HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-06 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa17 'PREACHER' LOOKS PART Be1"rd Goes With Work -. WORN BEARO 10, YEARS · J er;y Na Newicomtr DAILY PILOT . • --. \ PREFERS' NATURAL GROWTH Chuck Just Lets It Grow ( ... ... ,_ - . CR __ ,.,J KAT SPOOFS FACIAL AIR No Mustocht for He r I ' . ··- -· ' . ·- -•. .!~\L~.t' • • u;..~ - , ' • •• * * * 10' * * * New 'Retu1·n' .,, · 1 ( WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, AUG.UST 6, 1969 Hinshaw -'Sna.g' By .Senato!~--"-··--~~~-:· -·· '. .... "~--: .. ·:·~~ ~ ~, __ ·. , ' ' From Wire Strvlcts · · g .::1dent look two new turns tdday with · · · · -Dist. Atty.·~~g-he -~:11r Jufttor:-co1tege-1'f5trtct·-~efy:~fs10n-ttiat=umj .1iiake·,'~~-...:.8r;d~~n"K10ff, ~ aeen~::sfbaenl -~o- \rould gO aheqd with .an inquest and Ken-lrustecs ~'on · Soperior Court back.ing allomey Richard W. P_etherbrldge.. tivities. . . _, , In School By .,OllN VALTERZA -Of tfl9 h!lf ,llM Jiii! A $35.~ rhilhon budget hung o.n an unanswered te leJ)hOne . call :Tuesday as Newport 1desa 1.Jnified School District trustees faded an \lneipectml l~ of:up to $600,000 in income riextyear.' They were told that County Assessor Andrew J. Hinsha w had refused to answer a call as the district ad- ministration tried to straighten out the financia l picture. The board heard pre<lictions of a ••possibly 'ver.y serious cash flow problem ncxl year'' if •linshaw'.s co-mingling of taxable and tax-exempt lands in the Up- per Bay area causes a freeze of tax revenue which usually comes to the district from the tuable land in the disputed Upper .Bay .. ~ • · • . •q have been lr}'ii:i,g '\o s'pt'a~· lo the :asseS!or fof ·the pa~fWo~dSys. 1;aiked ror a call from him t.tiPough his secretary this. morning, but 'I ' M:vei ·g9t one. e>qVioltsly he doesn't Want ·to ta lk ·to wi," said Supt. WIU lam Cuhningham. "l told the secretary;rpecificaUy that I· had to make a report to a public body <1nd to a community • here tonight, but that didn 't seem to mattel·~ When I called back thi s afternoon he had gone bOOle. be added. . . ' • The board, obviously chagrined at the a.11sessor's Jack of response, decided to adopt the $24,613.497 budget as prOP.Psed \Yithout making firm provisions for the possibility ol the '600.000 loss next fiscal year. Instead, they Instructed Cunningham to kee.p trying to contact Hinshaw and press for a separaHon of the two calt:gories of land. so that the taxes still can beJevied . They also asked the superintendent to drafl possible methods lo cotnpensate for the IMS If it Indeed occurs. The adopted budget contains •173,568 in --- s.lii rts from undistributed rese rves into cirryoyer projecfs . along 'with. a P'MY hike in the community· service tax to~y : fer 'Ne\vport Harbor WgQ School's~.Dew swimming pool filter: syslem. ;:, , ·MOOey to m&kt up for 1he Joss ritiihi ~ve: to be lapped from an already ·per, 1lousJy low reserve ac.count. Budget and Busi ness Service Director \Valter Adrian said. The money could also come from bor· rowing against the district's bonds, but lhat coold pose some big problems, loo, he. said. Experts told the board thal it seems impossible to sell the district's bonds at the standard five percent interetil ra~e_ .. because or the prese nt tig ht money cr1s1s. . 1£ ~ boods had ·to be sold, Lb'e .:inter- est ...rate would have to. ·go+higher~1 an d that w'ouJd req'uite· voter approval; . An ete<:tlon ~ ·~ matter•woq.Jd-,have to tle Mid • JiC:xt· January to 1.assuni ~8.lc of Uie ·boi,ds by next July-tl\e date . .whin the pinch of the loss of the"lax ~y might be felt. ' . ·~----~. Several members said they ~I".· the borrowing, would only ·servE!'. ~ ~ temporary , relj~ ';l!inct...[he b(\I · ' amoon\ has , IQ Iii · 50pabj~ yiar 11 iS .bo(ro ~"· .. ~·.:r~· · · 'F'Urthernlore. they said, the borrowing might conllict with the district's build· ing plans. The district's dwindling reserves lo date total $797,453, or about 3.4 percent I\ comfortable-reserve sum, Adri'a n said, is about five percent. The board ag reed that it any new 1income is forthcoming. panicularly rrom state sources, it should be added to the ........... The vote on the final budget, Including the two modifications-was 6 to I. Trus- tee Donald A. StraUS! voted "no" With· out explanation. ' S11ppo1•ters 'Co11fide11t' ncdy re~·ealing new de.tails on his return Tuesday for theii' refusal to regard the .Cor fman ended ahnos.t three ~~rs o( Kroll testified ftom the witness st.qld to the scene ol lhe Chappaquiddick Island 1nilitant Sludent.5 for A Oemocralic· Soel· ~~t:a~r:~p c:ec::.itnta~:t as am':~ and. A1oore ~lated through dePQeition ul}tt crash. , el;: group ~s a reco~nlied organliation status . as those accepted by the college I~ SOS group h,ad ~,n denied recodi· ~~nnedy lD.·Afto1ss.) revc;alcd t o on lhe Orange Coast Colle&E'. CIJm~s... ctdmlnlllk~tq~S: and ~1 (lofJ!t, ;n this lion becaus.e of "g~als.and a~s ff'l.e~ '61 associates that he .and two frioods.retmn·-. ~udge Rol,a!rt' CorJ~iU\_<U~li!ied :--Ule:... '~.,get, tbe·.i~o a (Qoar:tn'!..i&rrn>idi:at•i!i.-". ~-e:.n.~Uonal_ ~r~anLZ-"h°'!_. whl(:h:~t~-~ cCI. in a rented white Valiant lo the scene SOS argument that its members· .had granWd to the olher gf9ups." compal!6re ,,with cO'llege po1i~e:1 a'd ~·here Mary Jo Kopechne drowned. ~n unlawfully barred from a ..status en· But he made it clear that district' regulaboos,. . . ~ C!1ris~phcr J , Look Jr. has told police Joyed. b~ other campus clubs and lrus~s acted wlt.hin the law p~d,,wlthln Kroll lns1sted, in an ar~ment tti~t w~ he,saw a black car resembling Kennedy's or~an1zat1ons. thelr clearly defJ~ regulations · w~en refuted outside . the courtroom by ang~ app roaching the accident scene at least School trustees, deans and ad· they wJthheld recognition of the left. wing SOS spokesmen, that there had nev r a.n hour after 11 : 15 p.m., the time of the minili~rators: • .shou!d be pennJtted· t.o group a~ a campus or~anlza~n. He been and would ~~be any (f(!nial of . \vreck estimated by ~he senator. exercise their dlsc~h9n:·· .and shouldn .t pe.rttcµla.rly upheld... decislaos tn that u~ of college fac~ll~I~~ by the &nJ!Jp. He ~A spokesman for DA Dinis indicated he be hauled 1J:efore the' court to exp lam sense·by Cbl.Jege jJri!Sldint 'Robl!rt ·Moore ' arglied-lMt tfie·grvup· s, me~sage-of ~p- 1\'0uld act under a state Jaw which gives P?rl of campus tu~moil arid, advocated him lhe power to "require" an inquest disruption of U~'{ersity. and ~~ .... despite a judge's request today for ad-C z ·t . M . h . sch.e~ules was contra,ry to stated·~ dilional information. a l orn .. " .. p igan poliCJes .and repugnant to many ~r The law states ;n purV "The •llomey .,._,.,, "'-' · : st~.dents on. the Cosf~ Mesa _ca"!pus, »\' general or the di s t r i c l al· We have here a , situation In whl~h tomey •.. requ.ire an inquest to be treld · : · -' . ·' stude.ats,i ~__.-l'~IJf·pub!Js.. Pf'OleSSO(S, in the case of any death supposed to have s l • F • l L • k d adtnJhl~trators and t~ all have1'• been caused by externa l means." ayings irm y in e vested ,:?terest inl, the 'Of)erallon of tfiis The same law says Dinis may ask for . . . . • ' "!!°"'' Judge Corfman co1nm"1ted .. the· ibquest. Tha~ same,11ene.rat publtc has chard;d Dinis sought the inquest Jn a lelter sent UlOSe lru~tee~ and admin1stralo1'1 ~ 10 Edgartown District Court Judge James YPSILANTI , Mich. lU PI) ·-California reportedly-.told police she allowed Collim the ope~atton ol the sch9ol. and has iJ:ven A. Boyte last week. and f\.tichigan police today 11ougtlt rurUier to"drive ,her. horn~ one, ~ay• in.~SaJina;i, l~em., tllrou~ lts._~8\IJ"'t,ions, a ~ Boyle replied today that the letter was Jinks In a chain they believe could tie v.·~ere she was visit.Ing her sister, J\lrs. a~ounl of ~ts:;reuon In ~t ~ra(lon •• "unclear." He asked Dinis ·lo declare t ti . f •· . •-h Fra"'~· Gauthier. "1ss A"r-hl said lbe . Yo,u ca'! t, he said. take a man and natly whether he wa.'! requiring an in· oge ier a series o murl,l\;rs in .,.,~ '"-""' i"1 ID .... tell ~1m .to run your 11ehoofl ind the]' quest or simply askJng for one. slit~. yooth told her he was studying to brt' a deprive hir;n of .the right ,~;ex~lse J.ud.s· Dinis met with newsmen here and said J\lonlerey Cunty, Calif., she r l fr' s teacticr at Eastern Michigan Unlver1lty, ment: DO that and you..m!&ht 1~ ~B ~will he will call "all witnesses" who have deputies sa id Ti.1Efiday there was a and made a da1.e."to retur.1 to ·the ~ome · have a puneh>card:to:do·tlie Job. :~ r anythin·g to cont ribute. lie did not definite connection between seve n the rollowlng nifit, JUne 30, but broke.it • Deputy County Coµnsel John Powell specify, ho~·ever, whether this 'vould in· i-layings or young women in the Ann f\fiss .Phillips disa p.,tared.the next daf· 1 • (,See SQS,RfJ~q.:ea~~l:.1 • elude Kennedy. Qinif also said he planned to meet ii•ith Arbor-Ypsilanti atea and the killing near on the way to mall a letter. lier nude, Boyle shortly to set a dale Cor thE! inquest Salinas of Roxie Anh Phill ips, 17, of decomposed body was found at an Illegal and establish ground rules. Milwaukie. Ore. dump In nearby Carmel nearl)' two week& Asked when he e.xpected the. 4lque.st to The key to the kUUng, police believe, ls later Police· iaki the method of h~r be, Dia.la "'"Ollld·say on~: "!00"1." • John Norma n Coll~m, a 5enior in elemen-'1'; ~ " t ed savage killing r e.s e, m b I ii d the '111s Inquest will deal specifitYtllY with ary ucatkm at Eastern' Michigan . the death of Miss Mary Jo Kopechne, the University. i\1ichlgan .sleyings. '· ' 28-year-old secietary from Wa6hington, Collins, 22, faces examination '.fhursday Police here sfud Arnold DavJs, a c'°5e (Su Kfil:NEDY, P1ge t) on rlrst.<fegree murder charges in the sex friend or COllins. told them he was \\<1tb slaying of Jg.year-old EJ\fU coed Karen Su1.: Heineman, who wa.~ last seen alive Uollins and another man In the car that t1vo weekS ago today 1eavitlg a downtown pic ked up •J\llss •Joan ·Schell; 20, on the \vig shop .with , a yOWlg man . on a last oighl she v.:as seen alive one year 1notorcycle. ago. · ' · OrUBlfe 'j . ·"~~,.-. 1 Those low·haniJog clouds wlll be' around In the' nl1h(. and morning hoor3 u usual ' T.l\Ursday, with ~ teinrietaturtst still :reeding In the lower 70's. INSIDE TODAY ABM Nears Photo Finish Two Michigan detectives went lo Salinas earlier this week to investigate a trailer allegedfy stolen and hauled to. Callrorpla by Collins and a missing frl~nd • .4n<trew Julian Manuel, 25, Manuel !!' being 50qght bY, the FBI on .a federal THROAT SLASHED Police said 'Davis •to~ them Collins dropped him and the Other man..otf, and was to have pk:ked up MiSB SChell la ter. lier nude, iexuaJly • m6lested body was found a week later· in .a JQ.v.ers I ant a:rea. Her throat had bee:n slashed and' she hid• been st&tsbed five tim eS. WASHINGTON \AP) -Supporters of lhe Saleguard antiballislic missile (ABM) systc1n appeared Increasingly confident today as I.he Senate headed lowards an expected photo finish on the long aod oflen heated controversy Sens. Henry M. Jackso~ (D-Wash.), and .John G. Tower (R·Tex.J, 5aid they are sure a key Amendment lo bk>ck Safeguard dep}qyment will be defeated SI lo 49. While they used similar totals earlier, they were less positive then. } - Jackson also speculated that Sen. ~fargaret Chase Smith (R-MalneJ. who , cast a note of feminine mystery into lhe final day of the J.Bhf debate, would line up against the key amendment, by Sens. John Sherman Cooper (R·Ky.), and Philip A. Hart (0-Mi¢1.). because it would permit a. continuation of ABM research. Mrs. Smith, who has lnlroduetd an amendment barring further research, ~ ., tesl.ing and procuren1cnt or lhe A&l\1 and its comPonents, remained silent on her Cooper-Hart amendment Intentions. ScnaU! Democratic Leader M i k e Manslleld, of Montana, declined lo predict the outco1ne but said the vote 0n the Cooper·llarl amenclrMnt would n1ark "the high Wfl.ler point'' or the move to block !he ABM . ' fu gitive warrant, ·smONG INFERENCE' ttflchlgan State Police Sl(t.. K~ Chri~ liansen told newsmen earlier there wa1 ··a strong Inference lhal Collins Is ln- volved11 hi the killing er Miss Phllllps, who disappeared Juoe 30 while vlslllna_ friends Jn Sallnas. • ~fonterey County !herlrf~t1 ofUcials said , TueBday,they have louhd a girl whe knew ""Ote battle will-to on, but there wlll bt both ML'8 PhllliPtl end Colllru1. • rece1Uns of the tide," Ma!Wicld lllld. Nancy Albredl~ 17, Forl Worth, Tex., .. ' .. '"''" ~l~,~~J A high po 1.1 c e olflclal said officers have not linked M?anue.J ·to ony of the murders but are seekln1 the friend and forme r (ratemlty1 brother or COiiins on a larceny by conv~rslon warrant In Uic traller"lall:en to Gallforrila. 'They•~ ali.o lnvutlg~Ung 1 larae the£~ rlng wbk:h •P- partntly llOle motofc cles, rurnlture, •I>' plla11Ct1 aod otlitr llenls In lhi university arCJ . " • l \ ' l I • ' J: I ·• r -- 2 OAJ'l V PtlOT s • ·Nixon Wants New W ~lfare 1 ~y~~~m . WASHINGroN (AP) -Presklt~ Nil" oo is expected to tell the nation ~be. wants a naliooal mlnlmµpi. ''~ t>f Yle.lfare, a new subsiltf'J'(l':t.he-~ poor. a shill In manpower -~~ .,. .. lbarin& or reder11 iau.. __ High administration ~~ UJ the broad outline ol the me11111ie &S COftplele, Nixon ti)~ Ask ... Massive U.S •. . Transit Plan w.&;~~·~iwi> -~•nt Ni•OQ;..•JU 1R. Qin.,_ Tburally ·to spu.d IJIJl>lHloJI ~Ille. llUl 11 :rut> on, 1 JJWnrlhsil1lfOllnm lo ..,.. cllY· para)~ itame·~."IU.U - \Vedtieiiby.-; ---• • \ • "{ It woo.Id be the most Utensive maaS tramit program in the· nation 's history and would cover transportation systems ranging from subwayS and rail lines to gcavity driven trains aod air cushion vehicle.!. Nixon scrapped the idea or a ttusl fund to finance tbe program and will ask Congress to authoriu the money out ol. general re\•enues. The WbiC. II<>~ disl;losed no d<tails it the program, but it announced that Nlxoo would send to Congrw at npon 'I'!':ursday a special message on mass traiwt. Under the program, it was learned \Vednesday, lhe money would be spent mainly in grants lo local governments. The federa l government "'ould supply hro-lhirds of the money, the local areas one-th1r4. The ptQposal is expected to find tough opposition, however, because or Nixon's choice of financing. In a telegram delivered to the White House late Tues- day, Mzyprs _Jtkhard Daley of Chicago_, Erik Jonsson or Dallas, T h o m a 1 D'Aleaandro ol Baltimore and Richard C. Lugar of Indianapolis all urged Nixon to back the trust fund . "\\re wanl to make it clear that lhe United St.alles Conference of l\1ayors and !he National League of Cities support without reservation the trust fund coa- cept ," the telegram said. The mayors said their experie~ in public service showed that a "major public works program" demands a com- milment or fuods over a long period o( time. But Nb: on 's propo!lal hopes to jump this hurdle by asking Congress to "declare its inl.ent" to back the program 01·er 1 long period . Youth Found -. . ..... .. ---·· . F ~taJ!y Shot A J..6.yei.r:dd 0 ·Costa l\iesa boy •bou.t , to start his tint hight on a job was fbund fatally shot through I.he head on 'bls bed Tuesday night. with.a .38 callber tevolver clutcied in his hand. No -notes were found and coroner's deputes listed ~ death of Richard L. Beck , or 2SIS Orangt A\·e., as an ap- parent suicide. · Police said he was found by Robert ~f. RIWdl, 28, wbo rooms at Lhe home or the boy's parent!, Air. and Mrs. Robert L. ~-'early'TueMAy night .. G~l; 'Contai~~iuated ,' Joins 3 Astronaul8 .. ' SPACE CENTER, Housto" !UPI) - The'men of tbe •moon had a girl 1or com· pany today. Heather Owens, l4. described as a "small, very, attractive brunelle," joined the quarantine or the Apollo 11 crew because of a .Jab accident Tuesday even- ing. Miss ()v.reng and three "'!ale tech~i· cians may have been contaminated with moon material. DAI L\ PltO I Ol!it.HG( (()ASI f'UILll M1HG COMN."Y ~\~ N. W11fl but .Nixon called 1111 eablnet toplllt< 10- daJ ., °'1np bavki, Md .. to a:o ovar the P!'.l!fran,:.~ bove been DO lqdlcallom ct'umJlllr, ezW!l iJl<l.dollar ~ ol lhe wtllare "!)•Ofti he wm profoai! . ~lit& hocuUV. branch and M call)lot lllU lllY !he Prutdonl In bi1 na- 11...i11-bli>ldcilat speech will ask ~to: ..-.Impafe • ·1 federally f i n f n c e d J1linimwn. of about ta a month· for etch or .a.s million persons who reedve aJd to dopend<nl dlildno, Ille largut and mOSI COllly Wtllare program. Monthly minimtttnt now ranae from a low of '8.60 in'M.issi!lfippi to almost fiO in M....._,, and N.., Yor~ . · -Gwiranled an~ lacome of fl.500 a year to Uit aVena;e-fiinlly of. lout. 'l1le em9lJPl ol _iUIJ'anlee would de~nd on r,m11y-s1~. . This .F>,!!\ib .~ily Pi.n woukl piooeer fedefal payments to Wtt&e eat'rlt::rS' w~ makt belo\f subJiatence sa:tarie:s.. • . . ':nik:e WllS.hi,t)itoft out of the (TWl.PoSer tr~ tiOiln& ind !urn Ill• programs Over to the states. The ·:Jt.odd federal job training, counseling and recruiting programs would be consolidated and filled to the needs of a statewide plan. Operating funds would come from Labor Depart· · meot block grants. ~ive states an automatic share of federal tax revenues. Assured revenue v.·ould be about $1 billion in the first ye;ir arnf J>1Ub upward. laC.r. The Preskleat is also ezpecled to re· quest a minimum benefit of $50 a month in all ad ult welfare programs -such as old·age as!istance, aid to lhe blind and aid to the disabled. The federal minimum "'·oold supplement the present sliding scale of matching funds provided by \\'ashington. All but seven states now pay averaae benefits of more than $50 and the ave rage federal share is around $40. The new federal minimum probably wlll save the states money but not appreciably in· cre.ue individual benefits. Tlie Presidenf also will stress work in· centivea that he hopes will move people off welfare and into jobs. From l'age l SDS RULING • • succ:essfully argued that the school board aCted within the bounds of the slate's educatiori code and ''model, carefull y worded regulations" when it kept the name of SDS from the list of organlza· tions accepted at Orange Coast College. Petherbridge announced his intention of appealing Judge Corfman's ruling. An SOS spokesman condemned the ruling as "unfair, not based on the evidence before the cOurt and pretty typical of the kind or thlnking that brought us to court in th e I~ pj_ace. '' • ""b-ut the prime target of their acid com· ments appeared to be trustee George Rodda of Corona del :r.tar and Rodda's testimol)y on. events that took place last ?.1arch 24. al KaJ Ser Junior High School in Costa Mesa. · Rodda 1ald that during that meeting, a pre-election gathering at which can· didates for trustee offices airtd the ir views, he was warned of wayl!I In which "five people could disrupt a campus." lt was testified U1at some of lhoR methods included the destruction of color c.odes controlling t e I e p h o n i c com· murtication, the tampering with computer eq\'lipni~rit, removal of cards from cam· PUI ,catalogs and U1e general en· couragement or campus disorder. A~ong the SOS supporters with whom Rodda talked that night was Kimberly Hunt o{ Costa Mesa and Petherbrldge im- mediately brought her to the witness stand to refute the trustee's testimony on file events of that evening. r-.1iss ~lunt later confined htr post-hear· ing comments to saying Rodda's remarks "about what he heard that night are just not true and he knows the y're not." SOS leaders Terry Vaughn. Steven Kauflnan and Steve Weinberger branded Rodda 's testimony as untrue in a con- Versation with college president Moore. And they argued that Rodda's account of a riotoll! .meeting st the Costa Mesa school directly led to (ricllon at Orange Coast College between students and the SOS members. A petition filed by members of the SOS faction at Cal Slate, Fullerton has been iel.-for hearing Aug. 21 by Judge Corfman. TI1e action ts almost identical to· the ~it deeided by him Tuesday. ·~ -r ' ·~ ----- UPI Ttlt!thtll Acto1• i11 Chains r~ootball star turned actor Jim Brown is chained lo other prisoners as he arrives at Beverly Hills lilunicipal Court to be charged \\•ith leaving the scene of an accident and felonious a ssault. See s'lor)', Page 8. County Sets Deadline Over Salt Creek Path Orange County super\•isors want lo ' hear frQln the Coun ty Flood Control Department in two 111eeks on the feasibili· ty of a flood channel pedestrian path\\·ay lo Salt Creek beach. The two-week deadline \\'as set Tuesday in follow up to an earlier request by supervisors of v.·hal they see as a possible solution to the much-discussed public beach access question . Salt Creek beach. between South La· guna and Dana Point, faces private de- velopment by the Laguna Nigu'J Co.rp. following supervisors' abandonment \v1th- out public hearing of Salt Creek Rood. Two weeks ago. following a public air- ing, Supervisor Robert Battin suggested the. flood drainage channel needed by Laguna Niguel be used as a dry·weath'r public pathway for Pacific Coast Jlighway as is done at Aliso Beach in South Laguna. Tuesday he suggested the deadline on the feasibility report. \Vhen Supervisor Alton Allen wondered 1\'hether Flood Control Chief Englneer George OsbornJ co~ld complete the study in two week¥,5atl1n snapped : "If he cap't, I expect him to come fol'\\'ard ttN:t' tell us. After all these guys \vork for<; us, we don't work (or them.'' l'ro1n Page l KENNEDY ... D.C. who was a passenger in Kennedy's car. Alltn, super\'lsor for lhe :.outh r:oaslal area, mu sed: "\Vha t happens "'he n they go through lhe channel 'll'ilh their surfboards then land on pri\'ate property? \Vhat happens then?'' ~upervisor \\'illia1n Hirstein said, •·1 lhmk we are going to have a talk about purc hasing some beach too.·· There \1·as no further discussion on that point. In a~pro\·ing !heir budget for next year supervisors, at the request ol Allen set aside $1 million tor beach acquis1ition which will require about three cents of countywide tax levy. Where the money 1night be spent was not specified. Zsa For Zsa Sentenced llitting Officer PAL~1A, r.1ajorca (lJPi) -llungarian· born actress Zsa Zsa Gabor, now in the United States, Tuesda y \\'as sentenced in absentia to two months in jail and a $71 fine for socking a policeman last November in thi! l\ied iterranean island city. l\1iss Gabor, freed on $1 ,430 bail at the time of the incident, has five days to ap- peal the senteoce. It v.·as based on a con- viction of rt:sisting arrest handed down .Tuly 31. ~uni "!~1a,1~·~~1 . . f . ·Valley Requests' ... Probe Of Recall Fountain Valley CllY Q>pnell me1nbers Tuesday nitt!t. u~ntmou~ly approved a resotution iij;tiia: the district attorney to irtnsUgate posllble let:al violations in· votved In tbe community's heated recall campaicn. The two-page document was originally drafted to mean that the inve1Ugatlon should pertain only to those supporting the recall movement. It was amended lo includ' all parties involved. M1yor Robert D. Schwerdtfeger, Vice· ft1ayor Donald V. Fregeau and Coun· cllman Joseph J. Courreges -wbo face recall in the Sept. 23 election -ha,·e asserted that "factual information re· quired by law was nol all.ached with the recall petitions when presented and that additional written and oral charges and alleeatlons \4'ere delivered" with lhe pell· tions which they had not been given the opportunity to answer. On the other side of the fence, the recalle rs have alleged harassment or petition carriers by private Investigators and claimed that the mayor made copies of the petitions before they officially became public records. Cyclists Held In Gang Attacli 011 Waitress Three members of a motorcycle gang \vere arrested by Huntington Beach police Tuesday aftemoo'n on suspicion of attempting a daylight, mldlo\vn rape of a 19-year-old waitress. A passing motorist hailed patrol Of- ficer William Van Cleve at 4:30 p.m. and told him o( seeing the trio assaulting the girl on Main Street at Garfield Avenue. just south of Five Points Shopping Center. • The 8UggesUon that the dl1lrict at- torney investigate both sldes of the con· troversr was -made by Councilmen John D. Harper and Edward E. Just. In a statement read in his absence, recall leader Eugene E. Van Daak lold the council, •·we who favor the recall, "'elcome ao investigaUon of our ac- 1i11ities. We assume that the otber side 1vould welcome an investigation of their activities and would cooperate in any such investigation by furnishing in- fonnation and documents prW!nlly in their possession.'' Also adopted by the City Council at Its Tuesday ses~on v.·ere 19 voting precincts to be used in the recall election. These are: Precinct 006, 16587 Hemlock Cirele ; Precinct 007, Fountain Valley City Hall; Precinct 008, Harper School, 186!5 Santa Ynez St.: Precinct 009 l\1c DoweJI Sd:lool, 17210 Oak St., Precinct 010. 16767 New~ hope St.: Precinct 013, 16334 San G1:1b- riel St.: Precinct 015. 18194 Bushard SL : Precinct 01 6 Nieblas School. 9 3 0 0 G;irdcnia St.: Precinct 107, Fulton School, El Lago and Santa Elise St.: Precinct 201, 9548 Hobin A1·e.: Preci nct 202, Allen School. 16200 Bushard St.; Precinct 203. Windsor Square Con· domlniu1n : Precinct 205, 17737 Bushard St.;. Preci nct 206. Tamura School, 17340 Santa Suzanne St.; Precinct 207, 10701 Peony Circle: Precinct 209. Fountain Valley Ele1n cntary School, 17911 Bushard SI .: Precincl 211 , 9659 La Esperanza A\·e.: Precinct 212, Fountain Valley Higti Schoel. 178!6 Bushard St.; and Precinct 211 , Gisler School, 18720 Las Flores St. Fit·e in Carport Destroys Four Autos in CdM Otflcer Van Cleve found that the girl Four cars, Including a Mercedes-Benz had 'escaped but the three cyclist.s were and a ne1v Cutlass,' were destroyed when still parked in the center divider of the fire S\'1epl a Corona de! Mar apartment road111ay . As he approached they started house carport at I a.m. today. their vehicles and attempted lo leave, fireme n from the Corona del f.la r, police related. but he blocked them with Nev."port Beach and Balboa stations his patrol car. brought the blaze under C<>ntrol ten Arrested and booked in the city jail minutes after responding to the call at \1·ere : 900 Sea Lane . The fire was extinguished Gerald 1\. ~1orin, 19, of Stanton. 20 minutes later. John D ilobson, 20. of La Puente. Flames were \ isible fro111 the Jam-~1ichael P. Kno~'les, 21 , of Garden~ boree Road intersection or Pacific Coast Gro\·e. Highway, one mile away .• Battalion Chier The victim told police she was walking Bill Thomas of the Newport Beach fire north on J\tain Street \\'ilh two sisters station said. when the three approached, called to her The intense heal of the fire blistered and made threatening advances. the pain t on t1vo cars in an adjacent carport. ;ind ruined the enclosure in Tliief Gets Zero, Giues Black Eye ~lrs. Pearl Parsons, owner of a La Jlabra m:irk,t, has a black eye today. She got it \\'hen she screamed and a holdup man struck her Monday night. 1\.1.rs. Parsons, 59, told La Habra poli ce lhe ~oun11; man entered Allen's arket. 409 E. La Habra Boulevard, simulated hav- ing a weapon and !laid : "Lady, th is is a stickup. Open the cash register." The young man apparentl y kls t his cool \l'hen r-.1rs. Parsons screamed and he found nothing in the cash drawer. Poli ce 11·ere told he threw her glasses across ~he room. belted her in the eye, and ran off. 1l'h ich lhc four cars were parked. Total damage anti cause of the bla ze 11as not yet been determined. An ' in- \'esligation is under way. J{iol Files Destroyed Ord ~recl by Judge JERSEY CITY. N.J . !AP) -A Superior C.Ourt judge today ordered Ally. Gen. Arthur J . Sills and all law en .. forcement oificials in the state to destroy special files kept on persons suspected ~r invol\'en1t:nt in riots and other "pubhc demonstrations.•· Judge Robert A. l\1attl1e1vs ruled t.hat Sills acted in violation of the First Amendn1ent of the U.S. Constitution 1~·hen he sent out form s far such files in April. 1968 . The au lo plunged off a narrow, rickety 1vooden bridge on Chappaquiddick Island the night of July 18 and landed upside down in a tidal pond. Kennedy escaped, but f\1iss Kopechne 11·as trapped insidC. A :nedical examiner attributed her death to accidental drown· Ing. Dinis earlier had sought permission for the inquest from Judge G. Edward Tauro. ch ie f justice of the state's Superior Coort system, and from Judge Ed~·ard Nash, chief justice of the stale's District Court system. To the moon and back Both tumed him down, ho11'e\'er. Tauro said the Dist rict Court hnd jurisdiction, rather than Superior Court. And Na sh said the matter should be handled by tht presiding District Court judge lo the area in\•olved . To aet to the moon you would have to undergo some of the most irutilins tests for r•H•billty, ruS1ednu.s and dependabillty •.• •tc1l1ration from O to 24.600 MPH, powerful pres- sure chtngH, extremes in t1mpe111ture and shocks to 111ttlt every bone In your body, .. you and your equip. n1•nt m1.15l survive them an. And It's exciting that the "'"*"' .... l'Wllllftt J1'11 It. c~rl1y \'kt flralftnt ... Gfl'lftt! l!ltNM• Th•111•• IC11•il .... Tllt111•f A. Mj•phln1 ~·llof °'""' E1ne1·gency W 01·1{ Stru·ted As Slide Tl1reate11s Road very s•me Speedm11ster ·i witch wt c:o1ny, w11 selected . without •ny modifications \ by NASA for •II manned 1 space missions. This rteOS:· 1 nlUon, truly a reward for •x· cellance, makes ui proud to be your authorized ome1a jeweler. Come In •• , se a this handsome, 2 button. 4 dial. Omag• Speedmaster chrdno• craph. The only w•lch worn by the ml!n on the moon. Price $195 • Cotlf MMt DI tml .. , "'"' ff.-t "'"111 Ull ........ lbH 1e.-.e .. ...,.......,.: in.~·' ......... .. ,.... IMOi -,. ..,.. I A county roed crew beii;an emergency \\·ork Tu~ay on recently opened La Paz Road in the Laguna Niguel area "'here a elide had undermined the road. Cost of buttress filUng the toe of lbc slide was estimated al '5,000 or $6,000 by Assistant County Road Conunissioner Ted McC.onvllle, who Tuesday received approval Crom county supen•J.JOrs for the enl(!f8tllC)' Work. "fcConvllle said the slide 1novement has acceJerated In the ~st week and thert ls dfl'l&er pf losing I~ roadway, a:;i.sJintt ,ad water llne1. Th'e: sllde ~ adjacent to th' f>ofoulton· NlilJ~l \Valer District reservoir which is lhC ilte of a fllturi county rta;ional park. . M~l\ville 11Jd the slide may have betn trllaued by too r.pld dro lolng or the ~tse~ oit during the raln last winter. A runoff valve stuck and could n't be clos· cd and the reservoir Vi'IS emptied in 1 about t"·o hours, hfcConville sai d. Bui he told supervisors. "The county :.hould be responaible and not try to dodge any respon sibility.·· Supervisors approved alvi"g tile county tt\ll.d department a tree hand in making emergency repairs. l\leastu·e Delayed -, WASHtNGroN (AP> -A bill lo "°°'I pa_yment~ to hanks that make govern· ment guaranteed college student loans \VilS rushed through the Hou5e Educ1tion and Labor Committee loday but Houtc 11ction proh11bly will be delayed !or CONVENIENT TERMS IANIU\MERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. fiuni11hrieJ 'J eweferJ li~l NcW!ORT AVENUE COSTA ME~A ' 22 YEARS SAME LOCATION PHQN~ 50-3401 sc'·cral l\'rcks. IL _________________ _;. ____________________ -' ,· • ' I ' I ---/ I l I I l " ... ¥42#4 !Q2; §3 .4 a I j ?f + 4 4 •• - Huntington Bea~h EDITION .. t • -.. • roL. 62, NO. 187, 4 SECTIONS, 58 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Bea~h Style This Season:. Beards • Today's :t' .. al ' N.Y. S¢oeka TEl:l . CENTS )AILY PILOT PHOTOGRAPHER DALE SAMOKER WAS DISPATCHED TO THE COASTLINE TO SEE WHAT'S IN STYLE. HE OBSERVED, TRIPPED SHUTIER; CAME BACK WITH THESE CHARACTER STUDIES • 'PREACHER ' LOOKS PART Bsard Goes With Work WORN BEARD 10 YEARS Jerry No Newcomer 'Step' Rezoning PREFERS NATURAL GROWTH Chuck Just Lats It Grow . DA Firm F P k Ok d OnProbe or ar aye A bitter struggle over rezoning a seginent o[ proposed 290-acre commer- cial·induslrial park to aparllnent usage ls appanmlly settled ill Huntit1gton Beach council chambers. It will be re-... ,...,,eps. After the dust had settled on a lengthy public hearing of lhe proposal by 'John D. Lusk and Sons. ~1onday night, Ocean Vie1v School District officials and area Plam1ers Ask Council Guide On Apartments There arc SC\'CO Huntington Beach planning commissioners. They had seven diffe r ent in· tcrpretations Tuesday nighl of a hot potato tossed back lo them by the Cily Counci l. Con1missioners today are "'ondering exactly u·hat the council \vanls in con· no:?Ction "'ilh the c:ontroversia\ apartment units sought on an industrial-commercial con1ptcx by John D. Lusk and Sons, developers.· To clear the cobwebs. commissioner~ tiavc asked the "11uncil members for •·guidelines on how to delineate the development." Reporters were making .1;imilar requests _ of City Attorney Don Boofe. Monday night afte r a puzzling council public hearing. Apparent council intent for the pro- perty near f\-1cDonnell Douglas plant - kno·wn as 'tlie Aldrich Peck estate -is programmed rewning. This would mean rezoning about 46 acres for apartment usa~e in increments. Planning commissioners earlier had rlenied this portion of the Lusk plan - rezoning a segment of lhe complex to apartments -but had gone along with Industrial and commercial :toning. 01a Botla Sides <eS>denls were still adamanlly opposed Of l(ennedy to the apartments, Jn the Lusk corner were .Hunti11glon Beach Cha'mbet ot Commerce offici als who argued for the apartments. 1'he 'Jta!ic theme of the school djstric!, which has low assessed vi luatlon and high ta1es1 was that switching industrial zoning wll lower the tax base, add pu· pils. and pennanently remove chances for better tax base on lhe land. Proponents of the de vck>pnlenl fought statistics "i th statistics: argued that there is a need for apartments. They contended that !lexibility is need eet in the competitive chore vf itlr&cting industry. Lusk said he was trying to bring indus. trial development to the city. Counciln1an Jerry Matney countered with a conmient that he had not expected Lusk to coin· promise the industria l zoning w it h apartments. fo.1atney, a forme r school tru.steG, has stated before that the city is overburdened with a pa r t me nJ zoning. In the end, councilmen outvoted M~l· ney 5-J. Councilman Al Coen called the action, "one of the most difficult decisions we've ever been faced ~·ith but it il'i our der.ision to make." City Attorney Don Bonfa said the council a c t i o n to send a portion of the 46 acres back lo the planning com· mission meant "programn1ed rezoning .. , Councilmen will rezone the 46 acres in sect.ion.'i \Vh \ch tic to comparable in· (Sec W NING, Page t .J llecall Caudidales 1'o Stale Positions Founlaln Valley recall election can· didales '''ill sta te Qleir positions at 8 p.m. Thursday in a public meeting sponsored by the Fountain Valley Civic AS&OCialion and the Fountain Valley Civic League. All ten men who have filed for can- didacy have been invited to the session in Rooms A and B of Ule Fountain Valley Communi ty Center, 1200 Slater Ave. .. i'rem Wirt StfVlces . ~. BOSTON -The lftennath of Sen. Ed"·ard 1.-1. Kenned~ July 18 auto ac- cident took two new turns today \vith Dist. Atty. Edmuqd 01µ1$ annolUlcing he would go ahead.with an fuquest ind Ken- nedy revealing new details on his return to the scene oI the Chappaquiddick Island crash. Kennedy (D.·~1ass.) revealed Io ;issociales that he aiid two friends return- ed in a rented white Va liant to the scene where Mary Jo Kopechne drowned. Christopher J. Look Jr. has told police he saw a black car resembling Kennedy's approaching the acc ident scene at least an hour after 11 :15 p.m., the time of the \\'reek estimated by the senator. A spokesman for DA Dinis indicated he would ac t under a stale law which gives him the power lo "require" an inquest despite a judge's request today for ad- ditional info nnation. The law stales in pirt: HTI1e attorney ge neral or the district at· torney ... require an inquest to be he.Id in the case of any death supposed to have been caused by external means." The sa1ne law seys Dinis may ask for the inquest. Dinis sought th e inquest in a letter sent to Edgartown District Court Judg~ James A. Boyle last week. Boyle rep lied today thal the letter \\'/IS "unclear." He asked Dinis to declare flntly \vhether he 111as requiring an in· riuesl or simp ly ssking for one. Dinis met with newsn1en here and said he \¥ill call "all "'itnesses" who have anything to contribute. fi e did not specify. however, whether this would ln· elude Kennedy. Stock llJarkets NE\V YORK (AP) -The stoc k market clo~ with a good gain today , bouocing into higMr ground at \he slarL and .'itaying ahead until the end . (See quota· lions, Pages 26-27). Trading near the close was moderately active. Recall Probe -Requested F'oontain Valley City Council members Tuesday night unanimously approved a resolution asking the district attorney to itivesUgale possible legal vlolallons in· volved in the community 's heated recall cim~lgn. , The· two-page document was originally drafted to mean that the tnvegtigalion should pcrtiiirl only to those. supporting the recall movement. Jt was am~oded to include all parties Involved. ).fayor Robert D. SCh\\'erdtfeger, Vice· Mayor Donald V. Fregeau and Coun· citman Joseph J . Courregcs -who face recall In the Sept. Z3 election -have asserted I.hat "factual information re- quired by l8w was not attached with the rtc811 petition! when presented and that llddil ional written and oral charges and Rllegstloni were delivered" with lhe peti- tions which they hnd not ~n given the opportunlly to an~wcr. On the other side of the fence, t~ recallers have all eged harassn1ent of petition carriers by private inve.~llgators and claimed that the mayor made copies or the petitions before they officially became public records. The suggestion that the district at· tomey Investigate both sides of the con· troversy was made by Councilmen John D. Harper and Edward E. Just. In a statement read in his absence. recall leade r Eugene E. Van Cask told the cooncil, "We who favor the recall , welcome an investigation of our ac· tlvities. \Ve assumi that \he other side ·would welcome an investlgalion of their activities and would cooperate in any such invesll11ation by furnishing In· ronnaUon and documenl3 presently in their possession." Also adopted by the City Council 3l its Tt>tM!4y session were 19 vollng precincl.S to be U!Cd In lhe recall election. These arc : -Precinct 006, 16587 llemlock Circle ; Precinct 007, FcNntaln Valley City Hall : Precinct 008, Harper School, 18685 S.nta Ynez St.: Prednct..009 Mc Dowell Scllool, I 721U Oak St .. Precinct 010, 16767 New· hope St.; Precinct 013, 16334 San Gab- riel St.; Preclncl OlS, 1819.f Bushard St: Precinct 016 Njebl&s School, t l 0 0 Gardenia SL ; Precinct 107, Fu)ton School, Kl Lago and Santa Elise SI.; Ptecloct,r 201, 9548 Robin Ave.; Pteclnct 202, Allen School, 16200 Bushard St.; Precinct. 203, Wlncbor Square Con· domlnium; Precloct 205, J77S7 Bushard St.: Precinct 206. Tamura School, 17340 SAnta Suuu1ne St.: F'redoct 2G7, 10701 Peon,Y Circle: Precloc:t 209. Fouolaln Valley Elementary Sdiool. li9ll Bushard St.: Precinct 211, 9651 La ~peranta Ave.: Precinct 212, Fountain Valll\y ltiati School. 17818 Bushard' St.;· and PreclnCt. 214, Gisler School, 117l11 IA• Flores SI. ' ' ' . TRIMS BEARD, SHAVES HEAD Brian in B1rberlng Switch ' 'YOU DON'T HAVE TO LOoK' David Llke.s Hl1 Beerd • Sunset Annex Ou-t?· ·Opponents Say Action V seless Indications today are that anneitaUon of · uAfnCorpori~ed Sunset Beach, lo Hun-liiil\il'BQ41! IS dOomed. • tA public hearing set for the lluntl{igton Beach City Council chambers at ·a p..m . today Is a "waste' of time," according to Richard Harrison, principal opponent of the proposed merger. '4We wiJl prese nt to flunlington Beach City Clerk Paul Jones Wednesday af. ternoon protesls representing 55 percent of the property owners of Sunset Beach and 60 percent of the asseased valuation, about $1,475,000," Harrison said flatl y Tuesday .. "We will also del i\•er a lelter to .Jonell pointing out that there is no reason 1Jor City's Largest \Vednesday night's publiC hearing as the result Is a foregone conclusion," HarriaoD further charged. · ' ~ ' Then Harrison extended . a .molijJyJng note to Jones : "If be tJonet)-tennlna~• the annex<\tion proceeding Wednesday afternoon before the he lirln11 wWch he has the pawer to do, In the f~ct of. the oven,helmlng protest, further merger proceedings would not be subject tO the one-year delay mandated by law If the hearings are held and result in a defeat ror the annex proposal." Mrs. Virginia Strain , Sunsel Beach Chamber of Commerce. official .and one of the priricipal proponents of -the merger, as much as admitted Tuesday that the 828-unit Apa1·tment Plan Wi11s Approval for Beach City planning commissioners Tuesday night gave the green ligtit to an 828-unit apartment complc:J1, the largest ever to T ee 1i-age Club Otvner's Wife Sues for $5,000 A claim for more than is.ooo alleging malicious proseculion by Huntington Beach police was filed with the city Tues· day by Mrs. Jeanne Covell, wUe or t~en nightclub owner Gilbert Covell, who has teen in a long-time running feud wilh the city. The claim, which , will be rouU11<!1y denied by the city council,· came on lhe heels or council denial Monday nl11ht o( ·eovell's application to have hi s business license renewed at Syndicate 3000. The complaint against the city accuses J'lf'lice officer Charles E. Gregory and other city en1pl oyes <if nlalh;ioos pro- i;ecuUon In fil ing or a coniplaiht against f\fr.~. Covell Nov. 12. 1968. Tmo city obtained a conviction of Covell, a Westminster resident, for viola· lion of a ci ty ordlnant"e against allowing you"sters under II in a dance hall. The same charge against '-1rs. Covell was dropped. i The complaint states "because or total lack of evidellCt." City .Attorney .Don Botjfa. who pr~ secuted Covell through fl long ltgttl has.~lle to obtain the JlliBdemcanor convictions. saw the mlltteJ'ln e different li&l\L He calle4 dropping of c.l;arges a"ainst ~fr.i. Covell ''a teclmloal dh~missal". He labled the Covell clalm 4 ' u o n • meritorious" and sald he \\'OUld recom- mend that the city council deny It. Th~ claim paves the wAy legall y for Jt <:,ll:U 6'ull lf the claimant 'pursuts the mal· ter. The c:lalm uks $859 Spetlfic damages i'lnd $5,000 genar11.t damAges for Mr~. Co\·e.11. It is dated Aug. I nnd, WI! filed 1,1,·It.., the city cltrk Tuesday anenlOOn. ' I., '· t>e constructed In Huntington Beach. The development Is to be located on the l'Olllh~·est corner or Allanta Avenue and Beach Boulevard ~n 30 acres or property. Applicant! Gordon and Faye Tilbert of Newport Beach said the complex would be constru cted at the rate of 27 units pE r acre. Part of the de~·elopment will include four-story units whi ch will give occupants a view of the ocean. Another design feature would put teMI! courb above parking spaces. In approvin'g the development the com· missioners placed ~everal conditions on the application, among them that a precise plan be submllted to the Board of Zoning Adjustment.a for condltlons of ap- prov al and dedlc&Uon and 'Improvement of Atlanta Avenue to city standards. The commissiJn also approved a ten-- latlve tract request by S and S Conslruc· lion Co. of Be verly Hilla for 196 lots oo 40 acreS-at the northwest comer of Atlanta A venue and Brookhurst Street. Dented by them, however, w~g aJ1 ap- pliCaUon for a temporary amusement facilily on the wes t side ·or Beach Bouleva rd and north of Pacllic, Colsf. llighway. . The commls.sionera told. the 1ppllcant1 Fun Masters'. Inc. of Rialto, that an ~nr sufficient hardship existed lO pennlt l~ refrtaUon fac:Uity In prOperty presently 1.oned for busines$ and office-professional uses. . ' ·1 . . I Burglars Gel 2,650 : lu Huntington l-laul 1 Burglars broke into 1he home of-·~at· rick D. Shea, 3J~-of 20!71 Egrt\ St., HUJ\I· lnglon .Beach, ·1uesd.ay Jl!$bl ind m1ch: oll "11h jl,8!0 In valmmle.. Taken were ·color and black ind wtlite teleVlsion sets, " cOln collection. two rlnp valued at SI.JOO, • watch. some jewelry and 11 travtlers' checl<s. '1 f, propo6al had failed. "l have heard runfon' tha\ R'1'fi son has protests represeoUng more than 50 percent of tbe assessed valuation and, if so, we are defeated for now," Mn. Strain said. "But rlJ believe it when I see It. "lf Jlarri.son'1 contenUon is I.rue, I'm sorry lo see it because anoexallon to HunUngton Beach is decidedly best for our community, If we don't achieve it now we will ce rtainly sooner or later. It's inevitable," she concluded. City Clerk Jones has also thrown in the sponge. ''Thei.r chances 0£' block.Joi the an- ncxatton are good," Jones said Tuesday. "Protem may be filed any"time before the 8 p.m. meeting and if they don't have 50 percent of lhe 1assessed valuation Ulen lhey have IO more days lo sign up enough ad_d ltional property own'r.i to reach !Mir goal." • :Seal Beach Is rumored lo be casting friendly eyes toward the 885 acres wh ich comprise tbe Sunset Beach community. Seal Beach city officials have main· tained sile nce on the subject, but they did give some indication of hOw they stand \\'hen they supported J{arrlson's group's move berore the Local Agency Fonnatlon Commission (LAFC) last Marc:b. That ruling blocked Huntington Beach's pro- posed annexation of 3.5 acres on the eastern edge of Sun.set Beach along \Varner Avenue. The LAFC approved Harrison's request that the 3.S acre anne:xatlon be combined \vith the 85-acre merger of the principal area ol Sunset Beach, extendlng .·frooi \Varner to Anderson Street. llarrlson's protest figures include the mile-long, 13-acre strip of property owned by the Southern Pscific Co., the fonner Pacific Electric rtght-of--way. SP officials signified their intention-to protest last Jq. ly 21. . l11e county has plans to purchase this property and convl!!rt It to a 1,300-veh!cle parking lot for beachgoers, but tbe plam are sUll in limbo. Orange Coast We11ther 'J'..bose low-haogiog clouds will be around in the night and morning. hOW's as usuaJ THurltday, with tenjperalures still reading in the : 'lower 10.'.!. j IN&,IDE ·TODi\'W. NBC pla111 a ~pttiat season" for TV -watclter& thl$ year wiel' more · than JOO n tra. .program.! lo~ t.a?1. ·1n~rft4ilig-w ltOftl:il tilt . special evenlng1. Pagc-48. ~"'" 1) Mnltt t .. 11 .......... , ..... ,. • Nl,_.l "''" I °""" (Mf'r ,, '"""' ....,.,. ,. ---·~ 1J4' cw ...... ""' 1f llKl NWlth >Wt ,_ .. -..... -. ..... Wflttt ,, "'~"' ~ .. .( ~· .. ._. __ ,.. _ __.._. __ ,. ...·-~ ..... __ ~ -·--- ' •, --. H Two States Linked in CQed Deaths YPSILANTI, hUch. (UPI) -Calllomla •nd-Mlcllig•n Poil4.'6 lodll'·IOUllK fllttlw-- Iinh In • chain ther believe could ue· togrlher a series o murders in both stat ea. 1'tontuey Cunty, Calli., 1·herrrt•1 depuOts said Tuesday there w•s 1 drrinite connection between s e v e n ~!ayings or youna: women in the Ann Arbor-Y p.silanli art.a arid the tllling near Salinas or Roxie Ann Phillip.s, 17, of 1'1ilwaukie, Ore. The key to the killint, ppijce btll~ve, ls John Norman Colllns, a tenJor in elemen- tMy education at Eutorn Mlchlpn Unh·er&ity. • ' C-011lno, ZI. (ac:q eulnlnaUon Th~ on UtsWtiree: 'ri'lurdtr eh1rges fu tht eex slaying ef 18-yw~d EMU coed Kiren Sue B<~an, Wl/9 was Wt seen all"° two w.<ti ·110 today letYlag a downtorm \rig shop 'db a young man oa a 1notorrj'~ ~t' 1"wo ~n detectives went to SaUnu' e.arllcr'this week to 1nvesU,1te a tr.a'Uer allegedly sto~ and baulfd to California by Collin! and a mis1inc lri:?nd, Andrew Julian Manuel, 25. Manuel is being SQU&ht by the FBI on a federal rugitil'e warrant. 'STRONG INFERENCE' Michigan State Police Sgt . Ken Chris- liansen told newsmen earlier there wa.s "a strong inference that Collins is in· volved" in Ule killing of Miss Phillips, \1·ho disappeared June 30 whUe viJiting friends In Salinas. lifonterey County !herilf's official& said Tuesday they have found a girl who knew both :P.11ss Phillips and Collln1. Nancy Albrecht, 17, Fort Worth, Tex., rep:irtedly told p:illce she allowed COilins to drive her home one day in SaJinas, where she \\'as visiting her sister, Mrs. Frances Gauthier. ~1iss Albrecht said the )'OUtb told her he was studying to be a teacher at Eastern Michigan University, 'and made a date to return to the home tbe foUowing night, June 30, but broke it. 1'1Lss Phillips disappeared the next day .on the way to mail a letter. Her nude, ·decomposed body was found at an illegal dump in nearby Carmel nearly two weeks later. Police said the method af her savage killing res em b 1 e d the ~lichigan slayings. Police here said Arnold Davis, a close ·rriend of Callins, told them he was with tollins and another man in the car lhat 'Jlicked up Miss Joan Schell, 20, on the iht night she was seen alive oae year aao. fHROAT SLASRED Police said Da vis told them Collins dropped him and the other man off, llld 'Was to have picked up Miu Schell later. Her nude, sei:ually molested body was ·.found a week later in a lovers lane area. J-Jer throat had been slashed and she had bee.n s~bbe(J. five tlrnes. - A high p o) I c e official said officers have not lln~ed Manuel to any of the murders but are seeking the friend and former fraternity brother of Collins on a larceny by conversion warrant in the trailer t.a.ken to .Callfornia. They are at.so • tnvesUgaUng a large theft ring: which ap- parently stole motorcycles, furniture, ap- pli~s and other items in the university area. 2 Men Appointed ~,To. Par ks Board : Two ·•" faces wiU appear on the Hun· !tia.aton '-each ·p a r k a and Recreation X::onunl!Mon followlng five city council :Sppointrnents to one-year ttnns. : Jim CUrt:an of the Orange Coast Juniar ;cotlege Dtslrict will replace Bruce Williams. Orville Hanson of the Hun- tington Beach City School District will rtplace John Wyatt. Tbe cwnCU rtappoinltd Ada Cle1g, Westmln!tet School District; D a I e Coogan, Fount.ain VaUey School District: and Lee Most:eller, Huntington Beach Union Hilb School District.. DAILY PILOT Roii•tl N. w,,4 l'f1'lcl"'' llfwl l'lolt'llWr J1t\ R. C~1l•r \11(1 l'fHIRnl '"" (;...er• Mt'Wt'1 Tho'"'' k11~il E"t1tr.r T~'"''' A. Mwr,i.:"' ~~•tlftt l t llt r ,&.ll,1rl W. lf!tt A1tcd11~ E•i!•r H~111111,t1i. l••t• Offke 30f 51h 5tr11t M1;li119 >.ddr111 : P.O. Iii 1,0, t21i41 01 .. r Offket Nt11 .. •I llltll1 )j\1 Wh! A11~e aoi.1t~1rl Cot.II Me••~ UD Wul ••• 11rt1I llDVl\t lto(ll: ln ~Of~ll - Actor in Claaitas Football s.tar fumed actor Jim Brown is chained to other prisoners as h_e arrives at Beverly Hi.lls Municipal Court to be charged with leaving the scene of an accident and felonious assault. See story Page 8. ' Seal Beacl1 Hippie Shelte1· Rejected by City Council A self·adn1itt.ed hippie's plan to provide a "shelter" for youna tral""lsienls in Seal Beach has been declared unlaw ful by the Seal Beach City Council. Bearded John Anderson, backed by several supporters anel a local housewife who offered to fe«:d the youths. said he wanted to provide a spot v..r·iere· the young people coold "sleep, eat and get cleaned uf!,-. Maytr John Hamilton told him the plan would \llol.a.te a city ordinance which pro- h1blls "four or more unrelated persons fesldirt1 in the same dvt'elling." Anderson claimed he had b e e n "evicted" from 122 i~ 8th St., where "I ~d 20 or 30 people s!peplns in my house before the building inspectors warned my !ind lady." 1 :. He argu~ that his guests never used dope nor drank liquor. "Some tried to sleep in my car but the police, acting oo a peculiar la\v pertaining to overnight Neiv State Bill Hurts Finances Of 0 V Sc hools NClv financial pro~1em9-_ .lleset the Ocean View School District TUesday as Gov. Ronald. Reagan signed a bill raising the intertst ceiling on new school bonds from fil•e perttnt to seven percent. District administrators tried to sell $1,300,000 in bonds at Ule old Interest rate Tuesday morning, but received a cold shoulder from the Bank of America. It v.•as the first time in the histo ry of the bank during 'ol·hich no bid! v.·ert entered, said Ocean View finance. direc- tor Milton Berg . School officials we re disheartened but one district spokesman said that it rially dOl!sn·t make flnanclaJ sense for anyone to purchase bonds at the old rate Y"hen the ceiling has been raised. The bonds \Vere to be used for planning and initial cor~truction of the new Vista Vlew schooL But when vo~ers approved the bond years ago they did so with the stipulation that tbe bonds would be sold at the five percent interest ratt, preventing the sale of bonds at the new rate. It is pcmlble now that the district may hold another bood election allowing them to be sold under the new interest rate, a district officlaJ said. Ocean View School District trustees authorit ed the tiale of the bonds at their la~t June meeting, but technical prD- cedures impeded the ~ale until the blll became law. Budget Adopted In W estminster \Yestminster School Dlsltlct trustees Tucsdey Jdopted a budget or $8,48$,262 for tbe current fiscal year, which will httt6ilate a tai rate increase or 23 Ctn I.I, Former rate w1s S2.75 and the new rate is not to y cted '2.98. Turstees said tho lncrtut fi·neetssary to contlnua the Uistfng ~Vt.I of tduta tlonal se.rvJCtt. 'Jl\e additional fUnds are lo be used In atus of ltacher saJJ.rleti, employe health progratm iod prctjfam11 for seventh and eighth griders, aald Curtis Blutmlce, •Uist.anl aupcrlnttndtnt tor district bullnt 51 StrV~tS. . ' camping, soon stopped U1is small com· fort."' Anderson said he did not use do~ "or get drunk" and added. "I can exercise a limited control over these young people and . , . make them better persons." The councilmen didn't see it his way, and the proposed hippie commuoe pro- prietor said in closing, "Many young peo- ple, mostly broke, will continue to come CQITle lo Seal Beach this summer to cheek out the Southern California scene. J was on ly trying to help them." f'rom Page l ZONING.:. dustrial or commtrcial sections. Hence as commercial development occurs apartment ~e.velopment occurs, tr deve1'. ~pment does not ocC\Jr on indu strial por. tions, councllinen could decli ne furt he r rezoning lo apartment usage. ERODE TAX BASE During argumeots before councilmen, Dr. Ralph Bauer, represent ing the school district, said the zone change on the property, just south of Bolsa Avenue and Wl!Stof Springdale Street near J\1c· Donnell Douglas Astronautics Corpora- tion, would dangeroualy uode the narrow ICbool tax base. I He ntlmated it would caUJe th~ dis- trict a deficit of $36,000 annually. He said the lax rate, recenlly hiked by \'Otcr approval, would have to be raised further or services to children reduced. Asked by Co.incilman Henry Kaufman if this is not smafl in comparison to the · di.strict budget o( $8.8 million, Bauer :-;aid,_ "I'm not going to dis miss $36,000 publlcly by any stretch af the imagina· lion." Huntington Beach League of Women Voters also urged denial of the Lus k apartment toning. So did area residen ts . one of \Vhom said. "You can't sweep a school dis!rict un der the rug." TOLD OF REQuESTS Lusk. said a cheap industria l de\•elop- ment could w'Ork to school district dis- advantage. He spoke of requests for apartments and cited staUsUcs as did the opposition. B1c1dng Lu!k, Rlcha,rd Belyea of the chamber, said, "\Ve're having trouble getting Industry in here. Unless we $e t a reputable cootractor, like this one IS it is just a myth." ' Belyea said, "We sit around like a bunch of country cousins "'ailing for an uncle lo die ." ~fayor Jack Green asked if the chamber position "'ould continue to be ooe of making concessions to attract development. Belyea said, .. It depends on the site of the development . lt's going to take ml)l)ey to get this thing going.·• Bill Back o( the chamber's Economic Development °'panment cited stslistics on purchasing . power. He said, "Oon"l lake a· snobbl&h attitude to\\•ards ap art. merits; they pay their wa,y in every clly 1\1\~re they',·e· bf:r.n bu llt -take New "l/ork." Os)ponent.s hooted. West Seeks to Better Be1·lin's Situa tion WASHINGTON !UPI) -The United Stat.cs, Brllaln and Franco will officially iurorm the Soviet Union within the next ·few days thati.hey wjgh to open t1nc1 an lmpro\•ement of I.he Berlin 1ltuaUOn, the State °'Partment sa id loday. A departmtnt offlclnl said \\rest Germany and the three western povo'frs have agretod on the co11lt11Ls of a note "anlt UMI m1t~ will go for\l'l rd \l'ithin th~ next few da)'I." Court Bacl{s . SDS Ban Judge Dismisses Petition Against OCJC . Or4111e Coast JunJor College District trustees won SUperlor Court back.In& Tutsday for their refusal to regard the m!Utant Students for A DemocraUc Soci- ety group as a .re.cognlzed organization on the Orange Coast College campus. Judge Robert Corfman dismissed the SOS argument that its members bad been unlawfully blrred from a statw: en- joyed by other campus clubs and organizations. "School trustees, deans and ad - ministrators. . .should be. pennlUed to exercise their discretion. , .and shouldn 't be hauled before the court to explain every decLsion that they make," he told attorney Richard W. Pethe.rbridge. Corfman ended almost tbtte hours of bitter debate by concedl.n,K that "a non· recognlied group doesn't have as much status as those accepted by the college adminlstratoni and they don't, in this case, get the $10 a quarter tenn that is granted to I.he otber groups." But he made it clear that district trustees acted within the law and within their "clearly defined regulations" when they withheld recogniUon of the left wing aroup as a campus ora:anizaUon. He particularly upheld decisions in that sense by college president Robtrt Moore and Joseph Kroll, dean ar studeat ac- tivities. Kroll testified from the witness sland and ri.toore stated through deposition that the SOS group had bffn denied recogni- tion because of ''goals and aims stated by the national orpnizatlon which wtre not compatlble wllh college policies and regulations." Kroll inslated, in an araument that was refuted out.side the courtroom by angry SOS spokesmen, tliat there had never been and would not be any denial of the use or college facUlUes by the group. lie argued that the group's message of sup· port of campus turmoil and ad vocated disruption of university and college schedules \\'as contrary to st.ated OCC policies and repugnant to many other students on the Costa Mesa campus. "\Ve have here a situation in which Strikes Aff eel T wo OV Sc hools Labor strikes are beginning lo take their toll on two schools under con- stru ctio n in the Ocean Vie\Y School District. ConstM.Jctlon at the new Mesa View and Parle View school buildings has be~n crip· pied making the projected October or November openina doubtful and in- troducing the pos!ibllity of double sessions at schools within the district. Strikes by plumbers and flperatin g engineers have forced the second delay in the opening of both facilities since hea vy spring rains put construction more than one month behind schedule, according to school officials. · "The only .thing that will save us is that construction of homes surrounding the two schools are also affected by the strike," said an administration spokesman. No definite plans have yet been laid for the double sessiom, but s c h o a I ad. ministrators said crosstown busing for a certain portion of the 15,000 student population will be necessary until the schools are completed . At ri.tonday's school OOard meetin g, Ocean View Trustee Robert Zinngrabe said he felt that legislation should be passed keeping school construction free from strikes such as thi s. No official ac- tion \l'as taken by the other trustees on the mailer, ho.wever. students, the general public, professors. administrators and tnistees all have a vested interest in the operation of this school," Judge Corfman commented. "That same general public has chB11ed lho5e trustees and administrators with the operation of the school and has given them, through its regul4tiOns, a cert.aln amount or discretion in tbat operation. "You can't," he aaid. .. take a man and tell him lo run your 11ehool and then deprive him of the right to exercise judg· 111ent. Do that and you might just as well have a punch card to do the job ... Deputy County Counsel John Powell successfully argued that the school board acted within the bounds of the state's cducaUon code and 1'modtl, carefully \l'orded reiUlations" when it kept the name or SOS from U., list of organiu- tions accepted at Oranp: Caast College. Petherbridge announced his Intention of appealing Judge Cor(man's ruling. An SOS spokesman condemned the ruling as "unfair, not based on the evi~nce before the court and pretty typical of the kind of thinking that brought us to court in the first place." But the prime target of their acid com· ments appeared to be trustee Georae Rodda of Corona del Mar and Rodd1's testimony on even1:3 that took place last J\tarch 24 at Kaiser Junior H.igh School in Costa Mesa. Rodda said that during that meetina:. 1 pre-electk:in gathering at whlch can· didates for trustee officta: aired u.e.ir views, he was warned of way! in \\'hich "live people could disrupt a campus." It was testified that some of those methods In cluded the destruction of color codes controlling t e I e p h o n i c com· munlcatioo, the tampering with computer equipment, removal Qf cards from 'cam· pus catalogs and the general en• couragement of campus disorder, Among the SOS supporters with whom Rodda talked that night was Kimberly Hunt of Costa Mesa and Pefherbridge in1- mediafely brought her to the witness stand to refute the trustee's testimony on the events of that evening. Ml.a:! Hunt later confined her post-hear- ing com.menta to sayfnl ftodda'! remarks "about what he heard that night are just not tru~' and he knows they're not." SOS leaden Terry Vaughn, Steven Kaufman and Steve Welnberae.r branded Rodda's tesUmany as untrue in 1 con- versation with college president ,.foore. And they argued that Rodda's aceount of a riotous meetlhg al the. C06ta !d:eaa school directly Jed to friction at Oran1e Coast College between students aDd the SOS members. A petition filed by members of the ·sos faction at Cal State, Fullerton has been set for hearing Aug. '27 by Judie Corfman. The action is almost Identical to the suit decided by him Tuesday. ABM Supporte1·s Certain As Senate Vote N eru·s 1 \VASHINGTON (AP) -Supporters of the Sa feguard antiballistic missile {ABr>.1 ) sys tem appeared increasinR;ly confident today as the Senate headed towards an expected photo finish on the long and often heated controversy Sens. llenry M. Jackson (0-'\\'ash .), and John G. Tower (R-Tex.), uid they are sure a key amendment to block Safeguard depl oyment will be defeated 51 to 49. While they used slmllar totals earlier, they were less positive then. Jackson also speculated that Sen. J\largaret Chase Smith (R·~1aine). \\'ho cast a note of feminine mystery into the final day of the ABM debate, \VOuld line up ag ainst the key amendment, by Sens. John Sherman Cooper (R-Ky.), and Philip A. Hart (0.Alich.), because it would permit a continuation of ABM researi;:h. . l-ltrs. Smith, who has Introduced an amendment barring further research, teSting and procurement of the ABf\.t and its components, remained silent on her Cooper-Hart amendment intentions. Senate Democratic Leader f\.1 i k e t-.tansfield, of Montana , declined to predict the outcome but said the vote on the Cooper·Hart amendment would mark •·the high water pr-".nt" of the move to block the ABM . "The battle will go on, but there will be a receding of the tide.'1 ~1ansfield said. Both Jackson and Sen. Harry F. Byrd Jr. (D·Va.), launching the final hours of debate before the late afternoon vote, not.ed thai the Smith amendment would give opponents an opportunity to vote against the entire ABM system. Byrd said senators who agree with Mrs. Smith should oppose the Cooper· Hart amendment sin ce it would continue ABM research. Mansfield said he had a.!l!umed l\lrs. Smith would support the Cooper-Hart pro- posal because of her long opposition to !he ABl\{, but e soorce in the Cooper- Hart camp said she had ne,•er given them a commitment. FOur hours of debate on th e Coopu- llart amendment, plus an hour on Mrs. Smith 's proposa1 were expected to Erecede voting scheduled in late af· ternoon. Enrollment Tight At Golden W est; 4,000 Predicted ''If our present p(ojectlons hold up l\'t will be extremely tight nei:t fall." John Bu ller, Golden West College associate dean, warned of enrollment that may reach 4,000 day students. He advised persons interested to contact the admissions of!ice soon. Buller's office al ready has regis~td 2,800 new and continuing students and issued re~istration appointments for 30I) n1ore beginning Aug. 18. "The thing for a person to do now is come in any "'eekday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and begi n the pre·registralion process. \\1e \V iii issue a registrati on 11ppolnlment and gel them going," he said. For ·students who have completed the ad mission procedure, program advising sessions are available every J\londay at 9 a.m. in the Community Center. Led by certificated counselors, lhe!e sessions are lo aid students in course selection and in planning long.range college goals. Ar- rangement! may be made through the Counseling Center. Evening college registration also will begin Aug. 18, but from 6-8:30 p.m. in lhe College Cen ter. Continuing evening col- lege ~tudents will reg ister by avr pointment, Saturda y, Aug. 16. Ap- poinlments will be mailed this month. To the moon and back To 1•ttotht moon you would htve to undtrao same of the most arutllna: tests for ,.•lttblllty, ruuedn•st and dtpendablli~ •. , •ccel1ratlon from O to 24,600 MPH, powerful Pltl· surt ch1nps, extremts In tampat11tur1 •nd sl'IOcks to rattl• ,..,..ry bon• In )'Our body .•• you •nd your equf~ ment must 1urvlve them 111, >.nd it's txclting that the ve ry sama Speedm•ster watch we any was selected without •ny modifications by NASA for 111 mann•d 1 1pace missions. This recoa· ~ n1tion, truty • reward for ex· · cell•nce. mikes us PfOl.ld to be your eut horiz•d Om•a• Jtweler. Com,• In ••• ue thl• handsome, 2 button, <4 dl11, Ome11 Sptedmasttr chrono-- ifaph. Tht only w.itc.h worn by th• men on tht moon. Prlct $195. CONVENIENT TERMS IANkAMERICARO MASTER CHARGE J. C. fiutn11hrie:J 'Jewe/erJ llll NEWPORT AViNU~ COSTA MESA • ... .. ll YEARS SAIAE LOCATIOI~ PHOf'li 548-HOI • • • •• 4 • Maternal Role Easy • For June ; . ... ~ .--.. . ~ .. , .... l FlixsouTH coasT GIM"ll PLAZA THEATRE CORPDRlllOtl San Dltco FrHw•y 1t l1istol • 546-2711 ZERO MOSTEL KIM NOVAK CLINT WALKER "THE GREAT BANK ROBBERY" Plus 2nd Hit Feature JAMES GARNER JOAN HACKETT •If !•O >' t f > ("If t "'' I'.,. , '' "SUPPORT YOUR * COlO'~ LOCAL SHERIFF" ,,.,,,,,.:. --~etinees Deily at 12:30 - Box Offlct Open 12 :15 CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M. -FrH P1rkin9- iiM JONES l1llfl.E LEE 1M1 TOMLINSON 1111X1Y HACKm TECHN"""IJll" ----· • .. --'""'" --~ -Al-I w•L;;;,1-l lllCREOIBLE JOURlllY" BODeilA ·TAO • \.UATH -AIM- Wilt Dl1ney'1 "WINNIE THE POOH And Tho BLUSTE~Y OAY" Theater Note• Laguna Opens Final Show1_ LOWERS CURTAI~. L19uno1'1 Doug Rowe I cast are Red Stoddart and Ken Killeen. who doubles as stage 1nanager. Pcrlonnances will be given Thursdays through Sw1dnys, \Vith the finale on Labor Day, at the playhouse, 319 Ocean Ave .. Laguna Beach. Rescrvu. lions may be obtained by call· Solid Rock Concert Set "Marvelous ... Brilliant , , . 4 Stars" "THREE PENNY OPERA" IHI H....,.., IMI., Ct1t1 Mu' I Y llE•TOLT 1•ICHT FOR I WEEK ONLY NOW FOi THI FIRST TIMI TOGnHll MATINEES DAILY! uc.u p.f'rf:fll f A r1-/ll'lll«!. Prod ... :lion ROWAN &'MARTIN NTHIE llALTIEK Bl""" P~¥'C!Mtl•att19 (!J«IJI PAUL DEWllllUI "w!'AnnE WOODWARD '!'!!.'~~~!~ ' "This is il ~~~~~~~~I RU•t~::,1y~ ••• HURRY -ENDS SOON ! • • • our exploeive and destroy EVERY FATHER'S DAUGHTER the Chainnan." IS A VIRGIN ! " OR IS SHE? ';"r' .;pHY'•· Ye1 Mnt S.. n. 0,..,. Ceinrty PN1111t•I .. •I "Goo~.~!! .. ~.!!!~bus" ,.HlllP IOTH, Tl\1 AMthor of th• now l11t s.n •• "POlTNOY'S COM,LAINT'' I "G-INUINILY INTIMATI LOYI SCltllS" Tim• M19•1in• I "111,lllHIN• TO SIE" -l!f• M1911l~1 I "MIMOU.ILI" -S1tw1 11!1y R1 ~i •w I "ll•ISISTAILI" -New York M19•ain1 RATl:O "JI" l"SRSOflll UNOIR 16 NOT AOM ITTIO UNLl.11 wrt;N l"Alt1H1'S! e Second Gre1t Shew • 'T:.'r""":ii "0 ... tMWI t4 I l"lttlln''- VAJltlf C l'ltOM THI l lt •1tOADWAY l.101T COMI D'I' 20th Century-Fox presents GREGORY PEIH ADDE HEYWOOD An Arthur P. Jacobs ~oduction .. _ "THE IHAIRmAD" ARi'HuR HILL -ALAN OOlllE ·AwaicA lU·OA LEV "'"'"-.<""!! UNA MERTON · C01<l1AD Yl>MA ,,__.., 0.-.,,, ... o- MOAT ABRAHAMS· J. LelHoMPsON · fiEN"Mkoow .................. Jl\f ACHAR> KENIE:DV • .._.,.JERAVoo. DSM'TH ...... ,._.C1•p,.........,..IM.• ~llllR'·Celet''WOll..-t ~111=:=-J r:J.i:~'H' ~ ~...J.J:rri12"0 """" WW\IJVA l;~lun ~ AT IOTH WEST COAST PREMIERE RUN NOWI AT BOTH THEATRES •'~ "THE INCREDllLE JOURNEY" BALBOA 673-4048 OPEN 6:45 HELD OYER 2nd WEEK! '"r. '•'kl l•IM. ~ftlMUle This Summer's Bi9 Fun Shawlll ' • I'm Europe,.biby. . . ' , _you Dotdt.a. ..... ,i Gu...Mz .,,_. ....,llll1no •. v .. -... w.ww,..., ·,· v..-.r-~,· How wt'ft nm., .Japeinese Movies Every Tuetday Night ' r .................................... . SPICIAL NOTICl TO OUI PATIONS i TM pklurM ill ffllt "" ..... , be ~W.1'1111 "¥ MIM ,. IN 1111· i1ulr1tl1t lor d1lld•111 Ind rou"lil ~19 -Incl r9<1ulf• p.9•111l1t •i.-crullol'I. "C ... ITLI: l<Elll'" (JI) "NA ICS D ANGIL" 1•1 I "MAIO CONTJIAC1'" 1111) "TNI: Oll•AT 1.ANK llO••lllY" IM) "SVl'l'OllT YOUR LOCAL SMl.111'1'" !Ml : "TMI. CM ... lllMAN" IM' ' , c11111r1ry to Mlvffflllnll .....,_. _. conrm Wiii •llPMrlnl •IMo IWll•••· l'CUrtO '*'flit llrld1r 11 (Mt l•J wlU Ml be N mllttd ,. l'Kl- flc T~1tr1 lo 1ee th• j JIJ p.cturM IPll«I In rhl1 llllx uni.1 •e- compa11!N tlV P9f~I or ·Mlu!l ,OIMll'Ol1n.; ................................... ,.-ei ' Tw• F ... •tic Cel!Mtly GNetl • Kl•N..,.. -Clll'tW.,._ "The GREAT BANK ROBBERY" ... J..:k l.elll...-. -Teay Clfftlt • "THE GREAT RACE" l1tc:•-•••• .......... ............. .-.....~ ..... ln1"'1ve Drl-t• ... ...-.. Im Lnc...,. -,...,. P'lllll "CASTLE KEEP" "'" J•"'" •• ,.._.. -Wette. .,..... "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF" No ont unoer 11 will 'M Ull'l!!IN unlhi -,,...,1911 11 ter1111! or .. Mwlt 911tNl9n. ...................................... ..... ,., .......... • ~ JKUV•DP:•-t.ftyAt.H-• ' '~ITTY CHITTY !ANG BANG' ... . Jeny lewh -Ptfft Lft'f.N 'IHOOK LINE AND SINKER" . ............. ~ ............ . 2ND 115 Wiil • •,...,-,Pee• -AIMI Heyw--' "THE CHAIRMAN " ... Cllerlte• ""'" -le!Wy Mchwel t;..J "PLANET OF THE APES" 111-'""'•NI .. Nr M' ............. ,~ ............ ... "NAKID ANGEL" IJJ~ $cl~!~ .. ~d~~~1r·~. on!! .. 1111i.~ ~IM 11'1 Mrtftt Ill' IMIUlt IWl'Clll ft, I I• I I . < • •' • " IWLV ~OJ H Your Money's Worth OVER THE COUNTER Complete-New York Stock List Food D-iscounts-··------------------•-·!NEW YORI< (...,).w.dllnclol'l'JawYMtlele I~ N•• Yori! ''«*. EXICl'llr.e orletl; NASO Listings fo r Tuesd•y, Augu1t 5, 1969 ""• ,.., (WI.) H19-LW Cl9M C: .... l1,.......t111wo lrt,.,....itt' """'""• t i t...,...WMI_,, t 4M. f,.111 NAl D. 1-!l<ln I.ff Prl«t ............ rtt•l1 ... tMrtNll. !MrtH .. w ~llllMlfll. -A--11111:1'" :15·; -.. ~ ~·= .... l~ n ~W'" ,,.;1'.~ ~ ~~ nl~ !: $1= E:,~30 ... Atli.O Ml6-l~ ~~ l L.&L If ~ ~· ! a.n:..... 1H m Mll'le I J:: 24 r~ -~ awnwc. cOt. n::· ... ,at:t.!f, E '~ MIN OT '~ o::t ~ "~·1:: ~ = ' ~' !1i Mt~ \·: Licking_Stamp.s? IRVINE ENGINEER Mich••I J . &.bblt M. J. Babbit ,...., Appointed M i c h a el J. Babbit or El Toro, has joined the Irvine Industrial Complex as a proj- ect enginee r. Babbit will coordinate and direct specific land develop.. ment projects from design through construction. By SYLVIA PORTER We are leaving the er• in which trading stamps, games, gimmicb and giveaways hive dominated the promotion ef· forts or our food stores. .Ending at last Is the long cy- cle in which the food retailer · has competed patronage vi.a price. ''gifts.'' our not Coming up Is a new era in which the No. One Draw will be Lowest Price. The cycle l!I swinging back to t h e philosophy of "competition through p r I c e ' ' which characteriz.ed the 1930s. He served as a design proj- •. ect engineer for the Orange _ County Road Dept. for five years before joining the in· dustrial complex. ~l·~~~~~~---~~~~~~~- NO MA 'ITER how much the trading stamp co mp a n i es squeal in protest, this is a realistic forecast, say the e d J t o r s of "Progressive Grocer," leading t r ad e publication in the supe rmarket fie ld. And they h a ve pers uasive evidence to back up their claim. -To start with the most dramatic s t a ti s ti ca l ii· lustration, the nwnber of S up e rmarket lnstiWtc member stores using trading stamps has shrunk from a peak of 78 percent in 1961 to 44 percent or less. For aU stores. stamp usage Is down to 30.5 percent LEGAL NOTICE T.._ 1u••1uo• COV•T (IF TH• ITATa 01' CALll'OltNIA 'Oii THa COUHTY 01' Oll#IHGa Mio.A~ NOTJCI! 01' HUlllHO 0, l'ETITION FOlt P'llOIATI! OF WILL •NO FOii (ETTE RS TESTAMENT.l.ltY _, E111te cf MARGAlll!T M. 5HAFE1t, -A second illustration is the shif t to ''d is coun t supermarkets" (stores which discount across th t. board). For instance Acme Markets has reYamped many of its standard supers, r e n a m e d them S u p e r Sa Yer. These stores are now discounting everything they sell. -.... NOTICE IS HE REl!IY GIVEN TI!et MAlllAN HAWK tl.91 fllN l'ltrtln I 1>1!11· !Ion fol' Prvbl lt ot wlH '"" IOI IUU .. •(t ol LV!e~ Tttl1~nN,.., la Petltlolle<, reltrMCt to Wllldl h: ""90t tot turlller Nrlltulan. aNI !ti.I !tll tlfT141 i nd pi.a, of lltarl"' --Mt bttn .el for A1111111t 2f, !Hf, ti t :JI 1.m.. In the · a.u.rr-of ~1..m-1 NII. J o1 ,._'d eciurt, ~ 7'DI West Eftlith Str"'· In lf'lf C:ITY of~ ....... ,_C1Hfornl1. Chlllld Julv 21, 1,., W. E. $T JOHN C-IY Cl9rt. 'AllCEll, SE.LEY AND Willi.I.Ml -N«ff! Mahl Slrwt, $tolM .. SIOll• .1.1111, ~llfonil.I tUtl Tei 1no sn ... , a"'""'" f9f P1tift-PUOlllMd Or111~ CMll Ch!U1' Puo•. 'Jul\I lD. 31 and Av9utt '· '"' t•lS-.1 LEGAL NOTICE :, .. _ ------------ -STILL ANOTHER illustra· lion is the way health and beauty aids are now being sold in the supermarket just as foods are sold -with loss leaders and all prices reduced. Formerly, the grocer was delighted to peg his prices tb those of the corner druggist and to treat the drug depart· ment as simply as con· venieoce to lhe shopper. "·UKJ NOTtCl: OF Dl$50lUTIO" 01' PAltTNl!RSNI" , Pllbll<: l\Olltt Is llere~ 11hoen P1J•111ant '° Section UO.JS.l ot !fie CorPOrtllons •,Code ol Calltornl1, tti•I !"-"'''""'"'"'' ol 1.. J. PELLEGRIHt, SALVATORE .1.M· llROGIO and MARIO PELLEGltlNI, hefTlvloo"t doi"9 tic1';,,,,H ""°"' lfM lk· • fttloul firm -end stv• ol PELL-~IHVESTMEHTJ. 11 15M H Cw po r I • eoo,,i..-1"9. c11 .. "' Costa Mesa, c-r .. 01 o.-..,.... Sii!• al c,!il,,,nll , .... diHDMcl .as ol July It, I~, end IMI INrNf~ llCI '0H l"IOI' h.td eull\Orll'r to lncw ln1' at>ll11- >llon11 tor "lei torme• ll•m. Ind ttlaf .. lei ti..., 1bl!lldoMG stlcl fk1i!lous "'"" ts ol ;1ald c11tf. , The "'"'" ol 111 '''"'~" '"" tnelr ·~n ''' as folio...: .1.. J, Pell"rlftl, 100 MIHN Wt1', (O\fi Mil .. , Call!,; SiolvllOrt .l.mDr"agil>. ~., Olipwood Street. Or1,..t, c.111.1 Mirto "•lle9r1nl, 2~n H-11 Wt1', Co1!1 Meu, C111!. CJetM; July 1S. Ifft P!U.·AM IHVElTMEHTl •y: .1.. J. Pe1111irlnl T-M4.H Pllbllshed O••M• Coast Dti1V "llot, A\llutl "· Ifft 1451.ff -And fi nall y. there is the return phen o m e non of Zanuck ' Buys NEW YORK (UPI} -Presi· dent Darryl F. Zanuck of Twentieth Cen\ury·Fox Film Corp. has bough t 10,000 ad· ditionaJ shares Of the com· pany's common stock,_ the company announced Tuesday. T.WO ACRE PARCEL OF PRIME C-2 PROPERTY BEING OFFERED FOR LEASE INTEltSECTION OF IROOt<.HURST AND ADAMS CITY Of" HUNTINGTON BEACH, CAL IF. For lnforrn•tion Pl•••• Contact CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNl.t. 3300 Newport Blvd. 17141 673·2110. ht. 21 11!ornay1 and prolenion•I tk1y <•11 d1pelld on rali •hle " Quality Painting fo£l.QYears ,. J. P.Carroll COMPANY ,. • .....,__CONMEAOIM. PAINTING l DEGOAATHI COtmW:n:ltS Jot M MtWilo OI OtodUNw uil or..C.: • OAAHOiOOUNTY LOIAHGBO • mtECcnWcWst. t11N...NMlll A .... ,_Coli/, (Z1:JJ-• (11fl- ,, 1 -· ''plntbo d t 11 l " ~ Of SKur I :C"' I Cr ~ =r.~ ~ jl'I l'"'' Adm~ >y lh? tllffi .. ~ f" . •11:0~ .. 1':1t ar r' a n B o.;-1 ..... ,,1,·i ·· .,._ uttf ti 0 lb ai ... ~ "' •• l:r.Mt ~· .... , "", iln .... ,. .. II r.!r-Jalln • ... o ~ llON -, ~Miurrt ,, 1 It t -~1 11150 (allhouoh there are ontv 50 or 1\11,' :iii .:,'"-,....: 1v Md v. 1~ Mohwll • .. "' "' 'Im'-' 80 ln the country Bl this dale). ~-i:;.ai.:tn1 ~~~ 19 .ire I ~ J \Ir. ~ r· J!\1 2J::z :1~.r::: . 1tt =·~ ~ n~ t'~ e llriis ''Shada---Of the depr a&lonl" :.:::--~1~1:t, ~ ""'in H6 J ,., 1t: • M Jti 17'4 :~ 13:"1•1r 3t l~ I~ ,,~ -1 =~ 11.. ---·•-• Robert w M ell *'1'11 ""'Id rlrooo 1' 11 oi Ckt~ 2•""' tsv. .1.1i.::!J n u •2 .ii .a t lolWC""< wi •~acu • U er, ... Vt llUI"• Ptlnt 24 1$ lllllar a 1714 ,.11, AJ(;n:(lu 1.lG IJ 26'\ 26111 if!+ 8oo!d Slrt I publisher and "dltor ol Cllntcl '''~I -•II Sii J" t'lt Nll'rM1 WM·~ '°"'"""'Ai='~ .ft ?t 211• 21 \lo -"kak.Mll! 1.2' . o;; Mid l llkll 011tr• can Liii ;11h 0'4 NII 8r J :1 A .... CP Jl)o U 1~ I~ J , .. 8or0e" I 10 Progressive Grocer. ''cartons c1ea11r llWl•t•I• c10C11 s1 ' "" ttl't N•IC•• i,; :w. A 11111 •t · . .o 1 55 .iS s :i:, &otvwu 1.2.S , c~a,_. lhrW<lf>. OUC $vs PM ~ Htl .iciut 11 PM I O j Alltctl.IHI 2 4'11 s .o>• lJV. ~ + 'Ii 8orme111 .Ml of ~chandise arrayed on ""'',,.. daY. Prlc•• • P11E• 1 i. uv.;; "W •• w11 -"'•""I~'"!'' , «lh .. ,'" .ev. ..•.. 1"'eo11 '·°' t A .. ' • • b I do ,.., Incl"* I Nlte 11\'J IJV, .. e Ttl ,, ~ A !ta "' .1' .. 71 '°" 21M ..... 8CIO,lrl\I Inc wv-uy1 our, plJle 11 e v es • rttt!I fN rku11. k~I: l!v. ul~ :I Pa n gi 1 l'111 ~if.t ,, I .U ~ ~ ~ti L + t =~=itir;.~ from Whicb CUJtomers select ~"!:.""" or c,om. tlr111" '~' w ~Sv~ I~'(? 1~ 1Ju9liM'm 7S t 2N 27'lil JJ'lil -"'Britt Mv 1.10 a price-mar e mere n-.u.1 ewo ,.• ,! 1 ~-' ,, .. ~ 2s ~ amlldstr _1,,..0 n :uv. l:l'4 m. ..... 1c1WY H•• 1 rnl • k th ha """" Ent 2~ ''""' I c •,,.. ja n .1.lllfd Pd ... " XIV. :It JD +1 Brll!Mr pt? dile themselvl!l. No air eon-~e~Pr~l.$ I ~$ Cgt llNI '"H'pd rm slrt :tit::~ ... .: ~ ~: .fl"' i!t1i + 'y, ~:;~~Grlfl~ dltioning, no music, no he.I p :r.:::: ..,~ i1f ~" ,..,av c ~ .1. '':.'1 ~ t&.U Arni Ch•Hn •1 1•'4 '~ u14 + 1o, a"""n co from clerks, no freshrmeats, ~Pr f: "J\~ ::1° :• 1t"' u 11 'R8 :g:1 ~ 1 ~ n. !:!"f . .olllll >: U1t !I~ l.tti -t \t 1~~01~ ii.I b n F '~ """"'''' l• 1~ ~er m &mOll 11• !1S AMll.l.C .JO 12 17\lo 17 17\lo ~ l runLWk • 9 rew fresh or frozen products .1.1~:r,, 1 (; ;,. °"ft •\.'! ' NE:ur '2." • •i-.1·-1k. ~ =~~~.: J ~ !I" ~·+ ~ =i:eo1.91 -just cases of low· priced ~':to L~ a 1' ~It T°-i lli.. I~"' ~~A ... M i,,·.::z ll~ = 1•11 \Silo .Arner HIM '1 ~.... ""' ~\-+ " '"'°" F .i.60 oods to •-.h ked th h ''" Ow '"' 6W. •19rlft 21 JO NW P11SY ff., W1or W U iS Afl>tlo4 "'3.» 11111\lo lCll lit\\ +2'1i 8 \l'llNI 111 .._. Plywood regls•·-. --·-are •,1", •e,,o •l" ~.... ..f~ !"' tv. .1.r• tt" n\\ .1. 11 " Am A1r1111 .• m 71'M :uv. l' • ;\ji e111oY• .1111 g UC C t(. f'OUg AJ"' ~ 4\11 7\lo 8 $Y, 6\11 Hucl Rte ,.\'I 211\ M AS fl ii MlrFINr .IO 1 27~ 1"141 24'4 -la llutlFort 1.10 ...,.;> ''~ ;J::,d 1•.r. ' .1r-nc1 T l~ ! wat ~ t """ lo Am ep;"' 1 151 1ru 15 5 -Yi aunt. bmo indeed warehouse markets Akin Geo UI' 17\lo 1rrrna l'Cll'it 1 \lo sun 111nv ~ 'h H .1."'111: Hore I I 71.0 21~ 21'111 .. ., BvnkR Jtll.50 ·-OTo f 101'1 edN Ml It$ 1" moitl. l\'J Tiii" (io 14 IJ Am &rends t2 1'1(. 331.. 3-1 + "" l llrl li!d 1...0 " "'" 20 21 at 8011 Sl j51 ttv TP 1 \lo 1111o Tr1nsc g ·~ \lo .l.mll«sl l.U :u !2" SI" ll .f.-\It urrdY .10 A El L•b 1~ tlt 11G lt E :n, ,,•~ -<-o" 1~ !Viii TYncn! lW. '!"' Am C•" !.20 61 11&1~ Mi~ .OU -'!II eurr11h1 60 Does lbiS renewed emphasis ~ E~ '3~ Miio llM Inv 1• ~·'"" ~ II rncrtl ~'4 ACM pf .75 26 16li 26'111 U¥o + I\ asr.unv i.1H ..... '-·· .f!• N 'I lteou S1A 5 EC 111'1 V. ll\'J rftl<I !ft 10\'J 211Jo Am C.in .. '06 111,1, 11._ 11'4 . euri.r1sn 10 on price mean we're heading ~-Gr-~1, r.v; ~ 1 WFlft JI• 1~ 111&1 Ir llJ lfl111 Trko Pd Im f!~ a a11n lM s » 32\.'t J2V. -v. f ·od f . ped do ""'" 191h ~f ~~~SI ~ \t ll PIC F1E ll :M r~ ffi.; AmC..011 .llO 11 t.! 711;, 21:i... + V. or a per1 o strip wn~ k'::i 71 21 FP ~ N ~:::.c. 1=:1:~T:i Fc1 ,, ',!~~::,I~ ,:i: mt\\ ~::·y.~1~~··'° supermarket!? The confident Ai "J:t 1~1~F;fG~~11 n~~=~""i:.,0~ ~1;~{~H=Th U Uv;~EAA11 ~1J. J ~iU tt~ ffl:+·'Ai~:::i'ltt ·.~f. answer is that on the contrary, ~si' ~ 111 ii'!v. ll!.., ~:nkih'co J 1\'I =a~o11e-•111 101.; un ~Jr H'lli »12' .1.Du11 pf.&41 .... 11v. ~VI istl .... C•m1>S• 1.10 we'll see bigger stores with a ~~. 't".. v. 11.1o 1=rr.1t1n E I: ii" p:f1a.l 2i, .. 'i .... H~ M~1 !.,. 1v. ~:::eir,:11·~ 21: ~ 21v. J:t. -14 ~:~8e,!.,""',n·: wider variety of merchandise ~::_t>t,::• cB 'i"" 'l~ F~~';:'; lf" 1~ =: ii:: ~ ' un Rera 1,u ~v. Am Exp Ind 216 26~ 2•1'1 2•1Jo .+1~ cdn Pac i:20 AF t4 uv. :uv. , svo: U'o 11~ ,..,,,. AE ?1 r,~ Hi ~=' .,.. $\IJ AE1t1"" Pl.1.6 z100 ni. n 11 -\\ c-•Ad 1 10 and services. ...~:"1nc1 16 11 11.1.lr<ll 1 1"' p ! Iii 1111 t u$ mel 11 20 .l.Gtt1I"' .5CI l:M 2:1~ 21Vt 2l\4 ..... C-s> C l!dCtt ,1, df M l~ 1 V. DrYkl 7'~ ,_ p:fnt I 111\4r. IOI\ US r •1 '9 AG<!l11 Pl'l.M 41 32 .. 31\.'I 31\'J -1 1••tlflln l . .i;r ...~~ Df l' .. IClnellc ·"· ,s""' C!.'!!,e,,S• 40\\ .,"'us T L :W.\IJ im~ ,"'"Hoisl .l'O 213 14\1 U\11 Ullo i 141 ll'lllle .a BUT THE BIGGER ""' Nv>f' 1\ro 12•:. IU Etl .., ¥. .-., .. ol :Jlllh 41 lJa Pet1P 25 Vt HlllTll 1.4111 Ill S.~ 56 S."' " • ..., ~&bto S stores ..,rr H "VI n tef ! m PhAdO at ,, n u1111 Slcl 111o .I. Home ot J 4 1.s.1·. •s 11 N C••of l 1 1.., ·11 I I ffi · '~tt 11''•" 1•"' uv, Phl t ~ .. b jlV. n um 1nd 21 n Am HOlp .zz 10 l7'!to :w. :llilril !'I !up1(i, ,·60 w1 perm t grea er e 1c1ency ...rce•11o1 24 1l lJ ~ Pl'.o!on_,. 1v, 1,,,~ 11,1 LD 1o 10v. Amin"" 1.10 u 11:.,; lt<A. K '4 ~ irrl<trCP '60 a d rod ti It d th 1. 1 Sci no o.1.o ..av. 41Vt Pli Pd •"'° ''"' \laM• sa 11 n!h AmMFiw .'It 1et :10v; lf1' :io ,. •r•Gn 1.n~ n p UC y y, an e U o t i'! f W •J'·~ ~l\I)' PIN<rtn !JV. 55 ll!V Wod 21VI 'lV. .l..Mt!CI, l.IG SS ""• 41V. 4 + 'ti CotterW 401 JH .. ,. ' •-f .l.vwi:o 7 1111 "' IV. Por!r Hk 7'\.'i Jl Wllhw P 11 21 Am MOIOO"• Ill l :i. '°"' I'~ -I~ Ctoe JI resu ....... saYtngs on cos..,. o ~r.o'11.1.1 1111., '"" \IP#p,11 Golf 1s1.t 1• w Rei<k •v.10 .1.mN11G•• 2 v• :Uh ll'• :u -b ca~ a1 .1.1~• operation will permit retailers aiftt 0 1'"" 20•.:. raoh Ci! 1•1• 11\~ Proo Aft• !•~ !F>I. w1n.h"' 1114 12\~ "'m""'°' ·°'' 11 11 iti.. 1~ • v. c..11i..cke '60 tll bold down prices to the -~·;: :1 • :4t ~= rti n tt~ ~ ~:Ji n:: ~ =~ ~~ :r::: l~"' :!'f~h ·~ 1J1 ~~ ~ ~1'1 t? ... c!~\''Ue,!oa~ nillr c t 14 1014 rllll RE 111-; '! Pubs NC 111. Ill• W•l Tr 11 " ...,,., SHI l s 2:1\< 2211< 22 ... + "' Cl M Jtll 2S public, :~k l•O. U\11 rl111>C1I 112 11 Pub!~r n U \'J tbll R• 111.~ ll'Ai...,,., Shim . .o 15 If'!. 19\, ltoo -'• .co c~ io . . •sin p t V. lU'-" •O'lt Pr " 11\!i Pureo• ' 1 Wtld!r11 · •14 um A Smelt l .l'O 1'7 21._ S'-4 ~ + '• Cel•ntieCP 1 A typical Store WIJI stock ~~ '!~ lll'I '"'th In 19\!i 20\~ P BenNI 21 l' "'II"" M 21Y> 1SV> AmSo.l.fr .70 IO lf'!o "' ~+Iv. Ceton pt,1,i 5CI ..... u.. l \'it .,,..., 11••d Ch ~. ·,~1 !:\!.':!'.." ... s,1 16'-'> • We •A G r. ·~ AmS.l.fr •~.10 l JI"" 31 . CtllCO I "xi 10,000 or more items against ''I" ".,1• u v. 111,0 ~111d Tee '"" ·• ........ .. '"" 6('1 w.1c11 P tl"' 11"' Am Std 1 JS Ja'I< 31•.;, J&•• + Jlt Cent~o;1;1 ioo od , .11 lie m I 10\li 12\li 11ll lnl ''·• f\11 Putnms 14 I i~ W•ln N.1. 11 11\!t Am s·lerll .4 I• 21 U I• 26'., -•;, Ceto Hiid 1 d t ay s 7,250. To I ustrate how p~ 3f"" ll"' H:~odc.Ol u~ ll~~ ==~•bo-.E~I ~t: ~~ w!::: ::~: 1ho 1l~ !~~r ~··~ z~ ~~ l~ i~;~ t ~Ce~ lllLt 1:n savings might evolve, Mueller 111 [+,•11 u S.1 H•r'lll vo ,,• ,•, ... Rave~ c11 112 211 ...,1..., Wh 15 1sv, .1.n1T&T 2.0 541 u in 5,,., in. -"ccn111Ps 1.12 described the way orders art lrd ~ :W. 1' 1ve11 Un l'~ Jh RK<!O Ee !.AY> SI n•lw T 1" • ~tell: • .0 lS 1Ho ?lli 21._ _ v, ClnMPw l.12 llCuot W ~ f~ Elnov< S llavm c .. '31\ ~lh lnbac J1'/, :UV, .1.mWWkt y 6 l] 12 ? (tnlltEI II h I • · Bl<'lch<-~ 1 1111 Mor 16"-17'~ lleo Mio ll•t.." lsc PL 2' ... :nv, Amf"°lnc .IO JI 5C1 •9'1! ... l~ _ ~ Cf'l\I SW l.IO anded In one chain now. l''cti Ht :w, •,,., "~,, !,~. F '''" ,,,,., 11et crec1 :11"' :it\lo tNrd1 .. £ "' s ..,Mk co .:111 111 11,, :n1., lJ'~ c ... 1 $o1'• 1111 A Clerk Pushes a Spec'al -.. •,!' 1111, lj U ~!le~ 5111 1' Jl WVand C 1l 24 it.MP Inc 'I 10 451., 4i'o 451 , .j. 1, Ce~T1IU! M :1 oil v• 10\!i lllh Holm EP ,'·''' ,',',, Road Er. '7•.~ U Vrd~v E 6'~ 7"• it.m1•1!J< C~ro ?14 ~ l!' 1 330, Cerro l 60b " d h . I h Bu Cto 30 lf 1-<oover /om11ec1 l.•O 13 3111, JI'. 31" Ct•l·rft'G 311 C1h, own t e a1s e, scans t e 11001~ c , • ..., :u Houst F l~ 1•. 1 1~ ··-r--., .i.m1e1 .l1 13 1n1 11., 1r. ~ '• c ... 1.1e.1 Pl 'IO flrk""' G 67 61 HIK~ Ml 10'• l l" .l.ntcnd 1.71~ 7~• ,.,., 7' 19,, _ '• Ceun~.l.!r .to shel11es fo r evidence of low B.-Ar nY1 1Jv. Hud PP ,. JJ AMhHoc:k .IO •9 ., "° 47 +? CF! s11 .to I ks Wh he th . h llrus~ II• tt 21 H11a Ga' lf u• 1 ..,l\CCITTtNSv 1 61 'l" n 7l" _ '• Cl\tdorn inc s oc . en sees 1s, e Buck•v 1l uv, H11•ti P 11 1• MUTUAL .1.lld c11v , 1o , 1s·. JS ' .. lS'• + ,, cr..imas 110 ···11 h.ch '""° s 1 u. n Hv•lf (D " :It'\, 4Pt<heCP 10 ,, 21 ... »'• w . -... (llltt ... NY 1 presses some uu ons w 1 "" F 11:w. 16"" 1r'ld G•• ,,. • 1s i0o...:o0u 1 •11 11 31 111, 31 .. + '• ch1aMft 11G '. ... •.•• I rd the d II w Sv 'l6o 1611< Ind NIKI 101• n .1.0111 ('"'"' 76 3'11> 34·~ ~1. + .. (l!ecll.C'I" Mai mm e Y reco or er ~o n Y> 1s111 1m..1.,; •·~ 'i'~ ..,Iii.., s ... c .u 11 101Y> 101 101•i, c111mt1n 1.ao a•d transmo•t o·t 10 the ChaJ."'S •non M 69 Jf tnlrtrd •'••-.J.~•, Arc~O~n 1 60 31 41"o •• ••'• + 'o Ctw.mNT 2.MI " " •!lf\M B 61 71 Int Cont " "' FUNDS AriJPubSvc' ! S7 1S'-o 15'~ 1S\<o _ "Cl\ot"IWI~ .20 warehouse. Within hours, the :::r'L.. 1J:l 16"" 1::f:1.. sr~ 1~ rn"' :~~i~s~s 1.i.o'XJ 1~·s,,J1~.21?'!h~i:! ~ :; E::~ ~~Jal.~ shelves are refilled. Fewer or~iA 11~ 1l~ l~l ~f1 2r~ 1;'• ..,,m, f' • 1s 1 63~.•ii.. 6J>:. -'• c11es~bro ·" empty shelYes discouraging a 1rte ~Bl 1;o, 1 tn1 Nc1r is·~ 96 _ _ !;::::~~b 1':, ~ :"' ~~l ~~! ~ ~; ~~J~1r•~1,.1~ f . "'" l• 21 Int s.... I''\ ""' , , -Aro CO•D 911 113 ?] 23 ChlMSIPP er customer, ewer errors 1n 1sc H 1 2"-1J int sv a1 111\ 11 .1.rvin lrod 1 1 l1''o ,,,, 11·~ c11; Mv$lc 1 Orde''·ng. less "lock ··n the :!"v' ,, 2700 ""' I"' T-XI Iii ,;:~ ...... "'. I ln•es 801 11 " ll.OS .l.sllld 011 I .l'O 101 .<J ., ., .. ~ 1 ~ C~IP~T ' ~ ... 21141 '1'111 nlt'xt '!1''> l•''> Nl"W YORI!: fAPl !nv~•to•'" Groua , ~d Br•w ?l 10'~ 10'' 10\'o .j. '• C/\I Rl Pac backroom Small sa•ings ~·."a~• l~v. Ullo 1:'~u111 ,.,,, 21,, -r~, 1a11ow1,.. Que-10s no1 • 10 s.11 .1.ud DG 1,70 Joi ..s.., •s ., ChAIP ct UP " •I· s·~!•llon~. \Ul>Giled "" Mut 10111101..,,aSPQ l.l'Clo , :).I :M 3'I + ... C:~RIP ctNW which can add up to millions ~"'1 1nd ~ f~ 1:~ t 11"' 11..., t~~ N1tlon11 .l.atoeJ· Prog •.29 '66 A'sdT••n . .o 1 11•11 n1;. 11:i. • ·~ c111 Title 110 f d II he• uin 16 11 Jim W'1 '"" 1J •lion of 5ecurl!1•' •,.1i:c~1 ':;;: ,~ ~~ At1c1,',"••'• • ," 1•'• ,lf,._ ,',,'!• t \'t C~oc:kFull .60 o o ars. "' ,,,1 71 7~ lm'1lv 12•'• n O.•lt!n. tnc~ a<e ~ . AU t~ ! n 111•., ... ,. " .. 1 Cn•I• cn oa I If,., F '"' ,..., ·~e o•ICH •t W~•Cll .... , P• I ~I ~ "" .1.tlAc~ Dll 1 l&O '~ 59 }'I ... I''• Cllromlll ... "'"I S 1160 1' 1 os, O"-61'" ~ -..cur Illes 1nv ~ev. • U S lJ .I.II Rl<h ol l 'i 111l; !JS Ill'~ :[)~, C/\r1'1ltr t Chris of 10 101 Iliff 1 ,Q"lO"'°CO''td ~•ve ~"lst~I ?IOlll~«<.1.1l~cn p'291l 100 '"• 7J 11"-'•ClnnGE 140 ALSO ON THE WAY are !l\r."~ ... 2~~ ,f.:. :i~i 01 110 111 1e1111 1111c11 or bou9fl• I"~' "" un AU••Cllem 1 " 21 ll'' 29 , -'•Cl" GE DI • h " U B 2 \ 1SV. I( S 5'" (1Uedl Tv••fla1' lvv R "1 I 9J .I.HIS Coo-o "' H• ~ 5'> "-'• ClnMUI l .0.. semi.automated c ec kslands 1~~t ""' 221'!1 "" •v51"r 16, ,,,, 11" .-.1-J "'"'O<.k 1•s 1.uAu•or• P!•• JO ll" tl'• u~.+•.c 1TF1n 1.N I d •V. j 'fi'11 ~'• 7 ,t.b<!rd« /11 ?" '°"n•ln '0,91 10tl .l.V150klr OSt 51 IS'• U U . (ll;HSvc 2 but not complete Y automate c1 1r,,v,'°/,o.• 71~ •'Ii K!u!ic1 lit. ,,., Ad,..1.,1 111 1 ,., K~rstori. Funds: Aut°""'" Ina 91 u.,, 1•» u•,. 4 '> c1;y '"v lOb h kst -· c d 'I 0 ,,. lft"' l(eurt E 1' 111 Aftlllf!d / <>'o R ~· r ..... , ••.• , "'~ AVCO Ca 1.70 15 "'· ll'· '6 • + >; CllY lnv DI 81 t ec anus. ustomers on ~:.!onco 2 ,1..., eve ,:111 11 11 .1.lut•e 911 911 c11s Bl 11111:n11.1. ... cont)l0 10 56 1sv. S\U.+1 •c:u~1n Pll l l I th "f how do you•• E •l&1\~K1v1Cu• 26 11 ... 1~eFd01 !~1'"" r.,,p., •••1"(J.l.vtr¥Pd '.!l •S7 ~7 'i1 ""'•c11rl1"··0 'k h. ?" Collins F 1,~'to 1,~, .. r~! El I ,• AmtlP · r u• ~1 <I• I &7 Av""! DI! I "'II JD ."Ill ~1 lart. 011 00 v.·an em. or ... o m PC 1 1, "'' ,,, ''' Cui Kl 1t1 1 61Avnet111C "° ?•• lJ.IW 14''• 1.,,.._ '•1l•r1< c i.icr la to a mac 1ne . Colon Sir \It ..,.. •-'> f '.l.m <lu< )'1 1 r c,,. SI lO l6 n 11 ,t.v(ltl Pd 1 IQ loe lloe lSJ" I.IT_. +11: levClll! 1·60 Nor will we shop via TV. as S::,"'e~,, !!~ ~ l~c:' 2,',•:~ ',<'i'' !~~ 0;~1" 1~·~11• • r11• '" 1~•< 11 •• A>1ec 0 •1 G• J1 14" u• .. 11 .. -"" 1e ... e1111 ,·o· ~-.I.ct • •': Kn.to \lot " ...... G lh 6 66 71• c ... Sl 1-11 I 61 -8--Clev Pit l jCI so many have predicted. "Th is com 1n11 .I'" s... Kor•ca i1 II" 4 , ' i.t1 ~ ·" cus S• • '' 5.:u B•t1c• w 1 l6 ll7 11,, ,,.., 211• 1.-1, C1oro~ .Ho Would be fa' loo "OSlly for the 1= ',·,•,• 11v, "Iii C DI! 1•: •·~ ,;:;: M~• , n 10 11 Po•ar •'."I •At B•~•OllT 65 11 ..., 1~ 1, ..... ,_ c1u011Pea .ta .. _.. ?• ,, Lll'ICe In 16•, 21'' · ·., K"lc•t1 7.:)l In. >'"> "CllltttP pf I 1111 I' 19 nd I •'~ •"11 .1.mN GI" l O.I J.., k ,~ GI 1~ 1111 to 6t11GE 1 ro J'I 3'1'o l2"" " CNA Finl jCI lood businessofthel970s,"in· ~.", • 1 n 1~•.11 And•or G'ouP; "' · 8e!G DIB•~ 1JO u Mi 61 .. CNA ''"' C-.. J!~ ,·:~ ,'",!-Wd , , C-~pl! RM t S1 Le•ln~I 10.0'I 11.0J B•noPuM 60 '7 I•~ li>, ?'.N -\!o C: P · sists fl.fueller. Actually, this~~ c,.,"' ...... '" -· 1:• 1," Grw111 1151111'1-"' li,c11 1 •'~1 '"1 B1naP Dt'i 1 11i.. 11•1 11~t~ 0.011st Ga' ,...,_ IS 17 ti! (Olll S, ''" r tJJ •~tLiber!v 6~ 6.6'eanklr 1 M o 60lt 591 0 IO\t ,..,Cot.Col l.U delivery syste m would mark a '-::;: ¥; •"• 1'~ '11"' c; 7"~ """ Fd¥ 1 tu 10 n u1e si~ • 1\ • 19 s .. bOn 1 l'l' .a S7''> S.\.'i >I'* J'4 Coc18t10 , 10 h . ! ';'~'!:i :':.!~ ~~ 1: .. Ji, .-. .. oc:i•nv 1'J1 1.u u1e lftv ••2 l.02a~•d cA ·.2s "n-. tis s1-.+~f:m:..•1 ... 1i~ relUrn to l e expensive system ,:1';~1.: ,, :iov. lmv Eli 11 • 1• • .... ,,..,., ',. 6.11 t~11 »v~~ ''° :::I~ !7' 1toso ,1~ !ra .r~ !F..! + .\0 co111nR1ro1 to of the past which. mad. e the !... s,,•,•,•lo ~·• 71'> obl•w ''• I•·· A•: '"" 9flla.;:, 1 .i.1 '"""" :... ••'Joi a• 8,1,. Mia , 11 lO'~ 1o·~ _ ,, co101n111 1 '° -· '"" f Y> on Cdv 6'~ 71., .-u""' A '·"" • c~nll I\ }t 11 :it Ba!h Ind 51 ,.._ •l'o 41':0 + s• Coll Ind .SO 0 su permarket possible 1n the 1011lr1n , S'" Si.to oa Etrn 1 l'•19 """" e 1-7~ ;~ Mn! 1i.,1i•' IJ•u•t~lt1 t'l 1• ~l'• ,1:1,o ~1 •• +2v;c1111 1n ol!.60 -.. 141;, l!V. YOICh <: ]!''o .ll S!ocll •.n . M~nhtn ' .. 1 52 B•x!•L•tl 11 165 5"· •1"4 50>\o +1•'• CBS l «lb first place. 01'.'!,,5 31 Al •d GF..I 1''1> 1l ~co Co ~.•I ~ 11 M~~· ~~ 1o'~n 11"•q eavvl:CIQ "50 1 11•1 n•r, nv, _ '\ Co1.,G11 1 611 But to me. 'II these are ",,-,, •• :II) ~u. k Cl! 1S~· 1<' 61tl50I' I .SO ··~ MaSs Gr~ 11 " n 'M SN• Fell 1 9S Jl'o 32'. "'• + l•• Col!lf.ICI .•.IQ ('r ,,.. ""1 •] Rll¥ 10 101111!.l"lr l"d •~lQ!OM•« lr 15"M1~··1 'ltcllm~" !II "I<)'~ •«l •"• •1>:.10 1.76 vn." 12•:. 12"'Moml As 5 S' "a•l<l'I 51 9<1)ln M~·~tts 11 ,n 11·11 ~/ol< 71 g .,,.._ l"I''> '1>o.l1 amlSo!v 41! secondary po'.nls. What I fi·nd ~,?.~ c,n 1'1'> Jl'IV. M1 lkr! <11o•'l •••1· llonds1k l.S2 1 ,•,l M•IM 111 • 11 led DI<-JO ,, """ 4ll4i 0 ,,, +n• omb 11 2 40 t · · · th t = C 111'~ !IV. M1naur 1' 15 8os!on 120 '·" M Doti '1110·01 Btl«I Pel ·so !Jl 7.«~ 7~ Jl>l .f.-l~ CamlSol DI.JO mos 1ron1c IS a our super· o." e1 ~ o?'~ ?~;~ ~·n~;.,.! 3~11 ,: ... ,.,.,., s1 1• ;1 1• ~ Mfo,o. 11-.. 6 ., 1 n7 11,.111H~ ·611 1 ?II\• ,., ?"'" ... , , l°""EEd ,f 7¥ heated super boom has led us bit~~v O•o n>.> 11>~ Md Shlo ~:: f.. 1~~1~ 1:·~ 1:,:~. =·sCP H~~ J::~ l!Jl ~:i:,c~ 1~ ~'• s~,, S:tt 4'-l>o c=::wpF~sd:O back lO the price ph ilosophy O( B::~Ji~ lO">I. Ill.lo M ... H' O 2~ , C~11~0n 18.IO I · Man Funds• Bemis Co I 11 19 .. 71 11 -t~ ~°""°"' 1 ~v,Bv,:::~~v H 16 r,,~1r"~"'"' Ill''~ Gr!:~ 99i10M ""..,,..'•'1n '' "'• •"'• •1'";.1i,,c:.:.1'.{..i111 1 the deepest depression days. O.cl>f' n CePH s11r 6.6.7 1(·~ 1ncorn •OS ~.~~Bendix DI J 10 6'6'1 U''> 66'h.+ll\co>n••cCD ·"° f•nl ~"~ 10 . · 1n~u• 1 I~ I.~' CO'I Eclli I to Ch,:!',"..':;' ~~~~'i1 °'MIF Fd 91) '·" c .... Edls ""' Cqm SI 1.7S I.ti ;;.~F ~G ~.~ l!J l:::~dl:tl'LJ l>rwlll 6.'7 J.02 Mu O'l'lln lft 1111.0I Cdl'I Foo•;h l lMOfT' 1 M l.lt Mvt Sh~ 11.00 11 oo M Conl"d 014.J.O Soecl 113 JOtMotf r •• , ,~, 112 et'Clll'Y ConFrtl!lhl I '~i:'S!~G'°'l~' ... 111& NEA Mui l0°?t 10:10 ConNa!G 1.76 """ ... , . N~t WS« m ., II ·~ (on•'-1 llO UCI Prof Joins Board Frnl 97.tl fd,fQ NII Ind 10,9110:91 Conl.l.lrL .50 Sforl<d ll ."11,!·MI• "I•! lnvst 7 10 l.J2 p C"" C•n 2.70 cnemct 11,1' ' N~1 5«.ur Ser• ace Sets (Oii! craa ·311 coe,an1:1· •ii 4 n llAI'" 1n .,., i1 ?6 CO'I! o I 90 ~ • >> ,, '' ~• Bo"ll .I lt s 19 Cl Ca af.1.1.~ Fund o•vu• , 'II • 11 (I~ o•B1.5CI Grwtti tJS 613 Grwt11 IH tn C! M!ot ll'O Ver<! • 11 "" Pl s·~ A"ll i<• R d -rni•Mnt lo-> Of Comp11ter Co111pany Dr , George W. Brown. Professor of Administration and lnformalion and computer science at UC I, has joined the board of di rectors of the Newport Beach-based Com· pany, Computer Automation , Inc. Dr. Brown is also dean of lhe graduate school of ad· mi.ni:>tration al UCI. Prior to his post ai. UCI, Or. Brown was the Chairman of the department or ti.Gsiness ad· mini stration, the f d u n d i n g director of the Western Data Processing Center. a n d professor of busi ness Ad· ministration and engi neering al UCLA. NAMED DIRECTOR Comm< llJ.i 12." lMDl'n ii.o 6·01 eco1• C°"'I 011 l 'Ill roms eo •.!• s.~ 51,,,.. 1 •• , J• ~ont ~" 1 Commo"w1111 Fels; N•• Wes! s"t' , 52 '""' Ttt .n C•~ Fa 9 •7 10 10 "'El G I~ "n•vlll •0~1,~1 n.,. 11\Com 9,65 lD.55 Ntuwtl\ ll '6 lJ M CnOAI oU 50 I 1nv"'' •.~11on .,~,. f"4 o,,1D•1 Mercury Savings and Loan ~""~11~11 •n Sroct< '"J 10 Jl H..., Hot 15 75 ll 15 c-ttln I «I lrwll~ ..... 1"· I .~ N-Wicl u:, .... 4·.. Association llunti ngton Beath ... ~~-· TP ' ~w!tll CD 1 61 1! ~NY Vt"1 15 f117." . ' . . . . I~~\:~ 1J;'! c:;:::.,"" 1~ ~ '" ~=-::, ;: ~; :~ ~ based financial 1nsl1lut1on. has co ...... 1su 1 ~ l'""'o "d •11101l,., J. l?t tr.1 . . h If f. . I ~ • .,r,~e 't'<o COl'nP Fd •.to lo.u 0~. 1911 110 released its fi rst a 1nanc1a corGw l.'IO~ '""'"" • 9~ ~ 0 11111 Fd 1i~ 1•11 . (a,r•.•11" l1 C011Cord 11u11, •,5 101 I'd , n 10 Mi stalernent showing re c ord ~-,"', • '" 'on•ol In 11 II 1 I""• wms i••• 1, 1, n• c•' COl'SO In 'II S.01 O'Nfll H 04 16:0Ct growth and ea rnings. CPC Intl 1 70 •aro Id 11 n.I M.,. ,,,1,,.,..i-1 <\ ~ •• (•~•~ I &Oii Cntv C•D lltoll.I• P•n" Sq 100 1 oo ln its .June JO Slate1nent C•-nKn to lrrown w 6 II '•I "• M~• I"' I n1 • ' r11111••Hlnd I C<nW I" 11 .Gl 11 Gl P~ll• u !? 16 u •1 S · h CrCM'Col I.Sit ~e\19~ M a• 01 A<.9! D"o•Jm ~ •• 9 ,, " ercury av1ngs s ows an rrown ror11. De-Cal 11\C 11 011J ll P!IQ! 1 t1 I It C.......Corll; "'I ,,,,, .. ,. 11"' 1111 .. ,.,.. 51 1n"n 1~·11 asset growth of 22 percent r•awnc~ 011 Dell• Tr 1 N IS• P! r 17 791J f7 . . CrwftZtll 1.60 "'v'~ s .... i. .. •M•1~::""1 .. ~ 1191)11·~, during the first six months of •T~ co, .. '° -T IQ I IS 1.16 p I TR 7116 23 16 Cu:t~hv Co ,,.,....n• " ~·1~ ~ n ,~ce"""" 1~·.., ,,.·,, lhe year. '"""v Dfl ?\ Drf~tl 15,1llS,17pl'll\'dn! •7IS?I Cumm!".lllb n ..... , .. s ii" u.&J 011,ilrn 9·,~ 10.n The association also posted runnD•"•,.t"~ E•~~~~H-~,1'~~ 11 ~~ Putn1m Funds: . . ~~~:ls~'f a 1 G~11l 11uu121 ~~ ;;~1~~ earnings for the i;1x·month ~u11r-< 1-1 1 l'O ~~ 1~.;; 1t :s r•t~ 1~ ii!; 11 ~ period double those O{ the COr· c:~~IM 11~411 ~111<-,. "11 ~, 1= f l 1:s.1 responding period of 1968 On Etlet~t ll"lj olJ VIS!~ IGll ll:M ". '"~~' •• 1;;n, i~: \lo¥•• ···~ •'>t a per-share basis, tbe. associa·Z!~a~~ r~ mr• ... · · R~~ Te.:lo • 91 5 3t ,. I d !8 t h n 1 I ~ yo~ """'9" ii •11••< ........ ~ 11·,, ii" ion repor e cen pe r s are 0•·1 1~~ · 1, E11!orse f,)6 f.U Rosen!~ I 12 1·A · d · · g tr "" P ...... 1,.., •··1~,.c.,: ....... 1,oJ11 u in earne income against g•¥coCP11;t ~~! Gtto \1?~1•.07 ScudMr Funds· · cents for the same period in o~:f~,.~ 't.60 ' • ' l•t Inv ''"'"'1111 DPl pt8 J l! Or. Brown is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics. and or th c Or. Geo rge W. Brown American Stalistical Associa------~------- ~ver•t 1" h.ll is n SllCl 15 •J J! •• the previous year a n d .... ~a ' ·•'"' 1• •• '" m ,.,1 u •• 14 ,, • """''' .. ~•lr!d a 1,0,.•. :!·:! Com 51 10.Sl 10.Sl !oilatutory defe rred income for &::~-.:-.~ \ ~a 1 lion . His recent professional ac· tivilies include service on ~ number of national com· 1nittees or task forces con- cerned with information pro- cessing. information networks. statistics, and o p e r a t l o n s research, for a variety of public and priYate agencies. He serves Dala Products Corp. as consultant and Direr· tor. Former corporate d!rec· l.orships include Informatics. 0,tapulse. Capital for Small Business. CEIR. G e n e r ~ I Analysis Corp. and Tell!mcter Magnetics. Computer Automation. Inc. spl!cializ~ in mini-eompUters for a broad range of a~ pllcaUons. from rugged in· dustrial to high speed. time· sharing and on-1.ine acquisition or control runct1ons. ON THE TUBE .vm ~" u (•c lllv P 11 1? '' Fr<1 Gt!h 11.•, •,~·~ Stt E•iv11 l.6J 1,,, the period was 5 cents per °'o,n~1',.i.ci ~·~ (~O 1 • • <..: Inv 1 A9 • ..., h . th .. Frd Fund 1'.J111.11St-1K-Am t!•lo6s s are, against 3 cents for eD0fl>"/t/~ ·~ ''" T11Vt """U~S!.\'J """1:5 ·~AA1•1< 'od . ru!O enn 'D f-!n......:ltl Prot: 511 Dfll'I 22:3f 22 Joi S8me J!E!fl In J;;ruo, DenO ftVAll, '1' n ........ ~I' ,,~~lM ·~•M-.. Th . ti ntul~ ,,,11 111C111•t .,, •9fls19fflr. ,1,1071 e as s oc 1a on waSDttlR Gr 110 1"'~"' 6 '' ~,.. ((q ~~ 1• "117 41 reporting on a split-share ~~KO Dt, ,• II~• I OS lllSmlM I •n f 1l ~eoco P • "•rF v~ '" ... ,,~ ..... '""e~1 a., t&s basis for the fi rst lime O.Sotolnc '° D F}I 111G!h t 16 10_o.t Sever Inv 14 n l! 46 · g::Eo:ll1 1..oct IpS """ 1,s•\ •·" ',. ('"'"' r.1 ~;,, .(N 1 ~fercury Savings' stock was ,sin•,,• Fst Mum •11 t'.16\!tt~ s1 ~•~•tSll , . e~er . Ling Al tcc l11co1ne .,, .,,, 1.40 1oos1••"m"" r u·~··· spht 3-for-1 on April 10. 1969.0l•IFl,..ft .so F•I Sl~rt untYlll ,1,.,, Jl\CI 10 61 ,, 61 nd II · d• ed D .mll\11 1.to LTV Ling Alll't' 1 n c ~,., r., 1•• <'1"'" in '" a a reporting was a JllSt 011S111.,, 1 .io . • 'Fir! F"CI 6 lO Sc-' ... • 12 I U 1·1 Th 492 000 Ol•Sh pt C1 led · d 1 •.. 11-,, r· .. ~•1 1••s1·'" Rot ~... n IC sp1 . ere are , 011s otO•:ill repor increase sa t·s uu !:"" c;111 111 5'' a111 211 017001 shores outstanding D!cl•~ •• I ·~.,..,.,. •" •" (•o OD l••nl•<11 ' · Diebold .... b O\\'er e~rn1ngs !or the lhrce· Foo,,.,11 11 St n 01 Slllcil 1J toll 111 OIGlo••lo .611 • . Fr••\l1r Ci•,.·~· \u1> 'nGI &~l f?l 011~nahm .oil and s1x,monlhs periods ended corn s1 '9(1 1,4s ,vp1ns1 •.al t ,fll JfforJ~et °'11,,. 91 A,! "0 c>"TC ll""l'·'~"'r>r.T {';I 11~•~1• DllonCO. .-June ,, , con1pdtl'tl \(1 ;1 year um •.ll 1 . .a Mii ;,,. \'· 1, • 01,,.-c1ub so ' • '~ ,,, 1~ T•~~ ~ ";~ ~-... e11r 1er. r~ '" t7ltPC1111e1 '°' '·'' •tS<e•• 17t Fth ·d t l "o""•'"'••t~·•r,..•v.1~~' s IJI '""'"'t0 or e stton qu11r rr o c..... s..:: 11 10 11 ie 't«tono1 114 1 06 111111 0 S ~Mk! 1111 1969 LTV Ling Ailee h:ld ncl ~itll'~n, 12 :111 1i :11rema r.1 ·~•v•ll u "" 1Jll' ' ' Gl'OUll SK: !""'' Mii. 701 1.6' flflln .60 income of $172,000 on ~al 1•'{ of "''" ~c ~10 '~! ••n CAa r ~l 111 r ... :r.:•-•, , __ ·~· ,, .. 0or1c C• .tt Com St 1~,MI U . .., r•v Ea t . ..O 10 27 I'll "'" ""' v• •v 00¥er C• .+.o $40,249.000 -an approxim ate i:~1 11.<1 •" 10.ft~ u<1•• ~~ a .. 111," In m. 1 Kit marlot rwor .. -'"° Oawehrn 1·" k I Grit! IM 11." '!1.0J iwnc GI ~-n ~.61 089t O••VllCP ... brea ~ven per share a ler11rvflton 1Mf114 "'"'inc '· 1·•1 ~~ltvr(' ,,.. IJl'lllffftl~ 1 111 r111s1nd 1.