.eyg~ M fl.3t6J.:ltPlkl•lm I.SO t.'Jt h I l d 11r1IC-.JO II ..., ''• 9•••-1""orw11Mn ·.JO 16 1.s uv, ·~t•• clinics a re ava a e w iou oe<11 tl!C 11.-112.15 "''P' •.M '-~· t e servo con ro a n ""f CP 1.ao n.i 1 Vr '°"" l''"-' -11~ GrNnC.nt " 1, 761~ 15~ ,, ~,~ l'ot••wr• 12.ll? 1•,tll PIM 51 10.oll IQ.. · • d b t P PfA1 . .SO 11 " (!V. •!I~ -Ito GretnSh 1 ':!D I 7 "' ch&l'gC Dtll1 "l'r 7.lf 1.33 "I-• ll,I0 11 /< hydrauhe equipments USe Y I ·" PIB/ . .SO • "61'> 46 46 -1 ~ev1>ouno " 1 l•:I ~I'~ u~ l~'lll :_: ,, · blvl!I s~~ :1.•1 3 . ., l'l1n Inv 11.u n.n H.. l ~ /llilve ·'° n lj JO"li l11• +'"Grolier 1 60 •5 SJl.\ l\ 35 · · ·11 be 0ow• ,, , -''' "••-Tit ... ••" .. '-""' an ennas. ....1Mo1 ..)llo ?O ' '" ;1 v. ,,.~ -.. ,,,m~. , " Eight major topics v.·1 ~~' "' 6;i~ 6'.>• ,.ro··l'"uncl ·;_,0 '·'° · 111 be ant on •.lll ,., '1'-'" :11" -1• """" s7 21..-. '''' 16'\ -" . . 1 d' f h" 0,,111 14591.;51 "'-"' ,,, ''" The giant aMlennas w °"'011 !If' 1 "l'I ,~..,, ·~1~ _, 2i•50 u , • .,.. 11.. ,.,, +1 discussed tnc u 1ng ranc 1ses. 0.,.,.1o.. 1i111:1:21 Purn•n '·" 10" 1 1 d t NASA/JPL Deep c""' T11 .61 147 :roi. :!D ;a1• -11 · ••04 :Is.>• ... n. :J.i')-"" . E•'""'""-•"': Pi""-"'."' Fu~d· oca e a c""1ro1 0111 s20 10 11i1~ n, 6 ~~'.ii ·~ \t'1• 11~ \\'' -'. general management pr1n-1111~n 1~.n 11 ?" Eou.1 '-" 10.l.I Space Stations near Canberra cno11 1>1t.~ iuo ~1·~ 11•1 6J'• ..a. s11u1 ff ~ 11,: ,;.: 21~~-; :Z . . Grwlll 11.,212-5' '"·~"~t ''"'•."" • 'Canwoel I.IOI ':,,'4 :J.I l •"•-' !SU DllOI 110 711, 711'J 7111 Ciples and the right business 1..c""' • ~· ~ )t Grr!i 10.s9 11.n Australia and P.ladrld Spam. cao11 un11 -50 11 JO "i'" IT'' -~ Gu11su pf• 40 ,611 u 66 66 + ,., $peel 10.4711.U 1~fO"I 'A• •., ' ' th -rln 1.«I ,, 74.., • ~ 4·1 -l't c; llWI •'c. .., 0 loca"on A ques11·0n and s1...-~ 11•iHt11 111¥"' '·" 1,31 11ley will provide morl!! an c,-lr'T•,_1 "1.!"' l,'," , ... , ... G~r1w".,,1.,, :!D'\ 1'• lt'"t-'• 1.1 • E.__ I 12 ll 1• 02 Vl1l• f t4 10 Mo • h f ODt .,.. ll ·• • % '"" ,. ,.. .S f n., •l'~ 6J'•• -I>\ . r:'7'~ 1i111J·,,, vD~•q ,·~ ~·1; six llm e t e perormance o !OJM!.,. .50b 21 •1 •n1o 41•·, . ~!fW :uii 1 """ """ •1i.t - answer SesSlOn fOIJOWS each i~:, Sc 1:11 7.tt lttD ""°' 4.6? S.06 the 85-fOOt diameter dishes ~~~ ~T/'Oo n jy\'lr ;!:,.; ~r:: = ~ ,','!!!. o,~15 4~ ~~ :t ~ ... -#~ il'n••~v 11.'1 ii '1 D1ot•~ 1l' !'" ",.,., "'" '' 18'• 171'1 17h _ ~ speaker. j"'P<M 1.n 1." Ras•m"' 1.11 1,61 presently used in the NASA-~£.w.,;.50IJ.n •,, 1~ .. ',","'n.i:i,';,• ·+1~.'. H I • oul!V ''J tl'll ~"""'' 1•'115.55 -~· ,,.. -- - -This tree pre-business ""' Gl!i 16:1111:.a S<:11ddi!• Fund•~ JPL network and will make cawie• .so 1' 1~'" 10'·' 1·1'' -~ H1c11w11 1 :xi 6 ~1 41 41 _ ,4 h . hed led I Mt• U 311 In• Inv •·~•v~ll • !Dll dce1 .50 11 :It\~ 31\o 'i'" -1'~ tf•UPr! 1 •O.. 4 :ii ll'i'J 31,,. Works op IS SC u or Ev"1'1 1n 1<.'0o11~.21 SP<l :i.i.lt 34,1' poS!ible aequisiUon of sclen-PC 1n11 1.10 ,.,. !1"' 32'~ 1'• +"o H•1111111r1 ·, oJ ,, ,1,, -'" 11 I 9AM e: • .,to< 11~•1lfl'1 11~1 lt ,114;1 f''"-,,_,. l.60tl 11 -IO\.!o .00~ 4~\o -"'H•mW~t .ut :it. 12 .. :? ... ?1·-~ Monday, Aug .• rom · 'F•l'1d 10;10 1i:o.t c°""s110.ot 1a.ot tific datafrom lbe edgeo 1.11e romoK" .to l 11\t n 11 H•mm...,·70 "lN lJ\t 1 -·~ 30p 1 · th dit · "' 1'I lA.tlllOllSec Div 1n1411 ?4 rouseHlnd I I 15V. 24"4 111o1--.Htncllmn '8 Jl ._. -v.i -~'.=:.• to 4: .~.in e au or1um F:dmG,J: 12·n lj'.eo Ste Eoul! 1:e 1:n solar system. E•DWClll Ui11 ll J1 .. x,. JO•·· -""H .. td H1t · n 11 :i~ f11, 27t;-'• of the Los Angeles Police~~ ~=::., ii·;: 11.~ ~"1te'nAm ~~ ,:~ The 21()..{oot diameter an-~=~ :1 ~ ff,! fl fr\ ='i~ ~:~~ i1o 1~ ~~! ~ ~ .!_ ~ Building at 150 N. Los Angeles '"O T•Nt ~i"n" .• 1 ~I ~HtS U2!1 I! '1 tennas are ei:pected lo becOme c:M r~ 6~ ;J~ ~~~ f 1! +. \•' ",',',',~,, ',.,' ' ,, 60 J•·~ stt. -'t Fl111nc1tl Prat: Sh ONfl 20.31 :ID.JI " no ~"' 6S IS -1 St o"""' ••1 1 ro ~ide t.•1 IO.JI operational by 1973 They wilJ l TS CorD ·"° :n u •i '''" 1'1~ -•i Har1<a c .. 1 ?• 20., :ia·, 20,11 . . . l th lrdllal :0 JI •.11 Sh1m1 t.10 10,M . lo lldlhr Co ~I Jj<> 'i'' 12\\ -'"' HtrlSMrtt 1G 11 J' J! 31 _1 S1allst1cs revea more an 1...:""' ·.,.,.u~n ~IQ Inv 11•1 1~'" be used to 5'nd commands C!,1C1!>1 "'' u 1 I 11 -1. He.-. Al i::ia ,, 11·, n·~ 72..,, -t 1, v"'1 1n ,,. s.m1111 1 tu Its . cu111t11n ·" 11 1J 11·~ 'l'N -1 Htt CQtF «i 11 ''" "l t\l 18,000 business failures In 1967, c,1"' v~ ·.,.,. ... :.n sw 1n..-..1 ~.~1 11 and recover data from various '"""""' ·'°" JO ,,..,. »'14 :J4 -.,. H•wll E 1':n 1 31 .. J?h n~ , ' ' '""'" , • • '' ~-, Inv n 6J 14,., I I I dur C1111norw .7'11 6 " 71·~ 211'~ -1 H•rf• ,. •. , -•·· ,,,. ,,,. ,. M~yers added. ''A l arge"': •~s·; ~·,..~:.· 1Fimc.1 ,· .a·tiil NASApanetarym ssons ·)11<11awr11 •J <IV. 1 11-... H•••trlnto :O 11~ 1,,: u·~=~ percentage oi these failures::! ~J11 t·2l ?·?? 1:~...S!n "ir~~·00 ing the 1970's anQ. 1960's, In-~~ur. .. w~ t.'3 J ~! ... ~:z ;i:;! 1-\11 ~~~r.1~1 n 1°" 1~ 11·~ 11•,. -1 be 'b led 1 l k r F I $1 l' :It a fll Am Ind 10 1111 11 I d' th Vikl raft YC10l>I 1.IO ' "'\ lilt :M"t -"\ Htltnt Cui! :~ ?':~ ~;.. ~~ t ;' Can altfl U 0 8C 0 rr.r r';~ i'1 . FJl!oc ···~ i • CU 1ng e ng spacec 'l'lllVsM 1.40 J1 U \4 •W. 'lit -\,He!( Colf .6t 21 17\.'i lt!? 11 _ 1; management experience and Cit' f.,~ ]·~ ~" 1,!t,:tn"°' ~~t s.i7 program plan~ for orbiting -0-~:~i~:,_ .,.../ ~ ~~ lit; '~ =-~~ knoy,·.how." he explained. ~:.i.:~ ~= ~·~ ~:~ OI 1:·M ltl: and landing missions on Mars. ~oa::. ~~ tit ~ ~ 1'tt u~ -""~~~~ c!:a u 21'it '$: ~, + ~~ For further information co~"°",... 11.01 u .o.i a•oc-lJ,04 1s.o.t '' ll'IO ·* 11' 4Ni gy, · "'-1t\ Hem llnt .•:.. 1 I I\~ ·~ " •l'lllHn G,.,.·~: Sllil t..01 ~""' •.f7 rt lr.:1 Pf 1 21 '6\o .u•.:. ''"' -,~ l'flr1:: ll!t 1 11,j l 36\lt :16\4 _ ~ t.1ct the Small 8 u s i n es 1 COii! s1 1.s1 1.13 s.111"s1 1.tt t.•1 1tJ J t YCDCD 1J1 1! :it-. ,.~ :u" -"'H«•""d 1 1v 21'1i 73 23 _ ,,, , . . . fl'ITC l" •• 1• '-' ~Ync• Gt ln 3' 11 " a-"e l'tDCD WI H 1i 2J -\'I Hllltlleln ,t5 JI ll'\ 31 l1 _,, Acfm1n1slration tn Los Angeles utn 'n 1.<1 jMll A• 11.2l n n • · .,. rco, •·"'4,.1s ' ... tt ... ,.!l "~ ... + ..., H~Pld< 10 9• 1,l'' 11>~ 111o _ (, <':DD ...,,c ftl('Dlfl 11• 1 "-•~di" • n in,. ~r 11 .. ·'° .. C"' 2JVi 21 .. -"' Hi.ti Voll•~ Jl 'i 1\t "'• _ 1~ at_.._.,, F'~ 1u•02Ttc1111e1 s•t•n 11]-!!l:l,.li ao 1 ", "i•"':;~111110N1Dt11 1 .so 50'~ ... ,, 0•1-• • .,_ Am • '• ••• Tt<O\Y•t 1 IV s b l .. ..... .• 110 @ • l'lllCO ll 7S , .. , 2no ,,,, -\1 SK: 10 6J IQ"' jtd!llDI , " 111 yna 0 s . Ca 1 II •'Ir a... 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H-1111 1.20.I :1 ,... i11.1o 1\, -'41 Ua lly War Gulrl!n 1•3"12•.l-I "I' Mui 10,Cltll,14 11'1 1 Ni .roct; dlV\dfflta -'>Kii~ i.lr 120,t jl 1 •I HOJI Intl .JO •1 ''o JS 1 _ ,, HAf1"111Drt: ''" 'd t !I I t1 e!f:i 11 to let -tlll• .,..,, f~~l1 bit 1f1 l'JlllG• j 1R ! "' jl°' n\t + \'I Hi>ltl Co Am 4) I'~ 1) 11 , Hf l 4,6' !" U"UHI Flllldf. durll'lll 1 .... ts!lM•ted •• ehll rlCO "'! -1 Houd '"" IO 11 161> h u -., If!!> t ,16 t? At<m •" 1.~ , dlYl'!r.e-'.O.Clll"ld ' wlut Pi I j• ff j -1• n::: 1'11,11 1 J~ )5 lS -l W h It laker Corporation's~:~~ l:U .. ~ k"'f:: 1J·C 1:·!! " «-.-c1ly!!I or •-i!lllr 11111 ~':. .. • J, 1 ~ ~ r. + Y.t ~ $11 'Ji 171 ,~i.1 1~\~ 1~1,,. _!~~ Narmco f\iaterlnls Division,"'~" 13.a '""VF" c ... 1p,, 1.1"1 -'"~•19,~ ~~ ~· .,/If "' :l,;, .i: 1! n" !"' J Hou,inF 110 10J '"' "'• "'• _ 1._1, costa Mesa. has been granted~ ~ 1f.~ 'j:a \:~1 L~~"' ,n' 1.•\ _ eci.:.., ... ~ ...., ~ ~ •i![M~4.a .l riv. 11 '~ = ~~ ~:::F :; ~ : 1~., 'fr' 1pi.1 =•" a quality supplier award by:::;:.. 11.:.11.Il l:.°'il11 5•1 '.'11~-·~tl't ....... ~ ,, ";" ,"'"'1 l·~ ; ~ ff'it ~+:1 ::=::~.1:U ,,R 1:~ ~" ~=~ h M . M et•· Corp ~ Mll'll! l•,.l•"t Vn<t$ •Pl N. !1 L"'~ , .... ~P!:C2 j v." t~ HouGt 1111,. ?l ..ot. Jll'\ ... t '• I e art1n ar1 .... •• tf!MIM 1.u ·~ .. bf ,,., 1·ti • Rt'& J"Jr: "' 1flldl .r JoT.10 l r. R • •tow JDfw. .J.• ,j n~ 11'0 n Orlando, Fla. :~l r: : o11 !:if F."'1nc1,. l~ t 11 4 "' ~~111. If = ~ 1~-:-:~·" ~ ~"' "' ~ + '-' =r i.~ ~'" µ,1~; 1:~ = :: The di\'lslOO W8$ one Of '"'e r •e t 'llln,a ~I,.. 11 ''Ill 1!1111 1Glor91D 1-4 it'~ if:' lm -t '\H\ltlhHll "° 'I _r,,, I-G• j 14 , L M«tl 'JI •.2t 1-S.toio. 1t1 ""L IG!of'I !if, ' JOlO -1"4 lOtl\oll'w l .0 ' '' :It•\ -If three firm!i-.i;elected from an--.c """ii ' ,..; 1' ""~us1 •ft 1 "',, 11 dd-C••IM ,..._r. •1-..,..114 ~.dll-E'lo liiS1"'flm ,, n•~ '• 1• -•• IGf•I ''''f • 'l' '• 1)" IZ\1 ,.. tl!C ftd9 ,21 ,.n • .,, Mw 120tll.n ,_. • . Wirt.' It ...... , , 'fl ,,, Z:\-'~ It C::t!!I JO 1 1. "i.. "''i-1 Proximately 1500 actlv~ sun. '"~"""" • •l 1ft "° •l'<llt" "" u,. •111•11:>111 ...... ~·-• •111111. ,,..._ ""' 81' ·C°' Sii l ' " 5•• , '• -'· 11 c"" nil" • s. .. f," ,fl, -'' ,.. nd Trnd 113'US-IN"' Incl 1n )M ••rt'i" WW-WI"' •••r •"'•1 -c1~b It! , 2 ,~ 20'•-" •1 "Po ... tt(I ~ "!'' .• :i.i··-·· lions-rccognlzed by ~1artin """'" ~" ,1"" ..,,1,..,11 ,,1t11'1• ..,,_ Y•ltln11t1umtcltr11111:1\....i-Nr•~_., .lOb t 1H' '• ,, ....... ~,. "Jll n H\., '" ll'1-1•• 1111n Slli: !M , .. ll'td!(lf 1•s .,I ~ .. trlbultd. ~ lnv90, "'"" •ISM• 110 .. ~ -'. P• "' 01 ,, ,, )O'~ 31!1'• P.1arletta for efrort.~ to l!Upply •~v ('0,.. 1 . .., 1 •1~ .... 1nn~ld ·,. ~ ~· orti•nlled ""°"' l'l'lt l 1111tl'\JJl!cr A~I: (If '"-v .tO 11 H 41l4i 0°• -j a c. "'"' ' J1\ 1)10 111~ h lnY Culd f Sl •t> '~ y,..vl'/ M• .t1HY•"' -·w~,~nll CD11"1•1n.11o en"\•J•ln .JO H ·~ f! -•S -1' IN• (II 1 fl! 1 • '' /"' io" .... ,., c!.~ecl·Iree J1rdv.·11re. i"v h'ldlc 11.1G1f~.vor1~ iu 1 o 11~ 1 I" u·~ uv. 1~c~ C•a:1 11 u J'l J ,..,, Nanuco Given ---------------·----~·--------------·-·-----·--------------• Tuesday's Closing Prices-Complete New York .. , Stock Exchange List DJR.TPll01" • • • r I ·---~-~---~------~------------------·------- lJlt H-'w ltM.-H..._ Sh•ppl11 C.., C... M .. JllJl .... lt.&• ...... r--H•i.,ew .... tu7 w...,...., . ., ...... ••-w .... 1 ... 11142 ..... A-.• l•H'-•• .... _..,, ... C..--.......... w.....,, July'°· 1969 • _\ PILOT-ADVERTISER JI • 1•H w. ui.,.r • Mto1 ''· -1•.,... c.tw, s.t. •- • 17"4 M ...... If, • T.a...t -YI .... C.W., hHMI• l'olley e IJIJ:lti1111£ .. 1t.•W•n' ··-...... •elC..,• ... 6' ... 9i111"1Y .... ~fltC' r11•_......,,.__,.,._ .... '"'' a., .................. -0r-..c....,,"-.•_..•,... 111.L 17" It•-C.... MeM S~1pp'" c..i-, C.... M .. .., e a-Ji_. ....... lf'ftl. -Hntl•• leeclt Sh.,, ... Cetttl'f, H11t1tfftftet11 IHcli ei HCl!k aar· • I~-c .... M Sabot ~S-A' i..t;Q. T c'ruises waters of N'eWport Har· bor as swnmer sun sets over Harbor Is- land (backgroiind. Sail- or is-plying channel north o!· Balboa Island between Collins an d Harbor Islands. Huntington Gyms Open For Summer High school gymnasiums and the HunUngton Beach city gym have opened their doors this summer for public ac· tivilies. Here is a schedule of event! offered at each of lhe loca- tlont: .• Mondays 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., open gym, Marina High School. 3..p.m. to 5 p.m., Beginning and Advanced Girls D r l 11 Team, Marina High School 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.rn., weight training, Huntington Beach High School. 5:3J) ·p.m. to 7:30 p.m, blgh school wrestling, Huntlniton Beach High School. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m .• weight training, Marina High School. 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., weight training, Huntington Beach Higb School . 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., high school wrestling, Huntington Beach High School. 6:~ to 8:30 p.m.1 weight trainil}g, Marina High School. 7 Jim. to 9:30 p.m .• table tennis and badminton, Hunt- ington High School. 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. adult volleyball, Marina H i II h School. Tue;:,days . 9 a.m. to 11 :30 a.m., 1n· termediate and a l! v a n c e d women's volleyball. city gym. 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m., open gym. Marina High School. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m .• Beginning aod Advanced Girls Drill Team, city gym. 7:30 p.m., high schoOI sum- mer basketball , Huntington Beach ·and Marina H i c h School. Wednesdays 12:;,.J y .••. to -. .,J p.1u .. open gym, ~larina High School. 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Beginning aod Advanced Girls Drill Team, Marina High School. $:30 to 7:30 p.m., weight training, ltuntington Beach High ~hool. 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., weight Lralnifig, 1t1arina Htgh School. 5:30. p.m. to 7:30 p.m., high 11ehool wrestling. Huntington Beach High School. 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., adult volleyball. lluntington Beach High School. Thursday a; 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., wmlen's beginning volleyball city gym. U :38 to 4:30 p.m., open gym. Marina High School. 3 p,:m. to 5 p.m., Girls Begtnoing and Advanced Drill Team, city gym. 5:!0 to 7:!0 p.m., high ochool wrestling. Huntington Beach Hip School. 7 f30 p.m .. high school sum- mer 1-ketball, Hunllnaton Beach and MM!na Hfgh School. Fridays , ,,,39 p.m. to 4:!0 p.m .. open 8)1m, Marin• !Up SchooL 5:30 to 7:311 p.m., weight training. Huntingtoo Beach IUgb School. j :30 lo 8:30 p.m., weight training. Marina High School S.turda11 l p.m. lo S p.m., junior ......tllng. llunUngtoo B<ld> Hip ScbooL ' Fruit of the Loom Fumlture Throws 60x72" CHAIR SIZE ~~·1.::11~ :....-::. $2'' wubablt. ddp-drj. lrow.a. · ...... _ • 72xlOI" Sofa SID .. '5'• •1•we.tmp.use Packof'3Flaskvbes 96c 88' Mod Color lnnlated TUmltlers 54" Plastic 9 Piece Salad Set. • • • • • • $ 95 $6 YalMI Porcelain Colander -••.••• $3" 91r Grater & Bowl .. .. . • . . • • . • • . • • 53c Mehil-Enamel loader • • • . . • . . . • . • 66 • $f" 2 Quart Fondue Set •••.• -••••• $SU Yan Wyck Electric Can Opener .. . . • $444 llue Aztec Glassware •..••.•• -.. 6 : $1 -Reg. '4" *24' Set of 2 Roll-out Fall Length Appliance , , . Door Minor ~ Whets .. "~ ::::· '3'' ;,· \' •1 •2 Brmtone £r:amed. minor 3000 lb. load ... -ith decorator rinJ. Distnf.. apecitJ fot tion-litt refl«tKin! • n 1 •PPli· Cotton Filled Folding Bed Mattress .• s3n 43 Quart Clothes H11111pers • • • • • • • • $394 Padded Samsonite Bridge Chairs. . . s 93 79!. Mattress or Piiiow Covers . • . • 2 i s 1 SEMI· ANNUAL If hfhct W...W s.11 ,_ $1.ffl . "'-'· Syringe & Hot . Water Bottle 2 qt. apa. 99• city wt<.h • '"""""""' SOI Blue Jay Com Plasters -~~~· 21~ ............ _ $2 Value! Shulton Desert Flower = Hind I lofJ 111111 ~--Quality lotioq $1 00 tmootb1, dta!S. 8-o:r. 99' Qt. Shainpoo or .~ Creme Rinse E,q Shampoo, °""''"""" 44' • Glycerioe aad ·-· , '1" to '2" Values! Plasticware GUARANTEED 2 YEARS =~=~-=-· 99c· .. , ....... .....,...,_ ••I• IMl. llllYJ" Pal ........ ,...., . Oab _tA A'IOCldo, Gold Ot ~9" Value! 4 Foot Lo-Boy Record Cabinet ~·· .. ,,.... 1m••ll·s22•• ~dooa.A clastac bea11t1 oimblaed wltlt """""'-'"" Iity. Hota. crnr 500 reo::irds. t&l:19z: 4B indl lizc. *215 Value! Dalsr Kitchen Ware ,9' I.a.tiles' Cetta Floti llats •••..•• r 11n WOIMll~s S.nner Hats • i ...... 'I~ "29' lfall• Leather Sandals : • r ••••••. $2~, 'f" YinjfPateit SGnilii& ••• : •••• ~$147 - Women'• I cry Iii; Shells $1'' V•Ji• "'Yli<. ...... less, with t.ckzipprr • Publon coloa m 34 .. ... ·weme•'s Fancy Bikini Briefs ' · $1" Printed Beach Towels 694 Stainless Steel Serving Pieces 2 : 991 394 Pladlc Shoppl119 hgs • . . . . • • . . 29c 6 Gallon Pladlc Gmbage Call . • • .. . 97c -· ~· ~--------i.-<.,., ·-------· Mok• I_.,_..., loo 29!.' Assorted · 4" ... Metallce Trays C.ded Buttons '" I 11• ""$1.tl ' ---- 3~2~ --·------ 5391 Ingraham -Alam.Clock Wild Daisy '-., ... ee~~~;~ Stationery l---_:;~__JUJ!:=--==-=-1 , ;~~\ c1111, ,, ,111111o ?. '2" If appe lnsalated Plailc Bags. • • • $ J 9•. $2'7 v"':e..;;.\ ., Entlt,.. 794 UJ. Watertite Wemen's Swim Caps 66f :~:$"' 37' ... ,,..,. -1.~ """""' $3" Table M I IBQ Grills .•••• _ .•. $344 -hot colon. Dunstin Scotch FIFTH GILLON An I J'Sl'Old import. clistilltd &ad blended ia Scotlaad. Saw: ...,... •bil~ it'• ~ lowu dwi nuA ~ -....,.., ,, .. " ...... $5" Ilg Dl1ghy 5 hot Poly Boat.. $49' $J'P Ytlllilated ling Size Auto Cushion SJ 4t $I " Plastic 4 Player htlmlntoa Set . . • 88' $1" Yaklel Ylayl Air Mattress . • • • . . • 94c $5" Rigid 5 Foot Poly Watling Pool. • $3" 19" 1 ... d Metal Patle Tallle ••••••• $ ,_ ~---1-~ ~~·~ ( ' . -·----------------------------------------...... ,, --·~-........... • fl PILOT -AOVERTISER H ~ WedntSday, Julr 30, 1%t • • ltcil .i~n · Iu~r:is Tastes By JOHNA l!LINN • • ·~· imliler~ thtm In 1 pot cOonecllcur when he worttd B.order • E :nv· ~ -r -;.-· · ey a.re beft made a da)' tn on a vegetable truck after ~ W ~nn b ~'~ dvarice .and · allowed to Je-graduation from ~ Haven. e I rm MIA. rs, -t~n tnJbe cuutat a clay pot Hlgb SChoof, Ernest Bo~~ aid m ~ l's ..;...., fired lllld' treated. , "I didn't , s~ rrµich Ume ~I f0Cllll1 · ,we J~~ kn6\V h~-, ..,... Ille )>a!ns>~ •n' · 'ti-that..! made thr~ d<>llars a • IM'lll~ ~ e: w& \ .... ,W!At ,the ·'e of the"' oififts· an~ Vitek Wfu-kblg from\ 3 1n' Die ' tliem, see how t~t) Ive ~nd ialt por; • nlOmlng to · 7 at night. I was work, and how tbey t. Uhol· ' . . passing by the post oJJlee 11.nd ficial}yj we repreaerj, our ~ , Perhap,, ~er1ca.ns are ep-. saw one of thostl enticing pie-anti enhi!K.'e lhtflmSgi:_~. ~wedch).~~t ., ca ,~t .·i.rt~n, po:sttn· that said ·•Join the ~ricans." The~e n I al Sioma . s, 11 Jnas .su~~s 1• Navy and see the ~orld ' & i genUeqiln Wu1 tr. velillJ lldto ~u~ "In ~-~illlo 1:1~~~ joined!" He la.ughed he~rtil.y , promote bb Ci m, e W ... thi 1 de If "I was a ship's cook unu\ 1 Bundi .. , C\,I some ng ma myse h nl b h' . d • : ' _ a kind of beef stew Made by caught c ro c rooc 1t1s an Etrue serve<} as such an am· brownin chunk! of beef in its had to go back io the deck bassador last year while the g. h force as a gunner 's male. You movie was shot oii.Jocation in own fat WJI green peppers. perspire a lot in those hot Mexico. Emfe P1.r¥.clpated to ''Down ..t~re they make 8 galleys and then you have to the local pagean~ fiestas and side dish of l!ot .and sweet JM;P-stand watch in the cold wiod1 broke bread with ilhe naUves. pe;.i slowly .sunmered \Vlth at sea." The terrtlil there is rugged. onions and m~d .sail _pork. Ernie credits his mother for The t\lfo main location sites You can serve it with n~ or much of his cooking and ac- were in Parra!! a remote pota~oes a_nd, to make 11 1 ting talents. i'Alterf served JO moun!Jiii hamlet tn Coahuila, Mexican dish, _you can always years in the servl~ l started and Saltillo, a1 textile.jute throw in •.t~rtilla or lwo." looking around for other work. center. The picture is the saga He clarified the confusion l'd never done an~ acting ex- of tlJe West, Norfl and Spoth-some shoppe'fs have con-cept when I was • Boy ~ut. Of-tile-border anil iells the ceming peppefs. "The sweet one 4a:Y 1 came home and my 1lory of a group of wayward peppers (or pimeot.os, as mother said 'You 're pretty .stragglers and o.tt.laws s4t In they're called tD Mexico) are disgusled ar~n't ~ou"?' the year 1913 when America the red or green bell peppers. "I answered 'Ji'or two cents waS preparing for . war a~d The hot ones are either. the l'dgobackintothe .scrvicefor Mexico was belilg strangled in tiny long green or red vaiiety JO inore years 4nd retire.' ~~~°IT:. ol a ~oody counter ~~e ~letin~~~d ~~ :~~ BECOMF.S ACl'OR LOVES FRIJOLES Semibot peppers are like the ''She looked .at me and ~aid, "!' t • 1 nd banana peppers we have in 'Ernie, have )IOU e~er thought m a grea 1-.ice over a C rr ·a.. of becoming an actor ? Yo1i1've 1te the good Mexican beans a 1 onu · l"k · k r 1 r and rice I love ~the good fri· Ernie's earliest physical en-always '.ed to ma ea oo o. jotes (~ans), m~de by soak· ~nters with veg~tables \\e~e ~~«id~fy inr fr~ 0'u:io~:~ tng the beans OYemight and dUring the depresSl.on years in exactly ~hat I wanted to do ," ~ he said. "I"ve always wondered how this all happened. As a child, I had lived in Ita1y with my mother for fotir and ·a '--half years. We lived q u it e sumptuously, for .ml' mot.her was a countess of royal lineage . Her father was finan- cial adviser to Victor Em. manuel." The actor wa!i born In Hamden, Conn ., the son of Charles and Anna Borgnine. "My father-rem1.1lned here tn the U.S. I was IYa ye&rS old. \then I returned to the Stites. and COUidn't spea~ one word of Ellglish." Jfe pondered a mo- menL "l've1 always thought lh8i perhaps 'ril}' mother wanted to be an actress." Bolb Etnie's parents were -e:xceUent cookS-:1.~'!MY fa th~ ' . was even 'better'' ttlan my mother. At one tiine, he was assistant to Oscar or the Waldorf. He could have had the job after Oscar relired,' but was frivolous and lost the cpportun.lty," he said. "When you're bo .. ., to Italian parents. t think you sort of in- herit a discrimination for good food. I have definite like s aiid dislikes, but my wife says I'm very easy to please." Home cooks are invit ed to try two sampl ings rrom the portfolio of lhe ambassador ".l chef. ERNEST BORGNINE'S -BEEF·PEPPERY SPECIAL 1~~5~,~ l lh pounds Jean.beef, cut in ~~-inch cubes 'h teaspoon salt Few gratings black pepper \~ teaspoon vegetable oil (or butter) Large onion , peeled and chopped One clove garlic, pressed, optional i:, cup finely minced salt JlO'k 4 large bell peppers 2 small. hot chili peppers 1,2 can tomato paste Two ripe tomatoes, peeled, chopped \i teaspoon cumin Season meat sparingly with salt and pepper. Rub heavy skillet with vegetable oil (or butter); heat, brown meat quickly: set aside. In separate sklllet, lightly brown onion. garlic and 1ralt pork. Remove stems and veins from bell peppers, chop; chop hot chill peppers. A'dd ,both k!ods of pepper lo browned onion mixture . Cover ltJ9Sely, cook slowly. let steam come up, discard, liquid. Add cOok~ pepper mixture to .meat Add .tomato paste. RICE, FRIJOLES LOVER Ernest Bor9nine · chopped tomatoes and cumin. Cover loosely. let simmer about an hour ior until meat is lender and sauce has reduced ooe-ha\f In volume ). Slir several times to prevent burn- lng.,Ccrrect seasonings. Serve on cooked rlce or baked (ar mashed ) potatoes. with tossed green salad. Afterthought: Chopped cook· cd chicken (or leftover pork) ca n be substituted for beef. (Cl lNf, ~y, IM, •• ,....M ........ ...,......., ... ..,, ... ~rc+e.., ........ ~,IRIS~""'""Si•I+e•-r=:.. ... rclaii"•T+e+ea ...... ~ .... H~i+e ............... .---a ... ..,, •• ,.,.,. ... ,,,.""' .................................. ~, ............ ..,,,,. ... ,.,. .............. ..a WtdMMey, Jtlr .. 1Ht Ii .... 2J Simple Summer Fare Has a Gourmet touch Know-how Basic Ingredient Laundry Problems W~shed Out:· . . By JO OLSON Of 1111 0.HY ,llfl Slllf Eosy WayS· to Car.e for Clothes was the focus o! the concluding lecture by Dorothy Wenck, home advisor for the University of California Agricultur· al Extension Service in Orange County, .for the Homemakets, W.DrlLSma.rter.-NoLHarder, series. ' She covered: modem ,fabrics, mQ<lern laundry equipment and' products, a nd ways to save time and· energy in. laundering and ironing. The homerilakers were urged to ask them selves • the following questions.: why launder clothing, why Iron, who should wash and iron .. when should I launder and iron my clothes, where and how? HANG GARMENTS In answering the questions, Mrs. Wenck reveal· cd that homemakers often wash things that don 't need it. If garments were proper;ly hung up al1$1 play clothes substituted for school clothes w.lien children arrive hQme from school, fewer gclrments would Yt'ind up -in .the hamper. Ways to avoid ironing were pointed out. Pillow· cases, for ex.ample, need not be ironed iC no one in the family cares if they are Ironed oi: not. Also, by careful shopping, a maximum ain.ou"t of perma- press clothes may be acqUired. · h1others are teachers, Mrs. \Yen~k pointed out. Children should be taught early to wash and Iron their oWn clot.hes. Small children should be taught to sort their O\VO cloth,eS, perhaps having boxes Col-" collecting and putting away the clothes available for them. knowing how to ... do lt,, 1..aundry methods muat be . matched to the gannents, and this is best accom· pllshed by reading tags that come with clothin&, and saving them. Reasonable 'standards must be set. A ''whiter than white" wash is a f 'TV brainwash.'' the home adv.is.oLmain!ainecL-Cotion-naturally--¥ellOws and- dryer heat speeds the process. New fabrics, such as cotton-polyester, do.not turn yellow, she added. Some yellowing is due to not getting an greasy stains out, and here a presoak or prewash may help. Other y~lowing is a result of insufficient rinsing. Additional causes of sub-standard laundering are poor sorting, not prespotting stains such as collar stains, overloading the machine, using water that is too hard or not the right temperature and using an incorrect ·amount of detergent LAUNbRY AIO Bleach ls a commonly used laundry aid but does not take the place of detergent. Its primary purpose is stain removal. Bleach should be used wisely at ¥.. cup per normal load, diluted before being added after clothes have agitated. A key factor in successful laundering is proper use of equipment. Dryers for example, save 121h minutes per load, can be used for ironing or syn· thetlc knits, for airing drapes and curtains and for blocking sweaters. The dryer's lint trap should be emptied fre.- quentl:Y and clothe s should be taken out promptly to avoid wrinkles. Dining on a lazy summer day can be as lazy as the day itsell, yet the meal can Lak e on a gourmet nair in spite of its .simplicity. Serve food s that are "sirn· ply divine" and easy summer meals will become memorable ones. Start with a good wine, add chilled mee:t, In-season fruits and specialty cheeses, lace them \vith crusty bread or unusual crackers, and an extraordinary poolside or patio meal can be assembled in minutes. American blue cheese is a good choice for the main attraction of the meal. Pick a convenient time or day and day of the week to do the laundry, again trying to incorporate the job with chatting with· -a child, and make sure the surroundings are pleasant. Mrs. Wenck added. SAVE TAGS The first step in properly doing laundry is Key words to remember for the homemaker who wants to work smarter, not harder. Mrs. Wenck concluded, are the words of Li!Han Gilbreth, mother of 12 and \vork simplification expert -"Do n~bing better than it needs. to be done." • lncre~sing Prices of Meat Still Homemakers' Big Beef By DOROTHY WENCK ._ C:tulltT "-II .U\'1- nw hl-b cost o{ meat la • topic Ol"1 the tip of many a home:makef-'s longue lhese days aa she flndJ the prict5 of her favorite cuts up 20 to 50 mits a pound. The latest 0.6 percent Jncrease in the Bureau of Labor Statistics. U.S. Depart- 9'1et1t of l..abor ls attributed to higher food costs -espeeially ror meat. The rise In beef p r I c e s is most bothersome because beef is far and al''ay our fa vorite meat. , The problem, unfortunlitely, isn't e:<- pected to go away. Al least not as Jong as peopfe have·p1enty of lllOO!Y to spend and continut: to demand more and more Jnea~ I oEkAND, PRICES INCREASE Rhila ·IMef COIJI b1ve;\btta tnted malaly II)' htcre11lnc cen1amer dtlrUlnd. .As our Incomes rfM -wkl~ dtq u, .. hen at an annual rate of I percent -our 1pendiJlc for ~t Jncreu'! rute:r lhan tar •PHll&I& fer ~ enp*udo •ado •• fndta, vecdlbln ... ... ' Beef produptinn hn more han ~bled In the lJSt ZO )'earl. And IA a\ lime our Home News and Views cooking them so that they are sure to be iender. For example, instead of barbecuing an expensive steak, why not make ham· burger ateakt The regular ground beef or the ground shoulder Is less expcruiive ' consumption Of beef has Increased from about 10 pouOds to 110 pounds per person per year. When you add to this the in- #reast in tbe number of people ealinl( beef, you can understand why production is. not keeping up with dem1nd1 Food prices have a long his(ory of ri s- ing more slowly than lnComes. It could be that beef prices are finally getting in line wilh consumer lncome.. What can anyone do about ii~ 11>e answef is obvious. You have Uie choice of either J>i.Ying the. hl8h8 prices In order to conUnue lo enjoy YCJU' fa\IOrite Wet cuts; or paying mere atfen'tton j,o "need" rather than ''want" Abd buy ing IClis. Most people eat far m0re meat th11n lhij rtaUy netd. Wlth tJ'o, ) and 3 ounce. servings o{ meat you can ea~ly ful !lll yoUr day's need for protein rood. Tht1\ 's two Vtf'Y modttt slu hamburg er patties. A T·bone sleak might weigh 8 ounces, or than either ground round or ground more. sirloin and is preferable for · barbecuing betause It iJ more Juicy and has more Ar.other answer is using more of the rat. It's the fat dripping onto the coals olhcr protein food s -eggs, rish . poultry, and making smoke that gives your meat dry be&~ and peas -in place or meat. its typi cal barbeci.le flavor. 1'1o~t or these (oods are less expensive· Ancther barbecue Idea for a less ex· than meal and give excellent food value. pensive cut is lo make ahish kabobs out ECONO•ty V RlETY or chunks o{ round or chuck roast, along 11 A with onions and green pepper. Use Variety lmeatl -U.u, kidrtey, lteart, • t~'On the meat before you put it toogue -.-*7 ITII let• popolat, on flie .u,er. mally ••MC•,.,• m1~ 111 price •t # ~ llrger ctM ol meat, such•• whole Ute m-popai.r ""!· Tiiey "'"' Jou ol round steak, ut0afly COii c6n!lder1bJY a.trltion for lbrt ....,. • lw than the ffPJflte parb such 81 top 'lou also mllht>blo' fewer of the .high JVW'ld, ~e of the round. cube, or priced cuts -rib and rump.roast.a; ~ "famfly'1 J(akt. U I lthole cut Is too Lerh<>llSe, 1'-bone,, sirloin, club and rib lll'fte: for your fll(\lb', plan for leflovtrs stea~ n'fQr'l 'Of lhe.-ltsl-expensive or fretie tom« " • cull ..!. cl!uck J'O!llli. hamburger. round · · , 11ei>l<. Th• cheaper cul! ~ive you Jui! os QUF.STIONS WE AllE ASKED much food v1lue as the high priced cut.t. Q. I tanned t0me rrttn beaM by pac~· YOU Just have to be more clever about :irle1 dt«m ii J1ni, emrtn1 dttm wtdl \Gt water and proces1tn1 the Jani In • kettle of bOOlng water for 30 mlnulM. Now my neighbor ttllt me that they wlll not be 11 a f t.11 this true? Ive used tttll met!tod minute.s. t would not keep 1hy ol lhe9e beans unless they were reprocased lmo mediat.ely using 1 pressure canner. on tomatoet w:tlb 80 probJtm_ , .... 1 , • • Q. Why do blleberrtes often loet A.' Your neighbor ii right. The "boiling all very· la. color instead o( dirk blue? 11 water bath" method la oot a sale process· lhl1 because of aome lnaeetk:ldt lllley UM ing mclhod for green beans, ever though on Uiiem? it is safe for tQmatoes. The difference is !... No, the silvery bloom on blueberries that tomatoes are acid, green beens are Is not 'caused by lnsectlclde. It Is i 00~ood poisoning bactfrla that tannot naturaliproteclive waxy coating whlch ii a sign of ·good quaJity bluebe:rriel. grow in acid foods can grow In non -acid Federal and state laws are very str~ foods . Thw the non-acid foods must be about ihaectlcide residues on foods. Thie proces.wd at a much higher ltmperature tolerancts are 50 low that the minute using a pressure canner In order to kiU amou.nl ot' residues. if any, coukl oot be these bacteria. Green belnt, 'lot et-· aeen with the naked eye. ample, must be processed at JO pounds • pnaure (HJ degreai) for is minutes. Q. We live LI .a f1ll'1llsbtd 1p1rtme9& Botulism n the food poisoning we are ~'•ve a. very Inadequate rdrt1m1• most concerned 1boyl with improperly For Ulmpte we can't ketp ice c:tt•m ·11 1 proctssed home canned . rooda. Tht U.e lttu:er rompartment -It 1eta • botulJnum bacteria produce a dt1dly tox· •oft. ;tt there uytlalD1 we cq dt •~ In -one of the moat ~~ · Ud1?. \ 1ubstancea known -In Under-Proc'H.'i~ .A. ,Try removing the Ice cream from Jow .. cld IOOds. So don't take any 1b~' tl!o cation and potOng It in the let cut; with your green beans. DD net. i.tte .eai tray or 'a gl1ss or metal pan. Cover .,,_. • wllbo\lt bolling lh<!m lint !or at 1 .. sl lo · ly with loll or plutlc wrap. _. f • I I t t ' t l I ' 1 I I I l • J I I t I I • s 1 I< ' R • 1 • l s v I • T lJ H u • n ' ~ T ' c I s 1 • ! r. B s I • tf DAILY l'ILDT -W""""'"1. Jul130, 1969 Grandmother · Adds New Wrinkle While 'Btummin' ' ,. 1 • Around' DEAR ANN 1.ANDERS: You often act .. vise women who write 1bol.lt bavin& the.Ir faces lllled, "Go ahead and do II U you want to.'' I'd like lo give you another iide the story. My grandmother had her face tilled el&hl 1DDPlha ago and II Is ruinlq her llfe. She wuo\ _., pretty to begin with, but she bad a fairly good figure and coold af/onf upenst,. clothes. Grandpa died I tine years ago. Gran<hna gOl over her grief in record time aod started to look rCI" a man. She attracted mootly bu.ma who were after htt money. And old bums, al tbal A friend suggested that Grandma get her face lifted. She did it and now she is attracting young bums. ANN LANDERS ~ Furthmnore she is making a fool of henell acting lilce a spring cbicken. My mother~ maybe the aurgeoo'a knife ~lpped and damaged her brain. So pleue don't encourage women to have their races lifted. Everyone liked Grandma better tbe way W was. -SAD BOY OF Ii DEAR BOY: From JOV de:scripUOD of Grudma, I 11dped Ae wtald Uve Ud tnable -eveo wlU. lier tld fact. DEAR ANN LAND£RS: I am ex- pecting our flrsl baby In about seven weeb. We waited a long Ume for this child a,nd J want to ·do everything just righL Now a dar\ cloud is bGvering over my shoulder. My mother-in-law assumes lhat I woold be happy to have her move in for a few weet:i and http with the baby when we come home from the Misa Criolla Program Told Costumes in a rainbow of colon, excit· ing music and spirited dancing will be blend· ed into "Misa Criolla" (South American Folk Mass) scheduled for the Festival of Arts grounds, Laguna Beach on three Sun- days Aug. 3, ID and 17 at 4 p.m. hospital It's nice of her to offer but I doo't wan" her. The tllaU&hl ol having my mother·ln·law "in charge" fJ makin& 1 nervous wreck out ol me. I don't con- sider getting up during Ute nlgbt a hard- ship. It WW be a pleasure.. 1 WIDt-to chanee my baby'• diapers, give blm bit boltlt, feed him and batbo hlm. ~ "' the joy ol being a new mother and I don't want to sbarf: IL la there aDythlng I can aay wllboul hurting her f~? Or f1r lhe aate ot lhe relaUooship lhould I kaep my moulb shut and let her come? -PEONA DEAR PEORIA' II y.., "°"' wut your mo&Jaer. .. law'1 ltelp, ay ... AJ. lowtnc btr to COIDf: w1II BOC Improve Horoscope By SYDNEY O~IARR FlSIUNG, PLANTING favored by luar pol!Uon. BF.ST BUYS: PI 1 not, pbooograplri recorch, scleaUflc equipment, aafety appUucea, raincoet.s, boots and 1boes. l Presented by the Festival of Arts Chorale under the direction of Mrs. Marilyn lnterlandi, the program features authentic Spanish instruments, costumes and music. Leading Chorale performers are Paul Karadyi, pianut; Ric bard Kuykendall and John -Allanllce, tenor soloists; Raul Kottler. guitarist and Jack Lynde and Bill Sandidge. ARIES: (March 21 -April ~ 19); Co1nblne spirit of ag- gressiveoe5S with charm of shyness. This is deUcate balance. But if you pull It off, appeal is almost irreslsUble. TAURUS (April 20-May 20); WILD WEST SHOW STAR Monte Montana Monte Mo~tana Show To Benefit Children 1'1onte Montana will star in hil WJld :W•Sbow on Aug. 31 in Saatl Ana t.luritclpa I ' -Sta~ ·'With tickets oow on sale to benefil tbe Orange County Ass.oclation for Retarded Children. Tdct roping, animal acts, wesiem "music, 11.agecoach demonltratioos and r o u g h ridtiitf will be oo the iWurram ~ by the troupe, wbich --' -· Betrotlial Revealed Tbelr 21th wedding an-- nivenary wu selected by Mr. and Mrs. Marvin lt Taft of Jiuntingtm BeaCh Co announce the engagtment of t h e i r daught~ of Kathleen Taft lo Miguel Gil de Partearroyo. The ruture bridegroom is the soo of Mr. ana Mrs. Santiago Gil de Partearmyo, former French consul of San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Mils Taft U a graduate of La Cresctnta High. School and Glendale City Colleg!, and her fiance attended the University of Mexico • Tbe betrothed l"Ouple have selected Nov. 22 for lhe date of their wedding. malAe~' INTRODUCES The New ~ _been touring ~ United States'.tor 25 yean.· Ao ·' Busintss and prol'esalonal people throoghou!, lb< '-y will i., selling Uclleb, and further~ infonnaUon and Uckets may be ~ from ttie OCARC off 1 ~ Santa Ana. ' The association -tains a 'WOrtJhdp and CJve IChools for retarded chlldren lhrougbool Orange Coonly. ~ TRAVEL WIG! Designed for Ille INSTANT HAIR-DO e On The 8.tech e On l'he Boat e On Vec:etion just roll it 'VP in your beg end take it •IOIMjl. • Bru1h into yo11r own hairdo end presto! ' Al"eil1ble le der•• -blo1111d• -Silt A ,.pp11 I fro1tetl 1h1lle1. ' -YOU CAN EVEN WASH Ill - Should \ OUR 5;;!.~' < PRICE matAe~ WIG & BEAUTY SALON 541-34-46 250.D EHi 17th St ... t HllLG•tN SQUAlE COSTA MUA, CALlfOlMIA Appearing wJth the Chorale are some 15 . members of Laguna Beach Civic Ballet Co. ·~ under the direction of Antonia Morales. Hal O'Neil is coordinator for the event. ~' ~mtr::nn.i~ Betrothal Party Given Harborites The · engagement of their dau ghter 1.jaria Yale Fergusoo was annrunced at a part.y for family members and c!OR friends by .Mr. and Mrs. James Datiald Ferguson in their Newport Beach borne. She will become the bride of Bruce Reed · Coleman o f Ccrooa del "Mar, 50ll. of Mrs. HerscbaJ Grant COieman of San Dfego and the late 1'.1r. Coleman. • Relatives and friends at- Prospective Members Bid to Marry I tending were Mrs. II . G. Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Paul W, Kimball, Jr., Mrs. Mervale 0 . Smiley, Miss Jane Abigail Ferguson, Dr. and Air s. George A. Peck, Mr. and, 1'.1rs. R. C. Dosta and Mrs. Richard She...ood. The bride-elec t was graduated from Newport Harbor Higb School and at- tended UCI for I'wo years. Her fiance. a graduate ol UCl, will work toward his doctorate in child psychology at t h e University of Colorado. A wedding in St. James Episcopal Olurch is planned for June 22. 1170. Follow through on hunch, especially in dealings with friends. Some are v e r y sensitive. Give suu:esUons in diplomallc manner. Fine even- ing for dining out with COD-- genial person. GEMJNJ (May 2t.June 20)' Plans subject to change. Be sure of rules, re&lllallona. You gain cooperatlon. But you musl go dlred.ly lo ~. ~-hand reports are not likely lo suffice. CANCER (June 21.July 22): Vacation • planning accented. Change routine. Break through red tape. One al a distance may be tryinl; lo contact you. Awld hasty judgmenl Be analytical. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)' II you are agreeable to change, there could be profit. H you inalst on status quo, ftmdl seem to be locked. Message becomes clear by tonliht. VIRGG (Aug. 23-&!pl. 22)' Accent on legal matters, partnenhips and marriage. ~Y is cooperaUon. If diplomatic , you gain. otherwiJe. there could be _Qlrls~inleres~ in being Candystripen at H o a g Memorial ·Hospital, Prellyterian, are lilVlted lo a meeting in the hospital con- , ference center tomorrow at 3;30 p.m. Easel Fare Previewed The meeting, to which moUiers abo are lrivite<I, will be conducted by Miss Diane McKamy, Candystriper chairman. Also attending · will be the Mmes. Oieryl Fay, Thomas IWfeto ~d Geo11e Cox, Senior ltospilal Auxlll.ary ad~ visors. ' South Ce11t Pf•z• 3333 Bristol Coit• Mew Members of Newport Beach Ebell Club will preview fall Art Section plans and meet the instruct.or, Mrs. D. C. Mat- tocks, when they gather for a coffee hour at ti a.m. Wednes- day, Aug. 6. The meelini will conv~ne in the Newport Beach home of M..,. Ray Nlel!en. Classes to be taught by Mn. llfatlocks will Include etching, oil, watereOlar. and palette palntinl. She is a member or the Laguna Art AssoclaUon. Coata Mesa Art League, Puadena Art Association and A r t Students' League of New York. A graduate of lhe Univentty of Hawaii, she hu studled in art schoola in Paris and California, including t b e Call!omla School of Fine Aris lnSanFrandlco. ""' ro&atllooMit. •· ........ Ill 'llumk llerudlelli..,.o ... ...,. .. _ -ft! ~ ... -. ... 1'ol' -· AW ....... ""' illllo!d. ,... •II I na "'to lnublt, lt't .... to bfti' I <M col '"" ,...,, . . DEAR .QIN WroERS' I'm~':" cee wW. lhnle ID>ely i..._ I A wkiowet want to JDllTY mt. He ),al two yowipten. 'Ibey are nearly • wne q• II my ch1Jdren. M_, fl no problem. ~ A aJori& fine...ft<l<PI for Ibo kids. · llPJU· ed ..u.n, disobedient, poor ~la and lbey hale me. He dlsllkes my clilldren becawe Ibey are popular, flne atudenll and they mate bll kid> look bad by compart.lon. But we love e.acb other and . ~t 1 rµe toaelhu. l need ·your 1ad~ .W....-.A. A. • ,' n&AB A.1 I tee. ave reuont wby )'OU -'111'&11)'tllh,... Yoor-ud Ills i,o. aybo -Ille -, C• • .., .. I )Nt DO( aft. . 11 JOO •• lnlUbl< getting atq·wttij 1"'11 ••• H you """' get them to fell live your own We, send for Ann , • booklet, 04Bca:ed bf Pa,r.. entsf To Get More FreedeJp."' S"!'I Myl...,11 in coin wtlh your , .. quell ..... Jong, stamped • ..U·- ed envet~. · Ann Landen will be glad to help Y.., With your problems. Send l!t<m. to ~r In care o1 \Ile DAILY PILOT, ee~ a sell·addresaed, stamped ..,,.1ope. HOUSE OF MARCUS IJ6 W IM St. C.Ste ....... IOppodte ,., Y• Mitt.I AWARD WINNING SHOE SERVICE ~~ COMPLETE SHOE e LUGGAGE e HAN?;AG REPAIR ALL WO GUARANTEED TO YOUR ATISFACTION ' ~IU;:~ ANNU-AL AUGUST SJl UP TO . 1/2 OFF SHIFTS COTTON DRESSES COCKTAIL CAPRIS BLOUSES LINGERIE ALL CREDIT CARDS 3424 Via Udo • Newport had! also Dl1ntylencf Hotel • -... -... --..,-.,,..~-.. ·-~ Do·n't Skirt fhe Luau f. " ' . . W ..... sd<Y. Ju~ !O, 1969 .v eddings, Troths Pilots Deadlines .. Nµptial . Vows Fak~n In Lutheran Church .To avo14 di.uppolntmen~ prosp~ve hr.ides are rem.lnded to .have their wedding stories with bfatk and white glo..y photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prior to or within one week after 'the 'wedding. For cngagt:m·ent announcement! tt b &uggested that the story, also accompanied by a black · and white glossy picture· be submitted early. U the betrothal annoubce- mef!t and wedding date are sit weeks ot less ap.ll:rt, only the wedding photo Will be ac- cepted. To help fill requJrements on bolh \\'ed~ djng and engagement stories, forms are avail~ able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be anawered by Social Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494·946&. 