HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-09 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• • • • • n · u-·--B ---1 . • DAILY PILOT * * * 10 ' * * * .f(~s . Di1ne-a-~ine Day-. . ' . I . • • ' • ' ' • • SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1969 Fa1ned Want Ad Specials YOL.. U. NO, 1M, ~ SlCTt<>NL 61 .. AGIS • I DAILY PILOT P,..,.l.., Dltt S......... Three On a Wedge · Ever have a hankerin' for a hunk of \Vatermelon on a hot summer day? Matt Clarke, Jeff Sweet and Scott Thompson did. All at the same time. You'd think i'L was the last piece of watermelon in to wn. Fortunately, there was room for all three. Matt, 10; J ell, 15, and Scott, 12 (!rom left) live in Costa ~1esa. LSD Victim, 10 . Traced to Haven For Hippies Authorities today are tracing the parents of a 10-year-<>ld narcolics user caught ln Colla ~1esa early Friday, an L.SD-crv.ed refugee from an Idyllwlid area hippie ha ve n. The boy -his thin arms dotted with needlentarks -Is being. cared for at Orange County Juvenile Hall until it is determined what will bt done with him. ~Ponce Offictr Dennis liossfeld, who aearched the long-haired-bely at head- quarters alter he was picked up by Offi. <:er FraQk Upham, found three LSD tab- lets and marijuana in his boot. "Take me home., I'm going.to dte," be was quoted as screaming. Home wa,s apparently' a ,hippiHtyle commune in 'the RIVersidc County hill ~- Orange County Probation Department epokesman Hefbert Hadlef said Frida.I that the 10-yeat-old boy ~·as apparently brought lo the Harbor· Area with persons unknown. Hadley 8'1.ld the information is un- t'Ot'llirmed but he had reportedly bttn ht the mountains for two monLhs. since k:avlng San Fancisco where his parents an said to be. Police estimated the boy's age at 10 \Yhen he was arrested and flidley said Friday the boy told them he was born In Spain in 19591 preU1 well conlitming '\be •ae. 1 • • 1 ' ' . l 0,000 Welcome Nixon; Aides Find Nearby Homes By ARTHUR R. VINSEL _ , Of Hit D1Jtf 'llM S!llt nuf shado" oC Mr Force I streaked across ·America today bringing Pmident Nixon and the nerve center of U.S. government lo Orange County for ~ 1nonth of work and play. Touchdown is scheduled for 4:30 p.111. * * 'CJ Surfers Grumble About Security SAN CLEMENTE (AP) -A Coast Guard cutl'1' is patrolling a securily ,ione iii the Pacific Ocean off President Nlial1'11 summer White House, to the Im.lies o( tlle Secret Service and Lhc grumbles or surfers. · ' An area about a mile long a.rid a haU- crtilc \\'ide will be marked by buo)'! and J)atrolled by a ship whenever the Presi- dent.. Is ·&t-hi!-teaslde home, the Coast Guard said Friday. All persons and vessels will be barred !:-om the :r:one, spokesmen said. The Se· trtt Service asked for the zone to as- su re the Ptealde11t's aafety. . The order fll1111trTelt.r!cta sqrft:rt, who • have ·tol!l\>f81"hed "1 btihg ban'ocl,Jrom irru,nw;-jhelN!JOn\bouse. • ' Saturday at Orange County Airport, where the chief executive is upected to · greet more than 10,000 citizens and virtu- ally every county dignitary. The biggest aircraft eyer to land at the county facility can-yi:ng , the most celebrated traveler ever to step down on the apron was diverted from E l Toro, ft1CAS at lhe Presid·ent's own reqilest. Leaders of a C<lmmittee formed le> welcome Mr. and Mrs. Nixon and their entouraiie hick to the President's native Orange County said' he wanted . to gel closer to lbe .people. ~o one seeme9 to know precl5tly•what his informal ~Ung 1to coonUtuJJ might include Friday .. but President Nigon11 journey is to . q*kly resume,-via his Marine Corps I-helicopter. ~lajor national.and intemaUonal lalks. dinner with tAe firat. men on the moon and derT\onstratioos by anU • establish- ment grou~ are exj)ected in the busy (our weeks ahead. RelaxaUOJ1 in lhe seclusion of lhe San Clemente Summer White House: is aloo scheduled, proba bly for most of Sunday. betare~Nlxon anct hlrrt811gct 00)-l'o to . seriOO!I btlsinds'nel-t week.' ~remainder of.his Cabinet entourage Is ~ed to arrive in the Harbor Area ~fonday, settling into rented Sa n Clemente homes. the San Clemente JM, plus 1he Newpoter lM and local homes. ' nia:J'ilxons' daughter Julie and eon-In- ' (Ste All1llV AL, Pqe I) ----- I ' ' LSD Youth Traced To Hippie Colony --- Oil Drilling Bills Now Await Reagan Two bills wiUt far-reaching effects lo oil exploration drilling practices on the Orange Coast are waiting the signature or Gov. Reagan today. The bills, Senate Bill 57 and Assembly Bill 662, have pass· ed the Legislature apd are expected to be signed within the next few days. Hans Lorenz, chainnan of the newly revived Coaslal Area Protective League said·the two pieces of legislation "really nail down the problem here." Bill .662, authored bf Assemblyman Robert Bad.ham and Sen. John Schmitz, both or Orange County makes public hearings mandatory for exploratory sam- 1Jlc drilling. I':'c hearings have to be held Jn the area affected by the drilling. Senil.tc Bill 57 prohibits the same type nr core-sample exploratior drilling in oil sanctuaries, including the area off Newport Beach protected by the Shell- Cunningbam Act . Lorenz aaid bis organization, which originally pushed foc the succeastut paa.age of t b e Sbell.Qiqttlnjhlm oancluar'y, bu written to the 1ovomor and requested him to· sign it . . "Many other .coastal dtJ govemmenbl and or_g_antzatlonl have dQPe the ume thing," be said, He tenned·the potential.passage of the two bills a1 "highly slgnilicanl" to oil issues along the Orange Coast. "The nexl thing we hope to achi~Ye is eslabJlshlng an oil drilling buffer 'zone in the Huntington Beach offshore area. We still do not have all the details of the issue, bul that will be· the next project," he said. Dollru· 'Safe' In Franc Move WASHJNOTON WPI) -The Treas- ury Department says the devaluation of the French franc will not a!fed the value of the U.S. dollar. 'i'he 6ecutive board or directors or the International ~tonet.ary F-und planncd.,to mcet-Sun4ay nlorning in special session. A U.S. government economist said the devaluation appearid to be aimed more at aliening the value of the franc wllh lhe German mark than "anything that would affe<:t the value of the dol- lar." He called the devaluation "a mod· .. t ..,. In ttl &mounl\' -' Not GQ•anteed Income Nixon Welfare Plan Calls for Vast Changes IV ASH!NGTON (UPI) -President Nixon's welfare proposals would abolish the natioil's largest and most controver- sial wellare program and replace it with a family 85!1.stanct plan. The new plan he outlined to the nation Friliay night wOOJd extend federal pay· ments to all families with children whose incomes fall below certain poverty levels, including the working poor. No famUy o( four coo1d fall below SI,600 a year under the President's proposal. Families or four with e&rnings up lo $3,920 a year would be eligi ble up to even higher levels of income. Income deductions of up lo $60 a month per family would be allowed for work- related expenses such as babysitting fees and travel expenses. The program now providing aid to mothers and children, largely In the big cities, would be abolished, White Hoose sources said, becau5' it encourages peo- ple to depend on·weHare, Thls is the massive program known as Costa Mesa Firm Lays Off 100 in Defense Cutbacks Cutbacks by the Defense Department In.budgeting for the Athena 8 rocket pro. gramled t.o the layoff Friday of more than 100 employes at the Allantic Research plant, Costa Mesa. "The fiQ&I number Is not yet establish- ed," said Tom Smith, assistant to the general manager of lbe Susquehanna Corparatlon research divbion. He said tbe figµre was more than 100 but well under 200. Smith said the plant had Sil emplcyes, some of whom will contlhlle to be. in· · votved Jn the local four-stage rocket pro-. gram. . . AtfaiiUc Research, S333 Harbor Blvd., IS also heavllf Involved in development of , spCCla.lited 'boats for military and other ...... Smith said the elimination of certain t><'r&onoel w11s a genf.ral cul, but lnelud¢ ..maflY' ena;lrietiing and .pro lfu et Ion employes. "Naturally they're shocked and then tl can cause some problem1 when the ir friends see them go," Smllh uplafned, adding that the Def•.,. llopartm<nt orde.r came two monlhl ago. The Athena I ll a fouNlllge booster rocket used ln llrln1 1tm01pherlc rt-en. try voblclea. Aid lo Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) which has dr:lv.en some fathers to leave home so their families can re. ceive welfare. The administration's proposed proeram: would cost the federal government an ad· dlHonal $4' bffiion a yeer during l& ftiit year of operation. Pment· federal •et; fare spending is about $4.2 bllllon a "81'~ Coverage would be ext.ended to an "" titnated 12.4 million more persons. The proposal also sets a floor of $65 a month payments to adults who are aged, blibd or disabled. States could choose to pay more. Botlt rich and poor stat.es could fjnd ways .of saYing n1oney under the Presi- dent's proposal. One unexpected feature or the prpposa1 would be the use of the federal Sodat Seo. curity AdntlnJstratlon to determine eligi· bility and make payments. This means the new welfare clients would no longer deal with local welfare offices on their eligiblllty or payments but would lnstoad doal with federal of· fices . "This is a naUooal program; it will be (See WELFARE, P11e J) Coan Weatller It'll be a pleasant day weather. wise along the Orange Coast toda1 with high clouds gjving w4f to sun in the afternoon. The traffic may be a different story, with crowds expected from inlan<f areas where the. temperatures are expected to reach 03 degrees. INSWE TODi\'l' • Do wfnne:r1 reallu·win ot1 tho.st teleuUioh game 1how1? TV WEEK talk.! to rome who did. e A ttndtilClf to get fat, Countlus alltrglei and a t•tTf. bte temper 'ari 1omt of u~ toots he 00. to live iciOt. I0111 Billv CIJIP<r, pro/t~:doncl oqtf'• biq moneu man of 1968, FamUu \V ttklu cov.-r 1torv. • r ... ..-. ' M .. 11..,, 1r =-1\.'i lfllN" , .. ,, ............. ....... " %_ OAll.Y PllOT ' through Newport Beach. four Is the Newport Freeway through Coita ?i:tesa , five 1J the Hunt.lngton Beach Frttw•r. along Beach Boulevard, sl.r is the Paci • ic Coast FreweY through HunUn~ton Beach. seven Is the Laguna Freeway along Laguna Canyon Road ~ •!iht Is Lbe P1:1cl!ic Coast Freeway Inland o( Laguna .Buch. Top priority in a separate q,_teaorY for state highways is the suggested widening of Beach Boulevard to six lrines from PaciUc Coast Highway to the Santa Ana Freeway. Second b!ghway priority la Improving to four lanes divided Pacific enaat Highway from Beach Boulevard in Hun· tington Beach to Doheny Park Road ln Oaga Point. Included in the recom· mended project Is replacement or the Up- per Newport Bay and Santa Ana Rlver bridges. The priority recommendaHons are prepared as an independent report of the f Bet With Nixon ~Will Controversial Reform Make It? • WASlllNGTON (UPI) -Pre~dent Nix- ~ ls going to have pfenty of trouble get· j.Jrig the public and Congres!'I to aceept t_is new ~·elfare plan. But don't bet J,gaJmt him. ~The proposal ii heavy with conlrovcr'Y· hat, it "ould double tl1e cost and more tan double ihe munber of persons eli- .. "ble Jfor-pub,lic assistance. Seeoad.. it ~d "nationa.Uz:e" wellare -removmg tile traditional power of stat.es. counties and cities to deckie who needs weUare and how much they should get. Finally and perhaps most significantly. it woold start changing the entire basis or the ~year.cld U. S. public welfare program. Up lb now. welfare has been mtricted to people who had some prob- lem other than just being poor -the in- firmities of age, physical disability, the loss of parental support. z Nixon·~ plan \\'OUld provide money to all families simply becaµse they need it. The President made a great point of de- nying this would be a "guaranteed annual income," because it requires the jobless tb. accept woi:k or traini.ng if it is available In order to get assistance payments. A "pure" guaranteed annual income plan \\'OOld provide payments iven 1o those who refuse lo go to work. But with all the semiingly potent ar- ~ents a'3imt: the Nixon plan, there P!e a number of reasona to believe that 1 of. something akin to It will eventually btcomd la•. C1'he pfesenl public welfa re system is a iness. Taxpayers, lawmakers, welfare 'c>t1'TS. ~oglsts and poor people 1gtet-011 this. 1( IOI" different reason.<;. And the President and his advLo;ers have i,lied'very hard to answer the objections 9l all these groups to tbe existing ar- tt;ngemenl. '.:.For the taxpayers, Nixon concedes the ~ed burden now but off ers .the promise of a plan tied to training and employing (lie poor. with the goal of making them tndeper1dent. The administration i! stress. ill' the "work requirement" feature to ' ~ Sick Sailor Girl avoid ihe image that it wants to gJve any· one "something for nothing." For congressmen and state legislators. there is the prospect of tn()re money lo attack the screaming problems at home. Nixon's proposal to begin sharing lederal tax revenues with the states on a no- string-attacbed basis, plus the guarantee or at least a 10 pereent cul in present "'el· fare costs is a political "swrelener'' of tbe first magnjtude. For front-line welfare workers. the plan would relieve them of)OOious and time-consuming eligibility chttks and in-· vestigatiom. Instead ol trying to find out if a welfare mother bas an able-bodied boyfriend in residence. the weUare pro- fessioaals would be able lo use their training in counseling and other social i;erviccs. F'or the sociologists and others '"'ho Jook at the ";elrare system from a more detached vie"rpoint. !he Nixon plan :solve5 two major shortcomings. First. it no 1nnl?· er encourages fathers lo desert their families so Lhat they can qualify for aid lo dependent chltdren. Second, it no long. er discourages reci pients from taking jobs by permittin~ them to keep piirt or their wages without losing an equal amount of \velra re. And finally, it pa ys a money bonus for those "'ho accept job training in addition to threatening those \\ilo refuse to cooperate with loss of bene- fits. For the poor. there ts the prospect or more nioney and fewer indignili~. The plan would envtswn the poor applyin~ for benefits and receiving payments: from the federal''50Cial security admirtisLraUon. and for. thtir clairas·of depiodeney to be accepttd with no more 'goverriment snooping (but the same poWbilities of criminal penalties for r~ud) than the av- erage citizen suffers in the process of 1>3ying income taxes. It may take two or more congressional sessions, but with the present syste1n giving every indication or continuing to f>kyrocket in both c05t and politi cal con· troversy, Nixon's plan may make it. From Pn9e 1 Now Aboard Shi WELFARE''' , p adminisl.ered by the national govern- ! A ~year.cld Costa ,..feu. woman who ment," a While· House source aaid. became seriously ill at sea aboard the SO-\Velfare workers would be expected In foot sloop Westerly Thursday, has been provide services such as counseling and transfered 1o the U. S. Navy comf"IMlt. flomemaking advice. hations !!hip Ar.lington. Tied closely to the new propogals are Doctors examining San De Wobbrock, a plans lo force the able-bodied, except the part time employe of Bartell Corp.. a molhers of preschool children, either gn fnarine electronk firm of Newport to work or join work !raining programs Jleach, said she has a serious kidney in-in order to continue receiving bentllts. fCcUon. "Everyone \l'hn accepts benefits mui;t The sloop was t.000 mile s north of Oahu also accept work or training, provided when cre1v members radioed for help suitable jobs are available either locally Thursday. Three Air Force parachutists or al some distance ir transportation is we re drop~ to give first aid and the provided," the President said in his mes. Arlington rushed to the scene. sage. IJ'he Arlington Ls expected to arrive in TI1e food stamp program. which now San Franci!CO ?t1onday afternoon. provides extra grocery buying power for the poor. would be greal\y trimmed ~ut v.-ould remain an option for some fam i· lie~. r DAILY PILOT .............. " ............. ---·---CAUfOIHIA ~1)1 COASl fl\llt.t)HtH!; tOMH.lff •• ..,, N. w •• , ~-~, .1.,1i 1. c.,1.., ""9Pttt*"'tfll °""'-'MIN .. n .... K.twll .... n."''' A. M1,.,1ir~. MMlll119 IElflllr I One White House source said the fami· ly assistance plan and the food stamp program would be combined with only si ngle persons and families \\ithout chil- dren eligible tor the stamps. Berlin Students Sing in Nelvport A louring choir from We st Germany "'ill sing at Sl. James Episcopal Church • on Lido Isle in Newport Beach tonighl at a o'clock. Kun-ende. a group o! 40 students rrom the Free University In \Vest Berlln also will sing at the First United lt1ethodist Church, 6th and Spurgeon Street!, santa Ana at 7 p.m. Sunday. The public is invited to b o t h ptrformancts. The otudenu ha\'e be.en staying \\ith families In the Orange Coast area during the past wetk and have g I v c n performances in El Ton> and Paramount. Liver Rec ipient Di es NEW YORK (UPI) -MrJ. Carolin• Varney, 27, who hid bffn discharged rrom MCJTiorial Hospital M11y ·23 after a liver traMplant operation that was pro. nounced "an unqualified lucceu," died Thursday. She rece:lvtd the liver or" 57. year--old man Feb. 20. Her liver was tian-. ccroui. I cou.nty Chamber or Commerce but arc, nevertheleas, a good clut to the timetable of the at.ate Division of Hi1hwaya. John Haskell, Ne~'port BC:ach real estate developer, is chairman of the study committee that prepared the report. Advisers from the Division ot flighways and from the county Road and Pl&nlling Deputment. helped wllll the preparation. "Our report has always renected the state Division oI Highways long-range planoing program,'' Haskell said. "There is a great deal of give and lake. We rely on their technical inlonnation. but we have been influential ln developing their planning program." Fonnally. the report -wilh or without modifications by the cou11ty Boartl o( Supervisors -will be presenled by Coun· ty Road Commissioner Al Koch at the meeting later this month of the California lfighway Commission. Consideration then \ViU be for the 1970-71 state budget. State Solons OK Rebate, Call It Quits By BILL STALL Associaled Press \\'riter SACRAF\1ENTO (AP) -The Califor· nia Legislature adjourned. its turbulent seven-month·long session today with Democrats and Gov. Reagan fighting over tax reform in a lilce1y preview of the 1970 election campaign. The end nr the final reguJar se.s.s.ion oI the decade came at 1 :28 a.m. The lawmakers return Sept. 8 for a five-day session to consider whether to override gubernatorial vetoes. llour after hour Friday, and into lhis morning, the Republican~ntrolled Sen· ate and Assembly sent scores or meas- ures to the GOP governor's desk. Among the final bills passed were ones to discipline college campus trou- blemakers and to give taxpayers a 10 percent. $84 million state income tax break nexl April. Republican Assembly Speaker Robtrt T. ,..1onagan of Tracy told his colleagues in a closing-ceremony, •·t think that \\'hen the final analysis is made. we will be able to say it was a good legis- lative session for the people of Califor· nia ... I think we can say that we 've done our work." It wa! the crew-cut Monagan's first year as speaker aftrr Republicans took control and ousted Democrat Jesse ,..1. Unruh of Inglewood. ,..tissing from the list of accomplish· , ments was !he lax overhaul plan that nearly everyone had promised this year. Reagan issued a statement in the wan- ing hours of the session accusing As· Sf'mbJy Democrati c leaders or "contln· uing to play politics y;jth lax reform.·• Young Arsonist Jailed for Year A Westminster youth coovicted of 11rson following the firebombing of a San- ta Ana home was sentenced Friday to one year in Orange County Jail. Superior Court Judge Robert Rickie.. also placed Antonio "Tony" Ruii, 20, of 6431 Walt St. oa one year's informal pro- bation. Idenlieal sentences were handed lo Ruiz's two companions in the arson at· !empt: Richard l~arrison Granl 24, Garden Grove, and Paul Dale Sutliff. 23, Santa Ana. Police arrested the trio last Nov. 4 :shortly after they cruised past the Bew ley Street home of Ernest C. ,..1oreno and hurled a blaz.ing molotov cocktail at lhP residence. The flaming missile landed atop the Morenos' family car and was quickly doused by members of the fami· ly. Fi~·e shots were fired al the fleeing Ruiz: car by ,..1oreno's son. AU miMed their mark. llasktll said the projects ha\'e not been ju1nped 11round in priority rrom last year's rtport Abou\ the only cbangt, he said, i.s the top priority ruveraide Frew1y wa..s moved off the list because the lit.ale haa budgeted for it. About 30 perto0s. representing: all part.s of Orange County, served With Hask~ll on the chwber study llfOUP· He.re are the project • prioritiei. mileage, estimated cost, and probable number or year11 unUI completion: Freeways : 1 -Orange Freeway-from Gilrden Grove Freeway to Riverside Free.way.- Five miles. '20 million. Three and a half years away. 2---Corona de! ~tar Freeway from San Diego Freew~ to Pacific Coast Free.way, 6.3 mile&. $27 mllUon. Five years off. 3 -Pacific Coast Freeway from Hun· l1nglon Beach Freeway to Corona de! r.1ar t'reeway. Nine miles. ''45 million. l. . < St\-en years oft County. 12 mnea:. $75 million. 12 years 4 -Newport f'reeway trtm Palbades off. Road to Paclllc Cod l',,,...ay. Your II•~ -Oran&e Free~ from PacUlc milts. f lt ml111ofl. Slv'eq year1 Oft Coast Freeway to Garffn G r o v e ~ -llunliJlllcn Beach·,.,......, from Freeway. JI mu.... l70 million. II ftars PaclQc .ccaat Fre<way to \Janlen Grove Cf!. ; Freeway. U mlles. 115 "'11llon. Eight . 12--0rtega)J!lghway lrorn San Dle10 ye.an oJf. Frtcw4y lnto 1 Rlverslde County. 11.s ~. -Patj.(ic Coast Freeway from Hun· -miles. MO .million. i5 ytar1 o(r .. tinlf<>o Beach Freeway to San Gabriel•· Sloje llla~w1y1, • Froewa7. • 7.$ miles. Pl mllllon. Seven 1 -lkach Boulevard rroni PacltJc years ell. Coast fflghwiy ' to Sanu Ana Fl'etway '? -·Laguna Freeway from Sin Diego Wide.g · to six 14Ues. 15 mJJe1• p,; Freeway to PacWc Coqt Ffttwty. Slx mlWon. Two yeara orr. miles. $10 mllltoo. Slz years off. 2-Paclflc Coait. Highway Ctoru Beach' I -Paclllc Coast Freeway from Boulevard to Doheny Park Road. Corona de! Mar Freeway to San Diego lmprovc to four lanes divided ivlth two J-"'reeway. 19 miles. $100 million. 10 years reconstructed bridges. $3 niillion. F'i\'e off. years ofl _ 9 -Imperial Freeway from niverside 3 -Sa~ta Ana-San Diego r·ree\\•ay. Freeway into Los Angeles County. 13 Improve interchanges at La Palma. miles. $ftO million. 13 years off. Brookhurst . Euclid, State C 0 11 e g e 10 -Huntington Beach Freeway fro1n Broad"•ay.,..1ain, Cuh·er, v a 1 enc i a : Garden Grove Freeway into Los Angeles Canada and Alicia. $9.S million. Four years off. Police questioning Too 4 -Brea Boulevard·Brea Catlyon Road r~m Lambert Road to Orange Freeway. Wi~en to tour lanr.s. Two miles. No utimate on cost or when It mJ&ht be done. Coed Sex Murder Figure Faces Larceny Heari~g YPSILANTI, Mich. (UPI) -Andrew Julian ,..1anuel. 25, whisked inlo fllichlgan late Friday under a thick security cover, '''as to be arrai~ today on a larceny charge. He also will be questioned aboul the sex murders ol seven young women in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area. fltanuel, who ll.vejl ia ~ same Ypsi· lanli rooming house as John Norman Collins and traveled to California with Collins at the time when a young girl "'as slain there, wai ved extradition in Phoenix, Ariz .. where he was picked up by FBI agents Wednesday after an inten· ~ive nationwide manhunt. 'l'he dark-haired, rornier factory \1•ork- er was charged with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution in Michigan for lar- ceny stemming from the rental of an au to trailer for a trip to Callfornia with Collln.s, who is charged with first degree murder in the death of Karen Sue Beine- man, 18, latest of the victims. He was to be arraigned on a charge of larceny by conversion in 14th District Court here with Judge Edward Deake ex. peeled to preside. The tight security surrounding Collins. the 22-year.cld E~fU senior. weakened. ii was revealed Friday, when a 63-year- old former mental patient convinced Doreen Changes Mind··· No Surf, Just Sea Storm "Doreen flaked out on us,'' said a lady at the Los Angeles Weather Bureau. "She's dissipating to JO.knot winds." The erstwhile tropical storm, in the capricious manner of all women since Eve. has decided to become a tropical depression . That means she'll create thun· derstorms out at sea and very little high su rf at local beaches. Along the Orange Coast. poreen's 'vhims caused headaches for lifeguards all week as they tried to wtguess her. Where and when would her 10 to 12 foot waves strike'.' The answer now appears lo be not at all. Eul Huntington Beach. Laguna Beach and Newport Beach have all reported \\'aves or four to SiX feet in height. Treacherous riptides are po s i n g ha zards to swimmers and surfers at all points along the coast but the waves are not expected lo increase during the 11·cekend. But guards at Laguna Beach and Hun· lington Beacl1 and Nc"·port arc keeping a lookout for Doreen, just in case she changes her mind and the size or her 1vaves. "You know how lhosC women arc,'' said the lady at the weather bureau. jaile~ he was a bWlop and hsd a l\\'O- hour chat wtth the youth . Joseph Bartholomew iSasic, \\'ho calls himself Bishop Bartholomew, told news~ men he was admitted to the Wuhtena1v County Jal. where Collins is being held, under orders from Sheriff Douglas Har· vey. _ _ _ Pasic said he lalked to the youth "about many things, including the mur- ders .•. we talked mostly about his spir· it and soul. He seems to be a very re· penlanl young man. Jle didn't confess to me any killings.'' l\1ichlgan police, 1vho said they had es· tablished no connection between r.1anue! and any of the slayings, indicated th ey hoped he could she<! some ligt in solving lhc murders that have claimed the lives of fi\'e coeds from Eastern ,..fichigan Uni. versily here and the University of ?.fichi· gan in neighboring Ann Arbor, one high school dropout and a 13-year.cld junior high student in lhe past two years. Police in Salinas, Calif., also sought to question Manuel, Police there have said there was a con- nection between Collins and the murder of 17·year.cld Ro1ie Ann Phillips. She was found nude and strangled in mid.July after vanishing June 30 in much the same manner as the ft·fichigan sl ayings. . Collins had dated a 'g1ril friend of. Mi!S Phillips, police said, but there .was not enough e•ldence to make any formal charges. .- Meanwhile. Collins remained without bond in the Washteoaw County Jal!. He appeared before Judge Deake Thursday and won a week's postponement of his pretrial examination when he reques:ed a court-appointed lawyer. Probate Judge Ross W. Campbell said late Friday that no decision had been made as who would replace the Ann Ar· bor attorneys, John Toomey and Robert F~ancis, whom Collins had oriiinally re· ta1~. Rosary Slated For Mr. Green Rosary will be recited Sunday at 7.31> p.m. Jn the Peek family Chapel and ,..1ass celebra ted r.tonday for N. Jay V.V. Green, 84, of C:ista Mesa father of llun· tington Beach "'1ayor Jack Green, who died Friday after a lengthy illness. ~lass \\'ill be at St. John the Baptist C;itholic ct1urch in Costa ,...1esa al 9 a.m. Jl.1onday. Interment will follow in Good Shepherd Cemetery, Huntington BclJC:h. !\Ir. Green, retired as a rea l estate broker in 1963 and moved to Costa Afesa from Altadena in 1963. He was born in New York slate and moved to Southern California in 1908. 5 -Carbon Canyon Road from Imperial HJghway into San .Bmiardlno County. Reallgn and widen to four lanes. No estimate on to.5t or when it might be done. l'ro111 Pn9c J ARRIVAL ... law David Eisenhower, ~·ho normally ac- c?m pany them and daughter Tricia by ai:, cho.se to make the transcontinental tnp by car and do some sightseeing. White House press aides said the Pnsf. dent will remain in California until Sept. 7, but-plam s:evera:J-trips from his blld· quarters _in' th~ sleepy seaside city. The first Journey will be to Lo~ Angeles' Century Plaza Hotel nex-t · Wednesday, for one of the first State din· ners h·eld outside the \Vhile llouse in decades. Astronauts Neil Armstrong Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins, p\u; 52 other space exploration pioneers, governors from every state and in ternational lead- • er1 will attend. The Student Mobilization Committee has announced il is organizing a demonstration outside the huge hotel ~here poli«:e and pi_ckets clashed bloodily in 19117 durmg President Johnson's visit ~resident Nixon will confer Aug. 21 a~d 22 in. San Francisco ll'ilh South Korean P_r~s1dent Park Chung Hee and may also v1s1t the Sept. 2 NaUonaJ Governors' Conference in Colorado. White.House aide1 said two meetings of the !'Jat10nal Security Council, a Cabinet 8eSSJOf\. ~~ ~ with urban affairs and ed\I~ controls experts are also pl"J!bed. • . _ ~ t>t!Ckine'order in Nl1on's circle of ~ide~a~ advisors Is reflected primarily In t~ dl!tanC1! Of their quarters from the Summer White House and adjacent head-quarteni. tiew administrative headquarters have bein built on the U.S. Coast Guard long range radio navigational st1tion nex l door, along with a Secret Service dormitory~ffice building. Dr. Henry Kissinger, top national se~u;ity advisor, plus Secretary of State W1lliam P. Rogers, Alrorney General John Mitchell, lhe President's legal ad- visor, John Enrlichman, press secretary Ron Ziegler and Rosemary Wood Nixon's priv.tte secretary, will all stay' in tem- porary homes In the sutTounding Crprus Shon development. Sources in San Clemente say Dr. Kiss- inger and his family \\'iii slay at lhe Cyprus Shores home of Peter W. Toland, located at 3838 Calle Ariana. Toland is editor of Home ti1asazine and had the house built especially for a story. photo layout. Other temporary addresses listed are: -Attorney General ?\-1itchcll and faml · ly. lhe home of the George Robertsons 4082 Calle Louisiana . ' -Secretary of State Rogers and faml · Jy, the honie of the Roy Divels Jr .. 2465 S. Ola Vista. -Counsel Ehrlichman and family, the h.)me of Thomas C. Foley, 32J Paseo de Cristobal. -Private Secretary WQQCI, the home of !he John L. Moores at 4010 Calle l\.lareena. just a block from the Nixon mansion. ' Co1a.ncil11ian's Report Spe{:ial as.sistanl.s. Bob Hakleman, who o"'·ns a beachfront home in Newport Beach. and _Dwight Chapin •. ~ho has rented a bays1de residence, will oommute to the Summer White House by helicopter. Israel Viewed First · Hand The Arabs ha\'e lost three wars with lsrael b11t the Jsrael111 feel !hey cannot afford to lose one-they have no place ln the world to go. This was the message brought back from a recent trip to the Middle East na· lion by Dr. ~lenry Kaufman, Huntington Beach cily councilman. as he spoke \o fellow members of the Rotary Club Fri- day. Dr. Kaufman prefaced his talk wllh. "This report "·ill be witb complete bias, l am not pro-Arab.'' Reports of current hostllit1es In IS"rael are ei1:aggcrated. the vi~tor felt. "I sa w none. but we were not allowed to go ne1:r the border areas so we may ha\'e misse<I fiometh.lng . "PeOplc there are very radio conscious :1nd stop \Vhatevu they are tloing to listen to news reporu," Dr. Kaufman rtported. 60 PERCEST ON ~IJLITARY II a major e50llatfon of the ,..11ddle E&sl wartart due soon? "The laraells don't think so, but thty spend fiO percent of the.Ir gross natlot1al prOOuct on the mllih1ry. 1 "The ba~ic need of Jsrael is ptrmanent peace, but there are sharp dlfterences or l opinion on how to achieve it . They have their hawks and doves, too.'' the coun· cilman continued. The hawk.! demand that lsrael retain al l occupied territories, especially those gained in the six~ay war in 1967. On the other hand, others are willing to give up aJmost everything but Jen1salem . "Officially, the nation's Arab neighbors have taken a non-bclll11erenl stance, but Egypt especially wants its territories back. "The Arab guerillas, or commandos. are Israel's most serious problem but they are not equipped for modern warf1re," Kaufman e1plained . "Russia a very important factor in the ,..fiddle East sltu11tlon. but the principal reason the Israelis don't fear immediate war." Israel has done a remarkable job in in· dustr:lallution, Kaufman said. The lst•elis' progress Is gre11t because of lheir common unity but taxes are CX· tremely high. "You wouldn't pay them here.'' he said. ''There would be a l,axpayers' re- volt." A person wtshina: lO tra\'eJ outtide the rountry pay, 300 percent ta1es on his tickets. Imported c11.rs arc taxtd about 300 percent, making a *3,000 car carry a tremendous price tag. Stereo records cost $19 each. "The army ls entirely civilian led. The.re is no saluting. Everyone is called by his first name and all ciliiens have other occupations but 11re an1lous to serve," Dr . Kaufman related. CLOSE BUSJNESSES ··~1eo are·in lhe active reserve from 18 lo 49 years, and women from 18 to 30o unless they marry. They are subject to call al ali limes for training periods and Just close up their bu.sinews or desert their jobs. Problems? Integration ls a big one says the optomeirist. Jews from all over the world are Invited to settle there. They come from O\lna, India, Africa, Europe, Asia. the Unlttd States. a.nd South America. There are H dUferent etl\r\lc backgrounds in the rountty. Jmmigranu are first trained In the Hebrew languaac for live months with all expense1 paid. "They are expeelally anxious to attract young people and ~ offer univrr1ity training with all c1pt.nses paid. 'Ibcly netd people with 11kills of all kinds and industrial workers,•• the councilman ad· ded. • Reservations for 15 rooms al the t>.1ewporter Inn lo be occu·pied ,..londay night include four Cabinet. members and their wives. plus a group or other aides and associalts. · They include Secretary of Agriculture Clifford Harding, Stcrelary or the Treasury David Kennedy, Secretary or Labor George .Schultz and Secretary of Commerte Maurice Stans. Ot!\ers are Dr. and 1itrs. Paul ,..fcCrac:ken; Qr.. ahd Mrs. Art.bur By mes: Or. and ,..1rs. Daniel' Moynihan: the llerb KleiM; the Hendrick Houthakers: t'he Arnold \Ye be r 11 ; N"athaniel Samuels, Kenntth Davis and •ltnry Kearn!. IRS To Treat Doctors As Corporations WASHINGTON (UPI) -The lntern•I Revt.nue Service haS agreed to treat u corporations for tu purpoHS ore•niia- Uon!i of physicians, lawyers and other• organized undtr .!!late profeuional 1111- sociallon act&. 1'hc IRS announced it' decision after the Justfcc Dep11rtment decided not to Jp}IC)al the decisions or t~·o U.S. circuit C01U'ts. which held i uch lax treatment 'vas rtqulrod. ,, I] ' We.ekend • -• • • -' Ye .. Re•et.wi9 ' ' -Dally-Pap•eerr~r'·~~ VOL. 62, NO. 190, 4 SECTIONS, 68 PAGES SATURD..t.Y, AUGUST 9, 1969 .. TEN c&rrf . . ! Nixon Coming; Aides Finding County Homesl By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of t11t Dtllf Plitt lltlf -'?'tie shadow Of Air Force 1 streaked across America loday bringing President Nixon and the nerve ffilltr of, U.S. pernment . to Orange County for a month of work and play. TOuclxlown is scheduled for 4:30 p.rn. Saturday •t Orange County Airport, wtlere the chief executive is expected to greet more than 10,000 citizens and ¥lrtu- ally .ev<ty COW1ty dignitary. The blggl:i!lt alrcraft ever to Jand. al lbe county facility cueyll>g the· most .celebrated travder: .ever to step-down <lh the apron wu diverted from El Toro fl1CAS at the President's own request. Leadets of a com:mlltet formed to . welcmne Mr. and Mn. Nixon and Uteir entourage back to.the Preskient's naUve ·Oringe County said he wanted to get cl6'tr to the: people. ' . No one Itemed to~lmow .preci~ what hil informal greeting to countlans mi1ht DAIL T PILOT ...... _., ON S........ TJaree Ota a Wedge ' . . ' Ever have a li.ankerln' for a bunk of watermelon on a hot summer day? Matt Clarke, Jeff Sweet1.an4 Stott Tbompsorl did. All at the same time. You'd, t!llnk it was the last plp:e of watermelon in town. Fortunately, there was room lot all three. Mall, 10 ; Jeff, 15, and Scoll, 12 (from left) live in·Cosla Mesa. LSD Victim, 10 . Traced to Have n For Hippies Authorities today are tracing the parents· of a lO-year--0ld narcotics user caught in Costa Mesa early Frkiay, an LS~razed refugee from an ldyllwlid area hippie haven. The boy -his thin arms dotted "'ilh needlemarks -is being cared for at Orange County Juvenile Hall uatit it is determined \\'hat will be dorle with him . Police Officer Dennis Hossfeld, who searched the long-haired boy at head- quarters after he was picked up by Offi- cer Frank Upham, faund three LSD tab· lets and marijuana in his ·boot "Take me home., l'nl going to die," he v,;.,, Quoted as screaming. .Home· was · apparently a hippie.style commune in the Riverside COunty hill countrj. Oranp County Probation Department !pokesman Herbert Hadley sald Friday tMt the lO-year-<1ld boy was apparenf)y brought to the Harbor Area with persons unknown. HadJey said lhe inlormation is un· confirriled but he had reportedly ~en in the mountains for two months, slnct leaving San Fancls~ where tiis parents are said to be. Police estimated the boy's age at 10 ,,·hen he \\'SS arrested and Hadley said f.'riday the boy told them he ,,·as born in Spain in 1959, pretty well confirming the age. Jurors Say Court 'Uncomf ortahle' orange County's dazzling $11 m!lllon new court facility evidently isn't very comfortable for jurora. Judges have observed that the jury boxes are too small. Jurors stumble over each other rinding their seats a.nd are cramped for leg room during the long hours or jury duty. So Jud ge Samuel Drtizen, presiding judge .:>f the Superior Court, has wrlUen 11 )titer urging county supervisors to vi.sit t:le. courtrooms. ob&trve the problem, aid 1hen agree to spend the f(i(l,000 It will cost 10 properly expand the jury boxes. There h~ve been more than 100 cont· plaints about the courthoust from various bodies and lndlvlduals since lhe building opened in January. " I Anti-oil Drilling Bills Await Reagan Signature Two bills wilh far-reaching effects to oil exploration drilling practices on the Orange Coast are wailing the signature of Gov. Reagan today. The bills, Senale Bill 57 and Assembly Bill 662, have pass· ed the Legislature and are expected lo be signed \\'ithin the next few days. Bill .662, authored by Assemblyman Robert Badham and Sen. John Schmitz, both or Orange County makes public ·hearings 1nandatory for expl<iratory sa)n.. pie drilling. The hearings have to be held in the area affected by the drilling. Hans Lorenz, chairman or the newly rev1ved Coastal Area Protective League said the two piects ot legislaUon ''really nail down the problem here." Senate Bill 57 prohibits the same type of core-sample e~ploratior:. drilling in oil sanctuaries, Including the area off Newport Beach protected by the Shell· CuMingham Act. , Lorenz said his organization, which originally pushed for the succesliful passage of t h e Shell-Cunningham sanctuary, has written to the governor and requested him to sign it. "A-1any other coastal city government.1 and organizations have done the same thing," he said. He termed the potential passage of the tv;o bills. as "highly significant" to oil issues along the Orange Coast. "The next thing we hope to achieve is establishing an oil drilling buffer zone in the Huntington B;each offshore area. We still do not have all the det..ila of the issue, but that will be the ne1t project," he said. Mesa Firm Lays Off 1 ()0 111 Defen se Bt1clget Cut Cutbacks by the Defense Department In budgeting for the Athena a, rocket pro- gramled to the layoff Friday of more th8n 100 eniployes al the AtlanUc Research plant, Costa Mesa. "The final number is not yet esta~lish· eC!," laid Tom Smith, as8islant ·to tile general manager of the Susq~anna' Corpor1tion research dJvlslon. J He Mill the llrire wu more lhan I~. but mn under IOO. Smith u.ld lht p1an( h:ad 181 enlptoyt1, some of whom will tont~ue, to be In- volved in lhe locaJ four"8ta1e rockat pro- gram. Atlantic Research, 3333 ltarbor Blvd., 11 a.Ji;o hea vily involved in development of specia1lied boata for military ind other uses Smith said the elimination of ctrtaln pt>raonncl was a general cut, but lncluded many engineering and p r o d u c t i o n c1nplayes. "N1.turally they're shocked and then It can cause tome problcma when their friends see them go," S,mlth erpltlned. adding that the l>ttenst Department orcler cam~ two months ago . The Athena I is i four -stage boosLcr rocket used in fii-1ng atmospheric re-en· try vehicles. ". Hoag 11 ospital . . Rev ision Okayed A parking 1araie frith · room· ',;r 745 con hu be<n approved by Newport Beach'• planning commission as part or. ' revised development plan for Hoag Memorial HospilaL The plan, revised after the hospital found i~ wu unable lo acqui~ an ad· dlUooal 4.& acre st.rip or land along the southwest lot line of the hospHa\ pro- perty, calls for th$. two other new 11ltuc· lures in addition t'-the garage. All will be on the southwest comer of lfo9'J)ital Road and Newport Bouleva.rd. Also to be Included are a main building. with 256 beds. It will rise lo a height or 127 feet. There wUJ also be a pow,"° 1ta· rton. rt.frtgcralitn units an<f acncrators for lht hospital. ' , ll'ltlude Friday, but Preskient Nixon's joumey is to quick)y resume, via his Marine Corps I heUcopter . Major nationaf and international talks, dinner with the first men on the moon and demonstrations by anU • establish· ment ·groups are u.peded in the •busy four weeks ahead. ReluaUon In the seclusion of the San Clemente SUmmer White House is also acbeduled, probably for inM of Sunday, before N.iJ:on and his at.aft 1et doWif lb KriOUJ business next week. · · Thi remaJnder of hia Cabinet entourage is expected to anive In the Harbor Are1 t.1onday, aettlinc into rented San Clemenle ho.,.,., the San Clemente Inn; pltU the Newpoter lnn and ioca1 bcmu. ; Tbe Nlxons' daughter Julie anCI ..- Jaw David El~wer, who Mn'Dllly AO' company them and daughter ~, ~ alr, chose to make the tramcoidtliimi trip by car and do some a~ • ~ (See.ARRlV AL, Pap I) ; . .- . ' Welfare Shake-up J Nixon Calls for Vast System Changes WASHINGTON (UPI) -President NiXOJl's welfare proposals WQLl!d abolish the nation's Jarg~t and m06t CODtrover- sial Mll'ate program and replace it with a family assistance plan. The new plan he outlined to the nation Friday night would txlend federal pay- ments lo a1l flllllilies with children whose incomes fall below certain poverty levels, including the working poor. No famUy o( four cOUld fall below $1.600 a year under the President's proposal. Families of four with earnings up to $3.920 a year would be eligible up lo even higher levels of inconte. Income deductions of up lo $60 a month per family would be allowed for \1or,;. related expenses suc h as babysitting fees Astronauts 'Free' After Moon Bug Test SPACE CENTER, Houstoo (UPI) -An end to hibernation ·ror America'! newest heroes hinged on the outcome of a cru. clal blood test today, a final check for the moon bug11 that seem not to exist. Doctors were confident Neil A. Arm· strong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. Aldrin would pass this examination, just as they have l\\·o others earlier in their quarantine peHod, and get the go-ahead to rejoin the rest of the world Sunday night or early Monday. Since the.Y entered their plus.b quaran· tine quarters at the space center, the three moon pilots have not been sten by the outside worU:I. Little has been said by a spokesman "11Ving with them about how they felt during their historic voy· ase. When Armstrong, Collins and Aldrin leave quarantine. however~ they· will step into a public spotlight and world hero acclaim for their July 20 moon landing. Tbey are to tell the world first-hand about their voyage in a news conference Tuesdgy, then start a frantic cross-c:oun· try tour or parades in New York and Chi· cago and a Presidential state dinner in Los Angeles -all In one day, Wednes- d.:ay, traveling in Air Force One. Plans for a world tour in September are laking shape. Even after the 8.!tronaul!, the 19 men and one girl Isolated with them in sn $11.5 million Lunar Receiving Laboratory ere released, the rocks the spacemen brought back from the moon must remain In quarantine. Tiie first opportunity to re- lease the rocks Is ln September. But Friday scientists placed one or those rocks -a unique specimen which they ~aid indicated the moon formed long ago lhrough a "quite complicated" pro- ces.'! -on view in a vacuum-sealed glass bo1vl. Space Cenler employes and ne\'l'smcn ~ot to look at the light-gray piece of the n1oon. ahout the size of a clench r;d fi.~L rrom a distance of just six inches throu~h a plale·glass window. Tiny crystals glit· tcred In every visible surface ol the pitted rock. Dr. Jelfrer, \Varner, a member of the lunar samp e preliminary investigation team and one ol three men who studied the ~ under t binocular microscope, said It was the only one among more than SO picked up by the astronauta that appeared to contain large amount& of ijle mineral: <llh~lne fn addiUOn to feld· Spru' and du:nnJle. . ' Warner uld the rouf'lded, sparkling, "sueary" grains of the very hard rock meant it was formtd by the slow cooling of molt.en material. The slenincanL presence of large ~mounts of olivine. a heavy mineral that 11lnks to the boltom of molten material, 'vould i~icate that the rock waS [ormcd long 11.@'.t'I deep .helot/ the surface of the moon. Wa~r said. La1e.r. he said, it must ha\•e been somehow. tossed to the surfact, perhaps throuah tht impact or a large meteoroid. Small pits. 11ome of them lined with blAck glau and su.rrounded by a whlte halo, covered the roe.k's surtaoe •• These, Worner Uld, probably came rrom the im- pact of tiny mclerold parti<Jta alter lho · rock '"died tilt llltlace. ' • and travel expenses. The program now providing aid to mothers and children, 1ugely In the big cities, would be abollahed, White House sources said. because It ena>W'qes peo- ple to depend on welfart. This is the massive program known IJ Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) which ha.s driven si:lme fathers lo leave home so their familles can re. ceive welfare. The administration's proposed program \~ould cost th.e federal government an ad· ditional 14 billion a year during its first year of operation. Present federal wel· fare spending is about $4.2 bllllon a year. Coverage \\'OUld be extended to an es· tin1atcd 12.4 million more persons. Th• proposal •lso His a floor ·o1 "I a month pe,ymenta to 1dUlll who. are aged. blind or c!Uabled. Stat., OCllld choose to pay more. Both rich and poor states could.: flncl ways of saving money UDder tbe.Prtll; dent's propoSal. . One unexpected feature of th~ ~ would he the use of the federal SOdal Se' curity AdminLstraUon to defermlnt' tttcff bility and make paymenu. This means the ntW' welfare client.I would no longer deal with local welfare offices on their eligibility or payments bul would instead deal with federal of· fices. "This is a national program; It wm li't (See WELF ARE, Pace 2) • Dems Not Talk.Ing Welfare Plans Draw Llmi~lt GOP Praise • By Valid Pre11 lnlmladooal President Nixon's proposal• for re- form of the naUon'• "~Jfare syatem . drew llmJted praise today from mod• erate GOP congressmen but Democrat· ic la\'lmakera generally wiUtheld com· mcnt. A national organization of welfare re- cipienU called his recommendations in· adequate. The mixed bag of reaction Indicated the controversial program Nixon out· lined Friday night In a nationally broad· cast address would geiierate heated de· bate and• encounter widespread resist· a.nee before any or It becomes Jaw. Dr. GeOrge A. Wiley; director ·or the National WeYare Rights Organiution (NWRO) claiming 7~.ooo members in more than 167 cities, said the Presi- dent's proposal for a minimum of $1,600 in annua l payments for a family of four was far too low to provide "the basic necessities of life." It costs at least $5,500 a year for a family of four to live adeQuately. he said, and the plan Nixon offered "will not solve the welfare crisis or the crisis In the cities.'' The President's plan also go.t a rather cool reception In conservative Republi- can quarters. Senate GOP leader Everett M. Dirksen, for e1ample, was carefully noncommittal when asked his reaction. California Cov. Ronald Reagan safd he wanted to ••reserve comment" until he had had time lo study the program in detail. A number oi Democratic congressmen contactd took an eqlJally e1:Utlous ap. proach and others were away from Washington ·for the weekend. Among the first Republican congress- men to declare support for the propos· al~ v.·ere New York Sens. Jacob K. J8v. its and Charles E. Goodell. Bui both tncn did so with reservationz. Javits. ranking Republ ican on the Senate Labor and Public Welfare Com· mittee, predicted the proposals would carry the nation ••over the threshhold of providing a minimum level or sup- port for the poor." He added, however, that the mlnlmum.1 Nllnn proposed U.S. Dollar Safe In Franc Move , WASIDNG'i'ON (UP!) -The Treas- ury Department uy1 the de'valuaUon of the. French franc will not alfect the value or the U.S. dollar. The esecutl\'e board o( difec\or.a ol tpe JnternaLiooal ~tonelary Fund planned lo meet SUnday morning in special aeaion. A U.S. govermnent economist said the dcvaluaUon appearea to be aimed niore aL aligning the val~ of the franc with the German mark than ",anylhlng tAAt would affect the value or . thl dol· JU." Ht! called .the devaJuaUon ••a mod- al one In ICi 'amoUnt;11• -.. wOtlld "hartly eover t¥ food bucf&dS ol the pooreat families, 1e .. 1ni little lo CO\'er sudl other baal.c cost• u shelter, clothing and lranllportaUon." Goodell termed the program a ''con· 1trucUve step forward toward creaUnj a fairer welfare system." Bat, like JAY.· its, he complained that It would dO little tor states like New York,· wbldf. have the fastest growing welfare' roD. and most expenllive relief progrum. · Sen. Hugh Scott of Penn1ylvalii1, u.~ sistant Republican leader, wu , more positive in his appraisal of the-Id.min, islration's proposals and ~ hbpe that "swift Congressional approval ol. President Nixon'a 'new federalism' pro- u•m will bring hope and dlplty to mlllions of our most needy citlztm." Barroom 'Lure' Sent to Prison An attractive Fountain Valley woman who admltted she lured a barroom patron into a parking lot where h9 was robbed by her two male as.soclate1 baa been aene to state prison. Superior Court Judge WWJam . Spefrs accepted lbe guilty plea of J;>atdcla Eloise DeWitt. 3&, of 1M27 EveMt St. and sent ber to prison for 1 to 14 yem •. Mrs. DeWiU was ll"rested March U ootslde a bar in ec.ta Mfllll. Of ficus Aid a man who followed from the bar was 1t. tacked in the parkJng lot and relieved of $30 and a number of credil cards. : Or ange Coast Weather. It'll be a pleasanl day weather· wise along lhe Orange Coast today with ·high clouds giving way to IWI In the afternoon. The trlllflc may be a different story. with crowdJ expected from inland areu where the timperaiur.. are nrpecled · lo rtad> IS degr<e1. INSIDE TOD.4.Y • Do wfnurs reaU11 win 011 thoJe ttlntdon oame ahows1 TV. WEEK talks to some who did. e ~ ttnde'llCU to get fat, C<tUnUc1s aUtrgier ond 4 tCTTf. bit t~ptr ore some of the woef' Jte · htn to liv,e wiih ~ Billy Co...,., profeuicmol aolf• l>io m0t1111 man of l968, Fomii11 \Veektu c<Wff ltory. • )i ... ., _ _._ -- • 2 j)ll).V P~DT SllllldtY,.4•t111U, 1'69 . I ...c . • -• • -• • ' • • ' -~County ~(:(!f C Gives Coast Freeways 'Pr1or1·ty 1J TBO!llAS FQllTUNt \llroU&h JleWf>Ort ~ I"" II tho county CbamW of Ceq1111orco but an, • "' -,,., "'" Newport Demir llmllb Ooola Meu, . ~. a aood C!!'t to tho ~l!lttahte ~w:tl•on or almost tlD mlleJ ol livo ii .tho llWllb1llfn Boach l'nt•air of Ibo llala Dlvlllon of flllbwllYI. way along the Or•ll8• Coast a( a ""' alolll Beacb llGulevanl, a1x ii Illa Pldl· ' Jolla IWkell, Newport Beach re.I ·more than $2:i(l,000 has been given a • le COast Frew1y through Huntington e1tate developer, is chairman of the prlorlly call by-lhe Orange County Beach. seven • is the Laguna Freewsy study commlltee that prepared lhe Oiniiier of "Ql,mmerce. along ~ C.nyoo Road and eiJht is report. Advisers Crom th9 Divislon of A NPort of the chamber's trlghway arid' 1 the Pacific Coast Freeway ln~d of Highways and from the county Road at1on committee 111 cxpectld to · Laguna Beach. and Planning Deparlments helped with ted by lhe county B.-d o( Top priority in a separate category for the preparation. Sors on Tuesday ru; the coonty'l'I state hlghway11 ls the sua:gcsted widening "Our report hu always reflected the rccommtndllion to the Callfornia Qf Beach .Boulevard to alx lines rrom st1te Divl1ion of Hl1hway1 Jong-range !hay Commi.Sllon. Pacific Coast lllghway to the Santa Ana planning program," Haskell said. "There years.past, supervisors have always Jo'reeway. is & IJ'tlt deal of give and take. \Ve rely pfed the county chamber's freeway Second highway priority 1s lm)>rovlng on tl\elr technical information. but we bKf highway priority re.port. to four lanes div ided Pacific Coast have been influential in developing their '"'The report gives top priority for Highv.·ay from Beach Boulevard in Hun-planning program." .(retway construction to tht Orange tingtcm Beach to Doheny Park Road In Formally, the report -with or without fiee;,a.y in the northern part of the Dana Point. Included in the recom-modlflcaUons by the county Board of =and a.S!lgns high Importance to mended project is replacement of tht Up-Supervisors -will be presented by Coun· y5 1h the"cbastal area. per Newport Bay and Santa Ana River ty Road Commissiooer Al Koch. at the ~ ty two ls the Corona del ~tar bridges. meeUng later thiJ month of the California ~'3' a.long ~1acArlhur Boulevard, The priority recommendations are Highway Commission. Consideration then r ii the Pacific Coast Freeway prepared aa an independent report of the will be for the 1970-71 state budget. ~:Bet~"' With Nixo11 ~ ~ ' ~Will Controversial Reform Make It? :._ \VASHINGTON {U PI) -President Nix- i\ Is golng to have pl enty ol trouble get- ling the public and Congi'ess lo accept ~ pew welfare plan. Out don 't brt against him. ~)'he propo3al Is heavy with controversy. t, it would double the cost and more n. dlllblt the number of persons eli- fot public assiatance. Second, it 14 "'naUanalize" welfare -removing the traditional power of state.s, counti~ and cities to decide who needs welfare end how much they should get. FinaJly and perhaps most significantly. lt would start changing the entire basis of the la-year-<1ld U. S. public welfare pro.gram. Up lo now, welfare has been WLrtcted to people "Yo'hO had some prob· JOn oth.:!r than just belng poor -the in· hi.ties of age. physical disability, the loss o( parental support. i Nixon's plan '>''Ould providC money .to all fanlilles sin1ply berause they need 1t. The President made a great point of de· nying this v.·ould be a "guaranteed annual income ,·· because ii requires the 1obless to acccpl work or training lf it ls available in order to get assistance p yments. A "pure" guaranteed annual lllcome plan would provide payments ieVen to those who refuse to go to work. But with all the seemingly potent ar· lri:tnents again!t the Nixon plan, there are a number or reasorni to belleve that ll: or something akin to It will eventually liffome Iaw. -,· t:The Present pu!ill~ 'weUare systeftt l! a ~ Tupaye(s, lawmakers, we\£are ~lJl"ktn, socfoTOgists 11nd poor people Bp-ee'" on thh. if for different reasons. Arid th.I Presldent and his adviser..! have. ~ very hard to answer the objections Of~ a:u these groups to the existing ar. rlpgem-ent. :tor the taxpayers. Nixon cflncedes the Aided bUrden now but offers the promise ot a plan tied to training and employing tile llOOI" with ilie goal of making them t!Jdependent. The administration is stress-il!i the "work requlr!ment" feature to . . Sick Sailor Girl . Now Aboard Ship .· ':A 23-year-old·Costa ~1esa woman who became seriously ill at sea aboard the 50- foot sloop Westerly 1'hursday, has been transfered to the lJ. S. Navy communi- cations ship Arlington. Doctors examining San De Wobbrock. a fJfrt Umc employe or Bartell Corp .. a "'arine electronic firm of Newport Beach, said she has a serious kidney in· fec tion. The sloop "'as 1.000 miles north oJ 011hu "'·hen crew members radioed for help Thursday. Three Air Force parachutists were dropped to give first aid and the ~rlington rushed to the scene. The Arlington Is expected to arrive in 5aq_ Francisco J\.fonday afternoon. avoid the image that it wants to give any- one "something for nothing." For congressmen and state Jegislatorll'. there is the prospect of more money to attack the screaming problems at home. Nixon's proposal to begin sharing fed eral lax revenues wilh the states on a no- siring-attached basis. plus the guarantee of at ie'"ast a 10 percent cut in present wel- fare costs is a political "sweetener" of the first magnitude. For front.line welfare workers, the plan would relieve them of odious and time-consuming ellgibllity check3 and in· vestigations. Instead of trying to find out if a weUare mother has an able-bodied boyfriend. in residence, the welfare pro- fessionals would be able to ur.e their training in counseli ng and other social services. F'or the sociologists and others who look at the "Yo'elfare i::ystem from a more detached viewpoint. the Nixon plan solves 1wo major shortcomings. Fir:ot . it no lont!· er encourages fathers lo de11ert their faniilies so that they can qualify for air! lo dependent children. Second, it no long_ er discourages recipients from laking jobs by permitting them to keep part or thtir wages without losing an equal amount of welfare . And finally, it pays a money bonus for those who accept job training in addition to threatening thQSe who refuse to cooperate with loss ol bene- fit.$. For the poor, there Is the prospect or more money and fewer indignilie:s. The plan )'lould envlsi(l:I) the poor applying for benefits and recelY1ng payments from the federal :;opal security admlnlstration, and for their-i~Jaims or depeedd\ey to be accepted • With no more gO\'emment snooping '(but the same possibilities or crimiOJI penalties for Craud) than the av- erage cit11.en suffers in the process oC paying income' taxes. It may take two or more congr'tssional sessions, but with the present system giving every indl cation of continuing to i;;kyrocket in both cost and political con· troversy, Nixon's plan may make It. Fro1n Page I WELFARE •.. admlnistere'd by the national govern·. ment." a White House source sald. Welfare workers would be expected tn provide services such as counseling and homemaking advice. Tied closely to the new proposals are plans lo force the able-bodied. except the mothers of preschool children, either go to work or join work training programs in order to continue receiving benefits. ''Everyone '>''ho accepts benefits musl also accept work or !raining, provided S1Ji table jobs are available eilhe r locally ' or at some distance if transportation is provided," the President said In his mes- sage. 'fhe food stamp program, which now provides e1c:tra grocery buying power for the poor. would be greatly trimmed but would remain an option for some fami· lies. State Solons OK Rebate, Call It Quits By BILL STALL Asaociated Press Writtr SACRA?\.tENTO (AP) -. The-Califor· nia Legislature adjourned its turbulent seven-month·long session today with,.... Democrat! and Gov. Reagan fighting over tax re.form in a likely preview of the 1970 elecUon campajgn. The end of the final regular session of the decade came at 1:23 a.m. The lawmakers return Sept. 8 for a five-day session to consider whether lo override gubernatorial vetoes. l{our after hour Friday, and into this morning, the Republican-controlled Sen· ate and Assembly sent scores · of meas· ureii to the GOP governor's desk. Among lhe final bills passed· were ones to dlscipline college campus trou- blemakers and to give taxpayers a IQ percent, $84 million stale income tax break next April. Republican Assembl.v Speaker Robert 'T . Monagan of Tracy told his colleagues in a closing etremony. "I think that \rhen the final apalysis Is made. \\'e will be able to say it was a good legis- lative session for the people or Califor- nia ••• J think we can say that we 've done our work." It was the crew-cul Monagan's first year as speaker after Republicans took control and ousted Democrat Jesse ~1. Unruh of Inglewood. ~tissfng from the Ust of accomplish· menls was the tax overhaul plan that nearly everyone had promised this year. Reagan Issued a statement in the wan- fng hours of the session accusi_ng As- sembly Democratic leaders of "contin· ulng lo play politics with tax rerorm.'' Y ozuig Arsonist Jailed for Year A Westminster youth convicted of arson following the firebombing of a San· ta Ana home was sentenced Friday to one year in Orange County Jail. Superior Court Judge Robert Rickles also placed Antonio "Tony'' Ruiz. 20. of 6431 Walt St. on one year's informal pro- bation. Idtntical sentences were handed lo Ruiz's two companions in the arson at· tempt : Richard Harrison Grant, 24, Garden Grove, and Paul Dale Sutliff. 28, Santa Ana. Police arrested the trio last Nov. 4 shortly hfler they cruised pasl the Bewley Street home of Ernest C. Moreno and hurled a blazing mololov cocktail 11t Lh,. residence. The flaming missile landed atop th e Morenos' family car and was quickly doused by members of the fam i- ly. Five ahots were fired at lhe fleeing Ruiz car by Moreno's son. All mis.sed their mark. l!aWll ..id Iba proJectt-hava not~ Jumped around In jirlority rtom last ytip'a report. About the 9nly change, he.. aakl, is the top prlorhy Riverside Frt:way was moved olf the list because .Jhe state has budget~ for it. About 30 perso111, representing all parts of Orange County, served with Haskell on lhe chamber study group. · •lere are the project priorities, 1nilea.ge, estimated c03l. and probable number or years until completion : Freewaya: I -Orange Freeway from Garden Grove Freeway to ruverside Freeway. Five miles. $20 million. Three and a half years away . 2~0f0na del Mar Freeway from San Diego Freeway to Pacific Coast Freeway. 6.8 miles. $Z7 million. Five. years off. 3 -Pacific Cout Freewa.y from HW1- lington Beach ~way to Corona del ~1ar Freeway. Nine miles. $45 mlltlon. Seven yura ofl. 4 -Newport Freeway from Palisades Rolid to paclllc Coast Freeway. Four miles. flt mUllon. Seven years ~ff. S -llpaUngton Beach Freeway from Pacilic Coast Freeway to Garden Grove FreewaJ. 7.S mlles. $S5 million. Elahi years oft - 6 -f'acilic Coast Freeway from H~n· lington Beach Freeway to San Gabriel Freeway. '7.5 'miles. $30 million. Seven years-off. 7 ~ Laguna Freeway from San Diego Freeway to Pacific Coast Freeway. Six miles. SlO million. Six years otf. 8 -Pacific coast Freeway fro1n Corona de! Mar 1'~rceway to San Diego Freeway. 19 miles. $100 million. 10 years DIC. 9'-imperial F~way from Riverside Freeway into Los Angeles County. 13 mtle.s. $60 million. J3 years off, 10 -Huntington Beach Freeway from Girden Grove Freeway into Los Angeles Police questioning Too Coed Sex Mzirder Figure Faces Larceny *earing YPSILANTI, Mich. (UPI) -Andrew Julian Manuel, 25, whisked into Michiaan late F.rlday under a thick security CQVU, wa.s to be arraigned today on a larceny charge. He also will be questiOlled about tbe sex murders of seven young women ,- in the Ann Arbor·Ypsllanti area. itanuel, who lived in the same Ypsi. lantl rooming house as John Nonnan Collim and traveled to California with~ Collins at the tlrne when a young girl \\'SS slain there, waived extradition in Phoenix , Ariz .• ""here he was picked up by FBI agents Wednesday after an inten· ~ive nationwide manhunt. The dark-haired, former factory work· er was charged with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution in Michigan for lar. ceny stemming from the rental or an auto trailer for a trip to California with Collins, who is charged with firs! degree murder in the death of Karen Sue Beine. man, 18, latest of the victims. He was lo be arraigned on a charge <Jf larceny by conversion in 14th Di.strict Court here with Judge Edward Oeake ex. peel~ to preside. The tight security surrounding Collin.s, the 22-year--0ld EMU senior, weakened. ii was revealed Friday. when a 63-year· old former mental patient convinced Do1·een Changes Mind---No Sw·f, Just Sea Stor111 "Doreen flaked oul on us," said a larly at the Los Angel es \Veather Bureau. "She's dissipaling to 30-knol winds." The erstwhile tropical storm. in the capricious manner or al\ women since E\'e. has decided to become a tropical depression . Thal means she'll c re a t e thun- derstorms out at sea and very little high surf at local beaches. Along the Orange Coast, Doreen·~ whims caused headaches for lifeguards 1111 week as they tried to c.utguess her. "There and when would her 10 to 12 root waves strike?. . .• The answer now appf:ars lo be not at all. But Huntington Beach. Laguna Beach and Newport Beach have all reported \\'aves of four to six feet in height. Treacherous riptides are po s I n g hazards to swimmers and surfers at all poinls along lhe coast but the waves are not expected to increase during the v.•eekend, But guards al Laguna Beach end 1-Iun- tington Beach and Newport are keeping a lookout for Doreen, just in case she change:!' her mind and the size of her \~·ave5. "You know how those women are," said the lady at the weather bureau. I jailer'!i he was a biahop and had a two- hour chat wilh the youth. Joseph Bartholomew Pasic, who calls himselt Bishop Bartholomew, told news- men he was admitted. to the Washtenaw County Jail, whert Colllm: is being held, under orders from Sheriff Douata.s Har- ve1. Paslc said he talked to the (.Ol.lth 11aboul maey thinga, including the mur· ders ... we talked mostly about his spir· it and soul. He seems to be a very re- pentant young man. He didn't conress to me any killings ." ~fichigan police, \\'ho said they had es· tab!ished no connection between Manuel and any of the slayings, Indicated they hoped he could shed some Hgt In' solving lhe murders that have claimed the lives of five coeds from Eastern Michigan Uni- versity here and the University of Michi· gan in neighboring Ann Arbor, ane high school dropout and a 13.year-old junior high student in the past two years. Police in Salinas, Calif., also sought lo question li1anuel. Police there have said there was a con· nection ,between Collins and 'the murder of 17-year.old Roxie Ann Phillips. She was found nude and strangled in mid-July after vanishing June 30 in much the same manner as 1.he ,_iichigan slayings. Collins had dated a girl friend of Miss Phillips, police said, but there \\'as not enough evidence to make any fonnal charges. ~ieanwhile. Collins remained without bond in the \Vashtenaw County Jail. Jte appeared before Judge Oeake Thursday and won a ""eek's postponement of hii:: pretrial examination when he requested a court.appointed lawyer. Probate .Judge Ross \V. Campbell said late f'riday that no deci6ion had been made as who v.·ould replace the Ann Ar· bor attorneys. John Toomey ,,nd Robert Francis, \vhom Collins had originallv re- tained. - Rosary Slated For Mr. Green, Rosary Will be recited Sunday al 7:30 p.n1. in the Peek Family Chapel and l\1ass celebrated Monday for N. Jay V.V. Green, 84, of Costa Mesa father of Hun- tington Beach Mlilyor Jack Green, who died Friday after a lengthy illness. l\·lass will be al SI. .John the Baptist Cathollc Church in Costa Mesa at 9 a.m. l\tonday. lntennent will follow in Good Shepherd Cemetery, Huntington ~ach. Mr. Green, retired as a real estate broker in 1963 and moved to Costa Mtsa from Altadena in 1963. He was born in Ne\v York state and moved to Southern California In lll08. DA ILY PI LOI One White House. souret said the fam i- ly llS.'listance plan and the food stamp program would be combined with only single persons and families without chi!· dren eligible for the atamps. Councilman's Report ,..,,.,.. ........ "'"'"""'" ..... ----· ..... ·--CAUPOIHIA OltANGI COASt PU•Lt~MlNG (().¥."A/.l't 11.oliootl H. Wo•d P1cllderrt ol'd f'lllo!!lllt1 Jtt\ It C,1f•v vie. Pr•IOwl• on; o-r .. INM"' Tho"'•' kt...,11 .... n,,,,., A. M•r11hl110 ~l'lildltor -c.i. Mftlt »OW.I._., ll'rfft ,......,..._.1 nu w., ...... ..,.....,. .._... IM(ft; nt ........... _ tlwrflf!lton kKlll • 6111 •1n11 Berlin Students Sing n1 Newport A touring choir from West Germany will sing at St. James Episcopal Church, on Lido Isle in Newport Beach tonight at 8 o'clock. Kurrende, a group of 40 students from the Free Univers.lty in West Berlin also will sing at the First Unlted Methodist Church, 6th and Spurgeon Strtets, Saota Ana at 7 p.m. Sunday. The public is invlt~ to b o t h performancts. The students have been staying with families in the Orange Coast art• <l,uring the put week and have 11 v e. n performances ln El Toro and Paramount. Lh•er Reci pienl Dies NE\V \'ORI\ IUPI) -t.irs. Caroline Varney. 27, "'ho had been distharged from ~1emorial Hospltal ~fay 2l after a liver transplant operation that was pro. nounced ":in unquaUIJed success,'' died Thursday. She rtctlved the liver of a ~7· ytar-old man Feb. 20. Her liver wu ean· cerou~ ( ·---·· _, Israel Viewed First Hanil Tlle Arabs have lost three wars \\•ith lsrael but th e Israelis feel they cannot afford to Jose one-they have no place in the world to go. This, was the message brought back rrom a recent trip to the Middli East na- tion by Dr. Henry Kaufman, Huntington Beach city councilman, as he spoke to fellow members of the Rotary Club Fri- day. Dr. Kaufman pre.faced. his t11lk with, ••This report will be with complete bl1s1 I am not pro-Arab." Reparts or current hosllllUts In Israel are exaggerattd, the visitor felt . "I 1aw none, but we v.•tre not allowtd to go near the border Artas so "'C may ba,oe mi1sed &amethlng. "Ptople lhfre are ,·ery r1dlo eonacious and stop whatever lhey ftre flotng to listen to ne"'s reporU," Dr. Kaulman reported. 60 PERCENT ON ~fiLITARY Is a ma1or esealstlon of the f\t1ddlc l~asl warrare due soon? ''Tilt Israeli s don't think so, but they spend 60 percent of lhtlr gross nall onal product on the mllltary . .,The basic need of-l&r&el Is permanent peace, but there are sharp ditfcrencc11 or . . opinion on ho"' lo achieve it. They have lheir hawks and doves, too.'' the coun· cilm~n continued. The ha\l'k.s de1nand that Israel retain all occupied territories. especially thoi::c gained ln the six·day war in 1967. On the other hand, others are willing to give up almost everything but Jerusalem. ''Ofiicially , the nation's Ar ab neighbors have laken a non-belligerent stance, but Egypl especially wanta its territories back. "The Arab guerlllas, or comm1ndos, are Israel's most seriou1 problem but the.y are not equipped for modem ~ warfare," Kaufman explained. "Russia a very Important factor in I.he Middle f.:Ssl ~ltuation. but the principal rea~n the Israelis don't fe11r lmmedla_te war.'' Israel ha1 done a remarkable job in in- dustrialization, Kaufman said. Th c l~raells' Pf0Rre$s is great bec.'1usc of their cotnmon unity but taxes are ex· lrr111cly high . • ''You wouldn 't pay lhllm here," he ~aid. "There .would bt a taxp11yers' rr:· volt." A persor. \\"ishing to travel outside the country pays 300 perCC!nt. taxes. on his llckcts, imported cars are \axed about JOO percent, making a f3,000 car carry ' a tremendous price lag . Stereo records cost $19 each. "The arn1y Is cnUrely civilian led . There is no :taluting. Everyone is called by his flrst name and all titlzen.t hal'C Other occupaUons but arc anxious to serve," Dr. Kaufman related. CLOSE BUSINESSES "Men an. in the acUve reserve from IS to 49 year1, nnd women Crom 18 to 30, unless they marry. They. an subject lo call at ali tlme.5 for train1n1 j)erlod3 and just cl<>H up their buslnwa or desert I.heir jobs. Problems? Integration is 1 big one 1eys the optometrut. Jews from all over the world art invited to settle lhtre. They come from China. Jndla , Alrlc1. Europe, Asia, the United States. and South Amerlca. 'fhere are 26 diffcr~nl elhnlc ba.ckground3 In the country. Immigrants art first train~ In the Hebrew language for five month! with all expenses 1>3id. "They <.re expcclally anxious lo attract )-OUng people and offer university training with all '"pcnses . p•id. TI1ey need people wJth gk!lla ef all kinds and industrial workera," tho councilman ad· ded. CQinty. 11 mlloa. 17$ mllllon. JJ Y"" olt Jl -Oran&e Freeway from Pacific Coast freeway to Garden C r o v e Freeway, 11 mlJC!. $70 m.Ullon. 15 years off. 12-0rtega Hlgh~·ay from San Ole;t> Jo~reeway into RJveralde • Coanty. 16.~ milea. $40 milllon. 15 years o(f, Stale Highways: I -Beach Boulevard from Pacific Coast Hlgh"•ay to Santa Ana Freeway. \Viden to six lanes. 15 mile.t. $2.6 million. Two years off. 2-Pacific Coast Highway from Beach l3oulevard to Doheny Park Road. Jmprov e to four lanes divided v.·ith hvo reconstructed bridges. $3 million. Five years off. 3 -Sai:ita Ana·Sa'! J:?ieeo Freeway. Improve 1nterchanies af La Palma· Brookhurst. Euclid. State Co 11 e i e Broadway-Main, Culver, Val.enc I a'. Canada and Alicia. $11.S million. Four years off. 4 -Brea Boulevard-Brea Canyon Road fr?m Lambert Road to Orange. Freeway. \V1den to four Janes. Tv.·o miles. No estimate on cost or when it might be done. 5 -Carbon Canyon Road from Jmperial Highway into San BernanHno County. Realign and widen to four lane5. No estimate on cost or when it might ht done. Fro1n Page 1 ARRIVAL ... White House press aldes said the Presi· dent will remain in California until Sept. 7, but plans several trips from his head - quarters in the sleepy seaside city. The first journey will be to Los Angeles' Century Plaza Hotel llf:zl Wednesday, for one of the first state din- ners held outside the White House in decades. Astronauts Neil Armstron1. Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins, plus 52 other space exploration pioneers, governors from every state and international lead. cr:i will attend. The Student l\lobilization Commiltef' has announ ced it is organizing a <lemonstration outside lhe huge hote!. where police and pickets clashed bloodily in 1967 d~ring President Johnso n's visit. President Nixon wlll confer Aug. 21 and 22 in San Francl!co Ydth South Korean .. President Park Chung Hee and may also viait the Sept. 2 National Governors' Conference in Colorado. White House aides said two meetings or the National Security·Council. a Cabinet session and mtttings with urban affairs and environmental controls experts are also planned. The peckinl o~tr in Nixon's circle of aides ani! iidVisoit is renected primarily .in the d~o(Jheir quarters from the -!Suqi:mefWhife HOuse and adjacent head· quarters. New administrative lfeadquartera have been built on the U.S. Coast Guard long range radio navigational station next door. along with a Secret Service dormllOry-offlce building. Dr. Jienry Kissinger, top nalion11l security adviaor, plus Secretary of State \VHlia m P. Rogers, Atrorney General John Mitchell. the Presidenrs legal ad· visor. John Enrlichman, press secretary Ron Ziegler and Rosemary Wood, Nixon 's private secretary. ·will all st11y in tem- porary homes in the surrounding Cyprus Shore development. sources in San Clemente say Dr. Ki!ls· inger and his family will stay at the Cyprus Shores home of Peter \V. Toland, located at 3838 Calle Ariana. Toland is editor of Horne Magazine and had the house built especially for a story- photo layout. Other temporary addresses listed are: -Attorney General l\fitchell and fam i- ly. the home of !he George Robertsons. 4082 Calle Louisiana. -Secretary· of Slalc Rogers and rami· Jy. the home of the Roy Divels Jr., 2465 S. Ola Vista. -Counsel Ehrlichman and fam!ly , lbe home of Tliomas C. Foley, 313 Pas1C1 de Crjstobal. ' -Private Secretary Wood, the llome of .the John L. M«ires at 40W Calle 'f,1anena, just a block Jrom the Nlion mansion. Special assistant:! Bob Haldeman. who owns a beachfrOnt :home ln Newport Beach, and Dwight Chapin, who has rented a bayside residence, will commut~ to the Summer White House by helicopter. Reservations for 15 rooms at the Newporler lnn lo be occu pied Monda v night include four Ca binet members and their wives, plus a group of other aides and associates. They include Secretary of Agriculture Clifford Harding. Secreta ry of the Treasury David Kennedy, Secretary of Labor GC<lrge Schultz and Secrelary of Commerce Maurice Staas. Others are Dr . and f\1rs. Paul ~tcCrackcn; Dr. and f\1rs. Arthur Byrne!; Dr. and Mrs. Daniel 1'-foynlhan ; the Herb Klcins: lhe Hendrick Hootbakers: the Arnold W e b er a : Nathaniel Samuels, Ktnneth Davis and Henry' Kearns. IRS To Treat Doctors As Corporations .. WASHJNGTON IUPl l -The Internal Revenue Servlce has agretd to treal a5 corporations for tax purposts ora11nlui· lions of physicians. l&W)'ers and others organited under state professional as. soclaUon acta. Tht lRS announced Its decision afler lhe. Justice Ot:parlme.nt ilcclded not to appeal the decisions of l\\·O U.S. c.lrcull C1>urlJ, which held auch tax treatment was required. r .------ ~ S.twdoy, A.,..t '· 196' DAllV Ph.Of I Reactor Puts UCI Into Nuclear Age:! • IN TODArs A psychiatrist \vho examined Sithan 8 i1hara Sirha n and testi· fied at his murder trail wants $10,811 for his services. Los An· geles County Supervisor Kenneth Hahn said Or. Seymour Pollack had submitted a bill for that amount, charging for time spent in the courtroom. in conferences, reading transcripts and reviewing psychological tests. Pollack was a key prosecution witness in the murder trial of the slayer of. Sen. Robert F. Kennedy • Truck driver Paul Stanley was happy when the Los Angeles police stopped him to give him a traffic ticket on the Pasadena Freeway. Stanley told the police ''it.he man si tting next to me just hijacked me." Willie Ch arles Savage, 18, who was holding a .38-caliber re- volver lo Stanley's ribs \Va' di s· armed -and arrested. ' • ' .. , - The Nevada silver spike. Uitd 100 uears ago to ;oiit the trans· cuntinental railroad at Promen--r· tary Point, Utah, has turned up ~ 1 1 aft.er being missing for 12 years. l4 Nevada officials said they 1oe~e ~ h informed it had been found in the Stanford Univtrsity Museum \ in a 111etal filing cabinet, l t will be put on display at the museu111. --• • ...... ..... A 2·year-old boy dialed •·o·• for mother and got her. Michael Coop. er, at home "'ith his grandmother in Port Huron, Mich., 'vanted to talk to his mother so he did the logical thing -he picked up the phone. He then dialed "O" and his mother, one of 20 operators work· ing the switchboard, happened to answer the call. • !tfrs. Ric/lard Nixon will be r ead!/ for s!ghiseeing duri11g lier t1acatio11 on the Orange Coast -especially if ,he plans to visit the Alcala Mission i ii San Diego. She recently wru pre· ,e1lted a key to the gale of the mis· sion bJ/ Er11est Osuna of Sou Diego. Osuna is a great·greot·grandson of the fir.~t mayor a/ San. Diego, 11ow cele· bratino it..s 2DOth anni.t:ersary. SCIENTIST CLIMBS LADDER IN UCI REACTOR Reactor Is Expect.cl to Be Ready for Fall Qua rter Construction Stoppages Slow W orl{ 011 Ed~son Higl1 Strikes In the construction industry have slowed down progress at Hunting· ton Beach's new Edison High School. but districl administrators are hoping Woman Jail ed In W elfare Fraud A Santa An~oman who admitted she was on Los Angeles County welfare rolls while she drew more than $12,000 in ·three years from the Orange County \ve!fare department must spend the next 1 lo JO years in state prison . ~-lrs. Angelina Rodriguez, 33. t1 mothtr or eight, drew that jail ·term from-' Superior Court Judge \Yilllam Speirs. He refused to accept a suggestion that she he placed on probation with the provision that &he make restitution . District attorney's investigators said ~1rs. Rodriguez went l[)n county 1o1.·elfare rolls in November. 1965 . and drew su~ port from two counties until the ~epijoft was discovered this year. ll was testified lhat Mrs. Rodriguez also drew support rrom her commonlaw husband who traveled belween Sant<il Ana and Mexiro and also drew aid from Los Angeles County. Mrs. Rodriguez·s eight children range in age from 2 to JS years. thal it will open at least on a limited basis this fall. A plambers' walkout dealt the heav. iest blow to cons1ruction, said contraclor Jack Shirley. and if tne schpol should open Sept. 10 they will have to do with· out waler in the locker rooms. Shirley has asked the district. for a 6.J-daf time e~1ension on lhe contract because of the wo"rk stoppages. District "Supt. Max Forney lold par· ents at \Vednesday's school 'b o a rd meeting that every attempt would be made to move the 2,200 Edison students in to the new building before double sessions would be considered. ''Double sessions arc our \a5t choice," he said. In the even\, the district should be faced \Yith this possibility, the double iiessions would probably be held at the Huntington Beach High School campus. Beach 's CofC Secretar y Quits Hope Day Greer. secret'ary of the Huntington Beach Chamber of Com· merce for the past 19 years has re· signed, effective Aug. IS, Chamber President C. E. "Bill" Woods announced today. Mrs. Greer served with the lale Wi J. liam Gallienne, manager of the cham· ber for 30 years, and with Dale Dunn, manager for three years until he re· signed recently. li-frs. Greer's resignation will be pre- sented to the chamber's Board of Direc· tors at their regular meeting Wednesday night. President Woods, express ing regret at the resignation, said a search would be started immediately for a successor. Ralph Kiser, local manager for South· ern California Edison Co., w11s named new manaier o( the chamber last month. He will take office October 1. Meet the Peo1•le By ftANDV SEEL V1!i Of Ille ~ ,Utt Sllff UC Irvine will move into lhe nutlear age this September when a pulsating atomic reactor is activated by Dr • George Mille'r. It wlll be the first nuclear react.or Jn the world used exclusively b) a college chemistry department. The $365,000 laboratory aid is 1pccifically ,uited for chemists and for educaUonal purposes, acct1rdlng to Or. f'. S. Rowland, chainnan or the UCI chemistry department. The "hot atom" reactor will enable UC! scientists to copduct studies on the nalure of chemical chang~ radi~ activity. Installation of the reactor started in February and is expected to be com· pleted in time for the fall quarter. The reactar will be used primarily by UC( professors and graduate student!' working toward doctorates in chemistry~ About 20 men will be using it for research this year. ·· Dr. Miller is in charge of operating lhe reactor. He went through a specialized training course and is the only person authorized to lum the key to activate it. Both Drs. Miller and RoWlaf!d are 1o1.