HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-31 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa11"""~"!:""'~""."':"':"':"'l'-" ....... ""'!"''"'':"'."'"'""'"-"'....,...,.,,.,.,.,.~~,....._,.....,._.,....., ................ ..,.........,.......~~....,... ........ -:--:,.....,..,..,..,.'.'":".'"""~~-:-·------~=-c-.......,~·--.... ....... ·--"""":-:;::1::'£<~~:-:;:=~-:-::":1::::::-:::"""7r-~1 7 ). ' . • • • • • • ------. . ---" ---·-- -. --- • Newpqrt Sch9c,l 4ide ·s . :' -'"'"" ·-.: J-·~ • --~ • • Honie Es~a:p@s .. F.i~ebonab • . . THURSDAY AFTE1tNOON, JULY 31', 1969 .. • ' ·- , • _or oner Kennedy Mohhed . . . . on • Beto·rn .~ NEWSMEN ·scRAMBLE, TOURISTS Gl\PE AS .'TE~oy EMERGES FROM AUTO OUTSl.DE CAl'l'l'OL Senator Return• to Work After th9edy. l/iliicti CHI Shadow Over Proml1l119 CarHr . . ·--~ ~ Coroner Noguchi Wins Back Joh; County Ove1·ruled LOS ANGELES (AP) -'l'he 0Coonty Civil Service Commission ~instated, Dr. Thomas T. Noguchi as chle( medical e~· aminer-<:oroner today, overryling · the Board of Supervison. The commission had been considering the case since it ended a month-long ap- peal hearing. · - Commission Chairman 0 . Rlchird Capen said th• coont, haa'n't produced proof necessary to swlaln Noeucfll's fir- jng. Supervisors fired the Japanese-born pathologist aft_er re<:elving reports con- taining some of the most unusuaJ charges made against a public ortidal ~ere. The hearings, from ·May 1% tJfitil June 24. produced 3,000 pages cf tesUn1ony from aboot flO y,·itnesses. Noguchi, 42, didn't take the itand. The u.t -of accusaUw agalM Noguthi totaled 1111 al one point. County attorneys acc:used l b e Japanese-American coroner of: -Dandnc and saytng "I hope he dies·• aftB Seo. Robert F. Kennedy w., lllcll by an ......tn. -Bwntng joyfully at the height ·of an tnnucnia epldemlc that filled autopsy rooms with corpses. -Sa,ytng "I pray, l pray t be re is another alr crash" after 1wo airliners plunged lnln the PacUk Ocean off Los Angeles. -Planol.pg 1 "fortnsic molla'' that y.·ou\d pl1et hlm in charae of all coroner cases \t'eJt oC tbe Ml,ql11ippt, -Threatehlng In lrlll aides who opposed blm. l(en.Jwdy Counts Self Out Of 1972 President Raee WASHINGTO~ (UPl).,.&n. ·Edward M. KenoedU~MaqJ •. de<:lan!d today be --· · I~ not seek. tbe pr¢- deii!:Y-Jn'1mj!<:ifld lit"'" ~­to maiei the race even before an automo-. bile Occident clciudeil 1!!s political .,.,..r nearly two ~ ago. ''Th;e e\rents -ol the recem past ni1ke deftnite what alreidy .• was an Inclination' of mine! .. ltennedY told reporttrl on hla retum· 10 c.pttol ~11w. ln aT:tiiief corridor new• ~~rmce, tho nm o1nce tbe-acctde!lt, Kennedy said he wOuld have no more comment-now or evei-on the tragedy ln which 1 yoong woman waa tilled when .tfie car he was driving pl~111ed · oll a. bridge. "rve trted to -Uie best of my ability in the lepbrtl I made to give the facU < • 1:1 * * Soviets Defend .. Sen. Kennedy. MOSCOW (U~) -Rilht·>ring ""'mlts ar< "-.U.,."-&n. ~ M. Kennedy about his fatal IUfaDobllo ocdtlent In an atlea\pt In drive him lrocn office, 1 ~==-&.~!?~per ol they-Comrnwifa ~, -lod dotalli ol tho Jilly II aocliaal lhal killed Ma11 Jo Kopodu1o ai1d ,.Id tbat l'llder normal circumltania 'jthe atQry _would haVe endea lhere, but the itory hu • se- quel ." "From ~•toey ot the catastroplft, we learn.a of tho bounding campeljpl beiun in the U.S. ~ Kennedy by circles hooUlc In him, ' tht newipaper Aid. ' of the Incident," Kennedy said. •·1 wookln 't have any further comment." ije "was -wannly l!elaomed·baci·to the Senate by · Demoerafic Lader Mike Mansfield and given handshak.e1 by Re- publican Whip Hugh Scott and other senators. Kennedy stood by Mansfield at the usual preses,,ion briefing with newsmen and after the Senate c.oovened shortly after U a.m., hls first Words from the floor were : "Mr. President, I move t~ jOUl"Jll] of lhe minutes of Ule prevlOUt meeting be approved as read."" Only • half dOiA!n senaton: were In the chamber as the sesSion opened. As ~ratic whip Kennedy 37v.Joolr.-hls seet fo the left Oi MaiiS!ielil; an<f thurnl> ed' lllroogh lhe Congr"8lonal Reeord. Soos. Herman F. Talmadge, cD-Oa.). and John Stennis, (().Mi>s.), walked over In sbake his hand. • Earlier Kennedy had edged his way through a crowd of ·ref>orten surround- ing Mall!field JU' lhe press briefing. Nc>- lidng the Democratic whip, Mansffeld pulled him by the mn and said •iCome here, rtgbt back where yoo belong." Wearing a blue suit with bis black tie somewhat askew, ~ lltood by as Mamtleld answtred quesuons about the ._,., surtax duo for a vote loday and the aotlballlstlc m!Slile system ~ to cune to a vote nest week. ~. AJ Kennedy, lfoklng tanned and calm, arrived at the e1pltol and walked up the.itePs leading to the Senate, a report· er uked If he was pleased to be rosumini hit Senate d!JUes. He replied, ''Fine. Glad to be back at wcrk." Kennedy arrived in a '8mall1 blue con- vertible driveo by a awn Identified u Claude Uootoo, a f6tfncr Harvard roommate and loog-tbne ftiend. About (Sot KENNEDY, Pa1e I) .. - 1· 0 VOL. U. HO. l••l llCTIO#I. M l"AGP . - ac Nixon • Ill lndi·a Ca.lls for New Concept of Wo~ld P'eace , NEW OELJll (UPD -President Nlun called on the leaden and the nationl of lhF world tonight lo commit themselves "In !l lleW COllC4( J!f peace" that. ..a.Id rfieee wan • find .-~ aljernaUv~ In rfTHIUon. ~ In a'toOt"deltvfred' it a stile banquet glvm by ocllJ>c Indian President Moham· mad 'llidlyOlhllah Nlun outlined the peace u one thal "combtnea continuity and chfoge, stabfllty and progrw, tradi· Uon arid innovaUon, a peace that ·turns Mother of 3 Ignites Self After Fight An Orange area mother of three became a human torch ~arly this mcm· ing when she doused her clothing with paint thinner and Ignited it, after a fami· ly argument. Orange County SheriU's depuUes said fl.Irs. Judy Montgomery, ZS, of 18831 Vine St., rushed from the house at 3 a.m. and set. herself afire on the lawn. She Is in critical condition In Orange c:Ounty Medical Center, sufferirig from second and third degree burns over 80 percent of her body. . Her husband, Paul, tried to put out the flames wllh his bare hands and received burns on the hands and arms, deputies said. He was trel\ted .and released. jx. m!dicaJ center atten<:iants. ·' Neighbors called the county fire department but the flamu were ez. Ungulshed before firemen a r r I v e d , depuUes reported. the wonders of aelence to the service of Earlier In the day NiJeil )lad ·caJled for man~.. a gentrat.iQn of uninterrupted peace' and M~~ .. such a peace . would Value ~\U'ed. 1Pd1a the' United statert"napec:ts ~-"r~'t:-.riJ:~i '~at:.: :';;l1~to11"T! .: . ~ · "' , searck.lor pell.Ce1a Ill 0:«n••Y·" • ....._ oe Mn. Nb• -Pogo• "What mailers Is not how' Jl'9<' ts ~' , pnw\'ed IJirt,lhat I~ be ~" be aystent -and rr .. i, choole tho aystoms said. they live by.'' He said peace wu more Durfng _the day Nixon had met tor 90 necessary than ever before now that man minutes with Prime Minister lndiJ'a can croes tbt thre.sbold of the beavena. (See NIXON, Page Z) Vote 51-48 -Senators Rebuff Nixon;·! Only 6 Months Surtax WASHINGTON (AP) -Th• Senate voted today for a sir months erten.sion of the 10 percent Income tas: curchara:e m. stead or the full year'1 conUnu'1'1Ct asked by President Nixcn. The 51..fa vote was to adopt a rider sponsored by the Senate Democratic leadership to the Ho~se-paued bill pro. vidlng fOr the extension to Dec. 31. However, lhe Reputillcans will have a et Dirben and Sens.~ Jacob K. Javns: and Charles E. Goodell. bolb-(R-N.Y.), Cli!!l>rd P. Case, IR·N.J.j, G,..go D. Aiken~ (11-Vl), and Honn! It Baker Jr., (n·TOM.). , Beach Weather Marks July End later opportunity to ofter an amendment A . warming trend along the Orange calling for a 1Z..months erlension so the Coast will push the mercury over the «J Initial result was not conclusive. degree mark today -marking the last The Senate moved quickly lnto voting day of July perfecl for a day on Uie In the ihowjfown over lhe bitterly debated beach or in the•water. . . surtaz issue. The Orange County Harbor District; Both sides decided to forego most or reports the~ w•. temperature at WhlliN~ha•i"-pdshl11gb',a ll« l ••.• ni~' "-'""*·~r:·• ' the timt allo!ted ·\ll'm,~.<1!.l>,!O., . ' '' ~= . 8'acli ol It&, ..._.01 Sllgtl . mootfi ei'ten.IOn Senate-• ~ocratlC •·11" .. ~ l,NVUI • • --~ !'1,;. · ~ .: HomemadeBomh. 1.~.,.k\llJ)!''~PUi~ajur,J~r ln~r~~= .. ,._ 'gene~ ta1 ~~.,..lfc!'~ ""ppalt poot8d iii ibe ': '.!':l;-;;:t.:>.l:!~iitolf·~f,.. only<11.sjs-intntha~ ;; · , , • ,....._,;. •-•~;;:,.o;• · r. Bel '\he viito • ' ' Iba . .... ~,,.,.~ w ... ---,.-,..,..,._. ;Ji: Explodes in ·c.IM 1 .... i;::$m.. Ew°:1 'rr·;nkse1/:i I .. .. ' ' ' ·:: Jllinoii;:the .JteWbtian,1]eader.1.ft',the 1 1 •• • , · 1 • ·i ~_'a _ . ;. A homemade fir~bomb ·exp!Oded ln·the Sena~ .. .ts,\Jd Pres~t Nb:o~ Wou~~stgn · ~··~-;~~ ~ ,._._...., • ::~ driveway Of Corona de! Mar High School suclf.~ :~ i! ·lhtf)lS aD ~ "Woukt , \ ., ·• l > 7 Assistant PrincipaL Robert .J. Hughes .1 pa~ ·,.tr,-~\.,,.;, ~ ... ' ' , • '. t.• ··~· • ..., • • .-·1~ "'"1 •"'" tbil mornl!'((. It dama•ed blJ car Thio:Sil<J1!1°""1'~l'@l,!ll-.et,, ,, '· •;o;~i· · • s~uy: .... ,g~ ... -...... ~·~·-~-,: ... --+.~by45~li·~·RepUblielil",iarid~ ,,,., ....... 14-:,.,. ... -.t -~-'l ~ .. ~·. s~s ~~dd~~:~d ~ J~d a~~~~~ ~a.~~~~~J_~~·.'! ~,. .., .Till' .~r~~~ ;!--.... ~·,. ·~~- went out to·invtsUgate.. S.0.),.di;dJ-.aiJo,,;..;~, .,~. "'' f _, .ft!~\ 1 ~NP111.1h.w111? or ·,•. He found the. smouldering remains of a Tht<-1») • ~.!Pl~ ~ 1 ,£et ~'ie l~ 1 ,becaiJae1 hot ~' bottle and a charred wick and the smell .~be ~t 0 -.; ("" . . ~ ~' 1~· we~~ta:i:. arf..f:h' ~t r : of kerosene. -;·,,_: '.· • .. . ·~'l. ·. \~ ·' . ;._ ~ .' urll\g1'~·.~ : w1tJ1 tifRP:. Police said Hughes' car, parked In th• N' >i\n. ~·..;,,: 1.·\ig,,./.• ·,: · • ~9'·~1i>la the high 11!i. . ., drtvew'?', had minor bUm dlimage to a lX.r_er ' .t.t«)1rti":-~1.·ek ... "> • • f miOa· ~DAY ,.·:· fender . ~ . ' _ r.\ .'f , ,~ . ay .. , The Molotov cocktail a'pparontly WIJ On1.-Ga0d l'li·t Grave : . ·a cntic6uil!':bb ' ,f · ' ~~ thrown from a paulng car. It caused no .. · 1• . ~ • • ·~r """ .1.1. '10l'tr.O ·-~··• I •·-·-, .• H h ' ,. __ ., . . .;1 ' ""~ ' r ' vuolil~ ~ ~bh:J~ --· w ug " ·-~ "' NEW ,IiEl.Hr ~AP) ,,_'/lrl ".Iii ·at!j, . t-~, ,WI· 'Of ' • ~! Oflictri qooted tll• administrator aa lonnol ,pulllia• ........ ,.,.~·-· .~~·if1A11<1>11(p ' UJllu.,,,._f " sa)'inl he believed the Incident· wu done p,.-. N~ -lo Ille metDi>rlal <ol"· • 1cub<\-oflh11' '" l!Olloli4~ Mqll- by an •"~ studenL I MoNnd11 It; 0-odollle .,_ ol the 1af> ~" 2-0. ~, Jumno Rlftt Indal', ad ploced I """'Ill . Hoffa ~n{li). Deni,ed- CINCINNATI' (UPI) -The U.S. Sllth Cltculf Cowt ol Aopealft lnday denlld bail for J~me""R. Hoffa, former Toamst111 Un)on· Pl<S~nl ni>w wvlll& · a term '!' 1 Petull)')yaai• (edcril prison. on the spot whee-tM. lDdlan freedom =... '~ flahtil!r WU Cftll\Md 11 yeaR tf>· C~ltll 1M1 The lbnpte cet•IORf lulllll ans, a rew =.,, n mlN.llts. Ntxon plad the wruµt of , ... ....... ':., white """" and 1111 .. "' !he' ..._ial, ::=,:. 'l a, black craolte plaUonn. sunow>dld by , •::=-i= n sQlall ~•bite marble l'llll. Ttia rr-kllnl . = 1 11 1 .. ~~ and Mf1. Nixon stood In "°'"'" lot llboul -· ._, •. two ooln!ltta. • = ...... ...... "'=. n -·-.. --" --'tit =--::;11 · :;:;~;~ ..; ~--.: ' ' •••• 0 0 4 a a a a a 0 a a ..... , ...... . • t DAILY PILOT S ThuriJay, JiJ~ 31, 1969 • 'l!ascinating'' '.Mars . Ph,ot~S Exp,ectec{ Tonig\lf No Name £onfuslon HuntingtonFiremen V se Computer to Find Fires By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI • --Of_ U..OllJ»:. ,llft.S.l•ff~ - - Did that emergency dispatch message say Palm Street or Pound Street? ~ nre cap,tai.n rushing his crew lo a burning hOuse better knoW for sure. Seeonds often make the diiferenc:e in . the Ufe and property saving business. There is no excuse for ml!stng the <tine· lions tiecause of similar soupding names. The Huntington Beach Fire Depart- ment knows this and to reduce the possibility of error, it has inslalled elec- ffi:loic transcribing units at each of its six 1tatioas. £alled eleclrowriters, the s m a 11 , t~anslstorized units are capable of trWmttting hand-written messages over telephone wires. 1Throulh use or the new unils tbe cap- 161 roaring to a fire now hat a written c&py of its type and location ahd there is nO longer any doubt about where he bas lo 10. ·~1we hive a lot of Hawallan and Tahl· tiln streets in Huntlngton BC:ach which . can cause confuaion," said Dtvilion Chief I Douglas Spickard. "the captain now has aJiard SOPJ..J>(.tbe d~ltCh J!hicjl in· creases his feeling of colfidence." The messages are written from the dispatch headquarten on Lake Street by Inserting a styJIJS into a metal guide. 'tilsPatchers trace out the messages on'"a small tablet, which is r e c e i v e d simultaneously at the station being called out to lhe fire or all of the stations if the blaze is big enOugh. ~ The new equipment, which costs $800 per unit. has been in use since July 11 at the Doyle and Shields, Ocean View, Garfield, Bushard and Sunset stations. A larger and more complicated unit, capable of transmitting as well as receiv- ing the messages, has been installed at the dispatch office at a cost of $2,400. Spickard said the electrowriters will eventually be instaJled in Fountain Valley, Westminster and Seal Beach to link the fire departments under a loint powers emergency operation concept. Or~s for all more of the devices have been P\lced and will be lnstalle<I In the neighboring city flre departments as soon as they are rece.ived. ! l Frott• Page J • NIXON IN INDIA ... ' Gandhi to discuss such problems a~ India's fears of Pakistan and Communist diina. :They also discussed the Vietnam War ~d wbea they had finished Mrs. Gandhi ~Id reporters the United States "appears to come all the way to what has been our pOllcy in Vietnam." Jn the past she has Sf:verely criticized U.S. policies there and called for withdrawal of U.S. troops. .. :Nixon new here from Bangkok and began his meetings in 96 degree monsoon beat .that failed to lessen the welcome of the greetings by an estimated 100,000 In- dians who turned out to wave, smile and toss flowers in his path. Two small anU·Amerlcan demonstra· Ubns marred the day. A group of too COmmunists gathered along the route of U\e motorcade &houted "Go home 1" and waved anti-Vietnam W~ s Io g ans. Ahotber group of extreme I e f t i s t s4ci.alists shouted similar slogans as Nix- on laid a wreath and planted a tree at the monument to Monhandas K. Ganhdi, father of Indian independence. A main topic of conversation between 0/\ll\ PllOT ~.-.:r.:: ··== --CAUfOllll.t. .... co.Ml 11\!li.llMlfifO eout.N'f l11.tft N. WH• . .......,,. ........ Jn• I. CwflY YICe .,,....,,. Mii o.ntftl ,__. n.-r...,11 .... Tit,_, A. M•rjM!l~• MeMtl ... l""" Nixon and Mrs. Gandhi was Russia's re· cent move lo set up so-called secutjty ar- rangements with the major nations of Asia agains( any menace from Red China. India has been cool to the idea. Nixon challenged the nece.5sity of it in a speech. Nixon told newsmen later the talks were "very useful" but did not elaborate. Other socrces called the talks "very cor· dial" and "wide ranging ." Nixon had got off to a good start witlt Mrs. Gandhi by telling her In a welcome statement something she wanted to hear -that Asian problems must be solved by Asians without the influence of outside big pcwers. From Page 1 KENNEDY ... 200 newsmen and tourists swarmed around him as he emerged and walked quickly up the front steps of the Se'1ate. Before returning to Washington Wed- nesday night, Kennedy issued a slate- ment saying he had decided not to resign his seat and also plaMed to seek another tehn In 1970. If elected then, he · said, he would serve the full s\1 year term. In the aftermath of the controversy surrounding the auto accident, Kennedy asked the people of Massachusetts to indicate if he should remain as their :;enator . Their response was an overwhelming ''Yes." Officer Fined In Driving Case A rormer Newport Beach reserve police officer pleaded guilty to a charae of driving without headllghts and was fined $20 in Cocta Mesa Municipal Court after charges of hit-and-run and drunken driving were dismissed. Leonard B. Yerkes, 22, 2817 Brookside Ave., Orange, was ordered Ip attend traf· £1c school on the misdemeanor hit·and· run charge. The drunken driving count was dismissed for lack of prosecution. Yerkes served al a Newport Beach reserve officer for slx monthi prior to the. arTest. He resigned arter his arrest on May 27. Pollce said Yerkes' car collided wllh one dri ven by officer Richard Johnson, 23, at 19th St. and Ne\fl)Ort Blvd. He allegedly left the 11Cene of the accident and was arrested 10 minutes later. • • • 'l1le body of Charles W. Darehsblifg,-22, of Downey, was rerovered Wednesday mornins by Huntlllfto!), Bt•cli !lf~ai'cjs in surf of1 '3?4 Street. • •; ; ~; . ~ · Darensburg was repcrted missing Saturday by two friends . who said be , .. p " ~ panicked fo. Jieavy 11tf.,lealf the Hun- tington ·Stach Pier and diS8ppeared. He was a poor swimmer. they said. .. Darensburg's death brings-to five D\e ' ' . number of swimmers mining the past two months off clty and sla\e ~ac~es In llunlington Buch. Four bodies bav~ beeo • recovered. . The only missing swimmer still not found is Elmer Nelson, 20, of Riverside, who was lost off Huntington State Beach July 18. Bodies found Jnclude Dean Hart. 14, of Pico Rivera;-Jost· July-JS and foqnd-.July 19 near Surfside ; Larry Taylor, 24, of Huntington Beach, an e a r I y morning surfer whose body was found June 27 near the bluffs; and GretarY Smith, ·is, Ill Cypresa, who wu reported mlssjng Ju-- ly 22 from Bolsa Chlca State Beach and found July 21 in Seal B<acll. Early riptldts and heavy surr, com· bined with ine1.perienced swimmers are blamed for the increase in drownings thill year by Max Bowman, assistant director for harbors and beaches for Huntington B<acb. "Only three of the five drownings ha~ peoed while lifeguards w~e on duty ,'' raid Bowman. Others he pointed oul were early morning swimmers on deserted beach areas. "Too many people were too anxious to get to the ocean this year,'' he added, "and they ju1t weren't prepared fdr the heavy surf that bit ua early in the sum· mtr," ~ ·-i\!·. ,• ' • There have only been .three d(ownl•I' -two this year -recorded In H1,1n· tington Beach in 20 yeai:• while clty lifeguard! were on duty, said Bowman. "During that same period, we've pro. bably made 90,000 rescues and seen more than four million people come to · lhe beach," said Bowman. "However,'' he added ,11 a lot of ~rown· lngs have oecurred during the night or early morning when no guards were on duly." Underlining the difference between guarded and unguarded b e a c h e s • Bowman pointed oul that one year Japan -with no lifeguards -had 300 drown· ings , while Southern California beaches average only 20 drowning.s per year - Clues Sought In Sniper Case Seal Beach Police today are stiU looll~ Ing for clues leadln& them to a sniper who Monday morning fired several J>Dl shots at a moving cab, narrowly mlssmg its driver. Lt. Robert Garza said the five s~ts fired at cab driver Sherman. W. Burdine while he was driving along Pacific Coast Highway appeartd to have come fr~ a wooded area, making It difficult to fmd the expended cartridge cases. Ttte .alug striking the driver's car a~ pltently enteti!d al'ld left through the wtMahleld. leaving nO traces of lead beh· JOO, he added. There .appears to be no doubt that Burdine Was actually_ subjected to sniper fire, poijce 11~. since officers heud the s~ou fire<!. • Burdine bas since (Ju.it his j~b. Beach Musical Date Rescheduled ''Tell It Like It b:''10lk musical sponsored by the Youth Co.1llUon Cofu. miltee during Huntington Beach's Youth Culture Week has been re-scheduled . The program was originilly scheduled for S p.m. tonight al Marint.Hlgb School. Instead it will be htld at 7 p.m. Aug. 24. at tile Ellis Avenue BlptistChurCh •. Apollo Astronauts Talk About Flight SPACE CENTER, H0111ton (AP) -The Apollo 11 moon men, found free so far of 1ny effects from lunar $sl, ·d~ed their moon adventure toctQ wfth • ti'io who'll retrace the path Ibey. blaud. Nell A. Arm•trong, EdWtJ>·&; Aldrin Jr. and Michael Collin& talked '11th other members of the astronaut corps, in· ciudin( the crew of Apollo ll, cclledule<I to land on the moon tn November, DAIL:Y PILOT ...... In ltldllrt ic.tlW ,P,,,~~f!,~~~ets\..,,..,We.t" d ' ttinJ, . ' ,.; "'·> li 'f f r15u,~ sl.l.UV\f ~. ~Y,, -~'f!~s ay s se g,,,un ro1:111u re: e rom current hot spell by jogg\J){ thrnugh water at beach's edge. Re- member June when we complained about all. those '1ow clouds" and the generall)f dimk·weatber? What do YOJl llet .some folks with short memories are complaining about the current run of sunshine and warm temperatures? Councillllan Tucker Seeks Divorce Costa Mesa City Councilman G~ge A. Tucker is seeking · a divorce £r:om his wife, lrect, In a Superjor Court ac.Uon that offer$ as grounda for lhe ending of the ta.year marriage her conviction on charges of second degree murder. Mrs. Tucker, 37, is now serving a sentence of five years 1o1 life in the Frontera· Prison for Women. She was found guilty !list 0<.'l. 29 of the carving knlfe k!lling of Mrs. Harriet Westphal, 68, he'r next door neighbor. Tucker, 1642 Mlnorca Drive, asks for 7 STYLES TO CHOOSE fltOM custody of his children, Kathleen, 13, and !Caren, 11. _ Mrs. Tucker was convicted of killing Mrs. Westphal in a backyard dlspu~ last June 28 between the .neighbors. The strick~ Mrs. Westphal ran from her yard into the street where she died from knife wounds inflicted by the berserk woman. Mrs. Tucker insisted throughout the trial that she had not killed her neighbor. She has been receiving psychiatric treat- mect at .Frontera. · ... -· •-' " ' . . .. 'No ·w~niijf. .Confessions · :oK: Mitchell ' WASHINGTON (UPI) -At\y. Gen. John N. Mitchell said Wday "voluntary CQtlfesalons" oven-to federal officials wf;o may Qat ihave·wamed a suspect of his rights will still be offered in court as evidence by government prosccutqrs. ·~we believe that a failure to give a full warning does not necessarily mean that the confession is invalid and that the department should automatically concede an error," Mitchell told a House com· mittee conducting hearings on crime. 1 The attorney general said that the supreme court decision, .known as the "'Miranda Case," requiring poUce to warn 1 siispect of the charges again.!\ him and or his right to remain ailent and be represented by a lawyer "was a great psycbologlcal blow to the morale of our -IocaLpollce department._ "If a federal official inadvertenUy fails to give 1 full warning, the Department of Justice now believes that the confeasions may sWl be a voluntary confesaton and should be presented to the court u evidence," Mitchell said. . The attorney general said he hu i.asued an exea.ttive order instruCtlng federal-of· ficlall to follow this new pollcy. He said he acted under provisions of the omnibus crime bill passed 1ast year by Congress. Deaplte the decision by Mitchell to follow lhls new J>91Jcy,,lt )Viii be left up to the courts to rule·on eacll .c:ast as IL is presented. , . Pledge to Fl?g Due Friday Night 'Ille Vetuana ·of ForeJin Wan, Coastline Poot ;we, Friday night w1D 111· fer a salute to the American Flar by moonllfbt on the Newport Pier. Post Command~Louls G. Corrido.aaid the 11 p;m, program will honor the na· lion's F}ag and the astronauts who plac- ed it on the moon. The publlc is invited lo participate in the pledge of allegiance, he said. '"Repeating the pledge over the Paclfle ocean, n Corrldo erplalned, "is in gratitude of the knowled1e that the American Flag stands over all the ideals held dear to the American heart wherever one may be on earth.'' Hair-raising Case LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A woman suspected of wearing a reddiah-brown wig in three Los Angeles bank robberies, was arrested Wednesday after seven months of comparing hidden camera photos. of holdups with police "mug shots." · .. SOFA BED SALi! Tl'I••• er• .,.,.., 'tomforttble Sitting end Sl•eping. . -···-sof• beif1 f;r-~ A wide sel.ctlo• ,,i,-. from. of Febrics •ft<I Coiors to'.~ ' . .. - . •. - ~ ' Now 299.00 " Yow f°"orit< i•Urfor ~~ w!ll ~ ~ ~4'rill lo'O" , •• -·-.. H.J.GARRElT fURNll1J~E PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR DESIGNERS f 0..---&Mlnl. • U 11 HAUOR ll¥D. COSTA MISA. CAI.If. ~6.0171 "46-0176 " J 1, I I . I I I • IJ ' ,, I 1, I I • ' I ,I I I ' -. - r I • -f .... ~ . ' ( 0-Q~ti~gt•n :tlea~h . l EDIJION N.Y. Stoe~ ' • ~- ... ORANGE COUNTY,· ALIFORNI;( TEN CENTS NEWSMEN SCRAMBLE, TOURISTS 'llAPE . AS .1;i QOV: fiMl;;RG I'$. FROM i\UTO. OUTSIDE CAPJTOL _ Se~ator R•!Ur!'s_ to Wo!k Af!•r Tr!L~-~.!s.'!: ~t·~~~ .. Qv,r .F!!om.ltJ09 (trffr . . _ Guards Recove r Bod y of Man , 22, Drowned in Sur f The body of Charles W. Darensburg, 22, of Downey, was recovered Wednesday morning by Huntington Beach lifeguards in surf off 23rd Street. Darensburg ...Wllr' \ r~ported missing Satµrday by two friends who said he panjclt"1-in heavy surf near the Hun- tingjQn l\U<li-P1'f~ c!jlappeareil. He was a ~ swimmer, they sald. Oarensburg's death brin&1 to five the number of swimmers m~ the past lwo,ll\OI!&. Of! city and iltte -in Hurttll)gton Beach. Four bod~ have ·been recovered. The only missing swimmer still not found Is Elmer Ne!S{)n, 20, of Riverside, who was lost off HunUrigt.on State Beach July 111. Bodies found Include Dean Hart, t 4, of Pico Rivera, lost July 15 and ·found July 19 near Surfside: Larry Taylor, 2i, of Hunllngt.on B~ach, an e a r I y morning surfer whose body was found June 21 near ·the blufrs; and Gregory Smith, 15, of Cypress, who was reported mlJsing Ju- ly 21 from Bolsa Chica St'ate Beach and found July 24 in Seal Beach. Early riptides and heavy surf, coiri· bined with inexperienced swimmers are hl3med for the iricrease in drownings this · year by Max Bowman, assistant director ior harbors and beaches for Huntington Beach. _ "Only three of th~ rive drownings hap- pened while lifeguards were on duty,'' faid Bowman . ()!hers he pointed out were rarly morning swimmers on deserted beach areas. "Too many people were too anxious to get to the ocean this year ," h~ added, "and they just weren't prepared for the heavy surf that hit us early in the sum- mf'r." There have only been three drownings -1 .... ·o this year -rea>rded in ~fun· lington Beach in 20 years while city lifeiuards were on duty, said Bowman. "During that · same period, w~·ve pro- bably made 90.000 rescues and seen more than four million people come to the. beach," sa id Bowm11.n. · "However." he added," a lot of drown- ings have occurred during the nlght'ot tarly morning when no guards were oil duty ." Underlinin~ the cllrrerence Mtweeh guarded and unguarded b e a c h e s , Bo.,.,1T1an pointed out that one year Japan -with no lifeguards -bad 300 drown· lngs, while Southern caUtomla beaches average only~ drowninp per year. Homem ade Bomb Explodes in Cdl\J ' . A ho~ad< firebomb explodid In Ibo drl'(10WIJI of Corona del Mar High SChool Auiltanl Principal, Robert J. Hughu early this morning. It damaged ~ia car 1UghUy. Hughes said he heard a looud crashing sound In the driveway at I :ZO a.m, and y,·ent out to Investigate. Ii~ found the smouldering rem<tlri.s of a bottle aod a charred wick and ..tile melt of kerMene. Police said Hughes' car. parked in the driveway, bad minor burn damage to a fender. The Molotov cocktail ap)>lrenlly was thrown from a p.1dina car. It cauttd no 11ttuclUral damNt to Hughea' home Jn Eastblulf. 1 ' . ,. . Six of Nine Candidates Nine potential candidate.s havf: Picked · tip papers ' and she. of th~ actually filed for the special. recall election Sept. 13 in . Fountain Valley as of 10:30 a.rn: tod.ey. Deadline for filing .was noon. · The lat.est man to pick up .papers was GOorf• Scoll ... llOli iSIJ'll<t. Sifcle. wb•· s3fd W~•r fte plhnl fO' oppose Mayot Robert Schwerdtfeger. S<.~ Is a former pmident of Ole Foun- tain .V."'1.le.7' JayteeJ -four Jaycees are running In the reeaU el«tlon -and is curiently president ol 'tht bolrd of direc- tors for the Fountain Valley Bbys Club. He had slped peUtions to recall the mayor ind two other councilmen. One other man. attorney Robert Sassone, 10444 El Tulipan Circle, has also lhdicaled he will op~ the milyor. Three men, Paul C. Gulso. 17576 Santo Domingo St.; Paul P. Savarino, 10711 El t'entrp Ave.; and Bernie ·P. Svebtad, ll03 El Tulipan Circle, have Indicated .op- position to Vk:e ·Mayor Donald Fre~au. ii~:n~~ .Jo..~tf;; i':'~inJlf,. 9U"I El Blanco Ave:; ~ o....Jlidlards. 17686 Bay Circle;.Jotdl G.!Glnos Jr., lastO Cork St., andJlollald t. Pt>nli;·.-Los Leones St. Sassone, Savm:ino, Gui~ RJchanb:, Svelstad and Shenkman had actually filed their candidacy with the city clerk as of pre.ss time today. · A complete list of camtidates will be available tomorrow . Senators Rebuff N.ixon , . ' OK O.nly 6-month Su·rtax WASHINGTON '(AP) -The Senate voted ~ay for a slx months extension or the 10 percent income tax curcharge in- stead of the run year's conLinuanct asked by President Nlxo;i. · · The 51-48 vote wa1 to adopt a rider spOnsored by ttle Seriate Democratic leadership to the House-passed bill pro- vidi!lgJor the extension to Dec. 31. However, the. Republicans .will have a later opportunity to offer an amendment calling for a 12-months extension 60 the initial result was not conclusive. The Senate moved quicklr into voting jn lhe 'Showdown over the bitterly debated surta1 issue. Both sielel decided to forego most.of the time aHotted them £or debate. While Nixon has been pushing for a 12· month e;ctension Senate Democratic leaders, se eking to keep up pressure for general tax revision, agreed to support only a sb.-months extension. Before the vote on a six-month!! ex· tension, Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois, the Republican leader in the Senate. said President Nixon would sign such a bill if that is all Congress would pass. The six-month extension was supported by 45 Democrats and 6 Republicans and opposed by 37 Republicans and 11 Democrats. Sen. George S. McGovern (~ S.D.), did not vote. DAILY ,ll DISPATCHERS WR ITE M"ESSAGES TO AVOID MIS ' . l(elinedy BoW-s Out Rules Self Out of 1972 Rac e ... '· WASHINGTON IUPti-Sen. Edward M. Kenn<dy,. IP.Mass.), dedated today he would definitely not seek the presi· dency in 1972. lfe said he wai disinclined to make the race even befort an automo- bjle acc.id,ent. clouded his Political career nearly two weelis ago. ·"The events of the rttent -past make definite what already was an inclination of mine," Kennedy told reporters on bis return to Capitol j.{jlJ. In a brief corridor newa conference, N ixan J' isits India, Urges 'N eiv' Peace ·NE\V DELHI (UPI) -President Nl1on cilled on the leaders and the nations of tl)e world tonight to commit themselves "to a new concept of peace" that would renounce wan and find a constructive alternative to revolution. In a toa&t deUvered at a state banquet given by acting Indian President Moham· mad Hidayat'ullah Nixon outlined the peace as one that "combines continuity and change, stability and progress, tradi· lion and innovation, a peace that turns the wonders oC science to the service of man." H.e said such a pea'ce would value diversity and "respect the right of dif· f~ent peoples to live by a different· Story on Mn. Nixon -Pa1e t ay~ -•M freeJ,v c~ \ht fYstema tbay )fr! ~.n lit lald.",...-·~ -. -nectlllt1 'than cv• before now 'dilt man. cm O'Oll'tbe Uhlhold of-~ heavens. .Earllrr In ~ d17, Nlxl'I bad q1l<d !or a 1-.boo GI w11111.r11u>10d)>Uc< and assured India the l.!liiled·Blllel "rtspecla its poUcy . of ~;-.t and lta determinaaUon to J)ay Its role in the search for peace Jn Its own way." "What matten ls not how petce is preserved but that it be preserved," he sakl. During the day Nixon had met for 90 minutes with Prime Minister Indira Gandhl to discusa auch problems as India's fears ol Pakistan and Communist China. They also discussed the Vietnam War and when they had finished Mrs. Gandhi told reporters the United States "appean ta come all the way to what has been our policy in Vletpam." In the past sht has sev~fy critic!~ U.S. policies there and called tor withdrawal of U.S. troops. N'i1on new here from Bangkok and began his meetings In 96 degree monsoon heat that failed to leasen the welcome or the greetings by an estimated 100,000 In· dians who turned out to wave, smile and toss flowers in his path. Two small anti-American demonstra- tions marred the day. A group , of 200 Communists gathered along the route of the motorcade shouted "Go home 1" and waved anti-Vietnam War s Io g ans . Another group of extreme I e f t i s t socialists &hooted slmllar slogans as Nix- on laid .a wrtath and planted a tree at the monument to Monhandas K. GaMdi. father of IOOlan independence. A main topic of conversation betwttn Nixon and Mrs. Gandhi was Russia's r~ cent move to set up so-<:alled security ar- rangements with t.he major naUons or (See NIXON, Page I) the fint since the accident, Kennedy said he would have no more comment-now or ever..:...00 the trlgei:ty lri which a young woman was klUed when the car he was driving plunged off. 1 b'rldge. "I've tried to the best of my abillty In the reports J made to give lhe fa cts of the incident',".'l\ennedj said. "l wouldn't 'h'ave any further comment." He was warmly welcomed back to· Ute Senate by DernocraJ,lc Leader Mike Mansfield and given handshakes by Re- publican Whip llugh Scott and other senators. K~nedy stood by MlnsPleld, at the usual presession briefing with newanen arid after lhe Senate convened sbOrtly after 11. a.m .• hi! first words frcm the floor were: "Mr. Pre!ldent, I move the journal of the minutes of the prtYious meeting be approved as read." , Only· a hilt doten' ienatOrs Were In the chariiber as the seSsion• opened. J.3· (See1'.£NN~Y, Pa,.<%)' '. . ' ' '. ~ ' ··~.. . Maruter zt.omsNear Mars, Gets 'Fascinating' Photos. PASADENA (AP) -Martnor I flew within 2,130 miles of Mars Wednesday night, Its cameras snapping closeups that a project spokesmin promised would be "fasclnaUng. '' What t.he pictures contain was not im- mediately kn9wn but scientlritJ were fO sure, the quality was excellt.nt ·that they· ordered them displayed on monitors for newsmen 's soon as they '1"e received .at, Jet Propulsion Laborator'y startipa at 5:36 PCYt' tonight. They earlier had planned to sludy the plcturea for 24 hours and 'Pen ~· selected prtnta. , · • "We don 't know exactly what w...wtll see,'' a apokesman·said, "altd aome of it may be confusing. but we are sure that many of the pictures will h a v e fascinating details ntver seen before." Mariner 6 and a sisler , spacecraft. Mariner 7, ran into technical problems over night. Mariner 6'! trouble was minor - failure of a device 'de.signed to sense the chemistry of the thin Martian at· mosphere. The extent of Mariner f't difficulty was not tmmedia'te:ly· d'e1'rmlned. It went silent for several hours but techniclan1 later picked up a weak Signal after 11wltchlng to" another antenna. the spacecraft also appeared to be rolling.. "We don't know what the trouble ii er whether it will affect Mariner rii ability to send pictures when It comes within ramera range Friday," a spokesman said. Mariner 6, after televising Wedoeaday night a serie1 o( approach phctographs showing that Mara may be as crater· J)ocked as the moon, made a 17-n'linute Camera ru n clw. to the MarUan equator tit 10: 19 p.m. PDT. • Its path was over a band of dark' areu tbpuP.t by -sclenttsts to be ve~ Uon. · · · '· ' · · TWenty·four pictures were snappect•aod stored on tape for trans m·l·s s Ion earthward \Qnight. Twelve pictures were taken by a telephoto camera · and 12 by the wide- angled camera which made the earlier approach shots. Some of the wide-angled pictures were to cover hundreds of square miles. The telephoto camera wa11 to snap highly magnified pictures of areaa within the wide-angle frames, some !ihowing· details as small as , 900 feet. across. Hoffa Bail Denied Speedy Firemen CINCINNATI (UP!) -The U.S. Si<lh Circuit Court of Appeals today denied bail for James R. Hoffa, forme r Teamsters Union President now sef\'ing a tenn in a Pennsylvania federal prison. E"lectro nics Helps -Pinpoint Fir es By RUDI NIEDZIEJ3KI Of tllt DlllY ,IMt It.ft Did 'that emefgenc)r dll{Patcb menace eay1Palfn·Htreet or Pound ,St:l'eet?.,. The fir~ caplain rus'hing his crew to a bumlnl houae better know for sure.. , Seconds ,often make the diUerenct in the' life and property .savln1 bu!ioeSI. 'lbere is no e1CU1t for mJssing the dltec· Uons ~ause of •imiltr soundJng names •. The Huntington Beach 111n Depart· ment knows this and to reduct the ~ibllity cf error, It has lnstalled elec· iton1c"tr111JC<lblng Wilt. al each of lta '1" 1lati9n1. Call.ed el«trciwrlters, tht s m a 11 , tran!~loriUi! unlta m capable ol ttanamlttin1 haixl·wtitten mesaages over teJll>hoD<i wlrtl. I . Throoah uae o1 !he new un\ta ·tilt cap- tain roertn;. to rfitt noW has 1 wrttten oopy'OI 111 fype ab<r-lon and tbet• b no lol1I« 11rJ dollbt abou( where he hu lotro". . a hard copy of the 'dispatch which In· cn.ases hi!l feeling olcoftfld.tnet~" The me1sage11 are written from the dispatch headquarttrs~orr Lakf: Street by' inserting a atylu·s into a metal aulde. Dispatchers trace out the messages on a smal~ tablet. which ii r e e e I v e-d slmulta,,...,1y at tile slation helng called out to the. lire pr au of tbe stations if the blau II bis .._ii. The new eq•ent, which COl!ils $800 per unit, has been11n use 1inCe July 11 at the · 'Doyle and Shield•; Ocean"" Vl.W, Garfield, Bushaid a:nd Sunset JtaUona. A Jarcer l'nd more compllCated unJt. capable of t.ttnJtnitunc .. weU.aa receh1•, lf\&»the messages\ haa been lnsb:,l\ed 1t the dj,p.lch oCUct at a c0.t o1 A:!®. Spickard oald .tile. e\ectrowrllen •m eventliallY ' tie " IMtalled In Jl'odntaln Valley, !Westmlnlter and 5'11 Beach to tint o11e ·n,.. ~ onc1er a Jolnl po11en t1'*"1111C)' -al19n -.I, 1 Orange Weathe r Turn on the air . ~ondltioncr er get out to the beach because bot weather is In store for ~ c;oast during the weekend, with temp- eratures heading into the high llO!. .,INSIDE TODAY A criticcUy b!lrned yquno saUor has brought aboui a mlracutous bit of Rusfic1"' ~""rial• frund!hfp wl1Ut . .., cupemti"g in Honolwlu hoipi. to:t: Page 20. lfrtltl 11 C.INtrloll ' CltMH!lf »41 ~ b I (,.._.. ,. --. -" --. =:~··' r. 1• I .......... ,4 ..... t.a...,. '' Officers quoted the administrator as sayJ.na.he believed the incident was done by an angry ttudent. •otn. Mv1holtri (Ioli)', $&W Rtlhert l11e Now Sy,,l&il,i->i\ . . . • "Wt hlV. a lol O!" Hawf!lpn and Tahl' Uap ·w.eta 'In ll"-9Ungjcin Beacb ·which f:!an cause iontulkii:" iiatd Dlftaloit Cider , Douglao Spl<_kinl." The cajJteln "°"has Ordm ff!!' 111 mdle ol th~ <!<vii'! havf" ~n pl~i:til ~nd "will•.1>• lnilalled la tl(li netghbbrlli1 City firt deyartmen\l as ooOrl 11 they •r• received. · . ' • • ' I ~· J • ' , ' ;--....,,,,..------.,_...,~------------------..-...... -----"""" ..... """""""' ....... "'-.-i:--;c--:-=cc--'-· ·. ~.~------ I CAILY PllOT H T]lurldq, J•~ "· 196t Confession ¥Rule Ea·se.d· U.S. to Submit .'No ·warning ·Admissions -' . ' .:.. . W.\Sll!NGTON' (UPO ~ Ally. Gtn. IOlllM ~ ~ ... M\ crilM. , 1!111 tWI be • ~untlr1 --Ud n.. •llo!'ne1 1.-·1 Aid Illa! 111e .i..uw be ......ni.il 1o the ....n · .. John N. Mitchell said today "volunl•ry COAft&aions'' atven to federal 0Uic.l1l1 ~ may not have warned a suspect or 1111 rl&hll wW sUll be offered In court as evidence by government prosecuior1. OUprem6 courl ecllion, known u the 9'1denc<." JllllcbOU u1c1. , ••Miranda cast."' requ!rln& pollet LO warn The attorney generatsald ht has issued a swipect of the charte• 11.mtt him tnd . an ezecuUve order instructing federal of- of his right to remain sllent and be flcials to fol!GW thl! new policy. He said represented by a lawyer "was a a«at he acted under provisions of the omnibus psychological blow to the morale or our crime bill passed last year by Congress. ·"We believe lhat a l&llure to glve a full wamin& does not ntcesurUy mean that tM conftsaJon is lnvaUd and that the department ahould aulomaUcally concede an error," Mitehtll told a HOUie coqi- local police departments. Deaplte the decision by Mitchell to "If a federal olficialin.dvertently fails follow lhi& new poi.icy it will be left up to to give a full warnlna. the Department or the courts to rule on' each cast u Jt is Ju.sUce now believes lhat lbe confeSllonl pretented. Los Amigos High FoulW aterCleanedOut Of Valley School Pool ,. Fouled water in the awlmmltlg pool at we've had," he added. Loa Amigos HJ&h School, Fou"tain _ Police units have been asked lo patrol V II '-a• I ed d the I the school area at night to stop what a ey, has ..,,.,.,n c ear up an poo authoriUes believe are neighborhood Is back in full ope.ration today· juvenUes sneaking over the fence at The pool was closed Wednesday from night. 10 a.m. to ~ p.m. because someone had .. People were swimming in the pool defecated in the water the nl&hl before, Wednesday night and there is no problem said Stan Stafford, director of Parks and with the water now," said St.afford. recrtf.tion. About 150 youngsters missed swbnrnlng We bad to increase the cbloratlon and lessons Wednelday morning. They wlll be run all the Water through the filterinf---given make-up lusons Saturday mornln&, system to make IW'e the pCIO) wu safe, said StaUord. e.rJ]alned Stalford. "If •be problem la caught at night," Wedoelday 'was not the f I rs t time concluded St.afford, "we can cure it someont had left h\m\ln waste arourid before Ult pool even opens ln the morn- die pool, ''bQt It wu tl>e wont probt.m lnl·" Newport Officials W orry1 Over Unregulated Guards Nowporl Buch city offlcialo '""' happy about armed, but unregulated and paiblJ \mtrained, private patrolmen iervln& u interior cuard• and watchmen for bullnea1 firm.I . The city C9unell Is t!klng the California Ltal\lt cf Cltles to push for lrte.\e Je(i1laUon that would place the ~troll under loca1 £:15dictlon . Council lctb'I, W WU UDlnimOWI, ,. .. '125 Homeowners 1orm to Fight '.New Hospital • About 125 Westminster and Garden Grove homeowners Wednesday night established a legal fund lo fight con· Jtruct,ion of a 112-bed psychiatric hospital 't 10524 Bolsa Ave., Weslmlnster. ·Sal Guz.zetta, of Westminster. Chairman of the group which calls Itself the Wesk:ninster~arden Grove Homeow· nen AedaUon, uid pledges totalling S6IO were rectlved to retain a lawyer who wlll "help us go as far as we can." He indicated that the as.soc:iaUon may geek a court injunction agairat the hospital because the Westminster City c.ouncll allegedly did not thoroughly in· vestlgate the matter. The City Council by unanimous vote Ttt"ently overturned a planning com· mission decision to ban the hospital. The long-term facility drew fire from the homeowners on several occasions 'before Lhe City Council. They maintained Jt would 1011.•er property values and be detrimental to neighboring homes as well as the patients. they said. Guuelta aaJd the association would file a rtquesl for another hearing before the council within 44 hours. Meanwhile il has hired attorney fi.111an Dost.al of Orange to build a case. DAILY PILOT •••••I N. W11d Pr111M11I 11"41 l"llbl!N>tf J111r II:. Curlty Vkt Pru!IHll• ..... G•"'rtl Mtr.t"'I Tl>o"''' ICtt•il t:01tor Tho11111 A. Mu1phi1>1 M1"'tl"t IEG•IOr >.lhtrl W. Ith• Mtoe:ltlt '"'"" H111tl"f'•• l•ac:ll Offlc1 J09 .Slh Slr11t M1!1i119 Ai4r11H P.O. 101 190, 916~1 o...,.,,,,_ fol ....... ! IHC/I: 1'11 Wnl lltltl!!I lt111IOl•t•• Cellt ........ , llO ""1111 Ill' Sl•Ctl L-1'11 ~: Ul f•tll A,..l'IVI came at the request of City Attorney Tully Seymour. He noted that ror "a variety of reuoN" 'Ute number of private law en· forcement agencies bu risen very rapid."· Jy over the put aevtral years. '"nlm agtncles provide v a r l o u s services on a contract baalJ," he tx· plained. ''They may furnilh personnel to act as interior guardl for banks and plants. niese men never leave the premjses and are employed exclusively by one employer. We have a few or these operations in Newport, such as al the J'hllco-Fotd plant. ' "Other cues find llfBrdS who patrol an assigned number of buildings and out.side areas, generally all under a single ownership. These are common on con· 11trucllon sites and may Include driving • vehicle throughout the tract. "Finally. there is the situalllin where a neighborhood hires a private street patrol to supplement the regular city police function." He said there is no private st reet patrol in Newport at present. And it Is only th!J type of Jaw enforcement service that may now be controlled legally by the city, he emphasi:r.ed. Seymour pointed out that the courts have held that cities are otherwl3e pre. empted by the 1tate from regulating other private patrol functions. He con- cluded: "In view of the fact that the state Jaw does not furnish standards for these employees, and since they do appear to have official auLhority and c a r r y dangerous weapons, without any required training, it is essential that local regula· tions be imposed." Clues Sought In Sniper Case Seal Beach Police today are still look· Ing for clues leading them to a sniper who ~1onday morning flred several pot i shots at a moving cab, narrowly missing \ 1U driver. Lt. Robert Garta said the five shots fired at cab drh·er Sherman W. Burdine while he \\'as driving along Pacific Coast Highway appeared to have come from a \rooded area, making It difficult to find the expended cartridge cases. The slug striking the dri\·er 's car ap- parently entered and left through !he '\'indshield, leaving no traces of lead beh· ind , he added. The.re appears to be no doubt that Burdine was actually subjected to sniper fire , police said , since officers heard the shots fired . Burdine has since quit his job. Syrian ,Bombers Hit Israel Laucl Positions t1 U11lltll ,,. .. lllftnMllitql Syrian bombers attacked Israeli ground positions in the occupied Golan Heights today for the first time since the end of the: 1967 Middle Eut War. Vb.servers e11led tt another escalation of the air war Ill the Mldeaol. The bomblng took place near ~1ount Herman where an lsrat:ll mllll.ary spokesman Jn Tel Aviv aa\d l1raell soldien kJlfed an ~ cutnilla today at a loss or one laraell wounded. tsr1ell stn.ick thls ,uerrWa area Wtdnesd•)' with planes. Noguchi Win s Coroner Job Back in LA '"~ ANGELES (AP) -The County Civil Service Commission reinstated Or. Thomas T. NogudlJ as chief medical cJ· amlner-coroner today, overruling the Board of Supervisors. The co"'!mlss.ion had been con!ldering lhe case since it ended a month-long ap· peal hearing . . Commission Chairman O. Richard Capen said the county hadn't produced proof necessary to sustain Noguchl's fir· 1ng. Supen.:lsors fired the .Japanese-born pa.U~ologtsl after receiving reports con· tain1ng some of the most unusual charges made against a public official here. The hearings, from May lJ vnUl June 24, produced 3,000 pages ()f tcstlmony from about 80 v.·itnesses. Noguclti 42 didn "t take the stand. ' ' The list of accusations against Nogµchl totaled 60 at one point. County attorneys accused t h e Japanese-American coroner of: -Dancing and saying "I hope he dies" after Sen .. Robel F. Kennedy'was shot by an assaas1n. • -Beamin1 joyfully at the height ()f an Influenza epidemic that filled autopsy rooms with corpses. -Saying ••1 pray, I pray there it another air crash" alter two airliners plunged into the Pacific Ocean olf Los Angeles. -PlaMing a "foreruiic mafia" that would place him in charge of all coroner cases west of the Missiuippi. . -Threatening to kill aldes who opposed hun. Beach Planners Decide. Complex " ' Fate oft Aug. 5 PlannJna rommiuioners will deekle the fate of the largest apartment complex ever proposed for Huntington Beach at 7:30 p.m. Aua. ~ in the city council cham- bers. The 828-unlt facility Is planned for con- strucU<m on approximately 30 acrea of land at the southwest comer or Atlanta Avenue and Beach Boulevard. It would feature tennJs couru over the pa~ldng areas as well as some four-story bu.ildlngs, dealgned to give the residents a view of the ocean. Developers Voorheis, Trindle and Nelson or Newport Buch will ask the commission to change the present office professional and general buaintss zoning to a mulUple fam!Jy residence district to allow Lhe construcllon of the u.nlt.s. They have slated that the development will be in conformance with the general intent or the city's master plan and will be complimentary to the community and local neighborhood. Other matters concerning the com- missioners at the Tuesday meeting in· elude an appllcation for a 19&-lot tentative tract at the northwest corner of Atlanta Avenue and Brookhurst Street and a con· dltional exception to allow the con· struction of an Ed.ISOn Company suMtat· ion near Golden West Street and Ellis Avenue. Pledge to Flag Due Friday Night The Vete:rans of Fortlgn War!, Coastline Post 3626, Friday night will of. fer a salute to the American Flag by moonlight on the Newport Pier. Post Commander Louis G. Corrido said the 11 p.m. program will honor the na· lion's Flag and the astronauts who plac· ed It on the moon. The public is invited to participate In the pledge of eJlegJanee, he aO:J. "'RepeaUng the pledae over the Pacific Ocean," Ccrrldo explained, "Is in gratitude of the lmowledae that the American Flag stands over all the Ideals held dear to the American heart wherever one may be on earth." Apollo Astronauts Talk About Flight SPACE CENTER, HOOlloo <API -Th• Apollo 11 moon men, found free so far of any elfecta from lunar ~ dbawtd their moon adventure todey with 1 ttlo who'll retrace the path Ibey blaud. Neil A. Armstrong, Edwin E. AJdtJn Jr. and Michael Collins talked wlth olher memben of the allronalrt corps, In- cluding Jhe crtw of Apollo 12, t<:heduled to land on &he moon ln November. • OAIL Y PILOT ,..... .., llldlUf KMllltr FeudEnaea O:ve1· Tract 4 • ' ' . 'J -~····(! : .. - · A:part~ents ---·--· -r ·By TEJIRY COVILLE Of ... Dl,it "" Sftlt Apparently there will be pe~ In at Jeqt one local .valley-the Gr~ Valley planniCI development tract ln FO\lftt&in Val'~. , "" '. R~e owners in Grten Valley have end~ thelr·feud w!lh devoJoper Goorge H~ein over proposed aPattmenll witlin the .planned development. AiiarY bo_!Oeowntrs had amiroacbed the city council last week with concern ()Ver a zone change already approved that would allow 170 apartment units within their 'complez. But Saturday, representatives of the homeowners agreed not to oppose lhe ap- proved apartmenU lI1 uthante for Holl- teln's word that no more apartment z.on. Ing would be requested within Gretn Vallfy. • • ••u was really a swap," said Paul Savarino, a ~homeowner representative. "we agreed nol to oppose his 170.unlt apartment, if h~ would agree to drop plans for 130 un1Cs on ~ther part ()f Green Valley." · Savarioo pointed ()ut that homeowners (eertd apartments would destroy the "ownership aspect" of their common lawns and shared res;reational facilitiu. Pacific Sunset Another part of th,'.compromise rtach· ed Saturday involved including the owner ol the apartment ~ HolJtein or whoever else -in the bomoowners and recreation uaociations, and paying for the recrta~ tion on the basis of 170 apartments. No absolute decision was made on one large strip ot property along Warner Avenue, which b now commercially ~ ed. but home owners fear might be changed to apartments. Figures silhOuetted by Wednesday's setting sun found relief from current hot spell by jogging through water at beach's edge. Re- member June when we complained about all those "lCYW clouds" and the generally dank weather? What do you bet some folks w(th short memories are complaining about the current run of sunshine and \Vann temperatures'! Fro11t Page 1 KENNEDY ... DemocrJtiC whip, J\iMedy, 37, took his tenn In 1970. seat to the left of Mansfield, and thumb.-1£ elected then, he said, he would ed throo5h the Congressional Record. serve the full six year term . Sens. Herman F. Talmadge, ID-Ga.), and In the aftermath of the controversy John SteMI!, ({).Miss.), walked over to surrounding the auto accident, Kennedy Ji.hake his hand.. . a.Ue4 the people of Massachusetts to Earlier Kennedy Had' edctd·· lfis· *'' · i.ndiclte ~ he should 'nmain ., their through a crowd of reporters surrouOO. SCflalor. ing Mansfield a~ the press briefing. No-Their response was an overwhelming Udng tbe •Den:tacrli.Uc '4'Mp. ':t.!ansfield "Yes." pulled him by the ann and said "Come here, right back where you belong." Wearing a blue suit with his black tie somewhat askew, Kennedy stood by as Mansfield answered questions about the income surtax due for a vote today aod the antiballlstic missile syst'em expected to come lo a vote next week . As Kennedy, looking tanned and calm, arrived at the capitol and walked up the steps leading to th1 Senate, a report· er asked if he was pleased to be resunting his Senate duties. He replied, •·r·ine. Glad to be back at work." Kennedy arrived in a small blue con· vertible driven by a man identified as Claude Hooton, a former Harvard roommate and long-time friend . About 200 ne"•smen and tourists swanned around him as he emerged and walked quickly up the front steps of the Senate. Before returning to Washington Wed. nesday night', Kennedy issued a state- ment saying he had decided not to resign his seat and also planned to seek another * * * Soviets Def end Sen. Kenned y f\.10SCOW (UPI) -Right-wing enen1ies are "h~nding" Sen. Edward ~'1. Kennedy about his fatal automoblle accident in an attempt to drive him from office, a Soviet newspaper said todoy . Komsomolskaya Pravda, newspaper of the Yoong Communist League, recounted details of 'the July 18 accident that killed ~tary Jo Kopechne and said that under normal circumstances "the story would have ended there, but the story has a sc· quel." "From the story of the catastrophe, we !earned of the bounding campaign begun 1n the U.S. ngalnst Kennedy by circles hostile to him," the newspaper r.ald. t ·;Holstein agreed to consult the homeowners and submit to arbitration, U .and when he ever wants to change the zoning on his Warner Avenue land," said Savarino. Stability in the Green Valley master plan has been the basic concern ot homeowners. They feel concessions granted by Holstein Saturday will guarantee that stability. From Page l NIXON ... Asia aga.~ any menace from Red ~ina. India has been cool to the lde1. Ni1on challenged the necessity of it in a spee<h. · , Nixon told newsmen later the talks were "very useful" but did not elaborate. Other socrces called the talkt "very cor· dial" and "wide ranging." Nixon had gol off to a good start with ~1.rs. Gandhi by tellin, her in a welcome statement something she wanted to hear -that Asian problems must be solved by Asians without the influence of wtalde big powers. Beach Musical Date Rescheduled ''Tell It Like It ls," a folk musical sponsored by the Youth Coalition Com· mittee during Huntington Beach's Youth Culture Week hu been re·scheduled. The program was: originally scheduled for 8 p.m. tonight at Marina High School. Imtead it will be held al 7 p.m. AUJ . .2t .al the Ellis Avenue Baptlst Church. JI. J. (Jarrell~ 14th Semi-Annual Safe 7 STYLlS TO CHOOSE ROM ' A wide ••lad~ of F•btic1 end ~ te choo1• from. 1.QFA IED SALE! ... -Now 299~00 Your foOMiU f•t.rior ~ "411111~14 ~t tlO•, •• • H.J.GARREfT fURNl1lJ~E l'llOFUSIONAl INTQIOll DESliNEAS ' 211 S HAUOtl IL VD. COSlA Ml$A, CALIF. 446-0271 "46-0276 • • - I I I ,I ' ' I I . • • • . • • • , ' • ' • • ' • ' " • • •. • .. . • • ' • " • ' ' ' ' • • • ' • • • l ' • • • } ' • • ' ' ' i • • ' ' • ' • • • • > • • ~ ' > • • • ' • • • • • > , • • • • •. ' •• • ' • • > • • • • • ' ' • • • • .. ,. ....... " n .... .;. Ju~ SI, "' Wl.Y I'll.OT ~ for 'lie Orange Coast · Area JIJLY 11 MACKlE"V-SCHO\L• ll:!th&rd G .• U. ol JOt Mont• Vl• •. c~r· MK& ....t Chrbll ... E .• It, o1 JIO Or•"8~ Awe., H11!11'11111l 8tKll. lAPALAC·OI!! VRIES, P•1K P. 22, of H0t l:;:.,.J.,..t, API.. 0 , H~1111,...1_, l!lffdl 9f'MI Brtllda K., tt. ol 24' 5. POPltf, S1nl1 An1, Planning Program Sivings Into Action SANTA AN A -The Orange ruture plans are often based County General P I a n n i n g on today's data . Program has passed its major The handling of Information cannot be divorced from the obstacle and is now swinging program's objectives, s be· Jnto action. noted. County Planning Director Mrs. Patricia A. Russell , an Forest Dickason said the pro-urban organilaUon coNultant, gram wtll now "gear up for said problems may arise if action and should start work· citizens help in the planning ,ing on the first year of the fi ve program. year plan in August." She said composition of a Approval was granted for citizens committee should in- the plan by the county Board elude people from county, dty of Supervisors and the Orange and community levels. County League of Cities last Victor J ones, professor of week. political scienet at UC The supervisors voted a~ Berkeley, supported Mrs . prov al of $187 ,000 to Una nee Russell's ideas. He said the 'the fi rst year's phase of the. best results would be obtained project and the league's ex-· by bringing in elected officials ecutive committee voted 14 to and the highest level policy 5 to endorse it. makers ,to form an in- 1 The plan calls for a tergovernmental committ.et. partnership or counly, city and County planner Dickason ocal district governments and said he believes the tey to tprivate industry to plan the success or the program is the •county's tutu.re developmen t. role the cities pJay. They will At an all-day conference at have a good "opportunity to 1UC Irvine last Saturday three influence the shape of action e xperts expressed some con· in the community.'' be said • cern about the county.wide planning program. Mid-air Near Collisions Dr. Ida R. Hoos, a UC Berkeley research sociologist said the gathering of data for the planning project may present problems. Mrs. l loos said it is dangerous to gather d8ta by a aygtems approach because Reacli Hazardous Number 2 Forgers Sentenced WASIIlNGTON (AP) -'l'lle Administration says it rtetiv- ed reports of 2,130 near-col- lisions in mid-air last year in- cluding 1,128 classified a.s hazardous. lt added. that 1 "minimum estimate of four hazardous'' aircraft near-misses occurttd The agency noted there were about 52 .3 million flight oper1tions in the United States la.st year -an average of 25.0ClCI flights for each near· CQUision. The 35 m l d • & i r era.shes last year kllled A persoru, the FAA said • Two men convicted 0 f for every one that was f h.a ft h t · reported to It. Low Rental Plan Fails orgcry c rges a er w a is Tbe FAA. in an effort to believed to the be Ule longest Orange County Superior Court gather reliable statittlct for trial of its kind have been the first time, had encouraged UNION CITY (UPI) sentenced to 1-14 years each in pilots to report the narrowly Union City voters have re- state pr!SOD. averted collisions -and had ject.ed plans for a low-rent Judge Herbert H er I a n d 5 promised no penally would be houline project for the com- handed those terms t 0 given to anyone filing a near. munlty's Melican • American Leonard Auerbach, 32, ol min reporL clUzeo1 • Arcadia, and Kenneth Hilton, The FAA aald that, in the By a vote of 114.9 to 84.5, 33, of Los Angeles. A jury reports it · received, almo&t voters io the east bay city re· found them guilty of con-100;000 passelli~ were on jed.ed a plan adopted by the spiracy and grand theft counts , large tr~port alf'Cl'aft and city councU to· ttzooe 24 acres after deliberating !or three about. 5,000 passengen aftd • of agricultural land for the days on 12 wee.ks of testimony. crew 1n non-scheduled rupts. "housing project. • Both men were indicted by the Orange Counly Grand Jury a year ago after. district at· t orn e y ' s investigator! un- covered a fr a udulent mortgage refin ancing plan that had bilked homeowners tn three Orange County com- munilles of as much as $4.,000 each. Auerbach and 11 i 1 to n solicited second trust deeds for rerinancing of homes at fees ranging from 10 percent to ts pereent of the loan. WALK TO TOWN rwo 8EoRUoM· nOMi with ,,.;,. af Vif.lor H1190 Pain! I S11tf. l1evt!lul 5..,,11 G1rcl1r1. l ••t• Pavble G•t•t• will. ,,.frl roo"' IM.hi11cl, $35,000 GINIROUS TllMS MARSBALL & ROPP 211 0...A'fMH LAGUNA IUCH 494-1021 WONDERFUL WORLD OF PETS '· Ti.. Flu1t PetD~Sr.wr ,,. ~.,.,_ .. LARGE-BEAUTIFUL UNIQUE 51 'ASHION ISLAND -OAT llACH 1>+4-0980 This Satvrday, Aug . 2nd ONE DAY ONLY Every FRIGIDAIRE * REFRIGERATOR * lllZER * RANGE * -WASllR * . DRYER On Our Floor • • . REDUCED , ... ...., ,.,.., .... ,... .. la All ...... u .. ....., hf ._ W.tiMi ~DAVIS RRO\VN • Reader• Have It ••• tcllh the BOOKSTALL Bahl ti Costa Mesa · 646-1614 . ,..., half• century ot _Hmce /Near half a 'bllllon dollars strong 1 % 4 ANNUAL RATE 6% Average annual yltld throurh dally compoundin, when principtl Ind interest remain for 5 ye1t'1. Minimum deposit $1,000. In t ht event of hardship, funds may bfJ withdrawn 1t the end of any qv1rter with full Interest to that dltt. These new certificates are offered In addition to rerular Passbook and Bonus Acc«lnts. VEAR CERTIFICATES More Interest Than Banks, More Certain Than Stocks. • • • :CORONA DEL MAR. • 21s1 eu1 COi.ii Hlghwly 'W Teltphonel7HQ10 OOVllfA 200 Norttl Cltn.ll Avenue TtlephOM 33W471 I • OL•NDAI.• 331 No111'1 Srafld Boulevard Ttlt Phontt42-4141 ) . l'A8ADllNA (home ofrlot) 315 E'Mt COiorado Bou~rd Ttlapf'lont ~5 \ l Thursday, July 31, 196~ Your Money's Wprda l_, __________________ 1!11111_1_ 'OVER THE' CO.WiTER • • Labor Shortages . . . Customers Use Money Machine !.OS ANGELES ( . .\P) - Enter the perfect bank teller. : No delay s. No short changing. · No overpaying. No 'chitchat. No banker's hours. It's the Sumitomo Bank's Bankomat, a U.hour-a-dny , money machine. Push in your cash card. A door swings open. Type your code number on a keyboard 1 inside. Name and amount - one to five $%0 bills. The money sllps Ot.Jt through a slot If there's not enough money ln your Sumitomo checking account, or if you use the wrong nuinber, or if you have used the machlne in the past 2-4 hours the Bankomat swaUows your caret You have • to go to the bank to reclaim it. "This is the only machine or ils kind," a bank official says. Since the machine was load- ed with 410,000 two weeks ago, neither it nor the few i;elected card carrying customers have made a mistake, the bank says. SumiJomo plans to issue more cards and order more machines. SLEEPER • oat.rtGf COUNTY LOCAL No oth•• "•'"P•P•' ltll, vou 1110•1, 1v1ry cl1v, 1bout wh1t't 9oin'I on in th1 Gr11t1• Or1n91 Cotti th t n th, DAILY PILOT. Some Crew Ch 1n911 ,., Somt Phont Ch1n9e1. Everything About Us He' Betn Spruc t d Up ! CHUCK DAVIS, Gtnerel Me neger JI M ono CHAS. BOSTER Purcht1in9 T1,hntctl S1l11 JOE GRADY PATT Y SUE KEITH Sony Vidto Ttpt Sv1t1mi Coll 111 Offict flOW Of 646-5037 ORCO ELECTRONICS 1677 SUPERIOR AVE. (1 blk. So. of W. 17th St. I COST A MESA 646°5037 SBEARSON, HAMMILL &: CO., Ine. Ct1rdlaU11 lt1uile6 You 'l'o ill.t e Hd A J,ec111re Pre1et1llttg 'J'l•e 1969-70 ~-1 0 UNCOMMON -~ VALUES IN COMMON STOCK Tht current li1t ol this 20 year annual recommendation. AND 1----THE SEVEN---~ COMMON ERRORS OF THE INVESTI NG PUBLIC • St curity SelKtion by Obj~ctivt • Unit lnvu tln9 • lnllotlono..-,1 Hedging WILL BE PRESENTED 9y, MR. ROSS McADAM INVESTMENT EXECUTIVE ANO LECTURER • MARK EITlfH OF THESE DATES • MON. AUG. 4th or WED., AUG. 6th, 7:30 P.M. Pl•c• , .. Conference Room , •• SDEARSON, UA.MMR,L &: CO., lne. H...,.,, C....... Office -150 N-p•rt Cl'lltt 1 (foUi0tt Island ) FOR ~Sll\VATIONS , •• CA l l SAHf#i AMA NEWIOlf IU,CH I JJ•lJ4f 644·1442 -. TOLL 'lll t l•ll'll 7fl97 State Places Bonds In Trade for Land SACRAMENTO (AP) -Th• state traded $1.74 million worth of hard-to-sell bonds Wednesday for 380 acres of land for a new stale college campus. State Treasurer Jvy Baker Priest, who conducted the unusual bond sale. said it was PHARMACY TOPICS by TERRY GRANT, It.Ph. By thr year 2220, ,,., will hl1V<' 400 billion peo ple on c11rth. \Ve \viii have to rtly on pro per agricul turc, roQfs ovC'r citlrs. and • vastly grcll.t<'r us r or l.hc ot<"llM for food, oll and nlinC'rals. An old supcrslition: To \V&ke up 111 a t'crtain hour, make n111.rk~ ,,·i th ~'QUr r ight foot on the floor, tht"n go to bed backwards. • Cancer is t':<cctded only by heart. disease l:S • kill('r or American &. • • Rolling 1·our CJ\\'n cigarcttt! Ir. coming back. Last yrar, more thin 12 billion cigar· t'llts '''tr'C r-olled by h•nd. \IP from 10 biUion th~ y~ar bclort. • • Fl'>t modM"n ttrv1ce-with old· ruhloned courttsy. brln,a your presQ"ta.tions to: PAR K LtDO ,HAltMACY U 1 H•,ltal le.M N....,..-t ... ch iM,._15M F ir n1 Moves I. • • . . . • ~mpl~e..o.-~ew ¥ ork St.ock Li$t· . . r J 1. I Priees-·" Complete ! I New '1111JttUy, .Ally '1, 196'1 H DAILY Pll.OT JI York.,,. Stocli Exchange List • \ JI DAll.Y rtlOT Birth Control ·Doldont V tali Last State to Prohibit Suirilization By RICHARD P. SP.RATLING Alt0c:1ated Prus Wrtltt SALT LAKE CITY, Ulob (AP) -He was 42, the father of two children. He did not trust conventlona1 con· traceptlves, and said "I had enough kids. I didn't want any more." A friend kept him company one night on a ZOO.mile drive from Silt Like City lo a doc· tor's offia ln neighboring Idaho. There, lhe operation w a s le.11:al. Tblrty minutes, '75. Sterilization at his own n- quesl, he then border.hopped back to Utah, the natlon:a long est holdout against liberalbed laws on flerillzation. The list was narrowed In July when Conl1e(tlcut Gov. John R. ~y signed a re- peol blll. Alter 1971 , II 'Wiii In effect make voluntary sterll- t:r.ation a medical option, wil.h no crlmlnal penalty attached. ONDY STATE In the view ol the Natioital Assof:JatlQn or V o I u n t a r y SterllliaUon, that leaves Utah "isolated as tht only state in lbe unl:!>n which lim1ts volun- tary stuilb:ation lo reasons of 'medJeal n~ty .' " Winds of change gusted in Utah as ~ly u this year, but·were aWled by a reluctant legislaturt •nd M o r mo n Chur:ch opposilion. So the stat.) retains a tough law that dtcr!ss a felony when anyone "performs, en- courages., assists in o r move to have a patient or in· mate steiilllzed. For most peojile, state law limlls sterilJution operations to those whlch "shall be a rnedical necesslly."' "Damn few doct~ do It - they aren't sure of the law,'' says Or. Richard A. Call of Provo, a physician a'n d member of the Utati Senate. BILL OFFERED A liberalization biY was of· fared to lhe 1969 Legislature, backed by the Utah Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. ~I was killed after the Marmon Church said It was •·opposed to any modification. expansion or liberalization o( laws" on lhe subject. Word of church leaders car· ries a big clout w i t h lrgislators, most of them Mormons. dominate lhe legal actions ol olber1. "What we were trying to do, 'liall says, "was m 1 k e sterlllzatio'n primarily amedJcal declsJon." The action by the Mormon leadership stemmed from op- pcsitlon to birth control "9" general grounds,'' says Rugh B. Brown. first counselor in the ruling First Presidency of the church. As Brown explains Mormon policy, m o r e conventional means of cootracepUorr-uy, !ht' piU-a.rc Crowned on. but their U!e is left pretty much up to individual conscience. QUESTION ASKED Question: why then would the church urge retention of a tough criminal penalty for another form of birth control? "The difference is that sterilizalion is a m o r e Flyin' Bmne to Oran,ge This is piloi'• v\ew ot'Newport Harbor entrance as be. approaches it from the sea. West j~tty is in fore- ground. Behi!ld east jetty (baclcground)'is Corona del Mar State Beach, with residential Corona. del Mar sloping up into bills overlooking harbor. Large 1Ditil&.1",ft.OT Sta.ff,_... } Countt# . . · 1 building fronlil\J .., harbor at left iJ•Channel Reeil Apartment cortiplex. Jn extreine background art Fashion Island &hopping center 8nd twin toweJl of financial buildings in Newport ·center. Let TV WEEK Turn You On otherwise promotes" a n operation for "~troying the power to procreate." Some of the sponsoring physlciana were Mormons. One, Dr. Robert Hall, presi- dent of the obstetrics society, complains: "We don't see why any religious faith lhould permanent interfe~ence wiUl --------~--------------------------------~­ any possible reproductit(Tl in the future," Brown says. There are a few exceptions. The head of a prison, ment.al hospital, reformitory or in- stituUon for the retarded can 1SUNCHARM SPORTSWEAR-·-· FamoUs name wool knit suifs, three·Piece Jtylcs wirh novelty piping, striping or contrast detailih&. Red, navy, powder, pink, green or camel, 8-16,,.,.,, ....... :39.80 IYOUNG CALIFORNIA SHOP · I Pants in solids, prints or stripes. Many leg styles jg, cot· ton duck, rayon linen or Fortrcl® polyesrer blends: )/6 1•0 IJ/14 , «g. .......................... 5.99 '.. /I Junior and oetne drrssrs: 3· 15. · reg. J7.00-28.00 ...•.......•.•••.••.•......•.••.. 1·2 .99 BUDGET DRESSES -c- Made c-xclusifflt for~ Buffww' 10096 snacltioe wash- ~ able ~n~ poly~s1 lcni shift. Basic tailored collar step·iq 'Mih long I and choice of navy, r.ed or )'ello111 colon. Sizes 8-1 ...... , , .••...•••.•.•.•• 1 2 .99 ACCESSORI£S .. .,_ LINGERIE ln the last legislature, says Hall, sponsors thought Famous maker couon terry robe has Schiffli tmbroider§ trim, reg. 16.00, .· .... , .. , ....•............•••••.. 9.9 Famous makt Arnelilll rriacetare fleece duster has tai· Jored coUar and braid lrim to conce.a.l gripper closifl8. Side-pockets; coral. rose, avocado or blue in P-S.M-L, rc-g. 17.00 ...........•.•...••....•.•.•. , •.• 12.99 Gossard coordina1ed sleep ensemblr. Nylon tricot sleep group includes shifr gown, pajama, robe and scuff, reg. 4.00·12.00 ........ · ....................... 2.99·9.99 Junior linAt'r ie ftduced. Warner's Jr. lniimue "Shootint: Sra.r'' f•iarna, reg. 9.00 ....•.••.•••••••.. : •.•.. -. •. 4 .99 · V f!rY 14}t.om make shift ~oi. bet-" and f.mbtoiderf mms; y,,s.~.L, "B· 9.00.ll.OO ............ S.99·8.99 11.00 •••.•••••.••••••••••• --·.. . •• ' ••••.•••• 4.99 ·o'l • Mormon leaders "gave u.s to understand that the curch would take no position"· on sterilization. lf there was such a deal, it didn't hold up. Now liaison committee of GIRLS' SHOP All-wea1hrr coa1s are Dacron® polyes1er aod cotton v.•i1h Ze·Pcl® finish to resist water. Zip ouc plush linings; plaids or solids, 17.00·19.00 value •..••• 13.89·14.89' Flue bottom pan1s and bib shorts in crisp cotton sail· cloth. Prints and pastels, reg. 4.~0-7.00 .... 2.49-3.49 LITILE SHAVER SHOP Perma-prt'ss bermudas arc polyester and cotron blend. Elastic back, zip fly, rwo pockets; assorted solids, (hecks and plaids, 4 to 7, reg. 4.00 •.. , ................. , 2.49 .Stretch crew type hose to fit sizes 5 to B; assorted pat· 1erns and.rolids, reg. .60 to .85 •. , ••• , , •...•.• 3/1.29 Waterproof nrlon jmcket hi.I t ip front, is surco1t length. .Qu:h lining for -warmth; machine washabJe and dryable. 4 to 7, reg. 12~00 •••• •••••••••.•..••.•...••••• 8.99 Fine corron flannel pajamas io (he Jong sleevt", long lt'g coat ~ryle, 4 to 71 reg. 4.00. • , , , • , ••• , • , , . , ••• , 2.59 l.adies' shirrs from a famous maker. Choose roll or Ion,; sleevts in solids and prin1s. Mos1 arr no-iron fabrics: 8 10 18, reg. • •. , •.. , .......... , .• , .• 3, 99 Very F'*s make shott ptOI;. p1j,m1s of nyl09'.·tric°" Charm1ng·MCounter Cheques" pa,rn; 30 10 36: rti. r--, HANDBAGS ..... . . 'Better handb~s in drrssY o r ta ilored series; calf, osriich and lizard-grained calf, pa1cnt, or strav.•. Large or small ~ize1, reg. 22.00-30.00 .. , ... , ..• , •• , , , ..•. , . 14. 97 SHOE SALON -' -- Famous brand shoes in Patents, calfskins. kidskin!'. re,_, 14.00 10 33.00 dress shoes, now • · · · · · · · · · · · · lfl off Reg. 14.00 10 24.00 casuals, now • · · • · • • • • • • • .' l 1/2 off HOSIERY ~.· Save on famous make-~lippen. if any assorted styles anJ colors: S..M-MJ...J...XL Reg. S.Q0.6.00 .. 2.99 pr., 2/~. 75 J.lade exprrssly for Buff urns', Agilon® p~n1y hose clin,1t smoothly to your leg. Choose off.whi1e, camel, naYy .. or black in S..M-MT·T sizes. Reg. 3.00 • 2.2 9 pr., 2/4.<>0 F•mous make slips and ,bra-sli ps are nylo n tricoi and Sta• bilizerl nylon Tafferce®. Discon1inued styles and colors includin& white. Bra-slip has .softly contoured cups wirh lace hem trim, r'cg . 7.00·11.00 .•••••..• , •••••.•. ,. 4.99 Very F..:rious make slips in colors and whitt'. Embroidery ·and lace trimi, deep hems of lace, reg. 9.00 •••• , ••.. 5. 99 COSMETJCS ~ · '· I.ace and embroidery trim famous make peni1kir1s. Whire, Christian Dior bu de Toilcue in the two most popuh1r fragrances, f\.iiss Dior and Diorissimo, 3 oz .•• , • , . 5.00 Atomizer ......... , ................... , . , ... 1.00 Doro1hv Gray's Ory Skin CleanC"r,' rc11:. J.00·5.50. or Salon Cold Cream, reg. 3.00.'}.'}0. rac b Tritlc's Glycerine and Rosewa1rr Skin Moinurizer; 1win pack of rhe 1ravrl cubes. l\\'in pack of che hand lolion, or 1win pack of 1he Ro5t'wa1 er ind Glycerine, ea. , , . 1 .29 Wolff Freres Travel Ki1 contains1 oz. Arctic Lotion, 2 oz. cologne and 2 oz. Windproof plastic boules 111 black vinyl case, reg. 6.50 ............................ ,. 3. 75 Femme or Madame Rochas gif1 ~ets include a flacon ol perfume and an aromizer of Parfum de Toilenc. Choose l l .00 value, nOw •.. : ................. , ...... 6.50 AnnuaJ sale of Mary Chess soaps. Soap ensemble in· cludc-s I bath, l hand and 3 guest sizes, reg. ~.00 4 .00 Set of 3 bath soap, reg. ~.00 .. , .............. , . 4.00 Set of 6 hand .soap, reg. ,,00 ................ : .. 4.00 Save-on Elin.beth· Arden soaps. Hard-milled, scented. Blue Grass, June Geranium or r-.1emoire Cherie. Hand soap, box of rhree. reg. 3.50. . ........ , . , ...... 2 .50 1 Ba1h soap. box of three, re(l.. ~.00 .. , . , ...... : ... 3.50 1 Schiaparelli Parfums Creme Pour ~f.issage. Shocking frq:rance,9oz. size, rr(l.. 3.00 .............•... 1.75 16 oz. size. reg. 5.00 ............ , .. , , . , ... , .. 2. 7.'l ·A gift of "'Drf"ssmaker" boule of Shocking parfum with one dram horde of colo(l.ne, re,i:. '2~. . ......... 2. 75 Ii 11:if1 of r e~. t50 Golden Purse Flacon of parfum with 4-oz. boulc of reg. ~.00 colognt, rc(l.. 8.~0 value ... 5.00 Dana's Tahu fra,i:ranct', <luri fra1ures rhe pcrfumt' bad1 011 and colo,'lnc. Rt'g. 6.00 .................... 3.50 Save on large sizes of John Robert Powers' Beauty Aid ~: Fluid Gold Enriched Cleanser, reg. 8.50 .•...... S.00 ·fluid Gold SI.i n B.ilan(e Lotion. reg. 12.SO ...... 7 .SO Auid Gold Ernulsion, reg. 7.SO ca ...... , .... , .. 5.00 fluid Clean~er moisturizt"s and softens, reg. 6.00. 3.50 Fluid Fresht·nrr, reg. S.00. . .................. , 3.00 Annual sp«ial from Nina.Ricci . Slt'ndcr, elegant spray conta.iner embellished ••ut4Ja golden cap. "Capricci·· and "'Coeur-Joie·· also availiblr in ~iadcmoi~llc Spray. JI , oz. size. "L'A1r du Temps" or ··cocur Joie" ........ 4.50 1 .. Capricci" .................... , ...... , .... ,,,, ... 5 .00 For men, '·The Youns LK>n·· colognt ....... ,., .... 4 .00 I Sl'ATIONERY SHOP F~s ~iakcr Albums: S1mula1eJ co•<h1dc coverings wirb ,old 1oolc-d borders SinsJe flip l.fbum, 4.SO valur-.. , ..... , . , , , . , , , , . 3.29 J.U&nelk phoro album. 6.00 YJ.lue ................ 4.50 Scnp Book, 4.00 vl.fue ................ , ....... 3 .29 Addren Book. 4.00 vi.fut' ..................... 3.00 famou1 makrr boxed Christm.is cirlh , 25 cl!ds ro a box. ,;l.00 ffiur ..•.................. , ....... , ..• 66 boll: pastels and some prints. Some mini's. , .. p,,JI:. 4.00·6.00 ...•••..•........•....•...•....••.•••.... 2.49-2.99 Very famous make fashion siips are lavishly lace trimmed, rrg. 13.00 ........••..•. , ..••.•.•.••••.• 8 .99 Famous make nylon 1ricor briefs, bikinis; 4 to 7 ..••..• 99 . . . . . . . . .. ·················· .................... 3/2.90 FOUNDATIONS. Gossard bandeau. bra. nylon tricot flbc-rfilled cups, reg. S.00, ...•...••.• , .••...... , .. , . , , , ... , .. , .••. 3. 99 Gossard Swing-cue ffiini·panty, wh i1e in S-~f-L, reg. 7 .00 .......•.....•................................... 5.99 Gossard Swing-sc-ne average leg panty. White in S-M-L. reg. 8.00 ............•..••.. , .... , ••. , •..•• , • 6. 99 Gossard Answerettr lons leg: panry. AveT'q,e or lo ng body ~pan in whi1e: S-M·L. reg. 12.00 ...... ···:···· ··••• 9.99 Petal cup couon bra, S.C cup 1n white, reg. ~.00 ••. 3.99 Warner's comfort curve low-cut unclt'rarm brL Whire tn e.c cups, reg.. 6.oo .... : ........... ' .......... 4. 99 Garters Gone.!ll pan1v can be v.·orn with hosiery or pan1 y hose. S-li-1 -L in whi1e. reg. 8.00 .. ·.•., ........ , , .... S . 99 Concr n1r~1c~l\l st raight girdle gives firm conrrol. White. reg. 11.00 ., ................................•.•. 8.99 Concen1rau: M1 :1vera(l.t lc,1;; panty. re(l. I 2,00 ....... 9 .99 Concr-ntrair ~ long leg pan1y, reg 13.SO •..•... l 0.99 Si!fskin comfor1able and light Airdles. White in $.f\.f.J...Xl., rc,ie.. S.OO·R.95 ............................ 3.99-7.19 Youtlicrafr Charmflt bra·slip.has fiberfill-lined nylon tri· cot cups with nylon and Lycr a !9 spo1ndex powernet sides anJ back. Nylon 1ri(Ot slip; v.•hue in A·B-C cups, reg. 7.s o · ...•..•.......••..•..•....•.......•••..••...•..•. 4.99 INFANTS' SHOP . 1969 Color·coordinated Ensemble is by Petrrson 1n exclusive mini-mod pattern: Automatic fold play yarcl. Hea"y-du ry construc1ion with 6-les support, reg. 29.00 . ~· .. , .. ,., ........ 22.99 Siesia Stroller. A s1roller, sleeper, walker. a.JI.in-one-, reg. 2).00 . : ................................. : 19.99 Folda-Tri-Chair folds fla1. Con"erts to )'OU!h, 1hrn 10 u1il· iiychair,reg.18.00 ........................ 14.99 Walker-jumper ad justs tension for heavier baby. Folds Oat for s1orage, reg. 8.00 ... , .. , ........•••.... 6.49 Pe1erson Safe·T·Sea1. Thick foam padded sc-at. *k arm rail aod he1drrsr. Cross shoulder safetr s1rap. Ebonr. royal blue or wl11re washable v1nfl upholstery, reg. I ~.00 .......................................... 11.99 Crease-re11s1an1 shor1-alls! H1·back or button shoulder in plaids. Toddlers 2 to 4 ...•. ,., ..•.•.•.•••.••••• 2.99 NEWPORT CENTER • #I FASHION ISLAND • 644-2200 • • Buffums' .Own ..,,.hite combed cotton briefs are Sanfor· ized. Ha.ve fly front, double seat, elastic wai51band; 4 and 6. rtg. 3/2.)0 •....• : ....................... 3/2.00 Buffums" Own white combed' cotton undershirts with nylon rf!inforced crew necks, short sleeves. Saaforized® 4 and 6, «g. J/2.7l ......... : ............ ,,; 3/2.25 STORE FOR BOYS Buffums· Own quafit)' underwrar: Boys' cotton flannel pajamas, long sleeve. long leg coat ~ryle, sizrs tori,, 8 10 16, rrg.4.00·4.50 •....••• , .. 2.99 Perma·press sport shitt5; 8 to 20, reg. 4.00·5.00, .• : 2.59 Short sleeve kni1 shirts. Mock rurdeneck styling in s1ripe~ • solids ; 8 10 18, rrg. 3.()(). ),,0 •••.• , • , •. • •.•••••• , • 2.19 Boys' Perma-Press bermudas. 'These easy.care bernludas are _polyes1er and c;o!ron blend. Solids and patterns; 8 to. 18 in regulars and shm, reg. ,,00·6.00 ••••••.... J.99 Waterproof nylon parka, surcoat lt"ngth has zip fron'i: quilt lining, is machine washable and dryable; B 10 20. reg. 15.00-17.00 •.•.•••...••••...•..•...• .'. 11.99 Link stitch. bell-sleeve cardigan sweaters. Machine WJSh· able Orlon® acrylic; 8 ro 12, ~g. 9.00,.,,, ••. ,, .•• 5.99 I 4 to 20, reg. 11 .00, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .107.99 CHILDREN'S S HOES Boys' B. F. Goodrich tennis shoes. Some slight itrc-gulars in navy and olive-. Up to boys' size 8, reg. to 7.}0 3.99 B. f . Goodrich tennis shoe' for .itirls; whirr, colors, some irregular. Up to Jiirls' size 8, reg. to 6.,0 .••.•• , •••• 2.99 Famous m-akcr T-s1rap or oxford shoes from rrgular srock in ·red or black; girl.f size 8!.-2 10 growing girls' 4, reg. ~o IJ.00 ........................................... 7.88 Young men's Crosby Square shoes. slip-on styles with .square-roe de5ign, black or brown leather, reg. to 14.00 .......................................... 10.00.12·.oo MEN'S FURNISHJNGS Buffums' Own qualiiy Dicron® and conon undc-rwrar: T -shirts in S-M-LXL, reJt, 3/5.2} .....•••••.•. 3/4,00 Athletic undershirt, S-M·L-XL. rtg. 3/4.50" ..•..••. 3 4..00 Knit brirf 9fitfi elastic band, 30 10 44, reg. 3/4.}0 ........................... ··.· .... 3/4.00 Boxer shorts are perm1nen1 press. White or colors: 30· 4·1, .. ,. 2.00 .............................. 3/4.00 Short sleeve Perma·Ptt'sS dress shins are 1he perfect blc-nJ of 80% Dacron® polyester and 20% couon 1n a sma" Jemi·spreiid collar. from 1. famous maker, reg. 7.00 .................................... 4.99, 2/9.50 Stretch hose of 70% -wool/30% nylon blend arc ,ituaran· 1e«I. Anklet ho"· re3. 1.50 t'ach ............... 3/3.00 Mid·len.sth .... 001 and nylon blend hose guaran1eeci 10 ~f•J up; 6 colors, one 1ize fies 10 10 I;. re5. 2.00 3/4.50 MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 physicians ls beJng assembled "to show church leaders the need," says Hall. ..We nffd," he a~ds,. '1 1to take It out of the reli&ijlul _ field altogeiher.'1 I • THREE 1V{ORE DAYS! VALUES THROUGHOUT THE STORE MEN'S SPORTSWEAR ,I Men's ha.ndsome Orlon~ acrylic link stitch cardipa .1 sweaters, comple1ely washable, teg. ~?:00:, ..•. 12.99 Famous make perma-press jackets of Dacron !J polyes1er 1 and cotton. Lt. blue, gold, green, natural, maize. or navy, ·J0.46. Reg. ll.00 ........................... J0.99 Washable Happi Coat robes are couon terr'/ lined. Smart: fabrics and colors in plaids, prints a11d stripes~ one size • fits all, reg. 18.00 ..•. , ..•.•. , ..•.• , , ••••••• 10.99 Men'' pullover full-faihiOned Ban-I.on® knit shirts ol I\ nylon. Comple[('Jy Washable; whire, black,. aold. grttll or blue; S.M.J..XL, reg. 9.0Q.l 1.1)0 .......... ; •••• j.99 I' ,, I MEN'S CLOTHING \Vool and Dacronil polyester and wool blend fine alaek1 I I ' ' I In hoi:iAck, twill or wonted weaves, reg. 20.00 to 27.50.and ·' reg. 40..00 to 45.00 now ,, ••• : •.•• ,,,, 15.99 to 3'-9"9 I Savt dbrjng our.biggest suit sale. Our famous md:Cr suits aie all from regular .ttock. Labels include': Hjckey 4 Freeman, Stein Bloch, .Michael S1ern. H . free.man., Tem- po and Buffums" Own Crest. Macy models, fabrics and 'olors. Reg. 89.95 to 235.00 •....•• 69.99 ro 179.99 Save on special group of sport coats, 2-button or bluer modeJs in these fine Dacron® polyrster and woal ii°rt coats. Solid colors and assorted panern3; in th'e selecoon.. reg. 6,.()()..7,.00 ••.••••••• : .....•••• , ... , . . • 49. 99 MEN'S SHOES -'. Crosby Square brushed leather slip.on from our "'R'lnch• cro'" collection in gold, mist green or tan; grained Jct.ther in white. 7!1i to 12. Rcg.18.00 ••••••..•.•..• 14.49 MEN'S SHOES .. Mc-n's dress shoes, 1ic or shp-on shoes by famous mall:ers. Many popUlar •~iscontinued styles in grain or smoot~ leather, Reg. lo 39.00.,., •• ,, , •..•...... l 9.99-29.99 VARSITY SHOP : Tradition.a.I drcss shjrt io button down ilnd spread coll-ars. Choose tatteisall~ aod stripes jn all color5 a11d ;ites.. Famous maktrs. Reg. 8.()()..10.00 ...• .' •. 4 .69, 2/9.00 Famous make drc-ss slacks in uadiriooal plain front sryl· ing. 29 ro 38, reg. 20.00.32.)0 •.•....••. 1.5.99, 2/31.00 En1ire stock of natural sho_ulJc-r suits in 100% wool fab. ric s and Dilcron® polyestrr and wool wors1ed suits i " solids, srripes and blends. Regulars 37 to 44. longs 39 to 44, res. 60.00 to 100.00 ...........•....• 44.99. 79.99,;,; Na1ural shoulder f•mous makrr sport coats are 100% wool shetland or wool worstc-d. Reg. S0.00.60.00, 39.99 SILVERWARE Al vin srerlins, 31-pc. set BriJaJ Bouquet and Avila'.. <eg. 440.00 ..................................... 250.00 Vivaldi. reg. 492.00 ..... , .. , •.•. , . , .. , ..•.•..•.. 280.00 All serving pi«es and open stock pieces ..•..•• 25% ort TABLE LINENS "'Carmel" 1exrured riibl('(_loths by California Hand Print. "No-Iron Soil Rt'lrase·· finish. Squares. oblongs :and mp.. kins. sc-(f.fringrd; rounds and ovals arc finished witb ~ matching lnn,;e. Avocado, antique gold or lemon in Av· ril~ r1 yon and cor1on: Sizt's 52x)l, rc3. ),00, ro 65x90 o\·al. '' reg. IS.00 ............................. 3.991013.99 ' Napkios, reg. 1.00 .............. , ... , , , , . , , , ••.• 19 "Jiffy-Dry .. rowel~ by Bucilla, reg. 1.00 ..... , ...•. 8S Je...,ehonc-vinyl tabltcloth is cotton flannel b1cked. ''~ Wipe1 cle1n; .sohd color wi1h a scalloped edse. A•ocado. rJg 00f.~~.I'.~;. ~j.z~·5· :~~~.]: .r.C'~ ... ~·~:.'.~ :~·:;~~~d6~ : Savt' on custom t.1ble pads ... pyroxilin<oattd iea1hcr., cut' or fine'' vinyl aluminum il"\SUla1ion for hea,J8WI«· tion. Fret me1.1ut1ng tcrvicc. Pad' and leaves % off I 1' • " , OTHER DAYS 10:00 TILL 5:30 .:1 j.. I f I • ! f ' ·Fountain Valley ' VOL. 62, NO. 182, l SECTIONS, 36 PAGES ' r. • ' \ ' ! NEWSMEN SC RAMBLE , TOURISTS GAPE ·AS TEDDV Eto\ERG EiS, FROM AUTO ·QUT•SIDE -CAPITOL Se11a to r Returns to Work Aftir Tr<tQtdy Which Cast· Shadoyt Over Promising Car-,r Guard s Recove r Body-o f Man , 22, I: Dro·wned in Surf • The body of Charles W. Darensburg, 22. I tr Downey, was recovered Wednesday I morning by Huntlnglon Be3ch lifeguards 1 in surf cff 23rd Street DHrensburg wall reported missing Saturday by tvlO friends who said he panicked in heavy surf ne.ar the Hun- t 1 irigton Beach Pier and disappeared. He was a poor swimmer, they said. Darwburg'1 death bring11 to five the -llWllber of swimmers missing the paM l \VI'.> months off city and state beaches in Jlunllngton Bea~. Four bodies have been recovered. The only missini; S\~:irruner still not found is Elmer Nelso n, 20, of Riverside, '\'ho was lost off lluntlngton State Beach J uly 18. Bodies found include Dean H\lrt. 14. or Pico Rivera, Jost July 15 and ·found July l!l near Surrsi<lc; Larry Taylor. 24, of Huntington Beach, an e a r I y morning surfer whose body was found June 27 rrcar lhe bluHs; and Gregory Smith, 11i, of Cypress, Who was reported mi ssing J u- ly 22 from Bolsa Chica State Beach and fi>und J uly 24 in Seal Beach. Early riptides and heavy surf. com- bined with inexperienced swimmers are h\a1ned for the incr2asc in drownings this ,·ca r by Max Bowman. assistant director ior harbors and beaches for Hunting~on Beach. "Only three or the five rirownings har:, rened while lifeguards were on duty, raid Bowman. Other~ he pointed out were rarly morning swimmers on deserted be:ich arcns. "Too many people were too anxious to ~el to the ocean this year," he added, •·and they just weren't prepared ror the 11e2vy surf that hit us early in the su m- mer " There have only been thre e drO\Vnings -t~·o this year -recorded in Hun- l ington Beach in 20 years while city lifeguards were on duly, said Bowman. "During tha t same period. we've 'pro- bably made 90,000 rescues and seen more than four million people come to the hc:!r;h," sai d Bowman. "However." he added," a lot of rirov.11· ln&'i ha\·e occurred during the night or rarly morning when no guards were on du\\·." tinderllninJ? the difference b2lween r.uarded and unguarded b e a c h e s , no~·man pointed out that one year Japan -\vilh no lifeguards -had 300 drown· lnizs, while Southern California beaches average only 20 drowninp per year. Homemade Bomb Explodes in CdM A homemade firebomb exploded in the rlriveway of Corona de! '-far High Schdol Assistant Principal, Robert J. Hughes <'arly this morning. lt damaged his car slip.htly. Hughes said he heard a looud crashing sound in the driveway at l :20 a.m. and \\'enl out to lnvesUgate'. He found the smouldering remairul o( a bottle and a charred wick and the smell ' -' -' Six of Nine Candidates File f 01· Valley Election Nine potenlial candidales have picked indica ted he will oppose the mayor. up papers and six ,of those actually filed 'Three m~n. Paul C. Guiso. 17576 Santo for the speelal recall election Sept. 23 in Domingo St.; Paul P. Sav'arlno, 10719 El Fountain Valley as of 10:30 a.m. today. Centro Ave.; and Bernie P... Svelslad, 9ll03 llir.dJine lor filing was noon. El . TuUpaii Circle, have indicated O{>- The latest man to pick up papers was positioo to Vice Mayor OQnald Fttgeau. GeQrge ·Scott,.llift'lS Spruce Cite.le, who ·Councilm1n · J~ .• ~r_!&~· .has sai<l Wed..Wy Ii< plaOI to !JPpQSe drawn four oppcmWU., ~n -SI\~ ~~:ii ~~~\9;·Fo~.: ,l~~i~im!~~!.~ tom Valley Jaycees -four Jayqes are C'tlrk Stl' and Dorlald E. Fta~. 1.,..-Uos rufi.Jng in Ule 1eall tlectimf -and is Leones St. 'l, 1 ~ : ' •• cllrr!ntly pr'e!klenl or lbt board of d\rec-S~t. SaYi.rino, ·Gui~ 1Ucbar'ds, tors for 't.!le FoUntaln VaLt~Y Boys Club. Svelstad and Sbeitkman:h&d aclqall1 fltel:J He had aigned petltians . to recall the their candidQcy with· the -city clerk as of mayor and two other councilmen. press lime today. One 0;ther man. attbmey Robert A complete list of candidates will be Sa.s5one, 10444 El Tulipan Circle, has also available tomorrow. Senators Rebuff. Nixon, 01( Only 6-month Surtax WASHINGTON (AP) -The Senal• voted today for a six month! extension of the JO percent income tax curcharge In· stead of the full year's continuance 1sked by Presicrent Nixo:i. The 51-48 vote was to adopt 1 rider sponsored by the Senate Democratic leadersh ip to tJ:ie House-passed bill pro- viding·for the extension to Dee. 31 . However. the Republicans will have a later opportunity to offer an amendment calling for a 12·months extension so the initial u 5;;1Jt was not conclusive. The. Senate moved quickly into voting in the showdown over the bitterly debated surtax iuue. Both sides ~tcltled to forego most of the time aHotted them for debate. While Nixon has been poshing for a 12· month extension Senate Democratic leaderr;, seeking lo keep up pressure for general tax re vision, agreed to support only a si>.-months extension. Before the vote on a six-months ex- tension, Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of 11\inois, the Republican leader in the Senate, said President Nixon would sign such a bill if that is all Congress woulil pass. 111e six-month extension was supported by 4fl Democrats and 6 Republican s and opposed by 37 Republicans and 11 Democrats. Sen. George S. McGovern (D- S.D.), did not vole. cf kerosene. • , Ponce .said Hughes' car, perked .in the; , drlvew-ay, had minor burft damage·kJ .3~ ... [ender. • 'I The Mol~ ~il i.pparen\l y was tl\rown rromrt:~i car. It caus::d no sll-uctural damt1gt to Hughes' home in Ea~lhluff. Office.rs qucted the administ rator as !i11.yihl he believed the Incident was done by an an&r1 student. i DISl'ATCHliR,S..WRl 'tf..,MISSAOES TO A.V Geno Mulholm (left), Stovo Rother! U11 • ' ' • • N.Y. Stocks TE N CENTS • l(enned.y Bbws Out ' . Rules S·elf Out of 1972 Race • WASHINGTON '(UPl)-S.n. Edward P.1. Kennedy, (0-P.faD.), declared toMy he would derinitely not seek · t4e pml- dcncy In 1972. lie said he ·was dlsinclined to make the race even before an automo- bile accident clouded .biJ 'POiitical career nearly two weeks ago. "The events of the recent past make definite what alread.Y was an inclination of mine," Kennedy fold repOrters on his return to Capitol Hiii. Jn a brief corridor news conference, Nixon Visits India, Urges 'Neiv' Peace · NEW DELHI (UPI) -President Nixon called on the leaders and tht nations .of the world tonight to commit themselves "to a new con~of peatr." ttm.Lwoµld!"_ renou'nce wan and find a construcUYI atternativt to revoluUon. In a toast ~ellvered at a state banquet given by acUna lndlfn-Prelid,Ot Moham· . mad Hldayatullab Nixon Ont~ the pe•ce as ~e that :•comb~, cooUntpty and Change, stability 1nd11roeress, tradl· tlOn and innovellon, a pffce that tums the wondei's of 'selence to the service of man." He ~id auch i. peice ~u\d value diversity and "respect the itgbt of dH· ferent peopltl to live ,by a , d~ferent • the first since the accident, Kennedy said he would have no more comment-now or ever-oo the tragedy lil which a yoUng \vo1nan, was killed wben . the car he was driving plungeCI off ·a brtage. "I've tried to the best of my ablllty in the reporu I ma4e .to give .. tre .facts of, ~he incident," Kennedy said. '11 wouldn't· have any further comment." He "''S warmly .w11lcomed back to the Senate by Democratic Leader Mike f\.1ansfleld and given 1bandshakes by Re· • publican Whip Hugh Scott and other .... ton. Kennedy stood by • 11-1ansfle!d at the usual presesslon briefing with newsmen and after the Senate .convened shortly after 11 ca.m .