• deducting preferred dividends. lf,!!.71r..,, 21,,. H" ~~!iiMut : ;, l ·~ 1n 1.,.. 11:: ~~~ ~~i:-,.... _. -'\'It This compared lo 1968 results ~t,! ~ ~ a11 U~~,,, Fv'1~}. ·~ :'°J~'f111t'~-~ t1~'911, ~:ie....: 1'1\'f.1.~ of -nnn nl!\ income • H-w 1.u 1..ti •ncam 1.t.00 1s,X1 :,,.hid::_-'~, · ~ .. ~f" ~~ va "~"' 1.1e """"•""1' • f.<.Jtho< Sot t 1' S(l9n I ti I.Sil •••"r'1."':F': .. ~(."""-~ PllOI C• $38 126 000 sall!ll and 9 CtlllS to1•""'1t 1).11 '(.I' UF~ C1n U~IVlll :-'~·· .... -.~·-:·_-:; • ""!..M ~-dvPant ~·tr: ' ' • H c t tv 11 .Ul .i»v11ut l lltt Fd ; toctr -' -.... duPMI or per Sh&rt. Hfllb Gor I 7J n \I.I l.ln ) SI I.ii •-~red or N~ fl<~ a 1:: I<· OUl'oOll nil. N I I. I ttedtot 11 n I ,)I tncot"' I ,, ! 14 :11.L.i.,C''R:i. ~:, "d'(., -11 •· gu• l ! 1 "6 cl ncome for the 1rst ii x ttf'l'n~· '·•s >.n s,1 sn r '' 1.'° 00..,,.. or nd~''-"" •• i.st dl!r. .. • Mtr!f.10 ,__ ftll69 u04000 H M•nll 11 .... l ~.6'1 IV•~wl ll~ t015er'ld •rlt "'° llf[ I ' \l'Ol..1 -.1&11 mon1il.} 0 was .,,. 1 on H""*""" , ,, I.. 111:11'\tl ' If , ... •Ill r"'~ 71 ldtfld ~ar.b.,. 1" n •Nieto ~ l 7!-oll ,11 sales of $31 .018.000. Aller pro-:~: f;: ~~ ,_:= ::~,.P !L 1U :'..'-~~. ~~L~ --;.~or -tl ~;:::'~~ .s:; vision for preferred dividends, •m~ to0 10 1" 1~ .. 1111--1:n !~ ..:.111111.,. gfviof.ncl. v t""' Giii I'' f Ill L 11\o,.. • -i.i.. lfl tuH lhls amounted to I ctnt per t11< F• ""' 1' ,. 1 •1 ·"~11$1 · lft 1 ·"" 1 · c:"' .. ·"1t1M. •t £• dlv lOlold ~ i:rts-E• l'••~"<~ to Inc "di 111 I fJ e-. Mu 1f·" 13M. ...-.. -· ' 1•sco C• oitCI Share Comparative (Jg11res 1"" ... "" '·" 10.rt v.·11.111i1n 1 "1j e1J1r1bu111111. lr-E.1 •19~b. 11W-Wothov1 «" Air -» ·, Jncl Trnd 1),15 1117 Nnt Ind 1 .oct • •t•r•ftl~ --Wlfll wt<<•" t l •~ICF' l 111 for simllar period In 1!168 M·••1 '~ I"' ... ~1,,...1,.-'' ,, • ·~ ---kcyr111n <1Mw'""3 "Lwch. rio-"'r.' ,,, \1111 11 siB.794.000 in sale$. and 23 /~:1~~~i~ 1' ~ i. t! %\::Pi~ t·n 1!·~~ =""11!:rL~:f· ~.m,ft~~.lcr: :t~~~'l .o n" per sh re 1 .... i;.,1<1 111 !-'' Nl1C1111 ' ot , n dtv fl!ltvtn -w•"•"'-"°".,.nltl. •• o11 1t ct ~ a . 1"" 1""tt 11 o111 1 .io °""' l IM J ll ·bncl 11111 1 " Stitt H• 111111.l K1-I! L .. CINe Ciiio :Wednesday's Closing .... N9t I t..._) Ml .. Law( .... CN f • Prices-Complete Nelv York Stocl{s Continuing Vigorou s Upswing NEW YORK (UPI) -Stocks Dnlshed on a strong note today in what was widely described as "continuation of 1'uesday's vigorous co1neback." Trading was moderately active. There is still concern over inflation, comment- ed one analyst, "but you can't overlook the recent protracted. declLne which has made issues attrac- tive to bargain hunters." The market's upswing last week \Vas only the second weekly gain 1n 21;, months. The UPI stock market Indicator, measuring all stocks traded, was up 0.76 percent on l ,£K> issues on the tape. There were 882 advances. and 419 de- cl1nes. ... The Do\v Jones average sho\ved a gain of 4 78 to 826 01 near the close. Turnover exceeded ten million shares, about llh: million shares above Tuesday's pace Some heavily traded issues were Villager In~ dustries, Sundstand Corp .. Natomas, which was de.- layed at the operung because of an influx of orders, Southern Co., Pennzoll and Occidental Several electronics tacked on point-sized gains, but many \Vere below their best levels. Near the close, Motorola and Honeywell seot the pace with advances of 3 or better. IBM, Control Data, Texas In struments and National Cash Register 'vere up 2 or more each. H Stock F;~change List -"""' i!.IMl"d ,..,. Sw•Nit ... iw!I! Cl .. $wl11tll11t A lrbninc:P , .. 5rbrtlll 1111,..0 Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List DAI!. Y l'!LOT 27 • Ult '"'i lj' ... 1 -"'' 1'41 + .... " 4h -... " II -•-. ,. + 2'~ " . ,,'41 t !!' 2'14 -.... . :~ f ~ ,,,, .... " .. •ii~ '• 1 11 .. ''~ l n'-t +"" ll'-+ •• U'4 t "' ' ~ '• 1:1'11 ·~ 2\lo i" ·1~ .. • • • 1\o • ' ,,, . ._ '• 2f\• + \• "" 11 -.. '''\ .l-l'. r... + '• " + '• ·~· -'It ... Ill> -•A .... +-'• 10·~ -'~ , •• + '• ll\4 -11 \,o -·~ ' ... ,., ..: .. +111 11 ... ' ' !~·· .1-pf 72 \\ + ,, ua, ..1. '• Ut~ + '' ,.,,_ ' ''~ -'I 2•\o + 'I "' ~:: t ,:i r· t a I ' lQ'~ "" -·1 ~· .. -. lib -' -·· !JI\ t ,, ,,, •• 't n1: t ~1 l~i+l 1 .. "~ ••• :,\~ +' ··-' :Jt\i + I +' t ·( I •; ' ----. -·-- Z• O~ltY P!tOT Wtdn..iay, A.,,..1 6, 1969 ,. " * "'' Strl•sl * "'' .. Colo rd •All' 11 .... . . OVER 20,000 PAIR LEVI'$® IN STOCKI. CAN YOU IMAllNt wfl.t 20,000 ,. .. et lrlt1'9 wtti1'4 IMll' I•• If Ytv ,t1,11 .,.,. 111 ''' h'll H ,,,tty hl1hl Don't, •o"Y. "' kt" ill ef •ul'f tort•• •vt lty •tJI•• •n• Jenetlu anll w1llt"tbt1~ We'"" "' whit )'9tf w1nt-wh111 y" w111f ttl I Styles for Men & Women-Boys & •Girls! SIZIS" SLIM FIT9, WHITE LEVI'S" .•........ 2M2 $4.98 ,SUM FIT" CORDS ................ 21>38 $5.98 LEVI'S" BLUE XX DENIMS ..•.••..•. 27-SO $5.98 STA-PREST SLIM FITS• ............ 2M8, $6,98 STA·PREST NUVO SLIM FITS" ..•••.. 26-38 $8.00 FlARE'S•, SOLIDS & STRIPES ....... 26-38 $7-$9 STA-PREST TRIMCUTS ......•.•... 26-18 $7.lO up BoY'S SLIM FIT JEANS ............. 4-12 $3.6, BOY'S XX DENIM LEVI'S."-...••. : ... 8-12 $4.98 BOY'S CORDS, SLIMS & REGS, .••••.. 4-12 $4.98 LADY'S STA-PREST" SLACKS ......... 6-18 $11.00 ' LADY'S LEVI'S" FLARES" ........... 6-16 $8-$1~ I USE YOR CIEOIT llOW AllD SA'-11t llUllT'SI SAVI OH AU of your Camping NH4s 1t Gr1nt'1 ••. from CMtttns to Cook S.h- you'll nve more at Gr1nt's, ani we'111 proud to f11tur1 •II of thl famous, quality nama br1nd1I S.. them FIRST 1t Gr1nt'sl U11 your credit and s1v1I COUMAN STOYIS c .. ,1ote ,.,,.11.., nfrnh•t ... , ... '" rff!IJ "'••latt•l LOW AS 01111 I OfflCIAL COUMAll UPAll STATIOll CATALYTIC HIATIU Tllo Mfft ptHlln1 fftl'(O •I ,..iUl1 •Ht .... ""1 IM• ~· .. Ill "-l '~r •179s @&J,ij& LANTERNS ... "' .......... "'" ..... ~" .. ic1I a• HINlllt 1- ltrl. Sl11l1 ,..,.111, s9aa 2-Mttnti. , • .,,.,.,., ''''"' ••• $12.95 FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! CAMP TOILET Comp/it• with fr1m1, •••f, 11111 ' 11111. LIST •2·· $3.91 NAVY TYPfl •Heavy Canvas ~~~S~I Duckl EGG CARRIER Ht1 Yy-llvty co11t1in1r k11p1 llt• from lltttk· 1,,1 11.L STYU ' FOLDING CAMP SHOVEL POLDING COT 5-l'C. MESS IDT HO. $1. 91 HO. $5.9S •4•• RIO. $1 .29 98' 98( • "CHARGE IT" al BRANT'S SURPLUS OR.ANT'S CHAIGI ACCOUNTS E ~ ·--- All Of THE NEW wM11 altd Ml'> row 1trlp11 In 1 hu11 11lectlo11 If color•. 100% luxur l1u1 comffd cotton -ne wrlnkll~ - 110 1hrinldng -llO lronlflt. Sir•• $-M-l•Xl. s6.s7.sa "llAllll TEii" TRUNKS 56 to 58 -- U.S. NA VY TYPE . . BELL BOTTOM DUNGAREES s4so BUSH COATS $1495 lEG.•$24.95 VAL. NlW STOCK-Com,lttt rt"91 tf 1lu1 for M111, Wo"!:" 111d Chlldrta. "GAME • WINNER" l ulfi JKklfl -thl , ru111d, 111-tllftl f1Yorit1 of lltht· w1l1ht c1tto11 111d pely11ttr. 5-M- L-XL SALE! SALE! GOLF WALKING SLACKS SHORTS 2:$11 2~$5 REG. $7.9S PflMANENT Pr••• fini1h fir REG. TO $4.98 fl c1r1. full I . 1hrink1fi1 con· trol. l ti llu1, SAY( NOW whll1 WI IN clo1i11~ out Awc1do Gr1111 our 1ntlr1 •Itek of l1nnud1 S ort1. ind C..111ry T1I· Hu11dr1d1 If lllW • t y I 1 I \11 Solld1, low wltt. mtkh- Checks 111d Pl.ids ••• tnd ill 1r1 int belt•. Si1H P1nn111111t Prtu f1lltic1, of c1un1! 30 ,. 42. "The Greatest Name in the Great Outdoors!" c;;m TENTS •• :and Grant's Has the Greatest Selection! GRAll1'S Rfll1S ' frfl'1ffllfG Ill CAM, EOUll'MEllT ''The Oasis" JUMBO '8995 TO'xB' 9'•12' iSlups 51 ............ $109.95. 10'x13' (Sl1!p1 6) .••••••••• -: .$129.95 16'•10' ISl11ps II ............ $169.95 ALL·BRAND·NEW FLOOR MODELS AND DEMONSTRATORS , •• All NEW ••• MUST BE LIQUIDATED.NOW ••• SEVERAL MODELS TO SELECT FROMI .SAVE ':";:i; NOW! _, Sensational Discounts! * '-fflm hllnry * .. Wolt"91 - NEXT DOOlt A 1: c;R4Nt'S GULF SERVICE STATION ' ~AClf'IC ''Windking" JACKETS liy Patific Trtll ~ li{.'l!J.'flt ~ ICIJ RUGGED, windproof, luxury f.d· 1t' lly f1mou1 Pacific Tr1H. Ttl• MWe•t "out-.r·looll" .._ LHM Gre111, T111, Tuniuol,., T-'IN. Pumpkin, Ophr, N,YJ 1M ..., otNn.. Siut 34 tt 46. STRIPED TEE SHIRTS . $149 UG. $2.91 Huge selection of all cotton striped T-1hltt1 in 1 dozen colon:. S-M-L SALE! 100% Nylon GOl~ JACKETS s411 RIG. $5.95 100% 111 nylon 11nll111d i1ck1t1 In 1 11l1ction of I new ulors. c.in,1,,. tit1 ''"''· l•t· $5.95. CAMP TRAILERS ! " ; • • -. Fountain Valley EDITIQN 'l'oday's Final . N.Y. Stodu ,VOL. 62 , NO. 187, 4 SECTIONS, 58 PAGES ' TEN~CENTS Bea~h Style This Beards Are ID ' DAILY PILOT PHOTOGRAPHER DALE SAMOKER WAS DISPATCHE Q TO THE C01'STLINE .TO SEE WHAT'S IN STY.LE. HE OBSERVED, TRIPPED SHUTTER, CAME BACK WITH THESE' CHARACTER STUDIES • • ' ; -'PREACHER' LOOKS PART Beard Goes With Work ' I WORN B.E;ARD 10 YEARS Jerry No Newcomer ... PREFERS NATURAL (lRD Chuck JU1t Llfi It ~Grow 'Step' Rezoning DA Firm For Park Okayed !Jn Probe resid•n•• were .. m adamantly opposed Of l(~nned y A bitter struggle over rezoning a scgrnent of rroposed 290-acre commer- . cial-industria park. to apartment usage is apparen~y sl!ttled in Huntington Beach council chambers. It will be re- zoned in steps. After the dust had settled_·on a lengthy public hearing of the propO!ial by John D. Lusk and Sons, Monday night. Ocean View School District officials and area Plaru1ers Ask Council Guide 011 Apartme11ts There are seven •luntington Beach planning commissioners. Th€y had seven different in- terpretations Tuesday night -0f a hot polato tossed back lo them by the City Council. Commissioners today are wondering exactly what the council wants in .con- nection with the CQntroversial apartment units sought on an industrial-commercial complex by John D. Lusk and Sons, developers. To clear the cobweb!'i, commiss ioners have asked lhe ~ouncil members for "guidelines on hovr to delineate the devehJ pmenL" Reporters were making :;;imllar requests of City Attorney Don Bonfa Monday night after a puzzling council public hearing. Apparent council intent for the pro- perty near Mt;Donne\I Douglas plant - known as the Aldrich Peck estate -is programn1ed reioning. This would mean rezoning about 46 acres f.or apartment usage in increments. • · Planning commissioners earlier had denied this portion of the Lusk plan - rezon ing a segment of the complex to apartments -but had gone along with industrial and commercial zoning. Ota Both Sides to the apartments. Jn .t.he Wsk.. corner were lluntin~n Beach Chamber of Commerce: offic1als who argued for the apartments. The basic tneine or the school district, whidi has low asseesed valuation and high taxes. was that switching industrial zoning \Viii 10\\.·er the tax base, add pu· pils and permanenUy remove chances for better tax base on the land. Proponents of the develop1ncnt fought statistics with sratistics: argue<.I that there is a need for apartments. They contended that flexibility is needed in the competitive chore (If attracting industry. LLJSk said he was trying lo bring induS- 1rial development to U1e city. Councilmen Jerry Matney countered with a comment that he had not expected Lusk to com- promise the industrial 1.oning w i t h aparlments. Matney, a former school trustee, has stated before that the city is overburdened with a p a r t n1 e n t zoning. In the end. councilmen outvoted Mal· ney 5-1. Counciilnan Al Coen called the action, "one of the most difficult decisions \Ve've ever been faced with )Jut it is our decision to make." City Attorn~y Don Bonfa said the council a c t i o n to send a portion of the 46 ac·res back to the ·phtr.ning com· mission meant "programmed rezoning." Councilmen will rezone the 46 acres in sections which tie to comparable in- (See ZONING, Page Z.t llecalJ Candidates To Stale Positions Fountain Valley recall election can· didales will slate their pooltiops at 8 p.m. Thursday in a public meeting sponsored by the Fountain Valley Civic Association and the Fountain Valley Civic League. All ten men who have filed for can- didacy have been invited to U1e session in Rooms A and B o[ the Fountain Valley Community Genter, 8200 Slater-Ave. . ""· . Fronr~· StirvlceS BOSTON -The aftermath of Sen. Edward M. K.eo.rieq,'s July JI auto ·ac- cident took two ntW turns today with Disl Atty. fjdmund Dinis announcing he v.•ould go aheali with an Inquest and Ken- nedy revealing/new details on hJs retum to the scene of the Chappaquiddick Jsland crash. Kennedy (0.-Mass.) revealed i. o associates that be and two frien11s-return- ed in a rented white Valianrto·the s<:ene where Mary Jo kopechne drowned. Christopher J .1..ook Jr. has told police he saw a black car resembling Kennedy 's approaching the accident scene at least an h:our arte.r 11 : 15 p.rµ., the time ol the v.•reck estimated by the senator. A spokesman for DA Dinis indicated he \vou ld act under a state la\v which gives him the power to "require" an inquest despite a judge's request today for ad· ditional informalion. The Jaw states in part: ''The attorney general or the di st rict at- tomey ... require an inquest to be held in the case of any death supposed to have been cause<.I by external means." The same law says Dinis may ask for the ill(luest. Dillis sought the inquest in •a letter sent to Edgartown District Court Judge James A. Boyle last week. Boyle replied today that the lelter was "unclear." ~le asked Dinis to declare flatly whether he was requiring an in· quest or simply asking for one. Dinis met with newsmen here and sa id he will call •:all witnesses" who have anyU1ing to C<>ntribute. He did not specify, hov.•ever, whether this "''ou)d in· elude Kennedy. Stock ltlark_ets NEW YORN> CAP) -The stock market clnsed with a good gein t008y, bouhcing into higher grpund at the start and staying ahead until the end. (See quota- tions, Pages 2&-27 ). Trading near the close was moderately active. Recall Probe Requested Fountain Valley City Council men1bers Tuesday night unanimously approved R ~solution asking the district auomey to Jnvestigate possible legal violations in- "1:ilved in \he community's healed recall &mpalgn. The two-page document 'l\'9.! origlnally drafted to mean tha~ the lnvcstlgation :::hould pertain only to Utpse SUPPorling the rr.call movement. tt v.·as amended to include all parties involved. ~fayor Robert D. SchwerdUegcr, Vice- ll.1ayor Donald V. Fregeau and Coun- tllman Joseph J. Courreges -who face recall In the Sept: 23 election -have asserted that "factual information re- quired by law was not attached with the recall petitions when presented and that flddilional written And oral charges and Allegations w~re delivered" with the P,Ctl· Lions which they had not been given the bpporh1nUy to ::inswer. On the other &ide of the fence , the 1 recal\ers h av e alleged harassment of petition carriers by private investigators and claimed that the mayor made copies of the petitions befor~ they ..officially became pubMc records. 'I'he suggestion that" the district at- torney investtglte both tides of the con- lroversy wa& made by Cooncilmen John D. Harper and Eaward E. JUst. In a statement read in hls absence, recall leader Eugene E. Van Desk told the council. ''We who favor the reeall, welcome an investigation of our ac- tivities. We assume that the other side would welcome an investigation of lhelr activities and would cooperate in any such investigation by furnishirfg ln- f ormalion and documents presently in their possession." Also adopted by the City Council at its Tuesday session were 19 voting precincts to be used in the recall election. These ltl'C: • Precinct 006, \6581 ·Hemlock Circle; Precinct 007, Fol.intaln Valley City Hall; Precinct 008. l~arper School, 18685, Santa Ynez St.: Precinct 009 Mcl>owell School, 17210 Qak St., Precinci 010. 167'7 New· -hope-'St.; Precinct 013, 16334 San Gab- riel St; Precinct 015,_1 18194 Bushard S~: Precinct 016 l'fleblas School, t 3 0 0 Gar_denia St.; Preclncl.107, Fulton School, El Lago and Santa Elise St.: Precincl 201, 9548 Robin Ave.; Precinct 202, Allen School. 16200 Bushard St.;I precinct 203, \Vlndsof ' $quarf' Con· domlnlum ; Precinct 205, 11737 Bushard St.; Precinct 206, Tamut._ School, 17340 Santa Suzanne St.; Precinct 207, 10701 P~ny Clrcle; Precinct 209. Founl.aln Valley Elementary School1 17911 Bushard St.: Preciricl 2ll, ~9 La E.'lperpnza Ave.: Pre<:hlCt JU~ Founhtln Valrey High School. 1781S Bushard St.; and Precinct 214, Gisler School, 18720 Las Florea SL TRIMS BEARD, SHAVES HEAD Brian in Berbtrlng Switch ..... ' 'YOU DON 'T HAVE TO LOOK' David Likes His Beard Sunset Annex Out? Opponents Say Action V seless ' lnd)cations t()fiay are th3kannt,lal1on· ~ Ji®\~1'.t,e~ .SunSE\l· s e,ch to Hun- tlolfl\?lf ·11qch· I• 'Cl<iomed. - A pu~llc hearing set for the.Huntington Beach City Coo~il cha111ben at 8 p.m. today Is a "\(aete.0£ tirrie,"' according to Richard Harrison, principal opponent of the proposed merger. "We will presenl to J1untington Beach City Clerk Paul Jones \Ve<.lncsday ar. ternoon protests representing SS percent of the property owners of Sunset Beach and 60 perceat of Lhe assessed valuation, about $1,476,000," Harrison said rlally Tuesday. "We will also deliver a letter to Jones pointing out that:lhere is no reason for City's Largest \Vednesday n.ight) putllic hea'cipa u the result is a ~oregone coQcluslon," HaitlAM further chai'ged. ·· · • 1 ,~,,-- Then •Iarrison extended a mcilllfylng note to Jones: "If he '(JofW!i) termina~ the anne~tlon proceedirlc Wednes<laY afternoon before the hear[ng, lfh\ch ljp has the power to do, In t~e face pf the overwhelming protest, further merger proceedings would not be subject to the one·year delay mandated by law if the hearings are held and result in a defeat for the annex proposal." Mrs. Virginia Strain, ·sunset Beach Chamber of Commerce of£lcial and one Qf the principal proponents of the ,merger, as much as admitted Tuestlay that the 828-unit Apartment Plan Wi11s Approval f 01· Beacl1 City planning commissioners Tuesday night gave the green light to an 828-unit apartment complex. the largest ever to T een-u.ge Club 0 ivner' s Wife Sues for $5,,000 A claim for more than $5,000 alleging malicious p.rosec4tion by ~luntington Beach police was filed with the city Tues- day by Mrs. Jeanne Covell, wife of tetn nightclub owner' Gilbert Covell, who has been In a long-time running feud with lh~ city. The claim. which will be roulinely denied by the city council, came on the heels of council denial Monday night of Covell's applicatio n to have his business license renewed al. Syndicate 3000. The complaint against the city accuses poli ce officer Charles E. GN':gory ::ind other city employes "' malicious pr°" sccution in filing of a complaint againsl ~1rs. Covell Nov. 12, 1968. Tht city obtained a convi ction of Co\·eJI \ a Westminster rpi~ent, for viola· lion of a city ordinanct against allowlng )'oungster~ under 16 in a dance hall. The same charge against Mrsw Covell was dropped . · . · · The complailit statCs "l;ecausC of' total lack of evidence," City Atlom~y . bQn ·Bonfa, wh~ pro-- secutecf Covell through a kmg legal ~essle to CJbtain the mlsdeme,nor .convi{tions, saw the matter ln a different light. He called. dropping of charges against h-1rs. Covell "a technical dismis!lal". He Jablcd lhe Covell claim· ' • ·n o n • merltorJous" and said he would' recom· mefid that the city council dcQy ll. The claim· p'av~ the Way 'legallt for a clv11 sult ii the C.latmant pursues the-mat · ter. · 1 ' The claim asks $859 specific dam0ses and $5,000 gen::oral damageii for Mrs. Covell. ll i• dated l\ug. 2 end was filed wltb the cny clerk Tuesday afternoon. • be constructed in Huntington Beach. The development Is to be located on the southwest comer of Atlanta A venue and Beach Boulevard 611 30 acres of property. Appllc3nts Gordon and Faye Talbert of Nr.wport Beach sald·'the complex would t>c con5tructed at the rate of 27 units per acre. Part of the development will inclurle fnurftory units which will give occupants a vtc\v of the ocean. Another design fealure would pul tennis courts above parking spaces. In approving the deveklpment the com· missioners placed several conditions on the application, among them that a precise plan be submitted to the Board of Zoning Adjustments for conditions of ap- proval and dedication and improvement of Atlanta Avenue to city standards. The commissi;>n also approved a tel'l- taUvc tract reque<1l by S and S Conslruc- 1ion Co. or Beverly Hills for 100 lots on 40 acres at the northwest corner or Atlanta A\'C'nue and Brookhursl Street. Denied by them. however, \vas an ap- pli c11Uon for a temporary amusement facility on the west ~de' of Beach Boulevard and north of Pacific Coasl !Ughway. • The commissivner8 told the applic'ant, Fun Masters, Inc. of Rla·lto, that ah in· surficitnt hardship existed to petmlt the recreation· fad lily In property presently zuned' for business and ottice-prbfesslon11! uses. Burgla1·s Get $2,650 In tfunUngton ·Haul Burglars brqke lnlQ the home: or Pat- rick D. Sfifla, 3\,. of·21J671 ,Eglel St, llunl' ington Be.Ch, ·rpesd•Y night. anu mad~ off wtth '21650 tn valuables. Taken were co1or 8nd black and "'hite television sP.t~. a coin ·collection, two rin;s v;ilucd at $1,100, a watcht 1awe ]C\l.'tlry ind IS travtlers'· dlecM. proposal had £ailed. ''l have heard rumor15 that ~arrisae has protests representing inl_e than 50 pereent of the assessed valulitlon and, ~ so, we are defeated for now," Mrs. Strafn~~ said. "But I'll believe it when I see It. "If ltarrison·s contention is true, I'm sorry to see it beeau.se annexation to Huntin.gton Beach is decidedly best for our community. If we don't achieve it now we will certainly sooner or later. It's inevJtabre," she concluded. Citr Clerk Jones has also thrown in the sponge. "Their chances of blocking the an- nexation are good," Jones said Tuesday. "Protests may be filed any time before the 8 Jt.m;-mecting and if they don't have 50 percent of the assessed valuation then they have 10 more days to sign up enough additional property owners to re11ch their goal." Seal Beach is rumored to be casUng friendly eyes loward the 885 acres which comprise the Sunset Beach community. Seal Beach city officials have main- tained silence on the subject, but they did give some indication of how they stand \vhen they suppQrted Harrison's group'& move before the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFC) last March. Thal ruling blocked Huntington Beach's pro- posed annexation of 3.5 acres on tht eastern e<.lge . of Sunset Beach aloOa Warner Avenue. The LAFC approved Harrison'ii request that the 3.5 acre annexation be combined with the &;-acre merger of the principal area of Sunset Beach. extending from ~Varner to Anderson Street. lfarrison 's protest figures include the mile-long, 13·acre strip of property Owned by the Southern Pacific Co., the fonnet Paci!Jc Electric right-of-way. SP officiab signified their intention to protest last Ju· ly 21. The county has plans to purchase thl1 property and convert it to a 1,300.vehlclt parking Jot for' beachgoers, but the plan1 are still in limbo. Orange <:oast· \\leather Those low·hanging clouds will be around In the night and morning hoµrs as usual Thursday, with temperatures slUI reading In the lo\ver' 70's. ' .JNSIDE TODAY N 89 pkult 11 "3pe~ia;l seasott·• Jot TV· watclltri lh,1&1ycai Wit" more th.on 100 ·crtra. p7'0g)'ant3 on tap, including ... .several 4ll- special evenings. Po.ge 48. •••tllt " IMttlflt• " Clllftnlla ' -·· .... ,_ '"""' u ....... ·-, Cl1t1llltlll .... N•lltflfil NtW& C.1111<• .. °''"" CM'IY " ,,.,..,,.... .. 1Yt¥19 Pt11W u Ot•l't !'MW " ..... ,...,.. ..... Olvorctl " '"'" 11.n-- fdllt~·~ """ • Ot. lhlfl(rellll .. l'ltMl11tlllmtnl 2"4·U li,tt Mt~ ,.,, 11_11\IMI i .. n Ttll'lhl• .. ., __ M T~tllwl M·U ~1111 l.atlftf• » w1ut11r I M•llr.J< • ·= Wiit'-" ,,..,,.. .. J.kttittJ ,. w ,.. •• .. Mt11 Ill Str...in ~t J I I I '.;;;;::,::;::;:~··:::::;::~·~--::::::::::::::::,....,~ .... :-~~~~~~:-::-:-;-~;::;::::;::::.....----.-..---.-.~~~~.~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.. ~~-,==:--~~~--:==:--:::---::--;;;::--;:~ .. " ·----, --. . . - -. I ( ; ' 2 DAILY e!lOT H Wttfarldrt, A\ivU!l 6, 1969 Two States Linked h1 Coed Deaths YPSILANTI, Mich. (UPI) -Calilornla and Michigan police loday soupl lw1h<r links In a chain ther believe could tie together a series o murders in both atatea. ' - Monterey CUnly, Cal~ ••• her I ff. I deputies said TueJday-there WIS a - definite connection between s e v e n ilayings or youn.R: wom·en in the Ann Arbor·YpsUanU area and ttie killing near ' Salinas or Roxie Ann J>billips, 17, of hlilwalWe, Ore. The key to the ~illinc, police believe, Ls John Nonnan Collins, a. teoior in elemen- tary education at ~em Ml~1111 Univ~!!'· • Col1ili4u; !~cu •~il>alion Thuraday on ~tifrte munkf div~ in the oex •lay~,tl-yur.old ·!!;MU Coed Karen Sue BtJ!itinan, who wu_.fut seen alive two wftQ J IG -today l•Vlrtg;a downtown ~·ig sJaop •JP! •i you.rig man on a 1notorcycte~ .... TwG M~l.JI: det1Xtiyes went to Salin&# eerl.r_ thl, week to investlaate a trailer ~Jy stolen and haultd to California by Collins and a missing friend, Andrew,Jull•n Manuel, 25. Manuel Is being 50\llhl by lh• FBI on a federal rugitive warrant. •smoNG INFERENCE' Actor iii €haitas Michigan Slate Police Sgt. Ken Chris- llansen told ntWJmen earlier there w1s •·a strong inference that Collim is in- volved" in the killing of Miu Phillips, n·ho disappeared June 30 while vi1itlng friends in Salinas. Monterey County sheriff's officials said Tuesday they have found a girl who knew both Miss Phillips and Collins. Nancy Albrecht, 17, Fort Worth, Tex., reportedly told police she allo~·ed Collins lo drive her home one day in Salinas, where she was visiting her sister, Mrs. Frances Gauthier. Miss Alb~bt said the youth told her he was studying to be a teacher at Eastern Mjcltigan Unjversity, and made a date to return to the home the foUowing night , June 30, but broke it. Football star turned actor Jim Brown is chained to otller prisoners as he arrives at Beverly Hills Municipal Court to be charged with leaving the scene of an accident and felonio us as!ault. See s'tory, Page 8. Miu P-hilllps disafpeared the next da.y o~ the way to mal a letter. Her nude, decomposed body was found at an illegal dwnp in nearby Carmel nearly two weeks l1:1ter. Police said the method of h~r savage killing resembled the ?i1ichigaq slaying!. Police here said Arnold Davis, a close friend or Collins. told them he was with Collins and anoUter man in I.he car that p.i~ed up Miss Joan Schell, 20, on the Wit night· ..,e was seen alive one 1 year ;go. rHROAT SLASNED · Police said Davis told them Collins dtopped him and the other man off, and Was to have picked up Miss SChell la~r. ffer nude, sexually molested body was found a week later in a lovers lane area. Her thraat had been slashed and she had been stabOO! five times. A higl\ p o 1 J c i official said officers have not Unke4 Manuel to any of the murders but are seeking the friend and former fraternity brother of Collins on a larcen1 by conversion warrant in' the trailer; taken to California. They are also 1nveslfgating a large theft ring which ap- parenUy stole motorcycles, furniture. ap- pliances and other items in the university area. ... - 2 Men Appointed tt'-Q -Parks Board :, : l'w~ new· faces ft'ill appear on the Hun· CCton Beacb P a r k s _and .Recreation. Ctrnmission following five city council ~~int;ments to one-1•ear terms. · 1im Cutran ol lhe Orange Coast Junior c;oi.1ege District... will replace Bruce "''ll llams. Orville Hanson of the Hun- lington Beach City School District will replace John WyaU. , The council reappointed Ada Clegg, "'eslrninster School D\9tricl; D a I e Coogan, Fountain Valley School District; · Rnd Lee MO$teller. Huntington Beach Union High School District. DAllY PILOT Robert N, W114 llrt1llllt11I •llO l"ubllll>l:f J•t~ ft. C11it•7 Vitt "reildtnl •ml Gentr1 M1n•;~t The111•' KttYil ldlltr Tho1711' A. M11rphin1 Mt ... tlnt ldi•lll' >.tli11I w. ltl•• Ant<oote EClito• H·111tl11•t•11 lettlll Cfflu lO• 5th S!tttl M•ll111 t A4d11111 P.O. 111 7!0, •!641 Othr OfflcH Nt'll-1 lfltfl 111! Wftl Ill..,• lo\J'Wlf. c .. 11 MIU! ~ Wt)I a..r It•"' ltt~llA hi(!ll llJ Ftrt1t A-I ' Seal Beach Hippie Shelter Rejected by C.ity Council ./Ji. self-admitted hippie's plan to provide a "shelter" for young tranS1ents in Seal Beach has been declared unlawful by the Seal Beach City Council. Bearded John Anderson, backed by severallsupporters and a local housewife who offered to feed the youths, said he wanted to provide a spot where the young people could "sleep, eat and get cleaned Up." I 'Maydr John Hamilton told him the plan Would violate a city ordinance which pro- hibits "four or more unrelated persons residing in the same dwelling." Anderson claimed he had b e t n "evicted" from 1221,~ 8th St, where "I h•d 20 or 30. people sleeping in my house Wore the building inspectors warned my Jihdlady." ~e a~ tllat his guests never used d9Pe nor ·drank liquor. "Some tried to sfeep in i'ny car but the police:, acting on a· peculiar law pertaining to overnight N etv State Bill Hurts Finan ces Of 0 V Scltools N~w rinancial pro::ifems beset the Ocean View School DisLrict Tuesday as Gov. J:i.opaJd Rea a an si&ned a bill raising the interest celling on new school bonds from five percent to seven percent District administrators tried to sell $1,300,000 In bonds at the old Interest rate Tuesday morning, bul received a cold shoulder from the Bank of America. ll "'as the first time in the history or the bank during which no bids "·ere entered, said Ocean View finance direc- tor P.1ilton Berg. School officials were disheartened, but one district spokesman said that it really doesn't make financial sense for anyone lo purchase bonds at the old rate when the ceiling has been raised. The bonds were to be used for planning and initial construction of the new Vista View school. But Y.•hen voters approved the bond years ago they did so with the stipulation that tbe bonds would be sold at the five percent interest rate, preventing the sale or bonds at the new rale. It is PoSsib\e now that the district may hold another bond election allowing them to be sold under the new intert:st rate, a district ofElcial said. ,ocean View School District trustees 11uthorizcd the sale or the bonds at their last June mttting, but technic:il pro- cedures Impeded the .sale until the bill became law. Budget Adopted In W eshninster \Vutminstcr School District trustee9 Tuesday adopted a budget of $8,435.262 ·for the current fl 3C31 year. which will necessJt.ett a tax rate increase of 23 t:cnLS. Fonner rate -·as $2.75 ind the new rate ii not to ticl'fld S:.Dll. 'T'Ur5tMS Aid the. lncrtase l1 necatary to continue the ttialif'l1 ltvel of educttional scrvltt!. 1ilt addltfonal fund11 are lo be used In areas or teacher 11l1ries, cmpJoye hc1IU1 pt<>grama and programs for seventh find &;Jilh 1rade.r1. said CurUs Bluemkt, uJis&int supcrlnlemltnt for district hwfnwouvlc ... camping, soon stopped Otis small com· fort." Anderson said be did not use dope "or get drunk" and added, "I can exercise a limited control over Utese young people and , .. make Utcm better persons." The councilmen didn't see it his way, and the propo!ed hippie commune pro- prietor said in closing, "Many young peo- ple, mostly broke', will continue to come come to Seal Beach lhi3 summer to cbeclr out the Southern California scene. I was only trying to help them." . t '1•011• Page l ZONING ..• dustrial or commercial sections. Hence as commercial. development occurs, apartment develOpment occurs. If devel· opmen( doe5_ no~ occur on indust~I por- l1ons, counc1lrnen could deeline further rezoning to apartment usage. ERODE TAX BASE: During arguments before councilmen, Dr. Ralph Bauer, representing the school district, eaid the zone change on the property, jusl south of Bols4 Avenue and westof Springdale Street !\ear l\lc- Donnell Douglas Astronautics ,Corpora- tion, l\.'Ould dangerously erode the narrow school tax base. He estimated it 1''0\lld caUSe the dis- trict a deficit of $36,000 annually. He said the tax rate, recently hiked by voter approval, would have to be raisetl further or services to children reduced. Asked by Councilman Henry Kaufman if this is not small in comparison lo the district budget of $8.8 1nillion, Bauer said. "I'm not going to dismiss $.16,000 publicly by any stret'ch of the imagina· lion." Huntington Beach League of \\'omen Voters also urged denial of the Lusk apartment zoning. So did area re&idents. one of v.·hom s:ild. "You can't .sweep a school district under the rug ." TOLD OF REQUESTS· Lusk said a cheap laduslrial develop- ment could work to school dist rict dis· advantage. He spoke of requests for apartments and cited statistics as did the opposition. Backing Lusk, Richard Belyea of the chamber. said, "We're having trouble getting industry in here. Unless "'e ~et a reputable contractor, like Ut~ ooe i.s it is just a myth." ' Belyea said, "We sit around like a bunch of country cousins wilting for an uncle to die." f\1ayor Jack Orten asked if the chatrlber position would continue to be one of making concessions tci attract development. Belyea said, "It depend,, on the size of the devtlopment. lt'9 aoing to take mo~ey lo get this thing going." - 811! Back of the chamber's Economic Oovelopment Department cited statistics on purchulng powtr. He said, "Don·t take a snobblsh a\lltude towards apart· ments; they PIY their way Jn e\'ery city \\iltre they've beth built -take Ne.\v York." QPponents hoOttd. West Seeks lo Be tter Berlin's Situation WASHINGTON (UPI) -Tho United Slates, Britain. and France will officially inrorm the Soviet Union within the nest few day' that they wish to open talks on hnprovemel'lt ot·t.tte Betlln tltutUon, the State Department sald today. A department ofricla.I Jald Wut Gern1any and the three western powers hsve agreed on the contentJ or. a note. "and the n1aller will go foni.·ord within the next few d115." • ·Court Bacl{·s -SDS Ban Judge Dismisses Pe,titiQ1i Against OCJC Orana:e Cout Junior Colltge District trustees won Superlor Court backing Tu.uday for their rtfusal to regard the m.llltant Students for A DemocralJc Soci· ety gro1.1p as a recognized organization on the Orange Coast College campus. Judge Robert Corfman dismlased the sos argument that its membera ~ad been unlawfully barred from a status en. joyed by other can1p\Js clubs and :.i organizations. "School trustees, deans and ad- ministrators ... should be permitted to exercise I.heir discreUon ... and shouldn 't be hau1ed before the court to explain every dtdsion that Utey make,'' he told attorney Richard W. Petherbridge. Corfman ended almost Uttee hours or bitter debate by conceding @at "a non- r~ group doun't have as much status as those"accepted by the college admlnistraton and they don't, in this case, get the $10 a quarter term that is granted to the other groups. 0 But he made It clear that district trwtees acted within the law and withla thelr "clearly defined regulati6o!" when they withheld recognltlon of the left.wing group as a campus or1anUation. He particularly upheld decisions in that senae by college president Robert Moore and Joseph Kroll, dean of student ac· tlvlties. 1 Kroll testified frolll the witness stand and Moore stated through dePoSition I.hat the SDS group had been denied recogni- tion because of "goals and alms stated by Ute national organizaUon whtch were not compatible with college policies and regulations." Kroll insisted, in an argumen t that was refuted out.side the courtroom by angry SDS spokesmen, that there had never been and would oot be any denial of the use of college facilities by the group. He .argued that the group's message of sup- port of campus tunnoil and advocated disruption of university and college .schedules was contrary to stated OCC pollcies and repugnant to many other students on the Costa Mesa campus. "We have here a situation in ~·hich Strikes Affect Two OV Schools Labor strikes are. beginning to take their toU on L11.·o schools under con- struction in the Ocean View School Dislrict. Construction at the new Mesa View and Park VJew school buildings has been crip- pled making the projected October or November opening doubtful and in- troducing the possibility of double sessions at schools within the district. Strikes by plumbers and operating engineers have forced the second delay in the openi ng of both facilities since heavy spring rains put construcUon more than one month behind schedule, accordin& to school officials. "The only thing that will save us is that construction or homes surrounding the tv.·o schools are also affected by the strike," said an admi n istration spokesman. No definite plans have yet been laid for the double sessions, but s c h o o I ad· rnlnlstrators said crossto'Arn busing for a certain portion of the 15,00J student population \viii be necessary until the schools are completed. At Monday's school board meeting, Ocean View Trustee Robert Zinngrabe said he felt that legi slation should be passed keeping school construction free from strikes such as this . No official ac· lion was taken by the other trustees on the matter. ho\\'ever. students, the general public, professors, administrators and trustees all have a vested interest in the operation of this school, M Judge Corfman commented. "That 9ame general public has charged th~ trustees and administrators witlt the·operation of Ute school and -ltas given Olf:m, tbroo~ its regulations, a certain amount of diScretion in that operaUoa. 1'You can't," he said, "lake a man and tell him lo run your school and then deprive hint of the right lo exercise Judg· tnent. Do that and you might just as well have a punch card to do tht job." Deputy County Counsel John Powell successfully argued that Ute school board acted within the bounds ol the state's education code and "model, carefully worded regulations" when it kept the name of &OS from the liat of organiza- tions accepted at Oranie Coatt College. Petherbrldge announced his intention of appealing Judge Corlman's ruling. An SOS spo~e9man condemned the rullllg as "unfair, not based on the evi~nce before the court and pretty typical of the kind of thinking that brought us to court in the first place." But the prime Larget of ~eir acid com· menLS appeared to be trusttt George Rodda of Corona del Mar and Rodda's testimony on events that took place last f\1arch 24 at Kaiser Junior High School In Costa Mesa. Rodda said that during that meetina:. a pre·-eleetton gathering at ·which can. didates for trustee offices aired tt.eir views, he was warned or \~·ays in which '1tive people could di~pt a campus." Jt was testiOed that some of tho!fl methods included the destruction of color cOOes controlling t e I e p h o n i c com· munication, the tampering with computer equipment, removal of eards from cam- pus catalogs and the general en· couragement of campus disorder. Among the SOS supporter$ with \vho1n Rodda talked that nighl was Kimberly Hunt of Costa Mesa and Petherbridge im· mediately brought her to the witness stand to refute the trustee's testimony on the events of that evening. l\tiss Hunt later confined her po1t-hear· ing comments to saying Rodda's remarks "about what he heard that night are just not true and he knows \lleY're noL '' SOS leaders Terry Vaughn, Steven Kaufman and Steve Weinberger branded Rodda's teatimony as untrue in a con- versation with college president Moore. And they argued that Rodda's account of a riotous meetlng at the Costa Mesa school directly led to friction at Orange Coast College between student& and the SOS members. A petition filed by members or the SOS faction at Cal State, Fullerton has beeri set for hearing Aug. 27 by Judge Corfman. The action is almost identical to the suit decided by him Tuesday. ABM Suppo1·ters Ce1·tain As Senate. Vote Nears \\'ASHINGTON (AP) -Supporters of the Safeguard antiballistic missile (ABM) system appeared increasingly confident today as the Senate headed towards an expected photo rinlsh on the long and often heated controversy Sens. Henry M. Jackson CD-Wash.), arid John G. Tower (R-Tex.), said they are su re a key amendment to block Safeguard deployment will be defeated 51 to 49. \Vhile they used similar totals earlier. they wene less positive then. Jackson also speculated that Sen. l\-1argaret Chase Smith (R-l\-1aine), v.·ho cast a note of feminine mystery into the final day of Ute ABM debate, would line up against the key amendment, by Sens. John Sherman Cooper (R·Ky.), and Philip A. Hart CD-Mich.), because it would permit a continuation of ABM research. · Mrs. Smith, who has introduc~ an amendment barring further research, testing and procurement or the AB?\f and its components, remained silent on her Cooper-Hart amendment intentions. Senate Democratic Leader 1\1 i k e Mansfield, of Montafl'a, declined to predict the outcome but said the vote on the Cooper·Hart amendment would mark "the high v.•ater pr".nt" of the move to block the ABl\t. "The battle will go on, but there will be a receding of the tide," Mansfield said. Both Jackson and Sen. Harry F. Byrd Jr. (D-Va.), launching the final hours of debate ~fore the late afternoon vote, noted fhat the Smith amendment would give opponents an opportunity to vote against the entire ABM system. Byrd said senators who agree "'lth l\1rs . Smith should oppoiC the Cooper· Hart amendment since it would continue ABM research. l\1ansfie\d said he had assumed Mrs. Smith would support the Cooper-Hart pro- posal because of her lon~ op!)OSition to the ABrit, but a source 1n the Cooper- 1-Iart camp said she had never given them a commitment. Four hours of debate on the Cooper· Hart amendment. plus an hour on ?\fr!'!. Smith's proposal \\'ere expected to precede voting scheduled in late af· ternoon. Enroll1n ent Tight . At Gold en West ; 4,000 Predicted "If our present projecllons hold up we will be extremely tight next fcill." John Buller , Golden West College associate dean. warned of enrollment that may reach 4,000 day students. He advised persons interested tu contact the admissions office soon. Buller's office already has registered 2,800 ne\v and continuing students and issued re~istration appointments for 300 more bt!ginning Aug. 18. "The thing for a person to do now is come in any weekday, 8 a.m. lo 4 p.m., and begin the pre-registration process. \Ye \\•ill issue a registration appointment and get them going," he said. For students who have completed the admissinn procedure, program advising sessions are available every Monday at 9 a.m. in the Community Center. Led by certificated counselors, these sessiohs are to aid students in course selection and in planning long-range college goals. Ar· rangements may be made through the Counselin_g fent cr. El-'ening college registration also will begin Aug. 18, but rrom 6-8:30 p.m. in the College Center. Continuing evening col- lege students \1-'ill register by a~ pointment. Saturday, Aug. 18. Ap- pointments will be mailed !bis month. To the moon and back To 1tt to the moon you would h•w to underio som• of the most 1ruelln1 tests for rtliabillty, ruuedneu l f't d d1pencUiblHty ••. •cct lt r1llon fro m O 'to · 24,600 MPH, P13'1'Mfful pm. surt ch•n1t1, •Jrtrtrnes ht t•mP9ralur• •nd tl'IOcks to r1Hl• •very bone In your body .•. ycu IM )'Ol.lr 1qulp- ment must aUTVive them 11!. And it's txcllinr th1 t th• very atme Speedmaster '• watch we <:at?)' wta selected without tny modifications ~ by NASA for 111 manntd l1 space missions. Thfs l'ee.Oi· \ nitlon, truly a r'n'lrd for ex• c•lltnce, meku us proud to be your •uthorl1td Om111 Jtwtler. Coml In ••• * thit handsome, 2 button, 4 dlaf, Omer• Speedm•attr chrono- &rlph. The only witch worn by th1 mtn 01'1 the moon. Pt\Ct $1g5. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAM!RICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. ..J/.u1nphrie:J 'J ewelerJ 1121 NEWPO~T AVENUE COSTA MtsA ., ll YEARS SAM! l OCA 11011 PHONE 5~1·!401 -~------,-----------~-~~~ .... ---~--.._,,.,.--~ "' ......... f..i"'<"-<"~,.;-;•,,..'"!'.,..,·< • ~ . . • .. . Saddleba~k ~. -E'DTTION VOL. ~2. NO. 187, 4 SECTIONS, 58 PAGES ORANGE coum,v. CALIFORNIA ! . WEDNESDAY~ AYGUST ~. • -.---,,-_,.. -. -- . -' Today'°• EbBl -· .., --a-~---..-=­:rw •... _~~ = ~-. TEN CENTS . - 20-cent Tax Hike Now ~8 -Cent·s-But Why?· By JEROME F. til"'wNs 01 !~1 Dtill, Pll91 $1111 One \veek ago, Laguna Beach city of- ficials were talking about a 20-tent pro- perty tax increase. Now they're talkins about a 28-cent tax incrjease. How did it happen? City Manager James D. \Vheaton atl· mils he's perplexed. \Vheaton, \Vho prepared the proposed $3.4 million municipal budget councilmen may Bdopt· tonight, said he had an- ticipated a 20-Cent boost based on an estimate of a $5 million rise in Laguna's assessed values. I' ' ' Dow11 -the M •• ISSIOD T1·ail Census Survey Rapped by Capo SAN J UAN CAPISTRANO -?-.lission City officials aren"t happy about an up- coming national population s u r v e y financed by the federal government. Councilmen here have adopted a strongly worded resolution protesting the Inclusion in the census questionnaires of l•questions of a highly personal nature "'hich we deem unnecessary to the suc- eessful results of the census." , The council noted that replies to lhe quef'jons are mandatory under penalties of ~ k. Ja\v. "This requirement, "l.Jaid the rfJ Jlution. "is a further erosion of Ii tsonal liberty.'· 1 jCouncllmen said they "vlgorously op- /, 1.!5e the current trend lo confiscate in- ividual rig~ts" and, accordingly, will support legislation to allow the replies to J: the questions be made on a "volunlary basis." e Horse Sf1011> Carded LAGUNA NIGUEL -The El Niguel Prospectors will hold their second sum- mer horse show and gym~hana beginning at 9 a.m. Sunday at the Rancho Niguel Riding Club, 32451 Crown rV a 11 e y Parkway, Laguna Niguel. Ribbons will be awarded for first through fifth places in all classes and a high point trophy will be awarded in both equitation and gymkhana events. All horsemen a11d \Vomen in the area are invited to participate. Bonnie For- queran, group spokesman said. The public is invited to attend . There is no charge for admission. e 2 Req11esl5 lle 11ied DANA POINT -1"wo southeast Orange County property O\vners failed \Ved· nesday in bids lo acquire county road rights-of-way to add to their holdings. 1'he county plannlng commission denied rtquests of a Dana Point business firm headed by James Collipriest or Fullerton i nd of home developer Fred Ahlstrom. Collipriest wanted a 10-foot strip of the Street of the Violet Lantern from Pacific COast Hlgh\vay south for 215 feet. He argued the footage was necessary for an already developed parking lot. Ahlstrom wanted a 10-foot strip lo pro- vide "adequate rear yards" for a housing tract on thq' southeast side of Via Sacramento between Via Lopez and Via San Juan in Capistrano Beach. Both parties will get an additional hearing on their requests be.fore the Board of supervisors on Aug. 13. · Storms But the ~U!!IY asse~sor~ latest figures indicate only a $3.1 millicn Increase in the tax base, estimated al about $;:.G n1i!UOn. Thal means it will take a 28-ccnt tax hike to finance the city's 1960-70 spending program,· unleSJi councilmen make son1r dramatic last-niinute slashes, Wheaton explained. "I'm really perplexed about how it h111\ pen«!." said Wheaton. Part of the explanalion for the lower. lhah-anticipaled assessed valuations is that . Couflty Assessor Andrew J . Hinshaw's office 'lopped hou se ho Id furnishi ngs froril the tax rolls this year. This was in acecrdance with recent state legislation. In addition. the atatc. Department of l~inance, which assesses public uLililies, lo\\·ered the utilities' values in taguna rron1 ,3.4 miUlon to $3.3 million. "1'his revaJuatioil oJ .. publ\c utilities properties downward was a surprise," :>rid Wheaton. He opted that county-wide the utility values ·"'ere upped by :rome 51.2 millido. "Bu~ that must have been enUrely In new construction. \\le haven't had any in Laguna.~ - The cit.Y's current .• prOj:>erty fax fo1· each $100 of assessed valuation is $1.6:>. }hat will go up to fl .~. -the highest ' ever -if the budget ls adopted as pro- posed and If thf. revised tax base is substanUa:lb' ecr:rec1. \Vbeaton sald councihnen will receive fin::il asses.scd valuation fisures at their Aug.;20· meeUn,11. At that sessioo, the tax rate will be formally se t. "By law,•we'mu st have It set by the first Mqnday in September," the city manager noted. \Vhea1on ~id Jt appears th e city's.staff h1 preparing the b_udgel, had. worked on 1'!~m:e •''false assumptions" iri coon,_~cUon \\'1th assessed va luatlons. · "\V e've never kno wn exact{Yi what share residential, single-fa1niJy properties had of the total valuaUons/' he aa.id. "But all or us had fixed in our minds that comm!!rcial, industrial and apilftm_eol properties were the major contri~tors ~ or· at least 50 pcrtent. .. ProperUes other than-:;ingle-family dwellings ·were. beiljg upgrpded .bY the asscs.<1or's office this past 'year, \Vheaton said . "We knew that, and we knew that. in some cases -and one store tenant told 1ne this -lh e value of the land was in- creased by 100 percent, Others h;:id 25 to SO percent increases. "So looking at all this," he said, "and '11orking It In together \vith what we thought the single-family residences Ke111aedg Catie ' -share ot the total valuali()DS should be, r felt confident I.hat the increase would be about $5 million." Wheaton s<tid County Assessot'Hlnsh&w is· juat as puzzled about the situation u he Is. · "He. can'l explain , why we .did not realize more rrom the total tax base than we did. Andy is concetned about If and will do what he can, to at least come up with an explanation. \Vheaton concluded: -.. lf we o pera ted on a fal lacious assumption that R-1 properties pay half our taxes by having half the assessed valuation; then it· was a very fallacious assumption." DA Stands Firm, Sets Full Probe ' From Wire Services BOSTON -The aitennath of Sen. Edward /.1. Kennedy's July 18 auto ac- cident took two new turns today with Dlst. Atty . Ed1nund Dinis announcing he would go ahead with an i'.l<luest and Ken· nedy revealing new details on his return to the scene o( the Chappaquiddick Island crash. Kennedy (D.·Mass.) revealed to associates that he and two friends re.turn- ed in a rented white Valiant to the scene where t.tary Jo Kopecbnc drowned. Christopher J. Look Jr. has told Police he saw a black car resembling Kennedy's ;ipproaching the accident scene at least an hour after 11: 15 p.m., the time of the Superior Court system, and from Judge Edward Nash, chief justice of the state's District. Court system. Both turned him down, however. Tauro said the District Court bad jurisdiction, rather than Superior Court. And Nasll said th e matter should be handled by th• presiding Distr.ict Court.judge ln.tbe area involved. · wreck eslimat.e.d by tbe~a .r~. ~ '.;"-.... A-~~forQA1 -· u·ou1Ttl'(;i7rldcr a slate' la\f whldi 'I Jes him the ·power to "requlft" an iOquelt" despite a judge's request today for ad- Sa·n Clement£ Sees No Need Of Police Aia D#rlL't' ~ILOT ~htlt 111 ll:Jchtnl Kffllltr At19uisf1' at Accidetit Seette Yooune deNijs, sisle r of Volkswagen driver Karin Bay involved l\\iO cars and pickup truck. J~red and deNijs, Dana Point, is calmed by Highway Patrol Jeanne Newmeyer, Ney,•porl Beach, \11ere in seco11d Officer J . D. Kroger after arrivi ng at scene of car. Truck driver 'vas Biil Smith, San Clemente. crash in 'vhich Karin \Vas injured. Accident this Al l crash victims 'vere taken to South Coast Con1· morning on Pacific Coast Hi gh\vay near Three Arch munily ~lospital for treatinent. -------~~~-~~-----------~-~ " . County Sets Deadline Ove1· Salt Creek Path Orange County supervisors want to hear from the County flood Control Department in two "'eeks on the feasibili· ty of a flood channel pedestrian pathway to Salt Creek beach. The hVO-\\'eeli deadline 'vas set Tuesd;1y in follow up to an earlier request by supel'visors of what they see as a possible solution to the much-discussed public beach access question. Salt Greek beach, bet\v een South La guna and Dana Point , faces private de· vc lopment by the Laguna Niguel Corp. fo11owing supervisors' abatidonment ·with· out public hearing of Salt Creek Road. Two weeks ago, following a public air· ing, Supervisor Robert Battin suggested the flood drainage channel needed by Laguna Niguel be used as a dry-weather pi..blic pathway for Pacific C o a s t f.lighway as Is done at Aliso Beach in South Laguna. Tuesday he suggested the deadline on the feasibility report. \Vhen Supervisor Alton Allen wondered Haunting \rhelhcr l''Jood Conlrol Chief Engineer George Osborne could comp~ete· the study in l\l'O weeks, Battin snapped : "If he can't, I exi}eCt ltim lo co1nr. ror\\'ard and tell us . After all these guys 11'orK for us, ~\'e don 't "·ork for them." Alie~, super visor for the south coastal area, mused : "What l1appen~ \11hen they so f.hrough the channel with their surfboards then l:ind on private property? \Vhat happens then?'' Supervisor \Villiam iHrstein said, "t think we are going to have a talk about purchasing some beach too." Theif was. .no further discussion on that ~nt. ln approving their budget for next year supervisors, et the request of Allen, set aside SI million for beach acquisition \\'hich will require about th ree cents of countywlde tax levy. Where the money might be spent was not Spei:ified. Laguna • f .. CIT Y J{ESIDENT~ .. , NO JJ? AT 13,600 La guna. Beach DO\\' has a population uf 13,600, the stale Deparln1cnl of finance reported today. The figure is up JOO in a year and aboul 520 in two years. The agency 's populalion research team also noted that the city's population in lhe past decade has shown a steady climb of slightly more than two percent an- nually. Ten years ago, Laguna had just under 9.000 resident s. On a percentage basis, il is the slowest grov;•ing city in Orange County. ABM Supporters More Confident As Vote Nears \VASHJNGTON (AP ) -Supporters of the-Safeguard anliballisUc miss ile (ABti.1) system appeared increasinJllY confident today as the Senate headed towards an expecled photo finish on the Ions and often heated controversy Scns. ltenry M. Jackson (D-Wash.), and Jo~n G. Tow.er (H-'fex.J, said they are sure a key amendm ent to block Safeguard deployment will be defeated 51 to 49. While they used similar totals earlier, they \\1ere less posiUve then . ditional Information. The law stales in part: "The attorney general or the district at- torney ... require an inquest lo be held in the case of any death supposed to have Uccn caused by external means." The san1e J;nv says Dinis may ask for the Inquest. Dinis sought the inquest in a letter sen t lo Edgartown District Court Judge James 1\. Boyle last week. Boyle replied today that the letter was "unclear." lie asked Dinis to declare flatly whether he was requiring an in- quest or simply asking for one. . Dinis met with newsmen here and sai d he will 'ca ll ''all witnesses" who have anything to contribute. •le did not specify, however, whe\her this would in· elude Kennedy . DiniS also said he planned to meet with Boyle shortly to set a dale for the inquest and establish ground rules. A.<1ked .y.ihen he expet1ed tile inquest to be, Dinis would say only: "soon." The inquest will deal specifically with the death o( Miss Mary Jo Kopechne, the 28-year-old secrelary from \Vashlngton, D.C. who was a passenger in KeMedy 's .car. The aulo plunged off a narrow, riCkety \vooden bridge on Chappaquiddick Isl~nd !he night of July 18 and landed upside down in a tidal pond. Kennedy escaped, but Miss Kopechne "'as trapped Inside. A : nedical e:taminer aUributed her death to accidental drown- ing. . -Dinis earlier had sought per1n1sslon for the inque st from Judge G. Edward Tauro, chief justice of the state's Teens to Picket On -Aimiversary Of Hh·oshima · San Clemente police aren't ~xpecting tt take on a heavy, and costly, Joad of resparuilbility during President Nixon's summer \Vhite House residency. The White House staff, the· California Higll\vay Patrol and the Secret Service \\'ill be providing most of the presidential security,.police spakesmen sald today. The President is due to arrive Satur· day, remaining about a month. At present, the local police force has 31 officers. That won't be changed much this summer. "We don't expect to have to call in·our reserves," said a police official, "and that's probably just as wetl, because "'e've got only three." The California Highway Patrol wiU bt in charge of protecting motorcades m and out of the grounds of the Nixon e~te. But not much movement ls expected ' there. The estate ill hard by newly built administcalive headquarters at· a U.S. Co~~t Guard station. Nixon will use a golf cart to ·get from home to work, driving through a hole, In a wall between the estate and the Cont G.uard property. San Clemente police undertook ·various sccurily assignments when the President was in San Clemente last June. But tbat . was just temporary, said police officials. The Secret Service has since been built up lo take over those tasks. As per \Vhite Jlouse custom, the numbers ~nd Specific duties of the Secret Service agent!: have not been :Usclosed. Police have, asked for $10,000 from the City Council to strengthen the depart· menl, but th11t would pay for no more than one officer. · " Orange Cout Wea&ller · Council Faces Flood Repairs of $81,000 , Jackson al.so speculated !hat Sen. ?-.targaret Chase Smith (R·Maine ). who cast a note of feminine mystery Into the final clay of the ABM debate, would lino up against the key amendment, by. Sens. John Shermun Cooper (R-Ky.), and Phlllp A. Hart (0-Mlch.), because it would permit a continuation of ADM research. More than a dozen Laguna Beach teen· ilgers planned to ma11 picket lines at the Laguna Beach branch librarr today on the anniversary or the awnuc bombing ol JUroshima . Leader or lhe nuclea r warfare ls Howard Hllls, 17 president of the l'e- cenlJy organized Youth for International Disarmament. Hills is also student body president of Laguna Beach High School. Those low·hangtne cloud! will tie around in the night and morning hours· as usual Tlµlrsday, wilh te_mperatures still r eading in the lower ?O's. Disastrous winter rain storms have returned to haunt Laguna Beach city councilmen. Tonight at 7:30 in city Hall they will consider repair charges of $81,000 for work: on damaged flood Control channels and city streets. The city and the county flood control district will combine efforts to repair the Laguna canyon channel. heavily damag- td dUring the rains. Under the agreement, the city \VIII PAY about $50,000 for actual construction of th~ channel. 1be county \\'ill contribute to con- flruction costs, prcvlde engineering and Accept malnlenance or the channel bttwecn P'Oresl Avenue and Beach Strut. '1teMoratlon of the channel prior to tfle 'Ptlnler rains is essenllal for the pro- tftt!oa or our business &"ectioo," 38id (',• Joseph R. Sweany, director of public \\'orks. The cily has made application l.o the federal government an<! to the slate for funds to restore the channel. But so far . no \11ord or approval or the applications has been received, Sweany said. He added, however, lha~ "every in- dicaUon is that approval ls forthco1nlng.·• Tr the grants are approved, the city would be reimbur.sed for tts nood repair ex- penses. Councilmen also fa ce bills for rep11irs to wooden bulkheads which gave \vay during the stonn s long •nsh Drive, H11lerest Drive, and Temple •Ulls Drive. Total ccsl ~'about $17,000. A110ther Ill 889 ls being billed lo the cl· ty for n1isceflancous construction work. Including the uSt of crahes on Beach -~---·-· ---- Street and Cliff Drive to keep debris from blockl ng the nood ccntrol channels. Counciln1en will alM> consider: -Adoption of a $3.4 million city budget. -A request by Boardwalk Enterprises, Inc. for a lease modiricallon al "The Boa rdwalk" (formerly the Barefoot Bar) 111 Ocean Ave,. perm itting partial sublease of the pro!)Cugty\Jo be used for sale of sof.t drinks and r -A request by the Beach Lions Club for permission to use Jleisler Park on Aug, 31 and Sept. 1 for a pancake breakfast ~·ith all prow?ds of the event going to I.he Laguna Be.ach Boys' Club.1 -A letter frnm Kenneth W. Girling complaining about "inadequ&te'' garbage collection. ''atrociom" Mnin aeech rest room~. ahandcned cars. and needed road rtpafrs. Mrs. Smith, "'ho has introdu~ en amendment barring further research, testing and procurement or the ABM and Hs components, remained silent on her Cooper-Harl "&mendment lhtentlons. · Stnate Democrafic Leader M I k e f\trinsfield, or hfolllana , declined to predlct the outcome but said the vl>tt::' on the Cooper-liar{ atnendment would mark "the high W1'ter prfit" of the move to block the ABM. "The battle will go on, but there wlll be a recedi ng of tht llcl1?:111 Menst!cld said. Both Jack."'.ln and ~n. llarry F. Byrd (S•e ABM DEBATE, P•C• !) • •·\Ve w_aat to show Ure t.'Ommuni\y ol Laguna BeaCb that &Ol'l\e of us, no-matter how rew we are, have not a.nd will QOt aceepl the lroffior~llty of ~uclear "°arlare or the intimidation or its threat," he said. Hills txpccted a turnout of 1$ teen- ager~. A parade wasn't planntd, be added. Stock 1Uarketa NEW YORK.(AP) -1'h• stock market rlo!led with .a good gain lOday, bouncing lnto hl_gtier ground at the start end !itaylng ahtad .until U1e end. (&e quota- tions, Pages 28-~7}. INSIDE TODAV NBC plan5 l_l ~,~ciaj .1f!OSOfi .. for . TV wak:her:s thia: 11ear: with more t11a1i 100 utrG progrcma on top, i11cl11dfna .se~rol till· 1 special eue11ing1. Page 48. ' ti I I I I -I .. ' ' I • I I -· • ..... --- f'1 DAil Y PILOT L Wtdllt's,day, August 6, 1%' • - ' it.~1 : . . ... . _, .. ·' . ' DAILY PIJ;PTJ 'J:10TOGRAPHER DALE SAMQKER ·WAS PISPft,TCf'iED T01'HE.COASTLINE .TO SEEWHAT'S IN STYLE. HE OBSERVED , TRIP PED SHUTIER, CAME BACK WITH l:HE~E CHARACTER STUDIES. ··i:ft.~CMl!R;·.C~k$., PARi ' WORN .$El 11,D 10 Y~ARS PREFERS NATURAL GROviTH KJ\T SPOOFS FACIAL HAIR TRIMS B~ARD, 51-!AVES , HEAi) 'YOU QON'1: HAVE .TO Lo<;K ' ~NJ ,Goes ~JtJt-Work Je~ty ~O f.lltwcomer Chuc.k Ju1t Ltts It Gniw No Muttacht for Htr Brian 1n Barbering Switch 0 1vid likes His Beard ' . -· ....... ::::t. " . :: . ·~ ... C1ilitrol~s Eyed · On Jet Noises County _legal al ties l~y •began tj)elr _ Cou.Q.ty ~el Kuyper readily id- rcseatch on ~how to go atlout r~gulating mitted he was surprised by the.FAA at- aircraft noise and night flights at tomey's letter. "I was under the im- Orange County ·;'irport. pression that we could not regulate noi~ County supe rvisors . Tuesday asked at the airport," he sai d. County Counsel ·· Adrian Kuyper to · H -·:.1rb 'Il'h lo d~--th d l i th ·eitent of the county's e saiu e ave ~acrnune e ex-· 8~1~~t~~ ~ tent of the county 's a~thority and then Until a couple days ago, county gov-draft t~e necessary ordinance. ernment, proprietor of Orange County Prcviou.sly •. the county . sought to Airport thought it had no -power to reg-r~gulate Jet noise by goverrung the ~·ay ulate a'ircraft noise or night flights. airplanes are f!O\VO. One proposed But -then. documents sent from Jaw-ordinance called for alrcraft to climb yers for the FAA to county couruiel's faster and therefore reduce the noise, but office indicated otherwise. it was rejected by the FAA as an illegal Precedent was set last month when coostraint againBt air travel. the FAA denied a petition from the city County Aviation Director Ro b ert ol Sania. Monica that FAA ifnpose Bresnahan noted that if a noiu limit ·is noise. standards. ~e federal body ~led set very low lt alao might be construed that 1t could not impose the restrlct1on, by the FAA as a constraint. He said he tJ:ta.t. lt was a matter or local respon-does not think the FAA would Jet the 51~· opinion giyen Orange County by ~:1~ty exclude Air Calirornia or Air \\'est FAA coWlsel wcu; that nigh t {light restric-l ' h tions can be imposed if the flights have ~ut e sugg~sted 3 way. to get at the · · t rr r b nearby pro-noise probl em 1s to deternune how much given rise o 1 1ga ion Y total aircraft noise is to be allowed and perty owners. th t · t th be f 1· ' Th t dltio v·•dently exists in en res ri c e num r o l 1ghts to a con n e . meet the standard. Orange County where almost $30 million in damages ha ve been sought by Newport tfarbor · a,rea .hom~ners complalning about jet noise. From Pa9e 1 Laguna Trustees OK Nine Coaches Nixon to Ask Massive U.S. Transit Plan WASHINGTON (UPI) -· Preoident Nixon will ask Congress Thursdll!Y to sper.d $10 billion during the next 12 years on a mass transit program to ease city- paralyzlng traffic jams, it was learned WednesQay. It would be the most extensive mass transit program in the nation's history and would cover transportation systems ranging from subways and rail lines to gravity driven trains and air cushion vehicles. Nixon scrapped the idea Of a trust fund to finance the program and will ask Congresa to authorize the money out of general revenues. The White House diaclosed no details of the proiram, but it aMounced that Nixon . "'ould send to ConzreSI at noon Thursday a special 1nes1tage on mass transit. Unde r the program, it was learned \Vcdneaday, the money would be spent 1nainly in grants to local governments. The fi deral government would supply t\\•o-thirds of the money, the local areas one-thlr:d . The proposal is expected to find tough OPP9Silion, however, because of Nt1'on's l.'.hoice , of financlrig, Jn a telegram tlcJl·1ered to the White House late tu~~ day, Aiayors Rlchatd Daley of Chie1go, Erik Jonsson of Dallas, T hom a s D'Alesandro of Baltimore and Ric hard G. Lugar of Indianapolis all urged Ni:a:on to back the trust fund. A:UMDEBATE •• Nine coaches for Laguna ~ach Hiih _ "\Ve want to make it clear that the Scftool's fall athletic programs were ap-·United States Conference of Mayors and Jr. CD-Va1), ~aunching the final hours of debate 1>4¥ore the late afternoon v.ote. noted·, tha~-t!Jt;.-Smith amendment would give op~~ an opportunity lo vote against the entire AB11 system. Byrd said senators wbo agree-: with 1ilrs. Smith should oppose the Coowr~ Hart amendment since it would continue ABM research .. Mansfield said he had assurr14d 1ilrs. Smith would support the Cooper-Jfai"l pro- posal because of her Ion~ opposition to the ABM. but a sour.ce 1n the Cooper· liarl,,caD}P ~aid sl}e,had p~ver given I.hem a cammrtmenL ..._ , • , F.cAJr 1lours of deb.ate ou the Coo_perp 1iarr1m't.riHment.. plus anchour on1 Mrs. SJD.llh'i::"t>rop(jUI were expected 'to ~~ .... oUhg scheduled in late , af· ter~ .. A ' ' Zs-l1 Zsa Sentenced PAL.\fA,' Majorca (UPl) -Hungarian- born actress Zsa Zsa Gabor, now in the United States, Tuesday was sentenced in absenl.ie to two months in jail agd a $71 fine for socking a ~ policeman last l\'ovem~r in this Mediterranean island city. · IJAllY P11or O•A.NGI!! COA.Sl f'Vl l ISfUNQ t<IMM NY 1l1Nrf N. 'W11l P ... ldtftl Mii PWllWr J1elt K. C..•lev Vic.ti PrE$ICltoll 11'11' Ge.,...61 Mt111,., n.,,.,, K1t •ll f:4<1o• Thofft11 A. M1rpJ.i~1 ~1""1!cl!!lll' ~ft~1r4 fl, Nill ,_ ..... Clf'r IE411w i .......... Oftk• : 22 2 f1•11f A••· M1Ul~t Atl4•1111 ,.0 . 111 '''· t J6S2 -Of-• Call Mtu: lJO Wnl ••• ••r_.1 Hto-rt l 11dri: 2lli 1'1'111 a.111o .......... ,. Hufltlfl'llOll kKll: Jiit Jrh llf'ttt "' ... / proved Tuesday by the district trustee-'. the National League of Cities support Among the coaches for varsity and without reservation the trust fund con· ligbtwelgh( football, basketball, and cept," the telegram said. crosscountry are rour men new t-o the The niayors said their experieoce in Laguna district. public service showed thal a "major The newcomers are Bruce Morse, ~·ho public works program" demands a com/ will coach B football and B basketblllJ; mitment of funds over a long period or Dale Vild, C footbll and C basketball ; ti.me. Len Miller, crosscountry and junior But Nixon's proposal hopes lo jump varsity basketball, and Jerry Fait, varsi-this hurdle by asking Congress to ty basketball. "declare its intent" to back the program Morse is a UC 1rvine graduate and over a long period. first-year teacher. He Played football at college. Viki is 8 former E'nj;lish teacher and ~oaeh at a Phoenix high sd>ool. Len "'Miner is a former head track coa~h .and cross -t:0UJ1try coach at Vlc- torville High School. Fair is from ·Vina Park where he coached junJor varsity basketball,. Hal Aklllli is remaining as head var1ity rooLbell coach. a&sisted by Darrell McKibban and Walter Lawson. i\'l eas1u·e Delayed WASH!NGTON (AP) -A bill lo.boost peyment.s: to banks that make .govern- ment guaranteed college stuaent loadS '"'as rushed lhrough the House Education and Labor Committee t<~ay but HOU;Se actio n probably will be delayed for several weeks. Califo1·nia, Michigan Slayings Firnily Linked YPSILANTI, Mich. (UPI) -California and Mi chigan polite today sought further links in a chain they believe could tie together a series of murders in both states. !\tonterey Cunty. Calif., sheriff's deputies said Tuesday there y.>as a (lefinite connect.ion between s e v ·e o ~layings of younJ( women in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area and the killing near Salinas of Roxie AM Phillips, 17, (lf Milwaukie. Ort. The key to the killing, police bfolieve, is John Norman Collim. a senior in elemen- tary education at Eastern Michigan LTniversity. Collins, 22, facea examinl!tion Thur11day on first4egree murder charges in the sex slaying of lS;year-oJd E~fU coed Karen Sue Be.tnem'an-, who' was last seen alive two wetkl ago today leaVing a downtown wig shop wUlt a young man on a 1nolorcycle. Two Michigan detectives went to SAiinas earlier lhl.s: week to in,•egt\gate a triaile.r allegedly stolen a~ hauled to Callfornla by Collins and a • inl~ing Crleod. Andll!W Julian M"1ut1. 25:1_ Manutl Is being sought by the FBI on a ledetal fugitive warrant. Michi gan Stale Police. Sgt. J<en Chris· · "t\aryien loJa niwsme.n earlier ltiere W11 •1a.: slrortl' lnf~nct. lhtlt Collini Is itl~ volvcd'' In the klllf g of Miu Phinipg. who-disappeared i ne 30 while visiting frjendJ fn S.lin8'. MOnterey County sheriff's officials said Tuelday l.hCy hnVe found a Sir} Who .knew bofh MW Phllll}>s and Colllns. Nancy Albrecht, 17, FOrt Worth, Te:..., reportedly told police she allowed Collins to drive her home one day in Salinas. ,.,.here "'she: was visiti ng her sister, 1'1rs. Frances Gauthier. Miss Albrecht said the youth told her he was studying to be a teacher at Eastern Michigan Unive rsity. and rnatie a da1.e to return to the home the lollowlng night, June 30, but broke it. f\fiss Phillips dlsat:ipeared the next day on the way to mail a letter. Iler nude, del'Omposed body was found "at an .illegal dump in neal'by Carmel nearly two '"eeks later. Police said . the method Of her savage kllling resemb l ed the ,_Uchlgan slaylngs. Pollce. here salri Arnold Davis, a clost frle.l'kl of Collins, told them he was wi th ColllnS and another man 1n U1e car that pick~ up MJ!s Joan S<;litll, 211, on the hast night slie was st~n ·~five one ~·ear ago. Police said Davis told thcrn Colli!1~ dropped him and the other man oJf, and \\'8S to have picked up Miss Schell laler. lfer nude, &uually molesfed body was lpund a week later ln a lovers lane area. Her throat bid been llaihea ·ind ahe had betn et.libbed five \imeei A high p o I i c e ofUci81 s1id Offl«l'!I nave not linked f\1an~el t~ ~ny-of 'the murdera but are eeektng the iri"~ and former fraternity brolher of Co1lh1~ ~ta larceny by convtt'!kin warr:ant In uie traller taken.to CaWornJL-'l'hey •re abo investigallng'\Q. large thCft ring whlcll ip- perently stole motorcycles., furnllur.e, air pllancts and other Items in the univti&ily .,.., I . . -School Tax Up 14 Cents·; Laguna Trustees Appro-ve $2.9 Million Budget A record $8,442,556 budget was adopted ?donday nJght by trustees of Hr;mtington Beach's Ocean View ·School Distiict. The figure, nearly $2 million rriore than last year's expenditures, covers estimated operating costs for 15,000 pupils expected at the district during the next school year. A district spokesman sai d the ad·. tlilional $2 million was included in the budget to take care of an additional 1,000 children which will enrol~ in I.he district's 20 schools-this fall . The budget is based on a $3. 71 total tax rate, five cents less than originally ex- pected. A $L2ti tax override passed by the district's voters in May could have elevated the \Otar tax rate to fl. 76 but in· creases in the asseSselt valuation from SI 13 million to nearly $126 million over last year made the difference . MajOr ex penditures projected tor the eoming ye-ar consist of $6.37 million for instruction, including Principal ~ a n d teacher salaries; $286,818 for ad· n1irJslration operating costs, includinf: adm inistrative salaries ; $46,000 for health services and .$151 ,000 -for pup i I transportation. Guard, Electric Workers Rescue Laguna Woman Eme1·gency W 01~}{ Sta1·ted As Slide Tl11·eate11 s Road Assistance by a lifegu!ilrd and a truckload of eleclrlcal workers was credited today with possibly saving the wife of a Laguna Beach newsman from further injury iii a freak freeway ac- cident. Mrs. Harriett Keavy, 66, m·ight ha ve been crushed by other cars on the Sin Diego Freeway if not guarded by the Jruck crewm~. according to her hus- band, Hubbard 111jub" Keavy, 66~ editQr of the South Coast News Post. Braking to a stop. the Southern California Edison Company truck shield- ed_ the injured victim wl'iile ~·orkmen quickly se t out flare s and radioed their headquarters to telephone for an am- bulance. The Edison Company said the men who stopped at the scene were Foreman Daniel Gilmore. Neal Barry, William Hangos, Richard Marggraf, Mel Milner. C. D. Musgrove, Dennis Rolf, James Ruether. R. L. Smithson, and A. \V. Gi- deon. They ""ork out of Edison's l fun~ lington Beach plant. An unidentified Ureguard using a first aid kit carried on the truck ·stopped ,the flo\v of blood caused by f\<irs. Keavy's in- juries. which included a skull fracture. ··,\II I had was a handkerchief,'' Kcavy said. f\lrs. Keavy 11'as still in satisractory mndition today at South Coast Com- n1unity Hospital, ne11:r the couple's hon1e at 32266 Vista De Catalina. The accident occurred a week ago. A county road crew began emergency "'ork Tuesday on recerltly opened La Paz Road ill the Laguna Niguel area where 1 slide had undennined the road. Cost of buttress filling the toe of the slide was estimated at $5,000 or $6.000 by Assistant County Road Commls!lioner Ted McConviUe, who Tuesday receivtd ap proval from county supervisors for the emergen cy work. l.1cConviUe '-said the .filide movement has accelerated in the ·1ast week and there is dangi r of los.i ng the roadway , gas Jines and wat~r lines. Thief Gets Zero, Gives Black Eye r.1rs. Pearl Parsons, own er of a La Habra niarket, has a black eye today. She gol it when she screamed and a holdup n1an struck her Monday night. Mrs. Parsons, 59, told La Habra peillce the young man entered Allen 's arkct, 409 E. La Habra Boulevard, simulated hav- ing a "·capon and said: I "Lady. this is a stickup. Open ll1e cash register." The young man appa rently losl his cool \vhen Mrs. Parsons screamed and he found nothing in the cash drawer. Police \\'ere told he threw her glasses across '.he room, belted her in the eye, and ran off. To the moon and back To get to the moon you would hive • to unde rs:o some of the most gruellna: tests for re llabllrty, rus1edn•s• •nd d1p1nd1bility ••.• acc1t1ration from O to 24,600 MPH, powerful Pl'IS· sure changes, extremes In temperatur1 and shocks to rattle ewry bone In Your body ... You •nd your equip. ment must eurvlve them 111, And it's exciting that the very same Spe1dm1st1r '• =~t~~U~ .c.;~:~f~!::! I by NASA for 111 manned ~ space missions. This recog· · , n1tion, truly a, reward for. U• cellence. malte$ us proud to b1 your 1uthfrlz:td om11a jewelitr. Come In ••• see t his hand1om1, 2 button, 4 dl•I, Omega Sptedmasttr chrono· graph. The only Witch wom by the men on th• moon. Prlct $195. The slide is adjacent to the !-.ioulton. Niguel Water District reservoir which is the site of a fut ure coun ty regional park. McConville sai d the slide may have lieen triggered by too rapid draining of the reservoir during the rain last winter. • A ru noff valve stuck and couldn·t be c!os-. cd and the reservoir l'la.5 emptied in about two hours, McConvi!le said. But he told supervisors, ';The county :;hou\d be responsible and not try to dodge any responsibility." · Supervisors appro\'ed giving the county road department a free IIand in 1naldng emergenrY repairs. Ameri ca11 Found 111 Con g Grav e SAIGO N (AP) -U.S. oflicials ex- pressed ne\v concern today for about 40 American civilians missing jn Soulh Viet· nam. The concern wa s prompted by the finding of the body of a U.S. agricultural specialist in a lihallow grave near tht Laotian border. · An nouncement "''as 1nade Tuesday in 'Vashington of the finding o( the remain!! of Thomas W. Ragsdale of Shelbina, Mo., who had been taken prisoner by the Viet Cong during lhe Tct offensive in Februa ry 1968. • CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMUICARD -MA~fei\ CHARCOi J. C. JJu11i11hl'ieJ 'Jeweler J 22 YEARI SAME LOCATIOl I • '1811 N!WPORT ·AVENUE COSTA MiSA PHONE 141·l~O I ' ,1 • 0 ' . ,, n 1 Bea~h EDITION· * *-7---1{ V.OL. 62, i'jQ, 187, 4 SECTIONS, 58 PAGES -- ---· J'Gttily'•--f!IUI -N.Y; steela- TEN CenS . . • 20-ceIJ.t Tax Hil{e Now· 28 Cent·s-But WhY:? By JEROME F. COLLINS Of tllt OlllY .. llDt Jiltlt One \\'eek ago, Laguna Beach city of- icials were talkihg about a 20-cent pr<r ~rty tax increase. Now they're talking about a 28-eenl tax ncrease. •low did il happen? . City Manager Jonles D. \llheaton ad. oils he's perplexed. · \Vheaton, who prepared the proposed 3.4 million municipal budget cooncilmen nay adopt tonight, said be.:4tad ai\· icipated a 2G-cenl boost based on an tSlimate of a $5 million rise in Laguna's lSSessed values. Down the But the county assessor's latest figures Indicate only .a $3.1 million increase in Ute fax base, estimated at about $56 n1llllon. That 'means it will take a 2&.cent tax hike to finance the city's 19ti9-70 spending program, unless councilmen make -some dra1natic l'ast-mlnute slashes, Wheaton explained. "l'm really perplexed about how it hap. pened," said Wheaton. Part of the explanation for lhe lo\ver- than·anticipated assessed valuations is that County Assessor Andrew .J , Hinshaw's office lopped hou se ho Id fur11ish!9gs from the tax rolls this year. This was in a~rdance with recent state legislation. In addillon, the state Department vt ,.~inanct, which assesses public uliUtles, Jo,vered the uUJIUes' values in Laguna fro1n $3.4 million to $3.3 million. "1'his revaluation of publiC Utilitits properties downward was a surprise," spjd Wheaton. lie noted that county.wide the utility values were upped by some $1.2 million. ';But that must have been entirely in new constructioh. We haven 't had any in Laguna.'.!_ • - The city's current property tax £01· each $100 of. assessed· valuation is $1.65. That will go up to 31.9' -the highest ever -tr the budget ts adopted as pro- posed and II the revised tax base is substantially correct. Wheaton said councilmen will receive final assessed valuation figures at their Aug. 2t) m.eeting. At that session, the tax rote will be formally set. "By low, we must have it set by the first Monday in September," the city 111anager noted . ' \Vheaton said ll appears the cily·:s $taff in preparing the budget, had worked on sorne ··l(alse·asswnptions" in connection with assessed valuations. "We've never known exactly \Vhat share residential,.single-famj}y properties had ot the total valuations," be said. "But all of us had fixed lo our mlndli that commercial, indUs~rial aoo ti{l8rlment properties were the major contributors - or at least SO percent." Properties olher than !lngle·£amily dwellings were being upgraded by Ult? assessor's office this past.year, Wheaton said. "We knew that, and we knew that in some cases -and one ·store tenant told me this -the value of the land was in- c1·eased by 100 perct"nt. Others·had.lS lo 50 percent Increases. "So looking at all this." he: said, "and \\'Orking Jt in together wtUi what we thought the single.family residences Ke1ataedy Cdse - share of the total valuations 1bould ~. I felt contldent that lhe increase would bl> about $5 million." Wheaton said County Assessor Hinshaw is just as puzzled about the 1ituation 11 he b. i "He can't· eKplain why we did l\Ot realize more from the 4itaJ tax t>ase Ulan we did. Andy is concerned1 ibout. i~ ~ will do what he can, to at least come up \vith an explanation. \Vheaton concluded: "Jf we· operate d on a fallaciou! ai;swnption· that R-1 properties pay-hall our laxes by having half the aSL • .;sed valuation, then it was a very fallacious asswnption." . . . . -' Mi~8ion T1·ail DA S.tands Fir~, Sets Full Probe Census Survey Rapped by Capo SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -!\fission '.ity officials aren't happy about an up- oming national populalion s urvey lnariced by the federal government. Councilmen here have adopted a trongly worded resolution protesting the ~clusion in the census queslionnaires of questions of a highly personal nature . rhich we deem unnecessary to the sue· essful results cf the census.'' The council noted that replies to tht. uestions are mandatory under penalties f the law. "This requirement,'" laid th e tsolution, ••is t' further~~~· "of ersonal liberty." . '. A119U.ish at Accldent Scene From Wire Senrlces BOSTON -The anennatti of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's July 18 auto ec· cident took two new turns today with DI.st. Atty. Edmund Dinis announcing he would go ahead with an inquest and.Ken- nedy revealing new details on his return to the scene of the Chappaquiddick Island crash. Kennedy (0.·Mass.) revealed to associates !hat he and two friends return- ed ·in a rinted white-Vauanl lo. the scent \Vhere Mary Jo Kopechne drowned. - Christopher J. Look Jr. hns told police he saw a black car resembling Kennedy's approaching the accident scene at least a11 hour i!>fter 11: 15 p.m., the time of Ole WJ'J.ck estl!nated by the senator. • ).' 1ptlr•.fii1 for D.N'Dtr( :'4"•1~~ ~ 'vould act under a state law which lives '1 inl the power to "require" a'h lrtquut despite a judg,·s request today for ad· dlliooal informatk>n. Councilmen said they "vigoroqf;IY OP· 05e the current trend to confiscate in- lvidual rights" and, accordingly, will upport legislation to allow the repli~ to fte quesUons be • .-::::"'0 on a '"voluntary a sis." Yooune 4eNijs, sister or Volkswagen driver Karin Bay involved two cars and pickup truck. ~·red and deNijs, Dana Point, is calmed by ~figh,vay Patrol Jeanne Nevvmeyer, Ne,vport Beach, \vere 111 second The law states In part: "TI1e attorney general or the d istrict al· torney .•. require an inquesl to be held in lhe case of any death supposed to have been caused by external means." Officer J, D. Kroger after arriving at scene of car. Tn1c'k driver \vas Bill Smith. San Clemente. crash in which Karin \Vas injured. Accident this All crash victims \~·ere taken to Si:iuth Coast Com· t Horse Shom Corded LAGUNA NIGUEL -The El Niguel 'rospectors will hold their second sum· 'er horse sho1v and gymkhana beginning t 9 a.m. Sunday at the Rancho Nigue l :lding Club, 32451 Crown Va 11 e y 'arkway, Laguna Niguel. morning on Pacific Coast 1-lighway near Three Arch munity Hospital for treatment. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Ribbons will be awarded for first \rough firth places in all classes and a igh point trophy will be awarded m bo~h quifalion and gymkhana events. County Sets Deadli1ie Over Salt Creek Path All horsemen and wo1nen in the area re Invited to participate, Bonnie For· Orange County supervisors waut to ueran, group .spokesman said. The hear from the County Flood Control ublic is invited to attend. There is oo Department in tv.·o ,veeks on the feasibili· harge for admission. ly or a flood channel pedestrian pathway t 2 Req11ests Det1ied to Salt Cree~ beach . The two-week deadline was set Tuesday DANA POINT -Two southeast Orange ounty property owners railed Wed-in follo1v_up to an earlier request by esday in bids to acquire county road supcrviS()rs of \Vhat they see as a poss ible ights-<>f-way to add to their holdings. solution to the much-discussed public The county planning commission denied beach access question. !quesls &f a Dana Point business firm Salt Creek beach, between south La· eaded by James Collipriest cf Fullerton nd of home developer Fred Ahlstrom. guna and Dana Point, faces private dC'· Collipriest wanted a 10-f®t strip of the velo}lment by the Laguna Niguel Corp. lreet of the Violet Lantern from Pacific following supervisors' abandonment with· oasl Highway south for 215, feet. He out 'public hearing of Salt Creek Road. rgued the foolage was neces91.ry for an Two weeks ago. follo,vlng a public air· lready developed parklng lot. ing, Supervisor Robert Battin sugge1-;ted Ahlstrom wanted a JO.foot strip to pro. the flood drainage channel needed by ide "adequate rear ya rds" for a housing Laguna NigUel be used as a dry-weather ·act on the southeast side of Via p1<blic pathway for· Pacific Coast acramento between Via Lopei and ·Via ' Highway as Is done at Aliso Beach in an Juan in Gapistrano Beach. ·1· South Laguna. Both parties will get an additional Tuesday he 11uggested the deadline on earing on their requests before the the feasibility report. . oartl of Supervisors on Aug. 13. When Supervisor Alton Allen wondered Storms Haunting "'hether FloOO Control Chief Engineer George Osborne could complete the study in t\VO \vceks, Ballin snapped : "If ht can't, I expect him to come forv.•ard and tell us. Arter all these guys v.•ork for us, we don't work for them ." Allen, supervisor for the south coastal area, mused : .. What happens when they go through the channel y;ith their surfboards then land on private property? What happens then?" Supervisor William illrstein said, ''1 think we 11.re going to have a talk about purchasing some beach too." There was no further discussion on that point. In approving thtir budget for next year supervisors, at the request of Allen, set aside $1 mlllion for beach acquJsltion which will require abou t three cents o( county wide tax levy, \\'here the n1oney might be spent was not specified . Laguna Cozuicil Faces Flood Repairs of $81 ,000 Oisafuou!i winter rahl storms have ~1.umed to haunt Laguna Beach city ouncilTnen. Tonight at 7:30 in city Hall icy y,•111 consider repalr charges of ll,000 for work on damaged nood control nannels and city streets. The cily and the county tlood control !strict will combine e(forts to rt:pair the ;iguna canyon channel, heavily damag· ~ during the rain.Ii. Under the agreement. the city will pay bout $50.000 for actual construction of 11! channel. The county will contribute to COO· .niction ·costs, provide engineering and :ccpt maintenance of the channel rl wcen Forest Avenue and Beach Street. "Restoration of the channel prior to the in!er rains is essential ror the pro- !tlion of our busine55 1cction," said Joseph R. Sweany, dir~ctOr of public works. The city has ·made application to the federa l government and to the slate for funds to restore lhe channel. But so far, no word of approval of the applications has been received, s~·eany said. He added, however, that, "evtry in· dicat.lon Is that approval Is forthcotning." If the grants are approved. the city would be reimbursed for itli flood repair ex- penses. Councilmen also ft'lce ·blll!! ror re11airs lo wooden bulkheads "'hich g~ve wny during the stonn along High Drive, Hillcrest. Drive, and Temple Hiiis Drive. Total cost is about $17,000. Another $11 ,889 is being billed lo U1e cl· ty for miscellaneous construction work, Including the use of cranes on Beach Street and Cliff Drive to lleep debris from blocking the flood con trol channel!i. Counciln1en will also cunslder : -Adoption or a $3.4 million clly budget. -A request by Boardwalk Enterpri~es, Inc. for a lease modUicalion al "The Board\~·alk" (formerly the Barefoot Bar) Ill Ocean Ave .• permltUng .partial sublease or the property to be used for !i8.le of soft drink,; and food . -A request by the Laguna ~,ch LloniJ Club for permission 19 use 1'!eisler Park on Aug. 31 and Sept. I for a pancake breakfast wilh all )lrOCMdi; of the-evcnl going to the Laguna Beach B<lys' Club. -A letter from Kenneth W. Glrllt1g com plaining obout "inadequate" P,rbagt collection, "Jitrocious" Mtain Bench reM room!', abandoned cars, aod needed rOAd N'palrs. ;, ' CITY RESIDENTS NOW AT 13,600 Laguna Beach now l1as a population of 13,600, the state Deparllnent of Finance reported today. The figure is up 300 in a year and about 520 in two years. The agency's population restarch team also noted that the city's population in the past decade has shown a steady climb of slightly more than two percent an· nually. Ten years ago, Laguna had just under 9,000 residents. On a percentage basis, it is the slowest growing city in Orange County. .. ABM Suppo rters More Confident As Vote Nears , \VASlllNGTON (AP) -Su11porlers of the Safeguard antiballistic missile (ABJlll) system appeared increasin~ly confident today 11s the Senate headed lo\vards an cxµel'ted photo finish on the long and oflcn heated controversy Sens. Henry M. Jackson (D·l\'ash.), and John G. Tower (l~·Tex .), said they are sure a key amendment to block Safeguard deploymen t will be defeated 51 to · 49. \l/hil.:! they used similar totals earlier, !hey were less positive then. J ackson also speculated that Sen. ?llargare l Chase Smith (R-Mainc), who rasl a note of remlnine myste ry Into the final day of lhe ABM debate, would line · up agair\,'>t the key amendmenl, by Sens. John Shernlt1n Cooper -CR·Ky .). and Philip /\. Hart (0-Mich.). because it \\'Ould pennit a continuation of ABM rcseil rch, Mrs. Smith. ~·ho has in1roduced an amend1nent barring further research. te.;Ung and procurement of lhe ABM and il:s cun1ponents, remained silent on her COoper.l:fart a'Jn'endment intentions. Senate D«!mocrat!C .Leader M i Jc e Mansfield, of fl.1on\.flna, declined to p.redlc t !he outcome but stdd the vote on the Cooper·llart a1nendmcnt would ·mark ''the high wnter P"':nl" of the move to block the A8M. "The bottle will go on. but I.here Will be a receding ·of the tide," MansfJeJd sa.jd. Both Jock90n ~l'(t Sr.n. Harry F. Byrd (See AB~! D(iBATE, r.,. l) The same law says Dinis may ask for the inquest. Dinis soughl the inquest in a letter sent to Edgartown District Court Judge James A. Boyle last week. Boyle replied today (hat the letter was "unclear." He asked Dinis to declare flatl y "'hether he was requiring an in· quest or simply asking for one. . Dinis met with news1nen here and said he will call "all witnesse~" who have anything to contribute. He did not specify, however, whether this would in· elude Kennedy. Dinis also said he planned lo meet with Boyle shortly lo seL a date for the inquest and establish ground rules. Asked when he expected the inquest lo be. Dinis would say only : "soon." The inquest will deal specifically with the deat.h of Miss Mary Jo Kopechne. the 28·vear-ol d secretary from Washington, o.C. who ~·as a passenger in Kennedy's car. The auto plunged off a narrow. rickety \\'ooden bridge on Chappaquiddick Island the night of July 18 and landed upside down in a tidal pond. Kennedy escaped, but Miss Kopechne "'as trapped inside. A : nedical examiner attributed her death to accidental drown· ing. . .. Dinis earlier had sought perm1ss1on for the inquest from Judge o.. Edward Tauro, chief justice .. of the state's Teens to Picket On Anniversary Of Hiroshima f\1ore than a doz.en Laguna Beach teen· agers planned to man picket lines at the Laguna Beaeh branch lib;arr today .on the a1miversary of the ltom1c. !lomb1ng of Hiroshima. Leader of the nuclear warfare is Howard Hills, 17, president of {he re- cently organized Youth for Jnternatlonal Olsamlamenl. Hiiis Is also stuctent bod[ president of Laguna Beach High Schto , "We want to show the ·com1nunity of Laguna Beil.ch that some. of iis, no matter how few we a.re, have not and will not accept tl'ie itnmorality of nuclear warfare nr the intimidation or ii.JI th.feat," hf: snid. Hil l, expected a turnout of' 1-S •tttn- agers. A parade, wasn'L planned, he l added. Stoel• .tJarhet s NEW YORK (AP ) -The •tock m•rket clo$ed with a gOOd gain today, bouncing into hlghtr ground at the start and • staying ahead qntU Jhe end. (Set quot&- Uons, Pages 2f.27}. Superior Court system, and from Judge Edward Nash, chief justice of the state'• District Cou rt system. Bo(h turned him down, however.1'auro said· the District Court had jurisdiction. rather than Superior Court. And Nash said the matter should be handled by tht presiding District Court judge ln the area involved. San Clemente Sees No Need Of Police Aid San Clemente police aret1't expecting tG take on a heavy, and coolly, load of responsibility during President NixOn't summer White House residency. The White House staff, the California Highway Patrol and ithe Secret Service wiJI be providing most of the pnsidenUal security, police spokesmen said today. The President is due to arrive Satur-- day, remaining about a month. At present, the local police force has 31 officers. That won't be changed much this summer. "\Ve don't expect to have to call in our reserves," said a police official, "and that's probably just as well, because we've got only three." The California Highway Patrol will be In cha rge of protecting mo~orcadea in and out of the grounds or the Nixon estate. But not much movement is expected there. The estate jg hard by oewly built administrative headquarters at a U.S. Coast Guard station. Nixon will use a golf earl to get from home to wcrk, driving through a hole In a wall between I.he estate and the Coast' Guard property. San Clemente police undertook various security assignments when the President was in San Clemente last Ju~. But UJa't was just t~mporary, said pol!ce officials. The Secret ·strvice has since been built up to take over those 'tasks. As per White House custom, tlle pu,mbers and :specific dutles of the Secret. Se"lce agenti have not been disclosed. Police ha ve .asked .for $10,000 from the City C<iuncll to atrengthen ihe depart- me:nt, but that wOuld pay for no more than one officer. • Orange Coas&- Weather Those low-hanging clouds will be around in the night al}d morning hours , aa usual fhyr~ay. with ternperaturts sun .reading in U\t!: lo\ver 70':s. • · . INSIDE TODAY NBC plons a "1peclaL stason'• for TV watchers ehis yea.r, with. more tho1a JOO e~(Z programa 01L tap, including 1evf!rol alZ.. SPf!cial evening&. Pooc 4$. ' ' • • o DA!LY PILOT L Wtdntsday, -August 6, 1969 ' ' . ··I "''~'"' ,--=-'>!.. ... ;i-.;.~ ""·· .. -&..-. . ~ qjQ§RAPRER o;qt:;s;4.MOKEl(WAS DlSP.ATCREDTOTH~~OASTllNETQ s1fy;HAT'S IN STYLE. HE OBSERVED, TRIPPED SHUTTER, CAME BACK WITH T~ESE CHARACTER STU_O,IES. --r---. ...~. ---~ -~ ,... . ' ' .. DAI 'il.~li;J PAR'f -'WOl\ij BEAll,0 10 'i'EARS PREFE[t"( NATURAL GROWTH KAT -SPOOFS FACIAL HAIR TRIMS BEARD, SHAVES HEAD 'YOU DON 'T HAVE TO L"OOK' ~)York ~~ . .,:._~ •1 • J•rrY HG:tnwcalner ~ (;hUc:k'Ji.ist Ltts lt_o,oy; No Mustache for Her Bri1n in Barbering Switch David Likes His Beard , ~·· ~t:. •• __ . •• . . _:>Nixoii w Ask·· . . . . . School Tax Up 14 Ce -nt·s· . . . County legal aides Gxljy .:began.;theit,~ County Cow;lsel Kuyper reiidily ad· research on how to go abollt regulating milted he was surpri.1ied by the FAA at· eircrart noise and night flights at torney's letter. "I was under the in1- 0range County :Airport pression that we could not regulate noise County superv~rs . Tuesday asked at the airport," he said. Coonty. Cctti~ {Ji~'~~ <f~u~r iii ~~. tte _S$id Pe!ll tiave to determifle the e:i-. dete~ine tbe ez °" Y tent of· the counly's authority and then authority. dralL ,._ d' Until a couple days ago, county gov: ~ necessary or 1nancc. c,rnment, proprietor of Orange County Prev1ou_sl)', .the county . sought to Airport 1hooght it had no .power to reg-regulate 1et noise by governing the way uJate ~ittraft noise or night flight.s. airplanes are flown. One proposed , But then documents sen( from Jaw-ordinance called for aircraft to climb y,ers for the FAA to county counsel's faster and therefore reduce the noise, but office indicated otherwi&e. it was rejected by the F' AA as an iJlegal Precedent was set last month wllen constraint against air travel. the FAA denied a petition from the clty County Aviation Director Ro be r t of Santa Monica that FAA impose Bresnahan .noted that if a noise limit ·is noise_s~pdards. ~e federal body_"!led set very low it also might be construed !hat 1~ could not impose the restriction. by the FAA as a constraint. He said he tJ:ta_t _ 1t "'as a matter <>f local respon-does n<>t think the FAA "'ould let the 11bT1~Y· . . . 0 C ty by county exclude Air California or Air \Vest ue optruon given _range oun . jets. FAA counsel ~as Utat i:tlght Ol~ht restric· But he suggest~ a way to get at lhe fi?ns ca.n be ~ if the flights have noise problem is to determine h<lw much given rise to hhgation by nearby pr<r total aircraft noise is to be allowed and peThrty townerds.lti id ti . ts in then rest.r!J:t the number of fllghts to a con on ev en Y ex1S . . meet the ftandard. Orange Cowity where aln1ost '311 m1lhon ln da111age.s have been sopght by Ne-Y?Jl:Orl Hartxif area homeowners compl8lillllg abollt jet noise. ' Frona ·Page J Laguna Trustees · OK· Nine Coacl1es ABM DEBATE , •; Nine 'coarhes for Laguna Beach Hi&h School's fall athletic progr8ms were-ap- J r. (0-Va.), launching the final hours of proved Tuesday by the district trustees. debate before the late afternoon vot1i Among the coaches for varsity and noted that the Smith amendment woul~ lightweight football, basketball, and gi\·e opponents an opportunity to vol~ crosscountry are four men new to the h · AB'1 t Laguna dislrict. againit l e entire " sys em. The newcomers are Bruce Morse, who Byril said senators "}tho agree with f\1rs. ~milh should oppose the tooper· will coach B Iootball and B basketball; llart amendment since it would continue Dale Vlld, C footbll and .C basketball; ABM 7esearch. . Len !\filler, cr011sct>untry 2.rid junior J\·faosfield said he..had aisumett t.1rs. varsity basketball, and Jerry Fair, varsi- Smilltl'iould support the Cooper·KUt pr<r ty basketball. poss! 'because or her Ion~ oppoiltlon to ·.Morse is a UC Irvine graduate and the AW4,..but a,.$j)llrj:e •n the Cooper· f1rst-ye_~r tea~er. He played .football at liart clnQr$'Aflt she.batJ.!l(ver given U:ienl · college. Vttd 'l! a fonner Engh sh teacher a ctnnmttim.-:::"'!"" ..;;.~:;· --:.:---; · '"'."" _a~ch at a PPoeJijx hlghJeJtool.· . : ~ ~ OJ> th~-7.-Ff!i .Mlll'1'"'.ls . r Janner j~.d, 1rack . H1~":11D'hOU1"'9'1 • --~Jnd u .... """'1try. ~ 1( Vic-sm ~~..: ex~ted-• \o""-~lOfYiD! "Riglf School. Fair-1s from--Villa pr ~...;.iafedU.led in late ·af• Park '!'_here ho c~hed juniOr val'3ily teroQon :: :.:... --· - - -·• ·_.buki{ijlr. -• ~ -1.,:: ~"· :. • • ·• • •• ,;.-.".l:tliikini A ~i.ining as head vars.tty ---.. : "7 .: -football coach, assisted by Darrell Z~a Zsa : Sentenced Md(J_b~!"~ waller Law.!09. Massive U.S. Transit Plan 'VASHINGTON (UPI) -Presidenl NlxOn wlll ask" Conpess Thursday to sper.d $10 billion durin-g the next 12 years on a mass transit program to ease city· paralyzing traffic jams, It was learned Wednesday. .,_ It wOllld be tbe most e.