•orking on Atomic Energy Commission· Sponsoted research projects. Rowland is well acquainted with reaCtors, since ho has been doing research work with AEC since 1956. fl.filler holds a doctorate in chemistry from Oxford University in F(_~gland and has . been working with Rowland al UCI since 1964. • The new react.or was purchased from tilt Gulf General · Atomic firm of San Diego and" is being installed by Gull technicians. Gulf General officials claim U1e Triga reactor is because of its design, in· herenlly safe. lf·the reactor rises above a pre-sel temperature level, it shuts il seU ofL The atomic reactor complex is house.d in the new Physical Sciences building on the UCI campus and it takes up a good portion of the basement level. ll is cantaincd in three large rooms. One room contains the reactor , another the controls and a third room is 1. laboratory for studying and anal}'ting the data. The reactor room ,fC<lntalns a large aluminum tank , 15 feet in diameter and 2S feet deep . Al the bCrttom of this tank is the reactor core, where the experiments will lake place. Scienlists will be pro- tected Crom the ·reactions by 23.000 gall ons of demineralized water. , The ''hot atom" nuclear reactor operates with slow neutrons, which are produced in uranium fuel rods and are slowed and cooled \liy water. "Enormous energy is developed in onl'." atom." Ro\vland noted. "and we have two \~ays to use that energy ." "We can keep the energy at 3 steady state. or we can let the power shoot up 11nd then shut down. Al a steady state we can radiate many samples at the same lime," he added. 1'.liller noted that, onCe the reactor has been furried on, everything will have to be done from the top of tbe tank. "The bottom becomes highly radioactive and \lo'e have to move the samples mechanically." The. radioactive samples are then analyzed in a chemistry lab for com· positi:in and radioactivity. Similar reactors have been used to help in the understanding of cosmic radiation, reacUons in rocket fuels, rocket reentry problems and for c~iminology. "There are 40 Trica reactors in the world and this is the fourth in California," Rowland said. Two arc located at the Gulf General plant in San Diego and the other is at UC Berkeley. Seven graduate student.s in chemistry will be worklng closely with Rowland th is year. Pat Grant, a UC San la Barbara graduate, has been helping organize the new reactor program. During the coming )'tar, Rowland figures, about 500 undergraduates will have limited opportunities lo use the reactor in freshmen and aophomore chemistry classes. • BACK ON TOP, THE REACTOR 'S CONS.OkE IS CHECKED OUT Pat Grtnf Watches•• Dr. George Miller Works C011trol1 THIS IS PIT OF $350,000. LABORATORY Professors end Graduates Wiii Ust It fo r Re saarch School Dress Code Eased But Not for Mini-skirts Mini-skirt designer Mary Quant and ';bare look'' originator Rudi Gemrelch, your apparel has been declared "garmen· ta non grata '• on the campuses ot the Capistrano Unified School District. District lrU!ltees have adopled a dress code for students in gradts seven through 12 lhat avoids the avant iarde, but eases last year's dress standards. School officials may suspend students who Violate the code until the oUense is corrected. Here are some ~f the regulations: -Girls art! .. prolUblted from weariqc see-through blouses, low cut blouse11 bite midriff garments. long rnuu muus1 ·q · cessive make up and extreme fad styl~. ., -Dresses or culotles may not ntetid above the fingertips as the girls stat1d v.'ith their hands at their sides. He Fights for Greenbelts -Boys must keep their hair al>oVe their eye s, ears aTid shirl collars and m*' nol have mutton chop or flartd 1Jdeburn1, beards or moustaches. ... 'THE GREENBELT IS ~ NEC ESSITY, NOT A LU XUR Y' 1 Laguna . Booktelltr Dltlty Worries About Pollution ,, By JACK CHAPPELL 01 ll•t 01tly l"llff Sl1H Laguna bookseller James Dilley rnay well be the city's resident idealist. Paradoxically, he may be more prac· lical lhali a lot of contemporary.minded pragmatists. Dilley thinks in tcnns of lhe future. His concerns are those of aesthetics and or human feelings. His concerns are for adequate city planning and or hllman survival ir. an asphalt world created for tile automOOile. He Is and hat been concerned about the prtservation and reclamaUon o I greenbelts -park·like expanaes or greenery within melropolit.an areas which ahould remain unviolated by develop- ment.. Qill~y ls a former coUoge professor. T-1~ taught history at Stanford Universi ty and 1t San Mateo College from 1945 to 1958. 11e receJved his bachelor of science degree from Harvard University and holds a doctorate in medieval history. Following his college teaching, Dilley cam~ to Laguna Beach and opened a book store. Since then, be has been a leading and artlcu)ate spoXesman for city and eounly areenbelt project!I and has been involved with numerous civic groups. "It ir imperative that citizens arise to the. necessity of preserving their open space. otherwise their towns witl be dOOlll<d anct they will be doomed. The greenbetl 11 not a lumry but a necessi· ty," Diiiey says. "1 foUowed the greenbelt effort In England for years. So I've lalked grttnbelta every chanCe I get. · "We are reachfng a crucial point, not only or population pressuriu against agrlcultural, but also the pre.saure of a decreaslne O'll'.ygen supply. "One day we 'll just breathe one last fasp. . ! ''When t was In Vienna a few years ago. they were tearing down buildings to plant plants to purify the air. "We must realize the neid for open space just as open space lo save the iden- tity or towns and fo~ water. air and food resources. In England they are tearing down houses to increase agricultural areas." The automobile Is the targeL of not a few disparaging words from Dilley, Who has threatened L> bllry his own car. He rerers at limes to the automobile as "the machlne." 0 Man Is addlcl.ed to tbc automobile: He can't think or transportt1Uon ap&rt from I.he automobile. "The machine must be rationally con- troTied or It will destroy us. To just gpawn automobiles lndeflnllely is er· rattonal .'' DUiey says. ' .. Sorue day we wlll look back on lhla: 11nd e11ll It a nlghlmare and we wlll &ay, 'we have awakened.' 11 ·-Boys may not wear their shirt taUs out. Bennuda shorts also are bann!it.-• - -Neither sex may wear thongs nor' Co barefoot. , • • The dtess code is the product ol a 1ludent-parent study commJttee. Ah· Cal Wan ts To Hike Fares ' Air California has asked for a higher fare between Oran1e County Airport and San Francisco, Oakland and Sao Jose. It comes out ,to 71 cents a trtp. Air CIJ w11nt, to make the rare $11.to Instead of 118,tt. At the old rate, passenger• pay .ot35 cents a mile lo ride the m mlles from ilie county-airport to San Francisco JntematiOnal Alfpor[ The new rata woold bring ll up lo ,0114 • mlle. I I ---- j b.IJl.Y PILOT ' • • ... Nlehultr Hits Nl•on9,., G•aham Pulpit and Pew Rap-Whiie;H~use 1Church~ \ : . ,. •' t. ' • ··O·RANGE ,~'-LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? ;,,..,-~-. . • 1,.FAIRVlrN BA.PT!ST CHURCH , ... LC.I 1• Fairview Rd. At Fair Dr., Costa ·Mesa ~ 9 A.M.-Church School to A.M.-Wonhlp ~ ~ DJ-• SW'lthiry-hptl llW. Sh4J .....,. ' d ,,, ........... ,.., c........ 141-4611 ' .: HARBOR TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH ·,. 1230· ..._ St. at hlmew, Coft M .. ~~'" ' . • ... c.e.i. s.llff. ,..., ~$lndv ·School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 1.m. 8apUst Training Union 6 p.m. Evening service 1 p.m. .Weda~day Blblo Stu<IY & Prayer •.........• 7:00 p.m. .RRST SOUTHERN BAmSl CHURCH ,~ ' 610 HAMILTON, COSTA MHA !i ~ ...... .., .Sth•ol • •• •••• 9:45 Tr•inh19 Union • , , •••• , • 6:00 1!1 ~·· EYdniflf Wonkip • , •• •. • • 7:00 I &t~Nli"f• Wonklp •.,. 11 :00 W•d. E"•nint Ser¥i(t ••• , 7:00 t' : .: ...... Mt.9111 N__, IJ'"W'.I A"n.Me * * * Rev. Graham Laughs Off ' COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY • • CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES llANr:Mll O' THI MOTHll CHUlCH THI FIHT CHUlCH OP CHllST, ICllHTIST IN IOSTON, MAllACHUSml Costa Mesa -First Church of Chri1t, Scientist 2110 M-'"* Dr., Celt• ..... Sn4cty Sckol-9111 A.M. CHrcll s.r.ta--11 A.M. ltffdln9 IM"'-2150 M ... Ye• Dr. Huntington Be1ch-Fir1t Church of Christ, Scientist 111 OH" sHd., Sc•..r -•~o &-'1 :oo CINlrdt-11 A.M. Senk• lHdl119 lteo.-110 Ollwe l1gun1 Beach -First Church of Christ, Scientlst 6ll Hlth Dr. Cbrcll & s.111111-. Sd!Ml-t:JI & 1 t :oo THE EPISCOPAL ~HURCH ~-• WolcomH You. ·• IT. .IAMU. 1209 W. ~. New,M lffc• l:DO AM -Holf llldterllt lJ 11:00 AM -Holy l.c•art.t or MONlflt ~ Cltlld Core at 10:00 AM I loctor, ffl9 a ... Jn.. r. A..,. 11; Aue.,, Tiie le•, De'tld c,..., ' II Phone: 675-0210 ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Pacific View Dr. at ~l atgu~rite, Corona del Mar Newport Harbor Lutheran Chur<h ' 2501 Cllll Dr. LI 8-1293 n. ..,, ......... 110111, ,..,0, n.. a ... ao..id w11r ... Aulltwt Petet Lutheran• Church of tho Master 2900 PaclJ:ic View Dr. 1 CORONA DEL MAR I DR. WILLIAM R. ELLER Phone 644-2664 '•111lly Wo.V.lp •:• '' lt:ll '·'"· I s..r.My•S<llffl ,,. "11:111 •.111. Wt,,ri1, 5tO"lt• l l:H tt 11:• Nursery care available 1:45 A.M.-F.mll'I' Worifil~ 9:45 A.M.-Su,,c1 • ., Church School Sundays: 8:00. 9:30 -Child Care at 9:30 I~ at all servtce.s · WEt:C!)ME . I r 100 A.M.-Ftsli'lt Wo,.llip Nlll'Mf'Y Pro•ldell lloly Days as announced All ••• Wekomo I 1 l:Ktllf', TM le•. Jolie l09t"n Do•l1 -Piie..-644·046J ,;=::::=~, :=:=:=:=:=::=:=:=~:=:=:=:=:=:=~;:;;::=~: ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave .. C.M. CHRIST LUTHERAl'I CHURCH Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School -9:30 -) MWourt Synod Thursdays: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Holy Days 25 announced 760 Victoria st .. Coat• Me .. Yker, Tite a ... JoH w. Doitelcboe _ Pllo• 541.IJZ6 Lothar Y. Tornow, Pa1tor I 541 5404 EPISCOPAL Wirt~!· Slnltt•: t :lJ • ll A.M. Slllllll~ Sdltth ,,. A.M. AdQlf 01111• CIMlf t t>I a,.M, ST. WILFRID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH · •11$ SI. et ~ LIM -J ... "" et ''" Ptll'h H•ntl"""' IHdl. CMlflBI• CHRISTIAN JiLIMENTAIY SCHOOL S4Mll6 PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH i 1 ' >uNMRslTY BAPTIST CHURCH .I a..dt ....... 214 ............. ,l . ~w-port Betch.,.... First Ch~rch of Christ, Scienti1• JJOI YU U41o Tiit ll1w. J-C. Ci1Q0 ~ .... Sunday Servic:ff M111 Verde Dri"' I ,,.,, Str••t, Coil• M111. C11if • ANDlll!W C. ANai!llSOJf, Phi« J l. . --1111 t . I. PAUSADIS ID. IQ'.•,r.:.. Y .., .. SMi1A1 ANA ftll•H'rl 11 , JUNN" tcMOOL .............. , .................... t1• 1L.M. ~ t • . 'MOflJllfM.11 WDllSMlll' ..................... ,, •• ., ••••• :. 11 A.Mo ~ · • •V•NINO WOlllMI~ .•.••••...• ,. ............ ~ .......... 1 ,.M. J l'J -· .MlCIW••K· 1•av1c• WllOlllllDAY •.::"·~·······•• 7:Jt ,,M. .. """* ... M-. , .. ,., ~ PtllM lts.lf1J """'""'"""""""s··,,...,"""'~"""""""'~""""""""~I I FIRST CHRISTIAN ' CHURCH FIRST -·~ST CHURCH ... ~ ........... ..., IAlnWIU• a.1>11tll C~ ~tJ:41fM~,J.¥. a... Dati H..ta. Mlekter . \• ... ' Victoria & Placentia Ave. ' Costa Mesa ...... I. Piercy Mhlbl• a.rc11 l S.Mey kkel-9:11 & 11;00 lolldlllf RMia. IJ1 S ¥t. Udo Newport BMch·S.cond Church of Christ, Scientist JIOO PIKffk YSew D,., CeNM" 4-1 Mer a.ell & s • ...., Scll..S-10 A.M. he410f ln-2163 I. Coat Hwy, All are cordially invited to attend the church servlc .. and enjoy the privileges of the Reading Rooms . CWl4 C.ro ~ AT AU SllYICD l:M A.M. "°" ''"''""'.... f lat A.M. '''""' $VYIC:. • Churclt 7:• ,.M. ·-· SCJlMI ,ta ,,M; 11!1htt.1I 11••-A.M.· 1i*9"!1M W'"~ll • Ywnt (hvrdlrrllll HWHn .c..,., J'rt'ildM Fint Assembly of God Church 146 E. 22nd St .• Cost• Mesa 548-3761 M. C. Cronic, P•1tor R1y Nick11on, Mi"ill1r of Yovth SCHIDULE Of SllYICfS Sti11fft-eh¥tcli Scltool •• , , • , • ,, , ••••••••• , , • , • 9:311 •·lfto f-ctmlly won1i1, ....••...• 10 :50 o.m. & 7:00 , ..... . . ""'*' kn.I f>ll .. ~-... w.rtM,<11•·· 1f:Je I )('.: Pri•.• ·~ )1&c4 l utrhif'* '~choo/''"':'"~l.i1~ Elib., 0TJr.ii, Prln;~ Offie• P~on1: 5'49·0571 , School pho11e: 549.0.su -I W1 a.r;,.,, lit Yog . , • UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCH I 259 Vic:lo ri• St., Co1!1 -Mttl 646-4652 Su.,.,J'l'I • 11r30 A.M. . . 1 Attend the c~urch of° your choii:e . on Sunday t ~/Aor_•irtj "?enhip l ;JO I 11 :00 & }1111fi.a~ .. ~choel • , ••••• , 'i:JO 'Yo11th Mt•lift9 , , •••• , •• 6:00 ••~' w::~~.~~••••·'"· 111:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:11 Ch1,1rch Choir -Sh1ril P•11h1n., Dir1ctor YWton Welc•11111 -N11tWry Att.Hcrlll STATI LICINSID PJll-SCHOOL-rollt Wllllo11t1, Dlruror Piiio••: •45·2323 A Cordial W olcomo from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ' ,,~., •. , ~!";, ••........ 6:3 0 ,1tJ1,fnt. S.et¥!c1 •••••••• '7:00 1~ Aw•lltMI It •• l«'tku ' . •11111 kllltl •. •• •• ••••• ,,. -· Mlnllne Wtrftl'I , ....... 1fl .. 1.111. Y.vt~ Orwu" ........... ., .. , d '·'"· v-. -· ................ ''·""· Nursery Care Provided CHURCH OF CHRIST 217 W. WILSON ST. COSTA MESA 1 '" 842-2428 S4M771 541-6J41 I llTWEIM HAllOI ••4 FAllYllW a SUNDAY ~ORN ING .ll LE STUDY •...••..•.•••••• 9:45 AM meeting •t HARBOR REFORM TEMPLE ~ 'I . FIRST CHRISTIAN ,i · . CHURCH 4 • • Main & .Adams St reets I 1 o· Huntington Bea ch ~ ~0~11i119. Wonhip • • • ' 1:1 0 It 11 :00 AM Chu.rel! af 1111 Daily Word NEWPORT UNITY CHURCH L-o. f'llc-i..1tr M1n11t1r 1:45 A.M. Sund1y School 10;00 A.M, D1volio"1I Serwie• SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP I COMMUN ION ,, 10:45. AM SUNDAY EVENING WORSHIP •••.••.•.•••••••••• 6:00 P.M. St. Jame• Epi1cop•I Church WEDNESDAY EVENING l ll LE STUDY ............. 7:]0 PM 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beach NU&Sl&Y CA&I PIOYIDID SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 01011• o. Moyfleold o. G. Horst ...... •E•NAllO '· klNG ,Q. INl'DllMATION: CALL 471->4n 1' Mlfll1m As.otlota Mlllhtlf !====================~ Phone: S41·5711 Day or Night i GLAD T 1D1 NG s i BIBLE CHURCH l ible School , .• , .•. , 9:45 AM -l VY,u~ G•tu~ .' •••••• 6,00 PM .' :J.fv•111•9 WoA'hop ••..• 7:00 PM • t •lt1o11 S.,,..,_ Gnllpl -We&. - 7 •.111. D"l'ICE : JOO W. Co11t Hlghw.y, N.a. ' cENTI!Al j JjcoRONADELMAR 1 ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1 . _ \) llClt 15th & Monrovia , Newport Beach t..-.. _.A. .~ ;.•'iillll 1 ~ Q ( lh lftck West of Ho., HOJpitol) 646-6620 •r M•·11'' ; f("""'l' Cl\A 'Pr.ovl4H '' 1n MrYku I! 9111c1: "'°""· tlit• tltWlllOl'l-n..t~ 51!1 ' . : • . .1 . t I • (HURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE • "SUNDAY ~llVIC! , • 11 ~ M'll!l!., , , , ~Alber! 8111't-t, I! S.c F. Cllll'l'I TN CNAPIL '~ l'tt7" Q V \:: ~· 4"(°' ''''""' 1env1~11tt. P11ttr -••m Mllllr, Mnlr.ll Dlf'l'd# -: .~ t '; i 1o:soA.M.-•e•.s~~.o,:i~,;!RVICES - Emphutzing 1 - The ~ft of Cod 1 "' I Tht Ptrson of Chri$t ~ I The '°'""of 1he Holy Splolt I + ,.-.., + ~uncby School 9 AM I "", I \ "- • 7:00 P.M. -Mlulonory fr•M Nlt.,i• -l ob Corbell lottl Sor111e111 .. , P•tor M1"4oy, 7:30 P.M. -Cottop Prl'Yft M"'l1t Woch1n11..,, 7:JO P.M. -llW• Stwclf l1lbo• h11ncl COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH 115 Ag1I• 67S.0'150 1:11 Inform•! Wor1Jiip 9:)0 Trad ition1I Wonhip I Su,,d1y Stk!ol ..> Coil• M11i FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19th SI I H1rb'.or lfvcl. Wor1llip I Ckurch School 9:10 I II AM li .. 8. 772 1 Co1l1 M1t1 Ntttth MESA ,vnDI . METHODIST CHURCH M•11 '11rd• I liker St. 549.211• Worthip I Church Sckool ,,oo I 10:10 AM . H11nti"glon le1cli-Norih COMMUNITY METHODISJ CHURCH 6662 Heil A"•·· .142.4461 Worship I Cllurch Scko el t I 10:30 J,M l.--in.-E11t l!uff UNIVERSITY METHODIST CHURCH 1)).1211 11422 Culver Ro1cl 11 Univ1n ity Oriv• Worihip I Ck u1ch School 9:l0 A.M. le9un• l11ch • LACOUNA IEA(:H METHODIST CHURC::H 21132 W11l1y D; lit So. La9u111 Worihip 10 AM Cllwrcll' Siihaol 10 Af(l "''·lOll ·-- / Momins WO<Sj1lp 9 ,_...:i 1D:JJ AM , 1 ·~.>. ~"' •I ~· ! [Yf-nln1 SeMOI' 7 PJ.t ,,,._ ._,_ ~ ""' !!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;11 Tltvrld•¥ l lbll Sti.Gy arid Pf"l)"'r 7 r,\1 Jrll' MA~ »:~ Or•not Cot1t YMO. 'XIO Vnlvrn11y Dr. . Ha;tntin 011 l l1eh -Ckoir Sin91 11 loth Sund 1y Servic•• • 1 N 0 . i ·. Fl ,UfTE ,. \11:~~~~~~·~···~"~'~"'~'~'~"~··~·~'~"~"'~'~''~'':0"~A~.M~~~~~~ METHODIST CHUlCH N1wporl l11ch CHRIST CHURCH IY. THE SO. . t · Nuri.eiy du"ns WIVIC8 ~'~WHAT A SHAME,,,. AMIYouthr._.., ; ,. ........ ·11 " -..... . t l• MPJ ,..,1. ';ay tHt tllo Mnicft •t ; ;~. . CALVARY CHAPEL l n· -tt1o _, IH11lr.tlOllOI ,,._., ltno ...., •ttndell ••• tft9' ,._, 11 .. ptti i.IMe 1htcflot. .,. i••t wll9' tltey'•• ........ rclll .. fer _, .. n.. th Cllrh tlw leM •111•,.. tll. """'~'' h • trwe ~ '1f9 of dltcl,a..Wp. TI!k l'IOJ be m,e ~11t fo•'ll IW'ler \1111w 11•· ; leu YO• ett.1111 SllY!C(, 10:JO S1•lle'( Mornl119, at tile corl\OI' ........ ,_ .. , ... , .... 11 ........ . ~, , .... : 541·1121 " "I Ii ~ -.J.ta,./,o,. Church ' -• ' I .. • .. .. . .~I" " .... OJ NIWPOIT llACH-IDlK'-'"J - MMtl19 ltot•lttttY H~ l!t•-nto'Y 4JI I . 11t .. 1r,. C""9 M1M klMl•I Worship -9:45 A.M . l(moryC...- Phone: 675-3915 Minister: Dr. D. IV. MtElroy . ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH • .. ... ,;- ....... -... 1 C Ml•tou'I S.,..ocl I wor,ll:pin' t i the , UNIVERSITY PARK SCHOOL ' S.•40.r9 •• M.ttthtwl Ill u .. 1 ... 111ty '''" -WOUHfP1 1ttlf A.M, _ .. ~'"' H. Nfer~o11•. P•1lor IJJ.f211 , . ' I 1, Cm. of Onngt and 2Jrd. SL Cost• Mes.i 'utoJ H. f . JooeJ; 11 CA Mbr. Uah4 tim• ef RELIGIOUS SCIENCE I 420 I 0th SI., Huntington l••ch P~en• &1•·212 0 Ad11!t I Yout!I S•t"ic•1- l I :OO A.M. llNm PATL MINlsna 'COMMUNITY CONGREGATIONAL • 611 HELIOTROPE W....,_10:00 A.M. Cli•rdi Sckel-10:00 A.M. or. 1"~111• o. """"'''· M!~l1!•r Miu 1~11'1y 11*91. D.C.E. 673-4000 Seventh-Day Adventist Churches C..,....,_ L-..MNlflllel 271 Av~ Stroet wonJll,. i. John ShtWMt lr•, '•dor s .. ttt si..r.. ...... Ct.re .. Ph11t111 14S·A5t6 11712 Crew•¥ ...... ,.,....., s.ttMtl kllMf • , • , t ;JO AM A. E. 11,.,....,., Ptllllf' M ·' w-•~ ll·ot AM Pho"'' 4f2.Jf 36 ....... :"!"._ • • • ...... so..! ••.. f Qt ..... ,.,..., ......... WM • 1a• ... Mlf'llll111 WIN'fWp •• t o:t• AM FIRST CHRISTIAN CHORCit . 9040 TefMrt A ... fT9'Mrt & M .... lla), •OUNTAIN VAWT Ut\llFl!D SERVICE • S~11cl1y Sclloel 9:JO-WORSHl, • IO:JO Wonhip & Yeutll WN11p1 -&:JO ft°"'· NwMry pr••itlt4 •t •II ••r'IJt•• .I, Ctmllllllll!J (!Mire• -VI•""" ..,. ...... " Wff{tfttt r, 2121 111h s1 .. , •• sJa.1111 HARBOR ASSEMBL.Y OF GO.D Smim -'1l0 I 11 ,: •. Nur11ry thrw J,,d igr•d• • 11 Cll•rcll Sckeel -·9:]0 1.rn. 1400 W. l1lbe• ll"d. 67S.JI05 W1rih;p l /Chwrch. School ' I 0:10 A.'M. 740 W. Wilson, Costa Y. 1.. HIRTWICK, Put"' M•s• CA.It\ •ltmY Ml11rmr.rw.ac 141-4714 SUNDAY SERVICES t 14SA.M.-S.ldGy kkol c1 ... ,., oil llpS 10110 A.M. a. 7 P.M. -Wonllp s.nk• ONI MOlltl WEEK OF MIDSUMMtJI ClUSADI l•••t•Ust Ster The-~i1ktly ,, 7:10 Eic•pl M9rid1v •nd 51tvrcl•• COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL Pf9.5CMtl -1(1 ....... ,,.. -.. ~Wf -C.111111 '-"" ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY CHURCH I 11e,,...de11111ot••lio111l I CMte Mn. w, ...... , Cf1~ -WMt 111t1 St ... ""'el"' Cnttl »•• SUNDAY SERVICE • .. . . • .. • 11 A.M. Cfrntrc~ OHlcei 141 l oM 11tt St. C..to M- Mlah..,.1 Dr. ,,.... •oM. oi...w 11: ••• t........i ............. ... a ... ff.t4n. hn9', Allodm Teltfllrl ... : 641·14'41, Dey or Nltht l ( I I I I' 11 . i ==::==~==~ PRESBYTERIAN CHl)RCHES of the Coastal Areas Christ Church ·lresbyttrian 20112 M.,..n. INfff un..r Hatti ..... ..._. ......... o. s....... ........ '-"" S. ..... W.,,.W,: 9:30 AM CMrcll k...a: 10141 A.M, Offlw ztt 11 M.,..ii. ,Jt. ,..._ t61o4940 Churt;h of the Cov•n.ant 21st ............. c.. M.- l t1c1 A. K1rtl1, P11ter SffMy WonW,.6 Cltwdl kllHI: 'll:O-,llo" 541-4104 Sr. Andrew"s .Prribyterian Church loo St . ..,.....,. ..... M.w,.rt .._.- CHAILIS HlllllT Dl.01 .. P.llLD, PASTOI w....., a a.a Schei: I, tao ' 11 AM "46-'1147 r • St. Mark Pr•s~yterian Church c.,_, ...,...'" & 11;...Wlff DIM, c.,... "'8 Mw Jo ... t ...... KJtti. l'ostM w.,,.., • c--. Sdi1.t 10 ..... M4o11f1 Community Presbyterian Church 415 ........... f .. W It.I, L...-llMc• DALLAS TUlNll. PASTO• Won lll' • f~Jo I f1 1ot A,M. -Ch rcfl Sc.heol .. f :JO A,M. ..... 1111 • • -----~~ - -----·. _ __.. __ ........_. -=---- -~----~----------------------------------------------- . ' • ~. A"IUlt t, 1469 e>Jl.y Pli.01t1 • • • :Pulpit.--and Pew • ,.,.,,....._. .. ML MUM Guadalupe Vision. Pickea Bai!Spot ~· . 1Coltlo•"1 !tom Pap 4) c .. sio1-a1 a.a.a j 1 Newport Harber, 32U 'Broad SL, Newport Beach. SUIJdly School b held at the qme lime with baby.sitting service provided. Sundays and salllr<!aµ and on wee.k ni&)!t.s at 7:30 p.m. Aft.rmooa prayer meet.in&• durtnc tbe wttk are alated tor 2 p.m, followed by Bible aluil)I "'3 p.m. wonblp aer1lcu. 'Ibis week Qr. J IQMI Cantamaro, gue"t apeaker, will preach "Why I Am • Cbrlstlan .•• Again conducUnr a vacation Bible school, U•IYers1ty Bap- Ull Cl11m:b will hold this year's program Aug. ti through Aua. 24. The theme for school, designed for 4- year-olds to t.lghth graders, will be "Jesus Leads Me.'' Reglstratkln will be: held at the church, 2252 S. E. Palisades Road, Santa Ana Heights, Aug. JI at 1:30 a.m. with the first class convening thlt day at I 1.m. FUrther in- formation may be obtained by calling Mrs. Cloud, Mf.Mel. ~ speak al Westmlaster ........ tit:. .... lU14 Mqnolla. sundly, U a.m. and 7 p.m . '!be diwth lnvl\el the public to hear th• Rev. Rosell. called by Billy Graham "the greatest revivtll!l in Ill• coun- try today." MEXICO CITY (AP) -ln 1&31, the Virgin Of Guadalupe reportedly appeared on a hilltop before an I n d la n peasant, telling him ~ J1U$ on &o the bishop of MuiCo her roquest that sanctuary be built upon the site. rovemmenl Df the -al dlslt1ct -Muico City -... the Banco Naclonal dt Mal lco are wor~ to clear Chit .,...nc11 around lhe· allrlm ., decrepit dwem.,, and vno dora' atalls, replaclna thlmi wilh hillside &ardent._pattlll a.rtal and ro.da mm 'lftddi the shrin6 ctn better bt. "'""' "Bellevlng God's Book" ls the theme of this year's Vaca· lion Bible School at Calvary BapUA CbW"ch, 8281 Garfield Ave.1 Huntington Beach. Bjble School wUI begin Monday and continue through F r i d a y , Aug. 15, I:~ a.m. to poon daily. The program wUI in- clude mlasionary s to r le s crafts , recreitto.n'. refmbments and B i b I e ttories. The Rev. David DlProfio will discuss ways ln whldi G()(I is cre•livt this ~ay at Cllrllt Cburt~ !by Sta - United P.1t~l1I, W. "Spirit" Is the .theme of the lesson-.sermon at all area artsUaa Science churches. Now, ctnturiea later, Jt 11 apparent that , for construction purposes, 1he could have chosen a better location. Wblle work conUnuea. ast estimated 15,000 daily YSaft thit shrine. many lraYenlnc Ill huge courtyard on their tneet. On Dec. 12, 0.y Of the Vlrsfn, more than one mllllon devout visit the shrine'. Balboa Blvd .• Newp:ort Beach. His sermon, entitled "God Creates Anew." Will be pruched at t and 10:30 a..m. with church School mee:Ung a\ 9 a.n. Nursery care is pro- vided. The 1anctuary, w h 1 c h originally was a •mall chapel •t the foot of Tepeyac Hill, since has grown to huge prO: portions and sUU ls growing. JU problem is that it rests on a sltpptty clay subsoil, and buildings art s I n k i n g at disproportlonate rates. The Catholic Church and govern· ment are now enjaged In a massive program to restore the complex, raise sinking buildings and make the site :nore beautif\.11. The flrsl restoralloo to be all but compleled la lhat" Ibo' chapel Of the ~I. bulll...., o: sulphurous spnng near wblch1 the Virgin Is reporled IA> have appeared to the lndiM Juao Diego for the fourth ume. 111 1963, when restoratlen pt under way, one side of the building wu 1.8' met.en Jowcr thin lbe other. Pre-registration will be held Sunday at the church and by phoning the church office, 912. 6860; RegistraUOn on nrst day of ·Bible school wfll be held at 9:15 1.m. A rtgbtration fee of $0 cents per child ls asked. "Do Thou in Hea.ven Know Wbat "is Happening _ Here?" is the sermon tqpic to be delivered by PastDr Tbonu1s Ray for the 11 a.m. eervlct Sunday at Central Blp&l1C Churcb of H1U1dn&toa lkacb, 7661 Warner li.ve. Primary church is held at this boUr ror kindergarteners t~gh thfrd gT-ind nurser')' care 'is pr'o'vidM dUr· ing all services. Sunday school is held at 9:45 a.m. with classes !or aJJ.agea.. At 6 p.m. Youth Trai.Ding Union and adult d\Oir r,nt.~s­ al are held followed by even· ing wonhlp at 7 p.m. o'clock. The Rev. Paul Giddings. rt- cent graduate of California BaplisL·Seminary, will be the guest &peaker at both the services, 9:30 a.m. Petk's Chapel, 7801 Bolsa I Ave., Westminster and 11 a.m. Hun- ti"ngtoo beach Chapel, 6th and Orange, for Flnt B•ptist C'tnlri:b -or Hunlln11*00 Bt•dl. Churctl school will be heJd at i '.30 a.m. at the downtown chapel. A garage sale sponsored by the Jane Brown Circle, is 5'\ll ~ing held at 1005 England, Huntington Beach. Proci:eds v.111 go to a scholarship for a Congo Student. Orange County Single ,.\d· utta, an organiz.atioo Jot 's,ingle Jewish 'a<iults, wlD l!6Jcl its next meeting ThU:rsd3y, 8~30 p.m., at Temple Bedl 'Emel, 1770 West Cerritos, Anaheim. Program for the evening will be guest speaker, a represen· tative of the South Coast Repertoi-y Theater. · T b e meeting i!, followed by dancing and social. A swim ·party will be held Aug. 30, at the recreation Hall of the Chati::au Apartments, 1~70 W. Broadway, Anaheim. The.re will be ·s'wfrh· ming, dancing, food, drink''arid a donation of $1 is asked. C,ill h06tess Miriam Lear, 77M7B8 for reservations and in- formation. Information regardlng ~ club may be ob- tained by calling No r 11'1 a Tlirkolf, 776-7076, Ruth ~~r:;::g, ~~'. or La~ie ne Salvation Army of Southern California ,is making final preparations for its 11th Annual Long Beach Camp Meetings whit:b are open to the · public and will be held from Aug. 16 through Aug. 24 at the. Long Beach Municipal Auditorium. Evangelistic meetings will take place at 3 and 7:30 p.m. Boroseope Temple Belk David of ()r.. •nit Comity Sabbath service will be held Friday, l :lS p.m. at the community Congrega· tlonal Church. Kaiella and Bloomfitl(I Aveni.tes. Los Alamitos. The. services will be conducted by Rabbi Bernard B. Goldsmith in conjunction with ~ Harry Newman. *'That's a Crazy Story" will be the aermon topic of the Rev. Bruce A. Kurrie at PmbyW:rlaa Clnlrdl ol t!le Coven.ut, za:.o Fairview Road, Costa Mesa. ·Family worship will begin at 9:30 a..m."Cbild f.'"' """'gh kindergarten ... ¥' protrided. Wednuday· sum- mer program begins at 5:30 p.m. with recreation for all ag~ and dim'ter al 7 p.m. Rt.servations mu.!l be .made by Monday e•ening through the church office. A program is pre;sented at I p.m. Bob Bradloc'd, impmonator, ventriloquist, and evangelist, will appear at the second an· nual Children's Oladsmatic Clinlc at Cbriltlu <;mter Cbai-cb or · .Abaheim. The children's clinic is con<lucted to accommodate. the childttn whose partots wilt be at· tendiog the adult Charismatic Clinic held, at Melodyland 'Mteater, Anaheim Aug. 10 through 24. ' "How To Ru:i1 Away" Is the sermon cbOsen· by 'Pastqr Charles H. Dlerenfield, when he preaches at st. Andrew'• Prubyuriu C)mn:b, 600 St. Andrews Ro.ad Newport Beach at the I. 9:30 and 11 a.m. Swr day worship· se.rvlcea. Open ~ house coatinues at Tmple BeU., &Mloa, 13031 TusUn Ave., Santa. AM, with the second. series to be held Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p:m. Tours of the ficillty includi~g the new religious "J:Chool·in- the·round" wilJ"be. held. Reiigious school:cl.as.ses will begin Sept: 20 with registra· tion presently \)elng · taken. The classes are , held ·strictly on a "first come, (irst served" basis. Qarell of Rellzlo(J Sdenee of Lagua BHClll will holt guest speaker, the Rev . Mason D. Moore,.Sunday at 9 and 11 a.m. sthriao:s. Tb e con- gregation. meeting at 20062 Laguna Canyon Road, wlil hear a Strtlion enUlled "The Faith that Moves Moonta.Jns;" Baby care is provided at 1.be 9 a.m. service. Regu]ar Minister H e n r y Gerhard is atlending the an· nual summer conference of the United Church of Religous Science It Asilomar, Pacific .;;rove. ·Mesa Verde United Me&Mdlst Oturcll., 1701 Baker St, COsta Mesa convenes at 9 and 10:30 a.m.-for Sunday Bible school picnic will be held at Bluebird Canyon Park Sunday, I p.m., for First Cbrtstlaa Ci.utb of La111Da Bead!, t.ealon Street. Sunday worQHp will be: held at · to:tS a.m. with the Rev. Bruce Cushing speaking on "The Significance o f th e Lord's Supper." Communion wil.1 be-celebrated at thi.a hour, Dwayne ~Good will present a sacred music concert begin· nine at 7 p.m. Wanitr AVtllte Ba pl Isl Clllurcb, Warner at Go~rd Street, Huntington Beach. W111 begin its vacaUon Bible school Aug. 25. The school will be held from 9 a.m. to noon through Aug. 29. Coot Is II per &tu dent. "It's Tlme to QWL." a filin about the dally ~boot v.jll screen Sunday during the-6 p.m. worship service. ''The ~ of Self Contrcl" will be Dr. Philip G. Murray's M!nnon topic this Sunday for c.raa del Mar Commulty Conlft&•tlolall Cllurth, 6l l Heliotrope Ave. He will preach at 10 a.m. Oilld care and church school are. a I g,o avai11ble al 10 a,m. The Rev. Loren FHckinger will de.IMr a sermon· entitled ''Be Still and Know" Sunday9, 10 a.m. for Newport lhllty Clturcb. 'T"h e congregation meets. 1t the Senior 'Citlzeris Building, 15th and IMhe, NewpOrt Beach. The groUp will meet there Wednesday, 7:30 p.m .. for a community sing. Cealral Blble Church, 23nl Street ind Orange Avenue, Costa MeSa wilt hold Sund8y worship services at 9 and IO':., a.m. Pastor Henry · E. Jones will speak on "Without Olrist Ni SalvaUon." At the evening service, 7 o'clock, he will speak on "Persecution Produces PtoclamaUon." Vacatlon Bible school's clos- ing program is scheduled Thusday, 7 p.m. The event will be held In the mutu-purpooe room or Lindbergh School, acroS.!I from the church. Guest speaker, Dr. Kenneth Gillmln of Springfield, Mo., will speak at 1 t a.m. and 7 p.m. worship hour~tJ'lnl B1ptlst Cburtll, 301 Magnolia, Costa Mesa. Evangelist Mer'I Rosell will Dr. Orvill J. Nease of West Covina will be the guest speaker at the Laguna' Beach UnJted Methodist Church 21632 Wesley Drivt Sunday at the 10 o'clock morning worship service. His subject will be "Joyful LMnt-What floe> II ~tiean to Yoy?" Church school is al!O at 10 a.m. with coffee fellowship at II a.m. Cb.lid care is provided during the worship service. Along with the arrival Qf" Dr. Roger Huebntr, pastorof fami· ly ministry. has cOme a United Methodist F a m 11 y Guidance Center. Under the direct.loo of Costa Mesa First United Met.llodlst Cburcb'• new pastor o( family ministry. the center will be located aC the church, 420 W. 19th St. Ap- pointments, offered to all who seek help, may be made by calling the church a t MS-7'127. Dr. Huebner. preaches the thlrd in a serits of semiom on Jesus' commandments In Matthew 22 :37-40, at Sunday morning. His sermon is "Let the SUnshine In" and will be given during the 9:30 and II o'clock services. Sunday church school is at 9:ll a.m. with an eitended session at 11 o'tlock. Junior High Unlt~d MethodiSt Youth Fellowship meets at 7:30 p.m. l n Thorilpson HaU. Harbor ~lorm Temple will hold Friday evening services at 8, o'clocldn St. James Episcopal Church, 3209 Via Lido, Newort Beach. During services there will be a panel discu.sllion on "POl'lt·Lunar ?ifan and HiJ Place In the Universe." Donald Per"kal will be moderator for the panel ~m~ prised of Dr. Nathan Rynn. Dr. Samuel Rabinowitz, and Dr. Irwin Kempler. Women 1'aking Over Church? EDINBURGH. S c o t I a n d (AP) -The church is becoming a femlnlne move· ment with many more women joining than men according to a survey issued by the (Presbyterian) Church of Scotland. The survey showed that 65 percent of recruits under 21 and 53 percent of those over 21 were women. Editor of Catholic Publication Resigns WASHINGTVN (UPI) -The editor-i n-chief or Amer- ica's I a r g est catholic weekly has resigned his post because of a conflict with superiors over liberal reforms in the Catholic Church, it was learned this week. fi1sgr. Vincent A. Yzennans submitted hl& resignation as editor of our Sunday Visitor on July 23, without public an- nouncement of his action. He told trustees of the week· ly newspaper, which ha"i a na- tional circulation of 600,000, Uial he had decided to resign "afler several weeks of serious thought." Yzermans gave. no reason for his resignation, but he has confided to friends that he was tired of waging "the old I i beral-conservative battle" week in and week out. Yiermans has been a forceful and articulate sup- porter of the reforms launched by lhe Vatican Council in an effort to ''update" the church He also is a strong advocate of Christian unity, and under his direction Our Sunday Vis· It.or joined with the Nalioo.al Council of Churches In publish· ing a monthly report on the prog~ss of the ecumenical movement. The Pope's birth control en· cyclical was not an issue lo the conflict which developed between Yzermans and the more conservative managers of the weekl y. headed by Bishop Leo A. Pursley. Before taking over the editorship of Our Sunday Visitor, which is published at Huntington. lnd., Yzermans was director of the bureau of information of the national catholic welfare conference in Washington. He has been editor of Our Sunday Visitor since July I, 1967. He also had editorial supervision of three subsidiary publications -The Priest, for clergymen: Campus Call, for college studentl ; and Capsule '70. for high school students. All four of the publications underwent extenslve editorial revamping under Yzennans, with resulting increases in circulation. Yzerman! plans to return to his home diocese of St. Cloud, Minn., where he plans lo rest for a few montm before deciding on his future career. He Is 4.2. He has assured friends he has no intention of leaving the church or Ule priesthood. Jose Cano, enBineer ln charge of Ute project which began six ye.an ago, said he doesn't know when it wm be. finished. Origir\al estimates set the cost at $1.6 mUllon. but it is certain to be much more, Cano sald. The complex, located only about four miles fr o m downtown Mexico City, ranges over the foot of Tepeyac Hill and up onto the hill itseU. The Bishop Takes Revolt Stand SAN DIEGO (AP) -Roman Catholic Bishop Fra.nci..s J. Furey, leaving to become archbishop of San Antonio, says a mlsunderstandqlg prob· ably was the cause of last year's revolt of priests agaimt the man he sucreeds. Retiring Archbbhop John E. Lucey was accused by 68 priests of • b e i n g un· communicative and opposed to change. "I'm SUrt the priest! of San Antonio have been maligned." Bishop Furey said. "l can't believe so many priests could be so much against their bishop without being in some way misunderstood. There musl be something wrong. "A bishop and his priests can't so misunderstand each other unless there is aomeUU, basically wrong." Th• original chapel e I Tepeyac is being ~ now. but will require much work. Part of Its walla , and foundatioris still atand and will be rein.fort~ after ncavatloe beneath U. where Juan Diep and others were sald to hsye be<ft burled, is completed &y arehuologlals. ; Nert to the boalllca, beP., In 1691 and fmlshed In !lat, stands the convent of 1" Capuc:hlo Order, ertc\U between 1780 and l'Tlt. 1ts·rUr to the north ruts on bedrflCIJ o( the hill of Tepeyac. wbilc Ill >OUtheriy front la slnklftl. lti emtern side also has ~ markedly, giVlng il a dt.flnitt east-west list, whm v~ beside the b1sUlca, \ ~J! western end Of which h-" sunk. , The cant of the bullica~ not be tampered with bee 'of the excesaive cost, Cano. InStead, the. en are tryiog to prevent it linldllS any more. r It is in the basilica wblli what the relialous eonsi#r' pn>ol ol Ille apparition 'lo dispisyed. ~ There, above the altar. ls robe In which the Vlrsin roses for Juan D\ego to c~ to the bishop ali prool lhe'h! appeared . When Juaa Dte opened biJ bundled r~ before the bishop Of M Fray 'Juan de Zumarrq, rooes fell mzt and on i 8Ul'face of the robe remained brllllantly c0lor<d lmqt the Vtrp. The pigmellts th!.! day havi not faded - been tdenutied. . ., NIEBUHR Soviet Churchmen's Fate Shown in Note T b e archbishop-designate said be will tell San Antonio priests and laymer. that he will follow the Vatican II ado monition that bishops -ngard priests as "brothers and friends'' and that he has faith in both priests and laity. He made th~ stat.ement (Conthnted from P•p C)' By LOUIS CASSELS refused to appear at the trial Wednesday in a speech to 300 · i d I h · !lciency __ ... -"'ue-.11 u"''"" l'nlll 1"1wu111ne1 as prosecution witnesseJ to pr ests an aymen ononng .iiu aiu ....... De II I · give testimony about the him at a pontifical con-The theologian aakl sp e some eas ng in re-ce1ebrattd Mass in S t • "NiJ:-rr-"'"-.. _~..i-" cent years of Communist · ef· structure and membership of , C h 1 ui:ru .. 1a1u 1.1\A."'-'""" forts to suppress religion, it's their church . Josephs at edra . two defects: still hazardous to be a prac-Another charge w a s that Later• he tot.I newsmen he -It aets all relilloft tlcing Christian in the soviet Feidak and Vilchlnsky caused plans to retire in 12 years at uvlrtuous" in. guarantte Union. "a breach of public orde r" by 75. No successor in San Diego public justice; without How much it can cost a conducting a worship service has been has been named. distinction between Russian to be faithful to his in the. woods near the village religious protest and 1 ctft. churth is made clear in a of Plosk.a. venUonal rtllslon •:=h I poignaot document smuggled "We beg to make it known Berlin foutlt "throws the aura of out or the Soviet Union and that we held that assembly un· on contemporary publk now in the possession of the der tbe open sky not by choice whether morally inferior ff National Council of Churches' but through necessity," the S' ff outrageously unjust." office o( religion in Com· Baptists said in their appeal. lltg ere -It assumes that 11 munist.-clominated attas. "It was all lhat was J>OS!lble, rtllglous change of heart, su6 It tells the atory of Trofim as we have been deprived of The "Kurrende", a student 88 occurs in an individual~ K. Feldak, a carpenter, and our regular house of prayer choir of 40 from the University version, would cure tDeD of 1'1 Vladimir A. Vilchinsky, a since May, 1960.'' of Berlin, will make four ap-sin." • locmno~ve engineer, who were They said the o u l d o o r pearance.s in local churches. Dr. Nlebuhr aald ll WN t leaders of the SOO.member &erVice was held "far from The students. on a summer fortunate tl)at the Rev.,' • Evangelical 8 apt 1st Com· any·publlc plaCe" aod the only tour of .America, will appear Martin Luther Kina: Jr., w munity in the Russiao city of breach of ordq occurred when at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 8, at the murdered before he. c:ouJ(-.. Brest. the service was disrupted by Geneva Presbyterian Church, inVited to the White· ffWlil Feidak and Vilchlnsky were "employes of the militia who Laguna Hills; at 8 p.m. Aug. congregaUoo. ~ -• found w~re specially sent to wr 9, St. Jaines E p l s co p a l arrested, tried anu h _., "But on second "·-·....,. ..._ 'it I I r . · service to prevent It." C uri;u, Newport Beacb; It .. ......,. .... ...., gu y as year o engaging m A 10 t Em 1 question ari.w:s: Would .. "anti-state activities." They ~~ u~urcl,, a Parlll'l':~t have been ln•lted?" asked qr. ,,.. now serving r i v e year Catholics OK nd 7 10 the Niebuhr. "Perhapo the 1· I · Sa · t labo amp a :30 p.m. Aug. , at .,_ ... enns m a VJe r c · Fist Methodist Church, Santa which spied on blm, ,_ Risking their own freedom. aame opinion of him If not their lives, th• New Ecumem"sm Ana. Am--•-• had of ·--." f The students, boys and girls, ~' ni ..... remaining members o th e • panled Or. Niebuhr ..,._,,... ,_ ...._ BapUst Community have lodg· DO presen~ an unaccom Book of A ,_the_ ':::'~~':.': without being unduly im· may be subject to change. realize neces.sity or doing what ed 1 formal appeal with the LON N (AP) -The program of sacred and secular mos. 11~ Aries: Get Your EamilJi '! ogether .. SUNDAY AUGUST. 10 By SYDNEY OMAllll P!IOON POSmON conUnae1 ucdlent for FlSB.Jl'ilG. HOME VON,TlNO;E,S GllEAT TODAY for coekiol and entutalnmnt. U J'!I llve otllf:n ~aH a cbuce, tbty ~ fide and &reM 109 • mem• ber of tlle fam.Ut. · ARIF.S (Mareh ll·April 19): Basic respon&.itrilttiea cannot be a.voided. Get fa m t I y together. Serve and yoo also will be aerwd. MUNge clear ., day prOIJ'dltS. Don't •l· tern~ to skimp on qa1ll(}'. A"ofd false bargalm.. TAURUS (Aprll llJ.M1y 20): Jde1s ~ trsted. Your own faith In w~t you promote Is on Ule line. A short trip may be necessary to finish project. Be available. alen~ Don't de- pend on others to do your jOb. GEMINI (Mty Ii.Juno 211): Be aware. of personal possessions. Doo't per O'I rt others to dlclate. Prm«t ....... Call your ....,. -· Some may try to prucb, ta· Joi&. Key la IA> ·be patient pressed. Grow. Don't feel you must muat be done. S<>viet government, protesting Roman Calhollc hierarchy of music. prophet who had lrouWt ~ CANCER (June 21.July 22): stick to certain situations, that the charge.s were unjust Eni;land and Wales has ap-This Is the second tour of the royal court prl•1 \ }fetd worda of spiritual ad· commitments. Creative think· PI~ {Feb. 19-P.farch 20): proved a new ecumenica1 ven· America by the "Kurrende" o[ Amaz:lah, what he sakl was 1 viser. But also know you are Ing is the key. You get sense of completlon . ar;~e i~r~a =7ni that ture. Nuns may now help the Free University of Berlin. favorite passage of Dr. JC'IM.: capt.a.in of your own destiny. SAGl'ITARIUS <riov. 22~ Your ability to express ideas has now reached the West. It chaplains of all denominations The stude.nta are sponsored "I hate, l <iesplte your feui, Obtain hint from Gemini Dec. 21): Much that occurs and ideals iJ emphasized. You paints 8 grim picture of the wltht~ hospit1al work and, Ir by tnte.rdeoominational churc· an1d I take 00~~~4~ ln ~ message. Your hunches tend may be shrouded in mystery. att able to vttlff bmic kind of "justice" dispensed to e1r super ors approve, will hes. ao emn asse.mll1M:lll. 1 to be correct. lntu:itlve in· Thia la but temporaty, Emo-beliefs. Young peraon! could be encouraged to off e r•p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~ii lellect is sharply honed. Uons wlil be clarified -llO wlil play paramount role. religious believers in •om e themselves for appointment .,11 BIBLE THOUGHTS . LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You events. Don't force is.!lues. Soviet courts. Church sisters in 1 ta & e may have to curb impulsive Money situation wlll improve. IF TODAY ts Y 0 U R ~'to~f ag:Ut s~~!i aand __ OO._:.p_ltal_s_. _____ _ tendtncles. Not easy for you to CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. BIR'MlDAY you a re tn-be discretL But today It may 19): Accenl o n marriage, dependent, at times stubborn. Vnllchlnedskya..~11as that thedy '1'1in· be a oecesalty. Act ae-partnershlpa. You h a-v e Yoo get your way. But, ue.nkc ~ ... eversbli toctieclUne eordingly. Display· sense of strength but don't naunt u. genttally, your motives are lo ta e pa m pu ca v es humor -but malntal.n start-Permit othen to have~ noble. You make baalc ad-or to perfonn dvlc duties." dards Of tut.. oay. C,cle ls ll!Cb thal you do Juatmtnu now which aid In ~!::)~.baaito.,thefor th~~~arge. VIRGO (AU a. 2J.St1>t. :DJ : beat playllli waltlnJ pm<. grea~ upcoming opporllmlly. a----.. ap,_., "" Tell Your Kids To Read Uncle Len's Column AttenUon to details helps you AQUAJlIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. the fact that 10me members obtain desires. CooctntralJon JI): You ahoutd not ""•t-off T• .w out wfW• ltdr¥" ._.,.. "' of 0\6 Baptist community is a requisite. Sbort culs will esstntlal chores. Be rU'dy to :..w,::; ""i:.'":'T=-7~ iiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii;;jjjj;r:::;;:~;;;;;-:;--;-------JI not sufilct, Be 1.....in .... v-~ Wot!oen.~ w... Mf'Nfllt .,.. tt '*""' ... ~ { ~""" nnuw auume dulie.s. You are called te O!Nirr .i.ttrololv '9cr.ta. tM OAILT ~ 11'hat yau are doing -and upon for extra duty. Key ii to ~11..01. &oir ,,,., Grtnd e.mr11 11 .. "~RA CS.pt. 13-0ct. 12l :Jr=========='=,.,.=•=~::;;v""~"·';:· ~·••;:::•· = Ql• Q'"'" flemori-1 pork Be willing to communicaie. No D TEMPLE SHARON V\.U IU day to dive Into e.mot.ionaJ •hell. superiors. those In ........ -........... ,., ... Th• South141ul's /tfost &d#tif11l, authority, are atte.ntl\lt. Jt'ow -'" H.W "'" MnnbrUtl.s you t1prtts yourself 617W•H...,,..,Cnte Me111 detmnlntt bow far you 10. MAVSOlNM • COl.UM1411UM • «MITDT l ~I Jtwld1 ft!flilltl ''' l11¥i .. d ft lt;fl VI i11 tr111ly Met11i11tf~ ..&.-J ~ b '"''' cl•a< by tonighL .. ,..,. n••••• 110Y1c1S ••ODAY ., ''" r.M. -tttt<1 TD t:I!C' f th WORLD Sl'OiiPIO ((kl, 23-)'lov. 21): ' • ..,. • -1. ~~1"V 0 -e- Know yourself. Examine your lpirltHI L..--• ..., ...... ...._ ..... .;-~:.__,,_ o. ,_ ._ •--'-u •~ [ ·-...,..., ... ,... 'f6·SU1 , Ttrnple Sht1111 Choir -011111ht~ti IU-14J1 ~· • "1VlU8 0 )'UUr" "MIUW"'-------------.;_...;. ___ ....:;_11 '°J' ....... S.. ... -4er.t-.; ),• eOD'I DISPOSITIONt GM t11•1'• ''"" t tlld •11lovod t11ocltti11t with hl111. H-j WALKED t!HI TALKED wltti Ailt111 ,114 I••• ( " •• 111 tit• c•ol of ffit 1'•v", 8011. )11. E11•ch I WALKED with &o4 tll4 "''' t1ltt111•4 •• h!tkly thtt ht 111••• J: .... b11t &941 '''"'" : lttM hlM r11to H••••ll, & ... 1;24. c;,4 l mtdt m111 1plrlt11•I, 11'1li>1• .-IM•t• 1114 t liktat1 .. IWt11. I ;2') t-tlitt ... ce~ l h•.,• 'LEASUltE !11 111•111t hi• ctootvro, .... 4111 ll111t ,Jo1 l lijol, &od'1 DISPOSITION Wt1 to be • COM,ANION to M•ll· ht"''". "'lt1111ed t+ii1 by b.coftth1g r1btllrov1 1n4 1¥11, &111. t :&·I . ONLY th. ri9htoov111•11 of Noth ''""•nto1' TOTAL 411tr11ctl•11 of 1111 .. Sed'1 DIS~SIT10N NOW it I• SAVE 111111 ITERNALLY' ht • PLtASUltE !both 6ed't o!ld 111111'1,.111 Ho1•111, J"' 1;16.t P .. +lif• ~ l11f God 1oy1, "··I h••• 110 PLEASU1t6 i11 the J11th .f th• I WICKED··"· bk. JJ:l I, Alu1, "··th• Ltrd tlt'I' 4iff 11 1 ~•11111•! .. fi r•··" towo'4 wlcktd p1oplo, D111t. '4:24. 1¥011 J11111 • -tlltll 1t•11l1d from ho•.,•"• with lilt 111l9ltty •1111111., 111 fltll'll~ fl"'t t1 ij11t ¥1119t111c1 011 th1fft #lit •11ow 11ot $~··", f Tli11t. 111·1. J I" •dditlo11. " •• If fkl rl9htoo111 tc111.1ly Iii t•ll"H, ....ti1ro •hill fho j 1111911:11'1' ol'ld th11i1111tr oppoor?'', Pot.4:11. W1 11\ NOW h1¥1 ewr ch111c.o t• iio 1 COMl'AN!ON •lltl •M J throwgho11t •l•r11:!tv •• "• ,,,i, ... THAT h S..1''• DIS~SITK>ft.u Whit It YOUl\Sf Ari yo• .f!1114t.d to 10¥0 WM, oiioy t.tM tM h '''''' W1it1. or phone foJ. Flit hold .. 011 5.4'• woy .f Mlort• tlo11. Ch11rrh •t-Chrhl, 217 W. Wll1011 St. C.1!0 M110, Coftl f26f7, Ph. 541.1111 ••• ,.,,.,, ..... ,,,,_ DAILY ntOT Comment Page - Good Neighbors Come • Ill All Races' ~'"1h !i1> eJtC<pUOM, lbt \'bite popul•· .,., of thil county and country ha1 bt'en Ent io let America'• hJ.storlc racial p\1$h, proptl, and shape their at· es. v&lue1, and behavior rather than go through lhe painfW process of sel!· confrontaUon. :>! Ttie one ups which most 'A'h!te people er seem to learn, and most Negroes ever setm to forget, is the de\•astating ffttl that pervasive patterns o { ~nation and segregation have had e lnd.lwidual• -black and w~te -in toclety. If one cboosu to call the encmena underlyin1 the continuation of pattern of behtvior by the term clmi,'' so be it. ~ The Inescapable facts are that Negroes lave not denied themselves the benefit.I ~ economic progress through racial ~Uon In employment and educa· • • Can Slogans Help Fight Racism? tlt1n, and they hive not entirely of lbelr own volition confined themsel\•ea to segregated schools and housing. White Americans, individually and col· lecUvely, must come to grlpa with the humillatlng and degrading effects of raclat dlscrlminatioo and stop believing that the panacea (or 11ocial di&quiet and · disorder will be found solely in providing jobs: or developing more opulent ghetto! for their black brothtU"s. Finally, the question posed in the phrase "Is Your Neighborhood All Wh ite or All Amfflcan?" is not addressed to either institutions or governments. but rather to every white citizen or this ccun· ty. For surely In a county where one of every four residents can be identUied Ftom a q11eatloii u11d a11swer sea· sion with Herb~rt L. Carter, exr.c1~ tive dirt ctor, Com1nission of Hur11aii Rel.atio11.1, Los A.11geLes County, ac 4 111.(etina of Town Ha ll of Los A.ngt~s. CarUr, a Negro. is (l graduate of Arkanaas State College and holds a Tna$tlr'1 · degree from California State College at Los Angeles.· visibly as a member of one or another racial or ethnic minority, one logically ought to question whether he or she -by comntlsslon or omission -has been a part of the problem or a part o' the solu· tlon to Ameri ca's racial problems. Q. A fine black family moved intc. the area near our home about four years ago. Subsequently, one or two other fine families moved in. All were wonderful people and were accepted openly. Shortly thereafter, other black familles moved ilJ,t.o the area; however, this time they were not peers in economic and ed ... Uonal levels and sometimes· two or th.rte families moved into orie house. NoW, the original black families a_nd the w h I t e families are being forced out by this un- fortunate circumstance. What can be done to avoid this sort of thing? CARTER -This kind of situation will exist u n t I I we build, in addition U. m!ddle-class housing, some housing designed for th• neodl of • more dlversllled sectlon of OIU' populaUon. We need d8Cent, pleasant, flnltary housing for low-Income famllles who have five or sil children (instead of the lyplcal AmerJ. can family with 2.t kids). Patt. of the IOlu· tion ts for people like you in Town Hall to • use yoor influence with the power sys- tems tn tbe county to press for this kind ol how;ing for every ecooomic levl!J lo the county. Q. Then, aren't you reallf asking ua to speed up the deterioration of our own neighborhoods, aince we don't have the needed houaing today! CARTER -Certainly not! TJie ques- tions are: (a) What are you 11:oing to do about these needs -now!? "(b) Do you. have a stake in the housing shorta&e down in Watts! (c) Wilt there be decent, sanitary, suitable housing? (d) Do you realize that so many of these people will • t • • • Li.sten for Thai Buzz r-----Our ltlan In San Francisco -----. • • • .. • • When Summer Comes, So Do tlie Rattlers You /(now Hini-That ., ~ B1 WIIMN K. L YTllGOE ne SacramealO Bee ·-' .., game warden was cheeking rmen along a river. He met a small with a fine string of channel catfish tsked the lad what be was baiting . :~'I'm ke!.chlng them on these good ol' ltJng worms that I fowid under a rock,'" d the boy, disploylng 5eVeral five-Inch ~by raltlemakes. 'I Rattlers are born alive, fully equipped 1fM ready for buslnut. Their fangs Ind · sacs may be tiny. but a rat- esnake of any size is sun death-dealing. "biting wonn1" had nipped the ~·· hand several tlmes, and-t\ was tlWol.Jen.' . '": The warden rushed the boy to a iospttal where be was examined, and inderwent exeruciatl.ngly .painful treat- ~ -but he lived. " ~ THE WARDEN'S report said the boy .iel>t hie siring of <1Uilh during most of :t,e fU51-but be got rid of that good "ol' lf_lt!" '1 ·Whlle this true story from Lubbock. JDlibl ,..m amllllng, lbtre is fUllll1 lboul ao eDCOWlW with a auke. Andi! yOl1 are·out-of-doors , chucts on Y'* will run ln14 '°':J's 0~1:iaUvely hJgh ~use are 16 distinct kind of rattl....Us. ery state bas one or more kinds. 'lilere numerous subspecies and color varia· but they •« Ill pos!Uvely idenUlied tbe jotl'lted rattles on the tail. An<! tl>e explosive &inllng buzz of these is ao '1Ilmi£1Akable warnin& and a ' that will long be mnembered. ~ln c.atlfornta, the Pacific raUlesnakt is most widespread kind. "'ilh Its range nding south from Oregon to lov•er tuomla. From Lake Tahoe north on ea.at side of the Sierra you might see the Great Ba!ln rattler; from Tahoe IOUth throu1h Death Valley, the sidewind· ~ ~d Panamint ratUers ; along the ColG-f'tJo River. the wtalem diamondback; K the southwestern area, the red dia· mOndback and gpeckler rattlers, and in the Mojave Desert, both the Mojave and the sidewinder. ~ Now TllA T ootaide temperatures are ~. rattlert everywhere become more 11ctlve. Hunting by night, they feed on lizards and small rodents sucb aa ground fQUirrtla, 1mall rabb;1.s, rats and mice. ~ttltn strike rather than attempung 4 their prey. The1r fangs are hollow, • vemm Is lnje<:ted lbrough them ilil4 • oe.m of their prey as though from hypodennic needles. Much of their ii stuMed. U largtr prey rum for e distance and dies, they trail it ~ wttb the rattlen moving around ... warm nighis In search of food. per· =outdoors should be specially careful dark. But even in daytime, you d always keep a1ert as to whert you lfl\p "' P"t your bands. ~ll.8 this and similar warnings, It ~ be<n estimated that about 3.000 Americans-more than one·th!rd of them childre" -will be bitten by polsonoU3 "l!f'C' thl• •ummer. ~~'L V ABOtrr 11 of these victims will dTe b~ many \\'ill be permane nlly d1sfigufe12, s:ufrefini extensive tissue Cl.Image that will require skin 1raft1 or amputaUon. Dr. Clllford C. Snyder of Salt Lake Cl· Q11otes J. IL t.mw, Sodo. -"I believe tho .,...., 14.the f<hool problem 11 to put 1he mtdl -ln14 tbe hands of the ..,..u and the Dible and prayer back Jn. to the ct.usroofn. II -..,!Pn:I P"rf1, M.0 ., Jtedwood Valley, t111 'ledarin( 11m001·"'1k d1y" a n1i!Ol'lal !f!>llM1-"'1 lmow of DO other holiday th•I intcbl trl!loceod oil rtllgioua. pollUe>I, cultwtl or other b&niera: btt~·etn people. almuall1 •ancl-f(>l'<Ver." IGM. IL G. 'lkrrl1Dlt, Fort Otd, °" fallt!rl ., .._ and soeltlJ to prtp•rt )'Oldl fir iff-••1 recommend • deterrtnt ••J>Oft ll)'lltlJI -.. r-llrOp llld •• u. lllilrll6il blllC!boOk .. 11o .. 14 .... fl." ty, Utah, considered one ,of the foremost authorities on poisonou& snakebites, aayg that some of the damage can be traced to the Ct'lnfuslon about proper treatment. He ts chainnan of , the Division of Plastic Surgery at the University of Utah ?t1edical Center and chief of surgery at the Salt Lake Veterans Hospital. Dr. Snyder believes some of the snakebite treatments recommended in manuals and first aid booklets may be detrimental. Of some of these common treatments. he said : · -cross-hatch incisions over fang puncture& often cause the living tissue to die, and increase the likelihood of tetanus ln!edlon. -Ice packs are often hannful because prolonged treatment causes,lrostblte, or fut removal of the ict speeds venom release. -Alcohol and exercise are detrimental. HE SAID THE instruction that a fight tourniquet be applied and released at 20- mlnute intervals proved detrimental in his studies . .He said this "significantly perpetuates"' the spread al tbe venom. He thinks a tourniquet should be ap- plied, but be flat and non-rigid like a belt, positioned betwee.n the snakebite and the heart. One should be able to insert a finger without force beneath the tourni· quet as a tm Freeways Arrive On Tobacco Road By THOMAS McCANN 01 t11t' 01111 'lltt S"lf Eraklne Caldwell would have a hard • llme finding Tobacco Road In the modern South. And God'1 Utile Acre has been turned into an overnight parking spot for cam· ping trucks, tr a 11 e r 5 and tenters - complete with coin-operated hot showers and water and electrical hookups. The reason I can speak 11 o au~tatively Is that 1 have !>ten there. "There" ls the onetime sticks of central Tennessee, the red dirt barrens of south· central Kentucky and the plains or Kansas and Missouri. Interstate highways that rival the Californla freeway system in their ability to move tremendous !Mds of traffic at high speeds took my family on the sen· timental journey. tr·wAS a 5,700-mile jaunt that would have been almost unthinkable before tbe Jat.e President Eisenhower's multi-billion· dollar intent.ate highway system. w\ndaws on somnolent Sunday mornings was oulfitted with an air conditioning uniL A large tank for bottled gas nestled alongside its neatly clapboarded side walls. It may not be prosperity. But it is far from the"hopeless kind of poverty that llved in thal land of the one-mule family fann not too many years ago. From California to Tennessee. Ken· tucky, Ohio and all the vast C<>untryside In between, \ve saw s.lgns of growing al· fluence. TIIE ALWAYS-TRIM, white-fenced farms of Kentucky's Bluegrass section looked, ii possible, even more trim. Relatives told me of amatlng new chemicals and methods which are trebl- ing, quadrupling and. In some instances, increasing tenfold the output of crops from the land. It is truly America the beauUful. And on an interstate h I g h w a y , whooshing along at 70 mlle5 per hour, you doo 't see the rlsin& taxes, the spiraling cost of living, the wtatian. You see AmerlcallS with more time - and money -than at any other time in history to see America. And you see that it's worth seelng. Liberal Conservative ByHERB CAEN SAN FRANCISCO -The Game being played around a big table in the PaJace's Garden Court was oiymorons for Dr. S. I. Hayakawa. "Left-wing fascist," suggested one. ''Unrealliilic pragmaUst," was another, but Mayor Alioto came up with the topper, as usual. "Hard-nosed liberal," he grin· ned ••• , Sudden thought: Won't somebody please remind the sagging stock market that a Republican ad- ministration is supposed to be good for buainess? Thanxamlll. BAY CITY BEAT: That was Shirley Temple Black having a cocktail with Sup. Terry Francois at the Claremont Hotel in Berkeley, but lt couldn't have been more circwnspect, even though Shirley was not drinking a Shirley Temple, which sounds sort of can· nibalistic anyway. They are members of a Fed'! committee on crime control which was meeting there, and furthermore, ·Terry thinks a lot of Shlrley: "She's sincere and hard working and a lot more enlightened than people give her credit for." ADD NEW CHARACTERS on the downtown scene: the 11'1 ol' feller wearing a white crash helmet with "JESUS" lettered acr0$6 the front. He desires to save the world, but as a San Franciscan, I'm more worried about our cable cars, now being clawed to pieces In the annual clutch of tourism. However, the pick·pockets are picking pockets faster than Peter Piper pickl- ed peppers so maybe it evens out. WELCOME TOURISTS: Several of the biggest. Bawdway boob spots have raised prices from $1.75 a drink to $2 per, minimum of two -but then, two IS lhe magic number in a topless joint, I suppose. ONWARD TO new Cll!tural highs : Joan Hitchcock will wear a coat of human hair -not hers -to the open· lng or "Hair." GREAT SNATCH of conversation overheard by Jim Bigelow at Tiburon Sam's, girl to her guy: ''I know we have no future, Charlie, but we're sure' building up a helluva pas I!" BELTING a bullshot at Enrico's: Gwen Davis, a product of Stanford's writing academy, whose novel, "The Pretenders," ls now No. 6 nailooally and heading for fir11t place (60,000 &ales to date). She's the thinking man's Jacqueline: Susann: that is, her four-letter won:ls are three syllables. long, as befits a Stanford girl, but she Insists htr book isn't • • d i rt y. '' Fortunately for her. the public disagrees. ART GALLERY armouncements are getting wilder and wilder, but this y,·eek Richard Capper, owner of Cap- per Gallery on Mission, comes up with the capper: a postersi:ted job -for a show by Artist Richan:! Hughes -that shows two jaybird-naked girla holding two odd-looking implements. Reaction from Clipper's patrons has been vehement: "Take me off your mailing list!" "Pornography through the rqails!" and so on. Lim Poon .Lee's bi~d dogs are also sniffing around. . SPEAKING OF OBSCENITY, even the Supreme Court has difficulty defining that obscene word. but it's a cinch for the Post Office, right down lo clerk level. If a clerk at a port of entry, decides a sealed envelope COULD conta1n obscene material. all he has to do is stamp it "Supposed to Contain Matter Prohibited From Importation." Then a notice goes out to the addressee, who has to report to a postal worker -stlll a clerk -and open the envelope in his presence. If the clerk ciies "Oooo, doity-doity!" big trouble begins -and how are you whirring these days, George Orwell? MOANING AT THE VARIOUS BARS: At Tom Siddle's Vicarage in Sausalito, this commuter was saying in a tired three-martini voice: "If I were an astronaut and went to the moon, my wife would ask me to pick up the laundry on Ute way home." That ti)'Stem is nearing c<>mpletion no\T, ma.king possible m o to r i n g ac· comptWmient.s wtticb would have sound· ed like science fict ion a few yean ago. 'Things like driving from Alamogordo, N. M., clear across the Texas panhandle to Texarkana in a single long day under the wheel at 70 miles per hour (averaging 60 mph, even lncludJng gasoUne and food stops in the computations). Qr1 would you ever ha ve believed that you could have breakfast halfway between Memphis and Nashville, t.ben traverse the hills, ridges and valleys of central Tennessee, take time out for a three-hour nostalgic visit to the old faml· ly farmstead and still drive back to Nashville in time for a quick swim before "supper?" (Dinner is a meal you eat at noon in those parts.) Dangerous Drugs Abound T110UGll GRAFT h:is replacl'd gravel in the road building business in much of lhc 1-tldwest (it Is Inevitable, of course, that millions of dollars "fall do\vn. a crack'' ir. the implementation of a projerl of the fiscal Immensity of the interstate hlg,trway $.}'~em), it is these samv super highways which have done away Ydth "Tobacco Road" and "God'11 Little Acre" 1n the Midwest. By LOlJJ8 CASSELS UPI Senior Editor ' The federal governmenl Is doing a grossly inadequate job of. prot.ecting con- sumers from dangerous drugs. That is the gist of a confidential re- port by a study group composed of seven senior Food and Drug AdministraUon scientists and administrators. "The American public's principal con· summer protection ls provided by the 1-'ood and Drug Administration, and we a.re currenUy not equipped to cope willl the challenge," the FDA official aaid. ..Increasing volume and sophistication in types, production and markeUng of consumer goods under our jwisdir.Hon l"1s outstripped our ability to assure the t 'Jlic that all is well v.·ith respect to M1l'Se products.'' HERE IS WHAT the group ssld about the inadequacies of protection provided to consumers in the field of dru&s: The "\Veakest Spot" in consumer pro- tection is inadequate control over im· ported drugs. As things now stand, "We have no means of detennlning manufac- turing, processing. packaging or storage conditions in foreign countries." Hence imported drugs come into this country und er far less st ringent controls than are exercised over U.S.·produced drugs. Even in the United States. some drug companies are falling to do as much as they should "lo prevent mlslabeled, sub or super~potent, or .contaminated . drugs from being marketed." Jn each of the last four ·years, sevual hundred drugs have bad to be recalled from the mar· ket because of such product defects - discovered after they were already on ea1e to the public. THE ADVERTISING CLAIMS made on television and in other media for non· presc~ptlon drugs often go far beyond anY1hing the FDA will allow the manufacturer to claim on the label or his product. FDA has no authority to 1 took my cb.lldren lo see shacks with Jiolcs in their roofs and bams lt.aning nearly to the toppling point. t wanted th~m to see children, as I had ~n them tn my youth. v.·ho had never tastro a can· dy bar and wbo often v.·ent to bed hungry Md sometimes lived an enttre IUetime in the rural backwoods without e\'er eating a 50.lldwich made with "tight bread." Who Gets Heart Attncks . regulate advertising o1 nonprtscription drug!:. Ercesslve or misleading ad- vertising claims may cause consumers to wa ste money on worthless medications or -even worse -delay needf.d meclical treatment in the belief they alrtad'y are taking something for their ailment. The FDA'• ability to guarantee lbe ufety and effectlveMSs of prescribed drugs Is hampcrcg,.t>ecause Jt has to rely on the dntg manufacturers• clinical gtudies rather than conduct Its O\\'n tests. INSTEAD, \\"E dllco\-trtd a new South -paved roads where dlrl trails had bel'ln worn by rut-digging wngnn wheels, nf''f brick house1 where shacks hod stood , te.levislon antenoa1 sprouUng from the roofs ot farmhouses I remembered from my youth as being bia. drafty places full of dark shadov.'I cast by the light of a kerostne J•mp. Md the whlttwashtd wooden church houio where flies buW>d In and out tht From Bealtb M•1aDe A composite portrait of· an Ameri~n headed for a heart attack hu been drawn from periodic examiDaUons of 5,U7 adult.I of Framingham, Afas1., during I.he past eight years:. The heart 1ttack ca.n- didate Is described as Mdentary, fiabby. mlddle-a&ed, given to ezctss1ve cigarette 11moklng and In meals high in anl.'nlo.I fats, sugar, 11nd cholC'sterol. Or. \'i'illlam B. Kannel, who head& the Framingham study, say& the coronary· prone composite Ametican has a high blood-fat le,•el , high blood pressure, and rapid resilng pul" r~tt. He I! low bol.h in vij:or and physical ac- Uvtl,y. This composite A.merlcan also has a tendency to fam ilial disorders such u diabetes and gout. He may even ha\•e suffered a heart at· tack without knowing IL An electrocardiogram will probably reveal heart abnonnolltles. Persons who rtSemble the compo~ile coronary candidate h:ive a 80-tl.rncs- hlgher chBnce of suffering 1t heart au.sck than adults unlike him , the irtudy in· dicates . One of every four Americans i$ prone to hWt att>clt, according 14 Dr. Kannel ( • Many drugs now iri use ha\·e never undergone FDA ~crutlny becnuse they "'t're on the market before procedures were drastically lighttntd In 1962. This ls a major gap in consumer protecUon. Practicina physlclan!i who prtSCrlbe drugs for tbt public often are unaware of Adverse reactJons to new drugs that have ti.en N!porled IO FDA by olber physt· clans. hospital! or the drug indus:tr.y. "No efficient mechanism" now t.tLlts for dlsst.mlnalJng this information lo all docton in a hurry. I· 'Selllll•n, I'• ,,.,_ II .., oar. ftlW llllgrlll11 pellq II a ... ,fata llCCIU!' be locked into the Watts community by the 1sheer weight or economics? Q. Don't yau think that we can improve the economics of some of the people to whom you refer? CARTER-It seems to me that America traditionally approaches these problems on the basis of how much money we can put into the solution. I'm not repudiating economics; l 'm just saying that l don't think it's a panacea. Money will not solve the basic problems of: (1) man's tn.- humanity to man; (2) frustration ; (3) nonacceptance; (4) soclal-claas problems • If all the people in the black ghetto W<lke up tomorrow morning with an income or $10,000 or more, would our problems be sojved? I say no. · Q. U v.·e'd like to get more information and more bumper stickers on either the "All·White \.'S. All-American" or "Good Neighbors Come in All Colors" campaign what can we do? CARTER-Just call 299-1000-yuu'U get all the information and materJal! that you. need. Q, Doesn't the slogan "l• Your Neighborhood All White or All American" attack only one aspect of a many facet· ed problem? It's fine to address the all· white sections, but what about the all· black areas? CARTER-That's the community where we're using "Good Neighbors Come in All Colors" -lo remind people in the black community that neighbors don't have lo be all black to be good neighbors. This is especially applicable in UUs day of great pte3sure on the middle-class black man who is forced lo JdenWy himself as a black man for purposes of pride, dignity. and sell-respect. We have to encourage those bllock men to weJC<>me neighbors of all colors and break away from the tradi- tional Negro psychology of staying in the ceniral city -where the action is -and move to the other areas, when his economic growth allows il If this entire program is successful, It will be because we change atUWdes on both sides. Q. Don't we also want to convince "big business" to accept the concept that equal employment and fair housing are related? CARTER -Exactly. Initially, we hoped to get large corporat\nns to run ads which would state that x·vz Corpora· tion favors open housing. But. we were dreaming a bit; and we setUed for monetary donation." from these cor· porations, so we could mount the cam· paign. Someday v.·e hope to reach the point where corporations feel that it's 51fe to come out openly for these con· cepts. Q. Is there any attempt to inject humor into the campaign? In particular, I like your "Llberty and Ju stice for Some.'• Doesn't the heavier, pack-a-wallop cam- paign run the risk of intlaming rtsent· ment anci achieving less than lhe desired result? CARTER-This is a tough question, and one v.·e c h o s e to face head-on. It's a calculated risk that we'll alienate some people. I'm a perpetual optimist! Al least we 'll create some Uloughts, e\·en though some of those thoughts will be hostile. ll people start thinking about tbe problem, that's half the batth!. \Ve're trying to change at~tudes, anyway. Further, "'e plan to change the nature of the c1JT1pajgn as It gbes along ~tress­ inl ''Good Neighbors Come in All Colors•• as we tie it into Brotherhood Week. We're also planning to inject more humor, Iiere again, though, wt"re talking about our own agency's money problems. We have a whole stack of mattrlal, and a progam ouUlned for the next year or more. \Ve can't Implement it, however, and I can't ask the tounty for the mone.y. We even have another one that Sl)'I "Black Is BeauUfuJ -But Don't Gtt CM· ried Away." Saturday. August 9, 1969 Th• Comment Page of the Daily Pilol seeks to Inform and stimulate rtadl!r~ by presenting a variety of col'!!.·· mentary on topics of inter .. est and slgn!flcance lrom inlormed observers a n d spoktsmen . Robart N. Wood, Publlth., All's Not Quite On Home Front , I 'DEAR ANN LANDERS: Please tell IT\• what to do about a nonstop talker. This relative has come to make her home with me. Please don 't tell me it's a rotten idea. I know it is but there was no alternative. The min~te she open her eyes in the morning her m~uth goes into gear. She ha s a voice like a macaw and an uncanny memory ----------1 DAILY 10·10 SUN. 10 • 7 • . ' 9-, A.,.. t, 1969 D.111.Y P!l°"> f COSTA MESA ONLY for detail. It's talk. talk, talk. The only time she stops talking is when I go to the bathroom or to bed. Oh -she stops talk· ing when the phone rings. I used to hate phone calls. Now I love them. I'm d~ lighted ~o hear !rom any· body. lady love. Why? Why? Why'! -RECENT VltTIM DEAR RE: A1tbepoet1ald, "To a womaa Jove 11 all -to a man 'tls • thine apart.'' SPECIAL PRICES FOR SUNDAY AUG. 10, 10 A.M. TO 7 P.M. WHILE QUANTITIES LAST She bas been with me two weeks and I lhoughl I'cf\ get aeo.istomed to her inceqant l{lb but I'm beginning to d<Nbt I will. Do you have any aug· geslions that might help? Women who become to· \·olved with married meD lead J...---- witb their btaru. And married men who chase around take thin gs apart. I lft no evidence tbat.U will ever chan1e. l'l ~' ,, v I u -BUNIONED EAR DEAR ANN LANDERS' Our third child was bom two months ago. He was perfect when we brought him home from the hospitaJ. When he was about three weeks old we noticed a pink birthmark shaped like a strawberry on his chin. He didn't have it when he was bom. The mark has been getting larger and il is now the size of :1 half dollar. We asked the doctor about it and he said •·Leave it alone. It v.·ill probably go away." MEN AND BOY BASKETBALL OXFORDS Reg. 1.96 Sizes 2'h to 6 · 6., to 12. Colors in black & white. J50 DEAR EAR: Pwple can and do become •ccustomed • sounds wblcb at fint *" uaplea1ant and a b r a s I v e , FamUltl wbo live n e a r airports, railroad depots. fire houses and police • stations report lb11t lhe noise was ex- tremely bothersome. After a •bUe they don't even hear It. So he of good cheer, A tnnslstor radio ln you r pocket tnl1bt help you over the tta111ltlon period, but ti.me is your best illy. J\fy wife is upset over his in-;~ difference. She doesn't want to 't1 go to another physician be<:ause she's afraid it might ' offend this faithful doc who """"'==!noc=""==·.i:t=:C<,,.,,'8D=:m::=""'"1 has been very good to our children. l!"""""°"~""':m:""======---Sj'I DEAR ANN LANDERS' When a single woman gels in- voJved with a married man why is she always the one who pays the big price~ I have never once heard of a married man grieving over a lost love. The woman 'does the crying, manufacturts alibis for her friendS, goes to a doctor for medicaUon to calm her nerves or, as in my case, to a psychiatrist lo regain her sanity. Nothing bad ever happens to the man. He goes on his merry way -usually with. a new Please check yoor medical consultants and let us know what you find out. -ANXIOUS TO UE"AR DEAR ANXIOUS: T b e birthmark you destrlbe will probably d isa ppear. Ap.. proxbnate ly baJC of 1ucb birthmarks fade out com. plelely by the time the child is five years old. About .75 per· cenl or th e reat are no longer visible by tbe time a child is eight. So, take Old Fallh!ul'• ~l advice. r Alc:hollol 11 llO ~tul to -1•1 lltC• ' C .. I. If VDU lt\lfll( rou 111\1 to Orlllk to ARBUCKLE Ii WELSH Westcllff Alortaary f%'J E. 17th St., COlilll Men '4'"'318 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del Afar OR 3-9451 Co1ta Mesa ~n 1-UU be K«Pled lr\I Your lrlt>n<k. 1r1 the 11(11, llttd ••aoo:. 1...t You -"°' T-1 Olli'Y.'' by Ann Lu1.se ... ~ :U anis I" cetn •lld 1 tonv, ulf- •ddrentCI, 1111'1'\Pe<l .nvelol>e w!Tll VOu• , reavu1. AM linden Wtll W tied to "91P 'l'OU ""llh 'f<IUr Pro&lemt.. s.rwl thtm 10 IW!t In t~•• o1 ~ OAIL Y PILOT, ...cla.lnt ~ 1 .elf-eddrn.s!O, 11.ml>K enwlorie. 1 Sunda11 Onl11 7 Reg. 97c . 4~z. 4-ply pull skin of vir· sin wool in ""'hile, black and an assortment of color&. SPl!<'il Hy priced. Charge It. • • klT WllOMT Jackie Back ~-~=""""'==~=:icii BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway. Costa Men LI 1-3433 • DILDAY BROTHERS Huntington Valley Alortuary 11111 &acb Blvd. lluntfn&ton Beach IU-7111 • MceomucK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 111$ Laguna Canyo.., Road C.guna Beach 4M-9415 • On Skorpios ATHENS (UPI) -Mrs. Jae· queline Onassis flew back to the .island of Skorpios late Thursday after a daylong visit 'to Athens that Jn c lud ed sightseeing and shopping for books, Accompanied by a friend, 1'1rs. Onassis visited t h e Acropolis for two hours and then went to a private botanical garden . Later she bought several books to take back to Skorpios. PACIFIC VIEW J\f~IORIAL PARK Cemetery e J\fortuary Cb1pel Friends confirmed reports from the United States that the Onassises had deelined an ELECTRIC OUTLET TABLE inviiatlon from President Nix. Sunday 011111 on to attend a dinner Aug. 13 3500 PacHlc View Drive Newport Buch, Californta 64f..Z700 in Los Angeles honoring the Reg. 3.97 Apollo II astronauts. Steel utility table "-'ilh eltt· 11----------11.rlc cord and 1>ocke t. 30'' DEATH "'OTICES high, V•ith 3 she.Ives. Rolls • 11 ______ ,. _____ 1 on casters. White. 1S"x20", Ju~t MY. "Charge IL" PEEK FMULY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME '7801 Bol11 Ave. Wcahnln•ttr 893-35!5 • SHEFFER MORTUARY BECK lllClltrd lff &Mk. Aw 1,. of 1515 N. OrtflO'f. C°'ll ~·-Ol!t fll tlHlh, AU'll.lll $. S\/rv!Wd tr'<I i11t!M, lllcr.ard D. tedt. U.U.F. J11>enr mG'lll«, Pmle s1-; °"' ttrother, 111C1 -1lt!tr. t..rvlt1$ win bl hflld Mo!'od41Y 11 1o::io 1m WIJltcll!I Cl'le1>el. ln!erme"r o- Sf\1111'!..-d (ffftl!llr'I. Hunlln.ion &eKh. Wf'ICl!!f (~11>11 Mortut•y, DllKlOl"l. Lap11a Beach 49'-1535 GREEN N!cho\11 J , V. IV. G•e .... , ~ EJ,,.,i,ur11 Ltne. Ce!!I ........ D.it of dellh, AU· OVll g, Survived bY wl .. , Lor.it11 -'°"· Ml\'01" J-i:I( GrN n. H11M!11tloll ee1ch1 -d1utr1Mr, M1rv F•tt>Ctt Oref<': ane 1!11tr. Jtn<lle F. 8U'r!. lt1>-..ry $UnOIY ti 1:JI Pm. PMll FitmllY Colonl1l FUM!"tl HOIM. Miil MoNllY t tm, SI. JOhn 1'l'M .. ptllf Ct111olk Clllln:l'I, C.,11 Mae. PMlt F1ml1Y Co- lonltl FW1tr1l HomJ, Dllft!DB. San Clemente ftt.elOO • SMITHS' MORTUARY 827 Main St. H1111Un(ton Beach -1·~~~~··~~·~~~~~;·::. .. ···········1 £ You want to Mii some Item ! : that you no Jong1r nMd ~t ;i: f 1omeoM elM c1n UM for : • •· • NOT OVER $50 : ? ? ? 1 ? ? a YOUR ANSWER: -a You call THE DAILY PILOT, Hk for Cl•••lfled Advertising, and place a PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSl,lED AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE LlNES 2 TIM!S 2DOLLARS Reg. 33c Luncheon alze "-"hite paper napkin• In · package or 250 . Use them for picnics. parUe!I and "everyday," &Ive \\'Ith Km&rt'11 price. Charge 11. Llmltlll tvtli'llty! -.... Ho <1•ltt1 ··297 20~ CRASH HELMET IN BLUE, GOLD, WHITE S1nula11 Onl11 1397 Our Reg. 11.97 to 19.97 Exchu.lve aaltt)' construe· 11on. carM Snell Founda· llon, Z-100.l Approvala. 51:¥• rotoam• lined shell. Slrt'I S.f\J.L-XL \ BE A MARY·GO· OUND IN HAPPY CULOTIES 288 Sunday Only Our Reg. 3.57 to 3.91 Lively culottes of 100% cotton or polyester/cotton. Sporty styles lvith belts, wrap-arounds. Some with sashes, belts. 6-18; :J0.38. Our Reg. 4.57 to 4.97 , Culottes , , , , , , , ,, ., , ,., ... ,, ,, ,,, ,. ,., , ,., , .. , ,., . 3.55 CONTINUOUS FilLAMENT 9x12' NYLON PILE RUG Sunday Only 2188 Reg. 29.94 Continuous filament space.dyed nylon pile with durable latex backing. Select from avocado, gold, red/black ; blue/green and brown. A marvelous value at K mart's price. Just say, "Charge It". 13·0Z. DRY ROASTED PLANTERS PEANUTS 63c Reg. 78c Dry-routed. without 1utar arid oU., 10 they're lot\-er In dllOTI~. delldooaly "differ· enl" Pmtct for 1wnmer P!cnlca .. trtn WllOltf U11tlttll ..-mJ", -_.. " ....... I . JR. BOYS' CORDUROY SLACKS ' • • All cotton boxer style. e Reg.1.31 96 Flannel lined. Assort- ed colors. Sizes 4 tbru 7. WHIMSICAL KIDDY LAMPS:. Sun. Olll11. Reg. 3.16 Stuffed anlmal fliutt1 In whimsical poses. SUH are pl&aUc, 15*" high. fun In the nunecy, Just Charae It. 247 CHILD'S SIDEWALK BIKE ~: Reg. 9.96 10" two-wheel 1idewa.lk blke for boys and girls. All-over 24~". Wlth training wheels. Flamboyant green. turquolR,, red. Charre It. 84~ SPORTS GLASSES \Vith case. Sunda11 Onlu Reg. 8.97 6°1 SUPER STAINLESS •• BLADES, PKG. 10 86c "' "' 0: Reg, 1.14 t • Double ed1e &uper 1~ 1lffl blades, bf Glllttt.e. A cloRr, cleaner 1ba:a: Kmart'• low prlce llvtl money. Jwt Cblrae It. • Llln"'911 WMf..,,""' ...... -~ AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD t DIAL NOW DIRECT! 642-5678 fltll .... NMll c....., 140·lt201 2200 HARBOR BLVD. ~~~:~,0~~COSTA MESA · Harbor ',,,,,.' '' ' .... ··~ '' '''''' ,,, ''·' ....... • ' . I ... .., . EW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE WEEK'S AND YEAR'S HIGH, WW CWSE \ I "T"""",,----·-•• -.,, DAILY •II.Of • CLOSE Ove1·-thc-Counlcr Listings 1Fo1· Friday, Augu81 3, 1969 l\Iutual Funds Bid and Ask ...... ' I .. --..., 9-::;';' --- J 0 O~IL Y PILOT S1turd1y, August ~.1969 87 ,381 See Rams Outgun ])alias, 24-'l 7 Ry GiENN WHITE 01 lf!9 Otllr Plitt SMn LOS ANGELES -For a few moments Jt seemtd that Rams linebacker Mike Foote would be earning goat honors for the clip he threw on a 7S..yard punl re- turn by Ron Smith during Jl"riday night 's 'ctash with the Dallas Cowboys at Me- morial C'.oliseum. At that late juncturt in the third quar- ter the Rams were. nuning a 11).3 lead ovar thrjr spult.ering countei'ptrt.s and tile LA bunch was a1so havtng difficulty generating anything in the way of SUS· tained attack. -Moel1lit1g Ties Marti '.At Tourney MILWAUKEE IAP) -Ed Moehllng, taking a second crack at making a living on the pro tour, shot a second.round eg Friday and tied Fred Marti for the half. Way le.ad in the $100.000 Greater Milwau- kee Open Golf Tournament. Each had a 36-hold score of 141 , three under par for two trips over the wind· blown 7 ,075-yard, par 72 North Shore Cun· try Club course. Marti, a 28-year-old Texan !n hi~ s~th year oo the tour and still seeking his first victory, had a second-round 70. One shot back of the pacesetters was rookie pre John Miller, who had a 74 for JU and w~ lied with Steve Opperman, '13; England's Peter Townsend, the first round le&cler who went lo a 75, and South African Allen Henning. 73. With most of the lop names in lha game bypassing th.is event to practice for the PGA championship next week-a nd ~·ith the gusty wind troubling those whG did show • golf's seco~-line players mov- ed into dominant posiUons. t.foehlir.g, for example. has won only $166.67 UW: year. Miller has been a pro ' less than si1 months. Gary Player was the only major name among the leaders. The little South African shot a 70 for 143 and was lied with five others. They were Phil Rogers and Rocky Thompson, each with 71, Jim Wiechers and Bob Lunn , each 73, and Jerry Abbott, T!. Arnold Palmer rallied for a 71 and 147. Thal put him under the wire MILW-'1JKEE !AP) -50<:0nll•Nlllnd 1t0ri11 fddt'f Ill 1119 $100.GOO G1•tltr Milwlllket Giii T011r11tm1f11T: !:tl~Uno Fred -rU Alll11 ......... lr>O Pmr fo...,,..,.,..i 5t""'t OPPf'""" JoM Miiier Pfll 11:~··· Jtn'Y AbOott ~ry Plevtr ll:Kky T~n ... ,_ C.!Wck c.ourm.1 Karmll Z•11tv T.rry Diii &ob GiMlbV Ollclll R.llllrig!Jil K.,.. r.tlll Biil Gtrrett ~John.on JI . H. 5lku Hfrb Hl)Ope<' Jim COIDefl Jack H•rdln Jr l" Elder Les P•••r~Dn Arr.old P•l'"l\'r Bui Yl11<•V si.w lhld Don P1r>0n Jarin Llv11v DudltY W)'.orig R.od '~·· 7J-4i•-1'1 71·70-UI tf.7J-.11'Z t1·7J-1•1 '9·1l-U2 f&.7+-1'2 '1·11-UJ 71·'1-hl 1J·70-1•J 11·11-lll J0-7J-.h3 12-n -u • 71.JJ--14-1 711-11-lCS 7J.1!1-1CS n.IJ-.ICS h ·1T-1'5 7J.7J-.ICS 7J.IJ-.H6 76-10--li' 7•·70-1'6 7).7J-.1'6 7J.11-U6 7J 7J-.1-" n-1+-1" 16-71-10 ll 1+-U7 1~n-u1 1'·7J-H1 11-1+-Ul 7•·11-UI 7&.ll-141 Ram-Cowboy T~pe Slated For TV Today Football rollowers who don 't make it to the Coliseum to see the Rams' lid·lillC.r with Dallas can watch a tape o[ the gart~ today on Channel 2 at 2:30 p.m. The national aame of the week is NBC's Oakland-New York match and the lntemalional game of the week is ABC's laped showing ol th< Japaneso All.Star came from Tokyo Stadium at S p.m. On that ABC ghow, Howard Cosell does an in~epth study of Ted Wllliams. An Indianapolis 500 film wlll be shown over Channel 5 st 6 p.m. Sunday's Angel-Boston game will be telecast via Channel S at 11 a.m. The U.S,-Gennany track meet from Augsburg will be shown over Channel 2 at 12:30 p.m. Sunday. Following that, CBS' oubtanding NFI~ Act.ion show fealu re:ii the 1968 race bel\\'efn Baltimore and Cleveland for the NFL crown. The weekend schedule: Today 11 •·""t: ll) CL -llASllALL -Nt'W Y'l' " ~"I•. 11utt o.wf'f, T::l. l(UDfk ..,111;-.i.. *" lllrt< ~'. ~T~"'JOO'r'ii.Lt. -0.!!lt 11 ltlmt f.""· 'I) T -JAi Al.Al -l"r.m Tltwlll'I ,,_ "'l .. ~~(') f'" -Wli: WOltLD -J1MJ All· l,_r b9~1 o-mt. 1111 P•lm.t•. JI"' frltl~ l"'r MH•MI lllM. .... .. 11'ftf<, J m ntlle Ml~•IH. 11 Tllli:ni St1c(l\lf'I, ho: He-w•rtl COlot li -c,..~ tlvfl of TM Wllllt""' •NI 11'111 Wttl'I "llOll ~e 1'41 " -"UTIOL -ILlldl• ti• t«ttr ,. ~'!"'· UI , -G•AHO Pill( -.. Cl'llr, .. fl tll-lMll, • '"~ 11...ov CJ' tl>t 1 .. t 11111¥ JOll. Vt!t r•n dirl.,.,. L.lltft ltll!IY In tee .. IMO\lfl'I lrlt!t 111111 1111 ren·,.m, (:Ml -80).(0 -!AUIO di It tlmt,.. dt ~Ito.> -Sunday ~·,•..::'111'P.f:'r-' -1~~tb ~~MU!," ... ~. ,..,,., "'It.,·~ •• , ill ... ., ... r.t! ei ~ ;r:. -rr;~~ ~T .. ~.U·lt13 9Ji~lm:'t::!"\\:::-fir.2 c ~ c"ll ""~lrl. '"'""' ~.hi\ ' t h ••• ff~ lt 1' rlct "' I~ I IJ11'*'1 f'l'ld 1'111 J ,.~ f I -f • ... \~ J:!.-.. • "' idij f(~ ... ~ . " ,\'1!"1, .. r.:::.., t:::iir"'· ~.