'Chr~ U1t1i,ran t'hi.rC!i ... ~ scene for an ev"'enlng wed!- dlpg , which united Pamela Ruth Zuehlke or Garden Grove and Edwin Jomeo Wheless ol Huntington Beach. . 1be bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Zuehlke, came trcm Fond du Lie, Wis., ... for tt,e ceremony and tter father gave her In mar- ria&e. 1be bi1degroom'1 par. enU are Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Whel~ ()( Austin, Tex. The bride wore a lace trim- med &own of ivory peau de sole. w'ith shoulder tl'aJn also bordered in lace. A bcadpieee of lace caught her elbow lenfh veil and she carried wtute ·orchids and baby's breath in her bouquet. Miss f1ona Venclus, maid o( honor, and Miss Muriel Bunde, bridesJt}aid, wore noor lenith green sleeveless dresses and carried bouquet.5 ol yellow pom-pon chrysanthemums and baby's breath. MRS. WHELESS Mexico Honeymoon Family Life Thrives, Shows Prophets Wrong Jerry Wheless or Austin was best man for his brother. Now returned from a hon· Groomsmen included Law· enymoon in Puerto Vallarta, • rence Lannon, Wiiiiam Wey. the couple are making their By GAY PAULEY order to try marriage again mouth IJld Don Roelle. home Jn ·Garden Grove. NEW ''ORK (UPJ)-Ameri· hardly constitutes a rejection Yellow and white flowers!;=========== cans once again are saying "I ~~ch~'~ family Institution as decorated the church for the do'' in near record numbers. ceremony conducted by the They're also setting near rec· Why the current boom in Rev. Lothar V. Tornow, and ords ror "I don't." meaning marriages? lls sou r ce lies the yellow and white theme h. fl · ••· · boo wa.s carried out for the wed· the end of their marriage. c 1e . Y in uie previous m DAil Y "1LOT ir. OC• S/ngle Bee~ 1IJt ~ oM,fbutlh Fri· day of Ille monlh Orange Coonty Slngle Beet galher lu Pioneer Town. santa Ana. Aclivtltes beg1n at I p.-. • SPECIAL IAIL 1' FALL IOIU -FUECE - -NYLON 9UILT5 - Colors of Jew•I Ton•• Shorl-$11.tt Looq-$17.'5 8y F•movs M•k•r 27J7 laet Cout Hlth:w•J Coro ... del Mar PhOM 673-1950 • lankAnt«il•.rd , • M11t•r Cha,P • f the · __ _.. I It ding reception in the Hunting· The increase in divorces. 0 years imuiaiiate Ya . er ton Seacillf <;ountry Club . however. seems no threat to World War 11 -the babies of The bride, a graduate of F p R•cf '" the family institution. It is ~ pos.,t·waodr years are tlhhe Wisconsin State University ree ony I es thriving better lhao ever, wi'lh new ywe 1 ay · says e where she was a member ol W d burtau. e ., Thurs., Fri., Jul11 SO thru Aug. 1 a r~rd high of 50 million Gamma Phi Beta, is a teach· families today . almost five Then there's just a ~eneral er in Ocean View School Dis· , Bring th• kiddi•i to Hunting,on Cent.er'• million more than were re· trend of more n1arrying in· tricl. S1lv•r•do S•le •nd West•r!.1 Qeys cel•br•tion corded in the 1960 census. stead of singling one's way The bridegroom was grad-to rid• re•l live ponies. On S11turd•y s•• f1ie ln the l960's. the nuinber..of through life. uated from tile University or Com•nc~•ro·Quick Dr•w ·clu~ 1hoot it o~t ';fith families has grown at a fast· For Instance, In 1960, the Tens and is employ~ in the . all c~i;n•rs. Enjoy ..iunt ingt~n,C•·nt•r'1 er rate than the total U.S. proportion of women aged 45 space aeronautics divlsion of •1r cond1t 1onecl m•ll •t Be•ch •nd EdinCJ9 population. "These facts give to 59 who had never married MacDonneU Douglas on the •t th• S•n Di•go F,:••w•y. the lie to thooe gloomy souls was seven percent of the fem-1 _:Sa:::t=u"":.:::A~po0:::1:1•:.!'.pr~o~je<:::I~. --~=====================~::! who predict the.imminent col-inine population. By 1967, it l- lapse of family life in the had dropped to five per¢ent. f Calling ri1eJllbcrs ~nd gu~sts. f!om San Francisco to San Diego, the Tall Club , of Or~nge County 1s stag1n_g its annual luau Saturday, Aug. 9 beginning at 7 ~ p.m. 1n . tl?e Palms, Anaheun. Getting in!? the ~sla~d spirit are (left to right) Mrs. Wdl1am Alie~, 'Ray Murphy and Mrs. Gail Pincock who have qualified ., fo~. the tjub by . being either s•· 10'' tall for the ladies or 6' 2" for the men. Ad· mission to the luau will be $6. 75. United States.'' re po~ the "The perCentage or never· nonprofit PopulaUon Refer· married American women in cnce Bureau of WashinglOn, the 4$-59 age group has prob- D.C. ably never been as low as it In a look at "The U.S. ram· ls today," says the bureaU. Pair Exchange Vows In Evening Ceremony .. New Board . Uy: a thriving institution." Some other findings in the the bureau repor1 s that in bureau population sludy: 1968, for the first liilne since Most families, 87 percent. the post-war boom year of are formed around husband 1946. marriages rose above and wife. About two percent t\\'O million . Jn tum, divorces have a male head, and fam- exceeded 500.000. for the first Hies with women at the head time sintt 1946. (divorced. widowed, si ng 1 e Portraits for the new year The bureau says that "pro-mothers and others) make up 'were sketched when the board \'iSional data indicate that II percent. of Fountain Valley H l g h about 1.2 million Americans Old age ls the only period · were divorced In 1968." The v.·hen a substantial proportion School's PTA gathered for. its h-taking thejr home in Cin--(reL) Howard E. Wertman figure went over one million of Americans live apart from clnnati are Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Wertman of Irvine. first meeting in the home or in 1946. the family. The fact reflects William Stephen StriC:ker, who His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William Bro c kman, Hardly good news, it adds. the gap in life expectancy for president. but not an indication of a crisis men and women and also the were married in £1 Toro C. W. Stricker of Cinci nnati, in the U.S. family "as an in· tendency of older persons to t-Marine Corps Air-Pacility-wh'o-came-from-ohio-forihe Selected by the program slitulion.~· _.remain sel!·S:utficlent longer ~ Church. . evening wedding. committee, lieac1ed by Mrs. "A more reasonable explan-tha n they did in the past. Since f The former Linda w.ertman Given in marriage by her Richard Benedict, first vice ;ition is that American couples 1960. the' proportion of Ameri· Is the daughter of Marine Col. rather, the bride wore 8 cage president and chairman. the have become increasingly dis· cans 65 living alone or in in· ' <"J" style gown of nyloo organza theme will be followed during inclined to suffer marria~cs stitutlons has grown from 27 and alencon lace with match-the coming year. that are unhappy.'' says the to 10 percent. r ' ,..,. . . ' ing detachable train. Her Also reviewed was the pro· burrau. The average family today Is halo illusion veil was caught posed ways and means pro-"Furthermore, large n4m· 3.7 persons related b'y blood by a matching lace bow and gram ror the new yea.r bers of those who divorce or marriage: 'the average re- she carried bu~rfly orchids, presented by Mrs. Richard C'Ventua\ly marry again and fleets a gradual but iJreat de· pink'l'OSebuds and stephanotis. Hopper, third vice president. the proportion who do so each cr:ease since 1790 when the Wearing lime green gowns In charge of the budget and year is growing ... the deci· first U.S. ~sus was conduct- trimmed in pink were the finance committee is Mrs. sion to dissolve a specific mar· ed. Jn that year. the average bridal attendants who included,-=R=ud=o=lp'=h=La=B~la~o~c=; t~r~ea=s~u~re~· r~.=~r~;a~g~e~t~h~at~h~"~""~t~w~or=ked=;;"~~f~am=H~y~b~a~d~5~.7~me=m~ber=~s.=:::;I ' . \ ·I MRS. STRICKER Cincinnati 'Home Karen Vena.ss as maid of!r honor. The bride's sistet·in-- law. Mrs. Michael Wertman and the bridegroom's sister, Susa.n St ri c ker were bridesmaids. All wore pink net garden hats and ca r r i e di baskets of pink flowers . i:-The bridegroom 's father 1 ,... served as best man. Usheringl were Wertman, and John Veeh r Jr. for a reception in the El Toro Officer's Club. l he bride's grandmother Mrs. C. M. Parquette of Walnut Creek took charge of the guest' book. The bride attended Tustin High School and w a s1 graduated from Dayton High , Basi,n Beauty School ;o Oh;o. The oewlyweds , . both were . graduated from 1 A new basin can be installed ~1iami University in Oxford, in a counfertop as narrow as Oh io, where she was affiliated 15 inches from front to back. with Pi Beta Phi and he with •Designed in delta shape. the Sigma Chi. sink measures 21 by 13 inches Carmel and San Francisco and is available ih the la.test were honeymoon destil1ations colors tot bathroom fiitures berore lhe couple traveled to 111RGll\'IA'S -blue, gold or avocado. Cincilmati. ~~~~~~~~~ll r ' I ,, SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE 333"4 E11t Coast' Hwy. • Cerone del Mir ~ • I Phont 673-8050 lf1 fu"' btint b1ck in th1 1lor1?1fltr two 111onlh1 1,, .. , of 1h1e~c1. Th1y h1~• "'' on 1 'Tr1in11 Pro9•1"''. l11t di,p!1y t1bl11 1lt ch11tf1d 1 n..i l:U1d with f1bri c1 th•I h•"• •rri,.•d th•t I 11· t.c~ .. d 011 1•t •11l N•w Yorlr b11yi11q trip. l'rot oil i111pi••d lo 11w •9•in, lilr• "'•ki119 1 ll•'f coc~l•il dr••• fro"' 11•w ple•l•d Cr•p• 111.I li11. l1l<t 11 off wltl<t 011• of bt•vfifwl j1w1I .,;"'' pt.n • f•ll 111it fro"' tlle irotp9f"led Co11f1ri•• Wool- •m li• '"' lo.tl•q111 ll-1 s_.-~·oplt p1i11I ,Jctur11 •1 • hobby bvt Ntrf9 ,.,le t, 11w •"' •• ,,. yo11r ow11 ori9i111I cl..,_., Ito fit yowl i1 1 1elf-11l11fyin9 1rl. s •• vow 10011, V1Jl61NIA P.S. If yo11 1r1 • b19i11111r 11 1111 1•wi119 1rt, pit .. • •1lt for p1ao111I help 011 p•tt•nt t•l•c· fio11 111t1 111lt1bl1 f1ltticd ., Sl..AVl'Ca ~ Ssriia-t91 I 18 FASHION ISLAND' NEWPORT BEACH -b<4.! 180 YO!lr c~.r .. AtCOlllll Wt!tomt -a.r•Afl1111'1CU'tl. NltJlll' Clltf'VI, ... Op•n Mon.I•¥· F1id1y U,.til •:JO P·"'· ! ·, l ~ Use your charge account! Where Pride of Po ssession' /J Parl of Ydur Purch ase weisfields JEWELERS SOUTH COAST PLAZA lft!STOL AT THI SAN 0110-0 ••WY. 1 COSTA MESA Phone: 540-7117 "'""' ""•ti f.t1"1 """" W..llftrtll'I UM WmfltlrJ Ill;""~"" C,._,.._ l•~IMl'lcll_. fl' M11"" Ot• ...... l ~-~----------------------------------.,.....~--·-------~---~------·--·------- • ·' _J l ! I ' ' Wtdnudal, a•l1 l0, 1'169 , GUEST-HOST -Pat Paulsen, above, candidate for President of the United States, 1968; humorist, and commentator on social justices and injust- ices, will be guest host tonight on tbe Joey Bishop Show on Channel 7 at 11 :30 p.m. His tentative guests are Governor of Kansas, Robert Docking and the Smothers Brothers. , TELEVISlON . VIEWS . How Many . To Avoid By RICK DU BROW HOLLYWOOD (UPI ) -The tipoff to televis- ion's prime time is not bow many series you watch with al/id pleasure or active dislike, but, rather, how many you simply disregard because of dull- .... :!ess. Since I earn my living watching th~ t~be I am required to tune in most of the shows if 3usl for a few minutes now and then -that is, once they have had their premieres and run for a while. Un- til that time, it is only fair to view them with some reguJarity. ONCE THEY have had a fair shake, however, it \VOuld be unmitigated mental cru~lty to. foi-ce a1:1y- body to sit through all of the prune time seryes with regularity. And so I can tell you frankly which shows leave me totally unmoVed, and whicb I watch least of all throughout tile year. I don't think. I watched 11Peyton Place" for more than two or three minutes at a stretch for the last few years. Same goes for "The Big Valley" and "I Dream of Je:a.Dnie." 1 I don't remtmber the last time J saw "Hogan~s Heroes," but whenever it was it certainly was too recent. Funny Nazis never amused me and never ... "'ill , and it took some time before my violent dis·· l P\e of this series finally ran down into total lack of feeling for it. THE DORIS DAY show lost me about five minutes after it went on the air, and, curiously, despite some good episodes, I hardly ever watch "The Virginian'' more than briefly. . "The Mothers-in·Lew'" was a void so far as I was concerned;all111b.-~am-e-fol'-"My -Frlen~­ Tony" and "Land of the Giants" and "Get Smart." I feel nothing special when I turn in "Adam- 12" or hayseed stutf like "Petticoat Junction" and the other similar series. Lawrence Welk i4 very professional and a nJce man, but l just can't make il through one of bis hours -not all the way. "The Dating Game" and "The Newlywed Game" hold me for about a min- unte each time I tune in. · "GOMER PYLE" just isn't up my alley. and I have absolutely no feeling for anybody or any- thing in "The Wild, Wild West." 1 stopped watchfng "The Guns of Will Son- nett," "The Felony Squad" and "N.Y.P.D." a Jong time ago except for occasional looks out of duty. • .o\nd "Judd for the Defense" never excited me as much as it did some viewers and critics. Things like "The Flying Nun'' and "Bewitch· ed" must be stricUy women's shows, however p~ f essional, and so they never aroused any interest 1n me. The trouble with television, really, is not that it's bad -because it's often good -but that there's just too much of it, too many hours and the odds are simply against it. ' THE CHANNEL SWIM; Julie Andre\\'S will have ap hour musical special on NBC-TV Nov. 9, ~ith Harry Belafoote a guest and Gower Champ- 1on the producer ... songress Dianne Warwick meanwhile, will offer her fir.st television special.' on CBS, Sept. 17, assisted by Glenn Campbell and composer Burton Bacbarach, who helped make her a star. · PEANUTS STEVE ROf'E.R . AOA.MED AT 1",A.VWE'S REAt:TION 10 11/l<f~ CHOICE OF·KOROS. SIE>E NASTEN$ 1o$0~TEW 711/i!R fFffCT· . 1'£RKINS JUDGE PARKER 'OU C:~ MN PICK UP TI-IE EXTENSION IF YOU WJSH! MOON MUWNS TUMBLEWEEDS , I LEFT THE DARN THINGS' IN M'DESI<. DRAWER! MUTI AND JEFF ' , .. ::::::~~ ...... TMIS IS Mr. CIJIVEf! .Ws-5 SPENCER' A$KEP lW.f I CJ.LL MEit.. By Harold Le Doux MISS SPENc:ER IS NOT "IEIE A.f TME MOM.M~ ~E WOULO VERV WltH UKE '1l) !>EE )'Otl, Wt, Pll!VER'! WOlllP lr'IE POS• SIBLE FOR YOU TO COME TO HER. MOf,\E TH15 EVENIN6 A.l500T SIX FOK PINNEil? IT WOULP ae &.AO( TIE! lr----~~ GOSHI WHAT ROTTEN LUCK, FELLA!.,. 'TOO CANT MAKE A ARREST wmmur BUI.LETS IN YER GUN, PAL! .•. SUCH PEllCEDURE IS IN VERY POOR FORM!. .SO .. SINCE YE!\ MY·FAVORrrE LAWMAN, I INSIST ON FET'CHIN' YER BULLETS FOR YA! NOW YOUWA<TRIGllTHERE AN' Ill BE BACK WITH 'EM P!\ONl'O! ~-~' ......... _,," ., ................ ...... By Ferd Johnson I WANTED 70 SSE 1F I STILL HAD WHAT IT TAKES! By Tom K. Ryan YKNOW._ FER A CRIMINAL, YOU AIN'T SUCH A BAD FELLER! By Al Smith " W ! D t, l \ D fl 'Y J1J!.Y IO 7:00 R CIS bt!lln1 ..... (C) (30) Wilttr Cronkltt. ·-· "" U..! (C) gO) 111-(C) (!<l) QI (J)f11 ... hi' II (30) Ill (I)-~ .. ~ ... (C) ~Ol m-..o «><JO> GD D~ Htute (C) (30) 7:3G 1J ld (C) (60) Ttmn !Mds 1 --•t•rt' filto 1 Un11roua 1rN whtre ,._. lndle1l1 • t•ll!Oln woman 1rtl1t m1y bt held, onlY to find he fices more d1n1u from his ulari mtmbers than frt1m the natives. ~R) !q 00 ll'J ""' y,,~... (C) · 'Fox, Hound, 1n~ the Widow oud.'".Vletor Jory, hit wtf1 . .kin lnnw. 1nd Troy DoMhut 1uesl In . , st"Y ,,, '" NCIPld aomld; In lO:IO "',._ -'(30)' .181 JDttM. fllalll fr\lm • boun!J huntlf. (R) .,. -'"' O Jack Bt1U1J' (30) "How J1cli e P""811 Coraroa (311) Found M1iy.'' O @OO &>Httl Co•• t••11·00-ou----(C) Irides (CJ (60) "A Dream Thi! • • · -" 1;,1.:,1 """ Glitt1n." Cindy 1111 a surprise -Yiiil 9 Alf'tld Hltdlcock !ram h1r crtndtJth1r, 8en}tmin Pruill. who It convinced ti. will tind eold in Se&ttlt. Whllt pro$pltl· ing, B~njamin is trapptd ln a c.tvt· in, Will G"r pas1s. (R). ' Q MIU .. $ l!.\Olt' (C) ·-(W!lfl1rn) ~Ort Laiie:'sttr, Jtla Pettra. ' m Ttlldl Ot' Gwlquenc. (C) (3tl) m Pmy MIMll (60) eil} BllU P~ (30) 9 (11 led of HollJwotd (Z hrJ) •>tiJ by H!rhf:"--- ltl D111lo di ,.._ (30) 1:00 8 ZIRI lftJ (lO) m""" <C> <"> fl) ior.. C>oa ...., (30) £) l1111Hctn Mlllicllu (30) 1;30 • T'9 'oo4 •• (C) (30) 11111 htl to br11k thl lltllS to Rllf111 ltl1! their poker club doetn'l w1nt hlni to pltJ with thtm 1nymor1 be· c1UM he w!ll not fallow th1 rul$1 (R) Ollwii: .. ,.. TNM "' ......... (COlllldy) '5&--Andy Griffith, "lel Ad•,,. GI l_., ••1"'1 <Cl ~ .,,...,."""''~·~­r.raon•UtJ. Slmmy' 90'fi ~ !"!lib! h.... -iM·,"'9 R1ildJ s,.ra tonictkla 'iliiillnr lrtlUp. Word . Pottrllb: 'l- Re1l&mt bJ C. Robtrt .llMllllC ind J. Pull Getty bf Ed1111 lllolltMJ.. m Mmt; Nltiot In 1-nlt.,.,... tdr1m1)---->59-J1M1-Thor.-.._.- tia Htnderson. 1121 (l) ~ Cil Ill (I) "... (C) 11:30. MMlt: (C) ... W. I ~. frill" (wast.rn) '58-Audlt MW• phJ, W1lltr M1tth1u. 1 D~CIJCI--«> ·-=--Wl-(df'lml) '50-Jolln Mlllti. Ytln ·-nmimm .... •• tQ Pit 1iuliin 11111 In 11 fUlll llolt. 0 Win Wltll tM start (C) (30) , 'Soupy Sales Ind lie• C.rt.r ruut. lZ:JO ID Qllilf D llll CJ) OJ Thi lh1a; raratlf (Cl m Adlen Tlllttrt: "Copit1b1na,11 \30) Th• spot!ia;tlt b on tht l•c!1e1 tt•rrltll Grouctlo Mtn and C1rm111 11 "It's • Girl" Ojlens tanl1ht's Ml1tndt &haw. Zin, Donna's JS.yur.old ' daugbltr, joins tilt fTIIUP on "A Pretty Gil1 It like I MtlOdy." (R) l2:50 IP.I hie: -Y'""6e" (ld'ftfttlnJ m Dft1d frelt (C) (90) •lJ -M1rl1 McDonald, ~ al R1111 tor Y• Liit ~ "(60) Mortis. tD Sp.W-0111 (C) (JO) "The Alco- holic Amtrie1n." Host OIV\d Prowltt l:Oll 11 •lfni '""' (C) d!scuuu the pll(!rt of Amtrlca's •bl million "probftm drlnktri" i nd llOw thtlr condition 1ffecb tilt Jim al tha11 close to lh1m with Or. Nlcholst l<l10ury, th•lrm.n of lht ~!tt1hollsm commitltt of lht Loi Anc~ltt Medical Aaotl1tlon. d) Stnrlln (30) '"" ·-"'"''"' (C) (30) Guut Pal Boont p!1ya hlm'91f Ind stnp 1 cauntJr tone. Boon• D Co••nH:r 111ntt111 1M1d (C) 0 lim (C) 1:1511 Movill; "M111 Afr11d" (my~lelT) '51-Gtora• f(1dtr. Dennis the Menace GORDO , By Gus Arrlokt-1-------------- r I ! I ' I l I I I I I ! l ' l I I I /f/OIU'fltlO! iN/C~ 3Pl).I< • 'IOJMI IS 11113 11'! 'fl.<E:N WHY DON'T YOU Gl'llE 'll<eM 9-"I' YOl.l NINNV7/ ' I By Mill GIVI THIM &,\C.K!!? T~Y DON'T (!"11!) UA.T ($1/IF/} , ~ MUUil THURSDAY DAYTIME MOVIES o t:tO e "flit Ctllll Sta• (drama) '53 -Jack Hawkins. DoMld Shldtn. D "toe M•llY Hasbands" (com· 1dy) 'tO-Jtta Art.hur, Fttd M1c- Murr1y. 0 "Yfflll 11111 Wltll I Hot11" (d1tm1) '50-«lrt Do1.11l11, Uu11n l•Ull ! --••JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quality Pr intin9 end Oep•ndabl• Servic• for mor1 then • quarttr of a c:entury. PIL O T PRIN TING 2111 wm IALtoA lLYD., NIWPOIT IUC-H -642"4121 ' i -: -· -. . ' • • ' • • "' -- 1 • I -~----~----~------------------~~-- Wedntsday, July 30, l 96CJ Wtdntsday, July 30, 1969 D41LY PILOT 27 ~ Ice Cream FROZEN FOOD BUYS! • P11s ~:= ~ .... ~ .... • P111 e::,;:,1:;_ .. ...._ • en =.~=. ':.:."" • t•OHtd W LI f S,illx• 11 o-ro 'otMlo •lod llii • Cltter ~ ..... • Slrt1HI r, sum USDA a... """" 8'ef 4 for $100 Grade A Manor House Premium Oualil t tiens 8To12·-z:_· PH•• • Arg. Wt. ~~~.'!~,.cer S5tea9k9·~ ~!!!~~. Turkeysc~., UIDAa..k.,..., 1 ~ 1,1 ~ ....... ..., .... & 49 To P~ • BnlCllel • rf Califarnilll Srlnd (t1plirlolR l:"'w• , ... , •• , . l t:.:.·~-_,,,,1~.__,.,C< Veal Chops ••. 79c Pork Chops ,b.79c ltllder Aod ~ly Slmder Cuts fre!.11 Rib End tuts-fastern ~s • .,.·"'·"=e10-Y11I Sftlks ~,.i: '"'Ila .. W Pirk Steaks ~~i,.~· •· lW NEW •••aci••• rt.::;;;f~i:: •. • s,1renM =-(c.:i~::. .. ll' From Safeway Yul Slub ::-.~ .. 1111 Pm Smap ~ ~ 61' Fried Chicken ~ • I c .. Tiii 11•"8 llN H• Additional Meat Manager's Features.' SI• ed B ......... ~·-611111 1c aeon ~~·s:.:: TGtf ~~~ 7 J B ....... -.... ,, .. 791 ones aeon :::-i:;:;r..... ... • •• Skinless Franks i.1it"'fl, :;~ 591 Sliced Pastrami ET::.1=:":;.. 3 :.::-. $1 Sllloked Beef ~~:;'.:;,;-.:.. ,y,. •• 511111 111 Ni°"'' It'• Otloc-.! ,.,. .., Fruit Drinks LllCtfllf-Crl!lf, Oranfe Or ltl!IOl\ldt ........ 29 1 Nrt•1 Fresh Butter ""'=1' ... 9'"";""' ..... DOUBLE Blue Chip Stamps Oil M rwdltst\ Er«tt l*"'-nlill lllilll or llriuor ........... -..... M~i:. ~t J. \:,. • ..... 111 CIUPll Pll fA.11.1 "'•" ~., ~.,,N"' v.,"'., ~., .. .! ~~HeadAnd Shoulders Shampoo • Pl'itt lnc!Wd 1 .. ,. $)32 Im lie otf llbtl· •••• 11% Colgate Dental Cream 11Pti T••t• 64 Sm , D"'' fatltrt :·:-C 1"' lcWtt ~Orr I ... 1 Dial Deodorant - Mli·Pmpii..,t l ·tt. 89' S.n ll llt1lly Worh! .i11 1% Colgate 100 ~ 924 ~~ Sr Mowltiio.. Ir«. 7"'"' "" Ope k OH Ubtl Mio v· 2'% Gillette Blatlea ~t:."1 79' \';: Contac Capsules ':':1'99' l.- Mouthwaah~,,..~ •1 11 ~ FRESHLY BAKED 30-Slice Loaf Jumbo Slyt11k 8'ked.Choiu •1 OO Of Whitt Of Whe1t 3 2• .. 1• Luy Opeii-Eny CloSt! i.1'" Coffee Cakes ~'i!.:t:!w11ts11-' 29' En91lah Muffin BNatl ·~;; 29' Salads Fruit Drinks LOW PRICES-OF COURSE! Charcoal Briquets Corn Flakes "'''"'~ 59 lllt••J's ·--ll·•L36( .... -, ..... 10 ·1• c !(ft' Pltftty 0n tt.1111 r. AU 'four Outdoor Cociinf llar lkt1k!nt Qr 1'11tel •k~ ... """' • Hi·C Fruit Drinks :::.. 3"~'1"" -'" . p ... ...,_ .... rune u1ce "''"'" ,_ • ... 49""" ..... ,.. Stokely Gatorade ....... 39"- •tti. '"· ·Cling Peaches ~=:.. .... 29"-... J% p• I ""'"""" 1neapp e """ .... , ····-39" .... ~ ... "" Mott's Fruit Treats ··--37·-... '" Town House Peas ...... 21·-'" "' Golden Corn :!'!:'~':' 5 ........... -'"' Pork & Beans !t"s'Z.. -·23·-OU K Ch k T "',,. .. ,., .. un una li1ht Meil 111111 "'···29"--... '" Liquid Bleach ::~: r~ 39"~ Fabric Softener :~~· .... as·-•tL 14" B d T• ""''« roca e issue .. ~ ... 3 ..... 1 .... ,..,, "' 1lJ9c I l llClfM.(iflPI, Or11111 Or ltl!IOl11' ''"" 49' llrlt• Cheese iA Oft?C Avocados Llrft Sfza Haas fOf Sllitds °' Sendwicb Sweet Corn ........ "' 10 Elrt .,,c wn Fla11r ... F .. ,...,,..~ er ~~~!~ 10 ·~~ 59° Plrfoct All Popost Po~lo. Crisp LeU.ce :5. 3":" 39' Juicy ·OnD19I~ ,::::., a;: 91' troniydew M.io11s ~~ , .. 12' Assorted i111111s =" ~:"' '1 11 211 E. 17th SI., Cosla Mesa • 1000 Bayside Dr., Newport Beach •14 Mourch B1y P!aza, So. t.guna 636 N. Coasl Hwy., Laguna Beach • Sanla Ana Freeway al la Paz, Mission Viejo 'l " •• .. • f . 1l ' -. " ( . " • .. _ _j ; f I I ---.....----~~-~----................... ~~-~~~~~--·-------- U DAILY '1LOT • • • • • I WtdntSdaJ, Joly lO, 1969 ' HEAllH 6. BfAUlY AID} , ..... ,..._..... . Woodbury Lotion:::;,~.;:.':;"' Ste DEP Hair Style Cream ':,.~:· 59c ....•.........•........................ , --• VALUABLE COUPON • • • • • WITH THIS COUPON ONLY • . • \ !" : DOUBLE ·BLUE • Royal Crest ASPIRIN-,..::.: .. 3i 51 • ~~ Hos1ERY ~~z l i$1 ~I CHIP STAMPS '-----------• One order only any a-nt you choose : to buy-No minimum or maximum # REGULAR 39c " f ~~~!.ftM\ ~~ \ 29c #I ~. ~· ..... , .... #. ' • DIAL \ .~ f lath Size lar I ~ '3 BARS49cl ~~ • FOR I ·~ ~--.... ~ ~ ' ...... , Borden's • : Mayonnaise \ I Quart Jar I \~ 49c ~' :~·., ..._# Springfield • ... ,..... Elberta FTeestone ... 1 PEACHES 1 I Sliced & H•lves Lge. #21h c•ns Req. 39c I '· 29~ i -lijt•>3a:a:•X•l•1'1- I • Dorigold Ice CrHm 12 F s1 SUNDAES '·~~ ... 1c ~ Springfield • "Mix or Maleh" 2 F 2 5" e CM,,MlnKcoN-10~ ~ )' e c.tConi-lloL e ~Frift-tos.. • sp1.-.-10 .... Fantastic-22 oi. Pl11tic Bottle 69¢ SPRAY CLEANER ~~· APPLE SAUCE ~.!!' ~ Roy1I Pride 6 F s1 Cotton Maid 3 9" SPRAY ST ARCH ~!:L " Doi Monie Polish Style 3 9" PICKLES l!:• " Laundry Whitener & i:iiGHTNING 9WHITE 79¢ Furniture PoUal>-7 oz. 3 9 ¢ SATIN-GLOW •• ~:: ,,, IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT • 22 oz. 49c OXYOOL DETERGENT · Giant Size 75c BOLD DETERGENT • Fami~ Size $2.39 DASH DETERGENT · Giant Size 69c • purchase-Vold after A119. 3 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Diet-Rite .·c.OLA Na Deposit Half Quart Bottles F 0 R Reg. 89c Gordon's HAMBURGER B u N s or HOT DOG · Regular 39c PackOCJe of 8 Butternut COFFEE LI. CAN ,. i :c ••• 79 r--;-~_._ .. __ ,. SALVO DETERGENT-TABLETS -Jumbo $1.89 1 Lb. Can 69c • • USDA Choice T-BONE STEAKS Eastern Grain Fed 29 LB. PORK SPARERIBS c lb USDA Choice USDA Choice. Boneless USDA Grade "A" TOP SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE FRYING - STEAK STEAK CHICKEN '1~.~ s1~! Legs ................ 59~ Meaty Breasts 65:i. USDA Choice RIB ROAST . $1" "Tenderized BEEF CUBE' STEAKS LL Bar M western Style Link SAUSAGE •.. :;..5100 ' ~Ground Shoulder BEEF PATTIES s~~.5 3 59 ::.country Style Pork SAUSAGE 39¢ Lt. FRESH PRODUCE Sweet Northern Thompson Seedless GRAPES GREEN BE'ANS =.~;K' TOMA TOES ~':: .. '= YOUR BELL PEPPERS:..~~~ CHOICE NECTARINES ....... ,,,,, FRESH LEAN GROUND BEEF PRICES EFFECTIVE: SLICED BACON Bar-M Bulk Style ••• 79 r. Raths Blackhawk • • • 79r. Triangle-1 •••••• 49r,, DAK Canned Bacon •• 79~ BAR M POLISH SAUSAGE • • 69r. Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sunday July 31 •August 3 Prices subject to stock on hand. WE GIVE .. COTTO SALAMI • • • 69ft. BLS~~~~p WE GIVI BLUE CHIP STAM"*' ... o_u_TC_H_LO_A_F _._. _. _. _&9_r. ~m~~~A 19th and Placeillt 710 W. Chapmin -...-.. ·.,.----~--~ ---·~--.,. -r • , Qll -CHICKEN, OLIVES, NOODL ES COMBINED TEMPTINGLY \ ' J Ripe Olives Inspire , Quick Dinner Dishes One of Lhe surest ways to revi\·e droopy appetites is with 1 a brlght tasting hot dish. > Delij:iou.i;, ebony -hued ~California ripe olives provide • the in.!piraUon ol these hurry- , hurry, quick-quick menu ideas that are appealing even as ? temperatures climb a n d J energies drain. A ripe olive-shrimp filling l served on a base that is half J. pancake and half sou(f\e is f gay enough for company aud_ • yet so simple lo prepare. . Pasta, a sub s t antial favorite, Is enhanced with a rich ripe olive tomato meal sauce. Any variety o r · macaroni or spaghetti may be used. Tbe sauce, too, is versatile. Tuna, shrimp, chicken or meat can be added with the • same sati!fying results. Mea ty : textured ripe olives give the • tasty sauce its e x tr a ' heartiness a n d delectable flavor. • Ham, cheese and noodles, deliciously accented with the gl039Y ripe olive, combined in an wy eating casserole is the perfect dish for a wann sum- mer evening. Ripe olives are approJ>riale partners with other food s. Their nut-like flavor sparks in- terest and their dark boldness dramatizes both hot and cold dishes for appetit.e appeal. or course, keep these delectable morsels handy for nibbling. RIPE OLIVE SHRIMP PANCAKE 4 eggs 3~ cups milk..- 1 1,~ cups flour 1h: t.easpoon salt I cup canned pitied Califor nia ripe olives 2 (41/rounce) cansdeveined shrimp 1~ cup butter or margarine ~~ teaspoon dry mustard 1,2 teaspoon paprika 2 tablespoons chopped parsley Preheat oven lo 375 degrees F. Beat eggs. Stir in 2 cups milk. Gr adually add I cup flour and salt: beat with rotary beater unlll smooth. Pour into a greased casserole dish. Bake for 4.5 minutes. Meanwhile cut olives into .. ' WIL TEO APPETITES REVIVED wedges. Rinse and drain shrimp. Melt butter in a saucepan. Add remaining ~~ cup flour, mustard a n d paprika. Gradually stir in re- maining 114 cups milk , cook- ing and stirring until mixture is thickened. Add olives, shrimp and parsley. Pour wann filling into com- pleted pancake. Cut into pieces. Serve at once. Makes 6 servings. RIPE OLIVE fl.lACARONI PAISANO 2 tablespoons instant minced onion 1 H teaspoon garlic powder 3 tablespoons water, wine or broth 113 cup chopped green pep- per 2 tablespoons oil or butter 2 ( 8 ounce) cans tomato sauce l 1101,~ oun«) can eon- den.!ed bouillon I tablespoon cornstarch 213 cup c3nned p i t l e d California ripe olives 1 cup tuna, shrimp, chicken or meat -Salt Hot cooked macaroni , spaghetti or noodle s. Combine onion. g a r 11 c powder and water; Jct stand a few minute~. Adel green pep- per and cook g:':nlly in oil until soften ed but n()l browned. Add 101nato saucr, boul!lon and t·ornsh1rch : slir to blend . Simmer unti l m i x: I u re thickens sl ighJlv. about 20 to 25 minu!cs. Cut olives lnlo large pictcs. Add olives. tuna and sa lt to taste. Heat a rcw mlnu l-'S longer. Serve over hot cooked macaroni, spaghetti or noodles. Makes about I quart sauce . RIPE OLIVE llA~f NOODLE SUPPElt I I cup c:inncd pit led talifornia ripe olives I 6 ou nces nood les 3 lnblespoons buttrr or in:irgari nc 3 \al>lcspoons flour 2 cups n11lk 1 cup grated s h a r p American cheese I teaspoon salt I teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 11' teaspoon pepper I cu~ diced cooked or can- ned ham Ripe olive slices for garnish Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cut olives lnto large pleres. Cook noodles unUI tender in i bolling salted water. Drain well. Melt huller. Stir tn nour. I Gradually add milk and cook, stirring constantly, u n t i I thickened. Add cheese. salt, Wor· cestershlre sauce and pep. per. and continue to stir until che!!se ls melted. Add olives, .drained noodles and ham, and mlz well. Pour Into greased baking dish. Bake for 20 to 15 minutes. Garnish top with ring nf ripe olive 11ices. Makes 6 6 l!ll'!r\·jng!I. ' W~nesday, July 30, 1969 MARKET SUMMER VALUES ARE HERE! . GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE Elberta P~ACHES 5 i 51 Giant BEEFSTEAK TOMATOES ONLY 18~ Lar9e Head LETTUCE 2~25c DELIVERY SERVICE -10% Discount on all case purchases of wine and liquor ZEE BORDO 4 PACK GRAPEFRUIT FROZEN PEAS TOILET· SECTIONS or CORN TISSUE 303 CAN 10 oz. Pkg. REG. 26¢ 25!a 6 ~$1 00 41c VALUE I EVERYDAY LOW PR.ICES I Wesson MORTON'S OIL ZEE SALT 24 OL Bottle NAPKINS J 360 Count • I 34c REG. 59c 10! .. REG. 49c 44¢ BEITT CROCKER CAKE MIXES REG. 57c ~ 29:. 39¢ -WE RESERVE THF. RIGHT TO LIM IT - FREfi H ME A TS BONELESS TOP SIRLOIN ROAST RUMP ROAST '1~! PLAIN or IODIZED IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT 22 OI. 44c REG. 59c -SHOP AND COMPARE - MIX• or• MATCH SPRINGFIELD VEGETABLES •CORN • CUT GREEN BEANS •GREIN PEAS 303 Cons 6 F 0 R s100 ON THE PININSULA-608 E. BALBOA BLVD.-PHONE 673·8310 HOURS: 9 A.M. TO 9· P.M. - I I l I H DAILV PILOT ' • : .. • • • r c: I• i ' --'···-"'' ,,. .... 1co1 •••••• , ..... 4Sc .... '"'-..........,._ c.. ll-Oo. Or"" aoan1 ...... <-37c ....,_ ' t•Oo. ltefltow .......... c:..o 67c Wfd"'4ay, Jufy lO, 1969 ~ARGAIN BONA~.ZA.<. ' ~ ' t 1.-..c..--....11 ..... JrtOll~ -ll .. --~~1•~U1W11 Ponce Ile Mix •••• , ... .o.. S2c s-p ................ ,.,;.o..Stc '""' ~ "'-· ... "-ll<ool• ,, OI! .-., JI c:. lardln•• ••.••••••. 1~3Sc ,Spr9y Stonh ..... t ... S2c -........ .... ,_ ... n.o~..u... .... . l•M•n IHp •••••.• -12c CNckeriack1 •••• ,, . .,,2ac "'""'"'..... °' ......... _ M-Ot.. Ammonia ············•~ 23c Drink •••••.••••••••• c .. ~6c ...,....,_,........ U~.00. Wol<ll'o-~-Ot. Taco Din••r •••.• ""' SSc Gra,..de ,,,.,, ... ,.., ~6c "'""'"'to:-1t'4·0.· ....... ._ lf·O.. To Mole Pio •••••• ""'' ,6Sc Clean•" •••.••• , •• ,, .. 11c e COSTA MESA-:::."-• e NEWPORT BEACH~:::=-A:~,;;!:::,~·;,.,., . e HUNTINGTON BEACH-'::!.'~"::.."" e FOUNTAIN VALLEY-::'~-:" e SANTA ANA~·-~·"' • I • ·-· --. --------------.... -------._...,._...-.,._-----------·--· ~------..---.---, -~----··----------~----...... ---·------------· -. - •H , Wednflday, July'°· 1%9 Wednesday, Jul)' 30, 1969 Inspired : Sauces From France Jf. .. i . There ls ''ll.We •t .. that ·t/J5 1w poon g-r ound casionaJly. Stit OOm<' of the 2 ta blespoons vinegar most Jovers Of nne 1004 Jn~ \ nutmeg hot sauce into the egg ~lk : 1 teaspoon tarrar>oo leaves, Western ~kl wo\lJd v l egg :v<>lk, bealpn ! , ~ return to hol. sauce in df)uble crumbled ' fint pi., to thf Fre · y.. cup greted • P,armesao boiler. ~ · , ' ,, , l teu:poon parsley fl1 kes culllne. Dil Prtncb 111.icea f ~ chee~ ... ... · COntlnllf cooking qver ·~-crumbled · veeetal>Me an amali& lhdii ~ teasppop.paprika ' meting wa~ 2 t<> {I mlnu os , I teuPooi'a · dried or freeze Jboe:t inspJrtd lieu. Mix rnlncM'on.lon with 1-ta· longer, stirring occasion y. dried chives Tbe pneral exoellence of blespoon water ; let stand 10 Add cheese and paprika. Serve I/, leu~n salt French cooklnc wai ex~ minutes to tthydrate. Io the over baked tomato, steamed 1/16 teaspooo grow;id black thfJ . W-.Y by the late ~ top portion a double boiJer celery, caM"Ots, b ro (c o 11. pepper chef, LOubi Dial: ' : ' , mf!lt butter• !Add. rehy~r,ated Garnish with a d d i t I o o a I Mix mWrd with ~ tea· .. Their skill in combining onion .and saUte · 2 minutes. pap rika, if desired. Yield: suoon warm water; Jet siand iimple raw materials to lpro-Blend in llour. . . 1 l/3 cups sauce. 10 n1lnutes !or fl avor to devel- duce superlaiive diaht:a: arows ~ove fro1!1 heat; sl1r sn VINAIGRE'ITE SAUCE op. Combine mustard wilh re-out of tbe klee file that milk, sail, white pepper ~nd 1,~ teaspoon p o w d e r e d nlaining ingredients ; mix well . ....... n .. 1 ..... eaten even tlie daily nutmeg., Place over s1~-mustard Serve cold over c h i 11 e d • .,,, .. ""'6 • and mering water and cook unul 6 tab lespoohs olive or salad artichokes, zucchlni. Yi~: potato, humble carrot, th.icll:ened 1·stlrri ng oc-oil about lh cup. H IAUCllWAKE UP DULL VEGETABLES lurDip.and the lw tendet cuur--'--'-\'-' -'--;---"-----------,'-----'-------.:...-------~~---------~-______ :_:__;::,.._ _ _,;__ __ of meat, must be well ·~ -> ;. .. prepan!d. Gounnets are not made by eating occasional party fatt: ••. or by inf~uent txcu:caions to f a m 0 u s --· Good food must be e8teni every day .•. can!- lully °""ared and suiUbly ......e.t.'· Herbs rank very high as 14s u i t-&b le seasoning" for French aauces--tarragon, dlenil, w sley, chives, bay • leaf. In southern FtlJ!Ce we must add fenneJ, ba!i{. sage, oregano and .mfron l>ec:aW!ie In -Ji'Ovlnoes the Fnncll t1'ade rectpes with the Italians and Spanlsb. -, The bouque~ garru 1s 1n· dia~able, a bunch, qr more aCClll'Btely,_a nu1e-cloth bag of parsley, iwme, bay leaf and comparable aromatics which can be lifted from a s;i.uce. or aoup when done. • Fines herbes consist of paniley, chervil, tarragon and chives. They are usually added dir<Ctly lo • dllh, cooked and served with it. l'ull!lent aplcu .,. used quilo Ugbtly, with Whitt pep. per In arut -llecauae of it.s subtle aroma. Nutmee and cinnamon ~ ~ eweet 11pices used most frequently in baking and deasert!; From the countless French recipes available, h o me economists of the American Spice Trade Association have adapted these as represen· taUve: MO(INAY SAUCE I tabieiplC>n instant mlncOd onton · r tablespoon butter 0 r margv;rine l,)abl"P!'O• flour l'lt. cups .milk '4 loupoon salt II teupoon polaj ·,white pepper I. ' Rot Dog ~ Began as Fan Fare Tradition, h i s t o r y , con- troversy • • . the bot dog's place of origi n is subject to debate and just when it was first called a hot dog seems open to question too. Nor is conlroversy limited to hot dog anllqulty. You and your fellow citizens eat more than l 1k billion pounds of fr anks pe r yur. It figurea out to more than 100 each, or enough to reach from herfl to the moon and back twice • • • with enough left over to circle the earth more than 14 times. Per capita consumption of hot dogs clo.sely paralleled popula!-io.n growth until 1960. After that, Jt coqtinued to in- crease even though populal.ion ifOwth began to level oft. Thr,oughout the .I> a • e b a 11 seasm, the number of hot dogs IOld equa1S or exceeds attendance. At the 1965 World Series, fans consumed an unbelievable 41h tons of the popular sausage. Some people claim Ule first eyllpdrical meaty s m_o k e d nusage was made in Vienna, Aaatrla in 1852 .... hence tlle name "wiener." 1ben there ill the school of hot dog historians who just as Hrmly believe that this sausage originated in Frankfurt on Main. Germany at about the same time, thus, the name "frankfurter." There also is some llvely controvtt!)' as to where and how the hot dog originated, sinct 1 hot do1 in the true senae of the word is a fnnkfurte1; or a wiener wra~ .ped In • bun. lt'• .. ..,.uy agreed that the wiener .•. or frankfurter • • • wit.hoot the bun ~ ill American debut In 1171 at Coney Island and it ls llWq1 that thl! amusement tenter should still lay claim to having the world's l!ll'gest hot dog st.and. But about the hot dog itseU ••• it is believed to have originated In St. LouiJ In 1113 when • peddler -the practlco of .. 111., ........ in I spilt, buttertd bwl. , Today, 1pecl.11M 1 p o r t 1 emltl are llYN!OYIMlll '!'Iii uuna hot dbp ·aoc1 It wu In 1ata (or to lhe l\ory ,...) that • German saloon keeper, owner of the St. Louis Browns, introduced the hot dog as "fan fare·•. LOOK fORTHf KEY IUYSI . . . n., ..... ..,. S.•lilt• ....... .... 1r.1 • .,, ...... c.· ,.,.,., ''"'''"'"' ,,_ .. . ti-I •lllWHCM ... flll "ll"f ,...,., ll•MI li1tt4 er'I j .. t e .... ., tM _.., lllfr'I ...... I• It.,. f•r '"·-·•• 111"'1 , ... ,,, .... , .. ""'" ,.., • .,.,.. lit• ,_... ..,..11, ... t.,. t llAfll IYllTDAT SAY· INlfl.. !-f~' "Cllf.-: ;. PINEAPPU.JUla ~,~-30' -SWANS9N MEAT PIES:!'l'/l. .... '25' t A•UfT lllfttD llUUI trl'f-COOK IN BAG ~~,:~~~.~.~~ .... 27' TUNA PIES :<::.~ ..... _ . . .. . ...... _ 20' AVOCADO DIP ~r-....................... 53' POTATOES ~'".!t~~-~ ................ H 25' BRUSSU SPROUTS ::-::.~~ ............. 35' GREEN GIANT 11ar~i::..~~-~ .. H .... 37' STRAWBERRIES f.:l::.~~ .................... 27( ~-...... J::Ly&y! ANTHONY SPAGHffil 32 -OUNCE Pl(G. 39° CREAM.CHEESE CAKE~i:'..._ ..... .79' CHILI BEANS:~~ ................ -···--·· 17' 'ZUCCHINI STICKS ~r::~ ... -..... 37' ASPARAGUS:='.::'I'~---·· -· 43' ONIONl lNGS ~ ·-··----31' SWIFT DINNERS :=:"!~ ..18' MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 'M"U< .................... 68' JJ.(lt.tAl,, .• $1lS •1-ll.Ull. .. , __ .~1'' INSTANT ~r.3~.~-~ .. '.~.~~ .. -98c YUBAN COFFEE ............ 72' YUBAN COFFEE ... -.. 11" YUBAN INSTANT ~~~ ....................... 'i" "LUCKY TEA BAGS.n.n< .............. 46' ~-...... J::Ly&y~ \!;1" FOR COOLERS & COFFEE STYRO CUPS 50 COUNT PKG. 4501 FRUIT TllfATS ::r.:-••..................... 3S ' FRUIT COCKTAIL ~':.':'!!. ................... 2S' CLING PEACHES ~:r:::~.'···············-··· 2S' PINEAPPLE ::'~~.~-~~ ........................ 24( APPLESAUCE ::\\""• ......................... 22' SLICED PIE APPLES ~'.:'.:. .............. 31' HARVESTl>AY PEA~S"·"·"'·-······37' MOTT'S APPLE JUtt,,. •.• ~ ......... 37' ' ' -ORANGE JUla :t:~':n. ........................ 49' GREEN GIANT 'CORN =."'~ ...... 23' GREEN BEANS :l'.'l':'ll'.'.'.. .... _ ... 24' PORK & BEANSll:['t:... ... -· . . 39' BIT 0 HONEY PEAS ... w..... .. .17' NEW POTATOES ~~...16' PRINCELLA YAMS-w. 33 ' TOMATOES :::l"'~~ ............................... 18 ' ~' .... : kbt&r~--­ \!;1" KERN'S 20-0L JAR PRESERVES STIAWIEl l T, APllCOT, PINIAPPLI 4N?C TOMA TO JUICE :::~·"·········-···"······· 33' CHB PICKLES :::~~.'. ... ·--····· . 49' Dill PICKLES ~,':'.'.=..~·-·~~-43' LARGE OLIVES :~.'tA~:.~.:.~.~-~ ... 46c FRENCH DRESSING:::~.~ ··-· . 51 ' MIRACLE WHIP~··•: ............... 78 ' TOMATO SAUCE :::~:::~'. ................. 16' SPAGHETTI SAUCE r::n:: ............. 22' LOG CABIN SYRUP ~ ... ~ 68' PEANUT BUmR \:'.~ .••..................... 45' , ~ ·ilMIJYlRODUCB ~ . FOREMOST aumR ::'..~:~· ... ,, ..... ..79' PREMIUM ICE CREAM ::::-.:.._ 79 ' COTTAGE CHEESE ='~-···--57' ,':;;:Ji!·'· LOW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES ~ BEAU TY AIDS . ,, USTERINE'PRAL ANTISEPTIC MQ.UTHWASH RIGi lAR 14jUMCI IOTTLf WltM IONUS J :ADDITIONAL OU NC IS • lllllt •llflnl 1f tfl...J •• tlltlKt ... llltfs rt~r ""111 m• .11 hr. c;,~1, ,.._ ,.,.. .......," .... , ..... COMPAHOH 920 LOW, LOW lYEIYDAT DISCOUNT PllCI fOI PATIO, PICNIC ' & l l ACH PARTR S ... • SECTIONAL 12" PW TIC PLATES • PLAmc PAPER PLATE HOLDERS • PLASTIC STEAK PLA.,,.TE......_ UlTRABRJn TOOTHPASTE ' •AMILT Sill TUii (Paa IMC." Off) ullra UtlLe ~ -73c DRISTAN BOTTLl Of 24 TAlllTI 111\w.1 Wf Kiltl .. f1,wu4ctl4I. • •... Olll LOW ' IYftYOAJ 99' ~""" "1(1 -·~ .BRECK CREME l\INSE ff1' l 'Kk ........ cklct ltf ( ,., .... '" .....,.."' "''72 ~c..~. 'i."::t: .. ~-~·.~ POLY PITCHER Ll'-tSltt .......... fWS..-39c ~----'-"'" ..-,,i,.. ' ORANG£ JUI a ~:."& ..... --·-·-· .. 41' SllaD BEEF~~':!::'.'~o~:::~ ... -....... $)3' ROAST TURKEY:::r:::~·. . '3" POOR BllY SANDWICH ~':.'.: •... 79' HADDOCK ~~i:':~ ................................... 81 ' HALIBUT ~~:.~:::~~.~.~'.-~~~.~.~-' ................. 7 j' KOLO KIST CHIU:.'t':' •................... 26' w~Van de Kamp's ww AN OUT ST ANDING VARIETY OF FRESH BAKERY GOqDS IAT MOST lU(IJ sto•nt 00-WWW'lllOO'lllWWltJ IJIW ' Oji Nt..MIEP GQD'S, ! 11 • KRISPY CRACKERS ::!~:C-·-·-··33 ' OATMEAL COOKIE~ :::·~~ •.. _.,, ....... 45' P!'lllCll CRIME COOllES~':.or~:~~~'..37' -N l'lflTllT-•o•w BREAD '".--••··-•111 2sc lMl.W1 ........................ ,,. ... -.......... . ... J:Jy&y!-- GEBHARDT'S TAMALES 15-0UNCf CAN HOUSEHOLD ITQIS • MR. CLEAN =~~~: ... _ ........... --66' JOY UQUID ::."l.'::'.... _ ... _58' COMn CLEANSER ..... ~ ___ 17' ZEST SOAPunuL ......... _ ........ ____ ,, 20< LIGHTNING WHITE ::.~~.~---··-11" DIAL SOAP mi-:: •. ,... ............. -....... _ .. 14' -~·!"r!W;llllr _.. MIRACLE wHIT -n< ......... 49 ' FLOOR WAX ='l!..~.~.~ ... -............. $1"' FINISH ~::'.~.~~~.:~ .......... --···-·H· 67 ( TIDE DnERGENT-'-··········-.. -82' IVORY SOAP :::r-... -·········-·-79' OXYDOI. DiTERGINT """'········ .. 82' SALVO pruns:r:~.::: ..................... 7 s· lif'8A•·IPIRm Din RITE COLA ::::.."m"···-·· 53' BREW ''102'' DAAn ::.:.:::~.~ •111 SCOTCH WHISKY :::: :O'll:.=.-... '3" VIN ROSE WINE:.~ ........ _._ 'I" LUCKY IS SO PARTICOLAR ONLY ONE BEEf OUT Of 5 IS GODO ENOUGH fOR OUR TOP QUALITY "BONO" YOUR UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE Of COMPLm SATISFACTION . l U<•v·s R(GULAt I O(AWD lOW Sll•lR f'o'DIYDAY MA•m DfS(Oll1'T CHUCK l'll(I PllCI SUP~'::RUT ROAST ,.~~·."!~~' ••• 47,', .. 651, ROUNp STEAK •• '!~~·~~~' ... 851,, ,. . ,1,,,,.· ... ' 69 ': .... 99,;, RIB ROAST !'.·.·~~·•-tAIGE EN0 89 ' '00 ••••••••• lb ···l i~ GROUND BEEF.!!'!~~!1.4~ .. 5 3 ,~ .. 65,i ... \57,t 1 CROSS' RIB .... 0~!l!s.s.·~~.r ••• 87,b .... s 1 1.~ .... 981l T-BONE STEAK .. !~'~.·!~ ... $H,' ... ,1 ~ ..... ,1,, PORTER STI.. . .. : HOUSE •• '.'J!-1.n~ .. $J ;: ... •ir: ..... 'T\' RIB ROAST !!~".°!".".-.'~~~L.'~~ 98,, ... •n: ..... ,11,, CHUCK ROAST .. ~·~!'!:'~! .. 5 7,, .. 69,; ... 75~. RIB STEAK ••• !!H.D!~·!~,~~ .•• 981b' ' .. S J ~.~ . -... 111.9 RUMP ROAST ••• ~~~·!~ ... 85,',· .. 98,, . FRYERS • (~~·'g;'.~~\~~·~~·! .. 33,, . 45,, : : : : :~ CUT~UP FRYERS.~~,~~'."! •• 37,, . _49, .• · GRO .... 49''' . UND ROUND ........ 85 ,, .. 991 89, ROUND STEA K ... ~·.·~:1!' ... 95,, . ,1 :; , '. ..... ,1; SIRLOIN TIP STEAK ...... $J o' .. •i:: . SLICED STORE LABEL lb. ' BACON .. \~•;~~·; ... 65' .. 