HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-15 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa• r ' - • , • . . . .t -- Mesa Patents Fear for Teen Visiting Theve • .. . . arc.· . ' . . '· • n u Court Act 'Muffles' DAILY PILOT Protest. Plan * * * 10 ' * * * Peece ACtion Olunct!t jit;;l11tA will mardl It Pr-._ Nbm'1 door.tep · FRIOA'f AFTERNOON, AUGUST, IS, .1 96~· VOi.. c. tlO.. lfl.' ''""*'" .. , ..... . J t ' ,' • _ i-, " DAILY f'ILOT ,...._ W,f'.r O'OllMll THE NIXONS AND THE EISE;NHQWERS GREET GUESTS Al'. FIRST FAMILY'S NEW. HOME Come Along Wilh Our Corr11pond1nl·for .. o Gul~od T"!""if the Whlte.HOUlt W11t His Room Match.es Pho.:ne . -~·-~ .. -~ .. :.==-~-Jne: . 1::,r M , 1he "!'_.~' .._..,,y plonnod by .. ""'"" orgonlutlon. . ' · . lnleeed,fAC~Jli>berl111and ••Id, k win be-• • .Uent -tiJrough the lori>ldden park lo the bucli In a tribute to I.he many thousands who have dled· in Vietnam." PAC plau for a more Javish protest In Sin Ci<mente Siat. Port ;..re "1ot down when Judie Robert Corfman granted the rno(i-0!> ol Deputy Att<>rney General Oiarlts McKesson for 1 contlJ't. I uance ol the court hearln1. In /iept. 5. The Judge all'ted with McKeiton th.at . the st'.ate had had Ye1"f lit'Ue Ume ~ ex'· amine the issues raised by a PAC pet1. tion which was filed with bis C1JUl'1 Thunday, He rejected the argumenl ol PAC attorney ·pitficia Herzog thaf it liad taken less than three houn to resolve the demonstration di!ll'-lte arising from President Nixon's dumer Wednesday nlght·for tbe astronaul!. '"l'he<e are is- sues involved here U)at defuand the grardng ol ttme f0< 1tudy," the. judge uld. . Judge . Corfman'• ruling aeot Mra. .Hemig and PAC ''°"'man Robert Bland running to. a lei~ 'for - !Ullatlon -Ani<riean Civil Llbertlt& U-· oflidall In Lao· Angele!. ' ' B)and, Mn. Hemig and -PAC •J>91o!8m<n then headed l<t 1.ao· AngeljS • to Rik federal coutt1 tnterventton 1n ttie First Family Shows Off $340,000 Hom e ·to Press ·~:-J.i~i::,~iz • . · ~ in which they claim that as many as By THOl\.tAS, KEEVIL foot study with a commandlng View of ped desk with three items on it -a 12;000 protestersr could 'show up to ot "" D11M1 ,.,.., tlilff the Pacific Octan through! the pines and. replica •of the plaque left' on the moon by · objeCt to U.S. foreign policy. B~~~~~=:i:z~~-; lo end .four days or '&ll!ol .. 1*~ cathollcs arid Protestants, but a new round of arson and street fighting erupted at 5 p.m. and there. was no im·. mediate intetterence. ~ · • The 600 British troops Down he~ {Qday from Loridon had nOt yet entered the capital and correspondents said police . too~~ fctiOn, 11hen 1iO ,C.Aflv>~.380 Pro~ts ·tritp¢ .siiO(i" ....... ·'tile CathoUC Dim Stn!efarea·iil·i!eiiht'; ·' 'I'tie\fl~~SO ,rar b&s -:~r srx lives-Cathollcs-)Jllt·the'loil·ot 1o:~an<1 1hu""""''~· . · Surging mobs of Catholics an d P~· ellewhere Jn;Jlellut hurled ·alonea,( bricb· and· tnsulll• at-eacjl •other .. ' .. M;~~ Te~n.·a;ger . 'Out of Touch' It's only an accident~ says Mrs. eucalyptus trees that dot and aurrouod Apollo 11, a white telephone conneeted to Jtls doubtful, ln the·llght of past fed· Richard M. Nixon, that her husband's the grounds. , the White HOllle nritcbboard and the om·, eral oourt .acUon in IUCh disprtes, that• T ..:.. N· T:..el -'-n.l bedroom. iJ dominated by a bright red The room Js·chiefly blue tn tone. Tbe nlpresent'red .. telepbone -on which Pt{r. any such lnjunctkln will be m.de avail· J.ll ~ •I.JI. :JU ~ that precisely matches the commanding President worts at a small, leather.top-fofixon Clln talk with no fear ol betng able' to the -South Colit ~ gr(lup. · . ~ • i t.. • ' • 1 ! • · leCtlrity telephone be!ide his bed. overheard. Bland UNred -that hix l""'P , By ARTHUR II· VIJll~EL (Sec PbolOI, Page 8) 'f:t 'f:t * · The President is fond ol the room and1 · ''hM tbsot\ltelf no llMntion Of· defying · °' "" n.1'1 "w ,..,. H ll he I he d · f uch Judie Corfman'• ruling U led<ral aclldli Old Ill"""• h tr~ Ult '~ led "-e · kes t co or, s says, an • happy to point out da eatures, r. as: J is'l'lot ·availab~ us. . · ~ 1 ~1r,!c..~:"·~-.. ~;.~~-M- besides, daughters Tricia ahd Julie had Pres! ..Jent c:ves the ' small Ules Inset around tllei . '"Jl!JI· wo-coodelnp·wh4! ii ln.•ffect.a sou •w -..,..,," -Y ,mN_.,~~ ... conspired wi~ their mother lo jazi Up UJ, lo bookabelvei t.nd in various nooks. driaJ "of o.:it-..... ltion IS lust ~ teenager 'Vt5itin( irr I 1own where bloody the room a bit. On 'a table Jn front of a blue IOfa•ls thel 1 ~ • • ·1"g .mes d. denials dlt.-warfare ~ oot Cllly f''lbunday-has The Nixon family showed pride and S f B room's ooly --"Great Prelidentlaf inc~".' d..._ fif'I reJ<!:tlon b1 s&n• '1.eel1 'f't'ofJ.tOU~IMfjth hfl alinlly 10< 10 •arm bolpltaUty Thursday as they show· Ur erS U reak Decixlons,"/t,y Richard MQrrls. No, II')~ • ~ i'Clly CoW1cll'IOJOC!aY'•t<l'!'~I:'' dayl. ed off lheir $340,000 San Clemente estate . eaplalnedf the ~dent iln't'dependtngi ,. pa.r:t,·~ James , ·· PaultMcCalliM'1 ,16, '°"l of Mr and to some 60 members of 'tbe press. They Not all peraideuUal decisions are big IOI!. the book r~'his decisions -it jf!I~ ~w~ ~Y; ~iiinedPAn ,1'thappl~~~tlony .. -~~::..-,w--~u~~ledugbeloyarrt,otv'915e"atpt offered carte blanche acce~s to Its 14 ones. . happens to be there. , l ..... ~ to w1e v ICill ~ r-:scneau rooms, ita fl\·e balh.' and the sprawling Surfers, howner. might reel <0lherwise ~ bookshelvea~e empty, a· condi~ ''.beQlat of I.Pe ~slble. ~age ttfat t'g~ather'a home .in Loodonderry grounds aroond it. about a decision made·by Prealden;,Nix-_ 11\at lfUl~eilll.,only unlll the mt of •the could Jm,e bien.'billlded In'• cltelully MOllday, but never'aliowed up. While the President explained 10me of on today. · ; fumttUre ol....i from the Nixons' ~ 1 malrUiMd l!I'.., aru and 'the ail/"" · "Of course what ljl<ely bal'Jl!>Oed -He I the l\i>lorY and de\aJll of the bui\dinl and , • • J )'orltllpartmenl'arriVOSJ ~ ""11' homeS of -:1Jll'l!<per•lllll.'' heard 'ooUt the IJil parade tile 12lh and l rebujlding of the Cotton Estate, Mrs. Nii· They .can use his. prlva~ beach -out Downstotra.Jhe' N'-•home M~ City "'""ndl relediix> o1 . the appllca-• llopped up In•'""'""'" t!IO>c.sta M..,. on led some personally conducted touri of not. wtule he ~s staying a~ ·hit summer (o d'4Pl . tu:" Spa~line. ~ .. rochs. tl()flS hu .beenJ Lased on ~the, poalble f J:Qih:School ·jJ;Tcw~iber,sald"tod-.y 1 j the home •• the daughters and eon·ln· White Hoose In Sin. Cl"11ent<. At oll II· m .. 'i..ied ""10Ul1d ~-tradttlillai Influx ol m .. y hl~ype -onstra-Qtftllh -alrUl\<id Into , ~h,in law, David Eisenhower, chaUed with other tunes <Jurµ'!I the year tbei a rd uh r lain I the me tors to an ,~ th8t ,J~ one half mile 1 Jre1ind ! _: Whift •·c&tholq ' a h'd newsmen. . President's sand atic(lurl will be free lo ' couttya w. • oun n ce r. ~~-.~~ Nixon& summer While r Proteltan, t, har~1a1.eM.~ fi1 I The ••--f mil d the d ..... ' use Spenllb We " uaed profusely, both !or ~ . •L-.~· 1--~5 ·-• wai:.:; a y ogs -•ue> .... ra · w~s lftll as accents. .,.. ...-... -- Ycrlshlre terrier and gray poodle and The former Cotton est.I< lronll on OJlt Tbe JI.me room fronll on the oc:eaa 1 • • • vwi-e,bul U'f!and 11P, 'I' L ;, Mr. Nixon's Irish ..tt<r -romped the ol the Sootliland'a flMll IU1flnr lpoll, •• aide ol Illa home. AJ lll'I. Ni>on noted D -n• f Jn 'one& • ,<)llo)llall -......in;. , lo dealO gminds, bounding around the gurboS It'• a private beach -always bu been< Wiiii a -of her harid, "lao\ tllla a .ou y le8 'O ' . J · . u be •. oofi In a,~. dlalr" -"!I" , ' . Oruce., ,. ' I !hot "rve u iookout Points for the Secret -but for stveral yara youths have toted gorgeous view!" She wu ri«J>t. t ' : <' l r 'cci•de' nJt. : I ano\W wai.a!>ol>..,.r ~·ln s.mc.. · their-boardl oo.m-'lo~-l'.oin " • 1.11.carpeled in a full l'enlanJ11C ..W. t » BIC)'Cl e , /\rnlalll. ,Wiier• the irUtM>om 1""11> wuu -~1--~:;;..r--::'H The Ni1ona ind their Inter lo r They get there by walking down . the etc¥J9P<d ~ Tho,r•'I CMries out,~ I , 1 ; "!1111 bo"11o 1'0""111111,~ -" "-,._ ..... , ... , ..... --. decorolor, Channell and Chapin of Corona beach, along · Iii< Wilerllne, from , San room~-~ yellaW 'tli..;e, u <to 1be iDfi )llcftr .\rial. t, ol· 1\'lllttler, died 1tSt. ... tauves, · . , del Mar ahoftd healthy respect for the .ctmerite State Park. anil c:nairs, bpholrtered-ln 1 a 1ellow and J(ida Hospftaf 1'undly a the mWt: or a · •"Seit of my bat frieodl over there Spanish hertt.ge ol ,the home. The the.,. A high White Howt aourc:e · e>l)>lalbed wtµte 'IJ'lully 'pr!it:. llOll of the ~e skull fraclllre IU!lend 1m•1» \It ran bia are Protestants in thta thiJll," !l'id the hH been accented and even th< four new that Nixon penonalty W<>\lkl pr<\er th.at came lroln the Ni1011&' New Yoitt ~ ,b~ Into life bocli ol a olow moving elder McCaU&her. w1-lariU!y II gazebos match the original red tllwoofed thf-hilf ·mile atretcb of beach bct&n .ment. It i& of. mixed perkxl, with J'nftc& J'(ckUp trllCt a.-~ llO in La HNn1 1he Calhollc.1 building whl!re "Ham" Cotton once play· Camp Pendlelon Marine Base and Cyprus Provincial and oriental toucha 111n ail4 c:ounly ......,flAld. "But ~-the rlotlnt broke wt the ed J>Olier with Pr"ldent Roosevelt. Shore be av.U.ble to men It all tbna.-• UJero, , He was tli< ,.. ol Mr. and Mn. Fred 12th, l'd dare nol 10 tO ~ porll ol 'Ibe Presldent workl In the home'• only '"But the Secret Servjce won 't hear of lt_.'' 1'be cdling. llie~all the ctiUnp 1Ltbt R. cervantN, lMU JUchda\e Avt., Whit.o the city because theY'd kill tnti'' tdded 1e<Olld«ory room -~ comj>act lixt5-11ld the apoteaman. (lee NllON, P11e I) fl«. ' <Sot llUA '[UN, l?ap ll. ~~a''a I • -~·" • aesr s :a tMt --• --, .... -,. -... ·--• ........... ,, l11N1•""41WI .... -• ·-, .. u -... -" -J .. .._ ,. --..,_ • W I ' --... ( :f ; 1 "' 1 ' . ii l I l < • " ~y PUT s ,_,.....,.U,lM . _ School C·hie! Says He'll--i:oot ,Barher ~oil .Bjll ' B1 TllOMAS FOll'nlNE lll)'llling olher than ,poUtkal IJ not . .. .. -.... -rudltls la good llib~" he aafd. Open bo1W11J lluod Main and 'l°"' Jiu! -onolhet board manber, Daoald 'l1lundly u die <po&• Ooullly Bolrd Of Jordlo, wjlo leudM bi!Wrly duriq Ibo Ecllcatiao wranglfd "'" • barhenbop meelln( wllh Dr. I!-..... kid. poll and Grand Jory cr!UclJm o1 the ''t'm bqinnln1 to le<! that maybe we 1CbooJ board. qht to d;o away with the county board." A i:oques1 by dlunty scllools SUpt. He .Jaid he a~ with the Grand n.i.rt "'*"'"'!loll bou\1-..i Jurt'• i:lw1e Iba! the board ha& wuttd IWIU be Ultd /or I public opinfon llfll time dbculling le-. sex educaUo0 was tabled. Dr. Ptienon then aafd ·.,. and .....,,.ing library books. And he Jiaid would JIOI' ro. the polJI -u. he loo thinks the county lllperintendenl ReotJ>t Grand JUl'J cr!Uciam of the 1hould be ai>polnltd by the board rather county liCbool bolrd. WU .,,....,.. • by than eiecled. · tru.w& Dale llalllloo, wile charged ft wu ft ........ boerd pr eo Id• n I Clay cniiUd Giii bI 'lbe p6Ullcaf arm Of the Mitchel~ ''I still So kif ~kl and DAll;Y PILOT. baio-in r<prmotatloo by the peo. "'fo expect 1"' Wllo ol the DAILY pie." Pttm! publlll>i (Mri. ~ Weed, • Paymt\11 !or I oecood ba-.iiop poll wbO ft Orlnd . Jury lonmanl to be wu torpeoeci by 'l'l'Ult«I Jmiln and ht ,,, ~ ' _.,,_ .-j --. . • Arnold, both ol whom pointed out many local school district superinteodenLS in the county are qainst iL Petenon saiil be !'ill pay the 115 - to condocl the poU In barbersbope, l\Ulil>' parlora. doughnut shops and dentists" wailing rooms out of his own pocket. ..His wev ~ poll las& October .!las been widely crillcJud be<aUIO ol the 11111111, un.scientUic sampling (customers in 20 barbershops) aM alleged loaded wonling of some or the questions. ';It is difficult for me to understand wby we an p"""1J'ed to approve !his whtn Dr. Petason bas stated as an elected offlcial he ha! hlJ own autonomy in funds," Jordan said. ••t can't help but: think nis insistence ls more political than educational" Jordan said he fears that with an elec> ' Uon corning up !hit montll to nu the vacated filth board seat ••a newspaptr ad mlgbt come out aaymg so· Ind 10 ne<datobatloCtedte-1nDt.Peter- son."r Dr. RaJliaan counteratlacbd· .by ac. cusing Mn. We<d ol ttmlng the Grand Jury report to coincide with tht election. Arnold wanted to rtld letters ·f!om -Ntiiport·Maa Unified l!aiiicil SUje;,.. tendent William CUnningham and Hun- liogloo Beach Higb SUpt. Mu Forney criticizing the poll. He WU cut 'Off by Rallison .. ho aafd board memhen had .... them. '"!bil Max Fom<Y type Of inle!Jigence aaya -. neeo this thing but we've got to spend 15,000 !or ii to be done by pro- feaion&la.'' Ille( RJl1iloo. "Some people place no value cm mooey otller lhan tbeit aim.'' . ' ~ . llllCI WIS In his estlmalt loo Hpelllift. ~ ''nete three vuy pbwer!UJ IUpftin. taidtnta wanted to get a gravy traio Con- tinued," be claimed .. , .. .Jordan said the bOaid bad net l!.eO in- !Ormed the prOIJ'llD WU sjOpRed Ind remarked that certainly didn't jibe wtth -Peterson's campaign program that he doesn 't believe in political intrl or oecrecy. Jordan also accused pr. Petenon Cir crea'ting an atmosphere that ha• cauaed many top level employes to leave the county schooll office. Pettt10n .told Jordan the. thJnga.he was sayfug are more dlvWve th8) what Jordan had accuaed him or, and eon. Unued , "I J!t the letUng Mr1 Jolilaft you're trylng to badger. rake qvr one thin after annlher and brine up: the p~' 29-yeru .. Vet . • Just Tourists? South Coast Guards Yield To Court Rule Inquest to Go On To Head LA Police Force LOS ANGEL.ES (UP!) -Edwafd M. Davis. 52-year~ld career law en- forcement administrator, today was named chief of the Lne Angelu Pollce Department tD &ucceed Tom Reddin who resigned earlier th.is year to become a television newscaster. Davis, cUrrently a deputy Chief ii charge of planlliqg and controJ for the department, wu selected at a sped&l meeting of the Police Commiuioo to head the nation's fourth largest police department with a force of more than 6,000 officers. A native of Los Angeles and a 29-year velenul ol the·'~. Devil ad-v-throti&b the rm lo -I clePllJ m!el ii lllt. 'lbe new cbie:f placed second on civil --bellind Deputy Cbill lames G. Fiil<. the cru.ctor of...,. rmini1J reillions.' Dep. Cb1e1 Jack G. eomm. 45. ... the lhlrd place candidate for the~ Job. Clilel l\<lltr E. llUnlock. acting bead or the cleplrlmeDI...,. Raldln'• ntltemenl Jut Moy, dJd not ...., the pemwient 'I>' ~ Chemical Drug Fight 'UtgeH I By Rep. Hanna Chemlcal warltre mllli he practiced in the -ralber than the baltlellelds, aca>nllng to Congmsmao Ricbant T. Hanna (0.Westmlmler). He charged that the federal govern- ment is spending far loo much money on new researeh lcr chemical and biological warfare while the most praslng problem -drug abuse -goes almost uanoOced 'The Mill Di!trict Democrat told rnemller> of the Coogms C<mmitle< on Drug AbulO thal our natiooal priorities are wrong if a nation spends $90 million annually on cbemicaJ warfare research and ft.5 millioo to learn the effects of clangm>wl dnlgx. "The real batti......,.i in UU. chemical cinl& war is Ibo local ochoolyant. the ghello and the -nelgbborllood.. Hanna Aid. ''The casualties ar< primari- ly among our youn1." Al the Lne Angeles hetrlnp, Hanna lubed out in particular at the: wie of amphetam!nes. known as "sped" lo underground cireles. '"'Itle avaUability of these pills is aslrounding. There is enwgb am- phetamine produced each year in the United States to provide each person in this country with 25 doses." Hanna said he would soon lnt.roduct Jegillation which will deal with the availability of chemical drugs. and pro- vide more funds for rtsean:h into tbe physiological elfecls of lbeSe drugs. DAI L' PI LOT .......................... ·--_,..., ,,__ CAllfOIMIA OUMOI CO.Ul t>UM.lttl*G <.OMflf.N'f ••._.M.w ... ---Jtdi L c.t.,. Vb,,..._._...._. "-•"-' ·-T\•111•• A. .... ,_tu _, ... - David, Julie Trailed Across U.S. Judge Grants Hearing By JEROME F. COLI.INS 'Mlere they were, just a young coaple motoring across the country on a sight.seeing trip. Nothing unusual about that Except this: David and Julie Eisenhower's red li1u!tang was followed all the way from Cincinnati to san Clemente by a big. black Lincoln eonu..nw. 'Jbe Continental WU packed with Secht Service agerita. Young David, son-in-law of ont Presj. dent and grandson of another, recalled tha trip at the Nixon tummer residence Thursday. "Usually when y,·e stopped at a rt!t.aurant. we'd go unrecognized," he eajd. "Bql tllln the S<qet Service lll<llla woukl -In. 'lbal tipped everybocl1. off." David and Julie drove alone in the Mllllang. A radio tipl them in - camnnmfcation with the h e a Y 111 ~ Coolinental. Onl7 once was tbm a erisil. . "l>o ~ --nllilng bjacl! clouds overhead?" the racUo crackled u they aped ICnlSS the mld'o:estm plalna. "We looked up:• Aid David, "and It looked u if a tornado was about to dip down." "But what could we dQ about it?" said Julie. "So we just kept driving , and got out ol ii without any pnoblem." They never did find out whether Ole lwlster ever taucbod the ground. David dJd most Of the driving. "Boy, It WL• )ntly IWy in the Colorado Rockies, l!ut aboolut<ly buuU/ul." II< aod Jiilie, lldther ol wbom had been on a m:iu-couotry trip like tb.lt btfatt, were abo cte<pq improued with Ibo hetuty ol -·· painltd desert. "I let Julie drive lbrouCb the d<oert," smiled David. "I did all the mount.a.in drivlng." The couple will remain at tbe summer White HOUie until August 21. They Wert asked : "Is your home in Cincinnati!" ' "We just left from there." said Julie. . Public beaches from Sooth Laguna down lhrough San Clement< will be guarded this weekend after all. On Kopechne Autopsy IDAIL Y ,'LOT SI.,, ,._. NO OROINARY TOURISTS How to Travel Incognito San Ci<m<nte Cily lileguards, who cover 11.6 miles of the sooth county coastline, said today they will yield to • court order and will guard the beaches Saturday. 'Ibey bod tbreol<lled to _sirille. 1be dispute, not yet resolved, is over wages and a five-day wort week. Uleguatd LI. Steve Chonll, spok,.. man for the 30 guards who threatened to walk oll lhe beaches, claims the depart· meot is underpaid when compared to other lileguard departmenu rrom San Diego through Los Angeles. .. But we're DOt going to break the law," he said today. "That wasn't the purpose m. (IUt demands. So we are going lo acc<pt, and respect. Ibo court order." Orange County SUtJerior Court Judge fl<lberl Corfman grmed I _temporary -order 1bunday loUowtng the f~ ol the cornplaiol by the city. II< aet Aul. • !or a hearing into the diopite. a.nt iafd that It that time the guards will praeolt heir jllltilica- tion !or. strike. But the real issue, actording to attor· M-1 John H~ the lileguards' IOJal coumel, "isn't wbetber they're ju.stifled to -higb<r wagea, but il they're jusllfied IO lllriU." • "II you wort for 1 prlvat< employer, you bave a riibl to llril:e. But. the law implies that pd-_.... don't ba,. I right to strike. Thaf riJ be the question b""""' up 4"" JI," he aafd. . . . . . WILKES-BARRE. Pa. (AP) -A judge today granted a hearing on a re- quest by Dist. Atty. F.dlnund Dinis to U• bume the body of Mary Jo Kopechne, Man Indicted Over Political Contributions A L4>s Angeles Federal Grand Jury t.G- day indicted the President oJ: the Farmer John meat packing combine on charges ol makiq lllegal contribuUom to the caD:ipa.Jgn of a candidate running for political office. Beman! J. Clougherty, ol Pasadena, pr<Sldent ol the Clougherty Meal Packing Company and director of the Fanner John chain, Is accused or donating $13,750 in September 1!164 to the campaign funds: of an unidentified candidate for a U.S. Senate Seal A &OUl'Cto cloae to the U.S. Attorney's · olflce.loday told the Daily Pllol lhal the --made to the wnpolgn Of Pierre Saling«, former -to the late Praldent John F. l!<nnedy. Salinger was deleattd by senator George Murphy in that election. ~ WWII Enif 0.hJe~ed ci""'1er!Y 1s indicted 1n the two count ,, , ~ . ~l bOtb iD bis own 1'ame and that TOKYO (AP) -Jafl<ll -.ed the o1 hll annpany. Investigators uid the in· %1th aniiivenary today ol the end of dictmenl lollowed a long probe by the In· World War ll with memorial aervkta lelJi&ence division ol the lntemal throughout the CXIUlllry. Rev .... Service. ln Totyo, Emperor 'Hirollito and Clougherty ra ... , il convicled. a lllllX· quickly and not quite answering the ques. Sato, other government offldalJ and a fine of Sl ,000. Convicti in the name of Empress Napko, Prime Mini&ter Eluiu lmum sente~ of one! in prison and tion. BOme 5,<XX> families, attended a service tht company could a · muimum who was killed in an auto accident In· volving Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. Presiding Judge Bernard C. Brominski of Luzerne County Common Pleas Court set the hearing for 10 a.m., Aug. 25, at which time Dinis will present evidence to suPWrt his request for an autopsy. Dinis, of New Bedford, Mass., district attorney for that state's southern district, said he would go ahead with a scheduled Sept. 3 inquest into Miss Kopecbne's death, regardless of the court's decision here. The 23-year-old secretary drowned July 18 when a car driven by Kennedy plunged off a bridge on Chappaquidlck Island off the 1'.lassachusetts coast. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kopechne of Berkeley Heights, N.J., her parents. ob- ject to exhuming her body from a cemetery in nearby Larksville. Their lawyer, John Flanagan, attended today's hearing, but said only that he would have to confer with his clients before deciding his next step. Brominski said Dinis apparently would attend the hearing, and Dinis had three aides certified as representatives in case he could not make it. Dinis repeated that he considered an autopsy vital to the case and laid it woold show the medical caase of death. Miss Kopedme's death has been listed u drowning. "Ba:rically I'm not satisfied With the findings made at the time of the ac~ cident," said Dinis. . I Lodge Leaves Paris PARIS (UPil -Chief American negoUator Henry Cabot Lodge Jett for consultations in Washington today after the 30th session of the Vietnam peace conferen« showed the search for peace is still stalemated. It wu 11: graciow way of ftnding. off too for the war dead. fine of Sl0,000. · · many cloSe inquiries into their private 1--------------------"------------------ ~ 7 7 a z a a Southern lri-sh Massing At Border With Ulster I Summer DUBLIN (API -The crowd cbeered Barry Murpby today. He wu climbing up the side of the British Embassy building, balcony by balcony. Then be got his hands on the Union Jack that was on the flag pole .. The ZS.year-old dockworker gat the flag down lo the crowd of several hundred below and they starte.l ·a game of tug-of· war with it. In no time the Oag of Grea.t Britain wu tom &o shreds. S.Vanty JrlJh policemen stood by Im- passively. Somefuiy threw a stone and amuhed 1 window h:: the embassy. Another stone cracked another window . Barry MUr:pby. came down from the building tdllng evuybody he and otl>en ,wore going llOflh "to belp the fighl for civil ri&bts. .. Front P .. e l N.IRELAND. •• land street ~ the C&thollc ml-ly demandina '!QU&I voling, housing and job rigllt& and the 'Proleslaol majority ,... •• ting p......,. !run the Irish republic to the south. It was tbm the Catholics today seized two i.-, burned °"' nf them and turn- ed U Into a -I blrr!Clde. The C&thoUC. alJo aelJed 1 movie houJe there in the iiomp ol the Irish R<publicao Army (lRAlc In L<!ndoa, Wllooa's aldel Aid "the cova mnidlt, el Northtm lJJl•nd has ask· ed the !J(dMd Kiqdom ,.,.,._ for Ibo......,. olJ<oopo to-....U.. law and onier tn Bellaot. The U.K. goverb- mcnl ha& oCceded to this requtit «> the same cerma 11 aimilar aaailtance was provtdod in'Loocioode!Tl' 1111 (Thuraciay) alight." 1'1m hllldrtd Brililll ll'Ol>PI 'll>unday nlgl11 ltM<I bani.I ..,.. and ba}>onet& to oep1rete baltiln1 C&thollcs a.a d Protnilmt.I . It Lendonderry, another nu11 ' point tn the rioltnl rweeplng Nortbtm treland, the wot1t slnoe the JrlJh rebellioo ol 1111. There was no mistaking in this Dublin crowd where sympathies lie in the hostilities between Roman Catholics and ProtestanLb of Northern Ireland. Tht southern Irish have troops up near the border of Northern Ireland to help the wounded coming across into the $0Uth. Today the government in Dub!in an· nounced that 2,000 officers and men of Ittland'a first line reserve weu ordered on standby alert ii needed for peace- keeping -•UOM In \he six Northern counties called Ulster, still part of Bri· lain with Some home rule. The souQttm Irish ba've served in the peace forces of the United Nations in the Congo and Cyprus. Now the Republican government was offering Us troops for a similar force to keep the peace in the North. , The ~tilin government announced that once again Jt was calling for an in- tematioriat peace force for riot-torn Ulsltr. An announcement on behalf of Prime Minister Jack Lyncb urgoil Britain lo agree tq using a United NaUons peace force or an lrial>BriUsh force to stem the violence. , Or. Patrick Hillery, Ireland's foreign minister, called on the BrlUsb Foreign OfCict Jn London to JftS1 the appeal. The British-hid earlier rejected the idea of uaing a U .N. force in Ulster. From Page l MESA TEEN. •• the 1.ondonderry-bom fabric developer. The MCCaugheya JUI beard from Paul by letltr 10 days ago, while hls: uncle. John McCaughey, of Lomita, just llilved home Wednelday night from an Ireland vae1!lon, without word ol him. "My brother 11)'1 h's going to get worse lnst<ed ol beller," MCCaUlhey SALE PRICES: DINING TABLE $329 SIDE CHAIR $60 OUR SUMMER SALE Also INCLUDES SELECTED GROUPS FROM DREXEL, HERITAGE, HENREDON, NATIONAL, MARGE CARSON. HERITAGE & HENREDON UPHOLSTERY PLUS MANY OTHER LINES. UDUCTIONS ON ACCIS50Rll5. LA.MI'S, AND PICTURES AU ALSO AVAILAILE. NIWl'ORT llACH 1727 Weetcllff Or• 642-2050 OPIM NltAY 'Tfl. t DlllXIL • HUITAGI • HENUDON DEA.UR INltRIORS Profea.ional Interior Detl9nera Anllobl....Al~SID LAGUNA IEACH 34.S North (0111 Hwy. 494-4551 om ,.,,,, 'TIL t Hid bitterly. chastising his COUlltrymen l.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~::'.~~~~~:'.'.~~~~~~~-tod1f for lhclr bloody Ceudina over rellaion. • ------------------ - ,, ----- N. Y. Steeb J, .* * YOC. ii.iNQ°. '196, ~ Sej:TIONS, #.PAGES ---. t.'-----* ORANGE TEN CENTS Troops • Ill Ireland New Rioting Erupts in Belfast ' I BELFAST, Northern Ireland (UPI) -Surging mobs of Catllollcs and Britain ordered troops lnto Belfast today '" P~tants elsewhere in Belfast hurled to end four days of rioting between stones, bricks and lmUlta ai eaeh other Catholics and. Protestants, but a new acrou barricades of flaming city buses round of arson and street fighting and overturned trucks. Several buildings erupted at 5 p.m. and there was no im· were blazing from molotov cocktalla. mediate interference. Slx.hlmdrecLtroops in camblt-1ear.1lew The eoo'Brtµsti troops flown here today in from England at noon after another from London had not yet entered the morning of HghUng In wbl.cb Calhol1c capital and correspondents said police crowds behind a burned otit bu1 baflo took no action when 150 CaUiolics and 300 ricade fought police using armored cars. Protestants trade4 shots near the The 600 t.raop ~orcements doub)ed Catholic Divis Street area of Belfast. the BriUsb garrison massing at Belfast's. The fighting ·so far has claimed six gates and raised to 6,1AIO the number of lives· -catholics put lbe toll at 10 -and soldiers now on duty In the riot area hundreds wounded. where Pote&tant.Calbollc figbtinl has dragged the coontry cloee to civil war. ~ In Dublin, the Irish Republic 1ovem: ment niobillled 2,000 anny reserilsts to support 1,600 troops it already baa -to the border of Nor1hem Ireland In llie' . ' .EmeraJd isle's most Rrlous confrontation In five decades. · A man ripped &nm the Ualnn Jaclt a~ tlie Brttlsb Embuoy in·Dublln and tbmr it to a crowd whlch tried t0 bum 1t aDd' then ripped It to pieces Wliile 'llll'l youths in the crowd vowed tbey·wouM ,0 north tonight to join the Catholica In their battles with" 1asollne flrebombl, clul>5 and stones. Golden West Homeowners Hit Rezoning ~notty Project~ Loom for Council • . . • ; , . ' DAILY PILOT ....... k Piii o-o.-11 . Tl'IE NIXONS ANO'THE'.EISENHOWERS GREET GUESTS AT FIRST FAMILY'S NEW HOME ··come Along Witf'I O'ur Correspondent for 1 Guided Tour of the Whitt HouM West Another voice hat been added to the chorus protesting the proposed rezone of 46 acres of industrial land i n northwestern Huntington Beach to apart-• Bedroom Matches Plume Nixons Show News·men ' . .. ment use. Citing "the hard.pressed Ocean View School District," Mrs. Lorraine Faber. president of the Golden W e s t Homeowners Association, today ques- tioned 'Nhetber cooperaUon between the city government and the school district ii ••to be a two-way, or a ooe-way str.eel" "Witbln the last few yeara the City • 1 ~l succesS!ully request_ed the Ocean Aroun..t .. Cfempnt~lT~ : te . y;.-..,~!'~i•t to 1~~ · . '.. . ,, . P . . , . ·1 c>'i1 ,' • ~: .,~·~~i.l,>' l",...i,~._.___!::. ... ~', .... ~,.i 1:!,-._m•Uea' · {f.I°""' 1'··. : ' ~ .J -.. -..~ ' HabbtC-~~bi~wfth":..the· By THOMA~ Q:EVIL J Of ., Nllr Pl~ ·~ - Jt'a only ·~ • acc!dtnt. says ~!rs. ijjc,hard M. Nllon, that ber buS;.band's bedroom is dominated ~ ~ bright red that precisely matches \be commanding seourJty telephone besldO,~is bed. . ~ likes the color, She says, and, besides,. daughters TrlCia and Julie had conspired ,with. lhelr m"other . to jazz up . clly'1 MordJ p.a," Mr•. 'Faber~tes. ~PHOTOS OF FIRST FAMILY 'ilill woa.-sly to the il<fVanlqe ~NSfb& NEW HOME: PAGE I ?.~~ :: .. :~~~:~1:"= happens to be there. and the Huntington Beach city staff have The bookshelves are empty, a condition worked together toward achieving ,a joint use or lease-purchase agreement wruch tl}at will exist only until the rest of the will make'!chool district land available to f1trniture stored from the Nixons' New the Recreation and Parks Department York apartment arrives. fdr development of rieighborbood parks. Huntington Beach city councilmen face another three-knot problem Monday night when they study possible decision on a trio or knotty development projects. On Aug. 4 councilmen wrangled until after 1 a.m. and !ailed to reach an agree· ment on any of the three items. They are : -The holly-dispuled propoaal of John D. Lusk and Son of WhlUier to develop ==~==== lfghl -industrial, highway CODllllmial aJl1! •""""1~ ~ -The S\lt18f:t Beach Islan~ ha~le over ~~1~"1J\: of $.S ·~ J!ea• . ~~ loti,, ' . "' j . • f I ' -A pro""""1 828-iJillt apartment eom- pl"; largest In t11f,(lty•1 ~· at thi 10Uthwest comer ~A~ta \ Verd: and l!uch Boulevard to wti!bh yor Jack Green has filed an ip~. BIGGEST HASSLE · t.h~ room a bit. : · Tbt Nixdn family ' showed , pride and ' _ w.arm hospitality Thursday as they show· . 'DoWn.stairs, the Nixon home continues "While Lusk tties to whittle away at to display ,fts Spanish .lines. The rooms, the school district's industJ;1al tax bast in 811 tllC:-roofet!, surround. a tradlUonal the north, events are happening on the The Lusk development has become one of the biggest rezone haaales in city ·an4 nals. School districts; homeowners_ MJd women voters are lined up against Lu!k and the Chamber of Commerce. 'Mle developer wants to rezone 26.1 acres of the Peck Estate property to in· dustrial use, 27.8 acres to bigllway com· merci~ and t6 acres to apartments. Df.ILY.l"l\.OT'Slatl PMl9 NO ORDINARY TOURISTS How to Travel Incognito David and Julie Discover Aiperica In Aqto Journey By ·JEl\OME F. 'col.LINS Of .... Dlllw' Pli.t llttf 1bert they w.re, just a ·young couple ~toring across the country on a 1i4htseelng trip. Nothing unµsual about that. Except this : David and Julie Eisenhower's red Muio:tang was follOwed all the way from CinciMati to San Clemente by a big. black Lincoln Continent.al. Th~ Continent.al was packed with Secret Service agent&. Young David, .aorrln·law of one Presi- ""1~ and grondsl>nc of ano\11,<r. recall~ the trip ·et· the Nixon ,summer midence ~ Cf·. • "Usually when we stopped at ·• nitaurant, we'd go unrecognized," tie uid. "But then the Secret Service agents •k! come in. That tipoed everybody oft.'• ( . ... , David and Julie drOVJ alone in the · Muslang. A radio kept them ln constant co,nmunlcatlon with 1he h e,a v 11 y annored Continental. Only .once w11s 6ere a crisis. , ' "Do you see lhusc rolling black cloud~ overheadT11 the radio cracltled as they '~ across the cnidwtsterrl' plains. '•!We looked up." said David . "and it Jodked .. ~u a tornado was about lo dip cl.~." "But whit could We do about Jt?" said Jul.It. "So we just-kft)l drlving. and &G& (~ TOUlllSTS, Pl(e I) I ed off their $340,000 Sil" Clemente estate to some flO membets ·of the press. They offered carte blanche a~ss to its 14 rooms, ils five baths ' and the sprawling grounds around it . While the President eXplained 'some of the history and details of the building and rebuildin& of the Cotton Estate. Mrs. Nix· on led some personally conducted tour! of the home as tbe <laughter& and son·in· law, David Eisenhower, chatted with newsmen. · The three family dogs -the daughters' Yorkshire terrier and gray, poodle and Mr. Nixon's Irish setter -r.omped the grounds, bounding around the gazebos that serve as lookout points for the Secret Service. The Nixons and tl:ieir I n t e r i o r decorator, Channell and Chapin of Corona del Mar showed healthy respect for the Spanlsh heritage of the home. The theme has been accented and even lhr four new gazebos match the original red tile-roofed bullding where .. Ham" CottQn once play· ed poker ,r:i;~4•fil w.~velt. . • . 1'hePr . t.'°Wor.kl'JittlM·~e's.onty second-story i.o6(tl ~ a cotnpact 15'115- foot study with a commanding view of the Pacific Ocean through· the pines and eucalyptus trees' that 'dot aDd aurround the gtounds. The room 1' chleny blue in tone~ The President. works at a small, 'leather-tqp- ped desk , with three Jtems on• jt -a replica of the plaque left on the·moon by Apollo 11, a whik. telephont.connected to the White House switchboard and the om- nipresent red telephone -on which Mr. Nixon can talk with no fear of being overheard. The Preoldent is fond of the room and happy to point out its features, i.uch as the bll\all tiles inset around the bookshelvtS and ln various nooks. On a table in 1fronl of a~bltie s0fA js tnt r,oom.'s~ or1!}; book .-i "~t 17e..identi~L ))eclslons .. by Rlcliard'lolorrlll. 'lio,,lt 11 ".expJ~, '1be Pre&Iddit~ \Qi't idepending oo the' t>ooi far bis <lecllloos --It jull , .. ... ... coYrf.yard wiUi a fountain .in the center. Sooth end"of the district (to Ellil Avenue) Spanish tile Js used profusely, bJlh for Which will make additional zoning walkways' and as accents. changts neeelS81')' tO the 'disadvantage of The living room fronts on the ocean the district," Mrt. Faber cbarga. side of the home. AJ Mrs. Nixon noted "The Central Cl,ty Park and Library with a sweep or'her hand , 11Isn't this a Complex will remove industrial land gorgeous view?" She was right. from the Ocean. View tu base. How long It is carpeted in a full Persian rug with will it take for nearby ptoperty owners escalloped edges. The rug carries out the there 'to holler that trailer parks and R-3 room's basic yellow theme, as do the sofa housing are more compatible to recru4 and chairs, upholstered in a yellow and lion areas than exi!tlng zonnig?" she white splashy print. Most of the furniture queries. came .from the Nixons' New York apart4 Jn conclusion, Mn. Faber calls for ment. It is of mixed period, with French "lengthy debate and community con4 Provincial and Oriental touches here and sensus on what proporation .of ml.I in there. • • • apartment units and single family units The ceiling, like all the ceilings in the H\Ulilngton Beac;h. should strive for at (Ste NIXON,.Page J) population salurat10n. Tourist Business Down in Beach T.ourist bUsineas lb Huntington BeJch is off about . n!Jie, • petcerit, ltnnllngton Sheraton Vice ·Preaident · Martin Snow told fellow Chamber of commerce direo- IP!'s Wednesday. "But we are not doing as badly.is the re&L of the coastal .areas .where business ts rl!ported down from 12 to 20 percent," Snow bastened to add. Signs <!f an ·Upswtrig were seen 1n the h:;te1 man'• ltatemerit thit "all reierva- tiOM forthe coming "Wtelcend were being tlll'lled down beginning Wednesday. We are full up." Snow al.90 sa id convention business was picking up and that . the Huntington Seacliff golf course was a big help in that category. Stl><!k MarJee'ts "Perhaps , ne1.t April '• city .. coun- cilmanlc election will provide the forum necessary for this dialogue," the homeowners president warns. Huntington Oil Worker Rites Set Funeral servlc!I f<r Robert A. "Curly" Phipps, 79, of Long Beach, along-time Huntington Beach oil worker, will be con. ducted at ,It a.m., Saturday,' at the Boone-Renci Funeral Home, 2ff -do Ave.; Loni Beach. Mr. Phipps died Mon- day. -Burial will follo)f services In Hollywood Cemetery, Hollywood. Mr. Phipps had lived in Huntington Beach about JO years before moving to Long Beach when he retired from tre oil industnr ln 1957. He ls survived by his wife, Francis; twb sons, Robert A. Phipps, Jr., of Garden Grove and Jack L. Phipps of Long Beach ; a brother, Howard D. Phipps of San Fernando; a sister, Mrs. Mae f.dam! of Hollywood: th re e grandchUdren and tbree I r e a I· rrandcblldren.. The Planning Commission turned dawn the apartment rezone plea June 3. An ap- peal to the council Aug. 4 resulted in a compromise suggestion being tossed back at the planners in a legal maneuver. Councilmen asked the planners to con- sider rezoning the proposed apartment acreage in segments which would permit 8 acres of apartments in the first phase. Planners remained consistent and denied this proposal, hut in doing so opened the way for the councilmen to approve i&Plft.. ment zoning 11 lhey are so inclined. The Sunset .Beach Island batlle find.o nearby Huntington Harbour homeowners lined ·up against Etna Savings and Loan Association. The association wants to develop 26 lots averaging 5,~square­ feet each a variance to the nonnal 6,000. square-foot minimwn. CITY DEMAND Complicating the picture is a demand of the city that the lots be bulkheaded with cement rather than the Jess. ex· pensive riptap stone bulwarll:;s. Councilmen wrestled with the problem far Into the night Aug. 4 and finally deferred action to Monday. Etna representatives complain that city·im· ~· lol aim and • tiulkbeadlng would make the project 1economically un.. feasible. · Mayor.Green's objection to the 828-unlt 1partment complex on the southeast 'cor- ner of AUanta Avenue and neach Boulevard came u a IW'pfise. Mayor of Beach Nominated for league President, '. Hunllngton. Beach Mayor J 11<k Gr .. n baa been _.,.ted 'for the "°"Of rresJ. dent of the-Calllomla League oi tru ... DA .R~·1·ects Reeal1l ·PF0.be ~~~r.~;::·1? Anaheim lo(~i'I' Pnoldinl·~ '!lie cur• Disttict 'AttOrney Cicil Hicks said TitumlaY he 9ttS no ·reason why his of. flee shoul<l conduct an lnve$tigation of 'Fountain Valley recall ~lf:!Cllon conduct. In answer to...a unanlmqu1 elty councU resoluticm• that h\ !boll: itJtO conduct on both sides of ibe recall, Hlcko replied tbal "° lllllficienl -of crlmlilal election practices baa been pmented. Earlier. he had 111gested he probablJ would ~ out of the picture when F...,.. ' ·' ------- lain Valley Mayor !lobert Schwertd!'fer 1 requested the DA'a f)ffiee inve.tigate all•ged wlUlul clttulalk>n of false statements and lintentlonally misriJ'resented petjt~1. Sa Hicks then, ' thia olllce will !IOI become Involved In pollilcsl'' Thul'lday he pve hli l'fal ~ !or llOI in- vaatlgattna : . 11Tbe matters ref~'1n ... ~ ~ lion are Ibo..,.. u lhOae ar.,...· to.tl!t · ,_ l ·+ • rent .chapter president, Deau Shun Jt. of Superior ~ in a rectnL clYil action, Le H&bre. N st.ate director. Stpt. it was where the butden ot l)l"OOf is much less ~ as the date --wheh 'repctlU!tatlves tif than. In a criminal case," ijick.s Sflid. an 25 Orange "county, clU'es will vote on .. No evi!tenct c:1: electlfn fr*'td wp1 Uie nocnlnall~s. 1 1 ~led 1o !he cOtirt, and ti!; r>inon• 'The ,execu\IY,• COflWlllttee ·•Pl'f1>ved· a chril'llln& Ill e•!.lttnce were '1dV!led bf moluUon ~.'be forwarded ~ I h' thl Jud1• )o bring a'S<parlle cl'41 llllit Califo<Dia·l.<O(lle of Citlet Ol'l'O'inl state ~peclli~lty bared on !ra~va:f, there 'i'l"enunent .'ai!ompte 1 lo . l!"~ pro-. wil, eVJdince )o -j. ·did 11111 griliifotl ClllM wlll\otil app;;pr1~· ,the '*in''a-!l;w'CfVll l!illli<i' II' ~· .,...,.., (lir\!ll lt ~l Mii . , ·~'--~·" . . , .... er,.,.. -. '· . The propolal by GordM and !'aye Talbert of Newport Beach lalled .throtlgh the Planning.Commission with little Dr hie. Proposed are Z7 apartments per.,. on 30 acres in tbe natlands. Part of ·the development propoeea four-atory units with an ocean view. 1 MAYOR APPllALED Mayor Green said today he appealed becaute he thought the council 11ahould take a long look et the proposal. 't1>ere are several unanswered questions." "The Mid-Beach Sunday Area plan ..,. _vi,;..., ~ ~ u ·tllt mte ·of ~ poqlble cooventlon Cli)lll!':or nialala ~ hotels," th! ma)'W' pom~ eUt. "AllO there is the problem• of Pacific Coast Freeway • right of way which will take about 100 feel ol um prop<rly. "l we allow the apartment project it could up the price of the land the stati needs by a considerable amOlmt. Finally, a conditional excepUon requires a show· ing of hardship and I fail to see any in ibis case," Green concluded. ·Man Indicted Over Political Contributions A Los Angeles Federal Grand Jury to- day indicted the President of the Farmer John meat packJng combine On charge1 of making illegal contributions to the campaign of a candidate running for political office. Bernard J. Clougherty, of Pasadena, presldent of the Clougherty Meat Packing Company and director of the Fanner John chain, is accused of donating '13,750 , in September 1964 to the campaign funds · of an unidentified candidate for a U.S. Senate Seat.. A sour~ close to the U.S. Attorney's office today told the Dally Pilot lhat·the · contribution was made to tlMi campaign of Pierre Salinger, former aide to the late President John F. Kennedy. Salinger was defeated bY. Senator George Murphy in that election. Clougherty ls indicted in the two count document bolh in his own name and that of his company. Investigators &aid the·in- dictment followed a long probe by the in- telligence division ' of the Internal Revenue Service. Orange Coui Weatlter Thoe:e low morning clouds and that hazy sunshine won't keep the mercury dowo over the weekend. Coastal temperatures are peggtd in the upper ?O's, while inland readihgs will approach the fO.. degree mark. ' INSIDE TODAY Womtn 'nmatts of Orange 1 Count11 Jail are _paaring &he time bv l•orninq valuob(• •lclUI for tpe Nou~td4." Poge .Q. • ...... n MwtMI , .... " Ctlllt!Wt ' Millllflll Ntwl •• CltntflM ..... --' C.111k1 .. --" ·--• ... _ ""' °""' JM!ktJ ' --1>-lt .,_ " -..... •cHttri.t ,_ • tlildl ......... ,~,, .,,""".._. ..... ,_ ... • ·-1 .. 11 -...... -" w-• .. .._ .. w,.._ .. Mllll!Ma • w . 7 .. -- )_. • • i f · IMJLV PILOT H Frldly, A"9UU \5, I_, School Chief Say.s He'll Foot B*·her Poll :Bil .. ~ . . ' ly THOMAS' PORTUNE °'"-..... ,u .. "'" <>pea ~ flared ap.ID and apJll 11>urod1Y i. Ille /irange Coonty Board of Education wrangled over 1 btrberlhol> poll and Orand Jury criticism or lbe 6Chool board. A 'rtquts:t J>y county .schools Supt. Robtit Peterson lhat board.controlled fundl ~a;e ·Uied for a public opin ion' 'poll waa: tabled. Dr. Peterson then said he would P4!-1 for the Polls himselt. Recent Grand Jury criticism of the l COOlll)' IChool bol!d WH answertll by ~ truatee .tiale Rallbon, who charged tt was cranked. out-by the politic~ ann of the ·DAILY PILOT. "To expect the wife of the DAILY ·PILOT publisher (~1r1. Robert V+'eed, 1 ~·ho is Gr~ Jury •foreman) to be l • • • . • • I ' .. IJIYlbbil ...,. -poljllcal " Ml ~ln,....lilhl,"henld. But, l!iotlw board memhfi', lloaaJo! Jonlin, Wbo' -b!li«l1 """" IN ' 1!1"1\1>1 •Ith Cl', -. rtlllllked, • "I'm l><lh\n!nl lo· lotl tllal maybe 1'• • oo\&hl lo do IWll''Wilh the county boanl." He 51fd .ht •aie.<i wUli tbi Grand Jury'• charge th•t the board has wasted time discussing te1tbook1, sex education and censoririg Ubrary booka. And he said he too thinks the county auperlntendent <hw1d be appointed by the board nther 'th=~=· ~d .pJ'e1;dent Clay ¥!1<!i<JI. "! •Ull llO -for . cbecu '•nd balances In representation by the peo- ple," Payment for a second barbershop poll wu torpeoed by T?ustffs Jordan arid Pat . _,. . DAILY PILOT Staff ...... GiftgU,~ l~"tt-. Caini> Puk-Wudgie (happy children in1 Indian. talk}, Git! Scout camp i;urrounded by rivers of asphalt and filled with war cries of 200 gigglil)11 li!Ue Indians,Jike ~~y Tail (left) and Laurie . Briedenhach, folded up Its tent todSy. Camp is condncted,.annually ut Huntington Beach's Lake Park. Tracy and Laurie obviously enjoyed it. 'No Full Wipeout Beach Open When Nixon Gone Nt& all prmdential decisons are big Olle!. ' Surfers, however, mij;ht feel otherwise about a decision made by President Nix· on today. They can use his private beach -but not whtle he is slaying at his summer White House in San Clemente. At all 'cthtr limes ':luring the year the ..Pres.ideot's sand anC surf will be free to use. The former Cotton estate fronts on one of lht Southland's finest surfing spots. Jl'g a private beach -always has bttn -but for several yars youths have toted their boards down to "Cotton Point". They get there by walking down the beach, along the waterline, from San Cemente State Park. A high White House source explained that Nixon personally would prefer that DAILY PILOT lob.rt N. WHd l'rnlde!>I A"' l'IAll~r J1ck R. Cu1fey va ..,......... n co-rll lt\tfttttr Tho11111 IC1tYil £1•ttr TJ.011111 A. Mw1p!.int ""'""'I"" ld•!Ot' Alhorl W. &tit• Auodttt Elltor Ht11t ....... luclll OHlco )Ot Slh Sl•etl M1llint Addre111 P,Q, &01 7tO. tl6~1 OtM1 Offktt frlt........, .. •Clll ')II Wttl l1l17lt ltv•1v11ll (ltlll McSI. l)O WO! 11¥ ~tt('t! LHwn. lttell• lU f11nl A .. 11119 the hali·m.ile 1tretch of beach between Camp Pendleton Marine Bue and Cyprus Shore be available to ~urfers at all Umes. "But the Secret ServiCf: won't hear of it," taid the spokesman. "The Prei!ident knows the surfers aren't happy with the present prohibition (in force since Aug. 6), so he's Insisted en at least that much of a compromise. \Vhenever he isn't htte, the beach will be available. No roaming over the estate grounds, of count, wJll be permitted." Will the President himst.lf ever hit the surf with his newly acquired board, a gift from Julie Eiaenhowtr and Tricia? "No:• smiled Pres.! Secrttary :Ron Zletler. "If anyone uses that board, It wil r probably be me." "Mr. Nixon," he added, "woold rat.her watch the surfers than be one." From Page 1 TO URI STS ... oul of it without any problem.•• They never did find out whether the twister' ever touched t.be ground. David did most of the dr1vln.t:. "Boy, it w.., Pretty scary in the Colorado Roctles, but ab!olutely beauWul." He and Julie, nellbtt of whom had been on a crcss<0W1try trip like that befort, Wl"l'e: also deeply impressed with tbe beauty of Arizona'• painted desert. "I let Julie drive through the desert," smiled David. "l dld all the mountain driving." The couple wlll remain at the summer \Vhite House until August 28 .. They were asktd: "Is your home in Cincinnati?" "We just left from there," said Julie, qa.ickly and not qWte answering the qutl· lion. ll was a gracioU& way ol fl!ldlni of! too ml!I)' close inqujriea Into their private lives. Boy Dies of Injuries In Bicycle Accident Ricley Arias, 9. of Whittler, died at St. Jude Hospital Thuraday as the ruult of a skull fral.1ure suffered when he rtn hil bicycle into the back 6f a 11ow movln1 pickup truck a weok aao in La illbra, Ille toun1y coroner 11ld. Jfe was the 1C11 of Mr. and Mn. Frtd R. Cervantt.s, 11413 Rlcbdale Ave., Whit· tier. ArnOl4. lllll ol Imo.. pointed out rquy local -~ IUtJ<rinl'!ldentl in qi. .,_., ... ..al\111 iL ,..,... 