~ '*'' -01t"61' -,,.. "' dt ..,. tit I Smith had given th< throng of 81,Sll shlrtsleeved parlisans a chit! when he streaked past the Cowboy defense ror an appareni tou chdown. But officials charged Foote with the in· fract ion st the Ram 30 and the lengthy jaunt by the impressive Ram ace was voided. However, the TD was soon lo be recol- lected and Foote was lo vlndlcate him- self. The former came on Lh& nert play from sc rimmage as Roman Gabriel unloaded the bomb lo Wendell Tucker on a pus- run combo good for as yards. After Fou"°' taln Velley resident Bruee Gossetl boot- ed the exlra point it was 17-3 with J :37 remaining in the third stanza, Sixty.four seconds later Foote got back in his own good grace.s by blocking a Cowboy punt. The ball roUed into the Dallas end zone and Willie Daniel pounc- td on lt for a twchdown to give the Rams an Insurmountable 24-3 lead. Earlier LA had collected on Gossetl's 49-yard field goal (also ln the thJrd quar- ter) and Gabriel's lint scoring pass, an 3--yarder to Jack Snow, making it 7~ with 9,00 lert In the half. Dalla" gol a 45-yard field goal from Mike Clark with 10:02 remaining in lhe tblrd ~lama. The Cowboys didn't cross the Ram goal, however, til the final 12:28 of the game when tanner Cal quarterback Craig Morton hlt former fastftt human Bob l-layes on a 68-yard scori.ng pass. Lat.er Morton got a second TD slrike- for the same distance as the perfecto lo Hayes -orily this Ume to Lance RentuJ was lhe receiver. Smith had a tremenaous effort for the Ranu. He returned punts and kickoffs well. And defensively h; 1parlcled, lilt big play coming In Lhe final minute when he knocked d~·n what seemed to be a touchdown pess from Morton to Haya. Botb sides were plagued by major pen-- alUu. And the Rams ~ particularly slow getUng their offtnse untracttd. They were ootgained. 87·10 In the acore- l<ss fi"l period and didn't att.mp! a pus until after 18 mlnuta ol playing Ume bad passed. 'The crowd was the Jargeat to see the Rams at homo since Ibey dmr IH,378 for: a IHI duel with San Fr•nctsco. KING OF THE HILL -Bennie Osborn, the current top fuel division drag racing champion, will be at Orange County International Race- way tonight for the track's second anniversal1' celebration, the Anni· versary Race of Winners. Osborn and Butch Maas of Huntington Beach will be after $9,000· in prize money at the event Tonight • Ill San Diego Snappy Field Vies Tonight At Raceway Chargers,_ Saints Collide SAN DIEGO CAP) -lf history repeal!, there will be a lot of aclion in San Diego SLadium tonight when the Chargers of the American Football League square off against the New Orleans Saints of the National Football League. The teams have never played a game, but their brawls and displays or temper during three different pre-seaso n scrim- mages have lcrt many a bruise equal to any experienced in a gridiron fra y. Merger Talk Confir1ned- Lawyers Meet NEW YORK (AP) -Waller Kennedy. commissioner o[ the National Basketball Association, said Friday ov.•ners of · the NBA and the American Basketball Association, have held discussions that "ultimately might lead to a merger." 'fhe NBA head said that three owners of NBA and ABA teams met both Thurs- day night and Friday with attorneys representing both circuits. As a result of these meetings, Kennedy 5aid. he and James Gardner, president of Lhc ABA and O\Vner or the loop'11 Carolina Cougars, issued a joint statement. The statement said, "Waller Kennedy, commissioner of the National Basketball Association. and James Gardner, presi· dent of the American Basl(etba\I Associa- tion, announced today that they and their attorneys have begun exploring the possi bility of cooperative arrangements betweeo the two basketball leagues. "The form of such arrangements have not been agreed upon buL it is hoped that they will be shaped to confonn to the needs of the various clUes In the leagues as well as to any applicable law," Kennedy said the three owners who represented the NBA during the meelings v.·ere Ned Irish of the New York Knick:ii, Sam Schulman of Seattle and Richard Block of Phoenix . Kennedy said that Cardnt'r and Rsy Boe or the New York Nets represented the ABA plus one other he could not identify, "As far os I'm conctrned, there'll be nothing further done at this Hme," Ken· nedy said. "We're looking Into it. We talked about several poss lbilllies that ultimately might lead to a merger." The ABA. v.•hich will be starting il& third ytar of operation, suffered severe 6etbacks wllhin the psst few months whtn Lew Alci.ndor, the sensational UCLA Amelcan, signed with Milwaukee of the NBA and Connie Hawkins. and ADA star al h-tinne50ta. jumped lo Phoenix of the older circuit. Alclndor signed for $1.4 mllllon and Hawkins reportedly got $250,000 plus 5.'I0,000 a year for llfo. Part or the amount wa" (or dropping his $6 million monopoly liUlt against U~ NBA which had barred him fo r 111leged partlcipaUon in a tambl· ing scand1I . Tho NBA has te•ms in All1nta, BalUmore, Bo!ton, Chicaao. Cincinnati, Detroit, Los Angeles, ti-1llwaukM, Ne111 York, Phl1Adtl)'lhla, Pn~lUx, Sanl>lego, San Francisco and SeaUle. • The Chargers are surferlng chagrin over a 26.6 lacing at the hands of the Baltimore Coils in San Diego last Satur· day night, and coach Sid Gillman has told them in no un certain te·rms that he doesn't want to be on the losing end or another donnybrook at the hands of an NFL club. One of the Charger aces-veferan of. fcnsive tackle Ron ~·1ix -will he on the sidelines out of uniform, as a result of a scrlmmage injury thlJ week. Otherw ise the Chargers are in good condition. They face a New Orleans team noted for its heavy, experienced and . fast defensive unil. A record local pre-season football crowd of 52,000-plus saw last week 's game here. This is not e1pected to be equalled tonight, but the Chargers have drawn well at home. Allen Blasts Skinner ••• 'He's Not Man Erwugh' CINCINNATI (AP) -Controversial Richie Allen asserted Friday nl&ht that his former manager. Bob Skinner, was not "man enough" to come to him with anything and said that Skinner is using him as a scapegoat ''That's just an alibi ," Allen said before the Philadelphia Phillies game with Cin· clnnali as he pointed to a newspaper with a he adlinc reading, "Skinner quits because or Allen." "I resent being made a scapegoat in another managerial movt by the Phil· lies," he continued rl!aardiJig Skinner's resignation as manager Thursday, Skinner, replaced by George Myatt, a major league coach since 1950. :said he quit because Philadelphia management would not support him in attempt! to handle Allen. ·qr it boiled down to him (Skinner) or me he didn l have to go," Allen said. "!would have gone." Allen said that he respected Skinner as a man but Skinner had not proved hlmself as a manger. ''lie can't put all the blame on me. He 1.:an't blame me for a 44-64 record." Allen denied that he had been reim- bursed fur some fine money from owner Robert Carpenter for being AWOL from the team few weeks back. l've never seen a cent of that fine money," Allen said. "l don't know where it goes. They say l have a direct line to the front office. They say J call my own ~hots. ~lo1v can they say that when all I want to do is get !he hell out of Philadelphia?" She's Got Her Hn1ids Ftcll Orange County lnternatlonal Raceway, which outdraws all other drag strips in the United Stales, will celebrate its se- cond birthday tonight with its annual Race of Winners program. With a $9,000 purse up for grab!li, the event will feature eight-car fields of fun- ny cars, top fuel dragster1, Cue! alt.treds and gas superchar1ed cars. • Topping the entries is national two-time champion Bennie Osborn in the top fuel field. He meets: Huntington Beach's Butch Maas in the first round of top fuel runoffs. Osborn qualified for I.he event by wln· nlng the '14,000 wiMer·take-all event a year ago at OClR. From Sand Springs. Okla., Osborn has hauled his twin-engined Chevrolet powered rail job all the way from Oklahoma for the race. He develops 1,500 horsepower from his machine. for which he is his own owner, mechanic and driver. Maas, a carpenter, has best top fuel slats to date of 6.67 seconds and 227 .88 mph. Another Orange Coast area top fuel contender is Gary Cochran of Fountain Valley, a dragster driver since 1955. His best stats are 6.70 and 228.70. Of the funny car contender!li, Dave Beebe seems a solid favorite with JOhn Mazmanian1s Barracuda under hlm. After making the switch from top fuelers to funny cars la.st year, be broke the national record for the class and the speed record, 1'7.37 mph, still stands; In fuel altered racing, Leon Fitzgerald will be a strong choice because he's won more !uel altered meets (three) at OCJR than any other drive r. He has bests of 7.61 and 200.44. Qualifying runs start at l :30 p.m. and eliminations at 7:30. Uri T......,. Czechoslovakian gymnastics star Vera Caslavska always seems to bave her hands full. At left she'~ shown holding the lour gold medals she won lest fall in Ille Mexico Olfmplcs whilo al rljihl aha '• holding her new baby daughter who was born Monday, She's married to Czecb dlltance runner Josef Odlozil. • GLENN WHITE Sports Editor Higl1-flying Cubs Zeroed By LA, 5-0 LOS ANGELES CAP) ~ Bill Singer hurled a two-hitter over Chicago for his 14th victory as Los Angeles scortd a 5-D triumph Friday night over the National l.eague's East Division Jtaders, ending a seven-game Cub winning streak. Singer hod a no-hitter going thrugh 5 2· 3 innings until Don KeMinger lined a single to right on a 2·2 pitch. Tilat snap- Dodger Sl•te Allt. t °"""'" V1 ChlclllO Al.ti. 10 Oo6ftrl VI Chic- AW. 11 Oodttrt "' St. Lo.i;s Aut. lt Cedllrt VI !!. Lo\111 AllO. IJ °'°"'"' vt 51. LOlllti 7:U •·"'-ICFI (we) 12:11 •.m.. ICl'I (tel '•.rn. IC"I f"*ll 1:u ...... I(,,,.,., J:J.sp.m. IC"l (t401 ped a string of 14 straight batten reUred by Singer. The only baserunner before that wag Ron Santo, on an error in the 6te0nd· inning. Bill Sudakls drove in a run with ·a single in the second and Tom Haller scored on a Ydld pitch to give the Dodger s a 2-0 lead. Leo Durocher, manager of the Cubs, announced in the second inning that they were playing the game under protest af. ter tht Dodgers made it J.O on a leadofr single by WJl!le Crawford, an jnfteld single by Willie Davis and Glen ftecl:ert'1 throw into the Chicago dugout. Davis went to secood on the throw and Crawford scored from second on it. Davts came borne on a single by Haller to open the lead io 4--0. Jim Qualls singled to right in the elght.b inning for the second hit off Singer. The Dodgen left the bases loeded in the fifth inning. CHICAGO LOI AHe•t.11 • •• r II M l<tUic'l'1tf, II ~ 0 I 0 Wiii~, ti Be<:kerl, 7tl • O o o C.r1-rd', II ... , "~ ' 0 0 • !·~'~' J 1 ff! 8Wltlltm1. II • O O O WO.wh. cf Stn!O, Jb l O O D G1brl1i...,. rf 81nl\1,lll J 0 0 0 H1lltr,( 2 I I 1 J 0 t ~' I 0 0 0 J • •-rr •. o 0 0 » I t J Mllndl•~• t J 0 0 D 5\lOl~ls, Jb Hlc:km.n, rl J a o o Hut!Otl. 10 Mlc\m.11, rl J 0 0 0 Sl1tm0,., 2b Qliell1, cf J 0 I 0 $1ftttr, p JW\klM, p 1 I 0 0 Tfltl Speng!llr, pfl I O O O Ag11lrre, p 0 0 0 0 WSrn1111,ph 1 t 0 0 1.i11 JO • t • c111«go ooo ooti 000-0 lOSAfl9tltl 0220IJ90x-I • E-.Sudtkl1, iM't\trl, S..nto, Mi.rndley. LOl-(ll~ I. LOf Angtlq JO. S-HllllDn 2. GtbrlolliOll, Kiiier. Rodriquez Lifts Angels To 7-6 Win BOSTON (AP) -Aurello l!odrleuei doubled in two runs in the ninth inning. bringing th~ Californla Angtls from be- hind to a 7-6 victory over the Boston Red Sox Friday night. ' The Angels trailed 6-5 entering the ninth when J im Fregosi opened with " single off Lee Slange, 4.7, With one out, Bubba Morton walked and Rodrigue.; folloWed with his hit to left center. Boston had rallied with four run" eaP. lier to go ahead, with Carl Yastrzem- skl's: 30th homer lying the game in the Angel Slate "'""· ' Allgtlt ti 11111!0" A119. ID Afl0•11 ti llOt!O<I AtJll. 11 """'II 11 rHtrtlll A.Ill-U A .... !t •I Ot!rolt """· ,, """"'' ,, Ot!rtll 10:" '·""· KM"'1: 1ne1 10:1J 1.m. l<Mi-c 11101 ~;" 11.m. KMi-C (1!~1 4:SJ •·m. ICM,C 171'tl ~:ll 11.m. '™'' {7101 fifth. Reggie Smith followed with a sin· gle and George Scott doubled him home for a 6-5 lead. The Red Sox scored three Umes In the fourth on doubles by Smith and Tony Conigliaro. a v;alk , an infield out and Gerry Moses' sa«;rlfice fly. A walk and singles by Jay Johnstont, Bill Voss and SRndy Alomar gave Cali- focnia two runs in the second. and three more in 1he lhJrd came on singles by JUck Reichardt, Fregosl, Voss, a hi batsman and a single by Tom Egan. Ken Tahun ~I . blanked the Rfd Sot the la rt. three rnnings for the v.ictory. 'Mle series here will conUnue with single games today and Swiday aft.er· noon. l 0$10H C4l.l,.OltH1A •fir hill •••ftlil soo o.1.111,....,,,., se 11 •110111tne.r,111 Jlle ' I I JJltkfllnll,lf I 1 I J ' ' ., ... l,•l • J ! I J 1 I I JO~llllOl\t,cf S I I O J!llYon.rl Jl12 l 0 0 IMOrtori.rl I I I I JOOlR.eocr,•f Otto I 0 0 OAltoclflOer,llt • O 2 t 1000!1•~.( !''' ooooir.~., 01 • llOOMbtr\111,, 10 01 Wrfull!,t 0 0 0 I Hi(l:1. pl! I t I I K"Mr,11 O O I O Arntt, II t 1 o I Ttl•I Jl I I I Ttttl " 111 I Ct llfwllll OJJ OSI 112-1 '""" 101 l2D 06l-i \09-C.l!frllnlll 11, Mllefl .. 2~1t. $'"11t.. "-c-Jllf•111, ket, l111Mr, A ltOCJ•loul. "-krlof11f. H.,_ Yautrl!Mkl (JOI, l"~n • • ' r l I DAILY l'flllT l! 'New Porsche Set ~For Ohw OUting Los Alamitos Entries Rustlers Lose,-84 Los Alamitos Results ThlEmheeF~cons'Ont-flln """"°""'"""""' .. llZ""'""' ...... ,.,.., .... ..,.,. .................. ..,. l ,SCKI revolutions per minUte, II• well)il ·1s about t,TIO poundl, whlle top apeed U more than 200 mile• per hour. ,_. ......,..,, """ t ,1M-41't DU ,,_, ' •Mt. Pint ,_, 1141 ..... o.-"' 1• aw 11--. OWlMlle .. "' ... •lllT ucs. ue '1'•'111. s .,.., llWI 11\0f \Ill! In llrfft A llM. "UP\f tlfat. JllM fltttt l'Ull Cit Cia1bV) 111 >n "' '" "' "' "' "' '" lead through the fourth IM!ng fell by the wl)':Slde u the Anaheim HuaUera powtmi thlllr way to a M Metro Lugue bueball victory over the Falcons at .Anahdm '11 Jlo)•en Park Frlday nl&hl. TEANECJ(. N.J. (AP) -A new 4.1 lit.er Porsche 917, most powerfUI t1ce e1r ever 'Pf'O- duced by the German maker, wm join the Canidl1n· American t'hallenge C u p series or road races at Mid- Ohl• AU(. t7. While the car wq developed al Iha German factory, It will ~ campaigned In thll COU.ntry by Porsche Audi of Teaneck, which ef£ective thl1 fall will bet;ome the U.S, importer for Porsche 1ports can. Dltklv l1r Jte (5mttlll 11t ll..,.11 Jtltttr IC1rdot1I 113 ......... Hllll'k IMl;llt'l'llOldl1 ltO Mlftrl..r01MY ll!Jlllml 11' 11)1.TM 11.ae.a. Vt111b ... ctUf" -tJD Vlrdl, I~ fl'ldf 111d ~·· (t1lml,,., P urM UOOI. CJtlmlllt •tit• 11.00. Embee has l'!lllled in the third for a trio of runs, capped by Ron Richardson's triple to drive In a pair of tallies. Htrwlow" IHlrl 111 l"•Mdcn ••• 11! Sir WlllJ (Acltlr) lit IPwell •1m !R. 811'1111) 11' The Ol)en-tw1>stater car will be driven by Brian Red· ..t1a", one or Britain'• top stars. The crew chief will be --1Uchte Ginter, • fonner gra11d prlx drlv1r now living in CUlvtr Cily, Cllif. Porsche Audi also I 1 !pon:ioring the 3-llter 183 cubic inch Porsche 908 gpyder pr~ totype of England's Tony Dean in Ule Can-AM'1 fifth atop at Ml.d-Ohio. MlH 01'1'"11111 ltr (Mllrl 111 UM .. ldttr (atrtl*l Ill Allt'I llrilldl'I' (l(ai\111 120 SICOMD II.ACS. 3JI 'l'I ,._· :t v I 1 r ..... \Ill! 111 Grid• A ... furat 11tcl&I, 1'111'1' Dtll (WU.0111 ' 11' Ow Ou lell 1 clrlf'oU'l'l 11• "'"°'""°"' Glrl (11 ... l HI Bii Lis 1"11'\• CMc.llt'r'llOldll 11' 1"11111' .. (It. a.1'1111) 111 Dtl*f''t 11-t (Wrltllll H:t Th,. 917 WJlS develor.d dur- ing th• put three ,..,. 111 th~ J>onche factory In Stuugart. Weit German . Rico SteinemlM, Porsche's racing 'fhe Spyder, one of tht can Porsche used 1n-wtniiliig lh• world coMtructor's UUe this year, hu an engine rated at 380 hor&epower and top 11peed: of 175 mUe11 per hour. Jtl Mt J.i (lnllllll 116 . D'.l.H:YKft'"lllldltnbl · 1U JttflN (M91rl 111 ' manaa:er, coordinated the ef-1 1.n. . The car ls a version of the cloaed ctr that led the Le Mant, Franct. race last June for 2l or Ksi 4 hO\lfs. The 917 turns out MO horsepower at LEGAL NOTICE IAji Utt .,.. NOTIC• TO c••otTO•I lUlll1ltOlt COU1lT (Ill TMI STt.Tf 011 CALl1'01lM1A 1'01l THI CQUNTY 01' 01lANOI Nt. A-&1111 Est11t of UMlllltTO ANTONIO lU· CIANI, l>Ketltd. NOTICI IS Hl!llEIY GIVl!M hi 1111 t'f'lllltf'a llf the 1bllvt 1111Md dtcl'l•n' tNll t ll Mnor\I lltv!ttt ci.l-1111~1 lh• tlld llK"'-nl ... fMUlrN fll lllt .,..,,., ·wUI! 1111 ..eu. .. ..., ¥W<hff" ln t111 oftkt d 1hl clwtt II the 1llO'lt t11lllled courl. tr ta •tUtllt JMm, wltll the nect~rv 11.uchln. to 1!W urOltsltnlll 11 the office o1 l'tw 1tttrnw, 11.ALl"H A, l)OltOON, 300 J..,lllf Tr""! llldo., LOlll llt- C1llfornl1, wlllcll 11 IM t!.ct of bu1ll'lft1 el tM ~ltfl<td In 111 ,,.111er1 oer- ttlnl,.. lo the Hlllt of ukl Oe<t<ltfll, wltlll11 toVf' m<lfllhl 1t!tr tllt first pulllkt · tlill .. tllls llOllct. D11td: JulY U. 1t6' ANA LUCIANI Admlnl1 tr11!'I• at·111t E1t•lt al tM tllllvt nemtd dtcedenl .!ii•LPN II. GOltOON M .Hl'filll TMI Bt•t· Llllt' ttac.~, C1ll10rnl1 Tth 111U OJ4SU However, it obviously was underpowered ln ita nm test against the unlimited horsepower Can-AM machinery when It ran In a group 7 event at WatklnslGlen, N.Y .. , July ll. Swimmers Qualified Four Univtrsity Park 'awim· mer1 quallfled for the. Oran1e County Sw'im Conference C division finals io a recent meet Qualifiers and their events include : ..Al"'"""' ht Adm!n1tlratr•1 ,.ut1nsM<1 Orin" C.Ot11 0111.,. r 11tt. LEGAL NOTICE JillY "1o 1.,. Auoust 1, t, u. 1Mt 13'!-ltl--------------1 LEGAL NOTlCE "'"" SUlll~!Oll COUltt 0, THE STAT! OP CALl,OltNIA FOil LEGAL NO'l'!CE NOTlCI! 01' M•ltSH•L'I SALE .!Mk 11rtu1, ll!1l11UH YI. J•ck GrtYHll LEGAL NOTICE 1nd Grfl'tlll (MllllllY• 0.IWtnt Ll •. ,.1--------------·f l"·J.4lfl Ille. Nt. tt.4' Cl!ltTl,ICATE OF IUSll<lllS. I v vlrlu, al 1n t~ttulle<'I lnufd 011 . FICTITIOUS 1<1•MI .-,.,,.,., 6, lfft ~v '~~ MU'nlde1I C~rt. Th, ulldt.rslo..ed do ~rlltv we 1r1 tOll• ~t1n11 (1111n!v Herb<!r Judlclel Dl1l ritl. llvctlng 1 bu1l ntn ~! (.01!1 Miu . Cwn!Y c1 O•u19~. Sl1IP (If C1lllornl1, c1111ornl1 f2'27 umtf• ffl• fltti•lllU1 111"' 11..,., I ll.ldtmenl en!tred In !1vor cl Jldr. n1me al NEWPORT UNOEllWATER IN· e1r1us '' !lld9m1nt cr9dllor i nd 101ln1 I STITUTE ""' l!lel stld Urm Is "'"'l>Olld Jtek Grev"'" 1nd Grrno~ CornP1tnV Lid .. al the kllkiwln9 per101u, w"""t n1ff't1 I" Inc. 11 1111:19...ent Ott>ton, sl'>ow/119 • "'t full •lld pl•cn of •Hfd•ncf 1r1 1$ lMl1nc:t ol 11.006." 1du•ll'I' d"" 0" w fd lo!HIW\: l,,._I CWI Ille delt ol Tiit !nutntt al Cttt Wlllilll'I 11len1fntrr, 7t1 Prtfle;.tton 111d eotat:ullllfl, t ht"" le-i ltd Ul!On 111 Th-Orlv1. Coile Mtl-0, C1Hto<nl1. ,19h1, title •ml In~'"'' M 11kl IUC111"'•"! '""!"° ~ w ..... 1clr 11, 1si. s'"'' An• .t-"lon 1n !ht Pl'DOtrrv 1,. ,,,. C1111n1Y ol Av•""'' ~st• """''' Cellfoml•. O••,.... sr1t1 ol C1llkl•fll1, c1tr1cribt<I I • D11Pd Ju1v 11, 196' totlowl' Ctrt Wlltltm lllMr!"'l~f Liil l of Tttcl i tlQ, !lock 1~. l'~ot 1• lrvlM F. Wom..:lr II "' M\Kfll6ntOUI MtPI. rrc•rd1 cf Sl•t• ol c11;f{lrnl•. OrlMf (DUf\"': Or11191 Cwn,..,. C11iflwn!1, '"" C""'' On J<t!V 17. tttf, M!iltP "'"· I Nolt,... ,,_.., k-n 11 Ull S1nll190, N~P041 Publlt I" 1nd for 11!1! Stt!f, perl0fl1ilv lll~1ch, (1lllornl1, IOPflrtd C1rl W!tl!tm e•nrhwtr ll>d lrv- NnTICF lS Hl!ltEllV GIVF N l~•I .... 1 ... F, w ..... eclr ~ ....... to mt "' ii" lllt Frldlv, se"'9mbo'r s. 1'6', 11 7,11) o'cloc:k """°"' Mlole "'m" "' ~ubsc•!bld to l",M. 1t trOl'I of Courll>oull!. 5o17 Wtll Ill~ lhtl wl!llln !"i!rume,.1 •nd 1ck"'llwltd1rd S....,I. Cltv o1 (0\11 IM'>I• Cou"IY cl ltlev e~rcutr<' !~ 11rn~. Ort~. Ste•t of C1lllo•nl1, ! wHI ~II 11 (OFFICl-'L SEAL) 11!111tlt 1ucllon lo tl'lt hJohr\t b!ddc•, !()t JOSEPl-I E. OJIV15 c..•tll lfl "wful rnont1 of 11'1• U~l!!'(I Siii••· NellN Pullllt . C~llk>rnlt .+F tt.1 r!thl. title •"" lnll•nt al 111!! PrlncJ,.11 Ofllte In ludtm•nl debtor !n II>• 1bovf dM~•I~ Ot•noe Coun!Y e>roHrf'!', '" "'° mud! '""'""' •• mev bo Mv com"'1"1°" Ete"'' lltObSt,... te 11!1•"' 11ld t•KVll,,.,, wllh Juno ,1 , lt111 t1crvt!d lnh<•HI 1~d cot!J. Pu~lls~ed OrlnH Cot1' Otily "'"''· 01!..S el Co1t1 MH•· C~llfornl~. A~o1al Ju!v !9, l6 end ""119usf !, '· 1%9 1:111·•• 'I. 1fff. FltANCIS l . GLASflt, M1•1~~I ~••on!clnt! Cootrl. 0,-1~~· Coun!Y H1rb0r Jud"l•f 01\!tld !J;v t. H, 0.,,.1,, ,\fr1•1nl J.tdf •1rcu1. 11111.,1111 Ill (ll1Hn1 or!vt, H--1 ltleh, C1Htor11l1 l"vDll1"t<I Ortn•e Co11! Otll'I' Piiot, A11tu11 t. u . n . 1N• ''""' LEGAL NOTI CE LEGAL NOTICE 1"441SI CElt,IF!CATE 01' •USINl$S1 ftCTITtOUS NAME Thto utHltl'llvnt!! ~ certllv I'll It ,.,... dv~tl~; ~ b111lnn 11 (fl"lt Mut Coll· 1or11l1. und~ tto1 ficlh"'v• fl•m ,.._ cf f'IAY & ll EA(l-I (Lli ... NING SEll VICE. ind !l'>f! s1id IJ•m 1, c"""'°"!'(I of lfl• llfl-1119 P""Ort, wl>D~ ,..,.... !n IUI! I/Id i>IKI' ol reldtllt'.ll ft ·" mrlowl: Mtrlor1 t. Lt~ 10ll W11i.te T-4 .. }4 Slrre!, (Oita Mtst. C1H1<>rnl1 SUJll'lltlOll COUltf OF THI' Ot!t<I JU!'i 11. ltdf ~·1 11•1 tLlttltrll) 111 THllD llACS. llt .,_,-, 3 ....., tlft Mt "'· Allo!Jt_... l"Unl Ila. Merli Mt 00-CW,._..tl 11' Gldtll Mlv tll:. B•llk1l 111 HM\ll'IMlll ,_." 10. l•nkl) 11' ll:ICIUlll J1"9 !lllrlnklrrl 111 WllkM lt"ut~I (Mc.RlllllOld~I 116 ltMI C1""1 111 ll•IM Lind iltlclltrd'I) llft """" M.,tc ILhlh""I 171) 8Dot.,'• Rtc1unl (K111lsl 111 Atornlc Atllen (H. cro.bvl 116 'OUllTM llA<I. 3111 v1J'(!,, S Vttr f!kh 1nd llP In 1r1dt. AA P!\11. Pur.- SUIO. l> """Iii Oo (lohrtl I AO!'ll 0 111 (Clrdottl 116 Dtt• Gt IBrlnklr/) 111 M•. 011 TofO !Llphlrnl 1X! Dl1""""'1 '"Wint tKt nlll 111 ""''(hi P1nulTI !Sf!'llhl 116 ""'"nt1 Jet !Wthon) 1\1 Tiii! Bou (Slr1Ul.l) 116 ptl"FM ltA(I. VetMll $r C1u'11 -ll'O y1J'(!1. J yMr 01411 Ind u,. Cl1lrnlf!9, r urM uaoo. Cll lmlnt ,,iu 11IOO. Baseball Standings AMERICAN LEAGUE Easl Dlvllilon \\'on Lost Pd. GB Baltimore 77 34 .694. - Detroit 62 48 .564 141A Boston 59 52 .532 18 Washington 58 56 .!i09 20 1,J New York 55 57 .49l 22\~ Cleveland 47 67 .412 311.h West D1vl1ton Mtnnesota 68 44 .6ff1 - Oakla nd 65 44 .596 1 ~i Seattle 45 &t .413 21» Kansas City 44 66 .400 23 Callfornia 42 65 .:J93 231/z Chicago 43 63 .387 24~J ""*"''• lltHilll Dttr11•t 1, C:llk.llO l I h !l Oel•oll '· dllc-1 Olldl C1llloml1 7, 801ter'I I Cle-i•ltnd 7, IC..i .. t CllY • Oelrl•lld J, H~ Yott: l (hi\ N1w York J, Otlc l•nd 0 C,,,..l ll11!1t•11"' 6. Ml.,...dt i W11h1ntlO" 10, Sttlllt l ftdlt'I Gl -Da~lf"" l!)Cb!.on U-7) 11 NtW Y~ f~ton~Vl'tl Is.& Ktn~ll CllV l&ulltf U ) •• Cltvwltlld CHI•"• i-I) Ml-11 (hlPICI ).1 ti llltlrncn f11lmtr t •l, nl..,t S.11111! llrlbllldtr M 11 Wuhlnl!On l ltllltnbl<k U c;:u~1n!• Mc.GIOiht11 s-11 11 i(\lt~ ClllP'f.111 Md.II" lU 11 Cllk11111 L•ltr H, l'wllloM NATIONAL LEAGUE Easl Divi sion Won Lost Prt. GB Chicago 70 42 .625 - New York 60 48 .556 8 St. Louis 61 51 .545 9 Pittsburgs 56 54 .509 13 Philadelpt\la, 44 65 .404 241h ~1ontreal 35 77 .313 35 Weit Dlvl1lon Cincinnati 59 45 .567 - Atlanta 64 51 .557 ~ S. Francisco 61 50 -~ I\-\ Los Anaeles 60 50 .545 2 San Diego 3S 77 .313 28 •rkl1Y'1 llHU"I lit A"Otl~I J, Cll!c.tto D l-lov•lt:n J, M&<ttr••I , N•w Yo>tc I . Atl1nll l lhtl Allt~ll 1, N1w York G !7ndl Clnclnn.il 1', Plll\•6"1P~ll S l'lth bur•h 7. 5111 Dleeo 1 St, L.o\1!1 4, Sin F11ncl1ct l Tllt1"t •1111ft Ntw Yttl< (l<JIVtf 15-11 •I At11'111 (Jttvll \1).1), "lrhl Mtnt•••' (11,Qbtt!IO'I ).ti ,, lflllll10ll {Olerktr 1).t), "1..,1 Chluon lH•nrl• U-11 " LM An111t1 Ornd•ll J..I). "!fM. sr. l 1ul1 llrllla 11-t 11 Sin l'r•tW:IKG Mc:Cor"'otk .. J n lltl!e!Plll• Ch'"'"'"" 6-S ,, Clncln. NII MllDnlll S.J, ll!gM Southland ITATE 011 CALIFOlll<llA FOii M•rl8rt 0. L"""°" TMI COUNTY Of OltANGI ~l•lt el C11lt«11l1, OrtnM C-IY: T Pl ,.. A-4Mlt °" Ju!v 11. 19114. beklrP ,,.., • tfftltrv t t ICOTIC• Ofl Nl;.lt1NG Ofl l"ITITIOM l"ubllc In •"" for 1•1d Stilt, Pt<'lClllltll' 1•00 an ,011 ll~OBAT• 01' WILL ANO l'Ott lllltl"f;d Mtrlm 0 . LI....,_ --1'11 ll'lt \.ITTllll 0" AOMINtJTJIATION "'bl-~ Pfn.Oll wl>o•e ftlme" iubKrlll-The following s 0 u the r n WITM·THl.WILL ,loNNlll'.10 td IO fh• 'ff1!hl11 1nslrUfllfflt 1"'1 lt().-1-ltltll .,i CHAii.LES .-.. sT•EETER. eo...a ,,. ••ecute<t ""' "'"'e. California 11treams and lakes, DftNltd (OF!'1C1 JiL SEA.LI f' led b ( h•• J•• NOTICE IS Hf ltl!ll'I' GtVfH Tl!•I JOSEPH e. DAVI~ 16 y coun y, are IC niU ~ JOAN W. McLAUGHLIN 1111 flied hfrel11 Noll,... P11blk.C:1lltor~l1 for stocking th l!I Wet:\:; With 1 ""llloll lor f'Cll>llt ol will •nd fer -P•lnc!~•I oflltt In lch bl ·' j ~ troul ,, .. .,,Me "' L•"•" ot Aa,,.1~1''"'1"" 0,,~,.. cou"'~ ca a e·3Jle r'8 nuu,.. "°"""'i.w111 •-~td to !hf ""'"1-'· M¥ c~1u1on e~o•re by the Department of Fish and ,.....,_, 1o which 11 lnfldt l<tr lurlher J""" 11, 1'11 G l>itrl!cul .... '"" "''' 11't !Tl"t '"" llllC• Publls-Ot1~111 (Gl'I Ott!~ Polal, eme : d ht••lllO tilt wm1 hu bttn ict IO• Jlll'I' !'. ,, ind A•-.. 1 2, t. 1t6t !lloO-lt LOS ANGELES-B'tg R-k A..,..1111 22. f96f, ti •:311 I "', In lltr ~•~· ..o "'-(ellrlr'CIO"' "' De11•""'""1 N11. 1 111 ... Id Creek, Bouquet Crinyon Cretk, court. ,, JOI W~I Eltl>!h ~t, !" ·~~ City LEGAL NOTICE c~·~i Lake. Jack>on Lake, ot St nl• ""'' C1lll()tnl~. · J .,..., 011w: A1111v11 1. 1'61. suPE11101t cou1tT OI' THE Legg La~e. San Gabriel River w. E. ST JDHH, CounlV Cl!orlr. STATI Oii CALIFORNIA FOlt East and West For•·. -klAO ANO 111lAO THI COUNTY O' OltANOI A.:I e:. ""'"' Ftt11 11rwt "*'·A u.11 SAN BERNARDINO -Ar· tl!t!n'"• Cllll, flltt NO,ICI O" HIAlllNO OP PITITtON Ir (tlll Mf-116-C FOlt flltOlllAT• Ofl WILL .l.1<10 l'Olt rowhead Lake, Big Bear Lake, ... .,.,,.,.,.. 10f •11111-LITTIRI TllTA~ll<ITAllY n.....-Cr k cl' 1'11Dll11'1ed 0r .... , Co9'! Otlfy •lfltt. 1!11ttt el PHILLIP ANO•EW HOOD. ~P ee upper :i1e ion, Autu11 ,, 11. 1" '"' '"'"'' D1tt11ed. Grtfl:n Valley Lake, Gregory :::::::.'.:.:C:.C:C:.0::-cc.,,,,,--"-.CI NOTICE 15 H!:ltE&V' GIVEN The! (,nll .. ,. (~lff) 111 Sir W1r .. !'fl (ltlclltrftl 111 f'VICY WllllW IMcll1111elOll 111 ffrxt ~ flllltv) HJ Tru~ A"1itlt ILl ... &fl'I) llS 1ne111tr1ter llllHI 111 llVl"TM llACS. U!I Vlf'lll. J Vllr tldl lftd "" Ill Grlde AA l'IVI. rurM -"•1"blr (Pftl) IU DOll1' •• Giid (llldllo,.) 111 Tl!YI Lvdln CW1ttrMll 111 ,.Kiif"h f"(C1·111on 1 ne MIMll1 IN, C,....,_I 11' W,_,..d $hltO ILlllMml HJ Siiier'\ Nltlll (kPlltlll l'I• ll\Nlll ........ (Ad.r•I lU Gtld Lii Mll'k , ....... , 116 lo £tlml111• (1(111111 115 •1C1MTtt aac1. w ., ... ' .,.., okh .nit 1111. Th9 Cl tt>obertGo'I'" G. l'U!'1t u 111 Ull. Thll Cl1Mltl'tewn G. l"W1'1 -G4 Derul.SI GI fAdt1rl ,,, Dl\llo;Rnd's &1r CS,,.11/\I Ill JSll.,aw Ml~ (1(111ltl Ut GI A Mlle (l!P1\tm ) lU Wllcli C/\I(' {W11tm>I 1 ll Ett11» ((t rdOJll 116 NIHTM ltACE, MIO v1r~1. l VM• eldt ll'>d WP In Grlde M Mlnul. flur.- S2100. TourlOIJ1' Miil IWtlloll) llJ Mr. e1rnr11 (Ptft ) 11~ OU111f &tt &O'I IR. 81"k1) 11!1 Hv lt1<1ur1t «llrl11kltvl 111 Rabi" DH!n CAd1tlrl 11! ,,,_ Po!lr-(Wrl1llt) 111 Connie At till 113 Chill., lSflPt) 1tt OICll:tv'I Gem (Sllllthl 1ff Chl1'9t ••11 (ICtfl i.) l)I) A twl>-run RustJer ta1Jy In the fifth. one or the lallles unearned, gave the Anahelm &quad the lead. The Ru1Uer1 added single runs in the sixth and the gevenlh and put the game out of nach with a pair of runs in the eliblh- PALCDHI CO •• • H 1llt --' ' ' • s.,.,.,. ,. ' ' ' • lchl,Jb ' ' ' ' Urrobtutll, If • • ' • TN!l\bl,, C ' ' ' ' Muctrlclr. rl • ' ' ' Jlantto. ct • • ' • C.1•,,.lelltff, , .. ' • • • LI'""' II ' ' ' • Tot111 ~ • " • lUITLllll "' •• • H llll MDII, Jtl ' ' ' • Plnei. cf ' ' • •Dbt•llon, lto • ' ' • • ' ' THlllO llACI. 0... m!i... J 'l'tlr olds, C1t1m1119. Pur.-QADll, TI,,... To ltult (C..!1) '9.111 11.IO lD.:t Courot Llttll IVoliktl 1..• S.IO l'tt!llloou (llllck ••• Tlrn1 \31"'1S , Alto ll111 -,,_ Tllt1111. J1111!e ll.. W1Mtod\l.l'll1llM1fl. WlllClv wi.., Commc11 T • u ( 11, era~ . ..,,.1·1 11'1119. $Cr1tdllcl -11111 of .. ,.....,, H'-"• K1v1I-IC1v, POUllTM llACI, 6 fvr'.,_.., 3 wt• oldt llld uo. Clt lm!,_., PU'11 13,!llO. llt•vo &!lko (lleulesl s.M> •.003.00 Gokltn H1ro 1&rl11K1<1! IJ,40 t.00 ~..,... llecov•l"f' IH•Jm•li) l.te Time 11»-t/S Also A•" -l11ekY 8", Wee LU"'I WO!lt• Ml nV M1ntlo111. llt hlnl.,.: TIANSMISSION . COMl'l.ETE ADJUSTMENT SERVICE (plus nvid) CURES MANY I PROBLEMS ENGINE ~ TUNE.IJI'• ANALYSIS (plue pwt&)· IMPROVES PERFORMANCE lt ldotfd~. lb • 11-'tln, c ' ' ' ' S111C1s, St1rl•g~!rr. Egy,.lllfl flh1rfOll, G•ldtr RA lnbow, Cett" C,,.,, No sc•tlclln. COSTA MESA 11/Jrlll', II·• ' • o ....... , ' ' ' • • • "ll'TM ltACI . 6 turlofltJ, T-y~1r okl m1ldelt coll• 11111 ot!dlnt•· l"vr 1914 _ .... 645-C900 ttusch, '' ' ' • Wot!IJ, • ' • ' Clwt!, ,..11 ' ' ' Tlll1lt » • " '''" " l11"lfltl I • Hu1lltr1 "' m1 ,,._. " ftkoN. .::::::. llOl Ollt GOl....a " • • • ' • ' ' u ... SU"""lf~ Httl (ltOHlts) Genllt llul~ fllt rrlt f A91ru.i-..1v IVIWl!'C:OI Tlmt lllM/S 1.10 Sn 3.IO 1 • .0 ,,IO 11.00 Also lttn -Klnl I"''°''· Mu1t S.11, TI'l1 e .. \ltf tli lttt, M•Flbu Ftlll, Wll'lto COMPiOit l610kt..c-•(2U! 5J7.Z350 Another first from Newport National Bank • <STARTING AUGU.ST 9th> SATURDAY TV BANKING FUWllTON 715S. ..,. .. -l05W.-k-53Mll73 SATURDAY TV BANKING IS CONVENIENT AND EASY 81 URIQUB LEGAL NOTJCE L,t.R1t1ANE """'"'& KEAr<£11. '''° Lak~. Lytle Creek Middle •nd -----'---------lk-,, LOll1tA1NE MA1t1e Kf'•Fl!!t North Forks, MlD Creek. S1n- c111.T11"tc.t.T1: o,. 1u11N1s1 :;1r,• fl:. h•r::: 1 .:!.':. -~~J! ta Ana River. Banking on Saturday will be an added convenience at Newport National Bank for people who mi5'$td ba"king during the week, or when emergencies arise and extra ush is needed. Just drive up to our unique Auto TV Drive-in screen on any Saturday and, after pushing the button,,one of our tetevisi~selected tellers WiU cash cheeks, accept dePo$its, make withdrawals on savings accounts, accept Joan payments, (s,ue money orders and even open new accounts. "ICTITIOUI NAMI TttlM'lllltlfV to .. !ft!_,_ ,...,~ I'll Vll'""""lD 1 _ »•1Nt<I "---'°, Thf lllJllft<'$lllflH doft c.trllfY ,. !9 -whlcfl .. ~fer "'""""""'~ lf'lll ~l I UI~ no!OJ -~ dud! ... 1 buslflftl 11 IM%1 !!etch llllvd .. lhll ti. ti'"' .... Moel flf ""'1111 tt1t•lp0immmmmmm;i;mmm"tl Hullll11thfl SHcll, C1Hlor,t!l1. Uf!df:r 1111 lll'l'll 1111 ..... Mt fw ,l\ltwf Jt, lfft, •ill tldlllcul """ -ol 'THAil!" TltlM t i• 1,,,.._ 1f1 ft1t ""'°ffMl'l'I f!1 Cwtrf. ..Cl" l1ld lhlt tl kl 11"" Is (""'erntd °" rn1f11 ,.._ I di ~ '-'• 11 10f Wtll tilt ...,_l"' ,...,_, Wllml! ntlll'! ."' lwll !lt lllll i!T"ll'I• ill lltll CllY flf S1;r111 Ml. Milt •IK1 of rul*ftal 11 It 1'11"'°". C1Ulllmlt. ldWtf'd •. Wollrtm. IU l \Klkl, '91111 D•Nlll ""'"" .. '""· AM, C1!1"'"1l1, W. f , •T JONN, ~ C._. Oiied Aut111ol I. ,..,, "AltWOOo• IOOlll & ADttlllllOit (OW1fll A. Wollrt"' p o ... "'' .... " (1llfo•~l1. °""" c-•v~ .......,, hid. (tllf. 0.. Aut, I, 1"', beftrl rnf, I N0'9,., Tlh !n41 ..._IJ\J ~Mic Ill Ind tor Mid ll•te, "'"°"'''"' Arttnlvl 1'w fl'tfitttlle,.. ........ E""'1rd A. Woltt"" k-hi Mlllhtd Ol'lfltt CNfl Olt~ 1'1111. "" It tot rht aer""' whoff n•""I Is Autu•I, ,n , 16. INt ,.,,.... 11111$Crlbtd hi !ht wlllll~ lrittrumenl lflll'l:;:::::_:.;:.::_:.:,,::::_ ____ :.;;;;::11 IC~llOWltdttd 1!'11 l lKU1"1f It'll 11,,,I, t01'fl(:1Al 5E•L1 • JEAN L. J0•1T Nattrv Pubnc.c:11ao•nlt ,.,tnt1,,1 Of!Tt• 1n Oflftff Cwnlv My C-lulon S11!1t1 ¥1\"Cl'l l ... \m l"Ulff~ Orlt!!tt Cotti 0111~ ,lltl • .l.ut111t f, '" n. .. ""' 1.fM4' ·, Let TV WEEK J:urn You _On I PUT WH IN YOUR POCKET s~ unwent.td Items: "1th a DAILY PD..OT O.uUjod Ad. l'HONI 6'2·5678 Our special TV hostesses will servo you and your fam!ly refreshments and show you how to operate the TV Banking. It's convenient, fun and very easy. Saturday TV Banking can make your life a little more pleasant. at these locations only IN FULLERTON SUNNY HILLS OFnCE •Harbor at Bru • 171-7290 UNIVERSITY OFFIC£ •[HI a.1pman 1t Slals C.llt&o • 179-™G IN NEWPOl!T BEACH WESTCllFF ornCE. WOltdilf •l o""'. 642·3111 SATURDAY TV BANKING IS AVAILABLE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:00 A.M. AND 1:00 P'.M. Allo OPM evtry d1y tll/ 5:00 p.m. and G:OO p,m. ott ''/dip. • • • ,.:_.. . "' }2 DAIL V PILOT Saturday, A11g11sl 9, 1969 _Heal Estate Electric Plant Set At Irvine Campers Sit In · For Viejo Pair Quesliom •nd Comment By Reeltor RandaP McCordle Plans for construction of a $1 million, 80,000 square foot facility on 61f.i acres of land In the lrvlne Industrial Complex have been announced by SterJ.. ing Electric Motors, Inc., third largest manufacturer o f variable speed drives in the United States. The company1ls When I sold my hou1• In Sen Diego, I took back a a subsidiary of Lionel second trust dffd, The peyments ($60) are always late. Corporation. The new plant This bugs mt. T~ey ·~• pr?fes-slon•I people, they ;/11mC:~~~~t~i: ~= ~C:J shouldn't be slo~ 1n paying. ) m not sur• what to do 14,400 square feet of offices. •bout it. What do J__OU sugge1t? Should I ch•rge • r .. ~1 P"'U' ·d t ., --·11 ?-- ----·---------'""" l,U 1ps, presi en, SaJ""-- pena Y the completely new facility H. W. Newport will have the capacity to house As Jong as you receive your payments each month , don't worry about it. Some people are invariably late. They will probably establish a con!ristent pattern of paying on an approximate date each month, regardless of the agreed date. Many notes do provide for a late penalty; I prefer to make a phone call. The threat o! late charges an· tagonizes your borrower and can do more harm than good. Call , ask what the problem is, they usually have a sincere explanation. Never, however. permit the borrower to miss a single payment. Once they miss, they will miss again. If you fail to receive even one payment -see your attorney. Whet afat•s do ptopl• l•ave to come to California? 250 personnel, with site pro- vlslonss for a further 50 _per- cent Increase in plant, yard storage, and p a r k I n g capabilities. Construction is to begin this rail with occupancy scheduled for early 1970. The company has been in its present location at 5 4 O l Telegraph Road In Commerce since 1927. SHAKE SIDING, HEAVY BEAMS AT RANCHO LA CUESTA HOMES Rancho La Cuesta Beach Homes Sell Rapidly 'lbere's a new kind ol home boylng c1mpout going on In Mlu"ion Vl•l<>-the ...,town lo aoutheutern Oranae County thlt has m1ade hofl)etiuy$ng history because almost every neW unit <1f homea ,is 1greeted bJ a line or families camping one or mOre nights on the sales office lawn to make sure they will be-able to buy the . home they want on the lot of their choice. 'l'be present campout, Mission Viejo's 36th, will greet \Jnit $ of Granada Homes -Wlleifit mal:efiUi deburlOday. What's different about th.is campoul L! that il features paid campers-the first couple in line. are too busy to do the camping. to they are actually hiring people to camp for them. First In Jine are a Westwood couple, Raymood J. McKay, a professor al California State College at Leng Beach, and his fiancee, Lisa Clementson, a secretary at the British~con· sulate in Los Angeles. They're too busy to camp be.cause they are preparing to leave the Reasonable VA, FHA and 'J'he master bedroom suite has are fireplace, carpeting in the country Aug. 17. They're get· can 1""1<1. 'lbey'lt mum In time for the new aemester and to watch construction start °" their new home, which will be ready next 1prin1. Prof. McKay indicated that the hired campers a re ltrange.rs whoze names he oJ>. talned through the college placement bureau. How did the McKay• happen to get so enthused abcM.il a home which is more than 55 miles from their present city of r~idenoe! "We wanted to live . In orange County, not too far from the ocean, so we looked at every development .bun Fount4in Valley on the w~st end of the county to San JuaD Capistrano on the e a 1 t • Granada Homes' S a n t i a I o model was the only lhree- bedroom one-story home with a separate dining room that we could find in its ptice cla11, so we decided to buy it, ''We knew it was the moot popµlar G~ada model, and always sell.5 out quickly. And we wanted the most popular exterior style on a view lot wbich would probably be bought first, so we decided that camping was th e answer." In one of your answers recently, you indiceted thet peopl• are still "flowing into California" ••• where do they come from? The pre-architectural space planning was ,performed by lhe management consulting firm of Theodore Barry and Associates, specialists i n facility planning aol:I layout. Sterling expect.s a significant portion of the cost of the' building to be offset by the savings in labor c o s t s resulting from t h e pro- fessio~ally planned layout, material handling and storage systems. conventional loan rates are its own bath and spacious twin living room, hall, master ting married Sept. 6 and the still available at Rancho La wardrobe closets. bedroom; wardrobe mirrors wedding wUI be in their native Cuesta located at Brookhurst Included in the La Palma and a tile roof on one extertor. Australia so their relatives Street and Atlanta Avenue,1-----------------------'--'----'----------------- I am equally curious what states are magnetic enough to draw people away from California. Where do Callforni1n1 go when they leave our Golden State? R. R. Newport Beach More people come to California from the state of Texas than from any other stale. Ohio is the second largest contributor, Illinois ranks third in the amount of its populous it sends to California. Ne\y York .ranks fourth, Michigan fifth, our neigh- ~r .Arizona sixth, Pennsylvania seventh . \Vashlngton ts _eighth on the list ~·ith Colorado ninth and the sun· shine state of Florida is · tenth. .When people leave the state of California their first choice of a better place to Uve is the state of Oregon. The sec~nd choice .is a little f.urther north •.. the state o~ \~ashington. Third choice for those leaving Califor· n1a ts ... back to Texas! En/TOR'S N9TE: Randall R. J.fcCar dle is a11 Investment onaI11sf, President of the Real Estaters. a college lectu,.er n director of the California Association of Real Eitat~ Teac~ers, author of "Real-Estate i1l California." Send your 011e11tion.t; nnrt cnmmenU tn Randall R. r.tcCardle, c/o the DAILY PILOT, Boz 1:i60; Costa Mesa 92626. Si~ Models Featured At Capo's Troy Homes rooms ln cathedral style, each with conversation pit and fire- place; formal dining rooms, a new Tl'opikitchen plan, and entertainment center. L~t Houses Go on Sale The fina l 16 three and four bedroom Mediterranean Styled town houses in Green Valley will go on sale this weekend in the Orange County community near the new Mile Square public golf course on Warner Avenue in Fountain Valley. FHA and Veteran terms are stressed at the liquidation ef- fort by the owners with prices cut for quick sale. The one and two story homes include built in kitc:tiens. private patios. double garages, wall to wall carpet with many offering fireplaces, balcorUes and front patio areas. The big Grun Valley com· munity offers the buyer the advantage of two community pools, two club houses, and a 2l acre private park. The loca- tion Is within walking distance to the new County golf course. Huntington Beach, The three and £our-bedroom homes sell for $25,995 to $34,200, according to tract sales manager Bud Fricker. Builder Don Ayres"lllr. is en- joying a good pre-sale with 15 out of the new unit reserved before construction has begun. Clean, fresh air, proximity to Huntington Beach State Park on the ocean and being in one of the most progressive cities in the country are listed as reasons families like Rancho La CUesta's location. \Vell • planned architecture and construction produce a comfortable, substantial ·com- munity of beautiful homes in the Spanish-American tradi- tion. At Rancho La Cuesta there are four floor plans. each with choice of three exterior styJ. ings. The two-story San Miguel model has four optional ex- teriors. The San Miguel lias four bedrooms, three baths, formal dining room and. family room. Make a Sharp D~al; Use DAILY PILOT Dime-A-Lines Troy homes by the Sea at San Juan Capistrano feature six la vishly furni shed model homes each with a separate floor pl<m for nearly every taste'--and pocketbook today and a Y.'ide selection of site choices. The site is just of f the San Diego F reeway and Warner Avenue offramp, b e l wee n Brookhurst and Euclid. Other features i n c I u d e master bedroom suite!" withl-~--------------------1 Ranging in price from $26,950 for an 1,llOO-square-foot home to $36,900 for a 2,700- gquare-foot home, residence 1tyles include b o t h con- temporary and traditional designs created by Architect Richard L. Martin, ·A devi!lopment of t h e M-c C-a rt h y Organiiation, Homes by the Sea is only one mile from the sea and the new, 2,000 boat marina now under construction. Thirty-six: homes comprising the first unit of the 2.50--home project are now under con· 1truction. The two to five bedroom. two to three bath residences feature lllgh-ceiling I iv in g dressing area and private bath; a family room with wet bar and extra fireplace ln some models; glass floor-to- ceHing windows and sliding doors, walk-in closets, Jong shag carpeting throughout. draperies, separate service entries and two and three car garages. Roofs are either sWngle, shake or life tile. The area illCludcs elemen· lary schools, a high school and a parochial school as Y.'el! as churches, shoppl·ng centers and a hospital. Troy-Homes by the Sea may be reached by Santa Ana.San Diego freeway to the San Juan Capistrano turnoff west to the intersection of Del Obispo street and Del Avio Boulevard. New View Homes $80,000 to $190,000 UNSPOILED, SECLUDED 2'1. to 3 acre nncho sites amid the great oaks of Clevelalid National Forest Deep in the great oak region Sim CcmenlC, and ~ of tbe Cle•cland ?fatioa.al Beach. Only 23 scenic miles FOfest lies a »}acre island of from San Juan Capistrano, rolling bills, warm valleys and Rancho Capistrano Jiles aro grassy glades known as Rancho pritcd from $8,7.50 to$18,000. Capistrano. Vast reaches oft.he eas)' down. liberal fi.n:LDcio&, National Forest recreatioa area. PfeaJo.rt t Sc•nic Dn\11: e ow cos 0 • I • • ; IVID P.review Mesa Verde North, the: latest housing achievement of Suburbia1 Inc. and 188 how Suburbia has lowered the cost of luxury living. Discover a new ''Garden Home Concept", a perfect blending of indoor·outdoor patio living. Mesa Verde North includes carpeting, drQper· ies,landscaping,fnclud iog a tree and sprinklers, complete fencing, shake or shingle roofs end undergrou nd utilities.,. with VA end FHA fin ancing available. Prices 1rom $27,950. SAN CIEGO I rw< •. IL .. ~ ~ ~ tt• SUIURllA --=:s+o"'1"'SL"•"R'""sr:-l. ~ J.. MESA VERDI a:i m 1t' HOftTH ~ BAKER ST. l ADAMS AVE. ~ ••• For disc riminating families who can afford the finest. and desire the pres- t ige and atmosphere of a Newport Beach view home. Ivan Wells and Sons proudly present the NEW "400" SER· IES BAYCREST "FOREVER·YIEW" HOMES, Here is the ultima te in qu iet ~legance and comfort .•• total privacy ir1 the very exclusive residential com- munity, DOVER SHORES. Choose one of the ~00"' series view homes or Ivan Wells & Sons wil l d esign and build• special home ••• just for )'OU! l'ilrelcb in every direction. a Sant it Ana/San Diego Free· Government·owricd buffer way to historic Sart Juan agaiosl population and com· Capisrrano, then ca!lt on. 111ercial encroachment. Hwy, ?4 (Ortega Hwy.) and :Rancho Capistrano will belong follow the signs. Fro,,. Phone 546-3155 tf rla 1 I iaymst ,,,~.,,·~-, .... --1"'.u .... Molelt 9t 1'30 Oafny Dfiw. Newport Bueh Phone (714) 64&1550 Open O.ily 10 lo 5 ~-4/.-i.t"li.l.d&rl.H.Bifpir,Solllo.A...._ to just 133 owners, in fef! Pomof!aorRii-er:ride:Drivc :1irttpf,. Each o[ the 2" 1o to Corona, lhcu east 011 3 acre sites is cleared and Jiwy. ?L •o Hwy. 74, aouth 11cee5siblo i o utililies and and follow lhc co.trance graded road. Ancient Spanish . r-'~~· ... ,_--,.----~ oaks still 5land oo mon of. tho ~ aites. This private preserve, ... I onco sold, c1..11 never bo • '-~ duplicated. ....0-S' ~ At Rancho cap;.trano l"Jll'll enjoy assured leClusioa foe an. Wiaitc future, tho beauty ot two prrv11c, stream-red lakes, • tcmpen.tc ycu--round climate al 3300.ft, cJcntioo, and » minute accat to coastal recre- ation at Llgwut. Dana Point, Write for our free, ill"s1rated brochure. RINCID CIPISTRIND .S70 Camp\U Drive, Suite 2. Newport &acbr'Cali!. 92660 (714) 346-7843 I • Mesa 'Verde Worth BY SUBURBIA I ' New;~~a~t . -; Pre\iews · -·-At 'Ver(Je ,,_ A pre!iew shcrwitlre Dl Mesa -:.:-Yude ~orth. Subu~la, lnt.'s ~. ne\Y ,.CQlta !.feu development ~><>f thref.l and four bedroom ' "zero side .yard" homes i1 on ;5 tap for in t erested ~ homeseetera this \¥ef.kend. ~~ fl'l!elf8Y clflSe ~o the, ocean, 'shopping schools and nf@.jor employment ·areas, M l!! s a "Verde North Homes were built 1i with the. ·average wage earner ''In -mind: lnclud·ed in the low price of the hom~s is carpeting drapes, 'J a·ndscaping, fencing, · sprtnklerS, two car garages, '1·'built-tn·s, fireplaces and the Tt:vcr p0pularp8.tio kitchen. ~ · Those extras aloi:ie will save the ti o {Jl e b u y e r thO\lSil,Jlds ~{ dollars of after move-in 11 costs," said Grant Hom beak, .'the firm's ~rke\ing <tirector. '. Hombeak was especially e,x. _' ciled about the zero side yard • concept, which is realiud by , the creative building concept , ·of building the home on the lot ·' line. "This progressive innovation ,. places the entire home to one .. side QI' the lot. t h u s , -eliminating two tine side yards , and substituting one large . usable side "yard,'~ Hornbeak said. He w~nt on to desctibe lhe Mesa · Verde NOrtfi Hom ts as f-oomes of comfort. Comfort 1n the physical sense and in 1lhe pocketbook ." All of the models have fami- ,Jy rooms and some have /falhedral ceilings and fonnal :as In addition to an oversized :niasttr bedroom suite. i.. Mesa Verde North may be tY'eached by taking Harbor 1Boulevard south from the San Dlego Freeway to Gisler Ave,nue then west to Texas /Circle and the models. For in- ;Jormation, phone 546-3155. Coto Caza ' :.Tract Map 1·Approved ~ A tentative tract map for llJhe first facilities of the Coto 1.ie Caz.a (the Preserve of the !Hunt) has been approved by the county Planning Com- lmission and a representative !of the developer, Macco Corp., 11aid that "some facilities are 1being used now and the ·clubhouse will be· finished by ,the end of this year." I Robin Moor&, Macco vice tiresident, added that con- 1atruction of 20 ta 30 homes is 1anticipated for the first year. ' Approved has been the tract !map and "Planned Com- ;munity" zoning for 400 acres !Of the sprawling 5,00G-acre ,plush recreation club located 'al the end of Trabuco Road, one and a half mites southeast of O'Neill Park in the shadow ,of Saddleback Mountain. The club, to be developed al an estimated cost of t3 million, will sell memberships to 400 families ''s e eking refuge from smog and urban crush." · Guest houses, b o w 11 n g facilities. a stable complex and a clubhouse are in the lfirst phase, Moore said. j Complete plans for the former Bryant Ranch, lying f.!Slride the .rolling foothills !~tween O'Neill Park and the 1ortega Highway call for riding trails, nine man·made Jakes, lbrush areas stocked with ,pheasants and ducks. kennels ~or hunting dogs , skeet and trap shooUng ranges. Also planned are fishing 11akes, duck ponds, a hunting fJodge, IO cottages for guests (in addition to the 400 homes), :and a "" childrens' dormitory :Where youngsters can enjoy 4t1pervised vacations, ~1oore •dded. t I I 'I SelJoµt Predicted ~ . . ,,. For. Me sa Wood s titesa \Voods hasn't been opened formally yet, but lhe ailes agent Is already predic- ting a stJlout ol the first unit vlihin 30 days. The J'Wdenllal community In lbe South Coast Plaza area., now open for preview in- spection marks the return of George J, Heltzer & Associates to Orange County after an absence oC a few years,· ~ , which uic 44- ye-ar.;ol,ljl nrn\ was establishing new nt!.~borhoods in Los Angeles aild Venturi counties. ~ firm is S outhern Calltomla's oldest exclusively residential builder and has re· malned privately owned dur- ing its entire existence. has more usable yard space aDd, sales agtnt Bob Hattem points out, ellmlpates lhe debates about whether the yard is to be a chlJdren's area of an adult san~ry; thtre is room for-both. ,. The. new type of land plan· nlng also pe.rmlts imaglnaUvt home designs, in~ludlng plam with totally private earden courts which are completely enclosed and are separate from the regular back yard. Four floor plans are offered, wilh three and four bedrooms. The choice is expanded by alternate plans. For example, one plan with four bedroom! as standard may be ordered with the fourth bedroom · con- verted lo a panelled den with a wet bar. DAHLIA MODEL AT· LAkE FOREST Partner Jason R. Hcltzer revealed that the first buyers made their selections from plat plans and architects' drawings when the firm was induced by buyer enthusiasm to open a sales office befor_e the model homes were com- pleted. Numerous other realures vie with the open courts for the acclajm or visitors. Among them is a ''conversation pit" -an open den befo~ a fireplace -Garden View kitchens, vaulted ceilings in living and family rooms . Garden Homes' Dahlia 2-story Manor House Mesa Woods brings many Innovations to the Cost.a Mesa area. The. most dramatic . of lhese is the "full use of the yard" concept -the technique of placing the home on a lot in a manner that eliminates all waste' oC outQoor space. To inspect Mesa Woods, via ·surface streels take Harbor Boulevard or Bristol Street to 1101 Sunflower Avenue; via San Diego Freeway, take the Fa'.irview Road offramp and go one block north ta Sunflower •'The excitement or Deane taking the Santa Ana or Sal) Brothers' famed G a rd en Diego Freeways south to El Homes is combined ~·ith the Toro Eoad and following the As a result, the homeowner Avenue. · palatial elegance of a two-signs. story manor house in thel ·~·f~"~f.~JM~~~~··········••ilii!iiiiiil Dahlia model ," accord;ng to\IN COSTA MESA Warren Toman, marketing director at Lake Forest, the 900-acre southeastern Orange County community with water and woods. "With its modilied mansard roof and walled·in e n t r y garden, the Dahlia model is very lsnposing: from th e street.", notes Toman. "Step- ping thtough the wrought iron gates to tbe entq: garden, one is greeted ~ twNtory walls of glass fOoEng out on the en· try garden fountain aad rc- lleeting pool. "Inside, a magniticient see- lhrough stairway and large lr I sha ped balcony heighten the interest of the dramatically proportioned two-story entry and living room. From the en· try, the living room , the for- mal dining room, or the bal· cony, the feeling of spacious elegance is extraordinary ." A foor-bedroorn, three-bath model, the Dahlia also has on the first floor a kitchen, fami· ly room, bath, and a bedroom suited to use as a den, library, or bedroom !or an older child . On the second floor, are a lux- urious master suite with bath, two bedrooms, family bath, and a storage wall in the hall. Like aU Garden Homes, the Dahlia ·is surrounded by a seven-fobt-high stucco y.·a ll, enabling its occupants to utilize the entire Jot for com· pletely private indoor-outdoor living. Lake Forest, which also of. fcrs Lakeshore homes on the 16-acre lake and Saddleback Jfomes in the forest and in lhe village, may be reached by Mesa Firm To De.si g n Beach Tract Thomas • Richardson·Assoc· iates of Costa Mesa architec· tural finn, has been retained to design homes for Santa Fe 1-lills, a planned community just east of Solana Beach, it was announced this week by Paul Tchang, president of San- ta Fe Co., of San Diego, co- developer of the 300-home sub- division within the l,I~acre Lomas Santa Fe residential community. Tchang indicated that homes will range in size from tw o bedrooms ~ with den to five bedrooms wilh ample family room . Their design emp loys simple and straighUorward structural details and provldea maximum usable space. I See by Today's Want Ads e THAT e IT'S . ·e DIME •a e LINE e DAYI ' ~- esa _oo .. Yo•'""'' Ht It to btlltvt lt l Yot1 mat look over this greet pl1c.e to r1i1t your f1mily and •riioy • fun lift -in the ftbu lO\n South Coed Plt n er•• of Costa Mtui. Yot IMll' weigh this vtlut of • lifetim ...... nd you h1vt fi11t ehoiet NOW of Roor plans tnd lotr. Whtf • delightful t urpri11 i1 +ht price! ENTlllLY NIW CONCIPT -imtgin1tiv1 T ri·Dimtnsion Enviro!'mtnttl hom11 fhef give ~ "Full Utt of the Ytrd," .-ith not t 1in9lt squirt foot wtrttd I J111t another ntmplt of crNfi~t Jeadtnhi p in home dttignl , Prieto,_ $ 2 1I9 5 0 For •.limltH tlmo Hlyl VA /FHA /CONVENTIO.NAL TERMS-CAL.VET TERMS AVAILAllE 101 HAmM l ASSOCIATES SALES AGENTS Dl lECTIONSi Tel. SAN DIKO FlEEWAY t. th• Feln>i.• l11cl olfr1111,, to 11ortfi • falrtW. lo.II t• Snlwer ""-· t'-ritht {e..tl toSm1l!.rSt-t. VIA 'SUlP.ACf STUITS, t1P H•rW '"'"ffll ., lrlrttl Str.tl .. 1101 Sud""'A"'"'° Mttltl 1-1-.,.... IO "There iJ NO substitute i for iliALITYt" OPEN 10 TO I EVERY DAY PHONE: (714) 540-11702 Sttttfltn c.tiNnlLI'• eWnt ucle.;.-e!r rt1f41,.tl1I "11iW/111 flrM -.,n,....., _..... ... ,., 44 ,.., .. I Saturdq, A119usl 9, 1%9 . DAILY 'II.OT Jif ·. • , • I • l 1' ••• I ''23~990 grains o sand makes you G castle cal Che Beach:· And wall-to-wall carpeting throughout, rear lot line fencing, dishwasher, self. cleaning oven, and fireplace help make your castle a home. From 2 to S bedrooms with 2 & 3 baths. The Beach is sandpails and sunshine, surfing and family fun. Build your dream ·castle at the Beach. ~ from *23.990 Che Beach Best VA/FHA Financi_ng One of tlit n0Uon'1 l0:ra;td independenr hou1in1 produce11 Urttd on lht Ntff Yo,. Stoc.lt Eltdl ..... Model Houts: io:ooam lo8:00pm • ' I • I t- 14 DAILY PILOT S11.turdiy, August 9, 1969 'Electra' Played • • ATIIENS (AP) -A dlspule over whe(her men shoukt wear _. pants or tunics In tht play "J!:lectr•" ~tened •May to ,..., ' ""'t Greek Netlooal The a I er season. Evanghelos PhoUades. Na· lional Theater general direc- lof, cri!Jcized stage director • • d11n1pt the remainder Qf ~ Mtl!Miel (M.lly 11 h • Mfll. ..,.. TllUl'I. ...... I ""lft.-flrt. SH. 11• s.., •. lfl. llST PICTUJ:I Of THf TUI I Sp•ti1l Chlldr•t1'1 p,;,., 14 I UH1r-$ 1.50 Fo~WSOUT·H COAST A .. LAZA THllATllE San Diqo frttWay at llistof • 546-2711 Z~RO MOSTEL KJM NOVAK CLINT WALKER "THE GREAT BANK ROBBERY" Plus 2nd Hit Feature JAMES GARNER JOAN HACKETT (HtRo~·[f P'10 .""~l(·•oNS Rt·"'~ ... t.' ' . ' l'.• -.s.~ "SUPPORT YOUR * COlO: LOCAL SHERIFF" , ,,,,, ,, , ,,,; --Matinees D•il'( •t 12 :30 - Box Offioe Open 1.2: 15 Pants? . Takls ~louienldes' choice ot costumes for lhe men's chorus in Euripides' play, which was presented July 20 8l lhe an· cient theater of Epidaurus. In s tead of tunics, Moozenldes had the men wear trousers, giving the m a modern 1 o o k . Mouzenides refuses to change lhe cos- tumes and has threatened to resign, so Photlades threaten- ed to cancel Sunday's schedul- ed performance of "Electra'' at Epldaurus and replace It with Aristopha ne s ''Lysistrata.'' The dispute came into the open when a theater critic reviewing "Electra'• said the men. looked like "Albanians wearing-modern dress-in an ancient Greek play." The Athens newspaper Eleftheros Cosmos called on Premier George Pan· padopoulos to intercede personally and settle the dispute before it gels out o( hand. The paper called the general director's threat to cancel future performances of "Electra" at Epidaurus and at the Athens Festival "a clic· tatorial decision." YOU KNOW YOUR CHILD WILL LEARN TO SWIM AT BLUE BUOY ·~ s. Wiii '•• AukiM, Wbff hlJ111d, js-t• A ... Ta ti• 1546-1800 YOU ARE • , ENTUTAllMllT B1'gpipes His Bag -In Festival UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. (UPI) -A ja·zz musician '"°hose bas is the ·bagpipe wa s a featured performer at· the Black Arts Festival at the Pennsylvania Slate University. Rufus Harley first wanted to learn to play the bagpipes after ~·atching the Black Watch play at the funeral of President John F, KeMeqy. "I was so touched I knew I wanted lo play them," he said. "First I stuclied and found out the bagpipes actually began in Africa, In Egypt, a long time before the Scots ad· ded some extra pipes and :.tarted playing. "So I'm actually playing something that has identity with my people." Harl ey bought his first set of bagpipes from a pawnbroker for $120. His long time mus ic teacher Dennis Sandoley taught Harley the basic finger positions but he is self-schooled in the finer points. , f.taguna Plajhouse Finale 'Ladies' Night' Laugh R~o~ By TOM TITUS OI tlll Dtllr ~1 .. 1 Sltff tl was not only fltttns and proper , but almost mandatory that the Laguna Playhouse close out Its first •6-year phase of community th eater with a !how calculated to entertain as many ~pie as possible and at the aame time stir lhe pangs of noruAlgia . This ls being accomplished "U.DllS' NIGHT I~ ,. 'TUllKISlt IATH" A fllf'Ct "1 CYrvt Wood, d!r91;11Jod IW ~ 11-. 1Khn!c1t d!rKtor Ptul Toft, tl"t mtf\841er K"' Kfllwft, cos- """" .... J"llt HtH. .,._ltd TllUIWIY1 thr-lt SIJfld•YI ""tit kcot I •I !!'le L"UN Pl1y11nwt, 119 Oceln AYt., L191111t 9ttc.11. THE CAST Prot .. IOt Mll"-1 , ..•.. O.u1 ll"'t Oodil .... .. .. . , .. ~ .... , .. 1-.Wll Miko .............. ~1111 111~ .. "dl Frtd ••. •• , .••. , .. It~ D'ldMr1 Alkll ,, • .. •• •• , .. , Jullt Hhl l thr .W..lt Kiitie .... ~ . ., .. 11111<1:1'11 MIUtlMol Mro. T1rl1!0t1 ••. ,. P11 HatMrml~ Msrlro/Mrlrlt ..... . .Pr111elol Wtl1" Mrs. 0'8rit'n •• ... WIMlt ltll ll"l*r Myrlle/M.lril .•.•.. Cllrh. Wtll/t9"11411C ,...,.. , , , ........ l+tltf! Vtll Miil LI 8oucht ......... JIH C1rlfl' Poncewwt11n .. . .... Oltlrt Tr"'9M fir~•'! ................. ltM SIO>H1rt Kt'! KUMtn in the most hilarious. fashion imaginable with a vehicle even older than that venerable playhouse, and one which y.·as a highlight of an ea rli er season -"Ladies' Nlght in a Turkish Bath ... U is pure slapstick farce from the C'tlrtain's first rise until its final descen t two rib- tickling hours later, and its success lies not in spite or its age (a full half century) but because of it. "Ladies' Night" is played in the 1920 period in which it was written, and sonlehow even ils most UD· palatable lines go d o w n l\feu of Year ' OAILY P,11.0T Sltll l"h.tt TICKLER -Betsy Hewett's amorous advances have an adverse effect on Doug Rowe in this scene from Laguna's "Ladies' Night in a Turkish Bath." smoothly, due H nothing else The object of his affection. to a respect for tl'!e elderly. who shares his lack of social But Jines have little moment fortitude. is beautifully played by Pamela Brown in a cutesie in this production. The laughs pie, Beuy Boop manner that -and most are of the belly turns an essentially stra ight variety -are generated by role into a howler. Miss some outstanding p h y s ic a I Brown's 1,1•alk. for example, is comedy and precise.stage rap-something that cannot ade · port e:<ecuted at breakneck quately be described but must speed under the devilish direc· be seen.· lion of Doug Rowe. Phil Interlandi and Bob Ro'A·e, who staged and star· D'Isidoro ar& generally well red in the play fi ve years ago, cast as the \y;o buddies ·who repeals both assignments and set out to cu re Rowe's succeeds marvelously on both femalephobia. lntcrlandi is counts. An excellent physical r~st and funny on his feet. CQmic, he sets a rrenzied pace lhough less than perfect Y:lth HOLLYWOOD (UPI) -Dan for the rest of hi~ cast with a hi-; deliverv ; D'lsidoro ex- Rowan and Dick Martin , stars plethora ol faciul contortions hib its strorig comic charac· of televisioa's "Laugh-In ," and outsized reactions in his terization as a mad ~1ad Ave. have been named "Men of Ule role of a girl-shy professor type. but turns a bit artificial Year" by the Hollywood Radio taking the 'cold turkey cure for in his third act drunk scene. alternates with Julie Haas as one of the wives, turns in the com·edic gem of a performance one comes to ex· pect from this talented ac· tress. Her futile attempt at seducing the trembling pro- fessor brings down the house. ONE HANDEP Solid support in a straighter asslgnmenl comes f r o m Blanche Mlckel&Qn as the other wile. Pat N~ederman, in her second lime around as the razor-tongued mother-in-low. proves she can do the role with one hand tied behind her (or in front of her. as w_gs the case opening night after dislocating her shoulder two days before the f i r s t performance I. Jill Carter, who may be get - lin~ type cast after pl8ying a stripper Jn both "Dylan" and i.Ladies' Night," gives this peeler part the double wham• my and walks off with a good chunk of the show. Of the ladies in the title, the funniest is Winnie Rae Ziegler as an ovei'weight and overcooked steam room aficionado . Francie Walsh, Chris \Vealherhead, Helen Vail and Debra Trudgeon all help to spice up the uproarious second act during "'hlch it's every man for himself (or herself as the case may be). \Vh•le he tak es his own slice off the lop. Rowe has given hi~ pla yers full rein in the comedy depart1nent and m o s t • Jnlerlandi and J\.1iss Brown in particular. rarely miss a I.rick. As is the case with most open- ing nights, lines \\•ere lost because actors were not at- tuned to audience reaction , but this deficie ncy is e a s i I y remediable "'ilh subsequent performances. Sli\JPLE SETS ONLY MINUTES AWAY! •• PACIFIC'S ORANGE DRIVE·IN and 'Television Society. his bashfulness. Betsy He.,... et t , \\'ho l.=========1 r;.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~! N 0 W FRANCHISE Paul Toft. in his own last hurrah for the Ocean Avenue establishment. has fa shioned 111·0 simple and effective sci! for the residence and steam room scenes. "Ladies' Night'' is one of those wi)d experiences 'Where the ingenuity of actor and director is pal'amount in carv· ing a wiMing production from a dated .ind so metimes lethargic script. Like its con· temporaries in farce. "Room Service" and "See How They Run," it gaim momentum as , ' , ONLY ORANGE COUNTY DRIVE-IN SHOWING! "Daddy's Gotie A•Huntlng" at 1:15 PM ·-"Twisted Nerve" ot 10:15 PM SEE COMPLETE ·5HOW AS LATE AS 10i15 PM ·Santa Ana Freeway at Chapman (North of Garden Grove Freeway) Phone 547-6011 ei ~ ANAHEIM • .. 1 I -...... " .. ... ... 0 ... ORANGE ""P'..,..,.cH•A•P•MA..,N .... AVENUE ..... t --~~~~~~~--___ I. • 5 ! ... 0 t; -.. SANTA ANA • 0 PEN CARYL'S WIG BOUTIQUE •tJ N. COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA IU.CH • complete lin • of Wigs. W iglets, F,1ilfs, C•sc•d11o , Accessori1s . , . A complete Wig Service F JIEE 'A"KINli Telephone 494·6405 Opt!! ':lO • 6 -M•1td•y tttru S11t11rdoy Man or Lad y If you w111t • hi9h f"'P•lhy for p1oplt 111kin9 • 11ew ,.,.te, ycu "''V lit i'llo our p•O'J''"'· A co'!'pltit l~•n·k•v apt•1tjo11 '"· c;ludi'l9 tr1init1q •11d 1up1rYi1io11, 101.1 ;,,.,,.,,..,,, $7.~00 !p•[lly ••~"''di. pJ,ou'\Ar. H.irlf~.t. 541-192'4, 6 lo C p ,)r., or wrilt 1100 N. !lro1dwty, Suit• I 08. S1nt• At1•, Ctli for11i1 92706. -"****! __ AN Off.BEAT WAR FILM THAT'S ON THE BEAMI" ---------------WANDA HALE, OAIL.Y NEWS ___ _ "EPIC IN SIZEI THE ACTION IS FURIOUS!" -------------ARCHER WINSTEN. N .Y. P,C··;r ___ _ " ' ' REFRESHINGLY OFFBEAT WITH RAUNCHY HUMOR AND POUNDING ACTION!"· -----NOW PLAYING----- ~NIW~Ollt lllACH-"' 11,., O'nl<anu• lo fhf' lob.,Jou• lodo hi" 011 l •l)O DAILY Cont in uous from 7 :00 PM Saturday and Sunday Continuous from 2 :OO PM T.clt•lt •I COITIDlll•Cltll 011tl1l• !l'ICl\/dtfti B11!1octi ·,, R1lpn:t. lllt1kt1 I. W1ltttti1 or II \J\I '°' Olllct. I " lofli as it remains. 9fl jts feet. which the Laguna offering does through.cul most -of the cv'<.>ning. This is one that will be ~n by a great nurriber 0 r theatergoers. for it marks the end of an era af the Laguna Playhouse . Three more weekends of Thu'rsday• lhrough-Suoday production re. main. with the finale on Labor Day at the playhouse, 319 Ocean Ave .. Laguna Beach. Talk Slated On Safety TUSTIN -A discussion on j·what the Orange County Safety Council can do for you·• "·ill be held in Tustin at noon next Wednesday. A. V. Jones, president of the council. afld Don · Morgan, chairman of the Orange Coun· ty Society of Safety Engineers, y.·ill lead the talk. The luncheon wlll be held <1t the Revere House, 900 f'irst St. \Vl"~·~f '---' ,J,•l1l!1 .... ~ ----,,, Cl,.,t ... Mer '1NMI IT'S HEii · MOST fANTASMAGOIUCA'C MUSICAL INTllTAINMINT IN THI HISTOIY Of EYl"TIHIN&! ' -SHOW TIMES---1 EYHl~1 7:00 I f !Jt Met. hf, & S1111. 1:01 & 4:JO """"R ...... 'Dick'Van '.l;>yke Sally Ann 'Ho~ 'Lionel Jeffries \ ......... "Chit!)' OtiJtt 'Baig~ •-· surElt-PMA"1SIO!f" TW!~ ! Ill ln1111Url•ll • j l ' r ' ! ' • " ' y ' I, g e n r c a c ' " 9 '" :y ,.. '" " "· n· s, al st I . , ' " '' "' I 8·9 --------------·---------.--------~---------------- Strange's Day's Work 9 Years By. VERNON SC01T HOLLYWOOD !UPI)'-"Hi, Sam," •triangers call out to G Jenn Strange when be wa Uu down the street And JitUe wondti.r. Strange Js the tougti·lOoking bartender ~f the Long Branch ~saloon In "GutlJl'll'Okei'' For nine years Slr•n&e.' has betn jiourJng red-e~ to lbe heroes and hea vies or the series - bulaoe!n~.arlnt hlin,.lf. He startetl In 'he role Jn IMO wben he was visitfrig the set and Jim Arness, star of th• css~rv iierles, asked the pro- ducer to'.1iYe·him ~ SJUill role. "l thou~t it was onlr. going to be a day's work," Strange says. "Now I'm starting my nJnth ·year,•• 1'Boy. a.re you in for a suarrise ":b~~u !&~ch ,it!'" I In many ways C J.e n n Strange is typica l of character actors in current television shows. He llves ·a comlortable life, earnihg a salary con- siderafllY above t h e na- tional· •verlge-op Jn tht rive figure bracket ~ and !')as no plans foi-'becoming a star[ 'Cosi Fan Tutt~''·Set himself. At Long Beach College Glenn and his wife of 3.1 years, 1'.1in, Jive in a typical California style bungalow in Burbank. a IO-minute ride · The Soulh"·estern )'outh P.1usic Festival, in association with Pacific Opera Theater. will present "Cosi Fan Tulle" by Moza rt Aug . 20 at 8:30 p.m. in the Long Beach City College Auditorium as the fi rst full performance Ydth orchestra by Pacific Opera Theater. The n p e r a performance marks the beginning or fh•e days of Southwestern Youth Music Fest ival activitiC's fron1 Aug. 20 to 24 During this period lht ct1m· petition and the eight award concerts will be open to the public. Highlighting the 1ebedule. will be the amateur champion pl•yoU at the Elks Club Friday, Aug. 22, and a new event. a jazz concert, Sunday, Aug 24, at 5 p.m. al ''Where Eagles Dare' ,..._. __ • LAST TWO Long Brach City College. from Cinc1na Center Films! "Cosi f'an Tutte'' is com-'"here the show is made. prised of six roles of equal im-The home is a rendezvousl 'fh . point every ¥.'eek end for 1 ''" "THE INCREDllLE JOURNEY" Twe fut•tlc CelM4y GtMtt portance. e two sisters. cousins. uncles and sisters andl Fiordiligi and Dorabcl\a, will brothers. The Stranges' .Qlar· be sung by Caroline Ognibene ried daughter, Janine, li\/esi and Pamela Gates. Their two:I=~§:§~~~~=~==~==========~! sweethearts, Giu\gelmo an~11 Ferrando, will be sung by BALBOA "The GREAT BANK ROBBERY" pl~ - KhnNo••k -CllM WeH1tt Jec.k Lo1ttina• -Tony Ctrtlt Roberts. Don Alfonso, the old 6734048 Bam•y Spen<er and Peter • philosophe r, will be played by OPIM HELD DYER 2nd WEEK! • "THE GREAT RACE" Pa11 I Johnson and Marlene 6:41 Silvers ,:,,ill sing the part of 7ff I ....... DE'~pina. lllMa '"'1nsvla This Summer's Bi g Fun Showlll I'm Europe, baby. I -Dlildt Ellll Di .... b cl111l•t Drl,..h1 l"9C11t t111tttt l111t Lo11c.n ter floter klk "CASTLE KEEP" ,t .. J•111" Gat11•r W•ltM lre1111011 "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF" For reservations cl\ll the Paci fic Opera Theater office, 433-~539, or send a check and self-addressed stamped en· velope to Evelyn Tiger. 5182 Anaheim Road , Long Beach. Tickets are $3.50 for adults and $1.50 for students. .,.. . . ~l · · ·-..Med•_.\~ :.. Rmirla .. ctli.1 No 111\f und•"• 11 wlJI bt edmlt!ed Ufl!na •cu,... poinltcl by J)lr.,,1 or tc111ft g,,,.n1111n. ... .................................. . A RMI., firMt M~c.el MATINEE TODAY ---Cllll&lll. ··°"' --- IXCl.USJVI P'ltlMIERE 9'UN . v .. -... w.w.w..i V.....,T_#Jll., Now we're nm. PLUS ' - Dltk Yaw Dyke -S•llY A1111 Hewet :CHITTY CHIT~~ BANG BANG' M M J.,ry Lt..,I• . ...., Ptttt Lewfer4 · "HOOK LINE AND S'INKER" ............. ~············· 2ND llG> WllK Gretory ,eek .t.1111 Moywee4 "THE CHAIRMAN" ·.. ,,.. ' Cllorlto11 H"to11 -lledd., M1Dew•ll "PLANET PF THE APES" -_ ....... --: tll:-ft'l-.IM ,.r 11iulh , ........ ~"!._., ............ . ".NAKED ANGEL" THE BEATLES "YE'LLOW SUBMARINE" jl~$1~.~ CAlllLOAD HELD OVER 3 BIG HITS WtDlliMI WI .. DEAN JONES BUDDY HACKETT .... -ALIO- • • • • • • • ,. 1• • • • • • • • • j • I (JN ST~ u..u. j ' BOBBIE 6~NTRY RODER WILLIAMS musical dlreclDr.,.. John scon Troner August 11·15, Shows at 8 and JO PM .I 1'0•' "P•Ui I THE BR.OOKLYN BRIDGE Aug"st 11·15. Shows at 9 and 11 PM I COUNTRY MUSIC JUBIU:C I · 6EOR6E JONES TAMMY . IYNETIE BUISI MC ••• Ham llllll8n. lBBQ Sunday, Au1ust 10. Sho".'nt 5, 7 and 9 PM FANTASY IN THE SKY Starring Tinker Bell and a brilliant fireworks display every' nite at 9 PM. PREMIER E RUN -NOW AT BOTH THEATRES WALT DISNEY'S "WINNIE TttE POOH AND TH I BLUSTERY DAY" • CONTINUOUS OAILT flOM I P.M. • • • • •••••••• Disnc~la11d -----~----~ DAllV '!LOT JI . = tm.U: llllTJOE-IZGAL ·N .. lf CAJLY PILOT ,. f Hello once again. bQys and -1rls, and y;elcome to lnoibcr Saturday session in Uncle Len's Comer. The comer is a ~big Gne to- day. kids, Uncle Len received a whole batch of nlail in all departmenls and Carol had mote jokes and riddles than 1>he had space to prinl them. CONGR-A1\JLATIONS to our Art contest winner. Ei~ Rose o{ Corona de.I Mar. v.•ho also is repri!sented in the po- etry contest and Carol's Cor.1 ner. A real tripte threat, that girl. \Varm wealher we've been .' " ' having these '(lays, isn't it! M Jt sure ls. and that will be tile -------~===~§:::::=l __ ....,!~:_ _ _.::~! ________ ~I subject for nexl week·s art ,. contest. Just how hot do you think it's been the 1a~t few day~? Put your ifieas into a piciure and you may win a Kennedy half dollar. HONORABLE mention win- ners in this "''eek':; art contest are: Billy ROOMY. 11. Costa h1esa: Craig Thomas, ~. Ir. vine : Lynne 'nlomas, 8. Ir· vine : Nancy Ro.se, 121 Corona del Mar: Carla Westerfeld. 1Z, * PRIZE WINNER This week's contest \11inner is Eileen Rose, 10 , 601 Narcissus Ave., Corona del Mar * Any child under 12 can enter Uncle ten~s Art Contest. Here's all you do : fl) Draw picture on piece of plain , white papers• inches wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do not copy or trace picture. It must be your own work . (3) Put your name, age and address on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len 's Art Contest. Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa. \Vinner will receive Kennedy hall dollar. Hulitington Beech: Peg11v Jo-'--------------------------------"/ seph.wn, Costa Mesa: Kathy Wagner, 11 . Irvine: Stephen Arnott . 7. Costa Mesa. and .J11n Johnson, 11 . lluntington Beach. THE SEA • The sea ha~ lots of fun in il Even "'ht>n you sy,·im , play or ~it in it: II is nice to you 111·hen yov behave. And when you do ii. if even wavec;, -l lHF ·-"· Cttt1 Mt1a BEAUTIFUL BUITERFLY BeauUful buU.erfly, you're a beautiful sight \\'ilh all of your colors so gay and so bright, And \\'hen your beautiful wings start to nuttrr You go high in the sky as I "'atch from the guller : Goodbye, be autifu l Buttcrny /'11 see you again ; I'm sorry to leave you, But it'l'> starting to rain. -Ellfffl Rtff, lf, C ......... M1r IN MY GARDEN In my garden beside a \Vall Gro'''S an orange . tree five feet tall ; Beside the tree flower s gro'v \Vhere birds and bees come and go ; l\·ty dog and cat romp and play Jn my ga rden every day. ,t, 1(......,,. .,.., dl~V '"" ti l tfflitl• 111umw1I. lf, llot I!. ltl.,_1 11 .... N-Mrt l11tll. Mr Ille w;,,,,1 ... ,,,,,.. '" Ill• lhn' 1"4 _,,. c..,lt1t. ~II v..,r -'" O!' "''"" It Ut1rlt 1.911, It• lut. C•1l1 M111, C11ltlrnll . Crossword P11zzle ~CRO SS l Relatlve or a tu~e 5 Cha1acter 1., 5haktsotare 10 R.tctSS 14 Voyaging 1 S Annov l& Homt lo sonir anil'!lal s 17 Father, ol'! Thanks- ~lving: words l~ GI who h~s 11ont' o~~r (he hill 20 Po•l , .... , Tewa~ or Ontario 21 Befo re 22 Jun• ~. 1'144: 2 word~ 23 us com,..odort 25 Unitt in &5 Cold ~7lileetl" session 4CI Ten"irl~ 50 Yuqoslavia., city 51 Quoted hf .way o proof 53 Preposition 55 Calt11dar enlry 5& Essenc:t of so111eth1.,g &l Thro• into ~ mas s b2. Norse ma1i11Pr: 3 •ord'> b4 Ac.IOI' W~lttf ---b5 Ma1ry without rere!l'lony bb Hav•ng n~ed &1 Anc1en ! seaporl f>S Si119!t- celled 7 Back-to· lfonl : 2 words a ,l,ll 11oss1blte 9 E•isted 10 Nov~ Scot11, Ot\te 33 Mc~t QlllCk ly JS Words rx1Messi.,g annoy1nce J7 Praise- worthy qUiili\y 40 Sec 41 Altli""-. abbreviation ~6 Free fro• , gul!e PEANUTS STEVE ROPER PERKINS JUDGE PARKER I'». sorrv_ t WMfll*E: I WA.5 5HODt.PUi MA.W: A.5l'ED. iAlt PIOVE:C.! TUQI LEFT AT THEFOn! MOON MULLINS ~ ~ marriage 1-----Carof~ Co,.tzer,-----1 2& Lon, nap on coth 30 ReYerse : 01gan!sm o~ Count on 11 S~itrs' ttel19hl · 2 words IZ Greelr portico 13 l ite a lamp1ey 11 Piete ol chin ii •& Ca"'pted out 51 Monl'o-~-c-t ~~~~~~ SZ Echoic word h RIDDLES AND JOKES * PRIZE 1 WINNER Teacher:. Joe , this composition, "1'1y Dog," is 'vord for word lhe same as your brothe r's. .Joe: Sure. it's the same dog. -TIM Jlll~Mno lUt Mtfflr• Aff., C11l1 Ml., Dear Carol: What do you call an ancient watch~ ·.1•wu pro UV :.1eMsuv Jwli. Ann K..itr. 1•, ces11 Mo11 Dear 'carol: \Vhat does a pipe cleaner look like? 'JlleM.i•pun 6UOf lfl!M >j)!d\UOO• V :.i•MSU't' -Jiii J--· 11. MuntlftttN luc;ll Dear carol : \Vhal \\'OUld you do if you round Chicago, IU .':' 'PW '•JOW!J lll9 •Yf llf) :.1•M!IU'9' -Dl1"' P'llmtr. It, lottWHfl IHtll Dear Carol ; \\ihy do elephants like peanuts ':' 'S9l!Jd •1qen111A JOj s.1tdd1rJM ~nu11td •4• .... es ue:. A•y• •sn11:.eg :.1•M1uv -f l'"" ltt ... 111 Ctrou dtl Mir S.-' yew ~111 t• Adi A11dy, c/• cw..p c.-o.i1, ru.,, ••• 1Jt0. C-. M9MI. c.Jlf. \\'here did cbGCOlale come from? The first dlocolate was tasted by South American In· dians, This was ages ago, long hefOre Columbus arrived from the Old \Vorld. The first !asters thought I.hat I he delicious fla vor "°'<IS out or this world, just as we do. They decided that it mu sl be a gift from heaven and the word Ibey inve nted to name it meant "food-of-the-gods.·• The Spanierds "'·ho f o 11 o w e d Columbus could not pronounce thll word, bul they tried. And we borrowed thei r word to name the heavenly 11turf. To maay ol tht "'Orld 's peo- ple. d)Oa)late did indleed come from another world -lhc New World of the Americas. The .Americlllll dJd noL gel it from heaven. Chocolate is 11 present from the plant world that gives us all our naVOl"IOfnf: candic.'li a n d cookie.a. It ls donated by the Mady cacao trtt. Nobody knows when thae gcnerooi ci:vtrgreen trees were first found Trowin& Jn fhc ~·arm. n1oist valleys around the Amaion and Orinoco Rivers of South America. This was their original home. A cultivated cacao tr~ groy,·~ 20 lo 40 feet tall. II is an evergrtcn tree with huge oval leaves , glossy green on top and rusty red underneath. Summer and "'inter. the big shady tree is al ways in bloom. Cluslers of little blossoms cling to its trunk and bran- ches, sprouting right out fro111 th~ bark. Each Uower cluster gradually ctiange1 into a pod shaped like a fat cucumber about one foot long. If you crack open a pod, you find a filling of mushy pink pulp_ And embedded in the pulp are r~NS of cacao bean,., These bean." l8$te bitter, but they hold the first secret of crtallng chocolate. A g e s ago. Indians of Central a n d South America learned 10 roast and grind them -bul th!'! powder still tasted bitter. So the :;econd 11e<:ret V.'l\S f'C\'rnlrd -tht' rrclpe for cre<1Ung hf'avenly ta s t Ing .chocolale from bitter lasting ClllCIO be.ens. Venilla WIS ad. ded to !IOfttn the. bitter IA~lc Ind bring out J 11pecfal flavor. ' Comb. lor111 DOU 31 Small ro und l Southern ~lobules 34 uzzled st.alt: 3b Lake lnfof'lll'ill Genev;;'s ?. Utilizer other name 3 PI!'! of th!.' 38 Oln e .3'1 Re li.ince on '"'\ 4 Art iliC eac.h other uerb •2 Becaust or 5 Oral! "43 Ex11eme ge11tly energy with ~4 Busi.,ess b Pa ssess1~e pt ace word • 7 " 17 " , ' " ' . " " • Susar was added for swce1ncss. Thi~ recipe is slrong. co nc~ntratrd chQCOlatc, We use small quant1t1cs lo rla vor ;:ill sorts of goodies. To make chocolate bars and can- dies. \\'e add buttery oils and usually some starching in· grcdients as fillers_ \Vhen the Spanish cx-plorcrs lasted chocolate. they wanted more. They senl samples home to Europe and the Old \Yorld "''anted more . .For a long time. all thei r chocolate. rame from the New World, I.he native home of Ille cacao tree. Later. plant experl'li coaxed lhe wondrous tree to grow in other moist, warm parts of the wtirld. It thrived in tht \Ve!!it Indies. tn \Ve~t Africa, tilt cacao tree thrlvtd so well tha1 most of lht \\"Orld '~ chocola h~ now comes from African plantations Whal Is lht ~ftitC1)nda:' The an~cond11 1s it Jnakt, ahnost but not quite the 2~ Made angry ZS Watches over 26 Relatitt of a 5011 27 Pay tr ibute to 2.8 Kind or scien tist 29 Ex t lamation ol surprise JI Movie t ameraman's devite: Colloq . 32 Money • used in ... leilchin') Morse Code: 53 Leve l with the g1ound S• Shade of red 55 Look lo be 51 Clrave 58 Prod SCI V1rgi.,ia-·- bO Cuueri I moving c HCU I ady b3 Pro!essiona, man: Abbr, II TJ largest kind or snake ~ the whole world. In any case, i\ is lhf' largest snake in the New \Vorld of the Americas. The anaconda lives ;:ilong the warm streams U1at Oow I hrough Ille steamy jungles of South America. The mighty fellow may grow to he JO feet long . If he could stand on the Up of his tail. which he can't. ~e would be as tall as five. tall n'lCn standiag on tach other's heads. And this long snaky body is thick and very strong. J~e loves to swim lil>d spends a lot nf h~ lime in the water. \Vhen he attacks, he coils his body around his victim like the famous boa constrictor. Naturally. lhe anaconda is colored to match the jungle green leaves and the greenish gray streamtt or his native hon1c. His basic C{llor is olive i:reeo. often glcan1ing wet. His sc11ly body may or 1nay not be n1<1rked ''·ilh block ~pots or n11gc; Sometimts the big ftllow allacks people, He prefers to coil 11round hie: vie· llrn . Bui ht 11lso ·use11 his sh11rp tttlh. though his bite ta: not poisonou!. TUMBLEWEEDS DID '100 ATTEN' THAT COUF\SE IN SADISTICS TJ.IEV GIVE AT TJ.I E LAST BARBARIC ARTS SEMINAR? MUTT AND JEFF . " ...... ... ,. ' i .. ' .... \. ------~ ----+ GORDO MISS PEACH By Charles M. Scliull By Sounders and Overgard AS A MATTER OF FACT. I PLAN TO MAJOR IN SADIST/CS AND GET MY 8.R 8·1 By John Miles ---. ·-,_ ., By Harold Le Doux GOO" EVENING, 5-111 ~ TWE PA.m IS !EIN'1 HELO IN THE GA.fc>EH ! YOU C.A.M RE~ IT PJtl Wit.LKING THro!J<;H THE 1-0JSE'. M1!6 !A.5PER WI LL Pli'EC.f 'IOU: By Ferd Johnson By Tom K. Ryan i SURE' ••. FER CRYIN' CXJTLOUD,IELlA' INTHIS DAYAN' l'GE "1JU CAN'l GET A .JOB IN A DECENT MASSACRE WITHOUT A BACHELOR OF DEPRAVITY DEGREE! By Al Smith By Mel I 11,,..!, . .,_ I • • TUISOAY Coll• ~ CllV fm11loYt"$, Cokl11!t ! l(ftcti.n, Sn W. ltll! 51., Co.It Mew. 1 1.m. Col"Olle cltl ~r l!11W"'' Cl11b, vn11 lwt<ltfl. :UU I!. Ctt i! Hltl!w11, Coronl dtl M1r, U -.. Clttlt Metll Elcd'ltntt Clull, Corti II.Hf, H.s Htrbor lU...,., c .. 11 Mt11, 12 -· HUfllllltlM a1Kh Norll! L!fl.1'11 Club, Mt...,..lt•~ Cou111rv Club, un2 Gr1h1m, Huntlne1911 ltKll. JJ .._ Cotti M9W ll:oltrv Cklb·North, Co.ti M111 Goll tlld Countrv Club, 17(11 (loll Cour11 0•1-t, co111 Mtlf, 1J:10 1.m. Coront dtl Mtr Klw1nl1 Club, VIII~ · $wtlltn. lSl6 E. Cati! Hl1hw1v, Cor111t dtl Mtr. 11:10 11.m. Hllt'lllntlan letcll ltol•rv Club - Nori,,, Four Wl'ld1 lltlltur&n!, U 4?1 10111 Chltt. Huntlnoton ''''"· n,u 11.m. Hunll"91on •~~ell Klw~nTs C•ub, 1•11n- lll'l!lon Setc!IU Counlrv Club. l~ Ptlm Ave., H11n!i119l0t! l•et~. 11 IS •.m. N"°"rt H••!lcr Ootlmld Cl\lb. Vr1i. M1rln1, 100 l~vslcle Orlvt , NeWPOrt Sttd'I. 11:1S 11.m. Cotra Mut l(lw1nli (luD. Co111 Mtsa Gell 1nd Counlrv (Iv&, (0\111 M1s1, U:lS "·"'· Rolltl' Club er Ntwr>0rl·l1111111. 1tvlt11 (111.1nttv Cllib, uoo E. cw·11 "'-Plw•v. (or91\1 cit! M1r, 4:l0 '·"'· " T011hnesl111 Cl\tb, 7101', 1(11\N Teblt l"Hllllf"l~f, Wt$lmlns1r r. ' 1.m. /(o•I• #UH•Ntwoo'1 Htrbllr l iens 1 (lull, Mnl Verde CDUn1,., CluD. Cnll MtH. 6:1J p "'· l•ll:IW 11v l l01"1 (lub. vui. M1rln1. IMS f111sl<1t Drive, Ntw~ ludl.. J P,lfl, ~1 ... <II l 01Slme1ltrl C~ 101 ~.,,tit Houi.t. 1600 P1(lllt -c-1 HlfltWlf, ~al ltf<ll, 7 '·"'· Hufttlntlon I••<~ l!IO• lodfll, !!IQ Clull. llGI Ottfn A•t., Huntrnt11fh 911th, 7:30 o.m. !ID<letv for !ht Pre~••v•llon •t'ICI EnC'C-Ure1~ment or 1!1rbfr ~t>oo Q\1~111 51"111'\9 In Amtr!r1, Coste ,MllQ '«h~Pltr, Co1lt111 P~tk Sc~'· 'JJto .Holrt Dime. cr,11 Mesi. -1:U slJ;,7;· (OIJI A~t!w ?t-H Clllb ... v1u;;. 1"n, 11' Mllrlnt. 811bc1 l1ltnd. 7;l0 ••• l .D.0 ,M, Moose ,;o. 11!.I. 05 E. 17111 51 .• Co1!1 Mt11. l :U o.m Cr•"'t COIJI l!'nl f B'rl!ll Mt~• lodO•, Tomtit' $f'.lron, •n w, H1mllton, cos11 Mt11. '' U o.m. Wl!DNEIDAY l lu1 Fltrne Tw1tmtJ1tr1 Club. Mew Vtnle Country Club, C0.!1 Mt••· I 1.m. C••I• .\\tw-Or1"11f Co-•l l lOM Club. Diil.,• Witt Shoo, 111 I!. 111h sr .• CDli. MUI, 1 1.m. lil,Mlll1 .. llln lt1cll E•chlr.i Cl11b, SNf•"" BflC~ Inn, Hu~ll111tlort IMcti. 12 '*If\. . --. 4t Fr \11 Coast , Cited at Davis , Fouf Orange doa11t residents ha~ ~been named to the University of California. Davis dean'! llat for the College of Agriculture for the sp ring quarter. They arc: FROM COSTA MESA : William J. Davis , and Dale \V. New. FROM LAGUNA PEACH ' l)(m11d O. Mars.head, and Steven Sweeter. Smoking Clinic Starts Monday SANTA ANA -Small group sessions desi gned to help smokers "kick the habit" will start f¥1onday at I h e Tuberculosis Association, 1104 \Vest Eighth St. here. The 7:30 p.m. sessions will continue as long as the participants need group en- couragement to 1top smoking. Firemen Fired GARY. Ind. <U PI ) -Seven- ty-five striking Gary firemen ha ve been suspended lor de- fying a retum·to-work order. A spokesman for the city said further disciplinary act ion would follow unless t h e walkout ended soon. BUS INESS AND PROFESSIONAL GUIDE ~ e MATTRESSES e MATTR~SSES BOATS · HOMQ • TllAILER3 bftplu Sh•pn • • Ootla Men ~Jattre:u Co. 1151 Ne1rJ1Gr1 IUv .. Uberty 8·1303 UPHOLSTERY Mesa Upholstery Uberty 8·4781 IJlt Ntwron ILYD. • e COMPUTER TESTING e INVEST in HAPPINESS , •• 119 547-6668 24 H•ur Aec:•rtllll' , I OAILV PILOT .J 't ~ STAY DlY LlTIIR SIZE r "Pr•ft1sionol" "5 DAY" Envelopes E!~i Anti-Perspirant I. Beauty Salon TOOTHPASTE FOR ACTIVE PEOPLE OF All AGES AT \'t~-!11 \'ll•m,r~ are Cl l!d Ill!", c1!1 o~ ~~.At ~f ~~ "* ~·oc~ • cc"":ete rl~£t of v1tami~~. ~.111tit~~1 ! ~~ ~· ~~ts. ai:d ~.tallb 114s If 1rt type s. J~e:t 1s i ' ~ ~t1fm1r.·s1on~Jlf 1t 11! \1rnn tons st~~~. Vitamip "A" 50,000 U:S.I'. Onits. IN C1~1lts 1.98 I • I Vitamin "'C ~ Asc orbic Aci d ••• 100 "'C· 250 Tab lels 1.18 Vitamin "B-1" n 111111 c•11rid1 ••• 50 mi. lDI Ta-1111 Vitamin "B-121 ~ Mia• P1tu1cr ... ~5 mer. • 101 T1-1eu 1.og SUPPLIES /'YIGORO'.' Plant Food 1~ Azalea and / •':l.";,, ~.~.'l~i-~. 10 lh gee --...:::J All-Purpose ~!'-!:~ ~~~.~. gee 50 FOOT Plastic Garden Hose I "Slp1t111" ll'il• 11.r" •1r1 ... Ltptwei1ht tempe1~ .Pltst!c is s~11ng ind ru1red. run flow ht3'JY b11$S coopl1ng1. ID Ye1r C11r11t11 Ill. 2.31 Hose Hanger ,, 1.ga 4gc sg~. Multi-Vitamins CMEWAllE -Frttil fla~o1ed, 250 Ta•lets 2.5e Brewer's Yeast 1Vt G1af11, Helps build b~od: 1,DOIJ Ta•11ts 1.5g Therapeutic M Vita•f• Miatral F1rm111. 1 DO Caps1les 3.ge Wheat Germ Oil 01e!Jry SllOP1eir.ent o! V1tlm n !. 100 C••s•les gee ffi ... I . " HAIR SPRAY tl•••S T11t• -Frts•t•S Wilh RWNe l1 t•r1t terrnlas. 13 1z. ta• lreat•! I.II Slit ''dry.,,..er." I 1.JI HOUSEHOLD HUPlR .. , l ·tZ. Sizt l W•1!e w1lh aummtd llaos. 