85 . RATH BACON BLACKHAWK •••• 69< !l!c.E~ !-~~l!NP.Pf:f·69' .. 89' ··, 79c, BACON OSCAR MAYEUIGULAISUCIS .... • •• ••1;P~~~~PKG. 79c 95' 89 B HORMrto111Y0iW1t;0;.• • ·• . . . . c ACON CHTIFIEDl ·POUMD PKG 77' •••••••••••••••••• 99e 7~ (COM,AllSON Trsr MADI '••DAY JULY.. • ••• • '2Slh, 1969) Our LOW Evcr)lfay Pricc! LUCKY All MEAT FRANKS 5·90 1-POUND PACKAGE ~.~.~.U.~"o'!.. ~!~Ti~ ...... ~~ .. ~ .. ·~ 35' ~~!l~~!~E!!!,!2,~~-.. ~'.~~··'~ 89c LONINORN·CHllSI 65< Mh• w11-1. M l,,. sr..., a...lff• le-or. •~•· 2!5~~ !?.A!!~.!.~.~~.?.~.~ .. 1-01. ,~., 56< 2!'.,A~~!~r!~.~-~.~~-... ~:.;';.~.!:. 65 c ~!Z~~~~~·.~~.~.~.~-~ ....... 12.0..•k; 68 ~. r..' •. J::Ly &,.1--. '(J' ORLEANS COCKY All SHRIMP ~.~.~! ~~.~ .. f!.~~-~--~!~.~ ....... 1-0 •• 'k• 34 c LEO'S MEATS "~~:' 35c "' , ........ 1. ···' .,.,, .. , ,_ ~'· , .... ,.,, ........ . . GI•ER ITEMS· .... ·· · J _.. ICE CREAM CUPS:::\': •. ____ 31' BLACK PEPPER :':I'~'.'.".'.:'..... ... . 39' 1 PIZZA MIX ::I.'.\",':'~'.~ ................ -.. 42', BRIQUETTES :::::;.____ _ ........ 69' 4Y,-OUNCf CAN JONNY CAT LITTER........ -$7' -.. IHIOY 10, QUAllrf SUMMIR-11ME IAISH flUIJS ANO VIOITAiLli Af 10W IVlltYOAY DtSCOUN1 PllCI S. COM .. PA•I THI QUAllt'Y, Jfff PlfCIS, JHf VAR llJY. , , BANANAS ·~~;~ 10' POTATOES, ..... ,',...,.10 "'"' 4. Cc u., MW <•Of' CIUO IA~ W I I I. l I DAILY PILOT Sew Eosy -' ' ' ' • ' • ~ SEW·EASmm', c oo I est skimmer of summer has a curvy, princess yoke . and sbow-olf buttons (it really zips up Ille back). ~ bleods. Printlld. Pattern to13 : NEW Women's Slw S<, 31, 31, 40, 42, 44, 48. Size 31 (bust fa) takes 11' yartb IO-illc;h. SIXTY-FIVE CENTS i n coins £or each pattl!m -add 15 cent.I for each pattern 1or fint.clas1 malling and special handling; otherwise tbJrd.dass delivery wm take ~ weeks or more. Send to• Mirian Martin, tlle DAILY PILOT, «2 Paltem Dept., 232 West 18th St., New York, N.Y. 10011. Print NAME, AD- DRESS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. Sprlna:-Swnmer P a t t e r n CaLalog. Free pattern coupon. 50 cents. INSTANT SEWING BOOK sew today, wear tomorrow. $1. Snappers Good Fare The .. we.ll-koown red snapper is comidered to be one of the mO!t delicious deep sea deli- cacies on the market . Most are caught in the Gulf of Mexioo, a l though in- dividuals sometimes wander up the Atlantic Coast as far north as New York. Com- merdaly, red snapper ranks high lo importance, with the center of the industry being jn Florida.. · Str11'8ely enough, very little ls known about the .life history of the l'9d snapper. Fishermen believe that the snapper stays in shallow water during the summer months and moves off shore again u fall arrives. It Ls believed to spawn in deep water during lhe ran months. Snappers are taken in water several hundred reet deep, and most of the catch is made with hook and line. Depending on the water depth. tide, and wind, it is not unusual for a crew of nine merr to haul in from .7,000 to 10,000 pounds a day. The snapper is brilliantly colored. and ranges in sizes up to 30 pounds, and 2'h: feet in length. It' is available year round in all parts of the cnuntry and many methods or preparation are used: it is served broiled, baked, steamed or boiled in a host or imaginative ways whkh add even more appeal to lhia deep sea dandy. Green Oranges Already Ripe If you tend Lo avoid partially green oranges in t h e supermarket, there's no need for picking them over. Insid e, they will be fully ripe. juicy, delicious. Cilnls trees are unique In that they bear both blossoms and fruit at the same time. In the spring, as new bloom ap- pean oo the fruit-laden citrus tree. cblorophyll • . . the green element in plants ••. apreada lbrouP the tree. Often It cauaes green areas to appear on thorooghly ripe fndl '1ll1I green. unlike the ...... .. poaches, bananas, and most othtr fruits , does not bUeate umipeness ... citrus doel not ripen at all after plctil>C. -HAPPY Ha•• a It•, f' .f wat•aMI. It.rt If 11., re-41,.. th1 WEEK· fflfOEl 111 ~ DAILY PILOT. ------ Wtdlltldat, J,b 30, 196' Alpha Beta's · Man :in Blue ''The 38 DOUBbE }DISCOUNJa 'I • Says: ·save : ·.you " 1 .... """'"' ii= '"'=l" 41 IJUllC( llOl1\£ ' fllYSTlL WHITE I LIQUID 11ETERGEllT ~~@ 89' 53' ' • 1QT Al OISCDJN!S [VERY ['A~ ' SOM! AL"* ln'4 ITDlllCI 81~1 CKGllt. "ICE" 4 OUNCE AtltOSOL CAM $ J 51 Ull·BURll SUllBURll SPRAY 1u · '----~-------~-·-----·---- 1 4 OUNct BOTTU: s 1 i· SEA I SIU SUNTAI LDTIDll 17'. • ' ··-----------------JOI. llllll1lllm sr01E1MMP COSTallaa ----------------~ HEID & SHOULDERS . 1 SHAllPDDS . Pl.ANNING AH OUTING? FOR A UllGE Ol\OUP CHURCH &OCW.. •le. ITEMS AVAIL.ABU · IN~,8l201B. AllfofNUM TRAYS • .,. • .m SAi.ADi • IAUD IWI • CDlD FllO' 'CMICWI • CASSUOllS • RUIT PIES Alt "Orod.Yced Ill our O'll'll .~o.uc-. J(h:hui ·AICS wmav:.rr- 'JW< ~ SUIZ' .,. ... SALAD ,•DRWllGS 1t OUWCE JABS • 111.!0 CHEESE • 1000 1SLIHD f.fon;s 57 .. , IT'.S S'A}tAD TIME! ' . f0 1 ~~. r,iL1 ~IS f ' ~' n ~ ~ !•·OUNCE CARTON •~ VALUE .RIPllllBETA COLE SLAW 12-0l1NC£ CARTON . 39c VALIE AlPHA IEll H11Hll Hlad" lr.-OUHct CARTON • 4!k: VlUJE AllllR IOR l11n Salad • 2·1.B. CARTON ~LUE ·-li·Lll. CAllTON "·" 'I" VAi.OE ILrHl IETA. • WISC:ONSlH CHEDDAR LDIGHDRI CHEESE ~t llllHI 101 • 14-0Z Pl:G. • t&: YALU! lH 11111 SLICED BOLDGIA .......... ,_, ""' l 37' 37' .47' 87~ 63' JlllHR 'IETI . • 39e VALUE llllTATIDll lllLIC • ~lL. 35' l.IJ.OZ.. AEROSOL CAN ' SOMt STORES CHARO£ 49e RICH'S WHIP TOPPING 454 27r-_!/r PINT CART~.J.LU 111P11A IE1R sour Cream PINT CARrotf, 55c VALUt , .. GIANT SIZ£ COMET CLEAllSER I I ,, I I I I lltCll!DES I 3e OFF f I I LAROE BOTTLt 1" s.12• LOTIOli SHAMPOO L\RGt JAR 1•s1•a cnEAM SHA!.WOO FAMILY SIZE TUBt 1" s12• CREAM SK.U.!POO SOME STORU CKARG£ 25c 22c !! I l I I ,. •. . KING SIZ[ PACMGE I L-~----------·--·-------- 39• 34' ~ "' i'R£cii:'riiii'iiii5£1ao 79• iiRici''cilir.iERINSE1 71 $1 27 @FU DETERGENT . 131 ,,. lfllAl 01\ClJUN I~ I~: Q1 :.I~ I ri.4-0UNC& AEllOSOL CAN IOME lLPllA ltTA 5TOlltS DllCOOMT CHAl:C( l'llC£ IDOli1ilil'miv 2a $1 7' SUAYESHUPOO 991 691 CUJROL • 31/a.OUNCE !orrt.2 ( · GREl'!' IDDY-lllSTAllT-$JS9 !ir HAIR. DOllDITIDllER 2ao il':'.Nd. Clilw.Ucks 79' 721 PA.CX OF SO • IQJNCt • . SDLDPLASTICCUPS 49' 441 27' llOl'tLE OF 100 T.lllUlTS • 2h V.u.tll A1111ABETA lSPIRlll GOIN ncnm:n • MEDIUW OR HARD 5 Dr. West's Toothbrush 69° 5' @ii"L'1$Tlc"1URQoJ11°'"14I 99' Tiffi 1T1nnlng Butter 85' 681 IU'A • ., ~CCllJ "l lS lW!RI DAI .. CIA/IT !flt PACl\!GE AJAX DETERGEllT INCLUDES IOc Off 83c 721 KING SIZE PACKAGE AJAX DE-TERGENl INCWDES 111 $111 25< Off --------------~-- 38 OONCE • KING Sil! PACKAGE BIZ PRE.SO lit DUERGUT SOME STORES CHARCE II.IS COSTA MISA-241 I. 17tti St. HUNTINGTON llACM-t041 AO... HUNTIM•TON llACH-11"1 N. M• It, FOUNTAIN VAWT-ltlO w__, SOUTH U.•UNA-30112 S. C.-Hlwcry LA•UNA HILLS-U141 c.tM .... &..lM ,__IRYIHl-11Ml,C.t\w. U.t~ )"' L---------------------- TOIAl DlSCOJ NTS EVER~ DA1 SON[ AiHIA lttA STOAIS DllOOUNT c~ '111Cl s'TiliiisTTUllA PIE 23• 18' ll'Asii ·11iowi1s0 • ~"°"'0'25• 221 2·L! PA.CICAOE • rR0'1IN • 49c VALUt 48' AlPHA BETA Tastr Taters f'!IOZEN 11 OUNCE CAN AlPHAllfTA ORANGE JUICE "" VALVE 231 12·0Z. CAN • 4!k VA.LU!: U. ilirltiiflilici C:'n£u ... ". 59' rROUN • 14-0Z. AU. VA.JUtT1£S @:::::~1h 34e 251 TOM THUMB• f'!IOZIK •~.OZ. CHICKEN DUllPLlllGS $J II or BEEF STEW 1" 1!111IDS£Y£ • FROttN • 11).0'Z. PA PEAS or CORN ' 21' RANCH STYLE • 3¥ CANS @ILACIC·EYED 14, PUS ~7• ~PlllTO I 17' ~IEAIS 211' 2 QUART DOWllY FABRIC SDFTEllER ~E . STORES CHAAGE 11~9 -----~--~-------- JUMBO SIZE PACKAGt DASH DETER&EllT ---------------- 12 DUNCE llOT1U IVORY LIQUID DE.TERGEIT c:e ; a su s s a +-u;4:;se;oo7:.;s;tf ltt••itlf l fT Q'!!*l1 't ,ITf T.: ,,.--~ this af p_fQ these I • ! 'l"!l ' o{iJIJ ~i~ :~lllY CA Y &<*[ AIJ'llA tf.T,; nat£t '''°°"'"' CtWI'( .,.q !'.'.D;;;\~fUii'ilffcH'li7i ... , ~DIN11£1 411 --@~1~°!~AG\Mf!ACICA1lc 261 @ MAKES 12 QUMT'S M~KlllN lllSTINT MILK 1.1111 IT 'Rte .• b R ElEC. PEllK HILIS BROS. CDFf!l 1-LI. CAN 89o 881 2-UI. CAN • REGUUJI OR f:LEC. PEIUC 1.:11 11.U D.111 3·LB CAN • RECUU.R Dm.iiiii OR. tttC. PtRI:: 2D5 I I.It mril"iioi'1NSTANT 1.19 St II id ~-ag,f~£ YG~~~ CRINO i.j llOCHI llVA COFFIE 75c 7_2' 4 OUMC'E TAii 931 KIVA INSTINT COFFEE 95c ~ JllUSllUllT • 2·1.1. PA!fUOE ~~run~ .. 11c 431 @tl~{axflifli'.$'"'21o 211 ~ PACK OI' fl EMVELOPts ~b1'£i'a~~KFIST 591: 49' ' lf oviilCE CAN • 12 VAllttTTtS 28• stllO LIQUID DIET FODO 31c ~i11~~"£6m'"0 31• 271 l·LB. II.AG , ~ $7e I PA.CIC• 10 OZ.,NO DEPOSIT BTlS. SClfWEPPES QUININE WITER 991 " .• ~ITTER LEMON 1;15 · @ ~Wtrt'~~; l."i'Xf' 21. 231 @ ~1~11l~ ',}iriR~AC.:1~ 36' TRIP~ P"K O&-O'l I • 89<: VALV!: 741 RLPHR BETA POTATO CHIPS i\~~P'ft~1~WCH1FS vAlut 74¢ @ 914 OUliCE PACU.Gt • OATUE'IJ. Oii QIOOOU. Tt CHIP A!',_!-"fflPS<Cl!l*JU 41•-34' < ~rtfNO 61zt PA.CU~ llPHR aETi'Dmli:i'Nf ar I I. • @Stft 'y~~OH 271 21c @[LiE ·rP'Eic11£'.$4Sc391 @m~ I. 59c 55 1 571 STORE MOllM: llOll. llmo FRL 10 A.II. II I P.11. i ' I ' SAT. lftj SUN. 10 l.M. to 7 P.M. • • • ' .• •• '1 Better Prfd/M -at, , DISCOUNT PRICES [j · · . " . tlll\i~. . ~-. FlAVORFUL •'ROYAL FAY! gl\l\ ELBERTA . . SL$, .. ' -FIR~~'i:S~tt . " PEACHES .. :-. ;". P·,•A.-_ R ... 5·! C1!J.VlllS1£1N • All P\JRPOSE 6 t:ft • APPLES ~'~ ~ . I 4c lb • FLOR/IT QUAUTY FLOWERS ifl DISCOUNT PRICES "l""' (!Mt MIXED ASTERS 78' BUNCH THE'SE PROOUCE PRICES EITTCTIVE THURSDAY lhrollitt WEOH£SOAY, tlJl.Y 31 ttiro u&h AUGUST S CASCADE for AUTOIATIO DISHWASHERS ~Net FAMllY Silt PACKAGE llfCl.UOfS 15t OFF SOM£ STORES CHARGE Sl.02 • • y j I @ ~lltf:ii'T1~ri DOG ''Wc I&• ----------------------------------------@ @1 OUNCE CAN •TUNA. OR cura.m1fooD 1.k 14'' ___ _ @i£E'llA'ii INSIX' MAT31 • I _ Al.PHABETAQUAlJTYJAmY . OCEANSPRlY ·~·OUNC'tBOTTL!: ; TOTAL DISCOUIITS EVERY DAY v. CRANBERR I 'I' tS" '""' 1<11 '1-LO. LOAP 1.' JUICE INCLUD l llc OFF 79• M~J9cVA.lW:•TR£NCH 32• ... I\ SOURDOUGH BREAD Ci)' l'.'.D;;;\ 4 o<><ci: PAc<lo E * '""''rr' · 1.u.LO" 3&• 'I' ~ROYAL PUDDING 12' "' IW$1N !READ ""VAL Y. ' lll'ftl IETI • 11).0Z PKG ~k ~ f\ 3 OUNCE PACKAOE: 261 6.51 • 91 GIA14T SIZE PACKAGE TIDE DETERGEllT SOME STORES CHARGE 83c $J54 FLOUR • . 25·LB. BAG -LA PlllA ,toME STOllU tHMIGI: . , ~! CllOCOUTE COOKIES . VAL llU' "' ~ROYAL I .i, ------• * ~ GELATlllE · IQ• 81 *~~'*'~~~@~~<~®~"' '-----~·--~~-J OLM ft!Ct WllllM Clm .71 OHE COU'°PI l'Q fillll'f • Ul!1 <llLT tNCLOOES lDe Of"F .COUfOM IGGD 11110UIM Ill~ I ECONO-PAK J~BS. OR ovu ,.[.W,SOlllJ • Cl'Ytlf READ't JRUH MIAT LOAF 11 u. 69:. ALPHA B£TA IO'TCCl'1'11m BEEF ALPHA BETA m fl Mt BONELESS 98c FULL cut 9 CLOD lb ROUND ROAST _ STUK ::t 89~1 ·= &9~t:.:n ; Your ¥PHA BETA Neighborhood Bulcher (the Man in the Red Apron! Proud~ Offeri BUTCHEn'S PnIDE MEATS MIAIS YOU'LL II PIOUD TO lllYI • DISCOUNT PRICED • U.S. GOVERNMENT • QUILITT l SITISFACTION INSP£CTEO BUIRANTEED COLORADO BEU "l""' l£GS & 'TlllGHS FRYER PARTS ,, ' ,\ '" ' :1· PLUMP . & WIDER U.S.D.A. INSPECTED GENUINE EASTERN QUIUTY SWE£T SMOKED WIUON'S -Clllftm SLICED BACON 'ow, 'ow NICI WTll:M QUAUTY • l·ll, l'i:cKlCt , P•,.eton·sucm 1AcoN • l(OLO K!Sf • ntOU:lf • 12-0Z. l'KG, 'fa••efollll .... ll!F ITEAK ~ C IUTTlftlD 591 POLISH 69 ""'~''"non•.,..,_"'·~ SAUSAGE lb ' BREASTS 57• lf, 12UTDHIR! 891 FUUY COOK£1> • \LIN DllJtlOUS ., ....., H!C!S 00 '1REn , Fnll lMnlMP WILSOll'S ~ . BUT QF FRYIR -53• ~:,cur•HORTH!.n c~CORll llll ISA79 NALllUT 98. ~HAI. " . ~ .... TlttSE llt\T ~ 11!1C1!Y£ ll«JISDAY '""'111.UESDAY l!lY 11 '""""!UIXl!l I . . •'I ; Redeem your food stamps In any Los An&!les County Alpha Beta . ' .. Flower Pretty Attract all eyes in 'this enchanting day-dance dress . Roees "grow" gloriously on a BCalloped swinger! Quick. easy, embroidery. Pattern 7303: transfer, p&nted pattern NEW lizes 10, lJ, 14, 11, 18. Size IJ'lbust 34). State 11%0. FlFl'Y CENTS (coins) for each pat1ern -add 15 cents for each pattern for flrst-clw malling and special handling; otherwise third-clus delivery will take three weeks or more. Seed lo Allee Broob \he DAI· LY PILOT, 105 Needlecraft Dept., Box 161, Old Chel'i"a Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. Print Name, Addrtu, Zip, PaUere N1mbu. Giant, neW tlQ Needlecraft .Catalot: - over zoo deaip to dloose, 3 lree pattems printed inside. Send SO cents now, NEW! 1'50 INSTANT GIFTS" -fabulous fashions, toys., decorator accesiories. Make it today, give It tomor· row! Ideal for all oetasi06ll. 50 cents. '111 JUI)' Rip" to knit, COr· chet, weave, eew, book: 50 '"""· Book of U Pr!ze AIS)lam. 50 cents. Barplnl Qalll -1~16 beautiful patterm. SO cinta. M.,.... Qlllt Boot 1-pa~ tams for .JJ llUp<rb quilts. 50 cents. ' Book 3. "QaUU for ToUy'1 Llvtq.'' 15 patterns. 50 cents. Breakfast Food Stays For Dinner A toothlome combination ot texture• aod oavon describe.II Honey Crunch Cups filled with ioe cream, lopped with fruit sauce. . Prepared according lo the dkections, puffed wheat or puffed rice cereall move. eul- ly from \he breaklpt table lo the party table In the fonn of deliciously aweet containers for the coof, cool fllllng. '!be chewy cups can be made a day ahead.a.pd kept on hand ln the refrigerator. HONEY CRUNCH CUPS 2 cups puffed wheat or puf· fed rice, regular ;t cup flaked or shredded coconut 113 cup b-Oney 1 tablespoon sugar 2 tablespoons water ¥, teaspoon aal t 1 "blespoon butter 1 pint butter pecan or vanilla ice cream cups sweetened, sliced strawberries or peaches, fresh or defrosted frozen Combine cereaJ and coconut in shallow baking pan. Heat in moderate oven (350 degrtrea F) I minutes or unW coconut is toasted; sUr once. Pour into buttered bowl . While cereal Is heating, combine hohey. augar, water! salt and butter in smal saucepan. Place over low heat; bring to a boll, stlning unUI sugar ls dissolved. Con· tinue cooking oirup until it reaches the flnn ball stage 1241 d-F). Poor In a fine stream over cereal mirture : stlr wdWly until cereal ;., e..nly coaled "1th oirup. Let stand 5 mlmllel. Press mbture evenly ov er bottom and up Iida of 4 bu~ . tend -custard cup.. lettliig mlxtUre uleod II Inch obove ea,. of cup. Cool at ~ tamwature; ~ '°""Ill cereal cups, tben Reniove c..-.al cups Imm custard cups. To krve. nu puffed wheat "'Ill with buUe• pecan loo own; top with caramel sauce or swee.ened ' sl cd peaches. FUl PUiied rice, cups with vanilla lee cream; top with strawberries or peaches. Yield : 4 ,.rvlngs. I I I \ 7 I' _______________________ ""'l' __ ..... ..,..._--~----~ ....... ...-~~~~ -------1--.. _ ------- t • I. ' I [. I • §4' DAILV PILOT Wtdll6dly, July 30, 196~ . ' WELL TRIMMED TENDER BLADE CUTS CHUCK STEAK '. MAYFAIR BLUE RIBBON STEER BEEF U.S.D.A. CHOICE DELMONTE TOMATO SAUCE 8-0Z.CAN 10*5 1 Totinos Pk. Saus.age Piua 16-oz. 79c ToUnos Bl. Hambu1ger Piz. l6·01.79c Trte:swe.et Orange Juice 6·0l, ... _ ... 29t Treesweet Orange Juice 12·ol._. __ 57c Ore.Ida Crinkle Cul Potatoes 2-lb. 49c Ore·lda French Fry Potatoes 2·1b. 49c Ort.Ida Chopped Onions 12-oz ....... 23c 8i1dseye Baby Lima Beans 10-oz. 3lc Birdseye Fordhook Beans 10-oL .... Jlc Birdseye Brussel Sprouts lO·OZ .... 39c B1m1uet Meat loaf Dinner 11-oz.43c Banquet Ocean Perch Din. 9·oz. 43c Banquet Cook b& sled Bl. 5-oz. 3/119< Bnql cl bg Chick ala ~ng 5-Dl. 3/i'Jc Bnol Cook bg Sled Tu~'! 5-oz. 3/i'Jc •Bnql ck b& Crm Chipp Bl 5-oz. 3/i'Jc BnqL Ck bi S.lisbu~ Slk 5-oz. 3/89c Bnqt Cookin bt Meat loaf 5-oi 3/89t Banquet Sic Beef with Gra' 2-lb. 1.29 Bnqt Sled Beef, BBQ Sauce 2-lb. 1.39 Bnql Sled Turkey, Gib Gvy 2-lb. l.2'J Bnql S.lisbUIJ Steak, Gravy 2-lb l.2'J DELMONTE CATSUP • for 14-0Z. BOTTLE .............................................. . . Drlmonir MIX OR MATCH 'EM SPECIALS! FRUIT COCKTAIL ~c?i CUT GREEN BEANS ~c?i DEL MONTE PEAS ;~j CREAM CORN ~:ii:rLOLE ~j STEW TOMA TOES NO. JOJ • for PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT DRINK ~1~~z?NTE DEL MONTE MANDARIN ORANGES 1~4~1· TOILET TISSUE Johnston Cherry Pie 9 inth_hc: XtNT Chs Enthilada Din 12.oz. 49c XtNT Bf Enchilada Din 12·oz. 49t XLNT Cheese Enchilada 8-oz ..... 39c ZEE 4-ROLL PACK XLNT Bl Enchilada 2 pi 8-0L 39< Van DeKamps Sm Chk Pie 9·oz. 39< Van DeK1mps Turkey Pie 9·ot 39c XLNT Bl Enchilada 2 pk 8·ot 39c ~-m~fair Liquors -· M.J.B. COFFEE ALL GRINDS 1-LB. CAN M.J.8. COFFEE 2-LB. CAN $1.35, 3-LI. CAN $1.96 SLICED HAM 'lWJ.N !MP'Ol!TEO 4 ill OL ........................ . ~.~~!N~F~H,,.'?'1~!~ru .. ~~~~ 3~s 1 RATH BLACKHAWK GRILL FRANKS ........................ 11. 89' DORMAN WISCONSIN SWISS CHEESE sucEa 11 oz.'"· 79' Mrr RINSO NE GIANT SIZE DmRGENT ~ 3~19' ~~E!!.!9._~!~~~~!~-.. -----·-···············-.... _ 59' MAYFRESH GELATIN 3-0Z. PKG. "-··"-~-··-H•·····-··-······-········-········· !v!e!~~.~JM'~o~~,!!-! ~1.A.'.E.~5. ........ $1&9 f.~~~s~~~~~ ~~~! ~~~~ _ 41, EACH ' ., ~·i {~ !!!]~-~-!..! .. ~-~~~~ ... 72s 1 .. ! SEEOlE"5 4 $1 :-~ GRAPES RIBIER .L tl CARDINAL ' " EXTR' F'Nl'"V -S ·,:, •. ·,, . . ·'l ' " " .. ........................................ .. .. ,;·, '._;':-~.: GREEN BEANS _ '"·r~ ;i:·.~_1 .. _· ) EXTRA FANCY TENDER ... _ .. ,_,....... , 7 _ I~ ~ ~!E!~!s~.~-~-~-~!........ ·.EACH ~ .. ,.,,~ . --·----. .,,, ..... ,_,,,.~_..,.,.,., ... --"' --~-., ; r~~~~',!,ii:.':·~;tW;;it:«iiaJQ!'i-t:~~ .1i--.~.i.1...~~:;._.,,.'"<-.,:!l1'· ~·.-.. :.; .. ~~~~·~:..~~"'!~ -~1 m~fair Froztrt Food.- ;~;. ~· 0 ANGE·~;.".'. S '.~. "" ~.~~N6-0LCAN~!'.. .. ' for s ;~~-~~~ 2 5 ROSARITA INNf.Rs ~t1!t~ltm·COMO., 39' tN'"ICA0'5 12-0L ................ .. WEST PAC EGET ABLES ~t.""'"........ . .. 4i$1 '01Wty$p~f ' ICE Ml ~~.~~.U.~;~;~~---'--3 5c ~~~::o~~~~~!~~.~~.~T fknquel Beef Stew 2-lb. _______ 1.19 Bln4uet Chicken & Dumplings __ l.29 • fknquot Spaitiotti & Mui Balls l.2'J ·Johnston Ple Shells 14·0L. ___ 4lc ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAY$ THURSDAY, JULY Jht THRUWED. AUGUST 6th 175 EAST 17111 STIDT, COSTA M!SA Joflnston Blueberry Pit 9 inch..._ .. 89c Johnston 8oysenb11ny Pie 9 intb 89t ZOlO WUT lit STREIT, SANTA ANA 91tZ WESTMINSTH AYI., GARDEN GROYI ---~ ... • ---·----------~------~~--~-·-~----------- • • - PI LOT-ADVERTISER 7 H \.\/ednffifay, JtJty 50, 196? Wedntsday, July 30, 1%9 OAILY PILOT 3 5 • CHUCK , RUMP ROAST ROAST \\~-,. USDA CHOla OR USDA CHOla OR "' ·. ST ATER BROS. ST A TlR BROS. ' . aRTIF1£D BEEF CEltTIFIED BEEF ' c 'LB. LI. GROUND ALL MEAT )~LI. CAN AU PURPOSE SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING ............. . WHOLE PlllED OR STEWED HUNT'S TOMATOES ............ . CAMPflRE , MAR-SH-- MALLOWS ................... . CGARNATION !COFFEE-MATE ........ . I ASSORTED FLA YORS RED HEART DOG FOOD ................... . 300 CANS 1-LB. PKGS. .M ....... A···x"··w· Ell 68 .. sT RAWBERRIEs ,.,.,,,.. _______ .. __ ,.,,, .. 4)' 1-LB. CAN i' .·.· J.' ~· ._·.· .. ·.-,·: " .. · OI AMONO-A RHUBARB .......... ---···'"""31' " it. "'Wll GREEN BEANS Dl.O,MONO ~ Sl•t lO ·····-.. ·--lOl C.O.N 241 Hou SE COFFEE GREEN 8EANS&::~.:"f1.~u1 .. "_ . ..:. ______ Jo1 c.o.N 2.§1 ...... * . , 'If-.· 1 CUTWAXEOB~~~~;'!"""-·-·-· '""'W · ******************* , GREEN BEANS,.,.,., ··--------·-· .. ·'""'27' ****** GREEN BEANSCJ!.O.MONO... 29' '?'WJ'!I' '?-<-1laka4! 89 . Gerbe ... SHOESTRING eE'rrs ,,:~;;:~=.:~: :::~: 1~ u•'"''"'"H STICKS .. ,._01..... · c 1 8.P1cKLEOBEETs i~m·~-'-.. -··--··-· ,,,, .. 2s· FIS . " MARGARINE '0 ""'' 39'' ......... 6 s 1 BABYWEAR 0 '"''" ----· •····· ·· ' "· MEAT PIES ASST •.•. -·· •·0' ~ TRAllallCPAllTS ,KRAFT VELVEETA .•........ H e. 67' """'"'•'""''° GBAGS 4 $'1 J 39 E-ZLITEBRIQUETS •.... 10 ces.59' c BEEF WIENERS FRESH •. , LEAN MOltRELI,$ PRIDE DfLICIOUS FLAVORfUU. GROUND HOURLY 12 OZ. PACKAGE LB. 5 c 49!H BONE-IN LB. FARMER JOHN SHO\.l.DER PORK STEAK .......... L•. 69' LBS. NECTARINES LARGE X-FANCY LEGRAND 2 LBS. MUSHROOMS EXTRA FANCY 3 ~ FRESH TENDER HALF POUND ......... . COOKIN ······· ,4.o>. 'J ~~Ut:o ( VETS' BURGERS ........................... J6 01. 83' 3.POUNDC&ll ... fl,71 ORANGE. PLUS ___ -•. 01 -~ :ALUl ROYAL PUDDING REG •• --.3 "~~ 31' STAT ER. BROS. ; tf.-'f""'t'll.t-1 .,0., 2 4 5c SNO-BOL CLEANER -·-·······-··-· "oz. 33' ,. SLICEO GREEN BEANS _""'-27' HASll BROWNS _ ·:;~: 11 VINYL PANTS KAVA INSTANT COFFEE •..... •oz. 9ff (OFF EE ~~~~HG:RE::NB8~N:s_:::~ -"~(iDILA-.;.CAKE 59' TUNA'p1£s ______ 51.01. ' ~~~~~~~-~ NESTLE OUIK cHocaLATE .................. 1-l e. 4'!C 1 LB. CAN NIBLETS CORN ,, .. -CHOCO 1• ""'1· nil"" 1199 NESTLEQUIK 41' -................... -----·-··· 1ou:i•ll' 1 45c LOBSTER TAILS ...... t.oz. $ OO sr11AwsERfl Y _ ....... ~ 1-l e. scon111 .:15101,ro COLOIS WHOLE KERNEL CORN_ 11-0L 25' SIRUllHTIP ·-·--······•·o. ·~• 49c· PKG. SOS SCOURING PADS 29' FA c IA CREAMSTYLECORN _,,,,,_25' •O&P•itT 45' WHIP TOPI»' NG 10.oL -· PICG Of 10 L $ CREAMEDCHICKEN•.01. -·~~~~ ·--59' OF 3 MARGARINE ,occwoo o 39' SWEET PEAS .u ... 25' 1.0U11.at 45c GREEN GIANT RtCEi1-oz. sAfF lOWEFl .................. 1·LB. ASPARAGUS _ WHO!..ls~u."' ,.,oz Qt -~B!UTI~~R\~E~:~;--·::. 65' SuMMERSQUASH'.510 0~1 ~Pl'IEAARNGUATRSl~~.:;~~:'~'.~~.~--3··~" 45'f7' TIS SUE *************** ···-65' -"' 21 c '"""' ·-·-·-··--"" "'" PKG S. M.J.B. TEA BAGS PEPPEREPSTEAK ...... P*EA*S*&;*A~R2~5;;~~* BABY FOOD PEAN UTS ~~~~;i:E _ '" 39'co 69' 200-COUNT PKG....... ::!'57c . ::;a94c "' *-*********** GERBER'S NG. ' No. HGA!T S•!TR DEO·DO•N.""' . ASSOllTtD .,.Al ... D .B ..... A. "r··" HROO M FRIGO SHREDDED MOZZARELLA --•·OL - 1 $ WASH·N-DRITOWELETTES __ ,..,,.,89' 3 s1 ..,-SPRAY :,r,•• ·99;c • MRS, STEWARTS BLUING ___ ........ ""' 39' House of Gold Shredded Cheddar ----··········~L 59" ... "-.... , •. 01. REG. WHITE KING SOAP"'"" -"'"6~ TIS SUE DIET BLUE BONNET MARGARINE .. ,,.6f.Rt38' ·~·:.~~· MACUANS j ! JARS WHITE KING COLO CREAM SOAP ....•. -... 1' 4-ROLLPKG... PKGS. NABISCO PREMIUM CRACKERS ........ t-to.35' 3 c ~~THPAITI iJil:ll ~ rn·p-~ mra·1• 5 u. :'::'.or. 88 c SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE 7-FULL DAYS. THURS. lhru WEDS., JULY 30-AUG. 6. SMUCKER$ TOPPINGS POTATO (HIPS RISEHOTSHAVECREAMo<A"•"'•"···-··········-·-'·"·0<79' ' ANAHEIM COSTAMESA SANTAANA 11/TTtRSCOTCH 43c 59 GLEEM X-l.ARGETOOTHPASTE0t•"•"''" ---··--··"01. 63' 3430 W. LI NCOLN AVENU E 2180 NEWPO RT BOUUVAAO 26 30 EOINGER AVENUE CARA MEL FARMER BOY c SCOPEMOUTKWASH Dl•L••cu.rA ." .. _ .... ______ .. _ .. ___ i1.0Lfl' 2564 WEST BROADWAY 707 WES T 19T H ST Rt ET ~T~?r%~~TS~~~H STREET ~1:,'t~"FE"F'Jg~z: ... 10.0L4lc LARGE BAG HEAOISll0Ul0ERSSHAMP000UL••""'G1 --····-'"''· '1.64 GARDEN GROVE ~l:~:1~ci:J~R~Cii 852 2 WEST MINSTER BLVD. 888 CHAPMAN AVENUE 6862 EDINGER AIJf, WHITTIER-14212 MINES AVE. ' ,. I -------·-------------------- 1 • . I I" I • " DAJ\ Y 'llOT Wtdn..tay, July 30, 1'16'1 ·Burgers, Franks Should be Relished RELISH MEDLEY:' FUN ON A BUN TART-SWEET NECTARINES AOO PLEASANT SURPRISE ;sole Food Discovers I lttemon and other citrus are requenUy served with fish, t we seldom 5ei! fi sh and ther fruils combined. Fn!sh California nectarines re tart aa well as sweet, ich undoubtedly accounts or their success tn this simple ish dish, "FUlet..s of Sole Nee· rine." Bacon is an important i. !. 'Peachy Time ingredient, In this dish, too. You dip the fish fillets Into a tarragon-navored crumb mix- ture, then fry them gently in bacon fat. Each nectarine-lop- pcd fillet gets a crisp bacon strip for gamlsh. The nect.arines aren't reall y cooked. as you'll see -just heated on top or the fish in a covered sklllet for a few minutes. Heating brings out U1elr orchard-fresh navor. If you're in lhe mood for something a little dlffeN!nt, we suggest you try ''Fillets of Sole Nectarine.'' Fresh broc- coli cooked with oil and vinegar, French dressing and a litlle water is a perfect Blush May Mislead It's that time of year in Ufotnia ... pead:ly. ·You can have a peach of a thinking of. and estina:. fiieadi., in all your favorite L ow do you start! With ac:ba and cream? Fresh kt cream! Peach pie! rub peach KUOO "111 last ' 1"' mon&ht more •.. plenty = to use them in all the ••Y• and to think up new ones. Ripe fresh pea.cheli 11 re \·rry rlsh!l:ble, so much so tllcy -10 mclL Doo"I i<I \ yourself confused w i t h termlnology. Food ads may call them ''lrtt ripened." They art, but that doesn't mean "dead ripe." Even the lovely red peach blush can be misleading. Blush depends on the peach variety. So . . . as you buy other perishable fruils, buy peach~ a day or two before you need them. Ripen them al ruom temperature out of tbe sun. One thing more. No mattc.r ho\v red lhe blush. if the background color is grt'etl. don 't buy lhose pe.ichos. They will never ripen properly. For the many uses for peaches, you may need lo know how many you need . One way to estimate Is ... three medium·size peaches "'elgh one pound and make two cups of allccd peaches. If your recipe calls for peach puree. a pound makes one c u p . Pea ches tu rn dark rather oulckly, once lhe peeling is off. · • To :l\'Oid the dnrkncss, dtp peel rd peaches In lemon Jule'. Do help yourself lo many c.lelic1ous l re sh J>each ways. I Mate vegetable companion to U1e fruit and £ish. ffilEl"S OF SOLE NECTARINE I large or 2 small fresh nee· tarlnes 4 strips bacon ~) cup fine dry bread crumbs t ~~ teaspoons salt ~~ tea!!poon tarrag o n, crumbled ~I teaspoon pepper (op- tional) I egg 2 tablespoons ml!k 4 portion-size fillet s of sole (about 11/t pounds) 4 stuffed Spanish olives Cut nectarioes into slices. Fry bacon slowly ln skillet un. til nearly done; drain on paper to~·els. Leave about 1'4 cup fat In s1dllel . Mi.r crumbs. salt. larrngon and pepper, Beat egg v.•ith milk. Dip fillets in egg mlxure, then coat with crumbs. Pan. fry one gide of fillets in skillet until Molden. ff nCCt"ssar)', ndd more bacon fat or some sa!Ad olL Tum fillets. lop with bacon and nectarines; cover and rook $ n1inutes. G:irni~h each fillet •·ilh an olive and serve with cooked broccoli if you like. Makes 4 str\'ing.s. I To moat. teenagers, a simple buraer on a round bun ts JUst pJaln tqUAte. S&me for (ranks. Buraen and franks require mounds of zingy relish lo brio& out all their character. For some youn1•ter1, the meat and bun are Just happy exCllses Cor relish. N~t time you entertain teens, or want to dell1ht your own youngsters with their favorite foods, make a trio of relishes based on molllS!es and vinegar. The rtlishes take less than 20 minutes to make, :store beauUfully, and make a ~ feast of hot dogs and ham. burgers. Combine the molasaes and vinegar with mustard, cat- chup, Wol'Ce!tershlN! sauce, and ctiOPped onion, celery and green pepper for T a n i y Barbecue Sauce. It's a dellctous basic reUsh that everyone will enjoy. Sweet 'n Sour Barbecue Relish calls for crushed pineapple, green pepper and pimiento. .. It's.a Caribbean-style mixture that lends distinction to meats. Splced Apple Barbecu e Relish is near-relative to chutney. To the molasses and vinegar base you add curt'Y PQWder, raisins, apple slices and chopped nuts. The nut! lend the relish unexpected crispness. TANGY BARBECUE RELISH 113 cu~ molasses l/o1 cup 11repared mustard 113 cup catchup 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 teaspGon Worcestershire sauce I/• cup each, finely chopped on ion, finely chopped celery al)d finely chopped green pepper Combine tnolallses 1 n d I mustard ln aaucepan; blend thoroughly. Stir In calcllup, vinegar and Worceatenhtfe sauce. Bring to a boll, reduce heal and 11mmer 20 minute•, sUrring occelonally. A d d ve1etable1, rtmqve from heat. Yield: l l/4 ~ SWEE'I' 'N SOUR BARBECUE RELISH l/S cup molasses 3 Lablespoons vinegar l teaspoon soy sauce l can (8 ounces} crushed pineapple 1 teupoon cornstarch t teaspoon water i.,~ cup each, Unely chopped green pepper and finely chop~ sweet red pepper or punlento Combine molasses, vinegar, soy sauce and pineapple in saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes. Mix cornstarch and water, add to saucepan and cook until mlxtu11! is thick and clear. Add peppers, remove from heat. Yield: l l/4 cups. SPICED APPLE BARBECUE RELISH ~~ cup molasses 2 tablespoons prepared mustard 11. cup vinegar 2 teaspoons curry powder 'h teaspoon each, salt and ginger vl cup raisins l can (20 ounces) apple slices, drained •.~ cup chopped nuts Combine molasses a n d mustard in saucepan; blend thoroughly. Stir in vinegar, curry powder, salt, ginger, raisins and apple slices. Bring to a boil ; reduce heat and sim· mer 20 minutes. Add nuts remove from heat. Yield: 2* cups. Best of Many Styles Set on Iran's Tables TEHRAN, Jran (U PI) -It may be aimed at distracting the visitor from the spec. tacular beauty of Iranian women. Or it may be the ac· cident of geographical posi· tlon. The fact remains that Iran's cuisine Is one or the more ex· citing in the world. Sandwiched between the Arab naUons to the west and oriental Pakistan and Afghani!l.an In the east, with- Sovlet Russia at the north, this oddly European-style country has preserved the best of many culinary styles and made them peculiarly It! own. Since any discussion of Ira· n!an food must start with c~viar, let it be said that Iran's probably ls the best in the world. Gourmets say that you can tell by the color. Deep black ca11iar Is good, but gray caviar is best. lran's is gray. The sturgeon from which the delicacy comes prefer the southern waters of the Caspi· an Sea off the Iranian coastline. Ttley can feed from the rivers that cascade from the 19,000 feet Albon: Moun· tains. Although the Sovlets for many years marketed the best Iranian caviar as their own, Iran now exports directly. It's too rare to be cheap anywhere, but in Iran caviar is probably as cheap as can be found. Al 200 rials {$2.60) for a generous restaurant portion - fresh, mid grains spre.ad on warm buttered tout -It's one of the world's greatest table treats. Other fish delle1cies such as trout and salmon mme from Iran's streams, while king-si:ae prawns and the s u p e r b zubeideh fi sh {named for an ancient queen who loved its delicate fla11or) are available from the Penlan Gulf. However. the average Irani· an is more often seen eating chelo kebab -the nearest thing to a national dish. Many restaurants serve nothing else. Iran's home-baked products are startling in their diversity and tastiness. Each baker specializes in his own kind, but o( all the breads, there are three basic types. There's sangak, sold with pieces of the gravel on which it is cooked .sometimes still sUcking to it. Lavish is thin and good with kebabs. And barbari is thicker but still flat. With temperatures ranging from 130 degrees to minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit, Iran is a country which p r o d u c e s specialties from all i t s regions. From the north comes a superb winter dish, fesin jan, made of wild duck from the Slimming iii 9315 SIZES 3U<. r.., 1lf,.,.;.., 1[f,.,.j' ... First the waller provides a plntc of rice conU.lnlng a hid· den melting pat or butter. Over this the diner sprinkles sun1ach -a peppcr·style con· Cool. slim, easy kind of rllment -and occasionally dress -the kind you want to 5alt and the yolk of a raw eag. --eJip iota" .now and spend all On top is placed the kebab of summer tn, Note back bell, lamb filet grilled 0 v er real .pockets on a slant. charcoal with tiny tomatoes. Print~ ~attern 9315: NEW Eat it with torshi (a nati~·e Women s Sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, chutney ) and wafer·thin stone-42. 44, 48. Slze 38 (bust 4-0) baked bread and wash it down takes 2% yards 4&1Jlch. wi th a jog of "doueh" -SlXTY·FtVE CENTS in Yoghurt diluted wiU1 iced coins for each pattern -add water. 15 cents for each pattem for An essential part. of many rirst<hw maill~ and specl1l Irania n dishes -as 1\'ifh the handling ; olherw1se thlrd-claR Ar:i bs and the Pakistanis -is delivery will take three wee.kl rice.. Cooked with butler and or more. Send to Martan Jillie waler. It comes out crisp A1arUn, the DAILY PILOT, .11nd JJArtly-bumed. known as 442 Pattern Dept .. 232 West tah tllk or "bottom of the pnt." 18th St., New York, N.Y. To !he wesl~rner appnlled 10011. Print NAAfE, A~ bv the pully-l!ke product of DREM \Vllh ZlP, SIZE and Ille hygienic bread factory , STYLE NUMBER . Caspian marshes, broiled with crushed wa lnuts and puree of pomegranates. From the West and Sou!h,vest come lender lamb spilled on long skewers and eaten straight off the rire. In Azerbaijan, in the Northwest. there bl a savory dumpling which can be the size of a football and contain a whole chicken. The religious minorities, too , have lheir fa vorites. The Armenians make excellent dolmehs, mincemeat wrapped in cabbage or vine leaves. The Je"·s and Zoroastrians make their own wines. The choice of drinks -pro- vided you are prepared to forego the wildly-expensive imported whisky -is a wide one and headed by local vodka ... smooth, bland and cheap. Local beer~ are barely ade- quate. but there are drinkable clarets, burgundies and ries- Hngs and some sweetish dessert wines. A local rose named 1•elvet is ve ry popular. Dressings Save Day If your schedule Is a bit uncertain during t h e s e busy summer months, p I a n ahead so that you can present an interesting meal on short notice. For instance, delicious blue chet!e dre!sings can be made I ahead of time and froien . Then yoo can whip up a great salad in minutes and have a delicious dressing for a lop- ping. FROZEN 81.UF. CHEESE DRESSING 1 package (3 ounces) cream cheese, softened 1".i cup dairy sour cream l4 cup American blue cheese lahoul J1,4 ounces. crumbl· ed) 2 teaspoons . prepared mustard 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1.1 cup chopped green pepper 1 l lablespoon chopped pi. 1 miento ~) cup whipping cream, \\'hipped . ln a mixing bowl combine cream cheese, da lry sour cream, American blue cheete. mustard and lemon juice : beat until lighl. Stir in Rreen pepper and pimiento. Fold in whipped cream. Pour into I quart n!!riger1tor tray : freeze unlil finn. This dressing may be stored in the freeitor If pro- perly wrapped with air·tlght material. Befort serving, lei stand at room tempeature S.10 minutes for grl'~trr ease in cutting. Cut In l·lnch cubes. Sen•&. "'ith tosnd. green or fruit salads. 'wrrH ·SALLIE WATOt Olrr FOR THAT FURNfrURE SALES1.IAN He'll swipe your recipe. Carl Jung does just that. While his buaineu is furniture, his hobby ls food. Ju he! travels lrom San Fran- dxo to Loa Angeles and Hana Kong, be make1 a point of hitting dl1ferent famous eateries aod parta.kin& ol the1r m01t esteemed ta ble d'hotes. He can tell what goes inside by UM! mere eat. in&. When he gets home, he whips Up what he has eaten and trle1 it out on hit wife. Carl is the Jung in Jung's Gourmet Foods, Inc., and his line.up of marinades, &lazes, dres.sinp, barbeque, a n d sweet .sour sauces have been in his family for 3 1enera· tions. l{e calls them Touch of the Orient. He ""'ill be with WI this Friday and Saturday aJong with a demonstrator and interpretor lo show you b::lw to be a gourmet cook, Orientalwlle. Did you kno\11 a dash of peanut butler Is the secret lngm:iient for true Garlic and RSame oil make for true Korean flavor .•• You 'll love the very mlld Davor because pure Sunkist lemon juice is uJed Instead of vinegar in all of the Touch ot the Orient Products , • , Come in and m~t Carl •.• and learn to mystt"ry.\sc your plain o.ld hamburgers, chicken and such with Man- darin Barbeque Sauce, Far Eastern Marinade and Or· ange lemon sJ,aze. Tlt.1E TO GO FISHING Viola, Othella, and Nina have cooked up a maje,1lc apothacary Jar full o f S11.-edJ1h fish jellies and want you to t lrure the number of bones YoU'd ha~ left OVt>r it you ate them all. Nothlng fishy about thls guesseroo. The gb'ls ha11e whipped up Gounnet food girt packages to sho111 you the happiett prese:nta ot all &l'!' nne chocolates tnak· Ing the togethem!as ~ \Vith honest go to eating delicious fOod unu.sualUes in boxes and cans. \Vanna fish for . . . Big splash No. l: a luscious moulded Ilber &lau aa.lad bowl atop a matchlng round boi'! d'oeuvre tray .• , the des ign, \vhite linen with lobsters, ropes and rlging!I dancing all over •.• all marle gourmet gifting happy Y.ilh Edy's l.ine chocolates and n1ucho cans and ja.n filled ""'ith the cuisln!! of IM lll'a . . . Not quite such a big splash No. 2. A 2 pound Forxet.me-not box of Edy's chocolates ... Yoo know the Forget-me-not box is the cream, 11\e Cadillac. the rnink of the Edy's boxes of chocoiates ... tres posh with rum truUles, and opera creams, and of course the dclighlfu.I, s u r p r i 1 e com. bination of seafoods to ttll stories about. One more spash, and the ~aaoning 1night fllp up a side burn or 111.·o. Because men attn't usually as good at rue1slng games as girls. accortllng to the power~ be-hind the blit gucssin:;: cont<'sts around thl! old t.'01Tt1 I, 1n! figured a m<1n \\'OUld CO!llC ln thlrtl: So \l'c're doini U[) our Prc!en· talion box or Edy 's chocolntl"~. 1·:h1ch is 11.Jl boy· like and brown tweedy l\ith caMles in~ld~ they cnn l"l!nl!y dig into ... nuts and cM11·s and cara 111ct1. TIX'n on lop 11·<' put our (a11ori1e toy called Fi~h 'n Chips. H's rtally a putty <'•I with a fish hangini 0:11 of his mouth, a strew ha! ~:.:rnn1bled with 11\cs and a creel around hls nl'Ck. Aloug~idc. our liriest solid pack 11·hitt' albacore tuna. Thu.~ f'rn:i,. my fish story donr up wi!h Edy's ex. quisi1e chocoJ11H.•s . ONE ntORE Tlil!E f"ron1 down In tho derth., ol New Orl{'r1119 co111es 2 ne\v complcle shr11np dinners in a Pf!Ck~. Loulsll11111 I~ lh4!' brand . . you kno111 the Louislnna U1At tloes the crab boil packngl.'. blt Complete Shrin1p Curry DI,... ner: package contains a ci11 of shrimp, a JWICkaee of rice. and a pack:tgl.' ol curry saucn mlx. You do the eooklng In a mere 30 minu1es. Or perhaps you'd prefer a c.otnple1e Shrimp C'reole Olnntt . , • Can of Shrimp, plus pac~ of rice, plus the tomato Muce and a pacbp: or the "'Ondrous aeaaonlnp CO make It creole ..• Here at Richard's, tbe People Sto~. Newport Beach, "'-'t' teatth •1·' world k>r un-usu;:i,I foods or you, bea.ue you ·re no! 11. usual shop~. --------------- PRODUCE TOP SLICES WITH CREAM CHEESE WHIPPED WITH LIME JUICE. FANCY, SWEET, JUICY LE GRANDE Nectarines 5 LBS. $1 GARDEN-FRESH, TENDER, LEAFY.GREEN, BOSTON Butter Lettuce 2FOR19- BREAD, BUTTER, SALT, PEPPER, PARSLEY ANO THIN SLICED ONIONS-Nice Coclrte il Sendwiche1. GENUINE ITALIAN SWEET, RED ONIONS 3 LBS. 29¢ CREAMING SIZE, U.S. No. 1-B POTATOES 5 LBs.19¢ UKBEERY Hills Bros. Coffee L~. 69¢ HILLS BROS. COFFEE Jib. 1.37 SUNSHINE SCOTTIE Shortbread Cookies •v• •• 3 ••• $1 KNUDSEN LA BON BUTTER /SMUCKERS PRESERVES Apricot -Pineapple SMUCKERS ••. 83¢ 20oL Strawberry Preserves ..... LAURA SCUDDERS CREAMY OR CRUNCHY 49c 59c Peanut Butler 16 0 '· 49P BEST ,FOODS Sandwich .Spread '' •.. 39c GLORIETT A BARTLETT PEAR HALVES #IV» 39c GLORIETTA WHOLE PEELED APRICOTS #ZV1 39c GLORIETTA ELBERTA SLICED PEACHES #2'/1 39¢ CAL.FAME ASSORTED FLAVORS Fruit Drinks 46 OL 4 FOR $1 EXOHC DRESSING ORANGE -LEMON GLAZE FAR • EASTERN MARINADE MANDARIN BARBECUE SAU.CE SWEET and SOUR SAUCE Mr. J ung, the originator ol these unusual condiments will be demon- strating them Friday & Saturday. 17 .oz. AEROSOL Dow Bathroom Cleaner 59c SAUCER Don't ml11 thl• Mel(1 'PKI-' ofler on C.1ual11one dinl'lerWlfil! So cob1uf '° cartl~)'OU'U tow lt tor lamilr rM•ltime and cma1 enll!rtai"int u w.111' -----~-----·----~----·--~ PHONE 1>73-6360 FOR HOME DELIVERY PRICES EFFECTIVE JULY 31, AUG. I, 2 Organ Serenade For Your Pleasure by Bernice Foy LIDO MARKET CENTER NEWPORT BLVO. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE SANDWICHES ARE AN AMERICAN MAINSTAY, FROM THE EARLIEST LUNCH BOX PEANUT BUTIER AND JELLY TO THE ELEGANT COCKTAIL RIBBONS. SANDWICHES ARE A HEFTY MEAL OR A LIGHT SNACK. THE VARIETY IS AS LIMITLESS AS IMAGINATION. ST ART WITH ONE OF RI.CHARD 'S HOME· BAKED BREADS OR ROLLS . . . * STEAK SANDWICH WITH DILLED ONION RINGS ON FRENCH BREAD. * BOLOGNA, HARD SALAMI , JACK CHEESE LETTUCE, DIJON MUSTARD ON CHEESE BREAD. * GROUND BEEF, CATSUP, ONIONS, MUSTARD AND WORCESTERCHIRE SAUTEED TOGETHER ANO SPOONED INTO HAMBURGER BUNS. * SLICED ROAST BEEF WITH HORSERADISH SAUCE ON A VIENNA ROLL. * CRABMEAT MIXED WITH MAYONNAISE ANO A LITTLE CURRY ON WHITE BREAD. RICHARD'S HAS SO MANY MORE GOOD THINGS FOR YOUR EATING DELIGHT I DON'T FORGET TO BROWSE OUR UNUSUAL ARRAY Of PICKLES AND CONDIMENTS TO GO WITH SANDWICHES.} HEAT RICHARD'S LIDO BRAND Whole HAMS Sovo some for sandwich•• 69~B. Shank or Butt Half Hams 73¢LB. HOW ABOUT A HOT ROAST BEEF SANDWICH w;th Hon uod;sh! RUMP ROAST Boneless for easy slicing 1.19LB. SWISS STEAK Boneleu 98~8. HAMBURGER, OF COURSE! Atld flevorin9 before you grill! Lean GROUND BEEF Savory idea! Add chopped onion, chopped ripe oli ves and mushroom powder , •• then barbecue! RICHARD'S I 00 1. PURE 59~B. PORK SAUSAGE Mildly NHOMd 69~B. c/fL~· SPECIAL SUMMER DINNERS ARE EASY WHEN YOU CHOOSE ONE OF THESE UNUSUAL ENTREES ! BEEF ROULADES ---1,. .... ,...,ffl,. 1.29,L Marinated MEAT BALLS Marinated CHUCK ROAST Stuffed CHICKEN BREAST JM'o •-0-b •"'-79c LI. wftll ,.,.,.., .,... .. 98c LI. U.S.0.A. PRIME BEEF P.S. WE PROCESS BEEF FOR HOME FREEZERS, TOO i • OA!l V I'll.OT 3'f_ BAKERY ADD A LITTLE ZEST TO BREAKFAST! ORANGE ROLLS 6 ,.. 35c A FAVORITE LIGHT DINNER ROLL PARKER HOUSE ROLLS .... 61c A PERFECT BASE FOR SHORTCAKE OR FOR A SPEOTACULAR TRIFLEI BUTTERY-RICH POUND CAKE 79c LIDO SPECIAL SANDWICH Toss JC. shredded c1bb1ge with 2i l C. m1yonn1i1e, JT. chili 11uce, IT. chopped onion end 1/4 tsp. •alt. Ch ill. Spreed 12 slices Jewish Mohn Breed with but.- f11"--91n1rously !eyer b1k1cl ham end swiss ch••••• 1pr1ed with c1bb191 mixture and 11rv1 with Kosher Dill Pic~l11. DELIClTEllEH · A HEFTY I 'lz LBS.I HOFFMAN'S ALL MEAT Bologna Chub lo09 THE DELIGHTFULLY MILD SANDWICH CHEESE SCHREIBER'$ Monterey Jack • •L 49¢ LAS HIERBAS EXOTIC HERB FRENCH DRESSING 6~ OL 3 FOR $1 HOW ABOUT A MEXICAN SANDWICH! ALEX Corn Tortillas COL 19~ A QUICK LITTLE HORS D'OEUVRES, REESE DANISH SAUSAGE or SALAMI or DUTCH fRAN~S Cocktail Links • •L 59~ REESE SEAFOOD COCKTAIL SAUCE ..... 39c PRBllH PBBDI FOR THE KIDS ON HOT SUMMER DAYSI 6 CT. Orange Julius Bars 3«r A DELIGHTFUL HOT WEATHER COOL6RI DELA WARE PUNCH , ... 6,.. 51 .TO TOP A TOSTADO, TOO. CALAVO AVOCADO DIP ,., ... 49c KOLO KIST with Mushrooms SIRLOIN TIPS 39c GREEN GIANT with Onions and Mu1hroorns RICE PILAF 12 ., l ,.. $1 GREEN GIANT with peas .:: d Mushrooms RICE MEDLEY ,.. 3 ,.. '1 GREEN GIANT, with parsley and peppers RICE VERDI " .. 