11111 " wtll ,. t;e .... 1 lo !"l*l the ,.u Ill~"""'"' ~ JIV!on. ......... oi-1114 4enl!ltl' wotilnr roomo out o1·blo own ·pocket. . His prevloua poll last October has bffn wldely critic.Red becJluse o( the small, unscientific sampling (customers in 20 barbershop&) and alleged loaded wording of aome of the questions. HJt Is dlfficult for me to understand why we are pressured to approve this Whea Dr. Peterson hu atated as an elected oltk:W he haa hll -autonomy in filpda,'' Jordan aaid . "I can't help but think nis Insistence is more political than educational." Jordan •aid he furs that with an elec- Silent March ~ Slated Sundav .. For Cfemente Peace Actkln Council proteston will march at President Nixon's doorstep Sunday In San Clemente. But a Superior Court judge's back door ruling today ensured that it will nol be the vociferous demonstration criginally planned by the militant organization. In.see.ad, PAC spokesman Robert Bland said, it will be "a silent march throoa:h the forbidden park to tht beach ill a tribute to the many thousands who hive died in Vletn.am.'1 PAC plans for a more lavish j)l'Otelt in San Clemente Siate Park were lhot down when Jlidge Robert Corfman granted the motion of Deputy Attorney General Charles McKesson for a contin- uance of the court hearina to Sept. 5. The judge agreed with McKe!JSOn that the state had had very little time to ex· amine the issues raised by a PAC peti. tion which was filed wllh his court Thursday. He re1ected the argument of PAC attorney Patricia Herzog that It had taken lesa than Wee hour~ to resolve the demonstration dispute arising from President Nixon's dinner Wednesday nl&ht for the astronauts, "There are if. sues involved here that demand the sraW.g of time for study," the judie said. Judge Corfman's ruling sent ~lnl. Herzog and PAC spokesman Robert Bland running to a telephone for con- sultaUon with American Civil Liber.ties Union Officials in· Les Angeles. . Bland, Mrs, Herzog . and other PAC spokesmen then headed for Los Angeles to ask federal court lnterve1;1tlon in the dispute. They will ask a federal judge for permission to hold a demonstration in which they claim thaL as many as 12,000 protesters could show up to object to U.S. foreign policy. Ii b doubtful, in the light of past fed- eral court acUon in such disputes, that any such Injunction will be made avail· able to the South Coast protest group. Bland wured newmten that his group "has absolutely no Intention of defying Judge Corfman's ruling if federal act.ion ii not available to us. "But we condemn what is in effect a denial of cur petition as: just another instance in a long series of denial.a dat. ing from the ficil rejection by San Clemente City Council to today's denial." State park superintendent James Whitehead today ccnfinned that they were opposed to the PAC application "because of the possible damage that could have been inflicted ln a carefully maintained grassy area and the adj•· cent homes of st.ate park personnel.' City council rejection of the applica· tions has been based on the possible Influx ol many hippie-type demomtra· tors to an area that is just one half mile from President Nixon's summtr White House. Christmas Pas t Taps Cluimb er For $104 Bill Tho ghost ol Qiri8tmas past has mne to b.unt ~ Weir, manager ol the Seal Bead> allinbe< ol Com- merce. It's not an apparition from a Dickens· Ian tale but none other than Judce Roy L. Nonnan of the City of E1 Monte. The judge bad ordered Weir to coogh up $104.24 lo Creative Display Cc. of El Monte in payment for Christmas decorations the firm put up in Seal Beach during the last holiday season. But Weir thinks the judicial <>rder Issued In small claims court ls unfair. The bill, be says, was net really owed by him but the Seal Bead>. Chamber ol Conunorce. Weir said the chamber ori&inalJr paid $1,010 fc* the lighting and then tl WU discovered that one string of lights wu left unhung. Weir callfd . the company, ordtrini them to put the addllional llglltl up, .. •peclf!od. "Tbeo all ol I IUddeo I WU billed personally for the extra charae. 1 ob- jected. And so to court. '1Le:sally, I guess I'm stuck and the cbamber tttuury will have to be tapp<d. But morally tiler< is something .,..,,g bere.'' D~pt.....s by th• rulina. Weir added. "I htd to e:o all the way to El Monte Munlelpel CoUrt to get 1tuck for the bill that I J)OtlOOally do not owe. And now, If I refuse lo pay, it loou llko I'll be forced to ao to· El Monln 1g1ln to dlt- clOM Jill -ti lo J\ldit Nonnan." lion comln1 up this month to nu the \llcated filth bolrd teat "a newspaper ad milht come out ll)'lnl so and .0 ....... to be -to .u.taln Cl'. N«· -.. ' . Dr. Jtallllon comteratlacked by ae- Cll!!lll Mn. Weed ol Uming the Grand Jury report to col:nclde with the election. . Arnold wanted to read lettera from Newpcrt.:Mesa Vpifl~ School Superifl. lendent William Cunningham and Hun. tl.ngton Beach High Supt. Max Forney crtUcbing tht. poll. He Wll cul oil by RallJaon who Mid board memben had .... lhem. "'lbla Mu Forney IYJl" of intelligence says wt neec. tblJ thing btlt we've got to spend Ii.oat for ii to be done by pro- feul,.,als," llid Ralll9cm. "Smne pecple place no value on money other than lhelr own." Other polnt.s ol. contenUon were raised .. Jordln and ArDoSd "ant.eQ to know why Dr. Pekiion Md cUlc:ondnued a - II~ YCl\lli> C<!rJ11 pn>Vl1ll. Federal fundl were made available to hirt 300 dliadv~ studenta to work oqt&icfe actiwt ~ oo school 1rounds. The pr~am •at'llOpPed lasi ll\fDmer. Childien la the program were in· the Huutlngton_'~ Oar.du Grove and · Placentia school dlstrlcls and Jordan said oup<rintendtall. of thole dlotricts prac- ll<Olly beraed ;J'eta'IOll lo continue the Pl'OlflJll. , Jordu 11ld' the 111perliitendllltl told him Peter,c>n • lljl'DOd oil the program be<:auae tt bmlvocl lod«li money and he leli duty bomd to Ille electonln who placed him In olllce not to .oceept H. Peterm denied that. uytng tbe pro- cram bir.skallt was a weltar! program . ' arid was In his eatlmale too ·~ .. ,,.... lbreo very pot!<rj\11 M'Crfn· I~ wantell lopt'a fl9fY titlit...,. tJnued." be .dalm<id~ . ,. Jordaa salt.: the boar'd baa ool beet1 In· formed the progr1111 was $lopped and • ~emarked that .ctft:alriJ.y didn't jibe with Peterson's campaign· program.. th.at he doean't believe in political . lntrlp or &e<lecy. Jordan also accused Dr. Pelerson of creating an atmosphere that bu caused many top level employes to leaTe thfl coanty llCbools olflce. Petmon told Jcirdan the thlnt• bO WU saying are more divilive than. what Jonfan had aocuaed !Um ol, and coo- tfnded, "I gel Ille leelfn& Mr. ~ordan you're trying to badjer, rake ova' one thing after another and brln& up the put.'' Inguest te Go On Judge Grants Hearing On Kopechne Au!tJpsy NAMED TD SCHDOL POST Valley Principal M1n91r1 Dennis Mange1·s Ne \v Principal WILKES-BARRE, Pi. (l.P) -A judae today granted a he:aring on a re· quest by Dist. Atty. Edmund Dinis lo ex· hwne the body of Mary Jo Kopechne, Dinis repealed that he considered an _!i'hc wu killed ln an auto accident in· volviDg Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. Presiding Judge Bernard C. Brominskl ol Luzerne Ccunty Common Pleas Court set the hearing for 10 a.m., Aug. 15, at wbJdl time Dinis will present evidence to aupport his requat for an autopsy. Dinis, of New Bedlonf. Mass., district attorney for that state's IOUtbei'n district, aafd he would go abeod with a scheduled SepL 3 Inquest into Miu Kopechne's death, regardless of the court's decision here. The 28-year-old secretary drowned July 18 when a car driven by Kennedy plunged off a bridge on Chappaquidick Island off the Massachusetts e<>ast. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kopechne of Berkeley Heights, N.J .• her parents, <>b· ject to exhuming her body from a cemetery in nearby Larksville. Denni! H. Mangers, 29, Huntington Their lawyer, John Flanagan, attended Beach, has been named principal of today's hearing, but said on1y that he J o Ha School lo the F lain would have to con.fer with hls clients ames · rper oun before deciding his next step. Valley School Di!trict. _ J Brominskl said Dinis apparently would He replaeea Harold Daigle, who tooi a attend the bearing, and Dinis had three year's leave of absence in order to con· aides eertified as representatives in case tlnue his: graduate studies. he could not make it. MlN!ers previously served as prin· cipal or the Earllmart School in.San Joa· quln Valley and i• a for:mer teathu wjLb the Long Beach Vnlfied School District. He received his undergraduate educa· tion al Cal Stale Long Beach and is CUT· rently working toward a doctorate at the Unlver!'ity cf Southern California. Before becoming a teacher he was a Medical Corpsman In the U.S. Navy. Mangers, his wife Linda and daughter Kirsten Ann, lives at 17282 Apel Lane, Huntington Beach. WW II End Obser ved TOKYO (AP) -Japan observed the 24th anniversary today of lhe end of World War II with memoria·1 services throughout the country. In Tokyo, Emperor Hlrohilo and Empress Nagako, Prime Minister Eisaku Sato, other government officials and some 5,000 families, alt.ended a aervlce for the war dead. Sum~er .. autopsy vital to the case and said It would show the medical caUse of death. ~tiss Kopechne's dealh has been listed u · drowning. "Basically I'm not satisfied with Uie findings made at the time er the •c· cident," sald Dinis. New Apartment Standards Set New standard.! governing the eon· struction <>f apartment devel<>pments have been drawn up by the Huntington Beach Planning Department. The standards, which \Viii serve as guidelines for the approval of land use permits. are expected to be adopted Aug . 19 by the Planning Commission. Assistant Planner Jim Palin said the major items include wider driveways and the increase of open space, such as patio, pool and garden areas. He added that in consultation with developen, the commission "had quletly been able to achieve" some of these aims. The new standards will make it of. ficial. Driveways will now have to be from 28 to jO feet-wide, depencflniJ on the siJt of the complex. Former standanis had call- ed for 25 foot widths. •Recreation or open space will have to be provi~, at the rate of ZOO aquare feet per dwelling unit. Previous standard.1 had called for 600 square feet per lot. "We learned that this just wasn't great enough for apartment e<>mplexe.s," Palin said. "We had to increase the open space considerably." Other rules contained .in the new stan- dards regulate <>ffstreet parking spaces, street trees, trash pickup areas, -and covered parking compoonds. \ _ SALE PRICES: DINING TABLE S329 SIDE CHAIR $60 OUR SUMMER SALE ALSO INCLUDES SELECTED GROUPS FROM DREXEL. HERITAGE HENREOON NATIONAL, MARGE CARSON. HUITAGE I HENREOON UPHOLSTERY PLUS MANY OTHER LINES' REDUCTIONS ON ACCISSORllS. LAMPS. AND PICTUUS ARE ALSO AVAIU.lll. • DWEL • HRITAtif • HQllEOON DU.LR 7etl• • NEWPORT llACH 1717 Wfftcllff Dr., 642·20!0 ONN flllAT "Lt INmlORS LAGUNA BEACH 345 North COlsl Hwy. Proft11lon1I lnterJor D•ltMra' Avolltblo-All>-NSID omc PllDAT "flL ' ,._ T.a ,.._ M• flf C)f._ C...,, 14f.IJU • 494-6$51 -· .. . ,,.,. • . :-·- SAN'DEE tiAROLO ' Bttrothtd November Date Told Mrs. Charles D. Harold of HUntington Beach has an- nounced the engagement of her daughter, Sandee Harold, to Apollo Mikolagak. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mikolagak of Gary, lnd. is serving with the Navy at . Port Hueneme. He was grad·Jated from Lew Wallace High School in Gary. The bride-elect. a graduate of St. Anthony's High School in Long Beaeh, is planning with he'f fian« a Nov. 15 wedding in St. Bonaventure's Catholic Church. Tea Date Selected Parents of new students of Prince of Peace Lutberan School will be guests it the seventh annual Welcoming Tea Wednesday, Aug. 27, at 2 p.m. in the church. Speakers will be the Rev. Andrew Anderson, pastor, and Miss Esther Olson, school p~ncipal. Also present will· be all of the teachers, who ·\\'iii meet the parents and answer ques· tions. Chairman of the tea is Mrs. David Hartke and assisting "'ilh plans are the Mmes. L. E. Jerrard and Ji arr y Southron. Accepting reservations is Mrs. Hall Gordon, 54(}..3575. HG>neymoon ·to ,Oregon Follows Vow Excha·nge· Married in an afternoon ceremony in Lutheran Church of the Master, Coiona del Mar, were Barbara Edward Jenness and William Terry Natick. · The newlyweds, both seniors at Oregon State University, are the ·daughter and son of Mr .• and Mrs. Richard Ellis Jenness of Newpa:'f. Beach and Mr. and Mrs. William Fred· erick Nauck of Portland. The ~v. Willia m R. F.Uer led the e xchange of vows and rings. Given in marriage by her father, the bride "'ore a princess style gown of ivory alaskene and venise lace. A venise lace headpiece caught her cathedral length veil of ii· lusion and she carried a nosegay of white roses and baby's breath. lier Delta Gamma sorority sisters, wearing floor length dresses of yellow pique and carrying nosegays of yellow chrysanthemums and baby's breath attended the bride. Miss Jean Ann McDov,re\I of San Carlos was maid of honor. 'J'raveling from Oregon to take part in the ceremony were the Misses Patricia Jo l''isher, Lynn Dee Flomer, Sandra Lamar Steen and J\.1 rs. Frederick R. f\1esserJe. Steven A. Austin assumed the duties of best man. Usher· ing guests to their seats were Frederick Wells, Craig Nauck, Robert E. Jennes~ a n d ' Richard G. Jenness. MRS. WILLIAM TERRY NAUCK During a reception in Irvine Afternoon Ceremony Coast Country Club fol101ving ---------------'------- the ceremony, f\ofis~ Judy Ross attended the guest book. ~ Following a h011eymoon trip in Shelter Island and a motor trip along California and Oregon coasts. the newlyweds will make their home in Corvallis. The bride was graduat.ed from Newport Harbor lligh School and the bridegroon1 from Cleveland High School in Portland. He is a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity at OSU and serves in the Army ROTC program. Emblem Club Gathering for b u s i n e s s sessions and programs are members of Newport Harbor Emblem Club every second Tuesday al 8 p.m .in the Elks Lodge, Newport Beach. Saddleback Vall ey BPW Seats Off ice rs Hoping to have their charter in September are members of the newly formed Saddleback Valley Business and Profes- sional Women's Club. The first president is Mrs. John Toner and other elected officers are the l\lmes. Cecil Pearson, \'ice president: Bob H o s m e r • c o rresponding secretary; Gary B e r g e n • recording secretary, and Al Blais, treasurer. The club has established a regular meeting scheduled on the second and f o u r I h 'f'.hursdays or each iponth at 7:30 p .m . For location in· formation ~Irs. Toner 1vill answer questions at 831·1477. The next meeting is Aug. 28. The first meeting of each month will be devoted to business while the second gathering will emphasize social programs, the president indicated. Charter mcmber.;hip is open to all women who are actively engaged in business or the pr ofessions. Annual dues are $18. ~1fs. Hosmer \vlll handle members hip inquiries at 831· 1139. YOUR ENTIRE PROGRAM 1\2 PRICE! TO CELEBRATE GRAND OPENING OF OUR SAN MARINO AND CORONA DEL MAR SALONS t;•µ•,•-·· .... ~. -·· . CAMEO.,NOW· · A TOTAL ·BEAU P.ROGR.AN ,···.; '" • ~· :.. I' f ,,' I ' ., ~. ·\ . ,. .. WE OFFER YOU A CtOSELY SUPERVISEO PROGRAM AND A WRITTEN GUARANTEE THAT YOU Will ACtilEVE PRE.DETERMINED RESULTS. Sculptor Used Eyes -· - Frlclq, Aug11tt 15, 1'69 DAILY mor 15 LEGAL NOTICE ' . LEGAL NOT[Clli LEGAL NOTICE •441:'4 JUl"t'IUO• COU•T 01' TMt , •·Mm , (fllTll"ICAta 01' IUtlMIJI ITATI 01" CAl.1,0,.NIA l"Oll , ClllTll'ICATI 01"' IUllMIU, l'tCTITtOUI MAM9 1 TM• COt'HTY O• OltANll t l'l~TlftOUI "AMf TM \lf!dertlt* .... cerllfrr t. II ~ l ' Ht. ~»'4 T1'4 ""'"'tlot• .. (•tiff tl'I"" ,,. llllClrot • """""' M 1111 .,_: .......... •OTICI' 01' <f!IAIUHO 01' P'ITITION COllMllll• I btitl,_U 11 1"11 HI,.., W•'I'• Nllfltllllo Ct! t,rni.. lll'\lllllr tht fl~ !'Oii: r•ot4TI 01'· Wll..L ,.,.D ,Olll I0\111.,..fd, Fou11l1l11 VllllW', C1Hfor111f, tltlolM llrffl ,....,, el PTllUllOH P.JI LITTallJ TISTMlr'ITAlY. IHlder lflt llctlllevt """' """'' If (.0. llld "'-'Nit fltl'll 11 mm ...... !ht 010 IONDI lllCMAltD'$ HAl..~MA~K '"" lhll ltiO !~IOwlllf ,rrJCn ....... _.,. 11'1 tlllJ .... Etllf\_ !If TllUll'lfl' J•'" Ellertll'et~. llrl'l'l,Lfl ~!If tr.. followlM .. ,_ •l•c. _., f9f.S...U.. .. et fDlltWtu• 1tso k1iOW11 •• Tllllm1r J. ElltrlJfeN. wll!l'M 1111T1tt '" fUU •l'ld 1JtU1 oJ Df:lltlrll fotilll11 0~ • .11"' 1l111f C>KiH1... l ' ft''"•'IU' •~ ._, IOlle...,.,.: A'nd H'a' n .. a· s Mtrl1. ,,_!1111 V1IWt1, C•llfornl11 NOTICr '" Hlt~l!il'f GIYeM T"'I ltl"11•d Ftl)ll.,,..,, 117'1 vi. l/9feM, 0..., Julw ,,, !Nt A,Mttl• M. fllt""11otk M• flltd Mtelll • l•Vl""1. C•t'*"'"'• n..... Treclt J- I ~.,., ~. Guvtr ptlilloJI for iort?I•• '.,; wrH ,,.,., ffw l"M!Hll'tlll. 111'2 Yll Vt-. ll'Yl114· • , , , . 11"4 el Ctllferllle. WI AnrHJ:-Ct\tnfYt .,._ tf l.,te"• Thlt'lf'lfolllN le •tit· C•Hfeff•lt tH4-I. Oii A""""I 7t. l .. t. btfott ..,., I Nott"' tklfttr' C~ IWJ. (tltrtfltl lro wllldl 11 Orted July t•. "'' I fl'~!lc 1 '" .,,. to, ••kl 5ftk, "'""''"' ---for• fllrfflef ••;fkult,, .. Mid lh•I IN lllrl\11'11 .:,,.11"'"' BORJ>ENTOWN, N.J. (UP(), _ _.., Oon1lcl M. GUYii' kMwl'I ft mt ti-1M'11fc-of h"rlllt 1111 11,.. II•• Tr1dt Jlht '•11fl1t1tl'I '9 "'9'"'-Pl!rMn wllotlJ 111..,. ~I wbW'lb-""" "' f9r ,5".tlfnbef" J, \Ht, 11 1:30 ''•lt ti C~!"""'ht· LIN A~t!tt Cot,tf\IY! -Few know today tb'at the '1 IO 1'119 wit1t!n 1111trUll'lfllt 11\11(.1.l'!'I .. II•"" cOollfl,_ e1 o-r•mfrl'lt N•. ri.. J•ilv t'· 1,,,, belo_,.. ..,., • No1•,., i li:k-'"9"9 Ill tttt\lltd 11\t Mll'lf. ) ef.1•ld,(OUl't. 11 JOt W'91 llthtlt SlfMI, fl'Ultrle llt Ind lw 1•ld Jllllo Hr-llY tirSt sculptor of "'°ie in ISfA~.) In 1t1e Cll'f ., s.1111 A11t. C•lllorftlt. ·-•"" lll<l!•rd FtJ!llm•'! '"" TrKlt ' 1.UC!LLE A. 11tA'l'MONI) Ollef Awwt I,_ llH. J•ltl l"tritlmtft kl'IOWfl lo IM le ~ lf'lll America was a sp)'·(or tbe ·pa· Not1r11 PutMlt . c111•1ir"11 w. '" ~T JOHN. cou ... t1 C'-r'I.. ,..,_ 'll'llNe """'" .,,. 11101er1Mit t" P'rlnditel Oft!o:" 1" H-... _,.... a Mlt.ltl-. !flt wlthf11 ln1tn1..,t11I end 1du1owltdffd triots, a devout Quaker -and • 1..'5 Antti.. C•U!I"' ,., o. Mii "''· ,,,.~ e~~11"" "'-wme. 1f',¥, (Ofl'imls.leo~ £x1ttrt1 ......,.,ltldl. (lllftflilt {OFFICIAL S!:ALI a woman. .i. ... vtt n. it10 ttrt 1n4l .... 1111 _ R°"'' 1<. P11i.rsatt, II "' · h h l"ublJtllfd· Or111" Cont Diiiy fl'llltt, A,,.....,,""' '°""llHr No11rv P'ublle<11Jtornr1 Patience. Love '1Trlg l; W (! Allt"!l 1.'t. 15, tt. lHt 11,2.fi' ,l,lbt~ Or'"'' Co." OtllY Piiot, Prln<lell Offkt.111 grew up in this rural com - -Autllllt 11. 11 .. "· "'' l!lut lo1 A<>11t1e• c-rr · LEGAL NOTICE M'I' Commlufon u11,._ munity in the mltll·l?OO's, used LEGAL NOTICE 11oorttM;~~lit~':'°"· A1t1•11tl'· t t t . frl d b ' ,..,. . • ....... •, "'""'''' (11.,.rt. 0 en er aln en s y CEiTl,.ICATf: 'Oti' •i.tslNCSl NOTl(I 011' OllSOLUTION 01" w111n1.,, C1llllr1111 ""' mould' .•• 11·rel1'ke 1.·~enesscs of .FIC,JITIOUS NAMI! . ll'AlllTNllSN!P' Jlvblltl'lt<t 0r•"'1~ Cotti 01llY Jlllel. .. II T~• ""d"•"'~!'CI . ""' urtl'y . ll)w •r• Pu'bilc f\Ofltt " llertbl' t lvtn IN! Aug .... I, •• 13, n. Ifft 1'2:Mt them OUt Of Clay or bread eondllttin9 • b1nl11ts1 '' UIS $Pt• An• T1v1<1r 1., ••own '"" lv•n Andll'IH'"·l-------------'-Av111ue, (:0111 MfM,, C1!ffll•ni.t, uno.r tht 1>1rtlefol'1 dlol111 bu1lftlt4 Ufldtr me lie· scraps. But When her hustiand 11c11tlou• · ttrm n,.,., o1 11 a. tt 11110w 11rm n•me ,,.. itv11 et A .. 1 LEGAL NOTICE JIOltTA•LE ('ANl<!,HAFT GltlNOIHG Pandit .. Volk1~ .... ll.,ol!r .•• 2089 • died in 1769 she turned to •lld ""' ""' 1rm 11 cem'""" et ·~ H1r11or a1v11,. cirr e1 cosi. ~·· COUl!lv •A• •!lt-1o11cw1111 ptrll)M, Who•• nerotes '" full of Or111tt. ,..,. ~ c1111o.r11r1. d'd Dll '~· IUP'•lllOll COUllT 01' THI sculpting for a livelihood. tnd •II= of teslde<ite .... , flllklwt; Ill d•Y .. Alll'l'I, Ifft, .., mulull (On• ITAft 01" CAl.IPOltNll. POii: RtY O•vll, 2515 Se11t1 Me AvtnlM. te.11. dluolvt Ille Mlcl Hrtn1t111111 end THI COUNTY 01' OltANGI Wa:r busts of important men cos!• Mt1•. c•11ftim,f1, 11 "n 1111 """'""" 111t1r rti.tlorl• •• '"""ners c111 NuonMr 0 2tttt h. . th d Hou1l•ux, t5'S knta A~ Avt!\Ut, /ll!,..111. SUIMIONI were in fa5 ion m at era an cc111 M~· c1111t1r11i1 Slid Ml...eu 1r1 tht 1v1wrt w111 tie con· Sll•ren L. l(llffr. P!•l"tlff vi. Ge,1r.t . h' f t . Offed AIJllUJt ,, lfft duct.II by IYWI A'*•IWI wtla. Wiii P•Yfl: ir;tmr df'k"tdtnl Wit 1n a year 0 urning pro. lltY Otvl1 I nd d11Cf'Mo•tt .... ll•blllllff .,.., dtb!J "' .PEOPLf: OF .THE STAT!; OF rcssl·onal. '!rs. Wrighl had """110 Housieu>e "'-""" ind '"''~' 111 ....,.,1u P111b1t CALIFOllHIA "'111e ibclve ni ... ec:r O.i"tn• ll . St~I• "' C111torn!•. O••~•t Q')tm!v: to !lit tl,m, d•flf· established herself as one or 0fl Autwl ~. INf, 'otfort me, I Notl,.,. Fwrlhtr NltlC. 11 lltrtbV •!Ytn lhtl mt Y0v lfl tle~bW' dlreeted to ti!' 1 writ· Jlubllc Ill •rid '°' 1•IO Slttt. ''"'ol'll!lv undtr1ltnM Wm "" ,,. '"""°"'*''''· fr8'fl ltn oleedl114 r11 r.....,,.,. 1o tllt verllllld the best. •0P11red R1r oe~l• •!'!d Rol'llld Mou111uJ tltls d1Y "' ~ "" obll11tiorll locuirtd comPlt!nt of l!it itiove ntmf!f Pltlntlff kno11111 lo me lo bt !llt 0~110111 wlwat IW Jv1n Allllel'HOtl Ill 1111 ewn I'll"'' or Ill wltlt !hf clerk of ~ ittov' enllll«f court She was a "hit'' on both n1"'u ere 1ubKrl~ 1• 1i... wl!llln In· ll'ol ll•mt.of tl\li tlrtn. ln .,.. tbOw ,...Utltd ectlon llrwwtot 1trum.,.1 ellll 1ck110wledfed 11\ty tXKUlect OATl!D AT C:l)lll Mnt. Celltorn11. 11\b 11111111 you /11 1,,Jd courl. w•l~I" Tl!N sides of the Atlantic, sculpting '"'' ''""· 1"11 d.., "' AUtiv••· ,,.,. ~1 111..-Ille ,,..,,c, on You o1 !his s""" . !SEAL) T•rfG:r L. llrowll "'°"'' If Mrved wl111!11 me 1bove 1t1m ... such lunlinaries as Benjamin ~,;"~ ~~~~~~11110r11,1 ,.u1111::J' ~~~':o"ce•~• 0,11, Jlltot. ~:',~!" w1111111 THHl:TY d•~s ii ...... ..,, Franklin, George Washington "'1nc11e1 Offiu 111 "'u1113t 1.s. lfft 15n.ff You .... htrebl' llOllllH 11111 u"'"' '¥00 O'""" County so lilt! 1 wrlllt!'I ,.._1!vt ,lt#dlrnt. ••Id and William P itt. 1.1v c°"'"''111011 E~•lru LEGAL NOTICE 0111n11rt wHI II~• llld9"'t"t lot ,,., mo..w Jun1 71. 1011 or "'"'-dt'Tlflldt<l tn !~ verlfled \\'hen the Revolutionary War rubli~lled Dr•rw• co111 0111Y J111<11, fl'4ttfl co,,.011111t 1s ,,11t"' ui>0n <"""~ti. or wm k Id Auttult I, U, 71, 2t, "" H6t-6f ClllTll'ICATf_ OP IU•tMf$S, ll!t'IV IO 1111 COUr1 lo• 1ny etl'll!r ... II .. bro e out, Mrs. Wright wou ,,CTITtous NAMf-11t-•t1<11d: 1~ ,,.. ""'"'M <,,....,1.1n1. keep her ears open even as LEGAL NOTICE T~• ulldenl1nM dots ctrtlh' "' 11 c011· Yoo: "".., 1m '"' 1ov1., ei •~ 1ttorne'I' -----'.---------id11Cllnt 1 b\nl.,.H 11 t111 (enltr Orlve, Cf lflV m•tttr <OMKT!d will\ I~• (- she worked on sculpting, and •4-Wt v11 .. ,.,, .... c1111 .• ll!ld&r t11t 11c11tklu• urm 0111111 or tttr,, 1v,.,.,..,.,,. •. sue:" tttor,..., sent "'hat she heard to Ben· CfllTIF1CATE 0,. •USINISS "•m• of VILl..A PAJllC llEAL TY. tlld 1!111 ,,, ... nd be o:o ... ullftl w!!M" Ille-t!m• llmlt l"IC{ITIOUS MAMI 11ld fir~ II corrtjosed of IM followl119 t11tltd In tllll 1umlTIOlltlfor lll!llt I wr!tltn jamin Franklin, the rebels' Tiit vndert!t"ed .,_ ctr111v ~ 11 can· ''''°"· wh<t" "'"" tn 1v11 11111 oie« o1 p1_,1.,. te •ht comp111111. b d F dvct111t t bvl!MU 11 l&a Procluctlon fllldflnc~ 11 IS ltlll0\¥5: 0•1,d AV,. I, lf69 i am assa or to ranee . Jlliet . Ne~o'I aeecll, C•Tllarn11. ulldtr Weller St1111I•~•· t711 cenlt• 011ve. !SEAL> . J\.trs. Wright hoped to return In• llcllll•"" firm ,. ..... el PLASTIC VIII• Perk. C1!tf. w. !!'. ST JOHN. Ctt•• -TECHNOLOGY 1111! !NI Mid t!rm b c.,.... Oiied Jull' J6. 1Ht llY Miry teu H009e' to Bordentown from Europe, pc11111 of 1111' ie11ow1111 "'SOii w1ie.1 w11trr So:M!-f'ltp .. ty r1··~ where she had had a salon sin· n1"'' In lull 1nd 111''' o! resioeni:t 11 " St11e et c1n1orn11. Dren1• Cou•1111: MCOWIN a •1111M loll<lwt: 011 Joi., J1. Im, Hlor• mr. • Noi.rv nt l!tst Cll••"''~ AYlllV• ee 1771, but was denied her Fr•nk. J. GI••· '1375 eenb!lw, Covin1. Jl ub!k '" ind ~ u 111 SI•"· ,......,,,,," ttr-•· e111•~ ... •· · h c1ntornl1 ~ppetr .. Willer SdtnltH kl'IOWll to mt te Ttlr 17UJ •»·'1" \\'IS · Ot!H All9utl ,, 1'6t !te lht Pl•M>ll wl'los1 11111'\t II IUbK'I~ A1tor ... r1 Ill' P'11lntl!I She died or a serious fall en '"''"" J. G111 to '"' w11~1n 1m1rvmtnf lflll' 1t~110Wleds· Jlubllsl\K o,.,.,.. Co•tt D•tl'I' ~!Int. route from Pan., to London StJtt o1 C1!lfC>f'nl•, O••not C1111111Y: td ll•·••~cultcl 1111 11mt. Auiu11 f, IJ, tt. "· ,,.. '"'-'' in °" Au1v:1t '· ltff, btfort me, • Notarv {OFFICIAL SEALJ 1786, and hundreds mourned P'ublic Jn •~.o lo• s11d s11H, prr.on•llv MAJIY I<. HENJl'I' . d 'epe••ed Fr111k J. Gt1s kftOWn to .,,, t• Noll,.,. P'ubllc.C1llforn•I LEGAL NOTICE the valiant Quaker \Vho ha tte tile ~'Ml" wP>t:o1• 11•111• 11 •u1»tri~11 J1r1nclo•I 0tt1" '" contributed SO mUCh to the ~ l~t wlt~ln lnstrum~nl Ind •tlnew!IOt· Or111t1 County '4t-lll td h• #<t tut&d !ht ttmt. Mr Com..,lnlon E•olr'5 Cl!ltTl,.ICil.T~ Ot< IUllNl!SS success of the new American (OFFICIAL SEAL) . N~.;.i. ltn: FICTITIOUS NAMI R bLi 1°'1'11'-H v. llJT ~ubl1...._d Orl"l!t Coe1! D•!IY Pilot, Tlls \lllders'tlled 4a ct!r'llfy ll!IY 1 .. epu C. No!lry" Publk • CtH10rnl1 Au;u1t 1. I, lJ. 71, 1Ht 11211t conductl"' 1 bu.l!nm II Jft• O""'' Wev. Prlnc101I OHl!e 111 LEGAL NOTICE Cost• ""'· C1llforn!1, unot-r ~ !If• Ottll!le County . tll101n fir.., "lmf of PACIFIC SOUND Mv CMM ... ISll(lfl E•o1re:1 ,.llOOUCTS .,..., ~I llld fln"n " com-M1•ch 17, 1tn I"·~ "8Stcl "' tht ftll-1~ Po!rS0111 w""99 P'ubl!lll«I Or1n1e C0t1I D•llY Piiot, ClllTt,.ICATI 01" •USINl'SS, ntl'!'le!ll !ii f11tl 11\#f elects of ~ttl~c:tt 1rt Autu:lt I, lJ, tt. 2t. Hit 1167-.lt 'ICTITIOUS NAMI II ~llow:1; Thi undlrtltntd ~ CtrlilY Ill 11 COi\> .ioMoll A. Fedele, 150t Abelolw ~I .. LEGAL NOTICE dut!llltl • bu1l~tU ti lt10 LtMI Or.. Htwl>CWI ltldl. C11lf01"11!11 '"°"" Gill. 1--------------ICotll 11\Qa. (lllloml•. \ll'ldtr IM fl(' 100 Cliff°"·· l19Ullll leac!I. Clllfor"ll; ,..MJ. 11!1ow fll'fll Mll'tl of AOVANCEO Jl•trlcle Mlrln. 1JJ7 lltlcol'!'I St,. Visit School For Warm-up ClllT1Fl(Afl! OP •USINltt MAT£•1AL' t l'ld 11111 Mid firm 11 COii'\> llte~t. C~IFlorl'ICti C•rkll A~11!r,., 'n!! Educators suggest tha t t"ICT1T1ous NAMI! ..... ,o 11 tht 1o11ttW11111 .. ..-.. w11ose Y1. Ave. $1, Los ""'e1es. c.111t1rn11. mothers of new kindergarten Ti. und,rsltn•d doe• n .. 11,., "' I• ce11· n1m• 111 full 11111 pl1c. tf r111ldtn« 11 •• D•lld •utU1t 13. lfft. duct!n• 1 M lne11 It 1.Uf MOf'lrOYle, lolklw1: J()lfff> A. Fl!delt pupils take their charges to N!weort 1e•t"· c1111or1111, lll'td1r 111, lk· Cerl w. J••l,.••to•. lflO l1n11 Dr,, T"-G111 I I d f I. I !ltieu1 li"n nl"'t of SUN S!T ""d tl\1! Ce'lll Meu, C.llf, t'.1616 P•lrlcltt M1rtll the schoo p aygroun or itt e urd urin 1, cemDCl•d "' 1"' 10110Wlll4 c11e<1 A..,u11 1, '"' C•rlot Aou1•r• visits several times during the Ptr10fl. w1101e "'""'e 1" full •ltd Pl•'' ot Cerl w. Jelln1ten · Sl•l1 ftf CIUll'>rnl•, Los "'""le Cou.,ty: . re1!de11ct ;1 ,, follows: St•lt OI (1lltor"l1, 0>1n11 Cw~fy: Oii A119111f 1!, llH, before me, I Not1rv summer ti:! help the child Miki T•ll•, 1160 "11me"' No. }I, on Avtuit 1, 1Ht. btto"' ..... • 1-1011rv •uttl!c In •Ml "'' 11111 Sttle, P«M>,....1111 warm up to the school. cost• Mts•· Cellf{!,.,,t• 1>11bllc 111 end !ti• 111'1 Sl•lt, "'"'°"''"" •op••r.il i~•r" A. F,..,et•, Patric:~ Otled Av,v~I ,, 1f" IPl'telred Ct rl W. Jolt~1tcn k"llW" lo ll'tt M1rtll. Tllom G11! 11111 (ltlDI 41"1 ..... It's one way of helping t o Ml~• T1!1t to ii..""' 11trlOl'I wllmt nemt 11 1ubse•lb-•nown 10 me le bt """ ~rson1 """- prevent those fl·r st·day tearful Slat• of C1111ar11fo. or1tlft Cou11tv: 1d lo tltl w!m!" 1n1•ru"""~· •ltd "'""' '" 1ubterlblld 10 tti. wltlt!n 1 ... on Au~u•I '· 196'. ~tfllre !'!'le. • No'•"' 10.11owledted lie t•Kvled tht Hmt. "'"""'M 1no tdtr.owltdffd me>1 txt- separations at the school Public 1,., 111d t.if ••ld s111e. otn.OftlllY !OFFICIAL sl!ALJ cui.rt ""' ''""· 1~peert<1 Mlk~ t1111 kno""' 10 II'! le Ile LOUIS J, HUMILI'. {OFFICIAL SfAL) doorstep. Ill• e"""' w~o" ~·"'t I• i•1°'1'r•1 ... ~ •o Note,.,. l'ubllc . Vledo Joh11 Dtffilc~ tl>t w\Jhlll lnt!ru'"'nl •nd Kknowle4Hd St1t1 of C•lllorn•• N~tarv JIUbllC. C•l!lornl1 Rug Hooked h• !~KUted ttoe 1~m1. Prl)'lt!Pll Otlltt In l'rlncletl Otfl'-! I~ (OFFl(!il.L SEAtl Or11111e COUl'lty L.,. .oltlf~ltti (111111T'I' OJIMil.M V. UTT M'I' (Ofl'l"'la1lo~ b:olru M'I' (ommisslolt Ex,lres Nt!erY Jlubl1t·C1lllornl1 Mlf"Ch 11, 1'7' A.11111 1. 1tn Prlnt\011 Ottice I~ ll'11bll.riltd Or111tt Cot1I C111Y Plkll. P'ubllt""'d ,..,,,,... C~••1 01111'" Pllof, 0••11<1• Countv Au1u11 •• IS. n, 2t. ,,,, l1734t AUIUJI U, l:L 2t '"" Setltemller ~. Mv COfl'l"'li!le" l~l'lrU Ult U29-4' N1rch 11. 1911 LEGAL NOTICE Publi111fff O•lr'll• Cee1t 01llY Pikll.l--------------1 LEGAL NOTICE A111w1 a, 15. n. ?f, \Nt •~""' NOTICI! ,01" IAl.I CE 111 1eeon1tnct wltlt 1119Pl'e¥lllo111If111el-----"-0-4·,-,·0c,·"-1---- LEGAL NOTJ C1H~nf• Unl~m Commercltl Cede. NIWP'OllT·MrlA UNll'IEO 1----'----------1to1•• belnt due ind 1111P1!d 11tlr111 fo, P'·i4172 Wlllth !hi lelbOI Tr•111fer COll'!ofnr It SCHOOL DllT•1CT CEllTl,.ICl.TI! OF •UUNl!SS. entitled l'O I lien II Wl"lloUSlllMll 'Oll the Htflc• lnvlll"' •14' l"ICTITIOUS NAMI tot>d$ Mreln1/ler de1trltted •nd d11t NOTICE 1$ HERESY GIVEN tlttl 11\t Tht undersl1n1d do ttrflfV lhtW' ert llOll<e Mvlrui bMll ti~,_, lo oerlllt kMWll e°1i11'11 ~ ~Ice:~~!~ ::•o:-•w"Ortc;.,,.,~ conduc11 • l!v11neu 11 50e S.Outll Me in lo c111m 1n fnlerttl me .. ln •lld Ille ""'' n c r •111~ • Sul!t ~;:North Tewe•. or111•e, c1111.: 1oecll!td lft, 1ut11 not!ct ftlr P•rmtrit of ~·~'o;n~, wrn,~.ce~e 41t•tt,: ::::be~ t?66! unG•r '"t lldllleu' firm ~•"'e ol F. $U<ll lltvl"'ll Ul'lrl'CI, llOll!t !1 Mr•bv · ...,. Oii IY • A M COMPANY 1'111 lllU 1eld firm 11 ,1ve11 fhtl ttt.11 ~I w!ll be aold el ltft ti llle office of tlld School 0!1trfct, <iimmed ot the lellowl111 ee••ollf, Whttn Ctu~llfN!= 'lo~~~~~~ .l.(~~lenof(~::. :'sa~c::~~~r •. p.~~~~ fi:.',"~ldc:-~: MIMI I" full 11'11f ,11te1 ti r"lde11C1 ,,.. '°• •c .., 111 0 tlft State of wlll be e~bl!clr _,,ed 111d rePd !ti,: 1$ foll<lwl" ett. OU"·• r• ' FOOO A~O 5UPJI LIES f (. Schnelder M1•111erlle (1nlor"l1, Ofl IN 72nd dlY ef Autu,1, FOOD SEltVICES • ~~~•lde'r, 1rtr1 Glen:..-!.,.,,, N1woor1. 1~.;.·~r1~~:'~1:,·'i; 1 brletf 11tscrlptl011 AH bldl •re 111 be 111 1ccard111t1 ..-1111 • c~. of me proiierrr f1I be Hid· COl'H:lltlofl1, ln,!•uc!lcnt 11111 $pecillc1ll011s D1ted Julr 31, !Ht OHt•IPllOfl end/or · lot Nurnbt, wllltll ere now~,. fl!t In !M olt!tt of ''" F, C. 5c"neld" N•"'e of OWnef AlnClllf!I Oue· ' Purch11lltf At<!'nl ol u ld School Olslrlct, M1r9utfllt Scllneld~Cr P1tl Hcmerioild toocll Arin" A"'broH 11!1 Jl!&ttnlll AYeftu.. CCIII Mn.e, Sl•le of Ctllfornl1. O'""' ~untv, ' ~: ... -It ' Gttllor11rt Oii Jllll' 31, ""· btlore me •• Nolt•Y S210.7'I Ptol. Houi.e._.. '· VI· I! " . I brnll • bld dteosll l"ub11c 111 1nd !or 11Jd s11te, Ptrs1m1JIY" sH W1llli, l257.Clll; r1n, kou1tlleld In ~ ~'::'.,,"'': c~~lf!IMI er tltl'tler·s •0H111'11 F. c. ,tll.,.IG•r end M"eutrlte toods. l<•lllr IC•ett. IJ1.IJ1 P'l-1.i. P'rr· <"Kk"' 1 bld bond eeu•! !ti fl--. 1ttr Uf'I Sdl,..ldtr k,,.,...,, le ll'tt !ti be !l'tt Plfll!lll son1l 1rteo:"• Ju!lt lrull.lnttvo, !J~I II the ·emount of Ille bid, mlld<I .....,..,,. n1mt1 1rt 1Ubtcrl~ tn !!If wllhln llU.t51 I')!);, Mo\11.f:llolf fll"dl, Dt· ~•l'tb!t to l!lt ortte• of th~ Ntwoor1-Mes• l~tlrumenl •fld •Clulo!wlecl1ed 111ev '"' Yid G. Jlfr,.,, Sll~.00. Uti!lltd Scl>ODI Olstritl. A P•fform111C1 • e-eu!l'll me '"'"· ,.,11, M!ie. Ctl10"'*,_ Uniwr111 0.. aond m1v bt 1et1ulrld 11 1111 dlicr111on el tOFFIClil.I. SEAL) nloPll'ltnl, U0.001 1"7t.i, Hel.IMllold ft!e OIJtrkl. In !ht e"Ve11t o1 f1!1u,. '" MAllY I(. MENll_Y . Gocods, Jtobtrt Wl'mutlt, llM.GO; '"""' lnkl wen contr1d. '"' 11recltdt ef Not1ry P'11bllc-C1l.forn"' ,.tl1. little 1111, Ml1Cttll1neous Good1, tlte clltck will bl tor'ltit<!<!, Ill" Jn<••• of• p,1nelP1! Office In Ut.()O; V1l«lf fl'. HortOll, AUlecl I" bond, me tu!I 1u"' 1~1""11 will be Ortnoe Countv E , S!or111 111d Tr1.,,,11. nt7.U; P750. forftlttd to 111d Sthocl Cl1lrlct of OrtllOt Mv Com..,1u1011 ~P•ff• H<!Ultllold 9000'" C•lvl" A. Nol1nd. Ceunty. Nev. 14. 1t12 sr,c.ao; MM•. U'Pritftt ''""'· Gt,.,. Ho l!fd<ltr m1r wl!!'>d••w hl1 bid for 1 P'ubl!Sfled Ortno• ((1111 01llY 1 Piiot, l'll'ltrson. HO.GO; PIJO, Trunki • period of lorrv·tiv1 101 d•YS -'"r lhl A1r1ust I, I, 1$. tt. lllt 415..it (011t .• St11tlfY J. crr1un, l5J.,$. 111te 1e1 for 1"e ol't<lln~ mfrl'OI. &1lbo:1 Trtn1!9r c ...... .-"v Tiit 801111 ol Educa!I"" ol Ille NtWDOrl· LEGAL NOTICE Oiied 1t Chi• M$.11, C1llltlr11!1, Aut uil Mtu Unillt'd Se!\ocil Cls!rl(I reu,ves 1M I, 1Ht. rlt~I to rt ltd eny or 111 bld1. Ind "°' r .J4U! Jl11bllllled Or1"'e Cull Oel!v PllOI, nettU1rllY lt<l!'Pt tllf! lo#ell bld. Ind Jo ' •• Ttl"ICATI! 0, •Ul11'11!$S Au1u11 •• u, Ifft 10 1.ft w1lvt lllV !nfc•m11i1Y or 11reeul1rl!y j~ t lllY bid rfctlvtd. l"ICTITIO\lt NA.Mil: LEGAL NOTICE Ot!f!d At/OU$! U, 1'6• Tne underslt1ttd dO!I ct•llfY lie II COii• N~··•Jl(IRT-M"''• UNIFI!!'!) d11tll111 I bu1lntn II P.O. (low 4t5. Cc1!t SCHOOL OISTR1CT MQI, Ctlllornl1, uMter I~• lltlltious lirm P'·)UOt Ot Orill9t Cou11tv, C•llforni1 fl•mt of COAST ,. Ill 0 FESS I 0 Nii. l Cl!t.Tll"ICAT• 01' •UllNl!SI (ly O~rot~y H-•WY Flihtr SERVICES •lllll lhel 1110 111.., It <om• 'ICTITIOUS NAMf PurrMi!nt Allfll P<lted el 11'11 followlnt et11011, wneu TH[ UNOERSIGNEO dO htrtlW c•rtllv ~'.!·l10G "'~ 11'! full aM 111et of resldenct ls '' lh11 m@11 ••• cOllCNd!ltf 1 bu1lne.11 11 P'ubll&Md o,,,,.. cout O.lly P'!lol. 1111'8'#1: UOI Wn! (Oln....,,.,wtllth Av I l'I u. ' Au1u11 u 12 Ifft UllMf Mtl'Y'l'll L. Fishbeck, '"" ~" L''"" F11ll1rto~. C1tlfor,.,11. Ulldfr -trclllklus.•.--~· ~·=-~--,,,,.,,,,.---dro Lint. Hunti111!011 l••cll. C1!11. tlrm n'"'' of CCW ,t.SSOCIATI!$. •fld1 LEGAL NOTICE C1ftd JUIY 30. 1"9. !Fifi Mld firm 11 tOlllPo.ed !If ·~· totlow· Discover the fun and fasci· Mtrv1111 1... f ltllblU 1111. wt-.Qsl ,.,,,,.. •nd 1ddr•-1r1 '''l•-c:::=:::--:::c::::::::::::::-:7.::--'''" ef Ctlffornll, Ortntf COUl'rll': ltllklw1 : NOfl(I! 01' TllUITl!l'S SAll nation of rug hooking now! °" Jul'!' '°" ,..,, ~ mt, • Not•"' 1r1t11in Cort"•<ters, lri< .• 1:11M W111 UND!lll OIED OI" TllUST Witty, wise, wonderful owl ru1111c 111 11111 for Hid '"'!'· ouS011•l!Y com"""w••lth Av..,~1. Fu 11 • , 1 e n . 111 m11 •-•red Me,...,,. L. l"lthbeCk known to (•Hll:1rnt1. l.l1n Mt. VA fH67 latch book rug or wall hang· m• lo• bo ,,_ "'-whM• 111m1 II ccw Enterpr1111. J4' Dce1n Avenue, lNG tM 2tl . u 'IA IUbKr!btd to ""' wtmln ·'"'''Vll'ttnt •nd se~I ll!.lth. (1!1fo1nl•. Nlllltl Is lltrllw 9ln11 "''' WESTSIOI! 1ng. se cotton rug yarn, it"loV" 1dln-ledted ht ••tculed '"' Jlmt. OATEO !hi• Jrd d•1 of J~. \Nt. TITLE COMPANY. A L! ... Htd e1r1Mrill!e inch canvas. Pattern 7063; (OFFICIAL SEAll ((orpg,,1e S•••l 11 trU1fH. or sv<c•n.,r t•1111n. er transfer 13~ x 20", finished ~i,.... Kio~;1~y-c1111orn1• :~!Ti~~~r1 ~~~,!i~~0"'· JNC. ;~:i'1'u:'tc.'~:!:" ~"u~b~~o "':.~: .. e~ size 24 X 28". color chart. l'rlt1t1Dtl Ofnce In flv Edwin E. l•1tf1fn, ~rttkletil NOllMAN tnd JHllllLEY A. NORM.•~. OrtllOI Countv CCW ENTEltPllllSES ht'lb, .. ~ end w•lt, •• J~1T"I Te"~nts •nd FIFTY CENTS (coin!) or ..,,., CO!'!'lmlHloft E•otres A Llm!ltd P1rtne>slllo "to~ Dct. n , 1 ... 11' bock 11•1 ,..,. dd Nov. 24, 1'n Iv H1rrv s. Ceone11 .!4f cl 011rc111 ll:1co rd1 In ttt~ olllce el me each pattern -3 15 Cents Publl1htd Or1ntt C0tsl 01llY P'Het, r-enefe! P'1rlf>tr Ccu111v llKOl'del' of Or1n9t CouT"ty, for each pattern for fir st-class Au1.,.11, I, u. l?. lt•t '421.ft IY Sld111y we1nOer1 c1trtorn11 tlld eursu1nt kt me No1~ of Gtner•I P1r1l'tlr Oe!eult •nd Eltc1 ien te Stll mt,tU'!ldtr mailing and special handling: LEGAL NOTICE •v M.o:r etori•n receNlld MM• 1, 1'1t In boolr. tt4' er9• h · ti · d I d I' G..,er1t p,,,,.., m of Mkl Offkll! ltecords. wlll "''· en ol e rw1se ur -c ass e Ivery STATE OF C:ALIPOltNIA 1 s.01rm1>er s. 1Mt •• n :oo •.m .• 11 ttot will t ake three weeks or more. "''''' .','",',,,,,,, COUNTY OF t05 ANGE~ES! "· E'9h!ll Strott M1l11 Entr1111:1 !ti"" C«ill- k On tlllt 3rd d1v ef J\11'11, Ifft, "9ktft l'f Court Hovst, Fn Ille CHY of 5'ftt1 Al\I, Send to A I i c e Broo s. the TllAMSl'•A AMO 1.1A1E•Ac1< "''· 1 Hot•f'I' l'ublk 111 ,,... kt!' 1191d s111a. co""tv o1 °''"''· s111t "' c.111orn1e, '' DAILY PlLOT !OS Needle· NDl1~t 11 llt•tbY t ive11 lhll Albert G. tHldll'!I lhertln, cfulY eommll1f11Md ""'Pllbl!~ 1uctll>n. to tltt "ltMsl bllkltr Iv ' Ptuo. ,.,, o .. T .. ntltror, Ill :Mii AYO/I SW0'"· ll'tl'IO!llllW' ··~·'" EOWIN E. cull (••~•bit 11 Ille tlmt d ,,,, !11 craft Dept., Box 163, Old Che]. StrH!, c.111' 111 N-IOrt •••ell. C1tlfor11!1, •RATTAIN, kllOWt' 1o ""•bl t1tt ,.,. .... 11wful tnOM"f 111 1111 Unlltd St1~l 111 sea Station. New York. N.Y 111""'" 1e 1ell c1r11\11 "''°""'' ,,_"' dt111 "'tilt -••llolt 1i.1 tJKUhod tl'lfl ri,111, 11111, '"" 1~•1ru1, CMvl'f'ed 10 •flrt lo: L'ltHUll CPl"-flklr!, I Ctlll. Cort,, forff0!11t1 1,,.tl\l!Mflf 111 blMll fll t1tt ctf· t10W Mid bV 11 u""" Miii fted 111 ff'>t 10011. Prine Name. Address. tnltlldtd Tr.....,.,.. tLenorl, 111 t301 -•tlon nitrt111 "•"'"· •1111 1ckMWledt· ''°"'"' 1!tuctte '" 11111 Cout!IY1nd Stll• Zip, P.tt.rn N.m•·r. Gi'a t Wli.111•• •1....0., Cll'I' of atvtrlv Hlllt. fCf to 1M tltll .uc:11 urpor1not1 tJlk\ltld dHCrlbtd ,, 10How1: • '"" n C•llfcrn!tr '"" m1f Mid lnttndld "" -· Lit ,, of Tr1c1 HO. IS&.S. II'!"" C\l'I'"' new 1969 'Needlecraft Cllalog T,_,.... l-•). LttlteUIP CPl"HI'• WITNESS my flll'ld "" otfld•I 1111. Cmll MIN (Olllll'f "' Orll!fl, SlllTJ <If 11<11'1, lllltllll• to 1f1sttl1tk lo Mld A~ (SHI) C•llforn11, ll J11r mtP !'tCOl'ded 111 e.oet -over 200 designs to choose. G. P'IUO. M.D .• Tr1"sf""' !Ltstttl. IM Htultl Hell'tlllot1 Iii ..... , u 11111 '' of M!1cetltMOU:S 3 free patterns printed inside Mid "''°"'' '""""' 1 ,,,,.,,, dncrl• Nol1ry 1>u-11c • C1lltor11!1 Ma1t1. 1" 11\f ottlt.• of "'' Cot.lnlY non of Wlllcll 11 '' !Ollowt. te-Wll: •rlMlttlll Dfflct In lllttordtr of S.ld C:OUftty, Sent 50 cents now. MMIC•I 1ou1'mrmt. offlct "u!Pll'ltnt, lot .....,..'" c-"' A.1<.A. '°" cee11dtt Ave1111t. eo111 11/rftfturt llld fl>elurts 1tw:I loultd 11 ljtt ITATf 01" CALll"O•N1A ) Mest, C1lllotlll1. NE\V! "50 JN s TANT AVOll 'll"tll, (Ill' of H....tort .. ICll, COUNTY 0' I.OS AHG!LfSI II. Stkl ••If WU! bl m .. 1. INI wltt-out GJCl<N.'" -fabU)OUll fashions CtUIDmle. ""' !NI "'M Mlt lflll Dl'I JUM L 1Nt, btlve .,.,., 1hl 111'1< ~ntlll or w1rr111tv, t~ttrlt' 91' !moiled. r '~ ' IM1•blck trfo')MCllOll II .. bl ,-, dtnl9Mlt I Hof,,., P'utlk I~ ...., fol' Mid "''"''"' tltl•. ICl'it511elt e• -t.oyti, decorator acctssories. 1u ... on1ttc1111 tilt Hiii ,.., of Auo1111, " • ''"'· ,..,..,.,1.., 1,,._. SIDNEY CM!llllrll!Clt. " u tittv n.. 1nc1t11~ k od • j •I 11 •·"", 11 I'* offltAI of L••-llfl WflNlfllG., )fAllltY a, COONl!N, 1M ~ 11'1' tlld Otfd, l'ttlUdlnt lM. fM Ma e It t ay, give t tomor· cou•r1t1oft. •t 9'01 wn ... 1re •1vd., CllY MAJt cOONEN. k1111Wn • "'' • bt 11>1 a11111 t•1tnt11 of 11>1 ''"''" 1114 111 tt-,. row! Ideal for all occasions. ct ltvt:rlv HOit. t111""n1t . Pl'""' whOtf ""!J'll' ,,.. tublcrlbtd 1e !nit" c•flltd b'I' wld 1111111. IHHIMe, t Dtttd 111!1 ltlt RY of AU'llUll. lt6t. 11\t wlttthl lndrUl'!'lt•I 11\f 1lll-ite1Hd ~l'ldtr, Wit~' lllltfUt l l ,,..... 50 cents. ''II Jlf(y Rag•" O L11-111P c.,,_111on. t1t11"'" euculM t1mt. 11111ret". ind 111t VftNl• ltf!Mlptl et 11111 knit. crochet, weave, sew • c.111 co,,, w•TNEJS "'"' till'ICI 11111 offl&lft S.•t. ...,.. itC\lftd l'I' Mid dftd1 10-w1t hoo•. 50 cen••. Book of 11• 11~ ~"M" ll•r""'~ (S1111 us.000.00 ...it11 trihlre•• thtrton ,,.,,, NoY. " '"" LIA$IOUI, COll•OllATIOM Htrrllt M1mlllon 1, 1"' h -vlOltd 111 ltlf Nit. Prtie Afrbnnt. so ctnt~. Bar· t)O• 1vn•~''' ah'•. ,.,.,,,... r~.c1t • Clllfllf1'll• °'*' A\lflllt •· 1fft . • ,,...,!\' Miiia, C111f. mtt P'rlllt!NI Olf'iet Ill Wl$T$10f t f1ll gain! Qollt Book I has 18 beau· Pullllllltd Orl119' Cont O•llY P!lol, los ANtl .. (_,., CON-AH'(, ,, fuel\ TM!tt tiful pattern•. 50 -n· ... Mu ... 4U'llutl u. Ifft 1501.., IOTM~N " HAMILTON IY WESTERio/ DEED ... ,. ~ UM Wl•IA .......... COllPOllATION um Qullt Brio• % -patterns ltt •1111...,. C1Wfwtll11 tM4I ev w""' H. M•IMW• for 12 superb quilts. so cents. Uncle Len .. "' .. 1m.oc , Au111oriu.1 rsl;f.,. Book 3. "Qullta for Today'• lf fl'u~111flfd o,.,,., co.11 ID•llY r 11e1. Pu1111111ttt Or~"" C'..Mlt O•ll\' P'!l61 tJi lnf.'' u oattenl.'. so etl:ll.s Or ers Prizes A111111' .. ,., n. i.. ,.., 1'*" ,...,_, u. n. "'· • .., """' JI OAll.Y l'llOT H fridl)', ~t U. 116? Fertanes In Land -,1 . Probe First, Buy. Lat.er ' . By SYLVIA PORTER O'EN 24 HOU"S TIC TOC fl1~Rt<ITS #'la •J• Alsr.uninc YOd have m1de 1 declolon to lnvtll a portion of tour savtng1 lo land -u mtlllons of Americana lt'fl now doln& -what are the buic ruin for the ama\eW'? And what are the plUalls? 1 • t % ~ ., w11...,11- Here 1oes: Before you invest, It t answers to tbil key que:stlon; how can the land actually be used w.hen you sell It? For housing? Flshlng? Hunting? Swtmmlng! EnJoyq a food climate? Sklln&? Sb opp n g Cent.tr? Retirement homes? Summer vacations? Winter vacations? lnduatrtal parks? ALSO BEFORE YOU invest, Und out from local Census slatl$Ucs, local r e a I t o r s • gossipy individual ciUzerui, other sourcts in the area : What art the local population· trends and In w.hlcb cltrecllon is the populailon movfug? $1,000,000 COMMl•CIAL PINANCE EQUIPM!NT LEAS! -SALES LEASE BACK ACCOUNTS UCEIYAll.E AND INYINTORT PINANCING. GREYSON CO •. LTD., INC. 2400 W•t CN1t Hwy .. Sult• 11 NIWf'ORT llACH -642~112 YOUR PROBLEM: You w•nt to Mii some 1 .. m th1t you no longer nHd but 1omHnt tlM c1n ult for NOT OVER $50 1 1 1 ? ? 1 YOUR ANSWER: 3 I You coll THE DAILY PILOT, uk for Cl111lfitd Advertl1lng, and pl1c1 1 PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSlfllD AD AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE LINIS 2 TIMES 2ooLLAR5 AND YOUR CREDIT IS GODO I DIAL NOW DIRECT! 6 4 .2 • s ' 1 a •. , ..... "'"' e.-, 14t·1Jt01 -------.-;------~------ OVER . THE COUNTER ' I See By Today's Want Ads: • BtUe on her tOtt ml.)' tha\'e this c.t ber flnatr, Pttr ahaptd IOlll•lrt fltt in wbllt ,old, .76 a rata. perltet t, 10 x. Complete-New York Stock List • Friday's Oosing :erices-Complete New -York Stoel{ Exchange List · ' •· ; . .. JI OAll.'I rn.or - I' .. " . ' Frldoy, A·ugust 15, 1'169. • • • ' ,. ) 'fRICOt•••Y DOLL GOWNS J.99 ·.1· 17 ·value s ... 41~1 Nrl•J! ....& ec.t .. •·IMlty fflt.-,wlth ..... .,,.hi~ }'•If •• : ..... ~.,. ~"·•· 4;. • .,. • .,,1.,. '. enil ••tclrll•• P••fa. ·ph.ic,, .... , •al•~ nnL ............ PACK OF THREE FLASH. CUBES 1.65 value 79c . loN.LIFI LIGHT BULBS • . ' • INCLUDING: • FLIGHT. TO .AND FROM NEW ·YORK CITY '· ' • 3 DAYS Al\ID 2 l\llGHTS AS GUESTS OF.THE FABULOUS, LUXURI0\15 WALDORF•ASTORIA • CHAUFFiRED ROLLS.:ROYCE AND LIMOUSINE • DINE AT SARDl'S, 2i c1u1; IU,SSERIE •.BROADWAY THEATRE NIGHT CLUI SHOWS ** NO -CHAil UOlllRIDI RIGilJTIR· J .. Jl!IWS NOlllR'I' DDT. CAPROLAN® NYLON .HOSE -i::wrs :-lml~J IA"~tOJl.r HOSE ..... °'"" ............... tntc•h•• . . • . . ... f(a. ·100'9 teyl-...'".,....... ...... . ~ .-. .. ~ 1 ... ,.,,.~, tit .,.,.>'.!! ,,..... 4 7c t1111Ye, ltlue er .. hi. Olt9 111'.titlfe.U. · · , )tc Y•I• . , pr. ' BOYS' IAN·LON ' HOSE s ... 4a,,.1..Y,. 1 • ..a...•'.11...-ch ·,..,. '" 1D0"9.ftr1-c.,..et •• • ferfMt t•-. '•"• I•••-" -·'· M•ta:e. •1 ...... .,,,. 3 7c · il•ck,t•lfet'l•l4.t 111n 7•IY.t •••"'11. · • . •tc Y•I•• pr. "1:.-"· le" 41'91 Uttte ~­,.,_111••t ......... 11ts in r•1•l.r Murr etyt.. ''"· :w1i11k91 ••• 11 ... t•n, Iii,... .., •l•k. Si11d ate .. I 1.1.J iii·'' I 4.1: I I Special Groupl 45 RPM . RECORDS 29c 7. values C . - WITH COUPON ............ price ... 45 ., •. r.c.. • n1 ••••• ,. ltl1 klta ....... .,.. ..... .,. UflUT 10 WltMCOUPOM cMJOM ""'"•!!!!:*": 1•·1-f J.J.J(fui Q·i: 300SHllTI FILLER Pl'PIR ••• .45c val••· . · wmt coyPott • .. ck-ef ;ato ....... fill ......... hdt·~ '-ChMl ...... 0,- eftlfll · W piicel .UMlt 2· WITM COUPON , t!OM nfltll lllJ.,. ,, ... ''• , ... """!i·' ·iii'·''' 4.1:1 , POPULAR BRAND CIGA~IJ'l•S 3.3:values · 2'' ---~~;;:::~ wmo cou- le(ect ,.., h ...... h• ........ Ml ... ,.,. .. , .... ,..,...., . , .... -, .... ., ttil•'-Prlc..' '"''' 2 CAltOMI Wint COUPON 7t,tSv•IM 49.97 MINUl•t• Wfttic••,._ J:!.gant Cllfled •r-:ttr•it1lif "Jleot h Girl" IOok.,,truJong , lll)(ufiovs 'foll • ' .. ........... a•·•' MINU1$11 ........ ,... Dr0Mfi1 IOll{I foll fora.,'tlride \'Ol'it tJ of ..,.1... t!Urty :Moci'!s. . •' BLOCKBUSTER I MIWIP~~IDi SANDALS 3;99 1 'w.f valu9 !?! . ' ' . ...... .,....,.. ..... ... ... , ........ ... , •111•• .. W.hck....., ... ....,....,, ...... .. :-.._ ' ••••q .,.., .... .. ... ~-~ ... , ... 7te12. I. ' I l , • I .. • • • Vall~y ED ~T·I O>N Folliita~ N. Y. St.oelul * O~NGE ' , i I • • Troops • Ill Ireland New Rioting Erupts in Belfast BELll'AST, Nor1hern Inland (UPI) - Britain ordered troops into Belfast today to end four <Uiys of rioting between Catholics and Protestants, but a new roondr ol 011011 ind 1tree1 lighting erupted -t S p.m~ anci' there 'was no im· mediate interlertnce. The,60018rJtisb,troops nown here today from London ba'd not yet entered the capital and correspondents said police took no action· when 150 Catpolics and 300 Protestant.s traded shots near the Cathollc'Dfvis Street area of Belfast The Hghting so far has claimed six lives -CatbOlics put the toll at 10 -and hundreds wounded. Golden West Homeowners Hit Rezoning ••. ., . . .-, -~ . OAll.l' P&.OT' ..... '°' ... ~ THE • NIXONS AND · THE EISENHOWER$ GREET'GUESTS "AT FIRST FAMILY'S NEW HOME Come Along Wllh Our Corr11pondont. for a. Guicr.d Tour of lho Whit• Hou10 Wost Another · voice has been added to the chorus proteatlnc the proposed remne of 46 acres . o( industrial land i n northwettem HunUngton Beach to apart· ment use. . ' ' '' Bedromn .Matches Plume . '. . . ·Nixons, Show Newsmen Arourtd Clemente Estate -,BJ' TllOllW\~' ., ' ........... """""'. l It's~ an accident., uys Mrs., Richard M. Nixon, that her huaba:!ld's -;. dominatM by • brlpt red that'precilely ma~ Ille .conunandill( seourity telephone beside his bed. He likes tht. color, lhe .says, and , tiesldes, daukhtera Trlcl. alld Julie hid conspired with their motller to jazr' up the TOOm a blt. • The Nixon family , showed pride and wann hospitality Thursday 'as th~y show· ed otf their $340,000 San Clemente estate to some eo members of .the pra:s. They offered carte blancbe access to its 14 :~r F i)'.Y ' 'INSIDE ~EW HOMSr<l'-e! happens to De there. ~ · The bOoksbelves -empty, • Condlticin that will exillt only unW the rest of the furniture stored from . the NixOM' New York llpartmfnt arrives. Downstairs(· the Nixon home continues lb display Ill· Spanish lines. The roonui, all lU~roof'ed, surround a tradltlbnal courtyard with a fountain in the center. Spanish tile is used profasely, hl>lh for walkways and as accenta. Citing •+the . hard-pressed Ottan View School District," Mrs. Lorraine Faber, president of the Golden W es t Homeowners Association, today ques- tioned wt.ether cooperaUon between the city government and the school district is "to be a two-way, or 1 ooe-w;ur street." "Within the l.ut few years the City Council aucces.sfully requested the Ocean View School District to reconsider its decl!loo to relocate • junior high school site because of joint use opportunities aVallable. when combination. with the citJ'a ll!"