111 11 1H 1.09 3:1.00 , Jr. Swim Fins Swim Fins LIQUID LIQUID "Sego" DIET FOOD "Sari 11111" •1 VOil, •• Dark •1 VOIT.,. F~r the ~oun1 y~ngster. loot DOC~et. Rea. ?.51 111. '·'' Al&'I Fl1,1n 111111. C11s blue for the 4 d1ver wit~ lu w 2.39 3.98 m Ci> ~:r~i~1;~~~t;:i~~-1 o9 Sweet-Heart Fo r DISHWASHING l2·1r. Slzt 3i$1 ~ tic rein for l'Ollll&ster. ler. 1.51 1 I' Q) o£Luxc Swim Mask I 1 " IJ VDIT-Ovll sha$le with stilin-1 98 • less steel band, bite ufety lflls. 1djttSUble s.tDp. lef. l.ll • Tether Ball m SPRAY STARCH wr·airtrarll" Stll R1p1llnt 22 If. Sill HAIR DRESSING ,,,,. Kalr WltllNt lflllt. 1.H •.s IL Tftt tr YOIT -Young Amecica's favorite bKkyifd game. All· 4 98 weather ball, pole and gro1md sle~e, Rea. 5.11 , "Plate-weld"~'1:: 2.98 DENTURE REPAIR KIT "Acryline" 1,.,11.1.9 li.'19.1.8 .fl DENTURE RELINER - For Upper Of lt'N!f Pl~tes. Plastic Housewares FESTIVAL . . • 28 Qt. Waste Basket • 28 Qt. Waste Bin • 15'/, Qt. Pail w/Handle • 11/, Bu. laundry Basket Choose From Assorted Colors YOUR CHOICE 99~. "Medi-Quik" SUNBURN ,., • COOLER SPRAY Sloos !ht shnz, the 1!~h. H·e pain ard ~tnps 11 IDr !lours. 1.79 5 1z. S111 "L I" yso SPRAY DISINFECTANT "Stri-Dex" PADS Stah·es life out o! pi111· ptes yo~ 11,,,e, helps piev~nt new ones from forming. 11,42, 59c 69c j-A~LAI "Anti-Itch" c1E1M Meaicated form11la gives rt· litl ot Helling ol 1llecgie~. 1 49 sunburn. nsheS and i~ bites. 1 11. '''' • SQUlll Theragran-M H11h Putencr V1!ami" rorM- nla wil!I Mintrals ••• JO 5 88 lablels FREE wit~ pu~~e ot IOO's It • ·--======: --· . lADllS' ' Foot Wear J , . \'lith tht"Ctassic too~~... .. ' c~w· from many cc1orfol ~, ., styles and mattr111ls. Alf with 2 88 · heel lift. S.M·L PR. • LADIES' "Culotte" Panti-Slip Nrlon w1l.ll decora~te lite 1J11111nseam ind leg insteo.1 79 l'ilute and pastel colors in Petitt thru [xii• Urgesi1e~. 1 -___ __._.... _____ .. _ { tADllS' ~ 1 "Bikini" Brief 1 1()(1~ ~,Iii~ satinette in as-77c I ~~ed ccicr!ul ~tyles with lice · • 111m. Sizes S 6·7. Rez. ISc 11. • .... •. ' 12" Oscillating Fan 11.49 DRUG ·sTORES OPEN t AM te 10 PM -1 OATS A WllK HUNTINGTON BE,-.CH ............ Mli•nt HUNTINGTON llACH -·--NEWPORT 81ACH TOJO '"""' 11 Wntctltr ,,.,. • --~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i I I I ' " I I l • I DAI ~PJLOT , -ALL llEW '69 CHRYSLERS, PLYMOUTHS, NOWI MOREFU~~~~ ::~:His, ETC. ARE ALL 001110 -AT TH~ : .~~­ Brand New '69 FURY 2 Dr. Sedan INCLUDES V 8 ENGIN .. . -E, AUTO. TRANS., RADIO, HEATER, P/STEERING TINTED· GLASS EX· TERIOR DECOR PACKAGE -• • · " · · · • SERIAL No: PE-2i F9D288781 . ' ' ' -. . . . Braud New '69 VALIANT 2 ·Dr. . -' SERIAL Nd. Vt21A9El49922 ALL PRICES PLUS TAX AND LICENSES ALL CARS ARE GOOD UNLESS SOLD UNTIL SUNDAY, AUG. 10 ' ' • '67 MUSTANG . '67 PLYMOUTH Fury Ill '68 CHEVROLET '66 CHEVROLET Ault . 1••'11 •• r..,le .. "'''"'"-"'" 1!-IM , 4 Door Hardtop Malibu 2 Door H1rdtop C.prit• VEJ m. v.1. •die. '''"'·· f1ctorv 1lr cor1altionln~, V-1. I UIO, '''"'·· -... •t-lrtt. r1dlo, v.1. 1u10. '''"'·· !tdO<'I" tl• co1>1hti1111m9, _., 1H1rl~t. r11l10, htt1t!". whlll'Wtll llr..S, h••""· w h I ! • .. t I I llr•t, vrnvl rtol. =r. t!,ii;~"\.,,~";'wtitr'~:~~ 'tff:1~' v'iri~i vlnvl rool, St.,. ~undrod1 al dOll•rt VTN J ", ll6:J7l"l1,!ff. )\'r• !ln!ttl 1lt 11. La.-will\ t~l•t$ SllN :'-1688 $1988 52288 515-88 '66 DODGE '67 DODGE RT '68 POllTIAC '67 DODGE Coronet Stdln 2 Door Hardtop C1t1ll111 3 Sut W1gon Mon1c11 Coupe '114. .ult. tran... _.., tlwrl111, rldjo, v.a. 11111. 1'r1n1., -,_.,,,., -,...., 11119. tr-.. fKl'wY •ir condllleflhw. V.f, '""'· 1r-., _.,. 1'9lrlnt1, - "':-?· wrllt.w.11 tll'WI. Hl•d "' .... , c-llr•bs. rldl•. 11ui.r. wlllttwall trm . Seort -...,,..., ,..cllo, ht1tw, wfrlttw1U tlrfll. bf'll<ft. l"tdjo, heet8r. ""''-•11 llrtl, ••• ,,., ~tlM el cfl'lll1tlM I. ..,,1.,., 1 10 W . moo;..J In tor-........ ~ •• ULO 11t. P'"' Wlk91o bffulilul, ..,_,\Ill. ...1clllon hl~l11llc COfldJtlon, TIJH •U .. IPKltl. VFlt 1•1. $1388 $1988 53188 51688 --- _, • '64 PONTIAC '67 MERCURY T 1mpest l1M1n1 Cougar XR7 Hardtop V-t. t u!o. tr1~1 .. ·iltG~r 1t-ln1, - v.1. auto. lrtnt .• •••II• I. M1t.,., '°"" 11!'lr· br1~e1. rl<llo. llHl'M', whltp.111 tlrt'I. v lnvr 11111. vlnvl IO•. MYM 40l, ·~· tin1ed OllU l•ciory •I•. One ., Ito• 1~••~e.1 w1'•1 h•d. VOR "'· $888 '524 88 '64 CHEVROLET '68 AUSTIN America lmpill Super Sport& A•le. lr1n1 •• radio, lle•lt'I'. tmmMult tt - V.f, t u'9. tr1111 .. IKlorv •Ir ll'Clndflloill"'' 11111f -10.flOO mllet, )(NL J11J. --tta«lrtt. •Idle. -ttf. wfltttwtll ~-. l ud<tl 1~ts.. ClllllOk, t rod 11\..,. OML 12'. $1088 $12 88 CHRYSLER .PLYMOVTH :IMPERIAL • -~ -----------------------·-----------------------------------~ -:-: -:-:: ll DAllV Pll;,. JSj Saturday, Alltlu.stt9, 1969 DU.ION' ··FGID • Al . \ ·i • . . .. ~f •; ··p :•. r _._ . ' . ' . '. I ' .. ., :o,URING. OUR Bl~ CLEA.RANCE,, CLEARANCE, i c:l ,A RANc:E ' I ! • • • • ' I • • ' ' ' ' • ' l 1969 THUNDERBIRD DEMONSTRATOR 2 DOOR LANDAU 21 Ex~~u.ti~e C~r _ ~nd D,emo~strator: S'le· Tremendous $a vi ft gs :on 'T'' lirds,: Mis~ tangs, Torinos; .Gafaxies; Falcons;·:oO~~ . tin as ••• look at T_hese ~xa~pfe$·: .• ~.: . ' ' ' ' '" . - I I BRAND NEW 1969 .l9U DEMO TORINO ·GT~-2 DR. HARDTOP RA NGER CAMPER . SPECIAL! $ 96 · ~:···_~ .. ·~~·:.c•iiii!i·.~·1· .. ···········1 .. e Tht \¥'ooclhte Campen -~m.trica's greatest Yal11e In quafity camp ... s. From : sh eik to the largest. • • Kamp Kint Campers -w~th the lifetime warranty. "Tornorrow'1 Camper Z . .Today." Tb• safest camper on the road. : ' •.<;em Top ·Camptrs -All 1t~el sheik cab to 6'·6". : $ ·12 IN STOCk •. " • READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ! All Jhe "Hard-To-Get" Mo'dels •. Including: Cre)!f' Cab • 4:· Wheel Drive Ranger· Custom Cab .• Standard Ca~ • Broncos Chateau Wagons, And .Plenty Of Camper Specials. . , Bloc k vi nyl roof, wsw, cru;se, P.S;, P.D.B, •;r, AM/FIWstereo . radio, dual RS sp'eakers, tint~d glass, frQnf head restS, remote mirror, wheel covers. No. 9J55Y·I 08839 COMPARE OUR . PACKAGE PRICE! i C<0i>om11ic, w;d• o"I" powor •le9'io9, FACTORY We· feature the BEST at the LOWEST PRICE! ; AIR CONDITIONING, liolod gl•u, whihw•ll ""'· · • heed restJ. No. 9K'42Fl0l279. ' . ................ ~ ........... ;................................... . ' A ·'Dunton Deal' •• Your Guarantee of the Best$$ Buy Anywhere '66 FALCON 5995 '68 MUSTANG $21 95 '65 DODGE $995 • $395 '60 CHEV. STA. WGN. v.·s, Automelic, Pcwer 1l11rin9. Rad io. heeler. Shir,. Lic.iwe FXY 729. '62 CHEV. IMPALA 4 OR. lro-Cyl., Aulom1t<c, Rtdio, H11ter. l ic1n11 PAR 4 11. '65 OLDS $1595 VISTA CRUISER. Ii PASS. WAGON. V.t, Aulomtlic, ~11 ~+ory 1ir, Powtr 1+11rirrg. Power br11ke.1. Red io: H11t1r. Lic1nt1 YTU SlS. '• '64 FORD s795 CL!ST. 5DO 1 Oil. 'J .f , Aulom•lic. A<r, Pcwtr 1lf1 rir~. Powe• br1k11, l ic1n11 OLS 095. '66 CHEVROLET $1495 IMPALA 2 OR. H.T. V-1, Aulom1tic, Power li11rin9, R1dio, H1 1t1r. l icen11 SQL 0)), '64 FORD $895 GAL. SOD 2 DR. H.T, V.8, Avlome+ic, R1d io, Heiler. l ic1n11 TYS426 . 2 OR. 6 Cyl., Stic~. Heeler. Retl economy. low mil119t. lic1n11 x~w 699. '65 FALCON $895 '69 MUSTANG $2495 FASTBACK. V-1. Sticlr, H11t1r, like nfw'. l ic1n11 YC6 Sll. ' '67 MUSTANG $1795 H.T, V-8, ~ Sp~. Power .1letrin9, Rtdio, Httler, WOdt o•th. Li~­ en11 ~YX 60 I, '67 MUSATNG $1695 H.T. V-8, Aulom1tic, Pow1r 1l1ering, R1d•o, H11t1r. ~inyl roof. l ic1n11 TUR 070. '67 OLDS $2195 CUSTOM SUPREME 441 . V.8, Aulcmeiic. Feclorv 1ir. Power 1l11r· in9, Power br1k11, Vinyl lop. l ic'11111 TUP 422. '66. MERCURY $.1695 '68 MUSTANG $22 95 CYCLONE G.T. 2 OR, H.T. V-1, A1domatic,' Fa ctory t i•, Pow-1 r tle1rin9, Power l:rr~ke1, buck•I 1e1f1. lic1,.t1TSA121. ' . H.1. V-1, Automt tic, Power 1l11rin9, R1Jio, H11t1r. t ic1n11 VOP • 117. • ' '67 FORD Sl695 '67 FORD $2 095 I CONVERTI BLE. V.I, Aulom1tir., Powtr 1'1erin9, Radio, H11+1 r" conJole, buc~el 11th, powe r lop. l ic1n11 VRR 8SJ. '59 FORD FA!RLANE 4 DR. V-1, Automtlic, Po,..tr Sl11rin9, Rtdio, H11t1r, R11I 1ll1rp. lir.11111 GVA 671ro. '67 M.USTANG $1695 C0NVElt.Tt8lE.·V-I , Au+omaiic, Powtr it11ring, Rad io, H11t1r, P.ow1r top. lic1n11 ' UON "248'. '67TOYOTA Sl1 95 CORONA 4 DR . Stock, R1d io, H11te r. lo"." mi!1 1q1. lic1n11 UAP1ro2 t. '64 Thunderbird $1295 H.T. v.1, Autom1tic, Fectory eir, Pow1r 1t11rin9, Power br1k11, Power window.', Pow1r 11111, Redio, H1•t1r. l ic1n11 POL 611. '67 CORTINA G.T. 2 OR. '4 ·Spd,, H1•t1r. lie'"'' TSP 241. '65 FORD $1095 GAL. 500. CONVERTlllE. V-1. Autom•t.c, Pow•• 1i11rin9, ll•Jio, H11;1I••~ Lictn•• UY'R 292. DART 4 OR. 6-C'lof. Automatic, Power 1t1erin9: ·R•dio, ,Hfel1r. Lil• en1e NBV'llO. • . '66 .FORD s1595 GAL. SOD - 2 OR. H.T. V-8. Au+om•lic, F1ctory 1ir, Pow-,r 1!11r• ing, R11dio, Heeter. lic11111 UOU Sf!O. • '6S Thunderbird ·· ·s149 5 HoT! V-1, At1'fm1lie, Fa<:tory_ eir.. Po:"'"' ''"~';"9· Po-..,tr diie b111r1t, Power window1, R1 dl_o, Hee.ttr. l.j~1n1• PIX ~S-S; '69 FORD $3-295. GAL. SOO FAS18ACK. V-8, Automelif, F.i,clory ,,,;,, Powt r 1i11rin9, P.o~er br1k11, R1d io, He.ter lic•n11 KTH 838. ~66 FORD $l395 CUST. 500 4 OR. V-1, Auto m1tic, F1clor~ 1ir, Pow1 r 1te1ring, Re• di.o, Heiler. liceni-1 SIP 84 3. '6'6 CHEV. $1595 ~.Al18U 2 OR, H.T. v.1, Autom1tic, Power 1t111i119, Redio, H11t1r, Vin~I top', Bucket 11•h, -Con1ol1. l ic1n11 UEL·6S~. , • CUSTOM 500 2 OR: V.1," Aulome!ic, Power 1l11rin;g, R1dio, Heit. er. lie'"'' TJM 9,lrolro • '64 F,ORD . t99S COUNTRY SQUI RE 9 PASS. v.1. Avtam•lie. f.ir, Po.",..,, 1t11rin9, keOio, Heet'er. UC11ne SVE 912. ' '65 FORD $J495 '66 FORD :tl795 COUNTRY $QUlliE 10 PASS. V·I. Autom1ti~r Pow 0 1r 1t11tlng , Pf!w- er Dr.-k11, Redio., H11t.r. lu9ge9• ••ck. lic1l1f UT~ 19&,: ; > ! ' . , • • I J ·: ' ·- . . DAii. Y PILOT HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE lDDO MA TT LA BORDE, Realtor . TRAILER -TRADE Guaranleed sale of your mobile home. Ex- change and move up to NEWPORT BEACH. Fine adult living -t!:ntertaln your friends in the neighborhood pool-BE FREE OF YARO WORK while you trav'el! Sound great! Watch your wife's eyes Udlt up when she discovers the HUGE MASfER BEDROOM SUITE, and bath with "man-sized" ceramic show- er!! Top value for $29,950. Come light your fire !! GARAGE Br WOlKSHOP Large double garage, toolsbed, 24'x25' work- shop stressed lor second story. Covered and enclosed patio-boat storage area from pav- ed alle'y. Three Bedroom. two bath home With EXTRA SPACIOUS MASTER BEOROOM and private bath. Well kept property in NEW· PORT HEIGHTS area. An excellent buy at ONLY $32,SGO. FHA-YA TERMS SIX VEAR NEW, completely redecorated. FOUR BEDROOM, family room, 1'14 bath home with fireplace, lorced air heat and built-in kitchen. Completely carpeted and draped. Lart{e over-sized double garage with washing facilities. 15'x20' patio, lenced yard -sprinklers. Only minutes from major shop- ping and schools. Conveniently located to COSTA MESA & HUNTINGTON BEACH. ONLY $27, 950. ' ACRE-UPPER BAY NEWPORT BEACH. Two bedrooms. H< baths plus guest room • offering country at- mosphere and a home !or your horse. 0\Yner has architectural ,Plans to remodel and en- large into a ramblmg ranch home. \Vhy light the crowds -Check this property's numerous possibilities. Priced u n d er surrounding homes at only $71 ,000 -SHOWN BY AP· POINTMENT. CHEAPIE -CLOSE IN ·ONLY $18,950. Don't let the price !ool you. This two bedroom -elegantly carpeted over wood floors has been remodeled r ecently and of!ers a BEAUTIFUL BUILT-IN KITCHEN WITH ASH CABINETS, break.last bar, din- ette area and s e p a r a t e service porch. Live in comfort and shop only two blocks away at E . 17th Street Shopping Center. R·2 LOT· ADO ANOTHER UNIT LATER. SAWMEN • SALESWOMEN NEEDED " 646·0555 220 !. St¥t0t-St. IE. 17th St. Slloppl119 Ctr.) COSTA MESA Gener11 ' CIRCLE THIS Another one in beautiful J\.lesA V<'rde. Pride of ownership sho\\•, lhroughoul this 3 l>Cdroo1n, :! bath channrr. A pla.nnl'd cov- rrt'd pn!io o\·erlooks a 1>rore~· !i1onnlly lanrlscapcd yard. 51' ·:. \.A. Juan • nn be assun1C'd. full l'r1t:~ S:l~.~~lO. KINGDOM FOR HORSES Jr you ha~··· i;ald. ",\ly Kini;do1n "·ould bf> a spot for 111y horses.'' YE-1.rn nol Another dn)! 1 ~ il L1Y' drslgncd for lh(! complete 1nai11h·11nncc of your hors~. J1usl\c feru.'t's !iurround a 3-bedroorn, 2·be.th horn<' ''uh an addf'd fiunit,y room for family llving. lfome and <.-om.ls are now vacant. Prlt:ed to sell. $34.900. • . SOME PEOPLE EXPECT TI·IE 11100N, but here·• th ... best bu)' "Under Uic Sun!:" Stunnlni.:: a bedroom, 20x26 paneled den with driftwood 1tone (IN'pl&Ci', fonnal d in· Ing room. 3 baths plu! park-llkf" irround$. This "·ell -built home hA.3 2400 sq. fettt. un~uall'd Ill $42,SM. GI NO OOWN 1'fow tn tor t•o11h1 and lm- 1JOund.1t onlr,. 3 hdrm.. :. baths. rlrep act'. him. rm., rovel't'Cf paUo, hd"·d. fh'll. Nrstlt'd in a flnr CoslA J\.ftou nelfhborhood--S24.- 9M. Ste t before It attlJt. l HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gonertl 10000ontrel 1000 GtMrll IOOOGener1I 1000General IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! OPEN SUNDAY 12-5 CUSTOM HOMES From $29,175 V .A. No Down· FHA Conv. ) • ' Stn J... t lDDO HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gentr1t 1000Gtn•r•I 1000 FINER HOMES QUALITY BAYFRONT Pier & float· a very beautiful, formal 3 bed- room, panel~d den home. Decorated in ex· quisite taste. O\vner 1nust sell NO\V. Re· duced $15,000. Offered al $139,500. Will con- sider $30,000 do,vn. Call to see this sacri· !ice. VIEW Elegant 3 bedroom with magnificent Mt. & bay view. Spacious living room; garden or family room: oversize pool \Yith extensive surrounding terrace. Done in exquisite taste. Priced to se ll , $127,500. Call for app't. GOLD COAST Just Completed - Ready NOW! ., • --Over f ,000 IQ. fi. ol Juxury living wilh a pan· -onmlc view. 4 BedroOliu, hu11 livln& room; formal circular dlnlo1 room; 111111~ illehin It brt1kl11t area. Paneled l1ml11 tOOi\l with llroplace. Like new. Priced ttu,ooo. • FEATURING' e 4 Bedrooms • Oversized lot1 e W /w (<1rpetin g thru.Out • Rear Fencing • Wood Roof e And MUCH MORE COME SEE FOR YOURSELF EZ TO FIND -SEE MAP Coats & Wallace Agts. -546-4141 1000 General 1000 General 1000 SHOPPING FOR A HOME ? Call, write or visit our office !or your free copy of our 4'Homes For Living" magazine -\vith pictures, prices and details of our select listings in Newport Beach, Corona del ~1ar and Costa h-1esa. TRANSFERRING? Ask us !or a "Homes For Living" magazine from any part of the country. 'Ve have associate offices throughout t he U.S. RED CARPET REALTY, 2025 ,V. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach 92660. (714) 675-6000. CLEAN LIKE A WHISTLE ovl'r 2300 S<I. ft. of bcauti· fully mainrainE'd home. Four bedroon1s;"'2~; baths, con\'er- tible den, kitchen nook and formal dining area. 11 you've seen the GRUBBfES you'll appreciale our PRETTY. 379 SANT A ISABEL OPEN 1 10 5 SUNDAY s.46-2313 Baker · General 1000 CORONA DEL MAR POTENTIAL BAY VIEW LOTS Build a 2-story home & 2nd story \\'ill have s pectacular v i e w of main bay channel & panoramic ocean view. Two adjoining R·l lots can be sol\j separately at $32,500 each; in 200 block on lovely tree-lined street, close to Ocean Blvd . CHESHIRE REAL ESTATE • 675-2503 • DOVER SHORES LOt Large. view, corner Jot l05xl38 ; ii desired \\"ill build to suit. Architect's plans available. BEAUTIFUL DECOR 5 Bedroom, 31/i bath view home. I-luge. sunk- en family roo 1n \vith floor to ceiling fire- place, \Valk-in \vet bar. Elevated terrace, b~y & Mt. vie\v. Sp<!cious, vie\v side garden ,viJI accomodate both pool and play area. Separate maid's quarters. 3 Car garage. Asking $88.500. Open Sat. & Sun. 1712 Anli· gua \Vay, Dover Shores. LINDA ISLE BAYFRONT O\Vner moving: beautifully decorated home \rith large pier and slip. 4 Bedrooms at- tractive. spacious living room. formal ' din- ing roon1 , family room. 3 iireplaces. A real buy. must be sold immediately. Asking ~135,000. Call for app't. iohn macnab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642·823S General 1000 General 1000 J ~G!"e~n=,~,-.~l~'!'-'!!-:::'!'~!"l'!'OOO'!"j~G~e~n~e!'!ra!l:::!~~==~:OO=:OI G~neral 1000 _G_e_n_e_ra_l ____ _.;.1'"-000 BEACH BARGAINS $21,SOO 546-2313 .• 646·7171 A Thousand Miles of Ocean View Be Sure And Read MESA VERDE :; Br, fain. rn1. 2 Ba. $26.j{l() 2·S1y. a-lram, charmrr $29,jOO ~ Br. l Ba. l\r ocean $32,900 I.Sty. A-frame, low 11.t $23.500 CAYWOOD REAL TY 6306 \V. Coast H11i'Y .• N.B. • S48·1290 • NEW CARPET NO QUALlrYING Everyone ran as~umc this high FHA Joan. s.46-9521 or 541>-6631 NEWCOMERS * :; Bll 1~;. Ott1h. hd\\"ood floors. rpls I drps. frplc, double g a r a i:: e. beautiful [cnctd ya1•tl. $2t:;ocl t-3 BR 1 1 ~ b11th~. carpels, drapes, large fenced yard. Vacant • imm<'d. possession. $20,T:>O. Wells-MeCardle, Rltrs. 1810 Newport Blvd., C.r.1. 548-7779 anytime n1elit'u!t)U~ Europran ra.mily is sellinit their four year old ·l hf'droo1n 1·ir\\' home. ll's spotless tind with a view of the Pac1fic Coast you 1vo1i"l believe. ThcrC''s nol another one in lhc area like it at $36,SOO ~ce lt naw ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 293 E. 17lh St., 64(>..4494 -OCEANFRONT - NE\\' I. 5 BN!room ho1nes. 3 hath.c. family roon1. for1nal dining roon1, "·ct bars fir~­ placrs. carpets. inte;-con1, sundecks, plus many other fcalurcs. f ron1 Th' Ad 123,950 15 Irani 10 fu1d al 1his low priC<? !hr lrulh in lrnding law in sut·h 11 drsirable location. 11·on•t let us. tell you ho1v J Bcdrooru~. 2 sepan1e n1ucn t.be paymc,rits are on /Ji1.ths. Built·1n range -' over th.ls 4. bd:room Colleg<' Pai·k· Sunny kitchen 5-10.1720. home, hlit \\"c c1:1n say TARBE LL 2955 Harbor lhry"re low and lhey include •axes, and we can say that I.he average annual inter-OCEANFRONT est ratr is 5\2'"i., an Fl!A 3 BR home on excellent loan \vhlch 1neans you can bcn.ch: S54,950 . assumr it. and\\~ can't say George Williamson how much the down pay. REALTOR ment will be, but \Ve \\111 1,'.,"., .. 1~350~· ~"!"!!E!!v~'~'-.,'.,13-!!!!!15'-l~I say H's well "'Orth you're I~ \1hi'c 10 !ind oul, i1·c ct1.n * $21,950 -Owner * trll you mor<' about 11 O\"er J Bdrm, I ~, ba, frplc, r/o. the phonr. bu! you"ll have \\"/1v crpt!. dbl gar, b-b-qut. to call us c.iui:e """ dO"n"l fncxl. pn!lo. 2'll{) r.taple St. h•l\"1' ~our nurnber 616-1191 -'-"'-23"9~· =~~~--I I.'! OUI"~. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St., 64(>..4494 4 BEDROOM POOL $18,900 $79,900 T BESfBUYS*- sound~ unbelicvablr doesn't it. but it"s true and thJ~ home fs immaculate through- out. With four large bed· rooms. !\\'O baths, forced air he111, double garage, block 1\•alJ Jc-ncr, and shorl dis. tani:r lo beach full price 18,900. d!d I say 18,900 ~ ? ho11· can lhal tic? You'd lll't. Irr i<r(' ii raullf• 1t"s Ir u ,. call 610-,j 191 Tt•ny Ranch-Te•ny Prie• l latf aL'rr \\'Ith many trr••s. A co1.y home just one block fro111 all cily 1·onvf'ni1•nc('ll. Zoned for hori:r.~. doRi<. l'!l' -r.tuybr rligihlr for c111nmercial -~28,500--Try 10'",. du\1"11. UPPER BAY EXECUTIVE t:r11rrtai11in~ Is a cWlch 111 this nirf'l_\' plRnn<'d home 1\·ith ov1•r·sizf' roon1.•. l.llr£t' l11·ii11:: llnrl f11n11!v rooms. •'Reh \11th 1hrir O\\"ll f\rr11la1·~·s plus ~tTl'f'n· •'fl l11n111. B<'£it1hful tl1"t"urnlrd an•\ h111ds1·111}('d. Sei:l ud<'d rear )llid. 111r(•f' bt'<lrooms, 2 11 bn1l1~. in1cr<•(IJl1, n1Rny e.'l:t.ras f<'alurrs. \111'1'° of "IJJlf'r hay and EA11tb)uffs. $49.7acl. Cun ai.· ~time 7'"0 loan. Huntington Harbour Bayfront This i! one or a re"' pr1mt' location in 1111 of Huntington Harbor -4. BR ., lam. nn .. dining rm., ""et be.r "'\th: l . A IArJre bay vie\\" 2. Natural pro· tcction from prevaUlng \\'ln<h on pa- tio & dock area. ~. Sun on patio & d<K:k All d11y, 4. No 11unshln1> 1n thr homr, lravC' the drt1 JX'S oprn for llll clav vlr,1·. Plus much, much niorr. Sl25,CXXJ. (ly.•ner 11 111 r-.:t•hans;t• for in· !>t)nlf' pt·(lrlCl'ly tlr l11n<t PIER & OOCK FOR 40' BOAT \Vatch u1tC l>Gats i.:u hy frum a 60 ft. rlfltio rhtht on the \\'atf'r. Q11l11t Nl!lt• rul. "Ith no trafflr cir 1)Rrklng prob- l<'nl. 3 Bedroomt. 2 hath11, ~plr ond 11pan condition throuGhOUI. 56i.500. CAn ~ SHn 11.nytlme. WALL OF GLASS & POOL S;:mc.iout living room wtlh l'llract1ve fireplace and \•ic"' lo " J6x36 pool. Prnff!fl'lion11.lly land1'c11.flf'd -$32.500 • WE HAVE BEEN TOLD ••• that '"e have the finest team of profession- al realtors to be found any\\1here. \\larking together. ,.,,e can solve your real estate problem successfully. "Wrreo.good •.. biicaus.e we work hard. \\'hy not n1ake us prove ourselves to you~ \\'ell both be glad you did. Why not let us salve yaur real estate problem? tr you have a friend or relative moving tr. this area -please call us -\ve \viii send them area maps and information on - E1nployment. Schools. ReCreation. Hous· ing for' rent or for sale, and any other in- formation they may request. CORONA DEL MAR 332 MARGUERITE 673-8550 PACIFIC PANORAMA r.rla,,: 111 lh(' sun and \\1lltl'h th<" boat~ co t1y 01\ take a dip i11 lhf' h1.ri:-1• hrntrd 1xx•l-.1 BF.DROO~IS. fnnn11l rhnirn: room nnd I\ family rnnm. - f it•t:N t"(I!~ ''OUR J;o.;SPECl'J()'.\. l lo :) Sal, & Sun. -1633 Yairflr!d, Ca· 1nrv Shore;:.. CORONA DEL MAR -INCOME UNITS - SIX 2·bedroom units .soulh of hijj:h· \\1ly. 2 blockll to OCt'an. In a fl11"'1tl- ian setting. Ellch apL \1·ith sC'Clud('d Jl/\llo. Blt·in kitchen!. C&r1~tcd 11nd drarlf'd. Excellcnl summer rtntal ar~a $145.000. . Own•r Will Finance At 7~~ Corona <lei l'lar. Charm \1 ilh a mini v1r1\\ SpAclou1 2 bed1-oon1 and drn "·i th :1. dell$:htru1 <'C>\·<'red !lfltlo. :-.·o puint~. no (et>1, no hnpound account, no pnyofr penally -Call ns quick. View Hom.-First ThT'I• Offered The COJ\tPLETE hou5e IJX"ClAcular,. 180• ,.Jf!'w 11nd spnrkllni:: ·pool Jn a 11helttrcd t"'Ourtyard. 3 bedrooms.. :J\~ baths, ronna.I dJnlna-room and famJly room. Quick OttllJ>Rncy flvailable. A top \•aluf! al only $77.500 . • INCOME PROPERTIES COSTA MESA l V2 Yrs. -8 Un its 2 Cun1phm<'nling: fuurplf'xl'~ \\llh :l-3 !>1-droom &. ~:.!bell· ruon1s -All units hnvc 2 bllth~ nnd 1111 bu1ll-1ns. ShO\\"$ r,1,.(•rl- l<'nl rc1tu·n 11nd could be n flnc lil r·111 U\1'nr1· pruil('rty. 7 SEPARATE HOUSES E{lrh unit i~ ~rpartlt" homP 1\•ith ll'nccd yard and garage. Tola.I land Rrta I~ 72."300 In excellent rental J'lrf'll. Sh0""$ t:ood r<'turn. Owner ""ill hrlp finance <>r will trade for srason. rd trulit dt'l'ds. M·l w;th Homa & Mfg. Bldg. Property I~ ('(ln1plrtely pa\·ed And has Ct!:mPnl bJOC"k "·all on 3 sldr~ f\lfg. bui\dln~ are used for boat building "nd Arr d i\'idcd inlo stllll!!:. 120xt40 01.,.r nil. l'lui; fl 3 brdro.-.rn home ""Ith tcnCfl!. f)lltio and pool ~67,500. r iir full lnformellon 011 -"1'1Y of lhe abovo • , Please call 111ny one or 011r offlCf'~ -\Ve're Ollt'n all d•Y SUNDAY. r ' S1tul'day, August IJ, 1 %fl • ..,,. DA?L't Pfl.OTi • f"I HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES jlOlt ULI "I 1~~~~-"'-:;.._.:.:.:::.:.::.:;;:..:...;""'-':;:.:.;:__1~:.=c~.:...::..:.:.::.:=:.._.;.;=.;:;:.:..;_;:;::..:.:.;:::.: G1ntr1f IDgq G!n11r-1 _ ltoQ G1 Mr_-.I 1000 O:t_ner•I 1000 G1n1rel 1000General 1000 General 1000 <Uhtr•I 10000.nwal 1GID Pele Barrell .JeeJ~ pl'eje1ild · OPEN HOUSES LIDO CORNER-f\1ove in conditioo 3 bdrms, d1!1ing roo!'fl. 3 car ~aragc, large sunny patio \v1th max1mu1n privacy. Large Jot. 522 Via Lido Soud Sat./Sun. 1-S NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Exclusively ours. 2 bdrm. ho·me on large \\'Cll kept lot with separate g u e s t house. Situated in quiet neighborhood. $27,500. SOS Santa Ana Av1. Sunday 1-5 AUTHENTIC BALBOA HOMEI Only $125 • 000 Co: this 4 bdrm. home on the bay froni .. -main bay -glistening sandy beach, most :;.pecFculer \1 ie\v in harbor. 318 uena Vista Sat./Sun. 1-S -* ... • BAYCREST CORNER -P r ic e reduced. O\vner anxious to sell this \varn1 & friendly home. 3 bdrm~. dining roo1n . family room. \Vonderful \rorkshop -darkroo1n • luxurious built-ins. • • * BUILDERS ATTENTION-Build up a good monthl.Y income by living in a comfortable house 111 rear & building 2 or 3 unils in front. Large Jot -52 x 218', $27,700. Office Open Saturdays & Sundays PETE BARRETT REAL TY 160S Westcliff Dr., N.B. 642-5200 2 STORY REPUBLIC IJeaulilul 4 bdnn with formal dining room & family room. I lu ge backyard room for boat or trailer AND POOL. Owner moving Easl. Occupancy be- fore school starts. A buy al $36,950. BEACH DUPLEX 2 roomy 3 bdrnl units in this del ight- flLI Cape Cod 2 story duplex. O\\•ner's unit has 21h baths. paneled family roon1 & cozy fireplace. Both units have sun decks, electric thermo heating & only 2 blocks to ocean, 1 block to swimming beach. Priced at $54,950. COATS & WALLACE, REALTORS 1491 BAKER STREET l46-4141 COSTA MESA, CALIF. ¢© Gener ii 1000 Gener1I 1000 CHINA COVE 3 BR -$17,950 SM' !his custom built Corona dcl 1\lar quality bo1ne ju.~t ,;tep!! from !hf! best Ocean beach. 4 bdrms + loft for JX>Oi table or '.". U11iquc use: o! slont for fireplnt"e & btu!!. in BBQ. Call for appoint. rnl'nt !O ~e this uuus1111J ll'an \rcUs' ho111c at the bcarh. \Valk to exc:cllcnt ~hop. pin!.!. Swimming pool & 1-ecrealion area only itlf'p.1! <'lway. Adult liv - ing at il11 be~L Rea scm· able tr.nns will buy thL.~ btauty. 1000 !General "!!!!!'!!!!!!~I Roy J. Ward Co. :;;; l~ay,·rci.t Oti11.:c1 JC-. COATS ~WAL~ACE REALTORS ~l46-4141~ {Open Evenin~) General Small Horse Ranch 2 BR I bath homr & garage completely f('ncM. T r y $2350 do\1•n. 2 On a lot Newport Hts Area ID00 11::0 GaJa;\y ll6.Jj;iO LOOKING F'or a quality hom" ;it a sensible price .. Then see this new hsung in fashionable Bay1·rest v.ith 3 bedrooms, 2 ba1hs, lormaJ <lining room. ~pacio~ family room, hrated sv.·imming f)f11Jl. This 11·on·l l<1 ~l long OPEN SUN:-1-l - 1430 SERENADE I "'!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!! Ino1n<' Terr., Corona rirl ~f.1r $19, 995 Allrartlvr. in1marulatr No Down G.I . home in l>cautllul gar d r n ~tonl!i!y pay1nenrs lr\!.ll lhan srtting rrnt: Loads of c:ha..rm, a 11 Sl2.!JOO nl<ldt>m l<ltchrn i;parioWi Wm. Winton, Realtor li\'1n~ 1 .. d1n1ng mn1. '.!29 r.111n!'ll'. ~I. 1~1. 6T;>-33JJ TARBELL 846--0604 \Vhite ('lephants! Oime-a-lme Find it 1vith 11 "'allt ad: .J,.,.epfacea lfe ,Jl,,Ja .Jjfe OfMn S1.1nd1y 12 • S 14 Lindt Isle Drive A Rare Find on Waterfront In final stages of con1plction, beautiful, 5 .Bedroorn, 4lfi Bath ''aterfronl. home. l.argc spaeious roonu;, fireplaces in Uving room & n1aster bedroom. full y carpeted, landscaped & complete concrete boat tl0t:k. l'rh:e<l at $135.000. LINOA ISLE DEVELOPMENT CO. Bill GRUNDY 67l·3210 G-.-n-.,-.-, 1000 I General 1 lGOO] $16' f :C,PBR~ ~~~ND ;;;;:P:;;OU:;;N:;;D:;;I N:;;G :;;S;;;UR:;;F:;;;; '.'I i\lakt> up 1he mas~h!' patin! \\'here 111 1hr v.orlrl c;an you find a 3 bcilrot)ni. 2 h:\\h hon1c. NEAR TllE BEACH 11·1th elrclrlf' built-1ns. r-.:cr l- lcn! carpr1. liout ilnur In back )'ard. a11tl VhCA:'r"!' LESS THAN 2 flOO 001\'N' ! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES . Walker & Lee :?iOO llarhc>r nl~·rl. at Ada.ins S.lf>.9 1~11 Oren ·u.1 9 Pi\! liJ'ffflifj CONDOMINIUM ~pankin.c: (•!ran :'\ hdnn 111 f;in1lly srl·!J<'ln fJ( .\fn11!1l·1>lln. 1 story 11 llh 11tidC'd panrhni: a II ti ~tll'lv111;::-. i\1a1n1rn.111.·1· lrt>r Irving ~·11h rq1111y t.iulld-up. L o 1v d1.111 n, low p1·i~ -S:!l .S:-..0. ')l~<Scil ( rl(J\cait \' ~ 546-5990 IS YOUR AD IN CLAS.'-1· £IED '? Someone "'Ill br lookini; tor it. Dtnl 612·56i8 !~ nn1\' ~l"f'I~ :111·11v lrru11 !hi~ :l !lR 2 b~1!h CORf):":A DEi. t>IAP. lll'lmr lni•;itr<f "" I'l1h- li11 ~ll'N'I fa!Jo\!' bi:; Cnl'•j unal. $37,500 Newport " Victoria 646·8811 Anytime OUPLEX /G.I. Oi· t•llA l<'l'lll~. Lt1 f' I' ... 11 I h~'''· ~ en. {'~I'll. (;ara~{'~. Pnv pa11os. hll·ini;. I PyranHrl f::>.., hang:ors 6·16·:'G~'.'l 646·7171 • 546·2313 Assume S l/4 ~~ ll48 MO. PAYS ALL S21 ,9l0 J lx'dt'OOm. 2 halh 2 r :i r g<inH!''' i.:...:crl1cn1 ~nd1!11.111. HARRY A. BOGGS 2 BR I bath each. Only $27,500. a! S;,G.500 Cal J im Cobb General IOOOGeneral 1000 t,jener~I IOOVGeneral 10-00 I Dream Kitchen Dose in ho111e on rornPr r:.2 lot. Bt"droon1 i1·1ll hilnd\c king sized bed. All tlus ror ~23.500. Luchenmyer TRIPLEX lAAo Ne11port B!vrl. ('\f Rlt.. 646-3928 Eve$. 646-2290 Pride of 011nrrsh1p. Li'vP in 011·ncr's uni! & ]rt !he 2 BR. Unit~ ray your \1·ay. S·1tS00 Ofl('n hoU.'i(' Sal. ll· Sun. J.;i. 6J.3 Plumn1rr, C.i\t. $1600 DOWN to II qu1dif1"" l'l!AIVA •'1!1- rran buys !his 1m11111r-ulatr :> BR & dPn :'.lr~i\ VC'1de horn!'. 2828 E. COAST HWY. Corona del Mar 673-3770 SPLASH Open This Weekend 1847 TAlllTI ORIVL Bir.: family hnmr, 5 BR 2900 5(J. rt An1hony poril. for $27,SOO Tha!'i; n gh1'. Collt>i;e Par kl 11rf'a. 3 BR 15-.:311' ponl. Out of l'la tp O\\'ner wa11t" f11st ~ale. Quirk pos~rs~ion. £n.1 Jn:v :-ummer l'\1·1mming 1 Takr a look ~· suhmlt ~·our tPrms. :;~0-1151. llC'ntage P.eal ?.A;talr <riprn f'\'C'~.1 fre!hly rerlec. Sharp loc 1n I -----_ .... .,._--~-II i\lrAA \'rrrlr , Listed ~..i i.~ NEWPORT HEIGHTS -but all 0Ur1-s 1nv1ted : $19,SOO ~~g.sago ,·,.ry rn1y I.· r nmfnrtable lneii ttntma lhtahtl h'1n1r. ,\lost gr:v:1cius h1·111; llEGE REALTY 100111 "'Ith Hl 1n1·it1n:: lire· 1500 Adims l1 Hirbor.CM. pl~t-e. E:-.f'l'llPn1 lra11on. :'> 10.1 i2n o"i"A"c"d"i,.."",1"6'".,"·~"'"6'"111"."Ch""".,..~el TARBELL 2955 Harbor your ad. !lien sit back and DAlLY PfLOT \VANT ADS hr>ten to the phone ring! BRING RESULTS~ General IOOOGenera l For The Man Who Has "Made Good" Absolute Spanish elegance designed for the active fa111il y and gracious entertain· ing. 4 bcdroo1n plus 3 baths, large family room \Vilh built·in v.1el bar. Le ss than 2 years nC\V. Prestige Haycresl address. A must sec at $76.500. Hesitate You Lose Hurry. Hurry 1'\eat 3 bedroom l :i~ bath on a nice big fencect co rner lot \\'ilh access fo r boat or !railer. Ne\IJ rl rapt:s lhrough out. Assum. able low interest loan. fo\111 price $22.500. Money Maker Ilere is your chance lo invest in your fu. ture. 6 choice units close t0-the S .. ..\. Coun· try Club. Pride of 01vncrsh1p throughout with lath and plaster construction and concrete drive\vays. Plenty of green area. $69h00 and "'Orth it! FOR A WISE BUY COlESWORTHY & CO. 642-7777 . Pru l/UMe M l11l11• et l 11.,.bln11 kllloef f,.. Selt•ll'Mlnt.1, Clepn l11ternt•tf 111 A IHI ltt•t• Cerftr7 Cell fet l11tenle• 100-0 Open Houses : THIS WEEKEND 'ffP thit h11111dy tf/f'tctory with yae thlt weeJteti4 •• rou l)o heu'9 hunlln,. All Ille lotelio111 f11tH M lew Drtl d"'tlbed 111 4"0ler tfoleU hy t1d'ftrtbJ119 DI .... wlter• 111 tod1r'1 DA ILY PILOT WANT ADS. '•tTe111 1hewln• epen llowi.es fer pl• er le f'tllt -.,,.._, ro llu "''~ l11for1T1elle11 In lhli col•"'" ••c• frldoy. 12 Bed 1oom) 321 Poppy _.\ve., Corona dct !\lcir 642-8Uj !Sal & Sun 1·5) 232 ·rustin, Nc\vporl Beach 673·8550 !St.i i 2·6l 12 Bedroom + Guest Ho use) JO:) S(l nla .o\na A,·c. rNr\vport l~eighti"l Ne,vport Beach 6'12·5200 (Sun 1-5 l 12 Bed1oom & Family 01 Den) 1213 (';in1bridge Lane ( \Vestcliffl NB n41l-7414 !Sat & Su n) 1430 Serenade ( lr"ine Terrace) Cdl\1 675-3331 !Sun 1·5) • 13 Bed1oom) *:!42 .Joann St. (College Park ) Ci\l :;4s.957a (Please call fir st l 20:l2 J\·li ra1nar, Balboa Peninsula tii!l-6000 (Sat J.!j) 4,)4 Santa Ana .\\e. 1Ne\\1port Heights) Nc\\·port Beach ;)48·5508 (Sun 1-5! 2-150 Fordhani. \.o:)la i\Icsa (Sat & Sun 1·5) 522 \'ia 1,ido Soud !Lido\ Ne,vport Beach 642-5200 rSa t & Sun 1·5! 2187 Irvine (County Corridor ) NB 64f,J255 (Sal 1·5) 11577 Cori:ica Place. Cos ta 1\·tcsa 546·fl784 /Sat & Sun) 4908 River Ave . (Lido Sands) NB 67"·413Q · !Sun 1-5) 309 Vista Ba.va (Back Ba y) NB '\. 675·5 72" 1sun 1·5) *2Al E. \Vilson, Costa J\1e~<1 646·717 1 (Sal & Sun 1·5) ll Bed1oom & Femily or D~n) 117 Poppy Ave ., Corona del Mar 675-2101 1Sun 1-5 :301 •1701 r.aJatea Terrace. Corona d el l\lar 675-3000 !Sat & Sun 1-5) **107 J\·l1lford . (rrunco Shores) CdJ\t 833·0700 ; 644-2430 !Sun 1-6) *1224 Nottingham Road (\Vestcliffl NB 642-5200 !Sal 1·5J *633 Can1~0 lli ghland!i, Cameo I1 igh· lands. Corona del !\-tar 073.-6510 (Sat & Sun afternoon) 1147 Glencaglc. Costa ~·lesa . 541).1720 1Sun 1-5) 19031 c·olehester Or., lluntington Crest 842-6601 (Sun 1-5) 17942 Mann (University Park) lrvine 675·4 130 ... (Sun 1·5) 11 32 Goldenrod. Corona de! ~tar 675·4130 1Sun 2·5) 316 Rubv Street. Balboa Island 675-3331 <Sun 1·5) 418 SL i\ndrc1vs Road. (Npt 1-Jghts) NB 646·1133 !Sun 1·5) 17164 Courtney Ln (llunlington J-I a.rbour1 l-fr_1nt ineton Bea ch 835·4422 ISat & Sun 1:30-41 2038 NDrth Katella fi\1esa \.·erde) C!\1 ... [Sun 1·5) 3228 lo"'~ St. (\fcsa Verdel ·~1 642·1771 !Sun 1·6) 2026 Clubhouse Dr. f~Jcsa Verde\ C!\t "40·1720 (Sal & Sun 1·5) 2033 Paloma (County) 2915 Ellcs 111erc, l 'ost3 ~lC~il 546-23 1:1 fSun 1 -~) **l !ll~ H;i,·sicl c Drive, (;or(}na !lt'l .\l.:ir 675-43!)2 · lSal & Sun t .;.\ 14 Bod1oom) '.!ftl!l rBt:ilpa (East\Jluff) !\C \\port Uc<1l·h 114:)..2000 jSat & S11n 1·5) 195~ Vi sta CaudBI. 11·1ic Bluffs) fd~I 675-59'.)() !Sun 1·'11 *2417 f'orllhan1 Drive (L'ollcgc J>ar;;;i 1'\\ 6·16·8811 1sa1 & Sun l ·ol (4 Bed room & Fdmily or Den) 21::i2 NBlional A\·c., c·o),l<J hies<.: 543-2701 tSho\vn by ;irpt l 11:706 K Thanga (lr\·1ne Terr<1cc) rdl\I 645-2000 <Sat & Sun 1-5 ) ;)Q'.!7 \<1 rnb ( J·:astb!uff\ Nc\1 port l)e<ich 67:).2101 /Sun 1-5:301 :!!fl Lnrk.~pur. ('0rona rl cl i°'IC1r fii:J.0751 !Sat.~ Sun) ~ 1:! Riverside Uri l'c. Ne1,rport Beach 548·W86 !Sal & Sun 10·8 1 1:180 G~lnxy Dr. (Dover Shorei:) l\'[3 64:!-82:35 rsat & Sun\ :!2:'i Nnrlh Star Ln . (Dover Shores\ NB 6t2-8:!35 rsat & Sun) :!J65 Greenbrier Lane. Co:;l;i rvlei:B /Sat&. Sun 1·5 ) * 1!:130 Conu11odore. Ne1vport DeBch rsun 1-5) 461.S Pcrhan1 (("an1eo Shores) Cti~I 833-0700 : 644-2430 ISun 2·lil 1941 \\'inrt'"ard La ne IBayrrc~\) NB 6.Jr,..1255 ·<Sat & Sun 1-5) **:118 Buena \'1:)ta (Bal boa J'cninsuJa) llalhoa 642-5200 isal lt.. Sun J-5). '.!;141 lr\inc ll3<.1ck C::a)'·) l\e~pnrl BcnC'h 540-1720 fDB ilv 1-5 1 J L.5 !\1ilfo rd Rd rran1co Shorcsl c·d:\1 675·6®!i ( S;i! it... Sun 12-~ I 1101 \.\'hite ~ail s \\'ay, Corona dcl !\lar 044-2716 (.Open 1·5) 14.10 Gala xy J)nvr !!Jover Shorci:J N'l~ 646·15fi0 /Open Dail,v) :!084 r.ol<lenevc . Co.~1 3 ~Jr<;;;1 fl46·2'.I 11 · 1Sat & Sun I ·~I 2027 Palon1a , !County) 646-7171 ISa l & Sun \.,j\ l 318'1it1ntiBgo. Nc1\'port Beach 646·7171 (Sa l & Sun l·:ll •256 'Orr;invic1\, Ne\\·11orl Rr.a eh 646-7171 <Sat & Sut1 J.fi) IS Bed1oom) **14 Linda Isle Drive rL1nrla ls\f'l NR 6iii·3210 rsun ~.;;i IS Bed1oom & F•mily 01 Den) •4:116 Rrixbury Rd (Cat11C11 Shorci:) (rl~t 675-3520 !!'at & Sun 1·51 1712 i\nti.i::ua \.\'ay tDovc r Shnresl NB 642-8235 !Sat & Sun) 2060 Pharalopc. Cos t.;i ~·lri:a !l46·23 11 !Sun 1-!j: ~lon:? :i l 13~ Oriole r~tes<i \'erde) Co~tn !\'le$:i 546-5090 isun 1 :!·ti) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 12 Bed room! 7lfl l\·J ari~old, Corona dcl l\1ar 675-2 101 1snn 1·5 :30) 1201 \V. Ba.v. Nc,1·port Beach 673-6210: 675-0998 !Sal & Sun 11-51 617 Narcii<:"!US, c;orona del l\t<1r 673·2222 (Sal & Sun 1·51 CONDOMINIUMS ll Bodroom ) 140 L<>xJngton l~lontlccllo\ rnsla J\let;~ 642·1771 (Sal & Sun 1·51 TRIPLEX FOR SALE 65:1 Plummer, Costa ~tcsa 673·3770 IS•t & Sun l·ul • • • Peel •11tf W•tfffre11t ._, .. W•terlte11t ....... , PAUL WHITE CARNAHAN .,_e.. Paul • White -Carnahnn Realty Co. 546-5440 OUR 24th YEAR •, ••••••I• I• I•••••• I•••• e •I I• I l WE'RE SORRY • • • IF YOU ARE MOVING to ony other oreo in the county -but if you ore, coll us ond we'll refer you I et NO COST) to the leading real estate firm in thot city! ... ond of course we'll be hoppy to list your home ond gel ii SOLD fost! P.S.: Sellers! This "EXTRA" service bring• many out- ol-stsle buyers referred to us by Real Estate firms oil over the notion •.. CALL 546-5440. "The Home of Complete Rea I Estate Service" • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I • I I 11ERE'l At4 INVESTMENT 11· n r I h c:nn~idrratior1. (111 nrr li1111idallni; intrr• r ... t Jin~ 2 BR hon1r. Bit· in kit. rr-fril!t"ralor, i::ood l'Ol'ldillon. f'urni1<h· rd. Only J •,., blOf·ks lo O•"i'nn. l'li1s a 1 hrdroom 111111 rt\'"l' Clll'll\.:f'. {"l\11'· 1·r 11~k1n~ :s 10.noo. 1\lakt> 1tflC'r. I t'~ a bll'"I"'!'. 51\i·Zl•IJO FHA APPRAISED 133,500 \'urnnl u!lra n1ud,,rn J·'.lt'h!rr bull I 4 BR dr11 homr -in Or11n;::r -0\'1•r :.'OI) ~{1. fl. nr l1\it1l! 11rra -2 bnlh-,- :!~,,:lO Iii· 1·111. flrcplac"'. ~··1~ra lr n1n~1t·r bdrn1. \11th private: h11!h. Stc:p 'n1er llll·in k1tehrn plu!I l••r• r•atinc arra. •:, Bcrr 1,,1 \1 /frull t1·1·r-.:, 6.1"Xl r>'irlrn1ntor1 Co11r1. Chou_·r lll'f';I. Art••••!<. It) l'\rll'JIOl'l r r ... r11•11r. i'fl•'f' s:JJ.'.100 ff!,\ lf'l'lll.~. ;,16-.'>110 ULTIMATE IN OUTDOOR U\·inJ!. is this 2990 ~'l· foul. :> bedroom home 111 Bayc~st. Beautiful cUs· ion hc111ed pool. loads of ccmt'nt de<"king. Trop• icat land.~prd groundti cnn111lt'1r 11•ith sprink· lrtr., front & 1'{'8r. .1 hath:'!. marblr sinks. all i'iHTll'tP<l, Extm large "utslandini:: kllt•l11•n, rr- 1'1•t lio::htinG'. hit-in di~h· .,.11 s h(' r. rr frigf"rator, <lo11hl<' ovrn. illos11ic till'd doublf' rnlry. F.:x· J1f'n~11·1• 111/1" cpt~. !'Ind r1rrH ·S. rrie<' $7:1.,.JOO. \'a· t•::i111. illakt> (Jfff'r. :)46·:Yl•10 CAESAR'S PALACE \Va~ nQ finer th&n thi5 ouh~Landini:: 4 IJ('droon1, fnmi!y room homr in i\ICtoa Verdi'. t.1assive pil- h1rrd 46 foot 1·00L t:ovi•r- r'(I J)ll!io, tro1ucal land· S\:apini.:. !ire pit \1atrrfall. ~ baths. 2 1-hov.·l'N>. traffic fr('e Jiv- in).:' room. formal dinini::: 1·oom. Tilrd Pntry, lovr- ly kilchrn, natural fahi- nct11. bit-ins. sl'rvicC" rm., \\lllPr softenf'r. Va.c11.nl. < > \1 n r r frRnsft'rred. ll lui.t sr•ll. As kjng-S12.-:>00. call t()day. 546-54•10 2 CHOICE LOTS In beautiful Laguna Nii;· url -l'ully improved rPady lo build 70x 124 "'ith ''lew -Outstaml· ini:: area. Sll,000 M.ch- ing location in l'Xpt"nd- $Z200 dO\I II. 5•16·5rJ40 TEXAS SIZE ::i Bedroom ll'l1nc. Also has 3 00111!1. Tdcal !or that lari:;f' lan1lly. Ne: a r .~thooli; & shopping. lm- 111aculatr l'OndLtion. lluge Ji\·1n~ room. fn't'place and tori riuahty \1 /w cpls &: iil'ap!'~. Oulstancllng. All rlr1.:tr1c bH-1n O\'Cn l;. range. Park like yard~ 11·i1h i;pr1nklf'f'lll. Room for. boo!. A rllY!iil ~e at; 1::1.:i.;o. EZ.1rr111~. !!;16.~-ID •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MEN· WOMEN· LEARN MORE· EARN MORE Fine opportunity for experienced or inexperienced ' people-for a rewarding professional R. E. CAREER -Insurance Benefits -Bonus -Openings now! .1 • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NEAR WESTCLIFF CENTER, NEWPORT nr:1uti(11I :i Bf~ h un1e "ltl1 hanh•r11)cl fl nor.,.. \\'alk 111 M·huols & sho11· ]'Ill!.:. :.! 1Jnlhli, ~jliH'iOllS 11 11ni: !0~·111, firr1,l<11r. F'rno rd rrAr ~·111·d 111!h 11•\••ly l'f\\'1•r1•d l•ll!I<). 1 ~111·•·,I prtt·r(I hr1n1r irt 11111·1}!,r 1r1ch land~ - ( >,'ILY ~28.:.00. C~ll frir IT'S A SLEEPER ll 111T.~· l~t\ll inspr•r! lhis flt•p11l11r T pl11n, :1 Rn hnn1C" i fan11ly roorn In )lrs<I' Ik l :\tar. Ideal lo· i·~Jif"ln lo i.C'honl11. i;h<JJ•· pin!;;'. ~\11•p SA\'l'I' kitthl'll 1•llh lil•-1n uvrn. rang(', d 1~h1111.~h,.r. r n r n1 Ir n :-pl:i ~h. ]~, b111h<;. ~loll i.ho\1·rr 17:>..1 2 l11·1n).:' rrn., \\'/1v rpt~ & drnp""'· !'111~ a hrall'(I f.· ftltl'rrd ponl. lh111rr 11111 ... t ~I'll qu11•kly. S11hn11 1 1111 11[frt's. S32.· 9;}(1. ;1.IG-~ 1<10 3 BF.DROOM CONOOMINIUM r11111111e11l11t,.. h 1; n1 ,, ir1 lh11\<'f'1'1 ty P11rk -'I. rlnnr~ frnn1 1iool--Cholrr I ;n•rnbl'lt Jo1:.ilir1n -'I. h111h~. hri;.:hr built. in k 1 Ir hr n. 1111 •·lcclnr , :.!j-.:20 ll v1n).:' l'Ol•rn. fir,·- pl!1('1-. \1'all 10 111111 r-11r· JM'i ~ S-drap1.'~. 11r•t bar, 1~1lin f'r1cr s:t1.9:;c) - E·Z lr n ns. ;,.16·54·10 TAKE OVER 5 lA•/e FHA LOAN ,\'n rhan~r in inlt>rc~I ralr. Paymcnl!ii S11:2.00 111nn1h th111's all. F1nr :l Bit hon1 c 1n good locahon. r-.r11r :-r·hool~ .~ .. shopriini::. ll1any rxtras. r.1 i r r or panr!Pd 11·all t'fiVl'r r1rt'pl11t·t>. Quality \V/\v rpls, Drapr:s. :\7 :< 15 Blue lta\·C'n ht'atcd pool 1vi\h ~lu!r ,i,. hoarrl l\'C'll decked. Bll-111 kit, 2 baths. Ali<n nddN:I llllne!('(I ..l-tUed .(Hl'I\.({' i·onvr t1cd to !llm· PU~ roo111: A mu~I jll('f' "' $.ll.JOO 54(>-.5440 SWIM YOU SWIMMERS A must 51'{' pVOI hon1f'. Exquii;ilr 4 en plus r·us· lotn hretcd pQol. Good \rica tion on Eastside \\•ith hll·in ovrn It rang!', all rlrctric. Sr.acioui; livin.t: roorn, firrplaer, 1vall to \v11H cpts & draf!CS. J a1 h111h~. n yri;. •ild. r.001n f,,r IMlSll. Ptice S'.':2.900- t;.r, trr111~. 3-16·5'140 NO 5$5 DOWN Total prier $22.500. nr11J 1'11t .. 3 bdrm hotn!' lhat'i; h<>•·n All n1•v.·ly painlrd hi k QUI. Ila.!". hrh:ht kll· 1·hc11 \\ ilh buill·in nvrn & r11nr;:-r & dii;washt'r. Spacious-Jiving roon1 11•1!11 w/w rar~l~. fA ht"H 1. Frnt·ed rf'11r yard 11 ith patio. 2 car ~ar· 11 1;:!', Tojl valur al $22,· ;>()(), 546-5440 NO OOWN PAYMENT Tn ov.11 thi~ vacant tr.I-I ~·1-fool, 2' yean: old. 2 ' ~tor~'· ~ BR home plu.1 ' family room. Interior 1111 nr •,l'ly rt'p.1.1nted. ~ty, 1t'iruced kitchrn \1· I l h bl!·in rlN:lric t')*' Irv('! l range and doubll' oven, .. pl\Js dish~·ashi>r. Seperat~ hvinJ:: roon1. firplc. Large n111,1rr hf>•lroo111 w i t h rinva1r halh. t'Xfra large ....ardrobc c~Joscl!i. Buy on ·10 <lowo VA IC'rn1s. Lo1v Jown f"IIA or Jof, do..-n Conv.11nt1on&L , A 1 i l 1 I S2!l,700. )Jok• oner. 5'10.~~0 I LOW INTEREST RATE Anyonr c11n a ssume this "1 large :lt.I ';~ loan. No chllnre in ralr. W ell 1·011d1tioncd 3 BR + fam· lly room home in good convenient location near i<chool5. All !'il;"rlric blt· 1 in kil.. dlshY•Rsher, 2 lmlhs, 5!1111 ~hov.·er, v.·/w rpl s It dr11r"'5. firrplncl'. Only $2ti.900. -S176.00J 1110 include~ c\·c1·ythin).:'. ONE TEAR YOUNG ;, $27,350 .t11st ll~trd !hi~ '1 bdrm. ho1nc In <·hoiei" location 11·[\h lovely Spsnish ._r. ~·hltPcturr. Ou1stand1n~ J::ltl'Clcn kitchrn 1vith all ln1ill·ln~. bl'lithl rortnlcR lop &; double sink. I% h!1lhs, stall s hower. Crmrnl blo1;k v.·all yard, rronl sprinklr~. Buy no dov.•n VA lcrnis or f1--IA min. dn. 546-544(} Open House 12:30 to 5:30-2003 Beltre Place MESA VERDE -Vaca nl 4 Bedroom + lamily room. I~ slory - rusti c -3 baths -spotless condition -46 foot covered patio - professional landscaped -Reduced Price ••• NO\V $42.SOO. PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN nea1t11 ca: ·) 1093 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA "-546-5440 \ L !&J Dlll.Y-PllQT :S.l~, Augurt !, 1969 * $1iS ,OR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE 1000-•I 1000 ~r!"I 1000 ,1 ' •t.i ••• •• READ THIS ., • • • • Are you in the mar· ket for a new home, a home in a ,Prime area very close to 11untmgton State Beach; a home you can customize while it Is being built, a home de- signed by outstanding archi· tects and constructed by Frank H. Ayres & Son ; a Company that has been 1n business since 1905! IF YOU ARE e e e e Come lo RANCHO LA CU!STA al Brookhursl and Atlanta In Huntinglon Beach any day between 10 A.lt-1. & 7 P.M. and select y.our home in our ne"•ly opened UNIT V. PRICED FROM $2l,990 to $34,200 968-2929 or 968· 1338 ·-- General 1000 ---\;~:;: Gener1I ,• '1---------MESA VERDE 1000 1"·· OPEN OAIL Y J.S NE\V CONDITION • l;kauli-REPUBLIC HOME fully I and !I c a Ped yant, 5 BR 3 ba, cpts, drps. elect iiprinkllng sys(en1. sunken blr-ins. laJ~e c'<lmcr lot. llv. nn, tlin. roon1, 4 bdrmli. DAVIDSON Realty ,., 2 baths. Jae. fam. rn1. h1-fi. 5.S-5460 E\'es 545-5l~Z -1 all tle<:tric kitchen, c:t'nlral ''a~m. clc>et. gar. opener DON'T JUSf MSll for some. \IA.CANT· Call llO\v lo S.'f", thlni to fumis.h your home NEWPORT BEACH ... find greal beys In to- "'4>5 Fr.1ncisco riay'! Classified Ads. ,-!======-"==== Gen•ral lOOOG•neral 1000 1-~===============~ . I I , .. '" I ;i'I •'!I ~ 1-,1.,, I '' .. ., . 1,. ~ ... l: 1 .. : "' '· I . ..... 0 . "" 1 "· ! 0 " ' , I Coldwell, Banker OFFERS : LIDO'S FINEST-$197,500 5 BR. 6 Ba. Den, Family Rm. 2 wet bars. 5,000 Sq. Ft. or custom luxury in comp. privacy on 3 lot$. One of the 'Vesr s ou~· standing residences. Joe Clarkson CAMEO SHORES TWO OCEANFRONT HOMES OPEN HO USE I PM until 6 PM Sun.; 107 l\tilford. With your own access to beach. High formal din. rm., den, fam. rn1., lg. mstr. suite, guest rn1. & 3 add '!. bd rm~. + sitting room in children's \\'in g. Pool. $197,500. DESIGNED for gracious c o u p 1 e living. Lushly planted pool size patio. Extra large bmd. ceil. liv. rm. + master suite. Both with view. Separate guest quarters. Pan'!. den \Vith frpl. & 'vet bar; dining rm. 3 car garage. $159,000. Kathryn Raulston SUN. 2·6 4615 PERHAM CAMEO SHORES-OPEN HOUSE Custom design. Qualit:-.r construction. Bean1· ed ceilings. Beautiful paneling. 4 BR's., lrge. den or billiard roo111. Ocean & jrtty view. $130.000 . Clthryn Tennille CAMEO SHORES-VIEW lf you need a lrge. 3 BR. home \r/fam . r1n. & swim. pool. see this one. Ocean, jetty & coastline vie'''· O\\•ner "''carrv 1st T.D. $79.500 " Cathryn Tennille BEST VIEW -BEST BUY Beautifully decorated 3 BR. 3 Ba. J,usk Harbor View Hills ho1ne. Forn1al din., fan1. rm., 2 fireplaces: prof. landscaped pool· size lot. Sweeping ocean view. $59,950 Chuck Place SPARKLING POOL HOME Soarin~ beamed ceili nged Ji v. rnt. over- looking landscaped pool & patio. 3 Bdrms., 2 baths & brkfst. !'oom . $54,500 Mrs. Harvey CAMEO HIGHLANDS-VIEW Lovely 3 BR. 2 Ba. home with 180° ocean view. Red adobler brick, open beam c~il· ing, all elec. kitchen. ne\Y shag carpeling. Great buy in a great area. $46,950. Chuck Place THE BLUFFS "E" PLAN, $41,500 l\1ost attractive view. on quiet st. 2-St.ory, 3 bedroom, den or family rm. opening on· lo inviting pal io. Ready to move into - vacant. l\fary Lou l\1arion WESTCLIFF RARITY!! 'J11js very nice 3 BR. 2 Bath home just paint· ed & in top cond iti on. The ovcrslze rear yard for pool or play; close to schools . Lo\Y· e1l price at $38,500. Waller H"sc FOR THE DISCREET BUYER Choice, prestige area: lg. 2 bedroom, den, dining; hi -beam ceiling, 2 fireplaces. Pie· turesque view or garden. Jmmaculate. 2nd Story could be added ror "'alcr view. Alary Lou )1arion COLDWELL, IANKliR Ir CO. SJO NIWPORT CENTER DR., NEWPORT BEACH IJUTQQ 'Tis The Season To Go Skinny Dlppn' Privacy ls l/\e word for lhiA back bay txecutlvi: h o 1n e J•aturing a. beautiful heatt<I IUld filtered pool 1urrou11dcd by laOOl'Ctlfll.llit. rcminil<'tnl ol an ~a.land pun\cl1sr, oft the' pool Is ll prolcuionl'llly iidded, fully enclosed Ii u n room with f!XJ)llrK1ible roof that O{lellA 01· elo~rs llUton1B- li1:ally wlrh rhermot1tat con- trol. in111ldt Rrc 3 m1u;trr-11lz .• f'cl bedroom~ and two haths, built 1n kitche n, M'pa.rate double drt11chf'(l gartti:C' and 1'()Urty11rd cn1 ry. S39,JOO i111 a NO\V price, owner an"i· l>UJi • see it and caU 6~ 191 • arr:-.:;.w- ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St., 64'"4494 -·OPEN-HOUSE SAT/SUN ,l·S Bay[ront licauty • jui;\ ri.:· ducf'd to $97.900. . 19\j BAY~IDB DR. • l!'\•1ne Tl"rracc> • 3 g. rl1n1ng Jmn1acul11tr. conrllfiori. J::.>C· cel!ent v"aur at $42.500. 1319 BONNI~~ OOONE • Conl r P11porury Bp11111s!1 - 011'nrr y,•\11 l1nflnr(' $29,000 l~OOl NOHTON • SUNOAY ON LY La rge l''amily Spccial!I 1~0 RUTll LAN~~ :!919 PAPJ::R LANE ~>310 PA P:H !(NE SATURDAY ONLY J1nn1ed1atr pos!>C!U!ion S3:.!,:,00 Z215 ANNrvERSAP..Y HAL PINCHIN & ASSOCIATES Call 675.4392 anytime CAREF~EE LIVING brand nrw 2 bedroon1s. 2 bath i\linutrn11.1n l\.lonticello fownhou.~c. !111s ls lhr drsir· s))lr one sto1·y tnodrl in ! h c o.dult !lf'{'fion, bellutiful 1·lub. hou!le, rct reatlo11 and 11 o o I facili1ies. Only 11 ~ y••iu·s old try $21,500 lull pne~·. EARLY AMERICAN L«t11cd in t-;c....·port llcights close 10 llurbo1· Jhgh. Brick fireplace & bca1ncd ceiling in Jiving room, dining mon1, J bdrm~. 1 1 ~ bat~~. llravy shake & 11h1nglr roof. r or appoin tmrn! c•oll JEAN SMITH Realtor 616·'.IT.1:1 400 E. 171h S1. Cn-;1a i\1 r~A 5 BEDROOM $38,500 l lugr J!!'O(l lldl'. :.! ~l"r~'. i\la~ter Brdroon1 1111h litY'· pl11cc: & private h<1th. lonn11l cHning roo1n, E I r r 1 r i c "Award" ki trhr.:n . !'110.1 720 TARBELL 29SS Harbor HOME-PLUS-INCOME NO OOWN BETS OF $2,000 do"''" F.11.A. \Vha1 a fa bulou$ buy for S:.'7.9~i0 in t'xrellent area NEAR Tiii!: BEACH. Both homes on one lot have specious bc>dmoms, nrpets, 1'1111.pr.g Rnd lovely built-in kilCllf'n~ Rent one Rnd live for LESs T II A N RENT of Sll.'i ~r monlh WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 279o llarhor Blvri. al Ad:i rn~ ~\S.!1191 01K'n 'til !I Pi\I --.o'"P e N-su N-:-1 :s- 309 VISTA BAVA OU &in111 Ana Ave., B R c k Bay: 3 lgr. bdrm11, :! bn1hi;:. Quif't slL"cct. Good fl"n1ily lrl'R. SCENIC PROl'J::RT\l-:S • 67t>-~726 • Spoc:ious CWttom built 5 Bdrm. Rll.yM1"!11 hon1.-1'-ilh 11'1'\,"f' family mon1 r.. M"pRrntl' nm. lni:: roon1. ~1any o1hl'r f!Jlt' fe-e.tWT•. Westcliff Re3J C"I•• In th~ cu~trom bunt 4 bdrm. home. Df-. llghUul pol &. perr,,, Arnold & Freud 388 E, l7!h S1, 0 1 Jleahci rs 6'1&. ms· It's Be1ch house llmt'. BIW-· 1 rest R-14!Ctkln rver! Ser 1"'- DAJLY Pfl.OT Oa.sclfi~ HOUSES FOR SALi G•n•r•I 1000 Custom Built Newport Heights Reduced $4000.00 For 9ulc:k Sale t."<Cflptlonal 2300 sq, It. 4 bedroom bomr-in the exclu- sive Nt"Wport Htlghts atta. Profr511\onally carro for yards, both front and rear, J't'Rt accesa to garage plus /'i\Ot1lge for hoet or trailer. n1ajcst1c double Cront doors indicate the ('leaancc of this ~ story homt, many qualities too numerous to mt'tttion. Priced lllbstantial· ly be:lov,r 1narkel at s~.ooo. too good to mi.as. . arr~,....- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St., 64'"4494 ASSUME-$18.00o- 6% G.I. LOAN At S.lll pc>r monlh TOTAL~~ UJ\·ely shake rool h o n1 e \Yilh 3 lar-gc bedrooms a.nd 2 pulln1an baths! \Valk to Park!! Carprls and drapes. ALL ELECTRIC KITCHEN AND DISHWASHER! Love. ly cui;tom fireplace a n d hcRm 1"eUlng family room~ Gorg('{>us back yan:l w i t h COVERED PATIO, a n d block ll"ali fencing. WE SELL A HOME EVERY JI MINUTES Walker & Lee i6.1!2 Ecllngf'r to: 12-W.:>5 or 54()..5140 Open l'VCS. "C" THOMAS REALTOR ?2 1 \V. Coast Hwy 548-~ Nr1vport Brach. Evr . ~~1:,_5643 SPANISH HACIENDA l'"or only $152 per month and lake over .f .H.A. loan. (;leKOting hardwood fioots! ! 3 spacious bedrooms antl 2 l>alhs! ! ! Lv<'ly carpets. Old ra.~hiun serviee poii:h! ! ! Deep yard "'ilh lu!!h !and· !<Caping in bcnuti rUt estab- lishl!d a rea of to1vering shade trN"!i. Lo1v rtown pay- n1c11t to NO 00\VN VE"I'S ant! Sl.3fXI 00\VN F.!1.A. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Wa1ker & Lee J nc. Rl'a.ltors SPANISH-SENOR! 4 BEDROOMS Sp an is h i•lri;ancr. 4 lan::e bedrooms. :.! lill"'d ba ths. Spani.sh tile entry. Il\a.ssivc double fireplace. Open flan1e cooking in R J:Ou rmet kilchen + de- lu>Cc> built-in."'. ITuge play room and only ~29.950. Cnll no1\' senor! 6·15-0303 FHA LOAN 53/• '.', $196 MONTH ..JAYS ALL i\~~11 111" FH 1\ lonn of S14,700. No fcrs! 2 stnry :: bf>droom. 3 baths. ~·orrna ! d l n in g room. Scparntc family room. Quall1\' that ~ill excite you. Price slash('d $.'J t,· 000. sf'llPr to helro in fin· an("('. Dial 645-0303 BEACH LIVING LARG E DUPLEX Sand J"M'bblt>'~ 1 hr n \V frnn1 1hat \\'Onderful sea. TY.'O IRr gr IJ.edroon1s and 1 hath~ rach . Lllri::e kit· r hrn --t· dPlux!" bullt-ins. Sun drtk~. C.rrat i{l('a· hon! Good 1·<'nt.~: Only :S:l8.!'l00. Tod Ry 's bei.I buy! Call no\v 645·0303 TAKE OVER 7'/i % FAN TASTIC BUY F/\nla.~llc $20,9QO loan. No (t'r!'. 0nr of 35 hcA11 · tHul IO\\•n htilllf'S in rx· rll1slvr Nr\\'JIOrt Brach 11.rca. Tola! prlc:" $23,250. 2 rxtra lallle Jxtdroon1s, 2 baths, firrplntt, bull1· in11 +. rlub house a nd ~uprr ronl. Only 10~ dn. llUl'l'Y1 Cllt 645·0303 51;, % Gl- $162 MONTH NEWPORT BEACH &lit his::h intrtrr11t. Lan:I! r u !{ t o m t\\·o btdroon1 homr fn Nrv.·pcrl Jlahts. Plrnly of HJ?ht A ehann. Allf'y 11rct•M;. High GJ. loan of 520,600.. Room fnr J>O<l l. hoat. camprr. C•nly S:.!G,!l(IO lntf'l't"titcd! Call 64!'1-0303. 645-0303 1111 l1111 rhnr Crntf'r 1299 Jl•rbor Bh·d., C.l\f. HOUSES 'OR SALE • ------·----------- LITTLE CAB NEEDED OPEN SUN. l l Colchf!ster Dr.. Hunti'.1f on Crest. Ex· citing Y..fed.1terranean w/at. rium, king sized bd1ms., 2 ba., lam. m1 .• formal din . rm., marble. fireplace, fln· est ii.ppoin!ments tlinJ.Oul. Brk. June Blair. ji42-661Jl or 968-3229 Huntington 8e1ch 1400 Huntington Beach 1400 MOVE IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS New homes. ready to inove in. 2 to 5 bed· rooms, 2 to 3 baths. 1h mile from beach. First payment up to 60 days after move in. ---~~=~~--1 VA/FHA T1rms. From $22,990 l'M LONELY COOL POOL -VACANT Lovtly 4 BR p]W1 l&ra:e fam. ily room. Others 11.nilable, all price,. & !Crm.!I. HAFFOAL REAL TY The Beach (on Brookhur1t 1 mile South of Adams) 962 -1353 87,IO \Varner, F'. V. 842-4405 REPOSSESSION TI9 !'t1ARIGOI.D, Otverly de. coratcd, onc-0f.a-klnd duplex, Front unit l'Cady to occupy. Condo, end unit, t lt'vel, 3 BR, 2 BA, custom crpts. dr,>~. f'Xln!JJ, 2 patios, handy lo pool. $30,200 By 01vner, BY Ch~er: h3 1 nR,. 2 1 bo 1 . fam Un lYerslty Park 1237 6#-Z!T9. rm. , 1-.·es, oc wa , pAtio. ''"'"'"'· '"''Royal P•lm ONE OF A KIND VACANTI ~"~'-~'~"~·"'°-·-"~ .. -'~"'---I Spaclous 3 bedrm, forma:I Oceanside of Hy,•y, 2 Btlnn., LARGE lot "1th playhouse. :I dining room, pool, truly for reconditioned. Be.lit loc., Bedrm, ne\v .... ·all-to-"1'11.ll the most dfiicri minating. Gl'~~;bt'~;,, SJ~~~lor rrpls, lrrshly p " I n t e d . SM.SIX!. 6.13 Ca.moo lligh-67J..4199 Olvnt'r !"'4~71M lands. Cameo llighlands 3 BDR., 2 bR., fam. rm., !645 ()pton .Sa.I k. Sun aJtrrnoOn Cd~f : ''INVEST NEAR "rHE mm'"' Pl .. CM 129.1'50. University Realty i"i.':.i:"ci1~ ~.3~ c":;: '::'.~ 54~ prncls. ·" build another home on lot. 4 BDRM., 2 Ba., C'rpls. 673-6510 Some view, nr. bf'ach & drp!!, cle11n. Asl\lme. 1<'1. LOW S30't shops. Bk:r. 673-2010". fl!A~.$2?,l'iO owner ~7J \Vill blur !hi!! "Cambtidge·· CAMEO SJIORES ;\ Br. w/atnum. Pool tablr. Oceanfronl .f BR & lkn College Perk 1115 bar. \Y 1. o inehlded. Thll 115 ?i1tllord •67s-e96 is a ··~,ust St"t "~ -------'"-'--'-• , QUIET DOUBLE e Rod Hill R••lty OWNER Socritid"i 2 ..,... "rsl B;i.y Aw. d1q1lex. 3 Br. 180!!8 CW 0 1 . hotl$t"I! on dbl. kit S. of Hwy. 2 bA. Jov.'tr; l ·~R.. J-b~. up. OPEN 9 Av;,~ ;~i ~ 1..:151::::;,500=:,:·..;61>-<::·::..:.1::69:_ __ _ per. C'u.oitom built attractlvt,1-..,,,=-C,.C;,.;."""..;;;:.=: CAl'oJEO SHORES-$ BR'S. un ltll, 3 car iar, All In 11 UL.Ut'1'""S ell!gant F pil,n, J •$79.~* 1tuil't nclJhborhood, $59,000. Br., 3 Ba w/ Baj> V1t11.., on Aft Pr 6 pm. fr:J>-3520 BURR WHITE rmmbelt !:xb"a.•. !"' ""· 10 I ·LG~E.""-hil'-"ll.;.np=1"::.L .;p=,nn=. "°vt-ew' REALTOR dn S4J,!(XI, &41-426.l of t'ltl!ttn i hU\s. Prlncy. _an Nt wport Blvd .. N,8 . Coron• d•I Ma r 1150 JUaltor r13-J010 Gr..>-46.10 ti42-22M Ew1, ;;..;.'-"':;:....;:.:;_;.~:,......;;::: 3 BR.·28'ri. 235 ~r IT'S Beath hoUllC time, BIJ"· PLACE )'OW' .,·wit aa whtre $24.950 W/8.500 a 0 w n nr ce:n ~lecUon ever! See the !My are lookln; -DArLY SZl,950 w/$4,000 nl down to OAil.Y Pll..01' OU!!lfjed PILOT das1ifled &t2~ !"P lm ldr eall «1l--1TM ll!ctlon NOW! 1 YEAR OLD ! ELEGANT 2·Slory custom hon1e featured in '63 Lido Jfo111e Tour. A real "must sec" for the quality home buyt'r. S.St~. LIDO REALTY INC. 3400 Via Lido 673·8$30 HOUSE BEAUTIFUL Balboa Island 1355 :.:..._..:..::..:: 316 RUBY ST. ~ BR, family r on m. Open house Sunday l-5. N e a r Non.h Bay, S56.000. House in Al condition. VACANT 3 bdrtn in new condit ion. Was adult occupied. E.>Cfremely Jargt-master bdrm. B r t c k fireplace. All buill-1n kitchen applianct>s Purcha.sed lt'ss than l );ear ago. Owner tnust • 1v11l takt' ST;)()() down & pay all costs. Priced low al S2.J.950. '!11MfiP DUPLEX 2 -2 BR 2 bath. 4 years )OUng, Inrome $290/mo. U rerms. O\\'ncr y,•11.nts oUer. R. 0 . SLATES :;i47,3~1!t . ~6-45.)3 4·BEDROOM Tri-Je1·et 2112 Ba, fam rm, Crpts, bltns. etc. 6" <;O loan. no poin•s. Pri ncipals call Ov.'Mr. 842.4606. BY Owner. lluntina;ton Crest Spanish 2 story, red UI roof. 'I BR. 21 ~ BA, den, fam. rm. <tin rm. 3 c. gar. 1714 1%&-2092 Wllli1m Winton Real Estate 675-3331 --211-Sapphir-.-- 3 Br, 1 Ba & dPn. i.1 ~ 30 Hvntington • brick patio. eXPO!Wd beam l.;;;H;;;;;a;;rbo;;;u;;r;;;;;;;;;;;l;;40;;;S,I 1·ellings. com ple!ely remod. By owner $52.500. 67.).0204 llUNTINGTON tlARBOUR Huntington Beach 1400 TRY THIS ONE FOR SIGHS! Brand new and right near the beach. 4 Beautiful bedrooms 2 baths. Dramalic, raised BAY FRONT 16971 Bolero l.Ane. Beaufi· ful 3 bt'd1'00m, 3 batlt, car- peted, built-ins, dock facih- ties. Owner ha.~ moved East necessita ti ng sale. $19,500. IUlll l.WIUIEWT Cl.,llC. C't'iling living room with dis. ,,,._,,....,,....,,....,,..,I 1inctive fireplace. An all -o p;ns-.t-/S-un-l!JM2 glas.oi garden kitchen takes the .. l'rk" out of housework 3 + family room + study, 212 baths, 11.rrium. w~t her. and makri;. cooking an e"· perience. Check the~e buil!. Lots of extra!. V11.cant - ins: \V.11.!l to Y.'&.ll carpt!ing, muiir ~ell. d · 1 · be 17164 Cour tney Lin• raper1es. cnc1n;;:. au!. front yard ldsc:pg including Four Star Rlty 8.15442'2 11prinklers. Deluxe blt-in ap. LEASE OR SALE-Davenport plianccs including: Range, !:-;land. 3 Br. 2 Balh, fam oven, dish\\'3.Sher & disposal. rm 1; hlk lo beach it Ifs reRdy lo move Into no1v. r.1ar1na. !7141 f.14&-'.J508 6601 Luciento Dr. llunt. Bch ========= $27, l!X.1. and worth every pen: ti(')'. CA or FHA. 1714) 531-8400. 11 AM to 7 P~f. Bkr. $20,200 FULL PRICE F11A Loan at 53, '1t. \\'ilh liJ. la! paymcnl or $123 P .I.T.I. Real .sharp l'loll house with J q\K't'n size bedrooms. Gor- geous pttllm11n bath. Any. line quaJiflc,, lluge 75 x 100 lot with double> garage. • Home hu a built in vac· uum . Submil your dov.-n to WE SELL A HOME EVERY J I MINUTES Walker & Lee + 7682 FA!ingrr 8-lt·tM~ Ot' 540.51~0 Open eves. FARM STYLE Fountain Valley 1410 4 BEOROOMS li:""lll .-;(, 11. Full pl'ice only $18.!l'.J{I. Bloc:k 1\•all fl>~. shake roof. ca rpe ls through. out -inl'ltlding kitchen, bulll·in range & oven, dlsh- 11·-.o;h(>r, Vf'ry iiharp rH!'ifh· borhood. Big lot. '6'kliMYI' --=====-I 1620 BY Ownrr 17:i0 !<q. rt. 3 BR library. Assun1e 6'0. 14.17 Sha\1'TM'r. SA. ~40-9258 lagun1 Be1ch 1705 2-Sto~ ho1ne. 3 Bdtms. 2 hatb..."i + 1r. N'CN'liliCln * * * room . I 11 t" r c om syslrm trJrl'll rc::il rs1a 1f' lnc-!!llon fl.I thniighout. Lgf', CUI. dr 5RC 320 N. Coa.!lt lllvy, La&UNl . Jot. 01vnl'r me~in" out of 4 private office~ plUll foyrer , ~late A.nd n1ust sell. Only ainpl!! parking, s torage & $28.000. grounds, S600 mo. I~. MUTUAL REALTY 494-4302 or 5.11-5517. 842 .. 1411 Anytime ISOo \'Tt'Y.', ju~l rompl!.lf'd 3 -2 BEDROOMS BR 212 DA, JOO 11q ft 2 baths, Sll.930 lull prier. i;uM,..ck. A1Th Be a ch C.rpel8, drapes, built-ins, llcit;hl~. S.14.700. O....·nf!r, Mr. v.·ashrr & dryer, R.ancf! ov-J.c11.1~. 17141 !128-:ic'll'.1, 1112 rn, Shingle roof. grape i lakc Nor111. frncr P-'lio. Jl!'~t rPpatn1cd. --M.-A~G=N~l=F~ic=E~N~T~-1 Vpry clc&n. Nice l~nd1C•1> ~an vi'w lot: S6.950. Smtll, ing. \VAik to shopping. but lt>11'I. St,000 Down, t..I. :u sro month. 497-11?21 497·12l0 OCEANFRONT Apt. lAruna $4,000 DOWN Sands l Bdrm 2 &th. Pano, V,_ I j BR ,,, 1.rg. dtick, Pool, Ptlv. bch. "'w ot. , ..Unt r nnd. Oll'f!tr. '1!J.1.:o:n13 Takf' OVPr 6" CJ 31 pym11 ;;;;on,,,.o-::"':::-=--,.·I of $161. mo. Submit 0,.. BUSIEST m1rkttplaoe ln fen. tO)Vn. The DAILY Pnm ?ii RINER c.amnl!d 1ectlon. S.Wlt REAL T\" AS..~OC"'!), mon(!y, ttme '° ~ort. Look -'2·3MI : Eve~ 541·2442 l'IC'IW! ! I • ' DAIL I' PILOT HOUSES FOR SAL E HOUSES !'OR SALE RENTALS •!NTALs-RENT.Ats • RENTALS R!NT.ALS 1410Fount1ln Vi lley • 1410 LAST 2 NEW l:IOMES Houu.1 EurnJahed HDUSM UnfUrNthld HouM1 Unfurnl1htd Lldo 1110 2351 Cotti Mou 3100 L11un1 llHch 3705 FURN 4 BR, 3 BA, cont~p. ' BR phu cuest J'OQm, Bil· DISllWASHER, •Tove, frljl:, Newly dtc, Avail Sept. 15, Ins ... New carpets. 3 3 S cpu, 2 bdr, d~n. 1 ha. wnlr rental or yriy. 675-36CM 'Princeton, 1213) 343-4256. Fenced )'d, poi.tlo. Finl Ir: .Apta. Unfvmllhod Apt1. Furnl1hod -·---,._ -----·--- Newport le.ch UOO Cotti Mola 5100 1 iili d1.1p1ex, alttps t. l Blk ----.------ * -*, * * ·~t ' * Buy before price increase on next unit. These are 4 BR -2 Bath homes complete wilh Carpets, Wallpaper. Wet Bar and many extras. Entire yard enclosed with Spanish Stu cco wall. $34,450 and $34,750. Conveotjonal financing, 10% down. Owner on preml&ec SUn onl)i lut month's rent &-SSO 81lbo1 l1l1nd 2355 2-6. ctin1n& depoait. $I 7 5 \\'INTER rental Sept.June, 3 EXECU'l'lVE 3 BR. 2 Ba, ~ A.l~r 6 ptn BR !rpl bay vie 107 plus. Avail St11t ht. $250. L ' NI I , • w. * 54().821) * .. U"I gut Jade. sai mo. ~310 3707 O<!eltl. $85 \\~k. Au.i;.; \Vlnter rental Sept. $l2S mo. lncl. utiL 3711 \V. BaU»a &l>-1212 I Ii: 2 BR apb. 1-~rom $135. to $175. No children or pet1. 1525 Pla~ntla, Also avail. unfurn. 2 BR, crpt.s, drps, garage. 3 BR, 2 BA. beaulitul vklw. Huntington B••ch 2400 Adull.'l only, nr:i pets. $135. Bltina, dshwhr, crpta, dl'J)6, MAGNIFICENT Vh, wetik CONSIRIJOIOll JUST COMPLETING Harbor H•lghtt Four 2 l 3 BR UNITS all with fireplar.e1. dlih~1uhen & 2 batl\!I, Rental Manacer - Mrs. Chrl1~n11en 3117-A Cinnamon Av.. VI L 64S.T:i09. ttplc. 836--S750 or_ 542.--.l2l5 or yearly, split levtl, 2 LA M 0 NT ERE Y 11 so . AT TR Ac TI v. El;ri;;JX~ER;i;'--;;,0;;"';;1'3;:;-BAiRR".-, ;-2000;;;.·1:;;:=:=:=;:===:=.-bedrooms n"''"'"· •'""'· 17679 Los Alemos St. Fountain Valley , s~•· air cond.1mobile home. Ne~ ~ts \\'Ork. N. ":ondominium 39.SO 200l\t Ktiigs Road, 548-239~ -;. ... Wh1ddy1 Wint? Wh1drty1 Got? SPECIAL CLASSIFICATION FOR NATURAL llORN SWAPPERS Special R1,. South of City Hall 961-3151 home in desirable ocalion i $l~222'1 64&-!1666 ,',,";c'c;;';;;',-p_.m::.'='::--=:::--,;; Teacher/owner on leave. 11 ' • Country Club VIit. LOWER ocean ·front w. Co1t11 Met• Phono 544-1034 , , L1gun1 Be1ch A WALK IN SPACE 1705 Avail Sept 7th. Can be seen Mesa Verde 3110 Lovely 2 Bl', l\i Ba, crpt~. Newport. 2 Br. 1%. Ba, by appt. References rcq'd. drps, bit-JM, pri patios. 1'Tplc &: gar, avail Sept. 1.1 "'""N~E~W~S~P~A~N~IS~H~!!!! I RENTALS 536-2288. 4 BR., Jamily rooro, lease, S255. 8.17-9830. winter lse. $210. 646-S83'l VILLAGE APTS. Houses Furnished 1 2900 clelln. immed occupancy. 3 BR, 2 BA, upper, $115 mo. 1 • 2 DORM. ~·-o 0, ""· ~---~---:o=· I Vac•tion Rent• s $325. Gardner. ~ Duplexes Unfurn. 3975 \Vinter rental ....... Rentals to Share 200! 213-622-6036 or S42-T8Zl furn. Air-cond, dshwhrs, sell DUPLEX with view, private; tblO LSE. J + 2 & lam 1m, 2 2 BDR. Duplex, crpls .. drpg., 1~~=~-~-~--,-clean'g overu;, patio, break. 1 • . S Lines -5 times -5 bucks AUi.ES .-AO ~UtT INCl.UDI 1-Wll.tl ""' l\flwo 19 "'-°'-~... .,.... Wotnf lift Ir.-. ~TOl,jlt "'*"' •nGIOt MICll'bL 4--.5 ll"fte1 llf 44wortlllfle,. i-flOTHING FOA .5.1.ll! -TAADES ONLVI PHONE 642·5671 To Pl1ce Your Tr1der'1 P1r1diM M \VANT \\'01'king woman to avail. "'•ttkly during Aug-frplc.s. crpls, drps. bltns, no t!:-ins., 1ar., c I ea n ~ l & 2 BR furn & unfurn aplB. fast bars, private fwKleckll, Th :i 1 10.'ill be you1· 111-st im. sh a re apt f"/terra«. $70. Sept. 2 Bdrms, fireplace, pets, <.'Ul-de-sac. 5'l6-3090 $145/mo, 210 CccU Pl., CM. Pool. No children or pets. lrg storage clolli.'U!. Healed SHOPSMITII complele l SEP. ho~s.. nn. for 3 pression. \\•hen you st'e this n10. Call anytune until 2 pm garage. 20011,!i Kln&:s Rd. -·-646-1535. 2-Jffi1.\i 16th St N.B. 646-4664. pool, saunas, baz-.b-ques. ••o-. --,1 •-• "'°-·, SPACIOUS 0 I C I p k 3115 equip:nent, jigsaw, paint ·~ rn::.,.. ""' ~ ~ story 10me. 536-6440 548-2394 afll"r 6 pm. ol ege ar 1----------2 BR. Apts. furn. 01· unfurn. Sound proof walls, walk In Eq, 115.000. W••t n,.· •-· BUILT ON 11, LOTS THAT spray, milling rquip; also ~ l\tATIJRE woi:nan 10 8hare 2 · r..tODERN 3 B house xlnl ~ENTALS To S200 Yl"&rly. closets, covl!red carpoi1. :, &Iring bus lidd!E' f' 0 R home or local k>t or small OFf'ER A SCENIC VJE\V Br. 2 & •Pl w/saml'. "', ~S~u~m~m"°o~r~R~e~n_t_1_l1;__2_9_10_1 _ _.. . .., 1'· 1 'A .1 Apts. Furnished Anita, JOllf's Rlty. 673--6210 Adults, no pets. auto or cam""r ""Uil,. hoosl". Call 615-0998 OF THE OCEAN. Ot!tailed 1· couu1U0n . ._r Y ease. vat Tl-IE CAIJFORNTAN ,... ··• all ¥."OOd ~xterior in classic S.D. FN')', Rec. lac. Avail CLEAN Balboa Beach Unlls. now $225. n10. Call 540-6334. Gener1I 4000 l BR xlnt loc. Close lo Bay&. Phone 546-2727 830-282:i. 75' CRUISER, A/P, 2 depth Laguna archill'ctu1-a.I styJ. 9-1. 546-4268 Slttps 2 to 10; for summer -beach, Adults only. 67f>-7876 TRADE finders, range 1200 ml. Re- ing, large """ porches en-SHARE 2 bdr home. COM. re.-.ervations call 673-9945 Newport Be1ch 3200 HOLWAY PLAZA If no ans. 4!M-94TI MARTINIQUE FOR l!O~tE, duplex or c-ent survey-will consider closed 1v1rh poslJi & rails. Poo l, beaut. area. Am 31j E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa DELUXE, spacious 1 Bdrm. *NEWB AY FR"'O°"N"T"'*' GARDEN APTS. T.D. 'Veil located C-2 \\1ith prop., TD or smaller boat. SPRAWLING 4 BDRJ\I. & single, qulct lady. 67a-7111 AUG. 9 to l&. SPAC l BR, 2 818 Furn apt. St35. Plus ut1l. 2 Br, 2 Ba, Sl30 yrly lse. large paved parking lot Owner lTI4l 725-MOO DEN 1'~LOOR PLAN, has Bach 27 will share 2 bclr BA. pool. Blk to ocean. $al0. Healed pool. Ample park-su11 avail. Furn., adults. 23J E:itcellent, park-likt-surround-and good building. $27,200 2,000 SQ. J.'"'T., Capistrano w/w carpeting & custom apt, NB wlnon-sruokc.r. $85 Lots park'&:-Fent 0 n TOWNHOUSES ing, No childttn -no pets. l!tth St, Apl. C, 675-0236. ir:: ~or a.~ults only. 1vith $21,700 equity. Agent; Palisades home on 120xl63 drapes thruout. ExCiting Is-nlo 518-J335 673-IDO, &\.2-993:1. ' 3 Bedroom. ~~.baths: 2 cat 1965 Pomona, C.f\-1. 4355 cp:!.· .~,'1,0BPRP•'••Agpts. 6-16-7711 1lble lot, SI0,000 equl11. land lype kitchl'n has SILT-FEMALE rocnnmatc age 22-carport. Built-ins &:. fire. $130. 1 BR., Near shopping, Balbo1 l1l1nd UUI, ' • ilAVE 8 1-BR !'um apls in 1'rade for liveable duplex JN RANGE & OVEN, DISH-28. 4 br hou.se CJ\f $90/mo. NICE 1-BR. duplex, sips .• ~· place. Carpels & drapes. Adults, avail now! Broker 1177 Santa Ana, Apt. 113, Anaheim, $72,500. \VANT u1• 1 496-270'.! an G·PM j \VSHR., GARB. DISP. & pref leacher. 546--6264 1-Blk, .ocean. $275 now Lil $265 month. &li>--011.1 local. BEAUTIFUL Uppt'r duplex • 646-5542 • s1nall duplex, house or 2 BR n1ountain home, nefor EXTENSIVE USE or ~---------Sept. 7• or $SS \Vk. 3711 \V, ALSO Apt. Very ciOSl" •0 St. Bay . 4 HARBOR GREENr TDs. Le(' Pereyda R. E. Running Springs_ Equity DEEP STAINED ~IAHOG-NICE man or won1an lo Balboa" N.B. 6'12-1272. 2 Bedroom, :.i baths, buitt-!ns ~ Br. 4 ba. $400 per mo. yrly. J • 499-l!Y.IO 49-1-3.fBS '* Sl1,7o0 ror TD's or i mall ANY CABINl!.JS. shaN-:1 bdr. home, $100 n10. OCEANFRONT, 3 BR, & fireplace. Carpets & dra-Costa Mesi 4100 Sallsllu1-y Rily. 673-6900 BACllELOR LIFE ,.,,, ~1,, Be a r honie Costa Me~a area. Open staircase leads !o 2nd 6-12-3167 fabulous view. Avail Aug. pc11. $225 nionth. -----------unrurn from •v 546-6Z77 I I /2 bd b I • 1350 k 2 B" ·1 "·pl & B h $30 00 k up Hunlt'n•ton 8e1ch ••oo SUO. Also avail 1 .. :.? & 3 ruount or n1an eating llg-l"ve' I\' rm. 111 I, . S135. l BR. duplex. avail 64~2833\\' . ava1 ""' . Bay eac • w • • -I LARGL OEN, APPROX. ,,. Bdrm. Healed pool$, rhild rr, l"IC. F'OR latr mode BR.Ai~D ne1v conten1po?ary now, yard Child OJ.:. Bkr. Realty, Inc. • Da.Y, wttk, month. DELUXE brach apts, 1 t: 2 eare ecnter, adj to shoppin;;:. Cad, Cont'l, T-Bird. or sim-fu111: <'hair &: otfo, tables, ~G~J~fl~V~~~ ~~~ c"'-'-'--''°-· =-=--~-BEACH HOUSES 901 Dover Dr., NB Suite 126 •Studio & Bach. Apls. Br. $125. 10 $ll!O. 219 l5th St. No pets. 'ilar luxury car. 962-8671. etc. \Vant lale-model V'IV, ' $16.'i. 2 BR.. blrin~. ,..,,,v. 2 BR, rum. 7308 Ocean-6-15--200) Eves. 548-ti9fi6 • lnct Utila & Phone serv, Apt 1 2700 Pelt!tson \\'ay Datsun. boat acet!S.S. (Sea. OPENS TO SUN DECK D/ ol•'I. ~. A·•oil no11·. Broker front. 962-9810. e ?o.faid Service. TV a\'ail. . . ""--to '''"B """ n•-,o TO\VNllOUSE 3 Br, 21\ ba. g"'I o·g. <l..,.t IO.'indlau,) OCEAN VIE\\'. THIS SPAC. 53, d:'so'. • e N Cal &: Bar FREE APf. to man !or ~ "" ~..., Beaut. appt'd. Priv. patio, w " ~-- IOUS HOUSt: IS VACANT& .....,_., LUXURY, ~deeps 6 to 8 BLUFFS LEASES ew e . pauiling ~tc. ITcce<Ec-o;B;:,~,"":::i'.1..-::-~on~,7,,~s~-=. 1 ba v 1 S32SOO GT."~5135. distrcs.<;ed owner says s C' 11 2 BR.; den, 2 Ba.. near 3 Bed -2 Bath 673-2223 2 & 3 BR. Condos. Singll" 2376 Newport mvd. $-iS-9i55 536-1366 5J6.l777 Cpts/drps. Nr. tio. Coast ~; 1~~ T.6:. c:r: ca~pe; \VlLL trade surfboard. in1med. for ~ach. No pets. 1 child OK. 1809 W. Balboa levels. 2-sty . .ti split-level. WANTED-COUPLE Plaia, OCC. $125 incl relrig. or ! ? Owner ~. llobie 9'6." for scuba tank $29,950 FUL.L PRICE * ~~ * 2 BR Balboa 11-pt adj Greenbelt & Blulls site. MODERN FURN 2 BR Sunset Beich 4455 & uiiJ. See at 973 Valencia LAKE Arroivhead Orama-& regulator. 66-0757 and THE BEST BUY beaches/pier .Sla-$150 wkly. Cpts., drps. Db~ gar, pools, Z'l64 Maple by \Vllson --·-------Apt. 2 aft. 5 PM wkdays &r tic 5 BR 4 Ba. Golf CSC'. & 6.t!-0120 TN LAGUNA BEA<il Costa Mesa 2100 536-39U, 61:>-5810 etc. $310 10 Wa. Pool. Sharp, Bllns. Sl5:"1. No SU M?o.tER rent-Oceanfront all 11"kends. Lake. View Sl2S!\f Clrar. \\'IU.. u·adt' itoyer bed ; MISSION REAL TY BALBOA l BR. l'l:'dec. Nr.,,E_•~•~tb~l~uf~l_R~•-•~lt_y~~&l-i-·-~_33 pl'ts. Kkls ovrr 16. Cal l apt. l-2 bdr., fireplace, 1~,-.~.~.-p-n~· -.. -,,~~. -,~11~,-,,-c. Lo On. Plane or Boat ba1h patient Hlc ($500 val- 985 S. Coast ll\I)' .. l.11f;!11na 2 BR, gar, patio, cpts, dri>s, beo•"--. 1=11.35. \V k I y. 4 BDRM, 2 bath Baycresl collect. 213 I 874-0735 patio, gar. Fully furn. Sl4().. Crpts, drps, carpo11. No Trade. Ov.·ner (71~1459-3103 uel or anliqucs for piano. h 3 stove, refrig, tropical settinl,l: .. n ... -.. ,.,,.. need ani At $160/wk. 17th & S. Pacific, P one (714) 494-07 1 for adult:; 1 blk 10 shop _"'6-__ ,._1_1_o_r_675_5-SJJ_l_O_. ___ 1 home v.•/fc Y · · CHATEAU la POINTE PE"ls or children, n'Spoll!llllle or :\37-3169. 546-9l18 -PR-IC. -E REDUCED-II~. ,10 .-.;4_4780 lractivr, modl"rn Cape Cod. Lovely 2 Br. furn. 11pt, Pool, SB. 11.dul!s only. S115. 543-132:.1 1 ~==,---,c--c=c:;CE°"'N"T '-O ··-. -••"h. 3 t.lodl"m '" '' ,.. RENTALS Children ok. Near schools. cariM>rt: adulls, 00 pl't~ LUXURY oef'an[ront apt. 2 TRADE 2 ADJA ' "'"''" " .... *VIEW HOME * 3 BR on ltvlne. P1'l"[rr col· $350 nionthly lease. J.'or ai>-$l50 t.lo. µlui1 utUitirs Bclr., lit'C'placc, patio, gar. 2 BOR11t.-.. 11~ ba, bHns, ntll LOTS on Santiago ln \Vl'st-hnml"5, '1 wl'll!I: fenced. BY OWNER lcge n1en. S210 n10. Sleeps House• Unfurni•hed pointment call 54S-2914 l!Ml POJ\10NA. C.J\1. Year lea$C'. Starting Scpl. rn1, gar, 11atio. Nl"\\' crpl<t & <·liff for lncon1e property, 1i'aining track, huge bam. 4. 1 J\1an $65. JlJ..27-IO 3000 ~ U .1 pd 171h & s drps. No IJl'\.o;. I mUr DCC. NB area. $30,000 each, 11 stalls: f>'OR Jand. units PEJlFECT condillon! 1\lus1 Gen~ral OCEAN. View -2 Br. 2 ba. ATTRACTIVE, l BR., ulil's. $.w.v. (i · ' ' $1GO 1110. Isl & 111.s!, Po 646-8565 ur ? $-lj,000 Eq. 6T.">-6$ see lntl"rlor lo appt·l"cialr! BACllELOH House • Single '--'-'--------den. range, refrig., pro-pd. $99.50. 'Van1 older, Pacific. SB. deposit. Af1rr 4, 968-7272 l ~-:;c"'-;-'::'::'i:':'::;--,:::;::;:- 3 mt 2 BA I I. · I I SOO 4 8EOR00MS 1 1 '"' ~======== l=====""'~=-o-1 LAKE Arro\\·head .. va1er-. I'! I I , , itrge l\'ltlgr111, 11\aeony. mo. !ectE'd palio, yry sc oN"l' singll' gentleman 011ly. C&IJ ' TirESE Laguna CXCt'S s111 -qve flrt'placl", dlneltl", all f'lcc---===*,:•:"=-=263=··='=*=== 2 BATHS ino. incl. gardcJK>'r. V11.can1. aIL 5 p~16~2-6197_ Orange County •600 VILLE 2 BR. I!\, lin. front lot $50,000 val . Pacific honic: 4 Br. 5 ba ., SauJn1.. · · I kl "-I E \V/garagc, $150. Adults • Palhmdes Ocean VU lot. n.:i.. h 'H' inc \Cncn. Thcrn10 mnnth to 1non1h or l"ase. x. t-.1r. Robinson, Davi!! Rlty . . , Huge rms. Nr. bench. v-..,an controls each rooni. Bcanicd Newport Beach 2200 celll'nl Costa l\le&n localion. 6'1'Z-7000 I BR, clean, a1uact .. \\/w. SINGLE young adulls. lux-crpt~ • drps • B!t-iM. ,.~rnc-t.'1,jQ(), WANT: Income. views. Val. $87.500_ For ceiling thru-out. \\'all lo ii·all --'--------l.ov~ly carpcL'I and drapes. lg. rup?rds, closet~. Sl lO ury garden apt'I. \\'/full l'd yd. 2619 Sanra Ana Ave. Brkr. 548--7711. TD's or Comm. .tM-1633 carpels, drapes, lge cor lo!, LIDO 5 81'., J Ba. pool $1500 \Vatrr paid $'.l25 per monlh. \VATERFRONT lge 2 BR. 2 Is.'. Child ok. 2138 Nprt f'f'creation lacilities k com-636-4120. 29, STARLITE=-,::ru";,"';,::,< shn1bs, Good deal for G.I. Balboa Coves 4 Br, 2 Ba S;)SO WE SELL A HOME BA: frplc, FA heat. el~c klt, Blvd. plete privacy. South Bay -.-TO~W"N"''H"O"U;o.S~E'"°'*:--sloop, 10' lleam, built 'lil 2-0UPLE.'CES E-Side, qoa. 01vnl"r nioving io ranch. Pier & slip avail S/:1 China EVERY 31 MINUTES ~t01899NO pets or children. LOVELY big 2 BR, 1111 Ba. Club Apls. ~ 1'11041. 2 BR, J\~ BA, crpls, drp.'I, headroom thruout. galll"Y 1',',M1'0'1"+1!Spa.COO""' eq'· .Ewol/T<l-p · I'" ·oo Covn 6 Br, 3 ..L Ba $1000 v•...-n--1 1· I t•·· Sl!ltl Brookhursl, Anar..,im ' I · "· I II A I -'" l'ICc .. 1.1 . " w lk & L ruv, pa IO, 11c U '-"· · patio. Adults. $150. 134 E .. k wa k-1n ,,.,a!. a · : 2 !tt40 MAKE OFFER Vic1v & pool 4 Br. l Ba $800 a er ee 3 B!t 2\11 ba, ?!tins, pool 2310 Santa Ana. 64~2933 1 772-4500 1\.tl"lody LaJK>. GIZ-68'7. lradr for'! m,m09 parrel 60x300. Bkr 64 ·T \Vrit~ P.O. Box 914, Laguna Lease or buy. $265. lease. Avail 9/1. \\'k. 2 BR ,.,.. CHEVY I L Ton PU, or 6Th-40Jl. JU"" \\lard. Rllr. 6l24816 2190 IJ ~-81.~ 1 Ad -0000 It 6 PM i~~~-~~--'707'"' I Garden Grove 4610 . garJ?:, rl('W 1·ti>t, stovr, "" ~ 1 Beach or call '19~4726 any. '"" a1-uur vu. a ams '~"-ou.JO a 2 BH, OC\\'ly furn 11·1bltins l"t'[rig, drp8. 17" ~tonte 3-13 V-8, 4 apd hydro, 8' ll0!\1F. w/hcl\\'d, flrs. 1on tin1c. DOVER Shores b a Y front 515-9491 FURN. or unfurn - 2 bdr., 2 & htd pool. Adult~. no pel'I. SINGLE Young Adults Lux· Vi.~t:i. Alaskan trlcscopii.: t.-amp-lll0x150' lot w/many trees. e \VALK TO TO\VN e h6n1e, 6 BR, 4 BA, lari;:e Open '!il 9 Pil.1 bu, den, pools. Years lease $145 + util. 6U-9j2() o~ garden apts \\'ith coun· """"""-::::::e=:c::-="°' rr Want •I wheel drivt \\'ill exchange for N.E. SaJi · d k &I 39 '' TAKING applica1ions. Apl's, · I II I Vrom 1h1s spic & span 2 pat.io, 70' pnvate OC · $165. :z BR., w/\\', patio. Dbl. BluUs Condo. 4-1 :J $120-CLEAN. furn., bach. lry club atmosphere and 3 BR. 2 BA, frpl, bit-in~. 2 Jt'l"P. wagon or truck., Diego home, ot or - Bdrm. home w/view o! Vic-Avail Sept lst, yrly lse. $1000 gar. £.Sick-. Bkr. Gti-OIU lo-BAYSHOR.ES Util. included. CI o s r. in, romplcle privacy. SOUTif car garg. Avail Sepl l, $215 a4S-108fi. .t~orun, Re;lllor &t:Z-5000 •• tor 1-lugo Point & ~urf. nio. 2 1 3 : 7 8 O-5 O 1 3 or cal. Unfurn, 3 k 4 B.R. Years Adults, 110 pels 548--052'.! BAY CLUB AP'TS 13100 * * ;:..&. Beaut.ifW. sn1all gardrn: I ~2~1;3:~78:>-6~·~333;::,======l $165. 2 BR .. l~'a 1>11. 10 .. vnhse. lea\M'. I BR. $14!"1. incl. ulils. l-11?t1ted CHAPMAN A\'e., G a rd en 1 ·M~m~;~~~~=&-=53~~~8-,.-,p~l-,.~.,,.,-. ,~ .. ~~!!'!J~*~!!!!!!!!!!·~·~*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""!!!j ~-mdbl.beg .. ~~~gc. '1'1~h.ooocxo-a_ 2250 Rio. retrig., 1v asher. "C'' THOMAS Realtor pool. adult~. no pet 5. _G~ro~'='='~7~"='=636-==""==· ==-1 '"" ,....... ...., Corona del Mir -:; GE kilch, encl. gar, nr bus. RENTALS '4L::S , Gencl'Otls temis. , Children OJ\. Bkr. 534~980. 2'24 \V. Coast Hwy 548-5521 549-2627, 968-1740. Sant• An• 4620 Sl40, Adults, t.-lgr. u~ E. . • ..:i~ 1 U hod 'j' SHO\"PLACE s r -~, Apts. Unfurnished Apts. nfurnl1 tt J\IARSHALL & n.OPP ·• rK:ar ocean. $275. 3 BR, am, rm., ALL Util pd, 1 bdr duplex, .wr ~ 211 Ocean Ave. 49-1-1021 BR, all sep, forced air heat. Coit• Mes• 3100 gardl"ner incl. t:rplc. Chi.I-older adlts, infant, pets OK YRLY 2 BR 1 BA. 2 car gar .• L-A7t~t~G7.E~u~.~,~"'-,.-ba,--,~,,~.~-,-,,-,.t. E••I Bluff 5242 Tustin 54ii«J VIEW HOME •. e e BY.OWNER New 3 Bdrn1 &: Den. Bean1 ceilings, outstanding VIE:\V. All elec kilchen. Roman bath. J\lust sell . S-17,500 qr 'offl"1', OPEN SAT & SUN 10 am -4 pn1. 1~95 Skyline Dt•i\'l", or ph1Jne 830-2823. BEAUT l fo~U L I BR., Bayfront custom furn. \Viii sell on contract or Is<' op- tion. $32,:iOO owner. 6i3·22i9 RENTALS Houses Furnished General 2000 2 BA, bar, w/w crpts, 2 dren & pets O.K. Bkr. 534-$100. 23.15 Elden, Cl\1 Adult~. Nr Bristol SIM>pping 400 sq 11. Elcc rongr .ti: --------' frp!cs, lgl" patio, aulo kit. EASfSIDE _ltoml'. Cozy 2 69M. FURN 1 BR Apts &_Studios Cntr. $16 mo. 646-2a42 relrig. No pets utll pd. s12a. e NEW DELUXE e Tl-IE ASPENS .I chen, gar & carport. S315. Bedroom \Vllh ~!nglf' garage .. "PARK LlDO" like IV'.\\I 2 aval\ Sept l st. $110 & $120. Ava il 8/l!i Smith 54~3866 3 Br. 2 ba apt. for lcHsc 1.5652 \Vllliam St )! lease. 673-1304 or 673-8617. Adults only Sl~Call Tc1-ry • 1 1 • 6 -Incl. spac. 1nastr. sui te. din Tus1in'1 prestige addre~I Br 2 Ba., rrplc., poo . car 2135 Elden. Apt. · 4705 NEW :l Bdrm apt. B-side. r 1 1 4 BR, 3 BA. $400. mo. 607 ?o.lcCardle 546-2313. ga~. 5250 Bkr. 64&-0732. LARGE BACHEl..OR L1gun1 &each Car P ! s, drps, hit • ins, rm . & dbl. garage, suto• Adult tv ng, no pets Bl"gonia. Also unfurn. 3 BDRA1 ., Ba J-.:-sid· 1 N 1 lODCLIFF DRIVE dish\\·hr, encl garage, Priv door oJ)Cner avail. Pool & Shag carptts 1 673-3806 or 675-002.l qol•I ;:.,.,,_~, 11'9• 0 • 0~. Adu t!l. 0 • pc s. . &12 "=? roc. area. Nr. Catholic Total air condilionin:I .... su~~· · ,J m · 32"'642-"~= or ~716 T·"o bed-m lornlshed paho. ...,;..., F · "-• & U I i.h d' 837-&117 or 548-6330 Bay Shores £., 1r.UJ " '"" Church & school &: Corona urnisucu n urn n~1 Ba lboa 2300 Bdrm + thru June, -~--------AU Deluxe Features NO\V Renting: New lge l BR tic! Mar High, Gymnasiun1s le Sauna!, drps .. SIO\'C frig .. trop1l'al Juxu1-y ~ BR, 3 BA, .,vi1h $2'.la -Yearly lease Patios. Adults only. Mgr. 865 Amigos Way, N.B. Fo~ inronnation e66'7 selling for ults. 1 blk to gard, yrly Sept. l::i to 4 Nc1vport Bearh 494-2449 2110 Elden. 646-1762 =:l:: 'l BR., garag~· tio, c~ts .. \VATERFRONG Near BBC, Newport Be1ch 4200 \Valking Distance to Beach aprs. cpt.s, drps, bllins, gar. e ONLY $25.5. • Apartments from $150\ shop $145. Mo. ·l-4780 years. 56.'JO nio. Resp. COUNTRY CLUB DELUXE all elec, 2 &: l Br, L1gun1 Beach s1,b5 833-5821 2 SOR. houw. S\10. nr. adults, no J)l"ts. 714-642-5674 LIVING 2 BR duplex. furn & unfurn. SPACIOUS 2 BDR. epts, 21.1.i Ba. closed gar. $.'.00. up. ~=========I nl r1 1 nr Vic H u Ko• new drp!i, slove, 357 Victoria, 752 AmigO!! Way, N.B . Nl"ar LUXURY 2 BR Beach A J. t. PENINSULA 2 dt'n. Avail &pl Sl95 mo. ~ school & shoppin!f. 2 or 213-~ Luxury ga en, apa :ncn s cplsldrps, trpl, gar· Costa 1'1esa. CdM Iii Sehl. 6ia-5033. ' children OK. 6'16-2634'. 2033 offering comp rte pnvacy, 1 10~ -:c"°'=-===-,;"'°c-:o-; __ Priv patio, pool. Vis\\'. \Vallace C!\I 3250 beautiful landstaping &-. un-49 -"" DeLUXE spacious 2BR apt & Bllns. 12 nt0 I ea ii'e. LIDO NORD BAYFP.ONT ., Corona dtl Mir paralleled recreational facil-2 BR OCEAN FRONT, palio S140. 1st " JasL l 1C~oiiriioiinii1iiidiiiiitiiMiii•iiriiiii5ii2ii5iitO 714/499-2835 :: Executive home furnished. 3 2 BOil Duplex. unJurn, gar, itles in a counlJ'Y club al· sleep$ 6. private beach, no 548-2039 or 646-4760 LUXURIOUS Pifodern 2 B~ 2 Lido Isle -'-------2351 BR. conv de-n, :l BA. lg yd, :\5 or older. no dogs. 4 BDR duplex, 220021; ~· mosphere. Now leasing in' ~P'~',;'·;;.:c$2'0=·~1=",.'k:,·~'~92~-886;;;;1-;;;;;;l ·l;--;B~R;-c:o~ol~orn=-.~$~1"2""o=m~.~A"L"':: -Ba. blUns, a.dull.!!, no ~- FURN "''inte< ""nlal. 2 bd<. 1 rettntly decorated. Pier & 54&-2'720 bit-ins, dshwshr. sq t. "'ewport Beach. .-I ~~.,, 9 I 11 " y I $300/ ""7573 •• J BR., heated poo • near r-...,, Bo"""lo< "°' mo. ot•'I $235 4 7-4t6 h slip, 126' Chris Cralf on.. 3 BR. 2 BA. d-•. dbl '"'r, ear l"asc. mo.~ 1700 16th Sire<'! I 1115 ru ~n•: __, ' · guest rm • 2 . a . .-• ,. ..ll beach. Year ease :i mo. paid. 646-6222, 'fl,. orl• washer/dryer. 13th & Bay tional). Lease Sept. 10 to fenc'd yd. Sl75. lsc. Sepl 2 BR !louse, excellent rond: Furnished or unlurnish('cf 4!M-3208 alter 5:30 REAL ES1Al'E :! St , on Newpol1 Peninsula June 15. Owner. 161. 546-9205. J\1arricd couples k no Models open noon to 9 pm 2 BR upper. S140. [)Cr mo, G I t• 67.'"i--6512 ~213) 241-152.i NE\V 2 BR unfurn .. marri<.>d children. $250 mo. * 675-3291 714 : 642-8170 NICE 2 Bedrm ., 2 Ba .. yr. Baby ok. W/1v crpls, pa y ON TEN ACRES ener• -• round $175. Pat.io. 538-209:), own ulil. 646-2240 1 & 2 BR. Furn & Unfum ~ EXECUTIVE homes furn. & HAPPY \l'inter rental hom~. couple or adult lady only. 2 BOR, W\V cpts, bit-ins, OAKWOOD "E ~TAL> 11~ ., BR ., B • 1 Frplcs I priv. patios/Pools. Rent•ll W1nttd 5 unfurn. 4.5 & 6 Br. Frotn 2 Bdrn1. den, 2 halh. Near evcl'Ything, no pets. drps, gar. No fll"lS. GARDEN "" ,,. ""· ~ · ~ a ..-p ex. ' S300. Bkr. 64:-...ottl local. * 675-6940 * Sl40 mo. 642-38.11af!rr6 pm 67;....4952 Apt1. Unfurnished Gar, w/w, n10. Children & Tennis· Contnt'I Didst. put-e ATTENTION e :j l;o============================ COZY 2 Bcdr111 collag(', irpl, APARTMENTS 5000 pets O.K. Birr. 534-6980. Une; pen, Owners in lhis area who .J· .. , General 3000 General 3000Gener1I 3000 beam ceiling, 3\~ blks tol --==~===-.--Geniril FOR LEASE l Bdrn1, 2 bu, ~a~:rth~e..;..,~~5~~~~ ha\'C income propert;·[i! 1-------------------------------1 bch. S200 n10. 67'".>-"t943 NEW SPANISH c111li1, tlf'JJS, hulltn~. enclos-VIC. of L.A. AIRPORT: ir.i· J BEDROOl\fS, dining room. VILLAGE APTS. • RENT • cd pallo, pool & clubhQusc ~too. 2 BR. bit-ins, R&O. g. 1ponsible couple & 6 yr,~d .Solve a Simple Scrambled. Word Puzzle for a. Chuckle OltlOfl'Cmge the 6 xrambt.d ~--,_...---.~--.... wotdt belaw to mob 6 ~ ... --r 1!mple M>l'ds. Print letters of j f ' eoc.h In lls llne cf lqUQl'9S. I ,. · 'JWOD11AC · >. _rr111 ) . } ISAWCHE ..__' .1....I _._I _._I _..I _.I_. . I IRITANO .. • I I I I I' Is E y FAT I -A mon wos opprooched by ~.,;.I .:.r,;l';..;.l~·~l~l,..-1· o panhandler, who ao;d, ''I'll I L...L. -'-·-'·'--'·--'·--'-be honest with you, mllter. ~--------.I'm saving for o double shot-1 II AS IO I lol bourbon." • -I> ~"'I _,1-1....,.1,,..,..1-i "I'll be honesr wllh you,"f • , • . replied the man, .. I'm tovino .. _._ .... _._....__. _ _.up-o--." " I I .. Q-JO i..;?:..;,E E;;.l;;.A~H~~,..-1 O Compt,1o '"' ""'*i. ..-1 . 11 I I I' I vow·;~~~~~=~! ~~-~~-~~....... ·--....... --- 4' PRINT NUMIERED Ii ~ tFftE•S . I' I' I' I' I' I' I' r I l~I I I • I I I SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN DIME·A·LINE ~\\'. Adult.o; only S450 1 & 2 BDRM. Fum or 11n· 3 Rooms Furniture privl. 5'1fr.4074 disp, frpl, terrace, view utd. daughter fno pel~l. sook ..3 month. Call Agent turn. Alr>cond, d&h\thrs, Sl"ll $20-$25 & UP Sl!IO n10. 540-2266 Br. unfurn. hoine (co , 6t!-S235 673-5653 clean'g ovens, patio, break-•·1ooth-T-Month Rentals Newport Be1ch 5200 2 BR south of hiway, crpts., sg.l. pwellln& or *'"'e aet.s. t: .: ba · te fundecks. " v-consklredl, nr, school, IJin NE\V 3 BR family room, lrg, rs, pn~a II ed WIDE SELECTION EASTBLUf"t". Brand new 3 drps .. lrpl ., gatg. No child, ni<'c area Deserving ram. cabana-pool-club. $345/n·.-.. sto""e e oac!.11. ·cat Appl•·an-• • TV's avail. no pet!. Yrly lse. Sl80 mo. ·1 ·u · · be f ')u I "--·-·-•• bdr 3 ... pl f·"I •• ,,, I y "'' give st 0 CIU'C., lease. Al."--8J3-W04 poo • saunas. .......'-'""'!"";· No Security Deposit ·• 00• a ·• "' a Avail 9/1. Aft. 7, 6T:.>-JTI7 ir.I '-===="======I Sound proof walls, walk in >IFRC ~.-·,t··-Roolol• vil"w froin huge liv. rm. own honte. lo you r ren f"" " I -• t •-" _, s · bd ,..,. AVAl.L Now, large 2 bdr. Canp1')'$125orabltm -e, Lido Isle 3351 eosets, cove.-..v carpor. 517 IV, l9th. mt S.18-348l. pacious rm1 . ~ 1----------J Adults, no pets. bm 77._2800 fircplare, all bit-ins. $315 on a.pt, new crpls .. painted. bit· but pleaSe submit what M. HAPPY winter rental home THE CALl1'.0RNIAN 15& \V. Lncln. An least:. No smal l children or in.!! Sale or rent at $200. have A~a or l-lawtho1 ie, ,.__ 745 Do I Couplt' over 45. 673---0130. Lawrlclale, etc.; husband :n. partially furnished. 2 Bdrm, Phone 546-2727 v EN DOME ~~-Ni" t~~ call ~{: -ployed by Weslem AJrlll ts l ="='"=·='='"='=h·='="=»="°===i''o~u-P~L~EX=-o-,.-,-. ,-,-,-,.-,-1-.