-tellfii\'e mass transit program in the naUon's history and would cover transport.ltioo sy1tems ranging from subway1: and rail lines to gravity driven trains and air cushion velrlcles. Nixon scrapped the idea of a trust fund lo finance the program and will ask Congress lo authorize the money out of general revenues. The White House disclosed no details -0£ the program, but it an.nounoed th1t Ni:1on 11'ould send to Congress at noon Thursday a speciaJ message on mass trans.It. Under the program, it was learned \Vednesday, the money would be spent mainly in grants to local governments. The federal go~·emment would supply two-thirds of the money, the local areas one-third. The proposal is expected to find tough -0ppo6ition, h0'4-'ever. because or Ni:1on's choice ol fin~cine. In a telegram dc1i·1ered t.o -the White House late Tues- day, Mayors RJ.chard Dalt:y of Chicago, Erik Junsson of Dallas, Thom as D'Alesandro of Baltimore and Rlchard G. Lftgar o.f Indianapolis all urged NIJ.on to back the trust fund. '"\Ve want to make It clear that the United states Conference o1 Mayors and the National League of Cities support "'ithoul reservation the trust fund con- cept," the t.elegram said. The mayors said their experience in public service showed that a ''major public JA•orks program" demands a com- 1nitmcnt of funds over a long period of time. But Nlxo~s proposal hopes to jump this hurdle by asking C-Ongress to "declare its intent'' to back the program over a long period. l\feasw·e Delayed · WASHINGTON (AP) -A bill lo boost J>aymanti:~ to banks that m1ke go\ltm- ment guaranteed colle1e· student loans JA•as rtlihed througb.the"House Education and Laber-CommJUee today but House action probably will be delayed for several wteks. Laguna Trustees Approve $2.9 ~fillion Budget A re cord $8,442,556 budget was adopted ?ifonday night by ·trustees of Huntinet.on Beach's ocean View sciiool District. The figure, nearly $2 million m<>re than last year's expenditures, covers estimated operating C-Osts for 15,000 pupils expected at the dislrict during the next school year . A district spokesman said the ad- G11ard, Electric W 01·kers Rescue Laguna Woman Assistance by a lire1Uard and a lntckload of electrical workers was credited today with possibly saving the "°'ife of a Laguna Be<1ch newsman from further injury in a freak freeway ac· cident. Mrs. llarriett Keavy, 66, 1night have been crushed by other cars on the San Diego Freeway if not guarded by the truck crewman, accordlng to her hus- btltid, RuDbard "Alib" Kehvy, '66, editor of the South Coast N'ews Post. Braking to a stop, the Southern California Edison Company truck shield- ed the injured victim 'While workmen quickly set out nares and radioed their headquarters to telephone for an am- bulance. The Edison Company said the men who stopped at the scene were Foreman Daniel Glln1ore, Neal Barry. \Villiam Hangos, Richard t.1arggraf. tilel titilner, C. D. r.1usgro\·c, Dennis Rolr, James Ruether. R. L. Smithson, and A. \V. Gi· deon. They y,•ork out of Edison·s llun- tington Beach plant. An unidentified lifeguard using a first aid kit carried on the tn1ck ·stopped the flow of blood caused by 11rs. Keavy 's in- juries, 1vhich included a skull fracture. "All I had 1vas a handkerchief." Keavy said. t.·lrs. Keavy 11·as still in satisfactory condition today at South Coast Com· munity llospital, near the couple's home at 32266 Vista De Catalina. The acc:idenl occurred a "·t'ek ago. diliooal $2 million was included In the budgel to take care of an additional 1.500 children which will enroll in the district's 20 schools this fall. The budget is based on a $3.71 total tax. rate, five cents Jess than originally ex- pected. A $1.25 tax override passed by the district's volers in May could have tlevated the lot.a,. tax rate to $3.76 bul in· creases in the a~ valuation from SI 13 million to nearly $126 milliori over last year made the difference. ti1ajor expendHures projected for the coming ye.ir consist of $6.37 million for instruction, including principal an d teacher salaries; ~286,818 for ad• ministrat ion operating costs. including administrative salaries: $46.000 for healtll l'ervices and $151 ,000 for pup i I transportation. Emergency W 01·1{ Started As Slide Threatens Road A county road crew began emergency work Tuesday on re'.c:ently opened La Paz Road in the Laguna Niguel area where a slide had undermined the road. Cost of buttress filling ~the toe of the £1ide was esllmated at $5,000 or $6,000 by Asslllant County Road Commissioner Ted McConville, who Tuesday recel\'e<I approval from county supervisors for the emergency "'ork. M<:Convllle said the slide movement has accelerated in the laSt week and there is danger or losing the i:oadway' gas lines and water lines. ' Thief Gets Zero, Gives Blac.k Eye ~lrs. Pearl Parsons, owner of a La Habra market. has a black eye today. She got it \.\·hen she screamed and a holdup man struck her Monday night. t.1rs. Parsons, 59, told La Habra police !he young man entered Allen's arkct. 409 E. La Habra Boulevsrd, simulated hav- ing a weapon and said: "Lady, this is a stickup. Open the cash register.'' The young man apparently lost his cool "·hen t.1rs. Parsons screamed and he found nothing in the cash drawer. Police were told he threw her glasses across ~he room. belted her in the eye, and ran off. The slide is adjacent to the r.toulton- Niguel \\'ater District reservoir which is thr. site or a future county regional park. 11cConville said the slide may have i.Jeen triggered by too rapid draining of the rese!'\'Oir during the rain last v.·inler. A runoff val ve. stuck and couldn't be clos- ed and the reservoir was emptied in about two hours, McConville said . But he told supervisors, "The county :;hould be responl!ible !nd not' try to dC'dge any responsibility." Supervisors approved giving the county road department a free hand in malting emergency repairs. Ame1·ican Found In Cong Grave SAIGON (AP) -· U.S. officials ex· pressed new concern today for about 40 A1nerican civilians missing in South Viet. nam. The concern was prompted by th& finding of the body of a U.S. agricultural specialist in a shallow grave near tha Laotian border . Announce1nent was made Tuesday in \\'ashington of the finding of the remains of Thomas \V. llagsdale of Shelbina, Mo., \\'ho had been laken priso ner by the Viet Cong dur ing the Tel offensive in February 1%8. PACMA, tifajorca (UPI) -Hungarian. bom actress Zsa Zsa Gabor. now in the United States, Tut'sday was sentenced in ::ib!senlla to l\\'O months in jail and a $71 ftne (or S8Ckinj .. a . policeman last November in this Mediterranean island city. . .:. :· ·" · - ' .. Calif 01·nia, Michigan Stayings .Jfirmly Linked To the moon and back Ta set to the moon you would have to und•f'la soma of ttie most 1ru11tna: tt5ts for rt li1blllty, ru1a1dn•s1 and d1pendabllity OAllY Poo r OltAHGI COA11 "Vl lllHING C.Oli\PAN'r '· .. -·R•Mit N. W••' -l'rulMN .,., l"llM!llitr Th•"'•I ICMPil £~11 ... Th'"''' A. M11rphh1 ""'""lilt Ed11or YPSILANTI, Mich. (UP I) -California and ti1ichigan polJC'e today sought furthtr finks in a chnin they believe could tie tog~ther a series or murders in bolh slate!. Monterey ·C!lnly, Celil., sher I r f 's de puties said Tuesday t!1ere was A deflnlle .t."l'lmlection between s c v en ~\aylngs of youn~ '!\'omen in the Ann t\rbor-Ypsnanu "'lrea and tht Jdlllng near Salinas of Roxie Ann Phillips, 17, C1f . --l id.ir4.l .::Ntll ?i,fihrtukte, Ore. . ---• t.-141Kb c1tr E4111or The key to the killing, police believe, Is i .......... Offlt• John Norman Collins. a M'nior in elenien - 122 f•••it ;..,,,_ . lttry education :. at Eastern t.11chi&an M1ll/119 444r•n: ,.o. ••• •••· ''''' University. ~ Offtl• Collins, 22,Jaces examination ThU(oday c..w. ill.tu·,."""' 1,, st,.1 on first.degm.murder ~h.argC9 in the sU: ,.._,,.,, lffdlt nn "'"' ....,.. .. ......,. rilayin& bt.' ll,y,ar.old E~U coed Karen ""111.1"" ._,., • 11~ Mfttl ' Slit Biiiilemili~ who was last setn alive :~ two wt!Hi:'~ today t~i.ng ~Jfuwntowp - -wlg shop l a Yt!Wli' man on ,a tnotorcycle. • • ._ f ~ T\\'O MJc~lgan rielecUvts went to ::;;. ,, ,.11.01 .,."' .,...ltJI ,. ,~ t11t Sa linas earllet> this week 10 Investigate a • :::..,.f~ .:ffl~~ -fl'aJllt""'lUegedly stottn .. net hawed to ,.,.. ... • .,... "'"""" hftll. '"'" California by Collins and a missing .. -:=--c:=·~~,....~~ -.:f~JUllanM.iltuJ.'at.M•~ ..... .......,, -.. ,,,, w.. ,., ...i;.g· sou-"' by the f'Bl on· a ledera.t ......,... • ....,.. • ,. ,... ..., If"!'' . e•... . =. . . · ft1gttlvt wmant. . :.--... M.f t 4~. .:. Mlchipn State: Police sin. Xen CJhr11-~ ... ::..~.-:-:·:, ""' '11 ... ,,, -uaum ;old 'fM!Wsmen earlier there "'' ~ ~ ~·~--~::u!..! ''l..tlron,.Jnfettntt }hal mtllhs I! In· : .w---::.~-"lt· .. Volveti" In the kllllni of Rill Phillips, Ltt:.tf,._. ~-· • ~ • -whB_ 11lsappeated Jt.Qlt SO w~~ vls1Una ~···-""uo'Al_ ... 'ft"',r;::.." im;::i; fri~..SW.1. . . -: ~w-"=-':.."'h1t1H•iii .~ . l{opl •Y·£ounty ~ierJ!f'~QirJc•~l•}•ld ' --""'''!'': _ Tn~•Y Oiey11ive lout>d • ;irlwbo ~,. • ·-: both Ml>i 'Ph Ulps and Clllllns: - • ' Nancy Albrecht, )1, F<1rl \\'orth", Tex., rept1rledl,y told poli ce she allo"'ed COllll\S to drive htr home one day in Saiinns. where she y,•as vUiUng her sister, tilrs. r·rsnces Gauthie r. f\tlss Albrecht said the youth told her he was studying to be a t~acher at Eastern ~tichi"gan Universit y, I· ond oiade a da1.e: to return to the hon1e the Io\lowlrig night, June 30, but broke it. tiliss Phillips di98ppeared the next day on the way to mail a letter. Her nude, decomP.fSed body was·hlund--al an illegal dump m ntarby .Carmel nearly two weeks later: PoUee saHr tfie method -0£ h~r sav1ge klllin& r e..s e m b I e d the ~flchlgan slayin,s. -• _ .Puliee here said Arnold Davis, a close friend Pf: Collins, told t.bem he n'as "'Ith. Colltos :and anolhtr-nlin in the car that pi"cked up.?ttlss JOen Schell, 20, on the htst nigh she was Seeii •live one year ngo. ' Police said Davis told the1n Colli?'ls dropped him and Ute other man orr, and \\'A~ to have picked up 1\liss Schell later. tier nudeJ sexually molested body was round a week later in a lovers line: acea. llar thmat had bten slashed and aba_had ""'!< stal>btd fin Umew. A high po 11 c e o!ficlal 11ld omcers ha,·e not linked l\fanuel to flny of lhe murders but are seekinr the frlen<f and twm~r !Tatcrnlty brothet o A>lllns on a ln?Cenf by converilOn W&rrlnt "ft, Jhe: trailer taken to Californla. They are 11bo lnve.sUgaUng a Jirge Ulen .rlnt Which 1p- 11nrently •lole. molorcyclei, fili'TllltU'd. a~ ptiancu and otber items in the unlVt:ralty aree .. •.. acc1teratlon from 0 to • 24,600 MPH, powerful pres- sure ch1naes, extremes In temperatur• and shocks to Alt11 ewry bon• In your bady ... you ind yaurequip- ment mu5t survive them •II. And It's uclting that the \'ery 11m• Spe•dm1st1r ·11 witch we carry W8S selected without any modlficaUons ~ by NASA for all manned \1 space: missions. This RICOI-' nlliiln.. lrul)· 1 reward fo r ex- ccllenct, m,11,e:s us proud to b1 yot1r 1 utflotU:1d Om11a jeweler. Come In ••• se1 this h11nd1om1, 2 bulton, 4. dl1I. 001111 Sp1'idm1st1r cf)toflP" araph. The only Witch \lfOm by lh• men on th• moon, Pr!C:t $195. CONVENIENT TERMS BANKAMERICARO MASnR CHARGE J. C. .JJ.uniphrie:J 'JeweferJ 1821 NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MESA · -- ll YEARS SAME LOCATIOti PHONE S<i·l40 I • ' I • • G " " "· • • .. I ., -' . " . ' • • • ·- Newport Harbor EDITION Today',a FIUI N~Y. StOeka- VOL. 62 , NO. 187, 4 SECTIONS, 58 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNI TEN CENTS DAILY PILOT PHOTOGRAPHER DALE SAMOKER WAS DISPATCHED TO THE COASTLINE TO SEE WHAT'S IN STYLE. HE OBSERVED, TRIPPED SHUTTER, CAME BACK WITH THESE CHARACTER STUDIES. 'PREACHER' LOOKS PART Beard Goes With Work WORN BEARD 10 YEARS J•rry No Newcomer PREFERS NATURAL GROWTH Chuck Just Lets It Grow KAT SPOOFS FACIAL HAIR No Mustache for Her TRIMS BEARD, SHAVES HEAD Brian in Barbering Switch 'YOU DON'T HAVE TO LOOK ' David Likes His Beard S11it Disnaissed DA Firm Court Backs OC(: On Probe --·Schools • Ill Crisis? On SD.S Rejection Of Kennedy Assessment Shift May Cost $600,000 Orange Coast Junior College District trustees won Superior Court backing Tuesday for their refusal to regard the militant Students for A Democratic Soci- ety group as a recognized organization on the Orange Coast College campus. Judge Robert Corfman dismissed the SOS argument that its members ·had been unla~·fully barred from a status en- joyed by other campus clubs and 01·ganizations. "School trustee~. deans and ad - ministrators ... should be permitted to exercise their discretion ... and shouldn 't be hauled before lhc court lo explain c~·ery decision that they n1ake,'' he told attorney Richard \V. Petherbridgc. Corfm an ended almost th ree hours of bitter debate by conceding U1J;1t "a non- recognized Jtrouro ,,_ ..... ~ nave as much status n.~ u1osc accepted by the college administrators and they don'l. in this case, get the $10 a quarter tenn that is grant~d to the other group!5." But he n1ade it clear that district trustees acted within the low and within their "clearly defined regulations" v.·he n they withheld recognition of the left wing group as a ca1npus organiza tion. He particularly upheld decisions in that sense by college president Robert i\1oore and Joseph Kroll. dean or student ac- tivilies. Kroll testified from the witne~s stand and i\.1oore statetl through deposition tha t the SOS group had been denied recogni- tion because of "goals and aims stated by the nationa l organi1.alion which \Vere not compatible with rollege policies and regul ations.'' .Kroll insisted, in an argument that was rerute:d outside the courtroom by angry SOS spokesmen, that th ere had ne\'er been and v.•ould not be any denlal of Uie use or college facilities by the group. He argued that the group 's message of sup- port of campus turmoil and advocated disn1ption of uni versity and college i;chedu les \vas contrary lo stated OCC policies and repugnant to many other stude nts on the Costa Mesa cam pus. "\Ve have here a situation in which st udents. the general public, professors, administrators and trustees all have a ,,ested inter.est in the operation of this 11chool," Judge Corfman rommented. "'That same general public has charged those tn1stees and administrators with the operation or the school and has given them, through its regulations, a certa in amount of discretion In that operatio n. "You can't," he said, "take a man and te ll tli11\ io, run your school and then deprive him of the right to exercise judg- m~% Do that and }'OU might just as we ll have a punch card to do the job." Deputy County Counsel John Powell successfully argued that the school board acted within the bounds of the st~te's education code and "n1odel, carefully "'or"ed regulations" "·hen it kept lhe name of SOS fr om the llst of organiza- tions accepted at Orange Coast College. Petherbridge announced his intention or appealing Judge Corfman's ruling. An SOS spokesman condemned the ruling as "unfair, not based on the evi.:Cnce before the court and pretty typical of the kind or thinking that brought us to court in the first place." But the prime target of their acid com - ments appeared to be trustee George Rodda of Corona del Mar and Rodda ·s teslirnony on· events that took place last f1•1arch 24 at Kai ser Junior lligh School in Costa Mesa. Rodda said that during Lhal n1ceting , a pre-election gathering at which can- didates for trustee orfices aired tl1eir ''ie\VS, he wa s warned of ""'ays in ""'hich "five people could disrupt a campus." ll was testifi ed that some of those methods included the destruction of color codes controlling t e I e p hon i c com- munication, the tampering with compute r equipment, removal or cards from cam · pus catalogs and the general en- couragement or campus disorder. Among the SOS supporters with whom Rodda talked that night V.'as Kimberl y llunt of Cost a i\.1esa and Petherbridge int· mediately brought her to the witne ss stand to refute the trustee's testimony on the events of that eve~ng. Miss llunt later confined her post-hear- ing CQmments to saying Rodda's remarks '"about wha l he heard that night are just not true and he knows they're not." SOS leaders Terry Vaughn, Steven Kaufman ai:id Steve Weinber&er branded Rodda's testimony as untrue In a con- versation With college· president Moore. And they argued that Rodda's account of a riotous meeting \t the Costa i\1esa (Set SDS; Pa1e I ) 1-~ron1 Wire Serv ices BOSTON -·The aftermath of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy 's July 18 auto ac- cident took two new turns today with Dist. Atty .. ~dn)und l!\ld• announcln( lit · would t o alieid"will!'lft Inquest ond .Ktif. ncdy revealing new ~ail;I on his return 10 the scene of the ~happa~uiddick Island crash. Kennedy (0 .-Mtt.!ls.) revealed to associates that be and tv.•o friends return· '{d in a rented white Valiant to the scene where Mary Jo Kopechne drowned. Christopher J. Look Jr. has told police he saw a black car resembling Kennedy's approaching the accident scene at least an hour afte r 11:15 p.m., the time of the wreck estimated by lhe senator. A spokesma n for DA Dinis indica ted he \vould act under a state law which gives hhn the 'po,rer to "require" an iliquert despite a judge's request today for ad- ditional inforn1ation. The law states in part: "The attorney general or the d i s trict at- torney ... require an Inquest to be held in the case of any death supposed to have been caused by external means." The ...ame law says Dinis may ask for the inquest. Dinis sought the inque~t in a letter sent to Edgarlo,vn District Court Judge James ;\. Boyle last week_ Boyle replied today that the letter v.'as "unclear." He asked Dinis to declare flatly wheth er he was requiring an in· quest or simply asking for one. Dinis met with newsmen here and said he will call "all witnesses" who have any thing to contribute. He did not specUy, however, whether this \\'ould in- clude Kennedy . Dinis also said he planned to meet lvith Boyle ~hort!y lo set a date for the inGuest and establish ground ·ru les. Asked when he expected the inquest to he. Dinis would say only: "soon." Stock /IJarhets NE\V YORK (AP) -The stock market closed with a good gain toda y. bouncing into higher ground at the start and staying ahead until the end . (See qoota- tions, Pages 26-27). By .JORN VA1~TER7.A 01 t1Ht 01111 "1111 Slllf A $25 million budget hung on an unanswered telephone call Tuesday as Newport ~1esa Unified School Dislrict trustees faced an unexpected loss of up to $6901000 in Income next year. Jllav'wf.' 3't'!::l ~l'¥1~'"1t . answer · a call. ,as the di;;trict ad- mlnJ.stra Uon . tried to straighten out the financi al piclwe. The board he.ard predictions of a "possibly very serlpus cash flow proble1n next year" if HJnshaw's co.mingling or taxable and taxfl'.empt land~ in the Up- per Bay area causes a freeze of lax revenue which usually comes to the district from the taxable land in the disputed Upper Bay. '"I have bee n trying to spea k to the assessor ror the past tw"D da ys. I asked for a c.all from hi:n through his secretary What's Involved In Upper B•y argum•nt, Hlnsh•w-Kuyper d .. bat•? Full d•tall1 Pa;• 3. thjs morniilg, but l never got one. Obvi~sly be· doesn'~ waqi.to ~19·~11 , sald Supt. William Cunni ngham(" "I told the secretary speci=~ J had to make a report to 1 ~ and to a community here tonigtit, but that didn't aeem t.o matter. \fbe n J ·calJtd back this afternoon he had gone home,·• he added. County Assessor Andre1v Hinshaw: did answer his phone today, bolh to Dr. Cun- ningham and reporters. Hinshaw alluded to this morning's con- V<'rsation with the Newport-Mesa Unified School Distruct superlnt.endent, and said he was "a Ii tile uahappy" about the com- n1ents at Tuesday night's board meeting. Figure in Coed Slaying Probe Nabbed in Phoenix \\'ASHINGTON (AP} -Andrew Julian fi.fanue l Jr., "'anted for questioning in connection with sev2n Michigan S<'X slayings, was arrested by FBI agents \\1ednesday in Phoenix , Arii .• FBI Direc· tor J. Edgar Hoo ... -er announced. Hoover said Manuel v.·as taken into custody on a Phoen!x sfreet and offered no re sistance. Afanue l was charged with stt!aling a house trailer and U.S. district court judge Theodore Levin issued a warrant ac· cuslng him of unlawful flight to avoid prosecution for the crime of larceny by eon version. The Warrant stemmed from use of a !railer allegedly rent!<! by Manuel, 25, and towed from Ypsila nti, Mich., to California last June 21. Frances Gauthier, r.fiss Albrech t said the youth told her he was sludying to be a teacher al Eastern Mi chigan University, nnd made a da'.e to return to the home the following night, June 30, but broke it. fl1iss Philli(s disappeared the next day on the way lo mail a letler. Her nude, decomposed body was found at an illegal dump in nearby Carmel nearly two weeks later Police said the method of her f.avage killing re s em b I e d the fi.1ichigan s\ayings. Police here sait1 Arnold Davis, a close friPnd of Collins, told them he was with Collins and another man in the car that picked U[) J\1iss Joan Schell, 20. on !he last night she was se<'n alive one year ago. Nixon Bares W·elfare Aim i\1onterey County, Calif., sheriff's deputies said Tuesday t)lere was a definite connection between s ev en ~layings of youn,I!; won1en in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area and the killing near Salinas of Roxie Ann Phillips, 17, of Afih\•aukle, Ore:- The key lO'the killing, police believ,, I!! John Nonnan Collins, a senior in elemen- tary educa tion al Eastern Michigan University. Secret Service, CHP Take load Off local Police San Clemen te police aren't expecting to take on a heavy, and costly, load of respon11lbllily during President Nixon's summer While !louse residency, He 'll Urge Mini1nu1n 5landctrd, Neiv S1ibsidies C-0\Jlns, 22, faces examination Thursday on first-degree murder cha rges in the sex slaying of ll-year-old Ef..1U coed Karen Sue Be.lneman. who was last seen alive \VASHINGTON {AP ) -Presidenl Nix- on is expected to tell the nation Friday he wants a national minhnun1 standard of welfare, a oew subsidy for the working poor. a shirt in manpower programs and stale sharing of federal tax revenues. High administration sources say the broad outline of the messa.ge is complete, but Nixon called his cabinet together to- day at Camp David, ~fd .', to go over the program . Thc~e have been no indications of timinc. ex:lent and dollar cost of the "'·el(are change,, he will propose. Sour«s. in the executive brt1nch and on Capitol 11111 sty the President in his na- tiona lly broadcast speech will ask COngren to : -llnpose a federally r i n a n c e d minimum of 3hlllll '30 A month for each of 6.5 million pcrsonl' who recciv~ aid to dependent children. the largest and most I co~lly welfare program. Monlhly minimums now range fro1n a low or $9.50 in Mississippi to almost $70 in F\lassachusetts and New York. -Guaranled an irdime of $1500 a year to the average famJly of four. The an1ount or guarantee would depend on family size. This Family Security Plan wou ld pioneer federal payments to wage earners who make below wbslstenct! salaries. -Take Washington out of the m&nposcr lralzling business and...turn the programs over to the stales. The 31-odd federal job training, counseling And recruiting programs would be consoUdated and fitted to lhc need! of a i;tatewld c. plan. Operating funds would come Crom Labor Depart· ment block ;rants. • -Give stales an automatic share of tw~ weeks ago today leaving a dawntown federa l tax revenues. Assured revenue wig ihop with a young man on a would be ebout $1 billion In the firgt ye-Jr 1notorcycle. and push upward later, Two r.tlchlgan dete<::tives went to TI1e Pres ident is al.$0 expected to re-Salinas earlier U\l.!I week to 'Investigate a que.,t a minimum benejlt of S50 a mon th traUer allegedly . stolen and h@uled to in all adult welfare programs -such as Callfomla by Collins and a missing old-age assistance, aid to the: blind and friend, Andrew Julian Manuel. 2.S. aid to the disab led. The federal mlnlmutn MlclUPo·Slafe POiice Sgt. Ken Chris· would supplement tht present i;lidlng U11nu:n tofd','newsmen earlief there w1s $Cale of matchlna: funds provided by "a strong Inference that Collins 11 in· \Vashlngton. vol vtd" In the kUllng, of Mi~· Philllps, All but seven stales now pay average 'A'ho disappeared June 30 while vislttn1 hencfil.9 of more than $50 llnct the average friends In Salinas. federa l share is around MO. The new f..1onterey County sheriff's ofUcial• said fed<'ral minimum probably will save the · Tuesday they have found a girl who knew statt11 money bul not •ppreclabi) In· both MJ111 Phillips and COllin!ll. Crt8$e Individual bcneflll. ' N1riey Albricht,, 17·, Fort.. Worth, Tex., The Prtsldent also win 1trl!fS-\VOfk. Fn-ttpurtedly &old polk:e: she aUowed C.Ollins re.ntlvcs ths t he hopes Will moVe people 10 drtVe her ho.me one day in S111ln1111, off "'tlfare and Into jobl. wMtt she wu 'visiting her 1ister, Mrs. ' r I • The \Vhlte House staff, the Califomia llighway Patrol and the Secre t Service \\fill be providi ng most ol lhe presidential security. police spokesmen said loda~. The President is due to arrive Satur- day, rtmainlng about a month. Al pre11ent, the local police force has 31 officers. That won 't be changed much I.his ,um mer. "We don 't expect tO have to call in. oUr, reserves," said a pollce o[(icial, "and thaL's probabfy ju,t as "'ell , because· we've got only thr'ee:." • The Calllornl& lliahwu Paltol will be' in charge of protecting mo~orcades In ,_nd out of the grounds of the Nlton esl.Jle. But not much movement ls expected Ulere. The i!stale Is hard by ntwly built admil'llstrallve head.quarter1 at a U.S. Coast Guard staUon . Nixon wtll use a golf cart to get from home to woi'k, drivin£ throygh a hole In a \VAii bctwl!f'n the estate and lhe Coast Guan! properly. • "I nev<'r avoid anyone. in fact I btnd O\'er backwards to be available both ln person and on the phone. Tuesday just happened to be a rough day and I was out of my office almosl constantly. ''I simply had more pressing mallers," he sa.I~-. ''I read the st.alemenls attributed to Dr. Cunningham UUs ~. asked him if they were true and ht said' yes. r don't appreciate those tyJ>ea or references and statements," 1Unsh8w 11aid. Hinsha\v defended his co-lningling ac- tion. fie termed it a necessary orie. ··1 do realize 1hat beeause of the action Dr. Cunningham has got an awkwart! problem,'' ~llnshaw said. The board, qbviously chagrined at the assessor 's lack of response, decided lo adopt the $24,813,491 budget as proposed without making finn provisions for th e possibility of the $li00,000 loss next fisca! year. lnslead, they instructed Cunningham In keep trying lo contact Hinshaw and press for a separation of the two categories o( land , so that the ta;.;cs still can be levied. They also asked the superintendent to draft possible methods tO compensate for the loss ir it indeed occurs. Th e adopted budget contains $173,5611 In shifts fro1n undistribuled reserves into carryover projects along with a penny hike in the community se rvice tax to paY for Newport Ha rbor High School's tre'w sv.•imming pool filter sy:i"lem. r.toney to make up for the loss might have to be lapped from an already per- ilously low reserve account, Budget and Business Service Director Walter Adrlao said. The money could al so come from bor· ro\ving against the district's bonds, bul that could pose some big problems, too, he said. Experts told the board that it seems impossible to sell the: district's bond.~ at lhe standard five percent interest rate because of the present tight money crisis. lf the bonds had to be sold, the iater· est rate would have to go higher, an J that would require voter approval. An election on the matter would have to be held next January to assure sal~ of the bonds by next July-the date whell (See BUDGET, Page %) Orange Coas& \Veather Those low-hanging cloud11 will be around Jn the night and mof-ning hours as usual Thursday, with temperatures still reading in the lower 70' s. INSIDE TODA l' NBC plan.s o "special 11a.&on'' for TV wotcltcrt tlJll vea r toit,. more 'than JOO e:itra pr~rom~ oia tap, includi1ta siverar ell-• special cvening3. PQO'i 48,' ' .. ..... 'l l I ,, I ,I ... ~·.--------· . -• ! DAILY PILOI N -unruh Bill Irks .. , -DAILY PILOT M•ff 1'11ti. F~~ Goer-Over th~1 Top N.ivport Beach United Fund President Hancock Banning III (left) and tile fund's executive direc· tor, Joseph Hamblet (right) bad good reason to smile Tuesday as 1-loag Foundalion President George Hoa& !I presented 11\•m with $3;000 check \Vhich put fund drive over its goal of $184,9'28. This marks 14th consecu'live year the Newport United Fund campagin has exceeded its goal. 2 Youths Testify Against Panther, Get Heavy Guard Nixo11 to Ask il'lassive U.S. Tra11sit Pui11 Two youths wllo allegedly have bt'n threatened with death if th'Y tettily against Arthur Dewitt League were husll- ed into protective cus!Ody today as the preliminary hearing of the accused Black Panther was aga in delayed. Santa An1 Municipal Court J ud&e Paul Fh·e in Carport Dest1·oys F om· Autos in CdM Four cars, including a Mercedes·Benz and a new Cutlass, were destroyed when tire 5'\lept a Corona deJ Mar apartment houa:e carport at 1 a.m. today. Firemen from the Corona del Mar. ~ewport Beach and Balboa stations brought the blau under conlrol ien minutes after responding to the call at DOO Sea Cane. The fire· wa.s ntlnguished 20 minutes later. Flames .m visible from the Jam· boree Road i:nte'rm:tlon of Pacific 'Coalit. High\vay, one r;rdl~ away, B•ttalion Chltf Bill 'Ibo:m•S ot the Newport Beach .fire Jtation said. - The intense heat of the fire bll.stered the paint oo two cars in an adjacent carport, and ruined Ole enclosW"e in which UK: four cars were parked. Total damage and cause of the blaze has not yet been determined. An in· ''tsUgal.lon is under y:ay. Suminer Al'ts, Crafts On Display Aug. 28 ProJect.s Diade by Newport Beach younpters lQ the Parks and Recreation Department's summer arta and crafts program will be on display August 28 from 10 a.m. lo 4 p.1n. The exhibi~ at the f.l a r inc rs f.lult.ipurpofe Room on Dover Drive and Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach will feature the work of children between the aa:es of five and 12. The publk: ii Invited. DAllV PllDl ' MUOI Cf)Al1 11'\/l l lltUlrlO '°""ANY Jtkrf N. W1•4 •r.t~I W ""911*t _f •cl K. C11l1y ""' ltf-..-·~· ~·el 111 .... ,,. , ........ , 11: ••• 11 '"* Tli•'"'' A. Mur.,h!~• Me ...... (tit•• , Jere"'• '· Celll111 N_. lfftll City IUtllf """""t ....... 0"'-• 21 11 Weit11!~11 l e1l1"''' M1llh11 A44tt111 P.O. lei 1171, t l,•J. _ ....... C.I• Mf:W1 IJI '#ti! It• Sl•MI "'""" ~' m iF«t'JO .__ JohlnftntlM e.eoi. Jet -"~ llrtfl i\Iast gran ted the defense n1otion for a conlinuance of the murd er ac tion lo September 25, but only after hearing the responses of brothers Carl Stcr ie Tice, 18, and Rick Clyde Tice, 17. to questions posed by Deputy 0 is t r i ct At- lorney Everett Dickey. League, 20, of Santa Ana , is acculied of the murder last June 4 of Sanla Ana police officer Nelson Sa~scer. /\nd Carl Tice adtnitlcd today that he 1\·as pre.sent when the officer was slain in a dov.·ntov.·n st reet. 'His younger brother is chorged by lhc prosecution ''ith having told Cflnfllcling stories of the killing lo the police and the grand jury He denied today that he \\'l1S present 1\·hen officer Sasscer wa s shot and at one point had lo be per6uadtd by Judge Mast lo answer questions. Both youths appeared strained and nervuus during their testimony . They left lh.e. court room uhder heavy guard and '"ill be coromltted to Juvenile Hall until Septem~r ·15. Sgt. Frank Oxandaboure, chier in- vestiga tor for the district <illorney's of· lice, testified that many fpro.spective \Vitnesses to the Sasscer killing have been t~~atened with dea'th by the mack Panther Party if they testified in the L&guc tria l ... fle told~the .ci:rUrt that Rick Tice arl· mttted in the pre!ence or other police of· ficers and ·ltbl attorney that League had shot Sasscer and told officers v.'herc the gtlh used in I.he killing cou ld be found. 'foday's testitnony was ordered .afler an hour or biller argument in which Dickey angrily opposed the defense mo- tion for a continuance. Dickey y,•arned Lhe court !hat both Tice b9ys were under great strain and migh• '''ell be UJUl;vallable for te11imony at a later .d.al.!. He dJd not elaborate on that cQmmCnt. Judge Mast agreed to the plac· in~ of lhe three wltnesses on the stana to enable· hirn lo rule that there \\'ere shiunds~ <fgr commitling ttii .boy~ Jo pro- tecti ve cu11tooy. Amoni;' th.e court room specta.tor1 was a group or members or the Black Panther Party, apparently led by Danit! Mlchael Lyntm: 22, -Of Santa Ana . Lynem wa! recently cleared of charges that he was respon~ibie for the killing of officer Sasscer. Zsa Zsa Sentenced PAU1A. f\1ajorca (UPJ ) -Hungarian· born aclress Z.sa Zs;:i Gabor, now in the United States, Tuesday was !enlenctd in absentia to two months in jail and a $71 hne \VASHINGTON (UPI) -President Nixon \viii ask Congres! Thursday to sper.d $10 billion during the next 12 years on a mass transit program lo case city- para\yzlng traffic jams, it "'as learned Wednesday. It wou ld be the most eictensive mas! lransU program in the nation's history and would coyer transportalion sy6tems rJnging from subways: and rail line!i to gravity dri\'en trains and air cushion vehicles. Nixon sc rapped the idea of a trust fund to rinance the program and will ask Congress to authorite the money out of general revenues. The \Vhile HOuse disclosed no details of the program, but it announced that Nixon would send to Congress at noon Thursday a·5pecial message on mass transit. Unde r the program, it was learned \\'cdncsday. the money would be spent 1nainly in grants lo loc:al governmenU. The federal government 'vould supply tv.·o-thlrds of the money, the loca l artas one· third. The proposal ls expected to find tough ,oppos,ilion, )!_owever, because of Nixon's choice or Onanclng, In a telegram de1i·1ered to the \Vh!te House late Tues- dny, 1'1ayors Ric.h ard Daley of Chicago. Erik Jonsson of Dallas. Thom as D'Alesandro of Baltimore and Richard G. Lugar of Indianapolis all urged Nixon to back the trust fund. "We want to make it clear that the United States Conference of r.1ayor1 and the National League tJf Cities support without reservation· the trust fund con· cept." the lelegram ·said. The n1ayors said their experience in public service sho~·ed that a "major public works program" demands a co1n- mitment of funds ol'er a long periocl o{ lime. But Niton 's proposal bope1 to jump this" hurdle by asking Congn.ss to "declare its intent" to back the program O\'er a long per iod. From Page J SDS ... school directly led to fricti on at Orange Co .. st College between students and the SOS members. A pelition filed by members of the SOS faclion at Cal State, Fullerton has been set for hearing Aug. 27 by Judge Corfman. The action is almost id~ntical lo the suit decided by him Tuesday. County Sets Deadline Over Salt Creek Path Orange County supervleors want to hear from the County Flood Control Department ln ty,•o weeks on the feasibili- ty of a flood channd pedestrian pathway lo Salt Creek beach. The two-weekPetdline w•s !el Tuesday In follow up to an .e~r reque!t by sl!l)flr\'isors of wtuil they see as a possible solution to the m\&Ch-diJCU&Sti1 public be.sch access question. Salt Creek bcacti , between South La &UN. aod Dana ~int, faces private dt· velopl]lent _by the Laguna Niguel Corp. 1ollow1nK supenison' 11bandor11ntnt wllh- out pllblk beatlni of 5alt Cnek ~oed. fli,·o wteb ago, following 1 public: alr· In&, SupervLsor Robert Bllttill llUl!&"ted th< ::rfOO<j 'i!ta!Alp channel needed by ~na NJ1ueJ flie ultd •S a dry.weather in;:blJc pathway £er Pacirk: C O a It Highway aa ls dooc al Ali.lo Beach In SOii\h La1una. ' Tu!&daY be iugg<1ted the deadline on tho ~•'1billtr report When Supmil!OI' Alton Allen w6ndtred \1·hether Flood Control Chief Engineer George Osborne could complete the study in llVO wee'ks, Battin sn11pped: "Jr he can't, I expect him to cozne forward ·and tell us. After all lhue guys work for 111, wt don't \\'Grk for them." Allen. gupe:rvisor for the !Otllh coastal area. mustd: "\Vhat happens \\'h<"n they go lhl'fnijh the channel with their EiurfboaYds then land on private property ~ What happens then?" Supen·lsor \V~ iHrstcln sa id, ''T lhlnk v.·e are a:olnflo, have a lllk about purcbaslns some beacb tQo.'' 'nwre was no further dlscmslon on that point. In approving thtlr budt:tl for ntrl year supuvlaors, at the requclt of .\lltn, tel nsirie $1 million for bt•oh acqui&ltlon which \\'ill require 1bqul ithrte cenll ol counly\\'lde lfx. levy.-\Vhcrt the money might be spent y,·as not !ipttUitd. , Newport Protests Measure '!n Disclosure~ CllY ofllcla1' ol Newport Beach, balk· lng at a blO ,on Gov. Reagan'.s desk that \fOUld requite virtually all elected and appolnttd publte officials lo report finan- ci al holdings in excess or $10,000, have fired off a telegram to Sacramento urg- ing him to veto it. Signed by Mayor Doreen Marshall , tbe telearam sayl!, "We believe the bill is too comprebenalve in Us' coverage of local of· ficials. . to privacy, ind ot eourse you can argue about how rar dOYl'n that extends," he said. ·"But a volunteer public o£Uc-laJ who ha,~ to throw open his personal finances to the .scrutiny of his bus(Dtss adversaries and neighbors may not feel it is merited by the rewards of public service." Researeb Begins A spok~man In Unruh's Sacramen10 . of!~ indicaled llla1 the bill ha! received •11alm~t ioo-pere6lt support from the avtrage man.~· wb]le_ ll has met with mired ctlon from· local offlClals. Govero Reagan was nOnCoriunillal 1t a press c nference Tuesday when aske<\ 1\·hether would sign the tilll. "If adopted, il will discourage qualified citiz.erui from acceptlng appointment to loca l advisory board! and commissions, such as planNn1 commluions, park com- missions and civil service board!. Aircraft Noise Control "Existing confUct of interest. s\alutes ... the wirl!: concludes, "art adequate to cDpe with the problem." The bill, A.'B. m , was spon:;ored by Assembly Democratic Leader Jesse f.·J. • Unruh of Los Angele!. Steps SQught by County "We have statutes that regulate con- ntct of interest now," said Mayor f\larshall today. "It seems to me that this Is a rather .stringent requlrement for somebody se rving on the ~brary board or the planning commission." She added, "The city attorney gives direction (to appointed officials) as to their respon!lbillty in areas where there could be a conflict.of interest." The mayor said a less inclusive bill re- quiring appointed commissioners and of· ficials "with considerable influence" in city matter! to disclo!e their financial holdings might be in order. City Atlomey Tully Seymour, who drew up the telegram as a member of the city's pending ,legislation committee along \\'ith f.-1ayor f.-tarshall and city manager Harvey Hurlburt, said, "I just think the law is unnecessary." \ •'Jt 's an unreal problem as far as this city is concerned, the record indicates that there has been no real problem." So ymour said , ''There are state laws on the books now to handle the public of· ficial who doesn't keep his public trust.'' "A violation," he added, "is a felony. It's a very serious offense." •· J think th at people have a certain right County lea:al aides today be11n their research on how lo go about reaul1ting aircraft noise and night flight! at Orange County Airport. County supervisors Tuesdty asked County Counsel Adrit1n Kuyper to detennine the ei:tent of the county's authority. Until a couple days ago. county gov· crnment, proprietor of Oran1e County Airport, thought lt had no power to reg· ulate aircraft noi se or nia:ht fiiChts. But then document! sent from law· yers for the FAA to county counsel 's office indicated otherwise. Precedent was set last month "·hen the F AAfenled a petition from the city of Sant Moajca that FAA impcse noise standards . The federal body ruled that it could not impose the re.strictlon, that it v.•as a matter of local re spon· sibiliy. The opinion gh·en Orange County by FAA counsel \Vas that night flight restric- tians can be impo sed if the flights have given rise to titigalion by nearby pre> pcrty owners. That condition evidently exists in Oronge County \vhere almost $30 million in damages have been sought by Newport Suppo1•te1•s 'Co11fide1at' Harbor~ area homeowners comP.Jalning about jet noise. • County Counsel Kuyper readily , ad· milted he was surprised by the FAA ai.- lorney's letter. "I waa µnder the. Im· pression that we could not 'rtaulate nolJe at the airport," he said. He said he'll have to det'ermlne thee~· tent of the county 's authority and then draft the necessary ordinance. PreY iously, the county sought In regulate jct noise by governing the way airplanes are flown. One proposed ordinance called for aircraft to cUrnb faster and therefore reduC1! the noise{ but it was rejected by the FAA as an ii egal constraint against air travel. County Aviation Director Robe r t Bresnahan noted that if a noise limit i5 set very \o\v ii also might be construed by the FAA as a constraint. He said he does not th ink the FAA \l'OUld let the county exclude Air California or Air \Vest jet!. But he suggested a way to get at the noise problem is lo detern1ine how much total aircraft noise is lo be. allowed and then restrict the numbef of flights to meet lhe standard. ABM Nears Photo Finish \\'ASHINGTON (AP) -Supporters of the Safeguard anliballistic missile (A Bf.1 ) system appeared increasingly confident today as the Senate headed towards an expected photo fip1sh on the long and often heated contloversy '·The bottle will go on, but there will be a recedina: of the tide," f..1ansfleld said. Both Jackson and Sen. Harry F. Byrd Jr. (0.Va.), Jaunch.ing the final hou rs of debate before the late afternoon vote, noted that the Smith amendment wouJG gi\'e opponent! an opportunity to vMe against lhe entire ABM sy!lem. Byrd said senators who agree with r-.trs. Smith should oppose the· Cooper- ~lart amendment since it would continue AB~1 research. 1'1ansfield &aid he had assumed I\tr!. Smith would support the Cooper-Hart pro- posal becauSf; or her long opposition lo the ABM, but a source in the Cooper· Hart camp said she had never given them a comntitment. Sens. Henry M. Jackson lD·Wash.), and John G. Tower (R-Tex.), said they are !'lure a key amendment to block Safeguard deployment \viii be defeated 51 to 49. Wbile they used similar totals earlier, they were less positive then. Fro11• Page J Jackson also speculated that Sen. r-.targaret Chase Smith (R·Maine ), \\'ho cast a note of feminine mystery into the final day of the /\Bl\1 debate, \Vould line up against the key amendment, by Sens. John Sherman Cooper (R·K.y.), and Philip A. Hart (D·f.1lch. ), because it would permit a ct>nUnualion of ABl\1 re.search. f.1rs. Smith, '"ho has introduced an amendment barring further research, te.;ling and procurement of the ABf.1 and i111 components, remained silent on her Cooper·llart amendment intentions. Senate Democratic Leader f.-1 i k e r.tansfie!d. of f.1ontana , declined to predict the outcome but said the vote on the Cooper·Hart amendment v.·ould mark "the high water pr'.nl'' of the move to block the ABl\1. BUDGET. • • the pinch of the IOS! of the tax money 1night be felt. Several members said they believed the borrowing \\'Ould only serve as a temporary relief, since the borrowed amount has to be repa id the same year it is borrowed. Furthermore, they said, the borrowing might conflict v.ith 1he district's build· ing plans. The district's dwindling reserves to date total $797.4-~. or about 3.4 pen::flnl. A comfortable reserve sum, Adrian said, is about five percent. The board agreed that if any new income is forthcoming. panicularly from To the moon and back To 1et to th• moon you would havt: to und•f'IO som• of the mo1t 1ru•Hn1 te1ts for rali1bilily, ruytdness •nd depandabllity . .. •tt•l•r•tlon from O to 24,600 MPH. powerful pres· suni chlna•s. mrtmes in .t•mperatur• •IMf shocks to rattl• •vtry bon• In yo\lr body ••• you •nd YO\l r 941tui1> mtnt must l\lrvlve th•m 1ll. And It'• txcltinc that th• very same Speadmasttr watch we a ny was 1elected . without any modlfic1tions ' by NASA for all manned space mluions. This recog-, nltlon, truly a rewMd fOt u- celhince, makes us proud ta bt you r authorized Ome1• jeweler. come in ••• see this handsome. 2 button, 4 di1I. Omoaa Spead me1ter chrono- araph, th• only Witch ""°"' by tt11 man on t"e moon. Prit• $195. state source!!;, It should be added to the .reserves. The \'ole on the final budget, including the t\vo modifications-was 6 to I. Tru!· tee Don~ld A. Strauss voled ··no" with· ou( e:a:planation. The tapping or the reserves for the carryovtr projects will insure money for federall y sponso~ed programs requiri~g $89,712 in matching funds from the dis- trict: "Hot idea" projeCts (a score of special education and correct ive pro- grams) and bajlding improvements not completed unde1 tbe previous budget. The penny hike in the communit y service tax override will raise more than $J7,000 in ~venue, Adrian said. CONVENI ENT TERMS IAN KAMERICARD MASTER CHARGE J. C. .JJ.u1n1:Jhrit3 'Jeweferj 22 YEARS SAME LOCA TIO! I llll NEWPORT AVENUE COSTA MHA PHONE S48·HDI • J , Costa Mesa , Today'• Flaal • r N.Y. StH.b • VOL. 62, NO. 187, 4 SECTIONS, 58 PAGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, i969 TEN CENTS ' -' DAILY PILOT PHOTOGRAPHER DALE SAMO KER WAS DISPATCHED TO THE COASTLINE TO SEE WHAT'S IN STYLE. HE OBSERVED, TRIPPED SHUTIER, CAME BACK WITH THESE CHARACTER STUDIES. 'PREACHER' LOOKS PART Beard Goes With Work WORN BEARD 10 YEARS Jerry No Newcomer PREFERS NATURAL GROWTH Chuck Just Lets It Grow S1iit Disuaissed DA Firm Court Backs OCC On Probe On SDS Rejection Of l(ennedy. Orange Coast Junior College District tr ustees \1·on Superior Court backing Tuesday for their refusal to regard the inil\t.ant Students for A Democratic-Soci· cty group as a recog~ized organiytion on the Orange Coast College campus. Judge Robert Corfman dismissed the SDS argument that its membel"I had been unlawfully barred from a sta tus en- joyed by other campus clubs sod organizations. "School trustees, deans :r11d ad- ministrators ... should ~-permitted lD f)Xercise their discrr"::vn ... end shouldn't be hauled tir~ .. rc the court to explain every decision that they make," he told altorncy Richard \V. Pethcrbridge. Corfman ended almost three hours or biller debate by conceding that "a non- recugnized group doesn·t have as much status as those accepted by the college administrators and they don't. in this case, get the $10 a quarter tcnn that is granted to the other groups." ' But he made it clear that rps:\ricl trustees acted \.\'ithin the law andpvithin their ''clearly defined regulations'' whe n 1hey withheld reC-Ognition o( the lert wing group as .a campus organization. He particularly upheld deeisions in that sense by college president Robert Moore and Joseph Kroll, dean or student ac- tivi!ies. Kroll lestiried rrom the witness stand l\lesa Plan11ing . Traf fie Cl1a11ges ~lotorists -and pedestrians Y.'hO travel under 35 miles per hour -will soon find three changes in traffic laws. approved by the Costa 1t1esa City Council. Stop signs will be erected on 17th Street ;it Pomona Al·enue soon, making it a lour-way halt intersection. The speed limit on Estancia Ori vt norlh of Estancia High School to Adams Avenue has been raised from 35 to 40 miles per hour, on recommendation of t.he cily traffic commission. \\Tidening of Royal Palm Drive has alsn resulted in an increase from 25 lo 35 miles per hour speed Hmil. and ~1oore stated through deposition that the SOS group hji.d ~n denied recogni- tion beeause of "goals and aims stated by the national organiiation which were not co~~Uble w\th colleg.e pol\cies and fi!gUf'itM:ins. I ... -· · Kroll insisted, in an argument tha l wa~ refuted outside the courtroom by angry sps spokesmen, that there had never been and would hot be any denial of the use or college facilllies by the group. He argued that the group's message of sup- port or campus turmoil and advocated disruption of university and college schedules was contrary to stated OCC policies and repugnant lo many other students on the Costa Mesa campus. 1 "We have here a situalion in which students, the general public, proressors, administrators and trustees all ha\•e a vested interest in the operation of this school.'' Judge Corfman commented. ,;That same general public has charged those trustees and administrators with the operation or the school and has given them , through il!ij regulaliom, a certain amoWll of discretion in that operation. "You can't," he said, "lake a man and tell him to run your school and then deprive him or the righl to exercise judg· ment. Do that and you might just as well have a punch card to do the job." Deputy County Counsel John Powell successfully argued that the school board acted within the bounds of the state's education code and .. model, carefully "'orded regulations" when it kept the name of SOS from the list of organiza· lions accepted at Orange Coast College. Petherbridge announced his intention of appealing Judge Corrman's ruling. An SOS spokesman condemned the ruling as "unfai r, not based on the evi~nce before the court and pretty typical or the kind of thinking that brought us to court in the first place." But the prime target of their acid com· ments aJ>Pt!ar'M to be trustee George Rodda of Corof\8 del Mar and Rodda 's testimony on evtnts that took, place last 1'-1arch 24 at Kaiser Junior High School in Costa Mesa .. Rodda said j,hal during that meeting. a pre:Clecllcin 'iathering at which tan· didates for trustet offices aired their views, he was warned of ways in which "five people could disrupt a campus." , Jt was te!IHled that some of tbose (Set. SOS, Pa1e ZJ From Wire Strvicea BOSTON -The aftermath or Sen. Edward lt1. Kennedy's July 18 aulo liic- cident took. two new tums today v.-ith Oi§t.. At~y. f4mund Diljlls announcina he "'ould' go ahead wini an lnquest ana Ken- nedy revealing new details on hia return to !he scene oC t~e Chappaquiddick Island crash. Kennedy (0.-lttass.) re1•ealed I o associates lhat he and '"''0 friends return· cd in a ren ted white Valiant to the scene where ~1ary Jo Kopechne dro1vned. Christopher J. Look Jr. has toid police he saw a black car ·resembling Kennedy's approaching the accident scene at least an hour after 11 :15 p.m., the lime or the \\·reek estimated by the senator. A ~pokesman for DA Dinis indicated, he \.\'OUld act lfnder a state law v.·hlch gives him the power to "require'' an inquest despite a judge's request today for ad- .dill on al inronnation. The law states in parl : ''The attorney general or the district at· torncy ... require an Inquest to be held in the case or any death supposed to have been caused by external means." The Slime law says Dinis may ask for the inquest. Dinis sought the inquest in a letter sent lo Edgartow·n District Court Judge James A. Boyle last week. Boyle replied today that the lette~ t''as "unclear." He asked Dinis lo declare flally whether he wa!I requiring an in· quest or simply asking ror one. Dinis met with 11ewsn1en t:ere and said he . will call "all witnesses" who have any.thing to contribute. He did nol specify, however, whe this would in· ,::lude Kennedy. Dinis also said he plann Boyle shortly to set a date and establish ground rules. to meet "'ith he inquest Asked lvhen he expected the inquest to be. Dinis would say only: "soon." Stock /llarkela NE \V YORK (A P) -The stock market closed with a good gain today, bouncing into higher ground at the start and slaying ahead until the end . (See quota· lions, Pages 26-27). Nixon Bares Welfare Aim He'll VrgeMini1n1.1:1n S1tandard, Neiv Subs~s WASHINGTON (AP) -President Nix- on is expected to teh the nation Friday be warits a national minimum slandard of • "·e.Jtarc, a new subsidy for the ..,-orking poor, a shill in manpower progiams and 1l$ sharing of federal tai: reveouea. !Ugh administration sources 1ay the broad ouUine of the message Is complete, but iNlxon called his cabinet together to- day a~ Camp David, Md .. to go over the program. There have been no indicaliom of timing, extenl and dollar cost. of the \\'elfare changt.S he will propose. Sources in the execu!J\·e branch and on Capitol Hill say the President in his n.a· liOflally broadcast speech wUI ask Congress to : -.Im pose 11 federally f I n an ct d mlnimuni or about '30 a month for uch nr 6.3 million pcr80ns \\'ho receive 11id to dependent children. the targtsl and most I • ,_ costly welfare proiram. ft1onthly minlmumt now range from a low of S9.® In Misilsslppf lo almost $TI> in ltfassachusell1 and New York. -Guaranled an Income of '1500 a year to .the average ramlly of four. The amount or guarantee would depend on family size. This Family Security Plan would pioneer federal payments to wage earnen: who make below subsistence salaries. -Take Wa¥iinglon out of the manposcr training businua and turn lhe programs over to the statea. The JI.odd lede.ral job training, counseling and recruiting programs would be oonsolidated •nd fitted to the needs of a statewide plan. Operatinit funds would coriie from Labor Depart- m'cnt block arants. -Give stales an automatic share or federal tax revenues. Assured nYenue would be about II billion in IM first year and push upward later. The President is also expected to re- quest a minimum benefit or $."iO a month in all adult welfare programs -i;uch as old-age &!lsistanee. aid to the blind and aid lo the disabled. The federal minimum would fiUpp~ment I.he pre!M!nt 11lidlng M'ale of matching funds providerl by Yi ashington. All but seven states now pay average benefits or more than S50 ano lhe average federal share is around $40. The new rederal minimum probably wlll 51\'e the states money but not appreciabi) .ln- cre3se individual benefits. Th@: President also will 1lress 1vorK in· <"Cnlivrs !hat he hopes will move people off welfare: and lnlo Jobs. KAT SPOOFS FACIAL HAIR No Mustache for Her TRIMS BEARD, SHAVES HEAD Brian in Barbering SWitc:h 'YOU DON 'T HAVE TO LOOK' David Likea His Beard Schools • Ill Crisis? Assessment Shift May Cost ,$600,000 By JOHN VA i.TER ZA Of "" o.ur '•ltl '"" A $25 million budget hung on an unanswered telephone call Tuesday as Newport Mesa Unified School District trustees faced an unexpected loss of up to $600,000 in income. next year. ~ filN :.Y,ld_ Iha~ Coynt)':.1-As:itssor Andrew J. Hlni;haw had refused 10 ans\.\•er a call as lhe district aU· mtnis.lratlon lr~d lo straighten out the financial picture. The board heard pred ic tions of 1 "possibly very serkius cash now problem next year" if flinshaw's co-mingling or taxable and tax-exentpt lands in !he l:p- per B11y area cau~s a freeze of tax revenue whic h usually comes to the district rrom the ta;a:able land in the dis puted Upper Bay. "I have been trying to speak lo the assessor for the pasl two days. I asked for a call from him through his secretary What'• Involved In Upper Bay argument, Hlnahaw-~uyper d• bate? Full d1t•il1 Page 3. this morn\ng. but 1 never JOt one. Obviously ~fdOC&fl't"Want \t.ta'tk to u1," aaid Supt. William CUnningham. "I lold the secretary 1pecirica/ly that I had to make a report to a public tiody and to a community h!re tonight. but that didn't seem to matt.er. When I c1Ued back this afternoon he had gooe home,'' he added. County Assessor Andrew HJnshaw did ans\\·er hl11 phone today, both to· Or. Cun- ningham and reporters. H in~haw ?lluded to this moming 'ii con· ver~allon wtth the Newport-Mesa Unified School Distrucl superintendent. and said he: wa11 "a little unhappy" aboot the coot· ments at Tu~sday nighfs board meeting. ''I never avoid anyone . In fact 1 bend over backwards lo be available both tn person and on the phone. Tuesday .just happened to be a rough day and I wu out of n1y ofrice almost oonstantly. I "[ simply had mote pr~sslAC matters,'' ~· siid. ''"I read IJle a;ta tements attributed to Dr. Cunniniham this morning. aaked him ir they were true and he sald yes. I don't appreCiate those typt1 or reference& and statements,'' Hlmihaw said. . Hinshaw defended his co-mingling ae- llon. He termed It a necessary one. "I do realize that because of the action Dr. Cunningham ha1 got an awn·ard problem,·• fUnshaw said. Figure in Coed Slaying Probe Nabbed in Phoenix The board, obviously chagrined at the assessrit''s lack of retponse, decided to adopt the 124,613.491 budget as propo!ed without making finn provlsioM for the possibility of the '600,000 loss next. fisca l year. lnsttad, they instructed Ci,nniogh3m to keep trying to contact Hinshaw and press for a k:paraHon of the two categories ol land, 50 that the taxes still can be levied. They also asked the su perintendent to draft possible meth<xls to compensate for the loss if It Indeed occurs. The adopted budget contains $t73,568 in shifts from undistributed reserves into carryover project• along with a penny hils:e in the communi~y service tax to pay for Newport llarbor High School's new 1wimmlng pool filter syilem. WASHINGTON (AP) -Andrew .Julian f\1anuel Jr., wanted for questioning in tonneclion with seven lttichigan sex ~laying.'i, was arrested by fBI agent s \Vednesday in Phoenix, AriJ ., FBI Direc· lor J. Edgar Hoover announced. Hoover said ~1anucl w;is taken into custody on a Phoen!:'!: street and orrered no rcsistarl'et:. Manuel was ch11rged with stealing a house trailer and U.S. district court judge Tl1eodore Le\'in issued a warrant ac- cusing him of unlawful rlight to avoid prosecution for the crime of larceny by t:onversion . The warrant stemmed from use of a trailer allegedly rented by Manuel, 25, and towed from YpsilanU, Mich ., tO Californla last June 21. ~lontercy County. Calif.. sheriff's deputies said Tuesday U1ere wa11 a definite connection between seven !layings of youn11: \.\'omen in the Ann Arbor·Ypsi\anli area and the killing near Salinas or Roxie Ann Phillips, 17, or ti1ilwaukie. Ore. The key to the killing. police believe , is .John Norman Collins. a senior in elemen- tary education at Eastern Michigan University. Collins. 22, fa ces exa1nlnation Thursday on first-degree murder charges in the sex slaying of IB·year-old Ero.tu ~rtn Sue Bcineman, who \.\'as last seen ali\'e t"'·o "'eeks ago today leavirig a downtown wig shop with a . young man on a 1notorcycle. Two Michigan detectives went to Salinas earlier this week lO investigate a trailer allegedly stQlen aqd hauled .to California by . C".ollins and a missing frl:!nd. Andrew Julian Manuel, 25. ' Mlchlg11n Slate Police SRt: Ken Chrl~· tlansen told newsmen r,irlief there wa~ •·a strong 'inference t~at 'COiiins Is In- volved'' in the killing of A-1iss Phillips. who dl5appeared June 30 while visiting friends in Sallnis. · ~fontercy County !herlff's ornclals said Tu,sd1y they have found a girl who knew both ~fisii Phllllps 1nd Collins. Nancy Albrecht, 17, Fort. Worth, Tes., repurte:Uy told ~lice •he 1llowed Collins kl drive her hcime One tl&Y fn Salina~. \jp•herc &he w11s Yl!ltlng hc:r sister, Mrs. • Frances Gauthier. ~fiss Albrecht said the youth told her he was sludying to be a teacher at Eastem ~1ichlgan University, ond made a da~e to return to th' home the following nig.'lt, June 30, but broke it. 't>.fi11s Phillips disappeared the nexl day on the \.\'ay to mail a letter. Her nude. rlc<.:o1nposed body Waii found at an illegal rlurnp in nearby Carm'I nearly two v.·eelrs later Poli ce said the meth<xl of h:ir sava ge killing re se m b I ed lhe i\1ichlgan slayings. Pulice here saJtf Arnold navis, a close rrientJ of Collins. told them he was with Collins and another man in the car that picked up Miss Joan Schell, 20. on the last night she was see n alive: one year ago. Police said Da\'is told them Colli!l:ii dropped him and the other man off. and \\'&S to have picked up Miss Schell later. lier nude, sexually molested body was · found a week later in a lovers lane area. Her throat had been slashed and she had been stabbed five times, Fisl1 Fry Beauty Hurt in Freak Auto Accident t>.1oney to make up for tlle loss might have lo be tapped rrom an already per- ilously low reserve account, Budget and Business Service Director Walt.er Adriao said. The mon~y could also come fr om bor- rowing against the district'1 bonds, but that could pose some big problems, too, he said. Experts told the board that it setlll8 Impossible to sell the district's boom at the standard five pereent tntetest rate because of the present tight money crisis. If the bonds had to be sold, the inttr· est rate would ~ave to go higher, and that would require voter approval. An election on the matter would have to be held. next January tp assure sale: of the bonds by next .July-the date when tSff· BUDGET, P•ge Z) Orange Coa.s& Weatlter Those low·hanglng clouds will be around in Ille night and morning hours as u~ua1 . Thursday, with temperatures still reading in I.ht lower 70's. INSWE TODA\' A beau.tY contestant ln the reeent Costa ~fess-Newport 'Harbor Lioiu. Club Fish Fry was Injured Tuesday.night in a frefk auto accident, pOllce said ~ay. Jonny ftot'abky, tl;,ot:t'87 ~tonrovia NBC plan.t 11 ,..sptciol atason .. Ave., Costa Mesa was rldlnt Jn a dir for TV watcher1 this yea.r uni~ being putfed by at.other Velltcle when' a mort· tllott 100 e:rtra Program.a th int auto collided ·headan""Wtth ·fhf ~Ulw···· ... ·bw-rifp: ···brctatlllrg ··1e·~··oiz; car, Investigators said. · apeclal evenings. Pagt 48. Mils Rotals~y. was treated . •t Hoag Memorial Hospital for cul.s and bruises and released after the 7 p.m. collllloo on lndustrl1l Way near Superior Avenue. Offlcereh~no bmarlllo said Marta T. Frrnandtt, Zf, Montclair. had tu1t turned onto Industrial Yi'ay when her car col· Udtd · with the tow vehlele driven by Alfred S. Greco, :Ji, of 2054 Federal Ave., Co!!> M .... Only Mf" Rotoltl<y, •l the whet! ol her disabled car bebtnd the tow \'Chicle, WU httrl •• I • • I 1 ' Z DAJlY ~llOT c . S~eguard Countdown Unde1· Way;j WASIUNGTON (AP) -Supporter• of lilt S.ltpard an\iballlstlc mluil• (ABM) " aySWn appeared incrtaslngly confident today as the senate headed t.owardl an tl1"dod photo finish on the long and often heated COl'ltroverv · Stns. Hent)' M. Jacbon (l).Wuh.), and John G. Tower (R..TeL), Wd tbty are sure a key amendment to block s.reauard dtployment wlJl·be del .. lt<l >1 to u. While they ....r llmilat totals earUer, tber were leu posiUve then. Jackson also speculated that Sen. Margar<t Chaae Smllh Ill-Maine), who cast a note of feminine my1tery irlto the linil day of the ABM debite, would line up aplnol Ill< key amtndmtnl, by Seno. Johll Sbennan qooper (R-Ky.), and Philip A. Hart (O.Mlch.), becalllt it wo~ permit a cobtinuaUon or ABM research.· Mrs. SpiJlh, who bat, Introduced an amendment barrtna further research. tesUQ ll)d procunment of the ABM and its components, remained silent on her Cooper.Hart amendment Intentions. Stnate Democratic Leader M I k e ?o.1amfleld, of Montana. declined to predict the outcome but said the vote on ll\e Cooper-Hart amendment would mark •·the high waler prllt" of the move to block the AB~1 . "The battle "'ill go on, but there will be a receding of the Lide," MansDeld said. Both Jackson and Sen. Harry F. Byrd Jr. (O.Va.), launching the final hours of debate btfore the late aftunoon vote, noted that the Smith amendment would give opponents an opportunity to vote against the entire AB!i.1 system. Byrd said senators who agree with ?itrs. Smith should oppose the Cooper· Hart amendment since it would continue AB?if reseucb. From Pa11e 1 BUDGE1' .•. the pinch or tbe loss of the tax money n1ight be felt. Several members said they believed the borrowing would only serve as a temporary relief, since .the borrowed amount his to be repaid, the same year it ls borrowed. Furthermore, they said. the borrowing mi~t conflict with the district's build· ing plans. 'Mle distric t's dwindlic& re.serves to date iot.al $717,453, or about 3.4 percent. A comfortable reserve sum, Adrian 1aid, js about five peret:nt. The board agr~ that U any·. new Income is forthcoming, particular11 ·from &tate sources, it sbould be added to the reM:rves. The vote on the final budget, Including the two modifications-was & to I. Trus· tee Donald A. Strauss voted "no" with- oui es:plana~!on. The tappin~ of the reserves for lhe carryover proJects will insure monef !or federally spolllOred proarams requiring 589,712 in inalching funds from the dis-trict; "Hot idea" projects (a score of special education aod corrective pro- grams) and building improvements Qot completed under the previous budget. The peMY hike in the community ge_rriee tu ovenide will raise more than '37,000 in revenue, Adrian s1id. Youtl1 Found Fatally Shot A 16-year-old Costa ?ifesa boY about to atart his firsL fli&ht on a job was found fatally shot through the head on his bed Tuesday night, with a .38 caliber revolver clutcbed In his hand. No. notes were foun d and coroner's deputes listed the death or Richard L. Beck, of Ml5 Orange Ave., as an cip- parent suicide. Police said ht v.•as found by Robe.rt J\1. nuSliell. 28, who rooms at the home of the boy's parenl3, ft1r. and ?i1rs. Robe.rt L. Stone urly Tuesday night. DAil< PltOT. OU1'IOI CO.Ut t>Ull .... 111• aw11'1ft lt~f N. 'Wtt4 ,.,....,. .,,. PllliftlW Jtcli t. c.,,i.., \llal ,, ..... •N Gt•>f'll ,__,., Tll•"'•t IC••~il .... ltt Tht111•• A.. M11rphift• ,,..,..,.."' l.lfll6t ~-­)10 Witt ltY S1111t t.f1ill11t A.Mrtt•1P.O.111 1160, 'f161" ~-,........, .. .,.11111 ............ .....,_,. u.....,. -"' tn '"" ""~ Hlll'tfN'llA a...tl; .. lltl 11"11 ' Mesa Get·s -tas -word City Assured Key Say on Orange Freeway U'I T91H~•i. Actor in Chains Football slar turned actor Jim Brown is chained to other prisoners as he arrives at Beverly Hill s 1\-lunicipal Court to be charged with leaving the scene of an accident and felonious assault. See story, Page 8. • The-Costa MeP cµy Council has taken steps to assure that it makes the final recommendation of where the proposed Ora.nge Free~·ay should lie locally -or if it shou1d at all. Other agencies studying the rough, 10.7· mile trarlic artery which could slice through the heart of the Orange Coast may also follow suit. The issue is what local study group lies where orl a propoaed organizational chart of lines of communication about the best route, from a small corner of Costa Mesa all the way to Sacramento. Suggested by Councilman William L. St. Clair, the change unantmously ap.. proved by council resolution Prevents any theoretical chance that the £inal choice could be ·forced by any special interest groups. Orange County Rof;d Commissioner Al S. Koch recently offefed a chart sho)Ying area city councils apparently subordinate to lhe community advisory committee. St. Clair offered an alternate plan giv- ing councils a spoti above the advisory group of citizens and city staff members, plus calling for the addition of seven new committeemen. He criticized the original organizational plan in which four city department heads made up two thirds of the panel. 1 Nixori to Ask ~Jussive U.S. Transit Plait St. Clair's suggested chart was not en- tirely accepted, but councilmen passed a resolution saying they will make the final route recommendation . "It is possible that some eily advisory committee member ntlght be working !.or a very narrow. but politically strong seg- 1nenl of a city," SI. Clair said in a paper delivered Monday. "This business interest could be Onan· cially affected by location of the freeway, and actively engaged in determining the freeway location," he continued. No names were menlloned, bul lhe ~1esa Vtrde Homeowners AuociaUon is critically concerned with the proposed Route 57, which could carve into that neighborhood. The state Division of Hla:hwaya.rou&hly designates the route along a one-mile path down tbe Santa Ana River, affecting seven cities, plus Orange County tcr· ritories. , Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley said today that Eugene 0. Bergeron, president of lhe_city advisory committee he had appainted, has jwt added six new members. Bergeron is the seventh. Bergeron told the mayor by letter to. day that he is complying with St. Clair's ~Uggestioo in the interest of city council harmony. Appointees. and the ir per s on a I representation in the community include: -Don Smallwood, attorney. -Danal Ziemer, dentist. -Larry C. Kelly. pharmaceutical firm salesman. -Don Utter, Costa Mesa High School athletics inst ructor. -George Dobledee, insuranct broker and Exchange Club president. Research Begins -Nici Zlentr. Cosla Mesa Chambe r of Commerce executive manager. St. Clair seat cQPles of his reor~aniza· !Ion proposal to all other agencies in· v9'1ved, but iald today he has Qot heard lf an)' have taken action. The Newport Beach City Council, however turned the matte r over to the beach town's freeway advisory com- mittee last week for study, but es:pressed .some concern about putting laymen in liaison posjtions. The proposed organizatiooal chart sub. milted earlier by the county road com- missioner naturally shows the state DiYision of Highways at the top. Descending in basic order from th,re are: a coordinating committee of county authorities aod city administration aides, a s~ial state consultant, the city ad· visory committee and city council. Councilman St. Clair proposed puttlng lhe Division of Highways and consultant en equal top level, the coordinating coun- cil and individual city councils on an equal secondary level and the local com- mittee last. The state Highway Commission is ex· peeled to make a formal choice about Route S7 -not fonnally designated the Orange Freeway until that Ume -in aboul two years. Sid Ellicks, planning enginf:er for the division's Dist rict Seven in Los Angeles. lo!U those at a special Informational meeting in Costa ri.1es a last week that the last 10.1.miJe link might be abjlndoned. Instead of tying into the Pacific Coast Freeway, it could swing west lo the c\·entual Huntington Beach Freeway, end ;it the San Diego Freeway, or veer east to the· future Corona del Mar FrttY!'ay. ' Bethel Towers Tax Escape \VASH1NGTON (UPI) -President !'•Hxon will ask Congress Thursday to spcr.d $10 billion during the next 12 years 011 a 111ass transit program to ease city- paralyzing traffic ja1ns, ii \vas learned \Vednesd ay. Aircraft Noise Control Bid Nixed by Supervisors IL \\'OU\d be the 1nost extensive ma i;s lransil program in the nation's hi story and ~·ould cover tra nsportation systems ranging from subways and tail lines to gravity driven trains and air cushion .\·ehic\es. Steps So'uglit by County A request by Bethel To1vers 17-story retirement housin g skyscraper 1n Costa htesa for relief from $38,881 in property taxes was denied Tuesday by lhe Count y Board of Supervisors. Assemblies of God Inc., which owns the tower, sought return of $19,441 in taXe$ paid last November and relief from pay· ment of a 15econd yearly insta.11ment of equal amount. on grounds that it is a charitable institution. The supervisors' denial was oo recom· mendation of Assessor Andrew Hinshaw and' County Counsel Adrian Kuyper. Hinshaw contended the property is ftot being used exclusively ror a charitable purpose. Kµyper advised, "Although not free from doubt because of the status of the existing case law of this state concerning ihe issues involved, lt is our opinion the claim should be denied." No one representing Bethel Towers air peared before county supervisors to argue the exemption request. Thief Gets Zero, Gi·ves Black Eye Mrs. Pearl Parson5. owner of 1 La Habra market. has a black eye today. She got it \\·hen she screamed and a 'holdup man.struck her Monday night. ri.trs. Parsons, 59, told La Habra police the young man entered Allen's arket, 409 E. La Habra Boulevard, simulated hsv· ing a weapon and said: "Lady. this is a stickup. Open the cash register.'' The young man apparently lost his cool when Mrs. Parsons screamed and he found nothi ng in the cash dra\ver. Police 1\'ere told he thre\\I her glasses across .he roo1n, belted her in the eye, and ran off. Supervisors also lurned down a similar reque st by \Villows Foundatiori' Inc .. of Garden Grove, for a $21 ,776 praperty tax exemption. Willows operates non-profit living facil ities and an infirmary lor elderly Christian Scientists. Bethel Towers apartments ac· com modate ''elderly people in the low in· come bracket," according to es:ecuUve director William H. Robemon. l'ro11• Page 1 SDS ... methods inc luded the destruction o[ color codes controlling t e I e p h o n I c com· munication, the tampering with C-Omputer equipment. removal of cards from cam· pus catalogs and the general en· couragement ot campus disorder. A1nong the SOS su pporters wi th whom Rodda Lalked th at night 1\·as Kim berly 11unt of Costa ?t1esa aod Petherbridge im· 1netliately brought her to the witness stand to refute the trustee's testimo ny on the events of that evening. ri.1iss Hunt later confined her posl-ht'ar- ing comments to saying Rodda'$ remarks "about what he heard that night are just not true and he knows they're not." SOS leaders Terry Vaughn. Steven }o;aufman and Steve \Veinberger branded Rodda's testimony as untrue in a con· versation wiUi college president ~1oore. And they argued that Rodda 's account or a riotous meeting at the Costa Mesa school directly led to friction al Orange Coast College between students and the SOS members. A peUtion filed by menlbers of the SOS factlon at Cal Slate, Fullerton has been set for hearing Au g. 27 by Judge Corfman. The actio n i~ almost identical to the suit decided by him Tuesday. 2 Youths Testify Against Panther, Get Heavy Guard T \\"O youths \\/ho 1\legedly have been threatened "'ilh death if lhcy testify against Arthur Dewitt League were husll· ed into prottclive custody today as the preliminary hearing or the accused Black Panther was again delayed. Santa Ana Municipal Court Judge Paul ?ilast granted the defense n1olion for a continuan ce of the murder action lo September 15, but only after hearing the responses of brothers Carl Ste\•ie Tice, 13, and Rick Clyde Tice, 17, to questions posed b~ Deputy D I s t r I c t At- torney Everett Dickey. League, 20, of Santa Ana . ls accustd or t.he murder last June 4 or Santa Ana police officer Nelson Sassctr. And Carl Tice admitted today lhat he was present w~n lhc oUictr was slain in a downtown '1reeL H.Ls younger brother Is charaed by the ,prosecuUon w\lh having told connlctlng atorlf'i of lhe killing to the. police and the sritnd jury. •le denied today that he "'''* prtsent when officer saucer w1~ l!hot and al one paint Md to bt persuaded b)' Judge Mast to answer questionr;. Both youths appc1red strained and nervous during thclr testimony. They left llH1 court rootn under heavr. cuard and wiU be co1nm1tted to Juvenile llall until September 25. sat. Fr1'nk Oxandaboure. chief in· vcstiaator for the district attorney's of· fict, testified that n1any prospective 1\·itnesses to the Sasscer kil!lng have been lhreatened 1vith death by the Blilck Psnlher Party if they lestifi ed in the U:ague lrial. lie told the cnurl that Rick Tice ad- mitted in the presence of other tx>llce of· ficer1 and his attorney that League had shot Sasscer and told officers where the gun u~ in the killing could be found. Today's testimony was ordered after an hour nf bitter argument in \rhich Dickey 1ngrily opposed the defense mo- tion for a (.'()nijn uance. Dickey warned the court that both Tire boys were under great strain and mighl well be unavailable for te~timany at tt later dat e. lie did not elaborate on thal commtnl. Judge ti!ut agreed to the plac· ing of the three wltneS&es on tht: stand 10 enable him lo n1le tha~ lh~re were 1rounds for committing the boys to pro- lcctl\•e custody. Among the court room spec tators was 8 group of mtmbtrs of the Black Panther Party, apparenlly led by Daniel ~llchacl Lynem, 22. of SantR Ann. Lynem was recentl1 <:!le&red of chArges that he wa.111. responsible lor tht killing of officer Sauce.r. Nixon scrapped the idea of a trust fund lo finance the program and will ask Congress to authorize the money out or general revenues. The White House disclosed no details of the program, but it announced that Ni.J:on would send to Congress at noon Thursday a special message on mass transit. Und er the program. it was learned \Vednesday , the money would be spent mainly Jn grants to IOCl,ll governments. The federal goyemment would supply two-thirds of the money, the local artas one-third. The proposal is expected to find tough opposition, however, because of Nixon 's choice or (inancing. In a telegram de1i·1cred to the \Vhite House late Tues· da y, Ma yors Richard Daley of Chicago, Erik Jonsson of Dallas. Thom a s D'Ale18ndro of Baltimore and Richard G. Lugar of Indianapolis all urged Ni.J:on to back the trust fund. "We want to make it clear that the United States Conference of °ftfayors and the National League or Cities support \vithout reservation the trust fund con· ccpt ," the tel egram said. The n1ayors said their experience in public service sho1ved that a ··major public \Vorks program" demands a com- mitment of funds over a long period of time. • But Nixon's proposal hopes to jump this hurdle by askinc Congress to "declare its intent" to back the program over a long period. County legal aides today be.can their research on how to go about regulating aircraft noise and night flights al Orange County Airport. County supervisors Tuesday asked County Counsel Adrian Kuyper to determine the exlent or the county's authority. Until a couple days ago, county go\·· ernment, proprietor of Orange County Airport, thought il had no power 'to rt!g'· ulate aircraft 'noist or night flights. · But then docu ments seni from law- yers for the FAA to county counsel's orfice indicated other"•ise. Preceden t was set last month \Yhen the FAA denied a petition from the city of San1a Monica that FAA impose noise standards. The fede ral body ruled that it c9uld not impose the restriction. that il was a matter of local respon· Gi1·l 'Co11ta n1inated ,' Joins 3 Astronauts SPACE CE7''TER. Houston IL'Pl l The men of the moon had a girl fo r com- pany today. Heather O\\·ens, 24, ttesc ribed as a •·small. very attractive brunette.'' joined the quarantine of the Apo llo 11 crew because of a lab accident Tuesday even· ing. ri.1iss Owens and three male techni· ci ans may ha ve been contaminated with moon m,t~rial. To the moon and back To a•t to the moon youwoo1d haw to undlf'iO some of tf'le most 1ru111na lists for rt ll1blllty, rua1tdn111 Ind cltptnd1bll1'1 , •• 1ccel1r1t1on from O tao • 24,600 MPH, powtrful pres- surt chanps. extmn15 in .teml*f'lture •nd shocks to r•ttl• every bone in your body .•. )"OU and your equip. rnent must survive them 111. And it's ucltlng that the very 11m1 Sp11dm1st1r watch we eany wts selected . without any modlfic1tions : by NASA for atl manned \ space missiOns. This recoa:· , nitlon, truly'• rfward tor ex· · ce!ltnce, makes us proud to be your 1uthor11ecl Omeg1 jeweler. Come ln ••• ue this handsome, 2 button. 4 dia l, Om•1• Sp1edm1sttr chrono.- 11rapll. Tha only watch wom by the men on the moon. Price $195. s1biliy. The opinion given Orange County by FAA counsel was that night fligh t restric· lions can be imposed if the fli ghts have given rise to litigation by nearby pro- perty owners. That condition evidently exisls in Orange County where almost $30 million in d.amages ha\•t been sought by Newport Harbor area homeowners complain ing about jet noise. County Counsel Kuyper rea dily_ ad· milted he was surprised by the FAA at· torney·s letter. "I was under the-im· pression that \\'C could not regulate noise at the airport," he said . He said he'll have to delern1'111c the tx- tcnt of the county's authority and then drafl the necessary ordinance. Previously. the county sought to regulate jet noise by governing the way airp lanes arc flown. One proposed ordinance called for aircraft to climb {aster and therefore reduce lhe noise . but it was rejected by the FAA as an illegal constraint against air travel. County Aviation Director R o be ~ t Bresnahan noted that if a noise li mit i~ sel \'ery low it also might be construed by the FAA as a constraint. He said he does not think the F AA would let the county exclude Air California or Air Wes~ jets. Bul he suggested a way lo gel at the n;:iise problem is to determine how much total aircraft noise is to be allowed and then restrict the number of flights to meeL the standard. CONVENIENT TERMS IANKAMERICARO MASTER CHAR&E J.C. fiu11i11JhrieJ 'JeiualarJ 1821 NEWPORT AVENUE 22 YEAhS SAME lOCA 1101 1 PHONE S•S.J<CO I COST" MESA ' • • COURTHOUSE CONTRAST: WARMTH AND CHARM OF OLD REFLECTS AGRARIAN PAST; WHILE GLEAMING STONE, STEEL AND GLASS OF NEW TYPIFIES COUNTY'S NEW URBAN IMAGE Upper Bay New Center of Assessment Hassle Kuyper Warns Schools Could Suffer Six hundred-plus acres of Upper Newport Bay land have been assessed as one Jumped parcel and County Counsel Adrian Kuyper has warned that it means a grav1> tax loss to local governmenlal agencies. The land -partly owned by the Irvine Co. and partly by Orange County -is considered as one mass by Assessor Andrew J. Hinshaw. It is the property wtiich the county and Irvine interests have proposed for a long-Oiscussed trade In t,he mostly undeveloped Upper Bay. Kuyper has warned the Orange County Board of Supervisors that if the public and private land sections are not con· ... 1idered separately, Hinshaw's assess- ment will be nullified. If this should happen, he says, an estimated $1.6 million in taxes will be lost. SCHOOLS SUFFER HarbO'r Area schools would suffer most, Kuyper predicts in a July 30 Jetter, ad- ding that more losses could result from liinshaw's assessment of 81,149 a0'19 of Irvine Company agricultural preserve1. The newest charge marks continuing coriflict ir1 high place s over the yet-unset- tled swap in which the county is to re- ceive 475 acre! of high-and-dry Irvine land. for 157 acres of public bay tide- lands. The land exchange currently Is in- Officials ldentif y . Tijuana Patient As County Widow SAN DIEGO (AP) -A patient in a Ti- juana, 'Mexico, hosiptal has been ten- tatively identiried as a 41J..year.olll widow who left Anaheim in a new station wagon last Friday and had not been heard from since. · Authorities in San Diego and Tijuana 1aid Tuesday the woman, found un· conscious Friday in her stalioo wagon in the La Mesa area of Tijuana, would not or could not Identi fy herself. They believed, however, she w11.s Loret· ta Wangeman, whose son, Edward Neubert, 26, of San Francisco, had reported her missing. They said contents of the station wagon and her physical ap. pearance led to lhis belief. '....! Neubert notified authorities he was en route to Tijuana. Mrs. Wangunan;who left St. Anthony'! Church in Anaheim with provisions for a Tijuana miulon, wu traced to a motel in San Ysidro, 1Yhere she had inteoded to 6peod the night after meeting two other women. What occurred after that is still unexplained. She apparently was neit~r banned nor robbed, Tijuana oUicials said. The Board of Supervisors Tuesday gave no tndication it had received either County Counsel Adrian Kuy. per's blast at Assessor Andrew Hin· shaw, or Hiruhaw's reply to Kuyper's accusations. The lack of comment may be due to the fact that the messages ~re ·received too late for inclusion on. this week's agenda. volved in Superior Court litigation to estatilish whether or not it is con· stitutional. The Orange County Grand Jury has asked the board of supervisors to reconsider the deaJ itself. Kuyper's newest warning comes in rep- ly to a letter to superv isors by Hinshaw dated July 17, announcing a so-called fair market value of $35.6 million and resulUng assessed value oI $16.2 million .. on the property in question. This comes out to about $1.6 million in property taxes lo various ageocies. · Kuyper charges that Hinshaw -who has so far refused a supervisorial edict to cancel or at least prorate the Irvine Company ,taxes, pending court resolution of the whole matter -has further con- fused things. INCLUDED ALL For instance, he claims the assessor has included all county.owned property in lhe Upper N~wport Bay area, including Newport Dunes, an amusement park leased to a private corporation . "'lbere is every indication that these deliberate acts of the assessor to co. mingle and refuse to describe new par. cels may render these new assessments void," Kuyper wrote. He also aimed criticism at v.•hat Hinshaw described to the board as cer· taln disti nct and unresolved problems in the assessmen't roll. ''The first is that the assessor has not assessed the agricultural p r e s e r v e areas aS such and intends to revalue such properties during the coming month.s," Kuyper charges. "The implication is that he has there- fore over-assessed such properties and the taxing entitie!I relying on these as- sessments should be prepared to face a loss ... '' the letter continues. ''The second 'problem area' is lhe assessment of propertie:i in the ... Horse Rustled A racing quarter horse valued at $1,000 was reported rustled from his pasture in northeast Costa Mesa Tuesday, police said today. Miss Kathleen A. Flathers, 14, of 598 Pierpont Drive, klentified the missing, five-year.old sorrel gelding as Barney, said Patrolman Jim Farmer. / Uppe r Newport Bay. Although the a5!6- sor doe.'i not promise nor indicate a need to revalue such property, he does allude to a 'final resolution' which will ba 11e property tax revenue effect." ALL BE LOST "'l'he matter has now reached the state where size.able portions of assessable property may be irretrievably lost to those governmental agencies dependent upon property taxation for thi!lr sup. port ," Kuyper continues. ,;\Vhat concerns me is that in compil· ing the roll this year, the assessor ha! deliberately included properties which are clearly tax-exempt with properties clearly taxable," he goes on. This is in direct reference to the 457 acres deeded to the county. Then Kuyper hammers even harder: ''The assessor has included in one parcel not only the land conveyed by the company to the county, but also properties belonging lo the company that were heretofore taxable and not included in the conveyance." Kuyper charges that this includes land previously shown and now remaloing as bay water, plus county-owned tidelands developed by the public 8'/""'Y and also the Newport Dunes corpotat19f1. He charges that the Irvine Company never has and never in the foreseeable future will have interests in Newport Dunes. CLARIFIES MATrER Kuyper continues to say that unless Hinshaw clarifies the matter, the assess- ments will be voided, quoting several lefal cases which set the precedent for this. "I feel tt is my duty to underscore !he implied admisslom in the assessor's J~ter oC July 17 as to lhe jeopardy.of these assessments," the county counsel continues. Hinshaw has argued on the basis that if the courts rule against the controver· sial land swap dea~ the Irvine Company \li'ili gels its 457 acres back, constituting a possessory interest, which is taxable. If the now-established a.sses!lment for the coming year is nullified, however, the-funds expected to be collected under the $10 per $100 tax rate invo lved will go down the drain. Qil.JnU' Administrative Officer Robert E. 'Ibomas utimates the potential los.s to county government itself at only $200,000, a negligible amount In terms of impact on the budget. FEEL EFFEC!li More localized tax ageocies-!luch a.s the Newport-Mesa Unified School Di.s- trict, Orange Coast Junklr College Dis- trict and the City of Newport Beacb- V.-llU!d feel it painfully. Loss there would be about $800,000, Thomas figures. "The Board of Supervisors may well be put in the· position that all It can do is notify the local taxing agencies of the situation they faL"e.," Tbomas explaiDed. The Jetter by KiJyper about Hin.shaw's procedures and techniques so far makes no recommendation about what the board shou ld do. ~'-..!\:~~ INTERIORS 10th SEMI-ANNUAL CLEARANCE ' II liberel "l' Terms Available NOW JN~PBOGBESS o,,_.. Doil1 l 0·6 P.M. Monday and Fri. Till 9 P.M. .. I Hinshaw Declares Claims 'Unfounded' In a stinging reply to Cotlnty Counsel Adrian Kuyper's opinion on assessments in the Upper Newport Bay area, County Assessor Andrew J. Hinshaw Tuesday demanded an "executive session" with the supervisors. "On the basis of county counse l's let- ter .• .it seems apparent that county cotuistl ha.s abandoned his fiduciary (clieni-lawyer) obligation lo the ass~r ," Hinshaw rtplied. "Consequently it is our belief lhal you r honorable body and the assessor must schedule an executive session to discuss this personnel matter." In the body of his letter to the supervisors, Hinshaw d~nies all alleg~­ tions by Kuyper regarding Upper Bay land assessments, adding : "Apart fi-orn the inaccurate and un- foqndf!d accUSat ioru lha.t county counsel has levied against the asse~r, whlclt have been hereinabove refuted, there arises a question of substantial ethical importance." , Hinsha\v continues: "The assessotfs office has relied upon a client-lawyer relationship with county counsel and has assumed, perhsps erroneously, that thi!I commits county counse.I to the same fiduciary obligation as is present in the non-government sector between attorneys and their clients." The assessor then quotes from the canons ol profes!lional ethics of the American Bar Asaociatlon, seeking to back up. his accu.sations. ,In answer to Kuyper's charges of tax loss, ltinshaw .said: "11lb argument falls of il.s own weighL The contrary is true_ By placing an assess.(!d value f9r these lands on the 1969 assessmen t roll the assessor's office ha! ensured, uotu the ·courts ha,ve determir)ed the e:ctent of the ownership rflht.s, Qiat property taxes will become due and payable to the County or Orange_ for distribution to local government agencies SONY Mfllet )f Sit•• C1neti.tetHr (........,,. enlitled to this lax money." fie also said: "It should also be noted tltat county counsel, perha1>3 becaW1e ol inadequate research, has misspoken tbe facts a.s they apply to the a.sseasment of NewP,Ort oUnes, Inc." Hinshaw maintains that the' Newport. Dune! property is not aisessed to the Irvine Company but Usted separately. 'The assessor concludes bis blast at Kuyper with: "In his closing statement county coun.sel declares: 'There i.s t!llety ,i,n. dlcation that these deliberate acts of .the assessor to comingle and to refµse to describe new parcela, may render th£ae new u.sessmenls vt1id.' Tbil statement raisea .serloua and .subStantial queatlom. ''First of aJI, this statement ii U-.. rallonll, wltllotrt merit, or with any at.an- ding in fact. Proper research wOtdd have disclosed that all of tbe land parcels referred to in county coumel'1 , Jetter were newly deJc:ribed for the 11&9 rOU. ·~· from $49.50 to $750°0, they're all here, see them, hear them, play them yourself, then select the tape recorder that best satisfies your particular needs ••• Mttttl TC ... I Mdr ( C1rtr"9e •omr. • 11 • .. ._~., .............. Th• Reno, Nev. Chamber of CoQUJ11rce says il 11 making head· way ln efforts to cl111nge Reno's Image aa a marriag .. and-dlvorce mill. In JuJy, the chamber r~elv· ed f7 lnqulries relating to marna1e and divorce and 80 asking for hro- chUNS on rock huntlnl. · • Ro L111" of Mtnominee, Mich. took bi• cabin cruller to a rellgl· ou1 ceremony to have it ble11ed. Enreute" ho111e, the 36-fool craft blew up and sank ln Greto iiay. La11ee was unhurt. • Thtrt 1DO.I "1ore: fun tha1~ a barrci of monkt~s ot Dream· lend Amustmtni Pork tn Mar- g4lt, EttgJcrnd whtn an ab1tnt· n1fndtd keeper J.eft the k.ey tn the door of the monkey ho11se. Most ·of tlul dotin munkeys wlio escaped !Dtre tventwilly cap- tured in the pork'• Be1r Gorden .. • M o d e r n math baffles Brili5h adults, too. Parents in Fulmodes· ton, England are being urged to attend elementary·scbool classes with their children so they'll knO\V whit the youngsters are talking ·about when th•y ask for help wilh thi!t tiomework. • ··~ ..... ,,, Htl.rlna bdbles fn to::ri cabs is pas$e. Juit aJle 1ifr1. Yo n Yu Woflg Shek who gttvi birlh to thU: ;et tlge infant 1t v. eral th6u.sond feet in the air ~oard a Japan AlrUnts ;etu~,.. MT1. Shek and hfr famti11 Wflrt enroute from flong. Kong to a new home in San F'rancUco, but the blrt~ la.ndtd Mrs. ,s~ek in an A~hbrag~J. Ala.ska, hos· p1tal. --~ .. ~at~hing. POWs Learn of Moon Landing BANGKOK, Thailand (Al') -Tbtee U.S. war prilonera /reed by North Vie~ n1111 flew to 8""'lwk today and c1111ht up on~ -"-lea's moqo ialldlnl· ~Y had, ol COW'tEI oever Merl the Uve tele•l•lon ol Apollo 11 and lhe1 said lhey had not boon told about ·It In lhelr prlaoo camp. ,_ Lt. J!obart F. Ftlelunan of Santee, Calli., Capt Waaley Rumble of OrovUle, tallf., and· Biaman Doua:la1 Brt:nl llepaht ol Waltrlown, S.D .. ut In an aJr.cood!Uonod auat houae of t1!e U.S. 1111busador and w1tolled lhe film. ' •••t-wu artat." saJd He1d1hl. "We saw both lhe APollo 11 movie and a movie about the space program. It wu ert•t to eaten up on tblnp." 'l1»e moon m o v i e was one of the hllh.!lihlt of lhe first full day of freedom for the three Americans. The day al.lo . b<oolJ!t them their lint ael of clvlUan clothes, lbtlr flrlt. can of beer and their flnt chuce to loot at a newspaper in years. They flew from Hanoi to VJenUane Tlleaday nlaht lhon came on to Bangkok today to ••&eh a Trans Wwld Alfljne• flight homo to lhe United Statet. "Jt11 areal to be b&ck,\' P'rilhman aald on hll urtval In Bangkok. Although thin and J>4)e as a result of their monthl ln'the pr1.0. camp, all three men a_.,i beallhy. In llaJ1lilok, where they •lopped lour hour• on their homeward journey, ,th.et thr,. -tolued In the comp&111 61 Nnertoan Embauy offlcltil,. who 1•• them 1111ta1< dbmer. They confemd wllh eml>aaly olllclall for Ill minute• before dri•inl Into BanPok from lhe airport. The b'18htal m111" appeared wheh lhey wore handed )hair airline Uckeil to lhe United Stolu. , Firemen's Union Leaders Face Arrest Over Strike CAllY. Ind. (AP) -A special judge ordered the . BJTe1t today o( the top (out Je1der1 of Gary 's flremen's union on a contempt or court citation after sculfles Nixon Asks. Job Safety Standards \VASHI NGTON (UPI ) -President Nixon asked Congresa:-today lo autM:ri:re federal health and safel y standards for ind ultt rles and business es to comb1t "needless illrt!!&s, needleas injury and nttdleSI death" resullin1 frorn oc- <:lij)IUon al accidents and diQ111t. In a _1~181 message to the House and Senate. the Pre1klent reqtlested creation or a: Uva-member board to eatabll!h the standard.I. Wt\}ch would be enforced through lhe c:ourt& °" compl1lnt1 broulhl by federal and state inspectors. Althou1h Nixon stressed· that the prG- g.ram would seek state cooperation, the plan would mark tht firat extens:ive federal action in U'le field of job health and aa!ety. Air Cal Requests Second Far~ Hike SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -A Ir California, granted a fare lncrea9e ef. fectlve Aug. 1· has asked for anothtr hi)<~. The @lrUne Tuesday B$ked lhe state Public UllUtles Commission to approve a 7l-cent h~e in the fare from Santa Ana to the Bay Aru. to $16.90, and a 4'-cent hike in tht Burba~·Bay Area fare, to $!&. Air California cited hig~er oP.'ratina castl than these. rt.ported in a hea ring last Jap!W')' that led to the earlier fare hike . Pacific Southwest Alrlil1e1 filed a slmUar reqqeit last week. with police .and out.of-town fittm:tn trying to 61op a $300,000 lumbetyard blaie. Special JudJe Straley Thorpe watered down an earlier order whic h would have brought all members ol Local 359 Gary Firefighters AllsoclaUon, into Lake' eoun. ty Superior Court on a charae that they violated hJs Tueeday lnjunclion aaainst a strike. · Virtually all 28J members of the fire department, includlng Chief Alfonso Holliday, are members of the union, The fire chief told Judge Thorpe in the courtroom: "I have been in this business 43 years and this ls the tir&t time I have been profeulonally embarraued." The chief then burst Into tears and the judge llSlled the warrants. UnJon offlciall orde red arrt1tad were James Anast, president : Ted Skor1, vl~e pruid•ot; Steve Bartok. seaetary- treasurer. aod Frank Petritlts, recording secrellry. Local 359 i~ an Ul'liltned 15\alement denying that its members interfered with police and out-of-town nrefighter1 at the lumberyard blaie, It 15ald union memberl5 were in a meeting at the time or the fire. Th ere were indications that 15heriff 's deputies might have trouble serving the be.nth warranta: on the firemen 's leaders. One un!On officlal, who asked not to be named, said "All or the leaden have gQnt to Blininl lb (ish with A.dam Clayton Powel)." "- Czech Buses to St op In Invasion Protest PRAGCE (AP) -TrOlley-bus drivers at Pardubict, an lndustrlet city east of Prague. are plapnl111 to shul down opera- tion! Aug. 21, flr15t anniversary of the Soviet iftY~oq, the CommW'iit party weekly Tribufta disclosed toda.y . Trlbuna ~e the dlst:losure In publlcii- tion of an ir_ate letter to the editor, ap- parently from an okt guard Communist not in symJ)4Uly wllh the protest move- ment a1alnat the Soviet occupation. One Pictilre is Still Worth More than s500 ORAMA ~ Camera Contest • I RULES !. Mv••• .... ~. ;, '"' t J1r•l1uie111I (lok•+•tr•ll'~•r. '" t111J1l•v• el !er 1•1t111b1• ef th• f1111i}y ef t11 ,,,..,1,,., ell ff.t OAILY PILOT, ft1hio11 l1lt!lil Much111t1 At1e•i1liD~ er t ftthle11 hle"4 111erch1nt it t lltlblt t• enltr the <Dnlttf, 2. 0 11ly •lick trld whitt ,~DIDI tt~t• tl11c1 Jin. I ef lhl1 Yttr will k ttcejlflll fer llHl•i"t· J. Pitl1r.1 1hevl4 k 1111111111nltd t l•ny (lo1i11h t i 11111 I 1 7 litdl•• i• 1111, ,,,f,relllv • • ro int.h11. o...J <l. Ntftll"''' ef t.011tt1I ll'~tl11 "'"'' bt rtttli\y , .. ,Utbl1 11 tht l •l1wul" cu1 •• 1111d1 fe1 ll'•blictlio11 t "' fer tli1pl1y ,, ,. .. ,.,,. .. I. rrlth •tt11111 th1 ,,,,.,,., el tl.e DAil Y Pl~QT 111i CtllHf bt '9t•rhi. (Jllettli\'tl will lit 1el•r11ei •fltr Fe+•• , ..... 6. l1111pk11U l• 111•lttt ••1tfhr the1114 be Ill "lift" (loit• . hortt, tMfli ti 1pt rh 11tl...ili11, flrtt, fleeth, lrt ffic ttcl41nl1, "••l111t '"' "''"'' '' ''""' .. a• ~1t111ttle lfl'lp••t, 1111111u1I "'11"4" ._,,Uty., l1ul ,.,.,. 11111!11111. ' 1. ftcli ,,hit 11nl ~ 1t.t.efl(lo1eiHI by the 11111111, •'· l rtu 1ni 41y11..,, l1lt(lo~o111 nu"'~'' •f •h• 111tr111t (lolu1 • 1t(lol1•11 '' ·~•rt cl•••ri(loli .... p11tf11(1oli ••pl1i11i11t th1 d•ry leld by tht '"'''· a. If 1 c111t1it phet. 1hew1 ic11111ifitbl1 t.lo11•p• of p101l1, !ht t11.crl~tiv1 11111iri1I th111ld i11clu4t th1 fin! 111d 1111 ftt1'1tt ef the 1ull!11t ot ttbltih 1114 tlit ir t ft• 1114 h1lflt •''''"''· '· It f1 1u11111t4 !ht t htltfft(lohtt •1111 111l.!tcl t r 1ull· i11!t 9'f•I (lotrJ110 iHl111 fer (lowblittlio11 111d (lot1hllc 4h~lty tf lft'f (loholt1 1u~111itt14 f11 ••M,tlltlen. I 0, Wlft11t1t el !he l•f' th1•t (lol1c11 t1ch w1tk •Ill h l'~bli1hH 111 ftl t DAllY l'llOT. Tlit y .. 111 ,,,,1.,.. Sii, $11 t ftd 110, t11p1cll•t!y, in ,tthl111 !&1114 t iff ttrllfl~1h1. ~rtrttl Jl•h t wl111111 !t• ~I 111eclt4 At1f· 21 .2) clur1119 Fot1r11111 11 ~t1h1111 l1lt11dl t•h t• 1441tit11t1 $100 111 t lft ct1tifi1•lt1. I L Dt1tlll11t ftt 111h'y ···k Wttk it llltll •II lh11114•Y 1n4 t11hlt1 111U1l lit dtllYt rtd i11 lf~tll er by ll'ltil te ••Y DAILY PllQ1 effltt 11'1 lhtt ""''· 0.141i11t thl1 w11k 11 Atf. 1 • 12. Ce11t1d (loh•let thev14 ~ tlirtClf4 lo:• Fotor4fl'l1 c,~.,, C.!Mlt, PvWlt s,,..111 Dep11tw1t1I, Q,,.,. C.ttt DAl ~'t' ,llOT leffl11 •••rt 1l ytvl • You , Could Still Win • EN.YER NOW! ' ------ Head Start Expans~n Plan Nixed W ASHINCTON (llPI) -The Ni>On ad· mlnistraUon 1ave the told lhoulder't.oday to leglsiltton which would vasUy npand lhe Head Slart _..,m of "JX"O-IChool training fot chlldrrn living II! poverty. Cm<! C. Black, uslalant secretary for lqial1Uon In lhe lleallh, Educallon ind Welfare Departmen~ said lhe 115.I billion proposed in a DemocraUc bill for a five. year Held Start prop'am " a 1 "unrealla«c." , Jomts Fanner. Ullstant HEW aecrela!y, 111d sl1"monlha ol study would be needed before the admlnJltratlon could make a recommend1Uon for the luture of Held St.$J1.. The oUl<e ol•child clevtlopment ii con· ductlng the atudy, Fanner said In a statement pr~ for t be su~ commit •. "When the eludy IJ complete, It will reveal whether further legi1latlon In the fleld of early cblJdhood development ia requlrtd,".ranner ukf. Floods Chief ~·of Ber.ets-• Held • Ill SAIGON CUI) -The U.S. Command said today the former cldal of lhe U.S. ' Special Forces (Grffil l!ei:oll) In Vlei· nam and seven of bil ~tnates have · beeo' arrtllttd on ·a c1U11"11 ol plam\ln( •n<! carrying out lhe ID)ll'der of 1 Viet. namese civilian. A U.S. epokeamon '!id Col !lobert B. Rheaul~ 14, ol Vineyard Hann, MUI., cmruna.nder of the Special Forces, wu "Ueved ol hll duUes Jul\' SI. He ii a 1946 graduate ol Welll Point and hol<!i the Lt&ion o( Merit with two oak leaf clusters. Tbe el1ht men, 91ven ofDctrs ind a senior noncommluioned officer were jail- ed at Long Blnh Anny pilot ntar Saigon under charga of pmnfjdUated murder and oonaptracy to cornq:Ut murder. It wu the largest group of American offleer1 to face t.r11l ln the Vietnam war. The Anny declned to ttl) exactly what happened but llld the men were accused J Murder· of lhooUna to death a Vietnamese man near the central coutal city of Nha Tran& 188 miles northeast of Saigon Junt 20" JU COl!U!landtr ol lhe U.S 51h. Special Foret& Group, RhNul was In charp of all Green Beret troopa in Vietnam until relieved d: his command. .. Spol<011pen liald the lnvettigaUoa had been or~ by Maj. Gen. q, J. Maybry, comm g 1eneral ol u·.s. Mr/iy sup- port Ir In Vietnam, '8l1d that lhe ln- vestlcatlon would determine whether the mep would be court marUaled. They llid it wu not known how long the in- vqUgation would-take. At Rbe•ult's aummer home on the Island ol Martha's Vlneyaid o ff Ma.ssachusetb, Mrs. Rheault s a I d , "1bert's a mistake somewhere. My hus- band hat had 1 Ions and honorable career in tbe ~y." Still Plague I East Cold Front Drops Temperatures in Northtvest co .. tol NJtM t"4 mtl'nlne r-ci.v.11 wlltl f'l•no ,,,...,_ IU,...,,lnt fodty trllll Wed'*611. Wllldl -"'rly 10 to II knoh. Hltoll _., nNr 70. Yn~1111'f'I l-r11\1~ rt~ f,.fft "' IO n. lllM"' t-ttvre ,..,,.. ..,,, " 16 1$, eWltt' *'-"t 1Ur1 '1111 11 ... -. Sun, llloon. Tides WIDN•SDAY hcOtld llftl> . J :ll '·'"· $.! TMURSDAY ,ln t l-.............. 