!ll ·~· MrL Fp.tnr.tn. . "!!Iii ..... ~ lo'8ir o!Hd!ap of. ~ citj ~-.· a&. ""'"1lwes. "lllora·.rocen11y; the Ocl!ai! VfeW dllllrlot and the HuntJnctoa Beach dty stall have worked tocether toward ·~ • i</int me or l~~ qreement wijlch will make school district land available to the Recreation and Parb Department fer developrnent of ne.\gbborhood parks. · rooms, Its five baths and the sprawllne groundl around it. The living room fronts on the. ocean side of the home. As Mrs. Nixon noted wlt.h a sweep of her hand, "Isn't.1thia a gorgeous vJew?" She was right. "While Lusk tries·to whittle away at the school district's industrial tu: base in lhe north, events are happening on lhe south end oi the district (to Ellis Avenue:) which wUJ make addttional zoning changes necessary to the disadvantage of the district," Mrs. Faber charges. "The Central City Park and Library Complex wW , remove industrial lapd from the Ocean .View tu ~-How long will it' te~e f<r nearby property owners there'to•llOller' that traller' parks and R-3 houlin& ,re more cdmpatible to recru- Uon areu than existing zonnJg?" she queries. DAILY f'ILOT Slaff,.._.. NO ORDll'.IARY TOURISTS How to Tr1v1I Incognito David and Julie ' :Discover · Am~rica ' In.Auto Jour.irey By JEMJ\IE F. CQLUNS Of .... D'llllY ~--I'd . ' ' There they wert, just a young couple motoring across tile countiy on a ~glrip, ]Jothing unusual about 1'iat. E:s:cept ttlls : David and Julie Ejsenhower'a red Mustang wes' follow~ all . .the way from ctnciMati to San Clemente by a big, bl.ack·Uneoln Continental. · . .1'ie. 9<>ntlnental was packed with secret 'Seryice agent.a. ' . . Younr David, &0D-in-l1•' of one Presi· d~l arid 'g?andaon 'ol aoother,.tecilled ttie trip at;tbe .Nl.Xon .swmner IU!denOe 'Jlluriday. . "Usually when we· stopPtd ar a rtftaUrMt, we'd so unrecognized ," he aijd. "But then the Secrtt Serv:ict agent.I would come in. That lipped everyl>odi oft" r • ,,,David and Julie drove alane in the Mustang. A radio kept them In constaJ'lt communk:ali~ · with the h e a v l I 'I mn«ed ConUfferital. Only once was Ultre 1 crisis. 04Do you tee those ronf111·blAck tlouds Oftrhead1'? thi ,radlo cracktcd 11 tbet · 1~ acr°" tho mldwtslel'lf·ploins, · ' "We lookfd up." &aid David, "and It kioked aa if 1 tom ndo was about to dip down..,. ''But what cobkl we do aboul ft!" 8ald JuUe. ''So ... ~ Just kept dnying, an<l&ot (leo roUlllSTS, P11e II While the President· explained some of the history and det.alls of the building and rebuildinj of the Colton Eatate, Mrs. Nix· on led S(mle personally conducted touri of • the home as Utt daughters and son-in- law, David E~er, ,chatted with _ newsmen. The three family dogs -the daughters' Yorkshire terrier and gray poodle and Mr. Nixon's Irish. setter -romped the grounds, bounding around th~ gazebos that serve as lookout points for the Secret Service. The Nixons and their inter tor decorator, ChaMell and Chapin of Coro~a del Mar showed healthy respect for 'lbe Spanish heritage of the home. The theme has been accented and even th,. four new gazebos match the.original red We-roofed bulld!ng wb~re "Ham" Cotton. once play· ed poker with.President ROOlevelt. The Pre!ident worb in the borne'• only second-story room -a compact 15x1S.- foot study wlth a commanding view of the Pacific Ocean through the pines and eucaJyptu. lttea that dot and llUlTOOlld Ille grou<ds. • The room 11 chlef11 bloe ' In tmo. !!'be President worlts at a small, le~ ped desk with three· Items on K ~ • replica ot the plaque left on the 'moon by Apollo 11, a whit. telephone COflll<C\ed to the White House awltcbboard and the om· nipresent red telephone -on which Mr. Nixon can talk wilh no fear of being overheard. The .Pr~ldent is lond of the roOm and happy to point out ill features, fiuch as tile 1imall tiles inset ll'O!Jnd the bookshelves and in various nook1. On a table in front of a,blue-sofa Is ~he room's or.ly book -''Great Prelldential Decisions," by 1Uchard MoniJ. No, Ii ll explllin<d, Ille PrUlderil .Isn't depending "" Ille bOOk for hil·deClaloos -ft •jull .. It is carpeted in a full Persian ru1 with escalloped edge!. The rug carries out the room's basic yellow theme, as do the sofa and cha irs, upholstered in a yellow and w~ite splashy print. Most of lbe furniture came from the Nixons' New York apart· ment. tt is of mixed period, with French Provincial and Oriental touches here and I.here. The ·ceiling, like an ·the ceilings ·ln the (Ste NIXON, Page J) Tourist Business D "1Be. h ownm ac Tourist busineu In H1D1Ungton Beach ii off about nine percent, Huntington Sheraton Vice President Martin Snow told fellow Chamber of Commerce direc- 1.tx'a Wednesday. "But we are not doing as badly as the rest oflhe coulal oreu where buaioea li.nported dmln fiom !2 to 20 percenl,n Snow ~ lo l14d. Slf'w of on upswing _., seen In Ille hotel man'r-·ltatemmt that "all reserv• tionl. for the coming weekend were being tiimed down beginning Wednesday. We are·fult ue-" Snow also said convention businea was picking up and that the Huntington Seacllff golf coorae waa a bl& help Jn that category. Stock Markets NEW .YOlUC (AP) -The stock market closed in the winRing circle again today u , Its latest. rally' Carried aUccnsfully tllrougb another aession. (Seo 'quotatlono, l'qeo 11-17). In . ainclu..lon, Mn. , Faber calls for ••tengthy debate and c<immunity con· sen1111 on 1 what proporation of mix in a~r:tment units and single family units lltintinllon Beach should strive for at population aaturatlon. "Perhaps next April's city coun· cllmanic election will provide the fOfllm necessary for this dialogue," th e homeowners president warns. Huntington OU Worker Rites Set Funeral aervlces for Robert A. "Curly" r Phipps, 79, ol Long Beach, along-Ume Huntlngton Beach oil worker , will be con. ducted· et 11 a.m., ,Saturday, at the Boone-Reno Funeral Home, 244 Redondo Ave., Long Beach. Mr. Phipps died Mon· day. Burial will follow services in Hollywood Cemetery, Hollywood. Mr. Phlppa had lived in Huntington Beach about 10 yean before moving to Loni Beach when he retired from tre oil industry in 19S7. He la survlvfd by his wife; Francis; two sons. Robert A. Phipps, Jr., of Garden Grove and Jack L. Phipps of Long Beach ; a brother, Howard D. Pblppa ot. San Fernando; a sister, Mrs. Mae Adams of Hollywood; three granddtlldren and three & re at • 1Tan4chlldnn. .DA Rejeets Recall .Pr9.he -. District Attorney CecQ .Hicks said 'fbursday he i:ees no ~on. why h1I of· Ii"" should conducl an._tn.•eatlaatidn ol 'Fnunlaln Vall!'l' r<fllll .,...kilo tooduct. In aniwer ti a anlnbnOUI city couhcll reaoluUon lthat hi look Into conduct tn both skies of the recall, HI.ck• replied that no aufUolent evidence of criminal eli..>etlon practices has been Presented. Earll<r, be had 11Ui&..ied he..protiablJ woold •tay out ol lbe picture when FOW> i:I tatn Valley Maior Robert Scbwerldlepr Sll~lor Ciurkln •-'ecaiL cb11 ac:UO.. r<qllflled ; lbe 'DA'I office lnveltlgate wbm Ille bunlen of prool la much i.11 rallqri!d) .willful " circulationl' of . false 1 lhan In a crinUnal c.Qe,'"lfickl sa.ld. .WteU11qts -~, .. 1 n tent lo n a'l I y 1 "No 1videnc:e of., eltcUon fn9.d was misrepresented peti"9n1. pruented, to \be court, and the P,nons Said lli<ks the!\, "this, olli<t wlD not clalml>l1 Iii Oalatence 11'.tre •dvloed by become Invol ved in poliUC.." Tbunld•Y Ille judp lo btillg • -rate-clvU suit he pve hb legal 1"""1di fdr not In-• 1pecllically baled on fraud -U th<re veat1gatlng' • was tvill'nce tll pr"""L They .did nol ' 0Tbe.mauer1 refcned4'o in the re10lu.-. t>eslh a .M.w clvll -.lt, or. pmen,,further ticJo on !bl...,. u UJou argued to lbl ,•~lo tbla .ai..• l ' Surging mobs ol Cathollcs • n d Protestants eilewbere Jn lltllut hurled stooea, bricks and tmultl ol· each other acnia barricades of ~ dly bules and overturned tnlcks, Several bulldlup were bluing from molotov cwSt.11• .. Sil hundred troops In CoaJbol pai: new in from England at noon after another mornl!lc ol llghtlng· bi wbldl Catholic: crowds behind • burned out boa bar· ricade fought police uaing mnoftll con. The 600 troop relrilon:ements doubled the Brltllh gmison l1\llllnfl ot BeUut's gates and raised to 1,200 tbe aumber of soldiers now on duty In the riot area- wbere Potestant-Cathollc fl&bilnl: bu . ? dragged the C<lWli1'y clOle to civil wor. In Dublin, Ille Irilh Republic govern. meot mobilized 2,000 umy ..,.nilll to support l ,llOO troops K olieady has -to the border· of Northern Ireland In the Emerald ble's mOlt sOrlous COl\lrontotlon In. five decade1. • A man' ripped down the Ulllon Jack ot the Brlllsb Embassy in' Dublin and thnw ll to a crowd which tried to 'bum ll and than ripped ll to pieces while ...,., youths in the aowd vowed they would 10 north tonight to join the Cathollcs Jn lhelr baWes with guollne flrebombo, clubs and.-.. . Kno,tty Projects Loom for Council Huntington Beach city councilmen face another three-knot problem Monday nlgl'lt when they study possible decision on a trio of knotty development projecta. On Aug. 4 councilmen wrangled until after 1 a.m. and failed to ruch an agree.. mcnt on any of the three Jtema. 'JbeY are: -The holly-disputed propoMI of John D. Lusk and Son o( WhllUer to develop 338 acres on the 90Uthwest corner o1.~ Springdale Street and Bolla Avenue IO light industrial, highW11y commercial and apartment use. -The Sunset Beach Island baule over development of 5.1 acres to leu than standard-sized Iota. p1;~1:i::l:=.=:r'.Jm:, southweat "°""r ol AUonla• A..,..' orii1 Beach Bou1evilr<i to willch "'°"" ..IMI<· Green bu filed an appeal. BIGGEST llASSLE The LuJk development bas become one ol the blgest rezone busies In dty ,. nals. School districts, bmneowners. and women voten are l~,...,YJ> ap1nat Luak and the Chamber of 'CO'ininerce. The developer wants to rezone 26! acres o( the P'eck Eslate property to in- dustrial use, 27 .8 acres to highway com· mercial and 46 acres to npartments. The Plarurlng C.Ornmlsslon turned down the apartment rezone plea June 3. An ap. peal to the council Aug. 4 rfilllled in a compromise suggestion bei.na: losled back at' the planners Jn a legal m~er. Councilmen asked the planners to con· sider re1.0nins the proposed apartment acreage In segments which wouJd permit a acres of apartmenll in the first phase. Planners remained consistent and denied this proposal, but In doing so opened the way for the councilmen to approve apart· ment zoning if they are ao Inclined. The Sunset Beach Island battle find! nearby Huntington Harbour homeowners lined up against Etna Savings ·anit ~n Association. The assoclaUon wainll to develop 26 lotS averag1ng · 5,fOO..aqua~ feet each a variance to the normal 8,000. square-foot minimum. CITY DEMAND ComplicatJng the picture is a demand of the city that the lots be bulkheaded with cement rather than the less u~ pensive rlprap stone bulwarks. Councilmen. wrestled with the problem far Into the night Aug. 4 and fJnally deferred acUon -to. Mj)l>day. Etna representaUves complain that city~lm· posed lot llus and =::, woold make the project ly wr feasible. Mayor Green's objecllon to the tza.unlt apartment complu on the IOOtheurc:or· ner of Atlanta Avenue and Deat:b Boulevard came 11 1 SUrprise. Mayor of Beach Nominated for • League President HunUngton Beach Mayor Jack Green hu been nominated for the post ol presi-- dent of lhe CalUornla League of CiUts, Orange County Chapter. . . The propolal by Gordon ml P111e Talberl of Newport lleslch11allod throqh the Planning Commlllllon with llWe tr... ble. Proposed are rt apartment& per aert on 30 acres Ip the fiaUand1. Part of, the deveioplnent -loor-atay units with an ocean view. MAYOR APPEALED Mayor Green uld today he 1ppealed because he thought the CO\lllCil "should lake a long look at the propoul Thero are several unanswered quesUooe." "The Wd·Beach SUnday Ana plan en- visions this property as the lite of a possible convention center or-motela and lWls," lhe mayor pointed out "Alao there ii the problem of Paclfic Q>aat F"""ay right .of ••1 ,,_ wlll lob abo.t 100 feel of this property,, "! 110 allOw the opartment proJed could up the price of the land the ltate needs b)' a conSlderable amount. Finally, a conditional excepUon requires 1 show· ing of hardship and I fall to see uy In this Cue," Green concluded. Man Indicted Over Political Contributions A Los Angeles Federal Grand Jury te>- day indicted the l'n!sidenl of Ille Farmer John meat packing combine on chargee of making iUeial cOritrJbutlons to the campaign of a candidate running for political office. Bernard J . Clougherty, of P1:1sadena, president of the Clougherty Meat Packing Company and director of the Fanner John chaln, is accused of donating fi3,750 in September 1964 to the camp1dgn funds of an unidentified candidate for a U.S. Senate Seat. A sourct close to lhe U.S. Attorney'• office today told the Daily Pilot that lhe contribution was made to the campaign of Pierre Salinger, former aide to the late President John F. Kennedy. Salinger was defeated by Senator George Murphy Jn that election. Clougherty ls indicted in the two count document bOth In bla own name and lhat of his company. Investigators said the ln- dlctment followed • long probe by Ille' in. telligence division ol the Internal Revenue Service. Oraage Weather .Those low morning clouds and that hazy sunshine won't keep the mercury down over the weekend. Coastal temperatures are pegged In the upper ?O's. while inland readings wiO 1pproach the 90- degree mark. INSmE TODAY Women inmaU1 of Onmge Countu Jail art pauing tht tim. by lea,.ing ooluobl< ak~il f<t tht "outlide." POQt 9. Meeting Thursday nlibt In Orange, Ille lcque'I executive committee a I 1 o nominated Ma,or Ralph Clark ol Al)al\eim !«·vice P""ident ond Ille ~ nnt chapter pl.s~ Dean Shllll Jr. of. La Ha_bra IS state djr~tor •• Se~ ll..!.!S --:'*'"" ~ set' as the dill whtift reprueniillve:s of ci..tlfltll • , U-M ,..._,..._' K --.. °' ... ~" • ,.,..... """" ,. al~ 15 Orarce CClunty cities will vote on =:_. · : the nomJnaUonl. Dtttll ...,._ • Thi. exta1tlve ,1::orru11lttH approved 1 ~ 1• rtlohlUon ,to be-forwarded to l h e ::=.= ~ C111lifornla League Qf, Cities opPofllftl state 'IMM• '"'' government attmlpt1 to bn--"'-'" 1• ..--row A/Ill .......,. 11 grams.on citlu without appropriaUng th& Mt1-.1t • necessary fundl &o implement. IUCb pnr Mwln ....,., ......... tf.tf ......... 1.).ll -... '"" .......... ,, T""'1tlll ' ,ft --... -. 'It-llhws M ·--~..... "--~~~~~~~~---' "· I • ~ j DAJ\.V PllOT H Ffl4q, 1-t 15, 1'69 ·s ch ool Chief Say ~. He'll .Foot :Qarbe~ P Qll }S~ll ' By THOMAS PORTUNE Ot "" DlltJ ''* tltfl °"" ha!lllll1 Ill~ q&in l\ld lfllll ,,...,..., •Illa°'""" Counlf looN ol EducaUoo wrtn&led ovtr a barbershop poll ind Grand Jury criticism ol-the ICilOQ! ~rd. . A ~utlt .by county schools Supt. Jtobll:l Potuaon that board-con\rolled funds lit u$ed for a putlie opinion poll ' was tebled. Dr. Peterson ~n said he ). v.·Outa pay for the polls himsell. .. Recent Grand Jury criticism .. of the C11111ty achopt b91rd. wu answered by ~ trutee Dale,RallllOn, v.·no charged it was • a111ked out by the poUUcal arm or Ille . ' DAILY PIL<Yr. ', ··ro expect the wife of the DAILY ;. PILOT publisher tMrs. Robtrt Weed, 1.-who is Grand Jury ' fare.man) to be ~ olW tpo PG11tlc1l II not I ~In .... lllhl," be 111d. . 11111 -1lllld 111oqibor, lloMW Jordon, wbo ,._. wu.11 .._ "" mMl!bl Willi Ill'. Pllor1111,. wai.!. "I'm lltllNlitll 'It "'I ~ -~ " oua:ht to ao •·•r •• u.. -..m,·w.M ... He said he qreed wilh the Grand Jucy'a charge that UM board hll• waited time dlsc ussinc textboo.ks, sex education au4_ censoring library boob. And he said ht loo thlnks the county auperlnteodent &hO\lld be appoll)led.by the.board rither than elected. Responded bolrd p r e 1 I d e n t Clay ~iitthell, "I 1tlll go for · checks and balances in representation by the peo.. pie." Payment for a seeond barbershop poll was, torpeoed by Tnlllee1 Jordan llld Pit , ~~~~~~-,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~ '• ., :, , DAILY PILOT lllft Plltlt Giggling Indians Camp Pulc·Wudgie (happy children In lndlan talk). Girl Scout camp 5umJUDded by riven of asphalt and filled with war cries of 200 gigglt:ng lltUe Indians like Trilcy Tait (left) and Laurie Briedenbacb, folded up its tent today. Camp is coriducted· annually In Huntington Beech's Lake Park. Tracy and Laurie obviously enJOl'ed it. No Full Wipeont Beach Open When Nixon Gone Ntlli all prtsiderrt.ial ded.sons are big -· Surfers, bowf.ver, might feel otherwise abcut a decision made by Pretiideot Nix- on today. They can use his private beach -but not while he is staying at his summer White House in San Clemente. At all other times iuring the yea r the President's sand and surf will be free to ""'· The former Cotton estate fronts on one of the Southland's finest surfing spots. It'a a private beach -always ha11 been -but for several yars youths have toted lhffl' boards . down to "Catton Point''. They a:et there by v.'alking down the beach, along the waterline, from San Cemente State Park. A hl1h White House source explained that Nixon personally would prefer th1t DAllY PILOT Clll.lNGI COAST PUlllltl!NO (OMPAN-. ••btrt N. w,,, l'miMnt ..-cl flublllNt Jttk R. Curley Vitt flrttl<!eftl ...., Gt!'ll!r.I MtNtu The1r111 Ketvil tllltr the hall-mile atretcb or beach betwetn Camp Pendleton Marine Bue and Cyprus Shore be ivailable to rurfer11 1t Ill time,,, "But the Secret Sen1ce won't hear of it," taid the spokesman. "The PreJldent knows the surfers aren't happy with the pre11ent prohibition (in foree since Aug. I), so he's insisted on at least that much of a compromise. Whenever he Isn't here, the beach will be available. No roamJ.na over the estate ,grounds, of course, wlU be permitted." Will the Presid,tnt hlm5eU ever bit the surf with bis newly acquired board, a gift from Ju1ie Eisenhower and Tricia? "No," smiled Preas Secretary Ron Ziegler. "Jr anyone uses that board, it wllf probably be me." "~fr. Nixon." he added, "would rather watch the surfers than be one." f'rona P age I TOURI STS ••• out of it ~ithout 1ny problem." They never dld find out whether the twister evtr touched the ground. David dld most of tbe drtvin1. "Boy, ·it wa.<1 pretty scary in the Colorado Rockies, but abaolutely beauUful." He and Julie, neither of whom hid been on a ~try lrlp like that befort, were alao deeply impressed wlth the beauty ol Arizona's painted desert Thomt1 A. Mutphift• "'-•netl ... fClilOr AIMrt W. lel•t .i.noc!tte E-ltw "J let Julie drive through the desert,'' ·-... scnili!d Davk!. "I did all the mountain O riving." H111tl11tt911 9"dl otfk• JC9 Ith St111t M1lli111 Ailclr11t1 •.O. l oi 7,0, 914-41 Other o tnc" N-1 .. 1t11: ,111 Wtt! l1i'll'lt ,.,.....,.,, C•I• .v.eu: i>e We•• ''" l••t1t \.fllll'll lt•tll: JU F ... 11 jl,•Ulllf -The couple will remain at the summer \Vhite Howe unUI Auawt 2!1. They were. asked: "11 your home in Cincinnati?" t ''We just left from there," said Julie, quietly and not quite answttinl tbe ques- tion . It wu·a gracioua way of. feodln1 off too maey dole inquirt., Into lhelr pr!Ylte live&. Boy Dies of Injuries In Bicycle Accident Rickey Arlu, t, ol Whittler, died 1t St. Jude H01PIUI 'nllltldly u tll11'11Ult of a skull fra<:lW't .wrertd whm be ran bll bicycle Into lho blCk of 1 •low movlna plclo>p trucl< 1 woek 110 In LI lllbr1, tllo coun•y coronu 11id. He waa lht son or Mr. ind Mra. Fred R. Cerv111tu, 1111$ Rlcbdlle AYO., Wbll· lier. ~ Wk If wllcm fllnle4 out runy lteal .... ~ 111,.ni,111o1;n11 In tllo .. "9 ..... lt • ....... 111 llll .., tM • "'"' ·-tM plfl la .......... 1Mat!l1 .... Wn!! -and 4tot1111' ...1un, ,_,. "'fl e1 his ..,, poca1. Hls previous poll 1111 October hu botn widely critic~ bec&UJe of the 1mall, uruclenUrte sampling (customers In 20 barbershops) llld alleged loaded wording oC aome of the questions. 1'lt 11 difflcult for me to undersl.&nd why wt art ~Aured to approve thit when Dr. Pet.lrlon haa ltated u •n eltcted 1offlclll he hu bis own autonomy in ftmd3." Jordan said. "I can't help but think nta in11lstenct ii more political than edjlC&tlonol." . Jordon 11ld he fear• that wilb an elec- Silent March Slated Sunday For Clemente Pe.ice Action Council protestors will march at President Nixon's doorttep Sunday In San Clemente. But 1 Superior Court judge'1 back door ruling today ensured that it will not be the vociferous demonStration originally planned by the militant organization. lnaeead, PAC 1pokesman Robert Bland said, it will be "a silent march thm.11h the forbidden park to the beach in I tribute to the many thousands who bavt died In Vietnam." PAC plans for a more lavish protest in San Clemente Si.ate Park were ahot down when Judge Robert Corfman gronted Ille mctloo '" Deputy AUomey General Charles McKesson for a C1>DUJl.. uance of the court hearing to Sept. 5. The judge agreed with McKe11son that the state had had very Ut'tle time to ex- amine the issues ralaed by a PAC pell· tion which wu filed with bla court Thursday. He rtJected the 1raument of PAC attorney P1trlcia Reriog that It had taken less thin Wee hour.; to resolve the demonstration dl.sputt arising from President Nlion's dinner ·WedneJday night for the astronault . '"lbere are 11-- sues involved bert that demand the grantlna of time for 11tudy," the Judie aid. Judge Corfman'a ruling sent Mn. Herzot1 and PAC •pok"11lon Robert Bland J'UMin1 to a telephone for con- aultatlon with American Cl.vll Liberties Unloo oflk:llh In Loe An(eles. Bland, Mn. Hel'Ulf and other PAC spokesmen then headed for Los An1elcs to ult federal coort Intervention In the dbpute. They will uk a federal judge for penninlon to hold a dtmomtraUon in which they clalm tbat 11 many as 12,000 protestan could lhow up to object to U.S. foreign policy. ll ls d"'1bUul, In Ille Jlgbt of put fed· eral coun acUon in 1uch disputes, that any such injunction will be made av1ll· Ible to the Soulh Cout prol .. t l""'P· Blind usured newsmen tlllt h1s l""'P "has abtolutely no intention ol defyin1 Judge Corfman'• ruling if federal action is not available to U!I. ''But wt condemn what ii in effect a dental of our petition u just JnOther instance ln a long series ol denials <lat· Ing from the first rejection by San Clemente City CouncU to today's denl1!." Stale p 1 r k 1uperintendent Jamel Whl~ad today confirmed that they were opposed to the PAC application "becaUH of the ~slble damage that could have been Wllcted la a carefully malnWned grwy &rel llld Ille •<!J•· cent homes or •late part personnel.' City council rejection of the applica- tions has been butd oo the ~ble influ1 of many hippie-type demOMtra- tora to an arta that ii jwit one half mile rrom President Nixon'• summer Whlta House. Christmas Past Taps Chamber For $104 Bill Th• gholt cl O>rlotmu put hH come to haunt Proctor Weir, men11e.r of Ole Soal Beacll Ownber " Com· m<n:t. It'a not an apparition from a Dickens-ian \ale but none olhu !llln Judge Roy L. Nonnon of the City '" El Monte. The Jud.I• hid onlered Welr to cougb up IIDUf to Cr<aUve llllp1ay Co. o/. E:I Monte in payment for Chriltm11 deooratlons Ille !inn put up In Soal Belch during tho lul hollday """"· But Weir thinks 1be judicial order Issued In 11mall cl1lma court is unfair. The b\11\,he says, wu not really owed ~ut Ille Se<! Beach ~ber of Weir said Ille chlmber ori1hlll1Y P.1 id $1,010 for the lighting and then 1t wu dbcovered that one string of lights wu ldt unllung. Weir call411 Ole oompony..J. orderilli lhem to put \be additional Jlpll up, u spe<lftod. ''ThOn all of a sudden I "" bllled penonal\y for the extra char1e. J ob- Jected. And ao to court. "Leplly, I gum I'm stuck llld Ill• chamber u..aUry will hive to bt tapped. But -.Uy thero Is -lnl ...... here." Dllpltued by the ruf\111, Weir added, "I had to 10 all the way to El Mornt Munlclpsl Court to (et stuck 104' the bill lhlt I pertONllY do not owe. And now. 11 I muse 14 J>IY, tt loois \Ike I'll be fon:od ,. ao ,. El Monta 11&in to dls- clott IJl1 uoeta to Jud&a Norman." Ubtl cornhtt U, W. month to fill the " Othtr polnts ·of contention were rallfd. and waa ln hl.s e1tJmate too expeostv&. vlClled ftflh tiwd Hit "1 newspaper Jordan Hd Arnold wanted lo know why "'IheM = •,+'1 ~'1'1111 iujllrfn. Id tnlllll come Giii l&)'lal 10 ud 10 Dr. him had ~ I llilrllatl W I llj [Ill I '""1 lnll --to be '*'"'I to lliltalA Dr. Patar-'Ntllllbolt.ood Yoatb Corp. ........... -.",bl e!al.. • •• ; -···... 'r.rera1 fundl ,,.,.. made avlll151e to Jordan We:' tbf bolrd had l'lQt bte11 l.n-·Dr. ~ -ratlaoked by ••· blre 300 dlsad•llllllld·sludenta lo w0tk formed Ole program WIS otopped ind _, -Wiid ol Urning Ille Grand · outside achooJ ~ oa school grouncll. • ieinarked tllat e<r~dldn't jfl>t with J\i1'7 ..,_i to -with Ibo elecUon. 'The program was 1l4pPed lul IUIDl!ler. · Peterson's carnpal.,. ·ptOll'llJll, 11111 he Arnold wanted to read ltttca from Oliildren In the program were In. the doesn't believe in pcillUcll ' lntr}~ or Newpott-Mm Unlfled School Superin-, Hantlngtoo. Be""h. ·G,l!'dell Gw.e Ind aemcy: tendent Willlalfl CUnn.lnattam and HUJ'loo PlacenUa achoo! di•tnct8 and Jordan sal<l ~ Jordan also aet'U9ed Dr. Peterson of tlngtoo Beach HIP Supt Moz Forney luperl~ of -d1atrleta' pr..,. c1<1Ung an atmoopberi that hi. caused crlUc:lzlnJ the poll. He wu cut off by tkllly PtlmOn to cooUnue Ille m'!"I' top le .. 1 employea lo INve lh• Rallllan wbo llld boll'd membm had program. . . counlJ ICboola omc.. lffll lhem. Jordan iild the IOp!IDtaodenta ln1d Petanon told Jordan Illa tblDp ht wu "1llle Mu Forney type ol lnltlli&ence 1>1111 Petlll'IOI! turned off the ...,.."'" llYlna ore more dlvlslve tl1IJI whit HYI we ~ lb.la thini but we've &ot to 'becaUH it blvolvtd federal money and ht Jordan bad eCCUHd b1m of, &Del COl't- 1ptnd IS,000 for It to bt done by pro-fell duty bOUnd lo Illa_ -who Unued, "I aet the feeJlns ~-Jordon leo&lnnlll," aid Rallllon. "Some people placed him lo olflee not.to~ It. you~e trylnf lo b.ldger, rob over ont pl>ee no value oo money other than their Petanon denied tbit 117!n1 Ille pro. thing after another Ind brlq up the own." 1 cram bwk:ally wu a ~ J!Olf&m ~" NAMED TO SCHOOL POST Valley Princ ipal Menger• Dennis Mangers Ne,v Principal Dennis H. Mangers, 29, Huntington Beach, bas been named principal of James O. Harper School in the Fountain Valley School District. He replaces Harold Daigle, who took a year's leave of absence in order to con- tinue his graduate studies. Mang:en previously served as prin- cipal of the Earllmart Sc:bool in san Joa. quin Valley aOO LI a former t.eacher with the Long Beach Uoflled School Dialr1ct. He received his underaraduate educa- lioo al Cal State Long Beach and is cur· renUy working toward a doctorate at the Univertity of Southern California. Before becoming a teacher he was a Medical Corpsman in the U.S. Navy. , Manger11, his wife Linda and daughter Kirsten Ann, Uves at 17282 Apel Lane, HunUngton Beach. .lnqa~st to . Go On Judge Grants Hearing . On Kopechne Autopsy WILKES-BAIUIE, Pa. (AP) -A j\Hlg1 tod.ly IP'lnted a beJrin1 on a re. quest by Dist. Atty. Edmund Dinis lo tx· hume ·lhe bod,y of Mary Jo Kopecbne, Dlnb reputed that he considered an who wu killed 1n ap auto accident in· volving Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. PmldJng Judp Bernard C. Brom!Mkl of i.Uume County Common Pleu Court Ht the hearing for 10 a.m., Aug. 25, at which Ume Dln1s will preaeht evidence to ~PPort hb reqt,iest r.11r·an autopsy. Dlnll, of New Bedford, MUI., di.strict attorney for that state's aoutbern dllltrict, llld he would go ahead wlth a scheduled Sept. 3 Inquest Into Mias Kopechne's death, regard1ess of. the court's dec:Won here. The 28-year-old secretary drowned July 18 when a car driven by Kennedy plunged off a bridge on Chappaquldlck Island off the lttauachuaetta coast. Mr. amf Mn. Joseph Kopechne of Berkeley Helghts, N.J ., h~r partntll, ob- ject to exhuming her bOdy from a cemetery In nearby Lark.svllle. 'lbelr lawyer, John Flanagan, attend ed today's hearing, but said only that he would have to confer with his clients before deciding his neit step. Bromlnsld aald Dlnia apparently would attend the hearing, and Dlnla had three aides certified a.s representatives in case he could not make it. WWII End Observed TOKYO (AP) -Japan obaerved the 14th anniversary today of the end or World War 11 with memorial services throughoot the country. In Tokyo, Emperor IDrohito and Empress Nagako, Prime Mlnlster Eilaku Sato, other government officials and some 5,000 families, attended a aervice for the war dead. - 1utopsy vital to the ,,_ ond aid It woold show the medical cause of death .. Mw Kopechne's deoth hu been lllted u drowning. "Basically I'm not satisfied with the findings made at the Ume of the ac- cident.'' u.id Dlnill. New Apartment Standards Set New standards governing the con- 11tructlon of apartment developments have been drawn up by the Huntington Beach Planning Department. The standards, which wlll serve as guidelines for the approval of land U!e permit.II, are expected to be adopte.d Aug. 19 by the Planning Commillslon. Assistant Planner Jim Palin aaJd the major Items include wider driveways and the Increase of open space, such u patio, pool and garden areas. He added that In consultation with developers, the commJS&ion "had qulft1y been able to achieve" some of these aim•. The new standarcll will mal<e it of. ficlal. Driveways will now have to be from 21 to 40 reet wide, depending on the size of the CQmplei. Former 11tandards had call- ed lor 21 loot width•. RecruUon or open 11pace will have to be provided at the rate ol 200 lqUll't feet per dwelling unit Previous standltds bid called for too square feet per lot. "We learned that thill just wun1t grut e,nough ror apartment complexes," P1lin said. "We bid to increase the open 11pace considerably." Other rules contained in the new af.ut. <lards regulate offstreet parking spaces, alreet tree11, truh pickup areas, and covered parking compounds. SALE PRICES: DINING TA ILE $329 SIDE CHAIR $60 OUR SUMMER SALE ALSO INCLUD~ SELECTED GROUPS FROM DREXEL. HERITAGE HENREOON NATIONAL, MARGE CARSON. HERITAGE & HENREOON UPHOLSTERY PLUS MANY OTHER LINES' REDUCTIONS ON ACCISSORllS. LAMPS. AND P!CTURIS AH ALSO AVA IU.IU. • DRIXR • HIRITAGI. HINHDON DU.UR 'lal• " NIWPORT llACH 1727 Wt1ltllff 0., 642-20IO OPIN Pl!IAT "nl. t INllRIORS l't __ , lntorltr 11a11.,. ... LAGUNA llACH :145 North Cout Hwy. A•all1~~I D-NSID OPIN NIDAY 'JIL t ,._ T• ,_ ..... ef 0..,. c.., Nt.1361 I . I - 1 ,_ ActPI Council pn>laton will .,..m at PraldetJt NW..'1· doont<p ..,., In San Clemente. Bui a Superior Court Ju<lp's back door ruling today -that ii will not be the vociferous demonstration . orl&lnally planned by tbe militant orpnlutlon: I-.!, PAC s~ Robert Bland said, 1it will· be 1 a 1Uea't' march throu&h the fOll>idden park to the beach ln a tribute' to the many 1thousands who have difld' In V5etnam." r;.c plaN for a more lavilh protest Down the ·Mission ·· ·Trail . 3.~ From Viejo ToTour·El Toro MISSION VIEJO -Over. 30 rtaidtnls here hiVe signed up for a tour of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station Saturday. Registration deadline for the tour, which ii open to all Mission Viejo ttsi·, dmll free of charge,' is tonight, accord- 1t11·to a recreation center spokesman. e N~ Group to Meet SADDLE BACK 'VALLEY -Th< n•n m..U., l>f the . racuU,...-pnlml Sad- dJulei . .-a.r ... ~ iJ sel lor TuOlday al Iha Million Viejo Jnn. 'nle Doon riieeUDc • "I:: f e a t u r e d~ al Iha' .... ~ aims"' thi chimber, and Us relaUIJn!,hlp with the ~back Valle11 . acconUnc to e1- ecuUri·manalf< Al l!Wa. . All ~ and prospective new mtmb<rl ira In lied. •' Tet!tl Da• SeJWduled LAKE FOREST -The SPl'f and Sand Of1Vict6rta Blach ·will attract teen-age membera of the Beach ·and Ttnnls Club 11\onday. The day Jong activities for members DI au.m. will be led by 'Mike Phinney, -director. e'. Stulllent Slates Talk EL TORO -A Mudent resistanct worker who spent time last year in Cacboslovakia Will ht the featured 1~ker at a meeting of the Construcllve Aet!On Network C..mcll or Saddleback V~ley Friday, Aug. :II. Dana Robrabacher, allO the chairman ol,lhe 0r"ll&e C!xmtY Young Am•ricans Fcir Freedom, wJll taJk at the 7:i.t p.m. nieetlng, lo be held at !he· Royal Savings and Loan Co., SlMI El Toro Road, El Toro. Also on the program 1J the showing of the film, "The Berkeley Revolution." e Scouts Cot11i'!19 Rome • .MISSION VIEJO -El&hteen members ol the Junior Girl Seoul TrdiJp .115 will """" home tomorrow efltt """'""' a week on Santa Catalina hland. Th< pwp, which form<d 1111 Sep- tember, left for the Island Monday I! a f"t'Ward for their fine services to date., ac- c:mllng lo • troop spokesman. The troop ii mlde up of seventh, eighth and nlntll ar.-from the Mission Viejo ..... Airplane Jump Tops Laguna ' G.'uard .Affair ' . • Two' llf•au•nl•, equipped with ocuba ecjuipmonl and parachutd, j11111ptq from ;; plane at 7,500 feet, wUI be the feature attraction Saturday when the Laguna lf:ed. Ufeguard Department wW st.age ita aMual summer demonstrations at the Main Beach. TM para-scuba diver•, llfesu1nil Dean. Wul.<aanl and Sklp Connors, will provid• tbt "hia:h" point of tht ahow, which will ~Jude different county rescue agenciea. Action will 5lart at 10 a.m. wUh inter· ~ relay, cOOt.est.s. 1be. JI.imp wlli occur abOut 11 a.m., followed by demonstrations by a Coalil Guard nscue helkopter, the Newport Belch· WflUprd rtlCIJe boat, thelOrange ~llarb(>r 0.parll)lenl fire"°"' and th• waun• Beach Flrt Dtpartm•DI clilf rucw te1m;-- J I N.Y. Steeb , • TEN aNT$ ' ·arc n u Court Ruling Bars More Lavish Prowst ' demoostraton ...Wd come. About 100 did. . Today the iUdl• agreed with McK- that the stete bad bad very UWe ume to ezamine he. J.ssuet railed by a PAC peti• tlon w.hich was fUed wilh his court in San Clemente state Part were shOt down when Judge Robert Corfman granted the motion of Deputy Attorney Genera! Charles McKesson for a contin- uanoe ol the·court bwing lo Sept. 5. Earlier; PAC repteaentaUvh had aa:id they planned' 13 brln1 buslntdl of Los Angeles ghetto .residents to the protest demoostraUoo, Apparently lht)' will car· ry out that plan, although the nature o( the demonstration has changed. Irving Sitrnoff, PAC chairman, said the Sunday ~monstrat~®' has been endorsed bj th'e Los Angeles Social Worken Union and they w_puld be renting buses to bring in ghetto' ,residents for ·the aoU-war . demonstration. Sarnoff told a news conference at the Hote1 LalJUM that at least 16 buses, each carrying 50 persons1 would be com· ing in from Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego., 'Mle PAC chairman, himself from Los Angeles, said that between 1,000 to 3,000 persons were ezpected to !how up at the demonstration and rally protesting U.S. foreign policy. ' , ' DAILY "lrT ....... W ,._, O'OllMtn THI NIXONS AND :THE .l(SENHOWERS 'GREET·GUESTS AT FIRST FAMILY' NEW HOME Como ·Alont With.Our 'Cou11pondint for .a Gu ided TD41r of tho Whlt1 Hovff Wt1t ' . His Room Matches Phone First Family Shows Off $3 40,000 Home to Press . ~ ' . By 'THOMAS KEEVIL Of "" Dtlh', ,, ... Miff It'a or;ib' an accident, says Mrs. Richard 'M. Nizon, that her husband'a bedroom Ht dominated by a brtgbt red that preciaeJy matches the ~ security telephone beside hll peel. He likes the color, she aaya, apd, besides, dau&liters Tricia ancl,Julle\.liad cwp~ed-w!th their molhf1'. 'l'!J-;up the room a bii. ·• The Nlxoo fl)!lllY . 8llo,w<jl pride Ind warm hospitality Thuraday 11 they show· eel off their $340,000 San C)emente es(¥te. · to some 60 members of the preu. They offered carte blanctil aCCtll .to its 14 rooms, its fiye bat.bi: and the 1pr1"1Jnl grounds artludd1 It. ~ ·~' •• While the Prisfdanl;iJJ,iaJ.,.a ~ "' the history and details ol the balMlng and ..--of the Cotton ENI/), Mn. Nix· on led some penonally eonducted toun ol. the borne as the daupter1 and llOIHn- law, David Elaenbower, chatted wltlr "''"men. The three famiiy dogs -the daught.er1' PHOTOS OF FIRST FAMILY I INSIDE NEW HOME :_ PAGE-I Yorkshire terrier and gray poodle and Mr. Nixon's Jrish setter -romped the grounds, bounding around the gazebos that serve aa lookout points for the Secret Service. The Nixons and their i n t e r I o r decorator, Channell and Chapin of Corona del Mar showed' healthy respect for the Spanish heritage of the home. The theme has been accented and even thr four new g~bos match the ori~al red tile-roofed building where "Ham ' Cotton once play. ed poker witb President Roosevelt. • The Prti!iditnt'worb in the home's only ~ room.:~ a compact lSzlS.. foot study with a commandin1 view of the Pacific Oceu through the pines and eucalyptua lrets Iha•. dot and surround the grow;ds. The room ia chieOy blue in tone. The President worts at a small, leather-top- ped desk with three Items on it -a No Full Wipeout Beacli Open . When Nixon Go ne Not 111 pmident.ial decbona are big .. ... Surfm, however, lnilhl feel otherwtsa about • decilion mlda bY Preold,.t. NJ,. on today. ' · They can UM biJ private beach ·-but not whllt he ii llaylna al hll l1lllllD'1' While -In San Cl<mmte. At ell other Umn 'Jurlnc the ~far the Presldent'a nod and nrf win be free to US<'. The fonner c.otton 41U.\j fl'OlltJ-on one o1 th• Southllnd'• flout ~ spOll. lt'1 a private beacb -1lw1y1 has been ·-but for several yara rout.hi have toted their boards down to ''Cottan Point". They get there bY w1lkln1 down the beach, alon1 the wattrllne, from San Cemente State Park. A hlgb White lfoulo aourct explained that Nizon personally would prefer that the half-nUle stretch of beach between C1mp Pendleton Marine Base and Cyprus Shore be available to surfers At all Umes. "'But the Secret Service won't hear of It,'' 1aid the spokesman. '"lbe President knows the surfer• area~ bappy with th• present prohlb!Uon (in force since Aug. I), so be'1 Insisted on at least that much of a compromlat. Whenever he Ian 't here, the beach will be available. No roaming over the tatate ll<'Jnds. of course; wtll be permltled." wn• the Prelident hittllelf ever hit the surf with his ~ewly acquired board, a gift from Julie Eisenhower and Tride? "No1 '' m:iiled Pre111 Secretary Ron Ziegler. l<Jf anyone u.sts th1t board, It wtlr probably be m•." 1'Mr. NJJ:on.'' he a.dded1 "would ralh~r watch &he lutfMs1han be one." ' .repr~ of the plaque ten on the moon by _Apollo 11, a whih. telephone connected to the White House switchboard and the om· nipresent red telephone -on which Mr. Nizon can talk with no fear of being overheard. The President is fond of the room and happy ,to. point out its features, i.uch as the 11mall tiles inset around the bookshelves and in various nooks. On a ts!.ble in front of a blue sofa is the . room's or,Jy book -"Great Presidential Decisions," by Richard Morris. No, it is explained. the President isn 't depending on the book for hls decisions -it just happens to be there . The bookshelves are empty, a condition that will uisl o.nly until the reat of the furnit~ atored from the Nil.ons' New York apartment arrives. Downstairs, the Nixon home conlinucs to display Ila Spanish lines. The rooms, all tlle·roofed, surround a traditiona l courtyarc; with a fountain in the. center. Spanish Ule is used profusely, buth for walkways and as accents. The living room fronts on the ocean side of the home. As Mrs. Nixon noted with a sweep of her hand , .. lsn't this a gorgeoos vlew?'l She was right. Jt ls carpeted in a full Persian rug with escalloped edges. The rug caJTies out the room's basiC yellow theme, as do the sofa and chairs, upholstered In a yellow and white aplashy print. Most or tlle furniture came from the Nlxons' New York apart. ment. It ls of mixed period, with French Provincial and Oriental touche! here and there. The ceiling, like all the ceilings in the · (See NIXON, Page I) Arabs Strike a t Oil Refineries in Israel HAIFA. Israel (AP)-Arab sabot'eurs struck again at l!r1 el's oil refineries In Oda ·~ cir: today, rupturing a pipe- line, dama n an electric tower and touching of a ,Ire over a 500-yard area. ll'lrenten broogtit lhe fire unde.r con· ~ in 4~ minute. after clo8il\g a •valv• th•t sj'lut oil the oil flow. Police were questiooln{ iii persons. Previous PAC esttptates of protest participation have always been on the op- timistic side. The group estimated that 5,000 protestera would attend. the Century City Stele Dinner. About 500 showed up. At a previous San Clemente demonstra- tion during the President'• flrat visit last June, the PAC eatlmated J ,.00 0 Thursday. ' He re1eded the argument ol PAC attorney Patricia Herzog that it hid taken less than three hourt to relOlve the demonstntlon dispute ar:laina from President Nixon's dinner Wedn.daY. night for the astronauta. "There are W.: (See PROTEST,. Paa• I) Hospital Fears .. Nurse Shortage Will Cut Service Because an overworked nursing staff is "reaching the point of open rebe.UiOn" Soulb· Coasl Community Hoepltal may soon be rorced to turn away patients and close Ill many as a lhlrd of the rooms, it was disclosed today. British Send ~Qr@ ~r,oup~. To N. Irelabd ·; ' BELFAST, Northern Ireland (UPI) - Brlteln or<kred troops Into Bolful today to end four daya of riollnl between CatholiCB and Protestants, but a new round of anon and strtel fighting erupted at 5 p.m. and there waa no bn· mediate interference. John Weld, hospital boonl chairman, said there just aren't enough nurse1 available to meet reapidly growln1 pa.· tient needs. "In recent months we've spent hun- dreds of dollars advertising for nurses ui> and down this coast and in eastern centers. We've had only one reply and that merely a letter of inquiry." HDopital admlnistrator Stanl'l' Volp said the Soulh Llguna medical ftclli11 will lltlve to Temcrt'' ...._. • blda iii onler lo bring the workload "within loi«able limlta" '"' the ~ """· 'lllal would mean cloalng oae· full win, ll1<I riducing the hoeplta1'1 acu(e cu. capacity to 100 beds. "OUr nursing staff may be rta~ing the point of open rebellion against the Jn. tolerable workJoad they're carrying,,. said hospitaJ president Weld. "We can't blame lhem. Over the years. The 600 Brltiah troopa nown here today they've demonstrated great decUcation from London had not yet entered ~e,_ ~ loyalty to the hospital. But with no capital and correspondent! said police relief in sight, their dedicaUon and took no 'llction when 150 Catholics and~ loyalty is wearing thin." Prote11tanta traded shots near the Weld, noted that hospitals throughout Catholic Divis Street area of &lfast. the country are experiencing slm11ar pro. The fighUng so Car has claimed slx blems. "But that doesn 't Jessen the pro- livea -Catholica put the toll at 10 -and bl em for us." hundreds wounded. He said the hoapllal board cannot ask" Surging mobs of Catholics a n d the present nursing staff to go on wortlnf Protestants elaewhere In Belfast burled under conditions now prevailing. "U stones brlcka and Insults at uch other we're unable to find the additional nuraee across'· barricades of flaming city buae.a required to handle the ~eot patient and overtumed trucks. Several buildings load, we have no alternative. We must: were blazing from molotov cocktails. cut bac~." Six hundred troopa ili combat gear flew Weld t~e<I a public plea for Oran~e in from England at noon after another Coast ciuzens to call the hospital'~ morning or fighting in which Catholic per~el de~rtment should they have crowds behind a burned out bus bar· any. mfonnation on p r o 1 p e c t I v e ricade fought police uaing annored cars. regtsl.ered nurses seeking employment. The 600 troop reinforcements doubled the British garrison massing at Bellast's gates and raised to 6,200 the number of soldiers now on duty In the riot area where Potestant-Cathollc fi1h'Ung haa dragged the country cloae to clvU war. In Dublin, the Irish Republic govem-- ment mobilized 2,000 army reaervista to support 1,600 troopa It already has sent lo the border of Northern Ireland in the Emerald isle's most serious confrontaUon in five decadea. A man ripped down the Union Jack at the British Embassy in Dublin and threw it to a. crowd whlch tried to bum It and then ripped It to piew.s while angry youths In the crowd vowed they would go north tonight to joln the catholic.a ln their battles with gaaollne · firebombs, clubs and stones. The heaviest flgbUng \oday in Belfast. was the Falls Road area, the 1'0-IJlan's land atreet between the Catholic minority demanding equal votlna, housing and job rights and the Protestant majority resen. ting pressure from the Iriah republic to the south. It was there the Catholk.'s today seized two buses, burned one pf them and turno- ed it into a street barricade. The Catholics also .seized a movie houae there in the name of the Irish Republican Anny (IRA). In Loocfoo, Wilson'• aides said "the government of Northern Ireland has Uk· ed lb• Uniled Kingdom aovemment for the asaist.a.nce ol lroopt to restore law, and order In Be.lfaat. The U.K. govem- tn<nl has acceded lo W. requ"t on the same lerma as alml.1ar auiatance was provided In Londonderry Jul (Thundayl night."· · • St.eek Market.a NEW YORK' (AP) -Tho sleek mirkot closed lo the winning circle qaln tOda)I •J its la test rally carried ouccet1Jru111 through another ""IOIJ. (Seo .Quol1J\OQ1, Paa .. 16-t7), Boy Dies of Injuries In Bicycle Accident Rickey Arias, 9, of Whittier, died at St. Jude Hospilal Thursday as the result of a skull fracture suffered when he ran. hia bicycle into the back of a 1low moving pickup truck a week ago in La Habra, the counfy coroner said. He waa the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Cervantea, 1645.1 Rlc,hdale Ave., Whit· tier. OraDge Weather Those low morning clouda end that hazy suMh.ine won't ~eep tf\e mercury down over the weekend. Coastal temperatures are peued in the upper 70'1, while inland readlnp will approach the 90- degree mark. •W011\fn lnmatt1 of Onma• County Jail ""' ~ tho ti,.. bu feamfng valuabf< 1JOU. for the "outil!k." Pogt 9. -" c...... , CMMI.... »-44 .._ .. -. --. -" lllltt!WI ,. ... ' lfl"'1111111M11t tNt '"'"'' , .. ,, -" Allll.......,. IJ MallMr 6 Mt"itt .. • ., .1 ,' , ( , , ~ ' '. DAILY 'ILOT SftH .. heft • MrCHELLE, \3, AND VALERI AMMANN, .I , EXAMINE 'MYSTE RIOUS ' REPTILE Mother Screamed and Dad Came to the Rescue, But What 11 It? 1Whatever This !s, Someone Come Get It Mrs. Michael Ammann looked out the windOW, saw something sunning itseU in the fl!J!lilY gar~ep,, 1.urµed to lwo of her three cbJJdren; as well as the family dog, fish , turtlt, and bird, and announced: ''111.ere's a mini.alligator outside!" Well, the actual dialogue is unclear, but Jl·year-old _.Valerie tonfirmed that ber ~r did scream. And, there was somethng sunning itsell In the hot sun. What it is no one knows. But the famiy has some ideas. )_ "It looks like an Iguana or somethlhg," ~fr$, Ammann said. "I fJliµ.k it's a gila monster," said Mii:llelle, 13. Whaley.er it was, it scampered Thurs- day from the backyard Into the garage at 1335 Temple Terrace. There, it huddled in a comer until the man of the house ·was ca1led from work, responded to the scene with a boJ:, poked the reptile into the box, then dumped It into a hampster cage. It was a tight fit. The lizard...._is esUmated lo be '9n&er th>n lhr.i;e:Jeei, 1• from nose l.9 Mill. ~ltd thetc$ge i4 ll in- ches long. - There sat the "1nini·alligalor," doubled up in a mini-cage, skinning its nose on the bars. . "I just don't know what the heck: It is. I'm just dl~lghted we caught it," Mrs. Ammann said. She said she would call the SPCA to see If anyone is missing a pet. At least, she hopes it's someone's pet. She shudders at the tbougbt of it running v.