· 1 can locally: 642-3589, ev ; or 548-8482. Ba lbot 5300 •· h 3400 Newport Island. Do\\•nstairs APTS weekends. Huntington ~IC 2 Bt le slerping porch, &p1. Th1MACULATE ! NE \VP 0 RT Be a ch - I I~· U I t ADULT & FMIILY \V11lcrlron1 2 hdr. 2 ba, Nr .. v $170. Nt1\'t'r 2 BR. 2 Ba , NOTICE •I BR. 2 Ba. built•'•'· !o Ju y. 4-7.1 mo. psta ~ I' 'BLE • -B J I SECTIONS AVA lM\ luxury bldg. bu I 11. ins, yearly ..... undry & glll'age. . REALTORS .t~ RENTO~ The housing ofllce of Unlvf:!" •ity of Calllornift, lrvine1t15 cxpaodn~ llA li111lng &ervn.e fo1· off can1pt1s 1'f"nW11. Rdlil. , tor!'I & private ownl"l'S i' f'nrourai:ro to lriclude s · 1. nblc married & llingl(' car""ted & dra.....i. Dbl gar. r, Sepl to u y or ye.ar h I p k . .--I'''" 4,.,, n7 rourd Sl.50 mo. Boat dock Close to .s opp ng, •r subterranean parking, boa! NI' Uhrary. 673-3!lll6 eves. 1-'cd. yd. S235 lease ,,.,....., 68 avull . Call 879-2061. J(}..~ or * Spacious 3 Br's, 2 .Ba slips ava.il. 4 BR Home freshly painted. sr'C 11nyt!mc sun, 414 38th * 2 Bedrooms Cnribe Bu.llxm Mutual Rl'alty 8'12·141'il SL. upidalrs. *Swim Pool, Put/green 310 fl"rnando St. --* Frpl. lndlv/lndry fac 'ls 613-3003 F.unt1·1n V1ll1y 3410 WINTEH rrnl11I , l_..gc c.-rptd 2 1845 Anaheim Ave. B 2 .. bl( lo••il \VBSTCLf}'F 2 Bedrn1. crpls, :-, • ·ins, c "'· COSTA ?o.fESA 642-2824 LEASE 4 bdr Townhouse, pa I i o & I? a rag f'. drps, blt-ln~. pool. no • "-1d A ·1 •-t I "'""""~!!'!!"""'"""'~ <'hildrl'n er rv>I~. $16.J mo . S250 l n c I . ma1ntcna.nct. WaJn._..1 rycr vni .,.-II· $135. 2 BR . De.IUXI!: studkl S18--65I~ .-~ 96Z-750<! kldJ & peu OK. 50C)Ji ... Nf'ptune, Call 714: apt, 1•~ ba., Adults only, --,--;==;-;;-;;;.,.---1 ~L=EA-=SE=.~,~.,.-m-a~oul=•"t,---y,~.~,~ol7d;I &29-l-192 avail 9/1 Bkr. 645--0W " YEARLY-$2'1J. '1':'=;:~~~=;:;:77,''F'f New 3 &'!d, 2 Bath. GiJ..2223 Spanil'!h J Bdrm., 2~ Baths. * ON THE BEACH * l0t.'hl . Childtton OK HuntinAfOn Beach 5400 2 BEDROOJ\iI C 1'rpet s , drapes llullt·h1s, l blk to a point store-. Owner, 642-2M.'i or KE>y i\I 7701 Ellis, Apt. D $14a. NE\V 2 BR duplex. l!llovr, dsh..,.·hr, crpts .. drps. $170. Adults only. 1508 Olive. 53&-8523 968-4006. Winter Sepl 7th-June lSth. Sl5(). 2 BR, 2 ba 4-plex. Gar. 1809 W, Balboa S A Het h 3630 Fum Ocean front duplex. 3 Yf/W, r/o, Children I< pets •s~P7A~C~oc=w~2,.-,8~R,;-;2.-;;87A-, 7,1;::ec NEW $1"5 up. 1.:t.J Br, 2 Ba 1nta n1 9 tt Br, 2 &, suimdc upstn1. O.K. Bkr. 534-6980. k' 1 5 hid • ,.0-poo1, ,.. ~ 11. frp c. enc gar. tepa 10 • .... • ... '"'· (tents le faculty 11cco1n~' dutiol\!l in our file~. \V or phoflt' ror a httlng lo • from: Housing OUlce, 1. br.ry AdminiAtratlon Bl&t, UC Irvine, lrVlnt', ~ii· 92664 Phone: (TI4) 8.1U81.1.' 2 BDRM. bltns. crpts. drpa, r•i!M!d. trplc, dbl garage, patio. $175 ulil pd. Avail Aua:. 25. ~- S250. per mo. 2 Br, 1 811, pa. 1 _ 2 bdr. stove. epts, d-~. heh , __ -~ M -19911 GE Oi.shwshr ?ila:t M$-Jl37 tto down sin S20:I. per mo. .,.. · ....,, .....,, o. •Hor-• ' ' RENTAL flNDlR Of"' "-•"-'""' ~ pool. dllhwaher, disposal, or 5''8-31!1 It S-$6-4144 ~".~:--'"". • •Nme pa Tio, FtreplaC<'. 545--2181 ~=~~=~~=--NE\ .,""' l-3 BR. llJIUSM• •• 'l;n ......., SALBOA BAY CLUB lllX-• Ii •o.N up. 1-... -mmrl..-.SS 1!>72 Orchard Or, Santa Ana qula.lte 1 Br apt. Furn or Heated It sauna pools. rtt 1 -&P1.-.-n: mm SINGLE Young Adults Lux-l{cighbt , Lae S100 00 763! nn. •tell It Algonquin. Mar. OI W .. 1 ..... e..+..._._ __ ..... L1gun1 Belch 3705 ury a•rden apU: '"ith cwn-?========:::-un · · · .. StG-31.17 or s.i~t-M try club ahnosphcre anti Cost• Mesi 5100 e EXO.VSJVE 3 Br. 2 BB. \V11rned to lease or tt 3 BR,. 2 btl., 3 ear gar., compll'lt privacy. SOUTJI crpl.11, drp1, bttnii, $225 mo O:!luxr 2 bdr., pool AdUl.ts by rtUable tenant, 2 , panoramic ocean vlev.-. flCw !"\AY O.UB APTS. Jn•hie al 2 SOR. 2 ba, dl'P!I. cpts. bit-Jso. GU--1024 $l50 3 BR bou!t, lencttr ba crpt~. drps. $260 1nt"1. ltith Newport Btach. in11, cl<>&ed gar, Adi.Ill•. $1.40. ~Y.EA="ru.'°"Y---A~v"o°"ll-""'=,"'•'"e"n"'. I :;-.-;-;;;;;•.,-536-i-,;;2398i:-::•c.-:= l-;:m"""',..,.·-P_ho=""='--!l<S-05"'-'-"l.;.O+I 494-9937. (714) 64:>-a\'iO Harbor-Baktr it.rea . Mlh.'i038 2 BA. 1l7 3JT'd SI, <ipt 8. Z&.3 BDRr..t, 2&, pv1 pntiQ, JlJLY·~UI '70. 2 bd , f,UXURIOUS MOOtrn 2 BR 2 e WINTER R.1."NT AlS e 2 BR, w/w erpts. drp&, bit-* 67J..55.16 * ·h e I led r ... ~-.~. D e.w l 1 ~. ~ di\ • bl, frplc, bltlns, d.'lhWllhr. WINtl:'RED L. FOS.S, Afl. 1"3, 1-2 children ok. Sll'J.1---------tlf'Qlf\Oed. ,_-o;i"'f 88.yfri,til, &100. is I", UUJ pd. 497-1.fOS.. e 6U--36.10 e mo. Nr llChools .. 962..:m.i SOCK tr TO 'EM! SOOK IT TO 'EMI. .t'wfl~y..-m..-2789 :;y • \ -----·-·· -· DAA.Y PILOT Saturdu, Aiigust 9, 1969 -·•A_\ KIAL""'"'" BUSINESS ind ANNOUNCEMENTS General General . FINANCIAL and NOTICES 1111 Wini.:! 5990 lndustrlfl P<0p. 60IO Bus. Oppor"lunltl11 ~ Fovnd (F,... Adt) 6400 When You Wont it done right , •. 11 --------e LANDLORDS e . FRE£: llENTAL SERVIct LOT silt 100xl10' w1th oUlce .. s-i-5.1Ui982 I: 40X40' alab v.;lth i>teel '"' ·~..._ frame onl.Y • Ideal tor truck- ELECTRONIC Ales ~inl'e.r In;: firm. $26,(Q) • mt of 'heeCh 1 bdr, turn apl on 1erms. e>wne.r Vt'ilJ carry ls! 'the octWront, yrart.y. ro. ml • 8TI-4MOt ~xt 468 or PO Wtll...McC•rdle, Rlt rs. 'Box 675, Balboa. 1810 Ne"'PO" Blvd .. c.~T. l)tATt!RE working "-oman. 5'S-7719 11nytin1e 1,no drinking. sn10l<t.1'1i orl~!!~!!!!!!~!!!!~ pets nl"Cds ~rnAll apt orl. • h 0 u s e, w/gar, 01 area. lnduitriel Rental 6090 67a.-5.>tJ eve!, &45-1900 days. M·2 INDUSTRlAL spa.cc In ELECTRON IC 11 aies eoncrcl~bldw:. 300).'5<1 fl. 746 I engineer needs I bdr, furn \V. 17th, CM !213) 431-{1()82 iapt n the oceanfront. year. FOR Lease-New 2500 sq. fL . ly. {2131 ~7ln or PO Box Industrial bldg. 9c fl. 1639 675, Balboa. ~1onrovia. CM. 613-9017 BDR. house or apl, turn or unfurn, Aug. !&-Oct 31. No Lott 6100 chlldttn. To $350. NB. COM, BARGAIN'";"""'2-apt JOiS cOStii I l1vine. or \"le. 83l--02a3. MMB. A 19 unit &. a 55 unit. 1 * Rental Service* Excel Joe. _&15-2060 or FREE TO LANDLORDS ~131. Any!1me. 1 Blut' BeaCf'n 6-.5-0111 2 ADJACENT LOTS on San· 1 NICE J or~ BR. apt or house ti.ago in . \Vestcliff. Easy unfurn. Preler blutts. Resp. tenng, price $30.CO> each. 1 6r.>-Sl.39 646-856.l NEED 2 Bdrm. apl in LARGE R-2 lot, 9,000 sq. ft. i larper Sch. area by Sept 1. Can build 4 units, Contra21Y :Reasonable &1~1155 located in HS. ~9561 • $0))0. • t-JEED 2.J Bdr. unf. Adults, ..:.="'=-~~-~~..,-- " I , _ E.~ceUent view Jot no peli. y Sept. . ...,ase 8 64&-9236. Upper Thrtt Areh ay By O\\·ner 494-7800 CANDY SUPPL y BLONDE Pekinieae mtl" . ._ Talbert ' Bushard, FV. ROUTE .....,.., AFFILIATE <No Stllln1 Involved) SIAMESE ell, )'OWi&' female, Eiccellent Income for tcw Top or the \Vorld, t.aauna hours wttkly \\'Ork (Days or Beach. 4!M-ti608 even Ines). Refllllnc & col· BIKE found 8ny&kl.e Dr .. l~llng mol'lt'y trom coin op-call and identity. 673-:.mti t'rated dlaperu;ers in Costa 1-====='""=='== ! Ateaa &. surrounding area. lost 64<>1 We t-11. route. tH11ndles ( } ( ,J Coll one of the experts listed below!! nan1e brand candy & OCX:, 1mall Joni .. halrOO snack!) $1575. cash requir· blonde color, curled up tail, ed. r or personal lnlerview nea collar, ans. to Rikki. In C.0.la 11.lesa an1i., lJ c n d Vic Catneo Sbores. Cdi\1 SERVIC& DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY SElVICE DIRECTORY B =o.•by:;:.:•:.:lt:.:11:.:n~g. __ _;6::5::;50 Gardening 6680 Paperhanging Pai"tlng name, addresg &'phone num· beach. approx 1128. RE-YOUNG rtsponslble ad.ult bt!r to P..1ulti·Slate In<'., 9057 WARD. 675-0432. \\•ill baby sit evening and ALLF..N BROS. PAINTING 6850 E 1 ""1 f ;-,=c-,~~""""--~ weekend!. Own transportil-GARDENERS STUDENTS ~-mpe Hwy. Downey, LOST: Fa.mUy pet vicinity lion Sl hr. 642--0022 aJter \\'orking way thru college. F-X-PAINTER now teaeht'r, Calif. 902-12 <?J3J 861-0Bn Fullerton Ave & 19th St., 5 30 Ex L" 0 • ,..,203 quaJuy painting weekends, ...... : . p. ic .• ...,as, U'ft>-1 r "· PIZZA '-"'-Ans lo "AriJtotle." I;,"":,,.=,-=-,----,-vacauon. ree ""'"'timate, While male toy poodle. CHILO CU'P, my home \\1!ek· * EXPERT JAPANESE 54G-Wi2 f>43..3257 reward offtred. ly. Ove.r age 3. Elcperienced GARDENER SUB All pizza equip for piua house, incl: oven, elect cheese grinder, pizza pans, hot choc. machine, Sanl- Scrvr ice-ere.am maker (wa· !er. operated), Toa.stmaste.r ca fe french-lryer, etc, 95% profit m8Jl:"in. Total Value $5500, will sell all for $2500. Call 925-1116 or 658-1628 Col· mother, Paular1no area. }'l'ef" Estimate. 646--0830 ' URBAN Painting/Dec LDST: Toy, ii.Iver female 540-Expert Guaranteed Work Poodlt, July 30: vie. Pacific 9686· CLEAN-UP SPl-.:CIALlST? Free est. No job too large Sands tract, J-lunt. Beach. BABYSITIING, 1ny home. 5 Mo1v1ng. edging, odd jobs. or 100 small, -494-3190 Reward. 536-8S3.l day week. 2 1 ~ yr.ars up. Ex· ~Rc="~"'~""-bl~'-· _54_8-<_955_-___ 11p ;~Al,,;;N~T~IN~G;,=;J~n~I ~&7.E>:;.:t~Lo=w-. .,-11 per & rels. 54&-6077 EXPERIENCED Japa-se t d I LOST: Baby raccoon wl col-'"" con racte pr 1.-es. Fully ins. Jar &. Jeuh, vie Hntg BABYSITIING. my ho1ne gardener. Reliable, 540-7373 Satisfaction eua1. Free est. Harbour Tame t. scared. \\"hlle you "'Ork wkd!!. Nr ,'='~' ~"""-~"="="m=•='='----Jin1 Weeks 673-1166 Rew. 84&-U4J PeITY school. HB. 968-27.il JU.f'S Gardening & lawn IE=XT=7./l~n-l.=p=o=lg=.-.=,,.""-,-nn-.-$20-I LOST OOBERMAN pup, ilea maintenance. Res. & Com· + good paint, neat \\-Ork, collar, female, Vic. of Brick, Mlsonry, etc. mercial. * 548-84.11 Joe rels. Roy, 847-1358. VENDING ROUTE 1'1acArthur &. Palisade!!. _______ .;6::5.::60 -~c,,~,~,7.Ed~-~ .. ..c,.La_w_o __ e 1'~or tx-t ter painling lect. "'" a I SACRIFICE! 54&-1806 BUILD, Remodel, reparr. 11.tainfenance:, Licensed experienced painters Can he handled evenings or --.~,~,00--FO-R_R_ET_URN__ Brick, block, collcrete, a-18-4808/645-2310 alt 4 646-4071 after 6 pm. 1i;eekend, approximattly 3 Male, Sable brown BUR· carpentry, no job too small. Johnson's Gardening Cl.ARK &o CLARK Roomt for Rent 5995 SO. Laguna view level I o t, hours per week/, ~Ian or MESE cat. CD?>t 673-7099 Lie. Contr. 962-6945 Finest equip., expert care. CUSTOM,.PAINTING • undergl' u!il, 8300 s. f. \\·oman. Very lucrative. 5 Planling, clean-ups. 962-2035 e 642-2936 e 1 W.l w/priv rntrance & halh 518,750. Owner 64:'">-1653 $2,000 cash tor t"ntire oper· ·MALL white poodle, vie. C b 'i!T'adull home, Fin Val. $5G-J~=:;======= alion. If you are ready 10 lfar bor Green apls, Harbor, a in•tmaking 6580 IRV 'S GARDENING-Iles., p A P ER SPECIALISTS _ :1_moef,.~'"8-344F;;;;~'''-;;,,"":-;;;;;;"l;R~l~n~c~h~IS:;.. ____ ;6~15a0a )!tart busiM"ss nO\\' and have Ada.ms area. Black velvet WE Cll'an out your garage, Comm 'l I. Ind u ll tr i a I. Cal's best for vinyls, Docks, t!iJRN awm in nice. qu it"l -the cash, \\Tl!(' your name, collar \\•/rhinestones. Ans. haul the lrash and build 642-7756 foil, n1ural1. 847-1659 e'v-eS. 'l'IOme for 1\-orking person. MONTANA address le phonr number lo: to Toto. Special Pt"!. Please. cabinets on one wall. 'Total Jf!l.1"S GARDENING &.: la"l'n PAINTING ,Papering 16 yrs Kilcht"n privgs. 6-12-4794. Box M496 for immediate 540--~ or 546-8961 Price Labor & ?>taterial mainlenance. P.e1. & Com· ir !-!arbor 81?.8.. Llc. & RANCH .1:et-1ogether. SILVER lipped f I' rr a I c 52'L. Also ren1odel kitchens, n1ercial. * 5-'8-8111. bond~. Rt"Js furn. 642-2356 ---'="-------Sh<pherd. 1 ""'· '"Re"""". ba Du · ,Gunt Homu 5998 Bitter Rool Valley WE DARE YOU ~· ,.._._. lhs. tch Cab 1 net J a panese Gar dener TtlE particular painter 'T ·1 th t •1· I AL.'iO Boxer/nit Bull mix. 'loke-64&-o-219 0, "'~17'6 , m1 et: sou o •• ISSOU a, lo check up out. Nalio11wide ,. " ·~-v..,. Ex!Jt"r, comp! yard service! for particular people. ·' Joas & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT, Help W1nttd, Men 7200Help Wanted, Men 72otll Accessory Fabricators and Maintenance Mechanics/Electricians The Techite Dept. of United Technology Center has openings for Accessory Fab- ricators and i taintenance Mechanics at their facijities in Riverside, Cali!ornia. ACCESSORIES FABRICATOR Requires a knowledge of plastics fabrication and l.ayup to produce a variety of reinforced pla~t1~ mor.tar pipe accessories. Requires experience 1n mtung and application of re· s~nous mater_ials and molds, and interpreta- tion of drawings. Experience in sheet metal layout is also applicable. MAINTENANCE MECHANICS /ELECTRICIANS Requires knowledge of both mechanical and electrical 1naintenance. Experience in elec .. !rical !llainte~ance is particularly im portant, including motor control centers. interlocking and remote control ci rcuits, solid-state DC I speed controls, conveyor systems, automatic level cont rols, li ghting & po\ver transform· , ~rs, an~ attendant c ircuits. Experience as an 1ndustr1al electrician in a manufacturing plant is desirable. Inter ested applicants should a pply in person or send resume to Mr. L. G. 1-larlan, 3100 Jefferson St., Riverside California !P..504. ' United Technology Center A DIVISION OF UNITED AIRCRAFT CORP. U.S. Citizenship required fRV room in Hc"d: Board & .A1ontana. BQth creek & res-Co. needll a distributor in ~ale ~·~~-7 Vic 0.1. Free es1. 548-7958, 54&-0724 646-4584 CarT honic !or elderly, am-ervolr 11'3ter. il50 acres irri-your arell. 2 lo 8 h~ Pt r ('l\'a · · cC~a~•P~•~n~l~•~•~ln~g,_ __ 6~5~90-J====;;=;.;;="=J ===='=="'====! bula!?fl'. inan or wo~n. gated, to1al 620 acres; paM week (days or evesl for high LADIES wallet. Vic Ccntrr -Gener al Servicei 6682 Plaiterlng. Repair 6880 J~~!!!!'!!!!!~E!Q!"!'1!!!!J0p!po~c~to~nl~t!y!e!m!!!!pl~o!y'!'!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~J Nounsh1ng meals, congtnial undi<"r gravity sprinkler S)'5-eamlng~. No selling. You St, CM or 3rd Ave., Laguna CARPENTRY -I: 1 atmospht'rl'; Jrg yard & tern. Liw -do\~rn payment. can keep present job. Sl6.50 Beach. rn 8/l. Valuable 1.UNOR REPAIRS. No Job HAULING, General, trees, • PATCt[ !'l..ASTERING.1,H~--~~1~.P~--~W~-!~~;;';;';:d;,;;Ml;;;n:;:7;:2;:00;;;;H;;';el;p;;;W;•;;n:;t;;od;;;,;Mo;;n;;;7;;2:;00;,J patio. Ava il 00\\'. 548-~ 63 interest. CalUornla in· required (St'eured). For in· papers. RN·ard. 499-2369 Tor Small. Cabinet in gar. hedges, lopped, trimmed, All types. Free estimate , -· terests force sale. or trade. tl"Ni~\V in your area, send aft. 6. ages &. o I h e r cabinets. removed. Big John. GU-4030 'Call 540-6825 * * I Misc. Rental• 5999 Days. a46-91M.2, ah. fi, nanit. '"" pho-no. to.· ===~------5-1:).8175, tt no 8.1115wer leave -==========[ '"' SIAMESE cal, answers lo 646-23 o -1 RET. &isters \\ill care for 6#-0123. Dis tributor Divi1ion, 59o N. freckles, female. Lost vic msr at n. H. · Hauling 0730 Plumbing 6890 1 -ur home/nats 11.•hlle yo u1"!!!!~~!!!!!!!!~~ I Azu.'IA, Covina, CaJif. 91m East Bluff. 6#-4529 Anderson llAULING PLU1.IBING REPAlR ,. . R~I Call 11 l'A AFFILIATE REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS . 'cleanup, lols etc. N Job 1 ·'I vacation. e s. co eel creaa-6200 LOST 3 dys Blk & wht male Handyman anyli1nt' you call. 0 oo sm.u J. C. PENNEY COMPANY Fashion l1land -Newport Beacli H as Full Time Openings For -013l WE 5-ti047 MANUFACTURER kitten, vie Republir. 01. CABrNETS. Any st.!:e job *'* 642-3398•* e 642-3128 e Lanuna B•eeh d I · · 7J yrs. cxpcr. 548--6713 iuRAGE garage&, fully • cs res •llsoc1ate with man-Child heartbrkn. 64>0784 YARD /gar cleanup Remove AUTOMOTIVE SERVICEMEN t"nclosed. Avail Sept 1st. 1 ACRES W/PERMIT agrment or engineering QUALITY Repairs -Altera-lrres, ivy. dirt.' tractor R~_'!'_odel, Repair, 6940 't211. mo ea. 548-2!l21. C.?11. TO KEEP HORSES background" to join expand-Personalt: 6405 lions -New consL by hour hackhOC', 1;"1'3de 962-8745 BUILO R• od 1 "· • _ Adjacenl subdivision on e ing manul"i;:. co, S7,500 in-or Conlrncl. fi.16-3442 · • "m e · n.o:pall" ·1 -1 e COUPLES e I='""""''-"''='";..:.;..:.=-~~' !CLEAN UP & Ille n1ovini; Br ick, block, concret e , ncom• PrOJMrtv 6000 mlle E. of h"'Y, uu ava1 . v~st+ment . .sa. 1 lary S250 per • SINGLES • Rf:PAIR, Partllions Small Tree&: shrub removal. crpntry, no job too small S35,000, 1~ Cash. bal 1st trust iv equa £hare of prollt. Ren1odcl, c\e. Nile or da)', R"~~nablr. ~. l"l'"S LI r. 4 UNIT ,.IONEY 11.tAKER. deed. Should return $25,00'.J per Tired of Bars, 11.lail & Hi Cost Reas! Call KEN 5-10-4679 ..,...,., .~or J..J c, ...,.,ntr. 962-6945 585. nlO. income. lmmae. MAKE OFFER\ 1 yr. For appoinlmenl call ~Tr, compUtl'r clubs: JOIN ntE FATHER & 2 sons, trash &: * TF you need remodeling, nr. O.C.C. &:: So. Coas1 \\!rite or contact: George R. Obl'nour, 714-539-5600 FUN! TirE IN CRO\VD -Cement, Concrete 6600 g a ra ge clean· up. Free painting or repairs, Call ~ecent ex perience in lubrication, brake ad· Justrnen_t . and w h e e I bal ancing required. Com~et1tivc sa)ary arrangeme nt, top flight \vor_k1ng conditions \vith newest and fi nest e~~1~m~nt. Generous benefits inclu di ng hos· p 1tal~zat1on, employee discount and profit sharing. aza. Sell at 6.8 x gross. Kress, Box 914, Laguna •LIQUOR LICENSES DIV. OF I.11.t.P. Mee! others estimate. 842-8182 Dic k, &12-1797 ., II "-··· oo TD ho "'' ...,., "'ilh YOUR interests at our * "CONCRETE Wock. bo-'-~=========I========== rru sma '"-"-= · Beach or p ne .. """4'-· Inter-County Transters uu • J Apply in person 10 Al\·I to g Pl\I A1onday thru Saturday ' • 22 rour Star Realty TAKE O\"cr 10 Acres no •ORANGE COUNTY • "Attkly paMie!I or select cd t Ii<'. Patios/dl'V\l'YS Hou1l"cleaninq 6735 Sewing 6960 835-44 lhem individually I.: CGAL.5 clc. Phillips Ce men I . · do\\'n. S25 mo. Ranch site OU 11alc Sl0,000 -on sale joln FREE) CaU Leah 1-9 518-6380 1'1AINT-re~/cnmc'i.:. \\"UldO\\'! 25 YRS. cxper Seamstress. 4 NA1T't' Nir"TlES '-="'=·=h="="':='':;:k~'·,:8>1--<o=="='=Ag=I.= S\3,500. l..in1itl'd Quantity! p.m. ~9320. our specialty. Xlnt work, 11Uerations & ITpair, mens PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND Equ al Opportu nity Em ployer .\II 2 BR -Elec bltips. Lush1. Winston 12131 212--4249 colll't't * CONCRETE Ori;. patios rt•as~ Refs. &J2-944C clothing specialty. 645--0731 *" patkis AND uv1>r 12% net Mount. & Desert 6210 •LIQUOR LICENSES• * Al " cit:. Concrete&: blk top S!lW· rr.lurn. Make me P~ it? Inl1>r-County Transfers one ~. in11:. Reas. Don. 642-8514 CARPETS, \Vindo1\·~. llrs. TILE, Co,1m"1c 6974 Jo Hansen Rltr 646-8226 ~ l'tr. Rcii or Comc'I. Xlnt · · * ORANGE COUNTY * CEMENT \VORK, no job ioo "'Ork Reas! Reis. 548--4111 H SMOG FREE Off 11ale SlO,DOO-on sale YES IT'S YOUR small, reasonable. Fr r c * Verne, The Tile Man * elp W1nt•d, M*'1 7200 Butiness Pro~rty 6050 C-1 CORNER VACANT 2 Br. 1 Ba.: lot 8200 sq. ft Xlnt spot lor small busi- OC!ll!. Price reduced to sell ! Canon Realty 6'1:.-~l Busln .. 1 Rent•I 6060 • Sl3.500 Limited Quanlily! rstim. H. StuDick. 548-8615 CARPE'TS, Window!', ~. Cust. "'Ork. Install & repairs. \\'inslon (21J! 272-424!1 collect FAULT t"lc. P.es or Come'!. Xlnl E . NEWBERRY For 11"tortied ml"SS&gt" thal C C 6625 ~-ork Rt'a.s! Ref.'I. 5't8-41JJ No job too small. Pla.ster •ecuhvt Sales PROF [TA BL E. Major 11 111 changr your lile call arpet l•a~n~i~n~gc......:.= palch. Leaking sh o 11· e r Starting salary plus comm. SPRINGS F ', o, h ,. , • d, ,·,,,,. ORANGE CO . .,7 '""! -Bay l.: lll'RCh Cleaning Scrv repair 847-1957/846-0206 First Y''' '' · r restaurant. Princi ples ~)y 24 hour recc;;i;;"' CARPET & J.'um. cleanilll':: Carpets, v•indows, floors, elc . Sl:Z.000 plus possi;;n:syeaor City of L•kes Rrt 7 PM 548-6681 for 1 day service & quality R€'s ·'-' Conimc'J 646-1401 Trt"e Service 6980 training program by cen· 'IAh'E YOUR O\VN ' •KE LICENSED \\-ork, call Sterling for h · •. ~' FOOD TO GOO ----------1 lry old nal'I, comJ)ilny. · D Spiritual Read in11:11. advice brishtness~ &12-8.'i20 Business or '''"• ba··k· II 312, N El --J anitorial 6790 GENE'S TREE s ER v: ' '-20 ~files t~. of Barstow, business, Good profit record. on a matters. 1 • J:round hc!pl"I· No ,.,,.,, I I Ca R 1 Si Cl l Carpet Laying & frC'Cs/shrubbery ren1oved. • on rccway. E evation 67.>-2W2. m1no eR, 111 cmen e R • 6626 ,_ _, h 1A.. Mgmt opportunities Eq"~ 2000 fl.. 30 Acres adj. ~~-"'==----~I 4!12·9136, 496-9507 epa1r \\'ALLS, \V111dow5, noo1'll, ... imm ....... , au o;:u a 1 " a Y op. ,.mplr 10 Lake l..orcen. 100 LAUNDR0~1AT. Successful, 10 AM • 10 P~1 i·ar,......!.~. Con1n1ercial & ~51~"-~';"~''-------1 Ronald A. Sm1"th Top k>cation 300 +sq ft. ~1os1 automa1ed self · CARPET LAYING ,.. ~ Lakes (man n1ad<'I in GRAND OPENING AUG. 11 residential. Daily, \\"eek!y ESTATE !\1a111t Tree Serv 4 Yr! remaining on lease. area: service. 56:i00. 67;Ki622 MUR-RA y HEALTH SPA C.A. Pa.gr 642·2070 ancl /or Jl.lo. S9i-7350 Removal &· trimmings, !reef -~~=;"~7·;1900:::::-___ _ BALBOA ISLAND Sl75. mo. \Vritt: P.O. Box 1·~ BL SllED -MAINTENANCE I5.1]j Las v-ai NC'\'. JOl •A I beaury salon 1930 \V, Coast Hwy, Neivport SERVICE DIRECTORY _ l'Stima!e, Cail ~l--0088. ·• • FOR SALE . "-N in CdP.1. 6 chain, newly Be h 7 I k T . _ _, MAN PRO~"IONAL 11 · , is ,,.., orth por· ac . < ay~ aw . rain....., E 6640 Landica pinn 6810 Uphol1t1~ "'~-o 1 c e lion of 40 acrei, RESERV-decorated. 61>.1420 ma.'15CUS<' &l2-3l54 lectr ical . • . , 6990 space, _Sl55. mo. Must see_!o ING South 10 acres L\t.1-o=========0 I appreciate. 186 0 2 P.lacentia. PROVED ~·Ith m 0 de r n Bus. Wanted 6305 Attr•ctive E•pert ELECTRICIAN, no job too * Lic"d landscape con1rac· CZYKOSKI"S CUST. Uphot. C '1 Phoo• "A" """ YOUNG WOMAN sm11\l. }'or prompt service I I ·" ·· ~1 • ranch houSi' etc Unlimited ' ' tor: compete ndscpg & also Eurol)t"an ~llgmanship Prrmancnl position, good AIARINERS CENTER perfect \\'ater. :ict GPi\1 ai lntereited parties w ith dancer \\'ill teach you alt call 5'15-46l-4 Japanese R:Ard"ns Sl0-3037 100''<> li"9 612-1454 benefits. Evening shift 4 0 d h I k• latest steps. Call Ardell PM Uice t. ~tore bldg, rent or 80 ft depth. Pricf' ns.000 ~2 rea Y cas , oo 1ng 213: 591~538 1_10 P~l Floort-6665 LANDSCAPING Yuccas fo r 1831 Newport Bl., C.M. lo 12. \ea.J;C. ST.l lo S12ll per nio. Cash, ba.I 1st TD. Subject for right Hoffbrau lo-!§a ir, rail Juan Pantoja. Whlte elephMI•! Dlm""-•-li-Con!lH·t 81\i Bailt y 1,9 R. "rl ''"241 I d h 22 GENTLE?-1AN. 39. 6 . l" ". •. "" 644 1700 1vers1 e A1•e. ,,...,-. ~ an as 0 It. frontage on cation Newport/Cotta Cariat Vinyl T ile · •PRIME Retail Locatkin • Silver Valley Rd., 1 nti. E. of Mesa are•· 642-6061 desires to hpar from h1dy ~ All 1 'Id 1 y Ad Sh Id ~ Bo I Store 17:it40. xlnt ft. & auto o[ ~I. For further lnkir-•ft. 1 P .M. ~ii:: Write Box 11.t 422 Daily },~s~s~ ~le.:~~ our OU Be Here, .• s CARPENTERS traffic. 1871 tlarbor, C.t-1. ma.lloTI plea!iC rail 817-6&i0 ~().7262 54&-1178 Th ... L k• F I ! ~ ~i~e;!.~:~r'::.kday~orany. Money to Loen 6320 ~:o~2-~1 ~01: M7-20l.Jaltcr 5:30 p.rn. ~~ • ExTpO,,o,.,~!dN0G01Y S60 PER month. East 17th '""~ s:. C;\;f Slrt'('t Exposure.I --~-~-~~-~-~~-~-~~-~~-~-~~-~-~---1st~~ :?nd loans for quick P.O. Box 1Zl3 Costa Mesa.. I ~ O"Day Ya cht!; Rcalonomics. 6/:r-6700 1: ca ...... Bomi1v on ycur pn> I ~ ~ .'.000 Pulln1an Costa ~lesa 1...:;;.:=::::::::;_::.;::..:.::::_ __ f~IAKE }'Our hon1c in ~ccnic pcrty eq without disturbing Announc•ment1 6410 JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS & EMPLOYMENT I JOBS & EMPLOYMENT $16-8078 S'ALBOA ISL.AND. Lease high dr.~rrt. St'e our Jux-your low lntel't"st l5t TDs. 0 -~---- 2 Stores. togethC'r nr sep. uriou!I Golt1 A·ledal!ion !ta-Also buyers for 200 TDs. ~ Htlp Wanted, M en 7200 Help W•nted, Men 7200 Help Wanted, Men 7200 B AT .CARPENTERS 3D7 ~ar1ne Ave. 6T.1-Si53 c·ienrla~ iu Sl-.-y Harbor S.ittler l-.lortgage Co. Inc. Undetec t eble Men's F.x pr r 1cnct>r!. lntcrt•snni:; l =='O;',;"":'~'~"~';b=ro:k;'='==J Ranchos $21,900. 2 BR, 'J. Serving Harbor Area 20 yrs. RELlABLL. ''X/X'l'ient'I'~ ACCOUNTANT custom "'·ork. Top pay. BA. pt1l"ll'lle1l den. For l()(?al J?.6 E. 17U. St. Custom-made hairpiece from inR1urc lady :i~ Cashirr , e ADMINISTRATIVE One or thr l'ountries top \Villard Boat \\'orks, 1295 info call ?ttrs. Pangborn 642-2171 545--0011 lransparenl arti.l.icial skin. Ho~teu or Rcccplionis!. ASSIST ANT TO bullding f i r m s . Bright,1_B_o_ke_,_. _C_M _____ _ 673-1328 Comfortable, natural-looking, Prl'fer CM-NB al't'a. Parl or F ~-oung man for initial as-SPORTING C".oods Sall'llm<1n. MODERN OFFICES Robl'rt &hoenleber. Inc. Mortgages, T .D.'s 6345 Orange Co. Ha ir Replace-fu ll timf:'. a-1!1-561'\ INANCE DIRECTOR s1gnmcnt in Orange County. Ntal's Sparling Goods, 219 rno;i.1 S65 PER MONTll Contractor, Subdivider ment Centtr, 433 N, 'l'w!un, $962. to $1169 per month unr 1 d Al od k . -• I ~·~ 29 p I H" h ~ ll PAN \Vasher. all around uni c oppartunity for E. 4th St., S.A. r-co ., par mg, cenh·w (). .,..._ a ms 1g way $75,{XX) lsl TD on 11.000 sq. ..,, .. ~e. t 633-0431 d --' · s ··"·' · \" 11• ,. "II',. ..., ... _ kilchfon man. Lang\ob; l'an-C ITY OF a C'gl"t't'I• at-rountant lo COOK. bt-aklul ,h,·r1. cations. ecre"""u .service. uc<:a Valley It. brick commerc. bldg, on ., ---·· ---·· -"'' b d I • '~ .. L· 7 h M I-;======''=== ---tt cy 1-'rozen F'oods. 21 14·1 roa en us c.~pcrlencc and A 1 f"l · tJ JV ""'· l I . Co&la tsa. I· -long-tenn leased I and. LOST: Ladies Vu 1 c a i n La~na Cnyn Rd., Lag. B. NEWPORT BEACH prepare for a !Olid future. PP Y )'tng Bu er "42-1485 Exchtn.-., R. E. 6230 Payablf' S750 per mo. Incl. Con•••·"'''.'" -h 1 1 J' ~~-_:673--09::..:~71c_ __ _ •-· \\tt\shi:a1ch \'ic Easlbluff 494-2020 e-,~r. c P u 1-PRIVATI:: offices w/bath, TRADE 10·:.. Rl'ntol income S2,400 shp'g area or pi'fl-schl. Unparall<'l'l "·orkini;: and liv-but not mandatory. Salary Silverwood1, N•wport 6070 Office Rental NEWPORTER INN * SEARS Costa Mesa Announces openings for EXPERIENCED -·-SEAT COVER INSTALLER -·-BRAKE MECHANIC -·-ALSO t"OR FULL TIME SALESMAN Hard. su~acc Door-covering and 1n1enor docoratini . -·-Ex1.'f!lll'n1 Earnings Plu.o; • Profit sharin;:: • lfospi!alizat1on •Group life ins. •Paid vacation • ~ paid holidays • En1ployer dis1,.'tlun ! • Apply in Prrsonnel Offlct fllonday thru Sa tu rday Io AM lo 4 Pr.I SEARS Roebuck & Co. SOUTH COAST P LAZA 3333 S. BRISTOL COSTA MESA crpls., drp.s & storage space 1 0 C per mo. lO<;"°o Dlllcount. 816169. Grad glfl. Reward. EXPERLENCED ~hoe sales· ing {Ylllditloh.~. f"mploymen1 con1men$Urate ivith ability EXP. Tallor Jitter. Perm. in the Glendale Fl'd Savings \\ant range ounty l'Xl'~ BROKER 497-1210 67S-I06·1. man. Inquire 2tj Forest bcnf"h!s, c-Ar<'f"r d~~lop. p!us C'Xcel!en! fl'inge benefits position, frinrr::e benell1s, gd. Bldg., Coron.a del Mar. $65 11:~~~· ~~ui'ioJ11~f .~r 0~ $5,9-:,0 isr TD on ocean vie'v Ai;e .. Laguna Beach.~ ment npriortunity. Requires of a world·ividr. po.rent com. pay. Apply II.tr. \Villlams, 45 An f::qull.] Opporlunity n10. call E"elyn Halbakken · p ch! RI ( 7 I t lot, 8%, due 3 years. 10% F'ACl'ORY TRAINEE, Bachelor's Degrer iJI Ac· pany. Con1Act W. C. Baker Fa~hlon Island . 644-2424 Ernployrr l='='~;.<;44~~•~0~'~"'~;.~3~1=<1~-~1 lo~".•u"~lv II~ ll~t x,_ n .. ~ d!!COunt. 497-1210 Cemetery Lots 6418 service complelC'cl. ll . S. countlng, Bu5iness, Public t714) 541).9710 CU~DIAN II, graveyard ~~-' ""'' "'" "' (197 1021 · \ 4 LOTS · d' I Pl I 1 Administrative or closely re. SHOP lfELPE" \ --SEE Al 188 E. Jith St. CM. Glendora ~II $50 Al & or --""'~-..:.::=-~'"°:..:."~"':!::"'' __ in Blut Spnice &-c· 1P oma. · 10nc or app · A1AN to 11·ork split shift job shill. Jnqull't' ~Ir. Chcnna.k, . "· 'oung man Next 10 Security Pactf!C lrwinrlaif:' ~ti STa ri.1 $5.000 2nd TD on loc. apt. lion. Ha.rtxir Re!I Memorial 5-ls-till6 la!C'rl field, and thrtt yC'ars in La~. Bch. area. Some SaddJeback Collea;e, 837-9i00 "1th ~me hand drill & drill- Nal'I Bank. Plenty ol parJ.;. 71.f/i74-iil10 r.!rs Bro"·n compl~x. 3 )T!J. due 6'<,~1> Park. 5'18-3015. AUTO MECHANIC ~,;~:=~~~A~~~~~:~ mf:'rh.1n1cal exp. rt"(]'Uired. or 49.>4537 ::C~:-, cxrr. cl Coor! fnngr ~~· ~,•1101 util. In c luded BEACH C01TAGE.Ne"·por! pct. qrt.rly. 2 yr . seasoned JOBS & EMPLOYMENT 1\1th engnll' <'xper. must hal-'<' heen at rhe s u. ~ hrs/ll"k. S400 mo. Taylor-SERV. STA. AITND"T, over 1y. 1 s, Ira Y lll'TSOn on- "'"'-" F('(' land. Room lo build. 1;;% di!IC, 644-42W. \\'all t-!;1.ys Auton10IJ\.'I" pcrvlsory Lf"vl'I. Apply im· Dunn. 2114 \V. &U Rd. .1&. Ex:p. nee. Sec Mike. -cHRtSTfF. NE\V Oelwce 0H1cr spaC1!s A.~sum<' 6.!i'iC loan. Trade ANNOUNCtMENTS Job Wanted, Min 7000 7037 Ha rbor Blvd., Cl\t 1nNlia1£'\y ro thr Prrsonnel Anaheim. 535-0026 ~RPOR~ T~X:Co, 4618 2120 Pla~n!i;LA~~P~;;. 320 tn 1200 sq ft 11t Santa for inromr properly. Call •nd NOTICES BOY 1~ needs odd jobs. 612-5113 CJrtiCf' hetorl' ~ P.l\f. Friday, SALt:Sl\IEN. Shoes. r·1 ,t· f'll pus ·• . · B~u"s~80,;;;:.,-';7,':.::...::.::::..::''.'.:... Ana Fwy & Crown Vallr.y Four S111r Rl'11lty. 83.">-4422 fl.1owini::. rdg\ng, varuum YOUNG l\1AN, IXl.r1 time !or Au I:: Ll ~ r 12, 1969. i7141 Guur. 1<omm. Pfl.l's BOYS 10 _ 14 's; Y. 18 or over. Star1 turnoff. ~.1-1400, ~99--4198 ;::;,,~=~;,="='~= Found (Frte,.....Ad1) 6400 pool. Clclln gllra.:l's: fencr gcnl'ral r£'Slaur11 nt w 0 r k. 6i3·6t!l3, 3.100 Nrwpor\ Blvct lin1r men. Expc.r. pi"t'f'ri. Carrier Routes Open ~I~;, ~rit Apple~ in JX'rson DEL,~E ffi · r. R E Want~ 6240 · I " ?i1ust be 01·rr 16. ;,.J5-1686. Ne11·port Bt'a<'h, California Cuar. t'Ornni. Pl\1 "s 1 , , 0 11.gi• oflrc Shop. "'"' o . cc 1n V16ln • • CAN"T k•op ,-·-m-•, pa1nl ni:: 2--9261 9_,0 A 1 "l! or 562 \\ 19ilt ""I c 1 >I " ·~,,. •• ., IV -====='7"'==== -~"°" ~ ppy "'" !~. \7 lh. f'l\1. · • ''·• OS.& ·eAA. Mt"S8.. 1!00 sq. U. \Xkl. A.1r ,vhlte dno ,vi!h ff'd co.liar. ~Do . . ESTABLISHED Insurance • Laguna Brach, So. l..ai\lfla rc~A~RD"'-E~N~E~.;;'-'c...:;::;c:::_:::::;:::; cond .• crpts .. drps. ;,ts.-6761. fou nd 1;"B a ck Bav area. m"tlc H•lp 7035 Leads avAil, N.B. office. ASTROTEK CORP. ?i.t AN to 11'0rk part lime tn DAI.LY Pn.oT co .1' ~· 2 111 dust ot · G All B I --· opp!. 67"'-' o--,·-,.. E•-·•· .. --.. n:ntals '"'"'· momlo~ & w.•~1 mm · min yrs exp, :iclnt OlflCt' & desk space, $$ MORE CASH $$ O"'lll!r phi. contact & iden-eorie en • Y and Agency "'""''"' ~ ,,... .. ··• ,.... ,_,,..~ "'b~ ,_. Cai Secretarl&I liel'ViCt'. Cify. 646-1403 Employer Pays F~ Oiul'kt'rs and lll.'('ke,l'Kis. \Vtll train. Apply 2 \'OLKS\VAGEN mccl\allia; ~~r. 1 C''"'5· ~9'~Wr "-leu.......t av.·, l°'Antcr ~~---...0..·---106-8 E. 16th. SA 547 ,,_-; SALESMEN l..a!ht> Machinists 1!13(1 Nl'wport Blvd. CM. ,,, ""·, •. , -m only. t·- ,. "t-• '-"" • r y J-1 t:-~wt DOG -med. u . 'A"hitc, shag· -==_,.-,.,--~~--~o.::c" I Ou G D " ·--· 61$-1$)1 or our ome ~ Y ChineM' 1 1 ,...,._Arl 1 n r un tpt. Top Pay. LOT ~Ian &. C'Xperienced tune up it.nd rbake mech., 1 1~~=~"'"""""----I Absolulely no CO!t .. • gy. Black collar. Vic p 17Exns. "''inc 'II Fully ex(ll'rienced needed 1267 LOGAN AVE. delail tnan. CO!Olla Afesa new hel-r lor lub & oil, ~SO CARPETS, dnpes, air co11-lo you the Sdler1 • Brookhursl -Slattr, FV, -~ ennanen · periencerl. r 11 ,. A J COSTA ?itESA d• 1 hi "-II ~ ~Uonin&. plenty of parltin2. 1 ~ Y'''" or P"''nr mol't" cash 968-4644 1 t·ar East A~ncy &12-ai03 u imr. Pfl y: -,:-:--:770=~~""'==-1 f'.ar ,a ers JI. ~ce ent guarantee, wc pay fuU i'fOup " W II 1.1......._ .... , "V' GRANT'S '.\!A.NAGER ASSTSJ'Ai'fr 'v or k in g conditions. Len J & holida 0 1 ~7129e .... '-""we. for On1nge County properly. l..AD'''S "11.'11.Jict on eot"ner of JAPANESE col\rgt" ii r 1 . \'OU7'G inan "'/cooking & Hulon :'48-776.i ~j 4~~.c. ys. t.~ · Call lhc Reil · • · Birth & Pallitades. "Siler", Llvr-in t.lothcr'~ 11ir1, gooc:l SURPLUS k!tehcn *"~P lo assi.sl in 1·u1 L Tl'lE •·-' · I lltAl"-'E D:tcutiVt" office Then call the S esl 200-12 Bll'Ch SA Hts h1m\ly, nc11r O.C.C. CaU lT...O NE WPORT BLVD. • · .x-.viCC' Sta! nn E lectricel Designe r s •• ll from · · !162-27'77 o Pl' r a ' Ion or family Jlt'lp. One, gravtyard. E:t-d D ft "'B.. A1'D SJM otriet". BEAlFI1FUL all black kit.1 ~ CO!ITA ri-1ESA n:sl<lurnnl. Apply In person per. pn'f"rl . Richlit"ld. 19th an re sm en 15 nao Ownu. &r:M&M BEVfRl Y JA(KSCtf lt'n, r I'd collar. Vic Ocean Help W1nted JM 7200 STOCI< CLERK 10 i\lr. Horr I ck . h1R. .~ Nc\\·port. C.hl. NO h Minimum of ~ yean1 e.~pcr, 600 hi 1200 Scf. Ft. Blvd ., CdJ.I. 61J..-0833 • n Shipplf\i, l'f'Cf'ivlng. f t 11 STF.1\K %l67 Falrvil!ow Rd , call~ p ' Commercial i. ll'ld~lrl!ll 0 .-.... ,. u "'""'·'""" REALTY FOUN I ~" 1··1 I ..... ordrrit dell·-r-v No Cl\I. --· bulldlt'lgs. Top lll'atf' • n d -=. T"J'::. ~ • ..-. "':..~ D n1a I" Shunt&e cat. ~ I ~ as Suup men · ~ ... ". ~· SERVIO; Sratlon at1cnden1. btnrlils. Newport Beach ._,,... "'"'' ..., UJl" ..,..._. Mrllll \'"'* a~a . tmt for CHOPPERS Pf'Mt'nrl" M«'M::u•y. 51ftl. G A RDEN ER'S Exp"d, llf:'.l" no barrltr, f'lllJ ~999tt. . 1JW1c IO f\an1'b )'11Gt home Lit) somclimt'. !Ji!Hl69;). GEL COAT f>l!'I inonth to iuart, ,.~1,.,. d!l.Y ASSISTANT t1n1£'. !1Rlary + l" o m m TOO •• &Ill pal buys ln to-947 .. gw l or ~S-8245 FOUND: lrillh Setler on FOAAI GUN OPERATORS \li'l'k. Ch11ncr · 1() 11d\"nnrr ~tobtl Stallon 200 El Tb~ Ll\tAKER CJr Cla" A 1a~.-~··~°"~-Ml~llod~~Mt~~·,..,-;:,;,[=~~!'!l!~:!!''!!!!'!'~'!"!'"[ Brl~tol SI, Call & ldtnllly. ROLl.F.R~ I \Vrltr quaHflcatkinS, ht•1i;h1 N EWPORTER INN Rd., LDauna i llll:t. Machlnis!. r.xpcr In 1oollna ;:; ,,.,, ,._ }~JNlSlfERS and 11.·ola;hl lo Box P.t·356. ..::;;:;,;;;:;:;;:..:;:;;:,, __ ~l&nd prototype Cai>C' EnJ:l- AfLY PrLOT WANT .ADS! THE QutCKER YOU CAU.. ......-.w.,.,:.,..,,~-----Toi' i;cala. Call Bill Clll) TM Dally Pllol, ASSISTANT CHEF k all· ncering k f.tanufactlirlng. ~14 e.!~phantl~ 01mc: ... -lloo nm QutCKER YOU SEU. Dial M2-M71 !or RESULTS 77~1M I Conta!'t Mr, Lirur.c:y Slot~ 8l'01md rook. CouTltey club. Z769f Camino Ca.pl~tr'll.l'IO( OIARGE )'OUr w•.nt ad now. 64-l·lTOO top \\'a,rcs. 496-5446 J..aruna NlJupl. &,1-1164 - SERV1CE !la!ion attendant exp'd, l!'m Patlu.des., S.A. Hghls. 545-9i51 Security Guar'ds Nc1vport arra Call 637-30iO PART·tlm~ O\"er 21, rvl! hi'!!, plua parlor, Cdi\t. 6T;,-19Q.I PART !!me BCX>l{J<EEPER. !I.la.lure &· exp'd. 9-2, S da~ \\"k. fi~Sll7 . DRfVER !O drh·e rar lo Ohio bcfort Aua. 17. 1JRC°''T! 64&-21'32 ALL-Around bl'nch ?!IA CJflN IS'f • ~tE':OIA~IC for Amill! shop, LalUn.\ Bch .....,.., JOBS ' EMPLOYMENT JOBS ' EMP,l.OYMINT JOBS ... EMPLOYMENT JOBS ' EMPLOYMENT Joas " E/APLOYMINT JOIS ' EMPl.OYMINT --S1turdl)', A111usl '· 1'69 OAILV ,IL.OT .as Joas " !MPLOYMl!NTJ01Til!iiMi.i'L"O""Y"'MlnmN"'T ""M"'E"'ii'""C"llAH.:;:,;;D..,lr.SE;;:;.,"'~~lj Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500Job5-Me", Wom. 7500 SAL! AND s~ Help W•nted; MJft 7200 H1tp Wanted, Min 7200 Help Wanted Help Want.d Help Wanted Help W1nt1d \.;;;W;•;m;;•";;;;;;:;;;:;;;7;400;;;;;;:;w;~;m;~;"::;;;;:;;;:;;;7400;;;;;1 __ w_om~•-"~~~~7-400-l·~W-om~•-"~~~~7-400~ Furniture ... EQUIPMENT MECHANIC *DRIVERS* No Experience Necessory! * * SECRETARIAL DEPARTMENTAL Dees Tbe Beach -CLERK - * * SUMMER I J. c. PENNEY COMPANY CLEA " 'NCEI, $6.S 1 to $791 per month CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Mu~I hi.ve clean califomla drlvlng ~. Apply YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th SL lnvoirr~. d1ai;:OOl'l!I 11ni:I Co51a t.1esa. repalI' of 1ncehan1cftl de-CABIN ET • MAl{ER frets of s;-l'llt'raJ autom,,. TRAINEE Young man for tive and n1otorcyclc steady cn1ployn1ent. Some <'ffUipmcnt . Requi11"S cxper. in v.'OOdworking ,t, lhree Y<'Rr"-of t'Cl.<enl. f"agcr to lt>arn cabinet 1nak- gencral auton1oliv<' and Ulg in small, c u s Io n1 motort')'('lc nlechanicll.l r u r n I t u t' e ?-.fig. Co. f'Xl)('rlence. Apply lrn-Jqrgensen 11·umitutc Co. 786 med. to Personnel, Of-Newton Way C.M. 66-0JlO fiC1", City oJ Newpo rt YOUNG mfJl for IOCIJ jewel. Rea c h, 3300 Ne"'l'Orl ry itore. Sales & related Rl\'d., Nt1>.'fl0l't 8 e 8 c h. work, No experience nt"Ce~ J. C. PENNEY COMPANY F11hlon l1land -Newport 8e1ch NEEDS PART TIME SALESLADIES HouMwlve1 & Mothers Can yotl spare a few hours each day and add to tlie family l n com e at the same time? Schedules convenient tor you, mornings, af· ternoons, evenings or combinations of all. Work in store under the finest of conditions and top supervision. APPLY lN P~RSON Calif. 92660. Appl 1__:_.nc:.1-' -"'-""'"'3.1_. __ ·_1 .. ~iRK JawELERS PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND Beck1111? MOOS .,.. htoded lof' M.cM In Newport Btoch. We nMd !ho foll.wing to staff our ever 9rowln9 Beach f1cllltles. SECRETARIES Good ahortha.nd & typlna skills. public relatiord, Real Estate, ronstruct)on bacil:- 1round he.lptw. CLERK TYPIST Typlnr speed a minimum 60 wpm, atttntiV!: t1) deta!Js, PurchuJna 11.nd plMnlna "~· pcrnnc" Meelsary, to take over c~ of all clerical, plannlr11 and purchaalng du- ties, and usiat manaier in wndor follow-up, Previous .. xperltnce dtl.ittd, Typlnc acu1·atr.ly -15 wpm. f'uhJon kland -Newpol't Detach JV'\ HAS OPENINGS FOR New bed" K;ng I00.50, Q9" $89.50, l'"'ull $49.SO, C 0 0 K S W A I T ll E S S E S 139·50· "'"' '""""'· Sl<ept 90f11i m.attrtuts, re&· d. I U S B 0 Y S S..'9.:.0. New 9 "" =ner "I mug. choll'!C of ch-s, rrt. \Vitb some experience and willing to $230. nuw $1t!l.SO. lkadbn:I~· team . Top working condlUons & environ-Klni;s, S15. Queens s12. ment. CompeUtive \Yage s plus meals & •ui1 $10.::.0, Twins S3 tips, and outstanding benefits including Slt'Cper sofas, cOOl.ce Of clrs, h .t ti ti d fi h Reg S21!t.50, now Sits.sq. osp1 a za on an pro t s arlng. Klng-sl.ze spreads. choice J!. CULTON 1.NDUSTRIES Apply in person-10 AM to 9 P ?.1 , clrs, re~. $20.95, oow $U .• Monday tbru Saturday ful sz. $9.95. SIESTA SLEE' 1644 Whittier Ave. C.M. SllOP, tm Harbor Blv4 EctuaJ oportunlty employu PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND C~t. H S-2760 d a i I Y lD-f MR. Best One Hour Silt-Sun 10-6. , Clt>•ncn, Paclfic c 0 as t Equal Opportunity Emplo)'er 17 p K" 5:. 1 lliway, &: lrl!, CdM. At. All student po&ltlons are fl.l.Led C. lnCJ ••~ tracti,.,. couner girl, full· * * Bedroom , 2300 Hlrbor Blvd. IO Alit to 5 PA-1 ~fonday thru Friday °"~:.t.::-ur. All student pos;uons filled. ESCROW CLERK ACCOUNTANT l!mr. Shi rt presser. part. ••m!!l!!"'""""'"'"""'"T"'""""'""""""'"'""''"'.,,;'1La1'£1' 9 drawer drei;se.r, mi1' ti1nr. No !:Xp. nee.. a:d. ~ ~ -rul', 2 bedside atands, kina \\'Orklna: cond. Apply In Help Wanted Job.-Men, Wom. 7500 s11.e hradboard, lrarne. quilt. prrson, r.tr. Pie-rte. Women 7400 t·d mattress, sheets, blanlo-To fl('rforn1 varioui; c1utles In COUNTERMAN & DRrVER Equal opportunity employer 8scn:Jw a.nd acrounth11 the ac-t'Oun!ing dl'parln1cnt. bacJraround in 1-nd dev!:l01>-NURSI::S needed for Private MATURE \\Ionian for rerail BUffUM'S "rs, rk·. Du1y. Pr act J ea !'! • no bak~ry sales w 0 r k. Shift Choiet' of Spanish Two ~'l.'ars or indu.<;lria! rx. City Auto Part11 * * n1ent, reaJl,y or S&L. pctiene" or a dcgl"C(' requir·1 ~~207~2~P~l~n~"'~n~tiaTo.~C~-~M~·;;;;;J !~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~·!!~~~I -•-- I ~ or Modem Stylt> k'ense. Aki.cs. Uve in or open .. ton thru Thun1., NEWPORT All For 5249 ed. Excellent fringe bcncllts.IRETtRt:D man for pt-time rm Excellent beneD\3 and £ood H.I W.nt.d Women /~ s••...i .... salary. Send reswne any shift, Also In fant 11:30 AM to 8 P~f. ?i,1any Nuf'Sf'li fo r new borna. Must benefits. Apply ln pel'llon. l\'o do1>.•n . Pmts. only $9 mt.; maintenance \Vo r k at P _ ........ ,. Ca dillac Controls tavern, Cl.! 646-7301 Women 7400 Help W•,,ted indudirw salary hiJltory t1>: r~:;,7:~ "!:>-::,.... =~~1 i..':::::.1• "'::;'. Now lnterviewinn WELK'S WAREHOUSE · Division of Ex-Cello Corp. 'oMi:ci"iiNIB'i'E'Xj;0,>;;~;1---------[ 'S Personneil 1866 Whittier Ave. 1e l.!ACHINIST Exp on mills -• R UBEN • Representative cos•• Mesa & 1""''· ,,,..,,,,,... • ,..,1. COCKTAIL/HOSTESS u•cco CORP. d .• 1 at Narcl.l!lua, Corona d'l -=ii epe11uab c ~It I er / I It 600 \V. 4th St., Sant• Ani '°""•~P.• lor octiv, 13 Mac WAITRESSES ()po D ·1 646-2491 ,_;"~•_,· '"'"-.....,~'~'~,,..,,.,.---1 C ta M ""' ' •1 17 21 SI 65 ,.. Pern1anrnl nnsition available OS esa A.n equal oportu111ly "an · · · •· ,.,,. mo. boy. t.1·1'·, 7;45-3:15. KIND, dependable woman m • ~at 9 n5 as~; i1 9 6 Own lransp. Ref. requlnd babysit l month cld baby Excellent hours ' ' · · • · · • rniployrr \VINCHELL'S for con1bination Cocktall 2:1.1 E. 17th St" C~t. \\'allrf'ss I hostrss in Coronn NOW J . W. Robinson RECEIVING CLERK dcl r>far·s mosl Plrgant .t-OFFERS A H . f drlighUul fl('\\" 1'es1nura111. as opening or: Ke rm Rima Hardwa re Call for lnte1vicw Qr apply SECURITY Somr t');()l'rJf'ncc pt"t'fcrred. 5 P~1 . 7 PJ\1. C' II A UFFEUR, part-lime. CHARLES BISTRO GUARD N c 11• po r I· B nlboa area 232.} E. Coast ll1gh11·ay ~·urni~h agt> and ~fs. R. 711 • 613-8267 ,\pply Pt'1·.;onnrl IO to 4 p.m. Robinson 's Newport Newport Center Newport Beacli 546-7080 TWO BUSBOYS NEEDED Apply in person REUBEN'S COCO'S 1555 W. Adams Costa Mesa Schn1id1, PO Box 'i;j671.l--G-ol~Fr iday $4SO_u_p Sanford Sta t ion , Los Angelr.s 90.Xl5 Unusual OPPol'tunitY. \V 1 11 -~--------1 sharp gal for bll,Ycr. Xlnt TRAINEt: -young man, 1cr-con1pany lrvil"I<.' area. Pre!. r ifie potential, oiitstandfng ty oillcl'll. company. Slart $550 call Ja1on Best Theo, 645-2771J. Merchants J::mpJoyn1rnt Agc11<"y J>ct'50nntl, 2043 \VestcliJf 2120 So M · s . . atn, •. A. Ori\'<'. NURSES OIE1'UST BS:. de~. 3 lo :i e RN-Relief duty, 111.'0 da,ys yni. exp 1n agr1culture per "'eek. ch t' m I c a I s , surlac_lanls e LYN-RP.lier, four shift! LABORATORY k P.1.1 o I prr 1veck. Laguna Beach plant \1ork. U S. C1112c n. Nursini; Home Hesumc ho.'< r.t 355 Daily ' ~M-801j Pilo(. • e SECRE-TARY- H e lp Wanted T)'Jling ti0,.i;horll1and 00. Prr· Women 7400 !90na1Hy, good on phones, f..· 1-..;.;.;.;....;.. ______ ,, aptltuclc rru>re important lhan c"per. Salary open. J.~or personal interview call 645-0110 BEAUTIFUL Girl wfgood BOOKKEEPING -POSITION- ( part time) Apply in person l l"i."i \Vrgt Adam11. C.~t CH I F. F' Tl<.1..LER/BOOK· KEEPER, Aggre1siv!: j"Qung company needs 1;ii'l wlth teller, 11e1Y accounts and bkkpg. experience in Bank or Savingi; & Loan. I lo 2 yri; pn.>f"d. 21 to -IJ. Pleasant. small office •l· ntospl"K'N'. Cont.act ~fr, L,.,pp. DQ\\INEY SAVING~&. l.OAN AS..'50C JATION. l\:;7~11J1 I r>r 642..f~'JJJ • • • l:;xpcnrnccrl -HOSTESS- Apply i.n penon ENGINEERING -AIDE- RELIABILITY DATA CLERK n.,,... '"' .-i;ng. c ... ,1 REUBEN E. LEE Pay! 3 m 4 hours per wtek. 151 E C H s.:ir.:i. lo $700. per n1onlh Quahty 8Muran<'e Dept, m No experience. Hobby -• oast wy. collect cost,.udit and pro-strictly 1or fun. \Vrite ho~ __ N_ow~po_' _ct_Be_a_c_h __ 01lf" year rxprrirll<'(' as rlrafl~mfln, one yf"ar collrge, l'llg1nrrrin~ 1najor s11bsti. lutrcl for {'Xfll'ril'nt·r. ll l i; h School grad11alr. F1lr appli. c;1.tion Bl City 1111\1, R200 \Vestminsrer Ave .. \\'rsrmin- ~trr. Calif., hy Aug.us! 1:=.th., cc~s f11ilure dat:i. lhru com·, ~·~-=:;~oa~;i~y~Pilo~·;;'--;-;;-;;.--~ •"'"· "'""" ··nu"" ,.,.,. SECRETARY newport . Kno1>.'ledse or rlectronic J' 1erminology and math re· Afternoons only. Tni.inee ok. personne quired. Gd. typlng & shorthanl'I nr -·.agency Sl<'norr.tte required. 962-6912 before l pm. 1969-5 pm. \\"rit1€'n r'am by PBX OPE~TOR GIBL. 21 min. agr. llcstau- Srrilemher 6th, 1969. rant. Part or full !in1r. 1 -'~'-"~'7""~·~15~1~1'"'E7•71~. ~'"'~···--I Thn.>e position multi p I e lin1e. MAINTENANCE b oar rl. Four day week, TII' OORYl.tAN 67J..2'200 MAN .f. Thursday thtu Su n d a Y. J lousek~per Wanted swin& •hitt full time $·198. to $601. per monrh ITT JABSCO PRODUCT ENGINEERING Orange County loca!lon. ()pgrt'e and three to five • clec!ru·. COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 Jamboree Road Newport Beach years experience. f.lr-I::qua1 opportunity Pmpioyer chan1cal e!lglfll'f'r for de· RN ~i~ Md dt!vrlopment of Ass't Director 11-7 11uirl handling pumps & systems. EQll,\I, Of'Pf>rlTl j:-llTY l:;~IPl.OYE;R ~l 'f', Involvement in· e Nursing & producl rr- !\C'al't'h e Q11r~t for quality nuniing 00-8044 TYPJST-5,,5 wpm&. ac<..i.iratr. ~entiona l unl1I l}('c. Ca.Jlfornfa Artist11, 311 t.1:i in SI., ·Seal Bench. ( 2 I 3) 431-1321 for aflpl. Equal opportunity f'mployer ACCN·rs Rec. & billing girl wanled. Exper. only, Ac- curate typist Apply W, D. Schock Co. 3502 S. Greeo- VJUe St., Santa Ana **1tMAID *** LAC UNA REEF l.1CYt'EL :moo s. Coallt. -199-2005 MOTEL Maids, preferably y,•Hh e.xporicncc. MESA MOTF.L. 64&-9681 r•:1n• • Pm;:n-~~l\·r patient care Exper. W aitresses Professionel Service for the employer and the applicant 833 Dover Or., N.B. 642·3'70 549-2743 See Bett)t Bruce at m66Gxec Aa"eney for CIUMr Glrls ~10 \V. Cout Hwy., N. 8. By appoint. 646-3939 Receptionist $400 Bl'auUfut 11€'1v officrs. J1vinc area. Xlnl opportunity to 1Hl- vance 11•11h (ill(> r<01111,;1ny. Call Die nr. :i16.!"i4 !0. Jason Best F:mpJoyml'tH Agrnry 21211 &>. Main, S.A. SECRETARY Responsible position for per- 1nanent girl in regional sales ol'ricc ol nationally kno'l\·n firm. Newport Na- tional Bank location. 2·girl orricc. Good skills rrquirr.d. Xlnt b<'llCrits. 548-1158 EXPERIENCED WAITRESS 1 1.~5 fJ\LJ.: \\",\Y COSTA i\1ESA. CAI.IF'. !"12626 (f!•I! jl,'J.~2:·1 111'0f;t:r11n1 1hrec\cd by a BA \'~IDE INN A I To!al ~ Rl'l'lora!iv,. TrRm. ~:: ~-eoa.~I 111>.·y., J\'f> "PP y in Person PROOUCTION-- CONTROL PLANNER RP<Juire1t for pos1tlons 67!"i~28 SURF & SIRLOIN opcn111J: in largr, rxtcnded 1 ~\l~'O~MAN~~.~00---,.~,~w~ll~,-. ,-,.-you-r 5930 P•c. Cst. Hwy. care hospital. Newport Beach spare li1nc to earn money. I ~=""""'---"'---0~'=-----· I li'J )'l"ars exp. in L'"PS or \Vln prizes, no age limit, no DE PEN DA BL E, rxp'd OS power :rupplles. S!OC'k· Call ~~~!~LE' time llmil, Will train a1 woman for part time 58.les room r.'<p. h~!prut &-able ~ Beauty CO\Jn!;(!.lon. 847..(1846 In wum en·s apparel. Apply to order, plan, schedule 11.nd WAITRESS Jn per80n. expedi!e from enginccrini B I KIN l BarmaJd/danoer. I F'Ull or parl·tim!:. Co8ta WALT All CLARKE'S re Cll!.C'.o;. EXJM'riC!lCl!'d Dinner _H 0 use Mesa JIAWAJIAN SHOP Lf:AR .rr.r IND 11 f Co d I ~ F.,h~ Isl--' 2001 S. Rich,.., St '''8 res!( or rona e &l&.730l ""' .....,, ..,.._. • J l.lar'll m<lllt elegant &: de-Newport Beach S.A. 517-.1906 lightJuJ OCIV mtturant. BABYSITI'ER s dsys, 7 am- Equa1 npr1r1rt11n11y r mplnyer Prnnanrnt PQfiition _ 5 days 3:30 pm. Cm;;ta ,1'1r>M. \•le Secretary to $550 ACCOLNTANT In 11ork for _ dinorr only. Call for in· llrbr &. Bakc>r. 5~9-1217, F"" rr!mhu~. Be11ut off1c- f11n J\lfg ron1p11n~, n.•ar Soulh tn-vU-W' nr if'Ply 5 PM-7 PM . QUIET ~1lddle ettd c-ouplr rs. lrvine Complex with xlnl ('n;isr 1'1;11a, \\'lly hc..upl.JJ!lll CHARkES-81-S-t:RO (k>11lrt»i ~rn, e I ea n I n i:: Co. ""l!h !he n1!11tary-indus!nul 2Jz;, E; Qia."t llh:i;hwi\y \\"Oman 2 n1orn1ni.!~ :i. \\k. ll NLI~l\~'~·~~ENC\' rnn111lc~ \1h,,11 .\flll i·an hr> 711 _ 61.\·8267 Hefr>rrnrrs. 0 I" 11 tranl!p, i\i'i8 I::, 1711, St .. Sul!e 2" 1v1th o Cnfl(I h'1n•·h nf s::uys I.· ---rin :\.-2ii]~. I Ex'CUTIVE -• eo.~ta J\tcsa &42.1~10 ;,."H 11 in a ,:n111tl 1~1rnpi-111.Y! Ci · ---Seamstreiset Do jnl~. Ider«, "t n1 I . .;, SECRETARY --BEAUTICIANS P. 0 . Box 2175 Newport Beach, Caflf. 92663 equal opportunity rmployer NCR PROOF OPERATOR 543--4595. girl in my home. 8:30 10 --li.E. AM/i''J\;1 Ster~ 4:30, Tues. thru Frt. CaJJ COSMETICS 1v/Garr11nl lurntbl. Saleirl PART Tlmr lo do our OMV 1\·ork. "\'onr house! or our of. fi et>. ;,.1s-...12!M -~~--••• OPERATORS ••• E:>.pericnced in single needle and overlocks. Good pie"ee \\"Ork prices, steady "·ork. EDDY l\,fOSS 1400 Locust after 6 o"el ock 894-6229. n1uple Prov. CHb-likc new· Exporlcnrrd only s12-0 -1 •1 I dnubl' Refert'nces required! J .• ,.. cm " ap c e -clrcsM>r, h1·in bl'd, nHft BABYSrrTER or housekpr. MEN'S stand, nc':" lavender spread eei:. s;4 r or 3 11choo1 aae Ski" Shop t.i. 1:ur1a1ns. s100. zrm 11:lrlH. Near Beach & f\anrohc Lane, F' a s h Io '"\ Garlicld, lfB. Aft . 6 pm Sponswear & furnishing!{ Short'.~. 110 963-1478 968-4:'176 St., \Vnlminster: s:J+8138. A 'TIR. woman 18--15 lo Jn· ltOME nttdf'd for six-year-strucl In n1akcup techniques old daughter after school. of fanious n1odcls. \Ve will A1onte Vista School Dist. c"'.,,:.,;_"~· ::,liJG.;:.:.._~7~43:_ ___ _ 644-1531 or 64.2--2732 \VIG Stylist. Attr, cxp'd In UN IT ED CAL I F ORN I A ' °"P~AR:.,.::T::,· TIME:,.::c.:.::.s.o....::.:=...tuy __ & synthetics, Beaut. n e w BANK Bookkeeper, must type from -'"'~'0="~· .,._.~"°7="-''CC1c:o.6..:.., __ LADIES READY· TO-WEAR And SPORTSWEAR - LEAVING slate. Beaut. )j rno. old 8' r.ola & love seal• 6' c."OHee !bl. 2 end com1 modrs; hide-a-bed, 8 pc~ Span. klngs.iz.c bedrm sell Wi ll sacriflcr: call collccl 213-433-4340 ' dicta.ting m a c h in c, ans \V AITRESS -OVER 21 :W9 !!arbor Blvrt. lelrphone, run lria.I balance. Evenin& Shill Costa l\1esa. Calif. 546-203.'l Morninp 64.5--0621 Call ~:>-!1863 TELLER UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK LAW l.lrm desires rxp·d. Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 l"gal 5eaf'lary. t:sl. J)ln. exp. valuablr. \\'ill train or l.fTST. Pd bcri"s, sal open. 835-058! EXP'D BookkcC'per caJ)(lblr ol financial statement~. & some tax exp. !or public acclg. oltice. 542-5621 FRY COOKS LADIES SHOES And ACCESSORIES -·--Exrrltrnt compa.n,Y bc.netlls ln1rrvit'1\·inr C1nly those i:1va1l11hlt' fo \vork from oow •hru Ille f'"all for thtse per . n1ancnt fl(l~itions. StudentJ nppl_yini: hrin_i: school 11chetf. llll'. FULL TIME· must he 1\1.'f'k and Saturda,YJ: PART l-WiOGANY drop leaf dio- ing roon1 sci. desk, il.i"W lablr, 1 upholslettd cha.it. Sp. 134, 6241 \Varner Ave. ScaAira t.fobilt! !lornc Prk .• 118. M7-2689 SA\'E t~ASH! 6 l.!onarch Bay Plaza Sou!h I...aruna 499-1361 Equal opportunity f'mploytor SECRETARY Required in tt.. sale$ ditpart- mtnt of electronic manufac- 1urinc company. Minimum live ytan of ttcrttariaJ ex- perience ln f'nginC'Cring or g~ncNJI salr11 oUice. 80 wpm shortha.ncl, 80 wpm typing. REAL Estate Licen.stt. Good commiLo;kln w/guarantee. Very aftive rental agency needs young woman to start imml'diately. 645--0111. ToJI wages. p<'rmanrnt. hon- rst , anil \\'Orkini;: condltions in an.>a's leading reslaurant. Apply 9 an1 to 5 pm !or in- terview at MANNING'S COFFEE SHOP 24031 El Toro Rd. Tll\fE days and/or evenlnp'.!~ availt,hlr. for t""O nights a - as net?ded. . -~- APPLY JN PERSON ONLY 1 l'. FRshion Island - Call Jin1 llyam,; Day~: 6-12-2"00, Eve.!!: 5i&-0319. CULTON INOUSTRif..'i 1644 Whittier AvP. C.l.I. Equal opportunlly employer PAYROLL CLERK NEWPORTER INN TEACHER. needs reliable BABYSrM'ER for 2 yr old child. our home, Top ol World, Laguna Bch. Can pro- v\d~ transp. -19~1841. MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Leisure World Lai;:una Hills 8.1i·l014 -INSTRUMENT - ASSEMBLY TRAINEES Tntrntir.w~ bet. 2-4 p.m . Professional-- Employment Assistance COASTAL AGENCY A mr1nbrr of Our yrar rlrrtronir ~chnol. ~rK'lling & Snelling. Trir. Ing_ llll,.fi Srhool or Jr. Col-27!lO Harbor Bl, C'f 540-6055 BEAlITY 0 Pf_; RAT 0 RS J1•gp required. 0l'"ll." year r.\"· MAN.WoiJAN J')arl or hdl· \\'antt?d: No follo1ving l"'ricnce assembly ol small lin1t'. Pleasant. easy "'Ork, ncressary. 61;;.....i232, 6Th-370t electro-ml'('hanica.1 parts de. good !Ill.lacy_ No exJ)t'r, no BABYSITTER wanled, COM sired but nor neC't'ssary. obli.'l"alfon. Call alter R Jim Experlencro e 616-3903 1t~a. 2 children, 8 & 10. FUJI Otil Jim Hyams Days: B I~ Ed"•ards, 534-5742 or time until school, thl'n alter 6'12-2-t<:O, Evrs: 546-0319 \vrite 12262 ?tfaypolc Dr., school. 673-1815. r.ULTON INDUSTRfES Gardrn Grovr, !12640 HOUSEKEEPER, live in. 5 1644 Whitller Avt'. C.M. BUS DRIVERS Bank o! America computer day week. 892-3184. Call Equal opporluni!y employer Sub!llitule, part timr t !: n after s pm. month pMl!lons at $2.93 per system Pt.)'T'Oll, 300 to -1001..:=c..:.!:.::::....._____ LIBRARY CLERK hour. Applications Mon. employtt1. Permanent poe:I· OilLD care Ir hOusekpr 1'1111 Full time 10 months per Thru-f'ri. 1(1 am to 4 pm •t lion, S days a \\'ttk. Salary time, no \\"kt'nds. Phone year. RequiT'<'s graduallon bus garagr_ 600 hvine .Ave., open. Only expcriell('ed need 540-49ei rron1 l/1 i;h St·hoo l, including Nr1\po11 Brach. 6~2-7007 appl.y. Accounting offlct. l-'l~IO~U~S~E~K~B-.B--P~f.~.-.-L-l~V=E~L~~I or 1upplrn1entcd by college RESIDENT DIRECTOR for 6#-1700 Ext. 5J:J f.tOTllF:RLl::SS HOME. level cou~ in library &ei· hoy~. OkJrr n1an or couplr, SECRETARY 5aJes. Rapidly ONE CHILO. PH. 6-16-:ml encc. e11111\oguing or refer· ~m"ll pri\·ate s r h 0 0 1 . (' X paneling J\;!anufacturln, l'ner ""Ork. Two yetars or TT· 6_, "I O PART titl)I' typi~ls, no Sil, "hi 11 I ' I t ... ,. 1 . Co, 111 !he Ncwport-Coata hrs flp;..iblr. E."tra dollt1r~ i;pons1 c 1irary('cnca rx-111 &!2-"2·1."i! i\Jesa arra. has an opening Your spai,. linic. 545-9178 pcricncc. Final application -.-,.-:x~·=e~.~c~oo=,7 •• -- lor a girl J'riday in the dale August 15th. Newport-''" Sllles dept. Varied duUes \VANTED! \Voman for Mesa School Dllltrict. 1001 • \\IAITRESS 1>.'llh excellent 1 r i n 1 e CHJLD CARE, light hskpg, Nr1Yport, Costa i\-1csa.. • Dishwasher benefits & Y.'Orking con-5 dag., li\1C out. Laguna 645'0600. AJ1Ply In person. Swi~!I' dit.lons. Short hand & typing Beach -194-9371 after 6 pm. 1..:.;:..='-------Chalet, 4.14 N. Newport, NB required. Phone for an ap-LIVE-IN HOUSEKEEPER Experienced PRODUCTION MANAG£:R.S, polntment S4G-3300 Emerald Bay, Lag, Bch. BoolckHper •nd SUPERVISORS & rNSPEC 01V~O~M~AN=-,.,--,-.,-...,--.-.-w-I S2001nio. Inc rm. l.: bn::I. General Office Work ~ .. Top job$;_ ltsl Pla- aparlmenls in Huntington 494-{i022 l.f/Jo', marure. Day shirt, 5 -"'-0c='=·=""°"c:,,•:...:•~1'~"'~· =~-1 Beach lract. No children, no DENTAL J\Mi11tanl, office &. rlay week. Apply in person. RESID ENT DIRECTOR pell;; I Bed room 1!11· chaiN:ide. 4 9 6 -5 7 7 9 or Jnlt!rviews between 10 Ai\!-for boy!!'. Oldrr man or furnished apt, utilltic~ &: I-'~"'~· ·~15.10=.'-------4 PM. rouplc. ~m11U pr Iv at r ·commis~ion. So n1e ex-PRIVATE Du!y NURSE..'} ~chml ,61:1-~J.110 ricriencc hrlpfl1I. Call J'l;fr. shirt~. Cull any h.o u r . FIVE C ROWNS llAHlSTYLiS·"r-,-,.~11=0171.~B~,~ .. ,-I \\'yllc 8'12-8111bt"·n11 a .m. n,.<:ded. M "s, LVN's. All RESTAURANT your 1n<·n1 by " h11:-~r •;. i.-5 p.n1. &f2-9955 :.sot E. P11c1r1c Coast llwy, Nu ~ll"lfl C rl 1\1. 2&10 E ~1AI.D ANU STOCK \VORK BARMAID wan!E'd, exp·d Coron1t 1lrl r>far__ Coast Hwy. 67S-'i~21 P1>nnanent, for fine womtn'1 prelerred. A p P 1 y lhe _ LINE _ \VAITERS, \Va 11r rs1i r ,., clolhln.g slore. Rc!ail ex-WAil.J..ER. 1506 Ocean HB. INSPECTORS Bullboy. Prtf. exp'd. Apply: pcrienec helpful, or \\ill 2121 L' c 1 II c d l.I EXP'D Clerk typist Ill, 111 "'· oas wy. · ltaln. Apply: Secretary-Girl Friday. Call Expcrletnce in t'lcctro-me-CHURCH ORGANIST- BACK STREET 642-7424 chanlcal a!sembly, heliarc . M0-22?9 or ~7218 Fashion lsland -'-'----------1 "'11ldlng and ~pot weldin1 ==~~~~,,:;~== Newport Center EXP'D Re ad y. to Wear lechniqut~-Must know School .. lnstruction 7600 abilities anlimiteo agency Quality Positlon1; lor QuaHlil'd Applicllnl1; 488 E. Jith Sl.. Suitl> 2U Co-;ta J\IPsa 612-l<li"O Full Ttmr HOUSEKEEPER Saletl.iady. NASA suldering. it Cllll 642-7424 * SPECIAL Sat. A.lot. sepcape EXP' d Co If e e Shop CaJI Jim llyam~. Dey..: cla,,.o:, young: peoplP. 9 10 20, \Vallrt'-'Sf'~. 612-2400. Evr~. 546-0319 slarting Aug. JO. Joyi:t' * C&ll 642-7424 * GULTONINDUS'l'RJES Clark Studio, 1434 S. Coast BABYSITTER wanlrd; f'oly 1641 \\'hlll ifr Avr. """Y· l..Ai;una B. ·1!11-.~ home f\l on-t'r1. 7:45--S:JO. Costa ~lcsa. C11.l1f. Educ11.!ional V11cat)('n 511< Ov1n Imm;, S36-868J afl 5:3!). EQual ovportuni!.¥ employer cradcr:s • . Sr Cirize111 I · Chll<.'001 JD lc~~n typinc BEAUTY o[l('ralor, fu I rime. • BUSBOYS 1 l7l ~1 JtUar \\'lli;C & ron1m. Gwt'n's Sr.·111. Tr ill l . .r~-:t)n. ...,,. Hry. Shop, ~94-3'194 e DISHWASHERS tatar. C.r.t 5-18-28.:r!I ..::."'-="'---"-'-~--· -· 1 e COOKS \YESTMINSfER Presbyter-MOTEL ~lAID . .._perience e WAITRESSES I Sc I -'I ne~sllllry. 220,) II arbor nn Pre· hoo, open ro iu Read The DAILY: PILOTa. -c L A s s I F I pny11bl€'11. $!(-,() 1<!Hrt, in-. . S•ilm•klng 1-·u11 or p;ir1-time->9 Jim. ~asrs, henrf11.;, IB1\.1 card NM'tleil for t'.:1tr1hng. lrmpo. lliRht'Sl 1Yagei;, ncw large Bu.~y salon in COSTA Apply Jn PfMn cqu1pml'nt. J.:I >7101 r11ry as5lgnmcnt. Good shn1•1. nrliv<! lofl, Nt'"·pt, Bch. J\tESA. Good benefits incl Blvd, COlllll Mci;a. APPLY l 4-4 yr olds. Call n 0 IV International Houte 962-401'1. PART _ Hm" ho us ekceper of Pan•ikes E "L v<-y hand and trangcribtng n1a-67l-3568 Rice Sailmakers. vaca!Jon k "uaranltt, c~ llun!lna:ton Beach D.-... I i::R Boy I G<>nrral h. k"IC neMl'rl "" Convalf!Kent Hospital llelpcr Full Time poslllon. c Ill(> s I ~ • • PART-TIME hou~keeper &: Mgr., f>48·9919 1'111111 be nf'11t 1uld rltprn-Western Gi~l ll1c. child cart' \\'hilc mother iMiiA~TrtUTIRiiE~.~~oomnananl1~0,;-;.~;g;ih;;t 1-21~1192~20.~la~w~.,..~~5~1·~·~"~·8~''- dablc. Oppor1unlly for Rd· ~ 540-0325 rel urn a 10 co ll'l'!e. lihlfl tl to 7, Door duty. Part Time Vllf1Cl'ment, Anply 8 nm to 4 SECR.1.JARY: self •tarter. Interviewing now. 963-3654. S AW Y [ R HOME. KITCHEN HELP pm. Onnge Coast PluUCa. ~in& div. Great oppty Refs pleut. 646-6Tl.6. • RSO \V. I/Ith .. Con;:i Men. for advanc'tmtnt Stll.t'l.•1 '"~ .• ~rr=R~E=.ss=---~en~· ~ .. -,.~s=.,.,-•• L '~1c=EN""s~E=o~-,=h-a_m_pno __ •_~1 1':XPF.R. ~"n'H'f' slaUon at· $500. CalJ s~~-lar1, P:c ..... rlcnccd, ovt'r 21. f'ull __ ....,_ .. T il"to.rvu.w .. ~ •n:t.."UgU. op pay. 1enri11n1 . Full tim.e. Apply 1n COASTAL AGENCY or p.t1n 1tmr , l:vr !<hill. * ~~7 * JN.'l'iton. ~ 1!;1rbor, C.M. •~ ' -Shrraton Beach lnn. 21112 COUNTE" CIR' --r IB, A mtmucr of Jla<"ifie Coa:;l llwy JI B "' ~ .... " SF.RVJO: STA. Sale:tmen. 1 Snellinc. SneUlllC fl'I(', . . • Kentucky Fried Odclceo rull 1unr cravcyard Khlt1 2790 Jlarbor Bl. Cotta Mtsa AJD \\'orklna motlW'r, 5 day 693 s . Coast Hwy 1ovt l-1°11.rl Tim~ t\'t, &: wk. , SECRETARY wk. R:JO to 5. Stun ini:t ~pt Lqutia BtaC'h rnd~. i\TU!11 bl> expe:rltnced . '• tlmf'. l,!1r hot1~krcplna, & nc1'! In •PPl'B.l"lnte and EXPERIENCED own tran11, mal.Jw:'. woman, L1n1 of California hand\\ritt~. Srt Jlm 2StO Permanenl, 20 Hour, 5 dlly r11ll 11l1 6 pm . 8.1!)..1750 FashlOft Island Nrport Rlvd .. C.~W. w .eek po;iition 11vailablr TYPIST.clt>rk. f..lust know Ntwport Beach Y~iCA nttd5 mrun1cnt'nce tlewpor1 Bearh, hrs, IO-l2 JG-kPy 11.c:kling machine. E.~perlcnc@daullta.nl mAna. man, d&ys, 40 hr. wk. Over A J.J PM. Top !Waf")'. Wrt1e ~9--0377 /tfra, Myer Rl'r, Call Mrw. John' on, 21. fi42-9990 fo-r aflp! &x P-421, D1tily Pilot 1'1~AA v .. mr Qiun1ry Cluh 644--t4ll. Apply in pemn Huntlfll"ton Beach O'.lnvateacent Jfoapltal 1879'l Delaware St., }1.8 . WANTLO, Mature woman kl sit In my home, CM, w/2 IChool qe chlldrtn. Short hours, 8ood PQ. I am fl leacber. n.n. .• ma. re. qui~. 5t0-.166S MAIDS llO'!el/MBtel c~ricnc. 673-94.IJI own transp. Vic 64\h SL, ,. SITA'S 1'tONTES.50Rl Schoof NB "•"' IV>llQ 329 E. 17rh Sr., 2~i to 6 years. Enroll now · .....,.....,,,..,.. Co5ta Mt!sa for Fall. 646-3706 or 541~ PER..'1. baby .. Hler nccdcd.1 !]!~~,.;;;;;.;,;;;;,,...,..,,1 i>~l~O~N~T~ESS0~~1t1i<f~Tf•;iadloiti;;,,;';.~1.:I LI. Mcwork 6:30 am lo 4 SEl\11-retirM couple lo help ft!t"ll music hutr, befin'c all pm . 5 days, own tr.nap. m1f\l.g'e 12 nicely furnished woodwtnd4. ldYC'd nute A can bef. 2:30 pm. &45--1182 2 Br & pool apta, CAdu.111 TYPIST. for c:ommtrclal only) In return for an apt at blueprint 1hop. Over 21. ptarlial rent. MI n i m um PH.: S40-93T3 duUe1. 64)..9M() alter S pm. DINNER-FOOD WAITRESS EXPERl1':NCED couple for l ..:°""".:::~·~;.::..:::;_~~­ SALE ANO TRADE MERCHANDISE FOR Expe.rltnctd. motel m&l\llC'metit. $600. 1 ~1'.;u;.;rn.;;l.;.tu:;;rc;•;_ ___ IOOO= l>ry Dock Re•taura.n1 per mo. sunny Ac:rts Mold. 2601 W, Cout Hwy., N.8. SCM7!'J5. Llvt-ln blbyaltter, 10 pm 10 APAnTfi'ENT rnana.ier, 8 8 A~I. 2 IO'lall children, qc1 units CM. no d\Udren or 1 A l s.t3-2C92. ptls, S~:. gross ttnt&Jt. TELEPHONE SOLICITOR 49'1-:u58 4-S pm dJlly A1on-F'r. Exp'd BABYSITTER wanted: Hrt pn>I. Dl!pen(htble, CM office 7:30-4. Mon·t'ri. I.cal An•- $2 hr. MH.J~ C81! tve~ 52!M360 3 Et.EC Simmons stnat" bedf w-fotm mattrtlltl. x.lnl cond. 2 w/ wbt vin,yl bead· bo&rdl. Ori&--COlt o/ s.'JOO ea., asking Sl~ ta .641Ml2!! non1. Scotch·suarded. SJZ . Matchlnf; ICJYl!«at S 7 S. R' SOl>'A, nevtr u&ed. Quilted !J?.- D ISBS'r · ISllYSI , ••• . I, •• $.- ~-- ' r ' • . -~ -----~ ... . - .. . -• • r l ' WITH· Don't iust SIT there! Grab hold of the . . . -... BIG action today! Dial Direct: 642-5678 , Just say: ''CHARGE IT!" (North County, 540· 1220, toll free J ---. . .. ' .. ·--· f • ~ • •. '· I, 1. . I \ ' . ' ' lT'S EASY TO PINCH PENNIES-EVEN DOLLARS . PENNY PINCHER .WANT AD'S NEW-LOW-RATE ., 3 LINES ' l T~MES ' $2.00 . ANY ITEM $ OR LESS ·, e EACH ITEM MUST BE PRICED e e NO ITEM OVER $SO e NO COMMERCIAL FIRMS e e NO COPY CHANGES e NO ABBREVIATIONS e -' Let PILOT PENNY PINCHER Want Ads Work for YOU! .. r • - I 1 FOUR CO OFFICES TO SlllVI YOU e NIWPOIT Ill.CH --2211 ..... -. e COSTA MISA lll W• 1oy e HUNnffTON UACH 309 Flflll Slr(lf" e LA6UNA llACH 222 For• Av- -'. ' Here's How YH Can UM Our Farnoiii Dt111e • f. • U- ..... -• - -w1" - - ,._.,_. ___ __ ...... _ ........ -.... ......... _ ... ,,....._ .. '""_ $25. _u...__,..,. =ii .... =::::::::::~~ ' .~ EXCELLENT alb mattftn ERED cl.us fOu.nd 'A-1 TWIN mattreues ji2SHERIFF11" unlform ·120 17" J16RT~ 1V S2$. ~new ltemr.--Facial UGb!Nl OLWt $10 6 _ U.Lt.~._Q,OARDS, MAPLI; arm chair with 2 $5 Beautiful wool. Ladiet table \lotJI %. '" thick. .a" ;10, very l'(IOll • Singer JeW1r& Ltatber $5-$25. TV anfeftna 548-6521} ' ,a'W $7.50 D.feQB jot skates Rocktr $5 Cood dHk' $1T.50 ~boards, i'9': .. 4'5", teparale Cllshlons ~ and ~nc c»at, alze li $10. 677 42" $8 36" IS. U U'fS3 machille' $15. !548-3714 • $l'Car bitch p To)'5, ~s FAIR dou'bie bed s 2 0 • , lg~ 's $8. ~at· bench $3.50 Cun nck $6 Aquarium ss $U.5ll .. $2S. SOOtb La.sun& white upholstrTy eicellent BVictorlaSt.C.M. DR.AFI'lNG Table, Board. lOxl•HOOkrur.Jlona.1$25. an'd puiiJfis IOc-·$2 ~r· . '~ b&lket wi~ pad $3.25 Full bed SlO Comer and 2 <t99-(153:. eond!UonsU.Baautlful 1i foot extension ladder and I Detra "Sfudea\" Board and fi73...49'70 • Hallo~n cost~ 15c Sird DINE'l'TE llbl nd 4 ~·~ o~fotd ahlita 14~16\1 end tabltt $10 Doorway DECORATOR tt~ma s1410. Prov. Maple cab In et fOot step ladder P.O. Bai»' tome aupp.!le&, S11J 6415-53 IO CUB C . caee n Table and 3 dw.lrs . e a $1-$3. Young men.. waeh i.c1s $5 Met.al wall plaques New lil[hted ·~up mlr. Mqnawx Hill end record crib. no mattttui· ,. BLUE ~* · 13 •••• ood ..!~11tion!"1 1ReI1, r.!~!~!· $6 Double bed steel deslrn cl~l~I ·,italn .. ~mandstant-1~· pant.11 28".Jll'• wa.!St 27r!l fl.50 each camper ice box rot $5.. New ...... ."' ,,..1,.. $5. player ST.SO 16 x 50 door c~ $10 Vend!~ '"' ' hinei ~ 1 . ~.. I ""'."' · ~ Irame $2. 2 men's stilts, A·l "' po n wasu.::r .... -'~r lena;IJ'I, ao~ new Sl-$( Dou-$10 Blonde wig $25 Vacuum Wre stainl~,.~-meat mirror Jt.50. Lavatoey and JO c:o]umn $5. Ma ~ " I. bESK ~' reliniahlng $25. shape, size 38-30 $5 each. set, l~i year_s old $25 eadL. ble mattffts pad $3.25. cleaner $10 100 books lOc alictr $5. ~as.lop table faucets $1. t....:m ityle room i.bles 38" x ~· pl~ F;Jl I &ID Al , ~ Wardrobe closet $1 0 , ,£ctipse skeett, 2 boxes $2.50 Bedroom set. Mr. and Mn. Other itemt: V\V Bumper eil.ch Tires $2 each Rttord1 S25. Dawnport $a Chest OI 1ove eeat, aood COT11tructlon extension 24" po, . .f. ~ ~~ .eta. a p $10 5G-30'l'9 ·Electric heater $2 Dn.ltl1'18' chest, . night ~tand, head· SS. VW HHdliaht $1.75 9Xl2 51'.k>$1 Falcon U" chrome drawtrs SJO, Oilldren.s needs allpcovtt $10. Small Wlndsor chairs pt' each. ~ UNOER"-000 p 0 rt ab 1 e loots .SlD Janitor's bucket board, IJ\04'.~n&: and mat· &Ip broadloom S6. 6 Volt rlm ${ f\fen'a shirts 50c-Sl clothing l()o.$3, M 111 e 11 Maple 1helfde1k $3. Four Eleven new metf.I'l ~ 1965 VW; · 1 JU Typewriter, like new $25. and squeegee $2 Pool filter treq, awn resl5tant $2S b&ittty ~ $5. Honda Men's pants $1-$2 Mtn'1 dreaseli $1.JS. 1 }'.lair 5txT2 new Wicket decontor ahelf chairs (Kttuatt) ~ tbllil. <t8ch. RwwQri.. $5 ~ and pump $20. Electric Walnut coUee tabk aDd t 90 ba.ttery $!). Toaster. $2.50 aweaten $1-$2.50 Women's while drapes$.$. 1!01.4hnond bracketa Sl each. 4 2 2 wmleaalt SJ each.' ~4 Bon-ncb Hl:lo<l SlD' dectc' PINE gun oabinet $25,-Claa,g.. healer ~ Drafting. tools SlO end table&, Jlke ntw -~ 2 Interesting be.st for glui"to{j dresae!: $2.-$10 W om t n 'a in Eastblult 644-0916. ~Liotrope, CdM ~ nie Pl. Costa Me&&. near no nw.t sea h. Rtcord player $2 Eldon ~ lamps SS each. 2-3 x coffee table $6.50 Huge shoes 50c Men'1 al)()t( f!-$3, CAR GOOD queeo ~-,.-• .. Tustin A: Santa Isabit't.: Rear-i:"t $10 R eac ed Piddle board $25. Walnut figure 8 race set $7 Doll 6 9 Ii~ allelvta for steamer tnmk $10. !lectric-Card table S2. SCS-2140. cooler, 12 " o I t DouJe S8 wrogu11fko.;i;;J, 646-7205 tach.1'il 11.ib• cf l:_ china cabinet $25. Wtighb house and furniture SS garage, adjustable &helves toothbrush $1 SaVSun S-4 168~i E. 21st St. C.M. evaporator SU 6 t t , decorator staircase S 2 0 ""'" •--. t~-~ ..... -ta · and bars . !Jl.O. 6 French Erne.nu Lollypop factory $3 S6 each. New rolo-broll 1911 Oiff ,.... NB 6t6-9568 aluminum Chrlltmu ·trtt. ~· .. u"""rspnna: ma ..... _ • .,......... -doors and 3 widt ·windows Ca pF\rto 1 . cooker ·and 1r)'er SS. 378 ... ,.. • GJRL'S 24" 3 apetd bike Sil complete v.•lth ·revolving HaJVjng lamps $1S each 2 abet~ $15 Bathinette $5 BAG of plutie 1+Xk• 'lSc $10 all. 6~79. unl:arm S1 ~BC: J~ LaPerlc Pl. C.M. HELMET baU price factory Girl's 2D" Stlngny bikes S3 base ahd C'Olor whtd SU. decorator ctwat $15-125.. 2 oil Deluxe auto seat S8 Stroller .Bathroom ICalt' $2 2 2 CllOIY tabi. ·~ h p · ~nd $16, 962-0661 Snow sltd $2 Silvertone Four llkle rules from ltt\... -paintings. large, $2S each. $5 Expand.Ina: gait $1 Potty ailwrplate oval dis~ $3 • .!I, .,... eac . AM-5 M Sat ooon lo 5 Sun-KITCHEN stovt, ,aood con-radH>phont h1-fi SlO Table for 711 tn desk.Kand E~-th \Vrooabt lrtia birdcage f18, ~hatr $1 Auto bottle Wf.nMl' each. 3 20" ctnf!ic plates 548-6633 day. 3012 KU.lybroo~e Lant. diUon $20 36 x 78 !IOHd tront WORKING dishwubtr SlQ. radio S3 RCA re mo t e cue. Pu.II• down ll1ht fix .. ,_ Luge tapestry S2S Sm.aJI Sl DJ aper pall $1. 1863 l'.lc eacb Com!~ coUee SNAKE ca,a:ts, $7 and $10. C.M. door with hinges, rriaif.slots. "'"~5-=L\84==~----1 (color) control $23 RCA TV $5 Small all stttl htavy';fu~ $10 unfinished frames S1 Jamar Dr. C.M. pot, not electric $5 Black 642-3929 BOY'S •IOif clubs. 3 irons, 2 likt rcw SlO Kitchen· alnk,· BRUNSWICK Bowling ball anttnM ean S6 HeathkJt ty l whtd dolly $3 Three each Larxe and amall SHARP Oldamobile spoke-and aUw:r alt l,l)d pepper WEBCOR automallc l"tCOrd ~If $10. 21 inch TV con-double, good condition. $8 and bag ll'Ai. Excelle.nt con-antmna coupler $4 Baril rollit ot.' riDQ:td 'NB.ll"" .... r, 11tatues &: 1't"a11 plaq1.1e1 M- whef:I-bub ca.pa with ex-aha.ktn $3 Btt!tt Homes player $10. 45 RCA record !!Ole $15 Magnavox record Lavatocy faucet $2.50 3 lad-dillon $l2. $48-l591. ' . frequency $3 Off-on Kwlck Whitt on blue ba .. i.~...... .US. Baaktts $1 tech Bar etlltnt condition. Tri-.spin· and Garden's book $1. player $8. U n d e r woo d plll)'er $5 Womtn~1 golf den S2 each f'!ftplace DOOble bed HardWood patch $2 Trailer hltch and with CWltom blue pah;t:'"'all canntsttr aet1 SlO Bar nen, 14 Inch, Ori&inalb $3T Pocket books 10:: each. 6 ft. typewriter $20, Lawnmower shots $5 Sport Jacket $5 &ereen, bra&lf $3 Metal file fr,ame $20. 548-00 ball S7 \Vheel stand, new S2. for $5 CUstom !ireplace OOck.!I $15-$8 Aquarium $8. each. 962-8257 dlamete:r 10" b!ib wading good SlO. Dl!hmaster good Camera a: cubes $5 Trans. cabinet.!, 2 drawers, 7 x IS. Hand jftast gun, new $3 scrttll SS 'J\o.·o aeb ol fi46.m8. •~=,,--~_,,,,.,,.,,,.,,,.=:I pool $2. MG-Cl5l. 2 0 3 4 $22. 2 Brass firtscreens S6-tape recorder $5 Bowling 11 x S $2 each. Ironing MOVIE projector S24 Movle Car trailer extension mir-===~------1 VINYL carrier for top of car Ba1tra, C.M. $10. UHF converter aerial bnll SS OU . painting $.'; board Sl each Chtst of ICl'ttn, new S9 Dll)'llte ror, new ST 8, gla~s rod and penna.nent fireplace logs BRIGGS-Stratton rot a r y $J.G LP recotdt 7;; cents Toaster $2 Lite & Brite s2 drawers 36 x 36, SJ S sh@lt vie"-er S6 Baby crib met• reel Sll 6-<el day tank, new with grates $6.50 each Dual mower and catchu, 125; each Furniture: Baby OIAIRS Sl each Na .. -".,.,e SIS. li18 Keystone projector • . metal cabinet, 24 x 66 in $2. 'tress $S Alunilnum ex-chrome air horns, small hand mower anil catcher, "6-.Y.. $20. 4 clock radios, RCA _ Holly.,.,'OOCI bed frames S2. S18 5' fish net, new S2 ·th h;...... ank playpen S4 Hla;h cha\t Sl chair and ottom&n $1.50 Gas GE $5-SlO. $12" RC A Huge bulletin board $.l.50 Dishes 10c-Sl Kitchen lamp, tru1ions. 5/8'' x 3/32" x 6' Anchor $4 Boat compau $4 w1 .,... pressure t • 16". bl'!lnd new, In box, $ : Sprlna chabooir .. s_1 ~ btd ~ ~!!~.,;vi50·th ~.i:e ._!'!.; !~1:7t portable TV SlO. 3 Schick Hide-a-bed couch $25 Mat· hanging, adjustableG$3 ~-~ sttlfener, ribs S l 5 a:IJJ G.J. gag can $4. ~· = seT":ei:ro l:!t ':i ty~::::;-,ur:r::· !~5th: Pocket ..., oen ,.,MUI ... ......,. Ull6 ...... °" hair dryen SG-SlO. 3910~~ tress for hide.a-bed sz Hair ble hibachi S3 ar......,e •• .. verse drapery rods. 14 ft 548-9&32 Sunday ,.... Dishes lOc. Badminton aet :t.fagell&n, Ji.tea del J,far Otanncl Pl NB !i73-I603 dryer Sl Football pants SJ disPoS&I. works S8 CoUee and 16 It long, may ht Old Playboy ma.guinea l5c ~ases. flS; gold trame mir· Sl.50 Men's tits Tx Play 56-1389 Shoulder pads S1 LifeStridt table S5 Radio S8 Springs shortened ST each ffi.fi f\tAHOCANY room divider each. RtA 45 rpm record ror, 20" x 1.8" $5; fold • .....,. tuMtl, new $1.50 Gasoline TWlN size mattl"tu $3 ea.ch. PlUI.L'O 8 cu Jt runs good \\'Omen's sboes. size 1, 50c. !or twin bedl SS each. Rtar, •peaktt, 5l'_ diameter, new $10 French Prov Inc I a I plll)'tr SJ. 646-956&. 19ll OU bed, new, $5: maple cricket ca.n $1: Toys r:x:. 10U2 5t0-6998 :1l -, Sal. 54&-8964 SJ Lamps 75c Coffee and 310~ Goldtn, Cdf\f. Park in SJ, Medicine cabinet; heavy smoking cabinf.ot S25, good Dr. N.B. chair, $5; rotary clotbtn Sbalom. H.B. pRE§J'() ~modern 5 ROI..J..AWAY beds SI~ tech. one end table $2.50 seL alley duty wllh glass s~lves & condition, unusual. Box dryer, $2; slant board, $2; ~D~ 10 apeed bike $20 2 SJ Rug, ' ' si..z.t, ::; Cyl~er parakeet cage v.•lth \Vernen. men &: b 0 y • s mimlri $9, 2 lliding gl.aQ spring $15 :t.falching mat· SURFBOARD 125 Swim fins double BNutyrnt mat.trHI lamps S3 each Upria:ht quality m Picnic Items eqwpmenl 410. Roll around clothing 10c-S5 American ANSWERS ::" ~ ~.!~ %'?! tre&s $15 Bookcase head-Sl. ~:>-36.51. and adjustable bed frame. ~e fZ.j Spaceaavtt pole 50c-S1 Cosco pi,tty chair p ' TV tables $2-$4. Incredible Institute o( Reacting m, hlg' h '$18.'~ boa~ and rait. $7.5(1 Sea 10 SPEED bike Pl, Unicycle $10; lawn sprinkler or cabinet $3 Dumbbells SS 646-$265.,..164 Ei 19th. C.M. . EdibJe oven, molds, goop, In!ltruetKln case. 12 13 SCR·AM•LETS ltun $10 Bookcase head-$10 f00.11 tire 1$5 d ck tee llOaktr, so·, new, S2: lawn Complete twin bed $10 · · . n Ladies rink skates size 1 Dorset Lane, c.M. 545-5970 R..E FR 1 G ER. A T 0 Jl board SI 45 rpm l"trord rack f~ IS. ~.! II__ _ ~ tdger, $2; ~1478 2153.2 Whitt wrouaht iron patio TENNIS . ra~t Tad. 4% ss. I.A.dies stretch capris '"Westingbouat cross top SOc: Antiqued vanity, needs Ka.neohe Lane, HB Fa.shlon .et: Upholstettd cushion&, 3 med, c;ost Jf'IO Jot $1S. size 12 75 cents each. Croc-VOICE ol Music I a Pe Cm\"ll.rd; CMhew; Ration; freezer no Adding machine, new minor $7.50 Bed and ROUND bird ~ 33" high Shores. piece couch $:ll Chair S18 646-5477 · •· quet &et $1. 968-2977 recorder, cost. nearly $200, Safety: Absorb: Behead; manual S2S Maple crib and ~l~ .. ~~o bt antiqued $7. 13" diameter $8, 15 gat ~PlN=E~--~-,.-.-0~1d~~125~-,,I Coclctall table $12 End table SOFA, beige 11tetional, 2 sell for-$18 monoral lakes FOR a NE\11 CAR. ~ aquarium w-filt.er S12.50, k>uvered doon: to use as 110 .. '•-~ SO"ttn SS Gar--p'-•~ ... ~.,~ .... ~ DRArf!.NG Te;~le. Boa.rd. up 7 inch reels, needs 3 rub-Am-· wa• ,~-·"-" by a ma.ti.rm!, eood condition CO" '"S ARR 1 M•ho1anv codd.a It table _._ "' Id -~ ........ mall """'""' -~ Extra Student Jloard and ber drive belts that cost .... , ,.,., ........ n.:u $25 •• ~ ..........,, • 5 nocelver, ··~ .,,,utttn a t yo1.1r , • rard turn table $25 S CHAIR $5 4 diawer chest S3 scme supplies. Std. 646-9563 $4.90 2 tires, 610 x 15 or 775 panhandler, v.·ho said, "I'll ALUMINUM walking ald, 1.5 to 18.5 mcgecydea, 21))(40 SlO, ant!q~ flat top x 12", both $9.50 6 orlon and smplilier $8 3 •Pt e d Lamps $1 C dren's games KITCHEN table & 4 chain x L'i. some tread left $1.50 be honet1t with you, mister. like new $10. 642-4701 works very wcl S25 Align-dt11k, 1 drav.<er $15, 536-1131 •'001 turtle neck to P •' portable rei:ord player $10. 10c-50c Po , utensila (chrome} m. lawn mower for both, 2 Buick rims 50c !;:t ~vi:~~~ & double ment manual, cry at a. I Alrl'O washing mechlne S2S. ladles, all SJ Twln box 2342 Cynlh1a Ct. C • M · 10c-50c 1, men • s , $lO, lhchtn stool<hrome SZ, New chrome f au c e t ''I'll be honest with you,.. 3 BIKES: Ladies · English 3 calibrator and tubes for T. v. $20, patio booths fl.SO. evMng S'Z steel eot $5 Je'Wel· 646-0li69 lihlrts, 15-JSI, woman's sii.e upholstertd ch air $8, assembly with anti-suphon s~ S22 Girl's Schwinn receiver 15 to 175 O electric motor SS. bird cage ry ~-SID Dr:smonds l'kd>le' STAINLESS attel ax j a I ll, girl's. 7 boy's Sc-Sl.50 847-7337 val·-. cost .4'1n. sell $14. replied tfle man. '"l"m sav-24" With ba5ket Sl5 :t.1an'1> 3 kilocycles $15 DZ l't'ceiver $6, l2V ~nerator $3, new breasted teen sport jacket, • · h d' -t-'2S · .... -in&. up FOR a NEW CAR." rpeed $22 Rubber trunk for for """' •• < t 10 1 · i=n.~ bl · .,_ I $10 14 h'"· bkrwe:r-inc ie ........ , OUtdoon , as scene ~RJC guitar . sold new Fiberglass matting, 7' x al' 8/9 ..-~ . o P.O\\o'tr s eenng pump 'r"' tJfl ue.nne . I .. ..., volt... good for boat galley s:;. 646-751. 999Rosemary 1 ·~ ,_ $lO. N=-· ..... \, ...... L.-•-115 boat S3 Knapsack S2. ll megacycles $7.50 ARC-5 Ford $10, mail boxes 2567Sc sport and dress. some for W '-•a"• 4 for $60, 3 monlhs o d ....-• ...,,.. · ,..., ""'" ... 1J•lll\t: yard& blue naugahyde $11. 5 tr 11'1 < 5 • Ru · I ~ ·-'-• -" I $10 Magneto au"""-Ft. C.M. co r of E. :zotn New inler-matic time clock , ·an 1 m er • , .. ss1a.n ang:uage recoiu ''-T""'"'' wa ..... 1~1ear. s t.e1 Ii de r ena;ine ~ d\lding accessorlei, al90 ROLL away bed SlO, washing booka Blue Chip stamps megacycles S6 AD A-1 o SOc,. dinette set $10, men & sm. 14 and 141i!. 16 yn am c Y c n . DRAn'IN~Table, Boilrd. O .. itar baslf S15. 778-2636 'for lights or other use!!, cost machine $25, refrigerator $2.!iO each. Wooden bread Jnvertor, 12 volta 1J1, 115 Fktra "$ nt."' Board and •-$18, see S9 10 lb sledge ham· S25. John ~nti. . panadaptor $10 1V pown \\'Omens clothing 50me new 11 yra 35c-75c Wlndbruker, wlta 400 cycle out $15. 38 90me-aupp . $1.0 M6-9D63 TWO end tabks and lamps. ml!l', like new $3.SO Rabbit box S3. 646-:i6f0 transtormeni SOc: Other 25c-$3, desk SlO, 270. 30-06 & 16 yr slu. w/w $L50 Wilson wit aio volt 200 amp · • $25, dinete tel S25. c~st of · OAK desk chair S&. sandbox: Kermort! port ab I e transf1 nnera $2-SlO 5 inch 38 special ammo 300 It 350 very small football helmet aircraJt u:enerator S 1 0 '1 r.~ Wlsomln .$20 !-1oped drawtts $20, Eled:rolux SIO, hand plane, likt> new $4 ~ $4, child's redwood table dlshwuhtr $25 Laundry tub mono tape ttconler $15 box $3 -$3.50 hendmade $2 Sizt 16, muumuu S4 Pure Automobile v.-olf whi!tlt $1. engine $10 lamp S3 playpen S7.50. rugs w/pad magazines, Boating-Sea· benches $4, naugahyde !ride $2.50 Heavy duty fan $10 307 TraMistor circuit boards jewelry 25c-75c, electronic claslic &hlrtwaist print $4 4J3 E. Broadway, C.M. ~tique , $ 2 5 S2S each, electric 1ni.xer y~~tint_Sld.so13N50ew., c21hf?meh chairs $10 each. new never Gok!enrod, Cd?rf. lOc-$1. ?tfettrs $1.;4. 433 E. telephone answering unit S25, tlk8 new 1izt S.9 canvas ,. • ., ·-Ct.Mlsul A FM radio $10 d Suu .. u '"'e . . v inc . la I •--d C M w ·~ -•·-c--" l~-:;::,=:;:;;--,:;::::;-;co:;:::;:·I Presolite S8 Bookii..5c-25c complete: fl.SO, re c or s. TV, needs minor repair in used chair rep cemen sets otES'I'. five drawers SlO 3 °'"" way, . . .....,.._.,., T.V. tube• T::ic shoe ...... tn .. ........,, Mll'n once .., 3 PIECE .ect.ional $14 each. New s n'"ns 35c each books, miscellaneous dishes beautiful cabinets w i I h all lour $6, ni<~ S3, side piece sectional $15. 646-2685 ACCORDION $25. Dog house siu 9'Ai $5, settee &: ·dla.ir u.'+"---~-mixer~ ,~m~~e.,o: Chrome table and 4 chain New & '<;points 15c act. 19 cent& to SUI. 623l Warner doors, one SaJem ?\ta.pie, rails St. brnlk!t rot~rle ss. Desk $10. Boys' bike $4. $7.50, emf'ra.ld r i n g w I 3 ·wlm P.nV,. and Ju .... ...,r ..,.... $10. ?tlaplt rocker $10. Bom :$1425 Chev 1 • Ave, ~pt B. 141-6497 H.B. one: Walnut. $14 t a c b • $6, baby lamP1 St, 96l-3'15.2. G~N n::~e::ste~!: P.falernity clothes SOc • S2. diamond $25 size 5, Aqua-Pots., and pans, w1r!! plate blkt $10. Washer $10. 1311 1 •• dup w"-' 110 14., REFRIGERATOR «, f'Jec· 642-7495 Sunday POOL table $~ bar & stools 11 -0 6 9 1 494-7154 Laruna Bch. marine ring size S SlO, ~;z.;c.ss. Electric trivet n-• A L B. "-ta Mesa "" '"""' "" 115 A ~-·· 1 --;,, tan x woo rug 847-LUO, 17911 Altamirano --er 7Sc Perm!ator, 9 paJ<l!I' P ........,. . wheel mfu'e for jeep S8 Irie drill S6, Coleman camp BOY'S and girl's j>ikta SlO ooc1' lapel~ ~=! ~erba-nd. $12. 646-2046 CLASS DAJ, .. c. S, Ln. Hunt. Bch. ...;;;,~·?Sc Covered chrnme: 2; MAHOGANY altp end Pipe tit 5c-$1 Garbage refrigerator $5, chairs, 12, each Bed apring, double w ut:"""...,.... s .-... ORlENTAL rugs SIS and S20 BRIGGS 3 HP racing engine tabl.ea f1 each. 2 aqua table disposal vent fan S3 John 119 Ejzhth St. H.B. S2.:Kl Time changer for till-saw & table ~. Bell A.nd Zenith radio, record player with Mercury racing clutch COLONIAL bridge table-t~ dish, footed '75c size '"mpa $5 each. Rourxl. Tools , 22 nne sz ~17.6 Ing station ........... tor by air HOW't'll movie camera 8 mm $2;;. 60 tooth .. ..........i,.01 with lamp $8, room1:1.lv1der, 7 1 . M-lernlty cotton n ,.. coU t bl SlS latte ~,....... $151 962-8727 S25. Webcor tape recorder .,..,.,,,... feet tall, 42 incht1 wide SS. AceyJAI lamp shade ~or Q)nut te a t k . ~ord • r $~ ~ ex· ·MOVIE camera Kodak f\t-12 (1~·· tn ~5") ~25 Be~~ty $In~ S25 Corner-bree.ldast nook, racing hub S5. 646-8733. lour lold'•ng molal ,._,_ 18, swac f or ptd. estal, white ~;n:e ~ ~m: ~~~~ ~~0:,~ ~Pf!~ 8 •. ~~~~n~:i!1rsew ~i~:Uss$5~8~~ u~:t 8~~.~~.P~~;:;.i;;c~:~ table $25, . seat SlO. 216 MO v ING. Must ae 11 38 Inch 1'0Wld rablt $2,~p wlf ftl~d tr~~'· new $12.50. $2 each. Barbecue with 1 LR~ 2 ,ii,,plpe !~ n; l" .n.11ra e ~· _ vacuum cleaner $2.50 Filter S20t,1 F 70-14•Goodyeer red Jasmine, CdM. ~~!rm:;as:: 1 $Jr fe~~h~ SJ.50 841-6319. ~l ~ Mlr:"Y~ motor $15. Beach umbrella ~ ~iEK beaiirigs '$L50 SURFBOARD 9 HOME $25. Queen vacumn cleaner $5 streak tire tnew) $17.5(1, 1 BABY deluxe' car bed SIO, El TWIN size mattress and box C~'S46-93s8. 1 block north 15. Foldl"" btach chair eil.ch 3 ........_ produ .. •-844-2932 lleat lamp $2.50 Peavy or solid slate radio for 67.Q inlald chtss board no, bov.'l· ectrjc can oepncr St . _ 141 .,.9 ... r....... ..~ Ing gear SIO., Luggag~ $20. Corning ware e I e c t r I c sprlnga .,....., ...,.... · of Del Mar off Twltin Ave. $2.50. Sttp ladder $5. 50 engine sl oia Indian s NICE hanglng lights tor Continental hook S2.50 NP'v Chrysler or Dodge $22.50, percolator $12. fiO.plece set Quincy Ave., B e Im 0 n t generator SS Old Harley liVlng room. Your choice S3 6 colt b e t t t r-y SS. fiberglau bait tank Sl5, 4 Ski boots SlO. 548-4595, 8' TWIN btd, bookcase head· ROSE ha.nd·knit swteter- Lo .. h ' . rt . ..•-< 14 · doubhboy pool used once $10. of dis.hes $5. Carden tools $1 board, foolboard, r a i Is --' ..i .... 14 tall. mat-"'-Sbotts, "I ac · generate $S AiJ'.cOrqpreS90r each. 54Ul62 ?if f' I ·r o p o 1 tan pa s: l!p1nner wr>= covers. in, .. ......, ,,,.... u•u• lo Food mix S3 · · 110 -· h-'I ·~ 213 · h "-~ -..a MG-1258. each. Set of weiohts S5. TV black, white top S 2 O _. __ l!O. 0.~, ~--·•II· SOFA 7 toot off whilt, $ er Butane MmS sp<rtscoats, laTT'IOU!I transm1Sl!10n u1l\.'e s .... new_,, me. .... ~, """'"' .. uo=e ....., w~ scotclliu.ardtd. perfect con-l't'gtJ.latar~ large $5. 823 mftkt sizes ~. 41. 42 rega. $5 Bloc:k $5. 56 Chev truck S3 eac.h, 5.31-5.lliO. SATURDAY only, Ms p I e ~.O. ~~tt;:~~::~~ 847-6319. ="""""='=-"~l='·=---,.--,.-I dltion $2.5. 968-5349. 17950 TO\\'nt St. Costa l\fesa. I motor SlO 52 Kaisers $25 TRUMPET v~ry g 0 0 d twin bed tramt S10 Boy's GI OOUGHBOY ·pool aildt Sl5, FRIGIDAIRE custom im-646-1257 I ·Lar. P.111n1 never worn 15. Lu trail ta I twin bed frame S5 Spring 8.S!!e.!I lOc each. tee bticket dOUJ"hboy pool fllttr $25, 2 ~ Loa Pew Cr .• F.V. Al.9o -mens slacks size 33 ggagt' er, me plsying condition S 2 5 , Sl . CE mixer Sl Jfoov.er pertal wuhtf al , SHELF bracket&, heavy duty TONKA ttya 50c-75c-$1-S1.5o ne« fl. 836-8851 frame $25. Boat 13 ft $3. '" Coronet S25, Trumpet ex· and mattress Sl50 set. vacuum Sal. Ironing board bar atools S7, each, baby car artists tuel SJ, bed ada al lud teel 15 lnche:s $1 &u-3409 l plywood garden tni.ctor d~sk ttlle-nt $25, Che' mouth-Radio-phono SS E-Z bake rz. Hand tools SOc: each.· ., aeat lOc., fan SlO, 962-1637. S2 _ $12. concrete umbrella a van 1 USED portable 'IV SlO. and plows $25-Kenmof!! · oven SJ Baby bed S4 Co~ • 5 PIECE dinette set $25.-2 base S2.50, rubber rua pad each. 54$-3657 . ANTIQ~ wlc_ker doU buggy 6"13-=4t50 washer S:i Maytag S5 Army piece and mll!lc I.Jar for per collection $2 Md S3. Broxodent tooth bru.11he1 S5 Chai.rs $3.50 each, 40 year Bxll $5, 847-6319. BIKE. boy's 18", convertible, $20 Chinlf'.e ailk Zabatan ~25 LA\VN mower. hand type, field kitchen gasoline SS same Sl5, 536-8.'i41. ~7. 1318 Watson each. ~ tennis rackel!f S5 old vanity w/mlrror $25, newly painted $12. 646-4581 .AdJust•b!', fo;'l~tool ~7 Wtre newly !iharpened bargain Osler barbPr clippers SlO HIGH Chair $5. Infant seat Ave., Co51a ?tfesa. E-&ch. 494-3198 715 Diamond, very old b\iUet Sl5, maple 5 MAHOGANY dining chain ;:na: J:i ~ $5. A~]UStablt 986-3750 Barber chair S25 Tent SS SL Baby bath S2. Car &eat P.1AYTAG automatic Wlllher. Laguna Beech. ~ cheat $25, cash on I y, Pl each. Mah 0 g any >t;;;; la P S5. 644-456"7 REFRISl7·50·GERATOR m Ea Pup $3 2116 Republic. C.M. SJ. (Can be ulled with good v.-ork.ing condition $25. JAG. Chrnmt spoked Wheel 847-1938. ma•••l1•ine rack SIS. Br8Sl"f'''QUE Victorian plat· ·"'"' 5Y 54:>-341 5 buck.et seat~) All In ex-847-8115 wlthnew6:50tireS253Blue ... -_ Jo k 12-Print" chair SS Coffee and end cellcnt condition. 5'1~2711. 1 ~~==------stamp lxlokll S6.50 5 7 STARTING 10 AM Sat. Aug. and irons Sl2· 644-lvn, 1 rm roe er .> ing tables s1:; Living room ENCYCLOPEDIA sets n per BASSlNElTE with skirt $6 9th selling everything, ad· DINETI'E set S11 Table f!re!S S7 Bowling ball & bag lamps SIO Double bed SUI book. 546-8693 COUCH SlO. powcr mower f\tahogany coHee. table S5 Borgword V.'agon for pArts -ding machine S15, chrome wood il'&ined exiend.11 t~ P CUrrent pocket books, 12 Matc:hin1 headboard and STUDY •·.•k•. lorn,,·ca top 525, huge Kerosene lantern Unu.'9td door chime! S:i complete SIS aod you tow tables SJ.S5 &e"Wing machine In . 1 ered in-$1. l{ot Rod, Road & 25 TV .,,. Sj, complete gle!l!I door 11:wey. Cash only Ca I I 46". 3 cha , viny cov · Track, Motorcycle & Holi· ehe~l of drawer!< S . srung tubular leg~. modem assembly for tub $l5. 2 Do-VerHcal to1vel rack Sl 494-1891 after 1 P.M. SI, cof.fee table .50, T.V. &46-6693 day magazines lOc f each. stands $2. 2 blond falls, l~ design. large book 81orage, Nut wheelsftltt:s !Dodge Paperback rnyster-ies $10c "<EN""ITl"°I;-;;TV;c;-=112,,-. ~El=..,-,,..-,.1u:-,· I slend $2, pictures l0c-J5c. , SCHOOL clothing, skirta, l03.1 White Sail.s Way, CdM. each.. 2 gir\'1 bike $2 1'w1n greet for-kids, new $20, now truck) US, 3 Dodge wheels tech. ?t1esa Verde. 54&-4174 tank vacuum cleaner $7. J!tools 25c. tropical fish & b1ou1t1, ja.ck~~'tlodres~, 644-1033 bed ... ,,he,a,dboon!P•~r"-~lk• ~I~ $8. W?'"e~·~\l s~s. ~ S2 each, pol~ lamp $5, dou· SLJbDIE p~c~r-U,) ~rd20 4M-5703. ~ •. · ~el1•1·and°"'..:'."'