1:11 '·"'· O.l irrnt hitll .............. t :Ja 1.m. l..• .Stca'ld low ••••..•••.••• 11 :•~ '·""· 3.1' 5ec.r4 1119'11 ......... _ 6:11 p,m. 5.4 fl .s. Summar11 Mii(!! ol !he 11411.., 111.Ptrlenced ltlr tl'ld wtrrn ODNUion. •• ,1, focMy, Wlllo 111uni11n~1 t<tll•m '"°"' "" -lllP'" lo !ht VPMI' Jlltlns '"" Ir! ~Mlttlu"'l'I VtlltY. l.Oltltd ..,....,,,..... t ltO CIOl1tlll Ille Gulf C~tt -tf'ld tflt Atltftlle c .. 11l1N ~"' rtll'lft !I lmll\lfllf 9flltf•llY _,, Ut#lt. A celtl f,,..,1 edt1r1t1 tcren 1119 Ntl1,,. wnt ~ """"r1t111•1 1NI 5"rlr.-ed llflll rllnftll. AulhlrllliPl '91 -lerl Coe1t .,.., Tvtt<hY ~ flood iil•*r from fllM...ofl*n .11 ... 11\1. Sllmt aoll j!Olr• x.t11 Mrt tvtc1Ml9cl In W~sl Miiierd. N.J ., 1NI etf'kllh !~ H1rltt0<iil, COfln •• el'ft1"911 1 fOltn lem!lie.s from IM!r IMIMI """"" weter UKolded 11'+'11' • ....... ~.,"""· J'empuat11res Hlr-\..W ll'rtt. , ... _ • " Allo"t• " .. ll1~!r$/ltld <M " llll•m•rtk " .. ,, .... " " .. _ " " "" l~vlllt • " c"re.~ .. " c ;nc1M11t .. " Q'"~''" .. " ., °'' ~Mt .. " 011..,i1 .. " F1lfbl°*' " " ... "" w~• " " ·~~ .. ,, "'""' " " H-!ulu " " ICOl\$1S City " " ltt Vettl "' .. lM A!!M!tt. " .. Mltml .. " ,, Mht•'lttlOlll .. " ... N-°'"'t "I " ~ Nrw Yvrll " .. .. Nerti! Pltlle " .. 0.kltlld " " .. ........ CJ!y " n .... .. .. " ~•lrn 5"'11'191 ,. u ....... !!• • u PlllJe.Jrwll " " ...., .... n " 11:1014 City " " ... """ >M " ·-.. ., .Statr11111lo " S.lt kekt Cll'f .. "" j ... .. ... '••nc:hco " St11f/9' " , .... M n Tl\WNI '" Wtll'llntlOll " GAINING POWER'' Costa Mesa ATLAS CHRYSLIR·PI. YMOUTH INC. Z929 Horbo r loulevonl •· ' ' ' ' n • • • - ~. ' By Ph!I lnterlondl "So what if my syntax isnll} se> good! I don't claim to be Willi&m Fr Buckley~" Nixon Plans Changes U.S. Asian Treaties Vague but Flexible WASHINGTON (UPI) - A ri~w month~n. 1'1ike 1'1ansfield grinned when someone asked him if it were easier to be Democralic Jcader of a Democratic-con- trolled Senate w i t h a Republican in the \Vhite HO<Jsc than it had been under -a Democratic president. The meaning of that grin was clearer today after Senate approval of a !!ix-month ex- tension or the 10 percent i!l· come tax surcharge -jui.t about what Mansfield wanted and only about h<11f what President Nixon v.·antcd. No longer the I o y a I lieutenant carrying out the legislative disposition of a s l r on g·willed Democratic NEWS ANALYSIS pre&ident. ~1ansfield was able to put liberal Democrats in posit.ion to get what they want later this year when Nixon retums lo Congress seeking another extension of t h e surtax for the first half of l!YiO at a 5 percent rate. DE~1AND SUPPORT They will be able to demand presidential support for tax reforms as their price for Senate support of the surtax. The indications were today ?.fansfield vt'ill b£ perfectly satisfied steering through the Senate this fall the far-rea ch· Ins tax r e f o r m bill which e.111erged from the House Way-3 and ~feans Committee Thurs· day and which is ex.peeled to pass the House, perhaps ne.1t week. HB Teacher At lnstll\1tc Jerome A. Skands, a teacher at l\ofarina High School, is at- tending the 1969 Summer Institute in Chemistry at Ripon College, R I p o n , Wisconsin. Skand5, 11337, Snowdror. Fountain Valley Is attending the seven.week institute along wtth chemistry teachers from 13 states. The purpose of the institute ts to broaden scientific knowledge, develop laboratory techniques and unpart new teaching approaches. UC to Help 9 on Coast Nine Orange Coast Residents have re c e I v e d undergraduate scholarships to the University of Calilomla, Berkeley, for the comlng lchool year. They are: J F r t na Colla Mesa: M. Kennl!tb-Brody;-1263-Pomona ""'· From IJuntlngton lieacb: Cherie L. Erickson, 8681 Parker Circle. and Steven E. Olson, %1282 Breton Lane. From Irv i 11 t: Sally E. Peterson, 17642 Rockrose Way. FROM 1.AGUNA BEACll; Alan O. Ballulh, 222 Wove SI., ~ncl Paul R. Donavan, 24631 La Vida Drive. rrom Ntwport.Bt1cll: John P. ?.fahony, 2223 Colden C'lrcle: Jan E. Schwar-i. 2106 J)l)ver Drive, and RichRi'd E. ~lrowstack, 339 Snug_ llarbor Road. { The reform bill carries the 5 percent · surtax through June 3(1, 1970 as Nlxo.n sought. But it also carries prospects of a tax cut of at least 5 percent fvr everyone for 1971 and 1972, v:hen the Hoose committee hopes inflation will have ceas- ed being a problem. And it alS<' will provide 12 million poor persons a Ctlmplete tax - break and boost the $600 deduction for middle Income taxpayers. In other words, nearly everybody stands lo benefit. And it includes features like- ly to engender ihe stiffest op- pooition: a cut in the 271h per· cent oil depletion allowal)ces and a minimum Income tax "hich would no longer allow persons with million-dollar in- comes to escape form 1040. DILL APPROVED The surtax bill which the Senate approved Thursday is expected lo win final con· gressional approval" Monday. The House is to vote then on the surtax amt:ndment the Senate wrote into a non· controversial measure it bad previously adopted. Th a t would send the bill to Nixon for his signalure. Mansfield was. able lo hold the Democrats in line in lhe key 51 to 48 vote. He won sli1: Republican votes and lost 11 Democrats, eight. of whom must seek re-election in 1970 und did not want to be recnrd· ed voting for an unpopular tax unless their votes were clearly needed. By an even healthier 59 to 41 margin, the Democrats beat a Republican amendment of· fered by Sen. Joh n J. Williams of Delaware to give Nixon all he sought in the surtax. ~lansfield's final position for a six-month extension was a corl!i.derable distance from the one he and the nine-member £Xomocratic policy committC'e adopted a little over two \veeks ago -for "simul· laneous'' consideration of the surtax and tax reform. But that was a goal all senators realized was beyond reach in view of lhe five-or-six weeks of hearings tax refonn will re- quire in lhe Senate. As part of his bargain with Senate Republican I e a d t r Everett M. Dirksen which made a Senpte vote on the surlai possible, Mansfield won Dirkse.n's vole for the six. month extension. L a t e r Dirksen joined in voling wllh the Republicans on the largely symbolic vote for extending the tax into 1970. GOT LONG Jusl as crucially, fl.1an.sfield secured from Sen. Russell B. Long (O.La.), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, a CtJmmitment to send the lax reform bill lo Ole Senate floor by Oct. 31. Long vigorOtUly oppose any redud.ion in the oiI depletion allowance. Nixon campelgned against reducing lt last fall, But even if tbe finance com- mlllce resl<¥<I u.. depletion alloWance lO> ita fqrmer rate, ~iahsfield and his Uberal col· lcegues may,bLable to undo the committee's work on the Senate Door. \\.'Ith the surtax and t1x rdorm t i e d •t.osether -and wllb congressional mail reflec. ting a "b!rpayers' re\'Olt" for tax reform -Manafleld may be able Ill elicit White Roose support for passage: of the reform bill. And he heard hlmsel( hatled as a statesmen ln P.ushlng through the !!llrtai bill to a vote Thursday. ' tro nsltionol swlvel reg. 219 .00, 189.00 high' back velvet reg. 109 .oo. 99.00 ' ' • quilted loun9• reg. 169 .00, 139.00 1wivel rocker reg. 1.59.00, 139.00 • l . -may co south coast plaxe, 111n , diego fwy et bri.tol , costa mesa; 1ho.P. mon'd~Y. through 111turday I 0 a.m, lo 9:3 0 p.m 546 • 932 Ii ( DA!t.Y PILOT \ our chair gallery: where you find special savings Especially for you, we're having a unique sale ••• a cavalcade of chairs where you 'll fin d special savings on high backs, swive l rockers, loose pif .. low backs, quilted lounges. Use them singly or in pairs; there's one for every decor. Con'le in early for a wide selection of painted finis.hes, beautiful woods end trims , elegant upholsterings in a rich selection of colors . There are mo!lny more features and great savings, so hurry in! reg. 109.00.. 219.00 99.00-189.00 ... ' lodie1' lounger reg. 179.00, 159.00 may co furn iture I~ I' ' ' cut velvet accent reg. 139.00, 129.00 I I MAVCOI i - i ) I I • ·, ( < • . . s I • l l l ' 1, . I, I ' f' ' • I • ----. 11 loAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PA~EI Initiative EUorts to prottct Callfomla'• coesW envlrolUl'lent by banning further olfsbore oil clrilUJlg have won bolb lllpport and a setback at the state level. Support came frlllll the State Lands Commission when it retused la1t weelt to Ult the ban on ofl&bore drilling on state leese1 ill thl' Santa· Barbara Channel. Tb• setback ctllle wbell the Sttlat,o Flllance Com- mittee failed to mutter more than four ·of the seven votes needed to eupport Ille; Auembly-pasaed Jess M. Unruh bill to ban fllrlller dtillltig in the state's waters ill the channel. Unruli reacted vigorously: -He charred that the Senate FinaD<>e Commitlee is "ill tbe ~ket of the oU companies.'' -He deplored the adverse effect the committee'• action would have on the chance• of action by Coner"• to ban further 4rilllnf In offshore federal waters. -And the Assembly Democratic leader called for Santa Barbera resident. to place an Initiative on tbe •tale ballot la accomplf1h the permanent ban. He pre- dicted Iha! Ca!Uornlans will approve It If give n lhe chance at the polls. Jess Unnih appears to bt dead right in his aasess· ment Of veters' viewa on this iasut. AAM>n1 tide is rurulin~ not only in. California but naUo~r agalnll further d"poliatlon of lhe environ- ment. Vigorous action Is being-sought now for restora· Uon and conaei'vation of natural reaources. A ~est td.ltorlal from the Sanl;I Barbara New.- Press on thi1 page yesterday said, "It is time the cru· dal majorities 0£ the lawmakers and administrators faced up la this fact (that further oil drilling otl Santa Batbara on either !late or federal leases will be an lrrest>ansible imno.!iition on the cltizenry).11 The DAILY PILOT agrees with this view and fur· ther suggests it Is time our lawmakers at both •late . Might Do It and federal levels caught up with public opinion. Evidence 11 abundant lhat prote<;Ung special inter- est.s -ill this case oU -In the face of and contrary to an overriding public Into rat 1iJnpJy won't be tolentled by the electorate, regardle11 Of the public and private dollar revenues involv~. ff It WIJI take an initiative jllUlure on the ballot to awaken ' our lawmakers to this now fact of life, then let the aianing of initiative petllion1 begin forlllwlth. Federal Sales Tax? Eliot J111ew1y, naUoaally known ecooomlat and author, made some lntere11ing comments on lnflatlon and suggested. a new coollnc meesun ill a network TV interview yesterday. First, he aald the surtax ia all w?Oll(, that it lddl fuel to Inflationary llr11. It does so becau1e !t lncreau1 the withholding tax and creates p,..uure for lnflatton- ary wage increasu, he araued. Second, he a15erted constant govtrnment borrow· Ing because of its shortage of the revenuu !t nteda i. an upsetting factor In the money market. Tbird, he argues lhe best answer ls a federal sales tax. The governtnent wollld gain th• revenue It needs, workers would Jel their full pay. A salos tu reduces our ability la Inflate prtces by chasing after scarte goods yet we would not really nUss the money, in Jane. way's opinion. And Inflation fires would be dampened. Janeway's reputation is solid. His views aren't automatically to be scoffed at. But the prospect Of a federal sales faJC on top of the state 1ales tueo Is not likely to find much favor In Congress or Jn state Jefls- latures in the immediate fllture. -- -. Revolutionary . Dear Gloomy Gw: ' LagufUI Biiis .Klwanion• Again•t Hiring Krisman New Welfare Concept Appointment Unanimously Opposed WASHINGTON -President Nina will unveil a revoluUonary new w1Uare con-. cept ln the telecast he maltet to tbt • lion nut Friday nigbL · Called "maintenance guarantee," the proposal Is designed to nop!Aco Ille ex- istint system of dole-type payments and outlays to indigenlf, di.sabled and diad- vantaged. Tbeir cost to the states, lot1llUe1 and leder•l"Fvemmont Is $100 b!Ulon a year. Of 11>11 itUpendous amount, Ibo federal share it '35 billion. In Ille President's spoteh, l\e will carefully avoid any reference to two alternate plans that have been widely discussed -"income guarantee" and "re.Jene income tu." 1be two formulas are : btghly controven.ial, and tvoked aharp debate in inner Administration O'JUnefls. "Maintenance guar&Dtte." is a com- promise CCi>Cepl Iha! finally won lhe ~·s approval THE FOllMlJLA Ill a signal mt«y ,!OT HEW Secrtiary Robtrl Finch-For months he hu been l1f'lll'll a far-re.aching "re1tructurin1l'' of the uisUn& wellare aystem on two clUef lfOUl\ds: (1) Dole·type pilyment.s are degrading and demeaning to recipients, and have the stigma or "charity" attached to them; (2) the weUare bure:aucr1cy of the country bas become so huge and costly that it absorbs a considerable portton of the billions now spent for relief. Ro Mike Kr!llnao ' I am a recent hon« g aduate and nobody hu offered me a cushy 11.000 job at UCJ. Could it be becallle u a moderate I JK)lt no threat to tbe community! Porhapo H I joined the SDS and wtnt to CUba to shake hands with Cutro, I, loo, could be an "ACfldemlc Coordinator" for UC!. -Disiusted - 1tth ...... ...,. ,....,.. ...... -__........ ._ ., th lllWIMflN'. """ ,., ..... ,.... ........... ~" l"lllf, syatem would go lnto effect in fial 1971. ~ required federal funds W<JUid be. In- cluded in the budget he submits to Consrw nut January for the flscal year llllrlinl July I. INFORMED authoriUea indicate no price tq bu yet been decidtd for lhe ne:w plan. However, tt i1 certain to run Into several or more blllion1. Jt ii also undentood the propotal will ertenalvtly rtpial.""e the existln& and wide.. Jy asaailed anti-poverty program u a<f.. ';ministered by Ille Office of Economic Op. ~ pominlty. Established in 1914 II\' Ille Johnlon AdmlntstraUon, the qency and lhe program have been under a1molt con- atant crtticlsm and attack on numerous charges -ranging from conupUon and waste to necUae~ and incompetenct. Democrats want to extend the OEO program lor a~ther two years wilh a budget of $2.18 billion lor the current fiscal year. Contreas voted only $1.79 billion for last year -and iJ very unlike- ly to appropriate mOre than that this Ume. Republicans are insisting on limiting OEO continuance tO only one ~ar. The President's launching of the n e w "maintenance guarantee" concept will \'er)' likely ope.rate to the GOP's ad- vantage on this issue, which will not be determined unUl after Labor Day. To tbe Editor : The alUtudl of local people on Ille ap-point,µent by UC Irvine Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich, Jr. of SDS militant Mike Krisman as Wi!tant Dean of Siudents wu demwtrated 'I'ueldly, July 29, at a reeuJ-ar meettni of the Kiwanis Club of Laguna Hills. Tbe 141 Klwanians In attendance put the local club on !'«'Ord by unanlmoul vote in O!'!'O'itlon I<> the hlrlng of Krisman u Assist.ant Dean ci Students or in any other copaclty in Ille iax·"'P(IOl'ted univtn:ity. Krisman, u reported in the news JUiy JO, wu active in SDS circles u a UCI student. Ho tGured CUba lut winter in dbregard o{ U. S. travel -..tc;font, He talUd there to many Communbi: 1overn- metUJ leaders including Fidel Castro. When asked in a ~nt news interview if he were in favor of Castro and his revolution, he replied : "Certainly I am." THE KIWANIS CLUB secretary wu instructed at the July 29 meeting to notUy each UC Regent by Jetter of the action taken with the request that the rerents nulllfy the Krisman employment contract by use of their rtttntly mtortd veto power. The opinion baa been ellJ>!"'ed here on many occulons by ~I resident! that the hiring or bringuig on campis of extreme mllitants: of the type of Kri.g.. man, Marcuse', Murray, Flacks, Cleaver and othtn of lhelr brood can lead only to mcmi and more campus militancy, un- rtst and violence. ARDEN ACKERT President, Kiwanis Club o1 Laauna HUis \llnnl'• Contribution To the Editor : Under Ole "mainten&a guarantee" propoaal, the federal government'• share would be channeled through the states for Joca 1 dlstrlbutioo under d ti a 11' d guidelines and contn>ls. As projected by the President, lhe new By Robert S, Allee ud Jobn A. G&ldsml.._ Not havin1 enjoyed the opportunity o( knowing WUUam Hearst, aennet". Cerf or Drew Pearson in the early days of lheir careers I find It ei:tremely exhilaraUng to b o as t the acquaintance Of your Arthur Vinsel. Each tJme I see him at one of the Southland's social funclionl 1 search bim out for choice moments of un- prouic chlt'.e.r-chatter. J read every trtl· cle that carries his name and wish there were more. The Lucky and Unlucky My 13 years in Orange County had been frustrating b o t h editorial • wise and reporting·wlse until. I subscribed to the DAlL Y PILOT two years ago. Need 1 say Mr. Vinsel conlributes much to the high quality of your J'aper. I expect that some day l will be able to say "I knew Art Vinsel l\'hen , .. ". May we have more of no.chis at Large: There a.re "lucky" and "unlucky" personalities in ~e; the unlucJcr being those whose conscious or unconscious u · pectations of f allure irlfiueoce the kind of luck they have, regardless of their olhtr talents, ahllilles or intelligence. • • • ·Jl's interesting that the only important recent changes it'I our popular culture - such as clothes, music and language - have been Instituted by scorned segments cl. sodf!ty, like the hippies, the homosex· ua1s and tbe blacks, and not by the great ••straight" majority. • • • Why do people conUnue to use the phtoe "mental telepathy," which is as mwx1Gt 11 i'rlch miWonairt," since telepathy meam communication between mind> cilly? • • • If conservatives ((lllld 1 e n u i n e I y distinguish thole things that require con. ..mna from ihol< that should be <hang- ed, they could easlly undercut radical ac- tMU..; but, In point of !Id, ..,._ ll(!l'Vatives supply mosl of Lbe am-munition for radlcalllm by defending cilJy U-VaJUQ and proceues ihll HJ"Ve tbtlr own social 1nd e!Onom.ic ln· tertiltl. i&J'lortrig or even noulJq: such Jg. -as cMI llbertleo, .. bid! . S.nds to make & rnoclW'y or tbe1r defene of "fret· dom-" • • • Wt 1pt:ak of tl1e "50lar sy~em" beca.ute wt can clearly .set tb1t lt oper&ltl ., a system: bu& .we 11'1 too f close to our own world to think in terms him! of a "world system"-and yet unless we J also hope you plan a long association can learn to apply systems analysiS to with Mr. Boyd's column of "Instant the operation of our globe, all our partial Trivia" -it brightens my day, does not eUorts at peaceable survival are doomed tax my minlscule brain and supplies me to frustration and defeat. , ... ' with endlw topics of conversation. • • • / MILLIE FRAKI The most crucial question we must ~ rurse.IVe.s today ls this: Are we con· trolling our envlrontftent, or is .OW' en· Vil'tlnmenl controlling us? And 1f, as I believe, the latter is true , then our wealth is a dangerous illusion until far more of lt is used to control the en\lirOmnent, and not the other way around. • • • Those shallow readeri who cite Robert Ardrey on .. tertitoriality" a5 evldenct of m1J1 's innate aggruaiveneu 1bould ponder a paragraph froJn bi~ earlier (and beUtt) book, "African Gtneals," when he wrli.s: "Clvtllzatl<>o Is a product of evolutlon and an expression of m1n'1 mo5l ancient law. Far antedating the predatory urae In our animal na~. far more decp\y burled than conscience or territory or society lies that ahadowy, mytterious, undefinable command of the kind, I.he insUn<:t for order." . • . . The grtalcst educaUonal docrna fs also Its greatest lalltcy; namely. the belief be laUihL I Dat>l d anti Goliath To the Editor : 11le story of David and Goliath has pro- jected into lhe 201.h Century, and lt points up the analogy of tiny lsratl and the massive United Arab Republic. ''David," we recall. btal "Goliath" in 1967, but now, in 1969, Goliath is pulfed up again and, being foolhardy lilce all bu.Illes, will try it once more. Thil time David will CONidtr uslni lhf a!Om bomb. In lhe crystal ball Israel Is No. I. The atom bomb ls also No. t. Number I i!J Justict. nu: NATIOrlS, bluffing tlch other wllh lllo atom bomb, and not wl!hlng to .----By George ---. CONFIDENTIAL TO GEORGE \\'ALLACE: The next one is In 1972. How many timeJ do 1 have to ttll you? J Letttrt from r1od11'1 art welcome. Normall11 writers should convey thtir m4'114Qt• in 300 tOordl M leis. The right to condtnoe litters to ti• tp<Jce OT eUmfnctt Hbtl ii f'tltrvtd. ~ll ltt- ter1 mm incliidc rigm,turt and mail· f,.g addtu1, but Mmfl mar bt with- htld cm ""t tquftt i/ tulficitnt re111on if opparrnt. comrnJt .Welde by Wini lt, will just sit thtre, flabbergasted at tht audacity of llUJe hratl when it decides to use the bomb as 1lutruortina 1ituation where Jt 11 alone and hu nothing '.o lote anyway, u ii b ochedulod lo be wiped off the map. The crystal ball says that such a bom- bing could make IO million people homeless, while the world looks on aghuL It could happen lhl& monlh. S. G. UNDINE Airport Control To Ibo Editor : I wu moot htartellld,by the artlde ap- p .. rlng on the fn>ot pqe of Ibo DAii. Y PILOI' Friday, August I. I -that Robert Bresnahan, Ortn1e co u n t y Airport dlreotor, subscrtbel to poelUve thinking and Iha! he ii trylnc to redllce servict to the Orange County t.ermlnll. I not only coagratuJate blm on hll '8th bitlhday but allo on his stated pnctph. I am heartily ln favor of his reduction of traffic. In the mtanUmt, however, the noise and pollution are intolerable and be ought to do something about them right now. lt is my firm conviction that he c&n deny any aircraft the right to take ofi from Orange County Airport if that ai.rcraft is polluting the air that we breathe. I further believe that he can readily discern which are the offenders by ob$ervlng the trails ol black they leave behind. I AUO BELil!:VE that be can lmutute controls over the paths that they .US\. to approach and depart; tht local traffic pat.ttrn has always been the prerogative of -lhe airport. I suuest that departing jets be required to track out on a 1pecified path which will cause them to fly down the baClc bay. Not the current practice to clliftb to 1,000 feet and then take up a 180 degree course -dlffe~nt planes and pilots attain 1,000 feet at dif. ferent geographical locations and hence the flight path is oot what one would ex- pect. I a1Jo suga:ett. that they reduce power immediately after talce-0ff and restrict their climb until out over the ocean. This.-ltOlJld reduce the noise , I ~am sure. I AUO BELIEVE that he can regulate the amount of arrivab and departures and the time or day that they do arrlve and depart. One method that C12mea Im- mediately to mind ii to close the airport for maintenance at specific hours each day, preferably betwMn eicbt 'in the morning and nine at night. I think a "genUeman's agreement" II fine but yesttrday's deplrlurt at oao and today's departure al 0600 leaves aome doubt lD my mind that we do have such an agree· ment. ALAN L. BLUM Made Her Blood Boll To the Editor: I am writing thiS letter in protest for the police and the treatment they receive every day. Just recently I witnessed a scene that made my blood boil. Two officers were leaving after having a discussion with a "non«>nformist." As the officers were Jeaving be called them "scum" and various other names "they" use so often. The officers smiled and went on their way. This "man'' was endangering the Jives of many. He is still walking around seek- ing revenge. I am not able to compre- hend what right he has calling anyone "scum," especially the 6ffi cers who risk their lives on every call lhey go on. POUCE ARE human too ; ju.st because they wear a uniform doesn't mean they are not capable of feeling compassion. anger and ha te. I'm fed up with those who have nothing good to say about police. Would you. trade your job for theirs! I'll ~ behilKI the police 100 percent. Thein is a hard, tough and trying job, done v.·ithout thanks. I, for one, uy "thank you'• to them· for being here. BY the way, I am 28 years old, just about the same age as the S<H:alled "non- conformists." They are supposed to be "love people." yet they don 't know wha~ Jove really mean&. MRS. STEVE CRISSMAN Mysteries in Wake of Nixon Trip WASHINGTON -Prt<ident Nuon, rommenUng in a field where tie is r.n· titled to great raped, said the other day that President Thieu of SOUlh Vietnam is "one ol tht four or five ~t politicial\6 in the world." True to form, none of the Whlte House corretpondents ~ent at the time aslced hlm the names Of the ot.hus. On 'M'Ueu's record, one wonders: Ian Smith? Fidel Castro! Francisco Franco? Mao Tse·tung? Now these are good politicians in the .>ense that -like Thieu -they appear. to have stable aovernments. But if that is Mt. Nixon's meuurement, we should look more closely at Thieu'i ac· complishments: ON ms RETURN from the Midway . CGnference, Thieu announc«l that anyone in his country even talking about the pos.sibility ol a c:oalitiOn government - ~subject of his metting with Mr. Niaon -would be jalled. The next day a Saigon newspaper wu closed down. Jt was the 37th paper to be closed by the government sinct the <leclaraUon of frffdom of the pus!! JS months before. His leading opponent in the last fret election In South Vietnam . Truong Dinh Dru,;., •WI In jall, f)fflumably for lhe of· ftnst of getting too many votes. Ills trial !Asted less lhao lhree houri. TU!ElJ'I El.ECnON liaeU -1 noal accompllsbmtnt -evtn for ·•one ol the world'• four or Ovt belt poUUc1w." The IWO candldllea wllh a 'dla""' of belting "Old NIU)'tn," a!J hls club house admirers must call him. were wi.sely ordered off the ballot A large number of nondescript and rttat.lvely unknown ( p- poMOl.S were recruited, the voUng llSll were carefully culled of suspected dlssldents, military assbtance in money and travel went onlY to lilt Thl•u·KY ticket, the Secret Police watched the pollJ: and there was no runoff. He even had a blue..rlbbon commission appointed by L.B.J. to certUy Ille results. wrm A1J. THAT roi.ng for him, "one of the world's four of five best poliU· cians" couldn't do better I.ban 34 ~nt of the vote. With that kind of htlp, Adam Clayton Powell could be eltclo4 ,...,...,. of Soulh Carollna. But the identity of the other great pol!Uciaos of the world )I not lbe ooly question the President hu to• answer on his return. For lrutance, people will want to know how Mr. Nixon reconclla what he 11Jd about Asia in Guam and the PhUJpplnts wilh what he Slid In 11\aUand. M Ibo trip began, t.be President seemed to forecast a sharp departure from the Johnlon - poljey, or even from that of .Hubert Hwnphrey, who once saw In our VJetMm pocillcatioo f>"'(l'lm lbe bo&IMlnp of a Gnoal Society for all ol Asia. Mil NIXON SPOKE of U.S. dlJI~ volttmtnt. He emphafJzed the need for Allan nallont to help tbem.ei•ea -even to put thtlr own housts tn order so u Jo minlml,. lhe chaoct of dvll war. Thero were l!aked 1tor.es that our future policy "·ould be: oriented toward countries Uke Japan. lndin and lndontal•. Thal was 'btfore 1'ba.lland. In Banpok, where the government in power fiolt.s On a "' of Amtrlcan mllltsry aid whll< tevolt seethes In the ntglected Northtut, Ille Pr"1dent bad -.r policy ill mind- .. We will defend Th'11and," be sald. ••against uternal aggression or internal subvers ion." SINCE WHAT NOW exists in Thailand can be described by anyone who wants a war as "Internal subversion," this is a large commitment indeed. Jn fact, it goes far beyond anythi,ng·we are pledged to do by the SEATO treat7 -!bough perbaps not beyond an agreement with Thailand which the State Department. has so far ktpt secret from the Senatt . The mystification continued in Viel· nam. In speaking to U.S. troops, Mr. Nix-: on said he thought the war might be call· ed "our finest hour." Later the same day hfl pointed out that this was the first war \Ye have ever fought "Without the support of the people." How, one may rusonably uk. tin the first American war fought without the support o{ Ibo people -be our finest bour? ---- IV edn es day, August 6, 1969 Th• tdftorl41 poo• of th• Dollr Pilot 1iclci to inform and ttf""' td4tt rcodtr1 bu presenting this newspapt1"1 optniona ond com- ml'titory on topk1 of intlrt.d and rlfl"lliccnc•, bv providing • forvm for Ute ~,;pr•uiofl of our raodcrt' opfnlom, and 1'r presenting the diver1t t:>lao- poi11ta of Informed ot1erwn and JPOkctmfn on topics of thl .i., . Robert N. Weed, Publisher t ' t t • ' ' ' I r ' r t ' 1 ' • l • ' ' THRU SATURDAY! SAVE 2.11 A·PAIR ON THESE STYLES! Save 2.11! Men's ~.rush~d chukka boots ' Save 2.11! Women's bold broque casuals Save 2.11! Gi'fl's ki1t/9 front slip-on Reg. 9.99 NOW .............. 7.88 Comfortable leisure look for men. Smooth brushed shOg uppers, cushion crepe rubber sQfes. Great colorsi chino or loden. Men's sizes. Reg. 7.99 NOW ............. 5.88 The •hoe with the big belt stnipl Smooth. uppen hand rubbed and anttquecf. See them in tan or block mahogany. Women's sizes. Reg. 7.99 NOW ............. 5.88 Girl's casual for bock to school ... hos the hordwa"' look o1'd near perfs. fashion colors includes. brown sugar or golden rod. Girl's sizes. Boy's brushed·chukka boots .. , ........................ Reg. 7.99 NOW 5.88 Youth's bnished chukka boots ......................... Reg. 6.99 NOW 4.88 ... ~ Save 2.111 Boy's smart looking grain monk shoes Reg. 6.99 NOW ......... 4.88 Strap and buckle slip-on in black/ gold groined leather finish with pe~ tred sole and heel. Youth's sizes. Save 2.11 ! Men's ring strap; pentred sole slip-on Reg. 9.99 NOW .......... 7.88 Pentred sole and heel. Don't miss this great buy! Get them in antique brass. Men's size!. Save 2.11! on our fine men's demi boot slip-on Reg: 1199 NOW ........ 9.88 Rich grain leather upper, gored strop oncf buckle. Composition rub- "ber sore. Antique brass, men's sizes. Save 2:111 Ruggedly good looking men's wing tips Reg. 11.99 NOW ........ 9.88 Corfam• uppen, pentred sole wing tip broqut shoes. See 1hem in either block or antique brass. Men's sizes. Boy's wing lip broquo oxfords Reg. 8.99 ..... NOW 6.88 Youth's wing tip broque oxford& Reg. 7.99 ..... NOW 5.88 THI! PENNEY STORY Can a shoe play footsie & stay fresh? By ROBERTA NASH E veryone knO\\'S wha t happens to shoes as you \Vear them, and perspire in to them. It's bc:cn bug- ging our shoe people for )'Cars. 11Wcwantcd to keep our shoes fresh even after \VC so ld them," one shoe n1 an told me. ~ "Today ,,·c've go t it. The insides of all our l'cnncy shoes arc imprcg- n ated \Vith some Sani- tized stuff th at1s murder on bacteria and fungi, fi ghts mold and mildc,v, protects against athlete's foot fungi \vhilc you \Yailc. 0 Ho\V many pairs can I sell you, Roberta?" our supcrshoc mm continued. Save 2, 111 Girl's great broque slip-ons ' Reg. 7.99 NOW .......... 5.88 Girl's favorite schoolgoerwith smart peris encl pinked edge! Antique or golden rod. Girl's sizes. Y(omen's'ibroque style slip·Oi:? shoes Reg. 8.99 ....... NOW 6.88 Save 2.111 Girl 's big bold buckle slip-ons Reg. 7.99 NOW .......... 5.88 Snappy perforatc:d trim; rounded toe. Golden rod or brown sugar in girl's sizes. Great buy! Save 2.111 Girl's casual basic saddle shoes Reg. 6.99 NOW ......... 4.88 Girt's oxfords in leother: white, block/white 0( ton. Group in girl's siz.es. Save 2.111 Women's attrac- tive broque style oxford Reg. 7.99 NOW ......... 5.88 Smart looking oxfords in ontique tan. Comfort for leis at PeMeYSI Women's sizes. Many .other styles reduced f'Ot shown! AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL eENNEY srQRE ---... ( \, I ii ' I f I l • . .. ' " ., " ' I ;-,· . • • " 1 • • I :t/ ~ r··~·~~···=======-~==-=~::;:=:=---~~~~==~=-===;-;;:=-===-_, -----·--• .. ---. -· -· • ... ~.~~­ Jim .Br.own .Held On Assault .Rap BEVERLY HILLS (API - Sherill'• deputies arrested fOOl.ball. atar-turned-actor Jim Brown lod1y on a warrant charging felqny· aaaault •od mi5demeallor counta or bit· tery and le1vlng tbt sctne QI a traffic accldenL Brown, 33-year-old former Cleveland Browns ·fullbict, •1"7'n<!•r<d q.,Jetjy w h e n deputies spottid him b y chance silting insiqt a new car wilb a yOOftl WOIP4!! JdonUlle<I i's Cindy Ki.soer, II, of Goid"1, Colo. : Brown'• ,aUomey, Rlcbard The report s.akl Brush stood in front ol Br0wn'I car lo &top him, was struck in the 1torp11-ch Ind thrown onto the -hood.. Then, It .said, Brown 1ot' out of the car, throw Brusll oU • lb• hood, aod left Bru>h nld he look down the license number and recognized Brown from his plcluru. Deputits aald they had not· been Harchlng for Brown but that two officers w h o reoogniied him took him into custody. Ont of the arresting deputies was John Texeira, 27, who Brown was char1ed with asa4ultipg last year. Covey, urtitr h.i J>l'OD1lsed ----------Uw Negro a<:tor would vokm-tarll.Y IWll fllmielf In· later to. dsy. . Brown ...eu boNed at the West &lly\\'OOd 's Ii er If f 's substation. He •Iii' due ror ar· ralgnmtnt ln Beverly HUis Municipal Court today unless he poiiled $3~ bail and re· queslad ~ cost d•te, de puf.!es'!4iif. :''i.. A poll<:< report salil .... n's car struck an .µw !trom behind las\ Frlllii':· !f b e dri\'tt, Arthur ~ Brush, 5%, ui41" jllopP!'d.'lji>I ""1wed Brown his ldenUfftatkla. :The report said Browo ~ to show his idenU1Jca1,Jon ahd he&&n drtvinf IW"f . ::r ' . , ~ BURGLARS ROB COMIC CLEVELAND (UPI) Phyllis Diller, who rose to fame with her portt'ayals or dowdiness, was robbed early Tuesday of jewelry valued at between $'70,000 and $100,000 by thieves who broke into her motel 'r'Oern. . • • W anl Donovan, the com- edlenoe 's husband Who estimated the loss, said the loot included 1 SS-Carat star sapphire, a 100-carat em erald, diamond bra~lels and rings. ' · StOrytelier Ul"I Ttlll'llO!t Mrs. Joan Kennedy, wife of· Sen. Edward KeMedy. made an appearance at t}le }3erkshlre Festival at Tanglewood, Lenox, Mass-. Tuesday night. She re- cited. the old·time fairy tale "Peter and the Woll" to the accompaniment ol the Boston Pops Orchf:stra. ' . Car Costs Getting··': 3 Jumps DETROIT (AP) -,,,. 1970 car models will hardly ~ve gone on display before the cosl of building aulot takes three more ra.st jumps. Industry llOU~s w h o decline to be named View 1 price iQcn:ase as "inevli.~te," with oome f.......tln& 1!00 to '150 11 the range. The 11\(iustry got the news July JO that prices would be SI to II a ton higher for moot of the steel products it uses. , Next comes a aeries of hikes · in labor coets. Under c u r re n t contracb wllb lhe United Auto Workers Union, a new frfn&e b.eaet!t ls efreclive Oct. 1 for beurlY nted " worken at General Motors, Forli and Chryaler: The companies a15Ullle the coat of · pretcrlUon drugs and refills beyoqd a 'charae of n -each. This new fr: In I e bendlt, e1tlmated to cost.a cent and a half hourly per worker, 1oes on top of a cempany-paid hospltal·medlcal.urg!cal in- surance plan .lood for up to 365 days of semi-private ~c­ commodltlons for an employe and his dependents; A cost«-llvln1 lscallltr, on which wages rise Ot ~nd with the Index of tht Bureau of Labor StaUsUcs. will 1dd nine cents an heur on Od. 17. , . • ----- i ~ner;··!'o~a~s-·:. -, _ _...._ ...... · ·· -·- . Mars:' EarUt's-~aby Plw.UJs?: • ' .. 1: ' ,· PASADENA ~AP) -d~p;.&tffplj~.Jledctaters. mil~ _ICNU. . fl.1arin~r 7 s~reaked Jnto dis., ,Leighton Said thls'"'itidfcat,ed Sharp I U I ti: i t t d ~, tal}l orbit arou nd the sun to-the p•-wu p~bly frozen ''crattr" Jttij:h( tuteit be ·~ day after tel<vlstng the Ont' wtOo • llJoiJCle' -dry-Ice -n>IUlll llnk or eollaf>Ol4 ma; closeup of the martian toQth because 'there wuo't' eooush 1'bt t>e9r' o1 tM duart w~1 pole -a re1ton loaded• •tth water on . Mars to mQe that stranltlf fne ol ~ mttteriie surprises ranilni from foot· much rtal snow. Jmpacl c,.tenl whloh t'Qelli print-shaped era[~ to wbat AoOthU flndlng exciting to n1"'! of Mllft. tlfwi> lljd tlle~, looked like detp drtflll of sci'JllistJ wu the lack. of . qr be·~ ~ jioesiblil' snow. craters in a br!ibt de,.rt eru had ~~with dot One scientist llld of lhe Jlo. w !O lb• north of the. polar ·••• tJt -q~· · t¥ei\ 11t• tures, laken u the ISO-pound . cap. The circular desert. eel~ i~"""' ~ r:f.!k ~rt spa-aft swept within 2,000 elf Hellu, had been prQoimed now~'" one,ef mon,y miles of lbe planet: tO be a &lant crater IKllllt l,lOO myllelteJ.ol.~· "We may be loo~ at baby · ,.. ~!, pictures of earth. Thll it what the earth mlaht. have looked like some four billlon years ap before It dtv~loped an at- mosphere a.'ld oceans t o weather Ua surface a n Ii nurture· Ille." The adentlat WU Dr. Robert Sharp, Caltfomia hutitute of Technology 1eqlogiat. ooe' ol a team of t>J>erla analyzing the jjliotCl(Mlpbs u they strelimed across '° million mbeS to monitors at Jet Propu1slon Labocotory 1\J11Clay night. One of. the mosl strjklna pie· turos thowld ·two itreplar er.ten, many ·, niiles acrnss and 'barely overlapping each other. Dr. Robert Lel&hton Cal Tech astrooomer; j~y deacrtbed thmt u "a·f t -lbe llrst evldenct <f · 'IJli Man." '; 4:"' 'J1:..' The ''footprint" WIA,"in~ or ~~ dtlt\.td surprflll!ictj "" . ..8ciinllllf·bail ~e ·JM~ polar~ WIJi.1 Jaf1e thlpker· lban frost but e'! ~' turt1 Showed It plied up In ••st duQtJ •od pocked 'with, .. «omanian Leader Calls : for Boost.jn·-Uitary .,~ . "" . . . . BUCHAREST (UPI) Ameifc., bis ~ ip! Nicolae .C.eauae,CU,' the Roma-pearect· ilk.• di{ff:rent, cotltert ni4~ leader wb6..anJered .. hls . from ' 'Q* lof -s t-.rD1 l'J-r Contmunlst all!<> wtlb bla statomtJ\tl by l...ters Of olh6r warm welcome to Pruldent Comnlvaait naUons. Nixon, !'lid .., _!1~ ~ Ce,• 1~:1 c Ii Is j>ath ai)d his armr'iff.tpily to.-. .~·,;;~Mi !Jtst fend their naUGn in case of secretary .,, its Communlst war. -, f>&ll1. Hts Incle~ "! As lbe 3,llO.ilele1'!11• to \jl,r po$:y~ cl~ llY.._ tlM ·1 Romanian btiminur(;t Pai-tY ·heite'asi ..wlekeba 01·nft d t Cqreas cheered, Ceausescu ·Ni:ion, hu villlbly u p 1 e t r~ed· ior tbetter .ilefenie. ~ and other ~t !~~ :·LO strv~ the intt{t..,si of na~· -:-so much ~ . that .thit.-. JltOpl•,. !<>, ...... !il· noqe .. jlfl.J .... ,of >.Ill top depender)t SOf~j\omania," I~!' & uie concttss. · cUllll!OI ..rot illy •'lbrut • CliQilsc:U" lancuei• wit lfoutct-~ Come f r o m "im-unbjggoul; as hi ..utht to pMaltsm." BUI be.did no! oay •vnl~ii>sat!>C U,. Savlelll •• , wlijch 1 UiipeliallilJ ·he' meint Cz<:<,iloilovakla' i!ld lbe pist ·alid, in llll>t"'-bla recant' calls yw t ii!lh 1 Im i I ar I y In· fir' ""'rJ.rilltlono. wl!h d~.-cp611eies. ' ' . I • .. ~. .. ~~~. -""'~ Ai~ Days are Happy l}ays.,at Penii~! .: ~~~ Cool '1\ littl• • ~ panl d-·-... 1 9~ j~ { ._ ~ *.l'Wt ..... ,.. ... ,. ,w.. .. .., ... fir ..... .., ........ ~·.ax. .. . .• -. ~lndaJPrico on w•1ten'1 pretty """" ""' pants 99c ,:>,Viii• .MCI!,.. ..... • ,i11ew !'vY ... t lhrlfty "°41Mwlwl ,r l s3 ' SW • ..,. • tlilt i.r. I .... ,,.pl n--flllN -itft '",...._,,._ ... i.! ..... _. ... '°l26 ...... ' • • !°' 41 . · . . Spe<lal for boys! ~ ·• Penn Prest• bvtton d-11 •hirt ... savel a,.,.....•~ .., ..... ,.... irafoirv, Jill ........ _...._ ..,...~, ... Si'a .. lL Special for men I Mock turtle neck kRlt stripe shirts 2.99 "" .,.,.. ....... -.1 Shclrt .... ,...,.,., •• ......... ...,., f•lt,I•• c"l•r•· 111•1 """"" " ' . Gii:\'sl\~lon P<!'ftly 'bciM.'':'. itock up •. , now' for nhooll • ' sac ' . TrOGI ~lo .. ._.._ pairi ..... lld "'.¥'' ye11r ~W.lfuf,l'o:ullrlhw 1-m.oo1on.5b.S.l6. f.'.·irl's sweaterf:l ... for bock-t°"schoc. savings now! ·~5..X Sio• 7·11 2.99 3.99 V.ncdi: .. oaf! O.ion"' acrylic btoutuu . .....,.,;...,, oakl QI",..., In b;g '• ~ .......... .;, .. Great special buy • . ' . .. woven bedspreads now at Penneysl ss Twi• • rtot•• .i1• Cotlo. _, "'Y"" ,i... _, ""*" tolldJ .cilllll ~dew veluetl ,_ ,.,,.,. ICll' fltwt r•lton. noeU.M ...,. ...... Great Penn Prest r. walk short value now for boys! Cottl~n f po!ye1ltt, •, JK> ironing wtr.W.......W. ..... U·G!ocl Jfyt;ns Wo tolidl ord plaids. SU. 6-11 . Pretty Penn Prest• gowns and pajamas both value priced 1.66 ,.,,h ., -lcN prim ••• bolhrwonitoft,_,._, • ... ~ tumbi. drltd. "' pink. bk. Dlld IWClii.. Girl'• '"" • .. . ' . .~ ~ ' ~ ' .• ·• ;t . ·1· •• •.4 ·~ ,,'1,¥. .. ., -.. ~ :<'t; .,.\. r; . "r., ~-~ . • ~J • • =:.:--: -«.i;f~· .. Beautiful basicS in wonderful Acrilari acrylic .. s~swear 399 At•-1•w.-.,;M...,_ .. _...w..i.. ...ooi ........ _.... ............... ,,,,_ ......w_.,..p .... ~ ............ ....... -1 ~ M)'lli: ,..,._ ............ """"" A.llM .-. ... ii'I -W ,...~,_,...,._ .S.15. n. _... -................ _,., "' .. -... ioNar' ... s...llM. .............. .,.. ~ ................ LIKE IT ••• CHARGE IT. ~~·.' ·; :/ . .. ', '--l ,'r!\' ' ' . ' -' .. ": ' ' l ' . . • . •. ' - .! .. ., l ,. • • '------~---AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE ______ __. \ ·' I '• . ' ' • • • • f'"""'l:~-"'!'-•--~ ..... ~i'lf.'. · Re•1an·•ftlls F•te ( I • . . I fHl~WN!f., ~~-·..1 " J; •. • • • .. • I .. r ·' .: I I - CltAffl rr •AF YOVll PlllHl'f'I ""' .nwnar ,,.,.,..,_ • ' \ · Divorce, B~y-Bills Near OK SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Gov. Ronald Reagan brok.~ his own precedent · to · ln41cale . what major legtsl1ilon ~iis' desk today will be sitned and wlllit wm be vetoed. ' 'rile aovernor at lils ~y· news C'Onferenc:e Tu;tsday said he prt\>ably would sip bills for -.11ne and fUJ controls for San Francisco Bly, ~orm of. dJvorce law and local con- trol Ol topless enttrtlintrs. . · •ut he also i1tdlc1ttd he woukl veto for the second con- secuUve year a bill lhat *ould establish the open primary in Cllllomla. The p¢onnance by Reagan wu a departure from his usual rehpal to say what 'he'll do about a specllic bill until he actually does it. The aovemor wu asked to give his optnloo 'of the performance of tbe I t t t leablature, now atraininJ .for .... ~ adjoumrMnl." '11bty've come on IJ'Mt in the fourth quarter, 11 replied the !onntr Wheaton (IU .) ~llege and screenland halfback. "But 1 wtahed In the !lrst half . they'd picked up a 11\tle be~er l<>d had a betler offense ... ;.,. . Assemblylnan •John Quimby ({)-Rialto}, a,.t Sen. Lawrence W1lsh (0.l-luntlngton Park), are authors of the "topless- bottomiess act" whicb would permit local government s to reiulate the "exposure of the •genitals or buttocks or the breasts of ahy person who acts as a waiter, waitress or en- tertainer." "Philosophically,'' Reagan said, "I've a1ways agreed on local control and local topless ~lation Is about as good a place as there ls to start." The divorce b!U b,y Assemblyman James Hayes (R-Loog Beach), and Sen. Donald L. Grunsky ( R • Wataonvllle). would be the first m~ overhaul o f AL!~!!Y.Y1 CaUfomla'' •divorce laws since 18'12. It WOl!ld .ellminale grounds like adultery and the catcb..aU meOlal cruelty for divorce, pr'OV4t1e_ for substa'nUallv even distribution of MrUnunlty ~ pe;ty and. abarten the time re- quired· for a final decree. Reagan said reports by the autbots "he had promised to sian lbt bill were 1 "rili.sunderstandlng ," but ad- ded : "I certainly have no ob- jection to the general prin- ciple'' or fhe proposed reform . The governor sa1d ht pro- bably would sip Uli$ week a bill by Auembl')'man John T. K n ox (R-RichmondJ, ex- tending the IUe of the Bay Area Conservation and D e v elopment Commission. The bill also extends com- mission authority to a strip of shoreline, salt ponds and marshlands adjacent lo the bay. "I don't thlnk there's anything wrong with the bill ," Reagan saJd. "I assume there'll be no proble~s." 418 oUr c!JJacll-14 " ... _, . • ~ I • • . . . ... •• .. ' ..,.._. ' .. ... 1~ .. )·r . Building Strike Pickets Spread LOS ANGELES !AP) -Th• AFL-CIO Operating Engineers, heavy equ.ipment operaton on strike slnct. July t9, decided to extend picketing today to virtually all Southern California construction pro- jects, crippling the building in- dustry. The Plumbers Union ls allJO on strlk~. and the carpenter's union, which at first refused epdorsement of the erigineers' strike, says tt. will not cross picket tines. SACRAMENTO (AP) -• most ways, J.year-eld JilMly Villalobos Ui llke any other boy. But becauat: ot-a small ' metaJ:and-JIUcone device Jn his'· heart, yGUJ11 .rtmmy b ' unlike virtually evefy other blby. The devk:t is calltd th~ SmeloU.Culler Valve.. a smaU metal filla about t h re e - quarters of an inch I n diameter edged with foor prongs and centered with -• marble-like ball of silicone elastic. 11\e ball shUts back and forth, permitting blood to move from the I u 11 g s throughout the body. It is there ln place of a faulty mittal valve in little Jimmy'• heart. The son of Florentino and Deloris Vlllllo~ ol Stockton Is in Sacramento ~temorial Hospital, recoverlng r r o m Friday'• ope.ration performed by a team. of heart specialists he:aded by Ors. Edward A. Smeloll and 01'11 C. Coj'llr, develo\11!1 .Ii' tlll 11y.;· .... !fald llnlllli'I: ~rt 1ur1uy ud uie nP.llelol., a valve is not ta t&11lt portlclllatly "" -llUl Ill "'" caae di Jl111my tt la~- r~, ant blt1U11 in ab- normal or faulty mitft.1 valve~ is almolt nevtr found ia you.nptln and, 1 e c o n d , ~ause Jimmy it .. ~ ... mUIQ( thO •raUoo II· ttemely dan1erou• 1811 recovey l!Jucl>Pd-10." The sur1~ recalled ~1 two othe.r perSons tn the natloft and PoJSlbly tM world 1f•r• ,....,., -· JJm,.1 •lit• they .underwent ain)Uar ope,ra~ tiom ~ that both of tbe.P)· will prob1bly havt to hive the, valves repla~ u t bi. e y becorn< adults. · "'"16: valve implant6d in Jimmy·· boQy la .. AA to lasl Mm ~.Illa •.'' said Smtlelf, nolln; tt ~· been clilltnld and r~. numtrtul. tbMll over tM )ilt decade. ... ,, ~ . ! ·-(_•' -.- ' . .. ' ., '· " .. ' ~ ... ' . ... l ,' . J '.¢arol Evans" gets straight Ms for these neat knits " 1' • ' , ·~...-. . ' • ,. """ 1r1 _, 1e ... "'7· SM .slyies -tP,1f!y ak;m.,... aha,.. of ~"""'°le o.w ~ -~ '-IM 'o.<t<o' ~ "'"°" ,,."'61 becki,....Acody, ""°' • . · .. ' $5 t-. J~ W '""111< """W!ilot. SIM I to 11 ................................ ; •. """'"-lift "'"' .. ·-'lo 6X ... -................ : ................. ~5 (. ""''"' .. ~ "'"'"' .. .; ... 10to·14 .................................... 8 ' thot meona I• tt,ay'll etoy wrl °'.,..,,,~little gWil 1 EL llttlt I~~-Hert'• jwt o IO"'fllingl --.. :ii ,, ....... ·• D. J~•lor look ocryllc with 2 poclcMt. 51,. I 1614 ................ :~'., ....... ~6 r E. ll'"ior l .. k ocryfi< with flifol .. lrlM. Siaos I to 1• ........................ ~ ' . . . . •. f. Uttlo ti:t' acrylic drop-lot olylo in,;,. 4 lo iit ....... .' ..... ., .... , .. ,;!4 Think school. Think Penneys. Think charge. --. AVAILABLE AT YOUR LOCAL PENNEY STORE ,, •• ' I• ' '( ; I \ -. ,, ~---,. -0A11.Y-l'lt1!IT------W""'8dly..Auol0t .. Utt - GRAFFITI by LAlry - ______ Ft1rniture Fair I Pe11tagon Switches Contracts \VASHlNGTON (AP)' -The Defense Department h a s taken its rocket launcher busincsS' away from a St. Louis firm which cheated the government on previous con· tracts. New contracts with other c<>mpanies will sa\'e as much as 38 percent of previous costs. Nine contracts for more than :i quarter million 2.75- inch rocket launchtrs were awarded by the Navy from Ju- ly 1963 through July 1968 to Chromcraft Co rp. 0£ St. Louil, ·which became Te c h f a b Division of Als:o. Inc., when the two companies merged in 1966. The awards were granted on a sole source ~a.sis .-I.hat is without co1npettUve bidding. New contracts awarded lo Varo Inc., ol Garland, Tex., for 54 ,000 launchers and Talley Industries of Mesa, Ariz., for 59,041 launchers "'ere let through competitive bidding, <1nd the price came tumbling daY.'O. LONG cnmc Sen. W lllam Proxmire <D· Wis.), long a critic _of the OefeQie OeparllJMIDCI sole-i s o u ~ c e procure:tnent. ap-- pl•uded tM new lMmcbet coo- trad.s. 1 1{is con gr e S'S I on a I ID· vesligntions have found, Pro•· mlrt said in a statemenl, '·lhat a major -perbaps tbe princlpaJ -re.ason,Jor defense v.·a~e ts th_e_ lack of cotn-- pctllive bidding in filling most defense contracts. "Only 11 petetilt of all defense conlractlng Is done t h r o u g h advertised, ~­ petitive bidding. Yet the facts show that competition in bid- ding could cut costs from 25 lo so percent," Proxmire said. On the first seven contracts t. Chromcraft-Techfab. where final prices have b e e n determined. the cost per launc.ier ranged from a high or $179 down lo $158, according to Navy figures. Prices on the last t"'O contracts have yet lo be detennined. The unit price of the Varo launchers v.·ill ~ $129 and the Talley launchers $130. The Talley price is SU Jess than the lov•est final price evl?r received by Ctiromcrafl· 'fechfab. Last year, Alsco and severa.I Individuals iA'ere twice indicted by federal grand juries, once in \Vashington on charges they crealed phantom suppliers and rcceiv~d kickback s on launcher contracts. and once 1n St. Louis on charges of il- legally exporting anns to Belgium. F Al.Sf'~ ST ATEl\IENTS. Alsco pleaded guilty on fl.lay S to submitting f a 1 s e statements lo the government in support of $14.7 million in l1.1uncher cont racts. On May 22. a gllilty plea ~·as entered on th e· illegal exportation cha rge , The Associated P r e s s disc losed last July t hat Techfab had received a new launcher contract from the Navy while one of the grand jury 1nvestigaUons was in pro- gress. Even after I h e \Vashington indictment was returned. the Navy s a I d Techfab would keep Ole con· tract. The. awa.rd was juslilied by the NaV)' through "urgent need'' •for the launchers in VieUlam. Because Techfab owned the. plans end specifica- llont for the launchers, thf: lime ii would take to create new 6Uppllert was prohlbiUve, !he Navy said. Jn l1tle September. the Navy quietly backed down and an- nounttd thiit competitive bids were being sought on ne~· ltuocher conlracts, T h t awitrd.~ "'ert medfJ early this year al lhough no dell verte.s ru. ... e' bttn made ;ind (hf final MK.U s of the new contracts deptnd.1 on the o n • t I m e 1--~--f~nes. Big Savings on swivel rockers and matching ottomans for a limited time Solid comfort is on sole now in handsome Jwivel rockers and mak.hing ottomans in styles to enhance any decor. Early American print in go-witiHverything beige, Spanish styles in black or green expanded vinyl, or modem styling in black vinyl, all with beau1ifully finished wood surfaces. Hu rry and save now! ~p111ilh locker and ottoman in block aJ... ... 139.95 --NOW $119 oio .......... $U NOY! $40 • Maffrn Swi .. 1 locker and ottoman in black locbr .... 109.H ---NOW $95 -· Iles. $35 NOW $30 fuly Ameriurt Swivel rocker and ottoman, block •inyl or beige ;print fabric hckw llof. llf.H-NOW $119.95 • Ottoman .... $60---NOW $55 20% .OFF SALE S1vo for a limitecl time on flshion Minor custom uphobterecl furnitvre ••• You ch-the fabric ind the 1tylol A f1nt1Uic ~ of color-, patterns and bland• ••• rmytl>M>g i.... eletont ve!Yl'IJ to holM)' tw..OSI Yov pfck the ltylt to mix: or matdi DflY room dJ.o,,. Sofas, chain. lo-ft**' in .aty-to.fiN Wilft Early Alnlric:on, mOcf. em, traditional, SponW. or Meditw- raneon sty!-. Make your •J.dion ;::::;::;" .. ._ Mlrfy and ICl"ltl • • • Allow I to 10 w .... f .. .i.11 .. .,.. • • • • CANOGA PARK HUNTING 1 ON BEACH NEWPORT BEACH ·' I . •• Save on our occasional tables now! For a limited time only ... so hurry! Early American style 1ables ate soJid birch hardwood, hove cinnamon 'Salem' maple finish. The look is warm, the constrvction excellont, the value greatl A. Oct1110110I commode 27 " x 27 " x 20" H Iles. 109.H --NOW $90 L Encl tablo 21" x 28" x 20'' H a ... M.91 _____ NOW $75 c. L C. Oval Dra wer Coclhil table Iles. 10.9.95 ..... -... -.... ·-· NOW $90 D. Drawer commode 24" x 26" x 22!~11 H Ro;. 74.H -----NOW $65 Traditional tables that are at home in just about any atmosph ere because of their timeless good taote and goad Jines. Constructed of selected kiln dried hardwoods with a fruitwood finish, and gloss covered carved simulo1ed wood tops. A. Cocktail teble 54" x 20" x 15" H A. .... 64.,. .... _,_ NOW $55 I. Incl table 2812" x 22" x 21 • H· Iles. 6491-----NOW $55 c. •• C. Poo table 18" diameter x 21" H .... 79.91 _____ NOW $70 D. Od•gon•I commocle table -· a.f. '4,fW " NOW $90 E. Door cocktail table \. 6611 x 20" R ... 129.95 ---HOW $109 Save '48! 3 pc. 'El Royale' Spanish family room group! For a limited time only REG. $517, NOW $469 A Ptnnty e,cd..,,.;.,. in the Old World Spcinish manner ••• a sofa, high baclc and low bock choir •• , r:crrered in wipe clean expanded blade "¥iriyf, button tufted. Picca avgilable separately at ia~ingl al listed. Sola ROjl. $2<1> -NOW love seat Reg. $199 --·-NOW High back choir Reg. $139 __ NOW Low bock chair Reg. $129 _ NOW Ottoman Reg. $45 ~ NOW. Recliner Reg. $159 ··---NOW Rock-a-lounger Reg. $169 --NOW CoffH 1oble Reg. $65 ·--··-NOW End tob!e Reg. ~ ··-···--NOW LIKE IT ••• CHARGE IT! VENTURA FULLERTON DOWNEY LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR $229 $180 $125 $115 $40 $145 $149 $59 $59 • , I It's Tough To Live OnWeHare LOS ANGELES (APJ -Th< Charles Coghlans had only $8.60 to live on la.st week - though the ooUpte makes more than $10,000 a year. The William ldelsons, who live in a plush section of Pacific Pjlliudes, had $21.80 for food and other daily necessities for themselves and their tour chHdren. Mrs. ldelson told h e r children to wear their clothes two days in a row because she , didn't have enough money for extra laundry soap. The wife or the Rev. Morris Samuel Jr. said her three children "were just dying !or fruit, but there's just no room on the budget for fruit -and no ice cream and no red meat." . Their weekly allowance was $21.50. AMONG JOI These three middle.class farr¥Ues were among 100 in the• Los Angeles area who partiCfJ)ated iii 1 seVen-day ex- periment spoosored by the Los Angeles County W e I f a r e Rights Organlz.ation. The experiment, ended Sun- day. was simple: Can your family Jive on the weekly allo\vance granted welfare families? The participants said it can be done -but only by ruthless penny-inching, a v o i d l n 1J emergencies and sacrifices to mind and body. ~1ost o[ the persons gained several pounds from their high starch diet. "Starchy foods like potatoes and spaghetti were the only foods we could buy enough of to feed. everyone," said the Rev. Mr. Samuel, a n Episropalisn. And, he said, everyone com- plained of being rundown. NO ENERGY "You wonder why most ~ pet on welfare don't go out and look for jobs? It's because t h e i r diet has leit them without any energy. Several of the "11ives said they never realized how Jillie pe<>ple Jive on. Mrs. Samuel said sbe sat down before going shopping and "figured how much a slice of bread and a glass or powdered milk would cost and how I could stretch a package cf hot da&s and a can or beans for two main dishes, or maybe a lunch in there, too." Mrs. Coghlan had the nu and almost wrecked her budget. •:we had $1.60 for groceries and supPlles like toothpaste and laundry soap," she says, "But I had to INy medicine. That only left us With about '6 for lhe whole week." LA Moves Up In Customs Collections WASHINGTON (UPI) Los Anle~ has displaced DelroU .u tJie No. 2 colledor a( cUsWNns in the Unit~ Slalu,,accordlng to the U.S. Buretu ot' Qm:torm. ' Total 11.~. 0 <0llecli0!1ll '"" about p .IS brnloo the pall ' year, IP IJ pe..-. The Bureau'a Ogures lbowed Los Angel ts.' coUe<led mo!< than $261.5 million durln1 fiscal year .1-, tndecl~June 30. That was· U.p aboUt M Ptrctn!. from the previous year. Dttrolt rose only by $17.3 million during the 11 a m e period, an increase o{ only about a percent !rvm the $213.3 mllllon collected last year. , New York's seaport re- mained the king of customs. although its 4 to I margin over No. 2 In previous years wu cul sharply by Lo! Angele•' rise. New V<irk seaportl col· lected $910.& million last year. New York's airport! ranked fourth. with $213.t million 1n colltcUon.a. • DAILY l'ILfT Jj ,,,_ :c 0 • • . , . ____ furniture Fair . t-.. . •.; SALE'! SAVE$JOO .THRU SATURDAY! 8 PC. 'SPANISH' STYLE DINING ROOM SUITE. Reg. $799 NOW $699 Save $56· thru S•turdayl Ou~ 6 piece ltaliin ·Provincial dining room furniture set Reg. $448 fa.ntcisti.c value. on beautifully crafted dining roo'!' furn iture ••• carefully con· · structed of selected hardwoods and cheriy v11nea.rs. Group includ1sk "6" x 1 fi.' NOW $3 9 2 x 7rY' H. china; ovol toble with. I 10'' leaf, 2 side chairs and 2 qrm chair1. ~lmpl.r cilegant!°t-Jurry end sCve .noW! Sale! Save $100 t.hru Saturday! 7 piece 'Early American' style solid birch dining room s&t ' Outstanding value! lmogine, the gleam and warmth· of solid 'birth, burnished to a gleaming fi~lsh, and styled with oil the charm and ~haractet cf Early American stylrng. Set includes 2 drQYter, 2 doOr .buffet1 2-glass, door .hutch1 A2N x 6fY' oval. table with two 9''. leaveJ; Two Windsor style side cholrs and two arm choirs (not shown). Hurry in and save! Reg.$629 Simply •ltOQntl The faslest growint1 llyle ,,...,, hero interpreted In a superb Spanish look. Note ~ carefully distressed dark 'Old W"""1 finish ••• the finest pecan veneers over hard- wood. Unusual wrought iron style hardware. Now ta~e a good look at tho savings .. , CftlCI huriy on I~, Incl~~ <I door breakfrD11t, lrdt. !able, 4 . .olde ch01"' and 2 arm chain. . 'r6. . ·~ r ~.· Qedi: ............. ~---.... ..... "',_..._ .. ....... ....,. .......... -- like It ... """" ltl SALE! Thru Saturday onlyi . Save 30.95 on a Penncrest• 70 design' :zig :zag S.wing m1chintl Reg. 179.95 NOW •14·9 Tho 70 d.c0n:rtiv1 stitch selector lots you dllign Cll YtN ~:~ ~lraight, zig~. forward,,..._ or blind stitch. F-dual 1 motor, bvl~~n needle ttu.acler;-ICl!k bvlltiln bobbin winder ond 3 step bultoi1Jiolet. &aft toda>1 and go bock to school in style! CANOGA PARK DOWNEY MONTCLAIR FULLERTON Hl,JNTINGTON BEACH LAKEWOOD NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA . " I 'I -L--~~--'----~--~~JL--.~-~~_::_~_..._~~~---=~~~1 ====~l~.-= I I' i i I, ' ~ I l • ' ,1 ' t ---- W!dnttday, A""rt 6, 196~ Army Says Che1nieal Resear~h Gooil •. ~--wi\SlllNGTONlAP)~ Tt1e~eapon:s ~hcmsel11e:s-tonr-ou Army Is trying to show that to be or value in fields ()f chemh:al warfare research is medicine, agric~lture (l r good for you. m;tnulacturing," said. t b e The new issue or lhc Army Digest, a monthly publicali()n Digest says "vast and com-distributed within \he An_ny plex advantages in health, and to lnterest per:~ outside economics and social bet-the Army. pounds -for-weed control.~ --Antlda'; 1>t'-m-e·l.a I studies predicting behavior of poisc>ning. plant disease e i p d e m I e s , -Application of various tox- development of b u i I d i n g ic compound& In tire ex- designs, equipment and work-tlnguishants. from-inv.estigaUoo .of J!ro- teetive methods against killing che1nlcal agell'..s," the 1Micll ... said. • • In this cONleCUon, lhelf.rmy cited an agent c a 11 e d Chloropicran which it claimed ha~ proven effective in con· trolling soil-borne-fungi ind bacteria. Not So Seedy To photographers, Tri-X 313 might sound Jike a new type of film but to Texas \\'atermelon growers and little Tanya Lynn, 2, of Dallas it means a newly developed "seedless" \vatermelon," it does have small white seeds, few in number. Hitler Death Plot Revealed ' HAMB URG , Germany (AP) in 1953. and silencer. It could bave -The British military attache The magazine quotes his been possible to shoot through in Berlin in 1938 . proposed daughter, Mona Macfarlane-the open window of niy assassinating Adolf Hitler, but Hall, as saying: "Whitehall balbroom from a position on the plan was rejected as (the Foreign OffiCe) 8.qd the _stalrcase landing, whlcb "unsportsmanlike" by London, Westminster ( t h_e govern-was_ about nine meters from the \Vest German news ·ment), vetoed his plan. He 1he window. magazine Der S p i e g e 1 told us he wa s advised such a "'Ille noise of the military reported ~1onday. thing would be unsportsman-bands and the cheers of the The altache, Noel Mason-like." crowd would haVe drowned out ?i.lacfarlane, suggested at the Der Spiegel said Gen . the shot. The entire plan "'as time that his Berlin apartment Macfarlane drafted an article worked out in delall, but would be an ideal sniper's about his assassination plan 17 understandably not put down perch since it was about 100 years ago. It was never on apper. yards from the reviewing published. "Hitler's death at this mo- . stand the Nazi fuehrer used The magazine quoted the ment could have led to the co\. for big parades. article in Gcnnan as saying : lapse of National Socialism. Der Spiegel sa id it found .. In London, I had Million s of people could have ?i.iason-Macfarlane's account energetically urged the ·been saved. Hitler already had of his proposed assassination murder or Hltler. My apart-done more than enough to plot among papers that were ment in Berlin was barely 100 deserve death . But there ·is · dooaled-· '6 . t.he. . Impe.r.lal .. \V.ai: .... meters. .. f.rom ... the ... reviewing . . 1.\1. .U ,c;I .. ~ .r:1:i .. ~ .. l) .. t ~ .! .!.Y. ... ~!J. ... !!~: l\1useum in London a month stand for all large fuehrer derstandable and yet · un" and a half ago. Mason-Mac· parades. All that was needed practical repugnance lo farlane later was promoted to was a good shot and a.rapid-murder In democratic coun· general and knighted. He died fire rifle \.\'ith telescopic sighl tries." Our · market ·research d_epartment thinks they -deserve a bow t••f• .. -· .. - After o recent survey our heroes determined that you were fed up with bad tostin9 water filled with all kinds of chemicals, like chlorine; salts and sodium. They told us you were tired of liftin9 that heavy bottle of water and that you felt you were poyin9 for too much for · that inconvenience anyway. . ) So we took their advice and did somethin9 about it!! We developed the Llndsoy R.O. Water Purifier. It's like having your own bottled water company working for you - out of ~ight -under the sink. And there's a convenient fau• cet where woter·fau.cets ought to be, on top of the sink • • We did fail in one way though. With oil the convenienc~ and quality we offer. we·couldn't quite find a way to charge as much as bottled water. We only cost about one-fifth.,.. much. Come to think of it, maybe Wf. should be taking the bows. . _ The Lindsay Co. 642-6861 833 Dover Drive, Suite 4 Newport Beach, California 92660 I, I ·tennent ... ·are accruing to · "Sometimes by actidcntal the entire nation from r~-discovery, rnore often by cvn· search and development" in tinuing and relentless seien· e h e m I c a I and biological ~ific investigation, the work of warfare. the Chemical Corpa "This is an area where the transcends national defense to Bunsen burner and retort of bring incalcuiab!e benefits tO the chemical laboratory are the civilian economy and providing not only defensive personal well being ••. chemical-bioloClcal capability "A quick listing of chemical for our military forces -but research a n d deve:lopment where sometimes e.ven th e would include vaccines, C()lll· ing procedures to protect 1 Jgilinsl chemical hazards, and -Improved meUMXls ror m~ny others.•• deteeUng minute quanti ties or The Arrhy States its case it efanide' in industry ... a time when 1 the wh91e U.S. The Army said also that h -I r1 · many devices designed lo prt>-c emica wa are program is tect •"ldiers in the field are under the heaviest attack in "" many years. now being adapted for surgical Among tile benefits of c;sw use in hospitals or for in- research, the Army listed duStrial plants -devices such these. developments : as carbon monoxide masks . -Use ()f nitrogen mustard 11Llttle ltnown to the public, lot trcatlng,cancer. but c( vast import. are the -Use of nerve gas ty(>e.' to benefits to agriculture that t"elleve glaucoma. have re sulted as a spinoff "Jt now is being used ta keep down weeds in greenhouses and in the fields,·~ U1e article said. ''It also served as a fumigant in mills, warehouse.s, grain storage raclllties and ships where insect! and rodents have been costly: nuisances.'' AU1i m· CENTER • B.R.W.-4 PLY NYLON CORD WITH LOW ~ROFILE-WRAP AROUND TREAD DESIGN_ 27 MONTHS GUARANTEE WITH 14 MONTHS FREE REPLACEMENT --usE PENNEYS TIME PAYMENT PIAN! Flex-A-Lite engine fan 14.95 • Fli!fr ,glau Ion cools your engine of reduced horMpower • L)g~oight, fle•ible, strong, better than factOI)' fans 15.95 Blick tubeless 650-13 plu• 1.79 led. lox ind old tire Size Tax Price 695-14 1.96 17.95 735-14 2.07 18.95 775-14 2.20 19.95 825-14 2.36 21.95 -855-14 2.57 23.95 775.15 2.21 19.95 815-15 2.38 21.95 845-15 t '· j 2.57 23.95 • ' WHITEWALLS ONLY "2 MORE! , FOllMOST TIRE GUARANTEE Guara""" agahtsl treod wearo1,1t Sf ~ Ii,.. w.wt o~ during th9 fint ~If of tM ;uar• lintM period. refvm lt·with your gUoro!l'lee c1rtiflcol• ancf Penneys will replace your Tire with o new ti,.., chor9ing you 50% fe5$ than th1 wrrent setling·prke Including federal fxciw To•; if your rir1 wean out dllling the Hcond half, yov pay 25% leu !hon the current selli"9 price indvding Federal bcise fi;ot. Guo1onte1 ogoinst fQiluN • If -replace the lire during tM frff-repl0t1ment p11igocf, there 15 no diorge; if we replace the fir1 ofter th• free·replocement period, you pay 50% or 25% lesl lhon the current selling pri(e of the tire induding Federal Extiffl Tox. Commerclol Use · Tl'li1 guorontee i1 void where pol.lenger tirei ore uwd, °" tnxk1, u1ed for bu•inen, or dri¥en over 30,000" miles in one year. Her•'• how your 9.,eronte• •t11inrt f11ih1r• "'°'kt: l .. tiro 9u1111•n1110 p<t•iod .•..... , ..•• , ••.... 27 mo .. tll• f1•• reploc•m•nt period .. ,.,,.,, ••...••... 14 .,..nlh SO% .ff period .••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.s.21-tto. 2.S"' •flF p<trkid , , , , • , ., , , , , ..••. , , .. , .. 22·27 "'°"'''"' 'FLORIDIAN' AUTO AIR CONDITIONER Here's the budget priced Foremost model that still does a big cooling job! 2 rectangular front louvers and 2 round side louvers let you adjust the flow of oir ln any direction. Up-to-date styling blends with nearly every car interior. The 'Floridian• is recommended for compoct and inter- mediate cars. This summer .•. don't sizzle, keep cool. 16-9.95 ~""""""'"-RESERVOIR ~~~-TRANSFER TUBE ll'l'l.l!!::::. Al R-S EAL PRESSURE CAP M@E I\'--\ Coolant recovery system 10.95 • Pu-air from cooling system ••• prevenb ru>I • Prevents over'-tlog in traffic BUENA PARK (0·~;3:i'~::! ") CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA FULLERTON DOWNEY HUNTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA ., ' f • • Sorpe evening lhe bapd ls going to strlke up l h e "Vuhlon l.&land Overture" . when Henry Brandon 11 •\all· ding tbere. IM\tOD In liand. And l\e'll be th!nkjng he's going to hear a whlsUlng wiener com· merelal or the oP.enlng numb- er of a civic light opera. At least that's the way It could happen to a musician who ii m.oonllgtrting at jobs scattered two-thirds of the way acrosa the Continental United States. And It's getting ha111 fqr Brandon, a resident for the past two >:ears of qorona del Mar, to teU whether he works In Chicago and moonllgb!a on lhe West ~st -or "Ice versa. CHICAGO HOME . ... .. He main'.taina..an aparllQent In a Chkqo suburb and flies lo it each week almost as soon as the last note dies in the current series of Summer 40Pope:~t Concerts he i.s COO· dueling at the Fashion lliland shopping center-ln Newport Beach. MIL~ rtLO? JI u 4ae e i!I ~ cocktaU that t•aury "doesn't now htn. W~ Btlll, lives In. Souaa'1 day. Lute like, t«Qato jWce0 and Glenview, UI., where ab~ U· He hu been provlnc It Clft ll!1< or the bi&·name branda of lustratea children's boob. be j1'11 ll>at with !be cumnl "Aiid that brings U1 full cir-serlel qi coocerta wbich bepn beer. cle," Brandon comments, June 30 at Fashion llll:nd. CONCERTS BEOINNiNG "because I used to ht an art The rr.. weekly - He seea the .Fubien Island director for one of the big Jwll continue alt: 15 p.m. each concert series as, 1'lf be, the • retail department stores." Monday through Aug. 25. be&lnnln& of thEl· tn4' of· . .hls TELLS AFFlNJTY And no matter ,..here BrJl19 l;CUtJ')'ina back and fortb,9V¥ don, the commuting ~ mor e than 2,000 mUu of the Maybe that alao explains his ductor, tblnls be ll when bd country each week, by 1 com· affinity for ltie lhoJ?ping mounts the r podlwn mercia.J atrliner to It~ his center and its obvious ad-Chlcllo, H 0t1yw 0 0 d or musical jui&llnC ·act to m~ vantages as the aetUng for Newport Beach _ il't prttty Uon. l1m1ly concert.II under lbe clncby each concert will btsfn Brandon's mother moved to stars. with lhe "Fashion Ialand Gallfornla 28 yea!'! a10. Bran· Br•ndon 1et1 the modern Overture," not a TV Jlnale or don has w11nted to follow be,i: shopping center &how u the a Chicago tight opera tune. ever since but ori1y aucetede.d CQWlierpart to lhe family con-Ills muslclans are 111 frem m rnovlng his houtehold, wife cert In the p•r~ of John Philip. Orange County. and dog to Corona de! Mar a l~-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i couple of years ago. 1 , He and his wife have two children -both grown up and married -who.apparently in· herlted wme oC the creative tale nt in the family. Son Terry lives in Costa Mesa and plays tenor sax· ophone. , Dau1hter S t a r r , ' ' ' . I See By Today's Want Ads : ·~ •w•"'•~~· Though he sptnds about 75 percent of his tlme in Chicago 11s director of the Chicago Ci vic Light Opera House and Clinics Seek • Thoae spotl v.'On't1 dli:a> pt!&r btfore )loot ryes U you own a 10 weiilr. "1d Dalmation pup, AKC, •Ir· ~ by a Champion and lillllll'tlntttd to be )'DUI' beat .friend. CONDU~TOR HENRY BRANDON AT ~ASHION ISLAND CONCl!RT Which Bandstand 11 ''Home'' When Yo'u Commute 4,000 Miles a Wffk? Volunteers its Auditorium Theater, he has SANTA ANA -The Orange bee'n a transcontinental com-County health Department Is !iOAQ MIM01t1"~ muter for years and only in need of volunteers for ill P1t~tTTa1t,,~~ 1~~1' T~~ rteenlly has he found the op-family planning and baby IN. w Mri. •l<Nrd Kl"4"1 M7 '-1 portunlty to work so close to clinics. MllMM ).,.., N"'*"'rt aMe11, "" Mr. .,.,, Mn. "'"'" W•rrwr, w1 "honte," ii Newport 11 home. A1r•1o11..11 .. c~• MIN. ,,,, The Orange County Heallh Mr: t1111 Mn.. ""'"''" ''*'"· m11 His Jobi on the West Coast Oepartm.ent, 8th and Ro 1 .1 tuci'I aM., H1111!111tlOl'I IMcJI. boY ""'' » • . ~ ~!9rt J~.v~ involved wrlling Streets. Santa Ana and the Mr, a.w Mr.. Jot o ... ~. 1n11 ~e; ~uslc~ c.!lnductlng the Orange County Me d I ca I !Mtrto11e1. "-'''" v111n.~m h ~-d od I th h h "''· '"' 111r1. erut• u,_.11an11, Jlt arc e11'"'as an pr uc ng e Center, 101 Sout Mane ester , com ... ""~" ••tbH I•"""· '''' fadlo and TV commercials for Orange, are looking f or Ml. Intl Mri. AH l1rrl.;n.,er, !lMI • Th'ed of puttering a.round? Pick up a brand new Rt flf Arnold Palmer Goll C1obe reuonable and .shoot • hole in one! • Ambitious mother ion to Coll~:re ! but Medi • put time bouaekttper and hU children to care ltn, tn- 1ervie\llini: now. v1c111on L.•n~. H1111111111Dt1 •HCJI. a well-known wjel)er whJch cleri cal helpers and Spanish· M~.1·~ .... "'~ '"'''" MJ.i~ .... 11M. _:w~h~i~sU~·~•:..· _:•:_v'.'.e:!!g:'.:et~a~b,l'.:e....!:jui'.".·~ce:_En'.:"'g~li~·sh"....'.ln~t:erp'.!'.':re~J:':.e"~· __ ___:~!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!!!'!'!!!!! LGYola. c._ta MtM, boy t· Mr. 1n0 Mu. Joll'n Kt<H.ty, 1Ml Sl'IUll Or .. Hunt1<1$il0<> Beec.11, ..;. July II Mr. Ind Mri. Dtva Tt•o•fl... 220jJ surtrldiar-. Hunllntton llMcll, bl\' Mr. _,,.. M11. ltll!'ltld $mltll. f2t .Jollnri 5! .• Cor!1 Mtu, 1!11 Mr. tnd Mr1. ll:tller! Fre11Y11n, 11111' Mllllrd St,, Glfdcon G1ov1, t lrl Mr. ind Mr1. Dtvlc! G. Wr ight, 7W 0r~ .... :,-No: "· Cosl•-M9ff. f'lrl Ml. llld Ml'a.-K...:l11L. N. ,J1ca11Mft. 2141 I:. Octlft l 1"11 .• ''"'°'· bilooo l\low! eveO' on the n FraOCi +. r 7am to 9 pm. Both waye. 7-8-9-10-11 am-12 noon-1-2-3;.4- 5-s-1-e-9 pm . More on weekende. .. 8:15 am to 10:10 pm. Both ways. 8:15 -8:30-9:30-10:30-11:3011m-12:30-1:30-2:30-3:30 - 4:30-S:30-8:15-&:30-7:30-8:30-10:10 pm. More on w .. kenda. Why worry about a reservation when PSA has over 160 flights a day? Such an easy-to- remamber schedule you can carry It around In your head. Why remember'loweat fares? Or all jets? Or grist service to Oakland, San Jose, and Sacramento? Or that kids under 12 fly PSA (with their parents) for half fare? Still want a reser- vation? Just remember to call your travel agent or whats itsname airlines. PS\ gMis you •rift. , ' ' ( , . Here··11 how:· Savings account dividend for 1 year 9n ssoo~oo 1 =•z5~ F:rH safe deposit box for as long aa you mal~taln $500 .00 savings account = '6'!! (approllnt•I• y4arly coll to rtnl box at bank) PLUS: - Free •erviot charge on $750.00 of American Express travelers cheques OR = '7!! Service charge free on purchase of up to 1 O ,tickets to the Forum, Dodger Stadium or other sporting ind theater;.events through TRS' (TJCKETRON)-• Total benefits on your $500.00 savings a~unt =•J•!! Stop by and see us to open your account. If you have any questions please call 540-409. We are open 9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday an1110 a.m. t.o 6 p,m . Saturday. .acific ~ _, • • • • • • • • • • ' • av1ngs AND LOAN ASSDC IATIO H • • ~ . Sl?llTH CO AST. PLAZA • COSTA MISA. CALll'ORNIA MAIN OJl1'1CE: 1401 WHITTllR tiO ULlVAllD • LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA • • • L~----h , L===~~~~1 ~==-b:.:.==-==-i~ I I I j • ,-lft~ • ·~---I -Orange Couutl • Mamie-General Saddle.h~ck Sty~ied •• ----"""'-"'"-Strike Slows Campus Construction • By THOMAS FORTl)NE ' Of ... 0.llJ Pi. Slt« MISSION VIEJO -A COO· struction ttrlke Is goljlg !O prevent .Saddleback Collqe from comple.tlng Its campOs by the Ume ,sdiool opell8 in Septeinber. ()periling engioee.'rs. who nm mobile machlnery such as trenchers and cranes, now have been on slrike ror '15 days. Previously, plumbers struck the jbb for 21 day!. The outlook is that buildings moved from the interim cam- pus will be ready ror school opening, but new prc>fab buildings to dou ble the col· lege's capacity a n d ·ae· comodate sophomore students will DOl. Moreover, It doesn't appear llkel,y that landscaping will be in or walkways connecting the ·buildings. Student# would "have to walk avpr a several-inch layer of what Supt. Fred Bremer termed "moon dust." There's no· telling when the operaUng engineers ' s t ri k e might end, ardlitect for the project Robert Lowrey lold junior college trustees Monday night. He said right now lhe union and employers aren't even talking. Trustee Hans Vogel said he has heard It is an educationaJ strike rather than a strike for higher wages and that .it may be an attempt to se t a nalionaJ precedent. "lt looks like lhey'll be out Three Firms Slated For Irvine Complex for a Iona: Umt aod Wf! canno~ llfOrd a Jona tlmt.'' Voeel said. On Scout Board He asked Don MacGrtcor. manager o!,r W. J. Shirley EL TORO -Brigadier Ioe.1 the conractor. if be'd G~nerat Henry W. Hise, cmn-· triea hlr'lng ap lndeptodent mander of Marine Corps Air backhoe o p e r a t o r to dig Station El Toro and Marine lrenches. Corpe Air Bases, Western MacGregor said he had but Area,, has been elected to the the unton business agent show· Encutive Board of I h e ed up the sa~y and coer· C · S Orange Council of the Boy ced the operator to leave the ounty ets Scou",;-' • .. 1 .-umed"·co· mmand of job. "They'll put pickets up "" and call geaeral strike to shut water S•udy the Marine Corps Air Station lhe job down," he warned. II June 4 alter serving as a.ssis· Vogel wanted to know if the SANTA ANft.-Standards of tant wing commander of the union legal,ly can do that. He water quality in nine Orange Isl ~farine Airc raft Wing ln suggested the coun~y counsel Coast flood control channela Vietnam. be .asked lO invesligale the emptying in ,to SuMet, Bolsa The eiecutive con;rni.ttee or question. and Newport bays will be the Orange Emplt'e ~a "Let's make an issue of it," studied Sept. 1t when the Sa~"-.fJouncil includes : \V, Ed agreed Trustee Lou Zitnlk. ta Ana River Basin Regiona~ l!rane. president; Dr. Richard ''Let's find out il that union Wat'er Quality Control Board Kendall. co u n c 11 com· can prevent the school from meets in Costa -Mesa. · missioner; Mll{ord W. Dahl, being built. Let fhe public Exett1Uve Officer Richard past-pres.ident; Kenneth W. knowiftbeygiveadam ." A. Bueerrnann or the board's Jtlckenbottom, scout ex· Arehitt'Ct Lowrey said the Rivenlde headquarters· ;said ecutlve ; plus commiltee mem· contractor has do.ti some pick the session wiU be held in the bers Dr. Daniel G. Aldrich, ELECTED TO BOARD New Scout le•der Hit• and shovel trenching and hand Costa ~fesan City Council Jr., Howard A. Bear. \Villi.am ----------- IRVINE -Three industrial new branch at 17751 Sky Park lifting of beams that nonnaUy chambers beginning at 9:30 A. Giraldin, Geo rge Hoag, II, firms are making plans to Circle, Irvine. as a combined would be raised by crane. a.m. Robert D. Johnson. Arthur C. relocate at ·the I r v i n ~ "Couldn't the job be done by Discussions will cover the Lowell, WUli;i.m R. Mason, warehouse and sales office for G Industrial Complex. s a J e :ii getting enough band diggers'.'" Bolsa Chica and.Sun.set chan-James . . f\.1aynard, E. C. Sailor Honored manager Everett Davis has rapid service of the Orange asked Trustee • Donald Bran-nets emptying into Sunset Bay, Missildine, Richard B. ,Smitb Midshipman KeMeth R . announced . The complex is County cusomers. nan. the Huntington Beach channel and William H. Spurgeon, Ill. 1-Ianf, son or Mr. and Mrs. located near the UC Irvine A 50,000 square foot ~true· "The economics or the thing nowing into the ocean near the Philip At. Hanf, 430 East 21st Campus. lure will be construct.el on . a are such that you'd break w." Santa Ana River mou th, and St.. Newport Beach. has been The Mel M orri s on t+acre site adjoinln~ ue1 to replie;d MacGregor. the Santa Ana-Delhi, San Let TV WEEK namedtothedeanslistatthe Draperies, a Costa Mesa house the Stanford Research He said one problem Is get· . Qiegp Creek, East Costa California Maritime Academy. manufacturer and warehouser Institute. lll'ig power to th e bull~ings. Mesa, and Santa Isabel chan· Hanf earned better than a or draperies, is building a 6,000 It will be transferring from ·Und.ergrouild lines can't. be ·nels which discharge into the Turn You On 'B' average in the department square foot 111.ructure and wi Jl1_i_ts_l_oc_•_li_o_n_in_Sou __ lh_P_~_oa_de_n_a_. _laia_·_un_til_b'ench ___ .,_,_,.._d_u_g._, ~-U~ppe_r_N_e_w_po_rt_B_•_Y_· ---------------•-' _n_au_t_ic_a_I _sc_i'-"""-'-·--- move in during the fall. '--------------------.----------------------------------. Freeway Pattertis Machinists' Tool & Su ppty 11 Co., Los Angeles, is opeh.ing •a Oldtime· fliers '·navigated'' by following railroad tracks. In this modern age, freeways seem more appropriate na vigational aids for weekend fliers in Orange County -so long as the skies are clear and the pilot can keep bj s freeways straight. This is aerial vie\v looking north (top) along Newport Freeway at San Diego Freeway interchange. School Bus Accident Toll LiSted Meetings WEONESDAT (iv/I .t.Jr P1tro1, Srluadron n, 111731 Atltcil Street, Coll• Me>•. J,Oll o.m ~tronlc: fOlill'Mi~f.. II I l I I Mlrl,.., 1045 l1nlde OrlvlL Newoof"I DEATH NOTICES MUELLER EM V. Mw!Jer. 4111 •llH "'"'·• Wtw-JICll'I IHd'I. S.Urvl~ l>'I hu~l>O, Kam: twi:i """'· ve..-ltror •"" EOw1rd It.I V H1roe<11 , .... 0 dt\19"11H1. Fr•Mti 'ern ll•mllo 1nd Mf1. El1•nt S1H1; -bn>l!'ler, CMrlK H•u11; 1J11u. ve.s. 11lllbbel1 ~·· Ev1 1oun1 " w111Ckt!ildre", So=rvlus. 'TllUl'"SlNV• 1 PM, l"eell; F....i1, Coto- fl .. I Fu11er1r l-lome. Meetings lle1c11, •::io o.m. • Maoonlc Soe1l1•lll9 LOiiie Meo. 7111, MllOr'llC flH'l'lfl~, 15!1! Strlflel ...ii SI. Andrw.., Pl1c1, Hew_. Be.ch. f :llO 11.m, Wt•lmlMltr E•WRN (lull. Ha',._y Inn. 1"°"1 !lead! lllYd .. w~:r:-Jm~, 7•00 ....... Hunllntfo<I Be.en M1&or1lC Lodll<', M110nlt Hall, 105 Like Street, Hun· 111111io. 8e1d'I .• 1:30 1.m. c.,.11 Mffl Eatlt Mrlt, 7~ W. ltth St., Cost1 ~. t :OG 1.111. Sevtnlll St• F-atlan. HIH'llfl'ltl!Otl lt•dt T-Gfr'ltw,1G.rfleld AVM'M oNI .V..!11 $rrtef, Hwlf'iftllftlrl ~Kil. 1;00 11,m. , "· T. GleMI CNpttr of lions cf ll•IY I" ,t,m•r~. Qclcl F.flloWt H•ll, 241' NIWllOl"f SM ,i. C09f• MM.II, 1:00 P.m. 0••11t• Counly Siii Club. Elks Cklb. 1'56 Vl• °"°'1o, NewPOrl Bud!, 1;)11 Orange County recorded 131 school bus accidents during the 1963-69 school yeai. with one fatality, .according to the Orange County Department -Of Education. Twenty-one a c c I d e. n ts resulted lo injuries t o st ude n t 11, a Department of Education report said. A~ proximately 500 buses travel· ed 5.5 million miles during tlle school year. PAT'f'ERSON EIMI ,t,. P1Mt•llOll. AIM 16, Ill 7101 ,:,;;';'· S"'9..-.. YNICJ<. 2lOO Vniversny Siftl1 ....,.. ,.Vt., c .. r. Mew. 0.1. of Or lw. Ntwoorl kKP\, 1:31 "·"'' It was revealed that 54 per- cent of the accidents were caused by driver negligence. Illegal turns and unsafe back· ing maneuvers caused tbe ma· jority of accidents ck11h, iliillf\ltl ?. Survi....., by oon, Re<O¥trv lric_, Hunllnv!On le~ li .. h E1rl; bf'other, Mf. Geor9t Sm1Men1 :k"°"'· Room· llS.. 1'°'1 Moln S!., '""' •nir!dtllllren, •"" •e~n t•N1• Munn1111ton Stich, I o.m. ~r~llOrtn. Grlvttift •~NlCt1. _ 'Thurlo(l1y. 11 /VA, lr111lewoad Memorl11 P1<il. D1re(1t:t I>'/' ktl llni.dWIY Mo<· llllo. 110 l rOAOwlr, Cost1 Mufi. WIGHT ""-M It.. W'9fll. Atte r2, al" 10' Qlld St.. N~t le.er.. Df!t ot d~lll. i1tiwu11 4. SU~ by h11tblnd, JOl'ln, of Newpcr1 8eK~: O!UfMer~. Ml"f. ti.btli. GIJmcn, cf aum.,.1ct. ,t,r!Zllnl: bro! ..... , Mr. John MU<r1v. llro-1 1llltr. JWll'I Wl9M. ol ~ lencH two ~nckllildr~ 1nd twc gr,11· .,,....,,141,..... SttVJo:,1 wrn t.. Mid roc.v, weo .. .01~. 1 PM. lell lln111d· .,..,. C"'"!. w11!1 Ill•. llr..ce l(~rr1' llftkl1t1"4!, t11<1r-•. P.clt\c View Memorl<ll P1rlt. Olr«trd bv llttl flrolCl'l<IY Mort!Uir•. 110 llroadWI•• Cost1 ~,.. COOK ~.Id w. Cool<. -.,, Cl·~' w. ,h i s1.. S.n Pectro. Ol!e ot o.1rn, A~ ...,., '· SurvlW4 tw wlfo!, £dn•; """1'oer, CM1 Cook: brort.r. (;ail II, (.!)Oii;. Gr1vesidt ltfViut. T~urlo(l•r, 11 11.M, Geod S,..._rd Cemetery. $tT1tttl1 MottUlry, Oirtciou. BECK lt.k;r..tct l~ 8fdl. ,l,ff 1', o1 JSU N. 0 .. llff. CQll1 ~. 0.!t ol ct=•!~, "'-•! J. $ffYkH pencll"41 11 Wt1t- ditf C'Nlll!l Mcrf\iery, """"*'· ARBUCKLE & WEUIH We11tcllff MOJ1ua.ry m E. 1illt St.. Costa l\lesa '46-4811 • BALTZ \\IORTUARIES Corona del !'llar OR 3-9450 Cotta l\tesa ~u 6-Wf • BELL BROA DWAY MORTUA RY 118 Broadway, COsla l\ltsa u ~ • iANi<liu·r1cv sALE 3 DAYS ONLY -AUG. 7-8-9 12:00 Noon to 7 P .M. Entire stock of ladies' garments -dresses - uniforms -lingerie and all assets formerly PATTI LEE UNIFORMS ond The CLASSI CHASSIS ORDERED SOLD 1/2 OFF THE BANKRUPT'S PRICE Barco -Paul Jone, -La Grace -Bob Evans' Detigner Series -Gott ard -Mr. Barco Mens Jackeii. -Gilead -Warner -Jar Merai - Lillyette -GlydoRs -Form Fit Rogers, etc • FIXTURES FOR SALE ON THE PREMISES! 2400 W. COAST HIWAY IN NfW,ORT AllT CENTI• SHO,S SHOl'PING CENTflt Across from Stuff Shirt, Newport Be1ch DILDAY BROTHERS I Hwi~::::~alley I~ YOUR PROBLEM: 11911 BeaCb Blvd. HunUngton Beach ,: You want to sell soma item 141-7711 t' that you no longer nMd but • 1 someone else can ute for McCOMDCK LAGUl>A I N 0 T 0 v E R $ 5 0 • ; BEACH MORTUARY : I 1111 't:v~,;.~!;~ Road f YOU1R iNS~ER~ -1 7 I PACIFlC VJE'IV 1• You c1ll THE DAILY PILOT, ask fer ., !'ltEl\tORlAL PARK .: Classified Advertit ing, and pl•c• a .i Cemetery,. P.1ortuary ,,-PILOT Chapel 1,: .: J500 Pacif1c Vie" Drive i N•wporl :;:;:io Calilonlla ': PENNY : PEEK ;A/lflLY .·.~ PINCHER i 001.0NIAJ. FUNEIW. j UOME : CLASSIFIED AD .: ':RJ .Boltt A""'t - Wttlmfuler llWl!I ,; AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RA TE : Lo=-~:oHTu:.~~w llf 3 L I N ES.2 TIMES 2DOLLAR S : Sii! a.. .. i. 192-fltl t AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I i SMJTH1r :oRruARY •.; 0 I A L N 0 W 0 I R E C T ! : CZ1 Maio.SL • 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 : COMMUNITY EVENTS .,... AUG. 20 FOUR MAXIMUM INTEREST PLANS AT CALIFORNIA FEDERAL SAVINGS AUG. 11·25 ......... ~- LAST TWO CLASSES YOUTH DROWN -PROOFING YMCA Newport Beoch Tht lut SIG EVENT B•for• School NEWTIMER 'OLDJIMER .. , PICNIC & STEAK BARBEQUE G•m•s-Food-Art Oi1 pl•y FREE H•licopt•r Rid11 1. The Guaranteed Growth Plan. Deposit $1,000 or more for 3, 4 or 5 years. For each year all your principal and interest r~ma in. we'll gua r- antee a 5.25°/o annual rate, compounded daily. H adds up to 5.39~~ a year. CALIFORNIA FEDERAL ,. \ ••• 2. The Guaranteed Income Plan. Open an account of $1,000 or more for 36 to 60 monlhs. We'll guaranlee you a 5,25°.4. annual rate, compounded dally, wit h interest patd out to you each quarter. It"! case of hardship or emergency, you can withdraw at-any lime with full interest paid to the end of the previous quarler. 3. The Bonus Plan. Earn a bonus of V• 0/o a year when your account is held lo 3-year maturity. This is in addition to the regular 51110 current annual ra1e. Regular interest is compounded daily and may be credited quarlerly for extra earnings. Withdrawals before malurlty earn at !he regular passbook rate. Any a mount of $1.000 or more opens and maintains your bonus account All funds held lo maturity earn an effective annual rate of 5.25%. 4. The Basic Plan. The most flexible plan. You can invest any amount of money and wilhdraw it whenever you wish. If you leave all your money and interest in your account lor a year at our current 5% annual rate with inlerest compounded daily, you'll receive an annual yield of 5.130::~. You earn intere~I from t~e day you deposit your mc/iey 'til the day you withdraw n. Plus,,. the money you deposit by the 10th of any mon1h earns interest from the 1st when it remains until quarter·s end. ' C~!~fQ~~~!~aF.~~~r@Jrnw~~!!!!gS NATION'S LARGEST FEDERAL COSTA MESA OFFICE: 2700 Harbgr Blvd. near Adams • 546•2300 CLIFFORD M. WESOOAF, VICE PRESIDENT & MANAGER ... , ~.._Beacil • !Toll fTW Nd CHltty 140.1 221, :. -t AUOllMI .,_..._.. lljl I0$1!1,0CID 111111# Plll'WCllll ciftht ftdUJI $1lli!IJ1 • W• Ulailt'ld tmor'tlOll, 1 tttl!IMtflt tltllC,foftlltUlli&ld lttta~. ~~-~------_,,... ............ ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• A ........... , ... ~~~---.... ~-------------------------------------------~-' I '1 ' • I Wtdntsday, August 6, 1%" PILOT·AOVERTISER 3 Uncertainties_. Dactar.s..Say:__Yes, But .for: Reason By Peter Sklncn:ibn, ~t.D. Dear Dr. Steincrohn: My doctor _can't ~ke. up his mi.pd. In _anqer to ahY direct ques.. tion1he .always ans,wers, '°Yes, but •• ..:• or. /)o, but . . . " Why can't hi: c~e right out and s~Y'. YW. or fjO without reserv&\IOl)l • .\i!>Jrs. B. COMMENT: For one thing, I'll be( he isn't a quack. Always SUft~ anyone who says, "Sure .. 'I can cure you. There't no question about it." You cQ.n J'fspect the opinion of Ute doctor who equivocates. Medicine is not an exact science. Ninely·nine patients barely oblainable. It seemed I i·k.e ·a n1aller of minutes more. In the eyes of the aiµ:· ious family I could read the question: "H a s he got a chance"?" ln mine they un· doubtedly saw the answer: '·No, but .•. " -~~-----------------~-~-.--~-·· '"';-.-~ ---··--. --. . --- Wtdntsday, Augutt 6, 1%9 DAil V PILOT J$ Coast Honor Sc'liiilars · 'Named at VC Irvine UC Irvine has named 15 Orange Coast students llonor Scholars for the 196M9 school y@ar. They are among the top 10 peroont of the un! dergraduale students. lnclud· .ed are: From Balboa: Joseph II. Langjahr, 320 Collins Ave. From Cotla lt1esa: Mary S. Broker, 3149 Madeira Ave .; Michael K. Orbach, 273 Costa Mesa St., and Mary B. Rockmore. 728 Joann, Aot. 2. From Fountain V a 11 e y : Richard J. Corriere, 18767 San Felipe. From Huntln.,on BeQr.h: Olivid E. Kllchcart, 19871 Chesapeake Lane, and Jcrrrey l. li1arder. 10101 Suntan Circle. From Irvlne: Renee M, Receives BA Hubbard, 4282 Senlsa Way, and Eric M. Phllllpll, 128 Verano Place. From Laguna Btacb: Sui· annc M. Clapp, all l Coast fllghway; Kathleen C. Houst, 313 Emerald Bay; Owustl Nyame, tld7 N. Co a 1 t Highway, and William H. Roley, Jr., 1915 Van Dyke Drive. From Newpo1t 8 e a c: b : Christine A. Von Glascoe, 275 Wave St From Westminster: Philli p M. Kemp, 9921 Margo Lane. Whittier Picks Ne wport Git·I Stephanie A. F' o u s t , DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE YET TIUS D~ATHLY iU n1an lasted the night-and the year: When I presented his case history before die Hart· ford Medical Society as one of unusual recovery, I did not drean1 that he would be alive for 20 years. (He died or can· cer, not of heart disease). I published his case hi!tory in the Annnals of Internal Med, icine to indicate that having an attack or coronary throm· bosis doesn't signify the in· evitab!e end. So you see, Mrs. 8., a doc· tor cannot be undeniably cer- tain about' anything. I do not trJst physicians who are cocksure. Those "'ho prom· ise: "I'm sure you'll be all right; I know 1 can cure you." Nauglaty, Naughty Robert C. Bell, son of Jerry Y. Bell , 1124 Essex LanP. Newport Beach, has received a bachelor of arts degree in business administration from the University of New Mexico. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil W. Foust, 231 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach. ha~ been named to the Whittler College dean's list. may act and react to trea(- ment as expected ; but the hundredth doesn't. That's the reason for the "BUT." He has no way of knowing whethet or not you are the exception. \Vho can resist temptation to imn1ortalize oneself in \vet ceinent? Certainly not these exhuberant artists \vho \Vere too caught up in their work to nolice pno-- tographer who noticed them recently on ne\v cen1ent v.·alk being Jaid on Newport Harbor's \Vest jetty. She had to maintai n a B·plus grade average in h e r sociology·psychology major to attain the honor. I prefer the one '"ho says, ..._ traindlcalion for removal of a "l"JJ do e\'erything possible to gall bladder full of stones, get you '"ell.'' Esp:x!ially when it causes you If you have an old copy of so much indigestion and dis- the New Yorker magazine comfort. FOR EXA~1PLE, the fam- ily or the pneumonia patient asks, "No'v that you've given him penicillin, I suppose there 's nothing to worry about, is there'!" The doctor answers, "Yes, but . , ." Pa- tients still die of pneun\onia in spite of penicillin. (February ti, 1967) look at the Your 1nedic~I d~lor 1~ill very last lines in that issue. regulate your 1nsu!1n and diet Dear Dr. Steincrohn: ls before and after surgery. medicine as practiced in the ~our doctors advls:? opera· United States the best in the t1on now rather than later be,. ,vor!d? (signed) l\1rs. ~!., caus.e "later" may be an or· Conn. cration on an emergency ba- sis. At such a time. di~etcs may complicat.e surgery. Or, "Is the operation dan· gerous, doctor?" Answer: •·Yes, but , • ," No ethical physician or surgeon can pre. diet correctly how each indl· vidual patient will react to the )inife. COi\-tMENT: YES and NO. (Loi Angeles Herald Exa1n- iner ) New Yorker 's reaction: You can't fool old Doc Steincrohn. I hope this added evidence ce>nvinccs you, Mrs. B., that I am a believer in equivoca· tion. It's impossible for any doctor to be a "know-it.all." FOR MISS P.: If you are considering a '·nose bob" but know absolutely nothing about what it entails, I suggest you seek your O\Vll doctor's advice rather than your friend's. !l's important that a well·trained, well·re<:ognized plastic sur· g~fi do the job. * * * For example, consider !he coronary attack. No doctor ca n prognosticate, \vilhout fear of error, how each indi· vidual will make out. I recall the most se<ious attack ol MEDICALETTES / rodoy's Final coronary thrombosis I have (Replies to Readers) ever seen. t S k T d The patient's blood pressure FOR ~flSS Y,: The fact !nal fOC S 0 0 Y _:·:•~•:•~rou:::::nd:...:Z=E=R~O~,~h~is'--'p~u~ls~e-y~M~•c..:.cha~,~·-d~i~•b_et~es;.:...i_s_n_o_co_n_· ___________ 1 ' FOR SUMMER ENJOYMENT I Outdoor Liri11g is 11 w11y of life· in Southem Calil ENJOY IT NOW CALL US TODAY! The NEW LOOK for '69 CANVAS AWNINGS VALANCES CURTAINS Nothing ,,deco1ote1 llk• convo1, Beautiful ntw colo11 & riew fobricr.. For homts ••• for bns.in•i• ••• for trollert • , , for ca111penl IWIUFACTUllD • lllSUWJ> FREE ESTIMATES NO OILIOATIOH WE DESIGN WE MANUFACTURE WE INSTALL ALUMINUM SCREENED PATIOS Pl•nned for large, smoll or mobll• homes ••• compleffily bu9 proc1f. WINDOW and DOOR AWNINGS Many styles & 18 stunning decorator colors for your selection SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING co. FACTORY SHOWROOM 2202 So. Main Santa Ana • 545-0491 $81 1 11r co111,l.te INDOOR· OUTDQOI IRANCH OfFfCE:ORANGE COUNTY AWNING CO Phone 197-4732 -Serving North Or1nge County ,._ .. o··· Sears , .. .. . , . . . , . .-·· • !. "':.•\<• .. 1 ' ··V ... :- ·' 1, .~. ... Big 12-Foot x 36-lnch Pool 39ss ' ' \ j l • Ketll cool and have fun' : f . ~,_'· in tl•i• la'&• pool ·~ •Galvanized sletl ~i d e ­ wa l Is i·etiist rust • Dur1.1blehlu e\i?1)1 1iner- "''011'1 mildew : I j • 36-inclu~s derp . ~ i ;,.\w,U.I ~~~ ..• ,,,,, '~·~'"'". '"'°' s229.95 18-Ft. Round Pool Four feet deep pool has J redwood sun decks. hc~vy vinyl liocr. Sturdy 1op aod bocrom rails galvanized before painti ng. $172 •119.95 Roi1nd 15-Ft. Pool Sieel Ve.rt~ suppons for extra srrength to sidevtllll! .. VtrJyl li ner treated (O resist rotting or mildew. 42-inches deep. 8988 '· '380 Giant2lxl2-Ft. Oval Pool Wide decks of Califo!nia redwood ,give yoy. comfortable sw:face lor suabathiog, sitting. 4&-i nches deep. Designed for easy assembly. $285 Economy 10-Ft. Roi1nd Pool 2A·i nches deep for the little rots. Sturdily con· 'tructed with ''erticti sreel side walls. 1888 , , I :. ABk Abo11l Sears Convenient Credit Pla111t ~--------------------•-••••-•••-M•-•-•••••L••••••• I Mtfl, •»11: '" •·•~. J11 .. SSO " lolON!l GI ,.af1 I IQHG Jt.i.cll H! s.01,, -.... £0 2·11,J, NA ,.,1.1, \'V •·•1JI l'ICO Wf 1•1162 IOUT~ co.i.n n,&.tlt f.40.»ll ... C4NOGli. •• l•O·OUI Gil•~• CH f.1001, Cl .t.,,11 °''"'I'll:• Jato AN 1.s211 • """'" 4NA lfl 1·3t71 10111tHCe J.t1.1J1 1 I I cow•Olol..a 4.2llL, N\--2·S1•1 t10111WOOO HO'·'''\ o••»e;p 631.1100 ~ LWIA H 1,11~ t.U.80!1 YAllff l'O 3·1'''· H(-2220 to·.,.,... •~11 lt-IGl.•WOOO oa •. ,,,, •• ,.111Ji• 6t1.,u1. ~,,.,,1 , Se" .. 8 &AHT.l. lol0t4!C ... n •·•111 \'lllMO"'"" ,.,,1, 1 '--~---·•-----------------cu, -----------------, .~ . ---''Sotl•fa<tlon Guorante ed orYourMoney&aclr." """"--.a -• Shop 4 Nl9ht1 Mondoy thrG119h Xiturdoy 9130 J...M. t. 9:30 ,.M. ' . \ , ' l I • JI OAIL V .PILOT • ---' p•-----~-----------------------------------------~ I I I I I I I I L.!ouro,. 1101111 w11.. •uG111T 11, 1••• LIMIT 2 WITH COUPON r - - - -11.1.sa1.1114.1:1 - - - I " SAYE 41% ON GIRLS' II I JAMAICA SHORTS II I I • I I I .~~~. 52c :: WITH COUPON II Sa..-e 41~1 Girls'100% cotto11 jomoico II 1horl1 i1t duck1, soilc:lolh weave1. Bo nd II front, boxer bock style. Shorp prinh in pi11k, blue, moite, li11ut or red. 7·14'. II ZODYS COUPON ANTl·STATIC I RECORD ~~.~~y I 59c : WITH COUl'ON fM('1 Anti-1tt1t i1 •••-I •rtl 1pr•y. L•"I l ••I· l"t '•'"'"''•· LIMIT ' wnMCOUl'OH ZODYS COUPON I ZODYS COUPON COLORFUL 9 Y2" I PLAYBALLS I 1.00 44c I value WITH COUl'ON I Wilt1 ht.lil•111iie ltelh 111 ht-1le11 t11erltle •• I i,' ,•, 1n •wfl•k• ll•1ign1. . t~':f .:, Hot rotl. yellow or I ·J··~ blue. UMIT 3 I WITH COU,ON ZODYS COUPOM DOOR BUSTER WOMEN'S & .TEENS' I CASUAL SHOES I values to 2.99 I $1 pr. : (01y ,., •• 1,. ." ••. , .. ,,.,. I ;,. m•11r '•· •i1hu u1 ,., •••. I N•t every 1i1e I I - I : I I •• 1· ~ I · I FINE QUALITY I IOOTHBRUSHIS I . . . ••· 9c I .... ,.,.. '''" 'WITH COUPON I Fin• illl"'•lil y t••lh• • .. .... 11 •• '" ....... .. brioll•• ••111 ll••ly ••I•••· I 1llMIT6 WlfH,OUl'ON I'.. •very 1tylo. I Si101 J •• 10 '" ..... ,. ZODYS COUPON --+-•'•;;u•oH ,.,,.,, '"'"~ •uouu ,,, , ... __ .. ZODYS COUPON 25 FOOT ROLLI TEXACO I STYROFOAM I 10 ROLLS I ALUMINUM FOIL 1 MOTOR OIL I STORA GI HEAD 1 1 _','.. --, TOILET TISSUE I I -::::::=~ SSc v•lu• ~ >•• 23c r 23 I 2.00v•I•• I C:-.,d\\ 1.19 69C valu• r•ll l C 5 7 ~ valu e I TEXACO •'· I . · C I • 10-••« WI'" COU,OH I ..,.. .. •ll WITH COU,OH I ,....... w .. ,. WITH COU,OH I I ••or ,_,, ei••llty Cloolco ef t lrtt "welity ··: WIJH COU,OH ~ fll'!e °'wellty, ieft .'.•I••-roM lo• I 20 >O · h• ' ~·· · toilet tit••• 1!1 1111 I "' ~ •• •••• ... •• , ' •• • J • ..,, .. ,. . w. ' ••••rtltllll'lt ., •••• evo11 "f.-kh11. '•' 1 •ii. I ~ l•ekl111 lto11vtitwl 11114 I ~ ori. tiorltecw•1, •-· UMll S OU•llll lllyt •• · I llMR 4 IOLLS WITH COUPON re• 9 er, LIMIT I '"IC llMIT 3 WITH COUPON I WITH COUPON WITH COUPON _ .... , ..... ,ON u r1111 flllt., lllllUJ! II., ... __ • __ ,_._ ........ ,,~u 1u11 ......... ,It., ••• --.. --·-ou•OH lliPllll IUll~ .. weult l t, , ..... --a--·•.lltOM lllllltt 1u11~ l llOUll IJ, , ••• __ ,. ' ' ZODYS COUPON ZODTS COUPON 'IODTS COUPON • "JUST WONDERFUL" I ALL BRANDS 1' HAIR SPRAY I :tF CIGARETTES I •. 3.3S ...... . 299 '." 39c I ...... 1 "ie I ·· WITH cou110H I l1!1Ht Y•lf fe.,. I erlt1 ltr1111tll All WITH cou • ..,,, the ,.,,,,,,, c1, ... To•r th"c• •f r11uler r•fle1, ki1111 1111111 er h1rtl I• h.+111 t.rt1t•· I 1 o-hi I I I I 1J v·iit,t 1 ••1 11· I ·~ ,.,.. ,.,1, •. llMIT I P' llMIT ? CAlttOHS WITH <OU,ON ' WITH COUPON I <cw•oN 11t•r.111u11~ •u1u11 ''· '''' J. ccw•OH 1:111"''"''· .. ,,.11111 • 1. ,,.. I --------________ _. ea·> ·i'iil NO•WALK IMPlllAL l'IWT. Al SfUOllAICfl f , IOUTM STlln AT CNllllT llACM ILVD. I LINCOLN .OIANGIJHOIPI AT LIMON Wiil COVINA AlUSA AVl. ilf PUINTI NO•TH•IDOI lllllDA ILVO, Al OIVONSHllll NO•TH LONG •IACH AllAHllM·•UINA PA•K ANAHllM•PULLl•TON •IDONDO •EACH MAW1HOllNI llVO, Al 10. IAT CINlll IANTA AllA . N, •tAHD AVI, Al 17TM ITl llf GA•DlllG•OYI CAllOGA PA•K POMO~ POUNTAUI YALLIT LONG •IACH HUNTINGTON •IACH PO•O,..A VAlllT CIN!ll M•••o• II.VD •• , IDINGll LOI (0 1'0ffl.IPllHG&W0001¥•r GOLDJH Wiil. IDtNOlll •U••ANK CMAPMAN I llOOll'HUU.1 SAN ,lltNANDO llVO. Al IUltlANlt TOPANGA CANYON l lVD. Af 101(01 SHOP & SAYE AT ZODYS MON. THRU SAT. 10 A.M. TO 9 P.M.; SUNDAY 10 TO 7 ••• LOTS OF FRll PARKINGI ' • ' l I I Stargell I I Makes -iike I ! • !polio 11 . -· wS ANGELES (AP) -Wlllle Stargell ol the Plttaburah Piral<!s may DOI be the home nm bJUer that Frank Howard,. Willie Mays or Henry Aaron are but he's achieved somtthtng no one else. has: he's hit~ bueball outside Dodier St8dium. The · bi.ut came in the seventh hml.ng and helped lift the Pirates to an 11-.l paaU118 ol the Loo Angel" Dodgera Tue .. day nlghl Tbe,count was l·and-2 on Stargell when Alan Foster lried to break off a curve to the Plt!Alburgh •JUiger, &om! The 1aliot, his 18th this season, Dodger Slate Aut. ' Oodffrt VII Plttlbul"I~ ~1111. 1 Doc191ra n Pllhburafl Aut. I Ooc19<1ra "' Cl'!luti:i A11t1. ' Poclloers 'n Olbto ""9, 10 Dodlltrt vs Chl<- A1111. 