• his first words fram the floor were : "Mr. President: r move the journal oC the minUles of the prevlouJi meeting be approved as read.'' Only a half dozen senaton were Jn the chamber u the session opened. As (See ·KEN~EDY, Page Z) •· 8torJ .n Mn. Nllon -Page'· ...... ---: . · 1 • '"'' ......... "-''"-•• · ~111)'111.R .Pl!OTO, SHQWS VIEW. OF MARS FROM 201,M MIU$ OUT system -an4 ~il~~-i!-.-.-::S.,teritl,'10' Ex•I"'!;~ CINeue Shots of Red Plo~t D~ Tonl9~! · Wt; •· 11. :..I 'I , :''-.. :J~ ,,. _., ~ • t r :i • 1 , " -..:.vs:~ , •¥-.. "! ~ '!'i,. . · ,_ 'In liiloo.liI(~'tor . ·' · • 7 ".1.1'£~>: . 1'.1' -1l'.t"'. ' ·=~~litt«NJ!!ed ,,,.c<..a·· nrtneru.1 · · S1"'4ear1l1ars, aasuredtndll tbe United StJtes'~ta 1• T"·~· l ~ •" :-c ' , .~ + r \1 ~ 111 Policy .of .mit..aUjpll1Jent am 'lb' " 1 • · · ' -.-..1 • " ~-M det.ermh\aaUon to play 1!1 rote ln the • ' · ' ' ' • · ' , ' Ph ... ~~.:·,.:~:.1·~tai:•i::.i-~.c. ;, Gets 'Fasc. inatin. g .. · o_.to. s preserved but that It be preserveil," .be· sakl. · During the day Nixon had met for 90 minutes with Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to discuss such problems a.s India's fears of Pakistan and 'Communist China. They also discussed the Vietnam War and when they had finished Mrs. Gandhi told re.porters the United States "appeats to come all the way to what hu beeil Our policy in Vietnam." In the pas:L she has severely crltic!Jed U.S. policies uiere and called for withdrawal of U.S. troop.11 ... Nixon new here lrom Bangkok and began bis meetings in 96 degree monsoon heat that failed to lessen the welcome of . the grtttings by an estimated 100,000 In- dians who turned out to Y>'&Ve, smile and toss nowers in hl1 path. Two small anti-American demol\Stra- tions marred the day. A group of 200 Communists gathered· along the route of the motorcade shouted "Go home!" and waved anti-Vietnam War s Io g a n s . AnothC{' group of extreme 1 e J t I s t socialisls shouted similar slogans a.s Nix- on laid 8·wrealh and planted a tree at the monument to Monhandas K. Ganhdi, father of Indian lndependence. A main topic of conversation between Nixon and Mrs. Gandhi was Russia's re- cent move to set up so-<:alled security ar· rangements with the major naUons of (See NIXON, Page I) PA~AOENA (AP) -Mariner ! Oell wlt}lln Z,130 mile1 of Mars Wednesday night , Jta cameras snapping closeups that a pi;oject spokesman promilied would be ''.fascinating .. " W~t the pictures contain w1s not im- n1ediately known but sclentlst.1 were '° sure' the quality was exc;ellent that they ordi!:red U'le.m displayed on monitor• for newsmen as soon as they are received at Jet Propulsion Laboratory .starllng at 5:36 PDT tonight. They earlier bad planned to study the. pictures for 24 hours and then release selected prints. •·we don 't know exactly what we villi ' see," a spokesman said, "and ~me ol it fll#IY be confusing, but' 'We ar~ ·,~e that many of the pictures will have fascinating detafls never seen before." Mariner t and a !Jlster . s~cect'aft, ~tarincr 7. ran into· technical problems over night. Mariner 6's trouble vtas minor , failure of a device designed to sense lhe chemistry of the thin Martian at- mvsphere. The extent of Mariner 7's difficulty was not Immediately detennlned. It went silent for seireral ho11Ts but technicians later p!cked up a weak signal after switching to another anteMa. The Speedy Firemen Electronics Helps Pinpoint Fires /J: spacecraft also appeared to be ~lllng. "We don't know what the' trouble ·11 or wheth~r it -will affect. Mar.Iner rs ability to send pictures when ·it. com"ea within camera range Friday," a spokesman said . . Mariner 6, arte r televising Wednesday night a series or approach phologtaphs showing that Mars may be as crater· pocked as the moon, ma'de a 17-minute camera run cl~P: to the Martian equator at 10:lt p.m. Pot. ~ · - Its path wail'over a band of i:lark area s thought by some scientists to be vegeta· tior.. Twenty-four pictures were snapped and 1tored on tape for transmissi o n t'arthward ton ight. Twelve pictures were taken by · a telephoto Camera and 12. by the wide- angled camera which made the earlier approach shots. Some of the wide-angled pichU'es were to cover hundreds of sq uare miles. The telephoto camera was to snap highly magnified pictures of areas within the vdde-angle frames: some 5how lng details as small as 900 ieet across. Hoffa Bail DeQ.ied CINCINNATI (UPI) -The U.S. SiJ:t.; Circuit Court of Appeals today denied ball for Jam ea R. Hoffa, fo r m er Teamsters Uhlon President now serving. a term in a Pennsyl\lan1a federal prison. Orange Weather Turn on the air conditioner or get out to the beach because hot weather is in atore for the coast during the weekend, with temp- eratures heading into the high 80s. J INSWE TODAY , A. criti.call.Y burnca .uouno sp.Uor hQ.S ·tffought' about a miraL'ulow bi& o/ Rusriait· A metican /rlend!hip whUe tt- ~upe;rqt.ing m 1.flon.oluh' ho~­""" rllll• '<ff· ...... 1 .... ""' • t't "-~\ l \'"' .-1~ .J •. •~. -n ·~Mn~ .,., Clllftnl!t ' 1 .... , ...... • II ('""""' ,..., MllftMlt ..... • ... C-kt u Or-.. """"' ... c,.....,.. " ., .. hfw ,. DNtfl Httlett I llc1lf """"' l).lt ~-12 .,.,,. ll•ff • .,,..,,., ..... ' 1""* ,...,... t•n •11ttntlMMI n ~ n "'-"'-1 .. n twf """--14 ··-• A• WMen 1a ww• .,...,. .. _ __:. 6 b ',... .... ,_ • ' l • 1 ,I I I, lf DAil V PllDT H • Confession Rule Eased U.S. to Submit, 'N~ W ll,rning Adm.~s~ns. ~'illil • •:~ ~.;.;.. ' iiiO'iali"be ~ IO ·ibl .ioutt u evidea$." Mltcbell aald. • , t . . - WABHINGTON '(UPI) -Atty. 0"1. John N. Mitchell did today "voluntary confessions" given to federal officials who may not have warned a suspect of his rl&bLI wW IUU be offered in collrt. as evidence by govemment proseeutors. ... We believe that a failure to give a full warnina: does not necessarily mean lhat the confesaion ls Invalid and that the department should automaUcally concede an ertW,'1 MitcheU told a Houae com· Los Amigos High ~~::,.~~tho IUpttme decllloa, lmirofll ' u IJ. "Miranda Case," requlring police to warn a suspect of the charges against him and of his right to remain allenl and be represented by a lawye1 "was a great psychological blow to the morale of our local police departments. "If a federal official lnadvertenll,y fails lo give a full warnln1, the Department or Justice now believe. that the confe.ulons Foul W aterCleanedOut Of Valley Sch~ol Pool • Fouled water In the swlmmlq pool at 1.os Amigos H1gh School, Fountain V..Uey, has bee.n cleared up and the pool b back in full operation today. The pool was closed Wednesday from \0 a.m. lo 5 p.m. because someone had dtleealed in the water lhe night before, iald si.n Stafford, director of Parks and recrutlon. We had to Increase the chloration and tun all the water through the filtering aystem to mtke sure the pool wu safe, erpllln'-Ct Stalford. Wednesday was nol the f I r s t time someont had left human wute around the poal, "but It WU the wont problem we've had ," he added. Police units have been uked to patrol the school area at night to stop what authoritlu believe are neighborhood juveniles sneaking orer the fence at night. "'People were swimming in the pool Wedneiday nlght and there is no problem with the water now," said Stafford. About 150 youngsters miued swimming lessons Wednesday morning. They will be given make-up lessom Saturday morning, said St.a.Uord. '1f tbe problem Is cau,ht at nl&ht,'' CMCluded Stalford, .. we can cure it before the J>OOI even opens in the morn- ing." The attorney general said he has issued an executive order Instruct.Ing federal of· ficiall Ao follow lhl1-new-policy. He said he acted under provisions of the om.nl~s crinle bill paMed last year by Coll&l'fSS, Despite \he decWo~ by Mitchell to follow Olja new policy, it will be. le.ft up to the courts ti) irule on eadJ cue as it tJ . presented. Noguchi Wi11s Coroner Job Back in LA T "~ ANGELES (AP) -'fhe County Civil Service Commission reinstiied Dr. Thomas T. Noguchi aa chief medical ex· amlner~roner today, overruling the Board of Supervisors. The commission had been considering the case since it ended a month -long ap· peal hearing . Commission Chainnan 0. Richard Capen said the C<:1unty hadn 't produced proof necessary to sustain Noguchi's fir· 1ng. Supervisors £ired the .Japanese-born pathologist after receiving reporb con· lainlng some of the most unusual charges made against a public official here. The hearings, from ~tay 12 until June 24, produced 3,000 pages of testimony from about 80 v.1tnesses. Noguchi u didn't take the stand. ' ' Newport · Offici_als Wo The list of accusations against Noguchi r-I•y totaled 60 at one poinl -~--~cowi1y -attomeyt-..--T1n; Over Unregulated Guard~ Newport Beach city official• aren't happy about anned, but un~l\J]ated and ~bly untrelned, private patrolmen ·.iervtn& u interior prds and watchmen for bualn.,. flmu. 'l1le City Council Is ukinl the t:allfomla League of CIUe1 to r,ush for it.ate leci1latlon that woold p ace the patrols under local jurisdic tion. . Cou.ncl1 actioa, which wu unanimous, 125 Homeowners Form to Fight New Hospital • About 125 Westminster and Garden Grove homeowners Wednesday night establlabed a lesal fund to fight con· structlon of a IU-bed psychiatric hospital at 10524 Bo!Ja Ave., Westminster. . Sal Guuetta, of Westminster , ~halrman ol the group v;hlch calls It.sell the Westmbut.er.Oarden Grove Homeow· ner1 Association, said pledges totalling $680 were reoe.ived to tttaln a lawyer who will ''help us 10 11 far as we can." · He indicated \hit the asMCiation may geek a court Injunction against the hospital because the Westminster City Council allegedly did not thoroughly in· .vestigate the matter . The City Council by unanimous vote recently overturned a planning com· miss.Ion decision to ban the hMpita1. The lon1·Lerm facility drew fire rrom the homeowners on several occasions before the City C0W1cil. They maintained 1t would lower property values and be detrlmenlal to nei&hborlng homes as well as the. paUents, they said . . Guzzetta said the assoclallon would rne 1 request for another hearing berore the council within 48 hours. Meanwhile it hss hired attorney ~1ilan Doslal of Orance to build a case. DAILY PILOT OliNGa CO.UT PUSllSHING COM~AM'I' Roh1ll N. Wttd Prt1idtfll .,., l"vltl•~r J1i~ R. Cv•I.., Viet Prtal°'nl '"° Gtfllttf Mt11t1tr lkOMll ICet•iJ f.01!0I' Th•,,.tl A. l.Au•phine M1 ..... n, fOll1t1 Alhtfl W. l1l•• .U-let. l:flllf Nt 111tl11tt•11 1 .. ch OHie• JI)' 5th 511111 M1il;n9 Add11111 P.O. lo• 7t0, t26~1 Othr OHie" fflfl-1 lffcll• lll ! W•>I 11111)1'1• ll<WllJ\llt. Co1l1 Men J)O 'o'l t•I av $•'"'~' Lt•u,... tt..cc~: Jl1 lor.ll 4,,_,,.,,. DAl\."r fl!l.Ot. "'I"' •~kl> 11 Cll'tll'""' -........ ,,__ ....... bl ....... •••l<r ••<fO'I ~ flf II> -••I• otU-fOf' H""U"''" ~ F-.1J11 \t•lltJ. COl!t M.,.., Htw- ,..,1 Stadl t rd t.t~\1111 ·-~. 1:-,.,111 ,_ f .. ioolll ffll~ .. Ori"" (Mii J'.,..11.,,_ .. c-r PIW...., "''"" .. ,. 11 nu w .. 1 .. !~ l h <!, Nl,.,i>t•I 1 ...... 11. .... ~· Wnl Pit¥ Sl•ffl. COii• 1.'111. TN,ltetf 11'141 442·4121 ,,_ W..t.Mlt.,. Cell l4e-1 J!Q ct•lflff Mffrflltwt M2·1671 -_£"'' OI'-(Mll Pvtl!Olil"" C.00--"' "'" 1 I•t ••1, ni..,1tr11...,1. '41...,.. !IP! Cl lf"ft1<11'fM'tll Nl~WI -t .. ,_Of\IUOI •111\fU! '"'' lo01 P''"' .. l>Gll """"'°' ... o .. ,.,. lot«.._ C .... POt'wtt 01' al N•-" fl~I .... (t111 1*11• ('tl>'tr~·I '.\tu• lllV I• (.lrfkf' U" -"'!\'' '' "'''' J~ M _,,lllly1 1'11111 ... t fotfU.wotilf!I, ti." ,...,lfllY. '~ ' · came. at the requut or City Tully Seymour. Atlortiey He noted that WI' "a variety or reasons" the number of private la" en· forcement agencies has risen very rapid· ly over the pa1t.1everal years. . "These a1encles provlde v a r lo u s servlcts on a contract basis," he tX· plained. "They may furnish personnel to act a.s interior guards lor banks and plants. These men never leave the premises and are employed exclusively by one employer. We have a few or these operaUons in Newport, such as at the Philco.Ford plant ~er cates find guards who pat«1l 1n uligned number of bulldinp and outside areas, 11enerally all under a single ownershi p. These are common on con· strucllon sites and may include driving a vehicle throughout the tract. "Finally, there is the situation where a neighborhood hires a private street patrol to supplement the regular city police fq,ncUon." He sai<I there Is no private street patrol in Newport at present. And it Is only this type of law-enforcement service that may now be. controlled legally by· the city, he emphasized. Seymour pointed out that the courts have held that cities are otherwl.se pre- empted by the state from regulating othei' private patrol functions. He con- cluded: "fn view o[ the fa ct that the state law does not furn ish standards for these employees, and since they do appear to have o£ficial aulhority and carry dangerous weapons, without any required training, it is essential that local regula· tionJ be. imposed." Clues Sought In Sniper C™e Seal Beach Police today are still look· Ing for clues leading them to a sniper v.·ho Monday morning fired several PQt ahots at a movln1 cab. narrowly missing tts driver. Lt. Robert Garia said the fi ve shots fired at cab driver Sherman \V. Burdine ~·hile he was driving along Pacific Coast Highway appeared to have come from a wooded area, making It difficult to flnd the expended cartridge cases. The slug striking the driver's car ap- parently entered and left through the windshield. leav.ing no traces al lead heh· ind. he added. There appears to be no doubt that Burd~ was actually subjec.ted to sniper fire . police ~aid, since officers heard the shots fired . Burdine has since quit his job. Syrian Bombers lilt Israel Land Positions Sy ti•ltH l't'-llMrutlolNI Syrian bombers attacked Israell sround positJons in the occupied Golan Heights today f.or the firsl time since lbe end or the 1967 Middle East War. 0bservers called it another escalation o( the air war in the fl.tidea!l. !ht bombina: took place near ~1ount Hennon "heri an lsrae.11 military spokwnan in Tel Aviv uld Israeli 60ldiers killed an Arab euerrllla today at a loss of ooe lsraell wounded. laraeli itruck this guerrilla an?a \Yednesday wlth planes. ( Japanese-American coroner of : -Dancing and saying "I hope he dies" alter Sen .. Robert F. Kennedy was shot by an assw1n. . -Beaming joyfully at the height of en influenza epidemic that filled autopsy rtK11m1 with corpses. -Saying "l pray, I pray there is anolher air craah" after two airliners plunged into the Pacific Ocean off Los Angeles. -Planning a "forensic mafia" that would place him in charge of all coroner cases v.·est or lhe 1tfissl.ulpp1. . -Threatening to kill aides wbo opposed him. Beach Planners Decide Complex Fate on Aug. 5 Planning commWionera will decide the fate of tlie largest apartment complex ever proposed for Huntington Btach at 7;30 p.m. Aug. 5 in the city council cham· bers. The 828-unit facility Is planned for con· strucUon on approximately 30 acrea or land at the southwest corner-or Atlanta Avenue jl;nd Beach Boulevard. It would feature tennis courts over the parking areas as well as some four-story buildings, designed to give the ruidenl.1 a view of the ocean. Developers Voorheis, Trindle and Nelson of Newport Beach will ask the commission to change the present oftlce professional and general business zoning to a multiple family residence district ti.> allow the construction ot the unlll. They have stated that the development will be in conkirmance with the general intent of the city's master plan and will be complimentary to the community and local neighborhood. Other matters e-0ncernin& the com· missioners at the Tueaday meeting in· elude an application for a 196-lot tentative tract at the northwest comer or Atlanta Avenue and Brookhurst Street and a con· dltional exception to allow the con· struction of an Edison Company substal· ion near Golden West Street and Ellis Avenue. Pledge to Flag Due Friday Nigl1t The Veter..1ns of Forelsn War!I, Coastline P05t 3a26, Friday night will ot· fer a Alute to the American Flag by moonllght on the Ne~rt Pier. Post C.Ommander Louis G. Corrido said the 11 p.m. proeram will honor the na· tion's Flag and the astrooauts who plac- ed It on the moon. The pubUc is invited to participate in the pledge or alleglanct, he aald. '"Repeating the pledge over the 'Pacific Ocean," Corrido explained, "is in gratitude of the knowledge that the American Flag stands over 111 lhe ideals held dear to the American heart wherever one may be on earth." Apollo Astronauts Talk Abo ut Flight SPACE CENTER. Hooalon (Al') -The Apollo 11 moon men, found rm so far or any effects from lunar dust, dl.scUssed their moon ld\•enture today with a trio who'll retrace the path thty blutd. Nell A. Armstrong, 1,:dwin E. Aldrin Jr. and Michael Colli111 talked with otht.r n1embcrs of lhe astronaut corps. In· eluding the crew or Apollo ll. ::chedu1ed lo land oa the. moon in Novambl.r, Feud E11de(l Over Tract . -· Apru1m~ts, Pacific Sutaset Figures silhouetted by Wednesday's setting ·sun found relief from .,..r11rrent hot spell by jog_g!ng through water at beach's edge. Re- -member Jifn·rinen we-CUTrrp!ainea · aboll'tirtt-those--'•Jow=clonds--'._·· and the generally dank weather? What do you bet some folks with. "t short memories are complaining about the current run of sunshine and v.1arm temperatures? Fro111 Pnge 1 KENNEDY ... Democratic v.·hip, Kennedy, 37, took his scat to the left of M~nsfield. and thumb-- ed throt.tgh the Congressional Record. Sens. Herman F. Talmadge, (D·Ga.), and John Stennis, ([).t.1iss .), walked over to i;hake his . band. Earlier Kennedy had edged his way through a crowd of reporters surround- ing 1tfansfield at the press briefing. No- licl ng the Democratic whip, l>fansfield pulled him by the arm aod said "Come here, riJht back where you belong." Wearing a blue suit with his black tie somewhat askew, Kennedy stood by as ~lansfield ansv.·ered questions about the income surtax due for a vote today and !he antiballistic missile sysfem expected to come to a vote next week. As Kennedy, looking tanned and calm, arrived at the capitol and walked up the steps leading to the Senate. a report· er a!~ed If he was pleased to be resuming hls Senate duties. He replied, "Fine. Glad to be back at work." Kennedy arrived in a small blue con· vertible driven by a man identified as Claude Hooton, a former Harvard roommate and long·tin1e friend. Ab out 200 newsmen and tourists swarmed around him as he emerged and walked quickly up the front steps of the Senate. Before returning to Washington Wed. ne!day night, Kennedy issued a state· ment sayln1 he had decided not to resign his seat and also planned to seek another 7 STYW TO CHOOSE FROM term in t9i0. I[ elected then, he said, he v.·O!.lld serve the full six year term. In the artermath of the controversy su rrounding the auto accident, Kennedy asked the people of "1assachusetts to indicate if he should remain 1s their senator. Their response was an overwhelmin& "Yes." * * * Soviets Defend Sen. Kennedy MOSCO\V (UPI) -Right·wing enen1i~ ere "hounding" Se.n. Edward ~I. Kennedy about his fatal autcmobile accident in an attempt to drive him from office a Soviet newspaper said today. ' Komsomotskaya Pravda, newspaper or the Young Communist League, recounted details of the July 18 accide nt lhat Id.lied Mary Jo Kopechne and said that under normal circumstances "the story would hnve ended lhere, but the story has a sc· quel." ''From the story o[ the calaslrophe, we learned of the bounding campaign begun in the U.S. against Kennedy by ciocles hostile to him," the newspaper ~id. 87 Tl!RRY cOVUU: Of IM C!ail1 ''"' Jl!ff AppiM'ltly there will ~ peace Jn al least one local valley-the Green. Valley pl1nned development tract in Fountain Valley. Home owners 1n Creen' Valley have ended· their feud w.itb de , '\•per Georce Jiolsteln over propoHd apirtn}enll within the plaMecl d<velopme11L' Angry bomeowper1 had· approached the city council last week with conctrn over a zone change already approved that l'rould allow 170 apartment units within their complex. But Saturday, representatives of the homeowners a~ not to oppose the .ap- proved apartments ill exchange for Hol,.. tein's wotd that no more apartment ion- ing would be requested within Green Valley. "It . was really a swap,0 said Paut Savarino, a homeowner representallve "we agreed not to oppose his 170-unit apartment, if he would airee to drop plans for 130 .units on another part of Green Valley." · Savarino pointed out that homeowners feared apartments would destroy the ''ownership aspect" or thelr ·common lawns and shared recreational facilities. Another part of the compromi&e nach· ed Saturday involved including t.be owner of the apartment -Holstein or whoever else -in the homeowners and recreation associations, and paying for the recrea· lion on the basis oi 170 apartments. No absolute decision was made on nnc large strip of property along Warner Avenue. which is now commerciall)' zoo· ed. but home owners fear might be t'henged to-apar-tments.-.--- "Holst.ein agreed to consult the homeowners and submit to arbitration, if and when he ever wants to change the zoning on hls 'Varner Avenue land," said Savarino. Stability in the Green Valley master plan has been the basic concern of homeowners. They feel concessions granted by Holstein Saturday will guarantee tbat stability. From Page 1 NIXON ... Asia agains( any menace from Red ~jna. Jndia has been cool to the Idea. ,Nf'lon challenged the necessity of it in a speech. Nixon told newsmen later the talks "·ere "very Ulleful" but did not elaborate. Other socrces called the talks "very cor· dial" and .. wide ranging." _Nixon had got off to a ·good start with ~rs. Gandhi by telling her in a welcome statement something she wanted" to hear -that A.!llan problems must be solved by A~lans without the influence of outside big powers. Beach Musical Date Rescheduled "Tell It Like It ls,'' a folk mu!lical sponsored by the Youth Coalition Com· mittee during Huntington Beach's Youth Culture Week has been re-scheduled. The program was originally scheduled for 8 p.m. tonight at P.1arina lligh School. Instead it will be held at 7 p.m. Aug. 24 at the Ellis Avenue Baptist Church. SOFA BED SALE! Th11 • •r• very comlori•ble 1of• b.d1 l4'f' SittiPlg and SIMpift9. A wicl• t•l•ctlo" ol Ft1bric:1 and Colon +• ~hocu from.. ·~ •.DD Now 299 .00 H.J.GAl\l\EfT fURNITtJRE PROFESSIONAL INTEJUOl DESIGNERS • f 22 IS HARIOl ll VD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 64~0275 646-0216 • • • ! '. 'J ~ I • I' I I ~ • ' • I • • • • • J L Iii -Teday'• flUI • • ~tit .. -N.Y. Steeb ----~ -.. .., :;r;... ·~ + . ~ ... . ' • l • I , T VOt 62, NO. 182, 3 S&CTIONS-, 36 PAGES • •• , tHUR'SDAY, J\J\. Y l I; 1969 TEN CENTS I I .... As You W.e~e on Bti 4get ..... · ~S8v.ing P·roves ·Myth By JACK CHAPPELL Of .. Dli" ,.. ,, ... A f!M,541 .. vlngs ouppo>edly found on paper by the Laguna Beach Taxpayeni' AsfiCM:laUQQ eVlPofDled Wednesday ' nigbt in· ·the heat oI a point.by-point ex· amination of the terse, highly critlcal &ludy. Following the lengthy study session , at times marked by agil8.1ed retorts" from normally cool .Mayor Glenn E. v;edder, councilmJ!n agreed to put the $3.44 • .. • s ' -acttrbed by Inaccuracy and Jn. coosl>~lf· . -ln ·a .rebuttal araument before the coun- cil. City Manager James ·Wheaton said the Savlnp p~ by'the cit!zen groop altnply does not e:list. . "The chara.cteril.ation of the budget as Inaccurate and inconsistent is .dUe lo the lack of ramiliarJty with the' budget organiJ.ation and. budget preparatioo, ·• · Wheatpn said. • Po[rits criticized by lh'e association .in- • • eluded '1dou:ble ~eled i1tms'"'relaUnc to police and cify vebiclts, to '1'lntreased pel"$0Mel" and travel allucat!OM. Wheaton pall}ltd ''l"t th< alleged "dou· ble budgeilng" felltt am0ui1led ~ an ac- e-Oun Ung proc¢Ute by which vebi~lts are purchased by th< city, lh<n -led to various departm,ents wlfh"' lhose ch4f1es re-paid to the Qty. He said that the claimed Increases in personae! really amount¥ "11~ to chang- ed fob tltles for · per15on1 already mploy<d by the dty, not lncreued employment. . ' Travel allocations ~ #;GOO were defehdeCI by,..Mayar· Vfdder, •P£ifl.l0Ull- cllmen as ..,....ry, allliciup Ifie Ill<· p3yers' gnlup c'1le4 (Of 1J1MUD& the,.cost In ·hatt. . "I doo~ I~ thal""f allhlt.,_ ii wuted," Vodiler Bild. •1n 11 •m'Tim- portant that membeta of.1he councll.and department htad1 ,attend aemioafl and • confeftncel. We CID1 jull 1lt W. and look out."· Vtdder noled llill be liq allendeil two c:onferencea thJs year, one tbe Santa 8arba1'11. OU cohl....,.. and the olbor oo 1eologlc problelDI ml pabllc ..._, Follow!ni Wheilon'1 -lcJn· al th< ta~er11 repcrt. .,. ail. WU1iam E. Butcl!et, rroup .,..._.., -to •mP.ll(Y aome ,,~-pelnla. Butcher said ·Uilt U. ctt,, lte the (See BIJDGEI', 'l>ap II un 1n ' Down the M •. l~SIOD ' ~ . ' .. ~ ..... ,, . , Jlegiona.I ---~----r .ra1 . . Jiospittal\·~·· Plan TQld i'I Couple's Son Gets Army Medal f\11SSION VIEJO-The son of a tl-1\ssion Viejo couple has been awa rded the Bronze Star Medal fi>r heroism "'·bile schring ·as a platoon le&.der in Vlelnam. f'.rrr>Y _I§~-L~.· _ ~l~h?aj T.· McCra_c~en, 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arline McCraclt- •11. ~7)» Ile~ Ave., WU leadin&! his p1a10on'Wlllt~;e,'!nl! Battlhon, 14th Infantry, when 1hey drew' heavy guerrilla lire. ' By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of .... DfiflY f'lllt 11"1 . Pressed by industrial, residential and recreational development .on. every side, directors of South COast Community Hospital are planning an $11 million regional health center built around the ,emting faciltiy. . lf ·al\ ps.well, Adplinistrat.Qr Stanley · \\': VOija said~" the .COnlJ)lex fea\Ur ... ina a~' v ~-~oslic 1a~f.... .,, -~... -,, l,,._ili-~ • .. • " \'IDIN. . awq·· ... ., ~ . • ~ \ fly nut,.IPl'ing. .... • The Wltal h8s applied for $3 .SS million in l'ederal fttndi 1lridtt the HiU-- Harrill Ad.· with a helt1nl 1be£ore the · State Mviloey 'Hospital camcil In late 1169 OI! early next ,y~ar., . i.a'ck of available t.unds •Pijlied few la11t "fltli coritp ete disregard lor his own ~ere~y. McCracken u:posed himself to deadly shelling, .Organli.ed his men and direCted their fire on Uie Viet Cong." his citation reads. He then Jed his ·men to safely. year sti.lled a. $5,446,899 expansion plan· , .. for the existing sOub1 ·eoast Community · ' · , Hospital, but-Ii includi<l'in tfie Ii.wist ~t; NEWSMEN SCRAMBLE , TOURISTS-GAPE ·J>.s T.EODY EMERGES FROl,I ' Al:ITO OUTSID'E CAPITOL •Capo O~ftJI" Biidget · tempttok:eeppaCewitlicmqitygrow\h. , . , , Sen,.tor Return1 t;o ·~ork Aft1r,Tr•aedY' Whlcl; C•tt .Shadow Ov1r Pramlilng .CMetr SArf JUAN .CAP.ISTJt!-NO....:... The City T!1e a~plicoeat~:.b·clicl~~~ ~~(! .. ~te . )'. 1 . . , Council has adopted a Sl.420,268 guideline Dcpattmen •s-u uaa&.11 tn ~ra-. , , budget r ... lhe'1969-70 [isca1 year, with no mopto de!<ri~ ,.,.1ce a•ailab1e""" '° o· f'f11e1'al. C011. t'1·nu· es . increase of the tax' r.iile. an estirhated' 106;000 ~'in the area, The $1'.20 ~ $100 assessed v~tuallon · ~mpareH' to ruture'needs." ' . . . ' . tax rate will be retoin..i due to an in· · Currently mlndllng 7,0llO emergency. Keriiiicly: t. Ii.Sc Study creased valuation totalling Sl&,492,650, tnedical . fre_alf!lM .c~sei . ~ year -, , compared to> last _ year:s $14.4 million fr9m c\Jt rtnt~ ... ~.? pitic~fly Jn,.fuied 'tra!-. 1 BosTpN" (A;P) • .: A' Registry oi MOtor · \'aluation 1 ' • '" fie accidtnf.l"iOfrt!S· ....1. •the rate ls ti· . • . ~~~.~~. ty!__ -·~ ·~u~l!f., _by ,1973,. ~e~i<:!~! iiivestig.at~,~ Tound st?n. Edward' Stock Jtlnr,kets olga s1a ~: , . , · . . · ~t Kenn~dy at faull ·ror his driving' in Ple' NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market extended its raHy through a second session today, punching out a strong gain in the pOpular averages. (See quotations, Pages 16-11 ). Trading near th,e close was active. Advances led decliries by bette r lhan 800 issues. • "'J'?ta . l?'Jt-pa(J~ IVJ~if:_I trt:aled by 01Jt. accidt?Qt -th8•l . ~ il\e Jj(e• O( 3 , x.ray, labJratory and emergency .·. . . __ _ services · hr the past year nuriibers \Vashmgton, 0.0.,~retary. 13,848,". the applica~n cont in .u es , Registra't · RiChard E. ~fcl.al:Jghltn forecasting a 1973 Bnf}l!al rate of 4S,OOO re:vealld the fiading .Wedne:.sday.and said cases. . a hearing will be held next Wednesday in The administra~r revealed today that Hya~is, at ~hiCh-·kennei!Y ·may appe" a large share of. ~his increase will be gener4ted by th' huge ne\Y N.Pr;th or. send coum{l if ht· wishes to conldit ~Seo HOSP1"AL,, P11• l), . the flndln1. " . METAL SCULPTOR BILL BE DFOR D CONCENTRATES ON WORK AT SAW . High School Dropout~Fl!W• Hll , Niche. Wiii! $old SIMI .~• Hot T ' • I • • _ ...... 4 .. _ Save . Salt Creek Dri.ve ' • • • • 1 ' .... ' • • I • ' Pulls .Out All the Stops A-sorffng C'hampion , a· prett1 ·girl ~and a noStalglc painting w e r e combined Wedriesday by proponenta wbo· officially · open~ the' "Save Salt Creek" campaign • • in the Laguna Beach area. Veteran board surfer Corky Carroll. cllrrcnUy defending champion of the West Coast Suifing Association and distaff surfer Marl Newman, J4, of f20l :Star1it Drive, Laguna, were on hand for the op:ening ceremonies .at Joyce Clark's art studio, 143.f S, Coast Hlgin~ay rii Laguna. The ·campaign centers on a citizen ef· fort to Obtain J)ubUc, accw to Salt Creek BeaCh, locattd between· SOuth Laguna and Dana Point. It .has 1 on g bee.n a favorite spot for area surfers, artiSf.a and beach-walkers. Laguna Niguel Corpora· lion currently has development plans In the works for the uplands. Mrs .--Clarl his oUered ·hertaril;e pain- ting, Utled .. Old Salt Creek" ~ a special prize to be given \to a l1,1cky suppbrter in the ~ave Salt Creek campalsn. Tickets.at $1 Went On tale today' at lhe Clark studio Md other O\IUetl ·are being arranged for in the • .OUtbern 'Orilnge Coast area . Camp.ajgn I p..o k eS men reported $100 has' alr~y l:!etn rece:tved. In addition, carnpaian spOkesm~·sald bumper stickers are being sold for tf. Or, for a SS donation, a .p a r -. I n· 1 ticket, bumper sticker and 3 by S Inch reproduc- tlon of the "016 Salt Creek" painting wµJ be olfered lo campaJgn supporters. other1 on hand for the campaijn's opening hoopla• were .RoU Aumes,, cur· reotly l<a<1er' In tjie j\1..t Cout Su!fing AssotlaUon stand~p and 1?lerra Michel, pr~ldent of the Laguna Beach •Sarfl.n1 Club. ' • It Just Grows Sc ulptor's Work Starts Out S mall . , .. I being a plumber Would help, I'd become~a ptumbet." · ' Bedford worka Jn copper, brass and at~I, making 'llahes, nowera. bOats, plania, botterrues. All' al It i1 a ooe..iep traoslaUoo froin mind to metal, : 'f " Will Never Refer Again ·-----~--" - To Accident WASHINGTON (UPl)-5en. Edward. M. K<Medy, ID-Mass.), declattd today he would definitely not seek tpe Rf"tll. dency ·in um. He aaid he was distncl)ned. lo make the race even before an automo- bile accident clouded hlJ poUUCat caree.t nearly two week! ago. · '''lbe events of the recent put make definite: what already was an incl~ion ol. mine," Kennedy told reporters OD' It.ii return rlo. Capital Hill. .... ..,, . ...-~ r ... lp·~ brief tWrl\IOr• llewt~,., lhO fihl ..... the aeddenl, . he :Mlf-~ 'no ·,..;. . or eY;r...'..on lht tra1edr In w}Jlq • 10W!I WOllll!l was killed Whtn Uie car W wu drivjng plunged of£ a brldse. "I've tried to the best ol my ability Jn the reports l made to give the facts of the incident'.," Kennedy llld. "l wouldn't have any further C9ntment." lie was w~nnly welcomed ba~ to the Senate by Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield and given handshakes by Jle. publican Whip Hugb Scott and other senators. KeMedy stood by ·Mansfield at the • usual presesslon briefing with newsmen and· after lhe Senate convened shortl1 after 11 a.m., h1s first word! from tht fioor were : "Mr. President, I move the . journal or the minutes of Ule previous meeting be approved u read." Only a hair dozen stnaton Wert ln the chamber as lhe. session opened. Aa Democratic whip, Kennedr., 'Sl, took his- seat to tile left of Mansfie d, and thumb- ed ·through the Congressional Jleeord. Sens. Hennan F. Talmadge. (0.Ga .), and John Stennb, (O.Miss.), walked ovtr to &hake his hand. Earlier Kennedy had edged bis wa1 through a crowd of reporters surroond- ing Mansfield at. the press briefing. No- ticing the ~ratic whip, Marisfleld pulled him by the arm and said "Come here. right back where you belong." Wearing a blue suit with his black UI somewhat askew, Kennedy stooid.. by 11 ~fansfield ans"'ered, qu~llons about tl\e income surtax due for a vote today and the antiballlstic misSlle system ei:pected to come to a vote he.st week. As Kennedy, looking tanned and calm, 1rr\ved at fbe capitol and .watbd up the steps leading to the SeQale, a report· -er asked If he was pleased to be resuming his Senate duties. He replied, •·Fine. Glad to be ·bact Ill work." Orange Ceut weatlier Tum on the air conditioner or get out to the beach because bot weather ii in state for the copt ·during the weekend, with temp- eratures head.in& into lbe !Ugh 805. INSIDE· T8DA:Y ...... .. -·-·--· _ ..... =:::, ... ......... ·---.__. H MtYlll Mott ,,,..,...,.... t• ... , fl ...... -.. u or ... ,...., ... ... ,..,.. ..... '* • Jellift .... ,,.,, ,, ...,,.. ..... t '"'"' ~ .... "'" " .,...,.... . 1•11 ~ ..,,, " II WW•...... • .. I - t , - 1' ,I I' -· ... --.;:: Ma~s . · Pl1ot6s. Expe~t~d T_onight • '. • ___,._ ..,.. • Ul"I ,llttl f,_m JPL MARINER PHOTO SHOWS VIEW OF MARS FROM 201,900 MILES OUT Scientists Excited About Closeup Shots of R9d Planet Due Tonight From Page 1 BUDGET ... private ind ivid uals, should fir st detenninc income, then spend within its income limits., He said that the city now determines how much iL mual spend and then castt about ror the money it needs. "We: bellevt the, cltY sh<>Qld Uve within its income," Butcher declared. ALREADY REFUTED ,. "Just a fl'llnute. you weren't listening. You were just sitting there thinking about what you were going to tell us," snapped the Mayor. Butcher rep1led that all the assoclaUon wanted was tor the city to look at each Uem and see ii it is necessary. "We do!" Vedder shot back. • Nixon Visits India, Urges 'Neiv' Peace NEW DELHI (UPI) -President Nixon calltd on the leaders and the nations o! the world tonight to commit themselve.s "to a new concept or peace'' that .would renounce wars and find a Constructive alternative to revolution. Jn a toast <telivered at a state banquet given by acting Indi an President Moha.rn- mad Hidayatullah Nixon outlined the peace as one that ''combines continuity and change, stability and progress, tradi· tion and innovation, a peace that turns the wonders of science to the service of man." He said such a peace would value diversity and "respect the right of dif· ferent peoples to live by a different Stoey • Mn. Nixon -Page 4 system -and freely choose the syatems Butchtr then returned lo Points of the usoclaUOo's arsument conctrbing poUce vehicles -personnel and employes• ~~~ Vedder SeVera1T:uiifi fnlonned the spokuman that those pointa had alrtad.1 been refuted by Wheaton as fal&e. In a discussion of police costs -the Democratic Ptace Club urged that pellet force be reduced by one third -a Iona· haired representative of the Mystic Arts -w.rl<f"lhop-mugtrt-~ blt ot-levtty ~11!e­ officia1 pr~eedin1s. they live by.11 He said peace was more necessary than ever before-now-that-mart-: can cross the thrubold of the heavens. From Pa9e 1 .HOSPITAL ... °American Roctcwell Corp, facility in l.a.cuna Niguel. ·, Under current plans, the work force of ., .&00 persons will be furnished out-patient cllrUc service at South Coast Community iloepltal on a contract basis. • Development of the new Dana Point -Harbor operaUng by 1971 wtll inevitably ~ in zbblhaps 'requiring medicll care and the p(tlpo!ed $11 million expansion project includes a rooftop emeraency ibelicopU!t landing-pad. , · ~ Administrator Volga said the new :fac ility would have a 352·bed capacity, in- 'cludlng 172 now offered, with 118 new ·ones scheduled for acute care patients, 31 lor rehabilitation and 31 for long-term pa· tient care. _ Besides the $3.46 million seven-story ·.treatment center, the plans call for a $'7S0,001), seven-level parking structure on 6outh COast Highway, seaward of the ex· 'fating building. Volga said the structure will provide i;pace for 366 cars. Co!ll or the rehabHilatlon unit in the current plans is $1,235,802, while the long term care section is estimated at $1 ,204 ,666, Volga explained. For years. South Coast Community Hospital and the El Toro MCAS dispensary offered the only emertency medical ca re available in the south coun· ty. New tlevelopment has forced a change, however, and inve5tors have already an· nounted a major medical center to be buHt in the San Clemente area, plus another in the Mission Viejo district. Hoffa Bail Deniecl CINCINNATI <UP I) -The U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals loday denied ball for Jam e! R. Hoffa, for in er Teamsters Union President now serving a term ln a Pennsylvania federal prison. ~AiiY PllOI CllANG~ COASl .. Ull lS~tlilG CO/l\l>.tJIY It•"'' H. W••' ,!Q'"'1t W PW!lthu J''" •. c.,,.., Viet PrMllelll Mid Gtfterlof 11\tllf"t ti.1111•' x.,,n .... Th1111tt A. M~rpl!,i~• M4111Mlr>t Editor J.itlttr4 P, N1U ·--City Edl19t ......... a.en Offke 2J? hrttl A•t. Mtili"f ~cli••n1 P.O. lei •••· tl •I? ---COtl• Mnl: :uo "'"' •• ,, ~.,_., ~ .. Mfl, WI,.,. .. , .. _ ......... ,. ~klr\ IMOI .• $111 MtHI CONSTANT INFLUX He said tlutt the constant inOui of plainclothes policemen ipto I.fie hlp:ple- type establishment really helps business. }{e said that when the officers are in the store, other non Jong-haired persons rett they too can venture in safely. He noted too, that the presence o f plainclothes ofrtcers cut down o n thelvery. Arter discuaslon from the chamber floor. the councll wrapped thi~ up with a dlacusston of economy planning phllOsophies. Vedder said lhere i.! an attitude of economy ln th.e c\ty. "We'te al\faya ·looking ' for those peanuts,'' he equipped. Vtt:e-mayor Joeeph O'Sullivan said that some impllcaUO!IJ, made at the meeting regarding city economy were wrong. "Col. Bute.her wants u.s to look into the budget more. J object to that statement because it implies that we haven't," O'Sullivan said. "AJI year Jong we hear about the things people w2nt. At budget tin1e, we hear ·cut the Budget'.'' he said. Earlier In the day NlJO!l bad called for a gener.aUon of uninterrupted puce and asalll"ed IndJ& the United Si.tea "resptet!: its policy of 'nG{l·allpment apd its detenninaaUon to play its role ~ the search for peace in its own way." "What matt.us ls not how peace is pre.served but that It be presuvta." he said. From P .. e 1 BEDFORD.·~ a while, then st.op and talk to the pe&ple. Ii.ls beauUhlJ ...... 1 His contentment 1s evident 1n his sculpture.. They are ~l, untrou'lled creations that seem Ugbt 11 air for all their we!Jht. "That's why I like metal. You can do Intricate work. but it'1 big and thne· dimensional," be aald. "At first. I liked working in metal because there seemed to be room for mistakes, but now I like it for other reasons,'' he said happily . Just Ataother <:otrinauter Ste"e Fos ter, 22, commutes to work as a Laguna Beach llleruud, but be doesn't worry much about traffic. From his Irvine Cbve home, he paddles surfboard to outboard moored offshore, then chu gs dO'-''n to Sleepy Hollow Beach to his duty slatlon. Procees is revers· ed when work day ts. over. Steve says it's faster than a car and !here are po parking. prob.lem.s. ' ·r - VPI TeltPl!Oh Scorc~d, Sealed a1ul Delivered Comm.and m~ule "Columbia," blackened by its fiery ~entry into earth's atmosphere, a rrives Wednesday at Lunar Receiving Laboratory, Hous· ton, to take its place in isolation near the Apollo 11 cre\v. Hatches o! spacecraft were sealed after cre\v \Vas r emoved. Reopening was to take place behind biological barrier of lab. LAGUNA TEEN CORNER By JOM GORMAN Y!STERYEAR AT LBHS DEPT. Dl.d you ever wonder what happened to that cute litUe blonde with the shapely legs tbal sat in front or you during your years as a Laguna Beach lllgh School Artist? Whatever came of that 200-pound lineman to whom you'd yell 4'Push 'em back. push 'em back, waaaay back!" during those Friday afternoon football games. Those were the good old days -to some Lagunans -the war years or '43, '44 and '45. There were the rpeatle!'i Tuesdays and the sugar rationing, the shorl.lge of rubber tires and U\e abun- dance of the big band sound. Then there was LBHS. You 'd seldon1 drive to school, and you'd eat lunch in the main patio. There was always the dance Friday, not to mention th e basketball games in· the Girls' Gym. Between classes you'd be ro'rced to in· tegrate with the ''lowly" junior hi!h students in the w~ng ne'xt to the Auditorium. And the grade school kids \\·tre right across the street. Your graduating class num!)ered about 70. And it seemed like they'd all turn out for the bonfires before the Tustin and Capo games. Your free tltne was spent either selling war bonds or collecUng scrap met.al. And if you could sweet tal k 'em, you'd borrow your parents' Packard and cruise up to the Rendezvous Ballroom at Balboe. or the Paladlum (the "big trip'') in Hollywood. 'fhere, you'd listen to 1'ommy Dorsey, Glenn Miller. Harry James and Stan Kenton. And a guy by the name of Frank Sinatra was starting to make tile music sce ne big. How old do you feel now? Do you remember the girls' dean - Miss Alberta Patterson? And there was Lawrence Bartell, Aldon Simspon, Red Guyer, and of course Principal Bronson Bu:ii:ton. Those y,•ere the good old days -the big v.·;ir, the big band sound, and the big Fri· day games. Nos talgic? You wUI be if you attend a class reu· nion scheduled for Aug. 23 at the Laguna Beach Country Club. Actlon will start at 6:30 with a no-host cocktall party, follow- ed by a prime ri b buffet dinner from 8 lo 9:30 p.m. Dancing to a six-piece orchestra (non- eleclrlc) will go on from 9 to 1 a.nt. There will even be some old records . The cost of th e evening is set al $15 per couple, or $8 stag. Reservations can be inade by writing Billie Lou Switzer Quam, 960 T em p I e Terrace, ~guna Beach. Remember Billie Lou? .JI J. (}arreff j 14fh Semi-Annual Sa£ 7 S1TLIS TO CHOOSE MOlil T~••• ere •ftf'y cMfOtinl• sof• '*ft fOf' Sltti1119 tMI Sl..,i1t9. A wW• ••~ of· fNhc1 •M c.Mn-t. ~h .... from. SOFA BID' IALll .... -·00 ·Now 299 .00 • H.J.GA.Rl\Efr fURN111JRE l'ROF&SSIONAL IHTUIOl DUl6NW f 2115 HARIOR ILYD. COSTA MESA, CALIF. 64&-0275 64'-0276 I --, . • • Laguna· VOL. 62, NO. 182, 3 S6CTIONS, ·36 "PAGES . ' .. • Beaeh1 :~~: . -: -· ' ' ' . . "' " ........ ,.. •, ' J -t1 ~ • ' ' ••••••• • T'Oda 'ii S11.l.-1 r Y • ~·~ -I ' N.Y. Steeb • TEN CENTS ~-. . . , . ' .. ,. , . I • I ' -J ~ ' B~dgei-····· Saving Proves · ~yth As -You We r e-·on By JA.CK CHAPPELL ., Of 1119 Daltr' P'lltt SI_, A Jl34,Ml savings supposedly ,found on paper liy the LaJUna Beach Taxp:ayerli' AssociaUoo evaporated Wednesday night In 1 the heat or a point-Qy-point ex- am1natlon of the terse, highly CriUcaJ study. Following the l~ngthy study sesaion, at times marked by 8:gitite'd retorts from noqnally cool Mayoi" •Glenn E. ·Vedder, coupcilmen agreed lo put the $3.4.t ' ' ' -., J •rgillion bud&et OD their Aug. e agenda let ., final approval. -. , ti Pasia«e of the spendiiic !d>edule could mean a tax Iner~\ ~,more than 20 ""'" on the pr..¢ dtl:lll rate or 11.65 per 1100 aa......._s ,Y•l~tlofi·' ~'!bat if\Crea~-.ap~ ~ the owner of a $30,000 home an •d<li!looal 'l)6-per year, acoordlng' lo clty ~- A seven-pige reJ>Ol,l bi II.. ·ioxpayer's group said Ufa. ciliY budaet wa• • • ' -~ ~'I. charactulzed' by ~ inaccuracy and· bt- consisteney. t ~ · In a rd>bttal argument before the coun- cil. City Manager Jafues Wheaton Said the savings pr~ by the citizen group simply does not exist. ''T.he characterizaUon of the budget as inaccurate •nd incons.istent is .due to the lack -0£ famJllarity with the budget crganization and bUdget preparation," · WheAloo said. • Poinis crlticned by the a&SOciilion in· .. .. . ' eluded "dG\lble budgeted· items" relaUng to pollce am ciijr vehlclte, to "increased personnel" and t.ravtJ allocations. Wheaton pbinted ·oot the alleged "dou- ble budgeUni:" really amounted to ·an ae- counllng procedllre by which vehicles are purchased l:iy lhe city, then charged to various, d4l;pa,rtments Wilh: lhose charges re-paid to the. city. . He said that Lhe claimed irlcreases ·in personnel really amountecLanl,y to chang· ed job titles ror persons already "~~loyed by the city, not lncrWed empioym<nt. Tr:avel aijOcationl or .... were dd'!l<led by Mayor Ved4er, and· coun- cDmen as necwary, althoucb ~.tu­ pay~· _grdbp called ,for Sluhin& the coot In .hair .. "I don't t~I that any of that tp0ney is wasted," Vedder said. 11lr ii Vff"f Jm-. portant that members ol the ~I and department heads attend semlnars and • . CO!lf<l'<llcea, WI cao~. JUll lit here and look out," • I , , Vedde( ,_ that he has allendld two cont~ thll YNI~ one the Sapta Barbara Oil' confermce and Ille olher oo geologic pri>blems onc1 .pu611e - Followfog Wbeaton'a,-al the taxpayer'• r,pcl4't, C91. wllllam E. But<ber, groop .spol<eaman, .• .,.. to amplily '°'"' 1110Clallo1rpolDIL -Butcher aald that the cr1y, UM the tSee BUDGET, Pap I) e-n-· ·n· ·e· ' . . ' ; . . ,, on un· 10 ' • -, Down, the Mission Trail Couple's Son Gets Army Medal MISSION VIEJO-The son of a J\1 ission Vi~jo coopJe has been awarded the Bronze star Medal for heroism while 11erving as a platooo· leader in Vietnam. Anny 1st Lt. Michael T. McCracken, 21,,.. ol Mr. @1111,ldrs • .Arlii>e M.Crack- en, 25795 Delta Aye .• ·was leading his platoon with ComPani C, 2nd Baitallon, 14th)lnfantJI)', wtiei\' they drew helvy guefrllla !ire. '" i1With complete disregard for his own 1afety, McCracken exposed himself to deadly shelling, organized hill men and directed their fire on the Viet Cong." his c.:itation reads. He then led hi.s men to safety. e Capo Ok ag• B1<dget SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -Th< City Council has adopted a $1 ,420.2Sll guideline budget for the t96V-70 Ciscal year, with no Increase of the tu rate. The $1.20 per $100 assessed valuation tax rate will be retained , due to an in- creased valuation totalling $16,492.650, compared ti> last year's $1(.4 million valuaUon. · Stoel• M arkets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock mar\1et extended its rally through a second session today, punching out a strong gain In the popular averages. (See quotations, Pages tG-11 ). Trading near the close was active. Advances led declines by better lhan 800 issues. .. •• ... ' . • • ~egioli:al ~ -.> Hospital~- Plan Told By ARTITTJR R. VINSEL Of tM 0.HY Plllt Slt ff Pressed by industrial, residential and recreational development on every side, directors of South Coast Community Hospital are planning an $11 million regional health center built around the emting facility. lfa~ a-~ell. Adminbtrator Sl'!nleY . w .. Vplfl,.,,!d!J•lll•'""'ffilex 1...., ing a seveR-story diil~osUc •nd treat- ment center could be iu)der construcliOn · by next spring. . The ho3pltal has applied lor 13.55 million in federal tunds under the HiU- Harris Act, with a hearing before the State AdYilory Hospital Council in late 1969 9f' early ~ year. . . Lack of available funds applied for last year. st8.lled a ~.«a,m expansion plan f.or the existing South Coast Community Hospital, but i! Included in the newest at.- tempt to kiep pace wjjh county.growth. The application fll~ ~tth the state Depirtment of Public Health In Sacra· mento describes service available now to an ·estbnated 106,00fl ptisons in the area, compared to futtlre'needs. CUrrenUy handliiig · . 7 ,000 emergency medical treatment · C!lSes per year - from cut finj:ers to critically injured. traf- fic:". accldeut• victims -:-· the rate is ex- pected to ,tut 20,000 annuallf by 1973, Volga said.' "Total oul·patient visits treated by our X·ray, laboratory and emergency services in the past · year non1bers 13,843," th.e application continue s , fortt:aslin& a 1973 aMual rate o! 45,000 cases. The adminishator revealed today that a large share of thil!I increase will be generated b,V the huge new North (~HOSPITAL, Page %) •• .f\· ~ . . ·~ UPI TelW .... NEWSMEN SCRAMllLE, TOURISTS. GAPE AS TEDDY EMERGES FROM AIJTO OUTSIDE CAPITOL $en~tor Retu r!'s tO Wai-;k After TragecfY Whlch Cast Shadow Over Promising . c•rHr Official C~ntin ues Kennedy .Case Stud y BOSTON (AP) -A Registry ol ?iiotor Vehicle:!! invest!gati.on found Sen. ~Ward M. K~naedy a·t fault for his .drlvih~ in U~ accident that cost the life · of a Washington, D.C., secretary. Registrar Ri'Chard E.' ~tcLaughlin revealed Uie finding \Vednesday and said a hearing will be held ne xt Wednesday in Hyannis, at ";hich Kennedy may appear or send counsel if 'be v.·ish es to contes t the finding . Save Salt Creek Drive Pulls Out All the Stops A· surfing champion, a pretty girt and a nostalgic painting w e r e combined Wednesday by proponenta who o(ffciaUy opened lhe "Save Salt Creek" campaign In Lhe Laguna Beach area . Veteran board surfer Corky Carroll, currently defending champion of the: West Coast Surfing A!sociatlon and · distaf£ surfer Mari Newman, 14, or 1201 Starlit Drive, Laguna, were on hand for the opening ceremonies at Joyce Clark's art studio, 14M S. Coast Highway ln LaglUla . The campaign centers on a cltlzeai ef· fort 'to obtain public access to Salt Creek Beach, located . between · SoUtli UQ.gun·a and Dana Point. tt has t.o n g been a favorite spot (Or area surlers, ariml and beach-walkers. Laguna Nlguel Corpoi'a- tion currently has development plans in the works fur the uplands. ·Mrs. ·Clark haa offered her :large paJn- tlng, titled "Old Silt Creek" a! a special prlr.e to be given to a lucky supporter In the Save SaJt Creek cam~ Tickets at 'l went on qle today at the Clark studio and other outlets are being arranged for In tbe southern Orange Coa!t area. Campaign 1 p o k es m e n reported ,$100 haa ilready .been received. In addition, Campaign spokesmen said bulf!per stickers are being 10ld for $1. Or, for a SS donation, a pa r k I n g Ucket, bumper slicker and 3 by S ll)ch rtproduc- Uon of the "Oki Salt Creek" painting will • be offes:e<I to ,campalg~ aupportez;S. . Qthert"on ~ f~ .. the ·~paign't opening. hoopt ... ·were Rolf .,Atir6ea1, cur· rently tw.ier· 1n \he West ~ Stu'fln& Association standings and Fierra Michel, preJideat of the Laiuna atacb Surfing Club. • It Just ·Grows Sc ulptor's Work Starts Out SmalJ,, , METAL SCU LPTOR lllLL BEDFO RD CONC!N·TRATES ON WOR°K 'AT SAWDUST ·Hlth k'-1 o,..,....t Fl""'•·Hlo ~!111..C.ld ~'"'•""'•Hot.Torch. I\ r • Will Never Refer Again -----... ----- To ·Accident WASIDNGTON (UPl)-Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, (l>-M8!3.), declared today he would deCinltely not ...,k the pmf- dencrln Im. He said he .was dl8inclined to make UJe race everi ~ore an automo- bile · accident cloudea his pofitlcal cartt'r nearl.y .two weeks ago. "The events of the recent past matt definite wMt· already w..., an µicllnation of mme," Kennedy told r<porte11 bll "°!"11to C,~ .Hill.,, ,••i ..,,.,, lo • br!91 -nein "'"'"""' .. the !I~ 11J1Ce the ICcl<lent, K.ined; uld ~e ·tfoUld have no,~ore com~ or 'iYer-<ln ihe trqicly 1n wh!ih a ;ount wom1 n wa1 killed when tbe 1car1ie wll ,driving plunged off a bridge. "I've tried to the be>t or my ability In the reports I made to give tbe f-=ts of the Incident·," Kennedy Mid. "l wo~ldn't have any further comment." tie we w8nnly wefcoffied bact to tbt Senate by Democtatk: Le1ader Mike Mansfield and glv~n bandsb.ui' by ~ publican Whip Hugh Scott and other 1enator1. KeMedy stood by Maruneld at the usual preaesslon briefing with newsme11 and alter the Senate convened shortly alt.er 11 a.m., his first words from the floor were : "Mr. President, l move the Journal of the minutes of .. lhe previour meeting be approved as read:" Only a half doien senators were· In the chamber as the session opened. Ai Democratic whip, Kennedy, 37, took his seat to the lert ol Mansfield, and thum~ ed through the Coogressional Record. Sens. Herman F. T&lmadge, (0-Ga .), and John SteMl!, {O-Mlss.), walked over to sbake his hand. Earlier Kennedy had edged .hia W81 through a crowd of reporters 1ul'l'OUnd- ing Mansfield at the press briefing. N~ tlcing tt>e Democratic whip, M•nsfield pulled him by the arm and said "Come here, right back where you belon1." Wearing a blue suit with his black: tie somewhat askew, Kennedy atood by .as Mansfield,, answered quesdom abdut the incoine suria,i: due for a wte today add the antiballilllc mJaaUe 1)'1iem expectld ·to coine to a vote r1'sf week. As Kennedy, looking la.nned and e>lm. anived at the capitol and walked up the steps leading to the Senate, 1 report· er asked It he was pleased to be resuming his Senate dutle1. He h!plled, "Fine. Glad to be back at work." I 11 I I :I II ' I, • :t llA!lV PllOT l '. .. .. ' ' .. 'Fas_cin~tiri~' Ma~.s PhotQ ' Expected Toni·g~t J>.ISAlllllA c ) ~ lflW 6 IJ'W "Wt ~oo·t kJlllr'.9'cUJ 'INI ... will l•ter pjc~d "JI • 1ttlk Ilana! 4(ltr t~&hl by IOJnO,•l•~ilits lo bt,... =j» .. .;.t'N'.:.=· =·i!~·::i-.:·-=~· =~:.=~'ttl!i ~~tl!i..;lltli ·-, -·,w.iJ 0:1 •• J,.,.,,,. JIOOld II • ,..,,_ ·~· '\!:ii h •·• • "\fe a..l'l'lll'Ow •haf\be troable II or ' ..-on. tap_e I« 1 • J' l'mi 1 • !• n 'fhlclaali,. __ ,_ja;iT,.._ ... • , i• · ,,.,...~ -ll'ler -belore." whether II wlll atrocl tfltiner 7'1 iblltty· wthwaid wil!ghl '1i,{ Ult~ a'l'lilD ·~·"" i.,. ~ I 11111 1 lister apacecralt. · i~ send pictures w)lae It C\""" within T!'elve pl.ctu"1 , . tuen l!Y, a f11~1alelf 'frt6wn bi.It scientists were '° M1rtntt r. ran ln~ lectin>cal pi;obl•ms ,camsra r~c Frldfy," a •PokmPfll , 11}~ ~ert .•ftd tJ·.,)j Ule1 wl.dt- .aure the quality was etce.llent that they over nleht. ' ' said. j .. •r • a~~'Ca~a wfil~ Ql~ lht. qrOer ordered tl\em d~played..oo moo!lors for l,!Jrlner 6'1 u:oublt Wal tnlnor ~ • Mariner&. alter l,e)eviliill W~ ·~~iclqhqb~ol.tbll!WldHD1IM newsmen as soon as 1.hey are received at failure of a deVice derianed to lenSe the nifiht a series el 4pPr09$ pbotottaphs pfctwes were. to cov.~. ,llundredl of Jet Propulsion Laboratory l!ltartlng at chemistry of lhe thin Martian at-showing that Marr'may be u craftr... square miles. '(bA-p~~o e,al;nera'"t'as 5,31 PDT tonight. mospbere. · . poc:ked " the ~· made .a 17i01Jl\lt• to snap hllbly . · . j>icturif. of They earlier had planned lo study the The ulet<l of Marin<r !'! ilf!Jl.cullY, wu c&l1"f• run cl°"' Iii the Martian "lual« ll'04I wtll>ln the · Jtil• fJllft\"'• lll!i>• pic~es for u hours and then releast not lmmedlately dtttrm111ed. ·It._ went at 10~1• p.m. PDTr ~. ' .. shotl~>t/ 4etlJ}s u smlll ~as ·q ~t selected prinll. silent l~ &evtr-1 bour1 but tecbnlcius _ lta path WU ovar..a .band.of dark areas acrio. •-' • : _ ~: • U~I ....... "-JI'\. Nix.()rt J'isits India , Urges 'Neiv' Peace MARINER PHOTO SHOWS VIEW OF MARS FROM 201 ,900 MILES OUT Sc11ntlsts Excited About Clos•up Shots of Red Pl anet Due Tonight NEW DELl-U (UP I) -President Nixon called on the leaders and the nations of the world tonight to commit themselves •·to a new concept or peace" that would ren.oul'lce wars and find a 'constructive alternative to revolution . From Page l In a toas t delivered at a state banquet given by acUng Indian President Moltam- mad Hidayatl.lllah Nixon outlined the peace as one that "combines continuity and change, stability and progress. trad i· tion and Innovation, a peace that turns the wonders of science to the service of BUDGET ... private Individuals. 6hould fir s t 0 Just a minute, you weren"t listening. determine i(JC<lme, then spend within its You were just sitting there thinking about Income limits. He said that the city now what you were going to tell us," sn apped determines how muctt.it mU&t spend and lhe Mayor. man." then c&Sll.a bout fer the mooey Jt needs. Butcher replied that all the association "We believe the city should-live within wanted was for the city to look at each He said such a peace would value diversity and "re..spect the right of dlf· ferenl peoples to live by a different ll5 jncomt," Butcher declared. item and see if U is necusary. ALREADY RErvrED "We do!" Vedder shot back. Butch~ then return~ to points of the In a discussion ol police costs -the Story on Mn . NI.loo - Page 4 usoclaUon'1 arsument conctnlint police Democratk: Peace Club urged that police vehlcle1 ~el and ~ploy!_5' __ f~~ be r~ '?1-one third -:: !..!.oo&· __ system -and ~eely _choose Ute_sy~ Ylary. fia1red represenilbve of1fie Myit1c Arts they liveDy.r' e sa.i0j5i"ace was more Mayor Vedder several times informed World lbop brought a bit or levity to the necessary than ever before now that man the spokesman that tboM: points bad official proceedings. can cross the threshold of the heavens. alrtady been refuted by Wheat.on as CONSTANT INFLUX Earlier in the day Niton bad called for false. a generation of unititetTUpted peace and He said that the constant influx of assured Ipdla the UNted States "respects HOSPITAL ... J)lalnclothes policemen into the hipJ)ie· jts policy of, non-au,nment and Its type establishment really helps business. delermlnaaUon to play lts role in lhe He said that when the officer!! are in search for peace in Its own way." the store, other non long-haired per!!Ons "What matters is not how peace is feel they too can venture in safely. He preserved but that it be preserved," he noted too, that the presence o f said. o/ttrW'ican Rockwell Corp, facility d.lpa Niguel. in plai.(lclothes officers cut dawn o n ·y_ Under current plans, Urie work force of .J ,IGO penons will be furnished out-patient clinic Hr11ice at Sooth Coast Community .\{ospU.a.J on a contract basis. •• ~l~mont ,of ,II!•, new ,Pan~ l'l>int .....,..,. operaUng "l' 1971 W:tll inevlia'b1y f esult In tnlshaps requiring medical care :...i the ~posed 111 million expam1on i>n>J~ 'li>cllidb ·a •toofto'p em"'l!"'Y ~ellcoplet landing pad. ' ~· Adminlst.r'ator Volga said the new :Sacility would ha•e a 35!·bed capacity, in-~Cludlng 172 now offered, with Ill new 1,nea scheduled for acute care petienta, 31 'fCll" rehabilitation and 31 for long-tenn pa- '.·tient care. Beside& the $3.46 million seven-story ,Jreatment center, the plans call for a ,750,000, seven-lev~ parking structure on ,·;:iouth Coast Highway, seaward of the el'· JsUng building. . Volga said the structure will provide space for 366 cars. Coll of the rehabilitation unit in the current plans is $1 ,235,802, while the long term care secUon is estimated at $1.204,66&, Volga explained. For years. South Coast Community Hospital and the El Toro ~1CAS dispensary offered the only emergency medical care aviilable in the south coun· ly. New development ha s forced a change, however, and investors have already an· 'nounced a major medical center to be 'built in the San Clemente area. plus another in the lofission Viejo district. .Hoffa Bail Deni ed ~ CINCINNATI (UPI) -The IJ.S. Sixth Circuit Court of APpeals today denied batl for James R. Hoffa, form er Teamsters Union President now serving • tenn ln a Pennsylvania federal prison. LAll Y ~'!I O T • ~ I OIA.ltG~ COo\11 '°Ull dHllrf~ CCINIHJi!Y . . ' .' • ' • ' • • t I t ! ! ' "•Mrt N. We•lf ,,,....,. ... ,,~ J•ck l. Cwl.., ""' ,.,......,. ... Golfoll'al ""-"""' TU-•• K•nil . ... lll•••• /.. M11rpltifte ,,,....,,. ltditor ._, ... .,_. r. Ni ll ..__ Clb l!"dlltr 1...-.... DMI• 2Jt ,.,,,, ....... M1lrr•1 Mll1.,., f.O. a.. "'· t2U2 __ c-t• ,,_., m 1'1'etl a.., Sll'lff ....,.... '"'°'mt""""' ....... ......,. ,.....,_ IMG:. #11 ... ... I theivery. After di!CUUlo n from the chamber floor, tbe council wraJ)ped things up with a diJcuS.!lon of economy planning phllosophiOI. Y.tdd111 . Mid, f.Pere , .is a~ attitude, of economy tn ·the city. • "We're alway~ looking for those peanut.," he eciul~. Vl~m'lydr'JoseJ)fi O'SulUvan said that some impllcaUons made at the ineeting regarding ctty ~y were wrong. "Col. Butcher wanl.!I u1 to look into the budget more. I object to that staternent because jt implies that we haven't," O'Sullivan said. "All year Jong we hear about the things people w2nt. At budget time, we bear 'Cut the Budget'/• he said. From rqe l BEDFORD ••• • ' J., I a while, then stop and talk to tile people. It's beauU!ul." Hla contenbnmt ts evident 1 ln hls ·&eulpWTes. They are HncitW, untroubled creations that seem light u air for all their wei1ht. "T'hat'1 why I Uke metal. You can do Intricate work, but it's big and three- dlmenllonal," be said. "At first, I liked workin& in mttal because there seemed to be room for miitakes, but now I like jt for oU!.er reasons," he said happily. · Ju11t A1iother Cmnmt1ter Steve Foster. 22. com111utes to work as a Laguna Beach lllecuard. but he doesn't ;wo~ much about traffic. From hi1 lrvint Covt home, he paddles surfboard to outboard moored offshore, then chugs down to Sleepy liollow Beach to his duty station. Process is revers- ed ll'hen work day is over. Steve says it's faster than a car and there are no parking problems. ,. Scorched, Sealed atad Delivered Command module "Columbia," blackened by its fiery reentry into earth's atmosphere. arrive!' \Vednesday at Lunar Receivin~ Laboratory, Hous- ton, to take its place in isolation near the Apollo 11 crew. Hatches of spacecraft were ..sealed after cre\V was removed. Reopening was to take place behind biological barrier of Jab. LAGUNA TEEN CORNER By JOM GORMAN YESTERYEAR AT LBHS DEPI'. Did you ever wonder what happened to that cute little blonde with the shapely legs that sal in front of you during your years as a Laguna Beach High School Art.1st? Whatevei:: came of that 200-pound lineman to whom you·d yell "Push 'em back, push 'em back, waaaay back! .. during those Friday afternoon footb!lll gam~. Those were U;ie good old days -to some Lagunans -the war years of '43, '44 and '45. There 'vere the meatless Tuesdays and the su11•r rationing. the shortage of rubber tires and the abun- dance of the big band sound. Then there was LBHS. You'd seldom drive to school, and you'd eat lunch in the main patio. There was always lhe dance Friday, not to mention the basketball games in the Girls' Gym. Between classes you'd be forced to in- tegrate with the "lowly" juruor hlth students in the wing ne1t to the Auditorium. And the grade school kids \Vtre right across the street Your graduating class numbered about 70. And it seemed like they 'd all turn out for the bonfires before the Tustin and Capo games. Your free time wa s spent. either selling \var bonds or collecUng scrap metal. And if you could sweet talk 'em, you'd borrow your parents' Packard aod crulse up lo the Rendezvous Ballroom at Balboa or ll'le Paladlum (the "big: trip'') in Hollywood. There, you'd 11.sten to Tommy Dorsey, GleM Miller, Harry James and Stan Kenton. And a guy by the name f.lf Frank Sinatra was starting to make the mu1ic scene big. How old do you feel now? Do you rtmember the girls' dean - Miss Alberta Patterson? And thert was Lawrence Barfell, Aldon Simspon, Red Guyer, and of course Principal Bronson Buxton. Those were the good old days -the big war, the big band sound, and the big Fri· day games. Nostalgic? You will be If you attend a class reu. nion scheduled for Aug. 23 at the Laguria Btach Country Club. Action will start at 6:30 vl'ilh a no-host cocktail party, fOllow- ed by a prime rib buffet dinner from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Dancing to a six-piece on:hestra (non· electric) will gn on from 9 to 1 a.m. There will even be some old records. The cost of the evening ls set at $15 per couple, or $8 stag. Reservations can be made by writing Billie Lou Switzer Quam, 960 T em p I e Terrace, Laguna Beach. Remember Biiiie Lou? .JJ. J. (}arreff j 14lh Semi -Annuaf S ale 7 STnlS TO CHOOSE MOM TIIM• tr• .,..., ·c-m.r+.W. 1of1 Nil• ,., Slttlog 1...i 5""""9- A wMle sel.Oo• •f F~s eM C.ltn M choot• from. SO..FA 81D IALEI ....... Now 299.00 Wltl< Siollft l&O. Hilo. H.J.GARREJT fURNll1JRE l'lOruSlONAL lNTlltOR D£Sl&NW 0,..11-.Tlia&M. ..... 2211 HARIOR ILVD. COSTA ~ISA. CALIF. '44-0271 ~o-027l ' > -. I, t ' . ' Pu .. ping Oil Off ilu"tJngt" Beach "Emmy," .Signal Oil and Ga.~ COf!1pany dril.liiig plaQci!'ll), puin~'s pctrolearn up frqm offshore oll pool daily. Emmy is southernmost of away from her perch about 1.3 miles oil palisades area-of Hunting-four oil islands off Orange County coast. Total of 202 wells are operat· ton Beach: Enuny stands in 48 feet of· water· and contains "42 produc-ed from four islands. ing. oil w~lls 'and 10. wa(et' injection wells whkl> push 5,000· barrels of C.Oro~~~1 : :N~uchj " W~ B.a_ck .Job;. ~:6~month Sur~tax Approved Q>mity Ov~rrultid r.M ANGELES. JAPJ -·The c~~ty Civil &rvice •Commlssion reinstated Dr. Thomas T. Noguchi as chief medical e~­ amlner-coronet today, overrulin& the Board of Supervisors. The commission had been considerjng the case since it ended a monUi·long ap- peal hearing. Commission Chairman O. JUchard Ca~. sai~ the coo_nty hadn t produced proof n~essary to susta.iD Noguchl'1 fir· ing. suPervisors fired the Japanese-born pathologist after reeeiving reports coo· taining some of the most unusual charges made against a public official hert. The hearings. from May 12 until June 24, produced 3,000 pages of testimony from about 80 v.;tnesses. Noguchi, .(.2, didn't take the stand. The Ust of accusations against N~chi totaled 81).at cne point. County attorneys accused -t h ! Japanese-American coroner of: -Dancing and silying "I hope he dies" after Set\. :Robert F. ,C~nnedy was shot by an assassin. -Beaming joyfully at the height of an influenia. · epklen\ic Jba,t filled aulopsy rooms With corpses. -Saying "I. pr;rt pray there b another air crash" after two airliners plunged into the · PaCilic Ocean off Los Ange les. ' -Planning a "forensic mafia" that would place him in charge of all coroner cases west of the Mississippi. -Threatening to kill aides who opposed him. Hair-raising Case LOS ANGELF.s (UPI) -fl woman aus~. of wearing a redd~sh-br,own wig in thr"ee Los Angel~ bank rob~es. was arrested Wednesday after seven mcnths of comparing hidde.n camera pOotos of holdups with' police "mug shots."' · . ' •• .. - 1· Battling Rain Senator~·lgnore Nixon1 Plea for Year's Extension · WASHINGTQll !AP),(-The, s..;ate "¥Qted·.today for.a S\1" l:ntql.hs extensioll of the 16 percent inCome tu curchar1e in~ stead "of the lull' year's (Onlinuance ·asked ' by President Nixtfn· _The 51-48 vote .was to adopt a rider sponsored py l~e Senate Democrattc leadership to the House-p~ bill pro- viding for the e.1tension to Dec. 31. Howeve~. the Republicans will bave a laler o_p~ty to olfu an amendment Drowned in Surf calling for a lZ·months extension sO the initial result was Jlot coocluaive. The S:f!nate moved quickly Into voting in the showdown over the bitterly debated 1:1urlax Issue. Both sides decld~ lo forego most of Lhe time allotted them for debate. While Nixon has been pushing for 1 12· mouth extension Senate Democratic leaders, seeking to keep up pressure for general tax revision, agreed to support Lif eguardsRecover Body Of Man Lost Off Beach The body of Charles W. Darens~g. ~, of Downey, wa s recovered \Vednesday morning by Huntington Beach lifeguard& in surl oil ~rd Street. Darensburg was reported missing Saturday by two friends who said he panicked in heavy surf near the Hun- tington Beach Pier and disappeared. He was a poor SYdmmer, they said. Darensburg 's death brings lo five the nwnber of swimmers missing the past lwll months off city and slate beaches in Huntington Beach. Four bodies have been recovered. The only missing swimmer still not found is Elmer Nelson, 20, of ~verside, whu wu Jost off Huntington Slate Beach July 18. · Bodies round inchM!e Dean Hart, 14, or Pico Rivera, lost July 15 and found July 19 near Surfside ; Larry Taylor, 24, oJ Huntington Beach, an e a r I y morning surfer whose body was found June 'n near the bluffs; and Gregory Smith, 15, of Cypress, who was reported missing Ju- ly 22 trom Bolsa Chica State Beach and found July 24 in Seal Beach. Early riptides and heavy !url. C'Om· bined with inexperienced swimmers are l>lamed for the increase in drownings this year by ~lax Bowman. assistant director for harbors and beaches for Huntington Beach. • ·'Only three of the five drownings hap- pened while lifeguard! were on duty.·• raid Bowm~n. Others he pointed out were early morning swimme r! on deserted beach areas. "Too many people were too anxious tG get to the ocean Lhis year," he added, "and they just weren't prepared for Ille heavy surf that hit m early in the aum- ml!'r." There have only been three drownings -two this year -recorded in Hun- tington Beach in :0 years while city lifeguards wert oil duty, said Bowm1n. "During that same period, we've p~ bably made 90,000 rescues and sten more than four million people come to the beach,'' said Bowman. "However," he added ," a lot of drown· ings have occurred during the night or l'arly morning when no guards were on duty." Underlining the difference ~tween guarded and unguarded b e a c h e s , Bowman pointed out that one year Japan -with no life11uards -had 300 drown· ings , while Southern California beaches average only 20 drownings per year. A polio Astronauts Talk About Flight SPACE CENTER, Houston ( :\P) -The Apollo It moon men, found free so far ol any effects from lunar dust, discussed their moon adventure today with a trio y,·ho'll retrace the path they blazed. Neil A. Armstrong, 6dwin E. Aldrin .Ir. and Michael Collins talked with other members of the astronaut corps, in- cluding the crew of Apollo 12, :::cheduled to land on the moon in November. Five Policemen Wounded ' In Shootout of Panthers CHICAGO (UPI) -Five policemen were wounded in a 30-minute gunfight between police and gunmen in the head· quarters of the Black Panther party ear- ly today. Police stormed the west side building and arrested three men shouting "die p_ig, ·• The. men were. taken to Cook o:iun- ty Hospital after. being ,injured in a SCJJf- ·Ot with police. . Only one of the policemen, Richard .D. ,Cµrley, W&J expected to be ho&pi.talized . He suffered shotgun wounds in the. ri.ght thigh. : The four other polictmen were treated and releBM:d. Patrolman 1Edwin Baal suffered a graze wound In the ritht eye. Dennis Walker and Henry Bertucca suffered minor wounds of the hands. Edward Beyer also &uffered a thigh wound. Those arrested were Joseph Hayman, 20, Alvin Jeffrey, 25, and Larry White, 25. When the shooting wa~ reported and potice cart with "heavy equipment" rac· ed to the scene, a crowd of several hqn- dred prersons gathered. Aft.er the men were led from the building, smoke was seen billowing out of It . Firemen quickly doused tbe names. Police aald sbol! were fired on police cars for no known reason, and officen had to grope into the darkened building. "All I know is we stopped our ca r aDd they were shooting at police from tbe headquarters of the black panther orfiee upstairs,'' said patrolman Robert Flynn. Flynn said he and another policeman had to blow the lock off the door of the buil~ln& with shotguns. "We proceeded upsf:Birs. There was {IO ,resistance. In the building we found many runs. We went through the apartment and out to tbe back porch. "There were these three PantM.rt shouting, 'die pig.' They kepl ahouting lt. They fooghl They were subdued." Flynn and other oUice:rs aald they did not know why the Panlhen opened rir.. The three Panlhers were taken to Cott County Hospital, police said. The wouncf4 ed policemen were taken to Cook COunty, • St. Mary's and Presbyterian.St Luke'• h0ipllil1. only a si.x-moptha extension. Bdore the vote on a six-months ex- ten'sion, Sen. Everett M. Qlrksen of Illinois, the Republican leader In the Senate, said President Nixon Would -sign such a bill If that Is all Congress would pass. The six-month extension was.supported by 45 Democrats and 6 Republicans and opposed by 37 Republicans and 11 Democrats. Sen. Georse s. McGovern CO. S.D.), did not vote. . Mother of Five Sets Self Afire Following Fight An Orange area mother or three became a human t.orch e.arly this morn- ing when she doused her clothing with paint thinner and Ignited it, after a fami· ly argument. Oranae C.ounty Sheriff's deputies said Mrs. Judy Montgomery, 2$, of 18831 Vine St., rushed from the house at .3 a.m. and set herself .afire on the lawn. She It in critical condition in Orange County Medical Center, suffering_ from second and third degree burrui over So percent of her body. .Her husband, Paul , tried to {lUt 'out t)te flam~s with hi.a bare hands and received burns on the hands and arms, deputies sald. He was treated and reieased by medical, center attendanls. Neighbors called the county fire department but the flames were ex- tinguished before firemen a r r l v e.d , dej:llties reported. Russian Roulette · Blamed in Death A Whittier youth found dead Tutsaay night in a so.called hippie pad in , La Habra apparently· died of gunshot wounds inOicted hi a game of Russian Roulette, Police Chief Lee Rivera asserted today. Eight persons who shared the pad with the dead youth were arrested Wednesday but after questioning all ~ere released with the exception of a l~year~ld girl. She was booked' in juvenile hall for possession of dangerou~ drugs. • L -Orsnge Freewa11 , -· : Hopes Exp~essed . ·For New Route • .. \• Otaneea o( headlnl oil uie . Pl'JllClied Ottnl• Freeway beJqre Jt reacllel the bel(h were w<IShe<f .ptlmlstlcallY Wed- nes<loy nignt ·by a eo.ta Mese home owner raifyinc Hwtllnglflt Bea<b aup-port. . ! ' E. 0. Bergeron, a dlrf!'!Or o( the Mesa V e<de l\Ome Owners As,o$Uon: 'told Huntington Stach._ HOME c o 11 n c i l representaUvM·tbat a coucerted f~ty effort hat a chance ef conYIDclng• the Californla Divfsion of Hlghways that the Oraoge Freewllj" doesn't need. to COJP.:e -past lhe San DlegQ freeway 1n FOW1t1fn Valley. A de(inlte route fQr the Orange Freeway has not yet been pJcked, but tentative plans show it following the line of the Santa Ana River. Bergeron "'lied a c:om)tin.,i effort by the ciUes of Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley. Costa Mesa and Newport Beach to battle any plans to bring the freew1y all the way to the'~t. ' · "A logical ending point fqr the freeway would be at the San Diego ·Freeway in Fountain Valley," he said Wednesday. Fountain Valley officials, he 1dded, would like to see the frteway come that far to service their proposed indu.stri.al land. Be.rg~ron was trying to· drum up en- thusiasm for a special meeUna at a o'clock tonight· in Estancia High, Costa Mesa. Mesa · Verde home owners are meeting with Division of Highways repruentatlves to present their views on the proposed freeway route. One councilman frorri each of the four cities Involved will also be present, said Bergeron. Residents along the beach area oppo5e the freeway because of the economic damage it will infUd on homes near lht proposed route. Bergeron aaid there I! a chance to flop the fr~way because no studies have yet been made to determine its fea~blllty. "ff we can present them enough evidence to show why that freeway sh<uldn't come tQ the beach," he said, "the burden or proof wlll be on them and they'll have to fight four cities." AA .evidence supportin& his oppoaition, Bergeron submitted the propo&ed loca- tions of two other freeways, which would bring three freeways to and end· Within five mile.a of each other. He also suggested that 0 r a n g e Freeway traffic could be diverted onto the proposed Corone del Mar Freeway and the proposed · Huntincton Beach Freeway. A savings to the state of several million dollar1 could also be shown by aot con- structing the last six miles of the Oranie Freeway, added Bergeron. Horses_ Found, Not Rustler Loi Alamilo! police have rowlded up four norses missing since July 21 from a riding stable but they are still looting for the rusUen. AcUng on a tip from a police lnlonner ln the Castro Valley 1rea, east of Oakland in Northern Calltomla, Loa Alamltos detective Tom Hlckl found the four missing horses. They had been sold to a rancher in that area. Hicks said the owner, Loyd Culberl3on, made ~itive identification of the ammals. He added that the tip came just in time aa the ' horses were being sold at auction and soon would have been on their way to distant poinls. The steeds were among five ltolen from CUibertson's stables at 5362 Katella Ave. One escaped the rustlers and was rounded up .bY Stanton police the follbw· ing ·day. Hicks I~ still' up ·north hopefully ()(! the trail of the thieves. The horsM are valued a $450 to $750 'each. • • ,. ... ,,,,.". ... .. ' ORANGE ROUTE TO SEA Hudi"I Off Highway Moll _ , --. U.S. to Submit' C.Onf essions . Even' ' If No Warllµig _ 1 WASHINGTON (UPI) -Atty., Gel. John N. Mttch<U said today ''volmMr7 confesslons" given to federal c;iff~ who may not have warned a su,-pect of his rights will stlU be offered In Court u evidence by government prosecutors. "We beUev~ th'at a tallure to 11!'; a NU Warnhtj doea nol ned!ioart!7''il\llob tilol the confession ls Invalid ind that tr.. d~partment ahould aulomaflcan,. cooced9 in.error," Mitchell told a Maull COl\"" miltet conducting bearlnp on ·crtme. -1 The attorney general said thaf ll!e supreme court decision, known a op "Miranda Case," rtqulring police lo waro 1 suspect of the charges ag1~ him and of his ri,cht to remain sUent arxl J;ie represented by 1 lawyor "W¥ a sre.t psychological blow to the morale of)'* local polfce departments. • ... "If a federal olfld!l lnad~!O\li!' lo give a ruu warning, the De~ ii( Juatice now believe. that the conf~ m1y sUll be 1 voluntary confession ·dlf should be presented lo the citolil • evidence," Mitchell aald. ' ' '• Clues Sought · ·· In Sniper Cas~. ·: ._· Seal Beach Police today are still 1ook .. lng for clues leading them to a ~ *ho Monday morning fired Rw;ral ·pqt shots at a moving cab, narrowly ~ its driver. , Lt. Robert Garza said the fiV? ~ fired at cab driver Sherman W. B1,1tcpne while he waa driving along Paclfic )COl;I& Highway appeared to have cOme: trem.1. wooded area, making it dlllicult to fini:I the ~ cartridge cases. Battlefront reports tetl of fight- ing lull, but, to men in combat areas, wretchedness of war never cease!'. On operation 40 miles northwest of Saigon, these Gls of the 25th Division found drenchirJ1 rain another oi war's azoriles. Police 11kl they confiscated four handgun&. including a .4ii c a 11 b e r rel'Olver from the panther beadquartera. When the sboofing wu reported, police ordered "heavy equipment" and tear gu 1:1c.nl to the actnt as a crowd of aeveral hundred pmoila gathered , smoke billow· ed from a building and ftremen answered the CJll, The fire wa1 put OU~ tnd tM neJgbbor!10(id WAI • ..,s11y quiet eor!Y !D- . I - CHICAG<!.PANTHIR SHOO OUT LE ... VE~ ,IVI WOl.!NOEO . u,. . Two l!nkltnliflW' Mon Lad From Haaolquartora Allor lulkll"I Wu Stormed • ... ' )': ~ ~-.. OolltW ... "'"" I Ji Gonlonaville, Va., tanner told '\Vilhln&lon police he was robbed 8u~ Ola thief m1y bave taken more than be could hendle. Ch1rtu Vitt. riported the theft of a metal tool box.fr= hli truck parked on Capitol Hill. The bo1 COl)lalned a teadly CQPPert!e~ snake. Prl-Richard of Glouctotor, a cousin of Quoen Ellulleth, planned U~I T__...,. --to donate bis 443.000 C.mbrldge home to an experlment'I' artiBts i;ommune. But the city council has banned the project for fear the ahists' sheManigans might dis-lurb the quiet residential neigh· J>orllood . JAPANESE HELD AFTIR ATTACKING U.S. DIPLOMATS Man Identified •• Shlpt1u9u Hamaoka, 21, • Student .. Pat Loses Cool Rush, Heat Push Her Good Humor • Thomas Jefkrson would have made a great insurance salesman, ~rta a handwriting analyst in · roll Dr. Norm1n Smith '>f Wy- ildotte, who . has been 1tud)(ing dwrlting analysi• for the Lile ranee Co. of Virginia, studied Jefierao11'a. signature on the Decla· NEW DELHI (UP!) -Pat Nixon lost her cool today. First, the air c.ondiUoner broke down on the Roll•Royce limousine iri which she was touring the countryside. Then the In· dlan preas zeroed in on her and a woman volunt.eer leader demarxled too much of her Umt. Mrs. Nixon was perspiring in lhe 100 degree monsoon .season heat and was pushed for time under a schedule lhat called £or her to visit Chattarpur Village School and then rush back 11 miles to New Delhi !or a state dinner. - Students at I.he school hailed her a.s a "moon queen" and with a hot cloth steamed a red powder likka (caste mark) on her forehead, honoring her but adding to bu discomfort But she quip- ped, "Now I'll make Women's Wear Dai- ly:." Mr1. Nixon showed a t.utiness and rare impatience with New Delhi cameramen traveling with her own pres1 entourq:e as she strolled rapidly thrOUJh the showcase girl's school with Begum Abiida Ahmed, wife of Akhruddln Ali Ahmed, minister of Industrial development. ac4 Ung u her guide. An Indian newswoman kept pushing a microphone in front of Mrs. Nixon's race. The Ftrst Lady ignored her until sh~ finally said in exasperation, "I'm too ruahed. r have to meet my husband." In htr 3$.mlnute visit to Chatt.arpur \'illaee the.re were some happy notes. The ·children chanted "Zindabld" (long Uve) Mrs. Nixon, lhe Moon Queen! They allo called President Nixon lhe moon king. She had ~ on the Asian t.our for 10 days and had kept her paUence despite the arduous schedule. But uked for com- ment about the village sht turned to a reporter, flalhln1 her brown ey~ angril)' and said, '11'm watching now, I'm learn- ing. I just want to say hello to the peo- ple." · PBtion of Independence. He said Jefferson was endowed with a dfj>lomati.c nature, sincerity, em· pa.thy, aggressivenesi;, determina· lion, drive, self«>nfidence and in. telllgence. ,i.tin Ad1m1, on the other hand, was not a salesman, bil Declaration of Independence signature indicates. Smith said Ada.ma was self-confident but dis· tqjsllul, vain, egotistic and lacked empathy with oth,en. • Experts Find Lunar Dust Differs · From Earth Soil Even squirrel.t get tired of litter- bitgs and this crilttr in Longview, r,.:r .. (with the help of a "ptople'" fi'iend) lets the culprits know about ;,Jr Squirrell -peccn loving ones - D ten cavort on the Longview court· lipuse Lawn. 1 • ~A burglar took a ventilator off I~e roof at Merle and Mary's Club ln Wichita, Kan. one morning then 5queezed through the opening to gain entrance. But the club was still open, and severa1 persons watched as lbe burglar's feet came 5lowly down through the opening. The customers grabbed the man and held him for police. SPACE CENTEJl,-Houaton (AP)-'The moon. like earth, hu a thick outer O'Ult and a hot inner core, but Its chemical makeup, shows interesting differences [rom that of earth, geologists say. These are the prellmlnary findings of two separate experiment! made possible by Apollo 11. U.S. Toughens Stand at Talks PARIS !UP!l -The United States. In its toughest negotiating statement yet, accused the Communists today of show· ing contempt for a democratic solution to the Vietnam War. Hanoi and the Viet Cong responded with new attacltl on President Ni.Ion. U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge took his cue frnm Nixon's "no more con· cession5" statement in Saigon Wednesday and was joined by South Vietnamese negotiator Pham Dang Lam wbo charged the Communists had rejected offers of supervised elections because they knew they would lose. Xuan Thuy, the chief Hanoi negotiator, said Ni:ron's viJit to Saigon "far from contributing to a settlement'' had made matters worse. The. Viet Cong already had criUclz.ed Nil:on's moves as a "blunt. shameless provocation." Combifttd .with earlier obatrvaUons from sclenuat.s studying lunar rockl, the new information tends to support the theory that volcanic action had more to do than meteors with crtaUn1 the moon's craters. In the f~st detailed chemical 1n11yal1 of lunar dust, a researcher from the Australian National Un!vmlty found "the soil ts not mis:td to any marked deuee with Iron or chondr\Uc meteorites. Tttanium 11 high ln comparison with ter- restrial rocks and meteorites." Dr. s. Ross Taylor aaid the anatpls was made by vaporizing small amounts of moon dust in a carbon arc and photographing It through a ti.Iler that sorts out specific chemlcal.9. Meanwhile, a mechanical sensor left on the lunar surfaci by the Apollo 11 aatronauts has be.amed aliJ>ail to earth that indicste the inoon ha11 an outer crust 121i2 miles thick, sa1d Dr. Gary IA.lham of Colwnbia University's Lamont Geological Observatory. If future data from lhe instrument con- firms th.is lnformaUon, Jt meam the moon Is structured like a layer cake, similar to earth, and probably wu born In much Lhe aame manner -from a buge cloud of dust or gases pulled together by gravitational attracUon. Earth's outer crust ranges from three mile& thick under deep MB floon to 30 miles thlct where there are mountains. U.S. Mostly Fair, ·Warm Tee·r,iperatures Climb Into 90s Across Most of Nation ' MMt ffl 1WtMr!t C11Merr111 wt• ~., .... ""'"" *"' """"' -"" 111111 tow (1ol.ld1 ....... tti. a1111 11'111 ~ .... "'-"'* lt>Ullft ....... ,.. "' "" lllffl -.'!Nltn. tfllll ... .,,.. TJle LOI """""" .,... Wll fllr wllll """" """"""'· ,.,. ,.,,_..111 ... COP!o-·""'* "' IM _,.. wtttl I fll... flMllY •• _.... ..W!elld .,,. fl .. l«tltlfll, WMMtdey'1moulrrlllfYl-N• -Wit 1,1, l"ol~ Clfllrel Dlltrkt .... lllf'I -.....,.."' 9'ftOI IJI "" ,... "'""* ... In. : 1"-bMelln .,.... "'•11Y !•Ir wllll ..,,., """""' io. '!Ml"'•· t-..,...,,.. _.... I~ frlt ,.,...,.. wlftl ..... ""-""""' tlllVI ... ,... MOWttellltW -,....,"' tu- .. -douillllltlol '"" • """ IQ" ..,_ 1n-fftu1Mll1.,_,,,, Tht ~-r:..11'1 1111 .. 11 ,_, rtMl1 ' _.,,. """ 11'19111\' dlo9r Wl!ll -••. ,1-tllf """"' ~ =~ !''""" lr9"I _, 1• IOI ............ • u"' ... ._, , Tht lltfliM'I ........ -l'tC~ ~ ~ ~ Ill,, Mii ........ ~ .... """' '"" ........... llleMftl'~IY ..... ~-loft\': l.tN ...0-'fl.... .... Mollfcl ,.. JI. ·~ flMt Not. W'li... .,..., l'•..._rt l..._"'5t IU_...., IO)llQ, l'tlnl JM .......... 111, ~ 10> "" a..i o..,. n·11 .,.. """"' ••r-w; ,,,. Coat.i Su-v.1!11 toe.I ""'" ,,..,_ todt't •11111 'r111ty. WI,_ -*-1 I ft 11 kl'IOtL Hltll IMIY 1S. Ya""*'y'' .._."'" rtlltllll mm • llltfl " .... , ... 11111~ ....,..."'" ,.,.,.. wt• ti It tJ, W'111r ttnwtr• ll;rt .,,. .... ,,.._, Swn, Moo11. TWu • T'4UUtA'I' • ' Plrtol ""' ............ 1:0 '·"'· I.I l'lnl 111'11 -,.ll:CI '•"'·Lt •tUDA'I' l'lrtt .................. •:,, •·"'· l.J l""-1 Mlh . ,., ....... lttS. ... m.1,1 lttOllllll ............. ,,o '""· 1.1 _..... llli,ll ll;llll 1,1111. I.I &w 1t!M1I _.'1¥1. S•ll 1'15 • ..,, ,_... lllltft t ·A •·"'• fftl 1:111,,.,, .... """ •• "'"' 0, ,.... ,t,w. fl /WI, I Aut. • Aw. II ~ • •I tll(ill l• ""· lot ,. .. .. , .. " Q .tl ,., " .. ... " n .. " ... .. .. . " .... a " = ~ .... .... " " " n "' .. i 5 " n : n .... ~ :: "' .. '# :: ., u D 11 ':t : .... . .. D M • • ~ .. .... ,,. ., ., .. . ... . . ' Japanese Youth .. Tri~s ' Stab Attack~ on ·-, ,. . \ • • • U.S. Secnt Strvlce' 111t11 aadiJPIJl<SO oecurlty ~ -tho ,..th and whllked tin> away to Jail. Pollce olOClili ta!d be l'aa cirlYfn; netet 111 hll ,..uto -..ctnr• IP• preMDCO o1 U.S. polaon 1M .. Olllna•a and ca11hlc far tho 1••<'11Qil ol ~· ~ J1pon.'One ol tblJ -~ ll>•l Japan not ronew tts -ty'll:Ut, with Ibo milled St.Ilea -I uplni In tl'IO. ~· bodyl\lll'dl IUiled I b e SecnlWy ol Sta!o ~ bla pl,IJle ml It d?fled for Sooul 1t l:OCI p,DL Sl!aJten but wnllf~ M8J'er y,ent home, teWng newamen be hid DOI been hurt. Peace Could Exend Pope's Africa Trip Upset ·•Y Criticism . 3 Dead Left in Wake Of Man's Shooting Spree ABOARO THE PAPAL PLANE (AP) -On hil way to Uganda loday Pope Paul VJ expretled hOpe that his planned talks wllh Nlgefian and Blalran dtlegates may pave the way for puce in'the bloody con- flict. A high Vatican official aold the Pope was willing to extend bia stay in· Africa "even by one month" 1l this might serve any purpose for peace. He meets the Bit/rans and Nigerians Friday . "We hope our mteting, the tePftaen· tatlvet ol Nigeria and of Blalra wiD help to do a little good," Pope Paul said. He talked to newsmen durine a 10-minute visit to the preu c.ompartment of the plane. Archbishop Giovanni Benelli, th e Vatican substitute secretary of state, said later the Pope was "available" ror anything which may help bring the two warring sides closer. He might es:tend thia thrtt-day viNt "even by one month." Archbishop Benelli said in this con- nection. BURBANK (UP!) -An aircraft com· pany worker who shot and killed hls su· pervisor 1 the president, of bia union local and 1 third man &PPJrenUy wu enraged over criticism for not wearing safety gl&S9eS, police said lodlJ'. Isaac Jernigan Jr., 29, a senior .tem· plate maker at the Lockheed Aircraft Co. plant, was beld today on suspicion of murder. Police said he refused to make a statement. · Jernlgan surrendered to police Wednes- day about two blocks from the office of District Lodge 727, Intentlttonal Associa· lion of MachiniSU. Police pieced together the story of the shooting rampage from witnesses. Jernigan received an "employe's per- formance notice" that rebuked him for not weanni safety g1uaes while he was workfng in a huardous area.· Jtrrugan walked into the plant just be· fore I p.m. and banded the note to Jan Howard Domonooke. 28, supervilor ol the ~late department. When Donomon· ske tried to hand U ~c~ to him, Jernl· gan drew a .SS.Caliber, snub-nosed re- volver, fired twice, and Domonoske fell to the floor mortally wounded. Jernigan eluded pollce who sum>Unded the plant, and headed for the IAM bead4 quarters about three-quarters ol a mile •w~y. 1 M tt\e office, he asked to see Thomas E. McNett •. 55, president of lhe local, and was told he was speaking to a group ot retired members in an adjoining patio. Jernigan b a r g e d Into the meeting, yelled "Mr. McNett1" and when the un- ion leader turned around, fired three times. killlng him. Leonard E. Nolan, 52, a tool planner. for Lockheed who tried to stop Jernigan at the back door. al.so wu fatally shot.. He reeled back into the patio where he crumpled to the ground ne1t to McNett'• body. Archbishop Benelli aai.d Msgr. Carlo Bayer, a German-born prelate who returned from Nigeria Tuesday, led him to believe that It wu now possible that the federal Nigerian government might agree to let rellef ships sail by river into Bialra under an armed escort from a neutral African country or the United Na. tioria . Vietnam Lull Continues; 110 Gls Iillled in Week The archbishop uJd a ahlp loaded with food and medkine was ready to aail u soon as an aireement wu Hacbed. ·. Nixon Birthplace To Be Preserved? Gov. Ronald Re1g1n bellevea .the home sl 18061 Yorba Linda Blvd. in Yorhl Lin· da should be preserved. That's where President Nl1on wa.s born S61Ai ytars ago. "Prturving lhe Niton home is in the national public interest," Rea11an said Wedn<3day. The State Parks and Recreation Department estimates it would cost $100,11» to restore the house and sur· 1'0tlndl111 property to their or\ginal con· ditlon. Rea1an forwarded to Nixon himself the recoounendation that the NattQnal Park Service pirchue the property and sug- gested the Ni:ron Foundation could use the slt.e for the proposed Nixon llbray. The recommendatlon lnvolve:ri three. altttnaUves from $50,000 for 1.9 acres in- cluding the home to Sl.4 million for 22 additional acmi ind facWtles. Fresno Calm Follows Sporadic Firebombing FRESNO (UPI) -The predomlnently Negro neighborhood of westslde Fresno was cahn Wedntsday night followtng three nla:hts of sporadic firebombing, Jooting and gunfire. At kalt five pertonS soft.red minor bullet ......ia and more than 40 wen ar- rosted during tho dlltul'bancel. --- SAIGON CUP!) -A total ol no Amerl· cans died tn battle last week. the ftwest 1lnce the flnt week rl. the year. The bat- tle lull responsible for the lower lo&lta continued today. "The level of the flght.ing .• :around the republic of Vietnam remalllJ relaUvely low for most U.S. anny uniLs," the of. ficial Army cornmuniQUt! saJd. 