. c1"oth"'tng' Uz:e 12, sood """"1 n ........ ~DINETTE table -Chairs nov.. ··-\ 1"" S8 new, size .,... 11 WLC a &11ut:. hie bo:ic sprlna: $5, excellent ca net """ ..... mps _..., '"" ... ., """"" $1. 548-1764 _, c... ... -li•.i..n room ta· Baby items: Bath nett-546-8693 Zenith l'tiiio (v."OOd cabinet) Wall she.lvai $15 Twin bed SOLID Maple dropleal tablt !men, womens, children) lOc: ~-"'4-..." ~ .. '6 Bastnetle $5 Auto ma Ii c1..:c::...:=------S25 Coffee blble $2S Chair $25 Bortd-tini!hed table $10 • $5, lo)"f 5c. 1 Sl, new coin BJ: A u TI Fu L I at g e ~. SlS. 64z.3.1<B .wing $3 Play table! $5 CLEAN ])" range $25. Af\1/FM AFC $25, 962--6760. ns Gu stove $25. 4 bar RCA TV and •land, works, meta SS. Ice lkatea $5. upl'lolatered chair $25. Fine Zl"ZAG -ch' 64" -~ 5TROl.LER $10, deluxe car I 115 Set of 4 •-med p"nla· , lampa·Jewtl"" ~-· ~ 11. -•-. t nnla equtt nearly new ..... st ma IM. l~~~;';.'-::::::--:::-;;::--;;;;I;:;;;'.;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;:-;;::;::=::; 1too s SlO each 2 bicycls $15 ..... " ·~ .,,,; nw Ile 0. ~te uuilty tablt n. ~tti, table mc:idtl (need! HEAVY duty trailer S25 TYPEWRITER. Undetwtlod stat $8, quality 1dds, adults e:ach Dtacon:5 bench $25. 2 Colonial scenes SJ, 78 rmp ror full length 75c:, latge "--Uie 1."ffi 75c tach. SI motor) ~ 3 twin beds Heavy duty car top catTier Standard, very dean A-1 clotlft 5c to Sl. hoM: Sl. car lletping bags $5 each. 2 ski classical l'l!'mrds, load con-IU&gage ca.rrler $1.75, IC!ll'l.!I .__...., 1 $1 ta.ch Occasional table $12 Ski boots. size 8-9 $8 Bed condition. $:!1. S u I t c a s e , jack $1. foollf lOc chaise racks SS and $8 Bissell dition SI per i\}bum. Ladles 5c • ~. dishes 2c-50c, vase• Mg...()g16 SI Antique• vanity {made rails SI each. Fomiica SamlOnlle: largt tv.'O suiter, lounge 75c pillows 2Sc aweept".r and shampooer SlO desk on tall lep, front drop, 2 -$1, books lOc, travls rod WALNUT fonnlc:a dinette trtadle • e wt rig table. seats 6, SIO Gold &0fa, like new 49.so. 543-7165 clothes hamper SOc picture cac.h Ttnnfa racket s,;; each, old, dark brown SS Platform JOc:, llned curtaim 50c -Sl. table $25. 4 matchin& dWn hint S20 Offict ~lr TIO 7 it S20 Gold chair S12 End frames 25c. tabln S2, chain 548-4320 rocker, needs reupholster-vaJance $1, til't'S 251:, 5 point $2.M each. 3 bar lltool.1., p-i rt ab le~ $20. table! $3. 5• v.·h!le. 7• high SET of bucket seall S25 50c dishes lOc kn.lck-nack:a Ina, Maple SS Jr. 51.ze pool deer horns Sl, hats SOc. heavy wrought iron 1 (you New wool blanket $1 King cupboard S25 Small rowboat Chevy f.nlck body ~ lOc baby lAmp $3, lampa S4. BLUE chip slamps '2·25 lab le, cues and balls $10 17092 A Street, HB paint) U-75 uch. )fetal rizH quilted t 1 o we re d $20 14 dn.wera. 4 x 8 x 12, ~ Falcon trans:mtuK>n gamn. puzzles lOc playepn book. Folding bumper step Croquet ,set. excellent 00,.. COSCO hi.ch-cha ir '1.0, stn.a.ll trame couch 6 1prlng bedspreadSlOKing 1l~rat-$l ·each. Lawnmo\\-er $5. S20 .c .hcvy truck v.iilh pad 14 Sat only foreamper$8.Spa.ee88.·32'1'· dlUon SS. Tv.-o ipetd 20 In Sirls 16 Inch bicycle $.lO. cushions, good for patlt '31. tan htadboe.rd $5 Blae an-Hild! jack and wheel for transm1~ion ~al Corva~r 5.16-70.16, 536-4454 8 4 O 2 W. Wi1110n St. C.M. fan $7.50 Rem 1na:t0 n clrls size 6x clothing ta NOW'S THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH 5f0..(IT10 Sat I: Su111• Cafl titiufd cht8t.)~ Ovtrki.zed trailer s:; Secllonal sofa $5 motor S2.> nmnmg gear $23. Munsltr HB. BTKE f.fan '11 3 speed, good portable typewriter $10 articles SlS. drapes $5, after 5:15 Pf\.f v.-eekdp.YS. Co!<» card table and 4 each 4. bookshelf S3 each. 64 301 Chevy motor _S25. 59 8' DINGHY $2j. Kitchen condUlon $20 4 poster tio.'in boy's 24 In bike $8 licathldt 847-6.11.9. THROUGH A DOUBLE bed, compl~ $2S. folding chain $25. 4 plastic feet brick and b t ft d s Otevy body parts ~$25. 58 table droplea(, strl.......i. oil-bed and dresser, antiqued FM tuner and Q-multipUer. ' ·~ Ra "'er 1~ p '• good .. ~ bri hi ~ f both o .... 35 MM Koolc. camera ·~. 8 Table and 4 chain _,. molded patio cha.in $111!1\ch. bookcase 125. :>.O f et. t mui '"' a.. ed S20. SamMnlte like l'ltW B green, _, or · 54~. · _, $6-0lll Toya 25c-$1. TV tables~· redwood board end brick chrome wheels S20. 2586 hat box $7. Ovcrniltt s7. ,_ Desk SlO Smell deak S5 Toys p QR TA;, BL E' sew Ing 1'Bf Movie camen. $10. Old WIG, blond. :real hair $25 541-7412 • bookcut. 115 Se w I n g Sant.a AM Ave. C.f\1. 1t1Jter $5. 7· Baby safety and akate• SOc-$2 Trunk $6() machloe,. llke new $25. 5 'pl ~f:r. 'IV cab'inet Sj, ID'AI LY Pl LOT 548-2957 DRAITINY Table, aoakt. me.chine $15 Pocketbookii, SEAltS gas/electric portable gate $3. 54" white vinyl win· Odd cbairs.$2 each. 546-61ifi6 aquarlun1 $5 Bo.by swing, som.ES and lnlu1Alol'll Eirtra "StUdenl" Board •n4 NatJonaJ Gl.'Olf&phic rntrlgcrator $25. 2-7!i0xl.6 ply dow ahade $3. Yellow and 2 POWER la1vn mowers $20 sw\l1gll tor 2() m.ln A plays MARINE grade teak, lGe45 Dishn SC42-2S CnJF.I 9Mne aupplll!!f, $1D. 646-9563 piints, \nRCt apray1 1r.c tires, $7.50 each. Electric b r n w n p I a Id t w In and $25. 2 wheel lnrller, all mu.sic, 2 months old $1"1. mahoi:;any or plywood, dil· - • .,.,_ 289 E. W1'oft. C.M. MOVING. Bunks btds $2(1 Tent $15 Tarp $10. 9 x 12 lawn edger $10. 295'1 Baker, bt<lspread1 Sl each. DeyirlJ «tee.I frame, 14 ton pickup Two 915 x 15 tlrH, one $5 Jtrent aitts JQc.SS Brown _.. ~ End nip $5-$15 Plan\en $1-$5. c.~f. rack 50cChalat lounge S1 . 3" box $25. 241 Ogle SL C.P.l other $8. MS.-8275. rug 8X12 no 2 eJectr.lc hair MAYTAG wtinen" wuMr, Book she.IVf'a Bq: •t~r 25c gal gl'1l5li baby gate fl Antique t.rame 646-1040 curletlf ll.50 each, Wooden piod c:ondltkm $10. ,..... ta.ble1 $3-$10 Lam.pa ~ fOod l'08e food S2 Qt oil 20c 3 ROUS 4" Wide 1htet foam $3. Alaballler book...nida 13. I 'LA~RG=E~pon--a~bl<-~bar-bee>-1e GREEN vlnyl w I n I b a ck rotty lff!al $1 Wood c:anfskr· COFFEE table $\O Flrt ~.:U:"~ u6 ~ aet u., g ft picnic SJO tach 2 antique. IJPY Trivia a.nd 'to)'1 25c-$1. wtth io:ncloaed iholvca $&. chair. rood condition $25, and btt1td box,Sf,~r,p;gg Kf'ttn -te Ir tool.II "115. n-._,a ..... ,,, Ill) ,._. __ table and 'be:nchel sz. :li4 glaliset S15 each. &fusk:al 642-m. 644-t1'62 646-4057. m>ker $1. 2 mtat.cr1:rkttt1 ~· RCA ~......, t'""" ....._. S"-~ ~.. M 11 a COt'klail ahak~. new S5 ~=--.,,-.,.----,,..-, CHROME tahlo 2 I ·-• I'~ ,,... • ... ...._. •·· ....t \>alt tamps SlO CO c m Disks nuwuuu, ... ..,. • ,_,,_._,, r-•-~-. _ USED, gbocl r u n n I n t ~SUR=rno==ARD=~~----•--, ~ .• ~.,~ .. I • es." ... a ......., ""''· '""'""""..., 1.c&. -.;, coneole nteds Y.'9dc. T" 642-0895 VllM&Q"l "''" ~ ""''"' 1'2S5 -""" cflaiJ"I $3) n""Plate 8Cl"l!'f!:n1 $41.!!I) DmiJ..ta.,ue (I.Ip& $3 "CV ' Pin&"POTW table 4 paddl p!tle: $lD each S draWf!'I' rrfrlpntor $1'. ~ ' $25. 642--0552 p1.11l chains 15 543-2776. Mh·l'riNte.r, SUnbNm U. \taple ckluble book e '' Slt' Phtlogri;i»hk pr In · 5 MEDltTht Mlaht black bar rlresser 110 , p\tte __ ,_. 23 OIL PalnU-. l11 MA-~·-~~,~-. IY • clot"-· 15 •• headboard SS Daublt ~I $2$ Enlaritr ltOOJ;g w\th b&.ckS $20 each 1 -"" ~"""" rl lnal ..., •<JC Ah ll 00 ' • ~ ...... ....,,. ... "<&" SLOT car track on 00.rd nmen 1 ""1• s~ '"' aprlnc. ma1ttu1 A: .,.._ ... ,~-1., 18 2-14Jdlii Ottk:t table SlD Bnllded Ni Btttlona. ..W floOr rnp 0 e · ..,-.-. tt : double bed•lie Pu• 2 lltltd I/32' acme W'I $20. m 18 tnd\ldn unilmm.. 50o-$3 ¥"'... ".__ S2.SO Anlique plstea SS eaeh S31-li93. shffts $8. Dr:~ alr lamp J SL CM .... ··-White motorcycle ~et. pi, 50-44.14 (;ol6e pl'!)jeclor $21 ns Btmboo mhTor $10 s1·u1~ Mak $10 Electrtc ' IJO <U -11 oann . . ~. -.. n s. n ......................... , •••y ~b •10 Bab• i "'""--'--., c1o·~·-, p h 0 t, Camtras S2: Chlldr!n·1 antt UUJ 9' SOFA, be.Ire. need• c ear> . o1'1G"""VQ .,, "' uu1 • ........ _.. .. DAD ""' • " ~ ~':.':r• ,..__.._ k. T hil'I l l ~ !tinnntt $2.50 BBQ. A: ing $2l. Tcalc chf.lrs SlO • "RAD=i"o,_-,--.,-.,.~h-,--~d GlR,l...S 20'' Bike tlO. Gtr11 Sltl l323 ' Santa Ana Av~ Jl-$5 Tile cotlet table ~l ~ 3Q61 ..... .,..,r tl(ful11 com 1 1 a:p1t c:> Rel'Mgtrator Wlth pair 40,. round....marble !Ule .itteo • 2-i" Bikea SU a.nd Sl5.. Boya c.M. 846-1M9 ttque oak bed&ttld After 4 PM" Sat. ~ic awtat ahlrt1 S2 l'TO$S top lreelt<r $2:5 Eltt'-$2Q. 673--MTO. plam $25 \Va 1 h I n I 26" Bike $15. Gu ~ $25. ====:::--..,.-"--1 r mlmll' s 2. 5 All Suliky, P.londal, Ltalhtr fop ltble $ 1 5 tric htattr $!J 4 btdsttada machine, Wtltingbowe $10 Eleclnc ranp $15. Maple TERRARrtJMS. .pluttn. , AluMlmun chtlte $ 3 • 5 O Portable HJ.fi, 3 1peed $1.5. $2.!iO eiitch Cabintt doonr St FRIOlOAR.E W'lll!htr $25. cu Uatd dreuea:, she 12·16 I.run to MOie AM and iltttw~vt ~ trH SJ lo $2.S. Ou'wne bathroom ahtlva ORT:&BLE 11;ewlnj 325 J&smlne, Corona del t.tcb b tacklea. Clil'pet lawn mower $20. 962-'73l4. $2-$10 5411-m radio $12. Singer R:Winc =:,·=',,·.,,.=,_-=,.,.,=I $150. 642--MU IMdhlnta. Bel Air $IQ. fi.1a.r str1pplng $2. 50 electric 21" TV S20 17" port.Ible TV 10 SPt1ALL versa.tile vinyl machine $15. IAMt mower fiORTABLE Philco TV sz. ORAJITINO Ti.hie. &oard. Beledttt $1S. Zenith, tte~ SUN hood for door or window plugs 100 electric eolti Se SZi, both "'Ork ROOd. 20" cowred .chairs with Tr'Olldtn SS. Full al.it brtldtd rug. S11nbtam 1.ttxmallltr $6, .f EJrtra' "Student" Board and Jll). Lawson I' #)fl in. $S Platform rocker, brown, f.ach. Sat and Sun. 180 Del glr\'1 bicycle SU Bar-1).qut. 11rm1 $6 t.teb. Ct'lckel chair $10. 1511 0n.np A• c. Bike 5Addle bUket.s 2 for$$. tome wppl~ $10. ~ M7-2685 a'OOd condlUon SU. 546-8693 h-Lll'. ~ SS S.ndwicb Crill $3 646-1525 $1~. 546-&1& ~. .;.614-0;o.;;.;197..;. _____ _ _ , WANT AD 642-5878 • !"l,_.,.,..,..,..,.,..,.....,_..,,.......,..,,...,,...-.,,...-.,..,,.,.--·-,--.c---,,-.~~.=·~~:~,..,,.,_,.,.,.,. •• ,,,.,,7,,,_,,.,-,,,,.,..,,.,.,.,.,,..,.._.v.,.,;$"""7=c"-"'""'·P"·"""'&~-~•"•~•·~'~''""~"~"M™'-,........~~--------·.....-•,...,.-,...-~- H O~ILY PILOT SaWolQ, ._, 9, l'Ho9 i MllCk»itilSI FOR Ml:KCHANDtSI FOR MERCHANDISI FDR MliRCHANDISI FDR Ml llCHANDISI fOlt • SALi AND TllADI SALE AND Tl!ADI SALE AND TRADE SALi AND TUOI SALi ANO T1IAOI MlllCHANDISI fOR SALi AND Tit.ADI PliTS 1nd LIVESTOCK FREE TO: YOU TRANSPORTATION I I ' ' ., i p..,.11u,. -.Fvml,..... -Fu'!!!!,r. -F""'""'9 -Ml...ilo- !?!!" 1125 Stlll•0tll 9010 Ml_.lo_ l600 BEAl!IU'UL 8ltdt • Ion MOO A.KC PllOdie ~. brcwn p e d t 1 re e d c • t m a n CAL 20, natlonal champion WAREHOUSE SALE °"' 6,000 "· 0,.... .. Pulllk 111 Tlmt Sti•Wi ••• lhllllerr•ND SHOWROOM FURlllTURE 3--.Sftn. V11ue0-$1000.Now$349. • s,.. -It s,.l•h ..... ,.,, • 96 ... ~ ..... """ 56 ................... ,,, .. '""" • S II<-$,..... Dllltlto, otlr ttblt '°' e 3 htny M .. ......... , ......... hlMtt, '" dulolole "1-gli lor flto!lngoD•t. Enmpl" of 1 1001 Uf1tlmt Speciols APPROVED FURNITURE 2065 O.orlt St., Cost1 MtSI IMllll .,. ..... c. ..,,,.. I! ......... ~ • ..._.. tt. ... ...,.. ...... """""' _.,. ......... ,.. -· PUBLIC NOTICE DECORATOR Gm CAHaUATION OF 18 LUXURY APAltTMDITS Sp1nish & Mediterrftttln Fumltvrt All BRAND NF# Nc..lil..d!ltrr-...._ ....... ... . •• ..,,I"'..::! ., ......... j;/; ............ ~-_,_,~= .. --, .... ""·"• ........ co ... -... m:-~ ~-....... ~ ..... ,~ ........... ,. ......... . ... . .. ._ .. , .......... -.. ~. .iii.'--. .............. . .... ---·-u...t tt .. ~JS) ........... . A decorator dream house on display -3 rooms of gorgeous Spanish fu mitun1 (was reg. $1 295.00 SACRIFICE • • • • • • $398 c•101T TeaMS o\YAU.AI LI ClllOIT CLIAAID IMMIDIATI LY mm FURNITURE 1844 Newport ·Blvd. 11o~:.11w1.> Costa Mesa only l"'Y Pfltht 'TU t -Wt4.. Stt. & s ... 'Tl 6 OllllNTAL ART 6 liltdo:. ' """ old, S1> ' 6bepbenl JM1e. 1 yr old 19611. All racl"" ...,.. New POOL.TAB LES BEA UT JJ'UI, Olln<M vP. lll W~ All •ho~ to"°"",;.,,,.: s.&gilll molm". Xnll a>nd, S/4" an4 i•• '1ate '°lf, Nt"W It.a~ '.....t.11 Chlnea DUSH 51ff111'=7 w}Q.. MMOI5. ' 81,U (1'J4) 008-2833. Slip 11~4, ~-Wl h -·-t dllhll\, Jo.411 of Intia braa AKC n•. blood walk WQ 71, Liw Bch ;b;'·:~~ ln ·~tock: artlclel. All quallf1 ltemt. Un.. m:... l DOZEN Sham •http dog Muina. $3200 or make n..--'-·'"ht at a"-"-Can n:x::= pupp1t1, rtacb' 91).. Mom It fer. 2 U1'1, four 314 llbit. Prteed ..... ~,,.,... ..,...... srAnl.UUW Alodlt, JJ(C. dad ~)' 17'' l\llh. Coznel.::;;,,_--~----1 to ..UI IJqukla.tJJw Wndinc be meen S..t Ir. &m alt 12. Ma.la. Bfft oner itlclc"~ nofl' 642.&2 SAVE $3000 + on new route. Pbone-John SO.-. 239'D ~tlllwa.tc:r Le.nf, lA· '* llM4'1I '* · 819 · Newport :ll ( I o ad e ~ l f46.720T. CUM Nlpll. plus New po r l moorrna * AucnoN * MOVING m•t tt II 2t, TOY POODLE PUPPIES PERSIAN lemtle ,..... w/$Dl0 oaoh do."Ot. ooll -t f • _ adorable AKC. 1"5 E. Uth cat, tonolae ahdl, to toad (213) m .w1 u raeaer ., .... St CM~ ho e>wne is Ill · U .YOU wfD aelJ. CJ' bu1 fi1Pl•lre $30. S t u d Io ., • ' me. r • LIOO 14 No. 3060, fltted foe' ctve W1ndj a tt)t upright pleino $75. Maple Ll:tASA APIO pupptet; A.KC. l36..4CS3 W raelne immac 11 lll()ll old Auctlonl Friday 7;90 p.m. dine tte Rt .. Naua:ahyde 7 w.U. xn)t PlJ?ftL Wkd;ya nRE wood that POPI a: Ccmp.' llrt .~IS, incl.. cov: Windy•1 Auction Barn Rivi.era tot& bed $35. ~ alt lor wknda. 675-tm cracks from Ce 1': man Y. er & trlr. Besl oUer. ~ filled to!a $tit Anliqlle AKC Alukan ~. 1&. Bring box on 1tJina. 2116 9624100 . Behind Toey'a 8Jdr. llat1. .etntary '51), Mile Wnps. male, 3 )TL puppy. flS. Republic, C.M. 8112 26' FOLKBOAT aux sloop am~ Newport, CM 64&-8888 cheat, table, etc. SJ.425. 3061 BU.2735 GERMAN lhepbml female !Ii lapstrab hull 'deperw;t se~ MOVING Pink G.E. combo CUob, NB ....... 1254. GREAT DANE pup PY . monlbs, houle broken, all boat. J &eta: d~cron r.ails a: refrtc/tree:ztt $125. Yellow SURPLUS factory dr e 1 1 Black. AKC $25. 1959 lhota. Lo¥ea children. Doe sptnaku. Make offer. ~& '9(1. ~ u bo:t fabrics a: remnantr. So I d Federal Ave, C.M. boUle included 6f6.2916 8/12 6tS-07U hinat11 $35 ~~ Ba~ll 2 to the publJc M Monda)' AKC COLIJE PUPPIES HAMSfEii Two baby male AQUACAT 12' S a 111 n a Bureau $35: Blonde forml: thru SaL Im ?ttonrovla, Fr1r ahow or for klve brothers plua cqe. All must Catamaran & trailer. Fa.st top desk S35.. 96Z-3'152. CM. $754150. 60.-6802 •1'7 ~r. Pell only. " euy lo "11! F.x. cond. 1/3 OP'F on alt blkinla I: 3 WHEEL 12 in band saw PUG pups AKC, 3 mol, perm ~4 $600. 675.3794 art ~; 30 A wUh stand & motor, u Is shoti, Call Jo-54Q..:L101 ot 1 yr, spa,) , al!ercd cats, SAJLING Outrl .. oc, 220, qfl a>ver·Upa. ny site top $25 p t Col -•w ,.. /·" -~ N ~ w/aey bottom. 114 sulta: ' epa a maui 539-5136 w a.u &1N • eed •")home. full batten, dacron i;ail, 18' now $9.80. Aeythin; Goes. ;'sth =tic coin chani'U PEKE-A-Foo poodles, male 891-MSO long. built Carter Pyle. 2400 \V. Cst. }lwy, NJI. . Jl weeks. &auWul ti; fJull)' PLAYFUL lltUe k I l ten. Trailer. 613-7003 Open Sund&)'I! Mite. Wanted 1610 $10. MG-7052 !em.ale, II wkll., b I a ck P~T. full race", trailer, GOLF CLUBS: POODLE pups, toys. AKC. w/whlte f et. &K-tan i/ll $300). 21112 \Veal Coalit 8 lrona, putter, 2 woods, baa 0 r a Jll'e-apdCOl &auWu.I 2 AL rnale cats; one Hiah.,.,·ay NB. 64>-0810 a: cart. WE PAY MORE heavy coats. 80-U63 Ruu blue, ere>' &. white. 12· ALCORT s~ILFISH * $35 * SAINT BERNARD pupg, 1 R«ent ·~· Owner died. Mahogany newly finished. ' 2 TWIN beds, white/gtild, ;> Need apace! 'Valnut. exec 117 E. Bay, Balboa CASH •· AKC, cb&m · " Don't c bi Id re n · $169 * s4z..sm e&noPY poster, w/mat-desk, a~ top, swivel chr, Furniture 8000 Furnftuf'9 IOOO 675-5160 ;;.~7 pk>n .une. 5$.l.346 8/ll ~DO 14, excellent tresses & springs. Antique l amp, typewriter $160. SHIPPING Kl'ITENS: b I a ck, de"' & dr"'"· Chitf.-. 847~. •••••••••••••••••• ''"""· ~ ~'::ilt~; ' ADORABL.E ! wk old puppy, tig>», .. 11 & ,..,.,, etc. ~nd~1~· \Vhite draw drapes. Jlned. l"-h ~i Ge:r. Shep, \i black 836-f493 8/11 Off * 3 ROOM GROUP * W•·q••t ~~~rL'• Mairaketrlp~ l"or !urnltutt, appllancea. Labrador. 645--025J SABOT Iiberglass, good Large 2.-lone red rug. Pair ice Equipment 1011 .........., 6 .,.,., colored TV, pianol, organs 2 ?t!Al.E, lo ha.ired guinea cond. Xlnt. value at $225. green uphGl.stered chain. TYPEWRITER. Adding COMPLETE ~house for ''Olllalde" and antiques. p!p w I e I a I cage. 549-.'1676. dlf!ap. ~Use !terns. 540-35n anlll'lal. $15. Call 147-6640 .Day or nia:ht Hon" 1130 1~833-~"~"~'~' ~~~--,-l-!iDuiRL'i""iREimii:Si • TOO much furniture for new mach, calcul.ator. Ver Y Living Room -Bedroom -Dinette after 6 PM JIOURLY REl\IALS reasonable. Xlnl con d. $297 '36-3620 2 FREE pup~es 8 wks, male * H.hodei 19.1 * ' Mme! Bargaina galore on 89'l·2423 eves. p0RTABLE Hotpolnt dish-REGISTERED QUARTER .i fema.le. iball breed, to Fun Zone Boat Co. Balboa l ~::.~&~~ ~ =H=.=.=,.=h=.=,=d=Good==,=1=02=0 Weekl y Pay1nents •• \Ve Carry Our Own Contracts :as~: ~;i~su~~~~ $ W·E "UY $ ~~ ~ ~03~pirited, ~~es.~ ~ * s.ABOT. _fbgls., eqp'd for : ...,,.,Ir)>.) 5'!>-lm VAN'S Disr:ount Furniture ""'" 115· ''" San!>. laabel, $ FURNITURE $ mo""' <•I. ~1218 8/11 ra<mg. 1>1.;__ : MOVING-Sofa and love seat. NEW carpet, 90 gq. yds. Cltf. iif.i;i;"c';Cf;;f'i;;;;;;;--i~:i~==~~~'..._-~ velvet: Hide-a-bed $1.Zi. Nlagra indoor, outdoor , 417 W. 4th St., Santa Ana FrH P1rking DOUBLE bed complete $40. APPLIANCES HORSES BOARDED -With etrrE Cr I b I Frai:ne .Side COLUltfBIA Challenger, full I Sofa only, gold; Fixlun!a a: Avocado green, special price Open D1ily 10-1 S•t 10-6 -547-2412 New desk iris. T e nn i I Color TVi-Pi.1101-Sttroo1 feed $40, without $20. need!! l"!p&it m Victoria·B. race, boat bath, engine, ex· : ~l:i.:. oo ... end tables. SJ "'" ... yd. ,,.._8022 •••• ·~·. •• •••••• •• ~~:::· M~'."°'.:_~· m ~~ .... :=~ "~' TRANSPORTATION L':; ~"::~.~~Ike """ i DON'T dive up! You ma.y Garige Si le . Fortuna, The Blutb. • 541.-4531 • FREE TO :YOU _T. Race winner. All equip. """ii at Amttka'• larg .. t, •••••• ~epllon<H 8100 Plonos & Orgons 1130 PROFESSIONAL thampoo • Booll & Ytnn 9000 $1135. 846-1165 "'°" unU!Ual ~ Garagea&leSun:.J!ondli.1.25 REFIRGERATOR SALE BRAVE THE HEATI bowl w/slalnlea ''"' WE PAY CASH DAVID L .. RASER 15\1 SNIPE gl..,/wood, •lnl f\tmltnnl atore. Cor. Redhill cc cycle. SchwiM l!J speed, Used \\lestinghoui;e •••••• sso D . . lo Sa ta Ana" see upholstered, adjustable I CDCK-a·poo, l'ftds g 0 0 d 28' P..28 Sloop xlnt $5750 cond, trlr. dac:ron sans. It Santa Ana Fwy, Tustin. 1 flower arrangemenu, + Used Frigidaire 2 <lr ••... $68 nve in ~ chair. Both like new $85. e NOT CL--ks home. Excellent with 11' Ki-s Sloop. ~rotln $650. Cl\t 54!>-4706 ml So. o1 Ne~·porl Fwy, lsc y It' us about a Piano or Org.an ~2963 ~ chlldttn. Grey and whitP, 8 "6 ~ ~n 362 days per yr. m · ou name · U a rd G.E .. hcaullful, lB cu. for your children's eduea··lo;M.;:;;;=-;,-,:;:-;-~-,,,-,: Fo GOOD USED mos. old. Hu had shots & 43' Dsl Cuner, alt cab, 200 RHODES 3.1. Ready 10 race. 5f4..5470 546--006. 3072 Tyler \Vay, fl .. new motor •·· ··•·• Sl35 tion & pleasure before ytiu FROSTING & Tipp i n i' r • lieet!M!:, 1311 Baker Apt. B. &al fuel, 175 al. ll'S.tflr. 9 sails. ouli.loard. $,1000 or C.?tl. • Hotpolnt Retrig, 12 cu ft 2 gel invol\'ecl with Labor SPECIAL t \\'k. only, R~. Furniture, Stereo. TV or Very aean! ! $24.900 trade. MS-3531 SPANISH ****** monthsolrt ............. $139 Day weekt>nd & and all the $25. now $11.SO, 8/U. 8/16. Household ltem11 otanykind. C.M. 8/11 C.all: QIU • AVERY CAL 28, No. 19. Outboard, MEDITERRANEAN GARAGE SALE: Lapidary Seveni.l brand rJe\V \Vashers. thing,o;; thst go with getting Rogers Beauty World. So • 547·5712 • COCK·A·POO, black female 3424 Via Opor . Ne1.1•porl eqp'd for rat'inf:'. $MOO As Shown ln model homes. unit \.11/molor. tumblers, Dryers, Refrio:-erators & your oUspring reedy t 0 r Cout Plaza 546-7990 "w"A"N;:;T"°E"n"s."'w"1"ng:.-M". c::.,:.h:;:l,,.::-.1 8 mo1. old. Had !hots. has 673·5252 * e s. 494-3916 6r;>402S 3 Rma af fum. (din rm. Jiv rock hound items, Grand TV's. s<·hool. Rentals from $10 VINYL TILE, L I n 0 I e um , Very moderately priced. ~g ho~e. To F home leoiiiis'1roimNli\M\OH"""E;:_.,;wj.,i;-.,1,22~ . ..,.-AL~B~A.;:T;;R;;O~SS;:,-.qW..,.-p"pe""d nn. il bedrm) priced else-Piano, desk, patio booth, Price! &t '69 close nut monthly. Spinets & Consol~ Allpbalt Tile_ Beautiful co). Portable, Ask for Beclc;y with ch re.n. 64 ·9150 8111 old, like n 40 hp for racina $llOO <2l3) m where at $895 ia Youn today clolhing, dishes, misc, See at: JIENDERSON'S from $579 on a nd pattuns. Free 543-ISTI LABRADOR Ret r iever, Evinrude engi & trailer 565.1 alt~~., 6 P~i. at ooly $399. Eagy Credit it.ems. Fri. SaL Sun 179'21 lS"n Harbor, 01 543-0156 Gould Music Comp.1ny Htimatea. I.le. c 0 n t r . ~W"AN=T'""""To-obuy-~(~homo-~)...,..bar-.1 m&le, 8 mos. old, had llhots. l~u~tru~~'-""~~aift~· ~~-~~~1 =~~filjjiiio~s-1 Terms. Alta Mirano Lane, HB. GE frost.free ntlrigerator 2045 N. Main, SA 5-17-0081 5t6-4478. 1,4 round or L ahaped. A!Ult Need• fe nced Ya :rd. 33• STEPHENS Sedan. CORONA~~ 25 Santa AIM Furniture 8'7-132D Big $50. Tappen toIKJYen Open Mon It Fri 'til 9 113 OFF on all~• cov-be reuonable. phon e 6t5{fj03 8/11 Beaut cond. ay trade Llke new. baf'laln. 675-5846 GW.fthSt,SantaAna SPANlSJ-l modem 110ta &: slide-out range with cup-PIANO WANTED er-ups. AJtY •lie top w/aJJ.Y 6'M687 DARLING, ugly kJt t en down. ?ifuat sell. 951B 14' HOBIE CAT 541-0789 love At:at, like new. Spanish boa.rd itand $200. ~1812 <213) 8T7·1035 Pvt PUV bottom. $14. IUit. now CARPET w I Io ts ol penonality, na.ERGLASS S ly center No. 363. 67S-4S08 eves. 3 ROOM GROUP king·aize bed & nite 11tand. K E N M 0 R E w a s h i n G $0.80. Anything Gos, 2400 Sh&p, tweed.1, hl·lo pile. AU female 6 wb. part now in CM-N a re a . BY o\\ner-32' Alden Sloop, lJyl."8: nn, bedroom, dinette ~1any other misc items. Old mBch\fl(' $90. r.111ytag ~a~ Televl1lon l20S W. Cirt Hwy, N.B. Open SUn. colon. Free est. Lie Con tr. Siamese. 675-0471 8111 Ewrylhine for ur boat, !Ip~ -4. new interior. Survey $297 Chevy pick·up. Sal &. Sun, dryer $00. 549-1746. After S $4.98 HOUSE call on all color KIRBY Vacu u m Oeaner 54SM78. FREE to qual. home if ranch surfboard, car r home. $9,5QO.lst $7,500 Cash.no Wepidy PiymenU • :u7~nlvcn1ity SI, C~f Pl\.! ntakf'll or drop ii oft before with attac h ments &. NEED bricks one, to 1000, or lg. acteai". Beautifu1 Boat resin 1pecl now only trades. See at 2547 \V. Coast We carry our own cont'ra cts =~="'--~~~=· 112 CU !NOi new GE lO AM & pick ii up at 5 PM. polisher. Take ovtr s~ rea110nably prlctd. 644-4681 J>Ul'I! bred Be11.gle l yr. MUJt $3.95 gal f.!tall . \Vind an' lhvy, NB. next door to Dry V•n'• Discount Furn TV, $35; l'irerro plu~ :S LP'5, ~frlvrator. Used :Z monlla. All channel color a.11tenna pymts or $41.10 cuh. Credll be with children. 543-0959. Sea., 1737 SUpe or, C.M. Dock lte~t. 642.-1122 eve&. or f17 W. 4th St., S.A. 541·1412 $JOO: de11k $IO: '62 Buick I ..:"_:'-:,,::2952.:.:.~~~~~~ I Including installation $39.95 DepL ~7289. Mlchlnery, etc. 1700 81ll 642-1601 dayii 548-4191 Open Dally 10-8 * Sat 10-6 co~·ert. S480. Gretch guitar, Sl'OVt~ GaHm & Sattlrr. Do you have a HT·FI or LOUNGE chair $3.S. 1 CH 1 L DRE N bored! LIVE ABOARD 4j Tri·Cab. SABOT 001\lPLETE SOFA bed, like new: den ~~rr~ff;~O. ~~~~ 35~: Xlnt rond. 6 yn ne11o·. $80 Slereo problem? Have any Colored plastic sheets 24x72 fJ~~:~~~S eve~·~ Fucinalinr hobby, beautiful in Oiris F.B. ~50 \VSS, Ready to sail. 1 furn, dffk, odd tables, lgasJ &16-0033 que,o;;lions'? Please call us. S:Z each. Radkl/phono COD-Othe Fo kl'!t trucks PI e ion I, homing & fathomeler, au•) pilot, $265. * &15-00.0 dWn, \/try ttaaonable. 675-7141 'c".E"".-',-u"to-m.~li~,-.. -.,-.~,-.,-,n1""'t 536-.1371 sole $10. 67J...1185 M tr lell~ I 6JS..:zmi tumblers. 7lf.-.8:'l8...431. 8/12 2.5 KW 0 n an, la\lits and 16' T-BIRD SLOOP i C.O.ta Mesa. 641-8292 or t.~~h. G mSAI.E-al,. .... MOO,.Pl>b•llow& cond. $40. HARBOR TELEVISION OOCART $125., % yr war· PEu•TS · IVESTOCIC AOORABLE kitterui cray or di lng~&lanchor wlfh. Cluys. Best otter tak!S 646-!lOOO ; ~O. .l! .. .,..... ...nu ....... * 847-8115 * ~KVICE ranty. Service st& coke and L black, part AnlOTII frtt to mpen en&inej trades .. 1-========"=•I 1 EARLY Airier. K ro 'h 1 er dresser w/pearl inserts, lge -========= 1880 Whittler, comer 19th machine $75. Fan t a 11 only aood home call 893-QU 846-3629. hide-a-be(!, gm twe.d w/ yooth dreur. mah o g • &: \Vhlttler. Costa r.teaa Piaeorut s2.50 ea. 6t&-9S55 Pat1, General 8800 after 2 pm. 8112 I ;;'6:;;:7G"'LASSP"'""AR"'"'c""lt'"'a-:1c;1-,:0-,:n,-,I Power Cruisers 9020 h,_ .. ___. ---'" s·-dressr, net playpen, misc. Antiques 811011 ;;21;;; .. -;p;,8,;;;;;;1 ;:;;:TV\;Ou;:.;;-. ;;;;;1;;;;;11~~~~~~~~-:-lp:J:::G::~:::::N::S,-:G::!ANT:;::::-;H:::O::'.MERS::::;: 1 ,;~=~~Jds=_':::-:-:=_::0::~~;:;: •• 1 1n'-· .... -··•'---_.., ..... M·-.. -u, ......... , &""" c;na MJo. baby itelTll. JO" hi bar --'-------1 coor ..... waou QUALITY ldng bed. qUilted. ~ s-.rw:.i:. """., cmntn"'~ erw""':r~~"; jel&~· :OLLYCRAFT Exp~.u m.a48 stools. 218 Fern 642-S532 ANTJQUEs-GARAGE SALE Sp. cab. Remote contr, dual Complete u nu• e d nm· $1 each. 5'8-6563 ~tn box·trnd. Used power trim. ~I cover. Cnnser. Ed Monk. de11gn. QUALITY Klng bed, quilled. Primiti~ furnltun>. cb\na, ext ipkra. Gd. w_orldni worth $%!0. After 5 or ~ to Irids and big dop. Re&dy to er$>)'. A l 1 twtn 220 grey '.""nnes. 1'"1'' Comple~. u n used $105; G~:~Gf~~~; o~~d glass; clock.!. lamps. :non =~:~· ~1324 rutes or 847~ Cata 8120 894-4249 8/IJ maJntenance t'fCOfd 1 hOuni, 65/W radio/telephone, Vo'Qrth $250. Mt 5 or wknds itemJ11, miac goodies. 1589 ~l~ne, HB, Sat & Sun. ;"~~=-:-=.~. ~. ~~"'· c-liNURSWi"5iEOC'SSuu;;n1H.1o;;nnm.,-:1ii~:i11.4. I LILAC &: chocolate point kit· AOORABLE ldtf!,na, l"!Y or o"'1'1E!r Kl 6-#44 s. many extras. Xlnt condl-847~ Riversid<" Pl. CP.1. Sat & Sun ====-=====' ICOLOR TV, 23 67 Zenith; Pollen costume, Bnt otter. t~ns. re i I 1 t ere d $23. black, part anaora, Free to · lion. $13.500. fTI41 SJO.JT96 QUEEN' Anne anliqUf' carved 10 am. 6 pm. "''Ork.~ perfectly $ l T 5. Sat.. 11-4. Tues, 11-4. sp. 28. \\'eekends or after 6, good homes. Call 893-6818 MARLINIER • SKIPJACK 20' LOADED 1'1Df1. Olive \•el.vet upholstery ANTIQUE & rnoclem misc Sewing Machines 8120 962-at82 Sun or J\1on. 824 w. 15th, NB 549-1371 ~ alter 2 Pltt 8112 Like TlC\Y $16,000 Bimini top " outriio;::grrs to SlllXI value. only $400. f d" · tbl "-196'.l SINGER touo• -m·ti·", NE\\I bed d re, " STU <-· I PLANTS: Sword.fem. aga,·e, Days 77~110 r.1111. Brown S~'im ,;!eps & tnm tabs. 54&-7Bl2 urn., 1n1ng s., c ... ,... ,,......,.. ..... Hl·FI & Stereo 8210 s, s s, D .,...rvice-k !tens. 673 :il:'6 bric brae. J e\\'elr:v. U.5 Sat. zig zag, button hol es, gews I '-''"-'-'-''"--'==--'-'~ I ttfrigs., de!ks. I amps, Siamese. Persian, Burmese:, rubber trees, phllodendorn, 1;E~v~":.;'~tl~-9~1'~l~M~".~J:•m~"~li::· -=· ~-=·~~;::::'";;;~I 3 LIVING room tables Oiled thru Tue•. "991-B Charle. on bullooc•, blirwi herns. 11169 STERF:O Console. dlx, he.thin• 11 u i I!\ • ~1isc. Ab R bl r:.A., .,.,.. misc. 'J.'ou remove · ~ ..., ., y~. u.~s ue3• ~ 61 " SpHd Ski Bot! "030 w.alnut, $40 each. CM. (1st hlk. \V of Harbor, ~.88 or $4.16 mo. 526-6616 In beaut cubinet, conlplete furniture. 61&-9188. 5-09.,... 8/12 13 '6 ·' 0 UT BO ARD. s Y SIAl\fE.SE KITIENS, 2 moa. "Fl U' ,. c t I 673-8202 S of lian1itlonl. \Y/ncw g u a ran I e e. 4 La1.1•n r.fower $~. old. $l2 each. 2 CUTE fiuffy grey kittens, 1 ee iner _ 0 11 r o ~' 111;• GL/\SPAR. dbl hull 1HAN~~D-~M~A-D~E~-.,_-b-l•--lo-p-• =p=R=!M~1=r=1v=E~~,..,..pi~,,.-~,,1-.,~,-I Mu1lc•I Inst. 8125 Speaker sound system, 4 spd f1oor Lanip $5 962-193'1 male, 1 female 8 wk&. old. Evinrude 35, smlwhl trlr-, with CO\'ered boiv 11. hp Clear resin with shells im· chain, oak c:ouc:h, pine box· English changer, !IOlid state Dinnette> Set $30. Beach 1b 'gOO.ffiome. bCix trained & = :~ & lall lites. Scott outbrd wilh• 31k' gal: bedded. lotust Stt: ~74.9 es, oak chain, rocken:, oak Guitar Sale &: diamond needle. Pay oU chairs $1 e.ach. 549-43.aD LILAC Point Siamese kit· q&Jled, 646-1403. 8111 · fuel tank. Complete prioe DOUBLE SIZE Riviera dre55er, Ions of goodicL Electric single piek up .... 1th bal ol $'19.IO or euy pymnts. BABY Crib & ttre rt lens. $20 to $30. L. lolartin, FREE to qua). home with 23'DRAKE CROISER, $MO or best ofr, 528-9386 3300 CJ S N t Sch , .. ,_ ad Credit Dept. $7289 . ma u. pe. 546-9081 I •-M I bl 1 --• Chr')'l!ler Crown. AJ I reron-6' walnut cabinet HID&A· · 8:J 1., l'"'P · · u..., cond; Fn.nc1scan apple d1D-arp ,,. ... u, ova e e ..... e ditloned N . 1 l SCH1ADA, blue metal BED. Ve-ry cood cond. $75. EVERYTHING mu5t go. $9.95 '67 \\'ALNUT Silvertone, ner ware; ba:&I guitar I: STAlttESE Kittens. blue & Collie like I.assie. I.ovta BARCAI~7 ~~2n g, flake, '?8ck·to-back bucket · 67>7881 many misc. items. Sat. and AU P.lcrchand izP stereo AM/f'?tt phonograph. case, 1(1. cond. 894-1219 Seal Point. g wkJ. $20. chUdttn. 897-2787 8111 SE'ats, 85 mp ?>le.re, lmmac. DINE'TTE Sjl), table $35. Sun. 9 to 5. 7642 Anita Lf1. Be-low \Vh~le. ~ ~~I~ Silvertone :Zl" KING 11-.:. Red satin shttb. ,546-==21.27=.====== GREEN eyed black female 15' FC 40 HP Elec·Top $1600. 54>-2759 drawers $25. deAk $15, bar llB Giant Music · · washed onct". 4 11heel!, 4 P\-8125 cat. has her own rme: col· ~hape! 1.'95. t.tust lell t~is 18' HORIZON outboard Ski 11tool1 1$10. 548-6903 EDGER. pwr mower. gla~s· 10861 Garden Grove Blvd ., 'SONY 600 !ape c! e ck• Cllllt5. $50. 642-3167 -vw• ored flea collar. Bahama "p""'',· 44 Fremont, Lido boat. Lo1v pmlile. 125 RP SOLID "-~--k n.•' Pt P lop dre11ser, Io v r. sf'• ' ' G11.rdrn Gro\•e turn-t11.blc, amplifier & NYLON II ,;.,,.,. 27 SHIPPING Crale far do;. Ln. 962-960:i 819 ar . f\lrr('., ('U~!om l1a1lcr. Xln! ,.._.u.i"" 11;peaker $115. tJ'lJ..4651 ° ve carp11~..,. , r;turdy, especially built for 26' Fr' F'l SI nd 121°-8 6-21 dinr.ttc, 10 yean old, 2 co1npl rlbl bed, n1iSC". Aug 9-S Str ing BANJO--~========::-11q. yards $50. Dnipes, 23-8 Triih Setl('r's ,.Jr trip to FREE 10 good home !!'!Co ycr oop, co , '"''· ~ 94 lf'avr~. 4. chairs good S25. 10. 289 E. \Vil!!On, Cl\.1 s~ \\·1th case Cameras & Equip. B300 pMela $5(1. 548-5615 \Vest Cout. r.take good "'/children adorable 3 mo.. ~be.rgl~i\ hu~ 1~1th 1 te~ 196'7 16' Glasrron. ~ h.p. 51().5661 GARAGE Sale, ~I • Sui n. 117 E. Bay, Balboa BATH·HOUSE or tool shed ctot:i:house I 0 r "outside'' female, PI Ch I h ii ah u a m. ieoy .1· 11 ' J\1errury. Xlnt cond. $1~35. "·do"ol ·-•·, lo•----•. 6~ <J<" PENTAX •-1· F I 4 2 2 ll _.. ""'A" 847-1927 or 968-4851 Sill encl head. Botlt Is very Call 673-22:19 :z MATCHING custom ch&irs '"" .... """'"'-,,,... w 11pou11a 1c · 4xl , doon, \\'e maue. animal. $IS. Call 847""1V'lll ==~-~-~-~ li'~''~'"~'_'S~1'tl)~~B~ro~k~•~'~'""::'."'!:'~'lw'GU::Ni:CM,i;;;i;;;Jnl $40 f'llch: quality Lawson twin bed iielJ. and misc. SALE or trade: Framus dbl. plus 135 mm, I e I e photo, $50. 673.-M19 after 6 Pl\1 SMALL yard stones tree for GOOD 12. · fibcralasa out· 16: GLE.~ L l~l&lahinil '67, l'IOla $50. 644-4154. 712 Larkspur. COM plck-uri bas:\ w/case. AIM> both unused S?.». Ml-1039 O'KEEFE It MERRITI' 36,. "LASSIE ln miniature" AKC takln1. C.11 645--0717 after 5 boanl h II /d 1 1 85 hp J ohnson. $ 1 o o o. G Sal ** F nd I. ·1 PP.I. 8/9 u w ua e\-er· 675-:l880 BEAUT. life mahog dining * * arnge e e er 8<'COus ic 1\11 ar. S • ISOO gas nnp. Good cond\Oon. SheUand Ahffp dogs, 9 wkll. ahllt, cable, .,.,·heel, Xlnt•-==·=======I tbl, 6 chn $95. Duo comer 300 36th St. NB Both new. MS-7145 e'!rt rng Goods $40. 548-2535. 814 .Darttll Apt 1l1e collies! 16" I.all at 2 BLACK adorable puppies "ahl~to-ahore" boat, tows I · , : bed unit $95. 61l-1226 GARAGE sale, odds&: ends, FENDER Bas 11 man SURFBOARDS TABLE lll!W on frame. Has m011t. FluUy! Beautiful! *** 491-1849 *** easily. $1.25. 673-6518 M1r1ne Equip. 9035 1 * Studio Couch \\ith one De1ert Rose di.!heir;, elc. amplifier. '69. Used only '67 "p£1tFQRMER 9'6' rollers. Ru111 pertect $40 Xnlt w/chldrn! Eaa,y to "BL=UE=-..,...-,.,-.,...,,.t.....,.,-,,.,...._-ol'7d. 16. TURBOCRAFT Jet. n7 BENDJX !\1R 4, 32 mi radar, , 1 holster, $15. 64l>-OU4 Sat. 338 Bucknell Rd., cr.1 twice. Complet~ w/stand & Paid $90, sell $30. MB-4.152 train. 2 males f75. 540--0910 Haa cap. 546-1178 V.S, rrfY ma r 1 n e, + bia: new mndltlon. ll5 VAC CIT roLONIAL .,,_,.,,_ ..... ite, ClANT i;wing set, twin bed, -'°="',.';;;'·='=''°="='-=!50='==~ "' 22 RIFLE. $19. Drafting POODLE pupc. small Afan-DOG. lives outdoors, lows whl. trl:r. 646--4790 32 VDC. Idea l for larger • ..,.,u._~ ... ., · 7· 10" RTCHARDS SSS d n1 AKC A ~ t • l antiqued blue. dbl dresser. baby lntaruieat, YoUlh bod, 8130 table 3' x 5' $19. Saddle & a • ttl, p .. eo children. 540-2496 819 BRYANT 17.7 .. length out· pea.sire crafl or comm comer desk, combo ch«t of R...i;'t tfly!I and games. 2079 P l1nos & Organs 117 E. Bay, Balboa tack S3i'~ ~ ChMlp&gne, 8 wk5. wl!h TELETYPE It i mate. u r board· 35 HP Evinrude wue~. $·KXlO rad.1r for drawer• • hookcase, $80 \Vestmlnster Ave., CM' F ranch ise Closeout 67>-5160 DAY bed Pl. P.tap]e labl* liihotll. $50 ea. 493-.1084 OP. radio equip. 6f6-6445 8/9 \\'/1111~ Dude trailer, Xlnl $1900 _f-S:?~ installation compl. 54&-S815 att 4. 54R-<ll79 The factory has l'.lrdo.>red, ('!ote BRAND new set of Arnold $1.50. Rocker ns. DrUl\\'DOd BARKLESS Bavnji puppies. 2 RABBITS Y.'<afe & -4 !l~ls~h~;"~'C:boa~t;,. ~~~-~":::::::: liJ"""-1t""f-'JOifN;iQiil&-,.H:e l CHlLD"" lb • II SAT. Furniture, "\othf'~. and l I • Co I & 2 < '"•I Palmer Golf Oub5. Very vo·-SJ. c.•• """2 h I b r kn ' a 11 I h 0 t I ;: • • 25 HP JOllNWN S.· :t HP '' er Ill' ma re!ili, misc. 2661 Club !\le'"" olf :_ 0 mo e ·, "'..P~:·. reBson11.blr prle,.. 573-l!iOO .... ..rt0-.-.i Re•sonable to rood homes tulnf!a plas. 6"6-644:i 819 21 TROJ Cab Crus,. immac. JOHNSON. Xlnl cone!. Call 1l'hlte. $35. .,..,. ,-.. "'1! on R COSl·P us .,..,,is. .. ... 3 DRA\\'ER maple desk $35. ' Bf. Au TI FU L bunnie5 fnho!iro. S/S radio. head. aft 5:3J. "-'~ n 7,,,, 64fi.8128 r.1ci:;11 l)r. Cl\! 54~1351 Never again ph1no har;alns SEE POOL TABLF.S in $e"•ing machine $20. Fold-a· 644--0722 M6-!335 gallty, CO\-~nl. $~ or·1~=-"-~~;.;o..:.;__~:._ __ _ r.tn. &· M~. r ha in.,.,. ~ GARAGE-RUl\.IMACE SALE like t~ese! F1rs1 come • tirsl ~=Uant0us for salt col· wa,y double bed m. 67~1l85 TEh•mn ... o~~1_:ve;~hmaCo10,rgll 3 lofO. Old hlack kitten. !nide far trlr/boat. 64&-2389 FOR sale: Ev i 11 rude coodlhon, can he used wilh 2023 * GOLDENEYE, Ol serve . . BEST TEAK dl nln& table. SOO. 7 x 9 c amp " "n:u, ~ , 18' JOHNSON Cab ~r 50 Aqt11t111111I l.ikr IW'~. $lb0 or l modern or provincial decor. SAT & SUN 546-0817 \VARO'S BALD\l/fN ST'UDIO SURFBOARD_ S65 or redwood sroraae shed $50 females. Priced accordlng Desperately nttds homr_ hp, Evlnrude OB, Tilt Trlr, mllkr t'!ffrr. 962-1810 ' ~ -aft 4 JO GARAG" SALc-1819 Newport, C.M. 642-8481 OFFER. O)N.$', no nick.\., °'" •. 132 ' · 10 quallt;y. 546-4928. -494-135.t 3/9 VIL'\ 'I I 1. r o.>-rMJ•• er : p.m. c. "' ll"t-equip!, $1050. 847-t673. .... ,, 11.r nil, l\'('I' on boat. 'NEIGHBORl~OODGarage 2629 Weslmiruitcr Place, HA?!™OND .SteinWay•Ya.· 968-4844 NE\\'PORT TENNIS CLUB SAMOYED 1>J1p&, AKC 10 Wk. o!d puppy, 50Me l9&I C>Mrui XL lnboArd lB' Brar,d Ol'W Norcold DE 250 Salt-. Stcrlltze:r. furn. C.O.ta Mt>sa, Silt. only maM. • new & used pianos h!INl-&lrfboard Vardeman, 1am 11 Y me.mben:hip $450 Olampion line bred. \Vorm· •hots. Gd. with cats It S\lpfrh cond!Uon incl trlt. boat frig, Ire tray, 1l0 rlolbea, misc. lli461 Shuca GARAGE SALE ol all makes. Best buyt in i;quare l&IJ-gun, 7'3", s mos. pluR tr&n! fee. 833-lf69 f'd, hnuM!brokt:n. ~ cbildttn. 4'4-73M 8/9 $3.lOO 673-8593 AC/DC, Ne\"er us('(! $125. Ln HB. Sat.sun. 59!1 Plumer Street, So. Cit.Hf. r!.zht here. $75. -494-l~ aft 5 LAOI.E.$ dothln We 12. Sl· DOXIE PUPS. female, ~C GERMAN shepherd collie 6+'-2345. ·'CLOS·-~· -IN-G~-.,-m-e----m-i0<:-11 ..:eo.=ta::...:M:.:"'=:..· --~~-S~N~~~. CO., stm.F'J3<?ARD 8' 10" $1). Girls tlott!s me lO.l4, Red atandard. ch&mpKln Gd. watehdoc for ranch or .~~!t: ~p~l~~ BOit SI Items. JumttW'C. Ste :ri-toz.. LIVING rm set. Spanish. Bar Santa Ana Needs frnish coat S.3CI ~ 64~7 line. $35. 96&-3044, 968-lC&. tum. ~103 319 m * &45-2915 Ip Mooring 9036 Thu~ only. 34.2 Broadway, &. wille rack. V\V parts. 2218 "w~U~R~L,..c,l~T~z'"-=E~R~~-~-"==~~64-2-'111_~~~-$1000 C.sh lor Austria LAB. r1ttrlever Pu Ptld~ M-ALE ~~. cat.' need& ==0::0==i::"===::'=:!wANTED: 25· ai.Jp for CM. 6'13-aiTI. Puente Ave., O! O'°&n. Italian ProvinclaJ. SURFBOARD 7' Gun , Tlq Mobile oontest or AKC Champ I Show~ .... ..,. ._~ .. :;_~ i-ic .... .,,, a en t 811e. S.ltboih 9010 sa.1100.t. fl.Ir. B~-11, at MOD~-bl t ... Dwovabl0 ''"· , .. ~21.12 stk. Easters Kennel 633-1..... .....~. u sn ~, ~...... eek & "'lthe trl· PATIO Sii.ie. Anorted 1tema. Like new. $1200. Ca I I ~"' ·-" ""' '";r' $200 r or Norway. &15-24.15 1 ~· , pie dno:1&Cr, matchi"" hl·bo" M ... ~ ........ · GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPY, fem . moatly bea11e. STAN Mlller aabot. comp ··l-7"".;;;;-.-,o;-:-;;--,,.-,~--1 S<;ll l"llch. 1147~19 ·~ # 216 Ordlld Ave, Cd ' Au.g """'"°" .. o M lsce!la neoua 8600 TRADE 7 books grern thlp Pupa 11• "'18-4 mos. brown & "''hite. equip w/raetnc 1~r. dolly I >N' :-iLlP 11v11il11~ .. 1 ,.:;;;~=~_;_...:.;.=-,,..., __ I;;';· ';:""-;:;,=======I EXPERT piano tuning & stamJ>' for 1 book~ Blue <# -.. ;i k 11 no J.1ac1 $300 South Co.Ai,;1 Yacht5 ~fOVING, unu'Oual quilted rep11ir. 21 yn. Pxp. Richard ?-fOVING: Ntw dotibli:-bed. Chip 646-4032 GERMAN Shepherd male ~!IPOO 8112 120 ~!:,:Ba] b. m:..798 . 61.l-llll rattan IOfa $JO. 1'1alching Appliances 1100 F'. fl.lone 675--4012. m&ttnoss. l'{:lrinn . .t::_ fra.mt 6000 BTU Air conditioner, Ull· pup. AKC re 11t I 1 t et' ed ............ n. • puppy, fem. , 1 ' table SW 546-Wi I ·-' C 11 .,~~ .... ~o Olamp line:. $?!0. ~U 2\.i mo. 5~7j 8/U SEA Scou I 1 despen.!I! y 801t·Y•cht ' · · GE Wuber, lalc model. 8ALD\VI~. 40·;._ r rt n ch or ..... e a ~ ~ 3 times $100. Sp. 33, 327 .ittd a MAIN sail for 22 Ch · 2 BROWN IOfa beds Ex· Xlnt working cond. Only Pr'Mlln. piano. Cost $1200, STORED dlnt'nl!. set. Near \V. \VllMln, Colla Me.v... ENGLISH SP R 1 NC ER CUTE p/manx kittel'\ll, netd FOOT ALB AT ROSS , I 1rters I ~condition $40 each. ~ S.crU. $4-079'1 ~II $600. l.lke new. M~2'1!JS ntW. S47.50, Cllll 968-1717 8 U T AN E Refrlterator. Spaniel pups. A.K.C. $~ lo\1rll homes. M&--04j2 119 :«2-0:.::;.:;,"°';;,;.,;-;o;:::::::-:::;;:-I BLUE\VATEP. CH1\RTERS '°"'="==~--~-11 K"EN=~M"O"RE"=""-=w'"ouhor...,..7.-"1u..""1 ----;";;-'ANTED==----LUUABY baby trlb 11o1th OO~CETlC. lor camper S15 Only males left. 9U-S9S3 fElolALE doxM!, 3 mos. old • UDO 14. Oacrvn aa.u... U Drive 51111 or ro\\~r j f'URHJTURE; c 0 u t h I' l! • nl"w $ 1 o D. Pbiloq-Norp SPtNE:rS & GRANDS m•lltti'll $15. 2 ~let&\ bar St I n It a y type bike, F\111 blood«! Ct:rman No &hot.. 962-fiOll'1 8/12 iJOOd cond. $150. DI.ya: Sltlppe~d loc11.l 1>por1 filhing '-bin. dain, €'le. 200a2 Dryer, used SfA 673-4U1 636-3620 1tooh: S4 ea. Good condition. 1'1restone $31. ~00 Shepherd pu~ie• $15 GRAVEL A tttrt mix. You 1,3$4115. ew1: m....~ H•rhor Cnnw~ ~9IXXI I B1rch. SA fflU. M6--0000. 30" Sean pa l'll11n· XLNT ;. * CONN SPINET • * 968~ NEWPORT Ttnn111 C l 11 b 5'48--)Gt aft 6 haul. 536-mi 3/U 'traller for KJ1,. or l 4' tail. CAL 74 $25 day~l.iO v:k. CflARCE )"Ollf m.nt •d now. CMd. ~ 5.16-8861. llun-1 MOI. old. perf. conrl. Bx35 Kit, \'t:r:Y gd. c:nnd. P\11. Family loftmbf:l"lhlp $4!l0 AKC B•tset P~!'!.1.... SCRAP Wood 1909 Ftde.r.1, to.t. !'int cond, SllS. Call CAL 36 $95 dayR$570 ,vie. lln~lnn mK>rP• lofnif'I. $14' fi4G.10T.'\ ply. t;.46-1:\88. Call t'\'~S. plus lransftt ftt'. 6'4-2005 Tri-color' wk:\ $5.S, ~ CM. tJ9 $G.3Q.$8 For ChArtt'r. 8~S.?'J37 9039 ---------·--------------~---------------------------~__..-----~--------~~~·--- -S.lurdlt, AllJUl! 9, 1969 DAILY l'!LOT ' TRANSl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION nANSl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATl~:j~~~R~A~T~I ~:fT~~~~!!!!!'.'.'.~u 9600 Imported Aulot 9600 Imported Autos -Imported Autoo ... 9520 Imported AulH -Imported Autos Mobile Homft 92.00 Motorcy'rl•• tJOO Trudcs l;;;;r;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=;;;;;;:;;;,1::::-::::::::'.-=--:-~ 9JOO Campers GREENLEAF PARK '61 ,llONDA 160. Brand new· * SHELLS • MUST Rll, ~ Chev truck reu tire. ant It clutch. ~. oond. =/but o f f er Sl\ahl Fr t JI ht Damap and '63 camper. Best Oller. CHEA.Pl 13S-lflXI Gd. oond. 968--1063 """"" '6S °" tQn J'ord, camper '54 Ji{ETRO camper \'&n, '61 BULTACO eqp'd. SUSO. Ntw ena:lne &: brake1. ln clear clea" cool Costa IOO cc LOBJTO i --=-""="~03~=== """"'-1138-&lltM ?ifesa, New 92' space Adult $225 ~-"""'Good Cond • ~ FORD PICKUP. C•mpor Ront1h· 9S22 Park NO\V OPEN! Mobi.le =-==~-=~~-""-~~ Rwu aood. MUST SEU.. Homo o;,play Modol• & '67 TRl\IMPH Bonn .... 600 S235. 4"--* EXPLORER * SaJes office locatl'!d at Park, cc, 1011 ~hromt, new eng. 1 I'========= I OPEN ".,'~.~Beat ofr over $915. 9SlO By w~k or month, LWntrl- .,....<>N J"ps ous, SleePe 6. SeU contaln- 9 AM TO 6 PM 61 CHEV. G""' """"" rort • w ... 1 Drive ... l.Jmlted mtmber. Call ACCENT MOBIU b•k• 11"" BSA."""" off ... '61 JEEP · · · • · • $2497 r'E'l'suRE RENTALS ~"~'~'~P~"~'"-"-·~CM--' ~~-i ;",05t!mmando A.oe.d1ter, iharp. (7l 4l SjU6U, C'f14) 831'-3800 TRIUMPH 1966 1'R6C, xlnt HOME SAW Nlnd, lo mlif, rte. tuneup. '67 TOYOTA ...• $2297 650ec S750. 5'13-4lll l.A.ndctt.1i9cr, hardtop, looks 1750 Whittier Ave1's~u~zu~K"·1~Trail=-"·""'=a'°'U<.~120~cc-1 11•• "°"· UOF uo C M Excelle"t oonditlon $200. 611 '66 JEEP · · · · · · • $2297 OSfG esa Kings Pl. Newport Heights Wagooetr, bl& 6, power 11te(!r. 714 642 1350 ing nlce1t 1n town, SVE 368 : • HONDA CA 95 , '63 TOYOTA .... $1597 150 CCCL.EA.NJ Land C'nJlJer, hardtop, all LIVE-NEAR0CEAN-S14:> * MS-0766 xtras + wtnc:h + 1\ide tire1 Dune lunl• 9S25 FIAT OPEL PORSCHE VOLKSWAGEN VOLKSWAGEN ' '59 FIAT 1100 Ponc!>e 'IOI Rebuilt erw. 4 JP· SUck. '61 OP EL Tarsa 91.U. Square Bock Sale '68 VW 1 -·99 c D-' , _ •68., amper ... uxe Bet.uWUl cond, Muat Stt! Station Wagon ~ S2511. 6tS-950.1. Baby Bl~ f..•peed, n.dio, 1---.,,.,,.nc=he-;ll;;-;eou= .. =--., ·sr1 Like IK'W, f'ully equipped. j : .66•1 lh&ny! Llc WAS.314 -. .,~F~lA=T-Ul=-s-..,-.. -Cou~-..,-.1 raclc.. VZY1&3. 1900 J•'trm, .iso ..,_ "'W _..,., n..;,-te $1595 enaine .... 6• •-;;-::.., •* ~ ~··~· 8t1t 0.•11 Are At .... • ... ·-~-,.:v==='°"===I '59 PORSCHE SUpcr. For ~·-··~ ~) °"~' 1tt,,.., ' .. DEAN LEWIS Kle or trade for vw •• FERRARI ~""' ---------11966 Harbor, C.M. 646.930.1 'PIRRARI N...,,,.. ,...,.... U4. 0. qe Cowlt)"s oa.11 autbor- !Jied dtt.Jer. PORSCHE SALES-SEJtVICE·PARTS PORSCHE '61 3100 W. Cout Hwy. 912 Coupe Newport Beach O .... . . . h 642.9405 540-1764 ~p ouf'IWld.y (m1sh W11 Authortze4 )f(i Dealer black ln~rlor. Fully equ.ip. ========;=:IJncld. ill/FM, Cbrome JAGUAR w ... 1., """" whttl, Etc. ----~----116,000 miles. Shcwroom con. 1961 JAGUAR 3.11 Sedan, AJ.f/FAf, •utu, chrome wire v.'hll. SIO'Xi. 494-1735 dilion. P 0 RSC H E '$, 911T, SM warr. AMIF'M/SW. Immac. Pri Pty, 545-!W03 SUBARU ~ ~ >19-JOJJ Ext1 60 0,.7 1 1970 HARBOR BLVD. *SUBARU VAN* 540J03\ Ext/66 or 67 COSTA MESA f or 1mmedia~ Delivery 1970 HARBOR BLVD. AIM one low mileag.-.• , COSTA P.fESA '68 V\V, auto 1tick, pert~ '69 Subaru d•mo •~. ·~ ~'64"""vw='"co""',.-'---'-""cu"'-~-,-.,-il I rond, Radio/heater, 1 .......,. ..,;,., "''" '"'" rack. $1850. Call Mn . Ho • Ser-tht-new Subaru UDO lovebug In atta. Simply im· .,_,,. .,_ ., N ------· o~· <Jn di~pJay~ m-wate. $995! 548-4885 KUSTOM MOTORS '57 V\V Re-built engt~ N Mob'! H '67 SUZUKI 80 Trai1·•-t, Lie. KIS 472. ew I e omes l'XC('ll cond. Ci! i1\j, XtMll, '67 JEEP P ickup $997 $1&;. \Vkends-evrs 673-7475 A little work !Jone, Lie. t"SP DUNE Bugay Show Sa.le. Bodie• from $149. Ow;sil lrom $249. La Paz Dune ....., S...,,..,..t, 34'13 W. Warner, SA. 54&-40-15 OPEN 9-7 wkd)'I. Sat 11» V\V, 1hortened plaUonn, complete running g e a r , Corvair engine I.: parts, !-;=========I J1rtt1port 311nports '64 V\V bus, 9 plUS, xlnt. need.$ brakes, runs 1ood, 845 Baker St., 0>$ta Mesa rond, new paint & eng, call * S200 * S4()..{ll62 ===="=""15='°====-aftf':r 6 p.m. 839--3022. ==~------1'58 VW S unroof,~ '68 V\V Sedan al.so '67 VW valve job, radio, clean 20 AND :'1 \\'IDE ==~=~--~-I INQUIRE SPACE :'6 'b'9 BULTAOO Punang It ex· 073. 21462 PACIFIC CST ll\VY tras! Xnlt eond. $675. Alt 5 '52 JEEP ........ $H7 HUNTINGTON BEA CH pm, 642-6697 Military type. Only one in n<J.536-8500 6,;t-LAM~~.~RE'IT==A,...,l!iOc~c_,~r,-w I town. Lie. YXV 631. l BL.I" . iroin lluntington l\lichelli" X tlres. Runs 811t 01111 Are At SIRte beach. 3 Bdrm., 2 halh good U25. 645-:114() DEAN LEWIS unfurn mobile home. Asking '64 BSA ~. xtra clean, S9000. trrn1s. S~&-267-4 $450. Runs "'"-II. 545-1159. 1vk11ds. & all. 5 1vkdays. 28' 1-TOBILE llcn1c on SpaL-e A t o Services 1 blk fron1 J3;1y. S9.)(). Joe u Abrah111n 67;~111!8 aft c r .._!< P_•_rl_• ____ 9_400_ noon. 4 SPD. Trani, Cht;'!!/Plym, 'ti2 LAKE:\\'OOD 10.x:lJ 2 SR Hayes clutch, hook Up!, den, $3500. Hurst shifter $125 84T-8764 l---*~',._. __ "_1_* ___ 1 TR·3 rblt trans. new syncros 10 x ~6 l BR Xlnl l'Onri. Xlnl &: bearings noo. TR·J eng quality make cflcr. Sp ren1 550. Joel. 84&--9505. $35. 612'-1661 FACT new, 150 hp, C.Orvair eng, $500. & distributor SW. 213: 481-5356 213: J.».8154 1966 Harbor, C.M. JEEP WAGONEER '66 4-\VD sl•lion 1,11ag., PWT steerinr. autc trans, hubs, 6 Whe(!Js, excel tins, very lcw mile1. TEL 4~. $2495 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA 64>1633 '57 AUSflN Healey 100-6 BRG. Comp rebuill elnglne. Nttds clutch. $550 er best cffer. 64&-6781 DATSUN '69 OATSUN Big sedan, 4 dr, dlt, 4. spet>d, front disc brakes, overhead cam, s~ometer reads 3200 KARMANN GHIA Xnlt condilion. 714/rn;...sooo or 1966 Harbor, C.M. &:16-9303 PORSCHE '68 ·:-is MERCEDES lltOSL Roal!-912 T •rga strr. A Rea.I Oa..uic. A rem? Every conceivable Best Deals Are At ACCWJOry incld, Chrome DEAN LEWIS whttls, AM /FM, Etc. Etc. Y•ltow oxterior '~th block SUNBEAM """"'"'trade "' vw -ter~r. $350 ..... ,.,, 962-2329 '67 ALP INE '66 V\V cngioe & trans $300. '62 V\V Sttnroof, new eni: 419\i Fernleal, Corona de! oew clutch, good titu. ~ RORdster, 4 spd, dlr, wire 962-8388 a.ft 6 pm l wheels. Like new. 29,600 On 1 ~'~''='·=-'~'~",-"-pm~. =~--S(>tt'do. Driven by little 'ole MUST Sell -'66 V\Y eam.,r. '66 VW · xlnt <.'OOd. S1225 o( best oiler. • lady. Full pr SlotSIJ. Pymntl Jt'ullf-eqpt, le miles, xlnl 646-624.'i 1 tc flt your budget. YPS113. cond. $2,495. 642·1536 Call BUI 494·9773 or 56-06341 ·e~'J'\=v"'o"""·69""'vw=-=e°'u~G"S,-9'",ooo= '6.'i BUG. Sunmot. lS,000 mt: New tires, tuned exhauatt TOYOTA 1967 TOYOTA Corona 4 door Sedan. Excep- tionally clean; 1 owner car. Automatic transm:1slon, ra· dlo, heater. white wall tlrts. Lie, UDE 872. $1399 & l2,000 n1i, ).10VING. Good cund. $9'i5.. 646-4200 $1'1'9S ea. • • Gl-3198 '68 V\V Quic k Sale! $1500 '67 Bug. Excellent ceHent condition. Lo mq $1300. 8..15-1631 aft 6 pm . Xtru 646-1003. j , '68 V\V, xtras. '59 VW $300. ,65 VW Ca · ?>lust sell both. 675-7932 mper VW '67 Llk• oew. R/H, 9.700 $1799 l.965 V\V 1500 S square back. SI JSO. ft 24 X 60, 1968 l\10BILE Home. RelUi<lnable. 2 BR, 2 BA, d<'n. Adult Par!.:. 64>2S3.~ ·-5: 38 ratic posi-traction early miles. \Vilt make exceptlol)o 1966 Harbor, C.l\1. 646-9303 Huntington Bl'ach al deal to pnit prty. Full pr. 1$0 f.iercedes 190. Oean. interior. Ser & drive to be- lieve. c~~, ml. S\395. 842-3024 ~ 497-1835. A..-.k for DON .. ~ .~ .. V\~~ Sqb~k ... ~.000 m~il ... 1 ~~ ,_s Great condition. A?-.l·FM ' 847-8!>55 Sl f». YN\V 146 LB. C&ll Vic, new tires. flSO 11 rm . COOT, 4·whecl drive, arnphi· -'"'"='~T73=•~'=545-063<~=~·==-I 642-4452 eves. 9275 Cht'vy, 545-0246 • Mini Bikes J1rtuport 31111por1s 1'11.dio. Make offer. 64&-1996. .. ~4 '68 VW Sedan, auto, le rnlc. "-I TACO 41, :·~ hp ----..-bioll!. Ge uyv.·hrre. InchKI· _,ORANGE COUNTY'S Xln~ L'Ond. $110 or best cflcr . Trailer, Travel 9425 '61 MERCEDES 190SL l':'I trailer, mUd cleats, prop, NO 1 '~~ perfect. MS-30.ll Ext I 66 er 67 1970 HARBOR BLVD COSTA MESA 673-75!l~ IU Q~A ' $1800 540-6998 1==~-~~~~=1 17 F"l'. AirfJoat Trailer -c'-"o,· ~·~==t._,.....,~-DATSUN DEALER '66 VW fastback, 2-dr sedan. NE\V Zebra r.hn1-h1ke. 3 llP Kleeps 8 surge brakes buil1 '56 JEEP 4 wheel drive DATSUN i\1ag \\hi~.-1''i~n t & back in range and cveu.' new Staticn \Vagcn $350 DOT shocks. SI.ti 646-'1727 w a 1 er pump, new I y 642-1525 18835 Beach Blvd. CO.KART. 1\\·u1 Mnc 9's redecorated interior, g"OOd I~======== llunllngton Beach VERY 1'"AST. All or part. tiros. ever all excellent con-Campers 9520 842-7781 er 540-0442 S200. J l&-93.'l8 dition. Included at nc extra I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; '68 DATSUN ·NE\\' '69 Hon1l~ 70. inini-c•y. L'OSI, easy-litf trailer hitch, de. Shp. full,· •qii'd., S\IG. 111'0 side miJ.1'0rs, ty,'O ad· CAMPER Big station wagcn,auto trans, --"-A 1 cverhead cam, dlr, disc bra-!'.146-8194. JUSlable st........... rca s.1 ••• Rental• $19• .,A kl's. Perfect condlticn. Tako? M ini Bike -Make Offer bargain at a. ""e Authorized DWt>r trade. Sacrifice. WBJ 589 -anytime al 1146 Charleston Eldoradc • Four Winds Ca.II a rt 5. 673-6787 SI., Ccsta f.1esa _ '""'l l(lulh LB. call Ken, ()45.()634 •-Scct.sman • Barracuda and {'a:st of San Diego FREE ZEBRA 1'1INI BIKE '6j Al.FA Romeo GT Sprint Motorcycles 9300 Fl'el'\\·ay and Fairview Rd. Coupe, red w-bl.ack int. . .,.,;th purchase of any stereo ta.,,, $l800 a.s iL '68 BRIDGESTONE J;,o CC:1.1:::":.:1':::""'=1-,:w="=· ~-~~-1 camper or camper package! 2300 rn1. fast r,, r<'hah!(', w· !ffARF'IRE trav<'I trailer, Theodor• I ~',."=-4~9&-=1'=78""",_=,,---.,,--- $595. '6i BridgM>tone 17;i CC, slttps 4. extra c~boa.t_:ds· ROBINS FORD '68 DATSUN Pu. 8,000 miles. racrs/d j r r or road. Very <'P!d, reducrd pn~ $:')95. Like new. All extras. $1625 fast & l't'liablr. 2 st-ls tiros, 1~ San Bernardino Pl., 200> Harbor Blvd. Priv Prty, Larry 646-7230 bars, M-at~ & sprockC'ts. S300 C~l 642-2973. Costa 1'1esa 642-0010 MG 31(~ 1W, Coast Hwy., N.8. 642-94(6 5-10.1764 Authorized f.1G Dealer 1961 MG Roadster 1600. '67 911·5, mag. whls. AM I reblt mctor gd. lop, llres, n.f, PERFECT. Mu.~t sell tonneau covers. SJS.3500 or Sfi800 Pri. Ply 5-18-74TI. 83>-4472 + '65 CONVERT + 196.1 f.fG ?>lidgct. I o\\'ller. Xlnt cond. All xtrat, nu pot, 29,000 ml. Xlnt. cond. $700. top. JI.lust sell. 646-1234 dys. 494-3194. ev•11. 642-5972. PORSCHE '65 S.C. Cpe MGA '56 MGA Ccnvert. X I n t mechanical cond. w i re wheel1, new tire1 . $600. 548-6900 1962 ~tARK II 1600 Ccnv. extru. Priced tight. 601 Gleaming Ruby Red w i t h black interior. Every possi- ble Pcrsche extra. Unbe- lievable condition, J1rtuport 31inporr~, 519-3031 Ext. 66 or ti7 1970 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA ITIQJYIQITlaj Best Oe1l1 Are At DEAN LEWIS 1966 Hubor, C.~t 646-9303 BILL MAXEY !TlOlY!§!TIAJ 18111 BEACH BLVD.· Hunt. Beach 147-1555 3 ml N. of c.oast llwy. en Bch VOLKSWAGEN Orig cwncr, id. cond. $1300 1 -;========~I 64:h\229 VOLVO 1968 VW Pick Up. Lo,.,. mile- age, still warranty 536-6405, eve1 847-6485 '65 Vclvo P 1800. Black :"6'~V"W~Sq~·h7k-, -,0-,-. _ro_m_p-. -,.~_ 1 47,000 ml. Orig cwncr. hit. Pirelli radial&. ?-.1.ust * 673-3013 drive to apprcc. SJG...-0194 '68 VW Bui, like new. 8500 miles, all extras. O....·nen transfen-ed. 642-7n6 aft 6. MAKE A ?itEf.10 to e:alher section NOW! VOLVO Best D••I• Are At DEAN LEWI 1966 }(arbor, c.r.r. lmport9CI Auto1 96001mport.d Autos firm, '58 f.1atchless 650 CC TRAVEL trailer, 14', sips 4, Ottd:'I \\o'Ork SIOO as ls. pnrt. cabana rm. '65 model Motor cycle lrlr, 3 rail. go:xl in gd shape S'iOO. 847-1358 '69 FORD OU.teau Cub I pas.<; y,·a.c .. lac air, all ex- tras. 7,000 mi·immac. Incl. camper unit. $4395. 114 Emerald, Bal. Isl. 673-9250 8' CAMPER, sips 2, iCC" box, Powell Place N.B. '46-3J01. 3100 W. Coast Hwy., N.B. I =========1642-9400 540.1164 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,I MGB Autl10rizcff AfG Dealf'r '66 VW BUG SUNROOF'. ENGLISH FORD [f)~[YJ[Q][!]~I lire!". no hi-. · $T5 Jum. 1952 HANSON 16'. Xlnt oond. &12-2313 SJ..'iO. JjJO Hampstiirc Cir., NB. 646-8297. 15' TRAVEL Trailer, sleep! close!, int. lites. fils Chev, 5, Xlnt oon::I. S595. G?>1C or Ferd truck. $775. •54~1693 • 675-0659 eves. SEAR'S Camper trlr .. heavy l --.R"°E"'N"T"-"'A~-S"H°"E"'L"L,--­ du1y tc'nt. Extras incl. WEEKENDS, \VEE KL Y Coleman glove & lantern: MONTHLY * 839-1800 sips. 6. 1 Like ne"' $375. 962·7693 • MUST S<'ll. '59 Chev. truck and '63 camper. Best cHer. 'GS HONDA Trail 90. Like HOUSE trlr .. 13'. V('ry ~ood Gd. eond. 96&-7063. ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES· SERVICE '69 MODELS Immediate de11very LARGE SELECTION Thoodo,.. ROBINS FORD 2000 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-0010 Tl('1v. iOO n1ile~. S 2 7 5. rond. S300. 2431 Azure Ave., 968-2'.!l!l Sec at 9573 Turtle· Santa Ana He ighl<i. COMFORTABLE 8' camper, FIAT sm. 494-4695 325 ?.1yrtle, clove, F.V. IT'S WONDERFUL the many Laguna Beach. '67 TR tu 1\.1 p JI B0'.'1· buys in appliances )'OU find RAT NEVIL.t.f': T-l:Al-R. Bendix in lhe O&ssified Ads. O>ed CHARGE IT! pnints. Sho"TOOm cc n d. lhem now! For The S900. lii~ .... i l67 • Best Selection 1969 SUZUKI 250 Savage. 900 Mobile Hom.1 9200 Mobil• Homes 9200 •Best Trade·in "'""'· , ,.... w"''"1'· ,,,.1;;;=;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;,;;;; ·• "'"cPriAL."'1FoRNtA 1-"-'"-· Sli>l_·:-c. •_1.,.--;1·-"".,.· ---.11 BAY HARBOR ";.°.:~': S.LES ·;,"' '"""' •.J.S., "''' ""1~1 Clearance Sale SPORT CARS 5300. 545-0'l·lfi -. O" All Di1pley MHeh 21 te CltoeM fre111 '6~ SUZUKI 120 Tratl 2'100 1 All SI ... 12' ~ l4' Wlff 5-12-8801 1)1i !::'I:. coud. Gootl ,------INCLUDING------. '67 FIAT _________ 1--~P~O~R~S~C~H=E-,-672--1 nn1. xlnt cond, $1100. 49!>-4550, Laguna NigueJ MGB '61 Conv. · Super Coupe Ebony 81.ack Finish w 11 h Bahama yellow/black Inter-66 VW BUG matching leather interior. ior, A Cherry! Chrome Sunroof R/H 11200 Fully equip. Incld. radio, 1vheels, wbod wheel, radials. BEST OITER! 673-1556 wire wheels. Tonneau. 6,000 Eec, Etc. Mint in every de-'68 BEIGE VW, xlnl corn!, miles. Almost new. See & tail $1700. Call after 5: 3,0, drive today, · 714-673-3964 J2rtuµorr 31111ports J1rtupor1 3111 1port ~; l==~-~-~­'65 VW Camper, .New engine. Xlnt con<J. Besl olfer. 536-2178 '67 VW Like new, crig owner. 31 Coal $1450 radio, alt vents, 110 W. t Hwy., N.B. 549-l068 310() W. Cout Hwy., N.B. 642.!Hffi 510.li&4 642-9405 54().1764 Authorized A1G Dealer 57 elJG R/H 6.1 full syn. Authorized 1'1G Dealer TARGA Fix, R. wind. 91l crome11h trans. Trustworthy '&l P.!GB, hard & Pt top, '68. Full rquip. Green. !rans. 20 mpg 64;..2740 new tires, radio, wire whttls. Perfect Call 675-4974 wknds. I ·.~ .. ~V\=V~B~"I!-. b=I-"'-· ~19~.000--m-I. Very good cond. Muat sell. PORSCHE '&t c Cou \l/arranty. Slf;J(). Xlnt cond. e HUGE SELECTION e '69 TOYOTA FROM $1790 e BIG SAVINGS • EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOW! '69 TOYOTA HARDTOP # f977 ·-'· $1977 '69 VOLVO SEOAN, Auto. #6590 .. $2977 NEW TOYOTA MARK II NOW ON DISPLAY! WI NllD YOUI TU.DE.IN FOii OUR HEW USID CAI LOT DEAN LEWIS, ~lake cUer. 49.f.98al w h 11 , I b I k. .,11F':'1'. 645-00!7 " " OllANGI COUNTY TOTOTA0YOLYO HEADQUAIUIS '67 1'.1GB/GT a:reen. bl.k in-chrome "'-'heels, fogs, new '68 V. \V. \Vh irc bug, in l"X· 6 4 6 • 9 3 O 3 lcr. R/h, v.ire whls. 73,0CIO clutch/valves. Xnlt. S2!M5 cellent condition, $1650, tape f 1966 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA mi. s2l50. 644-2887 ,Prv~~':;rty;·~·:;,..~"~81===:,,;;""'~ni~":;;·~"':;;~~;:,';;· ===~ !J!~~~~~~~~~~!!!:!!!!:!!!!:!~~~~~I '65 MGB blu!!, red int. Wire -:; whl5., 411,0CIO mi. S1195, rd. lmporled Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600lmportH Autos 9600fmport'ed Autos -rond. 494-5828 METRO clJrt/~tn.•ct S2'l0. 67~ ... J7!1! all ROLLAWAY KIT FAIRVIEW PltlSTIGI 830 Sport Ccupe, nicest in S::::~'==~~-"""""" c~:si~~~A JAJ0~::~~R :l~:.~~ 101vn. 1 m_q ·59 lttETRO dual r·u, rebll :s2TRIL':'>IPll Bonnevtllr G!':.O SHERATON MA.HO• FASHION MANOR SAHARA $1397 ('ng, -4 11J)ff'd. bkt·seats. Bc~t ... re . .r11~t rehullt. &~1 ollrr. Btst Deals Ar• At crier. 847--0971. sr ,1oso 1425 BAKER ST., COSTA MESA DEAN LEWIS 1s YOUR AD IN CLA&51· :-6 ,1 N 0 R T 0 i\ 7 5 0 c c 1/1 lloclr: last ef Herbot-•111 ... ., FIED? Someone will be i\lrrh11nically Xln! i\lusl C.4LL 540-9470 TODAY ~ H-~ C ... ,,,,, .,_~,., looklna for it. Dial 642.5678 '--··I~~~~~~!!!:!!!!:!!!!:!!!!:!~~~~!!!:!!!!:!!!!:!!!.'~'~==~=~·=·=·":;'·=~==~~==··====== ~11 $4~JO. • ...... ._. 1-:--~ BSA :iOO cc Sl~GLE DIRT Imported Autos 96001mpot'ted Autos 96001mportecl Autos 96001mporttd Autos 9600 RIK.I::, reubill. I .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SJOO 4!£>.;12.JO I• MOTOR HOMES 9215 HEADQUARTERS FOR MOTORHOMES 011 OISl'UY TM( All ll(W DODGE "EXPLORER" lllll<Nbllllil •lttl ,., c•fl• tlel!IS, hll ,_,_ wftll ..... tlk ... , llM,.. tlPI. -'~l lll[t. II '001, H fOOT, is 1001. 1 ''"'" r111•111> 111• --· ""'"'''. '"''"· ~~!!!'!!N~ MGC-GT COUPE rl~ MGB-GT COUPES • · MGB-ROADSTERS MG-MIDGETS AUSTIN HEALEY SPRITES The Fab1dous, Fant.,.lic, A111a.:ln9 AUSTIN AMERICA HUGE INVENTORY FINANCING AVAILABLE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY GOLD SEAL USED CARS J1rtuµort 31111µ o rts ~u!~orized Austin Americo -MG Deofor 3100 WH! CoHt Hlwty -Newport BHch 642-940S -S40-1764 ' • DEMONSTRATOR & EXECUTIVE CAR SALE '69 LS21 PICKUP USS THAN 2000 MILES '69 PC510 '69 SRC 311 c-,i.r. wllll N..CMI ••tr.._ H,,.lly ""Ii. EXICUTIYI CAR will ~ lfrn, l!Mttl' & 61'1n».lt1', OUhlldt 1 OOM, rl<dlo, Mtlff, dtfrllftw, Alll CON· rn!rl'OI', IXlf"I lr>ltrlor l»Oclflc -II, llltlvy OtT IONING. ()lie ol' rrt• ,,_,, fl"' ftmon. lllMdafff. I DDar 1000 «• Ill 11,p, ll•I 1'11cto ••vlng 111.ma""• t!H'llotl ~· .. blllrer, tl~I 11f1to<1 ""' -hlVI 1vellablt . A rt•I tie1dl10llhl. clpr-tl!t Honter, 11•-l!Oolr.. HY!rloti o_,,1r110r EqulPIMCI """' Ml tlr1't. , ... •lfld """' """'' lltllll•nl' 1•81 ............. !I Mid dlo, """'" Sl~.....S.v..-.kvet "' 1 compltlt vei,... PKk..-: v11,... rrtll tn.1~n O.b\11'! 11M Ma. I Mltl"ll lmpor! ttuc.t $2295 $3195 In rn1 U.S.A. $1695 '69 DATSUN '69 DATSUN '68 DATSUN EXECUTIVE CAR IXICUTIYI CAR • Oeot. llldlo ..... hlllftl', d"'""'""'' -""· S!1llolt w•'°"· • t.Oftd, r11c~. •Mio, '""hi C"'-WhHll. l'ltttlll ttrtr.. rtdlo, l!Mltl', """"' •ll•n . S#IO, ml!•. Dl'lftll Irr "'"- Ill COior w1m ,.....IWOIM trlm. Mllfty, ""''"' llNI lllcel ·--ulrtJ. ,. 819 Savings $2195 $1795 ONE OF THE LARGEST SELECTIONS q_F SPORTS & IMPORTS IN SO. CALIF. All Can Usted with Rem ainlng Factory Warranty GEORGE ZIMMERMAN PHONI 540"410 DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa I • -----~-.---------• }:• 30 Oolll.Y PU.OT : I S.tutUI, A-' 9, 1969 9600 TRANSPOltnTION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION· JRANSl'OltTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATI ON ' i'RANSPORTAflON -TRANSPORTATION l t I l • • , ,, • • • ' ·: • • .: p i I f I I ' i ' l ' l l t • I ! i ! ! • • • • ' t • • ' l • i . I • • • • j • • ' 1~ ' • l ' ' l l ' ..... , ...... SEE IT JOW Imported A<1loo 9600 Sport Cars 9610 Aulol \Yanltcl 9700 Autot Wantod 9700 Uttcl Cars 9900 UHd C•rs 9'00 Und Cara 9900 Used C1r1 '900 VOLVO '57 PORSCHE CONFIDENTIALLY TRANSPORTATION CARS CHRYSLER ,..,_, ....,,., Jet blade. WE r•cr . " s w.-· ..... For llWPORTER MOTORS VOLVO BUYS JKF "'·SALE! A H rw.1rn Or Spoi1I c.,. '61 CHRYSLER '68 Ford Torino '67 MUSTANG. Lime Gold '67 122 $1'"" a.,t !!.29 11 7 •ra At PAID FOR OR NOT 2416 HARBOR el.VD. NEWPORT -2 Door 390 high performance, 4 1J)d, ;f'~nd-~t.~ i:~es.~~: ........ " '.. -~ ~ B J SPORTSCAR ~-A MESA CREAM PUFF -Bl'""' W>th A t U di & heater ""'"' dlr, pwr disc breke1, orw nlany exr...-e590ries. Brand u o~'1 1c1'1 ~to s•--p • DEAN LEWIS tor UlllMI ears & trucks fUll • • CENTIR' • SU.5294 or 54M511 black Int., auto. trans., NEW o1vner, near new. \\'Ill take new sus,....nslon It tune-up. """'ra ,...., · --" .. _. '•• ... tttl-.. te. "'INANCJNG AV•" • ..,,.,. ba.tlr ry, radio, heater,-,. 871 ~ '67 144 $2397 1!;&1.1 -, .,_ ~ ....... ~ """" older car in tradr. \VIL Still under \l.'arninly. Uke • door. L~.' · N~.' 'UvA333 1966 Harbor, C.ri'I. E46-9.103 GROTH CHEVROlfT Cos ':3 Harbor Blvd. TEACHEf\ ie.ving entry, !:~i~ :;!:';: do:i~ c:: .~LB'"'-. -=Cal'=-=I ~"'-"-54&-06>1:,,c=c.·_.,,..1 new at $2450. SJS.-1144 Automat!e trus.miuion, air La esa 54M491 Mast a ll car, Xlnl cond. in put. Only 2 owners. \Ve '66 FORD Wagon, full~ '68 FORD l\1U5ta.ng a.1r con· condltio~. A . Cl • ~15 Ask for Sa.let Manacer See at 306 1i1a.r&uerlle No. 2, hav• 0 .. ~ .,., -·t 6 equ~ w/alr, P/S. P/B. dltioni ..... take ovrr pymnlll $12,7 nt1quft. ISM($. 7'U U2U "-I CDM ... _. ,...,, $2350 &12-&foD d .... NEW TOYOTA MUSTANG FORD ''5 SM •· ••· ·· ·· · oo:.ch 8 vd. Auto leasing 9810t=""°'==~~-~=,1 years. Have 3 Cb~ef"S. · • Y 11 · J.150. fi73...lSOO Fut Back, IC~ mod.ti, 1931 FORD HutJlqlon Beacb '68 SPORTS 81!du , 13,700 muxr sell one, this ia the 548-0791 er , 1,.;;;========I radio. heater, '4 s~. No, Original Ford C.OuPt. Very Kl 9.3331 mi., air, pwr .. vinyl tq>. Top ONE! Xlnt running conc1;. '65 }"()RD Galaxie 500, 390 \7- PICK-UP e 6 Ply Tim e 91 H.,. Engine e 4.,... e Wln4· ~ Wash9" e s,.re Tire, Heater SteM.1nl ..1. Ta.IC, Lie. &: f'!'Sht. -BilJ . Maxey jT!d!YIQIT@ 11811 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Be1ch 147..85~5 3 milct North of C08,'i~ Hwy. on Beach J.346, ;ood oooditlon. WE PAY Wff LEASE • RENT oonditiOo. 494-3232. lion! $.195. Call 847-6640 aJ. 8, 4 spd trans. $900 or be11t '62 122 · · · · · · · · · · · $997 "' ALL POPULAR ter 6 P!'.t. Owner/Private ofle1'. 642-8434 aft 5. 4 Dr. Dtra clean ZAC7l3 ~v MAKES BUICK Party. 68 GALAXlE 2 dr F'utback. :np~S:. 'S1i~' ~~1: 64S.1"1 • FOR YOUR w Aur':.~?zeo '63 RIVIERA, 5.1.000 mi., .. ~~'","~=;":;"'L"E":'",.""cil<~<;;~-~~w~,;=~: p~~~-~~10. w/tape & interior. Lie. Hll..896. -CONNELL service records since n ew. 545--0246 I :;c.;-.=-;:-==-:,..-,:.-Best Deals Are At LEASING A. lthr ''=========-'67 FORD Cortina, 4 spd. DEAN LEWIS CHEVRO.LET SYSTEM II', ' W/Vi, Pl w, P lb,1· trans., l owner, xlnt eoncl.. Race C1r1, Rods 9620 Cet Our Competitive Rates P/s. Lt. green-Firemist la· CORYmE Slli5. 545-8171 all. 6. 2828 trarbor Blvd. tune/brakelltires. Reeent ----~---- '65 MUSfANG GT Serie~ 41 __ en_sta=•"f"8~,."-'"-"""--TheoClore tune • brak~/ti"'s, Dr's '66 VET Collv. +speed, 1966 Harbor, C.!\1. 6:J6.9303 1969 Volvo, 18005. Top cond. Fully eqp'd pd. 1800 mi's. f'or info. call 6Th-TI41 bet. 9 Ai\1- 5 pm . ..,.k. days only Sport C•r. 9610 AZTEC Sport Car, V\\1 ('f'C. Good lirt!5 Ir battery. $800 or best oUer. 53&2024 "' BRING RESULTS! 11~. tulbk, map, cam, W'll B ROBINS F.ORD car. $1795 or best ofler. AMIN.I, l21JJ50 hp. $3,000 llvin c.arbs, hdn. HD clutch. I uy 2000 Harbor J\lvd. 546-01&1 or 646-l516. or best oUer. 842-8198 673-0806 Costa Mesa 64.2-0010 '65 LA SABRE eonvt, xlnr Your Volkswqen or Porsche cond. Going in service must CORVAIR Autos Wanted 9700 & pay top doUan, Paid tor """ LEASE """ sell quickly. No "reasonable --------- ---------or nol Call Ralph '63 Cadillac CouPe de Ville. ofrs turned down. 673-.3921 61 BUS 65 engine, 4 c:arh!I. 4 WE PAY TOP 673-0000 fully equipped, Sl29 mo. '64 BUICK Skylark convt, speed. Radio, chronic rims. DOLLAR IMPORTS Y.'ANTED '67 Ford,10 f'as& station wag-p/s, bucket seats. $715. Rull!. need engine work, for good, cle&n used carz, Orange CountiH on, r/h, air, ps, f15 mo. After 6 pm, 549--0120 pvt. Good buy $500. ~2740 all makes. See George Ray TOP S BUYER '67 Chryi;; Nwpt. "Ir $67.50 mo. pty. ,...,..,. Rohl"' Fon! BILL MAXEY TOYOTA SOUTH COAST .66 RIVlE!IA. Alt Exira• COUGAR 2060 Harbor IDvd. 18811 Beach Blvd. CAR LEASING pl11& stereo. r-1ust ScU!"' --------- C.t<.f. 642-0010, R. Beach. Ph. 847..SSSS 30:; W. Cst"Hwy, NB MS-2182 $2695.$68-19M aft 5 '68 Cougar. lull pwr, air, xlnt LINCOLN '67 LINCOLN. orig. O\vner. immac. cond. Lt. green \\'/vinyl lop. Leatht'r. All power & air. $!29:), 440 Seville, Balboa. 675-3506 MERCURY OLDSMOBILE • • TOR ON ADO NEW & EXECUTIVE ONLY 6 TO CHOOSE FROM BIG SAVINGS ! University Oldsmobile 28."'0 Harbor Costa r.lc.sa 9800 Nl'W Cars 9800 New Cir• 9800 New Cars 9800 New Can 9800 '61 SPECIAL• dr V-8, P .s .. eond. S2S509fii.og12 P.B., auto, factory air. ' • '67 Mere Col. Pk. ,vgn. 10 pass, a/c, rack, PIS, PIB, P/W, pwr. seats, spd. cont. auto door iock, AM/Ff\1, much more. $26.10. 830-6448 540-9640 Runs good. $385. 540--6966 FORD /1961 ~lcrcury Comn1uter '61 BUICX Special Sta. Wgn., 1 _________ Station \\'agon. Luggn~e . d,_, 2nd rack. \VtU kepi. SJ 8 ;:i • ra .... tires, ale. Good '67 FORD F I I 500 car. S400. 673-0817. ~ _r ane 546-8180 or 54&-8311 ;========='!Excellent cond111on. Bntnd """"""""'co=NV=E"'R:"T,-,s;s"·".-cXI=nt THE QUTO<ER YOU CALL . ne1v tires -laPc deck -nd •-1·1 t A" PIS eo • D<'.8U 1. u . 1r, . THE QUICKER YOU SEl...L CADILLAC ' OFFICIAL 1969 • FORD CLEARANCE- CLEARANCE! $1800. P/8, $1600 646-4370 -------1 538-6306 :.;;~~;;;;;=="-=======:==I '67 CADILLAC 4 door scdanl<..,o;;;:n-==c-.,,-.,-, -~ ( BEFORE YOU BUY - ANYWHERE! CHECK OUR DISCOUNTS • ON NEW 1969 FORDS -MUSTANGS FORD TRUCKS OVER 200 NEW '69's NOW AT FINAL CLEARANCE SAVINGS! ENGLISH FORDS ANOTHER BOATLOAD JUST ARRIVED! Engl1nd's No. 1 Sellctr ... America's No. 1 Import Buy! Customs-GT's -Station Wagons Large Selection of Autom1tics and Four Speeds! $ NEW 1969 THUNDERBIRDS Over Actual FACTORY INVOICE! NO SALES EXPENSE~ NO PREPARATION CHARGES, NO DEALER ADD-ONS OF ANY KIND! DRIVE HOME ANY NEW '69 T·BIRD IN OUR BIG STOCK AT THIS PRICE! 2 DRS., 4 DRS. LARGE SELECTION OF COLORS. AND EQUIPMENT! VACATION SPECIAL! • FREE MINI BIKE WITH Every Campe;, Truck & Camper Unit Or Motor Home Package Sold ! Why "Break Camp" to go places when we will give you a new Zebra mini bike absolutely frn with any new camper, truck & camper or motor home you buyl Example Vacation Package: New '69 V-8 Ford V2 Ton Pickup 11 I L!:D. G•UGll, EXTll:A lAll:GE lflADIATOlt, H5AVY DUTY Sl'll:INOS. P'lt'!'ltf ft!OU, New B.-rl'Al:Uda 600 Ciimper Cl.l .OYEll:. IUTlNt: AND ELECTltlC LIGHTS, OININO NOOK TAIL(, llOS, , f !NIC AND Oil.I.IN, Dll:Al'SS, ETC. Naw '69 Zebra Mini Blkt RENT YOUR VACATION HOME ON WHEELS! TRUCK, CAMPER, MINI BIKE ALL. FOR 53295 You go where you w.1nt, st.1y where you w.1nt without sched4 ules or reserv.1tion1 when you ront o Robin Delu•e Pickup C•mper or Condor Motor Home. \'ISIT OU ll COMl'lnE CAMPEii CEHTEll -CllUllAllll, FOUll WINDS, IA.1111.A.CUDA., CONTIMl'O Sl"Olllll, SUNDIAL, lLDOll.A.DO, GIM TOI', MINI HOME, CHASSIS MOUNTS ••• .A.LL Ill.A.DY TO 1101.L! REASONABLE RATES RESERVE EARLY OVER 2 ACRES OF ROBINS RELIABLE USED CARS NOW AT SPECIAL SUMMER SAVINGS! '68 CORTINA 1600 2-Door S • d • 11. 4 '"'•d, 11dio, h11t1r, epprow. 14,0DO rnil11. w.,. r•11ty 1¥1il, ! ZOSl4 JI '69 COBRA •ASTU.CW. "'"lo., R&H, P.S .. •P· prow. 4,100 rnil 11, I+~• ~ew. 8l1(ii j1d1. f1(lary werrenly I Yl il•bl1, Ill.Hiil) '69 FORD F·250 :tt.loTOH. l i9 6. Crui1omtti(, h•el· ,, "'ith SCOTSMAN C1b . 0 •1• • C1m~r. Appro•. 4,JOO ,,,;1,1. '67 THUNDERBIRD LANDAU. 1 Do•" l"u•ch•t•ci "•w h•••· F•c:lory •ir to,.di+ioni"9· f,,. lory w1rr1nty e•1il ebl1. !VCI(. 01•1 '63 PONTIAC $795 Grand Prix. Auto .. R&H. P.S .. P.B., AIR COND. (JJV920J '66 YOLYO 112S. 4·spced tran~mission . IRRE321) 12' TRAILER North,,·est Coach. S\("e~ 6, Slo\'C, il'C t,o);, 1195 dinette, 'l butane tanks. Beau· tHUI condition. \IT.7017) ~-~-7~!~; $1795 4·dr. v.s, 11.t1tn .. P.S .. air. R&ll. (UKU-ISiJ '68 RAMBLER $1995 Rogue American 2·Dr. J-1.T. Auto., R&lf, P.S. E::irtnt 1ha.rp! _<V\VV4o.1l '67 GHIA $1695 Karmann. ~S~~~"Ri~r:oo IVCK319J '67 FORO $1195 Cust. V-8 FAC· TORY AIR. R&lr. PS. PB. {\'CU550J 4·Dr. Sedan. Cltv '66 OLOS $995 of N('_\l'port car. ·v.s, 11.uto .. ·R&tf. (311261 'U CLOS $595 Cutlass con,·r1·t Aulo., R&H. but'krl 11ra 1~. 1f'\VP79:Zl ~~.~~~ty of $1595 Co.~ta r.tesa l~asc ("flr. Fully main- talnf'd at Theo. Robin.<;. 390 vs. cruiso, hcl\t{'l', P.S., approx. 36,000 mi. (114907l '64 RAMILER $895 American 220 wag. Au!o .. radio, heatcr. IJ\AN4541 '64 DODGE Dart. Et'onomy plllS. (P8Y605l '64 FALCON 2-0r. l-1.T. Auto. rndio. h{'ater. (NYP4601 '62 GALAXIE 500 4-0r. Sedan. Air corn!. .. R.lH. 1QOAti23J '65 CHEY. Nova, 4·Dr. Auto. R1tdlo, h1•atcr. tREG3951 '64 FALCON $795 Deluxf' \Yagon. VS. auto., fact. air cond .. lugg. rack ISUY671 i Costa Mesa ®642-0010 I •. -. .. t ''"'' M•1•k 1 e S.i I &Al. t• •,,ft\. S11t I 0 •·"'· t!J '""° PARTS • SERVICE HOUR~ 7 •.1111. I• t ''""' M111 e 11.m. +• • ''"'' l u••·Ftl I •·"'· to 6 p.m, S11 PARTS-ONLY I • de Ville. Orig owner. air, '69 FORD Chaleau Club 8 U sed Cats 9900 Used Cars 77"" Jeatlwr upholstery !ilereo pag \\'aJ:', fac a1r, all ex. loaded w/extras.' Mu 5 i tras. 7.000 mi-in1mac. ll'K'I sacrifl«!! See at l 7 5 o camper unit. S439:i. 114 · Newport Blvd., C.P.!. Pn Emerald, Bal Isl. 613-!l2:i0 pty. '68 FORD F·IOO, 'Blue 8 cyl, '61 CADILLAC Sedan de J sp. 20,000 mi. Tak~ over Ville. All power including payment!(. Pay oil S1974.24. factory air. Needs some mo. !\lobLl Station. 101 N. tor work. Body is sharp!! Harbor, S.A. 531-92.t:i $37a.00 87!J..6083 '60 f'ORD Station \Vagon. '61 CAD Sedan Dc!Ville. Good Radio, heatcr , w h l I e Cond. $495. 642-3850 Days; l'iidewalls. Good rond. J?_j() eves 675-2699 cash. :>iS-2879. 237 E. 20th, ' Cfo.I '64 CADILLAC C.oupe de Ville. Full power. air, great '61 f'ORD Galaxic. Ne\v cond. $1550. 540-7828. grnera1or, two nc\v lire~. l;;o,-c;cm,";;-"';;-"""""I Good tra115portalion/srcond CA'?IU..AC, sr:JO., 1350 car. Radio.{Heatcr. S200 or ilampsh1re CU'., N · B · bes! offer 612-6401. 646-8297 . · '65~•,;u"•"o'"w", .. =,.,,c:"""=:-. "'r"'" i59 CADILLAC $350 air. radio, auto trans, P/s. good condition. 548-2622. Poli~las tires. S 1 6 7 5 . 54:>-3952 CAMARO 1960 FORD, good '"""" ---------1 radio, !!res. S150 or bes('b!· '67 CAMARO 350 v.a Auto. p~. fu,.mh=t blul', landau top. 1TD212. * AIR * Priced to !!t'11 th is 'veekend. KUSTOM MOTORS fcr. • 5.16-8611 • 'GO FORD Falcon s4111on '"agon, in super cond.. for only 51~; R/H, auto. 847--0~ 845 Baker St .. Costa Mesa 1963 GALAXY, I.iciory a ir. 5.W-5915 power ,.,1ndo\1'S & seats. '67 CAMARO nc"'' llrcs, :dnt cond. 3..77. 4 spd, dlr, xlnt condition! 96S-1661 Flaming red ex t.. plush·l.oc67'""""f'O°'R"D"°'G'°•"'"t~-,"i<"""""2 °"o",-. '°"HT black int. Sacrifice! Like Fully t!QUip, [0\1' mi. Very foreign car in trade. Full pr clean. Sec Superior Shell S1599. UJH 173 ·LB. Call Bill Service, 1~95 Superior . NB. 4!}.i.9773. '66 FORD \Vagon. fully CHEVROLET t'qUip'd \\'/air, PIS. p B. Sl!l!lj. &12-3400 d 11. y s. :J.tS--0197 f'\'es. '6!. CHEV. 9 pas~ sla wag, is '66 Ford Fairlane runnin;;:. Exr for surf hug· $495 gy: _?B:st offer ol $100. z Door Loadl'd. vs. {'IC. Lie. 67~136.'i JRl\19-19. Phone 6i2-602.1 Dir. '66 DIE:VEU.E SS. immac. \VhLte Llephants :" GROTH CHEVROLET STOCK REDUCTION Shop from Our 8 19 lnvontory of More Th.1n 200 L.1tt Model "OK" Used C11 r1. All Milkes & Modols. '66 DATSU N SEDAN $I 099 4 spd. H&ll. Ilea! et:unomy hrr(". J::);L"ellC'nt eondition inside & oul. Li e. No. SSS9til. '63 CHEV. IMPALA STA. WGN. $I 099 V-8 auto .. R&t l, P.S., fact. air c1>n· dit.ioned ..,·agon -a real nice one. Lie. Nu. OJL.098. '6s IMPALA SS CPE. $1299 V-8, 4 s::id .. R&H. EXC(>lle~t C'ondi· lion in_sidc &. out. _"OK" 1n every "'ay. Lie. No. \JJG4~7. ~-~. ~~t~!~~fi. ~~~~B-~~!~·!nd .. ~ 1699 facl. air cond. w/w tires. vinyl top. Tinted glass. Has everything. Absolutr money back guarantee. Hurry bC'cil usc it's nice and won't last Lic. No. XDM~. '67 CAMARO SPORT COUPE $1899 V-8, stick shih , R&H, ,,·/1\' tires. vinyl top, l.intcd glass. OK 1n ('\'l'ry . . \\'ay. Atr.;olute monl;'Y back_guarantcr 1f. nol sat1s• fied in every \\'BY. No QUt•s t1ons asked. Lie. UJH145 '67 MUSTANG SPORT COUPE $1899 V-8. auto .. R&H. Excellrnt condition inside & out. Absolute money back guarantee if not complctcly satisfied. OK guar· antl'e. Lie. No. VEY 242. '69 TOYOTA SPORT COUPE $1 ·999 6-cyl., auto:R&Ji . Real nice. That's right, H's a ''69 hardly used-com- par<' this priCf' at all the Toyota dralen -thtn come in and buy it. Llc. No. XUP991 '68 CAMARO SPORT COUPE $22. 99 V·8. stick shift, P.S. NC\\' car \VAl"- ranty plus a~olulr money ~~k . • guaranter if not completely sat1s1frd. Lie \VOX024 GROTH CHEVROLET 18211 Beach Blvd.-Hunt. Beach (Hwy. 39) 545-886~0pen 7 Cays 'Til 9 P.M.-847-6839 4 sp, 396. mags. Dunlap ST-4.1 =========='- $15;;iCI. &it. 21lt•IM·Ol6-I, Sun Used Cars 9900 Used C.1rs 43+.J..)83. 9900 Used Cars 9900 '6J CHEVY. Xlnt rond. Auto trans. Pl~. new la'C'~, brakcs, shocks. Pvt prty. S995. Call <19-1-568': '61 CHEVY 2 DOOR au1omat1c, 6 cyhridrr. Good cond. S\95 &1~·1368 '65 Chevy Impala 2 Dr. Good l cond. Auto, V-8, $1200. ti7:l-657S 'fi \ ti cyl. radio, air. ncar new IU"<'S. n1ns Wf'll. n d s. repairs. 67f>..4!t.12. 6-7 pn1 '62 BEL AIR 2/dr Sed. Gd paint. guar rl'·blt mtrlreblt rad. Quick salc~ OR 3-7460 57 CHEVY, 210 Station 283 A.T. R & JI. Good condition $300. ;,.17-3182 '59 CHEVY \l'ai:;:on, ne_w til'C's, carburetor & eng, Good body cond. 837-7494 '63 CHEVY II Nova, r /h, auto, gd. cond. $J:j(). 1623 Veranno Pl, Irvine 833-1027 TRANSPORTATION special! '60 "''agon, run!f great. S7T:Jlbest offer. 6T.hiS57 ';i& atEVROLET V · 8 , !!tarlcr broken, nc\v tires. SIOO. 546-!K>97 1960 CHEVY IMPALA $200. Joel at M46-9S05 CHRYSLER ----·11 '67 CHRYSLER 2-DOOR HARDTOP V.S, a utomallc, factory air, pcnver stterlng, power bra- kes, n.dio.& heater. Imma· cWale. {UDE 74.l\ $2295 ATLAS CHRYSLER -Pt.YP.10UTH :2929 J.lARBO'R BLVD. COSTA MESA 5e.l!Gt Open O..U1 'W 10 p.m. DAlL Y PTL0T DJME..A· UNF.S. You can ~ them tor 1U$\ penn1~·1 a ltay, OlaJ 6'2-5678 OVER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE SALE OVER 100 1969 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM! Yo-ca" drl•• horn• your cholc• of 100 1f6f 111aiff.l1 crt IJQ(tly 50 ~• O'l'ef our actual factory l•voi(t. e NO SALES EXPENSE e NO ADD-ON CHARGES e NO PREPARATION CHARGE e IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NEW 1969 OLDS 98 HOLIDAY COUPE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY \1.8, FACTORY AIR CONO .. 1wtomelie fr•t11., pw,, 1l•1f• in~. •edia l h••l1r, paw•r br~~•1, ti11ted 91•11, power enl•"r.•, wh ite w•ll ti•11, •••• 1p•1ker, ¥inyl to ", till whe,I, •e'flol• c•~t.ol ,.,;,,or, 5,,;.r No. l 84579M Jl2S86. $4647 NEW '69 CUTLASS l·DR . H.T. ::..:~ry p:·~ ... "··~,.:~=~. 53289 delure rodlo, tint 911151, wsw tlrn. Ser1ol No. 361792123160. USED CARS DRASTICALLY REDUCED '63 FORD 100 4 Dll. H.T. ¥-1 ....... '"""--, ...... 1tftri119. OKD Slf $495 '62 PLYMOUTH STATION WA.GOH '62 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX Y·I, htO. ITOM., foctOfy olr CtttcUtio11h19, p1w ... 1tffff11f, po-brallet. $595 i-•-wfllft-., p.w.r '""· re<lle, ......,, IHH SJG. '6l OLDS F·ll 2 DOOll 6 tyl. ••t• .tre111., rotllo, ........... Nlf 111 $295 •... ...... ....... $395 Ho. 01431. UNIVERSITY e OLDSMOBILE e 2150 HARIOR IOULEVARD -COSTA MESA 540°9640 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK ) • ( -'. -----·-- S11111'dq, ~-9, 196'1 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION • TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORnTION IWl.Y mor II TRANIPOllflTION Niw Cars 9IOONtw Cars tlOONew Cart 9IOONew.CtrJ 9IOONew C1r1 9800 New C.rs 9to0N1w Cart 9IOONew Care 9IOO -c... ,.. ' " .. NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE Our selection of brand new .1969 Cadillacs is the finest in our history. l ••t ilrlve todaY. ••• "Jhe Masterpiece From Master Craftsmen" ••• Then select your. model, equlP.m•nt lo caflll'$ nowl . . 1969 COUPE DE VILLE 1969 COUPE DE VILLE Gor'4'1Ut Sbalim.u iold t1leri<>r with black roof and \o'ff:lr Dard-ntlle l(lld cloth 111d leuhu lattrior. 1¥1.1 ear hH (ul.I power equipm,nl plu! l1c1ory 1ir ronditionin1o A~l·f~I 11dio, -t 1ll lhc popular Udi1Wl-optioo1. IJ91757741 USEO LOW )l!Lf.AGE. $6060 PRICE Strikin1 tuxedo bladr. tllr:riot with h1rmonid111 full !tither intl!'l'ior. Thia on1 le d11t\.,i.1y Jo1ded wjth optiu1t iileludin1 fnll power equipment plua ftclOff air eottditioaial! twiliaht ~liilcl, power door loc:U, ete., ete. Urly new ,cu tnde-ia wi\lr. 1'UJ' low milule. lYOlth:) • I SALE 1967 EL DORADO E~quisito gold fioi~h w/bl1c1c .. inti roof & cold f"loth & lc1ther inl~tiot, F1c1ory 1ir, J11ll po1''rr. 1terf!O A1'1-FM, tilt telr.copir whttl, door lockr, etc. ~Iott 1U powu optiona. (17£582) 1968 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville. Siher pine p;recn with Nnd.Jwood lop and m11cbln1 le11hcr in1crior. full power, laclory Ill' conditioni'og. A:il.f~l lilt .. bcel, power door lockt 111d ~ent .. ·indow1, tvili1ht N"ntintl. tVIC8911 1967 CADILLAC Coupe lk\'Hle. Ph1n1om blue "'1Lh Mue le.iher lnleriar. full ro•~r rquipmrnt plu1 f1etorr air coo· di1io~lnc. (UJA35i ) 1967 CADILLAC C..J1i• hudtop NJd1.11. full power 1nd fl(IOtJ 1Jr tonditio11i111o tilt 111d te\C9C!Opic •leain1 whti'l, m111y 111her option. (WQD039) 1964 CADILLAC S.-d." De \"ille. full po.,.w, f1c1orr 1ir. ro"·er 1en1 "'"'lo"·!, ,\Jf.f~I. 1 .. i11;lu ~M ind, hit "heel. !(•Ul!271) 1965 CADILLAC Std1n DeVil\e. lndi1 h11ry •·ith ,..hoe lr11her inter· ior. f ull pow!'T, factory 1ir eondllionin(. tilt 11eedn1 ..-heel, A~l.f~I radio. CSZV518l SALE $4646 PllCI SAU $4949 PRICE SALE $3838 PRICi SALE $3434 PRICE SALE $1616 PRICE SALi $2424 PRICE OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM . A Solid Shield of SERVICE with every sale $Alf P-'C~5 !fffCTIVl ll'!ROUCH TUESDAY, AUGU$T 11, 196t Aff COit 1~11/td lo prior l>l'I• SALE $6161 PRICE 1967 CADILLAC SAU $3939 L111uriout Fltetwood Brough1m. f aetOl'T 1lr coad., 1tn-eo AM·F!!k full powtr, tih, 1tlo<:o(l8 wheel, powfr door I 1, all 11ptio111 incl11dio1 fllll lulhu PllCI interior. (UlY9"1 1968 CHRYSLER SAU $3939 9 pui.enJtr Tbwn 6 Countrr w11on. ~f1ite yellow with Nd le .. in~I trim. Full power, air conditionine;, luKµ&e rick. till 1t<"CJin& whttl, lo• milu;e. (VTf971) PRICl 1967 CORVEnE SALE $3333 S1inp-1f l"1f1b1el.:. 427 V.a e11ine, 4 •Peed tu na., po1ittactialt, f1ctorr 1ir (O!ld .. Ai\1-F~l rMl.io, etc. .. Out weekend •pcc:ial. IYCL.Sll) PllCI 1964 CADILLAC SALi $1616 Coupe 0. \o-illc. Antiqut p ld with rold doth •nd lc1tber intttior. Full power, Uctwy iu conditiot1Ui1o 1i1nd teekin1 r1dio. (JtCV889) PRICI ' SAU 1967 .IAGUAR XKE· $2929 !f)lt1cli111 1unbu.rll yd.low with fuJ\ luther ililttitir. 4 'peed, r1dio, br1trr, chrom11 wiro whttl., etc. Sri lo 1pprtti1te. (TRT082) PRICE 1966 CADILLAC SALi $2525 neetWOOd [] Dor1do. full power, f1ctory 1ir, fiill lc1ther interior, 1\ereo A~f.f~I. till whet!, e•trf concei,1bl1 aption. ITEH7•'1) PRICI Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving the Orange Coast Harli@r Ana f'"'"'"' .. NA'iiisc'ADiLLAC I Announces A New Subsidiary , "NLC" (Nabers Leasing Corp.) LEASE DIRECT SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN 8:30 Al\I to 9:00 P~I ~ion . thru Fri. • 9:00 Al\1 to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun. Order Your 1970 Cadillac Today for October Delivery Ou.tatanding Service facility at Oran e Coun '1 most modem deale:nbi . 9900 Usod Cart 9900 UMCI Cart 9900 UtM Care -----U111d Cars 9900 Used Cars 9900 Uaed C1rs 9900 Used Cars 9900 Used Cars :;.:.;;.:;_=o_. __ .c..;_ UMCI Cart 9900 OLDSMOllLE OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE OLDSMOBILE PONTIAC PONTIAC RAMILER T·llRD '64 OLDS, R/If, P\\'t ll tz'I, nt:w at covs, new titt:s, l owner . .$8K). 646-0028. Now·~ THE TIME FOR QUICK CASH THROUGH A DAILY PILOT ' '63 OLDS 88 ltoliday 4 dr. REAL Sharp '66 0 Id 'liO OLDS, 4 dr. gd. cond , '64 OLDS, R/H, pwr •lrl· '61 FIREBIRD too. dlte '65 BONllEVIUE HT '65 RAMBLER Clauk, v.a. l99S Ta.BIRD. full pcrwiar. Feet alr<Ond, P/b, P/s, Cutl&M, Ho\. Coupe. Gold eng. xlnt . r/h, a/c, p/s, new st COVI, new Urea:, l brake1, tach, p/1, vinyl top, 4 dr, new tirtl, cltan I LOW BOOK. xlnt cond Inside &. out, A with blk. Landau top, lo p/b. $185 C'ash for qUlck ~ow=:"'::'"S80ll=:;."64&00'l8~==== I 22,000 crii ml. Forced to aood cond. $690. 96M825: * IJ3..2131' * real buy $800. 548-M84 mlg, nu wht/v.'8.U tires & sale. 675--0101 or 6Ta-7993 ~ aell $2195. 968-2MO Full pwr, dlr, fad air con-0062 Bobble Clrcle. HB (oU 'M T.atRD, 1Ul1 ~. ah "62 F8S OLDS. 9-pass \\'llgtin. brkJ, R/Ji . custom blk l!hr '63 OLDS fo'·85 sharp, lln!Y. PLYMOUTH "64 LeMant mi convt. Nu dltlonlns, pwr windows, law, Hamlltonl. omd, wholetale blue boolri 712 Larkspur Ave., Coroqa ~:th& ,:~t~.k~1~~a~iB~01~~~ No cn~h. Take o~r pymnta. • paint. Orie owner. Bt1t of· ~~:~~?~o~J~cend~~. '64 RAMBLER Amer, Top prict, $1500 MU.111 1 _•_•l~'-1'~'-· ------t fact alr. r-.iu~t ~re 10 $~/1no, 1$19701 673-5.'S67 '64 Plymout·h fer In 5 da,y1 lakes It. WW tine prtv prty, LB VBA coPndh • .. ! ~~.,:uto, radio. htr. '58 T·BIRD. Comp It t • 11 '66 OLDS F-85 Dix 4 dr. 11lr. bclie .. T! Private Party Bcsc 'li6 OLDS +12. 4 on Ult" lloor. Valiant c673-1<3::::_=1:__ _____ , 319. Vic, 545-0834. · o>ilfr ;ui rtltottd. Lllr;e ~ oOo. pv.T strr & brks. Sac. prv offer. 962-2860 . Good rond. Mua;t tit.U! Best \'.8, auro, dlr. ()ne owner. '59 PONTlAC. Xlnt. cond .. ~ .. =-'-cA:::T:.:A:.,:L;,.IN::A:.;:._W_•_r_o_n_.1 =· .. SHELBY dltk>n. Mab otter.~ ply. 519--2507 11.fl 5 p.1n. J=• OLD~·JOBll.E. Good oflcr. 646-2129 T k I ,. • I I Best olfer. Beaut. April .. Id·, )ux. Ven-___ ..:;.;,.;.__.;_ __ ~ .3>• J. a c ow p1ymen...,. ~ II * 646-4114 * 000 I I TEMPEST t DAILY PILOT 'VANT ADS! lr1tnsportallon. Lotsn mllc1 PLACE your \\'Ant ad \vhere price .$699. OTU 691·LB. Call __ _,.-..:.:;_::;~:__--tura Inter. 21. m • Ir, '67 SHELBY CT S00 ('.()bra • DIAL dJl"l!Ct 6t2-567S, Qarae Jell $125. 5-la--0129. they 11.l'e looking -DA ILY Ken. 49.J-9773 or S"5-®3 1 '65 OTO 389, 2,(0) ml P/B, P/S, P/wlnd, rack, Jet. Much specla1 equip. 'It TtMPEn Cutt0m MO,, your ad, then •It back a.nd BUSIUI marketplace in PILOT .clus:W!d! &t:z.5678 CLASSIC l!Ml 4-dr &edan, On ttblt ens: Map. 4 i pd super e:hock11, tint·1ltt11. mtnt. Ovtr $6CIX> ln\'ttt-ed.. v.a, new •nc A ttree. r /). listen to the phone rl'I:! towlf. The DAILY PILOT DON'T alv• It away, ~t 49.000 orig ml, run11 Kood· l -~11="°:o.._;;*_.:61:.:~.:n!3=-=ci:,t.":;:.nd, $3S?S 'Aaktna: $3350 or beat otter. $695. ..... tT'S Beach boUM time. Bt&· Quslfied aec.Uon. Save quick cuh for It with a has aoocl tires, 494-500-t. ntE QUICKER YOU CAU., &C-o13SB. ... .. n.T PILOT ~ 1 i WANT AD gett ldecilon ever! s-the money, time I: dlort. Look o.!1)-Pilof want Adi 1957 Plyrnoolh 3 or. Auto. v. For DaQy Piiot Want Adi ...... DAILY PJLOT WANT ADS! now!!! 642-5678 ~ $175 or be~I off"r. 5'1:>-2469 'IllE QUtCKEJt YOU SELL OlaJ 641-56'1B for RESULTS While Elephantlf *·,;,;,;llon;;....,;.N_CIW_I ___ ,.------------------- • ' ' ' 3J DU.Y 'PILOT -.. ____ s._1utdi_Y._AM9U't_9_, 1_969 • ORANGE COUNTY'S ' • LARGEST VO'LUME DEALER : .REGARDLESS OF MAl<E OR MODEL , l'i:'1 '65 FORD LTD eJ HARDTOP COUPE 00 Y.f, IU'°"'41tk trlfltmltllon, = tlwrlM, -bt•ku. rm1o a.,,._,.,, 111~&~ 'lWi: '66 DODGE •@ • CORONET i ~ V ... •11tom111c. l'"ACTOJt't Al.II, vl11VI I,._ I twlw, Mlil• Wi ii tltu. WUf 4),). .... !lil '65 FORD 500 il:Jl CUSTOM ' ..,.., rldl• I. -ter, ~wer 1tMtl11~. 00 '64 RAMBLER ·;;· r=i I M~2~~1k ~!~.~~,.~~!~''' t.:J """' ""Ii tlru. 0.h.ixe l11lerkH". (NYL '10) 00 '64 DODGE. DART G.T. HARDTOP CPE. V.._ lllt0m91k ft-1n$11'1lll&len, r..:llo & ""-'"' ¥1n>/4 Wdi:ft -II. COMX "21 ioo '64 DODGE 1 STATION WAGON @ Ollllhct. V-t, rtdle & he1!1r. wt!llt will llfl!t. I ¥kiri lll!trlor. (IVZ tlOJ. I . .... TOTAL ,lllC:• + Tt:r lo Lk.. $788 TOTAL l'IUCI + Tt• &. l~ TOTAL ,lllCI + Tt• & Lie. • - TOTAL ,lllC• + Tix & Lie.. TOTAL P'•ICI + fi• .. Lk.. $588 TOfA\. P'lllC l + Tl¥ & L"- TOTAL ~lllCI + Tax .. Lk. TOTAL PRICE ... , ... &. llCfNSI IMMEDIATE · DELIVERY 100% UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE LOOK FOR THE <;OLD STAR IN THE WINDSHIELD CHOICE OF COLORS For your protection 100% UncondiHonal Gu1rante1-This St•r 1t1t11 In writing th1I H1rbor Dodge 1u1ran· t111 tht tar 100% 1galn5I mtchanical defec:ts for 100 ·days or 4,000 miles whith ever comes first affer p:urc.h11t. Tllh Includes ell mec.hanical path, eltctriul equipment, b1ttery, speeilom eter, radio, healer on all cars. This JIU•ranltt covers 111 parts encl labor frDf'I bwnper to bumper absolutely free to you. '68 V.W. Sq. Back ~:g~\~,·:,'.