11 ~ n St. Uul1 ~Ill-12 ~r1 "' St. l.IMll1 1:55 ,.m. ICFI fMOI. 7:5.S p,m , l{FI f...01 'l':il1>.m. KFI (6'01 1:55 p.m, KFI 1,...1 tZ:S5 p.m. ICFI ('*II Jp.m, Kfl CMCll 1:55P.l'l'l. KFI (Ml) bounced off the right field pavilion roof and landed out.side Doo.ger Stadium, the first time a home run has cleared the bleachers since the plact opened in 1962. "I wam't thinking of a home run," Stargell said. "I was just lrying to keep from over-swinging." Stargell's fllO.foot blow snapped a S-3 tie In the top of the seventh. "Distance doean't exclle me that much," the 28-year-old batting star ad· milted. "It's a thrill just to hit home runs." It wasn't the first Ume the hefty slug. ger sent a baseball out of a stadium. He dld It three times in Pittsburgh's Forbes Field, the most recent clearing a five.foot wall in right center field. The Dodgers and Pirates rwune their three-game series ton1ght with L~e Walker, 1·1, hurling for Pittsburgh wi Don Sutton, U.11, takes the rnmmd for Los Angele>. In 1965, StargeU hit three home runs in a game at Dodger stadium, then doubled off the grandstand 118lllng in his foorth appearance. He duplicated that feat, in- cluding the double off the railing, .last year in Qllcago. · TUesdaY's blast wasn't.even the lqest ball he's hit this year. He hit one against Tom Seaver of the New York Mets in PiU.burgh thet traveled about 500 feet. ~ITTStUJtOH lOS ANOllM •• r ltrM •rltrtlol M.Alou,cf 523GWllli.11 11111 HltbMr, lb 3 1 a O W.Oflvl1. d 4 o l I $1•1'V911, 11 j l 1 1 G•br!Qon, rf 4 1 II 0 CltmtnM. rt 4 2 2 1 KOICo, If 4 1 1 l R,D.lvls, rf O I 11 O Hiller, c 4 O O O A.O!lv1r, 1111' 4 1 2 1 Suclak1J, Jll 4 0 1 0 l!i1nvullt.11, .c J 2 s 2 Hvtlon. lb • t 1 o A!ley,u s•11St1ftTlllrt,7bJltO M11-kl, ib J 1 1 2 DryJdolt, p 1 I 0 0 ai.u. p J I 2 o Cr1wton1, p11 1 o o • •e111t1r, p 0 D I 0 Gr1b.lrtcwlb,, Ill 1 t t o Mlllkel•el'I. p 1· I 0 0 T~ls ~lllSI Tmb UJ7) Pltht\lf'VPI 011 001 107 -11 LOS Ar9!iei ooa OOl ooa -J !: -Wllll. Hvtton, KMCO, DP -Pltbburgll t, U. Mqelei I. LOii -Plllsbl/OVh 7, lat AnllelH 4. ti -.f.. Ollv«. Hll -Sl"9Ulllt!I U ), "l(OJCo (1'), sr1rven Ill! • .\Ur.n1$11;1 IJJ. s -HeOntr 2. 11" H I. El. II JO llllv !W,l!.JJ ' 1 3 l I J Or'!Sdal9 6 I I 2 l 2 FCllll'r {l..J-1f 1 I 1 1 I 2 Mlk~els.,. I 6 7 4 t I HI~ -bf OryMSelc (4. on...-1. l"I -IWJler. 'fl""' -1;11. Alt.....S.nc:e -22,60(,. BEANED PLAYER CLINGS TO LIFE ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) - A minor league ba~ball player, whose skull was fractured by a pitched ball Sunday night, was reported in se rious condition today but holding his own al Rochester GenetaJ Hospital. A h05Pltal spokesman said· t.arenzo "'Chico" Fernandez, player-coach of the ~ester Red Wings of the International League, suffered brain damage and has nmalned unconscious since be was hit. He was struck In the filth inning of a game bet;ween Rochester and the Tidl!:w1terTidei by a rast. ban thrown by Larry Bearuartb. Tidewater Lt a triple A fann club of the National League's New York Mets. Both Fenandei, l>, and Beamartb have pla~ed IOI' the Mets. Two Old Masters .. . New Wawngton Redskin coach Vince Lombardi helps his 'quarterback, Sonny Jurgensen, get Sttap- ped into the Exer-genie weigbt·training machine at the ·Skins/ summer training camp at Carll.sl~, Pi~· . JA.lnbanli left the Gr,een Bay · ~ackers to attempt 16 begm a new dynasty at Washington. He got off to a good st.art last ~nd by winning bis first game ..,. a 13-7 dectsloo.<>ver Chicago. Coµntian .Becomes.· .world's Best • • • Bad J'all~ Pidii't Deter It's that little bit of extra determina- tion, combided with raw talent and desire -tbat--$eparates the champion ~ the rest ot1he athletes. Take, for e1ample, the case of 'Bobert Webster. While competing in the platform dive for Santa Ana High School be pancaked onto the surface of the water during Olle of his perfonnances. Yet he shook off the painful uperiecce, scurried back up the tower and ·took another div'!, as old pal . Ray Reyes recalls it. A few months later Webster was trying his skills in the pool at San Francisco's Fleischacker Park. But this pool was 14 feet deep, compared with the 17 feet be was accustomed to. Result: A few broken teeth, lacerations llld bruises. But Webster was undaunted. Within a couple of yeat1 he was to make the 1960 United States Olympic team and . Subsequently win the gold medaJ at Rome. Four years later he sue· cessfully defended his title at the Tokyo Olympiad. Then, having matched his Instructor's Olympic feats, Webster retired· from competition 41nd is now coaching future Olympic hopefuJs at Pr, i P c e t G D Univtrsity. This summer the protege of J>r .. Sam· my Lee is offering his services as diving instructor at Me$S Verde Country Club in Cmta Mesa, where old amigo Reyes heads the auuaUcs program. Webster h83 nO regrets about having given up compeUtive diving. "It's really sort of a relief," he tells. "Competition is a great strain." • He had some apprehension,, about how " he'd react to playing the .role of coach in- stead of performer during competitions. But the 1witch. was as smooth as his dlvfs used to be and now he's totally engroosed.ln leaching the sport. "l still get tensed ·up inside when my kid! are in a meet." bl!: admits. His foremost pupil ls: David Bush, who's working out at Mesa Verde this summer. David ls the brother of 196-1 Olympic women 's platfonn gold medalist •LINflil WNITI ... ""'''' ........... "' WHITE WASH -··················· Lesli@ Bush and ls bound for the University of Wisconsin thi3 fall. Webster believes he bas definite Plym· pie potentiaL Bob tells the difference of being in his first and serond Olympics, "The first time the big thing was .making the team. But the next time around that wasn't enough ••• I knew l had to win, too. "To me, a defending champion who can be JUCCelS/ul means , •· lot because the nm time he could 6ave been lucky. Being lucky twice 11 highly remote, however." Webster originally was a gymna.rt at the Santa Ana YMCA. But because Santa Ana High did not have a gymnastics team, he con\."erled to diving. One. day Dr. Lee watched him dive, wa1 im- pr<Soed, and took Bob under his wing. Dr .. Lee didn't havt a pool at the Ume, but still erected a board in h!S ba& yit.rd so young Webster . could work on fWI• damentals of timin&, step, etc. Hls work and · paUence paid off, handsomely. The SO.year-old Webster-now the father of daughters aged 5 and 2 - recalls two Olympic experiences. . At Rome be won by three·tenths of a point after thinking he. pla~ fourth, due t.o hls nervous sister's poirit. miscalcuta. tlon in the stand!. The scoreboard broke down and BOb's true fate was not reveaJ.. ed fOr seve-ral agolilZhig moment.s • At the 196.J pre-Olympics_ in Japan be lost the pool In the blinding reflection from ibe nearly oil glau building and recalls that he hit the water like a fiat atone skipping an the surface. The experience st.ill played on bis mind when be returned a year later for the Olym~lcs. "I guess I woodered If it might happen again," he points out. Bu t that's all part or the past. Now Bob Webster dwells on the immediate future -which comes U,P ncxt'Week ·in Louisville where five of his divers will vie in the National AAU outdoor championships. Rig Predic!S_ 54 for Reggie . OAKLAND (AP) -when he manageCI the California Angels, BID J!lgney us«! to hate to see Reggie Jackaon come to bat far ' the Oakland Athletics. NOW as just a baseball fan, he enjoys it. Wilkens Surprised ~t Offer Rlg!lej, fired earlier this seaion as Angels• 'manager, lives" In the Oaklan(f auburb of Alamo wben he's not fishing or playing golf, he watches the Athletics. SBAmE, Wash . (AP) -Playmaklng Lenny W11kens was named player~c:ll or the Seattle Sonics or the National Basketball Aswciation Tuesday. With the retirement of Boston's Bill Russell, the elevation makes Wiikens the onlY black athlete ln the demanding dual role and one of only two Negroes ln tbe n31inn heading a major professional team. Sonics general manfger Dick Vertlieb said. WUkens will rect ve "two salarieJ, •• Wllktnl' salary Is believed to exceed $71);"000 ror the dual dutieJ, Wilkens sald the coaching offu was a "bti aurprlle." Wilkens said he wanted anoUttr Sonic b1llplayer, Tom Meschuy, to be hll a11~stant, but. said fl.teschery "hasn'f ac- cepted anything yet" \VUkena 11uceeed1 Al Bianchi, who resigned July 11 after two year1 wilh ~attle. VerUleb said he began con· sldering Wilkens ror the job "The day Al Blaochl re.signed," but didn't discuss the post with Wilkens until he conaulted with Sonlcs' president Sam Schulman. Vertlieb aaid he ofrered Wilkens a multi·year contract, but Wllkena wanted a one-year agreement. .. That's. beCause Lenny wanll 1 bigger contract after he has a succe¢Ul year, .. Verllieb said. ''That'• what is tnown as a positive approach." Wilkens lll4 be will not change S..t· Ue'1 oyatem much from that ia\llhl by Biancbl. but said t>e had .. .some delinite Ideas about tbe game." Willtens1 known for hit "cool" under ' lltrtal, has been ejected trom ·onty omr game in nlne years ln the NBA. ".And that was from the bench, after I'd aJreally fouled out," he aald. 'lltat ls in sharp 'contrast with Bl11nc'N'1 ncord-aboot 40 e)ectioOI in tile past two seasons. Lin Wllk1n1 He predlcta_ that the A's slugger, who has 41 ° homers, will' end up with 54 homer&., far short of Roger Matis' record ·of et. .. "I'm just grabbing at the sky," RJgney aays. 1'J'd h"ke to see hJm break IL tt'd be great. He'll .never bavl!: a better o~ portunlt y." "But U".lngs are bound to get tougher on him. lt looks like they are going to go around him any Uml!i he bas a chance to hw1 them.'' J.cltson walked seven Ume, ln a dooblebeader-Jut Sunday. The Oilland slugger has Improved at the. plate llnce Rl_gney watched him from the Angeli' dUfout. · "Reggtl!: doesn't chaee as many bad balls as he utl!id to," Rtgney remarked. "When he gets hi• pitch now, he dot81\'l m1ss It. His heart doesn't come off It. Now, he'• toUd at the plate -all ooe piece." ' -------·-· ~~-~---..... ....,...,,, w~~ ...... t~-:.c::l"'~''-------·-~_.L_v_P_I~_T_...J~z~ ¥ anks Lead Germans; J. i., ... . ~ ' Ha3sle With AAU·Ends ' ' 'It ' I • I AUGSBURG Qermany (~Pl -Bill TOomey of LoCUiia ·Beach, .held a 231· point lead .ov• Welt German' world ieconl l>old,. Kurt Btftd1ID ofter the Ont day ol decathJ?n action, lier<. Toomey toot three ~ five l!:Vent.t In 'I\J.esday competition but faces Bendlln'1 fleld event power ~ ln the javelln and discus. Amerkao ...., are ijeadtnj • their Ge-n coun16paJ-ts. 14'43, while U.S. womeil trail, '4-39. AppareaUy lbe hassle between aWetes and the MU bu been reaolved ofter tlnata oi boy<:o!Ung tilts meet and • splkefest tn London "nut ftek UP1esa performers' demands WttO Pl~ The rew athletes remaining In the lob- bies werf; still dJ!JCUS!Jng the un· precedented acilon by the American men that Utteatened a boycott of next week 's meet 1n L<>ndon. Gary Powers, one of the key men In Tuesday's controversy, described hia: 14 flat timing Jn the JIO meter hurdles as •'something short of remarkable." He was runner-up to Leon Coleman, wbo clocked 13. 7. ''I lost so much adrenalin because of the controversy that I couldn'.t get up far the race," he: said . Power confirmed that the MU hu agreed to reimburae his travel ezpen!ea. American male athletes threatened a u100 ~t no-show'' at the 'London meet if the AAU refll!ed to rtpay Power'• ~ trip travel costs from the United Stat~ to Europe. "They will pay my ei:pensea from Miami to Stuttgart and my return flight to Los Angeles ," he said. "They have also agreed to reimburse my track club for the plane fare from Los Angeles to MlamJ.'' Power, a member of the Los Angeles Slrlders, ran in a meet in Mlami before flying to Europe. He was added to ~ American athletes wben gold medal win· ner Willie Davenport did not aaipt an invitation to jolft the team. Power, a Los Angeles high school science teacher, said, "1 have been labet.. ed. a rabbl e rouser for getting what's com~ Ing to me, 11 he said. · Power added he discussed travel et• penses with MU olflclals three llmea during Ule current tour, but, be 1aid,.&ht'1 . refused to consider hil request prior to. Tuelday's boycott threat. Power said that if professional track ~peUUon begins lhll winter he will be the first to sign up .. "I have had it wltb amateur athletics." be aaJd. Barbara Ferrell, Amertea'1 • prejiier , woman sprinter, decllned to dllcus( the protest move because women team.-mezn.. bers Wert: not present at the meeting. "I've only heard blta and pieces from lhe dlscuaslon, h\,lt I thfnt Jt'a a step forward in the right direction," she BaJd. The athlete$ said they would 4bdicate · 100 percent from the London compeUUoo -a complete no-show -U Bob Beamon, the ~orld record holder and Olympic • •• . ' clwnploc In the ,long Jump' wu not ano.- ed to return to the United' Slate< by Tburaday for personal em er 8 ency .-..-. Be8mon11 reque:at WU' lilbsequenUy granted. · In addition, the 1thletes asked for, ID1<llll other lhlnp, better planning !er t.be teams competing overseas; a voice in the selectlon of"team coaches ; a ralae or the S2 daily allowance to $10, and a com- plete redefinition of the word amateur. Dan Ferrit, AAU repre!enlative to the lntemaUooal Amateur Athletic Federa- Uon said, he believed the statement was "stimulated by people at borne fighting the MU." He !13.id some people at home resent the AAU because it ii given too much credit far amateur sport!. He '3iti some a~es resented the housing condiUon> In both Stuttgart and iq_ Ausburg "and this rolled up Into a big snowball." *· l"llo!Mter will!, 1, ~1lnf, U.S., 4<1:07.4.· ~. Ner..,...ldl, G.nnlfll', 4"1:.U • l.-Dool.,., U.S., .. :"5.e. 4. Mu.lttr, Gerll'li!IY, M:5'. Wotn.f'I'\ 100, 1. FILl'rell, u.s.1 n .s. 2L=. u .1. 11.S. l. HHhnlo, O..-meny, I .t . 4. JI mci. Genntny, 11.t. 1oo; __ t,_eior1111, u.s.1 10.1. 2. GrM11.-u.s,, II"• Wvc:tuurur, G«!Mnr. OA 4, Mt-rr. GtnNrrt. .4 IOCI: 1, l.ulln, U.$ .• 1:46.f, t. Ml .... Glnn9rrY, 1:41.J, a. Frltlll, GettMflY, :O'.l. ., S.rdl:on. u.a... 1:0-.t. W--. IDQ: '• llottrl'lwHer. Gunrle,.y, 2:os.L '' SNJer, lJ.:S.l 2:0l.u. :S. 'trlc:ldlrs. Germlny, 2:N.6. 4, ,_rnr. u; .. 2:1:1.1. a : 1, Ewiw, u.s .. 45.4. t, TYl'ntr. u.s,._~_c2,_I. Jt~..n.111. Gffl'M/l'f', 46..S. '· 11.-.,., ....,,.....,., Halos Dump~ Yankee StadiumRe-r;un ' ' - Stymies May, Angels . l>{EW YORK (AP) -Turn bact the clock to May 15 of thla year. The California Angels are playing tbe New York Yankees in Yankee Stadium. Rudy May is on the mound for the Callfarnian!ll in the first game of a road trip. May allows only one hit through the first eight innings but his teammates can collect only three against Fritz Peterson. The Angels tumble 2-1 wben 'N!<W'York comes up with tYf'O in the bbttom of {be nlnth on a Bobby'Murcer double. What's so important a}>ot3,Jhat tame? Welf, It ""' the first IOia of • 10-game . Angel Slate All, ' A-1t 11111W YDftl ll:JJ u.m, l(MI"( t7lt) .f.yg. I Ano<tll 11 ae111ton 4,25 11-lft. KMPC 171G) Avg. f ""9111 1t ... ton 10tSI 1,rn. KMPC f11tl' losing streak that culminated May 27 when Manager Bill Rigney, the oruy field boss the Angels bad ever known, wu fired. Tuesday's 3-t California loss to the Yanked' here is 8trangety.rert\ln1scent of that earlier game. It, too, was the first aame ,of the road trip and May, a!ter 11 can.secuUve relil!:f~ roles, was back as thl!i starting pitcber. And agaiR he pitched a near gem. He didn't allow an out to be made ln the outfield for the first six lnnin&s and (ALlrGt.Hl.t. HIW YOJtlt 11r11tM olllrlllrtll AIDl'Mr, :Ito 4 t 1 0 C11rt;1, i& 4 O 2 SptllCtf', 111 4 o 1 o Woo1A. d J '~ O JOlllUhlM, er 4 l 1 0 Wlllte. If I I f r900tl, M 4 t ' 0 ~-... 11:1 4 I Vou. ,, • • • • ,erJl",..L ' I 1 lilf!IOl. II' 4 1 t t W.ll:ob"'-• rl I 0 A.ltDdrllJWL a 4 t I 0 Mllt'Uf'. rf 2 I AttiJU, cc J I t I Mlc.'tlHI, » J t ll.M•YI p t 0 I t c;o., a f' t IC.t.._. ' 1 I t t IC~, Jll 1 I Wr11111. t • • • • &lltl'lllnyN, ' J 1 ,.HAii, Jlfl I t Mc:O~ltl. II 0 • T011ls ~ 2 I I Tltill It 6 y.,. tlll wflwl •lflrllnt rvn Morfd. Q lllon'lll 010 tol 000 -1 ..... v-. ... .. 1111 -E -Ptpllo!M. OP -Clll~la 2. HIW 'totlr; 1. LOI -Galllorl\111 7, New Yttlr; .. " -c~r-.. Hiii --M~ 00. SI" -Anw. -.. --Iii' Ml ll II IO '-:M•• 6 1/3 s •• t • lt.Tlhlrll 1·111 t I J 2 I Wflllhl tL,1-'1 I t I 1 I 0 &totlllll\¥1'1 I • 2 1 ' I MCOtlinlll cw.•-¥1 ' " ~ , o t Timi -l t17, Attllllh11a1 -..... all<!r surrendering> a bit In the f1nt, retired seven straight unUJ opposing pitcher MeJ Stottletnyre got a base hit. But coincidence o f coincidences. Murcer hammered a pitch by reliever Clyde Wright into Ute right field bleachers in thl!i bottom of the ninth and. with two men scoring ahead , of hlm. Mureer bad again cheated May. • "Soml!i funny things have happened to us here," 1ald Lefty Phillips a!ter the game. "The kid sure pitched a wonderful game. It'• too bad," Tom Murphy; 6-10, was to face Peterson, 10:.12, in an afternoon game to- •day. , .. .. Suicide Leap Goes Unnoticed At Oriole~ Tilt BALTIMORE CAP) -~Uve1 Iden· !Wed Wedne.!day 1 youeg man who plunged to his death from· the upper deck of Memorial Stadium an hour before tbe atart of · rue.day night's Baltlmore- Kansu City baseball game. The city morgue said lhe victim wu ldenlllled u G<orge J. Slrlmek, Z4, by. sister. Polire aald Siu'.-jumped 110 feet to hta death. Two officen tried moull>-to-mouth rf:SU5CitaUon and closeckbett heart m1ssagl!i but he was dead on arrival at Union Memorial Hospital. Only a handful ol lhe 25,900 f1na al the American League carne AW,, tbe youn1 man climb onto a concret.e retalniQft wal five feet. high 1t Ute 1 welt lkle of tbe ·lll::.!hnn An uther told pollce the man climbed up. looked do\''n, looked back 1t the tclior, then jumpecl:---- A'/I unidentifled woman and her aon e::caped· injury when the vlcUm't falllng shoes warned them ol lhe approachln& body, poJJce Nid. L ------~' --~----"---11 __ ___.i ___ ~ _ ___L_l __; ~· l . :~ ---~ ...... __ DAl\.Y '1lOT _ _,,,.,.__ .· ' • ' - V allety DiscOvers H~ppiness ·Coaching Kids .. ' BJ lWIL GUSTKEY Can a JG.)UM>ld athlete wbo plays for the nation's best oolteglate ~eball team l\nd 11Usfaction pl.ayU\g with 10.. tho -b • ple11•al lnl<rludo prior to ii hoop campolcn lhot figlnl to be ·111e mOll compet!Uve for Ua.A la yoan. next SprlDf'I pro buketbaU draft. Is ~ loiloo!ing the proirpo ol the four Bnllao' who btve tried their lwMl at pro boll. ... year.olds! "Yeah. it's really a kit of fun,'' la.YI .;'"Ill Balboa Island's John Vallely, wi)o is Without the llW ol Lew Alclnd«, Lynn Shlckleloril, Ken Heils and Bill 6-t, UCLA wW be ~ tq l\>lb R four .,._.,..u,. Pad!IN d>a\nplamhipg.. Alcindcw, ol c:oune~ beanie an lmt&nl rnlllloaalR wbeo be aigned " I t b MllwlUkeL 11"1 Hells,. allo drafted by lbe BucU, wu cut clw1ni rookie 1ry..,1s ,_n11y. Swoek lits -offered o coo-tract by the Pboenlx Sum bot may akJp tho NBA for the European leaiues, Valle- IJ' repor1&. • 1peoding his summtt worklng at ~ Oran&• Coast YMCA. '"T "Aetually, I don't play that ' much Conference observen can 'l 1 e ~ m t.o make up the.ir mlMI wbetber to favor UCLA·, Cal or 0......, State,lar 18-'19. basltelb&ll. I supervise buebaII, football, hikes. trips to the roller ·~ rink and -:-_ crafts." For Vallely, wbo11 be the llOly return- ing sen!« oo nei:l seuan's Bruin varsity, "l tblnlc the coo(-wW be lbe toulhest ever,'' Vallely 11)'1. •• "Oregon State ..w reall1 be leolllli ml IO will Cat" SbtckJeford bas _..mly made tho v11<1e wtth the s.. Dteao Rocketa. .-.· 'I,, • ... , ·. ' .. Vollely, "~ IJiurea to be ,.ltd«! ill Altboogb be figlnl to be playing !or Berg's Knee. Mends, Carlson Injures His By RON EVANS Of ... o.l'r NII Sid' . ,,,. ...... out of the South., foolbeD camp ·at Santa Ana High School Tuesday ovening was good and bad. <lependhlg on which side of the fence )'Oii'!< ... From t<>adl Tom Baldwin'• . ROilll of view, the lood ..... wu the apparent t o l a I r.....rr ol • lli«)>t -ln-ll"l' .. wingbad Darryl e..g ~t bad the coach lmlinl for Rveral days.. '!be CIF pla)'Or ol the year frcm Westm.instu had injw-ed u.e. mee -®ct«s ctD tt a ~-last week and bas been brougbl back to lull speed gradually b y Baldwin. TUealay, i!aldwln-called him "100 percent. healthy." Tbe pi<ct ci intelliience that Baklwiii regretted poaslng aJoo& .... another -Injury -lhts 0ne to Darryl Carbon ci El Modena. who ls cbartod to fAJ1 at rover back on deUrue for the Aug. II North- South classic: aod at wingbllcl< behind Berl .. offense. An alI-lequer In three lporlS at El Modena, Carbon, a $<1, !~or. j>mmod the knee maldDg I tackle bot Baldwin doeso't ezpect him to be slowed d""" for lq. Baldwin &till plans a f.U. scale scrimma1eon 'l1u.q'lday, the · last the Soulh wW b>ve before kickoff. He Indicated the club 1l'Olild be "pollahln( up aome areas" tn um evm-infl'• workout. ,,,. coacl! r.port..t that ht bas manned all 22 poelUoal and that remaining wcrkaut sessions won't be devoted toword f!lldlni starten bul strictly for a<Wnl them ructY to play. Tbe one wuk link In'~ ireparatlons ts COOllrucllng a wall of protection f« bls passer Tony Bonwell of Huo- llniton lleacb. "-We'd like to perfect that.,'• be said. "U we can live Bmwell good protttUon ... 'll be really tough to ~e. But it needs a lot of work. Our quart.erblcb are throwing the ball well hi workwtl and our recdvtn are eatcl!ing It bot too ....,. defensive people are gettin& to the quarterback. ••t'm not 11ire whether thlt means our defensive line is jllll doln& a sensational jab a< whether our offemjve llnemen .... lallhlg clown bul tho !act .remains we'Ve iot too many defensive people In our GI· fmslve bactDeld." Nocth QB Hobbled By Injury N Drm Ke pn er, l h e quarterl>ack Nortl! coach Dave Gibbs hopes ..W supply ....,. Nllllin.g punch to his o[fense for the Aug. 14 NIJl'tb.South Orange Cow!lJ prop fociboll money tWs Ume next year, Va11ely 51.YI it's the furthest thin& from bis mind oow. "I'm really ooly tblnlclng abwt this ....,. becausa 111 cloa1 plq well Ju. seuon the J1fG1 wouldn't even be in- -Tbe llOly th1na I'm tblnlclng about ta UCLA ud I thlnt we can ~ .- lourlb straight despite bow tough "Ille conference wU I be." Vallely will be the seolor member ol a taientod V""P thal Includes Sldoey Wkks and CUrtls Bowe on the front line wilb center SleVe Pattenoo. lo lbe backamt. Vollely ..W team wtth 1r01b oensa1ioa Henry Blbey, who avtrq<d ~per ""Ung with the Brubabe1 Wt &eaiOn. Also back la Terry Schofield and rod· ohirtm Rick Betcbley and Ken Booker. Another guard caodkt•te la Andy HUI, up from the frosb. Flrst lhey copped !he prestigious Cormia de! AJar State Beach Open crown and SUnday they won a similar e v e n t at Laguna Beach • To """"" hlmaell ph:11l••or , ... his final yeu ol college b8!ketbal , Vallely has engaged in occasional pickup games at Orqe Coast College and plenty or beocb volleyball. Vallely, the player who saved UCLA 's- bacon against Oiake in the NCAA 's semifinals last March with a %9 point ef. tort, figures to come Into hi& own next season. lo fact. Vallely and teammate Ron Ven Haaen ol Santa Monica haave won two tournamm cbampionsbipa r e c e n t 1 y , "Without Le'* next year, ~'e'll have to open up our game quilt: a bit and that means Vallely should have a good year because I.bat's his kind of game," reveals =istanl coach Gary Cunningham. At OCIR Maas Will Duel HunUngton Beach drag rae- lng driver Butch Maas has drawn a rugged first round assignment in Saturday's. An- niversary Rac:e or Winners at Orange County International 13th Win Recorded Wilson Ford unleashed a furious second half rally ~fon­ dly n~t but it fell short and Woody s Wharf won the Costa Mea Open League basket. ball match, U0-100, at Orange CoU C.Uege. Willon, tnlllng 48-33 al half- time. scored 17 points in the second ball but' couldn't quite close the gap, mainly because of poor free throw shooting. T h e victory clinched t h e league's championship for Woody's with one game left to • play. Woody's is unbeaten at 13-<> while lj'ilson sports a 11). 3, good for Second plac:e. WOOOY'S WIUollll 11'1J l'G l'T f'I' ti' .... 16?)') W.-lS J l l5 llllcift, I I 8 2 ~ 1 I l 15 KIN 22>' Ko!W1"9 6 10 2 n ~•.,mo·hr,.~r <1 1 I to Tot•ll Cl ?i 1~ 11 ~ WILION 11011.D !IHI W!H ,¥_ ........... .. _ , ........ CriHt1 .. ._ -T.tall ... --m 5 I 7 11 ' 0 1 11 • • 2 • ' ' l lJ 1 • • • 7 I I 5 ' • 1 " • 1 • ,, 46 I 70 1CG Kiln: w.y. .... Wil- Raceway. Maas will meet two-time world champion Benny Osbo rn in the first round of the $9,000 event. Pre-entries were closed lt1on- day for the showdown, wlticlt will have winners in lop fuel, funny car, fuel altered and gas supercharged races throughout the past year seed· <:<!. Osborn, an Oklahoman , gain· ed the No. 1 spot last Augu.~t when he defeated Tom McEwen of Long Beach in a $14,000 winner·lake·all matclt raCf . lt1aas won the A1arch of Dimes Race at OCIR June 14 to become 1the eighth top fu el winner of lhe year. But because of the death of driver John ltiartin and the absence ol Tom McEv;en and Don Prudhome who a r e fulfilling east e r n com· millmenls, Maas has been moved up to the number five spot opposite Osbom. Berths unoccupied by v.·inners 9.ill be filled by Saturday's low qualifiers. Another prime candidate for honors Saturday is Larry Dix- on of Reseda, l\'ho won the Hot Roq fi.1agazine championship at Riverside and the U.S. Pro Dragster title in 1969. Over 50 drivers are entered in the four featured c!as~s. Qualifying for open berths will begin at 2 p.m. with racing beginning at 8. Racing karts will b e spotlighted Sunday. o v e r OCIR"s 1.4-mile paved road racing circuit. dassic, isft't rean-utnc .U DA!l.Y f'R#r _.. ,_. quickly as apected fnm a rib lnjucy. ~~~ IYTM'SCDONbE -John Vallely, a SlllJlmt!r athletic supervi3or at the Orange Kepner took a bani jolt to ~· A, s ows (left to right) Scott Mathis, 7: David Coats, 8. and Carl the rib& In the North's Salur· Srruth, 7, how he bandies a basketball Folowing his summer job Vallely re- day scrimmage and still can't turns to UCf...\ for his senior season. ' throw the ball wllh 1utherity. ----------------------------! ''We're not wonifd about Norm piaytn&, it's jllll that he can1 tbrvW nonnally yet. SOUTH WORIOiORSE -~is a ball carrier who will1ie lhe lllr&el of lhe N9rlh's defense in the Aug. 14 North-South counfy all-star prep football game at Orao_ge Coast College. A devastating runner, Darryl Berg earned the covllled.ClF player of the year award at Westmnister High last season. He's a wingback. --.. thelf thlnl• take longer than expeded to heal llDd wbetber or not he11 be able to pu:! by gametimt J jll!t doft't know ." Gibbs said be wasn't coun- ting lleyWay "' much pauing help lrom Kepner. Re rates both Andy Biela.nskl ol Savan- nah and Dave RoberUon of Garden G~e as better Mexico to Face Champ s Sayers Passes Test Wi~ 69-yard Gallop NEW YORK (APt -Gole Soym. the most -Ung run- ning back In pro football. has passed his ·fim le!l ift a .cunlt'- back rram the knee injury that lmock..t him out of. a<tion last Nov. 10. S.yt:n returned to the 'l1tVS Sa!Unloy nlgbt in WashlnglOI! UDde' the most adverse ftalber cmditlom pmlble. Although the ,,,_ of IS •• .... wooderiDg il Ibey OlUld posslblJ play the -there was no delay. ~ detp lO tab the opa:liDc ticltoff WU Sayers, ready to rid< his a..... to prove Ill -·1d come bodt. ,-• '!be tlckoll fOlllht Its ..-ay throogll the delugt 10 the Be:.aB' I wbett: $ayeri was 1'althlg. lo .. inltanl tbe water<oo1td crowd W1'5 l'Ollr· lng. Up the field came Sa>'e1'8. &Ii= p&9l the Wasblngtoo Oe1 I and rad~ all the "1 to the goal lint_ Few .. allud ht had been forad ouL al bounm on the U. a dmliqf O.)'Vd n.m.. 5-> dido'\ play Ill of· ftn11, CDQ(inll\I bis Id.ion to --Loter in the pmo. be ~ llP 14 more yards 111 aldckdf nmbock. "'..-.,_a J&Ns. "faever badmtfdoul>U a.t..n my taet ... Aid SQ!ln. "l1!<y .... ...i lo bold ...... 111itn the wuther got bed bot I noted to pi.y, I -I'm l rudy. I Wm !WI Stqmby Dil!>l In llllami" Saye.rs •·as injured in the San FtaDdsco game last Nov. JO and undenRDt surgery the nmo nlghl '!be -came off 'bil knee Dec. II. lo two -a ... bod sUrtocl to '&'Ork. "I sptAl m&Jl1 mMllls nllullding .., -" ht said. •[ sla!Ud ~GUI JUL ~ Nl)lling and lilting wolibU- I'd rwi about two miles a &y. Then rd go to the am and ruo a <XlllpJe of mort mileL" Was there ever any doubt about lbe knee! "N.-er, !c< .one momenl.~ ht said. "From "8 n!Pt I bod D1Y operalioo I !lad Rt my mlnd oo the rood baS. II was jusl a mall« ol -1 mo,, ...., people tdl mo that-olber players have a mental pro- blem alttr a -iJUury, nol mo. "I worted hml and I alroaclY have prov<d to my>elf that I can Im wllh It and be just .. lood .. ""'· ,,,. bl& th!na. r1Ch1 from 1he lllarl. was to c.t In tho rtpl ,,...,. ol mlod..'' Jtm Dooley. tho Boan' beod cooch, qreos wllh 8.t3<n. He had ... ptannod to .... him. e1ttpt oa k.lc:knrrs., tV'!'ft H U'lt trtatht:r bad bes perfect IU: Satunlo)'. "Cale is 100 percent." Wd Dooley. "He is rud'y to eo." ,....... The North t"CmCentrated on oil-TUetdaJ evening •• ~ IDcb but fc>Jnd time for tho inllallatloo of Its pl.line -oometbing the -mal;m ""1 the Norlh wilt nee'1 for the gaine. scheduled for Orange Coast College. Today, Gibbs said his club would wort on tts sprint-oot pt!llng game and a full·gpetd defebltve ~ WU allo ~ h tbe Norlh naey te play~ "We -1d )li<Y today il we bad to bul rm aJad ... ba .. four or fIWI practices left. We still dnn 'I bavo our kicking ·-..... pat," the cold> respcnded. Fish Report A-.llng 50Ull>Jand •>tear -the lnternaUonal .... ctr cmtest slated Saturdly it the Memortal eou..um, ...id bring t.be largest soccer crowd since Pele's first Los Angeles appearance in 1J67 -31,2Z9 , .... World' Socttr Club Cl!am- pioa, Estudiantes de La Plata from A1Jtn1ina is ad1eduJed to meet Club Necua of Medco with the kictolf set for 1:30 p.m. 'Ille visit of the world diam- plan bas ........i the enUre Ar....... co1.., in t b • llOU\blaod, u they never rs:· pe<tod that .their famous tum would oppur In Loo Angeles tbls yur. Club N<CUt ci Mexico CilJ is dauified as a giant ldllt.r. u it al'fQI stern to perform well, when it clasbts with foreign world class teams. Looting over tM ~tuica.m • lnlematianaJ pmes 1"eOIX'd. it shows that Necau tw up.wt ant of the best SOC'Ca' lwns fn>m all over lbt world. During the put three yean, It defeal>d m .. row Celtic s.t; Elntrad!t BIUl1P'ick I • 0 ; Milu GI t\o1Y !-Cl: FlamtnlO GI Brull 1-t ; Oultlro ol Brull 1-<t: while holding the Yugoolavls's champion Rod -to • u Uo; also the •Oltd famous Inta--Milan &o a M . In the last ....nl yean. Necua bu kliSt oaly two in- tematlooal pmes. and bolb a.pinst farmer world aoccer champk:m. In Its o n 1 y p~Tious .appeartna! in Los. Angeles. Santoo GI Brull with famous Ptle.. had a I~ lime ohblnin& I last minute. f-3 Yic• r' Wry over stubborn Necua. Ttn dlya Jal.er, Necua Jost its second int.emational game.. wbaJ it met CJqb Penarol of Uruguay at Azteca. Stadium. bowing in ano4ber close ooe. >- 2. This rear. Necua has traveled to Central America, 1iJring three games in Hc;io. duru. In Guatemala. the t.e.am won hro games defeaUn1 C I u b Xelaju fi> and Club Aurora 2· o. Coach MIJ!Uel Giiiie= of Necu.a 14·ill ptt!e.Dt a wdJ.. balanced tnm Of seven.1 M.nc.n lntemational .tars. aloog with thr'ft or fcu-sensa- tional 1tteDcan L e a I u e rookies. How They Stand NA TIO."iAL LEAGUE Eul Dlriii.Oll w .. Lost Pct. GB Chicago '9 41 .Q7 - New York 59 46 ..5Q 71.T i" SL Louis ~ 50 .s.41 9~ ~:: ' I Pittsburgh OS SI .st< 111\ .Philadelphia 43 64 .402 24~i Montreal S5 75 .311 31 Wesl Di\'biOI s. Francisco ti 41 .580 - CindnnaU 57 45 .59 1, Atlanla 61 SO .5$4 11 Loo Ang.Jes S7 lO ..W I """""' 57 u .U! 4 s.n Diero 3-t 75 .JU J7 T~l ...... ~~ II, l.tt A11t1itt I ~. L ... ,_ J, Siii Dltfot I C1fol:""'-rl .. ,, "'-"'"' iolt 01Qte .S • ....,.,,""' J s.11 fl!~ ..i. f'PlllHalllfllt N A!IMlll 1-4. '-'-1 N r ... ,... .. _ New Y-' llllU..._ ).JI 11 '"" ,._" f#oftTltl ,.., fl""' 411Mft /"lilt .. l"J 11 INo'ltrMI 1111.-:1 l~l. 1119'11 """ l<taflCIKe; ,,,,..,ldoll 1).1) ., ~If*~ 1,.0._ 1).1 11, .,.,.., ~ ,, ..... ,,. , ., •• "-* tMlllll'a"" MJ. lllfl'!• 11. Loht IC~ I,_.) 11 S-o .... (IC"'°' M l. "'""'' P'i"""1l'WI !9-lfll Ml '' ~ 411> '"'' {~ 11•111. """" ---JI l °"'lf f l $.tit 0"'" 11.allf '°~1¥1 111 Lot ~ ... MfM Orin-NITMI ~ltC You clid. You did. The Pu1tycat is a ~iahtJul MW oran~weet aour U..t m1aea up about u qukk u • uL This nttionaJ prize winnlQJ drink is made with a padretof "lriolant Puu,uiMI(' water a11d £arty T)meL Have 10me fun Wilh The p_,..l lti piaytul To td••t of 4-IO!-C Mo Puu~•l ,ta"" •nd 4 pedctts of lui.nt Puaa)'UtMia; ttnd 12.IS to: · l4aU' TIMU 'UlSYCAT CLAS1U '· 0. I OX an. MArl.I PU.IN. MIRNUOTA IUll 7 •. •. ' • > I ' ! ' I SHORTER CLUBS NEED SHORTER SWING , Don 't make the mistake of trying to take as full· ·a swing with YoUr short irons as you do with your . long irons. Clubs 1r1 of different lengths for a · ·specific reason, and you should let them do the job · .for which they were designed. . • The short irons, used on relatively close.in ap- proach shots,. are built for maximum control and accuracy. Becau se they 1r1 shorter in·length, they require a shorter batkswing. This will happen auto- matically. Don't force yourself into a long sWing with these "accuracy" clubs. The longer irons, though stilldesignedtoproduce ·straight shots, must ·also ptOYide. more distance. Therefore they are necessarily longer-and they ·require a longer swing. You may run into trouble if.· you don't make a full back.swing, say, with a 2-iron. let the length of your clubs determine the length of your backswing. That's the way to get tc)p results : from whichever. club you select to'use. I!\ ., "'' ~ -s,.... IRON OUT THOSE IRON SHOTS! Arnold '-lmer'1 booklet "Hittinc 1h• Irons" 1ivfl c.hampionihip tips to h9'p sharpen your irt1n-shot technique. Send 20$ end • stamped, rehJrn •nMlope to Alnold Pel mer, in tire of this newsp1per. Los Alamitos Entries p,..,....., ..... ...,....,....,..,.,,...., ......... I '1fllf We6MH1y, Alff. .. lt't---31111 OIY Clffr I 1'"111. """' '°'"'• p,41 PM OoMtlt tfl ttt & 1"" 111- 0.1111111 .. "" ll•c.t "llllST llACL «lO y1rd1. ) yo1r olds al'CI \IP I~ G.-II Plu1. PU•M Sl)OD .• Devk1'1 llrlw !lll lltY) 111 ttw J1nt CS..,11111 111 Flls!IY H-1 (M.ll:svcl1J lll GlllD"l''I I.ti"!' 11 • T1..,...y llOl'll IMo•,,SI 11l ttldr.lDr rH c....,v.,1 111 ~ll T-!AdllrJ 111 SOf"l1 l lu. ClilolMml 11J N-'• L..,., r111nl 111 lllCOMO IA(.11. QI ¥1'111. ) W'el• el<!. 1r.d IHI 11'1 GrU. ... Pl111. PurH 1.1900. Te1r 0..... Kid 111\cllerohl 120 SaD. Sim ll•r 1.-.0.frl 116 Dusi"!' lli<.k .. , l1' u 11 .. P1swm 1arlnUtvl 1 n Ml$i1 J.....,.le a.r CP'nel Ut Atll'Vhllc 1~111 116 J~1v1lor llhl!Mlm) IU l'e>:Y Noer9C !H Crwl:ly} UO Slleftl Gnlund (Clnklll l 17J Sltw.ra toy CW1hont 117 T'HlllD ll.ACll. C10 y1rd1. M.I~ , .,..,, aldl. Clllmlnt. P'llrM 51100 • c111m1n1 'rloa uooe. Doubt Dt(ll 1wr1t1111 no D!Clur-t'• lltrr Go ISml!hJ 111 Sunil11 ClllWn (ltlnlll no B1fMrt"1 .. , (SllPIJ t1 I EIKtl'k CNl"M CLIPMml na llrailn' A/11119: (WllWll 111 trim-Sire.le !Morrill 111 °""" 11111 Oni'f' 1weldt1 no Awt. RfCIUftl (Ill'"') 111 M• linctlor W1ldl f!WrO lU l"OUtlTM llACI'. Jft y.,rds. l _,., cl<h trld w. Allawtitl(.lll I clt imi,.,. P\lrte UM. Rttl 0.,_.. (Mlmi.i.l 11, Vl llml P'l'lMI {Cir-doll) 116 M.1~ 11 Now fll:1nllll 111 Ml 1"19: !H C"'*'I UJ M.a1!1e CMdl T.c f~l 111 ·~·1 R-1 (Mcrrlll 11' "1"1'1'11 !UICI". ut Yl rdlt. 1 vt•r elch 1nd 119' 111. G!'llde M l"lut bred it\ Cliff. ,,_ nlOCI. P'eltltllr 1Pf911 114 $"""" Mll'I 116 Vll'l!v Enetn !ClnloUI PIO"l'CICaltv. tLfl>hlmJ Dendy 8-r DHI (APOCIKll ~ P1l'1 C.ltd"!' IWJl-l L..,., B-.nl {$<Tlillll Rtoue11ed Chick (Ad1lrl SIXTH RACE. ~ yerds. ? elm.. ~II-nets. Pcrw '111111. 1n1111n a t.cult 111: l•'*•l Rotdium R9n Dall !Ri<Mrdl) KlPlr'I S-IWrithll T-T-f"f' l"tv. CL~m) """""" Dur DKblon !....,.ir) Mr.,,.,.,., (111111!'1') Moollll Rott~ !llrl!lkleYI S.rrt'Y ~ii (Clrdm•l RhoOll'I ll:ICIPll {W1l_sGllJ lEVliKTH RACE. VnSl!'fs Sr. (DU'1e -410 ••rcll. l .,.,., ""'' •rod ""'· Clllm!M. Purw snot. C:l1!ml"' Pl'"kl SZIO. The Tom H•""°"· Ned McM! (llllnl H11"' Jahn (Hll'l' ~ Pveblo (P111e) Ge Fla15ie GI flllNkl!l l uMr'• W1rrlcr IR l•Mll Sir W1r a.m (R~rds l G1!11!11 Vtlor IH Cro.bvl l"l llCY Willow fM<R.....-lch) EIGHTH llACE. lSO y1rd1. Cll"" Ind \IP In Grade AAA P'urw ncoo. The c1n1om11 Fe!ders A15CCl1!lcn. un11 TOVl!I lllrltlklPYl S1llal"1 CNrve fM-budl) D1Yld Je,.. cstniuu> llDflll -..Ce CSmllhl E"Q>e(lllloul Clh>hlml W1tcll Ell CH Cr•b\r) 11~1·1 ...... .....,, C.t.clillr) MIM Perr ll1r CP•Ml McGiii! Ol1rncnd (W!l'°"l Swet1~ h r Min (II l1'1ksl NINTH llACf:. :l.50 ytrdt. ) Y•U Oldt •"" u• In GrlClt A Mll'IUS. Pur• 51700. 111' Mell IH C:rc1b\I) 116 r-'JH T• PKO (l lll!'ll"IJ 111 Cael II 1111,.lcllJ 111 OU.st MOOl'I (Ml!wd•l 111 ~ $tr1ws 1w11sen1 1u toddy ~r Too (~111 Ul TllrH C1llt tRllnl 11• Lucky Jotle Gil {Str111lll llJ NKld15/MI (Mtlrl 112 Go Hl!fberf Go. CWll!O'J 11• Race Results TD .. Ry, A111. t, 1Hf 0.l'l'Ull I '"' .. llllT IACI. U1 y1rd1. M11'kll 2 Yeti( afd1. Cl1lmlntt. l"urM l llllt. NDbadY.1 ll1b"!' Pll'"TH ll.lCI!'. :lSO ¥1tdl. t Y•t r O'lds. Cll!mlM. P11rw S20CIO. Llrie P11Wr CMDhuoi1I 1 •• ).Ill 1.611 Mldlrn Cllu {Str1unl 11.*1 5.IO M"""'ln !CerdOUJ 4,20 Tl--11 iJlD No ICJ'1lld!a. • ICCC Golfers al Irvine Coast Country Ctub ended 11 six· month drought oC no holes-in· one witi] 11 bang Monday when Art OoUgherty and Bob Wi~ Ungton banged home aces. Club officials said Jt was the (]rst time In the history of ICCC that lwo aces had been scored on the same day. Dougherty slarled t h c fireworks when he used a 4- iron on the 195-yard 17lh hole to record the ninth ace of bis career. He's the low handicap player at Irvine Coast with a one-handicap. Wittington, a junior member of the club, aced the 176-yard sixlb hole with a 6-iron. It was bi5 first hole-in-0ne. ln loumament a c t I o n , Georse Holstein and Bob Forbes tea'med up to win a D.IJL V "I.OT J 9 Once Around Area 'Greem • Golfers End Drought Aces men's club partners better ball tourney Saturday with 1 60. In ladies day play, Mrs. Bob Smith woo the clus A IJU.it-0£ a blind nine test with a 38',i, Mrs. Paul Rite shot a 37 ror class B honors anct Mrs. Don Link's 381h topped the class C field. ' H11ntlngtoo Beach Mrs. Ruth Kennedy joined the hole-i~ parade by roll· ing in a 5-lron on the lfiO..yard ninth hole at Huntington Beach Country Club. lt was the first ace of her shoi't golf· inl career. In tournament play Sunday, the Jordan brolhers, Ray and Buck, won a partners best ball even~ edging three other tea,n which tied for second by two A with a Ill>. Secoad wu are parliclpatlng in the evenl. )n tllJJI It Audrl s-. had "'°'"·The Jord1111 had a sa. Martha Ciampa with a 3111\. Me•• Vertie the low grou with an 13. Bunched at IO were th• Jean, Cltlbt<lo lirod • II lo Calby WUb<lr •l!d Charity tea.ma ol Claude Ward and Ed win . flight B ovtt Joyce Michael TonU and Vern Tha.yer tied for low n;et.banor1 McBrlan, John Gardner Md Kaplan's 29~. EUM Sc::lpts Thomas teamed up to win a with 191. Doug Elltt, and Jetry Cheney won flight C with a 29~ while men's club partnera best ball Class C low lfON· boaon and Don ftenrlckson. Maxine Hoffman bad a Sl. ~ment al Mesa Verde wenL to Cu.ha Curl with 1n 89. • COWllry Club Saiurday with a Roseml\(Y f:rlclulqn nipped Co•t• Mesa San .loqul.• · Alberta 'Sunds'""11l0<1"" net Frank Bartoab fired a n to Bill Asher and Pat Wade 51 Knotted In a four-way tie for by one stroke wltb a It. nab low grou honors in a grabbed tbe first-week lead in second were the tea.nu ot Ted Green R'l1'et"' men's dub weekend tourna-Rancho San Joaquin's .senior Foth -Dave Rosenthal, Pearl ment at Co.ta Mesa Country tournament which r u n s Bible -Glenn E. Janes, Al Billy Easton at RMrlkle Club. through the next t h r e e Jones -Pearl Bible and Bob won the 10th annuli Trf.Coun... Dick Miller bad the lpw net weekends. Brans -Banks WaMamket ty Amateur tournament at with a 61, one alroke ahead of Asher had a mS M to take with 61.a. Green River with a 140. John Pacheco and W. an eigbt.gtroke lead over run· In women's cl,ub play, Betty Ende Ainslie of Santa Ana Waller. Tied for fourth with n<n1p Gf<rge Bridgeman in Briley Ibo! the low gross of 76 Coontry club finisl)ed !lllnl Jn 69s were ·Her..b Goldstein and the !"JG.SS age bracket. Jn the 55 In a two-day event to win class flight A, while clab leammate Benny Bennadicl and aver bracket, Wade fired A honors. Law net honors went Sam Copley was leC'Cn1 in 'I.be women's club held a a 66 to lead second-place Bill to Anita Appleton with a 62, flight C. Bill Baughman ot selective nine event with Vi Winter by three strokes. following by Bonnie Nuccio Costa Mesa Country Club Hoskino triumphing in Flight More than 40 aenior golfers '(66) and Calby Bransford (67). placed fifth in flight B. ~~~~~~-"'~~~~~~~~~~~~--.,.~~~~~~ ro 1 •• C» ,_._._ ••c::~••r-· .......... ~.,·. y' ftlU ..... y -COID · aoDTn••m v.--121-. --v'--- COMPACT CAIS -c-1r .... rT.17 ...... STAllllAlDCAlS --21• .... J4.tS .... llG CARS POMTIACS. IUICll 27" .... J6.f5 -·--·-··-- SIU' Al.I. HAUS $4.M MOii 111r1n11i.y1 2'.1t 11 . .io 1M Siitn-9 l lcndi. !R l1'lktl 1.111 S.1!1 Tal_.1 P1rlto (Wlrtlourw) 4,111 SIXT" llAa set Yln!I. J .,..~,1 1 ·.----------------· ::=.:"o. ·~"\".;.;:~.i:~.o •.K Deluxe Air Conditio1er _ T!me-11 T/10 5cnld'led-Chrl11r~. C:Jwf96. DcNlcl l 1r, Cl'lmSO!l Strelk. Sl:CONO llACll. ~ v1rdl. J w .tr oldl -.., lrl G•-a Pl111. Purst ..... ~ Sl'lu• Ill a.,.,, 11.«J 6.IO •A .Jal II l.-Clldllrl lfM t ,IO Tilil ei. M.lrl ClklM"'I :U0 S«lldled -J1e"1 Sun, 11,..,..,ol, l lfl'llllllllr•, ~r :sor.. llllOMTl Y DOU e lf -4-N ..... 1'1 .,.., 1 J-O,. 11111~ "''" nu.-. THiil• llACll. :;.!ID "'"''' MDl*tl J ft"' ...._ c111m1"'. l"llnt r,100. Gil• Go Mill (D IJ1W;1 ) 11.llO 4,'9 l. .. 11'1r11 '"' "'" (llphe'") J.Oll '·'° 1t1 FIQI IH Croslly) l .JI T~ll 1/lt Scr11dwd -MklWl"I' Tom. s~ .. 1~ Grwce, sr..,.,. E1rt. R~ l1trttl. ,OUlllTH llACll. Ul v1rds. l .,.., ohl1 11'11 Ufl In Gr-A P'lils. Pm• IJtlO. 1,.,,. (In F1Y (Adlltl 1.60 4.00 l ... Slffl'1 Nloht OU! IW1ltcr1l l • .O IM Cit OUld< CWlt'Wnll l . .-t Timi-II J /10 $t.r1fdled -ludr-r .. r1 JOI, (lndl 1.fy .. , , MtdllY T Id!;. El Glv1l111 fW•lwrll J.IO ).IO Hiio SDttd 111: a.n1111 "-'° ARCTIC AIR Tlmt-17 911• SU11died-.. '*n1ll ldl. Sf.VINTH ttACI:. 1SO ~1rcb. 2 vNr 9ldL c .. 1!Ml9. Pul'M $2!l0t • Skldlo P'obe tw~I ~.to l..60 , .• /N. AnM1 Wl"'s (llrll'll!lt1'1 16..:JD 1.00 Twisted ~ (MOrr111 S.Oll n-11 4/lt No 11nfoetlft. l lGHTM RACE. «lO Ylrds. l p•r 01111 1N1 1111 1r1 Gr-U Ptu1. TM LI Hllbr1. l"urll! ltlOO. T• ~ Jolll , .. (nnby) Ari Diii fCll'daf1) Chill llr CKln'-1 n.oo 1.110 '·'° ,_ .. '·"' ··~ Tl--20 4"11 sc:r1~eo11>elltd Chld, Drill. MIHTH RACI. BO y1rd~ t ve1r ' alch lfld 111> In Orlde A Pl"''· Purw 51900. .,"It Vand1 1l 1'!Mlml J.:a t.• 1.a ,._..., l+one't (II: Blllktl ,,. ,, .. ~I Re-11 (Wrfltll) I,,. TlfN--11 4111 SCnldld-l"lmdolol llf. OUIMILU. -lf.T',_ ~ • )-.... _... ......,.. P1lf tU.& ......... ··--148" hHJ wltli tlte .,,,., e.Jt. ,.. Yu c~ ..._ _.. mt ef cHl"'°J wit• • ,...,.,... • lltt.r n4 tN lllr di,... rio. MOST AMEllCAN CAIS AUTO AIR CONDITIONER SERVICE • CtotlCI COMNES'SOI AND YALYD • 'llJIOIM LIU AND ... USUll TUT CHICl • CHICl•A.DJVSTlll.TS fOI PIOl'll TINSION • CHICI SWJTCH AND THllMOSTAT 587 ""' ,.,., Ports n&A'\\JIQMJ:-.. .., ... .,~­.,.....~-.:: .. ~. ,., ,..._. -DELTA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost Less c."',.1.+. u ••• r Fib119l1u l1lt9' Tir11 A•1il1bt1. rm .. St9ft"' 121 .11 ,._UT. THESE SPECIALS GOOD AT THESE LOCATIONS ONLY! Fl111r9l1n Witl1 0..111 -Sv~r rr1r11it1fll - A1di1I -Sports -S.H l11tf'I '""I; & 111 SiHI TtllCk Tlrn BERG'S DELTA TIRES 141 E. 17th St.· Costa Mesa · 645·2010 l1nlA"'1rlc1rtl • fo,,..tt. hh .. ...,. M1tft1 Cl!1r91 JOG1 WUT 17'4l. U.NtA ANA-141·6"4 WESTMINSTER 15440 HACH llYD. At McFockln 8'2·2088 BUENA PARK 5115 UNCOUI AYL ...,.,...,_ n•1eoo BUENA PARK lMl -CH M.¥11. At Lallwlel• 123-3040 • COSTA MESA Dlt~M.VD. ...,_ 141-21112 SANTA ANA 1•1DRlt• .... -146-11U 1 • NCAA .Postpones Action in Spike Feud • :· KANSAS CITY (AP) -A IPC)l:mnan for the N1Uonal C•lltgl1te AthlfUc .w.ct1Uon said Mood•Y the cues of "member insUtulions whose athletes competed in ununc- '.llorled tnct and field ...... this spring and summer in· dlldini the Orange Counly JnvitaUonal like ly won't come to a head before October. Nelna.s identified them as NCAA outdoor track champion San Jose State, U C L A , University o f California at Santa Barbara. Baylor, South· ern Methodist, Louisiana Stale, Texas Southern, P1'1rle View AltM and Northeast Lou- iJlana State. NCAl\ 1thletes 1 c 1 n n o t L.. .. = Olarles M. Neinas, aamtant NCAA executive director, said tbe casts are not likely to be comidered It lhe NCAA Coun- •cil meeting Au1. 1&-22 at • AlllDl!c Clly, N.J. He said that ls • special ~ and the Council does not like to consider infrac:Uons C11t1 &t special meeUnga:. 'l1le Council meets a.pin replarty in October, at a site to be dttermined at this month's meeting. Neln&s cited a statement made public by NCAA Ex- ecutive Dtrector watier Byers preceding the NCM track ond field championships in Kno:r:· ville June 17. In that statement, .Byers said that institutions ln viola- tion ol Byl111' 78 of the NCAA ComUtut!on -which says Buggy Victim pairticlpale in metta notiaane- llonc1l· by U,. NCAA .-woold be rdtrred to the NCAA 's coQunlttee on tnrractiuos and that' the normal machinery 'on enforeement would be ac-• tlvated. Ntlnas Said In these cases, the committee makes an in-- qulry lo the institution to detennine if an infraction bas occutr'd. The institution is elven an opportunity to respond. The committee then makes a detefmjnalion in the case and eventually refers the matter to the CouDdl which serves 8.5 the jury and metes any penalty. "These are con.Mered in- stitutional violations and not individual vio lation.s," Neinas said. Neinas discoun ted specula- tion that San Jose Slate theoretically could be deprived of its nallonal track cham- pionship. Two Claat1aps Talented Tln·oweFs-Mean Another Pass-happy Faµ NEW YORK (UPI) -11 and Leo Hart al Duke, No. I looks like another year ol and No. 10, also return. "bombs away" for colles:e Hixson, who led the nation football. wilh 265 compleUons and was Four of the top aix forward passers of 19&8 are back to second to Cook In iota! offense help celebrate the IOOth an-with 2,995 yards, has Jost his niversary season with a bar-pet receiver In U1e departed rage of footballs guaranteed to J erry Levias but that won't delight the followera of a sport keep him from drop.ping that began way back in 1869 bombs -of at least tryinc to. with no passing at all. Returnees from last year's St.snford. Dave Havem o l Pillsburgh, Biii Montgomery ol Arkansas and ArchJe Man· nlng of Mlsslsa.ippl. Farther down the list art Lynn Dickey of Ka.nus Stat.e, Mike McNa,llen of Nayy, Scott Hu nter of Alabama, Mike Cavan of Ceorg1a, Bob Anderi;on of Colorado, Tommy Sugjs of South Carolina , F'rank Hin-is or B o s to n College, Jerry Buckmaster of Xavier and Dove Shelboum of Northwestern. The returnees, Jed by na· second 10 on the passing list t.ional champ Chuck Hixson of are Mike SheN•ood of West Southern Methodist, include Virginia, Jim Plunkett of s1z of last year's top 10 or 11! lm~miiiOijii~pijjiiiijiiiiiijiiiiijiiiiiijil"ipiiipipiii ol the lop 30 or 20 of the top 40 il you want to keep counting. And that group doesn't in- clude such nifty quartert>.c:ks as Rex Kern of Ohio State, • Mike Phipps of Purdue, James Street of Te:r:as and a few othet3 who Ore the ball with telling tactical effect if not for overwhelming statistics. The only players lost from last seasons's top six passers were Greg Cook of Cincinnati and Marty Domres of Colum· bla, second and fourth respec- tively. TRANSMISSION OR COMPl.flE • ADJUSTMENT 95 SERVICE {pllll fluid) It(. CURES MANY $!IS PROILfMS . COSTA llESA 1134 -.... 645-0900 ELECTRONIC · TUNE.UP• ANALYSIS (plul PMt•> IMPllOYES PERfORMAHCE It ill at the October meeting Neinas said, that the cases are erpected to be considered. The c.omcu also meets n t .J. t J.....,., in Wuhingtoo, D.C., u .,.n or lhe NCAA 's annual conwntlon. Athletes from n I n e NCAA 1cbool1 reportedly JNUtlclpaled In ununclloned ~tract and field meets. Victim and three other adu lts were riding in a dune buggy in the desert and shooting at almost anything and everything. Victim in the front seat shot at a rabbit and missed. Shooter si t. t I n g directly behind victim started to aboot at the rabbit when front wbee1s of the dune buggy struck a sand drift and the fire.arm discharted into the bue of victim'• skull. He said athletes w h o participated in the NCAA meet in Knoxville were COD· sidered eiiglble when they competed and their poinls would stand. Fonner U.S. Open champ Jack Fleck shows world tennis king Rod Laver how it's done during a recent get-together at Mi ssion Viejo Country Club, where fleck is club pro. Although Laver is a southpaw on the tennis court, he swings a golf club right-handed. Hixon, Gordon Slade or Davidson, Steve Ramsey of North Texas State and Tommy Pharr of MUsisslppi State are back from that top siz. BUI Cappelman of Florida State LOMi KACH FULLERTON mo...., -Ill <•"l 427·5456 m s. '''""'"·-·--52&6697 COllPl'ON ORANGE 1110 ........... (tll) 537.2350 705 W.ChlJllMI A't ..... 531-aJJl ,, ' • rSears · . -:si.c~::u ot"Wbl Supedred FiJ>erGlaaa Bur21irel Save •IO Fiber Glass Belts Plus 2 Nylon Plies Guaranteed 36 Months AU.STATE PASSENGER Tire Guarantee Tread Wear.Out Guarantee G••rnteed AJ•f•1t: Trett we.to.IL F°" Bow Lons: The emnbtt (If rnoc.Ju ,pecified. 1Vlt1l Se-' 't'ill Do: la ad11•1t b 1hc tire. rcplb k.'charJi• dte ni~r ft$ll1-tttliaa trb: p1u JlrdawJ lhdto Tu: lelldw:fol~alk: iiiiii(\?. M_...G• 1 t Allowa- lleo 24 IOl¥i 27 1D )9 ~ Blloekwall or Whitewall Supertred Fiber Glass Buy 3 Tires Save '18 Off Regular Low Trad .. in Price ..... kAhout Sean ConTenient Credi1 Plan• Blackwall or Whitewall ·Supertred Fiber Glass Buy 4 Tires You Save 650xl3 24.95 20.95 19.95 18.95 17.95 I .Sb 6'15xl4 25.95 2}.95 20.95 19·: :-~ :·~ 7i5xi4 17·95 23.9~ :: ~95 z2.95 i .9; p5xl4 29.: ~:5 27 95 26.9S 25.95 2.rn 825x14 31. • 29 9-28.95 2.40 855x~~ ~: ~~:: ~:~ 11:9~ 16.95 1.52. ~1 5 29.9S 2>.9S 24.9S 23.95 22-95 1.'l'l '/.);l, ., ___ ,,, Tubele1i• 'Wb1u. .. aJ,. -- 13 17.95 23.95 %2.95 21.95 20.95 I.~ Prices Effective Wedne•doy, Augusl 6 Through Satur.la~y, Augu!t 9111!· ~-------~-------------------------------~---------, I -•MK TA M400,_,21.,UJO a MQf1I GI :J.3911 • LOIG IUal HE ~121 PICO WE 8-1262 SNflA A11A ICI 7·3371 TotlANCE 542·1 Sil ~ •• l4o.o661 • GtllC>AI! ot 5.1004, a ""'611 «'IMPIC" saro .AN a.s211 POMONA m 2.1145, NA 9.s1 61, YV 647ll MNIA If_, 9#«!11 urw<o 1111s.1m I I __ .. 6-2581, NE 2·5761 HOlll'WOlO HO '-"'1 ca.-637·2100 SANTA MOl«A EC 4-6711 VAllEY PO 3·84 6!, 984·2220 I aM1fA fll60511 --Oii 9-2521 PASAl>IHA681-3211, 351·4211 SO<mtCOASfl'LUA 54().3333 VEIMOHTPL 9·1911 , _______________________ _ ---------------~----' "Salilfodfon GuaranlHdorYour Money Back" Shop 6 Nishh Monday lluwgh SoMday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M, )' ( \ r \ .. ' -· --·-·------- DAil V I'll OT JJ. Two Titles In Speed At Stake Cal 20s Hawaii ~ • Ill Skippers Zero In .o~ ABl'C~s Hank Scliof~ld Engineering firm pres'ldent Art Field of Gardena wW be 1eeklng lwo m.ojor Utlel lhis weekend In the Nallonal Championship Speed Regatta at Long Beach Marine Stadium. The program of Inboard cir. cle races is sponsored by the Southern Ca)ifomla Speedboat Club a9 an event Gf the Cal~ornia lntemaUonal Sea FesUval at Long B e a c b . Sa~y'a eUmlnaUon heata begin at 11 a.m., Sunday's champiombtp ract1 at noon. HONOLULU (AP) -Tw,._ ll'-el&bt ol the finest rmall· bolt 11Uor1 from the West Coa!t and the Pacific begin competition Thursday o f f Walklld Beach'• gold<n sands to determlne tho-I 9 It California.JO class natioaa.l champion. The saill?rs, racing the sleek flberglw ZO.foot Calilornla sloops, will saU the first two races of a five-rice series. Two races are ICheduled Fri-- day and the finale Salunlay aflt,,_,_ All skipper> are bent on unseoting YOWIK Hank Schol· field, lhe 1968 champion from CallfornJ1'1 AtamU.oc B a y Yacht Club. Schoffleld wlll be aalllng Cal~ No. 517, owned by Vic CrooeUI of the bOll Waikiki Yacht Club. The Ballon are all fleet champions or designates who won !heir chance to aail In the nallonala lll!olJlh local com- petflloo. MOO 1rrlved In the bland.9 In time fur • pracllce oeri~ol r11CU lut --· penn!IUng t})tM opportunity to f1m1llartui thelJ\lelves with the ahlrty, fltl\Y winds tbal whlatle am.Jnd W a I k I t I ' a massive hotels aod apartment bulld!Jlgs. MOii aklppm brought !heir .... aall1. Some bl'OIJihl speelal "So-fast" equipment lncludlnl boom v a n g 1 , outhauls and block1. Following la a llal of ski!>" pars and tbllr clubs' • Sam Gl)>eon, Herb Morr!JO!f, James Sharp and Ja~k Win· nlch, King Harbor, Calil.; Bill Unlack, Norm Frye and Jim Marlln, Huntington B<acll, Calil.; BUI Sohle, Paul Merrf/I Jr., Art Hauch and Hank Schofficld, Alam1tol Ba Y'1 Call!.; Jack Wilder, Marina l>el Rey, Caut.; John Nooteboom, Lo9 Ange 1 e-s Harbor; Dave Macteod, Long Beach, Calif.; Gregory Boot-. C.lwnbla Yacht Club, Ore.; B. M. Robimon, ,F. Vonnegut, BOO a... and Norm Baxler, Kaneohe, HawaU ; Bob Millet, F. Lippman, Pat Hart, Jim Borberg, "Hat" Gandy an<t Jim Bishop, Hawaii Yacht Club. Field currently I ea d s ~ Power l.qf_t Assn. national Craclcerbox c I a 1 ' point standings with a totaJ or 5150, highest point figure own- ed by any inboafd racer ln any class in America this season. French Championships One-design Races Set The "double points" -ot rather than the usual 400 because• of this event's fm. portlnce -at stake for first place could assure the 36-year· old driver of The Lemon Crat.P. the PBA ti.Ue and the right to paint U.S. No. 1 on his boat for nezt season, a coveted honor. And there's also the National Championship a t stake, a separate goal under APBA racing procedures. Arooow Takes 5th Victory Entries close Aug. 15 for the Yacht Racing Union of Southern Callfomta 5th annual 0 n e • Design Championship Regatta at Marina del Rey. , Cup Actima In British Isles A slron.g breeze fills Uie chute of the ArgenUna yawl Fortuna during sailing of British Cup Race off the Isle of \Vigbt. The Britannia Cup is the second ol a series of four races for the Admiral's Cup. The race was won by Ted Turn· er's American Eagle from lhe U.S. Skip Allan of Newport Beach is a watch capi?in aboard Dick Carter's Red Rooster, one of a three-boat team entered in the Admiral's Cup competition. More than two dozen rivals will be batWng Field in Saturday's eliminations which will winnow the field to ellht starters for charn.pionshlps Sunday in the class of ec· centric, hard-to-handle two- man boats. Howard Smith of S e a I Beach, No. 1 nationally with 44n points, and veteren Phil Shipley of Canoga Park, last year's Speed Regatta king, are expected to be Field's princi· pal opposition. Super St.ock claaa and E Racing Runabout n at I o n a I LES Efi.1BIEZ, France - American Don Aronow roared to hls fifth victory of the year and the lead for the 1969 world ocean racing championship here last Sunday when he won the 17G-mile Dauphin D'Or offshore race in hls U.S. built 32·foot Cary "The Cigarette'' powered by twin 47$ h.p. Mercruiser engines. The big Yank averaged 71 miles per hour In a hull that is twin to.the one he uses in bis American campai&nlng, to Spanish Only Vote Slated championships will also be SACRAMENTO (UPI) -It The Sp1ings Outboard Race Ge· ts conlested bolh days along wtlh was up to English-reading . a f u 11 program of Inboard voters today to deckle whether .Jiydro races. .c:a.llfornia citizens who read Keeps Cool S t' b APBA on!ySpanlahshouldbeailowed anc ion y Reagan's 'Veto' 10 vote. nie s.nate re vened D • ff t it.self Tuesday to approve 27·11 urmg ea The 1969 Outboanf World $50,000 In pri .. money and will Record Saved a pr 0 p 0 .. d conslitutional PALM SPRINGS, Ca 1 i f . ChamploruJhlp Regatta a t. be made public shortly. . amendmenl perm It t t n g (AP) _ Like Es k 1m 05 Lake Havasu City, Ariz .• will "We are happy to announce SACRAMENTO (UPI) _ otherwise qualified citizens hibernating for winter , have American Power Boat the APBA sanction,'' 11ald Gov. Ronald Reagan's record who read only Spanisb 'to vote overheated Palm S p r l n g s Association sancUon for the McCulloch. "Since most of the of never having a veto in the state. residents are hiding out in first time when it opens Nov. leading drivers of the country overturned remained unsullied The proposed amendment by their own e x p e n s i v e l y 29-30. belong to this group, the move today a f t e r S e n a t e Assemblyman David Roberti refrigerated igloos. Robert P. McCulloch Jr., has been made 90 that APBA Republicans b Io c keel a ([).Loll Angeles), will be plac. 1'What's the weather like?" race dJrector, said a formula benefits, iocluding driver in-Democrat.le attempt to restore ed on the 1970 election ballot said a housewife reached by is being worked out for surance, will apply ln the Out-$4.6 million in pay increases without any actlon required by telephone. "Why, I wouldn 't distribution of the record board World Championships." for sta.te worken. Gov. Ronald Re.agan . know. 1 haven't been out alll'jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimj day." II August ls the hot.test month In this plush desert spa. Already temperatures have hit a blistering 121 degrees -hot.. test 9pot ln the naUon. But long-time residents and vacationers aren't scared off. With Ula help of air con- diUonlni, ahaded backyard swimming pools and chilled mint juleps, they cope. "This is an air conditioned world," chortled a Chamber of Commerce spokesman. "Most people just go from ttieir air conditioned homes to their air condlt.loned offices in their air conditioned cars." Alu, some folks are forced outside during these dog days. Construction of new ho1els, houses and stores is booming. ••we st.art early, about 6 a.m .• " says a builder. "We supply our workers with all the salt tablet! and water they want. We figure that as long as a man is sweating he's all rtght. U someone ' to p s sweating, we make sure h,e drinks some water, takes a salt tablet and knocks off the rest of the day." Firemen say that battling a blaze In protective clothing is unbearable. "It's nearly as hot as in the fire." A mailman seys t h e temperature in his truck often hits 130, but the Post Office Department won't air con- dltion tnicks because "that would set a precedent for the rest of the country." Policemen say they have the wont of it. "We're conatantly in and out of air conditioned buildings," says a patrolman . ''The shock of iil! those 30 and 40 degree temperature changes miikes us pretty un· comfortable." What can they do about the weather? "Well," siahs a lieutenant, "the chief always tells us lo vacation someplace where It's cool. He lhlnlts ll'a good to live your body t rtst from the summer heal" Pox Sweeps Br a zilian State RIO DE JANEIRO (UPI) - Smaltpoi hu reached "epidemic proportions" lo lhe IOUthtrn Brazilian slate ol Parana, where. 13 perlOOI nave died ftom the disease and 111 other cases have bfen detected, Brazilian h ea I t b autborit.les reported today. I FREE CARPETS BJ Popul1r Demaad 4 818 DAYS OllLY IN ORDER. to PROVE TO YOU THAT TIFF ANY PRICES ARE THE LOWEST IN ORANGE COUNTY WE WILL GIVE YOU $100.00 WORTH OF CARPETING FREE AT NO COSf IP' YOU CAN BUY THE SAME CARPETING FOR A LoWEB PRICE. THIS OFP'ER IS'GOOD FOR. DAYS OR AS LONG AS TH!: STOCKS LAST. DUPONT NYLOr. Why pay more , .. get this fantas· tic quality at thla low, low price. Limltecl ••. ll!Wo C.F. Pile DOUBLE JUTE BACK REG. $4.99 19~ YD. KODEL SHAG E11tm1n Kod1k'1. L1t11t Achiev• ment Kodel Poly11t1r. IOOo/• Fortrel Polyosteq •ll• DOUBLE JUTE BACK REG. $8.99 "DRAPES ¢USTOM W• h•v• Just l>Qught many c11e1 of beautiful f1brlc1 1t fantaatlc 1av- lng1. ~~t;':o~~u. 8 9 C CHOICE OF COLOR RF.G. $2.99 • REMNANTS 12'9 Nylon Gold ... .$29.00 I lx I] Nylon A voe. $35.00 12• 15 Nylon Gold . .$39.00 12x I 0 Nylon Grn •..•. $31.0D I 2x8 Nylon Green .. $21.00 12:c7 Nylon Tweed..$22.00 12•12 Nylon Tweed $28.0D 12•9 Nylon Red ..... .$24.00 l l• 16 Nylon Sheg .... $49.00 12x 18 Acrilen Grn._.$58.00 12xl5 Acrilen Sh eg .. ,7f.OO 12x21 Acrilen Olive Sn.OD 12xl 4 Acrilen Grn .. .$59,00 I ldO Nylon Gold . .$15.00 12 '8 Nylon leige ... .$22.DO 12• 16 Nylon !lue .... $62.DO 12•1 I Kod el Sheg .. ..$35,00 12'9 Kodel Sh•9-.. -$2f.OO I S.15 Kodel Sh eg .. $39.00 12•/8.Kodel Sheg _$59.00 12'21 Kodel Sh19 . .$7f.DO CALL COWCT 2112" KODEL LONG SHAG 100•;. Fortrtl Polyester Piie from le.cling manufacturers Never offered before otthlalowprice. 5 99 DOUBLE JUTE BACK SQ REG. $10.99 vD: DUPONT "soi · SHAG 100% Contlnuoua filament Nylon Pile. Thia ia t he buy of • llfetlme. DO,UILE JUTE BA(:K REG. ~6.99 HERCULON or DUPONT 501 100-!. Continuous Fiiament Nylon or lllO"Ao Oleln PJ/e. Ov1r 40 fotl1 to Diouit!m l 8 8 JUTE BACK SQ. REG. $5.50 ' YD. FOR FREE HOME ESTlMATES JUeT A PHO'NI CAL L WILL t•UNO ONI 0,. QUiii OICOlllATOlll T~A INID t,,JilfllT CONIULTANTI TO YOUR HOMI AT YOUll CONVIHll NO&, WITH Al.I. THI IA.I.I aAM,.Lla. Bank Terms -No Down UP TO S YIARS TO PAY-90 DAYS SAME .U CASH 1119 W. U1ool1 ,:::;;: .::,. bahtlm I VKA.llle AT THll LOCATION -ht'1 ,,, ·s.1 .••• S.11. 11.J ' better Italian Francesco ConsenUno who waa driving "White Tornado", a 31·foot Bertram also with two of the big Mercrulser powerplanb. The twin gives Aronow 33 point! towards the Sam Grif· fith Memorial Trophy, symbol of the international crown. Con.se:nUno now has St points. The former leader, defending world champion V I n c e n z o Balellrlert ol Rome, Italy broke down in hls 3l·foot Bertram "Red Tornado" and still has 28 points. Aronow's fellow American, Peter Rlt· tmafter, wbo dld not compete in the rice, now has li points for fourth position. The next race on the world circuit Is the GeUnloppet event in Sweden on Aug. 17 followed by the Hennessy Cup race in Long Beach, Calif.. Aug. 23 and the Co,wes-Torquay tace In England Aug. 30. Aronow, who ha, won the U.S. championship the pa5t two years and leads again this year, and ls the current world speed record bolder in the sport (74.3 miles per hour) won the world'' champioQShip in 1967. Thus far he has already captured five ocean races ••• the Long Beach, Calif. • Ensenada, Mexico race ln March, the Gateway '-tarathon in May, June '' Bahamas 500 battle, t h e Italian sea war in Viareggio July llllh and now lhe French race. Mark Segal, geoeral race chairman for the host Marina del Rey Yacht Club, Ntd small one-design sailboats are being trallered from 85 fer-. away as San Diego, and Santa Barbara for the two day evmt, Aug. 15-17-, c1,.,.. expected 1o compete are Sabota in both the iseriior and junior divisions, Lldo-t4s. Penguim, Fllppera, Omega, In le r n at tonaJ..14, Fly.Jng Junior, Finn, COrooado-15, Snipe, OK D In g b y • Kite, Geary.IS, ThlsUe, P -C a t , Llghlnlng, Flying Dutcluill>n, Dragoo, U-5, VIClory star, Cal·20 and Soling. ' DAVIS ·· B.ROWN RCA . CLEARANCE ' Tho 1'11111t11-Spanlsh~nsplred con&0/e, 1utomalfc fine tun Ina. for both UHF end VHF. New Vlsbo 25,000 wit cMail l'lth SolJd Sllle ccmpcnent.s. 6"--'·"· I RCll CONSOLES~PORTABLFB s39 91f 411 E. 17th STl.En Dilly 9 • 9, Satu1'111y 9. 6 -theMORE !!! of COLOR TY COSTA MUA 646 °1614 • -... IWl Y I'll.OT Wodntldl1, Allgu<l 6, l'IM Yitlll!!dl)', A.,.st 6, 1969& PILOT-ADVERTISER -. 1)112 ..... :ill St.......... • ........ c..-..... • w1Mlhi111Nf9t ..... w ... w •• • ,. e .............. H 11l1 .......... t._1,pl11-C.W;H.I. e UM .._.., IW._..-., u.,lllt C--, C.M. 'e IN4ll .... Jwe.•l11M le• ta•ll p1lil1~····· • , .. , a; 1 ...... ., .... ,. • O:s" c.-tY ,.__ •·•· • , ......................... , •• c.w.s..&.. e 11t61 Y.n.yYMwtitC..,_A.,. ................ . • 11tM ...... u. st.• T.ii.t-w...-c:..., '·'· $398 Viscose Rayon 3h54" CUT & ~OOP PfLE Scatter Rugs· , ............. $ Sale Price! · Sm.iri scatter rugii: for every room in new coloni that stay bright the life of the rug! Non"6kid backing for 1afety on all floor aurfaces. Choose Crom ob_. and ovals at ·bit savings! $7.U Yolool Ii lot~ 99 . PaUerne<hlD1liDBlue $J99 : SllYer Flu. Lime, pty. · wood framu, inside pockets, full zippers, molded handles. • $1.95 r. 9.95 Valoosl 17 I. l f.l•ch H.$4.99 •$11.95 V1lnsl 20 toch.;, • .$5.99 ' Int ... till ......... d.llldoonl $5'5 Wonder Wheel alst Exerciser Heavy duty rub- be, tire wtth ""'°' $299 reinforced grip handle. You've seen jn depart; ment 1tores sell· iq for dollars more. $222 B.amboo Drop Shades 6x6-F11t $1., Natural color 1ti .. peel complete with ·hardware. Ready lo haog! .• 41.6 '"' ....... $1.11 .... • 11.6 FMt ....... $3.6t • 10x6 PMt .... .Jl.9t Switzer's Licorice or New Cherry Red & ·,Holloway's Miik Duds ' . _.J'eur (Mice ' , ~ IAIOF10 .l 39 · Eve1701:1e'1 fa".Orites! C Fresh new shipment .-ju.at unpacked! ~=1~:"' ... 1111 · Circus Fudge Ice Cream •s9c •All Ottter 12 fl•wen 69c P1avot or the Monlh-Fn11h ,,Peach! '( •Chec1lat1llwt •Y•ll~llwt .,_ .. e J11J1 .._. ......... ~H.I. e 2111. 1M It,. C.... .... l.1p1l11 C--, c.w. eH_..,11\1&.,......,,,_......, 119.•13• Nylon Culotte ' HI Pat~lil Vlnyl Stretch Boots lnd~~..,.....r 99=Casual Skimmers Petti Pants $ 94 Pite-&etten: in black or white atntc:b pi.tent vi.QYI. Fub· lonitble for .fall-rigbt now! IOWEH' I 5 TO 9 f'\ILL te;• lllGH 91,l.5'9 TO 13 12." HIGH' Sb'les with tall· ored bows, buc. .-· kJ,e1; overlay1 ,in latest colo.n-to flatter _pant.I or 1!drtll Stze1 S,.M. L-XL. Fl>ld...aw•Y for travel •• / 40 deniei nylon tr:f· ~ tot culotte petti puts. 2 rows of 1htipeCI lace down front alKI on hema er iplit legs forming the popular petti eoat petti pant loot. . ' . J.ust Arrlwed $1 00 & $2°!ai Pearls,Pearls1 Pearls! • "Go every. where" ahifts and panta ablftl in mod multicolors , . , · noW greatly·· re4uced wb6n yoa want thtlli most for lJQt wea th er ahead! Color· fast, cut full in S.M'·L. 2:51· ................... . .._.., ........ ............. Fate peafl1 '·with a loffb' lustre indl1peri· Able in 01 fasbion. $1 00 Value! Wedding Ba~d Earrings Women's r Jumpers ' . $298 Ready ror all)' run afoot! Breezy bare- foot sandals in high. fashion colors ... the 1ummer'a most J)op- ular atylea! Get a pair for every dq oftbeweeL AJumlau• & Welt Chaise Lounge s594 1" tubular alu- minum frame, 5xJ5 weather- resistant web. bing. Multi-po- 1itio11 back ad· Justment. '3'" Value! Ylayl 6' Sun U•ltnlla1 Large, colorful, Weather -resistant Jllll umbrellas per- f(!(\ for lhe patio or bea"ch. '14' Yaluel T"len .30-Quart Ice Clte1t1 ~tghtle'ss polJ' In extra large picnic 94 C alee with e1ay·to-carry moulded han- dles. Summertime "nluJll" ley1' er Tecltlleril Pelo Shirts 7·7' 10.Pou•dBag Al .... Chcarcoal Brlquets 21!111•fer 99c . w.1111 ... , 24"Swlll .... For boars of pool or , .• b111ch run. Keep C chJld anoat. aa.te. Colo""117 - E1ld .. Penaal 1 ... c..len ' Coo1. w1ab, tut.t.r alt for pennlu • ..,,$2996 Powerf\11 2·apeed' motor. Double• .. ran wltbout eooling.' • ' ' .: able'• wanlrobe., So · flatterin& with 1ammer cottons ••• fall wool.I. PriCed to please any budgeU •3• ••••••• s ... 1a11e1 $194 Frencll Imports wi\h. · opticallJ' aafe lenses, am.art 10lid color I: 2-klo• ~ameL 'IJlfaltDllMJ ce..r. ..... k 66c .A.sorted. UUMI Wltb J.color Dri Kart markers, non-taxle water ·co ton. $J01 l(li1allte 16-0i. Butane Fuel 66c Bnt tetUnc btt- tane ll&hter ~•I. at Thrif'tr s.Ie •arin&I ot Mc. For llPten. cu- d.let. stovea. \ Fuhioit rtnta Jn enifaved or plain gold or 1ilver-to11e! Brigb.Uy.enam· eled styles, tool Molstare p~ lecllzlt bue that Ii.es a •rnootli. nnw. under •IJ"J' m1bup. BUT for moa.iba . oheadl ' An outatanding bafl. gain at ow: everyday, low price or $6.99- now at a special Gr!lnd ~_n)ng Sale Price! Thrtf\y'1 own -beat seller-perfect foraumrnercOole~. 6 for $1 Value.' Creamy Lather ,1 old Cream Soa ' 1 · Save '1c in iia limited time ~;;.:.:~ &·= 57c baby! ' • ,. I • l c: .. . . . • . . . ' • • • ' l'ILOT·AOV!RTISER 9 Wotf\t!day, Au"'ll 6, 1969 Wo!MO!i1, "'91111 6, 1969 OAILY PJLOf !:J , . • • e JIHH ..... M.-H..-aa..,lft.._C1 fzr,C~~ e 211JllMctilh4.•A.._.-Jt......,,_.._. • MUWul:d ............ _ ... ,,...... I e 11141..._A .......... _._.,al•jl\1pp'91C....,_ ...... ,. .. 8 14HW • .,. ........... lt.-....... C..,S....hr ._ e 11'M M.,..W."lt . .,._.,.._,, _.....,. e..tw, FiuM• '9ttey • l.)IJZ ''""•"'St ... w-.~-w~ ~ ....... .. e 11t61Y~Yin .. ca.1p•a1 T ~..P1-. ..... ..... . . . ~ ·• •••1a .. -•.,._•........,.-o..,.c...,.n-.._..•,... • 1'1 .. 1fl'li It. -c... ............ c.ter, c.... .. .. e .... Ii -4 141-.il lltM, -H•l9ri9ff" .._. Sffp11I .. Ctttttr, Hi .. l11tt11 '""' e H-'* It"-et lilletrtr -C.u. M .. . .. .. Reg~lar $1.09 IOI% P•n Vl'll• WMI KniHing Worsted Reg. $4~~ ea ~­ ~l.-' Allen's· Formula · 25 : Bottlos of 100 .95 Your Ciiek• r.1. •r ''" c 100 free wilh purchasf of 100 of these fine Vitamin .and . Mineral capsules .. exclUsively at Thrifty, Save $4.95! . Regul ar $1 9' ,Batt1ry-Op1ratetl 7-lnch Vibrator 1'1anor standard '1" 9jze re\ieves99 sore musc les, C -'amps, h elps ~mule.le circula· ' t 1on. , { J4%0unce ta· E,sy.Way Spray .£.:P•int 68' ....... lhlc.k a....... hhl (...-r •Prl..,. .... -. ........ CMHS Spray with pro- fessionat· resulU. Fast! P\lsh-button tease! Fadie-prOO( and .impact· resiJtanL - · Jlfauiiful spreads in cotton or cot- ton and rayon 'blends ••. styles, tolon for every bedi'oom.' All 1st quality .•. all at a spectacular low. •Sttllf,_ . ' $694 Value! Ho111e & Office ·: Storage Fiie s .• ,1;.·1.$JH. steel lrame~ork. 2 drawers, index cant holders, me• tal b.andJe&.. Col· ors! Imported 11.•llan Glassware $291 Decor•lor 1ro.:up of aJa11ware-l.n ricb je,wel tones-vues jars, com· potea. Coot@d. diabes. ipany morel . 7~·­ a..tt-•Blnkots $495 '3" ·v alu Pl•I• Fltarll!•• A.. l • • ' ' F I b Uwovert polyester · 5" · llJlon binding. la Gold, A•o- c8.do, Blue, HotPi•k. l V.fHt $2'' , ... Molded vinyl crain nntsh in 111 model• eachlmu· alcal inatrument·Drffsed in velvet! *I" V•lu1l IO ·111ell 1.... 79• Pl!11tlc Weod Salad l1wl1 Ice Cub9 trays 96c~· 'If'!' Yala1! Manti Ho'""''ls S~per Charger *14" Value! 1•llalarChrom1 Table. & Chairs ! This Is a· superio.r ·qu11ity pure virgin wool, 4 ply, 4 ounce 11k:ein1 .•• Uie all puf'o pose yarn for that new 1weat· er·or co•t. Guaranteed ft1olh · proor. Choose from the most popular fashion Colors. . $5'' Value! Pu,h·Top Waste Bins- You .CllOICI ' $299· Easy loadinr plastic· bin or ,...) hamper with ven· Ulatea cane de: •lift oa'push top. Jn noc•do, fold or · turquo 1e. Yours •' uvinf1 of almost $3.00 now! .... •11• Udlc1 . Ca• Op1llOl'I . t896 Anto-..uc caa opea·· er with ·tntre ah•rp. ener. Opens •SU" alze 1 or shape can. In · ·ateaming white. New Polaroid Colorpak II c!~"::. • Dl•-•t Priced $ Color pictures In a minute, black&. white in secondJ. Ex· posures set automatica\b'. K•ll-rK•li Picture Copier Makes 1upeHlear co- pies from Polaroid I l prints, Discount pri<:ed $5.95·Yalut1 Carry Co11 for Polaroid II · *I" Value! 111 Quality Trw Aid Fully Lined Rullber Gloves . s.1. . . 4· 3· c· . ·. Priced . · .• Feature new longer stretch wrist. non .. Up 'surface. Green or pink' i~ 8111-1;..llftpqrt~Ji; from H !land. '• . ' ' *4" Galwa•l1ed 30 .&allon Trash C•ns Ll ' • &ht In weight yet • ~:fr:,. Codmp\~~=·$293 with SOU& fitting lid. Never before at lb.ls low price! Bright 'n beau-'Youll tirul hand CHOI((' painted d e-, • !i1genJ o~~~j~; 88' mache cows, • horses, · cats, pigs, 'hens, owls., lambs, • 1wan1 1',oam· cush· toned backs .wUh aelr.stick t.pe, So easy to install! Re- slststalns, mil· ]dew. Popular ·decorator col· ors! Clean rast with vacuum ·or water. •"st" Site h It Tftrself-.-s • .,11 29 .~ s3•9 Detecto Bath Scale DISCOUNT $293 PRICE ' Famoua quality Detecto a<:ale at •· 1pecl1l .TbrU'ty discount price! Choice of popular colors to con· lrut or match your ba\.broom. $1 4' Value!-Auto Seat Cushions ' . . Priced . DIH-·~33c ,. • l • .. DAil y rt LOT )l'-.lq, -6. 1"'9 'Oklahoma' Star '01,d Eddre' Peabody StillStrummingtheBanjo • • She's Not Lall.za 81 VERNON SC01T HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Ed- die Peabody, the Bach al 1be l?anJo, is 111111 atrummlni away •I 61 and. dellghtod al the "'"''"""' OI blojo pllyin& by )'OUlll-"' Pubody, 111111 a towhead bul sprinkled with a litue sliver HENRY'S 'Arlstffl'•t ol s,.11uJa Foe4 4 Ste.lea Eit•nds A..Get.Acqu•int.d Off•r : -SPECIAL FAMILY NIGHTS - l•T'tl•JahcolOMI ' For a Limited TJme Only ~·Mon., Thurs., Fri. & Sat, Sund•y Only 5 to 9:30 p.m. I to t p.m. • MENU ' HENlrS COMIO PRONTO PLATE SALAD. •Ill' TACO IQI' INCMUDA CMllSI IMCNILAOA 1111' TACO, IPMllM llCe A,Ul'l'Y CMILI alLLlfllO 1'1110 laANS, TOlilTIU.U 1•ANIMI 11:\CL •1110 •IAflll lllTTIR. COl'l'll TORTILLAS. IU'TTl:ll. cotl'1• 92.00 " $Z.50 GHT FlOM OUl laOILll • GOIDO'S DELI .... TOllK. TO• SIRUllH 'MILi 11.u.t:ltO l'ILaT Ml..,._ ClllCl:IM IMOULAOA 01 l'Oll'TIElNOUSI l'llllD llEAJIS. c.oPl'll SOUP, SALAD. C0,..11 " $2.00 $4.00 Fer .... ..i Girls UMI• IZ HAMIU ... I , l lANI. M'lut I TACO, lllAMS. llCL M!Ut ' $1.00 $1.00 1 HENRY'S RESTAURANT I Pall""'" ...i Newport ... , ....... I COSTA MESA 54S.H71 • now, has been trying to tt1tlre. •lnct Ul62. Frlerda a n d llhowmen lleep him al work ahoul 30 -• yaar. "I bqan playln1 lhe baJ\lo almoot ib yeart a&O In Loor Buch, CaJJt." Eddie Aki. "Illy act• bid~ a violin, guitar and • maodoUn, bul lhe biQJo was the one that stopped the llbow every night. It-had the .sound tblt caught on. M1ybe that•a because it's the only o~g!nal A-lean Jn- 1trumtnt. Jt wu invented by Nwou d u r I DI plantall<>n da;yl." Before the turn of the cen- tury a n d for · two decade• thtnafter, banjot were a common instrument in the rhythm section of orchestru:, Peabody was ooe of the flrit to make it a lead instrument. 1be banjo fell from favor in M1ti-Ollflil •t 11• MM. "'"' Tllllrl. ·-• ,,.,.,_.,,l'L. ... ,. •i• s-. , .. "" IUTPICTUll OP THI YIAI I . lp.cl•I C1iiW11«'1 Prict• 14 I Ull4tt-::$1.SO Exclusive Orange County PREMIERE SHOWING I :\ ./ :1 .J ·l r I ·1 ' I 1 STARTS TODAY From the outmpobn.Jlaftl. whlncldi.,. Qllc lib llOlcli ..... And tight lib ball! £Wo NrWPORT BEACH· ut ,.,,. • nl•0''''' t o th<' fobv lOv\ I odu l\lo• 01; .\ H l',0 I DAILY Continuous from 7:00 PM Sctturday and Sunday Continuous from 2:00 PM ~ .i tomp,ol-Oooll4lll -Ing llllllocl<~ llMpll'a MI lloll. w_.,, • .,. ... -. odd\,aJJ heroes lOth-~ntury castle! "CA$ll.£ 1111"' -•1:15PM r lhe tale 20a, and Peabody re- malatd a1moat Jta Io I e vJrfliolo for .-i 30 yean. ''The baJ\lo WIS pulkd Olli of orcht1tras whh the clbcovery al lhe m!cropiiooo and ampllfler," Eddie e 1- plained, his blue eyes twlnk· IJ.nM. ult was too plerc~ for the singen, so the rhythm -But Doing Okay By JACK OAVER sectlon added a guitar and ... ,.. threw out the banjo. NEW YORK (lJPI) -Tiler< Is a pert, sweet-voiced new musical leading 1ad:Y, ·named girl friend didn't kick me ou'. or her apartment." Miss Beery had It rather easy. After four weeks she had work in "The Leonard Berns· tein Theater Songs," an off. Broadway production, a n d followed that with a job lo Julius Monk's litUe revue, "Pick a Number,'' at the P •· za Hotel. "But thls new ge.neratioa of muslclans hu picked it up .for rbythm secUons u wtll 1s a lead Instrument." Pubocly lllll plays ·faster and belW banjo than any man alive. He can almolt make the lnlllument lalk. llurli>g lbe !en years or banjo players he always found wort trith vaudeville, vatlety sh!>ws and concert iours. He recenlly compleled a :lk!IJ tour with 1' America Slql." Now there are dozens of banjo clubs around the coun- try. Lasl November Eddie W\S honored at a Sacramento ban- jo playert convention. He was gneted on rtage by l,250 ban,. jo pJ_,m all ltrumming away at the same Ume. It broojht tem of gratitude to the best of them all. an Hilt MOST FANTASMAGOalCAL MUSICAL IMTlltTAINMINT IN THI HISTOIY o• IYlmHIN•I -.SHOW TIMES--- '""'"" 7:00 & f :lt M.r. Set. ' S... 2:M & 4;Jt Tickets .Set For'Sound Of Mosic' Tiokeb lot Jlod&en and Hammtr&ttin's "The Sound of M'uaic/' produced by the Lyric Opera al Onnge County, ""' now on sale at rn a.n y Southland IocaHon!:. 'Ibe show will be presented four times, SepL 5, e, 12, and 13 outd9ors in Laguna Beach's Irvine Bowl, home of the Festival ol Aris and Pageant or the Masters. Marni Nixon slars as Maria, ~ Alan Bergmann co-star· ring as Captain von Trapp. Also featured are Andree Jordan as the Mother Abbess, Su Harmon as El!a and Alfred Dennis as Ma:r. Kent Johnson is directing, with Eugene Ober as musical director, also conducting lhe full professional orchestra. nCktts are available at the FesUval ol Aris grounds. 650 Laguna Canyon Road and phooe orden will be accepted by oalling ~!K-3900. Tickets are also on sale at all Automobile Club o f Southern California offices and Uberty a D d COmputicket agencies. Mail orders should be sent to Lyric Opera, P. 0. Bo.1514. Laguna Beach, with self.ad- dressed, •tamped envelope enclosed. Theater party and group fund-raising sales in- formation may be obtained by phone. •-Let Beery-in New York whose 'childhood idol was ·the \lat.e Mario Lanza and who was a Hille disappointed wh'" she found out she also wasn't g1>- lng lo be a tenor. However, she has been doing well with her lyric soprano vnic<, which b now singing the songs of heroine Laurey in Richard Rodgers' revival of hill "Oklahoma!" at the New York state Theater in Lincoln Center. The brunette and pretty Miss Beery grew up on the fa1')ily farm near Minneapolis, where she 'Went after high school graduatlon to take a job at the University of Min· nesota. She lOok voice leMons in the evening. Si:r months later she had a singing job in a cafe there. "But I got tired of standing around singing songs from 'Bittersweet,'" she said, 1'so I bought a bu! ticket and set out for Chicago with $42.85." litisa Beery got some good roles ln Chicago, such as leads in "Guys and Dolls," "Briga· doon" and '"I'he Skin 0£ Our Teeth," but there was one drawback. ~n.ey were non· paying jobs with an amateur group. Finally, she got a salaried job in the chorus of a summer tent. music theater, "I first came to New York in 1965," the actress said. "I was determined to survive, going by Moss Hart's observa· lion that 'talent is one-filth or the career, the ability to survive makes up the rest.' I knew I could stay in New York at.least 17 weeks, provided my Mesa Slates Tryouts For 'Charlie' Co~dy Tryouts for ''Goodbye Charlie," the opening pro- duclJooof the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse's 1-.10 season, wlll be held Aug, IS and II, director PaU Tambelllnl an- nounced today. The George Axelrod farce revolves around a oneUme awinging bachelor who is re· incarnated as a voluptuous beauty. A cart of four men and three women is required. Auditions will be held al 8 p.m. bolh evenings at the Community Recreation Center on the Orange County Fairgrounds. "Goodbye Charlie" will be presented for three weekends, Fridays and Saturdays, begin- ning Sept. 19 at the playhouse. There followed employment as Maria lo "West Side Story" at the Dallas State Fair Mmle Hall, and in a new West C.oast musi cal entitled "Dumas and and Son" Which was supposed to be headed for New York but never made it. However, that appearance \Vas good luck for her. lt resulled in her first na· tionwide exposure when she was hired to play Maid Marian in NBC·TV's special, '"The Legend or Robin flood.'' "[ had sung for Richard Rodgers a number of times at audilions in the past, and [ felt that something [ did rub- bed him the wrong way. When the 'Oklahoma!' auditions came along, I was poslUve he wouldn't consider hirlng me in a million years." But he did, and now Miss Betry is another outstanding leading lady candidate when other producers cast future Broadway musicals. • • • Successful Neil Simon (his "Plaza Suite" and "Promises, Promises" are current lo New York) will have a new play fo r the fall. Jt is a four~aracter comedy entitl ed "Last of the Red Hot Lovers," which pro- ducer Saint.Subber will plac• in rehearsal Nov. 3. James Coco, rising actor who caused a stir last winter when he opened in the off-Broadway "Nex t,'' will star in the. new work. Paralyzed Boy's Kin File Suit A Santa Ana couple bas sued the City of Newport Beach for $500,000 in a Superior Court action claiming city negligence led to the serious injuries (Jf a boy who dived from Newport Pier si.:r years ago. Crossword Puzzle AH"11.._. Joe Rayes Morones was 15 when he broke his neck diving from the pier on Aug. 17, 1963. The lawsuit filed by his parents indicates that he is still totally disabled from that acciden t. ACROSS· l Nollblt dttd 5 Shttp's "'I ' Exhorttd 14 Vtttlca l: COlllb, for111 l' Alr: Comb. for• 16 lllonrtary I ~It 17 kind of Siii l' Cond ition 20M•kt sull1bl1 lor ust 121 Auto 1cctssorlt1: 2 words 23 Fix 25 ---'nu 26 Glldtd 2.1 5tlf·tvld!nl fact 32 lllarktd by coy pl1yfulntss 37 TV, in Sri la in 38 R tsldtnl: Sulfh: I 3 • lntrptrl91t.td 41 CollecUon of tools '42. Sensation of f11r 45 Comunlc1- tlon 11tdlu"' 411 --Tutsday so r,r. off l l CtSS parts 51 Unit of distance 54 Evin cho ict 51 Fixed lint In M11th ttn1Ucs: 2 words '2 Still sharp pl1nt procm 63 ftel1tln11 lo shtep M From then until now; 2 WOfdS 66 lllatchrs befort tht fl n1ls: Colloq. 117 Anxiety Ill! M1k1 tnown &9 Pay 1nolh11'1 expensts 70 Hit 71 Sheep DOWN l Be hlghly SUttlSSfuf; 2 'tl'Ord s 2 Oesttoy by dtgrtts l Form ol schl)l)I punlsh1unt 4 Out ol --: 2 Wotdl 'IOfd •xprusing disdain 6 Robert E. ind Lldll· Horst ~lrTJ' 8/11/69 7 Boston or 35 Nollet Maplt Ltaf 36 SOSI G1rdtns 40 In good I Jostp Broz order and family 4] Europtan , rresumptuous nat ion 10 Train of 44 Aslin 1tttnd1nts mount1ln 1 11 Snarl 46 Wholtsal«'JI 12 Sting: Sp. unit 13 Stains 47 Rtprltff 11 llltmbtf of 4• Tl111tablt 1 door abbrevlatlOn 22 Sttphtn 52 Buslntss Ltacoct or VIPs Gtorgt Ad• SJ Contestlnt 24 Betrothal 55 Solid S)'llbol reslll!nl 27 Hous1wif1's strtngth Cl)flCtm 56 RtlltlYt' 29 Miss Chnt 57 Scalts off JD Gatlfltnl 511·-111111 31 Saga 59 Exctsslvt 32 Arfectlonatt 60 Fruit act 61 Immunizing Jl Skin 1111dlclnH irritation 65 Legtsl•lof: 34 Rtnl Abbr. • ( The action alleges that the city was aware that the pier was "unsafe, dangerous and defective" and was responsi· ble for the· presence of the "submerged object" which caused the boy's injuries. A claim for $803,000 WIS denied by the city on Nov. 26, 1963. llllil"i1tl l. 'Wtlf """""AN AWlD AATISTS flUil A rr•11• ,....,.....1111 f'•••~dl•11 LINCOLN DllVI IN THEATRE Linc.an W. el k"ftt IWN P•rk-Sl7·D2J ' ' .cso J;,,. •··-~ .. ,v.r W1le.h "IDO R"""" - "l.A.&T IUNMa'I" 111• ~.M, .. tltJt "·"' "100 ttl~Lll&•• 10111 "'·M· ONLV • .... • • T.4KE IN A 1110\'IE TlllS WEEK Fc-•--SOUTHCOAST ~:~ DX P'LAZA THEATRE C:ORPDWIOM Sin m.p fl'ffWIJ at Btistoi • 546--2711 ZERO MOSTEL KIM NOVAK CLINT WALKER "THE GREAT BANK ROBBERY" Plus lnd Hit Feature JAMES GARNER JOAN HACKETT -Matinees Daily at 11:30 - Box Office Open 12: 15 WALT DISNEY .,...... - CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M. iiiiJONESmmLEE.TOMUNSON 1WJY HACKm TECHNICllOR"----·· ---.. -Al- WALT D&SNEV-•rH6 INCREDIBLE JOURNEY" eooeER • TAO • LUATH -Al- Wilt Di1ney'1 "WINNIE THE POOH And Tho BLUSTERY DAY" R.ci119 E1:cltemetrt . Plllf 211d FUTURE 'W1nninn::....1 - ... IS EVERYTHING! •• :·. -i ..• Y•• Mnt See Th• 0 fo1199 Co111ty ~1011 .t "Goo~.~!! .. ~!!!~bus" PHILll' •OTH, The Author of the now &11i S1ll1r "l'ORTf.IOY'S COMPLAINr' e "GolNUINELY INTIMATE L0¥1 SC:IHES'' Ti"I• M1911int e "REfllSHING TO Sii" -life M•q1iin1 e "MEMORAILE" S1turd1y Re..-lew e "IRRESISTAILI" New York 'M•91iin1 llit.T~D "II" l'lllllOHS UllO•ll U MOT AOMlTTIO UNl.IE•s WITH l"AlllNTSI *. • BEACH BLVD. 'AT ELLIS • * HUNTINGTOt;.I BEACH * 847~!J608 I BET COAST HWY. & SAN DIEGO FWY. "0"' ..... , " • f'k!Ytt''- ""llllft ,.-llOM THI 110 l llOAOWA1' UGlT COMIO'f lirolM!y'& 'll/J£" baiestrnsl-..r~ ao.m arwou ~ ••,. IAMl '°"°" -· W.....,, August 6, 1%CJ ' . . L ~heater Notes ' Laguna :Opens 'Final Show ' LOWERS CURTAIN Lagufta's Doug Rowe cast are Red Stoddart and K-en Killeen. who doubles as stage manager. · Performances will be given Thursdays lhrough Sundays, \Vilh the finale on Labor Day, at lhe playhouse, 319 Ocean Ave., Laguna Beach. Reserva- tions may be obtained by call- Solid Rock Concert Set "Marvelous ... Brilliant ... .f StaTt., "THREE PENNY OPERA" '' lEltTOLT SlllCHT 'IHAL J WllKI FOR l WEEK ONLY NOW FOlt THI fllST TtMI TOGITtfl:I MATINEES DAilY !. ROWAl ~~~RllN · MTME llALTUE """M p,_;,u,eaMMelr~ l!J• 20th Century-Fox presents GREGORY PEDI lllllE HEVWGGD An Arthui' P.Jacoba ~ .. _ "IHE OllllRmlll" Aiffi.u:I HLL·ALAN DOlllE· FRANCISCA TU·Oll 1.E'# • ...,.,.llClueiflol ZEMA MERTON · CONRAD Yl>MA ... .,,,._ ,,_..,.,.., ~-r......_. ______ ~-MORT ABRAHAMS •J. LEE THOMPSON ·BEN Ml«X1N ...., ...... fib-."' JAY~KEN'EOY • ""'-tr.JfM'tOODeMnt ... -.,,.,...ca 1 ,.........._ut ·'*:cw' I O.M==-..:a=I ,:.~:;;;01H~ ~2ND ~UTUll WVWJUJ1 ~IUl1 ~ AT IOTH WEST COAST PREMIERE RUN NOW! AT BOTH THEATRES ing the box office at 4$44061. * * * Enjoying an ex tended run at South Coast Repertory In Costa Men Is the co01pany's first muslcal, "11lt Threepen- oy Opera." wh.icb will ~ around through Aug. 24. James de Priest directii: the Bertolt Brecht-Kurt We i l I play, with Peter Jason, Elaine Bankstoo, Carol KrelUr and James Baxes heading the cast. Featured roles are being played by Mark Erickson, Michael Douglass. H e a t h P•rk. Sandy Marino, Toni Douglass and M a rt h a M c Fa, r land. "Threepenny ., tinue:s lts we.eke').( ~n1111emenls at the ,. Beach Community Playhob , under the dirt.ct.Lon of HW'I~: tlnaton Beach'• Roa· Albettsen. . Madeline Drake and Randy · K,.ne tak• 1be principal roles, in the Norman Kraaoa com·: edy, wllh Ron Flllan, John , Eqle, Carol Jones and k'nlo · Simon roundlnr out 1he caal. ., Performance! are 11ve11 Fridays and Saturdays. at tM: playhOU$e; 5021 E. Anaheim SL Tickets may be reserved: by calling 433-0536. • Opera'' p staged T\lursdays _..~~;;~ through Sundays at the Third ~ Step Theater, 1827 Newport Blvd ., w J l It reservatlons,JallillS~ available by calllng 646-13Sl. * • • "Sunday in New York" con· . --,,r.,. '._,... · Lu-Jll1z ~·· 2 llt DllHy Hits! C1ttttl••-Delly l :JI P.M. "PITH PAN" ,, .. "THE INCUDllLE JOURNEY" IM.IOA 673-4041 HELD OVER 2nd WEEK! OPEN 614l 7tt I. l•'"-l•llMit ........... . This Summer's lig Fun Showlll 1 'm Europe, biby. I llM you Duldo Elli Dill•, . ""-Mo.ii .. 1 la . I m11111 .. ....... w..www. v--..T-'115.1 ~w we're even. \ t:IUI ,...;;.1 ·-- ·US oliiai illlla MICIMll J.NU.•• 'HAMMllAL llROOICS. J•"• Miii• "RUN WILD, RUN FREE" pl111 l11411el W.W. -l4f111t114 O'ltln "FANTASTIC VOYAGE" Jtpme1e ~vie1 Every Tuelday Nl9ht r .................................... . SPICIAL NOTICI TO OUI PATRONS I T~ pl~tu•lt 11'1 1'1115 Oolt ll'll'f' M CM&Wtf'tld by Min. to '" Uft. 1ul)lb~ for clllldttll 111<1 Y*Ullf "®!• -'"" ttqulr• Plt911hll di .. CrftllOn. "CASTL• Kii'" 1111 "HAltlO ANGIL" 1111) I l"HAlllO COl'fTllACT" Clll "TMll OlllAT llAHK 11011•11tY" IMI "l!J,,OltT YOU I. LOCAL IHllllll'I'" I.Ml ''TMl CMAlltMAH" (Ml CO!ltrll)' WI fll'l'tl'tlslllf DWDnd -._~tr" ~ 1PJ141r1nt 111.- wl\er•, )Wiii periplfl ~r ll lnOf 161 ....,1 ,.., t.·1dmhl• i. ~1 fie t~Mllr• wi· '" l!lt 1111 plc111r• ll•ltd In !Ills bl( ullltff .e- cornPltllM by ,,_rtnt oi:_ 1C111!t 1111rGl111 • ............................. '9••······· T•• ft.lltdk C•IM4y GrHta • IUMNn"' -Clh1t Wol\fl "Tho GREAT BANK ROBBERY" .... J•li........ -T•111't C•rtl• ............ .. "THE GREAT RAC!" IH•111 .. 11...., hr A4•lts ............. ~ ........ . l11lldlve Drfve.hl ..... ..._. Im L_..._ -,.._hlk "CASTLE KEEP'' ,, .. J11mn ••,.., -Wit!• ,,_... "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIPf" No '"' vnlltr H Wiit bt •lml!Md unleu •c~ piinlecl by INf.,11 It!' Mutt 9Uf1rdlfl11. ................. .,. ................ ... Al..W..,._M_. .. •·cifi~\.\-.. c'ifi'hY":'A~G "8Ar.iG· :. ''" .,,.,,,., Lewli -,.,., Lftf9'4 "HOOK LINE AND .SINKER" .......... ~·~·· .. ········· JNO lte Wiil • Gr .. "'Y hek -A11111 H..,_"4 • "THE CHAIRMAN" . ""' J CMrtJ .. ...._. -IMtty Mco-.11 ·-· · -"Pl.ANET OF THE APES" ltolNMIMI .. ~ ''" ". .. ............ ~ ............ .. •$175 ... LOA• • "NAKED ANGEL" "'" , ...... c ..... "HARD CONTRACT" He .,.. ur1w M wrn • • ll'llrt• ""'"' tt...-.1111~1W ., "'''"' « lldult Mf'llllfl.. l __ _ -__,,_, -- T f !1 !l I I l --·--.r-"""'-·-__,.,.-...,--~-~~~....,.---....-...... -----------------~---.. -- s w-.,, -.. 1969 l:lour Jtlone.y's Worth -OVER THE COUNTER Food Discount,s IRVINE ENGINEER Micha•I J. Babblt M. J. Babbit Appointed Michael J. Babbil ol El Toro, has joined the Irvine Industrial Complex as a proj· ect engineer. Babbit will coordinate and direct specific land develop- ment projects from design through construction. lie served as a design proj- ect engineer for the Orange -County Road Oepl. for five years before joining the in- dustrial complex. LEGAL NOTICE T ....... SU,ElllO• cou•T 0' THI ST.I.TE OP CAl..IPOJlJOA FOlll THE COUNTY OP Olt.vtOI !ff. "~'"' NOTICE OF NEAa1He OP PETITION POlll ,1110.ATI! OP Wll..I.. .I.NO FO• l..t:TTEIS TEIT.1.11\INTAIY .-.£stiff! al M.AlfGAll ET M. SH.I.FEil, Dft•ned. NOTIC£ 1$ HE1t£8Y GIVEN ft>1l MA•IAN HAWIC IVs fllld IMlrt!n I Htl- 1~ 1or prob.lie of Wiii 1rict tor 1111u1nc:e of l..fllf1"1 Te5lam<'nt1rv t<1 P~tllloller. r~trrn«-11> wnidl 11 ,...11e '°' fllrlh<lr ••rtlcvllr;t,,, 1!1d ltwll rtie time Ind PllU "' 1ie111.,. """ u.me 1111 i..en 1e1 fllf Aw ont 21, IN,, ti t:3G 1.m.-In I~.( c-urlrOC"' ot DtoHr1-rrt Ho.. 3 pl w l4 rourr. rf 1Ct We1I IEltl'lll S!rtel, In ll'lt c ;1y of s.n11 ....... Cllll0tnl1. O.red Jut¥ 2'. Ifft W. E, ST J OHN '""'""' '"'" . f'AltKllt, Sill.I!'( AND WILLl•MS aa Nwl-llUl11 SINal, Svltt .. , S11111 .1.111. Cellfwllle n111 Ttl (1U) M7•t ""-'-,., Ptll"-' Pvbllliled Ortnllf (0111 Dlilr PUQ!, J w1r JO. .JI Ind 1\11111111 .. It•• 141.Wt LEGAL NOTICE P·t.1"5 "IOTICI! OF DllSOl..UTIOM 01' 1"•1tTJotllt$MI" Public natln hi herm t i-1t11nu1nl 'lo SKI~ l~..S ot 1n1 cor_-f11oos '* of Ctlllorn11. 1r..1 l"t ~~tnelSfl~ 61 "· J . .,.PELLEGRINI, SALV.l.TOltE AM- 81t0Gl0 111d NIAR IO PELLEGJllNI, ...... lolor9 doln9 blah•"• under , .... fk· Ill~ Urm -Ind 11'!'11 of PEl..l.....AM INVESTMENTS. 11 t5t.l Hew'° o r I 1 .... 1rot1rc1. Ci111 p1 eor.11 -.. c ...... l'f p1 Ora-.e. Slllf pl Ctlll0<11il. was OiSMlwd 11 p1 J\llr It. !Ht. Ind 11\11 ltlerWtu • ~ "" 1u11'1Qrlhr IO lflCUf IM o1111 .. •-fOf ulct lo<f'MI" firm. Incl tt.11 wld tnn 10..-111G llc!l!lou1 neme 11 or rih:I oa•~. ,,.. n1mu or 1111 .. artnert end 1,,.lr ll'tloMc" tre &$ fol~: A. J. PeH..,rtnl. 1'1Ct M1-Wtr. C1t1t• Mew, Ctlll.1 S.rwtte<t Amb<'Ollot. 64 c111..-.:1 Sir"'' o,.,. •. c1rlt.t .w.ri. ~IH'1nl. 1•'2 N1..:oll W1r. C1t1tt Mru, C1lll. Oiled· JU!f 2!. 1 ... PEU.·.l.M INVEllMEN1S By: A. J. Peltew•h•I T·4MH •ul!H~hed o ..... , Cot1! 01ily Pllol, A111onl 6. lHt 1451.ff -sTILL ANOTHER illwtra· lion is the way health and beauty aids are now being sold Jn the supermarket just as food! are sold -with loss leaders and all pricts reduced. Formerly, the grocer was de1ighted to peg hi11 price! to those of the comer druggist and to treat the drug depart- ment as .simply as con- ve nience to the ahopper . -And finally, there is the return p benomeno u of Zanuck Buys NEW YORK (UPI) -P,,..;. dent Darryl F. Zanuck of TwenUetb Century.Fox Film Corp. bas bougbl l0,000 ad· dilionaJ shares of the com· pany's common stock. the company announced TueS<;l•Y· T_WO ACRE PARCEL OF PRIME C-2 PROPERTY BEING OFFERED FOR LEAS~ INTERSECTION OF aROOKHUltST AND ADAMS CITY Of HUNTINGTON IEACH, CALlf. P:•f' lnf.rmatien PIN•• C•tact • CITY OF NIW~OIT IEACH, CALIFORNIA llOO Nowport llvd. 1714) Ul-2110, bt. 21 ••••••••••••• .TAB .. ...,. i....-,.,.,., •• , .. ...n., ..,,.SQ. I• Or ... • Cee1ty . • • • • • QualitY. Painting fo£1_QYears J . P.Carroll COM~Y For ... Nlml•I• OI Orochul• ult°'_.,.,;,.: OAANliE COIJHTY lOI ANGEi.iS 201£.~St, 21tH.J="11- tllfl.notL. C.lil. ta~ 1 i ~ii\f~~~o~·~~·~,.,,..~~~~~~~~~~~ ( r ( UCI Prof Joins Board Of Computer Co1npany ON1 THE TUBE r' • • Complete-New forl{ Stock List • ' : .. .. • ' . -... ' -,:c rr5,.. ~ -, ' • l Tuesday's Closing~· Pnces-.C9.iiiP..leJ~ -New.' York ,. On Mixed Note NEW YORK (UPI\ -Stocks 1laged a late comeback to finish mixed Tuesday in light turnover. The news background was a b~ more opt1mls- t1c, but most an~lyst~ viewed the late 1.mprovement as "just another 1'ally in a bear market 0 T.hey noted that there still, is the pr~pect of reduced Among the heavily traded issues were Feddera Corp Natomas, Pan American World Air\vays, RCA, Computer Sciences, and Anaconda The lat- ter reported increased second quarter earrungs, but reduced the dividend ra"e. f I I • Ainerican Stock Exchange List ,·. Pilot dehvers ' *All Strles! *Al' Colorsl *All Sizesl . . . . . .. . . . . . • OVER 20,000 PAIR \,(VI'S ® IN STOCKI U.H YOU IMAOIN£ what -'0,000 llalt ti ltri't9 woul4 leelr: llkt If rw pntd '•111 •II up? lt'4 r.. prttty '"'' hfl'f ""Y· •• "'" .i1 of •Uri Mrftd ovt b, ,,,,., •n4 '9111th1 •M ••i•t •lltl. Wt'vt ••• what fO!.I w1nt-wflta ftU WJUlt lfl Sty)es for Men & Women-Boys & Girls! SIZES I SLIM FIT" WHIT£ LEVI'S" .•.•.•.•.• 2M2 .$4.98 SLIM FIT• CORDS ................ 26-38 $5.98 LEVI'S• BLUE XXJlENIMS ...•••••• , 27·50 $S. 98 STA-PREST SLIM FITS• .....•.•.•.• 2M8 $6.98 STA-PREST NUVO SLIM FITS" ..••... 26-38 $8.00 FLARf'S", SOLIDS,& STRIPES ....... 26-38 $7·$9 STA·PREST TRIMCUTS ............ 26-38 57.SO up BOY'S SUM FIT JEANS ............. 4-12 $3.69 BOY'S XX DENIM LEVI'S" ........... 8-12 $4. 98 BOY'S CORDS, SLIMS & REGS •....•.. 4-12 $4.98 LADY'S STA-PRfST" SLACKS ......••. 6-18 $11 .00 LADY'S LEVI'S" FLARES" ........... 6-16 $8-$12 I USE YOUR CllDIT NOW AND SAVI at GRANT'S! ' T ' SAVE ON All of fOIK Camping Netds .it Granr1 •.. from Cintten1 to Cook S1t1- 1ou'll w1 mor• It Gr1nt'1, .ind we're proud to fe1ture all of the f.imou1, ~uallty ume br.ind1 I SN them FIRST at Gr.int'1I U11 your credit and nwel COLIMAN STOVES c-,1110 1111.fl .. rohHh•• , .. , ......... 1.,. i..1.101t41 LOW .. 0111r I OFFICIAL couw REPAIR srar1011 CATALTIIC HU'llU Tiit -· prKtk ll ~· •• "'""' ... , ... "' ,... ptil. Mt ll1•1I tM LANTIRNS ................. KllltMlt1l 1•• Hntlilt 1-hfll. 1i.,11 .... 111. •9" t 0Mallllo LM11m1, fnom ., •• $12.tl FAMOUS BRANDS AT BIG SAVINGS! CAMP TOILET Compltfe w Ith fr1m1, •••t. ind 6 bt91. LIST $288 $3.98 NAVY TYPEI f • Heavy Canvas Due kl JHE HUSK't' :!611 f11tur11 du1I pr• hcrfon with D.cron'81 Pol711ttr for 111lr1 w1nnth, t lftr1 cu1h1onint 1c0 !Ion. Brown Dur1-0uck9 co'llr with rich, 1oft "fl rlne Duck" f11nn1I lin· Int. Ru911d, ht1yY·duty full zipper· EGG CARRIER H1eyy.duty conl1ln1r '"r' •11• from •r•••· 1., [.E!:!,!;J!ll rn1tt1 into doubl1 bit. 99c G.I. mu FOLDING COT 5·PC. MESS lllT REG. $1.91 RlG. $S .9S $488 REG. $1 .29 '- 99c 98' "CHARGE IT" al GRANT'S SURPLUS GRANT'S 1 CHAIGI . ACCOUNTI • 'BE I y L FOLDING CAMP OVEL AU Of THE NEW wlU •"' ttar-~w 1tript1 l1t • hvte MIKtlit" el celors. 100% lu xu r lou1 comb1d totto11 -llO wrl11ldint - llO• 1hrlnk"'91 -1M l~11h11. SiitJ 5-M-l·XL $6.$7-$8 "HANG Tiii" TIUllllS $6 to $8 U.S. NA VY TYPE BELL BOTTOM DUNGAREES BUSH COATS $1495 $450 l[G. $14.95 VAL "GAME • WINNEl" lum J1tk111 -th• rv•1•d, 1U·tlm1 f1y0rlf1 of lltht· we1tht totto11 end pol,11ftr. s.M- L-XL SALE!. ·WALKING SHORTS 2i$5 SAVI NOW whilt we art clo1i111 out our entire lfock of l1nnvdl Shorb. Mundr1d1 of MW I I JI 1 1 h1 Solld1, Chtcb 1itd l'l1ld1 •• , ind ill ert 1'1nn1ntnt Prt11 l1•rk1, tf uurstl SALE! GOLF SLACKS 2:$11 REG. $7.9S l'ERMANENT 'r'" fi11bh for EZ c1rt, full 1hrink111 COlt- tr1I. Ute llut, Avocado CrHn tnd C.nery Y1!. low with m1tclt- int '91b. Si111 30 It 42. ''The Greatest Name in the Great Outdoors!" C;;tg TENTS ••• and Grant's Has the Greatest Setectio'n! GRAlfT'S lfllTS fJfRFTHlllG Ill CAMP fOlllPMfllT ''The Oasis" JUMBO '8995 10'x8' 9'x12' (Sleeps Sl .....••..... $109.95 10'x13' (Slu p1 61 ............ $129.95 16'x10' (Sloep1 8) ............ $169.95 ALL-BRAND-NEW FLOOR MODELS AND DEMONSTRATORS ••• ALL NEW, •• MUST BE LIQUIDATED NOW ••• SEVERAL MODELS TO SELECT FROMI SAVE ";"m"t NOW! Sensational Discounts! * l-o41eto hllnry * h W1lthltl ( MrxT DOOi AT r- .GUNf'S GULF SERVICE STATION llOW ''Windking" JACKETS by Pacific Trail RUGGEO, windproof, lunry Jati· tt by flMOUI 11.clfic Tr1R. The n•wtff .. outdoor-look .. llll Le4M Grttfl, Ttn, TuniuolM, Y1H ... l'umpkln, o.,.11r, N1Tf 1"4 Nllf tthtn, Sb:H 34 ft 46. STRIPlD TEE SHIRTS $149 REG. $2.91 Huge 11l1ctfon of all cotton striped T .chlrtl In 1 do1t11 colon. 5-1«. SALE! 100% Nylon GOL~ JACKETS '" REG. s4·aa $S.95 100% 10 "'Ion 11nllned J1di:1t1 I• a 11ltction ol 8 n1w colors. C..,pft:tt 1111 r1n1L 119. $S.95. CAMP TRAILERS --· -------------------...... --... --~ ...... ....---...------·---,--"T'..-.........--..-..............----.---...-.... ~-~----·-•..•. ··-·--- Wtdnt.i.y, A,,.UJt 6, 1969 • PJLOT-ADVEllTISl'I Seasohi _ngs · Spice Mariy Cultures • -_____ i once U.ct!"f04ds or the 15th ~ tearch for spices, the lalanm.-ol tlle ,_Carlbbean sea today reflect me season- ing oecrt1" of mlU\Y ·cu11ures In their cooltlng. Not only.the s~ led by Columbusr add Ponce" de Leon, but Portutf1!ese. Afrlcons, Dut- ch, Et'!J11!:' French, Danes and I dipped In their tasting spodh>. Here tho ·foods of the Old World met those Of the New. Anise, coriander, fennel, sage, thyme, rosemary, mint, sweet marjoram and parsley, onions and garlic, all from the Mediterranean, b e g a n mingling aromas 400 years ago with New World,. peppers and allspice and the fruits and vegetables of lhe Caribbean. The Bay (or laurel) tree. the nutineg tree and the ginger root soon found happy homes on these tropical islands as well. Fish, shellfish and seafood: chicken, pork, rice and beans ; native fruits and vegetables, especially sweet potatoes. com, breadfruit, bananas and vinegar and bay leaf. Brtng to~ pineapple. are basic. bolllng point. Reduce beat 4!1d Sofrito sauce ls a charac-· simmer JO minutes, &Unins terisUc premixed flavoring for occasionally. many cliahes. R~ peppers, Meanwhile, mix, flour . w!th onions, garlic, oregano and prlic salt. Dredge !lsh with coriao4er @~ used in so!rjto qour mixture'; ~ shaj(e off e~­ witli either achklte seeds, saf-~s. ln a large Skillet .heat oil. fron or paprika supplying the Ajd fish and saute atiout 5- desired color. n\tnutes on each side. Serve fi"1 with sauce ..spoont(t over WITH:~ ~~~o aJi Yield : 6 portions. 1 package (1'!.i o ~ n c e) GINGER BROWNED RICE spaghetti sauce mix 2· tablespoon& butter or 1,7 cup onion flakes . margarine 1 tablespoon capers 1 cup raw regular cooking 1 tablespoon sliced stuffed rice . , olives 1 can (101A ounce} chicken 1 teaspoon vinegar broth 1 small bay leaf ¥.: teaspoon ground ginger ~ cup flour · 1/1& teaspoon ground blac~: 1 ~ teaspoons garliC. salt pepper 6 (1 pound each) fresh or In 1 medium skillet melt frozen defrosted trout or 2 butter. Add rice and brown packages (t pound each) well, stir r Ing constant!)'. frozen fish f i 11 e t s , Gradually add broth and I ~ defrosted water .. Stir in ginger and blacK 6 tablespoons olive oil pepper. Bring to boiling point. Jn a small saucepan e<>m· Reduce heat, cover and sim- bine sauce _ Jnix v.ith in-mer 20 to 25 minutes or unti1 gredients listed on package, ric:e is 'tender. Yield: 4 to G onion flakes, capers, olives, portions. • - Mama Mia, a Perfect Aecom pan iment Perfect accomj>animent to lasagna is this salad made of 1 to 2 beadS Romaine lettuce, 3 medium ., sized tomatoes, sJ.iced and 1 avocado peeled sliced. Toss with your favorite dressing . and SAVORY FISH COOKED CARIBBEAN STYLE , Hunting for Bo;goins? Compare Before You Buy By BEA ANDERSON Stdt17 t!d~r How often bave you breezed down the h!,ghway on a SWJday ·afternoon's outing, passed a roadside produce stand and wished that you bad stopped to pick up some mar- velous bargains? Or have the displays and signs enticed you to' screech brakes s() you could manage a purchase of sc;>me budget-saving item? Once home, you start washing the -pro- duce and prepate it for refrigeration. You have · second thoug.Q.Ls • , . just · how much did r saV-e ... or did I save anything? Housewives' biggest lame!lt today is the constant rise in food prices. Naturally they give a lot of thou~ht and time to searching for bargains to eliminate the budget blues. The DAILY PILOT decided to help the grocery shopper, on a small scale, by sur· veying severhl markets and r9adside stands. Prices and quality of produce were compar- ed ,. as we pmched, squeezed, examined and weighed our way through merchandise at a produce market, two grocery stores which advertise·djscount prices, two regular super· markets and two roadside stands.