'The lull opened the way for Friday's departure of Z,770 more American troops from the war zone -the largest single conUngent to leave since President Nll· on's cutback plan began July 8. Military spokesmen reporting last week's casualUes said another 1,0SS U.S. servicemen were wounded l.ut week. The death toll was the lowest since the week ending Jan. 4 when 101 Git died. Last week'• casualty toll compared with 148 killed and 1,112 wounded the previous week, and 1!2 killed and 1.405 wc;unded the week be.fore that, rtflecti.ng a significant d r o-p in the number or deaths. GIRL, 10, GIVES BIRTH TO BOY ALEXANDRIA, Va. (UPI) -A 11). year.old girl gave birth to a normal 5 pound, 10 ounce baby boy in a suburban Washington Hospttal Tuesday, Ales:anlria HospitaT admlnfstrator Charles M. Goff Sa.id today. "It was a normal delivery. The baby's condition is good ," said Goff wbo declined to comment ~ buic 1tatlstks becaUH of the mother'• age. e OPEN SUNDAYS e South Vietnamese apokesmen 1ald government losses £or lut week Wert 29() killed and &11 wounded, while the Viet Cong and North Vletnamm lost t:963 dead, according to Allied figures. The government casualties were only slightly: lower than the previ0Ul5 week. Co •' D' I untian 1es In Cycle Crash A Westminster man wu killed Wednes· day night when the motorcycle he wa1 riding collided with a car on Beach Boulevard at Trask Avenue. Police said James P. Hayes, 25, of 18922 Arizona St.. was catapaulted through the air Into a traffic signal pole when hJs cycle collided at hlgh speed with a car driven by John R. Pal.a.ky, 24, of Buena Park. Pataky was jailed on manslaughter charges. The Orange County Coroner's Oftsce said Hayes died at the scene of multiple injuries. Senate Okays Medals Of Apollo Astronauts W ASHfNGTON (UPI) -The Senate has approved a resolution aulhoriilng the atrlklng of 1old medals to honor each of the Apollo 11 moon astronauts. The resoluUoo, ~t to the Hou.le, calls for the medall to be presented. to the President and bronie npllcas to be sold to the !>Ubllc. Prol1ts from tbO medal aale would be Uled to finance telence lcllolanhipa. k.arls SUMM ER SALE Canvet Surfer ...,..., ....... ri""4i t.MltrH• ...... --397 Ult ,,..., SI.to • • • • I Ono Min Lllo Rift M ... ef......., N•llertlM __. ...... u. 4'11r· • .... llt -ONLY 14,99 ...... .,,. -4." ,,. H0PPnT HOP llouncl"I a.II ....... --.... $#llll1Mt4M, M•1•MM ...... ............... ._ ........ -7 88 ..., ONLY • NEWPORT IEACH 50 Pcnhloll Island 644.otll WDTMIMlfll1 ,,,, .,, ... t7tti ... 01 0.1111 CAMO•A PAI .. •1•1 ,,.., ............ 141-1111 Sale Ends Sunday, ,Au91!lt 3rd Surf Boord A rHI .n ... t M .. ef _,.,.. ..... ........... fH ...... .............. 1 ,, ..... ....... ,..... 199 ONLY • Diven Watch With Chronom,t_lo!' .,...,,..., .... ....,., '"'.......... 9 99 ""' . ....,. ..... ......,...,, .......... J.yw INM& Ill .... '-"'" _.. • 11.17 ONLY • -~-... --.......-; . ~. _. ... ~ IOAftUIHC OUTIOAIDS 6 IMIOARtl :.··~:.·~.:Di-.. ................. 4 .. --97 O"LY karls OPIN 1 DAYS A WEEK • "' ' • ... •• • • . .. . Newport Barbor~. . i DI TION • ' • • Today'•·~ • N.Y. Seeeb • VOL 62,NO. 182, 3 SECTIONS, 36 PAGES • ORANGE coullflY, <:ALIFORNIA' ' ' . ' ' THURSDAY, JULY 91, f,9,9 TEN CENTS 111'1 T ......... NEWSMEN SCRAMBLE, TOUR·l$.TS GAP.e AS TEDDY EMERGES FROM AUTO OUTSIDE 'CAPITO' Senator-Returns to Work Aft.,r Tr~eedy Whlc" Cast Shadow Ovel'. Promising CarMr Assembly Okay s Giving · Par e1its Sex Class Veto SACRA!\fENTO (AP) -The Assembly approved a bill today giving parents velo power over sex education classes for their children -and allowing revocation of a teacQei"11 credentials for aoing •a~nst • ~inC1. w~. . The measure by Sen. John Scllm.itz, R· TuStin, was approved jS-15 over protest1 tha,t it sets sex tduc,ation course1 in a aeparate -category froin any other 1ul>- ject. The bU1 returns to lhe Senate for concµrrente in A!sembiy amendments. Schmitt bill provides that every parent be notified of a .!IChool's intention to teach 11ex education -and be gjven the tight to examine all instructional materials to be used in the course. Assemblyman Carlos Bee, D-llayward, asked : "Aren't you opening Pandora's box if ynu say parents can come in and look at every piece o( curriculum?" He warned that parents might lhi?n want to 'xami~ material for history, English, math and olber courses -a job now left to local sc,hool boards. But Aa&emblyman Robert Badham. R· Newport Beach, who carried the bill. 'xplained that parents should have the rigbt to keep tbelr children out ·of classes "in ir very sensitive subject"' -and one way they can detide is n they have a chance to look at the instructional material. The bill provides that the credential of any school ofUcial or teacher can be revoked if he fails to make course material available to parent.s -or keepl'I 11 child in a sex education course against his paren t's wrillen obj ections. Officer Fined In Driving Case A fonner Newport Beach reServe police officer pleaded guilty to a· charge of driving without headlights and was fined $20 in Costa Mesa Municipal Court after chargJ.!s or hlt..and·run and drunken driving were dismltsed. Newport Officials Worry Over Unregulated Guards Newport Beach city officials aren't reasons" the· number of private law e.n- hap~y about armed, but. unregulated and forcem~t agencies has r~n very rapid- J)OS!lbly u~trained, private .P~lnllm~ ·Jy over the past several years. serving as· interior pards and wat.cbmen ''Th . . . . for business firms.· · . • ese ·~~ifs pr,ov1~e v _a r.1, 9 u 1 """ ,'i;lly_ ~· .to'. pkipg ·th; .,, servic11-, on , a ..O~~!'l .baalf" \If ~· ~U(oriil'a't:e.gue . qr Clifes to puib !01' plslned. ~ey ~'?' lui'nish per'°"""' to ft.ate legillatl~ kt wootd".']>lace the act· u lnterlo{ iuards for banks and P,~tro1-~er lpcal 1.4flsdk;'µoft. : plan Ls. These · men never leave the • C6itbcil •ctJon, wliJc&. ,wu. qnanim,ous, prem19eS and are employed exclusively c1me ~I \11•. requ¢ Cl City AttC!llley . Tull)' Seymour. by one employer. We,~ve a few of these He noted that far "a variety ol operatJons in Newport, such as at the Phi!CO-:Ford plant. LA-bound Plane Hijacked, Takes Trip to Cuba LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A Trans World AJrUnes lloe.lng·m jelliner was h.i· jacked Thursday neat Wlthlta, Kan., while on a Hight from Philadelphia fo Los Angeles· w~th 12.'I passengers· and a crew of six abbard. "The captain called at 10:42 .a.m. and said we're on our way to Cuba," a TWA .spokesman said. The spokesman said lbe plane, Flight 79, had made stops at Pittsburgh, Jn- dianapolis and St. Louis and was K~UJ.. ed to fly nonstop lben to Los Angeles International Airport. "They ~ere in lhe general area of \\TJchita when the)' called," the spokesman s.aid. Child Undergoes B1·ain· Surgery "Other cases find guards who patrol an asaigned number or buildings and outside areas, generally all under a single ownership. These are· common on con- strucUon sites and may include driving a vehicle throughout the tract. "Finally, t~ere 1$ the situation where a neighborhood hires a i>rivate street patrol to supplement the regular city poll'ce function." He said U1ere is no private street petrol In Newport it pre.c;ent. And it is only this type of Jaw enforcement service that may now be controlled legally by the city, he emphasized. Seymour pointed out that the courts have held that cities are otherwise pre· empted by the state from regulating other private patrol functions . Ht" con- cluded : "In view of the fact that the state law does not furnish standards for these employees, and ~hce they do appear to have official .atithority and ca r r y dangerous weapons, without any required training, It is e&sentlal that local regula· lions be imposed." Stock !tlarkf!ts NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market e1tended ill rally through a second session today, punching out a strong gain In the popular averages. (See quotations, Pages 10.11). Trading near lhe close was act.i\'e. AdYancel led decHnes by better than 8QO .iJs uis. ' ·' Kennedy ·a.ows ' Out ' . Rules Self Out of 1972 Race. WAS!DNG'l'ON (UPl)-Sen. Edw'ar<f -~ . . M. Ke1111e<Jy, (IH !ass.), de<l.,-.d loday he would dtflnllely not ~k t~ presi· dency in 1172. He laid be WU di.sincllned to make the nee e~ rief&e an automo:. bile accident clouded bis political career nearly t..,o weeks •JO. . "The events of the recent past make de(inite what already was an lnclin1tlon oC mloe," Kennedy told reporters on his return to Capitol Hill. In a brief corridor new1 conference, Nixon J'isits India, Vrges 'New' Pea~e NEW DELHt (UPI) -Prealdent llix<ln called 1op U>e, leaden and the ~lions Of the world tonight to commit themselves ''to a new concept of peace" that would renounce wan and find 1 construcUve alternative to revolution. Jn a ·toast delivered at a 1tate banquet given by a.cling Indian President Moham· mad Hidayl'!lullah Nixon outlined the peace as one that "~blnes ~tlnuity and cbangt. stability .and pro-lradi· tion and . innovation, J peace that turn, the wonden of .::ience lo the service of man." ayalem .:. 111d'lreely ~ 11>1 !Yll"9• th<y1 ~b1-.'. Ht aald'.pta<e fts riliit neCsaarJ ua.a eftl' before DQW that man can erou tbelthresbold. ci ·the heaven•. ·'Earlier in the day NI.Ion had called f~ a gener8Uon •of uninterrupted peaci arid asSured IMfa the:United States "rMpec:ls its • ,Ollcy of non-ali gnment and ill determJnaation to play ita role In tht &earth for piace in.JU1 1atm WJy." "What matters. is not ho" _peice ls preserved but that it be preamed," he said. During the day ,Nixon had met for 90 minutes with Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to dlscuas such problem.s as India's fears of Pakistan and Communist China. They also dbcussed the VJeJnam War and when tt}ey had finished Mrs. Gandhi told nportets lhle United States "appeah to come all the way to whait has been our policy in Vietnam." In the past she has severely criUcJr:ed U.S. policies there and callOO (or withdrawal of lf.S. troops . Nl1on fiew here from Bangkok and began tUs meetings in 98 degree monsoon heat that failed to' lessen £he welcome of the greetings by an estimated 100,ooo In· dians Who'tumed out to wave, smile and tosa flowers tn his path. Two small anti-American demonstra· lions marred the day. A group of 200 Communists gathered along lhe route of the motorcade shouted "Go home!" and waved an~-Vlell)am War 11 Io g a ns . Another group of extreme I e f t I a t sociallstl shouted similar sloglllS as Nix· on laid a wreath and planted a tree at the monument to Monhai'ldu K. G11.tlhdi , father of lndJan Independence- A m8iu t.oplc of -conversation between Nixon and M"rs. Gandhi wu Ruasla'1 ·re- cent move .to set up so-c;all~ ~lty ar- (fke NIXON, ,Pap %) th• rim alnce,1be """liltot, KnJ.dy said he 'woUld have no more com11efl~ or eVtr-oo ~.tragedy In "'h!cb • yot)ng ~an 'war k.llled.. whe1 .~ car he was dtliilng, plunged oft, I bridge. "l'y. t[led '° lhe •best or my a.blli•.y in lhe ~ports I mad! to i1Ve lhe !acts of the hddiol,ff fteM<dy Mid. "I woul.*tt hf.ve aoy ·turtber~Commerlt." He W" w•!!"'Y,w<lcomtd back to the Senate •. bJ uemocraijc Leader Mike Mamfi<ld and 11vm ban<bliika br n.. . ' ,l· publ~ali i¥hfi> Hugh Sc.II t nd alhtr aenat.ofti i .;. K'!lll"<l1 stood by Mwfleld 'al the usual presesston brlefir1& with htwlmen and alter ll)e Senate <l"'v'enod ll>ortly ofter II 1.m .. bis .llnl -ln>m the Door were: '1¥1'. President, I move the 1ourna1· or lhe minutes of the prevl°"' lt)eeltng be. a-...t u rod~'· Only a haft. dot.en Je01ton were ln the chamber u the session ~. kl (Ike KJINNEDY, Pqo i). • j I ~ •' "?_ ,I\)_' • !~ ....... .... ' MAafllia.,P.~~\'! .• W O, MAftS FROMo1t1,tal MILKOUT ~. klil\11111 ExcllM ~ i:IOioup Shott 'of Rtd Plonet Due Tonltfil . . ' ..... . . ' M~riner Z~omsNearMars,. G-ets 'Fascipating' Photos. PASADEN~ (AP) -Marjner & new within ·zit'sri miles or Man Wednesday night, Jtl cameras snappina clostupg-that a project spokesman promised would be 1'fascJnatlrig. •• · What the pictures contain wa• not Im· medlat!ly known but scientist.I were so sure the quality was excellent that' they ordered th~m displayed on montt,oi:s for newsmen as soon as they are received ,lll Jet Propu1$1on Laboratory 1tcrti.ng at S:36 -Pl11' tonight. · : · · · They eariier had planned to 51.~· the pictures for . 24 hours ahd' tlieo release selttted prinb:. · "We don't kpoW' exacUy~whal we Will see/' a spokesman sald, '"IJMI some of It may be confusing, but >A't. ire sure that many· · af tfle pictures ·Will h a v e fa!Cinatlng details never ~ before." Mfriner 6 and a sister spaceaalt, Mariner "7, ran into technical problems over night. MarlnCr l 's trouble was minor - railure of a devlct designed to seme the chemistry of . the ·thin Maitian at· mosphere. • The e1tent of Mariner rs difficulty was not immediately determtoed.· It went silent for 1everal houri bOt tf:Chiliclans later piclled up a weak 1ignal after 1witchin1' to inoU\er antenna. The 1pacecrl/! o1aq appu(<t lo'be-rolliri1. night a i;eries of ipproach pbot.ogfaplla showing that Mars may be as crater- pod:ed as the mOon, made a 17-minutt camera run clOlll to lhe Marttap eqµa~ at 10:'19 p.m. PDT. Its path was o'Ver a band of dark: ared thought by .some scientists tQ be vegeta· tior .. Twenty.four pictures were ~nappr.O and store.ct on tape for tran·smls1t o n eartbwird t9night. Twelve pictures were taken by a tolepbot.o camera and l:l by the wid1t- angled camera whfch made ·the earlier apf>rOach shots. Soine of the wide-angled pictures were to cover hundreds or square mlles. The telephoto cam.era Wai to snap highly magnified pictures of areas .within the wlde-angle frames , IOT1le showing detalla as 11mall as 900 feet. across. Juror Charged Over Conduct With Girl, 11 SAN RAFAEL (UPI) -Ralph Wesley Johnson, a member of the Marin County Grand Jury, was arraigned Wednead.ay 6n diarges of Jewd and lascivious 1cls wilh an 11-year-old girl. Leonard B. Yerkes, 22. 2617 Brookride Ave., Orange, was ordered to aUend traf· fie school on the misdemeanor hit-and· run charge. The drunken driving count was dismissed for lack of prosecution. Yerkes served as a Newport Beach reserve oUicer for six months prior to the arrest. He resigned after his arrest on May 27. · George ijoberta Jr., two-year~ld son of former Ne~rt ~ ~t city.at. tomey ;Ge<Jr(e ,Roberts St,, _hu .;J't!fl" dergone ·brain sul'~r:y and .rem~lna_ in critical c;oti,jltion lrom injuries l!Uffered in a car craah, Costa• 'Mesa~ Memorial l:losplta.I, spo~sin.en" aald today. · The toe, who received sevf!re head In· juries in lhe two-car collision last Satur- day, is in the ~it1l's intensive care unit. ·what Hippies?~ "We don't know what the, troubi& ii or whelher" It wlll allicl MarUiet 7'a abfllty to send picturea Wilen It comtS wlthln camua: ranp Friday,"· 1 1potesman Johnson. 62, immediately quit his J>O.'l as a juror and waa replaced by Mrs. Carplyn EIUott of Sausalito. The case WIS bfought against him on complaints from the gtr1'1 family. Orange Cou& Police said Yerkes' car collided with one driven by officer Richard Johnson, 23, at J9th St. and Ne1vport Blvd . He aileged1y ~rt the scene of the accident and was arrested 10 minutes later. Beach W eatlier Marks Jul y End A warming trend along the Orange Coast wili push the mercury over the 80 degre ~ mark today -marking the la.st day ol July perfect for • d~y on Ult , beach or in f)1t watcl'. ' .'. The Orange CounCy Harbor Distr ict reports Ult \Valer templ?l'Ature at Newport Be.ach al &... degrtts. Slight breezes and calm 6ec •tre expected for this; afternoon . Los Angi;Jcs temp<!r&ture& arc expected to exettd 90 degi'tts. Smog alerts 1· .. ·r1i posted in the Inland areas \Vednesday and are eipec:ted to be continued LOd1y. I y llis parents were slightly hurt In the accident, which occurred in Costa Me3a. Fred Foister, ;i. of Garden Grove. the drtver of the other car, was booked on fetOny druitken drivirla'char&es. Pledge to Flag Due Friday Night ... ' . Rogers Takes Stroll, Says AU' s W eU ' i;aJd. • · Marintr !, oiler televllln1 Wednesday t • Weatller T\lrn on lhe air conditioner or 1et out to the beach becauae bot -lher~ in ol01'1! !or the <OUI durlni Ole weekend, with tem~ erari hrldlna Into lhe hlgb 1111. INSIDE TOD.\Y • • • , ' •' ' I I • ' Pacific Sunset ' j ' • Figures ailhouetted' by Wednesday's setting slUl foun4 reUel !tom cumnt liot spell by jogging through water at beach'• edfe J\t- member June when we compJalned about WI those u1ow c·foud1" and tho generally dank weather! Wbat do you bet some folks with short memori .. are complaining about the current run of sunshine and warm temperatures? ' Save Salt Creek Drive fr-qlls Out All the Swps .. ' A surfinc champion, a pretty girl and :a noltalrlc · j>alnUog w n • combined Wedneday by proponents who offielally :.~ned the "Save Salt Creek" campaign ~~ the;'Ui~ Beacb ar~. • Veteran board &urfer Corky Carroll, ."ap'T'enUy de!endlne champion of the West ?eoast Surfing Association and distaff :)"riday Night Is ;Y's Family Night ., Friday nllhl ls Family Night at the Y. : , Roll en Brousard, executive director of the Orqe Coast YMCA, said a "picnic on the patio" will be under 'vay at 6·JO p.m. And that's not all, said Brousard. Bill Brown, phyiical director , will see that facilities and supervision ~e available Friday night for games of volleyball, ping-pong, jumping on lhe trampoline and shooting baskels. Bill ChUM, swimming pool mana(ler, wilt provide lifeguards for swimming. Les Doak and AliCi! M. Fox. community J>rogram directors , will assist in a speci3I program for the children, includ\ng grunes, stories and a rnovie. A variety of _records \\'iii be provided for dancing. • surfer F-fari Newman, 14, o{ 1201 Starlit DHVt1 • t:asuna, were 'On hand tOr the opening ceremonies at Joyce Clark's art studio, 1434 S. Coast Highway in Laguna. Th~ cam paign Centers on a clflr.tn el· fort to obta!n public acem to Salt Creek Beach, located betwttn South Laguna and Dana Point. It has I on g been a favorite spot for arti surfers, artists and beach·w1lker1. Laguna Nituel Corpora· tion currently has development plans in the works for the uplands. Mrs. Clark has offered her large pain· ling, UUed "Old Salt Creek" u a specia l priU to be given to a lucky supporter in the Save Salt Creek campaign. Tickets at $1 went on sale today at the Clark studio and other outlets are being arranged for in the southern Orange Coast area. Campaign spokesmen report.ed ;100 has already been received. Jn addition, campaign :ipokesmen said bumper stickers are being sold for SI. Or, ror a ;s donation, a pa r king ticket, bumper sticker and 3 by 5 inch reproduc· lion of the "Old Sall Creek" painting will be of fered to campaign supporters. Others on hand for the campaiin's opening hoopla were Roll Aumess, cur· renUy ltader in the West Coast Surfing As,,ociatJOll standings and Pierra Michel, president of the Laguna Beach Surfing Club. Scorched, Sealed and De livered • • .: ........ J KENNEDY ••• , wl>!p, K41mNy1 SI, I .. ~~ Ill! 61 ~la, ~ tliuilb-• • • '-.! ~!OlllJ RoOord • ..... i!?m'~iil•· IJHI•». a'!'\; ~ =~ )I·~ '!'er lo .\w.:i"!~~ .. :,~y ·~q· u.e ~-._.ii:1r:b!JE: pui!ed him by the arm and said "C""' bert, right back where you be.loqg.'1 ·Wearing a blue sutt -with his black tie somewhat askew, Kenned.1 stOod b.Y as Mansfield ~wered quest10ns. about the income s11rtar due for a vote IQQy and the aot.iballllijc missile. 1ys(em erpedtd to come to a vote next yttk. As Kennod.Y; l~ tanned and ..mi. arrived at the .,.capitol and . walked up the stepa l~dil'\g; to the Senatti a report· er asked if he was pleased to be reswntng his Senate duties. He r~pUed, "Fine. Glacf to be hack at work.'' KennedY alTiYed .in a small blue con· verUble driven by a man Identified as Claude Hooton, a former Harvard roommate and long·time friend. About 200 newsmen and tourists swarmed around him .u be emeried and walktd quickly up Ute front steps of the Senate. Before returning to Washington Wed. nesday night, Kennedy issued a state- ment uylnQ he had <kcided not to resign his seat and also pl1Med to seek another tenn in 1970. lf elected then, he said, he wou ld serve the full als year term. Jn the aftermath of the controversy surrounding the auto accident. Kennedy uked ihe people of Ma.ssa~usetts ~o Indicate if he should remain as their senator. Their response was an overwhelming "Yes." * * * Soviets Def end Sen. Kennedy ?.tOSCOW (UPI) -Right.wing entmie,! are "hoondin&" Sen. Edward it. Kennedy about hi• fatal automobile accldent Jn an attempt Uh drive hlm from office, a Soviet newlpaper said today. Komaomollkaya Pravda, newspaper of the Young Communist League, recounted detalls of the July 18 accident that killed Mary Jo Kopechne and said that under normal circumstances "the story would have eDded there, but the story hu a se- quel . ". ''From the story of the catastrophe, we learned of the bowldlng campaign begun in the U.S. aa:ain:lt Kennedy by circles hOIUJe '.o him," the oewrpaper ~aid. Mesa Councilman Seeks Divorce 'Costa Mesa Clfl' Council-. Geoiie A, Tucker ts aeeltlng a 1 divdrCe' from his 'WUe, Irene, In a Superior Court action that offers as irounds for the endin1 ol the 15-year marriage her conviction on char1e1 of aecond degree murder, Mrs. Tucker, 37, 11 now serving a sentence of five years to life ln the Frontera Prison for Women . She was found guilty last Oct. 29 of the carving knife killing ol Mrs. HarriefWeatphlJ. 68, her next door nelthbor. Tucker, JM2 Minorca Drive, asks for cwtody of his children, Kalhleen, 13, and Karen, JI. Mrs. Tucker Was convicted of killing Mrs. Westphal in a backyard dispute lalt June 28 bet~en the ne ighbors. The stricken Mrs. Weatphal ran from her yard into the street whert she died fN>tn knife wounds inflicted by the berserk woman. Mrs. Tucker insisted throu1hoot the trial that she had not killed her nel(lhbor. She has been receivln1 psychiatric treat· ment at Frontera. 1-loffa Bail Denied CINCINNATI (UPI) -The 11.S. Sixth Circuit Court of At1~ab1 today denied bail for James R. Hoffa, former Teamsters Union President now servin1 a term in a PenN1ylvania federal prison. u,.,........,. I ~·l y ,II.OT Iliff """' IN HARD HATS, WESTCLIFF'S GLO CASEY, FILLOW SHOPKEEPERS PREPARE FOR $,,TURDAY Mt'c.h1nt1 Grin (Grimly) About Torn up St,Ht1, a.re Pl1n1 for Sidewalk Superlnt1ndent Sal• W estcliff Sets Sidewalk Sale With C.hanges Every year, merchants at WestcJiff Plaza Sl>o!'lllng Ceotar hold 1 •id<walk aale and this year will be no ei:cepUon. The sale will be held !hiJ S.lurday, but not as planned. Two weeks ago. the the1f1e cl the sale was changed from "Hlwliian'' to "Sidewalk Superintendent Sale" The theme change was created by a strike ol heavy equipment operators ~ilieh left Westcliff br1ve in front of the center torn up and barricaded. Employea: aod managers of the 24 stores in the center will be well equipped for the sale to be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. this Saturday. 1'h1!: theme change has been readily adolJted, by everyone at the plua. Hard hats will be worn by employes, street and traffic signs will be handily placed among tables and road barTicades will be set up at various locations in the center. The heavy equipment operators out on strike are not expected to return to compete the road improvements for five weeks. They went out on flrlke JuJy 21. Guard's Action ' Saved Woman Swift action by a lifejUlrd trained in nnt aid and traffic control by a truckload of electrical workers may have aav1d lhe life of a newsman's wife thrown from their car in a freeway ac· cldent, her husband said today, Mrs . Harriett Keavy, 66, wife of Laguna Beach newspaper editor Hubbard "Hub" Keavy, might have been cnuhed by other cars on the San Diego Freeway, if not guarded by the truck crewmen. Braking to a stop, the Southern Callfornla Edison Company truck shi~ld· ed the injured victim, while workmen qulckly set out flares and radioed head· quarters to telephone for an ambulance. An unidenUfied lifeguard using a first aid kit carried on the truck stopped the flow of blood caused by Mrs. Keavy's in· . juries, which included a skull Jracture. "All I h.!ld was a handkerchief," Keavy said today. $818. Per Parcel W:estNewportAlley Work Cost Over First Estimate Newport Beech clly councllm<n have approved West Newport's alley i~ ment aasesSmenl!, which came in higher than or!&lnally esti!llff<d when the IU7,. 808 p r o j e c t Wint out to bid last November. Average cost for each benefitted parcel amounted to '319. The e:iUmate btfore the work be(lan last fall was ;261. Some 30 of the· 348 property owners as· sessed for the cost protested before coun· cilmen this week. CO\Ulcllmen alter a lengthy hearing modified a few of the assessments, but overruled the big ma· jority of the protests, some of which in· volved complairils over minor construe· tion aspects of the job. Public Works Director Joseph T. Dev· lin said the relatively high cost of the work resulted from limited access, nar· row alleys and zero setbacks, which made It imposeible for SUllf·MWer em. lractlng Co. ol Loog Beach lo do the job .at a lower cosl Laurence J,, Thompson, hired by the city ·to spread the assusment ca1ts, said the prolect was the "most upenslve al · ley project I've encountered in my Ute." Thompson, in a 40-year~areer, has work· From Page 1 NIXON •.. rangeme:nts with the major nations of Asia against any menace from Red China. Jndla has bttn cool to the Idea. Nixon challenged the n~sily of it in a speech, Nixon told newsmen later the talks were "very useful" but did not elaborate. Other soorces called the talks "very cor· dial" and "wide ranging." Nixon had got off to a good start wilh Mrs. Gandhi by telling her in a welcome slatement something she wanted to hear -that Asian problems must be solved by Asians without lht influence of out.side big powers. ed with more than 12,000 assessment districts. ·Mayor Doreen Marshall said she re- gretted the unexpected high COfl ol the wort, but the job had to be done. City aides noted that 318 of the prop- trty owners assessed for the cost of the project lod(led no protests, indicating their satisfaction with the newly paved alleys. DAI LY PllOT 0-.t..NG!o C!lAll "Ull ISHIN• COM,AMY "•lttorl N. w .... •rta'*tlt .,,, l"ublllllff Jaclr I . CYrley vie. l"rt11<MM •H Gnttai INN.., T"•"''' Kawn ·-Th .... , A. l-'1r,lll111 """'"" ltll .. . J1r1M• F. C.1n111 ,._. .. tell Cl"' UllW ---2J I I Wett l•l'bte le•lwe,ti M1Tih•t A44r1111 P.l'J.111 1171. tJUJ • --C.I• Mnt: »Cl Wnt lay Sir.t l •-hloc:l'i• m ,_, "'"'""' IWritlntlordffdl: Jiit IHI "'-I JJ. J. (}arrell 'a 14th Semi-Annual Safe 7 STYW TO CHOOSE MOM T11et• •r• ,.,,.,., 'cefllfort..We seife l:i.Cl's ftr SittifMJ end SIMpff19. A wit!• sel•c.tioti of Nl:wle.1 1nrl Colon t~ ~~ f"""" .. • .... 400•00 Now 299 .00 With Skim $SO. erlrt. H.J.GARRflT fURNflllRE _; Command module "Columbia ," blackened by Its fiery reentry Into earth's atmosphere, arrives \Yedoesday al Lunar Receiving Laboratory, Hous· ton, lo take its place in isolation near the Apollo 11 crew. Hatches of spacecraft were sea.Jed after crew was removed. Reopening was to take place behind blolo(lcal barrier of lab, 0,.--IM- 2211 HARIOR llvtl, COSTA "4ESA, CALIF. "46-0111 ~6-0276 I \1 I • . . Costa Mesa EDITION· Today's Flaal N.Y. Stoeka VOL. 62, NO, 182, l SECTIONS, 36 PAGES ORANGE c6UNTY, CAL F.ORNIA · TEN CENTS --- l(erttledy Bows Out Bu1es Self Ou't of 1972 Race . . WASHINGTON (UPl)-.Sen. Edward f\1. Kennedy, (D-Mw.), declared today he would definitely not seek the presl· dcney In 1971. He said he was disinclined to-make the race even before an automo- bile accident clouded his political ca'r.eer nearly two weeks ago. ''The events or the reeent past make defin ite what alrea dy was an inclination of mine," Kennedy told reporters on his return to Capitol Hill. In a brief corridor news conference, Sch11titz' Bill 011 Sex Clas~ Ve_to Appro~ed the firat since the accident, Kennedy said he would blve no more comment-now or ever~n the tragedy 1n which 1 young woman was killed when the car be wu driving-plunged Q([ a bridge.• "I've. tried to the best of my ab)llty in the reports" I made to give the. facts or the~Jncl~ent," J(enne4f ~14,"I, "''1 .. wouldn'.t hart any further comment" He was warmly welcomed 'back to the Senate .. ._ by Dunocratic ·Leader Mike Manslleld and ·iJvon'Jiandlhabo by ·fte. '• . publican Whip Ilastr Scott llld othtr aenaton. : Kennedy stooct by Mansfield at CM· usual presession briefing wleb r•wm~ and alter the Sinate._ conv.ened lborily >nu U a.m .. hla Mt words f""'! tht floor were , "Mr. l'rlll4enl.1 ,. ... ,.Ille journal of the mlnu1"'.'ol .llle',J""'!!'!" m~~ be approved' u nad." Only a half dozen aenaton were 1n lhe. cham)>er JS the session opened. As (See KENNEDY, Pop J~ · ! ·- NEWSMEN SCRAMBLE, TOURISTS GAPE AS TE obv EMERGES FROM AUTO OUTSIDE Senator Return• to Work After Tr1gedy Vi hich C11t Shadow Over Promising Ca.rHr CAPITOL SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Assembly approved a bill kxlay giving parents veto power over su education claSses for their children -and allowing revocation Of a teacher'• credentials for goin& against a parenl '.!1 wls~. Tucker Seeks Divorce, Cites Wife's Conviction Co!la Mesa Cily Councilman George A. Tucker Is seeking a divor.ce from his "·ife, Irene, in a Superior Court action that offers as grounds for the ending of the 15-ycar marriage her conviction on charges of second degree murd er. Mrs. Tucker, 37, i:s now serving a unt.ence of five years to life in the fl'fll\fl'f Pfll"'I. Joi..Wo.,,.JI. She was found guilfy lasfoct.~2fbfthe carving knife killing of Mil. Jilrrlet We:itphal, s,, her ~ext door neighbor. 1uclter, 1642 Mlnorca DriVe, asks for cu11tbdy of hi! childrtn, Kathleen, 13, and Karen, 11. Mrs. Tucker was convicted of killing ri1rs. Westphal in a hackyard dispute last June 28 between the neighbors. The stricken l''ofrs. Wes!phal ran from her yard into the. street where. she died from knife wounds inflicted by the berserk \\•oman. tifrs. Tucker insisted throughout the trial that she had not killed her neighbor , She has been receiving psychiatric treat· ment at Fnmtera. LA-hound Plane Hijacked, Takes T1·ip to Cuba LOS ANGELES (UPI ) - A Trans World Airlines Boeing 727 jetliner wa s hi· jacked Thursday near Wichita, Kan., wbile on a flight from Philadelphia to Los Angeles with 123 passengers and a crew of six aboard . "The captain called at 10:42 a.m. and sald we're on our way to Cuba," a TWA spokesman said. TM spokesman said the plane, Flight . 79, had made sto ps at Pittsburgh, tn- dianapolls and St. Louis and was schedul· ed to fly nonstop then to Los Angeles InternaUonal Airport. •·They \ol'ere in the general area . of \\'ichita \\'hr:n they called," th 1 1pokesman said. Officer Fined In Driving .Case A fonner Ni;wport Beach reserve police officer pleaded guilty to a charge of driving without he.adlighU and was fined $20 in Costa Mesa Municipal Cow-t after charges o( hit-and·run and drunken driving were dismissed . Leonard B. Yerles, 21, ;811 Brooksitle Ave., Orang~ was ordered to ·atttnd traf· fi e school on the mi8detf!eanqr tut-and- run charge. The drunken driving count \\'IS dismissed for lack of prosecution. Yerkes served as a Newport Beach rl'$!.rvt officer for six months prior to the i1rresl He resigned arter his arrest on ti lay 27. Police said Yerkes' car collided with one driven by orficer Richard Johnson, 2..1, at 19th St. and Newport Blvd. He allegedly left the scene of lbe actident and was arrested 10 minutes later. lfoffa Bail Deuied CINCINNATI (UPI ) -The U.S. Si:tt!l Circuit Court of Aopeals loday denied bail for Jame s R. Hoffa, former Team1ter1 Union President now serving a term in a Penmylvanla federal prison. Meets Mrs. Ga•ulhJ Nixon in India, Urges 'New Concep-t of ; Peace' NE\V DELRI (U PI) -President Nixon called on the leaden and IM nations of· the "'orld tonight to commi,t lhernselves "to a ne.w concept ol peace" that would ~·no~ ,... 1• coostr~iv• alternative to revolution. In a toast delilertd a.t a state banquet given by'acting ihdii.n'Jire.sldent Mohain· mad Hidayat'ul(lb: Niaon outlined the peace u ·one that· "coinbines continuity and change, stability and progress, tradi· lion and innovation, 1 peace that tu rris the woodera of science to the service of man." He said &uch a peace' would value diversity and "respect .the right or dif- ferent pe<iples to Jive by • dirferent Slury on /\tn. Nlson -Page 4 srstem -and freely choose the systems they Jive by." He said peace was more necessary than· e'(er before new that man can cross the thrahold of the hr:avena. Earli'er in the day Nixon had ~alied for a generation of uninterrupted peace and assured India the United States "respects il.s policy of non·allgnment and iL~ detenninaation to play Us role in the seareh for peace in Its own way." "What matters is not how peace i!I preserved but that il be preserved," he 5aid. During lhe day Nixon had met for 90 minutes \\'ith Prime Minister Indira Gandhi lo discuss such problems as India's fears of Pakistan and Communist China. They also discussed th e Vietnam War and when they had finished Mrs, Gandhi told reporters the United States "appears to come all lhe way lo what has been our pq!icy In )'lOin~'l';" !n tlie P•'I. ah• bi1 severely criticized U.S. JKl'ltaes lbere and called for withdrawal of 0 .S. troops. Nixon flew here from Bang~ok and began b.iJ.meetings,in 96.degree monsoon heat that failed to lessen the welcome of the gretiings by an estimated 100,000 In· dians who turned out to wave, smile and toss flowers in his path. Two small anll·Amerlcan demonstra- tions marred the day. A group of 200 Communists gathered along th\!-route of the motorcade shouted "Go home!" and >n·aved anti· Vietnam War s Jog ans. Anolher group of extreme I e f t i s t socialists shouted similar slogans as Nix- on laid a wreath and planted a tree al the monument to Monhandas K. Ganhd i, father of lndian independence. A main topic of conversation between Nixon and Mrs. Gandhi was Russia's re- cent move to set up sG-Called security .er· rangements with the major nation~ of Asia Bgains( any menace from Red China . India has been cool to the idea. Nixon chaJlenged the necessity of it in a speech. Ni1on told newsmen lat er the talks \\'ere ·•very useful'' but did not elaborate. Other socrces caJ\ed the talks "very cor· dial " and "wide ranging." Nixon had got off to a good sta rt with Mrs. Gandhi by telling her in a welcome statement something she wanted lo hea r -that Asia n proble1ns must be sol ~·ed by Asians without the influence of outside big powers. The measure by Sen. John Schmib:, R· Tustin, was approved 55-JS over protestl that It sets sex education cour!CS in a separate category from any other sub- ject. The bill returns lo the Senate for coneurrence in Assembly amendments. Schmitz" bill provides that every p1rent be notified of a school's intention to teach sex education -and be given the right to examine all instructional materials to be used tn the course. Assemblyman C8rlus Btt, O.Hayward, asked: "Aren 't you opening Pandora's box if you say parents can come in and loolt at every piece of curriculum"!" He Wl!Jled th,.t parents might th~ want to examine inatulll for hiltory, Englbh. .-n;.'olliof.....,... ".°" Jolni!io Ifft to loc•l.'""1ool board<. But Awmblyman Robert Badham, I\· Newport 'Beach, •bo qirried the bUI, explained thlt p#Mls ibould have 'th& r1ght to keep the.It ~hildttn out of clauea "in a very aen~itlve subject" -and one way they can decide ls H they have a chance to look at the instructional 1naterlal. Ai·thur W. Howe Rites Satm·day Services for Arthur W. Howe, a resi- dent of Costa Mesa for 45 yean, will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at Bell Broadway Mortuary Chapel. Mr. Howe, 92. died Wednesday at hi!! home, 315 E. 18th St., after a prolonged illness. He was retired from the Tidewater Oil Company where he had been employed for 40 years. Survivors include his wife, Nancy of the home; seven daughters, Evelyn Sbafter, Effie Cooper, Rachel Mayes, Geneva Siandage, Ellen Pase.walk, Lore It a Flukey , ti1ary Check ; three son9, Sherman. Grant and Melwin Howe: 20 grandchildren ; 21 great grandchildren and five great great grandchildren. MARINER P~OT~ SHOWS VIE...; OF ~RS. FROM 2tl~-~vt"1niiT Scientist& £xcitH Altout CIOHup Shots of Red PlaMt Due · ... Marillifr'ZQ61nsNearJ\I~s, . . ~ ~ \. .. ·Gets 'Fascinat~g' P ·~ PASAbENA (AP) -'Mariner I flew wilhln 2,t3o miles of Mars Wednesday Nghl, its camera11 anapping closeups that a project spokesman promised wou:ld be "fascinating:" \\'hat the pictures contain was not Im· mediately known but scientists wue ao sure the quality was excellent that they ordered them displayed on monitors for newsmen es soon as thty· are received al Jet Propulsion Laboratory &tartin& at 5:36 PDT tonight. They earlier had planned to study the pictures f<>r 24' hours and then release i elected prinis. •1we don't know exactlf. wh?t we will see," a &pokeman said, 'Ind some of it n1ay be confusing, but we are sure that many of the pictures will h a v e fascjnaling details never seen bef?re." Mariner 5 and a sister spacecraft, ~1arlner 1, ran into technical problems over night. Mariner 6's trouble was minor - failure of a device. designed lo sense the chemistry of the thin Martian at· mo.sphere . The extent of hfariner 7's dilficully wa~ not immediately determined. It went slleht for several houri but technicians llter plcked up · a weak sJgoal after 1wttchln1 to anot.ber antenna. 1'bt Couple Facing Marijuana Rap After Accident .. spacecraft also appeared to be ro "We don't know wha.t the troubl•1 ' or whether it will affect Mariner r1 ab lty to send pictures when It comt:~ "l&hin cam er• range Friday," 1 ·~~ ·~ said. Mariner S, after televising Wedneld.ay night a series of approach photoll'apha showing that Mars may be u craw-. pocked as the moon,•made a .17-mlnute camera run cloSt: to the Martian eq111tcr at 10,11 p.m. PDT. • Its path wu over a band of dark areas thought by some sclentista to be Yegela· tion. ., . Twenty:four pictures were snarped and stored on tape for transm a1loa earthward tonight. · Twelve pictures were taken by a telephoto camera and 12 by the wide- angled camera which made the earlier approach shots. Some of the wide-angled pictures were to cover hundreda of square mile1. The telephoto camera was to &nap highly magnified pictures of areas within the wide-angle frames, aome showing details as 1mall as 900 feet across. Stock Jtlarket1 NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market erlended its rally through a HCOlld ....ioo today, punching oot •strong gain In the popular avenges. (See quotations, Pares 10,11). Weatller A single car 1ccl<lent on Newport ... Boulevard Wednetd1y night led to the It· rm ·Of a santa An• man and a femate companion on J)oale1alon of marijuana char191. Alfr<ct D. Wllll~s, :II, 3IOI S. Main 51,. fl alao' ~ )leld on drunken: driving ch1rgtl atter the car he wu 1dtlying went..ou\ ol control and hll • le~ pole near the Santa AN Country Club, Tum on the air · conditioner or 1tt out to the beach becawe bot wuther ls Jn store. for the coast during the weekend, with temp- eraturea heading into the hl5h 80s. WUllama and Barbata Ecfwordl, Lu Vega&, Wirt thrown from the cat and oulfrud minor ficlll ln)uri ... They were takeii to Costa M,.. Memortol llolpltal for treatmenl~ INSWE TODAY A erWeolly bun1ed v<>ung 1aUor 1'ar brouoht about a miraculou.s bit of RU1rion-- A!'11ericon fritt1d.sltip w1tilt rt- cttpcroting In Honolulu. llo.spf- , fol Page 20. 1t ' ..... b H • 1t • " •.. ,, .• """' MESA POLICE OFFICER, AMBULANCE ATTENDANT ' LIFT TRAFFIC VICTIM TD STRl!TCHER lnltll'.ed 1'1lr In 'Trouble With Cow Afftr ·car ·smo~koTrH Hior Santo An• C.Unlry Chib.- Thre tultcuer were fouod at ·tbe aceot .of the aceklent and were taken for 11fek .. pln1 by the Cuta M"a pollct. At the statlon,,a small container was f°'1MI tn one of the 1ultcue1. It wia allepd to contain marijuana. fo6lll Edward•' pun• wu I~ to • ...,. tllln '"'"' docum•ntl and forlld bank chec:k1, police cblr(<d ttiday. · 1•11 " 1t ... il • .. ~ pfi'&fl~ San1et Fliuru sllbouetted. by Wedneld1y'1 setting sun found relief from current hot spell by Joastns tbrou1h water at beach'• ·ed1e. Re- member ·June when we complained about kll those "low clouds'' and the 1enerally dank weather? What do you bet some folks with abort memories are complalnigi about Iba current run of sunshine and warm temperatur11T Newport Officials Wor1·y ' Over Unregulated Guards N~ Beach city oflicials aren't tiaM obout armed, but unresuJated and IJ>OOii~ Unltained, private 1>1trolman ·~·-..interior suants and watchmen <for iiitnllif filinl. nif> 1l'l!Y·'·Ciioncll Is uklnl the ctl(fcnla Leaaut ol ~ to llUJh for 11&t~joeJll&U.. that would place •th• I I ~.~' , .. ~~ . .,.._,,. ·.-1: . ~edkli1f Seu ')! ntf!~ IJ Sideivalk Sale : With Changes Everr yt11r, merchants 1t Wtstcliff 'Plan. Shopping Center hold a s\dew1lk 11le an4 lhis yea r ~·HJ be no ex.ceptlon. 'lbe aa1e will be. held 1hl1 Saturday, but not u planned. Two weeks aa;o, the theme ol the aale was changed from "Hawaiian" to "Skiewali Superintendent Sile." The theme change waa created by a ltrike ol heavy equipment operators which left Wutcllff bl'ive in front of the OW1tar torn up and barricaded. Employes and manageri or the 24 ltotes In the center will be well equipped for the sale to be held from 10 1.m. to I p.m. tt•is Saturday. The theme change h•~ been readily adapted by everrone at the plaia. H'ard hats wll be worn by emp!oyes. street and traffic 11la:iu will be handily placed amoni tables and road barricades will be stt up at variou! locations in the center. The heavy equipment operators out on atrike are not expected to return to compete the road lmproven1enl! for fi ve ~·eeka. They wen! out on 1trike July 21. patrols under local jurisdiction. Council acUon. which was unanimous. came al the request of City Attorney Tully Seymour. He noted that for "a variety ol rea50n1'1 th1 number of privat.e law en,· forcemerrt a1er\cle1 ha.I riaen vf!ty rapid· · Jy ov6 tbe 'f>a!l several years. "These agen'Cles· provide v a r I o u !: services on a contract basis." he ex· plained. "They may furnish personnel to act l!I Interior suards for bank• ind plants. These men never leave the premises and are employed exclusive ly by one employer. We have a few of thete operations in Newport, 1uch as at the Phllc1>Ford plant. "Other ca1e1 find tu1rd1 who patrol an ass.igned number of bulldin111 and oullJde areas, generally all under a sln1le ownership. These are common on con· struction sites and may Include drlvlnB a vehicle throughout the tract. "Finally, there 11 the 11luallon where a nel1hborhood hire1 a private street patrol to supplement the reiuiar city police function." He said there Is no private street patrol in Newport at present. And It 11 only this type of law enforcement 1ervlce th1t may now be controlled lea:ally by the city, he emphasiled. Seymour pointed out that the courts hive he1d that cities are otherwise pre· empted by the atate from replatlna: other private patrol functions. He con· eluded: "In view of the fact that the state Jaw does not furnJsh 1tandard1 for these employees. and since they do appear to have of!lcial authority and c arr y dangerous weapons, without any required tr1lning, lt Is essential that local reaul•· lions ht lpipo1ed." "'-r.,.1 l\.ENNEDY .•. Doinoct>llc wtil(>. Ktimec!Y, 37, took his !!'\lo llli•lell el Mtollilld. ind thumb- 111 ~ tho Coqcrmlona! R-d. JI'. T~ (l):GaJ, ool fl>..,.), 'llaillld .... lo ~""~ J, I,.. • ., C'o1r.~~. inl-!Id at tfit p...., bfie{lng, No- uctqe)!je Democr•tic whip, Mansfield puPtd tbn by the a.nn .and satd ''Come ber!.' r~t-back' w-bere you belong." Wearing a blue, suil with his black tie somewhat Qkew, Kennedy stood by u MansReld ~wered questlons about the Income tu~ d~ for • vote today and the •nllbalfi&tic ~lsstle system expected to come to a votlfnert week. As Kennedy, looking tanned and calm, arrived at the capitol and walked up the steps Ie:11.dJng,lo Ute Senate, a report· er asked if he was pleased to be nsumlng his Senate duties. He replled, .. Flne. Clad lo be b1ek at woril:." Kennedy arrived in a small blue con· vertlble driven by a man idenlified as Claude Hooton, a former Harvard roommate &lid lopg·time friend . About 200 newsmen an<f tourists swarmed around him .is he emerged and walked quickly up the front steps of the Senate. Before returning to Washington Wed- nesday night, Kennedy issued a 11tate- mi:nt saying he had decided not to rWgn his seat •nd al so planned to seek another tenn In 1970. If elected then, he said, he would serve the full six year term. In ·the aftermath of the controversy surrounding the auto accident. Kennfdy asked the people of t.1assa chusetts to indicate if he 5hould remaln as their senator. The ir resporl5t was sn · ovcrwhtlmina: "Yes ... * fr * Soviets Defend Sen. Kenned y Y..fOSCOW (UPI) -Right-wing enen1ie~ are ''hounding" Sen. Edward fil. Kennedy about his fatal automobile accident In an attempt to c.irlve him from office, a Soviet newspaper aaid today. Komsomo!Skaya Pi:_avda, newspaper or the Young Communist League, recounlc:d details of the July 18 accident that killed Mary Jo Kopechne and said that under normal clr.cumsta.nces "the 1tof1 would have ended there, but the story hu a i>e· quel." ''From lhe story of ·the catastrophe, we learned of the bounding campal1n begun in the U.S. 114ahut Kermedy by circles h05UJe to hlm, ' the newspaper $Bid. , Homemade Bomb Explodes in CdM A homemade firebomb exploded In the d1·1veway •I Corona de\.llJ'!' jlij:h School AJal.stant Priri~.PJ), BObert J. Hu1hes early this morfll'ng. 1r·pama1ed his car slightly. '' Jiua:hes said he heard a looud crashing sound in the driveway"at 1:20 a.m. and went oUt to investigate. He found the smouldering rema ins of a bottle and a charred wick and the smell of kerosene. Pollce $lid llughes' car, parked in I.he driveway, had minor burn damage to a fender. The P.folotov cocktail apparently was thrown from a passing car. It caus~d no stn.J ctural damage to Hughes' home in Eutbluff, Officer11 quoted the .administrator as sayin1 he belie\'ed the incident was done by an angry 1tudent. Juror Charged Over Conduct With Girl, 11 SAN RAFAEL (UPI) -Ralph Wesl•y ,Tohnson, a member of the ?ltarln County Grand Jury, we! arraigned Wednesday on charges of lewd and lascivious acts with an ll·year-old girl. Johnson, 62, immediately quit h.is post a! a juror and -was replac~ by Mrs. Carolyn Elliott of Sausalito. The case ~·as broua;hl 111inst him on complaints from •he i~I'• family . DAILY PILOT'""""'-... IN HARD HATS, WESTCL"F'S GLD C"SEY, FELLOW SHOPK!IPERS PREPARE FOR SATURDAY Mtrch1nt1 Grin (Grlmlyl "bout Torn up Str11t1, Biro Pl1n1 for Sidew1lk Sup1rlnt1ndtnl S•I• 'i, DAtl. Y Ptl,,OT P111M ... J11tMt IWftlU METAL SCULPTOR BILL BEDFORD CONCENTRATES ON WORK AT SAWDUST FESTIVAL High School Dropout Finds Hit Niche With Cold Stool ind 1 Hot Torch It Jost Grows Sculptor's Work Starts Out Small By JANICE BERMAN Of 1111 C1lt, Plllf Stiff "I get carried away every lime," !aid metal sculptor Bill Bedford as he welded the tail of a fish together. "I start out with something small, and lt turns out to be rea lly hig " The fish he v.·as putting together, with the deft hands af a man who's been work· ing in metal all his life. is part or an enormous mobile that will be highlighted by a fotll"-foot wbale'lnade of steel. Jt was commissioned by a restaurant in Santa Ana . Bill Bedford is only 2l years old. A high schoo l dropout, he worked in factories, gas stations and restaarants. But in the past year, he said, "Door! have been opening up." The doors, he hopes, will lead to a lifetime of working in metal. But not for the money. he is qulck to add. "'J saw doing art 11 someUtln1 that can help me become a real person. Somebody who is patient, who Is loving. If I thought being a plumber would help, I'd become " plumber."' Bedlord works In copper, brass and steel, making fishes, flowers , boats, plants, butterfliu. All of It is a one..step translation from mind to metal. "I've tried ske tching things be.fore l build lhem, but I can't draw in three dimension• like I can build in It," he said. Althou1h he has only been sculpting full-time for three months, there i! no hesitation as he wt1rks. It's as If he has a dlaa:ram engraved In his head. But he doesn't think it's easy. "This la the hardeat job I've t\'er had," said Bedford. ''You have to think about it all the time. It i1n't elghl hours a d1y. J 1ue1s it's ike owning your ov•n business. But at least you can worli: wherever you want." HI! headquarters at the moment is the Sawdust Festival. ''I've learned so much here," he says, ''from the other artists. You can work for 7 STYUS TO CHOOSE fllOM 11 'A'hile, then stop and lalk to lhe people. Jt's beautiful." Hi! contentment Is evident In his sculptures. They are fanciful, untroubled creations that seem light as air for all their weight. "That's why J like metal. You can do intricate work , but it's big and three· dimensional,'' he said. "At first, J liked working In meta l because there seemed to be roon1 for mistakes. but now I like it for other reasons,'' he said happily. Pledge to Flag Due Friday Night The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Coastline Pa&t 3526, Friday night will of. fer a salute to the American Flag b:1 moonlight on the Newport Pier. POil CommaOOer Louil G. C.orrido said the 11 p.m. program will honor the na· lion's Flag and the astronauts who plac- ed It on the moon. The publlc is invited to participate in the pledge of allegiance, he said. "'Repeatin1 the pled1e over the Pacific Ocean," Corr ido explained, "is in gratitude of the knowledge that the American Flag stands over all the ideal! held dear to the American heart wherever one may be on earth." Japan Sailor Name 'Citizen' OAKLAND CAP) -The young Japanese )•achtsman v.·ho sailed 6,000 miles alone across the Pacific ha1 been made an honorary cittien of Oakland. Ryusuke Ushijima arrived here last Saturday after 11lllng 80 days In his 24· root single-mast boat 'I'hanato!. • Child Undergoes Brain Surgery. George Roberta Jr .• tw1>year-old son of former Newport Beach asslatant dly al· tomey George Roberts Sr., has un- dergone brain surgery and remains in critical condition from lnj11rtes auffertd in a car crash. Costa Mesa Memorl31 Hospital spokesmen said· today. The tot. who received severe hea4 ln· juries in the two-car collision Jast Satur · day, is in the hospital's lnte.nslve care unit. DA ILY PILOT O..,ANOI COiL't" t"Ull '9t!Ulle COMIAlft loMrt N. Wo..t ,.,,.i..N ...... ~ Joel .. c.t1.., \llc:t .. ,..)Ont Ml Gteetol ~ n, .... ,, "'"a . ... n.,,,.,, A. M.,.,W .. --c..to--lJI» W•1t l•r Str ... l'oilrRf A44r•MI PA l•t IUO. tz•t• o .... -' .....,_, .. Kit, nu ••1 ..... ........,. L•..-••Kfl• 12t '-1 A-Him.li...!M lefelll D ilb 5'"" ,...,._. 17141 MMJJI . a..NIH MMrtlll .. '41·1671 '-"-'· ,..,, Or... c-t l"lltlltl!Ma ~ ... ..... "".. ......,.tlllll, .CIF!Cll'i.I ""'* Cl' ..,._.,~ ..... "' ..,.,09.-.. ~~- ""''-ol -·--·· --~ -1-.... " ...,..,. ..... .... to.•· -.... c.1--. """"'""lltl ~ ~m... ., ........... ,.,1 .,. _,. ... .......,, sil!tt•l'f -.111>t11111nto a• -""· S.OF a 't a ED . SALE! Th M• .... ••'Y comfort.W. 10f• l)H, for Sittint 1J1d S'"i>i"f. ' A wi4e 1electWM! of Fabrics 1M Colon fe ,,hoo•• from. .... 400•00 Now ·299:00 With Sklris fM. extre. H.J.GARREfT fURNlTtJRE. ,_OFUSIONAL INTERIOR DESK;NUS ..,.. .... -.. . ""· .... I lt 15 HA!IOl IL Vil. COSTA MESA, CALIF, 446-0271 646-0174 • •• ' ' . . Pumping.. CW Off ·u;.11;tin9ton B~ac h ., • • ' . , . ... 1i'' . ' ~. . " • ·~Emmy," Signal Oil and Ga5 Com~!li drill~$~ "Platfonn •. ' RWDP~ petroleiirn .up . trbm offshor~~roii pool daily. Emmy is southernmost of -~ax frQIJ\ her pe,n:h p.~\.1.3 miles -Off pall'sctdes area Cf Hunting-four oil iSlahds"9ff'Or8ilge County coast. Total .Of 202 .. w,ells are.-operat- ton:Beaeh.-EII\lnY'~tauds 1!1<'!8.feet-61,w~ter~rtd contains ·42 produo-ed from fuur ~lands. · • •' , '· · '·: · · • in& oil wells and ID water injectioO::wi:lli•. w · ti 1p<lsb ~,000,bafrels of ' · · · ' ' ·, '-. . . ' . ., ' " . ------------- Seltzer Opens Beuch Range, Cl(>ses ~areer . I . . By RUDI NIEDZIELSKI 'Located op thfe\? and a 1 haU acres of op1>9r°tunity· to .legally sOOot someone Who , , 01 tl\e 01111 PLiPt s111t land leased, from Ule cit)' .on Gothard waS escaping. But I never did. I didn't Outgoing Huntington, Beach Police Slreet, south of Talbert. Avenue, the want to •klll·anybody." Chief john H. Selt.rer pulled the trigger range, will ffature a police corribat Ultimately \~e . range will contain a on bis .38. caliber for the last time as a course, a. 100.yar<t 'rifle range and a is.. false Eront city with fllp-.UP, and movfug police .officer Wednesday afternoon . yard pistol course. · · targets whose ~tern of appearance WW It was a surprise arranged foi: rum. He W~en the facilities are completed in be regulated with we-punched cards. was hohored by firing t~ first shots at about a year, the course will also be open Officers· of tbe 140-man j>Qli~ OeP.art· the Huntington Bead) Polke Pistol and to tbe public with the police' department ment will train on the :c~· ind De sub- Rifle Range which is nearing complelion. .providing Instruction to amateur jected to coinbat· condltlo~s mack.-:-as Even mOre surprised w:ere Capt. Earle shooters.. ' reallsQi:, Sa ,p(>s!ibl~. . " " • Robitaille and several other officers when 'Under Seltzer's leadershJp, much of "There's fl9(hlng Uke this ia·the .whole Seltzer scored .48 points. out of a possible the constructl~n has already been com· coUnty," said ne'w POlice Chief Earle so on the silhouette target. The retiring plCted ·including an office 'bulldlQg where Robjtallle. . chief Padn't handled a gun for more lhan officers will pay their· fees and collect The facility is being ~tnid.ed . by a year. ammunition. members Of the · Huntington' Beach Seltzer, who will turn over .the city's ' After Seltzer. squeezed off the five P<iliceman's A.siociat\On) who havi 'con- to I. t to Rob't ·11 toda fte ~ frbm his.eer"'lOO -tevolver he slid trtb_:uteit·mqre tban $8,000 to ~ ftMject P po ice pos 1 ai e Y a r he~·nev~r bad to"thoot at a .crithinal dur-and ,thbu!anda.Of weekend nian-ftOU'ri~' serVing as police chief for the past five years, said "it was 8 dream come true. ing all of his ·32 years as a law en-Work ·on the· site Is directed by Officer .. We've been trying to get this range for forcement officer. Philip McCrea who has been assigned to 1 long time." "rve had it ready lots of times and lhe project as full time construction co-., there are many times when I've had the ordinator. Lifeguards Set Annual Beacl1 ~rolic Aug. 8 ~e ~II be tom~ eerie goings on near the Huntington ·Beach pier as the mi!ts .of dusk steal across the beach AUi; 8. Hearing to Learn Where Sit~et' s Happiness ls Try thi..s one for size: Two brawny lifeguards perched precariously astride a nine-foot pole of three-inch diameter, whacking each other with pillaws as though their lives hung in the balance. Huntington Beach lifegurds call it simply, ~'the pillow fight." It will be part of the furious fun ancl games that make up the fourth annual ocean lifeguard summe r carnival for life savers from Santa Monica to San Die'go. The fir.sl evenl begins at 7~30 p.m. Newport Beach will be defending its championship gained with no small effort lasl year. Winning guards receive a rotating perpetual trophy . The event will be held on the south side of the pier· in an area lighted by large flOQ(t lights as well as mercury vapor lights of the pier, according to Lifeguard ca:pt. Douglas D'Arna\I. • ' By RICHARD P. NALL Of It.. Pt1" 1'1111 Sl•fl Wili Sunset Beach find happiness with its bigger ne,ighbor Huntington Beach? Will the sun set on the unincorporated community's present single status and find it wedded to Hunt ington Beach? Will property owners of the in· dependent·mindcd beach toown resist the proposed municipal marriage as another suitor looms in the background -. Seal Beach?. Or will Sunset Beach confound all suitors, remaining for the time a maiden lady, resisting municipal wedlock. its services, its tax rates? Tune in Aug. 6 for the latest exciting chapter in the annexation enigma. That is the beginning of public hearings to tally the assessed valuation ownership in opposition to annexation. If more than SO percent oppose the juncture, an- nexation to Huntington Beach is legally . " . ' . . ' ·Bottleneck Eirpandeil . . ' . . . dead for a year. Hearings will probably continue and conclude Alig. 18. If less than half the property ownershlp -as· measured by assessed valuation - opposes an~atlon, the matter becomes a question for Sunset Beach registered voters to d!cide, probably in a fall elec- tion. Battle lines are drawn betwef.ll pro- ponents 'and opponents of the merger. They're working hard. "We . are much closer to city hall in Huntington Beach' Ulan we aare to I.he county goverrunel)l In Santa Ana and we will be a larger percentage of the popula· tion in the city than we are in the entire county," said Mrs. Vir&inia M. Strain, a leading proponent. "We who favor annexation to Hun- tington Beach feel we could use a few changes like lower water rates, lower fire insurance. rat.es, , better fire and police protection and an up-dated and well- maint.dined sewer sysl.em and a ·more in· Ouential voice in local government." Richard L. Harrison, superintendent of the Sunset Beach Sarutary District. ls ju.st as vpeaJ ·again.st joining Huntington Beach. . . He maintains lhat the mll'licipal services are not needed -points to a $1.20 tax rate increase that being one with Huntin~n Beach would likely bring -and maintains the county will provide adequate aervices. Harrison clalms that sufficient op- posing property ownership is already massed to kill the aMexatioo, One annexation Wue turns out to be the siwage treabnent plant in Hanison'1 sanlt.aUon district. _ Residents of pooh Huntington Harbour - a boating and water-oriented com- munity within HunUngton Beach -would like to see the sewage plant vanish. Horses Found, Not Rustler Loe Alamito8 police have rounded ,up · four 1K1rses missing since July 21 from a riding 3table but they are still looklnt-for the rustlers. · Acting on a Up from a police informer In the Castro VaUey area, east of Oakland In Northern CalUomia, Los Alamitos detective T~ Hicks found the four mi§ing horses. 'Ibey had been sold to a rancher In that area. Hicks sald the owner, Loyd CUibertson, rrtade pooiUve lderitilJc"tion of the animals. He added that'the tip came juat In time as the horiet were being sOld at auction and soon would have been on th~ir Way to distant point.!J. The s~s )'Vere among five stolen from Culbertson's rtables at 5362 Kalella Ave. One escaped the rµalltr1 aod wa.s rounded up by Stanton pollce the fol~aw· ing day. Chances Told Of Changing Freeway Line Chances of heading off the proposed Orange Freeway before it reaches the beach w~re weighed optimistlcally Wed- nesday n1iht by a Costa Mesa home owner raflying· Huntington Beach sup-port. • E. 0. Bergeron, a director of the Mesa Verde Home Owners As.sooialion, told Huntington Beach HOME c o u n c I J representatives that a conce'rted four-city effort has a chance of coovincing· the California Division of Highways that the Orange Freeway doesn 't need to come past the Sao Diego Freeway in Fountain Valley. A definite route for ttie Orange Freeway has not yet been picked, 'but tentative plans show it following the line of the Santa Al'la River. . Bergeron urged a combined effort by the cities of Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Costa Mesa and Newport Beach to battle any plans to bring the freeway all the way to the coast. "A logical ending point fo r the freeway would be at the San Diego Freeway in Fountain Valley," he said Wednesday. Fountain Valley officials, he added, would like to ·ee the freeway cmne that far to service their proposed industrial land. Bergeron was trying to drum up tni. thusiesm for a special me4ting ~t a o'clock tonight in Estancia Fttgh, Costa Mesa. Mesa Verde home owners are meeting wtth Division of Highways representatives to prese11t their views on the pro~ freeway route. ·one councilman from each of the four cities involved will also i be preeenl , said Bergeron. . Rea.idenls alon~ the beach area oppose the freeway because of the economic damage it will inflict on homes near the proposed route. , Bergeron said there is a chance to .stop the freeway because no studies have yet been made to determine its feasibility. "If we can present them enough evidence to show why that freew ay shculdn'l c<>me to the beach," he said, "the burden of proof will be on them and they'll have Jo Jight four .cl lies.'' ¥ ~vldence .supporting his opposltioo, Bergeron submitted the proposed loca· tion.s of t'wo other freeways, which would bring three freeways to' and end within five miles of each other. He also suggested .that Or a n g e Freeway trafflc . cciuld be diverted. onto the proposed Corona del Mar Fr~ay and the proposed Huntingtori Beach Freeway. A· savings to lhe stale of several million dollars could also be .shown by not con- ttrucUng th' last six miles of the Orange Freeway, added Bergeron. r....i.,, JuJy ,I, 1969 $ DAILY Jlt{or • .. ;.:,.:.;c.::...c;;;...;..;:.;""':,---"---:.~~~-=::::.:..:.::~~ 'Door-to•Door' .~ffort I ;&£ ~v ~IIey's Mayor ' •' ~V Qws Hard Fig~~ . . By TERRY COV!LtE , OI ... D&llY l'l)at llllft Mayor Robert Scln•erdt!eger ()[. Foun, tai9 Valley 'bas pleda!d a l)affl-!ought door·tO<loor campaign to bt;!n.cout tJie facb in,the move to rtcatflilm &ad tWo othet: tounCibnen. . 'I What racta Is the mayor ~rernni to? "My allegQd improprietles1tn Qffi~ Uiat re<:all suppqr~ra tiav11; fPrea(l,.8(QDJld the town," r1!P'!ed Schwerdtfeger Wed • ..... y. . Specifically, the mayor has taken de8d aim on two infonnatlon sbeets the recall suppc11;1ers published while cilculating petitions to recall'f,he lmayor, Vke Mayor Donald Fre,:eau and Councilman Joseph Courreges. . , One is a letter to .residents listing reasons for tbe recall and ti}~ other is a •·recall fact s'heet" handed out with peti- tions. DELIBERATE LIES "Both ot those Wormation sheets con- tai~ed misleading st.atem~nts . a n d deliberate Ues,'' charges the mayor, "and l intend lo answer each one point by point." He is currently developing mimeographed answers -point·by·point -to both sheets, which will be pl.aced In a packet with the original sheets and han- ded out to all Fountain Valley fesKients. 1'1 want to know what the recall sup- porters really stand for.'! says the mayor. "Are they opposed to the city's policies. the IO-year plan, our civic center?" ''If so. l want them to come out with it," he states. --.. 1 think the involvement over the Larwin Tract is just a srnoke screen," he I addt, •1a device~~ me •nd Fre~ and COllcreges ~out of office for pollUC'il purposes." ,. ~· Schwerdtfeger attn st~• by ~ Lorwin Tract whidl sparied lbe ~eoall iss1,1e when ¥e awnen: OP.pOaed lts-Jqt $lies. He polrits 9ut I.hilt thei zone cbaogl for Which, h~ has been criUclzed 'W.as Pl!'Sed b)'. the coun<ll '3' wh)Je he. a1!4-t.tined ' -• .. ... ;i . . • •And t~e Z®e ~6Qng~had \)olhf~t. '(o with;(he slZe Or 'number Of Mmes-on that JOO acrt:s ,". he,eiplalns, ~ STATEMENT FWIE ·T&e mayor bas been· call'!! ~,;~ suppor£ers the real estate brottt" 'fbr the LarWln' Co. "That "statement is com· pletely false," h• ch~ge polnlinf O<!I that the Larwiri, · C0;-1 has • Its own brokerage fion. "l was onlf the pllc!dle man between Larwin •Cpmpany/s brokers and the owners of the property,'' he states. One point on which the mayor feels bJ." did make an error was conduclln( business together with City Attorney Edwiu f..1artin, for which both have been highly criticized. • • _ • • "We did nothing dishQneat," -he repKeS,. "but I can see now how It might look to tf man without the facts and I wouldn't do it again." • "You know," says the MayOr,'.f'l had previously considered quilting the council -I'm not running again In April -but with this recall batUe coming up I just can't let a special group take over the ci· ty." ~ With that pledge of a firm battle the mayor returned to a precinct map he bas and the plans for door·to-door treks and speaking with any group willing to liaten. FivePolicemen Wounded :' <• In Shootout of.Panthers ~ .. CHICAGO (UPT) -Five policemen were wounded in a 31}-minute gunfight bel:Neen police and gunmen in the head· quarters of the Black Panther par,ty ear· ly today. Police stormed the west side building and arrested ~ree men shoit,ting "die pig." The men were taken to Coo~ CoUn- ty· Hospllal after being injured ,in a1 scuf· fle with police. Only one of the policemen, Richard D. Curley. WM expected to be hospt(allzect. He suffered shotgun wounds in 1the right thigh . The four other policemen were treated and released. Patrolman Edwin Baal suffered a graze wound in the right eye. Dennis \ValKer an'1 Henry BertuC<'a .,uffered minor wounds of the hands. Russia11 Roulette Blamed in Death A Whittier youth round dead Tuesday night in a so-called hippie pad in La Habra apparently died of gunshot wounds inflicted in a game of Russian Roulette, Police Chief Lee Rivera asserted today. Eight persons who shared .the pad wilh the dead youth were arrested Wednesday but after questionin g aU were released with the exception of a 15-year-old girl. She was booked in juvenile hall for possession ol dangerous drugs. The victim, Ronald E. Collman, 19, was found dead in the bedroom 'of the apart· ment pad with a .22-caliber revolver next to his body,. Rivera sald. The gun was empty and one of the persons questionetl told police he had removed the bullets to prevent ttny further bloodshed. .• r Edward Beyer also suffered a thiilf.. wound. ,, . ~ Those arrested were Josepb Hayman., 20, Alvin Jelfray, 25, and Larry White,~. When the shooting was reported ~ police cars with "heayy equipment" rac:t-' ed to the scene, a croWd of several hun-- dred 1 persons gather.ed. After the men . were led frOl'f\ the building, smoke w~. seen billowing out of it. Firemen,quictlr,~ doused the flames. Police said they conflscate'd foA(. handguns; Jncluding a .U c a I i b e i' , revolver frqm the panther headqUarter!i'; Police said shots were fired on palice cars Cor no known reltson, and offlcers had to grope into the darkened building. "All t know is we stopped our .car U;d they were -shooting, at pcllfl! from tlf8 headquarters of the black pantfier of!ice upstairs," said patrolman Robert Flynn.. "' Flynn said he and another policem"!W ' had to blow the lock off lhe docir of uie '. building with shotguns. "We proctede4 ; upstairs. There was no resistance. Jn the bui!ding we fOUnd many guns. We werit . through the apartment and out to the.; back porch. · .• "There were these three PantherJ. thou ting, 'die plg.' They kept shoutin& 1fi,; They fought. They were subdued.·• Flynn and other officers said they did not ktiow why the Panthers opened fiJ:et , The three Panthers were taken to Cooi. Counly Hospital, police said . The woundl . ed policemen were taken to Cook County~, Sl. Mary's and Presbyterian.St. Lulrels : hospitals. When the shooting was reported, polm· .'.: ordeted "heavy equipment" and tear , sent to the sceii.e as a crowd of sever'' . hundred persons gathered, smoke biflo"f•,. eel from a building and firemen ana'l:'e~. the call. The fire was put out and the. neighborhood was uneasily quiet early to: , day. t.1 ,. Aeri al view shows beginnings of $230,ooO widening project at Adams Avenue Bridge over Santa Ana' River. Two-lane bridge tfas Jong been bottleneck .for ·crosstown traffic between Costa Mesa (bottom) and lluntington Beach. Work, scheduled tor completion early next year, is .. beiog slowed by qperattng engineers' strike. Mirror-like rec- Langle 1n photo is irrigation r!:servoir. Hicks b. sUll up north llopofully on th• trail ol th< Ihle•"· Tlio hor,.. are •aluod a f4IO to 17la nth. • CHICAGO PANTHER SHOOTOUT LEAVES FIVE, WOUNDED Two Unid..,tiflocl M.., LocJ From ,HHdquort•ro Afl•r Building Wu Storm<d '-... I ! . " ( j " • • ' A ~onavllle, Va .. farmer told JVasbtncton p0Uce he was robbed liut the thief rnay have taken more than be · could handle. Charles Veit. ~rted tbe theft ol a metal tool boz from his !nick parked on Capitol Hill. The boz contained a eadly copperhead snake. • • Prine• Riche~ of G'-caster, a cousin of Queen Elizobolh, plaMed to donate bis '43,000 Cambridge home to an experimental artist. Fmmune. But the dty council bas J>anned tbe project for fear the ,;rt;sts' sbennanigans mlgbl dis- Jllrb the quiet residential neigh· :Jiorbood. An Australian entry namtd Donald won the big Interna- tional rcce ot Folke1tom, Eng- land thil Wf:ek. Zippfno along ot OM foot CWf\I .fioi minuttl David won the fir1f lnkmation- al Snotl Derbu btating tht British champion in SM c:hari~ cont.it. • Thom•1 Jefferaon vioulJ'· ~ )i!ade a great insurance 1ales1Il4". ftports a handwriting an~ in Detroit. Dr. Norman Smith of-Wy· ,ndolte, who has been studying JwidwrtUng analysis !or the Lile Insurance Co. of Virginia, studied Jefferson's signature on the Oecla· 'ration of Independence. He &ald Jefferson· was endowed with a diplomatic nature, sincerity, em· pithy, aggressiveness, detenn~&­ llm, drive, sell.confidence and 1n· liUigence. John Adams, on the ~er hand, was not a salesman, tijf Declaration of Independence 8'1nature indicates. Smith said '.'\'(ams was self.confident but dis· l{!stlul, valn. egotistic and lacked pathy with others. • .t..Evtn 1quirrel.r get tired o/ lit&tr· DJJQI and this critter in Longview, 7jc::., (with the help of a "people" 1~· nd) lets the culprits know about I Squirrels -pecan loving 0JU11 - ' ten cavort on the Longview court· hou.se lawn. • A burgiar took a ventilator oU JI\• roof at Merle and Mary's Club ln Wichita, Kan. one morning then squeezed th.rough the opening to gain entrance. But the club was still open, and several persons watched as the burglar's feet came 1!pwly down through the opening. t'tle customers grabbed the man and held him for police. ' JAPANESE HELD AFTER ATTACKING U.S. DIPLOMATS Man Identified •• Shlgetsugu Hamaoka, 21, a Student Pat Loses Cool Rusli, Heat Push Her Good Humor NEW DELI!! (UPI) -Pal Nlxon lost 'her cool today. First. the air conditioner broke down on the RoJ.1.s.Royce limousine in which she was tour1ng the countryside. Then the ln· dian preu zeroed in on her and a woman volunteer leader demanded Loo much ol ber time. Mrs. Nixon wu perspiring in the 100 degTte monsoon season heat and was PJSbed for time under a schedule that called for her-to visit Chattarpur Village School and then rush back 11 miles to New Delhi for a state dinner. Students at the school hailed her as a "moon queen" and with a hot cloth steamed a red powder tlkka (caste mark) on her forehead, honorlng her but"" adding to her diSCilmfort. But she quip- ped, "Now I'll make Women's Wear Dal· fy.'' • Mrs. Nixon showed a testiness and rare - impatience with New Delhi cameramen traveling with her own press entourage as she strolled rapidly throu.gb the showcase girl's school with Begum Abilda Ahmed , wife of Akhruddin Ali Ahmed, minister of industria1 dfvelopment, ac- ting as ber guide. An Indian newswoman kept pashlng a microphone ~in front of Mni. Nixon's face. The First Lady Ignored her unUI she finally said in exasperation, "I'm too rushed . I have to meet my husband." In her ~minute visit to Chatt.arpur \•illage there were some happy notes. The children ch.anted "Zindabad" (long live) Mrs . Nixon, the Moon Queen! They also called President Nixon the moon kin&. She had been-on the Asian tour for 10 days and had kept her patience despite the arduous schedule. But asked for com. ment about the village she turned to a reporter, flashing her brown eyes angrily and said, "I'm watching now, I'm learn· tng. 1 just want to say hello to the peo. 'pie.'' Experts Find Lunar Dust Differs From Earth Soil SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP)-The moon, like earth, has a thick outer crust and a hot lnner core, but Its chemical makeup, shoW! Interesting differences from that of earth, geologists say. These are the preliminary finding s of two separate uperlment.s made possible by Apollo U. U.S. Toughens Stand at Talks PARIS (UPI) -The United Stales, in Its toughest negoliatlng statemenl yet, acctaed the Communists today of show- ing contempt for a democratic solution to the Vietnam War. Hanoi and the Viet Cong responded with new attacks on President Nixon. U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge took his cue from Nixon's "no more con· cessions" statement In Saigon Wednesday and was }olne<I by South Vietnamese negotiator Pham Dang Lam who charged the Communists had rejected offers of supervised elections because they kaew they would lose. Xuan Thuy, the chief Hanoi negotiator. said Nixon's visit to Saigon "far from contributing lo a settlement" had made matters worse. The Viel Cong already had criticized Nixon's moves as a "blunt. shameless provocation." Combined with earlier observations from sclenli!ts studying lunar rocks, the new information tends to support the theory that volcanic action had more I() do lban meteors with creating the moon 's craters. In the first detailed chemical analysi! of lunar dust, a researcher from the Australian National University found "the soil Is not mixed to any marked degree with Iron or cbondrilic meteorites. Titanium is high in comparison with ter· reslrlal rocks and meteorites." Dr. S. Ross Taylor said the analysis was made by vaporizing small amounts of moon dust in a carbon arc and photographing it through a filter that sorts out specific chemicals. Meanwhile, a mechanical sensor left on the lunar surface by the Apollo 11 astronaut:; has beamed signals to earth that indicrte the moon has an outer crust 12% mile s thick, said Dr. Gary Latham of Columbia University's Lamont Geological Observatory. U future data from the instrument con· firms this information, It means the moon is structured like a layer cake, similar to earth, and probably was born in much the same manner -from a huge cloud of dust or gases pulled together by gravitatiOnl!I attraction. Earth's outer crust ranges from three miles thick under deep sea floors to 30 mUes thick where there are mounlains. U.S. Mostly Fair,_ Warm Teemperatures Climb Into 90s Across Most of Nation Mtlt " loutfltfw (.11lfel'ftle -dMf' atlf '""" ...... wl"' .-"" -dol.IR ..... ,,.. _, •llCI re.. .,..,_ """""ftl\Nlrt 111111 -191M 11'1111 ....,.ti, '0111 La """'* ,, .. w1• t1lr wllt! lrNirf -111 ... T,.. ltflwlr1turt con-.. ,.,.. Ito be -ftft Witt! I llltfl ledlP • ., • -jtNlflcfM low "' .. lorlllfll. .w.,dMMl\1"1 mu:•--..... -' i TIW Alr Pol_,.1111 Cenll'lf D!tttld , ... llltl"I .... "'°*'111e eiftOf Ill ,,.. ,u,.: ............ in. \ n. ""°"' -"'*'"' fllr wlll'I .. ,.., _...,Ill _. t...,.11111, Tefl'I- _..,,.. ---"' "" tnfO."' .,. t•'""' ~ ......,. ... Tiii MW!NI-.,.. -"' .-., =~ .......... eftll ...... -'" ~!Ill~·;,-:; .. ,.:;; ~ D1Mf111 9lfft _.,.,. ciHr wtni - ............................ B. ""'"*-""""' ,....... """' _, 1• ... ,f!W '""' ... • 11• ... "" """ ,._.. ' . .,... ........ .., ..... ~_.,.. -~Art:OM,11.l,IMll .......... J,_.,,..1 Ml ....... II" . ...,....,._MW..,~ ......... _.~ .... .....,I • lent l.o """ llllf• Mlinlce ,. llftilM ..... , Mt. WllWI o.tf, "' .... ltll. .,.,..i. 1&1P. """'* tft-111, -...ntlellt , ... ' " DINO 11-11 eM &tftle ltt-Wt 11-n. i rttlYllWOfUSAWUTHEllMlAllfOlttWTTOl:HA..M.lST l ·T ·It Coat.I s_,, wllll i.et llee"'Y Ma ., 1M '""'· WJl'llt ~I • !It U ltMtt. Hltll tod>IY 7S. Y•ltnfey't. i..-1f\!r. ........ lfWl'I e lllt>ll of t.I • 14. IMIM """""'flw. reno. -u 19 ..... ,., .......... ,.,,. -.. ......... Su11, M-l'Wea TMUUOAV ( 111""1 ..., .............. •:o e.M, l.J '!""' lllel\ -•• 11...i •• I'll, l.f ,ltlOAV t int low ............. •:ti e.m. •·' l'ir'I llltll ... .. ...... lt 1S4 t.tn• J.I S.Cetlll ............ •10 ''"" 1.J *-"-11'-" " .• ,.n:ao e.m. t.I ltll ltltet l :M 1.m, hft ,,,, t .m. M-ltllolt t:» t .m. llh l !D •·'"· 1111111 WI 0, '"'" •• Ntw Al.le. 11 AW. t Aut. 2' Aut. 11 Tiii Nlllfl'1 -ltltf '4cf\!r. ..... ..,...,..,,., """' llld 111r i.cstr ... 1111 • flW .,..., tcllt.rt4 ''"'"' of ""'"'" ~ Kllvffy. T-.llH• tllmbtd lflfo ""--.. 11111 .at l(tttt fllOll OI ,,_ CW"" "' wlltt ..... llltMr .......... tu,.,. ... IM ~ '" 111i. ""'°1,. 1111 Mukl" bof'ltr. Tl!llnd>e•.i-ra tccurrt'!I 11-ll'lt 11V11'11e1!9m to1JI 111d 11'1 1111 t111tr1t 111191 lrllfl'I ffll tGU!htr11 ,ltl"t IO 11111 '"'"'"' Ot911 Liktt. All 1110> 01 ••I" "" '" TwtM, Clll1. 111 leu Ille" ti-'°'" Tiie ll'IOfl tomlot1tltl1 .,...,~, ""'' ICUNI flan' TM IWll'IMI'" "•tllk Cl).111 ~ lrt1111 Int ~'"'' Mlawfll lo llW!flo -New f"11l1"11 wlltrr lllt lft'l'I""' 1turt.1 wtr. 11'1 l/IJ 10& en4 !OW llO .. I, A1~U. ........ 81lr.ent\eld '""'"" 80111 ..... ar...,Mvlllll ClllUOO Clll(lfwltft ... _ Dia MOll!ft .. _ F1lrti.'*t Fort Worffl ·-... _ H°"""I" I<•-· City L11 V ... 1 LM -., .... -· N-Dr1Mnt ,,. .. YW'c Nerttl l"len. 0.klttlll C.~ City ...... l"•ltn Wlrtl1 ,,_,, """'"" "'""' lt1tW C.lt'I' • .., •: Jff ·-Stc;remente S•!I Ltllt Clly .., ·-$111 l'r1ncl.eo Setttle S~•>W TIMH'Tnll Wtllllllll!Oll Mltfl Uw hK. ... " .. .. )0) ,, II .U .GI ,, •2 11 6J " " ~ ~ " .. ~ " .... .. " " ~ " " " .. .. " .. " " n '" u .. " . " .... .. " • n " " " .. .. " n " "' .. 11• " " .. 17 .H .. " 111 ., " .. . " " .. u .. " " .... " " 111 ., . .. Japanese Y onth Tries . ' . S.ta~, Attac~ .. on Rogers r ' • Peace Could Upset ·bY Crltlelsm Exend Pope's Africa Trip ·, 3 Dead Left in Wake OfMan'sShooting Spree ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (AP) -On his way to Uaanda today Po"' Paul VI expressed hope that h!s plaMed talks: with Nigerian and Bif!ran delegates may pave the way for peace ln the bloody con- flict. A high Vatican oUicfat said the Pope wu willing to extebd his stay in Africa ''oven by one month" U OU. might serve any purpoae for peaCe. Ht meets the Blafrans and Nlgertaria Friday. "Wt-hope our meeting the represtn- tallv" ol Nijeria and.of Blalra will help to do a little good," Pope Paul aaid. He talked to newsmen during a lG.minute vi!lt to the pren compartment Of the plane. Ari:hbishop Glovamd Benelli, t h e Vatican substitute secretary of slltt.,.aaid later the Pope waa 1'avallable" for anything which may help bring the twD warring aides closer. He might e_x.tend this three-day visit "even by one month, •1 Archbishop Benelli said in this con· necUon. BURBANK !UPI) -An airer alt, com- pany w«ker who shot and i.llled his su- pervisor, the president of his union local and a third man apparently was enraged over criticism for not wearing safety gla.sSeJ. police said today. Isaac Jem.lgan Jr., 29, a seruor tern. plate maker at the Lockheed Aircraft Co. pl~t. was held today on suspicion of murder. Police said he r~ to make I! statement. Jernigan surrendered lo police Wednes· day about two blocks from the office of District Lodjt m , International Aasocia· tion of Machinists. Police pieced together the story of the shooting rampage from witnesses. Jernigan recelved· an ''emplaye's per- formance oollce" that rebuked him for not wearing safety glasses while he was workJng in a hazardous area. Jemlgan walked Into the plant just be· fore 2 p.m. an:d handed the note to Jan Howard Domonot1ke, 28, supervisor of the template department. When Donomon· ske tried to hand ti back to him. Jeml· gan drew a .38-caliber, snub-nosed re· volver, fired twice, and Domonoske fell to the floor mortally wounded. Jernigan eluded police who surrolfnded the plant, and headed for the 1AM head· quarters about t.hrte-quarters of a mile away . At the offiee, be asked to see Thoma.'I' E. McNett, SS, president of·Uie1oca1, and was told he was speaking to a group or retired members in an adjoining patio. Jernigan b a r g e d into the meetirlg, yelled "Mr. McNett'!" and when lhe un- ion leader turned around, fired three times. killing him. Leonard E. Nolan, ~2. a tool planner: for Lockheed who tried to st.op Jernigan at the back door, also was fatally shot. He reeled back into the paUo where he crumpled to the ground next to McNett'• body. Archbishop Benelli said Msgr. Carlo Bayer, a German-born prelate who returned from Nigeria TueWday. led him to believe that it wu now "posslb~ that the federal Nigerian government might agree to let relief ships sail by rtverinto Biafra under an armed eacort from a neutral African country or the United Na· tioru; . Vietnam Lull Continues; 110 Gls IGlled in Week The archbisbOp said a ship loaded with food and medicine wu rea:cfy to sail ar soon u an agreement was rUcbed. Nixon--Birthplace To Be Preserved? Gov. Ronald Reagan believes the house at 18061 Yorba Linda Blvd. in Yorba Lin· da should be preserved. That's where President Nixon was born 56"2 years ago. "Preserving the Nixon home .is tn the national public interest," Reagan said Wednesday. The State Parks and Recreation Department estimates It would cost $100,000 to restore the house and sur- rounding property to their original con· diUon. Reagan forwarded to Nixon himself the reaimmendation that the NationaJ Park Service purchase the property and sug- gested the Nixon Foundation could use the site for the proposed Nixon libray. 'Ille recommendaUon involves three alternatives from $50,000 for 1.9 acres in· eluding the home to $1.4 million for 22 additional acres and facilities. Fresno Calm Follows Sporadic Firebombing FRESNO (U Pl) -The predominantly Negro neighborhood of westside Fresno was calm Wednesday night following three nights of sporadic firebombing, looting. and gunfire. A~ least five persons suffeffii minor bullet wounds and more than to were ar· rested during the dlsturbanCes. • SAIGON (UPI) -A total of 110 Amer\. cana died In battle last week, the fewest since the first week of the year. The bat- tle lull responrible for the lower Josses conU.nued today. . "The level of the fighting ... around the republic of Vietnam remalns relatively low for most U.S. army units," the of· flcial Army communique sald. The lull opened the way for Friday's departure of 2,7'10 more American troops from lhe war zone -the largest single contingent to leave since President Nix· on's cutback plan began July 8. Military spokesmen reporting last week's casualties &aid another 1,056 U.S. servicemen were woundOO last week. The death loll was the lowest since the week ending Jan. 4 when 101 Gls died. Last week'! casuaJty toll compared with 148 killed and 1,1112 wounded the previous week, and 182 kllled "Snd 1,405 wounded lhe week before that, reflecting a signUlcant d r irp in the number of deaths. GIRL, 10, GIVES BIRTH TO BOY ALEXANDRIA, Va. (UPI) -A II). year-old cirl gave birth to a nom\al 5 pound, 10 ounce baby boy in a suburban Washington Hospttal Tuesday, Alexanlria Hospitaf admlnls~tor Charles M. Goff sald today. "It was a normal delivery. The baby's condition is good," &lid Goff who declined to comment beyond b.Ksic statistics because of lbe mother's age. e OPEN SUNDAYS e Soutll Vietnamese spokesmen uld government losses (or Ia.rt week were 290 Killed and 831 wounded, while lhe Viet Cong and North Vietnamese lost 1.96! dead, according to Allied figures. Tiie government casualties were only slightlY. lower than the previous week. Countian Dies In Cycle Crash A Westminster man was killed Wedoes· day night when the motorcycle he was riding collided witll a car on Beach Boulevard al Trask Avenue. Police said James P. Hayes, ZS, of 13922 Arizona St.. was catapaulled through the air into a traffic signal pole when his cycle collided at high speed witll a car driven by John R. Pataky, 24, of Buena Park. Pataky was jailed on manslaughttt charges. The Orange County Coroner's Office said Hayes died at the scene oE multiple injuries. Senate Okays Medals Of Apollo Astronants WASHINGTON (UPI) -The Senate has approved a resolution authorizing the striking of gold medals to honor each of the ApoliO 11 moon astronauts. The resolution, sent to the House, calls for the. rneda]s to be presented to the President and bronze replicas to be sold to the public. Profits from the medal sale would be used to f~ scltn!:e~ '!Cholarahlps. karls SU.MME8 SALE Canvas Surfer St11"1 c•11Yft rtw.I ~ t1011 wltti taffry ,.,-.. 3 97 Utt price, SI.Of • , • , 1 One Men Life Raft Modi> of ,,,, .. , ~1911 ....., .._Sia 46i72", .... ... ..... 14·99 ONLY • '-'dies em. • •·" P•• HOWITT HOP Bouncl"11 Boll .............. --"--'""'""· Ill ..... ...... .................... 1-fa •1'" diwwwfat 7 • ,... PMLT • NEWPORT IEACH 50 FaMion lslalld . 644·0981 • WllTMIMsnt1 •Ut w .. l7tl St. '01 0.1111 CANC>eA PAIK •741 ,,.., ....... J41-JJ12 Sale Ends Sunday, August 3rd Surf Board A ..... wi...,I ..... ef .,,,... '""" .... , •• 1pt .. , ...... lfft'J UJlllMf fnl 1•a4r'. .... 2.97 .. ,.. 1 99 ONLY • Divers Watch With Chrone>meter "'_""_,..,_ .. ,_ 9 99 kltl w ... ,,..., fdr,Mf· s• ..... 2.,... ....... $1 ..... ' Dat ...... • 1J.17 ONLT iJ . . .e: .. . --~ llO.!,.TlltllPfC OUTIOAIDI 1: IN NA IDS o..... ....... _ .. '" __ _ flf...t;tA:-.4.,._,_ --2.97 ONLT karls OPEN 1 DAYS A WEEK I Ul"I T_.... Keep ON the Grass . . . A palser-bY watches workmen lay down strips of sod in the still fenced off People's Park at Berkeley Wednesday. UC authorities said the la~n is for a temporary playing field for students quartered. in n~rby qonnltones. ~dent apartments will be built in the area with construction proJect to &tart lll July, 1970. Manipulation Probed In Bank Rate Rumor Russian Novelist Defects LONDON (UPI) -The Soviet Embassy bas asked the British government for permission to talk with Anato- Jy Kumetsov, the Soviet noveliJt who defected \i'hlle vi!lting Britain, f o re I g n ministry sources sakl today. It wlll be up to Kw:nestov wiletber he want.s to lalt with the Sovieta and he has not yet replied, the sources said. Kuznetsov was in hiding in a secret refuge with a promise of permanent British asylum. He escaped from his Soviet ch ape~ Monday night . by aaying he wanted to look for a ' prostitute in London's seedy Soho District. "We want to fmd out what Tempers Flaring •· ABM Showdown Vote Ne ar W ASl!lNGTON (UPO With tempen flaring oo both sides, the senate rushed today to clear the decb for a showdown vote on the aD- Uballistlc mlulle 1y1Lem neit Tuesday or Wedaeaday. Chances of • compromise on the ABM were declared dead. Oppooent.s of the ABM a~ to a vote u IOOD u poalble alter Pnisldent Nl>oo n!tijrns rrom • world tour this wed.end. The plan was to get the tu ourchars! disputo cleared up today and complete debate on the ABM Monday . "l want to get lt over with," Sen. George D. Ai.ten (R-VL) said Wedneadl.)' alter at· tending a "seminar on elec-- troolca" by the Senate Foreign Re.laUons Committee, wat. ching an anti-ABM movie and witnessmc a vitriolic excban&e on the Senate floor. m.Uitary procurem,nt bill for four weeks, but nearly all the debate has been focused on the ABM. The ABM is design- ed as a defense against enemy missiles. b 'ck s tl>e BAM, IU~ that Sen. Joeeph M. Montoya 1 (O.N.M.), "carry a whit< flag to Moscow" and surrender. Montoya said Long was ques- tioning hb palrlotism and 1". 'ttwlkdlt.. . All:en, · who. proi-<) lliroe weeks ago that both s1del bend a Uttle to ave.rt a head· to-head ohowdown, raid In an ln\trvlew he ...... -cf a comprOmfM now. ·~ thought t be ad-mlnl.atratlon would want a modHlcat!on, • he said. "But •pparmtly they don't have any such Ideas down there." Under the N I z o n ad· mln1stn.Uon'1 $8 b t I 11 on "Safeguard" version, the ABM -Id be used to protect U.S. oH60Slv~ missUe altes. Alken predicted the final vote would be "as clOie to 56- 50 aS you can get It." He said the t.saue could be decided by ••one or two bacbllden OD elther side." ·I House OKs : Record Fund For Schools:: The 5enate has been COD• sldering t)Je $21> b 1111 o n The floor debate hit new peaks of acrimony when Sen. Russet: B. Long (0-La.), who WASHINGTON (UPI) '- The Houae Wednesda.Y mpooded to • plea to listen lo ha! really happend ," a the youth or America ~ !pokesman for the Soviet F . w d n voted a record '4.2 bUUon fOr Embassy said. He complained What Were trllliilt or s r education this fllcal year. 'tt that since Kuznetsov . dlsap. °" was fl billion more th8l' peared Monday night the President Nlxoa bad record- Soviets had been unable to get SPACE CENTER. Houston John E. McLeal.sh, the The space agency also said mended. (UPI) -The space agency NASA spokesman in quaran-Arrrurtron&'• first words were , any information from the has revised Us official versl()n tine wilh Armstrong, said the "Close to spontaneous." 'This afternooon we have ' British foreign office. of Apollo 11 Commander N!U Apollo 11 commander told hlm "It was something he chance to aay to the kida « Kuznetsov got in trouble A. Armstrong's first words that "to the best of his thought about after he landed .America 'We have faith "1 with the Soviet Union's Com--from the IUl"face of the moon, recollection" the word "A" but before he got out" of the you, we believe lD your potelt munist establishment with his adding the word "'A" to hla: was ln the statement. Eagle. McLealsb said. tial,'' said Rep. Charles historic statement ho Jmt l!lt.ories ol unflattering, pictures The .ii-. .. te came Wed-S. Joelaon, (D-N.J.). w of life under collectivism. But ....... .,... ]]j the succe.sdul uault oo. ~ d .. _ b. h nesday when a space agency AF La h Sate te ..... he sai -~ 1ggest reason e . " -~th unc es ad m lnlstratlon'• eduC&llOU defected was disgust with the spokesman in quaran ... ne "'' Soviet invasion of Armstrong asked the spendingpla.Ju. Czechoslovakia. astronaut what the first \\'Ords V A N D E N 8 E R G AIR to descrl~ it or its orbit. The acti!SI was the first In a Soaring Cost Of Living Slows Dow11 NEW YORK (AP) -The New York Stock Exchange is investigating the possibility that false rumors or a decline in the prime interest rate might have been floated deliberately Wednesday in an attempt to manipulate the stock market. The British home ofilce said he spoke "'ere. Armstron!l' FORCE BASE, Calif. (AP) -The satellite, sent aloft by a series of aucial tests on tJte the average to 803.58 at dos· Wednesday night Kuineuov replied: "Thafs one small The Air Force announced it Thor-Agena rocket com· proposed $16.6 billion ap- ing, a gain of 1.62 points. had aaked for and received step for a man; one giant leap had launched a 1Btellite at blnatlon, was launched from proprilticris bill tar t hie \VASHINGTON (AP) -The American consumer may be seeing a glimmer of light at the end of the long tunnel o( inflation as new government figures Indicate the soaring cost of li ving is slowing down. ( th :-1 t sta · 11'.ottland for mankind." Vandenberl'• missile m:tier Departmenla of' Labor 8fid Many o e rumors ctn.-perm~on o y m L.00'6 Official transcript& issued a 3:19 a.m. PDT today but• by an Air Foi:ce-industry Heal th. E du catio n aMi. tered. on the Morgan Guaranty indefinitely following ff hours r h a1•6 -"'--•-• spok--·· ~'lned to ~-te -~•In w-•~-The blll --be .-. (th U , as a misai-......._ ...... ..+.t by ew oun ~-Allu.ew ... n& I ~ ~ .... team. the 1potesman 1N11U a o;:u..,c. ,..,......, ...,... Trust Co., one o e na on s Scotland Y:'rd.._. ""'"'6" moonwaJt deleted the "A.'• the purpose of the satellite or one-91!1'.ltence announcement. proved by the Senate. • largest commercial banks. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~illiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiliiiliiilliliiilma Prime rate fluctuations arel usually touched off by the ac- The Bureau of L a b o r Statistics reported Wednesday a dramatic reduction in the upward rate of wholesale prices, most significantly in the cost of cattle. Statmia showed c a t ,l I e prices for the month that end· ed July 15 were down $1,600 per hundredweight from ·the mld-June figure of $29.60 -an IS.year high. "\Ve are checking out that rumor to learn the circumstances surrounding it and what effect it might have had on the market," an e:r- change official said. The Securities and Exchange Com- mission said It also planned an inquiry. The rumors swept Wal l Street about noon Wednesday when the Dow J ooes Indu.trlal Average was down 9.11 polntl!I -to below BOO-and touched off a sharp rally that kicked tion of a single major New York bank. At 2 p.m., a half hour before the closing, the Dow Jones News Service quoted a Morgan Guaranty spokesman as saying there was "no truth" to the rumors and the market promptly began a downward slide again. Seven! stock b r okers reportedly received telephone calls from unidentified peDOM around noon. app,-re!ltly trying In prompt l!pe<ulallon that ' decr<ue In tile prime rate wu lmmlnent. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ' j -ROA first in COLOR TV wcra.oo Color TV ALSO AVAILABLE WITH REMOTE CONTROL Check the price on this fine wood big-screen Color 5tyl•d to 1•v• you floor IP''' 111d pri,•d lo 11•1 you mo11•Y. thi1 9i111I· ,,, •• " RCA ,onto11 i1 011• of our fi11•tl Color TV v•lu•t. T r•r11form•r·powtrtd 2s,ooo.volt chtn•• ft tuh•1 11vt r•l Solid Stitt compo11t nh i11 ttvt r11 !tty circuih for g•t 1!1r dt pt nd1bi!lty. 011•·11t VHF fi11t tu11in9, big '" ovtl duo•con1 1pttlt1r. Mod1I OL-4-11 11" fll f. 2tS ~ In. 11lctur1 RCA .. The Pick of the Portables! SINCE 1847 411 E. 17th St. Daily 9.9, Sat. 9 ·6 NowlNewVlata Color Portable thllt'• •llord•blel RCA'a lawm:plbd, Cd«lV ----eciiiw.,lilrllCL PuwMM 21.