·Ud around Temple Hills. "You know, '"e've been missing our kitten for several days. l 'm beginning to wonder .•. "she said. Chilean Plane Search Halted, 22 Orphaned SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -The search for a missing U.S. Navy C47 plane with 16 J)el'!Oft! aboard was called off Thursday night. . Aboard the plane were eight Navy and Air Force officers from missions in Chile ~nd their v.·ives Laking advantage of a regular maintenance flight for a \'acation fn Buenos Aires. II disappeared Aug. 4 in a snowstorm in the Andes. T\\•cnty-two children orphaned by the crash will be sent to relatives or friends in the United States. uAllY r1101 OIAJtG~ CO.Uf l'VILllHUIG (°"""'Ill' l•li.rt N. W•tl P'rcsllleflt w P'l,lblh!\e:r J1d1 a. c •• 1.., Vtc. Prtt'*'°' -Gerir<.i Mf,..ttr flltJ1111 K1t•ll .... Tti,11111 A. u.,,~;~, -·-a!Ji1..I '· Nill ' ·--(lty hllM i.,._. .... Oflk• 222 '"'" ....... Mttlk1 .Mll11•u ,.o. 1., '''· t261t ..... .._ C.t• ,,,,_., Dt Wt1l h1' Sllfff .......... k9<1'1: ,,,, "'4N! .. , ... ~ .......... ,,. Hwolll'9"' .. Wt. Jlt SU• lll"hl Jo'.s·t Tourists? David, .Jul~ T;railed Across U.S. . . ' . . ~ ' . By JEROME F. COLLINS Of !Pie Otl .. l"llfl INH There they were, just a young couple motoring across the country on a si&htseeing trip. Nothing unusual a~ that. Except • thls: David and Julie Eisenhower's red Mustang was followed clll the way from CinciMati to San Clemenie by a big, black Lincoln Continental. DAILY "ILOT1Sllff ....... NO ORDINARY TOURISTS How to Tr1vel lncognlto From Pnge l PROTEST ... sues involved here that demand the granting of time for study," the judge said. Judge Corfman's ruling sent h-1"rs. Herzog and PAC spokesman Robert Bland running to a telephone for con· sultation with American Civil Liberties Union officials in-Los Angeles. Bland, Mrs. Herzog and other PAC spokesmen then headed for Los Angeles to ask federal coort Intervention in the dispute. They will ask a federal judge for permission to hold a demonstration in which they claim that as many as 12,000 protesters could show up to object to U.S. fnreign policy. It is doubtful, in the light of past fed- eral coort action in such disputes, that any such injunction will be made avail· able to the South Coast protest group . Bland assured newsmen that his group ''has absolutely no intention of defying .Judge Corf man's ruling if federal action is not available to us. "But we condemn what Is in effect a denial of our petttlon as just another instance in a long series of denials dal· ing from the first rejection by San Clemente City C.Ouncil to today's denial." St.ate park superintendent Jame~ Whitehead today confinned that the;t were opposed to the PAC application "because of the possible damage that could have been inDlcted In a carefully maintained grassy area and the adja· cent homes of state park· personnel." City council rejection of the applica- tions has been based on the possible influt of many hll'pte··type demon~(•· ton to an an:a Lhat is just one half mile from President Nixon·s summer White liouse, Lodge Leave s Paris PARtS (UPT) -Chief American negolialor Henry Cabot Lodge left for <..'Oll&ultaUons in Wuhinaton today after the 301.h usslon of the Vietnam peace conferenet 1howed the search for peace la sWI 11alt11111ted. I The Continental was packed with Secret Service agents. Young David, son·in·law of one Pres!· dent and grand;on of another, recalled the trip at the Nixon summer residence Thursday. "Usually when we stopped at a restaurant, we'd go unrecognized," he said. "But then the Secret Service agents woul<f come in. That tipped everybody off." David and Julie drove alGM in the Mustang. A. r.adio kept tbem in constant communication with the h e a v i I y armored . Continental . .On1y once .· was th~·c tl·cr1afs. . · 'jDo you see those rolling black clouds overhead?" the r;dio .crackled as they sped across the midwe.stern plains. "We looked up," said David, "and it looked as' if a tornado was about to dip c!OY.'TI ." "But what could we do about it?" said Julie. "So we just kept driving, and got out or it without any problem." They never did find out whether the twister ever touched the ground. David did most of the dri ving. "Boy, it v.•a,::; prttty scary in the Colorado Rockies, bul absolutely beautiful." •le and Julie, neither of whom had been on a cross-country trip like that before, were also deeply impressed with the beauty of Arizona's palnted desert. "f !el Julie drive through the desert,'' smiled David. "l did all the mount.ai.n driving." The couple will remain at the summer \Vhite House until August 28. They were asked : "Is your home in Cincinnati?" "We just left from there ," said Julie, quickly and not quite answering the ques· ti on. It was a gracious way of fending off too many close inquiries into their private li\'e~. Chemical D.rug Fight Urged By· Rep. Hanita Chemical warfare must be practiced in the streets rather than Qie battlefields, according to Congressman Richard T. Hanna ([).Westminster). He charged that the federal govern- ment. is spending far too much money on new research for chemical and biological warfare while the most pressing problem -drug abuse -goes almost unnoticed. . The 34th District Democrat told members of the Congress Committee on Drug Abuse that our national Prlor!Ues are Y.'rong it a nation spends $90 million annually on chemical warfare research and $1.S million to learn •the effects or dangerous drugs. ' "The real battleground in this chemical drug war is the local schoolyard, the ghetto and the suburban neighborhood.'' l~anna said. "The casualties are prlmart- ly among our young." At the Los Angeles hearings. Hanna lashed out in particular at the use of amphetamines. known as "speed" In underground circles. "The availability of these pills is astrounding. There is eriough am· phelamlne produced each year ln the United Statea to provide each person in thls country with 25 doses.'' Hanna said he would 500n Introduce tea:tslatlon which will deal with the availability of chemical drags, and pro- vide. more funds for re.search into the pbys!ologlcal effecll ol U.... drul•· ~-. ·Guards Bow·, to Court '. South Coast Beaches Will be Protected ' . l'IWll• .......... from lloulh IAlwla· down th....ab Sin Cltmen16 wur be d p1n1o1n11J< ~ after all . Son ~ City lileguards, who cover 11.f mllel of the south countY coUll!ne,, ••id '!oclay ther. wUl yield to a court order and will guard the beaches Saturday. They had threatened to strike. The dispute, not yet resolved, is over wases and a five-day work wetk. Lifeguard Lt. Steve Chorak, spokes- man for the 30 guards who threatened to 29-year Vet To Head LA Police Force LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Edwlld M. Davi!, 52-year-old career law en· forcement administrator, today was named chief of the Los Angeles Police Department to succeed Tom Reddin who resigned earlier this year to become a television newscaster. Davis, currently a deputy chief In charge of planning and control for tbe department, wu selected at a special meeting of ~ Police Commission to head the nation's fourth largest police department with a force of more than 6,000 offlctn. A naUve ol Loi Angelea IJld a 29-year veteran of the deoartment. Davis acf.. vanced through the tanb lo become a deputy eblef In 11116. The new chief placed second on civil service examinations behind Deputy Chief James G. Fisk. the director of corn-. munlty relations. Dep. Chlef Jack G. Colliru, 45, was the third place candidatti for the '34,f20.a-year job. Man lndict.ed Over Political Contributions A Los Angeles Federal Grand Jury to- day indicted the President of the Fanner John meat packing combine on charges of making illegal contributions to the campaign of a candidate running for po!IUcal office. . Bernard J. Clougherty, of P .. sadena, prelideflt of the Clougherty Meat Paclrlna Company and dlr4ci?r ol 1 the Farmer John chaln, Is accu!ed Of d01latin1 $13,750 in September 1984 to the campaign funds of an unidentified candfdate for a U.S. Senate Seat. A sourct. cloce to the U.S. Attcrney's olflce today told the Dally Pilot that the contribution wat made to 'the campaign of Pierre Salinger. former aide to the late Pre1ident John F. Kennedy. Salinger was defeated by Senator George Murphy in that election. wi\k .a,,lht beaches, claims the deport· ment 11 Wlllorpald when «1111pored to other Jireguard departmen1s from San Diego through Los Angeles. "But we're not goirig to bre~k the law," he said today, "'That wasn't the purpose of our demands. So ,we are goln~ to accept, and respect,. the court order. Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert Corfman &ranted a temporary restraining order Thursday following the filing of the complaint by the city. , He let Aug. 2t for a bearing into the dlljlute. ciiora~ Aid thel at Iba! 1!Ji1a the guards wjll i\m<nlt htlr jusllflca· tion for strike. ~· But the real i!lsue, according to attor- ney John Hart, th¢ lifeguards'-leJal cotil'ISel. "Isn't whether they're justified to demand higher w.,:es. but if they're justified to strike." "JI you work for a private employer, fOU have a right to strike .. But, the law implies that government employe:s don't have 1 right tQ strike. Th.at wlll be the question brougbt up Aug. 28," be taid. Taxpayers Suggest City Operate as Real Business By JACK CHAPPELL Of 1111 DellJ l"llef lltH An fntrl,Wng idea wu proposed by J..:agtma's militant tas.payers during the recent city budget heartngs, 'Ille city1 they ~y. should be ·run like a business. '"lbe City of Laguna Beach, Inc." It has a sort -of ring to it -a fltm authoriUve name that conjures up vlsJons for what he himself uses. But since most of e:iec~tives, uniformed . in Brooks of the property owners would be the peo-~thf:I'.!, of fast-paced action, of IBM· , , pie who use city services it might be eJ:• hke efficiency. ' P ~...;, '!hln th .1 peeled that they would pay in more to the ro_._., owners Wl e Cl y-cor· . ))Oration · limits w 0 u I d be automatic company than they would get back tn stockhoklera by virtue of their 181\d in--dividends, abciut the same arrangement vestment. However, the public too would AT&T and I have now. be able to buy in LaJW111 Inc. Jn fact, because City of Laguna Beach. U the city were to be run ~ a business. Inc would have to mate a pr flt and tts stockholders would certalnlv want to · 0 make a profit Qbviously the.reTs a ready ~·ould have to pay more for salaries than market for municipal sefvlces and after Just plain old Laguna Be~ch, ~ndivid~a.l all. it j3 the only city in tbwil. property owners would hnd 11. costing ·Residents 'who use city 1ervices ,, .. 0u\d them more f.or . company service than ' merely be billed by the company for the when the} paid Just ta>;es. But then', the specific Ber:vlce they buy. word "taxes" wouldn't be around ~11 d Take poli~ calla fOr Instance. y that seems to be what everyone objects estimate the Lagw\a Beach Police to. Department will Jog about 11,000 items Stockholders li ving outside the city Ulil year. To coPe with tl)ls, the depart-should do fairly well, however. It all ~ent will epend about $MIO,OOO. leads to the conclusion that City of If you just divide the ficures Into each Laguna Beach, Inc. may be a nice place other, you· find each log entry represent!! to Invest in, but it wouldn't pay to live a cost of about $73. Of course, some there . th!ngs tlke more time· and cost more pian othtra and general pa:trol work is a maJor expense, but the $73 figure at least gives aorne idea of what each specific re- quest might cost. Say a lady wants to complain about the loud party nut. door. She calls the police department, an officer is sent out and tells the neighbors to knock it off. The pollcem&n the·n pteseot.s the Cliltomer. the complaining l14dy, with a bill for $50 to cover his serVi~l!:s. I City councilmeo,.!ould ~ave'° j)e1 id more. Aa councilmen they get $150 a month. As directors ol the board for City of Laguna Beach, Inc., they would have to be paid at least $2.000 a month while the board president (formerly the mayor) would get about $2,500, just to keep their salary in line with what other companies pay their directors. The beauty behind City of Laguna Beach, Inc. is that each person pays only SchtJi5f11' axes Will Be Below First Estimates A tJewP'it Beach ·.summer resident who J~f~ i., .,mSe 011 'her front porch overnight had it stolen. Contents: $9 in cash, $1100 In jewels. Police saiCI Mrs. Iona McMullen, 60. or E 307 Edgewater, went inside at 10 p.m. and le.ft her bag on the porch. It contained a $%00 alexandrite ring and a $900 diamond ring. She discovered the theft at 8 1.m., when she went out on the porch to get her purse. SALE PRICES: DINING TABLE $329 SIDE CHAIR $60 OUR SUMMER SALE ALSO INCLUDES SELECTED GROUPS fROM DREXEL, HERITAGE, HENREDON, NATIONAL, MARGE CARSON . HERITAGE & HENREDON UPHOLSTERY PLUS MANY OTHER LINES. HDUCT!ONS ON ACCUSOllES, LAMPS, AND PICTURES All ALSO AVAii.AiLi. DllXIL • HHITAGI • HINlEDON DU.LR '?al• ,. NIWPORT llACN 1727 w .. 111111 Dr., 642-2050 OPIM NIDAY ""L t INTIRIORS Prtf-.Jtntl lnllrlor LAGUNA llACH DetlfMrt 345 North Co1st HWy. Anlltbl..,..,AID-NSID OflN PllDAY "' t ,.._ T• ,,_ Mt11t ef °'919 C...., Mf..12U I 49"6151 I I I I Fri411, A119ust 15, 1'169 • (L) School Chief !Says · He'll Foot Barber Poll B -=l By THOMAS FORTUNE Of tltt O.Uy ,\let St•lt , Open hostility flared again ind a1a ln Thursday as the Orange County Board of Education wr1ngled over a barbershop poll and Grand Jury criticL5m 'of the ac hoo! board. A request by county 11ebools Sup!. Robert Peterson that board-controlled funds be used for a public opinion poll was tabled. Dr. Peterson then said he would pay for the polls himselr. Recent Grand Jury criticism of the rounty school board was answered by trustee Dale Rallison , who charged It was cranked out by the political ann of the DAILY PILOT. "To. expect the wife of the DAILY PILOT publisher (i\trs. Rober.t Weed, whO , is Grand Jury foreman) to be anyijling-,other than political is not reading ln gOQd light;" he said. But another board member, Donald Jordan, w~ feuded bitt"trly during the meeting with Dr. Peterson, remarked, "I'm beginning to feel thllt maybe 1ve ought to do away with the county board." He said he agreed with the Grand Jury's charge that the board has'.wasted time discussing textboOks, sex education aod censoring libr1ry books. And he said he too lhink s the county superintendent should be appointed by lhe board rather than elected. Responded board p r e s i d e n l Clay ~1ilcbell, •·1 still go ror checks and balances in representation by the peO- ple." Payment for a second barbershop poll was torpeoed by Trustees Jordan a1id Pat OAIL Y PILOT Iliff f'llol<' BRITISH BIRD BRUSHES UP ON AMERICAN LAW WITH 'THE BEAK' y-aleri• C11halin "Chat1 Up" Judge Wiiiiam Spe:irJ Court Criti~ Touch of Old Baile-v· Neede d Here? Bv T0:\1 BARLEY 01 lllt Ot llY f'llot $1t lf A mini -sk irted Liverpool la&s with a British Jaw degree bas reached a verdict that's going to have many Orange County judges angrily reaching for the gavel. Vacationing Valerie Cahalin Lhinks the cause of law \YOU!d be far belt1::r served if our courts cut down on the informality and brushed up a bit on the Old Bailey routine -wigs, robes, a ceremonially garbed usher or two, the whole bit. That means (hold it, judge, you can sum up later) judges in red robes with full dress Wigs and barristers (court lawyers she means, love) in black rai· men! with somewhat sharler head pieces. You 've seen them on the pictures. haven't you, old china? Well, wouldn't it be nice to have Judge Robert Gardner all <iolled up like an Old Bailey beak sniffing his snuff while clerk Perry Stewart pulls up hi s velveteen breeches, pounds his mace and bawls: "All those who would have business in this honorable ... " Valerie diqn't quite a'k for lhat but she does think lhat the image of law in American courts bas become tarnished with an apparent reluctance by bench and bar to observe some of the time- honored fo""alities. MARK OF RESPECT preliminary hearing of a man accused or murder in circumstances that led court officers lo order maximum security at· rangemenls at all court hearings. Her shocked British accents didn 't save her from whS:t her journalistic colleagues ofter: have to endure; a thorough search of her purse and person by a tightlipped deputy. A female deputy, fortunately, but nonetheless a deputy. Valerie, very red and equally tight lip- ped, simmered throughout the hearing. She later condemned the "frisking" as "absolutely disgraceful. 1 wouldn't have come to court it I'd known I was in for that.·• "Too much freedom. I'd say," said the ever candid Valerie. ,;The British reporters are restricted, in many cases. to a simple reporting of the verdict and I think it works helter that way "~1uch of what you write over here is prejudicia! to the cause of the defendant and I don't blame those lawyers who kick u~ a row about it." It is very unlikely that Valerie will ever kick up such :trow in her native Britain. She intends to be a solicitor, an "llffice lawyer", and she hopes to confine her practice to industrial and labor law and union litigaUon. Arnold, both of whom polnled out many local school dlstrld 111perlnlendent.s ln the county art 1gairu!t it. Peterson said he wW pay the $95 cost to conduct the poll in blrbershopi, beauty parlors, doughnut shops and dentllls' waiting rooms out ol his own pocket. His previous poll last October has been widely criticized because of the gmall, unscientific saropling (customers ln 20 barbenhors) and alleged loaded wordln& of sOme o the quesUons. 4' It is difficult fer me t.o understand why we are ~ressured to approve this when Dr. Peterson has stated as an elected official he has his own autonomy in fund!," Jordan said . "1 can't help but think nis Insistence is more political than educational." Jordan said he fears thal wllh an elec. l'ietiua in Debt? '""' c:omJI,, 'up llli• monlh to nu the vacated fillh board ... 1 ·"a -per ad might come ou1 NYlnC '° and to ....ts Jo be el<clecl Jo auatatn Dr. Ptl<r· IOfl." Jlr. Jlalll'°" COllntottlJacktd by AC• C\Ulng Mn. Weed of Umlnl Ille Grand Jury repcrt to coincide with the elecUon. Arnold 'flnted tq tread Jettm -from Newpott·M•aa Unl0ed' School Superln· tendent-WJlll1m Cunnµ\1ham and Hun· tingtoi; Beach High Supt. Mu Forney crltldtin& the poll. He WU cut off by Rallilon: who 1atd boa'rd members had setn them. "This Mas Forney type of lntelllgence says we net<. this lhklg but we've got to spend 1$,llOO for It Jo be done by pn> fesslonals," uh:! Rallison. "Some people place no value oa money other than their own!' Doctors Study Slaying Patterns LOS ANGELES (U PI) -A psychiatrist and psychologist today studied evidence in the slayings of five persons at actress Sharon Tate's Benedict Canyon home last weekend in an eUort to determine the killer's behavior patterns. Miss Tale_. three of her house guests, and a youth' who had been visiting the caretaker were killed early Saturday under gruesome circumstancts and authorities were checking every rumor in search of clues. "This crime was so weird and bizarre that we are showing photos of the bodies to a psychologist and a psychiatrist who are consultants on our staff in an effort to determine from !hem a behavior evaluation oJ the killer," County Coroner Dr. Thomas T. Noguchi aaid Thursday. Federal Agents confirmed they were looking into reports one of the victims was heavily in debt to gamblers. The Internal Revenue Service said it was making a routine inquiry into possible gambling activities of the victims, who included co free heiress Abiga il Folger, 26, film director Voityck Frokowsky, 37, hair stylist Jay Sebring, 35, and Sleven Parent, 18. Miss Tate, who was eight months prea:· Chemical Drug Fight Urged By Rep. Hanna Chemical warfare tnust be praci.lced in the streets rather than the battlefields, according to Congressman Richard T. Hanna CD-Westminster). He charged that the federal govern· men1 Is spending far too much money on new rt.search for chemical and biological warfare while the most pressing problem -drug abuse -goes almost unnoticed. The 34lh District Democrat told members of the Congress Committee on Drug Abuse that our national priorities arc wrong if a nation spends $90 million annually on chemical warfare research and $1 .5 million to learn the effects of dangerous drugs. "The real batUegroond in this chemical drug war is the local schoolyard. the ghetto and the suburban neighborhood," Hanna said. "The casualties are primari· ly among our young." At the Los Angeles hearings, Hanna lashed out in particular at the use of amphetamines, known as "speed" in underground circles. "The availability of these pills is astroundlng. There is enough am· phetamine produced each year in the United States to provide each person in this country with 25 doses." nant, and Sebring, her former fiance, were found dead In the living room of the &ecluded, barn-like house. Both bad been stabbed and Sebring had been $hot.. Their bodies were )lnked by a cord tied around their necks and looped over a ceiling beam. There was a black hood over Se· bring'• head. Frokowsky and Miss Folger were found on the lawn, where they died while ap- parently trying lo escape. Parent's body was found slumped over the wheel of his car. Pt> lice said he evidently was killed as he was leaving the estate after visiting caretaker William Garretson, who was held for questioning over the weekend and released Monday. Federal narcotics agents were checking reports of possible drug use at the Tate home. They said a report that a trunkful <lf hashish was found Jn the house was un- founded , but declined to comment whether drugs were found elsewhere on the premises or in Sebrlng's car. * * * Couple Murdered In Memphis; Tied To Tate Case? ~1.EMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -A disabled Memphis aceountant and his wife wer• found murdered at their fashionable Ptfemphis apartment late Thursday even· Ing. Police officers on the acene said the killings resembled the weekend deaths at the home of Hollywood actress Sharon Tate. Officers declined lo speculate, however, on whether the 11laytngs were connected with those Jn Hollywood. Police !laid the viCtims were Roy Ken· neth Dumas, 58, and his wife, Vemalyn Kelly Dumas, 46. Memphis police and Fire Director Frank Holloman said Ptirs. Dumas appeared to have been raped, Hollman said the bodies were discover. ed in separate bedrooms ln the couple's three-bedroom, ground level apartment In the mldtOwn secUon of the city. The couple's hands had been tied behind them, and there was such 1 pro- fusion of blood at the scene that the exact manner of death was not immediately discernible, Holloman uid. The son of the victims, Michael Eugene Dumas, 21, discovered the bodies when he dropped by to visit his parent11, police said. Holloman canceled all days off for the detective and homicide divisions of the Memphis police force and said the entire force would be on overtime schedule in an attempt to aolve what he called the "most atrocious and revolting crime" he'd ever seen. From Page l -Olbtr JIOIJil• of contenlloq were ralotd . J~ ond Anlold wanteo to k,.,.. why Dr. Pe.tenon bad' d-.Ued a Nelg)lbart:ood Yootb Corps prolJ'am. Fed<r1I l\mda . ...,. ~· avallable to hlro 300 dlladvantaged lltJdtnts 10 work oolalde ochool houn on 1ehool grounds. The program was stopped laat stanmer. Children in the program w.er«. lrY the Huntington Beach, G4rden Orove and Pla«nth1 1.Chool dlatrlcls and Jordan said 1uperlntenden'ts Ot those dillrlcts prac- tically bega:ed Peterson to continue the program. Jordan aald Ille superlnl<odents !Old him Peterson turned off the program becaUJe it Involved federal money aod he felt duty bound Jo tbe electoroto who placed hlm ill offfce not to accept It. Peterson denied t&at, 1ayfn1 the Pr°" trr•m bwk:all.f was ~ welfare progr&m and WU In lilJ Htln\ale too npt"""" "Th'"' lhree Y<fY powtrllll -rfn. tendeoll wanied Jo ,.1. sr•'l' lralb - tlnued," he clalmad. Jordan 181<: the bolrd hid not bet11 ln- fQmltd• Ille F'il'•m w .. JOljlped. and remirk'!f tllat corl1lnly dldn, jibe wit~ Peterson'li c1m]t1lgn program Uat be doesl'l'.t bdfeve in po11Ueal intrigue or secrecy. Jordan al.so accu&ed Dr. Petecson er creating ar. atmosphere thal haa caused many top level employea: lo leave the county schoolJ offiCe. Petfr50n told Jordan the lhinfs hi wu saying are more divisive than what Jordan had Hccused him of, and con-- tlnued, "l get the feeling Mr. Jordan you're tt')'in1 to badger, rake 'over oBe thing after another and bring up the. past." . . DAILY I"ll.OT ltd ....... . - FOTORAMA HOSTESS MAE SHINODA BROADCASTS ON KOCM OCC Stawarda., Student lnvilH Vl1lton to Upcoml119 Show Judges Po r-e Over 100 Entries in F otorama JudgH at the DAILY PILOT today began the chore or screening nearly 100 pictures submitted in the final week of the three-week Fotorama C a m e r a Contest. With the competition for non·pro- fessional photographers closed, Fotorama now moves into its second pha11t -selec· lion. and preparation for display of the final winner. It, along with winners for the previous two weeks, goes on display next Thursday, Friday aod Saturday (Aug. 21-23) at Fashion l11land. From here on out, the show's the thing. Exhibits are being designed and assembl· ed. Dsiplays will include some of the best and most u nusual news and "com· merclal" photographs of the past year. The three first place Fotorama Camera Contest 'photos will be displayed pro- minently in the Votorarria at Fotorama exhibit co-sponsored by the DAILY PILOT and Radio KOCM . Visitors to the Votorama section of the 1how can win prizes just for voting for their favorite among the top three con· test photos. Radio KOCM has provided more than $1 ,100 worth or prizes to be given to Fotorama visitors who cast ballots at the Votorama display. Only voters will be eligible for prizes. The photographer whose picture gets the most voles in Votorama will receiv~ ~ in Fashion Island gilt certificates. This grand prize Is in addition to tha $25 in gift certificates each week's wl~ ners received for placing first in the weekly contests. Stewardess students from Orang~ Coast College will act as hostesses at the DAILY PILOT and KOCM displays ind will assist visitors in registering to vo~ ind in operating the Automatic Voting Machine Corp. 's two PrintomaUc units oa which ballota will be cast mechanically. Mae Shinoda of Santa Ana, 19-year~ld , president . of the stewardess students' club, Theta Sigma, already has begun broadcasting an invitation over KOC:M for Orange Coast residents to come to Fashion Island. .. ••People should stand whtn the judge takes the bench and opening ceremonies should always be observed," she says, very seriously. "It's a mark of respect both to the bench and the law and I hope it never disappears from our British court system." NIXON INVITES PRESS CORPS TO WHITE HOUSE WEST • • • ~tore than 1,000 Johnny Mathis "sin,- gles" wlll be distributed throughout the mall during the three days of the show, Each record will have a special jacke\ with a message printed on it to re!lliryd Fashion Island shoppers to v t s i t Fotorama on stage court and to vote at Votorama. She blames lbe judge1 for its absence, In most cases, from Orange County courtrooms. "They're too casual," she says. ''lnfo""alily is all very well but il"s car· ried to ridiculous extremes over here." But Valerie, 21, isn't the starchy lady lawyer that some judges and lawyers who haven't met the leggy Liverpudlian might take her to be. If there's a Jot wrong with Orange County court routines, there's also a lot right and she has n:Khing but praise for IOl'Tle innnovalions that she'd like to see Introduced to the more formal British court scene. VITAL FACTOR BriUsh courtrooms don't have anything like the facililies for spectators that are available over here and Valer1e wishes they did. "It's a very Important factor," she said. "and I'm all for encouraging the public to see just haw the law works." But Americ1n law rectntly worked in a w1y that ha$ the worked over V1lerie atlll lttmbllna with anger and left her. &$ she crisply enunciated In her marktd north'l:ountry acccnL "in a state of acute embarrassment." Valerie joined riew!Dlen for tht downstairs, is maintained in ita original open-beamed condition, but the Nixons had all the beams painted white to brighten the room. The living room -in fact the entire house -was ma intained essentially as it was when the Nixons bought it three and a half months ago. The chief interior change has been in color. Mrs. Nixon thought the rooms too dark and she and the ihterlor decorators brightened them ·with an off.white that is carried out throughout the home. Spanish-design doors are used throughout, beavy dark sJabs with iron trim . A small breakfast room leads off the living room, and a compact dining room leads toward a small servery and kit- chen. The kitchen, incldentally, was !be ooly room off limits during the Thursday nlght open house. The dining room 111 modest, wilh seating arranged for six around an dva l pecan table. When showing the dining room, Mra. Nixon confided, ''We haven 't had dinner here yet ." She said her hus· band is a "taco man," and that thef had ordered hi• favorite meal it "a loca taco place" on a recent evening. NO TELEVISION If there Is lltUe evidence that Mr. Nix· on is 11pending Ion~ pcrk>d.11 readin" <lur· ing his summer v11it,,tiiere is even less proof lhal be 11 devoting any hours to tele'lision. No set can be found in the house. A closet in a downstairs hall houses the Nixon music system. Mrs. Nixon tried to put on a record to demonstrate, but con. fessed, "I haven't been here long enough to learn how to use the machine ." Across from the ma.in entrance to the home is a guest cottage now bein& OC:· cupicd by daughter Julie and son-in-law David Eisenhower. A focal point for the Nixon outdoor entertaining is the pool, a high-priority construction project !hat replaced the tennis court used by former inhabitants. The decking has been carefully antiqued to avoid any look of newness, Ind Spanish tile used around the pool's edges malche1 other tile on the grounds. On a historical note, the Nlx ons explaind that all of the tile except that round the pool had been made on the grounds when Ham Col.ton bunt the: orlglnal home. OUTDOOR SHELTER A small shelter. formerly used 11 a sJ)tctator resting ispot, is now a IOClal room for outdoor gatherlng1. The pool Is primarily for the younger part of lht Nixon family. The Prealdtnt ts known to be a salt water lover, althoush he contlnuf's to ln11l1l lhat he will not venture onto the Hobie surfboard &lven him for his birthday by Tricia. Adjoining the pool Is a 1azebo into which the Pusident can dart for con· ferences or telephone calls. Under construction on ground!! sur· rounding the pool la a pitch-and-putt golf course that started out as three holes but already has grown to six -one of tbem a 200-yard shot. Thursday night's affair for the press marked the first time the Nixons have done any large-scale entertaining in their new home. Last week they held a party for those Involved in decorating and overhauling the estate, but other visitors have been chiefiy confined lo offictal visits by cabinet members and the White House staff. DELIGHTED AT HOUSE "The President and Mrs. Nixon en· ~rtained them because they were almply delighted -overjoyed -at the job th1l had been tlone on the house in such a short perlod1 '' explained a White Hou so aide. One of the four chief Channell and Chapin designers who worked on tht Nix· on home, Ben Julzl of Corona del Mar. aald 111& pn>ject took only Ill weeb, "I never worked ao h•rd in my life," he commented. A bid to the summer White Hou11e grounds Is more Involved than accepUng a cocktail Invitation from a friend acros1 town. Gutsts arrive at the: San Clemente • Inn, about a mile from the Cyprus Shores community, and guest lists are meticulously checked. They then ride by bus through the heavily manned security 1ate and are deposited on the helicopter pad where Marine 1 awaits the President. The Pruldent'a working headquarters and of flee.a for other membef1 of tlls stat£ adjoin the hellcopt<r pad. Throughout the e v e n i n g , U1e President'• military aide, Marine Corps. Maj. John Brennan was at Mr. Nixon's side. Secret service agents mingled with the guests, maintaining discreet silence and dtcllnlng to join In any of the con- verutlon. FIRST HOUSE GIFT The Nixons got their first house-warm· lng gift 1t the pool's edge. When Mr. Nixon first made menUon of the open house for the press, he said J•k· tnalY that the ash trays would be na led down befnre the visit. The White House Correspondents A,llloclaUon 1buraday night presented him wtth an Ortental ash tray purch1std at Warren Import&, Lquna Beacb. Said lhe ·President wllh 1 grin, "We'll nail thl1 down, too, tt'a 90 nice." "'M1e place where we""bought It said you could return It If you wanted -but only If you11 return it In pe:rson, .. said White House reporter Bob Youni. . \ Ma yor of Beach Nominated for League Presiden~ • Huntington Beach Mayor Jack Gree~ ha5 been nominated for the post of presi..- dent of the CaIUorn.ia League of CiUes. Orange County Chapter. A-ieeUng Thunday olght In Orange, the league's execuUve committee a I 1 o nominated Mayor Rllph Clark ~ Anaheim for vice preaklent and the cu.... rtnt cha pt.er P™ldent, Dean Shull Jr. of i... Habra as state dlrector. sept. 11 wal set 1s the date when repruentatives ct all is Orange County cities w111 vote oa the nominatlons. 1 The exccuUvt committee aptK\Wtd a resolulloa to ba forwarded 10 t b • CaUlornla League ol Citlta opposln( statb government •lltmpts to impose pro- grams on cities wllhoUt approprlatin& U. necessary fund• to Implement 1ucll pr .. arams. - / rrlq,, A1iou1t 1s, l'WI 4 OAILV Pll.OT Rail Shi_pment Of · Poison Gas Attacked ~-~ .... ~ .. ~ ..... -°"" .. , • ...., .. A man with long sideburns drove up to the Austm. Tex., JlO' lice itation in a gold~lored dune-- buggy, walked inside and banded a police aide a stick o~ dynamite. By the time police real1ied w b a t he bad given them the man wa!I gone Police Lt. Gereld Spohnholh said· "\Ve don't know if he just found tt and was turning it in. We don't know i! he was doing us a Service or trying to scare us or wbal" • • Singer Jean 81o1ck bt tM Lon- don oj)na production of "T h c Tum oj the Screw" U sure of a hot reaction at the Sadler'1 Wells Theattr every time 1he performs. When she hits the high notes. the theater's emer· gtnq1 l7Q.f jet in the dre1s circ!e flore1 from. a. dim blue to a bnL· liant white that lights up the en- tire auditorium. 1S CARS OF POISONOUS GASES CROSS MIDWEST EN ROUTE TO NEW YORK New York C:on9res1m1n Crltlcfzt1 Shipment of G•H• Across Country Aussie Faces Trial Gal board upert& J(lid the aai flame ii semitive to t h • high-pitched sound. •• • ! Promoter Joe Webb, of Neword, '.England, who tried to stage an un· ~erwater fight between a wrest- Iler and a crocodile last spring, to- 1lay faced a charge of cruelty -tQ 'l!ie crocodile. The cjlarge was filed .6y the Royal Society for the Pre-Jyention of Cruelly to Animals, (fhich complained that Webb used ,,;re to hold the crocodile'& jaws &hut. Webb also Jost $7,200 on the promotion. It w~s rained out. U.S. Says Evans Bears Blame for Sea Collision ,. ... l l ,, l I • From Wire Servlcet SUBIC BAY NAVAL BASE, the Phllli>' pines -The U.S. Navy said today the U.S. destroyer Frank E. Evans bears "primary responsibility" for collidillg with the AUJtrali1n carrier Melbourne last June 3 8hd for the Jou of 74 men in the South China Sea. The U.S. Navy ·statement followed a surprise announcement In the Aw:trallan capital of Canberra that the commanding officer of the Melbourne, Capt. John P. Stevenson, will be court-marUaled as result of the collillon. SteveDIOD had laid full blame on the Evans. MOL Astronauts Join NASA Crew, W ~ Space .Test SP.ACE :<cbmi. \iooii!:.': (Al') - · Seven astronauts from a supersecret Air Force space program canc:eled June JO have jo~ a long line of rookie • astronauts waiting for their first ride into space. • This visitor to the 1969 Great Ber• !Jin Art Exhibition isn't trying to irii- tate 1he pwc of the st 11 tu e eve~ hough he come pretty close. He's jlnereL11 curious to sec what she lool~ '}ike. • It v.ras William Burke's 30th 8J>' arance in Londoii. court -thiS )!ime on a charge of stealing sweets Jrom a shop -and he was expect· ~ng the worst. Instead, magistrat.-~~ fined him $1 .20 -then gave :llim $4.80 from the poor box to ~ook after r..:.."J1self for a day. • • ~ Al•n Chivers of Glochester, Eng· dand, had kept the threestrand piece of wire hanging from h i s ~ann shed for five years in c a s e ~e needed it for repairs. But when \,e noticed it shone 1n spots, he took ;t to a jeweler. The "'ire turned put to be a gold bracelet made in i!lhe bronze age. There was no im· emediate estimate of its value. ' The neW additions Thursday raise the number of .National Aeronautics and Spaci: Admtnistratlon astronauts to 54. Of the ·others, 32 have been waiting 'up to three years·for a first iide blto space. Four of the new s~cemen are Air Force majon, two are Navy li~tenant command~rs 31Jd one I& a M1:1rtne major. All are . graduates of the Air Force Aerospace Research P-llot's School. The· Air Foice majors are Karol J. Bokko, 32, of ~ford, N.Y.; Charles G. Fullerton. 31, Portland, Ore.; Henry W. Hartsfield,. 35, Blrmlngham, Ala. and Donald H. Peterson, 35, Winona, Miss. The Navy lieutenant commanders are Richard H. Truly, 32, ?tferidian, Miss., and Robert L. Crippen, 32, Porter, Tex. The Marine is Maj. Robert F. Q\•ennyer, 33, Westlake, Ohio. , All were member:s of the astronaut ('(Jrps In the Air Force's now-canceled l\1anned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) pro- gram. a military effort built around plan! lo establish sp.ace station orblting ·earth. Another MOL astronaut, Air Force Lt. Col. Albert H. Crews, Alexandrh1, La., was assigned lo a ground-based job in the NASA flight.crew opera'llons directorate. The U.S. Navy statement said the ?ifelbourne also has "a ahan of responsibllity for the colllslon." 'The statement came in a report on the joint U.S.-Australian board that investigated for six weeks the extent, nature and causes of the accident during a naval e;i. erclse. The board in its report also noted the Evans' skipper, Cmdr. Albert McLemore was not noWled by his two senior officera in command at the time that the delltroye.r was to go behind tbe Melbourne and watch planes in distress, a change in station that led to the collision. The board said "it recognized the In· herent accountability of a commanding of(icer· ol bia ship and hls absolute rt5ponslb!Uty for the action of his ship," accordlng to the announcement. The. charges against Stevenson, a respected officer who joined t h e Australian navy at 13; stemmed from the findings of the board of the Melbourne's .. share of rtsponsiblUty.0 The Australian navy said, "This is 'becaU9e inoM pogittve direction1 nllght have been algnaled to .Frank E. Evans and because of the handling of Melbourne immediately prior to the collision." The Melbourne 's commander is charg. eel with failure to transmit to the destroyer a positive direction after he had determl~. It was . on a collision course and failure to put the Melbourne's engines ·astern when he had detennlned ·the colilslon could not t>e. avoided by ac· tion or the destroyer alone. The navy said the court-martial will begin Aug. 20 in Sydney. A spokesman said the combined American-Australian board that in- "vestigated the collision agreed unanimously tbat primary responsibility for the collision rested with the Evans, but they also were unanimous In finding that the Melbourne could have given more positive directions to the destroyer. Fwiera~ Rites Slated FQ r Codnt Reventlow LITCltFtELD, Conn. (UPI) -Funeral liervices will be held here Saturday for Count Court Reventlow who died ln New ·vork' Hospital in New York City Wed· nesday of heart disease. Reventlow, second of heiress Barbara Hutton's husbands, was 74 years old. :R . i a1n, Winds Whip Plains Storms Rage From Florida to Montana Caflfonol• Fail' wet"'9r IP1"lll -""'d' el Soutf>tm (tlllwnla llldtY W•tll 11W llMlal itOtt ol "*""1"9 low cloud1 I I-... COl~I. T ... -. -·· l'Cllt led 11!-11'11:1 .,....nl"9 lf>ul'dtr~r1 .... , ,... .._1,1,,. ~ ~ta. 'ln•,.. .,. .. 11"1• '-1"1tvrt '"-""· Lo• AllMll• Ind vkl11!1y l\1d ""''"' ll!f law clOlld1 TOdtr "'""' ll••Y 1rw-r. -tuMIWll """'!"' !tit" llltll lo •t. Tilt lftdk,_. '-tolllll\I ..,_, ... ... r-. -HIM to inodt•••c '"'" T hi "'-e1111Ta l Ind lnltN -'IMI~ IJf 4 t"9 I.• Al!lllft 1•111. '" ~' -"""' eutlook _ ... '1· ... U.I . WMlfllf' l 11tu11 u llfocl ~ tor .. -i.I'•'"" •!IC"' fOr ·~ 'l'emper•t ure• A!~llt M ,,_ At!Mlta II 71 8tll9fllil:lf !OJ " 81tmtftk ••• 80tllll'I '""-(lllC!l\'IOlt! ..,_ 0. Mtl,_ .,..~, f'wt Werltl ·-MtllM -· .. " .. " .. " " " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '" " "' .. • .. " ,. Beret Law yer: • 'CIA Linked To Slayings' SAIGON (UPI) -The attorney for one of eight former Green Berets accused In the slaying of a Vietnamese national said today the U.S. Central Intelligence Agen· cy (CIA) has ordered the killing of more than 100 aegnts in Soulh Vietnam this year. George Gregory of Cheraw, S.C .. told a news conference at his Saigon hotel that he hoped It would not be necessary to rf:!use information of killings but said he could prove his allegations. He . made the statement while telling newsmen that his motion to end the pre- trial jailing ol his client, Anny Maj. Thomas E. Middleton, of Jefferson , S.C,, had been denied. The attorney, who clairm military authorities are trying to hu&h up facts of !he alleged Green Beret killing, said: "I know and have evidence to prove the CJA has ordered the killing and effected the killing of over 100 agents In South \'ietnam in the past year. · "I can 't go into apecilicf of the case ••• but I hope it won't be•necessary lo· release information of ue ldllings. t understand it is a normal thing to try to eliminate double agents. I~ is not a big thing." : The facts sWToundinit ? the alleged !'laying have remained veiied in secrecy, GrelOJ'Y contends the vlcUm may have been a double agent ; whose real .allegiance was to North Vitlnam. "News leaks in WashiflllOn said the CIA had given an order rescinding a prior order that could ha , e eliminated the victim," Gregory said. "But just last week, the Army denied any CIA in· ,·olvement. "They (military authorities) are classi· tying everything in the case, even the charge sheet. because tM!y don't want the Am erk: an people to know the facts." Court Ma11ial On Obj ection To War Upheld WASHINGTON (UPI) -The U.S. court of military appeals today upheld lhe et>n· victlon of Air Foiu Capt. Dale E. Noyd for refusing to train pilots for duty in Vietnam . Noyd based bis refusal to obey the order on conscientious grounds. In a unanimous opinion, the court ruled there was a "difference in kind" between conscientious objection to all wars and Noyd's objection to the Vietnam War. It affirmed a decision by a lower military board cf review that held Noyd's court martial conviction was proper. Th~ pilot was fined a year's pay and allowances. and was glveh a one-year sentence at hard labor. Noyd. a 1955 graduate of Washington State University. argued that he should have been allowed to resign his com- mission when he filed application stating that his beliefs In "human ism" precluded his assoctatloo with the Vietnam War ef· fort. ' llr'ltlf' tltullN!ollalot I -....... "'°""" ttlft1, T-.luru t rt r-IH 111 ·--,.., ...,ll'le, to .u.,,,,., t bo ... K•-City llll v .... llO 10 J.IO U.S. Cu ts Back Use of Pesticides ·-· (t l...,,.lt "'""' 1111 ntllorr'1 Mt'° f ~l\H't Tiwr*Y wll'lt lit 1t alytllf a tm11•!91. IMd!lf Md morril11t """' tleudlo ftMI wlttt .._,, tullll'llftt: by lfTPrrooon. A~ __..IW'9 -. Ill 11\c mla 701 ...,.. •Jw rulffftt frtin'I 6' It 1G Ot--. .M-:'tlN ~ l'n0111¥ 11111!1¥ wlltl ,....... .,..,_ """*,..._..,., J H;,Jll ....... M h IOf el lllOI! ~ --°""" ..,.. -•IV W1'1111' w't!I -.,.,.. ~,,_ Hiit!• ...... ,, ... lilt "" -dlM•tt Ito t n• 111 flt ....., "''"" IMIWtflt "•Im -~ ,, .. fiwradfl' ......... 411t... ~-t.del' IM"*": l- .... --.. "1ilt MOftk.t Jl-1', '"'' MM .............. wtlMrl • ...,; ~•Nti. 10114 111.IW"IR ...,., l"llrll a.r1,,., 11•11t. lel(tf.,..,. , .. , ....... o .... ,,.,. -&MM ..,..., ...... Coa.ttal ll.S. Sutn-rlf l•• oYerutt wltll tomt Mri'I' 1ttff. • S!•IY>"'llN""'-"' wlflelt, N.t¥Y rel11 ,,,_ i..1y -tlllow. Wl!Wh .,....ltrl'I' I t"4 Mll t!tudt ~ '°""*" ,ltl"' ., " u ~""'· Mlt!I !Ml., n, lt<l'IPtrllll"" ,_r* 111111 ,,,1., YBlt!"61il"l ""'-"•JV~ r11'1ttd ll"Olft !ONy. 1 11ir11 e1 '' to n. 11111nd ._,!\!... ~ ~""""' 1trvtk ""' rtf\ff Wff ,, lO H "9rf'f1. Wlltt l9mo l'terldt hlll/IMli.. l.ltfllllllll t1utld "'"""" .... , ..... ,..., \lllllttenn~ .. l'MIS Ill ...... -. Sun, Moon. .,.! _.__ ,19., 1rM, JO Pl'lllll ,..,1 ti Tam,., 141-e.9 ~'111Hbtlll Mii t!ICI '*'"W """ 'll:IOAY lrldott If rill\ lf!lfoll Aintlft. Ttr. ''"' low J in• 11•t11 ., 1·• '·'"· I I 11:• '·'"· J.t SA'ftlltOA'f' 'l"t -)!» •.111. I .I '"'"' 111.., lt~• ...... ~-· IKOf't tow Ji• '·'"· I,, ktfnl" ~ 11•41 ~"'· '·' ..... • ' 1111 ··"'· , ... '~· ··"'· M-ltl••1 t·• •·'"· ,._,. t:Ool '""· 1'•'1 L .. t O. l'll'lt e. ,,_ Avt. 11 *'· I A\lt. '° "''' 11 AboVi 111 Ind! Ill rtlll ftll tl Wtlt "'"" trldl. r1e.. i... , el•·Mw -"'· T1'11111•ert'Orl'M t lM tltWk "'--"" erM lt00c .. wll!I WI .... lfl t•(•Ut sf .. MIW.. •11 f9ur 11 0••11 '•!11, Moll! .• t l'loll ~· ,."' "'°" tllt: """"'"' , •• cltk C••'· CIM, Viti IJll"*'I lrllll'I ... tlfl. trtl lt9'llet ti ... 11-MfiJIWIHf V1llr(. ' loa Allttll• '""'" Ml--11• H•w Dflfflll -y ... H.,lfl l' .. 111 ot-l•l'lf oti."""41 (ll'f ....... "'""""'" .. ltttbllf9"1 ....... ...... (11\f ... '""' ·-Secre"'fft!O '"" ....... (ilY S111 Oltto S..11 ''•llCIKb ..... , .... 1- '""""' Wulll"'""' "' " II '' ... .. " ., ... .. " .... .... n ~ " M .. u " .. . .. .. M '" .. .. " .... .... 12 ,, •• .... " .. • .. • fl " WASHINGTON (UPI) -The govtm· ment announced today a cutback in its use of M!vtral long-lasting pesticides, In· ,0, eluding DOT. ln a move aimed at reducing con-» lamination of man's en v Iron men t, · AgrlcuJture Undersecretary J. Phil Campbell said three DDT and two olher socafled perslstrnt pnliddes, dieldrin and beptacblor, would be replaced whoUy or In part by chemicals whose effect.a are not u long-lasting. Affected will be cooperative fedetal- 1U1te programri for control of the Jepenese beetle, the European chafer and the wbll<·frlnged bteUe. BUFFALO, N.Y. (UPI) -Rep. Richan! D. McCarthy (0.N.Y.), crlUclud the U.S. Army todl)' for 1'washlD1 Its h•nds" of a shipment of Workl Wu 1 type pobon 1u that ii belng moved across the country by ran. l"Jbe Army hu wuhed it.I hands of 1t," McCarthy told a news conftrtnce at his office here. "I don't think the responslbiUty ends at the 1a.te of a Rocky Afountaln arsenal by •lmPly uylna the gas baa been sold to the Jones Cbtmlc1l Company." McCarthy urged Presldtnt Nlton ThuNday to lnveaUple u!ety factors In. volved 'In two sb1pments of the 1u1 """'''"· McCarthy said today "safety has hem made secondary to the ~mks. Cu· tainly they shouldn't exempt them from the P'edergl ~UrQad Admlnl.straUon's very weak safety standards while moving thi~ material across the nation ." McCarthy Wd the 111 was being moved Jn flat bed cara, not tbe gondola type cars that n9l'tn1Uy are uaed to move such materlaJ. "t concede that we have got to do something with OU. material," ?.1cC&rthy uid, "but It should be moved tn small quanUtles with adequate ~ws and very &trlngent safety ftCUlaUons." He sakl the Jones Chemical Company waa the only beneficiary of th~ sale and only becaule' lt ·finds the tanks WbJcf. car .. ry the gas "a good buy" when moved In large quanUtles. 