- Pfices at roadside stands were higher than most markets. On some items, the price per pound was less but th'e consumer had to buy in large quantity to get the sav4 ings. So, the obvious question to this "bar- gain" is just how much ls .actually saved? The answer would depend largely on the s1ze of the family and how soon the food would be eaten. Or, it the housewife has lots of time on her hands and the facilities to preserve the food it could still be considered a savings. But, it she had to purchase all of the equip- ment necessary for canning or a freezer, it's doubtful that a lug of fruit or vegetables would constitute any savings at a11. Rather. it \vould be considered a tremendous ex- penditure. If she decides not to preserve the pro-. duoe, but gives a portion of the food to friends or neighbors, or doesn't care about throwing away spoilage, it still is a costly buy and certainly no bargain. Produce in roadside stands will perish faster as there is~ n"O· refrigeration to ward off heat. It also seems insects would find the sta nds a heaven, too, as there are no screens to keep them out. During the .survey, roadside stands were found to be higher priced than "discount" markets and the quality wa's not as· good, either. Winning hands down on quality was the produce village with su permarkets placing second, although supermarkets were not always second in prices. Samplings of price and quality at the stands and market go like this: Cantaloupe: produce market, 25 cents each. excellent quality; supermarkets, 23 and 34 cents, excellent quaUty but smaller melons ; discount markets, 20 and 25 cents, overripe, and roadside stands, 17 and 25 cents, overripe and soft spots. Spanish onions: produce market. 2 pounds for 25 cents, excelleht quality ; super· markets, 10 cents a pound and 2 pounds for 29 cents, excellent quality; discount mar· kets. 3 pounds for 29 cents and 12 cents a pound, soft, and roadside stands. 2 pounds for 19 cents and 2 pounds for 25 cents, soft and starting to spoil. Cucumbers were rubbery at all markets except the produce market \Vhere they sold for 3 for 25 cents; supermarkets, 3 for 25 cents and 2 for 35 cents; discount markets, 4 for 25 cents and 2 for 19 cents, and road- side stands, 3 for 25 cents al each. It would seem that if the quality is not high . then the price shouldn't. be ·either. Un· fortunately, t h i s survey disproves the. theory. ' Kitchen Carpeting Sometimes Covers Easy Maintenance ,. BY'1>0Ral'llY WENCK ~ ... ,, """' Atl'll- Have yoU ever feU that you're on a merry-go.round and Can't get off? You work hard earning money to buy the many consumer products that make life more comfortable. And then you have to work even harder to malpt.ain all these things you've bought. ,I.Jfe, Instead of becoming more almpllftedi becomes more complex. A cut in point is kitchen carpeting, which W: ~vertlJ!ed 11.s being eas1 to care tor -no:mopping, waxing, polishifig -In addiliOo to being attractive, comfortable und~ helpful in reducing noise and cold , etc. etc. Spots and stains, it is aald, ptsy to remove. Howdet. somt purchasers of kitchen carpetlftl:,.blve .found it's not as sanitary H 1111ooili flOor covtril1gl; tbal powdery and gfainy aubstanca such ·as flour, sugar tind Wt are diftlcult ta remove; that sbot.r and stains that have been allowe3 to "oet" may be Impossible to get rid ol ; that the carpet lades and chqes color where scrubbed; lha.t the Home News and Views backing absorbs liquids and eventually rots. NOT ALWASY EASY CARE In olher wonla, 1ome consumen have fowtd "eu1 care" ldteben earpeUng more work to' ·maintain than a lradi· tionat resWeat floor CGVtring Of v1nyl or llnoieum. Many times the reason for dissaUsfac- tion with lhe maintenance or kitchen carpeting, or any olher home product, is that a poor choice wu made. For example, recenOy a ve·r1 frustrated homemaker called me to find out how ahe could keep ber yellQw shag kitchen carpeUng clean without spending hours a week m It. ADd really, there was not much I c:ould 1uggest. SM had made a vei, Impractical thoice of e<>lor and te1ture for a kitchen carpeting, especially since she had • several small children who were bound to llpill. She chould have considered main- tenance problems before.she bought the carpeL She would have bee:l'.l more satisUed with a tweed or multicolor or printed carpet in medium colors -iiot loo dark and not as light 8:5 yellow -that would not show soil readily. A. carpet with a tight, low-level loop and dense pile would oot have allowed spills_ and crumbs to penetrate io the -:backing an4 would also have been much · mler to vacuum and to damp mop, IMPERVIOUS TO !JQUJDS With cblldren she could txpect mlJY 1pill1 or liquid• 50 she 1bould have chosea a carpet with a synthetic backing sucb 11 polypropyltnt, wblch Is completely Im· peeylattt to Uquklt. Bacldnp of natvrtl matttiah, suc:b 11 Jule, will absorb liquid and may rot. .. I L_ ; _ ---- Mmt kitchen carpels are made of man- made fibers such as acrylic. nylon and plefin -all of which are mildew and stain resf.stant. For color fastness "solu· tion dyed'' fiber is best. "So lution dyed" means the e<>lor is added when the fiber is still in liquid form, before it's spun into yarn, whlch makes it highly resistant to fading. Kitchen carpeting is more practical when,. it can be taken up for cleaning. Thus, instead of permanent installation you might .prefer insla\lalion with double faced tape.. Sqme kitchen carpet comes al Ules which can be removed l.n- divicfually ind laundered. Some types of carpeUng can be taken outside and hosed off -~ut .Jt should be thoroughly dry bdqre Jt. is put .back down. Remember, the key to aatisfacUon wltb kitchen carpeting -or any 'othU home product -is in considering ease o( maintenance before you buy. QlJESTJO~~ WE ARE ASKED ~q. We have a trtt run of neetarfne1 and wODld like to can ud freeie some of them but can find no recipes. Do you have any? Also bow can lbey be used fresh? A. Nectarines can be preserved just like freestone peaches and can be used in place of peaches in recipes such as cob- bl ers, pies, shortcake, etc. 'J'o can nec- tarines, simply follow your directions for freestone peaches. To freeze them, cover the fruit with a sirup oI 3 cups sugar to t cups water, plus lh , teaspoon ascorbic acld to prevent divkenlng: Q, 11 It trae th.lit tredlng stamp cora - ~nle1 are requlrtd to redetnr tbelr 1tamps for catih at the customer'• re- quest? Is tbere a law I.bit 11;y1 bow mu(h a book of stamp. Is wo'rtll? A. tn California , w~ have a iaw which rfqulres lrailirij slamp companies to redeem stam'ps in cash if requested.' However, there Is no mlnlmum amount the company must pay. Q. l\1y tldcrl1 father. tall quite a bU of cilnn~ baby food Mcaute IM can't cllew very welt. RectnUy be w•• put.on a low 1odJu.m diet ud we're flad1111 ua.t aow he can't eat many of bis favorite baby foods. Can you tell me why baby foods have Ml much salt, 8.lld especially wby Oil earth &hey have mOD01odlum. glutamate which ls hJgh In• 1odlum? I A. The U.S. Senate ·Select Committee on Nutrltlon and Human Needs bas beera investigating this very question. Seier.. tisLs have testified to this commJttee that salt and monosodium ,dutamate add no nutritional values to baby foods, but are put In as a sales device. The manulac- turer!I are eppeallng to the mot.hen' tastes and are not considering the baby'• needs. According to one scientist, babiea can get all the salt they need from natural, unsalted food. but that from a1x to &O times as much salt as is. needed .la added. lf you object to this use of salt and monosodium glutamate in baby foods, l suggest you write the chairman of thla committee, Senator George S. McGovern. and a1so the Food & D r us A.d111ini8lraUon, and the baby lood C1>t\1• pany, -10 register your campla,lflt along" with your reason!. U enough people com-- plaJo. tome action may result. • I t " ' .. • .... ,:l" • Secretary -Offer·s a Prayer • ... OSAR. ANN UNDERS: ShliCt you ~t iht pitrwl saint ol American &eeret.ar1es, wlll you pl..,. print lhlst Ont Secretary's Prayer: Dear Lord: Clve me the memory of 1n elephant, the ability lo do lix things al on~ answer three telephones, keep the hew, from throwing a lighted ruatcl1 in a w1&lebasket filled with paper. and take the letter that "MUST go out tonight" but he forgets to sign until tomorrow. Help me to keep my cool when be asks 1ne to turn the oHice upside down to find a report in the files which he later locates in the inside pocket of his jacket. And above all, Dear Lord, keep my ears from dropping off when he swears at his partnu. libs to his wile and lies lo his banker. I need your help Lord to keep an erpressionless race under these trying ro!Kiitions. II is the hardest tall of all. - NO NAME PLEASE. I need my job. DEAR NEED TO WORK : Hen's your lcltu and I'll bet Ulis prayer makes the rounds of lots of oUlces today. DEAR ANN LANDERS : I am not a meddler in the lives of my grown children. But .something happened that upset me greatly and I would appreciate YOUR thinking. My daughter and her &.yeaHld son lipent several days wilh me lhb pa.st month. My grandson rerused lo go to bed until his mother went. Some evenings il ANN LANDERS was nearly mkinlght. Then the boy went into the bathroom with hl• mother and &at with her while she took 1 bath. He In· slsl.ed on sleeping with his molhet although 1 had another bed fw hlm. ln my view thls ls emotionally unbea.1thy and I said so. My daughter said the boy Ls afraid lo be alone and lhal she mU1t give him the reassurance he needs. Ann. that boy did not leave his mother's side for five minutes out of lhe 10 days they were with me. I am con- cer ned . Would you be! - SHREVEPORT, LA. DEAR s. L: nat ramlly aeed.1 two doctors. o.e for Ml.lllma ud o.e lor Jwllar. A chUd wbo fedl· so l.Uutaied thal k eauot IeaYe IU.1 mother'• tide la ill bad Qape. And 1maU wonder. 1111 moUter is usia1 tblJ boy to .. tb.fy her owa dci nttdl. Aad daey a~ plenty lkk. DEAR ANN LANDERS : The llindu lawgiver Manu said: "The father 'pr~ tects w o m a n in her childhood as something precious and delica te, easily injured. The husband protect& her after marriage. The son prot.ect.s her In old age. Woman should not be left a1one to take care of herself." Yet you stubbornly ina1Jt that whatever happens to a girl is her own fault. You are in enemy of all females, everywhere. -B.H. DEAR B.R: Man declared hlmtelf the Supreme Bein& ind tbe Creator of the U&ivent. So mucla for that cat'• credl· bllity. Mu.n's coacept ti womu 11 bast1t o• the world as I& was &J11Gnd l%OI B.C. If ft.tau came bact dll1 week u a .Brahma bull or • fly oa • barroom celllnc, he'd cet u eydul •. What is French ~g? Is it wrong? Who should Get the necking limits -the boy or the girl! Can a shotgun wedding succeed? Read Ann Landers' booklet. "Teenage Se:r -Ten Ways to Cool It." Send 50 cents in coin and a Jong, self-ad- dressed. stamped enYelope. AM Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of the DAILY PILOT, enclosing a self·addres,,ed, stamped envelope. Horoscope Award Winner The trophy displayed by Patricia Wright of Corona del Mar is the LuLu Award present· ed her by Los Angeles Advertising Women for outstanding contribu· tion to the field of com· m u n i c a ti on s. The award was for a film "Form or Contract?" Area Club Supports Jdyllwild Home Tour • Southland residents may \'iew outstanding mountain homes in Idyllwild next Satur- day. and at the same time asstst. a deserving teenq:e girl resort area through t h e Idyllwild Institute Fiesta ef· forts. Golfers Ta Drive For Funds DrlWlg In the direction of golf en 'will be members of the South Coast Junior Woman 's Club of Fountain Valley. Cancer: Time for Excellent Dining Out J thanks to the. ldyllw il d ln1titute Fiesta. Supporting the efforts of those faisiog funds for the Teen Girls Cultural Center In ldyllwild is the Coast Women's Club of Corona del Mar. 1'.frs. Leslie Penn and Mrs. Raymond Wood will be among club member.; contributing their Ume lo the benefit hoIQe Lour. Recipients or the funds ac· quired will be underprivileged tee.nagers who receive weekly campersh!ps in the mountain The tour proceeds also will be used to finance leadership training programs for college bound girls and career coo· sultaUons for high school graduates about lo enter business careers. Opening their homes in Idyllwlld will be the Messrs. and Mmes. David P. Wilke, Richard Elliot. Rodney Wr:lch. James E. McKinney and A1rs. Kalhleen Thomas. The tour will begin at l p.m. and tickets at $1.50 may be purchased at the C.arriagr: Inn in the village or at the in- dividual homes. Two golf-a-thon.s will be con- ducted on area courses and funds raised will be used for club phi~pies. Tbe first contest will take place bttweeo I a.m. and 4 p.~ SaJurday and Sunday, Aug. t .. an(I 10, at the Costa J\'ltsa Golf Course. T~lell:, at .s;o cents each or three for Jl. wlll be offered goJfer1 and to, .win the player must hit' his ball within a radius of U feet on the first try. THURSDAY AUGUST 7 By SYDNEY OMARR BEST BUYS: Booi:1, cloves ud rag1. PERSONAIJTIES IN NEWS SPOO'LIGHT apt to be bora uder GEMINI. . . inheritance could be involved. Check tal' matters. SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21): Accent on legal mat· ters, partnerships, joint cf. forts. You become aware of necessity to cooperate. If mar- ried, make CCtncession to mate. If single, you may soon be headed for altar. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. ARIES (l\-1arch 2l·April 19): 19): t-.itore persons are willing, You are on the move; you get even anxious to listen. Your me&ages, and element or con-;issociates, neighbors I 0 0 k fusioo could exist. Key is to upon you as one \V j th keep CC1mmunica1ion I i n es something worthwhile to say. open. Strengthen person a I Know lhis and talk, act like philosophy. Don't argue with you know it. For on Evening Paradise Found Soll, balmy breezes blowlng ln from the Pacific just seem lo conjure up thoughts of the 50th slale. Caught in lhls irend are members or Balboa Yacht Club who will present their salut.e in the clubhouse Satur- day,1Aug. 9. Preparing to tran:donn the setting into an autbenlic Island scene are htrs. Allen Cottle and her helpers, Mrs. Chuck Eddy and Mrs. Thomas Kellogg, while entertainment cltairmeo, Mr. and Mn. Bob Woodward are amn&ing a program of Polyneslan dances by Tiana .Sherrick and her troupe. Festlvitles will begin at 6:SO p.m. with mal tais served in pineapples. A customary luau will be served buffet style at 8 p.m .• aod dancing to the Blue Gardenias wiU round out the evening. Guests and n\tmbers wUl be gretled by Vice Commodore and f!1rs. Don Franklln, Rear Commodore and Mrs. Ed Steen Jr. and lhe \Yoodwards • .. ERASE-DI Rt Cl1•11i11g Pr.d11ch FRE'El I .,...,.NiMr ,..1t11 ltrytlll Kltlf" wllll f'vrct!IM 11 1 QI. Li'lfl4 Otf""'"'I C:t.IRll" , ...... " '270 .1 qh. ..,, •fot window&. ~lrr111, d\Mldflien. tlC. W ••• M&rc:-1, •lllP. House of Marcus 5Jl W 1 fttl St .. CPt• M ... IOpp.tlte Top YC111 M&t.J Art Auctioned Again For Hospital's Benefit The second golf·a·thon will take place durlog the sa~ hours .Saturday ind Sunday. Aug. 18 arid 17, at Meadowlark C o u n l r y C\ub, HunUngton Beach. and the Rancho San Joaquin course. relatives. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. . TAURUS (April 20-May 20): 18): Romantic, creative in· Accent continues on money, terests are emphasized. You posaessions, income potential. break from routine. Some who Collect and analyze. data. You "''ere mildly interested become Harbor Center, 2300 North H"arbor, Costa Mesd beDefit yourself and family r as c i n ate d . per sonall~~;;~;ii;ii;ii;ii;ii;i~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiii~~~~~~~iiii~i · 1 canvases. sculpture a n d craftwork will be sold at tbe second annual Art AucUm 1st ANNIVERSARY SALE 2nd Fent11tlc Wffkl SUM Mil conoHS &: ILIHDS-J6" I 45 .. so•1. OFF HAND LOOMED IHDIAH FAlllC 20°/o OFF HAWAIIAN PRINTS .... 1.19 °1.fl NOW .98, •. l"OLTESHI DOUILE lNIT 100/o OFF 2T llG llHG llA5S ZIPPElS •1.10 WISS SCALLOPING SHU.IS NOW $8.29 The FABRIC CENTER 488 E. 17th St., COSTA MESA 6464544 IWA.Mc•4 M•t9t'~ GO BACK TO SCHOOL IN THE NEWE ST FALL LOOK! PERMANENTS I I I & FROSTINGS ·I $3 OFF! I 548. 4565 Oil'fN THURSDAY EVES. CASUAL COIFFEURS 481 E. 17rh St. Coata Meu fat l"I• Aft.J "' -.. benefit for South Coast Com· munity Hospital on Festival or Arts grounds Saturd1y, Aug. 30. Works have been donated by nationally and internationally known artists and craftsmen and will go to the highest bid- der. Proceeds will be turned over to the hospital's ex· pans.ion fund. Mrs. James Thomas, co- chairman of the event, an· nounced that mare than 30 area artists and craftsmen already have contributed (lne or more works. Included among art abjects now being catalogued by committee members are paintings by Leon Franks, Roger Kuntz, Claut'-Parsons, Ken ?tferrill. Charlotte Chambers, Rosalie Bowan Love, Tom Radcliffe, Rayna Romer, David Rosen. Gonen Perei, Robert Small and Gulher Smith. Richard Goldberg, Laguna Beach councilman, will serve as auctioneer. Mrs. Hovey Cox also i.! co-chairman or the event. Grounds will be open al 10 a.m. and silent bidding will begin at IL The auction will take place between 2·fl p.m. SerYing IS chairman f(lr lhe woman't club is Mrs. Carl Cle.ry, Paintings On View For August W at.ertolon or scenes In Greece and Me:rlco· as well as California by artist Mrs. CharlU S. (Caro) Eatqn will bf: ahown in Mariners Library during August · J\.trs. Eaton is presented as artist~f-the-month by t b e J11nlbr Ebell Club (If Newport l)each. She has lived for 2' years in the Newport Beach area and for the .past s!J: years she has been attending clas!eS at the Laguna Beach Scboc;il of Art and De~gn. Her oil and wate?cotor paJn- lings have bef:n exhibited in the California State Fair, Na- tional Orange Show, Riverside Museum Annual and i n Watercolor, USA. She is a member of lhe Laguna Beach Art Association and the California National Watercolor Society. Purses Go Long, Soft For fall and winter, gone are the uptight, under Ute armpit purses. . Instead. soft long pouches and envelopes are here, trim· med with lacing, bardware. rope and W1!bbing to pick up detail of a button or braid. You'll wear this long , long look with pants, tunics and! midi coals. Look for soft elongated box· es and envelopes on shorter! straps 10 wear v.ith skirts1 and sweaters. Textured and antiqued leather is all im- portant. l'IRGll\'IA'S SNIP 'N' STITCH SHOPPE 3334 E•1t Coast Hwy . e Coron• del M•r Phon• b7).8050 C111 '1011 b1!i1 .. 1 11'1 clr11dy A11,w111 Ow• t wm· m•• "'''"'" 1lip p1d b, 111 111 ci11ic•t,1 S1fly 11 111111lio11 ii bwt 1cl.ool 11 011ly t month ''"''' t11d 11'1 limo yow t otl19t bowtHI c11tl1 tl1tf coo1din1fin'I t ,..1rdrolw. U11 thi1 "''"th to 11w •"" b1 tho b11I tlr111o4 'Ill 111 c1111pw1. St1rt bv 11l1cti119 111111 fill 4rip 4ry colt.ii f,, tl.011 fin! WI"" wttlt ol 1chool, tl1111 thlf."1 111 19'1111 11l1cti111 11 wi41 wtl• c.,411r1y, "'''[1111 111 itl•i••• tw1101 1tMI 111i41 w1lti119 I• b1 111141 hll• 1•i•l1, i11111p1,. 111tl ~,,.. t ui1t. l row11 ov• 11011111 1tHI !ti111 01p ... tfrlt11I to ttllll tht finT1lli11g t1111ch to ''"' .,;9i111h. Moy w1 11•~• v•• 11111, Vllt61NIA ~ _I - through care f u I approach. magnetism rating rises. You ~ ~ys dividends. get your way. ~EM:mr '(May 21 -June 20): PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): 'f~ 'chance on your own What you take for granted abilltie£ Sland ·up for your may need reviewing. Know rights.. Yoo may be surprised h' d rd " i B al number. of allies auracled. t is an act aero mg y. e positive or facts -have lhem Be realistic. about manner of at fingertips. Older individual dress. J~11tation. Id 1 dbl-" · CANCER·(June 21-July 221 : cou try lop ace roa .,..;a, lD E1:celleiit , evening for dining ;;;p;;a;;th;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, OOt, attending theater. Shakell off lethargy. Cooperate in charitable project. Fear you ht1Ve · been nursing proves gFWJ1Clless. LEO · (July 2~Aug. 221 ' Spotlight on friend s, hopes , wishes. You are able today to successfully co m p I e t e im· portant tasks -better for finishing than for starting. Socla.llz.e. Accept invitations. LllOG•IUI llGllS VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)' Original approach gets job dooe. Accent on c a r e e r , greater recognitlon. Cooperate!~====== in community efforts. P.'iake known your unique. ideas, abililie.s. There is talk of pr~ motion. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22): Attention turns inward : you examine your own motives. Key is lo be honest with your· self. Then' you auract favora· ble respoase. One at a dis· tance is interested in your ef· forts. SCORPIO (Oct. 23·Nov . 21): Be positive about advice. P.1eans get the best. P.1istakc to seek bargains in professio nal competence. Money, possible I WEIGHT@. WATCHERS. l. Somt talking, somt 1i1ttning 1ruf a progr1m thtt works. TM 4 Fill llOCHUll-Ull tS5-!50S FIND Of THE WEEK Graceful foot Id tr.)' In Chlppendale sryle, heavHy sOverplaled. A neat 8 Inches lri diamaterwTthembouad crnt in centtr.Use It for . candy or amall pagtriesor to hold •ft•-dinner mints. Tarnish resistant finish, tool · • • .-/ Oorapeclal price $1.DO SLAVICK'S .WW.waSlnce 1917 11 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH -6<<·1380 Yovr (.ilottt• ACC0\1111 Wt~ -ltl\llA~k.ort, M•1llf Cll•ro .. tee Op11t M11141y, ftldoy " ·n t :JO '·"'· YOU'RE INVITED TO ROBINSON'S COLLEGE BOARD FASHION ORIENTATION ..• F EATURING OUR COLLEGE BOARD MEMBERS AND THE FAllUL.OUS FASHIONS FOR FAL.L FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 7:00 P,M, IN THE LIDO BUFFET t NEWPORT BEACH ASK FOR COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS. IT'S A GREAT COURSE, AND JUST A PREVIE\'I OF OUR CAMPUS CURRICUL.UM 169-'70 CAMPUS CURRICULUM RO RC'BINSON'S hlEVVPORl • FASr, .i ~ I: _A:,D · &14 2800 r I • Black ·Beauty Aide Hea~s ·Booming Cosmetics -Business ?Y THEODORE A. EDIGER. business -selling cosri'letlcs MIAMI (~) -Black beaq-.,poclally made for black peo- ~. is Blanche Calloway's pie -bas boomed ln less than rsiness. And she says her a year from a small firm to a growing nationwlde •market. ··we blacks just can't exped resului from cosmetics desllzn· ed for white skins," said Mlsa CaUoway, sist.er of band leader Cab Callow~. • Voodoo ,it.etlhav• Io41oo>.ond Bladt Magic body Iotlan; 4'Black 1"t>l'neQ didn't need cosmeUcs years ago," Ml&s Callowpy uid. "Her Job outside the home was u maid or housekeeper. She didn't need to look. attractive and couldn't afford it an)'\Vay. • • • ' t • • ' • ' ' • 1 i I .. • . • ., , " ., . . ' • BANKRUPTCY FSAL"E 3 DAYS ONLY -'AUG. 7.9.9 12:00 Noon to 7 P.M. Entire stock or ladies' garments -dresses - uniforms -lingerie and all assets formerly PATii LEE UNIFORMS and The CLASSI CHASSIS ORDERED SOLD 1/2 OFF THE IANKRUl'T PRICE Barco -Paul Jones -L• Grace -Bob Ev1n1' Designer Series -Gossaird -Mr. Barco Mens J1ckl'fs -Gilead -Warner -Jar Mer1i - l illyatte -Glydon1 -Form Fit Rogers, etc. FIXTURES FOR SALE ON THE PREMISES ! 2400 w.· COAST HIWAY IN NEWPORT AltT CINTEI SHO,S SHO,,INO. CENTER Ac ross from Stuff Shirt, Newp6rt Baich She is president of Afram House, ~·hlch last October began a mail order business by sending catalogs to black. people. Now the company 111 establishing retail o u t I e t s tltroughout the nation and hil! expanded its line to other black-oriented merchandi se, such as black dolls and African walJ plaques. Lipstick., eyelashes, e y e shadows, powders, perfumes and ,wigs are much In demand by black 'Women, M i 1 s Calloway said. For men, there are such l t e m s as Soul deodorant. Coeds Preview Campus Scene Canlpus rashion trends for the coming school year will be shown neirt Friday during Campus Curriculum '69. ac· companied by the music of the Polished Breeze. Models will be niembers of Robinson's College Board, and the location \viii be the Lido Buffel of the Fashion Lsland store. "Now tht black woman Bay Area Residents Tell Troth San Franclsco resldenl3 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Leong have announced the engagement of their daughter, Deri Leong to Lawrence Brewster, son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Brewster of Newport Beach. Miss Leong was graduated from George \Vashlngton High School and San Francisco City College. Her Hance attended the University of Redlands before earning his bachelors degree in political science from UCI and his masters degree from California State College at Fullerton in the same su bject. The couple will exchange wedding vows Aug. 23 in Newport Beach. Llllk fir Ule Ille wimill at selectal sapes mtets . mps Special Prices , Thurs. -Sun., August 7-10 Wherever you go, take me with you! s • .,.r, Molaste'S, Oatmeal, Choc.olat•·oT Peanut Butter CookMts Toke olong lots of everybody's fOfllll()(lte eookie trttm: Crlsp n' thin Sugars; Rich n' chewy ~sses; Nice "' crunchy Ootmeo!s; Deep fll' dark Choo:>· 1ates.; Tbkk n' nutty Peonvl Butters. All cookies., oil tol:&-Ok:>ngs from Von de Komp's. (Ref, 3ltl , .... Spice Cak• Toke ofong a coke that fills the bill os a delightful SU1n11"5itiroe dessert: first cousin kl grondmo's old- time spice coke. The .makings: frogront 'f'ices, fresh eggs ood roisin-s boked ift two ino+st lcyef'"~ IOYiGhed \l!Mh bvtterueom king and ulH'lcity pecans. 2-layers $1.19 • (Re1. $1 191 an. ........ , P\g.. of 6 ...••.•..... (hg.~) 33 ' h r.,_.. twittt I 2 Ot ... ..• (Oog.19') 25 < Almottd Cri.a.pie Coffee Cake1 Toke along the aisptest, crunchiest coffeenn.e lreol: Von de Komp's origil'IOI SVll'eef pastry dough coYefed with o freshly coromel1zed almond cootong ond theo boked oisp. Great toke-clongs! PlG. 11 4 43' (Rec. 49cl All Flcm11 s Ice Cream Toke olang ,.__-, '""°"'" f'{lhl-heonod dener1! Vaft. de Kemp's ridt •' creamy ice crec. canes an ol1 ~ of lbe .,,;'nbow pl ... yo<J< lo.orite ....... bet., loo. This "'°"'"'' sped al fkM>r? °""''h Not loll. Mola! -ice """"'= g<ond Mole. (Ice(""°"' .CMJ'ilobte ifi lrlorut I/°" 0e IOl!p's *-'J Pinl Yz Ga l. 35' $1.19 !Reg _ 39c) (Ref:. $1 1 91 An Ft..~lltef'bet-P1NTS Olly (teg, '29c) •. ·., 2.k ' . ---~----J---~--~-~ worU In an Integrated business and an integrated 1ebooL She has lo have an awareness of everything it tlles to make her attractive because she has to compete." "When we itarted, 111·c bougtit ads In black publics· liol"'.s and included coupons for -,catalogs," she recalled. "We got letters from all over lhe United Slatt:s." other coametic1 to 10 with The biggest response, she thtir tan," she said, smiling. added, came from t h e "After all, Caucasla.na spend t.tid)Vest. many hoors a cay 1y1ng Out in \Vhile her product! are the 1un trying to look like we designed for black people, look." Miss Calloway said some -----------1 whites also use them. "Some of the white soul sisters have been wearing our makeup when they can't fi nd \ i Let TV WEEK Turn You On 9.Q • v llepeat of a sellout! Our crepe jumper return s in four fall colors Black, brO\\'R, green or 1.:ranberry looks great in soft acetate crepe. This 1nlart jumper is jnrli:i;Pcns..'l.ble !or sumn1 cr .•• for fall! S'vitch looks to match your moods .•. \Vear it 'vith a sheer blou se or slinky shirt ""it11 long scarf. }'ully lined; 10·20, 111 1.221 '.!· Blouse and scarf 1ho\vn. available in our .i\.ccessory Shop. Budget Dresse.8. ' ~ ' • ... u um • ' ' • DAILY PILOT Jl 'wtTH SALLIE ROUND AND ROUND \VITI-I BLUE ICING, , • Blll dexterously came up "'ith "llappy Birthday Julie" on top of a snowy white iced 12 egg a11gel food cake. BiU l!i our lns1an1 Happy Birt)). dll,Y kl!. Need a birthday cake. Pick it out. BUI doe11 the grt'Cting1 while you wait llnd "'Klch. 01 course you have lo catch him first. Catch a smell or pizza bread. then try not lo taU some home. It grabs you right When:! you "'ant to buy 11. big thick 11!eak to go along v.•ith ii. Our very own dt'Jicjous cnisty c r u st e d French bread lip l i t lengthwise drooiled o v e r with pina sauce t h • n spr!nkled with grat!d cbed· dar And chopped onions and sprinkled 111ilh parsley. ~. orange and green. • • the munching is Ires gay. spicy and decorative too. Another little Kem called a grape Bavarian pie will bring 11·hislle1 with every moulh· melllng nibble. SUch a lush haunting navor. decorated 90 lovingly with fresh red raspben·ics and aJI made pie happy 1ogether with a cookie- crunching graham cracker crust. As the nif!f! continental looking lady said as she (If· gled over the honey almond crisJ)I 11.nd, the apple Danah, "You'd think thia ii a French Bakery or something,·• TRAVEL ... TRAVEL .. EAT •. DINE ... IS THE BIG ANSWER to the search for Gugelhupf, woks and ostrich egg baskets ... o~ perhaps a.n ebles klver. IOmC canooia or cream hot·na. . Air trave?I makes f'verywhere clOM!. When the sight·Sttins: is over, the yen lor far away custom!! of rooking lingen1 on ..• So 111)n't )'OU step lntn o u r Country Kitchen a..n d 11ec what rooks on the con- tiocnt. !he i'~ar East and do11•n ?tlexico way. An oil potter. . .Now lhcre·11 a good thini: , •. decorative too, besides bein.1t an eUicicnl 11•ay to strain oil Iha! hall! been u9ed for deep fryi{lg. That ~xt al.bacon! should ralt a fish poacher to do him whOle and beautiful. 11·ith a 11pecla1 tray with handles 101· drippin& h I m out. An Asparagus cooker is elegant for 11tcamina: the long green bettutles up and down. with a tray ol course for tender lining. The delight of havirlg wood lhlrigg around. • .a SJ>ecial roller for plua , • .two 1o1·ooden potato mashers, one for llat pans, one for rounded bottoms ... Shades of wood en ehOppifl& blocka and work tables with logs . . .And if you had either, you'd want a round ha~r-00 to sweep majestically from the ceiling lo keep your pots and maJlel• handy like a merry-go.round, Come fall. you'll adon! roa.stlni your chestnuts on lop of lhe range with a special [ry pan that has boles all over ... a wild, sort of a gul!'!!l!I what Wl' do \Vith thi11 pan • . .And everybody's be<-n screaming for porcelain pestle and mortars Ul put their fresh whole herbs In and doodle them around. Throw your electric waUle iron out the \\'indow becausct no1v you can make lhem over 1t. ga11 burner with a cast iron beauty you flip ~r to ~ duce heart shaped wattles. tt you want to make your own tortillas, you·u find a tortilla preu from Mexico ••• CORDON BLUE FROM FRANCE TIIE REAL 1.-lcCOY .. !In moulds and bundt pjllls ..• mixing bowls • , .great thing that liltle circle to stick your thumb through while you stir and stir ••. Sprihg form pa.na come with two tops for tho!!e delica te moulded lhinis with lady flngen and such that cM·t hare the slightest shake • • .l\fllk canll ... milk buckets. , .11coops and French try ncst!!I , •• Phaella pans ttom Spain and some excitina news In tin moulds from Mc.'tlco • Scitndinaviln deli.tit is a krun1cake iron .•• drop )'OW' beUer in an(t it lro~ up erbply dcligbtlul 'oflth a 8Cl'Oll11-'0rk pattern on each 1ide. N~I YoU wrap it around a i::ream hom case and finally fUJ with whip cream. U t~ APl'.lflite is wlll- ing but the spirlt ~n't, tht> bft.kt.ry makes beattti" for a mt.re telephone call. l'fere al Richard'•, the peo. pie •tore, where we h opt' J.'OU'll coma in and watch our Country Kit<.'brn IJ.'OW. n·. ltMl' bQIM!nc of a real fun l~'ay Ol cookery A ti ct tle<.ttatlng you'n aob\c to io. ... • ' l I l • • ; ' • • • • • • ' " ., • ' • ~ • • . . I ' • • ' . •• DA1LY PILOT Wtd11tsd1y, August l, 1'69 • GROCERY ' ·Minute Rice ,14• oi. 39¢ fANCIFOOD WHOLE Water Chestnuts ... 4,.. $1 ARDEN AA BUTTER I LI. 83c NABISCO "NILLA" VANILLA WAFERS 12 •1 37c Yuban COFFEE I lb. 69¢ YUBAN COFFEE 2 ll . 1.37 KIKKOMAN TERIYAKI SAUCE 10 •'-49c KABUKI . Mandarin Oranges 11 •• ,. 5 ,., 51 LAURA SCUDDERS MAYONNAISE 11111111rr 39c C&H GRAN ULA TED SUGAR 5 lb. bag 49¢ RED HAWAIIAN PUNCH 4•••· 3 ,,, s1 HEINZ SWEET PICKLES 1 • ••• 39c GLORI ETTA Stewed TOMA TOES '" 5 '" $1 GLORIETJA • TOMATO JUICE "' !ill. · 3 ,,. 89c CLIFF CHAR BRIQUETS 10 lb. bov 89¢ • 2 FEATURE OFT "Casu._lstone~ by Coventry BRE.AD & BUTIER PLATE . ... ~pecial savings on lovely matching 1'Casualtone" completer piece~. BAKERY DELICIOUS VARIETY BJ\EAD Dutch Crunch Bread DAf 'ISH ROLLS TOPPED WITH HONE Y STICKY BUNS TENDER LITT LE DINNER ROL' • 43c 79c POTATO ROLLS 6 ,,, 31 c POUND CAKE WITH FRUIT ON TOP FRUIT PAN DOWDY 69¢ TRY OUR BAN ANA NUT BREAD. PINEAPPLE COCONUT CAKE OR BANANA WHIPPED CREAM PIE FOR DE SSERTS HAWAIIAN! . - EAHDY PASCAL L or BENSEN 'S COOL MI NTS Refr•1hin g on a hot d•y! Regular $1.00 lb. 79¢L8. FLOWER !HOP A HOT WEATHER SPECIAL! . ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS An the b•evty of reel flow •rs, but th•y won't wilt , fed• or droop! 10% OFF -- • PHONE 673-6360 FOR HOME DELIVERY PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 7, 8, 9 PRODU~~ . . ....... Or9an Seren•d• For Your Pleasure by Bernice F1y ' -·· ., . ' ' ' I I ' ~' .. :·, ' • LIDO MARKET CENT ~R NEWPORT BLVD. AT THE ENTRANCE TO LIDO ISLE ·~ · 1;· ~ •\i' ~~tl • . . EACH 49~ GARDEN.FRESH, FANCY, TENDER,· KENTUCKY WONDER String Beans SWEET, JUICY. RIPE , SANTA ROSA PLUMS . LB. DELIEATEXXEH ROYAL HAWAIIAN, 31/i-OZ. Macadamia Nuts 69~ WISCONSIN AGED Sharp Cheddar LB. Sf • A ;UMMERY WAY TO ENTERTAIN-A COCKTAIL PARTY •1-l~4i1 WITH BOWLS Of TROPICAL FLOWERS, SERVE RUMAKI ~ •.) ·.,,, • ., 1w. h•vo ;i fron,!I. BEEF STRIPS TERIYAKI. MACADAMIA 1faJ. OAK COOKED; SLICED DANISH HAM 4 .01. 55c _ NUTS ANO COCONUT CHIPS -OR A HAWAIIAN PICNIC "°•V WITH HAMBURGERS TERIYAKI , GREEN SALAD WITH HAWllAN DRESSING, HOME MADE PINEAPPLE ICE CREAM. • RAFFETTO CHUT.NUT COLO NIAL CH U;i-NEY 10 01. 79c OR FROSTY TROPICAL PUNCH (We h.av1 fr1sh tropicel juice!. In our Produce Dept.) r.~JJ • ARDEN COUNTRY STYLE COTTAG E CHEE SE pi11t 29c REESE PORTUGAL FLAT FILLET OF ANCHOVIES , .. 3 ,,, $1 MACADAMIA NUTS COCONUT CHIPS • ~-!~, CHICKEN, LOBSTER o' SHRIMP CURRY -5~~ ~ SAFFRON RICE (from • mix) ~ FRUIT SALAD with iresh coconut & coconut juice • ~~ INDONESIAN PORK ~~ • • BA~~:Ao:,uB:l:~y~AD ~· .; ritfa A)J;).· . '"" ... ~ ~·.JI;. . ~ "fl. KEAT RICHARD'S PERSONALLY SELECTED CHOICE MEATS TRY OUR RECIPE FOR INDONESIAN PORK CHOP SUEY MEAT Lun cubn of po•k loin 1 .39LB, ZACKY FARMS . CALIFORNIA GROWN S l·t BROILERS , Try M•ui Chicken with P I Coconut milk 9ravy & pineapple U.S.D.A. CHOICE. THE EYE Of THE RI B SPENCER STEAK Mui note in T•"iyaki Save• •nd serve wi th 9rilled pineappl« ORIENTAL MEAT BALLS MAKE AN INTERESTING HOT HORS D'OEUVRE Lean GROUND BEEF 11·s ,..11. 1 .. n1 S9 ¢L1. FROM THE LAND Of CORN, Rath Blackhawk BACON 79 ¢LB. CMt dtL~ DELIGHTFUL MENU IDEAS FOR YOUR HAWAIIAN PARTY ! Cle•ned .ancl p•tl1d, wi th B.amboo Skawo·, i11cludi:.d 12 LARGE SHRIMPS 1.89 ... A f•vorit~ •ddition to l u•u Hor d 'oeuvre1 SMOKED ALBACO'RE 2.19 u . BAR·M, WITH PINEAPPLE RINGS HA WAllAN HAM SLICES 1.69 u. ALL READY TO COOK IN IT S OWN FOIL PAN STUFFED CABBAGE ROLLS 98c ,~ PLUS ... A COMPLETE SELECTION Of FRESH SEAFOOD ANO U.S.0.A. PRIME IEE F FROZEN FOOD! RICHARD'S ICE CREAM "v, Gallon 69 ~ ISLAND INN DAIQUIRI MIX , •.. 4 ,,,sl ISLAND INN MAI TA I MIX •••· 4 f1r$l ISLAND INN MARGARIT A MIX ' •.. 4 '" $1 CHUN KING I< VARIETJES I EGG ROLLS 6 01. 59~ C&W CHINESE PEA PODS 7 11. 39¢ C&W CHINESE PEA PODS wit., wllttt chnffllttl 7 11. 39c C&W BROCCOLETTES '''· 3 ,,, s1 C&W ZUCCHINI SLICES IZ1i.4 f1r$1 EL WELL 'ARMS 4 1/1 -OZ. RUMAKI blond hors'd'oeu~" 79~ .r;"''J~. .<$~ ('f, ,~.1~ . ··~\· ')!¥~ <•1 t.;t~> , •JJ.'8-INDONESIAN ~!!J· • ' PORK ~ ~.~~.: Moko. put• of n. pu""t bott"· ~.Ir? ~~., 2T. soy, 2T. ground coti•ncltr, IT. 1"¥ , ground cumin, I clov• minc1d g•rltc, • 1/1 tsp. chili. Cut 2 lbs pork into I" cu bes. r;~t~ cf~h R~b p•ste into me•t. let sf•nd 30 min. • ~~~ Thrt.ad on skewers. Broil slowly, 11 S min . W "" on ••ch of 2 opposite sides ). Serve with 1 0c,Q°f' ,;" '"d d;p~:::l::•SAUCE • ~ Combine 1/i C. soy, IT. Mol•is.as, IT. cru·sh•d red pepper, I c;lovt ~~ • • ,;~ 9"1k miocod. Lot shod qi; <·1' I ho"'. ,._, i:S ,..:;; .... . .. -. . t'lt ~\'I> 'Iii . ~t,.'1~- '£t.J...v~ MARKET HOME & GIFT SHOP LIDO YACHT SHOP ANTHONY 'S SHOE REPAIR FLOWER SHOP CLEANERS OPEN DA ILY 9-7. SUN q.6 OPEN DAILY q.6 OPEN DAILY 9.6. SUN. 10.3 ' ' ., ~: • OAll Y •·S·l O. SAi. •.s OPEN D'1LY •-6 DAILY ,,)0-6, SAT. 1,30.s ............................................................................. _______________________ __ i ..,. I I '1 \ • . -·- . ..:L-- ·I ·,~4 I .... ' -.KLEENEX CHERRY PJE FILLING No.~· Con 39t • • SPRINGFIELD GRADE 'AA' ByTTER l ·lb. 79' Carton FOKEMOST J COTTAGE CHEE' SE "1 Pinr 29' H>•EMOST 19' CHOC. DAIRY DRINK 9••" W!d"ldly, A"9Ull 6, 196' PArt.Y PILOT 3:1 --VALUABLE COUPON--. - 5 LB. BAG "cjQr ~ WITH THIS COUl'ON -Allcl SS.00 MhUt1111111 1'11rc-.... Limil •rt• 11., l ' ptr t011pn11 -One co~po11 per c111fo..,t•. Alcohollc lt~•r1911 1fl4 ~-~ I Fr1•h Fluid 01iry Prod11ch i nd ci9••1H11 ,.,l..,dtcl '•om minimu'" ~ ' p11rch111 h¥ l•w . Void •fitr S111•dtv, A119. I 0, GOOD ONLY AT BARGAIN BASKET ·#303 can5 • TOWELS DIET .. DEL.IGHT FRUIT COCKTAIL . 'SPRINGFIELD APRICOT HALVES 5:•1 s~·1 3:•1 4:•1 ,c;,~ . ... ~''"'> .... _ ~· .. Desi9ner or Boticiue . ' Halves or Sliced Bic;i =r 2'/2 Cans -Re9. $1.43 KING SIZE . . t ,. , BIG ROLLS Sprin9field Yellow Clin9 PEACHES TIDE Detergent 09 SPRINGFIELD -PEAR HALVES METRECAL LIQUID DIET FOOD #303 cans #21/2 cans 8 01. cans ..---------•iit•>33:1l•l•]•J;1.· ·------..:.-.. SARA LEE -17-ounce PLAIN 69' • JNTRODUCTORY OFFER • CHEESE ,.(AKE R•••lac 89c REDDI WHIP 59' I . ~ . • FROZ~~~=~~E~A~~iPING s[ORDHOOK ... ~~PoBAaY LIMAS 6~$1 Buy 1 Quart of Reddl-Whlp and Get One 10-oz. Pa~koge FREEi of SPRINGFIELD FROZEN STRAWBERRIES! e FRESH PRODUCE NEW CROP GRA VENSTIEN *"'"" '*-_ USDA' Y ounCJ & Tender -Fresh Slice_d _ APPLES c LB. STEAK IJ USDA Choice-Boneless Shoulder Cl od LB. =*~1( 10~ EXTRA FANCY HASS AVOCADOS 5 ~ s1.' Vi11• Rip•!Wld CANTALOUPES Sweet Tiio111p1011 -Sttlllleu GRAPES ' ' ! ' FRYING CHICKEN PARTS G~~E~~DLEi;EF 4 9 ~ ~~l:~HIC~N ~A~~GHS G~~~-~A" 59rb 55rb 39rb 791' 591' 59:b PRICES EFFECTIVE: . ' • t I • I ·u.s.D.A. EIF ROAST ROUND BONE U.S.D.A. CHOICE EEF BRISKET LEAN ' ! • I 11EEF STEW MEAT LEAN I ; ED'S )SLICED MEATS AL L l 9c VARIETIES 79fb 98~ 89fb .3: .$1 MEATY BREASTS OUR OWN SUGAR CURED CORNED BEEF LEAN BRISKET BAR M WESTERNN STYLE SLICED BACON BULK STYLE ' BAR M WESTERN STYLE , SLICED BOLOGNA BAR. M WESTE RN ST YLE BULK WIENERS Thurs., Fri., Sat. & Sunday AUGU-ST 7, 8, 9, 10 . Prices subj ect to stock on hand. WE GIVE ' ·BLUE CHIP STAMPS COSTA MESA PLACENTIA , WE GIVE BLUE CHIP STAMPS 19th and Placentia 710 W. Ch1pm1n ... . 'l ,. ,, . ' ---_L ___ ..L__ ----------~• ·- ' I l I -I I 3!1 OAILY PILOT Young Financial Wizards Find Sale Treats a Boon Raisin !>«-ad sandwiches rlone up in seashell shapes make a perfect luau lunch - one lhe kids •.rill enioy. Tropical romb111allons of tuna and macadanUa nuts o r cocon ut and cream ch~ are wonderful fillings lo Map lavishly into toast~ seashells. Or wrap raisin Wead around cheese and ham wf"'ige3 before toasting. Each filling is fresh and happily comp.e•tible with \'ersatile raisin brea1. Jo'or young fina ncial wi1.ards. a lemonade sland featuring th ese spicial ralsln treats will bring success. CusU>mers are sure to enioy the chocolate raisin filling in t ach biscuit bilJ,nket. It's surpri5ing what 40 little flavor packed raisins can do. With deviled ham. grated car· rot and mayonnaise, they make· a tasty sandwich filling. \\'ith a mash~ banana, 40 raisin~ make a smashing spread Det\l'een g r a h a m crackers. Calirornia seedless raisins are a summertime bonus for all sorts of refreshments . Jn cakes , sandwiches, salads and cookies their unique sweetness and chewiness are fla vorful • TASTE-TEMPTING CORNUCOPIA assets. Ra isins are a nat ural sumn1ertime, funtime fruit! RAISIN BREAD SEASHELLS Roll (ragranl slices of rai· sin bread cornucopia fashion 10 n1ake little seashells. 1 11-poondl loaf sliced rai- sin bread 1': cup melted butter Sliced American cheese Cooked ha m Tropical Tuna filling Kamehamt.h a Coconut Fill- ing Trin1 crusts from raisi n bread; brush bolh sides with butter. On 113 or slices, place half slice of cheese: center whh harn wedge. Roll bread i;lice over ham in cornucopia shape and fasten with picks. Roll remaining bread slices in cornucopia without filling. Bake in rnoderate oven (350 degrees F.1 about 15 minutes, unl1 I toasted. Fill half unfilled rornucopias with T r o p i c a I Tuna Filling and ha lf with l Kam ehan1eha Coconut Filling and serve al once. P.1akes 15 seashells. TROPICAL TUNA FILLING Drain and flake &~Ii or 7- ounce can tuna. Mix in I table- spoon minced onion, '1 cu p chopped macadamia nuts and J!J l'UP mayona ise. KA.\1EHAJ\1EllA COCONUT FILLING Co1nbine I (J -oun ce) package softened c re a ml cheese \\ it h I tablespoon orange juice. 11 teaspoon grated orange J)Ce] and JI tablespoons flaked or shredded! l"Oeonut. I CHOCOLATE RAIS IN BUNSI These raisin buns will make an appetizing display -sales will double' 2 18-0uncel packages oven· ready refr igerated biscuits 11: cups CalHornia seedless raisin:;i 20 n1in.iature chocolate bars' Flatten biscuits with fingers. Place rounded tablespoon or raisins and chocolate har in centt'r of each. Fold dough up around ca ndy. making sure seams are senled. Place seam side down on ungreased bak- ing sheet. Boke in hot oven j 400 dl'grees f I 10 minutes un!1I _golde11 br<H1•n. Serve warm or cold. ~lakes 20 buns, ·or 2xl-inc~ pieces. I ~O RA ISIN SANDWICll 40 Callfornia seedless raisins! 2 tablespoons grated ca rrot I lablespoon deviled ham I tablespoon mayonnaise Dash salt Z slices butlered bread Combine raisins, ca r r o I , de viled ham, mayonnaise and sail. Spread belwetn bread slices. Makes I sand"·ich 4t RAISIN BANANA S~IASll I small banana I 1~ teaspoon lemon JUl~'t' 40 California sttdless ra1s1ns1 2 graham crackers j Ptel and n1ash banana S11r In lrmon Juice and r11 is111<;, Spread between g r a h a in crackers. ~fakes I sandwich . MARKET '•OM tlie ''P e 11 i111ula '' ~ HERE! PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH 1 AUGUST 9th GARDEN FRESH PRODUCE BARTLETT PEARS APPLES 15~ GRAVENSTEIN 15~ DELIVERY SERVICE -10% Discount on all case purchases of wine and liquor MIRACLE Springfield HEINZ .. CHUNK LIGHT KETCHUP ·WHIP ~ TUNA ·: 14 OZ . BOTTLE ..,., Miracle 45c ,: . . , Whip $100 ;: $100 _; --" ii 5 FOR 5 FOR -' . __ , FULL QUART :,:' SAYE 45c SAYE 35c EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Hl-C FRUIT C&H DR. PEPPER DRINKS 12 oz. 6 PK. 49' 46 oz. SUGAR : TIN PLUS $100 47c:; DEPOSIT 4 FOR SAYE 26c Save 60i: BISQUICK ''FREE'' 10-0UNCE PACKAGE ; YOUR CHOICE FROZEN .< ~..::PJX".N '#'~~.A 40 OZ . PKG . STRAWBERRIES TIDE {l lc Valve) GIANT 37~ WITH PURCHASE Of BOLD RED I-WHIP 59¢ 49 oz. GAIN NON DA.llY, CIU.Mll EACH SAVE 22¢ REG. 87c Volue -WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT - DIA.MONO A. CUT e FROM OUR DAIRY DEPARTMENT e GREEN BEANS "";" S ~sl KNUDSENS YOGURT KNUDSENS COTTAGE CHEESE 4 for 89' PINT 33' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~- KNUDSENS LA BON BUTTER KNUDSENS SOUR CREAM 1-POUND 79' 1 PINT-59c: CA.MP'llLLS HOMI STYLI PORK and BEANS lOJ Thi CA.Oil STUFFED OLIVES 12 •t. JOT CRISCO l lb. Ti" NA.l lSCO VAN WAFERS 1~ 111. ,.oi. lTOKlLIT GATORADE THE COOL DRINI( FLAVOR · AID ON THE PENINSULA -608 E. BALBOA BLVD. -PHON E 673-8310 HOURS: 9 A.M . TO 8 P.M. 49¢ 79¢ 39¢ ' 'f ' _ L ____________ J_ ' PILOT ·ADVERTISER 11 ( l) Wfdnt!.dJJ, Aug111t 6, 1~6? WtdMsdaJ, August Ii, 1%9 DAILY "LOT Jli . -'----\ ~ I I I I .-• - "TENDER-LEE" FINE QUALITY FULLY COOKED HA S FULL SHANK HALF GET YOUR fltf! tAm nau:T.: .TOMr M Mtl T!V!IFTIMAllT NOPUICHAll NICUIUT ADULTI ONLY I E AN l~T,wt WIMH!'JI OI A~f UNIU.tntJl'l "!!!LE STORY" = Me•t D~pt. Frozen .Foods U.S.D.A. "CHOICE" STEER BEEF ~~~::::::·:':,:::-:'. .......... ~~:~:CHU.CK STEAK l'llC~······················ lb. - C1 r111t1on I 2·oi. 39c FISH CAKES .,,,,,,, ,., Pkg. 1 Mil. Frid•v'• •·•n. 79c GOUllMn SHllMI" •. : .• : , ... Pkg. 1 c Rwp1rf f 1i1d 14-01. '14 t C SCALLOl'S •• , , , •• , . , . • • Pk9. luol1ndic fiH•I• cif '•r 79c aun .: PORTION : ' 59~ : HAM SLICES s1~! WHOLE HAM 59~ WILSON'S CIUS~RlTE 5c SLICED BACON . . .. ~;'~ 6 OSCAR. MAYEll LlmE FRIERS ..... . '·"· 89c .••• Pl(G. ' HADDOCK •••••.•••• ,,,,,,,., Lb. Shw,..-J,Rda Chick111 Fri1d Per 98C SnAIS •..••.••. t ••••••.•••• Lb. Hon1y1wckl1 w/Gr1¥y 6-oi. 35c SLICIO TURKEY ••••. , ....... Pk9. Seafood Sped.is N•w 5•11011 h•1h Silv1r P•r SI '' SALMON FILLm ............ , Lb. G1n ~i1<• J umb• Si11 GREEN SHRIMP ••••. Per s1 Tl . .. , Lb. Frtih Fill•h of P•r 98' f DOVIR SOU ••• , , •.. , ••••• , •• Lb. ;• .. •TYSON 'S POPPY GRADE A•••; : YOUNG l i DUCKLING ' BONELESS CHUCK ROAST ........ . BONELESS CLOD ROAST .. SEVEN-BONE ROAST . ROUND BONE ROAST ....... .. ' ' '85~ "98~ SEVEN.IONE STEAKS ..... RO UND BONE STEAKS ....... . LB. .... 59~· .69~ .... 59~ "69~ : OVEN 59c I READY I l 4.5 LBS. lb . -···········-·-·····-·-----·--· aoNELESS FAMILY ... 98¢ ' STEAKS ............................... a lilF''.'.~,~~ ........................ 89~ OSCAR. MAYER 79c WAFER BACON .............. -~';~~: Fiesta 01 Pres• PLASTIC GARDEN ROYAL FAY ELBERTA Fl~ST OF THE SEASON 15 C PEARS~~~~~~~-. 1b c '!1 '' x bO' HOSE SCHICK SPECIALS IOOLAUIL• D•o•E's""""" 15-CI. s 1 ~9 LI. . · ........ ,. •. : SUPElt }TAl~LESS INJECTOR s 119 'I" •DES ".er. t : .... . .....•• PKG. : n~MPSQN SEEDLESS 19c : '""' 5TAINLHS INJ<CTO• $139 I ; GRAPES ... 1b ;ILADlS ....... ";r.: Fresh & Lenn GROUND 59c BEEF... 1b POPULAR BRANDS : I • COFF,EE i EXCEPT YUBAN, SANKA, MOCA JAVA J~UfTMAIO-ALL YAUlTIES ~::cUKN~ 7 s~ :::::~ ...... as~ DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES VAR::r1Es 3 s1 -REG. for 39' ~OIDOH'S FAMllY Sl2.f • ' conAGE "" 29¢ CHIUE .................. ''.~... '" :~::: ' ' 3 l~i:;~ i :~ Lower Tlw1i Discount INCLUDING IOc OF F 59c · . GIANT DASH . .. · · 2.9c -<-Ct. - Pkg. ZEE BATHROOM-INCL 4c OFF TISSUE .. PIXIE-6 VARIETIES 12 6!:: '1 : CAT FOOD ,;,. S11mmerti111:e F nvo1•ites JERSEYMAID-4 . FLAVORS SHERBET HALF GAL. CTN. c ... ' LIBBY'S FROZ!N 45,L -, ORANGE JUICE ... 1 • 2."f;; 3 6 •••. 25·' •••~"'•• Tins M.C.P. FROZEN LEMONADE PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS. thru SUN., AUG. 7, 8, 9, I 0 2701 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA e 139l2 BROOKHURST. G.&""~~ t:.ROVE • 1308 W. EDINGER, SANTA ANA 5858 WARNER, HUNTINGTON BEACH 23811 EL TORO, EL TORO .. . • I I \ ' • I OAILY PILOT Golden Fruit - Cools Sweetly Tenni!, anyooe! A rect In the pool! How about a fast sel of pm, pong? \\'hatever your f a v o r i t e summer sport, a tall, frosty Apres Sport Cooler will bring I n c ompareble refreshment afterwards. Fresh Catifomia nectarines Ytilh their 'vely. tart-sweet flavor, are cooked with sugar Complimentary Beef Prices 'Eaten Up' By Family Llke lots of food shoppe.rs, ·beef prices may be your latest beef. And the last thing you in- tend to do is listen to someone try to explain them away. For the record, they can't be explained away. And you are partly~mponsible for them. No one. not even you prob- ably, wants to admit that wtiat he likes to eat and therefore buys has nothing to do with food supplies and prices. The plain truth is ... it has a lot to do with it and beef L5 a prize example. · FIFJ'V CENTS (coins) for each paUern -add 13 cents for eacb pattern for first-class mailing and special handling; otherwise third~lass delivery will take three weeks or more. sCnd to Alice Brooks, the DAI - LY PlLOT, Needlecraft Depl., Bo1 163, OJd Chelsea Station. New York, N. Y. t00IL Print Name. Addn:sg,, Zip,, Pattern Number. Giant~ new 190 Nttdlecraft Catalog -over 200 designs to choose, 3 free patterns printed inside. Seod 50 cents now. NE\V ! .. 50 IN ST A NT GlFTS" -fabulous fashions; toys, decorator accessories. M0ake it today, give it tom- morrow ! Ideal for all oc- casions. 50 cents. "16 J I f I y Ra15'• to knit, crochet, weave, sew, hook. 50 cents Book of 12 Prize Afghans. SO cents Bargain! Quilt Book I has 16 beautiful patterns. 50 cents P.tuswm Quill Book % -pal· terns for 12 superb quilts. 50 cents Book 3. "Quills for Today 's Living''. 15 patterns. 50 cenu Top Salads Tastefully RUSSIAN ORESSlNG 113 cup chill sauce 1 cup real mayonnaise 2 tablespoons milk 1 tablespoon sweet relish Stir chill sauce into mayon· naise. Add milk and relish : stir. Chill. Serve on salad greens. Makes I 2/3 cups. MUST ARD BLUE CHEESE DRESSING 1 cup real mayonnaise 4: cup crumbled blue cheese t/3 cup milk I teaspooo prepared mustard Not tOo many years ago (maybe within your memory) work-for-a-living families didn't bUy much meat. They couldn't ' afford it. Then in· comes began to rise faster than food prices and famil!es increased their meat buying and started to show a definite preference for beef. Preference for beef eating put pressure on beef pro- ducers to raise more beef. They did . . . and do. In 20 years, beef producLion has more than doubled. Part of this is because ot Increased population but also at v.'Ork is an amazing rise in family in- comes. If that boggles you a bit, try ttiis. Beef eaters have set new records in nine of the past JO years. Ten years ago. each person ate about 160 pounds of meat. Less than hall of that . a pounds, was beef. Last year, each person ate 180 pounds of meat and 110 pounds of it was beef! Happily for e-0nsumers, in· comes have e-0ntlnued to rise faster than food prices. All food. year by year, has taken a smaller and smaller part of the take home pay. In such a situation. shoppers can buy what they like and want to eat. And they like, and want to eat. meal, especlally beef •.. as records show. Even so, as total meat supplies rise and fall with the seasons, shoppers tend to buy less when pri ces are high and more \Vhen prices are low. At least that was true until recently. Meat prices generally reach the high of the year in Sum· mer, v.·lten total supplies are smallest. It occurred as usual last summer . . . bot con· su.mers apparently went rigltt on buying. Higher prices seemed to make no difference. I teaspoon Worcesterstiire It take! only a quick'. thought to see this could only result in prices staying up even when supplies increased in, the fall and winter. And now. as meat supplies start to d e c I i n c toward summer. prices rise . fl f sauce W teaspoon salt J'a teaspoon ga_tUc powder \• teaspoon white pepper Mix mayonnaise and cheese, Slir in milk and worcestershlre sauce. Add aaJJ.. garlic powder and peJ>- per· blend well. Chill. Serve oa Ulad greens. Mikes about 111 CllP'· ' GOLDEN FRENCH D~NG 2 teaspoons prepared mustard 11ablcsPi>011 sau I ~ leaspoont sugar Few grllns pepper 1 twpoon Worcestershire sauce 12 cup vinegar 1 ~ cup& corn oil 1 clove garllc P.teasure all ingredienll lnlO jar. Cover tightly and shake well. Chlll. Shake before 1erv- ..11:1!-Makes I cups. puts a lot of pressure on bee{ supplies and prices . . . because as y o u probably know '; •• Californians eat mort beef than anyont else in tile counlr)'. lt could be. lhat the point has been reached where con· somers must give a bit more cootild11,111tl.on to what ts reall y needed In diet.s, anti a bit Jess to lllte prele......._ Prune Pointer When a recipe calls · for cooked prunes, do the cooking this way. Cover tht prunes w·ith water in a saucepan; CO\'t.r the saucepan and bring to a boll. Then simmer the prune! un· Ul Ibey are tender -this may take zo minutes. Cool, drain and UM! as directed. ' FREE 100 Eatra Blue Chip Stamps WITH PUICKASE Of Zll BATH TISIUI !4·1all P~g.) WITH THIS COUPOll l;.,,;1 On• Coupon Per '"''-• \lolid Tliu•l. lkrv Svn., A .. 911117, I, 9, 10, 1969 CUT-U P FRYERS JIPilollMllll OI' •G'l(lll.11111 39~. • FREE 50 Ext ra Blue Chip Stamps WITH PUICHASf Of Head ef Iceberg LeHuce ~ WITH THIS COU POll 1;..,;1 One Per Cu110.,.., Valid Thurl. rl1r11 S1111., Auguu 7, 8, 9, JO, 1969 5911.. ,'/ llPsiii.oiiisi'iAK $1 ~~ WH0l[ l.fGS & THIGHS FRYER PARTS lUft'S QUALITY-POIK LINK SAUSAGE U.S.O.A. CHOKf lfff STEAKS PORTERHOUSE 3 :.:: $1 $1 3,!, ' • • Wtdnf!day, Auoust 6, 1969 L Jtl PILOT-AOVERTlSU FREE 50 Extra Blue Chip Stamps WITH PUICHA5f Of AMERICA II CHEESE ifoe>d Gionl -Any Pkg.) \'WITH THIS COUPOr.I Vol1d Th li"lil On• PH C1111-r ri. 1hr• S..n., August 7, I , 9. 10, 1969 loNll:iss lONDON BROil . $1'' lb. Favorites Enhanced FREE 50 Extra 11 .. Chip Stamps WITH PUtcHASf Of GROUllD MEAT {An) P•9.) . WITH THll COUPOll t.j..,;, One Couf>O" p., C111-f Valid Thvn. thrw S1111., Al,oguot 7, I, f. 10, l"69 FREI 50 Extra Blue (hip Stalllps WITH PUltCHASf or DIODORAllT (A11yt•ond) WITH THIS COUPOll l unit On• Per Cul!-• Volid f),.,,•1. lllfv Sun. Auguo1 7. I. 9, 10. 1969 LAMB ROAST SHOULD!R CU'r 49.~f LAMB CHOPS McCOY"S UNl(S BEEF SAUSAGE /11.cCOY'S -CIY·O·VAC PKG. CHUNK PASTRAMI McCOY'S BEEF BACON 3 1 .. L $1 pk9 .. $11.! '1·0L 79c 11~9. LIBBY'S TOMATO SAUCE ';::· 7c ASSORTED FLAVOR 3 1 0 Kool·Aid ... c ,~[. I oc pkg~. SWEETlf•HO plig. Mayon;naise Quart Jar LIQUOR SPECIALS · DELICATESSEN RIGlllCY FOOD GIANT WISCONSIN rRENi lUM PILSNER BEER MONTEREY 6 12•eL 79c cans ~ ·JACK CHEESE FULL p OUllD 79c CASI Of 24 . 12-0L CANS · USNOff, flMt.EYS VODKA or GIN CUSTOM MOUH ···~~ fAtl 0.US STL\JGHJ ltfNtUCl'I' BOUR80N COFF£E-All GRINDS ·MAXWELL HOUSE 1 ·I b. con ..... 68c 24b. con ..... $1.35 l ·lb. con .... $1.96 ' !CRAFT ,HllAOflJIHI.\ $2?,! WASHINGTON STATE GAIOEN flESH IUNCHlS 2·~19 • BLUEBERRIES ROMAINE LEnuc;E CREAM CHEESE loL 39c pl9>- $298 fAIM fRESH 2 ·~19' LONG CUCUMBERS """ 3 l2•• $1 SMOKED SALMON ';:: $1 39 $4•• MAGNOU4 llANO ·~~·49• MANISCHEWlll ASSO~-:') b•ltl. BREAKFAST PRUNES QUAtn MATZOS BETTY CROCKER ANGEL CAKE MIX. 15·oL pkg .......•.......• 61c BETTY CROCKER MASHED POTATO BUDS !bonus Pok), 2Q-oz. 75c NEW BI SQUICK, 60-oz. pkg. ..... .. .. .•.... . .. .... ..... .. . .. 75c ROYAL GELATIN. out'd flavors, 6 oz. size (inti. 2t off) .. 1r35c ROYAL PUDDING MIXES (incl. 2c offi fom11y 51ze. . ....... 2 27t PARKAY SOFT IMRGAR INE 1;nc1. 4c ofO I -~. pkg . .....• 39c NESTLE"S CHOCOlATE QUIK, 1-lb. pk9 .•..•......•........•••.•.• .490 NESTLE'S STRAWBERRY QUIK, 1-lb. pkg .•....•......•..•....•.••• 510 NABISCO RITZ CRACKERS. 1-lb. pkg.. .. • .............• 47c PACIFIC CRACKER HONEY TREAT GRAHAMS. I lb. pkg .•... 37c SUNSHINE HYOROX COOKIES. 1-lb. pkg .......•... : .....•..•. 49c TREND llQU IO DETERGENT, 22-oL pkg ......................... 33c "·"•-35c Plt. DECORATED PAPER SCOTIOWELS ASSORTED COLORS 35' 2300 Hnrltor Blvd. at \l'ilson St., Harbor Shopping Center, Costa .ltlesa , I ' j ___ _ / . . I . ~· • /' • • · Aho.t ,er El Rancho .Super Summer Event! .. • I' & \, ------- Get out tJ1e skewer! ..• Fire up tlte coals ••. ~nd ten the gang it's kabobs tonight! Tantalizingly tender tid-bits or-their favorite meats, skewered between flavorful garden greats ••• accented \vith S\Veet pineapple ••• a bed of rice .•. a salad! Ah-h-h -that's Super Summer living ! I Super light for Super ~ummer dessert! Angel Food Cake ' Dolly Madison 69¢ Cherry or Orange Grocery Specials! . j SI• d p· I sPRINGFIELD 6 F $1 ice 1neapp e ............ ~.... ~ • The sweet tart flavor of Hawaii's greatest fruit ••• in No. 114 cp.na priced to make it more tempting I I , Salad Dressings ...... ~s.Ay~ •1•1~ ••••• 3: $1. Lawry's ••• famous for flavor ••• you1· choice Of all the grea,t varieties in the popular 8 ounce size ! I C . ALL FtAVORSI , 69c ce ream .................... · .......... . Royal Host ••• cat.ering quality at a price you'd expect to pay for less than the best! Round half-gaIJon. . . ' Yuban Coffee ........ A~~ •6.R!~D~' ••••••••• 65c The rich coffee ••• the one you kno\v is superior in every way! Save on t\VO pound can, too ••• 1.29 ! Uncle Ben's . Rice ............. 4f Converted! •.. save lOc on 28 oi. pkg. Barbecue Sauce .............. 3 '" $1 Chris &: P itts ••• the great one! ••• 8 oz. Pink Grapefruit Juice .... 3 '°' $1 Treesweet ••. big ~8 oz. cii.~s ! Save 29c Stouffer 1Meat Pies ............. 49:. Serve Beef, Chicken or Turkey in n1inutes I lO oz. Dow_ HtndiWrap ............... 4 "' $1 Save lOc on each 100 ft. roll you buy! Scott Place Mats ............ 3 '" $1 . Set a pretty place ••• and collect Master Prints ! Fadal Tissue .................... 4 "' $1 Lady Scott ..• soft yet atron&' I 200 ct pkg. Hoithem Tissue ............... 3 ™ 51 Packages of 4 rolls ..• keep spares on hand ! Kingsford Brlquets 10 lb. a., .... ~. 79' 6 lb. gize , . , 49c; 20 lb. oize ... 1.49 ' Peanut Butter ....................... 49' Peter Pan ... smooth or crunchy ... 18 oi. Welch's Preserves .......... 3 ,,, $1 J elir, Grapelade, Fruit of the Vine! ..• 20 ounce. Tea Bags ................................ 49¢ Te~derleaf •.• package of 48 ••• lOc off ! I Delicatessen Specials Cheese Pizza ............................ 49• XLNT ... S..inch size ••. add your favorite fixin's Pepperoni ~lzza ........................... 59• XLNT ..• 9-inch size .•. just pop it in the oven? Bob's Dressing ...................... 3 ... '1 ' . ThoU!'and Island, Garlic&: Oil, Tarter Sauce! 8 oz. Halley's Dips ......................... 3 ... '1 Serve while kabob!! are cooking l ... ;eg. 39c Kosher Dills ........................... 43' Zesty pickles, sharpen taste buds J Homeade. 22 oz ' • Serve them tall ..• 'vith.ice tinkling and frosty gJaas.es ••• and enjoy another of the rewards of Super Summer at El Rancho t Lucky Lager ,,. •• , ... '1.14 Draft beer In 11 oz. no return botUe.sl Tangueray Gin •• 11 ... ,512.99 Kamchatka Vod'«a """'3.89 Eighty proof! Quart bottle •• , 4.8' Old St. Croix Rum ... •4j5 . }lalf gallon sale! ••• save 1.70 / Light...gr dark ••• for summer coolel'll B1111f Kababs. .... 711' Cubes of tender U.S.D.A. choice beef ••• lean and rich in natural hearty flavor 1 r 8 oun~a Bllisll Ka/Jabs ... 71' Lamb at it's best ••. trin1med and cut into skc\v~r size chunks ••. and lhe flavor is fresh t 8 9uncea Ham Kababs. ...... IB• Chunks of juicy tender ham ••. flavor that sings in harmony with pineapple and veietables ? 8 ounces . Park Kababil .... IB• Lean pork ..• fresh and close trinuned ••• sautee, then skelver 'vith Your favorite fixin'sl 8 ouneu Ground Round .................... 89~ Fresh and lean ... patties, too at 89c lb. ! Rotisserie Roast ............ sl.49 lb. From the sirloin tip to assure tenderne.s.s ! · Meat loaf ............................ 79~ Oven ready .. ."made \1·ith fresh \Vhole eggs·! Fresh El Rancho Turkeys 491. Plump tender hens,., great anytime! 10 to 14 lb. Swordfish Steak ................. 89f. Thick and tasty.,. for indoor or outdoor pleuunt Ham Loaf ........................... 89~ Ready for you to shape and bake ! Super fresh produce! n 'I' ~~~·~B. ....... ~~ /IL Little size •.. to be tender and tasty on your kabobs. Cherry Tomatoes eas1e1 ....................................... 29¢ Red ripe .•• and full~ flavor! For ske,vering .•. or salads .•. or fun I • Bell Peppers ........................ 19~ S'\'eet .. , cut generous chunks for your ka]Jobs l Prices in effect Thurs. thru Sun. Aug. 7, 81 9, 10. No sales to dealers I Open daily 9 lo 9 •.• Sunday 10 to 7 . Mushrooms ............................ 59~ l[othousc g'rO\VD ••• meaty, medjbm si~e button& Ask the manager.about.our convenient Charge Account Service HUNTINGTON HARB.OUR;-W.ar.ner-A\le;-&-/il ori uiii St. NEWPORT BEACH: 2727 Newport .Blvd .· 2555 Eastbluff Dr. (Eastbluff Village Centet) A/so 'conveniently located stores In Arcadia, Pasadena and South Pasadena • -• ' ) I J I I ... I f !AUCY All-TIME FAVORITE Jiffy K~bobs , Skewered Food Delights 1:Jere'1 a new kabob recipe that's guaranteed to delight everyone who be1ieves thal skewered food la food at its lines!. It's a recipe that Adds the fragraat loodness of delicious Look Great 9033 10~20'2 t., 11f,..; .... 11Tc..1"- Feel frte as a bird to fly in Md oot, goU and garden. "·ork and play In a light shirt and wrap skirt. Euy-sewl Printed PaUern 9033: NEW Hall Slies 1011, 12\1, Ill» 16'ii, 18"1. 20~. Size 14-(bust 37) shirl 111 yards 3.1-ioch; Ulrt 2\ol yards ~inch. SIXTY-FIVE CENTS in co1m for each pattern -add 15 centl for each pattern for lint<:lasl malllnJ and special handling; otherwiae llllrck:laas delJytry will take lhree W..ks or men. Send to Marian .Martin. Ille DAILY PILO'I', 4C Pattern Dept., 2l2 Weal 11th SI .. New York, N. Y. 111011. Print NAME. AD- DllESS wllh ZIP, SIZE and in'YUI: NUMBER. Spdna-Summer Pa II• r n Calalot. Fm pallttn coupon. llO cenll. INSTANT SEWING BOOK HW today, wear tomorrow. SI. New INSTANT FASHION Boole 1n1Wel'I Bii what-to.wear PrObJemi. Double wan!robel A~ssory. flgµre tips. $1. l r barbecue uuce to an easy-t.G- prepare kabob recipe of the type that is :so popular throughout thls area. Best 0£ all, these kabobs can be ready in a jiffy. l!ARBECUED KABOBS 11.~ pounds lean, lamb or beef cubes 12 cherry tomatoes J medium onions, quartered 11 whole fresh mushrooms 2 medium green peppers cut into I-inch squares 1 bottle (12 ounces) barbecue sauce Thread alternate pieces or meat. tomatoes, o n i o n • mushrooms and grten peppers onto long skewers. Baste on all sides with barbecue sauce. Place on broiler or outdoor grill 4 to 5 inches from heat. Turn and baste frequentl y. Barbecue 15 to 30 minutes. Makes 6 to 8 servin&s. Shaky Basics Dress Gre ens DEAR NAN: I love to order ~--------~ vinegar-and-0il dressing when LETS ASK l go to a restaurant but I woulrt like to know what pro-THE COOK portions to use for making it at home. Also. what kind of oil and vinegar to use. by ritr1. John Eyers, Schiller Park, DI. Nan Wiley The classic llruJe'' is one part vinegar to three parts oil. Like '·'cup vinegar,~ cup oil. It may surprise a lot of people bul Ibis is a 1rue French drCS8ing, not the red kind we know so well in this country. And French gretn salads, used with this dressing. are just that. Various greens. No tomatoes. celery, radishes or anything else added. Now of course there's no la"· "'hal$oever t b a t says yoo can't change those vinegar-<•11 proportions to suit your o"·n ta.sle or the salad of the mo- ment. ll you like a sharper flavor. try 1/3 cup vinegar, 2/3 cup oil. You can even sub- stitute \emoo, grapefn1il or orange juice at times. Same thing with the "salt and pepper lo taste." Try ;i half teaspoon sail and a half doz:en grinds o( the pepper mill per o.ipful for a starter. For superior flavor you just can't beat olive oil although )'(Ill may use any vegetable oil you like. A wine vinegar or even an herb vinegar is ideal here. Otherwise,-the bcsL vinegar you can find at the moment Now, there art peo- ple who object to olive on on the KJUinda that It gets cloody w~tn rtfrigerated (111 i t llhould be) «rancid ii It isn't. Don't worry. It undouds as fast as Jt warms up. And really, the vinegar and oJt rnlx to best advanta1e wJll small chanct of later separation. if both lngredients are colrl. Shake good and hard in a cop· ped jar till you see Just Ony droplets of oil suspendt.d in the vinegar. Or use your blen. der. From there on out you c;in do alt sorts or variation, like the famous Breslin dressing where you add a tablespoon finely chopped pistachio nuts and a half tablespoon finel y chopped black truffles. Admil· tcdly not something you'd loss off for an everyday meal but think how you'd impress even lhe most hoity-toity company! Even if you have to sub!litute chopped black oliveS" for the expensive and sometimes hard-to find trumes you can slill smirk, ''Oh, just a little something J whipped up on the spur of the moment!" Or ChlUonade Dressing - that's one I feature in my new ··simply Super Salads" booklet (which you may have for a long. self-addre:Med, stamped envelope and 25 cents) -hard cooked egg, onion. parsley, green olives and pickled heels. all chopped and added to the dressing. Address your re- quest to Nan Wiley ln care of the DAILY PILOT. Cabboge Salad Whether horseradish with lemon juke, or mustard with onion 8.N!i addt<! whe.n dressing a shredded cabbage salad, depends on personal taste. But ·when IA teaspoon sugar or more per strvlng ls added lo the sal•d, the taste of any In· itrcdient Is heightened. de- pendably, Wtd"'6ay, Au,..t 6. 1%• • L' .f J2 PILOT-AOvtllTISER Starving Star En.visio Restaurant . ' ByJOllNA BUNN NEW YORK -"Starvation became the order of the day. Suddenly, a strangely J>l!Ycbologlcat thing occurred' we became occupied with making a stew." PriVation and the sudeen obsession with cooking, actor Patrick 0 ' N ea I explained, were lhe self-Imposed ac. tivities of cast and crew dur- ing the filming of the movie "Castle Keep." "We were driven to our own kitchen devices because the Yugoslavian food had a stun· ning sameness. · "We all took turns tending the fire and everyone con· tributed to the meal. Someone would provtde a bottle of wine or scrounge up some meat or vegelables. The d i r e c t o r Sydney Pollack and makeup man Robert Schiffer did mo.st of the cooking. Luckily, we had an early spring and made some great salads with leeks, lettus, onions and carrots." Ironically, making the fJJm was just Uke being in the real army, Patrick said. The flick concerns the follies and foibles or men caught up in war. Even lhougb the story ta set during the Battle of the Bulge, the pict'ure was shot entlrely in Yugoslavia aa the terrain there more closely resembles the way the Ardennes looked 25 years ago. SHOOTING SCHEDULE "We were based In Nave Sad oo the banks of the Danube some 50 miles north of Belgrade. The s h o o t i n g schedule extended to six months due to the changeable weather. Allhough every actor didn't appear in every scene, we were on call every day. It's the longest lime I've been away from my family," he said smiling at his pretty wile Cynthia. ··we were Jiving in a bealltiful hotel whlch was designed for the tourist who stops over only for a one or two day visit. 'Mlere was one kitchen for the hotel plus a gypsy restaurant across the street. "We had the same menu every day consisting of cab- bage salad, French fries and some kind of edible meat either lamb or beef. 1 finally got so I had cans of chili brought ln by air freight. Even to drive to Belgrade for din- ner wu a futile etfon when we knew we had to get up early the next morning and go to work." Fortunately, life in New York i3 the antithesis of his latest cinematic adventure. The O'Neals live in a remodel- ed brownstone on the \Vest Side with their small sons 3- year-0ld Maximilian and 7· month .old Fitz John Marcellus (named for John Houston). Patrick and Cynthia are avid st1.1dents of modem pain- tings and novice collectors of paintings and sculpture. Their Jiving room, where they were sealed on muted Chinese red couches, is an attractive showcase for such diversified objects of art as Chinese porcelains, silk screens and the paintings oI Andy Warhol and Gennan impreS!lonisls Otto Dix and Ernst Kirchner. SMALL PARTIES They dote on entertaining their friends at sit-down din- ners. "I never cook for more than eight people," Cynthia said. "And she"s a marvelous cook, even studied at lhe Cordon Bleu," Patrick boasted. OPENS RESTAURANT Their mutual interest In food led to the establishment five years ago of The Ginger Afan. a restaurant Patrick owns and supervises in New York·, Lin· coin Center. The establish- ment, reminiscent of a refined English pub -small and in- timate with an Informal at· mosphere -specializes in French cuisine. The restau- rant is named for a play by the same name in which Pat. rick starred on Broadway. "Obviously. our o r i g i n a I motivation wa& to have a place to go so I could eat. We never anticipated the enormous response of our clients." Their regulars in· elude Attgela Lan s bur y, George Segal and Leonard Bernstein. How do they t:1plaln their success? Patrick answered, "You 're only as good as last night's dinner! We've had the u s u a I headaches includ ing some temperamental chefs. But mainly it's lhe quality or the food, the atmosphere ,qnd the fa ct you can do whatever you like with regard to dress. ll's not unusual to set: Andy Warhol In blue jeans or elegantly dressed J a c k i e Onusis with her children la the restaurant." "We thouRht by planning a restaurant the way we'd hit it. \\'e'd have a capt.Ive au · dienct. We bad no Jdea rt would mushroom the way lt did." he said. The latest ad- dition lo the O'Neal orR&nlta· tion Is O'Ne11's Saloon located In the .same neighborhood. Both are run by P1trlct's brother, Mlchael. "The real secret .at the Ginger Man la the choice of menu. We have a Nlcleus of lour or five things that people like. Top favorites include co- quilles St. Jacqu_es, quenelles de brochet (pike mousse with Natua aauce) and Patrick's favorite ragout de boeuf Bourgulgnon. The Burgundian clilssle la alto his favorite choice at home. ".Qoeuf Bourgulcnon can be very well done so it doean't end up )>ting jilol a beef itew, but so much more," the stun-. nlng brul!'ile aa1d. "II takes an awful lot of chopping and ml>Unds of vegetables. It must be prepaied ao all lhe vegetables disintegrate t o rorm a nice thick auce." Recipes for the b e e f specialty styled by Cynthia, and Patrick's favorite dessert of Coeur a la creme from the Ginger Man follow : PATRICK O'NEAL'S RAGOUT DE BOEUF BOURGUIGNON (Beel Stew In Red Wine) S_pounds lean boneleas rump pot roast cut in 11/a inch cubes Seasoned flour 2 tb.sps. vegetable oil (or butter) 1-pound piece lean bacon, Refrlcerate heuts overnl • (or at least I hours) plac oo pialeo to collect tl1< wh<y. For the 1auct ~' cup dry sherry (or Ira • bolse) 1 ~l ouncea Grand M (or orange liquor) 1 \~ounces dark sweet ~• cup red currant jelly 1 ~l cups fresh, cleaneit, ed strawberriea: raspberries or sliced peaches) I tablespoon lrealt juice Comblne sherry (or bolse), Grand Mam· ()range liquor), rum rant jelly in sau over low he.at to melt j do not cook. Coo add strawbtrries coated w i t b lemon juice. To serve, unfold ds or cheeaecloth; turn ead basket fo r mold) upside lbwn on glass <lessert plate. l1eet off cheesecloth and d i 1 c a r d • Outline "hearts'' wiJh wh1lte, fresh strawberries (raspber- ries or peaches) or spoon , sauce over ''hearts.• Serves 8. Afterthought:;; Htart-shapt:d r baskets (or perllrated tin molds) are avf!lable at gourmet shops 1r through mail order housdi eorre cups can be substitutecf for molda, shaping cheese mlxture into mounds. •so MANY TABOOS' Patrick O'Ne•I cut in strips, l/4 inch thick IC) IN,, H .... ,. lllC. by 1-lnch 1--....:.::..:c.:::.c;;;c,;,==--------------------- 4 leeks, chopped (white part only) 4 peeled, yellow onions, coarsely choppt:d 2 cloves garlic, mi.need 3 carrots, peeled and chop- ped Large handful p a r a J e y , washed and coarsely chop- ped 3 stalks celery, chopped Bouquet garni, tied f n. cheesecloth bag (large baylcaf, large pinch thyme, 7 bruised pe~ percorns) 11,J;: teaspoons salt Freshly ground black pepper to taste 1 bottle Beaujolais (o r high quality dry red wine) 2 dozen pearl onions, peeled 1 pound fresh cleaned button mush rooms, stemmed I '12 teaspoons sweet butter Dredce meat cubes i n seasoned flour ; brown me.at on all sidea in vegetable oil {or butter); set aside. Half fry bacon strips over medium beat in large heavy skillet (or Dutch oven); pour off excess fat. Add chopped vegetables (leeks, onions, garlJc, carrot&, parsley and celery); cook over medium heat until vegetables are transparent. Add b o u q u e t garni seasonings and wine. Bring to simmer; correct seasonings. Cover, place in preheated 375 degree F. oven and braise 1 hour. Add onions, recover, cook about Jlh hours longer (or until meat is fork-tender). Meanwhile, slowly brown mushrooms in sweet butter; add to stew during last few minutes during cooking. Add cover to allow moisture to evaporate and sauce t o thicken during last hall hour. Baste meat and vegetables several limes. To serve, remove bouquet garni, correct seasonings and reduce sauce if necessary by cooking rapidly over high heal. Serve the stew in its casserole (or arrange me.at and vegetables on heated plat- ter) with new potatoes with parsley-butter (or noodles) and pass the sauce. Serves 12- 16. Arterthoughts: For taste \'arial.ion: add t\\'O teaspoons of tomato paste to wine or a dollop of currant jelly to th e sauce. The dlsh can be prepared in ai:Jvance and serv- ed the ne:tt day by adding onions and mushrooms. THE GINGER MAN'S COEUR A LA CREME (Cream cheese Hearta) For the hearts 1 z pound cream cheese 11. cup powdered sugar Pinch salt 1-inch piece vanilla bean 1 pint heavy cream Cheesecloth 8 heart-shaped wicker coeur a la creme baskets (or perforated tin molds). Beat cream cheese until light and nuffy ; gradually add powdered sugar. salt and vanilla bean (slit bean lengthwise with sharp knife, scraping small seeds into the mixture); blend well. Whlp heavy cream (place bowl in laraer bowl filled \\•ith cruihed ice) until cream bolds Hs shape. Add lo cream cheese mix - 1ure blending \\1th whisk. Cut lour thicknesses ol cheesecloth large enough to overlap edges of each heart-st111ped baskets 1or molds). Wring out cheeat"Cloth in ice waler; carefully line each basket (or mold) Yo'ith •1 ayers o[ cheesecloth. Fill each basket (or mold) heaping full \\'ith cream cheese mixture. Overlap end$ of cheeseclo!Jl. d SaftW1'JS Thurs. thru Sun. Prices Ettecti'Ve in l~e7se thru 10. 1969. Auius $ 49 ·Vodka Q••" 3 ':;: !..'! . .,GJn Qu• $3~? Bourbon s4~! ~d Calhoun Whiskey. B&l'r: Q1art 10 ' ··Scotch Mae Nair'~ $ §~! 1003 Scotch. 86-Pr. Q1art "' 1000 Bayside Dr.-Newport Beach 24 Monarch Bay Plaza-South Laguna I , ' ' I ------,,,,.. ... 1way Customers P~fer Fret Chick Cathlng. ~ces. NOW-NO CHARGE FOR CASHING CHECKS .. ' Poly-Unsaturated , NuMade , Salad Oil ........ 39' . ••Hie · .,., ...... 49c 111k111 Town House 1 Canned Tomatoes • Vint-Riptiicd.,,... Ml l.IU:lpe.. 5. ':;::· $)00 PreHrves llfllll•s~~ Pinupfl6r, "'*' ~ ·~ Vacuum Pack ~ · r Edwards -· , Coffee . .,...., 49c ,., 1 ..... ...... .... Crack en -L-lb. ·Sweet Corn =~~.10··.~~69' A dos HrnV•itly URH 19' . ·VOCa ~=~·:Now! ~~~ , I Del 111 ... 11: •9• Yello11r Onions 3 ~~· 29' Plneapp es ,,... ·• .. Tomatoes r;., ~·~~. 49' St1ill1s1 Grfpls 41"" 11 · Russet Potatoes 10 ::i 59' Valencia Oranges I . .'li 91' ChDil:t 01 Gfinill-Nmt flMrf 9' Large "AA" Eggs _ ..... _ Wklll Siu I~ . .Qf ~-......... JM lib• Lira:• t~ .p -----~ Gerber Baby Wear All'I lt1MS .......... Eld! 59' All 19' ll1M1 • : ........ fadi 49' All 79' l1t111 .......... Eld! 39' All 6" lloR11 .......... Eidt 29' la Mesa Wines ~:; ~::il:J(Qll ~~: i1 n Town Hou .. Fruit Cocktail r..,. llltlt f,w ~ 5 ·.~$JOO · J••b1• 11101 Safeway'• Own · Canned Fruit . ,.., .... ,_ "'-' ' lkl .... ............ &.. ,_ .. ...... -.. ll•-...... ,,11 ==-::.. 4_.., •1 Town lone Peas or .eorn · • Tllld:I ..... Ill cin M""' •Cre••· '!:~$JOO· TrulyNne Facial «Tissue · 111 'Mfi,. ,_... , ... Tewn Hou11 Regu'9r reen leans· AIM Ffnll str\1-TfllllllW l Cf., 4 II~~ SIOO . ••••. TI • 'RiV1M J@Olj I.iii!'·-: ............ !'fllt···..., a.• ...... ~ ............... ...... !!.~~!!. F~m~o~~~ 4 !~';$1 F •t p• lel·alt Clitu1 Plu1l'il, ~ H'. · rUI 18$ Eskimo Pit Stldts -. 6,:::: 4t', hl-tlr 11i1tlllr 3 I<~ $1 1'---....... l' ... L 1'l.w • -... ~Of All V11iellts lwJt 24•tt. ...,_..,...,_.. • 1t• ,_ . 11van1 ...t CM!'JJ. -"-' Ma1lr IHM M..t Pia 5~·'1 ...... ~-=ICE CREAM· Premium Cullity. Choice of Assorted lallt• . , .. ••ll 69C Flavors •. Creamy Smooth Texture. Clrttl . . • !!!!.~.~J?!~~er§ .... 49c ; Crisp Carrots 2 ::i 29' Bartle" Pears 5 .. '1 a.II Peppers g::, ., .. I 0' Nectarines =· .,. o. 29' • • NuMacle Mayonnaise =~ 'i:.• 49' · ........ _kt.•lr..it Soun lk • .,,,. .... ,,._. fW. •CUI! .... 10«. 5 FOR A $1.00 BUYS.' •Clwifal l rcall 1kt. ..... -..... 5 $1 •h•Jk · .... •~10. .. SkJl•rl< Sptcil!IJ \ .. ,. ·• Dk1t111 Ll•p } S!11 .Jyicf , 1 lt1utln • 011inul • Wnl!ln Firm Of 3 ''·.•i. s1 • ltlllt4Whul. 35' A lO.Jl or ltnH Coffee Cakes .... 39' Pound Cake .... 29« . U11vill Detergent ~ ~ 1!::· 59' TeUet Soap ~" 10;:; 59' CIM-r ~"1M"1c::...:i111'.1; 2 ~~ 25' u.1• lltldl ~':'r:.-\:t 39' ' at S 1,., -,./,,OL 10' om o oup '"~ .. "'' ... · Browri Derby Beer~cw~ll)6 •:;:~ 79' ... ~ Lui • a.,,..112«.. • ·~lO... . ,. -· n-•·,..a11w .. w•-- Chunk Tuna ~H Tradtr Btri-1.itfd. Mui Fruit Drink =d ~·1'.!:'.· 29' Fruit Salad? ::.7.'. .~,~. 39' Luc.me. Pudd01ng ~w"'3 ••• 11 ,,.1'1115 l!JJ. Longhorn =~ 'fi'e·.,h1s 11. 13' M • ,..........,,..., 6 ..... $1 argar1ne· ~ !."". ., .. . •·sa11ts -Wrlrtit'• 111l'h1· ....... 9, I l!lilk• Swul Mi~ ''"'" .._ Luc1r11e -Instant Breakfqst H1ddock 79c . ~~Is 11. i , M:MnH ~ Wlllt 111n. Fillels 79c Pen:h 1~. . -~ l1llH ... Tldlllnict U.S.D.A. DlillH lluf. Slfew.y ~And Trimmtlf Jo Perftctioll. Spttla! Pfice TMs Wee~! Round Bone Roast .. 1 :tt ... 59' ,, __ ....--·-. Stlclll11w1tSlflw1y! Shank Portion ••• Butt Portion ~~'41!. .. 59' SAVE ON FINE StlFEWAY ME/ff! U S ............ 59' ver ausage """" .. L h M t ...... • .... 35' unc ea 1 •ia wntJ .~ .. '1kn tlhc1ffl 1i.s., """ 1 .,. s.i., .... II &llfllll' ~ _, ~ ~,. .. ,,_. i.tfl c-ilJI ........... ~ .... -.. ""' ··~ l ..... ~ .. •i.. ""'"""' 1-. ~ ... "" o;.., a.-. .u ... ..,,.,, ltd ...ui ....... '6 •::: 49' Pork Steaks or Chops :. .. 79' Veal Shoulder Chops \::.:--.. 79' Yecil Pattie Steaks · ::.:: ... 89' Fresh Leg of Lamb :.:. .. 98' Lamb Rib Chops i:. "!: I fl;h ""' 59c COmedRhld o: 99' S~WJnihf .. a91 Slicks 11. he'i Uvtr ... &9-ieei'fii1k11 .. 891 r 211 E. 17th SI., Costa tijesa • 100Q Bayside Dr., Newport Beach • 24 Monarch Bay Plaza, So. Laguna 636 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beath • Santa !na freeway at la Paz, Mission Viejo \ " ' \ f I ' --. -------------'--------------------'-" .. 18 DAILY PILOT Luncheon /v\enu Easy Delight • #" • .., Wtdntld1y, Au.,st 6, 1'16• H -J(I PILOT-AOVERTISU Pimientos Added I Apples Flavo r Salad This salad tastes good and Into a strainer set over It fiU into a diet-watcher's quart measure, tum the pi· regiine. mlento: drain thoroughly, You probably w 0 u J d n 'l diagonally Dice pimiento and reserve. To dream o! contracting for 12 strips pimienlo FIGURE-RIGUT the pimiento liquid add enough •·maid 1ervk:-e" next time you In saucepan, c 0 0 k J\101.DED SALAD cold water to make o/t cup: tiave the girls over for lunch. asparagus in unsalted water; 1 can 14 ounces) pimiento add gelatin: allow to stand But you rould plan your menu drain. Place hrun on turkey; l envelope u n f I a v o r e d about & minutes to soft.en. around convenience foods that top with asparagus: roll up. Jn gelatin Add boiling water, sugat have "built-in maid service." skillet combine gravy and I cup boiling water and salt; stir until gelat ilt Then the affair becomes easy mayonnaise. A.de! turkey-ham 1 tablespool'\ sugar dissolves. Slir in vinegar, 11nd fun ror YGU a.s well ns rolls. Cover; cook over low 11 teaspoon salt reserved pimiento, apple and your friends. beat 10 minutes. Stir now and 14 cup cider vinegar celery. Turn into a I.qua rt Asparagus spears rolled in then. Servt on toast triar.gles. l medium red apple, un-mold. Chill unlil set. Unmold ham and tW'key slices and Garnish with -pimento. Makes pared and diced and serve on salad greens. then sauced with handy can· 4 open-face sandwiches. CONVENIENCE FOODS YI E LD MAIO SERVICE' I cup diced celery Makes 6 servings. ned chicken gravy make a ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'----=-~~~~~~~~~~~_:__::::_:__:_"-':.:__~~~~~~~-"-~~~- magnificcnl entree. A n d you've "hired" )"OUr maid in the form or convenience foods. The combination of frazen asparagus spears, ham and turkey from the delicatessen and canned chicken gravy from your pantry shelf le.aves you with practically no work to do on your own. II takes just 10 minutes to simmer the roll-ups in the canned gravy. Versatile canned gravies are actually more of a necessity than a luxury In today's hurry. up kitchen. They can be used "as is" directly from the can, nr dressed up in a hundred dif· ferent ways to make a really delicious sauce for any dish. SAUCY LUNCHEON ROIJ,. UPS t package (10 ounces ) frozen asparagus spears I slices (I ounces) boiled oam I slices (! ounces) boneless 1.Urkey ·l'Q3St I can (10~ ounces) chicken gravy 113 cup mayonnaise 4 slicel toast, cut in half Nectarines Combine In Sauces If nectarines bot are as new to you as nectarines with rish, then many a treat is in store for you during nectarine season if you 'U let your culinary imagination be your i;uide. To get you started , here are a few suggestions. For bri;nch -Heal nee· tarlne slices in honey thinned with orange juice: stir a little buuer into the mixture and serve over pa ncakes or waf- fles. For lunch -Frizzle boiled ham slices in skillet; remove ham and keep it warm while yoo heat nectarine slices Jn !fame skillet with a bit of but· ler added : serve ham on pip- ing hot toast lightly brushed "'ith mustard : top with nee· tarines for a knife and fork sandwich. For dinner -Heal very thin alict1 of nectarines in melted currant jelly with some butter and a sprinkling of salt: i;erve over balls of rich vanilla ice cream. Try the Hot Potato Salad Nectarine to rind out how nec- tarines can glamorize an old favorite. A cooked, sweet-sour egg dressing, bacon and onion Add to the hearty character of this specialty salad from a California test kitchen. Serve !his summery dish with barbecued burgers, hol dogs or spare ribs, or as the "one hot dish" with cold cuts, You can enjoy it often because Callfomia nectarines are ex- pected to be in our markets through September, HCYI' POTATO SALAD NECTARl.f'E 5 warm boiled potatoes (alx>ut 2'h pounds) 1 ''.t teaspoons salt 11 teaspoon seasoned pepper 2 to 3 fresh nectarines 4 strips bacon V4 cup find)' chopped onion 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1 teaspoon flour l/3 cup water 1.~ cup vinegar I egg yolk 1.~ cup chopped parsley Part and dice potatoeii. aprinkle with ~ teaspoon salt and seasoned pepper and keep warm in pan in oven. Dice enough nectarines to measure 11,; cups. F'ry bacon cri sp in skillet: drain on paper to1vels and crumble. Discard all but about 2 tablespoons bacon drippings from skillet : add onion and saute lightly. ~fix in sugar. noor. water, vinegar and I teaspoon salt ; brin~ to boil. Ughtly beat e.gg yolk, mix a littJt bot mixture into egg then blend Into mixture in skillet. Coo-I minute. Combine hot potatoes. nee· larints, bacon and p.arsely: )>OW hot dressing over a·nd tog lightly. Serve at oDCe. Makel f to I servinp . HA PPY H•v• • It 1 p, y w11~1~d. St•rl It by r114111, t~. WEI K· fNDEllt 111 tli1 DAILY It/LOT. I _J With RIOllS _ SIMILAC LIQUID :::;.'l:"" ........... 26' IUCHNUT BABY FOOD :::;:•!, . 9' JUNIOR BABY FOOD :~\~. ····--12 ' BUTTERNUT :::::-,~ ...... 68 ' BUTTERNUT ~~:.'u·•······-· 5131 ~:=;,MOCHA JAVA ::'::'. ... 72 ' KAVA INSTANT '""' 'I " .•.. , ..... PEARS :.'!~~~~-~~---················· 37' ~' .... l:Btfkrl BROILER ALUMINUM REYNOLD'S FOIL 20 FOOT ROLL FRUIT COCKTAIL :\:':'::..... . ... 38 ' CRANBER.RY SAUCE ~~~;:::· ....... 25 ' CHERRY PIE FILLING::::·~:. .. 48' HUNT'S PEACHES ~":. , ................ 26' DOLE PINEAPPLE :~:.~ ................... 25 ' JUICE UUl.,n ,. .. H.,01111'1 -I.( ...... ······~· .. ••••· .............. • ..... 39 ' •.,.11111u FRUIT DRINKS~'::;:~~·;:.~1 •••1 ••• 24' ~' • .<br&rf-~ W ROSARITA j REFRIED BEAN S 29·0UNCE CAN CRANBERRY JUICE ~\\'~~·: ........... 55' U'UCO l,_K'1· KERHs NEa ARs ~~:.~~~i'" , ...... 12 ~ CUT GREEN BEANS ::.·:;;·::: .... 16' NIBLETS CORN ,..,,.. . 23' GAHN GIANT PEAS '""" ... .. 22' MASHED POTATOlS ::~~::: ...... SS ' LIBBY'S SAUERKRAUT "",.. 20' ~· .... 4-fkrl \,(;;f' CALIFORNIA GI FT SPECIALTIES s.1,4 0 11¥11, ,itnic '•ck, "•' C•1o11l ifl1w1r, H•ll•n.t Onien1, Het ~~:33; STEWED TOMATOES :::·: ....... 22' ONiONS i~i·:::.~~ .. -......... ... ... . ... . 31' KIDNrf BEANS ::::.r.:· ...... .. .. 18 ' V-1 JUICE !!':,'~ ....... -......... .. 42 < LIBBY'S CORNED BEEF ... , "' 59' ClilCKEN OF SIA ~?.:' --······--·· 30' MINCED CUMS !i:.T;'~.......... 32' J MCKMED RODI PAI I . ,,;,,, ar1 Di1taunted E•c1pt on foir-T•adtd a n .. Go.,..tf111>1nl 1:011troll•d 11111>1. ~!~~~!![,~~~.~.~ .. ~~~-~~-·· 77c ~~.f..A1~.~-~!~ ~!-~.~.~ ........ 79c BACON tUCIY llAND, SLICED H I . 6·aC PKG. FRESH FRYERS STA-CRISP CRACKERS .. ~·~·--· 27' HYDROX COOKIES r:.-:: •.............. 63' . _ •. aec RAISIN BREAD ~~~~~~~: .................... 33 ' BREAD ~!~~~~::.'..~.~.~-~.~-~-~-~~-.......... 31 < ~' .. .<hrfkrl---. l DELUXE MACARONI & CHEESE ~ KRAFT DINNER <' 1-'·0UNCE BOX 45° FllOlBl FOlltS •. BEAN BURRITOS =:·;~ --·-· ... 36 ' SLICED TURKEY ::'.'::.~~-~-~~~.... s1ss BAGGED STEAKS ::-:.~::~......... 89' SIRLOIN TIPS ::1:-:: ................... :. 43 ' BANQUET MEAT PIES ........ 18' FISHSTKKS ~~:~'::!~ ........ ,. ................... 65' SOLE FILLET ~:·:t'::!~............................ 81 ' ONION RINGS ::\':'.':;......... . . 45' MORTON MACARONI :i:.•::-..... 23' SUPER SANDWICHES ~:::... .... 79 ' CUSTARD PIE ::~~":~ ....................... 39 ' CHEESE PIE ::::.':~......... .... 65' IAACARONI & CHEESE :::~.::::~ 35' MEYERS BREAD ::'11:."'.'. ............. 58 ' .. , ....... _ FRUIT DRINKS ::~~-:·~~-,,~ .. ·~---· 10' ..,,.,1 .. -l !IUf-«OOOftl" ORANGE JUICE :·::•:':;' .... ... 27 ' ~ OTIHl ITEMS ELBOW MACARONI ::'::~.~· ... 43 ' RUSKIT BISCUITS \n~~:::~ ................ 39 < APPLE BUmR ~.·:~~1!t" ....................... 36' MARMALADE :::.',1!:.-.. ~.~~.1 ............. 47< BEEF RAVIOLl !::1.~::..~.'.'. .................... 75 c GULDEN MUSTARD """············· 17' ~· ... 4-fkr! INSTANT TENDERLEAF TEA. 2-0UNCE JAR NAPKINS :!':,".'."~··~ 10' SPRECKELS SUGAR :::~::·~. . ... 17' VETS' DOG FOOD ""''' UI ..... ....• 8' T FOOD "•'·"•.-:n• 15 KAL KAN CA :~.~~:. ......... ( DOG FOOD ::'.~~'. .............................. 5112 ALPO BEEF CHUNKS ~·:::.. 29 ' ~~!~llj ~~~1111"·····"•'""'""""" .. ' 68 ( ~.~~!! ~ ?!~?.~~-~-~-~ ......... 21 c LU?KY VODKA •• , .... l 'lllltt 1111 ........... . , ' COMPAaf LUCKY'S fOP QUALl7Y "IONOID" MfATS ... GUAaANfllD FOa FLAVOR ATfNOfltNISS. (AT MOIT LUCIT STOl l SI ii/ 111111 Ill llJllllll lllW Ill Wiii HOUSEHOLD ITDIS CHEER DETERGENT ~""'·· . . ... 82 ' DREn DETERGENT """' ...... 79 ' BOlD DnERGENT ..... K ••••••••.•••• 'I " DASll DETERGENT ~" ... 77• IVORY LIQUID ::~:-~::. ...................... 58' CHIFFON LIQUID ~~:·;~ ................. 43 ' TOP JOB CLEANER \\'::'. .. , ............... 66' SAFEGUARD SOAP....... . .. 20' PERSONAL IVORY ~:~ ............ 28 ' S.O.S. PADS .~.-....................... 29' ~.Y.~~~~~~~!~ ... '.~.~.~.=~~ ..... 89' · ~~~~e~:.~~.~~~.~---··············· .. ···-·~ 83' .~~e~'.~-~~~~-~-~--~-~.~.~ ... ,~··· tt .. 63' SHRIMP COCKTAIL JS' h•~··••••••u ...•... ,,.,,.,,., ............. ,A.fL ' RATH CANNED HAM J !Jlt "'•·M 51•1• ................................ ·O. '" GALLO ITALIAN SALAMI 49' '4i••• ......................................... >-••· 11,. r: .. ·4-&r~ INTY MOORE . BEEF STEW 24-0UNCE CAN &&0 F<<>' ft.,, lDW DISCOUNT PRICES ON HOUSEWARES 8 BEAUTY AIDS NEW! SUPEI ACTION GLEEM TOOTHPASTE IXTRA LARGE SIZE TUii SCOPE MOUTHWASH 44 QT, SLIDE TOP8'~--~ WASTE BASKET • '"""' ,,,, .. , ~hi •ii~ ' iH4t-kc~ •11· $2 63 l"t· M•n'"""-., •-,,., , ... ,. '::::I" I HEAD & SHOULDIRS LOTION SHAMPOO :AMILHIZl -"ICl$115 INCLUDES 9c OFF ~ HEAD & SHOULDIRS ~ SHAMPOO 'f!!llJ ~;;;;;; Familr Sitt Tv~t $1 l B itRKE INCLUDES 10c Off lAlfl I HEAD & SHOULDERS SHAMPOO FAMILY SIZI JU ,.Kl l#ClUOll lit OJ• U.ell $132 DISNEY CHAIUCTll FREEZER POPS '."J/!/ I MOl D$ 8 7 C ~ WITM MOlDll . ....... ,.,,,. .... ". IAT. tlf 11111. It 111 .. T t• - . " J4 PJLOT-ADVERTISER Wtdntsd.ly, August 6, 1969 DAILY PILOT 41, 4 F o • Fresh , Fruits -/ell Sumrnertirn~ ·Story Party-go 'ng Parfait Pf easing .-;. Swnmu •.. the fruitfuJ After slicing, d1p In · lemon. sweet-and-salty cra~n to 2 tablespoons flour sis!~. time.al year.lhat's another-of orqe or plneapple-juice.. . • 'p along with (he fruUS'....l'.he tflose awf\.tl puns , .• but U to he!p keep that bright fresh fondue is ebeatable. Whilt: co£fee is--bi;oewing, Use fondue" forks--for dlp- tells the good fresh frult.st.ory. color. combine cream cheese with ping. Serv& with assorted Tai• •-·t 1 FONDUE CAKE brown sugar and bltnd. Toss fresh fruits .•• your choice • auuu easy rnen1.1s or A different way to serve I ~•J b ed ii 'WO' •--Jude -Jn every t'llP••i'"''Y· rew co ce grated Gruyere cl~ wiltt of: peach and .nectarine • UK: ......... severill freah fruits at once Is l four--ouoct package cream floor until well ml.xedv Pour 1 meal, then start over. in ,_,0 Fondue. Jl's d••ert hee , wedges; plum halves: pitted "·rrl h Ji. '-<I.I. ...., c se, softened the bot coffee into a chafing cherries l wl\oli!!. slr;11wbtrrles v•~ cs, peac es, P urns • • . slmple·, st~lisb and 3 tablespoons brown sugar, dish or fondue pot over the are good too).1 Makes about and-'n'ectartnes. ·.one ls a scnunpllWs. For a variety of l 'packed. hCating unil. Stir tn the tWil 1woc.'Ups orroridiief eoou1h ror brea'k!ast eye-opener: two or textures, includ& plaio crisp .._ 3' ounces process Gruyere cheese mixtures and ma unlil three or four people, depend- .. more are a lu'ncheon salad: cookies or some Qf the ·new cjleese, grated · smoolh and of dipping -,,_ · h ·1 one to three makes dinner """ ing on I e appeU es. dessert. Serve-them plain, make upside-down cake, simmer them ln honey-and-wine sauce, dollop lhem with sour cream and sweeten them with sugar or a favorite liqueur. Only your iqiagination marks the end or way! to ~rve (resb fruits. Parlay I.his.crunchy, crt.amy blend ot gelaUne, walnuu., 11weetened condensed tn!Ur and heavy cream Into a deUshtM. party-going parfa it. What a break for the busy cook. Jt 's made with all the quickstep magic of canned sweetened condensed milk. NUT CREAM DESSERT 1 envelope unflavored platine 4 cup water llh cups (15-oz. can) flavor ng. Add d I 1 1 o iv e d sweelened CQtK(ensed IJlilk 1elaline and nut.s. ~k cup walnuts or huelouts, Irr a large bowl, fold <:ii,.. ~finely glOWld."""" _ • denied mlllc mlxtUr In. l teaspoon mapJe navoring. I 'whipped Cff:am, Pl~ ~owl ..J,i pint heavy cream, whip-over ice wit er, COritliWe to ped stir until mixture mounds ln the top o{ I double boiler, slighUy when d(opped (f'Om .a soften gelati'nt in water. Place spoon. over hot water; stir unlll Spoon mixture lolo 1lx s.oz. dissolved. par(a1t &lasses. -aetrl&erate In medium·size bowl com· about l\li hours or'1Ultit firm. bine condensed milk and Carnl&h with whole nuts. All of these fresh fruits are thin-skirqle!f' • ·, • <no need to peel. II you feel ~ absolutely must remow the ~I. dip-lht fruit in bolling waler for one minute. Serving sliced raw fruits ' RIB STEAJ(,Cho<o Oool •• .,,.w.11 ,,;mmod ................... lb.1 11 ROUND BONE SWISS STEAK,cho;" ... 1 ..... i'b.861 HORMEL SLICED BACON,'" lobol , ........ ., .. lb. 731 • Smoothie , .... ,.-• ···-' ·• . -/. --.. ~ -~-~-· ....• -~. 9055 SIZES 8-J6 t.., 11f...;,_ 11ft..T'~ Seaming rises to a new peak of flattery in a curvy skimmer topped by a cuff collar. Wear it to the <>ffice, take it on vacation -it's great! Printed; Pattern. 9055: NEW 'f.1isses' Sizes 8, 10, 12. 14, 16. Size 12 (bust 34 ) takes %;;1 ya rds 39-inch fabric. SIXTY -FIVE CENTS I Tl coins for each pattern -add 15 cents for each.-paltNa for first-class mailing and special handling; otherwise third-class delivery will take three weeks or more. Send to Marian '-1artin, the DAILY PILOT. 442 Pattern Dept.. 232 West 18th SL. New York. N. Y. 10011. Print NAME. AO· ORE.SS with ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. Spring.Summer P a I I e r n Catalog. Free pattern COUfK!n. 5 Ocents. INSTANT SE \VING BOOK sew today, wear tomorrow. $1 . New INSTANT FASHION flroblems. Double wardrobe ~ Book answers all what-to-wear Accessory, figure tips. $1. Patio Dish Esteemed \Vhether You're an artci'dark s w i n g e r or just a fK!rch· swinger: surprise·your friends and neighbors with '11 patio party. Your menu ·can be ex- 1.ravagant or simple, your pat- ty large or small and you 're sll11 sure l.o be held in esteem ir you serve up a hot nu!al \vith flair. Perle.cl for the occasion is an egg dish that is ca!W to prepare, good to eat and can be brought out to the patio and kept at serving temperature on an electric trivet which will keep the dish oo "slow sinl· mer .. heat. EGG DELIGHT 12 slices bacoo -!Of)ipns, sliced fine I l liees tomato ! eggs S.lt Ground black pepper Sautc bacon in pan until almoS! done; U'len pot aslde, removing all but 3 tablespoons bacon fat. STANDING RIB ROAST, ChokoVlolllumm•d., .... Jb.96·1 BONELESS CROSS RIB ROAST,choko ... 1 .... lb. 1 .. STUFFED BELL f!EPPERS, ,.,,, .................. .ro 891 BONELESS CHUCK STEAK,c•~" ... 1 •••••••••• ,,981 BUTT PORTION HAM, 11 •• ,., ...................... 1b.651 CABBAGE ROtLS, ,.,,,1, ,,,,: ..................... ib.891 CHOICE FAMILY STEAK,1 .. ,_.,, r .... .,, .......... lb.981 HAM CENTER,SLICES, ,,,,,c,,1o• .......•........•. 1b. l °' FILLET OF PERCH,'"'''" ,,,,,c,,, ..................... 681 ROUND BONE POT ROAST, n,;~i .. 1 ...... ..Jb.79{CORNlSH GAME HENS, "'""·""··· .. ·······"791 RED SNAPPER FILLETS, ""'"'"'h ............... iL 781 . ' fl!'dS ti ·1 · HORMEL WIENERS, •1"~•·"'1,;,, ..... -..•• 12 .. 541 A LL MEAT SU, CED BOLOGNA, a.;,, "'"""""791 KNUDSEN'S SALADS, ,,,,,,.,...,~,,,;,11 ........ :··"·391 ALL BEEF FRA NKFURTERS,a.,~M., ....... 1b 79 i A LB ERTSON ;S CHIPPED MEATS, 51•,;;"'"·," 3/ L SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE,,.,,,,, .. ,,,,,,:,,,,"··" 1~' CASCADE DISHWASHE DAILY DIET ~~~~~~. 1~ DOG FOOD Utt'"' .......... .. MANDARI "'""· ~ r N a£ouct•2· 0 ORANGES BONAN" n ,,. SHOP and COMPARE NATIONAL BRAND ITEMS at FULL DISCOUNT ~ 7 DAYS A WEEK . . . ~ ' Save at Albertson 's r :~~: ,,. Save at Albe rtson's Pl i(I TRASH CAN llNER,"'o"; " ... ~49 < 37! MIXED NUTS," ........ ,,,.,., ..... . REG KOTEX,~,·· .................. 41< 39~ SANKA ,,,.,.o.;,,.i co11 ••. '<l o1 ••••••••••• REFRIED BEANS,'""""'"'...... 31 < 29 ,GRAPE JELLY,. ... ,, .. ,, ........... .. ICE CREAM CUPS ,,,,,,,.,,. ... 49< 471 PRESERVES,.-,,,.,., .,, .... ,.,,, CAT FOOD ,.,.,,,, .................. 12< 101 PRESERVES,, ..... ·''"·•· , ... ., .. . DRESSING, ...... ,.,,.."'"·"''····· 69< 62! GELATIN,,,.,.,,,.,,., .. ,.,; .... ., .... . PEANUTS,P:~ .... "·'9 o ~v.i:·,·1>.tl 01 .,. .69 r. 651 BEETS,,.., '"""'·"'' ............ . MENNEN DIAL ROLL ON Deodorant AN TI· 66). PERS. 'I' Colgate lg e. Pric e Off TOOTH PASTE 61 ~ 011•• . ,,. Save at Albertso n's · 0111u .. Save at Albertson's Ofllllt _ ... PllU Ptl(I 'rrtt PtfU '11u Pll(( 89< 831 BEETS, , "· ''··'' ................ 25 < 22! WHITE TUNA , G• ,,, ... ''' 41 ' 381 . ' l "" 99! SPAGHETTI,, ... ~,•.•'• ......... 29c 251 PLACEMATS, "'"~ ..... ,, .... 39< 371 51 c 47! KOTEX PLUS,,~,,., •...... ; ..... 45' 43! BATH TISSUE,,,,, .. ,,.,,.,, .... 29 < 271 65 < 59! PEPPERS,, '·••IC.< 116 ~:,,, •• 45' 39! INSTAN·T COFFEE, ... •···"". l " 1" • 85! . I 41 ' 371 73 < 65! INSTANT TEA ,,, .. ,.'", ......... 89 ' FRUIT SALAD,,,,.,,"'''""''" l 00 9SI HOT DOG SAUCE,,., .••.. "" .. 27' 2-51 CO'COA MIX,,, .... ~71.1 ··~el(lln '~-85 < 79J 29' 27( DEVILED HAM,u «-~··'" ..... 49 ' 45! POTATOIS,.,, '" ..... , ........ 35' 321 ICE CREAM ,,~;~;,",~:, ....... 591 STRAWBERRIES,,~·~;,.~::::~ .... 4/1. WHI P TOPPING,R,,h.,,o,, 451 RICE MEDLEY,~;,::.~:;~;~; ....... 371 FRUIT PIES,i::.;,:~;:,~,:~~ ..... 741 FRUIT DRINKS,MCP.Auo"'''" 10·1 CANTALOUPE 6, 11 oz. lucky D1alt VINE RIPE NED FIRM PI NK PEACHES BLUSH PINK RO YA L FAY 21bs .. 29~ $1 BEER P•: f,o,.,N~w'lo•k / 6 P11~ Now i•1 Cor ~ WINE Ail A••'""' f P ... ~ Chob11., I, 1 gollori WINES ohhe WORLD ''"' 991 SCOTCH Alb"""'°'"""' lO'S f Holl Gaito" . l.W. HA RPER~'~::~b:~'011'12" COOKIES ,,,,_ 63~ Albertson 's 1\ll PURP05E 49-~ DETERGENT 'I! 01, ALPO Conden'8d All Jumbo 9 lb. Pkg. 1'5 LARGE UN-ICE'D Banana and Date Nut Loaves,3/1. Lemon Meringue Pjes;.8.inch, 591 Butter Flake Dinner Rolls, doz,391 Anthony SUGA~ ELBOW 49). M ACA~ON I 'I' 'LllS. C &H 281 25 lB. SAC Sa ute onions in bacon fat un· ~ ~ W bf'J)wn. Piece tomato $llces •' on top of on~s: add baC'O ri. :• Break ew carefully over bacon, add salt; cover and let •• 1 \ cook until eggs are nnn. • Before Jerving. s p r i n k I t ~ wi t h. pepper and \Vorcestcrshire. ' .. Huntington Btach -1551 l So . Edwards Laguna leach-700 'So. Coast Hwy. " . Fountain VaRey -16042 Magnolia Huntington leach -8911 Adams . Corona del Mar -3049 CaG$t HwY· • ' " • • I I ) f I I ., " I ( ft DAIL V PILOT - Slenderizing -. .. :::::=· .·;-·-. ....... . . -_ ... _ ...... -·--· -·---· ·~ -· --::::. ·--·· -· .. --·· ----:=::.:. --·--· SI ZES 1 2~1-2-4!2 i., 1lf""; .... 1lf c.-.-r' ... Stands slightly away rrom the body ~tarlin~ right al the top and zooming all the way do~·n. No clutch, no clutter any"·hcre. Easy-.sew too. Printed Pattem 94i9 : Half Sizes 1211?. 141~. 1s1)'. 181-::. ·20.1: 221:. 24111. Size l61h. tbuiil J7) takes 21 ~ yards 45-inch. SL\'.TY·FIVE CE!\''TS in coins for each pattern -add 1$ etnts for each pattern for first-class mailing and special handling: othen\·ise third-class di?livery \Viii take three weeks or -1norc. Send to l\1;:irlan !\1artin, !he DAILY PILOT. 442 Pattern Dept.. 232 \Vest 18th St.. New York. N. Y. 10011. Print NA!\11:<;, AD· .. DRESS with ZIP. SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. Spring.Sumn1cr Pat I e r n Catalog. Free pattern <."OUpon. SO cents. INSTANT SEWING BOOK sew toda y, Vi'ear tomorrow. $1. Ne11' INSTANT FASH ION Book answers all what.to-wear problems. Double wardrobe! Acce ssory, figure tips. $1. Refreshers Add Punch . This country's enthusiastic Adoption of the col d Spani~h drink called sangria -often made with dry red wine. lrnit and club soda -has ad· venturous hosts l't'hipping up wine and fr uit punches. Here's the latest recipe or thil 11ort we've tried. It's a pleasant combination or red wine, cranberry Juice cocktail and citrus juices -orange, lemon and lime -plus club soda. F'or an a l l r act i v e garnish. orange slices and mint sprigs are added . If you're interested ili serv· ing this punch at a big party. have a rehearsal first. :i1ake up lhe rollo\.l'ing reeipt ~it yields a couple or quarts I and invite some neighbors to try il. Then if the punch suits you r informal taste-testers, you can feel secure about doubling or tripling the amounts for a larger and more fortnal party. You can serve this punch In a pitcher and use old-fashion· cd glasses. Or you can offer it in a punch bowl with its ac· companying glass cups. One handy reminder . the cranberry juice needed for lhis punch comes thret ways -in pint bottles (2 cups ), quart bottles ( 4 cups I and 48· ounce bottles 16 cups ). CRANBERRY '\IINE PUNCH 3 cups cranberry juice cockt.ail , chilled 2 cups dry red "''inc, chilled J cup orange juice 1 '! cup lime juice 1 ~ cup lemon juice 1~ cup sugar I small bottle \7 ounces) 'lub soda. chilled Orange slices and mint sprigs Shortly before serving, into · a large pitcher or -other con- tainer turn the cranberry juice cocktail, wine, orange Juice, lime juice. lemon juice and sugar ; stir until s ugar d isso l ves . Cover and refrigerate. At serving lime add ice cubs (i( a pHcher is used for serv· ing) or a small icc ring (if a small punch bowl 1s used for aervlng) and club &Oda. Stir and serve at ()(lee. Make1 about l quarts. t.Ui'Yl(,lt.if'!f 1969 MARKET BASK ET Atlr.U~ T 6 'tll" .Vt<lfvltf'! Stew Meat •..• ~o 89 ' U.S 11.4.Cllolp lt11n l~•gylrol!d ~I Short Ribs ....... 69 ' U.S.D.A •. CHOICE TENDERAY BRAND BEEF FAMILY STEAK OR SHOULDER U ~ 0.A (hfl rt ltrrdrr1J11 8rond lfff .Neck Bones .• .,o.39' CLOD lt'lflPUle G<Plll Beef Patties .. 10 89' t rll'>l'od f,.)h Hou,., Ground Round'" 89' 1 ROAST U.S.D.A. CHOICE TENDERAY BRAND BEEF 7 • BONE ROAST- LB. c COASTAL &RAND IRREGU· LAR COD FROZEN FISH STICKS AJlMOUR All MEAT HOT DOGS l2·0Z.49c PKG. fre~~. lto~ c LB . Ground Chuck, 10 69' US 0 A Chor~ Jincleruv B1ond B~f Spencer Steak.10 '1" (O!!ller (Ill SMl'>l.td Ham Slices .... 10 '1" US 0 it,. Groclt-A YllUfl9 Pf1'1U~S Bror.d Jr. Turkeys ... 1• 59' YI~~·, P.oosl Bttf, (orl'td Bttf. l~f1..fY, Rocst rark Meal Mates '1.~·. '3" FULLY COOKED BREADED FISH CAKES, KRISPY STICKS COO, PERCH, HADDOCK, or FLOUNDER HEAT & EAT FISH .. 79" U.S.D.A. CHOICE TENDERAY BRAND llEEF FUtt CUT -BONE IN • All VARIETIES Fll:OZEN BANQUET DINNERS EACH37' HILLCREST CREAM STYLE OR HOLE KERNEL -l 6·0Z. CAN OR VACUUM PACK - 12.0Z. CAN CORN EVERYDAY PRICE, 16c tA<M (ost•r" Gruon fed Crnirr C Ill Rib Pork Chops "'1" lol!!'m.Glot" lrdl'or~ l ftr?e I ~on, lh,• ~!or;ed I 0~"' f ro~ ~ Pork Chops .... 10 79' l ~rn:yl°"'W"lfr Pork Chops ... • 10. sp ' lutr Qualdy ~~oniea Link Sausage 3 i,:: 11 Swift Prtm'~"' Sliced Bacon •• 1• 79' c l'ICJS-1 hOlf!I IO Q Cut Corn •.••• ,,," 21 ' S.mpitS11!1'111 fro1tn Ap,plt, ~ •r t (•lf..IOI L p· "0' 33' emon 1e ... ""' Ore !do frou n Slloulnnq or p,~ t C11!11clt O Potatoes .... 11 ... "28' '1ctsMtl fTonn Brvut li Sprouts •••••. 11,:" 38' o~ Soy houn 2-Pod Cheese Pizza '~:· 95' SUNSHINE STATE FROZEN LEMONADE 6·0Z.10' CAN 12.oz .. 19c Mor~el Bllilel 5 lb. Flour ........ i., 39' 6eriv troci<tr 60 0 Bisquick ..... n.'72' tt1fttre~I Sloctd 2().0 Pineapple ... ,,: 25' ·~ ... Tile Cleaner . 1 \.~' 79 ' 8<t1hroorn .Ano~ Dow Cleaner 11.~" 72' ZEE TOILET TISSUE ~!~~L 31' EVERYDAY PRICE, lie ~~m •\,rope Jellv ........ '1~· 39 ' SlAAW~RllY FlllstRvtS.)J~ !'f1er FOii Smoo!~ «(~ 0 Peanut B.utter'l;,,' 69' SWANSON FROZEN BEEF, C<!ir bf• S!