-.... -"°""--ae 111ent f'IOl4ltion. eon. In '°' • colarM .......... $27996 • Costa Mesa 646 -1684 . . Get Pacified at Pacific's Savings Super Market I• Offering: 1. 303 GROWTH FUND DEPOSITS PACIFIC SAVINGS guarantMs lnlel'Mt for "'9,..19 compounded dallJ Ill SY&% aMually, which produe11 a capital growth or at INllt 30% If lnlet'wt II left on depoelt, or JOU may elect to have your lntel'Mt paid quarterlf, Aa to 11111 -..it. minimum II $1.000.00 and prlnclpal may be withdrawn at any qualtM wllbout loea or lntel'Mt II n1aded to PfWYllll al'lllt hlrdahlp. 2. LIQUIDITY FUND DEPOSITS lntel'Mt II Plld on _,, dollar for _,, day It II on depollt In thlae pa11book accounll, 90 you eun from d11e·or depoelt to dale of wllhdrawal -tmn for - day. Current annual rate, 5%, compounded dally. No minimum amount. 3. COMBINATION FUND DEPOSITS T1-•-" permit capital growth • to depoeltl nmalnlng for thlM ,....., pt111 wtlhdmral ,.rblllly. They currently pay 5% per 1111111111 compounded dally with an llddlllonal bonul, currently 111 % per aMlllll, If left on depoelt thrM ,..,. or lllOl9. $1,000.00 minimum. FRll IAll DIPOllT IOX-lor maintaining uvfng1 -o1poo.ooor-. aJT DOwil SERYICI!. 11o alllldlna 111 loflO n .... l'Rll! "9JARY llllYlCZ. A8K HOW YOU CAN .W (Sl!RVl«:e CHAllG! l'llH) TICK!TII lo the Forum, Dodgor --or o- -Jlnt 8lld -·--..-.......-TJU.TloblR11111alo.•IJ•-NOOTHER8AV• INGI AND LOAN HAI IT. AND MANY 'MORE FREE SERVICES SOUTH COAST Pl -AZA USS BIUSTOL 8TREE1' • COSTA lll!SA, CALIFO~ HOURS: t:aO #.II. TO 8:IO P.11. • SAT.: 10 #.II. TO I P.IL • PHONI! 114CMOl8 • avings e • • e e e e e e e AND LOAN ASSOCIATION llAIN OPl'ICI: 9401 WHITil!R IOULIVARll • LOI ANQILD, CALll'OllNIA I I : i ' ' • \ DAD.Y PILOT EDITOBIAI._ PA.GE I -J. ·Finding a GOiden .Goose s.crainen\o'a seareh for a golden goose goes oo. Legislators are noted for declaring every day or so that they have discovered some heretofore overlooked source of lncome that will lower property taxes and 1om·ehow balance the budget and keep ljle state's edu- cation system in operation. Jt never is that· easy Politicians realize the pOpularity of promlsing property tax relief, but what Ibey fall to mention is that the money must come from somewhere -some other pocket, as it were. One golden goose scheme that is getting a thorough airing in Sacramento is a proposal to tax publicly· owned utility companies. Proponents of the measure contend that cities owning utilities (the Los Angeles De- partment of Water and Power and the Anaheim light and power department are examples) shouJd pay property taxes as do privately-owned utilities such as Southern California Edison Company. They say it is on1y fair. Orange County Assemblyman Robert E. Badham, one of those who su pports the legislation, says, "l see no validity in California perpetrating this discrimina· tory tax exemption." There is another side to the issue. The cities which llave their own utilities maintain that because th ey do not have to pay property taxes, they can pass savings along· to their residents {and taxpayers) either through Jowered utility bills or through a money source for the general fund -thus affording a lower tax rate for the local people. California's power giants -the Edison Company and Pacific Gas and Electric -have mounted an all· out campaign to secure passage of the proposed law. Best bet now is that it won't pass during this session ol the legislature, but in a long haul the pressure fo pa1;sage will mount. . Jf it does pass , an additional $50 million yearly in tax revenue will go to local governmental agencies - '25 mlllloo of lt to schools. Unlortun.ately, like all !be golden goose schemes, It will be one· more •form of taking money trOm one pocl:atln>tead of another. .. • The Looking Grass ' . . ' ' ' Grass -the kind that grows by itself -;Is beinf · r " phased out in Newport Beach. • Newport work crews last week "planted" 1,000 square feet "of turf on two street median strips ln flqnt of City l!all. The turf is plastic grass. It was rolled Into pooitlon. ' It will never feel the blade of a mower. Mainte. nance will require litUe .more than the use of a vacuum cleaner. A great step !orward in cutting down government cost, unquestionably. Is it worth it? Must we pluJlie lb.is deeply into the Plastic Age? · It started, o! course, with plastic flowers; Now it's plastic grass. A current mail order catalogue feature~ plastic trees and shrubs. You can't ·tell it frcim the real thing, they say. Well , little children can tell it from the real thing, So can birds and worms and butterflies. So can non .. plastic people. · As put by our own, locally grown, poel laureate Mr. T. Duncan Stewart: ' What ha! man uwought -a plastic grcu1, Or arl!! it! blade.s of fibl!!Tglal.s? 11 il a form of rug with pila cm, Crl!!a£ed out Of Dupont nulon? To think ihat I might Live to .set a swaying polyvinyl tree. l Whl'.re happily the featht.Ttd mster WiU raisl'. her brood on polu1:stc·.· __ ' •• Co1i9ress Needs Tinie ,,. ,.___ . ,.. Budget Dates ,M~y : ,Sh}f~ · I:~X.~~i'!~a,_~ --McGovern Eyed ' Top olfitlals, Ill Congress ~ the Nixon Administration, are discussing a rather simple change in accounting which cou1d pave the way for substantive government reforms. • Under consideration is a shift In the minor inconvenience for Congress. federal government's fiscal Ye a r • Government departments are ~··· Presently, the fiscaJ1 or business, year runs from July 1 through each June so. .seriously affected. From the cabinet lelf The proposed change would extend the on down, adminislratvrs are uncertain deadline and perhaps even make the about their spending authority. ~Id pro- fiscal year coincide with the caleni;iar., grams drag along. Newly authon~ pro- As an accounting revision· such a ~rps are 119t startedr until fuDdl· are change would be scaroe.11 •oc:th the tf11-. ~ finaUy .a~~ 1, ~ · 1 ~ ... ing here. The current discussions are irn· portanl, however, because the arbitrary fiscal year, as it now exists. has been causing real problems in Congr~ and ln the ezecutive departmenla. THE TROUBLE is th at Congress, in recent years. has not been able to budget -to approve appropriations -for a fiscal year before that year is well under way. (As of this July I, when the pre.sent fiscal year began, not a single regular appropriation bill had been finally ap- proved by Congress.) Jn such circumstances, the House a.Dd Senate must pass a seritS of "continuing resolutions" allowing the various fedetal agencies to spend at substantially their present rates until their new ap- propriations are approved. That is a STA.TES, local govemment.!I, federal employes and other ~JefJ .,. af- fected loo when old prosrlmJ ire ilOI ex· p.anded or new dnes , are deley!!d-and federal aid ia not forthcoming. Some government budget experts think those problems would be solved if the fiscal year began OcL 1 or, better, Jan. 1. They think such a ahift'would help aolve other federaJ funding problems too. For example, local school districts can- not know, under the present a~ propriations prr;m. how ·m~ federal help they will coll~ when they si,l down t., appruve t.belr annua\ school bUdgets. Other federaUY assisted programs have similar problems. Some of the experts ~ieve that lhose programs could be brou&ht into pbue if A Friendlier Divorce By SEN. JAMES E. WllETMORE · 35th District California Legislature For many years sociologists have been concerned about the fact that persons once married and deciding to divorce were for~ by the law into a position that required one or lhe other of them lo charge his partner with WJ'OI q;doing vr some sort in order to obtain a divorce. Jt has been staled by expert.3 over and over that this legal necessity made reconciliations far more difficult th.an . they Y:ould olher'o''i.se be and further, that' -0ne party charging lbe other with wrong· doing in a public document such as -a divorce complaint created problems for the children, particul1:1rly \\'hen these documents \\'e re prvduCi!d some years later. CA.LlFORNIA this wetk look a giant litep forwanl in adopting the divorce reform bill whicb it is hoped will be ef· fect.ive in keeping families together by making a reeonciliatlon easier and at the same time leave the children free of the fear that p as t misconduct of either parent can some day be visited uixion them. ' The new legislation eliminates the ....... ~ present legal requirement that one spouse must be found Jegally responsible for the 'breakup or a ,marriage._ No Jonger'wm a husband or wife have lo charge the partner with extreme cruelty -the most common ground! - adultery, habiiual dnmkenntu and so on. in order t.o obtain a divorce. UNDER the new law, only two reasons for divorce would rem a In on the lawbooks: The rare case of incurable in· sanity, or the basic finding that there are "irreconcilable differences, which have caused the irremediable breakdown ol the marriage." Community property would be divided equaUy, except where one spouse has squandered or misappropriated it. Alimony will be determined solely on a woman~ ability to, get a job and the duration of the marriage. The measure eliminates the word divorce from tile Jaw. Any decree granted in California after Jan. I. 1970, the ef~ fe<:tive date of the law. will be known u a "Wssolution of marriage." THE NEll' LAW would apply to aqy case Died before Jan. 1, 1978, w!UCb had n't reached CO\irt. an orderly lhift could be made In the fiscal year. Some states mlght ·have to take ,elm.llar action, however, since more than haJf of thei;n are on a J~y 1.June 30 basis • .._ · rlui.re' ·Really Is a Nixon ''Dtar Mr. Hopyt: l '<lm 1:iglit flears old. Some of 11111 friePtdJ IOtl there is no Dick Nixon. Pl(.ase tell' me the C,Uth, .~ there a Diek Ni;on.? -Virginia" ~ GEORGE MAHON (0.Tex.), chairtnan ol the House Appropriations ComrDittee, ooling the problems posed by Yes, Virginia, there is a Diet Nixon. the cOritlnuing resolutions, has urged a Your friends are wrong. They have "very car~ut study" of a change Jn the been , affected by the skepticism of a fiscal YW. J;le has mentioned Oct. 1,8f\d &keptlcal a~e. They do not believe except ~~· 1 u posslble's1arUng dates. '. . . what thej fee, They think that nothing ,._ ru-•= II ---''" (n..n : can'be whW. is not comprehensible by f _.. u~ • """""' ' -,.a.), I lltt' ""' Mition's serme·~countel'P*t, favot1 a .&heft· le ~s. ~ge to_ Janpary 1. The matter has •. Not believe in Dick Nixon! Yoo might been ~se4_,b)' the Sen~~ pe~~tic as wen _not ~lie~e in School ~Icy Com;nltlee, and S en a ,. e Desegregation Gwdeline$. Just bet:liuse DtmocraUc Leader Mike Maosfle!d, Do oae WKlerstands the new School Mont., (who also (avon a change) ha.s Desegregation Guidelines, it doesn't been asked to discuss the matter with mean they are not there. House leaders and administration ex· Did you ever see civil rights leaders perts. dancing on the White House lawn? Jn the past 'the Budget "Bureau, the ae· counting arm for the White House, ha s taken a dini: view of chancing the fiscal year. That is apparenUy no longer true, and Budget Director Robert P.· Mayo is now aald to favor such a shift: Current budietary ~edures are nany left aver from another era, from a time when Congress had a lighter work load and shorter sessions. The President regularly submitted bis budget tn late J'!'uary. The l!ouse and Senate could grind out the neces.sary appropriations by July I, as required by law, and then take the rt.1t of the year off. Now congressional sessions run longer, even in election years when campaigning calls congressmen back to their home districts. The money bJlls are delayed, as already noted, am; to compowtd the pro-- blem, additional .authorizaUons are ap- proved which require m o r e ap- proprlaUons. A last year's supplement money bill, carrying a parcel of tide-<iver appropri· atlons for a number of govennent agen- cies, is a horrible example of1 what c a n happen. Jt·finally cleared CoMrtss early this moclth-more than a weelc'. alt.er th~ end of the yeer for which it prorided lun<b. Scme coogressionaJ budget experts look to.the day wheo the fiscal rear ..'II.arts on J&nllary t. Tl1' Presjd<nt's bu~get co<lld , be submitted on March l,. &[vtng the .Bud- get bureau a little more time to prep».re It. Congress. under such a timetable, w o u I d have a full nine months to com· plete action on the regular appropriations bUJ.s-nearly twice as long as the present schedule Is supposed to alJow'. That would make for a more orderly procedure. It w o u I d, in the eyes of the congress ional experts, move towards a more thoushlfW con!lderation of the naUOO's needs and a more orderly assignment of the federal government's rCUJrces. By Robert s. Allen and John A. GoldsmJtb _ rt':Hoppe .J. , '· ' RetenUy? Of course not, but that's no proof there are no civil rights leaders. THE l\IOST REAL things I n Washington. Virginia, are those that neither children nor men can com· prehend. No Dick Nixon! He exists as certainly as hope exists -the hope of bringing all oor soldiers home next year. He has pro- mised us, Virginia, that he will hope to do this. And you know how hope abounds in Washington and gives to our lives its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary the war would be without hope. There would be no childlike faith then to make tolerable its existence. Not believe in Dick Nixon! Who gladdened the hearts of Southerners by proposing a weak Voting Rights Bill? Who gladdened the hearts of Northern Liberals by failing to push it? Who glad· dened the hearts of little taxpayers everywhere by botching the fight for the 10 per Cffil surtax? Oh he gladdens the hearts of us all. YES, VIRGINIA, you might hire men lo watch the doors of every Congressman on Capitol Hill to catch Dick Nixon bringing pressure to bear. But even if they saw no signs of Dick Nixon 's in· fluence, what would that prove? Hard ly anybody sees Dick Nixon, bu tthat is no proof there Is nb Dick Nixon. Nobody can conceive or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in Washington. And some of our wisel and most con- servaUve men claim to have seen Dick NIXbn, Virginia, Senator Dirksen, Senator Thurmond and Senator Tower claim to have seen him regularly. Even Bob Finch has seen him, Virginia. though perhaps not lately. And Dr. John Knowles. while he hasn 't .seen him in months, has a dttp and abiding failh that Dick Nixon exists. Thursday, July SI, 1969 The edi1orial page of the Dail11 Pilot 1e•kt to inform. and .stim- ulate r•adeTI by presenting thia ncwipaper'• opiniO"ns and com- tMnt~ cm topia: of int.ert.st. ond 111/ftiffcanc•. bv PTovidlno • fOTUrn for thf eJ.preuion o/ our readff1' opb'lfons. and brt prcsttiling the dklersc 11iezo. pointl of tn/ormed obserwr• ond spoketmt?l on WJ>it' of the day. Passage mates Calif0111ia -where nearly one out of every two marrtqeS ends In court -among Oie few st.ates to ban tradJtional specific grounds for divorce. Tl\e Callfomla Jaw had remained fundamentally unchanaed sloce. enact· ment in 1111 • ~ Dear Gloomy Gus: Per~· more young WOJT\M- lhould be advised lhal pie ala· mode. chocolate caltt. double malts etc. are just hippie foods. OH VTRGlNIA, you can tear apart the baby's rattle and see "'hat makes the noise inside. But there is a veil covering the unseen world or Dick Niion which nol the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that evtr lived. could tear apart. Only !.tith .and hope and party loyotty can push aside. that curtain and view the supernal meaning beyood. Robert N. Wud, Publisher \ ,, Th proponent.I stale that the main value of the new la• 11 that once: the breakup of a couple is Inevitable, the pro- cedure Ls far Jess painlul. Those of u.s In the Legtslat.ure hope we have done the right thing, but in the event next year slatiatfcs Indicate we have not, Jt wiU be postlble for us to modify the new JegislaUon. -H. M. Ttll• fffi.N ,....,. ......,... """"" Mt 11KtUar11Y """" " ""' __.. leM ,... ·"' ......,. ... """" ... °"" ,, .... ls ll all rtalt Ah, Virginia, In Rll ot W ashingt.on thert is nolhlng else real and abiding. No Dick N[xon! Thank God, he lives! A year fmm now, Virginia , nay, four years from now, he will continue to make glad lht hearts of all th* who believe in do- DOthlnJ government. By Kennedy Men Whatever the consequences of the Kennedy crisis, one thing seems clear. Of no Democrat can it now be said, as was said of Sen. Edward Kennedy two weeks ago by a Senate colleague, "He can have the 1972 nomination if he wants it." The question which now occupies Wash· lngton -where power is the only com· modlty worth seeking -is "Who shall succeed?'' The question is really two questions. For ·Sen. Kennedy held two poweriul posts in the Democratic Party, both ol which entailed enormous responsibility, although neither bore a formal title. THE FIRST was that of potential can- didate for President. In the past few months he has held this position unchal- lenged. The second was that of lea~r of the Kennedy wing of the Democrtic Party. In American politics, the word "Ken· nedy" has come to describe an image of youth, honesty, Intelligence, liberal- ism and sophistication, sprinkled usually w\th a good deal of money and an enor- mous amoont ol political energy. The image may remain, but' it will not-for the time being-be called "Kennedy." The nation will now watch tbe actioos of a band of brothers in search of a leader. For some. the search will be lmmedi· ate and even frantic. They have counted on Kennedy and the Kennedy image during a sizable part of their political lives. There Is John J. Hooker of Ten- nessee, John Tunney and Jesse Unruh of California, Ted Sorensen and Carter Burden ol New York and John Culver of Iowa. But these are visible. ln every ward and precinct in the nation there are men who think of themsefves as Kennedy men. friends and Joyal allies of a future President. For these men, it js the end of an era. LOY AL UEGEMEN are likely t., ·choose one of their own as successor, and the most likely choice at the momen~ is Sen. George McGovern al South Dakota, who filled In !w Robert. lteunedJ in a belated race for the Democratic nomL'lation for President· at Chkaia. McGovern won «ily 146'Ai conven«M votes, but he would have won more had it not been for the symbolic candidaCJ of Channing Phillips and had~not Hubert Humphtey locked it up early. He did win national recognition for bis ability to wear ·the Kennedy mantle. Bu~ leadership of the Kennedy wing will not mean automatic succes'Slon to the other post -as likely candidate in 1972. Without a Kennedy to sttiV1 against, the party regulars will try to resllllle power with Edmund Muskte. Hubert Humphrey, even if returned tO the .\)enate lrom Minnesota, is simply izlrelevant .to too many of the power I brokers. But Sen. Muskie has the lvyalty of the regulars, the advantage of having taken few advanced positions and no active enemies in the party. l\-1cGOVERN has taken advanced po- sitions. He spoke oot against the Viet- namese y,·ar before anyone else. He has been named by the National Oxnmittee to head a commission to refonn the Democratic Party1 in an effort to cut down the power ol the pany bosses who made a Humphrey-Muskie ticket inevit- able in 1968. By Tom Braden arid Frank Manldcwic1 'New' Look at W ordniks ' Weasel wotds? They are a shifty ldnd ('t of jargon, of which ''escltl n g,•,._ ,,· ·•provocative," or "new" are examples. I They are words whose mearilng. have t been clouded, distorted. rev'......i by overuse, or by semantic tem~ring. This we discover In a little book J~t right for sµmmer browsing. "Words 1n Sheep's Clothing," by Mario Pei, the Cvlumbia Uni\'ersity philotogist and literary Je1· icographer. Weasel y,•ords, Pei explains, can be coined terms, new combinations, or once genuine words that have befn manipulat- ed lo suit the needs of politiCans , admen. educators. the mQitaty er publicists, aQ'IOng others. Two right·wJng terms for apponeot.s of the Vietnam war are "'Vietnlk" and w .... , • Sii-'• ,...,.,.. ., ...... """ ...... "*" a.bl * ... , M.ts. "peacenik." lhe .. nilt" suffix taken from the Russian for added contempt. "Iron Curtain," by the way. w.u first used in 179t to describe l'tunain that would pre· vent the spreading of fires tn theaters, before It entered lntemaliooal polltk:s. SUCH TER)IS, Pel shows us, occur in all rJelds ol endeavor, palntlng, literature, science, television commercials. and of course pcilitics where an entire gobbledy- gook of weasel words has been created. Whal Pel docs in this lmnginalive job of fingulstic detective work is to show how ptaple manipulate opinion by distorting word meanings. Some eiamples of lhese "words in sheep's clothing:" ,. "!'few:" An all-time favorite weasel,,. word that can be placed in any category ... (the "new" Nixon, etc.) ' "Senidr citizen:" A euphemism for a· person 65 or older, usually living on a pension. "Communication arts:" This used to be· "writing" and "speaking." '' "Graci ous living:" Gracious at ont'' time meant kind, but it has been molded" inlo "!asteful," or worse, "luiuriOUl!." '' "OVERKILL,"' 'def ol i a lion .'•· 1 'classified," "Defense Oepartmenl' Military jargon oft.en i.s meant simply it r. confll"'..,e, "Rugged individualism" can b6 f a term of praise or one of irony: so ca11 J. ''liberal," "'progressive,'' "con.servatlve,1'1 ~ depending on who Is speakinl or '#'tiling. "" "Un-American" Is a prime ettmple ort a weasel word . lt mould mean "nOf Amtrk:an, '' not '"anti·Artlerlcan," the!" aense ln which It ia ordlnartly used. Thliitt ~ about it: "pattmallnn," "1¥tlfare staie,'f. • "do-goodlsm," "East<rn Eltablls~men~" ! "secnMl)' risk," ''moderate,'' I "democrotlc" {as in democri.Uc people's ,, ~). Thls ii an lnformaUve and entertaining • book lhal ahows thai nonsense can be • made ol • pcrfecl\y ll'JOll lRnguage ii one t reaU,y tries. _ ,d_ I ' • : I i ; 11 : ,! --~-__ ... _··--· ·---~ . ,Q ,. J .. . roa woM~ . o ave ~ t, y _ · , ~l 1 <~ ,-"·-· • By L M. BOYD :· ·'.~'i>eoonar. .~ l . ~ .. HERE'S A POu.fria who '. dlJStoMEll SERVICE~ Q. I seriously contends the average 'Do ~Chihese eve"r;,have 'l)llte · i.. ieen-age girl eall·riloe ~ a: :~es~;A. 'N~ver heatd of any • , l c!Jy • , • -"llOW '.FJiEI •,\ Q' 'WHAT'S, YOUR ~TAND O · . · _ "'9" prayer m pabhc schools?" QUEN'J1.Y ~ 'Jlu,~ ~an d.S A./Vrall rip,t will' me. Would rather lhl\I Wlv~~tal>!e' ,U)! !hat prqle calfina'!or ly Phll lliitrf11ncll ' • Learn Now, .~-ax If ter Bill Killed SAC~ (AP) -A "le1m ·DOW.,1PtY later'' plan . ' DAit. Y PILOT 7 ' lt•c•est In 11.s. Legislators Giv e • .Selves Pay Boost SACRAMENTO (AP) ended Ille li'tditionll ban which would ~ave-amounted to. Gov~ Reagan wu faced with against allowing leplators to deferred tultlon for state col-the final decision today on raise their own pay. lege and ~ve_~ty students ls whether ·California leglalaton Prop. 1-a and the bill Jt pul • --dead rar the aixth ' straight will get a $3.200 annual J:. lnto ellect raised the pay of year. , raise -start1:ng In 1m the 120 lawmakers from "·000 "-• face ••· v~-next year to $11.000 annually, and ••ve Assembltnne.n J'""-L. E. ~ .. T URI llK'• ' -,.. ~~ v· D A I0-11 Assembly vote them the power to ralae the.Ir Collier (R-Los)ngeies).·lallrd i C a filOllC Wednesday night sent Ille pay salary by up to 6ve pen:ent by one vote Wedntsday to hike bill to Reagan's desk for annually if two-thirds of each niove his biil fl'Qm t~ Senate Su£ fers Co' Id signature or veto. The Senate house and the governor ap-Education and Into the had passed It earlier. if sign-proved. Finance Committee. ed, it would bring the base pay UVING EXPENSES of a CalUoJ'hla legislator to 1 ta lt was supported -by six of LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -SID,200 a year, highest in ~ Legs tors also drew a $175 the 10 members present on the Singer Vic-Damone I s nation. weekly livln1 allowance for 13-member commlltee. Abo>~ hospitalized here with what he In the past, Reagan has In-every working week they i spend in Sacramento. This two y,·eeks ago he revived the says is a bad cold. He said he dicaled he feels op .state of-generally adds an averaie of for chi~ mlttjase,!".:lO. ... th~ O\'PM•lk>ii~ol CburQll.and ~__,_,. n 11.', quires.~~· l.oojls ,.~, s.tate 'ls .. r. _a; ho! do~• ~~ 7-31 In tw · ,ti fii'e i.e!~ I'm ml mustard.• \ th~ .. WrlSts L::J::.:;,.;_....;._0:-,~.----------~ . · ., worry too mtJfll.~ .ini61nce, Assembly -rejected measure , slept under an •ir conditioner ~~:1,~ d:!fJvefl~~re !~!l ~! $4,000 to a lawmaker's annual garnering the minimum 41 and has been ill since. would do with the bill. income . votes needed to move it out Sunrise Hospital s a. i d NOT IN EFF~.._ StJpport for the meuure told.·~ ~C.Qi ANYBOJ>Y ex-old _~omas ~~~n was' of----,,--~------------­ plaln "1'1· girli as' a Nie have the ,Opinion '·· w.a~s un- mOl'e.rcafitlea n their teeth copsUlu.Uonal to • d ~-c I a ·r e lhan ·boy& ,doi ..... ·CAB-Tbanksgiving a n'at lo n a I BAGEi'.._. hernias.. Just read holiday. Nonethel~ B?Ch \\'as w~ sd ll f ~ • came from Assembly Minority of the lower house. ~uue ay amone v.·as in or Leader Jesse M. Unruh ([). -I obr.ervation and was i n Proponents noted that the 111e program wood have re-raise would not take elfect un-Int lewood ), who pointed out 1 0~ .. , · ~ done. And Thanksgl~ng has · that 10 \ • · De~rtment of not fouled usup .too bhdly. , • AgrlGQ:l•t ure b-ulletin. 9 ."''HOW OLD'S Peler •LIW· late.rt.sting..' ~t 'believe the ford!~ A.(5. truu makers ar~ onto that ~~OILEBS -In the old , -·•T .. -... Ith sailing day,, a i;ea captain orf ye,,, • • ., ~ -a.i:u --.... W (he coast of NQrth Claroli!la the Iinesl:}Wri Ls ~the bat. With fOrried some. Say ; lt was the coa~ \ht,wbjle. That's night and the Water wiis right, the'Wba1'. '"1 rough. He peered westward, OILY SgJN-Young lady, do loo~i.ng for safe harbor. then you have oUy skin? 11 so, does saw a lantern bobbing gently this vel'. You (rtaOy? Does it on the horizon, no doubt a ship · ·ta•· "·t h' · at anchor, he thought. He irn a.c you uld you s tne in headed for it. And in a matter the moonlight? Does it bother you th•t you tend by eveNng of minutes hiJ ship went to get a litt.Je slippery? Hold aground on the rocks and tore on, have Jlood news. A New itself ~ piec;es. Ne~ morning York aty dermatologist nam-the spoilers rowed out to pick ed Dr. Lou~ Wexler says girls up the salvage. And again th at so afllicted in aU likelihood night, they hung a ship's will maintain a youthful ap-lantern on the neck of. a horse pearing skin· until relatively arid set the animal to graze oo late in life. It is the skin that the dunes, just as they did is most apt to" reveal a i:Very night· tfo trap another woman's age. But many of sea captain with the bobbing those women with naturally light. Tha:t is . how the coast oily skin can still pass for 3 5 town of Nag's Head, N.C., got its name. when they are in fact 45· NAME GM1E--Women call-ODD GAIT-What animal can both trot and gallop at the ed Edith, says our Name same time? Don't know? Game man. tend to be Don't even care? Come on, let meticulous in dress and ef-ficient in work. In romance, me tell you. The giraUe alone they're pretty realistic, he ha.! that funny faculty . Gallops with the front feet and trots says. It's none loo easy to snow an Edith. with the bake. Peculiar gaiL Y our questions and com- ments are welcomed and will be used wherever pos- 3ible in "Cheeking Up." Address mail to L. M. Boyd, in care of tJu DAIL¥ PILOT, Box 1875, Newpori Beach. Calif., 92663. Santa Barbara Oil -' . ' Drilling ·nan Killed • flUlred all stale college :ind' satisfactory condition. A hotel tll Jan. 4, l97l, meaning the. he will not run again 1n 1170 University or Ca 11 for n i a spokesman said he did not legislators will have to go and can't benelit from the studenl!I to repay the state for know w h e n oam&,e would before the electorate next year raise. the "cost of their classroom in-perform again. and under10 qu!sUoning about He said lawmaken deaerve the mit\er. a ratile because In effect they struction. It was Lied to a pro-Damone, 41, left the sta41e Republican Assemblyman are the "boa.rd of dirtcton ol posed constihrtional ament-1 during his first perforrpanci: Frank Lanterman oI L a a ah: and one-quarter billion SACRAMENl'O ·(AP).. _ drilling on state-owned lands men~ which oever got out of Tuesday evening. He came Canada undullned th i ! , dollar corporation" and have Assemoly' OemocriUc leader when 0 per a 1i 0 n 1 were the Assembly. back a few minutes later, s.11ng declaring : ''This is modest, "one of the toughest and most ,..;.1 .. Unru' h predi· .... "'-"n Collier e s't_i m 11 t e d UC a few songs and again Jen, this is forthright. we stand on wearing job! in Ute country." -.,,~ ~·... "~ o>Ql,... d e 1 e r m I n e d t o b e students would have had to this time to be taken to the our record at Ute next elec-He pointed out illllt the Blirbara residents will place "ultraha:r.ardous." · l'e~ $4:,000 and state college hospital. tion. We're either worth it or passage came after t b e an lniliatlve on the state ballot And it would ha ve ruled studenlii would have faced a Damone, a Las veg as we're not worth a damn , and legislature on Tuesday bad to ban future drilling off their further drilling along the San-$3,000 bill. He said .it would regular, has been appea ring at we ought to be fired." sent Rea1an a till to require coastline -and that Callfor· ta Barbara and Ventura have raised $250 million a year a hotel since July 9 and is He pointed out that voter ap. legislators starting next April nians will approve it. coastline uHrahazardous and for state aid to higher educa· scheduled to be there Until proval of .statewide Pror. t~ to disclose publicly all flnan- The I aw ma k e r from banned It !tarting April 1. lion . next Tuesday. in 1966 triggered . a bi! that cial holdings abovt $1~. Inglewood made the comment1------....::._: ________________ .:__~----'=-==....:.""'::=....:.....:._:.:::._:_:_:....::c..._:_:.....:. __ Wednesday night after -ihe " ~~~1~~:~~ MU .. · .L. L·.EN ·· &. BLUETT where an oil leak last Jan. za ipewed a slick over miles or e Pacific and beaches. • The measure needed seven votes for approval but receiv- ed only four -from Democral!I Walter W. Stiern of Bakersfield and Alan Short of Stockton and Republicans Robert J . Lagomarsino or Ojai and Donald L. Grunsky of Watsonville. It wa s Unruh's second Senale defea t in his attempts to prevent further leaks. Earlier, the Governmental Ef- ficiency Commi,ltee refµsed to approve his plan to make oil • com panies liable far damages caused by leaks. nie· bill would have required the state Land.! Commisiion to order a halt to oil and gas Researcher Hits Smog Controls LOS ANGELES (AP)-QJr. rent. smog control standards may really cause worse smog than no sUndards at all, says a UCLA researcher. I always go go go Present smog controls do not cover nitric oxide, lJr. Albert Bush of 'the UCLA engineering department said !Wednesday. although nitric oxides are potentially the most dangerous of the gases that go I into smog, "I think we would be better off with no standards than with the present ones," said Richard Carlson, a graduate assistant who joined Bush in the nitric oxide rese11rch prn- ject last spring. They reported Wednesday that they discovered that engines with air jnjection devices to reduce emission of smog·producing hydrocarbons and carbon dioxide produce more nitl'lc oxide than engines without the devices. And that gas, they said, reduces the blood's ability to ca rry oxygen frorn the lungs to bod,J' tissues and also con- tributes one "of the major Ir- ritants in smog.' "What we have ts a com- bination of facton;," sa1d Carlson. "The standards were established for cars doing downtown type -stop and go -driving." "But today most of the driv· ing in Southern California is on freeways where engilles tend to run cleaner anyway, but also tend to emit more nitric ox.ides," Carlson saiit. "With new smog conlrol devices - on every domeslic car built after 1::166 -the nitric oxide leve l !s increaSP.d two to five times. while more high-speed driving controls most hydroca rbon &.nd carbon dio1id e emiss ion automaUcally. '' lET'S BE FRIBIDLY U fOU have new nefKhbon or know at anyone movinl ~ our ,ar& pleau tell us sq that ... m&)' ~nd • ~1 w.-Zcoma and help ti;em to btcome acgual,nted Ill. their MW •WTOUftdlnP, So. Coast Visitor 494-0579 494-9361 :: Hamor . Visitor r Green Stripe Stripe Stripe ........... ~ ---=---~. -~;_-.... _ --~ --· USHER'S GREEN STRIPE NOW $5~ Since 1853, the origi nal light Scotch I~ • • ; it ,; l g i • I I 1 • ' i ' i l Final Reductions On All ' . Mullen & Bluett . . ' . ' ' Stocki Up To and more NEVER AGAIN SAVINGS ON MEN'S SttJTS, SPORT COATS, SLACKS, SWEATERS, JACKETS, SPORT SHIRTS, KNIT SHIRTS AND FURNISHINGS .•• PLUS WOMEN 'S PRESSES, SHIFTS,.SUITS AND SPORTSWEAR. . . PLUS NEW GRODINS SUITS AND ;SPORT COATS .. AT DRASTIC 'CLEAR-AWAY PRICES·! ' . . . . . . ~ ' . ........ _____ _ Open a Grodins Charge or use BankAinerlcard or Master Charge No mail, no phone, no C.O.D.'s .•• alterations at cost ••• all s.ubject to prior sale! • SOUTH COAST P'-AZA ANAHEIM .. Bristol at th• San Diego J tieway; C111til Mesa lroedway. Anaheim Center -EucUd at Loarti ,, I .. .. ... ' ' '. .. " •I ,. '' I ( • ) • • • • ' • • • • Co1inty Restricts Trailer Park Sites By JACK BROIACK Of lfll !NII»' 'l.ttl tWt SANTA ANA -Despite op- position from Super vi a or David L. Baker of Garden Grove, the Orange County Board of Supervlsors has decided lo ... 1r1c1 construc- tion of future mobile home parks to zones designated for mt<Uum den!:lty apartment dwellings (R-2 and IW). Baker wanted heavy density (R-4) zones lncluded fn new guiddines for mobile home parka approved by the board, but was overridden by his fello"· board mem~rs. The new guidelines pre- viously endorsed by the county Planning Commission. ellmlnale future use for moblle parks of property zon- ed for light commerclal en- terprises (C.1). The C-l deslgnaUon had been lhe county's standard zone for rooblle home parks. The new trailer park stand- ards apply only to property in unincorporated portions of the courty. Clues make their own zoriing law'>. Assistant County Planning Director Stuart Bailey told supervisors that one out of five single famil1 homes built In the COU11ty today are mobUe homes. "We regard them as one. story apartments with similar needs as to roads, utilities and school&," Bailey said. AJ!m and the planning com· mlltlon got strong support from Norman McAdoo, past president ol the \Vestem MobUe Home As.soclation. "'The situation is rlsht today because or slow and orderly growUl (of mobile b om e tracts) Jn the county," be said. "To open up vast areas of R4 land would be a disservice to the industry. They could cover 1he southern portion of the county with parks and put a damper on h o m e con- struction." McAdoo said that trailer parks Y.·ere overbuilt a a rect;ntly as 1963-64 when It was necessary to offer free use for several months t o dispose o f them. Goodwill Structure Bid Received SANTA ANA - A low bid of *493,n& for Goodwill Industries' new $ 5 5 0 , 0 0 0 rehabilitation center for the handicapped has been receiv • ed from the Allison Honer Co . of Santa Ana, Gaylord Hicks, executive vice president said today. Military Preparedness The Bu I Id Ing Industries AssociaUon, through exeeuti ve director Royce Coln, urged the inclusion of R4 zones, but the planning comimssion w a s hesitant, Bailey said, because of recent objectidns in the Capistrano Highlands area, north of San Clemente, where a large mobile home project was recently turned down. Hicks said seven bids were received, ranging up t o ~4,325. The basic contract will not be awarded pending receipt of supplemental bids on black lopping, excavating and other site work, he said. The Honer bid is for a two- story concrete structure covering 26,000 square feet which will house the Goodwill rehabilitation services, a physician and nurse, cafl!t«'la, chapel and adminiatratlve of. fices. Unidentified Air Force sergeant passes an embar4 rassing five minutes at March Air Fwce Base Post Exchange while a broken zipper is :replaced by base seamstress. With repairs completed a few moments eflet tllla photo was taken, the sergeant returned ·to duty In properunifom. Supervisor Alton E. Allen agreed wlth the commission's declalon, c!Ung the CApl5trano Highlands area as a good tt• ample of a section where mobile homes could rtsu.lt in Whetmore Swim Pool Bill Gets Reagan OK heavy overbuilding. Baker argued that the "need fo r housing all over the county is great. The av erage home now costs over $40,000 which limits the market to high in- come people, leaving none for those of moderate, or low Ur The new Btnlcture will face Fairview Street, just aoutb of West 5th Street and will be separated from the m'ain Goodwill plant by 1 patio and rest area. Aid to School Cut in Senate SACRAMENTO (UPI)' - SACRAMENTO -Sen • James E. Whetmon'1 nim- mlng pool coostrudlon blD hu ~ signed by Governor Reagan. The Republican 1 e n 1 tor from Fullerton 1aid his bUJ was designed to improve the image or the pool industry and to protect pool purchasers. "Briefly," said WhetmOre, '1the bill defines swinuning pool contractor and requires that every amtract shall con· tain hi! name, license number and clas.sillcalion, and pro- vides Uial all pool conb'acts shall be in writing. and pro- DEATB NOTICES HOWE Arl'h~t W. Howe. At~ H, ol llS E. 11111 ~I .. C'.Cllil• M<:t•. Sl,lrvoved b1 w(I~. N...a; te...., ~lltfli.<t. Ewlyn S,.._ kr, Ettie ,_.,., R•™' Mint. c..:- .... y. 51'nd._.,, Ellen P1-alk, lo- ttlll FIUk!N, and Mll"'I' Clteek; lhrte _,., $htfmln, Gr1,,. •ncl Mtlvln 1-towet 20 or1..oct1lldren; 11 oru1- ttr1rllkhlldre<> •nd s -""""'·••• ...... ctllklren. Servi~. Soillffll•'r· 1 ,.,..,, lkll lllW<lwl'f (ti.Pel, 110 llr,,.,,..y, Cm.ti Me.a. ARBUCKLE & WEUH We1tcllff Mortuary U7 E. 17th St., Costa rtle&a 6'64888 • BALTZ ~10RTUARIES Corona del Afar OR 3.9450 Costa A1e1a ft!J 6-1424 • BELL BROADWAY ft10RTUARY 110 Broadway, Cost.a Ate .. LI 1-3433 • flJLDA Y BROTHERS llunUnpon Valley ftlortuary 17911 Be.acb Blvd. H11ntl.nston Be.ac.b 1fz..m1 • McCORllllCK LAGUNA BEACH lllORTUARY lltiLqaaaC..:i-Jlood Laguna Beach 494-9415 • P AClFIC VIEW ft1EAf0RlAL PARK Cemetery e Atortuary Chapel 3500 Pacific Vltw Dri,·e Newport Be.acb, CallfonUa "4·%700 • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNEJW; HOME 'IMI Boba A~ . WMbn"•&tr m,.isl5 • SHEFFER MORTUARY Lquna Beacb •M.IUI San aemnlt 49t-OIM • SJllJTllS' MORTUARY C1 Main Si.. Uun&ta$n BeKll - I vides a specific completion come. "R2 and R3 zones presenUy ~~".-, 11 __,.._ !bat_ Histing could be 6hauslod iJJ ~ I''"......... "'' ... -1 two yean or less.'' Baker coo .. contract abaD emtaln • plan tlnued. ''Mobile home living is and scale drawing and that m not second class as some additional work shall be done believe. Bill Boyd fHopalong without pn"or written Ca.ssidayofTVfame) livesin one at Dana Strand and has authorization from the person another in Palm Springs. He is contracUng for th e con· certainly not second class." The Sen.ate Finance Com- mittee Mondy nl1bt trimmed an Assembly·p8Sled U O O million school aid meuure down to $95 million and sent It to the floor for a final vote. structlon' of the pool. --------------------11 "Further, the bill requires ~ ~· that a copy of the contract be delivered lo the pun:huer at the lime of signing, and that iJJ the event of any legal acUon between purchaaer and con- tractor which arise out of the contract, attorneys' rees are (O be paid by the losing part)' in the snit." The provisions or the bUI ap.. ply ooly lo slngle-famlly poob not corutructed concurrently with the dwelllna. Riot 'leader' Sentenced SANTA ANA - A La Mirada man identified by Huntington Beach police •• a ringleader in that city's beach riot last April 20 must serve seven months in Oranae eoun.. ty Jail. Superior Court j u d g e Wllllam Speirs ordered that jail term for Gregory Neal Wiggins, 19. He suspended a state prison term of one to 10 years Imposed for Wiggins' conviction on charge.a of bal· tery involving a peace officer. Growing lJp OA llY PllOT Sit!! 1'1'141tt Wiggins wu: one of more than 50 adults and juveniles From tiny seed did this mighty swtflower grow, arresled during rioting on the explains fiv~yeer..old Dale Getchel, 24961 Spadra Oil City be.achfront. Local Lane, Mission Viejo. Dale was eating sunflower police were relnforced by seeds about three and a half months ago. He plant· special contingents from other ed one and huge sunllower now adorning his yard county cities before the wild is the result. f-rtt--for-aJI was brought under.----------------------1 1 control. Boy Wins Photo Prize A young Fountain Valley pbolographe< b a 1 captured second prize in the Jrvtoe Ranch cbUdreo'• pbotoeraplly --Vidor Archer, 7, of 1111 El Colorado Ave., appattntly is following in his d 1 d ' s foot.steps. Robert 0. Atcher, a f\feDonnell Douglas Aircrart Co. employ in Long Beach. 1100n wlll publbh a serles of books illustrated with hi1 own photographs on aircraft wed ln the Vi.etnam war. CHARLES H. BARR Wl$TtUrJ Pl,,1.1-ll(Wl'O~T ll~t'I -- Umlt8d Time Only! You Get These Conveniences on Either the Side-by-Side Or the Top Freezer Model. Good-bye Defrosting. Botb 1M11e fligkWrl Rdig.,.. kn .. 100% Frost.f"l'Dof. -._i1denyton ___ ,,.. __ .. Decide on the Automatic Ice Maker Either Now Or Later In Either Side-by. Side Or Top frMzer. erators •8SY to mow. usy to dMn beNnd er bentatl\. No tMlp needed. ~ .. ..,,..._ 1e111tai1w.,. e1 111 Aubo -.tia. Ice Wakw llOW 01 ..... EnfoJ 1.-..1..... Elthw right or laft"11tnded. Ctllf'IQ9 )'Ollr mind, change the a you llMdwltllout.Q • ·-·•'lj' •II _,,,. kite Mn arra""amant. Reversa-door Top Fr"1er out lot ic. 1111111 ,.. ..,._ wffhoutoomo ' ~--· ">I • • ...... ......_, cutie..,. model lets you convert both R1ro1ars~oors to rfght· or ln•tlcalty Into ,.,.,.,, Cube> t.evef Control a.ta l•ft·hand opening. SldHly-Slde i$ just naturally ambl~ )'Ou 111•1 ltie ellba )'Oii w.nt b keep hm>dy lot dextroua. e ouple or" e1owd. t~ '• •lwl'f$ ""*"-Option~ •I nlra Cl»l E..0-, fntl&li..:t, II limply l-.c:M orvanlted Door Storage. lots of room lo alont In 1h• '"-PNMnt lc;e Mf'rlc9 rn 8-R9l'rr;:'a1o ... door. R•movable 1100 !ray$, butter and snack com part• E•lty mnrterJl9d 10 «wRabla w1i. tuppty, SMnta,deap door shelf tor half-gallon mi!lt cartons. Mor• door storage on freezer doors . =": HaPJJY M9dlurn Meat Storage. Flowlng Cold Merit Teo-INMll!. cMrs k.-p meat Just above the freezing point for_aaf:•ty~,~-,.~=:-::...,:::::~::::~;;~L.,.J y« r•acfy to cook without thawing. ·..:: EXPERT TECHNICIANS -RADIO DISPATCHED SERVICE TRUCKS MEAN PROMPT, DEPENDABLE SERVICE I Even this thrilty Jet Action Washer bas DPC for no-iron fabrics • Du~ Prm C.e. tetlttt w1slli111 xtlol plus 1 cold w1ter cool~ "help no-iroa llbrlcs S"tlf "no.iron~' • l!t Act.loll A.l:ltator. • 2 Jet-AWIJ llllSeL • Cold W.trr Wish Se ttfn.i. _...,_ Dlnl>lePressC.e on this budget· priced llryef, too • Dwable Pms en. l"nlprr ttmperthn pl111 ltfld.ol'41t cool-down brlrc °'"'* Press i1ems out rudy to WW'. • 2.Cycle Timtr. Select aact number ot dryi11: mftrt.IL • No-stoop llnt SCl'ttll BUY THE PAIR $298 88 CUSTOM DELUXE UNDERCOUNTER DISHWASHER • • • with pow•rfi..I Sup•t·Surte W11,,in9 Action th1t r••lly c:•n cut the m111t•rd, b•k•d b1•ns •nd Ill• ft itd '9'1• +.o! LOOK AT THISI ounTAHDIHG PIATURll ••• • ........... ri..:1199 ••• e hlf9r ,,_... 1..Uet ••• l•ll·T•·Y•• rali:1 • ........... .,_ ··-· $17888 • hd9'.-.4~ w ... _ _.. .. , e INTEGRITY & DEl'ENDABll..ITY SINCE 1947 e ~DAVIS BROWN T•L•Vl810N •APPLIANCl!S 411 E. 17th St. -Costa Mesa -646-1684 DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. SAT. 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. I ' ' ,• ' ' ' • • • • • • ' ' • • • ' • • ' ' , • ' • ' ' •. • ' • ' • < • ' , • • ' ' ' . " • Planning Program Swings Into A t;tion SANTA ANA -The Orange future plans are often ba.Sfd County General P l a n n i n g on today's data . Program has passed Its major The handling of infonnation cannot be divorced from the obstacle and is now swinging program's objectives, 5.b e into aclion. noted. County Planning Director Mrs. Patricia A. Russell, an Forest Dickason said the pro-urban organization consultant, gram will now "gear up for said problems may arise H action and shoo.Id slart work· citizens help in the planning ing on the first year of the five program. year plan in Augu st." ,,.. She said composition of a Approval was granted for citizens commlttee should io- the plan by the county Board elude people rrom county, city of Supervisors and lhe Orange and community levels. County League or Cities last Victor Jones, professor of week. political science at UC The supervisors voted a~ Berkeley, supported Mrs . proval of $187,000 . to finance Rus&ell's ideas. He said the the first year's phase of the best results would be obtained project and the league's ex-by bringing in elected officlals ecuUve committee voted 14 to and t!ie highest level policy S to endorse it.· 4'' makers to form an in.-Tue plan calls for a tergovel'Mlental committee. partnership of county, cJty and County planner Dickason local district governments and said he believes the key to private industry to plan ttie success of the program is the county's future development. role the citi~ play. They will At an all-day conCerence at have a good "opportwUty to UC Irvine last Satll'rday three influence the shape of action experts expressed some con-in the community," be said. cern about the cou.cty-wide planning program. Mid-air Near Collisions Dr. Ida R. Hoos, a UC Berkeley research sociologist said the gathering of data for the planning project may present problems. Mrs. Hoos said it I s dangerous to gather data by a systems approach because Reach Hazardous Number 2 Forgers Sentenced WASIUNGTON (AP) -The Admin.istraUon says il receiV· ed reporlS of 2,230 near~!· lisions in mid-air last year in- cluding 1,128 classified as hazardous. It added, that a "minimum estimate of four hazardous" aircraft near-misses occurred The agency noted there were about 52.3 million flight operations In the United States last year -an average of 2S,OOO fllsht.s for each near- collision. The 35 m i d • a i r crashes last year killed 68 persons, the FAA said. Two men convicted of for every one that was Low Rental forgery charges after what is reported to It . believed to the be the longest The FAA, in an effort to Plan Fails Orange County Superior Court gather reliable statistics for trial or its kJnd have been the first time, had encouraged UNION CITY (UPI) d 1 1 ch · pilots to report the narrowly Union City voters have re· sentence to •• 4 years ea tn a"erted collisions -and had · -~ed I 1 I I state prison. • 1~· pa.us or a ow-ren Judge Herbert 11e r 1 a D d 5 -promised no penalty woo.Id be housing project for the com· handed those terms t 0 ,given to anyone filing a near· munity's Mea:ican • American Leonard Auerbach, 32. of miss rtport. citlze.os . Arcadia, and Kenneth Hilton, The FAA said that, in' the By a vote of 1149 to 845, 33, of Los Angeles. A jury reports it received, almost voters in the east bay city re· round them guilty of con-100,"000 passengers were on jected a plan adopted by the spiracy and grand theft counts large transport aircraft and dty council to ruone 24 acres after deliberating for three about 5.000 passenien and of 'agricultural land for the days oo 12 weeks of teslimony.l;;:""=w=ln=non-=s;:c;:hedu==led='=lll=gb=l>;:.=;:h;:o;:IWll;:·;;g;:;p;;;ro;;jec;;t.=====•I Both men were indicted by the Orange County Grand Jury a year ago after dlstrict al- l o r n e y ' s investigators un- covered a fr a udulent mortgage refinancing plan that had bllked homeowners in three Orange County com· munitles of as much as $4,000 each. Auerbach and ll i I to n solicited second IJ'\lst deeds for refinancing of homes at fees ranging from 10 percent '• to 25 percent of the Joan. :• p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= • I WALK TO TOWll Tito 8£oeUoiA & tioM£ wilh •i•"' •f Victor H11to roi11I l Swtf. l••11tif11I Sm•11 6er4tft. l•rt• Doubt• G•,•t• witlt 1Jffr1 '"'" lMhi1141. $35,DOO GINlllOUS TllMS MARSBALL & ROPP 111 Ck.-..... " LAGUNA IUCH 494-1021 I WONDERFUL WORLD OF PETS Tlae Flwut Pet Deptert.nt. sc.r.e I• CalU-ia ' . ' LARGE-BEAUTIFUL UNIQUE SEVEN SEP~RATED DEPARTM ENTS SI FASHION lsu.11!1 NIWPOlT IUClt ~44-0980 ..... ~~~~~~---'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~.JI , -' • • • GAILY '11-0T () This Saturday, Aug. 2nd ONE· DAY ONLY Every FRIGIDAIRE * REflllGEU TOR * FRffZfJI * RANGE * WASllR * DRYER On Our Floor ••. REDUCED © Q '\VI S R R '-' \\ N Costa Mesa 646-1684 Near hall a century of .Hrvlee/ tMar half a bnllon dollars strong 1 % 4 ANNUAL RATE 6% Average annual yjeld throu1h darty compoundlnc when princ:ipel lftCI interest remain for 5 years. Minimum deposit $1,000. lh tht went of hardship. funds may be wtthdr111wn at the end of any quarter with NII Interest to that .... These new certificates are offered in addition to recular Passbook and Bonus Accounts. . YEAR ' CERTIFICATES More Interest Than Banks, More Certain Than Stocks. ~ •,. ~ ~ ·CORONA DEL MAR. 2H7 East Coas( Highway • Telephonee75-5010 • , W88T A"CADIA MCI Welt Duartt Rold T tit phone "'4&-0166 COVIHA 200 North CltNI A~nua TeltphoM~71 01.8NDAl..8 338 Ncirlh Bmnel 9ou1Mnf Tl~242-41<18 ' PA8ADllNA --) 315 Eat Colorado 8oUIM.td T~- " MUTUAL SAVINGS • and loan •••apialian • • l r ' ., ~ ' , ,, t !' ,. i .. • • J. DAA V i'ILOT $ ' Labor Sho11ages . . NASD, l,lstl"lt for Y(od.;...t.y, July JI, 1"9 Customers Use Money Macliin.e LOS ANG ELES IAPl l:nter the perlett bank teller. No delays. No short changing. No overpaying. No chitchaL No banker's hours. It's the Sumitomo Bank's Bankomat. a z+hour-a-day money machine, Push in your cash card. A door swings open. Type your code number on a keyboard inside. Name and amount - one to five no bilk;-The money slips out through a slot. If there's not enough money In your Sumitomo checking account, or if you use lhe wrong nurober, or If you ha ve used the machin e lo the past 24 hours the Ba nkomat swallows your caret You have . 10 go to the bank to reclaim It. '1'his is the only machine ol jLs kind," a bank official says. Sira the machine was load-· cd with no.ooo two weeks ago, neither it nor the few selected card carrying customers have made a mistake, the bank says. Sumitomo plans to issue more cards aod order more machines. SUEPER • OllAHOS COUNTY LOCAL 1 Ho othtr 11tw1p•p•r tell1 v•u """'• t v••Y d1y, ebo1o1t wh11'1 r ,,;,., .,. ift .... G ••• t •• °'•"9• 1 C••it th•R th, DAILY l'ILOT. By SYLVIA PORTER Today's era of severe labor shortages is turning out to be an occ upaUonal bonanza for the higb liChool d r o p o u t . lnstead of faclog a bleak job future, he can -\'i a ap- prenticeship or t t c h n i c a l school or on·t!Je. job training - 1nove quickly into a weU· paying, satJsfying career. And while he's at tt, he can just-by adding his productivily to tight labor areas, help us curb lhe wage-price spiral. This is a poinl which has been generally ignored, for the fact is that lhe dropout story has become badl y distorted by misstatements, misjudgments and myths. AS ONE illustration, despite all oor publicized efforts to curb dropping out, more than 600,000 young Americans (one In flve)-stlll drop out before finishing high school. As 8Q9ther, of the estimated 2,800,000 dropouts aged 16 to 24 in the U.S. labor force', only 300,ooO are jobless. The rest are employed, i n c luding 350,000 in white collar' jobs; 300,000 &!I skilled craftsmen; some 460,000 as unskilled workers ; another 380,000 in a wide range of services. AJ still another illustration, three out of eight U.S. workers are school drGp9Ut.&-:l'l" eluding almost hall of our fac· tory work ers and mare than half of wokers in the building trades. IN SHORT, the dropout Is scarcely t h e occupational washout of folklo re and this wil be further underlined by the following outli!Je of good jobs for which today's drop outs may be eligible. Each is in a category in mhich demand for workers is already heavy and slated to rise in the year• directly ahead~ Li«nsed Practical Nurse. Generally, an LPN must na ve completed at least two years of high school, plus nurse training. Pay levels have Im· proved mar~edly in recent Most DEFINITELY • • . We have not shipped out! But we are doin9 a lot of SHAPING UP! Some Crew Chen9es .•. Som• Phone Ch•n9e1 f.,erythin9 About Us He1 Bee n Sptuced Up! CHUCK DAVIS, Gener•I M•n1u1er JIM ono· CHAS. BOSTER S•ny Video T•p• Sy1l•m1 Office ~:: :: 646-5037 ORCO ELECTRONICS 1 '77 SUl'lillOI A YE. II blk. So. of W. 17tlo St.I COSTA MESA 646-5037 SBE"'RSON, B"'MMILL & CO., hae. Cordially ltnliles You To Allettd A Leet11re Pre•ettlhrg Tire 1969·10 ..---JO UNCOMMON---. VALUES IN COMMON STOCK Th • current list of this 20 ye•r •nnu•I recomm•nd•+ion . AND 1----THE SEVEN-----, COMMON ERRORS OF THE INVE STING PUBLIC • S.curlty Selection by Objective • Unit lt1vesth19 • lnf-.tiottaryl H•cl9ln9 WILL BE PRESENTED gy , MR. ROSS McADAM INVESTMENT EXECUTIVE ANO LECTURER a MAU EITlfD OF THESE DATts • MON. AUG. 4th or WED., AUG. 6111, 1 :30 P .M. Place , •• Conference Room , , , SDEARSON, B"'MMILL & CO •• Ill<". M.w~ c..tw Offtce -Sii N~ C.• Drt.,. <fothloo.....,l FOl llSf.lVATIOHS • ' • CALL SAHTA ANA IJJ.JJ4f I ' TOLL ,lll 11eltll 71:Zt7 • State Places Bonds In Trade for Land SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state traded $1.74 million worth or hard-to-sell bonds \Yednesday for 380 acres of land for a ne w state coll ege campus. State Treasurer Ivy Baker Priest. who conducted the unusual bond sale, said it was PHARMACY TOPICS ~· . \. J ~y TERRY OllANT, lt.rtt. By tht-year 2220, we will have 400 bi\Uon people on C'erth. \Ve ~·111 have to rely on pro(X'r agricul ture, roof~ over citle~. end a vastly J!l'f'A.lcr usr of the oceam for food, oil a nd 1nh1crals. • • An old 11t1prr~Utlon : To \\'8kc up fll e crrtaln hour. make n'ark6 \vilh )lour ri~ht root on 1~ noor. then i;o to bed b8Ck\o.·ELrd$. • Cancer ls rxct'f'ded only by ~aJ'I disease as a killer oC Americans. • • • Rolllni:' your own ciganll('& Is coming bllck. Last year, m~ than 12 billion cigar· t tt.es -~ rolled by hand, up from 10 bllllon Uw: )'eer bef0tt. • • • For mock-rn service "''ilh old~ fu hlontd C01Jrl~1y. brln: your ptt1C1'1plldns lo: ,ARK LIDO ,HARMACY 15t H._itel RMtl New,ort leech '42-t5'0 Finn Moves • '· • I Cqmple~New ~ opk Stock ~ist ( ' {' L.. DAllY 'II.OT " . ~~Ny s ·a ~·mg < Prirl~ -·· · ~mplete --New York Stock Exehange LiSt • .. Market Recovets ' - From Early Loss i I ' II ' '' 1. I -----------~------~--·----------- l 2 DAILY PU.OT lhwsday, July Jl, 1969 . Birth Control Holdout Uta.Ii Last State w •• ,.... ~Ml*llt Cl"9f blrtti COlll'NI ,.. • Wtelal ••nt hi 11-.. Tiit Hldllfl'lltlMll, ""°"'*' 1l1fW. •11 tlls O'Wlllllfl'• .... to '"'°""' ""'""''....., •ltfftlUllDl'I ..,. l!OtW*lltll1 -· Hfftl'I • "'°"' .. fill d!Mlulot. By RICHARD P. SPRATLING Auoclated Press Writer SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (AP) -He was 42, the father of two chlldren. He did not trust convent Iona I COD· traceptives, and said "I had enough kids. I didn't want any more." 'Ille list was narrowed In July wl'len Connecticut Gov. John R. Demsey signed a re. peal bill. After 1971, it will ln effec:t make voluntary lteril· iiatioo a medical option, with no criminal penally alt.ached. ONLY STATE In the view of the National Association of V o I u n ,l a f. y SteriliiaUoo, that leaves Utah "isolated as the on1y stale in the uruon which lhni&s volun- tary sterilizallon to reasons of 'medical necessity.' " Pro1iibit Sterilization • • move to ,btve a pa_tieot or in- mate stetWzed. For mOfl. people, state law limits ster.Wzation operations to those wblch •18wlJI be a mediCll necessity."~ "Damn (ew doctors. do it - they aren't sure of t e law," says Dr. fl,lchard A Call of Provo, ar physlcio a 'n d mMiber o( the 'Utab Senate. BILL OFFERED dominate tho lqlj I~ ol olheri. "What we were trying to do, 'H.all says, "was m ll k e s le r JJ i z a ti on prirriarily amedJcaJ decl.slon." The acllon by the Mormon leadership stemmed from op- position to birth control "on general grounds," says Hugh B. Brown, first counselor Jn ' th~ ruling First Presidency ot the church. A "liberallr.atlon bill was of-As Brown oplalns Mormon fered to the 1969 Legislature, policy, m 0 re conventional backed by the Utah Society" of means of contraception-say, Obstetrics and Gynecology. the pill-are frown~ on, ~t A friend kept hirn company one night on a 200-mile drive from Salt Lake City to a doc· tor's office in neighboring Jdabo. Winds of change gusted in Utah as recently as this year, but were sUlled by a reluctanl legislature and M o r m o n Church opposition. Jt was Jdlled after the their we is Jell pretty much Mormon Church said it was up to iodivldu.al c~ience. • 1 "opposed 10 any moorncauon, Flyi•' Dome to Ora-e Cou-t9 There, the operation w a s legal. Thirty minutes. $75. So the state retains a tough law that decress a felony when anyone "performs, en- courages, a$Slsts in o r otherwise prpmotes" a n operation for "destroying the power to procreate." expansion or Uboralliation of QUE5TION ASKED ·~ -, . ..,,, •• laws" on th• subject. Question : why then would This is pilo\11 ~ew 'of Ne.....,.. Harbor entrance .u buildin fro Ii b bo at.jell I ·rh I Word ol cbureb leaders car· the church ur0 e· retention of a , ..-.....-~" g D ng ·00 ar r • 1 f':' anne Sterilization at his own re- quest. he theo border-hopped back to Utah, the nation's long est holdout against liberalized law~ on sterilization. " he approaches · from the sea. W'estJ:ttv is11· .... fore-· Apartment complex In extreme• ""'"ground a ries a big clout w i l h tough criminal penalty for "· 06 • ·~~ legislators, most of them another form of birth control? ground. Behind east jetty (baCk~rb ' d) 'is dorona Fashion Jg\ond shopping .cen,ter. i.a:n\f twin towe J\formons. "The diff~ence is that del Mar Sta\lf 'Beacb, with resii:le,nlial Coron8 del of financiW. ·buildings in Newport Center. 11 Some of lhe sponsoring sterilization is a mo r.e M~r sloping"¥P·,Into 'bjlls O.verlookihg harbor. Large !J { ' let TV WEEK Turn You On physicians. were Mormons. permanen~ interference with --------------------------------~~__,,_ _____ ~,_ One, Or. Robert .Hall, pres I· any possible reproduction in -. · ~ There are a few exceptions. The head of a prison, mental hospital, reformatory or in· stitution for the retarded can dent of the 'Obstetrics socieCJ, the future," Brown says. Piionnon leaderi ''give US' to sterllizaUon. If there was such physicians ls being assembled ~':Ne nef!i," be adds, to e-0m_plains: "We don 't seecwhy In the last Jegi.slature, says understand ~, ~ ~· a deal, it didn't hold up. "to show church leaders the tau· it• ·Out of the reli any reU,ious faill\· enould , Hall, sponsors thought would tako .n~·,Pf'1Uoo:' OI\ Now liaison committee of need," say1 Hall. fleid !llpg~er." ii u um ' ' ISUNCHARM SPORTSWEAR---.. • LINGERIE , . . . .. . CIRLS' SHOP · FamoUs name wool ·knic suits, three-Piece styles wirh Famous maker cotron terry robe has Schiffli embroidery, Alf-weather coat5 are DacrOn® po1yester and cotton 'Ofith novedhy pipikng, striping o r c 1 onrra 6 st detailing. Red..3 9"'s'Yo· rrim, reg. 16.00 .• '. .•..•..•.••. ,, .•••.•••.••••••.• 9.99 Ze-Pel® finish ro resist water. zjp out plush liniags; • THREE ~ORE DAYS! VAtUES7HROUGHOUT THE STORE MEN'S SPORTSWEAR I •I It ,, I I I I I I I I .Men·s handsome Orlon'Z acrvHc linlc nittb cardigaa r sweaters, complecely •asbable, reg. ~!;DO: ••••• 12.99 p ow er, pin ·,green or came' g.. J •••••••••• , ••. • Famous make Arnet® triacerate fleece dusrer hu tai• plaids or solids.. 17.Q0.19.00 •alue •. • •. • 13.89-14.89' YOUNG CALIFORNIA SHOP ..-.. _~ Jored collar and braid trim to conceal gripper <;(psing. Flare bortom pants and bib shortt in criJp cotton sail· FarnouJ make perma-priss jackets of Dacronil polyester Pants in wlids, prints or stripes. Many leg srylf's in cor-Side pockets; coral. rose, avocado or blue .in P..:S:t,J"·l. cloth. Prints and pastels, reg. 4.,0.7.00 •••. 2.49-3.49 and cotton. Lt. bl~c, gold, green, nar:unl, nnize. or navy, ton duck, rayon linen or Fortrel®polyester blends: 516 reg.17.00 ••·········•·•···••·•••·•·••·••-.• 1~.99 , LnTLE SHAVER SHOP -·3046. Reg.·15.00 •··•••••••••••··•••••••••'• 10.99 .~0 .l 3/ l4:, rCg. 9.oo:zo.oo '' '· · • ·'' '''' ···' · ····· ·•·5•99 Gossar.J coordina~ed sl~p en~emble. Nfloii tr~t !Jeep f Per,ma-prcss bermudas are polyester end cotton blea4. Washable Happi Coat robe's are cottoo terry lintd. Smart J unior and oeure dresses:} 15, group includes shifc. gown, paiama, robe and scUff, re~ EJutic back, zip fly, rwo pockets; asrorted solids, checks fabrics and colors in plaids, prints 1nd stripes; one size re&.17.00-28.00 .••..........•.•.••••••• , ••....•• 12.91) 4.00·12.00 .......................... , ••••• 2 .99•9•99 2ndplaids,4 to7,reg.4.00 •••••••..•••••....•••• 2.49 fitsall,re,it.18.00 •.•.•••••••••.•.•••••••••• 10.99 BUDGET DRESSES Juni~r l !n~erie (educed. Warner's Jr. lotimatc "Shootinat ~ .Stretch crew.~ypc hose to fir sizes' to 8; assorted par· • .· ® • • . "'=-. . Stu' pa1ama, reg. 9.00. •: o •••.•••••••• •··~··· ••••• 4!!-?'. rems and.soliils, ttf .60 ro .85_ , • ; •••• : ••••••• 3/1.29 Mens; pullo"Ver f uU.fash1one~ Ba_n-1.on kr11c shirt5'-of .Made exclusively for Buf(ums. 100~ m~h1~e wash· Very Famous ma~e ihifc smios. Lace •.nd rembr~ "" Wa~efP:roof n)llon iacket,has ~~p f,roor. is tu~ouJe.~.41.1, flYlon. Co_mpletely wa1hable, -white, black, a~ld, green able .Dac~on® polyester kn1r sh1fc. ~as1c tailored collar trims; p.s.M.L, res, 9.0()..J3.00 ,. t • •••• · •••• 5 .99~.99 .Que It lin#ig /or warn:uh; machine washable and drtable. gr blue; ~M·L-Xl. reg. 9.00.! l.OO •••••• •• •• i••• • ~.9t ~rep·1n w11h lo?g sleeves and a choice of navy, _red or Very Faruous mal:e ihQrt,.Rt1l~ljamas of ny~m· ·' 4 to 7. r~g. 12:00 .•: ............................... a.,9 )'ellow colors. S1zcs _8-~6 ·• ·• '. •• •. • • • ••••• • • • • •• .12.99 ;.. Charming ·"tounrCt CbCqucs. patteiii: "30 to~~ : ' Fine cot to n flannel pij~ in the long sleeve, Jong I~• 1· ACCESSORIES. __ -.. 11.00 .................... ·········-·······•· :;c-_. coat styJe,4 to 7.tt&-4.00. .................... 2.59 Ladies' shlr1s from a famous mal.:tr. Choose roll or lon.'t ·~ ~ · ·' · · sleewes in solids and prints. l<.losr ace no-iron fa brics: g ro 18. reg. 6.00-10.00. • •••••••••••••• ,, •. , ,, , , 3.99 HANDBAGS ~·~-.:. -o-.~-. 'Bener handbags in dresSY or iailored styles; calf. ostiich and: Jizard·8ra1ned calf, patent, or straw, Lar8e or small !lizcs, reg. 22.00-30.00 •...•• , , ••••• , •• , ...•• 14.97 SHOE SALON -·": - ~4~u1~ ~rJ.~t d~~:ss ~~n~~t~~~· ~~1~~-~i~.~: .~i~.s~in~~ ~~~· ~· Reg. 14.00 ro 24.00 casuals, now • • • · · · • · • • • •:: 1h off'' ' J'iOSJERY ;;_ .. f~nlous make :;;lips and jbra·~lips ~re nylon 1ricot and Sta· Save on famous m.ike ~lippers. ~fany assorted styles ancl b1ilzed nylon 'faffette ~. Disconunued styles and colors colors; s.~f-~fL-_1.-X!-Rl'~. ').00-6.00 .• 2.99 r.,2J.5~7_5. i ncluding ~hi1e. Bra-slip has softly contoured cups with ~fade expre~sly for Buffums', .Agilon ..., pan1y hose c\in,i;: lace hem. trim, re8. 7.00-1 ~.00 • • • • · · • • • • • ... • •• •• •• ~-99 5 moothly 10 your le~. Choose off.white. camel, noivy oe Very Famous make slips in colors and white, Embroidery black in S.M·MT-T sizes. Rrg. 3.0() • 2.29 1>r., 2/4.50 ·.and lace trim~ deep he~s of lace, reg. 9.00 ••••••••• 5 ,99 COSMETJCS :: ·:· __ lace and embroidery trirn famous make pcuislCim. Whice. Buffums' .Own whirc combed cotton briefs a.re Sanfor- ized. Have fly fronr, double ~at,-elastii; wa.is1baod; 4 aild 6. rog. 3/2.)0 ............................... 3/2.00 Buffums' Own white comhed cotton undershirts with nylon reinforc\"d crc'lllt' necks; sh01t rJceves. Sanfori.zed® 4 'Jnd 6, reg. 3/2.75 •.......................... 3/%.2~ Christian Dior Eau de Toilerrc in the two most popu1al' p aJtels and some prints. Some m.ioi'r. • •• P.c)."l". "4.0Q..6.00 STORE FOR BOYS fr•grances, Miss Dior and Dio rissimo, 3 oz .•••..• 5.00 2 49.2 9° 1 ....... •.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . 7,· ~r~:t.~r G~;;·~. n;;. S~i~. C1~~·n~~::·;:~.· ·3·.00:5 _;~ .. ~~ Buffums· Own qualicy underwear: Salon Cold Cream, tt"g. 3.00-5."IO. f'ac::h 2 _00.3 .50 .' Very VJm ou~ mal.e fashion siips are lavishly I.tee Boys' cocron flannel paj amas, long sleeve, Jong leg coat °rnrlc's Glycerine and Rose water Skin Moisturi ze r· rwin t rimmed, reg. 13.00 • •. • · · · • · • · · • ·•·••••••···••••• 8.91) ·style, sizes 10 fir, 8 to 16, reg.4.00-4.'.50 ••.•...• ,, . 2.99 'p ack of the rravel tubes. twin pack of the hand Joci~n, or t , . b " .. 4 Pcrma-press sport shirts; 8 to 20, reg. 4.00-~.00 ••• : 2.59 t win pack of rhc Rnil . .,,,.fier and Glycerine. ca. . , . J .29 ' famous make nylon rncot briefs, ikinis; to 7 · · •• · · •9 CJ Short .sleeve knic shirts. Mock turtleneck.styling in s1ripes, I Wolff Frert·s 1·ravt'I Kit t ontains 2 oz. Arctic Lot ion, 2 oz. 1 · · · · · · · · • ·' · · · ' · '· ·r '-..' ·' · '· · · ' ' '· · · · · · " · ' · ' · · ·' · 312· 90 solids; 8 !O 18, reg, 3.00-3.50 , •••••••••••• , •.•• , •• 2.19 ~ c:nlo,i:nc and 2 oz. \X'indproof plas1ic bottles in black FOUNDATIONS. Doys' Perma-Press bcrmudas, These easy-care berriludas t ''inyl c.i~e, rt'Ji. 6.50 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • • · • · · · · ·• • · · •• 3 . 7S G ossard bandeau bra, nylon tricoc .fibcrtilled cup~. are polyes1er and cotton blend. Solids and pacterns; 8 to. l·emrne or J\tadamc Rochas >tifr sers include a flacon of rrg. 5.00 • · · • · · · • • • • • • • • • • .... • • -· · · · ·• ·• •· •· · · · · • 3.99 1 g · gu1 d -1: 'II; t'U\ 1:00 3 99 f f J l Ch · in re ars an sum, reg. ... uv-v. • , ••• , • , • • • perfun1c and a!l a1om1ze_r o Par um e Toi cue. oose G ossard Swing-ette mini-pao1 y, white jn S·M·l, reg. 7.00 Waterproof nylon parka. surcoat length has 2.ip front: J 1.00 valut·, now · · • · · · · · • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · • • · • -6.50 • · • • · · · • · · • • · · • •• • • • • · · · · · •••• • · ·•· · · ·-· · · · · • · · · · S.99 quilt lining, is mach.inc wuhable :and dryable; 8 to 20, I Annual sale: of Mary Chess ~aps Soap ense mble in· Gossard Swing·setce average leg panty. White in S-M·L, Jj ll d d · 4 00 6 99 reg. .00-17.00 •• ••••••••••••. ••• . . • . ..••• .199 eludes l bath, 2 han an 3 gue5t sizes, reg. 5.00 · reg. 8.00 •...••••••••••.• , •.• · • •• · •• • • • • • • • • • • Link s1itch, bcll-s1ccve cardigan sweaters. Machine waSh· ! ~ct o~ 3 bath soap, re1't. 5.00 •• •·• •• •• • •· · ••• ... • 4 .00 Gossard .Answcrctte long le>i: panry.A"Verage or long bod1 able Orlon® acrylic; 8 to 12,reg. 9.00 •••••• •••••.•• S.99 St•f ol 6 hand soap. re.I(. 5.00 •.... · · · · · • · · · · · · · • 4.00 sp.1n in white: S-1'1·1., rc.11t. J 2.00 .......•...•.. -.... 9.99 Save on l:liz:aberh ..Arden soaps. Hard.milled, scented. Pc:tal cup coiton bra, B-C cup in v.•hi1e, reg. 5.00 ... 3 .99 Blue Gr.iss, June Gt·rani um or f\iemoire Cherie. Hand soap, box uf 1hn:c, rc,.-:. J.50. . .... , ... , , , , .. , . , 2.50 Bath SO.Ip, box or rhrce. rc,1:. '.5.00 .............. ,'3 .50 S<.hlariarl:'!li PJr(um~ (.rt·mc Pour ~f .1ssage-, Shockin,1: fragranct'.'Jol.S1ze.reg.,S.OO ............. ; ..• 1.75 16 oz. size, rt·Ji. "I.OU ......... , ..............• 2.7!) ~A gift of "Dressmaker" bonle of Shocking parfum wirh .,ne (!ram houle of culOflnC, rt',I(. ;:i.25. . ......... 2, 75 .A .1tif1 ot' re.1:. :t~O Golden Purse Flacon of parfum v.·irh ~-oz. borrlc: of re,i::. 5.00 cologne. reg. 8.')0 value ••. 5.00 D.ina's Tahu fra><tanci:". duet fearures the perfume bath c1d and rolo,i;::ne. Rc,I(. 6.00 ...•....••••.....•.. 3 .50 Save on h1r1-te si2c.·s of John Robert Po,.,,ers' llcau1y Aids: fluiJ Gold Enriched Cleanser, reg. 1:\.50 .......• 5.00 'J-luid GulJ Skin Balance Lorion, reg, 12.'.50 ...... 7.50 Fluid Gold Emulsion. rt·J<. 7.SO e:a. . ............ 5 .00 ! Flu1J Clcanst•r mo1s1un£t'S :.ind witens. n:~. 6.00. 3.5(> flu1J FreSht"nCr. reF,. 5.00. . ................... 3.00 .Annual special from Nina.Ricci. Slender ... c:~e,1;ant .~.pray container e1nbelhShf'd v.·11h a golden c.ip. Capr1cc1 an.I ··cocur·Jnie" air.a available in Mademoiselle Spr•Y· 11 • vz. si£c. "L'Air du Temps" or ''Coeur Joie" •.. , .•.. 4 .50 •·upricci"' ...••.••....•...•......•••..•....•.•.•• S.00 J;or men, "The Youfl8 L on" cologne, ....••••..... 4.00 STATIONERY SHOP · Famou• Maktr .Albums: Simulaccd cowh1Jc coverings -wich gold roolcd borders: Sin81e fl ip album, 4.50 value ·······~••••••••••· l.29 }.fa.gneuc phoro album, 6.00 value ••••.••..••.•... 4 .50 Scrap Book, 4.00 value ..••••• , ••••••••.••..... 3.29 J\ddress Book, 4.00 value •••••.......•........ 3.00 ):amou.s maker boxed Chri51mas cards; 2) c~rds ro 1 box, 2.00 '"'luc ••••••.••.•...•.•••••...•..•...•.• 6ft l>ox ·Warner's comfort curve low-cut underarm bra. White In B·C cups, ritg. 6.00 •..... -.•.. , ......... : . -. -.. 4, 99 Gar1ers Gone Iii pan1v can be worn v.·nh hosier}' or panry hose, S·M·L in white, reg. 8.00 ....... ·.· .. -........ 5.99 Concentr~1e()!.\ srraight girdle 8ives firm con1rol. Whice, reg. l l.00 ........•.......•..••........•.•.••.•• 8 .99 Concen1ra1e'!!l average leg panty, rt·g 12.00 ...•• • · 9. 99 Conccn1r•te"'9 ion~ leg p1uuy, reg 13.'.50 . ••·•·· 10.91) S1lfskin comfor1able and light girdles. Whi1e in S-1-i-L-XL. f('~. '.5.00·8.9"1 .........•.....•...•........ 3 .99-7.19 )'ou1hcraft Charmfit bra-slip.has fiberfill-lined nylon tri- lill curs '"i1h nylon and L}Tra ~ spandex po,.,·erner siJes an.I b.ack. Nylon tricot slip, ""hitc 10 A·B-Ccups, reg. 7.50. ....•....•..••••.••.......... ·•·••··•······•··· .. 4.99 INFANTS' SHOP . ]IJ()I) c:olnr.coord1nated Ensemble 11 br Pt·1er~on 1n C'l.:l lusive rn1ni-mo<l partern : Automatic fol.I play yard. 1-Jeavy.Jury construction wi1h 6-leg support, reg. 29.00 •....••..•...••..•. , 22. 99 Sies1a Srroller. A stroller, sleeper, waJker, •ll·in~ne. reg. 2).00 ................................... : J 9.99 Fold•·Tri.Chair folds fla1 . Cooverrs to youth, then 10 util· iry chair, reg. 18.00 .. , , .. , .••..••••••••••. ,. 14.99 Walker-Jumper adjusts tension for tieavier baby. Folds flat for stora8e, reg. 8.00 •.. , , • , , , , . , ...•. , ..•. 6.49 Peferson Safc·T .Scar. Thick foam padded sear, back arm ra.il and headrest. Cross shoulder Jafery strap. Ebony, royal blue or .,•hi re wut.ble vinyl uphobrery, reg. l~.00 .......................................... 11 .99 Crease·"'°s1srant shorralls: I h·back or buuo n )houlder in plaids. Toddlers l to 4 .............••..•....••. 2.99 l·i ro 20, reg. 11.00 ••••••••••• ••·•••••-•••·•••·•••• '7.9CJ CHILDREN'S SHOES Boys' B. F. Goodrich tennis "Shoes. Some sli8tit irregulars in navy and olive. U'p ro'boys' size 8, reg. 10 7.50 3 .99 B. F. Goodrich tennis shots (or sirls: white, colors, !Omc irregular. Up to girls' size 8, reg. to 6.~0 ........... ~ 2.99 Famous maker T.srrap or oxforJ shoes from regular s1ock in·red or black ; sirls' sile 8 ~ ro growing girls' 4, reg. to 13.00 •.•••.•••..•........•.....•.•••.•.•••....•• 7.88 )'ou~ mcn·s Crosby Square shoes, slip-on styles wi1h square-toe desisn, black oc brown lea1hcr, reg. 10 14.DO .......................................... 10.00.12.cio MHN"S f'URN ISHIN«.;S Buffums· Own quali1y Dacron•°ij) and ct>uon underwear: T-shiris in ?,·~f.L-XL. tc,.-. 3/5.25 ......•. 'I,' .... 3/4.00 A1htei;c uo~i;lsru"· S·M-J..XL,t<s.-3/4,W ........ 3/,4.0G Knit brie( . ..-ith clutic band, 30 .tct 44; .ke,g. 13/4.10 ................................... 3/4.00 Do:rer shorts ~c permanent press. Whi1e or colon; 30.. 44, "G· 2.00 ....................... •••• ••• 3/4.00 Short sleeve Pcrma·Pres! dress shir1s arc the perfecc ·blend of 80% Dacron® polyester and 20% conon in a smart semi-spre&d collar. from a famous maker, reg. 7.00 .................................... 4.99, 2/9.50 rrc tch hose of 70'h -wool/30,...;. n)·lon •rnctare ~uaran· 1cM. Anklet hose, re8. 1.50 e;i.ch ... , ........... 3 /3.00 f\i id .leflAth 11·001 and n}'lon blend hose guaranteed ro iu1y up; 6 colors, one sit:e fits JO ro 13, reg. 2.00 3/4.50 I ·' I I MEN'S CLOTillNG l Wool and Dacron@ polfetler and woql blend fin~ alacks •l In hop;w:k, twill or wors ted ~ee.ves, reg. 20.00 'to 27.!)9 -~nd l n-g. 4~.00 to 45-(1) now .; ••• : •••••••• 15.99 to tW-.f9 I Save cfutii:ig oar.liig:esr suit 5ale. Our fambus tna1t"er ; suits are all from regular .. rock. .Labels, ibdude: mm, ·1 frcenian, Steia BJl)Ch, Michael Ster1J;_ff~ Fr~ "tcm• ,1 po a.nd Buffums' OWa Crest. Man1 mqdels.,,6bri_Cs·and 1i <o)on. !leg. 89.95 to·23l.OO, • , ••••• 69.9~ 1,9.9!1 1 Save on special group of stM>rt coatt, 2·bntton Of>"Ltazer I moc:fels in these fine Dacron® polyester and wool spore I coau. Sol.id colon and assoned patterns in the sclk-tion. ~l "B· .......... : ................. 49.99 ·l MEN'S SHOES -_. ;,. Crosby SqQip"e brushtid Ieaiher slip-on from our "RSnch· 1 ero'' collection in gold, mist green or ta.n ; 8rai.aed lenher 11f in white. 7Y2 to 12. Reg. 18.00 •••.••••••••. , 1,.4911/ MEN'S Sf:l,OE~ -I Men's drcSl shoes, tie or slip-on shoes by famous male rs.,,·, l.iany popular clisconr:inued 1tyle1· in grain or sroootlt 1! )"'her, Reg. to 39.00,., •••••••••••••••• } 9.991&?. 9!1 I . " VARSITY SHOP ::: . 'I Trad.irional Jr~ss shirt in button J own and spread collars. ;1 Choose tat1ersalls and stripes in all colors 'nd sizes. 1 ! Famous makers. Reg. ~.00.10.00 •.•. , .• 4.69. 2/9.00 .'1 Famous make dress slacks in u1ditionaJ pla.in &ol)t sryl· .q jog. 29 to .38, re&: 20.()().32.50 •...•••... 1.5.99,;2/~t,00 11~ Entire ,stock of ~aru ral shoulder 1uits in' JOO % ..,oo~ fa~1ll ri cs and Dacron\!1.1 po\yes~er and wool worste~ 'l!JlS 111/I\ solids. stripes and blends. 'Regulars 37 to 44, longs .3:9 rotl1 44, reg. 6000 to 100.00 .. , .............. 44.,9-;19.99iil'J Natural shoulder famous mal:er sport coaH lie 100% ;,1 ""ool sbetland or wool wonted. Reg. 50.00-60.00. 39.9~. ~ SILVERWARE ;,o Alvin · srerlifl8, 32-pc. !ICC Bridal llouquec and· Avila. r<g. 440.00 .....•..••.•••••••.•..•••••.•..•••.•• 250.00 Vivaldi, rCg. 492.00 •....•. , , .••.•.. ; ...•.. , •.••• 280.00 AU se"ing pieces and open suxk pikes ..••••• 25'"/0 off TABLE LINENS ''Carmel" textured tablecloths hy California Hand Print. "No-Iron Soil RclcaM:" finish . Squares, oblong! and n~p2 kins, self-frin3eJ ; ro unds ind ovals •re finished wirb,,,. ma1th1ng lnn~e . .Avocado, 111.nuque gold or lemon in Av, 11 ri~rayon and cotton: . I Sizes 52x52, reg. ~.00, ro 6)x90 ovaJ. ;;, «"8· ''-00 · · · .......................... 3.99 to 13 .9~, Napkins, ttg. 1.00 .•..• , , , ••• , ••••.••••••••••••• 89 'Jiffy-Dry" rowels by Bucilla, reg. 1.00 •.••• , , .•• , 8~ Jeweltone vinyl tablecloth is corroo n ail nel b1ckei1 •• Wipes clean; solid rotor with a sc11lopcd edge. A¥<K~· '1 I~ o.r. ~~.i~~:. ~i.z~~. :~~~: .~e~ -~·~:. t.~ ?~·:au1~df;~ .• ~ Save on custom 1able pa,Js . , . pyroxiliA.c0«i1c<l -ltt!hct"f ~ice or (incst vin yl a.lum1!J U1T1 insula1ton for heal8fl>l~\t uon. frtt mcuur1ng )Crv1cc. Pads and Jc1vi:s 'At Of~th "I'° NEWPORT CENTER • Wl FASHION ISLAND • 644-2200 • MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 10:00 TILL 9:30 • OTHER DAYS 10 :00 TILL 5:JQ:,, • l ---------~ .. • ' • ' • ' l , " > •· h-'t->, A •. ""1 •1 ,."'114""',(J .... '' . '·~ . Not only isn't man wearing the only pants in his family, he also may not be the only one wearing pants in the 'o£fice. More and more female · employees are ~earing pantsuits instead of usual dress · At a LQs Ange 1,e s advertising agency Barbara Lopez (above, left) . talks to a client on the !ele· phone while Trisha Kinny (above, right), a traffic coordinator, seems to be controlling the traffic with her mini. A girl in the office who refuses to joi.n-..th~-new tnndJs receptionist (at rii:llll Gloria),jodg· man. Meanwblle (b~ow) Mfi!'New- hof!, head' copywri~, seeihs 1to ' prefer haY,ing j)ls eciifi!e po!ll'ed oy • executive .secretary Emilf"' Austin ~ in her tw'1-P.iece prull6.sui~·l'J~r ' ;, , than by JeMnle Moni!i>n1.dressid • in ·more typical office fashion. ------...... ---~ ------~ --.,.. ...------.... -- ~men ' Tll~rwd•}'. JvlY 11, lt't S , ... 1J ' ' ' HEAR THE :MUSIC?°-Thanks to the HEAR Fouzidalion, little Matthew Hichborn who was born deaf.can.hear the notes played for him by Mrs. Reti~ Caron (left) vice president of Ba1boa Harbor Alumnae of Gamma Phi Beta which supports the Gam ma Ph i Bet a Philanthropy efforts of ~IEAR. Mrs. Donald 0. Brauer (center) Gamma Phi Beta's philanthropy chairman, smiles approval. Matthew is experi1nenting with mu$ical sounds on the organ as he sits on the knee of ~ig brother Geoffrey Hichborn. .. Heartfelt Suppo rt Helps HEAR Although he's only 211,i, Mjcbael llichborn has been going to school for two years. He began a special kind of schooling with the HEAR Foundation at 5 months -for Michael was born deaf. The son of Mr. and Mrs. lial Hichborn of Manhat- tan Beach and grandson of Mrs. llarold Moore of La- guna Beach now can approach 15 percent of normal hearing with a hearing aid, and he has a vocabulary of 75 words. The Balboa Hirbor Alumnae of Gamma Phi Beta Is one group which has Jent its support to the HEAil efforts and they have this year set up a $300 revolving loan fund for the purchase of hearing aids at the HEAR Foundation's Santa Ana branch. Parents may use this money to buy necessary equipment and pay it b~ck at no interest. The fund was set up as a memorial for the late Mrs. Theo Erb, a Gamma Phi Beta alumna who first interested th~ grou~ in the efiorts of HEAR to aid youngsters like Michael, born deaf because of his mother's exposure to German measles during preg- nancy. Mich~el 's graridmothe.r also is an alumna of the group, \vh ich supports olhcr charities fro1n the pro- ceeds of their many fund-raising activities. Other recipients of their support include An1erican Field Se rvice and a Washington summer camp for underpri vileged girls. New officers for the group, completing its fifth year and numbering 35 in its 1nembership, include the Mines. Kendall Foster, president; Bill Page, social vi ce president; Rene Caron. 111embership vice presi- dent : \V. F. Macinnes, program vice president; Gerald Ryles, co rresponding secretary; Lan1ar Hill. record· ing secretary; J ames Jlanley, treasurer, and R. S. Cramb, ARC chairman. The main offi ce of HEAR Foundation is in Pasa~ dena, and besides the branch office ln Santa Ana there are others in San Bernardino. San Diego, Tulare Cou· ty, Visalia, Victoria , Tex . and 1-lollywood, Fla. The HEAR Foundation has pioneered a ne\v ap- proach in the education of the deal. including the fit· ting of hearing aids in both ears for children preferably before they are 6 months old and certainly before they are 3. Children are taught to link speech sound s with th eir meaning and to wear hearing aids during all wak· ing hours. Most important, they are kept in a norm al hearing environment. At Least Mr. Fix -it Qoes His HoITTe Wrecki ng at Home ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: Every now and Ulen you print a Jetter from a wife who complains that she can't get her hus- band to Ox anything around the house. You tell them, "Stop nagging and hire the ·w.:ih done." •• Now, will you please tell me what to do 'wilh a huaband whose hobby ls taking thf~• apart~peciaUy after be has had ~a Orink or two, and doesll't know how to puUthem back together qain? The TV hasl'l'l been the same since he U1ed to ''impt0ve tile Dtcture." He hat •disihanUed an air-conditioner and ruined my~ maclline. Lut·_.k he,had lo la~ the car low>d to tile garage Iller he · -. ANN LANDERS • y,•as sure he could fl1 the knock in the motor. Tf you can think o! a cure for this you are a genius, Ann Landen. Just sign me -MAl\Rl&D to .A FIXER DEAR MARlllED: 11' somtlllln1 Is not -*1111 ,..,...iy, fer .. ! IO m.Otito IL Whit u •pplk:&Dee Is left dt1m.UHed or llriillea, call a pn1..-1 alll to! II repaired. Your lllallaod'1 bo!Jbi h relatively b111rmle15 ctmpa.red with 11'.1me J've beard of. At le11t be'1 1t home, ev~a tllOlgll .... l.lkilg UriJlp lpi1I. DEAR ANN LANDERS : A while back a reader e.xpressed surprise that suJcide was the sixth -caute for death in the United States. ru bet it would show up as • fourth If all the actual suicides were list- ed as such. Tllousalllfo of people who die In auto ac- cidenls. kill themselves. In fact, driving orr bridges and clilfs is called "Catholic 11uicide." Furthermore, some insurance companies don't pay off on suicidal ' deaths so the well•lnsured person who is tired or living•gel.!l ln his car and runs In· to t)I~ river. Who can prove it wasn 't an accident? Frankly, I'm surprised lha~ mdfe 'peo. ple don't kill themselves. For every ounce of pleasure in this lousy life there Js a pound of pain. For every' gOod person there are a lhousancf scoundrels, tire is cruel and rotten and unjust. If you can think of three good reasohS why my IUe ts worth living I wish you'd let me in on them. Right now I'm despondent. disgusted and sick or fighting. Just sign me. -BATTLE WEARY DEAR WEARY: .1 can't giYe you even one reason your lire ts worth liYlng becauae: J doa't know what kind of band yoa were dealt -or bow you've ployed 11. l do know that Ufe to me Is exciting Ind joyou1 and I want u much of U as l can get. Yes, We can be tntel anti roUen antf unjust, but U can also be joyous and rewarding.You say the c11p I• han empty . I 1.,Y it 11 half full. Yet we ire both 1pe1k1D1 of th~ same cup. lt aU depeods OD Utt point of ·View. The person who pla cu no \'alue on Ufe places no value on himself. And this Is your central preblem. CONFI DENTIAL TO AFRAI D llE C1\N"f MAKE IT: Don't bet U~ rent:. H111wy. According to Masters and Johnson /the latest version o( Kinsey). It's possible to remain sexually active ill lhe late 70s and early 80s. ' Jl ow will you know when lite rtal t1Un1 <'Omcs along? Ask Ann l..ander1. Send for her booklet "Lo,,e or Sex and llow to Tt.Q lht Difference." Send 35 cent.I la cola bd • long, 1elf-adc!retstd. 1tametd avtlOpt vl'IUt your req11est. ' \ " I l I ' I ! -.. .. "' . . .. . •• • ... • .• -.. ·-;-• -.~ .. , ."'"'-7-. ~:r"'l',.,.,4¢,,, ::t ,*.•'+e* trees !f =\J u SP+,o Zl!li¥¥ 0 $0¢0 OSP#$¢$S$>F:0''*' ~. J,~ 31, 1"69 ; They'll Go to Any Length to Barbershop l Styles change often during a trip down Memory feature costumes worn in the past nine years for Lane as members of Harborlites Cha,Pter of Sweet competition. F.ormer members and anyone interest- Adelinel, Inc. discover as they reJnirusce over past ed in women11 barbershop singing have been in- years in preparation for their ninth birthday party vited. Comparir\g costumes and hemlines are (left Monday, Aug. 4. College Park School will be the to ri¥hl) th e Mines. W. J. Pepperdine, Donald F . setting for the 8 p.m . anniversary gala which will McKinney and Anth~ny liomen. • 1 Vocabulary a la Fran ce I I • • Words Aren't Greek to Most ! • • i Most or us koow what is e1- ANNAB ELLE Bl EOE BACH To Merry December ; Date Told • Plans for 1 December wed - : ding have been re vealed by : Annabelle Marie Biedebach : and Richard Earl Baker, : whose engagement has been : announced by Mr. and Mrs. t Paul W. Biedcbach of Hun- • lington Beach, parents of the ; bride-elect. ; Miss Biedebach is a : graduate of Marina llig h • School and California State ; College al Long Beach. where \she was aUillated wilh Phi : Alpha Mu, Alpha Gamma : Sigma and Alpha Delta Chi, : Zet.a chapter. : lier riance. son of ti1r. and t hirs. Cleo Baker of Oxnard. is t a graduate of lluenen1e lligh ~ School and Ventura College . • j i ! ! • pected of us when we see What would the fashion world altogether on pronunclaUon. RSVP at the bottom of an in-do without the designer's and then a dining room suite vitation, but few of us realize salon? <;4u ld we entertain the of furnitu re may become a that William the Conqueror idea or an opera opening suit. had a Jot to do with ii. without celebrities gathering Some phrases such as bon We sometimes don't stop lo in the royer? voyage, so familiar that' they realize that these familiar let-For the sake ot eleganl:i! we seem English rather than ters st.and for the fonnida ble still prefer chauffeurs! to French, have to do with phrase -to non·Frenchmen drivers, llmousines to cars. travel, again a privilege of the at least -of Repondez S'il co iffures to hairstyles and more affluent. In elegant din- Vous Plait. or in other words mailres d'hotel to h ca d ing we may casually use such please reply. \vaiters. In wearlng apparel French tenns as souffle or French words have crept ln-we may buy lingerie, a parfait withou t a thought. to English from the time that negligee, or an ensemble Even our main dishes are en- \Villlam won the Battle of which sounds better than un-trees. a word str:..ight from Hastings in 1066 and even derv.·ear. a bathrobe or a two F'ranCi!. those who think they don't piece suil. '"e may ha\'e an aperiti f know a thing about the French People who say they don "t befo re dinner or a liqueur language toss it about all the know any French leave the following. The names of wines, lime. ol course. are French·. cham-fina l sound off the end or some \Vhen }' o u strel ch out in words as the F'renchman does, p2gne. chab\is, pinot noir, or your patio on your chaise · b II b I sauterne . longuc, you"re lying on y,•hat in p,ronounc1ng a et and uf et French would be a long chair. \Yithout the las t letter. J\1ore In fact , thou gh you've never Americanese has confused the tricky is the silent 's' at the taken a course in French at I end of the ramed Riviera school yoo are, thanks to phrase recent y, and you may town of Cannes or the dooble William and his crossing of hear of someone's bu ying a chaise lounge. This would in-trap at the end of petits fours. the English Channel, more or deed con£ use a Frenchman. ;· . ;;;;;iiPiieooipiileiiiisiiomiiiictiiimiiiics;oigi;i viieiiiiu;i;piiiiaiiiilin;;iguiii;isiil iithiiaiinoiyiiouiiiilhiiiiinkii.iiii9j since the furniture then would II beco111e a lounge chair and woo ld not be suitable for full length reclining. When you go to a party you eat hors d'oeuvres -though you may have to gulp to pro- nounce them . The word ap- petizers doesn't pose any pro- nunciation problem, but it doesn 't seem as elegant Elegance is really 1 he reason for the long-slanding popularity of French words in \ our language. Most or us still re tain our love of the refined panorama of wealthy case which J>omehow s e e m s reflected in such French words as salon, suite and foyer. Where would the newlyweds slay if not in the bridal suite? Cactus Society Orange County C_iclus and Succulent Society Tncets the first \Vednesday :it noon in 1 Odd Fe\lo~·s Hall , Costa Mesa. Half jersey- trovels better, feels cooler in new trans·seoson colorings. Choose from 1he pick of 1he crop., from $1 6 Sizes I CHAR LES H. BARR • I • ' I • • I I • \ W(Sltl.lfl ~ 11tW~t llAClt .. , Horoscope I Some Partnerships • Crisis FRIDAY AUGUST I By SYDNEY OMARR l\IENU TIP: Feature eye appeal; loocl should be reasonably 1pl~ •nd color red lllould be lllgbligblecl A curry dhb, glued ham or marinated top 1lrlob& dlub woald llU Ille bUL lnd'1de salad and deuert. NEWS BEFORE IT HAP· PENS : Na lioM, lndividuall ars rubbing sens.iUve points in alliances. Some partnerahips, including marriages, a r e Wldergoing crisis period. ARIES (Marcl> 21-AprU II): You may be called UJ>Oll. to setUe dispute. Key ill to remember past obligatiom. Be willing -but work within ramillar rramewort. Learn rules bdore attempting to supplant them. Be thorough. TAURUS (April :ZO.May ZO): Work and healt h are highlighted. There Is task which must be completed. But you also require rest, relu- ation. Strive for balance. You could make important contact tonight. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Exciting social event i s feat ured. Exchange of ideas provides Intellectual stimula- tion. Express views. Don't pennit yourself to be bullied. Participate as fuU and equal partner. _ CANCER (June 21.July 22): You may fjnd that you are carrying more lhan your share of responsibility. F r a n k discussions with f a m 11 'I members clears air. Be receptive, but alao ael yoUr own poln\I across • LEO (July ZS.Aug. 21): May not be wlse·to wander too far · from home bue. Slud)' Arlu message. Be IUre meuaa:C!I are aenl, rocelvtd. Important lo correctly lnttrpret mean- lni•· VIRGO (Aug. %I-Sept. II): Be apec1fic., even stern, where money enten picture. Be 1ure others are living up to tbtir obligations. U careless, you ~ vile toeis. Know this and pro- c...i accordingly. LIBRA (S.pl. 2$-0ct. !12): Your attlWde about l!'trtain persons, situations tends to be ambivalent. Your moods tod1y are subject to change. A g r e ements, partnerships could be brokenJ Be prepand. Don't be caught ofr guard. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Secrets are revealed. You are relieved. You actually have nothing to hide. Now 1lreU harmony. Be diplomatic, especially In dealings wltbln family circle. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Rom~-ls ac- cented. Atmo!-pbere of glamour prevails. Fine even· ing for attending theater, special affair which benefits charitable institution. Don't gel bogged down with details. CAPRICORN (Dec. II.Jan. ti): Olange of scene?)' lo-your flnanclal poaJUon rwln&a dicated. What wu familiar upward. If single, marrlqe la takes on ezcitlog glow. Means on horizon. r\ you are presented w 1 th To find ..,,, ,_., •bout ...-..., n -•-"-y could '-~ con-n,,...,, cin1tt IYdntY °""'" • -.;u~ucnge. OU IJllC "" lloollltt. TM TfUlll ,1'Javt cenlr1tlng on b o m e im-A•trll!wY. Sotno1 so uni. " °"""' ld ""'",.." aooti.t the OAIL Y 1'1LOT, hi: 124CI. provement, res ence ........ >&e. ~..-ctnin1 11111on. N-vn. N.v; AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.~1.;.~.;."·'-------- 18): Avoid unnecessary journej'1. Finish current task. You are due for recognition. But you must 4how that you mean what you say. Today you get chance to prove basic claln1'. Pl!C&'I (Feb.· It-March IO): Protect """""""'· Be In-dependent. Doo't allow anyone lo push you aroqnd. study Cueer message. G£t money'a worth. Don't llUbatitute for qµality. Evaluate your oeedl -then do someUrlng about tllem. IF TODAY IS YOU !\ BIRnIDAV you a.re a natural showman with great appeal for opposite se.1. By October, Rushing Explained To Coeds An orientation will be con- ducted for coeds eattring col- lege in the fall by Cb1 Omega Alwnnae of Orange County. The session on .sorority nishing will take place after a KIRK REPOUSSE flowers and loli11t d1si1n orisj111ted by Ki1k in 1828. Still the bl'ide's clloKr. Mike lh11 htaV)'Wtilllt llt1l1n1 )'OUf own. The T ee -T atfler noon salad luncheon next Wed- nesday in the Fullerton hoQle of Mrs. James Frannea. Also on the agenda will !>e the finaliting of plans for the alumnae's September wine- .. '"" ll:ANcHo SAN jOAQlUN tasting party, aCC<lrding lo l'INl!ltUll:ST -IN Mm t .. Mrs. Arthur Zasio, president. ~~~:::"1 a1t:· t=...;~r•1\·~~~'. All Chi Omegas are invited 70""; M•Nln Johnson, Nell.on St11ford, be d 11v,: llobert Kek11ner, R~r• Sdl•ei· and reservations may ma e ~·. 1J• Truely 8ont, H1rold SProul, b lli •• host l •~ Alvin l •11ln1 •• J1mn RH:vt .. W1rren y ca ng 1.1.1e eS.S a -'°d.1lrl·sf· 'DA~~l~iw· rl~ -The 7984. ,,...,...., c;onnle 1Cen1l1, Gill fklHn, 11j _ _:.::.:.:: _______ _ Atvln Hilt. n1 8•rn1 re1 Etberl. llobtn,11' __________ :1 Llvf1>11,lon, 7L II !aVlflll COAST $U•P•llL e lTTlll: MUtlt -CltMI A, Ml11 OM 0te Wiii~ Mis. ,.,._,., Ectrt.,nedl;. U\'11 Mn. II: II b tr 1'.1nlner, Mia Cotlme l'rMlkU11, Mlw M.1.._.. Mui.Hf'. 3't Cit• II~ MIMI. ~ ll:ll•L...S<f~ GloN L ~ •• ;_ t"an!...tOri. ":Nt.1i:'1c .... c, the Mmft. G.orve Gr1nt, M. /· ~. :WJ Ewrdf Mclrrl., 30'1l11:· E, O~, E. Didi a.d!IMl:.-\311 CU • 0 llW Mina Ed'Wtrd I ct.rence G,....1. _ 1'1 tt•hifi !Jkllt,!, 3M1 J-.... 11t1Pw, Oa!'.-111 r-. $4925 . FOUR PIECE PLACE SETTING ~'L_A &ALL M TMttl llOMl FrMb11~1:W.J~ ~,.:;;; l; • ..,, Chine e Crystel • Silver • Gift1 • Bride! Reg istry 11:1111 "ro!i. H!)ry '~'· ~' oi~r. SOUTH COAST PLAZA !i£n1Jm 'st:~.0f;~·~~"!j 3l l l BRISTOL e COSTA MESA • 540-2627 Mi. """"'1'. MrL ttobtrt ~'1c11o_,,I'!!!!!!!!