·;:~ $1288 ma ts, w hi I e wall tires. (WAA 006). TOT.t.L P'llltl + TIX I. Lk. • - - '65 v.w. 4 speed, radio, heat- er, fully factory equipped. {No. 8424) $688 TI)TAL l'IUC:I . +Tix& Uc. '66 CHEVROLET IMPALA SS H.T. ' ' 311 v-1, P_,. 1~1no • ..-11w1 M k•• 1t111. Wllitt WO!I !lrtt. (QP')C 612) '67 DODGE G.T. HARDTOP '67 MUSTANG HARDTOP "ol/er 1tetrln11 r1dlo & hta!e,r, budtlll 11•11, vlnvt Interior, Whitt w111 llfj j· GOLO 5 It. ITSA nu. '67 PL YMOUTfl FURY SEDAN \l·I. t u!Omalic tr1n1.,,lulon. _, 1l~rl~G, llOW'lf br1k", .. lnVI lnJerlor. !Ho. 11U) '65 CHEVROLET IMPALA SS H.T. CPt, V·I, tuto=k tr1~1UlDn. jACTO.ll'I' AIR CONO.. tr I nrl,..._ raello llttfer, ~lrryt b!Kk!I M:9 , ' _ (JU:z 05» 1 '65 MUSTANG HARDTOP V-1, ••dill t. ......... ¥i11YI budctt IHll, "'hil• woll Uri$. !IUtF l ltl '65 CHEVROLET STATION WAGON 111 l\lr. V4, 1utom1Jic:, lliWtr 1~rlnt,~•t­ c110 • 1'1e1!er. WMt. Wiii tll'<lt. CNNA "111). '65 MUST At<IG HARDTOP V-1 •• ..1 ..... ti!11.:... vlMI lnltr!or, l11llV f1 clOl'V lt<IUIQ~. lltOS t11l. '64 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DR. H.T. V.f, •11!01T11t1c, r.ito \ 'ht1~r. 1111wer •hi~•· ln1. whltt will tlr11., IWXl 31J). '65 CHEVROLET CHEVELLE . 2 DOOR Aulomt!lc 1r1n""""""' rtdlD & M1rer, ""'111 Wiii Urn . !•l!G ISll '64 FORD COUNfRY SQUIRE TOTAL P'•IC• + , .... lft. . Family weeJ<Jy AUGUST 10, 1969 9 j . DAILY PILOT ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 9 , 1969 ... BILLY CASPER . He Battle~ Fat, Allergies, Temp~r To Be a Golf Great ~ ·3 PSYCHIATRISTS TEU. -How !g_Stay Young All Your Life ~. FACING UPI Beauty Wrongs Made. Right· ~ GENRE PEOPLE . Bill Travers and Virginia McKenna- Stars with a Cause PATIO PARTY A Cool, Colorful Lunch for Outdoor Entertaining ··~ - -,.. , --~ -~--~--~~~~--~----------------------------~------------... --------------------· Ask Them Yourself FOR COL. FR-4/VK BORMA.N, A1tron11u1 DiJ you """ yo1ar Jellow 11•lronnul4 receloe fliKhl pay for your •paff fli1h1? I/ 10, ho.,, maclt?-To1n· my Hooker, Thaxton, Mi ... • A1:1tronau1~ ret·t"ive no addi1ional f)ay '"'Tor :.pai:e ffig.h1. Th{)l<(' wbo art' on as· i.ignmenl to ~A "A from ont" of the mili· lary M:rvit·fil are puid ucording lo their rank. Civilian a11lrona11Ls are given a ttradt"·levt>I d111:1i1ification by the Civil Ser· \'it· .. Commi&1ion, which i~ bacied on tM ..ame i-cales 1111ed for uther Government employee,.. .. FOR UIYA. CA.NT RELL . Jlf•~er A.Jter growl11g •p in Au ... trali.n, ltOM7 do yoa find Uoing ;,. IM V .S.'I W'hol u your /nWlrile cily?- 8 . R., A.de11tic Cily, N.J. • I adore this country. New York i8 my fa,1orite city. anrl I make my home there "hen I am not working. People are very friendly. and it d0l'8n't close up tight at night 1be way Los Angelea and Boston do. I live al nigh1. and in Manhat~n. ~her a performant·e. there'~ aJway1:1 w mt" µlace to go. FOR CVRT COJJ'DY, spottM'atJtn Hn1 there eoer been ff no-hil~r pitcMtl in •n ,411.Stnr ia1n~f Ho111 u tlte tc1innin1 a11J foaing pitc#t. rr thcitlrtl'P-Mn. Joltn Rol1b. Hoeutonia, Mo. • Thne never has been a no·hillt'r ·Jlih·hed in an All-Star game. The win- nin,: and l~iog r>itcher" are dt>t•ided ju .. 1 11.." in any olher ball game. When wioninl!t runi. ue 8t·ored. 1he pitcher of record ii! the winner; the "ame goes for the lo~r. If it':< 11 ,ihuto111. the i<larting pili'hrr f" thr winnrr. FOR J. EDCAR HOOYER. El IJirt'rtur, J'H/ In n reunl f>.dilion of eeorltl rrcorda, I r,.•tl tltnl th,. lonf(flll pruon term, 6.616 yen,., nrul one day. ..,.. fiHn •• lhe pe110lly for •r-llin' ultolidtty flat4." W'hnl are "holitlay '-/lttl•., P-W' aynt> Debord, Luplo11 C.iJy, Tenn. e The GuinntJJ Hook oJ wr orld R .. r. cmh st&tfil that on April 19, 1967, in Madrid. Jo._i Crt"llpo Rua rt'<'eived a prison senlenre of 6.616 years, siJt month!l. and one day lo be served consecu1ively. The penalty was for the tSale of each of many noncxit1Jen1 holiday ftats and ··worth .. '9,800,000. "Flats,'' in 1hi11 in · .. lance. refer to apartment.;, FOR TINY TIM HOWi long dUJ ii mire you 10 1roN7 your laoir--or u ii a ..,;~?-Dolore• Mul- kn, ff'Mallontl, W'yo. e lt'to not a wig! I started growing it in 1954. and it's still growing. f'OR. JOHN L. ~A!VD'f, /QJ4n4er oJ Jolin l . lluntly, mntu16emen1 cottsulumts ffa11e you found that "'°"Y fir•• are no.o re· 1Gi11i1t1 IMir .,acc&u/td 011er-65 perHllllel?-1. E. Carri.cit, Broolclyn, IV.)'. e ln the las t 20 yeart-. bu,.inf't.'4 and in- du!ilry have found that an a rbitrary re- 1iremenl of successful executive!l w o arf' in good health at 64 is frequently a mii .. lake and a waste of available talent. While lhe demand is not huvy, 1bere ali.o is 11 runlinuaJ call for uYt'l'-65 exeru· live" to stand in, while you nger men art" being trained for the job. Al!o, many over-65 men are becoming bu1:1ines!I 1..'0n· ,.uJtan~. Corporalions often need an ex· perienced man 10 help ~tve a !\pecifi<: problem. but thty might not be prepared lu hire him full time. FOR LUCILLE B..fLL I ,.,,.,,. rl!atl lhol you ,JiJ. lo •top nppe•ri1t« ilt your 1eriu. I• 1ltu lrtaf>?-Y. Yertli, EJ;.on, IV.}. • Thii4 rumor ha~ been around fnr i<ome time. There i~ no basi11 for ii. f'OR OTTO CRIEBl.llVC. a dcnt•n. Ritt/(lin, Bros. rtnJ Burnum & 811i/,·y f.'irr 11$ Why n,., yoll ,. cloten?- D. Deull~h. Jamuir.n, l'V. Y. \ • In JlJ15 l hud lhe d1oil:e uf IJernming a lailor or 1&n apµrentirt' bart>badt-rider with a circus. I prf'ferred tht-!ravel and exritemf'nl of the rirru~ and have not been away from ii l>inee. Al fi r11l. I did 1t lillJt> downing ais a i<icle line and then learned to lovt> ii morl' and more. A)> a c'lown. I rould be a j utzl!tlf'r. al'f~hat . 1><111tom1mi .. 1-anything, It i.. a jnv 111 ht"ar laughter frum duldrt"n and adult ... FOR /0NATH.4N WINTERS 0 OJ aU the jokra yo" lmotc1, Nlhnt ;, your /at1orilf>'!- ~~.JI Tf>rry IVU:hou, Debnar, .._.tftl. e h depend!:! on th!! particular r haracler or sketch. I don't tell jokes a11 ~uch but try to make my humor grow nRturally. -W'eftt te Mk a f·--~ 8 ~tNM.f Y-H1'..,..... ..... f!Ol-1', •'"' Wf'tti ... . lk ...... ,,_ tlw ....-t-• .......... re-"'ae.'--~· s..'"' .-•'9-. pttfntiWy ... . ... , ~ ...... A. .. n.... Yo•rwlf, fa•lly 1Vfflly, 6~1 L..:d-..oa A''"• N•w v-.., N.Y. 10021 .... Hiit ... Hk.owkq.. ...... io.. ..... ts •ill .... pehl ,_ Nt'h --... WHAT ii:E WORLD! · "FOREf ... " Golfing is not supposed to be a dangerO\ls sport, yet 18,000 accidents were reported on the llnks lost year. About 10,000 were the re· wtt of being struck by flying golf bolls and l ,600 from the careless swing of clubs. Even though no statistics ore available for motorized golf -cart In· juries, they ore frequent enough for the Ncmonal Safety Couna1 to recom- mend these precautions: don't dongle a leg ovbide a moving cor. Set the br.okes before leaving the vehicle. Drive ot minimum speed. Prepare for sudden stops or sharp tumJ. Don't drink while driving-a cart or o ball. Supermarket Zoo Austin, Texas. hos no zoo, so the ~rchants of the local Hancock Shopping Center got together to sponsor one called a "Petting Zoo."• Children moy feed an ~trichlike emu, pet a midget elephant, romp with an 8orgoin ~00 anteater, ride a 104-year..old-Africafl turtle. School buses bring youngsters from all over Central Texas to the ex· hibit. Among the mos1 thrilled hove been the kids from o school for the blind and o state hospital. Good idea for other zooless communities. "Happy Wor~doy, Dear Richard" Working hard is o way of life for Richard Thomas of the current film, "Winning." Acting on stage or tel• vision since he was six, he recently "celebrated" his 18th birthday. How? Family Weelcly a5ked him. "By work· ing," he said. "I was doing the tv dramo, 'Morcus Welby,' for ABC. los1 Richard Thomas year I was working on the movie. Both times I was given a birthday coke on lunch break. Of course, the crews song 'Happy Birthday,' too." Didn't he mind working on his birthdoy? "Oh, no," protested Richard. "I can't think of any- thing good about not working ... ex· cept that it gives me time to think about what I will be working on next." Escape from Allergiff If you suffer from hoy fever, try taking your voca- tion between Aug. 15 and Sept. 15, when the allergy peaks. Where to go? The southern tip of Florida, California coast, and Pacific Northwest are rec· om mended by the Allergy foundation of America. An ocean voyage ls good, too. If you can't get to a pollen-free vacation spot, search out alr-condi· tioned areas. They help os long as it isn't too cold. Mighty Baby Pow(d)er There's a baby some- where in the Cape Kennedy area who may be mi1$ing his boby powder. There's a father, o space engineer for the retraction system of Apollo 8, who stole it. Seems the engineer had to make sure that the styrofoom cover protect· ing o delicate measuring instrument would slide freely enough to release it on lift..off. Baby powder p roved effective, so much so that the engineer plans to use it in upcoming launches. But then there's the enormous problem of the voluminous red tape and paper work In order- ing supplies through regular channels. There is always thot easier woy, however-like toking' candy from a baby. Talcum tolc.-off Family Week(r , .. N.w .. JM, -...-. A 11u1(HI 1n, J9 fl!> LIONAID I. DAYIDOW P~ MOITON MAHI h.u.An- W. , ... THOMf'ION A4""'91._ DiredM IOIDT "1DMllON ·~WMtt-Clit.f IACK IYAH •• _,,.,., •Mle<r MAltUS N. TllNQUI Art Df.-«w MBANll DI PIOn '-' EMa.r 'nlere aren't enough sundaes in the weelc. , Maybe people don't know how good sundaes r- taste with Cool Whip8 on top. Well, here's the I scoop. Cool Whip is the rich, creamy, non-dairy topping that comes already whipped, ready to serve. Ws a delicious way to top off an ice aeam sundae. In fad, a sundae's only ice cream until the Cool Whip goes on. Now you can have a sundae every day of the week. I I I I I ----------------Get SOC'°' enfoying sundae•. Send us four 4 Y.-oL Cool Whip labels or two 9-oz. labels, and one Ice cNClm carton end flap with prke martrer. We'll .. net you SO-. Send to: lirds Eye, P.O. lox 3071, Kankakee, Ill. 60901. Off9' ............... , .... o.t, -,. , ··-,. ~ ... ,_ ......... v.w ........... , .. ~, "•····--....... w ..... a.... 1-&ilt cM.. n.b -t!Raite _.. _.,. •• , 1-,....... " ' ' I l I l l I I l ' I THIS IS THE AGE of youth- but is youth solely a mat;.. ter of years? FAMILY WEEKLY asked that of •three internationalJy known e.xperta, and their answers were emphatic: Youth is a way of life, not just years. A person of 60 may be more youtjdul than a man of 26. -Retaining youth, they told us, is not a cosmetic matte~hair dyes and face-lifting-but a matter of mental attitude. Here are their sug- gestions on how to stay young all your life-simply by thinking young. Dr. Arthur N. Fox~ u a former prison psychia- tri8t and author nf Studies of Criminology based un hi3 examina- t ion Of 8ome S,000 men at G,.eat Meadow Pri8on, Com- atock. N.Y. For manv )ltara he ha11 been in private prcutice. One way to stay young and live long is a simple way-and a cruel way: that is by not taking anybody's 4 F1111til11 W.ek/11, A 11g1tBt JtJ, I !l(JU vexations upon yourself; instead rid all your vexations on others. Following this rule, you can live to 96. But usually you're not ve1·y well liked, and life is not so enjoy- able except in the satisfaction of watching the obituary columns. Possibly a better way to stay youthful is an emotional and spiri- tual factor of having a passion. This does not n~essarily mean sex. Many religious plays, for example, are called J)a88ion plays. A paasion can be for a career or a social activity or even something frivolous. if done with good taste. Pa88ions usually take about seven years to wear out, so one must have a fer- tile imagination to create new onu. This is especially important for men and women at their change-of- life periods when they fall into the ditch of despondency. Hormones will not cure this state. The individual must seek new adventures. Another basic rule is to do all thinirs in moderation. In staying youthful, older people should not try to copy youth's phys- ical appearances. This is doomed to failure. For example. if a woman of How You Can Three internationally known authorities a secret not in a magic potion 50 decides that she has missed youth and puts on a mini-8kirt, she doesn't look too well showing off no longer shapely legs. AB for staying young at heart, those who do have a capacity for en- joying the things that young people do are us_ually blithe in spirit, have a capacity for enjoyment, and a readiness to participate in activities wjth some sense of adventure. Young people are willing to accept the elder- ly only if they are not conservative, stodgy or critical Of course, it is wise to have extra cash set aaide to spare you the anx- ieties of money worries. And if fate provides yoo with a mate in the latter years, so much the better. But following the precepts of use- fulness, new interests, and a sense of adventure can not only add years -but make them enjoyable ones. Dr. Theodor Relit waa bona '" 1888 in Vit?UIG enact wa8 ofte of Sigmund Freud'• tarlie8t and moat brillia"t pupiU in p8'JIChoanal11 ai1t. Listening with the Third Ear ia OM of the matt-lf book.a ht h4a writtma which have be~ tramlated into all mc.;Of' la1&gitagea. Thia ia what he 1a11a about lif tl<Yllg rovth. First of all, do not isolate yourself from society. The older person should contribute wisdom, stories of other times, advice, and counsel. If young people can learn from their elders, they, too, will profit from it. At 81, I think of myself as a "young old man." I still have stu- dents and patient.a, and I am writing book.!. My secret is activity. Nature respects action. It is the unused organ that atrophies, the useless stalk that withers, the dried-out leaf that falls. I live in a New York City apart- ment. where I have made my home for many years with my sister. My son Arthur and his family live across the street. Wherever possible, older people should try to live in an area in which all agea and stages of life are represented. This is why I dislike so-ailed "Golden Age" housing de- velopments or nursing homes, where the main topic is ef physical ills. If you want to prolong your pop- ularity, if not your actual youth, keep oft' the health s ubject as much as possible. Confine these discussions to your medical adviser. He is paid to listen. I despise such talk as con- versational fare. It is boring, de- pressing, and of little intere&t. Do what you waftt to do. While you should be loyal and helpful to you r children, don't let them imJ)0!5e on you. Don't become a human door mat. In other words, accept and meet your responsibilities. Beyond that, be your independent self. If you have always wanted to take a trip just to observe nature., do it! Recognlu, too, that man is am- bivalent. We love and hate a cher- ished object. Learn to deal with your hostility, part of the self, which I have called the "dark despot." R~­ ognizing that your life is nearing its end may make your resentments strong. Give way to them. Rave and rant (in private), if this helps. Write letters of protest, join groups, ex- presa your opinions. But accept your destiny. Resolve to enjoy each mo- ment as much as you can and to develop a cheerful outlook. When a man or a woman reaches that arbitrary cut-off age of retire- ment, it's an occasion for real terror. Retirement should only come when the person wants to rest or to start another life or when management honestly believes the individual can no longer do the job. Even then, if t he Individual stiIJ wants to stay on, there should be an opportunity for another kind of work, perhaps less demanding physically. For insta nce, I know of a news- paper reporter who got too old to chase fire engines and hated to leave the paper. He was given the post of chief librarian, researching ma- terial for the young reporters who resp~ted him, listened to his stories, and learned some good basic tips from him. This is ideal A children's psychiatrist I know, J . Louise Despert, M.D., author of Childnm of Divorce, worked on at a hospital long after normal retire- ment, in a~dition to' continuing to see patients privately. She is also a sculptor, planning a one-woman show. This other life be- gan years ago in Paris: when she waa undecided whether to become a ... -Family Week.(y / Augmt 10, 1969 Stay Young All Y Our Life tell the real secret of youthfulness- but in yourself psychiatrist or a sculptor. Now she is both and in one lifetime. Cultivate a sense of humor. There is nothing better for old people than laughter. Life is funny. You should be able to see the humor of your own situation at times. .My patient.a know that I try to help them see the humor of situa- tions. There is always hope in life, so no one should ever despair. Try to solve what appears to be a crisis and recognize that in old age, as in youth, there are always some aggravations and disappointments. Be contented as much as you can. Enjoy your friends. Visit them, and have them visit you for casual meals, teas, and other occasions. Do what you have enjoyed in the past. Don't give up all your inter- ests and vegetate. If you have al- ways loved the theater, go. Maybe now that you have more time, you could participate in amateur per- formances. If you can't get a role, perhaps you can help backstage with lighting, scenery, costumes. Indulge your tastes. Helping out at boys' or girls' clubs can be fun. And it keeps the older person close to young people and their ways. Music la a wonderful outlet. Pi- ano, violin, or gOitar-whatever you play~n be resumed now or started if you never studied music before. A retired ship captain 1 knew took up piano for the flrst time at 69. He enjoyed it very much. He had always loved music, used to go to the opera when in port, but never had an opportunity to study it until his later years. Love and romance may continue into the autumn of life. Affection and sexual devotion may last aa long as the partners live. Devoted couples have shown that love itself Is 90-per- cent psychology, 10-percent phy~ iology. For those who desire it, even an active sex Jif e is posaible to I\ great age. Make the most of what time is left. Try to find out something new every day. ·Keep up with current events. Write letters, answer mail. Visit by phon.e or in person. Keep active in clubs and associations. Sup- port good causes in which you be- lieve. Just be active! Do not become preoccupied with grief, self-pity. or useless sorrow. Get outdoors as much u you can. Walking, swimming, boating, garden- ing are all healthy activities that keep you close to nature and reality. The heat health aid a city resident can get is a dog because the animal is a prescription for exercise . there Is no known rejuvenating panacea that effectively prolongs hu- man life. Ti88ue extracts, jellies, hormone creams, and. the like D)ay have a psychological effect. But the actuarial expert in a life-insurance company can show that an individual lives no longer even if he or she did spend a fortune on such things, An elderly person is we11 advised to consult a reliable physician or a geriatric unit if be wants to prolong his life and good health. Beware of quacks. Old people seem specially susceptible to their fake promises. Restricting diet has been found to. keep rats and mice artificially young for periods equal to their normal life expectation. Thi~ same research is being applied to man. But 11othing definitive bas resulted yet. In the meantime, it doesn't take a psychoanalyst to counsel that a sensible person s hould exercise good eating and drinking habits and not overindulge recklessly. Worry should be curbed. Find out what's troubling you and do some- thing about it. Action is the best answer to an old person's blues. Take up arms against troubles and kick them out. Remember : worry makes a peraon look 10 or even 20 years old- er. Live right now. IC you think 50, you'll look 50, so think 30. You can think a younger age-and enjoy it. Dr. Colter Rule, a New York p111- chic.tmt on tM board of tlu Nero York Academy of Mediciru, ia a con- auLtant to both tl&.6 Prub11urion Home for Aged Womtn c:ift.d Pder Cooper Nur8iiig Home. He WM pre- 11iou.t11 a.uigned to the geriatric wards of the Cincinnati (Ohio) G111t- eral Holf'J)ita1. There's nothing 'like choosing healthy, long-lived ancestors for a healthy old age. But no matter what kind of heredity you have, you can By JEANNE TOOMEY do 80mf' thing1 to help yourself stay with it, not as a competitor to youth, but a.s a friend, earning your way into what youth is doing by speak- ing up. But this doea not mean aping young people's clothes, making the cosmetic indu9try richer, or tryill&' to beat younger people at athletics. Don't panic about the inexorable pttesage of time and don't ituccumb to the present insane cult of perpet- ual youth and beauty. ln the name of humanity, don't copy the young. You will be laughed at. Instead, try to discover the beauty of aging, so that you may minimize its tortures. The beautiful person is one who knows how to age with grace. le helpful to the world before you leave it. The old and wise can do much to alert the world to deal with such problems as the population ex- plosion and the misuse of technology. We. are fouling our Garden of Eden. Man is a vanishing species listed for extinction unless he wakes up to the dangers of today's hate, violence, p<Jllution, and waste. Those who express fury at the young who protest against these ilb only reveal their own guilt. If you can share young people's honesty, fears, and hopea, and help them to build e. better world, you have crossed the generRtion gap with a bridge of your own making. People should prepare for old age in the 40s, at least, so that they will not Mrive at 70 saying: "What hap- pened to me? I wasn't this way a little while ago!'' Don't cvt youl'self off from the j.·oung, either. For instance, I brought my 17-year~ld daughter to one of the nursing homes where I'm a con- sultant. The old folks talked about her visit for days. The same thing happened after I brought in a cou- ple of cats. When the aged have problems that require them to be fed, for instance, nursing homes are neceaaary. But if they are ambula- tory and can arl'ange to live in a home setting, it's better. The retirement setting should be one in which the older person can watch the kids go back and forth to school from a rocking chair, as a person in the mainstream of life- perhaps not as an active member but as a wise old11ter. • "Harry's hear t attack almost ma de him an invalid ... -until that lucky day when he started reading the new magazine, HEART-O-ORAM." Heart-0..Qram fills a 1001-fa t need. It b a monthly mapz.inc for heart patient&, cdiled by docton and wriuca IA a l.t.Y· man., l&lll\lllfC. Publilbcd moethly, Heart..0-0ram coe- taio1 .. Do's and Don°l'1" for be.- patients, menus and recipes, diet lnfor· m~lon. 1ipa on dally livins-wort habltll -hobbin-.ctivitia-human lnla'clle &toties about oehet heart ptticnta. Hcan-O-Oram UMmbles all dw cum:at and impo1tat11 inlonnation about the he111 -medical and DOft-medical -ia one cuy-c.o.read monthly journal. It cao ahor1eO the road to ft!CO't9f)'. It can i-event a recurrence of hean Croubk. In fact. u one imponaAt heart lpCCialiac says. Mlt can conceivably .. w 200,000 lives 1 >-!·" Wit.tu DoctMI Soy A~t Hrt1Tt..().()r- .. Serves a real need ..... °'Will help In tlW fitN •&&inst hean dde&tc-... "ShoWd be recommended IO cvuy pt~nt" ... MA h project" ..... Writkn in layman'• &anauaae, is • real as«t" ... MEducadOft needs conaitamce." UwCoqott~ U you a.re a ~ pedeal -or if your husband (or wile) hu had 1 heart anack. you can hd_p to apeecl thrir re- covsy by aublcritJia1 today to lhil authorltatlvc and ~-40-lad lnlJUine, lftart..()..Qram, .FiD UI c:oupoo and ICftd ic today. • Hcart-O-Oram. lac. : ~~·~Pblda i lnlt'Oftc:IOfJ otrn ot SS.DO fot ... ,_ I 1oo4 oel)' 'Wkft I C:C48PH'6d b)' llli1 : COllpGn. • I 0 M1 dleck lot U.00 ~. 1 1 0 ..... bll-. I I N!._L.-~~~~~~~~-: I SU-1..-~~~~..;;_~~~-l I °'' 11.a-1.1p__; i I 1 ~ 10-.. • .,..,. I I _ • ..._.:::-..-~ I t •-Oii....-. I I : : ·! ~----------·-------~--------- A , Every shape and size that plain old-fashioned fruit jars come in ... yet costs no morel -With _, _,.. .,...,. .... jellJ , ....... uu. made home ~.111ftlll.YI canning lfle '1n" thing IO do. Now, 8•11 acorn q•ln with ~&Aa· Young Western homem• kera h•ve lurned there'• nothing more rew•nftng tMn eentng or giving tomethlng out of w.a. J.,. or gln111 •.• eomethlng JOU CM Cllll JOUr wery own. And ~ ..., mak .. It loot .. good• It r.tee! Charming ralMd , .... medllllon. HMdeome blltck-on-90kl uu. ..... the famous "Dome'' Ilda that ............ ..... without p•r•ffln. (Nice cle•n • ...,.. enamel Nnlng. Brtght ..., ... ung rtngf) T•pered sides, too ..• ao JOU can uee them for freezing, ••well n canning. Try It. Get.....,....., &Ma' m your Deeler's, now! ~-------------------------, II , &Al.T& ... fDUT 11 ,_.,_...__,,. I FOii UMnlD Tiil. ~~Of uu --JM&. I I ,... ... D ............ l.-..Ml il ••> II I .._1._w_..,_.....,.__.. I I I t -------------' I -.-.._ __________ I IM1. OIPT. fW.1. l'.O. IOX 4005, IMMOM) --CAUf. lfM I ____________________ _. Rom•nce, 1989 Don't wine me, dine me, make no 1lgha, Don •t rave about my Lipe or eyee. Don•t wtllaper love w9rd.s, they don~t matter, Jaet brin,g me eomprehemlve data. I'll feed it llrai.ht to the computer To eee U you're my perfttt eultor. -MarfnNI Aeberl&ard QUIPS AND QUOTES An American tourist deep in an African jungle suddenly came upon a witch doctor who was pounding his drum furiously. "Are you prayinr for rain?" uked the curious tourist. "Not at ·all," replied the witch doctor. "I'm letting everyone know my feea have gone up." -Bob Brown Ra.cetra.cb: T lt.t onJ 1J places wit.ere wiM.owa clean people. -DorotUa. Ken f Daf't(, Trasedy It CKt'un in the laundry of white wa11h Where you want juet eolorleu abi~ to ~loah In frothy. loaming 1mde for brightening Shim and 1heel8, towele needing whitening, Which ia why you suffer sacb di.Imel dread When you &nd in the tub ju.t one aoek-retl. --Colleen Stanley Bnre It'• e<Uier to forgive a t1i1it01"s 11torlcomin11• titan It.is lotlg ttfa 11- in111. -Hal Chadwick Three men planned to rob a house, and the job of breaking in fell to one whose boots happened to equeak. As he went up the steps, be heard a feminine voice de. manding, "You go right down- stairs and take those boots off ! I'm tired of having to clean up that mud and dirt!'' He came out of the house and told his companions, ''l just can't rob this house. It's too much like home." -Dot Kniny Tllen thtre WM the teen-ager who a8ked t h.e clothing aaltaman : ''I! tnll parmfa like thia, eatt I re- turn U?" -John Shotwell My daughter didn't tell me how she became the heroine at camp by diving in and pulling her young- er sister to safety. After the counselor told me, I asked the child why she hadn't mentioned it. She confessed. "It was the least I could do. I pushed her in!" -Dorothy B. Benttell Did 11ou hear about fM corres- pon.d en.c e-•e h ool at udent toho ftirned militant attxt beat up t h.e mailman? -Lorne Parton c.ff~i?&.''"" cJ li'-'-..S ~.__~~====--- "Doe tor .Miltm will d11 hill I hing ju11t as soon aa I t1trn. you of!." Girls! A Fabulous Figure The 6 Second Wayl It Is almost like a miracle. You caf\ actually lose flab around stomach, thighs, waist, hips, neck, face and not move out of your seat. Unbe- 1 iev ab I e 1 New scientific tests show that you get faster and better results from Isometrics, the new method of exercise. An· other astounding fact about Isometrics is that you do each exercise only 6 second~ a day. No special equipment Is required, or trips to gyms, playing fields, swimming poofs or bowling alleys and you can concentrate on any part of the body that you are interested In controlling. DESIGNm IY EXPEITS The series of exercises in Isometrics -The Static Way to Physical fitness were prepared under the supervision of Victor F. Obeck, Pro- fessor of Physical Education and Director, Division of Athletics, New York University and Isadore Rossman, M.O., Medical Director, De- partment of Home Care and Extended Serv· ices, Montefiore Hospital, New York. HOW· TO·PHOTOGUPHS Every page is fulty illustrated with photo- graphs showing nactJy how to perform the Isometrics and how to get the best and fastest results. A MUST FOi DIETEIS You will still need Isometrics even if you have decided to reduce solely by dieting. Because when the fat Is gone there will remain layers and layers of loose, flabby, unattractive skin that had been stretched out by the fat. Miracle Iso- metrics tightens and restores the firmness to the skin and eliminates the undesired flabbiness. Isometrics does it in only 6 seconds a day. Convince yourself. Mail the coupon and try Iso- metrics for 10 days. Unless you get the desired results, return the book and you will receive a full refund of the purchase price. EXClllfNT FOR WAIST • HIPS • TUMMY • BUST • DOUBLE CHIN • ARMS • LEGS • THIGHS • BACK • NECK • FACE • CALVES • HANDS • BUTTOCKS MAIL THE NO-RISK COUPON TRY 10 DAY$ FREE ---------------------____ , BOND BOOK CO. Dept. A•21533 43 West 61at Street New York, New York 10023 I enclose $1 .70 plus 304 for handling and postage. Please send the book Isometrics - The Static Way to Physical Fitness. Unless I am fully satisfied I may return in 10 days and get a full ~fund of the purchase price. Nome~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Add res s ___________ _ : City State Zip Code __ I I I I ! ' I l v I I ' t I I I I I I I '1 H. Y .C. , .......... '"""'* S% lea. H. Y $-,..l ... tt 2% tu. ------_....., ______________ ..... ____ .. ________ :! - ·- You could, if you let your monthly period slow you down. You can't change your schedule, but you can change the sort of sanitary protec- tion you use. Get rid of those bulky irri- tating pods and start using c'On- \..,llliil., ven ie nt Tampax tampons. Tampax tampons ore worn in- ternally. That means no odor, no discomfort, no worry about where to carry a spare lthey fit easily into pocket or purse). T ompax tampons offer lots of other advantages, too. like let- ting you swim any time. • Wear the sort of clothes you want, any time. Soil. Ski. Run. Ride. Dance ... any time. Tuck a package of Tampax tampons in your suitcase. It's like toking a vocation from your period. 0@1111 ty While St•1 .... '-""D .. A ....... .... vt ..... ~~---- TAM--· TAM-• ..,_ ...... .,. OHLV •v TAMP'AJC INCO~-T'CD, P'AUOIC" ........ F AMR. Y WEEKI. Y COOKBOOK MELANIE DE PROFI' Food Editor • Crbmon Melon Soup, delicately ftavored Twaab11rpn with "go-alonp," and Lemon l<-e with eooltlee or cake la a abnple, dellptlul, and colorful nmmertlme menu. The enjoyment of lhia food will be enhanced 11 eerved out-of-doon. Scrumptious Tunaburgers a cau (&Ya or 7 oL ucla) laked laaa: draiaed S~mpti01U Tuuburgtr1 1na11 b• coolu4 otd--o/4oor1 a.a 1ceU u i7' the kitchen; "go-<llonga" fleed O'ld11 to be sliced o.t 11erv-i11g time. 2 ~ca. beate11 ~ eupcattap 1 tablapooa ~111oa Juk• 2 tablespoou capen Z ~upoou iMtant mine~ onion % teupooa lemon pepper marhutle 1 Yi CUP9 aoft bread cramb8 2 tablHpoou buttn or marprin• 6 laamburg-er bana, haJyed, buttered, alld tout~ 1. Jn a mixing bowl, beat together eggs, cat.sup, lemon juice, capers. onion. lemon pepper, and bread crumbs; mix thoroughly with the Raked tuna. Shape into 6 patties (mixture will not be smooth). 2. Meanwhile, heat .butter or mar• garine in a large ski11et. Put patties in hot butter as each is shaped. Cook over medium heat until browned. Using a large spatula, carefully turn patties to brown oth- er side. Immediately trans fer to toasted buns. 3. Serve with additional catsup, sweet onion slices, avocado wedres. tomato slices, rreen pepper rinrs, cucumber spears. lemon wedges. and Cheddar or Swis& cheese slices. ~ , .. *If flaked tuna is not available, use regular canned tuna and ftake it. Lemon Ice 2 teupooDa llnJluorc4 gelatin 2 tUpa aDg'&r 3 tupe water 2 teaspoou 1rated lemon peel % cup lemoa juin 2 tablapoou li•e J•ice Yellow food coloria1 I. Mix relatin and sugar together in a saucepan. Stir in the water and set over low heat until the ielatin and the sugar are completely dis- • Familu Wf!elcl'lf, Augiut JO, 1969 • solved, stirring constantly. 2. Blend in the remainina ingredi- ents, addin&' food coloring for de- sired color. Set aside to cool. 3. Pour into refri1erator tray and freeze until the mixture is firm, stir- ring 2 or 3 times. 4. Serve as a dessert with an assort- ment of wafer-type cookies or with slices of sponge cake. Or serve a large scoop of the Lemon Ice atop a bountiful fruit salad. 1 qt. ire Note: For a sweeter mixture, in- crease the amount of sugar or de- crease the lemon juice to desired individual taste. Crimson Melon Soup For devotee11 of hot 1011p11, 11erve this tme piping hot. omitting f he melon attd cucumber d11ri11g heating. 2 Yi lbs. ripe tomatoea. pureed in a blender and •trained (aboat HS cape) 1 tablespoon lirht brown 11u1ar 2 teaspoons ult % teaspoon blaclr pepper YJ teupooa g-rat.ed ~•on peel 2 tablespoou lemon juice Yz tcupoon grated onion 1 cap IJaely chopped cantaloupe Yz np laely claopped h011eydew melon % up finely chopped cnc11mber I. Blend into the tomato puree the brown sugar, a mixture of the salt and pepper, the lemon, onion. and the finely chopped melons. 2. Refrigerate at least 4 hrs. or un- til thoroughly chilled. 3. Serve in chilled bowls and &'ar- niah each serving with a lemon slice and a spri1 of parsley or water Cft98. Acc~mpany with a shaker of seasoned salt and a bowl of light brown sugar. 6 serving& Note: To heighten color, mix in red food coloring one drop at a time until desired color is achieved. Purple Plum Cat.sup J qta. riJlHd, iaaJYed. ud pitted fresh purple plams (aboat 5 lbe.) 1 cap water 4 cape augar I tu.tPoOta salt 1 tcupooa SToaad ciana•Oll I tcupoon g:rov..t clona % teupooa ,.rated aataeg- J teupoon dry •ulJtard I tuapoon IMl1 rrond black pepper (or 2 tcupoou ~ grind pepper) 1 Ya caps cidecr fiaecgar l large don garlic 1. Combine plums and water in a large sauce pot or kettle. Bring t-0 boiling over medium heat ; reduce beat and simmer, covered, about SO min. or until plums are mus hy. Force through a sieve or food mill; discard skins. 2. Combine plum pulp in sauce pot with a mixture of the sugar, salt, and next five ingredients. Add vine- gar and blend well. Insert a wooden pick in clove of garlic and add to the plum-catsup mixture. 3. Bring to boiling, s tirring con- stantly with a wooden spoon. Re- duce heat and simmer about 30 min. Stir the cat.sup often. 4. Remove garlic. Immediately pour catsup into hot sterilized jars, and seal, following jar-manufacturer's directions. Abmtt 5 pt11. catnip -11•r fir Your falllllyl 3 Giant Steps Into the Most Entertalnl .. ancl Cu...._ ~ ~~ 5 .W..WofRnestU........ 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'' END DENTURE MISERY llftll KmllS ... R.l, Miracle pla11ic DENTIJlUTE re6u loose dentllttJ in '" ml~ llCU. This "Cuabion of Comfon .. n.ses sore JUITIS. You eat an71bing. Lau1h, ulk, even aoe'eH withouc embarrassmen1. No more food particles under places. DENTIJRITE luu for months. Ends daily bo1her of powder, paste or cushion•. juJI remo" when refit i1 needed. Tasteless. Odorleu. Money back guanocee. At all dni& counters. WAKEUP RARIN'TOGO PH TO cl DITS Cofttt l.anard Kolft~ler. '09• 21 llodi1to-·Sh.lbornc, New YCH\: MIC; HASA; Edhollft & &lo.,,- grMt, Uncofn. N.b. '09• 41 l. Willinger for FPO. 'age1 4 & 51 P't\ylli1 Twad\tlfton. ,_ 151 Wide World. ENTERTAINMENT BILL TRAVERS and VIRGINIA McKENNA Stars with a Cause By PEER J. OPPENHEIMER "Do NOT approach- DOGS !" The sign was posted conspicuously at the en- trance to the "gamekeeper's cottage" leading to the 32 acres of rolling, wooded countryside in Surrey, about 11/2 hours by car out of London. But the inhospitality it conveyed was misleading, for 'its occupants, Bill Tra- vers and Virginia McKenna. are among the most gentle movie stars I have met. The Traverses developed a new phi- losophy toward Jife as a result of their work with animals. beginning when they costarred with lions in "Born Free!' It i11 rel\ected in their attitude and in their approach both to wild and tame animals and their ef- forts in behalf of conservation. MU, Cl tl;.\weti.ng ~-(~\.-4, thl-~'>v sm- other log on the fire. and Virginia poured tea. We settled down to dis- cuss the Traver8es' favorite subject- animals-and the impact they have made on the stars' lives. "We're not terribly popular here," Bill admitted. "Our woods and mead- ows are full of deer, badgers. and rAb- bits. We allow no hunting at all. The farmers a round here don't li~e this much becnuse the animals eat many of their crops. But we want thi11 as a refuge for ourselves M well at' Lhe animals." "Working w ith them, whether they Are lions or otters, as in 'Ring of Rright Water.' demands a whole reorientation of idel\s," Bill goes on. "At first, like most humans, I tried to dominate them. This is a sign of self- ibhness and greed and doesn't work. If you want an animal to be a friend -then be a friend. And with animals. that mean11 going slowly." For their work with Oliver (the otter who plays Mijbil in their current film ). the Traverses first observed him for many weeks. But soon they estab· lished a mutual curio~ity and a rap- 10 Fn111ily Week/11, Auu1ull JO, 1 !IQ!/ port that were essential to the success- ful filming of the story of a man, his pet otter, and the woman doctor who befriends them both. An ardent conservationist, Bill uses every opportunity to expound his views. ''There is so much to be gained by con- tact with animals.'' he t old me. ''Their co ntinued existence is entrusted to us tor succeeding generations." Bill has no intention of devoting the rest of his life solely to animal films. Last year he costarred in Shake- speare's "A Mids ummer Night's Dream" and wrote scripts. Contraste<I with Virginia, whose fa- ther was a chief auctioneer and whose mother was a pianist. Bill has some theatrical family background. His fa- ther was a pioneer in movie exhibition. Bill was born in Newcastle-on-Tyne in 1922. Aftel' being educated in Scot- }and, he went into the armJ'. 19erv)ng with a parachute regiment in Burma. He was promoted to major and award- ed the M.B.E. I Member of the order of the British Empire I after he WAS left behind in an Indian vitlage be- cause of a severe attack of malaria. Determined to avoid capture by the Japanese, he disguised himself in Chi- nese attire and walked hundreds of miles until he reached an Allied post. After discharge, he began to act and met Virginia McKenna. Virginia seems like the perfect mateh for Bill. "My ambition has always been lo live a full and happy life with peo- ple I love," she told me. "I don't think mnny people can mix show business and a hnppy marriage. Not women. anyway. I decided that marriage and my family come first." Her family, in addition to Bill whom she married in 1957. consists of Wil- liam, !'. Louise, 8. Justin, 5, srnd Don- iel." 1. animal lovers all ! The family's respect for life-all life -is rel\ected in their home. their per- sonalities, and their work. It's little wonder I found them the gentlest of people-and among the self-fulfilled. • '"''' lor ).'OU 801 llHI , ····------~ 1 CAlllllM. c:arr--. left.14-.~ : ......... -..a:t:;• .... .., .. I s."4._..,_..........,,. . ... ~ ... 1111 .. ..,,, ... 1 11 I -flU uAO M•, flU ~I Can}' llit-' fllU ·-·~ . I f'leme I I I 1 Adel••.. 1 I City Sul• Ip_ I ·---------------------· Dog Nearly ltchis to Death "I thought we'd have to put Daisy to slup, sht s11Dutd so from U,rgt irchmg so"s. I hod about Ri1·tn "P tryin1 thl11r1 '"hm I found S11/Jodent. Tl" Itching stop~d.sorn soo11 htaltd. hair [fn"' back. Bltu you for Su/JO<hne," SllYJ Mrs. Jol111 Bumrtster, Nf!W Jtnq. SVLPOOUllE liquid medication relieves frenzkd itcbina almost lnsta.ntly. Quick· ly promotes hcalioa of I ungus itch-sorCj ~ (often called manae. ec:uma. bot spots). U~ by kennels and veterinarians. For dogs and cats. Get SVLFOO£N! today . At drua "or1s and pet departmenb. Free Kennedy Colleotlon of stam PS PrNldentJobn P . KennedJ memorial r-·---~ 1t.ampe of Ur-u1 ua1. Toao. Pblltpptnea, l Oolombla, eto. I ~ 11 10un for the j a1ktn1 I Sent wttb tllu•-l tratod •tamp !..;;:;.;.. • -cataloc, plua Mlect.looa of •"'11U>e to uam.lne. Bu1 &DJ or no~. return balance. Cancel aervtce an1itme. Ju.st eend name, addresa • ato to Llttleton Sta.mo Oo., Dept.. JK-17. Littleton, N. H. 03681 FALSE TEETH KLUTCH holds them tfohter KLUTCH lonm •.~fort CUlhioa; holdil dmtal .,.. .. ., mad! .,_ md .was thet )'OU can •t and talk with riwt.r comfort and .alrlty: ID -..,--al~ H well •• wltll utual tfftla. Kluteb 1--the -•t fear or a clft>~. rock u.' chatinf plat. . . . lf yo4:tl d.rW-1ia t dO.se't haw Klut.ct.1 •••'t wan• "'-7 •• nktttatu. -eel -lot and -will mail )'OU • .--triAJ bo1. lllUTCM CO .• 1u 110M ,£1•ir1, •.Y. 14112 a ..... What! By Ann Davidow 4 Or eating a melon Or a bucket yet 1 t cou Id be an acorn You Name It (See An.wfr Box) Dripping wet! Minus One From a four-letter word for 60 minutes, take away the first let- ter and get a posussive pronoun. <See AmwM Bo:r) Riddle Me This When is talk never cheap? (See AMwn Box) The Playsround B'll Han.a Kreia Two girls and three dogs are hiding in this picture. Can you find them 1 Pl ... One To a four-letter word for what is neither the front nor back of a house, add a tint letter and get a word which de8Cribes an actor's remark directed to the .audience rather than the other actors. (SH AMWtr Boz) Amwerhx ·Jno-.rnoe =~uo enuu~ ·apin'-9P!S :aao &nld '91lQ1f3 -lh1d--'cllUU~lhJd : JI a••N no A. ·aaoqd -a1ei •nn uo 3:>U1flSH> Juot JOPUVl aJv no..< ueq,M : &!'LL aw a1PP!U F11111 ily Weekly, A11gHat Jn, 1969 11 Look up to 10 yeJrs Younger ~1 tt1 M1r.:icle Cosmetic Discovery' WIPE AWAY WRINKLES! MIST r A,,UCA1IOH usrs flOM ' ro 1 HOUIS· fVfN AU DAY 01 HIGHT' AMAZIN<i! ~ of n1luiM- a1hc uwn conllnn M• ~r,101 toluuc• fOf wrlftltln ac1uall)' flldn .,.., ~tTwuh111 worry wrinliln. crows ftt1, 11~ hMt: 11•1"' lalfY, ,,w. f)' 11.,.11rd , .. 111 &lfflO\I on conlact! Tun Oft!)' w«>ttda 10 0>"91)' ••• luo ~n loftittr cll;an you t•tr druJMCI poufbk! TrantlOOft:l ltMd, dry. ullow CC!ftl\• ,&«uon~ in4o a picture of radlalll youdlful buucy for 11w ~'"' cl&> or ncahl' TIY THIS 3-MINUTE MllACll THAT CAN CHANGE YOUI UFE- WITHOUT llSKING ONE PENNY! Yn. onctt )'OU llawt lrM'd 1hk ~ ftliracl« of CO-l>C ICltllCt ., kno• that YOll 100 •Ill •anl 10 UK ti tVtl')' d/ly ot. )'OUI hit! Tl\at't •II)' •tt dnt IO lllllllt this ''°Yf"-ll·Younclf FREE TRIAL OFFER! S«ttd for yOll.r ~)' today. As _,,._ u it amwn SlfllPIY ;appty ;u ctorKltd. T"'" lrl > 011r tttlffor hr '"' '"" ,.,,., • Uw it for • full )() d.iya withoul risli1nJ1 ~ pmny! You muse K'lu:illy lift your t;ict IOIW up and llftOOlh oui• You mual actually I« "'' hnn .. Ott)' wnn .. ln d~arlllt ' Yn, ff<h crt.mntnl mu" lllCt~ly bron11 you a r;uhan1ly ~·· you1hlully firm coinpluion for tht nu1 sill 10 t111ht hour .. and "'°"'..ir New W"INKLE SOLUTION will C0$1 )OU aMolUltfy . "°'hlf\J' U.S. llOGIHtCS INC. 2928 4 I An . L.1 C , t'. Y. I I 10 I FIH TllAl SUPPUH UMITfDI OIOH TODAY WHIU AVAll.AllE. C"urrtnl wpplw-. .orr Ml 1tm11tll .. t ,-.,n ""1 po•slbl) 1-rf'/t~I th°' •'"tr. y,"' mu\I MJC'r """' to be wn ot 11c111n11 )our f'REE T"IAl SuPrl> Uw H dtrtt1N '"" 1u.i fnr nrw c.l.ay. hut "I' to • full JO d:iya "1rlt1•11/ r11l11tt """ ,,,.,.,., • It noc «>mpltttly •11c:h1tll i.lmpl) ,..,.... u•, "1Clc!11ne lllt lop c>f lht "RIN.:L£ SOll'TIO~ '""'' .. '""· ttqun11n• tht rtturn llf )NII _; ;inll )'OUr full purch;i~ l'rKt "'Ill ~ tdunlltll 111V!Wd1;i1tly. You ~'' "°4 Nl}1niMJnt1I ,.,,,., you haH 1rord Nt• Wltll'l.:LE SOU.TIU"' 10 your compftlt uh..t.u.•tlOll. C\>uld an)1h1n11 btt f ;ur« • * '"•'-*''• I U.S. llOGENICS INC. o., •. F• 110 I I 2921•1Au.L.1.C., M.Y.11101 I I ,.. ... 1~111 .. , s..,,i, 01 ,..,. 111•111•u SOlU· I ''°" ,,,.,, .. '° btlo• lot lO 1v11 ••r• r•u fllAl '°" act« io 1111111• "'' 1u11 P••<~•u I I ,,,ct •-OllltlJ 11 I "" llOI compltltlJ ff· "•""-...... , .. ., I I CHECK OFFH DESIHD I I ::J S."19 I~ Oa, SvHIJ ltt U 00 I 0 S."41 lO 011 Suppt1 101 U 00 ti uvt $1 00' I 0 S."4 60·1111 SuHIJ lor SI 91 11 u.t 0,,, I I UOO) I 0 r1111 11111111•1 , .. c10~• :: ""' too 1 .,. I <IOW 12 00 ......... WllOitl ano ••II ""' "°""'•" o.111•0 plus POllllt 111no11nc I f ~==:~~· W.t "'°"'' Ito Cu••~nltt of : "-: f Addrtn I I I.!•!?_ - - - --S!!_!«_ -.!:'-~_I -.... ' ' GIANT SURPRISE ASSORTMENT! c MM Packed from collections* including thou· sands of rare and key coins up to 150 years old! Eact) Grab Bag our guaranteed minimum catalog value of $4.50 up to $45.00 and even more! No two Assort· ments exactly alike. Only $2.98 each. plus 25c postage and handling. SPECIAL: 1 Bag FREE with orders for 4. (Maximum 5 Bags per Customer) Free with each order handsome 16 page illustrated cat· TOOAY1 • alog of rare U.S. coins. :.,!!i Ideal gift for beginner r•niiiia.-1m:f.111 _... or advanced collector! I ,., .. , ._ · u .c.. "·~ 11101 I 1•PMll Supplies Limited. Order I "'• ,.. __ c..1r•...," saM1 ... ,.,., I ea .-, a. ,_ ... ._..., ct eet I ... , .-Today! Sorry. no COD's. t ~'::1:::.,::.•~ "*'' *: ,,. ,... •·•· Orders outside the U.S.A. : t.:"!:OU11"': ,.,_.,*Willa ""' '*' 1 ~----.---$2.00 more. 1 "-I n ._"' I _____ ..u _ _. . .-29,.2B-.4.;.;l-.A-.ve;;;. • .-t.,.1.C;,;,;··.;.N;;.;.Y.;.. ,;,,;ll~IO:.;.l....1...:Cl~ _____ !.----=7.!~---:J ~rtburn's finished, by gum! And the gum is Chooz antacid. Fast relief for heartburn, gas, and upset stomach due to acid indigestion. Bonus: after the medication has done its job, you're still munching a delicious chewing gum. Yum. Chooz. The only chewing gum ~---antacid. "problem" • • persp1rat1on solved .,.. ,., tll1us111ds wh 11enpire lltaYilJ An antiperapirant that really works! Solves und e rarm problems for many who had despaired or effective he fp. Mitchum Antl-Peupirant keepe underarms 11beolutely dry for thouaanda or grateful u.eni, with complete gentleoeaa to nonnal Akin end clothing. Thia unuausl formula from a truat- worthy 56-year-old laboratory ia guannteed to satis fy or d ealer will refund ~urchaae price. So get the poe1tive pro- tection of Mitchum An'*-Per-apirant, Liquid orcream.$3.00, 90-dayaupply.Avallitble at your ravontedrugor toiletry counter. Makes Eating With FALSE TEETH Easier and Faster C'Unlo&l '4111te prove you ca.o now eat. and ob•• better-make dent.urea more elfecctve-1( you Juat sprtnkle a Uttle PAST'ICl:TB on your plat.ell. PAS'l&&IR' la an ~f-t.o-uae powder that. bolcia dent.uree ftrmer loQ8er-makee t.bem feel more comfortable. FASTZSTB ta not acla-<loeaQ'tlOur. TlleNI'• n~mm1. aooey. put'y tut.e. Denturu t.hat ftt are -ouat t.o beal t.b . See 1our deuttat l'elfUla.tly . O.tPA8'1 ura at aH <trua oouoiera. EARi SOOD STEADY PAY You, too, may be a PRACTICAL NU RS El LNrJf •f Home In u w .. ". PAm "' •10 • -ir In ..,,,,.. tJnw. ar bod .. UJ•· Ua....'<I Llnooln trai-W1th c....tlkatft. FaJOCI. nalina WOf'k. Miah School _, l'M'O'd4ld A1'8 16-90. S.m whil• lw.ntlnc. OociOft a.pprov.- lhia limplct, lo•Mt.·(ee euww. No .u-n..n will ~u. Send today ,~ fi'RBE BOOKLET. n-. ........................... .._.. ... . -.... _ .... ~ .... -._ ...... c.llf. THOSI HOltllD •weathered brown 'POts on the surface of your hands and face tell the world you're ptUnc old-pe,rbape before you really are. Fade th«SD away with ESOTERICA. that med- icated creem that breaks up 11U11RS of pigment on the akin, helps make hands look white and younc aaaln. Equally etrec:tive oo the face. neck and arms. Not a cover-up. Act.a in the skin-not on it. Frapant, crea.selns bue for softenin.c. lubri· catJns . skin as it clears up thoae blemishes. If you have these ace- rnealin1 brown spots_ blo1dles, or if you want clearer, liCbteT akin, use !SOTERICA. Al your favorite dru1 and toiletry counter. $2.00. BACKACHE Painful Joints You long to ease those pains. even temporarily, until the cause is cleared up. Why nol join milHons of other users end try DeWill's Pills? Famous for over 60 years. DeWill's Pills conlain an analgesic to reduce pain, and a mild diuretic to help eliminate retained fluids. thus flushing out bladder westea which can cause auch pains. DeWilt's Pills often auc. cee.d where othet"S tan. It pain persisls, always consull your doclor, but first, try DeWitt's Pills Rea4 About AnUqvet MonlMy ,.. .. ,p.P'lf. In tet~'f'"9 teofuri 'tor.e ,, t.ho. & foru"' nt... le-o"I" lwl ~·clw•e•. av ..,,, t J Vear $4.st 3 Yun $J1 Sempte COCIY 50c Al!Uque MoeU.ly ,..o.~•. ~ot.FW Tw~, Af4. ... , Mail Onler Fro• F•ily Weekly Pl.av •llow wp to four wrtt1 lor dtltllff'Y. Thf 1ch •rt 011u 'd 111 •CJUUblt COflllllnltt Tht ltf!lli ,,.. COflJ '" clltthd for rtll· 1bill\y bJ f'lft!lly Wttkly, too. If pou'"' 1111 QUH\IO<I iboul lftail 0<1Hr, JVS\ wrltt: Stnoct ~r\mt"l· f'1mlly Wmtp, 641 LHl1191Dfl A¥tflllt. h Yor-. N Y. 10022. COVNT oorN -Calorie coun.ting is easy with 16 oz. mini Beale. 8 oz. glass gives exact ou. and calories count f<>r 34 beverages. Di.et Book & Gltua, $1.50; Scale, $1.59. Both, $! . .1,9. Add 16¢ postage. Gracious Living, Dept. 485, 8e1·keley, R. I . 0!864. Jf'ONDER ll'HEF.L helps pare in.ek es off your waistline as you Rtrengthen abdcrmen att.d ba.ck-8upvorting muscl es. Easy and. fun, use only 90 seccmds a day. $!1.95 pltts 55¢ postagP. Spartan Sales. Dept. FW, 945 Yonkers Ave., Yon- kers, N. Y. 10704. "MACNETIC" PHOTO ALBUM -Just press the clear pro- tective page down on your picture mul it h-01.dR i n place. Opem to 19xl!". Vin.yl cover wipe.~ d ean. $9.98 : t, $6.95. Cokm.inl Studios, Dept. PAE- 16, 20 Bank St., White Ptaim, N. Y. 10608. Weekend Shopper BY SUSAN PAINE ROW ALL ARM REST ends car clutter . 3 room y compartments for pen- cils, papers, maps, ete. Use top for writing; ideal for the traveling man or lady. Comes with handle to make it porta- ble! 15 x 61.~ x 7". $6.95 plus $1 postage. Alexander. Dept. FW-8. 26 So. 6th Ave .. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 10551. SWIM -to your head's con- tent with Sta-Ori swim cap to keep your coiffure in shape, and hair dry, even in a dive. Expanda- ble, it stretches over a full hairdo or rollers. White, one size tits all. $2.98; 2, $5.50. Breck's of Boston, N-61 Br~k Bldg., Boston, Ma&<J. 0021(). COMFORT PADS make old glasses tit like new ! ~ Keeps them in place no matter bow active. Ap-/I.. Q ply easily to nose piece Or::,"<::::) or stems. Fit all sizes. 42 pads. $1.25 plus 25¢ postage. Nel-King, Dept. FWK89E. 811 Wyandotte. Kansas ... City, Mo. 64105. Ill -CATCH 'EM big with smell- taste-touch fish Jure ! Specify for fresh water. &alt, trout, bass or catfish. $2.98; any 2. $4.98 ; · 5, J9.98. U~S. Biogenics. -Oept. FWX, 2928 -41st Ave .. Long • Is land.City, N . Y. 11 lO\. MOTORl.ESS DRAIN- ER for basements. pools, boats -any flooded area. Does it eas ily, quickly. Couple between 2 lengths of garden hose: attach one end to faucet. $2.98 plus ~6~ postage. Larch. Dept. FW-8, Box 770 T imes Square Sta .. New York. N. Y. 10036. RESTFUL SLEEP with Nu -S lant under your mat- tress at head or foot of bed. 7 positions; 5-14 ... Folds flat. P lywood. Twin size, $12.98 : double, $14.98. Better Sleep, Dept. FW-8, New Providence, N. J . 07974. JET ROD FLAME GUN kills weeds, melts ice instantly! No costly fuel, 2 pints of kerosene give 30 mfou tes of continuous use. Light- weight; powerful. $21.48. B&G Depot. Dept. SFW';· 2 First Street, E. NorwaJk. Conn. 06880. RENASCENCE Honey a.no Egg Formula h e lps wrinkles vanish in sec- onds. Works instantly to tighten. ctraw, ft atten out linei:i and wrinkles around nose, mouth. crow's feet. etc. 3-month's suf)ply, $3; 6, $5 ppd. Ela nco, Dept. N37. 200 E. Ontario St .. Chicago, Ill. 60611. WARD'S FORMULA scalp treatment helps control hair and scalp problems as dan- druff', itchy scalp, etc. May even help ha ir loss from common infection. Regular . size, $2 ; triple. $5 ppd. H.B . Wa(d, D~\ .. FW-4, 19 West 44th Street. New York, N. Y. 10036. IT' UP AND A WAY with tell- agc wrinkles! Spring Again Mo isturize r lifts up and smooths out skin for youthful look. Soaks into surface tis -I/Ill"' sue: tightens a nd firms. 4 oz. $3 ppd. Fleet - wood, Dept. A-100, 427 W. Randolph. Chicago, Ill. 60606. Feeltend Shopper i1em1 are NOT odriertwn~. I f produc11 •"'*"n nr" not aMilnblr nl 1tort11, order from aource1 li1ted. 12 F11111il11 Weekly, A11v11sl 10, 196[> • r I • Beauty Wrongs MadeR~ht By ROSALYN ABREVAYA Can one overdo a good thing? When it comes to the use of the wiglet and fake lash, the answer is too often, "Yes!" Take the woman, neat in every other way, who plops a wiglet on the top of her head like a bird's nest...( l'), obvious and unattractive. How should one wear it? Proper placement of the wiglet is at the center back of the head (2), blended with your own hair. To achieve this, take a section of hair, at least three inches across, at crown and back-comb; then set aside with clip. Directly behind, make a simple pin curl. Anchor the wiglet with its attached comb to pin curl. Comb the hair over to conceal. Our final view (3) shows how natural-looking the addition of a hairpiece can be. / " r ' I I 1 \ I \ 3 Notu~• Blend Wiglet by Helene Curtis Fake eyelashes can turn the smallest eyes, naturally, into bright saucers--if the style and fit are correct. Picture the woman ( 1) who wears thick, furry las hes by day on an eyelid heavily shadowed in opaque gr~en or sapphire shadow, finished off with heavy black liner. The right way to do your eyes iR t<t_ use pastel eye- shadow; charcoal-gray, navy-blue, or dark-brown liner instead of blacker-than-black; and thinner, contoured lashes pretrim11ed to give a younger , dewier appearance (2). Today lashes can be custom-fitted or bought ready-made in every conceiva ble style from a half-lash to a fluffier, denser lash for evening. If you're wearing lashes ior the first time, exp!r iment till you get i~. Sometimes u ready-made lash may still be a little too Jong for your eye. Simply take a cuticle scissor and snip inner end, the end worn near the bridge of your nose (3). Some other tips: use a minimum amount of glue on lash base (there are nonallergenic glues available, too), count to 15 to allow glue to get tacky 8efere applying, then press on. with a cotton s wab, tweezer, or fingertip a~ close to lash b8f.e as poss ible. Wait an interval. ~When ~1).es..are aec41ely set, gently mascara-brush your own lashes up to mingle with the new add-ons. 3 A word of general advice : beauty is as beauty does, not overdoes. + Ultimo II Couture loahea by Revk>n A Tremendous kauty Bargain! S pecially arrafl ged f qr Fumili/ Week/11 readers! F'otcr beau.tu books ior price nf 011fll 7St page!( of t·nlicable adtJice every bM11t11-111i11.ded read11r ca>c ticrn to quick advan tage. l1tcluded are: Dr. J oyce Brnther8' "Womcu"; ''Fro m Tet.11 to Twenty-Beauty Is i11 K11uwing How•·; "The ABC"11 of Beauty": 011<l "Motlier, I'd Ruther Bw11 It M111el/." Se>id $1 .93 7llm1 !lS(' sltipping to Btou.t11 Librar-11, Dept. Al:l7/ I,, Bo.z: 701, Gra,1d Ce11 t'l"al S ta., Ne·u.1 York, N ew York JOfJJ 7. Fam ily Week/11, Auvust Jtl, J!JOb lJ It's easy to make up to l/(JIJ.(J(J ~a.c==i ~~;:--~ a week in • • when you accept as few as 5 orders a month as a Mason Shoe Counselor in your neighborhood. How would you like to coll«t a band· some "second salaty" week aftet week and gee PREE SHOES FOR LIPE. to0? It's easy! Just introduce nationally· advertised Muon shoes to friends, neigli· bon and o\ber peopJe you mtt"t. Regardless of your age, education or experience -evm if you've never sold a thing before in your life -you can make $5.00 to .$10.00 an hour in your spare time as a bigbJy respected Mason Shoe Counselor. You don't Invest a centl Your FREE l>emoMtntion OaMit rinp ~ the ..- fut -virtually automatecallyl Yes. we send you a FREE Demonstration Outfit that suns making good money for you lb'.,.,., fo,.sl boU1'!· You doo't invest a penny. You carry no inventory. You have no overhead expenses. But you Jo keep 100% of your pro6u! Many Muon Shoe Counselon seU 2, 3, -4, even 5 pairs of sboa in ooe shon visit· to a friend"s house -it's "111 e.sy.1 You, too, can earn $50.00, $75.00, $100.00 CK more a week and GET FREE SHOES FOR LIF~. TOO! That's right -you are eligible to r«eive FREE SHOES nery six months ... as long as you cobrinue to send u few as 5 orders every mon£b. Th~ FREE sbQCJJ are an extra bonus in addition to the big cash commissjons you collect on every sale. You choose any shoe in the Mason line ... select for yourself, your wife, your dlilcheo. Greater Ma.ttion than any rehlil store! Mason shoes sell fast! Thar's because you offer 275 styles for men, women and cbil· dzen ... with many 'x"11.si11e comfon fea. nua. When it comes to fit. you draw on Mason's atoclc of 300,000 pairs. sizes 4 to 16. widths AAA to EEEE. And every sale means 111#0"1111ic repeat and referral business -'cause Mason shoes are NOT sold in stores. Folks must buy from YOU ne:ry time! Get shirted risht awayf MaH the coupon below and we'll rush the FREE Demonstratloo Outfit thac puu . money into you.r pocket the very 6nt hour! Staru you on youl' wa.y..to a S I 00.00 a week extra inco~ plus PREE SHOES FOR LIFE! Send no money now or later. Gft everything FR EE. No oblig9tion. Jlusb the coupon TODAY! · 0 Muoci Shoe Mfa. Co. 1964 a11s1t Co.pon '°' yovr 1a11 OU1'nt '\We give you cvcrycbing you need co make b11 cash pro6ts from chc very 6rac hour. Ma.il dw coupon for your FREE Oudic Wday ! ·a MASON SHOE MIG. I I ChWe•• ,.,.,, WI....- MASON SHOE MFG. CO. Dept.H SU a.w.w• ,..... w1ac .... a. °"· 1how Me how I COii -·· vp to $100.00 O _.ti 111 ,,_. lhH I . I -0114 t•• FIH $HOH fOI UPfl l111lt 111•-"H 01td wllflevl I I obl19alio1t-... erythi1t9 I -4 lo 1tert 1110111119 MG MONfY i11 •1 I Wiry fltat •flO'• hour. I I NAMI ....................................... -...................................... , I (rlOOM pri11t) I I ADINIUI ............................................................. , I TOWN ........................... ITATl .................. %1P COOi ................ I L... '" "-·"' • ------------------------------ i j I I ~ . I ' I FIRST TIME OFFERED TO THE CONSUMER I The Patented Formula that Clians, Polishes and Protects with a Plastic Coat ~~1111:,,;·;;~,~~~ AND WILL LAST ALMOST A YEAR I Live the Good Life with the exclusive plastic liquid that cleans u it gllatena, 1hlne1 u it ..ala, end protect. u it laata ... and It la1t1 almoat a year with juat one coat. Six different fonnulu by Pluticon were carefully deaigned to protect ju1t about everything you love In your house, both inside and out. If you hate the monthly and tometlmea weekly job of 1crubbing, rubbing, poll1hing, waxing-and who doe.n't- you'll love the Pluticon formulas that will save you woric and money while restoring your furniture, your home furnishing, your car to the just-bought look that made you aelect that item originally. And Pluticon is guaranteed to keep it that way for unbelievably long periods of time under all aorta of conditiont ... liklt ahore living, or winter slush, or dirty air. Plu ticon, the exclusive formula, la approYed bJ The National T•tiftt Llillorlltoriea and hu been accepted and used by Federal Agenc:Hn. Plaaticon works like nothing else you've ever tried. It cleans a surface and filla the pores with a "glaa1r-like" coating to shut out dirt, grime and even harsh chemical•. Here an the ab rewolutionMy fonftuln. You'll find a use for every one of them: 1. PLASTICON FOR GLASS-Use it on windows, mirrors, crystal, end watch it smooth the surface so that it actually repela dirt end duet particles io that even a simple wiping bring• it back to a perlect apartcle. 2. PLASTICON FOR FURNITURE-Clean., ,..toNe, and piotect9 fine wood fumi· '--.".\,\I --....... ture, finlthed wall panels and varnished, lacquered or painted wood cabinets. Pro· tecta againet water and liquor etains. I. PlASl1CON FOR CARS-A car lover'i delight-clean•, reatorea and plastic coats the entire car'a paint and metal trim. Forget compounding, waxing, chrome, polish- ing and even tar removal. The harshest detergents won't wuh it away. And even living at the shore or driving under winter road aalt conditions, won't get through the Pluticon seal. 4. ll'lASnCON FOR METALS-Thia formula covers aluminum, brus, bronze, stain- leaa and chrome. It will clean and remove tarnish oxidation, corrosion and rust. Provides that show-room shine for all these metals wherever they're used. 5. PLASTICON-HEAVY DUTY CLEANER-Formulated for hard stains and acuff marlca on enamel painted surfaces, porcelain tile and even pitted aluminum. Wiii remove even ink markings on these surfaces and seal them againat similar damage. I. PLASTICON FOR MARBLE. PORCELAIN AND COUNTER TOPS-You'll never ·worry about theM expensive surf•ces once you've used Plasticon. And thia worite eYen in the bathroom. Like all our formulu, there ia no excessive build-up, no matter how much you uae, and it will not peel, crack or-yellow! M ciw-ill• W. 7 ..oe .._ (ellCllpt cs,._,~••_.... is I w). Thi9 i1 a full 7 ouncea, more than enough to do the biggest job. All fonnul• are guaranteed not to cr:ack, peel, chip, discolor or wash away or we'll give you yo\lr 111oney bac;k. It I I • • • • ~ . Get Ufe speciaf .PLASTICON ., . .... i!orYourCar FREE! ti ' - ' a-. Fumibn c. ....... ....., ....... $2.96 $2.95 $2..96 $2.96 .,.., , ...... ,. c......c1..e1r111pa " $2.96 *2.95 PWllCll IS llT 1¥111 lllE mllM Sim llR.E1S For our special introductory offer, we wilt give you a full 8 oz. can of PLASTICON for your car at no charge if you order any five other formulas ... a $17.70 value for only $14.-76. Fill out the coupon now and find out how easy your life can be. ] , .. SPORT S The Many Woes of Billy Casper U NLIKE MOST golfers, woe-laden Billy Cas- per is probably hoping for rain when he tees off this week in the PGA Tourna- ment in Dayton, Ohio. Among the many troubles beset- ting the toP-money winner ot 1968 are allergies-he's even allergic to sprays used on got( courses, where .>--> ~ ... Jis m1 ions. Recently at the $130,000 West- ern Open in Chicago, Billy wna feeling miserable, although play- ing well. Then the raimr-came. and most golfers cursed. Billy, a devout Mormon, never curses and, in this case, even rejoiced. The rains washed away his illness; be shot a three-under-par 68; and he took home $26,000 to tithe with, buy buffalo steaks, and seek new allergy remedi~. lilly Casper's case is among the strangest in sports. It started in April, 1964, when Casper, paunchy at about 230 pounds, visited Dr. Theron G. Randolph in Chicago. The specialist found him allergic to many foods. Doctor Randolph recommended Casper eat the meat of buffalo. deer, moose, and bear. Barred were beef and pork. This would have created prob- lems in the Casper household. which includes wife Shirley and three children, Linda, 14, Bill, Jr., 12; and Bobby, 8. except that Bill convinced the others that they, too, were allergic to most foods. (Last year Billy and Shirley adopted three' infants, a boy and twin girls. The boy was named Byron Randolph, after Byron Nel- son and Doctor Randolph, his al- lergist. The twins are Jennifer Laura and Judith Kathleen.) By 1965, Bill ·was d6wn 75 pounds. Headac})es and ba.ckac~es . had disappe.ared. Sports e<Htors found their double-ehinned photo- graphs of Bill outdated. Bill points out that he has at- tacked not only his physical weak- nesses but also his soft, mortal soul. In the midst of his battle with fat, he embraced the "life of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ." On Jan. 1, 1966. Casper and his family formally joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Then, as Casper improved his game through his decreased weight. he also improved his tem- perament through his new f nith. "I was a better golf e1·." he says, "and also a better father. I be- came more patient, more inter- ested in people. I read the Scrip- tures daily like a newspaper.'' Incident8 that would have sent his club crashing across his knee now seemed only to enchant him. At the Bob Hope tournament near Los Angeles this year, a woman interrupted his game. explaining she wanted his signature for her son, an Army captain in Vietnam. Bill doffed his cap and obliged. "God bless you." said the lady. "I wish you luck." "Thank you," replied Casper. He tt..n drove off from the 11th tee. The ball soared straight to the g<(een, where it bounced twice then r olled into the cup. Two holes later the woman again tapped Billy's shoulder as he was waiting to tee off. "1 '11 bet my son Art won't believe you made your bole-in"°ne dter I wished you luck," she said. • "Let's see that pr:ogram." ~saj_.d • Cas~r. She handed 'it £0 him, and he wrote: "Art: You'd better be- lieve her. It's true. Bill Caspel'.'' How does Casper took to the fu- ture after such a successful, yet traumatic, past? "If I can conquer my allergies.'' says Bill. "1 should be able to play competitive golf !or 12 more years -till I'm 50. The rest of my life I want to devote to my church.'' -JIM SCOTI' Famil11 w .. klv, A1tgaut 10, 1969 u 108 PIECE PRO_FESSIONAL SOCKET WRENCH ind TOOL SET . DO ANY JOB • FASTER BETTER-EASIER SENSATIONAL OFFER I !1211 TOP-GRADE TOOLS FOR LESS , 106 WAYS TO SAVE BIG MONEY Y,:AR AFTER YEAR! Home handyman, amateur mechanic, or just plain tinkerer -here's your chance to get a whole workshop of professional quality hand tools ... in their own handy tote box -all at an unbeatable low price! Equip yourself with this tremendously versatile, amazingly complete outfit . . . and you're ready for just about any repair job that comes along! JAY NORRIS CORP., Dept. l ·25 2 S1 H.,.. Awe., ff'MPC)ft, N. Y. 11520 C01Jtplele 10fpc.MI MOD£l 10l8 ENTaRE PROFESSIONAL ~WORKSHOP- MO NEY BACK IF NOT DELIGHTED .• --1 : JAY NORRIS CORP., Dept. l·252 31 HUM Ave., FrMpOtt, N. Y. 11520 ~ Pie ... ruth IM th411c5Jlowlng 10&-PC. Profeqlon11 Socket Wrench Tool Sets: 0 1 S.t tor tt2.H 0 2 S.b for t22M 0 I enclote 25% dtpotll-.. nd C.0.0. Enclosed 11 0 check 0 money order. ADO $1 .50 for uch Mt for pottage, handllno and ln1urance. Chr. 0 Dine,. Club 0 Am. EJcpre.aa Account #-------- S~nawrw---------------~ Name------~----------(dflnl) Adt/~•1---------- City-----------------~ L.!'!: _____ ..,_ ----- • I --·----=-.........~-=-~ J Is using the Wrong freezing wrap I I r-- 1 I t I' L • ? r costing you money• byPoppyCannon• Sad to say, it is ... if you're tossing fresh meats or poultry into your freezer in the see-through wraps you brought them home in. You see, the plastic wrap your grocer uses t.o show off the cuts of fresh meats he displays for you every day is fine for that purpose. But it breathes .. .lets air in, moisture out. And the plastic bags you find handy for many household uses? Fine, too, but not for freezing. They trap air inside, all around your food. C.old, dry air is frozen foods' worst enemy ... and here's why. The dry, frigid air in your freezer tries to draw the JnOisture out of your food. If it succ.eeds, those ex- pensive roasts, SOOaks and chops you bought OD "special,, won't stay so special. They'll get tough ... stringy ... dry out and lose flavor. Suffer from what's called "freezer bum." What can you do to be sure you're giving the foods you freeze the protection they need? Aluminum fo~I keeps air out ... Keeps moisture in. Use Heavy Duty Reynolds Wrap, a strong sheet of alumi- num foil that's a real moisture-vapor barrier. Keeps dry, cold air out, keeps moisture and flavor in. Know what else? Th~ faster foods freeze, the safer the flavor. And Hea~ Duty Reynolds Wrap actually s~ freezing, because its a natural oonduct;or of both heitt and cold. What's the right way to wrap for freezing? Because "freezer burn" may develop wherever air pockets exist, tight wrapping is a must. So double-fold the foil down tight across the top of the food, smoothing out all the air between the food and the foil. Then fold up the ends, envelope style, and press them tight against the food. Heavy Duty Reynolds Wrap molds and clings tight, pro- t.ects your food for months to come. Food technologists agree there's no ,better wrap for the foods you freeze, from soups to meats to desserts. So for everything you want to-keep in your freezer, use Heavy . Duty J;Wynolds Wrap. It will save you many a disappoint- ment. And· many 'a dolfar. Reynolds Wrap canl>e a big help, *Poppy Cannon is the Roving Gourmet for ladies' Home Journal, author of a dozen best-selling cookbooks, and a column syndicated in 120 newspapers. too, when you're cooking foods for freezing ... and when you're cookirtg foods you've already frozen. Here are just a few of the many time-and work-saving ways Reynolds Wrap can make your job easier. Freuer to Platter: 3 Hourt. Would you believe you can cook a frozen-eti1r 4 pound roast and serve it in jUlt three hours? Here's how. Tum back the Heavy Duty Reynolds Wrap the roast _ W'as trot.en in and sprinkfe the meat with salt and pepper. Re-wrap looeely, leavllig ends crimped lightty. Put the meat in a aballow ~ in a .P_rebeated (400 .... ) oven f0r 2\2 boum Tben tum the foil back completely and allow roast to brown for an additional 30 minutes. The roast will be rare, tender, juicy, t10 beautiful ~·n ~bother to thaw again! Double-latching: Another Time Saver. Making a stew, caseerole, meat loaf? Make two, cook one now and freeze one for later. Line the pan ol the ooe you're free%ing with Heavy Duty Reynolds Wrap and put it in the freez.er. When it' 8 frw.en solid, lift it out ol the pan and over·wrap in foil. ('Ibis freee your pan for other uaes.) Stash the package back intotbeme.r and you've got a great main dish, ad ready, whenever you need it Froi:en Anet: Great fix-ahead, freeze. ahead dessert. Cut one 12 oz. frozen pound cake lengthwise into 2 equal layen.. Place one layer oo a large sheet ol Heavy Duty Reynolds Wrap. Cut 1 pint brick of Neapolitan ice cream lengthwise into two slioee and plaoe on cake. Top with second layer. Wrap tigbUy in foil and fieeze. Remove f:nm free7.er, unfold foil. Frost top and sides with one 4' 1h oz. carton frozen whipped topping, thawed. Arrange pecan halves and maraschino cherries on top. Re- place in freezer till topping is bard. Remove from freezer. Double-fold foil over the ~. cloee to food. Fold ends to make a tight seal. Return to freezer till ready to serve. Serves 8. HEAVY DUTY IN J SIZE$: • Regular 25 Foot Roll. • 14" wide... Broiling Foil. • 75 Foot Roll. ''The Money Saver." FOR EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KEEP IN YOUR FREEZER I .. COSTA MESA NEWPORT BEACH LAGUNA BEACH . , till HOlDER 1n Tampa. F1orlda recently ~,. Lew'l.I ... rllCin& down the street at I top speed ol lis miles pet' hour. lie ... prompt. Jy stcP(*t and tfcbtect by tbe biahnY petnJI for driving an malicenled wbeelchair. Lewis ftl ~~irobtaln plates {of. bla and a valid cllipr'• J&cas~ .J« blmNJf ... lftir, ol coune.. be .-ect a wrttteneamlnailon and a road tell. Speakhl& of soeed. Ford's done it apfn. fl'or t1ie thlrd lime in three ,em a Font power~ machine hM woo top booon tn the gnaeJ1nc 14 hour Le Mans test 1bett are so many rea... sons.. why Ford ls the luda' just • OM!ft are to many rMS001 why we at Willon's Ford &lea here ln Hunt1ngton Beach are Onnge County's leader. Always an outstandlQg 1 e l e c t l o n of Ford's srut 1• line in most coJon and body styles to choose frcu. Many new car buyers aren't aware ol many of the new 8nd esdtlng features offeftd on IDOlt ol 1he '•· For eumple, our popular Mustang Mml t is for people with a buminl cl&-. lire tor 8Cdon. It.. all in the MllCb I. GT smpemlon. Wlde-- Oftl belted tires. Rur dect ~-s bet V_.'s. Up to op- tionaJ GI Cobra Jet kam-Air 1rith tbroucMbe-bood "sbaket'". I.a the ldcts In the 1V c:onnner- dal •Y. "It's 1be Going 'lblng"' ! II I Mach I 1ee1N a llnle bot for your taste, we are sure to have aomUbing here at 11ZS5 Beach Blvd. thM fits your personal needs .better. Our ales people have an uncanny abilltv to · mMd1 •·car~;r. Why not drop In for • flt~ IC:medme real soon. THE DAILY f"ILOT, lV WEEK. AUGUST 9, 1161 DICK WILSON'S WllSON FORD SALES I FO_R~ J8255 BEACH BLVD., HUNTINGTON BEACH 15 . &Ill lllllllll .. 1111111111111111111111111&a&lllll111111111111 ~EET IT'S A LITTLE G.U -Ma...vld. pnc.d 10 rl\ral ~ lmciot'fl, tiva YoU a Nl1w. mor. !N'Kflal ur. MIHIY ~ -·1 put en ext,.. cen1 ltlto Maltef'ldl IMc:ause It's all IM!'e. A bfflc Mawrlck Is more then a Duk CAI". First of the 70'1 at 19'0 Prices THUNDERBIRDS BRAND NEW 1969 ~UST ANG $2288 BRAND NEW 1969 CORTINA BRAND NEW 1969 COBRA . '2788 Pi.s tax & lk. S .. O.TSllOOF, 42t C.l.D. 911tlre, lwr ....-cc:ea .. .,. ratt•> m-•I tnMrnlu:ea, eltra lle>yY ...., ......... le.ct. llNvy ..,., tlleeb •111111 .,,,.,.._ extra 1art1t ttatlllur llolr, ,,....,... rur llleckJ.. F7bt• .... evat .... :.... -· ·~ .,. ·-""' Wlleefl aMI .... C9". ll9N ·~ fr9!!t lrd ,..., ca ....... -..Clal 'Cefl,..H ldefttlfkalllll a..-Jt1Klat di-trim. ., ................ ... .............. ! ... lbt iwtce ...... ,,.. ~IN a;, "" ,_.. l11v• .. ry. BRAND NEW 1969 GALAXIE 500 $2488 .... tax & lk. H•N• .. , .... •Ir Matw •114 ..,,..... er, llrdl.._ ..,... 11111 ceurtesy li911h. c:•t11 & v•yl trim. u,....,s. ,..._. da111 .tlld vlwn. wi.e.1e=- wat1Mn Md 2 •PMCI wlpet"S. Plus IH & lie. DELUXE SEDAN, 97.6 C.1.0. 67 H.P. engine, fully Jvndll'Olllr· eel t •PMd :ransmlsslOn, d lK br'all.ea, vinyl budtel lffls. lvlly carpeted, alr- f low ,....,, llatlon hea !er a. def roster. ln- terier .,., • ...,...,. ~r ~ -• tires. pedded das:ll I. vllOr"S, e:ectrk wlndshle:d wl I. wash«'&. BRAND NEW 1969 RANCHERO PICIUP $2288 ·,.his tn a. Ile. Cit,...,. IMJnuien, c1t1 rwtte ,..,_...,, lle1tw, b1C111p. deme, C911rlesy •II •Ille martier Otlth. lnsldo t11y11111t1t mlrnr, remete Cf"'llNI ~ minw. britllt mevfdlllts Md 111111 UllS-vlf!yt trim, c.:er 11..,.. fC-m11. EL DORADO CAMPER SPECIAL $3988 . Br•nd New '69 F250 Style1ide & El Dor.do 101/J Moh•wk Camper JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO FRWY. ON BEACH ILYD. ·18255 BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGTON BEACH ULn DIPJ. t ...... 10 , ... 7 .,.,. SHYICI ONN , .................... ,. s , .... . Mu., I•·•· te t P·•· 592-5511 J_ SUNDAY, AUGUST 10 11:00 AM 0 Aneels Bueball (C) a Calif. Angels vs. Boston Red Sox at Boston. Dick Enberg and Don Wells call the ac· t1on. • • , 12:30 IJ Qi) MU Track and Aeld Meet (C) U.S.A. West Germany Meet Augsberg, Germany. 1:30 IJ Qi (j) NFl Action "The Perfect Champion· ship.'' Sideline sound cap· tures the joy of the Balti· more Colts when their de· fense held the Cleveland Browns scoreless to win them the NFL Champion· ship. 3:00 1J NFL Pre-Season Football (C) Cleveland Browns vs. San Francisco 49ers, live from Seattle, Washington. MONDAY, AUGUST 11 5:00 0 Q) @ a;, Major league Baseball (C) Teams to be announced. TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 6:00 O Angels Baseball (C) Calif. Angels vs. Detroit Tigers at Detroit. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13 6:00 O Angels Baseball (C) Calif. Angels vs. Detroit ngers at Detroit . THURSDAY, AUGUST 14 8:30 I) Boxing (C) Oscar (shot· gun) Albarado vs. Thurmen Durden in a I Q.round wel· terweight bout. Dave Nie· haus and Mickey Davies are nngside. FRIDAY, AUGUST 15 10:30 0 (fi') (I) PGA Goff High· ll&hts (C) Taped highlights of the opening rounds of the 1969 PGA Golf Champion· ship Tournament. ArDOW Palma dloft rite ronn be bopa w1D m ham b11 tint PCA Coif QamploDdllp. Last 1"'" IM cune cite d o.est to dM conted dtk, fillWWta jmt oae stroke beblad lul- lus Bore>-. ~ oa b Jbn McKa1, oae of Gae ABC cOID.IMatalon wtlo w1D report die action from die NCR CountrJ Clob In l>a}'1on, Oblo. ABC wOl tde'file tbe dllnl and final rounds Sabtrday, Aucust J6, W:JO PM, ud Suada1, Ausmt J7, Un ud la color, wltb a speclal PCA pttYkw Friday, Ausmt 15, 10:30-11 PM. Workina wttla McKay wOl be Cbril Scb~nk.tl, Bud Pahrwr, BUI Flemmtas, Henry LoaPant and color commentator Byroo Ne19on. SATURDAY, AUGUST 16 11:00 AM 0 tj)@ a;, Major League Baseball (C) Teams to be an· nounced. 2:00 0 (fi') (]) E!) PGA Golf Championship (C) Live from NCR Country Club in Dayton, Ohio. Defending champ 1s Julius Boros. 6:00 IJ Qt Cl) NFL Pre-Season Football (C) Green Bay Packers vs. Chicago Bears at Milwaukee County Stadium in Wisconsin. Ray Scott describes the play·by·play. kit Ml-11 A Heathkit Al Sofid-State Depth Sotander A••t4 .... •11111b•tt•u"'1•t---4•1.1t•r>--<.ott of tw11u11i119 •t ••v•4 tt-1 Ml It A ""••"u t .,_ •• , ,,,.._, ., ... s 'I. •CCVt•y OA •" , .......... It ,, • ., •• tfo•A •• )oo· •fll ... ,, .......... . 100· •" toft Wt.vtf4y ktto"'' • . •••• ,, ... nhooh of fith. kit MR-21 A Heathkit "Mariner" l-land Radio Dir.ction Finder Al•••• t~owt vow t~e w 1y ho•• . . tt-owt yov •••ctty ._._,,, yotii •'• • ._, • .,,,. •cu1u t1 hi1A9wl1tio" , • 1l,...01t •• **'" •• ,,,,,,., • "'*'· AM vo• c•" vu U fot11•t1tt11,.. #1111t. ,,,,,,..; .. , to AM t14io ot fo• mo"itoti"t ,._, f'lllu i"• ""'""'" SoUd-State Fuel Vapor Detector '*"' ltott .,,.,,,,.,, .,,;,.,, 1wploeio11t 1"'4 fir• •t -.1. Meter r114t "t1ft0til e111,1r•111•• ••,fou•t ... t l'Hf 1 f11M tlvA4h wti.1" f.,,._ .. I to •''**"'· 1111114 1flt4 ittthll :• I• i"''' l l.oon FREE NEW All Solid-State Taehom•t•r ... for Any •-t C•n tM connected to •n~ soar\·type •f'9•n• w~ll any ,.,,d ol 1gn1t1on 1,1t•m Comtt "'''" •olu h proot u .e 01 wuhoul c•M ICH panel movnt•f'\Q S.nd for Our Hvv-Catalot lt'1 Fr .. ht You f., the A.kl,.. HEATHKIT !-EllCT .. ONIC ClNTUt ii KS3&-ili.Wii& te •ouh ~th.it Eloci. .. ic Ctolo• I•'• Horbo• 11 .... lo loll A ... tul u loll • fow thorl I.lee•• to J)O lut loll or to•• ~ .... Ao F•o•••• le Ho•l>o• 11•,j . Ho•"•• lf•,j. to 1•11, • ••• 1hot• bfoc.~• •"4 ,.,,-.• "'•'•· SAW & PARTS HE.A THKIT 776-9420 llO EAST &ALL. ANAHEIM SEltVICE 776-9423 Pq•l \ MORE aovs & GtRl.S NHDED fOR NEW TV COMMER~IALS T1111 h tfie letHt worcl from tfte M•••r e9t1ttt e11cl ptMWUI'\ l1t Hollywoo4'. T.t ... 11le1t HM-rclel1 •re ~. 1a • .i,..... It h e lit•tllt ... th1t employ• e lerq• 11umber of chilclre1t ucl pey1 tftem l1r9• 111· eri... lut where cl id +fleH kicl1_ cHlt froM, 111d how dlcl tfioy t•t tfiere 1 Well, would you boliH• they're found in such fer out piece• u Full1rto11, S11tt1 Att1, or the outer r1qion1 of lon9 I H ch or PoMoH 1 Some of thoH yount· tt•". mty l1¥t rl9ht noirt door! lwt who finds +hon telontod boy1 encl · 9irl1 to fill *'• pro4'uction 1tHd17 The 1tudi0& encl 19oritt clori't hen tim;, 10 .. • result, there la • l1t9• dom1nd, 11\d to flit thi1 dem1ncl, • Public Roi•· tlon• Compuy c1tlocl TAKE I PRODUCTIONS. INC. h11 twrnocl ltt e11orflH encl roaourcu tf fill. S1t9 tt.la u ecl. TAKE I PODUC· IJ'IONS makoa profouion-' cont ach ,,. Hollywood for 11ewcomen. SINDY ENNEN 1.ocal school girl''S eem.ings · reach $10,000 in TV ccm- mer-cials .a few months after b e i n g signed by Talre I Pl"oduction• IF YOU ARE IETWEEN THE AGfS OF J ANO It, AND WOULD LIKE A CHANCE TO DO COMMER- CIAL~ AND T.V. c.n 547-6251 N•w Tab 1 Productions, Inc. Oa.ANGE CO. OFFICl I Sandy Baron Juggles Dialects Few shows can claim as ver- satile a jargon juQler as can Della, an exciting hour of music and variety-which sta~ Della Reese and features Sandy &ron Monday thru Friday at 10 PM, OD KHJ. As Della's waliiog dialect dictionary Baron· can assume more accents than Contac has time pills. A door-to-door p/.uJJ salf/rman; a lt/t-lta.ndtd rlwttr: aml o Mor· sl.Jhltd bird wolclan. Vtr10lllt SONiy Boron 6fvu a comtdlc 11/t to oil that characttrlt11tloru on Dtlla. "As a kid,· 1 enjoyed descnl>- ing movies -complete with sound effects-to my friends," says Sandy. ..Naturally, I'd have to do voices, too. This was in the early forties and the movies were about World War U, so I'd have to play the vil- lains -Germans, Italians and Japanese--plus the French gals in the underground and the British RAF pilots." This verbal Oexibility has ac- counted for some big breaks in Sandy's career. Namely, a part as a young Nazj prisoner-of-war on the Philco TV Playhouse, and, more recently, the role of an Italian/ American in the film hit, "If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium." And, when it comes to Della, mercurial Sandy's accent on ac- cents adds to the hilarity of his , improvisational comedy. Whetb- 1er the situation calls for a "Jap- j&DCIC gardener" or a "Russian cbessplayer." the Baron del.ivtry 1taps the correct pulse of his ~-----------!character. THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, AUGUST 9, 1969 SATURDAY 1:30 IJ a Ci) My n .... s..s (C) (30) a @ Ci) m Tiit Cllost Md Mrs. M11lr (C) (30) "Chowderhead." Cap· tain Greu Is outrared when Mrs. Muir brin1s home cans of clam AUGUST 9 chowder with his pldurt on the labels. Tom Kennedy, cecJI Kellaway fVf Nl'•t. ruest. <~ D (jjJ Q) l.nfenee Wefll Show 6.1IO -n. 111 "':.~ (60) (C) (60) unes that c.11 attention -h-to such occupations u cowboys a u CJ) m .. f11l1tf . and astronauts. miners and milk· ;t ~ (~ 5 (C) (30) "Cbarse men are offered by the Champa111e to the Lead." Hllhlllfrts of the Music Makers.. (R) · 1969 lndlanapolls 500. m llld Owens (C) (30) G ._ City (C) (60) Sam Riddle 9:GO a 9 (I) Hip.a'• lft.rMI (C) (30) hosts. Klink persuades a beaUtiful bar· &J "8 In.... (C) (60) oness (Marj Ousay) to vamp Hoaan (C) (30) In an effort to discover any se· &:JO B DIC Newa Cenferance c:rets the American may have. (R) 0 Metoctr Randt (C) (60) Pee Wee D ~ (6) a;, NBC ~ Mow· Kina auests. it: (t) "tlr. MOMS" (adventure) U 1'11e hMJ Crier Sllow (C) (30) '65-Robert Mitchum, Carol Baker, Gary lewis & The Playboys (Uest. Ian Bannen, Alexander Knox, Ray. 11 loft l.llq (JO) mond St. Jacques. PlaJittl tile Cilt.ar (R) 1J P'ubflc Servke mien• (C) (60) Fil• fMtwe (C) C30> • Study on teenaae use and abuse EE Clrt fro• UNCU (C) (60) of drup. 1:00 ~ Q.t CIJ ces sna, ,..., (C) m am An.,,.. <C> (30) b) o"ir~'=d(C) (30) "Freewey fE N£T ...,... .. (90) (R) Drivin( Quiz." Bob Wright is host 9'.30 8 tl9J (i) httbat Junctien (C) and Ted Bradley auests.. 0 @ (l)ft) Jollnny Cadl (C) U 1'1le Annlvtnary ea .. (C) (30) Slnrers Pat Boone and Diana Tran Al Hamel hosts. and comedlan·sinrer Soupy Sales O Delttl Y1lltJ Days (C) (30) head the ruest list. which also "Pieces of 1 Puzzle." A self-styled Includes sinrer-sonewrtter Tom T. "Baron of Arizona" cfaims to be Hall, who wrote the Grammy-win· heir to vast portions of Arilona ning "Harper Valley PTA." tenitory throu1h an old Spanish A Nftl (C) (30) lany Burrell. land arant. Robert Taylor, Russ &J Kitty Wells (C) (30) Johnson, Barry Sadler and Anna 10:00 1J ~ Cl) MannJx (C) (60) H1vano star. O Movie: "Th Heiress" (drama) m Profiles In Cotlral' (30) "Fred· '49-0livfa de Havilland, Mont- erick Doualus." eomery Clift. 11J W..... of tilt World (C) (30) fJ Mowit: "Rolle Hirt" (musical) "Beauties of Buch1rest." (R) '42-Ginaer Roaers, Georae Monf· m NET Mraal (60) "A Matter of ~mery. Time." A cineme-verite dram1 of m NIWI (C) (30) Ken Jones. one man's life 11 1 cancer patient. m Ernest Tubb (C) (30) The Canadian Broadcasting Com· @E lox de Mulco (90) pany production traces the man's 10:30 I Nen (C) (30) 8111 Bonds. care from the first day In the hos· Jot P'Jn• (C) (2 hr) pitll throulh examinations, di•&· SWinlfn' ~ (C) (60) nose.s and treatments. lee Patter· : Su•Mf Series (C) (90) "Al· son end Irene Mayeski star as the fectlonatety Yours fanny Kemble." ~tient and his wife. EE ,mport to 1n.w.1 (C) (30) m o.IHll (30) 11 :00 II 0 EE Newa (C) m lat htnl (30) 11:15 IJ Fab•loa 52! (C) "lattdiclo .. 