3 ,..s1 GREEN GIANT SPANISH RICE .... GREEN GIANT, with cheddar cheese and pimientos RICE RISOTTO .... ClHDY CURIOUSLY COOL! ROGER'S CANTONS Milk chocolate Truffles, almond, mint, rvrn, moce flavored, All boxed end wrapped individua lly. Reg. 1.25, 8°01. Bow VERY SPECIAL 75¢ BOX FISH COUNTING CONTEST HERE! WINI PLBIER IHBP SWEETHEART ROSES ALL COLORS .•• BUY SEVERAL AT THIS SPECIAL PRICEI 1.19 BUNCH er-25 "£K.L,.. .... C-MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS OPEN DAI LY 9-7, SUN. 9-6 OPEN DAILY 9°6 OPEN DAILY 9-6, SUN. I O.J OPEN DAILY 9·6 DAILY 8·10.6, SAT. e,Jl).S • -------------~ I 1 I ..,..:; ---------·~-~------------------------~ ....... ---------...... -...---... ---.-.....-------... ---~--·-.-·-.. - --... ------. ------ H OAll y PILOT Wedntsday, July 30, 1969 Wrdfttsdaf, July 30, 1%9 L 6 PILOT-AOVl!l!TISER • • • .... ~· • • • ,. <> - W IN PRIZES ••• NEW-CARS, APPLIANCES, CASH, VACATIONS' IN HAWAII & LAS VEGAS I· ~ PLAY LINKtE\\1R'S HOUSE . PART·Y GAME ~WIN · -FREE 6 S DAYS Z nIGHTS 5 · 7 DAY TRIPS ~~ WIN ··· I L11s vea11s u &-Wailan •$!,':~~ ~ Sl\Hl\RI\ Sl\FARI "!7£!:(i~~EEUDAT ~- •110 OUP STAMPS ; .OOOILE OQCIJ"NICY lllM.·1~ MY • ~-~::::; • ..-::=.·.:·~,:;: INCLUDES 2 SPECTACUl Alt SHOWS •' it'! f~; :..~:,•.:::--.:~ "':::;:: • so S111mn1 WATCllS . --DKRJ( lllYIS • °"""*' Show $All.Int Congo ~ ,_ .... _ ........ TCIU. • ~t Show foli0$ ll«&"nt flAllkfnl 01 8tutldl llth1!1cMillr·K-CmlnoTour ('-olf Grw.ns fft ~ BE AN ll(STANT WINNER Of AKf UtOU.frirR'S Cotlll!b • ~ ~ ~')-:' ... ,~:~':~:[ ~~liiil'A!iml!lil!m!~-b _,_ "'''''""'"'' ......... ,~~- . WIN tll!:::'c:~~~ TY SETS~ 10 fOO• u.•o..111. ~FREEZERS 11_WASH~R~ II Fti~er·· , ~-•WIN mm• 3 NEW1969 ~CA-MARO , ' ch YOUlt fRtE llWIE TICltEr TOOAY AT NJ'f TitRlm MMT . NO .,,ICllAll NlcUIAIT . ~ MANNING'S-ALL PURPOSE GRIND I,:~· 59' § STEA COFFEE . . . . . . . . . . . · . . ~:a~~ . LANGENDO RF "KREAM KR UST" -WHITE or WH EAT I-LB. 25' -. LOAF SLICED BREAD . . · · · · · · _ ! ROUND -99c FOR SALADS or COOKING-INCL 7c OFF 38-0Z. 59c : STEAK ...... lb ON OIL BOTTLE EYE OF THE WESS . . . . . . . . . ROUND 139 STOKEL Y'S 3· QT. •1 00 STE~K ;.. ... LI. GATORADE. . . . . . . BTLS. ROUND 109LL HE1Nz _REG. FLAVOR 14-o z. 19c STEAK TENDER AGED LB. KETCHUP ......... B~TT~E. GROU~~-as~ Frozen Foods ROUND ... MAN SIZE s139 , DELICIOUS & JUICY 7 5 Mil T ORiwNGE ::::KN~. . ~ ~~RTERHOUSE. . . LB . PIES JUICE BONE-IN ::::T . . . 89~ BONELESS ~-k';: ea 6ri~· ea AK RO~~!N :iP :, e~rr~M ROUND • lb 5 I RLOI N as~ ROAST ·1~~ I ONELESS •105 BONELESS . 89¢ ROTISSERIE SIRLOIN TIP. CUBE OR $, 19 STEW BEEF ... .... . n. LB. BREAKFAST ... .. LL s1_19 LIQUID BLEACH : INCL 9c OFF PUREX ! DIAL JANEANOERSONCORN~ -GALLON IOTTLE ! BATH SIZEl-CT PKG TORTILLAS l~k~'.· 1 oc SWIFT'S BROWN 'N SERVE LINK SAUSAGE •• Pkg. a.,,,. 59c --~ 49e\ ~l 49c WISC 0cliiisi'00 ::. l .. ·~~~iEs jc)~--1--~~1 '.:.~FF .......................... )_'·~t 45c LB. 79c l 4 FOR $100 • • • • • SEAFOOD S P ECl A LS ~Q~~~il~~,L~f . , .. , ............... , ........... ~b: 98C Fre1h Fillets Monterey ·Per 7· 9C Red, Ripe Delicious THOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES 19~ EA. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ' ' ' ROCKCOD .................................. lb. Oregon Cook•d & Peeled 6-01, 89C COCKTAIL SHRIMP .......................... troy . Quail Dollar Stretchers SLICED OR HALVES-CLING PEACHES PORK & BEANS, or TOMATOES DELI CIOUS MJX ol- MATCH LARGE 21/, TINS APPLE SAUCE .... GARDEN FRESH GREEN PEAS .... WHOLE KERNEL GOLDEN CORN. $ 00 If:, $ 303 TINS 00 PRICES EFFECTI VE THURS . thru SUN., JULY 31 , AUG. I , 2, 3 _ .. ., .. 2701 RARIOR BLVD., COSTA MF.SA I> 13922 P ~OOKHURST, G-1'.""'-:~1 ~rc!~VF. e 1308 W. EDIN GER. SANTA ANA- 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO ' • \ I 4-,., ...... _-••• •-"--·-·-·~-·-· -·'-••• _4, .. • -~ w~. Ju~ lO, 196' D~ll.Y l'(LOT 18 , - . .Ji Newest Surpm.e'r Eookbooks l:Jnwi~t. a Wide Variety of Tastes -· By JEANJ'IE LESEM t ,...tber, when main dish •Beene and Lourdes Mirando _._.voiu-aol1tlntbt ChlcbnandW~Wllh·llam' chlldm'a pitlloa. lllalrlUll ~.,,,.ila NewYork,tbt,boolt l>OiJol!OWI ·1pl)rodlllao, lb• I NEW Y011K (UPI) -·On• ·iouJ>c inrl' oll.tldl 11\111 hovo Kini C'i)lltle) ...: ~ "°* <i ~World Mrlea. The bur11t (Ool4en !'rm) -rt llld !lr•irlnP la 1bll IJ -at,.. ;;:c!pii rlllli!ia lrom op-!omato wu al .,. cr... • : sure 81gn o( oummer: ' lftltet uout . resllurllll au l•d e l lood ""1, lar &nllf. lllhll'a ,..U, P1Pf each ol ree!Pu JlJr W obow )loll to COlllll'llCI polbon to ~ dlabel. All l)'lllbol of Jove. Tddq Illa love • The r • a p P • • r a n c • oo Botb qwck "1d Ume-con-g1088lry _and truly . Spanish 'writioa; ·jalarmiUve lal and C..U ,aealilnJ .,.... and 1117 UID '!Ith ..-. bokld from f!Olpeo tf11 l<ir loma\oU apple II atven lull ""411 lor ' boollstoro bilWeller 11111 o! a iUmlnJ lrlillllonll reclpu are reclpee, aome·11rlldQI ana .. r IMrlplUJ pbot!t.W...Jn,Uooa; tbt "'YI to 0. lqOl16IOl<a1 -uibu Ullq llllndlrd bUJni W'bltb ,... 11-\IJllt -Ill nulrJIJoaal c 011, I• n I, low-colorle l'OOkbcolt pubUahed given Jor lllOll ""'I"'· The nut spicy: others. such u chlclten otblr lor ltillnC Nortb o! ihe dllllea. ·· -. . by' Ibo In-llllllo ol eopeclaJIJ Vlllmll.d, llld Is 1 lew )'tirl'qo. Women IP' dlah ones, lnc!Glled VMl stew io ot"'I•' uuce, of 111at BO-lollll1bout tblunuaual Btlty C!'ocker'1 Clku Kl& TOaWo ~ (llld "lovt opplll;OT~, • oneoloor-~ lrulta. parooUy tjJah out to buY' ii .,;lb casbewa, pork loaf wltb delicacy. ~ llld ~ -+ alboll Love (Ooldeo Preoo) --You 11111~ jllll 1boul ""'1'bodY) For .,..._ Ibo lcilUfO Durln(f'tlio ·--when after oeelns tbem'!elves Jn last peonW. "14,pork. ltver pate Chlneu Coolilng "14 .LIUn COlllPllcaled -coolw7 ol our doo1hovetoh<1 .-llrY Gilil wlJI ..io. "'nlo to.. Apple waa ..... i. UI bU1117 IOmltoeo .,. moot pleotllul, year'1 ball)iac 111111. · wllh plllachloe. American Cook1ni C'l'lm.,Lil• LIU. noj....... . to mob ontmo!, dOU ond other CookboOlt'• by Don BeVO!IL nther tlilf!I /OOll' </ 1 I u e • you'll-want to Nmple mony ol But they alao buy new DllUOCf' SJ>litl, by Gerrie Jloolr.s) -Tb e II\ o 1 t l n-BelU' ~·1 Woys With fancy &hoped Cokel Io r Pu-by l!'uJlk II llfl'lted tq_ )!O '1 ,P,Ollllt I'll lit. Bn-'11,,ndpea. , eookbooka, Ind ,1911lt ol the < J I " • latest will tven'belp with su . ·~ - mer meal Plamtng and en-~ • ' • tertalnlq.1J;ollowlnl on brief · reviews: _ Fast Felsta, by, Jack Van Blbbe~ (Funk & Wqoolls) - 'lbe author hu an ·enviable palate, iropeocable lisle In meal Piannlns · aod an ob-viously o<:derly mind. H~ 20 menua and time scheduled rC!cill'S art •ts precisely com~ as a pii.no concerto and, jar• aens~~as demanding m' '"'"'arm•. SU!llel eoo~ior EDW· talnlna (Line) ~ Aoyooe' of advenluroua ~te who tz:uiy enjoyo cooklnl 'WuJd fJn4,11hlS book uaeful. /I , ' ?' The menus a£1' well thoulbt , out and advance preparation is indicated for moat recines. Especially help!ut . for ·( In- experienced cookl ss· advlc,e on ·' coping with une'xpected guesti:, buying and cooking steak, and menu pt~iflg_ Gourmet at the Grill, by Paisley Harwood (Doubleday) .. -A portlcularly 1ood guide for outdoor coob who llke to , improvise, u the a u l h o r a leave the choice ol entree for each sauce to the dlscreUon of the cook. M011t sauces are de· signed ror,, varlet)' of ilems. ShopplJ!i, .Al)d Jlorlgt' 4ir<c· Uons allO Iii lielp!UI> l A Oood H•arl al)d a Light Hand, by ·Ruth I. Gekina (Si mon & Schu.ster) a 11 d Prineeu P11nela'.1 Soul -Food Cookbook (New ~m~rlcan Library llJP,it ~ -TWo , •. very gOod eonecuou or tradJ. tional American.,~egro rectpea with remarkably few dupUca· tions. Most recipes should have wide ap~ aJl!iouih for OOO· Southerners fl:IC:b dilbea as blacteyed~ pea · wltb hem hocks may be resistible. But chocolate pecair cream pie; CaroUna baked ham ancJ variQ hot breads based OQ corn 111eal can be downrighf addicUve. Princesa Pamela Is owner· chef of one or New York's most popular soul f o o d resta111'8.rit.a1 The Little Kit· chen. Southwest Coolq!ry, or. At . Horne ~p the Range, by Richlrd Wormser (Double. day) al)d Suoaet Mexican Cook Boo~ (Line) -North of the b o r de r ','Mexican" disbea, many of wbk:b use low~ tn- Jfftdt~ns. cheeae and corn, or litretch more eipensive onea including beef. Wormser's book is more repreientatlve of the Te:x·Mex cookery found In ~rlzona, Tex· 11 and New M~co~ The Sunset book is Californian in outlook ind provides a pxl introduction to southwestern cookery, through clearly·writ- ten and well-illustrated sec- tions on b\o'ini and preparing un!amUiar ingredients. A World ol H•arly Soups, by Joh n Phillps Cranwell and A World of Nut Recipes, by Morton GW Clark (both Funk & Wagnalls) -For this reviewer, ~two interesting boou to put aside !or cooler Herb Rolls Light Fare Everyone has a special in· tereat ln light fare thlt can be prepared ln a hurry tn sum· mer, . lf ~r club la coining over for a meeting (!n the paUo or around the Po01. reach for a packep of bron Oates ond ~ what II con do In the wr, of maJdnl I luy.c(ey nJad luocbeon more eoticJns. Thea Quick Cereal Herb Rolll ll'fl ODe lnnvtl'. They're wonder(ul wllh !rub lrult salad. S!Dce bread& and cerula 1rt part. of Ill< basic !our food groupo, )'Q!l'll be"prollldlna 1 nutrttlonal:boinui u <wlu.. QUICK CEREAL HERB ROW! V. cup butter, melied 1,i taupoon marjoram '.\ ltupoon lee! thyme 2 o.ckqes (t ouoces each) rtfrtleltile<I jlliClilta 2V• CUPI bran fiakh Combine butter ancr betbi: mix. Ro11 bllcuitl Jnta r0Und1 aboul Iii lnolllo In~. Dip blto berl>-butte ~. droln · oUPtlJ llld ooll botb aid• with 6akes. • ~. ~~1 .. _ .. !loll up Iii<! orr111111 .._ side down In I leOllbwile rowa in an-IJs••,_l>ll'· " 0r1U liitf nm.1n1q butter ' . '1tdor Feofur .. ! LOOl'-$399 Will wQT • BUYI y-C'fl""' .,_...,,," lfl. ,,_ .... llloerY .... .._ __ , _tcotch --111'11 . HOlll'I Ill ·--' ~~~:r.'":~o~~.H. ~ -alUHllll Ill .... -ILUDEO WHISll'f 1:1.,-=:-·nm.ur HIP'AllU IODKTllLI __ ...,. IOUllHI ... ..,..._...,,r.,.,.,•ot.tL-11 llURlll DELUIE .,,_,,,. .. __ UUll OF lllTUlllCT,... ""· .....,_ • ..._,... • ""W, D&IT ao•"""L"'-'"""<!li·IWI.-•• a. WHISltll •n--·--IAllU1 IOUll.161 ---• ..._ , .. $crow C111tli Oii J'-"I ... ' hi Q ••• :a~.:.~'..~.~'4" .. Mel T!I( Mh<--........ W f](tJillfJ RAKiR! IREATI -Hawaiian Luau Cake ~" _,.. .. ...;. :"f' l;Ml---- Nlf.ll'fll ~-----... How.I. a...... 75' ,,..,, lh • o.figlw ' •• IAWAlllll DRlllT COl!ll CUI DrOCtOUS .......,.A6t nun PICO. et 2 35' lorgoe. Sin ColN• Ccib _,. • ....... '5c YOU IHUll MVmNS PUJM OI: $CIUllCllCIUGH ... : ....... " l'J':G.. 3 ~ I I PUJN CM.1 INOUSK MUl'f&Q ••• UK. '111 a Mf:::::~ Gl11111 T oothpas1e =~:-::: 53j USTIMll llTlllPTIO ·~·M ........... ~•1.11 lllllllMOllUUSIAllPOO .... t".\.";;i:•l.21 l·Dlf ITAT HYIPUY HDtlOftAIT ':A II• JOHNIT9N PIES ......... ,..... 75' ::r y-3'~ CHILLID 01ANG1 llDfD V:::' W Of1UID OUHGI ILEND :'.:t.'~ II' KOlll IOITllRLOIN TIPS ........... '.:< .. KDtD IOST CllAMlll C1llCMlll :::: .. CAIAYO AVOCADO DIP ........... ~ 41' GINO'S CHEESE PIZZA ;;,;:. nu,:~,~·w·· St SWIFN,.._ Smoldt Unlu ' • • ·BONE. 'Custom Trimmed & ~~!.OOMS '.....! II-sr fA'f'OMU PORTERHOUSE ~hrick·,at•ks ~ ~~~.;,. $)39 . Bo~ess Round . ~ '"" "'" IL Family Steaks i:=- TOP SIRLOllf T ;p Round Steaks ':::: $)5! -TENOEll, JUIC'I 11.AVOlflll. ,.. Ii• freoff <, . FROZEN LEMONADE SUNSHIR nan AJAX. DOER GENT GIANT PKS. Incl. 10c Off '. YOllUlltf llHbwrle1 LI. • BEEF LI. _ SPARll,llS WERIACON Rolled Roast -=-981 Fr..-1.ii;o'Pork .:E 591 Link 5-p .~-3i'f Sliced 'Baoon it:~':::~ 83- ""'" '°"' """"' GUIE HENS. [DO\IJPINEAPPLE HAWAIIAN ~ ILICID .. 2 I 11.4 CAN I FRUIT '. 9 COCKTAIL '. ~ --JANC"l.PAD\_.,._. lp.HocvyJ yrup CAN. PINEAPPLE ·JUICE~ DOU Hawaiian 791 . ' Instant Breakfast ~ .. 6-PK. 3t . Delaware P,unch T 46& 33• • .. V•s P.n~ium '°"-.It=~..5,. 'Enriched Bread· ·::.•= :3: SJ · HAWAllU PINUPN ' =~MC't. 49'' """" . miDur• over roll• a o d ._. ...... .._.....,=~-=- ce;:iko n~•· bot oven clOll 1011 Adams Ave., at Btookhunt, Huntington Beach 17950 M1anolil, fouallla ·v.n.y degrees F .) until biscuits are 4 1 , , dooe, 11 to 20 minutes. Yield : 3 08 DohenJ PIJk DnYe, C1p1slrano Beach 20 roll& 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, HunHngton Buch ~ ' . • ,, Ii .. 2108? '91ch Blvd., Huntington Buch ,, I I • I I I: ) • . I I Ir /, I . l I -. . w~. J.'130.1969 ---~· ___,. ---. -----·--- 8 PILOT ... DVERTISER L ',1 B·arger ~n 1 :Viegeta~l,es :·' Boaters' Menu Boor. 1 It's time' to weigh anchor, , Vegetabile Medley may-, be furl. ulla. or start the engine made in the same skillet or z.t'(l g'!t away fronr it all for a separately. It makes use of qy afloat. canned com nlbleta. canned vKeep in m1nd that boating peu and tomato ... and ft 's a •.ma~es'idr hearty appe:Utes. . . simple and .wonderfW com. and J. o.t e \he fixings. foe. .a binatiob 'wUJi the beer. •' Jumbb Burier and Vegetable Some crusty French bread Medley. would taste great with the • The Jwabo Burger ls a two-main course. For ~serl , . nd lle<f· l>a«y that 'looks fresh fruit would be welcome 'J(R a h'ainbtlfger,.offers-·lhe ••. orca\.ef\tolherobUStap- ~veniel)Ct ol a mei't loaf. pe.Uteii wi_Ui generous wedges l&'s almo&t futl-alrillel size, of cake. And there you ·have • ln about ,15 mimit.er·and the d)arteil'eoone for a splen- ~rves six to e!gbt. _llungry did meaJ .ppat. )' ailors. · · , · q lUlllllO J!UR(\lm • l]~ you owil 1111coated'pin, Use 2 poun~-grouriil beef ; tftat. in tqe. galler for con· I teaspoon TabaSC9 ...,,nience . j· :. and serve the l tablespoon instant, bainced moll ·~ pl'l!"c~ plalO! .~ ,,_. . '°"'··•lhilinale .lloe ·clean-qp 2 ,_.. ~tt . , ~. t-vOb wiff 'want to cut Conlbine 'rOOnd b-e er, • ~ra ''there er you can to Ta~ insCIRt miltctd onion '~ to ijepa i: Minimum of time in and satt. Sl\aMi into obe large Note: If treated pan fl not used, cook meat loaf rln1 2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine. • TABASCO VEGETABLE MEDLl!Y l can (1Z OUN.'e!) corn nlbleta, drained I can (1 pound) peas . drained ' I large tomato, dlceil ~ teaspoon Tabasco I teaspoon salt V4 cup butter ot marcsrl.ne Comtiine corn and peas, tomato, Tabasco, salt and but· ter in skillet with meat I01f GI' small saucepan. Stir and"heat to serving tempera tun. Yield : 6 to 8 servings. Avoid Odors • tbe il:aJley.' patty~ Cook· in-treated skillet ~o 'fue.ke the Jumbo Burger over low beat about 15 ·..:; .',;,; most flavorful, mil with in· minutes on each side. Serve . , . , , SfaliJ"-mil)Ced' OlilQD, salt ' and with Tabasco Veg et ab I e ROBUST MEAL IN A SKILLET" SATISFYING . Tapasco. Medley. Yield ' 6 tog ,.,..,ings. Never place b r e a'.t la s t cereals on · a shelf ' used :or soap or ocher cl~ pro- ducts or with foods havtng a strong odor sine~ the flaVOr of cereals may be adversely af. rected. . • '. " • t ~ ;N;if lFFICTIYE THURS.·SUN.JULt 31·AUG.). .. ,U.J..d.A':-1NM'~JEOYOUNG lUilljfY ·D•UMITICKS 3'15 •·' . lb.' . . . ) u.s.D.A. 'CHOICE' IEEF EA$TERN GRAIN FED .•. ~ PORK1 SPARERIBS , . . ~.~ .. ~·s , SIZI .. . . . ' . 1 McCOT'S IOUHl>-Cfr.Q.VA( PKG. • •• • •• C ········••'•'-" ;$149 :~ma CORNID BIEi!' .. · lb. . f • \UUQUMJTYl'ClilK 3· l ·11o1. •1 ·· LINK'SAUIAGI Pl"4 .f.I~~ <. U.l.DA CttOICf Ifft, IOHnfiS . .LOilDON BROIL •' -I COllPLITI CH ..... Dl-FROZEN FOOD JAN•U•WINE FOODS HALIBUT • Ml-M CHOW Mllll . C • IHF CHOP SUEY 142,.L IANQUfl HfAT 'M fAT FRilD CHICKIN AUii • PIACll • APal(ot· KflN'S suceo • ClllClllll ClllW MElll 7 9· ' • P0111 c-sun · •• llRAWBIRRllS . ·~· .-. JA!'AMIS( .S·•I. 29, CHOW #ifrH ,,;., 2 ~ 3'1' C SOY SAUCE ,;., NOODLES ••• ''x!rrf'4<3'+'f • II~ lYf TOf'"MG COO .. WHIP JS ___ 4_c_ CISTOMllOllSE IMPORTID :~,.RUM· EAl,S LUNCH . iodloo# • cono SA1.AM1 • l'lCICll lOA1 • Ol.IV( lOAJ •DUTCH LOA, $3.39 FIFTH ' • »-.MOWICH tOAf ~·•1 · ,.,, .;;.,.. ... '2'• 100PGIANT llMITTDOfflllHAWAll~Ul!f-49 PS •fllNCHOHION . . c DI •GAlllC•Cl.AM MAI TAI MIX •.•• . . tllUCHHSl 3 ~;~J 3:.:•r cHHiPao•• ':.'.·soc Sil;;;'cOC.1a.1~ l.UNOf'F ., flNlEY'S s3a1 G<XCM!MC!tmf-P\AIMOI VODKA or ....... " ' FLAYOIDYOIClllTS -. •. ::;: ·59• . ' (iAYI ff't) PENNSYLVAM~ ., ' fl~Of()C)C)lAHT 1•~•1.99c ' SOCCIR or ~::" .. 5!.':! • .,,1.. ·;, $111 BASKETBALL· , .... .,,.. ·' .• ,,. .. W , h r-OIFA!TTAJ:CNING~ 1·•t• $121 Offic;al Si•• .,, • t Q.T. s••• Uticn "'h• . · .•.•. 51· "49· ;:;~~. ' :::: .,. $1.99 I OfOOQ:AAH\ •-•1·•68•, . . a-s ' .... . JllLlT HAAS 1'4Jl(n, """' AVOCADOS lAlGl, llOWN STEAK MUSHROOM . : 2"9c' '.Yi·~· . ' ' HAWl.llf.M TtlOl!ICAl lRIAT lllAP.AYAI ~u•u tltO"C"'-neu MAllGOll CAKEMI S ·FROZEN DUNCAN HINES TOM THUM ... lAYfR & BUTTER CAKES i:t 39c • 8E~F STEW •CHICKEN & DUMPLINGS • l,IEAT BALLS & NOODL~S ANGEL CAKE MIX 61 c '''"'·$] 98 ,k9 . • ·lb .• ~ "'89• I . .lb. l , .... 29· 1h• ea. ..... 29· "'" ea. = • I I I I • • flun.CA•• .... HAWAU . WITH $2.00 PURCHASE ·5.1ii. BAG (SAYE20') LIMIT ONE WITH COUPON ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER Vo lid Thurs. thru Sun,, July31,Aug, 1,2,3, 1969 BOLOGNA 12·0L Pk9. WITH COUPON 6 9 SAYE c 20c lh•lt ... '"-· ONE COUPON PEil CUSTOMER HAIRSPRAY 1M1. CAii ........ .............. .......... 46c s::.• WITH COUPON LI NDSAY OLIVES · Spicy Green Pitted !!:43c Chopped Ripe 2 '1l:' 39c Sliced Ripe 2 '!: 43c '•I . ' 2300 Barbor Blvd. at Wilson St.. Harbor Shopping Center, Costa ~lesa ' I I, • ' ~ ........ ~ ..... ~-... .... .............. ,.._~ -· ... _ ... ,, ... ---• ... ·-··· -i.... __ _.__.,_ ....__. __ .;__._ ·------·· .. -~~ -~ ....... ____.. ..__..__. ~·------- ' ' • ... PILOT·AOVERTISER Jll Wo!ntSdq, Ju~'°• 1969 Wodondar, Ju~'°• 1969 ~ft.Y mar 4J Vegetable Kabobs, Basted· Chicken D~bu·t in Barbecue ··Menu outside help Is on lhe way! COTl'AGE SLAW \'J cup chopped green pep-green pepper,,plmlento and ~C cup coconut cooilt l table.spoon sugar evenly and firmly .·~ water to mQI ll '~ to a l·Iere's an exciting n e w 2 cups cottage cheese per ~· Jusl titf<lre serving CNmbs (10 bar cookies) 2 te_up6ons cornstarch aides and bottom ~ ~ .~ SUQ8PM COlllbtle l' · &lbJii. barbeC\le menu that's design: v. cup milk lf) cup chopped pimiento pour cOttage clieese dre!Slng y, cup (~ sUck) butter, 2 teaspoons lemon juice plate. Chill. Spread,ihert* In spoon aupr ad~. ed to t t f th kit 3 tablespoons wine vinegar 2 tablespoons sliced green ditt CJbba1a and toss. Makes melted J cup sliced strawberries, cruat· freeze $prq4 vullll Gracklal\Y ldd ~ l)'NJ> ged you othu 0 e • 2 t ..... .,._. pr'"""red mus. onions 6 Pn'll'llS· FIUll1 -.ehUled iai 'cream .· over lbetbeti ~ ovw ,..., ....... llillilt aur: chen an onto e patio • • • -..._.,.... ~-1 plnt ~ sherbet Hi halved nd tded mtz. rina ~rw= tldck pl"' a big assist from Dad. o/. ~rd sal rn a amal~ ml.ting 00\YI beat flllJlT·'l'OPPED I p!J)l v111llla Ice cr<aJU ~,' dllllt.i' ,. p.oj ~nd . oll~ ~; "1··0o6t t • r -_.i:~ k=.~w8:rd0~~as~~ 1hl=Wo~ceatmhire ~::fh; add~il~tt~ln~S:J. ICE C= mt FntltToppllr ' ·ToprepareCMt:Inabowl 1weeten to WW',~ CbW. ur.---~.ddll./.r· "kebab'·" and "cabob" mea~ sauce mustard, .salt and Worcester· 2 fresh peaches, pteled mix together vanilla wafer Prepare frillt ~ lbOrtfT. ~ ffidl • tmp_j..jllt;, pour all "' • 1 ed 8 cups shr!Clded cabbage shire sauce. In a large bowl 2/3 tuP V&flUla w a f et and sUced and coconut cookle crumbs before servin,. Drliti ~· Alt ...-It~ ~10 ft s~kea~:': ~:t me:i:i1,__~._cu_p_cl>ol>Ped __ ce_le_rY ___ com_b_in_e_c_ab_ba~g-e,_c_e_I_e_r yc_, __ crum_1>s __ u_1 Yl'--"lll'-ll•~>n~fers_> __ Su_g,_ar ______ ~and-_bu_tie_r_. _P_ress __ mlt_lu_re_rro_m--'pea~c!t-.. "-:-•_dd_iullkWl_,_,.-• ..,._ ... _,..__Wolll_~i ~ .... '..._.._·· _ now as CXIOked zucchini, fresh ' whole mUJhrooms a,ft(l cherry tomatoes stand ln fof' the meat. The vege table s art alternated on ?·inch skewers and placed on itn outside grill. A spicy Parmesan butter sauce11 tart with lemon juice, ls the Davor extra that gives these kabobs their unique dif- ference. Also outstanding in flavor because of ils butter barbe- cuing is the chicken. The man of the house will really prove his mascullne c u I i n a r y abilities with this so-easy, but delicious cooking method. Real creamery butter goes lnslde the rotisserie-brolled chicken -and is the basting secret, too. The golden butter not only adds flavor but helps in the browning, Complete the ~arbehue with a luscl°"' fru!Mopped pie. The butter ~avored vanilla wafer crust apd ijme sl)e_rbet-vanllla ice crel.m filling can bt made ahead Of time and frozen. Ju11t before serving arrange chilled fruit on top' of the--ple, then crov•n it with g 1 a z e . Refrigeral.e for a few minutes before serving. . . SALAD TOMATOES~;: ...... E"\3i LETTUCE ::;~;::" ................... £o,\12t AVOCADOS ~:;, .. ,;~ .......... ""'18t CUCUMBERS ~;,~1:, .......... :: 3/29t __.-..----- ·--·' '~-' . . . . " ~-. . ?~>'t' ,..... .. ..-J!. ' •_, ' . ~ . , r • SWEET · RED and RIPE I -: .... ~-.. ' 18 to 20 lbs averaqe BEL~ PEPPERS~~, ......... 4/25• GREEN BEANS • .,,,, .... : .... lh.22t RADISHES/ONION.S ~~~ ......• 7• CARROTS llb ... llo boo : .... 2/2:Jt GREEN CABBAGE ~~:~ .......... 1~7i POTATOES ~:;.1 ~:'.'.' ..... 101b •• ,49t EXTRA FANCY New Crop BA-RTLETT SEEDLESS GRAPES .. -• ~-· FRESH"·~· THOMPS0N LARGE BUrfE~=pllEI/ t 2 broiler-fryer chlekens '·~ 1 PEARS . . lb.1a~ 8 NCHES 3 pounds each) Salt 1,~ cup (14 stick) butter. Melted butter \\1ash chickens; pal . dry. Rub cavities wilh salL Place 2 tablespoons bulter in cavity of each chicken. Push rotisserie rod through center o f chickens; place birds close together anchoring secure ly with prongs. , Tie tail and legs togeCher and wings flat to body. Brush chickens well Y>'ith melted but- ter. Place rod jn position and start motor. Cook over medium coals about l lh. hours or until lender. Makes 8 serv- ings. Vl'GETABLE KABOBS 4 $ID.all zucchlnl Fresh wttole mushrooms ClierTy tomatoes ·: 6 Leblespoons (o/• slick) but- ter · ., .. · . ~~ 1 cup grated , Parmesan cheese ·· 1 tati!espoon !eni'mi juiCc ~2 teaspoon leaf oregano Cook . zucchini in small amobnt ot boiling water IU>out 10 mlnul"; cut in ll·!l!!:h sli ces. lfl a saucepan melt tlijt- ttr; sttr in cheese; lemon j~ and oregano. To prepare K.abofal: Alternate 2ucchinl, mushrooms and tomatoes on eight 7°lnch skewers. Place on grill 5-6 inches from coals. Cook S.15 minutes turning oc- casionally and brushing wllh Parmesan butter s a u c e . ti.Jakes I ervings. Star Mold Cool Idea Be independent. Instead of cooking on holidays, prepare some dishes the day belore. Use your free time on the big day to serve one course sensa- tionally. A ' dessert like this cool, 'vhUI star (molded aheadl to serve QO. a deep-blue platt wlth briJ:ht red frvit is an ideaj choice. To make a star for 10 to 12 servings, mix thoroughly in top of double boiler, l envelope unflavored gelatine with 1/3 cup granulated sugar. Because sugar prevents the nne gela- tine particles froJJ) clingµ,g together during cooking,' the presoaklng in gtlatin tn col liquid can be tklpped. SUr in 3 egg yolb, beaten with 2 cups milk, and 'I• tea- spoon 18.lt. COok over boWii1 water, sUrrln1, until mixtur-_ coaLs &pOOn. ' " ' Add 1 teaspoon var1Ula ez- tract. Chill until sli1hUy t thickened. Fold in 3 stlfDJ beaten egg whites and tin cups shrtdded COCGnUt. Turn lnto larp kup star mold. Refrigerate unUI firm, or ovemlaht before a holiday. To attve, unmold an d sprinkle with more coconut ta completely cover lhe 1tar with white. °""°'8te center lop llld betwttn atar polnb with rupberrles, 11trawberriu1 or cherries. ON THE TUBE For th• be•t 911icle t• whet'• h1p.,.11l11g •11 TV, r••d lV W~EI( -dl•ftlbuttd with. Hit S•tur4'1y ••lilie11 1f the DAIL'I' PILOT. Save at Albertson's '"Q Save at Albertson's :::::. =... :SavE:ijtAlbertson's '. CQf.fEE MA TE c..·"'··· ,.,. •.•••••• 1" 99i SLENDER ;;.:;;·~;:,::,:~~'.:........ 89• 87 i SYRUP .;_,_.,,,. •.... :........... 39• CAT FOOD~;~;~.';'~;;;~,~::.'....... /35< 16 FRUIT NECTAR.:::,:r.;r~. ........ 14' 12t KLEAR _.,.,,r...-w .... ~. ; .•. :..... 1'5 TOMATOJUICE ........... , ..... ~9 • 36 SOSPADS i. ................. , ••••• 3f< 291 SAUERK~~UT ................... 41' TEA BAGS .,,~.,., ............... 69• 651 PLUNGE "'""~•'•o, ... , .............. 89• 70i BEANS ..,,.,,.,.,~,co ............. 19 < PRESERVES::~-,';:;-•.•.•••••.••. 39, 36~ PLEDGE ~=:~~:: ••••••••••••••••• 131 1,1'. PREAM~:;:'~:: •••. ····t-~······~ 79 4 JUICE ;;.-:;.::,r::•;. •.••••••••.•••••• 47< 3.5i ALBERTSON'S ;..,..,,_ ........... 49• 451 .BATH TISSUE ::::::!:."!'.: •• : ........ 23• LYSOL .. .,~"'""'""••·· .. ••••·••• 99• 831 ALBERTSON'S ... ...,_...... P' 126· APPLES~U~ """"" ............ 33• CHOICE- FULL CUT Bone-In SHAMPOO ~:::i:.~~ 1 o a Tube/Jar 1.85 Ve1ue EFFERDENT .. ~;.::;• 98" Cl1on1r 'I Reg . 1 .~4 , V~L~S.BY THE CART FULL-SA VE ALL WEEK A HUGE VARIETY· CELEBRATING OUR 30 YEARS OF BAKING . ' CASCADE .......... 36oz.69t FRENCH BREAD ............. ~::::; 4/t COMET ._ .............. •m.17 t CA.KE DONUTS.:;;:.':~"':'.'. ... ., ..... ,.o;. ~91 T. k '"""'"""•' 53 c·.1. St k''""''"'"""' l" M" • H ....... ,-i... ... 1" ur eysa.1"'""-'1o111:.t.•· .. lb. c · uue ea t-c.r .. ;....... 1111 om ,01Poi-•••••• 1b .. Lam Steak;';1:,.~°:";; .. 19c Ru'1IJI Roast ~:..':'.':.-.96c perch Filets cx-c .. ,•78• ·,__._ " ....... ..,,..... · --M T ......., R!!llst ....... .., •• ,..$fc . Game Hens .............. 89c orout ,,,.,., .......... _ 78< la_.. ·ri::..:..""' ""'' .._ ·111 M 8aB ... ,_..,.. 7' Fl . lladdi nm '-""Po.Mtlt"""... eat s .. , .. ,_...... ( nnan 1e ••••••• lb.78c , Ground~:;.,_ .. 78c Pork Chops;::';~:;. 98c Sliced Bacon :::.:::'.~ ... .73• . Sparerlis ~.-:=; ........ 7 4c Stuffed Peppers';',~ 891 Special (UIJ, you bet, , ' ' ". HOT DOG B. UNS "'""""' . 48 CAMAY ............ IATHSAR 15'1' Homb"''"•• ...... ,,.,OL I : . .BIZ .................... o,.Nr 68t BOXED COOKIES ~._. ......... ~ ... 4/1. . ' White King WATER 5-rJ. SOfTENER I ., GT. Nabisco PE~AN 45J. S~ORTBREAD , ·' t<OZ, (OLD ·: POW,ER Col9'Water 79~ . Deterqent GT. ¥ -' • • ' C and H Cane . ' . . .. s 1e,. BAG . 1018. BAG SUGAR s ·s·~ 112. -'. Huntington Beach-15511 So. Edwards 1.afuna Beacll-700 So. Coaat Hwy. Fountain Valley -16042 Magnolia ,. Huntington Beach -8911 Adonis Corona clel Mar -3049 Coast Hwy. • . .. \ .. .. -• ' • 'to' ~- l I . ... ·;-----·- I I . '/ ! j I , I ' I . --~-........-----~----~----~----... ~--------__......., ________ ... -..----.. -.......... ----... ---...---..-----..-----.... ----...-....---.. --------......----------~ --------... - -~ --- fJ DAll.Y PllOT • ' ··- ' , ' • ' Another El Rancho Su]Jf T.~summer Event! . • ,0 I • l • . • • . Weather's getting warmer' a~ iOO IJlo·ve deeper .into Super Summer. And El Rancho's prices follow suit for this giant sale. Coqie in ... the store is cool ... take advantage of the .low prices. Why not stock-up now? ... our courtesy boys will gladly carry it to1your car! " ~ ,,t Tuna ............ ·.~~; ......... :. 4"''1 So aweet and mild ind flavorful ! So perfect for summer sandwiches, salads, and savings! No. l/2 cans. '-, Wtd/lfSday, July 30, 196CJ • .. .... . . • .,. . ' 1% PJLOY·ADVERTISE~ ' . • • • • .. i·~ ~ :,: ~ ~· • . " . • ~ t ~ I I I . • c., I I!· . ~ ' •• • ~~ . • 11,lr. PURE CANE . 4· • ' Ji ' . •• ,... 5 LB. BA& . '. ·~. ! ·~ . .., ... , •••••••••••• ·-· "-· ••• •.• 4t . Sweet u vinp from Spreckel's! S~~ 'n' sp~ce 1n' eveqthing nice is yo~ at El Rancho! B111qultik ....... ~~ ........ » You can do 50 much with Bisquick l ••• and wouldn't they Jove peach shortcake tonight? I II" TWO ROLL ,~. 1~ ·If PACKAGES •· . 1'IV I -• ·~ ................. ~'. . Big savinp on this value ••• make the comparil!On test •• • see yourself why it pay/,. shop El RancJ\o f C11a11 Pies .... ~~~ .... ."4,..,1 · Cool savings, ma'am ••• and creamy! Frozen 8 inch pies ••• favored flavors ••• sreat eummer treat! Gold Medal · Flour .................. 49¢ The "white thumb" flavour ••• five pound bag. Betty Crocker Cake Mix 3 1 .. 89¢ Your choice of regular 39c varieties. Fun Pack Cereal . . . . ........... 3 ~· $1 Package of eight serving 5i.ze favorites! Kaboom! ............................... 3 for $1 New breakfMt treat from Big G ! Hollywood Mayonnaise ........... 39¢ Made with safflower oil! Big savings ! Quart. S&W Baked Beans ............. 3 for $1 New England style ••• rich sauce! 28-oz. cans ' . Hills Bros Coffee ... _ ............... 65~ Two pound can ••. 1.29 Three pound l .87 T.om Thumb Dinners ............. $1.69 Big 3fh lb. pkg .•• serves 4 or 5! Beef Stew, Chicken & Dumplings or Meatballs·Noodfe:1. Super Delicatessen Specials Bar M Franks .......................... 59~ All meat ••• just in time for & wienie-cue I Leo's Sliced Meats ............. 3 for $1 ~&fer thln .•• 3 oz. packages •.• Reg. 39c. Shrimp Codtall .................. 3 "'$1 -...iy to serve .•• lust chill I ••• 4 oz .••. LaMOO Rod's Gourmet Dressing ........ 59~ ~ !)h-. or Thousand lsland ..• 16 oz. Borden's Shakes ................. 6 for '1 Gii!&! ~tt to beat the heat I All flavon 9 \> oi. • • • • I Cream Cheese Cake ................ 69¢ Luscious dessert from Sara ~el Reg. 89c! • C&W Broccolettes .~ ........... ,3 1qr.'l · Learn how good broccoli can be! •.• 9 oz., ftozen Italian Style Vegetables ... 3 for ~1 Serve an Italian accent!, •• C&\V ••• 9 o;r,. Tab by Cat Foods ................ 8 for $1 Varieties Kitty will Jove!.,, 6lf:: oz. cans. White King "D" ........................ 49" Giant package at a price that invites savings! Zest Bars ............................ 6ba .. $1 Bath size , .. price includ ea 6c off. Personal Ivory ........................ 25'-, Package of 4 bars •.• inc. 3c off. Brillo Pads ......................... 4 for '1 Here's scour power! pkgs. of ten pads. ' $110Dtnmlf@@@~ Serve the drinks tall and tinkling. , • enjoy all the facets of Super-summer! Delaware Punch .... 6 for 79¢ · Refreshingly different ••• 12oz. cans. El Randro Beer ..... 6 "' 79¢ Light, for hot summer days, 12 oz. cans. Chateau La Salle nFTH 't69 Golden sweet wine • , • Chri6tian Bros. Canadian Whisky FIFTH '5.19 \Vin~sor Supreme •• , for sipping •.• or highballs and gracioll! entertaining! • • ' . • ·~ ~1 ~· ~· !l;i . ; ' Super Shopper Meat Specials! ~ :: .. -t 1 Whole-Ham or Butt Portion ...................................... 59~ ~ · Feedi~ a hungry horde?, •• or OJ11Y a :Select crew?: •. El Rancho offers ha~ -the right size to?-y6uf· ~~ Center Cut Ham Slices .................................................... 98~ ~ Sli'ced thin for breakfast ••• or thick for the grill •.• J1arn slices are always a welcome treat! ~ Eye of the Round ................... ib$1.49 · Sirloin Tip Steak ..................... ~~1.49 ;~ El Rancho's U.S.D.A. choice beef for a great ro<.sl l El Rancho's quality assures you tenderness ! . .. Ground Round .......... : ........... 89~ Lean and fresh·! .... patties, too, ·at thi.s price! Cherrystone Clams .................... 59~ ~.~ Rushed here from New England! l~ •• Littleneck Clams .................... 69~ i:~ For those Savored New England di she s! ;:l Swift's Turkey Rolls .......... z lbs. '3.69 White meat or with ham ! Light and dark ••• 2.99 Super Shopper Garden Fresh Produce Fteealon~ rR1pe and ju!cy ! Enjoy them sliced, for breakfast, on abort.- cake, on ice cream, fruit salads •• , or just plain good eating! .HUNTINGTON HARBOUR: Warner Ave. & Algonguin St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport Blvd. • 255 5 Eastbluff Dr. (East bluff Village Center) Also conveniently located stores in Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena ~:t • . • r ' • • 1...~ ...... _.___..._._.. •• -··--"'·---·---·---__ _.._ .... ,,______ ...... --._.__ o1---------__ .....___ ___ --------~~-~-~ ........ ~~~---------""'--' ~~-----·-~~~-·~--------·--~---·--..----·~-·~-,...,..,... -' " . . ' 14 PILOT-ADVERTISER -WrdnO!day, July 30, 1969 Wodnt""1, Ju~ 30, 1969 DAILY PILOT 4fF l;itANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION • TRANSPORTATION TRANSP~~.TATl~N TRANSl"ORT!TION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Nied c... 9900U'°" c.,. 9900 Vted Cut 9900 VMd C•rt 9900 u'°" c.,. 9900 Uted c.,. 9900 tlted c... 9900 UMd C•rt ?too Vtod c ... ' .... .. ./' . •, ;:t .. , -i· .. ~ .. ' . ' -. C.ADILLAC NINETEEN SIXTY~NINE ' . - • " • . "'" -t j • .. Ow· Selection of· brand new 1969 Cadillacs is the finest in our ·history. Test drive today ... '~e Masterpiece · From Master c.-aftsmen" ... then select your model, equipment· & colors now! r ' . ' . .. l ' }. .. • • '• '.· 1969 : ' El Dorado Used tow mllee9• Ftctory Executive Ce;, Very !cw mil eage. Shimmeriri9 ivory exterior wjfJ1 bleck peddel·rcof e nd bleck leether •interior. Het fu lf power plus,factcry e ir conclitioning, tilt-telescopic steering wheel, power door locks, 1tereo AM.$M, crui1e .. control, power trunk opener, twili ght sentinel, euto- matic dimmer plus m"uch more. IH9139051 I r 1969 COUPE DE VILLE .Used low mileage. Shalimar gold with black roof and Dirrdanelle gold r.lolh. and ~7.\hg7J~iono~~~;W", s5999n;"i. ;;;~;OS\ Oii opUOM. ' .. ,._, ,.......,,,,:,·..------------~-----' •• ~, ---=· . . .:: " '-:. •iiR t . .,.I, ~--. '"·.: -,~r:'."'.'.,.. ... '' ... " " 1967 EL DORADO Eiqui1ile gold fin.i;:b w/b\ack •inyl J'CHJf l 1old cj~ & lc1thcr int~rior. t"aetory 1ir, full power, ' .. tc}lell A:\!.f"l\I. tilt leletcopic wheel, door locka, etc. · '"•Ion •Lt power option"'" (iTWSl) ~ 1968 CADILLAC Coupe DeVillc. Silver pine green with sandlf'· wood top and matc:hing leather interior. Full ~y,·er, factory air conditioning, AM-FM. tilt whttl, powl'r door Jocks and vent window5, twilight sentinel. CVlC891) 1967 CADILLAC Coup. DcVill.e. Phrntom blwe "'ith blue lc1tbu. interior. full )l(l•er equipment p\111 factory air con· di1ionin1. (UJ.-\357) 1967 CADILLAC C.lai1 hardtop tedu1. PuU pG11fil!I" ind f1 ctol')' 1ir condi1ionit1t. tilt ind 1elncoptc 1teerin1 1lfhetl •. man1 oth,r optionL (WQDOJ9) 1966 CADILLAC (oupe DeVit!t. Grecian 10\d \l"ilh m1tthin1 c101h and 1~1.1brr interior. Full poir~r. f1etory air, tilt and l~ICKopic:: wheel. Vo111e llru. (S8C984) 1965 CADILLAC Sedan ~Vrrit. India lvory·wilh wtiite leather lnlerior, lu11 poY.-er, factory air condltfonlng. tilt stttrini"-"ihttl, AM·f&.1 radio. (SZV518} -1 ' SALi $4666 !'lllCI SALE s4999 PRICE SALi $3888 PRICI SALE s3444 PRICI SALi $2777 SALE $2444 • PRICE . r OVER 80 QUAtlTY AUTOMOBILES ' ' ' TO ·SELECT FROM • I ' ' 1967 CADILLAC I .•. L11l11riou1 Fl~11wood Brou1h1r11. factory 1ir eied. i;; _11ueo......A}l·OJ. r~u ·power, 1n1 1~ltCoJ?e ~ JlU"·cf dOOr lo.il.i. ·,11 oplions" includi1i fill le1tlicr \. int•rior. I UIY911) SALi ~99 PRICI SALi 19~· CHRYS~R;,.'; ' 9 p111ten1cr iown & Coun1ry,.f1pa. Mai1e ,dJo9 "ith Wlt!k .;oyl trim. full llOl"!r, .fi~ltflitionins. · l11J.&.11e rack, 'Till 1tee:ti111 iihel':'\: low milea1a. ·~$,3999 . ·. . ( ~1:!'!7 ~ ). -PRICI 196~ CORVETIE. SALi $3333· S\ln&ra, faM!.a~:4?7 V.S et11inc, 4 ·~ecd tran•, Jl<~ilraction, farh1rr 1ir cond., A)~·-F~I r~io, eto. Our weekend 1~i111 ( YCl..521) FRICI 1964 CADILLAC SALE $1666 Coupe DeVillc. Antique gold witb gold cloth and leath~r intertor! i'ull power~ factory air coridilioning, signal .seeking radio. CROV889J PRICE ·1967 JAOUAR XKE Ull $2999 ~1urklinr; 1unbur•I yellu"' with lull leather intcrinr. I •r>eetJ, r1dio, hea1c~, dirnmc "'ir~ "hct'l1, c1r. See lo •rlflrcci1lc. ITRT0621 PRICE 1966 CADILLAC SALi $2555 Flcdwood El 00..ado. r.n po"er, faCtorr air, full leather lnlerior, 1lcr"} Alof·f~f, tJll wheel, e•ery ·eooeei•&b!e option, (TEH74l) PRICI " Your Fadory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving the Orange. Coast Harbor Area ·. NABERS , 26QO Ha~hor Blvd., Costa Mesa c M0,910~0 ' SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN . . ' • " \ 8:30 AM lo 9:00 PM l\fo n. th ru Fri. e 9:00 AJ\ll to .6:00 PM.Sal. and Sun . . . All CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. ALL SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE .THKQ~'"!LTUJ;sD~Y, AUG!1$T .5, ijH .. -------------------- ·Otder· Your 1970 Cadillac Lease Car Now! · · For Earliest Possible Delivery! •. • . • -~I ,, I I ' ' I: • . ' \ '. -' ' I ·I I ,. ,. I • HOUSES FOR SALE 1000 ·VIEW • VIEW • VIEW AHume &I Loan · HOUSES FOR SALE I HOUSES FOR SALE Costa Mosa 1100 · U~tvokity Puk 1237 BY oi\'NER, 3 BR. 2 BA, 5 BR. &. POOL crps, dJ'PS, bHns, h'I nrrl· VACANT. Move rig hi lnkl No down to Vets. $25,950 or Ui.b b~ 5 BR. Near piuk, on QIA.ttne 6~'1f loa.n. Owner quiet 1treel • w111 carry 2nd ·ro. OPEN • Red Hill Really 4 BR covem:I patio, ' beaut!Jul J.apdsc:l,pifl&, EXt:ellent , area. Very low intemt, bla:h bal· 8J1C't G l k1an can be as- 5UDted by ANYONE!! Monthly paymeht!! LESS THAN $175 per 'month P.I.T.I. Full 'Price ~.800, Are you looking fQr an o cean view? Thu lovely 4 bed· room home, situal· ed In a quiet neigh- borhood, will give it to you. Owner ready lo sell. You owe it to yourself to check t h i s one out. ., HOUSE 1-:i, Wed·ThW'11-Fri OP18068EN .~uve.,rPDMr., ~I'!..,. 1l 430 F.llber St. loll ......,,..., ~ r • • e • • Are you in the markct'i !or a new home, a OOme in a pritne area very close to Hunitngton State B e a c h ; a ho1ne you can customize \vhile it is being built, a home designed by outstanding architects & construct- ed by Frank H. Ayres & Son; a Com- pany that has been 1905? in business since IF YOU ARE e e e e e Come lo RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookhurst and Atlanta in Huntington Beach any day between 10 AA1 & 7 PM a{ld select your ho1:ne in our newly opened UNIT V. PRICED FROM $25,990 to $34,2,00 968-2929 or 968-1338 . SHOPl>ll'IG 1FOR A HOME 1 Cal~ wtife or .visit/ our 10Uice for your free copy of our - · "Homes For Living" magazine -\Yith pic- tures, prices & details of our select listings in Newport Beach, Corona Del Mar & Costa i1esa; also throughout the United St.ates . through associated oUices. RED CARP!T REAL TY. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach 92660. (714 ) 67>-6000, _, LAND HO! LAND A 'PLENTY! PLUS LAKES! 1000 FOREST E. OLSON Inc. Realtors An C:i:ceplionaily lovely J Br. 2 ba. Ca me o Highlands h0n11!. 180" Ocean view. All rleC, kit., new carpeting. Prof. land!iCaplng. Shuflle. board court. Only $46,!kXI. Chuck ptact • tOATS &. l'(ALLAtl REALTORS -54'"4141- (0pon EnnJ....> 8 UNITS All 2 bedroom. Laf'Je unfur· nished apts. Built-Ins, ce· ramie tile, 4 patios, etc. These units will show eX· cellent return and tax she!· ter. INCOME SICXX> PER MO, Priced at only $88,500 or 4 units al $44.250. WILL EXCHANGE UP OR DOWN. Other units for sale or ex· LAKES! Newpo.rt Beach Estate chanae, 16, 26, er 60, • 540-9451 ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St. 646-4494 MESA VERDE $23,500 YOU ARE READING RJGllT! 3 BR 2 baths with built-il\8 've can sell to Vets. lno do1vn payment) I hope yOtJ are first Newport •• Victoria 646-8811 LAKES! I LOOK TO YOlJR J.'UTURE, through clrar blue skies , .. I NO Slt-'.IOG. clran, DRY air ... lhe ideal climarc for al· + Hllge Po01 ·' • , :c Wi\LKER &: LEE (a"ytime) Superbly located. " mastrr Coltlw1ll;. Benker & Co. JNVESTMENT DIVISION lzzzzz::::zzm !al.la growing, nut lt apriC-OI orchards: horse ranching, 560 Newport Center Dr. Mr._Levl11e :__ 545-9451 bedrooms, r o r m a I dinine.· rfog•'"'""""• l•mlly room. Newporl Beach, Calif. $16,500 PRICE AND VACANT Walls of glass scan a selling 83J.0700 644-2430 1800 BRICKS SPACIOUS-Newly carpeted of tropical Splendor arouqd 1 7:1i:;::::=z=====~I Makr-up the massivt patio! + parquet floorfng . '4 BR. Olympic siie IJOQI,, .. 0!11Yl i CJ PROPE_R_JY_~~ Where in the \vorld can you 2~ baths, family room. 2 10~ do~·n. You name !he • find a 3 bedroom, 'Z b!llh t:overed patios. Pool size rerrl"lll. \Von'! last ~.900. home, NEAR THE BEACH yard Near Boy's Club Cd!\.f I fish hatcherirs ... unllmited ~ra1 1000 General 1000 opporluni!ies! -;,~-------TH ER E ARE OVER 100 11 10"'/. DOWN NO LOAN SHOPPING 1..AKES Iman-made! NO~V $34,950 OWNER \VlLL CARRY lST lN THE AREA. , .makl!s t_his cau IO<Jay, 645.roo.i 82'x233' & has a good sound with electric buill·ins, cxc;_el-~ J-ligh, Sohool Sell. le~/op. • , :l BR home on front ol JOt. Jeni carpet, boat door ~~ iion or lease. S52,500. Call 8hupe1t home in back bay TRUST DEED for qualified not only a highly productJve I lmart~~~~n ....... ':"~~~~ 3 buyer. 1~ eq. rt , complete-arra, but ON! of ifCal beau· FAT · FHA [oan Owner will finance the p~ back yard, and VACANT.. for appointment I r Call LESS THAN 12.000 DOWN!! JEAN SM' ITH •-I)' carpeW and draped ty, as well. So/•°I• crty -"° oan ee.s. , WE SELL A HOME now for delails. bedroom &. Family room. home Large living room 80 ACRES jW1t SOLD ... 93 Sl~, f\'.lonth Pays All tleautifut covered patio • ifr three. bedroelns den dlrun.i ACRES, leVl'I. now AV AIL-Price has been slashed on tereom thruout · Pool siu room, 1~ bat.b.' euU't·in kit· ABLE. with pump&: well; or, this near nl!w 2 story J bad-- fard. chen with breakflllit area 11).2G-40 acre parcels avail· room horn<'. Truly quanty $39,500 EVERY 31 MINUTES Realtor Walker & Lee •ooE.~1aM ... Newport • •• ----· -- Tustin) can MS-63.30 ==;=======I BY OWNER: Eutside CM. 3 Bdnn, bltn kitchen, natural birch cabinets. 66xl26' lot w/ alley aCCHS for boat or trailer. 61,.4% loan can be assumed, $24,950, 642-4178 BY OWNER, $23,900, 3 BR, 2 BA. crpts, drps, irpl. 2 patios. 6%% GI loan, 646-7034 Mew Verde 1110 OPEN HOUSE SAT & SUN 3245 Oregon Ave. Beautiful MESA VERDE 4. Bdrrr:, family room. 2 bath, all eltttrie kitchen. A HOUSEFUL OF WARM LIVING. Drive BY & BUY itl $27,500. Ownor, 5~~'2539 or St&-3821 Corona del Mir 1250 DUPLEX South ot Hlway within walk- ing ·distance ,tn EVERY- THING. This y,·etl localed home plU!I income could be the "just riaht" invrsUnent for you • live In it year 'round or ke!ep it far a sum- mer rel.n!at • South ol the hlway for only $44,500. 673-8550 THE ~EAL EST ATER S BY THE SEA Channing 2 Br. + conv, den + formal din. rm.; attic space. 2 frpJ .; walled gar- den. VIEW ol ocean &. jet. ty, Steps to beach. Assume loan at 61-"%. $1D8.500. Walker Riiy. 675·5200 CHARMER! New England stylp 2-sty., bdnn., 2 baths; v'acant & ASSUME 5%o/o FHA. 3 BR, 2 ready fol" occupancy. $39,5Qo BA. BI t n s , fam rm, Delancy RMI Estate cpts ! drp1, Im mac. .,..., ' Beautiful Pat Io home. By ~ E. CDast Hwy., CdM owner. 3233 N r w Y o r k ""'~=~'~ll-3=7'20==~= Ave. 545-4.265 CdM: "'INVEST NEAR THE BY Chvner: 3 BR, 2 Ba, fan1 OCEAN. 3 Br. 3is, ba, den, 2 T bl k _,1 1. frpl. din. mr •• 3 Gar. Can rm. ttrs, oc w ... • pa 10· build another home on kit. Sprnkln. 