~~ Mn. 0. v. Shleldl.... _[ PLEASE PARDON OUR TEMPORARY INCONVENIENCE DURING CONSTRUCTION ! WES T C LI F 1 PLAZA. • 0 • . ' ~ -, • CONVENIENT ENTRANCES IF Y 0 UR FAVORITE IS B U S I E R T H A N USUAL . TAKE YOUR P I C K OF ANY OF THE OTHER Sl X • , , ANO SMILE. l>ON'T FORGET OUR • • • SIDEWALK SUPERINTENDENTS SIDEWALK SALE SATURDAY, AUGUST 2nd • • • /, n • • • • ~ . I I . • • ART DOTS f 'HIOH ISLAND -A three-day dis· play featuring orts of the combined Fountain Valley and Hwrttnl(!on Beach Art Leagues will decorate the mall 'l'bursday, Fricfay and Saturday beginning August 14. Eumples o! their dispU:ys are selected by (left to right) the Mmes. Frank Higgins, William Dunn, Berrell rues and James Legg. Weddings, Troths Artists Unite For Exhibition Pilot's Deadlines To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding 1\oriel with blaclc and white glossy pbol9- graphl to the DAILY PILOT Society Depano menl prior to or wlthlD one week allet the wedding., Joining forces for a three- day uhibit are members 0£ the Hunilngton Beach and Foun!ain Valley An Leagues. 'The combined display will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Aug. 14, 15 and 16, at Fashion Island, Newport Beach. !ages; James (Loyce) Legg, p o t t e r y desii.;, George (Janel) Elherl palle\ie knife; Frances ( onnle) Hig- gin.s, portraits, and Melbourne .(Mildred) Moore, aaggit gtau. 'The junior group also will be showing its work. For engagement announcements It Is suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be submitted early. U the betrothal announce-. ment and wedding date are six weeks or less apart, only the wedding photo will be ac- cepted. There will be demonstra- tions or many types of art forms throughout the mall ac- cording to Mrs. Sherman (Margerie) Partlew, chairman of exhibitions for Huntington Beach. and Mn!. Willlam (Charlotte) Dunn, president of tbe Fountain Valley group. Swmner has not been vaca- tion Ume for league members, with classes and exhibitions keeping schedules filled . Mrs. Tom (Doris) Neeld , president. has announced lhat increasing membership has raised the 1-luntington Beach g r o u p ' s total to 175., and the new calendar is fillinl fast. To help fill .requirements on both wed· ding and engagemenl llorles, forms ara avall· able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be lnSW\!l'ed by Social Notes staff members at 1142-4321 or 494-9486. Among thOle demonrlratlng ,.;u be the Mmes. Antllony 1 · c d Pl d (Ellen Quigley) Patrian:a, cot-a r s aye Pair Plan An Aug. 23 wedding is being planned by Bernadette Cala· bria and Gerald A. Gan-elf, 500 c'-Mrs. Thelma Garrett of Coota Mesa and the late Leroy Party Planned Island Style Ceremony Teens Calling Every Weekend The Woman's Club of Foun- ta1r Valley 11 sponsoring a New Members A G ett Sawrday night bridge club ·An~~ment of the Ir Tall Teens of Orange County weekly In the Fountain Valley betrothal was made by the are calling new members with. Comniunlty Cent.er at 7:45. future bride's parents, ?.tr. a road rally and barbca.ie Recent wlrmers were Mrs. and Mrs. Paul T. Calabria of scheduled for Sund3y, Aug. 3. Emlllo Qulct,, Mrs. Gloria ,Van Nuys. All those under 21 years old Seacat, Mr. and Mrs. Art The bride-elect attended and 5 foot 8 inchts in height or 'Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Pierce College. Her flanct was over for girls or I foot or over Zavalas, Bill Shane, Mrs. Ben graduated from Claremont for boys are invited to attend Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kerr Men's College and from the the I p.m. rally tn the Santa and Mr. and Mn. Jack Toney. University of Southern Cali-Ana home of Doug Richards. Mr. and Mn. Will Romine fomia's School of Law. The barbecue will be served and Mr. and Mrs. Curt Aloha was the theme for the . The ceremony will take at 6 p.m. and admission for Burnell arc hosts for the last Holiday-Ayres Woman's place In the Church of Chimes, both rally and supper will be Woman 's Club and Mrs. Helen Club meeting in the home of Van Nuys. 50 cents. Creed ls the bridge direct.or. the Ray Tarrants of Hun· iiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii tington Beach. Members and their ~ husbands gathered poolside for the annual luau. Hosting were the Mmes. Chuck Brown, Bud Gardner, Paul Oliver and 1 Jay Rice. , The next function will lake 1 place Aug. 20 and secret pala { will be revealed. i 1st ANNIVERSARY : SALE I AUG. ht thru AUG. 15th SUMMll conONS I & ILENDS -J4" & 41 .. 50% 0" HAND LOOMID INOIAN ,AlllC 20%0,, 21" llG ltlNG IRA.SS ZIPPllS '1.10 HAWAIIAN PllNTI .... 1.6t · 1.tl I _:N:;O:.:W:...,.:•c,:9=8="'c:.c.· - POLTISHl DOUILE KNIT 10% 0,, WISS SCAUOPIN• , SHIAll • NOW $8.29 : The f'ABRIC CENTER 488 E. 17th St., °COSTA MESA 646 4.144 lntA...W-• .. _.._ 2 FOR O.NE SPECIAL GROUP WOMEN'S SHOES BUY ONE-GET ONE FREE "Here's How It Works~· You pay the hi9hest retail price on first pair -CJet the second pair of equal value or less -Free. It's fun. BrinCJ your friends and nei9hbors - Buy t0CJ9ther. VALUES TO s2900 •• DEMPDILL!)S - COSTA MESA 1831 NEWPORT AVENUE .TELEPHONE: !41·9744 _T_h"""°~~·-~~~-S~l,_1_%_9~~~~~~-D-All~V-1'11._0_T_,,J=$, Figure Pays Olf She Moonlights by Day Gr~nge Group I Adds Plaudits In their July nieellrlC. Cootti MOA Grange JMmbon apl pllUdtd tho .!'11\IJl't -.; of Amem ~ _ Ir e l1'i Newport illrt>ot Jlflll Sd1ool who received third place for! their airtcultural dllpia1 .t Orange COUnty Fair. • . LAS VEG<IS, W.v. (UPI) - -are paid for their skill In haodllnc fliurea hot a lonr·lepod, curY'/ ICCOWltaot on the famed Lu Vegas Strip gets paid for ibowtng hera. Garolyn Cuper, a 2&-ye&f'..· old brunette is one of the showgirl atan of lhe Hotel starduat'1 Parlslenne revue. At nigh~ that II. By c!Jy, ahe ls a relief ac- countant In the b o t e l • 1 bi•"oeu offlce. When abe &Jeeps under this curtou> blllldlnc of camr moonUghUnc ls, abe says, her own aec."et but "I manage it. someho", in shifts." 'nle Lu Vegu Strip on which wealthy lloward Hughes can look down from his well· guarded pentbouse atop the Desert Inn, bas tieen called "the moot exchlnc two mile stretch of real estate" in the world. But Miu Caapu U11 Ille has yet to UV«" ILi U • citements. Her llfe ll-ol """"1 ... hurry up" -..,.111 le 1111 St.ardull al .. W • II• ttri-. ol wft .. .. figu.rea that ...., II ~ tohtt---~· .... ,, ... ___ .. bold to )llo .. -, new-~--· •lqe,--111 .... -...---.-~---· over apla. "lt'1a.,....."•w 't True, but it's also maklO& , and Oles to Las Vegas ~·hen her rich becaute. aa productr he can to visit her. Frank Sennes 1ald, "Carolyn "We nev e r have enough. Casper ls one 1mart cupcake." Ume to think or getting She has a one-third lnterest serlouJ, though," she said. In a farm in Jlllnols on which "I'm ahfl,)'15 working." Black Angus cattle are raised Why does she do it? by tenant farmers. "Did you 0 Well, for the same reason ever pay '5,000 for a bull?" that Sammy teepe on running. she asked. "W~ I did." Money -that stuff that She has Jwt bought several mates lhe world go 'roun4 Jcres of land in northern "I've got maybe five more califomil. )WI in this basines.9 OI Eacii eotrY allO 1eeOJ•ed -blue ribbon, they revMJed. : Future fall plw .. ,~ dilcusoed, lncllJdlJJi • 14111 .,,, nlversary part 1 Saturda)'' Sept .•. p-...... ~ '"' tho orpnlsaUoo ol a G,_ Youlll Group for q..1..a ' 0 Jt doesn't loot llb much paradfua across a stage evfr'/ now, but at the rate the illgbl After S>, that's when population is going up yoor 1ooU atar1 to go, and HB TOPS Club 1 somebody Is going to want It when they're 1one. they're some day." gone, and It's back to the pen-Allen School Is lhe meeU~ She says she also is con· ells and the typewriter. This is place for Huntington ·Bta siduinc "a little d e 8 er t one girl who-ls going to have TOPS Pound Pincbers at t acrea1e" bul she hasn't made,,;•~om~•;;:th~lng~tu~c~k~ed~a~w~a~y.~"~==p;;.m;;·=e~ac:h~M~O!lda~:Y:· :--"1 up her mind finally, as yet.11 "1J~~1!0 ~~:;,.,sinessgl•I· HERE'S YOUR CHANCE showgirl ~ quite a step from WE HAVE SUBSTANTIALLY REDUCED :1o'.'°':he~wn~f <;~= 16 NEW FLOOR MODELS! from l:lgh school and attended Ohio Slate Unlvenlty. Sbe majored In ._.n11n1 th= liar boyfriend lllll llvu there S1crel1ri1l "' •• p.a. _, aecond ---ol Babla 0 I, fl Nltiw1 Sec:ncar, .... n .... hMmaUonaJ Ill ----I• -..ilnp. -~ l'lamlnc ., ..,,. - -lit tolopbooed fa< 0 ft! I lalcsmltian. e WURLITZER e KNABE e FISCHER SELLOUT PUBLIC NOTICE 2 Days Only All Lindberg'• lntemetionel Yardage hi11 bMr'I com .. mi11lanH to liquidate the entire end of suson stock of Teen•'• Sporhwe1r, Inc. Fabrics no longer needed for m•nufKturlng or daslgning. Many are excluaive one of a kfncf ••mple cuts. Many •r• large rolls. All will be sold at• fraction of their value. Yolvn ta $>!. 91 yd. Valvn la $1.'8 yd. BONDED 60" DRIP DRY KNIT COTTONS 45" WID! l~~D 66~ARD ASSORTID 72" INC:H WEAVES AND FllRES NYlON BROCADES NET 250/· 0,, 15~ARD DHIC>NER AND VIBRANT MFG. SUITINC>S UNUSUAL fROM FRANCE PRINTS fROM Valun to 12.00 yd. Holland 3~~ Exc:luslve sumNGS PRINTS & SOLIDS SILK AND RAYON 45" WIDE 3 y:::'. .... s 1.50 Yorlous WtGYes 3 y:;:'.. .'2.85 Valu11 ta $2.tl yd: 3 y::'._ ...... '3.75 95~ARD 4 YaNI '3.80 '°'···-···- DRAPERY SPORTSWEAR FABRICS KNITS 45" WIDE YOU MUST SH THESE FROM 95~ARD VALUES TO C>IYI EVERYONE AN EQUAi: CHANCI -ABSOLUTELY NO SAW CAN IE MADI IEFORE ••• FRIDAY 10 to 9 SATURDAY 10 to 6 Yalon ta $3.'8 yd. 100% HAWAIIAN ACRYLIC RAW SILKS . PRINTS From Japan Wiid ...i Ylbfant 45" WIDE l~~D 1!~ STRETCH MANUFACTURHS' FABRICS TRIMMINGS TO 60" WIDE UNllSUAL SIUCTION l~~D ' so·!O 0,, WHY PAY MORE! 60" WIDE MFG. WOOLEN'S ZIPPERS Valvu ta $5.'8 1 c,.. FROM l!~o INCH From TEENA'S 60-INC:H Cutting Floor POLYESTER DOUBLE A ¥11t 111orlrn111t of w11~11 , fillers in prlnt1 end 1olie'1. KNIT lrnp1rf1eh, rn i1,iri11h, fl1w1 , .• hut • "c:r1ftv" 11wer Valun to 7. 91 yd. c.111 SAYI SSS. Y•I"' t• 54.00 ,.,, ,, .... ~90 ~90 ~ID so~ARD yd. yd. y<I. TO IE FAIR MANY CHARGE IT I ONE-OF·A·KINO I NKA (WI DI SAMPLE CUTS MUST I R SOLO ON A • FIRST COME ... FIRST SERVI BASIS. 2750· HARBOR BLVD • ·COSTA MESA (HARBOit IOULIVAltD AT ADAMI) UN COLLEC>E SHOP!'IN• CINTDI < i • " .I • • -'",_• ~ ·:--... -.---•• -...... ---._.. ..,.. ---r-r-.·~ ~ •*'""* -' <F c• J -·~·-·-" •o -··~·~· S:-• ........ 4~-----..,..-±£..,.., ... l ..... I "'':J"'·""i ,_,,.,,_., +~t•&...-.0_,P .. F .... P .,,,., ............................. ~-·-· ................... -•,_,\4.,, t~o ~< --~. ---•~> -• --~-~• _, ~• ~-~~::-:'!"'.,..,..,.."'!I.,... __ ~ ..... .._ .. • •••••• '-· • • • • " • ~ • ~ • -• • • • • • • • .. ........... ;; -><--.,. -••• -- DIANNE VERNAY Oct,ober Bridi Wedding Date · Set Big Bear City residents Mr. and Mn. Marcel D. Vemay have announced the engage- .~ ment of their daughter, 'Dian· ne Vemay to Ronald B. Howard of Newport Beach. . 'I1'e ,bride-to-be, a grach.J.ate of Big Bear High School and 1 OrlJlle Coast College, also at- UiocSeil California State College a~ f)jllerton. fft':r lianoe, son ot Mrs. Mary Howa~ of Lido Isle and H. · L. Bert Howard of Dallas, atteoded : OCC and w a s graduated from CSCF. The ,couple will eichange -vows Oct. 4 in St. Joachim's : Catbolic Church, Costa Mesa. Be Creative . 7251 "'tAfut 13~ Be ere.alive! Bright.en any wall with a colorful picture. QOICK artistry? "Paint" solids with felt tip markers, accent wilh easy embroidery stitches. Frame happy scene for all to admire .. Pauern 7251: transfer IS x 18". FIFTY CENTS (coins) for each pattern -add IS cents ror each patlem far first-class mailing and special handling ; otherwise I.bird-class delivery will take lhree weeks or more. Send to Alice Brooks the DAI· LY PILOT, 105 Needleeralt Dept.., Box 163, Old Chelsea Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. Prinl Name, AddrtSI, Zlp, Patien Number. Giant, new 1969 Needlecrafl Catalog - &ver 200 designs to choose, 3 free patterns printed inside. Send SO cents now. 'NEW! "SO I NS TANT GlF'I'S" -fabulous fashions, toy s. decorator accessories. Make it today , give it tomor- row! Ideal for all occasions. SO CO<lts. "ti JUiy Ruga'' lo knit , crochet, weave, sew. hook. 50 cents. Book o£ lZ Prlu: Afchans. so .etnts. Bargain! Qallt Book t has 16 beautiful pallems .. 50 cents. · Maseam Quilt ·Book Z -pat- terns for 12 superb quilts. 50 Cents. Book 3. "Quilt. for Today's Living". IS patterns. SO cents. Society Eleds First Leaders The newly Ol'laniUd Orange County Chlrop111ctlc Socict~ Auzlliar7 has announced its first pruident. who . wJ 11 preside for a meetmg on ~,Aug.5. Mn. Robert Ree<l is the """9'• llrtl leader. Serving with bet-ire the Mmes. Irwin Qiessen, vke JI res I den '; David Buncl)', _. .. .,., &nd Paul DeLoe, treasurer. The Auaµst meeting wlll take plal'C al I p.m. in the or· llce o( Or. Chessen ln Garden Grove. • • ~0011g0 l!ll'lbiili . 'SN\( ~21 WHllE ·: .. ·F·RONT QtJAU1Y •S!IMCI • DISCOUlll" tH!ElJ!llY . . .; HEADQU1A.~E·S f ,OR ' . ·FISHING: & llUNTING LICENSES _ tET'I. :fiO 1/$NINOI ... , ·. ~-. RODDY -. ... ::::.REEL . Right or left hand. Large capac • · ity aiiodized spool. Mated metal gears. SP@I capacity of 225 yds .. 15 lb. test ·line. Multiple disc drag system. #944 97 ' COMPARE AT 12.95 FRESHWATER REEL Multiple drag system with 5·49 s.ensitive braking. Remts corrosion. Medium StZe. ' #820. COMP.ATl0.95 SPINtilNG REEL Converts fram left to right 59 7 hand: ground & hardened . line roller.s: 25 0 yard :#824 · spool: multiple disc drag. . ·COMP.ATlO.,S --~----ioilii ~~--\-iooo'Y~Mi'~itiiO"N-­ fREsHw ATER 1 ALBACORE FISHING l FISHING RODS OUTFIT 1 An albacore special .•. Balanced • tackle for \ this top of the line 2 lake or stream fish· 1 piece deluxe 8' or 9' ing. Famous' 810 reel. I tubular glass rods with ro d and 100 yds. of I Varmac spinning guides Roddy monofi\ament I & deluxe hardwgre. Heavy line. A great outfit I duty, fast taper acti on, \or beginner or"pro"! \ pertect mate !or any reel. _ #810. I #5 580-8, #5 590-9 ,, COMPARE AT 19.95 I COMPARE AT $24 1097\1597 ' .. . 4S GAL. TRASH • CHIP & DIP SET Cryslal clear l!uttd tills :.et. little ttup DOwl. il:ISS j oplOw. 2 ,....... 97 AT 4.tS • CAN Fluled, tap ered style with tight filling lid. Side handles for easy portability. Galvan- ized metar. 397 THREE TRAY UNFINISHED DESK & CHAIR Smo othly sanded pond erosa pine. Smooth gliding drawers. I deep file . drawer, I stalionery drawer and 2 ad· ditional roomy drawers. Sturdy chair. SHOWER ~I CADDY . Ao1.,11ble to .lit~""~: co2:~:RE 14!:!~,~· a~y sbower • 3 sbelves. ~ I 1111rmlCk'.AIP> hools • Decorator coklr~ I ..----------' 68 I CO-LUEANTIQUEKR ::~Ill CI 2easystepJiwalerbaselttelf,.""Y 3"' coal with wipHll wood ll'lin &Ille. c.. Pl!(( I ii~-" I· I I . I I. r I . I I I I I • ttK\IDlD AT .o ptlA cos~ w1&1n ftOll'l'S UIKOMOI~ 3 YEAR COLOR PICTURE TUBl • REPLACEljlENT WARRANTY (UD,11°'"' \AIOll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ' I GENERAL ELECTRIC l PHILCO 180 SQ. IN. COLOR . PORTABLE I I I 172 ~=: PORTABLE TV I I I I I l o •All· c11annel VHF/UHF reception •Front sound and control s •Solid state rectifier • Preci sion etched circuitry • "Designer" model ca~ine_t I I I I I ,_ I I I I I I I • Big screen in a compact modem walnut grained cabinet •.All channel VHF/UHF tuning with automatic · demagnetizer so. set may be moved •Built in dipole antenna • Walnut cart·optional extra COMPARE TO A Sll!llLAR IRANO SEWNG ' ELSEWllHE AT349.97 I ' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -------'· \1\, ·«.._ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I GENERAL ELECTRIC SPlNIS.H ·STYLE STEREO WITH T AP·E RECORDER I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • Solid state amplifier and AM/FM-FM stereo radio • 4 speed stereo changer • 6 spea~ers in acousta- phonic chamber • Magnificent 4-track . stereo· tape recording system with 2 mikes • Handsome walnut Mediterranean cabinetry WHITE FRONT LOW LOW PRICE BIG BOY 14'':BIG BOY 2 Tl: PDRTABLE BRAZIER IBBQ : 14" table I I . . l ""vy ''"'' braZier w/ · I steel li re , ; adjustable I bow l. Com. revolv ing plete wit h l I ~ood, spit I grill and and spitfur~s. w j n d -laraced le&s. ' sh2ield. 9 ?. .. ~ !~'1!.;/2 9.?:. !I ---~lKOVIT PllCI J.!!, __ L _ -_.:::::::.ct--~·: , SWINGER 24'-' : DELUXE BBQ! Lilt rack, smoker hood. Motor· 1 iied spit, built in temperalure 1 indicator. Rell easy wheels. Fool 1 prool grill adjustment. I ~~MP.3491 i ...._ __ __._ __ = 49.95 . l ~- • . . . f. ,E .._.. • • l I l • i>' .,. l ~ • I EMERSON I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ""1t"""' _ .... , .. n,. .... """ llJI IEUYUY & . ~DOl.W U Ill. lllbcm ADMIRAL ! 29 S ~::COLOR CONSOLE :29 S ~:·COLOR CONSOLE c 1 • All channel VHF/UHF receplion • Automatic fine . ~ • All channel VHF/UHF reception • Instant-play -. i tuning • Automatic gain control • No need to read1ust I no waiting for wund or picture • Automatic fine 1 s~t when channels are changed • Aluminized bonded I tuning control • Sol)ar remote control • Handcrafted I 1h1eld 111cture tube & Medrterranean· credenza, ·casters I genuine wood cabinet. i I I SAVE'lOO I SAVE 150 I COMPARI I II TO A SIMILAR I IRl\HD I SllLING I !UfWMERE I '""·" I I --·. ) .E R ~ ~. ~ •• (i(i ii ' lillC( 1821 WHITE FRONT EMERSON BIG 8000 . B.TU HOME AIR · MOWER 5/axSO' VINYL .GARDEN HOSE· King-si1e witll . • . .brass coup-238 lings. #601-"""· 50 • ..,. . --~\ -.. MfCHOL WOODS Woddl"9 Pion• Betrothal Disclosed Mr. and Mn. !'tier WoodJ ol Coote Mesa hoyt 8llJIClUDCed lhe bi!troUW of I h t I r daughter. Mlchol Mary WoodJ to Lt. Cei...Uno M: BeltJ:llL He ls the aon of Mr. and Mn. CeJ.,tlno Beltron of El Moo!e. Tbe brld•~eJect Wu rraduated from Mater Del Hlgh School and au.oded M1rymounl College In Los Angeles. Her flance la a ,graduate of Bishop Amat Hlih School, "!l- San Antonio COllege and Loyola Uf\lveralty where he received his -clyil-engineering degree. He ls·~rvihg wtth·the Mlllt• Corps •r En~en .. A wedding Is · being planned for Sept. 8 U, •Q.lr Lady ol · Gilaijalupe Churtb, El ~onte. . . ' .-~i Coyer·yp ,: . 7074 Latest ltallan fashion crochet. swlmsµlt and jacket. See-Uuu jacket ,cqve~ a doubie crochet i-J)c., swimsuit with shell edglng .. Paltm! Ior linl!lg suit . lnclu~ed. Pattern 7074: Sitts Small, Medium, Large (8-18) Included. Flf"l'Y CEN'Jll (coins) for each pattern -add 15 .cenll for each pattern for flnt·claas mail4'1g and special handling; otherWi&e tblrd-clus delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Alice Brooks lhe DAI· LY PILOT, 105 Needlecraft Dept., Bos 163,. Old Chelsea· Station, New York, N.Y. 10011. Print 'Na me, Addml, 7Jp. Patcern Number. Giant; new lllt N~lft Catalog - over ~ designs to choose, S free patterns · printed iz;iilide. Send 50 cnit1 now. · . NEW I "50 IN·STANT GIFTS" -fabulous faahlons, toys, decorator accessortes. Make It today, live it tomor· rowl Ideal for all occasions. 50 cem.. . "11 Jiiiy .l\tlll" to . knit, crochet, weave, sew, book. W cen"°'. · . Boo~·ol l!·Priae AfUm. 50 cents. Bm'IJlllnl'Qullt Bool 1 h8'18 beaUUful paltenis. 50.cents .. M"'"m QaJll BoOic 1' -pat- terns for 11 superb quilts. 50 cenUi. Book l. "Qmltl for Today'1 Uvta&". 15 patterns. 50 ceou. Listings Open For Sororities Coeds booad . · for I h • Unlvenlty ol Cllllomla In Berteley may nc111er-for Ille """'"17 faD . formal niah. which wW he ll'<GI s.pt. It to •• ReglllnUon mallrialo and further lnfonqadan may be ohtolned ll'om 111e O>Jloe• PanhellenJc office, Room IOI, Sproul •Hall, Berlceley. Cloolns dole !or rqiMUGa la Sept. I. \ \ . . 1.).N. Guide Uniforms Updated ~ . •• .,,. T • -·· .. As the wo1 • .,. of fashicm undergoes change, so does the fashion_ of the W?rld orgaJlir.ation, the United Nations. The 1969 U.N. guide uniform, a thre .. p1ece outfit comiJting of a whit.. Jong.sleeve blouse, old gold sleeveless jacket and toyal blue skirt, has been unveiled. Wearing guide uniforms of difierent years ·are·(!eft to'l'i~)-Naomi Jafi, United'Ktngttom, • 1009 wriform; Ellen Weis•;' USA, 1962 uniform; Fumiko Oyama, Japan, 1967 uniform, and Janet Bald· win, USA, 1969 tmifonn. __________________ _ ' • Hospitals Misnamed By PATRICIA MCCORMACK . NEW YORK (UPI) -Qu ... Uon: Should publlc mental hospitals be called something else? Answer: Probably yes -un· tll they Uve up to the current defln.itlon of 1 bospll.al, a place where stck persona get help to mate them well. The nearly half-mUllon sick meo and women ln public ' miota! "°""'tala, with rare ... copllolil, lla9e yet lo cub in on cootemJ)Orary m t d l c a I developmtoll, lncludlll( ode- quate lmtmenl. This ii according lo Mrs. BurlDo Joseph, president of the National Association tor.- Mental Health. Shortoges of staff combine wllh poor plant and equlpmenl lo make the outJoot clilmal fnr many In the J!l"l1lal hoapllaJJ. • Area Couple Honored At Engagement Party The "Howali;ln Wedding Song" wu played when Ellen Dawn Worthy and Dan J. Moss announced their engage- ment during a dinner party. Miss Worthy also celebrated her 21st birthdoy in the Kono Hawaii restaurant.· setting for the announcement.-- Parenti of the betrothed are Mr. and Mrs. Norman Worthy and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Moss, all of Huntington Beach. The bride-elect ls a graduate of Huntington Beach High School and Orange Coast C.Ollege. CurrenUy she is at· tending California S t a t e College at Leng Beach and majoring in physical educa· ti on. The benedict-lo-be, a youth minister at the First Christian Church in Huntington Beach, is an aJumnu.s of Corona High School, PacUie Chrl~ian College, Azusa Paclfic College and received his masters 4egree atSo_uthwe s te..rn Seminary, ELLEN WORTHY Future Bride The couple will be married Sept..12 in the First Christian Church. Harbor Area Artists Show Varied Canvases Black's Back ?-,Jake no mistake about It. Black for late day and evening runs stiff competiton with COi· or come fall and winter. Black runs throughout the elaborate evening collection of designer . ' . -. . . . . .. . CM Auxiliary DELANEY BROS. •SEA FOODS• 1800 La F1lyttte St., Newport Beech 67J.3450 or 545-2217 ~~~~-~GOURMET--~~~--. FREEZER SPECIALS Thurs., thru Sun., July 31 "Aug. 3. WHOLE -IMPORTED DOVER SOLE l' .. 2Hounc:• Mell JUMBO PRAWS~~ IOX $1295 U.S.D.A. C:HOIC:E -6-or. Top Sirloin KEBOBS Kathleen Shorb Wed To Francis McMilli&n Views or Jand and sea by Exchanging wedding vows and rings in an early af • ternoon nupUal mass in St. John the BapUst ' Catholic Church were Kathleen Dolores Shorb and Francis Peter McMillian. Bridal att.endantai~re em· Harbor Area artists will be pire atyled gownr o( pink displayed in a variety of one crepe with matcblng hats. man shows during the month Their booquets were of pink of August. ings will be tllo.se sp:itlighted;-,;iF;iie;;irdiiiniiaiind;;io;;S;;iar;;m;;;;i.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiii:ii in United California Bank'st1 "JILL McCOllSTER Future Bride The Rev, Joseph McEneany coriduct.ed the double ting ceremony for the daughter o{ Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Shorb of Costa Mesa and the son of Mr. and Mrs. James T. McMillian of Oklahoma Cily. end white carnations end OU paintings by Mrs. C. E. baby's breath. Taggart will be decorating Miss Frieda Felgar was walls of the Center Street maid of honor. The bride's branch or Coot.a Mesa Library. sister, Miss Marillyn Shorb Artist-of-the-month featured at and her aunt. Mrs. Penny Mesa Verde branch will be Dunbar were brtdemnaids. Mrs. David Schonthal. Best man was Tom Doxey, Mrs. Taggart st ud I es uncle of the bride . Showing landscape and seascape pain- guests to their seats were Don ting with Lagu na Beach arth t Collins and Don Charles. Leonard Scheau and is work· Harbor and Baker branch in Costa Mesa, and canvases on view in GlendaJe Federal Sav- ings and Loan, also in Costa Meaa, will be those by Mrs. Houston Snidow. Paintings by members of Costa Mesa Art League may be seen from 1 to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday in the Costa Mesa Art Le agu e Galleries. Approximately 12.i guest s ing for a degree in art history E bl Cl b attended a reception in the at Orange Coast College. m em U church hall. decorated in pink A native of Hungary, Mrr:. The Elks Lodge is the set- and white, following the Schonthal bu 1tudied art in ting for meetings of the ceremony. Miss Diane Shorb New York, San Francisco and Emblem Club 201 o( Laguna circulated the guest book for Los Gatos as well as in Beach. Members gather the her 6iater. Others ·assisting Orange County. first and third Tuesdays at 8 ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF DONALD SHIMKO'S HAIR WEST FEATURING TOP STYLISTS * DON * KARIN * WENDY * ELEANORE * BEN MANICURES AND PEDICURES BY CHRISTINE 3305 NEWPORT BOULEVARD ••• NEWPORT BIAC:H 673-4186 * Dir1cllY. Acrcos• from City Hall * P•rlti119 Av•il•l:olt FV Grads To Marry In Fall The bride was escorted to the altar by her father. Her gown was of white lace and satin, with a detachable train. A pearl crowu caught. her veil o{ illusion and she carried a cascade of wbl.te camations. baby's breatb and cattleya orchids. were Richard Lennert. Mrs. -~Dr~. ~W~.~J~.~Scotl~~·s~01~·1dpem~· ~~-Jp~.m~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,d~iiii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiii:iiiii:i:iii Don Kight, Mr. and Mrs.J.• \Villiam Bodrogi and Mis.1 Claudia Horrell Fanciful Fall The newlyweds are making their home in Santa Ana while .Jo Copeland, designing for he sen·es with the Marine Patullo.Jo Copeland, u s e s Corps at El Toro. The bride touches of satin, jewels, belts attended Costa Mesa High of silver and gold on afternoon School and he studied at South Jill McCollster, daughter o! dresses and costumes for fall East High Schoo I in the John C. McColisters of and winter. Oklahoma. J.tunlington Beach, will marry!;::~=::~=:;===============1ll 11avld M. Walden O<t. 11 in Sl. Wilfred., Episcopal Church, lntntington Beach. 'Miss McColister recently u'as vacationing tn Waikiki when the [uture bridegroom 5'U'Prised her with a visit. He pf.oposed and presented her with an engagement ring. 'The bride-elect Is a graduate ril FountaJn Valley H lg h sChool and a professional t;c!:hool of modeling in Santa '*18. Sha is a past honored q!ieen o! Huniington Besch Bethel 120, Job's Daughters. 'Her fia.oce, son of the nOnald M. Waldens of Foun· 1ain Valley, is an alumnus of i!le same high school and Air sthoola Pacific, Santa Ana . He was a student at El Camino College. family Weekly I Every Saturday BIBLE THOUGHTS "Pr•v without C••lin9". I Th111. 5:17, Lu. 18:1. P11y r•91rdin9 ''•v•rythi119", Phil. 4:6. Pr•v TO Gc>d, THROU GH Chri1t, Jn. 14 :1 4, Jn. 16:2)·2S, I Tim, 2:1·5. Pr1v btli•vin9, M•tt. 21;22. Pr•v un1.lfi1hlv. J11. 4:). P11v obevin9, Pr. 2S :9, Jn. 15:7. TWO ... ;1,1 thin91 in pr•yer. OBEDIENCE •nd UNSEflSHNESS, ••• oft111 ov•rlook•d. Som• pr•v 1•lfid1ly, co11tinuin9 dlu1b•di•11t lo God: y1t 111p1cti119 ftvc>r1bl• tn1w1r fo pr•ytr. " ••• whv c1U ye m•, lon:I, Lord ind do not th1 thin91 I 1•v7", Lk. 6:46. Pr. 28 :9 1•v1, "H• th1t turntth •w•y hi1 11r from httrin9 th1 l1w, 1ve11 h\1 prav•r 1h1ll b• 1bornintlio11", J,,, •kl 1•yt, "Y• 11lt ind 1ee1i"• not, btc••n• y1 11k 1mi11, that Y• may eon111m1 it upon your lu1ts". A. f,,ithful Chri1li1n, AFTER HE HAS DONE HI S BEST, h11 Iii• h1!0 of th1 Holy Spirit h1 pr1y1r: Rom. t:26, •····+h• Spirit 1110 h1!p1th our inflrlTlili•t: for w1 know not wh•t w• 1hovl d pr1y for a1 w• ought: but th• Spirit m1 k•lh inl•rc1nion for UI···"· A.RE YOU A. CHRISTIAN? "·--no min ec>m1lh unto th• F1lh1r, but bv m•"· J11u1 '"Y•· Jn. 14,6. T" pr1y •ec-;•pt1bly +o God, ~ne mu1t OBEY J11u1 bv BELIEVING, REPENTING i nd b•in9 BA.PllZF.D, Mk. 16:16, Aelt 2:31, Aeh 5:11, Gil.):27. Th it put1 on1 INTO Cliri1t's BODY, which i1 th1 C HURCH, Eph. 1:22·21. Tho11 in Chri1t'1 body will bt ••ved, for h• i1 "···th1 11vic>t of lhe body", Eph. 5:2). • VISIT +ht Church c>f Chriit, 217 W .Wil1on St .. Coll• M•1•. PHONE u1 11 you h•v1 qu11tion• or 1u9911tio"t: 54t·511 I, 545- 2441 , 646·5763. [J~. ~ •• • •• . . COMI JN TOMORROW. YOU'LL FIND AN EXCITING SELECTION 0, IUMMllt 'J'UiitY AT HA,fllOSOMI l~VJNGSI 'ALI ENDS AUGUST 16 -e1n11 HUl.IYI THE 111 17':"~~',"~~-(Jl~• ,....:• DIAR%/G: . Soutft' HOUSE 0 , , •• , 0 , .;.D~ '-J Coost OF · ~ • .. ~ ·• -· • .'. .1 Pima l•lf M•ll Lft'• C.rouMI C.,..rt lllltol <If th Sao Dl11Jo ftteway. Coll• Mtta-546-2066 ' j Men~s Fashion Clothing ENTIRE STOCK of SPORT COATS Petrocelli • Le Baron • College Hall You' re Reading Right -l/2 off! • Coats & Suits from 200/o to 500/o OFF BEST BUY in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD ALTERATIQNS ON SALE CLOTHING EXTRA DURING SALE Also Save $-$-$ Like Mad We accept Bankam••icard ••• Master Charge ••• Carte Blanch• • . . American Express ••••• OR Open a f!!4Ji!. Charge Account and Take Up to I 2 Months to Payl ANAHEIM BROADWAY-ROBINSON CTR. 509 NORTH LOARA ST. 17141 776-4055 COSTA MESA SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 BRISTOL (7141 540-1016 THIS IS THE END! GARDEN GROVE ORANGE COUNTY PLAZ/< 9707 CHAPMAN 17141 530-4260 HUNTINGTON BEACH HUNTINGTON CENTER 7777 EDINGER 17141 531·4382 ! J .... I • ., Short Skirts - Receive Vote FOR THE BRIDE -Wedding fashions received attention from designers r .. vealing their winter collections in Paris this week. At left, Parisian designer Jacques Esterel presented a· white silk dress with an oriental touch. In cen- 11rorri wir. s .... k.. to have the winning vote, two ter, Pierre Balmain offered a gown in white "qian•" with a large overdress PARIS-The eyes 'Of the to one. in back. At right, Philippe Venet sho\ved a \Vedding robe of white crepe which world a r e on the new col-Are they really here to stay'! flowed gracefully from the shoulders. I~ now be.ingshownbyt----'..;,.;,..;.:..~..:....~~--'"-~~-'--~~--~~-----,-~-~~~--~-~~~~- notid deolgiiera such aa'Plm. Balmain and Andre Cour- reges, but more specifically on the designers' hemlines. Short was the word for both collections shown this week, Courreges showing the tiniest miniskirts and Balmain of- fering dresses and coats two to four inches above the knee. B a l m a i n. who ignored c u r r e n t efforts to bring back long skirU!, showed bright 'bold combinaUons ii'l his dresses and suits. He used red and black, royal blue and white and brown and turquoise combinations and his neutrals •ere dramatic or &oft, Uiing golds and blacks. Polka-dolted mink was o(- fered by Balmain for fun, us· tng black polka dots on brown. black on white and white .on black. Balmain destgns, ilot copied for ready-tf>.wear manufac- turers, are purchased by private customers such as Queen Fabiola of Belgium and Queen Sirikit or Thailand. Courreges, a designer with a paradoxical ouUook, designs for young women of the space age but his clothes are co\. lected by their mothers and grandmothers. His miniskirts and see- throughs were flattering l o any age woman and could be readily adapted to o I d e r figures by simply lowering the hemlines. Courreges coals, famous in fashionable circles, came out in fur this year, such as one of brown mink and white leather. ~One designer, however , 10wered skirt!. Yves St. Laurent's collecUon, shown early in the week, was a sharp contrast to both Balmain's and Courreges'. The controveray o v e r bemline.s still is raging, it is evident, but short skirts seem 'Designer's 'Name Going • On Outside ~Once upon a time In fashion e designer's name went SIDE the gannent. Then somebody got the idea i' letting the women advertlst their labels. Now, il's a rare fashion ~I· on without "signature" rves, signature prints, big lied initials of t h e _fslgner on belts_.----I IJtt'LmY Ufl(:t ma • fYf!lfllp in fl IUCKWICK ~ !!~!~E.~! *"=-'--1;js JICl1i,..ood ltwd. ~rwooel (213} ttO Mltl ' I HAPPY t H•ve • ... ,,, ,.. .. ~.,..i. slert it lty ,.,4, ...... WUK· EhDElt 111 th• OAtLY 'l~OT. • ,. I WE FLATTER YOUR COLORFUL SIDE ·w • 1hepe YOIU' hair in the new1 11oft·curl look..1 We color your h&i r (wi tl1 Fanci·lone for beauty and lustre. We color· 1 style for your 1 I I m°'t flau ering look. For Fanci·· I tone covers all 'th e gray, l1 igh- lighta natural color, makes even dull hoi r look ' vibrant and ,. healthy. Special colon lo tone bleached hair, too - or to give your hair an altn-high-faahion hue.. Come 6Ce them!. CRIAM HAIR TINT, SHAMPOO AND 511 $6.45 AnJUme -Most Cuts ft..,.n ...... C.ilf. Jlll ""'"" •M . Muti ....... kMA ,.....,. """" ~~. ;;;."I:,,----· C..tti M ... C•llf. 1'7 •· 11111 nrett MfW'fflf ~lflf ·-- i I• ' . Beauty ' c .... MMo, Collf. UOt H.rlltr •Iv .. IC·M9r1 l'lf•• ,.,.... '*'4t» • ' Salons C.ta Mfta, C.tH. 1N W. Ulb Sir"' ...... ntl. 6 '"" Pt!-"2·UI• OAR. V PILOT Jf!l Never Le t Stains Se t-1 I Never store a soiled gar· lnent and never Jet 11talns re- ,. main ln a garment for looger than a week. The advice comes from the National In1tttute ol Drycleaners, which warns that tn some cases even seven <t,ays Faster action J1 trrftd for • cooking oill,· mayi:cuWse and ' salad ollJ, whose a:talnJ Oxidlzl In a · hurry and become • , permanent. ' ta too long. •• •• Today's Final Stocks Today --- ' ' e ii. NEEDLEPOINT OESJGN I~ •• ...... co•.,. Ml•KWAY ... co•ON• D!!. !!!l!A!!-.0 .U,.1& ..... '"! UST LIST LIST NOTICE!!! Hearing Aid : Users we are now equipped to offer PERSONALIZED "-" Service to the foHowlng brands ---of hearing aids ___ ...., • QUALITONE • AUDIOTONE • TiLEX • SEIMANS • BELTONE •RADIO l!AR • OTARION •DAHLBERG • ACOUSTICON • VICON • MAICO • AUDIVOX • SONOTONE •ZENITH LAGUNA HILLS HEARING AID SERVICE I Dlwl1lo11 af Or1111t• Cotl"'Y Haorlll Aid c..tert e~~~~T 830•0530 If. N0-A-er C§lt.51!·;33~ . _ JJSZ1 r ... ct. YolMCfo -S•ft.e JO) LAGUNA HILLS PATIO MID • SUMMEl SALE 1 -ONLY KINGS KOOKER GAS BAR·B·9UE And GAS LAMP 249.95 .. ,, .......... SALE $19850 6-0NLY "THE LAGUNA SET'' By Brown & Jordan 199.oo .............. SALE $15995 5-0NLY 5 PC. NEWPORTER SET FIBER GLASS TABLES 190.00 .............. SALE $14995 3-0NLY MARBLE TOP TABLES . And 4 CHAIRS EACH UST 139.95 ,.,, ....... ,,, SAlE $8995 12-0NLY ELECTRIC HIBACHI DOUBLE CHARCOAL HIBACHI 1 -ONL y 5 PC. TROPI. TONE sn UST 396.oo .· ............. SALE $23995 1-0NLY 48" RATTAN TABLE And 4 CHAIRS .,, .... ,,. SALE $13995 18-0NLY POOL AND BEACH PA~S 20" x 72" PADS . , .. , , .. , , , , . , , , , . , . $224 1-0NLY LIE WOODARD "ANDALUSIAN" SET 32x60" Table And t Arm C·bain, 4 Side Chairs < $ 95 UST 680.00 .. , ......... , SALE 529 ALUMINUM B·B·9 KETTLES RD CHARCOAL LIGHTER 59P Qt. ,1-ONLY, FLOOR SAMPLE, RATTAN SLEEPY HOLLOW CHAIR And OTTOMAN UST 129.95 .. ,.' " ... ,,.. SALE $9916 ), ' PATIO ··SHOP 2123 NEWPORT BL VD. \ ' COSTA MESA '42-4103 , ·j ~ •, " "\ \ ' , . • ' l ,, I 't ' I ,. t i Thlndq, J\i~ 31, 1'16t ,..,__. '• . MR.MUM . . c:::=::::::-~---i 1c:C5~. - ......... =. -=-... ~ \0.. [: ~ ~ Viet Veteran Cl.assed As Deserter by Army SACRAMENTO (AP) - While Wayne L. Sajlh fought in Vietnam, the Anny IL!ted him as a deserter. Because of tbe resulting COD!uslon, the veteran has petitioned Congress for $50,000 i n damages. It all began last Sept. 4 when the 21 -year-old Sacramentan, who had been drafted April 10, 1968, was sent to Vietnam. On the da,y he lelt, said his lawyer, Charles H. Bitterling, lbe Anny charged Smith wllh desertion. But be was serving as a medic. Twice he was woonde<j Jn combal The--..cond limo It cost him his left c:ye. After treatment at Walter Reed Anny Hospital In Washington, D.C., Smfth was honoribly discharged last March 5. Again on the same day the Army look other acUon. It's personnel center In Oakland wrote to Smith's mother, Helen Hunter : "Our records indicate your son • . • was acl:edu1ed to nport to this sta· ·tioo for movement overseas on 4 Sept. 68 and to date bu not 7et tt(>Orted." Bitterling said Mn. Bunt•• tried UD5UcteaSfuly to clear up the lasue, that Smllh remained on the list as a deserter and that a warrant for his arrest was not withdrawn. On May 22, Bltterling Ciln· Unued, two FBI agents con· fronted Smith in his front yard, arrested him, handcuf· For men . of action! • GT '-dial chronograph for JIChllng end other reclng ewenls. Factory lealed for 7 days lo asaure maximum timekeeping dependability. Thia Tissot chronograph features a blue-zone yacht limo HUNTINGTON CENTER HUNTlfl•TON llACH "Z.HOI , fed him and attempted to haul hbn away. While the shaken !Oldler futilely protested, his sister, Sharon. rummaged through t h e house; found Smith's discharge papers and showed them to the agents, said Bit· terling. • "The FBI lhen let him go and called up the next morn- iflg and apologized about the mistake," the lawyer said. "Probably someone just lelt a name of{ a roster." "But it caused thL! boy a lot of flunuliation, to be arrested and dragged off in front of bis family," said BI tte rl Ing. Bitterling comptalned thal, "They think he was a hero in Vietnam and here they come, arresting him as a deserter." The petition contends the FBI held Smith "up to ridicule and contempt," and that, "because of the wrongful acts of the United State. Army in causing his arrest by lhe FB1 and of the FBI in carrying out said arrr:st ... Smilh has been damaged in the sum of $50,000.'' Handicap Honor WASHINGTON (UPl)-Two firms have won ''empl~rs-Of the year" hoocn lrom tbe President's committee on em. ployment ol the handicapped. Hooored for their record In employing severely handicap- ped workers were Pace Indus- trial Corp., Merrimac, Mass., and the caterpillar Tractor CO' plant at York, Pa. 1ng Indicator for 15 minute starts. Small dials register Intervals of minutes, hours end seconds. Tachometer dlal. Yellow top, stainless · steel back waterproof case S11S. In all steel $110. • HARBOR SHOPPING CENTER COSTA MESA 545-HH • a,. MeMey, n.r.l•r a l'rN•1 'tll ' ,.a c.-Rr_A_ I ), I • Siek Yo1;1th · . . ~: ...... si~n .r •. Ties HONOLULU !UPh plcffd biill olt hlJ ship· near~ Hawl)lln ~ flmlly UIS hli . tliJll ve.. .._.. brou&ht to Hawaii "u I bft "*' hia -·lued·to the lube, So v I e. t .. Amer I can un-Midway, and the U.S. A1r recovtry .-, llMnd. Col.munkau. hu been a the world wu _not without arid bu li9en a fan ever &b>ce. derstandln& hu reached an Force 1lad Down hlftl to "Nwly IS percear ol Vic-problein for"lhi' Slbtrla!>"bom l<lndneU; ind lhil 't be Aalilkhmln comfl from the all--Ume high In room 214 of Honolulu. ..... tor't recovery Ja due to Albtkhmin who thew onlJ a Americans would take care ol Siberian coal town ol Gourlev Queens, HosplW where Io•Ina 'Iller•· was llopo,-bul little ilJnlHll.",......,.....,. ol tbe o•few ......i. ol -me." In the KemtmW rqfoo and lender care and U.S. medical elte, when the medical llall at d!>clon! who lw "..,..Un&c Elilllah. Cllds•-. (ll'lolod tlle nu-said ·Iba t was workln& In the llC)U<i' aclenct have iaved the badly Queens WIJlt to 'l'_ork on the ~'*"*~ ... ''He wu wilb -&alish-Ruai•n pbrues wb,,'teve" fe.ara: and• ~ J'09l1I ot the 'BlrablnU' ·;,a , burned bod.Y ol a lluJalan i.e.. blood, ~· Ruaalan. · lh·exi:olldli PllYlkal c0odltion,' Whlcli .uliWimJn -sci dell prelltnslam V1Ctor bad al flil\ • l>arl of his marine floberieli ager. For JI <,l,IY• be w,; ... kepl In and-Illa uillilaf· atUtode"bir ·, out ,.11eo ht wanted .•ale!, ilOOn rillltOd -the .lo\>tiig lrllolll( whe!I the accident O<l' Nlnetoeo·year-old Vj<tor M. the Intensive,~ ward •I the been a great assel Oo)y two toQcl •. attention or IOlllahody to tender' care'~ applled In cumd. The ll!IMon fl""'1ei ~khlm suUered chemical hospital wliere ~elajl1 of 11;!o,.~ will ~11J6ly be move bis bed. ' "·. , • maulve dolts. ,, llillp home ports 11 Na~ tifJml over near]y hall ot l'ils nurses kept him u~e.r con-need~, ~-~'9 ~~.he wtl., ·.China· born Larissa v . .Kelter '"'Weihlve turned Victar into «:Vlctor'• only complli.Dt bod1 July 7 when an ammonJ~ stant· .cluilnt wllfle teams of mat~ ~· ~complelll rpv~ ·wa..1 brougbt .m to ·interpret, , 81\ 1vld1 TV ian," aakl 1Bttty aaid nuree Diane Green "hu --exploded aboard doctoro -1ppll0(! eyery .known 'flt)!· 1ull '*· d all ,bis " .ntlmce being .nleued from Miller,.~. Sask11'hewae. been that oeveral ol bis DllTtff the· soviet trawler 'Barabinslt' bum technique to heal tile facUJ.Ues." the quarantJne of the 16ten11Ye "We made ctirtaJn be watebed are married. He says thal in Ute nohhwestem Pacific. chemically ~ flesh. 'They I To~the nurses on the lfard, care.. ward,_MYeral Rulal.ao-the moorf' tandln& ol Apollo lJ. 'Mrs. Good, but M.Lu Belt~ Four day• later the h«ribly have now rilovod __ VIC\& to VJ<:tol' bu ~ the , ward speaking Honoll&lu realdmla but 11 flnl .Victor wooidni Docton 1t Queeno say It wW burned young Ruoslan Was r .. m 214,Jn.t~,LlliallbQ wing ~' aMj~t!,trlj:la 'biii,._bead , bavecometo-helpblm. , lpok at H. Then he JOou)d probably be HVerol weeu brought to Queens Hospital of Queens whi¢h wa, n4med ntll'le.-an tq,o 11 dtlCrlbps ~. said be felt glance at it out of the CO{ner' before AshWunfn. can be after a NayY helicopter had after a falllOUll prince o! the him, as· "the ~ .l_ROllecl ,pe-neither fear nor 1111:itty wbm of his t_ye; 1Jk1 tbe/next day he relea.Hd. I , ·• ~ ' . 2666 HARBOR BLVD. 546·7080 COSTA MESA WEEKDAYS .9 to 9 SATURDAY 9 to 5130 SUllDAY 10 to 5100 0 Prot•et Yeo•r lt1v•1tm1nt,, 11111 •nd.nn•wt in on11~1f TI JMt 110,. It en incl JI"'" 1ro111td with tho broem. 0 Thin w1 1111 you t n1w bf'Cl1m 111d r•1lly '"•k• mon1y. ~ CHARCOAL BRIQUOS-- 0 Hi ht•f ... c1 Illy M li9ht. 0 1111 11m1 stuff yo11 , • ., It . for j" tho 1t1r11. 0 luf tl!i1 ii • ttnl, M ~· p1y 1111 • TO U. SACK ELECTRICAL TAPE • 60 YDS. , QUID TOGGLE SW IT.CH D No t11or1 with tttl •••il'Jllflt 111 .,..., tho h111•. . O S11,., cu1i1t, now .... i..t ,.,. lt1 done 1bo11I tho mo+ti!t·I"·'•"'· , ·9 ·ETTER r GRASS .. \ .. ... ~ ,, , ·a · ow .. PVC SPRINKLER PIPE. 0 Poly.Yitiyl ch101idt fq Ioli 1lmo1t f1r1v1r. !J No 1p1cl1l tool• 111H•cl, j111t cut •ncl f111• .,..ith 1olw1nt ..... got. 0 Rod1nlt clon'l lik1 ~t I Dick do1n, wh1" it 1•111>. ----~ 1/2 INCH 3/4 INCH • c ·C . .. , UN. UN. ·1 ., n. n. · MEDITERRANEAN ·o~ AVOCADO " -PANELING 0 Horry •f tit• Pilot 11y1 th11• •r1 gr1••"111i..l1. , . . ' ~ { .. 0 lwt.h1 .i.... • .,. 11yi th1t. EJ Y·&roowd, pr1flni1h•cl"i lov1ly.., 1 288 4•1Ft. . Paoal l HOSE HANGER ' • • ·' c 0 l1k~ on 1n•m1I. • 0 H1ld1 "' to I 00 foot ef ho11. ·PANEL ADHESIVE BARCO TABLE LEGS . TURNER TANKS PATIO TA.ILi ' · 0 k. Rim• ll'fl thM1 •r• nict. 0 And th1t'1 1n 11nbi11ocl ' ., 111111!11111, of CO\lfll. O ln1id1 or 111hid1, or on th• roof • 2'' MASKING TAPE GLIDDEN SP RED HOUSI PAINT 679 GAL 0 l\ight for wootl, m1t1I, 1r 1'11cco. D You •no.,.. I'm tied R1cqu•I Witfth i1 1 ""01l'l•n. Ct11 '" i11119ino Witting 111 !hot 011 1 m•n1 I ---~~ "' - ---------...... ~ -. --.-.. ~ . ~ -· . -., -..... ' . -r • • ~y,.i.,ry,31, 1~9----...... .o.111.v tn.oT -a# (:rffiple<t ·; Cllanlp Pi~h s Back ~ . . ~ • ' . STOl\E-MANDEVILLE, En&Jand (AP) '!'..: Abebe Biklia' ol ~oPia. twice winner ;ii the, ll)alaliloD run al ,,Jjle Olr.mpic p amri, fllliabed ninth Weciii<tday fu the 1\0..,. .or.che;Y • at the. wheeichalr l)lympics. .. 1 . . . · "; Blkila.,_ who won t.be 1960 ~arathon at ·Rome-wit.bout shoes and then repeated·at jolt.yo in l!!M while shod, su11.,..i a ,9r0kefl ~k in a traffic a~ent 'aeveral .Ye4fs ago. He Js · almost completely. paralyzed. . 1:· He bas so !itUe w;e ot fingers that be :6tretchesr tbe bow with. Ith wrist and ~ds the arrow with a specially de&igned hook on his right band. Fre111 tlte Wlrn .r AP/UPI t LAS VEGAS -O. J . Simpson, 2,000 lniles from the scene of Friday night's ~ollege All-Star game in Chicago, say.'! he lis $400,000 away from tbe Buffalo Bills in f£alary negotiations. ''Fhe former USC HEil~man "rro@y wi~ Iner said Ulat the . \l-00,000 figure applied 'o 1 proposed fires-eat :doDtrltct. 0. J. ~Id Wednesday he was now willing to 11ign a one-year agreement. • ' 1 \fie said that he has asked lhe '. kiberican Football League team for $650,000 over five years and that Ralph Wilson , Bills' owner, has offered $250,000. "Now l would prefer a one-year con- tra:ct just to get it out of the way," said · Siinpson, nbting th-at the footbaH season is near. · • Jn a tune-up · for SatuTday'S game In San Diego with the NFL champion Baltimore Colts, the ~D piego Chargers w.ent through a strj~~ with the Los J\Jlgeles Rams Wednesiiay at UCI that E{lded in one score -~Jtam'19uchdown. It was a scrirhmage:~-rgo~es in which Charger rookie · qu8rttrback-Marty Domres haad a wortOut in what was descrio~by roach ,Si~ G(ilm'!l 1" ~ lhougl> · "~~!11~~~ i of 20 paises oi99 yards. The lone Ram t~p ~s ·mainly t.pe· ;work ~f ruMin"g Wcks Ellison and Mike Denrus. • The Houston AStiOs ' Made Nalional ~aaue history. ..; nie Astros-Denis Manke and Jim Wynn-made history by slmming a pair ~grand slam homers in an 11-run ninth iphing explosion in the first game of .a doubleheader against the New York Mets. .. , "Now! know what U?11re.e.llY Uke,to bt a hU!llJn being •&a.in~' said \be bearded and ci>eerf)ll Biipli. . . , ''Aecid,enta like mJoe··can bapptn 14 aJU'one -hi&> aoc1 imall. l ""'11d .. 1 um wiUI Ult he)p o( 110 mOQY Pl"'°"'f<MI can begin. lo )Ive qail>1Jusl wben you \hougbl everything bl,d ended. 1 , "Never did I rea~ that.&0 many peo; p\e conlin«i lo chain W<lf.tld be able lo take part· iu. IO'rnany sports." tn_ these game, at .. Stok.e-Mllldeville nearly 450 wheelchair athletes from 21 coonlrle1 are competing in sports such as swimming, baske\ball, bowling, track, archery and weigbtWtio.g. "M~ admiration la< U-1lhlelet II unbowKled," Blkila ' 1ald. 1"My ad· miralion, loo, for U1o!e who Ml ""lanll-. . . ' e4 lhe lllllW iJ oomt\blJIL I c.- d~ibe." .• . Fot a man who bu nctived~ world wide adulaUon1 been decorated bf his • emperor and beard , the cheeri • or thousands, Btklia 1a1:.. a plllloaophicai ouUook on lire. '' _ "I was a captain in ·the· lmfll!lial "bodyguard at the time or mY accident. The Emperor bu viltted me. r· don't know what 1'11 do from a Work P,Otnt of view wben I get back ho~, bu! rtiaybil · l'U be ablo to do a useful job In Ule army~" : A.skecf bow he wu fteling, being con- fin«i to a w1*1 Clia!r .after· bting king ol \the marathon ·nirintn, Blklla replied : *'I'm proli'eiatn1; And for that I ·must be moat &fateful-'' For),°" ~.~ Biklla, "-{let Or\ly a w~'s prac1Jct •I mll"'J', scared 129 points. 'lbe' wbmer,' Luciano GigUo of lta- · ty, bad 831. ' . "But !tom my point of view lhose poinbl don't matter." Bikila said. "'It pnwes 'I can stJll takeWrt'in spprts and t hape to co in for f1'r more as tbe years go bY:' --. • ' ... ~. ·-~ '"'. «;'.~:~-1.,~'~.:ftQ.!' '"1. ··~j ),· ,.,.;RI .; •. »' _:r1.·1~. ,»·,.· .. -~.··-i .~ ·~~. t, ,, I ._ \ . l:> ;> t ? ' I.> u•~' *' .'6;~1 :'.J.: .... ,J~.. , ' ' •. .. ·• ,j • J./' ., T • ~ .. _1, 1 , ·~ (J• .:_ ., .... ~JI'' &\I'~~.~· ,;, .t.! • ~·• .. ,.r,.,_.: .,l.IJ..l,.~t :Pi;C~ Offi~i~j~,,~ri~lirlll, ~ .. 'Sf'.---( _... I _\. ·'· •• ' ' ·~.. -·~ "-)·-~n~ -~,.,,. D~y · ~umors of ~:e~g~.~ . ''( :.0 ~ " ' '~';,_ ' , I L05 ANGELES CAPt -Jim Ganlber, from North Carolina aod aD UlllllCCelllul 1 , neoday in • reieale from New York NBA presldenl of the !._..id -"'Publican gubemalorfa! Candida!< th : lleadquuUi'I\ r " BaJketball Allocl&Uon, 11)'1 bl t'GOlklers the 1968_ e~_oeral elecU<!l! ~: . . ''No one 'bas ~been au'tboriztd by either Teports or a pltlltr With the estlblllhed -·~ repOrts-alway1 brings a Jot of , the commissioner or the NBA owners to National .. &iketban AuoclaUon "Just a eonverUUon from people )'Ith no aulhorl-bQ.l.d,'rucb~meetiqP.' of· to tiave sucb et· 19' of loose talk." But an of Dela) of the ty and from some people who want to get . ploratloris. •• ~ · [(is Angeles Stars. ABA, connrms there thelr name In the new~s." ·... Alex Hannum coach of the ABA have been preliminiry merger talks. EarUer Weda~ly, the attorney f6r"', Oakland Qab~ said he kneW.ot' no official Gardner, owner of the Carolina the Stm confirmed a report that the sancUon for anyone in the ABA tQ talk Cougars, s;1id Wednesday in a telephone ~A an<! the NBA may merg~ • t merger. "1 .wouktknow about 'lt•il such interview that any "conversation on a Attomey ~aul Caruso saJd, "I am' talk$ were taking place," he said. merger, unless lt comes from the com· di.$tur~t,.lJ&at it's oot. There have been General Mlnager Fred Sdiaus of the missioner or the NBA or the president of some teatallve dlscussiola but nothing is , NBA Los Angeles Lakers called the the ADA, is just loose i;alk." ftnned~Up.-No m~1':are .planned in ... ~ ol~''ridicuJOW!, illogical.", NBA Conuajssioner Walter Kennedy the .ilnmedlate ·~uture l!Ut we bOpe to aet1 , Mu. Willlain:*, aenbat,manal:er Or tbe sad he had no.knowledge of any merger · -~·~·soon-1'-.. , .. .(,~~ lWJu: ~rABA, sai~·tie-expects mee_tings. Cililoo Ui4 Uiree NBA o-~ Sam tlle,lwo .._ lo q,.. ill the next I~" Gardner, a former U.S. congressman SCl!ulman, ol· Seattle, Diet_ BIOch o1 q. doyr toJlpld ..,...,.... dnll next year. Phoenix one! '1iliklin t(eult o1 San Frlll' He aatd Al!4 owner1 are optif about evin ct.sco -~,to btm aod;flrlt broached ono·Whether P.,. want to merge with tht th~ pG4Si~i)i!¥ of a merger. NBA .. AD three were unavailable f(lf com-The NBA, 1n its 24th yeJ1r, has 13 meat. • Wams. Tbe ABA, created two years ago, NBA Commissioner Kerinedy 11~ Wed-bu tt' ~. 10-GAME WINNER Andy Mt11er1mlth . Messersmith Still Accepts. Chnllenges ., ' By EARL GUSTKEY, !Jf ttlt O•llY ,JIM $1•tf ' It was 'a July afternoon in 1953 1n 'san Diego. Wafming uP befor.t' a Little League game were two eight-year-olds. One offered a challenge to tbt other: "Bet yOu can't·t.hrow a curve ba11." ArvJ.y Messenmilh accepted the challenge and promptly broke oU bis ·flrst· curve ba11. He's been snapping them o(f ever since. . ,:-"~:!!~,y T!"•Y Europea~ Holfl, E(!,ge ...,_ -1n fact, there are baseball people who will tell you Messersmith has the ;best curve ln the American League. The Boston Red Sox might believe I~ 1'!1 l1he 'only run they scored off him Wednesday night was in the ninth inning oo ~a wild pitch. . . . 0.ver.:~V-~~:· ~pik,~.:.T ~ain . t• •1 .c •. \.· •,! \ ·, ~ . .. STIJTT(lART, Germany (AP) -, recalled' that be won his Olympie gold -western Hemls~ alhletes, trailing a: medal in a driving rain . European squad halfway through a two-· Bob Beamon did no better Ulan 25-5. day international track meet, were coun-The pole vault lfent to Italy's Renato •• With a four :hitter , he beat Boston, 4-1, ootclung his 10th victory or the ~'ason against se\fen defeats, • • -Messersmith's brilliant "pitching of late has propped up the staggtrmg Angels. They~ve now won IS of 28 for" July and try for ll)eir !O\lrth ~tralgbt tonight when Jim McGlothlin (S.-10) takes on Ray CUip . (14-8) at the ~_,-A.. Messer!mith ls a pitcher who has amt-wrestled his emotions 'to . the table. Once the '~ype: -who'd blqw up and go sky high when enCOl,IDiering trouble on the m9L1Pd,_l}e's noi.f~ling it .. as Lefty Phillips wil11e1J you.' . "The big dlffer~g-cii:1 .iri :<UW .U'J~ day11 is that·h,'.s learn~ tO ·~~l hit tmoUon.s. He's alw~ys had great ~tc~es ~nd a great arm. Ana lt's· l!I good- trait Jor a pilcher to get mad but he has to control it.'' The pitcher agrees. The Astra& took that game 16-3 and then co;isteil-~ .. on,l~tf~'""Jbe ... lllghtca~-bebiiid" Lli'Ty 1e :er·s---pt'fc11-~ mg.· Dierker alSJl slamrped a two-run ~mer, cappina~w 10-rtln Utird inning. • LOOKS FOR GOLD Toni Ht.witt ting on the philosophy of U.S. track star' Dioniai. , _,.,John_~ar~.for t,~!'!~ht'' .• ~in~le: _ 1 ., .--.~-1-~ ... ~ M~cbllfb..;· --~~!!1'-·ffii'aOgh -.!Ill ' ioll<I }ion,'wOi\ th~"f.Silo-mewt•eht in l '!fl;, • second day, quipped Carl05, the 10.! se: staving off a challenge by Italy's · cond wiMer of ,the 100,meter das~ Franceaco A;rese .. Wednesday and 1 runner. detennlned to· World' record holder Lee' Evans ol San "I've matured. I don 't beat myseU anymore. And a year's experience does you a world of good. Another factor is that J'm learning earlier in thi game. which pitches ar~n·t -working for me -I.hat's probably the most. im- portant area of improvemeol." Phillips says Messersmith has three different breaking pitches but the :Ma~l mystified the pitcher Wednesday rUght. "No, I've got a ct1rve; slider; change· of pace and fast ·ball." The Angel 'manager likens his act tG Sam Jones, the ex-National Leaguer. "His breaking stuff reminds me of Jones ' quite a bit I'll say this- tbere isn't a pitcher in the lea gue with better breaking stuff." • " . • - :. Hank Aaron slugged his 5.17th career bonier, takblgJbird .place on the _all-time U'st-behind Babe Ruth's 714 and Willie ~ays, who ha:; 5~. The Braves slugger passed New ·•(ork. Yankee great Mickey Mantle , who had 536. I t ... • . ~"t ''·F f'TEL AVIV -M*Tk diNancy Spit1, it-other-sister team of speed swimmers ~ californla, took four gold medeJJ: at ednesda)l!sl<lghth~"' ;i.5piU, a 19-year-0ld .Indiana University fieshman and hokier • Qf tlu'ee world ~ming titles, toOk"the t~meter but-;.·&.)' in 58.1,_ ~ay over h.is.world rriark of I • . ' Jit. ___ ncy, 15, bu·rst ahead in the Cina I :R1COnds of the 200 women's ~ to win I family's trurd 8;o1d niedal in 1:13:9. · a laat minute SUbstitutiOn, Nancy iiam the"·ffnal 100 meters of a 400-meter •aY for women, tna~ th.e fourth -medal witb .a Wim IJ:Ore or 4:%2.4, ameters ahead of her ne~est rival. • '. Lo•.Antekr..ilto)J ate:.., llQ~la-. Anny, to Hollywood and to the injury lment and coach George Allen s it may add up to losing a ch.am· hJp also. ' . ' loss to the >Army came Wednesday the National Football League rhouse learned ks No. I draft , All-American Jim Seymour of Dame. wUJ • enter . rqilltary duty Monday . our rePQrts.. to Ft. Ord for six ths active dllty Which ~II force rum iss Ule entire season. Linebacker . Halverson will join him. loss to Hollywood., preViously an- oed. involves fiiokfi Bernie Casey, quit t~ Rams-lo1 ~·~vies, our h84 been counted OD LO'belp fill y•s loss. •- d the injury loss involved veteran sive end Lamar Lundy, who must rgo surgery again ror cartila~e· . ge to a knee . He will be out six to weeks. • break the 200-meter duh record today. Jose state, foUowed up with a 1·4.9 E\.\roJ>e. led ~he ~estern, Bernispber_e 92-seconds vlc,tory in ~ 400-meter race. His , '14. at mid-po1Qt in the under-the-tights tea'mmale, T9mmj Turner, was second. He "ti F • . meet. Tbe ~uropean dn were .out lrOfl;t For the Ari")ericiln men, wbo gathered ,.. WI . acing or the A!Jlerl~S SS-49 but the victor WU. in expected first places in short and mid· rar from decided. die distance runs Wednesday, hopes were • T LA F• Id Tbe 37-25 lead '.the 'European· wolneu being pi.Med on the I.600-meter relay. Op · Ie held over the Amey"kans ~ 'them Also -Ii.zing up .as an exciting event the: • _ -. su!letantiaUy ahead with most ~.to:ctay'a' 800-meter race will feature 21-year~td . • ~ fe~.e events in traditionally ~an( Jamaican Byron Dyce a g a f.n s•t An Orange County product. Messersmith played at Anaheim's Western High School where he was 16-2 his senior year but unheralded by scou~ He enrolled at Cal and matured physically into a· 200-pounder. He signed with the Angels ~r his .junior year at Berkeley. The sU.tistics indicate he's the American League's best pitcher at tht moment. He 's 10·2 since June 3 and has has an ERA of l.56 since that time. He's struck out 85 hitters in 98 innfngs and iS fourth in the league in strik& outs wilh 127. Hopefully, he's ignited a fire under his teamrilates . I S • f strong.points. 1 Ctechoslo~la'Si' Jozef Plachy. Dyce fl n Wlm est Dlaappointing perfoni>ancea were pul lbe 1969 AA'tl·IO-~ir champfnd Placliy '"'"~~d·;.-11.1 ···'-'. ''"-''"''.-,. "'~~~~~5\:ii:.ft-r~~~ ·ffm~r·tl9re~:1op ao_:!!l~.J•r .. After 4·2 Se. t.ba«!k Corona e Mar swim star Toni Hew1lt broad jump and John Pennel who waJ ~II_" ~,!e ... af final ~jorf tuneup t;tUs thfrd·fu tbe 'pole val.llL.r.:· , ' ir~~~v: W•i.rn H•mtl,.,•••Ev•- wee,.enu vi; ore departing or Loulsvalle Biltain's Lynn bavfes -gold medalist hi "°' tovr'dlff: l, 'H«ltl!M. Wfft _G1rlft111•v. !O.o. '• and the U S outdoor <tampionships next • • M•1111, USA. .so.o, 1. Sd!\lbert, w .. 1 G•rnvnr. 50.1. '· · · .. the 1964 Tokyo Olympic,,, won an outslan-'-"' usA • ....,_ • w~k. (" . ·ding viclory In the broad 1'ump with • w°""n'• .~ •1, M.11111,., uu.,. 2:01.1. ,, 11i.1, M~•"-) l cl.. d ie f C Aom9nl9, 1.0l.G. j , Shofttr, USA, 2.06.S. 4, V1r1 Nl~- N1t--...>n; t. recent gra ua o orona leap of 26-71/4 as rain.bq:an to fall. It was-e11c, YU1101111~1 •• '""· del Mar High School ~r.:nd a 1968 Olym-11soo: 11 Llouol'f, USA, 1::11.1 .. 1.. Ar .... 1111v, J:21.1. l, vrnm .,., w .. 1 Gtnn.nv, 3;'9.J. •. N11ton. U$A, pian, 1s·1 solid choice. pick up at least J:Jt.4. One' •nld' -'-'al in ldt e•en<f'• Gil ,, E~ll'lf, USA .... ,, ,, T .... .-,, U5A. 4$.1. J. .,,.. llR:IU !WI we " com· And D I Naltet, Fr-,"'·'· 4 Wt•lltf ,DI•~· ..... peft~~ 11"•1.. Los' An1ele1 Invitational at y oes t 100: I. C•rlOI, US<\ H.2. i, Hvrd, US<\, IG.2. l, "a: WllCl'ltru, WIHI Gvn'llnv. 10.•. 4 N-OI. l'~i.1111, the sewn complex· $ladium. 10~11'1M1 .. 200: 1, Ftrr.i1, us". n.l. l' v•n 0e11 S~ f•her stiffesfd,est Friday in the &OSTOM CALIPOltflllA ~r.rce,"lJ'!~• t'J,4. ), GrffM, USA, Jl, · '· Ttllltz, Sagging · Dodgers Toss Bullet Bill at Pirates ' 100-~'bchamu t t ~ r f ~-Th~_!]·fear~ld o·•~''"' 311 1! ~ ~ '1:' AlotMr, a ': ~ ",,..1· l"',w',~• "''-:,.~,.1 _ • '., '· '1!'~~i'P7'J."~ '1.f.kit~"ll'fl: PITI:SB(}RGH (AP) -Bullet Bill sacri{ic 0 e and Ted Sizemore's single. defenChng pion OMJS a uein clocking A.nll•'""'" Jb • • • • spr.cu, lb ' • 1 : us. · • Nori nJl'i· • ~' Singe-<-"illi try. a·nd gel hi'mseif and the The· -Other Dodger run came in on a r ·-. Y111rr•mtkl, If ' , I 0 RtkMnll. If ' • 1 • $riot PVll 1, G "1;vowmtnv '1·•· 2. HOffn'\111~. 1-... of 1:05.0 record a year ago m the Olym-'"'~1111, " ' o 1 1 fir~" ' 1. 2 1 u"s'' o.r,""ny, ·· • Miii, UIA. 1s.1. '· ''''"""'--'·. Los Angeles Dod-rs back on the pennant balk. . ' · To-~ Scoff, lb •I I I J._tone. cf Ill f , o\,U., . &" B £ Bi d '!led lh l ' ' P~.y·, ,. ~-= -< ·~ ~. .,.,,..,11fl0.ic 1 •t •A 'v..fAtf' "4'·•,1t 't ~ '1i."i!!!!.!G:l~i!!.~ki'~rf~· t~ ,tf~·toni&bl after the Pirates dumped u ass a mi a spac1ousl ··• AH tm (c'n~:n wialsara"wne "s -t.--.M11RJ; r1 '· l·--.-r-.~Q1Mo0tt.w-a -1 -r• ·-.i~~· · s. · · i:osAnge1e&1:1 Wednesday. . .Forbes Field helped keep him in the 11 Y L11Ck. er 1 o o t "1i:w.. c 1 I • t wo,,,.n?: 1M hurd!tt: t, l1lz•r E111 Gttrn~nv. • game 1'n the f1'fth 1'nn1'ng when Wl!iic l 1:05. and Lynn VMia., 1:06.3. sc1w11e1c1, ,, 1 • o • M-•muti,•' t 1 ', U.J. 2. H-1rov1, ~i....,, u.,., i. k.111nJ uu, U.•. Singer, lS-1, lost his last start 3-2 in . In the 200 fly -for lwhich Miss Hewitt =:•· J. ~ : : : '·,::O~:· 'J,~-:., &Rt o.,m•n¥ a :51,,, 1. Chicago. He will be opposed by Luke Do.a•-Slat• , is American record holder -the Corona· a.Lte.' P o o o • ~~'?J. ae1t!~11A•itlii'., 1' M•rtfnt1. ~··1'0• Walker, 1-1. ~ Wff.::.• ., del Mar whit appean to be 8 cinch for o.J~, pi. • o • • J1.-.1111 : tit1'¥~T!<.FJ11ie,..,, -...1 2, s)!1-r1 VIA. -I h h , t ~ Ju1v ll Dlld<lt-.. •; Pllf\buroft J -.m. ·~'1 1'•'1 K11n1. P o o o • 1~1. J. '°"P't•1 ,,,_ ts.M. .. K r1nvmen. io 1111,.,, The Dodgers, playing wt out t e1r op -'"· 1 ~,,. • s1. Louis '' 1t.m. " , ... 1 victory· _ T°e'!!~ 30 1 4 • . T~ tot tolf ~ ~o J 2 L!.. 1um;.: 1 ~v1.,, G~t trl!•l11. u.1. 1, 1969' clutcti hitt'er, Wes Parker, who is '. '~'::: ~ =:! ~11 ~t. 'i.::. ~i~~o"•'."m. ~;\ \:=\ j None ot~her competitors has bettered c1u11m11· • • • • 111 •r 4 'fRJ.',''{J.f~: is.h, 2• Pini, Fr•l'ltl • .ls.J. '' , .. ....,,, recoverlna: from surgery, Jost Wednesday "'!"· s,Oodll•n ... PlttUiu,..., t:u,..m. c,1 1..-1; 2'1 while Ille has ' lifetime best of LOtE _-a!:i:n .. 't· c~it~i. ':"':' !: ~~1':'.!-J;· 51~:,·•0~ 'l~~f~1J; E,r,:c (lrr"::t:: s:;::..1 nil!rt'• ~lie to Steve Blass, ~ho bas run • S: .O. She Ms won t~LA 200 two years 31 -F•.-1. HJt -""""' ct1,:n -Alflt\fir.. Fr•ral. ~:n.•. '· AtoM!r~,~i:M•' ' • iofO , ...... ,. .times this season after posting Da\'.is sooked s blaJt caught by Robcr1o1 nning •••'-•th ,9 _....,. . ., ., • ., · I' H a •1t . aa M ~ -~'l'l'l•r r1111: I, Arneriu •. (< ,..,.., V•voh, Hw1d, ..........-Cl m·nl ·'-l l"" j•~~-''-"'! ru , .,. .... 16 e 119 ,...,.,~ m .:.w..1. ·S1e1:11r1 fl.J·tl , , 1 J 1 , c;.,, '' •.•: t 1 !MM. 41u1w.1111ot1. a fine IM.mark last year. e e e ag....... •!'IC: t .,........ ... .._.._ ' . I L.ff J ... 1 l I l l't I VIVI!: • D!Orlltl, lhJv, 17·1 I, N.orw)9, Efll Th I I ~ l Dod wall '!bf 200 lt"ad>eduled' Saturday. Kl1n1 1 ,., 1 1 1 1 ~-~ 11.1. '· ,....,,.., usA. 11-t. f. c1rrio.n. eon y e a e ger run -even · Heal; aie 1d the l"Nioning and finals in M.,.1•1m1m (w,10.n '. • 1 1 . • 1 1 Fir.I~¥ r111t1'9: Evr-.,1_A111tr1c1 1,, though bot~ w~ earned -1 C&rrte' irl the ''IJ'Woµld ha~e been out ill Wl1 tlher' lb al•·-~ I 00"t'hT. ,.. w, -1· L"' "'"*'""'!fl 1. Tlint -t:n. ¥~• ct1m_11ei111o11: e~ », Amtf!u "'· second on Tom Haller'11 sin-'"', a..wi:Jk, a par'-" ;Blau uid. e !.Cl.llUWI/ or •ra ces. ~f!ld«>c• -1-.111. ... Wo1Nt1-. e"'"' ''· ~1c. u. ~ But.Claude Osteen, tu. ........ 14 ~j ~ . ' ~~ ' hlls betore relieved. ill thie .-,. ...._., . · · s · .e. the park for much 0( NI .,....,... Al F • hf N d "It's as hard '5 nlllCtttl:." 1111 .,. • ti · ' .. :~ -. r:g · -1 nb'--· erve,s.:• n·ea ~:~~:·~~i:~·..:-::..=..-::.::: • • -J OJ ..,..," 'got tl1"'"l!h lbe . inlllld ood 1111 - ,.. -·,• would ¥ •bout oorm1I tor -.. " HARRISON, .N.Y. 'AP) -"i:all , ll aboul hia newly-dlsc!>vered fflmlaln ol·' -one! ilOl.J!i!o ~ '1t fl!Yalcai dtteriora-qtle, reillrned lo hia old orthodox slrolo! quits? Not tne -I'll plaY as long o these youtb. lion -lhi( · cu$1 lb0rt the career of the It Montreat , old legs and nerves ten stand 1t " Sam He had just 1hol 1 five-under-par f7 in competf\!1' t0llt4 : --"I gdt tlfed Ol hearing whispers aboul Snead drawled. '· '· the pro-am prehide to I the '250,000 "Ph~.U,," sam.utd, .. 1 feel almost how 1ilJy 1 look~'.' he said. "So l sai,~ the The familiat coooatJ,:t straw, at a jaun· Westchester Clasaic Wednetday. A few 111 strc!ing 88 I tvtl't" did. From tee to · beck with It. I went lo my old \tyJe. LOI AM•t1..•S ''"""' ... Mlrlllrt>I .,,,.. wni..u StttM~-.d •t•t Cr•wtwcl, ff S I • I P"""' • • I I I W.0.¥1s. et ' I I I <Sit,... It t I t I Gti.r111,on, rt J o o • c.t • .,iw. If a •-1 • Jy 111gie, hid the hal<llJ!g pale of the $7-dayi before, hil 'had ertHad I the oporla green, 1 hit the 'bail'u well ., 1 did In the ,tn, lhe Canadian Open, Sneiid nltased SAS CITY -~itimore pit.chef yw-old Joifulg. mon(ei. Tyk,., ..rug.., world by ,-f« !he C•nadlon Open ti30r. 11., j>ullinl Ui<ll seu me. Nerves. only !"" greens ln ltve .'°"""' and reacl,l- McNatly has ct..,d in on ooe ol lhe from An11e'1 Anny, swanned around him crown end thai loolq in a cloee pliyofl f'm lipUng 'em aU lbO Ume." ell etgbt par flvt ~ies In two. .Wllh belt.- 'H•ti.r, t • 1 ) t 111:,Di!Ylt, II ' I 1 • ~Ill, :ill 1 I I I ;~ tf .. t l I HvltOll, lb I • I 0 nr.n. ' 4 I 1 1 lean League's older p Itch lag for autographs. Mlddlie-aged me11 in the td Tommy Aaron. 1 • Ben who 'd t the putllng,~be wou~ have made~ runaway s. ' · · · gaii"7 eheel'ell their betii· . "Pultln1 Upa? Nerves? 1 lllU light 'em 1 waa l!Gpl· '" 1 of the loUmamooL · , eland's Johnny Allen wt>n 15 "Give •em the deVJI. &im" .... a.,,' let -I flghl 'em like a tiger;" he 1ald.. ~·~ers 1 couple ~-1,'.tar!, aa:o that be tert ''~ Intend lo r:-iJY as long as lhe moner ht games from the start of the 'em, Sam". . ... , ••sure, 1· feel 'em out there but I Fit my hi~. b~ ln' tvt'l'J' .tiol~. .. ~ ·-it bl1.'' SlrncPY~N.id. . in~T~ ,~-1c'bl~ ge~~Sam· ~b.and ,.,, '. ou~.)lel f,'l*•"hiP 11 ~=~ Sj!rn .. ~,:~· St!r.f~~blUy lrom HOI Sprinp, '!,.,...-. , · i ~-~ , "lilt;' a:'wfJr.r ~~~Ii' ~' '" Stieal.'~· ~~~~~r.:.'t.rhii,sufpiiu+i~~~.'i:.:'~!~ ;~~~ tf\?eisiona of UISI lliO iporta a 17-game win ; waY thtouah throngs o( admlrcri at the toumament.s in 1 caretr covm.n, more before the. ltyJe waa outlawed and then newest of rookies when he won his hrst '"""· -w--eowtU,.-Club 'aril 1Q!Od lillll '10 ~ --lbll'll'1 _.... went to u •l'kwW'll llciewinder techni· 1oumamenl in OHiand ilrit3f: ' ' lf1-,p 0000 IYW,1b •12• $11-rw,tb,Ollf'ti1""'• 'lit C.O>IHll, p t 0 • 0 ~Nl. • ' ' • t Mor., rt I 0 0 0 ll~. t I I I I To!tlt Ji J 7 I Tftlt" it 4 1• .. LOI A"ttlH llt 001 a -1 Pl!1$bul'Oll , OOf 12' 03ll-4 £ -M, 'Alov. ~ -l .. MOflli I. '-Dt -lO'I Antlltli t, PIUlbl;f~ f lt 1t -Wllll. Mtlltrl', 38 -11" ... lii 58 -,, .. -, _ Hillfell. C. 0.tttfl. If" M • •• •• 16 c.o.~ tL.U·O ).j/J,. ' J ' a &rtwor ''' t I I t 1 --l~~Wft~:. A -Znw. IM -+• ' I I I I I I . ' ....... , ... \. ...... ,_ .. , ... • "1' • ' • -.. Industrialist William Lear stays ln the public eye with bis steam car pronouncements despite the fact lhat he has not to this d1te built a single steam er1gine. l.atest word from Mr. Lear's Reno headquarters 1s contained in~ Wall Strttt Joum1l report la.st Friday. Tbe incredible Mr. Lear is now taJJcine about a future in which nine million steam en- iines a year will be built, thanks to the technology on which he bas already spent $4 million. Half of that sum was spent on an Indianapolis race car which ne\'er has run. The car is currently maklna the auto show circuit, and under its deck is a mock-up engine constnJcted of wood. It is not our Intention to disparase Mr. Lear's dream of a smog-free automotivt' future. which i! commendable. Howevei, this race car thing has gone far enough, and somebody has to set the record straight. The dramatic impact or an Indianapolis steam car on the news media, and on the public as well, was tremendous at about thic lime last year. Mr. Lear kept the speculaUon about his ei:· citing development ~live with all sorts of dramatic news. He announced be was going to build a replica of the ln· dianapoUs Motor Speedway on the Nevada desert to test the car. He told news media when he wrote to Tony Hulman, owner of the Jnd~· track, asking permission to race. When his car shook up the Indy establishment and it appeared he might not be allowed to race there, he hinted that he might run the car on his own track at the same time the race was going (ln, to see how it might have fared . . Mr. Lear touted his car builder, Ken Wallis, as the genius behind the STP turbocar (wb ich he wasn 't, if the Lear people had taken the trouble to check ). Writers and photographers were invited regularly to visit bis "secret" racing shops 1n Nevada, and pictures of the car ap- peared everywhere. · In time Mr. Lear announced he would not build the 21h·mile track near Reno after all. He later withdrew his car from .ron· siciPration for Indy. blaming the uncertainty of rules it woo Id run tinder. Scrapping of the race car project was·termed a "change in priorities." Wallls and about 30 others left the company a few weeks ago without benefit of a Lear announcement. The invenlor of U1~ car radio has done a colossal publicity job for lbe concept of steam power, but it would seem that he hai: ac- complbhed' noUilng in development of a steam e.ngine that is wortll talking about yel. Bl.It Mr. Lear has brought up some interesting points about the racing of steam cars. They need some attention now, before someone acttially builds a steam racer, even though that person very likely will not be William Lear. Lag11na11 l11volv ed Steam cars are not welcome in any major ncinc category. The.re ~either ruJea banniag them or rules to badly worde• lhlt •team power ii badly handlcappe.d. Kee Wrl1ht of Lapna Beach, a man iavolved in another steam racer t.bat ii more likely to llap- peD illaa Mr. Lear'• car, brings up Uat subjett: •1AJ1y new vehicle, ttvolutionary eltller by cbauls or en,U.e dcvelopmeat, will attract payinc customen. However. If sncll a \•chlcle 10 do minates the pttsent maclllaery tliat I.he y beetme obsolete, then the cilr owaen hive a legitimate beef. By EARL GUSTKEY Of ""' ~Hy •1i.t Sid ir you tried to count the number of high average high aobool and coll•&• baseball pl1yers wboae a v e r a g e s started skidding the moment they started swlnging against pro pitching .• you'd be coun~ing for a long Ume. It's a commonly accepted facet of the game -pro pitching is a tougher row to hoe for the prep or college h1t· tu. And so it's noteworthy when a player comes along whose average climbs in pro ball. n.. tubjt<l ~ Leppa. a tt-year-<>ld Costa Mesa HJgh graduate who signed with the Boston Red Sox last December Newport Tramples Saddleback By DAVE CEARLEY Of Ille IJ.lltr •1111 Sl•tf Newport kept its -record unblemished on the final night of the regular season or the Santa Ana basketball le:ague Wednesday night as the Tars romped over w e a k Sad- dleback, 71·27, at Santa Ana College. The victory leaves the Sailors with a 12-0 league mark. Newport clinchesf the league title Monday night. Second place Mater Oei rm- ished with a ID-2 Tecord by dumping lowlyj El . Modena 7M4. In the 'other conte!t, Santa Ana Valley topped Los Amigos, 63-48. Newport was ·never In any difficulty against the Roadrun- ners as Saddleback could anly tally four point! in lhe first quarter. Another dismal four·point scoring per.I~. by Sad.. dleback in ~~~ quart,U\ ~ turned !be d~ litto a roul. Nels TshU, \Olilli~1ght points. ln the fourth pale*!; Unished high for the night with 14, while forward Steve Sai:lou. • pitched in 13. Center Lee Haven sparked the Sailors. to complete board dominaUon by picking up JS rebound!. 1fitr pl31lng a• 1*ason with Orange Coast College. Lepp.a, an Wielder, ne\·cr hit more than .sao at Costa Mesa and never bll Nii weight at Orange Coaet, '!bicb is 180. Bui with Boston's Green· vllle1 S. C., &eam ln the clus A \Ve!:tem Carolin.a L e n g u e , Leppa has been .or.er .300 for most of the season and only receoUy dropped down to .290. "I had a good start and I was up around .350 for the first month or the season." reported Leppa by phone from Greenville recently . "For two months· I was holding steady at .30S and .310." ~ . "' Is he surprised to have hit so well in the pr05?" "No, not; really. I went OD a • • • weight training pro gr a m before to1nl.01 lnto pro ball and I'm ljluch stroiiger-iww in my arms frtd wrists. And l a:oi a ·tot' ot t ood Jilstructtoii lrl spring training -J'm just a · beU.er hitt'er now, that's all." 1 Joe Stephenson of Anaheim,. the Boston scout 'who signed 1.4l'Jlpa, got to lilting the In-. fielder when he saw him playing with , the Fountain Valley Cardinals of the Southern CalliMnia Base ball League last winter. "Mike seemed to me to be consistent in everyth.ing he did,'' Stephenson recalls. _''He handl"-9--.himself like a pro. wllb &Olld. lieldliig ac- 'Uons. '' The scout was asked why Leppa's battin& average would myste.rlouslf falten on pro pitching when he'd never before ·sho"t'n eviderwt of bat- ting prowrea,s. "You've got to reallu that pitchers dominate hlgb school ball because the kids just can't-~.handle a-bat with authority at that age -they don't have the quickness in their wrists and arms, Well. Leppa worked out w. i t h weights and corrected that." Leppa agrees thcre·s a substantial differenct' between Class A and high school pi tching but not so much between JC and Class A. "For the first. haU or the .season, I didn't see much dif· ference at all between this league and JC pitchers but ' "I sng1e1t that the governing bodies of the sport insHcate a aeparale category under tbc rules to allow prototypes macbtncs to compete 11aln1t the current machines. h the lndy 500, a steam or Wankel powertd car coul d run under this category for a atparate prize money award, based on a percent.age or the pvse, regardless whether It won or placed in the top 10. Consistenl·scoring M a t e r Dei also had an easy time handling El Modena, Second period bucket! by Ralph Chando! and Werner Raes boosted the Monarchs in- to a 16-point lead at the half. Raes added eight more tallies in the third 1Q give Mater Dei an unbeatable lead. UNIQUE CATCH -Mrs. Janine Slater, a Newport Beach fisherwoman, land· ed this 160-pound bat ray during a recent,fishing outing from Davey1s Locker. She used 80-po~d ·te&t line and was baited with bonito in search of Sea ba'ss. "A limit on tbe number of cars of Jts type that could be en· te~d in the ra~. combined witb a limit on the number of races they be allowed to compete in during the season would aulfice to prott:ct the owners' investment in current cars. Newport Beach Atagler "Tbert. ls good poulblllty l.bett will be steam powtrtd net can in tbe near future. nere is no better way to dtmoastrate their potemlal I.ban to ra« lhcm a1a1.Dst the finest piston eqines of today." Chando! finished the night with f7 points and 12 rebounds while again playing little more than half the game. Gal Lands 160-lb. Bat Ray Tra11s-Atn Series Gla111oro11s ' landed one 12· The output boosted Chando! Into the league individual scor-A Newport Beach 'woman nd bound! 1 d f who was nshing for black aea Rivaling the USAC championship trail and NASCAR Grand ing a re ng ea s or bass recently brou,..,t Up. ib-------------~-th 1 · the season. Chandos poured in &" National stock car circuit for competitiveness, e g amour racing 216 points in the 12 league stead a 160-pouf!d bat ra~ a! 1969 is being conducted in the Trans-American sedan series. aboard a Dav'ey'.s LOc.kei games, an average of 18 per u· h' ••A • Tt features facto...,·backed teams of Mustangs. Camaros, spor IS 1ng uua~. 'J game. • Firebirds. Javelins and Porsches, although the big excitement U? Mrs. Janine Slater had front is being generated by the Mustang:.camaro duel. "''"''o1tT .. ~1>,.T baited her hook1 with bOnlto .. " ' • • • This pits drivers Parnelli Jones (Mustang) and Mark Donohue ~::!e, ~ : and was armed wjth 80;·pound (Camaro) against each other in nearly equal cars. They are back-H1w~ J ' test line when the kite-shaped • ' , " ' • K h r,~11 ~ ' monster struck off Dana ed up by George Follmer, Pete Revson and Horst wee ...... nno11 , e Point. • " • • • , (Mu stang), Ed Leslie and Ronnie Bucknum (Camaro). $1>rt11<1 s J 1e1n J e She b~ught i l aboard within A report from the East has it that the Roger Penske Camaro ~~~ ; : 45 minutes, y,1hereupon lhe • • ' • • " team Donohue drives for will soon be expanded from two cars 10 Yiro.i"~ J 1 creature gave birth to four five in order to equalize the volume advantage that the four.car '01'11 t.lOOL11ac~'1ui1 pups. They were t 0 s s e d .. " • ' • ' ' " factory Ford team now enjoys. Llfostk "~ "~ overboard. The ci rcuit will move West for a race at Lagun11 Seca Aug. 24. cun•o J ' Mrs. Slater was aboard the A secQnd California race may have to be cancelled or postponed ~.7:1~,""·~ ~ : three·quarter day boat the , • ' ' ' • " ,, due to a holdup of construction at Riverside by the strike of ~~ler ~ ! Sport. operating engineers there. A third race: will be held at Sears Point r111,11 u 1 While. the bal ray catch k-., 0Utttlf1 d . t Sept. :1. ,..,_rt 11 1• 1r create some excitement a n-n 1-Jt Part of the appeal or TratJS..Apt racing is that It combines the SldcllRtctc 4 12 4 Davey"s Locker, the furore thr!ll of speed with the: strategy and endurance neceuary to suc-I L Moa1., .. 101 didn't surpass the sti r .. " ' • , ' ceed in long distance races. Trans-Ams are usually at least three sacren "~ "~ generated by the bonito · Le d hanges are fre J. L""• 1 o catches. , ' ' " hours long. requiring multiple pit stops. a c • L. John,,,,. 1 1 Ron Turner of O:tnard. in M. Jotu'llOll 11 J quenl. Norminton" ' e addition to catching the first 1 ' , • .. Factory hot dogs have only been able _ lo hog th~ first three T.T~~ 1~ ! dolphin of the year, also land- positions this year. Attrition hu been so fierce that 1nde:pendent MA.Tiil 0 11 1111 ed a 12·pound bonito. Davey's .. " ' ' drivers have been well up in the final standinp. W•lktr "~ "i employe Lee Clark landed Bob Tullius, Javelin. was fourth at Michigan. Ru.sty Jowett. k-r 1 • lhree in the 12·pound class. • ' ' ,, ' " Camaro was fourth at Bridgehampton. Bert Eve.rttt. Porsche. ~.:'"" 1! : '£d Lambeth of Santa Ana was fifth at Donnybrooke. Dick Brown, Fireblrd, was fifth at ~~,: ~ : caught a 35-poond albacore • • • ' ' ' ' ' B McMel\tmi" 1 1 aboard the Pattrcian recenUy. ryar. T -Am · HttMt1tu.1: 1 1 ...... 1 • ~ • " Another indication of the: quality of rans· racmg as en-Tlll•I• JJ , 1ue sames~ is rtport'"'l •• ~.;nment has been lhe increase: in attendance. lt's•runoing dou· s-. tJ C1cH1r11n at Art 's Landing, where ,,__., "-IO I.Cl uu l'J Modtnt 11 • 10 I bo "t t h . •• bit what it was at this tlme: last lY.:"~'~·---;::;:;::::::;;:;;;:;:;;;;"~··~·;;;;"';';;;;;;;;;;;"~";:;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'~e~ve:r:a=="~' ~·~c~a~c~esl•_,_"_'e Grunion Run Southern Califotnia grunion hunters have just four more opportunilies to go chasing after lhe little fish in 1969. The silversides arc schedul· td to ma.ke only one more four-night run on Southland beaches this ytar when it is ltaal to catch the sardine-size llsh. They're .scheduled to run on local beach• Saturd ay "throuah Tuesday In the wee hours of the momina:. Runs la1Ung about two hour• are sc:heduled for Jt:JO a.m. Saturday, I :311 a.m. Sun- day, 2: 54 1.m. Monday and 5 1.m. Tuud1y. I SMOKE RSI WOULD YOU MAKE A RA mE SNAKE A PERSONAL PET KNOWING THAT IT COULD KILL YOU? ----NOW 1-- Tff Nlliooll A•tl.Smol<"'9 C-1 $ ,..,_, ....,.. GUARANTEES I .... ., .. "'••• TO lfil, YOU STO, SMOKING j 1no 0~;::,.";:M11"1" D ~~1:1!£18f1-t6';2!f:.V~ =~·~~. ~::.';:.'.~: \Jo~· _.~,~· ,owt."I N-...................................... . "'o o" "'1'' . ,..i1\.\. ,...._ •.•••••••••••..••• , ................. . tlO MO ".._ ....................... ti.,., ......... . H•''-' ::er.• '::.\!.:Sr.~ ...... ''I" ...... ··········:··· ..... ··.··: .::;r~~ TrM ...,..... ,..... •• Vflrf n:.ra FRIE • ,NONI 6'2-4163, 675-5127 1 1:=111':·:: ... _'--.._ c.t .,. OM ... ......,,, Writ• ..... • i. ' SWIM FINS slFETY SWIM 1.Slll BEl TS .MASKS • SNORKELS BEACH FLOATS SKIM BOARDS SLEEPING BAGS BACK .'PACKS TUBE ,runs VESTS 5.95, 6.95, 95c to 95c, 1.95, 6.95 11.95 2.95 3.95 to 21.95 4:95 & 10.95 12.95 to 77.95 5.95 to 29.95 2.00 to 9.95 BASEBALL MITIS -GLOVES BALLS -B'ATS -CAPS -SHOES • BODY PROTECTION -·-scoREBOOKS ARMSTRONG & RALEIGH BIKES 3 SPEED -5 SPEED -10 SPEED • • 40.00 to 220.00 now there Is, After the plt- chon worked themselves Into better shape, they're 1nustJ} tougher." What's We like for the Orange Coast area product in the minor leagues? "I'm enjoying myself. The only thing I don,'t like about It is that the bus we use for our trips isn't air conditioned. Actually, we're prelty lucky - the cilies in our league are reasonablly close s o w e com· mute to all our games except when we go to Monroe, N.C., which is about 200 miles away. All the rest are within 100 miles." The Red Sox knew they were getting a good glove ma,n when they .signed Leppa and so when his .300 batting averages started f i It et in g across the club's executive deaks in Fenway Park in Botton, his name became more and more familiar. "The organization thinks very highly of hls future," Stephenson says. Strangely enough, Leppa says if he had il to do all over again he might not have sign· ed with Boston. "The only regret I have is that J signed wilh Boston. There·s a lot of talent in this organizaUon and several ether lhird basemen in the minors are hitting better than I am. "All in alJ, though, it's been a great e1'perience • n d something I've a I wa y s wanted." Sutu1·day Opetaer Slightly Better Deer Prospects California's early deer season opens Saturday with (}Verall prospects rated slighl· ly better than last year. the Department of Fish and Game reports. Field pe!"sonnel report a good carryover of bucks and generally good conditions, but note the -deer will be scattered because of excellent food and water conditions £ollowing the wet winter and spring. Here is the forecast of DFG field personnel for the season on a county-by-county basis : ORANGE, RIVERSIDE, SAN DIEGO Public deer hunting In Orapge, RJverside, and San Diego counties is mostly con· fined to specific areas of Cleveland National Forest en- compassing adjacent portions <lf the three counties. Hunters are strongly ad· vised to check at a U.S. Forest Service ranger or guard sta· tion regarding access roads, fire closares, and open hunting areas before going into the back country. Only the ei:lreme Western portion of Riverside C-Ounty is in the early deer season. Only that northwest portion of San Diego County north of San Luis Rey River and west of Highway 395 is included. In Orange County the area <1pen t4 hunting will be the southern half of the Trabuco District of Cleveland National Forest. LOS ANGE L ES, SAN BERNARDINO Only very limited areas of private land, none of it open to the public. arc within I.he early deer season in Los Angeles and San Bernardino Counlies. STANISLAUS, MIUICEO 'Tht d•or are1 In tl\ete cwnlln I• •r1vfltl"f ""'ned 1nd hunt!ne It rHlrldf'd 10 llndowner$. l<ld ltitlr lt!tndl or kl members of n rvtt• ctvbs. ~·· tllo>•ld bl' Wiii ICtltertd, In tood cDndlllon, wll!I ret•llvtlV aood •nflfr 1rowrn. The kill lt 1xoectllCI lo lncrtlM t lloh!IY. WtiSTlllN "rt!SNO. ktHGI Tht ''"' II orNomln1nt1v orivllt •r>el cKaed to public •teen. Th• unll· llchHI •h•mltr In ...,..,~rn Fre,.,... COIJ,... h will llf!d lt>r Ntw ldrlt Httiontl Coootrtllvt Lend Ind WOdlllt' Mtnttt• mtnl Art1· 1nd Ito. Co•ll"llt Mlr>er•I $prln11 Are1 1111T11bt., but lht kll! ll 1g1Jn expKl•d to be low. Tht ~r b.11 ln 1(1.,gs Countv I~ ••~tied 10 remtin l llblt . WESTEllH l(EllN Mile>rll\' ol !ht dffr land h 11rlv1t1lv ownHI, but tllt LO'I PadrtJ N1!1on•I i::orest Is 1v1U1b~ to 11\r oubllc hunler. The dttr llOl>Vl•tlon ;. relallwtv stab•t and 1t 1 low to medium ltwl. Detr t rt well 1c1ttered 1;1,,.., to 110Dd• teed t nd w1ter <Gf!Cllllll!l1. Fl•• l\f<nrCI 11 •~· tremelY hl11h. SANrA aAllSAllA A ..orm•I bl.lck kill " expt.ct~. to-t'l!xlm1!lno l•tl Yltr'• rtPOr~ ta•t ol t4.l. List Yt1r'1 f&W!I orodOKlion w11 onlv ltlr, Dul tlltrt was t toad l1wn crop !WO YtarJ •ta and ttie buclt Cir· t Yover lhlt ve1r 1t •bovt 11orm11. ll melorl!Y ot tt>e but~' ttken In s.. .... t• 81rtla,.. Countv tome lrom prlv11t ranchtl where 1>1rmlu lO<'I IP hunt i. '""11lrt<1 end dlfllcu!t to 1et. HOWfYer. '""" IHd .,,., Wflfr ~II· dlllont th!i v11r on 1111b!;c huntlno •rea1 In ll>t hlaMr eltvtllOl'IS cf Lo. P.tdrtt H1llOl'lal i::ort1! lhoukl m11<1 more b\ldt1 1vall1bl1 lo !he unattached n11nltr. Fl;o.iere• Motl!llaln, !he COISO!I Ct.,. ....,,, 1re1, and 1h• 50\lth 11oPe1 ol lhe S..11ta Ynez River dr1ln1oe will ~ 11t1r l or !ht public h11nltr. VENTUllA Goad r~ •nd wl!er have ic1ttr•ed 1ht Offr 1! gent,,llv h igher t lt vtHDn• th•n la!I Year wl>tn lht •&PGrtfd bucl< 1<111 w11 l.W. Best Public 1ccea arid lhe he• ... IHI Pftl1Utt will be In "" l'••ll•r Movn11Jn tnd PIM MOunltif! •rt11. Tht Pl11e Mount1ln country west OI HlghWIV 33 Wiii bl°"'" onlv Dv tpeot;lll ... rmll •v•ll•ble ti U.S. Forest Str.,lce oHlc~ er sla!lo""· A.n ~xcellP.1'>1 1co•n crop If In prOJPect Ind 11\0U!d make tor •OC!I 11untl"9 /11 th• l1Uer wrt ot tn•. '''"""· . Fish Report HEWl"QllT (.\fl ' I L•nclll\IJ-11).(. t n•ler1; l b.rttt>ld•, 13' bllnlto, I S kH, 1 Ytllowllll. f DIV I Y' I Ltckerl-21' •flll<!"; lt 1lll&to'"• T blue!ln tun1. 1n bonito. :J99 ban, t~ rellow!lll, l h1llb1.1I. NUHTIHGTON Bl!"A.(H-9 antlers; !It. b•u, 4! b<in!to. Barge, n •ntlt rtl lt1i· bDnlto, us Nn, ' t•1rratud1, J halltiu/. • SAH CLEMENTE-71.5 •ngltr11 1,1.d ti..u, 1,122 borllto, 13 b.r.,cvd1. SAN DllOO (Munlc!Pll "llr)-131. •llllert; 606 •lbta>n!, l bluelln 1unt. J •. re11ow1111. t•AL BEACH-t' 1n9ltr1: ll bl•·· racU<hl, ,5 bOl\llo, m 11nd b.ss, 2,· l'!allb!l1. 8•'1tt, 65 111alers; 9 b1rr8cud1,. 302 bonito. ID und baU. '1 mackerel. • DUNLOP FORT TENNIS RACKETS Strung DL Nylon DUNLOP FORT FRAMES Only • • • KRAMER AUTOGRAPH Frames • KRAMER FRAME Strung Nylon JUNIOR RACKETS PENNSYLVANIA XTRA DUTY Tennis Balls TENNIS DRESSES • LADIES' CONVERSE Tennis Shoes MEN'S CONVERSE Tennis Shoes JACK PURCELL Tennis Shoes SWEAT BOX • • 18.25 4.95 & 12.95 Doz. 13.95 . 19.95 ting Ing itive in ame lnlls re," ~ppa over ;ign- ·e ls Jton. this If.her nors m. Ileen In d 'y s ' t lvtl• -· '~· tion•I ·-· lner•I <111 I' .... ~•in 11l•!v """" ~n!er. •l•bl~ 1f ••• 0 OM ' ·~- '· .... ta~t l WIS liWll ; ti•· .... rivatt '"' .. ·~· ~nllft'll ' '~ ~" ~' t!ote<I 1liori• '""' ••• ••zl•t '· nt trf ~111 !,.,.lei ltO•n <• "'' 111 .... t . l-lu.t. 'D, ·~ .. ' ... .r!. T n1, 1: rs; 11(1, 1; ;1s ollbuJ • '·"' l-&31. ,,,,, 1- "" IS, 24" 1c1Jd1, ""· . ... .-----~ • • -• • • • ... .,... •.• ------------~---------------------------~----~·-------------__...-_ .......... r - DAllY ~!LOT l;J Mission Y i~jo Test Miller, .. ' ;Kiitdelon go~!t~g wH~ Arnold Palmer In Foothill Loop . Monar chs Slwot ' . ' " ~ Lu1~es ~ 200 Golfers Lead occ For Cage Title " :HIPPING TECHNIQUE • More than 200 golfers wi ll tee off Friday momlng in lhe second annual hUssion Vit>Ju Amateur, one of I.he largest an1ateur golf tournaments in Southern California . 1'he 54-hole event, which will ·he run over lhree days. has at- ' traded golfers from a9 far :nvay as Texas. according to Jeck Flee}!;, golf director at ·f\1isslo n Viejo. Last year's In a u g u r a 1 tourn ament had nearly 200 . participants for 36-holes of compelilion. This year the tourney has been expanded to , M-holes wilh an added day or play. Included in the big flcld are a number of Orange Coast area players including Ron Brady, Phil i{oseberry al\d Doo Turner from the host club. Other area entrants include Don Corwell and Clyde Sa rv er from Mcsti Verde : 0 o c Lamberl and Mark Payne. Runcho San Joaquin: Ray llarbour Irvine Coas t: Bill Selman and Dave Speaks, San· ta Anu, and Dan Barrlle •nd Jan1es P.1oss, San Clemente. Fleck said a limited number c;f spots are sti11 open in the tournament I nterested amateur golfers w I l h a verified four handicap or less arc eligible to enter the tourney and should contact Fl eck at Mission Viejo. There is a $40 entry fee which includes three days of ii:olf. an electric cart and the Sund ay evening ~wards din· ner. 1'wo tournaments. one win· ding up aQd lhe other just starting, highlight the action at Santa Ana Country Club. This Saturday Bill Liv· ingston and Rupe Henricks ...,. i l I battle it out for the Ex- clusives Cham.pion~ip. They are the ; 1inaMt's from an orlgin.a1 slarting' field of 40 goUers. The 21st annual S AC C Invitational tournament i s !'Cheduled to 'run from Aug. 5- 9, A field of 320 is entered in the event , a partner's besi ball test. How They Stand M1ERlCAN LEAG UE East Division W L Pl't. GB : Baltinlore 71 31 .696 - · Detroit 56 44 .560 14 Boston 56 46 .549 15 \Vashington 53 54 .495 201 ~ New York 4!l 55 .47 1 2.1 Cleve land 42 62~.404 30 \Vest Dlvislo · Minnesota fi3 40 . - Oakland 57 41 .582 31! Seattle 43 58 .426 \9 Kansas City 42 60 .412 201 ~ .California 40 60 .400 21 1:: Chicago 41 62 .398 22 Yl'HRt•GIV'• 11.tllltll Cllk.190 11 , Cl~"•ne! ' Btl!lmor~ •, Kat>>~' Ci!~ ~ N• .. Yo111; J. 0•~i.RG 2 Oetroll l. Mln,,,.Wl13 1 (allloml• •. BoUo" I ~1Ult ~. W•~lli"91"" l T9':11y'1 G1mt1 Ntw Yor~ CSlot11•·nwr~ IS.7) 1! O•k· , ll'ICI (Ootaoll lJ.IJ, nl~1, Wt~ln9!0tl (~Jltftbt<:k 3-51 ~l Sr· 11111 (T•lbol S.l). nl911t Ba!l!,.,gre (Pl'ooelw> 10.ll 11 ltans~• Cot¥ CBwtler s-6), "1,;hl. o,1ro;1 tl(IHl-v ·~! I I Mlnntl011 (BO•Wllll IJ.fl, li!el'll. C~lc190 !WVMt l-1} 11 (l<t~ta.l'ICI (Elllwortll 6-JI, nlolll. 9 c•lon CCUIP lU! 11 (11!torn11 (.¥c- C.lo!N!n ~10), n1gr,1 ""'-Y"• °'"'" ROI• "' o•i•nl; nlv!>!. W~hl"llon •I Calltornl11 nl!lh!. NN Yor-11 SHUit. nillh!. Cltvei.nct 1! Kln!.l1 C1!v, nl9~~ 1\.111;.....,e •I Mlnnesol~. nJllf1t Chluw II o.troll, no9n!. NATIONAL LEAGUE East Division \V L Pel. GB Chit;ago 63 ~l .606 - i\e.w York 55 43 .561 5 St Louis 55 49 .52!t 8 Pittsburgh 52 50 .510 10 Philadelphia 41 59 .410 20 f\.1onlreal 33 69 .324 29 West Division Atlanta 59 45 .567 - 1 OS Angeles 56 45 .554 I ~~ S. Francisco .._ 57 46 .553 \I).: Cinci nnati fi2 43 .547 21Ji Houston 53 49 .520 5 San Diego 34 71 .324 25 \l WtdnlSdlY'• ••Mii• Hcu~•c.n 16-1 !, Ntw Yori< .).S s~n Fr~n<••:c I. Chic.loo l A.n•fll• 6-.3. Pllilittfflpl\1.1 l-4 Pilht>ur ... 4 •• ~~00Plt• l 5• Louit S. Sin 0...., ) (•nclnn.tll S. MOftlrNI J T'41,'1 G- Hou~-tGrlllln 1·4) al NN yo111; (Sf'<> ..... , lS.!l S..n "'"'""'c~ ieoun !.fol 11 en~•"' lJtn~om IJ..'l. lo~ A"!lf'IP'< !Sinffr 1).7} "1 Ptltl· t>urg~ IWll~'' 1 I!. "'llh1 MQ.itr~•! IWaslew~I 1·JI •I (IM:lfl· natl CClontng..-1·1l Of ,...,,90 1·11, ni"1t, AH11n1" !J•Nll ... 7 111C! RfH f .J) II P~ll-_,lli, lP~I..-l·S 11'111 W1M 1·,), 1. ,....1 ... 1Gn: Frid..,; ~I At1an111 11 Hew Y-. n19111. Hovslon ~I Monlr~11. n;9ftl. Condnnall '' PhllaclelPlll•, nloM S~n Fr1ncise11 11! Poltsbu1en. nlohl. S•n Olet10 al Chl~f.gO Los ""~ at SI. l ouls, nl9hl. Ed liays of Capistran Beach aced the 177-yard 131 hole 1..,1 week with 1 four iron. Irvine Co ... t Bob Forbes and Joe Ordway teamed up to shoot 1 60 last Saturday to win a best ball of partners t.oumament at ICCC . Dick Mye rs and Ray Hanes were second with a 63. In other tournament action, Mrs. Howard Carson. Mrs. J . R. Freebrain and Mrs. EvereU Moore combined for a 63 to win a ladies' one low ball of lhreesome event. I Mr. and Mrs. Walker Smilh Sr. fired a 69 lo win a mixed odd and even tournament Sun- day. ltandall Presley fired the club's first hole in one in six months last week on the 150- yard 13th hole. lt is coinrnon practice a mong better 90lfe11 to selett a landing spot for chip ihots. This is sound technique, to ha sure. However, I aug ... gest that les.s~kil led golfers choole a •)onding oreo • rather than a •k;indin9 spo1• (as I hove don.e in the i I lus1rotioo). I feel it i:s too much to ask. of a middle or high handi ... cap golfer to expec~ him.to lcmd 9 ball Of1 a 9\.,., spot. You shCull select ~·,areo large IWIQUgf\ Jo ·glv• yw confidenc• that you can land o ball upOft 'fJ. ·You will be svrpflsed at how mcinyof your chip shell actt.ially land neor the center ofyoor·lGnding area and t"'-s finish vtf)'' close to the flagstick. Orange Coast aot 23-polnt performances from Roy MIUer and Jim Klndelon Tuesday night and defeated Bill Barry Pontiac, 85-81 , in a tight COBta Mesa Reereat=.,n Department open basketball league en- counter. In Tuesday's olher g1me , Lucky's po.sled an 84-Tl win over McDonald 's 19th. Eric Christensen scored 28 for the Barry team but OCC's board work spelled the dif· ference. Rich Hardgrove tossed in 2!i in a losing effort f o r McDonald's, Leading SCON!r for J,.ucky's was Rick Ma nctbo with 2$. Lucky's had a two-- poinl h!ad at the half while the --OCC-Barry game was dead locked 3S-S5 at intermission. O•llHGI! COAST OSI ' .. " ~ t1 .ltl•fl~ft J 1 • lt Mlne1 JD J 1 u S1kkslm•1•r J f I ' !Cine!~""' •S 77l Turl•Y S 6 7 11 Adckllon 1 D 7 1 tbla 70S 4 TDll l:I l3 U Ii IJ •tLL I AllltY !Ill .. " ,, .. MYllf 1111 Presley used a three-Iron in- to the wind for his ace, hitting the ball into the cup on one bounce. It was his rirst hole-in-'----------------------_. l,llltV Ol41 Sml1~ 44 317 Mfl)IC>ll i7 4 U one in 26 years of golfing . Cl'irl11e...-" 1l 4 l 71 Etiell 1 077 NOOfl ll l1' I Mater Del's bWetball team • gets a-shot et the tournamen1 championship of the Foothill H18h summel' bask et ba 11 league tonight when ~ h e Monarchs play Sal'IUago at .,,5, Mater Del posted an S-2 to win the league cbamplonslllp and hopes to add the post. season tournament t r o p h y tonight. The Monarchs warmed up for the ta.sk by posting a 61M9 decision over Sa.n Clemente Tuesday nighl Ralph Cha.ndo5 scored 20 to lead the Monarchs in scoring while S a n Cle mente's Sal L o m b a r d i posted 21. Foothill, with Bill Boyd sroring W, nudged Mission Viejo. 57-52. To~ ror Viejo was Steve West, who scored 15. In another Tuesday contest, Santiago slopped Tustin 70- 6J. MIS)ION VIEJO Ut! .. • ' '" Holme• • ' • " ltr&l1 • • • ' Citro ' • • " Stevt Weit ' ' • " M•l!tr'°" ' • , • WltleV • • ' • • " " ~'fKIL\. 1111 •m~ Gr1111111 ,,_ H-•" Plleld•rt r Kl•""' khull1 Tol1tf . '' t II -, ' 1 . ' . ' ' ' ' ' . ' . . > I f ' , . ,. 11 • ... .. " ' • ' ' • kort 1W Olifrftrl '! MJuloro Vltlo 1' 11 IJ '-tt " 1J II U 16-Jf ""4Tlll 011 16fl .. . " . ••""' C.Ntn6os • , 'I ,. W1lk•r ) 2 I ltl"N>f'r t 2 1 I Rt~ 5 41 1'4 Kllrl i 1 I • " • .. Ft!U 1 I t McMafllnllll , , • Totlll 2' 29 6 SAN CllMl!KTI flt} G""ldr'I Oomenkhlnl Setl-'11'1 0... Loniti.11dl MlltMll MeC.•11'1 ,.._ ..... Tot1ll ... ' . ' . . ' . ' • • ' ' ' . ' . tt • Sc:'"' ,, ......... M<lt.