1be owner of one or the firms which will receive the surplus gas, however, said the 1ubstance la inert. and nonflam-- mable and he uses millions of pounds of it every year. A 1overnment apokuman added such 1hJpment1 hive been common in re<.'ent ytan:. McCarthy, who hu emer&ed as a criUc of the Pent1aon's chemical and bkllogical warfare ptOp'am. told Nl1on ln • letttt Thunday such dtles IS Dtl Moines, Iowa, and St. Joaeph, Mo. haJ been et· poatd to the "danier or an accklent" aa tM gas ahipment movtd through the commwiiUes. The train bypassed Chicago this morn· lng and moved into Indiana. From there it was belng routed to the Detroit area and on into Canada. The Erie-Lackawan- na Rallrotd said the triln would move •Iona Iha Lake Erle shore througlt Canada to Niagara Falls, where it is to be picked up by the E·L for the final 50 miles o( tbe trip to Lockport, N.Y. ''As the train moved through Des Moines, no guards were placed at railroad crossings, even those crossings that had no warning barriers." McCarthy said. "I urge you, Mr. President, to have this matter thoroughly Jnvmlgated to in· 1ure that the safety of the American public 11 protected." McCarthy said the 1as waa bo!J&hl from the Rocky Mountain Araenal at Dmver ,by ,planla In Lockport, N. Y. a~d Gei!mar, La. lt is used ~merclally 1n the manufacture of plastics and other products. Ed Edel, a spokesman for the Federal Railroad AdministraUon, said one train moved through De! Molnes a~ noon Thursday. He said safely regulations for such shipments do not require guards at all crossings, of which there are 12$,000 tn the country. He also said each tr~ carried two experts who had a neutraliz. Ing agent whlch could render the gas harmless in case of a leak. Campaign's 4th Da11 Reds Attack U.S. Bases Along Cambodia Border. SAIGON (UPI) -North Vientme,. and Viet Cong forces attacked four U.S. bases In the vital Cambodian border arta today in the fourth di¥ of a new cam~ paign mllltary sources said has already cost the Communists 2,200 dead. American defenders tilled at least 35 Communist attackers at a loss of ooe American killed and 17 wotmdtd. Seven other Americans died In the crash of a big helicopter shot down by Communist ground fire. The series of Communist ground at- tacks were part of ·what military sources ·said is an "autumn campaign'' parUcularly in the area between Saigon and the Cambodia11 border. Communirl forces are believed trying to capture a provillcial capital to use as the seat of the Viet Cong's Provisional RevoluUonary Government (PRG). Military. sources said that since the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese began the campaign Tuesday, 150 Americans had been killed and 700 wounded along with 2,200 Communist troops killed. Most of the fighting Thursday night and early today was ln the provinces between Saigon and the Cambodian border. U.S. artillery pounded the demilitarized zone (DMZ) separating North and South Viet. nam after Communist troops were sighled in the southern half of the buffer strip, The artillery barrage killed at lea5l twa Communists ,,and de&troyed a bunker, 1pokesmen said. Nixon, Advisers l(eeping Eye on New Offensives SAN CLEMENT£ (UPI) -tntemified enemy cffenslves in Vietnam may ad- versely affect plans for addillori'.al U.S. troop withdrawals, the White House said Thursday. It was reported last week President Nixon would soon announce the withdrawal of 125,000 U.S. troops - 100.000 more than he originally disclosed in June -bringing the number of men in Vietnam down to about 400,000. Nixon spent three hours in conference with the National Security Council and afterwards press secretary R on a 1 d Zieglet told newsmen Nixon and his top advisers were keeping a close eye on the incl'f!ased action. "The President, of course, is watching this very carefully," Ziegler said . "The significance of increased enemy initiated activity Is something that Jl;'e don't want to draw any conclusions on at this point, but it bears upon administration thinking and the President's thinking as he evaluates the situation in Vietnam on a day.-to-day basis." Ziegler said the subject of troop withdrawal did not come up at the NSC meeting, but Nixon and hts senior ad· visers were watching the nenewed flareup "very carefully ." Ziegler said U.S. torce levels still would depend on three critierla outlined at Nil· on's Midway meeting with President Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam "'."'" the level of enemy activity. progress 1n the Paris talks and the a.bility of the South Vietnamese to take over the fighting from American units. Astronauts Home Fo r Da y of Rest SPACE CENTER, Housten (UPI) Home from a flying tour of parades and hone.rs that carrltd them coaJt..lo-(oalt In a single day and left them "weak tn tht knees," Apollo It's moon landJn1 heroes rested today in the seclusion of their own homes. • Neli A. Armstrong, Michael Co1lln1 and Edwin E. "Bun" Aldrin were back In the setting they love most -with their wtves and children, away from the public ')IOI light. Abud of them Saturday lay another tiekertape parade, tbia one In their present home clty ot. Houston, and a gala celebration Jn the H o u s t o n Altrodome with an all-star Cl.St led by Frank Slnatno. He 3aid no final deci sion had been made on additional withdrawals, despite reports Nixon had set a goal of red\J.cing the basic American forces in Vietnam to 400,000 by the end of the year. Nixon's final decision on the next phase of troop replacement will ('(Jme at the end of this moath, Ziegler said. Hijacker Oaims He Wan ts to See • Mother in Cuba MIAMI (AP) -Claiming he longed to see his mother, a red-eyed gunman with a knlfe-.wielding companion hijacked a Northeast Airlines jet Thursday, main- taining 1969's record rate of more than one forced flight to Cuba per v.·eek. Crew and passengers on the Boston-to- f..1iami flight said the two men barged in- to the cockpit just south 0£ Wilmington. N.C. "Cuba! Cuba!," the pilot sa id the hi· jackers shouted, waving a pistol and knife. The plane carried 44 passengers and a crew of eight. Forced to keep radio silence. the pilot tripped a seem signal near Jacksonville, Fla .. alerting federal aviaton authorities that the flight had been diverted. Capt. Gray B. Newman said the hi· jackers were nervous and excited as they mcved around the cockpit, but "they seemed to have this planned oul." In Cub& the man with the gun walked tov.·ard the rear of the plane as soldiers gathered oullide, and spoke t o &tewardess Karen Acuff. "IJe said he wu happy,'' the pretty blonde said. ''He was KOiJJi home to &ee his mother," • S~viet Liner Flying Over Sound Barrie!' MOSCOW (AP) -The So v I et supenonic alrlintr has bt(in flying beyond the IOUnd barrier "for extended periods of Ume" rectntly "With no dif· llcu!ty, 1 newspaper ttpOrled today. The plane. the TUlff. Is ahead or the BMUsh-French COncorde In its testin g tchedul 1nd is expected to be ln IBVice in less than two years. Tht Concorde bas not yet broken the IOUDd barrie.r. -- JEAN COX, 494-9466 '"*"• ....... 1" 1* '-PIM IJ Music In the Wind 1 Summer and fairs go together. But replaCing the fair in Laguna . Niguel ;. ihe fun of a fiesta. · . For the third year the Fiesta de! Niguel will talce place Sept. 20, in the Monarch Bay Plaza. Entertaining the visitors will be folk singen, and a battle of the bands where area youths will compete for ca.sh. prizes. Maria del Arte, folk and modern music center in San Clemente will sponsor much of the musical entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jenkins, owners, will handle the taJ,ent and are providing a sound system to insure adequate coverage of dance music from 10 to 11: 30 p.m. Approximately 2.8 organizations in Capistrano Valley are pull- ing together for the event. John Reed is chairman and Mrs. Jack Web- ber, president al the coordinating council, is planning director. Ass\sting them are Mrs. Tom Fortune, youth fair chairman: David Graham, booth construction supervisor; Knowlton Fernald, finance director; Mrs. Kenneth Bloom, booth chairman; Mrs. Laur· ence Jay, art chairman, and Ranny Draper, entertainment chairman. Robert Parsons is master of ceremonies for the drawings which will include a portable color television, courtesy of Mijls Tele- vision in Dana Point. The Monarch Bay Merchants Association is donating a· money priu for the best booth decoration. •· FOL.tOWING THE PIED PIPER -Strumming on a 100.year-in San Clemente ;. sponsoring part of the the milsical entertain- ment for the third annual Fiesta del Niguel Sept. 20 in Moean:h Bay. Plaza, old banjo Jim Jenkins of San Clemente plays a·melody which sets Jeannine Baughman,: John Reed and Lisa Baughman (left to right) s~ipping. Maria de! Arte, folk and modern · music center . .· New 'With 1r · Look Assistance · League ~ I Opens Thrift ~hop After much cupboard aJ)d shell r11ovlng, eablnet rearranging, sanding, p'.ainUng and cleaning during· the month of August the AO> 1istance League Thrill Shop will reopen Sept. 2. Located at 526 Glennyre, the shop features a brand new "with 11" look, according ·to Mn. Roy Thoroughman, shQp chairman. · She and her committee meinbers have issued an Invitation to old and new cllitOmers to be present at the opening. Coffee and cook~ ies will be served to welcome and refresh s h o p p e r s as well as to thank them for past loyal patronage. · On hand to greet visitors will be. the Mmes. Roscoe C. Long, marking chairman; Helmuth Hanneman, ladies' ;ready to wear; An- drew Morthland, books; Herman Whitmore, jew£'.fry; Harlow Hines and Howard Adams.J furniture; Bryant M. Sells,·men's wear; W. Ray Henderson, childi'en's and teen!:, and William' Lynn, household. New store hours ~re 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Friday& and 10 a.m. to I p.m. Satunlays. Thrift shop sales from n~w and used donations help to sustain: ' the chapter's many philanthropies in the community. The group's income .is augmented each year by various belie. fits such as the Invitational Premiere Night at the Orange County lzi. ternallonal Auto Show Oct. 8 ·in the Anaheim Convention Center and the popular Town Hall Series. . The series begins its second session Jan. 26 with free bus se"• Ice provided for patrons from the Laguna Canyon parking area to tho South Coast Th.eater. . · , Mrs. Thomas H. Jones, chapter president iirproud of. the .record of more than 14,000 hours donated to community •ervlces by' Assis- tanc~ League members in the-past year. -· SPR ING CLEANING IN AUGUST -This Is the m00th that the Assistance League's Thrift Shop ls being rearranged and painted. The Laguna Beach gro11p's 5hop will reopen Sept. 2 with new •tOre hours. Beginning_ thJ> ay '• chores are (left to ·right) Mrs. Roocoe C. Long, Mrs. ljOY Thoroughman and Mrs. Willi.am Lynn. Among the group's philanthropies are the Friendship Clu b which ;. open to all residenli and guests, over 50. years of age .. Mem- bers gather every Monday evehing ·ht the ·Leegue House for refresp. ments, cards and games. The leagu~ .also has Weekly craft classei; youth counseling services,. and activities ctass for emotionally ·band.i• capped persons. - Their league also offers the William Haines Memorial Schol""' •hip award. · · ·Ramona's Sweetheart 'Has Everything ---Including a Wife DEAR AN!J. LANDERS : Several of us ctrJ• gave a lovely engagement shower ror • ~worker. Ramona told us that her fi.ance's wife had a.greed' to a nice q&itet divorce and the wedding would come off Jn the fall. The ahoW'f WU held at my home anc1 the-gilll ,were-~auUful. / Wt week Ramona announced; wiUI a MICHIGAN A VENUE , .. 1ood deal ot embar~ent, that' the DEAR MICH~. Be oat the name1 ad man'• wife hu a bUrt Cond.IUon 11nd he cannot leave her. The weddina ts off. She focget It. You d1 let gave 1 thower for dtdn'l say ooe word aboQl relurnlni the • lirf ud ~ mu. gtfla. Later r wed her what •be In· • tended to do with all those loveJy DE ANN LANDERS: I jUat read the ~nta. She replied , "1'11 keep them. let from "Hirsute Hilda", the They will come in hand1 When I mee.t etary who had to shave every day. It aomtone wonderful.'' · ./makes me alck U.at life is so unfair. 11 lbfa fair! We are -BURNING OK I am 1 13-yelMld boy ud I have loll -.. cashier can see tlie hair on my chest. aomeone calla on the phone and lt'1 a Is there anything t can do to pt the wrona number he aay1 it wu anotbtr hair on my face to g r ow ? Lasl nighl •· l •--•~ Thanks. -HARRY (Another em· IUY· ire spen an uuu:r a..1uuu1 barra.ssmenl. nus u my real name.) for' Ure marb in the driveway. Be Work· DEAR HARRY: ne doctor Pft ,... ed 1ate'and WU sure llOJ'QeODe WIS here. the 1lr1lgbl pelt. A...,. IL U.lfa ay Toatgb! be weol lhrough my album and of hair on my chest and arms and legs, comfort &o )'OD, pleue tao,. tUt mi1UoB tore up an .tbe.ptcturet:ot.myiblptchonl but my face is u smooth 1·1 a baby's · ofinen consider 1bavtn1•1~ ~ ftl~nds\ 11 ptloned Dad,aqd ask~,hlm to backside. I shave 'twice a week, even would like· to trade yov probkm for come ana j~et •me and the baby. This though I don'l oeed to. The doctor says llleln. '. -. ·marrlqe· ii lot)ly ~ T aee,no, hope for , there . ls nof.hlng, 'V'Ong wllh me -. th.at the tub.ire. Please tell me where I can get these thlogs happen now and then, and . · DEAR. ANN LANDERS> t•m 17, mtr· a free lawyer. I wanl a divorce IO I can nothina can be done about It. tied lS months, and bave a babj. Mr fua.. at.art ovet. -MESSED UP GIRL band ia 19. Bill has chanied lnto a dif. •DEAR GIRL: lwt wUt tftl:!. When l go to a movie ror adults only. t carry my ID card. I also wear a 'aport , shlrl and leave the collar open IO the ferenl · pereon • this past yf:ar.. I can't Another mess? Ren 19'1 '"• ,1..7 yr.an o( beileve ll. · · qe nd already "°"1111 fol-• dlvorco. Ii He la so jealous I feel like I'm In j.U. U WtO'I solve your probltm, Tooll. 11 wlD Hly fno·yoo·lo mate_.., loaty mat· riage. ' ' . Yoo-Umetosrowup udM.._ daai. adlve volcaoo 1 wlao can. ldmJeH a hsbacL St.ay 1pu1 a few wttb 1Dd diet ,., .... coa.ueUn1. " . un.rufe of yourself on dates? What'• right? What's wrong'! Should you? Shouldn't you? &end for ,Ann Landers' booklet "Dating Dos and Don't&'." tncloe- lng with )'out request » cenla in coin llld • i,nc. oeU-addrelled, olamped .. .,.._ Ann Landers will be giod to hello yru with your problem•. Send them to• In care of .the DAILY·PILql\ enclooinl f .. H.aildreued, llamJled envelope. - I I I I I I •• • ., •• • ' \ ~ I ••• . . New Chapea_u for New Title Holder Try!Jig "" new wld•blimmed hat &tyle is Wendy Ducomb, Miss USA · for 1969, who is beginning. ex· tensive travels including a stop in New York where Horoscope Willing she visited the Millinery Institute of Ammca. The New Orleans beauty participated recenUy in the Miss Universe pageant. Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines - Family Wedding Carmel Church Chosen For Afternoon Rites "'-" d the 1mmed;,1e. famllles ol Maraaret Dedmon d CoN r.l ... and Larry o. St.erlln ol Batt>oa,lsland were ~nt ,when they exchanged wedding vowt bd'Ofe the allar ol the Jr Ir.• t Presbyterian 1 Church, Carmel. Performlna !he Im al· temoon ClhplOOy 10< the daughter and oon or Mr. and Mn. F. W. Dedman of Fair OW .and Jl!r. and Mn. 0. J. Sttrlln of Part Forest South, DI., wu ttie Rev. Dr. George H.-.11111. For the. double ring rites, the bride selected a strftt length crepe lhea\Ji wit}> lace coal ~. enhanced With a cOwl'collar. Her abort veil was cauchl to a double bow of matching lace, and her bou· quet ••• an arrangement of white roaes, camatlODI and stephanotls. Hawaii 'L ' oans Them.e The 8Mual summer party staged by Junior> . of lhe Wednesday Morning Club will go Hawallan this year, with colorful luau decor. Attending ber aiater as maid of hor)or was ·Miu Gall Ded· man of &an 'Dlego.ifil>e wu at· tired in pink C:l\ifr911. over tar .. feta and ~er ensemble was complemented with , a short pink veil and bouquet of baby pink roses and white carna· tions. The brideJTOOUl aJlted his father to stand as best man and guests were seated by Biii J)edman of Sacramento, broth. er of the bride. Following the ceremony, wedding ~ts gathered for dinner in the J1JDe Simpson restauranl1 Cannel, wh~re white d a 1 1 I e 1 , camaUont, yellow chrysanthemums and bachelor bult.ons were ar· ranged for decorations. Assisting when the wedding cake was served were the mothers of the bridal couple. The newlyweds t r a v e le d through northern California for th eir honeymoon and have established their first home on Balboa Island. Tile new Mra. Sterlin was graduated from Oakland High School and the University of California Medical Center in dental hyglene. While at· tending UCMC 8he served as president .of the· juniQr cl1r5s. She also attended 1he Univer· sity ol the Pacific, where she affiliated · with Delta Gamma sorority, and tbe University of California, Davit. Her huaband attended Eastern New Mexico Unlversl· MR. AND MRS. LARRY 0. STERLIN Home on Balbo• Island Further study was done at the 7ro:~ou:~·n '·~~.~ 'b:i~:.d TURN ON Shakespeare Institute and Ox· ford University, England. Special guests for t h e ceremony were fl1rs. Eula Hudspeth of Harrison. Ark .. aunt of the bridegroom, and . :r.trs. Eva Dedman of Fair Oakl, grandmother of the bride. To Aries: Be Make Concessions The Newport Beach home or mc;cz;:;:;i=---="""""'""'""'""'"",.""''"'n=m:t0=sc: the WUUam Geohegam will be the locale for the festivities, scheduled Saturday, Aug. 23, at 7:30 p.m. GreeUng members a n d Peering Around SATUROAY AUG UST 16 vitatiom, chl,llenaa. Be open to eqierlence. You're &•ill& places. To avoid duappolntment, prospective brides are reminded to have their wedding stories with black aod white glossy photo- grapba to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart- ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. guest.s at the door with col· l'.!lrnt0Cltm'3CZIZIC ...... ll:il..,_.,,,_ll:? _ _,C111,,,.lll By SYDNEY OMARR C~RICOllN .(Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Be Teady for changes. Study Sagittarius message. Career matters might be spotlighted. A social contact could provide valuable in. troduction. Show appreciation. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Journey seems to be part o( your day. Interesting cor- respondence, c a 11 s are highlighted. Strive to please special person in your life. This also will make you hip-py. For engagement announcement& it fs sµggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be submitted early. U the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date are six weeks or less apart, only the wedding photo will be ao- cepted. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail· able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered. by Social Notes •taff members at 642-4321 or 494-94116. TEEN DATING DINTS: Big escltemeat for Libra. Definite cbange Ill life 1tyle aceotQpaniu new dlsconrte1 11111 e date tonigllL Romance 1ltllet for G e m I 11 I, while Vlrp may get 1tuclr with tbe cffck. Arte• con1lder1 a more permanent relaOomll.lp, 'While Leo coa1ide.r1 a change. Eve~g (eaturln1 m a 1 I c make• Ideal date for moat teeu. Taun11 1 b e a 1 d re- me m b e r resoluUoa1 cm- cernlng diet and &eaieral lltaJth. Capf\oorD r fl e e I • e 1 meaelqfut compllmen~ while Pisca gets lavolwed wlill irt- dlridaal whole baJ I 1 mystery. Many totilgbt dis· cu11 bsstJtadoo ol marrtage. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): f.im---=------------Money, q~ coocernlng eitate cOuld arise. Base ac-o tioM on fam, not rumors. Some today delight i n spreading alann. Be wise by gettlog promises in writing. IF TODAY IS YOU R BIRTRQAY you are lnerested ARI ES {March 21·April 19): in law, you have a~al to op. Some with opposing views (>9Slte sex. You love the could do an about-face. Be spoUight, but some of your willing to also make 110me c6n--best friends consider you cessions. Keep open mind. basically shy. Social activities Your charm shines; many are this month should not be attracted. Get upert legal ad· J permitted to drain creative vie.. energy. TAURUS (April 21>-May 20): Alumnae Plan Welcome Party Incomlng freshmen e t Scrip~ College will be welcomed by Orange County AlumnaF of that ~hool in a party seltin& on Wednesday, Aug. 27. The Newport Beach home of Mrs. William Eilers will be the scene of a poolside supper · from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Hostesses for the event will be the f¥1mes. Arthur Birtcher, William Fleetwood and Bart Brown. Your sense of harmony it emphutzed. You are se~tive today to U>Q5f: who are pugnacious, unhappy. For your OWD. good. steer clear of senseless arguments. GEMINI (May 11.June 20): Romantic inlerests are in· t e n1Jf jed , Some basic responsibilities continue to need attention. But there ls a greiter degree of rreedom. Separate fact from illusion. 'Salad 'Days' Ahead CANCER (Juoe 21..July 22): Practical issues dominate. You could be rewarded for past effort. Be courteous to oldef individual. Your security may depend 11pon impression which is made. LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): You may find it necessary to travel. If you do, take care not to l05e important papers in transit. Key is proper preparation. J)(ln't no•t Off everything until last minute. VIRGO (Aug. 23-SepL 22): For Area Housewives Cool days during the heat ol summer are promised by the home economist.! at th e Southern California Edison Compaf!y's Electric Living Center. HunUngton Beach. Refreshing salads to be en· joyed through the &ummer months \\'ill .be demonstrated by Miss Joanne Tebbetts. Simple to prepare from com· blhations of fresh and frozen food , Ibey may be assembled an d .refrigerated the d a y before, or created and froien · weeks before using. Mrs. Carol Heinz w J J l discuss having a cool and· comfortable house equipped with electric air conditlooing1 Summer Salads will be ~ presented at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Aua. 19; Thursday, Aug. 21; Friday, Aug. 22, and Tuesday, Aug. 28. orlul leia will be Mrs. Douglas Patty, hospitality chainnan. Mrs. Geohegan, apedal events chairman and her co-chainnan Mrs. David N. Bourke are planning background decora· tions and exotic supper dishes to carry out lhe Hawaiian motif. Mrs. David Poppell, club chairman and J\1rs. Patrick Br es nab an, cCKhairman, report a full tum out ls ex- pected for the summer event. As!lstlng wilh plaoolng are the Mmea. Davis Forge, Ran- d)' Null and Charles Babbill Belts Ci rcle Evening demonstralions will ' be offered at. 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. II; Wednesda y, Aug. 20, and ~fonday and Wednesday, Aug. 25 and 27. Festival's in a Hawaiian Mood BUFFET SUPPER in their Vista de! Lido apartment home will be ho6ted by Mr. and 'Mn. George Williamson Wednesday, Aug. 27, when they entertain t b e ap- proximately 80 members of the Voyagers, a group from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach. A program by the M e lo d y l\-1aker1 will follow the buffet. DINING IN Michel's restaurant, Honolulu, were Mr. and Mrs. :ft W. Hooker of Costa Me$1. 'Ibey bawe been Chic Fashion Spending habits may have to be revised. New project, am· bition could alter previous plans. Be flexible . Know that what you need will b e available. Shop for bes l bargain. Belli make their own Inner circle of chic. The fashion con-UBR~ (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): . 1. They are open to the public and there is no charge for the presentaUons. Additional information may be obtained by calllng the company. M7·7581, extension 378. Fine for erpanding activities. sctous young some 1mes wear Don't get mired down with two or three belts together, ex· routine. See projects ns 3 tending from waist to hip, to Mrs .. Jaycees whole. Your lrltuition rings accent her lllhe slenderness. Bringing out ukeleles and grass skirts for a preview of their Hawaiian Ice Cream Festival on Thursdaf.1 Alig. 21, are members of Harbor Senior Citizens Club (left to right) the Mnies. Veronica Hanson. Pauline Mithoff and Aaron D. Christensen. Proceeds from the event, to which the public is invited from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. will go to the Zonia building fund. Booths will feature a dis- play of bazaar items and a program Will include performances by several stng· ers and a baJlet group. F II h h Some be!~ for fall and JtunUnglon Beach r.t rs . true. 0 ow t roug 0 n winter have bells that tinkle. Jayeffs meet the second Mol\o beliefs, ambitions. SCORPIO (Oct. 23.Nov. 2!): Jingle-jangle comes from day of the month at I p.m. Excenent for lipecial con· gypty coins and other metallic Locltion informaUon may be fer en c e 5 , ezchanglng con· oddments: that clink and clank received by telephoning Mrs. fldenUal informalion. Be aurtl ~w;;;h;;;en;;;;;th;;;e;;;w;;;ea;;;r;;;er;;;;;w;;;al;;;ks;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;M;;;l;;;ch;;;a;;;e;;;I ;;;Broo;;;;;k.s;;;;;, ;;;53611;;;;;022;;;;;.;;;;;;;ill you Pt money's worth. Means11 don't undersell yourse lf. Your vatuo ii more than mlghl be Imagined, SAGmARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21): New frleMs could tntrodoce JOO to uctting-con- cepil. Be dariJl&. Accept in· IT'S A FACT! Thomas C. Hough to n, D.D.S. Announces The Opening of His Office for the Proctice of Dentistry for Children '· ot vacationing in the Islands with the Colony Surf Hotel, Dia- mond Head Beach, as their headquarters. Old Favorite Diamonds and p e a r 1 s , always a deluxe combination, are used in more abundance with moce spectacular results that leave necklaces, pins, rings, bracelet.a and eaninp a &tunning sight. Pearls may be one of the oldest of gems, but they do the newest things to jewelry for fa!L HB Auxiliary Turn on a 100 watt light· bulb-yours for only JOC* with each purchase of gasoline ••• at partic i· paling Texaco Retailers in this area. Llghtbulb supply is limited so don't delay. Turn in at Texaco today. ·~ttd ttbll ,ntc. Twice a month the Ladles' A.Wllary to Huntington Beach Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 7361 meets at a p.m. The fltJt Friday of each month they gather in Odd Fellows Hall for a business meeting and the lhlrd Friday they soclallze in VP"lous locations. Further information may be secured by calling Mrs. LeRoy l'---------" Hermann at 536-3580. AWAltD WINNING SHOE SERVICE cA~ COMPLETE SHOE e LUGGAGE • e HAND BAG REPAI~ ~LL WORK GUARAN7EED TO YOUR SATISFACTION l"'!"'-_s CONVENIENt SHOPS •Miit •·COAST MW'I". 111• 11.VIN!.'AVE. C.-•ti Mir, '1MMt Whtcnff. 1'!111 ~ VIA LlllO NIWl'Oft IMCA; ~ N .... rt INC~, UM62f 1 "-0llNION'I I Jt l'AtMIOM "UNO F11hi,n hll!lll N..-.n IMclt, ""'1Sll tlt\lfJoort IN<ll THE BAREST SEE·THRU YET IS FOR HIM . --. . - , " ' Saddlehat!~-N.V. Steeb Peace Action Council protestors wUI !llll<b at President Niion'a -p 5unday In San Clemente. Bqt a Superior Court judge's back door ruling today -that jt will not . be the vociferous dempnstration originally· planned by the militant organizaUon •. Inseead, PAC SPoke!man Robert Bland ui:d, it will be "a silent march through the ·fori>ldden park lo the beach In • tribute 1o the many thousands who have died In Vietnam." PAC plans for a more lavish protest Down tlae Mission Trail 30 From Viejo To Tour El Toro Ml~ION VIEJO -Over 30 residents here have &lgned up for a tour of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station Saturday. Registration deadline for the tour, which Is open to all Mission Viejo resi- dents [ree,of charge, is 'tonight, accord· lng to a recreation Cf;rtter spokesman. • e J\'eto Group to Jtleet 1 SADDLE BACK VALLEY -The next meeting· ·of ·the recently-organized Sad· dl.-i, Vall>J Chalo• !ILC<mmerce is .i.r.r-, at the Mi!alon Viejo IM. The noon meiill\l _ . Ill I e • J • -of the new l0al3 ancl alms of thed>lmbtt, and Ila ,..laliooship will> the s8ddJtback Valley. according to ex- ecuUve manager Al Blall. All merbbers and prospective new memben are invited. :e Tee .. D•ll Scheduled LAKE FOREST -The Surf and San<! of ·Vktorla Beach will attract teen-age membera of the Beach ·and Tennill Club Mooday. 'I1Je day long activities for members and guents wilt be led by Mike Phinney, teen director. e Student Slates Talk -· .. EL TORO - A student resistance worker who spent time last year in Czechoslovakia will be the ·featured 1peaker at a meeting of the Constructive Actlon Network Council of Saddleback Valley Friday, Aug. 22. Dana Rohrabacher, also the chairman of the Orange County Young Americans For Freedom, will talk at the 7:30 p.m. meeUng, to be held at the Royal Savings and Loan Co., 23801 El Toro Road, El Toro. AJso on the program is the showing of the film, "The Berkeley RevoluUon." e Scouts Co•I,.. Boane MISSION VIEJO -Elgl)teen members of the Junior Gtrl Scout Troop 635 will come home tomorrow after spending a week on Santa Catalina 111ahd. The lfOUp, which formed last Sep- tember, left for the _island flfonday as a reward for their Jine services to date, ac· cording lo a troop spokesman. 'fhe troop ii' mlde up of seventh, eighth and ninth araden from the Mission Viejo area. Airplane Jump Tops Laguna Guard Affair Two ·nteauards. equipped with scuba e<julpment.ancl paraclwtea, jwnplag from a plarii. at 7,500 feet, ·wnl be the feature attraclJon Saturday when the Laguna Beach Lifeguard Department will stege i~ annual lllmJller demonstrations at the Maln Btach. ' i!J"he para-scuba divers, lifeguards Dean . Weatpanl and Skip COOnors, will provide the "bf&h'' point of the Jhow, which will Aaclude dllferenl county rescue agencies. Actjon will start at 10'8.m. ,with inter· depu!ITIOflt re!Ay. <Oil rests. The Jump will occur aboot 11 a.m .• followed by demon slt1ttom by a Coast Gaard re!CUe hellC'Opter, the Newport Belch lifeguard reiicue boat, lhe Orange Coomly Harbor Department !Ire boa~ an<! the Laguni Btach Fire Department cllll reecue team. ' EDITION - * ORANGE , TEN CENTS \ I arc n u ' Court Ruling Bars More Lavish Protest . ' demonstralon wculd """"· About too did. Today the judge air'led with McK-. that the stale had had v.ry llllle Ume lo examine he lsluu rabed by a PAC pett. !loo which WU filed with his court in San Clemente' St'lle Park were ahot down whftl Judge Robert Corfman granted .the motion of Deputy Attorney General Charles McKesson fCll' a contin--uance of the court bearmg to Sept. 5. Earlier, PAC representatives had said they planned to bring buaload3 of Los Angeles ghetto residents to the protest demomtration. Appannily they will car· ' . ry out that plari. a1tbough the nature of the demonstration has ~ed. Irving,Sai:noff,.~AC chairman, said the Sunday demonstration haa been endorsed by the Los Angeles Soda~ Workers Union and they would be renting buses to bring in glietto residents for the anu.war demonstration. . Sirnoff told a news confereoce at the Hotel "t.cuna that at least tS bustS, eadl carrying 50 persons, would be com· ing' in from ~ Angeles, San Francisco, and Sa.a Diego. · 1be ·PAC chairman, himsell from Los Angeles, said that between' l,IOO to 3,000 pel'IOOS were expected to abow up at the -·demonstraUOn and rally protesting U.S. foreign policy. Pr<vlous PAC estlm1lH of protest participation have always been op the op. timlsUc aide: The group esUmated that 5,000 protesters woul(I' attend the Century City Staie Dil\IJer. About !00 showed up. At a prevlowi San Clemente dem.onstra· tion during the President's first visit la!lt June. the PAC estimated l, O o o . Thursday. . He rejected the argument of PAC attorney Patricia Herzog: that It had taken lesii than three boor:; to resolve the demon.rtration dispute arising from President Ni%0o's dinner Wednesday night for the astronauts. "There are is. (See PROTEST, Page Z) Hospital Fears Nurse Shortage Will Cut Service Because an overworked nursing staff is "reaching the point of opeD rebellion" South Coan j:onummlty Iloopltal may iOOn. be forced to turn away palienta and close as many as a third of the rooms, H was dlsclosed today. British· Send John Weld, hospital boanl cha!rma, said there just aren 't enough nursd available to meet reapidly growing pa· tient needs. "In recent months we've ·spent bun· dreds of dollars advertising for nurses up and down thia coast and in eastern centers. We've had only one reply and that merely a letter of inquiry." · More Troops , J : • ~' Hoopilal administrator Stanley •Volga aald the Soulh Laguna medial facility will bave to remove IODle f5. ~ ·in ' Miler to brlnl tbe -kload "within tolerable llmlls" !pr the pr....t otafL ~-Tit>N. :tre•d • -,•, ' , • -, ' ; . ' ' DAILY Pn.OT,.,_,. _..,_, o)o-.tJ 'THE NIXONS .AND Tl:fE 0E.lSENHOWEf\S .<;R!;!T. ·GUESTS AT" FIRS"rFAA\ILY'S NEW HOME CO{llo Along..l'/IJh Our Co"ospondtnl for. a :Guldod ,Tour~ tllo ·w\iito·HollwWott . . ' ·-' . . . . ·' ., His Rooin Mate-hes Phone ' First Family Sliows Off $340,QOO Home w -Press By THOM.\$ KEEVlL Of .. °'" .~"!'S1911 It's only an accident, · say11J Mrs. ·PHOTOS OF ·INSIDE N FIRST FAMIL·" HOM~i PAGE I Richard M. Ntxon, that her husband's • bedroom b dominated by a ~ red gray poodle and that precisely matches the ce_rilmatMling · fl1r. Nixon's I setter. -romped the .security telephone beside his bed. -grollOds, bounding .around the gazebos He likes the color, she. u)'!I,_ :and, that serve as lookout points for the Secret besides,, daughters Tricia and JtiUe~bfd Service. · consp~·with thelr mother •to .jap up. The Nixons and .. their Interior the room a biL decorator I ChanMU ana Chapin of Corona The Nizon family ahowed pride· ahd del Mar showed healthy respect for the warm hospitality Thuraday as"Utey show· Spanish heritage of the home. The theme ed off their $340;000 San Clemente estate has been accented·~ even thr four new to some 60 members of the preu. 11iey gazebos match the original red tile-roofed offered carte "blanche-acceSs to Its 14. · building where "Ham" Cotton once play· roorm, its-five. baths and the sprawling ed poker with President Roosevelt.· grounds arou~ It. , The President worka:·ln the home's only While the ff.eaident-expliined' some Of 8eCODd:story roc:ir,n· -a compact 15x15- the history •nd detaJIHI, the bilildiJll 41!'1. loot illJdy with ' commandln vi of rebulldln~ of the Colton Estate, Mrs. Nix-the PacUlc ·0ce.: through the gplne~wancl on led liOtne personally conducted taurs.of eucalyptus. trees 'that dot and surrouod the home as the daughters and son-in--the grour.da. law, David Eisenhower, chatted with The room ii chiefiy·blue in tone. The newsmen. President wCl'ks at a small, leather·top. The three family doga -the dauahters•· ped desk with three items on It -a * * * * * No Foll Wipeoot Beach Open When Nixon Gone Not all pmk1entia1 decisons are big ones. Surf en, however , might feel otherwise about a decision made by President Nix~ on today. that Nixon personally would , prefer that the ball·mll~ stretch of beach between Camp Pendleton Marine Base and Cyprus Shore be avaJlable to surfers at all Umes. "But the Secret Service won't hear of It," tald u.. spokesman. ,. " repllca·of the .plaque lell'on the'1J1oon'by Apollo 11, a whitl. telephc;ine connected tG ihe White ·House switchhoml 'and the om- nipr.esent red telephone.-on which Mr. Nizon can talk with no fear of be.Ing overheard. The President ls fond of the room aM happy to point out its features , i.uch as the &mall tiles inset arQWld the bookshelves and in various nook!. On a table in front of a blue sofa is the room's or1ly book -"Great Presidential Decisions," by Richard Moh is. No. it ill explained, the President Isn't depending on the book for his decisions -it ju.st happens to be there. The boobhelves are empty, a C<>ndiUon that will exist oniy·until the rest of the furniture stored from the Nixotl!i' New York apartment arrives. Downstairs, the Nixon home continues to. display its Spanish lines. nie rooms, all tile-roofed, 6WTOUnd a tradillonal courtyart: with a fountain in the cent.er. Spanish Ule ls used prcfusely, both for walkways and as accents. The living room fronts on the ocean side of the home. As Mrs. Nizon noted with i sweep of her hand, "Isn't this a gorgeous view?" She was. right. · It is carpeted in a full Persian rug with escalloped edges. The rug carries out the room 1s baaic yellow theme. as do the tofa and chain, upholstered in a yellow and whlte splashy print. Most of the furniture , came from the Nilon!' New York apari-" ment. It is of mixed period, with French Provincial ancl Oriental touches hero and there. The ceiling, llke all the ceilings ln the (See NIXON, POI• I) They can a.se his private beach -but not while pe ii staying at bis swmner White llouH In San Clemente. At all other Utnes ':luring · the year the Pmident's sand and surf will be free to ...... "The President knows the surfers aren't happy with the P-fe&enl1prohibition tin force lince Aug. l),.IQ>be's-lnslitell on at least that much of' ..... compromlae. Wheneyor he 1111·~1>,ere. u.e beach wm be Re£inetie11> in Isra~l availablel. tio 'toamJng over the eetate , 1 .J • The former'Cotton astpte lrontl 091 oneo ofthe Southlan<l's flliest llllTflag spots. Ifs a private beach -alwaya hes been · -but for several ya rs youths have toted lhtlr boards down to "Cotton Poirtt"~ They get there by walking down the beach, alon1 the walerline, from San Cemente Slate Park. A hilh White HOllH ooun:o aplallled Rr<>urids,•otc....;"llf~ bt pennltted.~ llAIFA, Iirael (AP)-Arlb saljo(elln Will !he President.hi•!""H over hit the atruck. •1aln 1t· lsrael'1 oll nllnei1,. In surf with his newly acquirilt boanl: 1 1Ut this p0rt ciljl tod1y, n1pturll)g a pipe. from Julie Eisenhower .ind 'l'ricl"°t ttne, dimaguig an electric tower iind "No." 1mllcd Press Secretary Ron, touch.lb¥ oft a nre·over a 500-ylrd area. Zle1ter. "U anyone UM Illa! bqard, it Flrtmen 1in>uihl the fire u1*r con- wllf probably be me.''. 1.__, ' , t{'Ol in ~45 minutes afttt closing. • v'1ve "Mr. Nixon," he 1~'".would-11 r thot. s!!olt. off the o'l "ow Pollco we" walth lhulllfl!H than .!!'!.Jif"~-· q,uliiOiilrii; ill pe;W. · · · • ' .... '' , . - BELF.\ft, Norlhem Irelalid (Ul't) - Britain ordored troopc lalo Bellul fod'1 to end lour d•)'I of riotlag botween C.thollo and Protestants. but • ..,. roond of arson and street fighting erupted iat 5 p.m. and there was no ~ mediate interference. The 600 British troops Down here today from London ha~ not. ye& entered the capital and correspondenta1 iaid • police took no action when 150 Catholics and 30t Protestants traded shots .near the Catholic Divis Street area Of Belfast. 1be fighting so far hu cfaimed six lives -Catholic! put the toll at 10 -and hundreds wounded. Surging mobs of . Catllollcs a n d Protestants elsewhere In Belfast hurled stones, bricks and insults at each other aC1'05! barricades of flaming city buses and overturned truck!. Several buildings were blazing from molotOv cocktails. Six hundred troops in cqmbat 1ear flew in from England at noon after another morning or fighting in which Catholic crowds behind a burned out bus bar· ricade fought police using armored cars. The 600 troop reinforcement.I doubled the British garrison massing at Belfast's gates and raised to 6,200 the number of soldiers now on duty in the riot area where Potestant-Catholic fighUng has W:agged the country close to civil war. In Mlin, the lri!h Republic govern. ment mobilized Z,000 army reservi!ts to support 1,600 trooP! lt already has sent to the border of Northern Ireland in the Emerald iale's most serious confrontation in five decades. A man ripped down the Vnlon Jack '11t the British Embassy in Dublin and lhiew it to a crowd wbich tried to bum It and then ripped Jt to pieces: while angry youth! in the crowd vowed they would go north tonight to join the Catholics in their battles wJlh gasoline fireboJnbf, club! and stones. The heaviest fighting today In Belfast was the Falls Road area, tbe· no-man's land itreet between the cathollc m~rlty demancllng equal voUng, houslai ancl job rights and the Protestant majority resen. ting piessure from the Irish ~public to the llOUth. It was there the Catholics today seized two bwies,. humed ooo of them and tum- ed It into 1 street barrlcade, The Catholics al.lo seized a movie house there In the name of the Irish Republican Ann1 (IRA). . • In London, WU.00'1 aldes &aid "the government of Northern Irel>nd has •ask·. ed the, United Klq~~Q\'-.for tli• alst#.fC."ol· . ,19 ~-.. , ... and o<dOt 1a Beitu1.-u.lt. 1,,. ...... merit has acceded' 1o th~ ·re<itoeat' ¥iii0 same terms II s1milar asafstanc:e: Wll proVlded lil'Loodoaderry lilt (ThUrldlj') -nlaht" ._..j .. . ~~--....-~~~..,..~~~.-_ . NEW YORK (Al') -'l1le atock llllilM• closed In tie wtnnlna: circle again i0dl1 11 It.I lafeol rll!1 1carrled 1Ucct¥fully throuib anolhtr )eiiloo 1 Seo. qualll\OOs, r.,..~m. . ' , , . . That would mean cloalng one fuD wfnl 1114 reducing the hllljlilal'a ICIM care capacitf to 100 beds. • "OUr nursing stall may be reaching the point of open rebellion agalnst the In- tolerable workload they're carryiD&." 1aid bospltaJ president Weld. "We can't blame them. Over the years, they've demonstrated great dedication and loyalty to the hoapllal. But with no relief in sight, their dedication and loyalty ii wearing thin." Weld not.ed that hospitals throughout the country are erperlencing similar pro- blems. "But that doesn't lessen the pr~ blem for us." He said the hospital board cannot ask the present nursing staff to go on working under condlliona now prevailing. "ll we're unable to find the additional nuraea required to handle the current patient load, we have DO alternative. We must cut back." Weld issued a public plea for Orange Coast ciUz.ens to caII the bospital'1 personnel department should they have any information on proapective registered nurses seeking employment. Boy Dies of Injuries In Bicycle Accident Rickey Ariu, 9, of Whittier, died at St. Jude Hospital 'Thursday as the r8sult of a skull fra<:ture suffered when he ran his bicycle Jnto the back of a alow movin1 pickup truck a week: ago in La Habra, the county coroner said. He was the' son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Cervantes, 1&4.53:Richdale Ave., Whit- tier. Those low morning c:lou§ll and that hazy sumhlne won't keep tho· mercury down over the weekend, Coastal temperatures .,.. ptgged In the upper 70'1, while Inland readings will approach the go. degree mark. IJ\'SIDE TODl\Y : Womer& inmates o/ Orange- Countu Jail ore pairing Ute mn. 1 bu !taming ooh.iabl6 skillr /01 the "outride.'' Page 9. ...,.., "It *"' ..,_,, ·1! C.1f'M111• ••• ~ ,....,.. ~ ...... Cititfll• -Oi._ CMwfY' t c-!n JI S'l'MI ,.... 11 ~ • " ........... tNt. 0.... Mttktl ' .... ..... 1Jo1t ~ ,, '""' ... ••lt>trill ,_ • tlldl ~ , .. 1, •11ttr1MRl!Mlll tS-tt T ...... 11111 JI ,..._. 1'•11 l1Mtlrt .. .......... 14 ~ • AMI '--*n II w.r• ...... .. IMl .... 11 4 .......... ... -.... I ' • - . l . J ~ DAIL'( P'ILOT 11•11 ,tit .. MICHELLE, 13, AND VALERI AMMANN, 11, EXAMINE 'MYSTERIOUS' REPTILE Mother Screamed incl Dad Cam• to th• Rescue, But Whit Is It? . ;Wh4tever This • ;Is , $omeone i;ome' Get' It l \ l Mrs. Michael Ammann looked out the Window, saw somepting sunning itself in the ra:mil)' garden, tur;ned to two of her three'. children, as well as the family dog. /bh, tuitl<; aod bin!, and announced' • ; ''Tilere's a mini-alligator outside!" 'Ii Wdl, the actual dialogue is unclear, but il-year-ll:ld , Valerit confinned tha~ her «l!other did scream. And, there was somethng sunning itself In the hot sun. What it Is no one knows. .But the famly has some ideas. · • "It looks like an Iguana or something," ~frs. Ammann said. .J !'I think it's a gila monster.'' said fichelle, 13. . Wh8tewr it was, it scampered Thurs· day from the backyard into the garaee at 1336 Temple Terrace. There, it huddled in a comer until the man of the house was called from work, responded to the acene with a bo1, poked the reptile lnto the boz, then dumped it into a hampster cage. It was a tight fit. 'Ille lizard it estimated to be lqer than U).r" feel, from nose to Ujl .. Md the'.cqe la If t. ches long. · • · -' There sat the "mini-alligator," doubled up in a mini-cage, skinning il..5 nose on the ban. "I just don't know what the heck It Is. I'm jusl delighted we caught it," Mrs. Ammann said. : She said she would call the SPCA to see if anyone is mis.sing a pet. At least, lhe hopes ll's someone's pet. She shudders at the thought of jt ninnlng wild around Templt Hilla. ' "You know, >A'e've been missing our kitten for several days. I'm beginning to wonder . , •11 she sa.id. thilean Plane Sea1·ch Halted, 22 Orphaned ' SANTIAGO, Cllile (AP) -The search f~ a mis.sing U.S. Navy C47 plane wlt.b 16 ~s aboard was called off Thursday nighl ~Aboard the plane were eight Navy and Air Force oUlcers from missions in Chile and their wives laking ed vanLage of a regular maintenance flight for a vacation in Bumol!I Aires. It disappeared Aug. 4 in a snowstorm in the Andes. Twenty-two children orphaned by the crash wiD be ~nt to relatives or friends in the United Slat.ts. DAiil PllOI OUHG~ C~I PUlllSHllfG, COM,.,..Y l•Hrt N. W•-4 .. , .. ...,. .... hM!Wt JH'i •. C.rf.., vtct .., .... "' .... ~ .. MtllJtf Th•111•• k"•ll lllilllr Tlit11111 A. M.,,hi11• __ ,,_ ~Jc••ril P. N•ll ·--Ctr I"* , ......... omc. tJJ: ,,,,,, ,. ••. M1lfi•t All.i ... 11 ,,o. ••• '''· tlill --c.... .,.., »I '#ftt •••• ,.,.,. .......,, ""'"' nu ,... .. , .. ..., ....... ,. HUlltio'llolCllll ltldl. at Siii SfrlM Just Tourists? 'David, Julie Trailed Across U.S. . " . OAILY l"ILOT Shift l"llttl NO ORDINARY TOURISTS How to Travel Incognito From Pqe 1 PROTEST ... sues involved here that demand the granting of time for study," the judge said. Judge Corfman's ruling sent Mrs. Herzog and PAC spokesman Robert Bland runn ing to a telephone for con- sultation with American Civil Libertie,, Un.ion olficials in Los Angeles. Bland, Mrs. Herzog and other PAC spokesmen then headed for Los Angeles to ask federaJ court intervention in the dispute. They will ask a f@deral judge for permission to hold a demonstration in which Uiey claim that ~s many a.s 12,000 protesters could .st)ow up to object to U.S. foreign policy. ll i.