295.1 Royal Palm Some vir\I', nr. beach &: Dr. $24,500. S.16-9896 shops. Bkr. 673-2l'.IJO ... Neweert Beach 1200 FABULOUS View! O'looklne Little Corona Bch. Hear the WIDE OCEAN VIEW surf! Immac 2 BR. den, 2 Split-level, ~uatom built. 3 BA. Fee aimp. Xlnt fin. BR. Family rm. 21,i Ba. S34,SOO Ownr. 714-ti7s..5176 Idea kitchen. Dbl. fireplace. bkrs welcome Beam cellin1. Sharp unew. l:========ol See the Harbor lilts. Onl)' $42.500 Lido 111• . Graham Realty 646-2414 GOLDEN VALUE 11 Beautiful Ne>A•port Beach back bay home. \Valk to lhe ltJlper bay • 4 lafie bed- rooms, interesting family l raotn -llx13 dining rom. ~2:% baths. Double used brick lln!pl&LT. Sparkling electric b!,iilt-ln freezer and rclrig. - 1 kitChr:n • 2,lm square fl. 113 ~ lot. Belt.er hurry, only J.32,900, 10% down. largr covered paUo witb 001: able. Don'l be a "I remem· built 3 barhs. formal dining slde slnk ind buill·in bar-b. ,ber "-'hen-er" .. , fnvesUJ· ·room , separall' fRmlly that qur. dOOble prql!, fenced pie this ~pportunity 11~ New-will e;'l:<'ilr any home buyer rear yard, beautifully land· ~.rTY Spnng'~ NO\y. · Own--. , .. Only $31,000 /10\v the. scapcd, sprinklers. BEAT er s mWl! llqu1date 1n1erest.s. clincher! Seller '\·ill help on THE HlGl[ INTEREST Call 847-66to alter 6 PM. any. financillg! Hurry! Cali 64S. RATES AND LOAN COSTS, timr weekrnds. 0000. ' . PRICED TO SEU.. AT ON-Fantastic liuy Victoria 646-Ull 2700 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 51:,..9491 Open 'ti! 9 PM $21,500 N"' Nowport Po" DUI"' * BY O\fNER * 13.11 4,000 SQ. # . 107 VIA EBOLI $149,500 Oceanfrol'\l tlome, 3 BR, ulil 4 Bc:lr, 3,~ bath, 3-car R&rage, rm, sewing rm, !iv rm crpts, drps, Unusual Fea- !!!!! NEW CARPET w/frplc .& ocean view. tures. Built in 1967. Owner G 1 ·-~-----Small comn1crc\al shopping NO QUALIFYING Roomy kit w/blWls & (213) 244..JlOl Eves: (213) (•nytime) LY $21.950. Vacanl-immedi-1-~A~b-IO~lu~t-o ~E~l'"•_g_a_n_ce­ ate posse111lon. For casual entertaining and * 3 BR 1% bath, hdwood center. Caps out al $190,000. Everyone can as::ume th.I! avocado shag crptg thruout.1 ;i24&-0ii.iii1llllij·;j;"ilii,..iliiilii..,.., 1 , flOO}'s. cpts / drps, [rplc, Good oppor1unity for owner/ high F1-IA Joan. Front yd w/patio lt cabana. .J , New loan 7\,';~ -'NOW! One double garage. beautiful user. Call Lor Pilrticulars. 546-9521 or 540-6631 $64,000. 673-6990 ~ WE'RE lOADEDI family living SC<' this charm- ing 4 bedroom plus l'ncloSl'd lanai with built-in har and louni~ New shllg carpeting. Colleae Park an.>a. $29.900 of onl)'. 35 bcttutiJul town le~ yard. $24,500 OWNER'S SACRIFICE 5 Outstanding homes In the homci 19·etclU!!lvf: N'"ewport * WNED tor BUSINESS 1 Newport 4. or 5 BR. 2 mo. old 1larbor $50.M's ·Lido's holtost mar-1eetch·~4,14 a~ of mari--BR colta~ 'w/g8r $14,500. Hill' home. LR, DR. Fam. krt! Ca.JI us to see! ' - ~Greil ' troHnds, putt I TI g * '21.<XXI ·no loan charges· •t R \vith trp1 t; bar. 3 Ba. LIDO REAL TY INC. green, club hou~. ,heated .t, S400J dn • owner will carry. Victoria , _7 _ & __ Crpl!i, drps, many Xtru. 3400 Via Lido' 673-8830 filtet1'd pool, Two exception. 3 BR, 1% batb, interior re--XJnt financini;:. 548-8281 1 ~~~~~~~~~1 a.ll:r ,J1:1.rge--•bedrooms, tiled ..deooralcd. Va c. I: immed. 646-1111 Owner Needs Help! WALK TO-B-EAC-HI baths •. t!one lircp!~ & Jal· occ11pancy. Immediate possession -bi~ eSl of all deluxe b4ill·I~. NElJ\R SHQPPING "l=:l:l:A:Zn=y=ti=m:•~ I 5 bdm1 carriage Estates Furnished 3 BR. 2 Ba. Steps Unl'Quale4 at this price. Wells·McCardle, Rltrs. Ii -------<about 2900 sq ft) \vith pool to ocean. $25.0oo_ $.ZJ,250. Only 10'1~ down. call 11110 N'ewport Blvd., C.!\.l. in top !\.lesa Verde location, CAYWOOD REAL TY flO"'· Huntington Beach 1400 · WOW!! 51/4°/o LOAN 'REMEMBER WHEN (iouse1 had buemenll? Ro;>. lfrnh YoUr memory and ~ ithls CU1U>n1 home in top .Newpol't Height& location 'with 1005 sq, ft. basement. ,Nttds a little freihenini; but ia buy 11! this price of $42,500 ,, 4 BDRMS $31 ,000 Secluded location ye t close lo school, church- es, library & shopping, Beautiful conditio'n with shag ca~ting through· out, handy svc, porch, large tam. rm. & de· llghtlul back yard with room for boat or trailer. 7854 Andros. "for A \Vise_ f!uy'' Colesworlhy & Co, ~7729 inytime \ Out of 11.rea owner making 6306 W, Coast H~·y., N.B. B H R II doubl., paymoni.. -"'"" e 541-1290 e .. Improved Lot arre ea y ofle•, reuonable " ""' BLUFFS-1 !.<vol 2 "'· ' Ba, ---$3500 presents ~-~(--~~~!B1~"-) convenient design. Extru, . 2299 aaitior ~vd'. C.M.. O A ·-........ , .. ''"Ill' patios. Ownrr $35.500. Aft 5 ;'iiiil;ii'i" [iiiiiiiii. iiiii· One of the last remaining wner Leaving rea UEGE REALTY pm please, 644-128'.I I , , (uJly iniproved corner lots More lllan enough spa.<.-e for l5CllAcl.ns1tHll1>0t,CM. -'--'---'----- In 'Desert llol Springs. your large family. 4 Bdrm, ,,..,....,,.. • ..,.,...,.. ... DELUXE Cllndo, many Paved strcels. curbs. utili-fam l'nl, & !urge play er CORONA-DEL MAR-xtras, 2 Br. 2 Ba. pool · tl"s ln. Excellent land ln· hobby room . Your. choice of $28,500. Xlnt tl?rms. Aat. DOYER SHORES • VC'SITUent with n.000 DQ\Vn. JUSCiOUS frint from five di/· _64&-0::.:;:_:::.:732=------- johri inaci1ab Bright, cheery 4 Brdroom home_ Hanhvood Ors, bllns, xlnt area. A buy at $23,000. Submit on tenn!(. HARBOUR REAL TY * 8~7~ * LEASE or SALE T ' ' :> THE REAJ, 1'\. ESTATEHS HACIENDll · 642-m7 ' WE St;LL f4 HOME . fercnt trees. Askill& ,$39,000 Steps to beach 4 BR 3 liath BLUFFS • 3 hr. 3 ba, "H/ Large, new home; 3 tied·· EVE.RV 31 MINUTES hon1e in the 200 block. Ask-Bay-View, wide greenbelt rooms lt maJd11 quarters; 1605 Wes!cliU Dr. NB 64Ui200 ing S-16.000. Call for appoint-stl!ps to pool. CUs. addtns. Courtyard Pool largt-sunken Hvlng" fam-Walker & Lee n1ent Save! $42.500. Ownr 6-44.-4265 4 BR, J~ balh.s. newly paint. cd inside. Cpts, drps, Laric rornl'r lot. Vflcant. BRASHEAR REAL TY 847-8531 Eves. 968-1178 HUGE HOME file:tican brick I special i •tueco. 3 BR&: family, near ,nnv. spacious, custom dee· orated home, Assume FHA •J J;is11\ ~ r~.-·]\' .11 t , • 546-5990 ' NET 25% ·:i;:"r:~~ir~; ~~~. ~:1t!~ ~r :.'Fo:,~[';::=c=: 2M3·\Ves1c1ur 0r. Waterfront RI~~ ~~11 :!;~-64~1~ :D:.:o:.:•.:•:.•..:S::h~o:.c'=-"'=---1:.:2:::21 ery . .( BR 31 1,i bn, powder ExN!llenl tinancing avail. 64&-7711 Open Eves, t>uplex "fifth pier, all this l h =· r~ar:a1n:;ini::~n~ ~o~l"~p~~t~ng Sll9,500. Call MESA VERDE for $6.1,500. Good tinant"lng. ac enmyer Oille!t~~:~~~r!"d! Ceo. , 18fi0 Newport Blvd., C~T lemporary, Executive luxury Four levels el luxury livinf. 4 bdrms, 3 baths, formal dining & separate family room on quiel cul.dr-sar street Priced right al $42,. 950. A'ssume FHA loan. MUTUAL REAL TY lloan-215/mo pays all. Full , prier $29,000. CALL 54(1..1151 l9x~'oysxx>J: W ard Co. (714) 642·8235 $41 ,950 RJtr. 648-39'J8h Eve. G46-2290 home. Unobstructed Bay &: 901 Do D · Su"l 120 l C t M J 100 !\.tin view from most rms, (8aycre11f Ollice) Vl'r nve, I c -5 BR 3 b!l!h. elcCl. blt·ins, ac enmyer OS a esa 5.000 sq, ft. 4. BR, 41h BA + ii Rl'.'turn on yollr cash invest· 1430 Galaxy Dr. 646·1550 Newpor1 Beach ·cpts/drp11. Lg. cor lot. DRIVE BY maids qtrs. Ideal for enter- mcnt &. be the proud O\vner l!!!!!!J~!!'!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!J!!!!!! •DAVIDSON Realty taining. Easy main!. Imml!d. of these IDJ'il' 2 BR 1 b!l~h JUST LISTED fBEDRM + DEN ~ Evr-s. 5-18-8584 Office Open S~~ 554 Hamilton occupancy, Furn\ shed. i•~r~~~~S ~:~~· ;~~~Yp:a~!r.patios. A ~a~/~~:r i1~~";1:i'.lA1~°:1~S -~~~~~ ~~ne11~1%ufcY~fi~-~~ I , VACANT OCEANFRONT Si:h:;.: s'i'fi.i~ J~t~.2 s~~ ~~:~'=loan. Box 1632 MESA VERDE - 1860 Newpon Blvd .. CM all! l BR, fam rm & rum· kitchen, Famtly roon1. Din.' inc. all. -"'=-=-==----- "' 64"'928 E 6~4 t""& 3 Bk home on rXCellent L kh R I BUSIEST marketplace In 842-1418 anytime -----VIEW HOME 3 BR l'A baths. 6%r1" GI - $4000 cash tg Joan -pmnts $161/mo. includ. 11.U. Full pr\ce $23,400. $23,950 l tr. .,....,,h \'('. · Q.>;J pus nn. 32· hc 300 ated poo~ i11g room. t.18.iB:>lia trees-FREE & CLEAR beach: $54,950. &t6-230~ 1rtE ea !.r""" town. The DAILY PIWT eo.,~lct:~.:!m~ilhed2 ,baK'i~. ac enmyer p''.'wd',.cP.ncr 111. ., .. !1~~;.;. Star Pint lt many fruit Tr.tde for home or units. Georg• Williamson Vef, .,:,g..,....,1 Classified section. Save: _,_, ..,._...,,....., .., ui.s ~.rt"JV IN'l'S. Large palio •ttn·fire-Have 5 acl'C6 for $10,00) & RE.o\LTOR BY OWNER -5~% Loan. money, ~ 4 6fort.. Look . Dream kitchen-built-in. Deep DAILY PILOT DI.ME-A· pit Feuntain. i:W-172tl • 2 lot'! ot $11.000 cacti. 673-135D EVt!. ~1564 Eastslde J Be, 2 Ba, family now!!! Pile carpeti11g. Best area: LINES. You Cll1l use them TARBELL 2955 Harbor Rand Realty 645-2340 ivom home. • 642-59:11 I ~0=1AL.::.:.:d_:_l-,..-1 -642--56-,.-.-a,.,.--, Mariner Realty Assoc. 17849 Beach Blvd .. 11.B. 842-5541 Eves. 541-2442 JS YOUR AD IN Q..ASSI- FIED ! Som!One y,·ill be looking for it. Dial 64U5678 540-1720 THE QUICKER YOU CAU., fCll juat pennies 11. day. Dial TllE Qtftb&R '/00 cALL, PAl~l:'.J'WT .QauilledlWhlt. elephants! 01Jne..l.·line DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! your ad, then sit back and ARBELL 2955 Harbor THE QUICK.ER YOU SEU. 6-12~5678 THE QUia<ER YOU·SJilU,. aeetioA .NOW!,, Olal 642.s818 tor RESULTS BRING RESULTS! listen to the phone ring! •IQ;;;ral 1000 G.neral 1000General 1000Ge'neral 1000 • ~Mra1 1000 Gener~I lb Gener•I 1000 10000.neral 1000 '2043 Weslcllff Dr. at Irvine Open Evenin~ YOUR OWN PRIVATE IEAtHll 1'1t 1000 1qu.are f('('t deck provides a brl"ll>lhtaking view o! exclusive pool and 58ndy beach. High security buJJdlng l(Ul&rantees uJUmate privacy with subterr11.n· ean r-rklng, ell'vator to pool and be1ch. 31' living room and luxurious appoint· ~nts. $46,500. $13' Pia MONTH PAYS ALL ChOlce Cost.a !\.IC$8 locatiOll, 11paciou~ 4 bedroom, 2 bAlh 11lus hunily roon\ a.nd bulll·lns. Terrific 5 % ~r. CI loan can be auumcd at 5 ~ r: and \vUI 53\'I" )'oU thou- sands <>Yer • few years. EASTSIDE llAUTY . , Just U1ted with large ('\llltom ramlly room, m&..s11fve floor to l'C!lln$: flrcplact' and &:uper-deluxc kltcllen. Lu~rlouli wall lo v.•all ca.reptln~ throughout. Sprinklt'n;, covettd pe.Uo. Even Includes your choice or financini: for jusl $27.500, 3U llURHYl •· $JSIZ DOWN Pa.YI to thi. wonderful motlC')' saving 6''1 G1 IOM ! NO qualifying, NO points nr a.aumpUon fe.N. NO lntcreRt ncreut, NO delays. ~lodem 4 bedroom, 2 bAlh, ~ wtlh c:urtom family room. Owntr trtnsftrred. move In for achoo! time. Hurry for lh1a ~Uonal value!! NOW·I THE TIME TO BUY HUNTINGtON BEACH OFl=ICE 842-4455 7'12 ld .. -'or' " 4 • a.POSIT• Opoo 1-1 .. , . ... ~~~~--'·~·~··~·~··~·~ .. ;;..;'~··~·~·-·~~~~ $20.200 FULL PRl!=E FHA Lonn at ~'4 % with total payments of $123 J'.LT.I. Real sharp doll house with J qul'rn siui bedrooms. Gorpoua pullman bath. Anyone qualifies. Huge 25xl00 lot "ith double gare.gr-. llome ha.s a built in vacuwn, Submit your down loo! ' 1148.00 PER MONTH! • ·' . .. lncludC!I Fii.ii. Loan al 6~, tAxeL Ind \n~urancr-. Anyont can quallfy to buy this ~harp :1 kinplxe bed'iWlflf· 2 bath home. 14x24 covft'ed patio leAdR to hu.ge en· ('lo!lrd yard with lu11ti Fernery, l>oubl~ Gar11.1e With laundry tJ>ta. GM built-ins. Submit your down peymenl on· $22,'900 1>l1ce. COST A MESA OFFICE 5.45-9491 2790 HARIOl ILYD. or-h .. lllt< 'tU t P.M. IUILDER"S ll9UIDATION -N!AR THI llACH Save $$$ on lhil,;tieavy shake rool comer horn( with boat aeceas a.nd nlREE CAR GARAGE al ONLY flJ,950, w\U. NO DOWN TO VETERANS or FliA terms or SJ.395 CONV. down. Huie country Medallion kite.hen with BBQ fireplace'.! Second flrTplace in enterlainlni living roomll DlNlNG R00).1 ~! Tht"t'C spacious bedrooms 11.nd 2 lu>rurious btlhs!! Family room and vcdttng SOLARIU!\.t for gracious summf'r llvlng. ~ deep pile carpels. Trade In your smaUer home!: ASSUME -$11,000 -6°.+ •• I. LOAN At $141 JX'r month, TOTAL!! Lovtly shake root home with 3 largt' bedroorr111 and 2 pulln1an balm! WALK TO PARK! Carpel'l 11.nd drape5 ALL ELFLTRIC Kil'Cl-lEN AND DISHWASH£R! Lovrly custom flreplatt and BEA!\.f C£IlJNG FAMILY ROOM!! Gracious back yard v.'llh COVERED PATIO and block \1,:11.H ~l0l~n~~. MONTH -4 llDROOMS, Z IATHS Near Clltholtc Church and School. Walk lo everythifll. Assume thh1 51 GI loan or buy NO 00\VN ot FHA! Kitchen buill·lnti! Dl11hwuher! Carpel! Md drapes! N~ "·e 5ay;more!?!!!~ Trade in your 1maJlrr home. SPANISH HACIENDA -ASSUMI 51/• VA LOAN ,. · .• o r only $2'l.500 at a len than rerit pt¥m~t of 1173 per-month. "Gold Medallion" 3 Jlugt" brdroorns. 2 luxufllous blthli·Entlrt' hnrne b bcautirul dttortted. Drapes ELECJ'RJC KITCHEN and breakfast tM.rl Lu~h carpet.I thrttughout! Bet.utilul OWNER TIANSFIHIO lhroughout Near nMv carpets. p;Jcctric buill ·ln kitchen ts spotl'51:. Block "''II.II SPMish stylf> flrt-place tn strfKI0-1\I IMng room! li'Oft!\.1AL DJNING ROOM!! r'Qll\Pletely. ,Sellrr, !ilYIJ ~IA~~-No-Jtloory Down or low doW"n ntA. Low Prlct T'hrf't' or tour brdmoms 11.nd 2 lwruMous bath!!! Located oft Quiet cul-de-Mc F'hbiOll'I Stlort1'~t $2f.~n.,,r Jiiuntlngfon Center. strett NEAR THE BEACH !! Seller transelrrt'd Md an:<iou~. How t1>bi:H1t $3.800 ==~-=-~~'."~~~!!!!1!1!1!!1!!!m1!11m!!!!m!!!11!~~..;Yl~;~-!~:E~LL~A~,:~,H:~:·~:~::·~~· ~'l~Y~E:R~Y~3~1~,~M:::IN::U~T:ls:.~"""~'"~'·:·ru:•:-v:·~~m~,,~~~~~~~~~~~.:i'.:~~!!!! ( , • ' .. .. •• .. .• : ' . . • • • • • • • • • r • ' 1., • ... ·'· ' - • . . ' ~ r • • " --------,-----·--,...-----~--,---~-----,. ..., -- ---....... ---... ----·-----... -·---~-------r --~-----.1 .. , .• -1 -~-,,--~-.. -·.---·----------•••• --..-~---~ -··--·-·-·•• ••••• -----~-·~ Wod~, Jul . JO, 1969 ' Wstlotsdar, Jul1 '°· 1969 REAL ~':i.T~LfiT " r..H"'"'°'E°'S"F°'O""T&;LOF--;.,,.iii!TI!mr'l5i'l""'L'-1ro-1101roTAL$ liNl,\L.) trALJ .. iNJ,\Ls·... REH'TALS ..... , Gtn•r•I Huntlnt""' ... .,, l410l lwil!IN!al\ ....,, l!! : Ho"'"\;~urnls"9<1 Hou1• furl!loltM 1Joll1• U~lliM At1.fa. p,.,.-, "-It. Unlvntl•had , Apt,L '!,nfurnbhed s , ': Nowtiort llMc:H• l 'mNewpert ....., 2200 ~ u..jf; ¥! II•~~·_,. 4!00 ''!!!• Moot SI Huntlnpf.,; "ocll $440 lneom. p;,,p.ny 6000 M''"E ».;F .. F"'PW ..... . Eli ·" . -,"' , •'.*·""'"llJi,i'"·~,r~'xhir'toi"a...1o·1tay ,..-.l'ftllll -m~..o""'.·1-w:.81'. -Hlmt~~..n.-" n u c K RENTA\.S -YEAR&."Y ' ~ vMf. Call, ~Vff. '· (~~b. ~ onl)r. . VIUlllU\.llUft Heated " ... una pool.I, ~ *New dclux~ d,,PJtx. otlttn ,, New bmnes1 ready to move In . 2 lb. 5 btd· rooms, 2 to s baths. V.. mUe from btach. Firs! payment 'up to 60 days after move in. l BR., I Btitb', !UrtiJJbtd ....... , .............. 1110 • ' ' .81~·U ..-.... eum. nn. u.u • Alp>q~ln. f>l&r, view. llome.tU.. 3 Bl\ owner l\i BR,. l Bath, firep)ace; unlurn ,., . ,'., .... $2!10 ·~'"'AL!;,_ •-"·~ j t •. s 811. '"'"• ...... ~ ..,. JUST' (ftMN nlll'-'*'3131 or 14W4' + 2 BR. tile loo!, potloe. , 2 BR I B lb .... ,,,, ...oM. ' .--............ r ".T7 -... """"''""' ........ HB loc • Ntw 12 Wlht ntar ocean. I " a '-.m ........................ -. -. ....... 1161 to. -"'~· 2 BDR apt, "-'". • F 1 ti•• 11600/ i.. " 4 BR., l ~ Bath, upturn, Costa Mesa ....••• , .$200 GeMtit '> 4CM)o· · Aflfia......rone1 Rl,ry ... IB-QUI HerMr .Heights Four nr. San D)tgo lrw)' & Beach 00'!:· pa ' mo ' 4 BR., 2 Baths. unfurn ........•. , .• ~ ••..•..•• $275 · ~i • .. BR. i.BA.,-1t~ 2 • 3 BR UNrrs Blvd. phone ~1518 • Old~r 4 uniu on corMr nr •. 2 BR., 1 Bath, furn., Cbann~J front .•••..•... poo s·ml(Jl'e : lae.•BIOde'frOm.. water. $2a0. • .u 'with flrtplace!, NE\V l'tfodtrn J BR. cpts. OC't&n. Consldl'r $3000 down. I .· VA/FHA Terms. From $23,990 The Beach 3 BR., 1 Bath, Oen, furn ., ... ,,,,,.,.,,.,.,, .$350 Mo.AlS..~ di11hwaahers '-2 batha. ~.avail NQW! TERRY REALTY \, 3 BR.. 2 Baths, Den furn. 1 •• ,., ••••••• ,., •••• $350 2 BR:, cpts. arp..,,; ~ kitch. Rtnbll Mana,er -.!)3&.Z)'l9 538-1"58 Evft,. SJi.7658 SUMMER -.WEEKLY , t , •' 1 ' • ·Wtntet/yrly: lf.ut, AVail. Mn. Ouistienscn 2 &. 3 BDRM, 2 Ba. pvt patio, 7 TIMES GROSS All 111•1 & loc•tlons, from : ... ' .. :. '~ ' .... $100 Young '..: .• I\ Nr. ~ rz>.m ll 17~~~;;:;:: Av.. heated -eq_o_I.' newly 6 Onlts with • aood rental (on Brookhurst 1 mile South of A.dims) 96%·-1.353 _ 1 °' nru to oct&n ft b&y dl!COl'ated ~ reoonl Ocean side of Balboa .. BURR WHITE, Realtor ' ~~ ..::;;;; mo.-~mo.13 tidr, i Phone 546-1034 2 BR, 1or2 children ok. Pets Blvd. Nr. churcbQ, ocean I: Hunt!"""" lloach , 1400 Lagun1 Booch 1705 2901 Nowport Blvd., NB '7s.46!0 Ad lt.;,1 : b&. SU...00,or "8-0"7 Hlllltllll GREEHS ok. crp". '"'· '"""'· • bay boacheo. Good In.est· PANORAMIC EVENINGS: "2·2113 or •~t U ll' I• ~·1.~"':"'..: .,...,.,.. , ,.....,e ms. 962"6!1 ment. """'"' $120,000. MEANWHILE Oo<>ovi.,.. tot: Si,950. Small, RENTALS . • 84'"38l0 • ,BACHELOR unJUrn l 'Om Tustin $640 BURRREALWTO~llTE BACK on EARTH W~ have a but level. St.000 Down. bal. Summer R.nt1l1 2910 Lu.xur · l 1 & 2 :..:.}0 •1 n •:-• ,.,.. N w t at •70 th Hou ... Unfurnlahecf Y s1n1 e,~ , • • "'WER ocean fro1't w.. 1u • A fl> avail l • 2 I: 3 ··--• 2901 Newport Blvd., N.8 . .__....,. ~ °" ewport es • mon · bedroom 1-ParUnehts, N 1 2 Br 1'' BA · Bd.rm.· Heated•po!)ls, child THE ASPENS 675-4630 673.()859 Eves. homeforsaletoanartistor 497·1021 497-1210 OCEANFRONT Hou5": 50U Meudtl Mir 310S fur . h"" , nfu , f:'11'J)Ot.. •• ·" • eattcet'lter;aditoshoppini. 1~ William SI 1ardener. This outstanding LAGUNA CANYON 2 BR Seashore Dr. NB. Deluxe . nl8 vr an~ U ?• ,!;'l'Plc ~ llr.:.,..avail Se pL l. No peta. , , Tustin's p~stiit ad:dreu home has many, many beau-hoose $14,500. FencM yd. Dupla 211 Cypress, Balboa NEWLY Painted 3 Bit l bath nished, Will\ f;O~plete win~r lit. ~,o. St&-5832 2700 Peten;on 'Vay Adult living, no pell! tiful additions specifically Zoned indUlltriaJ . .f94...8170 (213) 698-6012 borne $225/nio. Va c.a at. privacy an~ lanifseap-4250 Cotta Mesa 54&--037n Shag carpl!'fs d~ for the talented * A JEWEL : Large 2'2 BR .. 2 BR Balboa apt adj Ai'l· 54&--041 ed cou~t.cy 'cl.\lb tt· Cor¥• d•I Mar , Total m condttionini:: family. ~I for an apPtmnt. v· M t S32 500 be~/pier .$'1'5.$150 wkly. mosphe,.~I ~, inch(diJiJ BATCHELOftETI'E. Apt, -OT MARTINl9UE Fw·nished &: Onturni11.hcd '!!~~~.unique in the county, o~~. ~see. . . ~.11, ~10 Newport hac.h 3200 f750,®Q, w 0 r \,h or N~ua. $85. mo. Incl. GARDEN APTS. Gymnasiums & Sauna!! ..,.,.J.N ·ti I f il"tl utilities. Ph: 342-'Jff4 or ApartmPnlll from $150 Rex L. Hodg,s, Rlty 2 BR duplex, 2~~ blks bch, tecrea ona ~ ae I es S4s-36n ExceUent, park·like surround. For lntonnation ~T 847.2525 L19un1 Niguel 1707 Festival, ocean view. SThll ' I/ I design~ ·I~ Gperat-ina• for adults only, wk. Lag Sch 4!14-5873 TOWNHOUSES ed jus_t for 1 l ft g l e LG. S~le apt. SUO mo.. Bach, 1, 2 4 3 ER. Apts, :oista! 5700 NEEDED MINI ocean view, spac. 3 l BR turn apt, Laguna Bch, • .,,_ .. __ people yrJy. Utt! pd. Thoutht rent. Pool, nr shoppi"'1;. =='------""-'- 3 -.• '11•-GJ ..... Ml,r .. cu. h to ~'::. __ 2apedBA. ·.-":',•um.i. "'x~~·. near bead! and store11 SUS ~ QC:WlNm, 2 bath, aplit· . ed BUT! im Santa Ana, Apt. ill, ' .,, ~-,· ~-.... ·-'"'1. 3 "' c&lPOl'f. ''"' •N•·H.El''' · 613'1055 •........, • Be1ch Apls. VA or FHA·~~ r1;1uick es-Owncr $3?000. 496-3n4 v;k, 494-5380 pool, ,S'165. month. ,.., ,... ""' craw • m. pollrt!. CalJ t.t ur-========= CLEAN Balboa Beach Units. . ALSO m ·:So. ltrookhurat aIEEru;tJ'_, Mod. bach, all '1:;~EAR REAL TY Condominium 1950 SlttpB 2 to 10; tor summer 2 Bedroom.~ bath, split-lev. (l bl~. So: or Linc61nl utu incl.-$100 mo .. 540-2266 . re.servations call 673-9'345 el. 1 1arqe. 1 carport, $225 'f'l1'J 112'4!500 altbM hliM · .Q55 847-8531 Evt:s. 536-2123 3 BR, ~ BA, 13511 JQ ft Con· 315 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa monlh. GAROEN GROVE Cooll Cooll Pool! dor1_1. apt. Cl'pts •. drps, ftpl, BALBOA -Ynexpens.ive cot· Bay & Beach CHAJU..11NG Im.mac. 2 BR LARGE 4 IDRM patio. Sell. opuon 10 buy ~ ..... es. Weekly rates July R lty I lJIOO ~-A·-• P, I . N, aT , • n d y S3000 under present mrkt. ..,. ' •• , nc. '-':-Pm.an. vr . ... * TOWNHOUSE * 2 .Br. l~I BA, crpU;;, dl'p.>i, patl<1. i\laiTied adults. No pets. $160. 1.34 E. ~1elody La~ 642-{)812 New • Deluxe (71C) 5)6.!q16 (7141 536-1487 711 Ocean Av~nue 13 blks W. or ll. B. Pieri 17 UNITS Older bread t-butter monl!y makers on C-2 lot $1420 month income. Call tor de. tails . Perron Rlty 54:z.1m FANTASTIC 4-Plex. Xl.nt. corn!., like new cpb/drpe;, close to OCC &: South Coast Plaza. $585/nio. income: Foor Star Re-alty 83s.M22 l:Z i\1.1 Shops on Placentia, cr.1 Sl50.oo>. Tr-d.de 113 tor clear Calif. prop. Balance cash &.: TD. Ownt'r 548-1542 Balboa l51and Sink your weary feet &-rest At 6~~i;~ with SZIOO pa.id August, Sept. 54&-3158 901 Dover Or., NB SUite ~ <4 blk:s W. Santll' Ana !'\\'):'.) beach. '* Avail AU& 2nd to A'M'RACTJVE 1 Bdrm, new. your wtary bones in the de(Xlsit for Sl500. 642-4414 CUSTOA-1 2 BR, lg modem. 1 fi4~2QOO Eve.. 5481!$66 1n41 636-3030 A141 16tli. &: tst,.:i wks in ly painted, walk to stores l1gun• l1ech 5705 s,1~~'. ~·i:~I::~w carpelll. htd/Otrd. pool, Extra lg fro A a.ii l ~~~"!!'"'!''!"''".'~""'!~I Sepl. ug AbalOne. 6T5-0:0r&! $99.50. Phone 646-5961 or ""========I yard. RENTALS hoAugu~ <-~ptm. ,...,~~· v . SPAC. 4 D -. 2 ba. d"pl•x," .NEWPO.RT BE'CH BEA'-'"" d I 5A9-3643. Key at 2260 I\1aple SPACJOU~ Cllf~ Dr ap•" ·~ HAFFDA' REALTY H F • h d ~ ,.,.....,..., QI .. .,.. I"\ u,...,.., ... upper upr.x St. Apt. L'. across uvm ..... aches -Busi ness Rent•I -~ .. w·--.~F.V. .. ... ~' --°"'--'_ .. _..;u_rn_,_._.__ blk to beach. Avail. l ..... v I ·-~ Ba ' 0 0 , ...,, ... , .f"'"""1• MODEftN 2 Br. duplex: nr. ;r• Yrvineandl Apt. crycose wu1. Y· =='~~~--,..-=I park. Lot·ely OC(!an vietv. 2 Rent•ls to Sh•"• 2005 beach & bay; avall. 8/16-lease, S300 per l'M. Must j7l4J 645-Q)50 Br. 2 ba. $400 per mo. yrty-. NOW Renting: New I~ l BR Br. 2 Ba. All elcc kiL BIG BEAR LAKE VACANT. Sbarp 3 Br 2 bath 9/1. SlSD Wkly. 67~2097 have reter .. no pets. SMl:sbury ·ruty. 613-6900 ap\s. cpt.s, drps, bltins, gar. Balcony, encfd pr. St7J. Lodgf' 40' fr'On1 Jake, ideal .5"'-% FHA Joan $22.750. ROOMMATE services & apt J,,j ... Ci)io;iiii;>jp;7.l ,,,=~Age~o~t~833--0820:i:;:'~~-,I South •a·y ~•u· L A Patio.,, Adult. only. ~lJ'r. mo on yn Ille, 837-4808 for family groups. From 4 • k f! CdM Beach Cottage slpe 7. .. U· YI ID BAOlEUJR pl, Wfcpts &. 2110 Elden. ~1162 ~-ner says, ma e o er. sharing. Special rates to steps to main bch. 217 BLUf'FS-Lease 2 Br. 2 Ba. 1 drps. Sina;le adult <1nly, yrl,y. ===;-o-=c--,...-,-I to 20. Rrasonable rates. 536-4558 847-3519 Agt. students. Broker 645-0111 Heliotrope. $l5o wk. 675.3539 level, dbl gar, crpts, drps, Ap•rtments $ISO. Util .pd. 675-3TIO. MODEttN 2 Br. cpt.5, drps. D1n1 Point 5740 5,19.2312 or ITI4) 866-2576. ="=:""":-:====::::l.!$3~40~.64~4-:'.1280~~al~t~5~p;'m:._, Sl25 1 BR ·-· GE ldtch. encl. gar, nr bus.--'--------BALBOA ISLAND Huntington l40.5 I ·C_0;..•_1_•_M_ ... ____ 2_1_00 Condominium 2950 3 BR. L•rge Yard $275 dishWllllher, ',.;, C:!t Huntington INch 4400 ~· Adultll, fi.fg-r. t:t4 E. ~~~~e~:iw d~p~~ \~:lg~: Top location 300 + sq tt, - _H_•_r_bo_.;u_r _____ 12 BR .... " ,....., 2066 Paloma Dr .• NB now. BJ'(lker 64S..OU1 t n• =?~ ;inn l397 4 yrs rcn1aining on lease. •' &:ar, pa ' cp..,., • ...,.. LARGE 2 Br, 1 1,~ Ba, studio NEW J200 up. 1-2-3 Br, htd 3 BR, 2 BA Townhou.se.1 ,R_'~'·-·-~=-·-·~"~----SJ7S. m0i \Vrite P;O. Box HUNTINGTON HARBOUR 11tove, refrig, tropical Sl'tting 1ype bit ins patio pool N n 55. 2 BR. 4-plex, encl pr, l sauna pools, rec rm. Heil Crpts, drps, bll·ins, pool clb REAL ESl A'l'I 15315 Las Vegas. Nev. ._,· BAY FRONT D-. for aduJts. l 7blk lo shop s200 ' mo.-AduH11. 6iJ.8soo. ewport S~r• 3220 W/W. OOSt-to ihopPing. A: Alcoquin. l\fit 846-3137 hse. SZ15/mo. 545--5270 , G1ner1l ··tARINERS ~~ER • \ j I [ ' 163TI Harbour Lane ....,au!L· 1~Sl~85~.~M~o~5~44~<~BO~=== IRREENNi'iT"AUL]Si ____ 3 BDRM, :t bath, 2 (:&l"IB~ta~. ~534-<980~~'.·~-~~-I:===:==;==:;;.! ci~fi;;"f;j;:-ii;i;'f;:-;;;o;,,I ;~:;:~:::::::~-';;;:;; " ~" fut 4 bedroom, 3 bath, car· •"•••· r~pla-, pool·lil25. l&e 1 Br deluxe. W/••, Lot"n• ••ach 4705 LUX 2 Br~ 2 Ba, lrplc, view. Rentils Winted 5990 Of1icc & store bldg, rent or l ' -• built'•· d--•· '"cili ...... rt •-h 2200 HoulU Unfurn ished .... ..... .. .. 9 YrJy. J16.l,_rn<1. i!1S-1990 or • lease. 175 to Sl20 P'' mo. pe ..... ....... """" .... -~po -•c c I u b h o u s e·tennis mem-dishwas~r. . Avail g / l -tie-s. Owner bu moved East 100 CLIFF DRIVE 321: 271-4220 e ATTEN.TION e 149 Riverside Ave. 646-2414 --·1·tat•'•• ·"'e. $-.500. OOVER Shores b a y f r 0 n t Gener•I 3000 beridlip, l \~ blka to beach. Broker ~ •=-.. ~~ . ...., _. "' honie, 6 BR. 4 BA, largt! crpts, drps. Avail l yt!ar $100. Bach apl nicely furn. Two.bedroom fumi!hed 2 BR, 2 BA1, •'"uie cto1sct1. Owne~~ I~ this area tt·~o •PRIME Retail Loc~~on·k! > • 675-6050 '' patio, 70. private dock. 3 Bedroom!, 2 Baths. Sun-'•'m'"' .. at S275. 6f2..3374 alt 6 !!'~ ~~ .. poo~! .. P'.lt~ .. -~~k!!i:: All Deluxe Featutt1 carport, poo, a ts. A so 1 may uavr-income property in 17X40, Xlnt loot & auw tr-· ' 1 • • Avail c:....i lat, yrht lse. SlOOCl shine -Hoine." COinpli!'frilY' re~· ~ Walking Di1~.to Beach BR.l\lnt,.~. _ .YJC,_o.f L,~ ... A!.F,l;PQ.RJ.'.: .. .i.~~ .. lic..-... 1.871 .. Har.Mr, • CJil. • ,._,M , -Mll"lll'fflT Cl .. llC. mo. zJ.3 : 1 g 0 • S 01 3 or painted inside. Fresh &. $223 -Yeaily lease BALBOA BAY CLUB r-x-sponsible couple &. 6 yr. old --==·=======! '-=,_·:•;•";;";",:"-=='-"."''"'=" ~"':"• '=:· i-'~l:Cl'_!m>-6333~~~-~--· I clean. Lease at Sl75 with w .. tcliff 32~0 Cost• Mesa. 4100 494-2449 qui.site 1 Br apt. }'urn or dauahter fno petsl, seek 2·3 ~ 1 • small deposll. CaJI \Valker -unf. Lse. $400. 642·7633' Br. unful'n. home fcotn1, Office Rent1I F "' • Viii 1410 ON-· -ACK 2 BR I BA bl · 2 BR .duplex, fw:n &: unfum, --========I'"'· dwelling•• '°me •Pl'- 6070 ou tin ey •ou:.. oi:o &: Lee. 8424455 . , tim, w/w $30,·0Q .'wk, Up nr Ylc Hus:o, new · ,. _ .. 1 1 . 2 Bdt. 7308 w. Oceanfront WE SELL A HOME beam ceilg, ht pool, unfum ~ dr 'frpl Newport Btich 5200 consider~ , nr. schoo. 1n GET SETTLED 962-9810 EVERY ll MINUTES S165. Jo"um p&;;. ht A: la.at • l>a.Y. wetk,. menth. ~{J5· · ;:ar. nicto area Deserving ram- \Vi! have 3 nic.e 4 BR homes Walker & Lee mo. $50. clng ch&. Manied • Studio" Bach. Apts. N E \V p 0 RT 8 ea c h ily will gi\•e best of care, as in lhis area for less than Biyihortl 2225 cpl pttl. No pets. 6U-2514 e IncJ Udls 6 Phone aerv. 1 BEDRP.1, pool, patio, near \Vaterlront 2 bdr, 2 ba. New own home, to your N'ntal. $28,000 with good financing. LEASE W~tclif!, NB. 31 Br, • Maid Service, ry,,vail. beach. Lcau Sl15. f.M-3208 luxury bldg. bu i J t _in,:. Can pay Sl2ii <11' a bit more, Get settled before school BAYSHORES -2 bdrn1 -1 7682 Edingrr 2 Ba lam nn crpts drps •New Cate A: Bu ..:•:c".:.":...:c''.:.'°:..,.. _____ 1 subteJTanCan parldni. boat but please aubn1it "'hat you it.arts. balh-<>ncloscd patio. Sf-('11. 812-4455 or :HQ-jl40 hltns: 20x40 hld pooi, pooj 2376 ~ewport mVd~'54J.9'r;;i.; i<C:NTAL~ jlips avail. have. Area o! Jla,vthoi'ne, 13th to June 13th -$160. o--E"" c ·be B Ibo La\vndale. r1 c.: husband rm. """ , .... ~. hsc. 0-.\'ncr. il4fr""'"" ,.; .. 11 LOVELY Bi• 2. BR, 1•,· Ba. Afl• Unfurnished ar1 ll 11 o•g """"" """" ... t • ~ ·, " -•-S pto)·ed b' V.'c5tcrn Airlines. "" -.• ~...., s:;2~1 LEASE. 4 BR, :1 BA. I =========~I Pool, p:>.tio. Cle11n. adults -• .,.10 Jo'erna • ...., L Sl~ iJ "'•n•r,"'• 5000 673-3003 Call locally; 6J2.:li&9, eves/ Balboa l1l1nd 235$ WINTER $Z25 mo. 1 Br. newly dee. adults only. 119 Marine. 4~2996 '.!400 sq. ft custom, no iw.ts University P1rk 3237 ""· 10 santa Ana, C.M. v -.. wee.kc.nets. m Visui Baya, c M. 64.5-29' . · 3 BR :t ba EastbluU area.1,-;"i'T~'="~-~~--~ 646--1542 . LARGE 3 Bedr. 3% ba:Fmly AVAJL ~Ht. lit J Br Aptl, .·VENDOME l7<15 Domin&O Drive) Brand RELlABLE Couple need $l.85. 2 BR "-den, 11:tove, Rm. wlw, crpts, drps, bit· SUI. Studios 1UO 2135 nrw balcony v~w trom furu i&hed 1 Br apt or hse for retig. w/w. frplc, child ok. ins. pool, tennis avail,, adj Elden, Ap( 6 Colta 1i1:esa both' master BR & llv rm 3 "Jl'OS.. St&l'l' AUg 1~· \VHJ SPACE in real estate office !or publlc stenographer, in- surance agent. accountant, bookk~!)Cr: etc. 67!)..1972, • :1110 W. Balboa Blvd. N.B. . NE\V Deluxe offl@ spaces :t20 to 1200 sq It at Santa Ana f>'wy & Crown Valley turnolf. 831-1400. 499--4198 LARGE EJtecutlve (I~ N.8. Allltl small office from $45 mo. Owner, 6~ -600 101200 Sq. Ft. Ot-'FJCE. C.M. 646-213t't NEW Meadow Home. 3 BR & den. $31,~. $3100 dn, 11ii % loan. immed. poss. by Jl,{eadow Home Sal e s 962-276D: eves 615-4900 Broker 645-0lll park S300 mo. 646--S5U~ · ' ---L\11rlACU?;ATE APTS~ area trplc:, rl!diwshr. S310 give '9vini\~ to lf<IJ'drn, ========= l BR, $145 .. il}cl. utils. Heated ..ADULT k FA?tULY rno. Call Turner tHfr.1260 or etc. Plca,se,f;horv:-52a-#14 60IO Lagun• Be•ch 270_! $~~Jw.2 ~~id!~ i::i!'.' s!~'ii CorontJf.91 M.r _325Q ~262T~~l~: p_e t 1. (~~~~4,Ypf.,~~:rlc .MS-MS2 RENTAI..-Of~iai·age with CC· lnduttrl1I Prop. 2 BR, dl'n, llv nn, ram rm. 8131. Broker 534-6980 3 BR 2 BATHS ==,,.,.=,,--,. \"' 4 BR, 2~~ BA Townhoo!le. ment floor for ston..ge ot f .... I. $375 mo. Emerald • -1 BR duplex'~•Pt. water pQ * Spleious 3,Br'1. l B11 hi 2 1 hold l'A 11 "'" "198 * VIEW HOME .. * .,. FpL, cpts.. d........ Avail . ..,,.. ........ · "8B '"· 17,. 8·1•. Back Boy &rt'll., nr sc ll. lOUllC wm , ,,...,..... L•1un• Be1ch 1705 INDUSTRIAL INCOME Terr. Adlts only. 4~388 $225. 4 BR, 1% Ba, patio, ·.---., .. .., •¥ *'2 Bedrooms ,.. ... ,,1,·0 Pool -, ''" BY OWNER ========= frplc. \\'/W, childrt'n & pets NOW, No petJ or child Wlo 548-6954 *Swim Pool.-Put/aretn ... 'br "A . 20 h. s'ilo ' PERFECT condition! Must V•c•tion Rentals 2900 O.K. Broker 534-6980 der 8. ~285 moryth. G~O~RG=E>~O~U~S~N-ew~l~~~2~..,-. '* f)'pl Jndiv/lndry fac'ls arca.,..s.:1.,.~ u; 1 · FOR CoUeac Deil;n & Can1ily, CORBIN .. MARTIN _. .. ,,·vi•· ,~ pool ,. .... _ .1145 Anah.eim Ave. mo. VU"VI 3 BR, 2 BA home, Laguna New 16.000 sq ft lndustrlal building with alr condition- ed offices. Leased to Btrona: tenants. Priced a~ $140,000 with a lsl trust deed which can be assun1ed at 1"-%, interest only, or 5 )Ta. For further intonnation please l'1tU \Valter Frlck. Btt interior kl appreciate? M•ut,-Hawai·,;---EXEClITIVE HOr.fE; Lrg: J REA'TORS ......, -·~ u" . ....... """< YEARLY 3 BR. :t BA, c""IJI, area, Aug l~Jan. 15. 3 BR 2 BA lg --•lot Bd -Ba DR FR A il " 2000=--· c•t --··Mo co. STA ,f.-1E8A 6-t!·~<>~ .... · · e ........ e. · BEACH -completely furn. r ·' · · · va 3036 E. Cst. Hwy .. Cd P.I -• ... """"'• · · .,,_1 drps, frt>Je, gal'. Nr beach I.: 194-&i3 OCEAN VtEW. All electric St!pt I. $325. mof54&-l;M • -~t'6" • ••.• RENT • mk.l!I. $225. Mo. 646-5800 'i'~F~u-RN=-~.-•. -.-u,-,-1,-,.~,,, incl kitchen. Thermo con· 2 BR. Kaanapali Apts. Lease _ vo.r ' Niwport leich 4200 • ,, tr\'1JI each room. REDUCED 3 mo to l yr. O>ntaet Bet1e Cost• Mesa 3100 2 BR House, excellent cond. ----, ·s ·R..ms fu;nlture East Bluff 5242 ~~~es, a It er 5:30. TO $38.700 with $5,COO down, Penpe, 6614 Kauna Honolulu, r.taJTitd couples k no LIDO AR•A APT. $20 $25 & UP ;;:::.;...;;;;.;;;.c ____ _ 614 % interTst. Pay balance, _H_aw_a_ii-"-'~· -"'-'~'-~~ CONOOMINJUM 2 BR. l !t children. $2;.Q mo. * 675-3291 Larie, ~ · view; .1-bclrm., . • · p sl' l f' e LANDLORDS e monthly. Write owner, P.O. MAMMOTH Lakes Vacation BA. crpts. drps, dsb,.,.hr, =========I custom ham. 'Hl·rl$e bid. Month·Tc>Monlh Rent:all re lge 0Ci IOR FREE RENTAL SERVICE Box 914 Laguna Beach or J\fobile Home, furn., !'JeEps displ, patio. 2 car aar. Lido Isle 3351 Pool, boat aliPIJ, Yrly, $350 WIDE SELECT'JON Broker 534-6982 call 494-4726 anytime. 1. SSS per ...,·eek. 531-3374 Adult1' only. $17:1 m <1. ---------1 mo. or mo. or Aug. S8t10. APPlWicel & TV's av~ll. For lea11e.. deluxe 18811 sq. rt.•----~-~-~ Eckhoff & Aaaoc., Inc. 1818 W. Chapman Ave. TOSS A PEBBLE '~"'-"'~'~"'-'-------,.. 4 BR. 3 BA. beaut executive Wiilktr Rlty •. 475-247' No·Secb:rilY Depotlt 4 BR., :?~S ba Apl l"rplc .. LADY & small poodle n<'Cd S R ' I 29101 · home. Steps to beach boal --HFRC ...,..,_, .. ,_ r.~ tal dra""s, ca.,.,ets \Vet bar. room close in. Real!Onable. Inki the ocean from the deck ummer en 1 • 2 BR, garage, patio. crpts. dock, tennis crts:. For' tea:.e ON Tl-IE BtACH 517 ,V, 1~~·a;•· "-"'~8.3~81 prl~~ balconleB; <lb!. garag~ 64S.38\ll or 673-118.1 Oranic, CaliI. 5~1.2621,..Eves-wklxU 538-5747 of !his early Laguna styled BEN BROWN drps, stove rerrig, tropical unfurn S5:l0 .. furn $650. No 3 BR 2 RA. wa~her/dryer. oft kitch. Dish\vashrr, dbl. C I 2 Bdrm. 2 Ba home. fully selling for adults. 1 blk to pets Refs Will consider op-Yearly lease ~ per mo. 1568 ,V, Lncln. Anhm .774-2800 oven, pool. Convenient to Rooms for Rent 5995 omm•rcie.·'-----="5·1 ttrrttd !or 1ufnmer. Oilers APT .·MOTEL shop $1<15. Mo. 544-4180 lion· o"·ner 6'13-8?SO or Summ~r .$200 , ,v k. $115. 2 · BR. 4-plex, crpts, - creative person beach fronl 64. 1 & 2 Br. Apl-s. Co1np. 3 LG. Bcdrms, 2 full baths, · · · 67:>-2039 W.'P5, bll-lns. Nice loc. s~p'g., tchools & rc<:rttt· ROOM·fi.1A'f'E '"&filed Io NEWPORT BEACH Uvina: at 2ncl row price, Fin-furn. Priv. patios. htd. pool. stovo, refri&:. washer, dryer. Bilbo• lslind 3355 BAOf. Apt. Will lea.lie to. AdJilts:, AvtU 8/15. Bkr. tion. 25 MONTH share 1 Bdrm. ·apf. Call COMMERCIAL BAYFRON1' a_ncing avall. $48,900 TV, restaurant. 9 hole gOll fenced yd. CflllS. drps, front n!Bponsible adulL $80 P.io. 1h "64>0UJ ONLY $3 5,16-5212 bcf. 4 PM or after 15'x156' TO EXIS"J'ING Hal Pinc:hin .& Ass-. course, \Valk to beach. No h "2JC 646-5386 R ='""'-=.:--:o-.:rc--.,.,--,=c-I 835 AMIGOS WAY 10:30 Pf.I BULKHEAD. 80' rt> r t rr· . 'V "' & pore ~ · 3 B . 2 ba. CW!t. home, unf. Block to ocean. Avail. Aus. $170. J BR, 2 n111, gar, stov<", N I •·och PIER HEAD 'INE 3900 E. Coest fhl'y, 61j...4392 ra ic noise. ee"'y $125 Attractive separate h5C. Including gardener $425 ht. Call Collect: W/W Avall. 8/19. Broker •wpor D9 COLLEGE Park area. prefer ... HANDYMAN'S--monthly rates. 31106 Coast 2 BR. l BA, crpts. drps. Sallabuey, Realtor 67H900 213: 793-012I 534-6980 Mgr. Apt. 9 middlt' age lady. $10 "'k. R. C. GREER, ~alty SPECIAL ~:;~ ~: Ai::::·ac~ur en-Adults onJy. no pea. Refl. • t A: 2 BR qlll. Ftom S13J, tol c11::,.:..=1:...,,B~R-. ~R~IO~ .• ~ ... ~lria~.-.· I e NEW DELUXE e 645--0927 3355 Via Lido 073-9300 4 Income un.lts,. 120 yds. to NICE. Clean 1 Br. duplrx 646-6228 or &13--039a Huntington h•ch 3400 $175. No ·children or J'!!ls. W/W. rood location. Broker 3 Br. 2 ba apt. f~ lea~e fURNISHF.D room tv it h lndustrlil Rtntal 6090 ~ach. Pat10ll. decks 1v/ 1 4. blk ocean b Y * 3 BR, 1 bath, partly tum. EXEC Hom• 3 le"•'-1 1525 Palcentia. -Alsp avail ~80 Incl. spac. mastr. suite, din kitchen privilei::cs. V.1on1cn t . Nd . t t 5 ps. . . , a . k , •""'• cp 5, I ~""""'=~~-~-c-1 rm, &: dbl. &ar~e. auto. only. 646-8137 oc an view. ~. pain· e c. Very reasl Avail. No1v to S1 75. Oiildren & pets o · drpd,_2 trplc, air cond. 4 'BR un urn. $135. '2 BR. bltns, crpts. drps, door opener avail. Pool & =""~-~-"'7'--,., SALE OR LEASE ~d grosa S9,00J ann~~· Sept. 6. *" 968-23!4 !iv & din rm, elcc kit, rec _ SCJiOO NEPTUNE patio. child OK. Broker rec. area. Nr. Catholic ROOJ\1 for rent or share apl p= S69.600. Trades consid. 3111 W. Balboa 642-1272 3 bdr. avail Aug l, rm. fa~ nn,. 2~1 BA, huge AvaJI now 3 Br,'"2 Bl, deluxe. u;...o111. Cliurch &. school & Corona '"' employed, non-sn1oking 12.000 sq. fl. Industrial build. ing. Zoned ~f.J. Luxury ob flce-eir conc:L Ample park. ing. lOc sq. ft or SSS,000. Owner will consider cany. Ing Hnancing. CALL~ South Coast Real E9tate ~15&0N REALTY 4~731 CUSTOM Exec. ·4 brd. ;1 ba. ,!~;..!~arly 1ea.sc. dGec~.~th VIC!~! °!. coast. can 714· .6$.1412 Wbl!e elephant!! Dlme-a·line de) l\la.r High. lady. CaJl ~785 alt 6 pm. :--~ alter 4 rn a • ....a ... r. ava1 .xi. lit. · · • ONLY $255, e 180" view, just oompleted 3 ~~~·i::_ vi:,i~ ha;~ 1~ 7co=E~. 3~e=R~,~B=A~ho-m-,-.-.,-w $400 month 114:9fl2-.3.4iis lT'S Beach houte'time. 811· ·ltlNTALS · 865 Amigos Way, N.B. Guest Hori'tlt 5998 BR. 2"2 BA. 300 sq. H. SI500/mo. ·&T.,..2711 cpt e. drps, sar. k le n c d 3 BR, 2 BA. new, paint, bit· pst Rlection eW:fl ~ the • A'pti. r"1'nished 1undeck. Arch Bea c h t•• 1 __ .. _.... _,,. to ,1 . -1 4200 Ceron• tlel Mir 5250 VACANCY He'd home, semi· ~~~~ts. ~,!14~10013. Owner, Mr. For Daily Pilot Wl!.l'\t Ada yard. SlBO. 673-4006 ,84··~·~0•0•-11 ,hoYMpp"•~-w. · .. :,IO, New.Art :JN_dt 4200Ne.P.rt le1cft private. ambulatory lady, ....,,...,. _,....,., Di.al ~ White elephants! Dime-a.fine u,. •• ~ good food 1; ca.re, reas REN1' new M·l nearing -~· _3 completion. 10 11boptt, 1125 N . I;:.,__.-.I N rt I ch ~ .... ~ rates. l>i»r'J•,l sq rt $115 -". 1~~" , ........... Gen•r1I 2000Gener1I 2000General 2000 2 BEDRM, ~ucll!d $155 mo. OW ....... ft«J ln ewpo H ""' ~ ......_., 1.:;.;;;;.;;;;.; ____ ..;.......;.;;...,;....._______________ 4 Wockl from beach. 601 · 'k · · d ~ .... rl• Misc. Ront1l1 5999 CM. 6?:;..Qll6 $©\\~}\-L£t-trs· &I .. o Simpl• Scr.,,.bl<d WMd ~l< jor • ChU<kl< ·~="lht:lflwo:! e. low to f-four tlml>lot -.cnh. f IHETRET I • 1 I I I r I . I I I I I IDATUI ' I I 11 I An unhappy secretory: She cam• to work lote one do .,., and her boss hod already .... ,R .. E_O_D_U_V __ __,I opened oil h;s -moll. . I' . e Compi.t. ttt. dndle7~ I I' I I .,.,""''"""~'"'"'-' • • • • you ~lop frorn ,twp No. 3 Wow. e :~~~;~~1~'1T!IS r r r r r 1· I' 1 ' I I I I I I I ""' SI. St .• HB. ~ -o" .~ 'w,oo . -M·2 INDUSTRIAL -· lo Iii S'ToRAGE Garaae!a 8/1. FuJ. U'.lncrete bldg. 3000 sq rt. 746 S:~:;:.c~.:C:!~ =h The " best of two world-s 1 '2~~~~UUnf\Jm ly encl'd. $20. per mo. 2135 w. 17th, CM <213) CU-5082 : &: water pald. 536-1024 I I b Frplca I prlv. patios/Poole. Eltlen, C.M. Apt 6 548-2921 .FOR Leaae-N~w 2500 sq .. ft your home ~nd your country .c U TeMI• • eon1nt1 Bldat. put· MAN ,.,... wantod to....,.. ~ Industrial bldg. 9c! n . lS3ll Fhnt•in Valley 24101 _ For Y!wrhemi. sele.ct frem ilntl•, one •n_. ttn,.-Sfir;;: ~ · BR apt on Bal.boa We. S85 r.fofirovj.a, 0\-6'13-9017 l LEASE 4 bdr Townhouae. tw~W.lr .. ·frl,1p1r+meah, Furnished or Un• 900 Sn 1.Ant, Cdl\t &44-2Sll mo. GT5--43S5 Lott 610d S250 In c 1, maintenance. furrii1h•'· .. cit is pf1f111ione'llf decor• 4~1acArtbur~nt. Coast Hwy l Income Property 6000 • 96z..7504 kids A:.petsOJt. atH end .include• carfllttinf,,dr•perl•s, -· 173 465' R ~ 1Jl.elect1ic:W1t\i"9h•uH eppHencH, tlor-AVAJL Now; ...... 2 bd• apt. MR. INY£SJQR X "t L11una llooch 3705 FOR LEASE 1·2 )Tl ~ BR 11~ BA rustic 1lOme In South Laguna. Beautiful coastline view. countryllke at. mo!pbrre. No Pets. Ref!. S%iO mo. 673-6115 I L19un• Niguel 3707 BEAlfr. View EXCL ll:r 2 ba, bltnl dahWT. orp/tfrJle, tp. Ult> &16/SISO S<J.121! Condominium 3950 im~Buut. 2 Br, lti s.. ~ tum, Country Club VUla. CrpU. drpe, blt•inl. For i~ to Cf'D 213-0-Mal or 1n.e • .s,1c1 eplenty and ~r1.vi.-te balcony/ ~~ ca;:PU:· pail!~. bit-Ins • r. .,a.ie M' rent at $200, Couple · Try $1 per foot .~ cub p1i;.. ' .,., 45. 61J.<l1JO 112 UNITS lot, Drive by 2099 Pl•cent J.u•t tt•r• frem yeur d9or 'i• • whOI• ~too.• 2 Bit, bit-Ins, R.&O. i · Of "w<1rl~ o ••tho11lv• cfunfry club racr••· dtsJtJ frpl, tcn'ace, vit?W Now belnc bUllL in sf!ltt:I 'Lockhart Re•lty. tion: ... . uttl. $190 mo. 5'0.2266 Anaheim Al'CA, cloise IO 569 \Y., 19th St., CM " ''•fe11i.ti1•I til• T•11l'li• C•11rh IDEAL for "''Orltin& cpl 2 BR frw')'s, shoppi111. f.ecreatlon BARGAIN. 2 apt lots COi • •••l4•1tf t,;l'tflli•. ''•'•••l•l't•I •fl• 5h•I' + sundeck. Stove / l'ttrii. & trans. Projected lncqme Mcq_. A 19 unit & a 55 unit • Olyll),i• •h• Sw!m111•11t '_P;,t,I No pets. 673-9234 7X grol!S. You c•n n:icelvt E.xttl Joe. ~~2tm o • wtilrJ,...t"•·•h· '• " """ .... , .. • '•ll•I• T•nfti1, v.11.y~ll. ~•••"•*~•II C•11rh lhc fi1111 bu.y~r·~ lax advan. .,.,.,,...,,~ • Anyllme.. , • f · hlbh ff Huntin9ton IMch 5400 tagcB plug depreciation. Will '65 RIVIERA. ._11 eqUlp.. Alliu • 20,'000 sq111r. r eot c twt• o e r.s -;-~· -.. ac;cePt pre-pa.Id intere11t w/ very clean. i.lds, boCl1 .-1 these f,.atvr.!\s: • ' UNFURN. 2 , Br. apL In 1 down payrnent ,, "" ... • llfo1Yl'f1 M11'1 1114 W1'"111'• H11lth Club• dU'pl,ex; carpels, blln.s, pr. O\V MAY TRADE S2100/best. ~ wit' "•••' '"' • -· ' r spa-.... ·--' " Bl'·· LEVEL oeean I: -it • ..... .....p. ;...... ~ -• Plf:11se ca.II: 'l'om OeMa.io _ •"' , • t•••tr S.w' Orivtet ~~ .. l tlll•"• ••t'" from Hurrt1ivton Intercom-8 JtEAL'l'OR n 4: f'7S.6259 vtew lot in Su OeGe; ,. ftri•ttr. TY U11~1, Aft-tllllli., '•rlv·l••'"" mut1lty HogphaJ. J 14 0. '°""""· $12,!llX) ... OO:ll M•'•!• .,,~· .... u~111.t:o0 P·":' d•ily JQ.'1763 15 UNITS . palk>. ttz mo. USOl·B clcs, 100d rtt\ltn 6. mlri\Jtt;s n ACRES. on.nee 1; a OA Kwoo D 2 BR. crpta, drpl, bltnB, Ira All l 1tory btcta:. No v&CM-A.~c~rN~"~;;;;;;;;;:::ii Alabaml. 5 3 8.~ 7 21 0 or lo oc:t3n. grow. So. Or. C'.oUtJ PlLO'I' ooo:.•· $~!!.DEN APARTMENT5 MO-.nit1 '. Only .$120,00I '130.ooo .. ..... ••• ~ou ean Ute 'them 1 700 .A.(~h Street, Nrw~ k1ch NO malte.r what it fa, f'OU nRST PIONEER w/$23.,000 do'ii'ft, No pym- J.tl.S.01 ii'AiLI~.-,;:-,=:-.....,..,."""11 !' .j ,, r I I , I ' i."' • SCRAM·LETS ANSWQ IN CLASSIFICATIO~ 7500 ·-~~~~~~~~~"'-~~~~~~~~~~~~ L!NF . ,., J ao.::. •tnles a dt.7. bW ,h'Ofl•; "42-tl70 · e1n teU h wtO. a DAILY MZ-4421 Eve•. MT·TI7' I'm t>11Ufty tor Ctflt n; -:----~'lioli!!!!!J .... 1!1!1--!1!!!!-!!!!!il!!liilo ___ ,.. PILOT_ ~.od. THE qVlq\ER YOO CAIL, ...._ ........ I ,• -. " ... " -.. -. ---~--·----· -----·------· -----------------·-~--------~---------------------~--------~ i 6710 LAND HO! S\\ll~tl\flNG p ~.o I , 11111\n l tcnorlCt" roulr for Wt'. \\'ill 1ra111. \Vrlle. .O..Uy ·P!Mlt Bos ~1·~. ' • ... ,, "' .. ·~iA : t 'v-wnen Ypu ~ WWiNotlllaeicHe 1 right •. • .1 yr Cci// bn~'~'~ ,n ,JTt 0 t~4il11~P~ · I\ ~ "'"" listeq, .~l<_>Vf.·;,. • '-" ~.-·~ ."11 ~ ............ -.1; .......... ~;.;.;.;;.,;,;;,;;.1 ,J;i w~·d~t~ Wont? Wh1ddy• Go•' " •e'riv'ic ,.; "&nTORY ·seR'v' 1c'e ·01:..f;;.;""v SPECIAL ClASSIFICATfON lOR • ,. • • •5~ •OR -NA~~ili;.80RN SWA~l> R~ ' '·' Drye clilnn /f 1 ' ' .~. ' SER~{C,,tj\~ECTORY Janitori~I 6790 , ;i,7.liji ~ll~: !k : . ~i ':~$;~~~~/!~~!·'.:~:~ .• tc<' -• m· tl!Ji.' , t, A:' i?