7:30 BU~Jactit Cltaon (C) (60) (adventure) '56-Robert Mite.hum, "JI 6 !! Ma.Oe-121. (C)S (ck.30}. Ursula Thius, Gilbert Roland, Zaeh· mmy .... , 1 a 1nr ma !!l Scott M•!lor and Reed break up • nar· U Saturdq Ntiftt Movie: "TIM colics rina when they lead a raid Seventh Sin" (dr1ma) '57-Eleanor on the apartment of • suspected Parl<er. Georae ~anders, Jean-Pierre dope pusher;, (R) ,. Aumont, 8111 Travers. Somerset 0 Mowie: • My Fmrlte Blonde Maugham's story of a British doc· (comedy) 42-Bob Hope, Made· tor's wife, forced to think of others ~~~ ~.~ra~~~~ M ~(])GJn. Detin1 , ... u:l08m""' (C) (30) Jim Lanae hosts. • MOwif: .. In.pr (drama) '55- MillkNI $ Mewtt· (C) "An Af· E ...... rd G Rob" N1•• ~ f . T R· ..._.. .(d ) '57 u .. a · mson, lliG """'" .... • .... _.. . ram• -m The Ellprea (C) Deborah Kerr. Cary Grant. • 11:45 m Movie: HlruUuf' (drama) '59 &J Wof1cl of ..._ (C) (30) The -Richard Todd Face of Ind~." (R) 12.:00 D m Tonllfrt $ti.. (C) @E Los Caud1llos (30) 12:30 0 Movie: (t) "F« Wbom tt.e ltll 1:001 '° ~~ Cet S1Hrt (C) (30) Tollt'' (drama) '43-Gary Cooper, · The Newlywed GaM lirld Berrman. (~) ( 0) o Eubanks hosts. Men In Ctlsls m Movit: .. Pl•l*ntl S•ltlt" (dra· 1:00 Movie: (C) "luu lrvmMll" m1) '42-leslle Howard, Mary Mor· (adventure) '54--Stewart Gr1naer, ris. Eliubtth Taylor. m Alltt1ca• .... (C) (30) "Out· m AIMll&M Sllor. ''Prfvat•'• Prot· doof Paradise In O,.aon." (R) ress." "H11rt ot the "'-tttt'' and flil lff.T fnttnl (60) "Th• RI• "Crimes of Stephen Hawke." and Fall of Mozart." CR) 1:15 D Advent.a of tlle SNsprty (C) II) NeclM dt &tr..t (2 hr) "Au· 1:30 D Movie: "T1le Fatal Hour" (dra· hues Para Tu Boda." ma) '4G-Boris Karloff. 1969 (30) Mrs. Cap- Mrs. :lam the tway ~ itlon boys nllk- 1111e (30) bar- > ran se- (R) llow- 11re) 1ker, Ray· (60) buse (C) (C) rask .ales al!O I T. win- II. ma) ont- lcal) ont· $. "Al- 1le." ... um. •ch- 'TIM anor erre net :loc- bers es. '59 Btl1 per, ell" ger, IOI· and (C) ira- Allen Rich· Joe and Peggy Sit, wilb their two dilldren Homer, 7, and Janie, 9, felt vaguely that something was terribly wroog when they entered their living room aft.er dinner. There was. The television set wiasn't an. In place ot the fam:Ular images ol which they were 90 food, dle screen stared at them bfanldy. The thing bad canked out. It wa,, kaput. RICH To the Sits this was a calamity sec· ond only to if someone bad foreclosed the mortgage an the family home. "My God," said Mrs. Sit as she glanced at her watch, "It's anJy 7 o'clock. Wbat'll we do all nlgbt?" "Well, we might talk to eadl odter fQC a change," suggested Mi-. Sit. "Don't be sitly. About what?" said Mrs. Sit. "I wanna see Batman," walled Homer. "Be quiet and let me think what to do," said bis mother. "I want to listen to Walter Cronkite," interrupted 9-year.old Janie, the intell«.tuaJ of the family. Mrs. Sit glanced listlessly at a small shelf of books on the wall, but she'd read all ttieir covers. "How about gcM.ng to a movie?'' asked Mr. Sit, prayfng for a oegadve answer. He got lt. "U you have $11 to spare I suggest you save It for the TV repa.lrman," snapped bis wtfe. "Or I could use a llttle en.rs for my allowance," she dug. Ao hour or so dragged by. The Sits sat. Suddenly, Mr. Sit came to a major decision. "I'm going down to the comer bar -but ONLY because they got TV there, of course." He knew no one would believe him, but at that TV·less point he couJdn't have cared less. "You're a grown man and If you'd rather spend your moaey on beer with those bums at the comer bar, instead ol glvtng It to me for the house that's just fine with me. I'm going to bed. GOODBYE,•• she said. 1be two kids, unused to thls sort of verbal exchange between their by now edgy parents, retreated moodily to their rooms. It was just 8:30 p.m . As Mr. Sit left for the corner bar an uneasy quiet descended on the house. The TV set was now just another piece of furniture. It still dominated the room, but tile blank· screen only aided and abetted tne gloom. Moral of the 9tory: Sure, the summer on the telJy is mostly pretty dull, but there are worse lhings than reruns. * * * Hollywood: 1be TeleYislon Capital ol the World. 1bose seven WOTds are the magnet which annually attract thousands of ~ring young actresses to dle W&Jt Coast. The hopeful faces are always the same, only the names change. The pattern is the same, too. 1be )eggy blondes, bnJ. nettes and redheads spend weary hours in castJng offices, other hours, ~f they're lucky, po:glng tor newspaper pbo:os as Miss 'This or That just for a credit line. Many are the target of unscrupulous men -but If they're smart they resist the phony promises. A Kirt who comes to Hollywood seeting a TV career sbould have enough money to dde benelf over for at least a year and De prepared to study and leam her pJ'Oleaton. U lbe hlln't, and isn't. she'd better stay borne. 1be odds are jllst too great. Many wind up as shopglris. clerks and waitrasses. Odiers not 90 Jevel-headed, succumb to temptation. It ls a scene that l• ever new, yet somehow always oid. Talking to· a Stranger By far. the most enthusiastically received dramatic program during Ch l nnel 28's 1969 season was the John Hopkins quartet of plays, "Talking to a Stranger." Letters and telephone calls came streaming into KCET's studios after the conclusion of the dramatic ensemble last March. lauding the series of plays and requesting that it be repeated. In response to this popular demand. KCET's program director, Charles Allen, broadcast a message to viewers who were enjoying th<' unique programming of non-commercial television but were no1 helping to support it. He offered to re.schedule the fou.r Judi Dtnch (It/I) as Ttrry Sttphtru, Mourict Dtflham P.!. tltt /otlttr and Morgtry Masar as tht mollttr in a 11ctM from 'No Sl<i// or Sptclo/ K nowltdgt Rtquirtd," !ht stcond in a quarlt t of plays by John Hopkiru. plays if the public would help make this possible by becoming subscribers to the community·supported station. The immediate result wa., 72 new subscriptfons and more letters and telephone calls from current subscribers encouraging the rerun. "Talking to a Stranger" is the overall title of the four plays that tell the tragic story of a weekend in the lives of the four a lienated members of the Stephens farniJy. The telling is not con· secutive. Each play concentrates on the same incidents, but from the particular viewpoint of one of the four members of the family -father, mother .. son and daughter. The mother and father are living aJooe together since their son. Alan. and daughter, Terry, have left home. Alan is married but pays regular visits to his parents and is a dutiful and "respectable'' member of the family. Terry is the wayward one. She married a Negro man as a protest to her parents' respectability. Since her marriage broke up. she has been searching (or some meaning to her life, and, through her defiant promiscuity, she has become pregnant. On this weekend, Terry decides to go home to visit her parents in spite of the strains and teosfoos she knows she will impose on them. Alan has been offered a job in Australia, and has chosen this weekend to discuss the move with his parents, who probably would never see him again if he accepts the job. The growing tensions of the weekend lead to the suicide of the mother, a pparently without reason. To help the viewer follow more closely the tightly woven fabric of the quartet's structure, the plays are being aired on four con· secutive nights (Tues. thru Fri.), August 12·15 at 10 PM. Pre· viously, they were shown one week apart. Terry's point of view is portrayed in the first play, "Anytime You're Ready J1J Sparkle;" the second play. "No Skill or Special Knowledge Required," is centered around the father; "Gladly, My Crcm Eyed Bear" focuses on Alan; and in the final play, "The innocent Must Suffer," we see how the mother bas come to the point of ending her life. ~ F T ' , ( • c , i I .. .. BREAKS THE PRICE BARRIER NOW •••• FOR THE fl,RST TIME ANYWHERE! Thia beautiful Spanish Medlterru\Hn Console i1 built by Amerit'ana of Am· eric•n part1. The price 11 90 fu be.low competition it may be hard to believe. Thia i1 not a come-on! These 1et1 ere in 1tock & ready for lmmectlate de- livery. GENUINE OAK • Autom•tlc 0.,-uuing • Full •I• conaole • Jn1tant automatic, .no. annoying warm-up d•lay · · e Lighted Olal • I yrs. adfustment warranty on pie· ture tube $12 additional e Also avallable In Danish Modern. --.. ·HART .TV . . . -• 8921 ADAMS HUNTINGTON BEACH (Next to Albartson's) . ' . 962-3384 hi• 7 ' . .. SUNDAY AUGUST 10 -I All stations reserve the rlOt to chance proeram· mlnc without 1dv1nce no- tice. •:15 -=· t.:55 7:00 THE DAILY PILOT. TV WEEK, AUGUST 9, 1969 D 111J ,...,. ..._ (C) Dr. convtl"lltlon II between NIC-TV1 mtmberi of ttlt Mukln•Amtnca11 Clft Duffltld ot An,.11,. Tem,r. Jot Garallola 1nd Frink RoblnlOll community ind tt11 police. uem. ol the Balttmore Orioles. 8 Me'6t~ "Tiit Mnerkl'" (Wiil· Dir If•• (C) 1~ w.,.... (C) em) '52 -Wllll1m Elliott. Pttyllla l =T:: · ~ct,.::C:-C <C> leoatt~m •-• -..,. A. Alie (I),..... rd K: Smith. •--11111-(C) Yea tf CafvlfJ (C) _,_ ll:GOI Prefect ..... bt (C) U.S ... _ Fla (C) -.. JlnJ (C) Tiiis ..... Lh (C) •• , •~ __,,,,tltafll ll-..... -,,._ ............. (C) An .. 11 VL %:008 luWlr/o.t:IWIJ (C) "Ttlm- -- -• ----Rtd Su 1t Bolton. lion and th• Black Men." m~••.-ttc> IUi~<~adven· 1=-c:.=<tf I t:JO :er Cewlcutiea Wltll a .......... fure) '38-Rayrnond Ml$11Y, V11trt1 bllf °"'f (C) = ==:-.. 1 D :.?. •• 1c ... ~ .... (C) "La· I"'":... " ... -(Cl • -1:~ _, ''Cifdt al r.: ~11111~ :... ':::':.":'-.. ~ . l~ -·1 s.:',.=:e· .... .. .., r...-) cloMd shop, Injunctions and mo-(C) , .... ,. (C) 7:JO ..... (C) nopolllt ire aumlllld by Glendale ll:JO 8 Tiii It Lat rt Wa (C) • l.adleil Dey (C) ...,_ T...,... a.w (C) eo11.,. ~dm. 11..._ ., Mu (C) "Th• rJll o..., _, ltlWll (C) lle•tb1~ a l11dtt.<\..t stltl of liberty.''· _ • ... Z:20 fJ NIWI (C) Lany Bur •• 7:A5 ~=II~ (C) ~~~'re, (C) P.n~~~ :-;::,J!~d ::ni: Z..JO !.1~~ ~= ~d":= .t:OO -~~:,. My(C)F..t (C) f_:.r::. .....,_ tour of the tiny country whole.peo· youna Northwutem Untvmlty col· ~., T...,... (C) • Tltla 11 Ille Uf• (C) pl• h1v1 preservtcl~ their French, ~~~car~~: present • !Nnl· -.. IMlciMfJ (C) lO:IOlj..,,. ....... (C) ~,~:a:..:!s ·~,~~I~~~:,. d~ a°" 'Ca.,.. (C) "Open Those ~~.<C>..__ (C) !Rn ~(C)(C) st Imler, In the hurt ot the Jur1 Doors.'' Story of coll11es provtdln1 ,.._ '""" .. ' ._ .._ mountllnJ. host "" Owtn Intro· equal opportunity wtltrt It has CJ) DIWf _. lellll (C) ' '"" II .. ......., ducea vllWWI to 1'8-rur-old Plem bltn denied-from arede-school to (]) W la t111 .._ (C) (homr) ~treld Mohr, Sulzmann. 1 .cond·yur student of coll•a ... a• youth. Mrs. M1d11r tJOI f~:' eM Uwt (C) c.thyl O O'~~.~ ~ w;f1tehma(R)kln1 1t the Ttdlnlcal Col· Evers ind E. C. Rtctc.erd are Inter· In Onl Viewtd r .. 1rdin1 their roll IS CO· ._.. Wltll 1 c.-(C) CJ) Flllll fw ..., (C) M.wie: (C) -...i Dr.,.... (Id· ordinators of th• Cleremont Col· MeN: (C) "'Fett 11...aw" ,...... Cenna venture) '67.......Stewert Granier, Ros· le1es Cent« for Edue1tlonal Oppor· (...tern) ·~Joel Mc:Cr.e, Suaen Wlllp ti .,. ... ,. (C) uni SdllaffirM>. tunlty. le.~....,_ <C> lt-.JOIL~l,~': fj "Tt1-mbat .. Adlell cc> ~:<co°!:y>~~R:ii;::r. ~ ...., F1rtl (C) llnl lf l]fe It la and How It Ou&ht ton, Cara Wllll1ms. ~-..... (C) ..._. (C) To Be." A •lies of dbculalonl II· B MUllM $ Mowle: (C) "Slut ti -lustretln1 the Catholic Churdl's In· t1il ~" (sci·fl) '62 -GOf'· t:oO 8 c. ... Tlnt (C) terest In aoclal Involvement. Today's 12:• 8 ta (j) flCll tilt Natila (C) don Mitchell, Bella Cortez. Eo.nitr_: . .:=<~n iuasts. I:,.<~ •• <C> SECARD GIANT SWIMMING POOL SALE • 18 FT. POOL x48". • v, .., F1Ln1.sut1Aa •• MAINTINANCI ICIT IOnOM DUIN AND CHIMIW DISPINSll 20 FT. POOL ONLY 189.00 · .. L8"1111PLAOMlll C111111 AJ,L.SIZU lfjDl--SUlfl-CliMICAJJ jjCfltM ll'IS. . ~ .. ' MIN: "'l•...W-(wlltem) l:OO II Qt Ci) Nfl rr..s-. F..e. die Murphy, Suun Cabot. NII (C) Cleveland Browns vs. San t:a.tlallJ Sa Fr1ncisco 49ers, live from Saltt1t, W Tltll la tllt lit (C) W1shinaton. Tri,le fume 0 Movie: "A Uft If lier On" f11• , .... ,. (C) (cfr1m1) '50 -Lan• Turner, Rey 11t a1 S. C.11 Mill1nd. "9ffltl If ,.,..,.... (C) a Mowle: (C) "Vlrll•la" (drama} • ~ ,.._. NltllllOts (C) 'li-Medeleine C1rroll, Fred Mec- 12:JO R flt (j) AAU Trldl .S f'leW Murray . M..t(C) USA vs. West Germany 1t I ~•lta(C) Aupbtrr. Cerm1ny. --r-"" a Qendtra "' tile Atta (C) "Th• F'D• futm (C) Moth1r.'' Vltwi Of Momma u '"" ~ by her dllldren and htf'Mlf 1rt l :JO D Movie: "Tlt• C.u4laa" (Id· capturtd In music throuth folk venture) '61-Robtrt Ry1n, Tonn 1-[£.ra~~~ ··~~ - "' ....... ,. (C) ~ lMiel Dar (C) L-00 =:-.::.. rr..i (C) 4:001 ~II~ UNCU (C) ,,_ c.twwe (C) jli, ,. en. Qarllt Qae • EDp O'Tllle W1r Z... ..._ rr.111_, (C) '""1 'Z(~•~) Ull N ... (C) L•ITY Buntll. • "' 1 w.. (I) Fem" (C) ..,.:-. ~i.-,..... Nelpblrt.ed 1:15 .......... ,.,.., (C) ' • .. .. ... ' , ... .,,.. l:JO 8 IB Cll NR. lctiM ·CC> "Th• ~ ~pi .. . . ... ... EASY TERMS • Perfect Ch1mplonshlp." Sldfllnt · · ~ _(CJ 10Und captures the Joy of the Bait.I· 4:55 U W..•lf•J Wtrid el Spefts (C) 5 locotlon1 To Serve You. 9 Y•ar1' Exper1enc;e 323 S. Main, OranCJe 532-1992 YES, WE HAVE OVALS TOOi OPEN 10:30 TO 7:30-7 DAYS ...... more Colts whlft their def11111 htld .5:001 • C..frlllieaal ~ (C) 1 the Cleveland Brvwns scor1q to Dr. latar'a Mvttrtttr• (C} win ttlt NFL Ch1mploMhlp. llh¥it: (C) ....... 11nt Wlftft ti D Yid! .., till hllce (C) llllwlr" (1dventu") '60 -Ktrwtn '~lcarM>·l'Qllce Rtlltions.'' Mui· M1thtwa, Jo Morrow. can·Amtrlcan lludenta, Deputy Ctllef 1--(C) Edward Davit (l.APO) Ind Ctllef 1111¥ 8rtftlll (C) Ted von Mlndtn (LA. Sherlff'1 CJ) S.W.. Arts TllNtn: "CCM.tn· D19t.) on th• potlntlally explollw ttr Att.dt." sltultlon that aJltJ bttwMn aome fl)'-"' ff Clwllt I I , I ,.,. ~~~n:ri,.:~~rr::t~:;I Philbin's People Debuts on KHJ l(i)l ....._ ....... (C) ..... """(C) .... , .. , lit (C) s-.-Spelk U, (C) 8111 L9'_dtn. Ml ,.,. (C) "'Sonp of Low." lld Critp, Robert fBnda. Story ot 1n Irish lmmlarent who finds 1 home Ind lcM It Wtlt Point a 9 oo m ... n. CC> <30> "The Lai LiDor of Herwtea." l'ht ,ounlsttn vilit indent Greec. and tncounttr Hercules.. CR) People -witty. gregarious, knowledgeable -are the basic ingredients for a new, weekly hour and one half of television. Philbin's People. set to premiere on KHJ. Channel 9. Saturdays Regis Philbin. Joey Bishop's strong Irish right hand o n The Joey Bishop Show is star-host for the new series which will feature each week p rominent celebrities from the world~ of entertainment. politics aod lit-lllqtt (C) ....... (l)Mtet tlte "'-(C) ~ ""' Cltlll .. Stln (C) Alt klltttr host&. 11)~a t..I~" ~ poll<:t IMPtdor Kobidl • _. t metal dlltdOr stMitlw to lntll1, 111 £.erth 1lloy, to lout• tht strend· td Earthlinp. (R) from 9:30 to 11 PM. ., erature. ! \Jf Ni'•'· B -.rs Mr U..1 (C) (30) W1ll1 _ 1 \l?C lfrUner hosts. .. _ ............ <t> <30> m 1t<'t1 Tiit ram ...,. > I le (C) (30) (-e) ( )Uton · Btrtt hosts the • ~nil (60) 19th 1nnual PATSY Aw1rds of tht Adllr's Htl"'r (C) American Hum1ne Asaoclltlon. ) 1mes r1nclscus and his wtft, m hslipeft tt TtMt (C) (30) Philbin promises a vari.ation on the frequent "talk" show for- mula which. in the past. could be besr described as. ..Do your thing: then slide on down the couch." Philbin's People will be prcSeot and on "camera 'through· out the ninety minute show as they talk. about wh at interests them mos., .be it "Tbe-Role of Journalism in ~oday41 Society" or "The Sub.Culture of Acid Rock.·· KJt; tty to the Clrtllbdlf. (R) · .._._. •'foct1y's JaP1n." I Wfflla• TtU (30) fl!) SptaldMt (60) "A Conwrsa· (6) W.rM TMtntW (C) (30) tlon With James Cobum." (R) t'M111 11.-.. Artilb (~) Pl· 1BJ (I) Ma ,_,. (C) (60) anlst Ruth Mtckltr Llrtdo P"' fl) ti°illcel y CWll•• (JO) • tor~ •n. ~ll·Rtvtl L'!Ptal, which :JO 11 u @e w.n DilMJ CC> Includes ,. 'Vil~. Nobles ~ Senti-(la) "The Trusure of Sin Bosco mtntalts Ind LI V11M. RMf .. Conclusion When tht htacl El> Ila f,.. UNCLE (C) (60) (Jl~es Oily) of • a divlnl •Pldl· • tion Is jailed u a murdtr ind rob· bery specill, his nephew (Rot•• Mobley) 1nd I fellow diver (Robert Sorrells) set out to trap lht rul cu!prit. (R) Regis. experienced as a news- man as well as a comic. will act throughout the show as a con- versation catalyst as. seated around a huge coffee table, Phil- bin 's People -newsmakers all --share an exchange of sizzling idC!IS. And, 10 Philbi n's People, the idea is all! fJ ..... $ ..... (C) "'Cld&ll Ctts HBIHll" (comedy) '61 - J11nes Darrt11, Otborah Willey. II) CW .... S.. (C) (30) "Gen· lus of tht Ottp." BUI Burrud dis· CUSStS the latest ICientlflc lnwutl· ption °" dolphins btln1 eondudtd at Point MUlu N1v1I station. (R) m 111 P1mft <30> fl) t .. CMtlel (30) struut• with tht probltma of a ID DMI ~ (C) (2 hr) Paft l:OO htacbtron1 youna woman who ftell I It entltttd "Tllt Wortd'1 Grutllt R GAM Es-Li ! Cc) no 0111 undtrstlftds htr. Bonn It Altrololtr-tlmlll Rl&Mtr." and 8 ROLLE Ye Becltlll and Mlchatl Vincent 1uest. Part II ii called ''Over 75 end stllL * T-BIRDS vs. TEXAS (R) Golna Strona." Dlolt. .__ (C) (2 hr) T·Blrcb flllt.(])Q)AIC S.INllJ 111ewit: ll)lr11 Tuh (60) a ~aw0~~ Fl• · cc> (60) <;~ma, ·~hi=.~ .. ~ 10:30 I:: :"<eo~C) c30> '''fhe Youn1 W11'1'lors." ln111tdor Harrltoft, Diane Cilento. Fllmtel ln ID........ llM (C) (•M Erskine lnvtstl11t11 a sleyin1 on 1uthtfttic ltttlnp In ltllJ and _..,,. -.,.,, 111 lndlln ratrvltion where tht butd on tlle blst·Mllln1 nowtl by 11:00 I!= (C) .. -lrlbtsmtn • hlVln1 1 boundary lrvtn1 stone, the motloD picture to-ti y...,.. (C) dispute with a minin1 pomP1ny. CUMI on tht four-ye1r span In • na. f . llddtf (C) · .,,.._. BlllY Rockhill, who .ls Ii 1o¥t with which Mlchel1n&tto palnttd tht atM Pa~ tnd tht Futu...- tht victim's wldo*. Jeffft!. Flthtr, ctilln1 of tttt. Siltlnt Ctlaptl. (R) of the G.O.P." OM MafloMJ, tilt 1ccuses minln1 1n1lneer John M· ID 11tn (C) (30) Llrry Mc:Cor· CO··foundtr and Stitt Ctlllnua of drid&t of tht crime. (R) mlci. the Conlamtlve P1tty of .... Y°"-m .... : .. ,...,...... ..,.... Cdre-~ , 4 JN) '42 -Leslie Howard, Miry fl) hW II• (JO) llJ wM Mlelt•t (C) "RIN of Morris. • • ' · E .,...,.. ....._ CJO> Danpr." am aurrvc1 taMI a ,.... David Canary portrays Candy, a pro/tulonal cowpokt and /rltnd of tire Cartwriglrts, on Bonanto. S11n· days at 9 PM , In color on NBC. II) W-*rllllt (C) (30) "CIOM-up t:301J ..... (C) (JO) pr·laden outt»otrd motDr tr\t fro. °" Runia." Biii Burrud provides a m My ....,, tM c. (C) (30) Lu V!C!!z. Nevldl to Maico. (IO e,ro:;~n~ ~~=d·in ~n!r! fl) Mr. • llri. Nd (JO) U (j) Q9 (I) ..... (C) of Geor1._..ht site of mainlficltrt IE c..-i.• J C1l1~r"d11 11;30 8 tlt#fc,511<Cl 1:::-~ ... "1:31, ...... SWJ (C) (30) ~ oo m Frm 11c1ee CC> ) StM Mee .. (C) (90) Guests 1rt Ot11ney & Bon.le l Friencb, Gtor11 Jessel. Connie Kres· kl, Sindy 811011 incl Frttl B11kett. 7:00 I luldlt (C) (30) •• ,.... 22 (60) Tiit Flttd Qef (30) Julll Id pr1P1rn l'Olst lee of limb. Qt (j) Rim (C) (30) 8 KNXT FILM SPECIAL! * "THE LONG GRAY LINE" West Point on parade! • ..... (C) lfTlle Liii ,,.., public 11rdtns end fountlins (30) ~~ -• pl1nned by /.,et.er ~ Grtal (Rl lO:OO 8 Qt (I)., ...... : l•f 111,. .. (C). 1 ....... ·-llltler (C) I Tiit flllltt r .. lty (30) (la) Guest Nthtmlalt PtnlOff plays (fJj Cf'&» llltwl (C) S.MI ef SI•.., (C) (2 hr) a eonupt Lltln American official &ler ~,. (C) (60) who plots to loot his own country 111t i.,.w (C) Mulaae (60) of $4,000,000 with tht connlvanct t'Z1 llllaflt (C) 1:30DU (j)8'11lt ......,...-lew of tht IMF. iR) , ~ (C) (lO) "fbt Birth of Everythln1 a IB (j) m .., ,... r.., (C) 11:45 D llowlt: (C) ......... "1lwltW' But the Blues." Suzie, Eve ind (IO)~ncounttr." Geraldine Broob (musical) '50-Bttty GBble, Vldlt Kaye "baby-aft'' with 1n wort· 1utst.s 11 a women IUIPtdtd of Mlture. mtnt of pets th1t overrun the Hub· klllln& htr husband 1nd who hlret m Ciltem ~ ''larceny, Inc." bard ind Buell houleholdl. (R) Woodruff and fOftJ to pther I'll· 12.'CIO D hlliNc ...._ 11111 (C) "SU II) Tiie Sl*ts Sit (C) (30) dtnu for htt dtftlllt. (R) Ind tht Starch for Adwtnturt" fB.,... w..w Tt..nw (JO) I GJ ... (C) (30) • t:OOIJ6(J) ......... (C) (60. ) Jtrry lAt ... , ....... (C) (60) 1:t0,a11ow1t: '1'lt ,._. (dttlM) I.et lewis and Conwey Twitty lllesl Ith Walktt hosts. '57 -Jotln 8tll. Sheppard stNd· a ta oo m 1eu1m CC> <60> m ....., 1..-t ce> <30> •'-·'fh• Unw1nttd." Btn ClrtwrlaM f8 ..... ,.,_ D News (C) ...... Robert Abemethy thinks we owe you something. Robert Abernethy thinks we owe you more than headline news coverage. He thinks we should show you the world the way it is all ,&tle time. And the way it relates to you right here in Southern California. We agree with Robert Abernethy. Tune in KNBC Newservice, and you'll see we do. Our KNBC Newservice'staff really cares what people think about the way the world is. hp 10 KtBC newseMce: We care what you think. VVEEKNIGHTS 5, 6:30& 11 PM~~ I HUNTLEY, BRINKLEY AT 6 -~. . . . f • • •• REGULAR DAYTIME MONDAY ~.1 0 R r-. I N (.; Price. Wally Cox, Rott Mar1t, Ch1r11Y Wnver and Paul Lynde. G)ROJ llopn 10:50 8 falllons In Sewil& (C) Lucille Rivers. 11:00 IJ a~ low of .Lit. (C) o ~. m Jtopa"' <Cl Art Aem1na osts. O ne Ga11o91nc C01...t (C) Graham Kerr. I Debbie Dreka Danc:erdze (C) 5:551 Give Us This DaJ Slltrill Jolln (C) 6:00 summer Semtsttr (C) Rom!* Room (C) 6:30 Sum!Mf School '(C) 11:25 IJ f3 Ci) CBS NIWI (C) Dourtas • £4uC.tlon Exchanft --Edwards. - Tiie Absurd Arts: Dr. Clarence 11:30 IJ Qt) Cl) Snrdl for Tomorrow (C) Sandelin ~f Cal state, L.A., hosts. 0 fit @ m [Jt G11ea (C) Bill m Eduutional Fllms • Cullen hosts. -m Tecltnical Corner • B "ollnny Grant lt,#Unlvtr11I (C) 7:00 I CBS ",.. (C) Joseph Benti. . Tiit Anniveruri. G111e (C) AJ · @@a;, The Tod1y Show (C) Hamel hosts. uah Downs hosts. B Tempo (C) Bob Doman and Roy I Exercise With Gloria (C) Elwell co-host. • Mr. W'ilhbont (C) G) The Ntw Sound {C) ftllx tht Cit Ei) Mar~ Closl Coatmodity/Stoct Report 11:55 0 Corrls Guy (C) Wedr 7:30 I Ntw1/Ed Ntison Sllow (C) T1lt Aintstonts (C) Bozo tht Clown (C) fl. F T F R N 0 O '• 1:00 ~Qt Cl) Captlin llanproo (C) 12:00 IJ loriue _(.< C) Steve Dunne hosU. With Bob Keeshan. 0 ta 6 m You're P'vttiq Me I Abbott & Costello Car1Dons (C) on ~ ill Leyden hosts. William Mlpty Moust (C) Shatner, Vivian Vance. E. J. Peaker Cumby (C) auest. 1:15 @(}) Video Diatst (C) I Movie: See Daytime Movies. 1:25 0 Community Bulletin Board (C) @ (3) ltwltcbtd Thurs. G) Nm (C) 8:301 Public Strvlu Fllm (C) Thurs. Stott Market Analym • Astronaut Car1oo111 (C) Cl) Tfla Llnklttttf Show (C) lup Bunny (C) 12:15 G) Stretch and Stw, Wed. Rodltt Robin Hood (C) Cl) RockJ and His Friends (C) 12:30 I 9 Ci) As tlle World Turns (C) . ' @@m Days of Our llwel 1:55 O Community Bulletin loerd (C) ( ) Macdonald Carey stars. 9:00 IJ Tiit Lucy M O @ CJ) That Gll1 (C) 0 11) (.6) m It Takes Two (C) m Movie: See Daytime Movies. Vin Scully hosts. Marty Ingels. Ben Hunter hosts. Jackie De Shannon, Stanley Myron G) Diallnc for Dollars (C) Dave Handelman and their spouses auest. Reeves hosts. 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies. EE) Offlct of tht President .lohnhy Grant hosts. O Movie: See Daytime Movies. 1 :00 IJ ~ (j) love Is a Many Spltn- Jackie Joseph hosts. dortd Tlllilc (C) I Movie: See Daytime Movies. 0 CiJ CiH?;Hllt Doctors <Cl @ (1) Jad La Laot (C) James Prifchett stars. Undtfdoa (C) 0 @ (V Drum HoUN (C) Mike (1) Andy Srlfflth; Ann Sutchtf Darrow hosts. ( ) Fri. Ei) Tecllnical Corner 9:30 1J ~ (I) ltvlrly Hillblllla 1:3019 (j) 11le Guldlna lldlt (C) 0 @ Ci) m Concentration (C) Ed • @ @ m Another Wortd (C) McMahon hosts. father Knows lest I Movlt: See Daytime Movies. @ CV m let's M•ke a 0... Sumby (C) ( ) Monty Hall hosts. Cl) Hayden's Hapt1•lnc (C) G) Joan Rivers (C) 10:001J Andy Griffith Ei) Commodity Report/stock Mar· 0 fB (j) m Personality (C) lar-ket Summery ry Blyden hosts. Guests are Rocky 2:00 IJ ~ (j) Stc:ret Storm (C) Graziano, Rita Moreno and Tom 0 (!) a;, You Don't S1J (C) Kennedy. Host om Kennedy welcomes June G) Public S.rvic. Fllm [ockh. art and John Forsythe~ ~ @ Sunny Today (C) O Love That lob; Cooklnc (C) 10:3019 Cl) Did Yen Dyte Wed. . ' QJ @ m Hollyweod Squares @ CV Q) ne Ntwlywed C11M ( Host Peter Marshall welcomes P, Bob Eubanks hosts. Jecqueline Susann, Shirley Jones, G) Movie: See Daytime Movies. Jack Cassidy, Pal Henry, Vincent Ei) Tiit P'itrrt Show PROGRAMS thru FRIDAY Z:JOlgf tE Tiit ~ .:!.c. ..._ (C) ~ R~um hosts. Tiit a.ten lm (])a> Tiit Dltl•t 11• (C) J m Lina• halts. 3:001 n. u....a.r .. (C) · it' ~nlo Ja..,. hoots. (])Q) C....I Holpftal (C) • : Ste D1ytfmt Movies. Tom Fr1ndaen hosti. 12'.Alorau (C) ~ Mltlnff: Don Rodew11d. Altilrnoon Movie dnee: Don Wllt0n. 3:30 fJ LllCty Ptlr (C) Geoff Edw1nls hosts. Don Grady ind Dawn Wells cuest. D MIU Dott&I• (C) ao...,..,..... 0 @ Cil ti!) OM Ufe Tt lM (C) m .. , Fwortte ...... GJ HelM Kelly (C) 4.-00 II Sea H...t; Mowi1r: See Daytime MO¥ies on Thur1dey. Bllft T~ (C) u (ilJ (!) &l Dlf'k .... (C) Jon1tfiintrid stars. m Tiit Fllnt:IMa (C) •~• -..: See Daytime Movla DIMa c..t (C) ..... (C) Bill Bonda. ..._ (C) Georp Putnam. I lie Tep SllN (C) ..,., .. _ .. .,.. rtua pq (C) ltwttdlld 5:0011 MIC ~ (C) ~ll')~.'!~ :n:: D ..._ (C) Tom Reddin. 0 The Crt0VJ Sllow (C) Robert W. .rorpn hosb. GJ11M Addlm Ft•llJ @@Jta111no. ..... (C) Q.t (() Tiit Lucy Sllew 1C) m lllllpn's lslll'ICI (C) &) n.t '"' (C) 5:30 8 Allf'll W1r• .. (C) Tuts., Wtd. D @(i)U)AIC ..... (C) Frtnk Reynolds. QTwtllpt lone ID hr Cardi (C) Art Junes host&. OJ CIRiiJ11'1 lslll'ICI @ @ Tllia °" 19" (C) m ... ..,.. ~··• Qt Ci).._....,. (C) mron Talk (C) Movies ol tlle Week I SUNDAY, AUGUST , 10 9:00 U @ (]) "The Alo!\Y •nd the Ecstaisy.'' Charlton Heston, Rex Harrison and Diane Cilento star in the film based on the novel by Irving Stone about the four-year span during which Michelangelo painted the celling of the Sistine Chapel. TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 9:00 0 Ii) 00 "The Ride to H1n1m1n'1 Tree." James Farentino, Jack Lord, Don Galloway and Melodie Johnson star in the 1967 film about a threesome of engaging bandits who decide to split up and go straight--only to wind up in business again. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13 9:00 0 @ (3) "Sands of the Kll1h1ri." Stuart Wh itman, Stanley Baker. ""S"usannah York, Theodore Sikel, Harry Andrews and Nigel Davenport star in the story of flve men and a woman who survive an air crash in the wastes of Africa's Kalahari Desert. THURSDAY, AUGUST 14 9:00 fJ Qt (j) "Gl1ot." Jackie Gleason and Katherine Kath star In the story of a warm-hearted, sensitive janitor who (although he Is mute) "talks" to and befriends a little girl whose mother Is a prostitute. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1!5 9:00 11 9 [i) "The Blue An1el." Curt Jurgens and Mal Britt star in the ~59 drama about a high school botany professor who is morally destroyed by a seductive dancehall entertainer. SATURDAY, AUGUST 16 9:00 O fl) (i) "Blrdman of Afc•traz." Burt Lapcaster, Betty Field, KarlMJcien and Thelma Ritter star in the 1962 film biography of Robert Stroud, a man who used his time in prison to study and develop a science of birds. 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 ......... . May be used on envelopes as return address labels. Also very handy es identification f abels for marking personal items such as booh, records , photos, etc. l abels stick on glass and may be used for marking home canned food items. An labels are printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quality white gummed paper and packed in reu~ble magic 5eal top container. r--------------, I I I I I I I I I I "'' I.. tllh CM,_, ell; •M ••II wltt. $1.00 h t P'l1et "fttt"'9,LaMI Div., lea 117" H.,,,.,t '"ch. Calif. tH6l· -······················································ ···--···································-···----···-~·· ········-··········-···································· ... .,. ..... .,.., JJ, c.4• I I I I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING _ ___ ,, L _____________ ..... _ FREE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LAIELS WE WILL INCLUDE ... SET OF PACKA6E MAILIN6 LAIELS. ~ .. _J ..... 11 • MONDAY AUGUST 11 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTrME MOVIES 9:0011 "So Evil MJ Lon" (mystery) '4Pr-Ray Milland, Ann Todd. 0 "History la Made It Nlpt'" (drama) '37--char1es Boyer, Jean Arthur. fJ "Tht Furies" (western) '50- Barbara stanwyck. Walter Huston. 9:30 m "Spitfire" (comedy) ·~ath­ uine Hepburn, Robert Youn£ 12:0011 "Henry Alclridl for healdenff (comedy) '41-Jlmmy \.ydon. 12:l0 m whee Hnc.i.IUI'' (drama) '53 -Edmond O'Brien, Frank lo¥*'. "~ (mystery) '47-shella Ryan, Edward Norris. 2.:00 m ''Tiie a.as" (drama} -Joan Fontaine, David Farrar. 3:00 fJ "1'1lt Hastr Heart" (dr1m1) '50 -Richard Todd, Patricia Neal.. -4:30 B (~ "Jaulca Ill&'' -~twe} ·~1y Milland, Arlene Dahl. EVENING 6:00 11 n.. l ie ,._ (C) (60) Jerry Oun~. D ~@ tnMaiof L.e.pe au.. ball (C) (confd.) Team to be an- nounced. a ..,. A11n .. <C> <90> Shelley Berman, Anne-Marie Benn- strom, Joan Baez and Tom Pattlf· IOn guest. 0 Sill O'aod M .. : "Trapped bl flnc*s" (drama) '60 -Edmund Purdom, Genevieve Page. I S,, (C} (60) I Lowe lKY (60) lat.an (C} (30) MIU DoUO-(C) (90) ~rs,._? (30) Mur1 Deuslnc p og:raphs the rearing of prone· horn antelope; Dr. Dan Posin ex- plains gravity; and Tony Saletan sings Chinese songs. @I) Juwntucl DMno Tts0ro (30) .G) News (C} (60) Jack Hickey. 6:301 DBC N .... wice (C) (60) httJ Dub (30) : Twin C4rde Heldlilll (C} (30) oo m """ <C> (3o> ...... 34 (C} (60) 7:00 11 CBS Eftt'.11111 Nns (C) (30) Waller Cron.kite. fJ nit's MJ Line? (C} (30) Hast Wally Bruner, wttti rerular panelist Arlene Francis. welcomes guest panelists Robert Aldi, Gawn Gralnc· er and Anita Gnlette. m PISIW9nl (C} (30) Rose Marie and Alan Kine guest m McHai.'flllny (30) • m Eaalnl ..... '".....,.. (30) "The Discipline of Zen." Alan Shirley Jones is a featured guest-star on the NBC weekday game show. The Hollywood Squares (10:30 AM), during the week of August J/./5. Pac• 12 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, AUGUST 9, 1969 Witts loou Into the life, won and Lone Day." The Baron and a fri(ht. meditation In 1 Zen seminary. ened airt are besi.&ed by runrnen SUtches Mld photofr1phs from In a small Italian village. l•n illustrate his points. u @ (I) rn Th• Outcab (C) Cl) Fa•ily Altllr (C) (30) (60) 'The lown That Wouldn't" Ctsll's hid (C} (30) Ruth Roman guests 11 Jade, a Ortea ..._ (C} (30) saloon women, one of the few r-. 7:30 tB Cl) ,......., (C} (60) 'Th• dents of a small town who have not Good Samerltans." Marshal Dillon, fled under threat of a raid by Mar1l en route to Dodae City, with 1 Fenner's 11n1. E.art Corey and Jemsl dealh·bed statement needed as evi· David are offered $500 to help dence In • trial, finds refu1e in protect the remaining citizens. They the camp of an ex-slave flmily refuse, but when their horses are after he is wounded by bounty stolen they have no choice. Pippa hunters searchin1 ffor the papel'$. Scott guests as Auausta Barnes. (R) I @ (i) Monct.J si.ow (C) "For Love Ja Btftny (30) or Mooey." @ ED The Awnpra (C) m Na Jownal (60) "Fasten Your ( ) .. ~.. EmlJI• Peel Is kid· Seat Belt." NET reconstructs lht n1ped and taken lo a huae movie events leading to airplane accidents. set. She discovers that she Is to Eyewitness reports and testimony star In a motion picture titled 'The by air traffic authorities point out Destruction of Mrs. Emma Peel." the necessity of uparading airport (R) facilities to keep pace with grow- B Miiiion $ Movie: (C) "fl'Oftl Hell 1·n air traffic. to Tu n" (westem) '58-Don Mur· Ci) The Flintstones (C) (30) '.!l· Diane Varsi. 9:30 FaiwlJy Affair (C) (30) Uncle Bill m Trvth Of ConMqlltltCU (C} (30) plans to marry a beautiful Italian Volunteer contestants attempt to (Brion! Farrell) in Rome, and the imitate the voice of Donald Duck, twins are sure It means a breakup • and all are amazed th.at one per· of the family. (R) son gives a perfect Imitation. ! Niis 1C) (30) Ted Meyers. hny Muon (60) I ''IC l L I Population ~n: IE lnnl'Watlons (30) "More use. 5ru t Problem (C) (60) Moder· for Epoxies." Dr. Henry Lee, Vice ator Bill Burrud Is Joined by three President of [poxylite~ talks with distinguished panelists: Dr. l~ina Or. Richard Brenneman about new Benaelsilorf, Science Editor of L.A. uses for epoxy. The resln-bue Times; Or. Roger 0. Eaebera. Dean product is used by dentists, by doc· of the School of Medidne, USC, and tors and in many Industrial areas. Chairman ol the Medical Commit- 1 Dtltlo cit P .. nes (30) tee of Planned Parenthood, LA.; 1:00 0@ thtlltlfJ.ariatJey (C} (30) and Father John Urban, Director of · nne cr.r C?Or - -CO"mllftlmcations tor ttre 1tom11T Hazel (30) Catholic Archdiocese of Los An· World Prtu (C) (60) A sum· geles. The program ls a comblna· mary of global press reactions to tion of live discussion and film. (R) issues In the United States. uperts I Ci) Mcffalt's Navy (30) analyze stories from more than 80 • Revfsta Musical (30) newspapers and magazines. 10-.00 QI (j) Jltult Rodatrs (C~ (60) @I) Hit '•ride (C) (90) Pianist Roger Williams and comedl· 1:30 II a Ci) ~·r•'s Lucy (C) (30) an Scoey Mitchlll guest. Jack Benny guests when Lucy de· ·1 m News (C) (60) cldes that the bank needs a celeb· (ij') CD ' Die• Cavett (C) (60) rlty as a depositor to enhance Its • Dttla! ,, (60) Leonerd Barr image. (R) and The Trenlers guesl. D fD I Dr ... of Jeullle (C) (30) fll) Arin& Line (C) (60) "Problems .. ~iuest Star in Hollywood." 01n of a Chief Executive." Wllllam F. Rowan and Dick Martin help Jeannie Buckley Jr.'s guests are P~l Bu· launch a movie cereer to make Tony chanan and Ray Price, special IS· jealous. Judy Came, Arte Johnson si.stants to the President. and Gery Owens, plus producer I Mn Alla de 11 Mutrte (C) (30) George Schlater appear as them· 10:30 Ntws (C} (30) Bill Johns. selves. Fallatt Corazon (30) o 'oldeft v.,." cc> (3o> 'The 11:00 § o o m m m ..... <C> Two Austrlas." Attrtd HltQcocl O @(l)G) TIM 5 1111s of Will • Mowit: "Hotmldd11" (horror) '61 SOftnett (C} (30) "Jim Sonnett's -Glenn Corbett, Patricia Breslin. Ledy." James Sonnett Is led Into a m Luclclto's Q1tltfJ (C) Bobby Vee, trap by a woman who is setting Pat Henry, Susan Saint James and him up for a man who seeks re-The Back Porch M1jority guest venre. (R) Portrelts: Actress Ingrid Beraman I Dnid Frtlt (C) (90) by Muriel Davidson; end baseball Run for Your Lift (C) (60) great Willy Mays by sports. column- (i) News (C) (30) isl Charles Elnstein. Me.le: ''WltlOll,. (biography) m Movlt: "Heirs Fivt Houri" (dra- 4-Alexander Knox, Geraldine Atz. ma) '58-Stephen McNally. prald. @ (I) ID 00 a CJ) News (C) 9:00 R Ma,btrrJ Rf'D (C) (30) little 11:30 fJ Movie: "Kiss tht Blood Off My .;me, Aunt Bee and Millie join forces Hands" (drama) '4S-8urt Lanen · to talk Sam Into lettlnr the boy ter, Joan Fontaine. have a dog. (R) 0 @ @ fD Tonight S11ow (C} D MOlldlJ Movie: ''lontfy An tlM 11 Movie: "Perilous Holiday" (ad· l rlVt" (drama) '62-Kirk Dou(las. venture) '46-Pat O'Brien. Michael Kane. Cowboy, having es-I cm(})££) Joey Bishop (C} caped from Jail, heads fOf the 12:30 ClicO Kid mountains and ls pursued by sheriff Action Theltre: "Wicked City." and his posse. 1:00 • O News (C} 11 TM Baron (C) (60) 'The Lone. C..11unitJ l •ll«ln Board (C) • n ) .. I ~ it le ,, p 'I e I ) • I • L r 1 t , YOUR HOME · SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR REMODELe REDECORATE e ADD A IOCM e APAITMINTS &. UNITS e CUSTOM HOMIS e •tTCHIN DPllTS e TWO STOIT SPICIALIST1 Patios -Walks -Driveways Licensed -Reasonable Rates -Free Estimates - J . RAY CONSTRUCTION 642-4210 or 673-6675 eves. Block Wall & Wood Fence Building -Add Attractiveness and Value to Your Home ! CUstom Work -Reasonable Call 646-0921 anytlm. Mai Britt and Don Francks are guest stars and Lee Meri· wether plays a temporary member of the Impossible Missions Force in an episode of Mission: Impossible to be filmed for fall broadcast (Sundays, 10:00-11 :00 PM) on the CBS Television Net· work. Miss Britt. in an infre· quent televi sion appearance. portrays the wife of an ex· iled dictator with Francks, star of the former Jericho television series, as a power· hungry aide. • • • Heisman Trophy winner 0. J. Simpson, perhaps the most honored college foot· ball player in history, will make his dramatic acting debut in an episode of the new Medical Center series, which premieres this fall on the CBS Television Network. '"9 l.eyHt & D-'ta 2t Yeen hperieece Call now -0,-n Wffkdays ht. & S-. Appts. A•wl. ... ., ......... , ..... 14JI L C... Hltliw-. C.,...4'M ... CAa,ITING Use Remnants for Extra Rooms and SA VE 50% ! J. J. KNICKIRIOCKIR <Town A Country) H.B. 185R2 RPach Blvd., 962-3351 Termites, Rats, Roaches, Fleas &: Ants Exterminated (l.Jcenst No. 3626 ) JOHNSTON, 549-0116 MGM Studios filmed the story, in which Simpson por· trays a potential Heisman award winner whose college and professional football fu· ture appears endangered by a mysterious ailment. • • • Leonard Nimoy has been set as a permanent star on Mission: Impossible series and will appear in every epi - sode of the highly-rated CBS Television show. Nimoy will join Mission star Peter Graves and co-stars Greg Morris and Peter Lupus as a full·time regu lar on the series. Nimoy, winner of three straight Em my nominations for his por· trayal of the half ·human, half-Vulcan Mr. Spock in Star Trek, originally wa s signed to MIRRORED 'WAaDa091 DOOltS * Ornate Front Entry Doon: * Room Divider$ * Shutters * Millwod• lnstallatioii, CURTIS LARSON 673-1126 Plumbing Re~lr Drain Cleaning -Free Eatlma Les - S'llDY 'LUMllNG 24 Hrs. &: Weekend Work 546-2387 or 540-7217 LAWN SERVICE Mo~ · Edge -Vacuume Clean-Up and Hauling Reasonable Rate~ RUSS JONES LAWN SERV. 545-2MJ VETS IONDID 'AINTING -10 Years in Area - Llcensed A Insured Reasonabl• Rates, Interior -Exterior Call 642-0427 anytime appear in eight segments of Mission for next season. Paramount TV Production Chief Douglas S. Cramer was so impressed with Ni· moy's performance in the episodes already filmed that the studio reopened negotia· tions to extend the original agrnement with Nimoy to a permanent contract. • • • Andy Griffith returns - with a baby-as guest star on Mayberry R.F.D. in an episode for broadcast next fall on the CBS Television Network. Thtl script calls for Andy to return to Mayberry with his wife, Helen, played by Aneta Corsaut, for the christening of their new baby. CAR,ET & FURNITURI CLEANING For 1 Day Service and Quality Wvrk . . . CALL S:J'ERUN FOR BRlGHTNESS! 642.f.5'20 l'ARKLI JANITORIAL Windows Our Specialty ~ ..... ," .. '" c:e--d•I. ........ i.1 Ml-2''1 c .. stnct ... c...._. CZTKOIKl'S Custom Upholstery & Re,-lr European Craftsmansh10 100% Financin~-<:ontlnuou. Do-It-Yourself Uphol. Classes Largest Selection of h.brlcs 1U1 Newport I I., C•t• MM 642-1454 . . Roof Coe.Ung and Repair "Rock Roof Our Specialty" Guaranteed Work -Free Es\lmatft- 541-'779 Art linkletter, host of The Linkletter Show on the CBS Television Network, has been awarded the YMCA Gold Medal in recognition of his work in behalf of that or· ganization. The presentation took place in St. Louis in conjunction with the YMCA's ! 25th anniversary banquet the.~. • • • David Janssen is set to make two guest-starring ap- pearances on television this fall. He will appear on the Lena Horne Special (for Mon· santo) which airs September 10. Following that, he will be seen on the Dean. Martin Show on October 2. Janssen has rarrly made television appearances since his four year starring run as The Fu· gitive, which is st ill being aired in foreign markets. TUESDAY AUGUST 12 · For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's mo9ies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- oirt advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES I t:OO O "Five lraves to Cairo" (adven· ture) '43-Anne Baxter, Franchot Tone. D (C) "MJ Blue Heaven" (musi· taf) 'SO-Betty Grable, Dan Dailey. U "Tiie Sreat Jewelry Robbery" (adventure) '50--Davld Brian, Mar· Jorie Reynolds. 9:30 m "ConqUtfed City" (adventure) '65-0avld Niven, Martin Balsam. 12:00 D "Alnallal EIJ,.... (mystery) '32-Martene Dietrich, Clive Brook. 12:30 m "lavender Hill Mob" (comedy) '42-Nec Guinness. "Tl!• ltd•• and tlle bnepdes" (adventure) 'M -Jon Hart, Lon Chaney. Z:OO lB "Rooll In tile House" (drama) 'SS-Marjorie Rhodes, Patrick Barr. 3:00 U (C) "lit'• Dane.'' (musical) '50--aetty Hutton, Fred Astaire. 4:30 IJ (C) "This Island EArtll" (sci·fl) 'SS-Jeff Morrow, Faith Domeraue. I ,/ I ·~ I ~~ (' 6:00 1J Tiit 811 NIWt (C) (60) J«TY Oun~. 8 fE.HunUty-Brlnkltr (C) (30) Anpls lueball (C) Calif. An· aels vs. Detroit lifers at Detroit 0 Six O'Clec:k Movie: (C) '1lle fitaon" (mystery) '6' -Peter Cushlna, Christopher Lee. 11 Spy (C) (60) I Lon Lucy (60) lhlman (C) (30) lllu OoucJas (C) (90) i>ars New? (30) Muri Oeuslnii observes the rearina of youn11 bison; Or. Dan Posln talks about spac• $hip fuel ; and Tony Saletan sines Indonesian sonas. Im Jwentud Dlvlno TesofO (30) G) N ... (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:301 KNBC Ntw1trvlce {C) (60) Patty Dub (30) · (I) HunUey-Brinkley (C) (30) Ci) m News (C) (30) : Focus on s.tclen (C) (30) "From FJre and Air-Swedish Glass." A loo'k at the class creators of Smal· and, where more than 40 flus works have been erected in the middle of a secluded, wooded prO¥· Ince in southern Sweden. @!) Notid«o 34 (C) (60) 7:00 IJ CBS EvtnU.1 News (C) (30) • Walter Cronkite. 0 Whirs My Une? (C) (30) m Password (C) (30) Allen Ludden hosts. g McHale's Navy (30) @ Atfltrla! (C) (30) Museu• Open House (30) "Por- traits for Eternity." Host Russell THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, AUGUST 9, 196g Connor conducts a tour throu&h the tured. (R) aallerles of £.a:yptJ.an art at the fil) NET Festival (C) (60) "Mozart Boston Museum of Rne Arts. Plino Concerto No. 2•." Pianist An· I Cl) Tiit hod Sup (C) (30) dre Watts and the Los Anaetes iil4incl 111 Ille SUn (C) (30) Phllharmonlc's Zubl11 Mehta are Drea11 Ho• (C) (30) featured. Watt~ discusses his life 7:30 tB (f) Linc. (C) (60) Smooth· and music in the first part of the talklnr Uay Criswell (Guy Stock· prorram, which also Includes re· well) persuades Green River citizens hearsals and a performance at the to aive up their arms when he be· Los An1eles Music Center. comas temporary $heriff, but John· @!) ~ _QO) ny Lal)Cef suspects a sinister pur· 9:30 1J Ila Cl) Doris DIJ (C) (30) Dor· pose behind the apparent attempt othy Benson (Pew Rea} rets a to foster_tood will. (R) hurried call from the stork end her 8 ID {j) @m Star Trtt (C) (60) husband Kai (Paul Smith) 1oes into "retl'hat Be Your Last Battlefield.'' shock. so Doris volunteers to ba~y- The Enterprise becomes the battle· sit with the four BeMOn children. around for two alien men (Frank CR) Gorshln and LDu Antonio) who have fJ @ (3) t!0 NYPD (C) (30) ''Tht tou1ht to kill each other for 50,000 Fa~e on lfie Dart Board." The wife years. (Rl_ of Dete~tive Lt. Mike Haines Is fJ @ CI) itiD Mod Squid (C) (60} harassed by a crank caller threat· "Child of Sorrow. Child of L11hl" eninr her husband. Haines and his Julie poses as an unwed expectant collearues, Jeff Wa!d and John mother durin1 an lnvesti1ation of Corso, set out to find the caller a baby adoption.extortion racket. and rome ·up with three suspects. Ida Lupino 1uests In the episode as CR) "Aunt Iris" Potter, who runs a I ~~jg_ (30) Ted Meyers. house where 1irls alve their lllerlt· c:mmD Tiit Jet Set (C) (60) lmate babies out for adoption. Dan B II Burrud shows the Jet set zoom· Travanty plays Milo. (R) ing from the United States to Q Million $ Movie: (C) "Funny Paris. Tokyo, Mexico City, Acapulco, Fact'' (comedy) 'S7-fred Astaire, Tahiti, New Zealand, and Australia. Audrey Hepburn. (R} m Truth or Conseq11tnces (C) (30} @I) Chucho AveUanet (C) (30) Bob Barker participates in 1 bottle· 10:00 IJ 9 (]) CBS News Special (C) breaking contest with a woman who (60) ''Fiffiers and Sons." The con· ls unaware that the game is rigied flicts and the bonds between lour a1alnst her. sons and their lathers are reported lB Peny M110n (60) by Charles Kuralt and John Lau· EE) French Chef (30) Julia Child rence. prepares lobster thermidor. Im News (C) (60) 1:00 Anrel Wrap-up {C) • Della! (C) (60) Sam Fletcher I Duelo de Paslones (30) @ @ a> Die\ Cmtt (C) C60) ------------------------! Hazel (30} guests. • Future (60) .:t:l T lk' t St Diahann Carroll, as Nurse Julia Baker, makes like a corner man in a prize ring as she patches company scrapper Vito Cortauo (Peter Bruni) In Julia colorcast of "Sticks and Stonu Can Break My Piua'' <:n NBC Tuesday 01 8:30 PM. Pap 14 : Dlsc:ottleque a Go-Go (C) (60) w a 1~g o a ranger 1:30 IJ 9 Cl) Tiit Ubtrace satow (C) * Magnificent . B_BC D~ama (60) En1elbert Humperdinck, Dana 1st of 4 Brtlhant Nates Valery, Terry-Thomas and Jack Wild EE) Talllint to a Strancer (90) "Any. guest. Liberace's concert spot is a time You're Ready I'll Sparkle." Arst medley of Chopin and Liszt compo-in a series of John Hopkins' quartet sitions. He also plays "Love Is Blue" of dramas, each telling the same and "GeoraY Girt." incid&nt in a family from different II ID @ m Julia (C) (30) points of view. This is the daugh· "Sticks and Stones Can Break My ter's play. She visits her parents Pizza." Julia must reconsider her for the weekend to force them and no·fi1htin1 policy for son Corey herself to face their mutual self. when Earl J. Wa11edo<n receives a deceits. black eye battling for him. (R) I Mu Alla de la Mlltftt (C) (30) 1J Gisele MacKenzie's lett.r Haff 10:30 Ntw1 (C) (30) Bill Johns.. Hour (C) (30) Hazel Scott and • Fallasta Coruon (30) Kurt Kastnar 11uest. 11:00 0 fJ @II m G) News (C) D @ (]) l(f) It Takes a Tllltf Affrld Hltdlcod (l) (60) "A Matter of Grey Matter." • Movie: (C) "The Trap" (drama) Part I, Alexander Mundy sets out 'S9-Richard Widmarll. Tina Louise. to steal the formula for a solid m Ludden's Gallery (C) Peter Mar· missile fuel from a wealthy recluse shall, Dick Gautier, Sandra Locke who plans to sell It to an opposl· and The Back Pol'Ch Majority guest tlon aovernment. (R) Portraits: Steve McQueen by Author m David Frost (C) (90) Harlen Ellison; and Jackie Glea90fl lB Run for Your Life (C) (60) ~ Bill Davidson. t·OO 8 fD (i) m NIC Tuesday Movie: W Movie: "Two-Gun Lady'' (dra- • (C') "Tiit Ride to H111pa.11'1 Tree" ma) '56 -Peuie Castle, William (western) '67 -James Farentlno, Talman. Jack Lord, Don Galloway, Melodie 1 @ @(6)~ (j) News (C) Johnson. A threesome of en1111in1 : Reapn News Confennce (30) bandits decides to split up and 10 • Noticlee1> 34 stral1ht~ly to wind up back in 11:30 Movie: (C) "Al Jennlnp of the business torether a1ain. Golna Olllabollla" (western) '51 -Dan off to California alone, Stone sue-Duryea, Gale Storm. cessfully creates the double role of 8 @@ @m Tonlallt SIMlw (C) a respectable rancher and the feared Movie: "1914" (drama) '5&- "Black Bandit"-untll his old pels -Michael R«lrrave, Jan Stertlni. show up and try to cash in on his fJ @(I)&) Joey Bishop (C) setup. (R) fii) Reapn Press Confertne9 D Sltowca• s (C) (60) Shirley 12:30 m CflDler Baney and Count Basie are fea· ID Actloa Tlleltre: "The Hostaae" 1 I• s • • • 1-• .. II ,, 0 '· I. • • s !· t n f L ) 0 .. I, ) r d ) r t t e t s :f ) ·. WEDNESDAY AUGUST 13 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below for your convenience ar~ the day's movies. Ali sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 D .. Murder, He Sap" (comedy) '45-Marjorie Main, Fred MacMurray. 0 ·~ranch" (comedy) 'SO-Donald O'Connor. Patricia Medina. 0 (C) "Cannon Sefenact." (com· edy) '6&-Vittorlo De Sica. 9:30 m "So Lona at the Fair" (mys.. tery) 'SO-Jean Simmons, Dirk Bo- carde. 12:00 IJ "lrewsttr's Millions" (comedy) '4>-0ennis O'Keefe. Helen Walker. 12:30 m "Watuloo Road" (drama) '45 -John Mills. Stewart Granaer "Railroaded" (drama) '47 -John Ireland, Sheila Ryan. 2:00 Q) "Surd! for Dane•" (mystery) '49-John Calvert, Myrna Dell. 3:00 0 "little IOJ Lost" (drama) '53 -Sin& Cros!>y. Nicole Maurey Claude Dauphin. ' 4:30 II "Th• Fallen Sp1rrow" (drama) '43-John Garfield, Maureen O'Hara. EVfN I NG 6:00 II The II& News (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Huntlty·Brin•ltJ (C) (30) 0 Artpls Baseball (C) Calif. An· aels vs. Detroit TI1ers at Detroit 0 Si1 O'Clodl Movie: "We're Not Married" (oomedy) '53 -Ginger Rogers, David Wayne. 11 Spy (C) (60) I Lon Lucy (60) lellllan (C) (30) (}) Mike Dou&111 (C) (90) Whit's New? (30) Various pral· r~e animals are seen; an explan•· t1on of the solar system is given; and Liberian folk stories and music are presented. I Juventud Dlvino Taaoro (30) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 lNBC NtwttrVIU (C) (60) Patty Dvke (30) @ Huntlcy-Brlnkley (C) (30) About Cemnlca (30) "The World of Today's Potters." Host Earl McCutdlen discu:ues and points out the vast contrast between individual and mass production of pottery. I CIJ m News (C) (30) Noticltro 34 (C) (60) 7:00 CBS Ennlna News (C) (30) Walter Cr.oaklte. 0 What's M, lint? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. m rusword (C) (30) Allen Lud· den hosts. ~ Mcffale's Navy (30) 00 You APtd for It (30) Blad! Vltwpolnl (30) A panel of Nearo newsmen question a com· munity leader. I m lwtffy Hlllbllllet (C) (30) Wenclerlust (C) (30) Dmm House (C) (30) 7:30 Tarun (C) (60) After a fall on a riverboat Jai loses his memory and becomes lM helpless aecom a woman who survive an air crah plice of lewel thieves. (R) In the wutes ol Africa's ltllahlri 0 9@ mn.e Yir1l1111 (C) desert. They battle the pitiless des. {§0) ''The Ofdeal." A rich man's ert and wild baboon' with little spoiled son is sent to Shiloh Ranch hope of rucue, (R) lo "shape up" and finds the JOln& &!) lnterutioul lll&UIH (60) rou&h after his ne&'laence causes Napoleon's two remainln& descend· the death of one of Elizabeth Grain· an~-a prince and a former bu.s &er's colts. Robert Pine (Uests. CR) driver-are interviewed on the O @ C~HDHere Ceae th 2ooth anniverwry of hi$ birth. David Irides (C) (60) "LoUertleads.." Weber also rePof'ts on treatment Itinerant lawyers B1rnabus Smith of Jewish and Arab u11es n the and Victor Webster do • br\slc busi-Middle East and British resurth nes:s In law suits and wills In Seat· into jet construction feults. tie. disruptin& friendships and the fl) sitwi. r urique (60) Bolts' partnership. (R) 9:30 II a Ci) Snlen Aa'll (C) (30) fJ Mitlien $ M..W. (C) .,.lld ef Oliver Doualas. lncented OYtr mail Anpls" (dr•m•) 'S7-¢ark Gable, procedures by Sam Orudler (frank Yvonne DeCar1o. Cady) at his stnrt. •rites to th• m Trutll or C.aeqlMM8S (C) (30) lJ S. Postmaster General demar\d- Three contesunts look at film clips in1 mail delivery service. (R) of historic headline-m1kina events O Nftl (C} (30) Ted Meyers. and try to Identify main partic-Q) i IPIC!M I WMt''I ~ ipan~such as Chines A. Lind· (C) (60) An expose of the pros and bergh, Babe Ruth and former track cons or pornoiraphy In theatres. and field veal Glenn Cunningham. mil&azines 1nd toplm bers. Bill Q) reny Muon (60) Burrud ho$ls. (R) ~Joya C~n ~~ (30) "Boned 10!0011 Qt (f) Hnai.I f'IW9-0 (C) (60) Chicken, Quack·Stlr. ~rs. Chtn Steve M~arrett flies to Los Art· de!"onstrates how to skin a wtlole aeles to build a case 111inst 1 chicken and cut up the 1>1rts. She practitioner (Joanne Linville) wtlo alS> shows how to cook in a Wok is victim~ing McG1rrett's sister with the Chinese qulck·stir method. (Nancy Malone) and her serlousty ~ m lest of Hollywood (2 hr) lit baby with a phony ''treatment" f.m Oielo de hsioMs (30) machine. Part one of 1 two·1>1rt 1:001 An&els Wrap·UCI (C) (30) q_isode. (R) Hutl (30) U @@ m Tiit outsider (C) : DEIUT Tempo (30) First in a (60) "All the Social Graces." A series of "inventive arts" pro1rems millionaire retains David Ross by from British television. Programs mail, but at their first scheduled combine music. unusu1I photog· metlin& the man Is found dead end raphy and off beat sett1nas. Ross must investJaate his own el lmp1ctns Mua.lcales (30) client's slayin&. (R) 8:30 II The Cood C11yt CC) (30) To ! m News (C) (60) cash in on the ni&httimt trade, • Dela.! (C) (60) The Rrst Edi· Rufus and Bert keep Bert's Place t n auests. open 24 hours a day-1nd cannot tI) Telkina to 1 Stran1er (60) "No stay awake to serve the cu.stomers. Skill or Special Knowled&e Re-lR) quired." The father's view of a D Win Witll St.1'1 (C) (30) Ruta weekend visit by his son end Lee and Cliff Arquette auest. dauahter . that ends in traredy. He 0 @ CI)&) T1lt Kin& flmlty (C) reveals his hatred for his wilt end (30) Chopin's "Minute Wiltz" is she commita suicide. the openln& number as the 30· I Mn Alla de la Muertl (C) (30) plus Kinas take a musical look at 10:30 Nns (C) (30) Biii John~ diffe<enl kinds of lime. Speoal Un 5rltlt en I• Obsalridad (30) auests are Mrs Wllli•m Kine Onus. 11~ 0 a>~ Ntn (C} 80-year-old matriardl of the Kina ~ed Hitdtcod family, and Mn.. R. G. leToumeau • Movie: (C) .. lovt It • Winy of Lonavlew, Tei., 1969 Mother of Splendof1d lllint' (romance) '55 the Year, -Willi•m Holden, Jennifer Jones. I David Frost Show (C) (90) m ludcltn's C1lltry (C) (90) Della Run for Your life (C) (60) RH~•· Gypsy Rose Lee. James Book l ul (C) (30) Robert Brohn auest. Cromie and author Roderick Thorp UJ Morie; ''The W1,.1rd Girl,. discuss his new book. "Dionysus." (drama) '57 -Marcia Hendenion, el Sonrbn (30) Peter Welker. 9:00 6 ltverly Hillbilllet (C) (30) • I ~~ Ci) NIWI (C) Jethro turns down oousin, Roy }~:~ ~ ~ ~~tWIM <2 ,.A played by country-music star Roy • " • , ',.. •11... -rp1r Clark, as a client for his Holly· (adventure) St-John Aaar, Lucille wood talent aaency In the conclu· B8alt.! 'i' T 1 .... t -~ C) slon of a two-parter. (R) l..!!.J ~ lon &" ~ ( 0 Qj@ m Klaft Mlllk Hall (C) ~it: "The Ylr&inlen' (west· (60) Sandier & Youn• in the ~) 46 -Joel McCrea. Barbara f• I f th ·.. En I d Bntton. ·~a. program. 0 . 11r i an • U:U I (jJ) rn m Joey BiW, (C) ona1nated series with Judy Carne. 12•30 Chill are hosts to Victor Borae. ma(iclan • • " .. David Beralas, and Ann Sidney . ~n ~trt: Letter O! lntfo- (Miss World 1964) In a program duct1on. stamnc Ann Shtridan. of comedy and music 1:00 0 Sclta•lnc freely (C) 8 Wmtlln(_jC) (60) IJ C.m1Bunlty lulletln Board (C) (]1) CI) (I) AIC Wed....S., 1:15 II Movie: "Monlttr on ttlt C... Movie: (C) "Sandi of tM Kal1~ri" ,..., (sd·fi) '59-Troy Donehue. (adventure) ·~tuart Whitman, 0 ,.._ (C) Stanley .Baker, SUsannah Yott. Theo-1:30 m All·Niitrt Show: "Rome 1585," dore B1kel, Harry Andrews. Nlael ''The Siient Raiders," ind "Torpedo Oayenport. Story of five men and of Doom." llllGllE YOURSELF IEHllD THE llCROPHOIEI WHICH ·oF THESE • FASClllTllG CAREERS llTERESTS .YOU 1 0 DISC JOClll O MEWSCmD 0 srGRTSCASTH 0 COMMUCIAL AMMOU'tCO FHI VOICI ANALYSIS TIW YOU IF YOU HA YI "HIDDEN T AUN1'"1 !RAIN AT MOM[ OR IN OUA IUUTtrUl HCW STUDIO SCHOOL! You <-" •bldY br~cnt tttll•uquu 11 llolll•. 111 J'Ollf SPlrt time, or 111 our MW 1109detlt• 1n1 School-lOCATEO lllCHT H[a( IN LOS ANCClES-under the aupervlil011 of ou• 01rec1t111 ftcult:J of l1 f11110Y1 bro1dusltr1 Rtdlo-TV stJtlons 1v1rywlltrt !lave 111 1"4MU>IATC DEMAND for botfl 111tn ancl w0111<1111 to I.Ike ovu lm~rlanl lood· P1Yln1 Jolls rl1ht now. NATIOH·WIOl l'LACCM£HT ASSISTANCE 1t 110 titre t~t• Tuition 1ul1t111e1 1¥1111-11. Stlld to CARlEJt ACADEMY'S dlvl&IOll of famollS 8roadcnten for FTIU booll· let, record, and voice a111111l1 1111.alla. NOTI~ ENROLL NOW FOR CAM£Jt ACADEMra NEXT CLAllf THIS COULD H YOU• CHANCE TO P'UT YOURHLP HHIND THl MICltOf'HC)fgll • An KCredlted membv__of th• H .. tl0ft1I Home Study ~I and ttt. •National Anoelatlon of Trade •nd Teetlnleal Schools • Appfoved for Veterwn Tralnlna • M•mber of Callfomla AnooJatlon for Private Education •Ari ellalbl• Institution under th• federalry Insured Student to.n Procram. .--------------------~ : CAREER ACADEMY Q : , 1om .... .,.._. ..._. J~L • I Loa Aateltt. ClllfOl'Ria toQ2I 1:. : : ,,.._: -(2ll) CM-ot?.I W c : I WMI tt ~-If I l!lft ....... 11"'8 : I 111tltMt ftlt~ .......... ,.... rvlll I 1 tit _.. iftf_ll.,., t I I • • I N1me I • • • • : Addreu Apt. : I I I I I City, St1te/Zlp 1 • • • • I Phone Ase ' I I I I am Interested In I I I I 0 Cl111room 0 Hom• $tudy1 I ·-----------·--~!...!'!.2~!_ _! Pa1• H - THURSDAY AUGUST 14 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:oo U .,._,, AWrldl swtlto tr' (com· edy) '43-Jimmy Lydon. 0 (C) .,It's Nwtr Too Ute" (comedy) '61 -Guy Rolfe, Phyllis CalVert. fJ "Sllakt H11td1 W"lttl th DwU" (drama) '59 -Jamn C.1ney, Don Murray, Dana Wynter. t-.30 m "T)e ....... (comedy) 'SG- James Stewlrt, Barbfra Hale. 12:00 u .. ,IMMltn fro• Mars" (scl·fl) '53-Mhur Franz. Helena Carter. 12:30 m (C) ''fl&ltttr Attlct" (drama) '"54 -Sterllnr Hayden, Joy Pa1e. '1'1lt £Jtn DI(' (drama) '57 - Richard Basehart, Simone Simone. z.'GO m un.. .... •f .. .,.... ar •. R11t" (western) '57-Jlm Oms. 3:00 fJ "A C..lft1.0wt Party"~ (com· edy) '62-James RoberbOn Justice, Leslie Phillips. 4:00 B "Operation Mad tall" (comedy) '"57-£mle Kovacs, Jack Lemmon. fVfNING 1:00 I) T1lt lir ..... (C) (60) Jeny Oun~. I IE H•nttey.lrfnllllJ (C) (30) St.we AIJell (C) (90) steve'a 1uests are youn1 folk·rock artist Steve Giiiette, comedian Mort Sahl, comediln Mark Russell. D Sil O'ald .... : (C) "'lidlrt ttV•niea•a" (drama) ·~lch· anl Conte, Vlveca Undfon. 11 $PJ (C) (60) I Low Lucy (60) .... (C) (30) m Mlb Douita (C) (90) fiat's NIW? (30) The stoly of elk's antlen, how to classify sta11, and Japanese folk dances are to· i ht's subjects. Jweetlld DMR9 T ..... (30) Ntw1 (C) (60) Jacll Hldtey. 6:30 I MIC ......... (C) (60) Patty Ne (30) · Ci) H•ntilf ·lrlntleJ (C) (30) : nit llMltlpttn (C) (30) "Into the Fourth Dimension." Alan Scott lnvesti1ates the dimension In which we live, and speculates about the possibility of 1 fourth dimen- sion. 9 ((} @D News (C) (30) e> iiitidtro 34 (C) (60) 7:00 11 CIS Ewttlin& Nftl (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. fJ n.t's llJ Une? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. m hmtonl (C) (30) Allen Ludden hosts. I ~Ci) McHaWs NRJ (30) 6 Hrp and Wild (C) (30) arDtl tlM C11tar (30) ''Sltht Paul Lynde and Deana Martin do a double take ar they emote for comedy skit on NBC's Dean Martin Presents the Golddiggus, Thursday at JO PM. , ... 11 THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, AUGUST 9, 1969 . Raadln1 In Two P1rts." Instructor Noad retums to si1ht readinr for those who are havinf trouble. m TnM Adventure (C) (30) Q) Dr... Heu11 (C) (30) Davy Jones of The Monk11s. and Herman's Hermits autst. Mlritlle Mathieu and Rich little are fea. tu red. 61) EJ Mlllldo Esta Loco (60) 7:30 9:30 a 9 oo m 0ra111tt <C> <3o> II * Kai Kan Presents "Juvenil&-OR·35.'4. Set. Friday and ANIMAL WORLD Officer GaMOn sun:h for the moth· "Waylaaao, Wayleaao'' er· of a newborn Infant found in ---a trash can. (R) B Qi(J)AflilW Wtftd (C) (30) l~cf§i30} Ted Meyers. The fabulous sheepdo1 of New · Sift Cities ef tile Zealand, one of the most Important Of ( ) ( ) Bill Burrud hosts. economic assets of that Island na· {B) lion. roes throulfl his paces for Biii fil) Watlllnaton in Review (C) (30) Burrud's cameras. (Rescheduled) IO:OO ~ "1111 m .:ft n.. c lddi (C) D tlt@m Da.W ..... (C) • IH \.!!J l:i.:I ·~ • am (60) ''The Dandy." Oinlel arrees to ( ) Deana Martin. Tom'!'Y Tune, teach a friend's hl&hly educated Danny Loddn and Jtckie Gayle aon the skills of a frontiersman. (R) check I~ for ~etum perfoonances I Jac:l ~ (30) with Gail Martin, Paul Lynde, Lou @ Ci) a> Tiie f1Jini Nu.n (C) Rawls and Stanley Myron Handel· ( ) "The Landlord Cometh." The man. Deana, Tune, l.ockln and Gall nuns have to move out of the join . in a 30ng·and·dance spoof of convent when the 99.year lease raet1me eR1 of yesterYear. Gayle ~Ires in three weeks. (R) talks. of humorous problems In per· U Miiiion $ MOWW. '.IJ'lte Tin Star" formln1 .In s~all towns, ·~~ Lou (western) '57-ffenrY Fonda Betsy Rawls s1np 'Squeeze Me and Palmer. Anthony Pettins. ' "One for My Baby." m Tndlt or ConMq111ttce1 (C) (30) 1J m News (C) (60) Bob Barker hosts. U Su.spen• T1INtre (C) (60) "The U) hny lluen (60) Safe House." fil) Cauls Master Cl111 (30) Pablo fJ Della! (C) {60) Tom Smothers Casals instructs student M1rcla ;st&. Kraus in Beethoven's Sonata No. 3 Cl) felture (60) In A Major Opus 69 : fiaJnr bl a Stran1er (90) 61) Deele d. p~ (30) "Gladly My Cross·Eyed Bear." The l.'0011 ~.Ci) Tiie ,,_., ~c) (60) ~~~her.!~tsthe1~n~ll~~n :: ~~! Scientific methodololY is used mother's death. They hammer out aaeinst the Prtsoner by his captors a way of 1olnr on livin1 after the In .another effo!f to learn why he funeral. (R) resigned from his top·secret )ob. (R) fl) Mu Alli de I• Muerte (30) 11 ~'Q, ~it Girl (C) (30) a> Passport to Trawl (C) (30} !fue Me, Sue Me, What C.n You 10:301 News (C) (30) Bill Johns. Do Mer· Lou Marie slips and falls Un Crito .. a. Obscwtdad (30) In Don Hollin1er's office buildin1 • TWlll&flt Zone (30) and Don is suspected of collusion. 11:001 0 tJ m al News (C) i Alfred Hitdlcoct Hazef (30) .. • Movie: ''Mo Killad Teddy Bear?" NET Playtlouse (C) (90) Na· (mystery) '65-Jullet Prowse Sal t nal Theatre o~ the Deaf Encore." Mineo, Jan Murray. ' A second evenm1 of theatre by m ludden's Callery (C) (90) Sue this talented company ot deaf ac· Lyon, Gyp.sy Rose lee, Jackie De· tors who speak with their hands. Shannon ind Geor&e Lindsey auest They perform a Kabuki drama and Doris Day and William Buckley Anton Chekov's famous monolo1Ue. word portraits "On th.e. Hai;mfulness of Tobacco." m Movie: "tt;.a,.1 in Town" (West· 61) fel1e11no. (C) (30) ern) '56-John ~ne, Ruth Roman. 1:30 0 Qj @ @D lronaldt (C) (60) (i1J m 9 @ ~ C1J News (C) "A Matter of Love and Death." Iron· fl) Nttieltto 34 side sends Eve Whitfield to live In , • " a 1ir1's residence hlll in order to 11:3011 Movie: ~'" (drama) ''7 track down an ille11I abortionist. -R~bert fl'itchum, Robert Ryan, IB) Glona Grahame, Robert Youn1. IJ loli111 (C) (90) Oscar (''Shot· 19 ~ ~ Tonil[lrt Sltow (C) l\JR") Albarado vs. Thurmen Dur· • MOV!e: 'Lowe Letten" (drama) den In a 10-round welterwelaht 7-Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotten. boul Dave Niehaus ind Mickey U (jj) (l)G) Jo., llshop (C) Davies are rlnfside. 12:30 I Qilller D (ill Ci)&) lewttclltd (C) (30) Action Tltut:re: "Rise and "Mrs. Stevens, ~here Are Your• S lne," starrlnr Milton Berle. Samantha's cousin Serena decides . , Darnn's mother Is "catty'' and 1:00 CJ Movie: 'NH Witt! a CteM" elves her the shape to ro with (horror) '51-Joseph Cotten, Bar· the thoulht (R) bara stanwyck. I David fmt (C) (90) 1J C.••llflitr lulletl11 Board (C) 1111 fOf You.r life (C) (60) U N.., (C) Mulla J Eltrtflas (C) (30) l:lS 11 Movie: "Slladew on tt1e Wln- 9:00 ~CJ) CIS T1111'1Clay 11ovi.: dow" (suspense) '57-Phll Carey, ( } "Ci,.r' (drama} '62 -Jackie Betty Garrett. Gluson, ~ttlerine Kath. Gleason l:lO m AH·Nl&M Sltow: "Encore"' (dra· portrays G1eot. a very aensltlve and ma) '52-Ni&el Patrick. Kay Walsh. warm·hearted mute Janitor, who be· '1i11111 ef tile IJKt Wltdl" (adwtn· friends a . little l[f r1 whose mother ture) '62-Don Mepan, Sytvan1 b •istitute. (R) Pampaninl. ~ W..." (Id· U Cf) a> T111a Is To• Jon• venture) '52-0oris Merrick. Mikel {C) ( ) Sonptress Nancy Wiison, Conrad. I g [ 0 ( p p ti ( n ( l i: E l l l { ( I ' < t ' i9 id It I· )) td l · In le I . l) :) •• le ti IU I· 111 l)f le r· IU td .. n )) lt er II ut ,. J) ,.. al JI •· it. sy .t· n. n, I) n. Id (' ,. C) n- y, •· ti. n· ,, d· .el No Shortage Of Contestants ABC's two weekday and Saturday night game shows, The Newlywed Game and The Dating Game, have become solid mainstays on the network's programming schedule . Created and produced by Chuck Barris Productions, Lhe shows are designed to ap- peal to a wide group and provide light en- tertainment for year-around viewing. The ingredients are all there. The Dating Game provides the beautiful people, ro- mance and exotic dates. The Newlywed Game provides laughs and amazement. Jim Lange, host of The Dating Game, person- ifies the swinging, nattily dressed bachelor. Bob Eubanks, although too a bachelor, has the appearance of the typical clean-cut at- tractive American man. The hour bloc of the two shows sees the first bloom of ro- mance and the reactions of the first year of marriage. Probably the greatest number of the questions that pour into the Chuck Barris Productions offices regarding The Newlywed Game concern how to become a contestant on the program. Producer Mike Metzger thoroughly answers this question for TV WEEK. Mike finally is learning to relax. It started the day he sat down in his office to go over the records of prospective contestants and discovered that 500 new applications had been received during the week. Up until that point, Mike used to worry that some day they would run out of contestants. The Newlywed Game airs six times a week- Saturdays, 8 PM, and weekdays, 2 PM- with four couples playing the game every show. That's 24 couples a week. "You can see why we are always inter- ested in seeing new faces," Mike said as he shuffled applications. "So couples who want to be on The Newlywed Game b4t feel it's impossible should take heart." Mike went on to explain that the first requirement is that the couple must have been married for less than a year. "The next step is easy. All you need to do is either call or write Chuck Barris Pro- ductions at 13 13 North Vine Street in Hot- lywood, if you are planning to be in Holly- wood. When you write, include your name, address, telephone number and the date of your marriage. "The rest is pretty much up to you. First, someone from the production compaoy will call you to set a date for an interview. Don't let the idea of an interview scare you. It's painless and really fun, but aJlow at least two hours." During the interview couples play a mock Newlywed Game with other couples. "One thing to remember about this is that your eligibility as a contestant doesn't de- pend on what score you make during this mock game. It's how you play the game," Mile said. "Play it with enthusiasm and have fun." The couples are also "researched .. by ex- perienced interview~rs as to likes, dislikes, funny things that have happened to them, background, how they met. and prize pref- erences. From then on it's up to Mike Metzger. with the help of Bob Edwards, the con- testant coordinator, who is responsible for lining up contestants for both the nighttime and daytime editions of the Newlywed Game. Edwards offers this advice to pros- pective contestants: "Just relax. That's the secret. If you sit there scared to death and like a bump on a log, it's pretty sure that you won't be chos~n. The main thing is enjoyment--enjoy • playtng the mock game, and you'll stand a good chance. Don't be up tight. "We're interested in seeing as many peo- ple as we can," he continued. "We often see as many as 300 couples a week, and they all have a chance to make it. But we need more, so give it a try. You, too, might be a network star for a moment and win a fabulous prize. The secret word is FUN." The nighttime edition of The Dating Game features prize dates which take the winning contestants to glamour spots any- where on the globe. And it features celeb- rity contestants from television, motion pic- tures and the sports world. This raises the question, do the celebrities who win dates on the show really go on those trips._for-two plus chaperone? With comparative "no- bodys"? They certainly do. The roster of celebrity contestants who have played the ~ame reads like a Who's Who of show bustness and sports, and the trips they and the other winners have taken add up to about two million miles so far. Some of those who have won dates, and the places they went-accompanied by Dat- ing Game chaperones-include actress Ruta Lee to Nepal; singer-comedienne Fannie Flagg. Yugoslavia; songstress Leslie Gore, Paris; David Hedison, Vienna; Bobby Sher- man, co-star of ABC's Herc Come the Brides, Greece; Gypsy Rose Lee, Copen- hagen, Denmark. These are but a few of the show business stars who have appeared on The Dating Game, won dream dates and who actually took the prize trips with their chosen part- ners. Talent coordinator Ruth Goldberg states that she has no problem setting stars on the show. "When I i.:untact them and ex- plain the show's format and the trips, they become pretty eager to be on. And they reall y do plan to go on those trips." Jeanne Kiester of Chuck Barris Produc- tions, who arranges the trips. says, "There's Michael Cole of Mod Squad with date, on Tht Dating Game. " never any real problem settina the dates for these celebrities. Oh, sometimes we have to juggle the times they go because of their busy schedules, but we don't have to urge them to go. They're usually pleased with the trip and the date they've chosen. Very few have backed out of a date." Celebrity or "civilian," a Dating Oame winner is ready to travel. · The Dating Game airs Saturdays, 7: 30 PM, and weekdays, 2:30 PM. And thus two often-asked questions about The Dating Game and The Newly- wed Game are answered. It IS possible to get on The Newlywed Game and those show business and sports personalities who play The Dating Game really go on those fabulous dates. Pee• 17 FRIDAY f V F N I N r, AUGUST 19 L-0011 TIM II& Ne.a (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. For morning and afternoon ,. llstlnp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. Alt sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with- out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:GOIJ ~ tf t11t Kills" (dra· ma) '41-John Wayne, Betty Reid. fJ (C) "E•f'Yl*IY Doll tr (com· edy) '49-Paul Oourtas, Linda Dar· nell. a m H..U.,-lrillkllJ (C) cao> 1J StlM AJletl (C) (90) Charles HellOfl Reilly, Pat Harrinaton, Jerry Shane and Dorothy Morrison are Steve's cuests. 0 Sil O'aoct Mevle: "Htlkata of th ,._,.. (drama) '57-Ronald R111an, Nancy Davis. B I s,, (C) (60) GI I LAM Lucy (60) I llbun (C) (30) (f) Miu Dou,m (C) (90) fiat's NtW1 (30) A study of on other planets and the mien· tory habits of the elk ere dis- cussed. ti) Jwtntud ~ino y..,. (30) G) Newa (C) (60) Jacll HlcMy. G "13 West Street" '62 -Rod Stei1er, Alan Ladd. t-..JOGI "'T'9e llltnldet" (mystery) ·~ Jlcll Hawkins, Dennis Pric:.e. 1Z:GO B "YleltDCt" (mystery) ·u - Michael O'Shea, ... Nancy Colern1n. ':JOI ""IC NewlefYke cc> <60> Patty o.u (30) (6) HttnUeJ-lrlttkltJ (C) (30) . iiOt But (C) (30) Host Robert Cromie and author Roderick Thorp discuss Thorp's new book "Dlony· sus.'' (RL 9 Ci) m News (C) (30) f!) Nitidtro 34 (C) (60) 12:l0m "11lt Tedun Mystery" (mys· tery) '54-Margaret Lel1hton, John Justin. "'Y1nllH Flklr" (musical) '47 -Joan Woodbury. Doualu Fowley. 2..«I m ...... Tt Speed'' (drama) '47 -Johnny Sands, Don Castle. 1:00 e cas E"""'' ".., cc> (3o> Witter Cronkite. J:OO G "TM lelb of SL MatyS" (dra· m1) 'A6-8ln1 Crosby, ln1rld 8«1· man. 4:301J (C) "f .. 4'"11 In r ... • (ro- mance) '57 -Georie Nader, Gia Scala, Elsi Martinelli, John Gnln, Julie Adams. G W.lt's My Unt? {C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. m Puswotd (C) (30) Allen Ludden hosts. ~ MdtaWs Nny (30) (6) tin•• SltowcaM (C) (90) e~ Ho1'11." CHANNEL LISTINGS Information fM ttlesa lop la f\.lmlahacl by th• television stations. TV WED< .. not responsible for rnt·mlnu:t. chans.. In pnicram llstlnp. II II • fJ IJ m m fl) fJl) ., m EE ()) @ ()) (ftJ u a KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KHJ KTTV KCOP KWHY KCET KMEX KMIR KPLM KLYD KERO KBAK KLYD KERO KBAK . . .. . . (CBS) (NBC) (Ind.) (ABC) llnd.) Ind.) Ind.) (Ind.) (NET) (Ind.) (NBC) (ABC) (ABC) (NBC) (CBS) (ABC) (NBC) (CBS) Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Angeles Los Anaeles Palm Springs Palm Springs Cable Bakersfield Cable B~kersfield Cable Bakersfield Bakersf leld Bakersfield Bakersfield A star (*) preceding a log listing Indicates it Is a paid adver· titement. Channels 22, 28 and 34 are UHF in Los Angeles, with 28 being the educational (ETV) station. Channels 17. 23, and 29 ere UHF in Bakersfield. SIGN ONS ITEST PATTERNS) c:Mnnel 2-6:48 AM Sunda.y. 6:ol AM Monday tflrouFI Frfday, 7:18 AM Saturday. Channel .,_7:00 AM Sunday. 6:00 AM Monday throustl Friday. 7:00 AM Saturday. et.nnel 7--ProsrammlnJ mrta at 8:30 on Sunday, 7:00 AM Monday tflroult'I Friday and :30 AM on Seturday. Thi• maaulne Is publlahed -~ this newspaper by TV WED. • dMtlon of 8f1frln '"'1nt1nc _ •ncl tph CO., Inc., aclltO!'lal •nd produo-tton offi(;~ P.O. lox ll~-~~•nclal•, C.llf. Addl'fta advertlalns lnqulr1• to th• di.ptey edwrtlalns aep.rtment of thl• n-peper. • ..... .. n.E DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK. AUGUST 9, 1969 fl) Fll• Futun (30) "Buf'lundy The Killers." Conclusion. Judd de· and Morvan." A series of picture· fends the auru of a reli1lous cult post-card scenes of old landmarks by the uS4! of hyp003is. (R) in France ere shown. ea Nitna Citl Musical (30) Qt Ci) Mayt»eny RfD (C) (lO) 9:30 G News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. fl) MtrlClll Wat (C) (30) W, I s•rcllL I fodrlit ot a SUr Ci) Dru. Heae (C) (30) (60) "Lie Marvin." Director 7:30 119 Ci) The W"dd, Wild West (C) ph Nel$0n interviews Lee Mmln (60) Jeck Carter auests fn 1 dra· and discusses his motion-picture matlc role as an lnstnl(tor at 1 end private life. Jacil Webb. An&Je Sectet Service trainina school who Dickinson, Keenan Wynn, Terry suffers a wound in a demonstration Moore, Robert Ryan, Donna Reed. of techniques. (R) and Alan Jay Lerner are a few of f!1 m Hip Qaparnl (C) (60) the guests who pay tribute to "Forthe Love of Canos." Victoria's Marvin. kindoess to e troubled Mexican EI) Adventure (30) "Caviar Fisher· hild Its 1 h be" •·d d men of tlle Caspian." An examina-c resu n er '"I "1 nappe '."'n of Iran's inu1t·1-million·doll1r by the boy's father. Mlehael Ansara, uv Armando Islas auest. (R) caviar industl}'. u Jact 1tt1111 <30> em Constt4adoft <30> D @m m Ut'a IW.e a Otel 10:00 D @ 00 m Tiie Saint (C) (60) (C) (30)Monty Hall hosts.. ''The Double-Take." The Saint it f> Miiiion $ Movie: (C) ''The Wack· hired by two men, each of whom lest Shi11 in t11• Asfllr(' (comedy) ~laim~ that the other is impersonal· '61-Jacll Lemmon. Rick Nelson. '"I h1m. (R) m Trvtll or Conaqut11cu (C) (30) Um News (C) (30) Bob Bariler hosts. 0 @ Cl) (D Dick Cfvett (C) (30) ID hny M1eot1 (60) g Delli! (C) (60) Ethel Waters. W The City Wlfdleq (60) Charles 8111 Daly, and Steve Alaimo guest. Champlin. Art Siedenbaum and m Tllkin1 to a Str1n1er (60) "The David Graber look at Los Anaeles Innocent Must Suffe<." The final events. Seaments include: "Behind part of )ohn Hopkins' quartet of the Lines." a look at the news: dramas tells the mother's story. (R) "The flicl of Interest," about a fl) Mu Alli dt la Muerte (C) (30) major motion picture; "Outrage," • platform for dissent: and ''Watching 10~0 D ()1) CV PGA Golf Hl&flli&Ms (C) Out," about the unusual. (JO) Highli&hts of the openln1 g) Dt1t1o de Pllioots (30) rounds at the Dayton, Ohio, Coun· lry Club_ 1:001J Zant Srey {30) O Movie: "Johnny Cool'' (drama) O @(])G) Summlf focus (C) '63-Henry Silva Elizabeth Mont. (60) ''The Violent Ameri.cans." ABC aomery. ' News docume.ntary special ex.plores m l.Jidden's Qellery (C) (90) Jack measures des11ned to curt> lawless· .. ness and crime frank Reynolds Carter. Joe Williams and Deanna ho$b. · Lund auest. m Hazel (30) m Movie: (C) ''Chtci,poinf' (dre· g) Lucecitl (30) ma) '57-Anthony Steele. l :lO II Qt Cl) 4'0Mtr Pyle (C) (30) ()1) rn @ @ News (C) Seraeant Hacker, Carter's "enemy" 11:30 IJ Mov~: {C) "F1ce of 1 Fu&Mt" durina war 11mts. attempts to use (drama) 59-fred MacMurray, Dor· the guileless Gomer as his ploy in othy Green. an effort to defeat his rival in the 0 @@ m Tonipt Sbow (C) maneuvers. (R) O Mov;.: "Q111ntrill's Raiders" ~ @ @ m N11wt of ttlt :erne ( .. ) '58-St Coch DI (90) ''Thi d Ch . " Publl h Wh.em eve ran, . r oiu. . s er ane Brewster. Glenn Howard rushes to Alnca to O li=ill ~ '1111:\ .... _ 8._.._ (C) rescue a kidnapped editor. Shirley WJ \.!LI ~ ,.,.y .-up Jones and Ossie Davis &uesl (R) 11:55 t1t (j) Wetllend Movie I Aaasa tlle Swen s.a (C) (30) 12-30 IB Ctliller D.wld Frost (C) (90) • ....,__ Tht t . "N Co Run for Your Life (C) (60) ""'::"'' • "· orman n· Wars of the ROMs (60) "Henry quest. Tudor." Final episode in the series, 12:50 0 Movie: "Stranrer from Hoes as Henry Tudor. Earl of Richmond, Kiift(' (adventure) '64-0alila, Chin slays Richard Ill on Bosworth Field Sina Long. and claims the throne. He becomes Henry VII and, by marrylna Eliza· beth of York, ends the Wars of the Roses. ea Nodtu Tepatiu (30) 9:00 ft ~ Ci) C8S FridlJ Mwle: (C) "fie Blue Ancel" {drama) '59 - Curt Jurrens, Mal Britt, Theodore Bikel. The trelic story of a re· preued hilh school botany pro- fessor who is lured to his dutruc:· tlon by a dance hall entertainer. (R) IJ Playboy After Dirt (C) (60) Huah Hefner welcomes Meredlth M1cR11. Sammy Shore, Gree Mui· lavey, Mort Sahl and the Cle~ Ward Si'll_m. O @CVG> J41dd f°' tt1t o. fUM (C) (60} "The Holy Ground: 1:00 ~ Movir. "Teresa" (drama) '51- Pier Angeli, John Ericson. 0 CountrJ Musk (C) o """ ccr 1:15 IJ Movie: "Abandon Ship" (sus- pense) '57 -Tyrone Power, Mel Zetter1ing. 1:30 m All..ftl&flt Sllow: "C*'ds Ower Europe" (mystery) '39-laurence Olivier, Valerie Hobson, "Aaloed to D111111" (adventure) '48--0ene Raymond, Noreen Nash. "MiAina Corpse" (mystery) '4S-J. Edward 8rombe11. ls.abel Randolph. "Strllll't l•penonltion" (mystery) '46 - Brenda Marsh1ll, Wllllam Garpn. 2:00 • Co•••itJ l•lltthl ..... (C) L ~9 le· ult lat tor 1in ire ite rry !d, of to er- •a· lar 0) is HTI 1t- 0) rs. st. he Ill of R) 0) C) na n- a) lt· ck na , .. 1r· n· ,, in S· al SATURDAY l~':'v.;p. f\ f I I f~ ~ ( l 0 !'< 9:30 ~'(I) w.o, Rlcea (C) @ m ll11U Spttta (C) 12:00 8 tit Cl) 5'amal (C) AUGUST US " n HOocf."' A TV dr1m1 of the fl) Tutro F••llltr le1end1ry Sherwood Fomt outl1w 12:15 D Mewie: "T1lll C...U lllcSJatr" ind 111 his ~Ullly f1med followers. (comedy) '40 -Akim Tamiroff, M UR ~I N C U @CilaJ Fllltastk V.,ae (C} Muriel Anatlus. Br1an Donlevy. mlkiwle: (C) "ApKllt f"1" 12·301ft~JeMJ Q...a (C) 7:00 0 tD@ e;, UntllMd World (C) (western) '65---Frank Lltimore. ' (H) &> tteppenl., (C) Phil Carey host. aJ Aluzint Tllrte Enn• 1k hport (C) m Mr. Wbilbont (C) @I) Laa Eltrtlia J Utted 1:00 Qt Cl) MetiJ INdl (C) m Felix tM Cat (C) 10:00 8 fa (I) Tiie ArQle SM (C) Mewie: .,,..,_,. (dram1) '50 7:25 IJ Qtwe Us 11111 Day (C) cm (I)Q) Joamty tt tlle C.· -SCOtt Brady, Rodi Hudson, Doro· 7:30 I SU111Nf StlMlllf (C) ttf of tM Elrtll (C) t..!!l Hart, John Russell. . 9 @ a;, S1ofJbMk s... B lllltiwie: "F.rt Dtbbs" (western) D Movie: '111• Se1ct of SiclMJ i Peter Mar~all hosts. ,.58-(li!'l. Wilker. Vir&inl1 Mayo. S1rfft" (drama) '60-Donald Sin· D C.•pa Dlatst CD Mewie. "T•Ptlt 5• ht T~ den, Nicole Beraer. iillldn& the Meat of Metvttty stone" (western) ·~eorae Mont· m Movie: "Pinky" (drama) '49- loa tlle Clown (C) i mery. Junne Crain, William Lundlaan, ' _,, l1 VJctlu flCel Ind Places (C) 1.00 ! fJ3 Co-Ce i1 .... ...,.. (C) htt.m fOf' Llvinc Ethel Waters. Ethel Barrymore. ' ~ f U:'(C, Sil (C) 10:30 I! Cf) Batlun/S.,.,....n (C) Mu All• de la Muertt (C) (17} Cl) OJ eu,.r (C) • Ci) m Underclet (C) · ArlMCI Ferm HIPllPta (C) • Abbott & Coatlfle C.rtoen (C) ovie: "litt Creet M1n'1 Lldy" 1:30 Qt m The lone R11111r (C) Taitt of Wells Firp (western) '42-8rlan Donlevy, Bir· WrHiifn1 (C) cumbJ <C> Ibara ~m~ F•tutic F"' (C) 2.-00 =~~ F11tur1: "'°"""' "°' 8:30 IJ9(J) lup Bunny/RNd Rn· nt T!Me Aa...n body" (drama) '65-Aldo Ray, Wll· ner HOur l 11:00 · 9 Ci) a;, M•I« Llepe II• liam Bendix. "Dtstro'8f" (drama) 19 (1) • ~ McCeol(C (C} blll,,lums to be announced. '43-Edward G. Robinson. Glenn @ rn · ••"'"' > ~ i CV&> C•ie ot u.. Jn-Ford. Movie: (C) ''TM FlPtJnr M• D Movie: "1M Accaed" (mystery) llttffrs" (adventure) '63-Mylene 11:30 Cl) 11le HtlUloldt (C) '48-lorett• Youna. Robert Cum· 0.monaeot, Gertrd Barray. CVm ~CM landatlnd mine:_ m Cisce Kid Dick Clar1' hosts. 0 U1J mm PU Golf CfalllPion-Gl hatt Robin Hood (C} • Mo¥tr. "Rebn of UM T-" tillp (C)From Dayton, Ohio, Coun· 9:00 I tD Ci) m n. Ahrtston• (C} (western) '52-0ale Robertaon, Jo. i Club. l10rie: iif""o•bstoae" (western) anne Dru. • Sports In Action (C) ' 2-Richard Dix. m Mtvie: ''T1111t1d«in1 Jets" (dr1· 2:30 Dill M fof Miiiie (C) Joe M cm m ED Spiller•1n (C) ma) 'SS-Rex Rtason, Dick Foran. 111i1ms, Elvin Jones and his trio, Jtct La Iinne (C) m Movie: ...._ C111Cland StritW' Freddie Hubblrd ind his quintet hff 'n' Reddy (C) (drama) '5>-John Hudson. ruest Back Home with the King Family Nostalgia is the keynote of "Back Home with the King Family," the King olan's.August telespecial on KTTV 11, at 7 PM Saturday. Through the magic of TV, the Family brings viewers back to the childhQDd home of the King Sisters and Brothers in Pleasant Gro~.u~h. . Central locale of the videotitped color special is the actual home of their pa.rents, Mr. and Mrs. Wimam King Driggs Sr. It was the late Driggs, a music teacher and vaudevillian, who took his youngsters and their o~hestra ·out on summer tours, launching them into the world of snow busioess-and thereby set- ting the keystone for the King Sisters' fame and success and eventu- ally, one of the world's most unique entertainment groups, the King Family. Nostalgia runs extremely deep, what with the Driggs home be- ing shown in the special, and its interior recreated to the "nth degree" on the stages. of Hollywood Video Center.· Another nostalgic note is in the musical form, with the King Sisters singing a song written by their brother, William King Driggs Jr .• "Autumn Time in Pleasant Grove." Driggs Junior wrote the song a few years ago as a tribute to his parents, the Utah countryside and his youthful memories. Musical highlights include the Family singing "All Aboard for Salt Lake City," the boy Cousins' "I Lost My Sugar in Salt Lake City," Alyce and Bob Clarke in a warmly sentimental tribute to "When the World Was Youns," the girl Cousins in "Down by the Old Mill Stream," Yvonne King and the King Kiddies in "Ain't We Got Fun" and "All Those Endearing Young Charms" by the girl Cousins, Alvino Rey and Karleton Driggs. Tl" boy Kinf Couslm 1atlter In tht ldtdttn ol tht Utah lwm'lttad o/ tht Kl~ Family /or a luJJr cu1tln1. '" It was dont ytan 010. II all conctrntd look a /111/t 1hoc/ud-or dumaytd-lt's Just ~caust too much wa.1 taktn 06. .. I :u-.. err.u <C> 3:00 IP. Mewtt: .. ,. tlMt Navy" (comedy) ·1-e:~~=-llc Pldmt (C) 3:30 0 lhwte: ...... flriee " , .... (drama) '56-Mer1e Oberon, L• Bar1'er. I Patty Deike Tmtl tile WerW (C) Qllllt fer Mvtnt•• (C) 4:00 Jal AUi 'w ... Tl'llll (C) Mc:Hale's NIWJ • SllNr Wlnp · S. tile USA (C) 3:30 All-Allericn c.lltct Sllew (C) 1hrtllr Ualts Tttt ... ..,. 1 ... nco • Rainbow Theatre (C) 5:00 Newt (C) Roaer Mudd. • a.t-Up (C) Piers Anderton hosts. B Scene 70 (C) Movie: CC) ''WJt•lnc ...,,. (western) 'SO-Stephen McN1lly, Alexis Smith. a.t.ln (C) : lnnovltiMI (R) FltMI Soccer QHlt ,., Adw9t•• (C) 5:30 Newt (C) (60) Cltte Roberti. IOllC N....mct (C} Twilicllf lHe llH Fr .. UNCU (C) SIRlpn'a lslltMI : lntinltieMI MIPdM (R) • A&rlattw't USA (C) See tM USA (C} ....1. ~OMPUMENT YOUR SONY (from $49:50 to $750.00) WITH YOUR CHOICE OF THE FINEST IN HI R COMPONENTS: Fisher, A·R Acoustic R•search, Wharfdole, Garrard, Altec-Lansing, Dual, Harmon-Kardon, Sherwood, Soundcraftsmen Lancer, and many morel 20% to U% DISCOUNTS ON TAPES, CARTRIDGES AND CASSETTES . . -SONY Model so Solid State Pocket Cauette •oNV. Model 20 Automobile Ca11ette Player System ·~ .. Model 124-CS. Complete .. Stereo Cauette System ":tvNV Model JO. Stereo Cassette-Corder Consolett. Model 630. Three Head Prot.uional Tape System Mdl no.