•01•"1d CHICKEN, TUllKEV Bab~ Food , ... ~!" I 0' MEAT · JUNIOR, Yio·OZ..14t MJBffstonl 1Cl.Ot. $J lt PIES Co ee ••..... Jo•. t .. 1111n1 Colltt N af 100" '1°' esc e •.•.• Jor 25' s.mi-1tyd1oic c k' "·0·63' a.oz. oo 1es ••••.. ~ PKG. ~odlk: Sta Cm~ Soll1111: c k 1"29' rac ers ••••• Bai KRAFT SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP QT. JAR EVERYDAY PRICE, S7c MARKET BAS KET DETERGENT M.J.B. COFFEE '·"·63' CAN 2-L B .. S 1.25, 3·LB., $1.17 . ' ... BOZ.19' ROUND STEAK LB. Ap.ple Juice .. ::, 39 ' "oz. 39' oEiffi'iiE NT lt•,un P1nl. [·ro~ru.1 PKG . _ J • ~ll Ol 47 t ~~~ '\, PKG. WHY TRUST TO LUCK: Ta•• U.S.D.A. Brand Beef ... There shouldn't be on.y co11fu1ion about getting g ret1t Beef: (1) l ook ·for lhe U.S.O.A. Choice shield; (2) look for the Tenderay Brand Beef label; (3) look al Market Basket'i. d iscount price. We guarantee you worf't ever go wrong! U.S.D.A. CHOICE TENDERAY BRAND BE ff E·Z CARVE LAR GE MEATY ENO RIB ROAST LB c U.S.D.A. CHOI CE LEAN TEN DERAY BRANO BEEF FLAT BRISKET . "98' n tar Maytr Al Ma.1 W• "0' 79 ' 1enen •..•• "" .t.ll8£EffWl(S,l.S~ ltlnl Seti Tamales .••. 4 :,~ 89' )(Im 8f'I'.~ Chile ........ \~; 47 ' ~ .... 11 Prtmou"' ~"~ 8 {. ti."d ~OIG"~· Ptpperllfll or Genoa Salami ~~; 59' S.....tt PreH~U'lh (~ulJ Prpk'"' P • 11" epperon1 .... ,. DEE, ROCK DISTILLED Cit DRINKING WATER GAL 35' BTL w.... ~Or Ml"'•" Cl•Mt ..... •t .. .J7c .... ·~ K•Y• C•ffee •••• , •• .11r 93c ..._IM<•t-.~ 1n11t '•flth ••.••• ,,.,.,,, l•L 47c 1 urtk Met.~ fro1e~ 6reodi!d Veal Cutlets .. 1, 98 ' Mor~,1ftgsi<.rt1 Vorie!'"" Lunch Meats •11,:' 69 ' I~'"'" John Cooked Ham. if,' ~5' Roth Sktd Meal DI' hd BolO\lnO CV' I Oll~ed S I . \ •. ,.85, a am1 ••••••• P~o. R11ddog Wof•r Hollo C omrd Bf.ti. T ur~rv. l~1d ~\f'11Stfll"1!0f O Chipped Beef ~ .• 37 ' M ... RKET BASK ET CHUN K LIGHT TUNA ,v,.oz.25( CAN /.'0tl<tl .,_~t•lulm<Yt-"1 (,ol Cossack Vodka s6" l111pgnrd (Ofltldoon wt .. 1!.y Wind5or .... ,,,, '12" ICrntoc'y ~1u1~h! lourbofo 86 P,.Q91 Ezra Brooks .,"' SJO" lit~ W~11ktY '"'"' Kentucky •... ~..,s 7u lltt Ur colt Col~ I• 7-Up ...... 6 11.~'68 ' ~ Plitt tlPOllf 1"'"-"'-'li '1'!1hettl .......... '"' al e lt •7'!.W '''°' M•(•Nftl ......... , ,.,. 33c '-""" 1,0, '"""t ................ 41t EASTERN GRAIN·FED PORK LEAN, FARMER STYLE SPARE RIBS lB 69' Ho<>eysuc:~I· 1101 ... "' "• l·'CllV T k 3, ,. 'I ur ey ....... P ••• l;"old Kill frO/l!fl Beef Steaks8\:~i~98' Ruf*'!'• I ronn fni!(J Scallops .... ',::' 'I" Streoml"sll f1c1e<> T t '"' 79' rou ......• flQ fAR..ME RJOHN eun PORTION SMOKED HAM "65c lu>lll!·Crrmt 17 5 01 Can Hair Spray ... :;: 39 ' Cold(o~ults -l'l9 oflO C t "·"99' on ac ••••.•• s.,t ll~ulor. Hord loHQkl, U~Krntfd Hnor~av-1 301 (Oii Aqua Net •••. ;.~ 59' Hair Om!.ing-31/t-lk lubf Wildraot ..... :.~ 71 ' l>e!!tu" Adliti.r:. ..... OL P~q F I th •t 2' SJ°' as ee ..... ~11• CANNON HONEY BEIGE OR CINNAMON SIZES 8 V2 TO 11 LO LENE NYLONS 3 PRS$1 l ""'°"It.Mi • ~ Mi"ut• Ric•··· .... '"" 3 7t l•'-,,._.. 1.)Q.i. S•uc•···· .........• i .. 49c ll•-· ... •ltooel 1Jter1lfl't0 :10r •i"i'h .............. r11 JJc TRIANGLE CUT RUMP ROAST LB. 8Sc urce.. . • . . . c~~ ... lol •too!!"'1 'c "ntal.f~ lO·LB. LOW SUDS, $1.29 _,._ .~·' .l :"\ M · ' 10 26' 11...~~;;...~~~---~~~· ~··~··~;;<.;.~· ~-· argarme ... ''" Servt 'N ~ Sliced Bacon. ~1: 69' HILLCREST PEARS M•tonr·1 1190.11allo" ar 1000 l~lallll MARKET BASKET 2·1 B. THICK Suero. $1.JI Seo Pak r roirn Bre<lded Sh • ,, ,, 12" Dressing ..... ',1' 31' GELATIN ~~~Jlt·s Green Goddeu D • '°'· 37' SALADS r1mp •••••• P~g. ~~ Pnl. rro:en Brl!'Qded ress1ng .... '"· '" """ .,, """' Fish Sticks ... l,0 ; 43 ' I ~Ol ,7i;:>OOl.,$1.01 <e~ !Ir~ lro/M BrtC!dtd Fish Wedges .':,:.· 79 ' faiMllVClult Slot~ ,..oz.33c CAN Napkins ...•. ,::;•33• lt Sl•opy 14 OZ Dog Food .... 'I;~' 16' CTN.· o.,,; Kon? Va11e1ie.~ 81!5 O' T~"<I C IF d •··•·0·15' Wafer Bacon.~:! 79 ' EVf:RYDAY PRICE. 39c a oo •.... co., SUNRISE FRESH PRODUCE VINE-RIPENED WHOLE WATERMELON • •• , l .. c BUTTERY RIPE HAAS AVOCADOS ,\CH c FOR SlUfFING OR SALADS 1 gc Bell Peppers .... Lb. BOSTON OR REOLFAF Lettuce 2~19c I MGE BROWN STEAK 69C Mushrooms .... p~:~d Y°a~sSWEET,. 2 ~ 29c US. NO. 1 RUSSET 1 O·lb. 4gc Potatoes . . . . . . sag VITA PAl<T 6 Pock Eoch 5gc Thirst-Ade Drinks /,\tf1.t1 lo•I•• Hl ft.! ln1tant C•ff•• .. "" $1 .09 1111-~J r.,,., 1 ~01 Cot kta il ........... , 1• 23c "'Or\•l lotlt!U..... ~ Ot Tuna ............... llPI 21c 4·~•••t~lro '1' Flour ................ ,,., l9c ~"""'["""' '"!II Ti11u• .............. tl1 i•c I' ormi ll>Ot. Carrot1 ............. c,. 1 fc EVERYDAY PRICE, 33c ll••nlV~n~ry\I -1•"18 Beans •••••••. co~ " H,llcre~! Ko<htr or Pol sk Dill Pickles .. "; .. " 59' Holler~! Hamutylc !-OL Pickles ..... :,. 69' H1llc1tsl Kidney Beans 1i,'!' 16'. Molkrt51 Gr Dpellll't ' J • '""33' u1ce ••.•.•.• co" KRAFT INDtVIDU All't WRAPPED SllCfD CHEESE FOOD 12.oz.65( PKG. . EVERYDAY PRICI, He Mo1ke1 &nl-tt l b Longhorn Cheese83• IC rufl Na!Vrol Slited II Or. , Swiss Cheese "• 52' Bollard lunemiillc CV' ~e;i~\Of B. 't "" 8' ISCUI S ...... "' Bol~rd (inoomon Rolls ....... :,~~' 29' Marlo.et Bo'ket Blru r ker..t, °"'"- Frtndi On'°", Gtttn (l!t~ or Garl<t D'rps ,.,,. 33' ........ ' ''"· FAMOUS FOR . DEEP-CUT ,DISCOUNT PRICES! WE ltf.stlV£ TH£ flGHl TO l!MIT .QUANTmfS. NO SAlfS TO Wtt04.£ $/J.fU Ol OISll/IUlOtS. ,_ICIS AU ffffCTIV'E MOW TH •U TU~S., AUG 12. 1•6t If you like a very sweeL- punc:h, )'GU may want to add a1 much 11 » cup more sugar. The dryness nr the wine, the sw«tnw or the oranse juice ;ind !he acidity of lhe llme juice ant.I ehoon juice will \ ary, so sugar can be added at ) our dbcreUon. e COSTA MESA-!::!."' ... '' NEWPORT BEACH -llOO ,,,. .. at ... " lht ''· • HUNTINGTON BEACH-'w'" "'''" 11 SO lrl'int A•c .. lWt1~1lff PlnJol ti t •f IHCll "'' • FOUNTAIN VAlLEr-:;'~.~::!1,~' O SANT A ANA-',':.' .. '•~"'' ( I \ ' I • I .. -. ----------...---------·--~~-..... -....... ---......... -.............--·~~,.-._. ..... ----. .. . . .. .. -... ......---.....-........... ---.. -....----·---~ ---. Wodntsday, Aii9<Jst 6, 1969 DAILY •11-or ·43 ~!':!~· FACIAL .TISSUE LADY SCOTT 200 COUNT MIX •'EM I or MATCH 'EM ' BANQUET ASSORTED DINNERS . FROZEN REGUIAR SIZE .................................................. . C· LBS. $ for LIBBY'S VEGETABLES $ CHEERIOS 10'!1-0Z, PKG. WHEATIES 12.oz.PKG. $ with 8\ltter-CUT CORN, PEAS, P!AS"CARROTS;MIX . VIG. !DOZ. GREEN BEANS 9-0I. PKG ••• :. ___ ,,,., for GENERALMIUSCEREAlS ·-····-·········"·······························"··············· .. for fil~~~o~~ .. _53c ~~.~!~!~~~I~! __ s219 . . \~~!..._~ -~ -' . ~--·--·--~--rii • _·\·..,. ...... o:-;oo•,">:.-.;.'?!' .. .;..1,~..l$J!-!"':-.,,, :;·~~ ......... t""!';""-'~'"'..fj:-T~'~.\~)l>~~~~:i·"· ..... ~~r 1 ~••a ROAST T· CHARCOAL. BRIQUEI ~X-J .. COWERS ---···· l-1B.PK$ ~ ~~ RIB ST 'EAK for D~., ~ MAYFAIRBl:UERIBBONSTEERBEEFU.S.D.A.CHOICE ' ~ STANDING RIB ROAST or RIB STEAK Include all cuts . <!.'~~~, ·tt NONEPRICED .HIGHER lb. CLOROX BLEACH ROCK CORNISH MAYFRESH ENGLISH 4 $1 MUFFINS 1 6-PACK ........... · or sonwEYE ~ $1 !!'.~!T TISSUE ·----.......... !or SOUTHERN CROSS 5 $'1 PINIAPP~ 16-0Z. . for CRUSHED, St!CED, ···········--.. ······-········ .. '"-·· " ~~,i~.~m .. ____ 39~ !Y,-_!!T_A_C_H_EE_S_E _ 75' !9,M!,!~--45c I "-1 'I WfOOTiOO~Wl.lfOO Van de Kamp's ' SPECIALS Jhars.-Sun., A•IU•t l· 10 su~ar, Molasses., Oatmea~ Chocolale or Peanut Butter • 2sc Cookies ........... !'Ir. Pecan $!19 Spice Cake .. .2·1.1!"' Almolll cnspi1 • 43c Co ff ea Cakes. 111."' ltlnVWHlJTWWW , C1§tt> DcWly Sp~! ARDEN POPSICLES & FUDGSICLES · AJ?ItL ~ 6-PACKS s1 TWINTREATS.... fl>f \' PORK ROAST !ASTERN Ip FRESH 4 f j. GAME HENS PORK SHOULDER lb PICNIC STYLI • ,---...,_-mru1fair L«fuors - MATTINGLY & MOORE ST.IOUABON $ f 9 :¥~~r~: • 9 HALF IUILT Ul POUtCI II.IL. ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 FULL DAYS THURSDAY. AUGUST 7th thru WED., AUG. 13th 175 EAST 17th STREET, COSTA MESA 2030 WIST ht STREET, SANTA ANA H9Z WESTMINSTER AVE., GARDEN GROVE ' -----·--' - LUNCHEON MEATS 1 OL 69' RATH W.OCHAWKlUNCtiEONMEAT P~G All MEAT, All BEEF IOtOGNA, COTTO SAl.\MI ......... .' ••.• " ~,~!,.,!,!.!~~~~.-.59' GAllO SAlAMI CHUBS ................ 1,1!:89' 1Mtsp9 • ~ t ... ·" -- t' ' ~..,.,.,. .. ..,_ • .,.,...-~ .... .,... .. ,,.;,,....,...,,----··~~,.,.,_,,~,,..-.,.-.,.._,,-.,_ ,...N.,,,,"O'"-'"'""",...,,.,,,.,!:"":~'>"·"s"'"~!!!"!.,.,,.e.,:"'""'''"'-""4'"',..''"*"",..,_,.,.,,.,,._ •• ,. • .,,,..,,.,,.,_ ... __ ... _,.,,,.. ... ,,..,.., .. , ............. , .. ,,., ... .., ... ,_ .. , .......... --.----· -• -1 - ff OADiJ')ilQT . . . "Asd .Eskimo Touch to -Hot Day With Frosty -Citrus ·coolers Aft Eattmo cooler, chllly u orange jtib uver mtnti cool. Jnga. ''· can rroien grapeJruit ju1~ ped and 1prlokled with toasled • with orang'• alices. -¥ield: 4 1 quarl aparkliqi water. u taklo. ll 1 refreshlna: citrus Strain and ado remalnlng l To fl'Olll ilass, dip rhn '\qto concentrate, thawed, UD· 11 cup toasled coconut coconut. Yield : 6 .ervings. servings. CJ;>mbine. 1ugar and water frt ~ that likes lhe &irtuner cups orange juice and !Jme orange juice and thea inJ.o 'diluted Co,mblne undiluted oran&e ALA.SKA COOLERS NO~tE COOLERS saucepan; place over low he:it eat ~ swnmtr. juice. Chill. granulat~ sugar. Chill. I banana and grapefruit concentrate~ ~ cup orange juice :)4 Ct.Ip sugar and stir unUI sugar' dlssol\'<'S• 'Jbere are m&J\Y com· Just before serving, adtl TOTEM COOLERS ~i·rup honey banana, hooey, ,salt, vanilla 1~ cop lhn' juice I cup water Add undiluted orange con-Uo.Ds~ey all h:ive the sparkling ·_~at~~ _Pour .JDto 6 taJ).1.tsPoQDL (Ji 6-ou1~ ·*'·J~_spoon salt and water_ in .hlendfr...,,.,.__,._,cup.greoadioe-l-can (6 ouncu) rro:i.en centrate and Ume juice:. Ju:it Mme common deaoniinatvr cltllleQjlasscs wilh tiooeJ can) frozen orange julrc ~teas~ vanilla i.1lner. Cover :ind process 3t 1 cup dark rum orange juk:e conccntra~. before Mtving .. add rum ii.nd • \, thly're all 1 imp I y rims. Gatnish"eaeb class-with' concentrate, thawed, un,_ 2 wps-wa~~r high speed un~ll smooth. Chill Coml>ffie~all ingredients and uudJluted' sparkling water. Pour O\'cr, 4fllcloul. a halved orange' slice an;t n diluted 2 cups milk ln pitcher, Stir in .milk, Serve pour into 12.ounce glasses fill · ~~ cup lime juice cracked ice in tall glaJ:tes. 1)11 su mmer, add a n sprig of mint YJeld: 8 serv. 6 tablespoons (\~ tl·ounee 1/J cup hea-..y c,ream. \1•hip.. topped with whlpped crea1n ed with cracked ice. Garnish I cup rum Ylel4: 8 servlngs. ElkJmo touch w •hot day~-'-~~~~~~~~~~~'--~-'--~~~~~-'--~-'---'--~-'-~'-'-~~~-"'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'--~~~~~~~~'--~~;:._~~~ wllh , lllot.e deleclabl• frosty cUrµs ~lers. SC!UMSHAW COOLERS <t' cUps orange juict, dlvidfd . J cup mlpped fresh mint 1 cup sugar 11: cup lime juia= 2 bottles (7 ounces each l :sparkling water, chilled Heal 2 cups of the or.1.TIJ:.'.! juice just to a boil. Com~ine snipped mint and sugar 11nd ma.sh with fork. Pour hot Sandwich Loaf Good For Party Che'se and cocktails go. togethe.:-50 well and 50 often, ,ei the combo ia alwaya a delightfully refreshing one. Fill the hollowed out center 01 a sturdy French or Italian bread loaf with a creamy, spirited blend of Neufchatel and Liede.rkranz c h e e s e s , ham, qgs and pickles. Make ahead, then refrigerate until lht party is ready to swing. Ju.st slice and serve. COCKTAU.. SANDWICH BREAD J loaf French or Italian bread (about 8 inches round and 18 inches Jong} 4 (3-oz.) packages Neuf· chatel cheese, softened l (4-oz .) package mil-PARTY l WARE c .. wNoti. .... ., Gil-I J.6111 •w I_,.,. .t $..,._ NMo.,. Yoo c.r Ca:loe1 If f.tl ... ""'~~~~,. ~2~~;r~ WE'Rf CELEBRATINB A Brand New Vons IN fOUNTAJN YAWT \6201 HAtlOlt ILVO. fij/o/M/S : I 4ti I l}I :!I . !..°:!..~~~·! ·~ 4 i 89~ Ceil fe,.,. Oninoa Juiuo "'"-'-................ 21"9" Col fa11111 Orensit Jlfi(.t 11.00.. '•• ........ ·& ....... ".SC. Ort Ide ~rittg P~ 11.0.. "'" ........... 2Sc: ~!~~!~! ~~c'!!1•Jes 3 l '1 Oh r.ey Ch-l'lua i.c.i. tioo ................ 2·1'1(. 89c Oh ley 1'1ppt•eni ,;ue 1..01. ... ... ............. 8'1c Oh y Souwige Pin" 1,0 •. "" ............ , ... 8~c _ Jerseymaid Ice Cream ;;::::::::...-===~:-u;:Sh:U:oulder Clod ~~~ 98• HALIBUT WESTERN ( d B f ""'" 79. STEAK OYSTERS orne ee .;,,~,~~. • '~"'"" 11 " ""' 981 B 1 · H ... -~. 11 " NO•f)o·~~ • l•· 10-oz. JAR one ess am :..":~1.;;·~. l•. Gourm~I ~!irOmp MU lt'P•", "•u. ""-I'"'· 93c f !Jh K•i>P• • >li/<11.~l'.H. , ... ,. •11 ................. 79c f•1h & C~i~GOt10 ... ~ ,..,,, ,.,. ................. 73c ft1h 5fo(h CUl'•TION, ;<..._"I•.,,,., .. .,,.,., .. 9,k Viel S!e<ik~ TL!tU . .,_.,w .. 1•1•1M~. l~ .••...••. $1.09 Beef Sausage \::~~:-..:"3 : 11 T-BONE JUICY. lENDER Slf4KS $)29 BARBECUE FAVORITES LEAN, THICK CUTS LI, Porterhouse ' • VONS TABLE KING BEEF RIB STEAKS Top Round or Club=11!~ Boneless Round .::.. 91:. Top Sirloin ~~i~,~~~ '1~~ Chuck Steaks ,;::·.;:~ 55:. tlederkranZ ch e e·1-r, softened t cup (about ',it lb.) boiled ham, Cl.It i n to '1-t·inch cubes Sllll'Kilt TunoPitt 10.. ............................. llc VIie Pott Chillotd Oro11111 ll"'d oo ................. ~ 1 c Vila ht;t Oi~led °""191 llel!d •• e ............... 7Sc 9:;:::11!;1!;-:::-:;;:~:!)jt'.::..s:::;--W-:;:M:::::;;~~ee::::::Dtz;=!!~~~Jie-W;:;:ll[ -ii:!: -:mt 2 harl-cooked eggs, cul into '/•·inch cubes 1,~ cup dill pickles, drained, cut in ~~·inch cubes l tablespoons parsley Dakes ~ teaspoon sa~ ~ teaspoon pepper Cut bread in half vertically and trim crusty ends to make two S.inch loaves. With sharp knife carefully remove center or bread, leaving the outer crust in one piece. Reserve 1,~ cup of the crumbs. Wrap a 20.18--inch piece of wued paper tightly aroitnd each bread shell. The paper should not extend over the ends. Tape waxed paper securely. tn medium-sized bov•I heal softened cheeses together until smooth. In another medium· 1izit bowl combine ham. eggs, pickles, parsley, salt. pepper and 1ft cup reserved bread crumbs; fold into cheese mix· ture and mix w'IL Spoon chtt:se filling inlo brud shells. Shake down the filling. holding the bread with both hands'. Wrap another piece or waxed paper around ends of each loaf. Chill thoroughly overnight. Re1nove paper and cul into 1.~-inch­ thlck slices. ri1akc:s 50-60 1lic:es. Mix Makes Dutch Cake A a:reat treat: a fluffy Dutch chocolate cake. Complement wtth cups of 1 new lo""acid in· slant coffee. DUJ'CH CHOCOLATE CAKE 11/4 cup {11,!: slicks ) margarine, softened 11~ cups sugar 2 eggs 3 cups sifted cake floor 4~i teaspoons baking powder ~~ teaspoon salt 1 cup homogenized milk 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 cup Dutch chocolate flavored mix, dry form 11, cup homogenized milk Jn a lara:e-slu bowl beat margadne .until f I u ff y. Gradually lidd sugar ; beat un· til fluffy. Add eggs, one at a Ume. beating well after each addition. _ TOW11 Heu. ko: Cr.,111 Sandwith • '"'' ........... "' ~•R &. Quill Toppillg 1 , e.. ......................... J9c la•r{t ,oer loy SenMh U 0.. .................. 8?- ~mro£3 llQUORI HATURE\ • $1.•ICiHf KlNrucltY IC'llJPt.o'I 1~-,lOO• ~J_f_\J_i1fi3 BAKERY TREATS EGG SESAME BREAD v()t;S HAl>IO ~ft() llClll lOll>H 39' t lXfURt U.~ 1~ ll. IOol.l' • . , · · • · · · VONS FRENCH ROLLS ,. ::::•35' BAllAJIA JIUT LOAF •. ::·::_ 45' ·--;;i " t!.£i HIAUll '°".~ J-I ' ...-1 U•Vl'f' •IDS ~~·)' SEGO LIQUID DIEr .. ~~D 4 i $1 =-COLGATi T001HPASTI '".";; 51' 11K DIWXI T001111RUSH •;:,; 23' MAlO SNlMPOO '-0:';";, ~ .. 1)11 14c " I 'I . T~ll 111,-1 ltH Jtr • ,.. Double Blue Chip Stamps Sift together cake flour, bak· lni powder and ult. Add dry Jacredlentl alternately wltb the I cup of milk, beginning aod ending with dry in-Sffillent.1. Add vanilla. [)luolve chocolate mix in zwr= .-5 c ...... = \14 cup milk. Blend w..ii.·1 °'"" c~a .. -. -..................... •7c Into etke batter. ~·· QuA: ,...,.,._, •..ot "" ................ •?c Lint a.rt. J..iocb layer cake Whi• li,.. C.envleled Soep .. .,., ................. 79t PIN wllb a double thickness WJJ1e Kifoo wei. Sofm., ~ lftt ........... $1.17 ti waxed 1>1pe.r; pour in b8t· v.n-11 ... 1ontCeft.. e«..1•• ...................... $1,23 REGULA~ 011: lOW CA LOl!lf ~-7. DAYS AND 6 NIGHTS . ...... ~-.... 24 JET VACATIONS Al THE IEAUHIUL ILIKAI HOTEL ON WAtKtKI IE.A.CHO' (-TO HAWAII -.: VIA WESTERN . MAKAHA INN AIRLINES •NOCOUNIOYCLUI INTllMATIONAl ll ~ YOU.I! PllfYl[W ~· ~,...J OF ,ARAOIS£ ., .-/~·~"'to-. ~t ··~ fN,OUTfTOH,l.W,All . ~~a:.,,.-~""""" ... ,., '° lslaa.ac•· ~- .... l,ut: "ISl.ANl>a ftA$, .. IN. RC.HT Ht rtt How Yov Enle•. • AUlioil HllC HAWAllAH MUSIC '09''"°""' ~. oo0,•..W. 9't oil v-'°""bl '\ • 6 SltW...itl>lSSlS TO SllYf 'l'OU c'lttl, ............ ,,.. •"<'Y ~°'* yw "'°"· WM•rt' j •AH t•fCUTNl HOSTW ,..., • .,,1 ~ • .,....,... Tlwr>doy ......... 1.._ t.,.. f • ~ANOel ~c~PAGNEPUNCtf"WllH ..... '""' ~., ....... "" '°"'· v-.....,.a.-~ , .• , WESTU!ol~COMPUM9m JOit! MJo\000 No PurclooH Nec-r I .-..:.. .... -"""'"· 3 $1 M<t'f', COIHB> kll ~ ~ ~,t.$TAAMI I """.,,..,.,,.~ •. , 3-0r "•· COTTAGE CHEESE SALAD DRESSINGS '°""""' 59 ' . ,....... ' 1000 ........ lfo.l. 11\ ttr. Bake in 1 modt:rate !350 , :1~ ... '·> oven •bout :J0-31 1011 Adams Ave., d Brookhurst, Huntington Beach COMKEXIOM IOAI' Ca may :~"' 2; 33' HAWAIIAN l'RfMIUM COfFff Yubon I Lt .Co ........ 72' l.U. C4l'I $!,,, 5TOKJL'i' JOJ CA N ~f:;!~:.'Ui'~r!·;~:~ 34081 Doheny Park o·;;ve, Capistrano Beach 5922 Edinger Ave., at Springdale, Huntington Beach 17950 Magnolia, fountain Velley 21082 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beath before Icing. •• l I .. ) :y h PILOT·ADVERTISER 11 H ALI.MEAT WIENERS BAR-M auuc. BUY THE LB. ORS-U.BOX 49~. SLICED BA COM Q.111.T-4f ' , LB. BONE-IN SU'U HA•SPR.lY ~~~6t. 65C s.or.97' 1,1.!1°9 SEVEN ~ TABBY CAT FOOD ASSl ·-~ 2 ... 0, 33' -BEADS O' BLEACH ""' ~-~· ,..o, 63' • DRY TREND DET. --~-2 '/;g~ 37' Up LIQUID TREND :'~~ ... , .. ---· '"°' 43' BRION PRE-SOAK DCALP<G ' -25·DZ 53' YASIUllE CALM POWDER JILLY DIDDORANT , 1,.::..;::-.- 11U1S•lY 7ftc Ii 79c 1 ~~z. y-s.oi. PEANUTBUTIER ;i,;.'~--..... o, 61 ' HUNT'S SPINACH .......... "'CAN 27' 12-0Z. RETURNABLE BOTTLE 6FoR59c HUNT'S KIDNEY BEANS _ 2cJW. 39' COLD WATER SURF ~~·,,~_ .. _ 68' MAPLE SYRUP ;!~'ls.,, ----1.oz 63' LEMON JUI CE V•A-PAKT .,_ GREEN BEANS ~Ui'..°'"0".'..'-···-· ,., 19' PEANUT BUTIER ~~ -·---·· .. "o' 59' SLICED BEETS ~AMONO·A --i'f~ 211' . DICED BEETS DIAMOND-A -----~ 18' SHOESTRING BEETS ~b~"c':!t:. __ 19' HANOI-WRAP 80N US PACK ----.,,_,. 33' MIXEDNUTS t:,';:~':.~·NUTS ----JJ.Ot 89' POTATO SALAD :l~~~N __ .... "-o' 37' BEEF STEW "'""MOO"' .......... '"°' 59' LESLIE SALT rJ3:~,g" ... _ 212-0• 25' Ou IK NfSTLE S CH')C MAI T 47' CHOC. fUOGf. CHOC. BANA N.l -l !. GRAHAM PAClflC 35' CRACKERS __ I.LI . CHUNK TUNA ~6'~ ~~ .,, __ c'..:. 53' SOLID TUNA ~.:;~,''.'_' ···-·-•·"" 41' PROTEENA LOMA """ ......... _. '"°' 67' ,VEGELONA 10MH,NoA .. _ ........ _ .. 1<-0t 73' REDl-BURGER ~'),~ -----"o' 85' SOY SAUCE <OMAUNOA ----.. Ot 31' DIAL SOAP tAtlf 21' --·-2 ~~'i; 29' MAGIC SIZING 200t SPRAY --··· .... 69' PERMA STA,RCH ______ "o' 59' DUPO~TSPONGES ---·-PKG Of • 39' 7c OFF COUPON 25coFF COUPON LADY SCOTT 200-CT •• HALF GAL.LON FACIAL WISK TISSUES DETERGENT SAVt,i.~,:::1~~.LAR SAVI lSc OFFTHt: llEGUl / PURCHASE PIJCl W1TH THIS COUPON WITH THIS COUPON Gorxl Ohly 11 ST ATER IROS. i Good 011ly 1! ST A ltR IROS Good Imm AUG. 7 • 1 l Good from AUG. 7-1 l ONICOUPON •ll C\IJTOMllt ,ONI COUPON,.ICUSTOMll • I ,... __________________ \~ PLUS Dt'°SIT CORN DOZE N EARS EXTRA FANCY SWEET TENDER c GRAPES D.OG11F 00 DFRllK11s815~Niz.SI ~~c~ HAMLBURcGER .. CHIPS .~.29 ·~ 3-LB.CA~ CRIS .CO. ONLY69C WITH THIS COUPON Gotid CNily •t ST AT ti IROS. fillCdl•om AUG. 7~20 ONf COUPON HI MlOMll c *************************** BUTIERNUT 1~~ 1,6" .t~"""" 'Plfiu4. . COFFEE ""''"' ... °'""' 1 O s 1 i.ta. 6 9c ~!~!~ADE -... :;,:. - CAN MEAT PIES · 5 .... L 5 1 SNOWY BLEAC.H TtllSWln : "I ORANGE JUICE :4:::~s1 ~ CAIN.t.llOHCODOl"KH FISH RLLETS ............ .:.~59' Olf~lD,A.MtOlStllHG • s POTATOES _ ..... ,,_4·;~~ I i~g~69c ~~1r:i::r~~~ LOl{~f~~~~lt --· 8 0~ 39e _ KORN DOGS _ 11-oi.~.49c SUPERIOR TAMALES ...,,. til' ,./ AMERICAN CHEESE~~~l~ '·l .. 87' ~e.. e PEAS & CARROTs ........... ,., ·-.., 2r GI" COR ·1 &115'0-lt()"IYt Nt...,.. Sll't.I 21' I Dfl M+OLE IU"lrli~ IOl CAii FRENCH GR. BEANS m? _ _ 1'"3l' BITS·O·HONEV PEAS --2,., 21' PETITE~~s =~~10J29' -2a0l.37' PEAS & ONIONS '""'"""' ,.,, 27' NEWS DETERGINT SALE PRICES EFFECTIYE 7-FULL DAYS, THURS. tltru WEDS., A . '7,. • ANAHJIM COSTAMUA • _ SAl4TAAllA : . 3430\Y. LINCOLN AVENUE 2110 NEWPORT BOULEVARD 2130 EOINGfR AVINUI, 2564 WEST8AOADWAV 707 W!ST 19TH STREET 2llOJ W1'1: 17TH STRHI' , • 117' BAKlft ITRtET WISTMIN$TH , GARDIN GIOvt HUNTINGTON llACil 8522 WfSTMINSTU ILVO. 888 CHAPMAN AVENU-f 6862 £DINGER AVE. Wlflllll~t4212 M1N£SAVJ, l . '"" 59' Ol4"4 ,~ , l \. • .. DAILY Pll.OT • • l ' I I ' .. • \ 'I j ' • • . . , r • ,, ~ • •• • .. • ·~ ! ~·'"" f \, .. , , • • • Alplia :Betfs~-~ . . an in lu r ·~.IDlJ:i>" CAN • ANrW'EMPSllft ' I Collllil'"~ !'"on I , . I ' ' SPRAY POWDER 114 88C 111 •1n PIPlll ·, . . , ••. ; ra''"""''"•-·r- PLATO ' 8' suiia:tWi'i ·• 44• . ~ -• .., 1r•1 ~1 ~:,COU it!:; !V!Qf [ff . miTiniil'loEi1Li'39' 35c 11\0ZEN • 5 OZ. CAN • .m:mn.&! ci PJHI: RIMIETll LEllO•IDE ... VAWE 12 OZ. CAH • 25c VAW! T • • ·~ ..... ! .. ' ·' . . ' 11' ~. - ,, )( , ------- YI WITH Al.PHA llTA'S '=c;;.r ·c,~2,176 TOTAL DISCOUNTS S.. -.... _... .OWU 9fKOUJrnt ' ..... , ... ~ ~ -l:~= il-•rt" . -r'~ =.:: =....... .. J::!' • ! I !()JAl ll"',CO!l lt'' 11[~¥ [)~¥ • I ._,,,,,, •. ., DISCOUNT p11as1 lll!.1 f •• '" ":', 1 .~~· ~!f . ' $.1\'E IOc Willi 11!1$ COU1011 O!IE OIU • • CRISCO 3 72"-SHORTENHtG ~ic M "let Wri1touT COUPOK UO SOME. ll'ORU CllARGE et Oii: C0t.PoN n1 fAMILT • ADIA.TI OILY -IDGI ~ IU~ II . . STORE HOURS MOH.th,. FRl.-lOAM·I PM SAT,••' SUN. 10 AM to 7 PM YIU A1.PHA IETA ft•ilN>orlml Butcher (the Man In the Red Apron) Proudly Offe11 ALPHA Br!A anmri rm. edF. "GREAT on th• .GRILL" BONELESS. '.$ tOP S1RL011 STEAKS=~~~ 58 u . llPllA BE'L\ lmml nm.lllf;F . BUTCHE!'S P!lDE MEATS MIA'll YOU'LL 11 PlOUD TO llllVI o DISCOUNT PRICED • U.S. GD'lllNMEHT o QUAUTY l SATISFACTIOll INSPECTED QUAIWITHD COLORADO BEEF =wA 1nmn9nm8w FAMILY C STEAK lb Rill CUT 98 c I-Pl.UMP l ROUND lb TENDER STEAK WHOLE ltlDY i~ 19;.~FRESH FRYERS llPllA BETA 11111111 llm • flQlt 8ROUID ·BEEF l!lf c I ! ECOlfO.PAK :llBS. Oii Ol'lll UAJll MIO R.AWJIJ'lll :":' 49;. CEIMDll • mlllJI 1191 ND BACl(S, NECKS Oii GIBLITS 49• IRWED SHRlllP tr . BEST OF FRYIR • • FRESH GROU•D ROUID Will~ • 11!\!tilOUS CORKED BEU IOUNDS flOA!ST Ql/AUrf ot DISCOUNT mcESI . lRICll ~·I"* YIOl£n,. -... BONEUSS , llUIUQ\FS L1$!11N IMJAlllY • SWEET SllOKlll • IEGU\AR • 68' t:"' 89;. IOWA. MAID SLIQD BACON 1u. P1<c. ,. ALP NA llETA ...... wnco• 'CHICK COSTA MUA-141 L 11tl St. HUNT1N•TON IUCff-tt41. A"- ttUNT1MeTON IUCH-11611 N. Meis It. FOUNTAIN YAL.Ln-tnt W...., SOUTH U.•UNA-lotll 1...C.. Hlwey LAGUNA HIU.S-ZJl41 c.it. • .. LltfH llYIN~llMI ~. Ullll1w;Jity '-' I ' I " ·' r. • I • • .. • • 1 • t . ' • • , . 'i • I~ 1 ' I J • 1 ' 1 ~ I • • . -' v• l 8 PILOT·AOVERTISER Wedo.,day, A"'ull 6, 1%9 "---~r"'llA~N~S"'P"'O"'R"'TA"'T"'l"'O",,,---..T Ri!!'.iSPQRTATIQk.~ . TRANS PORTA T!ON ---· -• TRANSPORU. TION Wedondry, A"'"' 6, 1'69 eAILY PILOT TRANS_PORT ~ TION 'TRANSPORTATION • TRANSPl:>RTATfOe<;.=;_ r~RA;_;N;,;S;,;PO;;,R;_;T;.;A'"T"'IO'°'N.--,Tr.RlcT'j:jh!iHp5'oraR'9--A<\·ti~-!'._iq. • '9900UMd Ctrt ,'900Uto4 Ctrs UMd C1rt '900U.ed Cars ' .., 'I ' " ' . " • J ' ·-( I'. ~ • • !-, • ,;CADlLL.AC . . - NINETE EN~-_,·SIXTY-NINE • .. ; j • 1 ' Our Selection of brand ne'v 1969 Cadillac s is the finest ill our history. Test 'dr~ve ·1today . : . "The ·Masterpiece •Fro1n1 Masie~ CJ•afts111en" .•.. • the11 ~elect you1• lllO~eJ~ equip111e11t ~ colors now! 1969 COUPE DE VILLE Gorgeous ShaJintar gold exterior v•iUi' black roof 11J)!l lo~·ely Dardanell" gold cloth and leather Interior .. n1i!> c11r has full llO"'er equ.ipmen1 p1us factory air conditioning, A!\1-F:'\I radio,. most all the popular ca.dillac options. (J91757741 USED LO\V• J\IILEAGE. • ' · SALE ·$6060 ' f»Rl1CE ·. .. . . -· I '. ' -I ' • ',, I <Jo9 CO Li IJE U l~ ''1LL E Strikin;: tuxedo black ext!?l'jor ,,·ilh harmonizing f.ull l!!Ather lnf.eorior. This "one •\11"' absolutely loaded "·ith options including full IJO""l!t'' @QUipment plus factory air rnnditlnnln;, l\\"lllghl !!Cntlnl'I, pcJ\\'CT door locks, !!le., etc. Early new car lraderin \Vlth every lo~ nlll~ge. IYCr.-14721 SALE · $6161 -»PRICE !. ' , t • • ~· ''' '" --. . " 1967 EL DORADO S.!<LE _$4646 F.1qultite 1uld fini!h w1blad1: 'ioyl roof I aold ') OV.IR 81» QUALITY -1967 CADILLAC Luiuriou1 }"l~ .. ·ood Bron1ham. f actory 1ir cf!nd .. el~eo A~l-F~I. full power, tilt iee\l(."<lpe 11heel. powu door ]QCk1, .. u vptlbn& includin1 lull lca rber inlerior, (UIY944/ , SALE ' $3.?~l' doth &• le•thrr inreri1•r. •·aerory air, full power, stl'reo A :\1-~ :it, tilt 1e!esco;>pie 11·hed, door lock., etc, ~lou 1!1 IJ<)11·er oplionL l Tl'E582J PRICE 1968 . CADILLAC ' SALE CouJk' DeVille. Silver·ptne green ''"11h Jndle-$4949 ''ood top and mntching leather inll'Tlor. full l.IOl\'er, factory air conditioning, Al\1-~l\I , Ult 11 heel, llO''·er door locks and vent \\'Jndo\v:s, PllCE '" ilight sentinel. tV1C891J 1967 CADILLAC SALE $3838 Coupe De Ville. Ph1ntom blue "ilb blue le11her interior. Full po,. er equipmenl plut l11ctot)' 1ir con· di1ioni~g. (UJAJ.'i71 PRICE 1967 CADILLAC SALE $3434 Cliai1 b1rd1up tcd~n. f ull po"'er ind faclory 1ir conditionin;. lilt ind lele~pie 1t~rin1 "·bttl, m1nJ o!he-r optiona. IWQD039J PRICE 1964 CADILLAC SALii $1616 Sf'dan Oe\lillc. Full pcJ\\"Pr, fartory air, fJO\\"· rr, factory air, fJO\\'Cr vrnt \\"indO\\.'S,. A:'ll· Fi\I, l\.\ilight sentinel, til l \\·heel. (QUJ.1274) PRICE 1965 CADIL~C SALE $2424 -Sedan DeVlll!!. India Ivory with \Vhill' leather Interior. Full JJO"'-'l?r, factory Air conditioning, int steering \\"httl. Atll·Fi\I radio. <SZV518) PRICE AY!OMOBILES .. '. TO S!LECT FROM· • 1968 CHRYSLER 9 putt:n1er To11n Ii Country w11on. i\11iie yellow 11 ith wddl~ •inyl trim. full power, 1ir condition!llJo l~R•a• rack. Wt 11eerin1 "heel, low mile11c . <~TP97JI ' ' ' ' 1967 CORVEnE Sti~1r1y F1s1b1~k. 427 V-8 cn1ine. 4 •111:ed tr1n1 .. i'Oli\,raclllrh. l11r1ory air cood., A:\1-F:it r1dio. et~. Our "eekcnd 1peoi11. IYCI.52 \) 1964 C"DIL.LAC ' . . ./"" ' Coupe DcVille. Antiqut" gold ,\·ith gold clolh · and leathl'r interior. full po\.\·er, factory Air cood(tionlng, i>ignal seeki'ng radio. (RGV889l ' ' 1967 .IAGUAR XKE Sp1rklina 111nhurat )ellow 11ith full 1e11ber i11teri<>r, ·$ 1pei:d, rwdio, h'Jter, ehl'Or:ne 11ire whecla, etc. 'See 111•iJ1preci1lt. fTRTOli2J 1966 CADiLLAC t1 eet11·ood F.I Dorado. f11ll pci\orer, f1etory 1ir, full le11her interior. ~tereo Ai\l.F:\I, tilt 11beeL ~ell' , ~nnce!\ab.le O(llion, (TEH741) PllCE 'feur .fadory Authorized Cadillac Dea.ler Serving the· Orangi Coci1t ·Harbor Area -' ~· : ' NABE ,RS ' . NABERS CADJLLAC ANNOUNCES A NEW SUlSIOIARY ' -· 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa M-esa "NLC" (llabeis L~si111 CGrP!) LErASE DIREC1' ' , • 540-9100 ORD£~· YOUR • ' 1970 Cadtllac Today for October Delivery .. " SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN \ Outst•ndlng S•rvict fecility •t Or•n9• County's .most mod.,rr cl•.•ler1hip,\ , ' " ' ' ' 8:39 AM , to 9:00 PM M.o.n. th1·u F1·1. • 9:00 Al'l'I 10. 6:00 Pi\l S11t_:·an~ Sun. \_ -· . ---_,_ -.. ALL CARS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. ALL SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1969 ' ' I " , . .. 'I " ,: ' " " " '1 : I .. • . I, ... - ~·--·,--·-,------... -... ~··-·-,.,, __ ,,,_,...,,_,...,, ................................................................. -............ , ........... -...... -......... _...,.,_,,.,.., __ .,.. ............ ._ .... _ ..... -...... ~-..--~··----... ____.. ------" -.. --- '5 DAILY PILOT • ' • - WEDNE~OAY AUCIUlf I l:tl 8 TM l ie Mfn (C) (60) .letr, OUnphY. D tD H1...,.ltlnU., CC) (lO) Wtdnttdly, Autusl 6. 1969 0 Will Witli tM SI.In IC) (lO} Kiy St1n lfHI r11nW AnloA 111111, 10 )(f!J (I) ll) !b< «101 ''"" (C) o.w r"• a.. <CJ C'O) IVfl tw Y.W Lie (t) (60) l tlk hit (C) (30) Htllt Robtrt Cftlmie &ili:us1n "Elctpt ftlr Me ind Thte" •1th 1111 author, Jusl· m~n Wist. Ell So111bt• (30) ':00 II IMl'IJ Hillbllllu (C) (JO) Ciunll'f sin111 Ror Cl1it ol ~H" H1W" lllt~ 11 COllSi1 RO)' HtlYy, 1!MI tries to hM hit 1ct ltP· ftHnltd by Jfthll)'t MW HollpoOd STEVE ROPER EVEMJWG, PAYNE _I 1 AN' ~1SS STAR:~ lHOUGHT WE'D··· ·-~ .. -(C) (90) ,,. COllrict Ill FtrtN. cornie Bebe Eht· sttl11, wriltr JKitutllnt SUs.i.nn, Oltmplc 4livi111 tllllmpilan Sue Gos· 1ict Ind c:omNi&ll ScoeJ Milchllt tft Stewt's ruuts. .,,~ J. ~ Enteo>rim. (R) It------' 0 !Ill 00 ... """ "'"" ... (C) (la) Cyd C111risse tnd Dt't't Kfni ~,,, II at D'Cledi Mtrie: (t) "'T'M Lile tt.t" (comedy) 'S7 -David Nlllill. st .. •rt Gr1n1tf. Av• '-rd· nlr. SOpPllsticatt.t adult comldy ab{lut 1 shlpwrldlH trlo-1 wam· •!!.. W~~nd 1itd htr ICWtt. w..-bit .. -wiva thlt ... bt' W.W.-lhl '""'*" 'Gllleits Ille prtOOSal ii lfdir 1111 1rouw h• husbtnd's ~UIDLDJ . .JIMCI on pit} loln Slndltr aAd YOlllll 111 a talutt ~:;..f' lo the. "Old West." ~~~~ m1 ,_...., ("1) C8 l1llal1 (C) (30) l!ll (I) ... ""~" (C) (90) Im Wllat's Nn1 (30) An lnftstic•· tIGn of blcds ol t111 Horth· weods. plus 1 d!xunion on Ct11tr1I Wish· 1111™! 1nd his mtn durin1 thal t.-nblt winter 1l ¥11111 flHlf- at IWllllM DiwlM TUlfl (30) tm ..... (C) (60) lick HicktY. l :IO D It.MIC ""*-'ica (CJ (60) Ill"""' .... (3') ID 00 thlltleJ'·lllnkltJ <CJ 1l<ll m • ••r:' IMP Y1twpt111 1&01 A look 47• WQ9d-cut mural 011 ltt&ro Mllllrr ., Robtrt Witt Ame$. I with 1 •saiuimi If ils content ram m-tci (3'1 8> ltticlen 34 (C} (60) 7:tD IJ CIS (n1in1 """ (C} (30) ~lier Ctonlilt. IJ Wht't MJ UM? (t} (30) WtllJ llruner hotts. IDP_, (C) (30) Allen luddtn ..... llJ McH111'1 .Nl'l'Y (30) g l]J , .. "*' hf ti 130) • 9 (jJ """' MUIWIJll1 (C) (30) ID •11111•11111 (C) (]0) " .. _(Cl (60) @ffi 61AIC W1ll1 1Jlltf l'lir. (C) Wfllt htlf' {cointfy) '64--Jtrry l.riL &efttt Sf01tt1 1111 Bali1, !IMllUI Wyi\fl, ,.. l111r1, JcllA Clmdlnt, Pllh H1rria, H1n1 Co11r1id • tncl HI~ ClllJ. Typiclil Jt1ry lewiJ slapltlti about t Ullboy t l\d. I lfOl.IP ~ film ~ leMioub who'w1 klst tiitll llul lldll "COll'lldlln. Tlr&r decide 10 tu1n Sl1nley BtJt (lewis) Into 1 c;arbon can °' their deeeutd CO· medl11. (R) f1!I .N..,. ii ,_.,....,.. (C) (IOl Mix: Frt"ktl and llobt Semple Jr~ wf\D 1cctmptni1d Pr1s, Niton on his recent world trtvtll, 111lu1t1 tht journ.,. Ell SylYlt J EJlrlqw (60) 9:30 B Sm l1tt1 Aerts (C) !30) Arnotcl'tM' pii: b miuin1 1nd Liu Oouatas. feari111 foul pll)', am OliHr to Ofllnil1 1 learch p,artJ, {R) C!l ~ews ( !30) Ted Mey11s. m 1.tt11 ttr •m (c> (60) .. I one511, the Troubled Vic- tory." 1Q:OO fJ iS (I) Ht•H flw.O (C) (60) McC1rT}tt tnd hit sp«.i1I polict unit lrt ctlltd when n tmpklftu of 1 flmi17-t1wflfd milllon·dol!11 uirporaticn 1r1 threattMd wilh bod11t_ h11m. (R) B llJ 11) m Tiit Oubid« (C) (fill) "Tit. Girl From Missouri." A n1M tl11 Is e1ustit up In tllt on· dtnrrorld In htr •rch for • miss. int b1111Mr. Ricll J1ton. Mtrlttlt ~~ :.J: ;~~~Ill IUltl II iii11I (C) (60) Tht Clltmb.s llrt1. tnd Mtrll R!IUlll r11ttt. P'EllKINS JUDGE PARKER C!} h11 HtOlt (C) (30) ID ..-•ti•' (60) ~h 81rwlU . in!tMl'#S •tlor J1me1 Cobu1n. MOON MULLINS 7:JO 8 T1ru11 (C) (50) T1ri111 .t 1tmpll lo wn Jti w~tn 1111 ~, f!) Mn Allt 6e 11 MNl1t (C) (30) r-·~;-----7 NoW,t-JoW, IMrcomu lrappld 1n114e 1 wlct111 lO:lO fl1 Nns (C) ~30) 81!1 Johns. tMI is tbout lo 1rvp1. (R) @m f1H..t.t Ctnn1 (lO) l!I QI (i) Ull TM Y'•ainiln CCI (10) "Stop!W11." Htrtl .ltffrits . 111edt ts 1 1unslin1er wflo up.ah 11.0011! '11 C' (C) lht serenity If Medidna Bow .tlen tr~. H ht 1rriws in towl'I. ausi111 ll't'lftl MIN. (C) ...,,_. ~ tM citlz111s to eu111it11 tfleir piltr con· G C.,.,.. {1dY1~tun) Sl- citlCU. Jir c. FliJl(lf11, lll'lin C..mtl W"~df:. Co111t111t.t S111th. H•pn . .Jan Shtpa1d Ind Jclhn lltl· m .L~···'•'*' ~ (901, c.. 1oq •bo aunt. (R) l1br1ty 1unts '!' musicl•~ llOfltl H.amptOft, 001Mdiennt Jeann1111 Bur- 0 lad: ... "' (30) "iu, telof Lto111rd "ifNllf, lltllt!ld D @())O)M1r1 C••• tkt liii4ii (t) (60) "Aft11 1 Dru111. Cor11ts M011rnln&. .. Cl111Cf 111!1 l ld· dlt Cloolll tllt true stir, 111 tilt ni1llt tt11 bndts trrivtd 111 S.ttlt. (RI ind Sommlllt t nd tht Danny CQl lin1ir1t srou,. QJ Ml'llt: "Hundr.d-Mo\lr Hlllt'" (drtmt) '35-J.nthony Stttl. @(!J9<IJ •-~ Q Milliln $ M.W: ""1'111 ~1111 lltlll II Mwlt: "EMlfflllCJ Wtddln&" l.M •I Mllttil htrt (drt1t1) '46 (-{dr1m1) '50-lur, P1 rU, B1rb1r1 -l1rbu1 Sllnwytk. llfrt ao.1111, Hilt Van Heflin. Uzabtth Scott, Judith · Andtnon. Womtfl, who 11 I tllitd Q !U, 00 m Ttn~t Shffi (CJ murdered hll 1unt, is flOW ''"rritd n.1P W1!1011 ts. substitul• host ind to a plt)'ITll!t who witMIMd tilt H1n1 S1111on1 tS • tdllldultd 1\IHI. Uimr. i nd th• return of 1nolllll 0 Mlrit: ~ltopt1s lll:llttftf'" Cid· childhood fliend Clllnl ~ellk>n lo YlnlUrfl) '4~Dick POWt;ll, Mutt r11tle ll'ld vttd to rtiM Its 11t1d. T1r1n. Bastd o~ 1 llOYtl bJ Jtck P1ttkk. a r:-~ ~.-nm (C) (lO) 11:•5 Q ~ ffi fl.) Hun {C) GJ Piny ..... (60) fEJtp C'8 Cttb (30) Mrs.. ltl5 0 @(fJQ)lt tY l itMp S~n Chtn poiftts out th• kinds ol fiall (Cl Guy Mii~ IUIS\s. 1u!\1bl1 !or CflllllSI pr1p1r1lion. Shi dtm0M1r1lt1 how to cook. tc1l1 tnd clean 1 wtlolt !isl!. IZ:30 m Chiller 3 (I) lld If ti.1""'4 (2 ~1) Q) Ad~n llttltn: "lite Wtrld ~MtbJ' Oic:l." OWu Me I U~int'' starrint D1vid m Duelt .. Pui.ties tJO) raftir .... · 1:1119 Z..111 l ttJ (30) m Hu:il ·(30) fD Sptdr11111 (C) (30) ''Projed O.rp Probe." Study cl thttll)' ol "th• 141111din1 e1rtlt." Final pll). 111m of suson. fl) t111padn Mllllalt1 (30) l :JO II Tiit ,._. 1111)'1 CCJ t30l Brrt 119pu 10 marrr oU lli1 difflcult hthtr·in·llW Ulm lladus) tot ltd)' 11trolot1t (Patty Rraan), blll 1111 ltU IOtntllCI In 111• 111r1. llCI IOI 11111111 but for Ru!UI' l!Kllhw (Mir· Jori• Reynolds). (I) THURSDAY DAmME MOVIES t :DO 8 "'FfJiftl Ditta" (co111tdj) 'J9 -t..urll and HtrdJ. D "Ht•••• ..,.. .. (dram1) '57 ~lnde Del'fttll, tllchtrd KlltJ. 8 •'llftlttwt Wiili ....... (dr11111) '51 -Min Ltdd. PllJllll c. .... t-Jt m "DfJI If MtMtm" (tdwt:• 12.:SO 0 Mtwit: "fau 1f Fkt .. (horror) ·~rnertin Miteh~ll. )111111 Wllll· 1:00 Cl SPNkin1 F1 .. 11 IC) 0 C.m111unl!J l ulltt!n 1011• (C) 1:15 IJ llltvil: "l .. ll'flWW ti 1 .... (SUlfMMM) '64-.lohn Grtt~n. Rott. trt Slltw. l:JO m A11.N11111 S~1w: "Quartet." "E1ik !ht Conq111ror" 111d ''The G11 Hous.e Kith In lioll)'wood ... 1ur1) '4' -Grerorr Pttk. M'1rl1 Palmtr. U:OO 0 "Feur Frllf\teMI '""' .. (dra· 1111) '34 -Cltutklt• Co!Aert, Hu- bert Mal1htll lZ:JO m "A Wall • ftrt Sia• (d111ma) ·U~1na Andrtw1. 2:00 m ·'Cnw ......... (su111tns.e> ·~2 =bon11d Hounon, Nata5M P11ry. l:• 0 '1\t Mu i1 IM Cltf FIHl'lff Silt" (d11m1) '56-GrtlOIJ' Ptck. .ltllnilw JoM&. 4:11 a 'bit" Llttrlr" (dr1m1) '49 -'¥11i1r lrihlllrl, LIKiW. ltl. Lila ..~- LO•D P.··YOO MUST 11'Y TO uN~o~STAND 'TH EM ··'TRY "TO lll'IDGI' "THE GiNil'ATION <SAP. . .... TUMILEWEl!DS FOR OUR NEXT EXERCISE IN SAPIS!Xl; NEOl'l<YTE NASTIES, WE WILLPAACTll OOR GRIMACING~ .•• ALTOGETHER NCMi SHOWM ETWE FIERCE.ST, MEANEST MU1'r. wHERE ARE WE GOING? GORDO FACES 'IOU CAN MAKE! -ro "THE OCEAN ! WE'RE GETTING RID OF' MR.DOOlllEBUG · "FORGOOO! r-II".·''"" ...... -............. ~-.. MISS PEACH .. Y!5. M15J P&ACll. ' I e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quality Prfntinq end Otp1nd1bl1 S1rtic1 lor mor• ihtn • quarter of • ctntury. , PIL :JT PRINflNG 2:111 wnT IA.LIO.A ILYD .. MIWPOIT IUCH -M2-'l21 ) MA!tCIA Hfl.l'IP HEI< WINI 5He WAS HER CHllF APVl,a!I ! ly John Miles By Harold Le Doux By Ferd Johnson By Tom K. Ryon MOVING RIGHT AL0/<.11 •.• " ... By Mell PS'T, M1'~CI A-5 1NC f: WHIN 0015 n<e"poweR •~HINO ~e "1HIWNE"51T IN FICONT OF "!He "THRONe ? , JOIY'S GUEST -Ruby Keeler, resident o! the O~e Coast and a great favorite in the area, .will b& a auest on the Joey Bi shop Show at .11:30 torught ·on Channel 7. Miss Keeler was the subject of a !ea· tore story by Janice Berman in the \Veekender Section of the DAILY PILOT, July 25. TELEVISION VIEWS 100 Sp ecials For NBC ~ _,,,, 1.:'"1. ~ .• • l 8~ ; By ROBERT MUSEL . . . . NE\V ).'ORK (UPI) -The telev1s1on senes IS safe for the time being as the backbone of network viewing but NBC-TV is inj.ecting more than 100 specials into its program.rrung for the ne\v seas~n in a development that may alter the pattern 111 future years. Don Durgin, president of the net\vo~~· told a press conference it was the . most amb1tiou.s and diversified schedule of special programs 1n TV history and by the time he was through drOpping the names of stars it began to sound like an under .. s'tatement. STARTING Sept. 2 and continuing through to next swruner there will be one-special nights, multi- special nights and even rare all-special nights. For an example of the latter make note of the night of Nov. 12 -A Bill Cosby special, followed by Johnny Canon's only special of the season,. follo\ved. b:( a Diana Ross and the Supremes special and. \v1nding up -n•ith a musical, "Norman Rockwell's America," featuring Jonathan Winters. All networks depend on habit-forming series for the ratings by v.ihich commercial success is event· ually measured. NBC is \veil situated with Laugh- ln, Bonanza, Julia. Dean i\1artin·. Ironside, ~ame or the Game and the rest. It de serves credrt for committing such vast amounts of cash and crea· tivity to exploring the limits of the special in pres· ent pr()j!:ramming. THIS IS a venture not 'vi'lhout fiscal peril but i£ there is any insurance in talent NBC has certain .. ly taken it out. Durgin divided the specials into tl1ree classes -"Star," "Drama" .and "lnJorma· tional-Cultural. '' In th e "star" special category be recited a list that included Julie Andre,vs. Jack Benny, Perry Como. Bing CI'<>!by, Tony Curtis, Goldie Ha,v n, J_,ena Horne , Rowan and Martin (without the Laugh .. In team), Jack Paar. Debbie Reynolds and Bob Hope 'vhose nlne contributions will begin Sept. 22 in a program featuring over 20 other comedians as guests. DURGIN promised 14 dramas. tnore. he said. than any other net,vork and an impressive li st of informational-cultural programs including Lc)\vell Thomas' expedition in search of "Stone Age Man." And to underline its belie£ th flt the sneclal 'vill come into its own this next season Durgin said the net .. \1·ork would inierrupt 25 regula r programs at the very start of the season to make room for them. "The spttials are a \vhole new thrust that the audience clearly responds to." Durgin said. "\Ve .. tried an experiment this season of scheduling more than one .special on one niJ?ht. The artis1s couldn't conceive of it -the advertisers got a heart attack. But \Ve kne\v there \Vas something there and that ll they stayed calm 'they "'·ould realize there was more mileage and excitement v;ith \\VO snecials than one. The results \Vere fantastic. Our affiliates \\'Ondered if we were rocking the boat too much. breaking the vie"·ing pattern. Now they are solidly for it." DURGIN SAID NBC realized that \Vhile some specials would score high ratings others would rate '''ell under a typical series. But. he said. "\Ve are not as much concerned -n1ith ratings as our com- petitors. Of course \Ve \\'ant to be number ·one. But '''e're "'illing lo take the chance. \Ve're not alraid or the costs, risks or creative demands.'' · Dentais tlie Menace "LOT ·AOVERTISER J 7 \'J~ncsda7, August ~ 1969 Operation See-through: Being Radiologic Technician • lf. JOYCE LAlN ~Sri ..whlch radloacttve preclalon and care 1llhousth school. which b usual!}' coo-technologlJt may use the title field ire lncrtarlng. The use or ultrasound r or Ttthnolon.'' atnd me a~ MM u~ ._,,... • ~ ... ,,. laotopei" ¥'e USt-d to dlagno1e ~rety procedum have largely dueled by hospitals or m,dicat ' ' R e glatercd Technologist, A m t r I c 1 n Society of diagnostic p u r p o s e s 1n Pf(!, sclf.-addmsed., I o n 1 ; _....._, CIWI'""' " it.I ""'•' and lhreel.. A!:sls.Ung u~ reduced or elimlnated rad.la· sthoolti and often affiliated R.T. (ARRT)." RadlologJc Technoloabts last radiology ls being reseatched white envcloot ln care._ of Wa ~= ... wlt'it" Aw ~r.... rictiOlogilt they may prepari I.Ion hazania. Those with a ten-with college or university Pf'G. ~ in radiation therapy ttfarch proposed a recom-now, and coold emerae as ~per. Wrnt VJE.1tq11 Gil _-:=... "'-"~ .;:.::. ,: ,.!; ~1~1di:nlniifer the pr~rtbed dency t9Wlf!11danemia should gram~. Soqie schools have or nuclcar mediclnt must mcnde.d ml.rumum starting another career opportunity in outsJde. of eoYdoPe. ~· ..,_,.._4L91rLM -.r .... _r.JMiQitQtQPLJnd,.._o..p.tr__1_J e lk'Qi{f t.hl& [re · longer (lhrec-four yean) pro-have CQmpleleil an_ Qdditional $,8lary of $6-17.~; llld t9P the future . Send your 1ua-ttom; f A Tb I special eqajpmenl for tracing TRAJNl.NG Afler h I g h nrams and offer a bacllelor's year of study and experience jobs ·clUJlfied a 1 "ad-F o R i\.1 ORE JN· future column to .. 1;.. to Joye< d)l!~r;nt ~r:::1o:~1 ·~:,: ·~~ .";:,C~;;~;ts ~!:~l'i~ q~ l'm r:;"I~ a•; ~==: ·~r~~,';lf"!~~j.~~;:,~ ~~.::"'"" cer!Uied In th<se ~:~trative assisiant" at llS. ~~RM~:'%:tet~·syoob ;';"~~ ~In.Py~: ~ ~°; ~~ opporW.ajtles In the health must .. worJ> with gr ea I f\ledical AS30Ciatlon-approved quaUfications art fulfilled. • EARNINGS. Salaries in this NEW DEVELOPJ\tENT. The pamphJet, ;.Careers in X ~y answel"I can ~ @v..en~-, tk!id.,Ont •rea lha_t·~ radlaat ..::;::.c.....;...:..:L.. __ .::_ _________ .o.:... __ ....c. _____________________________ ~----------~--~~-~- 111ith emplo yment op- portunities is radiologic te<:hnology. Ph)lslclaru have long used X rttys, and now radioactive . isotopes to reveal the p~senct: of such ailments as ulce'~. tuberculosis, tun1ol'!, malfunc- lioning Internal organs a.nd heart disease. X rays are also used exteMlvely in dentistry. TH E 1\ADIOLOGICAL team 1s headed by a radiologist , a physici an who specializes in the use or X rays and other forms of ioniling radiation. Among thQSt assisting him in this rapidly spreading branch ol medicine are X • r a y technologists. r a d I a t I o n therapy technologists, a n d isotope (or nuclear medicine) technologists. There are more than 72,000 or these radiologic technologista (sometimes ca\1- d technicians). and in most parts of the country the de- 'mand e1ett<b the supply of trained personntl. I NS ID E JOB. ~lost technologi s ts perform diagnostic work, using X-ray equipment to take pictures ol internal parts of the body. Ttiey may prepare a prescri b- ed "opaque" substance which the ·patient .swallows to pro- vide v!Sit>nity of orga'-'.. in the radioqaph ( f i I m ) _ -The technologist adjusts X-ray equipment to correct settings, po6itlons the patient and determines the right voltage, rurrent and exposure time. He or she is n sponsible for k~p­ ing equipment in top working order, and sometimes pro- cesses film and k~ps patient records. DEEPER TRAN S K I N . 8ome technologists, who may be called the r ap y technologists, are concerned with therapeutic treatment: regulating speciaJ radiation _ producing equipment used for treatment of diseases -ce.r- taln types of cancer, for ex- ample. They also assist the radiologlst in p re p a r i n g radium or other radioactive materials . NUCLEAR. Still o t h e r technologists l\'Ork in the ...wivtly new field of nuclear Men • Ill Service Capt. Jerry R. Takier. 26. son of Harold C. Takier of 27Z3 Cibola. Cosla Me!a. received the snver wings of an Army aviator upon giaduatlon from the Anny Aviation School, Hunter Anny Airfield, Ga. The captain, who holds the Brome Star Medal for gallan- try in .action. received in- struction in helicopter maihtenance and s u r vi va I ttthnlques and l a c t i c a I mantUvel'! f o r thelicopters supporting ground troops in combat. Staff S,t. Larry Durnil, 22, son of lt1ni. Betty Follls of 3100 Lincoh1 Way, Costa ~Iesa, \s serving "!'ilh the 1st Cavalry Divlsiom (Ainnobile) near Tay Ninh, Vtetn,im. The ser~ant is a com- mu nicatl'On• speciallst with Con,.pany E. Isl ~.attalion ·ot the dlvlslon'1 8th cavalry. U RlcUrd M. St.eln, U.S. Ai-my. U, sOn of Dr. and lttrs. William Stein of 1 2 1 & Starboard Way, Corona del 1'far, has been assigned to the 4lb Infantry Divlslon, Viel- n1m. The lieutenant is 1 forward observer. Cpl. tllarln G1Ro1e, USltfC, M>n of 1'1r. and Mrs. Andrew Galluzo of 2002 Anaheim Ave .• Costa Mesa, has reeelvtd his discharge papen after servtng in Vietnam, ln the Quong Tre area. The coqtoral, 1 j e t helicopter mechan ic and sun- ner, w11 awarded the National Deteme Medal , V I l n 1 m Service J\1ed1.l, VlelnAm Cam- palan Medal, Comb.Rt Air en~· tn11igni1, Air ~1tdal •fld Rine M1rksman Badie. He ts a f"lldt1ate of Ne~·pori Harbor Hl&h School. ''Ian" .=Ln " "G\eem tOOtllPASlt wisun• Att1011 CANNON UJIO-l l ON" White Sheets [;(ltton m~~lm w11n durable !"tsS iin1~h elim~.1tes iron·• inJ. lnt1 stay wrinl'.te fTee. O•e< !30 tllreads per squar1t 1ricn avt1age.. S~rinka~~ less 1.0an 2\. M£YER.ClAD'' c11ro .... 10" Skillet witll -Yefloft U" saatcb resislint lm- ish. Metal, wood or nylon tools un be used for 2 19 .cooking. Sate for dtsh- ·wasbers. • "Trillet" 1 O" 3 Section Skillet lVEIEDf -huvy i!l'i&e steel, fiAiSh of gleaming, du1able 1 77 . dvome. •1teeo coot" • B#ehte handle. , CANNON Velour Stardust 'Cot!Oll tel'Ty jlCQIJard with fringed ends ..• so!td colorl witti spar~llng stars ~ tlfed across 1lle s~y. UTHTOWR 1 98 •• ,. 2.,1 • · FACE Cl.OTtl llAHD TOWEL let. 1si: Rer. 1..51 . 59c 1.39 '?/'~[••KllllDHWUlllllOtlUllllnnontllt::. 11 "Slip 'n Slide" I a ~~~~i~~8·"8~. ~ ~ ~Zt~'1t 1 .19 1 . ·mat. m 't m1" ,,ames. c ''W w· I ,, = .. 1 . ater 1gg e ~ =======;~blly WHIM-11 ••• josl 1 69 ~ f hlK>k up to tlie garden ~ "MUM" Cr.-; ~e & watch tile t~n. • ~ Deodorant i @ "Hoppity Ball " i 6 · . else for the wllole lim· ~ I fbrsof fun and excer· 6 98 ~ ! ify, hi·hfllll\Ce action. 1 E L~=-·-=™-=-=·==-.. ='=:=-=-=!II Sand Pail I -;;_; -!' ' · w/SHOVil • , . ~ meli1 33c E . -"Dep" 'Styling GEL I "'; ~.:orte4 """'1 " I a ~ro .. := .. ~ ii::~ Iii "Whirly~Bird" ~ Crystal P~ or Blue for 69 ~ . Son11111D IO!ialli!h 1 39 6 B!o!l4e:s. t.tl ti 1<. Sin Cn. nl pnlly c:omesb'n ;: ii SS 2 !.~~l~Dgi llDftl.:.....J :::=====~· "Pals" Ao1 ....... ,.., MaltlPU mAM01$ 9-Piece Salad Set DOIOTHT GJAT Beauty Essentials Salon Cold Cream & Dry Sklc Cieanser R11. l.OO 2 00 le1. 5.51 3 50 I 11. 12 ti. S1~es. ta. , Sizu. n . , I ONlff l!LL KLEENEX Paper T awefs "Challenger'~. CANNON Absorbent cotton 1euy it assorted solid colors ••. "/.!Ix ·, Miltch'' ta yoor decor! BATH TOWEL 24141" Size llA)llTOW!l WISH CLOTH. 111-11c 1111. llc 2i98c 3i98c "IC otex11 · lfMllflHE llAPKJN "T-UP" ihe UNCOlA D ·u ltp/ar 1,,; Sa,er P1t II lit 11-IL ltl~~J Johnny Ca1h et SAN QUlllJIN Includes: A Boy lilamtd Sue, Wi11led .-_;ri, I Wilk tile Une I olbefs. Dish Towels large 17x29" size of t.ottoff 1.!rrJ •itll as- ~ sorted aikrful kitchel1 •i•I•. 3i1.00 "Jergens" DTll DIT S•i• Ftr9111 wiOI DisJt~· sir. ~1~ soathi~g lotioa fpr BBC 0,.dta# ... ds. 1.357 tL$ill "Ammens" Cllew«li! Yitami1JS 1ar -=~:.! fitt freih 1 49 lq.1JS M'1 1 "Wut1rt' •r lMCltOI HOtKllia -10·•. °"\ "" 6" -""1fl t,,; • spooa ill black !~ill l•r.islt. 5.98 Moisture Lotion r~~ps )'flur compleX· I tL 1.IG Size 3.00 ion salt 11f!d glowing 11:1'Jer s111 anO ~a~e-5 (I} let Cre1m C&RIS 49c , ••• , 41 lltlltml NWHl ., Helps II relieve .i pf!Well . .. diapermh-heat rn~-Bt clttfmg: aM foot disc:Omfort. ...1.21 11 IJ, Sin ID !.'!!~i~z!~ght ll' ~~= .. ~2 98 aaart tri. U7 • Extension Cords ly CL -Setd31o !.91 12tt. i<ogills wrti -•lot 1 29 .. '""' !11-,;,yl lo -.or w!lile *· lfJ. IAt • 25 Ft. Extension Cord "£l1etric1ri' -~"Y dub'. UL awomi cord for 1 98 PrWll alld JGwtl toots. •••. 2.41 • ( "Lysol" SHAY Disinfectant t!c 1 1r. s1r1 69C • 11p. ti er.11.11 Siit • 0 1'1• t AMt.1 0 PM -,7 DAYS A Wlll HUNTINGTON BEACH Ad•ltd od lrHllhl"\t HUNTINGTON BEACH s,rh19dole ••d l :f/119 ... NEWPORT BEACH 102.0 1,.,1.._, 111 Wntcllff Pin• • "Medi -Quik " FllZST·AID SPRA1' lor mh1or cuts. BBC suapes. burns. tit. 1.11 Ju. Si11 AMIRIW "3 Vees" ~~. tor CAIS l IOCS. •• =~~~~~u:1 29 lor 3 lflGllUls. -• • II. "TI1-lllt" Stike MttJI qlnl UIJll "Tie-Dirt" Cllaia 10 fl lln&D it niedttim weight 111111.11 Dog Disb 6''1izlot~ " I • • ' > . I r ~i'"""-'"'--·--··-, ..... ,_,_.,.,_. ___ , ____ .. , ............. _,_, .. ,. .............. _,.,p ... , ......... -.................................. , .... ,. .................................................. ~.~· ... ·-···-···.-.-~----·~·-·-··~---... ·--~· -..... . ) HOUS I S FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOU51!5 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAlE HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSES FOR SALE GoMral 1000 -.. 1 1000 Gentral 10000.ner•I 1000 General 1000 General 1000 General 1000 Huntl"J!"" Beach 1400 Huntington lle1ch 14oo --- READ THIS COUNTRY GI NTLEMAN SHOPPING FOR A HOME ? $16,500 PRICE AND 1800 BRICKS Top Quality Duplex New on n111.rket. :Z BRs, hdwd. Ors, frplcs, FA heat, bl!-ln k1tchs, gani.ges -betv.ttn un\L"I, lg fncd yds, quiet street. Costa ~fesa $28,SOO, Thls won't la.ti! Q.ll now! Choice E 'tlde ~Plex Terms VA/FHA. From $22,990. ONLY 2 HOMES LEFT • • • e Are you in the mar- ket for a new home, a home in a prime area very close to Huntington State Beach; a home you can customize while it is being built, a borne de- signed by outstanding archi- tects and constructed by Frank H. Ayres & Son ; a Company that has been in business since 1905? Call, write or visit our office for your free copy of our "Homes For Living" magazine -with pictures, prices and details of our select listings in Newport Beach, Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa. TRANSFERRING? Ask us for a "Homes For Living" magazine from any part of the country. We have associate ol!ices throughout the U.S. RID CARPET REAL TY, 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach 92660. (714) 675·6000. 4 BDRh>t., 3 bath. 1.1od- crn rambling r a n c h homl" on nta le size lot. JlORSES PERJ\1ITTED. Over 1 acre in one of Newport'& finest areas. Seelng ii belie\•lng , •• $92,000. UPPEI IAY EXICUTIYE Entertaining is a cirlC'.h In this nicely planned hon\e with oversize rooms. Large Jiving and family rooms, each with lheh· own fireplace pJus screened lanaL Beauti- fully decorated & land· acaped. Secluded r ea r yard. Thtte bedrooms, 2 '12 b a l h s, intercom, many extras features, View CJf upper bay and Eastblulfs. $49, 750. C.an ruu;un1e 7% loan. J\1ake up the massive patio! \\1hete in the world can you find a 3 bedroom, 2 baL'1 home, NEAR THE BEACH with electric buill·in.s, excel- lent carpet, boat door to back yard, and VACANT!! LESS THAN $2.(00 OOWN! ! WE SELL A HOME EVEJ\.Y 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee Near 11th St., Costa 1-tesa.. 3 -2BRlbll61-3BR2 bath w/frplc. AU units have bll-lns, cpts/drpg, pvt patios, 1arage1. $55.500. "I TRADE" Bob Olson Rll.r. 546-&i!lO New homes, ready to move in,.~ mile from beach. First payment up to 60 days after move in. CORAL SHORES (on Garfield between Beach & },Jagnolia 962-1353 ' -------- Gener1I 1000 Gener•I 1 ...... ~-...... 3 BDRMS-$17 ,950 1000 2700 Harbor Blvd, at Adams ....... , Open 'til 9 PM Courtyard Pool Costa Moo 1100 Coron1 dtl Mor 1250 "Forever View" New Wclh' BY OWNER--3 Bdrm t!' BUBBLING plan ~~ i%' ~1· d:!'-batbl, double 1arare:' i959 Fountain, lush profmian o! IF YOU ARE e e e e Come CA> RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookhurst and Atlanta in Huntington Beach any day between 10 A.M. & 7 P.M. and select your home in our ne\\•ly opened UNIT V. PRICED FROM $25, 990 to $34,200 968-2929 or 968-1338 -------· --- Close to recreation area \Vith pool. 3 BR~ & din. ing room.~ carr 1 ed & c.lrupcd. Quick Ol\ Uj)\ln. <")'. VIEW Ele1ant 3 bedroom with Gener1I 1000 Gen1r1I 1000 mqniflcent Mt. & bay view. 1,::=:::;::::======i Spacious living room, gar. FOREST E. le For The Mon den or family room; over-.11lze pool wtth extensive OLSON l.i)c. Rl!~tors SPANISH-SENOR! 4 BEDROOMS Span l9 h elegance. 4 large bedr~m': 1 tll~ baths. Sp&tiiih tile entry. MaulYe double fl.replace. Open flame cooking ln a 1ourmet kitchen + de- luxe bulll-ins. Hugi' play room and only $:29,950. CaU now senor! 645-0303 FHA LOAN 53/.% $196 MONTH PAYS ALL Assume f'HA loan of $24, 700. No fees ! 2 story 3 bWroom, 3 btlths. Formal d i n I n g roo1n. Separatto family rooni. Qualltv that will excile you. Prlce 1lashed $31,· 000, seller to help In fin- ance. Dial 645-0303 BEACH LIVING LARGE DUPLEX Sand pebble's l hr ow from that v.·onderful sea. Two large bedrooms and 2 baths each. Latge kit· chen + deluxe built-Ins. Sun decks. Great loca· tlon! Good rent.I! Only $38.500. Tod a y' s best buy! Call now 645--0303 TAKE OVER 71h '/, FANTASTIC BUY Fant.a.sue $20,900 loan. No fees. One of 35 beau- tiful town homes in ex· elusive Newport Beach area.. Total price $23,250. 2 extra large bedroonis, 2 baths, fireplace. bullt- lns + club house and super pool. Only 10'0 dn. Hurry! Call 645-0303 Sl/4 % Gl- $1 62 MONTH Who Has surrunding terrace, Done in exquisite taste. Priced to "Made Good" sell, U27.500. call for app'L Ab&olule Spanish elegance •oh m b '"'•""' "' , ... actlv. lamC I n ac:na ly and graclo11s entertain-17141 642-8235 Ina:. 4 bedroom plus 3 baths, 901 Dover Drive, Suite 120 large family room wtth Newport Beach built-In wet bar. Less than'i::=:=====~ 2 years ne"'· Pre1tlge Bay-Ii crest addreu,-A mull'I: see al $76,flro. Sell, Lease/Option or Lease This lo\'ely custon1 home has :noo sq ft, 4 larxe lx!drooms, 2~~ baths, 2 covl'rt>d palios & large pool sized yard. Col'una dcl J\lar High School. In1n1l"'1:tiatc occupancy, New- port Beach. S52.500. JEAN SMITH Realtor 646-2255 "For A Wise Buy" Colesworthy & Co. lm:BA=Y=-FR=o=N=T=1 ""7777 HOME VACANT· LOTS FOREST E. NEWPORT BEACH • JJILW Evenings Call 548-3m Beal high Interest. Large 11 -~W~A~L"K""'T~Dc-:B'"&"A'°'C"'H.--11 e u s tom lv.'o bedroom OLSON 2 DELUXE DUPLEXES AT THE BEACH home in Nev.·port Hghts. You own the land. 4 BH, 3 Plenty of llght &: charm. yt:"ars new, ~llake roof. land· Alley access. High CJ. scaped, fenced. carpels, l011.n of $20,600. Room di-aprs, built-ins. \•ery large for pool. boat, camper. famil y room, fireplace, seiv- Only $26,900, lnteresl! 1,.. ponoh, pantry. Owner CAlJ. 645-0303. '-'C 645-0303 at ~[arbor Cent<'r 2299 Harbor Blvd., C.~f. out of it.ate. $3500 take over his loa n -no 200-$218/mo includina: taxes. Your gain hi.I lMs. Village Real F.:sln!e 962-44n or 5~&-8103 DAILY PILOT WANT ADS 1--..:";.;";::",::Un;;:<';,0;_"~""-'~",.-' BRING RESULTS! White Elephanta'? Close to sand & sun a! Nt'11')>0rl BeRch. Luxury Uving + location + view equals big renls. DeltL'\"11! kJtchen + built lM. Good lnvestmcn1 hurT)'. 645-0303 11! Hnrbor Center 2299 illll'bor Blvd., C.l\f. Executive Home Formal dining room, 16.-c:U' family room overlooking pool. 5 BR 3~ bath. Ideal home for entertaining. Jr. Exec. Home Custo1n built 2 BR + n1as- ler 9ultl'. Woman's delight 1vilh loads of (")oset spa~. Easy yard lo maintain. Prime area. IDEAL 1600 sq. ft. home, 3 BR 2 b,ath + f1tm ily room with flrcplace. i0x30' en. closed back yard, CLOSE IN N'EWPORT BEACH home. 3 BR, 2 bath + famUy roon1, bean1ed ceilings. 1860 NeY.'JlOrt Blvd., C~1 Rltr. 646-39'28 Eve. f>.14-1655 Lachenmyer Offlct Optn Sat./Sun. House With EVERYTHING! 4 Bd1ms plus 3 baths, pill~ large tam. rm., hnprt's:sive living room, plul'I unique h.iUslde 1~ c·atlon. Offered at S,16,950, 2726 Cardinal. ')li.·:;a\ Cr~~· 'J\.: ,, t't~· 546-5990 Vets-No On. Pymt. Neat 4 and family nn. on corner in lovely l'ileu de! Mar. Room lor boat, trailer, etc. IAY FRONT This is one of a few prime location 1n all of l.funllnglon ll arbor- 4 BR, !am. rm., dJning rm., wet bar v.ilh: }, A large bay view. 2. Na· tural protection from prevalllng winds on pa· tlon &: dock area. 3. Sun on pe.Uo &: dock all day. 4. No aunshlne in thl' home, leave the drapes open for all day view. Plus much, much more $125,000. Owne-r will ell· change for Income prop- erty or land. \0 THE REAL •"\. ESTATERS . . * 3 BR 1%. bath, bdwood floors, cpts I drpll, ftplc, double g at age, beautUul fenced yard. $24,500 * ZONED for BUSINESS 1 BR cottage w/g:ar $14,500. * S21,000 -no loan charges - $4000 dn • 01vner will carry. 3 BR, 1 ~ bath, interior re- decora1ed, Vac. & inuned. octupancy. NEAR Sl!OPPL'lG Well.,McC.ardle, Rltrs. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.l\l. stS.7729 anytime $21,500 NEW CARPET NO QUALIFYING Everyone can assume this high ntA Joan. 546-S!SO 546-9521 or 540-6631 fnw ciMlna theaht) LLEGE REALTY 1500 Adltns. at H11bor,CM. -J K.tlltHOl.l , Bay crest 1'41 Wlndw1r4 L1M Well designed tor the growing family. • lxlnns, 21,> baths.. Patio oU muter bedroom, formal dining room, beamed ceiling In living room, large enll)', large family room with brick fireplace, Loll of closet!!, cupboards & storage, Pool Ailed yard. JEAN SMITH ·Realtor 646,3115 '100 E. 17th. c.osra ?tlesa IMMAC. DUPLEX 143Z2 Gree.nvalley, Tustin 2 Bdrms., 2 baths. Beaut. landscaped, 11 pr Ink le rs. 135.7'0. CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 3036 E. Cit. Jlwy, c.d.M 615-1662 C· 1 PROPERTY 12'x233' It. hu a rood sound 3 BR home on front ot lot. Owner will flnanc~ the prop- erly -no loan fee1. Call now for delails. $39,500 Newport •t Victoria (anytime) 646-11111 Cory Corner ln l'i1esa Verde. Immediate possesslon, 3 and family room. Exceptionally clean. Only S26.900. ~ ~fi-5110 rc~Gt'RE".:i.'T'v •l!aJ ...... at ltlri*-,CJll. LEASE ~. tam rm. w/':r ~ Rosemary P1., .>Ul-8786 trtts, no11.-ers, private ~try frplc formal dlnin& room, court create ll'Qpical Wand lltxll' pool_ Mesa Verde 1110 mystery and relaxation iri R J W d c 11('\\."!y decorated 2 bedroom oy • ar o. $26,950. Assume 5% ~O FliA, & dl'n with breakfast area, 14,,. (Ba,ycrest OU\~) 3 BR., 2 BA., fam nn, bltins, dini~ room. patio enter- uu Galax)' Dr. 646-1550 crpts, drp&, immac patio tainment center. Perimeter home. Vacant 0 w n er· heating offel'3 year • f'Ound $1600 DOWN lo a quall.tted FHA/VA WI· eran buys this Immaculate 3 BR It den ~1esa Vml.e home. Features new carpeUng luah landacapiJli & ewn has a hobby shop in &arage. FHA APPRAISED aL $26,900 ~ --PERRON ;. .. w ..... ,;,.,~ .. 642· I 771 Anytime 545-4265 comfort for only $42,500. BY Owner: 3 BR. 2 ba. tam H•I P inchln & A1soc. nn. Trees, block Y•all, patio, 3900 E. Coast I.fwy. 67~392 Spmklc.rs. 2953 Royal Pa.Im BY THE SEA Dr. P4.500. f>IG..-9896 Charming 2 Br. + conv, den Newport Beach 1200 + formal din, nn.; attic QUIET 00-U-BLE-space, 2 (rpl.; walled ' gar- den, VlEW of ocean & ~t· \Vest Bay Ave. duplex. 3 81'. !)'. Stepl'I to beach, Allsumc 2 ba. lower: 1-BR. l ·ba. up-loan at 6~J%. $l(g,500. per. Custom built attractive Walker Rlty. 675--5200 units, 3 car gar. All in a * NO POINT_S __ quiet nei&hborhood. $59.000. BURR WHITE 6% INTEREST · Vi•w /,)m•. Walk to oc<an & REALTOR beach. R-2 Jot. Room for 2901 Newport Blvd .. N.B. anorher unit. $72,!IOO. liT.>4630 ~2-2253 Eves. Graham Realty 646-2414 """';!~!!"'""""'::!""~!!!!!I OWNER'S SACRIFICE Nl'rlr Ne'A'pol'I PMt Offiee Colleqe Park 4 ., 5 BR, 2 mo. old Hacboc CHARMER! 4 BEDROOM HillJ home. LR, DR. Fam. B 0 R wllh ff1>1 & bar. 3 ea. New England style 2-sty., Y wner c l ·-x-~ bchm., 2 baths; vacant & rp s, "'vl'I. many ....... NO QUALIFYING, assume Xlnt tinancinl::. 5'18-8281 ready for occupancy_ S-19.500 5~J% FHA at $178 pr. mo. BLUFFS Delancy Real E1tate Inc, taxes It Ins. $4800 down. 2828 E. Coul J.Jwy .. Cdill S26 950 545-1849 1 levtl 2 Br 2 ba, convenient ' · · de.sign, Exiras, patios. Own-~---'™ __ n_o ___ , LARGE Spanil'lh home on l\fi er. $35.SOO. Alt. 5 pm please F'AilULOUS View! O'looking ac. for horses, in NeY.'JIOrt 644-l280. Little Corona Bch. Hear the Bock Bay area-30 ac. io ========= surf? Immac 2 BR, den, 2 mountaliu nr. EI t In or . U 1 i p k T237 BA'. Fee slmp. Xlllt fin. 11•1646-56lll n vers !Y ar $34.500 Ownr. 714-6/;r5116 Cotta Mesa 1100 61/2 0/0 bkn v."elcome ARE hi&h inte~t rates pre. C.d?.l.;_ "INVEST NEAR THE FIXE~UPPER $20,950 venting you from buying a OCEAN.lBr.31,fiba,dcn,2 Priced for ! m m e d I a t e home'? YOU may assume trpl, din rm. 3 Gar. Can sale-liubmil any reasonable the loan on thi5 choice prop. build another home on lot. oiler. Easlllde Costa Mesa ll!rty al ONLY 61~'1<.! 5 Some view, nr. beach & -3 BR, hwd. fil'll .. lam. rm. bdnns &. fam m1. 2~~ baths. -'="'='='=· ="=kr=·="=,.="'='=o·=··==I -needs tender, loYin&; care. Blt-lns It trpl, Out of town - Brina; offers -cuh talks. owner asking $34,500, but CALL ~ South Coast \\'Ants action RIGHT NOW. Real Estate ~rt look! ROOM BOB PETTIT, Rtaltor TO roam In this spic &. span I ---..;833~·0;::1~01~--- 3 Br. 2 be. mOderately $24,950 F .P. priced.home. \Vestcllff shops J~U.tAC. 2 BR. lo\vnhouse- ncarby. Askin& $33,950 (163-J\1any extras. Community Lido Isle 1351 1 YEAR OLD I ELEGANT 2-story custom home featured in '69 Lido llome Tour. A real "must see" for the quality home buyl'r. S84.500. LIDO REAL TY INC. 3400 Via L!do 673-8830 4 BR 2 baths, J,catecl filtered Cl pool!, lennls. Call far details pool. Back Bay cul-de-sac. PROPERTIES WEST e Rid Hill Realty $385/mo. 1028 B11.Y1lde, N.B. 61:>-030 18068 Culver Dr., Irvine DAVIDSON Re1lty Assume 51/"4 j!. loan OPEN 9 Af.I-8 Pl\t 8ll-082D 54&-~ Eves. ~l VACANT I Sha.rpel'lt home in College HAVE YOUfl CAKE Park. 3 bdr, 2 ba, tam rm, itoye right in. 5 BR • hug; ANO EAT Ill S('parale din rm, 2 fireplac-pool. O\\·ner \\'ilJ help fi- Assumabl.e at 6.6%. Triplex, es, park-like landl!Caping. nance. Q.ll for delaUs. 2 BR. units. 1.6 miles from Extras galore!! See to ap-• Red Hill Re•lty So. Coa.~t Plaza. $32,500. pf'e('i&tll!. By owner: evl's &: l!IOOS Culver Dr., Irvine BOYD REAL TY. v.·kncts, 5'19"19'10 OPEN 9 AM-8 Pl\1 833-IE!O 3629 E. Const llwy., CdJ\f BY O\VNER: Easl!ide 01. 3 VACANT I 675-5930 Bdrm, blln kitchen, natural MOVE r\a-ht In. 5 BR • huge -,A"So;S"'U'M"'E'"S"V•"'"V.-.L"O"A°'N" I birch cabinets. 66xl26' lot pool_ CN.•ner will hl'lp fl. w/ alley access for boat or na~. Call for details. $182. mo. incl's. prin., int., trailer. 6l-' % loan can be e Red Hill Re•lty laxes, Ins. -that's 11.ll -3 _ .. ~· 950 •·-k,... allsumo:u, •""• • . 642--4118 18068 Culver Dr .• Irvine BR + htd. pool v.'l'll ""'-' -. bl!-in kitch.. Quality w/w BY OWNER $23,900 OPEN 9 AM-8 P;\1 833-G!20 C'pt9. It. drps. 2 ba's. Asking 3 Bdnn., 2 ba.., crpts .. drps., ~~~: 546-5440 ::i~· ~~ios. 6% % GI BEST BUY!--OtARMlNG townhouse, 2 Mesa Verd· •23,950 bdr., 2 ba., 5inglc level, I Coron• del Mar 1250 "'---'-' DUPLEX LIDO TRIPLEX \Veil located -all'leased, 1.3 Bclnn., 2 bath; 2-2 Bel., l· bath. aose to bay, shops. Oosed garages. $105,00), R. C. GREER, Realty 3355 Via Lido 673-9300 Balboa lsl1nd 1355 212 Sapphire 3 Br, 2 BR & den. 2' x 30 brick pa!io, expos(!(( beam ceilings, completely remod. By owner $52.500. 675-0204 Huntington Be1ch 1400 FARM STYLE .--., yr. old, many Xtras! Top VACANT : bcdroo111, 2 bath. Quiet I 0 ca 1 i 0 n. Immaculate residential street. Built-ln, Adults. 5'\G-9365 eves. 1.~ Acre. A-1. 1 BR Santa Ana Io v e I y ca11)1!!1, d!'flPl'I, South of Hiy,•ay within "''alk- ing distance to EVERY· TH!NG. This ,~·ell located hon1e plus Income could be the ''just right" investment for you -liYe in it yll!u- 'round or keep It for a sum- mer retreat -South of the hlway for only $44.500, 2-Story \borne. 3 Bclrms. 2 baths + lge, recreation room. Inter com system throughout. Lge. Cul de Sac Jot. 01vncr moving out of slate and must sell, Only $28,900. lleight ~. FREE & CLEAR Fre!hly painted. 540-l'OO CONDO: l\> story, 2 bdr, 1~ DAVIDSON Realty Trade for hon1e or units. TARB~LL 2955 Hal'bor ba. cpts, drps, "·et bar, bit· 546-5·160 [\'CS. ;:.4.i-5142 Have 5 acres for Sl 0,000 & .,.OiiiiiiiiOiiOiiiiiliOi ... ;;J;ii; I In kit. 2-car gflr. bit -In strge $2l,50G-"PARAOl5-E'' 2 lots at S11.~ each. OCEANFRONT spc., pool priv. i1u91 see lo Beat the h<'at in 1he large Rand Rtalty 645--2340 3 Bh home on excellent apprec. $22,500. M.5-2637 covered patio, cascading J.2382 r LE: i; T Lane, HB bt • C BR, 2 BA, family nn. "·att'rfall & BBQ. Big bed· 3 bdr, 2 ba, fam. rm. Xlnt. Q~~r~'Willlimson Patio, BBQ. S2500 dn or 1'00n1s, fireplace. Full dining cond. 11; )T. old. Prof. REALTOR tradP on duplex. Assume roon1. Sprlnkleri;, ~1720 decor. $32,500. 962·T;A6 or 6n4350 Evea. &T3-l5&4 Gr. 766 Hudson. 540--7117 TARBELL 2955 Harbor 640-4328 CJIAhGE fr! 67J.1550 \0 THE REAL ·:"\.. l:STATERS ' ' ··~· DAILY PILOT \VANT ADS! MUTUAL REAL TY 142-1411 Anytime SPLIT LEVEL STRATFORD, Sharpest, Prof landscaping, J\lany e.,.tras. l\tany Improvements. Near Free .... ·ay & shops_ 6% Joan for you to take OYl'f. · Rex L. Hodges, Riiy. 847-2525 1000 Gener.al 1000 Venerel 10bl, G•n•ral 1000 GtMrtl 1000Gener1I 1000 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY 2043 We1tcllff Dr. at Irvine MINI IANCH CU.tom home in t>toauliful Easlsid<' Cosla J\·lesa. ( ~ block to lrvlnc Ave. l TO\\'rr· Ing shade trcet1, pluii producltv• fruit trt't'S on 300 fool lot. l.lard1,•ood Doors. lari;e family room, 2 batht.. Nearly 1" acre for thr liCcludrd ell)oyment of coun- try 1Jyln1. $37.500. IMPIOYID LOT $1,500 One or the lul remalnlnlf lmprovt>d comtr lots In Desrrt 1101 Spri11i;;1. ra\·ed serttla, curbs. utllllle1 In, E.i;ccllenl land Investment v.·ith St.OIXI do\.\·n. YOUI OWN PllYATE llACHll The 1000 sq. feet dKk provides a breathtaklnft v\~v of l'Xt:lu~lve pool and s11ndy beach. Hij[h security building 11:u11.rlnteros ul1h11a.tt' prlv-.cy \\Ith suhterr11nian psrkin&. tlevator to pool a.nd beac.h. 31' liv ing room 41-nd luxurious appolntn1ent1. $46,500. $1Jt rll MONTH PAYS AU Choltt Costll Mr11& IOC*llon. sprtclou1 C l}l'(lroom. 2 beth pluir family room and buill-lns. Tforritlc ~I,(" Cl !Olin can bt a•sun1ed al ~J.. ';D and will save you lhou- l&ndl m·tr • le-.• years. HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 842-4455 °"'°"" 0 E I MUlf1'1NOTON CINT&• ,. fell ... --------------------$20,200 PULL PRICE fll1\ Loon at 5"~{. v.·lth totol payments of $123 P.I.T.L Real sharp doll house ""llh 3 queen sh~e bedrooms. Gor!Jeou~ Jll.lllman bath. Anyone quaUfiet. Hu~e 25x100 lot "'llh double gara1e. !·lame has a built in vacuun1. Submit your dov.·n '" ASSUM E LOW F.H.A7'5Vi•/, INTUEST ASSUM E LOW PAYMENTS OF $115 r .r.T.r. Submit your dov.'tl payment on this lovely J bedroom cottage ready for Immedi- ate possession. Hugl' ft'nced yard for tiie kid$. Double gMt"agl' for Dad. For l\fom. beautiful t'&rptllnJt and eustom drapc1 throughout. VUU. PRICE $22,500. NO 00\VN Gl's. Low f)oy,·11 Fl-IA. $20,750 fULL PllCE Bellrvc me! That's the prlrt" on lhis 3 broroom Ranchcro. Sllull11'd on hug,.. 60xl~ fool lot. CoVt>rrd Petlo. Nl'w ~rpttii. Fre!lhly pelntC'd in~!de. Submit $2.000 dov.n, a!!,umc f .H.A. 6<,V lnlcrt11l "'llh rll.yme.nt of $162 includes a.JI. Cn.ll l>tforc 11'~ aont'! $19,500 FULL PRICE Nc\1ly\\rds~ Plannltu: your fulurc ii Blm1)le in thb cute 4 year okl Ranchero. :\ bf'drooms offrr$ room for family llf'O""lh 1>1t1s 2 be.th,. Brick f'lreplaC'f'. £1tttrlc burlt-in8. Dlsh"•asher. C:al'pt'b and Dra.pcs. NO C&.'h ()own GI at. $165 lncludts ell. F'HA $900 ov.-n. No ClotiJJJ Cmlll. \Valker A Let, 7682 !dlnrer, 842-4455 or M0.~140. Open EYE'S. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 3 ·1 MINUTES • --------- COSTA MESA OFFICE-545-9491 27'0 HAiio• ILYD. Open r ... , ... '111 ' r .M. ASSUME 5¥• F.H.A. -$1S t Pil MONTH TOTAL 3 Spacious bedroom&, 2 bath1 in beautiful area of prestige homes. Immaculate comer home wltb URGE kitchen and dining room!! Plush cerpets and custom dralX"s !J Cozy Uvln& room with exotlc STONE FIREPLACE off elegant entry way, For those who rel.Uy want the best at only $26,900!! NO DOWN VETS if you ~·1¥l!J 1.'t:tlde..in YOW'..Jrna.ller..home.!.l-__ _ TAKI 0¥11 -$126 rll MONTH G.I. LOAN 3 Briroonu •nd 2 baths! Completely redecoT&ted! LovE"ly carpels! AJI built In kitchen! Doub~ gar&gl'! This charming cape Cod hon1e Is onP block from hl&h 1chool and ONLY $2~950. NO DOWN TO VETS or $1 000 FHA" SPANISH IUNGALu"S ' . ' Area hard to find. You'll flip over this 3 tiroroom cutie v.ith 2 baths located In older ealabli8hed area of towering sh•de lrees! Good old fuhloned SERVICE PORCH!! Del'p bl.ck yard of lu1h landlcaplnl!'. and 2 car gtlr4"e! Inside cl8n u a r1ln with lovely carpets and drapes!! GLEA~·IJNG HARD\VOOD fLOORSlr! TWO huae patiO£ for great outdoor living. Offered at a LOW. LOW $23 500 on Rny lt'nn1!! ' FOIECLOSUIE -MHA DR MAI -2 STOIY Thia ~ btdroom, 3 bath hom' MUST BE SOLD NOW :~ Lo\'ii!ly large ~rooma. LARGE FAMJLY ROOJ\f oft llt"lt' k1tch~ •1th CUl>boards nlor,_ DEN!! Exp&n. ah'I' llvlnr.; room "ith STONE FIREPLACE. Fully draJJ('d and carpeted!! Jn one of Cott.I J\.ft'M's flntat artas, this beauty Is o{f~ at 11.n unht ard of $36 500 v.•lt.h all l"nnl. NO DOWN Vr;J'S, FJ-tA or makt' an ofCet lt Trade In your sm&!Jer home on this Ont'!! -·i.. .... .... _ _,, •·--~~~----~ ~~----·---,.-,.----·-~-·-.-~-~~·-..,...,... W ..... ..-y.y «<F 4 +1Jl•fW f ~~1 1 # f' f'Pi f 4i 14 I 4 .... _, • DAlLY PILOT -H PllO!·AOVE~TISE~ W•d""""' ""'"' 6, 196, • ' H SES O SALE HOU ,I! fO LE ALS RENTALS RSNTALS RENTALS /. H .............. lilHch 141111 u,una a..ch 1705 Houou UnfurnWted Apt&. Furnished -~pl!. FumllllN Aoh. Uohlrnfslled ltENTALS Apts. UnfurnltliM ----- * * * * .. = Coste Meta 3100 Generel 4000 Newport -h 4200 General -Corona del Mar " TtY THIS ONE VIEW HOME • • I BDRM 2 BL E<llde 5250 .. '• ,_ ; .. I FOR SIGHS! • • av.OWNER "'"" ,;;..,. llis' ... '. BNld·new and rieht ntar the Nc:~~w!nr~ =.1..:131:::.-"=:1T:_<r::.;5'U130:.::.=:--- beacll. 4 Beautllul bedroom•. All elec kitchen. Roman 3 BR.. 2 Ml &.. stove, 3 bf.°'8. Dramatic, talsed bath Must sell S47 500, or rcKJ1a.. washtr il drytt. ceiltna Uvtnr room. with di&-ottef OPEN sAT &. SUN $215. l'ilo. >r tlnctlve fl.replaet. An all 10 ~ • 4 pm 1495 Skyllne r ~· 11ua garden kite.hen ta~ Drive or phorie 131).2825 2 BR houact S9Q. Quiel. the "t.l'k" out of bousework ' Adults. Front. m Hamliton. - 1 BR dopl"', -4. ) BU< OCt>a.n. AS Wiek, Aus.: Winttr rMJtal Sept, $125 mo. Incl. 1.1t11. 3ru w. Balboa ~1272 VEii DOME tM~TEAPTS! ADULT A FAMILY SECTIONS AVAll.ABl.X Close to thopplnti, P11rk • Spac'cus 3 Br'a, 2 Ba • 2 Bedrooms MOO. 2 8R, blt·lnl. lti01 C· dllp, frpl, tm'act. view uw. $190 .... 540-"'6 2 BR IOUtll of hlway, ~ti .. h ., trpl., &aJ'i. No child. no pets. Yrly IM. SlllO mo. Avail 911. Aft. 7, 6Th-3717 Bal boo 5300 and makes cookina; an eX· Condominium 1950 545-&28 eve. •1 i1 perlence. Chtck these bullt··I~,;;;.;.;..;.;;;__..;.. __ :.o;:.:1 ..;;.'i;;""""'C:::'::::'-;;-;.;-::;: ins: \Vall to wall carpeting, BEAUTl.FU L 'I BR .. 2 SOR. house, $UO. nr. dr1.perlt>s, fenclna, beaut. Baylront e~tom rum. \VIII school &: shopping. 2 f1"0nt Yard ldscpg intJuding sell on contract or li;e op. children OK. MG-2&34 2033 »prinklers. Deluxe b!t.in ap. tion. $32,500 owner. 613-2259 \\'alla1..-e, Cl'il pliancea Jndudlna:: R&nge. RENTALS NE\V 2 BR unfurn., married Sjngle Young Adults Luxury single, I & 2 bedroom apartments, furnished and unfur- nished , wi th complete privacy and landsca~ ed country cl ub at. mosphere including $750,000 IY o rt h ol recreational facilities desi'{ned and operat· ed just for s i n g 1 t! people. * swtm Pool, Put/creen * Frpl.. lnd1v/lndcy lac'ls 1145 An1h1lm Ave. COST A f.tESA 642-28U 1 l 2 BR aptl. fl'Om $135. to S\75. No children or pelll. 1525 Placentia. Aleo avail. untvr'I. *New·=aA=v=FR~O~N=T~* 2 Rr, ) Be., $,UO, )'dy l&e. Furn., adulll, 233 19th St., Apt. C. 67lk'.J'l36. BACH1 Apt. \Vill lease to I '"!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'" responsible •du.It. ~ bto. % $140. 2 BR. ~lex Ranee IE Block to ocean. Avail. AU£. refr\&"., crpb., dJi>s., adults $170. Ne\\ier 2 BR, 2 Ba, yearly. Laundry It praae. Nr library. 673-3986 in-es. Huntlngfon !each 5400 NE\V $145 up, 1·2-3 Br, :l Ba htd &: •una pools, rec rm. G.E. Dlsllwshr. M~ 846-3137 &:. 84&-4.J44 Wlladdya Went? Wlladdy1 Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL BORN SWAPPERS Special lit•!• oven, dishwasher l di.!lpo5al. couple or adull lody only. It's ftady to move into now. Houses Furnished Near everytb.i ng, no pets. 6601 LuClt>nlD Dr. Hunt. Bch. Rantils to Shir• 'lOOS $140 mo. 642-3837 after 6 pm $27,190. and worth every pen. 2 BR.. 1round nr. Close to ney. CA or FHA. (TI41 Bach 27 will &hart 2 bdr shopping. $125 month 531-3400, ll AM lo 1 Plt1'. Bkr. apt, NB \V/non-lllloker. $85 Hal Pinchin &: Assoc.6'5-439'J DUTCH HAVEN mo ""'3335 2 BR dupl•f.· ''""" yanl. 5 ~llN. lo Douglas I f'rwy. * GIRLS 10 &ban beach apt, Garage. 2058 Pomona $130. 3 Bdrms., l~ baths. fllany yearly. 25-SO. Ne1vport Beach ~. 1 child. OK 1st. Call CoUecl: Bkr. 645-0111 local. 213: 793--072S l BR xlnl Joo: Coae to Bay I:, beach. Adults only. GTa-7876 If no ans. 494-'4U. l I-2 BR. Apt&., lUrn 6 un. Iui·n. $16:> to $3)() yrly. Anita. Jones RJty. 673-G210 Costa Mete 5100 CONSTRUCTION JUST COMPIHING NEW $150 up. 1-~3 BR. Jicat@d &r sauna pools, rec nn. Heil l Ali:onquln. ?>t&r. s.JG.3137 or 846-tl.U 5 Linu -S tlmM -5 bucks llULES -4.0 MUST IN(LUOE 1-w~11 YOU -to tr1ot. 1-WMI you •int Ill ,,..., ~YOUA PMn1 •1111111' .-.n.. +-4 llM't et llCIYll'flllfl'9. j..,.HQTNING FOfiALe -tll .. 0£1 ONLY! PHONE ~2-5671 To Pl1ce Your T rader'1 P1radlse Ad improvement.!. 22x30 Pstkl.I ~"~""""~~-~==~===lfilf°~~~;p;j"!~ ..-.. Block -fe~. 70' comer.\: · 2 BR, crpts. drps, garagr.. Take over;,~;-;:, G.J. Owner Cost1 Mesa 2100 ~u7lt50!ls only, no pets. $135. ANAHEIM e \\'INTER RENTAL') e \VJNIFRED L. FOSS, ~ • 642-3850 • H1rbor Heights Four 2 & 3 BR UNITS 2 BR duplex. pri yard, pa1io, crpts, drpg, pool. $1Jj, 842-1!>40 20· Ccntury-klt>al bay cruis., bay fi~hing, boat hopping. etc. Refin. in/out, beaut cond $3000 val. Trd. tnick. v.·ag., R.E. or ? 548-9661. Trade or sell all/part 00 !'if eqty tn 2Cl acres Rancho, Calif. I w11.nt units. T.D's or ?? You get good lax sht>lter. Owner. 544-3006 Tmmac. owner:S unit sep. house + 2 duplvi:es & tri- ple:< -beautifully mainfd. Trade down lor R-4 aoned, clear prop. Bkr. 6'1:?-6487 Outstanding new vltw hont(' Laguna Sch. 3 Br. den. Beam ceil'gs, elec kit .. Ro- man bath. Trd eq. ol Sl4M for lot. ? by O\\T. 830-2825. 2 BR niountain home, near Runnlfli Springs, Equity $12, 700 for TD'1 or small hon1e Costa Mesa area. 20 Acres raJK'h. 3 ft1odem homrs, 2 "'elb; f~. Training track, hllll:e bam, 14 stalls; FOR land, units or ? $45.000 Eq, 675-62!i9 •. " " " • • tr&lllll. .....,... · BRASHEAR REAL TY 2 BR. gar, patio. cpts, drps.I="='"'======= •847-8531 5J6.2123 Eves. stove, refrig, tropical setting Mesa Verde 3110 * WESTMONT-VACANT for adults. l blk to shop LOVELY 4 Br. 2\t ba .. 2 :P'JNISHEO BONUS R~1 Sl/J. Mo S444780 sty hn1. Lrg yd, cov patio. J BR & den. Lush cpts, cov. 3 BR on Irvine. Pttrer col· SllO mo. 545-4870 a.ft. :i. patio, blk wall, sprinklers, legc men. $210 !11°· Sleeps 4 BR., famUy room, lease, boa l art11.. Only $1.8,500 -<I. 1 P..lan $65. ;,..t;;,-2740 clean, 11nn\cd occupancy, low dn nlA no dn GI. Be h 2200 $325. Gardner. 540-3885 HAFFDAL ~REALTY • Newport IC S:MD LSE. 3 + 2 & fam nn. 2 S74G \Varner,. F .V. BU-44().:1 HARBOR Highlands-3 bdr, trplcs, crpts, clrps, blln11, no a*<;O LOAN Lo\'ely 3 yr old 21ri b.'1., den, dbl gar, pets, cul-de-aac. ~6-3090 2 sty 4 Br + ram rm. 3 Ba. covered patio, fenced yard, Exception a I X tr a gardener. Children It pels College Perk 3115 $37,900 I submit offer . \\'elcome. $350/mo. Avail on 968-5794 or aboul Aug 15. By l'\tODERN 3 Br. houllt", xlnt rnA 6\'-% 3 BR 3 ba. cor. appmnL 642-8505 condition. Yrly ltase. Avail lot. 1 mi from OCt'llll. ?ttusl DOVER Shores bay front now. Call ~ · 277 So. Brookhursl (t blk, St/. of Lincoln) (TI4) m-4500 GARDEN GROVE 13100 Chapn1an Avf', (4 blks \V, Santa Ana f1vy,l ITI4l 636-3030 NEWPORT BEACH hvine and 1 (i14J 6~;>.(t)5() South B•y Club Apartments ~ to appreciate. 9(i2..7569 home, 6 BR, 4 BA, large or 962·1678 patio, 70' privale dock. Newport Beach Avail St>pt 1st. yrly IS<", $1000 mo. 213 :780·50 13 or $150. 2 Br. 4-plex, w/1v chil· dren &. pets 0.K. Brok' r 534-6980. 3200 '11"z">.-l.-;;B~R~. -::,;:,....,-.,,-1~"-'"' Encl'd g ar. A\•ail Broker 534-6980 llO\V. all with fireplaces. r.L'.GNIFICENT Vlc,v, \\·eek dish"·ashers & 2 baths. or )'Carly, split level. :! Rental rifanagt>r - bedrooms. tlreplact, garaa:e. r.1rs. Quistiensen 2001\.i Klna:s Road, ;,.sg.2394 3117·A Cinnamon Ave. alter 6 p.m. Coata Mesa LO\VER ocesn front \V, Phone 546-1014 Ne"'JXlrt. 2 Br, 1~4 Ba. I'"""'""'""'"'"""'"'"""'""'""" Frplc &: rar. avaU Sept. 1. \lo'inler lse. $210. 646-583:) 2 BR. Peninsula Pt. Sundeck. $145 mo. .. 675-0884 * Z BOR~iS., bltins, bar, trplc. One hse from ocean. No pets. $150 mo. OR 3-{iOOJ ' HARBOR GREENS BACl!ELOR unfurn 1 r o m SUO. Also avail I • l & 3 &:Inn. HcatM pools, child care center, adj lo shoppini::. No pets. 2100 Peterson Way Costa ~1('sa 546--0370 MARTINIQUE 2 B.R. lovely Up.!l"lalrs, &tO\•e, drapes, rugs, ocean vie\Y. Adults, 222 8th St. H.B. NE\V 2 BR d1.1plex, .slove, dshwhr. c:rpts .. dfP6. f170. Adullll only. I508 Olive. ,,...,,, Tustin s~o THE ASPENS lj6.5:? \Villia1n SI Tus1tn'11 PrMligc address Adult llving, no pcls Shag cafl)Cts Total air conditioning Furnished It Unlumi&hed Gyrnnatiums i: Saunas Apartments from $150 For infonnatkln 835-Qi81 GARDEN APTS. :oastal 5700 Q{ArutlNG lmmac. 2 BR Exc:eUPnt. park-like SWTOund-::.;;;.;.;;;;. _____ :.;..:.; Balba1 Island 4355 Huntington H•rbour 1405 213, "J85.<l33 B/B TOWNHOUSES • p t . Near Ii and)' ings for adults only. Beach Apts. $140. l BR., switnming pool. beach. 1t Avail 'AUi 2nd to Bach, l, 2 & 3 BR. Apts. Avail 8/11 Bkr 645--0W A 16th &: l t 2 ks I Pool, nr shopping. N e D I o~ mi; BEACH 2 Bdr, 73ll8 W. Oceanironl 962-9810 3 Bedroom, 2 bath, liplil· · ug • s v.· n tn7 Santa Ana, Apt. 113, tW e UXe level. 3 car carpor\. Fa~s c1~00~";·=======· I ~pt. 118 A~. 6Ta-«;88 e ~ e (714) 53'-4616 pool. $265 month. BEAUTIFUL Uwer duplex -*-T~OWNHOUSE * (714) 5~1417 '* SUMl\tER RENTAL * ALSO Costa Mesi 4100 Apt. Vfi'Y cl09e tu SL Bay. 4 ~11 "--A 0 & "" d k • -1· 3 •-d 2 Bath 67' -ba h 1 1 n-2 ba uM 1 l BR, J 1,, BA, crpls, cl.rps, • .,,_..,an venue r1er uu oc . ...,c. lV. rm., ""' -.,-UJ,,; 2 Bedroon1. 2 t , sp ll· ev. $]O OO ...,.. ·.,.......per TilQ. yr Y· 13 blks \V. or H.B. Pieri fa.m. nn., iourmet kitchen, 1809 W. BaJbOa el. 2 Car ;arage. $2Zi • Wk. Up Salisbury Rlty. 6~ patio. Adults. SlliO. 134 E. MAGNIFICENT WAnRFRONT v•et bar: BR. balconies; month. e Day, week, month. -l\lelcxly Lane. 642-6872. REAL ESl A'rE 4300 sq. ft.; 50· sundeck. East Bluff 2242 Bay & Beach • Studio&: Bach. Apts. Huntington '••ch 4400 l\fODERN 2 Br. cpts, drps, Gener1I Great down channel view. --e Incl Utils &; Phone serv CE kitch, Cl\CI. gar, nr bus, 546.6777 TRADE F'OR J IOl\fE, duplex or T.D. Well located C.2 ll•ith Iarxe paved parking !01 Md good building, 127.200 \.\'ith $21,700 equity. Agent: &1&-m1 HAVE 8 1-BR furn apl.s in Anaheim, STl,500. \VANT small duplex. hou.sr or TD1. Le.e Pei't'yda R. t:. * 499-1990 494-:.488 * \Vant 2 BR. or mobil home. Have nrly. Ne'v 3 Br. 2, ha, cpts, drps., bltns: trees. Equity $.i,000. Pyts $163.0 . Canon Realty, 675-3581 3 SEP. house-.11, rm. for 3 more. Present iJ'Oh $4300; Eq. Sl-.000. \Vant Big Bear home or local lot or small llOUS!'. Call 675-0998 1a· CRUISER, AIP, 2 depth llnders, ran51:e 1200 ml, Re- cent survey-will' conskler prop., TQ or smaller boat . Owner {TI4l 729-3400 2.000 SQ. IT., C.pistrano Palisades home on 120x165 dble lot, SJ0,000 equity, Trade !01· liveable duplex or ? <196-27112 aft 6 PM Laguna exec's split-le~! !'\on1e; 4 Br. 5 ba,, Sauna. Huge nns. Nr. beach. Ocean views. Val. $87,SOO. For TO's or Comm, 4914&i.1. LAGUNA exec's, split-level home: -4 Br, 5 hit., SaunA. Huge m11, Near. beach. Ocean views. Val . S87,500. For TD's or Comm. 494- ""1. ~fstr. Br. has 011rn fireplace. EAST BLUFF 5 Bdrm., 3 Realty, Inc. e ft1aJd Servi~. TV avail.· ?>10BlLE hOme: 2 bdr., $140. Adults, Mgr. 124 E. Rentals Wanted 5990 Al Fink Baths. $375. Contact M. 901 Dover Or., NB Suite 126 e New Cate Ir Bar · across from beach. Pool &; mth • .. * * * * * Schn1idt. Box 2.).5 North 6~2001 Eves. 54H966 2376 Newport Blvd. S4S-9T;JS laundry ~ facU. ~dull.!!, no LARGE Uni um bacht?lar apt. e ATTENTION e l ~~!!!!!!!!ii!!'!!!!!!!!!li!i!!!!!!!!!!!~!ij!!i!!!!!i!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!I Bend, Wash 98045 p<rts:-112;) plus util. t clean-· 400 _, tt ~ --. ~rs in this area who may R~A~STAT REAL ESTATE 1.;;;o=:======= 4 BDR"I 2 bath Ba -st LGE Bachelor unit. Sha..... · 1 2I002 n-H8 .... · uiec range · · have Income property in '"' '-'" · t: 1~ IY • y .... " ... ing ee. ."'''"'1n' see 1·efrlg. No pet~ utll pd·. $125. Ge-•ral "'--neral ( Coron• del Mir 2250 home w/renced yard. Al· Crpts/drp.t;. Nr. So. Coawt mngr. Avail Sept. 1 , S n!th 54'9-3S66 VIC. or L.A. AIRPORT: rt'!· .... -----------Colcl\vell, Banker & o. tracrivt, modern Cape Cod. Plaza, OCC. S'I35 incl. 536-1674 -'--------!l'ponsibk couple & 6 yr. old ~O:;f;.:fl.::ce:;...;R.::•:;"c'.:;•lc...., _ _c60::;70 Acr••-550 Newport Center Dr. WINTER -Small. charming Children ok. Near schools. l'verything. 546-5079. Aft 4 2 BR., l~t ba., cpts, drps: daughter (rw> pet~l. iscek 2..:J _ .... 6200 Newport Beach, Calif. 2 Br ... cottage, great pat~. $350 monthly lease. For ap-Ptil Santa An• 4620 l\vim pool, garage. Adults, Br. unium. home (court, MODERN OFFICES ~R'"'.=E-.~5-1~1.-,-m-.-n~w~.-n-ted-I 133-0700 644-2430 Idea] single person. 409 Ins. poinlment call 548-2914 ATTRACTIVE, 1 BR., util"s. no peb. 642-SQ.12 l!gl. d\.\-elllnr or some apt!. FRO~t ;65 PER titONTH Established Real Estate !inn, 607 pd $99 ·~ w Id YRLY, 2 BR 1 BA, 2car11:ar. 2 BR r ,..h_ considredl, nr. school. in 4 BR. 3 BA, $400. mo. SPAC. 4 Br, 2 ba. duplex, ~~ · . .,.,. ant o er, rls · un urn. ........ yurt, patio. . Air-cond., parking, central lo-specializing In listing and HUr.'TlNGTON J{ARBOR Begonia. AJso u n furn . blk to beach. Avail. t ...... .single gentll'!man only. Call Adults. Nr B tol Shopping $12J. 771 Shalimar Dr., 0.1 nice area. Deserving, fam-cations. Stcretarial servk'e. sale of unde\lt'loped ,-,.. ,. r • P'I <M ~97 Cntr. $145 mo. 64S.2."i42 89,,,.7 ily will gi\te best or cart, as ...... HERE'S a littJe hide-&·\.\'ay 673-3806 or 675-0023. JeaSC'. $300 per mo. r.1 us I a I. ;, " """" . .,,u Avail !/lS -~~-""'~==----0'4"n homl', 10 your rental. 230 E. 17th, C.OSta Atesa tor residentiaJ dl'vektpmenl tor the tired extcutive. 3 have I't'fer., no pels. B A CHELOR util pd. THE SEVIU.E C.'an pay Sl.Zi or a bit more, 642-1415 needs consc.ientious holX!!ll. bdrm, boat dock on main Lido Isle '2351 Agent 833--0820 NiccJv.·orking girl or lady Ligun• &etch 4705 2 ·BR. \V/garage, S14j. but pleaSt> submit "'hAt you s"P~A~CE;;;;~,~,~,..:'c.i.-'.,CC.ta~t~,-,~U~i-ce-1 full time salesmen. k'fp. and channel. A beauty al only -"PARK UOO", like new. 2 pensioner, no pets, fl;j mo. Adulls -crpts -drps _Bit· have Area of MawthOrne, for public stenognapher, in-R. r:. Lie. req'd Commission $49,950 _ EZ terms. HAPPY winter rental home. f>.iS-8328 a.ft.;, lDO CLIFF DRIVE · F --·• ... ....,..,,. San · basis. R. D, Slates, Rt>alty 2 Bdrni, den, 2 bath. Br, 2 Ba. frplc. pool. 2 car 11\!I, e ..... -.:u )u. #JJ.iS ta Lawndalf", etc.: husband em. surance agent. accountant, 847•3519 Eves. ~558 * 67;>-6940 * gar. '250. Bkr &16-0132 I BR, $145. incl. utils. Heated Two bedroom furnished Ana Ave. 6J6...U.20. ployed by \Veslt>m Airlines. bookkMper, etc. 6Ta-1972, Follo::~fia~;lions l~~~=~~=d~~'l===~~=;~~=:':':'dll~B;jnR~2\~ •• -'}ba;&:-, -bl~U...;;;:,p-OOl' pool, adults, no pets . All Deluxe Features NO\V Renti~: New lge 1 BR Call locally: 642-L89, eves/ 3410 W. Balboa Blvd. N.B. r I""" "·'" .....,... ""ol7'0 \Va1t.-:-Distance to Beach weekends e Salcliman to handle listing 1616 Summer Rent1l1 2910 S265. lease. Avail 9/1. .... .,..._6 " ~., • ..,..,,.., apts, cpts, drps, bltins, car., ____ . ______ PRIVATE offices '''/bath. te1Tito1y contalni111 prime T29.so38 aft 6 Pl\! GORGEOUS New 1 • 2 Br. $225 -Yearly lease Palio!'i. Adull.!i only. llfgr. crnts., d"'ll & stora-!pace 1 . t · 494-2449 2U '.. ... 6~ and suitable or single BY o~·ner 3 bedroom fore-CLEAN Balboa Beach Units. * YEARLY-S2'1:i. Activity rm, pool, sauna. -0 Elden. 646-1762 in the Glendale 1'~ed Savings nnd niulli-ramily rcslden- ed aii-,~·aJk to sc~I & Sleeps 2 to 10; for swnmer 3 aro. 2 Bath. 673-2223 2000 Parsons, C.~1. 642.-8670 2 BR duplex, tum l unJurn, l BDR. 2 ba. drps, cpts, bit· RENTAL FINDERS Bldg., Corona de.I ft1ar. S6,;j lial developmenl. Use our stor e's. Take over 51A ~'b reservations call 673-9M:i 1809 \V Balboa ALL Utll pd, 1 bdr duplex. nr Vic Hu g o, new ins, closed gar, Adults. $140. llMll•••~ n10. Call Evelyn Halbakken excellent builder contacts F.H.A. $119, P.T.J. fuUy 315 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa ____ · older adlts, infant. pets OK cpts/drps, frpl. gar . Harbor-Baker area. S4~ wmTll-..S 67:>-5444or545-316;) ror sales. carpet~. 892--6801 AUG . 9 to 16. SPAC 3 BR. 2 Bay Shores \ 3225 SlOO. 2335 Elden, C~f _<_9_7-_lll:iG_·------~-iNE\V 2 Bdrm apl, E-ioide. .VI.· -IMC SEE At 188 E. 17th SI, Cl\f. e Salesman lo handle So. BA. pool. Blk to ocean. $200. 1 BR 1 blt cl FURN or unf, stove, reJrii:, Carpts, dtps, b I I· 0 ms. ' °' W. lM.e..t.Mt ....... 111 Next to Security Paclflc Oraqge County/Northern S1nta Ant Hgts. 1630 L.ots park'g. r en t on. \VATERF'RONT ~ BBC. ·• e ec. ns, ose gar. ocean \'iew; util pd. $125 l.se, dishwhr, encl garage. Priv I~==~~=----Nat'! Bank. Plenty oL park· San Diego County leni· 2 BEOROOl\t Home + Den. 673-2110, 642-9933. luxury 3 BR. 3 BA, with !fu.1ts~o ,:s~is. P; ~ ~ ~: 1 c•~v~ail~' ~9~/l~.'-4>1-'-_1_%3;::.,· ---I ,pa~t~•·~· ~642-6"'-~25~·7~~---\VANTEO: 3 BR unfurn hse, Ing, all utll, inc I u de d lory. Must have t'Xp. In 56 300' I I $27 950 B CUST0rt1 2 BR. lg modern. 1 gard, yl'ly ~ Sept. 15 to 4 6<1&-4224 1 BR., heated pool, near "i BR un!urn. $120 mo. Al.so Westside Costa ?11 e I a . 64=~~~'~-~~---lis1ing and ia1e o( Iarve O.x ....... .,A~~""' ' Y house from ocean. Avail . )'l!ars. S650 mo. Resp. ..,.ach. Year lease 1175 mo. SI35-Sl50. 3 Teens. cpl . NE\V Del u· 11peculatlve parccls. ~5-"-• ·.....,....,..., d Its ~ 71"'"'4Z-f".o674 1 t. 2 BR .• Jurn. & unfurn. 4o;:, ·-• aftec s·.JO Furn Bachelor $80 mo. util 646-5361 uxe 0 ice spaces bllshed · 1 cl ' l Aug. SepL 673-ro55 a u . no pe ~. ~.u.uo P••'d. """ ·-1 -~~~=~=~~-320 lo 1200 sq tt at Santa ta inves or iente e or 213-799-4856 Pool. Nassau Palms. lTI E. ""~"" e LANDLORDS e pref'd Laguna Be1ch 1705 2 BR, 1 BA. adj. bayJbcach. 22rn:1 s 642-3645 c N TAL:.O Ana Fwy & Crown Valley · I ~;;.:.'°'::....;:.;;;;.:oc....,___ il 12 k · l., • K.. * l BDRM. prv yrd-gar, FREE RENTAL SERVICE tumoU. 8Jl-l400, 499-4198 e Salesman lo handle land Ava· · Aug. 00 w • Corona del Mar 3'250 FURN 1 BR Apts &: Studios Apts. Unfurnished Carp 11 , drp11, bit -ins, Broker 534-6982 ~uitable for Co1nmerciaJ I THE OLD 6~1~1 avail Sept ]sf. $110 It s120. I--"-'='----"='--174 ?>1onte Vista, Cti-1. 1 --~--~----I DELUXE ottict' in Costa lndusbi aJ dewlopme:nt. GRA y MARE 2 BR Balboa apt adj 4 ~DR duplex. 2l!; ba, 2m Elden, Apt. 6, General 5000 E-SIDE 2 Bdmt, clost> 10 *,~~E•nrotal , ~~OvLOiceRo*s ~~~· 15001 sq:.i~ (~l;,!!r l\tust ha\te considerable -acba•/pier .$'5-W1<:il wkly. blt-1ns, dshwshr, 2200 sq tt.1~=~-'-7"',----• ENT • IU:. ..,, .. n \.V'IU·· crp s., .... ....,. ~·u• ,._,,.,-,_ lhl• r;-ld "SHE AIN'T WHAT SHE "" ~ I BR furn, adults only, "' R shopping. $100 mo. · ...... . ... ._ " "' USED TO BE and "'ltherl,;SJ&.:;.:39;;:11~,~67~"''='"~1~0-,--o,-l;;-Y~c~a;-'71'~'~"::·~$300-;::=/m:;;'::o.:C>l""'~="'::;-73 * 546-65i23 * Blue Beaccn 6'S-01U OUiec l desk space, and established cllenlele is this impoSing 2 story BALBOA J BR, redec. Nr. 2 BR .HoUSf', exce.Uent cond. pets. ~· ~7509 * 3 Rooms Furniture \VANTEO: Garage or small St>cretarial service. prel'd. Perhaps form nu- bomc· detailed vi:terKir of beaches, STh-$135. wkly . ft1arr1~ couples t. no $20•$25 & UP Mesi Verde 5110 building for 11torair. Newport Civic Center, cleus for Commereial/In- • ·ood.' Palo• Ve-'•• .,,~, 536-3911 or 675-5810. children. $250 mo. * Gra-3291 $131 -CLEAN, furn., bach. ,.1 h R ,_,. --·-'----'"-'-' KJ S.5357 or 837-2967. 675-1601 du!trial Division. '"" .. ,. UUI. Included. Cl ose· i n . ~1onth-To-.. ont en..a 2 R ad"' I ~=""c..,c..,c:_=.::..--1 01'~ ANO CO>IPANV INC stucco, gabled rooflines with RENTALS 2 BDR. ww cpts, bit-ins, WIDE SELECTION B · wls on y. drapes, NE'ED Z.3 bdr unr. Adults, no LARGE Executive office •u:. ' · exposed beams. Houses Unfurnished drps, gar. No ()('ts. Adults: No pets. 548-0522 Apptia.ncn l 1V'1 avail new crptg .. nr shOp'g. S135 pets. By Sept I. U>ase. N.a Abo small office trom Phone: (714) ~9631, sprawling 5 BDR.i'f. FLOOR 675-49j2 4200 No Security Deposit mo. 642-2389 646-9236 S"5 mo. Owner. 6T~ Wffk days, for appt. Newport Be1ch _ Pt.AN. features rear liv. rm. Gener1I 3000 JtFRC Furniture Rt>ntals · NEED 2 Bdrm. apt in 600 to 1200-sq:-~ Lagun1 Beach--;i!~ \V~~SSl~~E~~g $325 LEASE, 4 BR , 3 BA. Lido Isle 3351 \VINTER ren!AI. Lgc crptd 2 517 W. 19th, 01 548-3481 Newport Beich 5200 llarper Sch. area by Sept. l. 1 ==o=,-='=ICE=·=C=·'=l.::::641>-=21=3'l== 7 ACRES W /PERMIT , Br, 2 Ba. bit-ins, closed 156S \V, Lncln, Anhm 714-2800 SPAC ·-" 2 BR. 2 BA. clec Reasonable, 645-1155 TO KEEP HORSES BRICK FIREPLACE FRO~J 2400 sq. ft. custom, nu pets flAPPY winter ttntal home '"'" o:===""======I FLOOR TO CEILING, llv. 325 Vista Baya, c fl't. partially fumi.!lhecl. 2 Bdrm, Pal i 0 & ga r age • Deluxe 2 bdr., pool Adults kl!, !rplc. enc gnr. Steps 10 lndu1tri1I Rental 6090 Adjacent subdivision o n e m'· leads to spacious 0 .... n &i&-8636 den. 2 bath. 67:;....6940 "·asher/dryer Avail Sept. $150 heh. Ille. $2j(I. 1.lo. 673-1990 Rooms for Rent 5995 mile E. of hi\}', util avail. .-~ 50001(, NepturK!. call 714: * 536-2398 * or 543·3181. RENT new M·l nearing S35,0IXI. ~~ cash. bal lst tru:l l dining mt. \V/W CARPET· $2'l'S. 3 BR .. fa n1. rm., 2 Ba. , 629-1492 BACHELOR'S ROOtit, $(i0. completion. 10 shopi, 1125 d d ING ~ CUSI'Otif DRAPES Ftnc'd yd .. frpl c. W/w fountain V11ley 3410 SI50. '..! BR., All util pd. BALBOA BAY CLUB CX· mo. incl. util .. TIO cooklni. iq fl $U5 mo. 135a Loiian, ee . THRU.OUT 0111ate O!)t'n Avail 911 Brok•c ~~ .. "'980 5000 NEPTUNE Pat.lo, W/W, r/o. Avail. qulsite 1 Br apt. Furn or Ava!I Sep!, I. Ma• o-'y CM. 6-"ll6 MAKE OFFER · · ...,....., LEASE S300 Immaculate 8 g Bk "''"960 64" " '" :;:::.,~"=~~==---7 1 Write 01· ·ontnct · Ceo...,. R stalrCase LEADS PAST · Avail now. 3 BR. 2 BA, 2 BR, I="=-·-=='·=~===·=== tJnf. L.-.e. S400. ~iS?J 673-1148 :-: 1 · •• e · WALL Qr GLASS 15 IT. $210. 3 BR; rn:i. rm .. !encd. year old Spanish 3 Bdnn., 2 BA. Call IU.fil : fi29..l4G2 M·2 INDUSI'RIAL space ln Kress, Box 914, Laguna G TO "'NO STORY \VI yd. \V/w, Cluldren & pets 21~ Baths. i213J 377-5903 RENTALS OCEANFRONT Apt, 3 BR. 2 MESA Verde atta nice rm, concrete bldg. 3000 sq fl. 746 Bcoch or phone 494-4726. HI H ... 0 K Bkr 534-69&0 coUect. After 6 pm. BA, dishwshr &: lndry. kitchen, garage, n'IOnlhly, \V. 17th, CM (2]3) 434-5082 3 eOru.1s. & CENTRAL · · · Apts. Furnished Completely redec, lse S:z&; 54 11 ACRES. orange lo avocado BATH. $715. 3 BR .. 2 Ba .. Condo. L1guna Be1ch 3705 3 BR. 2 BA. upper. $175 mo. mo. 5'18-8077 Jj!IG W. Baker SI. S-8229 FOR Lease-New 2500 sq. ft. grove. So. Or. County. I .. lti Bkr ~~4-6""" \Vinter rental THE QUICKER YOU CALI., =========~!SLEEPING room, I t industrial bldg. Sc ft. 1639 $130000 h d I Complttely modem kitchen acu es. · ""' ;>;Toi l~UXURJOµS Mcxlern 2 BR 2 213-6Zl.-6036 or 642-7821 TIIE QUIO<ER YOU SELL gt> .pv ' on cas e • has BILT·1N RANGE ti QV. Patio, RIO. \V/\V. rec be. frplc, bllins, dshwshr. East Bluff 5'242 bath Ii entrance. 543-2921. P.lonrovia, CM. 673-9017 w/$25,000 down. No pymts EN. OTSH\VSJIH., GARB. facilities. Bkr. 534-6980 Uttl pd. 497-1405.. Newport hHh 4200Newport Be1ch 4200 Costa P.fesa area. NE\V bldg. nr. Bristol &: on equily for one )'1'. DISP. ETC. Ceramic til(' S~2 br .. child ok. New DISHWASHER to . frl e NEW DELUXE e Guest HomM Sffa Baker. a.000 s(i. ft. &r up. 494.6594 Broker. eountel':!! &r exttnsh·e use ol crp~. drps. nict" yard, • s \e, g, 3 Br. 2 ba apt. Jor lease Sullivan 540-«29 TAKE over 10 Aetts nb hanh\i:iod cabinets. This bet-garage. Broker &U-OW f~2 :;cir. t~en,r·l tba~ Now LeasinCJ In Newport Beach Incl. spac. mastr. sllitt, din PRV room in Ilc'd; Board l down. S25 mo. Ranch site tn built home IS TN NEED local e Y • pa io. irs rm. &: dbl. garage, auto. Care home for elderly, am· Lots 6100 nr huge lake ~743 •~ or LANDSCAPING AND A · last n10nlh'.~ rent & $.iO k d door opener avail. Pool l bulatory man OT \lo"Oman. · · ....., .. LI1"l'LE PAINT iiERE I $175. 3 BR., crpts., drps .. cl('aning dcpru:it. S l 7 5 oa woo, n!C. arta. Nr. catholic Nourishing meals, congenial BARGAlN. 2 apt Jots Costa M,unt. & Desert . 6210 'l'HERE \\!i th a Ultlt! imag-chUdren ok. Encl'd. yd, & 494-4931 after 6 pn1 Oiurch A 1chool &: Corona l\tmosphere: Irr yard l Mesa. A 19 unit l a 55 unit. inntlon i: elbow gttasc you pr. Bkr. 66-0lll local. . The best of two worlds . • . dt>I Mar High. p:alio. Avail now. 548-5225 Excel loc. &i~'l060 or wtl1 h11.ve a J'l!al showplace. Co1t1 Mesa 3100 L1gu"1 Niguel 3707 your home and your country club =~AOr:'LY ~.,···. N•B • PRIVATE room ror rider· 536-0131. Anytime. Oflt>l"f'd al 3 BR, 2 BA, beautiful view. =~-°"'""m~"~"'cc,~~·~·7'·,-I ly lady ln Uc'd guest home, Excellent view lot $31 ,tSO FULL PRICE 3 BR. 2 BA. Bit-ins, carpets. Bltins, dshwhr. crphi. drps, For your home, 1elect from 1in9le, one end D'f:LUXE all elec, 2 Bi: 3 Br, &ood rood Aerved, 646-3391. Upper Thret Arch Bay $2000 ON. PYMT. drapes. Sma:ll enc 10 se d frplc. 8JS.5700 or :>42-l21S two bedroom •p•riments, Fvrni1had or un · $300. up. 752 Amigos \Vay, By Owner -494-7890 SEE TODAY! yard. Double i a rage .1,;;;;;,;==::=:;:~ furni•hed, each is proft11iontlly decor· N.B. Near CdM HI Sehl. Misc. Rentals 5999 BY Owner: Lot, Dana Point, r.ONE TOMORRO\\I! Eas!Alde. $17:>. 1st &. Lut Condominium 3950 •+ad i nd include1 c•rpeting, drap•rl••. 67""J-503.'I. zoned 6 unit.II. Lot, San MISSION REALTY plus ~ cleaning charge.1.:.;;.;.;.;.cc.;;.;;_;c;:.:.:;. __ ..:.;.:;,; all-alectric We1tinghovse •ppli1nce1, 1tor. SfORAGE gar8ies. fully Clementt, wncd 18 units. 9S5 So. Coosl lh,·r .. l.ou'llna 549--0074 app'I. Avail Sept. 1. $2."iS. Beaut. 2 Br. 111 Bn. un. •ge ip•c• •plenty tnd priv•fe b•lcony/ Coron• del Mar --5250 enclosed. Avail Sept 111t. Both ocean view. 494-5352 Phone (714) 494-0731 3 BEDROOM. 2 bath home. rum.-coontry ·~ub Vil!a.. p•fio. $2Cl. mo ea. 548-.Zl21. c .rit PRICE RE-DUCED Vicinit,y Harbor & Baker. Crpts. drps, bll-uu. For 111• Just stais from your door i1 • whole C I l f ___ _. ..... fo Cllll 2.13-8$-3431 or Income Property 6000 R1nchu ==:..:.=='--= 6150 ---~--~ SMOG·FREE. NEWBERRY SPRINGS City of lakts MAKE YOUR 0\llN LAKE * VIEW HOME * ~~ ~ e~~~ho ya;;· 34.1-.9451 world o exclusive country club r•cre•- tioft : BY S2llll mo. Avai S('pt. t. D I U I -__ _!f),.~::::/J.:~1>~rt~•w'l\lt"'14~NgATIY NIF"J'IES -Et@'C"'bttlm:. tusti ~O tililes C:, ol 811...,1ow; on freell'll.)'. ElcVltion '..'00'.l ft., 30 Actts adj. MONT.ANA.~-1-~ La• """"'n..JLIO RANCH ;'r!':!" Iman 111ade) ln PERfECT coodltlon! ?>lust 646-1125 up exes n urn. 397.S • '•of•n;11n 1! ,;,. T111ni1 Ceuth • lt1tid1nt T11nni1 ,,11f11t1l•111I 111.I Sh11p !ff lntt'r\Or to ap.preciate! 2 BR., 1arage. pa1io, crpUJ .• 4 BR, 2 BA. ~-i blk to beach. • Olymp ic. 1h• Swilft111i119 '•~ 3 BR. 2 BA. large hvlna rm. drps .• slo\'e refrig., trop!cal Ocean view. • Whirlpeel l1tk1 fittp!Act, dlneHt>, •ll tltc· 11etting for adults. 1 blk to ** 673-:i822 ** • '•ddl1 T1111nl1, V11!111yt.11ll. l11•1tlt1ll C11wrti Irk incl kltchl"n, Thermo shop 11'0 Mo 00• ·-A d 20 000 I I I bh •• ff • controls ellch room. Beamed "· · '""""''av 2 BDR. Dupk>x, crpla., df'PI., n • , squ•re oo cu ou o er celling t hru-oul wall to wall LEASE: l.<1vely, big Mesa blt·lnt., 1•r., C 1e11 n I thtse fe•ture1: carpets, drape;, Jge oor r.ct, Vtrde 4 and family rm. with $16/mo. 210 (Ac1I Pl .. Cl\T. • S1p•••I• M111'1 1MI W111111111'1 H11hk Clwb1 shrub!ll. Good deal for G.t. pool, ,_'!:I bar etc. SUS mo.1 ~646-:.:.:.~""=-------wifil S1 u111' ~ Appl:... to do t " • l11d110, Goll Dri•i119 11111911, l llli11r.!1 1111111111 Ownt>r movl"K lo Rn1;n.. .... pm . u op-.~ ... 1 AL' s , , , tion--ltrbt $ S 8 0 0 0 ~ .,. • Th11tt1 TV louF1911, A.t t .... io. ,,ty 001111 Price $37,700, 1Y at • A.,.,.. Furnished d MAKE OFFER des\red. Mktng $47S mo. ,..,_ Modal1 open noon until ':00 p.m. •ily Wrlte P.O. Box 91•, Lquna College Rl"tllty 5'MN8SO Gener1I 4000 Beach or e:.U 494-4726 MY· 2 BR Avail lmmediatdy, HOCIDA Y fiLAZ A lime. Completely redecorated. DELUXE, spacious l Bdrm. OONi JUST \VJSH ror some-Y•NI work Provi d ed · rum 11p1. $l3.l. Plus ul !I. l.h1na lo f\&rnlsh )'OUf home ·64&-MIM lleatcd pool. Ample park· ••• lind veat btry11 tn ~ OAJLY PILOT Cl.aailled 1rrv. No children -no pets. dAt'• Ou.odfttd Ads. sectkln NO\V! 1965 Pomona. C..M. • OAKWOOD GARDEN APARTMENTS 1700 • 16th Sfrett, Newport latch Phone: 6~2-Jf 70 ON' TEN A.CltES t &: 2 mt. Fum 6 Unlum Frplcl I prlv. patios!Pools. Tennis • Contnt1 8kf&t. put· tlr11 erer,_ psUos AND OV!!r 12% ncl return. Make me prove it? Ji> Hanllen. RJtr. 64$.-3226 8usln"1 Jt•nt1I iOO S.. Lane. OIM "4-l611 MARINERS CENTER lltfacArthur or. Cbaxt Flwyl Ottttt l atorc blda, rent or ----lf!Ut>. $1S lo SI20 prr mo. AVAIL Now, larg-e 2 bdr apt. 149 Rlvers\de Avt>. 641'r2-tl4 "'" ""b. ""'"""· •11-'"' Balboa Island S.le or rent at $200. Couple over 4!1. ~t:M> Store or om~. w/w L"ll.rpe!1. Bitter Root Valley 41 n1ll111 aouth or Missoula. P.fontana.. Both ereek ~ res- ervoir \lo.._ltr. 450 aeres tm- gattd, total 620 acf'f'.!1: part under gravity aprlnkter sys. lem. Low down pa.ymtnt. 6~ inttrest. Callfomi& inlerest ror t.ale or tr'adl", Otys. 546-9842. ah. 6. 6«-0121 al 'NN~ •-1 2 bd 2 $150, Bier. 612-9S5S ,.. r..i.. ·~ apt. r. 1.::=..,::;::.:...==~-~ I Acr11ge ha, S4Wln10. I Yr: )tut. JOO PER month. Eut 171h 6200 6~ s:. Of Street Expmiure. tDEAL for \\l>rking cpl 2 BR I -""::::'.:.10.:.".:.'m~l=cc:'·.::6~7:><7~::;00'-~ + 1undtck. Stove / rctt\a. t"or Dally Pilol \Yant Ads No pets. 613--9234 Ola! &12-6871 .. PERRIS, Cat. l0.01 am:s. For quick Mlle -f,!$,OIXI, Bkr 637-3168 or 651-33&4 CllARCF. )'O\lt wan1 ad DOW. \. FOR &\LE is Ille NOi'th por- tion of t(I acres, RESERV- ING South JO aCl'tl JM· PllOVEO with m o, d e r n r1nch houte ell!. Unllmitrd, perlett \loafer, 301 GPM &l 80 ft d<pth. Pcloc ~.000. 11 Cull. ba1 l>t TD. SUblt<I land tiu 220 ft. rrcnt•ae ori Sllwr Valley Rd .. 7 ml. E. of or ~I. FOT lurt.ktl' lnfor- malkln p1cMe caU a.tT-6640 aftt.r 6 Pi\T wttKdl,)'t or I.II)'; linle wce~nd8. --------------w~- ' ·! • I I ·-·~------------------· t ••••••• =• fZQ. • •.• 4 0 .....•......•. , ..... a; a a: c •••••••••• ,,,,,, ... ,. • a co o ~ • • . • . ~·hen You Wont it done "ri gh f • • • ' ' . SEARS Casb Mm J. C. 'ENNEY CO~ANY Falhlofl ltlond -"9w,.rt hoch H.. Full Time Oponll!I' Fer AUTOMOTIVE SERVICEMEN }-( ' I Coll one of the ex))erts listed belqwl! ~ctUen_t ""·.lob\c ~ ... for ID "XC'tDt~ ~lion. Our unJqUi JWiiaelnen L Tralnlriz f>qrant tollO\\'C a .. -eu planne4. toMJnhe_n.,lve schedule • , • proY\4es )'OU the be:!lt opportunity to de. • velop qWcltl~"into a ttspo.n. Eicha-, 1. L 62'0 LMI 6401 SlllVICI DIRI CTOkY 'llkVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DlklCTOkY ••bl• executlvo In'°""""'" __ ..;;._:. ____ "'"'"---~--'-'---.~.5 Jo'inaneC •.• tntervttiWini a l N£\V l\l·l Sid:. ln Cotta. DOG, sn1au long • ba!rtd lulldert 6510 lull4ere 6.570 HowectNnln1 • a nwor pan ot thla non. --lftttlw EXPERIENCED --SEAT COVER INSTALLl!lt • BRAKE MICHANIC Recent nperience-tn Jubrlc11ion;-1!ralre-a4• JU31mtnt and w bee I bal1ncln1 required . Competitive sallT)' arrangement, top fil&hl working condlttona with newtSt and finest equipment. Generous benefits incJudlnJ hos· pltalluUon. employee dlscou.nt and profit sharing. : ti1~ .. 100% lt:aMd: FOl\ bionde color, curled up tin. \iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.liii .. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij I i~~§:-=~~'.;;-~~I u lllna, aalaried posltiotl. ' I •p S 111 ••· ·"· t "'kid CARPETS, Wllldov,.~. fin, Liberal ~pl~ benefits , v.can P •. u van • ._. c ....... r, ans. o o.i . 1 Ru c:o ·L Xlnl -, .... • ~ Vic Cameo Shore1, Cd.\f • e c. or me • and re(lll&r aaltn tncreu. beach. approx 7/28. RE· B, /) / J . / CJ y,·ork Reu! 'Fti!s, 54M1ll es bUed ·on YoUJ' pro~ •240 WARD. 6J5.0ll:?. uildina bu the -.)ea WINDOWS DIRTY? II'••""""',.,.. ......... ii ii Joh""l' DllM >•"' lo<&!. PAC9'1C FINANCE I. E1 W••ted -·-At:so FOR FULL TIMI SALISMAN Ifard sW'face 11oor-coveritl& and intt riar decoratinr. * Apply ln peraon JO AM 14 9 PM, Monday thru Saturday l'INNEY'S FASHION ' ISl,AND Equal Opportuni ty Employer * _._ l '!!!!