< doubUul, in the light of .past fod· eraJ court action Jn such disputes, that any such injunction will be made avail· able to the South Coul protest group. Bland aSJUred newsmen that his group "has absolutely no intention of defying Judge Corf man's ruling if tederal action js not 1vallable to us. "But we condemn what is ln effect a denial of our petition a.s just another lnst.a.nce In a lonJ series of denials d1t· ing from the r1r1t rejection by San Clemente City Council to today 's denial." State part superintendent J1mes Whitehead today confirmed that they were Qpposed to the PAC application "because of the possible damage that could have been lnOicted In a carefully maintained grassy area and the a~a· cent .homes of 1tate park pe.raonnel.' City council rejection of the appllc•· tin has been based on the pos.sible lnllu:r of many hJpple-.type de:monstra· tors to _an area that ii )wit one half mile from President Nixon s summer White Houst. Lodge Leaves Paris PARIS (UPI) -Chief Amtr:lcan Mgotlator Henry C1bot Lodge ltfl for r.onaultaUona In W11hinston today 1fter the S<hb HAion of the Vietnam peace conftrtnet Jbowed the search ror peace I.I sUll llalemal<d. By JEROME F. CO\,IJNS Of r1M D1l/y l"»lt lltff There they were, just a young couple motoring acrO!s the country on a sightseeing trip. Nothing unusual about that. Except this: David and Julie Eisenhower's red Mustanc was followed all the way from CincinnaU to San Clemente by a big, black Llncoln ContinentaJ. The Continental was packed with Secret Service agents. Young David, eon-in·law of on~ Prell~ dent and grandJon of another, recalled the trip at the Nii:on summer residence ·rhursday. "Usually when we .slopped at a restaurant, we'd go unrecognized," he said. "But then the Secret Service a•ents \'tould come in. That Upped everybody off." David ·and Julie drove alone ln the Mustang. A radio kept them in constant communication with the he a v I I y .aMl,lortd ContlJle:ntal. · Only f. once was ,tb(l'e a.crisis. L , • 1'Do you see those rolling black cloud3 overhead?" the radio crackled as they sptd across the midwestem plains. "We looked up," said David, "and it looked as il a tornado was about to dip rlown." "But what could we do about it?" said Julie . "So ~1e just kept driving, and got out of It without any problem." They never did find out whether lbe twister ever touched the ground. David did most of tht driving. "Boy, it wac; pretty scary in the Colorado Rockies. but absolutely beautiful." He and Julie, neither of whom had been on a cross-country trip like that before, were also deeply impressed with the beauty of Arizona 's painted desert. "I let Julie drive through the desert." smiled David. "I did all the mountain driving." The couple will rtmain at the summer White House until August 28. They were asked : "Is your home in ClnciMali?" "We just left from there," said Julie, quickly and not quite an!Wtring the ques- tion. It was a gracious way of fending off too ma ny close inquiries into their private live!'. Chemical Drug Fight Urged By Rep. Hanna Chemical warfare must be practiced In the streets rather than the baUlefields1 according to Congressman Richard T. Hanna (D·Weslminster). He charged that the federal 1ovem. ment is.apendifli far too much money on new research for chemical and biological warfare while the most pressing problem -drug abuse -goes almost unnoticed. The 34th DI.strict Democrat told members of the Congress Committee. on Drug Abuse that our national priorities are wrong if a nat.ion spends $90 mUUon annually on cheml~I warfare research and $1 .5 million to learn the effects dt danieroua drugs. "The real battleground in this chemical drug war is the local schoolyard, the ghetto and the suburban neighborhood," Hanna said. "The casualties are primari- ly among our young ." At the Los Angeles hearings, Hanna lashed out In particular at the u11e o( amphet1mlnes, known as "speed'' in under1roond circlu. "The availability of these pills Is astrounding. There. is enough am· phetamlne produced each year In the United Statu to provide each person in this country with 25 doses ." Hanna said he would soon introduce lealslaHon whJch wUI deal with the avallabillly ol chemical drugs, and ~ vide more rund1 {Qr rtsearch Into the ptiy~ologlcal effects ti 111 ... c1ru1s. Guards _Bow~ to ; Courtl Souih Coast Beaches Will be Protected Publlc ._ -8oulll Llluaa ..... -la C1tmm. wllf be .,..-lbi --after all. l!u Claaitni. CllY Jifeguarda, who coYW 11.t mllet cf the south county coullino, said today tbol wlll yield to a court order and "111 guard the • beaches Saturday. They had threatened to .st'rlke. The dispute,· not yet resolved, is over wages and a five-day wort week. · Llteauard Lt. Steve Cborak. spoke$- mui f0< the 30 guorda who threatened to 29-year Vet To Head LA Police Force !-OS ANGELES (UPI) -Edward M. Davis, 52-year-old career Jaw en· forcemenl administrator, today wu named chief of the l.A)S Angeles Police Department to succeed Tom Reddin who resigned earlier thls year to become a television newscaster. Davis, currtntly a deputy chief ln char1e of Plannina and control for the department, wu stlected at 1 apeclal m<eling of Ibo Police Commllllon lo head the nation's fourth Jaraest police department with a force 9f more than 6,000 oUicen. A native ol Loi Angeles and a JI.year veteran of the dejMlrtrnent, Davia ad- vanced through the rants to become a doputy chief in 1111. • The new ch1el placed -on civil service e1unin.atJ.om behind Deputy Chief Jamea G. Flsk, the director ti com- munity rtlaUons. Dep. Chief Jack G. Collins, 45, wu the lllird place candidate• for the f34.~·1•ar job. Man Indicted Over Political Contributions A Los Angele! Federal Grand Jury !&- day indicted the Prtsident of the Farmer Jahn meat packing combine on charges of making illegal contributions to the campaign of a candidate running for polfUcal olflce. Bernard J . Clouprty, of P..-.na, president of the Clougherty Moat Packln1 Company and director of the Fanner John chiin, Ls accu>ed of donaUn1113,150 In Soplember 11164 to the campaltn funds o{ an unJdentified. clndld1te for a U.S. Senate Seat. A sourec. clo::e to the U.S. Attorney's office today told the Daily Pilot that the contrlbutlon was made to the campaign or Pierre Salinger I former alde to the late Prt1ldent John F. Kennedy. Salinger was defeated by Senator Geotie Murphy in that election. . . ' Walle od Ibo -. claims Ibo deport• mtnl 11 Ullderpald when compared to other lifeguard departmenu rrom San Diego through Loa Ana•les. "But we're not going to break the law," he said today, "That wun~ the purpose of our demands. So wo are golnJI to accept, and respect, the court order. Orange County Su~rlor Court Judge Robert Corfman granted a temporary restraining order 'nlmda.r following the filing of the complaint by the city. He aet Aug. 26 for a baring into the . .. . dilpllle. 0>orU Mid lhlt at 11111 tlma the guards wW pHlantl heir jU.tlll<A- Uon for strike. But the real issue, eccording ~ atto~ ney John Hart, the lifeguards 1'Jal coUnseJ, 11lsn't whether they're Justified lo demand higher waaes, but If they 're justified to strike." ."U you work for a private employer, )'OU have a right to strike. But, the law implies that government employee don't have 1 right to lf.rike. That will be the quostion brought up Aug. le," hi said • Taxpayers Suggest City Operate as Real BusiJ«!SS By JACK CHAPPEil. • Of .. DlllY ,. ... llttf An intriguing Jdea was propqaed by l..a(una's mllltant taxpayers dUring the recent clty budget hea.rlnga. The city, tbey say, shoold be run like a business. "The City al Laguna Beach, Inc." It haa a sort of ring to it -a fi:mt authorJUve name that conjures up visions of executives uniformed in Brooks Brother•', of fut-paced act.Ion, of IBM· like efficiency. Property owners within the city-cor· p>ratlon limits w o u I d be automatie itoekholders by virtue of their land in- vestment. However, the public too would be able to buy in Laguna, Inc. U the city were to be run as a business, its Btoctbo1dera would Certainly want to make a proliL Obviou&J.v, there's a ready market for munlclpal servicf:I and after all, it i.s the only city lo town. Reaidents who use city services would merely }?e billed by the company for the •Pociflc ..me. they buy. Take police calls for instance. t estimate the Lquna Beach Police Department will Jog about 11,000 items tllil year. To cope with this, the depart· men! will apend about !800,000. • U )'OU juJI dlvkle tho 11gur., Into oach other, you find each log entry represents a COit of about f73. Of course, some thine• take more time and cost more than others and general patrol work is a major u:penae, but the f7J figure at 1,ast gives 10me Jdea of what each speeUlc re-- quell! might coot. Say a lady wanl..5 to complain about the loud party nut door. She calls the police department, an officer is sent out and tella the neighbors to knock it off. The policeman tJJen presents the customer. the complalning lady, with a bill for $50 to cover his sarvtces. j Clty councilmen would hav~ '9 be lfaid IDOi'!:. As councilmen they get $150 a month. As directors of the board for City of Laguna Beach, Il'k:., they would have to be pi.id at least $2,000 a month whlle the board president (formerly the mayor ) would get about $2,500, just to keep their salary In line with what other companies pay their directors. The beauty behind City of Laguna Beach, Inc. is that each person pays only for what he hlmstU uses. Dul since moet of the property owners would be the peo- ple who use city services, it nUght be ti'· peeled that they would pay In more to the- company than they would get back in dividends, about the same mangement AT&.>r and I have now. In fact, because City of Laguna Beach, Tnc. would have lo make a prafit and would have to pay more ror salaries than just plaln old Caguna Beach, individual property owners would find It costing them more for company service than ~·hen they paid just tues. But then, the word "taxes" wouldn't be around and that seems to be what everyone objects to. Stockholders living oul5ide the city should do fairly ~·ell, however. It at! leads lo the conclusion that City er Laguna Beach, Inc. may be a nice place to inv¢ in, but it wouldn 't p1y to Uve there. School Taxes Will Be Below First Estimates -'\. Newport :Qeach summer resident whQ~leit tier1_itse on her front porch overnight had it stolen. Contents: $9 in cash. $1100 in jeW1ls. Police said Mrs. Iona Mc1'-fullen, 60, of E 307 Edgewater, went Inside at 10 p.m. and left her bag on the porch. It contained a S200 alexandrite rin2 and a $900 diamond ring. She discovered the theft at 8 a.m., when she went out on the porch to get her purse. SALE PRICES: DINING TA ILE $329 SIDE CHAIR $60 OUR SUMMER SALE ALSO INCLUDES SELECTED GROUPS FROM DREXEL, HERITAGE, HENRED0!-1, NATIONAL, MARGE CARSON. HERITAGE & HENREDON UPHOLSTERY PLUS MANY OTHER LINES. llDUCTIONS ON ACCISSOllU, LAMl'S, AND PICTUIES All ALSO AYAfLAILI. N'WPORT llACH 1721 Watl•llff Dr, '42·2050 Omt PllDAT 'TfL t DltlXU. HlllTActl. HINllDON DU.LEI INTERIORS Pre~Hlonil Interior LAGUNA llACH 0..1, ... ... A•allabl ....... ID-NSID 3~5 North Cout Hwy, 494-6511 OPIN PIJDAY 'Tll. t ,.... , .. ,_ ....... 0.... c...,., 140·12•1 ,., • ~Newport Harhor EDITIO-N .. ,.__ Today's Fl naJ -. TEN Cltfl'S '. , • Ill Ireland · DAIL'Y PILOT.....,. ..... Pit O'DlllMll B~LF AST,. Northern Ireland (UPI) - Britain ordered troopa into Belfast today to end four days of rioting between Catholics and ProteSt.ants, but a new round of arson and street Oghting erupted at '6 p.m. and' there was no Im· mediate interference. The IOO British troops Down here today from London had not ·yet entered the capital and correspondents said police took no action when 150 Catholics and 300 Protestants traded shots near the Catholic Divis street area of Belfast. The fighting so far has claimed six liv~s -J Citholies put Uie toll at 10 -and hundreds wounded. Surging mobs . of Ci.tholics a n d Sunday Rally MESA YOUTH IN Mllllll" OF IRISH RIOTS: PAGE. I , Protestants elsewhere in Belfast hurled stones, bricks and insUlls at each · other across barricades of Darning ·ctty buaes and overturned trucks~ Several buildings were blazing from molotov cocktaila. Six hundred troop$ in copibat ge,ar Dew in from England at noon after another morning of fighfu),g Ui WbiCb Cathofic crowds behind a burned out bus bar-o ricade fought poliet using annored cars. The· 600 troop reinforcements doubled the British garrl$0n manlng at Belfast's gates and raised tO tl,200 the number of Clemente Peace March THE •NIXONS ANO THE EISENHOWER$ GREET GUESTS AT FIRST FAMILY'S.NEW HOME · Come Along With Our Corre1pond1nt for a Guided Tour of the White House West' Still on-But Silently Peace Action Council protestors will Ing In from Los Angeles, San Francisco, His Room Matches Phone march at President Nixon's doorstep and San Diego. Sunday in San Clemente. The PAC chainnan, hin\self from Los But a Superior Court judge's back Angeles, said that between 1.000 to 3,000 door ruling today ensured that it will persons were expected to show up at the not be the vociferous dem.onstration denionslraUon and rally protesting U.S. originally planned by the • militant foreign policy. First Family Sltoivs Off $340,000 Home to Press organization. Previous PAC estimates of protest Inseead, PAC spokesman Robert Bland participation have always been on the op. said, it wlll be "a Silent rnarth through timislic side. '].'he group estimated that the fort:ilcklen park to the beach in a s:ooo proteSters would attend the Century !ij1~~n iv,=:i~P,Y thousanda who have City State Dinner. Abotit 500 lhow':'1 up. · By THOMAS KllEVIL Of tlM ~llr,.Plltl St1U ' . . It'1 . only· .an accide.nt, 1 says Mrs. RicholihM. ··llli•n.' .~t her husbelld'• bedroom· is dOm'iilitea. by a brigbt red that, precisely matehes the .commanding ~ secu,rit)t telephone Wide his bed. H~ likes the color~ 'she says, and, be!Mles, daughters Tricia and Julie ·had conspired with lhetr .m.olher to 'jazz· up the rootn a bit · The Nixon family showed pride and warm 1iot1pita1ity Thursday as they show· ed off their $340,000 San Clemente estate to some 6Q. members of the press. They offered carte blanche access to its 14 rooms, 'its five baths and the ~prawUng: groUnds around it. While the President explained some or the history and· details o( the building and rebaildlhi of lhe Cotton Estate, Mrs. Nix- on Jed some personally conducted tours of the home as . the daughters and son-in-- law, David Eisenhower, chatted with newsmen. The three famiiy dogs -the daughters' Yorkshire terrier and gray poodle and Mr. Nixon's Jrish setter -romped the grounds, bounding around 'the gazebos that serve as lookout points for-the Secret Service. ~ILY '!LOT SI•" r1ttM 1'10 OROINARY. TOU~l~TS How to Travel• Incognito · Stock lllnrkets NEW YORK {AP) -The stock marke t t:losed in lhe winning circle again uxlay as tta latest rally carried successfully through another session. (~.quotations; Pagt1 IW1). PHOTOS 'OF FIRST FAMILY INSIDE.NEW HOME: f!AGE I ;.:.. ~ ·'; .,,., ~lt \ ' --.. ' m · Nixons and, .their t n t er l·o,r- decorator, Channell,an<fCh~n of Corona del Mar showed beal!!Jy, respect for the Spanish heritage of the home. The theme has•been accented and even thr four new gar.pos matclt tht original red tile-roofed bulftling where "Ham" Cotton·once play- ed poker with President Roosevelt. The President works in lhe home's only second-story room - a compact 15x15- foot study with a commanding view of the Pacific Ocean through lhe pines and eucalyptus trees that dot and sunound the grour.ds. The room is chiefly blue in tone. The President works at a small, leather-top. ped desk with 1 three items on it - a replica of ·the plaque left on the moon by Apollo 11, a whi\(. telephone COMected to the White House switchboard and the om· nipresent red telephone -on which Mr. Nixon can talk with no fear of being overheard. The President is fond of lhe room and happy to point out lt.s ,features, !>Uch as the &mall tiles inset around the bookshelves and in various nooks. On a table In front of a blue sofa is the room 's orJy book -"Great Presidential Decisions," by Richard Morris •. No. it is . UJ>181Ped, .... ,~i-·t .~ on ~ IHMJflQ!' .M,\-~~~. ;;· lhi¥t happens lo hf lh&e;~. _ The 'bobksbllves are empty, a condition that Wlll exist ooly· untit'tlie teist Of. the fum\ture· stored ~om the Niions' New York apartment arrives. . Downstairs, the Nis:on home continues to· display its Spanish lines.· The ·rooms, all tile-rOOfed, sUrrounct', a tradiUonal cow1yarcl with 1 fountain in the center. Spanish tile is used profusely, !J.Jth for walkways and as accents. The living room fronts on the ocean side of the home. As Mrs. Nixon noted wilh a sweep of her band, "Isn't this a gorgeous view?" She was right. It is carpeted in a full Persian rug.with escalloped edges. The rug carries out the · rOOm's basic yellow theme, as do the sofa and chairs, upholstered in a yellow and white splashy prinl Most of the furniture came "from lhe Nis:ons' New York apart~ ment. It is of mixed period, with French Provincial and Oriental touches here and there. The ceiling, like all the ceilings in the (See NIXON, Page 3) ln!I~=j\ \1a"!.°'h1:;~ · 'II~~li!~~ dori .. w·hell-e. llQtiorl· COrf!Dlll June, .iii< , PAO~.:·f,,'{o'.Ji gr~the , d:~ty AlioJireY de~onstra!ors would , come. A\ll;M!l)OO ~~f,_j , ~ .enon.1or a contm-did. J .. ,,._ d illii .biaffii( to lle!Jl 1• Tol!IJ the judge agreOd with MqKililln Earlier. l'AC·represetitattvea had said that the !t•te had bed very Utile time to they plinne4 to bring busloads of Los es:ai:nine he Issues ralHd by.1 PAC peti- Angeles lh:dto realdenta to the protest tion which was filed with hiS court demomtratwn. Apparently they will car-Thursday. ry out that Pl8;J1, although the nature of He !ejected lhe argument of PAC the d~onstratton bas changed. . attomer, Patricia Herzog that it had Imng Sarnoff, PAC chairman, said the taken ess than three _Murs to resolve Sunday demonstration has been endorsed the demonstration dispute arlsini from by the Los Angeles Social Workers Union President Nixon's dinner ~Wednesday and they would be renting buses to bring night for the astronauts. "There are is- in ghetto residents for the anti-war sues Involved here that demarid the demonstration. gran(ing of time for study,'' 'the judge Sarnoff told a news conference at the said. Hotel Lsguna that at least 16 buses, Judge cOrfman's ruling sent Mrs. each carrying 50 persons, would be com· Herzog and PAC spokesman Robert Bland running to a telephof!e for con- s ·chool Taxes Will Be Below First Estimates sultation with American Civil Liberties Union officials in Los'· Angeles;-·· Just Tourists? Pr0perty owners In the Newport-Mesa Unified School District will receive a tax rate brea~ ·In lhe coming fiscal year, of- ficia ls announced today. Bland, Mrs. Herzog ·and othtr PAC spokesmen then headed for Los Angeles to ask fedetal court intervention in the dispute. They will ask a federal judge for permission to hold a demonstration. in which they claim that as many as 12,000 protesters could show up to object to. u.~ •. f91"ign policy. It Is doubtful, In the lipt ol past led- eral court action in such disputes, that any such injunction will be made ,vail- able to the Soulh Coast protest group. David, Julie Trailed Across U.S. The pro~ tax rates are ap- prOximately $4.6260 for COsta Mesa and $4.2496 for Newport Beach per one hun- dred dollars assessed valuation. .. By JEROME F. COLUNS ot tM c.11Y r 1111 stiff There they· )Vere,. just a young couple motoring· acr:osa 1Uit COW1lcy on a sightseeing lJ'ip, Nothing unusual about that.-Except this:, David and Julie Eisenhower's red • MW!lang was. followed all the way from ClnclMati to' Sein Clemente by a big, black Lincoln Continental. The Continental was packed with Secret Service agents. Man Indicted Over Political Contributions A Los Angeles Fede..01 Grend·Jury to- day indicted the President ot~the Farmer John meat paCking.<COmbine on charges of making illegal contributions to the campaign of a candidate running for political omce.. -' Bernard J. Clougherty, of P•sadena, president of the Clougherty Meat Packing ,Company and director of the Farmer John chain. is a~ or dQnaUng $13,750 in September 1964 lo the campaign funds of an unidentified candid8te for a U.S. Senate Stat. A soum. clo:f!: to the U.S. Attorney's office today told. lhe Daily Pilot that the contribuUon Was made to the campaign or Pierr~Salinger, former aide to tbe late President John F. KeMedy. Salinger was defeated by Senator George Murphy in that election. Young David, son.ln·law of one Presi- dent and grandson of 'another, recalled the trlp at the Nis:on swruner residence Thursday. ·•1,usually wh"1 w• ' stopped at a restaurant, we'd .90 unrecogn ized," he said. "But then the Secret Service agents would come in. That tipped everybody off." David and Julie ~drove alone in the M~tang. A radio kept them in constant communication with the h e a v i I y armored Continental. Only once was thefe a crisis. "Do·you see those rolllng black clouds overhead?'' the radio crackled as they sped across the midwestern. plains. "We looked up," said David, "and it looked as if a tornado was about to dip <lo"'"·" "But what could we do about it?" said Julie. "So we just. kept driving. and eoi ouf of lt without any problem." They never did find• out whether the twister evet touched the ground •. David did ·~t of' the driving. "Boy, it wao; pretty scir)' in the·Colorad<r Rockies, . but absolutely beauUful..-" He and Julie, neither of whom had been on a cross-country trip like that before, were also deeply impressed with the beauty of Arizona's painted de1ert. u1 Jet Julie drive throUgb the desert," Costa Mesan.s will pay 13.3 cents more than last year per hundred dollars of assessed valuatiOl'li Origjnally, the jump had been estimated at 24.5 cents. Newport Beach"residenta will pay 17.59 cents more than last year, a drop of 10.42 cents under the original estimate of 28 cents. There are three reasons ror the smaller-than-expected incease in schOol taxes : , -Favorable investment of bond funds, now awaiting expenditure in lhe building program authorized by voters last February. -A elightly higher assessed valuation than had been estimated. -A higher ending balance in the debt service account than had been an· · ticipated for this year by the county. Each penny oC tax the rate brings the school district 137,0lO, Newport·Meaa spokesman said. Summer Resident Theft Loss $1,109 smiled David. "I did all the mountain ·A. Newport Beach summer rtSldent driving ." . · who Jen her purse on her_ front pOrch The couple will remain at the summer ovel'ntght' had It stolen. White House untll Augii!\'28. · Content.I: $9 tn ca~h. •1100 inijewets. They were asked:: "lt your home Jn Poli'ce aaid Mra. Iona McMullen, eo~ of Cincinnati?" ' E .., Ed I ·1c1e • ' • "We i·ust lell frnm t•-•," ,.u •ui\e, _, 111-water,.,...t 111 ·a· 10 p.m. 11'1;:1"" 1\1 ¥ and.oJeft her baa on the potcfl . • • quickly and not quite~l15)0ering t,be quit It A1<1ntalned a !200 aleutldrlli ring tloa. · . .., ~. ancl. ti f900' diamond ring. . It wasa gracioo• ~l,ndina oli..., llbOl dldered the thell at I 1.m., many close mquirie&;JiiD.:11*<-~• · •b•ct)I" w~ out on tho pOrdi'to pl her Uvea. ·, "· ~ 't, ,, ... t Bland assured newsmen that his group "has absolutely no intention of defying Judge Corfman's ruling if federal action is not available to us. "But we copdemn what is In effect a denial of our petition as just anotl)er instance in a long series of denials dat- ing from the first rejection by San. ClelJlente City Council to today 's denial." State' p a r k &Uperintendent. James Whitehead today c:onllnned that th<y were opposed to the PAC application ''because of the possible damage that could have been inflicted In a carefully maintained grassy area and the ~ cent· homea Of otete park personn<l.' City council reJectlOIL Of the applica- tions bas been based on the possible in!lux of many hippie-type demoMtra- tors to an area that is just--one hall mile from President Nixon'• summer White HOU!e. Brothers Jailed For Donnr hrook Two lrilh brothers In them1ildlng. and realty busineM were , In jail and. a thlrd . was nUrslng his wounda early today,· afl'1" • brawl in which • whole library Of boob . ' w~nt out the window. . • · : w,1i.r a:.o•c.ii-. u, of lOtl·o,~r. Dri.-e, ;\pt.. C,. Coote M.,., l!ld Vernon w, O'Cormor, 48, of llt Willington Drive, Orange, were booked on •m1ptcl0n of auat1lt and battery. • . i Richart! J. O'Connor, al '* GI011er Drive, A'pt. B, aufttrfld biclal cuts a{ld' bruises , in the tr~. according · tlJ Patrolman Dick 0. P'ranclseo. !nvostl1ato"•aent to the Ginger Drive addreu found biood on •ll three O'Con· t)du -pl111 abdul Ill bookl lmrled, from a window -and · armted Walter and Vtrn00 aflor U!tallac to Riclianl'1 llory. • . soldiers now on dlity In the riot area where Potestant-Catholic fighting bu dragggd1he·C9'1ntry close to ·civil war. In Dublin, tlie Irish Republic govern-' ment mobilized 2,000 army reservists to support 1,800 troops it already.hauent to the _bOrder of Northern Ireland in the Emerald isle's most serious c0nfr0nl8Uon in five decades. ~~ ' A man ripped down the Union JaCt at the British Embassy in Dublin and ·ttu-tw. it to a crowd which tried to burn.-tl and then ripped~ J_t to pi~s while-·angry youths in the ·cro~d vowed thq wmdd go nortli tonight to join the Catbo!ics.ln their battles with gasoline· firebomb'a. clubs (S.e N. 111ELAND, Pap:%) : . -' R.ETll!IN~ FR!)M BENCH Judge l\&rl L. Davie Superior Com1 Judge,Karl Davis Plans to Retire Judge Karl Lynn Davis of Newport Beach today announced his retirement from the Superior Court bench. He will vacate on Aug. 31 the post to which he was apP,Ointed in 1957 .. by Gov. Goodwin Knight. Prior to hill ap- pointment, Davis ·was City attOmey o( Newport Beach. Judge Davis, 68, of 1957 Vista :Caudal, sald'he-reached his decision duttng a re- cent vacation. "I am -in es:ce1lent· health but 1 face mandatory retirement in January, 1971, and .I feel that. this.is the time to make way for a younger judge," he said. . He plarui to devote much of ·his leillure time to travel and b,as plans for a trip to Europe wilh hls wife Geraldine. Hi! son. Karl Lynn Davis Jr. of Newport Beach, pradices law In Los Angeles. Judge Davis is "remembered by many in Newport Beach as an organizer in 1954' of the Mariners Bank. He served as secretary, a member of the board of directors and as legal counsel until the bank was sold to the United California Blmk In 1957. · ·Judge Davis has since served as a member ofthe UCB1advisory board. i Judge Davis is.. a pas:t president and {See DAVIS, Pep I) Coas& Weather Those low morning clouds and that hazy sunshine won't keep the merCury down over the weekend •. Coaslal temperatures are pegged in the upper 70's, while inland readings will apProach the 90- degree mark. INSmE TODAY -Women lnmattt of branos Countv Jail ar8 pa.ssing tht time fill learning valuable ikUll for the "'out.ride.~· Page S'" ...... D -·-" Ct11""111t • ".,.... ..... •• c ... t1t1t11 .... __ .., • ....... .~ IYl'M ,....., " c ... -" .", ......... ""'' OtMll Nttlttt • '"-"' """' IJ-11 ........ " ...... ,. .. .... ,, .. ,. ... • It.di ~ '"'' lftttrt1l11r111111 ..... "......... ·41 ·-· '"'' """'" -,-~·= ..... " -• .. --•• ....... • ·--...... .... ,, j ' r I WlY 'ILO: H T~tt ~··eect , ... . ·overfwi.l · Marine Q..p tureiJ., May Hurt Off'i eer' .'ffu rt·:.'·1folnit01 , . ., As .· , By JANICE .BERMAN Of 111• Oel1V ,lltt Sltft 1.tarlne Donald Cordova It celebtatlnJ; his discharge lrom the strvice tod1y -in ·i joil cell. •• And lhe police officer wbo tritd to ar· rest the 24-year-old Camp Pendleton ~larlne Thurad1y Is nunin1 a bruised ·ihoulder after Cordova allegedly slugtd ,. '.South Coast Guards Yield . . '. ' To wu.r\,~n!e • Publk ~ !(Ol!I Soutb Loguna down thrufltl San tiemente will be~ tiJarded ~ Wltl<!,nd after all. San ~oeminte • City llfeguairds,. who cover 18.6 miles of the south county COl!llln<, uld today' th•y will yje)d to. a court order ind will llJard the beaches Slturday. 'Ibey U. tbreateried to 1trike. The dlisii'e not yet resolyed, ii over wacei.:adil if.vNay Work week. f. Llltg\&ifd''1.t. Steve Chorak. spobs- man roz:•• guards who threatened to •aUc 'ofttl'ie tifachel, claims the depart· Wient la undirjlald when compared to ~r life~ departmenu from San "'''o thniuit>'Loll Aogela. ~ "But we're ·not 1Ginl to break the ~w," he aid today, ''That "un't the fW'pole ot.wr demandl. So we are golnft IP _accept, and mpect, 1bt court order. Orang• Cowity Superior Court Judie Corfman granted 1 temporary order ThurJdly followlftl the compla!Jlt by the city: He ;Jet ""'· • for I hearing Into. the f.loplte. Cl!orak llld tbat at !hat U... e l\W'ds•w!U pmentt heir Jullitka· on 1or ,JIT!ie. But~t.he real Issue, according to attor- Y John 'Harl, the lif•guard>' l<lal nael1 "Isn't whet.her they're ju1Ufied demand higher wares, but lf they're ju.stifled to strike." "If you work for 1 private employer, .you have a right to atrlke. But, tht law ~implies that 1ovemment employu don't t •ve a right to strike. Th1t will be the ;11uut1on brought up Au1. 16," lie llld. '* F rom P .. e l N. lRE LAND .... M . andllooel. The heavlat flahtlng todly In Belfast was the Falla Road area, Lhe no-man'1 land •lretk~.$!1• Catbq)k: ~ demandinl eliil!ll\l'*ng, hooilnr 'Iii ff!> right1 and the Prote!tant majority rtsen- ting pressure from the Irish republic to the south. Jt wa~ there the Cathollc1 today aeiztd tvoo buses, burned one of them ind turn- ed it Into a street· barricade. The Cathollca also se:l.zed a movie house there 1n th'e name of the Irish Republican Anny (U!A). In London. Wi!IOll's aides aaid "the .coven1Dent of Northtm Ireland has ask- ·ed the ·United Kln&dom aovernrnent for -lbe 1uiatance of troops to restort law and order lrt Belfast. The U.K. eovtm· ment bu acceded to this requeJt on the aame terms as similar usia:tance was pn>vlded ID Londonderey Jut (Thursdly) -nilht. .. Three bundrtd Britlah tropps Thursday .n1£ht used barbtd wir~ and bayonet! to separate battling Cathol!C$ a n d .Proteltant.I at Londonderry, another flash point In the rioting sweepln& Nortbem Ireland, the worst since the :Jrish rebellion of 1916. Lodge Leaves Paris PARIS (UPI) -Chief American beaotlator Henry Cabot Lod1e ltft for ·consultations In Washir\{ton today after lhe 30th session of the Vietnam peace _conferenc1 showed the aearch for pe1ce ts still 1t1lemated. DMIY ~l!Of UflAMGI (:Olll t'Ull. llMt_. (,OMP,lttt l•fftt N, WH4 .,,.1-1 .......... J•t.\: •. C-rt., VltA "'-'-" 91'11 Gfoot< ......... t~-•1 Kenll ·-n-•• A. M11•1tliT•• ~··-. .s...-• F. C.ltl•• --(lfJ llllOM' Mew,.ir .._. OMM 'l 11 Wt1t 11~• ... 1•••"4 M•lll•t A4411M : ,.0 . l ei 1111, t166>. ..... _ .. ""-'--•, ' ~ ·, • • I I ' him· and fled -toto· the· early mornln1 darkoraa ol Balboa la1and. , Police 8llil lhe•IUUlnl and substqoeat tJ\rte.bour manhunt went like th.11 : Newport l\eacb police offlcor Dou1l11 W.blitr saw a min tampering with the contents ot th'e &)ovt compertment 9' 1 car belonging to 'Albert Whitaker, 111 'Apoltna, early Thur!diy n!otnlng. Whf.D the man spottea Offlcer Webattr coming toward hh1!. he fled. Webster pve chase. and madt .a fl.ytna t.cklt. The men acuftled; and Webltir'tmt:r&ed with 1 torn u!Uform and 1 p»lible &houlder injury. The man got 1way. Weblttr called for aid, and for the ntrt thrte' liain, four o!fker1 awehed J!alboo t11aiid on~ Ind In patn>f cars. Wilile:!bt7111wre q>mblng the ISiand, of· flcm__f:Cl\U>4..aJ400 autbolrd motor ln an ~:~ found.;two mm who Aid they hadlleeo WUA.cordova' and another min, ~·~~.or m1 Lltdlfleld Di-., JfuDtmM ·Btadi,i WlllltmlOD WIS foun(f'.QI\ the~ a few bloc.ks 1way. . '!'lie l40!I moJor.,Jllormlnll told the Police, ~been Iii a.yellow Volk1Wq:en ~"' btlonsJnl to WWJiptson. The but w11 found , parked at the Villa Marino RUtaurant lot. The two men abd...l WUliamson were ta~en into eu1tody. TDe two men were ~eued; liut W'tlllami<in was booked on su.tplcion of qand theft. He is ln custody at Qi'ange County JJiL Cordova, the ~t object of the search, wu finally apprehended 1t s 1.m. 'M11aida¥ at the lntersectloo of Park Avtftue a:$I QQyx Street. He WU •cliartt!f l'(ith 1-llJnl 1 police efflcr. .._ · · ' ~ · ., And the Olllboanl! It w1a claimed Thuradqy mOi1\lnr by Mra. Elunor Taylor, ol 117 Amelltyrt Street, 'lillo:llid her* was mlsslQf. · .... - The aerial nwnben matched, poUce said. .. ' ~.C~•* an overworktd nlltJlng ataff la "r••chlNI 11\e point or open re~11lon" South Coast CommuOlty Hoapltol may aoon be forced to h.1m away patients and clO&e as many as a third Of the rocims, it was dtscloud tOday. ... ~. Jol>n Weld, bospltol bo""1 cbilrman. •aid there jurt &rJ:D'l enough. nur1es avallable lo mttt reapidly growing pa· . tieat needs. "In recent months .we've spent hun- dreds of dollars adverllllnl: £or nursts up and down lh1I cout and in eastern centers. We've had only one reply and that merely a letter of inquiry.'' Hospital adrplnlstrator Stanley Volga .said lhe South Laguna medical facillty will have to remove some 45 beds in order to brln1 the Workload "Wlthin tolerable UmUs'' ~or the present staff. Ttlat would mean cklsing one. full wing and reducing the hoepital's aci.ite care capacity to 100 bed!I. ''Our nursing staff may be reaching the point of open rebe!Uon against the in- tolerable workl01d they're carrying," said hospital puslcfent Weld. "Wt can't blame them. over the yeart, they've demonstrated great dedication and loYalty to the hospital . But with no relief in 1lght, their dedicaUon and loyalty 11 wearing thin." Weld noted that hospltaia; throughout the country are experiencing·similar pro- blems. "But that doesn 't lessen the pro- blem for us." He said the h!>spital board cannot ask the present nursing staff to go on working under conditions now prevailing. "lf we're unable to find the additional nurses required to handle the current patient load, we have no alternative. We must cut back." . Weld i5.!lued a public plea for Orange Coast citizens to call the bospltal's personnel department should t!jey have any Information on prospective registered nurses seeking employment. Father Telb Strite Mesa :Youth 'Mi ssing' In Riot.;torn N. Ireland ~,,.. ,.... ...... • J lly A RTRllll It. VIN!EL Of lllilo oelf'f "let Miff Old rtllaiOUJ hatred 1Ull tormented the ':r.11: l'?Jr.Z:,'}tJ:, \~14btf.:.:: waif,:} br<ih clit only Thuraday h11 been out ol ~ with hla family for 10 days. Paul McCaughey, 18, son of Mr. and Mi1:. -rtiird McCl111hey ·of 115 Poat Road, tru sch'tdUltd to arrive 1t his grandfather'• borne In Londonderry on Monday, bu\ never showed up. ''Of count "hit likely happened -~e heard about the bll parade the 11th and stopPed up in Armagh," the Costa Mesa High SChool jUftior's father 11id today. BrtUah troops alrlllted Into Nortbun Ireland -wblre Cathollca a n d Prot01tant1 ~hlve !oll(llt hand-to-band In the atreets four days -supprtlffd IOIDt vlolenct'l>ot It flared up ebewhere. One man wu machlne-1UM_e11 to death as he sat in a rock.In& chi.lr, wblle another wb shot and tilled Thursday ln Armath. where. the Irish-born youth was last \Mwn to be viliUnl hls rnoiber's relatives. "Some of my beat friends over there are ProtesLanlJ ln this thing," said the elder McCaU1be:y, whose family js Catholic. "But llnce the rioUn& broke out the 12th, l'd dart not 10 to certain parts of the city becau3e they'd kill me," added the Londonderry·born fabric developer. The McCau1hey1 laat htatd from Paul by letter 10 days ago, while his uncle. John McCauahey, ol Lomlt1, juat ll'riVed home Wedilt!day nigl'lt from an lrtland vacaUon , without wotd ef him. "My brother saytt ll's 1oln1 to ltl worse instead of better," McCau1hey o.ld bitterly, chastisinc hi!I cmintl')men today for their bloody feudt?il over reU1lon. "My contenUon 11 that . they , should foraet their bfgotry and remember they'r.e lrls.h," h' sna~pad. "TIKY areo't Uviri& 3ai) years ago." · ' . . ''F;rom my upbringing back there 1 ~now you've got rellg!ous bJ1ot.1 on both I.Ides of the fence . They egg the people on and keep it going." he explanled. "lt'!I sort of like your Ku Klux Klan here " he added. "'ite Protestant sect has got the Orange Order and the Catholic;s have the Order of Hibernians -you've got them over here too," McCaugbey continued. "What they don't realize .is they're all Irishmen and it's just Irishman killin' IrlJtunan. That's wflat irks me,'1 he said. Ironk:ally, he contin1.1ed the hlatoric bit· temess fades on such occasions an St. Patrick's Day and Catholics and Protestants call a truce ta celebrate their an cestry toaether, "And the ne1t rlay, they're cuttln' each others throats,'' he aald. ~lcCaughey blame.s much of the trouble on Jtish leaders .who rise 01.1t of the rigid· ly orianized anli·Prote.!j:tant, anli·Catholic !lociety to pow~, taking prejudice along lo the Capitol. "They should 1et rid of some of the bl&ots in the government, like Maj. Ian BunUnz," be aaid. "These are the sort of people they have to aet rid or. then sit down and talk sensible." "'ntll Rev. Ian Paisley is supposed to be a mlnbter ol God and he was prtachlng rlot a few months ago. }le ~tarted the whole damn t h i n I , ' ' McCaughey said . The six-year Costa Mesa ttsident said Irishmen ·Unite against the world no mst· ler whether they come from lht north or MU\h of the island ripped by bloody fl&htln& tod1y. • Mason Says Irvine Co . Shocked by New Route Irvine Comp4ny executives were as stunned a~ Corona del Mar h011\eowncrs at new state hl1hway department freeway p!1na that could wipe out 76 homes lri the community, the flmf11 ptesident aald today. "We were just II turprind II the city or Newport Beach Ind the bom1Gwners wile• ... iw1>ed ol the propooed In· terd>a.,. allpmtnt c1W>.111," Jrvlne pnlldtnt W'uliam Muoa aafll. He said his firm lor Yt•11 bas 4tnlope<f ,1ana to allow !tr unused land '' the site !or the -lree,.ay aUp· mtnt. Ntw clutsn ciitvil' for an tffr1mp ay1tem his caused the p~ allln· me:nt to 1woop Into rts~nUil art••· ~ti~ t.\ld b6 1spect1 rtvls.lons to the pltn to eliminate chancu ol taldnr homes for the fm•·ay link. lie iaJd. howevtr. th•t mo\110£ the freeway allpmtnt turthtr wut "ill not belp. "lt would aimply take Out 1 diflertnl set ol boutes," ht sald. He said th•t hls firm ~·as not consulttd aboul the new design criteria and waa not involved In the proposals to chan1e the a·u111ment . State Division of Highway!! engin~rs have proposed changing lhe design of the interchan1e of the Corona del ~tar and Pacific Coast Freeway near P.iacArlhur BoulevaM ind Pacific Coast Hiahway. The m1jor problem ls the ptopoaed modified denlgn of a ''T" lnterch1na;e m1un, a wkttr swoop of olfr1mps wttlch 'WOWd need the lplet ocaipied by homes near Ml! and Goldenrod avthues. WUUam Hasl>tmoto, aupervlstng atate hl&hw1y1 e1111netr lor Orslllt CounlJ, already h11 11greed to look al the plans 1galn and rteomldtr the de.slin. SCort1 of rtlldtl'lts, the Corona del P.far Chamber · of Commerce and Newport Beach Cit)' Councilmen have joined in voicing oppositlon to lhe revised in· tercM.nte. CoruitNctlon ol the l\vo ttctway1 is e1· pectec1 1n 1m. Befl yboard Blaekhall New port Guards Cite 50_lnjuries This Year By JOHN VAL'l'EllZA Of -a.tit' ,lllt Steff 1bt ~board. a aurfing appliance 1portln1· 1 fin' that bu caused at least 50 lnltirltie In ~eliPort waters lhb year, will fall under the llleguard "blackball" syittm 1lartln1 this weekend. . Newport Beach Llleauard Chief Robert Reed Aid the ilhort boardl, which bJve been ·exempt from reautaUona cover\nl the lar111: turfboard1, wUI be "phued Jn. to" blackball conlrol atarting Im· mldlately. He aald evaluation ol the record of in· Juriet CIUled by the small boards caused tbelr inclusion into the warning na1 1ystem. The nap, yellow wllh • black circle in the center, are hQlated above lifeguard towera "hen conditions make boal'.d surf. int buardoul to awlmmerJ. The fiq rwlng p<e<mpll the standing rul" 1overning surllng boors aud areas 29-year Vet To Head LA Police Force LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Edward M. Davis, U.year-old career law en- forcement administrator, today Wu named chief of the Los Angeles Police Department to succeed Tom Reddin who re.staned earlier this year to become a televb:lon newscaster. Davis, currently a deputy chief in charge of planning and control for the department, was stlecttd at a spedal mettlnl of the PoUce Commission to head the nation's fourth lara:est police department with a force of more tban 6,000 officbrs. A native of Los Angeles and a 29.year \'eteran ol the department, Davis ad· vanced through the ranks to berome a deputy chief In 1966. The new chief placed serond on civil service examination!' behind Deputy Chief James G. Flak, the director of com- munity relations .. Dep. Chief Jack G. Collins, 45, was the third place candidate for the $34,620-a·year job. F rom J>qe l DAVIS ... mtm1-of the boal'd ol diJct.ri ol Ille Florence Crittenton Home of Oran1e County, a found.Inc member of the Tcntrn Hsll of Orange County and a member of Aml101 Vlejos, Newport Beach. A native of Kansas City, Judge Davis graduated from USC law school. He ierv· ed In the United Stale11 Navy during the flrsl World War and again £rom ttu to 1945 when he was based In Australia with Squadron Fleet Air Wing Ten. during the summer. "Those skegs (fins) are getting longer and longer on the.le little boards, and tbev look Uke sclmUars." Reed said. ,;When a bellyboard surfer i1 Jocked in· to 1 wave and rups ovq a swimmer, the ske1s can rip up some Clesh," he added. Several serioWI cuta have• reported from the short boards this sunµner. Earlier in the 1ea1011 a teenaae youth suf· rered severed tendons beh1nd hb knee when a Jooge board hit him. Reed said he foresees no lar1e pro- blems with I.he board's Inclusion in surf- ing reguJatlon. He asked for help and . cooperaUon _from aurfers to make the system wort. He said that thtre have betn a "few problems" with lhe board surfing en- thwluta this wte.k .atnce expanded surf-ln& Umu ind arw went into effect. "It seetn• thal a few of I.he boys got a UW. t'OUlh ID their lanlll'C• with lifeguard! that wouldn't let board 1urfillf 1tart until late eVentnc earlier this week when the evening tlirf was nice and glassy," he said. He said that several •urfers have ariued with guards over the blackball !1111 .flylng after the rtgular bo11;rd "1tflng 1tarling time. The earlier 1tarUn1 Um11, however, have poeed no problem, heiaald. t.ast Monday city councilmen airted to allow board surfing on the beach backed by the McFadden area parklni lol:l: starting at 6 a.m. instead of 7:30. That has worked well, he said. "We are recording all the probM!ms "'' have under the summer 1 u r f I n & schedule," he u id. The lifeguards' data will be reported to city coun~ilmen later in the f'&I' when thej consider revising the city 1 supuntr surfing code in4 perhaps mUlna it more lenient. ' -No ·Full Wipeout Beach Open When Nixon Go ne Not all presidential deci.sons are big ..... Suders, however, mlahl feel otherwise about a declsion made by President Nix- on today. They can uae his private beach -but not wblle he 11 stayln1 at his summer White House ln San Clemente. At all other Umes 1urln& the year the President's aand anrl :surf will be free lo 11••'-The former Cotton estate front! on one ol the Southland'• ltnest 1urftng &poll. It's a private beach -alwaya ha• been -but for several yan youthl have toled their boards down to "Cotten Point". They get there by walking down the beach, along the waterline, from San Cemente State Park. A high White House source explained that Nixon personally would prefer that the half.mile 1tretch of beach between Camp Pendleton Marine Bose and Cyprus Shore be availabl e to surfers at ·all times. '"But I.he Secret Service won't hear 0£ it," taid the spokesman. "The President knows the fiurfer s Chilean Plane Search Halted, 22 Orphaned SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -The search for a missin& U.S. Navy C'7 plane with 16 P'"'"' abomi,)'U .,it of IJ'hui?fay nl1ht. • .... Aboard the plane were eight Navy and Air Force of(lcers from mlSilons in C,bile and their wives taking advantage ol a regular ma intenance flight for a vacation in Buenos Aires. It disappeared Aug. 4 in a snowstorm In the Andes. Twenty-two children orphaned by the crash will be sent lo relatives or friends in the United Slates. - aren't happy with the present pr~bitlon (in force since Aug. 6), so he'1 lnslltod on at least that much of a compromise. Whenever he isn't here , the beach will be available. No roaming over the ~tale grounds, of course, will be permitted.·~ "'ill the President himself ever hlt the surf with his newly acqulreclboard, a gift from Julie Eisenhower and Tricilif "No," smiled Prea Secretary-Ron Ziegler. "If anyone uses that ba.rd, it will probably be me." "Mr. Nixon," he added, "woqld ntber watch the surfers than be one.•• Robber Offers Parting Sl1ot After Sentence Daniel Joseph Bunk~r obviously figured he had nothing to lose when be offtfed his parting comment Thursday to Superior Court Judg e William Speirs. Judge Speira politely sentenC!d Bunker, 21, to five years to life for his robbery of an Anaheim pet shop and his beating of a clerk. It means that Bunker will be in prison for 10 years to life since he hu to J'.oncurr.:~u? serve a 5!!nllar sentence ln-tbrf"1 ~b a Porn~ robbery. "I! thlt ·all~.'' the \inmoved Bunker asked. "Yes," Judge Speirs replied. "Thank you, pig," Bunker replied, clearly and loudly. If he was hoping for a reaction, he w•a di sappointed. Judge Speirs ignored the commen t and called the next name on the calendar. Bunker hesitated, then sat down. SAL! PRICES: DINING TA I LE $329 SIDE CHAIR $60 OUR SUMMER SALE ALSO INCLUDES SELECTED GROUPS FROM DREXl!t. HERITAGE, HENR!OON, NATIONAL; MARGE CARSON. HERITAGE & HEN REOON UPHOLSTERY PLUS MANY OTHER LINES. HuUCTIONS ON ACCllSOR llS, LAMPS, AND PfCTUHS AH ALSO AVAIU.ILI. Nl\Vl'ORT llACH 1727 W1tlcllff Dr. 6'12·20!0 o, ..... , ... ., "rtl. t DRIXIJ.. HUITA•I • HI NRIDON DIALH INlDIORS • LAG UNA BEACH J15 North Co••t Hwy. ''•flMional Interior Designers A¥1ll1blo-Atr>-NSID O~IN FllDAT 'T'IL t ""' T .. "-..... -' Of-.c: C••.,., 140•11,J ,•, 04-6lll 11 I ) -~~~-------------~--------------.,.---------,,------.,~-~~--:--.,....--::-~~ ' • -~· .. r: . " --~=-- -·- ·- Bl!A ANDERSON, Editor ,,.....,, Allllllt 1 .. 1Ht • , .... ,. ' . T·rees Li·ne New • Lane With only a few mpre •pages to turn over on t h e calendar until the holiday see.son comes up, .members of the Auxiliary of Hoeg /,\emorial Hoepi\al, Presbyter- ian, already are "thinking Chrt~tm8s." To wish Hatboritea Merry Cbristmi.s in a ne.w and unusual way, they will open their first Christmas Tree Lane' Tuesday, OCt.' 7,· at 10' 8.m. in the hospit8J. conference ceDt'ei". Vie'Wihg '*ill ' cOntinue· until 4 ·p.m. tllat day and the hQurs ·will be re}>eated the next day. Eight professionally d!'COrated artifici81 Christmas trees will be displayed, each following a different theme. Decorations have been received for six themes, Swedish Straw, Nursery Rhymes, Popcorn and Candy, Gold Velvet and Roses. Della Robbia and Blue a n d Green English Traditional. The eight trees will be given away during the two-. day event. Additional decorations in the themes will be sold separately, at prices from 85 cents to $1.25. Along with the opening of Cbifstmas Tree Lane, the auxiliary will present Gift Box on, Parade, the tra .. diUonal showing of its· Christmas and personal gift suggestions; Proceeds from the Gift Box and Christmas Tr e e Lane event will go toward the $17 ,500 pledge to· t b e hospital made by the Gift Box, a continuing project of the-auxiliary. -- CHRISTMAS TREASURES -Unpacking decorations for .profes- sionally d~signed Christmas trees that will. fill the Christmas .Tree UfAe planned by the Auxiliary of Hoag Memorial Hospital, Presl>Yfiirian, are Mrs. Philip Doane (left) and Mrs. Martin d. Lockney. EigJlt different trees will be featured 'in the lane, which .... ~ will open When the Gift Box shows its Christmas gift: sugg~stions Oct. 7 and 8, Coordinating plans are the :MmeS. James LaFlame, Gift Box .chairmanj .M·artin J, Lockney, Christmas Tree J..e.ne .chairmanj Les LitUejohn and Philip Doane, as~istant lane chairmen; Ge<>rge Cox, ticket and com- mittee chairman, and Charles Whitehead and Donald Crowell, assistant ticket chairmen. ~-. ' , Though . San ds Sh ift, the cfrfl~ . Rema ins The sands of leadership have shilt<!d '9; the Flor- ence Crittenton Sea Circle ·Junior Auxiliary, lfhich will begin another year of service til September. Serving Mth Mrs. Robert Milum1 vice president (lett), and Mrs. Paul J. Hegene~1 treasurer, will be ./ , the Mmes: Roger Welsh, president; Randolph Park· er, correspobding. sectetary, and David Roberts, recording secretary. The junior auxiliary is lending its support to the planned Orange Co unty Crittenton Home, a fa cility for unwed mothers. . . . I P9tio P~utY. Blossoms In to Island Fete· The Oalifornia style patio party will have an Island touch when members of the Altrusa Club of New- port Harbor· gather for their seventh annual suin- mer event Saturday, Aug. 23, in the Mooticel!o <;Iubh'ouae, Costa Mesa. Funds rais<!d from the·.,,. ent will underwrite club expenses for the year so its various phllanthropie-s can receive proceeds from .the balance . ol club activiti ... Tho club sup- PQ?ls the Girll:Club of the Harbor Area, Youth Em- ployment Service and p,_,,ts sevel'811!Cbc1Jirships. Nurturing the blossoms that will decorate the· clu~ house are (left to right) 'the Mmes. E. M. Launt, Earle B. Pore anc1· Sandy Carlson. . I I Ra.m.ona s Sweetheart Has Everything·---lncluding a Wife IJEAR AljN !:.ANDERS: S.veral of "' ,(itb gave• a lovely enga~ment &bower for a co-worker. Raniona told us· that her Ii..,..'