-' O.i *' 11 u~ C...,,._,!t it 16 ~ .. • • ' . ' " ' " ' . ' ... , ' • • » .. • 1,:!..o ', ..... Rifle Perils The shooter was unlo1ding his rifle in the bed of a pickup truck when the rifle discharg· ed killing the driver ,, lh• veh icle. Co•la /llesa Enriquez Featured In OCffi Drag Sho,¥ Tot1ll l3 U M I \ _ __;,....;, ___ __: _______________ _ Tottl1 " Norm Popkin fired a 78 to edge Jack Blackketter and Jack Towle by one stroke for low gross honors in a men's club event Saturday . R. M. Hughes had low nel wilh a 91.2.J-68, one shot ahead Until 13 mon\hJ ago, Don Injected fuel and top gas or John Pacheco, u.iu9. Tied 'Enriquez of Dana Point had dragst.ers Saturday night at for third were We& Walker never driven on a drag strip. Orange County lnternaUonal F Four months later he wa.s lhe Raceway for compeLitJon that ~~;~7(7:li:~~-Fred reden-national record bolder in ·the starta al a p.m. In women's club tin whistle irtJect.ed -fuel clau-al 7.68 A specl1J NHRA atock Skilli second.!-and 20224-mph. ellminator--'competttion will play, Rosemary on top-Two weeks qo ~riquez also be staged. ped A fiight with 1 99-~74• won the A fuel dragater por-Enriqu•"· 28, and Gene two shots ahead of Nadine Halftime scort: DCC JS, l fl'ry JS LUCKY'S ftO .. "."'' , 1 J ' s I 1 11 I S S 71 10 J "J 2S I 0 I t Jon•• GIHn~lt Rttd ........ """" KO~ l(~llV GUl!a!Mtl TOii\• MCDONllLD'S U IYt• '''"'" l'la•d9rovt Frlttllt a,11 9 roYltJ -rd1~•1 Haiti-l(Ol't; Mc0o!\eld'1 21 ' ' J " f I 7 1 I D S D »XltJ &.I 1'TM !J7) If " " •• S S 4 IS 7 4 4 I ill075 s e l 10 J I 7 I ' • 4 u '11 ,, "-n li.ocky·, C, Maze u..g..76. Hazel Webster tion of lhe United Slates Adams, 34, both work for Fuel was third with an 88-ll-7?. Professional Oragster1 Cham-lnJect1ou E:fneering. Adams 410 Hot Foot In flight B, 'Fran Lewii was =u:: record-breaking ~~sc:~~528 wh:n'c::! ~;gs~~f! Shooter and victim were the winner, breaking 100 for the first time. He stand& today as the Ana Airport was the spart.'s shooting In ~. an almond . She shot 8 97_31-66. Elise quickest 'and fast.est driver of mecca. 1 orchard. Shooter reloaded his Stipes was second with ll4-35-an unsupercharged vehicle 'ln Now, Enriquu does the 4.10 tihotgun· ~d upon closing I drag racing. driving while Ad•ins ~n-the acUon· It rdischarged 1trlk- 79 while Betty Joe 5 eva (l04-Enriquez will join 40 other central.es on building. ing victim ifl-itw foot. 29-MJ was third. _ _.'.'.'~~'....::"'_.!'."."...:~'.'.".'.'..__.'.:'.".".'_~~'.'...'.'.~~~~~~~~:'."~~"'__'.~:__~~_::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::==::=:=:=:=""- El Niguel Tom Peden, Lou Evans, Warren Kin11 ind Harris Thompson combined for a IZS score to win a Silve:r Flu Tournament. PlaJ was two best ball of founome. Three strokes back in se- cond place waa the learn of Farrell Smilh, Joe Melcer, Willard McCay and Lowell Heacock. , •.• 11 .. ' . YOUR SAFETY IS OUR BUSINESS! Sears ,.,,, lnapecl Matier Cylinder V Bonded Lining lnalalled on 4 Wheel• ,.,,, Rebnild All 4 Wheel Cylinders ,.,,, Arc Grind Brake Shoes "" Reonrf ace All 4 ,.,,, Inspect Brake Hooea ,.,,, Inspect and Adjuol Parkinfii Brakes ,.,,, Inspect Grease Sealo "" Bleed All Lines and Add F1nid 1 • t I t I ' • t t ' I ' ~ 1· • • •• ;' < ~ ' • 73Sx14 7~5-1 s 82~i.:14 szs .1 s ~UNLOP GOLD SEAL TIRES 4 PLY R·AYON TUBELESS WHITEWALL 88 520-13 650-13 520-14 SAVE $$$$$ WITH THE BEST! 19.88 25.8 8 • 77S-14 775.15 855· 14 855· 15 EY.. Tax 1.30 to 2.54 and Old Tire 22.88 27~88 CORONA del MAR TIRE & TEXACO 3601 EAST COAST HIGHWAY e Coron• def Mor e 675-2266 • Brake Drums 1 ,.,,, Repack Fron! Wheel Bearin111• WM.• l '" P~y TM l.iule FIH' A Br.le JGb ,., You Wt TOO 1.11'1'1.f.J St.n win not 'i't yo11 1 "TOG l.inlt:" Br.le:Jnb llC •n7 prire. Yl>llr dri,·l"l S.\t'lTI it loo irn· potlllll. ~•n will pri~ 3our Brali.ti Joh •• reuon•hle •~ pOll'ible .. , rnnaU.lnit with Nfetr. Se•n 8 nlr.e J•IM pc'flvid1 wh11yo"1ho1tld b1ve In ioake your brat.e. trork best and l..c lon,tt. Jr yov. w1n1 .. e10tn1" tLei,.. '"1il1ble at t:ion 1·ott. \'.,. h'"'9 Saen ... ninoe ef "'S.thftetfo1t 4:1111r1nteed Or Your Moner e, .. J;," ~n't -11! Let .se .... i~t ""' bnikn rot ..rety ... • norhm~. SAVE '2.50 Sears O.E.R: Shocks 499 INSTALLED Fit Most Can •onpi,.1 fAr-i'*'"" Rft)ltenll!'nt ,.,,, Free Adjustment for Life of Liningo ,.,,, Road Teei for Brake Reliability All 4 Wheels Cor Only All Arnt1'iUa '"'' Vullo.•w•B" t.:1r11 •o,ryJler prodocu wi1h 6 wbtel cylindt11 Md est .-11h d1K bnka 5Ji1hdr hi&lier. ltny necc:ssar,. .ddiciooal para; aod llbor ""'"llbee It $nn low, kJW ptk t! Allstate Batteries 12-Montb Guarantee Fil• Most 6-Volt Cars 6~.? ...... IS.Month Guarantee •"its ~1111y 12-Volt Can · Free Battery Im ta11atiori A.!k for Sean FREE B1tlt:ry Check Todllf ••• NO Ohli1ation ~--.. --.----------,------------------------------____ , I ...._,..._TA 1-'«IO, 'll.4JJO a_,. GI 1~111 1a. ~ l'ff s.012) l'tcO WI , ... , .sAHTA A,>l,O. _., 7.3J11 TON.\NCt S4J·1Jl1 CANDO.\,.._ !40.o.MJ «NMU: o+ $.1004, a 4-.Ut t o.vi.o.c • IO'IO ,t,,M 1.s111 fOOOOM.\ l!O 1·11 4!, NA 1-Jt•1, vu •·OJI SANTA''~ Ni.1!)11 1.;~ ft).1'17 I I °""""*Ht 6·2Sll, N( J.Jlltl )!Ot,1-HO ,....,, O•.ANOt f )7.J100 uHrA.IOOtCll lX , .. 711 V•nn l'O ~·l.UI. tM·n20 I COVINA '664!1 faMOOI Otl .. 25)1 r.w.NNA 611•l111, l Jl,411 I IOVll! CQ.t.ll IV.IA S'°'1»J ~ J'\ .. ltl I ~------------------------____________________ , \ I I I l f I .. ., l · I ' ·- ~···---· .............. , .. ..,,._ .. , .. Dlll.V I'll.OT Alaniitors Entries •.uv<1 Aiamitos Results ' ·• ' .. SIVlllCTH UCL eo ~rft. t "°"r ..., Ai-.-. """" a 1•. !"tit C.lifif' !Ht rfl IA 4.0ll J.Jll a..11' 19Clc.t fltftlltll l.ll 1.IO ~ ~lldM C""*-IWI , .. ,_..,"" .. _ t.OI J.MI l.20 llM '·'° .... Youth Grid Signups Set Slgnupo !or boJ1 who wlsh lo play In the Newpon.M ... AlJ. American Football Pf'OITlm "111 be held al f"'1' lilies Fri• day evening al f . - Boys In the 11-11 age rlll(e c:an 11ign up 1t Corona del Mar High. Newport Harbor High, Estancia tilth or TeWlnkle Park in Costa Mesa. ReglttraUon 1 .. 11 IUO. !;FRl:E! • IAker Photos .. I'!• Dra~ for Laken Priue •• ' ' I • ' ! Everyone Invited '" '" "' '" ·~ '" •OUlt'TH U.CI. »Cl ........ 1 _, e111s brtO 111 C.Hf. Clell'l\1119. l"UrR .uooo. (lelml"' Pf'ic. MOOD. L .... ,. You {149•0 Mr. (,,,_ (IC1t1ll) • .,.kl. ($1'111111) L"'-I"-(Ml!Wdll e rwt.111' (ACS.Ir) Au"'"' Lutu !It trill llldlttl •fi.cvlt iSlr-1 Ktff $1Nrl (""""9QI Slildo Pol• ('Wt4«1) "' '" "' "' '" "' ,,. "' '" Pll'Ttl tu.Cl. S.tt '1'9nfl. J .,...r olft •"6 Ill'· Al'-'ltft· Pvrw lltoe. Abe'• 8 1rtMey iH C""'"7rl 12' 51'11'1"• lttq111tl (Smllfll 117 lt-t J-IP•tlol 11' El <>ecvftlfl CW•~) 1n l"...woti .... !C.l"GOU) ,,, Trvl'I HI (.t.o.lrl !IS $"""' ltonl JL~l 117 Miwlt ,... Down (Wrlf!llJ 11t Tiw.. (1111 f1Mt9Udel Iii T_.1 ~Q ll'Mrll 11' '" '" "' '" "' "' '" "' "' "' Oippers Top Mesa Swimmers Mater Dei Defeated By Foothill Nine, 7 4 Foothill High School's enlry in the Santa Ana Recreation baseball league dished out a 7--4. defeat to Mater Del Tues· day night at Memorial Park. Mater Dei, now 5-8 in leaeue acUon, plays Santa Ana Valley tonight at 6 at 1.1emorial Park in santa Ana. Th< Monarch5 commltled seven inf\eld errors against Foothill and 1i:1 of the wt~ ne1"1 eeven runs scored on the miscues. Mater De.I pitchers allow~ seven walks. Tom Linnert drovt In two Mater Del runs in the fifth in- ning with a 1ingle with run- ners at secood and third. Ml.Tiit 011 CO 51......,,., cl HIUM rl, t• "'4'1'..-. Jb Murilr. '' • T, LIMtrt, lit, J Wirt, II J. l ltlnerl, rt -·· 11-.111 H1ultr, ,_ Tott II " . " ,... 2 2 • • l 1 • 0 • 1 2 • ' 0 1 1 s 0 , ' l 0 • • l D I 0 1 0 I O i o a e l 0 0 0 25 • • ' ~ ..... lftlll"'' Mlttr Oii 101 120 fl...-4 5 7 l"aollllll •10 IOI -1 ( O Sears South Coast Plaza present. the FREE Basketball Clinic Saturday, at 9:30 a.m. loSIAU s-tltC-tl'lao Pork! .. lot • Pro Point.... • s,.aJ Sklll s-ion • Watch Your FaTorite Laken in Ac:tion • Qaeetion11 and Answers • One 811owlnc Onl1 l Satisfaction Guaranteed rc==i or Your Money Back ~ ~..-.uca .. a Soum' CMst Plaza 3333 lrlstol St. . I I • ' ... ~ ..... _ ....... ~ .. -•.... .. . .... Sb.o '~s · Te~ StiJl r Ahead ' j "FINGER.GRIP'' BmER THAN "PALM GRIP" ~·\ '~ When you feel the teXtura of ~ Piece .of. ~k>th, you instinc-. t1vety run 1t over your finger· · tips, iS oppcs9d io yol.lr palms. ........ .aty Swinnnjng Loop I .. . \ In short. Whenever th.ere is a need for sensitiv~ in f~'9;11ng or mar)fpulatlng objects, the j fin1ers are used primarily~· Swl ng ln( tho golf club 're· quires a combin2itlon of both sensitjytty and strength in tbe hani:tf, Some shots -putts, chips, etc. -require mofesen. siti vity., full $hots with wqod anq lont iroq~ require ·more strength; especially inrthe1 'con-. trol" halid, Whk:h.. is the 'left. On the .. •h!>\01 hojd the · club more in the" pal"1 of your feft hand and in the fingers of your right. Generally, however, I think you should avoid holding the club too much in the palms· (illustratiq"'lll an clsrip more in the. flngers·(l.llusir~tion #2). FR&E WHEEL ' ALIGNMENl With Purchase of Any Two Tires !Value $9.951 -,. The Newport Shores Swim J 'Miio¥ 1Ps1. J, '"· McC••• !NS) Cl b tal Jn 15 lf_.._I • .-.. Pt•ft• (H5), 1. I(, u re ncd It& lead tM ti: SleU111tlllr (N5l. J, 11 Pe•._ iP)l South Coa.!lt Confer e rrc e .n l'/\'-Y. 'M. c11 <Nsi. z. a. PH""'" IPSl, 3. M. Ad1m• INS) receatJy with a •t70 victory u httl.•ll M. Ovtrmn111r <Ns1. 2. over Paci!lc: Sands. M, ,.., .. ., 1Ns1. P~N,(C•M 1Ps1 • 11 • Fr.. 1t1i.y-M.. Ad.ams, M, Results : l"•rt.tr, M. c111, M. OY•rmlll•r CN$J ,MIQf ~In_ '~lln· H " Grrlt "If 2S-1. 8, '°"""'"• ll. McC:1r1N11, II. JO ·MldlfV ~llttll..,._J, Ad•m•, C. Mffloy,. ti: W_.,., Cl"SI r· -kior~. A. M .. ~ .. J(. 'l\fll11 CNS) Ml ... ,,.. •tin W !O F',._l, IC . ltlct (PS), 2. I<'. 2S-O. lttJc.11, b . lt081f" L Gleu. J, C~rltklllbll'60tl .tl\IJ, a, IC, 500f1Mr Slloffnef (NSI , CNS) ' Otrll H 50 l""'t-il, M. N,.._ ~filSl, 2. I(, H 1".._..l.' 0 , lt-'1 Ctr!S), t. 5. ""'1kW !1"1), 3. 0 . lludrl• (PSl HoffmM Of\I• J. 1: Pt~ C,.11 50 l"l'l'-1. C. Sctirldtr (HS), 2. IC, 2J 1,....._.:1. J. Sflat!Mr (t.1$), t. S. Ad-ftrtS), I. "· ,.,,.,,,, cl.ISi "'"'""'"INS),&~-::---ll"SI M llKk-1. IC. Mccrr (PS!, 2. T. U ll'i'f-\, 'J. CNS), I. I. HO'll· Ad11n1 fl'tSJ, 3. I". P1r-tr (NSI 1'111~ iNStl 3. (. (ltr~~ CPS ) 100 j,..._I. (. k!W'toer CHU, ·t C. IS e.ck-1, D, 1tll99i';'"rftti' 1. 8, l"t.!lltr (,.)J, 1. I(, Chrlth:iP'-IOll IPSl Ptlrl4tl {l"SJ, I. S. &ml~ CNS) .«! l"rH A~1-C. •Flllltr, IC. ~Uov, ••n W ··It, ~ IC, Qvij._,.,.,toft 4P51 ts Fr-1. s. oi.u OISl. t. •· . "" ..,., """*'°" {PS). l. PHI" (Nil M ~ID' ••i.,r-c. Wltlle, $, 25 ...... ,_.. 0 . w°"""" (l"I), 1. P. ~. I(, '~"""' M. ,y,ccori IPSJ Rice tNSJ, l. 8 1 Mlllo'r (1"$1' • $0 Frn-1, C. au111re /t.'S). 2. S. l$ Fl'f-1. It, Mc;c;:1rt11w (l"S}, 2. I. Ad~mt IN.SI, 1. M. liloc(Or! IPSJ Gllu tNS), 3. 0. 1119idl (Mil 511 l rN •l-1, JI. Ptrolt INSJ, 2. 8, 2S l•d:-1. D. Woodlll• IP',S). i If., ...... II l NJ• I(, er-.. (PS) McC:ft1nty Cl"$), l. 0 . ltefdl I.HSI ' )I ~-1-JI, "•rok fNIJ, f, w. •-Oltll ,.. . · KftNrlflt INS), l. 5. eDwmaft CPSI 2! Mflfrev lt•llv-••own. loW1T111to · lit 11.0.-1 .... M. Do11u1 1NSt. 2. w. B""'rlt, 11"11 K1-ri!'k rNS), l . C. Wl'olfe IPSl 25 l'rn-1, W. Dl'Y'llurie lN~J, 2. S. 100 l~l. M. Oor1111 !N$1. 2. W. Glblon !PS).-1. M. ltei.t tNll k.1-r•k (NS), l,M. Mt;Cort(PSI 2t 8r~ .. l-1. M. l..drll (l"S ), 2. J. 50 ll'ret Jttllo'l'--C. 9uftr1, R. P1nlle, llroxori tNS), l, 8. Ht11Jo (NS) M. Oorl~1, S. Mims INS) 25 Flv-1. flt, 11.Jdrlt !P~l, t. F. •lril 11·11 Bordl11 (NSJ, l . E. Mf-911 tNll XI Medle'I' .lt•IU'-,.J. ~wt!I. L. :u Flw-1, M, ·~cl•!I ll"SJ •. t. P, 1C.ilnk1, 4. 0.SM1. tc. Oorlllt INS'l 1Jordle1 (NSJ, ii. !. Mlktn 1/ilSJ JO F ... -1. 1.. 1(1Ut1k.1 INS!, 1. A. 25 ll•C--1. S. G!l!toft !PSJ, 2. W. 0 'SIJl!I (NS ), 3., M. Akt ,(PS) H-• /PSI, 3. I . H••l'I' i1'S) 50 aruiT-1 ..... O'~·· (NS), 2. J. 2$ Free Atl11-W. ~. ~ GJbsotl, .._II CNS), S. s; Wty tPSl M. 81111r1t. L 8owmtt1 (l"S) • • l"IY .... I. K. Dorita tNSJ, 2. 8. 80¥1 1.. G1tl11 (PSJ,·e. H. Elllotl (NSJ 2$ MedleV ltell'l'-M. OVwmHltr, M. .$0 lac:k-1. IC, Dorl~ INS), 2. M. P•rker, M. C11J, M. Ad1m1 (NII f!occl1!t! INS), 3. C. FvHtr (PS) 2!. Fr-t. M. OVtrmllllr, (N5), J:. •"1t• ~I. L 1CtMnll1 (JIS), t . S. ... . While_ they last, just sii:t 7 .00-1 3 blackwells, 2-ply o4 ply Rtd. Plus trade-in and $1.Sb Fed. Ex. Tax. BFG Long Miler * New tires at retread prices! * 4-ply nylon cord construction In sizes listed * Popular sizes Sil! WI Y Cl'SJ , :l. J, Wowt11 (NS) iC1 1:,~1 1t111~-A. O'Sl'le,, IC. Oor!u1, IC. lr11111, L. K1Ullk1 (HSI ..\'11 TI•ll .. Mldlw lhl11¥-1. '-'"''· J, Huit..,.,, S. Rfld, I . V'oorl'llt (NII 50 Fr-I. S. it.Id (NS), 2. J. IYron CPS), J. P. 0 '$11e• (/'4SJ JG l rtttl-1. J. HticllM INS!, 1, t . Sparlu ~NSI, 1 M. Hlk•m l"I) 50 Flr-1. $. lt•I~ (Ni), t. A Wilker 'PSI, l-I . Voarl!ll IN51 lO 81Ci.-L 11! VCM!fl'.11 IH51, !. a. ._,,IU fNt), ), . M-r ll"S) 'lL'I h~I. " Wtll!,11' fPS), I. J, Hll!lloll fNSJ, J. 0. OW'r'e (HSI 50 FrM lltllY-5. lteld. 8. \l_.h\1, I', O'Sh4'1, J. Hvci.on (NII ~111•1~ 50 MfdlPY ltelliv-l. 0 Ooth11. l. IC11Nrtll, I . 51\tlft. \I, (Ill (HSI 100 FrH -1. L IC•w>IAtk INS), J, (111 fPS), J. 9, $Mlft INS) 100 e,....u-1. L. Oortus IHSl. t , v. Call CNS), J, S, MtC--11"1 50 Fly-,l, L. K11Mrtl< INS), f. I . $h11" (NS), !. S. Met'" IPSt SO l!ladl-1. M. Ceq, (PS), 2. \/, C1ll !NSJ, J L !hill> rt.IS) 100 lflclo-1. l. Durl~ tNSJ, t. M, c1.,. lfllS), J. e. Fwlltr '"'' 50 Fffle Rtltv--1. $1'111~. L, 'lthHrt'I!. l . Oorh.i ... \/. C1U (NSI ...... lJ.14 so Mld'-Y Jlt it-"'-l'r1ln , G . ICtil!'I, It. Giie, O. Mlld1e1t CNSl 1()11 Fret-\. JI. G" IN51. J, l1ron CPS), J 'G. Kelth !NS) UO 8r111!-l. (i, Mllchell CN41, l. G. lluclrli !PS), J, G. ICtllh 11151 50 Flf-1. M,..,rtlt9 !NS!, 2. J. Cun- nlrl!lhtm IPSl. J. I . Herbin !NSI 50 hok-1. R, GH IN$), L M. Prtlg; INS)", 3. ~-l'l'ron 'PSI 100 11\d-I. G. ll>drlt (PS), t. Q. Mltth•ll !NS), J.M. Pr1l~g. t"I 50 ll11t'1' 1'1..-G. Mlld>tl G. Keith, M. Pr1lg9, B. GM <NS) ·O ~ I I I I • I I 7.75-14 7.75-15 ••• T .. s14s5 HURRYI SUPPLY $16 85 LIMITEDI $2.20 • 2.21 GUARANTtL .._, _ ._,......_ -.., .,. .. ......, ._.fl --"' ...... ti ............ --"··--·~-.. -.. _ 8.25-14 2.36 8.25-15 2.46 . BRAKE RELINE 40,000 MILE GUARANTEE ;FOR llOST CARS • EXPERT WORKMANSHIP • QUAlln REPLACEMENT .PARTS • SPECIAL LOW PRl~CE~S~ COSTA MESA JONES TIRE SERVIC-E 2049 HARBOR BLVD. !At Boyl PHONE 540.4343 o r. 646-4421 DAILY 8 am· 6 pm • \ ........... _ ._ ........ ..... __ .,. ... i-r.i.o11 ...... _ .... _ ... _......,-. -_.,..., ............ -. .......... --........... ___ . -·----..... --·-_,. " __ loill_ ... .,._ ___ _..,..,._.,, •-w111o..ti1Ml...._._ ...... _._ .. -"·-·-----" ... __ _ .......,. .......... ___ ... ·5· TIRE ROTATION """ E11dt A119. IS c • •• J, ••• It Iker '· a. '· J. •· L S), 1. t . II . • •• '. C•ll t. M. '· ,, G. '· c.. • Cun- • M. 1. G. K1ltt1, 0 I I • I I I ! ....-,-,,-·-· -. -. -----............. -......--·---·....,.--------·~~--------.----------·-----------· ·-··-----.' -- " ai-(Q (I))*" ...... 1;30 CJm( ft I rMI (C) (.,, m..,.. ............ .. (Cl (IO) UCl)kzl4al Uas tt> (30) m n. 1 nut ce> (30) "'Sd-_. Ab11911L• ~ .... ... ttl• llJlpl ........... - D-ACIOlT ... - 19-.i.. (Ill) f t:, ,:.:~ ,:•_.z Ju •• :I c ...... 4'> CID) ~llillntll9 ~..., W.1,lf..CJ>rlt.!'=.! c awm,._ ft> (30) ::=.: ":.. -:'.:' ~ •kMM ...... ..-..sll .................... '°' ""WIMI O'a:fm • "' '-· .. : ,,. .... - -(Q (10) : -""""• • ·-It> (llJ) • • ' • I ' • . a-. "' IW IQ (30) W•• D - -tcl (llJ) 811111W ....._ ~ ...... tQ tm) -SMrN1 e ,_., A 00> MM LtM1r1 ""1111 ,._ ..... ••" 11r --t!oolllr;---... --....___ ..--llJUL_ -C-! --- ' • Gil(l).,jj,.,..ttltlO) ~'l,.-A4111l..,.,.. m -.. -CIOl ..... J.tlol -rl C'oln!M9 F1u1t:a.• _... _. Mtilll trith FrWridl lbd aii-=tl111 faultl found an. • *""' °' hb lludenb.. Qt(IJ-... (111) IJli , ........... fQ (30) ai - -(Q (llJ) f. fl I 0 t.. Y flll-.. -40) (!.., "l'iM Seldlln 'flnllDlll Ml r.tl- n L'" (R) cm ........ II limn (C) (30) m-·•-!<I (30) ······-(<) ·--D_ .............. ( .... ma} 'U -,,.._ A*lr. lM """"'-. • .-.-tcl "'Ii• ... .............. --Wont llllfhlts .,. fl lly Qltlel ............. 111--.... -"""' <*-•> '31-"1 '"""' """""' -tilt> Ill (I). CIJ-(<) Uo!O ....... m---•"" !la• e JOB PRINTING e PlJBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quelity Printing end O.ptnd1bl• Strvic• for more th•n • quirt., of • c•n,ury • PILO i PRINT 1t·J'~ h', WftT llALIOA ILYI .. wntPon RACH -641 ... 111 __ ly Cliarles M. ~lil!ls ....... --..... .-r-----,..., ...,.----.-...--.;., . . I Oot(UI! I ~ llERlllE \Ol."8Sii1'> llClll\OO'GIH ~• .-...~ ...._ _ __,~e. 6ET _...,., llE 50 CA!.M, SlOOf'tl~ • JUDGE PARKER TUMBLEWEEDS \lollASllA l'M WAniN'FEl\SAAKE- ro1N: EYE 1'8RINGME'TllE DEPUTY? · llUU.E1S FER MY GUN I CAN ARREST HIM! MUn AND JEFF GORDO 7-3/ OH, Wl\.0.T PO YOU SUGGEST WEDO? . ' . By John Miles By Harold Le Doux M'f FRIEi«> IS LEAVING, PA'1!E!-R1611rNOW/-IE • HAS'll> 6fT iv.cl( --GM OOR soss A auu.en1< -a.r MY'H'!ALTH! r RIQH't~? By Tom K. Ryan '1 ,, !I By Al Smith By Gus Arriola •Y Mel HIU4Ml.!SfUMMlS- C0«5 MY~ ICAlfl A fiUU110f>I IN YOUR .WN"f I , TRICKERY -Pat McGOoban, aboft, Is s~ In I The Priaooer, tonight on Channel Z at 8 p.m. He 11 I tricked into uncovering a fiendish l'1DI m which be , manages to nve the Intended victiin. I TELEVISION VIEWS Show Needs To Change By JERRY BUCK HOLLYWOOD (AP) -There comes a time in, the life of nearly every television show when it has to make .c;:hanges or run the risk of running out of ideas. Such a time has come for "My Three Soos.'' b~ginning its 10th season on CBS. "GVNSMOKE can go on forever, but we'can't,'' said Fred.MacMurray, the:relaxed....siaJ>LIM. -' show. "The -kids grow up and grow in and out of problmns. But it seems lbat almost anything you can do bas ·been done,'' So what's new is that MacMurray as Steve Douglas is taking a bride in the fall. She will be played by Beverly Garland. HI hope this ls the right move," MacMurrey said . "After 10 years you've got to make some changes. We've run out of things to do with the five men." CHANGE ts no stranger to t 1My Three Sou.'' Over the years the sons have changed, and when William Frawley died, William Demarest moved in, A few years ago, the family moved from the Midwest to California, where the oldest son,· Rob, found a girl and got married. Steve's m·arriage, like the birth of Rob's tri~ lets last year, is timed to come early to build up the audience ratings. MacMurray will meet. woo and marry Miss G·arland in the first eight show1. "You might say we're getting married in self defense, because ~ many shows now have widow· ers with children," MacMurray laughed. There will be 12 shows in the coming season with widows or widowerS with children, M•cMURRAY'S Jong movie career, stretch .. Ing back to 1934, hJs made him one of the richest men in Hcillywood. His wacky comedies for Walt Disney were among the most reliable moneymat: .. ers in the industry. He was lured Into television in 1960 only by an arrangement that allows him to shoot · all of his scenes for the whole season at once. Then the caat completes the shows while MacMurray spends the rest of the yea r tending to his ranch and other en· terprises, relaxing and pl-aying golf. "We 'shoot eight pages a day," he said. ''Ir-. member in the movies we used to do twd pages a day. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. Boy, what a vacation." _,. . PEOPLE WITH sharp eyes might notice, too, will notic~ tha~ MacMurray's pipe will be missing, fi:e and his wile, June Haver, gave up cigarettes eight years ago and he took up a pipe, Now, be'• given that up, too. "J think J used to have the pipe in every scene," he said. • 41 Jt's a wonde.rful prop. You're always wonder- ing what to do with your hands. I did a scene tile other day with my bands just hanging at my lide.11 Dennis the lffenaee --------------...... GFll lf:lb'JI j , I --· ------------------------------------------------------------------' ·1 I I • " I I I DAILY PILOT Thi.irsclif, July 31, l %1'J Apollo Puts, Mankind in-~e~-Era ,, .. ~ .. "1 P.AUL K. HARRAL SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) -Untold agea ago, a ~ crawled from the sea _.. dry land for tho first ·llmj!. In July 1919 A.D. in the -of l'Qdet pioneer Dr. '4rimbet Von Braun, j t 5, ~ took a similar -. What the fut u re Cl(_ spaceflJght h o I d s , only dreamers can tell. Wben President John F. KennCdy committed tile United States to landing a man on the .mOOd before 1970, only Alan B. Shepard Jr. had CloMt tnto space for America and I.hat , WEDNESDAY AUGUSt 15 ..:; AUGUST'lO 6 BIG 'DAY'S • NAHEIM '~ONVENTI9N CENJER ~.900 w .. t K1iella Avenue, An1h4ilm S((I SU! Ill! Tiit l!lffl t >elt!>ll. t1!11erhtf of lftt.•Mllonall)' l ttltlmtcl <::lralt ,...,..,,,.., • 1111 !It''" ft •IO<Y of t/lt 1rutnt ~'41" niv.t Wltl -' A Ctlllf*'l1 Ol 500 '"ton11111 llld Alll!llfh. . ; • ALL SU.TS RfSEIYED SJ.00.SJ.OO-s.i.00.$5.0D .1¥111 °" ... -..... 12 MON. • TUES. • WEP. l'li•FO•MANCES Fri. .. . . ...•. l!M f'.M. S1/. lt:»A.M... l ;lll,& l:•Jt/rrl.-.. Sw~·. ....... . .,,.,. & 6:)11 P.M. MOii. ltlru WK. l:U I f :M ,..M, AUO A"PEA•INC -L°"f lN<h At--AU9U•I 11 !hrv 14 ~!i~ ::::::::::: ... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. ::· J:4S & !',: :~·. Than ........................................... , t:U & 1:111 f'.M. TICIC:ETS HOW ON SAL.E : SOUTHERN CALI!". MUSIC, 6J7 So. HUI Sf., -ALL MllTUAL AGENCICS IPllGM MJll 1·1141 IOf" the AlllK1 llffrttl you) -ALL WALLICHS MUilC CITY STORES -IUI"• f'UMS' ..,.. HINSHAW STORES -ANAHEIM CONVENTION Cll!"N•• ta~., ... Wiii IC1l1H1. . . . . '· MMt.i o•e>Et:S: I!. rte Jo" i.tlf.1o.drftHd, ,,.'"""*""°"':w"" ,_. ,.dttdt or ll*ltf order '""' lfll!I M R-.li.t .. .,.. pran. ~m ~ Cat!l••· .. """' «•!IHI ··-Aflillellflt a.or .... Mlllol dlKb ,.r ..... ff •lrlotliftt ,,..._ ,,...., &-lafft11 C/rCltll. • -! ' .... flight lasled only' 15 minutes %2 seconds. The mark er APollo 11 un h1stor)' is that of the datlning of a new .age, says National Aeronautic.<J and S p a (: e Administration (.NASA) heard Dr. Thomas O. Paine. The age of expamion? The age of exploration? "This ls strictly ~a personal opinion on my part, but it seems clear to me that what we have demonstrated Js a very crude and preliminary form of travel betWeen the earth and other bodies," Ptdne said Within an hour of Eagle·s landing in the arid Lunar Sea of Tranquility. Z FACTORS "As we look at the tilings that we h11ve qn the drawing boards, as we look et t h e dreams of the enginee~rs for the futuf!l, it seems very clear to me that there are tWo basic factors that have to be an swered : "First is whether or nol we can attain the kind cf cosls and the kind of reliabilty in space flight that we now have in air travel. And I'm quite (.'()nvinced that we can. "The second question is, if we can indeed travel in a practical way to the moon and eventually beyond, will m~n indeed wish to do so -will they wish to found small-lint· researeh stations and perhaps eventually permanent col· onles?" Paine answered his own quesUoo: "And It seems to me that the history of mankiod Is that they certainly wiil ... 1 think we have entered '• new era.'' President Nixon l)aa · un- derscored Paine's statement. •·Jn lhe year 2000 we on thb earth will have visited new worlds where there will be a lonn or life,.. he sild last week after the APollo ll lunar landing. "It is not an adventure of conquest but an adventure of exp~ration which teDds t.o unite us all~" Nlxon said. He said he did not know what the next planet to see man's foot- prints would be -Mars, Vei:ius or some other planet. ROCKET GENIUS It was Von Braun, the German rocket genius wbpse Saturn 5 rocket ma~ the moonflight possible, wbo i!rew a picture of the future: some a1m ·evfn 1ater. "(It) seems quite clUr thot the planeta of the .totar sptem are weU 'wilhln oor lblli9' t~ explore bolh ritanhed and un:. manned at ,Die present Ume, '' Dr. George Mueller, uaoclate administrator ·tor m 'n n e d spacelll&llt, 111d just after the moon. J&llding. ' One intettlllnc Idea f.ot. un· manned eiploratlon u n de r conslderstloo b the "grand tour" 'of 'the pfaeis. ~ NASA's Jet Prop u I 1 lo n Liborat&y is developing plans for two three-planet tours i.o the late 1970s. The tours would use the gravity or planets such as Jupiter to acceltrate the spacecraft and hurl it fu~r into space much as billiard balls boui:ice around a table. Jamis E. Long of JPL's ad· vanoed studies office outlined the. plans in a recent magaz.i.oe artlce. "The other day when the BEST TIME question was with w h a t Long said the alignment of historical event I would conl· the outer planets occurring in pare this, I gave the answer of the 1976 to 1980 time period is the event of aquatic life crawl· the best in l'lt years for a ing on land. sweeping mission v i s i t i n g "I think historians will several of them . really measure thb u im· The craft would pick up port.ant as that," Voo Braun speed each time it sailed near said. • · a planet, came unde.r its "I think the ability for man gravitational influence and to walk and actually live on then whip past -a g~ sav· other worlds has virtually ing in fuel. assured mankind immortality. '11le unmanned tour craft We can from now on -move to would weigh aboul t , 2 O O wheN: we want to go, either to pounds and could visit Saturn, ~ther worlds that support our Uran~. Neptune and Pluto as life or where we can modify well as Jupiter, Long said. 1'he BOAT 'B -UF' FS the environment in such a way missions could take as Jong as thal we can find other places eight to 10 years. Almon Lock1b:.v 1. ih• only comfortable and I l v ea b I e But even al that, Long says, full -f;,,,,. bo1fi119 .ditor workl119 also.'" utilization of the whiplash ef-~ ~ • on any now1p1por in Orong• 1be questions are how and feet of plane'""" cn-aviftr fields 1'_;..ftto p•l..nt Delffxe County, Hi1 1-.clu1iv• COV•ri91 when. -'T n• ••r .,...... .... of bo1tin9 ''"' '(•chfl11t ,.,.,.., Some put a late i-~ ••d to accelerate tpacectaft would ;, , d1ilv fo1tur• offM DAILY arlyl980idatieonan;'_:n;s be relatively ~y. Under Jeff (left) and Keith Perkins help grandfather Norman Frahm, 412 Fernleaf . _ _ _ ! PILOT. ., • ,., this system. .__ 'spacecra.tt Ave., COrona-del-Mar. ·pick-tomatoes fr-om .. ftis giant. tomato plant...EighL.weeL. -;:'~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;~;::::::::::::::•t~l«n~P;"':· :•:t ·:·tbe~~l>l:aneta~:.,:and'.'.::I might reach Pluto in seven to old, single tomato plant in backyard of Fralim home reached, e i g h t feet in eight years I! opposed to the height and already bas produced about 50 tomatoes. , ' .. • • ~1 year& that a 2,fl'O million--''"------'---'--------------------YO, . U.' · A_·R E ., -mile clirect nlgllt might ~e. ~· He said a grand tour craft ·ON· -MINU' TES wouldbavetobecapableol .. T replacing failed equipment · ·· ~ :.. " because it would take hours PAC I Fl C'S ) for telemetry signals to reach · ' ' earth and return a corrective HARBOR Bl ''0 .... 1 E IN (.'()mmand to the spacecraft. . LV • UIJI . • ~~==~~~!~;rs.Ji~ assembled In earth orbit; vides -as it should -at first will not consist of one man. spaceships assembled in earth a number of u n m a n n e d like i~ does in Apollo, but orbit from parts of already ex· flights," he said . maybe of five," hi!: said. istjng s p a c e c r a f t s ; and From these -two of which A nuclear engine such as development of nu c I ear reach Mars this week and this would require "is new in powered spacecraft or early next-the space agency active development," he said. spacecraft accelerated by will have to decide ' whether "It is probably the only part o1 solar·pcwered ion engines, Mars is worth manned explor· the whole thing that is and has generating electrically-charg· ation, Von Braun said. been under development · for ed atomic particles which are "I think we will find it in· some time." cast off, producing thrust. teresting enough to be visited A descent to the surface THE ONLY ORANGE COUNTY SHOWING! of the origin and evolution of 'the solar system as well as knowledge of interesting "new worlds,' " Long said. Von Braun thinks a convoy by man ," he said. probably would follow the of space ships carrying doc· A round trip flight to Mars Apollo patbern of a motbership tors, cooks and explorers would take more than a year. and a separate lander. could Jaod a man on Mars as lt would have to be planned on Dr. Robert Gilruth. director SANTA ANA ..-----.i .---. .... ~ ii ._ _____ _. .. ._ ____ _ AVENUE • ' IFIC THEATRES • AN EQUAL • ' f., But it is manned spaceflight that attracts the most inlerest and designer! at the space agency and at various aerospace companies a r e )\!!_kin&,pn idea• Jor this. ,.f,!>DCepla Include /")Cleta for elrth la._uocb With tbrultl .up to $0,.. m1 JIJon p'oun'd s; prefabricated s p a c e sh i p s early as 1982. a scale grander than Apollo. of the manned spacecraft And he says such an un· "You would probably want ce nter, said during Apollo 11 dertaking would be less costly to send along, fer instance. a the events of the mission than many belleve and would doctor and a cook," Von "have shown that the concept use atomic powered rockets Braun said, "An~ it would be o( lunar orbit rendezvous are assembled in space. the crew that remains in orbit .. sound. "We have worked out a around Mars and does not des· "This is the way to go to rather detailed plan on how to _c_e_n_t_t_o_lh_e_M_a_rt_ia_n_surf_a_c_e __ M_an __ w_h_e_n_th_e_tt_·m_e_co_m~"~·-" explore Mars. This plan pro-1· .PACIFIC-~[§!~li:ij;~ H•n•v Fo"d' -C1 1"4ie C1rd:n1l1 "ONCE UPON. A TIME IN THE WEST" Plu1 John W•yno -Rob1rt Mitchum "EL DORADO" ltc..,,_M l"tr A•ultl J•panese Movies Every Tuesday Night • ...................................... j I SPECIAL NOTICE TO DUR PATRONS • !Tiie plcruru In this bGir m11.,-OI c_ldt...., oy Mme to be \N'liult•bl•I l!>r Clllldren Ind young ptiapi. -1nct rtC1uil'9 ptr"11a1 dlKrtUon.e "LAST IUMM•k" (t:I "lll:VN ANG•L IUNu l•I • "111 lltll'L&S" flltl "TH• CMAlllMAN" 4MJ e "A,lll:IL ,-ooLS" (M) e r1ry to ld'\lerll•lng Ol,.ond our COlllrCll Ind IPPl!t•l"O t l$e-•1• vouno peopl• und1r 11 fnol It) wlll not be 1dml1t9d to P1e111c• '-to -ttlt "lit'' plcturlll tltltd In l~h bo• unlta1 1cc-,..e 11¥ Plfl•nl or edU!I •~nlltn, f .... ~······· .. ·················••'1 • ~ANTASTIC MUSICAL ' • Dick V•n °""' -s.11,, Ann Howe• "CHITTY CHITTY BANG BANG'' · Plu1 • ' • "SUBMARINE X ·I" ............. ~ .......... . AN ADULT. Mov11 AIOUT TOIM.Y'l Tl!l!NAOllll "LAST SUMMER" 'lu1 "100 RIFLES" NI .,., ...... 11 Wiii M ..i1111lttM •nlls1 ~ ,..,,,.,, .... llir """' .,-.. ,... ... ...................................... J 1c• Lo"'"'"" -'"•r l•wfotd "THli 'APRIL FOOLS" plut Audtoy H1pbwrt1 -ll:ich•rd Cr1nn1 "WAIT UNTIL DARK" llt-cNnlfttl'MIM J'H Atlutll- ............. ~···········~· &r,9ory. Peck -.. An~ lo-i•vw•od "TH.E CHAIRMAN" · plut C:hetloton H~do11 -Roddy fllcO• ..... •ll "PLANET OF THE APES" J•tlt l11n"'o" -$175 W•ll•• M•tth" "THE ODD COUPLE" '!!."t.IL._ ! Pll plut --CP--J ,,. • o•• J•n• fo~d· '' ' "BARBARELLA" ------ Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1 Head t Gverings 5 'flrit o evil 10 Fre sh·water fish 14 In a !in e 15 Unevenly shaped 16 Resembl in g wings 17Alone: Comb. form 18 Nlajarl-- 19 Pro 11beranct ZO Comic· strip majGt Z2 ~SSi9f1mtnl 24 1nterjeclion 'of disgust 25 Stands In awe of 27 New B1uns · -wit k city 2'1 Plact for a spoiling evl!'nt 32 Conhtncli.on 33 Fis~ e1111s 34 Procrastina!t Jb Lofty sb11clure 40 Jndo1ently 42 Englfsh resort ci ty 44 Help the dishwa shtr 45 Operate ! biCfCle 47 dent1rled 49 Gtneral it Bull Run 50 Kind of s leep 52 Mede slowr1 54 Worktng dogs 58 Wearing less clolhts 59 Pa cific Coast loot· ball power: Abbr. bO Rebuke an gri ly 62 College sport liS Kind of soil f.7 Navigational '(stem &9 P act for a sporlln11 event 70 American writer 71 Make hlghly pleased n City near the Donner Pass 73 Trl!on 74 Old hat 75 Kind of poker DOWN l Ready money 2 Indeed: Irish J Place for ~ sp.ortlng l!'ven t: 2 words 4 Pilrered 5 P11t off to a luture time 6"0fvis'lon of gealoqlca l time 7 Electrica l un it I Body of ll11s lm btlieVl!l"S ' I Yesterday's P11rz le Solved: 7131169 9 Session or 38 WeapGn instruction 39 Plant of 10 Has the the grass necessary fami ly skill 41 Americ an: 11 High up Informal 12 Enterta in· 43 Came back men! mrdlum 41> Anim al's 13 Trim wHh llvlng f fact thr beak 48 Parl () ~ 21 Brou9hl pedestal down with SJ Gave forth fGrce loud(y 23 Bi nd firmly 53 Phrase together differtntly 26 Athenian 54 Relating st atesman to man 28 Bra1 55 Habfl 29 Gol ing S& Simpl e lundamental mrchan ica l JO Hara ssed devlce persistr ntly 57 Rob e of 31 System of ancient 1ada1 Rom·t navlnaticn bl The "E" of 35 Saud( "QED'' Arabia's bJ Child's neighbor nurs emaid 37 The ColGrado b4 lnc andesc rne Of the bl> Rent Fraser: • ''Used 11 2 words food , • c ) . I • ·•• •-;·-~~~--.-...~ ... -•-•••••••;scow;;: c 4 04 • c ;u; =••••••¥4 ••• uu .. e :eu;:u4u1 u oc:u •••••••••• ~~----------~------~------... -... ~-------·~M->~1¥•0~4;~o~o•<To __ ._.,,, •• ;-p:ow ; ;;o i•i• .. •-,~ -........ ..._. ___ ,,,..~ DAil Y i'llOT 2 Deaths -.. -,..,,..,--....... Rallcho Community Players Don't End Golden Era~ 'Once Upon a Mattress' .Turns Out Relaxing By 808 TllO~IAS HOLLYWOOD IAPI -The recent dealhs o( Judy Garland and Robert Taylor ca used many reminiscing American.5 to wonder U the greal figures of Hol lywood's Golden Era - the 19305 -were disai>' pearing. This is to reassure such v•orriers: large numbers of the stars or the l93tls are still alive and well. Indeed, some of then\ are still functioning at the lop of their profession. , Kath arine Hepburn is as much in de- mand as she v.·as when she won the first of her lhree Oscars for "Morning Glory" in 1932. Henry Fonda and James Stcv.•arl are making a Western together at Santa Fe, N.~1. Fredric March ended a scr called retirement to sign for two pi ctures. Edward G. Robinson makes more fihns than any name performer. Bob Hope is always busy. Cary Grant could work for any studio, but he s~ms to prefer being a business executive these days. REPEAT AFTER ME -"The Most Happy Fella" has a happy ending in spite or th~ pyrotechnics throughout tile Frank Loesser musical being stag- ed through Saturday at Orange Coast College. Stanley Tudor of Costa Mesa, Je!t, plays the priest 'vho marri es Ton y, played by ,Stan Throneberry of Tustin, and Ro sabella, pla)'.ed by Beverly And- erson of South Laguna. Looktng on are No rman Anderson . son of the fem ale star, and Bonnie Mosier of NeY.•port Beach. OCC Summer Show What about John \Va ync, H Anthony Quin n. Wi lt.am 1101, Crowd Most UPJ'""Y den, Glenn Ford? Alt got thei r ..I starts in the 1930s. though they didn't reach top stardom until w" 1 'lr_J F ll ' 1 ·~~~ny or th• grandc d'"'" it t 1 a p py e a of the Golden Era rc1na1n ac:- t 1ve in film s and/or television: Bv DON FR'-... '~L'•l Bette Da\·is. Ro!allnd Russl'!l, 'ot 1t.1 0111 .. ~.'ff' Joarr Crawford, Myma Loy, Ora oast ~Coltege un- 0\ivia de Havilland , Jane v · €(! its most ambitious sum- Wyman, Barbara StanVt',Yck, /mer musical Wednesday nighl Lana Turner, Ann Sothet'r(.' j~ a long series dating back llelen Hayes, Ida Lupino, to 1956 and ''Th e Most Happy Merle Oberon, Lucille Ball. Fella'' sent a fine opening These male stars of the night crowd home most happy t930s also keep busy. David indeed. Niven, Charles Boyer. Fred The frank Lf)Csse r nui~ica l ~1acMurray, Mickey ~ooney, runs through Saturda.v nii!hl Pat O'Brien, \\'alter Pidgeon, in the OCC Aurlitorium, witl1 Robert Young. Lew Ayres. curtain at 8.15 p.m. each Robert Cummin_gs, ll1le lvyn night. Tickels are on sale at Dou g I a s, Bing Crosby, !he box oUicc for !Lf>O and all Groucho Marx, Don AJl'ICehe. seats are reserved. Ginger Rogers, Betty Grable Director Jack J-lolland and bc!Pti . displayed a Io v e I y . Jrained voice lhat carried to tht farthe st reaches of the auditorium, not one of the easiest places In which to sing. One or the biggest spontane- ous hands of the night went to the trio of Greg Highberg, Tony Wall ace 11nd Ace Edc- \11ards. the three cooks at th e sposall2io. or '\'edding party. Th~se were three fine ''Oiccs ' with comic talents. Penny Schilling. as Cleo. should be singled out for spe- cial praise. as should Gary Arnold. as Herman. "Most Happy Fella" is a most happy evening. By RUDI NIEl>ZIEI..!;Kl OI ltl• Olltt' Plltl Si.It or course drama critics will deny ~t. but mysterious ex· terned causes often lead to the conde mnation or prals9 of a theatrical effort. The immaculate objectivity with v.·hic.h they c r e d I t themselves gets thrown out the window now and then. Like the Ume I suffered through two acts or a local piece of drivel and fought n1y way to the refreshment counte r, trying to get a cup or coffee to regain consciousnes5 for tm third act. Apparently the little old lady serving the drinks w a s unaware of my august mission as a reviewer. She ignored me and served all or her friends standing behind me cup after cup - until it ran out. It was an unforgivable oversight on her part and con - sequently the play ,11ot exactly 111hat it deserved. Without the benefit of those nice, handy euphe1nisms . Last Friday night "'hen t journeyed to El Toro to have a look at the Rancho Com· munily Players production of "Once Upon a Mattress" the Pa pe1·s 0 ns I 'X' iHovie Ads SAN DIEGO (U PI ) -Two San Diego newspapers will not carry advertising or stories about motion pictures either rated '"X" or not rated bY the J\1ollon Picture Association Or America. The new policy..wlll go in to erfect Aug. I on the Union and Evening Tribune, both Copley newspapers with a combined daily circulation of almost 270.000. J\.fotion pic- tures rated "X" are for adults onl y. Tokyo Has Ri se I In Population TOKYO (UPI) -The and Dorothy Lamour did the ir his able staff took on one of things in "Hello, Dolly'." Jean the most feared musical pro- Arthur came out of retirement ductions in the theater and for a short-lived television brought it of( admirably. Hol· series. Others who make oc-land was blessed wlth strong casiona l appearances in films \'Oices and acting talents in the population of Tokyo, th' world 's most populous city, reached 11,462,230 on July J, "Tltl! MOIT HAl'l'Y ,II.LA" th li ,t, ll'IUlktl trv Fr-1..~wr, c:llred· e metropo. tan government or television or the theater : lPad roles. and the balance Jack Oakie. Joan Blondell, of the cast lived up to their Richa rd Arlen, Buddy Rogers, leadership. Rudy Vallee Cesar Romero, ff one must offer a critici.~m. George Raft. Ruby Keeler, it is of the author and not the Chester Morris, Allan Jones, cast -it is a long musical. f\.1arie Wilson , Joel McCrea, near\v three hours. But lhe Ray Milland . Dougla s nualiiv of the production k<'pl Fairbanks Jr., t-.1ar1 c n c this ri-om becoming a burden . Dietrich, Alict! Faye, Eleanor Stan Thtoneberrv. cast as Powell and Jane ~ilhers, the the rancher Tony. disnlayed a lady .. plumber H~ tho se rich. full \'Dire t~al filled the I telev1s1on commercials. 1.200·sc al auditorium . Throne· I Loret ta Young. Irene Dunn r. bcrrv. who has appcarrd in and Claudette Colbert have ninn~' OCC su mmrr sho11•s I done little perform1n~ in re-usually in the role of a comic. cent years bu t n1ighl be lured sh1111·rod a serious musical tal-1 back wi th the right role . Less rnt that adds a nc1~' dinlCn· probable is the ret urn of sion to his abili!ies. anot~cr 1930s star. Greta Beverly Anderson. as Rosa. 1 Garbo, though produce rs keep trying. -I James Cagney still resists I the repeated urgings It> give up his reti remen t. Norma Shearer has nCvcr returned since her last fll1n in 1942. Child star Jackie Cooper is now a television execu tive, and Shirley Ten1ple combines houscwifery and p o I i I i c ~ . f'reddic B.a~Lholo1new . bcca inel an advertising execul11·c An1ong the others 111ho are l ret ired or in other professions : \\'illiam Powell. R ob er I :r-.1ontgomery, Randolph Scotti Sonja 1-lenie. George Brent. Deanna Durbin , i\1adeleine Carroll. Johnny \Veismuller, Fay Wray. Luise Rainer, Gene Autry .. Janel Gaynor. Charles Farrell , PauleUe God· dard J oe E. BrO"-'TI. And if you rem~mber all ' 1ho!'e names. you've got to l>cl over 40 or a student of the late. late shO\\'. Bars to Open Election Da y SACRAMENTO I AP\ California voters will be able inside the bri9ht, turbulent world of to go to the polls. bars and _Ii· today's youth quor slores -not necessarily • • • in that order -during ne xt on11y ODIUIU Junc·s stat<'wide pr imary elec-1 Spt~ stita .-i lMU UNflNI lion . I Gov. Reagan 's office saidl HARBOR TRINITY Tuesday he signed a bill by BAPTIST CHURCH Assemblyman carlos Bee, fD-LAWN Hayward), wiping out the last vestiges ol the ban on lh~ sale of alcoholic beverages on elec· tion day. FriNy, .... 1, I P.M. .......... ".,,... "Rate Th.is One F'our Stars'' -1. .... ••«II l!\fl11t~f ... l "THE THREE PENNY OPERA " l"f llollTOLT ••1CKT 1121 Nt.,,_rt al'lll .. t.111 Mtu Plr l'ltunr•tiMI .... ,,., .., "" J..:.t Hol lend, tKMkwl c:1lr«1or said. That·was an increase of Pirtff Sc•'"•io. ordiatr; c:11...ctor P;ur 7 3"" ns d in' Ju e a d '"~' vo.;11 c:11rK1or w.11,,. E. c;1ec1t-, '" perso ur g n n ,.,, ct.or•·-Lvtwj• o ... ~ . ..,.,"" 125,678 persons in the previous oav; Wrllthl, set ctnllll'I D1vlcl .t.wre.i1, year. pr~lld bV Ori-Coast Collfi;e rnrcu,tl Stl..,,.d;Y In !"9 OCC olll.'Cl!!0<· 1;::"=:==========.JJ lu,.., COii• M•1~ THIE CAST 11.ott~lle 8eYtr\y AnderMll! TD"Y ..... , .. , Stall TllrGnebury JOI' . ............ !Ill J.,....,11195 Cito , ••..•.•...•.. Prnny $<11l1llng Herm1n ................ G1rv Arnold M•ri. .................. Oo<ln1 Solo Do< ... . •. ... . •• . . Joe !t~nd P.Or• ......... , , .•.•• ~1111191< Tlldor Pt;lm•n .......•..•.... Tom Anlllont P•SQUlle ., ....... ,,,. , T°"y W•il«~ Glute-............. Grev HtOl'lt>e<g Cktlo ... , . . , ... A~ E°""1rd1 Jason Ekland ,, "THE NIGHT THEY RAIDED MINSKY'S" M1!1"H D•lly •I 1:• Mon. lhru TllWrL li¥K. I ,.M, l'rl., 111., 1:>11. 1~11. 1 .. M. ' '1he April Fools" Ht has a wift. 9he has a husband. With so much in oornmon they juat have to lall in - ® TlCHNICOLOfl ~~· -AlSO- Sttve Mc'Queen in "THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR" In Sh•w Stam .t 1 Co11t. $11t & S-.11. fte111 2 p.tr1, 1tage for another critical disaster was set -thi1 time oddly enough by a Mexican dinner. Wracked with a piercing hearlburf\ and I e ad e n phlegmatism ~nduced by the heavy supper , l iook my seat, futlously downing antacids to quench the gastric fire. "I hope you do enjoy the play," said Carole Neustadt, president of lhe players. "It's really a good show and they've put a lol of work Jnt'o It." Silly, I thought, how could a wanned over version of a Hans Christan Andersen 1ale do anything to stir my painful lethargy? Well it did. Because the performance was s i m p I y smashing! Shortly after the prologue my fier y enchiladas did a nierry dar.ce with the. nautas to the. tune of "Opening for a Princess." 1'o single out certain performers and heap praise on them would be a great disservice to the others. All roles, even though played by ama teurs were of professional caliber. Nothing beyond that need be said. But I will, anyway, Toni Shearer, cast in the ieadlng role of Princess Win-1 n1fred. perhaps best described as a medieval Okie with noble blood lines. scored superbly .as singe r, da nce r and actor. She had the audience in stitches I during thee tire performance. ' 3 lllG HITS Wlltllllaey Cast opposite her as a aex-Bob Greco as Sir llarry. C35Saro, Linda tverson d ually imenllghlcned prince, GJ.oria Newton as Lady Lar· Mary Ann Kluthe there was 5-0rt of a pudgy and droll troll, ken, Randall Cobb as the Min-not one: single dud. wu director Anthony Brandt . 1trel and Robert Anderson as The Rancho Community Not only did bis appearance the: jester. Players wUI conclllde. their nm cause belly laughter but his Even among the supporUng of the musical comedy Utis flawless delivery of the all·loo-pl~y'lrs, which i n e I u d e d Friday and Saturday night at'"' George Shultz, E d w a r d the Ollvewood Elementary straight lines rocked the stage. Woodall, Colletn u s n e r , School. Curt.ah! Ume for both Carol Stanfield, acltve with Barbara Goldsworthy, Connie performances f1 8:30 p.m. , the community Players $lnce1'iiiii!i!ii!!i!!!!!!!!i!!!!!i!!!i!i!!!!iiiiiiii!iiijii!!!!iiiiii~~ their beginning, was seen In l• 2114 HtTI the role of Queen Aggravaln, H""' '-I• -,,__le..,.~ the price's protective mother who is blessed with· a moto rmouth . Not only did she have a lions share of difficult dialogue but kept up the ef. fusion cf inane prattle re- quired by her role perfecUy • without a verbal slip. -·--n•-D__.._..._ ..... lllftb &r.tlll• ,_, • "'" lllllO ,~ Alan Hart . who played her husband, King Sextimus, the Silent s a i d nothing during most of the farce but pan- tomimimed his way t o brilliance. It is a mosl difficult .Part and could have easily been O\·erslated by somecne without his acting capability. Clark Farrell. also a Rancho Community veteran, appeared as a w izar d whose performance was as hot as the 1nagic soup boiling in his cauldron. ·e Malin-Dally • Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve, · , are I "The April Fools": " TechiUoolo.1 i!iGi J A C1ntlnl~ttr P•IAM ~111,it'°"• A N1t~G.l'ltl'1I Piclwra Rall111e., Twenty·four hours In th' life of .• guy who's ready~ for lamethlng. She Something?) There were numerous clhersli~~~~~~~~~~ e q u a I I y deserving of ap- probation. amoog them Barbara Rome as Princess 12, IT'S HflE MOST fANTASMAtiOllCAL -MUSICAL-lNTllTAIN ... ~Nl' IN THI HISTOlT OF ll'llTIHINtil '-SHOW TIMES- E•et1l11t1 7100 a. t iJO Met. S•t. l S11•. 2:00 & 4:10 c.AJben R. lliutt.oli 'DickVan '.l)yke Sally Ann 'Howes 'Llqncl Jeffries .ri,-.. "Chit!,y Chil!)'. 'Baig 'B<ujg'" ·--SUPER·f'AHAvtSION ' TECHNlCOLOfV llml9d~ You Must SH The Oron9e County l'rntnratfon of "Goodbye, Columbus" A l'ILM PllOM TH• NOV•L.U. IY l'HILIP ROTH, Th• Author of th• Now Be st S•ller "PORTNOY'S COMl'LAINT" • "Genulnely lntlrnaite Levo ScM1K'-Time11 ?.1aicuine • "l.efrfthlnt T• 5""-Life Magazine • "M9morable"-Saturday Review e "ll.lllSISTAILE"-New York Thnl!'s -P•JtSONS UNoaa 1i NOT AOMlnlO UNL.ISS WITN l"AlllNT: "ONI HOWL 0' A PICrUltE" - VAltlETY PltOM THI llG lllOAOWA'I' L•GIT 'OMIOY • , ~· • • A GIANT OF A MOVIE C.OLUMSIA PICTURES PRS8£NTa ENDS TUES, llllDIT I D•IR PICI I lllllP ' ' CARL FOREMAN'S MIClllll'l llLD e ENOS TUESDAY e This Sum,,,.r'• Big Fun Showlll I'm Europe, baby. I Kiit you Dllldi Elm .,.,_, liainon ......... PLUS R"'1i1n Rcdcttt: CDUlll --" -- 91ll&a MD MICIUI& J.POU.•M llAMMIB•l IROOICS. I ' "'This is it They're finally~ Rigid now we can detOnate • i our explosive and deslroy lhe Chainnan." I ) 20th Century-Fox presents GREGIRVPBH IRDE HEVlllHll NIArthurP.Jaoobal'l'oduCtlon ~ "IHE DIA•D' : .\RM.JR '*-L·ALAN DOllIE•FRANCISCA ~ ZENAMERTON·CX:ffWVAMA t ......... .....,._., ~l'f....--~---·· Ill IJ1•1 MORT .ASIWfAMS•J.lEE ~·BEN MADCOl'f,, .,._., ......... "' . JAY RICHAAO fCENiEDY • ._..,,..,,.,., oo All'i'mt ' -• : ..... 0 .,.,.., w. .... ,,,,, '·Cilll""'"""' <GH=-.... =I WEST COAST PREMIERE RUN NOW! AT BOTH THEATR!S ,.......,.. ·-• """""" °"'"~ :::.:.-I' ··-·········- I I l • • , ' • •• • • . · • .. • .. .. ' .. •• ' . • . • • OAJt.V PILOT · .. ' . . -, • AMONG ·THE GREA t ·oN-ES .· ' • Here, among some of the greot newspapers of the world, is an old friend. The DAILY PILOT looks as much at home on this international newspaper rack as it does at the front door of thousands of 0 range Coast area homes where it is dropped daily. That should tell you something. It should tell you that a "home- town newspaper" can be ·sophisticated and still not l_ose touch with what's hap- pening at city hall. Whether it 's news from around the world or down the block, the DAILY PILOT packages it best for you. ~nd the simple fact is that, because the DAILY PILOT emphasizes local coverage, you'll find a lot of stories in it you can't find in any other newspaper in the world. On this international news rack, it's among the great ones of the world. But at home, it's the great- est one in the world (for local news). t, , ' • . . . . \ .. --. DAILY PILOT I I I -. ' I -~ -· --·-----------~~•m'""<r•-••·•--••-"""""-""""""·"""•"'"·""'"'""'',."""" .. ''''""""""'"'''"™""'""""·"""''""""""-"*'-•""'""""'·""7·••,.,.,•.r••oe.,.,,•.-,<T·-"'"''"""·""c,,-ir•>r..••tr..••t~:n..,.; .. ·,~r-: r1-::--:T.· 7'T7Yl·~--;-?<t"·::-:-rii1".-. ... ,. .-,,,,, ,-T;""-;,;-; .. ·:';7 -·-~--.. - DAii. Y PILOT Jt • -"t'E(lAL NOT!Clr ,........ N"""A"' t--~~--;:;;;;;;,..;w;;~;:;;;;a.;;o.....,;;-;;-;;;;;;~v--uW>--~-l-~~IJ:GC:::::=AL=-~N~OTfCll:,;::=-::-::=:::::~=L!=~=AL=...:.N=onCl!.:.::::_~-l-~=LEG::.:·AL:.=._=NOTl::.::CE::::_~~~~LE=.:G=AL:..:.;N;OTl=CE~....,,,=-r ------;;;:;;;;;--.:w:::-:::-~:-::;::=::-::::==------1 Ntflll.lAl. PtM.AM(U.hAll• •uMn JllNllT ~It.(~ ... ..,..,,,"""'*""' """..,.,,... .. _'' ... • ... ' .. "." .... ·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·.·. . " ...... LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE &llllUJAt,. fl'-.U.(W., .UO •UMIT' JllPOIT till_,..T ... UA UM Pll.O 1alOOt. OltnllCT ti!. ,, ..... """" .............. 111,Ut .,._.., !!-!!J, ~ '1MI 111.1• Lfl'UIJ SIM. llAICH IC~ IMITJll(T, 0ll4'tMi ~' CAl.Jf'IOltttlA I....... .."'-'14-::--COUNTY, CA&.~MLA tit.·~ ............ ..,_ ............ IN.m ..... -·-~ {I._.. Mr "'9 '"'" Y-...._._, ,, M -...... ,,_ .. HM NOTICS Ofl~M"INI -~~ .. ,,._, ...... '-& 1"'1 llL ,..,..,.. .. ._,._ ............... t.Ol.ftl 11.1""'1 11.""'17 -.a• •. , .. ,. .............. , .... ,,.,. ... 1. MOTICI O• AOW'TtOll AflD llAN~rTTM. I 114. °*"" ~ 0.. • ......_ •.. ,........... ..• . . .... .. ;,11 ~• ...... .,. ilikl4I • IMt ,..,. _.,. ,...,,.... • ,...,_. ... llf -·" ..-._.,. .... .::.:' •r. ,.,.,. durtftill l'llWlfr • MllMI., .,,w.1 ~• " ..... ~ .....•••••. ...... ..,," ot.1M • TM•t c:.~11 o..i.i.y-........ ........... -.m uu• .........,, 1 «*llftlil .... ~ ....... " ... • ... C!MlWW lallM''-It IMINctlM ••• , -.rll !.-... ,........, TOJAL IJl•IN9tnllllt AMO Tt ttw c-ry S!wlni.idMI tit lc:Mell• T• ... = t ; lo:la .. w+I If kl'IM"' -.... • m. T~ ............ ~"""........... SI.flt SCA7> rt,!,. OTM•a "1'M . , ., .. •.m 1 .. ;. ...,.,.. t. TINT,.Tl\ll! AHNUAL. ,IN.t.HClA&. ANO •UOOtn' ll:ll"OllT Tllb ,....,. ''TINT TIY .\HNUAL 'INAHCIAL -o •VOGIT 11t•l"011tf.. filL r-«1 ''-Otllw ....... , ...... , .. ,.,. ...... ,. 11.1U S&.1ff lll.atl C. ........ UU.ltCA. JWti .............. . 'II.,.,.,.., fl ... .., ... """'"""' 11Mr11 tf "'-1<""4 ~ ' . M ......... =...,. "'l:"1:"'-_,.. " h __. olll"lc1· "'· Oll\er' ~ .t .,.,,_,'-' ., ... ,.. ......,,. 14$,tlJ 1,JtS.01 CMI+ 111 ·~IT T,..._., .,.................... 11"tll o.i. " """"" ,,._., 11, lMf ,..,... ..,. "· ~-s.u.i.,., o. .. "' MM "" '2:: w, l , c-~ ~ TOT,.l INl'rll:UC'TtoN .............. tt.S&Nf ''-"""' i..111.Nll l•• cw""' t.1.o11ni. ........................ tt.;11' I .., ,UlllCATICMt A.NMUAL ,IN,.NCIA\. A.NO •UDCaCT •f:l"CHl:T TIM _.wr11o It. ~!;:ICA.TIOH ANNl.IAl 'lftANCIAL NO •UCOIT ttll'OllT. T~ _.,,. 4M, Hl,.li,,TH llltVIC'll •• -...... ·-.............. , .................... 0 .. .,...... ..... Ul.7• _..... -+-Int ...... Ill~ ~ .. Mly u. "'" Midr+ ,.......,... ...,IM;,..... ... ........... ~ .... l!\lllt .. /•"••• ... , .. ..., ... (~.-it• ~lt.CWtlflc•• .... ,i. ~ •• <lleflf• 11 It.._,. nt¢11Mry, "'4•llll'll 1111Mk9tlM. ..-nc '*"""Ml lllwol !~ ..... : .. it:... It 11-""-"'Y· ..... ir'll ,..lqllWI, M)k llM'"" " HH1"" ,.,....., ,................. ltt,Mll IU.tlt lM.Pf Ula NIT INOIN9 llAUNCI ................ 1-.Mf 1•.1• ....... 1 Mop110n, "''""' ,.,.,,_""' ,...,,. -I ' lwllrf ~""' ·~· .,., ci.nlflM .... ,.. ,..,. P~'TATI ICMOOl IUILDI,.. PUND Tiie ,_,.lie llttrillf Oii tt\11 reH11 w111 k htlf ti J . H. ~ ltl!«mMllll TIMI tullollc Melirlf ... 91tlf ,......., ,_.n bt lle'll •I C.111 M-Hltli ScNt1 ., HHllll ,..._t , ,., .. , .. , . .... U,MI lt.1•1 lif.MI NIWPO•T-M•ljt, VNIPl•a U:MOOl •llTllITT, OltMMI COl.INTT, CALl,Oll:NIA ScMol"" A"'f\111 s. Ifft, •I •1• •'cllcll r.M. L~ -••Jnllw Ol'lw,. C.M.. ... .t.uowt ,, ....... I:• l 'd:dt PM.. '"· 01111, ,.,........ ., HMITll s-in ... 1.1•1 $,1d .... , .......... , .... •M.ANCI. 'Ul,.T I I.,_ MW':!! H Or.tier koermry , •ltMd l.le)'f E. •lllllfl9t. Jr, Cltortl. TOTAi.. Nu.&.T~ lt:ltVICl!I '"' .. , 1"-I« 1~.412 111,.Ut Qlll Ill Cll,lftly ,,....,,., .......... ,........... ~.· ... ... t. OltAO• ,,ANO, OllTltlCT F'tm K' .. HI lllckiih'e ' 011.t.D• IPUI Ofl' OllTllC'T ,,.,.. Kllllltt ... ~ ft OrN; IJ, •llnlff ... OPllATl>CN 01' 'LANT ~. • ,._ •• , ........ &tl...c41 ........... , """' •• JM ...... U.1 .. J. AYlllAOI DAILY AT'rtNDANCI • ,...,. ,,....., 11 ... 11 AYtllA•• DAll.Y AnlND.UfCI nu• ,....., " .. "' ••. CMMlfllll "lit" ... ,., OOll'lllM "" l,1J',5H l,ltl,,n l.144.•I• ... A-.. """91 ...... .t.chl•I .t.ti..1 • ._. Ht. Olhw ,_....,.. fW 0.1lltll ........ .,._., m ... , Ml.HI M. ft.I.TS tHCOMI Elt.-ittry , ........ ,,,,,..,,,,, .. ,.... 1,111 l,IU 1,20G E...,,,.,.,.ry ....... ,........................ t~ 11'"'-11.M TOT.I.\.. 071U,Ttotf tlP PL.lHT .... IMUH l,nt,1'1 1Mt.'1f '4. """"'llMlllil Ill' kt1H1 F•tlllllfl ••• , t4Ul1 121.nJJ tUMMAltY o• CUltll•MT OllTlllCT TU llEOUlltaMINTI •o• 1Hf·11 """ klll* .............................. LU• '"" '·"' 7'0, M.1.INTCNANC °" PLANT ' .. LOCAi.. lJrtCOMI ' T•MfwlM•r11,rttt•MCW'tllNll CONTINTITt11I ................................... H,1,P )t,'4 V,1'1 ;:t'·~'-Ullltll ~-foor Mt~llCI •• t.ll,"ff6 W."7 )M... k lllfWttf" ...... ,,,,.,,.,., ............... . 4-I Tu Tu T"" \, .... IKtmllll "' Etll{_,_f .. .,... .. 5t.lll t7,fM ltl... .,, °"'*' .. , .............................. " ll.fl07 '"" , ..... 'UND MD PUAP'Oll • OnN 0.ltfll ,....,.... Tt• llll\llrem..h G.,.t,111 l'"unll ,,.,,.,,,, , .......................... ,, "et CJMw1t P,,,.. .. T11 ~ll'tlftWh 1v'IKf "' tu r'tlo ffliltt ... ,.., WIQ T•• 1.Mt4 NII 0-ret 'lff'PGll 1ubltct "' tu tllt llmlt. TM MAXIMUM T.l.X llA'rE "' tllls KMllf _,. lrkr. ""'let\ ....., 11o1 Mlflll "' '''" !IMP ,,... Olnll'•I l'U"OCM 1111 r•ll"-11 tMtin In CtlVfM ' II '•rt C, It tllown Ml9w: II:•'-.l.ulli0rll911 iry-1!11. Cllh 11 fOllOwt; Sec. )0))1 ........................ '·"" Sec. 201ll Klllllll\llPi.tl .,.,,, •• , •• , ' .IOllO Seo:. :IOIOi £11Cllon ................. ,1000 SllllteHol ........... , ......... , l."'3 !Ille lnc:t'fflM lry-Ed. Code 'JOOTi . , I .045 Les. notucrlon Jn mt•lrnum ••• r1I• 11 nwnd•l911 _, Et. Cllh S.!lon "' T••• .... .... .... l'ewt ""'" lllclullt, _,,, Nrl!\, '" llrl.tnel•I "'-(lllfla ..... Mltftwl .,., OlfW """""• ltr Milt.~"'· .. . l1Wf 1'1.1'9 ,., .. " T ... I \.tc:ll ""--................. " ...... ,... l.lfltlt C-...... II Ille llill"lct fW tllt Mte<llllnt llK•I .,. .. ,, Kl\ltl w .. llmttM, NI' IM C\li',.-il TOTAL MAlttttHAHCf OP PLANT .. 06,llt IMS.7W t,Jf,JIJ 'fOT"L IMCOMI tlXCl.Ull't'• W ~ tltcll Wlr tllll ~ •1 llflk•lll' ..,__._... Mt. PUtlO CNAllOll • attlMllllMI •ALANt•I ...................... 111,IU ·-IUMM#,11'1' OP C.l.llllllNT OtlTlltCT TU llllUllllMillTI •Olt ,..,.,. 111. Mll¥11)' P-, ...................... , :itO,t41 JJ'f.lM ........ C. YO'TAl. lllT •lllH"INI ~Cl Tt ........... ,, ... , -Ai::.::--,:-Tu :~: ::M..."'i:!. "i-j;N,f'·:::i:: ~~~ tl~:: ,:,~ .. ~~~.~~=········nM'iit ·•·vrM·' .. "'' l.ltJ,UI tf TUii 111.. lllHI UI. OW ...... tvnl"""8. Olaf•llllY t•. (Ali'l'l'AI.. OUTV.T PUNO MtO '°".,.,.. It ......... LIMlt ~ .._ "-11111 ......,."<I ................ llt.... 1.a"Mt llJ.tJf Int. I'* ....... .-: .................... .. 0-•I fVlll .............. ,. ........... , U.1'-4W t». I~ ~~· , ... .,,,,,.,,,,. •,t<lt IH.J,e,I ~.oot 1M, ,,.,.,....._. "' I"" ,, ........... . IXt:MPTPOltTIONtOf'Gl!Nl!llALl'"UNC> 1"-"""111'"'"'\ Clmptneel*i lllllll'lllC'I .. 47,011 60,JN lt~.lot 12*).llllldlfttl ,,,,,,,, •.. , ............... . lllQtlllllMl!HT lliltl•IO ON LINI! A ..._ ~ l"lktf CIMrtM •" ·•· ..... , •. •· ll'-n' 111,tn 1.-,l-ft 1161. IQll~ ---····,.,.._,,.. 'rOTAL ,011(0 CMAllOIS ......... , .... tQ 1,1.._.,J 1MUS-I !cl'"'' .,... 11"""'-t .-,_-p,.::::-• TO'tAL Ali'li'LICA•LI TC> t:OUCATIOH ' ................... , ... , .. , tlt,tlJ "' ...... " .., Dlltrlff antntMIN·.f'i:o..ik' t!iftii~ Cf.!Jt .ltfe COOi IECTl()N 11JU 'Oii TE.t.C"l!ltS' 'TOT"L 1x~':;.r.;;.::w: ........ , .... . lll:et"'-s-""" ··•••·•···•· ........ T><.>11 -""'" "'' l.1.UllV COMPUTAtlON ..................... l .. lu.tU lt.tl'f,Dl fl.~ O'rHIO OUTOO tff 1• ... •·o ,._,,;.:,~"' OASOH( ·-' ail. ,.U .. IL TllAHO .. llTAT>OM .............. , .......... , .... , ' "' ""':'l"""':"'!''-...... Ul.IU Iii Umll .WI S2t. ci.aallllll StlerlM _, , f , INDINO •ALAMCI. JUNI » Kllttll Md .,...,_. Mnifltl ........ .,, 1 .... flOt ... lltlllt ,loll1 ··-• T CMll "' C-ly T ... lurf ... .................. ... .. I '°""""""' Strvtc. ' . -1,1<> ,..,_ ••-_.. '-.,.,ttlllll ................. l6l,U.f )U.l}I Jll.lU HI! t:""'-to•-o ........... , ,........... .......I Eduu!"'"'" "'"'''" R';t.'_ .. , .. MiM;........ ... • ......... ,,., °"' .... I!:~"' ,, TOTAL i'Xi:o1NOifua11.u.o NIT ~cat"'""°""' ,..u,"' U,2'S .. Wlftlt ..,. ,., ,,...,.,..11... ............. ... n.w 111.W 11>.m IN011rt• .... 1..1.MCI , Dl!.111 ..... "' .. .. Clldl ...... ,...,. ''"" Wff I ' "-HO .. ,.. I ... ,ff 10fl(I ti llllfl'k t II oublec.t 19 l'Nwldl II• .. ...,. . .. ............. , .. S ._, .1.utt1or1J.i G.....,.11 'u'"°" TM Mitt --' ... '., -"TOT.U. rUPtl. TllANlli'OllTATION .. llt.,1t '41.•U .n.tx •• ~·.;..:··~: .. , .. ,·,······ ,·, ••• ,·.·,AccouNT ... ... • Mry tOT.l.L cu••INT llilli'ENll OF IOVCATION " --., llilltloNI Kllwl llllh'lcl "' """ ifl,ht .,. IM!olr ·''°' l,.,.,..ic:.lltto ft Unll E-• C.klllltleN -NIWJ'DllT..Mll.1. UNll"llD ICllOOL DllTlllCT. OllAN•I COl.IM'T,., CALIPOllNIA li'--.I ~k:ltll llt.ld9't n .•1• 111 1!'"11 .0106 <'· ·---~ ) ~·...,, A. •aOtMNINO IAUl(CL 'Ul.V I • ' Lln'lll .. • , .• .... . ........... I 1 ... 12 1.oan Bonet lnt1141! Ind prlfl(Lpo! Pll"llllf'lll •. , . , , , M,.111 "° Umll r•rt O-OINlllAL l"UN6 1.1112 ..... .NII S•AL 11.1.(Jrf SCHOOL DllTlllCt, 0111:.AH•I COIJNTV, e.t.i..IPDllNIA c....,1 c ... _tc1i.-1 1H1"' lHl-'t Ifft.,. MINI Mlllll 1 ... 11 ,._, ,....,_ 11; ~et Stti~'"' ...... "" ,,.._.. .................... • • "--lt,11'1,fJI tt.111J" C•-11 111 \Mltf:I all+w1ti. .. ,.., .-...... •. ~ f•P'l"(!itur• ltlcll.MI .. Iii tl\1 .l.lltvl Aeo:oo.w1?i --..,,llflnl fYlllll ......,,.....,_l lr1m PVfllll Gt•nt., VGftf" ISlA. l'.L 1,.lt "Optr1fiftt" Rtll ••• "' ...•••• "....... " .. .....,,,.,, IMdl .................... ..... n.su M llmlr .JIOl Tiiie' I ••• ,, ,,., .\ctel,lfllt 111:«•1¥•--......................... . ~I ,....y"*'t"" K (-1 ltl Sl•tl ............. ,.,.,, ....... ,,,,. "'"' ' Sleta .••.. , ................................ ·• Sdllll llllloll .... PW A,pport)ll;,.,.,,, •••• >11.w M tl mtr *' TUii II .............................. "' ',',"",,,, 'tlhol ........................................ .. Tllll . >• "' ' llllt ltl ..... , ........... ,........... LMI Clll'rent L1-llllltlel .•• , · ............................ , 4.w-. .l1:17 c .. 11M°" tOO, "00D SlllVICfl ' .................... . sin Hew-" M . ·-':r;•-. '"' s-•·o Hlf llOINNING IALAN(I! ......... , " . ArH"'7:'c'., -_.... ""l""'"""'h .. Clll'rllM Ll&•lllll ........... . Het G-•I Plff'Jll'jl; 'ti• .50ll "'· MM fer NllMy "_,,ila ......... , 7'1 .l.DJU TIO MIT llllNNIHI 1.1.UHCI .. .. A, lll:IOINJrflHO 1.1.1..1.NCll:. JULY 1, 0 • "9. Diiier 1!•~411 •.............•••• qt f . >N--I ' ' ' C , T "" ......,,,. 1ub11CT "' it• rtl• 11"111 • ,....,. •• n -y rff:U•l" ..... ·•·····•·•·•·• no.13' Hf,no TM MAXIMUM ... ,,., II.I.Tl! !..-ti.Ii TOTAL FOOO SEllYICEI • .. "' •• 'IO!!llAL INCOME "ECEIVEO f'llOM Rtvot...lnu c~ ,-...,., .............. .• .. .. .. •. • '°° !00 •¢Mii lllltrkt, wllkll mtY '" 111111<1 '-•llllllllTur• Int.I'"*' Iii f"obll swvl(ll ll'MI IT A'tE souac11 ~c~~I l!RKIVlbll ...•..•...••••. ,,,,,,,..... 1,0)(1 It ,1111 N Ml ....,.tll Pl.l'l'O;ll lU l'"ur•h Gr•nl ... llftller ISi.i.. P.l... lt-11 tt. Hellonll kflclol \,_"""" 'r10rlm .... r•fl'O XPl'flll ............................. , ),l:IS ... 11t fliQl,ll'M'*tl' It l ...... fl IMlolO : Tiiie I , .. .,,................. ... SJlfd;ll Miii!; ,,...r•m ........ '""" TOfAL CUIUll!N! ASSETS ................ 224-6'1 ?n.•1t II te A lhorlllll .._Ell C 111111. COMMUNITY llE .. YIC.l!t IO LOC:.1.L IN(OM.I! Len: Cu.,1n1 Ll1bllll • tnd Ost:rrff Jnc-•• ts.f21 1T,N3 S • u •• · Ollt II fl'.lttow&: 1110. C1rl1lk11td S•l•rlll ' ........ NET BEGINNING IAL.ANCI! ............... , 11 .. 15' 10t,u:t S:: ::~ i(j~~N'itin ''.::: ;1::: "Cam"""'llY lt1vJc.a "">,:"···· 1,20f M.ll'"ood S.f"lkl S.lfl ............... . ~~:1~~ ~r~~~~i'L~•':fil~:!'1• .. :::::::::: 111{: 11i: :;Ji~ *M=~~'.~ .. ::::::::: ;i.:: :'"·5,i:i"'s·t~: ............... i1111,t1) us.105 ,.,,,, Vo~,11~.-,··;~ .. ::.::::'::::::::::::::::: ,~,Tit _,..., Jl,9'1 t 1,1n 111,)tS ..... 110,JOI •. ~Nt~. Jrf JrfNIH • 1.1.LAJrfCE " lt•te ftlc,..t.i ty Ill. lto. TOTALl'=U~i?vmm~crs· :: 1J;:f:: 1::m 1::;;: TOTA'-INCOMI 11XCLUllYI OP It. FEDEllAL INCOME llECEIYl!:O FllOM Coff •it .................. 1 .111l l ID. CArlTA-L OUTLAY c. ;:;,l~::T '~~~=~rJ. '111.i.AN'Cil"········· twill FEOl!.llAL SOUltCES Avtllerll9d 0-r•I 'w-• nit. $IN 1-••klllll ............... I ANO INCCNrtlll .................................. ta,MS 11. Mtlnt-flCe Incl 01M<r1Uon l'L UO ,,., 10JU t.000 Te• llttw Limit ............ • l,:MJ.I 11,oll0,000 J,~ i .iU4 114. '""""""'"'"""Sites l"*"rMtrkle:U :IO '-'" ts.Jn •• •k,INDITUllll ULD OTMll OUTGO 21. ,l!OEllAL INCOME llECEIVl!:O FllOM 1.11n1 CillltM-Ila. •u~hllil!tl l-nlflc1"') •.• ,...... M.Ut ,,, .. ,, I.I.JU tot. ,000 •••VICI~ STATE SOUllCES l.H\1 NtwWI IMI. lllkf; ................................ tt,'14 lt),J)t 1:10.JDI ttt. C .. Mlflell S.lfr1t1 If food 51,..,lca •• U, Economic Opportwnl!J A.ct ,,L ... d:ll •• 11 land lnl-ffat encl.......,._... J.-111 "'M "C" ',"', ,· Diiier E_..1.,......1 ................... 2U.1't :IH.tD »t,1'2 m .,_. ................................ . fl. Element1rv u id ~.,. Ed1,1t•tlotl ~·-' •. 1...,,ov-1., Siln m °"'" I•'*"" ..................... . Ad !Pl.. ••·101 .. . .. .. ....... ..... J.«11 • •.»1 l,IOO ·-Intern• 11111 ,,1ndP1I PIV,,,..,h .. !It llmlt 1c-1iv S.f"llul •.. ' ...... 21,121 M,ill "3.111 Tttll ..... S«vk• ................... " TOT.I.\.. PEOEll.l.L INCOME ~II Mt:11 ..... , ............... ,. '"' •10."I .l<iU 1111. llllldlfl9* IC•"""""'lty S•..,k:tl .... J,H• l•,111 '*· CA,.ITAL OUTU.Y llECE IVEO FllOM STATE SOllllCES .. J.«tl 6,ll.J •,oot .-rt leldl ..................... .,. ltS..O' .OISI ,.,_,, Ollllr l!q,ul-1 ............. ..... lJ.~ 13,J.ll 1,t:M !Ht. Oltllr l!ll\llOWMnl ................. . 11,Mt .. STATE INCOME -'1 MirW Hlgli .................. 64,U. 11U TOTAL C.t.'ITAL OUTL.A,. ... llOl.7'1 61'.l•t "'"" 'fDTAi.. IW,INDITUllll AND Pr~lpel App0<11ot1men1 N--1 Unlll.i ...... · ... .• .. , , J61,0U '0tt1 o'T"•"•'• 'o'u'>o'oNOITUlll!I CClfu.u 100.UOll ,. 11.atl.061 Jfl,111,0ll ,..tJt.)<11 OT"lll OUTGO ............ ................. td,Jll lisle. EqUllllHlion .I.Ill tnd .1.N.1.1.l'lll 014' O•NlltAL 'UllD T.U-11 IXIMl'T Pi:OM, '"'· OOI> SIO'"OCE 1. INOINI IUUN(I, JUNI ,. ~=,:·.~~ ~~"'" :::·:::::.:: 1~~ ';i;!:: t~= 011 IUIJ•« TO, SPICJAL T.l.X IUTI \.IMITS l:wt . ..._t lltlMOVmtnl"' Aectunl II C.111 In Unlteil C1lllornlf ltflll rtivek•llV HlnclkaH*I ·•·••·••• 1,JDCI t.JDCI ~ ~ Stilt Sd!Oll l ullllln9 A-1ifn"""'' Mf.UI~ '17,11' "31.... A ·~·':"~, c:: ·······················.:: S009Clll ,.llOW9"CllS !5 !E~ ! , .... OUTCiOING TllANSFE11$ o:"cu .. .:·...-::!lt Onctuo'.~·;:a~i..11 ... .l.01'0Nton,,_I lor me l!'ltmtnlttl" j11.-Ai! M 100, Tuition C•flllf'lf E~v!pm..,? lltplfttmlnl 1teserv1! .• klloot llHdlftl ''"""'''" ... ........ -•• 1,000 .l:.·111 ;;:... ~ i~ .l•lt. ~gr l\lli~o G ...... ...... ,,... :rt,,. as.• Tete! Clll'r..t ....... 111 ......................... . O:ller .............. ............... ~ ' !i -,e"' i ~·AL OU IN Lilll Current 1.i.1111111ts ..................... . TOfAI.. ITATE IJrfCOMIE .... , ... ,.,., 7•7,66, l'M,.Ol .HIAJ7 ul "-~-, •-l:ll " l'ltAfrtll'Eltl •. ' ........... , ·-19.t)I 1f.ltl NII llni'lno ltllncl , ....................... .. 71. "MIKtli.MOW l'llnlll" ... ,.... ..•.. Sl1 6!J >.>"'>>' !:I[ > :f .. !-c O -:: TOf.1.L EX,ENOIT~ltl!S hblltlllll Or-11191 Cllll C.lly 14'1111. July J1, IMf tl,0¥)1 '""' l'f,J.IJ 1G11JOI lt,UO 2t.U7 "'"'' st.e1 n.su "·"' IOl,:ll07 ...... fl,60 +" II.JOI 11,m '""" ,..,,n ..... .. . ...... ...1t1 t•1,1H ill,lfJ ,. 1,ou ·,.,,,. JJ,"J 11,,,, It.Ill lt. COUNT,. INCOME ", i -u.11 u~ ,._ l-IU•lOTAL ................................... • "• • • ••I• tt.U41111 p, TOTAL IXl'INDl'TUlll:ll AND NIT 11. Equel!!lllotl Aki Ottt.sl T•x ...... .... I0,101 4-"1 l,.i it.i~ 1i!, ·.'•~ ~~ J~' UNOISTllllUTl!O lllSEllVI ................. • ••• • • •1t t:IO,•I •llOINO IAUMCI ...................... . TOTAL COUNTY lJrfCOMI .. , ........ , 10,131 J.Utl -0•1 t0 5 •,.• '• '•' I A1NO 00THllt OUTGO .. 0 .•. , ..... ., ............ 11_..,,0 W,ftoLttl 14,W.•1 IO. LOCAi.. INCOME -ol 0 0 ... . NOIN IAL.AHCL JUH » · LEGAL NOTICE ... l 7.0IJ ' M,7'1 I ,,,.,. . 11.m , lt,111 ... -,/ lt.111 t7'o.to0 ...... -·- t7J,SIS ., ·-··-...... ""' ''"4 """ .. , .... : Ol1trlct t1_.1: llM'trlct.,. Mltfltt, July I, 1Nt D.ln 11,2116 n ... 1 1'.117 I.'-In c.un1Y l•-lli'Y ................... t.)tS.lte J.)O,n~ LEGAL NOTICE Sec.ur..:11 ltotl, 'tcllwff •1 lndk:t!td ,,., '9•,i1' SlJ,$77 I~•• 're• •Kflplf, lHMt .....•.....• m ,n 4 21J.49 lSS,lU ttJ.lW l. 11-l\lt:r: Clth fllftll ····•·•········•·••·•• J,att J,OOI S,0001 ___ ..::=::::::...:_:..:._:: ____ 11------,;:;;;;;;------Secur9ll !loll, tequlr..:11 ht ••~trkt:oll k l-• PIW lntlme ., Ql,1$) ., .. 2' 1'1.HI 1",4'fl ~. CllA C ltc:lllnl IW9Ulnt 0.,..lt .......... I.flt f· 1144111 bll1nc:• lud9el ....................... • J xx x I•• •U.JOO Advil._._.,,,..., ........ , J9J.... %SIMI 1'7,111 '"·di 4 • .l.tc-h ll..:1lw1blt ..... ··· .............. llt.t4 • UJ,J1i P.1.. (lill:flPICATll: OP •UllNllt Ut11ec~rld Rol1 ........................ , 32,,,, IJ,,U 32,'11 ll111i1clM bell1nc .. J-Jo. !Mt J7,:US ll,7U :U'"° 7, StclfM "· · ......... •· •••• ·" • ·•• · .... •• ..... " ~ "''"' *'* ClllTl,ICATa OP •1.ISll,llS JllCTITIDl.IS NAM'I 'ooo'w'~f, TY0M0HPI' T1•11 ................... , ,,OU d ,100 10.t!IO IE1tl""'ltodl ht• l'kllptl w; ••.••• ~:~·.i;:~ 1!0• .... ,.~.-... , ................. 1.jij"""'"' ,J I ll.02J PICTITIOU• NAM• Tfle ....,.,.i.,... lie Cltt\IY 11!'1' lte ! " ... -~·-11111, ""',. ... -~ .. , ,.,OU n fft .. ••••• TM ..... ~•nltntll .... «•tlfy -..... Cerio tof'MlllCllM • bcillnlM •• JIO I! Altoli, S.11• Secured Roll ..... .,,,.., .............. , 1.U,Sl7 1l1,0$1 J?t.ttl ll11trlctllll Blll"Cf pll11''i;,;;ii..... 13,1~ 111'.7J t ..S,\71 22'»1 flot 1t'°'711 ............................. ,. ... • l •Ir _. • J' lSJ,111• •udlr.t 1 bwl"ei.6 1! lttt Pt,_ .t.vtnUI, II A"'' Cellllr"l1, Uftdll' 1111 flcl'lflovli U"1tc~rld 11011 ........... ..... •,121 t,1'5 1,6'/I AITIDUnl MteTM for 1•11•n1lllur1 ' TOT.I.I. CUlllllNT .l.SllTS ................... :LUl.IO 1'"0.... JJI, 1' Coet1 /.Mii , (1tlton\fl, 1.1r«1r Ille Ile-n"" ~M'!'ll of AllCO '1¥000 "llOOUCTS Prior v •• ,,. TIXCS ..... /. """"' • 1,134 7.5~ J.000 IPldlor ,,,,..,.,, ,,...,. ........ dl.3'J "'·••2 lll,OSJ J'f.OM DJ.n• Ln1 Cufftnl ll1-.t1UI• ......................... _.,.., .1.".·l." ..... lllloYI firm n•rne"' li'AIK AVENUE i..1. Intl th•t .. i. firm ",..,,....al IN llenlll1 tnd Llllft, ••c1pl ...... xlmum ,.._,ht k ..,i.r..i HIT IN01NO IALAHCI ..................... , "' ., ' OUOll 1"<1 11111 11111 llnn 11 ~ "followlnl HrJOM, wM11 llllllft tn f\11 •0•0M,0J!!10,llln-1'"1Huh •• " ••• · .... • .• ·•·.• .... ••• •. •• 371 'n S00 ,',•,_•,•,,•~, ,.,',',,,._,,_ ...... ,0\1· P. z:~.l.~N~~jTlll~:t~~~l~I~~=::. ~~1r tM lollowlnt Hrson;, ~ Mfl'ltl In full •ncl tl•<ll of tellllln« 111111 followt: .• to.~s 2!.l" 10.~ "' 1;id •l•c .. ol rnlll•"c. 1111 •t lolleWt: w11111111 K. Arnolll. "' c-• 11., "Ml1c1111"eou1 Funlll" ....... ' •. ' ... ''' It! 771 1Ml·10 ft ... dctrlvwl by levv NIT IHOIJrfO I.I.I.AMC• .• "''' .••..•• ' ....... !f,..,,su: ~ n.111,Ml 1l,61J,.,, llot-1 s. Ind Jrfln• ""'~ jol\MQft, l•O NtwllOrf leech, C1Hlonll1 OtPMlr .... .... ........ ..... ... U 1,101 "' 1111 11cur..:I ... u .... , OO•.SJf Ul,711 U1,NJ 2.,,000 20l,lll ..... T--.&OND IHTllllSl ANO ••o=• PUND Norlll L4'Ttr Or .• 0.1 ..... C1lllol'nl•. v. 8tilrlcf Ar11e'11, H7 (1N11 II •• , TOT.l.L 1.0CAL INCOME .... ......... 07,tn to2.511 tol.15' . h t .. CMI" COIT.I. MISA KNOOL DllTlllCT, Olt.\tf•I Y~ CALIPDllJrft.I. DU'&ll Jy1¥ Jl, INf, Ne'""'°" Beicl'I, (tl1ltn1l1 :~~~~N·~c:M1ll:.1.l!:~~~SlVI DP .......... H!,3'1 1,111.1'7 1,10.ll• Ed~itien ~11:.-.:.':1':.:1: :~'~1::1l~~~~ :.o:::o:IOI~~~.~~.~~~.~~~ .... ,...,,,[ UtJ,OOI :::"M!;. ~= C>1ttd Ju~,:~-~~ • .t.rnold c TOTAL. Hl:T llOINNINCJ IAL.l.HCI M11tlfll~ ~y ... l!I_ .. .., Mlnul ._.., ., boMs .... "'*' ·1::.":k.... --»•.oot Slit• •• 0 1\lomll. °"""' Cei,on!Yi Y. lttfl'k• A ...... ""'o INCOMll: ..... .. .. • ...... 1,151.W 1.lJl."1.1 l.dl.000 ""''"'"' "U!IHllll C>UTST,.NOING 80NMO INDl!ITl!'~l!'W .. UftMt MHAOll °" JulY JI, IHt, M!Otl ...... Nolll'V STATE OF CAl..IFOllJrflA. O. IX,INDITUlll ANO OTJrflll OUTD-0 Minors k1-1 Obltk l .1,, llOl"lllNO IALANCL JUi..l' I l'!Mlc In tllll It# .. 111 lltM, Ht$W111IY OllAHGE COUHTY1 CUllllEJrfT l!XPEllSE ll.,.tk 1"41 Mlfnct, July 1, !Ml ......... , • .,,,.,,., • ..., C•if',...r ~-: T~l'r.:''t..···~"' ..... ,,. Jti.,.m ;;::= :fr2_,: 4-tttl lllllilrt I. JWW! 11111 NIM 0.. J11T It, IHt, ....... me, I Mtt.l'V iao. ADMIN15TllAT10 Jrf T"1{ l'«tlpla, ,..... ................. . .......... H.ot• ut,J1t • INCOM°i II .. n • na •·•·•··•••• MtY ...,._ -=i. .. tM "' "' lilt "ubllc lft 11111 ,., ulll lltit. --JIY • 110. C~tlll;;::01:S:.:.•,:-, . " 2C ... l t l,90I 14,0IJ l':.~.:.:: :..·.:: •=l=t1, •. 1~~.~.:::::::: ~~~: 61~-:i . M, ~~:~ ~NCOMf :':""::1i::!ll'\Omlftl =~ ='::..'.:==A~~';...!; :-::.llllol-::;; uo. c11u1111c1 s111r1ts el .t.dn"1\"!11t11:oi. 1,111 •.m •.Olt Adu•t ._...,.., 1""'9 •••••••.•.....••••.••...•. , 11t.sn ,1',m Di T lt:•;s s.a.t., 11 ·~, ""*' ,.,,., '-!,j lf • • •• rtllv n-ecvloll ltlt 11m1. ",_ w11o1t 111mt1 er• oulllcrltllll hi 190. Otller 1!•"""6 II Admllnlttret)ll; .... t.»I J.S!I JMO E1ll1111ttll 11• t-.ceiJI!;; "'W1Htur9d 1'911, 1,...10 .. J,Sll "·'" oi:,:ld T::::: S«:urwl 111:1!~, IC •• • tOFPICl"L If.I.LI 11w Wllllltl lfllf""'*" enll t ck_......, TOTAL .l.OMINIST!lAftON ........ , J2,UI U.tu ll.6V :-!!= SllM Intl ll'wlrnol lllPOr!IO!!flWllll, ltff.10 l.Ol,OOI N.A. roqulr9d .. Ml-• •udtfl l • x • • ~ 1 • •ll.'1• Nu\Ulll!TTI! SHAW ,...... Uk\111<1 !tit 111M.. 1'0C INSTllUCTION 11 bllfnce i:oiv. ~ .................. l olt.511 n.~. u ... '' ... ....... .... .... .... Nol•'l" Plolltlk.(111! .. nll IOtfle\11 S.:111 210. (ll'lffk•ltd S.1-rln ol ln•lrUClllft ...,._, llullte ... .., a,....rlw• -IH' 1 ........................ , -· -. ""' li'rln<lNt Office kl Onnell II, Ult 111. ,.,lnclptle' Sllfrln ..... ....... l1All .,,1u Sl,7" ..,..,., tr-Ill', ,,.._,. .......... ................. JJIAllll n1.n5 l rltt VHn' T••M ................ .... ~;m 24•115 ::::: or-• C-IY Jrfolirv ,.ullk. C•Nlor~lt 1U. l11e~~· S.llrln ........ .,J,Oll 515,2'1 l)l,(IQO ~·l-l lilOUnf It IM Wlfll' .. In 1111 llH'lfllltl" tnlto'MI ...................................... "' 11•1lS MY Cllllmltllel'I btlt11 'rlftd11I Ollke In 21'. O!Mt Ctt'llfkelld: s.i.rlu .,,Qorr-~kl Tu 11;.,..1-. lolt 1 .. ,.11 Ollltt ........ ,............................... Jll,Ul Al.lri Jtl,tU """'di 11.. lnt a.re .... C-1'1' " Instruction .................. ,, i... 11 _,, 1t,OOI WI M-"'*' '' ,_.,,"' llr1 1..:w..:1 ••II •. ... 1U..1t m ,7.., ToT1::LlltN~=l=u'iiiil:"'"'··· .. -....... Publlsllttl Of ..... CMIT DtllY ~llot, Mr Commlulorl l!•Jlrn 210. Clf11lfl«I S.l1r1-I. 'l1f ln1frvct1"' ···• 1',271 "'" U,dO H.JU• OP ll•INMIHI IAUHClll ,,,,. ,.,.,.... JOl,6ll Sll,l1I '61,tll J111¥ J4 31 incl AutuJI 1. U, \tO ll114' Mire.II J1, 1'n 1l0. T1xttl00k1 .............. 4-NJ 47+J J.IClll 'I.IV)' tn 11111 ,,,._: (,TOTAL. HIT ll•IMNlllO IAL.ANCI ' t 11bllsllM Ortllllt (MIT 0.llV li'lltl. ?«I. Ottlll' aoolll ........ '........ J,1n 3.6" J,ODI ,~ ANO INCOMI ...... .• ........ ........ 11,,lU ·~.nl n 1.1uJ ___ :~~~~~~~~~~---l'c"c":...:'c"c"~·~";;;'~'";--""-;,;"~'~'~';' ;'"';--·'-"'-'-' 190, 0!111r E•pw;1es flf ln"rucllon ........ 11.06S )(l,Jlt !1,000 (O...,..,lulOn O. IW .. lllDlfUllll ANO OTJrflll OUTOO TOT.l.L INSTllUCTIOH .... ,,......... StJ,,... •tJMI f!ll,llt lullgll I! LEGAL NOTICE ..otl. HEALTH 5EllY1CIS !"'-'""""Ill !of-u.Hn11ltur1Ind/or1r1n1fer, lh,·10 ••.•• ,.... 3',,10 llOCI, g:.:T ::.:~.... ttt,OOO J2+0Cll lS•.OOO • IUPllllDll CDUllT OP THll •lG. (ertllkll..i Sllerles or ... , >' ltr1r+wrn •..-it i. bl lftt..-111 In lht 11111111111ry OI knll lnllr•! '' ··•·•"'' •• ' •••• '''." 211.lll 10iw.J IM,'6S IT.I.Tl Of CAl.ll'OllNIA ,011 HNlltl "••111tnt l .. ..... l.m ...... '12 c""''"' Ol:trld Ti• 11-.Ul•-nh fOr lfft.70 lo" ................. ........ so.. Q 52tMl Joll.IU fJrfl COUNTT OP OllANOI Oll,AllTMINT O' i:ou•llC wo••I 4'0, 01~tr E•Ptn111 ot' HHl!lt StrVlcl '"' t,ffi t!! 5'I llWl'IMll •r !Ivy'" tl11 N<:urtd rtH ........ Jt,.10 i;':~L~P~~~~;ui.:i'i 'i.iri0"""""" '1 ,.._ A..ud rllYlllOH 0' NIOMWAYS 61111. OPEll.l.T rgJA~F H.;~~fTH IEllYICE"S "" 11.211 "":.~,~=t~: A':Y-..'.c~::::r:, ... r DTNlll OUTGO .. " ... ,· ... """ ,. .. , ... , ~l,Jd .Uf,IOl Jtl,MIJ ":~·~:. OPAUN'r~~~~...:·~~~~i:,:.~: N~Tl~~ll::'T t:T:=-1 620.Cl•UUltd S11fri.tfWOplr1li0n ,,,,,, Y,111 11,1'3 41,IJt St1teSct>eer S1111Sdlllt l .INDIHOIAl..l.JrfCl,JUHI» TC l'LITICONTll,.CT O ' lwtlll • •to. O!Mr f!QltMli 1,,.. OMrtllon , , , , . , 25,01' ~.1.. H,:ICO •ultd l .... fVf'lll 1 lltllnt F.,.,. I. C•lll In Ctunll" Tr-y ••.. , , ••. ··•· · .• , . )11,M 42..2'1 »LID D OM &"''E IEEJ""'Y.Ell S1•led Jrv..,.11; w!ll IW l"tCllftll , TOT.I.' OPEll.1.TIOM OF PLANT .... 155U 13.012 to Ge ·-·---· u '·TOTAL 1xr1NOITl.lill:IS. OTHlll OUTOO 1!.tllll 11 CL.All "" I. l<m ' DtP1rtmlf!I II Publl( W«lla. Dlvl•lon.,, .. 700, M.l.INTENANCE OF Pl.ANT ' ' NWPO;';°''l;e,. .l.pporllonlnlrll AND MIT lllO•• .,.1..1.JrfC• ................ 17,,lOJ fSl,1J1 tJl,ltt 0.C.H911. Hlil!wewl. al !tie offl(t" 1111 Olelrlct no. CttHllltll S.lirlts fOr Mlln'-nc• .. 1"!.U 15,0ll UM• llKtrlctwl Mlt!lcl, Jul' I, IM ........... .. 1,Jll CMll Mtff N•WPO•T llACM ICNOOL OllTlllCl", OllAN•I COUNTY CALIPOll.NIA NOJICE II Hl!ltl!I"' GIVEN 'TM! En•lnetr, floom '°'' Dlvl1I011 o1 H~• )to M I s,tll 6 tlJ 1,00I T 0 .M? OUTITANOIHO IONO•D l"OllTIONlll "HVl..LIS It, BEl!'IEMYEll 1111 lll•d a1111d1n1, 110 S.Ulll 1..-lftl Strtet, i..t ' tOIJ Pt~~~=~rafl!N':_rNCl!1 ~~~~NT .. 10,22t n :a11 U.t(M :*:?f~~.::' lf.C.n,:.'''.::::::::::::: F,1!! :::~ ~i:,,:11:~j :-:.• "°~ffmto ·::::::::::: f,~::: '·~~:= t~:c~lr~• •i:•n~.':11 or~~r:C:"'i:'J::: ~:c':'·.., C,.'.!:i':.~l~f. 1~1111 i..::.. 1t:; ~ . 11,ltt 000 "" ................ ' .oo,a J OUTST.1.NOING IOJrfOEO l,.OEITl!ON!S.S .. 1.310,000 t,1a.oot 11"4 II rlil ••Hertw :Jlullell ln !ht Coun-•nit •IKt "'" w!I '" llUblklll ...... I ll, .l.nnu!tr F ,nit •• '. ,, ••• ' ••.••••• '.. 1'·:~ 1 m ~·-:nlfl(i.t "'"'"''' 1-•• !Ht ..•.•..•. ''. 2.J7S )t,(S,S ... ••OINNINO 1.1.1.ANCI. JUI. T ' 1¥ ., "'" AMtlts. 11111 ot Cellktmlt ........ tor ""°""''"' Wltll. •• felllwll Ill. Pll'ft'll...,.I l'"unol ........... .... l ·.. ellmttwl tu tK'1..,"" _Ut.. C1eh In C-11" Tr11;ury 1t0,to1 Jfll.JIS fJl:ctlbM 14 ffl-.i: .._ ___ Ceuntv, In Cost• MMe, ..., 111. l'ubUc EmploYffl fl.ilr•m•n• ...... l .IMJ ' '· rou, ltff.1' .................................... 1,1,1 lt,7S4 M lulltll Nil lt11fnnt"'11 lii~fl(t :::.:::::: N1,)S4 M0.141 m~ A lhr••·•u • rNrctl ., lend 1,. 11111 N~ hulevll'll 11 "'''-loe:ltl•" 112. ~tdl~1,llurvlvor1, Ols1Dlllly •ncl :=:..,1ctt11...:;.i:-,;-~ ............. , ,,D70 11,1!1 1. INCOMI IOtliotl 11' IPMI Nlll1fl )Ill Itel, IMllUl'ttl ..;; ltl" $trtll •nit Mell Otlvl Ill· llll E:.:Onu_,~~'ii~tM• .. ........ J:~ ,:::; ,:::: 1,..,., lf-fW 1 ..... ~ Ntl HSIJ «ttl1' IO. LOCAL IJrfCOME '""" tlll Etll llnt !tier_.-, It! Section Dl'•U.i•l•tl "•Ill( sleMI ll"llWM .. ::'. -:;T!-,F,~~t.~0 ,·•.~,'"",,,'"1urenc~ .:: t~~ ,fl* !:: :;."7! .,,·_7.,,,•M~.,.,0• .. ~ ... =, ... ··~ .. ~~~:;;1~;····· ' ' Ohg~:~~f)!:::: s':u~~ 11~r,'.1. rec.•lwll .• 117,,,, 111,111 • , • • ~· :1:~: h-~"~~::it: ~~r.": ... .'11•0~;~illc•.•~~··.!.nc1 ..,::-'~ TO .I. Fl.. .. . ,,, ,,,, ll0.1d U.000 """'-" ,... r llV'f I eel II b&ll 1""911 • • w • • _. 1 • IU."2 ""°""" In C-IV luf"l ... Vi _,., N<I. ""I'll ,_ nt '0 t"' 5Ulf0TAL .l.,.PLICA81.I' TO TEACHEllS' "" .... llCW9d 11111 .................. , . . 12.51S Jll,.... ~llllUP ..:I II rt net ............. JJ,ltt JO.Sit »,Qt Cd-lln-1 ... tilt< In ... flflke _, 1111111 ..... ti tl>t l llOYe idd••H. $.1.LAllY LlMlfATION ...................... 1n,1a ,11,m 1.1-0.J.G AJrfNV.I.\. ''"'""c1.1.i.. AND IUDOIT •• ,OllT .. n::u;111·'1.;.··· ..................... lt.132 ILln .................. "' .... C_.,,,"" IMllll llnl l ift trt tt<tUlrtd ..... -l!lllrl ... List LH" At'""""' IOI' 'ltn1 ~·;u 14'111 .,_...INlllAI. PUNO ... , .. ~, ... : ...... ~ .. :::'.::::::::·.:::::::: 7.SU t,JU t,ODI ti 11hll H fUI IM1M .. rllld wltll .... MsctlbHI l>ll'•ln. •nit Equ\pmenl .......... ..... .••.•.•• ... C•lUIN I c.1 .... 2 Ctlltmn, DIM \ft 121 .... , .. LIN .. tlM IMt """' ....... !'Md. llvnu•nt It llCll'" 1m .. ""t.lltlor TOT,t,L .t.'"LICAILE TO EDl/C.l.TtON lf'1..W ,,...., 1Hf.1t TO r ('0,i,i' iiiC(i:ij'iiVS Oii .. ,........... •ncl tM w"' llfof"' ""' rNtal IMlnt Ccdlt, Ille 01Nrlme11t tlM asc"'1IMot 1111 COO E SECTION 11'01 FOii TEACHEll.S' .t.ctu11 AclMI 1 .. lt 11'0~~.·.~. o~LAHCllll tH$6.J '''t" !k.ttt i•nll91 ._.ti\ IN laet 1tM If lllil *" lltfllnll tl'Ht lll"' r11t tf w ... IL'I It. S.1.LAllY COMPUT.l.TtON ..... ........... 1tl,lll t11,IOt l,Ollf,nt A. llllMNIHI 1.1.1.AJrfCI IULY I c. TOTAL, N•T llllNNlflO iJi:i.AN'(."'""'" ' ' !19ft 11 1 lllt~• ... ,.,.., """' .. .., cwnlY Ill Wiiie~ !hi Wl'flll 1s"' Ill lllnl, .. lOO ... u "11.. TllAHS"ORTATION C11rt "' Ctun!y 'trHIU'JI •. • ....... ... . J,1tJ,1H J,J.4.1,11' AJrfD IJrfCD/rol,I •n'11 "-J,1!J '31,127 l:MI llfll wHkltflf" llOC ... wtlll ""'"' 11 lh!ed lft tM OtN""""'"' P\*llC' SXI. Cl•Hllled Sel•rlfl of lltv1lvfnt Cieri '1#111 .. . . .. . . . .. ...... .. . J.oot J.000 II IXli'•NDITUlliii '.\ND 'OfM'iit 'Cltif'M ' .... ' .. ' ellllr ..... ...,. ......... recN111 .. td!V """""'• Olvleltn ot H!1hw1w1 MtH(ttl"" Jto. :;= ~;='';,'°" .......... · ·· lC,lJO 1l.h • 11·"12 Cii11 c .. i.ctleN ..,.,llfnt ftl!ollt ............. l.7H · noo. Dll!t lervlc• · 1111111 u1 -"..,.., .. ,_,,,.... 1r1 Gtt>w1I li'rev1111,.. w ... It.ifs. lllttll ' .. ,,I Tr•M""'"1ilt!\ ...... ".. .. . • ~.»! ,,,,, s.ooo A.cc'"1n~ llKllVllll• . .. "......... •. • . 7n,u3 'jJ,JJl ...... ..,.....,.iltn " ........ "' •• "....... ltJ,IOf 1t0,oot ,,.. "-.... ,_ Tltlr ---.... Tturl Jul¥, ""· To·,,, FU>-Ol TRANSPOllf.1.'t!ON ~'i.!!1o11··-i.:,·;:.:,.:0·0"' ...................... · .............. • .• ·.•. .?or4.HI Jtf,"6 ..... lnl-ffHI ..........•.•...•.••.. ,.,,, 11.llt 71.2JI tt.-01 ( ........... A...,.0 11'"-"• CMt1111 '· 0.Ntlm9"1., M lle Wlll't;t 1',to2 lJMl 17·'12 ..---" ..... 7'.JU N,111J Ttlll O.bl S...vlcl VJ.Ht ,,J,JSI Ul,dt llllllr, AlllllJll I ....... -.Hl'ln G, OIYilltll o1 Mlellw1v1 TOT,liL CURRENf Elr;'1!'"$E OF EDUCATION • TOTAL CUllllENT .1.Sll!'T$ .............. J,lJJ,).O J,ftCl,41 TOT.l.L •WP•NDITU'.i'ifAN'O"""""' lllttll', 1111 ... Ml-M lllllw ,,.._, J. A. L"trr• IA~lclbl• "'Unfl £,.,.,. .. c.1cu1•1~· Leu; c...,.,.,., l.ltob!ll!la OTMlll OUTOO ..... '' .... ,.,........ 171,t\t ,,,,,,. ™·'" lllt"41 AUi,,,; lt, lt.w. 11111" lllrllMf" 5!1!1 ltll!IWl'f Entllllll" ',',8!!!',,,!~,-T,~,-. -',. 'l:~e ,t,bowe Accou~Ts " eot,050 t1l,QJ 1.0.5,Jl• Ind Dettrrff lnCOffll · .. "" ··• .. ·.. US,J.i li1,710 1 . INDIN• Ii.LAH CL JI.IHI • OKl1r11111¥ .,... Oltc,IJtlen II S.:ltcllln IY H, Ar1nl1n fro:;·1o~;°c;;~,,;; under ES!A, r .L, lt·IG NET IEOINNING •.t.L.ANCE ................ 1.•47.0U 2,616,IDI CNP! Ill ~11 t rMiurv ..................... , 100,IO? 203,JU 111.uJ ., ltl_.,HI l ...... A-necvlttl Irr Ollltrlcl E"lltlllf Tlll• I •...•.•............ '' .... •.615 1.IOJ ::1::= : ~~~;~ l~1':1~:~:!'1t ··:::·· ~::~! .:~~:;; : : ; : P. ::~A~l~)C==~~~~u::~:..:::1• OUTOO O!t21 .UJ 7SS •11.111 ~\Ir~=.!~ t,r,t .~1n""··= ..... DJ~i,;ic: •• 0r .. , Tiii• II ................. . .......... w .l.OJUSTIO NIT IEO!NNING I.I.LANC E 1.tOO.dS 1.U4,N1 J,221.ltt HIW,OllT HA••o• U~ilOirt'1it'1iiii 'ict100.: ollTlllCT'. ,,.,,, ......... Olflcl•I lltc.11rft. lf.t.T• MIOllWA,. •HCHN•lll'I 900. POOD sr•v1c,n .. ' ,. '""' ' ),100 •. ,',",°"••'•• -OllAltOI COUNTY, CALIPOltNI" ret..--. .. """'di II mtdt ter turll>H ISTIMATI: "'°· CIAUl!lec:t .... IS 0 1r. .... . .l.L IJrfCOME •ecEIVED OUTITANOINO ION ... IJrfOllTION•tt 1tr!IC1,rll,,, Incl lttll !tit fl!'nl •M tllCAI ... '""' """"' l1tllillllll m . 01htr E•Pfnlll ....• '"•'' J.000 FltOM "l!OEllAL SOUllCEI Tll CT I J • t2•SllOo IUJOOO hll Min 1ft lo To'.l Foo' !EltVl(fS ...... s.100 11 Mo!----· ... ·-····-,,, ,,,, ''·"' •••• , .-... OP 011 I '. -.................... ' ·...... ·,,,·... •I .... , .... ,, .... me ' .... (H• IMlll -. ........ ,,,11,. C.S ' "''"""''~ ....-""" ·• ""• Mlnl.r1 •1-1 ti bonll1 r.iHllllll ............ ,seo,.,..v ' .AU1u1t 1S. 1Nf, 11 f ,Jf •·"'" In 1111 I k0101 FouN!i llon c,. t.> 1100. COMMUNITY SEltVI "· EllmM!tr, •nd S«:-lrl" OUTl'rAJrfDINO IONOl!.O tNOEITIOtl!SS .• l ,6'-S,000 l,OU.000 (Wr1-11 Oo•rllil11tl Jrfo. Tllr~ Ill Canc:r~ll 1110. C•rllllc1rtd S•l•rln st Ell111:11lon A(! (PL lt-101 . , '"" 1)1,41 U.3H .t.. llOINNINO IALAN(I. JU'-"' 1 .. 111 C1Urt, 11 100 WIJI Ellllt~ s1 ... 1, In t l60lH 111,,.11 LS Lum:o lu'" Community 5trvlce1 ............. , J.~ l.•tll 1.Ull TOTAL Fl!Ol!ll.1.L INCOME RE· (lirt !n Cour,,Y Trt•IU'l" .•... ""', "" 61H,Ol1 611,:111~ rt11 (llY It! ltrtll Anl, C1~fll'nlt, ILOC•lllft A) llJO. ~IYs.~-;.,~ce~ ... $, .. , J,Jn J,Jll• 70 FE~:•~to,~:g:,':~~:f'v1E~0Ult(l!I .. 1'0.!tll 111,1tl 100.000 I . INC~~'"' Nit leglnn11111 e111nc1 , ..•• Jt1.ff7 6".111 611 .• 1 0•1e11.,:11~ "it"~HJrf J UO)Ol Silfllll l.l lum• 1.,... Hto. Olllor Eu11.,lfl '1 Community S•r ., J,ot? t,nr 1,000 FllOM STATI SOUllCfS IO. lOCAL IJrfCOME c0unt;. Cls:rlt. ' tLouotlon I ! S L lulll TOT.1.L COMMUJrflTV SEllVtCES " 10.1u t.Jll 1.1'• 11. Nllllflal Dtt•nu l!llUClllff! .I.Cl (,.LU•l -0.•0 7',H1 •1,JSI Olettkl Tl•U M,t,llWOOO. 100•111 -ADKINSON ' llolU!M Sltlltle () l ,_ 1200. CA,.ITAL OUTL.l.'I' 1•. VIC.lllw;el lii:llucelllli Acl (PL .. 1111) ., 71,t'/' \l,614 'lt,Oil Oltltlcl Tfxa, Jtc:url<I lloU, •tci!w.. 71',NS '"·''' • • 11 x Ut HI_.,.. Cl'"' Oriw (Lotatlon !2-02. ::::~::r:.rf '11 ". ..... ..... ..... UJ '·* Jt. ~:...:'"'::'.:"'A~"",:~:r . ' ..... U1,tlt 111.ISI 17'.tJt ........ ," ... ".1•'!· .• '!!,"'~ ... ·.·.'" ............ • II~. ,.1,1,nc !!.::--', ,,,.,·~.·.·,,•,•11• J M0305 ~~.11'.o.. DI 11Q. 8u!klln!I• ,_.. ..... 1c....,, ...... "' H~ •• 11 I'·"" Jl,ICIO TOTAL FEOEllAI. IHCOME Ill· .-, ·-~ :1.~,: ., .. " '°°·'°° ;.;...,...,, ;. PllHIMW • M03M s1-11 LS Lum:o""'"' Ult. Ollllr Equl~mtnl ····· """'" ll.lff 16.161 tt.d Cl!.IVIO FltOM ST.I.TE SOUllCl!S .... ll0.tt1 JIJ,111 ll1.lll Uns.cur.i ol ...... ............. '9.Hi «t,Ht n.l1'0 l'u,tlt ...... Otl .... C.llf Ol llJ P1iot. IL«tllon I I TOT.I.\.. E;~;~~l't'i:':~~.l.L o~~-LAV :::::··· !~:~ 1.!~:: 1 .1~~ JO. ~~~=~~01~l~EEANO Int:.:~·.':'.""' .~.I~~ .. ::::·.·.:::·.·.'.:::·::·:: H,~~: "·: U.oot JM~ H, U . l'l. lf't ,,., ... , llO»f ~~~"" F) LS Lu ......... CtTllEll OUTGO JI. VKITllMI fdOctlllr! Aid !Sml1t1· Oltlw .... ............................. in ,llJ Nl,O):t ttl .. J.1 P.._.1"1HI Or1ftt1 C1t1! 01Hv 14'1111, uoo. Ol/JGOING Tll.l.NSFl!llS H.,.._.,, w-,.11rll.,. .1.c111 .... "/" 1.on J.ilCO To111 LK1I l"<•mt .. ............... ... LEGAL NOTICE Jvtr 21 '"" AutwlT '· nH ,,,.... lQO. Tijlllon 'It. St.I.ti INCOME TOTAL INCOMI llXCLUllVI OP I ___ ..::::::::...::.::.:==----1----;-;;;;;-;;.:;;;;:;----!.&Jt 0!1111' 'tvlllon ••••"""" Ill 1.0!1 J,000 ti, "rl"C~I "-"ltnl'lllnl • •IOINNIHG IALANCIS) ...... .,............ 111,112 H7.tlf Ml.6J.IJ. TOTAi. OU'tGOING .... h1k, flftlllllf!llrt .I.Id •nll c. 'rOTAr... NIT 11•1NHIN• IAU.NCI I,.. 11'2 LEGAL NOTICE TllANS,1!.llS .• " •• • ... 113 •• 1:1: 11 )ill lul>9itflWllMI s-rt ....... l.ln'/,1JI l,U1,7n ,,.,,... ANO IN~':'.,,..:..:io.:.·o .. ,;;;.·i•i.iT'Aiii"iiilo~:~~SllOtt ~:·~,, 1,419,HI HOTKI °" 141.9 0, , •• ,OMAL 1--------------i~~~~~=~·uTE0"11 e'St:•.tvf ·:::::::::::::::::: : : : = _. . I' ·,;.:,., ::J :.=:i~llMG"J'i...H•~.lc~~ .. ::~::::: ~:~~ 2tt: ·::::: NIWl'OllT-M•SA UMIPllO ''"Df-110:.r:J~T, OllA)ll• COUll!Tl', CAl.1140lltMt• Plll:Of'lllYY :! =~:T• &Al.I T..Qtlf TO'tAL £X,.ENOITUlllS ANO 61.• .V....!tl lltllr-llwl .............. ,. tJMt to.fl. n.• DUTSTANOIJrfO IGMOIO IN• I • 'T IK'"' Ill. •1111 OTHl!ll OUTGO , ............................. , ... stJ 1,0S4,CllM 1,•lt..M •1.Sl"ll't'tlc•ll" H•llllk•P9111 .......... "'·"' 1$1.J« Ht.4U O,D\STR1n.t11-•...................... l&S,1111 tUPlltOI COUllTOP Nil llOTICI .... lltTINOIO •ULIC f , INOtH• •AU.NCI. JUHi. "" '--'Y M111•nv •• ",,..., . ... ll.!60 -•I.IOI Q,7tllt li'IUI ·-'"' "'°""' Miii ............... 1as.ooe ITATI o .. CALU'OlllNIA ,,. TllAlllPlll I. C•;l'I Ill C-l'f 'trHiury ............ .••...• 210.Ul 714,710 .. 61.1 TraMpertfnt t-11,..lc1"*' p..,;11 .. 2'.15' 19,tsJ IUOI A. llllNNINO •ALAll(I, JULT I 'TNI COUJif'TY °" Olt.Alflll i.., lrlOTICE 11 Hlll•IY GIVEN lhll l. lt•VOlvlnG C.111 l'....-.:1 .... ••. .. ..... $00 MIO .,. s..ci.1 Pvt,... A-r11of\mtnf C•1h .,, CC4in!y T•Mllll'V .... ......... l.1lJ "·'°' 111"" Mtlfrtr"""' C-""11 Wlllltm c . G••ltifllll, llolnt llull!IMt .. '· .l.ccovn~ lltc:tl¥lllle .... ... • ........ , 2,0Jll 'ti Or.....,_ T ... lnlnt ....... , ...• ,,. tj,fJt 114.JJO ll•,150 I . IMCOMI ltobtrl L•llt .,......_ ltll .._ 11 RILi.$ TlllANOLI! ll!lllVICE • ..._ I. li'l"l(lllcl EJ(fleNe ....... . ... ..... ... ).ttS t,llt •i.l Allt-• "" lt..,•"'1tl1Wt ..... 11.t«I O.t 11 111.000 ... LOCAL IJrfCOM£ llllDert L. 11"""°"' llM '-11 It, L. ilutllllat ....,_It .-s W. lltclllc CMlf OIHlllAI. •••••YI. JUN• JI. "" fJ. •-111 A119wtncet .,. Oll!rlcl ,..... .. ....... c-........ !fwv •• !rt-' ~ c ....... "' Or•-· 1'-1\) v J 1 x J ~ • • 10,aot •I.I .I.I~ !et l111!rucl1Mt! 11.1 0!11tlcl Tl~et. Stc:ll'lll Ntllci9 It ...... ...,. '"'°"' the! .. Ullo Celffll'ftl .... t11o111 11 -kl 1 llullt lfot 1t 11i"T'Aii'iTS ........... """ ... tt1.,w1 1f).+lf 10.MO T11ev111ot1 ............. , ........ J.101 t,1)91 J,000 lloll, ftc:l!v.i .... .,.... •. ...... u.nc • x • • llllnltMll wlll 11tt If ll'"lwht ui. • .,. • .....,,... .... ht llDNALO O. CNll.01111. ~~~A~u~~.:, L~tblll!lll .. : .. :::::::::::::.::: U,0'1 17,to •l.J "-""'""'"'' .. ,. Pl!v9k •llW 11.1 Olltrlcl T1x11, Sec.ur .. •111, ..., •rttf"" Ifft.,.".,"!!'-"'·,..,..:.::--MltWN .......... .w.u w. P-cfflc NIT •ND1Jrf0 IAlAHCll ......... .... '" 10t,6t0 111.•" 10,SCIO lt1,..lc1""" Mlnll"I llf Wl'IMI NI •IC!ul•l'll !fl blltf!Ct 1\ldtfl ""'"' I• XI J •XX JM lff~ "Tiit Id ...., C'...i _,.,, M-' lfec.ll, ~If •. TOT.I.I.. IXPINOITUlllS. OT"'" DUTOO Slll1 IP1Clfl l!llvc•lllft 11.l UnlKlll'ttl 11111 .. ......•..••..•..• .. ... AlllCl•tloft. •t \Nell ·~ ........ or... c11-..i. ............. Ii" .. A,NO UNOISTlll•UTID 1111111111, PLU• '•tlUtln ••• Av1llfDll ,......... l . .llO II.I ,tlor V•n' T1x11 ', ....•.• ,...... 1 ltJ ISJ.: A.M,. ,' .. ·n:mi... .. ~ '*" c::"Ctt".: ,...,,_~. NIT INOING 1.1.L.l.NCI .................... 1.151,115 1,n1.• 1,121.000 "· O!lltr .....• ......... .............. '·'°° "· lfllll'HI .................................. .ns •. • •• ,. Mt ... ... • ., "" .... hH411nt, !llltll'ltll. - "'" T__.ONO IHTlllllT .I.MO lllOIM,TIOll ,UHD TOf.1.L $f.l.T! INCOMI! .............. O.S10.41 •.tU,101 4,J1',70:1 TOTAL INCDMl llXCLUllV• OP lltf', anti Wiiied fl CllflftP_.... ... tlllill ..,.._ ~II Ifill ....... 1..-Ww llAI.. •l.t.CM SCJrfOOL 011,ltlCT, OllANOI COUNTY, C.A~IPDllMl.I. 11. COUNTY INCOME ••OtNJrflflll IAL.t.HClll ........... """'" 1,US »,ttt 121,44 lu"'1tt c-1, tll H,...... llltl ... ._ 11' ~ ..itll ......... HnlTC:t ti.. nll1'1TAJrfOIHCJ •ONDIO IHDllTIOHl!ll "· EQUl l1Jllion Aki Ottnl , ......... ,.. • ..UJ.I 11',1N (,TOTAL. NIT llOINNINO 1,1,UNCI llrul "' "" c-w .. ti .......... .._ " •ILL'S TlllAHOi..8 D" OllTlllCT. et J-,. .... ' ' .. ... '7S.llPJO 100.000 11. •'Mht•llf.,eoo,n F......... . •. ...... 11.m n .su Jl,SJI .I.NO INCOMI ......... .......... .. ........ l.UJ Jt,Hl $5f,f.U 1114 Ull'lell'I ........ .......,., ......... "'"'"''· Minus ,._nts of llncll •..ittm"ll ... 11,111111 IC,OOI TOfAL COUNTY INCOME ..... ...... J11,.0. ltJ,HI Jl,J)I O, IX,IHDITUlllS .I.ND OTMlll OUTGO Ille CIW "' frl-9 ....... C ..... r< fMI ......... M fllc.ttell I ..,i; W, OUT5TANOIJrfG llOJrfOIO IJrfOl!lllEDNISS .. J<I0,000 1'0,oot to LOCAi. IJrfCOME! noo, Ol•T S.l!llYICE °'-· ., ... .,, c ......... _..,..,..,... c... ....... ..._.. '"""' A. ll•IMMINO •.t.1.AHC•, JULY 1 11. Oletrk.t l 1•n lbf. ·-11.i.....,ilon ....... -.. :llAll lltK'll:ltll ff .............. 1 c;_.. " ........ (1,....."111. C11~ ln County TPfflU•V • . .•• ..... .. oi,n: lCl.•ll 11.1 ~UI'-lltll, r«•lvH II lflfkfllll 10,ttJ,1'1 11.6lt.O.U ••• I 1)611. llftll •~1-ffnt .... ' ' . ........... 1.... ,.... llodi .. .., ... """""" _, ··= ,,. ............... "' __ ..., N•t '"""""''"' l111fl(f .... .• •I.Sil •1 ."1 M!,t1l 11 I Stc:urttl lltll, ... ulttol "TOTAi,. IX,,INDITUlllS AND -' Ill ................ ..,. .. ., ...., ....... "· .......... ....... a. lJrfCOM• lo Ml~"<I I"'°"' ..... ...... • • 1 • • • • • !+.10t,S$1 OTNllt OUTOD .••. ~... ........... ,... GMI ""'"'°" It Mfr""" ~ 11 WltT'WAllO f:KlllOW Ill. 1.DCAL !NCCW..I! 41.t Uni.cur .. lltll . • ............... 1,1.,,.1•1 1.$.ll,tll 1.m .•n I , INOINO •.t......,.CI. JUMI • ltceltll ti 1• ................ (0. wt W. 1M ttrwl, i..11 ..._ 11 o1orr1cr T••et ,,,, "r* ,. .. ,.. T1•• ... •• $11.Mt .ttun ..... '· c..,. 1n c.....,·r ,, .. _,. ... . ......... 1.1u n .21, .111,24' '-"" c...... ... c........, ~. c....,..., II.I 0 1,"lcl TllH. M<ut.. I' lliltt P. TOTAL IXPINO TUltll, OTHlll OUTOO T...-11 Mft U1111o t11 ...... _.,. .---91e ...., ...... """ lnMtlref' 1111~ '•''""" . ' .•••. ' . ........ «l.+tl ... ,,.. • I • J .... , .... ., l!ljlllpnllftl .... s""•la .,,, ,,.. A#O NIT IHOINO •.t.L.ANCI ••• ,, ......... ' 1,111 .... , W.141 ..... Un""' .... "' .......... ,,, .... ... .... ... ... llol11:4'1nt llMllM~ I I 1 Of I let Tu-. 1o1nrH lltll. M;t Otl!lf Slits • 11 PNt ~UILOIN• PIJM9 w "'" Ulllt _. .. ._ .................. " ................. ... ' rw:..'rn11 II MIMA ............ ,, 11 • 1 1 1: -.t W • S.,{W 11. 11:..ielt .... L-~-~~c'..ttt " N•W,OllT<MllA UNIPl•D KMOOi.. DllTlllCT, OUMel CIUNTT, CAl.INllNIA ..... __,. "' ,.,.._. W Tftf/f Dllf .--: II J U..-tf lll:toll .................. , J.!-Ot l,Dl ' ,,..., "Mlt«l!Mellf4 '""'*" ········-···· 11.1'1 U,J.G u ... A. llOtlOllN• aM.NICI. IUl.Y I ... h _,.., 11 ..... 'T• --f/f Alill:ll"Oll:T TIJIACO. 4'11 C-... , tl.J 14'(141' 'TH"' f l •M .~.,..,, • .,, .. 6U J,t11 U. fnWnt ,,.................. • , • lff',141 J ... 111 1til.IOO Clfll II\ C9vM\I T•MWl"V ,, •.• .,.,,.,,,..,,..,, llt.tll MllUlil 1111111 .. ......,....... It-' loMdl.. M. lfllll'MI ........... ,. •• ,............ fH lJll 1,11111 II, "#dftll"'-FllOftllll'" II~. (Odl IUAI! 1.ltt It T .. el C...r..it .l.IMh ....................... · lrt.tll I'-W....,, Iii liol Ill ............. _...,. ll'b .. ltt ..... • TOTAl.tr,.•~J..T'1J=1JV9 .ff............ .CS.Ml JIAI 1f,tt1 "· ~M."LOCAi'.' iNCOM£ .. ::::::::::::· u..J::! 1.1.1:::;:; UJSl.111 '--u~.::+'1o1':•~"ii'1i;..c.. ........ •U 1~':. ......._:,. ~,,: ::,~ .... -::.= = -C:......,.. _..... 11111 Miit __. •IOIMNINO ~NCPI ......... ,,........ 69'1 P.4tJ M.l'tl ff, INCOMIMG TllAN»'l"I •· INCOMa ' lllftN ._..II .... W -lttflllf ............................ . C TOTAL fllT •UIMlllNI IAUNCa 'f n. C>flMf' ,..,.. ........ , ................ , 11,,7' U.let •· l.OCAI. IJrfCOMI IM Clf'k II JIMo............ ..... y,...,.. ... "*---«:; D. ~~.:itto~~=n'Nit'i'o+Miii't4irM"" .... t t.A1t ""'' .... xr.·';\:=~ •::~!~~· ................ ll,.U7.ot7 21,Ul.Pt n.JH.nt 11t11., ltlllh ... ....... • ... -..... tu.• .. ,.... DeltillT~"-·e..~ .. · -CALlllOIUl1A :.·.:."': -:. .. T"'-.-::.,. ' ID. l>llT tli"¥1C• C. Al.. ,.IT II•INNllll• IAUNC.I hie .. Lt ... fnll IOllWl!IJI ............. &.m IY T1 •11e:t11• ...... _. ...... tf _. ..... , ... -1•...,.IMl'I .... ......... JS,000 .... .... D •c.M• ., ......... , .... , ............... )6,011.$lt n .111M1 ''·"s·"' T1111 LIQll lllctflll ......... .............. lli.171 ........ Ylol Ii'....... "" ........ ~ ............ "' lJM ...... nltl'f'I , ....... .••••••• It,.. l.IOO l,2Cll D. llCli'IMOITl.lllII AN• OTJIIll Dl.ITIOO TOTAL IHCOMI (aXC1.•ttvl OP TNll Oflkitr CM! Ct9t --.,...,, tlltl llt M TOTAi. IXli'•llOITUlllll "MD CUlllll!NT •Xli'INll 1••lfltNI"• IALANCIJ ·.1.·.:·::.............. 1'L!11 ......._ ........ IC.. ........... fff H lll'tllf .,._ ............. fl-" .... OJJtlll OUTOO ....... , .. , • ., LS.