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I Hel, Wonted, Mon nooJHolp Wo- LOST: \'le. l\.Jesa Vc1'.k serylct. frtt e1t. 64i-344:i l&8U ~11Ch· Blvd. Country Oub, C.111.: St-a.I· W S , 1· • o ... • Beach ,... ___ , ....... _. Hwitlnfton Beach point Siamei;e: cat. adWt. e pec1a 1te tn : OJQJ ...._,, .. '4j; .x-n-$$MORE Wit$$ Ex~)!.~' s~d femall!': no front Carpets; w\ndowa, floors, etc c1.... no rollar. "'"""' * Room Additions ""' • Commc'I 64&-1401 ~ llarbor Blvd. Ga.rden Gl'O"ve 7400 Jsnftotlal 6790 •Pront -• H0<pU•llzation LAZY MEN 1=======::::.==::. Women --------1 fB..2SSr9 or 66-2QS.S ! Fer Your Home Equity , A&solutely na cost .•. * Apartments Ir Units J to )'Oil the Seller! 1 I! :ytan 0( ~ more cash SP.tAIJ. bt'™'n/whlte male Cbibs.uhua, t,..A. lap, vie. N.B. reply 109 28tb St.. NB I tor o..,,., Co-p .... ...,. can the .Res!. . . LOST: TO)', stlvtr female TbeJI call the Best Paod~. JWy 3(1; vie-. Pacific IJVJILY JACKSON IWTY 147"°'3 " 54s.tf4l Sanda rract. Hunt. Beach. Rfi.ward. ri36-8333 !;OST: Baby raccoon ,\'/ col- lar &. lesth, vie lint; Harbour Tame .Ii scupd. r.a1v. 846.114.l •;100 FOR RETURN i "'!!1!!"'1'!1!111!!!1•1!1!!!11l!!!!!!"'I M•., Sa.b~ brown 6Ul\· * Custom Hom•• * Kitchens * 2 Story Struct1re1 Free Layout and Design 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE \VALLS, Window a, floor•. C.'.lqltts. Com.mnda.I &: ~kl:entil..I. Daily. weelky and/or 111o. m-73M L1nd5c1plnp 6110 * Lic'd laDdee..pe contrac- Equal o~ty emplo.)'er ITT JABSCO NEEDS A STOCK ROOM CLIRK tot; complete lndscpa: .ri; al.80 I s 1 u In a n\aterial, c:.ontrnl, Japanese &ard'!ns 830-3037 mech. c:ountlnr inventory. LANDSCAPING· Yuccas tor atorii1e, p"rotectlon of· ma- s&Ie: call Juan Pantoja, le1iahs and other l'tlaled 847-2035 .tter 5:30 p,m. 11·ork, ~u.st ~ able to oper. =========I ale 11.ttin& apparatus. 1'1u11Nhs •"" ' MESE <al, ct>>l ,,.. ... FINAlilClAL LADIES bluo ""'''' '""' PACIFIC COAST BUILDERS '•porh•"llnt ---'"'-.;.. ____ 1 money, license, credit eds. '•lnttne USO EQUAL OPPORTUN.tn' EMPLOYER • Gl"Ol.lp life ins. \\'e need 4 lazy men ~·ho ~ill • P)id vacation not v.·ont ~ 1han 4 hoLZrS • a paJd hollds.)ls • Employee dlxount ~r day, or accept le!s than •' $133 wk. ' Apply in Penonn<I Ottke ALSO WANTED lilonde.y thna Saturday 2 men "'ho ate not Juy, mu. 10 A"f to .4 Pt.f lni to \\'Ork -I hrs per clay & SEARS aceept less than $:?50 per \\'k. We're Lazy Too R bu k & C Do not call befort 10 am or 08 C . 0, alte" 5 pm, u k !or Harold GolMn 642-6862. SOUTH COAST PLAZA I ="""=::;;::~::;::= 331J S .• IUSTOL Exocutlvo Sol0t COSTA MESA Startinz salary plus com· . ht. n..-....•nrtftt 6M0 1R7~~·~,t.o.64t~·v11,,;_ Safeway 14A5 PALE WAY ~,...... •• .... '-'" >-uz.e $ . SUBURBAN Palntina:/Dec COSfA J\tESA, CALIF. 9'.!6:?6 An Equal Opportunity t °'IZU LADY'S 'EY•cl•"''· whlto 243 E. Coon Hwy, C:orellCI del Mar E><port G\iarantttd Work (714) ~"1 --~ mission. Flnt year earnin&s ot $12,000 plus posaib!e 2 year tralninf prorram, by centul'y old national conl- pany. Buaines.s or sales backi:Towid helpful. 1'.'o tra . ,·el. Msnagtment opportun- ilies. Eoual opp, emplr. " """"• 1.a...,.. coi1. c" Fro.;:.;.:-.~·~:i:· 1-Ant"c~o>iuf.NT~'.Ai:i:N;;T' l ~*~~D::;R~l~Yl~R~S~*~ I AU· pU:za eqWp for pt:za areas. 67l-3921 6 7 5 * 7191 PAJ.l'\TING lnt '=Ext Lo\vest Ont ol the. countrie1 top . ! = =u. a;;. ~ '•'••n•I• MOS contracted prices. Fully w. buildirw l 1 r m s.. ~1iabt. No Experience R. Eerl 8ittint•r 827.7900 I hot · d¥IC. machine, SanJ. ;,.,;...;.*.-..-"--,-.--,--\Vf!ekend Appointn1ent.s Available ~u:·:::~·66Fre& est. !'~n~ ~~~un:: "•ceU.ry! Serve Xe-cream maker (Wa· 1ve • ___ --Unlimit~ opportunity for ?.Just have dt&b Call/orntu ' let• operated), Toutmaster xsna.~1U1UlJ:; EXT+ ~~ ~~~t.A""'.,.,m~ a derreed uceountant to ~vine record. Apply ~ tnoch-h'yer, elc, 9:i,. • ......... _... nv•At .broaden hi! experience and YELLOW CAB co. Th •. • l Pl'!'fit maqin. Total V~ue ~feet that speclal someone lebyilttln1 . 6550 I ~'"1 .. =";...._· ___ ..,;:·6;.:66;;,:;S I •1,.°';;::",.."''<::""::::c"'-"::::'·:::13511,:'::·"".::;; p1"p&rC for a soUd future. 186 E. 16th st. e 1gger ~. -«1U sell all for 12500. &:. be:rin to Live . C V Tll • For better paln!Jn&' call Construction e:.:pt:r. helpful Costa M~sa ' • Ce.Q gz.w6 or 651-1628 Coi· oR.,NGE c:O 5'17-6668 YOUNG rt!fp()M1ble adult .,,., Jnyl • experienced painter& a t but nol mandatory. Salary 1 -~~~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;; 1 16 FASHION ISLA.ND 1 Jt'ct. .,~ 1 rt · rdln ~·ill baby sit evtnln; and All sl)'ll!S :>.iid eolo?'I M'-4077 after 6 pm. commen.ruratc With sbillcy NEWPORT BEACH I• 'FFILl•TE • lOur co ~ \\'eekt?mts. Chvn lt'Msport11-1-"'ree est. Lie, contr. 1 ll ~-be··'its DISHWASHl.R NEEDS AN l "u•Nu"',· •c • COUPLIS • v Hon Sl hr. ~ kfler :>40.7262 546-447& CL.AJtK & CLARK Pus e.."ct ent u-u ra:e •llO'. -" TUREii e SINGLIS • 5,31!, CUSTOM PAINTING ola wndd·wldo pattnt com. Ir IUSIOYS -·EXPERIENCED .• . deslreant'":.latee "·I~ man-Tired or Ban, Mail&. I-Ii Cost BABYSlT'fJNG By ihe "'k. G1nl1nlnt '6IO PA < E•R64.:!! .~ .-.s rr:z· ~~1 \V. c . Ba.ke.r DISHWASHER ~.... jolnni 1etrlni computer clubs: JOJN TJ:IE You rum tramportation.1----..,..-~--r .,.-u.. .... ~i 11 or OVP.l', No e:>1p. Nee. Apply ln person only I ~...,,.__,_ to e~d· FUN! THE IN CR6\VD -Call 642 1401 b d• • GAR'D R • Cal's best for v'inyb flock! MGl\tT. TR.>i.tNEE: Old reh· AppJ.Y in ptNOn 2-4 pm SERVICE STA. Salesmen. 1 tni manuf'J. l'O. S7.$00 m. DIV. OF 1.1\f.P. !fHI oU11?l"I . Y y, ENE toll. mW'llls. 8.47·16$' ewa. ' able co, rapid adv_nc~t. tor Full time arave)'ard shift ' vestment. Salary $250 J>('r ni th YOUR interests at our \VJLL babysit my hon1e, EXPERT JAPANESE top person w/rood initiative. COCO'S and 1-Part Time eve. l: "-k. l • •Atk + rqual share of profit. WHkly partlea or select l\Iesa Del ?.tar urea, e.'(p'd Commercial Landscaplnf ~AINTING .Psperin: 16 1r.!1 $3000. Call ·Gerry '''hlte, SECRETARIAL Does The Beach Beckon? MOQS •ro hHdod ler Mecco In Newport Beech. We . nMcl the following to 1t1ff our ever 1rowl"1 le•ch facllltfes. SECRETARIES Good shorthand. I: typln;: slnll:s. public re:lations, Reill E1bl.te, construction ha.ck· a:roWKI helpful. CLERK TYl'IST Typil'.z speed a mihimum &o \l'J)m. attenti\·e tp details. ESCROW C:L!RK E»cro\v lllld sccountln: baclc&round in land develop- ment, realty or SIL . Lcom-jback-, ETA Mfit in.t -·-E. ... ccllent beneflt.s and rood startfn& salary. Send reswne lnci udln.P.' sa.l.ary-history IO: Personnel Micco··coRP. PO. IOX 2175 Newport hach, C•llf. '26'2 I.• Should return $11.000 per them individually I.: !GALS &: refs. 546-1692 !lsintenaf)('e and Cleanup tr Harbor ares_.. Uc. ~ &to.ro55 ::'131 \\'estcll!t, N.B. :"!:~t?.f~~ta~pe!;=n~ )T. For appointment call Mr. join FREEi Call Leab 1-9 WILL care for your ba by up MIKE INC . bonded'. Reb tum.~ COASTAL AGENCY handl\'litinr. See Jim 2a40 Ob!nour, nl-5!9-5000 p.m. &35-93'.!tl. to 3 yr:;: love Ir attcn, Jou CALL '42-JJ96 TIIE pu.rUcular pa.inter A member or EXP F~~E~p men N•Port Blvd., C.l\i. ~ opportunity emp!O)'er 1 • • LIQ. UC'S LICENSED or toys. S46-829S "11"'E'°"C1"'oa-n-..,~,-y-..,c.,-,-.,..-,e. tor ~~PfOple. 2~~~ :,'~~ !·& GEL COAT AUTO MECHANIC E5CECUTIVE I • Sa\·e Tbo~! ""lrltual n-adJ,-.. advice '-~ .. 1 t•· •-,h ... ~"'d J=========J-l iiiiiiii,..mlriiP-FOA.i.\I GUN OPERATORS "th •·· •ORANGE COUNTY * "';n all m~tt'crs .• ii.2 N. El luslneu Service 6562 ~~bine;;'00";ne wd. ~ PlesterinJI. lll•llllr 6110 UPHOLSTERERS ROLLERS \V~; M~ .. Aufo!:i~vt SECRETARY -On Sale Genera.1-Sl4,ooo Camino Real San Clenicnle Shortl\and-Typifll:. Ono-d a y Price Labor &: hlatoriaJ -r~I?ollSHERS 2037 Harbor Blvd., 01 Xteded !or exclttnr, tempo. I Ad t\Olv, Llmiled Qusnllcy! 49z.g136 '9(;.9501 3919 Q . N e .... ·. • •----'-! k't •· e PATOI PLA.SI'EFtING Toll scale, 'Gali Bill ('13) "'"°113 rat')' &M1rnmcnt, G-• •hort. ' Winstoo (213 ) 271--4219 collect. 10 Ar>J '. 10 Pl\f se1vice. uaJ!, e\'" -..... IUSJ re .. """" ·1 c,..,ns, , Top \\"aa:es, cuscom &hop. Per-71~ i u'D-;::,.::~:':;C~~===• I hand and 1-"-crl~blnr ma---. . -port 540-GIM baths. Dutch C a b I n e I All types. 1'""ree e.stlmate. manent . tull time. ?aIU!t be ?alGR. for yacht club located ,....,..,. , -CANDY SUPPLY AttrictlV.-Expert "'"'========I Makers. ~or ~1780 Call 54IMi82a fu.Uy e"ll· ''2"'vo"LKS""·"w"A'°G"'EJ"N""'"""-,..han~ica in s. C&iif area. f.Iust ~ chine skUL: needed. I . ftOUfE YOUNG WOMAN C•rpenterlne 6590 J•p.neaa Garllentr ?.fess .Upl\ohtery for units room only, two capable doing lite maint. WeJtorn Gir l Inc. · f-AtFILIATE dancer will teach you al l Exper, comp! ya.rd servlct! PlumMRI 6190 Z360 Nt"1port Blvd, tune up and rbake mech., ] \\'O rk. ?alartied cple prerd. ~ • , (No ~In: IJT\'olv«i) la1est steps. Call Ardcll CAR,ENTRY l"ru est. 548--7958, 546-0724 Costa !-.feaa, 548-1915 helper for lub &: op, SQ.50 \Vrlte Bax !-.f-494 Daily Pilot SECRETARY: Seu tta.rter. ' """'h U.nt klincon1~. l!Dor few 2U: S91..Q38 1·10 PM ~OSmR all.REPCaAIRb'~~ Niuo Job Al' 11'N BROS. PLUMBING REPAIR JR Dreft1m1n $500 guarantH, we pay full zroup Elcpandint: div. Grtat opply _ ours v•ee y 'A'On\ ays or ~· "'"'HOUCS •-nymn"• i.,.. met lil'-·~· ?<.'o job too llTlall 1 & hollda !\IAN w/oolh~-e atudtnt &CID for adv··-1 s•·•--·,~--1 R<flllin• • ,.,., ~ ""'"' .... 11,1 • 01 h , r cabl-IJ GARDENERS 3TUDENTS • ~ • Fresh aut oI school ok. New ns., vac. )'1. "'ouldtllke someone to live ...... .,men wuU1 " •.. M.,.. · ....,. Phone 5f2.72lT aa· write to .,.., · l=========I di ot rid 1deCo XLNT S3S-lt91. $500. Call Sally.HUi, 'f. lectina: m_oney h'Om coin op. P.O. Box 1223 Costa l'itesa. 515-3175, lf no answer leave "'Orkin& way thru collq:e. v. ""° "' · in. Priv. nn w/ookJr TV. ~CJ.6CQ5 • t"l'ated d1spensera In Costa ___ mq: at &~6-2372. H. o. Exp. Lie. ~as. 640-4203 Remedel, Rep1lr. 6MO o9pty. Call Bert ~O Ch1,,,lc1I ComJNny Baytront, Balboa Island call COASTAL AG ~leu & wrroundltta: area. 'NANT young lad.y. ~o ac· AndujiOll * EXPERT JAPANESE ·-··-Jelen BeJt OPPOR'l\rNfrIES for relaiJ. after 7 pm. 673-8927 ENCY ~ \Ve est. roul.e. (Hand J e 6 , company aame dnv1 ng to REPAIRS ALTiRA'lllONS GARDENER BUILD, Remodel . Repair Emplo)ltuent Atency ers, dlstributoni &: \.Vho.leual-hIACHJNISI', elCp'd, able to S A member of I . name b ra nd candy _I:. Kansu City. Ex ch an 1: c CABINris. Any llhit job Free Eetlmate. 646-0830 Brl('.k, block, c a ne r e t e , "'\ 2120 So. l\1al.n, S.A. era w/sa.les or bucinaaa read blueprints It "·oi·k '1.ith ~iellil\i" & Snelling Inc. sna.cke:l . $1S73. Cash requll'-Rds. 54&-0562 25 . 5t8-6713 CLEAN-UP SPECl"IST>. crpntry, no job toa imall -l\IA.1"AGER ASSISTANT bkrmd. Ale no ba.rrltr. Ter. cloN tolerance. Bed a . s -Harbar Bl, Costa :Ptfeaa I. ed. For peraonaJ interview GENTLEMAN. 39, 6 ' 1 ' ',,=_,.,._•~· ="~""'~·~-~.,....-l\lo\lo·ing, edi:inf, odd.;obs. Uc. Contr. ~ YOtJ:NG man \\'fc;ookin, &: ritories open. ln·ll 645-04a6 ~lachine Tool Service, 1663 SECRETARY , in Colita hleaa area, send deBires to hear from lady 2j tAL~ Rt:paln 1 -b Al=· Reuonab!e. 5;J8-69;>5 * Ir you need remadeUna:. kit chen 11:-.,; to asil11t 'ln il fTl41 64.>-1202 Superior Aw ,, O.I. EXPIRIENCED 11lll'ne, add1'K!I &. phone num-to 40. \\'rite Box M 422 Da.ii.Y l1ll -eiv cons · Y r """'°===o--.c== paintin& or repairs. Call o Pe r a t i oh or family GARDINER'S E.STABUSHED Imura.nct . P'1'Jllanent, 20 Hour,· s d-'"' ber to 1tlult1-Sta1e Jnc., 9075 Pilot. or Contl"..tct. 6'\G-3+12 E."<PERIENCEO Japanese Dick, 642-1797 rtstaurant. Apply ·1n· pel"!On •ss 5 ~ E. Im '·' H ~. Partl '··· S 11 go-'•n.r R•li bl• ""7373 "' I TANT Leads avail. N.B. office. week J>Ollllion t\'allable pa .... v.·y . ....,,..•ney, REPAIR (...,..,. ma •u • a ·,,..., to 1\tr. Hor•tck , MR. N h. I ---·2 2 86 ' f ~-1· Catter oppt. 875-6383 e\\1>0rt Beac hrs, 1~12 • \Al..ll. ,,_., < 131 l.OSn Announcements 6410 Remodel, etc. Nile or day, or u""' es 1male Sewin9 6'60 STEAK 22i'J" Fairview ftd, ' C -R ' Call KEN ''"4879 JIM -= Nl!WPORTEft INN FULL TThfE Service Station I.: 1·3 P!\f. Top salary, Write !. ANDY SUPl'L Y !?a~. • a...... 1 'S Gan!C'~ £: la'vn Cl\1. BolC P-Ul. Daily Pilot. ROUTE --'~" "•~'" .,...__ malnte~. Res. 4 Com· • DttSMna.Jrin: • Altert.tiom1 --~=~~~.,....-Help. One. rraveyard. Ex· I .• ·-c I ~ ........ _ eu~tom De!igns LOT M &N Contact l\lr. Linsey Stock3 per. pref'd. Richfield. 19th • SECRET.RY '. lPart or }'WI TimeJ Und1t1c.t1bla Men's •men ' ..;enctt -mercial. * 54IJ..i4.ll • 646-84-46 * ""' 64"1700 &.: Newport. C.M. NO ph. Ti"'inr 60. shorth--~ Ol. Per· !:xctllent Income for fe"' • CO"~~ ,,.~. all Cul &. Edge Lawn ~=~---,,-==IFOR leadin&" dealer. All co. ;0 :;:;;., oO'O:o-;<=:::;--::?:::::-::: all , . ~N iin. '9>'ttidy ~'Ork (da.ya or CUstom-made hairp\tte from • , • ....,d~ ,.,. l\lainte~. lJcensed 2;j YRS. e1111tt Sesnt1trt&S, benefits. Ptnnanent posi· ~: Great oppty for I ;,'~·;;' =""':-:==-:::o::: liOnality, good on phones. .It L eve.1.) refilling u.nd collect. traJlllparent arti!icia1 kskin. Calltypes~.~001.!,~ " cuslom. 548-48al/66-23lO aft 4 e.ltu'ations A repair. mens Uon. Sa.lat)' open. MS.9303. •·orker with a stn>nc desir.a LOOKING for retired active aptitude more i.mp0rtan1 ~ money from coin oper-Comfortable, natural-loo Ing.I -''="-'="-=~~~~ clotbint specialty. Ms--0731 Ask for Chuck lo advance. Start STOOO. Call man tor li&ht y;·ork around than exper. Sa.lary open. ated dlspent1en tn your Orana:e Co. Hair Replace-* CONCRETE \\'ork. bond-Johnson's Gardeniu: -Alteretlon;-'42:s&4S-Sll•erwMCli, Newport GerT')' \\fhlte, 54G.605S oflicc bldr. in Co•ta !1esa. For pel'90nal interview call f area. No aellinJ". (HSJdles ment Center, 433 N. Tustin, ed &: Ile. Patio.s/drvwys ~~u-ic~t ~ip., expert~ Neat, accurate, 20 yel1'11 e:<p. PW. Tailor fitter. Perm. COASTAL AGENCY If Interested, reply fa PO 64&-0llO ., name brand cantl;y and Ora.nae, 11) 633-0tJl elc. Phillips C ~men t . anti.DZ, c~ups. ~ position, fringe btnefita, rd. Snell~ ~~::Ti,~! Inc. Box l&.!6, Ne"1>0rt Beac~. "co"'>"rn"1"N"'•"'TI"o"'N"'.~S'"harp--Bar~ i snacks) fl650 total ca.sh re-... .....,., w ~ vtJl frls-G380 General Sarvlcff 6612 TILE, C1r1mic 697'4 pa.y, Apply Nr. \Villis.ms, 45 ~790 Jlarbor Bl, Coita Mesa SERVICE Station aUendent. l\faids &: Go Go Dancen. ' quittd. l"or personal inter-* COl\'CRETE''lfri 1 Pi11os Fa.shion Illand 6#-2424 Exp'd, age no barrier. Full Top wages $3.~$3.50 to ' view In )'O\lr area, ~nd Cemetery Loft 6418 etc. Concrete&: blk iop saw· --------* Vern<!. The Tile ~1an '* 'D · • Warehouse Mtr Assfat. time, salary + comm , start. Ph. for int. &l.>9983 j name, addn!U and pllOTlt' ing. Rell!. Don, &U-8514 HAULING, General, lrees, CUsL "'ork. Install ii:: repairs. CUSTO l/.N 11• craveyard $2.SO hr l\fobil Station, 24362 El Toro SASSY J..ASSY, 3901 Harbor, I number to: & CEMETE RY Lots. CEMENT VORK . b hedi't. lopped, trllnn1fd. No job too small. Plu ttr shift. Inquire P.fr. Oltrmak, Some nisterial handling eX· Rd .. 1..quna Hills. C.l\1. 0: "ROlITE DEPART~l"El'IT I n: I c \Vo o d . A 11 or " \ . no )0 too removed, Big John. 642-4030 patrh. Leakin: I ho w er Sadd~e~ck Colle&l:, &37-9700 ""=tt'--;=-===· I ~=="""-.,...=~~~I I• No 2:1" g~par•lel,y. Reduced rate. small, re1L10nable. Free repair. MT-lKi'1/S4i--0206 ";;""u;.453=:-'--,,,-"T"~_,. pcJience. Good Co. CalJ Bert SER V . STA. ATfNO'T. ACCNTS Rec. i:: billl.ni &irl ' · 548-00.S4 eslin1 II SltlDlck 518-8615 H 11 730 · # •yoUNG. m~ 16 & over ;H0.5410 · over 18. Exp. nee. See l\fike wanted. b-per. only, Ac· ;I. P. 0. BoJo. 2938 r. ' • • I U n1 • • Jaseri •••• AIRPORT TEXACO. 4678 curate typist. Apply \V, D, l'i Anaheim, CaJlfornla 92804 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT C•rpet Cl11nln1 6625 YARD /rar cleanup Remove _T_re._o_S._rv_l_c_• ___ 6' __ ol ~~arR~~~;-;~ha ~ t~;s: Emploiment Aj:ency Campus Dr., N.B. Schock Co. 350'1 S. Green-r Ma L 6320 J b W t d L 4 7020 tree!, ivy, dirt.' tractor ESTATE ?ilaint Tree Serv lll27·Jlarbor Blvd, Cl\t. 2120 So. ?\lain," S. A. EXP'd. busman, lop '\\'11.&:e~l"viUl,;er.Siiti'",'Sa=nl::•.;A:;;na:;::_ __ , I~ niy te llft 0 In • 1 1 Y --CARPE."T " Furn. clellning:; back.hoe, jTade 962-8745 Re~val i:: trimmlnp, fret' YOUNG man "'anted. to fra.in CH A UFFEUR, part-time . Apply New·;k)rt Grotto, 3333 \VOl\fAN-house"'ile: u11t YOIU' .ts: ta: 4 2nd kians for quick COl\IPANlON. Convalescent for! day ~rv~ ~-~ali: CLEAN UP 'lite moving cat1mate. Call MJ.-'lMS. inHanh\'1.te btaine@s. Mwit New poi'L·Balboa ma \V. Coast Hlway, NB. spare time to earn-money. ~ caah. Borrow on yoor pro-Aide or pract. nurse avail. ~"'°~' c~ G4Z.~-;;•'4j; Tree. & shrub removal. GENE'S TREE s ER 'V : be 18 or ovt r. APPLY Fumllh aa:e and refs. R. COOi\, breakfast shilt. \\'in prizes, no al{e limit, no pert,y eq without disturb!~ Ll"c ln/oul. Sh. 01· lonJ ~itness. • __ Reasonable. 5G-13J9 tf'ttli/lhr\lbbel)' removed. TOVAT'l' HARD\VAP.E Schmidt, PO Box T.i6il, Apply Flying Butler lhne lirnil, \Vill train u lo'OW' low inltn!llt 1r.: TDs. terms Hon1emakera ~J-6681 Cirpet Liyin_g & FATHER k 2 sona. trash I.: ~· haultd aw a )' 15.960 Sprinzm,le, HB Satlfotd St at ion , lM · 673--0971 Beauty Coonsclor3. 847-0MEi Also bu)·ers tor 2nd TDt. HIGH school airl wan1s l1palr 6626 r a r a~ e clean. up.Free 549--~ 892-44&3 Mr. Hensley 1 .,"""=,,'',,'~9000.>=~·~=-==~ BUSI.£SI' matkl'PkCe tn BIKINI Barmald/danoer. • :i.1.tUer r.tortNt Co. Inc. babyiiUifli' 7X hour. C.fil. estimate. 842-818:1 ftlC!IVING CLERk* town. The DAILY PILOT Full or part-time. Coata 1 Se.tvina~~bo~'?~re~.ZI )TS. ~ 646--~·-CARP IT LAYING Uphollfe'J '!to 1f."tailfi!-:... toa.:x::r:! Same experltnct preftrmt Claui.fitd teCt1on. Savt l\.ftsa ,. &C2-o217J ~1 Delfttil,tlCHelp 7035 C.A. Pqe 642·2010 Heusecle1ni,,. 6735 CZVKOSKl'S CUST. Upboi. cu dealer.hip. Ex:ctllent Ktrm Rima Hardware money, time .t: effort. Look ~=~~ ... :;:.~.:;'i'Jll::.:,I ____ 1 , •·1 --·u ..... -•~-~70IO no..·111 DAILY pn ....... ,v _..i\..., ADS•. • Chi ll · Chffrlul Iii ctrl I 6640 MAINT-resJc:ome'I, windoWI European Crafl!manahlp wo r . nr '""""'.,....,. ~ UJ<.J1 ,.,.,, ll• Merfl ..... T.D.'t 6345 Per::en~~1~nenoed 1 ca . our specialty. Xlnt \\Wk. 100~~ fin! Sti--14~ Huton 548-7115 - • _, . . Far East J..ie:nc:y 64)..8703 ELECTRICIAN, no JOb too reu! Reta. 6(2-..9446 1831 Ne1vPQl1 Bl .. C.~ D~'ASHER. , Apply ill : S3J:i0 lST TD on ocean vieiv . i>mall. For prompt service ptt'30n.. Swlu Ctlalel, 414 1o1. 1<;, due • yean. IOI< G..,.. 'IJlen Byland ~ all SG-4614 y A,..I 5:1a. 1..1 .. H. -No. N•wport •ve. Nf'port .-int. 491-1210 Emplo,..-P.,,. Fee • '· y Ad In "'·" • OUr • •ooOU • Oo •I Beach (417-Udl evt:nll1t-il 106-8 E 16th SA 5'7-03£SQ our out·c1.u1 ....... a . I H ==..,·"=,-,==...,..-.•I •MUN•NCkMINT5 . . s. ...... will .. lonkln& fDr They're Lookl119 •• , It ASSISTAN'I; 'j:HEF • all· l ~NottCiS H•I' Wanto4, Mon noo tt, Dial w.stlll · """"" -htn-_club. r -. .., ...... ~ , Found er-Ado> 6400 ExJto:'"':.u -Pif.~ ... "'::;e.~ 9-,:~P~ Silver km min poodle found llltOILcR ~" wk. 639-5137 I!-1/!l vtc Beach & Edlncor, SL" ni&hts a wk. Startina r:'i~ Help W1ftfH, Mtn 7200 Help W1ntnl, Men 7200 ~·'".W •.,.•• .... .,_.,., na-1;EXP;v;;;;~;;;RIEN;;;;,.;;:CE:;;:D,.._,...::,,.:-06.i::; .. ::-:~ Jql. 142-1004 ~r I da~-. Co~tct 12..i IOYS ••• '' Experienced liAl\DWARt man. Inquire aa Fomt I ~ CA:'t. Ol'lll'\le. mft.lt. rlc. c . lntt1v1Ft!\4-:'I A ·,.. Carrier Routm·"-" C:OOKS Salt~nan ne-cdfd. APPL\'. A\'t ., Laa:u:na Beach. t..yny.'9Qd Dr .. Cl\I ~H717 p.m., ?\Ion.· l'L PPv lll .... .,.... TOVATT l1AIW\\1AP..I: l"'°'=""'°-o=~=--1 • person oNy for ll9Go s rbq:dalt lJI F ACTOltY TRAINEE. ~ "1.JR.E Blide cocker or cock-· ~ Beach. So. La.aijf\I 1g yura ar older ~ ht Hens.I srrvioo compltlfd. J-1 . S . ~ a....p:10 ltb coUar, leaa!L f lVE CA-OWNS-DAILY .,ILOT ~~Rt--need-plifin\"d . r. cy diploma. Phont f0r •ppt. • Well trnd. Vic lJ*', ShoPI-REITAURAHTS &GG2l Appl)' in pcnon bet, Z-4 pm SALES: Extrovert and hot 10 M&-6116 i ff.BJ Daya ~ eves ah :.soi !:. Pscllic Cout HY.ov. stll! Fut paced 1' excll\ns fXji;;;:x n .• bO 21 5 oti $.35.ll ' SALESMEN <"O. S!500 ...._ car .r: banus! .c.no °"' y, ot' ov~, . Ceron• del Mar coco·s Call Gt1T)' \Vblt.e-S4(l.60.lS top salary. Ben Brov.111 LONG ltllntl blacl< ma!< kit· i J ANI TOI! e Wt IV'4tcllQ, N.ll. COAST Al AiSINCY nttll s. Cout H•~. SO\ttlt !·.':: 1J1:11. Vk. tr Stavtew I ~tature man. Nb e,'q)Crit!not T03.t U:ONARD l'letda l.u.les. , A membtr of Lsaunt. see Tvn dter I Dlhlla, COi Pll call &! nect'58l')', "'t \\•W train. mtn -CALL 642..fiM2 -SPORTINO Gooda: Sa.lem\an. Snelline lz Snelltn£: Jnc. pm. Identity. ftJ..GIO . }"l'et-meal&. Ulliforms fl.Im-"'Neal'• Sport\tl( Goods, 219 2T90 llubor Bl, C..ta 1'fe11 1°"1"'0.t.=T.-.C"'A"lt"l'"l"N"'T"'E"'R..-S YOUNG nillt ct-rm an l!hed, tnsuraJICC plan 1vail. SEnVJCE Slatlon f1'1.\'fi}'lrd E, <Uh SL, 5.A. MAINTINAN(E I E :It p. r ~need. 1n1cres1l111 [,; Sbepbtrd Doi, vte. Sinta able!. Stock plan avail. Ap,ly openlnc;. Prt~r okkr me.n, OLDfii Man u..&N cudom "'Wk. Top Pt¥· .Ant Hft.still. OWl'tf plt. •tl l\kDoMMH! Huntlnckl>ft mtm---be--~p!d, -App I 1 Nrt)lt Cfl'l". small 0011!1 , .. .,, \Villard Boe.t \\'CJfks-, 1295 , call I:: id~nttb" Ml-1191 BeQ4'h, lG!N BHch Bll'd. Che..TI>n Stallon. Harbor lz 61»tJO Baktr. Ot · ' <""' -· """'' ~-• llMll>l San Dlt,. .....,, .••. CM. , NEW,ORTE R INN +>lAUO ... """ .. urv ... n -' Lot & l\la1nttlflnce ?\Ian SHOP Hdpe1'-CI hour \ve-tk, , ' '-'hllc. liB vu. ()v.1.-r i1A1\ lo '\'OC'lt part lime in SERV. STA. A11'NIJ'T, O\tl' No E.'tperienct Ntct&sad')' Pt:nnanent J>Of111on. tood Sl00.00 A.,pJy: '?Bl \\'eat 19th • pleut \dt11Uf). ~ rem.a )'an:t, mornina;s I JS. bp. nee. Sff J\flkC! ~lu~t ~ O\'er JS. Stt Jhn btn11fUs. Evenl111 Min 4 Sttett. eo.t. Mm. tJ NO mAtltt ,..-Ml 1t a_ 10U \\'fllltendll. \\'Ill tnlln. Appl)' Al1U'ORT TE.'<ACO, tGiS 1'.llltt. Service ~lana,:er, P~I tri 12, SALES Trainee -Salary £: , can .eu tt -1~ a DAlLY 1930 Newport Blvd, Ct.I. Camput Dr .. N.B. AJltn OldsmobUe.C.dUlac, C.onta.ct Stn St.Ury Comm. Bus. machines. iM ,' ~rnm WANT ~II C.(2..5G71 fi"ll'll:J ff ~·ith 11. ~'a.Ill ad! \\lhlte Elephant!!? t..ti:una Beach. 49-1-10$4 6-14·1TI!I) \\'t it lr)th SJ. C.if. I ' . , f --'---- SCCV...~lA-~£tf's• Solve• Simple Scra.mb!ed WMd. Puu:le fO? a Chuckl~ Ohorron{li lctt•r• cif th• · lovr KJO,.,,.ttd ~ffi1 ~. low to-forni fo11r 1itnpl• words TUD,lf 'KU.IA L . I I' I i I loo•t··j . I • I I I l ' • -- A r1aourctful molori,t: H• got tld of 1he noise in the Melt •f rht: ccr. Ht mode Ida wife lr:;-A""i_H __ O_N----.1 111. -. "~. Ii I I I I' O Co""i."' rlle rhuckla \-M ~'I' fillin, '" ril• 1111Miftf w eb - - - -• -• yolJ"lfe'itloP f1om •1.., No. 3 kfo-;. ii: PllNI NUMllliD l\nftl r ' r I' " 9 IN lHESE SOUARlS SCRAM·LET:t ANSWU IN CLASSIFICATIO~ 96011 .. • I 3 · l'llOT·ADVUTlSU Wtdnffd.,, AU,usl l, 1949 Wr&..><101, AJjguJt 6, 1!6~ DAll.Y l'llOT :J ~~!! & llMPl'.OVMiN! JQ!$ .. kMPLQl!@!!T JOIS " ~~Q!h!!ljT JOSS ..... ~Rl;OX!'1!"'T Joas " EM,LOYMINT JOIS & EMPLOYMINT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT MtRCHAND!St fO~ •TI•k~rWw•S.O f'Oll Help w.-!iolp W1111M,. ,. H~)p Wonltd , , Help Wanltd • ,~~oi.~l°;;"l.G~~~~· ~W~~:;~'';ji/)o~';J;o;~;;;;;M~;~n,~' W~-;?;;~1fil;;' J;Ji;" Men, W..,;_ 7500 SALE· AND TRADE SALE AND Tl!;\DI I \¥/"""" •. 7400 w-7400 Womon 74Cll w-n .. 7400 Furnlluro IOOOFurnllvro -* . -- ~ * ' * ·~~E. IN . . ·'..~~.~.Ii r.: ". J . c. PENNEY COMPAWY • * FRY COOKS l't'" ' t'tihlort .Wand -N"'port Bttdl J . C. PINNEY COMPANY ' ,; ' llAINIX CORPOllAT)(l!t • FuhlOft lalond-Nowport lttch , l" Audio . Viiuol 01v1lopment HAS OPENINGS FOR ' I .Top wqet, ptrmantnl, ~ dt, aod working COf'(lltlons bt &l'U.'.1 leadlu,z :rufaura.nt. :Appl.)' 9 lnl' to 5 pn1' tot lft-,._., NEEDS !!ART TIME ' \ Cb.allellilng posltion..for •-nurse with c 0 0 Ks -WA tt.u.s s Es SALIS L a D I E.S · -'academfc fntel'esls, lo .aid in develop-I U S I 0 Y $ ~ ; • "' .mepl ol A·V materlala for training oJ nurses. Must have abWly ta do In-depth ¥Ith ••me experience and willlne to • HouHwlvea & Mothtn Can you spare a few .hours eacb day and add to the famJly l n c o m e at the same tin;ie? Schedules convenient for you, mornings, af· ternoona, eVenlngs or combinations of all. Work in store under the finest of conditions and top supervision. . . * APPLY IN PERSON i-ENNEY'S FASHIPN ISLAND 10 AM lo 5 PM Monday tbru Friday All student positions filled. Equal opportunity employer ------------ ~earch, conduct . Interviews~ and or-learn. Top working cOnditlons & -eOVfron- ganbe fllalerlals. ResponslbU!Ues bl· 'lneDI. Competitive waaes plus meal .. &•·· elude; technical editing and acting as ~ps, .and outst,nding benefits including technl.cal consultant during filmings. Re· ho•pltallzatlon ~nd profit sharihg. ceot experience in 10 acute general hos-Apply tn person !Q h.M to 9 PM, piW. S e n d resume to Peggy Lenney, Monday ~Saturday . • """ Tralnex Corp., Filmstrip Production, PENNEY'S 'ASHION ISLAND P.-0. Box 116, Gm!en Grove. Calif. 92642. MANNING'S .CQFF~E Slf<!P 2·10Jt !l Toro Rd . Leisure \Vqrld Lna:una l·Ulls 831·1014 Experienced ' 8ookfcHtMr · and Help W1nj1d Women 7400 HelD W1nttd Women * Equal Opponu.ni~ El:nployer All 1tudart polfUona ire tilled General OHice Work ~f/F, malUtt. Day 11h1tt. 5 day week, Apply in S>el'90n. * JntetWws betw~en 10 A~f. f PM. 74001~~~~~~~~~~~1 STENO CLERK (I --------lliolp W•n'" I Htlp W1nttd Women 7400 W-n . 740o FIVE CROWNS . RESTAURANT ~ E. Pacific C.OUt Hwy, SECRETARY / 1\lll TiJne Corona drl Mar GIRL FRIDAY HOUSEKEEPER • BUSBOYS . _ j Entrepreneur wll.h 'Wide e DJSHWASHERS ITT IABSCO Help Wonted Women 7400 KEYPUNCH varl<!y ol ""'""''Into~ Appl¥ In"'""" • COOKS Holp Wanttd . "" """" rood li1h1 e WAITRESSES Womtn ' '·)400 OP,5RATOR . arm. E•cltlna: •hallt.,.. Huntl,..lon S.aoh APPLY Roqu!res h1'0 yea.ta recent · • '' ' -tor creative braln wUb Convalescdlt Hq,spi\al International House LAGUNA Beach Un Ifie d ---------1 clerical exptlie~. 100 wpm IBM a1pha·n11n1el'ical. Verify background In stock, 1S79'l Delaware "st., 11,B. of Pancakes School Dlstr1ct 1-a.e-Temnnrary Jobs shortha~. so1 .. ·pm typlna:. and some related clerical computei"I, advertialng, TELLER: For .h ...... pel'10n 329 E. 17th s1,, · ,..-f • ~d promotions, etc., or abill· ,,._,,. ....._ .,1 A 0 f·•c . .MMlNHllMl ll lfd,_ ~"' 9 ....... lll,t11. .oo " .. '" • ' •. ' "" .... ... Goni~I 1tan111,f!! CualO/i\ 111.Dt SCll'i ~Ill /i\ .. Oll"' L.MttJ! c ot MlvtlM M..,lta llt ... SollJ.tJ1 ......... -.MOit ~' .. ~.,. .. '"' .. . . .. .................... , If Oat E 110 Ti:;!.. ll"d t~ T ,.._ , ......... ••· , ~g;· •H Oec;or1tor l .. Ll!ftl,J Cll,tll ..... tJJ ............ ,. IN11W! H1111hl1 WID Lamoa I ... MJ.'5).,,.,. ..... . A decorator dream house on display -3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish fu rn iture (wH reg. $1295.00 SACRIFICE •.•••• $398 · CllOtT TllUl\S AVAILA•Lll c•1on Cl,.EA•ID 1MM.1p1•T•'-" mm FURNITURE 1844 Newport Blvd."":, ....... > Costa Mesa only lv1ry Night 'Til 9 -wn., ~t. & Su". 111 6 , Furniture 8000Furnlture· , .. IOOO ceptlf\I: applications for a For Pa,y • we.•"'... Apply be. ore pm, .-•• lY, dutJel'l. Good wotltlnc condl· who Ilk$ rea, .. tu:s ·&, e.Ju.s~ ·.,.. ... ~~:!"!Sl:':a~"::-'-:""~·.,. .... ., achool secretary; this \11lll month or long~. Aug. 8th, 1969 to the Person. lions and benefits. ·ty to leam. \)xii. Newpot·t 1oc Will &o to $400 Call be <llh<r 1 fl monlh or 10 ""I Olli~·, City of Newport Beaeh 0'""'· Sal'!> <om· Gl~rla v .... S<0-61l55 • AV-ON-••••••••••••••••• REGISTER NOW-9:30-2:30 N I Blvd A m~naurate with •blllty. ..... • month im!Uon. Te1ta \11111 Beach. twpor ·• E,..UAL OPPORTUNITY Pho T:i 1122 COASTA~AGENCY · * be 11ven for qulllUled •I>' There's a world Newport Beach1 Cali!. 92:660 Ei\IPLOYER poin~!e!t.> for •P. A member of * 3 ROOM GROUP pllea.Jlts, Pel'IOM 'pplylna: ol diUerence with ltl4) 673-6633. Snelll.nr I Snelling Inc. S1ys It All -COMPLETE mUst be U.S. cltiten11. Con. \Vtstern Girl • REUBEN'S • 148;> DALE \VAY Part Time _2mo....;._,1.,1arl>qr"-"'B'-i'""""'n.:I•,-"-';;;:"' tact Porsonnel OUioc, 550 · ' COSTA ~1ESA, CAttF'. ~-KITCHEN HELP · · ~1akeup fl'!.grance Livi ng Room -Bedroom -Dinette b ~ SECRETARY bath powd•~ -•"·'mpoo, $297 Blumont, 49f-8MG, y I cn11 545-8.2jl ··~ .... S/10/69. t C ta M TYPE tl41, SIH 100. Top p<l,Y. deodoran1s! -"·-· ·rt_}M_. OS esa Apply In pcrsou l'"ee paid, Alsp, fee positiot!J. Everybody USl!S lhen1 -liO \Veekly Payments .. \-Ve Carry Our Own Conlract:i PERSONNEL CLER!\: It --Nlgu!!I Personnel Agency \vhy not .sell lhcrn ~ CALL Y<••l\k~ ...... k ha•~ abll i. NOW. . 'SECRETARY Hunlington ""'" ,_ G•tly Road ''°''"" • or "6-0.;J VAN'S D1"scAunt Furniture ty to ..:·ork on yo;1;"·n tor 'OFFERS A ConvalMCtnt Ha1plta1 r ......... & N•--• 1-p-~ -,. lntematiOnal Temporary ....._ ... _ 16~ '"'· ...,. ~GUNA. BEACH Uni fie d S p p kl well-~wn com • Sts. 1879".! Delaware Sr., H.B. -1 1<'"'' , • 417 W. 4th St., 1nta An1 ree 1r nt Help StnritT o· ifitd 'ti ff . o.l -' • 'I ~ ' School 01.slrlct is aC<."e ptinD !350. can Sally Hart, -· nro1n IOOKKEEPING '"'" "'" '"' 0 e""' •wo AND STOCK wonK 1 C 11 ·~ Open Dally 10.a . -Sat 10-6 547-2412 ~ An&heim l•<H \Y, Li ~ c~enge &: responsibil. Permanent, for fine Yt-omen's Lenz o ei i o rnia applicatloll' tor teachll'4:: COASTAL AGENCY Santa Ana Fh, .....,,, -POSITION-""· Muumom 2 ''""' ''" elotbing •lore. "''"" ex· Foahion hltnd aid" and Pl •y1,.und • •••.•. ·-·~~········· A member of Costa J\fesa 2700 Harbor pertenct! !horthand nee Xlnt -..i-~-... , luJ ~ will N rt 11 __ _... supe~r&, PC?'SOll.'I ap. ~ : ____ ~~-Sntllin( ~ Snellin& Inc. An Equal Opportunity (p1rt timt) fringe bent-fit11 p~. for ~~ .... .., ·~P ' or l • ewpo -'"" plying miut bfl U: S . • t Employer . -. I .. ;_ V--hl train. Apply: E:cperlenctd assistant nwi&· cltliens. "•nla"I P•---1 Furniru,.' • aooo FurnltUF"I IOOO 2190 Harbor Bl, Costa Mesa a Pp o In ........ AU!;: er, BA,...,. STREC"'T' Call M J h ~ .. '"'""'""" ---------·] A-. ,'ER"'ISIN~' Applw in -rffft 3»-4020. Fuhlo~ n lsland .... , ~r. rs. 0 n 1 0 n • Office, 5.iO Blumonl 494. -· ---------."~~ARY R p"-'•I ~ ., ~ • ·-""'411 . 20 PC. "MADRID" 3 ROOM GROUP ~...,, • ece ....,.., • 1500 \Vest Adan11, C.it. UTt-; · • 8:)46. by 8115/G:l. ' f\lll.ttme, typini;, dictapbone Secretary/ Newport Center OPERATORS Living rm bedroom, dinette cu 1Ew TEU.ERJBOOK. CHARTPAK 1-~=·--• • • • • • BEAUTY OPERATOR 3.Room Group ·$297 iii: PBX, 8:30-5:00. KEEDER, ,Ar "•'3, iv e ACCOUNTING Expelieneed in single needle Fashionabl .. Nci\'"" ... B"•"h •MAID, 3-4 du/wk. B kk ' · ROTEX * CLERK* •• , I "· Good I • •-" • • FJ«lM MODEL HOMES 11· .. klY Poymenla., ... , . e RELIEF COOK. 2 00 ·eeper young company ne 1 girl .. Ill overoc-. pece salon nttils ru1 eKpcrienc:ed rncfudes: Quilted ~fa and wlth te.Jler, net.. lft:coUnts 2620 s. Susan. Santa Ana work price!, steady \\'Ork. full lime OJ>('l'ator. Guar. & ehair ~ :l tnd tablts &: l'Of· \Vt CIH'l')' our own, Ollltra'{11 du/wk. R lbl I I and bkkpg. experienee inl---;;P&Ao:Y;;l!o';O"L"L"'-=-IRapldly expanding manutac. EDDY ~IOSS l-100 Locust conimission, paid vacations fcctable-2lamps-dress-Van's Discount Furn New stnX>r ct t I :i: e n s espons t, top tVt Bank or Sovinrs & Loan. l turlni oompany in the Ne\\/· St., \Ve.stn1inste1"; 534-8738. etc., 644-1570 er -mirror -headboard -~·~17",'.W~. '!.ll~h',,S,!!I.~, ~S.~A'.,. ,:!5'~l':·UJ~2T--re.tdenee, Lq Bch. 4~ po1ltlonforsh1rp,takt-to 2 yra pref'd. 2L to "5. CLERK port-Costa.l\fesaarea,hasan SCCRETARY <s;<E'i:>1"1--;:;;1i,~===-~1-,,. _ _.--~-Open Daily 10-& * S.t-•·b ltte t charga "lrl Must have Pl I II m I o,.nlog fo< an ,.,._.. _ _.. " . ,. . (I i re .. ~ person lo ielp qulheu box spring & n1alt-•tAHOGANY d-p leaf di• RtLIABLE .,. Y 1 r or • • easan , 1ma o ee a · Ntwportir Inn ,_ bl "i '.;:''~Ex~ "'dmlnl!trat1ve 1evd, goocf manage 12 nl~ly furnished reM -5 IK'. dining room; " "' · , .. this coml.na school yr, tor 9)(Ctlltnt skills incl. mosphtl'tl. -Contaet ~fr. accoun .. paya e c e,... · akll1s Local pany £x 2 8 &: table&: 4 hi-back chaln;. in; room ~It desk, 1ame sood 2nd iii: 3rd lf'&de &Iris. shorth1nd· h1ndle lite La cellent Irtnse benefits and · be ·com · · · r pool apts. (Adults table. l upholstered chair. c'Jose to Mon\t Vista school, . , rib\,'NEY SAVINGS &: Bank of America computer working oondllion!I. eellent netits. only! In rerurn for an apt at COM.PARE: AT $74!1.9:i Sp. 134, 8241 \Varner Ave. nice home &: bij: heart b kkpg; billing. Under LOAN ASSOCIATION. sys1em payroll, 300 ta 400 CALL FOR APPOINTllfENT M,ISS EXEC Ac:; ENCY parUal rent. 1111 n i n1 u n1 $399 F'eaAlra ~1obile Home Prk .• ~--'t;~'~d.;,5<~7....,~~·~"'""~~7~60~-:; 30. Call Btrb1r1. (714) 837-49U or 6-12-6533 employees. Permanent post-S46-llOO -J410 \V. Cout H1ghY.·ny duties-. 642-9.120 alter 5 pm. No 011..,,rr-Pmls onlv 116 mo, HB. 847_2689 -•'4:_:2·;;:1';,:l:;0·~====.:1----;-----lion, 5 d•y, a •'<•k. Salacy Newport"'"" .,._3'39 JOIN lfoln & CO.'. "''"' W[U('S WAREHOUSE =----~--1 SECURITY oUleer has ._ open. Only experienced need F/C 800KKEE.PE~ PART·Tll\tE Secretary & far out hair styli!!ls! Open. . DECOP.ATOl't ltell15: 2 new privste room for single Personnel Assistant JJ newport apply, Account~ oliice. Through TB, P&L, financia l Bookkeeper, mWlt rype lrom ing Aug. ;st in Balboa 6' solrui. Marble topped ta· v•oman under 30, (no \Voman \11ith strong business personne·J. 614·1700 E>ct . .at3 statements, payro1.1, ~ dictating ma chine, ans I.~land. Call Sun, Mon. Tues, 600 \\'. 4th St.. Santa Ana ~b~le=&='~'"'~·-64&'4-=16,_.....,,.1 children) in exchange for &: ~ucational background in PEP.SONNEL i\IGR ASST: background, No smal?' chil-1elephone, run trial balance. \\led, ii<!: 675-l230 or 011 Open Daily 9-9 TABLES, 2 siwi. S15/1mall, ::;1~~ee{oin&Po ~ i;,ri'. personnel field. Responsibili--~.agency Ex~ptlonal spot fo·r consci. ~'j$5 EXEC AGENCY 111omtngs 645-0621 other days. 213: 4~7 Sat. U Sun 11-6 :~~~~:.·~~aUer, Coata Mesa. rie1 include interviewtna of tnlious key person. To~ tlO \V Coast 1-U hYill.,)' SS COUPLE to nianage & main· SUMME R production l: clerical appl!-Profe1slon1I Service Call Jean Brown, 546-6055 Newport 'aeach ~ 64&-3939 • \VAITRE • taln 18 u11it n1olcl in c.~I. CLEARANCE•. * s tudio Couch With one SALES FULL time, experienced. E."· celltnt saJiU')' · commil&.ion and be~ts. ball tor a.ppL ~.Ext.30 cant! and maintl.inin& all COASTAL AGENCY __ •• 3• · ro..n f',fw;t be hard \\'Orkers no bolsler, $15. s.t5-0114 personnel records, Good typ. for the employer A membc.r of Rec1ptionist to $450' ilin~. ;pza~•=r.· r w.i r xpcr. nee •. 1200/nio ·plus New beds: K\ng 199.50, Quc('n 'a"1"1c"o"·"s-c"•"ib'°&-:ma=t""'-=:::-I in&: $kills.,-a bility to work and th1 applic1n' Snelling & Shelling Inc. l.Dvtly 0Uice1. Beach area. furn. 1\1 bdr apt. ~9279 $89.50, F\111 $49.50, Twin white. SJS. well with olhers, current 133 Dover Dr., N.8 . 2790 Harbor Bl,, Costa Mesa Fee Split. Type 5:i 1vpm, BOB'S BIG BOY -. l."XP COOK $39.50. fully guaran. Sleeper. 646-8128 knowledge ol general penon. 642-3170 549-2743 HOSTESS/MANAGER-x1nt q>.ABILITI E-1.. 1;>4. E. 17th, C.lil. e \VAiTRi'::SS sofa 1natt1·esses, reg. sz. ~•'°'m,_&,_.,M=-:-..ha:-,l::--:1::ood:;I nel procedures neccessary. --R ... -,~ $29.50. Ne1\' 9 pc corner ar-" · n. c n, Excellent opportunity lor a tcpt. ~ COFFEE SHOP UNLJJ\fITED AGENCY FR 0 NT DESK 0 R e Dishwasher rang. choice of clni, reg. condition, can be used with JOSEPH MAGNIN equal opportunity employer well qualified person to grow F!O o!fiet'!, ~ung,. ptt.rer Newporter Inn, Ne~ Sch. 4M E. 11th' St., Suite :?2~ CHAIRSIDE, for orthodon· Apply in person. SwiR."i $230, now SI~.50. 1-leartbrdi;: n1odcrn OJ' provlncl&l decor. koSPrrALITY HOsrESS is with a fast growing com. some college '~ ftt reim· Excellent working condi~ns. Costa 1.1esa 6·12-1470 Uc office, Fuhlon Island Cha.Iii , 414 N. Newport, NB J\ings, SI~. Queens $12.50,,, "'g"'='°~"'=•-1"-'-'~''°~'~·m. __ 1 100 .. 1--for mahu'e \\"Omen pany_ Please :tend resume bursed beach area. pluih aalary alld benefilJI. \Vrite; Call 64'"753 l PRODUCTION MANAGERS Full Sl0.50, Twins SJ.95. DON'T G!Ve up! You maY _, D ll 338 otfiees call Loraine Mer. Food iii: Beverage Manager, SECRETARY: Legal . know· area. T"V or ap. SU!'ERVISORS & INSPEC'. to welcome .newcorneni to to a Y Pilot, Box hf· . ~,,: p,_.__1 •'a•ncy, ho In be ut u lo polntment Sleeper sofa'!, choice of clrs:• find It at America's lqei'.t, ly M t ha ... • ...., • .,... llO'l Jamboree Rd., Newpo·~ w a new 0 ice r · TORS Top jobs llSJ Pla· R SZUI :;o w itr~ 30 mo.1>t unusual unlinilhed Ow communi · U.!1 ve O!f \Vestclut Dr., N.B. Beach, C&lir. 9262-~. . IOCle' lucky pe~n. Starts: GIRL Over '21, single, :m1Brt, centia' Costa f'.i~sa K('g . · • -~ 1 .• ' ·r' fumllu--'oft'. Cor. RetlhiU typewriter, car, and be bon-· lee 645-1770 flllso fe! jobs-) J ~ CAll Gloria Kay 540· ettraetlve; working at Th' ' · ing-s ize spre ....... , c lOICa P '" "' dable. Apply 235 E. ~1ain, T1mpor1ry GENERAL OFFICE: Gre l 6053°' Dorynlan Restaurant tlOO RESIDENT DIRECTOR ch'S, reg. S20.95, now Sl2.99. & Santa Ana Fwy, Tustin. 1 Slllt.e 7, Tustin, Ca I i f . Assignments boss in plu111l surro~ndinp. COASTAL AGENCY \V Oce NB for boys. Older man or ful sz. $9.95. SIESTA SLEEP nti So. of Newport Fwy. &M--6925 FASHION ISLAND SALES-\VOMEN-full or part ~cell~nt Ins & profit shar-A niembt>I' ol • an, · couple. Small I" r iv a 1 e SHOP. 1927 ffarbor Blvd, Ope'n 362 d.a,ys per fr· NURSES AREA time to augment fam ily In-mg. Sb~. Call Sally J~art, OiNNER-FOOD \VAITRE:SS school. 673-9~!0 Cr-.r. 64;).2760 d a i I y 10-9 544-5470 come Y.:Orklfli 4 to 6 bOW'I s.JQ.600r5 ·Snelling &: Snellh,i;: Inc. Experienced. I ;:==..-------1 Sal-Sun J0-6. =~~-=---.,.....1 • RN-Relief duty, N10 da,y1 *Secretary per day placing new spaee COASTAL AGENCY 2790 Harbor Bl, Costa ~1esa Ory Dock Restaurant Janitorial: SOFA bed, I.Ike new; de.n -•-ek. * Bookk•--E So "·uple• 0 • ,,·,-1. ,._.,, ? 8' SOFA, never ui;ed. Quilted furn, desk, odd labln, ~· • hln ~....... age product in homes on • ~ rnember of xec cret1ry 2601 \V. Coast llwy., N.B. ....., • "6 ~ '"" · • w 0,-,,1, Scotch·"''arded . .-.-. chain, Ye"' n-l.l!Ofl&ble. • LVN-Rdief, four s .!I * Typists montltly service s er v ice Sneill ""'!. Sncill I 0 ·rt m T akill or 3 hours per nl1ht Call "" •u..i 'J k • ·-••• b·a•h * G -• ou· n,. 118: nc. ~ fl o cc. op s, BABYsmER, 1 child, 9-6. "~" """" ltlatchin"' lo\IC·5eiil $ 1 S. Costa J!ile&a. 642-1291 or per v.tt · ...,. ... _ """'" .. ene,... ice charge"bui!I. Call Jim Arm-2·90 H bo Bl, Colta Af tructl n ba kg Dd JJU""IKIW ·~ N\U'llna: ".~-' BUSINESS ,•-na 64" ""'"' ' a.r r csa COM o "-c rou hton thii.1 Fri. --.E,--''-,-w,.,.-"· ---5.17-8032 546-5210. ;rrouo.. u.v . .., -BEAUTIFUL Girl w/aood 100d. Must ""=self startrr. Call bt1vn 1-ii, 6~:l-697J xper. a1tre$5es SERVICE CENTER ~===-~-~ figure for modeling. Great MISS EXEC AGENCY Li\'l'-in babysiller. 10 pn1 to BAYSIDE IN N AID \Vorking another, 5 day ~'k. 8:30 to 5. Startin; Sl!pt ~~ time. Lite houlekttping, 0\\'11 tran.!I, mature .. wnan. call aft 6 pm. ~lla9 5j() Newport Center Or. MATURE \Vona.n for rt!~ll Pay! 3 to {hours per week. 410 \\/. Coos: J1i1h11·ay 8 A~T.:? sn1all children, ages LJ E. Coast lhvy., Nn SUITE 200 bakery sales \\'ot'k. Shift No experience. Hobby • Newport Beach 6lfi.3939 1 &: a. 5.10-2492. 6i5-0828 Furniture 8000 Furniture - NE\VPORT BEACH &J.l-'198l open J!ifon thru 1'hun., 11trict1y Jor fun. '''rite box CLERICAL-MEDICAL: 1-tiih ========= "w"A'°IT°"ERS='°."wc--,c-11~,-,-,-... -,-. 11:30 .Uf 59 3 P1.f. l\lany J\1869 Daily Pilot; level ortlce. Great benefits. Jo•·Mon, Wom. 7500 e bo ~1 'd A 1 WAREHOUSE SALE DENTAL ASSISTANT, train- ed and ex perie nced chain;id!. Ph.: 543-M02 wk days -us y . .-1-.. . exp . Pll y: =:~.s. A:~ly ~c:;:; SECRET ARY To :;,oo. ~~~an B1:01vn, 2121 E. Coast l111•y. Cd !\I. BRlctty, S444 K. Cou t Hwy., Afternoons only. Trainee ok. COASTAL AGE NCY BUffUMIS C HURCH ORGANIST- at Narcissus, Corona tlel Gd. typing & shortha nd or A niembcr of ~10-2279 or 5-18-7218 e TYPIST e ~lar StenoN?lte required. 962-6912 Snelling & Sne lling Inc. - NEEDS A Our 6.000 Ft. Opens to Public 11t llrne Spanish ••• MetliterrM111 SHOWROOM FURNITURE E.'CPERIENCED MAID \\'9.Zlted for motel 6"2·2670 l'KE==7.N°'O"'l~O'°'P"E=-oc~·· .,.-bcCor! 1 pm . 2790 l·Iarbor Bl, c.,ta ~1Cm.. NEWPORT Schools-Instruction 7600 ifugt be accurate t)rylist. 111ilh YPU R: n.t)0111 ..... dlctaphone experience pre. your f'\ulf In • 1rowini -Ea:tcutlve Setret1ry DE p END ABLE, t:xp'd ten-ed, Pleasant work in 1 Ut>ld. Greet future for you. Top skills, knowledg~ or woman for p!l.rt time sales * • * 111AlD • • • conditions and good com-Sts S400. Call Jean Bro111n, franchising good. lllust be in women's apparel Apply Now lnterviewin9 LAGUNA REEF ?.10TE1. pa.ny bencllts, 540-6005 sharp and \'er,y weU iroom. tn f)el'90n. 30806 S. Coast. 4gg...2005 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY COASTAL AGENCY td. \YALTAH CLARKE'S f'V home needs mother-stll~ EMPLOYER A mPmbcr of MISS EXEC AGENCY HA\VAllAN SHOP stltute until summer ends. l-"5 DALE: WAY Snelling I: Snelling Inc. 4.10 W. Coast H\gh\\'llY n Fashion Jsland 7.,;;, ~IF. 968-1998 atler 5:30 COSl'A itESA, CALIF. 926:26 7790 Harbor Bl, Cosla. lllesa Nc\\'f!Ort Be:acb.. 64&-3939 Ne\vport Beach MAID plttme. Call In penon Cn41 M.S-82'jl P1rt Time Secret1ry PA~T-TJME ho~ketper &. Secret1ry to $550 Hnta Shotts J\lotel. 21002 RECEPTIONJsr: Bt lhe Good skill!!, able 10 do own child care while molher Fee reimburwd. Beau! offic- Pac Cit H\\')' .. HB. slar attract.ion for lovely carre.spondence-. Hollr'I nex. re I ur ns Io co 11 e It. e11 Irvine Complex \vllh xlnr lb'e mu.st have ..._nt oUi..,_ ln!ervlewing now, 98S-365l ,..:_, \VIDO\V to live In temp., lite mf!(jic. center, Start! M25. ' u" '""' Ref& pleue. l.N ABILITTES housekeeplna. mu11t drive. Cal.I Gloria Kay 5'1Q.&m5 appearance., . "'""'""'' .,.,.,, COASTAL AGENCY MISS i:t!EC AGENCY SECRETARY, -!im<!, UNLL"<ITED AGENCY A member-of {lO W. Cout Hl&hy,•ay 8:30 to 12:30, 4 -days \\"ttk. '88 E. 17th St., Suile :r.2 1 MOTEL ~Wds, prelenbly Snelling l.:. Snellini ltl<'. Newport Beach 646-3939 Filiag. typing. girl Friday. Costa 1.feu. 6~2-1470 with experience. hlESA 2790 Harbor Bl. Costa ?Ilea. GENEJtAt, OFFICE to ~ Call ~fr. ~fcNamee, VWaae: EXP'D Bookkttper capable ~tOTEL. 646-0081. Cir Wash H 1-. . Good iypist It Business back. lftei.1 Et!•te 932-4471 ot financial statfm11118, &: NEED Sharp youna: lie. R.E. • "' ' pund. cat! Loraine, flfl?r-Experienced In aln&Je needle .Oll'le tax'" e.-cp. •for pullllt' WAITRESSES Excellent how'S COSMETICS Experienced only MEN'S FURNISHINGS l&les y.·oman part or Ml C1shitrs & Hoste11ts Chants Pel"llOnnel Agency, and overlock. Good piece acctg. otflee. $42-GGZl • time, No ~p. req'd, 645-011,1 Part & fulJ..fime, over 18. 204l Wei t~~;·• N.B. work price1. •teld¥ work. PLEASANT, N'eaf llidy, fat '- MAIDS i\lulU locations l'Ompany, .1,===c---.,,,_,,-,,,--I EDDY ~toss 14042 Locutt D&nlth . Ct:J(ftc Garden. At. J{ott:l/Molfl *xptrlt:nc., \VAITRES8 -Corlee Shop, St., Wt1tmln1ter: SM-8738 ~ctlVf\ polJtiou Jor r.c!ml; 613·94.10 M1tro-Cellfornl1 t:ircpertcn~d. over 21. Full PAYROLL CLERK rttl.ted 67~27~d ' tlEAUTY 0 PE KAT 0 RS Business Ent1rprlset or P..'lf'I llrne. E\'e shift. Requires minimum ol 1 year A1TR. woman U-"5 to In· Y.'llllled: No Io 1 l•o w i n g Sheraton Beaeh Inn. 2Ul2 h(avy payroll 1?)(perience, slrUct In makeup tochnlq~~ necellUJ')I. 6'fu..4m, 61H'lol 2950 J{a.rbor Blvd •. Ot. Piclfi~Coast HIV)'. H.B. aod modest l)lping ability. of lamOUI mode ls. \\'C· will lifAJD, Full ot part tln\e, 546-8191 BARMAID. No exp nee. Coota.ct Mrs. Mazur, 54().9111) train. 1136-5743 $1.'5 hr 6 du/wt. ~ iiiiiiiiiliiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Mutt be iharp. Apply ,in • PHONE SOWCITOR. WIG Stylist. Attr, np'd in Shortt Motel . 49+-4'.m w·1TRESSES ~ dQI. VJKKJ s Evenina work. No selllnc. synthetics. Beaut. new coiitcE clrl. xlnt l'M• .. "" ' LOUNOe. 1191\1 Ntwpot't Apply In pert= l8S85 M1ln salon. IJe-6743", lo-6 bab II T "·-$2S ~nt . .::X,'d pref1JTfd. Bh•d, Of. st., (3 Poiilts Shopplnatl:.==....,.-.-,~~=-...., ~ to Y t "T"-Apply beL 2-t pm QU~ 'llddl ....... •• Center) H 8 DENTAL Aul~la.nt. office l: ~·k. 644-.()(122 '"'~ 1'· e &a"" coup.., · · chainlde. 496-5779 or DNSI Oper1ters CQCQ;S desires ien. c I ea n In I SECRETARY: self . •tarter. ~ --•·-10 thole Willi kits woman 2 momtnp a wk. ~oandin& division. Grt!atl-"'w"'·=-=~"'···-~""'"ra=--= '"" _., 2131 Westclltt, N.B.. \lelerencte. 0 w n tn.nlJI. opp(y for ldvmnl. Slam ,.,., ~ -OV 21 of exper. 646-2766. OR S.-2618. ~ Call Sally H.art, 540-~n~~fl Houllkttpt.r W&nled uoUS£KJ:EPER.-ntfded ror OiR1ST1AN WOman wanted 1,;-~=,..,,,...,,.--,,,...,..-,.lp;;iiM-,;;;;;:;tt;;-;;--;;;;;;;;;r f'llll Ume teml-invalid ladY. lite cook-u nuntry alltndant at SERVICE Slatlon alle~nt PERM. bab>'·•illtr O«'dt'd. MS-8044 q , 2 days a wk, 8 hrs. $10. N"''pott llarbor Lutheran all shifts open. apply 2800 Lt,: baewurt , 6':30 am to 4 CURTAIN i 'drapery .. ~ per da,y A mtW. sc.nn. Chu~h. C\,.ry sun. 1:45-12. ~~ .... ~1 Hl&flway,_ N.B. ean""· .,s,_~,!O•p'mown. o~"~P. tX9d'd. No c.,U.. U~a, Vic lloq Hospital fl.SO/hf. 54S..9404 1:~;;:~~-~=,..,===-.,.,,llfVPJ<;r-"To;:"-M,;;~;;;;~;:;.; 1...,so.=°"="~P .. 1•., .. r;· .c .. ·",..·==-lr"A"R°'T""-=-="'o'""'"'•"''l'lda>"'-. ..,,.,...,._1;,.;,Ai,TUR;i;iit""'·"-=·"'·"'7-1or=-n"1""'1ht TELEPHONF. SOLITO!\ 4-9 h'PIST, ror eommtrc.tal &:XP'D SA(EiLADY per. in bOoltJtuptnc A olficto s.hllt 11 1n 1, floor dut)' .. pm dally r.ton-rr. Exp'd blueprint ahop. o ver 21. J.lui I \V'>ment Cotblna akUIJ. AK for Mr; S.ntk S A. \VY ER II 0 ME. pret Orpendah\t-, CM aUleo PH.: ~!13'13 * 5a.J1!3 • 6·lJ.81•1 bel'\\'n 7:30 l 5 6t6-6'Tt6. S2 ht. M0-81G4. \VOMAN lo cle~n house on '.T Foj~SF.D Sl'luiP90 atrt CHn:..b CARE, CO~I area, 5 BEAUTY ope1·ator. f11ll Umt, ?.lOTEt ~tATD. £)i;:perlence FridaYJ. 6 hl'll, ~ r.1.00 hr. ~-Tori PIQ'. da,)'11/Wk. i child~n. S le S. 1uar wqc t: t'Qftt{l'I, Wwcn'• 1'11'.!Ql!SJqr')'. 221» Harbor Own b'&Np. 96~7 a.ft 6. ' * lo!Z-6157 * ~lo-63'iu anti' S; 61~1 ' Db. sJ.Op. fk-3291 Dlvd, Oo$ta 1'tua. White t!ltPhantlt Dimw.line • -·-Ccc~Uent CJ)mNiny bcnetita lnt4trVhlnt only those •vaUable to work from no11¥ lhru the Fall for thtsl per- manent )>081Uons. Studenu applytn;: br1na school acbtd- ult. FULl. TlP.1' must bt av&ILable for twO night! 1 Y.ttk and Saturdays: PAR.T TJASE days ud/or.eVM(JlCI ... nffifed. APPLY IN Pl:RSON ONLY ' l FUhion Squire Jnltrvfe:WI bet. 2-t"p.m. APARTMEl'n" managt-r, I unlls Ct.I, no children or pct1, !J~~ srou rental.I. 491.2453 BABYSITTER. wanted; 1-ln 7::!0-4. r.1011-Ffi. Local arta. Call e:vtt &29o-83S> Edueational Va cation 5th grader~ . . . Sr C!llzen.' Chllcoot 10 lcs.~n typing Sehl . Trial Lc"son. 173 Del l\far, C.M. 548-2859 SITA'S l\10NTEs.SOR I School :n~ to 6 ycani. Enroll no\Y tm· Fall. 646-3706 or 541--M9'7 i\10NTESSORI Teacher of. Jcrs musfc·instr. begln'g all \\'Cod.winds, advc'd nute & obbe. 642--0SST MERCHANDISE FOR SALE AND TRADE Furniture 3 Rooms Furn. Value Over $1000. Now $38'. • 5 pc.· 1uth1ntit ·Sp1nish ldrm. set, • 96 n. .,ltt· ed soft with 56 in. m1tchlng Wv1 sut, or chollr e S pc~ Sp1nl1h Dinette, 01k t1ble top • 3 h11vy MM- iterr1nNn m1tching t1bl1s, 1op dur1~1 •nouth ftr Flamingo D1nct. Examples of a 1001 lifetimt Specials P'111a .. ptfe speclol •ff•r er $5 . .tf •• ur Siii.,.... cllCl'M or ... ,. wltll • copr et ttm 941. l " ~· ... ,, .. ,_, """"'' ............ 1••:n ~ • GUU'ld lg.I~ ~/,...Ill. lov• _, •••••••• I"·' ri.,iyy Soltllan Cetftt llblf .............. ill~ _,.,.. mflellint latTU> r11>1n ............ ,.. t. !Elflllfl lfl!'OIY.ror '-"'" tr51J: . ...... 4, • • ... If.., bN -mo.. & -''".' ~ t. • KU. & fl«kt M I>,,, Ou.ti · ltlN 11111 ~ 11 TEA,1!1~1c; SAVINGS. SAMII . Ell1Ql,,. .. QI' ~itl1cC:R"oltGl1.1. ACCl~\'l"' ~ Open 9-9 daily -Sat. "6, Suli. 10.5 S4MMO APPR V D FURNITURE SPANISH MIDITIRIANIAN As Shown In Modet Homes Whtt •n excltln9 &ctntl YOtJr home t.ln tome 1liv1 with our gl1morous ~ d1corttqr-corr1l1t1d pec~•-CJ•I Living rootifl ncludt1:-luxuri1u1 SO a ~ dl.,...t(Se1t In qullt•d flor1I ftbrics.) Sp1ni1h 01k T1bl1&, 2 cfi1tln. ~ 9ui1h£cl Cotiqufri1dor T eble limps. "H1ci1ndt" Bedroom: Spanlih Triplt Drt11er with Ft1mtd Mirror, Kin9°1i1e H•1dboard, '2 Commodtt. 5-Pc. Wrou9ht Iron Oin1tte Sit, Sptnish O•lt h1x19on top. Must "' .seen to be truly 1ppreci1t1d . , , so come in todty! Prlc•d 1!1ewhir• •• $195.00. I RAHD HlW IPICIAL Ul.I • C111 01 itYrch•t•" ••tt•tttety &ttY Crt41t Ttrll'l l SANTA ANA FURNITURE ~7.0719 ' ~r"''"' .. JIQ!"' .. lllld#i"'!O!OJ#C .. l"J .. Dlll .. 0 .. 4""4,.10!4"'''§"°4~""'4'"¢ .. "'"'U'"oi•> .. ot•c,.o100,;!'ll"4i .. J .. ; .. ;oe: .. ;"';""Uoz4'•Z""•ooeoo440••••••..,o .. •"""+""+""'""'""'""'""'"'' .. """'"'"""•"""""'...,+f'"'>~•·••~•..,•.,r'°'·~"~••~•·•~~••~~~-•-~--.....-------···-----· - ,/U D.l!LV l'dl.OT ' Mi•CHANDISE l'Ot I . SALi AND TRADE '~: """'"",. - vtRTUJW Brot din!• ta bk. J~ ,ISO. I matching hl·bt.ck I -cbain SU rach. &C-16l4 , l QUALITY KJnc bed. qullt"'. 11• ~le, unusrd Sl~; -wtb $250. Aft S or wiam -t $1~ 1 .. , SPANISH I' blue ~ one ; : )"NI" okL Xnlt cond.. tl2S. -1:· ~ Ii;. R.EFR10£RATOR $20. Ga1 ,. wall htatrr $20. A\"OCldo ' "~ rretn chair $35. 6f6-64G4 J i:~ U" SQUARE teak tonnlca " ! ~ cmtk'r bedroom table $ZS. ' Sn.-6062. ' I ~ ' -i ~; ' i:. ' SURPLUS office machlnf!s, NCR A Burrougb.1 Selsim•tk bookkeeping machines. cheek protector, cop~r. Call 645¥1100, purch.uing Dept, Newport- ?.lesa Unified 5 c ho o l Dlstrlct. TYPE\VRITER. Ad d i n g mach, calculator, Very reuonable. Xlnt e o n d • 89Z-2U3 ev1:s. t.1 TYPEWRITER, E.xecutive. Brand new at $100. This week only $400. 67S-7312 bet 10 am, or C to 6 pm. " ' • '' '' ' ' t ~ • ! • I • • l • i Hou,.hold Goods 1020 ~fOVING: Refrigerator $<Ml. PicrUc table le benches $.IS. 2 black vinyl bar stools. $10. each. Tricycle S5. 66-1646 S PC. Sterling Silver CoUtt Suvlce without tray $300. 873-4527 wlmlds or aft 5: 30 Gar"'• Sole 1022 SEARS Ote11 ~ t;ype, Co~ pertone lreezer. 10 cu ft. $100. 20 x SO" pool table, comp! w/ balls, cues, rack, .$80. Round maple table, 4 Chain, like oow $60. Ex· eiclal.rtg couch $23. Dinette table " 5 chain $50. Lime oak l&\lle 4 chairs $25. 671 Govqnor CM 642-636 5 010-0011 .•-Double ~ Sale * ~~ Slh. 91h. 101h. D.tl3 WUt Forest Rd, C~I 646-1084 or M;i....6.S35 l'ul1lltutt, TOYS.-Clothel, . R.ec!Otd• & Book.1. , 'TV, $351 alen!O plus 25 LP's, $100: dt-sk $10; '62 Buick: convert. $480. Gretch guitar. bHt offer. Kodak 35hlM camera $10. 410 ll'is, Cd?.I '7&-7741 DBL bed (complete}, bed frame &-: mattress, auto \\"asher, misc Item!!-. 2207 C Canyon. Oil 66-0Dl \Ved, Thun, Fri. GARAGE SALE. litovlng. v.•ai;her/dryer, Ibis. odds &: ends. 1401 Kings Rd., NB. ...... ,,, TlfURS-Fri, 2018 Phalarope. !Republic Hom~) C ?.I . Barga.Jn.s lor $1! 546-0855 FRI thru Sun, next 2 v.·lu. f.lisc Items. li·fovinc East. 369 E. Flower, Cl'.1. ALL week. Baby turn.1 vinyl car top canier & • hsisc. 1002 Shalom Dr., HB. • • G111rage Sa.le ** 306 36\h St. NB Appll1ncet 1100 t.ARGE 8'1ectlon of reaind.1- tioned appliances, repos, •P- pll&ncn fro:m model' hom~s • -all guaranteed. \\'e •SeJVlce -\Ve Finance DUNLAP APPLIANCE 1!15 NelOiT'Of'l Blvd .. C~I. • 541-nlO • LADY Kenmore washer & Kenmore eltttric · ' s o f t • heat" d'l')u. Both in \·cry excellent interior &: exterior condition. $175 for pair. &ts--0836 aft 6. 642--0114, ext 29-1 days Kcnmo~ Electric dryeT Good cond. llO v only $~. MG-2342 COLO SPOT IO~; cu. Jt. re. frlgtrator. E.'Ccellent condi- tion. $50. 5-16-2().).1 O"KEEFE &: ~hm1tt range, iood condition $30. Call &U-S2S5 after 6 pm GE \Va11hcr. late model. Xlnt. working cond. Only $65. Sacril. 548--0i91 RCA Whlrlpoolrf'frlg· era.tor • trl'ezcr. Xlnt cond. Alkinr ruo. S.36-7400. f w-, .......... 1969 Mi!RCHANDJ>E FOR SALE AND TRADE 8100 LADY Kenmore •utomRUc washer, J l t e model, xlnt cond. 175. •-847..&U5 G.E. automatic .,..·uher, x.nlt c:ond. $40. • &174115 • 1110 TIFFANY HOUSE now open in lovt:ly old Kello cc P.lal\l!ion. Featurina lea.tied han&ing shades, usoned gay 90's furniture & ac· ce'5Clries. 122 S. Orange, Santa Ana, U a.in. to 1 p,m, Sewing M1chlne1 1120 1069 SINGER tauch-<Hnalic, zig zag, button holes, !le\\"S on buttons, blind hem11. $34.88 or $4.16 mo. ~16 M~!~~"1, ___ 1_12_s Guitar Sale Electric single pick up \vith this ad $9,95 All fllen.'handi!e Bclo1v \\'hsll'. Giant Music 10601 Ga:rden Grove Blvd., Garden Grove S String BANJO- S30 \\'ith CaM U7 E. Bay. Balboa GJS.5160 E.'"l..ECT guitar. GN"gsch, O.et Atkins modt-1w/c a1 e &: ampeg amp, ~tu.st sell! Best offer. ~2282 SALE or trade: f'ramus dbl, pick-up bass w/case. Also Fender accouslic ruitar. Both new. atS-TI6 NEAR ne1v Oassical Spanish guitar. includes case and stand. $4-0. 673-4300 Pl1noa & Org1n1 1130 Fr1nchise Closeout• The factory has ord~red close out or 4 O>nsole & 2 Spinet Pianos on a cost-plus basis. Nevl'r again piano bargains like lheae! First come -first served . 'YARD'S BALD\VIN stunro 1819 Newport, C.1.f. 642-8484 GREAT selection of new & "condltklned Grands. Also once-a·year special purchas-e• ol Knabt, Fischer &: wur • lltzl'.r consoles &:.' spinell from $579. Rental!! too - from $10. monlhly. A... Go.,.d Music Com.,.ny 2045 N. !\fain, SA 541-lli!ll JIAJ.fli10ND • Stein~·ay • Ya- maha -ne1v t: used pianos or all makes. Best bu;y1 in So. Coltr, rl~ht here. SCHMIDT t.tUSIC CO., 1907 N. lilain, Santa Ana **CONN SPINET •• T 1"1os. old, perf. rond. ~ &16-iO"il \VANTED SPINE.1"'S &: GRANDS liJ0.3620 NEEDED: old upright pia;10 \\'ilh good lone for Juvenile Hall. Call Pat Bush 573-1660 PIANO WANTED (213) 877-1D3S Pvt Party E L ECTR IC PLA YE PIANO and rolls \$500, F'irm! U S.00.IT HI-Fl & Stereo 1210 !969 STEREO Console, dl'C, in beaut cabinet. complete \v/n~w guarantee. 4 Speaker sound system, 4 spd English changer, solid i;tatc & dian1ond needle. Pay oll bal of $79.10 or e~'Y py1nnts. Credit Dept. ~1289 SONY 600 tape d e ck • turn-table, amplifier &: !'lpeah,er $175. !J73...4651 "69 PANASONIC 8 !rack slereo. Al'.t-n.t & t:i.pcs. ~77 NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD 642-5678 THE -NEEDLE IS MIGHTIER THAN THE PEN And tht man w110 know• ;ust how to tun1 Cht phrost to ge& the most out of the barb is DAll Y PILOT colUmJ\· i.!t Sydney Harris. lit haa been calltd the modern • day H e n r LI Mencken . If you're ready for his use of the actd adjective a'lld thought. provoking prose to give you the needle ... if you want to find something !o think about in what !JOU read ... it you have n: sense of humor, you b e lo n a with readers who delight in telling others what "Syd said" in one of the nlltion's mo.st • quoted columns . Some Sample Barbs Recently Thrown By Sydney Harris: "One of the highest p1id lobs In Amtrict con1istt of st1ndlng up in front of 1 mic. rophone, MP1r•tln9 the good records from tht bid ones -ind pl•ylng the bad on••·" "lt's sad but true that \vhile alcoholi cs are the best argument !or absti nence, so many abstainers are equaUy effective ar· gument for a little drink now and then." "Most of the 10-ctlltd 'incomp1tibilify# in m•rrl19t 1prln9• from the f1ct that to mott men, sex is •n 1ct; whll• to 111 women, it ia •n •m ~tion. And this dl_ffer· •net In 1ttitude c1n be bridged enly by love." " "The sole difference between a 'dedica· led crusader' and a 'nosy reformer' coG- sists in our agreement or di sagreement \\:ith his objectives." "The most explosive combin•tion in the world consl1t1 of sincerity added to ignorance." 11 \Vhenever I am the recipient of an e:t· cessively hearty hands ha ke, I suspect l\1r. liluscles is trying to sell son1ething, hide something, or prove something." Check 7he Editorial Page For This Signature .'II Help You Find The ~test Quotables Created By The Needler' For His Col- ~mn, A Regular Feature of ·he DAILY PILOT Your Hometown Dilly Ne~ -----------~ LEGAL NarICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE l'.J41N (f:ltfll'ICATI! 01' I Ul1Nl"SS FICTlflOUI NAMI! LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE f, PtlOT·ADVUTl!E~ %~ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE • .• UOO Ml1cttl1noouo Sportlnt Ooodt --------.---~-----W-'1· A~t 6, 1'16,. DA!l'tl l'ILOT 1f.i FREE TO YOU FREE TO YOU FREE TO YOU TRANSPORTA]'ION_ I ~t.!lS.PORfA'n, . C1t_•_-~--•-120_ ----·----Boots & Yochk 9000 S1llbo1t1 10 Mlt~ll•neout 1600 · * OWNDc. ~ued. 111 t~e t.tOVlNG-cmall 3 mo. old -·-----;... " =-I -Ba STUD Servi~ i It ten a:. TO rood hruM Pftferabl.Y ''Mlke" ~. bll/wht Bos ~ !JmWt, puppy, needJ -....! FlBERGLASi SUpply ttnttt UDO 14, --tlent .,nt "' rnn. ~ eaoope _.,. f ~. Pcralln, Burmeae, •--'lb hild ;, b"•i..... I~ •"""" in CM NB --"Y'tfBOARDS AUCJI ~Us. 160 lb $10 Maple dl.D Ab)'t. Russ blues 546-8858 "' c re:n, 711 ..._.,,,., ~ Bull, malt, .needs a eoOd home. 548-5031 8/6 oow -are a . cond!Hon. $650 '61 PERFORMER 9'6' * ON * ~ labl~ 4 ~~.~Bal byl 0 HIMALAYAN ~ENS ~~1td, 1~t1""'11on .,ot aa !:.~~.. home wtlli IotJ of low. 501 OF white picket fence 3' ~~~ tor your boboat, * 673-f474 *' PU:ll90,atllS30. -..., ......... "'_ ..,11,1. .... ...,. ......., Adult s preferre d . high. 400 El Modena, 1 ... , ........... , ca,r or me. -.-c'--~=,\-~I * FR I DAY -AUG. ITH Kit chen 1ervioe cart ... 20'' SUI.. I. BLUE Alto l loveable mutt. Good ~ 8/8 N.......... Boat res.lo special now only NEW Sallboall: 12"S" '1 ~ 10·· RICllARDS K.: .., n"3n9590 n4-5~ -"lb ..... _ ""~ """""'".-.-;;:-:-:-.'i-O l ~-~-~;;.·:,:"!:'1:o<:&h:::"=--~•n 13.95 1at -·-". 1v1nc1 ..... 11'0" TD be.IOld ar t. 1 ~<N 7:30 P .M. bike $5. New Kre~et · .. , "'ww~*n. _......,.. SACRIFICE: 2 Adorable ."'.... "'' mU 117 E. Bay, Ba.Ibo& NEW • u·-FURNITU"" ·-······ metal -··•n (Ill 16 AKC ~ ... T I h PF.RSIAN k I t t e n I Sea, 1737 Supuior, C.M. $656 l $55&. t m.&60 -..u .. -: •• Ten col= Vt!l'ldln& Cott . 8825 KITI'ENS, adorable, )one •i adul~t~ er ~~r toe~r I, 548-1950 818 SU..1007 • Udo 14 • . -lo8~RANl1==-,,..:..,.:._,:;,.~! -0-1 -A-,.-00-ld· I Quilted divan Is ch&ln, Bed-machine $25. 646-'r.115 I • ' • • • • • • • short furred I c:aUco 3 homes. Good wifh chJt • Pl..AN'J'S.alJ In tubs• S' feet '67 GLASSP.AA CI tat Ion . WITH TRAJLER room 'sets, occ chail"I, TO iOOd home preferably ' · ' tall. 2 YucCQI " one Inboa.rd..out.bou'd. Ul Mere. $800 f9t.; Pa.IJMr Goll Clubs. Vay chests, commodes, Olnl1'f BOOKKEEPING machines: with children,·~ husky, ~ ~A!!L.w ht, 2 Ir a y. 837-3400 8/8 (tuOnable price. lii'S.."°° r6om Mb, dinettes. pie-. NC R , B u r_ r o u.a: h s oolJ.le. Teatures o: a husk;y .............,. 8/8 HHAMAMiSST'i'ERmsS:.1Twr;;;o:ibaib'by;-i;mii.i~o; J ~;"~'~"'g""~"':,· ..'"~"'™~~7'_,,.__181~7 Ctulser with power jet A CAL 28, No. 19. <>ut.bo(td, SURFBOARD, Greek lut~s. lam.ps, TV'a, radlOI; Senslmatic. SUtplUJ pro-and di.Bpositk>n of a coWe. L(X)SE eucalyptus tree trunk brothers plus cage. All must MR. Grey&:: Mr. Black are 2 ~wer trlm. Full oover, eqp'd 1ol' racing. . ewilom·made 6~' Good con-mattresses, late m()Cfel Hot• pcr1y aale, New,port-Meaa Also 1 loveable mutt. Good tor outdoor !able or stay together. Pets oru,y. gentle, l yr. old Tom Cats, eady to enjoy. Al l 675-402S dltiQ,n. $2!1. 6'f3..7267 point w•aber A 1u dryer, Unified School DI 1 t ri cl. with chUdren. 83&.5672 til-ewood. 842-7269 8/7 $40.6074 who need & loving home. malnlena.nct! records. 1 26' FOLKBOAT. aux refrlg~tor, new blt·ln ttov-phone Purcbasin& Dept. 1 ' • • • • • • ! • l ;2;i;Ld~v~ABµiij:i'~m~a~le;-,Siiilamui,,;,.; I 'J3iLOmv'iE'LL~Y~F~lul~1yiv;;;;gray;--&;; l.;54~9-~14~':!.' ___ ..::__.!Bi]/7 o\U?ler. Kl 6--4444 lapatrake hull. depend. -e1, 2 pool tables, new elec: &tfrUOO HARKLESS Ba.w.nji puppies, mix kittens, 3 mos. 1 bJac~. white kiltenii, 8 wkl. old. BABY rahblts - 6 weeks 26' frlsco Flyer Sloop, boat. 2 sell dacron sa Organ, Binks , comprflsor, EXERCYCLE Good cond, h s b r kn, a 11 5 h 0 1 5 1 orange. A&k lor Cindy, Box trained and wtancd, 10 old, 3 white and 1 gray, 1',lberglu hUl.I, with teak splrnJcer. Ma It e ol f r. DOG BED, VE RY CLEAN, beer dispmser • MUCH $150; garden tractor $75. Re880nable to good homes. 357-3267 .er1 gd. home. 646-1403 817 00-6800 trim. Cheoy Lee bit. lubd, 64fMl713 like new, only uatd a few MORE! COME BROWSE 548-2171 &'4-0722 FREE to q"al home· •. n"."I 2 KJ'ITENS need good home. encl head. 0Boat Is "''? SE=A,.-,~'°c'"o"-,'"1"·'",-,d,°'a-..,.--'l-1d,. tinie1 Metal box with quilt AROUND. .. uca... ONE 5 mo. old female Free d Ii • clean! $1'100. roker 494-39lv need a •MAIN ,.il for %' · -WINDY'S . AUCTION STORED dinette set. Near ·FOR Sale 'to good OOmes only pure bm!, gentle, G Shep. Siamese kitten and five 1,, e very one week's ~~1~'.J:i~!~ ... ~ new. ~7.50. Ca1J 96S-tn7 Irish .seue.r pups A.K.C. l \S yn., au shots. Jtave Siamese s wk. old kittens. cat food. 545-0147 8/7 ~:,ro~keWH~ w~P·• ~769 ALBATR O s . •15• Adorable1 Interesli!cl! Call pups in 2 wks. Will place ~78 818 TRANSPORTATION al "on sale" price}. Also _ _. 1610 ~ --Evinru:le en&iDe & trailer ALBA IF ShippJ.ni Crate for dOI, slur-· 20"r..1' N~..;,ort, IDvd., Misc. Want9CI 546-'1504 pupa when weaned. ~I09l BONNIE, Clyde &: Snow ~tras!-5acrifice! 645-0807 22' TROSS, equ dy, eflpttialJ.1 bunt for Irish. Behind Tony s rudg. Mat ls. I---------DOBERMAN, black &: tan or 84G-3818 8/l While 3 affectionate nifii BOAtt & Yachts 9000 for raclna SUOO (213} Setter'• alr trip to West Q>tta Mesa * 64U6&l ma.le. 1 yr., tamily dog, all LONG haired calico % nttd new home 286 E. 23rd. 10' GLA.$PAR dinghy $200. Sailboats 9010 5653 alter 6 P~f. ~ Coast ?.1ake gOOd d<>aho~ OPEN DAILY 9 to 4 ·WE PAY MORE lh0t11, AKC. n25 ~44 Ptnian female spayed cat SL C.M. 8/8 3 hp Johnson motor $!00. ALBATROSS No. 27. I Sil9, for ouialde" animal. $15. GOLF CLUBS·. s OUHJJAHUA Pup Pie 5 • Need ~nn. or temp home. % AOOR. trl-rol. maJe Both $275. 615-5JJG BY owner-32' Alden Sloop, ~~6 r. Good condir· Call 847-6640 a!~r 6 PM CA H -amy white mat••· '""'·m-OwneT 1U. 836-4493 8/7 Be·-• . 2 slps 4, new int~rklr. Survey ,,,,_, lo==,-,,==,..,,,---18 irons, putter, 2 woods. bag ... " ...... _.c 1nuc pups. mos., nd 2 5' CABIN Cr u I !I er, MISCELU.NEOUS H 0 u 1 e-& earl pion stock. 546--3634. 1169 KI'M'ENS, 2, 7 wk.I., Jong. cd homes, 577-2642 alt. Lapstrake hull, s/'!'., galley, ~:~~~ ~7 •..:. ~~ Power CrvlMrs hold goods. Remodelin1 ..ie. * 13,-* Dorset Lane, C.M. haired. 1 gold, 1 black. 5:30. 8/7 head, etc. Xlnt cond. ~'MIM. ,,_ G -•yd 540 ~1 _,..., Jlwy, NB. next uuur lo Dry rttn nau11 .. ,, e recliner. 117 E. Ba);, Balboa · · · • • · Th.lSH Setter puppies, ARC, """'' 8/8 CUTE part Manx kitten. Call 54B--0718 Dock Rest. 642-1.122 eve!I. or 34 rr. OUUS CRAlT Waa:on wheel light fbctures. 675-!1160 For furnlt11tt, appliances, \Vebline line, 8 wkl. ~1738 KITl'ENS, \i: Pertian. 3 pure Ne.eds lovin& home, 548-0l52 1008 29• ?tlonterey Character days 548-4191 Cl)liser, '67 CI'. a 11 a 84:2-3526. After of. weekdays ALUMINUM w AL K 1 NG colored TV, pla.noc, OI'Kans or 642-4896 white, 1 tlgtt, J Pleheldeto. 8/T boat. Good cond. Diesel l _=";c.. .. =....::,,;,..----I engine, velvet drive, !a~ day Saturday & Su11-AID. and ang~~~r night TEMBROKE \Velsh Corgi, 2005 Clay NB~~ 8/7 ,Kl~17te-01-,-,-ol~t-&,-pe_p_pe_<..:. ;.,&; I pwr. S22X> 673-4911 ·~~r F~°:c ~-or$~: ~ galley, bait l&nk, Reidy I"':~~---~--I Like new $10. . 636-3620 champion slred. 5 males, 3 BEAtrrlFUL ~Siamese kit-t:1&er1, other colon. green-24' GLASS"l'RON, 1g6 7 · J.!'673.J0.18~~=====~-J-='°'-· "830-=l':!S7T=:==~f':;J ROTO-Tllle1', 4 tipeed lrans. * 642-4701 * lcmalu. Priced according 53&-8'148 811 eyed. 836-4400 Jnboa.rtklut. ~ hp. " Excellent rondlUon. · Heavy ality S46-4928 -ll' AI.CORT SAILFISH SpHd Ski loatt Q.uty with new cluth, new TREE & specimen p]ants' 10' UY $ to qU · · ASGAN hound tree10 proper 1 yr,. spayed, alteN'd cats, radio. Loaded! 816-1161 Mahogany, newly finished. ·drive chains. 25 horse coral tree S~Ia 8' $WE B OALMATlON male, ARC, 10 home. 64a-121B 811 w/aU thota. Need gd home. 18' JOHNSON Cab Cnir so $169. * 642-5123 J967 16' Gl~n, 50 .p. eagine. For ~le or trade. podacarpua $15. 451 Esther, \\'t!ekB, champion sire, $'15. 2 BLACK adorabJe Jl'lil>ples ~""~·5480..,,,,....~~----hp, Evinn.tde OB, Tilt Ttlr, IL.-'IDO~C-1"•'". :.:,:.,,.:;;,,n,:.n"t-co"nd"°"'ilion= MBCIJl'Y. Xlot ah!. $1 · <Makeofler)ti.ti.-5488 0 1 ' s· FURNITUCREES .$ •2uo 6 *** 497-1349 *** l'ili YR.Ufemale Samoan. equlpt, $1050. 847-4678. $650. Call 673-2258 3 \\'HEEL 12 in band siw GOKART. Twin Mac 9'1 APPLIAN ' Black Labrador puppies, BLUE parakeet, s )'I'll. old. very gen e. ONLY t.o gQOd 19&1 Owens XL inboard 19' * 6734414 * 16' GLEN L (Malahlz:iil , 67, with stand & ruofor, as is VERY F.AST. All or apart Colvr rv-Pi•r1o•-Stt r•o• \\'eeks, AKC Reg., Cham-Hu cage. 546-U7S home. 549-0744 aft. 6 SuJ)<'rb condition Incl trlr.1 --~C~O~R,;O~N°"A~D0=--~2~5--85 hp Jo!Q;On. -$1 0 0 . $25. ~l'llli Cola· machine $200. ~ 1 ""•.., He ... Ptill , .!P:::~:::n~b:::loodc:.:c~"-"'~·-""-__ 2759..,......, I:~~""''::.'.::::'.:'.:'.,~--p.m. 8/7 $3500 673-8593 61"':>-3880 ..,~ r. • 1 ?.1ALE short haired pu~ ---------· I Like new . bargain! 675-5846 --·· __ with automatic coin changt.r Utility trailer use traded ror CASH IN JO MINUTES POODLE Puppies, male, 4 py, 7 wks. old, 'A"lltlt.s good KmENS, 6 wks old, 2 tiger, ?.fAYDAY Diwrcce? 26' w/ --14• HOB.IE-CAT--' •::::;:;_:;;;.;.:=.:;::::::=-.:..:F 1 ,,,1"=· ~642-4689.:,,,.=-~~--I storaa~. C.M. area prefer'd. e 541..4531 e mos., cocoa bm. purebred. borne. 64z..7001 818 male, 2 calico fe1nale, Used 175hp Chrysler. 111 pier 1_Bo1t MalnMn•ftce KIRBY Vact1um CI e n e S4D-8638 eves. '1:'20~5'>--09>~-~'.:9~o~<~71".8-3~1~06~~lc~TuTu~;;io;;;;;,.;;;i~ t.o chlldren. 962-5189 8/8 avail. $3bl. 673-0285 No. 363. 675-t808 eves. WANTED --a r \VANTED Sewing ?t1achine . .: · . CUTE little puppies need a RD S p : . ....,.,., -~ with at I a chm en ts & ATIN: Hobbyial"s. Gd teak Very moderately pf.Iced. tRlSH Setter pt1pp1~s 7 wks. loving hom~. 646---0642 818 \VhHe female Siamese cat, TAKE OVER LOAN. 22' Day 26' T-BI LOO job on sat I b o a t , Mlseflll•neous l600 PETS and.LIVESTOCK polisher. Take over small mahoga~ & plywood, sm Portable.. Ask lor Becky ~~C. :!"~.~hampion _blood DAlLY PILOT WANT ADSI blue eyes, to good home. Cruillt"r, all xtras, rigged for St-st oiler takes 646-9(0) pericnced, k>cal refs. • .·pym1.s Qt $41.10 cuh. Credit 5ize11/ at 2323 Santa Ana 5-1S.l8n ..,.., v•.r-t ...., l ~~~:::====~~'.;'.:~Gond~~na~tured;,;:;;·:;;":;,_...,~1~7~8/~8!.;';:ish~i~ng~.~·~I~• ~<~ad~~~·=,......,,~~~~CllARG~~~E~-~~-~~t~a~d;now~.Jc~548-3>1~~1=====:=:4:o l Dept. 5$-71:89. Ave, 0.1. 646-3640 a1t 5 & STANDARD Poodle, AKC. I N C VINYL TILE, l. in 0 I e um, wknd5 WANT To buy (home) bar. t.1ale. Best Offer. ew •rs 9800 New C1n Asphalt Tile -Beautiful caJ. La\vn Mower $4. '!. round or L shaped. ?tfust * ~19 * on a nd pattcrM. Free F1oor Lamp S5 be reasonable. p h 0 n e C B t p t!Umates. Uc. Co nt r. Dinette Set $30. Beach 644-.4687 AK asse ups "6-441'. _...::;•h::•:::'"'::..:.11:_•::•::'":::·.:"::9-4:..::34::0:.....1 Ma h' 8700 Trl-eolor 6 wks SSS. S4().8638 k=c==c--~--,..-=~ c 1n1ry, etc. .. QUALITY king bed, quilted. CARPET Horses 8830 ·eompl~te, u (I u s 'e d' J105; Shags, tv.'eeds, hl-lo pile. All FIBERGLASS 8.lpid cure worth $250. After 5 or wknds colors . .Fret est. Lie Contr. booth~. Twin 8' x 12' temp 1---------- 847-0406 54S-4478. control booths-, ducted to Thorobred gelding, 10 yn . ..:.::...:=--~---· I II 16.2 gentle, gOOd hack. BABY Crib & mattress. perf. REFRIGERATOR S1.0 wash-l\1innel01l }foneywe con· . cond; Francl5ean apple din· er $20: picnic table $15; trots-Healer-blower: Best Mary, 646-6608 rn:r ware; bass gultar & desk & chef!\ $10 each. of f er over $ l 0 0 O. case, gd. cond. SM-1219 968·2052 213-321~323 FREE TO YOU OOMPLETf' l{ o J 11e ho I d FOR The large family Di-PETS and LIVESTOCK Furnishings. Alao y ard nette table &. 6 chairs. Pets, General 8800 tools. 448-Costa ~1esa SI. Chrome. In excellent cort· CM. ~1019 dlUon. Call to see. 646-4063 1 CUTE brown long haired fema:Jc kitten, t T a in e d . 548-1932 8/8 COLLIE I Shepherd, large .l affectionate. Loves children. Shots. 548-4468 818 DAILY PllJJT \VANT ADS! ?tlACHINlSTS Tool box & tools for sale. Alter 6 pm. .... ,,,, NEWPORT Tennl.5 C I u b Family Membership $450 plus tramler feo:e, 644-2005 Dial 642-5678 Jor RESULTS White elephants! Dune-a-line EXOTIC Rats, beige lllnd white, black and. white. Yooni: rats or breeding stock 75c to $3. 54&-3634 • 1169 Dorset Lane, C.M. Sporllng Goods ISOOSporllng Goocls 8500 8500 Sporllng Goods 8500 Sporting Goods ''WE PAMPER THE CAMPER'' ·c111nper, Trailer & M.otor Home Headqua,rters BOAT & TRAILER HITCHES INSTALLED WHLE YOU WAIT PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT BOAT & CAMPER ARE EXTINGUISHERS SALE PRICED NOW ONLY $669 HUNTING SUPPLIES AT DISCOUNT PRICES ~:~!!~;g:ES~~:~~ 700. ·-. $99.50 ~~~l~:~~~R ~~~.EL "~ ...... $90.50 GADGETS GALORE e SPECIAL e C:OMllNATION SALT & PEPPER SHAKER NOW ONLY 19' NEW THERMO INSULATED COASTERS FOR HOT OR C:OLD DRINKS Holds lottla. Cons, Gloss" 99¢51r Pock DlSPOSABLE CAMPING LINENS 2 SHIETS, 1 PILLOW CASE ........ $1.69 THISI ARI NOT PAPER SHIET' Th• ,Famous ' ROLi, TOP TABLE SU.TS SIX ••• $10.00 Yol••-···--·-··$7.95 SAVA!;E MODEL 1100 $94 50 30.06 C:ALllER ···-····················· • SLHPING IA!;S $24 95 l·lb. Dacroa -····----2 FOR • WE RENT COIN & MET AL DETECTORS RENTAL MAY APPLY TO PURCHASE • FISHERMAN • ~:!:;~~E.: :~·~~11'. ~I~~'.. $19.95 ~'!:~~.:i.A ~~: Plug ....... ·····---$9 e 9 5 CRUISER COTS STURDY METAL LEt;S $6 95 PATIO, CAMP1Nt;, IEAC:H ···-·· e NYLON BACK PACKS PAC:K l fltAM! -·-··--············ $14. 9 5 FRll LIHI FOR YOVl lOL MISH 01 SALT WATll NUNTINt; l FISHINt; LICENSE 1 FREDSON TRAILER SUPPLY 815 North Harbor -South of 17th-Santa Ana 839-5555 Troil1' H'ltci.t. ••t b111lllft1, fl•t • 1:d~lla.-c:t1mper, I.et tfallH ftertl & N1Mlr-Do•IP..YetrrNtf """9rlc.l1 MON. fH RU THURS. 8 TO 5;30 FRI. TILL 9 SAT. TILL 5 CLOSED SUN. CHECK WITH US BEFORE YOU BUY No Better Prices Anywhere ! BR·AND NEW 1969 CUSTOM SPORTS COUPE WllDCAT l1n1 2l0 SL Cp1. Rd1tr. Coron1t 400 4-dr. f1tl, Air, Autv., P.S., lmm•c· 1 ir co11d., 111!0 +••"''" ul1t•. UKH 945 P.S., RI H, !VG! 97 9 $5295 $2595 '66 MERCEDES '68 BUICK 200 S1d1n. Auto '11111. El1clr1 4 door t1d111. R1dio, ~11!1r, hnm1cu· Full power. FACTORY lat1 c.ond. !SVF 251) A!ll. COND. WIO 145 $2395 $3595 '66 MERCURY '66 IMPALA Cvm•I Cvc.lon• HT Cpe. "Door H.T. Fec.lvry 1ir Air Cond. AT, PS, Low cond ., 1ulo. tr1n1 .. pow• mil11. lTOH 2641 •• J!11r,. r1dio, h•1l1r. $1795 $1695 . '63 IUIC:K '67 DATSUN l1 S1llr•• F1ct 1ir con. Rl 411 . -4 •P••d, r1dio, pow1r 1t11r I br1k11. h•1f1r. TZJ 2•4. IHYM -411) $1295 $995 -~ ' - MARKED .WAY DOWN! 2 Or. 1-1 .T. F1, •ir, 1ul1;1 tr1n1, pow1r 1t11dng. WJM 189 $2495 '67 MUSTANG Cvnv1rt. VI, 4 tp11d, 1adlv, heeler. TXS I 61 $1695 '67 RIVIERA GS Coupe . Full pvw1r, FACTORY AIR CONO. p 141 $3595 '68 PONTIAC l o11no,,i1lo. 4 dovr h1rd· top, FACTORY All\ COND., P.S., l'.I . WXG 617 $3295 EXAMPLE SAYINGS No. 46.6l1';C.120234 .s1003 47 OFF WINDOW S'rlCKER PRICE MANY MORE 1969's AT COMPARABLE DISCOUNTS F1db1clr. 4 1p1 1d, r1- div, h•1t1r. SVC 197 $1095 ·--'65 MONZA H11dtop. Auto. lr1n1., l'llm11cul1tt cvndltion. ITXJ 1761 $995 '69 ELECTRA Cu 1ivm cvup1. F1ctory •ir cvnd. Fully pvw1r 1quipp.d. YPT.446 $5195 '69 FORD LTD Fact. t lr, PS,; Pl .• •ufo lr1n1. Only 4f(l0 l'r!i i11 w1rr111+y. YPS 120. $3495 '65 OLDS II 4 Ovor h1rdtcp, f1,+v,.., 1ir c;oncl., pvw1r. •l11r., r1dio, h11!1r. NOY '146 $1395 '64 BUICK Wildcat 4 dr HT. AT, PS, R&H. One owner. !S LW 1•61 $895 '65 ELECTRA H1rdle1p cvup1. Full pe1w1r. FACTORY AIR COHO. NCI 420 $1895 '66 CAe~ICE 4·cl r. hcltp, aute'. tr1n•., FACT. AIR CONO., P.S .. P.a., ll&H. TGJ 249 $1995 OUR OPEL PRICES START AT s1m NO lmER PRICES ANYWHERE JAGUARS MAKE US PROVE IT! LARGE SELECTION NEW · USED Complete Sal•• and Service Departmint Open Mon, thru Fri. 8 a,m. to 9 p,m. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun. 1 O a.m. t0' 6. p.m. AUTHORIZED BUICK· OPEL. JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE \ .. I i ' I I -~~··--------. ----· --------. ... ~· ... -...... -,.-------------~-~------~~ ...... --------.... ---------...... -....... --.... ---------~ -·- I , (75. ri.10. lf.sup, ll ft &·tn by JS ft. Up to Zl It mast. <13-1..S ' I 50' SLlP available South Cot!~ YltCbll &IS-UJJ FORD I BEFORE YOU BUY - ANYWHERE! CHECK OUR D.ISCOUNTS ON NEW 1969 FORDS -MUSTANGS . FORD TRUCKS OVER 200 .NEW '69's NOW AT ,f.INAL CLEARANCE SAVINGS! , ENGLISH FORDS ANOTHER BOATLOAD JUST ARRIVED! England's No. 1 Seller ••• America's No. 1 Tmport Buy! Customs-GT's -Station Wagons Large Selection of Automatics aad Four Speeds! NEW $ 1969 THUNDERBIRDS Over Actual FACTORY INVOICE! NO SALES EXPENSE, NO PREPARATION CHARGES, NO DEALER ADD-ONS OF ANY KIND! DRIVE HOME ANY NEW '69 T·BIRD IN OUR BIG STOCK AT THIS PRICE! 2 DRS., 4 DRS. LARGE SELECTION OF COLORS AND E9UIPMENT! VACATION SPECIAL!,-- FREE MINI BIKE WITH 1 Every Camper, True~ & Camperi.i,Unit Or Matar Hame Piickage Soll(! Why "Break Camp" to go places When we will give you 1 new Zebr1 mini bike 1bsolut1Ty free with any new camper, truck & camper or motor home you buy! Example Vacation Package: .. --------• New '69 V-8 Ford V2 Ton Pickup r 110. OAUGE5. l!XTRA URGE -....01.1.to•. HEAVY DUTY ll"IUNOS. f'HYltl!Mkl. New Barracuda 600 Camper CA&.OYl!lt, IUTAHI! A"'O ELECTRIC LIGHTS, OININQ NOOk TAILI!, lfOt.. SINK AHO Oii.i.iN, OltAl"fS, ET(. TRUCK, CAMPER, MINI BIKE New '69 Zebrai Mini Bike ALL FOR '3295 VISIT OUR COMP'Lnt: CAMP'E• CENTI• -CRUISA!ltl, '°Ult WINDS, IARftACUDA, CONTIMPO SPOILlft, SUNDIAL. ILDORADO, GIM TOP. MINI HOMI, CHASSIS MOUNTS • , • ALL RIA.DY TO ROLL! RENT YOUR VACATION HOME ON WHEELS! You go wh•r• you w•nt, at•y whtr• yo1.1 w•nt without ach.d· vies or r•HrY•tlona when you nnt a Robin Delvx• Pickup C•mper or Condor Motor Homa. REASONABLE RATES RESERVE EARLY OVER 2 ACRES OF ROBINS RELIABLE USED CARS NOW AT SPECIAL SUMMER SAVINGS! '68 CORTINA 1600 2·Door S 1 d 1 "· 4 1p11d, r•d<o. h1•t1r, 1pprox. 14,000 111il11. W11· ''"'Y ,.,,;t, !ZOSl4Jl '69 COBRA fASTIACll:. Aut1., ll&H, P.S .. •P· ptoll. •,200 111il11, like 111w. 81-ck i•del fi1ci-or'1' WIHI"'" IY1il1bl1. IZLHll JI '69 FORD F-250 \4·TON. Ilg ._ Cu1i101111tic, h11I· 1r with SCOTSMAN C1b -Q.,,, . C•'"P''· Appro .. 4,100 1111111. '67 THUNDERBIRD LANDAU. 'l Door. r~rch111d 111w h1r1. F1ctory 1ir co11dit0011in9, fie· •or¥ w1rr111ly ,.,,i1,bl1. !VCK. 079) ~.~~°or ,;.,. $995 V-8, AIR COND .. auto., RAH t YWS· 426). Low milea.a:e 'U PONTIAC $795 Grand Prbi:. Auto .. R&H, P.S., P.B., AIR COND. (JJV920l "66 VOLVO 122S. <t.,;peecl transmission. IRRE321) 12• TRAILER North"'f'St Coach. Slet>Pfl 6, iitove, ICf' box, 1195 dinette, 2 butane. tanks. tifut condition. (FE7017) Beau- ;~~ ~~:; $1795 4-dr. Y·S. auto., P.$., air, R&H. (UKU-157) "68 RAMILH $1995 Ro1tue Amerirpn i.-0r. l-l.T. Auto., R&:.Ji. P.S. Ex ira sharp! (VWV403) '67 GHIA $1695 Karmnn11. Appros. 30.000 milt'!!. ll&ll, tVCK319J 4·Dr. Sedan. Cltv "66 OLDS $995 of Ne11 por l car. \r.g, Rulo., lt!lf. (311261 '63 OLDS $595 CulhlS!i co11vrrl. Auto., R&lf, h11r kct se11111. f~WP79:.! I '68 FORD $1595 Cusiom. City of co~ta ,\fesa l~asc car. Fullr n1a 1n- talnf'd fl Theo. Hnblns. 390 VS. cru!~o .. hralcr, r.s .. l!lllprox. 36,000 ml. (1149071 I .t,fl\<..M t p.111. M•n·t-•• e ~•t I 1 .... t1 • •·""-$•• 10 •.m. t•' , ... r"'h 1;, u ..... • 1 ... -M\.o ... ,,.,. 1 1.111. tot ,.m. Mon • .7 •·"'· te t p.111. 1M1s.Frl ( ' _t _______ ~ "64 RAMBLER $895 American 220 \vag. Auto., radio, healer. !KAN4541 "64 DODGE Dal't. Economy plus. I PB,'6051 '64 FALCON 2.or. H.T. Auto. radio, he11te1•, {NYP460) '62 GALAXIE 500 4·Dr. S<'dnn. Air cond .. R&l-1. IQ0Ati231 '65 CHEV. Nova. <l·Dr. Auto. Harlin, hPalrr. I RE~i9:ll Dcl11'Cr \1•agon. V8. '64 FALCON $795 au to., fact. air eond:, lug. rBCk (SUY671 ) ( f"'°',.1) ...,.,.LT I '·""' to t P·'"· Sit Sportsman's Special ........ $1495 '&l JEEP \\'agoneer slalion 11-agon. Chevrolet VS co~ verted tngine, 4·wt-I drive wi!h dual·maliC' front whttls radio and heater, near new Commando tlt"es? ~ and drive to appreciate. uar 082 JOHNSON & SON Lincoln·Mt"rcui)o m5635 2ti26 Harbor Blvd., C.Jl,f. (1,1 mi. w. !)f lhe. Sa!l Diego F'rwy.l '46 Army Jeep, lop condlfton. New everything! incl paint, & lires. 673-2191 '56 JEEP 4 \\•httl drive Station \Vagon $350 fi.12·15'!5 Caimpers 9520 CAMPER Sales • Rentals Authorized O!a:Jer Eldorado • FO\JJ' Winds Scotsman • Barracuda FREE ZEBRA MINI BIKE with pun:ha.11r: of any camp!'r or camper package! Theodore TRANSPORTATl;;llfsdT~:~~~ittON : llftP-'f'lld AUi.. 9600 Imported Auloo ffOo 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-93<D '59 FIAT 1100--TRIUMPH Rebuil! eng. 4 ,1;p. Stick.1--------- Beautiful cond. Must see! '64 TRIUMPH S250, &t)..9563 Convert1ble1 SJC681, ·only $697 Best Deal• Are At DEAN LEWIS FERRARI FERRARI N !Wport Imports Ltd. Qr. 1!166 Harbor C M 646-9303 ange CountY'1 only •utbar-' · · ized ·dealer. VOLKSW SALES-SERVICE-PARTS AGEN 3100 w. Coast tfwy. Newport Beach '68 VW Sedan also '67 VW 642·9405 540..1764 Si>dan/or trade tor VW Bus. Authorized MG Dealer 962-2329 -1 '-·6"1"v"w'. 'L";"'••'°N"•"w71 """11~350~. KARMANN GHIA o..,,.,_ o.,. ,....,,,. ..... 6<12-7787 '59 GD: cond.. new paint, MUST Sen ~ '66 VW Camper. gO<XI tires. UXl or best Of· Fully eqpt, lo miles, xlnt fer. 642-5857 cond. S2,495. 642·1536 MERCEDES BENZ '61 VW SUNROOF BUG. S400 or best -Offer. ---------1 ....... ~ 01.Jn".l " Couritv's l .ir9£·S f Sc>lect1o n New & U~c>d M('rC•·d'?s B<_.nz Jim Slemons Imps W<1r ner & Main St. '68 VW 1500, 2 dz; lldn, 21.000 ml, Xlnt cond, RIH, Priced lo sell $1800. 673-1735 VW BUS -Sunroof, 23,DOO miles. Excellent co rr . Priv11tl!! party. 837-7643 rllOT-ADVU'l'ISER Jt · TRANSi'ORTlTIOlr 1 '"""°"" Autot MOO VOLKSWAGEN VOLVO VOLVO BUYS '67 122 .. -....... $17'7 Automatic, radio k heater. TI'T741 Extra Sharp. '67 144 ......... -$23'7 4 door. Lie. No. UVA.333 Automatic tranimluion, air conditioning. '65 544 .......... $12'7 Fast Back, scarct' modtl, radio, heater, 4 speed. N-0. 1346. '62 122 ........... $9'7 4 Dr. Exl:nt. clean ZAC713 '62 Pl800 ....... $12'7 Sport COUJ'.le. S.ilvei: with red interiiJr. Lie. HTI..896. Bost o .. 1s A,. At DEAN LEWIS 1966 Harbor. C.M. VOLVO Btst Deals Are At DEAN LEWIS 1966 HarOor, C.M. 646--93(]] 1969 Volvo. 1800S. Top cond. Fu11y ~·d pd. l8lXI mi's. For info. call 675-7141 bet. 9 Ari.f- 5 pm. wil. days only '59 VOLVO, 1'lftdl rod!, $8.i Sport Cars 9610 Santa Ana 546·4114 • '61 VW BUG, perfect ro cll!ion. s:ioo. Before Ms-3821, after S, 548-9236 ROBINS FORD MUST SELL 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa /'.lesa 642-0010 l966-2JO S, AIR OOND. '6.1 VW S un r o o I, runs '57 PORSCHE Sunroof, coupe, jet black. JKF 343. SALF.! AM/F'M, P/S, P/B. BLK GREAT. Clean! Hurry $750. '66 SPORT.NNG Camper; W/BROWN INT. 62,IXK} Ml. 642-3028 lot s of eslra!i. \Vith or IN GREAT COND. $2930.1--==~~~-- $1397 Best Oe1l1 Are At DEAN LEWIS 0R IST GOOD on~ER! 1968 V\V 2-tX>OR Se:dan iv/out !ruck, ('62 Gr.cJC P.USH! 547.&169 $1500 Firm w/alr t'Ond.J Tllake oUer. 67l-1735 '19!J-3495 GOING overseas nt u 1 1 , . --.R~E~N~T~.~A--S~H=E7L7L--sacrifice n1y Y•ife's 1959 67 -~\\1~$11525d'. ke,pl 'un Xlnt 1966 Harbor, C.1\t. 1'1ercedes 190 sedan. Very COnu . .-•• ra 10. o m el'i. \VEEh.'ENDS, \V E E K LY clean. Aio;king $5r:i0. Costa 673-3261 l'olON'fHLY * 839-JSOO l'olessa, MS-1'1:;,J or 546-5417 * '67 BUG * Antiquet, Cla11lcs 9615 1931 FORD Original Ford C.Oupe. Very good concllllon. Caimper Rent•I• 9522 --* EXPLORER * By "·eek or month, Ltlxuri· ous. SleeP!I 6. Self contain- ed. Limited number. Call lod1')'. LEISURE RENTALS 1714) 64U611. (7141 837-3800 Dune Buggies 9525 DUNE Buggy Show Sale. Bcx!l~s from $149. Chassis from $24!1. La Pu Dune Boggy Super1na1·kel, 3623 \V, \Varner, SA. &i6-1M5 OPEN 9-7 \\'kdys, Sat 10-5 Imported Au~;.-96Qo • S1325 or best oller 1960 Mercedes 100. Clean, . 6i5--0443 new tires. JT:if) fir 1n ·I,.,,-,=.,,--,,--,,--, 642-4452 ('VI'S. '65 VW Camper, gd. COnd, best oUer. 536-Zl78 MGA SOC3< rr ro 'EM! ~1441 ---------iWblle elephants! Dlme-a·line 1962 MARK II 11:00 Conv. exlNls. Priced right. 601 lrn.,t'rted Autos Pawell Place N.B. 646-3001. 96001mportod Aul" - OPEL '68 OPEL Station Wgn. Baby Bii.if', 4-speed. radio, rack. VZ\,63. $1597 Best Deals Are At DEAN LEWIS 1!166 !Tarbor, C.11;1. 646-!13<l! PORSCHE • IOO~M~l!J[A]I e HUGE SELECTION e '69 TOYOTA FROM $1790 e BIG SAVINGS e EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOW! '69 TOYOTA HAROTOP #)977 . . $l977 '69 VOLVO SEDAN, Auto: #6590 .. $2977 NEW TOYOTA MARK 11 NOW ON DISPLA YI WI NllD YOUR TRADl·IN FOi OUI NIW USIO CA.It LOT DEAN LEWIS OIAN51 COUNTT 'YOYOTA·YOLYO HIADQUAITllS 646-9303 1966 HARBOR BLVO. COSTA MESA I 1a;r ... , .... , •• ..,.,,~ ... ,,..,,.,.,,..uu..,~• .. •~·~r.v; · ' WtdnrsdAY, fu~1·· 1 l~:.? DAil. Y PILOT Tk \I • ..,..;!~•Ml .. ~ : .. ~!-.K>K" ATK>N ·------ NEW CAR CLEAN-UP AT JOHNSON & SON . , DON'T WAIT TOO LONG!! • 196' NEAR NEW LINCOLN·CONTINENTAL 1 Dr wup1. Front I. r .. r m1i.. IMIMr lnrtrlor, bl1ct vinyl roor, Mon twq,,.. adr, w 1 weM ti.lftd 11 .... power Ye<ll wll'ldO-• w.ty pOW•r tHI, 111:0-'"""e. 1lr ttlnd, AM rlCllo, 11.J. 1,.a-k.,, flit! •14U, COIT'lpllll' plWl f dOOr lldtl. ffYl1""<402f NOW ONLY .......... '. ..... $5920 llt.AHD NIW COUl'E 1969 COUGAR Model 91 Mtd. b1ia m.i1mc. All!Oll'lll~. w-w.i1, power 11t tr. br•k ... •Ir c;tin<I, nullo, tin! gl1u, l!C. $tr. r 5'1•71 $lock f ""· WAS NOW 4101.45 l51l.f7 SAVE 196' MERCURY 4 DOOlt HARDTOP B"lld new wltn 1lr undtti-r. bQwtllul burnt Or1n11 with :no 7V va, I i.cit '"'· ••lect tlllft, wt.tMlll, 111wer ~ltc brlkll lo 1IH r., r1Cllo .. undtr- "" ''SAVE $82600 WAS 4191.00 NOW 4072.0CI LINCOLN·CONTINENTALS IRAND NEW 1969 CONTININTAL COU~E •teullful p!etlnlll'!\. l"•lt mtll. i..111er, v1111ts, 6 wev 1 .. I, tlr• 13'1.,., !Ill wMtot IUIO., 1lr eonol. AM•f'M 16dlo, llnl 1leu, 1Kk1, Wfleel cowr1. Wt 1r1 Mt 1uttl0ftnd 10 1111 you how much VoU'll wv1, but 11'1 pltt1l1, $tr. r '°7»l $too;lr; r JtJ1 NOW ONLY ..........•..... '6084 1969 MIRCURY 4 DOOR HARDTO'P lrtrld l!IW wilt• 1lr condlliontr, t.MullfVI cool ult While, llOPll'-" no 1Y vt, stltct 11\llt, ptOwtr dl1c llrtRIJ" •nil 1fftrl..,. AM radio, ti!\I 111111. dtlUlll ::: '~~!!)74000 HOW 3104.01 ' THI HOT ONEii CYCLONE 2 'bcH:itt HARDTOI' Cyclorit 5P"lltr U lliMtd with hO! 111t<:ltl 1<1ulp1Mrit. ,., 1peci..1 pUrd\tu t li,w. 11:1 to Pill.I on 1r•t1 ..,,... Ins• to you. Ser. N .. 5'.nv SAVE WAS 3t41.00 HOW JJIO.Ot 5661 00 1969 NEAR NIW LINCOLN-CONTINENTAL f Or. COUIM. \.t tr ..... lMlf"r lnt.rlor, Cit llOld vinyl roof, Ill IOf-••'-· w 1 w1n1 truu IM!ttd. ~ ¥1111 wlndowl. 6 w.t'f pawtr -1. 1111 1t..r -•· 11110, 1lr cotld, A.M-~M radio. re1r 1p11~ .• Uni 1i.u, ~It'll pawer !Ockt. ii.rid wlltel eowr1. rtY,lANm!. NOW ONLY ....... _ ......• $6080 SIE' 101 MANGAN COUGARS ••• BRAND NEW 1969 COUGAR Modtl91 LI. Ill~. 1tltct 1hll1, w.w1ll1, pow,, 1tt1r, brtkn, tlr cond, rtdlo, diteor group, :lnr 11111.1, dtlwct co~­ u1. S1r. t SGOS1 Srock ' ~!U WAS NOW 4169.60 3645.64 SAVE MERCURYS • Flr1t Tim• Ev1r •t Savlng1 Lile• Thl1t THE BEAUTIFUL MAR9UIS 4 D60R HARDTOP •• I~ Ultll 'lllhl!t , bl9'k Ylnyl roof, ltlKt llllft, ....... wtll.1, !Win comtort 1ut1, 1lffr, brt ktl • t !r. WAS 5111.10 NOW 4450.00 SAVE MONTEGOS BRAND NEW MONTEGO 4 DOOR SEDAN ••• l!I VI. Stl•ct 1n111, w I wau., PO~r 1tt1r, bra~. tor ~. llnl gl11.1, remo!t minor. Flnl-'ltd in wllltt. WAS 3126.7 0 NOW 3350.01 SAVE • • • 196' NIAi NEW LINCOLN-CONTINENTAL 4 Dr 1td1n. Mtd, If""' ltelltr lnllflo<, elk gOlt y~yl not, f'liQll ICior(IUt A.Ills, WI-II belt.cl tltn, po-""'' wi..oow. ' _, pow. 11•t, tin 1tttr """I• 1uto, tlr con411, AM-FM •-'•· rMr 1pttkt<", llnl '""· POWi!r OOllr ..... ti.r.o wh .. I COVKI. r JY'2AltlflS. • ·I NOW ONLY ..• _. :.. ••. ~6260 SEE WAYNl',ICIUllRS IRAND NEW COLONY PARK WAGON Flnl1tiH 1n .... r00n w1111 .m va. 111-.;1 1hllt, lug. c•rrllr, Jrd , .. ,, br1k11, 1tHr, •Ir cond, !Int gllu tnd H.0, JYllltRJlon. WAS 1325.70 NOW 4566.77 SAVE IRAND NEW MONTEGO MX 4 DOOR llt1ur~ul mM. 11m1. JJI VII. 11lect 1~!tl, w 1 wills, PO_, 11"r. 11t1k11, •Ir CWICI, AM rtalo. tint gllss. r1mot1 mirror. WAS 3944,10 NOW 3461 .01 SAVE WE NEED YOUR TRADE-IN MORE THAN ANY OTHER DEALER 1969 NEAR NEW LINCOLN-CONTINENTAL 'Or stcUin. F'""'t & , .. , mth, 1 .. 111er "''*lor• vlnyl roof, 111911 !Otq\111 ult, ,.._JI• gl1u boUtd, PO-vtnl wlndo-6 -1 ,_.,..,. \Uf, •Pltl tire CCWlf', Ill! llMrl"f whHI. did; lld rllffft, 1,...il contr.i, tNr Clel~r. 1uto, t lr cond, AM·l"M rtdlo, tint 11111, tpp. pn:irtctlon ll'OOJP, powtr dOor IKkl. 1i.r.i w1!tt1 (O\'t'n, I 'Y'2MH11'. NOW ONLY ................ $6490 S!E PETE PILP'USES llAND NIW 19'9 COUGAR XR7 Whl1• llnl1h. 1t1t<t 111tn, .. ~rt•. eont0t1, ,,oww 1tttf, ~ •• ~ .... t !r tonct. """'r.-~ tlot 111.N,, flUfrdl. ::: "::::::· . ""s· AVE HOW J711.31 llAND NEW COLONY PAIK WAGON Flrtf'lollll rtd & INded ""'Ht IYWY'hl"' lntllllfltlitl IHI whll, Jf'1I Mlf, 0¥11 1(Nllklr., '' 'WAS 15l5AO NOW 4719.40 SAVE IRAND NEW MONTEGO MX STATION WAGON O.rll Ivy ''"" .,..Ith "1 VI, w wtll1, pew.. wind.,....., Jrd ''"· powrr ''"" ortkn, t lr cond, AM rtdlo. llnl 111111. WAI .tJZll .60 NOW J7l6.45 SAVE NEW CARS 540.5630 • 642..0981 ~OhDSOD•SOD I t1. n r>l l!l IDI I.ii C IDli!TDi! IE ii Ti'£ ll. • WJl ll 111~ ]I[ • Ill rE ~ l!l l!D l!lf • l!lml !ID lml\lli 2126 HAllOI IOULIYAU, COSTA MBA USED CARS 540-5635 AUtos W•nted WE PAY ... 9700 UMCI Can 9900 UJed_c_._,_.._ ___ 9900_ Used Cars TRANSPORTATION CARS CHEVROLET . CORVAIR 9900 Used Cars 9900 Used Cars FORD MUSTANG Used Cari ,, PONTIAC 9900 OLDSMOBILE 9900 Used C1r1 PLYMOUTH CASH for used can I.:: tnu:ka jllSt , c8.II Us for 1rM estimate. GROTH CHEVROlfT Ask for Sales ~lanai'!f ll'lll Beach Blvd. Huntif1&1on Beach Kl 9.3331 llWPORTER MOTORS '61 RS Camaro, bolUc blue 2036 J1AnBOR BLVD. grn. 4 spd stick, R/H, CO~ • ESA 33,000 mi. xlnt cond. $1700. .~.A :'1 "'"TI83 al 6 '548-5294 or 541-851 I Pvt ply. """"""'" t pm J;'INANCING AVAILABLE '65 CHEVY Impala ~. Orig o\\•ner, air, P/S, loaded TEACHER leaving entry, ,v/extras, Xlnl cone.I. $1475. i\1u.st &ell car, Xlnt Cond. &t5-l908 Sec at 306 MariU•rlte NQ, 2, CDl\I !65 EL Camino. Xlnt cond. ==,..:=:====:;;I' New tires & paint job. $1(196. Ph: 842-3444 IUICK ---·-WE PAY CASH BUICK ... RIV!ERA-.. -;;o-CHRYSLER Loaded, leued car. Used 1ny FOR YOUR CAR :~',';;;' opUoo. p,i pru-ly CONNELL ... BUICK Skyluk "'"''· p/~, bucktt seats. $773. CHEVROLET ""' s ptn, >t>-0m pvt. 2828 Harbor Blvd. ply, Costa Mesa 54&-1200 '&i RIVIERA. All Extras 1'c~o=N""F"'l"'D"'E"'N'"'Tl=A·L'L""Y1 ~~-::~ • .J:~·· S.U! \Ve Pay :\tore For I""========= Foreign Or Sports Cars PAID FOR OR NOT CADILLAC '67 CHRYSLER 2-DOOR HARDTOP v.s. aulomatic, factol1' air, pov:er steering, po\l;er bra· kes, radio & heater. Imma· culate. CUDE 14l). $2295 ATLAS B J SPORTSCAR CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH • • .67 CADILLAC 4 do<>' '"''" 29'29 HARBOR BLVD. '62. hfONZA 2 dr, '65 Spydr 140 hp enr. 4 spd, chrm \\•his, $300. after 5. 675-1346. * '&1 l\10NZA. Auto. lmmac. Steno tlipe. $700. All 5 p.n1. 546--610!1 COUGAR '68 COUgar~ full p°wr~ all', xii1t cond. $2;50. · • "'"'''" FALCON '61 FALCON, n t 1v ~n~ .. brakes, paint, tires, seat covcri;, renerator, etc. S3T.i. 1\11 6-2032. '60 FALCON station 11·agon, 6 cyclincler. Runs good. $175. 646-6927 Eves. FORD '67 FORD F•lrlant 500 Excellent condilion. Braod new lirc11 -lape deck - 11300 . CENTER de Ville. Orig 011~r. air, COSTA l\tESA 546-1!134 2833 llarbor Blvd. lrathrr upholsl!"Ij', stC'reo, Open na.ily 'Iii 10 p.m. 538-6306 Costa l\1esa 5-lo-4-191 loath•rl '1'/exlra~. l\I 11 5 t '60 FORD S!a!ion \\'agon. WE PAY TOP--sacrHkr! See at 1750 Radio, ht'atli'r, 11•h itc Ke1l'port Bll'd., C.i\J. Pri CONTINENTAL side11·all!I. Good rond. $2:'C tar good,D~~a~iA~ cars. l c.~:,~IY_·~C"A"D~IL~L~A~C~. --,S~td~,~,,-cd:;·e '67 Continental .. $3195 ~~;h. S48-2S79· 237 E. 20th, all makes. Sec George Ray Vill All 1 l d Co•>>'t"iblt beautiful Ocean T"--"o•·• Rob•·,, Fo-' e. poll'er nc u ina '' '66 FORD \\' I II ucuu •u fac1ory air. l\'.eeds &0me mo. Turquoise rlnish wi1h match. agon, u Y 2000 llarbor Blvd. 1or \\'Ork. Body is sharp!! ini; intt'1ior and 11·hlte Io p. tqUip'd 1vl 11ir, P /S, P/B. C.r.t. 612.(J()\O S37j.00 879-6088 Completely luxury equipped, Sl99S. S42-8400 d a Y 5 • Will Buy ·54 Cadillac Coupe de Ville, rull po11·er, A~1/fl\1 radio, 5<lB-Oi97 eve!l. faetorv air, Ult wheli'l, PIC. 1957 FORD Fairlane 4 dr orig 01\•ncr, air, leather, • •I brand new lil'r!l. This fine &cl. 1r/ T-bird mtr. RunM \'our VoJki:;v;agcn or Porsche 1,'o.'~""=· ="'~>-~'°.,..."~·=~°"""-..,, car must be seen lo be ap. good. Call aft~ pm. 892-9241 &: pa.y top dollars. Pa.Id for '61 CAO Sedan OtVille. Good pi-eciatecl. UOAlSI. -166-Ford-Felr lane or not.,eilll Ralpb Cond. $-195. 642-~ Days; JOHNSON & SON '73;0!ll'f ""· """"" $495 L\IPORTS \'i'A.NTED '65 \\'HITE Cad. $2'Z95, Like LINCOLN-fl.fERCURY 2 Door L.oacled. VS, c>tc. Lie. Orani;e C'.o11ntle1 N°t'.'w. Sec at 358 E. ltth, CM 540-5t35 IRi\19-19. Phone 6-12-6023 Dir. TOP S BUYER 54s-.ti2~l 2626 Harbor Blvd .. C.l\f. '66 !-~ORD \Vagon, fully 8ll.L fl,\AXEY " TUYO'I'A (~mi. So. of the cqupd w/alr. P/S, P/B. 1ggg]. Beach e1 ... 11. CAMARO San Diego Fiwy.l $2350. 642-8400 days. A. Beacb.. Ph. 147-855.51 _________ '64 Continental .. $1795 a.1s.0797 cvts. '67 CAMARO Convt!rtible, annctlve Ae.ire-l,-..,-,-0-R~P-~C~o-rt~ina-_-, -4-,-pd~. 1·A~u;l;•;;;L;•;•;•;;i"'=~~=9;8;1;;.~l 3Z7. 4 11pd, dlr, ):Int cOndition! an Bronie i\list with saddle trans .. l owner, xlnt cond., I• F1amins red ext., plush leather Interior 1.nd whitt $1175. 54>8li7 11ft. 6. LEASE a RENT black int, Sacrificer like top. Luxury equipped thru· U AR I I I d r II oot. full pow.r. radio and l96J GALAXY, factory air, ALL POP L ort' gn car n t.ra e. u pr f>O"''cr "''indo'<l'S & seats, MAKES $1599. UJll liJ-LB. Call Bill hffltcr. factory air conditiOfl. S6S-l6GI FORD 491-!liTl. Ing: Excellent condition. AUTHORIZED 0:\11. 057 '67 GAL 500 :l dr JIT, lac air, CHEV!IOLET JOHNSON & SON pl<. Plb, '"o Inns. v..,1 LIASING Int. A.-1 s1m. 540--a178 SYITIM '65 Chevy Impala 2 Dr. Good Lincoln . Mercury 68 GALAXlE 2 dr Futback. Cct Ow'TChomodrw-llth•• Rates cond. /luto, V-8, $1200. 540-5635d C PIS -P/B. Auto. wit.ape & e ore 673-6.;iS 2S26 Harbor Blv ., :\I radio. 545-7353 ROBINS FORD i1 6 cy-~,,-no-d-io-. rur-.-.-... -,-""-w 'l ml. So. of San DicJO f\i)'. '59 FORD Ffllrlane. u Is $50. ZC60 ltarbor f\l.vd. tin.' '" • ., 1 well. n d s. 76S-Continenti 1-.-.-$2195 Call 642-3285 after 6 pm. Coata ~lesa 64:1-0010 rt'paifl'!. 6i:H9-t2, 6-7 pn1 Convertible, &\Un black ti~ -l'-h 1o••ilh blade Jc11!hcr in· -.~-L-E•SE .-..,,,, '00 Ott::V Ori Air 4 dr, R/11. tcrior and bla.<'k top. Full "" "' ,,_. mt"ch good, good rubber. '88 Cadillac CouPe: de Ville. 6'13-2!154 or 673-5640 powrr equipped, Radk> 11.nd fully equipped, $179 mo. ,.,'o--'--'"="'"'..,C.'='-~~ I hea.ttr, f~tory air, l:M!autlful '67 Ford, 10 "llll!I !llallon 1vag· 5G CHEVROLET V - 8 , condition. Drlvtn only 1',000 on. r/)l, air, r-. $75 mo. stnrt<'; hrok<'n, MIY Ure1, n1llea:. NOUOS. "61 Ciu'Y' Nwpt, dt $61.511 mo. 1100. "46-""7 JOHNSON & SON IOUfH COAST TllF SUN NEVER SETS "" r ·~1., RY L :'\.,,..,. .. ~-~TERCU CAR LEASING C:n11>Uied's acllmt po111er. S40-5635 ~ \V_ c.t J1 111y, NB 6&ZlfJ t"(l1 AA ad to Ji"ll arouB.I 2.>:'G IJarbor 01 ... ·d., c.:i.t. T1£E QUICKER YOU CALL. ·the clock. dlal 6"2·5678. 11,. n1i. &. of the nID QUl~R YOU SEU. \Vl\1te i!.'lern&ntJ:! Snn Dlttio Frll'Y.I ' NOW'~ THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT WANT AD '68 Ford Torino .68 FORD h!U6tang air con. diUoning, take over pymnts 390 high perfonnancc, 4 spd, S•l50. G7l-l.500 dlr, p'.l·r disc brakl';;, oneJ -========== owner, near ne1v. \Viii lake. older car in trade. \\'IL sn l.B. Call Krn 54!'J..OG3-I. ~LINCOLN 1 67 i1NCOLN, ori:;:. ownt'r, immac. cond. Lt. green 11·/vinyl lop. Uathrr. All power & air. $3295. 4~0 Seville, Balboa. 675-3.-106 MERCURY '65 Mere. Comet $1395 VS. station wagon, BC'rmuda B!ue l\1i51 \vilh matching in· terior. Autamatlc Ir 1 n s, r11elio And he<1trr. po11·er stC<"ri1~, ah· concH!ioning. e1dra clean. RIN 563 JOHNSON & SON OLDSMOBILE • ,_ I: • TORONADO NEW & EXECUTIVE ONLY 6 TO CHOOSE FROM BIG SAVINGS! University Oldsmobile REAL Sharp '66 0 I d Cullllllll, Hol. Coupe. Gold 11•ilh blk. Landau top, lo mla:, nu wht/waU tires & brks. Rlil. custom blk lthr int & bucket scats. Console 1vHh tach, PIS, P/B. Pl\\', fact jllr. l\1ust see to bclieve!""Prfvate Party Best ol/tt. 96a2860 . '68 OLDS F -85 sharp, gtty. No casb. Take over pymnts. $88/mo. CS19701 671-5567 PLYMOUTH '65 Plymouth Satellite Hardtop, big engine, bucket scats, fal't air cond., new ?'lint. $1199 lull pr. 11·!11 fine. priv prty, dlr, LB-NPU 604, Call Blll 545.(1614. '57 PLYMOUTH In very &ood condition. $250. * KT 9-3118 * '68 CATALINA \Va gon. Beaut. April gold: tux. Ven. '65 BONNEVILLE H tura in~r. 21 ·000 ml. air, Full P'<lT, dlr, ract air P/B, P/S, PJwlnd, rack. ,.1. . ind ~ super sbocks, lint-glass, 1 ioning, P"T w Cl' ... Ab!olutely new cond. $3.lis low mileage. Xlnt condltlo S46-803G aft. 6 pm . In and out. Total Price $1 \Viii fine priv prly. LB '63 P L ,Y MOU TH 319.Vic,&.IS-0)34. Sport ,..,.,, Xll\t ~-i;;'"ir=====-'===~I '-'· "'° 5134332'. " • RAMBLER PONTIAC ·55 GT0-4 11pd, 389 !\fags all around. Sllcks. Ne1v paint. C J-1 ERR Y CONDITION! !\lake offer. Aft 6, 548-5184 '67 flREBIRO 400, disc brakes, tach, p/s, vinyl top, 22,000 orig ml. Forced to i;cU $2l:lii. 968-2840 '64 Lcl\1ans red convt. Nu paint. Orig 0\1·ner. Best of· fer in 5 days takes It. 6'il-348l '5.l PONTIAC. Excellent running cond\lion $75. '59 REBEL \Vqon. cond. New lire~. P/s, aut trans., radio. $110. 540-&21 '&1 RAJ'\<IBLER Amer, To cond. 4 dr, auto, radlo, b tli Ph. 536-1527 t T RANS P ORT ATlO~ Car-1957 Nash runs SlOO. 546-0656 aft. 5: 30 pm. T·BIRD l\1U51' Sell! Going t College! 59 T-Blrd Rebui( :mo engtnc & tram. ,.,,.1 good $200. -~ Linet>ln -I\-lrrcury 540-5635 -26 Ha~ Bl d c,1 :2SSO Harbor Costa l\Iesa 516-50.J5 '62 FUU. pwr, new Ure~ «l ···xir v " ' GTO •0o 2 ooo · b•lt•-. ve"' clean """: \• 1 So 1 Sa o· r..... 540.9640 '65 """ , m1 .. , •J _.. IT'S \VONDERFUL the many buy1 ln appliances )''OU find ln 1ha Oassified Ads. Check them now! 'm · ' · o • n icgo • ":t· On reblt eng l\tng5. 4 spd S.1s-3294 eves. ~ '67 l\IC'rc Col. Pk. \\'gn. 10 . • IS YOUR AD IN CLASSI· $l600 * ~l-2188 1966 T-BlRD, fUll pow..:1. I k Pis Pl. FIED ! Someone will be --,; pass, a c. rac • ·, · THE QUICKER YOU CALL. LO\V BOOK. '1 Pl\\', P\\'I'. s<>al~. sprl. cont, lookln&: for it. Dial 642-5678 .....,..,. QUICKER YOU SEU. * 833-1737 * ,. auto door lock, i\l\l /Fi\t. -==="'-======-'==========.'..'"~~~~:;;;;;;;~;;;,;;:;:;;;_:..,,========:""'~ inuch niore. $2650. S.ID-&1-IS lmportH Autos 9600 lmportlld Autos 96001mporttd Autos 9600 Imported Autos f '68 ·Mercury . . . . $3195 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;!:;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i~I Park Lane. convPrtihlc. Beau. II tiful .tmld bron1.c fin ish with mntching interior and \1•hi!e lop. Full power rqi1ipped; radio and healer. air ('()ndi· lioninl! (near 111"1\, driven only 9,000 n1ilr~) :-orclal purchase fron1 Fo1~l ~lotor Co. find lltlvln~s passed on to you. \VVX :l!i2. JOHNSON & SO N LinC"OJn • i\'l"rC\try 540.5635 2631 llat'bor Blvd .• Ci\! % ml . So. of San Di~ Fwy. '66 CONVERT S:i5. Xlnt cond. Beaul!lul. Alr, PIS , PIB. $1600 646-<1370 . j '68 Mercury .... $3995 Colony Park 9 paK.<;('ngrr sin· lion "-"llgOn. Allradlw. Canl- lnal Red finish with black comfort·Wl!B\'e vtnyl inter- ior. Automallc ttan!I, r11dlr llnd ht>alf>r. siC'reo lope>, rac.- tory 11ir conditioning, povocr !ilf>('ring. r>Q\\'er br1ke8, j'.luel action 11\il jtRtt: only 11,()l)J mlll"'ll, No. 331~ JOHNSON & SON Llncoln. Ml'T'C\Jry l4Q.563S 26Z6 lla.rbor Blvd., 01 'I mi. So. of San Diego Fwy MU!;TANG '61i CONVERTIBLE. POl\.v i0p, pwr llt, Rill. 6 cyl, I owner Vt:r'J dun! 5'18-4911 MGB-GT COUPES MGB-ROADSTERS MG-MIDGETS AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITES Tlte Fab11lo11•, Fa11tnstlc, Amazing · AUSTIN AMERICA HUGE INVENTORY FINANCING AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY GOLD SEAL USED CARS •; J1rtuport j Jltnports .. " . .: Authorized Austin America -MG Dealer 3100 W•ll Cosll Hlwoy -Newport Besch 442.9405 -540.1764 , .. I ' • \ • I Wtdnesd,n, August 6, 19641 23 PILOT-AOVERTl&ER T~ANSPORTATION TRANSPOPTATION . . ' The year of the grea:g . Pontiac break away It's tl1ut. tin1e of tl1e 11e111• ~1yai11. \'011 k110\\1, Cl1e time of the year whe11 It's almost tW,e for 11ex t yeur·s models to appear and )·011 a1•c ,,,,oudcri11g ,,·11e1l1er or 11ot Co b11y tl1e curre11t J'ear's c11r at. a re1l11ce1I price or to wult 11utll 11pxt yeur·s model a1opeurs aud t•ny a IJI• • lie more for It. Or at 111111 tJme lo buy what the deal• . ' er bas left o.-er from ·r111s' year ••• Oil lo .\·nit 1111111 tl1e 1970 111odels are a fe'" 1u011tl1s 0111 111111 tl1e11 m11ke a dei•I. \\'ell, tl1ere ure ;1 u11.1n.he1• t•f ,,.il)'!!ii to look at It. Almost as n1;1uy \\'UJ'S •l.s, :•••.ere ;ire ear 1lealer~. 011e way wu11ld lie lo l111y ibis bra11d new 1'969 Po11tlae ' ' ' GRAND PRIX bandsunicly m111i11ped willl Air Condi· doul11g, Cordo••a To11, Turho·Uydramallc lraosmls• . . ~ sio11, 1•0,,·er Stel.:"'ring~ Ptt\\'er Oise Brake~, Tlntetl Glass, G78·x · 14 wllite sidewaU tires und all o( the standard Grund Prix 11ccessorles. TbJs ear, serial number 276579P34;J460, alsu bas u "uslom Castillion Bronze l1Hh1t job. lllgllt ~you ., .... ln•y Ibis great car fur just S4478 plus, of "ourse, Ille license aud tux. Tile GRAND l'lllX is 011r "C:ar of tlie l 'ear .. mul bus been ext.rentely 1•01111l11r si11ce It \\'OS first i11trucluce1l. At Rou C:nrller l'u11tl11e we buve a goud stof!k of them ' ' at this time. \\1e anllei~~C.e tlu•t hy the CI me t II n t Che 1970 models are shown Ille Grand l'rixs will be • , ! • 11ret1.y tough lo find. J'heJio uuturnlly, lite pt•lees 011 ' ' ' the few remalni11g cars will be blgher. So now Is Ille time lo buy a Grand Prix from lloy C:ar\'er. Cousid· . erl11g 11riee, selectio11, Ci111e o( c·11e ~1eur 1111d Che c11r '[]l] Itself, It's Ille only way to go if ;><OU """'' a Grand Prix. Roy C:ar,·er 111al11tai11s one of the 1nrgest n11d 111t1st co1u11lete sCoeks of Poutines i11 So1iCl1cru t:nllforui11, so if )'OU select 111111 l1uy 1ro1t,. J'OU ~ 1101c! 1\'0W ON DISPLAY! •••.• The TR:\/\'S0 .4 1U f'fREBllfD! Here Is tit" h1test anti hottest l'irl'hird of them al'I: This one Is equipped with the l'u11r0 lhmdred cubic inch engi11e, l"our•Spee1I Tr1111sr11issio11, r11sb·DuC.to11 --· Uadio, F·70 while lellered tires (l•'ihergluss helletl), nnd wllll the spel'ial bood n11d lo11J!l'r f11ncllunnl air scoops, deck lid air f d fro11t •t10ile1·. ROY CAR\TER 2925 HARBOR BLVD ' ..... • I U you fool that the blgl1°performanee Flreblrd Trans• Am b a little loo llul, then, II you are a reul Fire• lolrd fan, you·n go fU1· tills great 350 model. It's hem•• tlful E."11ressu Brown and"equi1111ed with llytlrwuatlc, .~ ' Power Steering, l'ower "'°akes, l'usll·h11Uoo Radio, " DeLuxe Sent Bells, Cousote, While Sidewall Tires and front floor mats. This outstundlng car wru lte suld for • just S:J28:J plus Ueeuse ~~ud tax. Serini nnmber 223379NJ07108. I The 1969 Po11lh1e Slnli~11 lt'ttgo11s ha.-e captured the • fm1cy of a lot of peol1le wlto•w1mt as 1n11cb sednu0 1lke comfort as )IOSSillle tlld .. s1 ~·1e and CUllVenie11ee aud ll lot more room. This lteaullf11l Auch1ue Gold sl" pas- senger C'ntnli11n wngo11 hlls it all! •••• 11µ-bo·Dydra• 111ulle, J'ower Disc Brakes, t•ower Steering, Pusb But• to11 Ilatllo, Air Co11dllionlng. Tinted Glass, 'Power \\'ludows, D11nl•Hi11ged swi11g lnil gnte, Decor 'Gro11p n11d \1'hile Sidewall tires. At S4228 pl11s license and lnx, 1t•s the q11alily wagon h11y of the year! Roy Carver hns au excelleut.selet!lio11 of wngons. This ono is •erlal number 252369Cl33716. Break away from l1111n•drmu d~h·lng wlteu you g,et ltel1i1ttl tl1e "·l1eel f~f lltty @[ Ollr ltra11tl•lleW, l"Clttly•tO• ;:u 19691'011tiacs. \\'id\'"Tr.111ck ride ••.• 1111werf11l 11er• "' ' forma11ce •••• cumfoP.fi l\M safel~-. The;>< all bo\'e ii. I . l~rom Gri1111I Prix ••• CUSt.t.i1 S. Yo11 1111111e it a111I ••••• lloy Car\'er will deal 011 II • • \1'1wt 111>0111 lrrulu!I? •••• In m1my l11sta11l'es leasl11g )·1111r 11e"' c11r l1a1s 1111111y 1listinct fiua11cl21I ntl\'a _utag• es. Roy C11r,·er c.-;111 le11 !!iC 1111y make or n101lel 1111to• mobile int!l111lln;1 Holls·Royl'e 111111 Henlle~-. Leasing wuy be fur yu11. Dro11 In a11d let's talk it over. .,. • The sales department b 01oen from 8:00 A"I to 9:30 l'~I every day and 1l1e ser••ice department Is open from 7:30 A"I to 6 l'J\I !Uouday·lhrougll Friday. PONTIAC I COSTA MESA • ~ Kl-64444 '1 ' \ _ _J _______ _ TRANSPORTATION • ...... , .... , ... •