•· ~ad agreed to a nice quiet diyorce~,the wedding would come off ' ~n ~ falL the shower was held at my hqliie and the gifts were beauWUI~ Lut wetk Ramona announool, with a sood deal of embarrassment. that the man 's 'wife has 1 heart cooditlon and he cannot leavt her.""l'he wedding Is off. SM dkln'l U)' one word a~l returning the fill,, Later J asked her what the ln- tebded lo do, .,.lth all t~se lovely prneot.s. ~ replied , "1111 keep them. 'Ibey will ceme In handy when l meet tOmeOnt wonderful.•• 11 tbil falrT Wt trt" -BURNING ON · ·' •• ANN LANDERS M!Cll!GAN AVENUE _...DEAR MICH: Beai out the flame1 and forget U. You demmles 11ve a 1bower for a girl and a married mM. of hair on my chest and arms and teg11, but my · face ls aa smooth as a baby's backside. I shave twice .a. week, even tbou&h 1 don't need to. The doctor says there il. npQling wrong with me -that DEAR ANN LANDERS: l just read the these ·lhinp1 happen now and then,, and ~Iler Crom "Hirsute Hilda", the ~bing can be done about it. secretary who fl4d to shave every day. It ~n I go to a movie for adults only, I makes me.rick that life il 'ao unfair. carry my JO cafd. 1 al!O wear a sport I am •-13-yeif.old boy and I have lots shirt and leave the collar open ,. the .. -·-'. ·-~ .. ~·--.. -· ... cashlet .can see the hair on my ches.l. Is the.re anything I can do to get the .. hair on my fact to growt Thanb. -HARRY (An o,t her em- barrassmtnt. 'Mlls Is tnJ real name.) DEAR HARRY: Tiie docl« 1ne )'IO the 1traJpt, 1ood1. Acctpt ·It. U Ji'a aa7 comfort to yo., pleue Dow tblt mJtUou of meii conahkr 1bavtn1 a~ ud woald like to trede jf/Qt proble.m for t.belrs. on)J free ,,,. to make uodter loa11 mlft> rlqe. . Yoa iated Ume to lfOW up IDd 10 don lbt -· -··be ~allj -• .-Stay aport'a mr ....a ·...i tbeo &<I IOllle COU1tlla1. '!'rrleone ca11' on the phbne and tt'1 a wrong number he AJS il WU anolber IJJY. Lui nic!il he speot an hour looking for Ure marks in the drtvew17. He wart- ed Jit~ ind WU BUre ~ WM here.· . Tonight be went lhnluib my album and ·tore up all the pictures of Ill)' high scbool friends. 1 phoned il'l'i and WO!! htm to U-e of yoursell on daks! Wbat'1 come """ 1e1 1"" ai>cf llie beby. --rtabt! Wh:.n wrpng! Should )'Oii! · nwrtap Is lou'1 and I ,.. no 11ope for , &houldn't you? Send 10< Ann . Landen' the future. Plqae teU me where I can a:et ~t "Dating Ope: and Don't.st'' encJce. OEAR ANl'I LANDERS: I'm 17, mar-. a lrep lawyer. I "'!'t a divorce oo I.can Ing "1th your request 36 cenll In coin and rled 15 months, and have a baby. Mr hu. llllrt over. -MESSED UP GIRL a long, sell-adclrtssed, stamped enVtlope. band Is 19. BUI ha1 changed Into a dlf· DEAR G!Rl.o Slut wMt ...,! Ann Landers will be aI"'I to btlp 1"" ferenL peroon ·this past '}ear. I can't Auther _.7 Ben )'IO an, 17 ,_<I "1th yoor problemJ. S.nd thom lo 1* In believe IL .... ud llrildi' Uakln1 ., ..• 111 ..... : 11 care of the DAILY PIWI:, enc:looilll • Hel110Jealoullfeel•!Jte1rm•lnlall.U·. ,..., llllYt f.r ........... ~ D w11 oe11.-, 11ampec1 onvtlope. • DAii. v P!lOT New Chapeau for New Title Holder Trying on now· wtd .. brimmed hat style is Wendy Dascomb,, Miss USA for 1969, who ts beginning ex .. tensive travels Including a stop In New York where Horoscope Willing ske visited th.e Millinery Institute of America. The New Orleans beauty partlcipeted rocenlly in Ille Miss Universe pageant. Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines Family Weclcling ' ~ Carmel Church Chosen -For Aftern oo; Rites ~emberl o1 the Immediate famllltt ol Margarel Dodlllll) ol Coa1A Mesa and Larry O. St.rlln ol Balboa bland were pruenl when they exchanged wddlnc vows before the altar ol the F I rs I Preabyterian Church, Carmel. Ptrformln& the )ate af- ternoon ceremony ror the daughter aO<j ton of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dedman ol .Fair =:ii: ~k'1o~·~J: JU,. was tl)e Rev. Or. George Hu!11"' Hall FQI' the double ring rites, the bride aelected a sine! lonitl1 crepe sheath with lace coat dress, enhanced with a cowl collar. Her 1bort veil was caught lo a double bow of matching lace, and her bou· quet was an arrangement of white roses, carnations and slephanol~. Hawaii 'L I oans Theme The aMual summer party staged by Juniors of the Wednesd8':f..~omlng Club will go Haw · thi1 year, with colorful luau decor. " A~1 lier ilo* ~maid ol honor Wll Mia Gall Ded- man of. Sift Dteao. m. wu at.- liitcl In pink cbll!Cll .... Ill· feta and her ~nsemble was compl..n.,nted with • a short pink veil ond liou!lye\·ol hlby pink r01tS and white carna4 Uono. · . The br!degfoom asked hJ'J fatlltt to stand 11 l)est man and gueala were oeatecl by BUI Dedmon of Sacramento, broth. er ol the bride. Following 1.he.. ctremony, w<ddlng guests gall!ered lo< dinner Jn ·the June ~ restaurant, Carmel. where wbite d a i 1l.e1, camatlonl, ye11ow chrysanthemums and bachelor bultonl were ar- ranged far decoraU095. A!s!stlng when lhe wedding cake wu atrv~were the mothers of the brl couple. The newlyweds tr v e le d through northern Cali!omia for their honeymoon and have established their first home OD Balboa Island. The new Mn. Sterlin was graduated from Oakland High School and the University of California Medical Center in dental hygiene. While at.- tending UCMC ahe served as president of the· junior class. She also attended the UnJvef'- sity of the Paclf;c, where she affiliated with Delta Gamma worlty, and the University 'lf California, Davb:. Her h u ab 1 n d atteOOed Eastern New Mexico Un1ver1i- MR. AND MRS. LARRY 0 . STERLiN Hom• on Balboa l1l1nd ly an4 was graduated from Hou1ton Baptist College. Further study was done at the Shakespeare Im:Utute.1and Oz:· ford University, England. Special guests for th e ceremony were Mn. Eula Hudspeth of Harrison, Ark., aunt of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Eva Dedman of Fair Oak!, grandmother of the bride. lURN ON To Aries: Be Make Concessions To avoid di1>ppq!nbnent, prospective brides are reminded tO have their wedding star!.. with black and white glOlly photo- graphs ID the DAILY PILOT Sodety Depart. ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. 'The Newport Beach home of C::?!m""•-m•-""'""'"""""..,""'""'r<i""'~~ I the William Geohegans will be vilaUons, cballengea, Be open lo el]lOl'lenee. Yoo're ll"lni the locale for the festivities, scheduled Saturday, Aug. 23, at 7:30 p.m. Greeting members a n d Peering Around 111AM4 SATURDAY AUGUST 16 By SYDNEY OMARR TEEN DATING HINTS1 Big eJclteme1t for Libra. Defhrlte cbanae ID We 1tyle •ecompardet uew dl1COveriel oo a date tonl&bt. Romance 1hlae1 for G e m i n I, while Virgo may get atutk wttb the check. Arie• consldul a JDlll'I pennuat relationtlllp, ftDe Leo considers • change. Evening featurin& m 111 I e mUn ideal daie for 8*t *--Turu ..... t. re- member raollthml •CDD- places, CAPRICOllN (Dee. 22.Jan. 19): Be ready for changes. Study SaglUarlas m""ll•· Ca!eer mattn might be spoUigbl<d. A IOclal contact could provide valuable in- troduction. Shaw appreciaUon. Fot engagement announcement.. ft fs sucgested that the story, also accompanied by a black and while glouy picture, be submitted early. If the betrothaf announce- ment ~d wedding date are six weeks or less apart, only the wedding photo will be ac· cepted. guest.a at the door with col· nx«e • • • waa • orfut leis wU~ ht; Mn. r>:oo&las BUFFET SUPPER in their vacaUonlng in the Islands with Patty, hosp1ta11Ly cbainnan. Vista del Lido apartment the C.olony Surf Hotel, Dia· Mrs. Geohegan, special ~vent.s home will be hosted by Mr. mood Head Beach, as their chalnnan and her co-chBlnnan and Mrs. George Wlllia!MOTI he1dqu1rttl'$. Mrs. David N. Bourke are Wedneaday, Aug. 27, when P.lannlng background d~ora· they entertain th• ap- t1ons and exotic supper dt~~es proximately ao members of to ~arry out the Hawa11an the Voyagers, a group from mohr. . St. Andrew 's Presbyterian AQ~AJllUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Journey seems to be part of your day. Interestin& cor- respondence, c a 11 s are hlghllghled. Strive lo please !'lpec\al person in your life . This alao will make yoq liap- To help fill requirements on 'both wed- ding and engagement stories, forms are avail· able in all of the DAILY PILOT o!fices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notea ataff members at 642-4321 or 494·9488. M.rs. David Poppell, c~ub Church in Newport Beach. A cha1nnan and Mrs. Patnck program by the M e I 0 d y B r e s n ah a n , co-ch~an, Makers will follow the buffet. report a full tum out u ex- pected for the summer event. DINING IN M I c b e I ' s Assisting with planning are restaurant. Honolulu, were thel Mmes, Davis Forge. Ran· Mr. and Mra. R. W. Hooker of dy Nutt and Charles Babbitl Costa Mesa. They have been ....m, diet .... ·-=::.="~ree•l•t• py. • PISCFJl (Fe!J. If.March IO): 1:..---------------:J Money, queatiooa concerning oompllmtm~ w!llle PflCfJI St1I lan.lved wl&b ln-- <IMdul -bas I 1 •""'1· MaoJ. loolpt di• -lmtllalloo al marrlqe. AlW!8 (March 21-Aprll 11): Some ,.;th opposing v1.,., oould do an about-face. Be willlng to alJo make 10t11e con- ceaions. Keep open mind. Your chann ahines: many are attraoted. Get erpert legal ad- vtco. TAIJl\US (April 20-May IO): Your sense of .harmony b empbuiied. You are aen!itive today to those who are poinaeloos, uabappy. For your own good, steer clear ol ~less arguments. GEl\llNI (May 21-June 201' RomanUc lrytereN are in· tenalfled. Some basic responsibilities continue to need ·-· But there " a i!!"ll<r de-ol f...&>m. Separate fact from Illusion. CANCER (June IL.July !2):' Practical Issues dominate. You could be rewarded for put effort. Be courteous to older lndivldilal. Your security may depend upon Impression wNch is m&de. LEO (July 23-Aug. !2): You may find It neceuary to travel. U you do, take care not to lose important papers in tran1JL Key is proper prtparallon. non't p it off everything until last minute. eltat.e could arise. Base ac. tiooa OD fads, not rumon. Some today delight I n •pread!Jll-alarm. Be wise by gelling prqml'°" In wriUng. IF TODAY IS YOUR BU\'111D4 Y you are lnemled in law, YoU have appeal to op- posite sex. You love the spotlight, but soriie of your best frl¥ndJ conSider you basically-My. Social 1ctlviUe1 this month should not be permJtted to drain creaUve energy. Alumnae Plan Welcome Party Incoming freshmen a t ScrlpPI eonege wUI be welcomed by Orana:e County Alumnae of that -sdiool in a party seltJn& oo WednO!Cloy, Aug. 27. The Newport Beach home of Mrs. William Ellers will be the scene of a poolside supper from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. HOl!ltts.ses for the event will , be the Mmes. Arthur Birtcher, · William Fleetwood and Batt Brown. 'S~lad Days' Ahead For Area Housewives Cool dais during the heal of IUMmer are ptomised by the homo ecotlQl1llsts al t b o Southern California Edison Company's Eledrle Living Center, Huntington Beach. Refreshing saladJ lo be en- joyed Uln>ugh the summer months will be demonstrated by Miu Joanne Tebbetts. Simple to prepare from com· blnatlMS of fresh and frozen food, they may be assembled a n d l'f'hi&erated the d a y Belts Circle Chic Fashion before, or created and frozen · week.I before wing. Mrs. Carol Hejnl w 111 di&euJs hiving a oool and comfortable house equlpi>ed with electric air condlUorWig. Summer Salads will be preaented at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 19; Thursday, Aug. 21: Friday, Aug. 22, and Tuesday, Aug. 28. Evenint demOl)!llratlons will be offered at 7 p.m. Mondsy, Allg. 11: Wednesday, Aug. IO, and f\.tonday and Wednesday, Aug. ~and 27. They are open to the public and there Is no charae for the pre11tntations. VIRGO (Aug. ~pl !2):' Spending habits may have lo be revised . New project, am- bition coold alter previous plans. Be flexible. Know that what siou need will be available. Shop for be 1 t bargain. Bella make their own Inner UBRA (SepL 2.1-0ct. 2%) ~ circle of Chic. The faslllon con- P'ine for expanding activities. &eious young sometimu wear Don't get mlred down wi th two or three belts together, ex; AddJUonal Information rnsy be oblalned by coiling the company, M7-7581, extension 171. routine. See projects es a tending from waist to hip, ta Mrs . :Jaycees whole. Your intuition rings accent her" lithe slenderness. I true. Follow through 0 n Some belts for fall and · lfunlington Beach 111r11 . beliefs, ambitions. winler have bells that tinkle. Jaycee& meet the second ?t1on- SCORP10 (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): Jingle;-jangle 'com.If . from Lncda1a~nnl thlenfomrmona~1·o·n•tm8ayp.mbe. Excellent for special con-gypsy coins and othe? metallic w ~ f e re n c e s • etcbanging con· oddments that clink and clank received by telephontng f\.frs. fidentlal information. Be sure '-;;wiihiieniimthiieiiwiieeri;;;;;eriiwiiaiiliiksii. iiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiicbiiaiieliiBiiriiooiiksii,i;SWI0!2iiiiiiOiii'iiii you get mooey's worth. Me.ana11 doti't undersell younelf. Your val°' is mart than might be Imagined. • SAGl'ITARIUS (Nov. ft. Dee. 21): New lrlenda could lnlniduoe you lo eoclUq ..... ctpls. Be daring. Accept In· Dane• Club '!be 11111. third end !Uth Frjdaya of the month are the d&llCO daUI oeloctl4 by Lace'n Leather .Dtncl Club members. The mull<: ataru 1t I p.m. In the RecnatlOD. Center. Hun· tlnct<>D Bach. IT'S A FACT! If you ·spent 30 seconds lookin9 at each of our sha9 samples, it would take you over 'I hours to ue them ell- so come early and brin9 your lunch. DON'S CARPET SHOP 426 SO. MAIN (1 Ilka. No. el lu!loek'tl ORANIJE t+OUIS1 t..S1JI DA1LY Cl.OllO SONDAT Festival's in a Hawaiian Mood Bringing out ukeleles and grass skirts for a preview of their Hawaii~~ l ee Cream Festival on Thursday, Aug. 21, are members of Harbor Senior Cititens Club (left to right) the Mrt\j!s. Veronica Hansoa, Pauline MithoU and Aaron D. Christensen. Proceeds from the event, W which the public is invited from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. will go to the Zonia building fund. Booths will feature a di s- play of bar.aar items and a program will include performances by several sing· ers and a ballet group. ,, Thomas C. Houghton, D.D.S. Announces The C pen;ng of His Office for t~e Prodico of Dentistry, for Children ot HUNTINGTON PROFESSIONAL: CENTER Suit• 210 18700 Main St. ltcron fr<>m 5 Poiohj Hunt ington Botch Office Houl'l 8y Appoinlmant Old Favorite Diamonds and p e a r 1 s , always a delui:e combina tion, are used in more abundance with more 1pectacular re:rults that leave necklaces, pins, rings, bracelets and earrings a ltunn!ng aighl. Pearls may be one of the oldest of gems, but they do the newest thlnga to jewelry for fall HB Auxiliary Turn on a JOO watt light· bulb-yours for only • JOC* with each purchase of gasoline ... at partici· paling Texaco Retailers in this area. lightbulb 4 supply is limited so don't delay. Tu rn in af Texaco today. ·Suanted ,.,.,, """" Twtce a month the Ladies' AuxlUary to Huntington Beach Vete.ran1 of Foreign Wars, Poat 7368 meets at a p.m. The first Frlday of each month they gather In Odd Fellows Hall for a business meeting and the third Friday they 1oclalize in various locations. Further information may be secur~ by calling Mrs. LeRoy ~---------' Hermann at 536-3580. \ AWARD WINNING SHOE SERVICE cA~''. COMPLETE SHOE 0 LUGGAGE ,t 0 HAND BAG REPAIR' • AL&; WORK GUARANTEED TO YOUR SATISFACTION $CONVENIENT SHOP$ --. •:i,.:·.::l~."~ •!:.Jl!:';:."n,. eMN \llA LlllO H"""'1 I~ MMW H..,.rt IMdl. '1J.N2I t JlOttNSOH'I" tK' 111.S.HICff 1$LAJIHI ' f~ltrl l11f;nf • NtwJ191't ,_._ 6M-11'l ' tltwpDrt I~ THE BAREST SEE·THRU YET IS FOR HIM. Our Glycine gold tone watch shows ' its skeletal parts under glass. Antimagnetlc. water-,,..istant and shock-proof with black or brown amgttor band, $50, 's~~~ 18 FASHl~N ISLAND NEWPO~T •EACF'I -b••· I 380 Y-t.Jwi11!t "«t;lrll W•kofl'M -l~lftltk41nl, ~"" (llaf'lto ,_ Opett M~, Prlffy •lltil t :JO P·l!I• I , .. ,,. I \~ , .. :VOC.-,2, NO. 195;. 4 SECTIONS, # PA'GES . . . . ' ' -~ . DAILY P ILOT ....... '1 •M O'DMMll THE NIXONS AND THE EISENHOWERS GREET GUESTS AT FIRST FAMILY'S NEW HOME Come Along With Our Correspondent for • Guided Tour of the White House West His Room Matches Phone , ' First · Family Sho ws Off $340,000 Home to Press By THOMAS XEEVIL · Of.IM;O.lr ,.li.t Stell Tl'~ !fl'l!1, "it 0accldeol, ~· Mrs. Blchd 11. ·M>on. .that lier 'bu;band'• bedroom LY dominated by a b\lght red = matcboi tile corrim.andlll& II --biJbod. I , He .&be eokr, she says, and, 'j,.;,jcfef, daughlen Tricia and Julie bad cOO!plred lrillj their rnotb<r tO jW. •up lhe ...... lii!i '. . The ia-,..,i1Y sbowed pri<le and wann '}Z'1.a;,' Thyrsday as they &how- fd off •• San Clemente estatl'! to toine • ~ of the press. They offered'1 carte -;:'1anche .access • to itli 14 rooms, Its five baths and lhe sprawling crounds around it While the Prelidenl erp}ained some of the hislpty. and details of the bullding and rebuYdint;: ol the Cotton Est.ate, ).1rs. Nix- on lea tome personaDy conducted tour11 of the bome as :.he daughters and son·in- Jaw, )David Eisenhower, chatted with newsmen. The lhret famiiy dogs -the daughters' Yorbhire terrier and gray poodle and 1-fr. Nixon's Irish setter -romped the grounds, bounding around . the' gaie~ that aervt as lookout.Points for the Secret 5<rvlce. ' OAI\. Y PILOT Stiff .....,. HO ORDINARY TOURISTS How to Travel Incognito Sloek ~Jurkets NEW YORK )AP! -The stock mark<! closed in· the winnil)i circle agJln toda)' a,, its latesf rally carried successfiffiy through another session. (Sec quotations, Page; 11'17). .. PHOTOS OF FIRST FAMILY lljSJDf' "fEW HOME : J".AGE t The Nixons and their I n t e r i o r decorator, Channell and Chapin of Corona del Mar showed healthy respect for the SpaiiiJh heritage of the home. Tbe ~me has been accented and even thr four new gazebos matctrthe (ll'iginal red tile-roofed building where "Hapt" Cotton once play· ed poker-with President Roosevelt. The President works in .the home's anly secOOd-story room -a compact lSxl&- foot study with a commanding view of the Pacific Ocean through the pines and eucalyptus trees that dot and surround the grour.ds. The room Is chiefly blue in tone. The President works at a small, leather-top- ped desk with three items on it -1 replica cf the plaq ue left on the moon by Apollo 11, a whit<. telephone Cf!Onecled to the White House switchboard and the om· nipresent red telephone -an which Mr. Nixon can talk with no fear Of· being overheard. · The Pre1,ident·1s·fond af•the .room and happy to point.oot its features, 6ucb as the limall tiles i,nset around tht bookshelves and hi variow nooks. On a l(l.b\e In front of a blue sofa Is the roo1n's or,ly book -"Great Presidential lltci~op""' by Ricbard,¥qrris. N~. ii is expratnea. lhe PIOsicmir isn't dependlrlg on ~the book for his decisions -It just lii"ppeJl>'tlrbe.'lliere._ The bookshelves are empty, a condition th.at will exm ooty until lhe rut al the furniture stored from the Nilons' New York apartment arrives. Downstairs, the Nixon home C<lnUnues to display Its Spanish lines. The rooms, all t.llyroofed, surround a lradltional C<lurtyarrl with a fountain in the center. Spanish Ute la used profusely, both for walkways and as accents. The living room fronts on the ocean side of the home. As Mrs. Nixon noted with a sweep of her hand, "Isn't this a gorge:>us view?" She was right. It is carpeted 'in a run Persian rug whh escalloped edges. The rug carries out the room's basic yellow theme, as do the sofa and chairs, upholstered in a yellow and white splashy print. Most of the furniture came from the Nl:s:ons' New York apart· ment. It is of mixed period, with French Provincial and Oriental touches here and there. The ceiling, like all the ceilings in the IS.. NIXON, P11e 21 Just Tourists? I David, Julie Trailed Across V.S. ... By JEROME F. COLLINS or 1111 De lft' ~lllf "'" Young David, son-in-Jaw or one Presi- dent and grand3on of, another, recalled There ·they were, just a young coupl• the trip at the Nixon summer residence m,otoring across the country on a , Thursday. "Utually when we stopped at a sightseein&'trip. • restaurant, we'd ig\) UJU"ecognized,'' he Nothing unusual about lhat. Except ~ said.' "But then<tbe Secret-SeTVice agenll ·, this:t David"land olulie· EisenQowei:'s red t wou14 come in. nae. tiPped everybody Mustang ~waa~ollowed ·alt''the way from ·tGfr." . v1l_, • · · 1 David and Julie" ... prOv9 1Iaoe in the Cincinnati lo San Clemente by •1 )ig, Mustang. A radJo"'(-l'epC, tbtrn in constant black Lincoln Continental,. comm\lnkati9ft with . 1hie h e a v i I 1 The Conlinental was ~packed with armored Conlinental.,' ODly ooce was Secret Service agents. there a crisis. . Man Indicted Over Political ('.ontrihutio~s ' - I ' • ' . A ~ Angeles Federat Grand Jury to- day il1!iictod the PresldenL o[ the Farmer John <1Mal ·~ ctfftblne-on char'ges of miking illegal contributl9ns to the campaign or a cani:lidat& n.mning f(lr poUtlcal ofnce. . ~rd J . Clougherty, of P'°"dena, president of the Clougherty Meat Packing Company and direct.or af the Farmer John chain. la aca111ed of. dodaUng $13,750 in Septembtr 1964 to the campaign funds of an unidentified candidat.e for, a U.S. Senate Seat. A soura. elm., to the U.S. Attorney'• ofli<e tod•y told the Daily Pilot that the contribution wu made to the campaign of Pierre Salinger, former aide to the.late President John F. Ke\tnedy. Salinger waa defeated by Sonalor G<or1e .Murpby la thaf elecllon. ''Do you see tho6e rolling.black clouds averhead ?" the radio crackled a.a they sped across the Midwestern plains. "We looked up," said David, "and it looked as if a torna~o was about to dip down." •·eut what could we 00 about it?,. said JuUe. '!So "'e just~tept driving, and got · oui ~f It without '"11,ml>lem." They never aid and oUt ·whether the lWlot« ever -'lhl ground. ' DIVid did moat of the drivin11 "Boy, it \fa.1; prelty scary lu .the Calorado Rockies, but absolutely beautiful." He ond Julio, nelther'ol whom had been (In a -cro81-COU11try trip like that before, were also deeply impressed with the beauty of Ari""'•" painted dem-t. •11 let Julie dftve through the desert,•• smiled David. "I dJd all the mountain drl•lng." The couple will remain 1t the IU?l\mer' While House unUI AllilJst 21. They were isked : "Is your home lo ClnclnnaU?" "We jml Jell from there," oald Jui It, quickly aod not quite answerlna: tht QUd- tlon. " It wa1 a graciou1 Wl'f tffcndlng off too ma111 c]j)l;o. lnqu!riet.int..-lh<lr prlvall !Iv ... • • Today'~ Fliaill TEN CENTS ·• Troops • Ill Ireland New Rioting Erupts in Belfast BELFAST, Northern Ireland (UP£) - Britain ordered troops into Belfast today to end four days of rioting between Catholics and Prolestanls, but a new round or arson and street fighting erupted at 5 p.m. and there was no im· mediate interference. The 600 British troops flown here today from London had not yet entered the capital and correspondents said police took no action when 150 Catholics and 300 Protestants traded shots near the Catholic Divis Street area of Belfast. The fighting so Car has claimed six lives -Catholics put the toll at 10 -and hundreds wounded. . Surging mobs of Catholics a n d DA Refuses Probe Into Mesa Budget Orange County District Attorney Cecil A. Hicks said Thursday he not only won't. but can't step into a C<lntroversy originating aver a councUman's publie- criticism af the Casta Mesa city budget. Traditionally, Hicks prefers to keep his shoes clean by not setting foot in the bogs ol Orange County municipal politics. He issued a terse, tw~paragraph state. ment Thursday aaying there is no evidence of misconduct on the part of any city official, after reviewing a request to investigate. City Mana~er Arthur R. McKenzie ~ed fo11 a ctly council ftaQlution seek· iQt 1· prabe of hi• orfice and staff pro- cedure.a Aug. 4, and i( was unanimously ~•41~.~~!:'e 'A.' 'J'U<ier h.ad Ir· ' Mc'K<ial IU point of re-·...;e ' actlOn .. Hd on Tucker's ear· I1~'t · ie-mn'ans· about integrity and p'tepanltioo of a f7 .$6 million fiscal budget. tte later lsiued 1 written statement cri(fcal of the budget, but McKenzie charged Tucker had made no real effort to get answers to the critical questions he had raised. "'nm office. has reviewed the 'position paper' of·Councilmaii George Tucker in light of the·request far an investliation of statements contai~ ihe document," liicks said 'Ibursday. "An examination a( the councilman's remarks revealed thjJ'e is no evidence of misdt>nduct on the .part of any public of:f. iclal af the city," he continued. "Neither Is thlre anything remot~y in- dicating crim)nal condue:\. Therefore this office wi11 not and legally cannot un-- dertake an investigation," the DA con· eluded. McKenzie said today he has nothing to add. to that. "Thi~ is his province and that's where tt emtp as far as I'm concerned," the city manacer and former police chief said. Tucker made no comment two weeks ago -except re had meant nothing person11l -when McKenzie Initiated hls request. but voted with the rest (If the cooncil to ask Hick.s to evaluate the mat· ter. The resolution, plus copies of Tucker 11nd 1'1cKenzie statements as well as a transcript of the council minutes ·Involved were o,iy mailed to the DA 's office ?iion· day. ' School Taxes . Will Be Below· ,I First Estimates Property awners In the Newport·Meaa Unified School District will receive a tax rate brealt in the coming fiscal year .. of. flcials announced taday. The ptoposed' tax rates are ap- proximately $4.8260 for Costa Mesa and $4.2496 for Newport Beach per one hun• dred dollars assCMed valuation. Colla 1]"' will pay 13.3 cents more than lut ur per hundred dollara -of a-uatlon. Orlglnally, the jump had been ltlmoted at 21.5 cents. Newport Beach realdenta will pay J!.118 centa more than Jut year,• drop of 10.42 ~~+er th~:~~a:•:rol ~ ~ smaller· peeled Inc.-In school lanl· I ...._' -f~voratile investment· ~ funds, -awaiting •ndlture la the building pr<>gram Ulhoriud by votm IHI February. ->. 1U blgher·alltSled va1""8Uo1i than had nllmated. -A h r ending balanc< in the debt servliee a nt than had been an- ticl"'ted f this year by the county. Each pen~y of tax lhe raln.bri118• th• school dlalri<I 137,oso, Newporl-Mesa Pmianuld. ' . ' Protestants elsewhere ·ln Belfast hurled stones, bricks and in.suits 1t each other across barricades of naming city buses and avertumed trucks. Several bullding3 were. blazing rrom qwlotov cocktails. Six hundred troops ln combat gear new in from England at noon after another morning of rlghUng Jn which Catholic crowds behind a burned out bus bar· ricade fought police using annored cars. The 600 troop reinforcements doubled the British garrison massing at Belfut's gales and raised to 6.200 the number of soldiers now on duty in the riot area \vhere Potestant-Catholic fighUng has dragged the country close lo civil war. In Dublin, the Irish Republic govern- ment mobilized 2,000 1nny reservists to support I,600 troops It already baa sent to the border of Northern Ireland in tbe Emerald isle.'s most serious confl'Ollta.tion in five decades. A mall ripped down the Union Jack at the British :Embassy in Dublin and threw it to a crowd which tried to bum it and then ripped It to pieces while angry youths in lhe crowd vowed they woold 10 north tonlaht to join the Catholics m· their baUles wllh gasoline firebombs, clubs and stones. The heaylest lighting today in Bellast was the Falls Road area, the no-man's (See N. ffiELAND, Page I) * * * * Fatlaer Tells Strife Mesa Youth 'Missing' In Riot-torn N. Ireland By ARTHUR R. VINSEL 01 tlM o.ur ~li,t Stiff Old religious hatred still tormented the soul of Ireland today and a Cpsta Mesa teenager visiting in a tawn where bloody warfare broke out only Thursday has been out ol touch with his family for 10 <iays. Paul P..1cCaughey, 16, son of P..1r. and f\1rs. Bernard McCaugbey of 995 Post Road, was scheduled to arrive at bis grandfather's home in Londonderry on Mond¥iY. ~ut nev~r J'J\OWed up1 • •• "Of course 1/hal Ukelj happened -he heard about the big parade the 12th and slopped up in Armagh," the Cmla Mtu High School junior's father a~d today. BrlUah troops alrllll«f' J,1IO Ncirlhem Ireland -where Catholics 1 n d Prott!tants have fought hand-to-hand in the streets tout days -supPressed IOme viol~· but it Oired up e!Hwber.e. • One man was machine-twined to death as he Ill' In a rocklrw, _ Gfi.air. while another n. !bot arx:I •llliil.1'lursday in Armaah, where the Jris~born youth was 1.:ast known to be visiting his mother's relatives. "Some of my best friends over there are Protestants tn this thing," said the elder AicCaughey, whose ramily is Catballc. "But since the riolinc broke out the 12Lh, I'd dare not go t~ certain parts of 1he city b;ecause they'd kill me," added the Londonderry-born fabric developer. The McCaugheys last· beard !nim Paul by letter 10 daya ·ago, while his' uncle. John McCaughey, of Lomita, just arrived home Wednesday night Lrom an Ireland vacation, without word of him. ''My brother says it's going to get worse instead of better," McCaugbey said bitterly, chaJiliing hil countrymen today for their bloody feuding over religion. "My contention is that they lhouN forget their bigotry and remember they're Irish," he snapped. "They ln!ln't living 300 years ago." "From my upbringing back there I know you've got religious bigots on both sides of the fence. 'Ibey egg the people on and keep it goirig,'1 he e:s:planled. . "It's sort o{ like your Ku Klux Klan here." he added. "The Protestant 1ect ~as aot the or.,,,.. Order a,nd !bf C.tbelicl ii.ve lhe otder of Hibernians -rou've lo\ them over bert too," MeCailgtiey conUnued. "What they d:On't realize Js they're an Irishmen and It's Jlllt Irilhman tfllin' lrlsllmln. Tllal'1 ..... l .lrb me," he ufd. Ironically, be C<IOUnued the historic bit· ternm fade1 oa aucb occalions an SL Patrick'• Day and Catholica a n d Protestants call 1 truce to celebrate their ancestry together. "And the next tfay, they're cutUn' tach others1hroats/' he .said. AfcCau&hey blames much of the trouble on Irish leaders who rise out of the rigid· Jy organized anti-Protestant, anti.catholic society lo power, taking prejudice along lo the •Cipitol. "They shoold get rid of some or the bigots in the government, like Maj. Jan Bunting," he said. "These are the sort of people they tiave to get rid of, then sit down. and talk 1en1lble." "This .Rev. Ian Pals le)' ts supposed to be a mlnist~r of God and he was preaching riot 1 few months ago. He stiirted lhe whole damn t h i n c 1 ' • McCaugliey aaid, The ai:s:-year CO!ta Mesa resident 1akl Irishmen unite against the warld no mat· ter whether t~y come from the north (It south .of the island ripped by bloody fighting todlilY· ,. Protesters Will March In Clemente-Quietly ' ' Peace Action COuncit protestora will march at President Nixon's doorstep Sund!(y in San Clemente, But' a Superior COurt . judge's back doo~ ruling today ensu..<f that It will riot be (he vqciferous demonstration. oHglnally pfonned ' by 11\e mllitan( organlJatlon. lnseead, PAC sP-Gkesrnan Robert Bland said, it ,wiJI be • a e:Oent. march ·through the forbidden park to the bffch In a tribute to the many thousands' who have died In V\etnam." PAC plans for a more lavish protest In San Clemente state .Paik were shot down when Judge Robert Corfman granted the moUaa fl. Deputy Attc>mey General Charles McKesson for a contin· uaoce of the court bearing to. Sept. 5. Earlier, PAC representaUvu haCI aai(I 1 Ibey planned to bring -ol Los Aogeles &hitto iuld6ics to the proteot demonolrltllon. Appmntlrlhef will Cl!' . ry out lh1t plan, allhoogh lhe 1111turo 'Of , the demoastratlon hu,challPL· 1"1og Samoft P 4C chairman. .aid .the , Sunday clOmOllliratlan baa ,been tnc!oraed by th< Loi. Angela Socia~ Worlwa Unlm and they wowd be rrnllai bwrel to b..U.C tn ghetto. residents for tht 1nU-w1t demONtraUon. Sarnott I.old • news conference at the llolel LalUD& that •t lealll II b.,.., ea'ch e11rryioa $0 ~' wauld bt c<1m· Ing In fram Los AoPleo..San Fraoc:lsco, and San Diego. ,,,. PAC chalrmu, hlmRll from Loi Angelea, aid tbaL betlf ... 1,000 to 1,000 persons were eipected &o show u.P •t the dcmomb'atlon and ri1J1 protestlni U.S. 1 ... 1p policy. l Previous PAC estimates al protest p;lrticlpatlon have aiwlys been on the op. tJJnistlc side, The ' group estimated that' 5,000 sirotesters would attend 'the Centuey · ' (See PROTESr;Pa1e Zl Oraage Com Weather Tho.5e low morning clouds and that hazy sunshine won't keep tbl mer.cury 'down over the weekend. Coastal lnmperatur.. ue pegged In the upper 71'1, While inland reJldinc> will appn>IC(I tbe II). l decree mut.. ' ' -·INSIDE TOBAY. ·women inmat.ts of o"""' Countu JaU e1rt paasing t1tt time by l<onting ootuoblt 1kllb for tht' Houta:fde. •• Page 9. • "'"''"' n . <flllft111• , ,_ .... =--: ,,... "'"'" ' -" ............. ' ............. P.ltlMCe ''°'7 -.. AllW ~ II ...,_ . -...,. • ,..._.,... ,. --.. --. ..,,.... """"' ,. ....... -"""' .... ..... U.ll -.... lttdl """"" 1 .. 11 -. -... -. Wtrill..... M ......... ... ----·---------------'-' ---------~~------··--·-~-~~---.-...~------.......... ~--"---" _:__t . O~y !!!\.OT c .. ·T. •• :.· • ·crucial to Fairview . r ·. . .. Rt;tling Dµe SoQn . .On Hospital P'f 1 " A deolslon ls dU6 next week on whether •. psyi:,hl,at~c lecl\111<:1""" may h o I d "'' 5upervisory jobs at Fairview State .;.· Hoaplla\, Costa Mesa and other C.Ufomla lnatltutiom for the menlf.Uy retarded, ~, with '38 million iD ?t,led.Jare aid al slake. Cbanoes apPear heavlly tn thelr favor today. I 'l11e matter was taken under sub- mission Thursday ln Washlnaton by a spedal 0>mmtsslon -including doctors -•PPointed by Secretary of Health, 'Education and Welfare Robert H. Finch. • South Coast Guards Yield 1be answe r t; crucla1 to job relaUons at · Fatrview State HO!'pltal wtllch employs more than 1,000 PT's. as well u at similar slate facllltles. The problem which led to a three-day armband-wearing protest demonstraUon in the state system lut March 1tem1 trora u:cluslon of Pl's from Medicare Job classifk:atton laws. T Co Rul Only reptered nurses or licensed A. urt . e ·vocetional · QW1el are allowed l n V . • · -~ poo!Uons ot hospltois quail· •·• .'Ylllf _fo..l!41ral aid, while the LVN1 do Pub1Le be~hU from SoUth Laguna .not....,. exllt ii\ Ute California system. down thtoUih San Cltmtnte will be ~et. the P;:T, ln m.any cues have far guarded th'li weekend after all. .moni-uteosive ~rJWng than lhe average San Cleme.nte City 'lifeguards, wtio LVN, a.fact which led to a clamor for coVtr 18.1 mfJH 'of the south county ,chang'e,~.the J~eril statute. coastlhie, '11id' today thev will yield to The PTS comprise 85 percent of 1 a court ! order and wlll guard the ·calif~rni• stlte hospital's nursing servlce be:_:~elhS.ad~e1a;·ned t str1'k .!taff. · 1 u.:<Y uu 1oe o e. 81'0kumen for the Independent Union The dispute1, .not yet resolved, is over of State Employes, one of several groupS wag~ and a nve-da,y v.·ork week. led 't th HEW 1 I l.Jfeguaid Lt. Steve Chorak. spokes· repreSl!q ~ e comm ss on , man for the. 30 guards who threatened to heatjng Thu~y said today a chan1e · walk OU the beaches, claims thti depart· appean assured. ment. is undtrpald when compared to A Oood f:lf telearams, letters and phone ·• other" 'lifeguard departments from San ·ea1Ls during the past week. led the J Diego tbrou&h Los-Anaeles. meeting -originally .to be closed -lo be ,,J "But we're · not going to break the opened to the public, u.id IUSE exerotlve ;.,; law " he: said today. "That wasn't the -&eerttfry Dave Diehl. ~ _ • puri>ose o1 our demand!. So we are goln§ "Qu'8tt0n. uked· by tne committee tn· : to accept, and respect, the court order.' dttat.e a favwable declston to me," said • Orange <;ounty Suj)erior Court Judge D.ieht. . ! Robert Corfman gran(ed a temporar)' eharles..Strong, ItJSll: le 1t1I1 ti v e , restraining order Thurtday foll~i the chai.mwi ... ~. .i.' ' filiug of the complaint by the cit)•. They said thC commission decided the •· ;• ,He set Aug. 26 f~r a hearing Into .~he question la not one of the PT versus the ·-dtSpute. Chor~k said th~t_ at that .time RN. but whether tt>e PT and LVN are: r t~e guards . will presenl t heir juahflca-equally quall!ied under the law. '1 Uon for 1tr1ke. A · be ol ~ I I ssoct I But the real Issue, atcordlng ·lo attor· , . J!U1l1 r PrUJID on.• . a at ons 46 ne John Hart. the lire guards' le~al represent~hl techn1clans and s·o me . ::. co~nsel, "isn't whether th ey're justified represe~ting nurse! appeared •. b~t only ; to demaod higher \\'ages, but if they're ~he Caltfornl1 .Nursing Aasoc1ahon ob- •justified to strike." Jected to the chanae. "If you work for a private employer, rou have a right to 1trike. Bu t, the law implies that government employes don't have a right to strike. That will be the 4 question brought up Aug. 26," he aaid. ... ~ ,, .., Fron• Pqe l PROTEST ... City Stale Dinner. About 500 showed up. Al a prevloua San Clemente demorutra· tion during lhe Presid'11t's first visit list June, tbt~PAC estimated l ,v 0 demonatta "'1111d """' ~""'t 00 did. . • . ~ Today the judge a,reed with McKesson that the state had had very tittle time to eiamine he ls•uts relsed by a PAC peti- tion which '"'I S filed" with his court Thunday. He rejected the arsument of PAC ·attorner, Patricia Henog that it had -· taken · es1 than three houri; to resolve the demonstration dispute arising from President Nixon's dinner Wednesday nigbl fGI' the astronauts. "'nlere are is- • r.ues tnvoived here that demand the • gramui, or time tor study," the judge u.Jd, Judge Corfman 's ruling sent P.1rs. . Herzog and PAC s~kesman Robert Bland ru.Ming to a telephone for con· ' sultation wlth American c rvU Liberties Union o(ficlals In Los Angtles. Bland, lotrs. Hen.oa: and other PAC gpoke.smen then headed for Los An1eles . lo ask federal court interyentlon in the dispute. They will uk a federal judge fo: permission to hold a demonstfltil)n . Jn which they claim that as many as , 12,000 pl'Ote!llter1 could show up to object to U.S. foreign policy. It is doubtful, in. the light of past fed- . era\ court action in such disputes, that , an y such injunction will be made avail· ab le to Lile South Coa11t protest group. Bland assured newsmen that his group "has absolutely no intention ,r defying Judge Corfman's rul ing if federal action is not available to us. +.#lfi§flL . '--OIWIOI '°""t ll"UM.t»llN9 (A##~ 1.-.rt H. W"4 ............. ,... .... t~-·· r ..... n ••• Cyclist, Driver.:: Hurt in Mesa Traf fie Mishaps A motorcyclist who rammed a ca r broadside and a man whose car col· lided almost ha.don with anothtr were lnjurtd niursd•Y in Costa Mesa traffic accldt-ntJ . ·<\Vllllal\i . \VrlCbl 1 111~· ·II; '°' 2tl20 t Swan i Orite, tost• Mea1, surtertd a broken right leg and mu!Uple abrasions when !Jung frotn his bike. Witneues uld Wright, l~i<d in 1ood oonditioo t.Qday at Costa Mesa Memorial Hospltil, hit the brakes and skldded to slow down on Eltancla Drive at JoaM Street before the 5: 15 p.m. colll1lon. Molot1tl Dedr1· J . Jonuary, 17, of 11!1 Stal'e St., Colta Mesa, aald she could not see Wright because ol a Jl'rked ~r and alao the fact that he suddenly came around a curve In the roedway. Albtrt M. Santiatevan, 21 of Monte· be!lo, was ta.ken to Orange C®nty Mtd· teal Center Thunday after his cir, southbOund on Hari>or Boulevard, hit a northbound aut'o at Wilson Street. Neither drlver !nvolvtd could clve a verbal stat.aMnt. Police aakt P.fra. V. Jet.Mt Feud, of 2092 Wallece Ave., Costa M ..... wa1 too d.,traught while stntlstevan suffertd 1n injury to hi> mouth in tbt IOd-. If Shoe FitS, He's in Trouble A yOUflg man ln blue in hunting a pair of ntraordinary fett today, but he isn't Prince Charming in search of Cinderella. Costa Atesa police said the barefoot burglar who broke lnlo the Wlnd, and Sea surfboard manufacturlng plant at 1737 Superior Ave., Thursday has oddly elongated big toes on both reet. The man left footFint. in the dmt while pryln1 a padlock to enter a shed contaJnlnC a "100 reuter machine, but employe l1obt'I Illa leld police nothJnt e}fe WU taken. If ~ manhunt is suco~fuJ, the feet Md 10 et.. 1ttlched will bl booked Into city jail. • Slepph1g Down Superior Court Judge Karl Lynn Davis. 68, Newport Beach, has annollllCed his retirement from the Orange County bencl! ef· fective at the end of this month ·~to make way for a younger judge." Former New· port city attorney was appo int· ed to bench in 1957 by then· governor Goodwin Knight. Southern Ireland Shoivs Colors; Union Jack Torn DUBLIN (AP) -The crov.·d cheered Barry fi1urphy today, He was climbin1 up the side of the Brlfuh EmbUsy building, balcony by balcony. Then he gm, his ho.nds oh the Union Jack that "·as on the flag pole. The Z3-year-old dockworker got the flag do\vn to the crowd of 1everal hWldred below anG they atarte ! a game of tug-of· war With it. l!l no time the flag of Great Britain was torn to shreds. Seventy Irish pollcemen stood by im· passively. Somebody threw a stone and smashed a window ir. the embassy. Another stone cracked another window. Barry Murphy came down from the buildinf telling everybody he and others ~·ere going north "to help the fight for civil rights." - There was no mistaking in this Dublin crowd where sympathies lie In the h<>1tllities between Roman Catholics and Protestant~ of Northern Ireland. • The southern Irish hfve tr09m ~p. nA thl ltorder of Northel"tl lreltricfft) hetP-i!ie v.•ound-cd corri.ing across into lhe south . Today the government in Dublln an· nounced that 2,000 officers aild men of Ireland's first line reserve were ordered on standby alert if needed tor peace- keeping operaUons In the s1x Northern counlles called Ulster. still part of Brl· tain with some home rule. The southern Irish have served In the peace fmces of the Unil.ed Natl(lns In the Conao ind Cyprus. Now the Republican government was offerina Its troops for a similar force to keep the peace In the North . The Dublin government announced that once agalr. rt was calling for an ln· ternational peace force for riot-tom Ulater. An announctment on behaU of Prime t.fi nister Jack Lynch ur1ed Britain to acree to using • United Nations peace force or an Iri.sh·BriUsh force to stem the violence. Dr. Patrick HUlery, Ireland'• rorelrn minister, called on the BrlUsh Foreign Office in London to press the appeal. 'Ibe DriUsb had earUer rejected the idea of usitl1 a U.N. force in Ulster . From Page 1 N. IRELAND. • • land street between the Catholic minority demanding equal voUng, hoosing and job rights and the Protestant majority re&en· Ung pressurf; from the Irish rtpubllc to the south . . · It was there the Catholics today stized two bu5es, burned one of them and turn· ed it into a alm:t ban1ctde. The Catholics Ibo seized 1 movie houat there in the natne of the Irish Republican Anny (IRA). T~o,..11 J.. Mv•,~l11e ~!ltffllti' e ......... Offlte llO Weit 11., St•ttf No Full Wipeout .. Men;111 All14r•n: ,.O. lo• 1S•O, •t•t• o.w-. HIWH"t k«"• nu "'"' ..... .........,. L• ....... h11tll1 ml"tft111.- ·"""""""' ... : • tlfl Jftltl Beacli Open Whe1t Nixo1t Gone Not all prtoldentlal dtclaono Ile bil °""· Sur!er1, h..,tver, milht feel otlltnriH about 1 dedflon made by Preoldlftl NI>· on toda.r. 'lll<y WI UM 1111 prlv1l1 llllch -but not whll• ht It 1t11l!i1 11 hie tumllllf Wlltt• H""" Iii Son C1t1111111<. ~t 11! oU'lft" Umes 1urtn1 the rear the President's aand anc! surf will be rree to USf'. The form.tr Cotton estate front• on one of tM SOuthland't finest 1urtlnc spots. It's a private beach ,.... always lla' been --bul for MVtrJJI Y•r• youths have tottd thtlr board& down to "Ct\tton Polnt", They aet lhtrt by walkln& down the beach, alon1 the w1terllne, from San Cemente State Park. A hl&h Whit• llOllM IOlirct etpllined that Nixon personally would prefer that the hllf·mile stretch of beach between Comp Ptndlelon Morine Baae Ind Cyprus Short be avalltble to 1urfua al all liJnt.S, "But the Stc:rtt Service won't hear of It," ia1d tht spokeiman. "T"e Prtsldent know& the gurfera .,.., hippy with th• pr11ent prohibition ti n force all'lct Aua. 6), to be'• lnl!sted on at least that -much of 1 COll'IPlOm!iN. \Vhenever he isn't here, the beach will be avaJ lablt. No roam.In& ovtr the Hl.ate arounds. of courst, will be permttted.'' Y.'111 Ult: Prtsidenl hlnlseU m·tr hit the surf with hi1 newly acquired board. a 1Ut from Julie Eisenhower and Tricia? ''No," 1mJled Press Secretary Ron Ziealer. "If anyone uses thJt board, It ~·ur probably be me." "1.ir. Nixon,'' he added, "would rather w1tcb lht 1urfer1 tban bt one." ' BellybOard Blackball Newport Guards Cite 50 Injuries This Year · . 