* ,.,altO ltJOll I ... AOMINllTllATIOH (,TOTAL, #CT 11.0 ... NINI ~Cl l•lllt fl 11'111 c-trvlt.. ~ 1.-....._II.-MM - I . IHOIHO •AL.NICI. JUNll • Ill. C.t lltkttM itlfrltt ANO INOOMI ., • , ... , ., ........... , .. , .. .. .... lM,tou 111,7• ,,,..... llOllllTIOll. ~·· i IAlll..MI• 11r tile ,..,.,.. ....... Cltfl In COuntV TfMllltl' ...................... .,,,,. ,...,, •).JOI ., Admllll91,•1111¥ .. ' • Ul.llt nJ.fff ·~ • .,, 0. IXP•NOITUllll AND OTMlll OtnOO 4Mt Cl.......... ""' ,..,.,, •'·"' .. ~, ~ .. -,_ , ••• -... , .. -·-·-······-,,, '" ,,,,,, --... ,-, .-.,,,,, ... f""""' ,......, -........ • ...... --·-P. ~:TAtnc1.1,.-.::~ •• s.··o:,-..1•· OUT9il""' -,;:: 0~"1...,. .. r"'_.-;;;;, .. , ....... :.:: 11:.u u : ... , ii0'.2111 ... 'Oititr 1...,.-;'"' ....... 1n1s1r1111tt .. " '·"' MlwfliM.., C1111 • ..-'h.,..._. - LS Lu,,_ Su"' • l l ' l ' • l l • I • AND NIT INDINO IAUINC.I ... " ... .. 17.111 ,.,,IJ to.at TOT.l.L ADMINI Tk.l.TtoH .......... ......tlf sn.... •S4.t1I JM, CAPITAL rll/TV.Y ,,,......, Ol'IMM c .... "'"' Pllef, ll'lllllllNf °"""' c ..... ," ~ c"'o"o":·"'::.c°'c-:;::....:"":=":....:"c".:..'-'-"'-·-'-"".c..'-"-'-"'---------'-"-'-·ff_ --"'-·-'-'-"-'-"-'-'-'°"-------------------•----'-'"'--"-"_ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _ .. _._._ .. _ .. _ .. _·--------"'-""-11----14-"'-'-•-·-'"'------'----1+'-"-·-""-------:....::....:;..,! ---------------·- ' • • Jt IWl.V P!lOT '2 Cities LEGAL NO'l'ICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAi. NOTICE LEGAL ND'111;$ LEGAL NIY!'ICE LEGAL N!'Yr!CE !Recall ,_Mlh ... a.nn •1.1 a .. ic. l•tlU!lotl Alill •1111 tAl ltM Cl•tlf•ICATI 0, tUllHl!I'-ClflTl,!CATI Off IVllNlll CllTI•ICAta 01' t USIHtu iWlll••*"lal "'"9r1 ~ ............. 1."4.m NOTICI 011 U LI OP l'ICTITIOUI MA.Ml "ICTITlOUI U141i 'ICTrTtout flfAMm' •1.J lM•ltlNllJ " ..... UOPlll ....... . • lfAL l'IOPlllTT AT Tiril -''-""' 90et ~rtlly II., It con-Tflot WIOff'\11 .... ._ f¥1lfy i. b t• TJMo ~,..,_. at CMtl"" u...., •re ff, 0tnw ,. , ... ,.......... ................. 2.0I 1'1t1v•TS $ALI! Olld"IM • llutillftl '1 1'U Nft'toll W•'• M"!lnl , Mr.,.&$ •I P, 0. la; .Ml, c .. 1, alnlluCll1111 ' .... .,.,. at "· O. tu TOTAL ~TATE IH(OME .............. J.l ... tal .... ....... cwi. "'-· C•llfiMllL .,,..,. *" fie. """"' C•lllotP11', under !ht ~ flffn N""'"'" .,,, 0r .... C.lltonUL '™"· ..... 11. COUNTY IHCOM~ SuMti.t ~I« IN -'Ullf .. OIUornJ• IHIOl.ll flfm -fl WI.ff COAST -o1 /IVIJL OltOi!lt touTIQUfi W _. 1M tlcf(f~ Or'M ..,,.. .. DUIGH 71. Jl.lllifl' Q,!Jcollt T•• . . ••••••••.•• too-fhe. CWnf'I' ti1 OrMtt IPI tN M9ttw" "Olll(Ltlll" CD., ..W ~I Miii -~NI .. i. tlrm It ""1HM<I M fl!f frllrio. OIUf!'llfT'ID HOftT!C:UlT\JJIJ' Mel' tllld 1t. fMlln11'11 Alll 0111" 1111 .......... , .,.. E1l•!to o1 HEHIUtT1'A M. Ttd11,!'N. ~ ... "',, ... IM I~~=-'~ "'11 •I,_.,.,_, WflOtt -11111111 ..... llltc9 • ._ fltrrl It C1mPMH ol ,,_ 1'111Wftt 11. Hltfl ScllOOI T"vfflon Tt• De(11Nd. -"' "' ,....., _,_ " ~ It 11 lo!"°"": --.., 'll'hDM _,.. Ill f\111 Mii lltcft '.Pl. "~lltMOW F""""'" ........... . Notlct II ~ 9!...., ~I tlle ..,,... lollllwt0. " '" omi DotlimUll JOHN H, ltOOEltS, II, 0, l o• 511. II resld9olKI ,,. M h i....,! 1 '19. Olfler .•.. • .• . , .•• , ... .. ~ .. w!ll "'' .i Pfl ... i. MIL"" Of HI .... "· IO\I. Cos!• lloUM. C.11Hft>rr1lt, CHAILn .w. JtUrt, ,.. T~ TOTAL COUNT'( INCOME ,. eti.t lfW 1111'1 e1t1 ot ""'9:.oll, lHf, U !fie Cl•cll. ""'"''"'"""'' Ctlll. rn4J O•i.I JlllY" U, 1..., l'IM:t. Cet.tl ~. d,•llijo. ... l.OCAL INCOM£ .rtltt .. lomvnd '· '''"''· 140.I Wll1ttler OtlM ~ ...... H All .>oM H .• __.. ltOlll!ltT L. ICOPll O, '°°' tii. ... Dl1trlcl ,.. ..... llOll""'"' MO<lll'blllll. ~'' ol lflll SI 1 llfHCr~::'or .. i• o'r':.:et C011n•v · Sr1i., or Ct!l~,.,,lt lletla. Huntln9'ol'I lff(ll, C.Hteiili.. tl.l S«llftlll !loll. rtc:tlvtll •y U11~ ,,..., l11'9nl•tlt<l1I A-itt.. Sltlll of C•~lllf'llla. lo IN lllellHt 1 t • ' N I Ot._ C_.'1 0.1911 Julf 16, lttt tt fNllctMll -~ coed d In AM •1111 bffl Mfftt, -wl:al~ 111 ""'" °" Jwi, 36. IMf. ""0'' ""· • 11 •rv On J11t1 U, lttt, ••0tt mt, • NottrY Ch••i.• W, lt1,1tl 11.1 S.:..... lttl~ rt,_11.,w ''flll mur e.r s tll"rNtlori bf< 1411ct ~lor c::-1 •• 11 ""' ,..,1111c In• 11 d •0t ••kl i l•tt, "'-11Y P111>1lc rn tl'ld tor .. 111 s111t, "''""•It\' wan l.. ICOl'ltkt 1o -.a.Mt ,...,..1 •••••• , •.••••• 1 'Arbor. Mich., dredged up ugly rltoht llllfl lllO lnler.,t QI! ••Id ~ ·-·100 Hlr•m M. Ad•M• 11r;:-~ ~ -·ed JOHN H. llOGEltS k-n lo ,,,. 5t•I• DI C.UlOl'nlt 11.2 Ufltll;urfld ll•lt ............ ' .•• I I Cl . ti and "I~ !lint~ 1141•"' Ind •II tl'lt r191\I. rni. II)"' ,,.. "'''°" wMHt ,,..,.... Ill , .. "" Hit, --...... ,.. .... ·~ •llbK•ltl-Ol'•nt• C:~ly 11.J Prlef" Y••·· T111.u ' ... I lDeTDOr eS Of OClnna .... lnltfll'll mtl !tie ft1•1t gt Wld !'!. 10.,,1-:i tilwllh~ 1111'j~"':".::! #Id fd ~ nit w»hln l .. "-1 •flO On Jwl\I 16, 1"9, belore me, 1 Noll,.., IM. Slits ;Boston whert s l r a n f I e r 5 o.c:"llfll 11111 K<1111k!'C! iw oter1111on of itw ....,new •• 11 • t(lo\owleocl9ed tie flltC11~ "'' u~. Publlc 1n , .. a /.fr M IG s111e. ,.rwn,1111 ,,_,, s1i. o1 l tWIPll'*'ll •NI SUllClll•' .•• ' <,_, __ , 21 women's I .... in "" otht'11flSI. CllM• !htt'I" In edd!llon"' (OFFICIAL.~EA·"·eNltV (OFFICIAL SEAL) • ."".,. (HAltLES w. ltUST •I'd 14.t Olt!fr Safft ••.• · •..• , ...••••••.•.. UWIU:U • in.1 ~ Mid O«t•ucl• " IM II-Ill MA ' ' ,.., Jul'lt I, JOllll-ltOtlEllT L, SCOf"IEl.O kl'lllWll ~ fTll IO U. l\ffll•i. ,Mid L.tuio, lll<Cliit .lhe decide Ql\d :tr.read fear ... II\. In •NI 10 t i! ltoot Urllllfl t~! 11"11• ~o:•;~r;ug~~t~ ~~lllotflll NOit"' Pwbllc-CelltotP111 be ft'HI .. ,._ WhO:tl ,,_, trt fWK.rll), "Mi..:-14-'!#WI'" ............... . ... I "'" '"""' 1 .. ""'C-h' ol ..... -. o'" c "' ~rll>dlltl Office '" ell to I,,. ... ,,..1,. 1iutrumtflf •"II ... lnte•til ••••••••.•••.•..•.. ··••·•·· •••.. UlrOU&hout both Cl eS. Sl•i. Of Ctll!Ot"ll. Pll'lklll••i~ dnet!becl M''7.' °l"n~ E•alra O<ll>H C-"h' eckllOWladttO !MY lllKlllld 1111 Mmt. ''· ..... ' l n.2Q out of Uie 21 murders ••• 't~'rn" :;~~ No. 11•. H"" !NP N;.,, ::.'T.n r r.-:...;~~'t~ E•.ifti (Of"FIC!!!e~e-:.Lb,v1t g·: ~ .. " ~·,~ ...................... .. no one has ever been brought r.urotO In a.oil lS. ,_ :tt. D tnd ).I Pllt>lllMll Or•,_ CCMlll 0 •1 ~ Piiot, P11QllVlell O~n1111 CotJt Otli, Piiot, Nvl•fV Publlc·Ct lllOt"ll ., 01;.... --I II ........... . .... Mltc11i.-... '""""· JIKvnb !ft ~ Jutv 31 •rod A\l'VIKI 1• u. 21• Ifft lllMt '"'' ''· ''· 31 •nd 11.11 ... '· "" l:M6-tt Pr1~1R•1 OtlLtl '" • .. .............................. .. lo trl'al • O •-·" •--.... ....,. TOTAL LOCAi. INCOrlolt ............. . · otnct 11' ""<:crurirv e<or...., "' "'' LEGAL NOTICE O•-• COl.l!llY" tO. INCOMING TllAHM"EltS Between June, 1961, and Clllntv. C•lltoffll• 1,"lc!.!.~.:; J,• LEGAL NOTICE ..,.Y commb1l1111 E•111res n.olhlt Tvn1on ., ........... , .......... .. ere loc'•ltoel '' J,,. L.clt11I • ..-v"' ' · SAit 1•1 Junt )1. lf'l'O TOT.t..L INCOM ING TltANSf"Eltl ....•• \.Murders • .... If $If .. "'"" 111.W ..... '""" 1'9.0)6 7J,)11 )1,)1)1 .4,71'.01) :11,Jr7 'JJ.111 January. 1964. 13 women w C1Utoml•l SUPl!ltlOlt COUltT OP THE NOTICE OF Tllt,ISTll'S SALi! Pul>l!tlled Or-(Mii D•lt1 Pllol. TOTA.I. INCOMI tllC(LUSl\11 Oii' •• l·'n in Eastern Massochu.. T&rrM ol wlol c•slo 1" lllwlul .....o.>ef DI STAT• OP' CALll'OltNIA l'Olt °" Monc11v, Aueust , .. IMt. ti t :lt July 11. ~·· )I 1tid A~tu$1 J, 1 .. t IJ.C.Mt llE01NNIMO SALAHCl!t ................... 1.ur.1• ... IM u .. 1,..., Sit..., ""ctM•rn'ltllOfl "1 Ull TMI! COUHTY 0" OltANGll • m .• , 719 Mlrint A~. 11.r-. l:ii..nd.1----,,-:=-::-c:--c::::=:::-::-----1 c. TOTAL. NIT SIOllfMIN• SALANCI setts almos all of them in r.,. "'' cen1 "" '"'°"'"' o.o kl M ,.... A..ui" ortnt• Cown'1. c.111or .. 1 •• CAAL M. LEGAL NOTICE AMO tNCOM• ................. . • 1·1 n-ton and all of d"""llf'O willl Did NOTICE 01' HEAlllNO 01' PltOIATE OF 8UCIC !IUllOIHG co .. IS Mlhi!Uu'e ....... D. ElCPINOfTU.£1 A.HO OTNEJI OUTGO metropo 1 an P"" I~ "'oHl'Q fa be l'I wtllil>I '"° wot WILL ANO l'Olt l ET TE It S le1. will a.ell •I Pllllllc •uc:llllo!, lo ~ CURRENT ElCPENSE lhem in a similar manner. .,. ,..ul-•I""' t !Ot"tUid olllt• •• ''"' TEI TAMENTAltY hll;ll'lflt Dlddlrr, tor U lh. In l•whll fT\OM1 ll-M111 IOI. A~INIS1"RATION Betv;een December. 1965 lime i'tltt 11~ llrsl -hatlot! 11••tc1• •nd E,111t ol FllEO w. HEATON. Sit , 0/ Ille u"""' Siiia, I R 1111•~ II.... CIEllTl .. IC.&TI 01' •USU6ESS lit. Clf"llflc•ltd kl.OU ""'"'"" ~·· ol ult. D«e•.ed 11 .... (If Ulol, •11 lflll '""""' rttl P•-rfl' l'ICTITIO\IS NAMI OI Admlrlbt~1uo ....... .. ,,.000 ~nd August. 1966. st v en ~,..,, '"w",.~.'-:"THE ISEN • ...., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN T/\t1 Ptul •llUllH Ill Or•-c-'·· Ctlltornl•, Tiit <lllllersklntd !lo ctr!I,., lfleY ..... ltO. Cluaif11111 5119,19 l led aJI bU! .. G. KtllW end Sl\ltln H. SQultl llllvt II'«! CH:i.ctlt>toel &I loliow.: C'Ofl!llK!lt" 1 bu1~i 11 ltSI NewPOtl Ill Adhllnblr•llDll ........... ...... IOS:.otl W'()men were S rang • . NATALIE QUINLAN 111rt ln • 1tellllofl IOI prob&lt of will tnd L11I ,1, lrlCI "'2, t i _. """" 81Yd., Col!t Meil, Cllllor111t, •1'111 UD, Oltlw E.aptt11ts one in a similar manner, In ~; ~':,7~11~·~ OttfdrnL i... l.••u•nce o1 re11t" 1'"'""'""""' 111 re<«-1 .. a... 1M. ••te 2:1 ltltu ,,, 1,.1 l!lettll 11vw1h1rd, tt11fl1IMt011 '" "°"'1lnlllr•tlon •• , ...... . · u· Pellh-r•. r•!erenw lo Wf>ldl b midi ol Mlsulll""°"" ,,.,."'· •-Ill 111 S.Kl!. C..lltorfllt, undlr , .... flcllf10ll1 TOTAL ADMINISTll:AT ION •...•. 'Clncuma • EOMUND F. S.t..ltKElt IOI lu•lho!' Ptrlkui.••· •nil 11111 IM 0'"'9P CllUft!v. loMthlt wlln tll Ill>· flnn """" "' Ill AltC,t,OE CENTER *· INSTltUCTIOl\I The first six Cincinnati :.:::''c:t",!;;!'9.... hmt •NI 111•" .,, httrlnli ll\f •• me fliVldlO I/Miii lnl...-fll 111 LPI "· ot Hid SLl!EP SHOP. 121 SLEl!PLAHO •nd 210. Cu11flc•Md S.l&rlla of lflll lrvtlloll II • I ed middle h•• ~n ~' lot AUtull u. ""· ., Tt&cl 4"2. tlltl 11111 llrm • cg""'°"° 11' ""' 211. Prlnclptlt' Stltrla ... . 5layings a 1nvo \' A.,.,...v tw hllll-• llot t .;w:i • m., I" t"" cou<t<oom 11' Dt1>1rl· TM u 1, will 1111' mMN wllholll c.11ve ...... 1 follDwifltl P<l•SOfll wno... ,..,...1 In JlJ. SI.""'"""' S.ll•lel ....... . Ide I en who P~1>1l1~ °'"'91!" COl~t D•l!Y P · ..-1 No. 3 o! uid cour!. •I 100 We•I •• w••••n~ r-irdl-111•·, -·--•-. -•. ,, ,~ ••··-• .... ,,,., __ ,,, ,, 21L TllKl'lln,' S..111 lu a ged tO e r Y WOffi JulY JI Ind Al,lf\!11 1, t, !Kt l 4!Mt Elel\111 St., I" the Cl!V Of S•nl• An1. ~wmbre~e1'""~ ~;lhf"t,'"' 1111 -;ii;.,i; i::iiow.':"' -.~ "' ·~ "' C»htr Cll'llflu;llll S.llrlft"••· h ad beef, raped. st.rangl~ Ctlllot1\l1, lf'CUrecl try, •nd 11\ITT!llnl jg, !fie -er pl RICHARD D. SPECHT, 2702 M111t1t:. of lmtruc:llon ......... .. I_.. l or near their LEGAL NOT1CE Ot!ed Jul~ JJ. lt&"t "'-Ulflle<"rtd 1 .. thte ~ al 1rirs1 ex. s.1111 .o.""· 229. C1'1wlfi.t S.llrlel of ... ,1ruc:11o ... . sLrang 1..-U a W. E. Sl JOHN, Counlv Cler• ttutf'd 01 JOAN LEE SWISHER. '" Ufl• JAMES J, JEFFRIES, J16J OJfi~h, 190. Ollw EX"""9 II INllNCllln .. homes. The sevent11. a 31-year-McOWl!N i OREEN. • ... ,,11<1 _ .. , Tru~lor •nd ltlt CARL An .. !Mlm. TOTAL INSTltUCTION ......... . Old sec' ••• , ... was found d ead •AR ltO.S Ut E. C~••m•n Av•.. M. BUCK BUILOING co ..• C•lllll•fllt O•l•d Jutf 11, net '°°·HEALTH SElt\llCEI ... y NOTICE OF SALE o.-0•11•••· C.litorfllt tor1>oret1 .... II lubllltute tl'lri!&I for Tl· Rld11rd D. sa .. c~r 410. Cffllllcel.cl 5tla•1-.. on a side waik. Police said she PERSONAL ,..OPEltT'I' AT Tel: iru i UJ.51M fLE I NSU lt•~iCE ANO TltUST co. J11mt1 J, Jrllrlu HNl!h hr......... . .. -·········· I d PUBLIC IALll Atl•rr>tYI tw ~.uu.".... unotor • •Ubllll11lk>ll d1ftd Mo~ 7, lfff. Slate ol C1llto•nl1 oo. C1t11flled S1l••l11 •• had been r aped, Sl roneg e • Sur>trlot C11ur1 of !11• Sltlt ol C1llro<11l• Publ!!J>ed 01•nt1 Cot ll C•llY Pllol, rKOrOld In O<lf\9! Count' on Mlw f , Oft»ve (Ollf\ly HNl!h p..._.,.1 ... 3fld r u n Over by a Car , ap-!or lfte Countv of Cr•l'llt! In !hr ~~·ti~~ JUlf 24, 71. 31, 1'6t 1J7l·69 !,,.,t, In l!loolt n.S), P•te 213 ts Oocumtnl On Jutr 11 1...,, belort ~. , Nol•rv •. 0 1 .... r EltJ*llft 01 Hult!\ 5•rvlc1 .• b h had "'' E••••e of MABEL N ' LEGAL NOTICE No. Uf:I, IOt" !fie befltllt •1'111 1ec:urlt1 of P11bllc In ,.,d '°' 11111 Sltle. Ptr....,.11v TOTAL HEAL TH &Elt\llCl!S •.•• parentJy 3 \aXIC<I S C Oectl.ecl Is hereb1 ,lven !hit 1,.., Ufl· CAllL M. 8UCIC 8 UJLOING CO. ' 1-r ... IUCtil\ltD 0 . SPECHT Ind JA· .00. Pl.,t,NT GPEllATION bailed lo takt her home. The Nolke ' Diie Mio! °" ,,.. ADVllRTISEMINT FOlt SIDS C•llfornlt c.orportllon •• ben.tllcl•rv. MES J, J EF11Rlf5 kflOWll IO mt kl llt""' '20. ci.ullltd S.lari. !or Optr.,~ •. dttsklllf!d will Mii • PIJ ' Nolke cl !left Ult '"" eltcllon lo MN tht PlnMS wholl 111mn ,,.. 111bKrlbtd to "°· O!Mt' £-" "" OPlr•!lot! ...• taxicab turned OUt lO be Stolen •lltr IM llltl lllY cl A119..,.I, lMt, t i the Nollce l• Mrtb' 11lv..., ll\ll ll\f lloarG OI dacrlbed re.ti property under 11M1 c1nc1 QI! 1111 within lnol"""l'lll •1111 l~lecllell TOTAL OPEllATK>ft Of" Pl.ANT b d · olllct ol DANIELSON .. ST. CLA!lt, Sulll Tn.r•lffl of IM Otll\99 COoHI Junllll' 1'Ull WIS recOl!ll!d Ofl )Nf"(ft 11 lfft In lfMY lxtcultd IN ..,,,. 100. MAINTENANCI! OF Pl.ANT and a former ca r 111er. IOJ. 6U $Dl,llh Fiow.<" Slreel, Cllv °'Loi Col'"• Ol1ltld of °'""'"'" COllnf'I', !looll: '901. P•te )97, " 0ocu:n. .. 1 'No. IOPFICIAL SEAL) • no. Cl-lflld kla•lu Posteal Laskey, Jr •• later was "'""''"" Coi.mh' al La .t.111M"ll$. se.te °' ~•lltorn!~· "'''1"•1ter tettrr~ '0 •5 ~ IN..,, oltk!•I rKotlls o1 or_. '-"· M•,., IC. Ht""' tor Mllnlwltllc• •••.... d but C.~1«1111. h:i Ille hkll'ltll Mid b'5I blOdf<', 0-... 'wlll r.alvt"" to. bu! not ~1' C11!tor.,l1. Noli.,. ll'vf>llc.C1lllMnll 730. It~! of Equl,,.,.nl •• convicted Of he r mur e r Ind MoblKI ~ «infl"""tlon bl' Ml<I ~ ll :DO 1·"'•• f:rl<l&y, AU9Ull I, t6f, Oiied Jul'I 1,, \"41 Prlwc;l.,_I Oflk 1 In lfO, Olhlt !'Jll*llH for Mtf"ltntlKt •• ollll,11' 11!,llt ,,,,m i,!M6,!61 2J,i ll 1,ttl "' ):!,flt never linked to lhe others . s.-.1or (Qlltl, •11 lfW ,i,,.,, tltlt -.... M•ltd Olcll tor lhl tw•r• ol COf>l•lcl tor CAltL M. BUCK BUILDING co. °''"'' County TOTAL MAINTENANCE In Booton where fear reach. :.~ .,"',,,. S:1~ .:r::t 11~ '!:d '~ :.:.r~N~:f1c1f!. "i.:::~~t, .. ~~1~"' 4~ ~~'A~~~: ~ ~~~~ ~,,;::~~:.1o~,J~•1r•• aoo. ~1xf~ c".!f1tNc:!E.s' .. ·····•·······•••···•• n'-615 ed SUch a ' pi'tch that In th" fhlt !fie ni.11 °1 wld dlCeaSed ~ K · -·· lffll •1 0•-• Cotit c .. i~~ . """ -~-11 Orin~ c-r OtUv Pr1a1 -·bll"· .... Oron-CP•st 0111.,. P1 ... 1 '" A '' , .. r · "rf'd by -••lion ol \tW fllf Ofhtrwht, Sudl blcb tllllll bt rircelv"' In !hi olfote '"'"" -, • r ~ ,.,... -"' • • ""II 'I" . • ••,. ••• • ••• • •• •• • • h l :f.:..r 111.,. "' \fl lldlllllon to ~ "Id al ,...., ""'"''11,. A'enl !" the July 11. 1i, ll, lt69 !)II..:• Jwl1 17, J4. ll tlld AY1111t 1, 1'6f l:J.l.Ht Ill. 11.,.,,_, Fund .•• s ummer or 1962. l ere was no CH<e-. ,, ll'lf tlm• of df•ltl. i.. -10 1.c1min111,,.,..., 8.,ud1.... o •• ,,... coa•1 n•. Publlc Emp1o,..,. Re1lrtme .. 1 •..• a single watchdog .'° be. found 111 iM ~,111., 11t,.....,..1 11t-"Y 1llu•tec1 eo11tte, 1101 F11, .. i..w 1toai1. CCHt1 ,,.eu. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE m. 0111 All•· s11rv!vot1. 01.,rt111ty the l t nQ ln the Countv o1 Or1-., SltN ol O<.llnt<t CllUl!IY, C..Mornlt . lll•n ,,..,.,Id bl l>'ld Ht•l!ll ln1ur1nct ·•· · ·• for sale in en ire Cl y. CtMfllrnl•, wnlcvl••l'll llflerlOtO ., tcldr••M"d lo '"" !le~ro ... T"•Jletl and ANNUAL l'IMANCIA1. AN O SUDOET ltEPOltT 130, EmploYftl '"'Utlf\CC ..... .. -has ever been charged 1111iow.. fO.wll: Wloukl bf•• "'• wotll• "lid No. 1u -ra...,9.-i '°'"the l"i«•• v .. , •ttlfll111r11 J11f 1, 1tM .,.,. E""I"" J...,• lt, 1t111 ••· woni......,·1 com'*'•"ion """' Rnolllfll Mttrlbe,Jl'llp C:e'1!11ttlt' N. Plnlefl"'lt Al>Pt...,io tt !lwlld11t11" In Int ORANGE COAST JUMIOlt COLlEOI SCNOOL OISTltlC:T lrt111t1nce ·•··· ···• wit,h the murders. t'1t1 Gii""" R•ifl F°"""••ion al L .. u ... _,, left fllnd CotM• ot lhf nuler o•AHGE COUNfl', CALll"OltNIA "°· 0111~ Fixed (hlrgn ...... . Bui l·n ·19'6, a .menlal pit-Hllb •NI Membersl\111 Ctr!llkllt 5'•le1 Pl!WioPf". 111111 "'411 Of_...., tf!d PUbUc· NOTICE OF ADOPTION ANO TllANSMITT•L TOTAL FtXEO CH.tltGES ....... . h N~ CtrllllC111f N11. 1)-11, Lffiml Hiib ly •~Ml tlouO ti IM &bOW 1ll!ed limo 1fi All .ctlolt sll.IU Ill fll>tn Oft tttll tepor1 dUf'lftt •ttullr pf 1.,lllO-rlrtoel 51H:C0.1 SU9"10T AL APPLICABLE l'D tienl, Albert H. De Salvo, t en M!Jlu•I Nil F(ftft... 11\e &.•II R""'"' ol lhe -.. 11m1 .. 1ir11!10P1 ~ellnv• Pt tl"lt-11"Y"'"nl119 bolrd. TEACHERS' SALARY llMITATIOH •.•• Id 0 _.10 Lawyer F Lee Tor"'5 or Mio! celll 11'1 i.w1.,1 mcll\eY ot 9.,11111.,., O••nte C11,1tr ~lleite. To :M courity $1iper1 .. 11n11111t p1 Scl!Ool•~ Lns Ex11tf'ldlturn <If Ec-mlc Op. 35 t o PU<> n . . IM Unllell Stiles.., CMllr!Nll"" OI wre. Etcfl Old ..... u be lfl •ttPrll1nce with •. TENTATIVE ANN U,t,l. FINANCIAL AND BUDGET REPORT. Thb rl9Qf1 POr1llflll'I" ~I Fundl In AllGY9 CIU1n •• ~ley and psychialrists that ot !Mr! asll &ncl botla<Kf evk!Mttoel bY !Ill• lflvll•tlofl. 1PKll1utl0fl' •'111 111 o!M1 15 her~ t!ted bV tile t11•e<lling bolr~ of "'' td'lOol dlilrk t. Lu• LNH Aa•Hmtnl tor b e Was the "-Ion strangler. nolll ll(u...a by Mfllftll1go or T'ust Deed <1ocum...,b whkh ''' now Pn 1111-•mt <>t>tn °''' o1 rnee11111 J-2s. ,.., s19MC1 OoMIO G. Hoff ci.tt TOT:~nl,~f.J:'l.1l~ E'DUC:ATiON ·• · • ~ on l1'e pr-ttl' IO told. T"' ""' '""' pl to PUbtlc ln"*"llOPI !" ltl• o!llce Pl !hf: b, PUBL ICATION ANNUAL FINANCIAL AND BUOGET REPORT. Thi.,...,,.. 10J,m •.rn tl.001 H.7•7 !.l,iU 19!,UJ Th. stale has maintained De """"""Old to be~''"' will> tild. Pw•c"~'1"' AP<ll. '""'"" m•Y be 00. Ing bolrd, hiving mtOe Oft July '· 1'6t lucl'I ttv\110n1, tdCllllOf'I• ..... chlnga COOE SECTION 11503 FOlt TEACHE RS' llld$ or oHerl 10 1111' 111 wrlll"' 11\d will t•!Md b~ !lfPOll!l"' $10.00 IOI ~•ch .el pl •• It llffm9, llllCHWf"'f', Plfldlfllll p.rbllcitlvn, puttlk hfftlng •l'ICI lliill Mop. SALAltY COMPIJTATIO/rl ·. ··•· ·····•···· 6,Jt1,«ll Salvo's taped confessions are be rec:tl\'ld 11 tt.. 1fo.rt1110 a111e1: 11 1ny c""''"'' 11ocu..,.n11. Thi' 11"'°911 will 1>1 llllft, htrn.,. rtturns 111• rtporl. 500. PUPIL TRANSPORTATION not tnOUgh to COnViCl him for lime etlt!t IN> l!r!I pllblkttlon hertol •nd ,efu'lllll"d ontl' If Ille ~I Pr Se-!$ tr• Tht public hetr!"9 Of\ !hi• toPClt'I wl!I 11t htJd 1! Olt!rl£1 Htlldl!Ultler,, J20. (ll!tlfltd 51lar!Q of h h be!O!'t ijjilt f1f wit:. ••lu'Md complitt tlld I" llood tondlllon '!701 F•INlll'W ROIG, COtll MUI, Ct !!f., Clfl A1.111ust 6, lt6f, t i •i>alll (IJ I'll Pwpll Tr•111porto!Ooll .. • .... "" • • those Sl.rangllngS t 0 U g D.,l!IG JWIY 2S. \t6t. wllhl" 10 O•YI •llff the bid gpl!fl!fl!I Cl'Clod: p.m. ) · Oll'ltr EKPf<lltll Of Bal.ley wanl8 him b rought to £1e1""" o. M(Mkken, Ext!C~tl•x OeP0111 cllec:k1 lhovld be m•lll O'JI 10 tilt SlflMCI GKrgt H. Roelda, J r. ClltM ~:fi.1~lT~~1.,i.... ••·· ·••··· ·• pl Ille Est•~ cl Jl'lll Ck!ct~itd. tloa•d ol Ttu1lte1o Otlfltt Ct11•1 JU"111' GltADE SllAH OF OISTIUCT From ll le I•. lnclllalYt. (rial found innoct:nl b y D .. NIELSON .. ST. Cl.Allt, ... TTYS. Cotle<;re Dlilrkl. AVERAGE 0"'1LT AnENDANCl """'' TOl,t,l ~~:~~:~"~~i1~~5E. ... ,. -aso'n of 1•115ani·ly and then s111t1 tu, 6U s ... nt f"lllw•r "'"' vlork to bl comflltted ... 111>1n twenl\I -1w .61 Aclufl •r 1,.,.11 OF EOVCAllON ·~ LH ...... ft, C•Mlornl• ffl17 ()1) t•l-•r 1111$ .. ,~,. .11w•rO cl con AclWll E1llmlled '""''' committed to an instilulion T•t, uni 62s.1u1 ''•cl. Ac1u11 comPle~klfl i.1"1-ro IH1 in Ju .. ior CP!leg• ............... ,, ........... .,.. 11,,n JI 12•052 13,Jio ~~f:~:~~i:. 1t1~~'. E1~~~'~11'lh iool t d PubUsMd Ortnte Cot" D•lly Pl>QI, o:i.ealO'CI IW bldcltr on Whl ~ · CONTENTS w here psychiatr ists can SU Y J~1v JI 1n<1 Auv~11 1. t. Ifft u :1·6t E•cll bid '""!! bt """'' 11111 on ""' Tflb report 11\111 l11Clu<k, 1~ iumm••Y torm, •II 11 ... ncl•t t•anwtf.om •nd 900· ~~g115,~i~;~ci;1,,1" Pl F_, Str .• h . 1::::...::..::::..C:::O::..CC::C:::::'=::;----• "Form al llr<>t>Ps•I" lurflllhed will\ e•ch Olltwc:es at tlle dlslrlCI Jor lhe pr~l'dlf\111 Iii.eel .,...,, KIUI! or n1lm1ted. !Or 1m. LEGAL NOTICE se• p1 cot1lrtcl clocwnt"'': ,._ , nil Olher ExpensH or F_, St•vl<.• I ""' c11r ..... 1 1-.11 YU • '"" bullp! ..,, Piiie Illy prOOC11t<I. "' 0111 E One of the earlier sospec s EK~ bill 1J11ll bl •tc.or11Pf'flllcl by ill SUMMARY OF CUltltl!NT OISTltlCT TA:ll ltEQUlltl!MENTI l'Olt lt6t·n .... :,'. ,· .. -·"•'"'1tVICES I. c1rtUled or Utflictr't <.heck JWlble kl tilt tltri 1111 4 ' ' " "' tn the Boston strang 1ngs. a Ntlkl tf Stl• OwN!r, or ,.111l1cllh 11!0 • .,,.., In l•vor Tl IHI -•Y ....., .. --,., 1100 COMMVNITV SElt\llCES _. •• .l t al \h e tn tccorellnct W!ll\ !ht Ol"~vbloll• Ill lho! of """ 0wMt, IXKUIH tit° 1M bld<Hr I i Al!IMlll TIJ. TIK 1110. Ce.11flc.tltd $ti.Irks ol graduate :u.uuen C.,1lotn!1 Commtrcl•l C<lllt, Sec:lloll 7110. prll!Clllll l>'ld I ....... Cl'orY I"''" um-l'UND AND PIJltfl'O$• ., T11e1 lllft •• ,. Cotrvnvril,.,. Strvlca •••..••..••• Masschusetrs Institute of !Mre bel"" Ill.If: 1fld unPtld 111;>r•" tor Hnv •• "''""· In '" •ITV.lftl riot 1eu 1t1o11•1rti1 l !rnn c;em,.,i.ti 112t1. ci.11111e11 ~la•lm "' An Wl'tlch M. R Fred " enlllled lo. lleft IS !Mn ten Pl!tC...,, no•.1 ol !fie Did The<>-••• FUl!d ... .•. .• 7,00f,5'J Ctml'Tllllllt; SerllcM ............ . Technology, moved to • n w, • .....,._,,;.., on tilt llCIOds IM'•tl111llt'• cl'leck or bid -"'411 bt e\Yeft . Its • EX"EMPT POltTIOHS DF GENERA.t. FUND 11tD. 0""-• l"X~ ol 11.072 10,fj(t 10.'66 U,130 ··bo< a year ago lo continue llftC:r\'otoel "' Gue 11111ke l>lvi ... -.. <11tven 1u•r•"'" lh•I ll>e bl!IOt'• wUI ex"""l'I""' REQUIREMENT ENTEltEO ON LINE A c-11v Senlcft ........... .. ~ h to Nrtlfl t nown to cllllm 1n l"lernl ContrKI If II be twtnled i. him In t-Dhll"kl cOf\ltlbullllfl to. l'trfTWlfllnl Funcl TOTAL COMMUN!Tl' his studies. He reportedly as """•I" •Ml the tlmt s11«tfled "' $1J(~ fllrmll, wllh the Contfld QocvrM!lh •nd .. NI Retire"""' ."-•Iv Fund .... llt.716 .0"'2 SERVICES ••.. . ............. 111.&I& •-n questi'oned in the Ann nolltt '"' IM'V!r'lenl of wtll llllVlf\9 ex· will PlllltkN rht '"''"" Dfllfld • tlond1 ,.. District cllfltrl""t""" "' Pl/Olk Emplllyeu •1ncludt1 rnt,lctllll tuncb UI;!: pirPO ll01l(t " hertbv 91\'ffl "''' lhnt ctufrtoel wllhlfll ll!I! din •II"' telllic•lklll ~ 'Wetlrt metil SY!ile<n • ..• • .••. ···••• 1~.u. 1111 Hmll .01n 1200 CAPITl\L OUTLAY Arbor s\ayingl i!!fld Cleared t(ll>d~ wlll be ooid 11 Pllbllc IUCliClll II lhtt iward cl 11M eottlrKI I" 11oe ~I 01 Ols!rkl COflll"lbuliOll 1111' OASDHI ····• ····· fl.16' no 1111111 .OIU ID1. Slln 1-restrkltlll .......... .. r ,,30 Wes! (OA>I Hicll>W&V, (ilY 111 Newpgrl 1•\l~fl M tnle' Into well (-rKl. ""' Htolllll •nd -lltrt beM!lli ·• · • •• ••" • • · ... 7lt.oH no l•ll'lll .OllM \24 . lmprPWM1111 pl His identity was n e Ve &each. C-ty p1 Of1119e, St•te p1 prCICffds ot lht cftK1r: wiH 1W fOIN!teti. o> Com,,,.,.,!ly Slrvkes ·· ,, .•....•••. ,....... 41J,Slll 1.11.0S/lenl .Oj(IO sun c ...... reitrltltcll ..••.... led c111f11r.,l•, on 111t lllh ll•r ol A""irst. 1Mt '"IM <•MO .,t • -· lftf lull"""' lhf•tol Allu.n Ellucatloll PurPGSll ·····•· ····•···•• ,,.,tll 111.io .OOfl 1n1, llulld!~ l-'·rtotrlctfdl ... . rtvea • f' .'I •It o'clodi: A.M. will bf tor!elttoel to Miii tclwlol dliltkJ. J'-"'...-«tllellt lnlwdhtrlcl lllfndllKI 1111. !looi<I , ...... .. Some police ol 1c1a s n n.e ~11ow1,., 1, • 11eScr1pt,..... ei Pro-A l•Oo• •NI M11er1a11 a. ~ "' tM J. c . ~1rvc11on Acc.111.1111 ................. 1,1n.i:t 722t '™· 01,,... EqYI_, .......... . n -1 inority !eel De pertv to ~ wld' •movnl o1 SD'i'> vi 11tt con1r1C1 ...a • Speclat ,,_,,._, -ROid ... ......... "·'" 1111'11 1'41. lmprvv•"-' 01 SH!!" &X1" On, 3 m • 1 Tl fl. Talt\lcrtf! CF 51141 .\S Perform•nct 8llflll !~ tht 1..-I " 1~ TP!ll •• ..... • "' ..... · ••· J.Olt,Stl .3'10 IComm11nl~v 5e1vlcrl ... Salvo is nol responsible !or all r1>11 Is 1o ut1111 il•teen "'"''Hell 01 illf co"'''" ,., rtct.,irecr. TM MAXIMUM TAX RATE "" 11111 w:hCIDI dis· 1,,1. aultdlfllls rCommt.11'1!!'1" servict l •• the ' •-anglings and an olfi.cial doll&• (ll,60Cl.llO) m°"IH OWl'd tn. No bidder m•r wllhd••W "It. bid lor I tr ier. wlllch m;ry bf lhitoel It r•l1t 11\t nll 12't. Olhtt Equlpmen1 .. ito•~• ~1nv held Of\ ttie 1ttoun1 Ill !>!!'loll p1 1nl,tv CIOI 11.w1 •ti~• '"' .u1~ ftllntt"ll p,irpoM tt• '""1rement1 It lhoWll bektw: tRa111 l\Uftli<nMI n•t) at Bridge water State H ospita l. _, no!sltr~ OWMr, l.t'O G Mcr,fllW, St! lor "'' oPtfllflU '"•'""' R•,. Alllllorlred br Ed. GoJclt "' tollOWJ: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY t. l I ll JCi\ The Rl1!to, NllWf'Ofl !l••tfl, 11\e 8otrll cl T'U'l1~ '''.'""'' lht S«. 20151 ... .... . .............. s .1500 TOTAL EllPENOnURES 1cr.i1u 100.l:IOCJ where he WaS 8 pa ICn ii. le C&llfor"I' odvlM>tt pl re!<!ell"D &n• 11rw:I tll tlldl or S«. 20IOJ EltcllOfl ··•·· ........... S ,lDXI OTHER OUTC-0 ll'me of lhe confession. said 1 10 11 "Chrlt Cr•ll CF '°" AX to WllVt •11v lt1ea11!1•lllei Ot 1,.. Subtol•1 .• . .. . •......•• I _,jjS(I UOG. OUTC-OING TR,t,NSFElt$ Thh I~ to S11t!sly oM tl>ou111nd vven rormall!ln In,,.., bld or In Ill• bldcll"'. R&tt lllC~a~ ll'f Ed. Codt 70ll6 ·· I .011• !•30. Tultlo11 the staf£ was 99 percent s ure hundred •>'Id Wtv·llY'e doH•r ri 1.1ss.001 1n •w••d'l!r 111e t""''•tl· 1111 Bo1rd ot Au'ho•l~td Ge,.er•I Pw•PO•' l•• A:111 u~. 01,,~, lui!lon ......... . De Sal"O did not strangle any monltt owtd for 1totag1 M\~q ~.eld en Tr,..!tt1 mtv glvt. Pttlertnce to prad..c:I• L1mil I "'' 3.'1(1,000 ...... .~.U TOlAL OUTGOING • thf: lt£OU"I pl boel rll!91straUen O'<mt•. grown, m1nuf1cl\lted, or ll•OOUcO<I l'I !l'lr .tlJ• TllANSFEltS ................ . (lf the women. Jo~n Stantllsh. 27900 Crlseil Street, St•t1 o1 C1ll~f"ll\•, IVlllKI to t0f\Olllon1 AH•lYSE' OF Gl!HEltAL l'UNO TAii.ES EXEMPT FROM, SUBTOTAL ·•· .. .., ........ . Th ••ry r Cm a\ n S Woodland Hiits, C1llfornl1. !avnll lfl Gllvernment COdt ~ell°" 4ll•. Olt SUIJ£CT TO. SPICl"'L T .. lC ltATl LIMIT~ UNOISTRIBUTEO RESERVE ••••...• ., .. e mys.._ 1 lO 11, G•....ood C1ll!" Crui1et CF Alt m11l>rl1l1 providl'd fl>r°"'h lhh bid TOTAL EXPENOITVRES ANO unsolved in 1969 a\ong Wilh lho 1115' ,f,T 1t.&ll complv '"'I'll G.,...ernm...,1 Coctt S..e-j~ ~ ji E " OTHER: OUTGO IO.OIS 14,m •1 • ...a 2lJ,.\.lt 111.lt\l 1'1.•lt 1,J4ot0" t.SGI 1,501 1.111.ss' . • hboring Cam· Thi~ ,, to ""'lif'f lwa thousand one 11""• OOl).QOS lnc!u•lv1 ; " _ ,_., £ • E. ENDINO SALANCE, JUNE :t slaying Jn ne1g . ~ul'ldred •NI HYell'1·tivt do!I•• .,.., Ill· WAGE RATES: e ... -~t~ i c~.n In Cv11111v l rt~lll''I" bridge of Jane Brillon. 24, tHfl tent tSJ.11'.lSl mon!n tor slor•<11• P.,rouenl to !he LtOo• Cod• of.JM SI•"" -.·,',!•, !: evi ;;: •· ., llev<tlvlf\9 c11n Fvnd •. l.361.111 "'" l'ff • belM ht ld 0" Ille KtO<Jnt at 1!"41! ol Callfornl•. Sovlhf•ll C~hlatnot Buold<ll• i ~;;: < ·o_ lnve.;imtf'i, 111 U.$. llondl la! cP1U ....... .. daughter of a Rade l vice ~!sltrf'd owne1. "toe•non e Ba•~. """ Con11t1JCll011 l •Ml•s co ~" t 1 1' u ., ~ .._ u ~ ~ u .o. ':' ~ ~ " l" Actoun1s Rt1:1lv•bl1 .• , , , P resident. She was found stab-f1 I NOl'lfl 8ev1rlv Otlvt. Bev., Iv HHl1. Bulld1n• ,..., C""strut f ons Tttdt! Counc I _ E 'i ,. _-" F <; 51 " .. ;20. ~: Prepaid E~otnlt . h CtlllarPll•. AM SO.F., PO Bo~ •11111. o1 Ortntf COllnlv, lh• •lld 811••6 ol t!,;ct-, .. ':!.'5,1; ;;:c ":0 .,,.. E!>c! GENl!ltAL JIESl.ltVE, JUNE lt, UH bed to d ealh this year 1n t e T1,ml11tl Aflnu, Los -""''•• T1.,11tts hAs .,,cut•lMd '"' ;~M•al o;o..,c .;,11..': -o 2'i. :;: E~ oar 19/0.lll same dingy a p 3 rt men l ~~f~~ Ota"'tf Coa•! O•ilv p;klt. =~·~:1 ;:1r,P~ cr!.o~~~";" ~I~~ Ci 2 ~ ~ Q ~;. 6 So x3. ~2: ~~ ~~.~A~"~'~:11t~~!ll~l~~ETS ·· ··· building where the 10th victim JwlV JI dnd A1.19U>I ,, 19'9 l•l•·•• ••t<Ull 111• c""''•ci which Wiii bt 1Ward· ·~•ricttd bll•l\Cf, July !, l'Nol .. ll.5'2 4,14.I "61 n .1'1 • JOI.ISi NET ENOIJilG 1,t.lANCl ,_, th Boston "' '"" wcceHlut b!Olllt ...... 111~·~ 1•~ 'tt tip!,, 1961-tt • l •l,)14 1JJ,t1• 11.t20 10..60J ;~:!!! I'. TOTAL EXPENOITUlt'(S, OTNElt OUTGO y y 1 ~ ],U(l.llCll 151 .1'? J.OEl.61S altribuu:u lD e LEGAL NOTlCE 1>rPvalo119 ratfl ••f co .. 111nrd In '<ll!d Re!lrlctO'CI twMinct 111.,, 11>1:orne 1~,13' !ll.121 12.11111 ll't,<1111 ANO UNOISTIUIUTEO ltEIEltVI., PLU S ... ~an11Jer' Beverly Samans. 23, 10f£ilk•llM3 tdOPled b1 !!lo Board. I nd At111•I '"'""'"" ,,......, 1Jl,Dl2 12'.JU 7J,1ll ll,12I !>33.0U NET ENDING SALAHCE . ....•. .. 10 .. ,1 .:tl ~ <'> T-••• "' llS1to:I below Ratricled bllt lKt, Jll'lt lO. Ifft ·· l6,to.i. 1.Ul I.~ Kl.Sl6 Jt• Pl rl P111r-SPECIAL ltESl.RVE FUNCI W3S killed in 1963. SU"ERIOlt COUlt'"f OF THE A11• tlau ll•c•llPIO Ml 1nlitli!M.O llnct E•llm;rted :.x <KtlPIS Of\ .t... •EGIN NINC IALANCl., JULY I STITE OF CALIFOltMIA FOii l>l!lllw 1l1lf'd sll~tl be Plld •I "'" curre"\ Ul'l'Kllted ntll, 19',_10 ••• 11,41 10,l'tJ 6.61' I,~ ll.730 Ci!J't In CPWllY Jrtl•v•Y •• '• ••• .•. .• THE COUNTY Of' OR.lo.NOE ci:!:u;~~l1~0:Pr1"1Mefl:7llc:~~ ';:~t:;; AR~r0<0o'"-bll~~e.,:1i:.-lnco;;":,,· JI.Mt.I lt.io11 lS,2:U .,,OI• Jt,llt Tott! Curr'nt AHlll ............. , ,,,,,, ,, "° A~lJM ti I "~ UDOO 111 Ii.I (}],654 Ltu Cw"e..I ll1bUllT15 .......... ······· TICE OF HEAltlNG 01' PETITION Tr-i Council,, It'"" riles >IO'CI be~w •nd/Pr lran1te,, l9'f.1ll ...• , .. 1111,J21 lff.500 I • ' Ne! l!l"'OIMlng l!ltl•nc• ,, ......... , NiOlt llltOl!IATE 01' WILL ANO FOlt ••e Ml curr•nl or 1" r~l!ff b• L~bor M1~!m11m ,,,._.,,to bt enrtrtd AOluilfntlll~ to Curre111 1.ltblll!ln , , .• Ll!TTEltS TESTAMENTAltV •<1re~m~nl• during the boOl'lTfl~ tlml' or In 11\e >ummary ol Cwrrenl JldlllS!ell NII Be,illlnlfll &&l&nct , , •.. MARG .. ltET M ~HAFER £0"!1ruc!IOI! !lm•, ""'" r•vl1i<>n! ~ll•ll bl' Dis!tlCI Ta~ Re<1uor1me"ts tor 1. INCOME Ei!•I• ol . 'tCn>ldtted 1 Plr1 ot I~~ below llite~ l'll'.9·70 lo bl' d1rlv~ bV le•'I" 111'1 10 FEOElt AL INCOME RECE!VEO FltOM S E 0';~'1C"E IS HEREBY GIVEN T~111 fll"t. '"' !tcu•toel roll ......... .. .• l•t,116 ISO.ls.I ff,/i.l Ut.~'1 ~1l.!30 FEOERAL SOIJRCES Pace < ve11ts MAltlAN HAWK ti.• nll!IG ht!rttn I Ptll· APPRENTICE$: Adult Edll<ffiotl 1', H!oher Ed\IC,tlon F•cJll!lirs ,f,c!Pll96l lo< b It pl w\ll an<I lor ltSuante ol A!tt~ll""' ·~ 111~1•11 lo th• 1>rovl,,nn• ~I P11rpp1e1 n Olht r MUii Sllllt, ·& T!lle 1 ~!:':or\ "~.,~1amen1arf lo Pet!llon•'• Labor Code ~ectin11 1111 S CP~'trnlng Eillmd1ed Site •I'd Flldtrlll 1ppprllonmeP1t1. 1'6f·IO ........ ............ SW.000 To:111 Ftde<~l lntomt Rect!vtd ,eterence 10 wllitl\ 11 mllde lo• !ur11\tr ~mplovm•nt 01 po1>••11!ltr\. Other e~1lmelt<I lfltOmt. 19't·IO ............. , OJ.Ollll ,,0..,, FC<lt'"I Sou'c~1 I Cl h 11 1 nd tn&I !he 11.,.,., and p\ae~ !! •toulrn conlr•tlo., nr Mibo R~!rlt!ed Dftlenct pl"" lnecme .• , . ···••····• · 9IQ,000 bl) ~lAlE INCOME 11 U S P:• '",d", : ••mt hAI bffn s•I tn• toMr•elOfl em111ov1nv l•&dt•m•fl In '~" "'mount tludljletO'CI tor e~pendllwr• 11'111/or tr1nster, !'6f·IO . . • 1.02•.91! 6,, All!IO,t!Ol"lfflll\t tor St~D<ll FatlH•les ... . ! M1 1ri ;;.-11 9•30 , m In •he 1oprenhce1tl!' occupAllr.n lo 9PPIV to '~t M~~tmum ll"!'IQ\.lnl to tie C"l•!'td In 1n1 ,umme'v al Currin! O!!irlc! Ttx TO!•I SI~!• Income .. . ug~1 • 1 D' &r•rrin1 N~ ) of ~~I~ llPDlitMl~ 10;"1 llPPtl'n!lc~MP commlll•~ R11<11Jl•trmmh !o' 19'9-IO to bl <krlved b1 levy Ofl t~t seturtoel rg!I S•.tl! 10 COUNTV INCOME ecu~:·~ ~ w=:i EIOMh S\flltl, In ll\f lor • cerl!llc•tf of tPP•Ov•I A•d !lo l•v lh• J11nlolt Ctllf9• JI. Jun;,,r Colll!I• Tul!lon T•x At least 1.500 boy5 and girls tit . 1's1,. ...,,. Callt0<nit. •atla pl 111>1>rt"llct1 to lournevm .. n IJ:<ell lnltnli1trlC1 Total County Income V g " '69 0 " t~e con1t11ct. ,f,Ut!MIAf\Ct Jn America \\'atched I he Otlt'd Jwl~ ?',\JOHN Con1rtdOI mav M r1"0ulrtd tu ma~~ J. c. fO. INCOMING TRAN$FEltS A II ts the ~-E.y ~ilt,k tonl•!bution, to &Por..,tlce-1~10 aroor~m• c..,slrvdion 92. ln~rlu"" Tr1nsflt1 Tu ition by historic po 0 even on PAltKllt...,~Elll..l!Y ANO WILl!AMS Cot•"8CIO< •1'111 wt1conl•ICICl"I lh~ll 11>0 .. ,, • ...,,, conlr1ct ''°"' O!"'r Jc. moon Wilh special 3WC as Ill NDllll,Mlll" Street, Sui" ltl comPlv w•tll ~!loll l1176 I" !l\or emPloV• A..,.,.,"I buOteTtoel ttir IXPtflCl!!ure •nd /or 1r•nsl1r. 1Nt 7D 1.112.37'1 TO;:L·~N~i:Mm~nr .. :ri."J~:JE 01' be I the Space Clubs Siflll AMI, C•Hfllmll '2111 m~n• ol •1>Prtl'lllcn. Maxl"'llm ttnOllf'l m be '"lfred 1n 11\e 1ummory 01 Curr ... 1 0111rfc T•• •<O•NNOMO '''''''' mem TS 0 .,, <>O•J •• ,_, Fot tnlo•mt!IOI\ rtla!lve 1o ~P· h~ -~ '' 0 t<• -• , ~ R.~u!,emen1• IOt 1f6t.ln IO bt 6erlved by levy Pn i,,.. "Kur .... fll • •"" C. TOTAL. NET SIS.GINNING I t.LANCE of America which were AU-n"' P1ttfl-Pt ... llc;Hhlo 1!1n<l&r!l1. COl!lit<CI oi ... e1~· ~llt<i41 AMO INCOMl .. .. . . B h P...cll!J'tert o,,,,_ Cot•I Dt•lv Poltil, of lncktslrltl Rt~llon), !.&rt Francl1cc. Auiumtnl organized in Newport eac J ' JQ 31 •nd A119u,1 .. \96t lllS.69 C•liforfllt. "' Olv1~l .... of ... ~rtflflCfsh!P R••d o. EXPENOITUltES AND OTWEii: OUTGO The p lan for clubs for youlhs u' ' ~1:Alt~zsT:"11:•;,c';H~:\~~· .. w.~.,. _ lk A61r1C1toe1 IMll•nce. Ju1y 1. 1tt1 . . • . ••••• . • . . , . •t.10 1"200 f1~1~~~1~TLAV interested in s pace exploration LEGAL NOTICE o•• """' P~n•""" r .... o -•5c "e' T11• •K"'""· '"'"'' ... ~~~'.~~ roi•• c~pu11 ou1~, 0 and t echnology v.·as developed 0 """'" VKilill"I s1vonn1Ho1!a•v-Hc :~''1'":11t~~"'i~ ll!CCNTW ...... •• •• .... ... 11,,211 TOTAL liXPENDl UltES AN EK,_ NI. 1"6·t1Jf6-,,., hot>• I 11 c "8 ~ blla• J XI lttt ·•· 9 Ill OTNElt OUTGO al Philco-Ford Aeronutronic "OTtCE TO CltEDITOltS C1<1>e1Ut• u .•l e.trlCI" ' ~ .. ' .~ ' -'" ,,,, ,_,,, ·-1'1,)6 E. E"ll)INO l!IALANCli. JUNE . Division in Newport. (Stc:I. 1111-c.111 u.c .c.1 ,,.r hour mort '""' 11>e 1>11u,1v ,,,, 01 Re.trlC!ed bfl!1oc1 "'"' lnc:.Ofl\e 11Aoe1 Tolal c11,,..,1 .11.se1, The Cl"bs \Vere orgHniied NP!lct 11 Mffb\< tiven r11 tM crtdlto<S 1~, ll!q~•ll ciiHnl~' tleu. P~tr An'IDlltll bud011ed for u~nwrt '"°·"' 1r1n,fer. 196t·1ll 101.Mt Leu c"""'' llabilllln ll.024 71.~ll 1.091 .111 t. nt,1<11 l•t.110 601,Jll t.e!,511 Jll ,,. ,.,, ... , 01' I ULI( TltANSFl!lt Fcrem•n R1ttove. .... 1 ''" t~•n 60( E•lltN1 •• reel p. Of\ ""1S~v • .. . . I c~si. In Co11nly Tr1~'"''' 'b of '"'"N"'l!IY WIGS. • C•lllo,1>!1 cor-which h• ""' ff'ID<ln11&1\;!Y, e•t!vdlno Mt~imvtn ~-' to bt enltrld In :hf swmmtty pl Curttn! Ol•ltltl l•K Ntl Elldlr.o BA!tnce over a three"1'ear period Y _,n ..... T•tMlffot. wnose binlnns •d· "Pneum~Ut N•l!e• "' P1JW., S!•PIU ·• ll.t<l\ll,........,11 tor !'6•·111 •a toe. d•rlvtd by ltv'I' on 11\e nciin<I roll •i.m F. TOTAL IXPE"NOITUltll ANO NET D.v'.d R oss, ••t"nner of com · dfKI r. "' F&ol'IOcrt l•l•nd. NewPO•I Ut01t'ltl:S1 tH,atll\ .. W•ll•rt -t k ANNUAL l'INANCIAl ANO IUOOl!!T REPOltT l!NOING I ALANCl. . 1.111...141 .. IMC!l, Couf\'1 of 0•1"11"· S1tlt nl "'' ,..,.,,; p...,,io.. Fund -Jk l>fr P•M O-OENlltAL FUNO P•M 11~-CAl'!ETl•IA AtCOUt;r munily setViCe citations fr om C1lll0<nlt. ltltl t boil~ tr1n1.l•r 11 &boll! le llout: Vtc•llon -1.lt "''!\our) Ctktl!WI I Ctllrl!WI 2 Ct11Jmn l A. IEOINN1NO BALANCE, JUL'!' I h..• employ<r and the Orange bt ""!It kl tfM,.., Abh. lr."1'e••e. t.•bctrt" Ge<ie••I or Cotu1rud11111 • U) ',",'~ ,1•~·••, ,•h,.•·1: c15~ In u.s. Na1ion.1 II"* ..i-OU\ Intl! IC!ll•eu I' 37S) Wli&ICh OPt••"" ol PMum&t1£ .. Elt<trk l <X111. c Ill < M 9t "Ct>trt!lll!I" Ctsll •... ,, , , , , , , , , • County Press C lub . Av• .• Lot; Aflllltln.. Couf\'1 cl Lo. A1111tle1, 1110r111nv MatlllM1 a. s Im 11,, A. llGINNtNli SAUNCE, JUL'!' 1 A•counl• Recclv•bl• .................... .. . • h 2S 51•1't (II C1flfllrftl1. mKllt11le•I l!Xlli nol se<>ar~t~lv CJl•ll In COVlllV frt<IJU•V ...•.. , .••.... l.l6l,H1 l.l !S,:ttl ~torn , , .•........•.. ·•·••• 1be organ1z.at10n aS Thf pr_,I, to bf trtm lt<O'CI Ii loctted cl.-nlflell htr•ln .. , •lSl Aevolvlng (1•1\ Fund .•.•..••.•••• ,. ... .,. 1.500 l,SOQ '"fai,t ..... .. c harter space c lubs composed ~~'tv ;,·~~:.o"~~,i~::ie p1"'C-:=~1:."ch, F~~,·n~""~0' ,~:"'~!~~~ ~teP"p1 hi~; ~~~':,~'~~~Iv~~~-l ond• .:;;::·;:;:·::··· ,~.•l m:~:! L••~i~,~~~~.~;~?~~1°:Ai. .. NcE fmu•i ·~''' O[ boys and glr ]S from 9 lo 18 Said P,_t!Y Is llHerlbO'CI ln otMff! "lg~~ll CIMs, ov•r whit~ hr ht• Prep1k1 E•l)ln>t ., <40,UI •J.I... wllh NII Endl11t l•llfltl '""°''"' Years Old. 11· .. II 11oc• In ••• ,, •• ll•IU••~· ""lr>m~ftl te1at•1hl11. TOTAL CU RRENT ASSElS J.Ull,1)(11 4,6tlQ.6/t tor 11\t ~lor Vt••! .~ VOOd wUt Pl 11\tl wit bo,i1lrieH known UTMElt: ltSSl Curr..,! Lf1t>hltl&• •n<I 0eru1ea !~come JSl,:Jt1 l•l,jSG M !ui.lm"''" IP Cc•1tn1 Lltlllll•l- Thcir projecls Inc I u de •• Wf~ bw Vt1'C'.1.·Ptpl •nd !KJl!td •! ., l..tl/Wr 1n1 NET !IEGINNING l!IALANCli 1111.110 J,Oll,i!S AOJUSTEO Nl!T SIOINKfN• I AU"'Cr I d I F•.ttlOll 11111'111. NtWPPrl 11,ac~. C0\1"'1 o! FOlem•~ No! 1•11 •h~n 10• P•r ~l>Ut Miw>l"""lt. 10 ,f,cl'.ll\lnto Rt•flVlblt 1.30~ .i.Jl,Oll • • • X I . INCOMlt launching of sa I? tn 0 e Of-. s1.1t o1 C•l!to,.,,I•, mn•• t~•n JOU•""'"'"•" ·~''· .1t<11u~tm..n11 10 currtM Li.omt1e1 1,111 .--l . .:IJ • • • ~ to . INCOME k ~ d I " g realistic Tht 1111-. l11n1le1 Wiii IMI COfl•wmm1!9'I PLASTl!ltEltS: ,t,OJUSTEO NET BEGINN11"G B.llU.NCE ... l.JQl.•I l.101.230 l,llJ,129 ••. S!tltl .!_OC e S, e\'C Op!n on Of' 11t'r IM 1111 dlf 11' A., ... ,1. 196•, et Pl•sttr Fortm~" •• •• 61) I , INCOME 14,4 F_, S-rvk:t Sties "llpace-fUght simulators and \Jt'lil"f'd Cth!ornla a..... '601 Wll}/>l'• Ples~r•r .• .. •• ••• l 111 10. FEOER,t,L INCOME lt ECEfVlO f ROM To!ll LOCAi Income . • f • • f l · l!IM!.. 8f-ty Hiiis. County or lo• PlASTElt TE NOElt1 FEOERAL SOURClS TOTAL INCOME !IXCLUS IV!E OF construction ° y I ng ""'"'!es. St•le Ill C•lllor"la l'I~.,~, l!'nd" .• .. .. 5 HI 11 • .v...; .. 1-nce -OPlr•lkln (~II•! .. O.JOJ 11.«1• s.ooo llEGINNING SAi.ANCEi ........ . sauctJ'" ground·efJCCt air craft. SP ltt •1 kl'IDWll to ~ TrtO\lltr"f, ~II 0\IEltTIMI" ltATES : 17. Velt<t'll' Elluuo!IDtt l.llOO C. TOTAL. NET S£01/!INIHG SALAMCE 1!1.11lnei.s nffl'lfl 11'111 .od•n1n Ul-Cli (ly o .... rtlmf tlllll b< Pf16 tor W'C'~ u E~·t OoP0,!\11'111y Ac! !PL .4S7) u .»• 7~.161 ,,,,,. .. NO INCOME .. frtnlltr"Ot IOI 1111! lhrtot YNrs la1 ... t 1I, le''9>'""'fl In ••Cfl' ot llw tt~ul•t 1' 011\er , •.'1l '9,00.. llt.111 0. l.lCPENOITU1t•S AMO OTHI• OUTGO lrt Wit' IW V1-Pt11l, lt F&ihlCPI d•v'1 wo•lt •nd •1 !he tt~ !Or TOTAL FEOEltAl INCOME RE £1VEO IOO. FIXED CHARGES • $ell.I ..... L• H1bf1, 0•-CounlV. Ct!fl ov•Mlfnt gl tilt '''" lnW>lvO'CI, FROM FEOEltAL SOUltClS Ill.OH tO.nt 2JJ,Jn 111. PtlbllC Emp.loyton 1t111.--1 .....• Wift 1W V1t1ee-P~I, 1:111 Soll!" -51 · Hti!ldtyj •1 l>f••ln tl'l~rnd kt \l\tll be JD l'EOER .. L INCOME ltECEl\IED "ROM US 'Old ..... S-IYors. Oi111111l1¥ SMllt .. rbir,, S.1'1111 1!11rbi•f (p....,.y, Oftmtd to M tlew Ytfr'I OtY ~T .. TE SOURCES ,_.. g H•llh 11'1511"_.. . • .... . (.1111 "°""""°'1'1 Dtv, ll'ld--• O.w, 11. N1110MI O..-e Elllll:tlloll .Act ..... , .16,5" ... i~ 21,W Ttit l f"b:"' ~ ·•• ",. ..... . WASlrtNGTON (U PI) -01i.d· Julf 21. 196• Lebot O•Y· Vthlr•m' O • '' JJ, Ml"-QIYl1apmf!1>I end '1)0, FODO !l;'ltVICES ~ h rted ;...,,.., Abh. Trt l'llft1f"t Th•n~1'"''"' On '"° C~flst,..•t. 11 r,,,.,1,., Mt .•.•••.•.. w . ..is t!t.JI' 76.01• "°· cr1u11i.ot S.ltt"lft !If 11\t Air rorce 1115 st11 Pvllllll'IN 0r ..... co.11 D•·•• P•IPt. An¥ °' 1111 •llOYI" toql::!,~ ~~1 :::; ,. voct11on11 Educ•'"" Att .... 1Jt.oo n1.,.. uo..ooo FPM s....vic.. • . .. . n1nt.t tests on a short range J"'"' 'I. 1 .. , im..t ~"!'=~~. ":':i'1111~~v. • 29. o""' . . '°·* ••. F_, .............. .. • ....,,_ c TOTAL f'EOER .. l INCOME RECEtllCO 9'0 OllWt E'YIPlll'" .... •· atuct mllsile which wUJ hbel .,!~..::-~ :,;:";'~::r .• ~1'k :.r.i::: FROM STATE SOURCES 1U.J?I ~9).0J )OJ,tQ6 TolA1 l'llOl'I $ .... vi«. ............. . ri~ .. from al-lanes to t '"°\/-•II 11Ul!(Of1llKfftrl ll"ffi" !>Im. IO .10. FEOER•L INCOME ltECftVEO FltOM TOTAL .X,.l!NOl1'Ultl5 ANI» ~ •y • • • 1 111,, COIJNTY iOUltCES OTH•lt OUTOO •·-~-up lo JOO mil•• away THE TUBE ,.._ flOI \I 1"'n u """" P'"'" •o '· ••01Mo •ALANCI . J UN'-:!t -••~ · QN ft!fl of per Cllf!m w"" IO •ti wflfto.tnl'ft lO FEOERAL INCOME RECEIVED F M The fint kit missile was fired emiilO•t>d In ,,,, ~~it<IJ!lo/I l)f .... CO!llrKI LOCAL SOURCES 1. C•lll "' U.5. Nl!IGMI ll•f!ll 1--· BQAltO OF TRUSTEES If. Olh" . • II.Ill 11,'® .. 0Mr•l'lll9" nth .,... __ ....... from • puuic; aver 1='01 tll1 M1t 911id1 to wll.!'1 0111 ... NGE CO .. ST JUN!Olt TOTAL Fl!OElt.t,l. INCOME llECEIVE O '· A({1Mlll Real1•blt ,...,._, TV " -0 E"E OOSTllCT FltOM LOCAL SOURCl!S 11,lll 1f.XIO 4. Ol~tr Ctlfr""t A.»tlt llr><l""t White Sands Proving Ground ... f P'";,., on . r••• t Y ~o~~-UMf~A. OltANGE '° COMS INED STATE ANO ~ttum11t•llvt C1ffoit'rlt E"111t!11"111rtf ln New Mexico And "Impacted w EiC -411trib11tM wit~ 0•• C:OUNTV, CALll'ORNIA '"E0£1to\1.. INCOME •Hit11<:tmfP\I ltestrv•I _," th Al'r Stl11riil1'1' ecli'1P~ pf ,.., DAILY 11 NOltMAl'f E WATKUl J.I. Vo<.•llPflt! Ed!Klllcl! Aid !Smith• ' T~ll C~tfllll A.u •l1 as pJ"CllrammL-u. e r1LOr. ' SECltET,t.ltY, l!IOARO OF .. UOhK. Georoe·•~tdtn l\ct11 ........ ll1,1'! 11t,4)t l,,000 •. I.tu CU<',.,,, Ll•bllll!n ~ aJd -· I ti I 21 • '''' YOY•• COM81N!'O STATE AND , NH El'ldlfln B•l1ne• rorte IJ • 11,., mas e S oltUS ... • 1U.!l1 111.•J• 1),(llXI p,TQTA\,•Xl"INtlltUltlSAMDH•7 r.~ I d bl of car ,,.,,.n A"pu•! I , n" !I llll '·"' FEOEltAL INCOMl5 liNDINO IALANCI n;~ On, a n cap& e • Publl•ll'd Ol•f'IVI C1111I D•llV ltllO'· to St .. lt INCOME P'ubllthllll O•l"9t Cot.•I 0.lly PllO!, July l1. Ifft rying a nuclear w1uitead. Jwlv J4. 11, lt6t nn"' •1. P•lnc1"'1 ADP0'110Mme~1 " ...... P asses T est ,. J. • • •.llS • ni tt,'IC1 f}.Jlll tt,YI! ff.Ill l.2lt '·"' J.IO• ..... .:,ns '·"' ..... ... •• 7 11• '·"' '" '·'" ..,.... 1 ... ,,,,.,111 1,1t1.IM ...... ""' l.;lli.'61 ), .,, x 1C .. .... JOt.lfl M Jt,17f .. ~ Ul.lfS llJ.ln n .1u 31.137 5.615.Gta .._,Id ... 1'5 J0,4",1V ll.Jff.U1 72,Slll 115.2'2 , .... , ,., ... . ..... JU. ... J.tsaM6 1l4,112 ""'" 61S,Ml 6.187,llM 11,115 1.9'7 ..., ,,. .. JU.•f• 243,W SSl,040 1'1.7S2 2.1,01• 1:».0SJ 2t!,QJ 12J,6'1 1,111 u t.w 13.S:ll u .1?1 11.•1' lt,614 516,HI 16l, 116 ,,,.,,,11 ll.lO• 11,IU 1.•JO 11,1'! 101.IOl lot,<126 72.050 ?13,1'7 ~61.65' u1,t5J 7,,0lll ...... IU,117 1,4)1.6.0 t.111.~ 14,Jll 1•.l22 1C •• x -• x x f.136.tll J,OU,3'7 t,~ "1).;71 j/1,61' tl,12' ¥ y y • f.61~.619 l•l,!loO J,llJ.119 ll,S.f.t'll tO!.Sll .Cl,S11 lll,916 111.M1 ~· "ll7,JtS ~J!l .. 6~ 1U.18S Sil.I•• ·~.Jq ... 351 1.ro..s.:i ,,,,J,131 1.t9J,UO 1611.llS 1.0.llS IMl.UI " !.tt3,1JI . ·~ ·~ ,.17• 2.~~ .,, 1.1;i _, :.1Jt .. Ill t6 1\1 H.711 "·'" '1,(»I """ 1.11• "·"' 1 r:it. ... ,,. 4 0)1 •.11' rt:iti .... .., ........ ."' ..... ~17UU J,o)f,ll• ""' l,IMl,211 . ... ..... . ...... . ..... ..... ,. .... 1,114,. .. ... , ..... 11.no 141 • .:tt 60.S'° 301.on "-"' 111.161 •,flt.990 1n.160 1.:111.J» l,!i(,1tJ l.JU.041 U.5!~ j,Q'1 "' Jl,10( ,..,,, D,.., 13'.!!I 32,,f(l 200.nl .... t~•.SllO 111.0'XI 2H.l .. jf.6lJ lOD.0 1 tl6.M 10,111.ll! ..... SJl,171 10,163,Ut 1t.l3l 1J.m )),'6t 10.IU.bll 21,0d '·"' ~J.0"5 130,11t 12.i11 lll,411S , .. ~ .. ,,, IO'l.Vff 1.Jt0,0l3 HO.SSC 111.1'1 101,466 ~.1~.011 16.101,ltJ "·~ ,5.!l{I 16,2:12.Jt ... ~ • ' ' ... 16,1 ... 6. ' J60.l1 lflll,JI lflll.:n ' ' ' • ' • ... • ' • " Iii 1'6 •.OllJ.~1 4,Qe5,0 61?,J il&Z,l " " ·~ ~.~ ' 5.415,)0 1.'1S."9 S-'13,'~ ~.41S.Y • ' ' f.•IS,$1 ' ' 'nt " 1,HA l,01 .. ., , • "" ... ' ' "" ' tt.11 ' ..... •J.008 "' ti.It .,.,, • ' ' .. "" , .... .... ' ~" ...... ... DAILY PILOT WANT ADS H O U S E S FOR S A Li! Gtn1rtl 10% DOWN $34,950 1000 • I ' Sharpest homf' 1n back bay rea. O\\!f!eni h11ve n1ovtd - lmn1edlate possession • 3 bedroom & ~·amlly roorn. Beautiful cove:-ed palio. Jn. errom lhruout • Pool 11ze ant. " I ' , I ' GOL D E N VALU E I I Bcaut!ful Nt:\\'port Beach baek l>ay ho'n1c. Walk lo I~ ~r b::1y -•I large bffi· "OOms. intt>1-Csl1ng family wn1 • llXll dini"i: rom. '>l: baths. Doublr used brick ireplace. Sparkli11K electric bu.iH-in Ireezcr and rcll11;'. ki!chcn • 2.(Q) square ft, 1.A1 l"re lot. &lier hut·ry. on!)' $32,000, 10':{, down. WESTCLIFF VACANT T ' ' hf. charm ol open beam ·cilings and a sp11c1ous look n1akcs l Bcdroo111 & FRmily n exl-ep!ional h o n1 c - Ready for imn1C'dl111(' poi;.. ~ession S39,500-IO'.;, down. I l REME MBER WHE N louses had basements! Ro.'· fresh your memory and see his custon1 home Jn t'llllo, ' Nf'wport HC'ighls localio1t \l'i!h 1(1.)5 sq_ fl. bascmenr. Net'ds a little rreshenlng but a buy at this prl~ or $12,500 ---------MINI RANCH Custom hornr in beau1llul Ea!ltliidc Costa Mesa. ( i,11 block to Irvine Ave.) Tower- ing shade 1rct'5. plus pr'Oduc. tive h-uit lrees on 300 foot Jot. l lan:lwood Ooors, Jarg• family roon1, 2 baths. Nearly 1 ~ aci·e for thr srcludcd en· joyment of counlry living. Sl7.;,ocl. WE S ELL A HOME E VERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee ~013 \Vestclilf Dr. 646-7711 Open Eves. H ARBOR VIEW H l c LS ~fagnil.icent view home Custom decorations throughout 3 E.Tira sii.c bt'droorns 3 Fu.II Baths Slep.doy.'fl lamily J"OOm with W('t bar and ~d brick fin'plac('. Spacious, healed pool 01vnl"rs Hrc n10\·ing in August. and 11·ant artlon 11011·! $69,500 Call !\ent l\a~gsi<'y Rl'5. 5·10..SS12 Barrell Realty pre•ents NEWPOR T H EIGHTS. 2 bdrm home 011 larg" Jot 1~ith Sl"paratr J:Urs t house. , \Veil kept garden. Sl7,500. • • ' lG05 \Vrs1cliH Dr .. NB 642·Z,2~ 1 john macnab LIDO ISLE One of the n1o~t beautiful hon1rs offct'f'd on corner lof, on lovely Lido Isle , 11.cross from pnvate bear h. 3 Large bedroon1s. large living room, forn1al dining roon1. 2 1''ir.!- 11luci:i;. lkautifully dcroratt'd fnr t''''ru!ivr Cas1f'. Sll.5.000, Call fn1· 11url't f 71 41 '42-8235 001 Dr.i.,.cr DnV1· • .Sul1c 120 i\r\\'IXJrl 8'-t'ch C OLL EGE PARK $27,150 i\lost convl"nicnl al'f'a of Costs i\lc~. King-siu~d b<'droomir;, d('n. la11:r family roon1, btHll·in elN.tric kitchen . illl.IZC grounds. !i1(1.17'tO TARBELL 2955 Harbor -BAYFRON T BUY l- Sophis1 iC:f1!ed 2 • SlOI')' home plus bac h Al'\l, Prim! In. c11 t1011 o n So. Bit}·tl'On1. Bal· hoa Island 1j 1:::1.('l(lll L I D O REALTY I NC. OCEANFRONT 3 BR horn<" on ('Xt:cllcnt bPit('h; $:)4.9:il'l . G1org1 William•on REALTOR 673-43JO Eves. 6iJ..l..561 TIYMENTS LESS Than RENT 3 Bit horn!' on h1 ra1• )Ql D A VIDSON Rully • 516·5-~ V\'r• •• 11; ~l r."I I j -------~ -.......... -.. -~--------------------------.... ----------··------~------~--... ~;...........-----.. Thursdl)'. July 31, 1969 DAILY PilOT ·-------·-4-·--------HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi HOUSIS ,Oil SALE HOUSES FOR SALE . HOUSES FOR SAL -iNT L KkNTAL5 1000 General 1000G..,.rel 100t I ~i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.;.~iiiiiiiiiiiii~~i J ~Ge-""~· ~.r-• 1~. _.._ __ 111\JO-'-Oonoro I !""'!"!!•• -h l40C!Hunll""°" INch l400 HOUNS 0Fuf!!l1hod HoUMI Furnlsl!t4i No,.port Booch 2200 Newport llooch :129! EAST$1DE CUTIE 3 BR, hardwood I floors, !~place, large Y•tdt qu,1,ot, plivate seclu•ian. Tree Ghnaed street. You'll like this ,oqe1 nf,5'J), .._ ~ BUILDER'S . REPO In Costa Mesa, excellent area. 4 BR formal dining room, ramlly room, service porch. B,1.illder has just taken back tlus home and he is going to completely renovate it with new wall to wall carpeting, paint, etc. Can buy VA, FHA or Conven tiona l. Name your t..-ms. Full price $30,500 Immediate Possession 'I• ACRE 4 BR, 2 baths, wall to wall carpets, frp lc, pantry, etc. If you're looking for LAND then this is the home for YOU. FHA, VA or Convention al. Name y ou r t er m s. Full price $30,950. MESA VERDE ASSUME GI LOAN 4 BR, covered patio, beautiful land4 scaping. Excellent area. Very low in· tcrest, high balance G f loan can be assumed by ANYONE ! ! · Monthly payments LESS THAN $175 per month P.l .T.I. Full price $28,800 . COATS & WALLACE REALTORS <e:&> 1491 BAKER STREET 540-4141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. 1000 Gei1eral 1000 WID HO! LAND A'Pl.EHTYI PLUS LAKES I LAKES! LAKES! LOOK TO YOUR F'UTllRE, through clear blUe llkles •. NO SMOG, clce.n, DRY air Tormo VA/FHA. '"'"' $22,990. ONLY 2 HOMES LEFT New bmnes, ready to move In, 'Al mile lfofll boacb. First pa1ment up I<> 60 days aller move ·in . COR~L: SHORES (on Garfield between Beach & Magnolia 962°1353 ~--4 ----...... idW <limato ,.,. oJ. SHOPPING l'OR A HOMEt Cill, wrii. or Ialfa itoWin&', nut & aprl<.'Of visit OUf .o.ffice for your free Copy of our N•?erf IHch 1200 Huntingt.n Buch 1400 ~~~~~ .:ir::::d ' ;~~~~e:rrc:~ ~i~~':n:1•:::~(L~~~ ~ H~~~B;, ut~ w~w1'1' S11~0/o T~E3;.''E""XaE o'7ER 100 in Newport Beach, Corona I)el .Mar & Costa nn, teWlnc nn. Hv nn LOAN Mesa ; also throughout the United States wttJi>le & ocean view. Brla'ht, cheery 4 Bedroom LAN KES <man-nµi.def .NO~ through associated off.ices. RED rARPET 1todmy kit w/bH!rui &. home. Hardwood nn:, bltns, I THE AREA .• 1.makes th.ii; ,. avocado sha.c crpti thruouL xi not only a highly productiw. REAL TY, 2025 W. Balboa Blvd •• Newport Front yd wtpatio & cabana. ;~mU:; !!::. at $23,000. '""''·but.~ .. ot ett" ""••·1~!!Be!!a!!~!!b!92600!!!.!!(!7!!14!)!f!l!5-6000";'!!!!!! . .'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I $64,000. 613-6990 HARBOUR REALTY ty, as we.,, . ti• 80 ACRES just SOLD , • ,93 O I lOOO OPEN Sat 4 Sun. 4t2 * 841-8595 * ACRES, '''"· oow AVA'O,.J;;;";;"";;;;;'•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~I Gonorol 1000 Rivenld• Dr. N.8. Pre•tig• LEASE or SALE .. ABLE ·th & u · cu1tom. home, 4 BR la:e • .,, pump "' : or, CHEAPIE -10.20-40 acre parcels avail· VACANT rumpu1 ml:, of.level. Fenced able, Don't be a "l remem-CLOSE IN Yd. 2 Irplc1, bit-ins, owr-ber when-er" ••• inv~sti-sPACIOUS-Newly e&rpeted stz:ed gar ol! alley, Pool gate this opportunity in New-+ parquet Ooorlng. 4 BR. ONLY S13,95p, Don't lei the! 1be lot. Crptl, drps. 548-2986 berry Springs, NOW!! Own-21,S baths, ~amil,y room, 2 price tooi )'OU. This two bed. OWNER'S SACRJFICE f'r'• must liqWdal.e intere11ts ,covered patkls. Pool alae room • elegantly carpettd 4 or 5 BR, 2 mo. old Harbor Call 847~ after 6 PM, any: ~rd. Near Boy's Oub. c.dM over wood tJoon ha.a ~n re-Hilla home. LR, OR. Fam. time weekends H1&:ll School Sell, lease/op-modeled recently and offers R with .frpl &: bar. 3 Ba. · lion or lease. $52,500. Call a BEAUTIFUL. BUILT-IN Crpta, drps many Xtras ~~~-~--~~I for appointment KITCHEN WITH ASH CABl-Xl ti 1' S48-8281 . No Down Payment VA JEAN SMITH NETS, breakfast bar, dinette nt nanc l'lf. Near The Beach area and 11ep&rate service W~LK TO BEACH I Realtor porch. Live in comfort and Furnished 3 BR. 2 Ba. Steps · 646-3255 shop only two blocl(s away to ocean. $25.000. 400 E. 17th. Costa Mesa at E. 11th Street Shopping CAYWOOD REAL TY Center. ft.2 LOT. ADD AN· ~ W, Coast Hwy., N.B. 4 BR, 1-\t. bath$, fl<'wly paint. ed ins\de. Cpts, drps, LArge comer lot. Vacant. BRASHEAR REAL TY 841-8531 Eves. OOS.ll78 1 MILE TO BEACH .f BR 2 be.th Seabury Tract, Try SJ500 down • full pri~ $28,5()(1, Nice large yard. Good location. ~MW --!IENTALS -YEARLY 1 I BR .. I Bath, 1Urn1shed .......... , ..•• .,.,,,1'0 II> BR., 1 Bath. fireplace: unfum ........... S200 2 BR., l Bath. un!Urn ........................ S200 4 BR., l \<U!Jllb, Unllll'll. .Costa Mesa.-· •••••• S200 4 BR., 2 Baths, unfurn ...... : .. ; .1 • :\ .~ .' •• , •• f275 2 BR., 1 Bath, furo., ChaMel front .......... $300 3 BR., I Bath, Den. furn ........ , ........... $350 S BR., 2 Baths. D~n furn ..................... '351) SUMMER -WEEKLY • ' AU 1lrt1 &' focttlons, from.,., ....•. , .••.... $1Clt · ., BURR WHITE, Realtor •· 2901 Now!!Ort Blvd., Ne. 675-4630 t EVENINGS : 642-2253 or 67~59 I .; Lido Isle 2351 3 BR, 2 BA. frplc; pat!A, 1:araa:t, exctJlef\t locatla~ Sept, to June lease $295. MO. Call 073-4176 eves & "'~ '""'· This vacant 3 year youna; Hawaiian shake roof beauty "'ith elec. built-ins kitchen redecorated and ready for imnied, pos&ess.ion on credit approvlll. 3 i:iig bedrooms, 2 pullman baths, custom fire- place. family room! Sold the 1irst day on the ma.rite! - buyer is transferred. Sur. rounded by 35 to $40,000 hon1es, STEAL THIS AT OTHER UN?T LATER. • 541-1.290 e DELUXE Condo, many xtru, 2 Br, 2 Ba, pool $38,500. Xlnt term&. Agt. 646-0732 NEEDED 497-1210 Maui Hawaii lll BEACH -0>mpl<tcly furlil 3 or 4 BR Glen Mat. Ca1h to LAGUNA CANYON 2 BR 2 BR. Kaanapall Apts, u;w VA or FHA loan . quick et-house $14,500. Fenced yd. 3 mo to 1 YT. Contact Be~ crow • no points. Call Mur-Zoned industrial. 494-8170 Pen .... , 6614 Kauna HonOI Jelle Otse'n ,.... BRASHEAR REAL TV _L_1g~u_n_1_N~i9~u-•l __ 1_10_1 •'="=w='"=·· =N='·=96821===='•"1 EXCITING I s~~~ELL A HOME OCEAN VIEW . EVER·Y 31 MINUTES· I==== t4~i4%: Mesa Verde Pacesetter, 4 bdnn noor plan, rus- tic exterior with mu- sive used brick fire· place.._. New . shag __ car4 pets. Needs some work. Out of area owner. $31,Sj() on VA tenns. Evenings Call flt&.tlliO MESA VERDE BLUFFS -§ br, 3 ba, wl Bay-View, \vide creenbelt. Steps to pooL CUI. addtns. Save! $42,500. Ownr &f4-4265 847-8531 Eves. 53&-2123 S I MINI ocean view, spac. 3 __ u_m_m'-e;..r...;.R..:.•;..•t..:.•:;;•:_.;2;.;9.;1,<0I 4 BDR, 2 story Prestige BR. 2 BA, beam l"Onst. home. broker/El l is·. landscaped, unusual. xtras. BEN BROWN Scl\rader call for Myrtle Owner S37,(XX). 494-3714 APT.-MOTEL 'Newport Heights 1210 1M~'gLa~r1~y~4J~l~-""~;;· ===I ltf!~Ai:S:~-:-:---:-- ... G1 ··LOAN "" ""'ptiooolly tov.ty' •··· Walker & Lee 2 ba. C a m e o Highlands • RENTALS SPACIOUS Huntington Houses Furnished 64, 1 & 2 Br. apts Comrt~ furn, Pri\', patios, h0td, pooQ TV, restaurant. 9 hole gall course, \Valk to beach.. No t raffic noise, \Veekly A monthly rale:S. 31106 , ~ Hwy .• So, Laguna, our eit trance by Aliso Beach. ..,t NICE, O ean 1 Br. duplex sips. 4: blk. ()C(!an, b'9'! Very rcas! Aval!. No\v Iii Sept. 6. .! t Anyone can assume &: pay $136/mon!h int:luding prin. cip!~. interest, !axl'S &r Jn. surance. This fine 4 bdnn, modern hardW'OOCI noor home has a lovely pool & large en· cl<i5ed yard. Locared Jn Col· lege Pa.rk on Fonlham Drive. S29,580 home. 111()' Ocean vtew. All elec, kit .; new carp(>ting. Prof. landscaping. Shuffle- board coort. OnJy S46.!W, Chuck F1ace Coldwell, Banker & Co. 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach, Calif. l~ig do.,..'11 nee.) !:;8;3~=7=00====644-=2=4=~ ~ i'lolw port . at Victoria (anytime). Mesa oe1 Mar - No Down GI . Th(. big 5 bedroom plan for thr active family can b<- yours. Bright country kit- rhen .,..,it h eating arra. 3 full baths. Large fenced I ~--""""'"'"""'"'""'"""" yard and walking distance $16,500 PRICE ANO to all schools including 1800 BRICKS 2700 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 545-0l65 Open 'til 9 Pl\t C· 1 PROPERTY THE fJEAL E S TATERS •'11' .. "'\ ... ~ .. ,~. ,. .-:-11 ,,r.,. ,, i,t 546-5990 8 UNITS -~ J , K. NIOfOl~ Orange Coast College_ B~ Make up lhe massive patio! Y8ltt' work cloths and &!1' Where in the world can you bg , ~o down to ~Is ~ find a 3 bedroom, 2 bath fHA terms to itlJ, $36,500 \l home, NEAR THE BEACH . ,,. ::;;~ ·~=~~ b:;::;'"~,;;''t'; ~o=P=EN~f~R~IO~A~Y~1~6~!l-~4i"'iaiiRi"1HiTro~M~E""' b"k yarn. and VACANT!! • Lg< 4 BR 2 ba, FA bed, dio "For A Wise Bu~/· LESS THAN $2.000 DOWN!! room. dble garage, fncd yard WE SELL A HOME 220 JASMINE + room 1o puk boat· or EVERY 31 MINUTES Corona del Mir. trall<'r. Cor lot. l block to Walker & Lee 2 b\ocks lrom Beach. 4 bdrm, shopping, $23,950. Drive by 2i00 Harbor Blvd. al Adams WS.9491 OP!'n 'tll 9 PM 3 lmths. Asking $46,000. 1839 Pomona. C.?i.1'. thl!n Call 1860 Ne"'JXlrl Blvd., 0 1 GENCO REALTY 6·124·122 Rltr. 646-3928 Eve. 644-1655 l='"=Y=li=m='=· ====== $23,500 YOU ARE REA'DING RIGHT! 3 BR 2 batha with built-ins we ean aell to Vet!. (no down payment) l hope you are first. Newport at Victoria 646-1111 (anytime) 2300 SQUARE FEET 3 BR & family rm. Larg!' llv. H bo' .. 1405 ing rm. Stone frplc. JJ\V .-;;;;;;•;;r;;;u;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I Rentals to Shire 200! noon, cpts, le drps, Well • kept Pro. )andscaped. Aik· HUNTINGTON JMftBOUR. SHARE 3 BR w/1 or ~ 1ng i2S.OOO. BA y FRONT '!:dies. cpl or mother & Owner/Bkr. ~2414 ~6'!1TI Bolero Lane, Beauti· uaughler considered. Kit. & Dover Shores 1227 ful .f bedroom, 3 bath car· laundry privl. Clo!!e to petetl. built-ins, dock iacui. Golden West collf!ge. $65 mo ties, Owner tw moved East i.ingle, S85 mo double. ,Call *UNIQUELY necessitating aaJe, $79,500. aft 6 p.m. wkdays. 8~7821 Difterent ''Old World" Con-(714) 675-60SO 0 NUD JSl' couple "."8-nts rental temporary, Exttutive 1uxury 2 • to share, part ti1ne, call D. home. UnobatructM Bay -& IAUll lWlllBllll ca..•. Louis :J48..?414., 6-7PM or Mtn view from most rmi::. .... ............ ,_.-._, Box1793,01 · 5,000 sq. Jt. 4 BR, 4~ BA + 1 ~:'::0"!::!!::!!~::!!::!!!!!' maids qtrs. Ideal for c.nter-· ta.lnina:. Easy maint. Jmmed. Fount1in Valley · 1410 ROOMMATE services & apt sharing, Special ralel'I to students. Broker 64>-0111 occupancy, Furnis h ed; S178,000. Good Joan. Box 1632 NE'\V Meadow Home, J BR & * GIRLS 10 snare beach apt, N.8 . 548-7249 den, $31.200. S3700 dn, 7~ % yearly. 25-30. Newport Beach JTil W. Balboa 642-1272 ti CUSTOM Ex.cc. 4 brd, 3 !:ISi, paoorarnic view of harbor '& jetty. new 8\\in1 pool . $1500/mo. 675-2717 ~ Attractive \Valerfront' rl 3 BDR, 2 ba, slip for 30' boat. S350/wk -Aug. Call 548-3568 ·~ Assume GI Loan loan. inuned. poss. by 1~•71J.-OG95==·~--~-;:-,;:;: OCEANFRONT HOWJe; !i>fi 5 BR, dininr room, fam4 Wettcliff 1230 Meadow Home Sa I es WANT To share my \rg 2 BR Seashore Dr. NB. Delaile 1Jy room, 21ii baths. ·2 962-1160; eves 675--4900 apt in CM. A prof girl to Duplex 2ll Cypress. Balbfa fireplaces. AU the ex -SPARKLES & SHINES in-I~===;::. ===== u.me. Apt 'i tum, you pro-(213) 698-fi012 ri 'd • L. & d' Westmfnsttr" 1612 ·11 k tras you can lrnaelne. s1 e ec out. iv rm. in vide other \i or v.-e ma e 2 BR Ballioa apt ~ Prime a.rea. High bal-rm: service porch, elec _H_O_R_S-ES 'on tho CITY? a deal. 616-0040 or 546-7372 beaches/pier .$75-$150 wklt,. ance GI loan can be ~ bltn,,, clean crpt11, drp11, ~3911, 6'5-5810 11 llUmed by AN y 0 NE. thruout this 3 BR 2 BA We have J fine places avail-Costa Mesi 2100 CLEAN Balboa Beach UniG. }'ull price $39,200. GOOD home. Prof. lndscpd & Lee lob1 or course. 2 have --------- TERMS. Be quick! m8.int. w/ohildtn'• play yrd ranch style homes w/heated 2 BR, gar, patio, cpfs, drps, Sleeps 2 to 10; for summt;r & pet area. Heavy shake pools. Opportunities are big s;tove, refri.g, tropical selling reservations call 67$-99!f5 • t:O:TS roof complet~ this charm-here. We 'll help with finan· for adults 1 blk 10 shop 315 E. &lboa B!Vd,, Bal!Jfa ing home. By -0 w net, cing on any or all. Sl85. Mo 54-t.-4780 BALBOA -lnexpensiwt ~- WALLACE $42,500. 642-1598. Rex L. Hodges, Rlty \\'ANTED : TLC /or one tages. Weekly rates Jul)', REALTORS I========: 841·2625 Aug""· S<pt. ~ . •u •141-k 1237 I========= year, for our 4-bdr. lam rn1, --Univeraity Par .. _ , h E S I A H t 1630 crpts. uume . ....,ase, approx. (Open Yeninp) . an I na 9 s. SepL 1, S275 mo. 545-6137 CUSTOM 2 BR, lg mode""tl1 ho'Use from ocean. Av~. !t ug · Sept. 673-6055 * Low, low * Down 6 l/2 O/o Z BEDROOltt Home + Den . Assum!! $25,900 at this low 56x300' lot. $27,9'jl) By rate on nearly new 4 BR. Owner. ~69 DOVER Shores baytront =========I home. 6 BH. 4 BA. large Laguna Beach-1705 patio, 70' prlvale dOCK. .N ·.:•w""poc.:;rt_:;Bo:..:;:•::ch.:._.....,2 ... 2.c.OO 'r-.10DERN 2 Br. duplex; nr. -OE>ach & bay; avail. 8/lf $23,950 or less -lake over contract ot aale from buyer moving back East. 3 Br, 2 ba, frplc., Why rent~ Owner /Bkr. Ol2·22'll. 646-9666. BY OWNER -5%% Loan. Eutslde 3 Br, 2 Ba, family room home. * 64l-5931 Askill&' S33,90(). e RED HILL REALTY 1806!! Culver Dr., Irvine OPEN 9 AM • 8 PM 8J3.!M320 HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL Corona dtl Mir Avail &pt 1st. yrly'Jse, $1000 mo. 213:780 ·5013 or 213: 785-6333 1250 4 Income un its, 12ti yds, loi --=~====o-­ON Tilt: Bt:ACll ---------beach. Patios, deck11 w/ AT LOT VAL!JE I ocean view, Nds. paint, rte. 2 &Ir, 7308 \V. Oceanfront 3 Br. channer adj. to bf'ach. Should cross $9.000 annual . '-="='-=98l=O====== OPEN·FRI, 1.5 PM p.~~. $69,600, Ttades consid. I. 22"5 911. $160 ·\Vkl y. 675-2097 ·, BALBOA 1 BR, redec. Nt. beaches. $75-$135. wk l F>. 536-3911 or 675-5810. .ri O:IM Beach Cottage si ps 1', stef)S to maln bch. 217 Hrllotrope. S150 wk. 675.3M9 Con dominium 2950 Col~sworthy & Co. $149,500 346 POPPY ,.,._, 81yshores " FORES't E. Costa Mesa 1100 $79,500 ~llSSJON REALTY 494-0731 BAYSHORES -2 bdrnl - 1 0 L S 0 N =-.,,,==_.,,~""'~· Hal Pinchin & Assoc. 180" view, just completed J bath-enclosed patio. Sept. Lachenmyer i.=G"=""r=a' ==1::::;000 ======I Offiee Open Sat./Sun. LARGE 2 Br, l~fi B11, slud10 type, bJt.im;, patio, pool. S200 1no. Adul!.1. 673-8800 RENTALS 642-TI71 Owner Needs Help! Small con1mertia1 shopping center. Caps out at $190,000. Good opportunity for owner/ user. Call for particulars. BY OWNER: 3 BR, 2 BA, 3900 E. Cout Hwy , 67~4392 BR. 2% BA. 300 sq. ft, 13th to June 13U1 • $160. Courtyard Poot crps. drps. bttru:, lrit yard. MUST SELLI sundeck. Arch Beach 548-32'25 "1-~oreve.r View'' New We_lls'i No down to Vets. $25,950 or Helghts. $34.700. Owner, Mr. I ;FU;';;;R,,;N~i"n"R"t==••=-Inc. R!'altors ' asi::ume 6%'10 loan. Owner Ownl!r moved, no reas, oUer Le1vls, (714J 528-5013, 1112 \OU&e. =Pt. Houses Unfurnished General •30llo Immediate possession -big 5 bdrm carriage Estalt'!I (a'bout 2900 sq rt1 wilh pool in top ~lesa V~l'de location. Out ol a rea o\\·ncr making double payments -\\'ants olfer, reasonab)e or no!! plan ready for Sept , deliv. will carry Znd TD. OPEN refused! Beaut. 4 Br., tam. Norla, thru June S.2'25. mo or yrlY Newport rry. 4 BR 3i,, ba, powder DELUXE DUPLEX l10USE 1·5, Wt'd·Thur&-F'li nn., din. n-n., wet bar, white 4 BR, N. Lagu-•. v••w, ''"'' 111e S295. 64!>-1055. 4 B " room, fam rm. iv/bar & cpt'g, & drape$. A.'lk $65,500 .. " "Cl ========~1 $22.i. R, ]-,,. Ba, paUo. at fr·pl<', lo1111al dining room, AT THE BEA CH art .430ca"'tt !~r .. .,~~t. (off Delancy Real Estate yard main!. Xlnt 11 n . Balboa lslind 2355 lrplc, w/k1v. children & pets $46-5880 (near cintml thelbt) LLEGE REALTY l9X) AdMs at H#bot,t.M. J'•'tt' i•-t usl1n) ~ 0 "-r, 40.• ,~ 0 K B•o 'r "" "980 ·.... ""'' Close to sand at Newport 11 :========-, 2828 E, Coast Hwy, CdM -·"' .,....,""~ ' · ' ,..,......, Victoria Roy J . Ward Co. S<!ach is today's best BY OWNER: Eaatside CM. 3 673-3770 * It J EWEL: Large 2~ BR. WINTER SZ25 mo. 4 Br . EXECUTIVE HOr.IE; Lrg 5 646-8811 \Baycrcst Of.Hee' buy. Two lari:,:<' b<'.'d4 Bdrm, bltn kitchen, natUl'lll FABULOUS Vlrw! O'look ing Vlrw. Must see. S32,500. ne1\'IY dei:, adults only, 1l9 Bdr 3 Ba. DR. FR, Avail J430 Galaxy Or. 646-15.50 rooms. 2 Bath:1. Deluxe birch cabinets. 66xl1.6' lot Owner, 494--8673 Marine. 499-2996 Sep! 1. SJXJ. mo/548-1544 : Anytime ""'""""!""'""""'""'""'""'II kitchen + built4ins. Liv4 w/ alley acceSI for 003t or Little Corona Bi:h. llear the """"""""'""'""'"'!'~~ "SPARKLES i11g room to lazily view trailer. 6'14 % loa,n call be surf! Tmmsi: 2 BR. den, 2 DON'T JUST "'!.'.iii tor some.. \VlNTER rentaJ Sept.June, :i TI-IE SUN NEVER SETS Of DAILY PILOT WANT ADS PLENTY" sails and sailors from ·auumed. $.24,950. &42-4l7& BA. t'ee simp. Xlnt fin. thin&: to furnish your home BR. J111I. hay ~ l07 Classilied's action po~, BRING RESULTS! !lundeck or veranda -900 SJ.4,500 Ownr. 714~75-5176 .•. find great buys In ti> Jade. S250 mo. 21 310 For an ad to sell arouij:! ME-SA VER.OE -Luxury living mean big BY OWNER, $23, • 3 BR. 2 bl-.r:i welcoml' day's Q asslficd Ads. DAILY Pll.O'I' WANT ADS! the clock, dial &42-5618. 1000 S23,950 rents!! Best you hurry! BA. crpl<;, drps, lrpl, 2 =========o .;::;,:;:==:=::===~========:o=~='=="====:;:::::I l jG~e~n~•~r~•l:.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~OOO~Giiiieneiiiiriiaiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 Completely refurbished. King Call 645--0303. ~~ .. uos,034. 6%3 GI loan, Lido Isle 1351 General 2000General 2000 Genera l 2000 sized bedrooms, 2 baths. S SENOR' - Dream kitchen-built-in. Deep SPAN I H • · 4 000 ft • READ THIS . . e • • • Are you in the mar~ ket for a new home, a home in a prime area very close to Huntington State Beach; a home you can customize while it is being built, a home df4 signed by outstanding archi· tects and consLructed by Frank 1-1. Ayres & Son: a Company th<1t has been in bu si ne ss since ..-J.905 ? IF YOU ARE ·e· e e e Come lo RANCHO LA CUESTA al Brookhurst and AUanta In Huntington Beach any day between 10 A.M. &. 7 P .M. and select your home in our newly opened UNIT V. PRIC&D FROM $'25,919 to $34,200 96B·2929 or 968· 1338 ----------------- ' ~-. ~~1~""""•· "°'' '""' 4 BEDROOMS 1110 107 VIA ~OLI• TARBELL 2955 Harbor ~~~~~~er:i:ct41argc It' A bl Spe.nlsb tile entry. 5 ssuma. • !live d ouble flrtp i\t 6'1~ -$176/MO. PAYS Ope n flame cooking i a EVERYT Hl NG.J big gourmetkitc h e n sur4 bdrms, family room, wi per. rounded by convenient feet patio for family fun. built-Ins. Th(' big plus This une "'on't last long. feature, a huge play r1n, Wal.ts or glass scan a Come i;ec & enjoy, CALL stttln&-Columbu!I wou ld 54().1151 H<'ritagr Rf>aJ Estate love. O nly $29,950-Call y :i!:!J "~:~~,:~~IC BUY Nc1v loan 7 ~~·.4-Wow! One of only 35 beautltul lo\vf\ homf's In exclu.sive Newriort Beach art>a, 4 VETS &-f' our rleal on lh11t va cA.'11 acres of ma n I c u r c d llharp 3 lxlrm. S minules 10 grounds, putting .-reen. b!'&ch. $450 will n1ove yoo club house. heated and Call filtered pool Two excep-in on approved <:redil. tionaJly large bedrooms, Art, s LA T E s REALTY tfled baths. •tone ttre- 847-3519, Eves. ~558 place and la.teat ot all -=p...,n·'""c~e...,d~R,--~ -'u_c __ _,, _.-11 d, 1 u x e buttt-fno. u,. tnill cu equalf'd at thl5 price. Lowly J IlR it din rm, Npt. $23,250. Only 10"{. down. ' Bch. 18 x 20' sunken fam . can now. nn, frplc, top toe. Nr. llat· 645°0303 bor lli. Formal din. rm, beanle(! celling, Only $32.900 P.W.C. 546-5440 Cameo Shore!, $ BR $79,500 After 6 P·~· 6~ t.t Harbor Center 2299 Harbor Blvd., C.?if. CHARGE your want ad now. Find it w11 h A WMl ,ad! • I HOUSE SAT & SUN 3245 Oregon Ave. Booutlful MESA VERDE 4 Bdrm, family room, 2 bath, all electric kJtchl!n. A HOUSEfUL OF WAR.1\f LIVING, Dr ive BY & BUY itl $27,500. Owner. $1.a.2539 or s.46-3821 4 Bdr, Ji,\ bath, 3-tar ca.rage, crptt, drps, Unua:ual Fea· tures. Built In 1961. Owner (2131 24+3101 EVl!s : (213) 246--0700 CHARMING HOME Plana location -adjoll'ling: Park -near bay -2 lie Bdrms, 2 ba~. CUstom- built. Good terms. Asking 161.500 R. C. CREER, Realty 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 Hunt!""°" BHch 1400 ASSUME 5% 90 )"HA. 3 BR. 2 BA. B It "'. lam rm, HUGE HOME c P 1, I d r p •,.Imm• c. Four Jewla of lwuay llviJW. Bu.uWul P a I i o home. 8Y 4 bdtmt, 3 bt,tha, formal Owner. 3233 N e w Y o r k ' dlnirie .&; aepu1te Wnlb Aw. !145-4365 room on quiet cll}..dMaC BY Owner: 3 BR, 2 Ba., Jam ·ttrf!et. Prlefd rlJbt a~ SO,. rm. Trett, block wall. patio. 950. AMurne ntA loan. Sornklri. 2953 Royol Palm MUTUAL REAL TY Dr. 124.!00. &<&-9896 142-,1411 onytlmo 1200 Noot/S ... oet/Comploio N_._w_,eo._rt_B_ .. _c,._h___ ONL y $22,!iOO FOR s.lt, 2 BR. 2 BA, IUXUl'Y cond, b)' owner. Auume 6~~(;{, loen, $3,000 dn. BAck Bay are•. (TI4l stwl7t eve.a I wktn<b1. -----~- Can u.ume low lntettllt kl&n on thJt attni.c. 3 BR 2 bath. Hurey on thl1 OM1 HAPFbAL REAL TY 8740 Warner, r.v. &41-44C6 S©\\~1A ~ lGt.trs9 Solve a. Simple Scrambled Ward Puzzle j or a. Chuckle O lleorron;• tetten of 'tti• ,-::.-'-',...-::::--....,..........., four xromb1ed words be- low IO fonn four .tmple, words. IBOILEF I I I I I I I' . .,FOMIT I I I I I' Confueiut soy1 "Girl wh o · I I' I I m'ok1t homt In cofe, ael dom I":"':":"..,-:-:-'.:---..,., make good -of home." l~UNSEC ·1 7•)1 ~·r-1n•M1.-,1-T1-T1-1 A COMplet• th• tlrut:~le QU<ittd V by fllli~o 111 fll• fl'lhs!llO word • you d.w!ot> l1om ,,.,, No, 3 below. 1 A PRINT NUMBERED l!ntRS IN 1 V THESE SQUA.l!ES1 ! UNSCl!AM8lE: ABOVE LETTERS lO GET ANSwtl . • •' ,. " ' ' J r .•1 ~ ' SCRAM·LE't:S ANSWER IN CLASSIRCATION 8800, I -4-----~~-------~ _..._ I: • j l • J .. a DAllY I'll.OT ,,.,,....,. Jttit 31, 1969 l~W• >U•'I ALS K•NTALS ltENTALS RENTALS ltl AL ISTATI J~--11!"-•pm••l!'ll-~pm-•'1 ANNOUNCI MENTS ._ ':H1u111 Unlumhhod Ho-Un,.,,,,11'*1 Ap!I. l'umlohod ~ Unfum...... Ajtlt. Unfumlohoct r'O..;.••-"'""''°°"''----,-I* , * * * * * 1.,d NOTl!:U II 3000 Huntl"tton llffch 3400 N-rt -4200 C.t1 -5100 Tvslln 5640 Income Pro,.rty 6000 I 3 -.., 2 Bf.IN. s.n. EXEC Home, 3 1...t., "" NeWport O.ach 111E ASPENS 1 TIMES GROSS -Home. Completely ,.. drpd, I f.,,,c, air'°""· 4 BR COUNTRY CLUB CONSllUCJION IS652 Wll!lom St I Unlia with • -r<ntal ' f ,.m.tcd: lntklit. Fr't'Sh le. llv 4t din nn, ~lee kit. rec LIVINO 'l'bslln'1 Pf"•til"e &Mre11 reeoni. OCl!!ln llde of Balboa 'Clean. Uut at $11'5 w\l,b nn. tam nn. 2~ BA. huat Luxury prdltn •part:lnMts JUST (IWftl m116 Adult I~ JIO peti BJVd, N'r. churchtt, ocean A anw1 .depo.tlt. C&ll W•Uwr deck wllb view or coae:L ofterinl' complete prlncy, " Ul'lrLliltn Sbq carpet.I bit ~ Qood tnvut· • 1; Let. S.M45.5 Gardener. avail SeL lat. btauWuJ land1e&pin,: 1: uo-Total a.ir ~Ina ~nt. AtkinJ S120.000. Pound (F-Ads) 6400 81.AO<:. white A tan male dQc. llu ooll&r and new lletfllll!;. Mesa Vercfe area - ' '·WE SELL A HOME 1400 moath 714:962-3405 ,.,-.JJel<d """"tlonol ,.,,u. H1rbor H•lthlo Four ';;":=.!, U:'S:~ BURR WHITE " 19ERlkYJ1 M&INULTES 3~i!n:-~~.~:'iitbl1~ ~~~ ::ie:;,: ·~ ~.~~ha:~:. F~~=~:m~ 200lN=~!t_.;N.e. . =-=i:. Lott 640J ·. I er ee " h 00 f/ """'""· fl'O, Newport S.acb. dt.hwubon & ' batbo. 6154630 6'!3-<l!Sil E..... --. C 847...f«! 1'100 16th Strut Rent.al Manager -~. _ l.OSr: l(l..12 Jb whfte, long -76S2 Edlnaer 2 BEORM, secluded sis.; mo. t"umlahed or W\luml.•hetl "117MA'!;_ <Ml' -·A CNst•I 5700 Balboa island ~ hair, male maltelle dog. LI'M'LE Sian1tse kitten, tfaer atri_pped, red collar w/bella. ~a Verde area. 545--2667 . . IC2-4450 or S40-Sl-40 4 blocks 1rom beach. 601 Modeb: open llOOll to pm " -"' nnamon ve. Store or o~. w/w ca.rpeta, Wh1ddy1 Wint? Wh1dcty1 Got? We.arint: Ted oollal' Wt tap. ()pea"""'· 19th sL st.. HS. SJ6.-3650 TH:....,,,. CC>ft• ,.,. Buch Apls. 1!50. Bia.642-95.55 SPECIAi. CLASSIFICATION FOR Sat-vie 0ceaa Blvd CdM. $325 LEASE. 4 BR. 3 BA, !ZISlmo. New 3 BR 2 bath, OAKWOOD Phone 546-I034 NATURAL 80RN SWAPPERS Rewud. 673-0319 2<00 "'· tt. <•""m. "" ""' .,.,1d,.,,.. <llrt!•ne•-. trash GARDEN New • Deluxe Butfn ... R•nt•I 6060 Spocl•I R•te REWARD. WhH• Samoyed :m Vi~a ea,a. c M • & Wt.tu paid. ~JDU HARBOR GRHJU (714) 53M616 B IG BEAR LAKE 5 Lln11 -5 llmff -5 bucb dog, """'' Tuha, very 61&-1542 APARTMENTS (714) 536-1417 '...... 40' 11u1.E1 -AD ~UST INCLUDE friendly. 4 9 9. 213 g or ,. ,._ "-n 2 BR unfum hsr, $175 mo. ........ge from lake, .idea.I '-W119t "°" Mi..,. to er.o.. ~ YW ''""' .,. tt... $:1663. Ask tor Pri&cil1.a $185. • BR • "'"n. stove, Bltns, beaut patio &:-lrg BACHELOR unturn f r cm '1U Ocean Aven!Je' for family group.t. From 4 a-vou11 ""-•11111.,, ..,.,,..., .._, n11e1 of ~t11i.1-ttt\c, w/w, trplc, child ok. yard * 646--4!9! SINGLE Young ~thta Lux· $110. Also avail l • 2 & 3 (3 blka w. ot H. B. Pier) to 20. Reasonable rates. J-NOTHINOH~llt IALe -TaADEI ONL v1 MALE pup re d • b r ow n Broktr 645--0111 ury garden apls W! ooun-Bdnn. Heated pools. child 549--2312 or ('n4iJ 52576. P ONE 642·5671 w/black-Rlallk, lost 7/'ll. ~fi 2 BR. dbl gar, stove, Fount•ln V•lley 3410 try club atmoapbere and ca.recenter,adito!bopping. O•l'I• Fraint 5740 MARJNEfiS CENT.,.... To Pl1ce Your Trtder.'1 P•rtdfse Ad vie.19th & Pla ce ntia. w/w. children ok. Avail ------'---complete privacy. SOUTii No pets. Olli .i:.n. 548-7938 eve11. '8/31. Broker 5.14-6980 LEASE 4 bdr Townhouse. BAY CLUB APTS. Irvine at 2700 Peterson Way LARGE New 2 BR 1~' BA ce &. store bldg, rent or '15' LIVE • aboard cruiser: 6 ApU, well maintained, en. ~o~r'°IL~Dcc's=-,.-,-. ~F~e-m-. ~S~ia-m-..,-I 1=:;;;:=::===-===o I $250 inc I. maintenance. 16th Newport Beach. Costa Meaa 546-0370 split level duplex w/1ar. lease._ $75. to Sl20 per ffi(). cruising range 1200 miles. closed garages. $635 1no. cat, small. clear flea collar. 3100 962-7504 kids&. pets OK. fn4.) 645-0550 MARTINl9UE Rtfa. ~75. 499--1397 149 Rivernde Ave. 646-2414 Will accept trust deed or for small home. vie. ocean w 00 d, HB. NEAR. new 3 Br, l%. ba, lr&: 1 le 2 BR apts. From $135. to REAL ES1 ATI •PRIME Retail Location e clear property. Owner: Jo"ortin, Realtor l70l·A 968--3085 Reward. CONOOMINtuM 2 BR. l~ fam nn, bltns. Lease $250. $175. No children or pell. GARDEN APTS. Ge I 17X40, Xlnt toot & auto traf. 714-729-3400 \VestcliU Dr., N.B_ 642-SOOJ -1511-R-f:N-ARD--f-,.,-"'1-.• -.,-.,-a1-,' BA, crpm, drpg, dshwhr, 9..4l-0421 1525 Placentia, AJao aV&il. Excellent, park.J.ike wrrow:id-nera ~~ 1871 Harbor, C.M. MOTOR Sa.ii Boat, !lei!ps 2, '57 BTARITZ Cad Co.nv, tops poodle, blk Oea collar. 80:,' ,. displ. patio, 2 cat gar, unfurn. ings for adults only. Rentals Wanted 5990 'head & galley, new :sa.Us & me-ch .. needs help top &: ' Adults only. $175 m 0 • L-euna Buth 3705 I Ma _.250 Bach, 1, 2 & 3 BR. Apt&, O Offl R t I 6070 rigng. Free & cir. Trade paint. For near new wash-=e--~LA~CK~· -:~~'""'--~le-l~i,-.~N~o 54;;.1159 -~-------Corona de r Pool, nr shopping. • ATTENTI N e t e en• for auto or house eqty er & dryer va.Juf! $30J. or N&l281 Los . . 1 2 BR. a:arage, patio. crpts.. FOR LEASE 1-2 yrs 2% Bil lm Santa Ana, Apt. ID. Ownen.in this area who nlll:Y SPACE tn real estate office $3900. 544-4015 pwr mower & '! 646-8n3 • t in vtc. c •. d-, stove refrig, tropical l\\ BA rustic home in South BATOJELORETI'E ApL 417 e 64fi.$U e have income property in f bf 75· Cruise ,_ il 1 2 3 p di Haleerest area. S'I~ ,...., 1 ~-·--. Beautiful coastline Narcissus. $85. mo. incl. VI . or pu ic stenographer, in-. r, auw p o, Apts., alm Springs an setting for adults. 1 blk to i..c>&w... *TOWNHOUSE * C. ~f L.A. AIRPORT. re· surance: agent, accountant depth finders. range 1200 or 160 acres N. Dakota WHITE l ong·halr*d shop $14.5. Mo. 544-4780 vlew, c ount r YI i k e al· utilities. Ph: gu...3#1 Cll' spone1ble couple &: S yr old bookk • mi Rece t ·11 FO 0 Himalayan cat. Dark face• mosphere. No pet&. Refs. 548-J67'l 2 Br, 11~ BA. apts, drps, d ht ( ts) k 2-3 eeper, etc. 675-1972, :, n survey -v.•1 R income prop., range tail maJ . Lido ls.I J LG. Bedrms, 2 full baths, S250 mo. 673-&75 patio. Married adults. No aug er nope · see 3410 W. Balboa Blvd. N.B. consider property, TD. or Co. Re.;,'d. C~I ~7 . · stove, relrlg, washer, dryer, L ARGE MODERN pell $160 Br. unfum. home (court, NEW . smaller boat Owner: (714J Fortin, Realtor 642.5000 fem:ed yd, ....... ts, d-, front BAC H E L 0 R Beautifully • . . sgl dwelling or some apts. Deluxe office spaces 729-3400 l'i'Ol·A Westclill Dr,, NB REWARD ~-.. ·rv Laguna Niguel 3707 fumlsbed, all utll pd. $100. ~ E . ..,~e~ Lane con!idredl nr school in 320 to l3IO Sq ft at Santa<l.,'UT.?>~-;o-:-=.,..,--porch $.250, 64&-5386 -'---''-----mo. 540-2266 ~,... nice area.' De~rving !am. Ana Fwy & Crown Valley EQUITY in 4 Bednx>m • Have large bayfront home, For male Siamese cat lost in *'~3 BR, 1 bath, partly furn. BEAUT. View EXCL 3br 2 Attractive lg. single apt. SlOO "BA"LBO". ". '"A,.-B=A~Y~"'CL'"'°'UB=--.-x.· I i1y will give best of care, as turnoff. 831-1400. 499-4198 M~ Verde home. TRADE pier & float, Balboa Pertln. Santa Ana Heights. Haa 1lea $175. Children & pets ok. ha. bltns dsbwr. crp/drpa. yrli Util pd quwte 1 Br apt. Furn or own home to your re.nlal OUiee & desk space, for mcome property, Costa Pf. Need smallr-r home, collar. 546-0086 + 968-2'J14 fp, UXl 836/5750 SU.ms mo., • 613-t055 uni. Lse. $400. 642-7633 Can pay si2s Of' a. bit more, Secretarial service. ?tfesa 8:~288 * Newport or Costa Mesa. REWARD For info r Jn LGE. 3 BR 2 BA home, new but please: submtt wbat')'ou Newport Civic Center, Broker 673·7420 673-9127 leading to recover.( of dk. 1'=Pia. drps. gar. & 1 enc d Condominium 3950 4355 Newport S..eh 5200 have Area of Hawthome, 675-1601 HA VE : 8' Cab Over Camper VACANT LOT IN brov.·n male Burmese cat. "!jie.rd. $1.80. 673-4IOi $255. Beaut. :i Br, 1% Ba. un-.:;a._lbo-'- 1 - 11 - 11 -nd--"""'.:-:: STUDIO APT ~o~~ ~~!':~~~~LARGE Executive. oilice ~~;11,te~=;:· :.7.p. \~~tf.r.~~~~S ~~~Red Pomeran~. "-·-d•I .u.r 3105 furn, Country Club Villa. CHARMING lmmac. 2 BR Call locally: 642-358:9, eves/ N .• B. Also small otfice from • S'IS-6030 * OR BOAT. male. V•-Bal~-""""· ,-----~------I Crpts, drpa:. bit-ins. For in· a p t . Ne a r s a n d Y J Bdrm, 2 baths upstairs. Liv $45 mo Owner 6Ta-4611 .. UU<I. 1· fo call ~3481 ar beach. * Avail Aug 2nd to rm w/frplc, dining area. All weekends. · · TRADE for hon1e, duplex ./ 642-789S <I Reward. 675-3570 NEWLY Painted 3 BR 2 bath 341-9451 Aug 16th, & 1st 2 wks in elec kitchen, washer-dryer HELP! Will somebody please 600 to 1200 Sq. Ft. or T.D. well localed CZ 20 ,\cres ranch. 3 Modern * * * REWARD *** home $225/mo. Vacant· 1 ~======== Sept. 1l8 Abalone. 6T:Ml588 incl. Carpeted & draped. En. rent t.o someone with OFFICE, C.M. 646-2130 with large paved parking homes, 2 wt'lls; fenced. BLACK male Labrador pup. Agt 546-4141 D I U fu 3975 d l closed patio. 2 car garage. children'! 2 Teena: & one lot and good building. Training track. huge barn, 4!S-4083 492--0369 up •Xff n rn. BEAUTIFUL upper up ex Use of clubhouse, ......... 1 & baby, Unfum, 2 BR, blt,ins, Industrial Rental 6090 $27,200 with 121,700 cqui!y. 14 stalls; FOR land. units py. or Apt. Very close to St. Bay. 4 ...,..,. A t 646-TTll 2 BR.. partly !urn. duplex, lg. er: 2 ba. $400 per mo. yriy. sauna baU1. t250 per mo. pool. Costa Mesa or S gen : or '? $45.000 EQ. 6T»259 fenced rear yd $130 mo. Salisbury Rlty. ~ MacFarlane• Rlty Newport, Approx $ 1 5 0. ALE OR LEASE Clear lots & acreage. Larxc 20' CENTURY Ideal ba,y MODERN 3 Br. house, xnlt 542--4.165 afler 6 pm. 642-3862 548-3507 12,00J sq. ft. jnd~'trial build· deluxe lodge, IdyUwild. 16 cruiser. bay ilshing, boat e COUPLES e COiii M111 3115 College Pork Personals 1 1 =~ ~ase. Avail =•--=s=R-. -..,.--,-b'°'J~1.~1m,--.,..~. Huntington Beath 4400 NEWPORT Beac h RELIABLE Couple need i1ng. ~ned M-1. Luxury of-units Riverside. Trade_ for hopping. etc. Refill. in & e SINGLES e '~· • drps. Pri patio, ear. No yd Waterfront 2 bdr, 2 ba. New furnished 1 Br apt or Me for _ l~ir ('()nd. Ample park· larg"e boat or cash raiser. out. Beaut. cond. $3,000 Tired of Bars, Mail&: m Co«t " r ' wodc $135 mo. 1st & la.st mo NEW $3XI up. 1-2-3 Br, btd luxury bldg, bu i I t -i n 1, 3 JTlOl'S. Start Aug 15. \Vlll Jng, lOc ~· ft .. or $85,000. l'p.4) 659-2515. val. Trade: truck, v>'agon, computer club9: JOIN THE , 1:N;;owpo;;;";;;;8;11;:<;h;;;;;;3;2;;,00 plus SSO cleanire fee. Adults, & sauna pools, rec rm. Heil subtemuiean parking, boat give loving care to garden, ~wm;r wi!I consider carry. Laguna '"'ec's. splll-l<'vrl real est or ? 548.9661 FUN! THE JN CROWD - (1 No pets 545-0914 & Algoqoin. Mgr 84.&-3137 sLtpg avail etc. Please phone 525-4444 Ing financlJlB, CALL 545-8424 home; 4 Br. 5 ba., Sauna, J'iave Cree & clear house, DIV. OF I.M.P. Meet otherl ' ' B / B -,-,•·"'N'°'T'"A'"L"'S,..------1======-=== I Caribe Balboa . South Coast Real Estate Huge rms. Nr beach Ocean Covina area, \Vant home with YOUR interestg at.oar ' ,.-"' 4600 RENTAL Ol garage with ce· . . . gel : .. TOWNHOUSES Apta. Furnished Orange County -310 Fernando Sl. ment floor for storage of RENT new M-1 nearing views. Val. $87.500. For Palos Vef'des area to Santa weekly parties or ect. j 'l Bedroom, 2 bath, split· -~-------SINGLE youn& adulbl. lux; 673-3003 household items, ~ completion. lO shops, lU5 TD's or Comm. 49·1·4653. Monica. ~~m ~~~~ t~~ , • leveL J car carport. Face& _Ge_n_•_••_l _____ 4000_..., ury garden apts. w/full 4 BR. 2'..S BA Townhouse. aft 6 sq ft $115 mo. 135.5 Logan, 1-forse Lovers! 3 BR home. l\ladgc Davis, Rltr. 642.7tXXI Mee th -I · J &. Back Bay area. nr schls. 2 CM. 675--5116 Barn corral rlding arena \\'ant home, East Costa ,P_·m=. . .c635-c."c.932="·-----I ' 'JIOOl. .,....... mon . Sl25. 1 BR. new P'P. ts, recreation 1 a c i 1 t e • Pool FOR College Dean & family, M 2 INDUSTRIAL . tack '....,,.,.. ' 1 1,. ' * I _ • ALSO complete privacy. South car gar., patio. , rec J BR 2 BA ho Lagu · space 1n '""'"• cc. "' acre. t.1esa or .~'pt Heighl'I. A I'll -2 Bedroom 2 bath. split.!ev· dishwasher, garage, avail a~·· Oub Apt&. 71'1' So. area. Sublet Aug 20th, ~270 ' me. na concrete bldg. 3000 sq fl 746 S37,000 eq, Trade for land, Have free I< clear, 21h one.~ el 1 garq'e, l carport, $225 ~ro~w.'""B:Croc;ke.crc...:,645--0!1;:_:=1__ ~hurst, Anaheim <n4) mo. 642-3412 :~Aug ThJ"an. 15 · \V. 17th, CM (213) 434-SOS'l comm. Submit. 642-6487 Bkr. aC'res, va.Jue $2500. month. $155. 2 BR. 4-plex, encl gar. 172-4500 YEARLY,.3 BR. 2 BA crpts . FOR Lease-New 2500 sq. fl. Lake Arrowhead, magnifi· t.1adge Davis, Rlfr. 642-7000 Bay & Beach WIW. Oose to !hopping, """'-"="· ======:'f d trpl N beacti i. 1 FURN br. quiet. xlnt industrial bldg. 9c tt. 1639 cent 5 Br 4 ba on golf csc 113 Acres. Timber. Small YES IT'S YOUR Bkr. 534-6980 Garden Grove 4610 ~~. ~'. ::: ~5800 ~ferences. a 1 t er 5:3o. Monrovia, CM. 673--9017 & lake. view. $1-?5~1 cir. Lo house on Hiway 31 in Col-FAULT RHlty, Inc. $125. lge l Bl' deluxe, W/w, I =:=:.:::::...::.:.::"-"----1-==-=======' I 54.2-642S dn. Airplane or boat trade. \'1Ue Nat. Forest, Wash. For recorded message that IOI. Dover Dr., NB Suite l26 di&hwasher, Ava.ii 8/1 SINGLE Young Adults Lux· East Bluff 5242 e LANDLORDS e Lots 6100 Owner (TI4) 4;)9.3103 or $15,000 Val. Want CM or \Vill change your life call &4,s.200) Eves. 548-6966 Braker 534-6980 ury prden apt.I with COO~ ;:::::;_::.:;::..:, ___ -":.;: FREE RENTAL SERVICE 337-3169. NB prop. 645-1745 ORANGE CO. 547-6667 try club atmospbere and p sf' l f" Broker 534-6982 BARG~N. Z apt lots Costa 24 hour recording SPAC. 4 Br. 2 bl. duplex, 1ii: UOO. Bach apt, nicely turn. complete privacy. SOUTH fl lge 0Ci 10ft l<?esa. A 19 unit & a 55 uniL * * * * * 1fr LICENSED b1k to beach. Avail. 1 yr. aU util, pool, patio. Broker BAY CLUB APTS 13100 Rooms for Rent 5995 Excel Joe. 645-2()60 ° rl ~'-!~1"!~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~'!!1l!1l!'!!'!!i~!!!!!!!!!I!!!~ I Spiritual Readings., advbi lease, S300 per mo. Must -~=========I CHAPMAN Ave., Garden For lea.se, deluxe 1888 sq. rt. 5J6.-0131. Anytimc>. l'REAL ESTATE BUSINESS •ltd on all matters. 312 N. El have refer., no pets. oC;;;•.:c•l;;;•~M.:; ... :.:;;; ___ 4.;..l;.:.;OO ,G;;"""';,:=:(7i:14"!=636-3000===-=·== 4 BR., 71.i ba. Apt_ Frplc., ROOM-MATE wanted to LAG. Bch, 3 adjolnlng z-, x General FINANCIAL Camino Real, San Clemente Agent 833--082{) _ ~ drapes. carpets, \Yet bar. share 1 Bdrm. apt. Call 100 lots in An·h Beaf'h ---------492·9136, 496-9501 HOUSE For le"' ·~o mo, L-un• •--ch 4705 priv. balconle!i: dbl. gars.gt? 646-5212 bef 4 PM or aUer He ht IUOO 0 '"'907 · JO AM • JO PM ,..., $30 00 wk up -• .,... off kitch. Dis.hwa.sher. dbl. · ig s. · .,..,,..., ' or Mount & Desert 6210 Bus. Opportunities 6300 --o-:,.....~,.-"=-'-'--I elegant 2 BR, 2 BA, Back • • 100 CLIFF DRIVE oven, pool. Convenie nt to 10:30 PM 540--9846 1---·------Attractive Expert Bay area. Couples pref'd. • Das, week, month. ... __ , ... _. sllop'g., sc....._,_ & recrea-ROOM For rent or share apt '65 RIVIERA, all equip., MAKE your bome in scenic SWIMMING po o I main. YOUNG WOMAN 714-54" .-.19 eves & wkends. •Studio & Bach. Apt&. Two bedroom l1UD161""' •.......,q o-·<u e Ind Utils A Phone a:erv. All Delwce Features tion. w/ employed, non-smoking very clean. Nds body wrk, high dl'serl. See our lux-tenance route for sale. Will dancer will teach you an ~ BLUFFS-Lease 2 Br, 2 Ba. 1 • Maid Service. TV avail. Walkin&: Distance to Beach ONL y $325 MONTH lady. Call 646-4785 a.ft 6 pm. $2100/best. 642-8584 urious Gold Medallion Ha-train. Write Daily Pilot Box Jatl'St ste~. Call Ardell level, dbl gar, crpts, drps, e New Cafe &. Bar $225 -Yearly lease 835 AMIGOS WAY NYCE aean nx>m for employ. LEVEL ocean &. golf course ciendas in Sky ilarbor M-336. 213: 591-45.18 1·10 PM $.140. 644-1280 aft a pm 237& Newport Blvd. 548-9ia5 494-2449 Newport Beath ed, non·smoklng lady. 642-view lot in San Clem. By Ranchos $21,900. 2 'BR, 2 Z ippo Club Adults Only 3 BR. L•rgeYard $275 LOVELY Big 2 BR. 1% Ba. 2 BR duplex, tum .l Uiifum, Mgr. Apt. 9 SM!t. (lwner. $12.500. 494-0039 ~~ pa~ll~::n, ;~~g= Investment Oppor. 6310 Color pictUtts &. ph no. of 2006 Paloma Dr., NB Pool, patio. Clean. adults nr Vic H ugo• new e NEW DELUXE e 5998 BY Owner: Lot, Dana Point, 673-1328 PARTNER• WANTED dates you pre-select. No C L l FF HAVEN Home. $190. 2llO Santa Ana, C.M. cpta:/drpa:. frpl, r a r. 3 Br. 2 ba apt. for lease Go.,"o..1;.;1c.1.c.H.co"m="=------zoned 6 units. Lot, San Robert Schoenleber, l nc.. For So. Calif. real estate nan1es used until you r o on Couple. (baby but no pets). "645--.:,:,,2933=:.;-::.._ __ ~~-· I 497-1056 Incl. spac. mastr. suite, din vACANCY lic'd home, semi· Clem1mte, zo_ned 18 units. Contractor, Subdivider project. Profit return , ;id=;':;;";;':.,· ":c:'-'·.:9644:_:;,,_,,,~--1 Green thumb for huge yard. 1 B"D $14.'i. Incl. util.s. Heat .... 1 BEDRM. pool, patio. n~ar rm. & dbl. garage, auto. private, ambulatory lady; Both ocean view. '194-5.152 56189 29 Palms Highway 170 llOO llOO "S llOO llOO BACH, 34 would like to meet ,13: 789-fi610 poo't, ad""·, -p, ,~,. ~-·h. • ···-1175. tM-3208 door opener avail. Pool & good food & care, reas Yucca Valley ' · ~ .. ·.,:: · ' ' cash gal • insterested in saili~. Newport Shores 3220 3 BDRM, 2 bath0 2 car ... ~. fireplace, p o o I . ·q I u b b o u 'e.lennia mem. !enhlp, 11~ blk:s to beach, crpta, drps. Avail 1 · year ~ease at $215. 642-3374 aft 6 pm. w..,, • ..., ........... ....,....... R h 6150'-========= 1~u1r .. v • .-1inciples only. Bo 4<• 549-2627, 968-1740. after 5:30 rec. area. Nr. catholic rates. 893--9713 ·.:;'";';;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,i1~ \Vrite Bo.x p 638, Daily x ...,, Balboa Isl, 9-2662 - -_;;;;,;;;;..,..-----·I Church & school & Corona • R. E. Wanted 6240 PiloL ALCOHOLICS Anonymom 1 BR duplex apt, water pd, RENTAL) del Mar High. Mist . Rentals 5999 MONTANA Phone 542-7217 01· write lo ~· 968B W. 17th St. Apfs. Unfurnished e ONLY $255. • GRO\VING rnfg:r. of tbrgls & P .O. Box l223 Costa Mesa. 865 Amigos Way NB MAN 25-35 wanted to share 2 RANCH urephane foam prods . GORGEOUS New 1 It 2 Br. General 5000 -' · · BR apt on Balboa Isle. S8j $$ MORE CASH $$ desires financial assist. for SENSITIVITY GROUP -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;I Bitter Rool Valley ?>1celing Thurs July 24th. t :3J Actlvlty rm, pool1 aauna. • Coron• dal Mar 5250 mo. 67:>-4395 47 miles south of Missoula. expans.ion. Active or in-ae. 2IXn Parsons, C.M. 642-8670 VENDOME ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~1 I ~~~~~~~:""~~I Montana, Uoth creek & res-For Your Home Equity live invest secured by op=m=·="'=w_.i_,_"I.:.• .cc.c.M.c. __ , ALL Util pd, 1 bdr duplex. ., Income Property 6000 ervoir water. 450 acres irri· Absolutely no cost , • • equip. & inventory. Reply to PERSON to share e:orpe.nses older adlts, Infant. pets OK IMMACULATE AP'I'S! ~~v MR INVESTOR gated, total. 620 a~s: part 10 yau the Seller! P.O. Box 1574, CM. ~~tra~~~~~g. ~~ ~ ,B:.•;_,Yc...:S:;.hc;:o'--r":::..---3-2....;.25 _1=100=. ===El=d="=·=C=M=== ADULT & FAMILY ~ ,,..,. • under gravity sprinkler sys. 12 ys;>ars of paying more cash •· • SECTIONS AVAILABLE tem. Low down payment, 57., for Orange County property. Money to Loan 6320 Announce ments 6410 WATERFRONT Near BBC. • !looln> 3 BR, 3 BA, with gard, )Tly Sept. Th to 4 years. $650 mo. Resp. adults, no pets. 714-642-5674 , or 213--799-4856 Wost cliff 3230 LEASE Westclill, NB. 3 Br, 2 Ba. tam nn, crpts. drps, bltns. 3lx40 hid pool, pool ' bse. Owner. 64&-2233 eves Unl,,....lly P .. k 3237 LARGE 3 Bedr, 3% ha, Fmly Rm, w/w, crpts, drps, blt· ins. pool, tennis avail, adj ' park $300 mo. 646-5511 .Corona d.1 Mar 3250 3 BR •• 2 BATHS I FJ>l., cpts., drps. Avail. : NOW. No pets or child un. ! , der 8. $285 month • CORBIN . MARTIN l • REALTORS I '' 3036 E. Cst. Hwy., Cd M I • 6?5-lfi62 • Newport Beach 4200 Close to shopping, Perk 112 UNITS interest. California interest Call the Rest ..• --* Spacious 3 Br'•, 2 Ba ON TEN ACRES for sale or rrade. Days. Then call I.he Best ls: & 2nd loans for quick ~ *NEW BAY FRONT* * 2 Bedrooms 1 It 2 BR. Furn It Untu.m 546-9842, aft. 6, 644-0123. cash. Borrow on your pro- 2 Br, 2 Ba, $330. yrly Jse. ti Frplcs I prlv. patios/Pools. NO\V being built in scleC'l l "!'!~~~~~~~~ BEVERLY JACKSON perty eq \Vithout disturbing * Swim Pool, Pu green T I Co tnl'l B"·t • h · I I' lo Furn., adult.'!. 233 19th SI., 1'1...1-. 1 'la enn s • n ,.... pu.. Ana . e1m area, ca& to your w intertst 1st TDs. Apt. c. 615-02.16. * mj ~:h;i;;," A~e. tine grf'('n. lrw'ys, shopping, recreation A"'oc'..o•c:•"'·=-·----·-"·60:2"-'00 Also buyers for 2nd TDs. DECORATOR'S PAD COSTA MESA "''·2'24. 900 SN Lane, CdM 644-26U & trans. Projected income R·EALJY Sattler Mortgage Co. Inc. .,..,. (Ma-•-"ur"' Coast H·-1 7X g-·-You can receive 11 ACRES, orange & avocado Servino Ha-~, A-• 20 ~. Completely furn, color TV, CAI'"' · ~.1 '"""" e So O County . .., •"" •" .1·~ the first buyer's ta.x advitn-grov · · r. · 336 E. 17tl. St. stereo. Groovy, compact 1 • RENT • AVAIL Now, large 2 bclr apt. tagcs plus depreciation. \\'ill $l'l0,000 °11 cash de a~ 847·6033 or 54S-82~S 642-21TI S45-06ll Br, nr channel. year lse. U65. new crpts. painted. bit-ins accept pre-paid inti;rest .,.,:/ w/$25,00C! down . Nn pymts Undetecta ble Men11 Custom-made hairpiece from transparent artificial skin. Comfortable, natural-lookinr . Orange Co. Hair Replace- ment Center, 433 N. Tustin, Orange, 11) 633-0431 Avail 9/1. 208 43rd St., 3 Rooms Fumitu,.. low dow• paymeo>. on equity for one yr.i,~~"'!"~"""""""""" •~ '" 5 $ $ZS & UP ~ or rent at $200. Couple " ............ o after pm. 20 • over 45. 673-0130 MAY TRADE '19'1-569'1 Broker, BUSINE:SS ana BE HAPPY 3 BRO~ THBA,E ::~dryer. Month-To-Month Rentals MOD. 2 B~ bll·ins, R&O, g. e Please call; Tom DeMalo TAKE over 10 Acres no FINANCIAL 115~~ NET RETURN! Bl" independent, LEARN TO Mortgages, T.D/s 6345 "' • ""' w ""' w 111 WIDE SELECI'ION disp, frpf, tt'IT8Cf', view • REALTOR (714}: 615-6259 down. S2S mo. Ranch site!----------Emergency -Sac r if i cc DRIVE. Call for FREE tn- OY!arlSUy m''m"ee• $3251..!"'wmko.. Appliances & TV's avail. util. $190 mo. Sf0..2:l66 Huntington Bea ch nr. huge lake. 894-4743 Agt. Bus. Opportunities ~JOO choice lst T.0.'s, 10(/o inl, lroduetory l~sson. • • """ No Security Deposit A D •-~' • 67fr2039 HFRC Furniture Rentals CHANNEL Reef apt, 2 i:M:ft', 2 *.New del\Lxe_ duplex. ocean Mount. & Desert 6210 HELP!! quarterly. 3 yr due date. stro rlvint:" "'-'"""' ba, $475/mo. I "" lease. view. Ho1ne-hkc 3 BR O\vner ;;.;.;c;;_.;;...;c...C-"=--'--Buy<'M! pay 30% do\vn, 836-5731 · BACH. Apt. Will lease to 517 W. 19th, CM 54S.34!1 ~' + 2 B J l · N ' J d d . ._... ---675-5483 R. tic roo. pa!ios. ationa co. nee s a 1su Jt,. $25,000 cash requiN'd. Pnn-FLEA MARKET I - responsible adult. S80 Mo. i,~ 156& W. Lncln. Anhm 774-2800 "°=,.-,.----~= * New 12 unils near oct>an . LANO HOf utor for your area. Person ciplcs only. Box p 638 Daily Y\l'CA • Saota A•o Block to ocean. Avail. Aug. $115. 1 BR. 4-plex, crpts, IDEAL for working cJll 2 BR Frplcs, patios, S1600/mo tn· , seleC"ted must be able to dt'-Pilot. " 1st. Call Collect: drps. blt·iM. Nit-e loc. + sundeck, Stove I retrig. come. Yote 2 to 10 hrs. per \V~k ;;;c=-,,...,.-,~~=...,.,~ 1411 N. Broadway 213: 793--0728 Adults. Avail 8115. Bkr. "N"o=pe="=·='=n.=9234==== * Older 4 units on COt"nt'r nr LANO A'Pl£NJY1, (days or eves) to n1ake very $1.950 2nd TD 81 S20 Month July 31, Aug. 1, 12-10 pm Sooo NEPTUNE 645--0111 _" ocean. Consider S3COO down , high earnings. You may incl. 10% int .. all due 3 yrs.. August 2, noon-G pm Huntington Beach 5400 TERRY REALTY • keep your present position. on ocean view lot, Laguna SNACK BAR·Antiques, book! Avail now 3 Br, 2 Ba, deluxe. n70. 3 BR. 2 Ba. pr, itove, ---'-"""~==...:.= 536.1459 Eve. 536-76.58 PLUS No se.tlin". No experience Beach. 20% discount jeM>lry, coins, bottfe."! --·1 n1·. •-1~. ' W/W Avlil.. 8/19, Broker UNF1JR.N. 2 Br. apt. in LAKES I ·~ 714 4"ff37 ......, ...,. ~""' • necessary but must be reli-7.:=-=,,'=-~---~ JOBS & EMPLOYMENT MAGN!FICENT V'·ew, "-k 534-«ISO duplex; carpets, bltn!I, pr. 17 UNITS bl C ·11 te h "llOO lST TD · --· ~ 2 Bl'· LAKES I, a e. ompany w1 ac . .,..,, on ocean v1ev; or yearly split level 2 $115. l BR. RIO. refrig, space, M!p. ya.--u. ~. We meet with bankers ap-lot, 8~~. due 3 years. 