/J~· l:UL•l -40 MUST lf"'O.upe , . , , t • 'cf0 r.;, lAND A'PLEHJYI ·~ YOV 11 .... , .. " ... • ~ y..,. '""' "" ,,,.. j u e t"V • • • . . , Investment O~poY. 6310 :a-vouf "'-" '""'• MN'ft., ~ 11,., .t •dv•rtl""" "'.f11.. ·" • ..... ,_ t-+IO'l'HJNO 'Fo• SA.Le-T1t .. oe1 OHL Vt Ab I"' '" l 0 · " c.ttptla. 'CQmnlCn::lal & reiridebtJal. J>a.ijy, ~·eel.Jot Mdil,r Mo,~ CQ,Oil Wiln some experience ·and willini lo .learn. Top wot:ll.log condllions & environ- ment CQmpeti.tlve wages plus-meals & lips, and. outsll\Ddlng benefits loclud!ng hospii.tUalion and profil ihariJ\g. • Appty in petso~ 10 AM to 9 PM, l(londay thtu Saturday t ~ ..... '. • .• · PEtfNEY'S FASHION ISLAND ', Equal DePorturilly Employer t AU 11tudcnt ~tlo~ a~e NlC$f. ••~I'-" P&&TNlv\·WAifto . PKONE ..c....i.~ .. 1~,·. ·. <. ~ :1 .. ~~ •• ~,,...th.r. n By 9 .ut By 4 • &Klfii~U.$ · For So. 6.nt rHJ.l.'esiate To Pl1c•~ Y0_ur1 Tr•7eri" P;;.1diM Ad ... ,. ·.,Monda·y thru :Fridly L1ndK•J>ln9 6110 Help Wanted tMn 7200 Help Wanhtd. Mtn 7200 pro}ttt. Prn!it r" t'\l r n, · • 1 • • • • • < •A .,111,~ IOI! S"·t b •n • h h "* Llc"d landscape contn.c-. ~-.• , , , .. r.'!" 170.~ l!;010· . c""' ,,. LIVE -.,,..,,. '"'""" !~ ~ OXe<I or . ~n ano115J ;~ll\l~lnis ed 1or:.<0mei~ lnqoc,. ···"· YOUNG & LANE ha"\ .• . ·'·· ':·.~·· :f· ' ,, 1 '~~"~~it only. ('ruisitlf range 1200 miles. laundfy: Nexr day se7r!fl}, ~ \~ I 1" .. 1 ' J4PaJlCSe a:antens .3»30.n • • .'. 4). sr·· ·I-i:·· s ' .1 '" , ~ , =J • \\lri~ .Bt¥ 'I ', Daily Will accrjlt trust deed or _ LOOI\ TO 'OUR FUTURE, Pilot. ~·.ll I..~~"" clear property, 1,0wncr: 'fryjqg is J:>t;lieving, so bring us yeur soiled ·Paperhlngl"9'. ~.lrlP tor experiencf'd ' tbroueh Qlear bliie sl\iM ••. GRQWJNllJtnt-.ott~. Isl 714-m.34c.:> '~lo~rff.'1t\l@ •ve switch,ed ratha than figh~ p . . . 6150 • "(ire11tore M1nager ' 1 I·~~:' ~'M · NO SMOC. clean; :ORY "ir ::..-?,~--. ...... _. unha--stom W • , d t --"-"-"-".::9'--~----'--e Comm•,<•'•I truck 6 i ,i · ~~ esa . unrph"a~· foam prods . MOTOR~!IBoAl,sll:'l!ps2. .~\."'"a ers. e n ow are p1ou o II · • · · rt.e kleal climate for de~' 1· :~• · d 11 1 1,, announce our ne s I ·1 ~. SUBURB~""' D-:-1 .. n/"-tir• S•l-m•n J. alfalfa growino. nut &. apr.. ,.,re11 uw.nc""' llSSJ.St. for hea & ga ~y. nl!'w 11ai s , \V ery ces-; so g vi, 1JS ·a .. ~ ! ~,. ..-..... ,...,. ucc ,.. , , • cot orchards:"'oo~ .ranch-rx~ i.Ac11ve or in-ac. rlgnc. Fn-e & dr. Trad@ You'll be -happy ·with the se rviC:e, ind we'll Expert ·Guarantttd Work Wt pay top aa.la.ric1 + a ~ •. ;t,{ il]e. fif!\hatctieril'S.,. qn· l!vt!' lnves1. secured by ror auto or house ei:1ly be•happy-to serve you! Slore hr.s. 7 a .m. _. Fl't'e est. No job too large nus on net ·profHs. Bencr~ J"' ~ ii~ ()pportoniti~s~ r)>quip. &-J.Jm!nlor)'. Reply 10 S3900, ~15 . , 9 p.m. -~ .... -. ......... -..:..~ ~ · ·llf too 1man: 494-3190 lnd~e pa~I v1c;a~ns. !:f A~n -,. ~ .• !~~~for .EJ1f"£•~AAE' ·ovtit1'1JO =o.=-==·li,,'=";=4"4.=:'::w;;·•;;;'=' ~175• Cru!Mir'. auto pilo1 . 2 3 Ap1 s., Palm Spring11 and / PAIP..'TING Int It ETt Lowest hosp1talizat an & hfe in~1d "*EXPERTE·iJtEB* . IN~ ~";.":;.m,•d•> m~;: Money to loon &no dop1h liocJm. ""'' 1200 ~;~~,t'~,g~~; ~·G~~jk laundry & Cleaners ~;=;;:.•:: ~ ~t ~:";';ri~!,,':'!";:li;~~'~ "'d -•- 'trus nor only a hi&:hly pro-l6t &: 2nd !oar. :for,qllick ~~si~~~-e~~~~;~ To.w~~ Co. ' . ' ' 1· 9 i , lboa lslG/\.~~1 ' 17:3-9710. ='~'n='=W~"'-"'~'-U-~lJ_li< __ =I ~~nc-a~~4~n:119~r Omar P.U$.~N.~~R TIRE dud.Ive area, but one ol cash. BorrQw on your pro. smaller boa1, O\vner;. (,714) F)tl~. JW.lt« '• fP.5000 · . ;EXI'/lnt. Plill:.' Aver rm . $2011,...,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,,j ".:s,it(LISMEN I creat beauty, as well. 729.3400 J)~~ \l•\J1'1.U. ~.;.~ NB 8 by ·• t · -·--+ ood · t 1 k I' -•- 80 A~~ Just 110ld ••• !I:! ~:~: tc! ';;!:!:~ t~t~~:~ EQUITY in 4 8".>droorn I lave lar,&e> bay!ront home, a '•tt ng • 6 SSO Girdenlng 6680 1bc ~fs.. -::;; 81~~.wt>t' ' GRANT'S SURPLUS FLOOR COVERING AC'R~. • .ev~. now AVAJL-Also~ for 2nd TDs. ~1esa Verde hom~. TRADE 1 ~Y,'-~~11oJ, J!.tlboa. ~nln. COLLECE Sludent Babysit-'MER • • f or better palnling_ call SA .. ESMEN 1 ABLE. wtlh pump " w'll: S.1tOet }\fprtgage Co. Inc. for jriruffie· proPt'"rt)' Cos1a • .. !J~ W)~ e>r P. 0 me' Hoc $LOO hr. Near Wii8oo & J"'I f'~rienced p,!l!nten a I Now l nterviewinl'f ~,: • ~•-!' or W.2040acff' f)lln."t'J.~ avail-St>n•ing Harbor Area 20 """'"· ,'!A..:i. ·,~.. •. • New.,un or COsta Mesa. ·Harbor \in ~ C.M. \\I cc k P:ANESE • &m-4!177 alt ,_, " INTERIOR abh•. Don'! ~ a·~'l·ttn1Pnt· 336 E.. 17u, St. ~·~ """" ~"" 54().~~ * Broker. 673:7420 671-9127 night11, or entire wrek!:ncls. ·Cf"Fll\en::,tl~~ing er~ pm, - beor .~·hen.er""''. ,. .invr1111-&12_21n ;, , , 545--061.J •• V'ACAN'f' LOT JN Ask for-Becky ~1871 i rarnl!r!ini;ff•alid ... ~anup PAINTING -l.nt/ex1. 2 Univ SALES Cl:ERKS DECORATOR ialf Nt:"":bfrry ,S p,l',lng~. 20' CENTUR\'.Jdcal b'11y ,., ... ..-..~Rl'BEA~f ~~ rzt:: MIKE INC. -seniors. 3 yrs exp. Rlsp. -·- NOW•• /'\,,,.. . 11 . nr..wrv ...... LI !)dllrll\ • ·ill t:arr .. ~~ ........ 4~-.·432 • ' • , qu~••oe- .. Yr'fM'( 5 mua l!IUI· Mortg"1..,:,_,,. 1\.0.'s 634 crui~r. hay (ii;h1na:, boat \VILL it.CC£.PT TD'S !oi"'..r ,4 <!J \ · dren ;, . CAI l .642-5196 . ......-~. ;u.-o eves. II ,,... -~f.le.lntms1s.·our ~~7.Qi.ID ,... hopping, rlr. Refin. in & OR OOAT. d"IS"·,~ IA· '§. i ly, k . :nnn... CLAfU< & CLARK Fu Tim~ Onl't :,1Gk!T~~'f!S LES I.her 6 P~. anytitT\e "~k· 1 ~01, Nt;T R.t.'TUBN~ out. !\ei\ul. 'tdnil.' $3,CXXl .I 4'A'I ._.., .I ~ ~ ........ • CUSTOM PAINTING . , • ¢. r .. •· 'enas. . I< ............. """' ... -\' l !! ' G,\RDENERS STUDENTS ~.. .. 69i''P' •• Experienced preferred but ~~ • .~ : .' ~ F..m"1'"'Y • S • " I f i c' \'al,• 'frade; ·tniclc. "11.·agon, -. - -. , r ··10· Acrbl'ttl'ldl;'J MOdcrn working wa,y lhnl colle••· --~-~~-~--1 not tlCCeS!l&l)', 1-tany com-E.~ellent Earning• M.tKE your homP in scenic h'igh dt9ert. Stt our lus· Urlou.1 Gold MC'dalllon lh1· F"iendas ln Sky llarbor Rancho.1 '!21,900. 2 Bll, 2 ,'~A, 'panel cd drn. J."or local c fo call· 1'1rs. Pangborn ' 1328 1 -Robcrt..sc.hoenlcber. Inc. Contractor, Subdivider '. "'56119 29 Palms Hla:hway 1 Yucca Valley I -. . ~it i!; w~iiiOif -6240 :1. (, ~$ MORE CASH $$ •( . ' • i For Your !tome Eqult)' : I . .J\bsolµtdf oo cost .•• i: 1Z·Y.<.f~¥J11c~urr:. ~ .. h ': ''Oi-ilngl!' <Wi\~"~rty. , ' Call the Re"st , .• : ~n call .hie Qe);t 1: . ~-'l,"'l"l'-,. BEYERL Y JACK SOM • ~ ' J • REALTY • . ~· I . . -• , • 147-60)3 er 54s-t24S f -• .. choice 1st T.D.'i::, 10~1. in!, fl.'91 es~ or ? 541-lliOl ' 2 "· C t j 6590 PAINTING · --i 10 ...__,. .. I · home!:. wt"~: ftnct'd. arpen •r ng Exp. Lie. Rea!!.. 64&-4203 -p11,,.. .. f\K, pany ""ur:.lii.11. c.PP y in P<'I" quarterly, 3 yr ~uc da te. TRAPE ror hOnie .. puplc:x Training tr'ilck:huge barn, ~, :n::p.;&1:.J,RY~ CLEAN-UP Siittialist! Mow-~rs In ana. Reasonable son only ~bebiieen .l .and 6 . Plull Buyl.'rs pay 30 .o down, or T.D wpll locate\.C:.! 14 stalls:· FO'A.'IMd, units MIN6~REPt;,~S. No Job ina:, cd&:ing, odd job.•. ratl!'S. Call 64~27 · P.M. r ... 'J :!1 ~ ). "l' $:Z:.,OOO cash required. Prin. with ta'rge pav~ park!na: or? Sti,000 Eq,' 675-625'9 Rcasol')apler ~g..w;,s •. PAINTING ,Paperinc 16 yrs lT;iO Newport 'Blv·d., C.\f ~~~Ji~, ifn~-; ciplrs only. Box P 638 Daily lot and coocl huilrllng. llAYE: 8. C.b Over Campt:r Too Small. ~I ,in llll'-. ir Ha.tbor area. Lie. ~ .1 C llf e:iJ!OllPi i.'liOn I Pilot. $27.~ wilh SZ1,7QO equity, WANT: tent , tra.ilrr, camp. age!! "-0 th 1 r cabinet!. GENERAL Yllrr:I se;vi(.~, bo'J1ded. Ref11 furn. 54)..2356 1 '· '· ME HAMIC I. e "bfuuP 6Je 'tm ... Sl.950 2nd TQ a1 S~ t>i<mth Agc)lJ . 61&.;nl I . • er slie11, aluminum boat. 545-8175, U no answer leave tx-st at lowest raies. Free • Paid vacation incl. lO'i~ in!., all tlur 3 yfs .. ·57 JE;EP cabo\'f'I: plck~up; • * 54>6030. * :~er~~ 6.46-~,7;1. · It O. ;~:~.:; 12131 -~!0?7 -Platt•rlng. Rep1ir 6880 rm~dlate openln~ for 2 tori , • 8 paid holiday-" on ocran view lot, Laguna t 11'hl. ilrivr: nc11 painl &: Jla.vtt Jree 4 .. dear hoUM', , · · i =-:!: •• ,..--i, _.~-ESIDI;:N· ~ • met.hanics .. Fast Shop and • Em;tbYf/e discounl Beach. 20'/v discount 1011' tiiil": 11·or1hi. Tfa(ie ~vina ¥,cil., Wwlt. hoine R,~RArRS, Al..Tt?tK.ATIONS i!Al, 0~\.ni: & Q~ani.ip. • PATCtl PLASTERING. good wage&-cood working ' '" •t· 71-4: ~1137 ~ di-"~ u:1e4-4_'11. 'jltj'tt J>n19s V'crtle~ area to ~nla -<;i&.."B;JN~S. Allj' ,Jllt:e.job • . ,;xfl!dc~2zl .. ; ' • ' I •• ;Ail !ypcs.r.}Tce -cg!~atr. l'Onditions. N~ car dcalcl'-... ~. $6.000 15¥ 1J:i?·on ocean view s4t:iii1."J.iovcl. ·6· :ii •I' ' ftonlco. Il yt:s. e~r.' ~ 54H713 ' · Qit &•Edge Lawn~ ~II ,140-68'~·' ,. ehlp. Ap~\y 1n person: .: ~ Joi , 8%,,jl)I~ ~ year&. 107g Labrtl ~J'"tc·ft-_.l-.lr.vl'I Madi:;~ Davi!. R.ltf . 642-7000 ' QUALITY Rc~iP.t .-:t.ltera-Maintenance t~n!sed ·. · -&.'T\.'1cc Manager Ariply in P !rsonnel Ollie& discount. 497-1210 . . td.~;\~r. ~ut1 •un11,, \vant holJ\;, 'East Costa !Ions ;. NrW .corl!lf:•by'.bour 5'18--4808/645-2310 all • · f!luin.bing, . . 6190 lloli~· l=r&:m~ice ?lfot~~ll~'hru r~~rday 1497-1Q.21 fVjn:W£_ Hugr. rooms. l\'1" Qrach. .Mc~ o.i: .N:pt. llcigiits..,. or.Contract. 646--3442 Japanese 'G.arde.ner PLUMBING f-tEPAlR -~·~.-~~-I023 !'~ ANNOUNC&MENTS Ocean y1c11·~. Val. $87.~iOO. !lave ,Jr;, '&..clear, 2n P~1't10Ns. Small Remod. Exper •. c;ompl y,a.nt service! ' No jdb too small · ' · ·:«iRS and NOTICES fur 'ro's or c:ommerc. ii.ere&. value S~. Move "'.alks. et~: Nltp~Day Free c11I. 548·79SS, 546-0124 e 642-3128 e * 'DRIVERS * .,,,,.. 49-l.,4653 . ~fadi:<' Davi.<!, Rrrr. 612·7000 Reas! CaJl .Kei:i .i40;4fiJ9 JJM'.S ,_>GardeQlna;· .t · Jawn N E • found (Fr .. Ads) 6400 Qeap, lols l aercagp., Larwe 113 Aerts, Timbt>r. Small MASfER., carpenter' .t,4 pe:r TQafin#'Nt~i:._.R_e:i• ~ Con1• R..,...el; R•p,;lr, 6940 0 Xper1enee BLACK. "'-'hile & l~n ~le ~~uxe ~odgl'_. ldyllwild. 16 ·houst' on Jli1vay 31 in Co!. hour. ,Rcmodclin1·R.epa1n. mercial. * ;14!HMU ·--r-~ Necessary! •-II II nd units R1vl'rsidc. Trade .for v!llt> Nat. Fores!, \Yash .. &12-6·109\ir 536-3900 EXPERIEN-Ja · B~:~· r.emodcl, ~pair M t I I C fl! • "."">· 11.s ro ar, a ne~· )!oat or.c;atlh.,nuMr, '-= ... ~ pane11e .Bt;..... block, conc'r ele, U.!l 1ave c ean a orn1a hcen...~. Mesa \enll! arC'a 1714,. <~=is , $l~.~~_J, ~Vant Cf.1 or Cem•nt·, Concrete 6600 gardener. Rel~ble. 540.7J7l cl'(lnlry, no job 1.oo small drivinc record. A ~ply Sola.6~s.; , 1-v:r~ ·t~ t9 1 ~1! .. ~~ ~6;.;·1~45 fo:ir free rstin1air Lie. Contr. 962~9-ti YELLOW CAB CO. LITTLE §iaf&SI' kJt!eli, li~er .. \' ('•t' *i"' ; ~ .. , * * .• * • CONCRE'f.E work 11ll Jot\l'lson-s ~nlng ._ 1~· you nrcd rrinodrlin,i:, 186 E. 16th SL lllrip~. rott ··f?~r w/bells.l.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9•!!'11!1~-"'1i-•i!!!!i f)'pes. Pol'll deck.! &'custom. Fnwsl c ulp., ex~t c-arr. puntU\i: or ttpairs .. Call .., • Costa .,..tesa l\l l'S<\ Y<'rpe area. 54~2667 • -. A-NOU-'c .T -$-Call 5-iS-1324 Pl ·~ . 962-2035. Dick, &t2-1197 Th R" 0.RGE "\l'h\i',.'"'rabbit with AllNOUNCEMENTS '~d OtN .;ms.ENT, • 'CONCRETE V.'ol'k. boot!· ~~~~==""==I .·. e 1gger bladt madH91:.ountain , ,1nd NOTICES. an N. IC~ -· 'rd'~. \ir. Pa1io{l1t1{w'Ys .G~o~ ·• 6682:' Sewing 6960 Valley area. 962-72:~ Ann'ounct.'"9ft~t . '64lO .ch·. Ph ill ips ~tmept. \\ 1g INC f\1tNIATURE UAY · poodle1L_0_•_1 _______ 6.c_D_1 !"'4~111.0 • 1: ~ ~Suftidiary ot • On'!ssmaldng-• J\ltt.ratioiis Guston1 Desigm ·-· HB arra, owner pis Identify. REWARD, FLEA MA.RKET! e cpffirA._'!tTIOs e Gwb.r .,,rod: Co; """"'~Q.l1 ~~n u · ... ''WCA • s.iilta Anii concrf.te ·siw)l'I... remo••I· P I··•· I~· I · I ~ ~ L ;ice;),., ,..,. "'"i~.Sia"'""'' ..... 1n .. 1 In , . · .. ' ro '"""""-' """""""&ion or "' "RS •· I 16 FASH.ION lSLAND NE\VPORT BEACII NEEDS AN EXP~RlENCED DISHWASHER ._.......,,. ·--'_1~1 l ·.N.: Broadway,, • ~ Stal1t <We. •~142-J-Olll . <'hildmn.\eldcliy •· _,1,,. .., . • · eXP'r .=amstre!ls, OWNER 1'handoned us ., Santa Ana 11~w111s.'Tla11 nc, ~ "11 1· & . . ,. J11!y 31, Aef. J, 12-10 prn A!inJME-"MY."-'.liEllE rra ions repair, mrns Apply in person only Roe!JY~~ & Co. SOUTttll:5&AST PLAZA Jl3i.:$1!'ij_JJ I STOL COSTA MESA An ~portunity ~yer MOflli· HOME :;:~:~ERS '· INi Cu!e,.rrey l~I kiU~ nc ro1J1u·. 54&-0.v.6 Jl:"gll'sl•:!J~fi.6pm * CONCRETE n fs: patios t, .. Sit1 ~'· rlothtng specialty. 645-0731 l==::;::;:...:;:__c:.:=:..:::::!._ ; • ~~~~~.~~· ~ml'~.,~~ .. • BEAUTIF'UI. i.:n•v & whitr .C:N1\Q'I'. 8NR"-..,,niqur~. buok!f ~'"· Con&ret~ &. blk 'ti-sa,'A .. , " ittiA·n~ Pretty -Alte~atiohs ·· 642-5845 EXP r~~~~;E~~op· nu~n ___ _,__ f'l!:MALE Cal1m l'al found, killro lost on Balboa Isl. ;1·11c-lr:.1, roins. bottle~ ir'I~. Reii ~. Don. ~2-'.~_lt ' • • qeft,Cli 'I, ••• Ncat,.accurarr ... 20yl.'arsexp. .,r, GE!L OOAT ' •U.. Opportunities ~Joo red C'ollar. J.tc~ V!,"nic. , w('arir1.it •urriuoisi• 'di1.mond I o-~-~"""'"""="""°="== # ' · Jn1n1C'dlale openings for men 1vi1!1 l'X~nc~ in plumb- ing, el~hi'h.l, walls, cabin. els and flnlsh • or v.·e will 1rain yotl•ttl usl havr so1nl! hand tools. See Rick, 2135· Canyon Drive, Costa Mtsa 64:?.9758 ..... ;, • W 540-t\61.ft, 'ct1llar. Gl 3-21as. fi'13-4o&4 T ra-¥•I , _ : ... ~ 6435 Carpet. tleiiii~g , ' 6625 . -·~-~:32J~ ... ' J.~OAM lfUN OPERATORS . 'CANOY SUPPL y OIES H I I' l ---~-_;,_;,= C llAULiNd: Oel\('ral, trCC's, TILE, Ceramic 6974 ROLLERS , • ROUTE · LA -• H'Yl' F· ea s r HEWARD f ut· Jn t or ri1 llAVJt. TQOU\ • 1Ar· 2.flik!a'.~ to .AR PET &: Tu111. rlraning: hl'd~M· ~~~ iY<N./ trimnirct. * V TL-T " ~l * f fNfSHERS ,. · idrnti!y. f>iJ..4769 lf'adi'iig to r<'l"O\'f'f)' of 'ilk. for l .da,.V' .-rvk'tt "" quallly · · '""!.'?' crl'lf', "" ur "all Top scalr. Call BiU t213l '~!µATE bro1\•n rnalc Burmese ~al. Pcn1vi)•h•anj<a~avi11g. Aug 1. \\'Ofk .. call . ~lt>t;,illlj'. !or rcmo\ .-ig John. 6-12-4030 Cl.lJit..work. Install&: l"('p&U"S. 778-4150 . 1 • '(No Selling-lr)Yol vcdl 6401 fi7J..TIY.1.I ll<>!p dn\·e "&: shilrr ga.solin<> ltrighl!lC'ss ! &42.~_ ~ CLEAN UP & litr moving ;No job 100 11nWI. l'Ja);lcrl--'--~y~O:,..,.U~N~G~M~E~N--- cellent income Jor frw _L_•_••-----~---I <'Xl)('n,..,1, '69 Car, 6~·761~ J ~'7"====;,.,,;""?"'=-Trc<' 6; 11hrtlb removal. .. .patch. Leaking s hower ,:hours "'ttk.JY W1>rk tDays nr LOST: lG-!2 lb 1.1·h!lf', long I~~'. ~: da:ii:1~.i~",.· :.~~-5 .~: lo~USI b.el'e .J~al C"~rpet LaYing ;.'": ... : . Rc1U10nablc. 549-Jlj:g repair 847~~7/~ for roo deh\·m-y, lire car eVo!nirws1. Refilling " col· . ~ . .... o 6626 nee, Make Ua.$35 day. Ap. '1--1; .... ....,....., lrom coin op. hair, ma.I(! inalu.•sr dog. P.a~ 615-3.'MO·~, ,.~.;... . ; ~· ~ :, ... 2 !-\'9P!lf'. ply onl, if ""U ar neat & ~ ... .., ....... ~ \VcRrl.ng red L'Olh1r .\1f 111gJ1. •• .• ~· -_ ... ~~ JOBS & EMPLOYMENT Ha'Ulir1g·_··.· '.. e730 1'.r.e. e Servic• 6980 ~v r . -f'~ted iJ!spe:nSt'~. in Cosr:i Sat Der Bl d Cd -: . , -,;;7 .. CA.RPET L,AYiNG 'J • •. • _ • ,~cpcnd~·230 \V. \V.artk'r, l\.leS. & surrounding erta. Rl'~.:~. 6~79 1 M. Per1on1ls 6405 Job Want~ •• Lady 7020 _ .C,A. Pag_e ''612.,il1b ~ YARD/i:ar cleanup Remove ESTATE ~r.1aint n:ce Se:rv si, 217. :;,.A. ~~r . HI. routr. •llancilc11 \VIRE:-H II i rr d irrr1rr 0 COOP-LES 0 lrc(<.11, ivy, dn1: ·tractor _.R('JJ'lovaJ.& trimmings. trc.el,....oiii:_~M~-~Q-~L~-Oii::_~-MA;::;;;:-~K-"E~-R~-S;::;;:._::;; ~ ·=~s\ b$iJf.;dCa~:11~ui~ lri-.'Olor ll'malt>. RE\VARD. e SINGLES .0 ~;~~r:1~~~~~·t. ~,:~;ie;::~~ Electrical 6640 ·$/~'."':°~de ,~#" ·utimatc, Call 541.00SS: . = ed. Frir personal lnten.·1r"' Lost Sun, s; Laguna , Tir'cd c;ii Bars . .Ma¥ & Ill C11.11t Lll'(' in/o\lr. Sh. 0~ long ELECTRJCl.Ai'l', no job too Housecleanin9 6735 Upholster" 6990 F 0 CONTOURS. n,, .. b 19,~ '' .·.in Carita t>1csa.. af'l.'8. send 49!h.'\r26 ' · co..._.wiertc.lubi;; 1n1N T llE , 11 k !'>mall: For prompt , ..... ,1...... ' ... ... .JJ .. ..,. .-: rrnis on1cm<t ·crs 545-,6GB, 1 '" • ... ~ -, N' · o .~ 1\8,m<'. ad,dre~5 & phof\C' num. RE\\IARD. \\'hi1e Sainoycd FUN! Tl-IE lN CR0\VD ·-call 54.';-46)4 ;.,1AJN't·retilcon1c'I, "'.lndOw! CZYKOSKJ,.'S Cust. trphol. Top0-:'1.'," R·"'q·~,.~ .. ~u.._"'30'30 her to l\.fu.lli.Slal<> Inc .. 907~ d T h n1u /'\'"I 1'.•j P r..1,..., nll"'l'S t<.tAT~R~ Wo1n1'n \\'ill ~by-~~~==-----our .i;pcciai•",. }.1tit \\'Ork, . ' ,...__,,. hJ ,. ... ~ .. '''" ,, OJ:. nanie 11.~ a, vc ...,~. ·c. .....w~.....,..1:1'.,.. !I.ii Sl hr. Nrwport Jlei"hls E: LE C"tRICfAN. Licl"nst'd, i-ell.'S! D-fs. ~•i->1•r · ..c.uro100P<',~" 1.'-'•• ,:: .. m1a~~ P ~ .F.. Imperial Hwy., Downry, lril'nlllv. 4 9 9 -2 I :i 6 or 'vilh YQUR \lllt'l"Oo.i>ls al our -,. bOrwted. Small j<)b!I: ?.1a!n1 . & '"" '" ..., 10 in! .,.,_ 4"" ?.fECHANICS And attendants . 1ca11t 90'lH'2Eil21P3Jl IS61.c871 4!ID-~~r '.A1k fdrl Prisci lla :~ndl:'~~~iy ol: (~c,~~~ areu;1~~""~:.~b~ d•iy. n-p<1ir. 5411-520.1 ~:,..~:.~·1:~ a.,~. ~~Se. ·:',., J 831 Newport RI., c.r.f. . ~·anied : Apply in Pers 0 n t-.1ALB pu1• r c-ti -b r o \I' n join tREf':I ·call Leah 1.9 Own lrllnsortation ....,... '"' '""" "'"'"" • .... C?.YKOSKl'S CUST. Uphol. only. j'Jatlonal co. fll•Cd$" tllstrll>-11:/blai·k n1ask. los1 7!'!7. ~.in. 63.~·!f.UO~ , • • • 530--0449 • Flo!"~2 ';.~ rl 6665 'h '&:: ftlfm~~l 1.6!f1401 European Craflsn111nship TRIANGLE SERVICE .: Utor fOr your area. PeJ'son VIC, l!)lh & pl OJ c ~I\ I I a . c . I I cARJ>ci1s~ \Vt!'\(ki\\'S, • (Jr.;, .100·1~ !in! 642-l~a-1 IPhllhp:o1 661 1 "selec1ro must be' ablr ro ill'· SolS-7!13$ rvf's, · *. 1• . , Domestic Htip-7035 al'pef V1ny Ti• e1e. Rl'.'s or Comc1'. :}tin! '18::11 NeWJ)ori' St~ t .r.T. ·162:1 P11cifii: Coa~I Jflyy. NB "VOit-Z fll 10 h~. f)f'r \\'C'•'k---;:;-1ve '•A!ri1yles-""ld-!colors "'-'Ol'lt"Rca.5~ R°efs. 548..fill ' • --• Id k C'l-l!Lv"S 'pr1.·Fr111. S1an1,,~r ('I••.""'"'" 1,· .. ,_,· ... c 1,-,1 .. I ,, 11 • IT'S \VONDERF UL the many BOYS 10 . 14 • '"'sorel'rsJ to ma <'vrr' ,,.._..._ • ,.., ""'.. · ... 1-de t s!· <:<f, <·emir ,............___ ., ~ , · • -.r t'at, sm-w ~ tl"Ofr UC'a t'Ollar. , · • •. p ' ·• ' ' · \VINOOWS DlR'.1'¥"' bu,1 in applianet".s """ fi'nd C · ~ O .high camings. You ni:iy -r crmal'l('qt. Experienced • ~ 1i46~t'i8 , · J-• al}'ll!l\" utes pen ,, 'keep your pl'1'srnt IK>Sition. vh·.' O .<' c-II '.1 w ll o d • HS. MC'l'I that sprri11l .o;on11.'011r f'nl' En$r 1\gC'ncy 642-8703 • J ' ;•, ,, '., J~hn~¥1 1 nu11~ your 1o;a1 in the Oa.uilied Ads. Check .or . No scUini. No exl)('rie-n1·r ~:o!G Rei\ard. &-1:x>iz1n 10 livr . C~ Allen .Byland Agency Gar~~nio', ' ••. · 6610 =~;"~'~"';·~'~"'°';;;;;~';~;;. ~6'&-;;;;'44;.;;;' ..:,;;,'~h;'m;;;:;oow;~!o:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I Le.t:una Beach. So. Lagunl • necesiary but must 1w N:'h· e REWARD. Black nialt; ORANGF: CO. S-17-664;,~ t.:niploy{'r Pays Fee l Dl\,ILY PILOT . .,able. company ivill 1.carh. Labrador puppy. 24 hour n'l'Orrt1n~ lOO-B E. 1~111. SA St!T--03$ AL'~ G11rot>nirw ~ Lawn You,-A1I Sho••ld .le Here, 6(1--4321 i-: * 'l(~YS * Semi retired man to opcrale kry shop. Costa t>1csa area. \\'ill lra1n!tlan wilh mechal)o ical abili nd sail's cxpcri· cnrc. Fr ;1;-roup insurance & paid Y&o.tion. Must be bondablc-. 6 days Jlt'r week. Mail resume 1\·i1h phone number to: pux t>!-420 The Daily Pilci~~ .._ MAJNTE~~ci::: ~1an for "·ork arofund,a r a r ! men I ti.J ilding!;, condominium~, tic. J.'ull time !or property n1nna~lf.t o m p a n y • N<'cd.~ -~~. CIC'ctrical, pain I ing a:~:,, I u m b i n IC i;kills. Sa!Wopcn. Submit resutnc !o P . 0. Box 1810. Nrwporl Beach, Co. 92663 ~Experienced-,, " . ' . : ' 'MECHANIC ,WI! mret with bankers RP. 499-4083 or •192--036!1 LICENSED 1'1'ainlcnance,· Commercial, ...-* CLERK NE'<'ds ex· '. ~~~1.~Fo~·s~m=li~~ SJO RE\\IARO for silvf'r male Splri•ual Readhigs, 11<.lvke HtlP W1nteci, M.n 1ioo ~ndux~ r:~=:.tial· They're L~~king For ••! pericnce in &n><:cry orderfN:' :a w;~k~•s &sainffr poodle, blk nea ~'Ollar. Boy on alJ matters. 312 N. El , , 1 -----~-~--,....,..,. .... ;... ... ,...._ ... ;_.-..,....,;~ ........ -,.~-!\ and prlctng. See Harokt, < • "on Yacht • ~interview in your arf"a send nf'f'ds. ~llli-,1940 Camino R~sl, San Clenienle • .,,,.. .-. ,-:.. __ .-.-. -· . .-. '-. • • HI-TIME . .t95 E. 17th SL C•ll 6]3-]l7] ·=~~r ~r1'5!S llnd pho~B o~l.A~.~-K~--m-,~1-,---~,,-,.-,-. ~N-,-.' 4!12-9136, ~96-9501 •• J£UBEN'S • :"' .LJL.9. ~\..L..4.\L.<&~ C.1\.1. ~9.114 __ ' , "DISTRIBUTOR DIVISION" NS.l:zi;!l. Losl in vie. or 1 -~~'-'0-'A'--M~·"lO"'P'-''-'1__ ·· •• 'l':~t~· J•i ' ' ' · i.-1 *BARTENDER*' EXECUTIVE. .. ·P.O. Box ;is, Pomona. Calif. Halecn•sl al"t'a. :,.J;)-5973 Attrectiv• ExfM'rt Costa Mesa ~ J_P&$ + e:r.,~,LOYMENT JOBS & EMP"LOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT E':c per j e'nc~ d SlanJa(d. ;;· S'ALES CAREER 91769 Dial 642-5678 tor RESULTS YOUNG \V0&1/\N ,. "' . ' H I W fed u.. 7200 Cocklall. App 111 person. lo " . c <lanf1'r 1.1·ill lcaC"h you all Helt Wanted. Men 7200 Help W1nted, Men 7200 e P an ·-··~" f\ir. ColbY 3001 E:. Coasl St.~rti"g salary plus comm. • •.ut..Op-, rtunitin 6300 Bus. Opporfunitles 6300 lah-s t l'lll'!ps. Call A1-drll NEEDS -DIVISION..u H~·y. 001 . 1'irstyrarcarnlngi1 S~o.ooo~-'Jl~";;;;;;;;;~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 .,~2~·~·~·~~ ·~~'°~!~~"~'I 'r -possible. J.yrar tr11oln1ng pro-": ""'..,....., ·IO,.. DttLM.-.A· "* * Sale~ COf" ROL~~R ·.~··. ·_J. SALE~MEN I! •gram. Bu!!ll'ICM Qr i::alt• .:: z ;ppo Club·Adult• 0n1v • """ ..... 'SHERS· .t c' ,,.,,.., '1-~. u .. tual fUnd$ Sal _ . 'l;<ibb1""'"· '"""., ro "' • "'"'"'""" ho1,1,1. ""'"1 A REAL NICE BUSINESS ' Color p1ctul"l?S Iii: J!h no: of i''aihllln l1'lant! ~. · . • es Rapidly rxriandil'!L" nilc.ro-rxpanded. Salary plus com· opportunity employer Call ·~ • · . • do.trs you flT't"MIN't No Apply P•i'sonnel Dept. NnWpOrJ' Bcllch """· • -· i<ll'c-1ronir n111inulacturcr re-111h5ion plus <>ar aJIO\\'MCt'. l\otichae.I ·"-Newton .t:qu1t8· · 1~·-w Ada c M I las An Oprni11c '"·'™'ru•nccd, 11\.'E'nscrt niutunl ~ , .~.:·~· ~' 1;4.~r· ._S~L~·,Pj~T~,1.B.~T.~~S.\:ilP _., ... ·•· nn~~~ ~.~~~n ~U yo~.i:c on :),) Ml ms.' . . ·tor . : • ruli.d ,,alcsmrn·~21 for Onj" or quire~ Division Col'ltrolle_r. Mr. B!:alcr 642-7352 ble Lift>, 827·7900. '.:i,.{J>f. f,~ --·.. Ffpche>nrol lJ1~ !li~hcst pi-tiduciri~'area~ Position 'ttj)i)rts 'di1trlly 10 COLliCf.; ~tudcnt,.full .time .factory Trainees WOUfd 1YOu like lo ow{! Ji fas=lin~usjn~se· H . '" ... ; i'(l91.1s . !. Pa.rt .or N.i'li Tim• .1n Sout11cz11 : CaUJ .. ll;!jsurr grn.rralJma~g~r. Cost l.''X· sun1nif!r, p11.r1 l i1ne during $2 00 H '-could nive you ex•r.Q.cas 4h ou r "":}'.' Phone 542-~o.,·:pii;iti lo BROILER MAN ' -·SALESMEN _ \Vm·Jd. \Vr mt'.'ail ifWhrn 11·r iwrirnr'.1 d~sirct!. Nl'wport acbool. at Chevron station . r. "' > • l'J po Bo i~• M •. , I I ' k SJ ,. , 1 Bral'h lm::altnn, 00 "·ach ,., , ·gunn. No loog Prefr'I' military rxrnipt, ln1n1 eachday.b'l.1,~°"k,·newAi;:a ,ofb<ia .~· ·· ~ ' · .. i ·ng i !.aw. aringni " i11ou.rt;arc:tcn ·~ho11 s.'l)' ..• morc £'at11;&1>11--1'-"'' ..... 18 I ff th U ? ., \ ~~· 1 SENSITIVITY U , 126.00 fl day, C.Ontact 1hC t 'C'nl\al thon we t•a n hlullllr C<<of.C, ~'A.·•. >,,1.,. llall'!, l\1usl ~ 18. 494.9003 yrs. ~p:O."ITl''S e P pa y o e e, C · " •· ~ · · " '"™''· Jn1r1Vle1\.'s '-t. 12 •. 1 "'· 1· Id r . " "' t.., ''" ,.. "" 1Mttl111i? Thu~ July C(l\,· :30 '"'' RN'<'nt •• ~uct'OW\11 ,.,... vur .. i rcor o ac-illr \' _ EJrpcrlt'nccd UNLIMITED AG J::NCY If )'OU can male' 8 modeQ\ ea'sh •inv~ntory.· p pru . 296 \\'alnu!, C.l\{ , t ._Ji.ni • !>1on.·''rl. Appl}> ill pcr~t'rk'c prefci·red. Cn111• r ol'st mrn1hcr fh·ms of11~'"" CODf!ORATlON COUNTERMAN I.: DRIVLR 488 E. 17th St., Suir<> :z2.t ·trf9eslmenl (min.·$2750) we cao put you in --l1C1"'"11 only, l_M'li~\·i: 11'<1JCP.And rsl't·J. l j:K'HIJ'cl ll\·\i"-·Jisa11 ot L<-1"· ·r.RAOIX Costa Mella 642-1470 ~ .. slne•s a s our wh ! al d' tr.b t A o · t · •·10 • t I •··· 111 'f!,.r \\.'nf'\it 11·h<'r3' 1h,. bu~i. { c1·-. ... ~ p,,,. ·~ . o es e 1s 1 u or,. su~. · 11.n. uncemen s Diii, cu ...:ix:, ,r1'1;t111)1. 1 ·~ '"'" ~ I In t bl . b d l 't'· ~ FIVE CROWNS nc11:ii 111 bring-rioiM', Our ~IF -~berly Avrn1!t" 20T2 Pl 1. C tii EXPERIENCED Sc rv lc P. f, Y g company· es a lS e accoun ' WI "'·. ~. ; RESTAURANTS · • ' 1. 1 Ao•"-•m',' .• ,-, • .~u.. act'n 19· · ,,, ••• olt•nd•ot , .. 11 ,,·m·. -Jtlsn """" . ~APPLY"lR•PER}:Q:"J 11gh y qualirl[l(f ~llrnls 1\·111 .,,,.. ,,,...,,...,.,,. ~''"'' . .. ,. astqnoving, year-round repeat products. 1 · ,J.~ f;1 Pacific:. Coa,11t ij\\')', .•. 10 AM to 9,PM noi lf'Tll!rally "do' busirk's.s c... ut• TRAINEES. ~\II or part Apply in petson 'l006 Harbor ,'fOµ irin )>egln pa,rl or lull time. E.qually , Uodetec:t•ble Men'i Corona df'I Mat t.1ond8.Y-'hru Saturda,,y . with firms ®tiida LcisuIT "i.Aee IYC! t i n1 P. cook-lounlaifHilish Blvd. CM 6t&-55,j8 MOct i'or man or woman, age no barr1et, no Custo"1·madl:' h11irpif"<'c fi':>m COU.EOE r.ge man • 'sl'larp •• • ... ._ "':'. World. \Ve •rt J>V1.lctilarly Sa~ C9reer niachinr. lltE 7.00. w. SA~~"'-t1 & pt limf'. ielliflC· • .. transp11rt'pt •rtifll'ial ~n -l'itaJ101l -Jo >A'Oric fuJI or j c~ -afllNey co llllre~fll'd \rt rten w.lth O'l.81)> Starli~ )ati.y plU!I com· ~out H"'Y· ~ ~taeArthur, JN.Dt;MAJ'(IJ product, Sell Comlonable, M\ur11l-looi.at11. n"~ ti -"th ·dull oh / .•rtn t '1 ' • qcrW atti(.ity. l'op produc· mission 'l'lr-.t )'eer Nu·n-1,c,~·8=·:....._______ le ..,.,~......_ ... peoplt only. Hl'io II 1 ~oy .;is,aJlng wiUi people ;.l.bave a Orange Co. ll8ir 1\rpik i~;df'~meio~' Y~CA. ~~Uil ,· · .. '(!f9' o"IY ~Mr, ;Wri&:bt at inp of JiiW().plua poulble WEEK E N·D Dbih\va.shlng , aru;'irf.i2-4386 '.~~· 1, good •rlifft\1t11'ftbn &' n~nt CenreT, 43il N, Tu~tln, h-..i·e Cl.I' _ work somo tl1 F•s~l~il•r;id 7l~ISJ0.1Sl5. "· , 2 yr 1.ji.1h1nc; Pnl&l'm by help. Stcally. frt-SAl~n "'A.SS=isr""'-ANT,:=_;•::O,cl_E_f'_&_ol_l·I lllrwl.i!· tr•~ ·?~e1!4tely, ~·'-~9l1, ness Onu'lg<', ~11 .~11 : nlghta. c.i1 ~9dlt . "? cq:;kti;~.~Y . M ic]i.wi0:EKp' .wiin. ~~~ry~=t~I :1~1~ ~;nt"c.~~~· •93 E. •rouB!l ~. Counlry club, yOI'. -ft, W'l\..J ·~""5 .-Jl SF'.flVICl: STA. &tl~Wte'n. f ·~"'Olll'boa.rdi & i.: 1.-n-' .. !pf\I N toitWa&:ts.~96-3-1~6 H . .,....,.w.·ar· .• 'Jn' cere" •• , •• ~:-1_-~(ijii~ ...... '.:.p' ;,,,.'lrill. t sr HA\'iny~ ··rat1 tlln• -•w-t'd -ifL _,,.~~-. ~.. .,_,...... 1>!lr..,...ro1.1..... . I. 0 lr\IV· £.~PERrENCED : s ER v. =~==""'=~---·I J . a . "!f• .. ~• . -r--: • .-.J. 'i..·. A{ br !"'' ~,. -· ""''""''Vl.."l' '-lUi ,. -...,. <'I• M~~'ll o~onll1r!, STA ATT. Qver. :n. Musi ESTABlJS(.l)!:D ln~urancc • 19 11¢U.J.t . .E1is J(JJi( DPF .iJr, ph ':AO 1 r.e lrAA:fll'i•~1111t. ""f.'R!". • .... usl ~per· -.... tl.n~at trTAnON lllqdalrt .. 1lny .Ma.1in<' HePA1r. &1i,...t;-,.1J 1t::l1Al.J'.:XANDth. hin·e l!Omt' l';«i:ie•-. It,. fui.lr 1.Nds avail, N.D. oUice. * Jo 7i:tJr,..m, "" · • · •·. rl on:v~J~'~ ..t 'Jt!: ln. ~r~:~r~~· ~tJlm,~ "~ ~dl.,,iql c x 11 c r d?~~s.r · , • ~ b'ZT·l900 rut:· 400 F.. 11111. St., C.1\.1. Carttr op~l. ~'\S.1 _ , • . .I •, • trOI uc.v • .,,1 n •r&t · ' · 'P•y.o~rfPd1 ?..1Al(hc1,,,·a lJnlon KXPEJiiSNCED Cook. Ap-Au r<ql'll ~~t'?llY f;.'<PERIENCED Jthoe M lf'!ll-QLDF'ft Man for Nii;:ht · "I.' ~T•Ri~»U!I' '·!~· 1 ·~'!fl\ f All.Y 1.lfLOT WANT~AOS Senicc, UlB 'e. Co.lit ll11y, ply •dlk)':i at 1400 \V. coa11t <>n1plo1('1 i\1 t niiit, Jnqia.lni 245 Foro11t Cltrk. S'maU hotrl. 67J..9410 8PJNO RESUJ1!16!. COM--• . }l\.\·y. l'f8. &f2-888t • 'QIARGr; m Ave., LAgun1 Bt.i"c".-'PHl}Ql1ICKER 'You SEU. ' • I • ! • ----~ -----------·----~-----~---~-......... --,~--------·---·-----·~~--"T"""--------~--•. ' -. --:------;---.........--.. ---· ------"""" '· .. J 8 PILOT ·AllV~RTIS!R Wetlnt1d'1, Jufr lO, 1'6t , , • · , ' Wetlnosd-. Jt1!J 31) lw.t JOBS ,, ~MfLDYMENT JOIS ~ -MPLl>YMlllf. JOll i"IM!,~YMlllT JOit &•IMPtoYMINT JO!f &" IMPLOY/tllNT ~O!;. !Ml'LOYMINT ',JOIS.j •ti1f'LOYMI N1 ~.ilr ~ ,.Dllt POii ..... ~nAHUI • POii Help WanfOd, Mtn 72o0 ' Help Wa.ieil: • '! 14 1'i• W • ·, Help Went.ii' , . 'Help Wini,4 ' · SAL1! AND T!ADI SA LE AND TRAD I ii -SECRETARY-~~'.~~d, Mtll'1200, W-• ' ..:.~ ~.,,.!.":j :· ~".,7.. W-tn • 740t w...,.., , 7411 H.::::::~ 7400 furnllur~ -furnilure • ~~,~~~ • ·~T, N~D, , . ' " Nµrse ·,lll',I '-' HOUSEKEEPER. woman 1E~. ;~1~~1~~;~: ~·w~ •a~;.,_. . • ;."., ... ~·/r. • : .. ·~ ·TJlAl~E~~CORP.Oit~TIO" ::,':>.~-;.,~~~· Mahl.tt ~l'Sllll whoit attend· Pcnna"tnl. kilt time • • ~~ .. ~I i i~!~~::, , ' ~·{: ,;. 1• Au4i,.· ¥i&ual D~velopm1.,_t, 1 : : J.loll.ll!ketper Wanted . ;:~i;"~a:w;=.,.;. ... u;;~ .. ~~~-;1ea• • IMkk"'•" .~~~ J·:h ·~ .... ~-Ea'~· ·1~~P0s1uon ·~:~-1l1 .... d~~ Wt1th ~ , PUBLIC NOTICE Call 5'f>.<!t1 from ID am to en! w°"'"'" cand'i. 1,30 to • .l<•vl.ull-" .""'-. !<EEDS PA!tT ~· y<..; , , il\liorostB, to~O.d D eve op- 'pm. Sp.m,App1y1n..,,... ,,.-..,. u,._. S LISLADIES: •. nt 'O'r ~-V materlali 'f3t 111wn1 o(. Jo•<, {!!en.-W-. 7500' CARP"''TERS ""'"""' '°' MEN Wanted c21. J><rm. part • · A ·.. (.·~"'"'1 Mtllf,havl ab!Uly; to!~ ln-deptb DKoaAToa am CANCIWTION •. OF JI. WXUIY ·APAR'{MBm · S,.islt J MHllwr.-Fnitun lona·can&e tlbttglus tool1nc Ume to ·~ ' hrl dt.141 r-w ... k.whilft MW ~ ..t..-:.. . .ftaeal'C~ COdduct in~Wf.· and 01'- jm)grlm. Only ~need tor. earl~~ lnornl nc wMte yeti,wtMI ~MWiw• A~· • CapJte · nta1jr{ab.: Rt.$pQn.sitillitia in·• . • All llANO NIW . '"'i~''l:l'lll" --• -" ~ appl)'. · D t n am• r c Mw$~per d~livtfY to •' • W >'oulll*l'e • few how-. ·clade:. tecbJ\ltal edlt_illli .nd · aftlng as, Corp. 42'12 Ciffi.DUS~Dt" NB homes in l\e\VPort Beach. 'in'EIJM . ~ ~·~::b'd;.~:::~~d~to,!: techtJeal QOnsu}ti~td·Urln· fibniqp,"Re-ITT JABSCO tMut1A11 turi-·u1... t .111 ,......... i ..,, ... , ................... ~ ... ---n ~.Joi'~;~-:~' ·,:~. ::;:;~.::;_!i;,;o;;: I E.,P'D Roor u·a..xer le office $200 avu"e per mo. htuit • _, •·•~ .. • nl ce.Yil' exrvr!enc' e 1'n an I'°.'•• a'en•raJ •··. ha\·e late model car t be , • · ' '_,_.,..,s conv9 ent r--Jo"' """ 'IW ~~~~~ n a c~ e .7t1 • n ' ~pendable. ~ L ' A . PERSONIJ, n: .. ''RVJC[. for yOu,,·. l\'\Ol'\linc•. att~ P,.,.ita~. S:e n. d resume t'o· Pel«Yr Lenney. i.ii-U:. ... ~ cit-, .u1,. ....... \ .. MN' ' MECHANICAL ... '101 j •. TI~JES. W-4$00 "" ! ~·•YMiDU fllj ~bin•· ainex Corp~ Filmstrip Pw>MUction ..........., -.> t~t11,of ..O.'\Vo,rk in store PO Box 11• G ~ • G . "CT ' Exp'd S~ Sa.1csn1an . 445 Eo1 l1m St. under n..:'finen ~or cOndi-'· .• • -· "• Cuen rovC'f · Calif. ASSEMILER A decor11ot dream hovse ·on dispjJy -3 , roo ms of. gorgeous Spanish fu mirure (was reg. $1295.00 i PARI\ING lot attendant, f!X· per only. Apply ,5 Cro\\•ns parkln; lqt .ttor 5 : 3 0 '\\ttkday1 .. for ladles fine foot}rear. Sat Costa Meri. C1flf. ~ •nd -f05!'sui$el'Vl:1lon,' 92642. year rotqld. Guaranh!f: S:?.::io M~.'j.,~ 1 • '~. · • ' l ~Ii'rs::::=:'=i=$:s;=":';:;;::;s=:;=::;;;;;: pe r llout + eoritni.1.sslon & • AP,PLY. IN, P¥59~. I H.1~1 w.n, .. P.lit: lnl'ervieWtnc 'l\t.01t thru Tri, ·W•tntn· 1411 Hew ·¥./~ntW >'IEST31 F· •• ~~'OOrl •••• "!!"' ., ~:t><s-1'M PiNNiY'S '*-'·. =... ~... t!lua! oPporNJilt)t empk>):er ., • """''°"' ... "' w .. , • ~ ., • l'ASHION.151.AND 7400 JOLLY ROGER W-en St'""k~reker? l.);_111'¥ to~ fM .' Cook. experienced, eood pa.y, Li~~~ a~';) mos. in.tn.. ~~ ~ J;tjday ~tim~.n!~:Y l~::=nt~ ~~:=:.~:~i~ ~f; AlJ ~~·a't -~Sitio0hs' fUled'. * INDUSTllAL ·NlfR.St: . . PIX' O .. EµTOit • Pl'll'fer \ someone w 11 h , · m~1.nical asaembly ex· pcrienct. , Good ?ie:nelita · a{'d wbr)dn& ~~ftJ'o.nii. . . EQUAL OPPORT\INITT · l:N:PL01ER ~ .. . . · .. :~nAU '-'6.-Y COS'f.\.~. CALI>'. 92626 :'; ~, (p-<tr SC3-8'l51 ' SACRIFICE • • • • • • $3911 ~!iill~Rie~ruiE·! :_ 1~ ~~-po~ ~~d.,.,!, ltiili . manai:t:'r 4CXrS Coast Hl&li-or !alter. l'lnwti<.: polen-Eull ~1unily emDlO)'et' ~'"'I \\'&)'. t.a~&aeh. . 1 . -~J...i.;fl"-1 \\IANTED: ~ ~tan to "'icih ~:,s l!~C'tAGENCY *!": . : ' • Jtetiste~ ,nurtl: "Jllt"eO.•l· OUS indUStriaJ•nW'lJinj l!'X· per1e~e reqtlired .• Three ·poeltion' m u I t t p I e b'o a rd. Four; day' \\'t'ek, Thursd&y. tlmi.• S U lt d l y, swfna: 1h.itt. · .. .·Costa Mela only 1 • • "'*'r ...,."Tl• -wo1. Set. a.s,.. 'Tl• · • dov,•n ~ .bGata each , ~eek. 410 \\', Coist.J'!ii&h"'8Y .... ,., .... -.... J. """'"'"·~~ ....,.,, · ._. ·l COL. l N ' I RJ .COOkS . . perience .. Approx 2tl lu'S per L.A. ~, f'1hon chain .. · I S • ' l\'ttk. Call ?>tr. \\'il~n. necd:s a shatp)al who'l.'all , ,1 ~rm JAHrn I ' Top )YQ~.'Pf:rmanent, hdn-J.t.a.-Me w 7111 638-l&lO . 'tkwil"'lifu .. W.:.-.1'...i. ' ~ RADIO co e!t, and workini' conditions tolts-Mt. ;,, Wl.m. 7500 n, ,om. --'J ..,..o · •+ 91 .... >;:", ... .....,n. ·. 'r' " ~ . ._ Minimwn lhl'te ·)'t•n· BoYS age 15 1:: older to \vot'k \Vill be· . ~~as1ble for ' ' • • In aiUli lei.dine 1"estaui'&nt ., ---------···-' d 1 .. ,.,11 i-·•· I Setrttarial • cxperle~. Ap-i., $,am lo' 5 pm fo1· iA· 1 · ~ . rf in ham~r ·~~ Musi eveopuir1 • ._1....,s poen-, . "' •'· 1 ~.!~r··. acUyc , &i;C'l'let ., , ....., n&wpD . be neat, dtan. willina:. to tial of one oJ gur s~ly •• cor:a..i cle~ and et\Jintel'" Wt J•mlMorH It••' teryiew at nel "''"k· Apply R"" H'!'"•·~ •ho ps. Filoi'ier)"'d. ... • ""O'N 0 Ilia · :.lop/, ... -... . . ' .... -,.-... a'c:h u•N' ING s ITT uasco person_ i:er.1, 214.f . Xev.wrt; 01; paBive •P.P4ciP?b apply.to · ··'-' 5Portha1'CI If ;JJ o1I , • ..-rt. .. ,_ N ~ lft 10 a.m. pp"'°""',··-Blvd' •"!l'fL"'~ w. C:OOIOIN~JOl . eleot&. '; ~ . ' • .E'uii oppo' ,;Jn;1y •mpfoy•• ~O,f.EE 5HOP . .. agenct PER~IANEN'r ?.10LD · ~u · •:t}ji"""""" . 1 • > ' ' 1 • 1 -• "'-i'r--:,-'-'==f:-'=:::::;:·~· I 2;A03l El TOl'O Rd. Profet•ION( S.·rv1" OPERATOR TRAINEES · Cler.~ .. ·~-pltf , ·~ ' ·, ' · · COL' · L' l'NS l· M. count& Pay••le t..isut·e•World 1.q,.,,. Hill• C, LEA. N, E_R, fo h I • P • ... Ilffl' h•\t. senior key.~ W "' • 131-1014 r t • emp oyer ,... Plaoeetla. c.... P ... niho' Ile~\· 'll'·' \>!ck· -r ''""'"'"''"d·. . . • . . ' ·' Clork DEIU"" •nd the 1ppllcent 1'"arn1er for •Borl)eo ~!Jnd.TAti.I~-. read lilue enc:e/1BlJ'.l(bxliwc~ni ··An1·0'. ,··co"·. Elcpcrienced :.n-Jy:type ~ .... ,.· rlenc··--• . 133 Dov•r Dr., N.L undc1"M~~~le. M'j~:E>fEC1AGiNC:v t~~ ~: t>:'~~fits. . " ;!~ri.nn.I A••i~t~nt .· > ·.:Okk~p1r ":N :~~ ~:1Y ~~: '4?·317• Jott.JJ 410 \V,..~{ H\:hw_ay EQUAflo b'PPoft'l'O'NJTY ti =1 1 ' Exper1entt4 fn #1fevicwinc ~·~riil Office Work' alis. Good benrlits and BEAtrrY Open.tot, f'Ull ar Help Wanlttl Ne\\-port Be.i'ch", 646-3939 : Ki.\lPLOYER 1'70. J•mMrM llteatl aad alt phues of personnel !t!/F, mature. Day shifl, 5 11,·oi·kin .. l1!ndition.~. part-Ume. 8u!I)' ihop, Xlril ' G "" -" A f •-' ~.. location. Contessa H a I· Women 7400 YOUNG \VO~l.Ul not fOini': NawP,e'rt le1ch work. ood .trJli?j: slcUls. ....., "''"...::, PP Y "' person. ---------to ~hool, ro \\'ork in date 1.:. . ~·185 D.~t.E ~'AY· • Good OPS?CJZ'fun{ty,ip· lnl!rv.tWI! be"i'ten 10 A~I· EQUAL OPPORTUNITY l'uhlons 6T~ JOfS & EMPLOYMENT JOIS & EMPLC),YMI Rectd The DAILY , ' l l ( I l PILOT Temporary Jobs For Day • \Yeek - month or Jonger. nut shop 5.$.)'' a wk. Sat I.:. COSTA ?t1ESA, CAI.lb". 926'..'6 Eqh.l oPporl:llnity l'mp1oyrr ·fist. tr'o\\'!'!l·C'QffiPJn)'. ~P.?\-1. . l:t.1PLOYER ·s-chool.-s-lnslrucli"'on 7~. , Sun a mUJt. ·<?au pcl"llOna1ly 1'714.J a.t5.ttil Call 10r'appG!ftbn~t --,.._ for · in1erview. Lttt « Id• PCil..YOi'TICS INC. m:J'fit CROWNS -"'°"· °"""'' in., 741» ·~mo RESTAURANT~ . l~ DALE \VAY c L REGISTER NOW-9:31).2:30 or difJl'rcnce 1vilh \Vesltm· GUi l11t1· .. 'rl int. Coast li1V)'., Corona dtcl TELLIER Newpon-~=~A !<'inn equ.l'oppOrtynity employer 3&01 E .. P,~ Cout H"')'. Mar. Position immediately • •va.ll· sctkirl& perJOn for 1 rtrl of· C.H IE F • T!:l.LERJBOOK· C.Orona,del Mar SECRETARY/Stepo Cle r k able &tour NewPQrt Center hee,· Musi be rood typist ~f.ER. n eeded In SCR··M LETS position row a v. a 11 a b I e • bl..nch for an e:q>erlenced ,vlth e " p e r I e n c e j" of· NeWpOrt Beach. Qne to t\\-O . ~ • Some banklni experience leller. ftce procedures: shorthand yrs. ~· Pi:ef~. ;!J..fS, • ~-N. s· w· ' . •. . de11ircd. 1.IUll.1 ,be 1ble·· to dtsiia~ .. Prt'rerj a ctttailed ~ .. atld Milin& 1to n\Cet E S COb'TA !'ttESA, CALll', 92826 1714)~ llM1en AYON Educational Vacation 5th SitadCl'S • • • ~ ciU.. ~ ChUcoa! 10• 1-n '>Pl<W { Sehl. Trial Leaon. 1 '13 l\lar, C.M. 543-28.lll : : lirON~RI Ti;acbcr of~ tcrs music imtr, bcfin'r a1J' ' \\'00d11·inds, adve'd flute • A s s I F I E D ISE.ST ISUYS! meet public. ~.,Pac. Nat. 'Pleue apply in pcr.son1 minded oonsclentlous public~ Jbln •.>"olihJ', pn> l Bank, So. Urun& Branch. ~ Jie""llOi"t Center Dr. ·worker' who an adapt" to a &?eial\~ company and tiaw Te;Uier ~.Pine -Audit _ 49~2:!24 ~. Nt\\·porf Beach vdde variety of special proj· smaU oUicr atmOSl'Jhl!ll Devourr-PRIVATE -~--·-~--- I . llt1pr•11ntatlve cell en you? oboe. 6U.o9S7 ' ' SIT A ·s· )10N'I'ESSORJ ~ 21 ~ to 6 )'t'an. Enroll --PAR'i'.T.IME erl!I. t.lus! be respo111!ble, wfth i>f':autiful :sWTOundi~•-An unhappy 1ecrctacy: 'She fntl!l'n&tlonal Tcn1porary RESTAU.RANf' SECURITY itAClflC \vell ;roomed, arllculate, at· Cont• r t l>I r. Lap 11 , came lo .work late onr day, Hclp Set.vice CASHl•Jl . NATIONAL BANK trac1lvt. &:c<'llent "'orkit11 00\VNL'Y 'SAVINGS k and her bo111 half already \V'° may need 90ml'· one ln )'Our nt'ifhbor- hood. No obHraUon. foi· Fall. 64&-lmi or ~ TUTORJNG. Rem c d I a readlug. ElementarY &rad1 le\·e l, Call 642-9610 ( .\nahein1 11'&4 \\',Lincoln ~ condillons, l:ol'.genial aJ. l.dAN A'SSOC IA 'l'ION open~ all hli PRIVATE Sanla Ana Ph. ;>40..00:?5 Apply in per!Oti only, Och PO.ition open to n1en l: 1110-ma&pht!re 673-298.J -~~or 337-4911 mall. ~ · 540.7f'MI or ;,.\&-4.151 Co.st& r.irsa. :noo Hal'bOl' Shels, l0039 Adams Ave., ar men. Equ-1 oppcn·tunily ('fll-• IT\$iructr~s k Sail'..S * w~·· ·N I .. -..................... 1 An Equal Opp:>rtutUty Broo1'hurst, iHS. . ployei-. . . Holliiay ltcalth Sp;r. C.M. nockroKE FiNANCIAL + EXPERIENCED + MERCHA~DISE POii t SALE AND TRADE .• , ""'•'°''" JOIN HAIR ._co .. three.., •DvE"TISING ~-H•-'B''"· ~ It INSTITUTION COOKS ~=• out ·hair •h·!ijl.a! b-ni"*" "" " .ww Hav1: )'OU ever eol\lldered F nl .... L VN & ~ Nur,.1 A~ ·~ .-... $ ' · · 1 Aarrtssiv~ · type for Ales I.:. ur tur• A ..... ,,, In 9olboa· ........ e~retary ' . ... ""w '"'·'"~·.f\ill Ume? ' •• IS . ' BUSBOYS Large pro(tUsive:Ea~ n«ds physictl f\tnrs., work. -..es -"'d Ilk OVER STOCKED . Call S~, l\lqn; Tu'-8, Wed, e:q~erience pref!i'l'~ b1.1t. not " 'IVvw ' to h.·a,in a mpYinf tp Hunllna:ton Beach. WAITRESSES • 'ii· OMentation:provlded b)o a 714: 6'1;)..J230 .1:1r nn .. other • " h · 11trtale \\'omin aU SS tG 4.5. Thr bea.utiful new olfi-• ' hill lime, in 11ervict , cduca. r B 'kk-necessary_ !'Just ' ave trim R . .... MUST s11..L1 tor. ~nmas on au shirts. ~~s. V.$; •. ~4-i ... ~9!7T~.:-lnti· • 0 .eeper tiaul~ a~ b! able t!),meet e:-,.:;~.~~~~u_ir_,.11,11•,s nc~1 an addition to the 1taff DISHWASHERS D'·uo-·t•··• pd for •w'"--Nuroe · rllft and deal ''1th the pllhlic. A"-.,.. ~ ...... ~ "'"" who has SliL· °'.'Bank ex-Beaut. wal~t Mrwr 'dre!ti "'" "" -.. ~.,, •.-sponsi"·, .._ lev·' ~ fta"duate. Prefer a -•'dent "~--l: nlte o1\'I!. Class schedultd'A.Uf. ll. Bm. --.. .,.. .. PlY iri ~~n. ''"" perienci. Salary commen. APPLY IN PERSON eJ', two __,,,..,. commodes: ployi;nent' olit:rfd upon com· ,_1tl~t.r sha.tp;.t•k• ot,NewPort .Bea.ch or Hunt. surate with experle~. Call hdbrd l: framed mimr, 8)1 Cl'C~~~." s:~ ... ~~t~~c.J.'ull plelian. Jnqui~ Personnel chartrt1rl. Must ""!'-• WOMEN Ina-ton Beach. Immediate P~r.t0nnel (213) 6'1().()150. !.or SlTJ. New 9 pe, comeJ time, day shill. Onl)' those Dci)t HOAG ' JllE.,IORlAL ••cell.nt 11iill•. ·inct. letw.Mn At•• 2S & 40 =-. n~~ ~:..":~~PO REUIEN E. LEE l-"l'l.JW. choice or clrs. rci: lf.OSPITA1 Ne..,..,.rtBeac~ s••rtba-•,•' h•' "~•· lt.o... needed.,_for •testinr b1' elec· ruu.. Time re 1 l•d en t $230, now Sl-49.50. He.-brd1~ who care need apply at JOOO ... ~r-_ •'9 ,_ "'" nw AC OU 1 I E c H Klnp ns Qu SUM' \V. \Varner, s.A. 54.6-6450 HOUSEWA~E SALES wtk,t; ltlllfnt·· Unfler tron16 ,.confponents ; Exp. C NTING manater couple to ~anare 5 . oast wy, FuU 'no50 'I'\':1': 13tsi --SECRETARY--Some e.'fPC'icnte prefC!n'Cd 30. C•ll B-erHr•. (714) p.1:eferec1;. &poit . \VOr~nr * CtlltK * =ih;~~ i:hf1"'a!a .. ~n~ N1wport Be•ch Sola bed. ~tltt!.ue. $29;$(1' Kerm Rim•· H•rclw.ata ""2·-11. cond):tiOJ)ll. ~~ ,_~eNu· _. Roll bed /I ' -•7 ratt-wiU1 experlentt. , Rapidly expandlnt manufac. complex in Costa !o1eA. Demo-~a!es •-way s "' 11 n ·I Heavy statistical IYPine ad· ~79'0 1---E=...,..-..,...need-,...---I El!etronic Micro Systems , l\lrliw c0m.pl.Ily in tf'le New. SUbmit resume. wilh desired TIME, LIFE spr1nr malt. rer. $59.50, ~ di lion on calculalin& ma-2666 lia.rbor 8I~·d· .. C.M. w llJRfJff( . 549--2295 port.COSta P.tea. area, has an salaey, 'p a• I e.'q)C~nce, WISHE. S $3.9.jj). Full u . alee per-I " ACCNTS Rec. 'billin&: (ili A JU SECRET•RY openinc•fOl' an eicperieni."ed rcferen¢s. co~te skill:. "".0 EMPLOY l'Cf . $239.SO, now S~.50., chine, general oUice duties. v.·anted E>.~ only Ac , ·-· 8 "" · f i.ceounls payable clerk. Ex· and Cap:abilllles previously 1• New bed.i: Kina $99.5( llfatw·e person ivhosc attrnd. curant~ t)'plsl "App1y \v. s: '· ' ' ;i:.oke~~;op ~. 1::. cellent trlncc ~~11 and 1pplied in rehtinc and SALE.S PEOPLE Queena, $89.50, Full $-49.50, 1.nt'.!' can be count~d on. Schock Co .. 350a s. Gretndill Day ·I.: NirlJt ·Shift ure 1· ,..,h•-1e, . """' ,'olfi""' \•torkill& conditions. Upkeep of 1lmllar projects l\'ho .r;e1•e tonnerly workl llJ Twins $3S.50, fully Jrll&ftlt, Startin; s1Jacy $400 • $-150. 1 b o• h .. ~'H" .... · p 0 Bo l!IO '• rt Uy k' Kina-size rpreads, choice t>t St, Santa Ana 01· ~y c 'tef' 1 ctp . • · . , CALL FOR AP~INTM4-'°"T to • . x £'4e'<''PO or are cun·en 1vor ini: Call ;,40-UU fJ'Om 10 am t.o =~--~~-~-, appearance. . , 546-l30f Be.ach, Calif. 92663 • part llme with companies cln rea. $20.95, now $12.99 2 p.m. FULL or pt-Ume Beautician, MANNING'.S Ml~S EXIE( AGINCY such u AVON, AJ.fWAY, or full u. $9.95, SIESTA SLEEP, RECEPTIONIST $4U clicntele prtl·but riot re-·COFFEE SHOii . 410W.C.O..sUH.ia:h\\-ay Pharw-v,·oric .REAL ESTA.11 FULLER BRUSH. Demon-SHOP.UZ1Harbor-Blvd,~1 Fee spilt, l'i'lust be able to quired: New Ind welcomr. 24.CBl El Toro -Rd. Newport' Beach , 646-3939 STOii atrate our beautiful books to 645-2160 daily 10.9 Sat-Sult t)'pc 50 w.p.m, Lovely oifi· Call 11\&T. 54&-9919. La,Juna ,Hills . ·· 131-1014 LANDSCAPE, Arqiltects of. "1astlrlg time ·' SALESMAN yow· established custcm1ers. lG-6. ' ! ccs, Brach area. BI KIN 1 ·~dfdl.nccr. Yft.Lk f');C'"7:'$10I-ftce desires well edueJted, START Excellent ,opportunity. Phonr No chafl'e far tralnin;r or PING PONG·table, ·never U&- ABILITIES l'\tll or 'put.'"Ume. Cq.sta DA pl', /I lU ··i o u.n c .. at tr a·c t Ive ~laki ni Uioncy. for apoomtmento. sales kit. Prefer education ed 328. Q'.&s dryer, I mo eM: · UNLThlITED AGENCY r.tcaa · , , ; ~et.t'lial Girl., F r t d a' )t. $2 'to S3 per hr. \vitl\. bonus. Jerry· If reud orientOO pt.opl~ \Vhal have SOO, elec dryer, like new~ ·188 E. 17th St., Suite 124 . 6tS..7",,0t sman CompUll!t' mt.tr ln ,Jy. 1.iusf be lible· to tiandie Go-1etltr, !uh C!r pt time. Charlu ArMlcl . you a<-: lo 1 'o I t ~ Call t'rla:idaire wuhcr $35;in~r Costa i\lesa 642-l479 ---MAjo"·s~---rm mic rroiiih P(rlod. Pref crnera1 office.receptionist, 239 \V. \Va.mer, suite :?17, SA 311 E.: 17lt\ St., C.'I &46-1755 633..51~0. sprin1: bunk. makes tul'I !\IA TURE \Voman lcr 3-11 Pr.I shill SAWYER HOi'olE, 2619 Otanft' A,·e., Costa l\lesa l\'EED Part time mai~~ Good pay. !\lust be able to work thnl fall. Hamilton House, ~ B 49-4-2.j()8 HOSTESSES 011er 21. Good pa.y. .... ,,,. Hotcl/,\folel experience llJht mt: e:ni. i,; Fee .Pd.% 1¥Jiinc le; bookeepinr. ?itust W~ t"or 11Uppinr ~ hvin, like new DI. 549--0140 ~·'4.10 ner. fee }obs too. M cool. Call Annlr at '5Rmbl.Y. Small m(&'. co. -Pr~silenet ~·-"-'-'~"~'---~-~ ~-R. Pit'rce'Aeot'.. A1ency Q:9.-.S5i21 · l'\Jll or pe.rt-timr. $1.65/hr Emphtijment ITT JABSCO 9' x 12' carpet &: pad, \VD";J~~e-~i~~ltu 00 Ne~!~'<.M.,'42-6~ -:-1X,lllENCID--to · start. Apply momina:• Aiilstence , bluc/ueen, almost new $4$, c .. , '*""' G•111:·off;·s411 ·" WAITRESS .. ,t..~ ... M•••· Wand coASTAL AGENCY ~~ ... ';'':': • ..,., 11 ~.: EXP'D SAkESLADY 8e•U1\l'!'-.:·.NiW • •. """""' .. , IV. 111h .st A m•mber '1 MILL & DRILL BEAUTIFUL B 1 e. c b. a i\len &: \Vomctna ClOUUnt' .Stach oChces, pleuabt dl-Apply 1n Perun COi.ta 11-Jesa Snellinr l Snclllna. Inc. 0 R/ .~ s •·•-•··5.U-6331 • ¥ .. ~~:m,: ·duti~, ·clu -~· SUJlP l , 111(.LOIN BEA1ffiii1L Girl w/JO(>d 2i90 Harbor Bl, Cl\{~ PERA TO · ~b~""•dreis:C.1117:"~~ 19:i · Barm•id. ·w1s. ·~ . SHO,Pa~.-Cs . Hwy. , ..... for modelfnr. Great BEAUTY OPERATOR-Sl'TUP' bookctie. ,,...... t, ·t.Javetlck J••9" lest . fM'4'~'9etch · Pi)<! 3 to -t tw>ura per week. Fashiooable Newport Bead\ K' bed m.l\ld 1723 Ne .. __. Blvd, CM. .EmplOrlJlent'. Aa~· : ~· ·se'" I A-RY--~ •-""'noe. Hob'-· -salon needs' an eapcrienced Good benefit.. and. QUALITY! u11 . q 11-" ·~· ~-s. M ff • "" .,... -r-·-u1 lull 1 G •-Compete. unused w; MANICURIST Alfredo'• Hair WAITRESS w,nted, ~if:ht £~ • a.in, t>...,,· ?if l M ·~ It R 1&i~ far tun.I Write-bo.'< :f me .oprratar, uiu-. "" workinr condition~ \\'Orth 3250. Aft 5 or wklldi h ATrRA('f, wOmall need.....o: ,lo ·;!·. r ,o ,. .l • S i(i:Nt(!~· ~"·DaUy •Pilol. L'OOlmluion, paitl vacations r Etc. 326A. P.larlne Av. Bal. shill. Expe:rir eed. 1~ '\V. ~ -C·'• ·'· 1 •-·i M7-00Jti .i ·1~am le; tiach • makeun _,.. ' ._. .,. li !:::L: etc,r S«-1.'i 0 EQUAi. OPPORTlJNIT\' ; Isl. 61iMl0'70 Coast n\\lf; NB. 641.ssn . ' ·L .w•• ' Hll' p. 'k11~\Cc,tn1a·ny O~·TAL 'Aisistant -rece'n.. CWl"T•o~·~ ~,k • chair "",· k!ehdlque1. Alto pasaibJw to · .. P· ' r RESlDENT OIRECI'OR EllPLOYE'R · "'" ""'"' ""' .-; -CHn.D Care and I It e PBX Operatoa Answerinz own sml. bu!li.ne!I' of ycur MISS E.Xlt MENCY t\onltt1_ J{Qrlll'nrton Beach. for· boya. Oldrr man or Singlr divan bed, ex~Ueiif houscv.'Otk 5 d1.¥s \\'k. 2 serv!ce exp p r·e t t rte d. own. \Vrit.e' Jo!l'T)' Skaver. f 410 \V. ~t ~~~ ~e ~ to . 45. Typin::. no couplf'. Small pr t ,. a 1 e 1.._84 DALE \VAY condition Sl5. 6Th-IM9 -~ chlldren !IG!-1620 Hounvaey.,HBi~ OKI VIJ'I NlftrB l v •. l'Ji~Y<PQrtBe 1 .~ .'d~nt .. l e'xp'erltnce IChool.613-!HlO c0srAt.1ESA,CALlF.92626 NE\VL.YUpholslettd12"&eo . COMJ "'*NU')'. ,M7-«Ylfl • "I d EXPERIBNCEO · BEAU'J"Y 0-PER A'JO RS ~anoram1 G'UY., O'a ll f .. JNAT10N.1Sbup Bar EXP,CouplctDJ'!lana&enew tTI-41 ~~51 llonal. docs not ... ecot' Sin&le-necdle opcnllm. Ap-wanled: No .. to 11 o w I n·c '213-117-MM dillect' J.taW.. I; Go Go Dancerl. ~01.lAN. E:xptrlence :}?·unit aptl. HB. l'IO pets, no SSSO. &G-;1462 1~ ply 825 \V.18th St, CM nect~.·ST~t~~101 Wu111K1IPIR T~p "'1!-1~ $3.IJ<!-~·~ to "! es retdy . to 11·ear. childlyn'. ~ TWIN Bedroom auite .., _;::__:.;.:.=========-.!.====-=:;;===I '"'f--.,s_ · stm·PM .. or lot. ~ Ovtr 25. Appl)' 'h1on thru •"-"' · h , __ , -·• Li\.·e-ln jor .,.(~r;lf • cotijtle. crugy • Y. 2!lOi Hubor. Fri .l°"1 AP!l.QPOS ·No. 27, EXPER artll ~fountain. full WAN't older coup l r to plccts, .:,..,. eac · .... , ... <Share reapom1~)1'/prae-'t.M.. ~ , TM &: cOuntry, Oran&e I.: pt·lill'I~. The Nut BU?'iC'r manaie apts, 6 u n i I •. ~~11'l;;'.;·.;"c:.';..-":;;:1JJ""'-;;;;-::;::;frl STAR GA'ZE~i>:~·: ·Ilea=~•~ LIGAi..'s~1JrT+~Y ''$EC~.lRY ::;11~'!,;.·'{:,011 ~~=~:~;SE FOii •;:,~·o:;!t.:~.;.i !::!~=!J.,e.,nc,:.--....... -!· CL. i,~ ... ~~ "' '""'m' ,,AYllO~t. C~lllK --.~ .. So· """~1~ -~ '""' ,.,., ... ""' SAiA_!L:! .. :.!AH~D~-'!:!nMD~~E~_r.~S~A~L_!EJA~N~D~T~U~.~D~E~,,·~·wi:•;•::: .. =l=-==;;;~fl / N•• 21 "'f ,.., .. , , y BT.~ ~ mJ.i'dm~ ol'l jwar ,9ft\ • me ., .. wuu. Gd. typln1 " shorthand. or .:. ,.. · ,~~ :ii2i To d~~~·f::;~~doy, ;:-;~ ·-=~~~~be:;: rd,. tie>,~~~~,· 8': !:=1tt~~~· ?62.":2 !'~u~mi~~-i!r,.~· i' •.•. jj .• ;-;;~l'~u~;n~l~tu~r~·~~~~-~~~ur~•;';tu~r~eiiiiil ""'~"'~ ~~Z~':.'::::f~tol'U'lbars n.s7 0!1'11.~.lofrs. ?i'e4f, 5f0.?'no ~cmt.E~S ke1per.to.live In. ftiv s r-TT Ert . Mature I #"'...'::": • """' '""" """' , e:ihiA'll>' 111'6\ -rioe. r:~~~· .. ~,..., -· . .m .......... _tlon, .. ' 'S11A' :N'I s H' ' . , ~ 1 •• ~~ 2To0o~·· 32-l!W '''°i-c. Nut t$e''slt_l.tpi illibtl. \4p. roofrj-. ~h 119n .• prtV. :3(· IOnlelimcS • At.y.tJwlc. ~ ~ 2-f.17·•1 ! '(/~"' ~! ~ ~ t , Pb' II' Person: Vokki'1 It ~ '. . Aq. .,u. Th~~ ~ bouseke-ep.. MIDl'DR. RAN UN . sv.:.. »,,.... ~~ i..nt,, 11~9t11 N'twport, 644-23&9 '· «t • ·.inJh4 ~~CM ;:·•.... ~i::. ~~~ c.?t1 .• · , •Mmu~. ":~ .'i Alto ACCl('rs Ree. 1; billine rirt • l • Ai Shoti8'~l~t,U!.at1 HomM'. . aao1d J111..it,,,. ftOiJ a::L:. ~ , -· ._1tf!8~~·\"•~ .... wpled: J:isMr~ -· 1-0-· • • · ~ t I . l~~~ ~~.:,.... ro~= . ~ up ... ..,. . " ?tint smwndi~ c.uale twlat. A,PIJ \'I. D. ,WMt: ... •llCiting •c•n•I Your ~om• !:lft cbmi ellv• witn OUf 1 •rn•r~• 11 e:--..:1,,_, . 11 ,..,, .. ,,,. • , / ,. . f0fil&l'-f1'. tO .~se· wlm loll IMalr oruce.·*9ft--1UJ .SchQCk-·co ... asaz. s. Otten. 11!Rer•t•r·C•tl'•l•te4' pe ck•t•I' l jv,in9 raom 'il)clutla1~. ~ll)Cunout Sef'e> ==1 0 ll~~... ~l~ ~~ er ;~~~l-.,J.tolll'O-OR.AL Surrer'Y. . otpcc. ·ltn-y~ ·St.,;ktila _Ana . . enJ t:,i,.1 S.-~t in' 41ul1t•cf'fl.•t•l .fa~rics. J $pa"i1 h O•k 'Ta).11~, 2_.111"!!1• J ;~"" :;= ~:OM\~,. _vla Ave., ~ta....._ I, 1~ eompl~t f6r • tp9KICl'IJll-~ 1 9·~isl\a4 'C..,qvlitacfor 'Te,lt lainp1: "H1ci'encfa '" t'•dtoom: ),.ru1h •,•,•,~, •,•,",.""" ~ •" ilVE~ ~-~.,.. ~~ii~.~ ~· J'~ plant. tflhi Tript ·Dr"1er w)th Fr•mtd Mirref, Kil\•·'11• Hi'.•dbe•rcl, 2 ContM .. •· '' 1 ti~· ~v 11111 na:r u ?1q-11u ~ .......... ,._ .... • • l:fc. w;_., ... 1.a.1;en O~nette Set, st•nf•h bait he~f " t~p. M111t; M ,,...,. ........ ,.~.... ~},__; ,..._ . . . . .. ~-~"~~ope. Y'Y. ·J. I .J .J I P l ... bM ,,,."'"*'-' ... CM 7'0I • · . •,, ·~ ~ , To . a ,,-.,_unt: 1&81 ' '-.M•n tO \lte ff\lly •ppt•cltit•-' ... ~. s c",.me in tcia1y r C-• · er• ~~ ·i1 =:' 'r.I· , ~· t . : ··. . ~ ~~ ~· ~ ~7icon."'t ciucrent "°" , •• ,,,s.oo. : . . .. '· · .. """' ,,.,_ IJt::,. tl/JITA ' V. i0l4ll ·d>Q,,,;I.;::'. an.iii. ..... ~4/tj(ll ..;;....,. .. llw : ;~.l~~JjlW,....,IAL U\I., ~~.~oc;\orl<f ;!¢:.'.. '9'U• .fXlld'4" ' ~·~ .. ·~' r'ln-t"~ .. '' ... rtn. .Pit~~ 'ii» Wi®lot TV. •ci1. ..... --'~ ,,,,,n.iir , 25 0r s~Wlu...-ii:5J•ttt ".,.':"tol6 ~, Jbt 8v1J'Qftl, ~bot. Jal&1'ld cal! ~"' ~;; 16F.,.. YTe •l'-'= ('I 1C1"tt-...t.v I 'Jh lfttt 'l ,.,.C &n.a92T . ,__ !ffY CrW1t-TetM1 ~ ""GO ~r.ir ~~"*' r.c:.,_ •sq•or ~,_ . . ,.. ,. r./1 Al~.~$ .,._ ~-.-.., .WT• ffl),...... ..,......ft.. $l 'hr'. *" ,,(r.\l}.N_,.;_~O~W6tlrin &;not • SOit.• ..... ·--:t.::·-.•·" JO~,,. '°Ab-. '°°""' ... ..,.~tr.m ·SU-MOO ". ~ ·~ MJ ~ morntnp. Ml.AW • ;;,;!.; .. '~"°" @.«-C)N~1 . ~l.~'-~,'.~ ;~=@;..Cf~;':a . Rlllll1\llf ', ..._ w $47.fJlt .. · • · "'148-m3. _, .. n :lii'~'."el'>!;,H.l.\· ',.. ~l;ii~•iil·~~~~~~~~iii~~~~~~ • "" 1 ,.L•--. , .. ~ ,. __ _,._ .. -, ...... ' • ·. " " l J I I l t ' . . --------~~--~------·-----L-.._____ _ _.._ ------~-----~------------~----~----~--....:..:....-..:.::c...:....1 ' • • ,, ;. " ,, ' .i • • ... ,, Ll!GAL NOTICE U:OAL 'NOTICE NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK· CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WAN:r AD 142-5878 • WAHJ IO CLUM UP Oii YOUR CLEAN OUT! FOR FASTI CAll DAILY PILOl CLASS· 1nm DEPT. D I A L D I R E c T - 6 4 2 • s 6 7 8 M""llm may ,tM• ttMtr Mt "' HttphtM Phones Are Open 8:00 a.m .• 5:30 p.m. t .lo Noon S•turcloy ;-Glo .. d Su~d,oy ' . .• DIAL DIRECT ••• ~4,2-~678 WESTMINSTER & NORTH COUNTY DIAL FREE 540-1220 . . ~ .... ' Hu•llnt"" a/ech: 540-1 :220 L19un• kech: 4f4·94U ' ' •·• • Hours-R~gulotions-Deedllnes l".ROal: Aft.rt...,. .....,14 check their u11 Hllr aM n..rt lmmiMlthfJ ttrM'• .... Mlec .... ffk......_ THI DAILY rlLOT UMIMN U.Wllty fer .,.,.,. ttnlJ te the pftftt -' ,Ula.hl"t tM M...,tlHment c•r.ctly 9M 11¥ -,. DIAD .. tNI ,o. corY AND KILLlt l 1H r .M. '"" .. .., ........ ,uailk.att•"· ... .,. ht" W .. lcMll 141tlert •ntl: MeNlay Metf11111 w...... cl ... rit tlnM 11 Sill r.M. ,, .... ,.. ' YOU MUST' HAVI KIL'-NUMIEll Wh•n killhtt an all bMluta ef 11ulck rwultt. Mo •vr• .. male• i r-.c.,tl: •f the klll nvmhr 1lv1n y•u lly yaur all tekw •• ..,tftc1t1 ... If _yaur c1ll • Iv•~ ....,... It m•4• •• kill ., c.,rtct • new a4 that tw.1 Hin .,.;.,141, lwt .,. c1...- Mt lveran.-.. .. 4• " vntll th1 &ti hi• .,,..rtrfl In th1 .-,.r1 DIMl·A·LINI MS" •l'I .. rlctlJ' c1ah In •il•1nce liy mill ., at lf'Y Ml •f eur 1fflc ... NO ,...,.. IN•rt. -• --'"--'--' ,...,., ....._ --. ' ' . Tt-1 DAILY rtLOT ,._.,..,, .. the l'ltht t1 clat•lfy, llllllt, c•nHf' er Nfu• '"r. ailv1r-llHftl1nt, •IMll 't• ch•nvt ltl rat" •ni' r19ul1tllftl• Wlf'h911t ,,.., Mt, .. Miff Mtlreu: '1ti-111s. Ntw1t1rt •Nch. cifttWnlt Ct:ASSU'llD COUNTlltS 1r1 ltcatM 11 fell1w1 : Doily Pilot Clossified CLASSIFIED INDEX tfOUSIS FOR SALE t•MIW t• CffTA M•... 11• MltA 011. MAii 11• MllA \'laD• 1111 COLLlfl "Alllk 11\1 NIWHllT llM:lt ltil NIW .. ell'J ltlllltTI lllt IUU9A l!t¥1• 1111 Mawl'lltT IMlltlt llH IAYClllT IUI IA'ft~ll \tu OOVlllltttllllt ltv Wt•TCU'' IUI llUlff: MllMUHOt IW UN1YSlllTY •Alk ltsJ 1-Vltfe 1111 l.\Clt UY 11* IUTIWll• lMt 11VINI 11111.ACI 12U CffOMA D:L Mal ltJI IALIOA P Ml ... UU u• Ill.COM UY IMI It.'( 111.AMDt IUI \.100 llUI IUI IALlOA ISLAND lUI NUllTl...,_11 11.-ew ',"' lfUM'f'INfftft M•AIOUI .ti ~IUNTAIN V4LLIY Ult llM. llACM I.QI IUMllT ILU:M lW IA.ltOIM •lllOYI IUI LONe ll_A(ll '* UKIWOOO HM ~:: :::::; :: OUT ., nA1'1 WI i1'AN1'M 1611 w1nM1Nm• 1111 Ml9W,lY CITY 1•1t U.lilTA AMA ,,. IAllTA ANA NITL 16'1 OIUNot 1611 rUITIN lt41 QHM TVITIN IM """NllM Ifft fl\.VlllAOO tAJtTIN 1'91 MAVAlU. U.XI 1'11 U.llUNA Mil.Lt 17M LAGUMA llACM IHf l.AftllNl ltllUIL un MllllON VllJO 17tt lAN CLIMEM.,I' int S»I JUAH CA,lttltAlll6 lm CA,ISTaAMO IU.CM 172S DAMA "41MT 17)1 <.AllUl&O ,, .. tie•A•ll9• 17N ..... ..... '"' 11vwu101 couwrv •• MCMllll TO 1• M0\'10 I,. COlllOIMl•NM lftl tu"-•••• ,.. s.u• 1t11 "'"'"'wn H• Mt.a ,,.. RENTALS HeyHI Fuml1hMI llMllllL llMTALS 'f'O IMAll eolTA MllA MllA DfL MAO MllA Y AD• COLLlll ........ llllWl"OltT l•ACM NIWl'OIT MllTS. MawHtt lltOllll IA'l'INOltll :::::L~::11u UMIYIUm ,Allt lltYIMI IACll IAT u.IT ILU'' llltVlllll T•ltiftACI !OltOMA OIL MAI A!-lfA AY UU.NOS il~f.'1'1~0 MUll11MITOM II.KM 'OUlll'f'Allll VAi.LiT lllAL llACM LOllll IUCM OUJMI toUMT• U..TA AMA 'ffllTMlflllTlllt 'lllOWAY '""° IANTA ANA MllONTI :OASTAL LAOUNA ll~M ._.IUNA MIOUI\ MISllDtl VlllO IAN CLIMIMTI ll<H. IV,tJI CAli'llfltlMt l;'A,lft'llAMO llACM OAMA 'OIMf ll:IVllllDI COUMT'\I' o/ACA.,IOM ltllllTAU lottMMINIUM >U,LIJllll PUllC. RENTALS --•• ... '"' tlH ... 2111 "" "" "" "" -... "" "" nu "" ... "" "" .... ... 1411 ... ... .... tilt .... .... ... ... ... "" "" lflt '"' "" •• .... ... .... ... HeuHI Unfumithtcf llNlllA\. -CtlTA MIUI 11• MISA DIL MAI 1111 "'•iA VllOI 1111 COU.COI jllAI« 1111 MIW'91tT llACllf 119 MIW,._., M9fl, »11 llewHllT ....... -•AiVINllft ml 00¥111 .... 111 -#llTCLJ'P ,,. UMIVlllnT ~..... mJ .-iv••• '"' 'IMIC' NT 11• IAIT au111' na lltVlllll 'Yllt!UCI 114 CO«D•A OIL MAit mt ....... ... IAT liUNh nM LIM nu ml IAUOA ISUQ JlSI Nt'Wl"OIT WIJT _,. lVN'f'INOTIIM llACM .... 14\llrf'f'llll"M MAllOtll Ml ~"N.T.-.IN VALLIT *"II JIAL IU(M MM GAJtOIN eteYI ..,. LOMD l lA(ll Htl OllUttll COl.INT"f Mii SAllTA AMA S.11 WllTMIMITI• $Nt MlOWAY CITY N1' lAlfTA AMA Ml .. MTI MJf CtMTt,\ mt LAGUNA llA(M -lAOUNt, ft..Uet 1't1 MllJIOH VIiie )1'1 IAN CLfMtfl(ll 11'1t CA,ln'ltAttf .,. CAl'IJTlt,._NO MA"JI ,,_ DAMA POINT If• CONDOMINIUM >tM >U,UlCll VW•U•N, ltlt RENTALS Mll,t Ylltff H•WPO•T aUCM 1t•""°'T Ml,.MTI flllWPO•T SMOlll WlnJUI"• UMIVlltllTY PAliK tACK IAT I.UT ILU,, COllOMA OIL MAI IAUOA IAY llLANOI LIDO llLI U.LIOA lllAJIO Mllf'T"'OTO!t' II.KM •OUlllT'AIN VAUl'T IUL IUC'M LO .. I'll.CM OIUllO• COUNTT GAllOIM llllcr\11 w1nM1Mm• MIOW•T. CITY "''"" AMA IAlfTA AfllA MlllHTS TUS.,IM COAST•&. UOUNA leAClt LAIUNA llllUIL MISllOM Vla>O SAN CLIMINTI DANA POIMT TllPLIJC, et(. CONDOMINIUM RiNTALS Apt1. Unfurnished ... -"" .,. .. ,. "" ... ... .,,. -"" ••• .... -.... ... ... .... .... .... .... ... .... -"" OU 01) .... ,,,. ... ... .... O•NlllAL Nit COl'f'A MllA SI .. MISA VS•DI 1111 NIWl"O'IT llM:M 12• lflW'61tT MllOlllTS lllt NI'#,_,. INOIU lttt Wltra.I'' 1t• UJllYtllllf'f f'AIUt 1211 IACk !IA'f I,_ IAS'I' ILUFP 110 co•OMA OIL ,,...., IUt IAUOA f!M IAT llLAMOI IJJf LIDO lt\,a IUI NUNTIMGTON llACH J4tt FOUNTAIN VALL.IT Mlt 1•&.llOA tSUNO 11'J llAL llAClt MSI LONI llACN Ult OltANOI COUNTY lftl MllOIM llteYI U11 WISTMIMITI• Int MIDWAY cm 1116 IAMTA AJIA UM IAlllTA A1tA NlllMTS SUI TUITIM Utt C6111TAL n• UOUNA llACM JJt! 1.AOUMA fllllU•I. jltf MISSION VllJO 11• SAlil CLl!MIHff Rlt SAM JUAlll CA,IMAMO sns DAMA POIN'f JJM REAL ESTATE, General Tall"LIJC, lftt. eotrcOOMINIUM •IMTAU WANTIO •OOMS NII llllT ... ttJt "" "" .... lllOM a IOAllD MOTILI, TltAIL•lt IUllT MOMIS MllC. ltlN'Tt,LS COUltTI "'1 IHCOMI P•OPlllTY IUSIMaff l"ltOPllTT Tlt.,Lllt ,AltKI lllllflllSS ltllfTAL OPPICI llMTAL INDUIT•IAL ,llOl"lltTY COMMlltCIAl-INOUtTlllAL llMTAL LOTI ltAllCMll CfTlllUI OltOVU ac1t•••• LMCI •LltMOltl lllOIOltT ,.O,llt't'r OUNIO co .... OPlltTY OUT OP nAT• 1"110 ... MOllltTAIH 6 DlllaT SUIDIVltlDM LAMD ltlAI. llTATI llltYKI 11.L •JCCMAHCll It. I . WAMTID BUSINESS •nd IUllNQI WAlfTID INVllTMIN1 ~ltl• FINANCIAL IU51NSS5 Ol'l"OllT\INITlll INVISTMINT WANllD MOlllT TO L0Nt l'lltlONAL LOAMI ~9WILllT L ... NS COLU.TlllAL LOANS RIAL lnATI LOANS M6lT•MIS. Trwl DMfa MONIT WA""11D ANNOUNCEMENTS •nd NOTICES '"' '"' -••• ••• ... "" .... '"' ••• ... .... 6111 "" "" .... ••• ... ... .... fllJ ... ... . ... • •• •lH "" -.,. ... '"' ... "OUlfD ~ .... -.. ... "°'' ,., .... '°"'"'-' .. AMNOUMCIMIWT1 trll llltTNI IMU •UNIULI ..,, PAID OllTUAlt't' ... 11 "UNllAL Ol•ICTOJll "'11 "l.OilltlfTI 6f15 CAAD 01' TIIAltU ... , IN ldMOIUAM .. U CIMITllltY LOTS '411 c••n••T Cll'f'l'TS "1t CllMATOttlll i&* llQMOltlAL l'Altltl '411 Avc:TIONI '43t AVlATtOlf lllllVICI '4ts TUYIL '431 All TIAMll'llT.lTION ... AUTO Tl.AICl.-Oln'ATttJril ... Ul-.U. NOTICll t4'I ... MAN I TllTOIUte ... SERVICE DIRECTORY AttOUNTIND ... ............... \ft(. .... Al'PLlutrl ltl,Allll .. "•"' •~• ""'""''"'· .. , ........... ,.. ... ..,. AUTd ISl'Alltl -AU'TO, &Mt ...... ,. .... lie. llft ""'"''""'• ... llAT MAIMTIMNK• .... M.,;K. MAIOJl•Y, ~ &Mt llillN•St MlltYICIS &Mt IUll.OIU mt CATl•INe ..,,, CAllMITMAKlflle U. CAlt,IMTlltllf• U9t c•M11tT.~ .,.. CMILO Ultl, ~ fllt CONTMC'TOU .... Cut,_.T CLll.AIUM• ' .. ., Aptt.. Fu"'ished .. ,.. ....... ... CAlll:,•'f' L .. Ylfll• a ltl,.Allll: .. ,. .... 0.A,lltlll ... OIMOl.fTfeM OflAPTl'MI lllVICI ILICTltlCAL IQUll"MIHT lllNTAl.I •INCINI ....... ~UltNACI 11,t,/IS, ltf, · PUllHfTUltl 1tl1T01ttM• ... "" .... ... ... .... .... .. lt6PIM1$MIMO '61' 0AltOENINS •IU OllllllAL llltVICIS UU GltADlllO, DISCINS 6"1 ....... , ,.,. Gltlllt''TlfUMtl U. 9'111 SlllOlt . 'l"· MIALTM CLUll '21 M.lUUNe t'JI MOU.tl(LUlll tlle '7U IMTlltlOW DICOllATIMD •hr INCOMI TAX '141 llCOlll, OtNll!fl!l.i, ITC. '111 llte»41NG fJll tflllllLATIHI ffU IMIUllAMCI' •lit lil'VlfTllATI .... Otlwtl~t •flt •AHlfOllAL •111 'IWILltT ltl,AIL l'IL 'IN UHDICAl"INO •llt LOCKSMITH •Ill MASONltT, lltlCJC •lJol MOVINO t S't'OllAGI' •il• PAl,.TIN .. ''"'1fl~lill •Ut PAIMTIN .. .,.. 6111 ,ATIOS lf.l' Plt0TOOIU,HT PLASTl1t•e. ~-II. lt•Hlr ,LUMAINO ~ ,IT OlltOOMINI MM 1"001. SlltVICI •Ill POWllll S\ltll,11111 •"'' l"UMI" s1•v1C1 •tit lllOOl'IH• •Hf' ltAOIO, It ..... fie. ... lllMODILIN• a llll"Alt fM llMODILI... ICl'TCHlftl ,,_, lcbsen SfllrNll "9 llWINO 6"9 SIWING MACMINI' ltl,AlllS fill lll"TIC T•M•a. Slw.,._ llL "61!! TAILOllllNI ft7' TlllMITI COMfllOl ~2 TILi, c.ntlllc •ti'( TILi', ~ D M1rM• '"'5 Tltl!I SlllVK:I •IN TILIFo/lllON, lttHIN. lie. •tu U1'HOL$TlltY ,,,. WIUlllll· ''" JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JQS W,\NUO. -J04t WAlfrl!Di ,._.. JOii WNfTI•, -"" MIN t WOMIN 1t)t DOMlttlC HIL~ 1111 AGINCllS. Ml9 n• HILP WAllfTIO,"""' .,,.. AOINClll, ...... 1,M ltlLP WAllftO, W.rn• ?! .. " JO•~ & w-~ •• ASIMClll. M.-• W-11,l SCMOOU & INSTltUCTION 761« JO• l"lll:E,AltATION ~ TMIAT•1CAL 1Mll MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRAD! lllUllNITUltl .. 0111111ic1 ~u .. rni•• •11 OFl"ICI lfQUIPMfHT •11 ITOltl EQUlli'MlNT •12 CAllll!, ltlSTAUltj.HT mif:t St.It IOVl,MIMT tll' MOUSIHOLO 900DI ll1't :e:~~r"u::L!ucr101t =: APl"LIAM(lf 11M •MTIOUES 1!11 SEWING MACNINIS 11" MUSICAL INSTltUMlilllT t\U ,IAHOI A OlieANS tll': llAOIO IHI TILIVll~ -"fl·FI D ITlltl!O It!• TA,I ltlCOllOllS .. CAMllAI & llUll"MINT IStl MOllY IUlll~Llll - ll"OltTINI IOODI -llNOCVLAll:S. KO,IS llUI MISCILLAHllOVI -MISC. WAlf1'1D .. II Mt,CMlltlltY, lie. •• LUM_lllll "-" S'f'OlAll' .,. IUILOlllll MATIRIAL!J II''* IWA,1 etl PETS •nd LIVESTOCK llll!TS. OINIUI.. IUC CATS ..,. DOGS ... HOltlll IUl Ll\'llTOCI .... CALIFORNIA LIVING lllUltllltlll SWIMMING ,DOLS :~ti: .. VAUTIOMJ TRANSPORTATION IOAn D YAClfT'I SAILIOl.T1 POWllt CltUlllll l'llD-IKt IOI.TS IOAT 1'1AILlltl 10.T MAINTiflilltJfCI IOAT l.AUllCNIMI MAJt/NI 101111". IOAT SL!,, M.OOltlMI IO•T l•llVICll ao.\T llllfTALt llOAT CNARTllll: ttlSMIHIMTJ eoAT MO'llMI •OAT STOIUI• IOITI WAMTIO AlllllCIAllT lllLTfMI LllS•1 MOllll MOMll MOTilll lllOMU lltYCa.ti• ILl(1'a1c CAllll MIMI l!lal& MOTOltCVCLIS MO'TOll•f.OOTlltl AUTO llltvtClt I l"AlTI AUTO 'f'GClt.I 6 IOUll", fUIL.L tMYIL TUILaU. l#tllltf TltUCICf Jlll"t cw .. 111 CAMNlt lllHTALI OUMI 1ue.1u IM,.ltTIO •UTOS ll"OIT CAltl AlllTllUll. C\.MSK' RACI U.S. ltOOS AUl'O IYSMTI AVTOI WA...,el llllW Ct.II MITO LIAllMI Ulff Ultl "" •• "" •• -.... "" :::: -.... "" 5 ... -----.... '"' -... "" ~ ... .... ... :m "" .... '"' "" .... -... ••11 1111 .. ,. '"' :e -con.t. MdA 1 ;;.;........;..~-:--~~~~~~~~~·~~- HAVE YOU LOOKED FOR THE HIDDEN DOLLARS IN YOUR HOME LATELY? • ' -, I ' • ' •• . ' .. • I , ~--.----------- 20 PILOT0 AOVUTISER WHnltd.,, Julr JO, 196• MIRCHANDlll flOR MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANOISI FOR SALE ANO TRADE SALE ANO TRACI! SALi ANO nAOI MIRCHANDISI FOR -. -··--TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOJt'i'.AflON SALi AND TRADI FREE TO YOU FREE· TO YOU Boots a Y1chll 9000 80011 a Y1ehl1 9000 DAILY !'!LOT 40 TRANSPORTlTll5A Furniture IOOC'urt\lture , toqe fvntlture : , 1 IOOO S1llbo1ts 9010 Mll~W\11 N00 GOop llome needed tot 1 . --------MINIATVRE 8ab,)r kittena 2 l'llco molher olt 1. her 10 1162 0trtorn l~ Cabin 23' CABIN Cnd1tr, plywood 20' FOl.JCBOAT, a.wt lioup, 2 JlARBOR Resit' Cftneter')' .mo1 old. Wqntd Is. tn.lnftl. 1'fk, ~ tclttena. AitJ'C)' pf'OI?-Cruiler. C!--over 'YOOCI. * ¥.JG. 289 cu In, 210 hp, laPtnkt hulJ, de'ptnd. 11a lots SHIO o« c11rrent Good l{ldoqrbabjeJ. t.bo>"t teriu neceultates thls iac-altepl 2, 3 hebotrd, bow fnterc-ptor, RDF, SS. b&tt boat. :Jtotldacron;an.4 WAREHOUSE SALE! pr1ce, llMOlda•~.Mm's 2 lh'i•. wl1J ~ H'\Y. Uon. 96f,-43t1 ?/31 ralla,deckC&J111:ted.P1lllled aya:t. Encl hu.d, new upbol ai>lnaktr. fif1ke off•r. Sold ehlbt A bl.C $.10. Car 548-~ 1131 L 0 VA 8 LE Ate.et' " thb: year. JµJt mmpletely Ir. CO\'ttli. ?itani otru. _"'""113=-~.-.===.--l Dur 6,000 II. W1r.~ Open to ""bllc Fl"t Tlmol "dlo 119. Men'• Sdlwlnn • Ono nbuUI 196< Jo1won ~ hp l2400. 6U-Ol38 alt 4 PM 27' SOUN'"- bl.kt 4ltJ 2UtV 24 br UmC!r Kl'TTEN1' Malt:, black l Cock-Pm, •pit.ytd kmalc. ootb9f,rd ~t-ln 3.5 ,;u. 19(1 29' Monterey Cbaracttr .., SPAN ISH ·· MEDI TER RANEAN S2. Pal.lo We! NUmerous whill, •hart hair, '9 wtta. I~ c~lldren. Movrnr, f'\lcl 1.,;0 , all •atetY Good nd D\eltf lmmtdNtte O.llwry ltema, .Wta"''Y pr l c e 1 house • arid . doe -broken. must f.ind aood b om e 1 t larp t\ 1 bolt, u:r, ' SCHOCK BOATS startlr~I T'ta.ller Court, 2060 4!8-1486, South Lacuna 1131 545-4.340 7/31 ~l~e;1:25o flnn.w ~ ~t pwr. ~ 6 11 N,twport • ~ Newport, CM Sp '6 2 BEAGLES, Youn&: mother FLUFFY Cute kittens 2 Small-Craft, 8a.yslde A Siltboati 9010 28' Cat. Q)oy dtan, Enlcnadl. l llooms Showroom Furniture Over $1000 v.alue/$3a9.95 BOAT Tl...U1tr, tor up 10 16'; and g ""k. old pup., l:ood Jemalt, 1 n\aJ& ~ weeka. Cout . Hwy. Call 494~ , • ve1. 3 )Tll new. Race. -~ rclleta or wench. Xlnt "''atchdoc, friendly dlsp. \Yeanf'd ~ 1131 alter: 6:30 p.n\. and, Ofl SAIIJNO ·C..t.J1'11l'&l\ 32', & erull1e. Satt $49$0. 1193-1019 oond. $'\00. 847...:Gt 837-7087 . 811 Kl'ITEN~. ,u lyes,, , all ~.nd, baa• 'oJ saih~ head • 1alle)', 30' Tahiti Ketch $2,200 PC>Ol. Table, AMF, 4 x. 8, SIAM~ cat,. IP~ &: de-qes, all c..'Glors lo Cood FJ.BERGLA.SS Sup~y centt'r alecpg 6, $6600. 6ft..5339, SAC. AS IS. 669 So. St. IOalo. Examples of 1001 other one:• In a lifetime specllils! a 10 Pc Quilted Corner Ensemble $159.95 a 96" Qul1ted Sofa and 58" Love Seat '149.95 a 60" Heavy Spanish Co!fee tabl• $19.95 • Lge Malthlng Lamp tables $19.95 a Decorative Spanish Lamps from $14.95 a Guar. Box Springs & Mattresses $19.95; 15 yr. Guar. sl1te to. 6 mot old. $300 or clawed, l..over t,ype, Need• Mme. 836--4493 7131 flQW In CM-NB are a. f39..'632~ · W. O:Mna cnll 'l95-05l8 evt best ofkr'~ ah 0 m" • Ca 11 • ve 1 · LIVE 5lu!fed af)iml(ls! pups, Everythhlc for your boat, SABaI' Cenler board com· 13' Sallboa.t. llbttlu w/19" JIM BEAM BotUe ColJection 7t4:67l--2859 811 7 wroks. fat, fillffy, I cud· aurfboaid. cu or hon1e. pletely l'l!tin(shed, n • w mut. l'int S2». ia.lteL Book prlct moo, price $1800 3 RABBITS, 3 monll\9 old, 1 dly. 64&-2239' -·. 1'131 Bojl.t realn spectal now only mut, x1nt oond. S 18 5 . Ml-6366. Quality Kings & Queens 213-LU'l-1344 bl1ck & 2 buH, Alao -pen. PLAYFUL Kittens, titer $3.95 pl retail. Wind an' fi46..8725 1"'"-.,"-"~-~---d I ==========cl 1.fust .be taken by l'r\day. atrlped 642-8006 7131 Sel, 1737 Supcriol', C.?-.f. 17' Da.y Sailer. Complete Sea Scoul'a ·need a ~ .'!!! At Terrific S1vin91l Sticks & Stack1 & St•clfa of Mlttre1111 897-.52'n 8/1 · .. A~ ~,so1 for 22 foOt Albratron. vu-i1•'0ll Credit Terms 541.9640 ~pproved Furniture Bank or Store Charge ......... ~lpment, tncluds onshore ..;Mc.;';.;';_·.;.W;.;1;...n,..11;.;d;.._ __ l..;6....clO STAf'IDARD poodle. Male 18 TRANSPORTATION l;,:c.''"G"LASSP"""=AR"°'C""•"'· ,...,,..,,-,,..0-n. Balboa ItJandf!n~. F.l.IPPER #IM moath1. l..ovea children, e:ii:-Jnbot.rd«itboud. la! ?-.lerc. Prlce now reduced. 548-3331 Pr!~ Party 673.3863 il>t.'l'll 1111 11>!.1 \ft·,~1 "'''!I.!\, ,II ~1 Huge 6,000 \q-ft Warehou~ .it· 2065 Charle St., Costa Mesa o,.. ,., hll1 S.1 , ... Set'"' Enter on Hamilton or B•rnard St. Wli PAY MORE CASH .~nent watehdor. Uve in or BOits & Yichtt 9000 Cruiae!' with power jct &: ai· Catamara:n flberglus 14' HOlfE-CA,.-- out. 83().S986 38' STEPHENS sedan. power trbn. FuU cover. mold. Eatllna.td v a I u e No. 36.1. m-48C8 evea. PUPPIES To rood home. Beaut. cond. MQ" trade Read)I lo enjoy. A 11 SlOOQ. SeU $800 or btst oUer.1--------- Ger. Shep/ColUe. 4 wn. old. down. Must sell. ~ · maintenance record!. 't Call Chris aft 6, 549-318.1 ~r CrulM,.. 9020 1 male, 2 !ema.les, 147-71121 SACRlFICE-lllneu. 12' l.uhr owner. KJ .6-4444 17' O'Day Oa,ysailer MU8r• Sell 22 Min:. cablti Fumiture IOOOFurnlture -Sporting Good• 1500 1131 skiff, 100 Chris Craft. F'llll 19' 01..ASTRON, 221 cu In. Demo Sl'r.IO ··Used $1350 cr\iber. Sleepa: 2. 6 cyl. grey For furniture, appliancea,l;o"AR=LIN=G.-"'ti..,-=-,k"i7t 7t ,-.·.I fishine: rqulp. LI S-1379 complet,tly ovtrha.ul~. new 14' 0'0&¥ uaed •••••:;:·, $500 marine. New 50 pl tuel colo~ 'IV, pianos, orrans wal~ for a new home, 11 10' GLA.sm>AR dinghy wlth top l lull ec:wer. 2 ltw-bait }"un Zone-·Boet Co. Hatboa tank, b&lt tank. etc. But Clf· and antiques. "''ks 'o\d 968-4397 8/1 oen. Good for children for sa<'ks, A-l mod. SNOWBIRp, fg hull. No. 431, fer over $1000. &73-.3821 ••••••••••••••••• TENT 12Xl6. '"'"'"' condition. $60. pn Dfty or niJ(ht MALE. Black L 1 brad or 1hl! Bay. $150. 673-3622 S28l5 675-6595 $250. 1' G!asabopper Din&~ 21x8' JNBOARD Cr u It er , ~3'20 Retriever, 6 moa o2d, AKC 18' JOHNSON Cab Ci'sr 50 GOOD 12' flberglau out· $125. 613-1901 llndem trlr, head, finish reg. 495-4582 11/1 hp, Evinrude OB, Tilt Trlr, board hull w/ du• 1 10' SABOT design, 18' mut. paintlnc. $875. 962..91'40 ~~~=~~=~~II=~=...,.,-~-~~ lcver-thllt,· cable, wheel. $WE Buy $TO 1:001! horn!!. 2 11n1. Ter-eQ:Uipt, $1050. 847~678. Xlnt "slilp to ahOrt" boat, 2 Cuablona, Wt trailer. $150 28' TS CRUISON, V-drlve1; * 3 ROOM GROUP * ==-"'-="'=1== COMPLETE Ml1cell1naou1 1600 r ten:, fem, 1 mos. old. 17'6" Flbertlus Amer Mnrc tows ea.sily. n25. 613-65l8 or oller. ~1639 SIS tanks. SACRIFlCEI · • 64&-4916 811 ce so HP dleacl & trailer. UDO 14. mo. 1564. Xlnt con-613.6912 or 548-2854 $ FURNITURE $ 14' SKl/f!Bh, :ZS hp Johnson, -----1 Living Room -lldroam -Dinette $297 \Veekly Payments .. We Carey Our Own Contracts * AUCTION* CUTE part Man.x kllten $1400. 642-9712 dit loo: traUer. $1100 (213) S __ , •kf ._ ~ - '.APPLIANCES need a loY lnr home. eJeet atart w/tr. $300. or!. l25-8772 , .~---.. ..,... ••• TINV 18' GW.s \Vizard 4G'l1Po0.B. 6.Jz....4729 or Mi-1444 Q. VAN'S Discount Furniture FRIDAY * 7,30 'PM Colo; TV1-Pi•110-Slor1.i S@--0452 8/1 Elec ·atart. Trlr. 3298 Del LIDO l• No. 21S3 w/cover. 18' SKI boat, 35 hp el'll'· 1 ''"• ., H ... M 3 MO old blllck kltten1 12 mo Mar. CM. Anytime Learn to Sail Now! Xlnt cond, $950. · comp! ~·d. SS.SO before I 417 W. 4th St., Sant• Ana Free Parking -547·2412 Aug. 1st £esrcrn Bedroom ~Is fl1a- p!e ti1n1 divaru I.: Chairs, 01ests. i\laple droplea1 table &: 8 chairs, Dlnt'ttes, Desks, Commcxles. Cotftt tables, Lamps. Pieiu~a. Mattrtts- es, Pool table, Ste~. Zen- ith Color TV, Concon:I tape rcoorder, Trunks, Foot Jock. ers. Relrigeratol'1, Stoves, Washers & MUCH !\10RE! OJME BP.O\\ISE AROUND CASH IN JO MfNUTU old puppy, \vhlle w/blk. IO hr!! of ln&tructlon1 s:;.J. •675-2318• am, and atter.S: 6l3-609l!i • 541 ~531 • 4lW-7354 811 '6S Chrysler 18~· F.G. I-0 "·lco School. 642-7424 CA Mercni!ser, like: nt'W ~2.150 """ CAL '28, No. 19. Outboard, ONE OWNER POWER T wlNTED Se\l.':ing Machine, CUDDLY, affectionate, white otter. ~2924 16' 01.tis W/trlr, li hp eqp·lt for raclne:. $8800 2 Mere 800'1 t1D> Ver)' modet'lllely pric:ed. &: rttf. atrl kttten. Loves 31 •. CRUIZEX>N, ch r y 1 • Evlnrude, elee •tart, dee 67S-4028 • 64i-293& • Open Dolly 1 IJ.I S•I 1 ~ • ••••••••••••••••• Pur~l'-tu:c•.c.• ___ -'IOOil;.;. AJ?Pllances Portable. Ask for Becky childreh. • 546-UM. 8/1 ?ttarinc Hem!, re. b I l . bait tank. xlnt for flshin& CAL 20 No.'593. Fully equip. DIAL direct 6G-5618, Qwp 54S-18n MALE Siamese SeaJpolnt Carpenter's speciaJ $4000. $495. ~T alter 5 pm. incl. ~ad&; aux. pwr. $2995. )'OW' ad, tbeJI alt back and 1100 DON'T Gi\'e up! You ma,y find it at America'• largest. most unusuaJ unllnished tumiture store. Cor. Redhill &. Sanla Ana F'wy, Tustin. I mi So. o( Newport F\\y, G.E. \Vuhtt. Very eood con- dition $35. WANT To bey (home) bar. 3~~ mos. Shots, 673-58'IJ 7/Sl S.-1946 SOCK lT TO 'EMI 536-4582, 962.-8991 listen to the pbone rbW1 * 847-8U5. Antiques 1110 . Qpt'n 362 day~ 1icr yr. L•rry Morg•n Antiqu.s 5444170 EXPANSION SALE 8' SOFA, nevl!r used, quilted Unload~ 40· Van in new noraJ, Scotchgardcd $l25, warehoUS<'. '.!O Roll lop r-.1atChlng love·iseat S 7 5 . desks. 16 China cabinets, 20 117.3032 Round oak tables, oak chairs, rocken, hall trees, annoi.t"Ca, JOB Reloe.tlon. lD' sofa, 2 300 clocks. You name it! We love seat1 taold velvet). 8' have it ! See at; 2380 New. stereo, end tables, l&J'nP1, port Blvd. or 2428 Newport. pool tbl. h Ide -a -bed. Blvd., C.l\1. 5"8-'7383 61>-9393 Hi5NDURAS Mehoa: desk $15, Sewing M1chlnn 1120 desk S50. trunk SlO. :1114 1969 SINGER touch-o-matic, J'ederal, CM. 5.\8.-69:i5 zig w g, buUon holes, sews * RENTA[S-*o--I on buttons, blind hems. HOUSES &. APTS SHIO UP $34.88 or 54.16 mo. 52&-Qi16 mue Beacon 6~5-0111 -M~.~ •• -p1~.~bu-n~k~be~d-,~$2~5~.-1 Mu1_i~~t_. ___ 1_12_5 2332 Azure, SA Heighl1. ACCORDIAN 1W base, xlnt cond, with cue. Gibson ac· COU!Ucal guillr, J50, with WINDY'S AU~TION 'A round <r L 1haped. Mufl be reasonable. P b o n e 64""'681 \V ANTED. FUlI size with mattress. Good di!lon. 837-9682 WANTED: OLD TOY 2075~~ Newport Blvd. Behind Tony's Bldg:, Mal'I:\. T~ihone &it2-0382 * Cosll fl1esa * 646-S6!16 ---"-''-'-"---- OPEN DAILY. 9 '° ' , PETS •nd LIVESTOCK FENDER Guitar-brand new. Cats 1120 Craru SS whl1. 15 x 7. Goodyear 14 x 6 poly gla51 tirn, 646-5928 6 PC Bedroom set, 6 dinette chrs, elec hnvn mower, 8' sailboat. Make otr. 540-7:J13 eves. '61 MAGNAVOX Cnnsole ml· or TV/1terro. Two 9' matching print sofas. Glass cocktail table. Square lamp table. Marble lamp llblt'. Antique dry .sink. Club chair. Odds and erxb. 494-4497 mMALAYAN KITTENS SEAL A BLUE 7l4-8n.9500 n4-529-3932 ....... 112S =--------ALASKAN Malamutes. (sl«!d dog pups), AKC, beautiful coloring, &reat family dogs, tri~, lovin&, ealY to Ira.in. Perfect sho\\I dogs, rOCNi for breedi~&. Re1ia~ purebred, $120 up. 49'2..J.573 hard shell Ca£e. Gd. amd. 8 EA R Wheel 1.IJ.a:nment . Novice training dus start,. $140. 642-9647 after S pm machine. Uke new com. tna; Au& 5th. Dog trainlna Offlce Furniture IOIO OOMPIJl'ER DiWlion dispos. es of modern i'<lcDowell I: Cralc steel de5ks, chairs, tiln, tables~ etc. GUITAR, GIBSON pletr Cost $42ro 'asking lhow rina: le obedience. Also C-1 Clusic $3,ooO. R. C. AJ~n com· private leuons available: Call Eric 546-0l39 aft 6. blnation re1i.!ter & addina Martincrest Kennel.a =========I' machine $45. 549-2044 * * 546-0089 * * ' Pt1noa & Organs 1130 ROTO-Till cr, • 11peed trahli. GERMAN Shepherds, 6 McMAHAN'S 772.a4SO li.30 s. Anaheim Blvd., in Anaheim <alongside SA F ree11-ay at KatellaJ SALE Clearance on aU Or- D"ES=K,-"W"llh;--,&l,-u-oedc-7-'cboo-.-k I rans Ir. Pianos used in our teaching Studios. Choose shelves .l Highboy. Mille from Conn _, WUt"litzer - f\lm. Call aft 6~ 613-5656 Knabe _ F'Wler; Rentals alllO from $10. Excellent mnditlon. 1-leavy week!. Beautiful c h a mp duty with new clutch, new line. BJack &: 1ilVer , black le drlve chains. 25 ho r 1 e tan. $60. AKC tt&iatered. en(ine. For Sale or trade. C&ll 83S-03U Hout0hold Good• 1020 MOVING: Retrtren.tar $40. ~ tlible & benches $15. 2 black vinyl bar 1tools, SlD. each. Tricycle SS. 645-1645 Oertge Sale 1022 Gould Mu1ic Comp•nv 2()15 N. Main, SA 547-0681 OpcJl Mon & F'ri 'ti! 9 ffl1akc offer) 642-5488 TEMBROKE Welsh c.ora:t, KI=R~B~Y~v-acu_u_m_c~l -e _a_n_e_r champlon 1ittd, 5 males, 3 "'/attach, polisher. XLNT fcmals. Prittd' acam:llna cond and auar. Pay ott to quality, 546-4928. balance of $.19.67 or take Sbeltiea, 10 wks, AKC. over pa,ymentJ. Credit Dept., Champion Mres. HAMa.10NO • Stein1vay • YI.· S:U-1289 $44-6892 aft 6 pm ma.ha -ne1v le used pianos 1-o--~----~~~ I ''°"="°"-,..,,-;--"" of all makes. Best buY• in Leaving area, muat 1ell -1967 2 PURE brtd female poodle So. Calif. ri6ht here. 15~~· Prowler travel trailer, pupa, 1 wttkl old. No SCW.flDT MUSIC CO., Brt11Uwick slate pool tab!!!, pa.pera, $25 N . 1139-0868 ·~1 N >lain poker table, portable 1team 1..'711 • • bath. 64&.7034 BEAGLE pups AKC males MG GARAGE SALE. Anliq. Santa Ana 10 "''teb champion 1tock orpn, carved &randJ:lhr Frenchlse CloMOut VINYL TILE, Lino I e um , sacrifice $35/$40. 962-'13l3 c\Oek!, washstand, fr i I• The lactol')' has ord<!red close A$ilhalt Tile -BeauUful col· PARTY Poodle1, maJei, 7 dryer. chr11ts, pwr. mower, oul or 4 CoMDle & 2 Spinet 0111• a nd pa.ttenui. Flff: "-eeks old. $30. Black, -massaee tbl, Na vi"''"' Pi 1 1 .. _ 1 estuna!es. Llc. Cont r . b • h't OR • ·-t-•• ano~ on a cos-pus ..... s s. """ •A"". · rown "' \~· 1 e. il'""fOo.J,J 420 radio. Much. much fOOd Ne · · M-1 ... .,.....~ '" ver again PlB.llO .,..,. .a ns 3 COMPART•i--1 1 n k Slack Labtlldot pupple1, I junk. 839-2406. 153Sl like these~ t"irst come. first u-o• k AKC o-...... a_. Pickfol'd (oft Cunninghaml, rved lcommertcal1 I.: chrome wee 1' •'Q.·1 .... .....,.. \l.'nlmina:ter, fo~ri 'lil Mild. ~~o·S e...y.owIN STUDIO faucets $100. Be1utiful Baf, pion blood line. ~2'759 MOVlNG-tablc & c h air Ii, 1819 Newport, C.M. 642-3484 rommerclal or hOme, 12 x 5, • l'i1INIATURE poodle pup- btda, misc. tables, toys. WANTED: Martin or Gib&on $750 646-2.127 pies. 2 males, 2 ferna.l.e1. 1628 Conlca Pl, CM Make acoustic g11ltar, big body, LIKE Ne1v 18" elec mower. ~l09.1 ofter11. Midi sell thls wk. Call belr Fri. 548--093, Catcher, 100' cord. $30. WEl~tARANER.-LABRAD01t MQ-&57 646--0424 Glap bath lub enclosure ReUiever puppies, 8 wk11. ratD,AY " Salurdll.)'. Elect. NEEDED: old upright piano W/parts $25. 642-6570 old. 968-4258 F.dpr SlO. Baby tum. St-5. with good tone tor Juvenile BRUi'JS'\l.'ICK Ce I e b r It y AUSTRALIAN Sillcy Tm1er Di11M1 le houaeware1 25c-$4. Hall. Call Pat Bulb 673-1660 retulation 1ile pool table, puppies. AKC. RI rel 1318 \\'allOn, 0.t 546-~7 WANTED cues & balls Included, $260. Sl:'JO-UXI. 494-7620 .. THUR&Frl, ~11 Phal1rope, SPINETS le GRANDS 642-1605 btv.'11 9-6. Y 0 R KS HIRE Tenin'. (Republic Home1l CM. 636.3620 ORIENTAL 9'1:12 r u a, Female. 1 wks old , $350 to Batpin1 for Sl! 546-0855 PIANO WANTID headllrarne $15 ea. Ex· good home. 646-522.6 ~Sale Sat le Sun. £213) 877-1035 Pvt Party ercycle, col table $5 ea. !'ii IN IATURE Schnauzers, 463 Elmhunt Land. Costa ========'-"I ;-~~U~J2~~~--~ AKC. 4 mos, penn $bots, Mua * 545--0101 SACRinCE -Newport Bcb bl!auUM pupc. 830-1667 GARAGE SALE Radio 1200 Tennl!: Oub membl'nhlp. Table~. lampA, da~nport. 8 U 0 Dy Tran9Crlver 4-t Saw S. H•rTy Bu I I er ets. 456 62nd St., NB Channel w/antenna E~el. llOS-t8l-3882 LARGE selecUon of recond~ cond. JZ]O. ~3586 •ft 5 PM ELECTRIC GOLF tlon!d appliance" ttpos, ap. CART pUa.nces from model hon'lel' Priv. Pty-613-3863 _ all ~aranteed. Televlsltn l20S We Strvice -We Financt DUNLAP APPLIANCE RENT OR BUY COLOR TV QUALITY kin1 bred, quilted. Complete. u n u 11 e d SIM; "·ortO $2.jO. After 5 or \\'kndl 841--0406 Ho"" 1130 MUST Sdl $900. Part Tharo, hunter, jum per . Geldirc. 111.1 H. Xlnt cond. 9 yn. Exp'd rider pref. Btr S am or aft 6 pm. ~2445 FREE TO YOU l&lS NeWPQrt B!\·11 .. C~1. • 5*71IO. $9 Month Up AIR Conditioner $50, dinette DA.RUNG ~lack k I t t lP 11 , AJ,.50 table and cha.In St 0 · male 1' wb old, fnust ftri!I PEiiFECT Working Cold1pot Sl'ERIDREFRIGERATOns 645-1~ rood homes. MWIU .&/) re(r1aentor MO. 2 0 4 5 \VASHERS OR DRYERS 1' POOL TABLE complete REFRIC!:RATOR. Wooden Goldeneye Pl., Mesa Verde. ' OPTION TO BUY !'f.4 r:.c::!e~'tckJ, rack. etc. (Arrny) bunk beds. no mat· ~ 54).45Jf -· --......... 54MU2 111 W"'9fER l d.r)'tr, •till con-I-========= NEW Carpetinc. 16 yard1, Ctm: ten. tabby Calico Jdl.. ~-Xlnt cond. ~ for 1210 heavy green Kadel ahq, SS. ten, tralped. 6*-7M9 afttt 5 . ~'"'T"' ... ·~""""'=~~"'~'4&-0791--~1 _H_l_·F_l_&_s_ •• _ ... ____ yd. eo.t J'l.95. 646-730 p.m. ' 111 WiUcERATOR. e ~ e c I. 1969 SOlJD State sletto_ 4 24" BIKE Sl2 Powtt Mower PART BoltonTnrler tam tJut.!' ~ .... ~:· $50. •lo'll 4 spesker audio l)'ltem S25 Girt '• Stin&n¥ ns. W3 ad . ...,.atchdo&, obed.' semi; 1-;==="=r====' I in waln~t console. Take Oranp, CM. &Q..(,666 with chUdttn. "2-13$4 "1 owr •rt\ll.ll payments Of PIY CARPET EN _..... ki"- &-lf 1100 ($tlJ b&lance. or $73.6&. !hap.-h\'ted&, hWo pllr:. AU GRE "',,. .... sraY ·--. ~ anc.. . ·-.~'<lit Dept. z.r.m co&on. Free Nt Uc Coptr. affectionate. houle~ APT Sl1e Cold1pot 3 MUNTZ 4 track 1lereo ~18. ~m........;.,..;...;~-~~..,--,., rtftl&tntor. ISJi eartridae pla.yt-n, walnut MIN:l·Blkt, Nova. l HP, $919. 8S::· m1i..7~ :::r, .. ! ~ w/amp11. $3a. ea.: S Small G.E. elee orpn $31, like 1~ COLOSPOT id cu n. apea.kera. \\'&lout UIK'I. no. new, leaving attL llJl..1056. ~ &xcell1nt condltioD $50 ea. Like new, 6n-3863 wtc PL.EASE aaw us f'l"om po\l1ICI M6-2CIW ';11p. 1r DON7 JUfi WISH lot' tome· 2, 3 mo. old pupplea; t.emil.. KENMORE Wuhtr, vet)' SONY 600 ta.pe II e ck . thbia' lo furnish f®r home M&-6031· 1/11 loOd condjdon "°' tum-table. arnpUbtr A:, • , , find lt"&l bl.tY• In! rRPX Bab)' Parakttt~ to : • 141 "1.U * 1peAker $3X). 87H6M day'• OIJ:lltitd AdL (__ aood home. 5C&-69M 1131 L7 ------------------------~------ • CHECK WITH US BEFORE:. YOU BUY. No .Better Prices Anywhere ! 23 BRA~D NEW 1969 -RIVIER ·AS '66 MIRCEOES 200 4 Jt. Auto. ~•111., ro111lo, l111tor. SVF 251. $2495 . '66 YOLKS 4 1p11d, r•dio, httl1r. TRH 170. Low, low Mll1•0•· $1495 '67 CAMARO F1clory oir conclitio1i. i1111, oulo trtn1, powor 1to1rin9, low milo190. $2295 '67 OPEL l•llY• Sport, 4 tpotil. 11dio, li11l•r. VCJ 176 $1595 '61 0000.E Coren11t •oo 4-dr. f1ct. oir co11d., 1uto "'"'·• fl',5., R&H. fVGI t7t $2695 '61 BUICK Eloc.lr1 4 door 114111, F11ll· powor. P.ACTORY AIR CONO. WIO 145 $3595 'H IMPALA 4 Do11r H.T. F1clory •ir c111d., •1.111. tr1111., pow· or ato1r., r1dio, h11!er. $1695 'U IUICK lo S11.ro. Foc.t 1ir con. pow1r etoor I br1k1,, CHYM 4111 $995 MARKED .. WAY DOWN! '66 CAPRICE Auto tr1111, FACTOlY All CONO. Autp tr1n1, pow•r 1t11r. SIM J71 $1995 '67 MUSTANG Co11.,ort. VI, 4 1potd, r1dio, h11t1r. TXS 161 $1895 '67 RIVIERA GS C11upo. Full p11w1r, FACTO .. Y AIR CONO. f' 141 $3595 '68 PONTIAC 1011110 .. illo. 4 ''"' h1rd. lop, FACTORY AIR COND~ 11'.l., P.I. WXG '" $3295 EXAMPLE SAVINGS No. 4f417tHt4t•t6 • $1·1'1;8 OFF WINDOW STICKER PRICE 22 MORE AT eOMPARAILE DISeOUNTS Md1I l2. 4 •poHI, r•· clio, hotlor. SVC 197 $1195 '65 MONZA Ho1dtop. Auto. t1t111., i'llf'!oc.ul 1t• condition. !TXJ 376l $1095 ''9 ELECTRA Cu1lo111 coupe. F1ctory oir cond. Fully pow1r 1q11lpp1d. Yn 446 SAVE '61 CADILLAC s,c1. o.vut •• ~1111ow1r Itel. 11,, IHXS 74Jl $795 4 Door h•rdtop, f1clory .;, c.ond., P•.,.•t lltor., r•dlo, lit•lor, NOY lf6 $1495 '66 T-BIRO Full powor. FACTOl'I' AIR CONO. l•11d1u top. SlV4tl $2595 '65 ELECTRA Hordl•p coupo. Full pow1r, FACTORY All COND. NCI 420 $115 .. '66 CAPRICE •. ,,, 11.u,, 111t.. ir•11• .. FACT. All COND .. P.S., P.I., R&H. l~J 24t $1995 OUR OPEL PRICES START AT Sim NO lllTTU PllW ANYWHllE MAKE US PROVE IT! JAGUARS LAROE SELECTION NEW·USEO Comr.1l1tw Solos 1nd S.rv ~ 0.partment \ l\> . .. ,. ' ~ .. ... •• ' .. , . . , .. ... ' ... .. ... " "' ... .. .. .. . ' . ' ... •w , .. ... ' .. •• •• . . " ·~ ". • • ... ~ , .. . " "' • • ... '" ~.·' ··~· ,,H J ' ,., .. ~ .... ... -'• • • . ' -·,..i -. • -"' . ' ,_. " .. ... ... .. . ,<I';,. ' . ... ... " .. ·' '"~' •• >e ,.~ •• ll' ,. .• ' " . . " • ' ' " .. " •• " ... . -. ··' ...... •• .. .. '" '" "' . ' _, ., ... ... ... ' ... ,. "•' .. ~. • • ... ... ... •"a ; '" .... ... ... , •• . .: . •11' .. , . .-.. , , ... . ' '" ····~ ... ... " ':.; -.· .. ., . ·~ . . .. .,. .. .. ... ... .. ...... ··~ .. , -. • •• .. • .. .. .. ... -·· ... ., ... ' ~, ... r·~• ... ... ,. . . .-.. .:-.. .. · . ,,, •' .:1 .. I ·l • ···.) ...... •.. . ' -·· ... ,, . ., ·1• ~· l '.e ,., ·-· .. ' ' . it .. • ••• .. -· . " ~­.. ,. "' •-" .. , .... -----~-.,.-~--·~""~ "' -• "" .,..,. • • ---• --• ..... ; ·-·~•,•r---~-~·~• ... ••~•·-·-· a-•••-·-··---•·--~---~----~-·-----·---_ ·-~ .. ___ ·-· ·-----· __ .. _ _ _ -· l DAILY l'llOT Wtdllfld.,., J~y 311, 1%9 ' , Wtdn.W7, Joly )0, 196• '1LOT·AOVERT15U 2 ~ltTATfOfi( TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORl'ATION ~SPO~TATION TRANS.PORTATIOf'l TRANSPORTATIO I N R A~-TRANSPORTAT1£N !l!!!! '!'f-. 9030 Aut. S.rvlcos 9 lmpomd Auloo -Imported Auho•_ ":!!, lmpo•tod Autos 9600 l'l'porttcl Aul.. \9600 Imported AulN 9600 lmi)Orled A;rt.. 960C Imported AUlo• - 1• 11<1 -~ Alltl~ !IO.. & ,.... 400 A t' A . TOYOTA T1llUMPH VOUlSWA&EN . VOLKSWAGEN VOLVO ._ '"'" Xlnl cond. PJQ, RECENTLY""''. eyt. , .. , us 1n mer I ca -. 115.llU. DI Go.ond Canal, ........... Ind . a.u -• 1967 TOYOTA ''4 TRJUMPM, '"" VOLKSWAGEN v... '61 vw LOVE llUG :-JOLVO BUYS QI. ~!'"'u;• !:."', pm"' bosl oJJ. BRAND NEW 196"-°"""" t •oo• S<dan. Ex"'P. Convmiblc, SJCS&l. Ubly .... u,,., """• • ..,.. Kew R>dlo, u~ GPZ:IH y -s• G'·--~ h ~-~ ~· 71 $697 ,,.,. .,... , '""-·~ ,_ '67 JU .... , ..... $1797 1 .. , 1 ... uvn, 'JU .p. tlonalb' clean 1 owmr car. ' ~1• -•'~~ •--.i· & he ler M<f<WY. ""'' cond. """ Troller. T .... 1 942S 4 SPEED AUTO MA TIC TRANS. Aui.omall< .,.,,,,............. hat Deals Ara At caal>-llrm, .......,,, a..1 Daol• Aro At Aulomatu.:;:;;" • . c.A fD..%29 •CHOICE 0, COLOkS •DISC IRAKES ~ ~D~~hlte .,1.11 Urea. DEAN LEWIS '57 VW ililYft'tiili;, low DEAN LE. WIS E.'Ctra Sharp. .... $11 Moorl 9036 15' STARFIR.E travel tr\r, • FAONT WHEEL DRIVE • LEATHEAITTE INTEAtOR ~~· ~~14; ~ '67 144 , , , .••• $21t7 p nt Sipe 4. t'xtra cup~ crpt, e INDE,!EHDIOINT e IMMEOIATtDt:l JVERY $1499 1DS6 Harbor, C,M. 6*'9303 ev" 1966 Hariior, C.M. ~ f .-or: 't.Je. No_ U~A33.1 . l'l! .. .i .. • 10 ron. Y<Nnl ror s~s' NS N ..,... • ... "---•1-•· 1ulon air SLIP $pt.ct ~ im. _,...,. San Bdmll'dino DRl'iE \'OURS HOME TODA'ft 1966 VW. ~s:elltnl condition ~""""j~ ""&JWJl ' .-.. ,, tor 21' Chria. ~Cl\:5:&1'"3913 ./CHECK./ OUR WEEKEND SPECIAL VOLKSWAGEN ·~,~~.;:;w., ~!~:;. Mull s.11 1mm<d .. to1y· •':°~"""· $12'7 ~temp. 673-00 68 Coleman Trailer Camper 1969 AUSTIN AMERICA FULLY EQUIPPED Good cona. $895. 549--2683 aJt $1.lZ. 54Q,.J061 ... FaiK ~ .:t.' -~~·~~. nl~l. W~· 25' atip for 6 U d I . ; wo'lh auto .. alo'< l<ans-•'••;on. '62 VW Bu; r /)l, Xlnt-cond, li '68 VW Sed al ·-VW "'9' N llbOat .M7...stil3 M' Bb8ell Slttps . M &eason. ,. "' Mako orte.r. . an so •u radio, t)eltrr, 4> ipeed. o. .:~,~~.t r Steal at $650r 640-80CO Radio1 he$ater 1 . ot 6 c:., 0 9 nly 9 5 ,ooo rnil11 • 6TfHH6S * ·~tr~ :~s, A~ia::. ~ lrade fo~.vw B\15. Wltp1~ .......... $1?'7 -" T • 9500 •tm V\\', 11\Ulrf, r-,uHo, mats N 66 vw 'Ii Ch.