10% Job Wanted. Min 7000 bedrooms 1 fireplace, ~e. WIW, good location. Broker from. Huntln&'t.on lnttt1:.'0m-Older bread & butter moflt'y LAKES ! proval. $16.)0 cash required discount. 497-1210 20011,i Ki~ Road, 548-2394 ~ =~t Hospital. .$ l 4i O • m~rs on c;-2 lot. $1420 LOOK TO YOUR FUTIJRE f.securedl. For immediate (497-1021 evenings} CLEANCUT Col. grad. wants a!tet 6 p.m $135. 2 BR. bltns. crpts. drps month 1ncon1e. Call for de k ' lntervie\v in your area send ANNOUNCEMENTS len1p. work while waiting . . -"''Id OK "D-o.. 2 BR -..•-•-• bJ•-· ,_ ta"·. through clear blue s ies • . dd _, h "" for call from Pro foot"-'! l BR :dnt Joe Cose to a... patio, uu . pour.er • ~,....,., ·r ' """' u ~ ....,. NO SMOC. oleoo, DRY·,., .. name. a ress anu p o,.-. d NOT CES ~ l BR house S. of H"''Y· ex· ceUent condition. Married oouple, no chldrn, no peta. S2'2S mo. 837-2526 1:.EASE 4 BR. 2 BA, elec kit, ~ patio, l blk heh. Adults no , pet. Avail Sept. 24, 673--0205 2 BR House, excellent cond. Married coupl~ & n o , --dllldren. $250 mo. * 675-3291 &. beach. AdU!ts (Inly. U<v _ .. ,,>--0=11=1======= paHo. $125 mo. 1501-B Perron Rlty h .d 1 I' 1 1 ' number to: an I fi'nr1 1Tulsa Cc·nt. Lgt.). 6~7876 if no ans. 49"4n. ... Alabama. 536-7210 or 647·li7l · · · · t <' 1,ca c irnac 0.r "DISTRIBUTOR OTVISION" ---------f:97-1~:::1 Y.f'n1 Costa Mes. 5100 ~2728 ~==,,,.::::..:.::..:.. __ ~I alralla g1-o\v111g, nut & apn· PO Bo JS P n&. Calif. Found CFrH Ads) 6400 -=========I FANTASTIC 4-Plex. Xlnt. cot orr hards: horse ranch· · · x 9iw~mo · -Job Wanted, Lady 7020 1 &: 2 BR. Aptli., furn & un. turn. $165 m $200 yrly. 2 BR. 2 BA, crpts. drps, Huntington Beach 5400 Anita. Jones Rlty. 6~0 blt~ins, refrig, no children. 2 BR., cpts, drps; elec. kltch. .$1n mo. 2lll:9 Garden Wa:J, NEW $150 up. l-l--3 BR. Win•-/ 1 1 A·-" CM "A" """" lleated & sauna poo1g, rec .c.. yry. ease. nu.1.,~="'·~~,.:...'""-,,..--,-...,-==: 9/1 Nr. bcb ~xm i :NOW Re ,,_ N I 1 BR nn. Ht U & Algonquin, MJr. n...,.: ew ge: · 846-3137 or 8464144 , 1 u... Ille 3351 l BLOCK to ~an I: bay. a?b, cpta. d1115. bl.tins, gar. ! · Lease or mo,.fo-tno, l b:lr, 2 Pattc.. Adult.s only, Mgr. 2 BDJt. apt, choke HB Joe. 1 f BR. 3 BA. beaut executive ba. ~or 548-0191 2110 Eltttn. 646-1762 nr. San Diego trwy I Beach j home. Steps to beach, boat e WINTER RENTALS • MODERN 2 Br. cpts, drpg.. Blvd. phone: 83()..1548 •dock. wmil cr1& For Jeue WINJFRED L. FOss. Aet. GE kitch, encl . ga.r, nr bus. NEW Modem l BR. cptli, ~, o. tfnfurn $550., fl.rm lil(iO. No n e 64.2-3850 e $138. Adults. Mgr. 124 E. drps. avail Now! ': prtl. R.f:ts. WUI COftlkter OJ>" LOWER OC't'an front W 20th 536-2579 'tion. Owner. 673.f780. Newpart. 2 Br. 11i &, ~,'"B=R-.-,,.....B=A,....."To-wn~hou-.. -. 2. 3 BDRM, 2 Ba, pvt paUo. •ilL.--ltl•nd 3355 • Frplc A pr, avail Sc pl. 1., Crpfs, df'Pl', bll·lns, pool, db heate d po o J, newly "' -wfnttt Jae. $210. 646-5832 h!le , $215/mo. 545-5270 decor3ted. 962-8994 < 3 BR. 2 bl.. cut. hclme, unt. PLACE your want ad wtiere LUX 2 Br, 2 Ba. frplc, vle:w. =,=s=R,-l~o-,~,~.,,~-..,...n-ok'"."'Pe~t, ·llldodJtW pnkMr St25 tbeJ" are loolctna -DAILY yrly. $265. mo. 673-1900 or t)k. Crpta, d.!"P', rnnge A • klicbury, Realtor tr.Hro> PILOT daa:tntd! MZ.567832 __ 1,_n __ 1-1_z_20'-----:-::.••_,.."•,_•_1'-13!5..._. _,.,_._™_1 __ 'I cond., like new C'pts/drps, ing, fh;h lw1cherics .• , un • LARGE white rabbit \\'ith close to OCC &. South Coast li111ited opportunities! PIZZA bla(:k markinf?S. F'ount11tn Plaza. $585/mo. income. TH E RE ARE OVER 100 Valley area. 962-7236 F_o;..'::",.:S:.;t':;'_:.;Re:.;"::"ocY~,.:113>4::.:..:.;422::: LAK ES (man.made) NO\\' All . , I ptzza MINIATURE gny ~le ':"'. . IN THE AREA •.. makes pizza equip or '"""' 12 M·I _shops on Placentm. this not only ti! highly pro-house, incl: oven, elect HB area, ownc:r pls identity. CM $150,~. Trade l/3 for ductive area, but one of cheese grinder, P.lzza pans, I ;;;96i.;;;;;5404in-::==-:---Domntic Hei"p 7035 clear Cahl. prop. Balance t be ty well hot choc. machine~ San!· OWNER abandoflEld ui. _ -----'----I cash & TD. OWTK'r 548-1542. ~reAaCRE~u ju~l~d , • •. 9.1 Serve lee-cream maker (wa· cute &r'l'Y ligtr kittens, need ChlneM Uve·ins. ChttrfuJ COl\!PANION. Convalescent Akle or pract. nurse avail. Live inJout. Sh. (II' long h~rms Home:m.a.ken 546-6681 15 UNITS ACRES, level, now AVAIL-ter ·operated). Toastmaster homes, ~9689 Permanent Experienced ABLE. with pump &. well: cafe ~nch-~rycr. etc. 95% IF=i;,.=1,.,.L~E=-c.t="i'-co-c-.. ~fou-ad-. Far East A(e"ncy 6U-31Wi o-r 10.20-40 am parcels avall· profit ~argin. Total Va_:lue I'M collar. Mc11a Verde. Geora:e Allen Byl3nd A .......... AU 1 story bldg. No vacan. cicii. i:ood return & minutes 1, oce.9.n, Onl y $120,000 FIRST PIONEER 842-4421 E\/Ca. 84.7-7176 IS YOUR AD IN Cl..ASSI· FIED 1 Someol'll! wUJ ~ able. Don 't be a •·1 reml'm-$5500, v.•111 sell all for $2.iOO. ..,......,,,, be.r \Yh~n-er ..... Jnvestl-call 925-1116 or 658-16.28 Col· 540-$19 Etnplayer P&)'a: F~ gat" Ne,vbcrry S p r in g ~. lee!. LADIES BicyclC'. Plea se 1()6.8 E.16lh, SA 54.7...Q.395 NO\V! ! Owne:-r·!'l mui;t llqui·''B"u"s"IEST=~-m.,a-.,k-,e7tp'°la"'re--,.,in ldenlif:.-. 673-4769 Housckct"Pt"r. livt·in tome date inte~sts Call 847-6640 lo\vn. The DAJLY PILOT DON'T give It •way, act Nursing ., ~'<J)Cr.. Oin.tian after 6 Pr-.f. anylime \\'C'E'k· ClassHfed sect.ion. Save quick cash for It with a hom e. Elderly lady. 6 Ors ends. money, time & dfort. Look D•llY PUot w&nt Ad! 548-7Jb.l Jooking for It. Dial 642-5678 now~~~ &U·567S DATLY PILOT W~VT ADS! ---------------- ' • • • • • ' J ' J ( . , I When You Want it darte right ••• Call one of the experts liSted below/I SERVIC& DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY : Drycleaning Iron I no 6755 . WoufJ gou teheve??? Absolutely In By 9 Out By 4 Monday thru Friday ~hlrts boxed or on hangars, and finished laundry: Next day service. Trying is believing, so bring us your soiled clothing. We've switched rather than fight unhappy customers. We now are proud to announce our new services, so give us a try! You'll be happy with the service, and we'll be happy to serve you! Store hrs. 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. IRONING WANTED! $.l.25 ptt .... * 546--4383 * IRONING-20. pc-FAST In my borne * MS-5104 Janitorial 6790 \V~ \Vindows, lloors, carpets. Comtnm::lal • residential. Dally, weelky andfor ~lo. !97-7350 Landscaping 6110 * Lic'd landscape contrac- tor: c:omplt'te lndsc:P&" & a'-'o Japanese gardens 8J0.3037 Goldenwest Laundry & Cleaners Paperhenging 129 Agate, lolboa 151ond 673-9710 P•intlng 6850 Babysitting 6.S50 LICENSED Motbt!T wlU care toe l oc 2 children 5 days/wk. Midway CI t y , .. 1192--7818 BABYSITTING By !he wk. You furn transportation. Call 642-1407 by day. Carpentering 6590 SERVICE DIRECTORY SUBURBAN Paioti.,.llleo --~-'--'--=""'--'-";_;_I Expert Guaranteed Work Gardening 6680 Free est. No job loo large or too small. 494-3190 e GARDENER e EXPERT JAPANESE Commercial Land!U:.11.ping Malntenan<-e and Cleanup MIKE INC. CALL 642-5196 PAI?<-"TING Int & Ext Lowest contracted prices. f'ully lns. Satisfaction gwu. Free nt. Jim Weeks 673-l.lii6 EXT/Int. pntg. Aver rn1. $20 + good paint. neat work, loc refs. Roy, 847·1358. CLEAN-UP Speclallst! P.1ow. • For better painting call ing. edging, odd j 0 b I • · CARPENTRY Reasonable. 548-695.5 =~er r;~~rs a 1 """""· "" "· 1 '16t JOIS & EMPLOYMllNT JOIS & IMPLDYMINT JOIS & IMl'LOYMINT JOIS A IMl'LOY-·NT J.,as & om~L DAllV Pf ~OT ~. T I .ILi~ • dft -Help Wen!M, Mon 7200 Help W•nted. Men 72DQ SEARS Costa Mesa Announce• openlnss for *EXPERIENCED* --PASSENGER TIRE SALESMEN --FLOOR COVERING SALESMEN --INTERIOR DECORATOR -·-OUTS 10 E BIG · TICKET SALES --Excellent Earnin£'.$ Plus e Profit sharitli e Hospitalization • Group life ins, • Pa.id \•&cation e II pakl holidays • Employee di5count •/ -~ Apply in Personnel OUi~ 1.fonday thru SalUrdt,y 10 AM to 4 PM . SEARS Roebuck & Co. SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3333 S. BRISTOL COSTA MESA DRAmMAN E:><perlenceO required In mechanical d~t.a.ll dralt- lnr with emphub on ro- tatin& machioe ff!Volv· in&' caatlna:. Profit Sbarln& J. c. carter Co. f71 W. 17th St. Costa Meta 5'WC21 WITOR HOME e BUILDERS e ASSEMBLERS Immediate openlDE• for men with eXl!t'I°?ence in plumb- ing, electrical, walb, abin· et. and finish • or we will train you. M~t have IOme hand lools. See Rick, 2135 Canyon Ori"~. Cceta Meu ..... "" UPHOLSTERERS Top wazes, c111torn shop. Per- manent full time. Must be hllly ""'· Meu Upholstery 2360 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa, 548-1915 Experienced MECH.4NIC Help WontO.i• jt.fp W•ntecl Help Wented _..;,w;..;-="---.....:.'.;;;:400 -~°'~'""''"'""._ __ ...;1;..:400;:;1 . .....:.w:.:::°':::"'"~"::..---..:7..:a= J1M Men, Worn. .!mll Sl!X:R:!lrAll Y -Beub CPA Finn tetldnc JIC'taOn h:ir l &bt of. Uc<. MOit be -tn>lot with tXPerltnce In of· rtce prooedurea. . ahortband dellrtble. Prefer a detailed m I n d e d OOl'llCif:ntloul woritu who can adapt to 1 wide varltt.v ot sped.al pro)- ects. Mua! be responalblc_ ~u rroomed. artict&late al· tnu:tlvt. Excent'nt worirlna: conditio111, ~nlal al· mmphere 673-2981 L VN & Nurua Alda I.Arre Proe:l'Qsive ECF need1 U. Otlentatlon provided by a full lime, In tervlce, educa- tor. OpenUwa on all lhifrs. DWerentJ.al pd tor awlhaen .l nlte owll. RN-In S.rv-Educ. ~aUw, ehe~. Full time, day •hitt. Only thoae who care ~ apply at 1030 w, Wamer, S.A. 546.&450 SECRETARY Heavy 1t&tiatlc:al typin& ad- dition on calculatinr ma- chine, general office duties. Mature penon wlJO&e' attend- ance can ~ counted on. starting salary S400 • USO. can 540-4241 from 10 am to 2 p.m. See Betty Bruce at AKency for Caner Girls '1D W. Cbut Hwy., N. B. 81 appolnt. MS.3939 Phone wvrk STOP \Vasting time START lTT JABSCO COMPUTER CONTROL COORDINATOR 1.'lust have senior key. punq, I "'rifyi"I ~perl· ieneo. mM. Good worklfll condldons Ille! benefit&. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PIX OPERA TOR Th~ poaldon moltlpl• board. Four day Wffk, Thunday lhl\I S 11 n d a y , swifw lhitt. COLLINS R·ADIO CO. 1970 JemborM Rood Ntwport S.ech ~I opportunity employer cosr!~~ J;::f 92626 * Accounta P•y•ble • · Clerk ITI4> ~l Exl>erienced o n I y l;yJle 60 w.p.m. TEtLER * P~r1onnel .Aa•l•t•nt Experienced in intervtewtna Position immediately avail· and alJ ph&st"t: of personnel able at our Nt'wport ~ent1:r work. Good typing &kilil, braneh lor an expenenced Good opportunity In leller. fast rrowing company. Please apply in person 550 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach Call for apPOintment POLYOPTICS INC. 540-2250 equal opportunity employer S C }( I E F TELl.ERIBOOK· ECURITY PACIFIC KEEPER needed in NATIONAL BANK Newport Beach. One to h\'O yra. exp. pl't':ferred, Zl-J:i, Position open to mt'n Ir wo-sharp ard willing to n1cet men. Equal opportunity em-public. Join a yo~. pn> ployer. greulw company and have ACCOUNTING •mall otfice atmosp~re 1f CLERK * with beautiful 11\llTOUndings. ITT JABSCD l , . .. CLEANER, : DEIURR " ' ' Prater 10me factory~ perienct handllng met ala. Cood benetits •· worklnc condltior'ls, ·~ EQUAL OPPOR~ EMPLOYER ;; 1485 DALE \VAV ~' C'OSTA MESA, CALIF.,,6 (7141 M5-82S1 '•· - + EXPERIENCED *1 .. COOKS 7 BUSBOYS :; WAITRESSES " i DISHWASHER~ I • APPLY J.N PERSOI't", REUBEN E. Ri-Pidly ~panel~ manufac-Co n t • c t M r. L a pp , turlnt company in the New· DOWNEY SA VtNGS &: port·Co~ Mesa area, has an LOAN A S S 0 CI A T l 0 N openlne for an exPU'ienced 00-65.JJ or 83T-49l1 accountJ payable cleric, Ex· WOMAN 151 E. Coast Hw~ • ~u~t Irlnae _ benefil8 and STOCKBROKER Newport S.ach:.:.1 working conditions. Appl)' . 3021 Newport Blvd. Costa !£ave you eve_r cons1de~ I 0=,..,,,0-----~-I Me• 1 11el1Ina: Sl'CUrihes full Ume? Demo-Sa.lea ' I 1'faklng Money, · We would like to train a TIME, LIFE ~· MINOR REPAIRS. No Job GENERAL Yard service. Too Small Cabinet in a:ar-best at lo~st J"Bles. Free PAINTING • lnt/ext. 2 Univ seniors. 3 yrs exp. .Resp. •-ages & o rh er eablneta. ''°'~'"=·ma=l•~·~· _<21J-o-l-4.13-=~-== 1 ~2232• 492-4432 eves. : 56&75. U no answer leave BUSINESS & RESIDEN· -~RK &-CLARK An Equal Opportunity Employer YOUNG & LANE has To Work 111 Engineer on Y•cht Call 67~7877 Factory Train"' -$2.00-H<.----- Pttter military exempt, from 18 yrs. up. S2 lo $i per hr. with bonus. MATURE Woman for retail 1lngle woman age 35 to 45. WISHES ~· Go-~ner', full or pt time. bakecy Wes work. Shift Pn!vlous 11uc~uful 1ale1 TO EMPLOY :. 230 w. \Vamer, 1Ulte 217, SA open Mon. thru Thlll'I., experiencf! required. Col~e SALES PEOPLlt: EXPE-.IENCED ll:JO AM to 8 ~M. Many grat1ua1e. Prefer a tt1ident Who W!ltJc>rggrb ,__ • • mar at s;J6.ZJ72. IL O. TIAL Gardening & Oealfup. Ander.son Exp'd 646-6222 CUSI"OM PAINTING REeA!RS. ALTERATIONS e 642-2936 e Cut,\ 1:'..1-Lawn CAB!No:-T'C' "-·size,.. b ""'6" PAINTING -91.perlng, 10 '"''""' ~Y Maintenance, Licensed 25 )'1"11, exper. 543-6713 ~/64S-231D art 4 yean; in area. Reasonable -:..::.-==~:..::....,:::c....c._.1 rates. Call 642--04Z7 QUALITY Repairs -AJtera-Japan••• Gard1ner-liot111 -New const. by hour PAINTING ,Papering 16 yrs Exper, comp! yard ser\'ice! LI or O:lntJ"BCL 64&-3442 Ir Harbor area.. c. & Free est. 548-7958, 546-0124 00_ .. _.. ~~ 1..-.. ~ .. 23= PARTITIONS. Small Remod. ,...._.,._ Re~ •wn. V"-"" Move walkJ;, etc. Nite/D~ nM'S Gardening & lawn NEED Painting? Call U5 R.t'u:! Call Ken S4Q...4619 maintenance. Re-!!. & Com· Reliable &ervice with quali-rnercla.1. * S48-84ll ~ ty at its best at the most Cement Conc'rete 6600 EXPERIENCE.D Japanese reasonable prices. 64&-2837 , prdener. Reliable. S4().7373 • CDNCREJ'E work all ~!Or tree estimatf! types. Pool decks & cuatom. Johnson'a Ganlening Call 548-1324 Finest equip., expert can!. Planting, clean-ups. 962-2035 Plastering. Repair 6880 e PATOi PLASTERING. All types. Free esUmalc. Call 540-6825 * CONCRE7E Work. bond· ed & lie. Patios/drvwys t'tc. Phillips Cement . ,.....,,. General Services 6682 ======== e cusroM PATIOSe concrete 61lwing ~ removal State Lie. * 842-1010 * CONCRETE firs, patios etc:. C.Oncrete & btk lop saw- ing. Reas. Don. 642-8514 WE SIT BE"M'ER INC Subrridiary of Gerb.r Prod. Co. Professional Super.oision for children. elderly & convalcs. ANYTIME-ANYWlfERE thild Care 6610 . Sitting Pretty Agency 642-3274 CHILD Care in my home, S HAULING. General, tree8, d a y ll w k • l u n c h e I" hedges. toppt'd. lrimm<!d, preschoolers trom 21,1 yrs. removed. mg John. &t2-t030 Ref.~ CARPET LAYING C.A. Page 642-2070 HHllh Club& 6720 FOR SALE: ffoliday Health Spa membership -$11.25 a month. Call 64.2--0232 alter 6 pm. Phlmbing 6890 PLUMBING REPAIR No job too small • 642-3128 . ~~model, Repair. 69'40 BUILD, Remodel, Repair Brick, block. con e r e t e, c:rpntry, no job too small Lie, Contr. 96~945 * IF you need rcn1odellng, palnUng "be repain . Call Dick, 642-1797 Sewing 6960 • Dressmalcing -Allen.lions Custom Designs __ .. 25 YRS. exper Seamstress, alteratio1111 & repair, mens clothing 15peeialty. 64S--0731 Alterations • 642.$845 Neat. accurate, 20 years exp. openina:s for experiel\Cfll e Tires store Managers • Commercial truck tire S.ale1m1n We pay top salaries + a ho. nu~ on net profibl. Benefits Include paid vacatiorui, !ref: hospitalization & li!e insur- aoce. All replies v,.ill be held In 1trictest confidence. Phone Bob Lane or Omar Ford at TI4ia48-ll!l7 ABILITIES -->---IM!~)'-1.. , of-H~pott 8each-of1.rant-or alt CUITently -;;.,'*l~r-w AITRESS mornings, at Snack Shop Jneton Beach. Immediate ..,__ ~ Bak ., .. E Coas H psrt w= with comP'J ~· ery, .,...,.. • t wy., openlng. Send resume lo PO SUCh as AVON, AMW~ll ior Apply in Person at NarcW.u.s, Corona de.l Box 11'.MS Laguna Beach FULLER BRUSH. Del'! ~ SURF & SIRLOIN Mar ACCOUNTING •"'-le '"' "''"'ltul boOll lo 5930 Pee. Cat. Hwy. Genl Ofc $475 *·CLERK* '°"' utabU.h"' '""""' ~. Newport Be1ch Beautiful New Newport No cha.tie ror tralnlna'~m e"'EA"'°'lJTIFU==':,;L.;..,Go'l'"'rl"-'.,"1-1-0Qd-1 Unch oUicei. pleasant di· Rapidly expe.nding manufae. saltll kit Prefer edu~ n 1-, · , venlfi__, d""-. Call "-y, nuing company in the New-oriented people What f._ .. re for moddlnf. c~at "'•" r.••o:uo u .. ., ™" port-O'>!ta Mesa area, haa an you i'C.~ to Io s e 1 • No experience. Hobby _ Jason Best opening for an experienced · strictly for fun, \vrlre box EmpJoymenl Agency account.I ~able clt'rk. Ex· • UNLIMITED AGENCY 483 E. 17th St., Suite 224 Coata Me.a 642-1470 MEN Wanted Cl), perm. part Ume to average 2 hn dally tor early mornln a: newspaper deli~ I o homes in Newport Beach. $200 average per mo. Must """'"""""""""""""""" have late model car & be Pay! 3 to 4 hours Per t.'eelt. ..._.,.._. 633-5440 ~1 I M869 Daily Plliit. 2!20 So. Main, S.A. ~~~ 1:!J~~~fits and ITT JABSCQ ~~ GRANT'S SURPLUS Now Interviewing SALES CLERKS dependable. Call L • A , TIMFS. &U-c800 JOLLY ROGER Cook, experienced, gOO<i pay, good benefits, pennan~nt, full lllllt'. Apply in per!IOn to manager. 400 S. Coast Hl&:h- Full Time Only way, Laguna Beach. e SALESMEN e Experienced preferred but Es!ablisbed territory to be not necessa~sny com. expanded_ Salary plus com- pany benefi~. Apply in per· mi.salon plus car allowance. son only bef'4•een 2 and 6 Mr. Bealer 642.7352 P .M. ~:.:...:=:::...=='----1750 Ne\vpprt Blvd., CM COLLEGE Student, full time summer, part time durlna: &c:hool, at Chevron atation on beach In Laguna. No long hairs. P.fust be 18. 494-9003 MECHANIC Experienced COUNTER1a1AN & DRIVER DENTAL Assistant -teoe~ ATTRACT. woman tlt'eded to CALL FOR APPOINTf\tENT Uonist, HunUrigton Beach. )earn. I:. teach makeup ===546-:':~3~300~--­A&e 30 to 45. Typifl&', no techniques. Also possible to :: den t a I , x per i enc• own sml. business of )'OUI" HOUSEKEEPER, woman necessary. 847~0 own. Write J erry Shawr, 1lonc. Pvt. room. TV. SlOO. 82(l() Van Nuys BI v d . , month. 642-2232 or 642-1249 SALESWOMAN. Experience In ladie~ ready 10 wear. Over 25. Apply Mon Ihm Fri .l.0-4. APROPOS No. zr. Town & C.OUntry, Orana:e Panorama City, Ca 11 f . Housekeeper Wanted 213-787-4494 Collect full time ..,..... .. Hostess -Cashier • o.pendabte babyo;tter .. ' -SECRETARY Experiel><ed • o .. ., 21-Good cloililreo, ~"""" •~t. Attemoons only. Tn.inee ok. '1ioN JOSE REST. o C CASIONAL Babysitter, Gd. Jyping I: ahorthand or • 846-222S v."Oman preferred; m y Stencrette requirecl. 962-6912 homE, HB area. ~2&t6 before-1 pm. ---7.:==,---· li:LADmYv'-1r;;.-;..,;;;;ik;.-T.;,;--riidi.h -p-~'A."'R=T~.T~l~M~E~-. NURSES ke -BJ·J • RN-Relief duty, two days mar t. MJ.u Newport vu •• RESTAURANT per week. Oo1ta Mesa CASHIER ~ e l.VN-Relief, four shi fts WA'ITRESS:..... OVER 21 Apply in person ol'l.Jy, Dtll Shell, 10039 Adams Ave., at per \\'eek. Lazuna Beach Day Ii: Even!Jlg Shlft Nursina: Home Call 545-9863 Immediate QJK'nings for 2 lop mechanics. Fa.st Shop and good wages-iJ:ood worklnc t.-unditions. New car deaJer- shlp. Apply in person: Service P.1anagtr JloUday Sail's & Sl'rvice 1969 Harbor Blvd. City Auto Parts Brookhurat, J!B. -===·;,-.,.=.-I 2072 Pta.,,otia. c .M. HOUSEWARE SALES PAYROLL CLERK Jo-Men, W!'m. 7580 ~ Costa Mesa-M2.$Yll TRAINEES. FuJ. or part Some experience pre(erttd Requi~s minimum of l year t I m e. cook-fountaln-<llsh kerm Rima H•rdware heavy payroll experienct'!, h. ~E zoo w and mode1t twine ability. mac inc. , n , . r.11.1:7oao Coast Hwy. It MacArthur. _. Contact Mrs. MUur, 54().9710 ITT JABSCO MILL & DRI~\ OPERATOR!- SETUP · '~ .. I Good benellts and~ v.·orkina: conditions · EQUAL OPPOR -~, EMPLOYER , 1484 DALE WAY ~ COSTA MESA, CALIF. - (71') 56.aru • -. e Desk Clerk - • Switchboard . . -:"I Operator ~ Apply in pcl'50n , HOTEL LAGUN.4., 425 S. Coaat HWY,.-1 1 Laa:una Beach !~ *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! N.B. 2666 Harbor Blvd., C.M. BARMAID. No t>xper nee. ==,--=A,--=== BAB y s ITT ER. Mah"' M"'t .. •ha.-p. N~hlL Ap. R~ ESTATE s E R v · ST · ATI'ND'T, tr tio 1 v-••·1 MECHANICA'' 18 Ex s.. Mt .. -woman, own anaporta n, JI y in person: .......,.. '1 ._ ~~Rr PT~. ~rn 3, sometimes 4 days/wk. Lounge, 1791% Newport, SA ESMAN~ 5 " · • ing, 4 children. 642-5467 CM l-~--~-----1 ce ent opportunity. -' , Electrical 6640 Hauling 6730 TILE, Ceramic 6974 * Verne, The Tile Man * Cu.st. v."Ork. Install &: repairs. No job too small. Plaster patch. Leaki~g i; h o w e r repair. 847-1957/846--0206 Mu."lt have clean Calilomla driving record. A!)ply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th St. Camp" 0, N 8 Jl.am.<pm. LU. ho..,.keep. C.M. ASSEMBLER Ex U !t PERMANENT MOLD • BOOKKEEPER • Dreu Operators Prtrer someone w 11 h Jor appointment. ..'.:.. OPERATOR TRAINEES Top aalary to those with Jots mechanical assembly ex-Jerry Freud -a I ' • !:LECI'RICIAN. no job too :· small. For prompt service call 545-4614 YARD/gar cleanup. Remove trees, ivy, dirt. tra.:tor backhoe. grade 962-8745 2!M4 Placentia, C.M. Pharmact!tttical plant, lhru of exi>erlencl'. 1629 Monro-perlenct". Good beneliti Charles Arnolcl:.... trial balance. Salary open. 388 E CM WEEKEND DishWL'!.hing For appt: 646-39ll via Ave., O:lsta Mesa. and working co nd itions. . 17th St., 64A' 5:5 The Rl'gger help. Slt:ady. Fri-Sat-Sun 7'C7.""=,~...,--,-,---·IUVE in bousekpr to care for Costa lt1esa E L E CTRIClAN Licen.o;ed, bonded. Small jobs Maint. & repair. 5'18-5203 Floors 6665 Carpet Vinyl Tile All 1tyles l"."'1. colors 1·ree est. Lie. contr. evenina:s. See Terry, 495 E. MAN w/college itudent 10n elderly invalkt lady on EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Professional \i 6735 17th St. CM 548-9314 would/like aomeoM to live Call EMPLOYER Employment ., Tr •• S.rv'·ce 69"0 1 16 F"ASHION ISL.A ND in.. Prlv. nn w/color TV. wkend.1 only. NB area. • F t •---"'' 8 PM 6"" c208 A11l1tance '• • MAlNT-rH/comc'I. windows NE\VPORT BEACil armer or cw-•""-' Baylront, Balboa Island call · ,,,...., l'°' DALE WAY qi N Os nd ,. 1 t -COASTAL AGEN our sveclalty. Xlnt work. ESTATE Maint T~ Sl'rv EE AN u er .. 1. S na: c. after 7 pm. 673-8927 MATURE Woman for 3-11 COSTA MESA CALIF" 92S26 reas! Refs, 642-9446 Removal I. bimmini:'s. free EXPERIENCED 842-3824 WOMAN To work in donut PM shift. SAWYER HOME, (714) ~51 ' Snell:l,~e~~~~£. _. Bay & Beach Clean!na Serv estimatl', Call 54.l.mi8. DISHWASHER CARPENTERS ~I~ for shop, full time rnontln"'•. 2619 Orange Ave., Cotta ')'7nn. C ··• lo f "-'---""' Me!a, ~ .. ,""'Ha r Bl, M Carpets, w1ndows. floors. elc U hoist 6990 Apply in person only ng-rangt ! ....... .,....., tooling NO phone .calls please. "iiRi'rn,-;:--;;;;;;;;:;;--;;;;;;;;;I---------MGR. • .• ' Res k Commc'I 6f6...1401 ~P __ •_ry~-----"=~"'-;;;._;cc.c.,.c:..;~-1 proaram. Only experienced Wincbell '1 Donut House :1946 CURTAIN &: drapery sale11 Hou1eclunin9 • • • 540-7262 546-4473 ~~======= EXP Fibera:Jas sOOp men ___ .. pl 0 11 bo 81.~ CM pd'd N -"· Udott' Men '/or \\"Omen. n!al P!-CARP~ Wlndow• "" .-vvoSK1'S cusr Uphol ~oPPERS '"""' ap y. Y n am arc ar r vu., • . ex • o Cl:Ulo'!.. s, FRY COOKS • etc. ~;· or c.omc·i. xtni ~E~7"0pean Cralts~nshlp . 'GEL COAT Corp. 4242 Campll!I Dr, NB 'L~E=G~A~L~S~E~C~R~E=T~A~R~Y-'1 ~So.,,,. ,,eou-=-t~P""~..,,.c,,,.M~·.,...,-=1 ~~~!~~::t:. P[f~·t; ~ wurk Reas~ Refs. 548-4lll lOO'Jii fin! 642-14:>4 t'OA~i GUN OPERATORS EXP'D Door waxer I: otfice Fast, accura~ typist, a:ood D ENT AL Receptionist lot a:rowth potential for 41 •s. ROS. \VINOOWS DIRTY? 1831 Newport Bl., C.J\f. ROLLERS ma I n I en an e e man , on phone, Some thL"lnd. new periodonUc1 otrlce. Mull! T ho .sive Individual. Exper."1) ~f. GARD~r;i:s ~DENTS Johnny Dunn your local THE QUlCKER YOU CALI... F'lNISHERS weeQnd.s. Call aft 5 • Small busy ofllcc, flB. type, Exp. nee. 546-SlM e?r ~:e~~:an~~itl~~ PROPERTIES WES'°' v.11rking way lhru collea:c:. service. Free est. 646-3445 THE QUICKER YOU SELL Top scale. Call Bill 1213) I =&172-ll=l=O=t ~~~~~-SJ&.8078 or &38-6460. . EXP'D SALESLADY In &rca'i leading: rcstaurant. ,~1028~!!Bay~o~;d~o.';N~.~·~· ~~~' Exp. Lie. Reas. 6464Ml ~;ii;;;;;.;;;;;.,.;;;;s;;;;;;;;;;;;..:.O;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;.,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j ~'•';;;;;;ll-<1~50.,;;;;;;;~~s;;~;;; I PARKING lot allendant, ell"· ri.tATURE w 0 n1 a 11 , 2 Men & Womens Oolhlna: Apply 9 am to 5 pm !or 1n-JOIN HAik ,,_ CO. _ .l ret AL'S Gardening i: Lawn Your Ad Should Be Here, ....._.,_M_Q_L_D _MA..___K_E-RS......,. per only. Apply s Crown11 hrs Id a Y • S-da.y wk. * 548-5383 * ll!rvlew at far out halt stylill.li? 'c ~n- Maintenance. Commercial, parking ~llt after 5 : 3 0 Housework It oecasional CASHIER. Mature, vr:p·d ini Aug. ltt in ~~ lnd ... 1rw & .w•ootiaL They're Looking For It! .... kda,... , • ., • .,,.,. ,,,. .. Id"'" '"''-· _ w.u1"" M.wo MANNING'S "'•""· Call Sim, Mon.,JlF. * &46-3629 * FD CDNTOURS. ntab. 1953 MACHINISJ", exp'd, able to bttnd lady. MWit have own City. 3400 Bristol, C.M. COFFEE SHOP Wed, nt: 675-.1230 or )Oii Now In Orange county read blueprints I. work with car. 548-4922 HOUSEWORK. part time, 24031 El Toro Rd. . other dl.y1, 213: '49-69!&1 ( Top P.fen Required ~ clOR tolcranct. Bed a '1 ACOJUNTING CLERK amall home. Leisure World t.aa:una Hilla I -B=E~A7U"T"Y~O~P~E"ltA~.;,-~~I 6680 Gardening JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT MECHANIC) Arid attendants I ..:SU=!:perior::.::::...:•::ve.:·c,• ..:CM:::;.. ---1 Uw and f.ilU.. salon nttdl an experie ;. · tfflp Wanted, Men 7200 Help WentO<(. Men 7200 -DIVISION- CONTROLLER HelD Wanted, Men 7200 ~ Machine Tool Service, 1663 Some peg board exper., typ-543-6625 837·1014 Fuhlonable Newport ~;;;·T. h wantf.'d: Apply In P' r 1 0 n EXPERIENCED Servi c' SENSITRON INC. LICENSED Shampoo &ltl Experienced Juli time operator. Guar, • ooty. tall t nd t f ti ti -~,1an·..... need~ .T pya .op k nd 11 on at e an u me. ~ .-. '"' needed. Top pay. Boo keeper a commission, paid vacat*'a TRIA~P~~~pss~~VICE ~fP~Y ~pc:~006 tlarbor C.OSta Mesa. * &U-6857 * General Office Work i..:•cc";.;··..:"'-'•'-15:,;70;,....==~~I ' .. Experienced BROILER MAN SIX nights a wk. Starting rate $26.00 a day. ContACl the cheL Jnlervic!w• bet. 12-4 p.m., MGl'l.·f'r:i. Apply in per.on. only. ilGZi Pacific Coast HIV)'. NB ..;;,,•~·,c:cc,,:...:.,c""'~-~· IOR.AL Sur1ery office. Im· ACCNTS Rec. & billing girl M/J.•, mature. Day shill. 5 e EXP. COO* ~ ASSISTANT CHEF &; all· mediate employmtnt fol' wanted, Expcr. onl)'. Ar::-day week. Apply Jn penion. • WAJ~ ~ .. Rllpidly cxpandil'!I.' micro-BOYS 10--14 around cook. O:luntr,y club, denta l a1slsl.ant. X-ray ex· curate typist. Apply \V. D. Jn1er.olew1 bf!twten 10 AM· e Dishwasha .. ) elrctronlc manufacturer re· E)(pcrlen«d, lictnscd mutual Carrier ~:tes Open ='=··=-"'°'",,;,,· '=~~~---I perience. call 548-mS Schock Co. 35a2 s. Green-4 PM. Appl y In per90l'l. ,I ·~ quires Division Controller. fund Mlf'imen 121 for Ori!: of ESi'ABl.JSHED Insurance • FULL or pt-time BrautJcian, vllle St., Santa Ana Chatlt. t14 N. Ne~ B Position reports dirt:<'Uy to th(' highest producina' areas l..al\lnao~~~ Lquna Uadl avail, N.B. oruce. cllentete Pf'!l but not re· ~a~w:~~o-.. -,~21~.-,~;og_,.to-.-,mart.--FIVE CROWNS WANT c»du co u P ~ a a:eneral mlll\&ger. CMt ex· tn Southern c.Jlf. t.e111ure 8C-W21 • earett oppt. ~ quired. Nrw lf'ad welcome. cUve; wor Ttagi'ba knttraao RESTAURANTS manaa:e apts, i u rtrt •, Ssles Mutual Funds Sales Pt"rience de.sired. Newport World. Wt tman It when Wf ,....,,,..,,=,!!'~~-,.--IS:SALESMENwOS>ffit.IN;uiita•;)put;oi1 ~ rn&"r. SQ.9'19. attractive; wortlne at Th' 3801 E, Pacllic Cout Hwy. B&lboli. (M.5189 - FIVE CROWNS Beach location. say ... mort ltad1 " Pl>' * Cl.ERK ·-Net'dl ex-lime. IN-DEMAND pro-BIKINI BamWdJdanoer. Doryman Restlurt.nt 21001,...,.~Con>na ....... iid;;;eliiMai&';a;,_ EXP. Couple to ~:.r.: RESTAURANTS t~ntial than we can handle. perienc:e in grocen orderlnc duct. Se.II to bwlineu people !'Ull or part.time. Costa \V. 0cun., NB 1~ 32 n1 -E. PacWc C.OUI Hwy. Contact A. J. Eel.I Our 45 year old Paclfk: and pricing. See Harold, ly Ht ~ ·-•·-· &4" ·-., FINANCIAL u t aptJ, BB. no no .-... ,.._..., ... del Mar "--st member Hnns oUJce HI-TIME. 495 E. 17th St. on · 10 __.,.. -iueu HOUSEKEEPER. To clean · childnn. 5.1l-4022 .-.-;, ~'"'-•-• CORPORATION i;;;,.., ;o the heart ol Lei~ C.M. -.3H SALESMEN, Shoe•. 11 l pl 1 ---"64~S.,.,7301=---small I b<I' h<me. ..,._,,,If INSTITUTION EXPER tllill l founl&t"'.'jllil f'nll time graveyllfd 5hlrt. t8' E. Ube""·· Avtnuc .... ,. " ~,·"· do-. O"r * BARTENDER * Guar. + comm, + Plrt't 1-lotel/Motel experle..,. •-h ••7· -movt...,. to H ,."•lo •-h 2'm W EcH-S.A SERVICE STA. ~esmen. RADIX ore World ,vnere the bus\. ·:;_;===~-l\l'n(! men. Exper. prefd. MAIDS da,y ptr Mtk. Wert Newpl JS &: pt-Umi. The Nut '!: M .. _ · need It neat " • .., .... ""'.... '"" Exp er Ion c e d Slaodard Ap~y ••• E. !7th. C.M. ....., · '" ~ . .., un 1·-.. 11 rJelt' · :,;;,,,c,·:..:::::.::·~,::;"•.,o:.:;·4!-I ust -txPC?Me ···~-:;:;;,;m,,_~~~-=8c.."""60cc;.o;;1 hl~y qualified cllenls will eoc··-·1 '" . rao ·-, .. ....., 613-NlO DEPENDABLE .... ,,man tor The henutlfUI J'K'W otnc:ea Exn:R 2\ ·-:: 1n appearance. See J im, 2MIO = _11.. d .... _,__ ........ 1"'P 1n pe n, w OlJ)ER M•• ~--··~-lo 1,_ t&" Buaboy, cw~jl•~f~·~· Newport Bf\'d. C.?11. STATION Ane~ant -day not eene._,,,. o """'u"'u t.lr Colby 3901 E C:OUI ""' Barmaid, nlibt.. housework A: laundry, fi hn: ·-•o.uwuun_ '"'' u top tlla:y. Btn lmrk methanica.I exp e r with ti.mu outside Leisure lt..;y. CdM ' Nl&h t 0~:94~ ho&.t:l Mawrlek per wk. n. per hr. Mim w~ has ~ .. ! Bank ex· 311~ s. Cout Hwy, ME C HA.NJCS-bExp· dw/I'!: preferred. MattbE"w's Un\on World. We are particularly rvPERIENCED •ERV -===="='"===== i:.,112:;;11;.N;,;ewport===:..:Bl::.::w;:•_:CM;;:·c.., haw lfllAI, 545-9600 pmence. __., commen-LAf;uhL Sft Jim aQr e bo8nh. o u I oa r 1 • Serv~ 3928 E. Cout ~lwy, intere1trd In men with m•n-"""' ~ : ·" · -.,,,=,..,--,·,.-,.-,;:-;;--I 1UR.tc with exparleoce. Call pm. -1tornd(tYes. c:.an Anchor cr>M qcrW ability. Top produc-STA ATI. Over 7.l r.tu1t Help WintMI WAITRE&I; \Vanled. N'iaht Dental Auiltant, 20--35 Pttlonnel (21.3) 61Q.OlSO. M11rlne Repall'. 644-4M5 era only c:all Mr. Wriaht at have llOTTle lxper. & a hair Women 7400 •hlfL ~need. 1400 W. no exper ne11. BOY For pl-tUne wartr,~ 1111 blwn 9-5 EXPER.IEN'CED C.ook. A~ n4/8JO.ISU. cut. 490 E. 17th.. St., C.M. ----=;;;.. ___ .,;..,= Cout llwy, NB. MU8Bt ~7998 RESIDENT D~R Mv~ drtvtr'1 lie ........ ("lint. taYourAdinourda.UlOt'dlf ply days at 1400 w. eoa.tj !!~;;.;;~""''!"'""!!!!'"I EXPEXiPiEJUEffiENNOCE<iD>iohott;;;"oniite.<; BEAUTY OPERATORS PBX O~tor. AnlM!rlna: =ru"u.'"'"'n=me-cTbObYiJ~=,...,,,-5,..s.,,=1 tor bo);I. Oldet mt.n or 6734715 .. ... Someone wfil be looldnc for ~H:;."'Y;::..:·..:N:.:8:.:·..:M.:;2--838:..:;.;;,1 __ ~· I n-·s Beach hol.&le time. Bia· man. Inquire 26 Fot'elt wanted: fllo fn I low I n a: ltt'Vice exp pre re rre d. week. Judy WtllOD 56-2181 cot.ll)lt. Sma1J p r tva te f"W D&1l1 PUot ~-~ll:_ . .::DW'.:'...:~::;:::: ____ ,:..:;Wh.:;:.:I"::.·= .iep:..ha_nt&t __ Df& __ ~_lne te•t •ltctlon •wr! Ste the Ave .. Laguna BMch. necuaary, 6'15-4232. 6'1>3101 Jloun vary. RB 536-1881 alt 5130 P.M.oc:hool c=c,·_11M4:.;;.=1'-0----'---l>tAl=-=:..:""::..:Mll=: __ :;;:• ... ' I • , -~\,...._ _______________________ ·~--------------- l ' Th"'1CllJ, July 31, 1%9 fOfll M~KCHANDISE FDR MERCHANDISE FOR MERCHANDISE FOil MERCHANDISE FOii I ANO TfllADI Sj\LE ANO TRADE SALE AND TRADE SALE AND TRADE SALE ANO TRADE • • • DKOIATOR Gm CANCWATION OF 18' LUXURY APARTMENTS Spanisli & MtditernnHn Furniture All BRAND NEW ~~·~:=..s:: :..'"::· ~1.=:' ... ?.i" ... ·~\flt I~ 11 ...... 1t.H1 ......... •ow .• ~ ,;;:r .f:b'l.••·conw T•bf" ·:::::::::::::::···:· :, :: O-.• T .... l -!ll:N. kt.f5l ............ "Olf 111,09 111...--wa...1r11 ....... L-. ..... !JI.". $oft.tn ........... MOW fU ... A decorator dream house on display -2 i• ooms of gorgeous Spanish furni ture (was eg. $1295.00 ACRIFICE • . . • • • $398 cj:IOIT TlltMI AVAIU.•La: CllEDlr CLIAlll!O tl'l'IMEOIATILY i~m m FURNITURE Furniture &OOCFurnlture 8000Furnlture IOOO • ~= • Our 6,000 ft. SPANISH --MEDliERRANEAN 3 Rooms Showroom Furniture Over $1000 value/$389.95 Examples of 1001 other once in o lifetime speclalsl • 10 Pc Quilted Corner J<:nsemble $159.95 • 96" Quilted Sofa and 56" Love Seat $149.95 • 60" Heavy Spanish Coffee table $29.95 • Lge 1ifalching La1np tables $19.95 • Decorative Spanish Lamps from $14.95 e Guar. B~ Springs & 1-fattresses $19.95; 15 yr. Guar. Quality Kings & Quee ns At Terrific Saving1! St•cks & Stacks & Stacks of M•ttrts1es Credit Terms 548-9660 Appl'IOved Furn1Ture- (Bcetl 1n 1·0._!a '.\lc..;a ovt•r 12 \'f·arsl Huge 6,000 s.q. ft. WarehouMl at: 2065 Charle St., Costa Me:;a Bank or Store Chirge Behind Harbor C•r Wash o,.. ,., m>.11., ha 10-1 Sett-6 Enter on Hamllton or Bernard St. Furniture 8000Furniture 8000 Misce!lan.ous ~--'-'-~~'-'-'-'-'-=.:.C.:C.::......~--'::.:.:. l600 .844 Newport Blvd. Ha%'., 01.d.1 Costa Mesa only lm1 Night 'TU 9 -Wed., S.t. & Sun. 'T~ 6 ••••••••••••••••• Mi !!!!!!!!!!!!~-I * 3 ROOM GROUP *AUCTION* lolis & EMPLOYMENT f-F-,,-.11.,. 8000 COMPLETE * Scflools-lnstruction 7600 ' . Ed.1,lca!io!lill Vncation 5th grf.de rs . . . Sr C1tizrns Chllf'OH I JO h·sson l)'PLO,C: sdil. Tr111l l#~oon. 173 Del fllir. C.i\I . 548-28.'>9 fl f{)ll. TES.'IDRJ TcachC'r ol-ft·~ rnus1r inslr. hciin".1: all 11ttxfll'ind~. a!l1·c'd rl•Jte & 111~. &12-09.ii Sfl'.A'S ?-tONTfo;SSORI &hool 2'f to 6 yrars. En1'1:)U nu11· f"{ Fall. 646-3700 or fi.ll-J697 MtRCHANDISE FDR SAlE AND TRADE FVrnitur• . 8000 ;ovER.S-tOCKED • : MUST SELL! PAIR Orange velvrt rhairs s:i::i 1'ach, pair matchint: 01- ton1aru; $10 each. $;11\-5615 BED 1J1v11n $~2.50. Cn111·h $~~1 tik1• 1w11', oh\'l' .':. aqu::i. 642-8171 8' SOFA. fl('Ver UsPd. l]llilll'.'<l no111!, SOotchgarded SIZ"i. ~111tch1ng Jovc-M'at S 7 5 . 537-S0.~2 Living Roo m -Bedroom -Dinette $297 \\lee kly J>ay 111enls .. \Ve Carry Our Own Contracts VAN'S Discount Furniture 417 W. 4th St., Santa Ana Open Daily 10-8 Sat 10-6 Free Parking 547-2412 ~············~~~ Office Equi pment 8011 G1r1ge Sile ___ 8022 Se w ing Machin es 8120 'fYPE\VRITl::R, Addin g n1at•h. (•all·ulalor, ,. (' r y 1't'!aso11abl~. Xlnt con d. 89.l-:!42'.1 t'Vl'S. C1fe, Re5taurant :«:-100 S<'o I s n1 ll !I niarhuw S!f.1, ~'lG-l!.1'61, 11ng1on Shurrs ~1olel Household·Goods 8014 lt'C Jlun· 8020 MOVING · RrfriRi'l'alor SlO. P1en1c tablt• & i)l'nches SE1. 2 bl1'tc.k v inyl ba1· ~tonls. SIO. earh. Tncyelr S5. 64:.-164f. !) PC. S•erling Sdvt>r CorlN.' Srn 'l('t' \1'1lhout tray $::00. 6'5-4627 ll'kC'nds or aft :1;:10 PATIO & Gar11i:<' Mir. Sa1· Sun. 8/2.], J(}.l 611 Ort'hid. CD~f. TV, ocher ete1cr1cal appl!anreis. furn. and d1sne11. F'RI & ,-;;11. F:ll'c SIOl'I'. play pen, clo!IK•s & --,n l s c hmwffllld 1t<"m"t --3-1.1 1'i: J81h St. C.~I. 61'.!-11111 -----THL'HS.fr1, 21i\X Phalurof)f', \11i•puh!lc llll11\<>•I C i\l . 1~.u·:..:a1n . .; rnr $1 ! :>11;.o~·,;, AUC. 1-'.l, sn•anl1'r-1MJnk. 1le<~ra1 11l" 11 .. rns. Ir }~. 1111sc. 11:: J..;u·k~11ur A•1·. CrJl-1. (;nr:ogr S11lr Sal &· Sun 1G:1 !'..lnihurl>l L;ind, Col>ta i\h·-a • ~.~:).{1101 Applia nces 8100 -'-'------- G1r1ge Sale 8022 CLOSING oL·T ALL 1%9 --~-------\\'ash1·r ~. IJ1·ypr.<;, 1009 SING ER toui.:h-0-1nat1c-, 1.if: ;o11g, bulton holes. st'\VS on bulton~. bluxl hems. $3•1.SS or s.4.16 1110. 526-ti4.i16 Music1I Inst. 8125 AC°CdR.DfAN 120 baSf:' xfnt 1'flnd. \l'tlh C<l!E'. C i~n ae- 1uUstiral guitar, J50. \\'ilh hnrd shell i:aS('. Gd. cond. Sl40. &12-96'17 after 5 pm GUITAR. GIBSON C-1 Classic Call Eri<" .)16...-0239 afl 6. \\'ANTED: "tHrttn or Gibson ucous!lr ;:uilar, bu~ body. C:lll hefr f'ri. 54&-4193, Gl{i-6 124 ------\'IOLIN. \'c1)' i.:.d. cond, 1ira,·1 nm1•. 546-5300 day~. 5:l-1..9.'Jl7 nit 6.33 or "'kends. Pi.lnos & Orga ns 8130 FRIDAY* 7:30 PM A1.1g •. h;t Easlrm Bedroont sel! J\1a. ril1• rrlm divans & c'hairs, Chcs1s . t.l apll" droplcaf lablc .~ 8 cht11rs, Dlllt'l.tes, Desk~. Commode~. Cot1ce tables, La1nps, Pictul'l'~. Mattress- rs, Pool table, Stereos, Zrn- irh Color TV, Concord rape l'('(.'Order, Trunk.'!, Foot lock- rn;, Rl.'fl'igerators, Slove's, \\'ashen & MUOI MORE! COA-TE BROWSE AROUND WINDY'S AUCTION 2075\i Nrwporl Blvd. RC'l'und Tony's Bldg. J\.la t'Js. Costa ~ll'sa * · 6·1fi·86!16 OPE.1'1 DAILY 9 lo 4 ?.Ll,SCEl.J.ANEOUS H-0-:U li.e. hold good!. Ren1odel1ng salr. t;rcrn naugahydl' ri>Clinrr. \\';1gon 1vhC'cl light [jxiun·s. 6 t2-3526, After 4 wl.'Ckd11 ys & all day Saturday & Sun- day. 'AA J\;JACNAVOX Console C'ol- or TV /slcroo. TIVO 9 ' n1atl'h1ng p1·inl solns. Glass cocktail table. Square lamp 1able. ~tarble lan1p !able. Antiqve dry sink. Club eh;ur. Odds and <'nds. 49-1--WJ7 B E A R \Yhf'el nlignrnrnl mat·hifM', likt• ll('W, 1'0111. ph'lf'. Cost $·1200, asking SJ.OW. R. C. Allen ron1- BcluL walnut !kl~'r dress- e~, 1wo 2-drwr commodes, hqbr_d & framed mirror, all for 1172. New 9 pf'. L'OrnPr azhtig. choice of clrs. reg, rzso. now $149.50. llcadbrds: lq!ils, $15, Queens $12.50, Jo'ull Sl0.50, Tw1rut $."l.!l:i. Sola,, bt'd n1attr._..,;ses $29.50 Po.4Y·Ji·W&y• brds w / l n n . sP]'lng matt. rf'f:. $59.50, no"' SJ!l.50. }"'uil sz. sltcpcr·sofa re&,· $239.50, now $1 69.;I(), N'lf bMs: King $99.:;o, Q-oct>ns. $89.50, Full $49.50, Tw,inl '39.50, fully guarun Ktni-siz.e spread•. choice of .. cl~ •. reg. $20.~. no"' $12 99 !ufl JL $9.~. SIESTA SLEEP SIJOf. 1927 Harbor Blvd, 0.1 6t>-2160 daily IG-9 Sat-Sun '"'· . GAR.,\GE SALr~: many in· J{(•rngl'r•1lor.;, Color T \' ' S, IC'l'l'S\1111; ill"n1s. Dbl l>t•.:.I U1sh11a-.lw1 i., t•h· al F.10- 1•1/rnatlN.'iiS & :. p 1· 1 n g ~. t,1·,l1c ~n·ings~ P;1y n111!11111: n1plc !wabnl: 2 thl.~ 1:<6. d•Jll n 11 11h yuur gvo•I 1'1Y"d1! 110 rr:un.;, lad!\'!<. rlu1h1111: S..•1• at HENDERSON'S 18ij' 1:1--10; ~·arsi~a on:an. 1'0n1bo J\,uhor Bh·d., Cosla Jill'~ olcl:. v./io \lt solid sL an1p ; r>-1!l--OC~'i S.\l.J: C'!t•nr;u1'>t' on ;ill Or-b1nalion rl'~1s1cr & adding i:;:u1~ ,t; Pi;ums used in our niachine $4:i. 543-2044 11':it 11111~ S1 ud1us. CltOOi.r llAND Braidt•d ttvrrs1blr !nun Conn -\\'url1tter -Knab« -Fisher. Ren1als ll"OOI oval rug. 917 x 1~·. llkc • odN'·T Give up! You n1ay niicf it at Amrrica':; largcs1 , rrtii>t unusual unf1n1shcd llJfniture slort'. Cor. Redhill &:~nta Ana r wy. 'rustin. 1 '!?( So. o{ N<'wport J'wy, £¥h ·:162 dayi per yr. :ifl-~70 P~6' PONG 1abll'. ncvt'r us· cd:,$28. gas dryer. 6 mo oh! S10Jlrc dryer, hk!' nc1•1 S.15, 1-)'!gidail'f' washer $35, inl'l(>r .~ring bunk. make~ lull 1Wl'n, l\ke f'K'W $50. 5'19--0740 alt~ pm 9· • !o: 12' carprt & pad, t~uC/grttn, a!mosi IX'\\' S·I\ Iii& runner same $ I 0 . fiJ>t:.49 e1·es lifAiiI'lfUL B I e a c h e d rlat.og. 5 pc. BN.lrm S1't. Ir dreS!'lr. ~1 atchl 11g ra!I<'. 673-86Cl:'1 QPAUTY King brd. quU tcd. ~inplele. u n u i; rd $HU, wwlh S250. All J ur 11 knds 1117...,,,. S'fU,Dl!:NT Ot>!<k &-chair $<II. Single d ivan hN\, <'XCf'll<'nl OOMilion S."l.'i. 67~1549 1>1•1•s. NP"''LY Upholstered 12' s1'C· oonal , dot·.~ not fit dcoor ~. 64~>-1462 Tf1iN Bedroo1n SUI!(' 4 ~V<:es, $.10. 1·ach. IA'gal files fil ·847--6319 t'f)R Sale 8' Sola. TV, s1<'f'f'O. diair & ollornan, yanl 1ools, " Sll"lng S<"1. ~7:16 J~B Rf'location. 10' "'°la, 2 live Sf'ats l~ld vrh·o·tl. ft" •!'rl-a. l'ncl lablc.~. la;111is. ~ tbl. h i dr-a -bcd . W'..-"""$1.<IJ .-*-RENTALS* OUSES & APTS SlOO UP Blue Ek'aoon 6·U.Olll marketplace In . The· DAILY PILOT diusified section. Sa\I(' Y, time & eUort. Lovk Kl•lv1nator fri;:, bot 1 om -----------LADY Kenn1ore \\'a~her & lro~·~.cr. ill'U{'llrio. Honda Kenn1orc <'l<'clric ' ' so I 1 -S1>0rl :J(l. l yr old. AU :.lnl 1.0,i0. 10l7 r-:. Balboli Rl\'.-f. h{'al" dryf'r. Bo1h in vrry 1•x1..'('llc.•ot 1nlt•r\or & cxtcrwr Bal. f 1•1-Sun or as long as Jl c'flndi1ion. Sl7:i for p;lir. lasts, 6T.'>-7:l2:-. QIJ;-0~?.(j all li. {il2--0ll,I, l':>.1 SALE All day Ra!. ,f,; Suii. 29-1 !lays Bthss beds. nr iicw conv('I'\ -Ke11n1orc Elrciric dryr1· ~ura. lu1njls. Co I u n 1 01 I Guoll !"Ond. l l!J V only h1•1b.1de lahi(• & corner l'h;ur $2:'!. !'l#t-13•12 \\/slJ"a\1' sral, buth antn111c. P1•11!1•r pieces. l'tll 1101\n ·~Size Co l d i.pu t l1hrar:-· 1ablc, Tillan.I' ~I~!<' l"l'[1·11:('rttl1>r. S'!i I I . '.· ''-· '-''"-1g 11 l1x1ur!', •'II' :~»9 \'1.~la I-----" ":_ __ _ Flora. N.B 6-14-1~~ COLDSPOT 10 C't1 _Bl_G_G-.A-RA-G-,E-fi"\L·E·-. -A-,,-.,-,,. l:.:.'\t.:l'lll'nt ct11 .d111on nr~ar1, 1·arvcd g1'<1nd11hr ~~l&-M.~ '" ,,, •'luck!\, \Vashstand, Ir i g , KENMORF. \\'asho•r, vt•ry rtry1•1'. <'hests, J>'1r. n101•·•'1". ~uo.t t'Undllion $40. port n1ass.'lt:f' lhl, 1\a1•t1;:;1101 ..-1'l11·Mllj * •1:.00 radio. 1\luch, n1uch J.!O<Jd G F.. \\'asht•r. Vl'ry i;uod con- JUlll!lJ(' 839-2-Wti. 1:..:::11 P1l·k· rhhon $3~1. fot~t (o f! Cunningham I, \\'<'st. * ~M7-Rl l~i • n11nsll'r. t~ri 'Iii sold. -----------\\ASllEK & dryrr, shll l'On· Ff1 & Nil 10 to i, :\lo1·1ni:: nt'(·\ed. Xlnt ron<L $.~.-, lu1 Conn l'la1·1111•t $la. Gooo! slll· J~Hh . 6·12-~lOO or ~~l"-07!17 1\!'nl \'1ohn TOO\s, houki;, I ·"'"0.~===="°'== typ.''\l'tlll'r 11·11111.ilr, C.t1n1"" 1~1ncri·11• lik•\·ks. ;.111111• turn ,ti rnucl1 1•11:,c :l21 )inu~ llurhO!' P.d., N11p1 Bt h. &lf,..l)Ei09 ·--------llll{;r; Bal'k Yard Sah·: to.h11·111g '. Sa1 Aug. 2, JO an1. Applfant'to'.!I furn., ru>{~. kl!. 111111'. n·1"1rds. t• 1o !h1 n i.;, loys, hooks, 1nu~1t'al in.~t r. !+51 Cl1/I Dr .. l.a)(Ul111 B!>1u•h T\\"IN box sprngs, rnaltrf'~S & 11•amr, port. "·arrtrvhr, ~urllJrol. r('<~1rri pl a y .-. rs, l.J('dsJ)ll, oJr ps. t·ug, 1•\u!h1•s. All 1{11. t(lnrl s, rt';ISO)r\,1hlf' ~2 Tu~t111, 'llR. ~:oL :..iS-4:-..'62 -- J\10\'IN{i·l:t\Jlc ·" t' ha Ir .~. hrd,, 111''!. 1:11.Jh·"· 1n~s. 16-;N Cut·:-11·,1 r1 . t:'lt ~l:oke offl·r~. ~1ust ;)\O-S.1Ji !i<:ll lhlS \lk. Antique5 8110 Larry Morgan Antique5 EXP.'\NSION S.\!.J:; Cnlo~uhni: 40' \';111 in nr11' 11 ;1n •housr. 20 Hull lup l[f'sk~. 16 Chir111 (•nbtrH•ls, :!U Hound ooK lahlcs, uak ehairs, l'IH:k<'rs, hall 1rt.>t•s, arrnu111·s, 3(11\ t•lrwk~. You nanir 11! \\'r hll\'•• 11! S..•t• Hl : 2~ Ne"·· p11r1 Bl vtl. or 21PI N11v.•porl Rlvtl . C ~I . j lS·731\1 l;t::\'L'INF: .lrnny Lind i.pool t~'I! Oth<'r antn1ul'!I 111· 'llu!Ulg J:ll)S!111aN',. l'll" :t!li \'1t·lon11., Apl A, C~1 !x•11111 9-:S Pill ANTIQUE l'hill"*' f 1 H rn e, l1ar11I o·ar\"rt Hu111an i.1yll". _ Sf1._ ;,_<:_ ... 1.111'------ DESK \\'1th ~lassed ln!k sh,..l\'l'S &-lh~hhoy. Tllisc GARAGE SALE Tables, hu1111~. d;i.vcnport, furn. t.:a!l nfl 6. 6'iJ-JG:i6 l'tc. o\.i6 li2nd St., NB NAVAJO rugs "Tv.n C:rt•y ~DCACI"L"y~p=1=LOT==,c,=,=NT~-A=o=s=,-I l\tlll\. Ill S4_,_,_,_,,._,_,c_,_l·I~ BRING RESULTS! Dial 642·5678 lot RE~lJLTS aJ_,;o frnin SlO rl<'\I'. Cm;t SjQ(), s.-1erif1ce G Id M . C ST..ll. 644-2nl:I OU USIC ompany 2GCi N .• \1iun, SA 5-1;.~1 BRUNSWICK l' 1• Ir b r i 1 y 01>1.·n 1-.lon & fr! '!ti 9 fl'gulution slt.e pool table, l'U<.'s & b.&IJ~ UlC'lurlcd, S260. HAMMOND -S1c1nway . Ya· 6.J1.i607 btwn S.6. n1aha • 11e1v & used pianos u! ;ill makes. Best buys in GOLD C11rp1•tini;. apprux :.!:i So. Calif. rlJht here. ya1,-ts. T.'X· yard. 321 Cabrillo ~CllJ',.t!nT MUSIC CO., Costa ~fesa . .• 1!l07 N. r.-lai n, A~1-FM Strrro <.'fln1hu1al 1on ____ Sanla A•"c'----,::ood 11'01·k1111-: ord~·r 12;1'. Fra n c hise Closeout _!~v::.:_ask fnr Gn:og 642-3.'il!! Tlw L1t·lui'} has 111,l,•rf'fl rlosr NE\V Moyet· i;urfboard, 10', oul u! ~ Cott'IOlc & 2 Spuw! ::11orl shapr ~-Eves. ;1.~k P1JJnos un a cosl·plu.~ ba~is. Jnr Grrg-. 642-3:"ilK Nl'l'l'I' ai:ain 1nano h:11•<;11ns Pf'NDf "R-G -,.--.,.--.. r • ~ u1111r-ur;.ifl(] new. like thC'se! ~·irst ('()011.' -ru'S1 Crager SS 11hls. IJ x i. s~·r.·1'CI. G oorlyl'ar 14 x ti poly J;:ltis~ \\"ARo ·s BALDWIN STUDIO 11l'l'~. 646-:-i!WI 11119 Newrh1•1, C.~1. &12-8484 ~=~~-------6 PC &dro1rn S('I, 6 dine!!" FR!u'\CJS Bat'nn Ha h Y rhri;, rlcl· lu11·n 11101\·rr. JI" Gr<1nd SG:~. Conn "'ood sa1lhoar. J\lake ofr. J.10-7:.!IJ ··lanllC'I s1:i. Good studl'nt r vt·s. \ 101i11 . &16-ti6f,19 ----,'-,;,..-,-~-lt()TO-T1ll1'r . 4 Sf}N'd lrMl1.'<. ~M1\LL Grand piano. a/lltqU•' t:.'O:{'('llrnl ('Ondilion. llC'tii·y "'''1•'. R""'"'""hl••. 'l"".I I ' I ' '"'"".... "' ~ • ury 111111 """' ,. utC'h. new ~1·ll i1nn11'd1a1cly~ ! .l'l---0039 1!r1v(' 1·ha1ns ",!j hors c NEl·:UF:IJ~~llclupnght p111no ••ng1111•, For ~11' or trade. \11lh ~•>tlll tonr for Jt11 ~'n!I(• ti\lakl' oHt•rl &12-J~~S I 1;111, Call Pat Bush 6TJ·1000 KIRBY vacuun1 e I ea n 1• r \VANTl:D \V/aHarh. poli~hrr. XLNT SPINETS & GR.ANDS !'Ond and guar. Pay off 636-3620 h11 l11nrc of s:l9 67 or iakc __ P_l_A_N....cO=WA~N=T~E~D~-nv('r p11ym<"n1s. Credit Dept., 535-i:tl\9 12131 llii-103:-J P1·t Parly Radio 8200 BU DD y Ch.inl\('I w :llUl'nlHI r ... r .. ·I. C•ttlil st:io :>4· .. ::.-~% alt ~ P\I Television 8205 RENT OR BUY COLOR TV $9 Month Up AL'iO STl::R EO·RE ~·R !GER/\ TORS \\'ASJIERS OR DRYERS OPTION TO BUY 543-4539 VINYL TIJ.F,, Li 11 o l t' u 1n , A~ph11l1 T\tc -Rc;;u!llul rnl- "I"'' IO n.1 r~tuna l!'s. ~H>--l~i~. p;i l1t•rns. rrr1• Lie. Contr. ELECTRIC GOLF CART l'n1·. l'I> !ii J.1Sli1 ,~,-,.-,,71 c'.?4-:-;---hikrs SI:?, ca~ rani;r $lj, St'w1ni: 111;i1·hin<> s1:1. 1513 Or an i,: 1•, c.~1. ti42-:i666 QUAL!TY king nro. 11u1]t('1I. Cnrnplrll'. u nus rd Sllfi: 11-orth S2"JIJ. Aftrr ~or wknds S17--0106 ~~~~jjjiiiijiij.-;8000;;;;F;u;r;n~it;u;';"iiiiiiiiiiiiii~8~000ii;ijiii;F;u;'";;it~uijte~B·iiii~8~0~0~0 Hi-Fi & Stereo I J!l6!'1 SOLID S1a 1c SIC'N'O, 4 SPANISH si~I. ii !<l"'dk1·r ;i~ullo sys1tn1 8210 7' POOi. TABLE 1iin1plrtr \\'/I <'II•' ~11t·ks, rark. l'IC. SG!!. ~1!~:!~~6" Nt:\V Carp>l•1u1i,:. Hi y11nl~. ht•:o -y gn•f'11 J\0r·k'I ~II.ii:, $.). )'cl. t'ns! $i rn. tolf.-7"'.I: in l\'al1111! 1:1-.n~\c-. Take MEDITERRANEAN "'°' '"""' Jm) """" oo P"" c-ai.h h;11!111{'f' nf $73.68. As Shown In Model Homes l"M''' "'''" ''"'"'"' Wh t · · l y h 1· 'th I ~Nl' 600 t,11"Je d c r k , • .,n exc1t1n9 1cene our ome ce n come a 1ve w1 our 9 •rnorou~ lurn-r11.blc, :inipllfi<'r & dec or•'tor-c orre le t ec:I pec~e 9e! livin9 room includes: lul!urious Sof• SIJ!'akcr s~. 6~iJI a"d Love Se•t in quilted floul febrics. l Spanish Oek Tables, 2 d ist in· 9uiih1d Conqui1tec:lor Teble lemps. ''Hec ienda " Bedroom: Speni'h Triple Or111er with Fra med M irro r, King·site Heedboerd, 2 Commodes. S..Pc. Wrought Iron Dinette Set, Sp•nish O•k heKegon top. M int be seen to he tnily eppriric ie ted ••• so come in todey! Priced elsewhere ,, •ns.oo. llAND NIW WICIAL SALi e C•11 bt P•tcht1tcl 1•p•1•t•lr E•1y Cr.dit TetflU SAITA W RJRNllURE Vt W llOUll'H ST . IAMtA ANA 547-078~ • , Ca meras & Equip . 8300 POLAROID 101 1·11mrra !or sale, 1v1th casr, xlnt rond. 560. :i.16-8436 I Sporting Goods 8SOO ~UR FBOARO 10' ti"'. "Cal1for11111" ('uston1-mAdl' L1k!' nc11 ! !iat:t1f11'l' $100. 61'!>-20S~ TENT'~,~-.,-,-,,-,,-""-"_'_"'_ condit11111. 560. Call f,r.>-2fl lT 4 S°ET-lir-;::;:;-;·~111• Jnt·~ SlO: liu!.1 "s 11nk n11!1:r ~!\a1rrl S1 0. :...w--01 11; C Al\f'E°'T __ _ Sha~. '" f.'l.'(Js, hi·lo p1tr. All 1"0lof'I. t'n.>e: rst. l.1c Conlf'. !"14(;....1478. i-'OR Thr laq:r fllm1ly Di· ncrtr lablc f.. 6 ,·h111n;. Chromr In l'.\rell<'nl ron. dilion. r:ill to ~ 646-4063 1-.llNl-Brkt'. f'iova, 3 HP, S!l9. G E. rl<"c Clrgan S?.:!. hk<' rw1\, l!'n\'ing are11. R.tlL\056. Jijf"j3-E°AMBotH1• C11lf~-rnnM fX1'1k pnre $2200, 111·u·e 5 lXOO 21J-Ltl >t.lJl,I ~1 0 V I N ll -\1 us l 1 r 11 h0t1s11ho!d furn1•h!n1,~. 2·~ l.Hllrton l'I. CJ\I '.14,9.-10!'17 \Vh1!e Eleph11nts! TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION MERCHANDISE ~OR SALE AND "t..AADE Miacell1neou1 8600 _FREE TO YOU Boott I Yachlt 9000 Sillbo1t1 9010 ---------IMJRACLE ot , birth: Ex-18' ,., ___ W'-~-' po UDO .. , '"""" · ~ TIIOMASVJLJ..E Cnffce table pcictant Sprlupr Spanlcl El UllPlll,art 5™,. 40 ~ c:· f"O .. P,JW, l1llru lor SSO, COlll O\.'ft' $190. Iron Rite de:sptnt.ttly In need or • M: ~ · ... R .... .:i_, 1 ~· ·::u'c~L!;~· 1:· iroaer ~. $40-01.S ROO<l hotne wlttfiove IOOn ""=~"'=''°"' =-,,;.,~"'-'"C.:,,.·---1 p, ,--c-'-'-'--'-"""-~-=I possible. ~ SJ} !1/ CRUIZEON, Ch Ty a, ~~~I~;,~'~· ~·g;~~Bc~st=o=~='=""~';1 Lc"av~ •111&. mUll teU • 1961 Marine Hem! re.b l t 151,.,' Prow~r tnr.vel trailer, FREE To aood home , Carpenter's .~ S400J. Brunswick .slate pool tab.le, adol'llble lone ha\~ ldt· ~1'46 ' Power Cruis rs "9020 pokl'r table portable sle'a.m tens. Call aft 5 p rn .. 1.,:.::.::.:::_ ______ ----:1---- bath. 6'16-7o34 S:U-7631 8/2 FIBERG~ SUpply etrittr 46 MIN. to alon In atylc. ,;;""'=:;~=====-l >Ai'DO;;,RA&.E;f,ITT;--;:11"8;;;1,~"";:;;,.::-;Id;;;=t,.I now in CM-NB area. F.G. Century Buccaneer, Misc. Wanted 1610 terui, aU blnck. Why not Everythlne for your boat, 23x9, so hrl. Chty5. JOO. Slps -----"-'--....;::..;.::I " p 0 0 k )' 0 u r 1 e 1 f ! ! aurlboatd, ear or home. ii, head. S.S , strrn room, •~ 74,... Boat realn s~lal tlOW only w/w erpls, etc. Slip avail. WE PAY MORE '"'" •·• 814 $.1.!Ki gal retail. Wind 1tn' Cost $12.000, will lukl' DARUNG bla~k k Ill I es. Sea, 1737 Superior, C.M. $8.950, Res. 673-0296, u!c. CASH male 1 wk1 old, mue:t Jlncl 64)-71iO'J 673--0900 rx.t 66, Dlck. aood homes. MS-8111 8/1l-,67;,:::;G~"=-'-p-·-nc-,.-1 -,-,-1 -0-.. •. ...,.,,,,., ,.,... .. " ~1DST Sell 22 ,\1l'l'C. {'1tb1n REFRlGERATOR. Wooden Tnboarcl-outboard. 120 ?11er"." · SI 2 ti I ~ .. cruts(•r. eeps . cy. ,, .. ·~ <Army) bunk beds, no mat-Cruiser 11.'llh powl'r jet & nw·lne. Nt!ll' 50 gal fuel r or fumUurt, appliances. tre.sef, 548-2152 811 pGwt'r trim. }'ull caver. t.ank, bait lank. elc. &111 of. t'Olorl'IJ TV, pianos, organs Bl.ACK fr; while kitten, Re11.dy lo enjoy. A 11 fer over $1000. 673-3828 11.nd antiques. female, hu shots, 8 wks. inainteoance records. 1 211· TS CRUISON. V-dr1ves; Dav or n~ht ~ 8/2 W'n('r. KI 6-#W S/S t&11ks. ~CRIFICE! 636-3620 CUTE lem. Labby CAiieo kit· 19' GLASTRON, 221 L'U In. 673-S912 or 548-2164 te n, trained, 646-1349 afll'r 5 rompll'tt>ly overhauled. new $ WE B Uy $ p.m . 8/l top & fuU oover. 2 live-be.it Spel6cfl-:Skl Botti ·903b sacks, A-1 L'Ond. PART .Bo&lol!Terrler, fem, $2825 GT~ BOSTON \VllALEJt 1 7 .. , gd. watctdo&', obed. gcnUel~-------.C.-'-::.: 3 $ FURNITURE $ with children. G42-li=>i 811 GOOD 12' fiberglass out· JJ)ty!.pl 100 hp + Johnt.lOn A P PLIANCES lxlard hull w/ du a I hp. -tfw.il•r. 11.tteli. $2.900. 'h 8 ea g I e -'At Poodlt lever-shift, cable. wbeel. SHARP! IS051 644-2468 Color TV,-Pi1"01-S+•r101 "Pocgles" h'l'e to lovine Xlnt "ship 10 shott'" boa• 1 'iec.e or House f11ll homl' 546-5316 8/2 " CASH IN JO MINllT!S . to11•s easily. $125. 673-6518 • 541--4531 e 2 COC'K-A-POOS. 5 rr,os old, 11' SKI/fish 25 h11 Johnson '""'°"'"'""°'"---~--I m.ust &lay tore t h e r . ,•]eel start ·ll'/lf'. $300. or?: \~'ANTED-Camper or sleeper 531·5189 8/2 642-1Tl9 or 642-1444 18' SKI boat, 35 hp <'ng-. comp.I eqp'd. $550 Ix-lore 9 Ml, and a.fll•r j: 673-6096 ONE OWNER PO\V£R CAT 2 '-1erc 800's $1300 • &tl-2936 • for I! ft GMC pickup. GREEN eyed gray kittena, S "I I 642-3526. After ~1 weekdays affectionate, housebrok<". Learn to ai No w. " l•l' SKI Boat; fbri;ls, 50 hp & 1tll day Saturday & Sun. 67;...5983 8/1 10 hrs o[ instructions $55. I -" 5900 I J\1c re. trlr, X '" l'Onu. • . 1 ays. S wks. 2 malr, 2 female. Scl1..'0 School. 00.7424 675-7638. 2'!4 C t .tnd Canal, \\'ANTED: CONCRETE Small mixed breed &12-8043. 16' Chris W/trh·, 3j hp BI. MIXER 7/Jl Evinrude, <'lee star1. elcc I ,1o967~c1c67. -G=1,-,c1.,,-c,.-. c50,,.-,1c,,,-,,I PLEASE save us from pound bait tank. xlnt for fishing f.1<'rcury. Xlnt ~·ornl. $1·1%. 548-1809 2, 3 mo. old puppies, female. $495. 642-9647 after 5 pm. Call 673-2259 \VANTED $e\ving ~tachinc. 54&-5031 7131 SACRIF1CE·lllnes!'.. 21' Luhr l---,0"'3---rn"·=c-·1-,.-,,-,,--1 Very n1odcratl'!y priced. KIT'fEN flfale black & skiff, 100 Chris Craft. Full \\'il h trailer & CQ\'rr. Portable. Ask for Becky while, 'short ~lr, 9 wks, fishing equip. U 8-t179 6~6-2003 548-l8Tl Muse -and • dog • broken. '65 Chrysl<"r 181~· F.C. 1-0 \VANT To buy lhome) bar. 499-1486, South Laguna 7/31 Mercruuicr. likC' new $2:i'i01 Boat Slip Mooring 9036 1 • round or L shaped. ~1ust 2 BEAGLES, yoyng mother ol!cr. 54(~.2924 be rl'asonable. Phone and 8 wk. old pup, ~ 23' CABIN Cruiser. pl}'\vood 6·1•1-4687 watchdog, fri«ndly disp. &. F/C. 289 ru in, 210 hp. \\'ANTED. Full si;re crib 837-708'7 8/1 intcl'\.'O:'ptor. RDr. SS. bait S75. r-.10 U-~hp, 12 ft 6 ln by 38 ft. Up to 20 It mast. 673-7·119 '">. 11•ilh 111attreM. Good Con-SIAMESE cat. spa.yed & de-syst. Encl head. new UphoJ Boat· Yach t dition. &37-9682 clawed. Lovrr type. Needs & covers. fllany <'Klras. 9039 \V A N T E D: OLD TOY a h 0 m e . C a I I e v e 5 . S2·100. 64~136 att 4 Pllt _C_h_a_rt_e_r_s ____ _ TRAINS. TI4 :673-2859 8/1 l!QI 29' Monterey Char-Jeter --•-pflohC&<tT-ffi.'3.2-* 3 RABBITS 3 months old 1 boar:--c<R>d cond. Diesel black & 2' buff. Also ~n. Pll'r. Szn:l 673-49U Machinery, etc. 8700 Must be !aken by Friday. T-BIRD. 8'8" GOOD CON· FIBERGLASS Ra ·d 897-5277 8/1 DITION 935 Victoria Pl CUl'l' 54&-18.11 hoolhs. Twin 8' x 12' temp STANDARD pooxl.le. Male 1811-----·'-'------- CQn!rol hoolhs, ducted to nionths. l.ovl's childr~. ex-11', 45 HP Mercury, bait 43' SLOOP 11•/skipJX'r, au!o P11n1 -.r-r'O:t(aS. By-d:iy or \~·eek. 6-16-1801 * Finest Scleciio11, Power & Sail, Sklllper optional. }~or brochure call 548-1191 ~11n11eso11 MoneywCIJ con. cellent V.'atchdog. Live in or tank. Large-wheeled trailer. Aircraft 9100 trol!!--lit'a1er-blower. Be st out. 830-5986 $450. gd . coOO. 592--5466 ---------- offer ove r $1000. PUPPIES To ood ho PJPER Su[IC'r C1·u1srr 1947 lo time. Xlnt f'Ond. rl'asonable. 673-1911 smo 2J3-321--8323 Grr. Shep/Collie~ 4 wks. :i~: Sailboats 9010 \\'F.ST Coast . t'orklilt .co. 1 1nale, 2 fC'rnales. 841·7!121 1968 COLUMBIA 21. Loaded. Sales & ITpa1r o~ fo~kl1fli. 7/31 Spinaker gear, rigged for Mobile Homes 9200 0JX-'ning for bu.~1ne~ Aug DARLlNC llger k i 1 1 <' n , Gell03. gib winches. halyan:l ---- 41h. al 783 Nei\'IOn Way, \\'ailing for a f'K'W homf", ·11 winch. portable head, iee Costa :0.1csa 11·k~ old 96R-4397 11/1 ho'I., fresh bottom painl. PET S and .LIVESTOCK '":'ES~ cats are willing lo Sold for $3500 ne111. Take ---·----~-11\·r 1n or out, prrt1y roo over payment! $40 monlh. Pets, Generil 8800 540--2674 8/2 AP r o X 1 rn a t e I y S2250 ---GERMAN 5.. .._ -halan('{'. Call 812-3137 C ni'pnt·rd, 1 yr. -S R·AM LETS old. had shots ne<.'ds good SAILING Ca!t1mara11 :!2', 6 GREENLEAF PARK in clear, clean, l'OOI Costa Mesa. Nl'1v !.l'l spare 11.dull park. lllodrls & Sales oUir.c localed :it Park. OpC'n 9 AM to 6 P'.\T. ACCE:'\T 1'10811.E /lO:'llF: !'AW.:S • home. 549--1 :112, 8/2 bagll of sails. head &: ga~ley, ANSWERS '! h sleeps 6, $6600. 642-il39, lT.-.0 \\.'l11ll1rr /\vc. ALE!., Black La b ra ti or 439-6321 Costa J\Tr-:a 711 : 612-1:\50 Rl'lrit'vf'r, 6 mos old, AKCI----------- , . n'g. '195-4j82 811 sEA s co u, · s dE',;per .. tC'I)' Open House Fo1hle -Mol1f -No\'rl -n<'<"ri a r.1A.IN sail for 22 Crnsus -COF'FEE TO good horn!'. 2 sn1. Ter-}'()QT A LB AT ROSS . Cnnlut·1us stiy: "Girl who r 1ers, fem, 7 n1os. old. 642--.'iT69 rnakr hon1r 1n .cafr, .'<f'ldom 64fr4!116 8/1 -----------k oud co J' F . PENGUIN 12' fib c r g I a $, Drift wo od Beach Club 11111 t• g f' -· E 1.11 CUTE part Manx k1lt('n Ra\VSUn bu!ll, tl;tr:ron s:nls. hotnl•." 1.31 n f' l' cl s J 0 vi n g h 0 me 21162 P:1cHir Coasl ll wy ~s--0452 : good (.'Ol!d. s~•:.. G~fi-4227 Inquire fll ~[)fH'I' ~G C.t. 8 2 ' 8/1 f'\'('S N •• , ., 8 O · · rvt S1'<'tlnn. ll('1\ . ><'ll c -------.::CC:.: 3 1110 old hlark k'.11en. 2 mo ~Day Saii,•r. C'oniph•lt' Ot·ran (i"Ont :.\lti·27:1l l!IJ\.IALAY,\N KITIENS old ~uppy, 11·hile 1~·1blk. rqul111nc11t. i11c;ludcs onshorr 1~~ SEAi. S: BLUF. 49l-7~ 11/l Baltllla 1,l.1nd 111oorin". VLEf:T\\'OOD. 11-:Xi ,. rxpand(l. Sk1r11ng, all'niui;, 714·.'171-!r.¥.lQ i14-529-:1932 CUDDLY, alfC'l'honatl', \l'hile J~irc now r<'l'.lure!l. :,1~1 p..1tio, l;i1111 r!r. Nr11• Sn. &: grt'Y ~1r1. k111rn. Lovl's --li_'_o ·Oay Daysai~ Cosla Mr~a Adult Park. Dogs 8825 <'hilrlrr:'n. :;.::16-1 188. S/1 Denio SlTJO _Used SlJ.j(I SI~. rnn1i1 612-:!91 1 <'\'I'S. Al.ASIV\N J\lalamu!C's t-led MA-L E S.iamCSC" SC'alpofnt 14 ' O'Day uSC'd ........ S500 :!fl-.:-,-,,,-,;o"i,o r.led;il. 2B-,.-. -, dog pupsl, AKC, bc~u~iful :l!ti n1os. Shots. 673-5879 7/31 Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa 1•olor1ng, grr:'at family dogs, FLUFFY, white malt' killf'n. SNO\liBIRD. lg: hull, No. 420, lri<"lldly, lo.,·i ng, easy 10 1 ""l'<'ks old. ~116-9963 8/2 $250. 7' Glasshoppcr Dinghy !rain. Prrfec1 show flogs, t~REE killf'ns, all colors S125. 673·1901 J::OOll for h r red i n g. 894-4249 LIDO l~. rno. 1561. Xlrtt t'Qn· Rc-g1~tc-f'Nf purebred, S\20 f! 2 rh11on: 1ra1lf'r. S\100 12131 up. 49'l·:~ii3 .1.,~ o--z Ba, ;n1 nir1.i;:-. shr1I Adult l.aburna1n ~2--0';'!Ml sl-1r1tng, ohl nark. 1 J 5 Ln , }'. v . \Vhile t~lrphtit\IS? MOTOR HOMES 9215 , . . 2 BLACK Kill<"ns, J mo-.. · ...,...,, , ________ _ S,\CRt~ lCE: !'on 10 hospittil. ol,J, /re;• to good honir iJoo 11 Nn '.!1:.:1 ". 1:01·rr. f;r.;;::;;;r;;:;;;:;;; hi•our. C:rrat Da{)(' pup. _:o 6~2-6221 c1·r:s. & ""k<"nds Rl i Xlnt t'Ontl. S9Zill. \1ks, Ahl, ni:ilr f;111n, $iJ. -..6--,.318• ,\f!rr : ... f~lli-16·'.0 GOOD homt' 11cedccl for a . i.>-..:. --ni1"1.' 1noth<'r <'al /.: lwr 10 CAL 2:'1. No, 19. OlHOO;iN!. I~? R Z 0 l l Russi~ n irk. old kit!C'ns. Alcri:y prob-1·(111'd rur r~1·lnt'. S..'*IOO \~olrlio\lndl Pup", Chainpton lt'n1s 11rees~il utrs this 111·-67:1-1028 S1rr &. D.1111 f !l6i\-4~flT ~ -""'----gu2-:1'16.l ion. · · · 1 /~I CAL 20 No. j~'.:I. f'ully 1>quip. =o=o=n7.-=,-.-1ACN , L 0 VII BL E. Affrr11onall' 1111-1. hi-;uJ & a11x. pwr. S2!1.15. · {,. • J\f;<lt. _ 1 .1 C'ock-Poo. 1;pay<'11 fP n1nle. 536--4~2. !162-li~Jl n1nnrhs old. goocl d1spo'<I· I . . I ·11 · _c:.__c:cc.....c..c.c. ___ _ ., 64" 82 . 01"" r' 11 r ren. i\1 o \' I n !I: • .,,,. f"OI 1 ... "HOAT aux !>loon 11un ... 10 rll befo1~· r I I ~,, ' ' . '" i::u) pin.· 111~isl , 1111 1'001 ho ~11 r lap~lrakc hull, 1k•111.·nrl. ~1'a 5t1-1l10 "·~1 lll1ttl. 2 st-t~ rl11~-ro11 ~111ls & Novi!'A<' tr;:111u1~·las.~ slarr-FLUrt·\' CUii' li111c•n" 2 splnrik•·r. J\l 11 kt' of I er 111).. UA .•th. U\J~ •raining fen1all'. 1 mitlf' a 11'1.'l'ki< 646-0iJ:\ ~ho11 nni:: 1 & nbedil'ncr. AISCJ \\'t'all('d 6-l&-10~1 11:11 __ 27-,------- p n\·atp r!:~nns available. SOLING l\h1rl11hTf'!SI Kl'nncls 1\1111-:NS, :ill 1Y""· 1Jll * * :i-16.Q9AA * * agrs, all mlors lo i::no~l Immedia te Delivery SlllOCI-\ BOATS .,...--1.l!\I 1-N--,-1-1-1--hon1I'. 1!36-419:1 71::1 l • ·, . · . l\'I' K'rt ~. 6 -----Nt'\\"l"11 r • fii1.2n·i0 l\f't•k~ 1-:.C-autilnl t' h ;i nip LIVE Sluffi'd a111n111ls' ptip~. -,.-. • • --- 1 •••• l'I • • 1 I. 'I· k & 7 l\t'C'k'< 1·11 ''""Y & "u•I 21t l at. l:l~1~ 1l(•sn. t~n!'I 11:ula \ • • J ' " •• 'I \·l'f. " .. ,. • . • ' • ' •. . • 111.n. Still. Al~C rt'"istcred. dl,1. 6Ui-2'.lZ!I 71'.il \<'I: 3. Yr" r:w·11 H.Hl'f', C II ••,;i "~12 • GOOD C 1 II •0 l'n11Sf'. Slier S4~li0. S.<\.".-1019 .i "IQ-u.1 .. onir 11r c1nz .1 _ -_ - TE1\IBrtOl\E \I ,..1,11 Corgi puppy. aJS-.1m 8/2 30' Tahiti Ketch $2,200 eharnp1on Slrt'fl , 5 inalrs. j, PLAYFUL Kittel'IS, lij!cr SAC. A~ IS. ~J So .• St~ f.lalo, frn1all'!'.. Pn('('{( nrrording srripcd. &J2.!«J96 7131 \V. Covina 42.13) m-0-169 evr. In •TU:tlity. r..i&-.i9:l8. TRANSPORTATION &a &.'Out's 11erd II n1ain sail BOX~:R.'i ti \\'('('ks old, i·han1. for 'fl fool Alhil!ro~~ &12-5i6.q pion blood linr. AKc Boats&Yachts 9000 -FLIPPER ±:384 n'i.;1.<lf'N'ol. ti4,_-4c,,_'6_'~~-l l IV,_, Pt'11al{' ]'.iii~ 1,..: \G.l :--• r~ ABOARD ~:.·---- 8ht•lt1cs. 10 wki.. Al\C. Tri~aliin Chris r .B. 1:i0 14' HOBIE CAT Chr1111p1on sin:'~ :11·1~192 all Ii rin1 \\'.l:i,"-. falhQ1n1'll'r. n11!0 111101. 2.:i K\\' Ona n, rhtl'Jt!I a111t RE.111;Lt; JlUps AK C 1n;il''" rl1nghy :ino•hor wirn•lt Chi~ 111 111•1>k.s d1rin1pu111 .,lock Imprnal t'ng1()('S-J10 tnul~·~ -Ii' Cl'nlrfbt)!lfli Slr.:1p fast. 1(11 , l"fln1t 1r111il•r. n1ason:1hk. '.>l~t!~! _.'.:·1~r1~u:'.'._ S'.ti/S·IO. ~JG2-i:!!l'.1 ll11·T~:I() ~2S~t·ully uulllllt••t. 4 l'AHTY P no:llcs. n1111r .... 7 10' f;J.ASSPAR d 1 n i;: h y: sail.~ S/S radio $10.300. HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTO RHO MES ON DISPLAY Tff[ All MEW DODGE "EXPLORER" 5•1t.c1"111nr1 -~~ 1lr clll<M· tlt•l~I, l1U •11• wH• l~ftlt. •1tc•1•, 11111111 1ICM. ~~~ 51Z[I, )I t OOT, JJ roo1. )I fOOI. I YE~llS nNANC- 1 ~~ AN A,PllOVlD tlllOlf \1•'1'k~ ohl S:lll. Hhu·k. !'.tl'C'r 1ng box. l'ahlr~ & dolly. 4!M-b"108. hn11111 ,t· 1\h1tt. OH ~t-'18,J.1 Xlnt 1>0nd Sl90. ~211 l•=""==c-:-c-=====.!..:~c:== Bl-aC"-,-.... -,,-allor puppies, 6 3.'\. STEPHENS st' d 11. n .1 ~M;;:•;;b;;il;;•;;H;;o;;m;;;;•;;•;;:;;:;'~2~0,;;0;M;o;;b;;i;;l•;;,;H;;o~m;:;;';;';;:;;:';;2;;0;;0~1 \"l'l'k..'. Al-\C Reg .. Cha.Jn. Beaut. rond. ~lay , lradell _pio11~ood llf\<'. 646--2159 doll'n. l\tw;t sell. &46-9518 BAY HARBOR MO lflE SALES ll'EIMARANER-I.ABRADOR 10" GLASSPAR dloghy wilh HOME ll<'!rlt'\'Cr pyppics, 8 "'ks. oars. ('.ood: for chlldrt'n for l Clearance Sale uld 96&-4Zi8 thr Bay. $150. 673-367.J 0 11 All Ol1pflll'f' Mfftth 21 to Cho0te F,.rn ~I I N IATURF; Schnaurers, 18' JOJ-INSON Cab Crsr 50 All Sltn 12· ,. l 4' Wide AKC'. 4 mos, pcrnt shots. hp, Evinrudr 08. Ttlt Trlr,I INCLUDING -------be1tulilul flUTK !t.-,0.1667 l'quipt. $10."iO. 84i..o!G711. •OLLA.WAT l<IT FAllVIEW P•t\TI GE --17'6" F ibr!"RlilS.'i J\rn('r ~111.re CASA LOMA IAT HA~•o• HOMml Ho rses 88301 CC 50 HP diesel & tr11tlcr CASITAS COll Nlll CElEll::ITY' 11~L·;;:-Sf>U S~. Part r~. Sl400. 642-9712 · 1 SHERATON MANOI. FASHION MANOR SAHARA hun1rr. I 11 ni p " r , l\a.)I DON ·r JUST \flSll lor 110mC'· {;(•ld111i:. 11; 1 11 Xln! ('{Ill!'!, !l thini to furnish your homl' 1425 BAKER ST., COST A M ESA ~n J·:'O:p'rl ridC'r prrl Blr 9 ..• tine! lt11'lll bu)ia·ln lo-I V1 l lodi l lllt ef Horbo' e11 loll~' CAl.l 540-9470 TODAY n111 nr Afl 6 fl01 fi7:l-:M4:i day's au~lrieri Ad~. 1i. ........................................ ..!I •• • ' I --~··-·--------~~~~~~~~ ...... ~ ............... 97 ........ "":, .... ""''"'""'"" .................. ~ ... ~ ............ '=' .................... ~ ...... ":"' ...................... '!':~!':'~~ Tit<indl)', Ju~ 31, 1969 TRAHSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION ' TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATl,ON 1-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~-1-~~~~~~~ -Imported Autn 9600 lkod Cors 9900 \!sod Con -9900 Uood Coro 9900 UIOd C.rw -....'-"'"..;;,... _ _..:..F I Mobile Homes 9522 Imported Autos 9200 C.mpor Rontok ------- ANGEL 'J\oolltt oo beautllul * EXP'ORER * s~. Penn. New S yr leaat, .. with b-.y view. $7500. ~ By week or month. Luxw-1- &. 6'15.Q972 ou~. Sleei>s 6. Sell cont.at~ ,11' MOBU.E home, cabana. 2 ed. Lfrnltcd number. Call er. &y view. Udo Park. today. $6000. 6'13-2319 LEISURE RENTALS (71~) 64U611, (Il4) 137<380$ Mini Blkos 9275 TRAIL bike, 5 hp Powell. Dune Butalei 9515 Xlnt coud, sllll under wty, DUNE Buggy Show Sale. $175, call a l t e r 1 Pli1 Bodies from Sl~. Chau.is 673--6787 from $249. La Pu Dune l-wlll'CI mini bike. Buw Siipermarket. 3623 };lust itee to believe! W. Wamcr, SA. 546-4045 CllJI a.fl 5, 54$-3586 OPEN &. T wkdys, Sat 10.5 Motorcycles 9300 fmportod Autos 9600 ALFA ROMEO '66 ALFA Veloe-e. Sprint, G.T .. new siJ. wr mist paint, all extras. # ""· $1597 81st'Deels A re At 1....,..-,,;;:, .. :;:;::::;:YAMAHA~SO =.1 DEAN LEWIS T.N, Race eqp'd. X-chamber. 1966 Harbor. C.M. 640-8303 comp, release, hi con\p head &: n1ore! Muit see 10 be- lieve! $285, 6'14-1340. AUSTIN Austin America -v0-:-:-~-v-;u_Y_s_ '6:u~::k ·13a1~v::~~~tt .. ,7 FORD:~ .... N~ •. sabr ~ 2 •·· •·~t Xlnt cond, all pwr It xtru. emerald me:talUc pa Int, BRAND NEW 1969s 4 SPEED AUTOMATIC TRANS. •CHOICE OP COLORS -e DISC IUKES e LfATHEll.ITTE INTERlOl e FftONT 'WHEll DRIVE e INDI PENDENT SUSPENS ION e 1MMEOIATE DELIVERY DRIVE YOURS HOME TODAY! I CHECK i OUR WEEKEND SPECIAL 19~9 AUSTIN AMERICA FULLY EG>UIPPED with autom•tic trensmi11ion. R•dio, h••ter, •tc., Only t ,090 miles $1695 ALSO See 01.1r Gold Saal Used Cars OAAN&E COUNTY'S FINEST SELECTION OF Por1che '1, MG's, A-Heel•y's, Ferrari's ~~ l"lllP Ll r! 31111po 1 t ~, Authoriied AuJtln America-MG Oetler 3100 West C~st H 3100 Wist Cot st Hiwey-Newport Beach 641.9405 -540-1764 '67 122 .......... $17t7 "= ,,._,e ~· •.. ~1.' ... '"'5.1opF, ,..c_,,. a..-.... ....,wer $600 under book, $S500. 5-13-cbromt rim... 1963 l90 enc. Automatic, radk> 4 bcattt. • · 4822 ~ race cam. l Na ... •~ Uc. TM"741 l11. , ·•-c.rl • M t C Int. Over S'r.iO lnwattd .. Extra Sharp. • 0 or o., COMET . !Jake ot!er .... to apprec. '67 144 .......... $23'7 Inc ~·or - • door. Uc. No. UVAl33 .,. •b '66 C ff FORD ~ oo Bl AulomaUc tr&nsnll.ulon, air .,,.. yean in U$int'U Omef' 'w r·l , iJt 8 cyl. cond\Uon\ni •peaks lor ltsell, l-door h.an:H.op. red. auto. S spd. 3'.1,(0) ml. Take over ,. ... . $l_7, 1941 Harbor Blvd., Ot Pl.)'ment1. Pay oU $1.914.2•. ·~ ~ , , , , , , • , , • lil' .,~,, ,...,,, tran., i>ower 1tttrlf'i'., radio M bll S'·tlo l"I " Fait Back. 1c1.1~ rnodel, ===~~~=~'----1 and heater. etc, SVD 381'. 0 "" n, " •~ · di he •· I ~ N '68 BUICK Rlviera. Low mi. C rl' M , C Harbor. S.A, 531-.9245 I'll. 0, . awr, 'l"'"""'· o. a s . otor o., 13411, Loaded! 545-400 9 or '61 FALCON Ranchero, 6 '63 P1IOO ........ $1797 776-1330. Ask for Lori Inc. cyl, 3 IPd, radio & stereo, Sport Coupe. Lie. No IZW48J l''oster 34 years In buslnes., real clean? $650. 8f7-249'j or Looks like new, · speak& lor It.self. 847-1828 '62 PllOO ........ $1197 CADILLAC 19U Hubo' Bl""., Cl\! '66 Fi)RD Wagon, fully Spxt cou.pe. Silver 'Vi.ith red ----642-{Hll equpd w/alr, P/$, P/B. rttterior, Lie. 1111..896 '61 CAD Sedan ~Viii". '61 COME:T. Orie: owner. S'll50. &&24400 day 1 , Bast 0..11 Are At Good cond. $495. 6t2-3850 Stick shitt, Very cl.can. $300. 548-0197 eves. DEAN LEWIS I ' ... &°"'l'"iCADc;'u""">..c~;;m-l<99;;;";e'd"~'v'iini01,l-=""';;;"':=1====== ·~~~~ =:.- 1•othtt .• ~. orlf """"· CONTINENTAL 642-4129 or t!G-1444 $1690. 642-3113 • '65 Ford Galaxy 500. H1'. '62 Sedan De Ville full pwr CONTINENT AL Mark II Excel cond. New tires, $895 ate, good condition $650: black with v.·htte leather &lZ-8382 642--441• upholstery, red trlm. See to '62 t'ONVERTISLE, Excel. apprecla1e. Sl895. MS-15<11 ·~~bys2~· 4 ::· x:~: 1966 Harbor, C.M, VOLVO Bett Deals .,..-At DEAN LEWIS • TOR OH ADO NEW & EXECUTIVE ONLY ·& ,; TO CHOOSE FROM ~ BIG SAVINGS! '1' University : Oldsmobile' . . • PLYMOUTH interior, lo-mileage. $995. CORVAIR Martin, T. R. 9600 I Ml 9600 1966 H&rixir, C?.1. 646-930.1 &IZ-6606 ·66 Wagon, iullY eqp'd. air, '69 Plymouth ., '69 KA \V AS AK I 175 FOR Sale or trade. '5.S A.H. Bushwaker, mint <.'Ond, low tor pick-up or Oat-bed. 231 mlleage. $500 or trade tor E. 18th, CM 646-2831 _lm_,_po_mci __ Aut_ .. ____ 1 mport Autos __ • __ •53 Volvo, rebuUt bead. CADILLAC LITI'LE Old lady selling '64 p/s. p/b, $1195 642-8400 +door lled1n, V-3, auto tl'A .1 PORSCHE TOYOTA carburetor, and ~nerator, ---------Con111.ir Spyder Conv. 4-spd, days, 548--0191 eves. radio, heater, wsw, etc, l C,t! good cond SlOO 536-6868 1: new bat, good tires, turbo '66 GALAXIE XL, ps, pb, actual mUf!I, Fact. -neV. \• • • 61 CADILI..AC 4 door sedan just rE"blt new valves $495 air, xlnt cond. 39,000 orig er licensed: full warranf)>, ~, VW bug. 499-2144 '65 BSA 650cc S pitf ire DATSUN '57 PORSCHE Sunroot, coupe, jet black. JKF.343. SALE! 1967 TOYOTA de ViUe. Orig owner. alr, &16--381• Pv pty · · 636-0302 $269S • Antiqu .. , Cla11lc1 9615 leather upholstery, i;tereo, ~==""''""'-~~~ mi. Make oUcr. loaded \\1/('Xtras. 111 u s t '61 CORVAIR, 4 spd .. 2. dr. Carl's Motor Co., . Corona 4 door Sedan. Excep. 1931 FORD sacrilice~ See at 1 7 5 0 Xlnt. rond. R&tl, &OOd tires. LINCOLN I . • tionally clean. 1 owner cu. Original Ford CouPf' Very Neunv.rt Blvd., C.M. Prl,_1<~95~·="'='~-103'=-~--~ ---------nc. $1'97 Hornet. $600, Xlnt cond. ---------,.._.,.,, '61 OATSUN 'e&o HONDA 305, rebulll R34~ ~u:s speed, wsw. WPN crwlne. Nttds paint. $300. • ,61 VW SEDAN S.1t Deals Are At Automatic transmission, ra. &ood condition • .. ,.... r:'. 34 years Jn bullneu dk>, heater, white wall tires. ' ply. '61 CORVAIR. 4 spd, xlnt 1962 LI n co 1 n Continental ipeaka for ltaeU. , 675-31.36 Pully fat't. cctuipped. VBA HONDA 125, runs xlnt, low 925 SlS.90 mileage. $225. Village Auto Sales DEAN LEWIS 1966 Harbor, C./'\f. 646-9303 '66 PORSCHE 912 coupe 5 spd, AM /FP.t, Im mac. $4.000. Lie. UDE 872. W'dU~ 'GT CAD (bupe de Ville, vinyl cond. S225. Call after-6: 30 Needs work. $200. 19U Harbor Blvd., Of · · ' j· $1499 ---' \ii' . top, stereo, AM /FM, Air ~p ... m_, ... ',."'=11"'26===== 54S-.1223 642-0lll l • all power. leather lnL eltt -========= '67 Pl f 673-1003 46:; E. 11th SL C.\1. 6.(}-0410 645-1441 o1oor & trunk loclc< • .,nu.,.1 CORVmE MERCURY ymollth • ~ ' C ~ 111 to s, $4400. Pvt ply. ---------Fury III, 2~r hardCop, ~rf '1 1964 ilONDA. Good '69 DATSUN condition. Must see! 893--6385 Big se<lan, 4 dr, dlr, 4 speed, · front disc bra.kes, overhead TR!Ut.1Pll lOOJ TRSC. xlnt cam, six-edomeler read11 3200 cond, lo mis, r ee. tuneup, miles. \Vill makto exception- '50cc $750. 548--4lll aJ deal to prvt prty. Full pr. "66 KAWASAK1. 120 CC, 700 SlT:i5. YN\V 146 LB. Ca11 Vic, ~ ATTENTION Clauic •Car 673-8780 ·63 CORVE'ITE Sti.....,ny, 3ZJ '6' M Col ~ W O tory air, auto. trans, -er '· t 0 Buffs. '53 Talbot Supn!me: ... ttc · .-... gn. 1 t · dlo ...-~ ' S ~"y •n ··lot -nd R .... ~·t '62 Cad. good condition im-1''1, Clean. $1695. pa.as, ate, tack. P/S. PIB. I eennr, ra and beatu, ~. l: .,.,... "' "" • ... oa, "" * 67l-ml * elc. TXA 59.l, -., ,. ~ '' ~.! r:.!~v~ restoration. mac. clean. all power, air, P/\V, p!AT. seats. spd. cont, C rl' Mo C :,. •~· ·63 ?.1GB, hard &. !iOlt top, ~~ "°" .N ~ \I/ill sac. 61>---rm:-auto door Jock, AM/FM, a S tor o.•• · ~~ lll'W tires, radio, wire \vheeb" COUGAR much more. S2600. 830-6448 I ., -, Vert good cond. P.tust sell. 1930 Model A. New motor & '61 CADILLAC. Xnlt cond. nC. -•'J: Milke oUer. 494-9808 ~..!S.3031 Ext. 66 or 67 trans. New uphlsty Good Air:~· Private: Par-'69 P.IERCURY c 0 u-, a r, ·~,=·. =. xln~ bod.:: 34 years in business •r • t .'.it-OORSCH£-.Sumwt. .$1400 19.7Q.....l:1An.BOR BLVD body. 329 B Dtl Mar, CM ty. convt, fact air. AM radio, 1o inp. $50. 5fS-8l78 speaks for iuelf_-(. M-""-+-·~i or oUer. Eve1. ask tor Greg COSTA MESA • a"iiYUme--'-"A·MARO -· ·m~ra~ ·wty, S 3 TO'O c. t:~~~2;~:=:::::;::::;;t-194-Harbor Bl'ld:1 f. -miler.-$350 -or--offtt~ 494-97?3 ~ - a'1< for G"•· 642-3.118 . ORANGE.COUNTY 'S NO. 1 642--35}8 --'46 MERC Coupe, orig black ~ 541-0579 -. 6Q..OCl3 I r . 1959 PORSCHB Supor TRIUMPH point, extra eng Incl. sns.1-----:-c:-:-:-:-:-::---1 ~======= MUSTANG '65 Plymouth Satolltte, . ..: Sacrifice ms:; 1--;;:-;;::;;-;:;:;:--1,:"";;;'t-'o:;U:;"~ ........ ~:;;===·I '67 CAMARO DODGE '66 MUSTANG, 289 cu. b'l, 4 Hardtop, bl& e:nalne, bucllltt ' ,, * S48-?943 * 1 , 327. ~ 5pd, dlr, xlnt condition! 1---------•eats. fact air cond., . :, .• : 18835 Beach Blvd. I =~='""'"=,:..;o~~-64 TRIUMPH Autos W1ntld 9700 Flaming red ext., plush • d spd trans. Radio/heattt, paint SU99 fuU pr. wlll lh.c. r:•· Trailer, Travel 9425 DATSUN DEALER l-68-Co-lo_m __ a_n -'l't'a-ile_r_Ca_m_,.,r DOT DATSUN Sleeps 6. Used l season. A Steal at $650. 646-8040 Huntington Beach 1967 PORSCHE 9ll-S, Sla1c Convertible', SJC681. only black int. Sacrifict! Like 66 Do CJ• power 11teeri1li', very clean. prlv prty, dlr, LB-NPU 60tt ,• 842-77Sl or 540-0442 grey, perf. cond. Has had $697 WE PAY_.. forela:n car In trade-. Full pr Conv~rtible, factory a.ir, pow-$1600 * &42-4704 Call em 545-0634. ,1 !/ 95001--=c=,,=,,'-'===-tender loving care. 548-7471 Best Deals Ar• At CASH $1599. UJ H 173-LB. Call Bill er sttcring, TV>wer brakes. MUSTANG 1967 S""-GTA. • ' '68 DATSUN rv ._.,. '57 PLYMOUTII ln very-"""' .. , ---------'56 Purschc. Xlnt cond, nu DEAN LEWIS 494-9TI3. bucket seats, low miles, Mq whetls, new Urts. condition. S250: ·~ ~· '! '64 CHEVY \~ Ton cust cab, Big station \Yagon, auto trans, fires, pain!. Sacr Sll'.XXI. '67 CAMARO Rally Sport, 11h&rp. SYO 578. ./ 545-1449 ./ * Kr 9-3U8 * ' : 1, PU, y-s. au!o, P":r brks overhead can1. dlr, disc bra· 176-6018. 637-5905 ev~. S1850 call alter 6 p.m. Carl's Motor Co., '67 MUSTANG, 6 cyl, auto =====:=:::::;;;=:! r Trucks new tires, clt'an. Priv. prty kes. Perlect condition. Tak>.' ~~.~6-s-c•o=N~V~E~R~T.-*.,.-· II _966==H='_,'"°'=·=c_, ... ",.· =-==I for .. used can I: trucklJ fust 548-7183 I tn.ns, x1nt condition! PONTIAC ."• ~ ~: $1250. 642--0136 aft 4 Pl\1 trade. SacriliCt:', Call Ken * -call U1 for free estimate. ftC. Call 838-229l t 1961 G. M. C. Pick-up. V/6, ~. Xlnt cond. All xtras, nu pnt, VOLKSWAGEN GROTH CHEVROLET 34 ye:a ra in busi fl('u C low miles, rebuilt clutch &I •========1,,o•o;:;p'=. ~M"u.'-t-'"'"l~l.~64~6--123~4== CHEVROLET ipeaks for lttelf. '66 MUSTANG Convt w/ai.r, '65 •EYIW HJ .. ~~ trans. New paint. $745 or ENGLISH FORD '63 Poncht'. 3668. AM/FM '63 VW LOVE BUG AM for Sales Manapr 1911 llarbor Blvd., CM make offer. < C: bes! ofler. oog...1791 radio, chrome whls. reblt Radio, Lie. GPz.174 182U Bead! mvd. '64 Chevy 642-0tlJ 541)..'m3 eves. run pwr, dlr, fact air ~ : ~ * SHEUS • S ong. 67>-mO $795 Hun-"'°"" lmpola. 4-door hardtop, fo~ '67 Dod90 I' Pick Up OLDSMOBILE ditJoninr. pwr -low, , ' Sl ight Fr c iii h t Damage ORANGE COUNTY' Best Oeal1 A,.. At JO S-3331 tory air, power steenng, * AUTOMA nc * low mileqe_ Xlnt condition" ' ~ CHEAP! 839-1800 VOLUME ENGLISH RENAULT DEAN LEWIS poWer brakes, etc. OWK 538. in and out Total Price $13111i' • ~ FORO DEALER WE PAY CASH C rl 's Motor Co RIH. Rod. Sharp! Buy 11 " '67 Olds ww r · rt lB ·-• • ·57 CHEV%. ton pick-up call a •1 Southland'• Truck lleaclqUIJ'· 3l9. vi::~.)'. •a, :· !: 5-16-4a93 $500. e x ce ll ent SALES-SERVICE GOOD Economy car. 1960 l966 llarbor,_C,M. 646.i3ll3 Inc. ter11forONLYSl'495. l-doof hatdtop, auto tnM.. , , cond. '-'69 1.tOOELS Renault -25 mile!! per '6.) EQUIPPED VW Bus, FOR YOUR (AR 34 years in business KUSTOM MOTORS power sttn"ins, radio and 1963 GRAND Prix. P/S, .. .t Immediate delivery gallon. In good running con-healM', vinyl top. bucket P/b, clec windows, R/H, ~ , '58 Ford pickup, V-8. LARGE SELECTION dition Safe tire~ & brakes. with new llO hp Corvair spe:aks lor ifsell. 8it5 Baker St. lf!ttl. elc. -SHARP!' TNT &Pteial aluminum whffla., , ti slick. Good cond. Rt-bit Theodore Sl50.00. Cail 642-3526 alter C'ng. !\lany e:ittras. $1095. CONNELL 19tl Harbor Blvd., CM Cosla Mesa, 540-591a S82. owner. 1.Dw book $625/be'it • S: 'ngifie:. 1525. "8-38,; 4 00 nd IV k d 548-4410 642-041.1 CAMPING • S rll '66 ' ' ' ROBINS FORD ' ' "' •n ' CHEVROLET " ng. Carl's Motor Co., . ouer. 64"-9303 art• pm . :. ~ CA!\'IPlNG & Surling, ·66 1966 VW. Excellent condition '61 Chevy Pickun Dodge Carry-AU, V-8 4· ,....., PO 1 C G · Oodg' C.~-A11. V-8 2000 Hubor Blvd. SUBARU M s 1 I 2828 -m"" c d I book 64 .. 2238 Inc -NT A rand PrtX ,, •: .. , C ta M 00~10 u s t e I mmediately Costa M S4&-J20o Custom sport truck, bucket spee · o · • Fully equip. Xlnt cood. . it 4-Speed, lo book. 645-2238 Oii esa ----$1195. 549-1068 esa seats, fact. air o:.nd. pwr 1968 DODGE Coront!t 4 Dr. 34 ye.an in business Must sacrifice. 847-6193 · .. 1• j\ '62 Jttp, FC-170 picku p, 4 SUBARU DEMO SALE '68 VW Sedan also '67 vw CONFIDENTIALLY steering, dlr. super cond i· lac air. landau. Lo ml. A·l •peaks for Usell whl drive, good cond., $750. FIAT sedwor trade for vw Bua. w ~ .. Moro For !lon! Cost $4400. Will sacri-cond. Owner. 96!J.-2160 l!N.1 Harbor Blvd., .CM e ,....,, flee $2099. LB 886628. Call'-..======== 642-0<13 1194-0386 after 6 PM. 962-2329 Forei-Or Sporu Cara 1· Low mileage Demonstrators, ~-K•n 4••9m or ""~· FORD '67 FIAT '66 VW. 22,000 m ii". PAID FOR OR NOT ~ ~ REAL Sh•'l' '66 O Id JHpl 9510 8"1 Spo't Cou-, nicosl "' $899 SUNROOF. B J SPORTSCAR '66 CHEVY Impala SS, 321, Cuti"'· llol. Cout><. Gold ,.~ SJ395 * 548-5110 • • bucket aeab, auto on floor, '66 Ford Fairlane wit h blk. Landau top, lo 4 WHEEL DRIVE •own. ' 9969$1397 GENTER SUBARU V11ns & Trucks in ONE OWNER P /W, aeals, ~I e er Ing, $495 mlg, nu whUwall tires & Best Deal1 Are At stock. 65 Volk.'lwagen 17,000 ml. 2833 Harbor Blvd. brakes, Air, 27.000 mi, like 2 Door Loaded. VS, ~re, Lie. brks, R/H, custom blk llhr '68 J EEP Commando Roa.dstt'r, sh<i.rp. $1399 $1200. 642-2936 c.osta Mesa S4!M491 new. Sll!OO. ~1955 IRM949 Phone 641-6023 Dlr. Int & bucket scats. Conmle DEAN LEWIS WE PAY Top '68 NOVA. red w/vinyl top. '61 Fonl StaUon Wgn, Good with taeh, P /S, P/B, P/W, '63 YOLKS. New I i rt s, OOLLAR fully equip::!, xlnt cond. transp, small VS, auto fact air. Must see to 1,.97 "A'°,.~,.., ALSO Just arrived. · · brakes, battery & muUler. , _ . 11 650 d h btlle:ve! Private Party Be.sf 1966 Harbor, C.M. .,.,.,...,,,,.,.. 'The New SUBARU 1100 Good nd $695 !M~.2693 at U<:&V1ng aM'a. . Ir an Ji , n c e e a 1 , 1'71Xi0 PONT. '60 Catalina, b\a: eiw; . ·~ 42,000 act. ml. 2-dr, r/h. pY -f ply. $495 -terms. ~ ; Ii RAMBLER . : ! ---------,.-1 • ,: '&l CLASSIC Station W&&'OJ'• 3 1pd, 0 10 , Xlnt ru mJr. .. new tram, ~st olr. ~29-i~ 1 '67 TOYarA SEE THEM AT co · · t for rood. clean uaed cars. 494-8185 3-ll a .m .. 4-7 p.m. S265. * 642-5864 offe r. 962-2860 ~:1!~~o~'fi'~op, look! FERRARI KUSTOM MOTORS ·~ V\V BUS Good nd all =re Sei:c,;:1~~. '65 CHEVY Impala, new e:ng. '68 Ford Torino OLDS '67 Cutlass Supreme. T·llRD _1 S~ Baker St. Xtr A t •A ••-~-· 2060 Harbor mvd. May '68, 15,000 mi, bkt 390 h·~ rt 4 ...i $2550. Full power, fac air. ---------•I' '63 RAMBLER Oa.ulc W ... , on, auto, R/H, S:9,0DO mlle.t. , , Oean! $450. 968-4768 -: ~ l ofU.;I FERRARI Costa Mesa, 54(}.5915 • as. P · tu41, .. ur al! new brakes pvl/ply !11; .. pe onnancc. s.,.., Vinyl roof, bucket seats • 1 .. '66 JEEP Ne\vport Apartments , C.P.f. 642-0010 ~650• ~737S ' · dlr, pwr diAc brakes, one w/con90Je. Still u nder '62 Landau, full pwr, fllCt = \VagoneC'r, big6, po'ol,.ersleer-Newport ~mty~~,.~td. U: SUNBEAM Oeeantront. W'll B · O\VrlC'r, near new. Will take 50,000 mi fae warr. xlnt air, pvt party. Lie. No. "· mg nicest in 1own. SVE 368 ~e d al a .,....,,. au •68 VW 1500 2 dr sdn 21 000 I UJ '64 IMPALA Station Wag., older car in trade. WIL 871 cond. Pvt pty, PSI 81!1. TZJ415. 54G-595.l ' " ' $2291 jze e er. ml Xlnt ~nd R/H 'Pri' d P/B, P /S, air, Xlnt cond, LB. Call Ken~. 847--0353. TRANSPORTATION eu-'.i '~ . 'j? JEEP PlCK~P FSP SAjfJ-i~~~~!;_TS '67 TIGER 289 Conv. Modi-to 'sell $1800. 6n-1n's ce Your Volkswagen or Porsche $8~ 491;.370'2 1966 FORD Galaxy, 7 Lit~. "·02""'s'°K"Y"LA-.,.,RK"'"·.""'v" .. '"."""R~/H"',I T-Bird C.onvertible. Nff1il :: A httle work horse. Lie. Newport Beach fied. Disc brakes, lmmac. & pay top dollars. Paid for '62 CHEVY Nova.. 6 cyl auto. Power, air. tape deck, real w/s/w, fac air, 4 sPd + radiator work. $65. ~· •• 073. 642-9405 540.1764 Make olfer &46-2812 .66 VW Fastback, xlnt concl: or not. Call,-~ $475. 15601 Tu.st.in Villalte sh11r.p! ~9. • s997 G Deal new lires, Blaupunkt radio, ,~ many extra11. 15301 Shasta. '61, 48,000 ml. power equip, : ·1 A At Authorized M er 1967 ALPINE. Exceptionally coco mats. S1450. ~ 1--~=~~~=-Way. no. 7· a.rter 5 p.m. '64 ECONOLINE Van, heavy Ln, HB. 89~7445 air, Xlnt cond., ukins G51!i. • Best Oea 1 re clean. Low mllea.ge. Private U.tPORT'S WANTED 64 N 2 d V-8 4 Good 96" -· · DEAN LEWIS HILLMAN party, $1700~7350 '67 VW. Like New! $1350. Oranae Counties ova r. • sp. duty, auto trans, lite blue. OLDS Starli~ '63, p/11, P/b, ~ t I Owner .. Days 54&-4936 eves. TOP S BUYER orie:. cond. $750. 646--4$3, xlnt thruout. 642-2909 air-cond., new tires, auto '62 FULL pwr, new U~ ~ '60 Hillman Husky motor TOYOTA 642-7787 Bn.L MAXEY TOYMA "",.'-..,7,..4,.13_,,.-:-,,-,,-::--,,,-IFAI..CON '62, 4 dr, 6, stick. windows, metallic blue lm· bat~. wry clean ssqo. : 1966 J·larOOr. C.M. 646-9303 'needs work. Make oUer. .61 V\V SUNROOF BUG. $600 18881 Buch Blvd. '68 Bt>I Air, -k!r. Fact air, Good cone!. S340. mac. By owner 548-3106 548-32S4 eves. · , ,. 52 J EEP-4\VO, Military, new 847--0138 '6I Toyota Corona or best offer. H. Beach. Pb. ln-1555 P/S, PJB, 32'1 V-8, lo mi. * 54&-1326 * '65 CUTLASS 442; pwr .. dlx. '68 T·BlRO, 429, B/Landau., , : seats roll bar, Tl(!W tnnR. * AUTOMATIC * 645-0479 WANTED junk cars. No tow--'~""~-833--09-~1-'--=--i'57 FORD Wagon, rcbtl eng. inter; 11pec, wheels. Mint lull power, 11teroo. TUe S975. 'h1obil Station, 101 N. MERCEDES BENZ ~--uo •1~ '65 BEL Air, 4 dr, 3Z7 eng. new ti res. $135 6JS.3603 cond. $1495. 8 4 6-0 8 2 4 i over pymts. 548-04l9 "'r. ........ =n '69 VW CAMPER away ........... ,,,_...,, uu. , --"""'"'=-"-'"'-:,:;;---I , H&TOOr. S.A. 531-;io-.. R/}f. Super SHARP! s1,,,," $3400 --~-Air, PIS, $1225. Prlvale NOW'!. THE 523-3357 r· 'SQ T·Blrd, white. \ '46 Army Jeep. top condition. 11 won't last 1o,. so lluf'T')'! 646-7080 Auto l1a11ng 9910 1..;:',:IY;.,·,o.,..."'-,98=18c.· -=.,---I 'M 0 I d s convertible:, Jd, Sacrifice miO. New eve?rything! Incl ~t. KUSTOM MOTORS "S'VVV,-;'1"1:-.Xmd::siim-O.:I..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;; '65 EL Camino, Xlnl cond. TIME FOR cond. origil'l&.l owner. $650. *&44-1033* & tire11 . 67~2151 845 Baker St. '66 VW. xlnt cond. Sl225 or New tires & paint job. $1095. 642--1583 -;;:Cos:r.;ta;;;•;:;'';;;"r;;' ~540-59;;;;;;15r::;• I be~ oU"·,~ ~" LEASE • RENT Ph' .......... "UICK CASH VALIANT " '6~ Jeep Wagonetr, stk., ovr tlr .. 4 whl drive. Bi& Gates tires. Eves 548-2670 1 ........,...., All POPULAR "' ·~i& OLDS, 1d. motor, nu , •. , : (TIOfYIQITIAJ ·ss VW. R/H. 23,000 miles. MAKES '34 ~y THROUGH A ~~sU:-V.:=ofr, '6l VALIANT Sta. win. a'uto , Recreat'n V•hlcle1 951S Bost O.ols Aro At MAK.ii,~i["" AUT~~~~ZEO 67"~2965 DAILY PILOT '64 OLDS, l owner, F-85. i::risl"' or ""t o .. , °" ": ; DEAN LEWIS .62 vw 8 /h, Xln .eond LEASING '66 Chevelle Malibu, R/H, WANT AD I/air, p/s, bucket stata. 3 Bl 1 ,.__. ug r 1 , SYSTEM p/a, low mileage. Xlnt ..,.=~~~~,;;~=J..::'~p~O;;oo;r~.ru=·r~l.=!1300:;;:;:;::·,;968-5l56;::;;;;:.L:'l'bl:;;ta:=•:;l•:=P;::lwo=:"::l,:D:;"'-'=:;:="";:lc( 36' Hou.s!'car. t-n1. vuuu '60 m.s Convert. Very Make oUer. cond. Make oUer. 64z-1007 ;;; :-• motor & tires, 3298 Del clean, $1200 on reblt eng. 1966 Harbor, C.Al 646-9303 ....,.""",,..*_.,......_,-,...,*,--.,_I Gel Our Compelltlve Rlle1 . - Mar CM anytime ......, cl th top ==~~~~=== ;;;; Th---1-ro '66 Malibu Conv. Fae air, · MKb ~·" new o . Bill. MAXEY '69 VW, ounrf, rodlo. matr -321.. toodod xlnt nd l~~om~-~";;:::;;;~~9;52;0:1;$3000~~· :.....,J:.\"~s;::--::: I bump" id•. t><rl. M.,,1 ..U. ROBINS FORD St..0. ~7828 '° · ,.. * 1964 2'JO S * SlB95. 71.4-842-.5788 eves. 2060 Harbor Rlvd. Mere. Btnz, auto, pwr str, ITJOIYIQITIAI '67 vw. xlnt cood, low Co.ta Mesa 642-0010 '62 1ciJ~!:: :~~ Air. CAMPER am-tm, pwT brks, complete • --· -mileqe. 11525. &42-6852 Salti .. Rentals ser. ttcords. 499-2545 11811 BEACH BLVD. * 673-32ll * Jt" LEASE """' AulhoriJ:rd De<Jer 1960 Mercedes 190. Clean, Hunt. Beach 147..fSSS '66 BLACK vw, orig. owner. '68 Cadillac CoUPe de VWe, '65 Chevy Impala 2 Or .• Good EJdorado • Four Wlnd• new tires. S7SO f Ir m . 3 ml N. of Coa1t Hwy, on Bch new um S1095. Vllry &ood fully e:qu!pped, S129 mo. cond. Auto, V--8, fl200, Scotsman • BarTacuda &f2..-4452 eves. TOYOTA condilion.' 642-fi033 '67 }"ont, lO ra.u station w""· 6751578 a· Cabover Low Al VW BUS S 1 23 000 on, rlh, air, p1, S75 mo. 57 CHEVY 283 S'799 MG w unroo · • '67 Chm NWl!I. ,Ir $67.50 mo. 3 SPEED $450 1oiockl # 8XI llEADQUARTERS ml~es. Excdlerit c.o n d ·SOUTH COAST Excellen! cond gc..1461 ELMORE Privat• party. S37-7Ml CAR LEASING 1968 VW BUG 300 W. Cit Hwy, NB 6t5-2U2 Theodor• ·51 MG TO reayd to rt1IOl"f' Good condition. ~95 Good cond. $159$. or makel='===:i:i==='= 15300 Beach BI'f'd. W1tmnstr otrer. 644-1244 or 548.-n79 UMd Cars 9900 2000 llarbo.r Wvd. l96llMGd~~~~~~ ==-,.,,.,.,::--;-;119<.1322==-=::1 '65 VW bus. 9 pug. R/H, 2 ROBINS FORD 491-12'2 ~~ Mesa '42.0010 mo or & • wP ui~ """""• BACK To Vietnam, must new Urts. ~ rond. Service TRANSPORTATION CARS .......... ~rs. 83s..JSbo or 83>+t2'l --" -T ~.-di •" MO 1~~~~~~~·1~~~~~~~=1 ~! ·~ oyota ~~" .. r.<o r ds . ov.11. llWPORTER TORS 1:00 V\V Ckmper. X1nt cond, 4 'Pd, reclining 1 eat, S1l50 * &132-362 tent. icebox, now lire1. OPR buriuncf1fblck Int., $2200 or &IU770 da)'s, &t&-0081 altrr '6I OPEL ~N54o11e:r, call an ~. 5 pm. FORD VMetlf' Camprr t)"pe, Baby Blue, Wpeotti, ndio. ''6 CROWN WAGON 6 cyl. 3 spd'. New bl"tkff ra.ck. vzv5t163597 Stkk shill wlth ovt"ntrlve, l't'bl.t. xlrlt cond. Read)' s. one OWntr. l.lc RGB760 M2-I3"B S..1t Deals Are At $997 RENT-A.SHELL • DEAN LEWIS Bost Dool• Aro Al ~~~~~S. : E ~i'~ J966 Harbor. CAI. &46.$30.l DEAN LEWIS CHARGE your wane 1d now. SOCK rr TO 'Elo1! 1966 lf1rbor, C.~f. 6~!!303 I ' VOLVO '58 VOLVCS ntftf"'aood, very clean. ~11 olttr * 642-4890 '84 VOLVO 544 &11 2 rtr. 2U3i6 llARBOR BLVD. C0$TA MESA 54&-52'4 or 54MJ11 FINANCING AVAlLABt..E BUICK Sl.<KXI mi. Bttutlf\ll con-'61 v-a Special, IOOll tnn-. dlUon. $895. 54~7301. air cond.. Saerif\Ct'I $250. THE QVJCKER YOU CALL, Must KO thil WHk! M&-UJ 4 TH E QUICKER YOU SEU. OlARGE IT! 4 CHRYSLER f67 CHRYSUR 1·DOOR HAROTOP V-3, automatic. factQf')' air. pomr steeririg, power hr.· ke1. radio k heater. Irnma· culate. (UOr. '1'"3\ $2295'· ATLAS CHRYSLER -P~YMOUTH 2920 HAMOR. BLVD. COSTA MES4 546-l!134 Open Dally 'UI Jo p.m. I j I . . . .. .... "' ' ' ' ' ' " ' . .... '! . ' • • --------...--·~~~--------·-~----------------------------------------- • range Coast Area Men in Service Around the World •• ,... or.nee c.un11 -"'" ~ •board tho u 8 s sptdallst, bu been assigned Anny, son of Mr. and 1.1rs. the~pollo JI cap;iolc aDd of the Aeroap1ce Defenae and Mn. O.E. Kaftr of llU lo a unit of the Air Weather Bernard R. Kidwell of 3672 astrooauts. Comn;:iand. Drtadla Circle, H1.111Ungton Ne wport ~each and Bo.tswaln'a MMe &.C. Tedd)' W. Ceodlfl, 'aon • ol Mr. and Mrs. E\lerttt Condiff of 10141 Valley F o r g e , Huntington ll<och. to the 1Jt Slgnal Brigade near Nha Trang, Vietnam, p a perso'V"I specialist. ~lm..toC• entOlllt IO lbe ,_ .......... Service. S131tiyou. Westminster, has They are Alrmq Ro\aad L ~ch, ts a membtr of the been assigned to the U.S. Uospllatm11 Appren. John Swln:ger, son ol Mt. and Mn. Mat.lne OOrpt Platoon Le.Iden ~ ~ A•latl11 -,.c. l'llllllJ J. .. ie... U!ill, 800 ol Mrl· .. Whalen • 0( :JZ82 Sft, Qarb M. ~. 22, son lnfe.ntry Boe.rd, Ft. &nning, L. Golleber, USN, son of Joseph F. Swinger of mt e1u1. QuaDtlco, Ye., The ,prc>- ol Mrl. Joyce ·Gray of 3152 Cia., upon his retu rn from James Golleher of 5092 Flarp-Calle Chueca, Sin Ju a a gram Js designed for eoUege Sumatra~ COsta Mesa, recelv.. Combat duty in Vietnam. lngo Circle, Huntington Beach, Capistrano aod Al,.... J.C. '1Qdeoll &nd leada to' a com-- ed the Army CommeodaUon For hls valorous action is attending the N 8 v a I Robert S. 1'bo!8•t, eOn ol Mt· mlaalQn 1n the Mariner~ 'c.pt. FrandJ Li Smith Jr., Medal while serving with the agains t tbe enemy, the young Hospital Corps School, Naval and ltfra, ;mn Slmqnsoo ot. UAM '8f8,duatka ,lrora c0Ut1e,. 23, wltost PttUb UVe at -711 LL Richard L. Newtoa, II, son of Mr. and Mr1. Kenneth V. Newton of 465 Francisco Drive, Newport Beach, has been assi&ned to the ;znd Infantry Dlvl!lon, Artillery, South Korea. Jliomla Streot, Coat Mesa, Alrm .. AptlreL Mlcbael Geracl, son ol ,.,:r. and Mrs. 9th lntantry DiviB.ion, Viel-combat veteran has been Training Center, San Diego. 3903 Calle Andli1ueia, 8an . '~er, a·at.Cltn,t ·~~ Marigold -Ave.; Corona del nam. decorated with the Bronze Clemente. · . Yo~ng • \Jnlyersily, .' f~ Mar, -ls commanding bfn'cer pJ oseph Geraci o! ~! Warner • ~ ve., HunUngton Beach. tt The alrcrafl carrier Sgt. Gray earned the award Star Medal with oak leaf Alrm{\n s w I n R 6 r, ' 4 completed .bit· nnar 4oW'i; fl/. the 588th Eneineer Battalion's for meritorious service with clus ter• Mr Medal and the u:rF. ~~se:r iirs. N~~~~j telephone I n a t a 1 t a l LQ !'I lrainina' at the Marthe COrPs D Compeny Ol1> duty near Tay The l,leutenant is a graduate of Corona del Mar Hlgh School 2nd atfended Orange Coast COilege and Long Beach Stata COllege before entering the service.. lU! at~ OCS at Ft. Sill, Okla,, before ltavinl for Soulb Korea. Headquarters and Company A Purple Heart for the Second repairman with the 7 8 t b T.>eve1nnrMht , and EducaUon Ninh v •-•-·m . time Stanton of 1016 Sandpiper y · h In H II B vr·-, KaUA··o; ol the Division's 9lh Medical · Drive. Corona del 1.1ar, an 1g te.r W lj, am ton AF , Command at QqanUco. !Saratoga will serve wlt.b the !IJ.s. Si.Ith Fleet. Rattali.on. The sergeant is a graduate ls a gradua!e ol San Clemente ~ ; of Westmlnster High School, avionics in 1 l rum e n t lfigh School and at.tended Mlra L Yeom1n 3.C. Dennhi Ptic~ ii SCI--1 P. Oboll, 22, iri.s. Anny, son or Mr. and : rs. Theodore P. Olson of :_ !Gt Roosevelt Way, Costa ·Mesa, received the Bronze : flt,ar Medal in ceremonies held :.aear Chu Lai, Vietnam. Stall Sgt. Harvey L. Semler, 1966 and altended Orange repalrman, is on duly at Tuy C9sta Junior College . and 'fy<q Oran~e coast inen are USN, son of. *8. Carolyn son ol Mn. H.A. Semler of 444 Coast CoJlege before entering Hoa AB, Vietnam. Shasli' Junior College befo,re serving . abriard ~ tis S Price ol !.o&I Marton Way, Costa Mesa SL, Costa Mesa, is the service. The sergeant is a waduate entering the servic:e. Constellation, eoiKtucUnr CB· Costa Mesa, Ls sCJieduled to of Van N•1ys High School &:Jd Airman t.C. Thomas; a com-rler qdaliflcaUona: off .tbti coast return to the U.S. with Naval serving with the First Marine Seaman Appre. MlchaeJ C. attended Orange Coast College munlcatlons e q u t p m e n t of CaJifomla 1 tn JftparaUc;in Mobile Constructlon Batlalloo · A\liafioil Off leer Cbaldatt Aircraft Wing in Vietnam. House, USN, son of Pt1rs. lreJ1e before entering the service. repa1rman with the 7'8 t b {OT the carris't flf~ combat 40. Jolm L ........ , USN, son of O!fi d M. House o! 1009 Geo,gla St., F;ghtu Wing at Hamiltoo -In Scilllbasl,.Asia. Mr. ond t.lrL lltepben W. M~~ Wl)(li:;, ~: ~~~ Huntington Beach, is serving Two South Orange Coast men AE'!.· is also a graduate of sao· elfTbey ware~--Applen. Spec. 5. Robert E. Blake~ 26, Bradt~ ~ "125 \Ila 'Lido SO\td, ~, The sergeant, a squad ~ ader in Company C, 4th Bat- • ion, 31st Brigade ot the b E W I d f aboard the anti-submarine have been selected to recetve r-inente High ScbooL J rey ... _., eon of M.r· son o( Mr •. and Mn:. IVln C. Newporj: Beach, bu reported and Mrs. Ra1p • 00 ar 0 aircraft carrier USS Hornet. the Air Force· Missile Safety and Mrs. Frederk:k S. Field of Blake of-.JS)f' Boa Vista Drtve. to OCS at the Naval Air Sta- ; eric&n Division's 196lh .. ght Infantry Brigade, was 1711ch P~k St.d,. HunAti~gt,.on The Hornet recently recovered Plaque as members of a unit Scott O. Kafer, son of Mr. S401 Bruce eresent ·Drive, Costa M1!1181, bas been· assigned tion, PensaCol.a·, Fla. Bea , 1s au.en 1ng via 1on,....::....::..:::.:::.:,;..:..::::::::::..:.:::.:....:::.:::.:....::.::::..:::. _____________ :._c_--'--------~~--'-----'------=---'---~'-'----- Officer Candidate S c h o o I , resented the award f o r ritorious service in ground rations against h o s t i I e :_i.rces in Vietnam. Pens&cola. Fla. He is a member or the Av iation Reserve Officers program. Airman Robert II. Bu.sh, nephew of William R. Sim- mons of 2067 Port lb"istol Cir- cle, Newport Beach, has been assigned to Lowry AFB, Colo., for training in the !llpply field. •• " ;i Staff Sgt. David D. Bryant, ~n of retlred Air Force Lt. ~I. and Mrs. John Bryant of _,~J09 Miramllir Dr., Balboa, is ;J>ll duty at Tan Son Nhut AB, ;..Vietnam . ;! The sergeant, a personnel SgL John B. Kldftll, U.S. ?-,._,.~--·-- ~. ~Two Donors · ~ Force cadet David W. Diebolt, son of l\1r. and "Mrs. John J. Diebolt1 1430 Deauville, Costa Mesa, ; as awarded the Outstanding Cadet Award and the "'..Bronze Medal of the Reserve Officers Association &~-ward, at Loyola University, Los Angel~s from Col. • rancis J . Briscoe. - • :-.. -. • • ' CLOSE.-OUT SALE EVERYTHING MUST GO Lap Hardware Taall ;Plywood :Electrical ;Paint t Salli & Doors · Motilcllngs Onks Files Shelvl119 ·Office Equip. Fencing Floor Tile SigM •• Light Bulbs Weather Stripping Locks Paneling Sheetrock Ca$h R119ister Desks Chairs Tables TOO MANY ITEMS TO LIST! -CASH AND CARRY - AA Sales Final-No Refunds COSTA MESA LUMBER. CO. 1700 SUPERIOR AVENUE -COSTA MESA • Sears ! Hi-Way Special ' Full 4-Ply Nylon $ for 6.95x14 Tubeless Blackwalls Pins 1.96 Fed. ~c. Tax on Each Tire and 2 Old Tires SIZE do-in Price · TUBELESS BLACKWALLS ~ ,, ' t'ed. M e. Ta. perI..ch'l'ir9 ; . 6.50xl3 2 f9r '29 1.79 6.95xl4 2 for '25 1.96 7.35xl4 2 or '28 2.07 7.75xl4 2 for '32 2.20 .8.25xl4 2 for •36 2.36 5.60xl5 2 for '25 1.76 7.75xl5 2 for '36 2.21 Whitew'alla Only '3 More Per Tire! • ' ~------------------~---------~~-------------------, 1U1HA. ,,._TA 1-4.fOO, .$21-4530 a AllONTf GI 3-391 1 lONG 1WA01 HE 5.0121 PKO Wf: t..f262 t IAHTA ANA G 7..)371 tOl:W'4Ct .5.f2·1S11 I CAHOOA r• 340.[>661 (;UNDAl! CH ,.1004, a 4-461 1 o.Y1'U'IC ' 50tO AN 1-521 1 l'OMClolA m 2.1;,.1; NA f.Sttt, 'n.I 647'1 SANJA t1SP1HOS.N4-a)ll UPV.MO m.1w I I. c:oMl'lOH NE 6-2$11, NE 2·5761 HOltl'WOOD HO 9-59,1 OIANOt 637-2100 UHtA MONICA EX 1-6711 VAl.tn' PO 3-8461, "4·2220 I OJVt.14 966-0611 INGllWOOD Ol 8-2521 P.w.o&U. 611-1211, 3-'1-4211 m?HCCMIPV.ZA 640-3333 VW\Q!fl' Pl 9·191 1 '---~--------------------~~------------------' . . Sea rs ·"Sc11isfaclionGuaran11edorYourMon1y8ack" • • I I •