-·-9039 FUCl!OS ..,a' rl --" ey.oport A p & rt n1 en I Ii. . . 22,000 mi 1 t l. $pol1 CoUpe:. Lie. No 1Z\V4&J '"" , • bumper ""11• Pf · Must !KU. Oceanfront. SUNROQf". Jl.oola: 111, .. new. · ' '64 CHEVY 1,i Ton 1..-ust cab. ~1 Ext 86 61 $1895. 714-842-518& eves. $1396 ~;,,.;; r l' *Finest Selection, Power" PU, V-8, auto, p\\rr brks J91n HARBOR ervo. '67 V\V, xlllt cond, low '57 vw Con\li!rtJblc, low * 54&-5170 9f P1-'°8 ......... $1297 Slll. Skipper optional For new li~s. clean. Priv. P11Y ALSO COsrA MESA mileage. good condition. ONt: OWNER S~ ~. Silver with ml brocbuft call 54&-(191 Sl.250. 642-(ll36 alt 4 PM S11 O ur Gold S11I Us•d C•r1 mileage. $l52S. Askinc S5TS. n.t: 67:;..oJO.i 6S Volkswqen 17,000 ml. , ltrteJior. Uc. J-lll..896 ORAN6E COUNTY'S fJNEST SELECTION OF '66 CROWN WAGON * ~1 * eves. SlD>. 642-2936 Besti Deals Ar• At Airer•~ 9100 1961 G. M. C. Pick. up, V/6. ·..:;;="'------low miles, rebuilt clutch ' PIPER Super Cruiaer 1!M7 lo tTan$. New paint. $745 ·or Por1ch•'•, MG's, A·H •aley's, Ferrari's Stick shift 111 1 11thRGoBv7mt60rive, '66 BLACK V\V, orig. O\\-ncr, 'GV vw, 16,000 miles. still '16 VW CAMPER. MUsr »el!! DEAN LEWIS one owner . .., c new tires, $109J.. Vezy i:Olld. under warranty, excellent to appreciate this TINE $H7 condition. 64~ condition. 49t-fi686 dQs. BUY! m-6935 .... tt ._._ ..__ CJll .........., J~l'lllPOll 31111 ilO ti'> Best D•1ls Art At VW BUS -SWll'OOf, 23.000 492-8482 eves ._ n.u·...,.·, · DEAN LEWIS ~:!i. =~.·;;,.~. d .... V\Y !500. 2 "' .... "·"" VOLVO VOLVO mi, Xlnt cond, R/H, Priced -~------ tune, Xlnt cond. reuonable. 1 _bo_•_•_o_tt.,_. -968-~1797 __ _ 6'?3-4911 S2900 '5l Dodge, 11,i T w/util bed. Value of bed $2tXK). 1st $800 Mobil. HorMs 9200 Wtea. 543-&166 Authorli•d Austin Am1ric•-MG D••lar tn sell $1800. 673-1735 '5! VOLVO 1966 Ha.J'bor, C.M. 646-9303 19611 V\V BUG ••y H'RllOR '61 In ternational p • n e. I 3100 West Co1st H Good ·--• s·~ k BHI Dul• Aro At DEAN LEWIS '66 VW Futbacl.., xlnt cond: .........i ...i--~,-Nl'll •""''· very ....,an, ne:w tires, Bliupunkt ·i--, Best otter • &;2-089(! -"" nd 'fi7 roVrrrA co RON A. .__... ...,..... or ma e Mobil• Home Siln · wrecked lro.nt e · $50. l 100 Wast Coast Hiw1y -N•wport l••t::h Automatic. $ll5Cl. Private offer. 644--124C or ~n79 CUa Loma Roll. Away. ~2253 642-9405 -5'40-1764 Sheraton Manor . Homett.e • • * SHEU.S * party. !J62...4883 b \'our Ad In our elass!Jieds! Kit • Presti(t • Sahu• Slight F r e I & h t Damaae lmportt4 Autos 9600 fmport•d Au tot 9600 CHARGE your want ad~ now. :30n1eonc "1U 7 be. look!nc for c~ mats. $1450. 644-0924. ---------'&! VOLVO 544 8-111 1 dr. 5.3,000 n1I. Bcautirut con- dition. $89a. 545-7301. 1966 Harbor, C.i\f. M&:93o.1 AU. SIZES CHEAP! 13&-1'00 ENGLIS-H FORD PORSCHE >l 01"' 6ITT6 s NO\V ON DISl'LA y '57 CHEV % lon p;ck-up call ~l ~k EaJit of Harbor Blvd. 546-4.WJ $500. t x c ~ 11 t n t'I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Us.cl C.1rs. 9900 Ulttd C1r1 9900 UMd Cars 9900Used C1r1 9900 Usff Ctr1 9900 \Vhlte Eleph811l5 ! · Wlut~ t.1crhants 1 •• Bakor "" ·i• '57 PORSCHE I ~~lii-miiiiiiiii~~ii;i;~~---iii;;;ij;i~iiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiil~ iiiiiiiiiii~~~ii;iiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~I Coata ?.tesa f714) S40-9'170 I""'==· ======cl ORANGE COUNTY'S Sunroor, coupe. je! black.II VOLUME ENGLISH JKY3<1.SALE! CLEARANCE GREENLEAF PARK JHps 9510 FORD DEALER $1397 "' cJou. cluo, "'°' Cosla -SALES -SERVICE Ba tt DHls Ara Al OFFICIAL 1969 • 111 .... Now 92 ""'" ad~ll 4 WHEEL DRIVE '69 MODELS EW park, Model.I &: Sales orfice: '67 TOYOTA ImmMlate delivery DEAN L IS "'"""'al Puk o,.o 9 AM t.andc<Uim, hanllop, look> LARGE SELECTION F o RD CLEA RAN. CE' to 6 PM. like nc~·. UOfllO Theodor• 1966 Harbor, C.M. 6-16-9300 A~\~ ~~~E 12'197 ROBINS FORD '66 PORSCHE 91.2 "'"" ' 1750 WhilU.< A"'· '66. JEEP 2000 Hubor Blvd >pd, A MI r M, l mm a c. • Coet& 1¥tesa 71t: ,W -13&0 \yagon:er. b~ 6, po'>'·cr !!teer. ,..__ta 1'.f 00.0010 $-1,000. mi, nlCe&t UI town. SVE368 1..w esa ~ 1968 l'L.EETWOOD, Thc;.i6 S2297 L--' l expµido. Skirtine, , awnini. '61! .tEEP '63 litGB, 1auu It sot top, .. tio, Ja\\'11 CIC". New So. d FIAT new tires. radlo, wire wheels. Commando Roa sler, shal"JI. Ve...., good cond. Must .... ll. Costa litesa Adult Park. , 7""" ·~ ... -·-•97 '67 FIAT Make oiler. 4!M-9808 $4900. con1p. 64J..59ll eVft!. .,...... BAYSIDE Vlllaae Trailer &.st Deals A"r• At · 850 Sport Coupe, n1ce1t in 1959 PORSCHE Super No. 29 Blt-lns-lrple. Nr., bay DEAN LEWIS town. "~397 5:~~~ It club hoUSe &: 1011 mott. u.-s.u 116 ,.. .,. -•, , h•I DH!• Art A. I ""' PORSCHE ~·-• ... ., .,,_, ' • ~"' 1966 Harbo<, C.M .. , ""'WI DEAN LEWIS grey ,.r1. cond:J'fu '.bZi ANGEL Trailer on beautiful 52-JEEP-fWI>, Mill.:;;_;, new -·1e~loving cart. 518--7471 -ape.ce, PeM, New 5 yr leasr, ... ,. With bay view. $1500. 675-6311 aeau, roll .bar• new tnUis. 1966 Jlarbor, C.?t1. 646-93a3 '56 Porsc~. Xlnt eood, nu & f75.(87l $975. Mobil Station, 101 N. • !Ires, paint. Sacr $1000. 41' MOBILE homo. cabana. 2 Harbot, S.A. '!3~-'245 FERRARI 7l...OIS, 637_.,.. "'" Br. 81.Y view. Lido Park. '64 Jttp Warofll!!l!!r~~:i'·· flvr * '65 CONVERT * $61Xil.'673--ZD9 dr .. • whl drive. ~ Gates FUR.ARI Xlnt cond. All ,xtras, nu pqt,, Mini Bikes 9275 t1reL ~ ~2610 '.. N'e"lllJlOrl ImporU l.:td. Qr. top. r.tust sell, 646-1234 · ' ans-County'•• onl.y atitbor-'63 Porsche. 3668. AM/FM ML bike, 5 hp PoweJI, C.mPtirs 9520 tzed dealer. radio, chrome whls, reblt ~.. •• ·""I ..•• ~ .;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;1 SALES·SERVJCE·PABTS l'.'n". 675-721Q "'° COnu, .,..., w ... er .. y. • • 3100 \V. Coast Hwy. _:;;•~;;,:~==== $1TS, ca.11 •I t er 1 P~f CAMPER Newport Beach ~ 6'f3..mT 642·9405 540.1764. Sal••· Rent1ls A thorlzl!d ?.tG Deal SPRITE z~. Xlnt cond. lh h.p. Authorlzed De.wler u er '1'ecumseh eng, lront shocks. Eldora.do • Four Winds P.rlvate owner. 644-1519 &otsman • llar!'acuda HILLMAN 61 BUGEYE Good conditiion. Take over I' Cabover Law Al 11\19 fllodl!i # 600 '60 Hillman tlu.sky ntcxla work. Make &47~138 motor ~pa:,:ym;.;';;,";;";,,· ="=..,;':"=== oll#f'. ThlOdor• ROBINS FORD KARMANN GHIA 200() Harbor Blvd. '67 Karm111n Chia, tuned cx- Coata Mesa 642-0010 haust, l:i,000 mi. good eond. ~!!!'!!'"!!!~"""""'""""I 642--0290 before 5 Eves. 1700 FORD Vanette, Camper type, Pomona No. 47, CM & cyl. l spd. New brakes. "'•"· "'" rood. ""d' 1. MERCEDES IENZ SUBARU ---Subaru of Calif. lnc.-Retail Div. . $1297 POE .• 842-1349. 250 Scrambler. Very 1ood -~==~=~- Opt equip $30. Freilht $1<f.50 Handlin&" $49. r>el. $1390.50 + Tax and License 1000 W. Cout llhvay, N.B. 64,5.0000 * Si().2733 oondition. Haa 3,500 mJ!e1. RENT·A~SHELL 01 11''J·' ( ·)\Jn'y ', l ·"'l"~I '::i>'l•'cl<Oll N,·,.. Ii. u~, d r1h.', ·d·, s ... 11 SUNBEAM Helmet Included. A s k I n g \VEEKENDS, W E E K LY $300. Call anytime. 847-7187 ?.10NTHLY Jr 839-1800 * '&II YAPtlAHA 80 * 'Ga fORD c.amper. Sips 6, '67 TIGER 289 Conv. Modi- fied . Disc brake.a, lmmae. Make olfer 646-281.2 T.N. Race eqp'd, X<hamber. alm<>St new, ll,000 mi, fully oomp. rel"a.se. hi comp head ·cqp'd. $2300. 548-6089 Jim Siemon > Imps . . I: more! l.1ust ~ to be-======== ll:eve! $285. &44-1340. C1mf)9r R•nt•ls TOYOTA · 19 KA w As AK l 11 * EXPLORER * '60 ms Conv•rt. v • ..,, -;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:::;;;::;;::;;;;;::;::::;; Buah~r. mint cond, low clean, $1200 on rebll Ctl8. [TinlYIQITIAi ~ $500 or trade for By \Vl!ek . or month. Luxuri· Mech pert, new cloth top. = C VW bur;. 4~2144 ous. Slef:Ps G. Self eonlliln-s:m>. 4M-&319 B•st Deals Ar• At TRlUMPH 1966 TRliO, xlnt ed. Limited number. Call 1960 ?.tercedcs 190. C\1'.'an, DEAN LEWIS CO"' lo ml. _ iu-today. . 1~~ 1 · , , ,........ '"'up, LEISURE RENTALS ne\v _11rcs. •.N tr n1. 651kc $750. 54Prf.111 642-4452 CVl'.'.'!'i ""'"' (714 1 6u.6611, (TI4) 837-3809 °"===·"'· ====I 196& Harbor. C.M. '65 BSA 650cc: S p i lt irc • MG BILL MAXEY IT@YIQIT!hj Hornet. $600, Xlnt cond. 54""'300 196:; 650 BSA wltrlr. ~"treet or dirt, enr. comp. ~bit. $795. 548-984.2 an 5. ·66 HONDA :l!S. ~built e~illl'.'. Nttd! paint. $300. 6T:rll36 HONDA 160 Scrambler. New overs.iz"d tires. RebH enz. Make otler. 6~ MOTOJt HOMES 9215 HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTORHOMES -· illl!U' .. Ml ... ... "EIPLOIU" w4 I , .... ,.... .._. ..... ...... --- Oun1 Bu99iu 9S2S 1--------DUNE Bugiy Show Sale. 1961 MG Roadster 1600. rebll Bodies from Sl49. Chassis motor gd. lop, tires tonlll'au ~rom S249. La Paz Dune covers. 838-3500 or 8.15-4422 18181 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Beach 147..asss 3 mi N. of Coast H\vy, on Beh Bua:gy Supermarket, 3623 W. \Varner, SA. 546-4045 OPEN 9-7 wkdys, Sat 10.5 OPEL '61 OPEL 'mported Autos 9600 811.by Blue, 4-~pecd, radio. TOYOTA ALFA ROMEO noek. VZY~~97 HEADQUARTERS '66 ALFA Besl Duis A<• Al ELMORE Vcloce._Sprint, G.T .. ne1v sil· DEAN LEWIS 15300 Beach Blvd. \Vstmnslr vcr mist palnt, all e~U-as. Phone 894-3322 ' 8942· $ 1597 1966 Harbor, C.l\f. 646-9303 BACK To Vietnam, n1ust II D I A A IT'S A REVEl..ATION the sell! '69 Toyo.ta. Cro1\>n dbc , ••t tis re t .... _..· !Ind 1 4 •pd rechn1""' 1 I' at E N E S many -•·'"' ""' n . ·~ , D A L WI Ou!Wcd Ads. Check them burgundy/hick int .. $2200 or , best oUer. call aft 5. 1966 H.!!'?<>r. C.i\I. &t&-roo3 now . 548-1654 DATSUN ORANGE COUNTY'S NO. 1 DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN .1tsss ~at'b Blvd. Huntington Beach 84Z.Till or 540-0442 '69 DATSUN 8 11 Sedan, dlr, oveztlead cam, auto trans. rib. W'SW, laedtdt Low, low milell Un- der factOf1' wun.nty, FUll pritt Sl87S. Takt older n.dc. LB YNWl4fi. ca.lJ Vic 494-9nl. '6! DATSUN t Dr Sect, 4 IPd. dlr, tront bucnt tea.ta. 2,900 Miles on ~trr. wm make e."<- 9b001mportff Autos 9600 IOO[Q][Y][Ql[f][Ali e HUGE SELECTION e '69 TOYOTA FROM $1790 e BIG SAVINGS e EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOW! '69 TOYOTA HARDTOP #1977 . . $1977 '69 VOLVO SEDAN, Auto. ;t6S90 .. $2977 NEW TOYOTA MARK II NOW ON DISP'LA Y! WI MllD TOUI TU.DI-IN POI OYI NIW YSID CAI LOT 111&.-.. ""'·ill • ..,. ceUent deaJ to private pert)>. • fWt. 1 ,...... ,,..._ N1 prke $1125. J B YNWW DEAN LEWIS • ,._..,.......~M .• l-'Ca:,:l"B;::IU:;,..:IG0'34=-";::'==-ll '61 DATSUN Bil 1tatJon waaon, auto. ov. BEFORE YOU BUY - ANYWHERE! CHECK OUR DISCOUNTS ON NEW 1969 FQRQS -MUSTANGS 'FORD TRUCKS OVER 200 NEW '69's NOW AT FINAL CLEARANCE SAVINGS! ENGLISH FORDS ANOTHER BOATLOAD JUST ARRIVED! Engl•nd's No. 1 Seller ... Americ•'s No. 1 Import Buy! Customs -GT's -Station W•gons L1rg• S•ltc:tion of Automatic:a •nd Four Speeds! READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY BUY! GOOD SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM RENT! ECONOMICAL RATES BY DAY-WEEK-MONTH $ HIW, J969 THUNDERBIRDS Over Actual FACTORY ' . I INVOICE. NO SALES EXPENSE, NO PREPARATION CHARGES, NO DEALER ADD·ONS OF ANY KIND! DRIVE HOME ANY NEW "69 T-BIRD IN OUR BIG STOCK AT THIS PRICE! 2 DRS., 4 DRS. LARGE SELECTION OF COLORS AND EQUIPMENT! ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY AUTHORIZED DEALER I Lar9e Inventory of New '69'5 For Immediate Delivery. Three only-New 1968'5 Now Slashed For Immediate Clearance! NEW '69 VS FORD l/2. TON PICKUP and CAMPER Model 600 RENT YOUR VACATION HOME ON WHEELS! N1w '69 For<f '/1 fon pie.up with VI 1n •. , I' bell , 'Ul lJIJ, ••It• cud. rid., i nd htt>'y duly 1p•in91 plu1 '119 mod el B1rr1cud1 C•b o>'•r c1mp 1r witli bul•I"• i nd 1l1c. li,hh, ifinin9 noo• t•bl1, 1in• •ltd lll r•in, fully d••p1d, 1lt. FIOYRE,0055 $3195 Yow 10 wh1r1 yow w•nl, t l•y wh1r1 vow w1nt w:thout 1ch1d11l11 or r111 r- Yllion~ wh.-n you r1nl • Robin 01lu111 P'i c~up C•mp1r or Condor Motor Hom1. REASONABLE RATES RESERVE EARLY OVER 2 ACRES OF ROBINS RELIABLE USED CARS NOW AT SPECIAL SUMMER SAVINGS! '67 CHEY. $1795 H.T. lmpala 4-dr. V-8, auto .. P.S., a ir, R&H. (UKU-157) * POLICE CARS * 4 to choose from. All are fully reconditioned and hRve fresh new paint jobs. [J1•mpl1: ~~.:~~~ ""°· 51795 auto .. R.C:JI, P.S. (4919) Slk. PS 101. '67 MUST'NG $1995 390 V ·8, 4-spd. Dark Moss green. \11ide oval tires. (UOF400) '65 PLTM OUTH s795 Sport Fury 2-Dr. H.T. Grt'('n w/black intl'.'r. VS, auto., PS. . (YXS462l '67 IUICK $2995 Electra 225 FACT. AlR, full pv.T .• vinyl roof. Excel. cond. 10110) '64 DODGE Dart 170 2-Dr. Equip\X'd. 6 cy l., !PBY605 i '68 CHEVY $2695 Impala. V-8. auto .. P.S. FACT. AIR. r:&H, vinyl root ( VHA338 I '67 GHIA l{armarui. Approx. 30.000 mllcs. R&l·I. (VCf\.3191 12' TRAILER $1295 Noflhw;,.I Coach. slC"ep.'I 6, fully equipped. Like ne"" {54821 ~~/~:~.c-51195 TORY Affi. R&li, PS, PB. (YCU~l 'M FORD s995 CUsto1n 4·Dr. Sl'd. V·S, AJR COND .. auto., RAH !Y\VS- 426). Low mileai::c '6J PONTIAC s995 Grand Prix. Auto .. R&.H, P.S., P.B., AIR COND. (JJV920) '6' VOLVO 1225. 4·!pced lransmls.!!lon. IRRE3211 STATION WAGONS f'itlC1!l Scleel.ion of Fords And Chevi'Olel.5. Country SrdBJU .t. Country Squires 2-'68"s. E•ampl1: Soma with Air C•ndltlonln1 ''4 FORD t PASSENfiER V .. •ng., Crd!>· $1 095 omatie trans· ml!lsion. R&Ji. f0RN544 l '65 CADILLAC Coupe 01VilJ1. I oW'!ler, 1pprlJ!. ll .000 mil11. Full powt• 1nid fie• lory ,;, condilio11in •. N1w tir11. tREX29 11 '68 SHELBY GTSOOKR F•1lb1ct 421 Cobr1 jef. Auto"'•· lie, P'-1l11tin9 & br1k11. 1pporor. 11,iOO mil11. IXVJ 115 1 '67 CAMARO "ulom1tic tre"1m it1ion, r1dio, •nil h1 el1 r, •~c1U1nt condition. CWIH. 411 1 '68 CHEVROLET NOMAD Cw,+om ci.,,.,11, w19on. v.1. •uto. P.S .. R&H, tppro .. 2J,OOO mll11, 11199191 rt ct !WJ0.4JBI '68 GALAXIE 500 1 Dt. H.T. l•O VI, 1ulo., ¥inyl roof, P'S., 1pplC. 11.000 mile1, F1clory wenen.., .... a.bt,, IWXG .4 751 .... I ~ 11/t .er• of tl'M ,,,_t mocl•nl FOl'd nl" end -, JS/bTlieo'<i()re -, .... ..1 "~ ,c-,-~ &n ' • '' --~ / 2 60 'Harbor Costa Mes-;'~142:0010 uhMf cam,14llr. ltlnt cond. OUMI COUNf'\ TOTOlA·VOLYO HU.tfYAIT1•1 = .. =. ~~ 1'66 HARBOR·~~~D.'303 COSTA MESA 11,M,t•t,.11'1 Mon ·Frl • s.1 1 •. m.t••p.rn. PARTS & SER VICE HOURS PARTS ONLY CID Vic $G(l634. II!!! ................................................ !!.' -::11------''::"'~"o.:•c:·•:::·..:••,..:,• "' :::~=-------'---''-''"''""' _, •• ,_.,_."·":::·c.:M:::•:::•_,•:...:.' .:;"::"o.· •:.:l..::•..::•:::·•::;·..:'::'":::'·:.:''c.; ___ _..::.• .:":::"'-' :.:"..::'..::•:::··=·c.:'::"':.....- ' ' ----- -----------·--_...... ____ ...,....,...,,_~.----~..,..--------·----~-----------::--.------,... --.--------· ----,,...,,..-...,.., .. l . ' ·' J r • ' • 0 • Yi~. Jolly "'· 1'169 T~ Sp!lRTATION TRANSl'OR11'ATION TR. "POlltTATION TRANSl'ORTATION tlOONtw Clirs tlOONow Cars . WodMof11. \holy :!O, 1969 TRANSl'ORTATldli• TRANSJiO!ITATlON OAllY l'llll' U. TRANSPORTAt1CIN, • New C1r1 ' / JU$T 5°/o OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE ON ALL OUR BRAND NEW MERCURY COUGARS, MERCURY MONTEREYS AND MERCURY MONTEGOS! THI$ SENSATION· AL, BONA FIDE DISCOUNT SALE WILL CONTINUE DURING THE REST OF OUR 'GALA JULY ANNIVERSARY! 200 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM e CALL 5,4Q·5630 DON'T YOU BE LEFT OUT ! ' ' ''WE :lT JOHNSON :lND SON AlE OUT. TO MAKE OUR JULY ANNIVERSARY SALE THE BIGGES!.1..MONTH lf'I OUR HISTORY, AND TO DO THIS WE ARE P 1 ASSING ON Tl11; BIGGE~ _SAVINGS EV.ER TO YOU" ••• SINCERELY, CLYDE & DICK ~.iul'!~~ON•; .i HERr ARE 3 EXAMPLE CARS ••• LOADED WITH FACTORY OPTIONS AND PRIClD ' SO LOW IT'S KARD TO BELIEVE! BRAND NEW MONTEREY BRAND NEW MONTEGO MX · ·· BRAND ·NEW · COUGAR · · . ~ 4 ' • . . ~ . . ~ .. . .. ' " ' t • ' ' . .• t • '• ' 18 4 Ooot ~rd top !r'•nd ft•w with pop~lff' .A:tot;c Whit• With 390 2V, wheel .. O S d' ~t''I 7£ . u :tit k . I . , 'I · I , , , " · · · .' 1 h"fl b k , t · ., oor • I )P\t 1um.-91u•~ 'VI Y• 1n t11or, wn1 • v1ny 1 cov•u w 1t1 walls, 1p1c1•I trims , s1T1c s 1 , power r• •S •na ' ••r1n9, f 1 "'if+ ~-'-L U._ .r 1~. • ~j-~ .J• b k . ·• · • ,. 't • 1 d ·1 S · I N oz.-y57•61 St k No 223 6 roo • 1• ec:t 1" 1"'~rr. .. wa,...·ia-....,.·r.-•' at1c '' "· Coupe Brend new with eir c:ond iti onin" Arctic White white wall1 AM ra1;110. r1n • 9 '''· er•• o . .., ·rt • , oc . ' L• • ~ d'll . AL~ l• ,,.,.t • d . I ., d I d d I . ,., ' . ~ ' ,, .. ._,,~ • wn11per e rr ~ft,! orung, "" r4•10, 1'"\' I ass. 1'1•• rt s en • uxe r~dio, power d i1c brt kts end steering, decor group, tinted 9le1s , guerds1 ·W 1 ·$],J'f.10 J whMI c:over1, Sert~! No. 9HI OFS4090t 1.. ~ etc:. Seriel No. 510335 as , · ,. Was $4017 .80 Was $4091.90 ;~~c~~~~ 1~~.~~~~ .. 132 7 9 60 ~~;c~~~r--~~~~.i~.~-···3484 65 • SAVE ' $6fa~oo SAVI $533.,ts SAVE $5~8.~D • DON'T WAIT TOO LO.NG · f!. ··~ ... - • I,, • , •A. And During July •• ., YSED CAl\~.SA,.E! Our Anniversary Sale has attracted some of the finest trades in Orange County! And ••'ve priced these fine cars to sell. · : ~ ; . SEE TAEM TODAY ••• BUY YOURS TODAY! · · l '• . -$- I bi\ 00 lK\ m· 0 I ~ 00 © illJ 00 W 0 ·©WY illJ·@£ 00 -.• : .. --··-· 1-: . { 1 ''•!iin~t~iquos, Clauic1 96 15·1:1.~tO. w.-;;;;d .-97llO 6 .. d Cui . 9900 u;dc.~ ·'9900 Used Cars, 9'PoO Used c... 9900 u .. d Car> 9900 u .. d Cirs"·'.' 9900 I , 1131 FoRo • 1 IMPORTS wANTED, ' CADILLAC c ·HEVROLET C HRYSLER FORD ... uuJTANG . oLDSfi'O,BILE 1 Original Ford Coupe. VfJ;! · Orani• .Counties · • -""'0'"'-'"-'-'"'---- 1ood condition. TOP S BUYER ·11 CAD Coupe de Ville, vinyl '68 Chwell.,Mtillbu. '68 piB.YSLER New Yorker, '68 FORD F-100., Blue:.& cyl. '61 MlJ~ANb. VI,, 2 plu.• 2 '6'1 OLDS, t owner, F-85. '63 .CLASSIC Station W.,on. ·' 8llL MAKBYl t!J'OYOTA top, stereo, Ai\llFM. Air Hardtop ·Coupe, Loct.J .(,ne Xlf'lt d>hd, all pv.T & xtru. 3 •pd. 20,000 m1. Take 0ttr ~&tr co(ldl-flair. p/1,~a..dt•f .•ats. l 3 1pd, O/D, Xlnt pa mJ&! ( ~ 18881 Beach Blvd. all po~·er, leather inl. ele:c owner car, -4 1pecd, rtdlo, $600 under book, Sl50o. Ml-paymeritJ. Pay otf $1974.24. 'tfurilnj, rl010; bitter. ~ •P floor shift. $UXI. OOS-5256 new trans, be1t otr. 894-29fr3 I 'i'MllWWllilllllliN"91a • HW.ANTEDa..ch.i:u~"~.MlNo~ dOor&.tninklocks.sentinel heater, pow~r 1ttt~, 4822 Mobil Station, 101 N. ~"40).~f\id.·~ -,. · 'S3 RAMBLERCl.ut\cWq· "" ......,;, ...... •I i t 's. $4400. P\-1 ply. brand new radi,al tires. Llc. -Harbor, S.A. 531-9245 .• 1 ~~l(M_ELL ,, PLYMOUTH on, auloj Riff, 59,(q) mlle.s, . ~ MS-1441 • awa:y cl\a.rge. 546-6106. ~180 WEWQ29. Dobt -.mtu WI COMET '66 Ford f airl•n• \iCMWIOLEf~ c.ieanr $450. 968-4768 ' ,/~ Aii3~~ii'~at~~re~ A~;~-i:;asing 9110 ·~a~~lc~al~~~o;: !'::: Oil('. . t 2399 ~ J '61 . CO~E:T. Orig owner. 2 Door Loa!i~5vs. etc. Lie. ' :282#\'W mtd. ·~I ·~tY:~.~ in.very iood ·~AG~~~ .~t~ f body in xlnt cond. Runs, but Will sac. 675-176~ . ~ St4ck •hilt. Very dun. $300. JR.r.-1949 Phone &4.2-6023 Dir. C.M. "' ~ ~1203 * 1)1 9;-3118 * Private party 96J."'8&'J , needii loving restDriltion. LEAS!'. RENT 246-~1 . '67 MUSTANG, 6 cyl, auto . . < c °" ···--'66 Fo'd Fa i'11n1 PONTIAC • 189.SO ,.,__ ALL POPULAR CAMARO ~ $595 '""'· ""' rondition! T·BIRD ~ 1930 l\1odel A. New n1otor a: MAKES CONTINENTAL 2 Door loaded. VS, elc.· Lie. Call 838-2297 r! f ::-:· ,i;"~ ~~'ii.,,~ FORD '67 CAM~RO • d.s CONTINENTAL ""' ti lRM 949. Phone 64>6023 01, '";,!"~~'NG Convt w/al,, '65 BONN1VILL£ HT '62 Lindau, lull 9wr, fact : anytime AUTHO.RIZ ED 4 Spd, dlr, xlnt .. condition~ ·e~"tp black with white leaUier '61 }''ord Statk>n "-''11· Good ~J4~72JJ rves. full pwr, dlr. r,ct a.Ir con. ~4ir' ~· Lie. No~ .! 36' H"""-"". Blt-in11. Good LEASING Sacrifice~, Win trade for JI· upholattry, red trim. See ID transp. &mall VS, auto ======== I v,_....._. SYSTEM . appreciate, S189S, 548-1501 trans. n e ed cash dltJdnina; pwr windows, low, TRANSPORTATION Car-'59 motor & tires, 3298 D.!I Get Our c.otnpetitive Rates rorei(Jl car or total pnce $26.5 . .,, 642-5864 OLDSMOBILE low mlle!-4e . Xlnt condition T-Bird ·eonvertible. Weeds f P.1ar, C~1 anytime ROBTlhNoocloS F'°ORD !~Tm~ UJH l'IS. Call Bill 5~9-3031 Ext. 66 or 67 CORVAIR ,66 FORD Wagon, fully In ,and oul. ""l'olal Ptice $1399. radiator work. $65. ~ ·~ MERC Cou-0 .,., block 19iO HARBOR BLVD. LB VBA 319. Call Bill, ,62 FULL " ..., ,.-. ' COSTA MESA ~pd w/air, P/S, P/B. • • 545.fl6l4 pwr, new urta. paint, extra eng Incl. $2'15, 2060 Harbor RJ;vd. '67 C>tM;lRO Rally Sport, .68 CHEVROLET Im-la LJ1TL~ Old lady telling '94 '23:i0. 642-MOO '\d ~ y s, · battery, very clean $650. I best offer 54~28 Costa Mesa &(2.0010 Sl8M cl1l e.ller 6 p.1n. F . p~5 Corvair Spydcr Conv, 4-sJ)d, 548--0791 ews. 1 1963 G~AND 1nJ:1"· &1 18· MS-3294 evP.s. 548-7183 co~. ;cto~ t!1r,1wAK' new bat. good tirts, turbo '63 FALCON ata ·wagon dlx '. P/b, e ec w ws, H, ========<I 'i Autos W1nt•d 9700 v" LEAS E v' ~~1 ''L7"1te'0Ne!~ :-noo rwi JuKl rcblt. new Valves. $495 dlt, auto, very clean'. LB TORO' 'NAD'O ~.~.,~lal.r~.r.;:1~~afkl1 .~.'';,n',J~s~ VALIANT y '68 Cad!Jlac ~Pe de Ville, ~ price. 64&-3814 pv pty GJM 27'1. Full Pl'icc $599. :fl, .,..__,,,. ., 1--------1 WE PAC .A.· SH tully llquipped.'SJ1J mo. CHEVROLET CONNELL '61 CORVAIR, 4 spd .. 2. dr. Call Blll, 494-9773 1989 PONTIAC Grand.Prix '61 VALIANT Sia. \Van. auto ;I ''7 Forti, ~afution ~·&£-'64 Cl-IEVROI..ET EI Camino Xlnt. cond. R&H. good litt'6. '63 FORD XL. HT. bckl NEW & EXECUTIVE .t'ully equip. Xtnt .eoJ'.ld. trans, $00 or besl ofr, aa ii. , on, rll!.i , 1)s, $7:> ino. CU5l CHEVROLET $4S:.. 842·70M seal$, dlr, tact air. xlnt 1.{Ull a.crltice. 847...fil.93 ~"='-=1354=-~---,·I \ >61 ~t. l'ir $61.50 mo. auto~, 'ra~~:.to%a~:r. ~·i!~ 2328 Harb:lr Blvd. '81 CORVAlR. 4 spd, xlnt shape, new pain t LB ATB ON LY 6 , . . BUSIEST nw11:etplace In . 1 f for used can Ir tnickl just SOUtll-COAST new. CU4Lloot) $l49'; tuU C.M. 546-1203 cond. szia. Cill after s:30 798. Total price $699. Call PONT.' BO Catalma, b1sr eng. town. The DAILY PILOT ·ealJ us tor lrff estimate. CAR LEASING .... ,. '"26 Vic 54;;..-0634 TO CHOOSE FROM 42.000 act. ml. 2-dr, r/h, pv Classified 1«tion. !itlaw ·. price. '55 CHEVY. Xlnt cond. Auto. p.m . ......,...,~ . · · $JOO 64+0345 GROTH CHEVRO. lfl :l()(; W. c" Hwy, NB ..,.2182 CONNELL """'· Two "'· Good ...... '63 OORVAIR, "''' oUcc, '57 Ford, 4 ....... ,. BIG SAVINGS! ply. ' "'°"'" -• '"""· Look Interior In perfect condition. Rad lo, $300 ar best. u e • Wltfte Elepbanll? -· .wit!..-" ,. ... .. . .,. Alk for 5a1., Mana•u u .. d Cars 9900 CHEVROLET Body In good ••• ,.. $3/jl), '" 4 pm "'·'"' 642-'1729 ., 642-144'1 n1vers1ty : . • = :: " . 9900 18211 Beach Blvd. TRAN~RTATION CARS 2828 Harbor Blvd. 546-11"2 or 540-4118 * '65 F'otd Galaxy 500. !IT. Ond C1r1 ~p~ ··c~,, .. Huntl~ob llWPORTER MOTORS ~f~O,V.A. "" w/Vh:: '62 !~~~~:£~~ Ak, COUGAR ~~""· Now tires. "" Oldsmob"1le ) -~ WE PAY CASH 2036 HARBOR Bi.vo. fully equipd. xlnt rond. ,,_........, '69 ?.1ERCURY co u I a r , '87 Shelby GT 500, 4 spd, xlnt nL CoSTA \fESA Leaving area. S 16 5 O. 57 CHEVY 283 convt, lacl air, AM radio, lo cond.. 544--9832 uk for OU CAR 548--5294 or -.Sl 1 494-Sllfl 8-l l a.ni., 4·7 p.m. 3 SPEED U50 mis. fact wcy, $ 3 7 O O. Martin, T. R. 2350 Harbor C.Osta 1.1esa FOR Y R FINANCING AVfJl..AB~ '65 otE'VY Impala, new •QC. Extdlent cond 00.-.1467 541-0079 '66 Wagon, fully eqp'd, alr. 540-"40 : i' ' t May '68, 15,(0) ml, bkl p/a, p/b, Sll95 642--8-t® • CONNELL "'''· ntw •""'"'· P"''•''· CHRYSLER FORD ,.,,,, 54&-0797 ""''· ' CHEVROLET BUICK $16.'iO ..... ,,,, 1968 FORD Gallxy, 7 Ll!H • . • 1' '64 IMPALA Station Wag.. ,64 FORD Station Wa""'n Vii; Poweal; air, tape deck, reaJ • .:_·::l 2128 Harl>Ot Blvd. '67 RIV7ERA, n '"'· '"' PIB, PIS, ,;,, xJot "'""· '67 CHRYSlmn . P •• 5 · »• , .. ,., ;<D-6549. REAL 51""' .66 0 , d c.o.ta M~ 54ft..1200 air, &ereo, landau 1op, ·~ 4-3702 U\ factory Ur, auto., · ., -,... 1 1 ~i;, ~ H. to•ru•-J S995 lull p'"'-. '64 ECONOUNE Van tie11vy >..di asii. t oJ. Coupe. Gold . ' CONFIDENTIALLY' chrm whl•. lmm>c "'. nd.· I -·-., ll h blk • -~ "·'. owneT ~ py, P 1 y. ·52 OJ.EVY Nova, 6 cyl Allto. 2-DOOR HARDTO_, CONNELL duty, auto trans, II~ blue, w , • ....,,..,au top, lo .,,. We Pl)' MOft For S31.623lt" • H75. 15601 Tustin Village V-8, automatic, factol')' 'A.Ir, CHEVROLET xlnt thnloul. 642-2909 mlg, nu wht/wall tires & Fon!ign Or Sports C8n '68 eu~ ru·~ I_.. l \Vay, no. 7. alter 5 p.m. power steerln&, power bra· brk."I, RJH. custoT blk llhr PAID FOR OR NOT •-..n. .. ..,-...... ,... m . 2 1 Int & bucket seaU1. C.Onsole Loaded' .!i.i 5 _ .. 0 0 9 r 64 Nova dr. v-a, 4 sp. Good ke•. radio ~ healtt, mma· 2S28 HarbO'r Blvd. UNCOI M with h PIS 1 • J. SPOR·TSCAR •'ntru:M.'iL '°'ilk :..-,lr ·~ or.ta ....... S'ltiO· 6t& 15i3f cuJate, (UDE ~u~ C.M. • $46-1203 --?'... fact ·~~: M~r as:~ CENTER -""'°""'"====== "'"7413 $2295 '68 FORD TORINO 11162 LI n co I n' Contl..;ntal bollov•" 'Privale'Party Bed -'6& Bel Air, oh:l.r. Fact air, · Needl wonc. S3l0. oHer. 962-2860 · 'J ~tll ~!larbor BJvd~6t <CADILLAC ~~~ i:ooff V-3, )o nii. ATLA· 4 Speed, dlr. pwrdl$C br\ke•, 548-12:t:s OLDS '67 Cutlass Supreme, .' J WE PA,... Top:-; '6l CAO ••••• n.vw.. '1. One own.el', $~. ~ 'f(L $2:>50. tUll power. fac air. '' ;J<.'U '-"' '6!1 CHENY (mpa.la, ahllrp! 2 ClrRYSLER _ PLY~fOUTII 1171, C&U Ken, ~'"1 or MERCURY Vinyl roof. bucket M'&ls DOLL.AR ~ ·.. Good cond. H9:i. 642--3850 dr, 283. 3 !Pd Hurst, ehrome 2929 HAR.801\ BLVD. S45-t)&Jt' • w/contolc, Still u nd er I« good,,clet..n Wiii!& earf. Daya; Eves, 675-2600. rhru ,It che-ftten $300. COSTA MESA 546..J.!134 ,57 E'Olt.O jW).ntl .wan. New '60 Mllrc, slick, xlnt ti:xJY &: 50,0I)) nil flu::· warr. 11lnt : I ::an fnWL Ste. Clneot1e ~ '64 CAD. Coupe de VIUe S4lJ...SM9 eves, ~U day•. Open Dally 'tit 10 p.rn. emerald metallic P1,a l n t , Interior. NHda n\d bt:ar-cond, ~•ply. PSI 1111. Theodore -Rob n1 J"ord 1 leather air -..i.. owner '65 EL Cam'-Yl t _, '"" t1cn ~ M'?-1'1.'tf.1 2000 lD.rbor Blvd. $1690. ~a>i3 .... .., • .. _ , •• n COog.i, '64 Q[RYSLER 300 H.T. chrome rlnu. 196) 390 eng. • -· ---r-· ~ C.M. 6.l2-4l01.0 --------, ~~~~paint job. U095. Cpe. Fadory air. auto., ~ race cam. Nauia&Yde OLDS Starflre '63. p/•, P)b, WUI Buy Your Vol.~ or Ponche Ir plY top dollars, Paid lot It not. Call !Ulp!I -DAILY PILOT WANT AOSI '62 Sedan DeVille, full pwr,I =~=~~~~~ pml.-~rileertna:,R..\H. (XEV. Int. Ovu $750 Umatro. MUSTAN.G all'<'Ond.1 w/s/w, auto win-- ale, good condition $650. '68 Malibu Conv. Fae air, 9w $J2§full price. Make offer, Me to appre(. • dQwa, mctaUtc ,blue, imm&c. "'64lM'-"~l4==-~~ 1 327", loaded, idnt cond. CONNELL 636-8174 o' 536-m> -, ''6.)t!l!ST~G...289 ·~. tq. 4 Jllr~'1!'!' M&-3111 ' • '112 CONVERTIBLE. Excel. $1650. S.~'1828 ·§11 GALAXIE XL, ps, p~ llJl!I• ttam. Radi6/~a:ttr,' OiB m, '64."'\~. ,V.t., t"'6rlor, lo-mUea1c. $!!03. '65 Chevy Impala 2 Dr. Good CHEVROLET &Ir, 11'.lnt cOnd. 3',000.-al; JIO'lll'tr atttrl.111, WI')' cltan. r&dlb,1 P/S, tict air, >ant &ft-8600 ~ 1 ' cond'. Auto, v~. $121j). 2823 Harbor ·Blvif. ml. Ma~ otter. ~ $taxi '* 64MTOt t»tld. $9116 61l-1342 OHARGJ: )'olJf •ant ad 1now, ,_.,._.,-:;;;7!;;;'-:;'===;:--C.M. ' 5*6-1203 For Dail¥ PDot Wa•t Ada DAll.Y PnDr WANT ADSf ,,, Oldt $50 Find tc With a want ad! SOCK rr TO 't:MI White eleJihantJ! Dlmw..llne , Dlal M2-561I for J\ESULTI OAll.Y PU.OT WANT ADS! '-' ·~~··' '' • -..... --=--·-__ ..... ,_____ ·--..._ -------------· ---. . . . . .. ... -., ·-·---·· ' .. .. . I • ---. ----------.......----------~----·-----~-------------.... -..-----' .. ' ,, Catalina Wagon b p~uenger, Pecor group, turbo hydramatic transmission, pu•h but. ton radio, deluxe seat llelts, power •leeriri'g: tin I e d windshield, AIR .. . . ' CONDITIONING, h e.a v y d u t. y spring• and shocks. ( 2523o9C.1·3 I• 400) ,. 1· ' .• Just in c: ·a s e y.ou didri't air.Uy know, NOW Is the greatest time of the year to buy your next c:ar at Roy Cqrver's. STILL t:h• best of summer le~ • · • • STILL a great se!Ktion, I like Roy Carver~s stock of wagons I and STILL, the best d e a I s in Orange County! BUY NOW ••• SAVI; NOW! , -. . . • • • ' ·• NEW 19&9 1 "'l • ' •• ; ,· • : Custom S Wagon Warwick blue with blue interio r. Decor grol!J>, 350 engi l.e, tu rbo• hy. d.r~matlc,:p~ih i;ut'ton radio , power . ;' steering, power brakes, tinted wind •. shield; power tail gale "!lndow , dual hinge tail gate, AIR CONDITION. ING, white wall tire s. ( 235359Z· 124987) e NdW ON PISPLAY ••• TtlE TRANS·AM FIREBIRD! • . I 69 ~~!!!.~!~.!~~.~~ .. ·~,!, . ftotory eir, le1fhitf int1rior. Ntw Roll1 fleve-ft1d• 111. IWW~ 9ll5 l '66 CHARGER VI, •11fc1m•tic. pow1r tfMri119, white w1l11, beby blue with blue inl•rior. 15,747 .111lle1. tTXT 1191 I 67 ~~~~~~~ .. d;,, '"'"· , •• ., • •*•••i n9, bur91ncly. IUJC777l I 68 ~~~!~d~p~ Whit• wHh bl,ok "'"vi top. R•dio, h••I••• eut01T1 1tic, paw1r 1t•1ri1uJ. IXSPJJI ) Eq uipped wi th 400 c:u. in. Ram eir engine, 4 speed trensmission, push button redio, tinte~ wiridsh"ield: F-70 white letterefl fi,er9lass belted t ir es, speciel hood with ,lon9er functional air Jt coo)>sr-deck lid eir ·foils, front spoiler, speciaJ ·,;fu!l ·~en9th stripe1 on hood. I 223379N I 0645 5 I • $7277 I 68 !.~!~,:.~~~~~!~~~'" $167.l I 68 ~~.':~. ~~~~~~ ! ... •ion, pow•r tlt 1rin9, Gretll t xferior. . ing., vinyl lop, factory eir, (WAESl S) CWAB !il 8J $2,17.7 I 65 ~~.~!!~~ .. ~!~ .. p••· ~67.7 • 68 PONTIAC GTO Redio end heef1r, ~ulomelic, power •• 1te1rin9, Yinyl top. l RRB 52 ]) 1t1erimJ, ft,lory t i• conditioni119. CWIC 047 1 $2477 I 66 ~~~.~.~~!.~~b~ '''""'+;" ~97.7 • 66 CHRYSLER Nt w Yorker ~-door he1dlop. Red;o, heeler, 1ulometic, pow1r 1l11rin9 i nd power 1leerin9, power breke1. fectory window1, f1ctory air. ApJJro•. l0,000 . • eir. Bro1"' in eolor. CS BY! 296 ) mil11, Fore1t ~ ... ,n. !TZE293) . '66 ~?.~~~!~~.E~,. '"' 52877 ~377 • 67 FORD FUTURA 2 Door. Sm•ll \'I •ng in•, •utometic, h11ter. 1SST IO~l r•dio, h11ter, whil1 1•cl• well tires. 17,7•:1 mil11. !UOM 1011 ' ' "' .... . ...... ~--. ' 53677 $2977 ·$2677 51677 THE CAR OF THE YEAR .•. AND NEXT YEAR ... AN D THE NEXT! SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEJ>I : MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. • SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN: 8:00 .A.t-1. to 9:30.P.M. EVERY DAY []] I ROY GR AND PR IX! Special paint, cordova top, turbo hydremaf ic transm iss ion, pus h· button redio, power ~teeri rig, power dis c br19 kes, tinted 9la11, AIR CONDITIO NING, G78Kl4 wh ite side wall t ire$. ,I 27 bS79Pl4S460 I • ALL CAR PRIC ES INDICATED IN THIS AD ARE, OF COURS E PLU S LI CENSE AND TAX • CARVER PONTIAC 2925 HARBOR BLVD/COSTA MESA .............. , . ' • • Kl-64444 J • . . .. . . Back-to-school dresses for bla· 'n little girls •.• celebration priced w.•,. celebr4ltln1 •• , .c1 yoes ICIVf ••• wttti lr'Mtncfoul -.. .... ~ purchaMcl ....,.. of odoral>S. ~ eolld .... pa"9IMd ..._, •• al of m-,.,. ,.,...,. with Sol a.c.a.. fiftW. ••• ow lllCll'velc>w pot,..../ cottoa b'9nd """ ..... .. Jroning -f vtf machiAe WGlhlltt ond drylnt to look th ftew Q9afnl UICI rr .... CHAI•• m I. r- •, .2 Save on men's l•ans ••• Penn-Prest• for easy care now 2. for SS .,. _____ ... . . Stock up now on thett grtot pofytster/totton lull~ ,.,the ilim •tyLt .. Jm&d ....... Men's iizes 29& •ir~ tumble dried. Save on men's cotton T-shirts anCI brfeb whtl• we cel•rot•••• 2 for 1.22 Gniot modilne wOlhable 100% cotton T .lhfrta ••. 36-46 ••• aid brtrm .•• 30-.42, liofl "'\IM .. Stodt up flO'l1i1 I • , Men's short sleeved ra1lan sty .. sweot shirt savings nowl 2 for$3 W1iot o greot pTCll for wch good loolUno IW'tcrt~ of cottor\1oayllc t~ the gala GI Mii OI the Ofl)'l loYe ... bculc and fosfilon colors ... men' a • S-M-l·XL • ,. . l ~ AVA1l.A -------------------.,...-,.....,.--,,---.,---,-------------.,...---~ ' ,. . ... ... .. --., - Celebrotlon prices on our pantyhose and nylon hose, too! Ponty hose 2for1.99 ~kn stretch style in Colo ond Suntan, •. sixet S.A·l-Xl. Nylon hose 3 for$) You'11t shown thot you IO¥e OUf" hose ... save on Galo ond Sunlon, 81/a·ll o~. Elastic leg brief• In white, full C'UI the way you Nb' them ... sixes s~M-L Don~t min this chance to sowl Fantastic value on a spedal group of • hand5ome handbapl 1.88 Choose from oil the .nap.a a hondbog can b. ... ~ pcrt.nf• ••• groins hat looli Mlie leotw ... fothlon colon. . " . The plai ~ the thing, thrifty and sriiart, too!· 2.88~H What • tiny price for !MM P'wft>' pW4 'enti il'tt1t-lp0f't ..,...,... thot')llllll wmtt to c°"9cf bt t'- or4Jlfvl to C001dinate Gfld cnote )'OW' ow..~ wardrobe. rick'°"' panfl ltd to to QI &tngttw,w tklrtl. Y0v'N ftM....wnatlON ofWw, plnkwyellow ••• atl of newr""on potr-ttr/ootfOfl ••. iwhlnt wosh ancf cliy'Gnef ther'l'9 •-.MW. a.11. Ukl rr.,. CHAIOl ITI ALP N RE. 3 l I 1 J .. -· . -I .,. ,, '· tJ ; 1\' , -• ; .. ' . . . .. ... . DOLtAR DA~S ! ®@ STORE CELEBRATION ., ... Grallclopeal119oftheNew DOWNE.Y ··PENN·EYS All our famous FashiOn Manor Sheets REDUCED FOR A LIMITED TIME! renn·Preu-bleocbed percofe .Meta H•-•••• re1,.,,.,,,.,, •• ~t~ .i.i,. ...._.. 72X lCM 1hee1 0t twill li11eclbo1101ni.heel« ... 2.99 .. NOW 2.47 llX104"1HIor11111 li11.dbo1tom1heetbf. :J.tt .•. NOW 3.47 TllM flt1ecl top ~t 1.._ a.tt .................................................... Jt.fOW 3.07 '"" fltt.d top .... , .... 4.59.,,,,,,,, .. ,,,,,,,,,, •••••••••••••••••••.•••• ,,,,,,.NOW 4.07 .-2x36 pillow'°' .. •••· 2fer1.99 .................................... NOW 2 for 1.77 -r er • -.. • A ... Penn·Prest• snowy white lileochtcf muslin ahHh ............ ,..t)'Mle•/<e4IOO for •-· ,Jeeo••l-ail oley. 72X1CM ..,_.or twin lilted bollOM ahHI .... 2.59 •• NOW 1.87 l l XICM ahffl or fullf11tecl bollot11 "-1 lle9. J,St, •• NOW 2.67 42XJ6 plllow CGMe •••· 2 for l .6' ............ HOW 2 for J.37 !po ,._ Penn-Preat' '•rcale solid color 1hHl1 r .. hleo •lett I• ...... y .. Id, ltl'* .... hi, -er .. aliee-. 3 67 72 X ICM "-l or lwlft fitted botlot11 llheet lq. 4. \9 .. HOW • 11X104 elwet or Ml Otted~ttonul-9 .... S. lt •.. NOW 4.67 A.2X36 p;llow c-1 .. 2 fet 3.19 ............ NOW 2 f., 2.77 !; ~enn-Prest• muslin Mlid cielor ah.... ,f ...... ,,..... _,, ........... ......., ...... --...... pl.\. nx1cw ahMf., iw;nr.1tect11ot'-"-' •• 1.n ... HOW 2.57 11x1cww...,ru11 rttWMtte.n.t ... 1." ... NOW 3.37 A7X36 pillow COM Rt• 2 fer t.2t ............. NOW 2 fer 1.f7 Penn.p,..,, • muann ~nts ...... .._. ........ Oor._, ,.,,.., llo_._ w•leote w- 7:1X ICM U-1 or twin fltled lllol1ol!I "-' .... J.ff .• NOW 2. 99 11x104 .,_,or f11n n11•1tet._._. ...... ff ... NOW 3.99 A2X96p1tlowc0ttt a.,. 2 fcw2.lt ............ NOW 2 for 2.29 Ptnn·Prest· pe"ale atriped ,.,._ta ...... ,,. ... ·c ..... -1 ......... r1,...1ft ••""-.. ,,,.. ... ~.,. 4 57 72X1CM "-'or twin !\tied bottom,,_.•• 4." .. NOW • l lXlCM thee! or fvll filled bollem "-t lq. S." ... NOW 5.57 -42X36 pillow <014S ht· 2 fer J .19 ............. HOW 2 k r 3.2 7 THR PllNNln' STOJtY WTa, moire •ach a big deal oat of quality? ., aoaBaTA NASH I ub4 1 Prn11ty uore a,...., •e Clff•IM>a Ollct aa• wll&A he fiu lly de- ci•c• I wat teriou1, he w•. •u I could UIC only OM wer4 to de1cribe thr pheoomuon of PcMc:y's, I'• pick the word, 9u fity. •Mr. Penney bu tl- w111beca1/H•ti' oo the subject," he continued. "'f bef UJ the only thing th:at still malu M r. Pen· ney t ngl')' i1 when 10mt- OM tu~b we compro· n1iie Pe11ocy qulicy 10 in.kc 1 towr r price.,. renn-rre,J• muslin 1tti1N0d 1hHlt ,_ ''"' • .... 11. ,,,,,.., 1. ~··•r 80111 • SJe• ..i~i.. 72X10. thct• or lwlnf11tedbollonuhHtl ... J .69 .. NOW 2.99 81 X104 •'-' 0< fu~ lilt.cl bollom thett ... 4.69 ... NOW 3.99 -42X36 pillow cosea ••t· 2 for 2.69 ............ NOW 2 for 2 .29 Penn-rru t • percol• super tl&ff .,_,,,.,,• lrleQ<~fd whll<I ,.t,.•1••/ .. ff• "'-•Ito 6.37 90Xlr3quctn1101ot 60XIO fn!Mttw.t ... 6.ff .. HOW l08X 115king flot IN' 72X8'4 fitted lheet t .. I .ff .. NOW 8,37 .-2X46 king cotfl •••· 2 for 1.1 t .. -........ NOW 2 for 2 .67 -42X40 q-. com R19. 2 for 2.99 ............ NOW 2 for 2.41 •ii ronn-r rest' mualin super w1es ,.,.".,, .. , .. "'''"' ,, .... ~ ....... ,. ,,..., .... ,,, .... ,. ..,.,., .. 72Xll.S long hM 1101 tw 39X80 f11ll fitted .i-t .... 1.7• ••••••••••···•••••·•••••••••••••••·•······•••••··NOW 3.47 90X 11.S '°'1f quetn llol or 60X80 filled •heel ..... 4.4t ••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. ..aw 4.07 lOOXll.S '°"9 .-n llot or 72Xt4 liutd !h.et 1419. 6..49 .................................................. NOW 5.97 -42X46 killg-ll•t· 2 fer 2.29 .............. HOW 2 for 2.07 Penn..rrMt ' ,.real. super sin prints ,.,..,,.,,. 'C--'9••"•' ,....,. .i,..,, r. •••"--., .....i.w. 90)m5...,_.flator60lt80f1tted ~.1 a.9.t.49 .. HOW 7.17 101Xl15kine ftot er72XM lllMd ~1 ... 10.ftHOW 4). 7 -42X"6 king~ .... 2 fet :J.9' .......... ., .. NOW 2 for 3 .67 Penn-rre11• percole tUtNr 1iio aolhl cot.n ,_.,.....,, ,.,..,.la ••••y ,.,.., ,.r,.. t tca.14 •• -.,... 7.37 · 90X 113 qllHft Hot CM' 60XIO flttecl ,,_. .... ll" .. NOW lNXll!(~ino flol or 72Xl4 lltt.d •hHt lle ..... " •• NOW 9.17 '42X A6pillow com le9. 2 fet 3.59 ............ HOW 2 fw 1.27 Nation Wide• wflit• cotton mvslin Qt -111 ... ~..1 ..... 11.:,,,.., 11 ............ 1 ... 1~1 72XlOl llot or twin fitted botlom •••·'·"·'"""'NOW ).37 11~10f flat or fvH fill.cl boll0111 I ... 2.29 .......... NOW 1.65 A2X36 mft .. ,. 2 for 1.09 .................... HOW 2 for eJc reRale ltlffched white cotton 1hHt1 C1kp -4 , .. , ...., _...., ... lt•I le.,;•t ...... nx1oet1ot er 1w111 fitted bo1tom ... 2.:tf ......... NOw 1.77 llXlOl fkit or lvll fitted bo"-.... 2.69 ......... HOW 2.07 A2X36-l•t· 2 ftf t.3f .................... HOW 2 fft 1.07 ' . . . . .. .. ..... f' - hovtiful Kotler ruos with the roller coated loteic bod!, \'Glue priced nowl Olive, gold, brown or Sleep In comfort with our cozy, fluffy bed pillow 2 , ... $.4 Hun-y ill Dftd help"' eeWiratel Polyester filled, ~ 419 JOX 26" bed p;tow .. At tflls price you can affcwd to get one for ~ bed in yow •· hausel llue/whlht 1trlpe. Great towel buys .•• luxurious solid color cotton terry towel ensemble 24X46 2 $1 lath tow.I for WhX25 12X12 H•nd tewet 3 hr '1 Wa'h doth 5 fer'1 Sove on our IOft cotton terry k>wel .,_m,i.. TMtaty celtott t.ny pile if\ white, honey goht, "'°" ..._..,, pink or y.llow, AV.AtLABLE AT .. ' PL so :no _ * ea 0 ££4@±::ZSS mas ·" • H . . DDL~AR DAYS!' ~@ STORE . CElEBRAnON- ..... Gr••d Ope•l11g of ... llew DOWNEY PENNEYS Fashion anor "Vellux"luxury blankets Twin 66X90 8 88 Reg. "10 NOW • FwU 80X90 Queen 90X96 Reg. '12 NOW 9.88 Reg. '15 NOW 12.88 King 108X90 Reg. •19 NOW 15.88 100% nyloft eootlnv on polyurethane bate. These fosllion MOfl(W blonlieta IMlinttlln their wonderful aolt touch and •PF•••-after repeated -"lngs. They will not JMd or pill. MDd!lne -hobi. for easy core. Choott from llm., horwy-gold, blue or o~ . . fc:rshien Manor 100% acrylic comfort fitted blanket Twif\ fitted Reg. 7.99 NOW ............ 6.88 Fvfl fitted ............ "eg. 8.99 NOW 7.11 ~ fitted ........ Rev. '12 NOW 9.11 King fit1ed ........... lteg. •13 NOW 10.11 ~p finish for mWmiad pllffno ond shedding. Mothif\e wash ond hmlble dry. Avoiloble In mt»s, gold or oquo. Fashion Manor 100'1. acrylic ''Fash~naire" thermal blanket 66X90Twin Reg. 6.99 NOW ............ 5.88 80X90 F11U 1in ..... lteg. 7.99 NOW 6.11 10IX90 King il.u ... Reg. '13NOW 10.18 Soft~ nop. Machine woshable in worm woter. A\'Olloble In ex,iti119 foah· ion colors in deep lime, honey gold or white I UKE IT •.. CHARGE IT! OUR LOGAt. PENNEY STORE 5 . . 6 Special buy! Boy's mock turtle short sleeve polo 1.22 Another grcot shirt voluc from Pcnneys. 100% Acri· Ion' ocrylic solid color mock turtleneck in o .. sorted colors 6 16. -· D ELAR DA~S -! lID@ STQRE CELEIR~TION of the ........ ~~~-• of the New - DOWNEY RENNEYS Boy's cardigan and mock turtleneck pullover sweater values( 2.99 Orlon' oc.rylic/ Spandex cordi· gon in blue, whl~ey or green. 100% turbo Orlon' ocrylic mo& 1 turtleneck pullover HI on ouonment of solod colOl'l. 8-18. Big closeout on pre-school boy's slacks ... save now I 1.22 Stock up now while they lastl Come in ond choose from on assortment of color•. Sizf'S 3-7. HUl'ryl Boy's cotton briefs and t·shirts from Penneys .•• save! 2 for sac Comfortable and absor· bent Rot knit t-shirb ond rib knit briefs at fantastic low f)f"icft, White In 1iu1 '4·16. Boy's specia.1 dollar day ~values! . 1.88 Towno-afi+ bonded 100% texturized ocelot• sport ahirt with v neck ond removable dickey. Towncroft• double knit ombre atrip imert, short 1leeved mor.lc turtleneck fpot1 thlrt. Auorted 5olide. 6·18. ley't v.t.,. ptKkM Penn-Pre1t ' conluroy Jeane 199 At thi5 greot price you can afford ""9f'al poir of these 50•,4 potyemr/50% cotton Penn-Pr••t• corduroy feoM. faded Wu., IClnd, ontelope or laden. Si1n 6-11 1"9911lar, 111111 or huaky. AVA·ILABLE AT" YOUR LOCAL·PEN~·EYSTORE ,. t J 'i I • J1111C klch are horcl on their clothes, bring them ltPelANt• -' oUlflt tfltf'll In our "'8814 ploywear. Y", our P~ pol)otttw/CIOttcln tmlt polo ...,_ and ,._. ,,__. .cottoflfn,loft •tmch d.llln lhortl en the fNt'llJ for your octi.e toMer1. ~colon .. ~,lwebn 11z .. 1 to ... 88¢ Put tMm fn our "° 1roft ,...,._,..... Cllfton/•nkft rl)'loft ""1~ "8"11d colon i. "'°""'ms 1 .. ... 1. 22 • w''- s,.dal bvyl ~~~-·, , ... ~ ...... . ~ . _ .. -for yovr little girt .2 '°' s5 .1 .. 4 "-• " •• . . ·' Girl's lont 1IHve shirt 2.44 She'U love our crisp ~/cotton '°'II ~ ,..,..,,..... .. ..... They ha.e th. doNI ma.: ... IWt~ lcMe. No lronlna wca.d ...... t\l'lliat ctrt.d. Avoilalt&e In anomd aollch, aim 7-14. Girl's smort lookin9 flare 1 .. pants 2..99 \ Ull IT.4. atARGE'ln 7. i 1 L~~~~i!l,l~!!liil!~liiii~~.J::~:I.!.i!!:il!J!l!::J~~~~~~.;!::!~~UZ!.!:.;.:!....J;;!.I!.J:.~~11;::..-J l ' '·" - --- .. r ~ I I Rug and floor conditioner .... 74.95 NOW64.88 ,..,., ecrvll, wt ~ .. ..,ay wu. poa.lta.clW, ................. ..... 3 ....... i.-6, '" •n11arlee. Fantastic vacuum and attathment savings! Reg. 89.95 NOW 76.88 A1 a11 uprlghl, It beots, 1weep1 ond cleon1 oll of once, hen triple flit-er ond dispo1· obi• king 1i~e bog. Convert• lo coni1ler style with twist of dial. 8-piece canister cleaner leg.44.95 NOW39.88 ~,'6 .. ..,, .. •feel kdy, CeftYHIMt •11to•etlc ten1I011 cor4 • c...-.. ... of ,. loor -~'°°"" . -· • M '/a" high, 32" wide, 28"/i•• dffp •White, eoppertoM M avocodo ... color costs no more at P911Myt • Twin porcelain enamel fini1h crfipers • PM:tloln enamel finish "'"' f>O" BURBANK CAHOOA PAAK CHULA VISTA Of\J..~ HfUA COUJ!Q! GROW! HUN'T'INGTOffHAcH HUN11NGTOH 'AlU< LAKEWOOO LONG-MAai LOSALTos ~ MONTC:lAUI NEWPORT BeACH HORTH HOLLYWOOD 8AH Fll!ANAHOO IAHTAANA