8y°'J~~V~~T1~~ZA The bellyboa~. a surfing appliance sporting a fln that has call!led at least 50 lnJutiea ln tie•~ waters um year, will tall under the lifeguard "blackball" ayst.em starting thfs weekend. Newport Beach Ufeguard Chief Robert Reed sakl the ahort board!, which have been exempt from .replaliOM covering the larter surfboards, will be "phased ln· to" blackbtll control starting im· mediately. He said evaluation of Lhe record of in-- juries caiued by the small boards caused their lnclUJion into the warning flag 1ystem. The flags, yellow wiU\ a black circle in the center, are ho!Jt.ed above liCeguard towers when conditlCJDI make board surf· Ing hazardOUI to swimmers. The flag n~lni JirHmpts the standing rules governing aurfinl hours and areas 29-year Vet To Head LA Police Force LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Edward M. Davis, 51-year-old career law en· forcement admlnlst.rator, today was named chief of the Los . An1ele1 Police Department lo succeed Tom Reddin who resigned earlier. this year to become a televl.slon newscaster. Davis, currently a deputy chief tn chara:e of plannlnc and control for the department, was selected at a special meeting of the Police Commission to head the nalion's fourth largest police dcparhnent with a force of more than 6,000 officers. A native of Los Angeles and a 29-year veteran of the dcpartmeot, Davis ad · vanced through the ranks to become a deputy chief in 1966. The new chief placed second on civil service examinations behind Deputy Chier James G. Flsk. the director of com· munity relations. Dip. Chief Jack G. Collins, 45, was the third place candidate for the $34 ,&2G-i·ytar job. Chilean Plane Search Halted, 2~ Orpha,n~d ' SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) -The search for a missing U.S. Navy C47 plane with IS per10ns aboard wlis called off Thursday night. Aboard the plane were eight Navy and Air Force officers from missions in Chile and their wives taking advantage of a regular maintenance flight for a vacation in buenos Aires. It disappeared Aug. ' in I a snowstorm in the Andes. • during the oummer. "Those skegs (Un1) are 1etUn1 longer and longer on these little boirdl, and they look like scimitars," Reed said. "When a bellyboard surfer ls IOcked In· lo a wave al)d runs over a swlmlOer, the skegs can rip up some nesh," he added. Several 11erlow cuts have been reported rrom the short . board• O)l• 11uinmer. Earlier in the season a teenage.youth suf· fered severed tendons behind his knee when a looce board hit him. Reed said he foresees no large pro- blems with the board'! inclusion In 1urf· lng regulation. He asked for help and cooperaUon from surfers to make the system work. He aaid that there have been a "few problems" with the board surflni e~ thuslutl lhll week tlnce H]>lllded surf. lng Umea and areas "ent Into effect. ' "It ,_,, that • low of the b9YI cat 1 Uttll rough In their Ian&uai• wltb lifeguards th.al wouldn't let beard aurfillg st.art until late· eventag earlier thl1 weelc ·when the evenin& surf was nice and glassy," he said. He said that ~veraJ swiers 'have arg~ed with guards over the blackball flag flying after the regular board surflnl st.artlng Ume. The earlier atarUng times, howevar, have posed no p~lem, he 1aid. Last Monday city councilmen aareed to allow board surfing on the beach backed by the McFadden area parkinJ: lots Jilarting al g a.m. instead of 7:30. That ha! worked well, he said. .. We are reairdina all the problems we have under the summer au r f In C schedule," he sldd. The lifeguards' dlja will bo reported to city councibnen later fl\, tlfe yur when they consider revi6ioa: -di cl\1'• IUllUntr surflpg COde Ind perlllpof moklq it 111ore l<nienL _ Picnic Set Sunday Mesa's Cultural Week Offers Family Programs • A daily slate of family entertainment eventa be&innlng Sunday at the Old- Timer New·Timer Picnic ts planned for Costa Mesa's Fifth Annual Socla1 Am Week. The five-day festival ls de!lgned as a showcase of the city's variety of' com· munlty activities. Sunday's event In CQsta Mesa Park begins officially with reglstraUon by home state, including a foiin~t greeting, traditional beef barbecue and other features running unti l aundown. A family spaghetli feed \Vith all you can eal at 75 cents for adults and 50 cents for children is planned ·Mond'ay'from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m., plus comedy entertainment by playground groups. Site of the dinner and show i~ the Com· munity Recreation Cente r. reached via the west gate of the Orange County Fairgrounds. Senior Citizens Day ts planned for Tuesday at the same location, with card tournaments featuring prizes for bridge, canasta and pinochle experts, capped by a 5 p.m. chicken dinner. Fill' Coat Taken Fro1n M"esitS tore An imitation mink stole out of a·Costa Mesa women'• shop, possibly draped over milady's shoulders, the management told police Thursday. Dorothy J. Downing, of Alroe Inc., 3333 Bris tol St., said lhe ~ full-length white coat with diagonal strips vanished from the South Coast Plaza shop Wednesday. On Wednesday comes the hlgltllaht ln the competitive field of athletics. The aMual City Pops Softball game pitting civic leaders Gf all agu and one basic shape -out-or -againat the tum· mer playground) AU.Star team pts under way at 8 p.m. In TeWlnkle Park. "Spectators and participants alike wtn enjoy the buffoonery and nonsense," u ys Toni Popovits, social and cultural coordinator for the Reereation Depart· ment. Last year, the game was called on ac· count of watermelon, A shipment of th e juicy treat arrived about the fourth inning and the same refreshment for players and spectators alike is scheduled this season. Thursday 11 geared (or youngd.ers, with a free Make-it·and-Take-it arts: and crafts day from 1:30 lo 3:30 p.m. at the recreatkln' cenler On the fairi:fouM!. A variety of projects with 111 materials supplied will be offered for children si1 lo twelve years old. The city's spectacular AquaUcs Show is scheduled Thursday and Friday at 7;30 p.m. in 1he Estancia High School JIOOI, with 50 cents adult admission and 25 cents for children. • ~cit:i·Wide checker tournament for all childrefi is scbedultd Friday from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. al the Community RecreaUon Center. Social Arts. Week. will be capped black· tie style with the Costa Mesa Qvic Playhouse's aMual awards dlMer-danc• at the Costa Mesa Goll and Country Club. Drama award& will be presented 4t th• gala soiree, for which reservaUOl'll 1r1 required, as well u 1kJls and comedy, scenes. SALE PRICE$: DINING TABLE $329 SIDE CHAIR $60 OUR SUMMER SALE ALSO INCLUDES SELECTED GROUPS FROM DREXEL, HERITAGE HENREDON NATIONAL, MARGE CARSON. HERITAGE & HENREDON UPHOLSTERY PLUS MANY OTHER LINES' llDUCTIONS ON ACCESSOlllS, I.AMPS, AND PICTUHS ARE ALSO AVAll:Alll.I. • NIWl'O~T llACH ,727 W11tcllff Dr., t4Z•20SO Ol'IN PlllAT ,,L f INTERlORS ltrtf1aatonaf Interior D11lgnera AY1il1bi ......... ID-NSID LAGUNA IEACH 345 North Co•st Hwy. 494-6SJ1 OrlN fllDAT ,,L f ,...._ T•ft ,._ WMt •' 0,.... Ce11,., 140.lZ•t ,·, ------------------ - - -------------~----------c--------------------- t Victim In Debt: -,. DAILY ,ILOT Stiff .. hti. BRITISH BIRD BRUSHES UP ON AMERICAN LAW WITH 'THE BEAK' Valerie Cahalin 1 'Chats Up" Judge Will iam Speirs Court Criti~ Touch of Old Baile~· Needed Here? Rv TOi\1 BARLEY 01 !hi 0.lly Pli.I Si.ff A mini-skirted Liverpool lass with a British law degree has reached a verdict that's going to have many Orange County judges angrily reaching for the gavel. Vacationing Valerie Cahalin thinks the cause of law would be far better served if our courts cut down on the informality and brushed up a bit on the Old Bailey routine -wigs , robes, a ceremonially garbed usher or two, the whole bit. That means (hold it, judge, you can sum up later) judges in red robes with full dress wigs and barristers (court lawyers she means, love) in black rai· ment with somewhat shorter head pieces, You've seen them on the pictures, haven't you, old china? Well, wouldn 't it '.be nice to have Judge Robert Gardner all Oolled up like an Old Bailey beak sniffing his snuff while clerk Perry Stewart pulls up his velveteen breeches, pounds his mace and bawls: "All those who would have business in this honorable ... ., Valerie didn 't quite ask for that but she does think that the irriage of law in American courts has become tarnished \vith an apparent reluctance by bench and bar tG observe some or the time- honored formalities. l\IARK OF RESPECT ''People should stand when the judge takes the bench and opening ce\"emonies should always be observed," she says, very seriously. "It's a mark of respect both to the bench and the Jaw and I hope it ntftl disappears from our British court system." She blames the judges for its absence, in most cases, from Orange County courtrooms. "They're too casual," she says. "Informality is all very well but it's car· ried to ridiculous extremes over here." But Valerie, 21, isn't the starchy lady lawyer that some judges and lawyers who haven't met Lhe leggy Liverpudlian might take her to be. If there's a lot wrong with Orange County court routines, there's also a lot right and she has nothing but praise for some innnovations that she'd like to see Jntroduced to the more formal British cout1 scent. VITAL FACTOR British courtrooms don't have anything like the faci lities for spectators that are available over here and Valerie wishes they did. 4'1t's a very important factor," she said, "and J'm all for encouraging the public to see just how the law works." But Anterican law recently worked in a way that has the worked over Valerie still tremb ling \Vith anger and left her, as she crisply enunciated in her marked north country accent. "in a state of acute embarrassment " Valerie joined newsmen for the preliminary hearing of a man accused of murder in circumstances that Jed court officers to order maximum security ar· rangements at all court hearings. Her shocked British accents didn't save her from what her journalistic colleagues often have to endure : a thorough search of her purse and person by a tightlipped deputy. A female deputy , fortunately, but nonetheless a deputy . Valerie, very red and equally tight lip. ped, simmered throughout the hearing. She later condemned the "ffisking" as "absolutely disgraceful. I wouldn 't have come to court if I'd known I was in for that" ~ "Too much freedom, I'd say," said the ever candid Valerie. "The British repor ters are restricted, in many cases, to a simple reporting of the verdict and l think it works better that way. "l\1uch of what you write over here is prejudicial to the cause of the defendant and I don't blame those lawyers who klck up a row about it." ll is very unlikely that Valerie will ever kick up such :\row in her native Britain. She intends to be a solicitor, an "office lawyer ", and she hopes to confine her practice to industrial and labor law and union litigation. Fro1n Page 1 Doctors Study . ' Slaying Patterns LOS ANGELES (UPI} -A psychiatrist and psychologist today studied evidence in the slayings of five persons at actress ·Sharon Tate's Benedict Canymi home last weekend in an effort to determine the killer's behavior patterns. Miss Tate, three of her house guests, and a youth who had been visiting the caretaker were killed early Saturday Huntington Chamber Adds 16 Members Sixteen new members have joined the Huntington Beach Chambe r of Com· merce. President C. E. "Bill" \Voods has annou nced . They are: Bill 's tluntington Valley Sporting Goods, William Bratney, 19026 Broo,khurst St .; Fairbank's Transportation Co., D. E. Fairbanks, 19000 Beach Blvd.: J. Don Hartfelder, archltert, 16897 Algonquin; J. H. Hedrick Co .• Huntington Capri Apartments, 6200 Edinger Ave. Huntington Photo Supply, Jerry Robinson, IM Main St.; Jack·ln·The- Box, Charles T. Howard, 16311 Beach Blvd.: Jerry's Chevron Service. Jerry D. Callies, 5002 Edinger Ave.; Allen Kling- ensmith, attorney, 17791 Beach Blvd.: Lindborg Company, Lenny Lindborg, 414 Walnut Ave.; Ram·Air Custom Aircraft Interiors, Dave Ramirez, 16131 Gothard St. Shorty's Janitor Service, Shorty Jordan, 7261 Corsican Drive; Charles Stefan of Huntington Beach, Charles Underhill, 1621 Alabama Ave.: Sterling: Croft Chevron Service, Five Points. 18501 Beach Blvd.: Tohill & Hooper Quality Printing, Howard C. Hooper, 1951 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa: Virginia's Art Gallery, Miss Virginia Shunk, 21108 Beach Blvd.; West End Boutique, Miss Natalie Byrson, 15972 Springdale St, Swampy Parcel To Become Park A swampy parcel of land once con· sidered for construction of a mobile home sile will become a city park, the Hun- tington Beach Recre!tion and Park Com· mission learned Wednesday. The 11.28 acres on the southeast corner or Springdale Street and Heil Avenue wilt cost. the city $16,488 per acre. Other lots in the ares have cost homeowners $30,000 per acre. Total price is $186,000. Administrators also have agreed to purchase a 1.36 acre park site on Sher Lane. south of Edinger Avenue for a total cost of. $71,765. The fully improved land, zoned for apartments, Wlll be part of a future 2.5 acre park site, according to City Administrator Brander Castle. Auto Prices Boosted DETROIT ( AP)-Chrysltt Corp. an· nounced today a ientative price increase for its 1970 model Dodge trucks, which it said averaged $67 or about two per· cent more than for comp.arable I969s. Ford Motor Co. announced Monday an average tentative increase of $64 for its 1969 line of trucks, which it also said was a two percent boost on the average. under gruesome cireumstances and auttlorlUes were checking every rumor in search of clues. . "This crime was so weird and bizarre that we are sbowing photos of the bodies to a psychologist and a psychiatrist who are consultants on our staff In an effort to detennine from them a behavior evaluation of the killer," County Coroner Or. Thomas T. Noguchi said Th1.1rsday. Federal Agents conflrnied they were looking Into reports one of the victims was heavily in debf to gamblers. The Internal Revenue Se.."Vice said It was making a routine inquiry into possible gambling activities of the victims, who included coffee heiress Abigail Folger, 28, filin director Voityck Frokowsky, 37, halr stylist Jay Sebring, 35, and Steven Parent, 18. Miss Tate, who was eigtlt months preg· nant,' and Sebri.ng, her former fiance, were round dead In Lhe living room of the secluded, barn·like house. Both had been stabbed and Sebring had been shot Their bodies were linked by a cord tied around their necks and ·looped over a ceiling beam. There was a black hood over Se· bring'1 head. Frokowsky and A1iEs Folger were found on the lawn, where they died while ap- parently trying.to escape. Parent's body was found slumped over the wheel of his car. Police said he evidently was killed as he was leaving the estate after visiting caretaker William Garrelson, who was held for questioning over the ·weekend and released Monday. Federal ncircotics agents were checking reports of possible drug use at the Tate home. They said a report that a trunkful of hashish was. found in tlleJ10use was un- founded, bl.It declin,cd to comment whether drugs' were found elsewhere on the premises or in Sebring's car. * * * Couple Murdered In Memphis; Tied To Tat~ Case? MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) -A disabled Memphis accountant and his wife were found murdered at their fashionable ~1emphls apartment late ThW"Sday even· Ing. Police officers on the scene said the killings resembled the weekend deaths at the home of HollywOOd actress Sharon Tate. · 1;. Officers declined to speculate, however, on whether the slayings were connected with those in Hollywood. Police said the victims were Roy Ken· neth Dumas, 58, and his wife, Vema lyn Kelly Dumas, 46. Memphis police and Fire Director Frank Holloman said Mrs. Dumas appeared to have been raped. Hollman said the bodies were discover. ed Jn separate bedrooms in the couple's three·bedroom, ground level apartment in the midtown section of the city. The couple's hands had · been tied behind them, and there was such a pro- fusion of blood at the scene that the exact manner of death was not immediately discernible, Holloman said. The son of the victims, Michael Eugene Dumas, 21, discovered the bodies when he dropped by to visit his parents, police said. Holloman canceled all days off for the detective and homicide divisions ol the Memphis police force and said the entire force would be on overtime schedule in an attempt to solve what he called the "most atrocious and revolting crime" he'd ever seen. DAILY l'ILOT St.if"""- F0T0RAMA HOSTESS MAE SHINODA BROADCASTS ON KOCM OCC Stew4rdo11 Student Invites Vi1itor1 to Upcom,n9 Show Judges Pore Over 100 Entries in Fotorama Judges at the DAILY PILOT today began the chore of screening nearly 100 pictures submitted in the. final week of the three.week Fotorama C a m e r a Contest With the competition for non-prt> fessional photographers closed, Fotorama now moves into its second phase -selec· ti on and preparation for display of the final winner. It, along with winners for the previous two weeks, goes on display next Thursday. Friday and Saturday {Aug. 21·23) at Fashion Island.· From here on out. the show's the thing. Exhibits are being designed and assembl· ed. Dsiplays will incluQe 119me Qf, the \Jest and most unusual news ·and "com- mercial" photographs of the past year. The three first place Fotorama Camera Contest photo's will be displlyed pro- minently in the VOlorama at Fotorama exhibit cO-SpOnsorecl by the DAILY PILOT and Radio KOCM. Visitors to the Votorama section of the show can win prizes just for voting for their fa vorite among the top three con· test photos. Radio KOCM has provided more than $\,100 worth of prizes to be given to Fotorama visitors who cast ballots at the Votorama display. Only voters will be eligible for prizes. The photographer whose picture gets the most votes in Votorama will receive $500 In Fashion Island gift certificates. This grand prize is in addition to the $25 in gift certificates each week's win- ners received for placing first in the weekly contests. Stewardess students from Orange Coast College will act as hostesses at the DAILY PILOT and KOCM displays and will assist visitors in registering to vote and in operating the Automatic Voting Machine Corp.'s two Printomatic units on whlch ballots will be cast mechanically. f'1ae Shinoda o( Santa Ana, IS.year-old president of the stewardess students' club, Theta Sigma, already has begun broadcasting an invitation over KOCM for Orange Coast residents to come to Fashion lslaOO. More than 1,000 Johnny Mathf!I "'tin· gles" will be distribuled lhrougboul lho mall during the three days of the show. Each record will have a special jacket with a message printed on it to remind Fashion Island shoppers: to v I 1 l t Fotorama on stage court and to vote at Votorama. Beach Planners Face Zone .~, ~~Dµon~ids . · Zone cases and application• for con. ditlonal exceptions dominate the agenda for the Aug. 19 mee~g of the Huntington Beach City Planning Commission. Tbe session :will ht held at 7 p.m. In the city council chambers at the Huntington Beach Civic Center. At the Tuesday meeting applicant tsei Sakioka will seek a conditional exception to grow niirsery stock in cans within the Edison' easement line east of Newland Street, between Warner and Heil Avenue. The applicant has indicated the use of land would add to the aesthetics. eliminate weed abatement and curtail motorcycle riding in the area. Planning commissioners will also con· sider granting a conditional excepUon by Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Assn. for JO lots on 20 acres east or Brookburst Street and South of Hamilton Avenue. Zone case pleas to be brought before the commissioners include one by Gulf Oil Company to change property on the northwestern s I d e of Admiralty Drive from highway commercial to residemial uses. NIXONS INVITE PRESS TO WHITE HOUSE. WEST T'vins Will Try For Prize Again In Fair Contest downstairs, is maintained in its original open-beamed condition, but the Nixons had all the beams painted white to brighten the room. The living room -in fact the entire house -was maintained essentially a~ it was when the Nixons bought it three and a half months ago. The chief interior change has been in color. Mrs. Nixon thought the rooms too dark and .she and the interior decorators brightened them with an off.white that .is carried cut ttirooghout the home. Spanish-design doors are used throughout, heavy dark slabs with iron lrim. A small breakfast room leads off the living room, and a compact dining room leads toward a small servery and kit· chen. The kilchen, incidentally, was the only room off limits during the Thursday night open house. The dining room is modest , with seating arranged for six around an oval pecan table. When showing the dining room, Mrs. Nixon confided, "We haven't had dinner here yet." She said her hus- band is a "taco man," and that they had ordered hi s fa vorite meal al •·a local taco place" on a recent evening. NO TELEVISION If there is little evidence that Mr. Nix- on is spending long periods reading dur· ing his summer visit, there is even less proof that he is devcting any hours to television. No set can be found in the house. A closet in a downstairs hall houses the Nixon mus1c system. Mrs. Nixon tried to put on a record to demonstrate, but con• fessed. "t haven't been here long enough to learn how to use the machine." Across trom the main entrance to tho home Is a guest cottage now being OC· cupied by daughter JuJie and son·in·law David Eisenhower. A foca l point for the Nixon outdoor entertaining is the pool, a hlgh·prlority construction project that replaced the tennis court used by former inhabitants. The decking has been carefully antiqued to avoid any lOOk of newness, and Spanish tile used around the pool's edges matches other tile on the grounds: On a historical note , Ute Nixons explaind that all of the tile except that round the pool liad been made on the grounds when Ham Cotton ·built the original home. OUTDOOR SHELTER A small shelter, formerly used as a spectator resting spot, is now a social room for outdoor gatherings. The pool is primarily for the younger part of the Nixon family. The President is known to be a salt water lover, although he continues to Insist that he will not venture onlo the Hobie surfboard given him for hi s birthday by Tricia. Adjolning the pool is a gazebo into which the President can dart for con· ferences or telephone calls. Under construction on grounds sur- rounding the pool is a pltch·and·putt golf course that started out as three holes but already ha;o grown to six -one of them a 200.yard shot. Thursday night'5 affair for the preis marked the first time the Nixons have done any large-scale entertaining ln thtlr new home. Last week they held a party for those involved in decorating and overhauling the estate, but other visitors have been chieOy contincd to official \'\sits by cabinet members and the White llouse staff. DELIGHTED 4T HOUSE "The President and Mrs. Nixon en· tertained them because they wert simply delighted -overjoyed -at the Job thai had been done on the bouse In such a short period," explained a White House aide. One of the four chief Channell and Chapin designers who worked on the Nix· on home, Ben Jutzi of Corona de! Mar, said the project took only 2Yl weeks, "l never worked so hard in my life," he commented. A bid to the summer White House grounds is more involved than accepting a cocktail Invitation from a friend across town. Guests arrive at the San Clemente Inn, about a mile from the Cyprus Shores community, and guest lists a re meticulously checked. They then ride by bus through the heavily maMed security gate and are deposited on the helicopter pad where Marine I awaits the President. The President's working headquarters and offices for other members of bis stafI adjoin the helicopter pad. Throughout Lhe e v e n I n g , the President's military aide, Marine Corps. f\faj. John BreMan was ai Mr. Nixon '! side. Secret service agents mingled with the guests, maintaining discreet silence and declining to join in any of the con· versatlon. FIRST HOUSE GIP!' The Nlxon1 got their fiist house.warm· ing gift at the pool'a edge. When Mr. Nixon first made mention of the open house for the press. he said jok· ingly that the ash trays would be nailed down before the visit The White House CorrtspondeDL'I Association Thursday night presented him with an Oriental ash tray purchased at Warren Imports, Laguna Beach. Said the President with a grin, "We'll nail this down. too, It's !JO n!Ce." "The place where we bought It said you could retum It if you wanted -but only if you'll return it in per!IOll•" said White House rr Bob Young. OAIL Y ,ILOT .._,. ~ lmY C..Vt"' FOUNTAIN VALLEY TWINS PREP FOR CONTEST Timmy ind Todd H11ded for Look·Allk• Competition :"I Tammy and Todd Wells are a couple of rambunctious Fountain Valley kids who have a lot in common. They.are a blond·""'ired set or six-year· old twins, the children of Mr. and Mr1. Stanley D. Wells, 17655 San Diego Circle. They may even be the best matched pair around. -'f'hey'll try to prove that point Sept. 12·28 at the Los Angeles Coun· ty Fair twins competition in Pomona. They've entered the contest the past four years picking up a 3Td place award in 1965, first in 1966, special award in 1961. .and second in 1968. '"11leif dad ls just so proud of them he wouldn't dream of not entering the con- test," says Mrs. Wells, who also has two older daughers of 24 and 17. "They're real angels in the contest,'' lihe says, with a somewhat wistful look at if "they aren't they such angels at home." "They're always up to something,'' she explained. "and they're a I ways together." In summer school this year they sit together in clasa, r,111y to&ether at teCtSI Bnd get into troub e together. "They're quilf: a handful of twtM." declares lhelr mother. Around lb< home they ha .. a gulnu pig called "the hum1n" lhat Ute twins love to take to bed. The only rea1 dlJUnction between the twins -other than • -ir the color of lhtlr eyes. tammy's art bro.wo 1Jhi1e Todd's are grey-ir .... • I 4 DAil Y PILOT J;lail Shipment of ·-.Poison Gas Attacked ., ~ ~--0.WPlllll .. A man with long sideburns drove up to the Austin, Tex., po- lice station In a gold~lored dun .. buggy walked Inside and banded a polJCe aide a stick of dynamite. By lbe Ume police realized w h a l he had given them the man was gone. Police Lt. Gor•ld Spohnholh said "We don't know if be just found It and was turning It In. We don't know if he was doing us a service or trying to scare UJ or what." • • Sinoer Jean Buck in tht Lon.- don opu• producllon •I "T h • Turn of the Scrtw" ii iure of a ho t reaction at the Sadltr11 W•Us Theater every ttme she performs. When .,:he hits the high notes, tht theater's emtT· gency Qa.S jet in the dress ctrcle fl4rea from a dim blue to a bril· Liant whitt: that light.s up tht en- tire auditorium. 15 CARS OF POISONOUS GASES CROSS MIDWEST EN ROl:ITE TO NEW YORK New York Congres1m1n Criticizes Sh ipment of Oases Acro11 Country G111 board experts said the f10.! flame is sensitive to t h e high-pitched sound. • Promoter Joe Webb, of Neword, England, who tried to stage an un- de rwater fight between a wre~t­ ler and a crocodile last spring, to. da y faced a charge of cruelty -to the crocodile. The charge was filed by the Royal Society for the Pre· vention of Cruelty to Animals, which complained that Webb used wire to hold the crocodile's jaws •hut. Webb ·also lost $7,200 on lbe promotion. It was rained oul • This visitor to the 1969 Great Btr-- lin Art Ezhibition isn't tT)ling to im- itate the pose of the s t a t u e even thouoh he come prettu close. He's m.ertlf curious to see what she Look& Wu. • It was Wiiiiam Burk•'• 30th ap. pearance in London court -this time on a charge of stealing sweets from a shop -and he was expect· ing the worst. Instead, magistrat- es fined him $1.20 -then gave him $4.80 from lbe poor box lo look after himself for a day. • Al1n Chivers of Glocbester, Eng. land, had kept lbe threeslrand piece of wire hanging from h i s farm shed for five years in c a s e he needed it for repairs. But when he noticed it shone 1n spo ts, be took lt to a jeweler. The wire turned out to be a gold bracelet made in the bronze age. There was no im- mediate estimate of its value. Aussie Faces Trial U.S. Says Evans Bears Blame for Sea Collision From Witt Services SUBIC BAY NAVAL BASE, the Philip- pines -The U.S. Navy said today the U.S. destroyer Frank E. Evans bears "primary responsibility" for collidi ng with the Australian carrier Melbourne last June 3 and for the loss of 7t men In the South China Sea. The U.S. Navy statement followed a Sl,ll'pTise announcement in the Australian capital of Canberra that the commanding officer of the Melbourne, Capt. John P. Stevenson, will be court·martlaled as result of the collision. Stevenson had laid full blame on the Evans. MOL AstI·onauts Join NASA Crew, Wait Space Test SPACE, CENTER, Houston -CAP) Seven astronaut,s from a aupersecret Air Force space.program canceled June 10 have joined a long Jloe of rookie astronauts waHing for their first ride into space. The new additions Thursday raise the number of National Aeronautics and Space Administration astronauts to 54. Of the othen, 32 have betn waiting up to three years for a first ride into space. Four of the new spacemen are Air Force majors, two are Navy lieutenant Commanders and one is a Marine major. All are graduates of the Air Force Aerospace Research Pilot's School. · The Air Force majors are Karol J. Bokko, 32, of Seaford. N.Y.; Charles G. · Fullerton, 31, Portland, Ore.; Henry W. Hartsfield, 35, Birmingham, Ala. and Donald H. Peterson, 35, Winona, Miss. The Navy lieutenant commanders are Richard H. Truly, 32, Meridian, Miss., and Robert L. Crippen, 32, Porter, Tei. The Marlne is Maj . Robert F. Overmyer, 33, Westlake, Ohio. All were members of the astronaut corps in the Air Force's now-canceled Manned Orbiting Laboratory (MOL) pro- gram, a military effort built around plans to establish space station orbiting earth. Aoothe.r MOL astronaut, Air Force Lt. Col. Albert H. Crews, Alexandria, La., was assigned to a 5roWl<i·based job in the NASA fl 'ght crew operations directorate. The U.S. Navy statement said the Melbourne also has "a share of responslbWty for the collision." The statement came in a report. on the joint U.S.·Australian board that Investigated for six weeks the extent, nature and causes of the accident during a naval ex· ercise. The board in its report a~ noted the Evans' skipper, Cmdr. Albert McLemore wu not notified by his two senior officers in command at tlfe Ume that the destroyer was to go behind the Melbourne and watch planes in distress, a change in station that led to the collision. The board said "it tte0gnized the In· herent accountability of a commanding orricer of his ship and his absolute responsibility for the action of his ship," according to the announcement. The charges against Stevenson, a respected officer who joined t h e Austrnlian na\'y at 1'; stemmed from the findings of the board of the Melbourne's .. share of ruponai.bility." The Australian navy said. "This is because mote positive directions might have been signaled to Frank E. Evans and because of the handling of Melbourne immediately prior to the collision." The Melbourne's comTnander is charg· ed with failure to transmit to the destroyer a positive direction alter he had determined. it was on a collision course and failure to put the Melbourne's engines astern when be bad determined the collision could not be · avoided by ac· Uon ol the destroyer alone. The navy said the court-martial will begin Aug. 20 in Sy<b'ley. A spokesman said the combintd American-Australian board that in· vesUgated the collision' a g r e e d unanimously that lJrlmary responsibility for the collision rested with the Evans, but they also were unanimous in finding that the Melbourne could have given more positive directions to the destroyer. Funeral Rites Slated For Count Reventlow LITCHFIELD, Conn. (UPI) -F'tlneral services will be held here Saturday for Count ·Court Reventlow who died in New York Hospital in New York City Wed· nesday of heart disease. Reventlow, second or heiress Barbara Hutton's husbands, was 7t years old. Rain, Winds Whip Plains Storms Ra,ge From Florida to Montana Cllllfo"'MI ,.,1, -!Mr ~ -mudl "' lwlMr!I c.1Hornle fON' wllll llM lltlHI -. o1 rnornl111 '°"" cloud• l lenf tl\t (Mii, T!ltr1 -· bolttetl •"-'-•114 -nin. ftM.lndtr"'°"' .. 1 -t11t ......,,191119 n dWtrtt. Thtf9 w1M 11'1111 --~•""-Wl'lff. LAii "-l•U Incl VIC:ll\lly ..,. rnofl'> '"' ..... CIDulll todeV wlllil flilry lftff- -_,.,.i,. P!Jlfllftt "" """ .. Mo f"9 "'""*' IW' llOl\l9flt ••••. T ....... WM lltttt Jo l'NlttA .. M111t lrl tllt ~1ttr1I It'd MIMI! ..,..,_ Ill ..... lt6 """'" 8•11\. ™ nw..w., -""' ""'** _,.. • 11¥ ,,_ U.5. W•ltltr '"'"' ttl'IH fer fW _ ... 11llloo'I IJIOfPI fOI' 1- Wiff -...-. ......... -11~ _..,.,. t.lfll. Ttt!IMnllllrt. ltt 1~ le ....,... _, '*"""' " •llthflY •!low Alllvll~u. All1nt1 a.ktnfil1d 91amlJl'tl[ ••• ...... Chlctrio Clndn111tl ..,_ ~ Mtlnes Do!Nlt Fort Worth ··-H11t111 -· Kt lltff City L• VtN• . ~ .. " 10J .u If JI " .. . " ., ,. .... ti M .... .... 1tt n 101 " " .. .. " • 11 j ,f) , .... Beret Lawyer: • 'CIA Linked To Slayings' SAIGON CUPI) -The attprney for one of eight former Green Berets accused in the slaying of a Vietnamese nat.iona.1 said today the U.S. Central Intelligence Agen- cy (CIA) has ordered tbe killing of more than 100 aegnts in South-Vietnam this year. George Gregory of. Cheraw, S.C .. told a news conference at tiis Sajgon hotel that he hoped It would not be necessary to release information of killings but said he could prove his allegations. He· made the statement while telling newsmen that his motion to end the pre· trial jailing of hi s client, Army l\1aj. Thomas E. Middleton, of Jellerson, S.C,. had been denied. The attorney, who clainu military authorities are trying to hush up facts of the alleged Green Beret killlnfl said: "I know and have evidenQ$ lo prove the CIA has ordered the killinf and effected the killing of over 100 a1ents · in South Vietnam in the past year~ "J can't go into speclfi of the case •.• but I hope it won't neressary to release information of killings. I understand it is a normal (ti1ng·to try to eliminate double agents. lj is not a big thing." : The facts surToundln!i· 'the alleged ~laying have remained v · In secrecy, Gregory contends the vie _ may have been a double agent 1 whose real ;illegiance was to North Vi;:tnam. "News leaks in WashU1gton said the CIA had given an order rescinding a prior order that could have eliminattd the victim," Gregory said. "But just last week, the Army denied any CIA in· \'olvement. "They (military authorities) are class!· fying everything in the case, even the charge sheet, because they don't want the American people to know the facts." Court Ma1tial . . ... On Objection To War Upheld WASHINGTON (UPI) -The U.S. court of military appeals today upheld the con· viction of Air Force Capt. Dale E. Noyd for refusing to train pilots for duty in Vietnam: Noyd based his refusal to obey the order on conscient.ious grounds. In a unanimous opinion, the court ruled there was a "difference in kind" between conscientious objection to all wars and Noyd's objection to the Vietnam War. It affirmed a decision by a lower military board of review that held Noyd's court martial conviction was proper. The pilot was fined a year's pay and allowances, and was given a one-year $l!nlence at hard labor. Noyd , a 195S graduate of Washington State University, argued that he should have been allowed to resign his com- mission when he filed application stating that his beliefs In "humanism'' precluded his assOciation with the Vietnam War ef· fort. U.S. Cuts Back Use of Pesticides l• "'*le' -·· c.i~ _ _, .,. ,.."'"'•· "'"' 11 ,, WASHINGTON (UPI) -The govtm· ~NII T1111l'ldol., _,Ill 110 11 ., ..... ~ .. Mcflft fllld "'°"'il'lf .... Clovdl- .... Witt! flilh' Wftlllltlf b' tli.r-. Alt ~1u,... ~ 111 ltlt 1'llcl 111• ~ ....,....,.,,.,.. '""' .. to " • -MGl.ln...._ ....,. "*'" wrww w1ttt hol11H ...._ ......... nNM,., " ... ~ ....... ,,,..,,... ...,_,., °""" ..,. ~ Mll'lftr •lttl _..,. IMWIM ...,,...,..,._.,... Hlltlt ...-.41! ttlfllltlt~~ .. 111 Ill -..., lltlMn il'ICMlni "'"" -· ~ "*" f1wrMt'r Mf ..... ... flr1tM fi6deY lrw.k.Mttill: lllf'lll at.a ..... ktl.lt ~IU 1f.JI, lu,. .... ~ Ml Wll-..... h.,,_tlto tolN. lllMr1\iif ....,,, f'tlr!I lftf'IMI 11t.t11,. W:•dleld t»lt4. &.I\ Dini ,,.,. .,.. ...... •tnw• ... Coatlll ltw ~I Wllfl ..... Mrly •"*" -Mh' ~JM. Wlll!U --llr I tt U llMta. Hltll toMY n. YUll!'dlJ"A~•lvtt._= tton'I • lllfll " " .. "'· llllt'lllll ,."',.. rt-Wilt. ff te IS Mt'"" Wlltt '- -111H'1 ... " .. ,.... S1111, M_,., ruu PIUOAY ''"' I• ............ S:06 I.In. I.I ,lrfl 11111'1 , H IN ,_m, l.J tATUIOAY l"IAI ..., ............... I :•'""' 1,1 l"frlt flltll .............. ll;to ...... 4,f he-1ow .... ,, ... s:• •·"'· 1.1 $ftll'(lf tt~h ,.,., ... ,.11 :4!1.,.,.4.I ._ lllil• f:l4 e.tn. Ith 11«1 •.m. ,,.._ llH• I:» 1.m. h1'1 t 1t4 1.m. ,.:1 Lett o. Pint t, Hew A119-17 S.I. 3 M . • i.t. II rJ.S. S11111-r11 sc11,.,.,...1l••l'M*" ,.r-. """" r•!l'I el'ld !Mii •INel nri. -llltm PlllN 11 ,.,,,.,.,.""" ,_IMd fifth ffl'll' _,._ - Othtt l!Wflllfn"""' ttrvcll IM ..... lt'tflfl'llule, l"""'"" c.euMll \Molllltlfmllltll *"'""' It! f!ll .. "°""' •11~ ....... lflli.t "" " ,_ ... Me"""tud "'" 11'111 l'ltlrl¥ lflrw ll'ICl'ltt 91' Nii! Mlttd ""'""' Te11. Moul "' l'l'!Cll If rell'I i-11 11 Wttl 1"11rn tHc11. ,II., Ill 1 11.,.._,t ....... 'flwlldtfttom'lt .... 1lnldl !tit ~ 1HI I OClllft, """' wltldt. II\ lllC.llt ol to l!'l!ltt 111 lleur t i OrMI !'tllt. MOfll,, ll'llf lltflt ,..ill Kl"Oll Ill• 110rlfltrn l"I· (Ille cwu, CIMr Mle1 p;ff!l\Oe'f lrM" 1!1t (tll-lrel Aocklta to 11'11 vitHr Ml1Mulllfl v11i.,. -·· Ml~ll Nw Otlltl\I -y"' N~ PltM ...... Olt.....,.. CllV ..... .._ .. PlfhlM.lrtfl ""''-"" ll:tp'd CllV ll:N llllff .... kcf't-NI Slit l•Mt Cltv S.11 OittO Stll f'fl n<IKO .. ., . ........ "llltf'l'Ml W1111Nfot1 • " ment announced toda,y a cutback In its " 11 use of several Jong-lasting pesticides, in- : : .oi duding DDT. " 4 In_ a move aimed at reducing con· " M lamination of man'• envlronmeoL , ::! : .» Airlculture Undersecretary J. Phil :; n Campbell said three DDT and two other • :: socaJled persistent pesticides, dieldrin ,: tt and beptachlor, would be replaced wholly .. 11 or tn part. by chemicals whole effect.I art ': : nol as long-lasting. 11 11 Affected will be cooperative federal· = !: st.ate pro1ram1 for 1 control of the n ,, Japan'Cse beetle, the European chafer 1: J~ and the white-ftUJ&ed beeUe. t BUFFALO. N.Y. (UPI) -Rep. JUdwod D. McCorthy (J>.N.Y.), crltlcllod the U.S. Army today for "wubinl ill .Juinds" of a shipment of World W11r I type ~ 1as lhat Is beln1 moved a..-tbe country b)' ralL '"11>e Amrt bas waah<d Its lw>ds of It," McCarthy told a nt'tfl conltrtDCe at hla oC(lce hue. ''I ,dOQ't think the rtapOtlilbillty end• al the gal• of a ROeky Mowtaln arsenal b)' 1lmply saying the gu bas btea llOid to the Jooea Chemlcll Company." McCarthy urged Preoldent NIJOn T!iundaj to lnveojjgate oafety faclon IJ>o volved in two lhipmeot.s of the au, pho,11- McCar\by oafcf'today "safely bas be<n mide HCondary to the economlcl. Cer· tainly they llhoUJdn•t ~xempt then: from the Federal Railroad Administration's vei:y weak safety standards while moving this material acrou the natloo." 'McCartby Aid the gas wu being moved 1n·nat bed elra, not the gondola type urs that normally are used to move IUCb material "I concede that we have got to do !omething with thl! material," McCarthy said, "but it lhould be moved In small quant!Ues with adequate crews and v~ strlngeat safety reculations." He aakt the Jones Chemlcal Company wu the .only bene(Jciary of the sa1e and only becaute.Jt finda the tanks wbict car· ry the gas "a good buy~' when moved in large quaoUUes. The owner of one of the firms which will receive the surplus a:as, however, said the substance Is Inert and nonnam. mable and he uses millions of pounds of it every year. A government spokesman •dded lllC!I ohlpments have been common lorectntyel'1. MCcartlzy, who bas emerged u a crlUo of tbe Pentagon 's cllemlcal and bloioCJcal waHare program, told NI.Ion in a letter 'llwrtday 1udl clUes as Des Molnel, low1. and St. Joseph , Mo. haJ been ,X· poled to lhe "danger of an accident" as the gas shipment moved through the communJtle.s. Tbe train bypassed Chicago thls room- ing and moved Jnto Indiana. From there it wu being routed to the Detroit area and on into Canada. The Erle-Lackawan- na Railroad said the train wouJd move along the Lake Erie shore througb , Canada to Niagara Falls, where it la: to be picked up b)' the E-L for tbe Unal IO miles cl the trip to Lockpon, N.Y. "As the train moved through Des Moines, no guards were placed at railroad crossings, even those crosalnge: that bad no warning barriers," McCarthy said. "I urge you, Mr. President, to have this matter thoroughly investigated to in· sure that the safety of the American public is proi.cted." McCarthy said the gas was bought from tbe Rocky Mountain Arsenal at Denver by plants In Lockport, N.Y. and Gelsmar, La. It is used commercially Jn the manufacture of plastics and other products. Ed Edel, a. 1pokesman for the Federal Railroad Administration , said one train moved through Dea Moines at noon Thursday. He said safety regulations for ~uch shipments do not require guards at ~JI crossings, of which there are: 22$,00G in the country. He also said each traia carried two expe_rts who had a neutraliz. ing agent whlch could render tbe gas harmless in case of a leak. Ca1npaign's 4th Day Reds Attacl\: U.S. Bases Along Cambodia Border. SAIGON (UPI) -North Vlenamese and Viel Cong forces attacked four U.S. bases tn the vital Cambodian border area today in the fourth day of a new cam- paign military sources said has already cost the Communists 2,200 dead. American defenders killed at least 35 Communist altackers at a Joss o( one American killed and 17 wounded. Seven other Americans died in the crash of a big helicopter shot down by Communist ground fire. The series of Communist ground at. tacks were part of what military sources said is an "autumn campai1n'' particularly In lhe area between Saigon and \he Cambodian border. Communist forces are believed trying to capture a provincial capital lo use as the seat of the Viet Cong's Provisional Revolutionary Government (PRG ) • Military sources said that since the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese began the campaign Tuesday, 150 Americans had been killed and 700 wounded along with 2,200 Communist troops killed. Most of tbe fighting Thul'3day night and early today was In the proviras between Saigon and the Cambodian border. U.S. artillery pounded the demilitarized zone (DMZ) separating North and South Viet- nam after Communist troops were sighted ln the southern half of the buffer strip. The artillery barrage killed at least two Communista and deslroyed a bwlker, spokesmen said. Nixon, Advisers l(eeping Eye on New Offensives SAN CLEMENTE (UPI) -Intensified enemy offensives ln Vietnam may ad- versely affect plans for additiOllal U.S. troop withdrawals, the White House said Thursday. It was reported last week President Nixon v.·ould soon anoounce. the wilhdrav.•al 0£ 125,000 U.S. troops - J00,000 more than he originally disclosed in June -bringing the number of men 1n Vietnam down to about 400,000. Nixon spent three hours in conference with the National Security Council and afterwards press secretary R o n a I d Ziegler told newsmen Nixon and his top advisers were keeping a close eye on the increased action. "The President, of c<>urse, is watching this very carefully," Ziegler said. "The significance of increased enemy initiated activity is something that we don't want to draw any conclusJons on at this point, but It bears upon administration thinking and the President's thinkln1 u he evaluates the situation in Vietnam on a day.t<><lay basis." Ziegler said the subject of troop withdrawal did not come up at the NSC meeting, but Nixon and his senior ad· visers were watching the nenewed flareup ''very carefully ." Ziegler said U.S. rorce levels stlll would depend on three critierla outlined at Nix- on's Midway meeting with P~ident Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam - the level of enemy activity. progress in the Paris talks and the ability of the Sooth Vietnamese to take over the fighting from American units. Astronauts Home For Day of Rest SPACE CENTER, Houston (UPI) - Home from a flylng tour of parades and honors that carried them coal!ll-to-coast in a single day and left them "weak In the knees," Apollo ll's moOn landing heroes rested today In the seclusion of their own homes. Neli A. Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin E. "Buzz" Aldrin were back Int.he setting lbe1 tove most -with their wives and children, away from lhe public spotllghl Ahead of them Saturday lay anothtr lickertape parade, this one In their present home dty of Houston, and a gela celebration In 'the H ou 1 ton Astrodcme wlth an all·star casr led by Frank Slnalra. He said no final decision had been made on additional withdrawals, despite reports Nizon had set a goal of reducing the basic American forces in Vietnam to «I0,000 by the end of the year. Nixon's final decision on the next phase of troop replacement will come at the end of this month, Ziegler said. Hijacker Oaim.s He Wants to See Mother in Cuba MIAMI (AP) -Claiming he longed to see his mother, a red-eyed gunman with a knife-wielding companion hijacked a Northeast Airlines jet Thursday, main- taining 1969's record rate of more than one forced flight to Cuba per week. Crew and passengers on the Boston-to- Miami flight said the two men barged in- to I.he cockpit just south •of Wilmington, N.C. "Cuba! Cuba!,0 the pilot said the hi· jackers shouted, waving a pistol and knlfe. The plane carried 44 passengers and a crew ol eight. Forced to keep radio silence, the pilot tripped a s&ret signal near Jacksonville, Fla., alerting federal avlaton authorities that the flight bad been diverted. Capt. Gray B. Newman said the hi· jackers were nervous ·and ezcited as they moved around the cockpit, but "they seemed to have this planned out." In C:Uba the man with the gun walked toward the rear of the plane as soldiers gathered outside, and spoke to stewardess Karen. Acuff. "He said he was ha;ppy,'' the pretty blonde sald. "He wu gotng home to see his mother." Soviet Liner Flying Over Sound Barrier Mo.5coW (AP) -Th• So v let supersonic alrllntr hu been flylnc beyond lhe sound ban'ir.r "for utended period• of Umt" recenUy with no dlf. llC\llty, a newap>per reported today. The plane, the TUl+\, Is ahead of the British-French Concorde in ill testing schedul and Is expeded to be In wvtc. in less than lwo yem. The Concorde he.s no! yet broken the sound barrier. ·, ' Ul'ITt ...... lf Birduian of Alcat1•a% Bill Bennett who calls himself the 0 Australian Bird.man," soars high above Alcatraz Prison during attempt to fly over the island in San Francisco Bay Thursday. Bennett, set to appear at the National . Water Ski C:hampionships later this month in Berkeley, couldn 't quite make. 1t over the pnson. He only managed to skirt the perimeter of the Conner pnson. IRS Buys Pony But Daddy Still Taxed PHILADELPHIA (UPI) - A IO-year-old girl wrote lo th e Internal Revenue Service and asked them to stop deducting money from her father's paycheck for a week so he could buy her a pony. They didn't do that, but they did the next best thing, They took up a collection .and bought her the pony. It will be delivered today to Marcia Kessler of suburban Meadowbrook . A few weeks ago Marcia da shed off a note to the ''Director o{ lnternei.al -nev· nuy (sic)" in \Vashington and stated her case. The letter read: "Please do not make my father pay income tax just for one week so he can buy me a pony . Please? Just for one \reek because I really Y:ant a pony! "Please? Just one week that's all. "I am 10 year old and I would give any thing for a pony. "Please"!???'' The letter WM printed neatly on three by five index cards and sent off to begin a trip through government.al red lape which ended at the local IRS headquarters. The letter came up at a st.aff meeting of Local Direc· tor Seymour Friedman, the assistant director and four" division chiefs. The men discussed the letter and then dipped into their own pocNets for $100 to purchase a white, 8- year-old pony. Western's Mechanics ' End Strike LOS ANGELES (AP) -A strike by its mechanics ended, Western Airlines plans to resume service with 27 flights Saturday and work up to nonnal operation a week later with 130 flights a day in 15 weflem states and parts of Canada and Mexico. Nearly 2,000 mechanics and other ground crew personnel, who struck July 29, accepted a three-year contract Thursday tllat raises top wages from $4.21 an hour to $5.60 and in· eludes a fully paid medical program. Lindsay Urges Nixo11 Not to Na111e SC Judge "We're pretty well satisfied with the new contract," said • Mervin Griswold, head of Teamsters Local 2707 representing Westem's 2,000 mechanics. WASHINGTON (AP) Nixon not to nominate \Vith a controversy growing Haynsworth. The company-paid medical program covers hospitallza· tion, dental care, eye care, drugs and medicines. over the man widely men-Lindsay said the judge tioned as his choice, President "lacks the philosophy and TURN ON sensitivity required to carry Nixon is planning to disclose on the traditions of Louis on Monday his nominee to fill Brandeis, Felix Frankfurter, the vacancy on the Supreme Benjamin Cardozo and Arthur Court. Goldberg." "To my knowledge, he has a However, Lindsay said , candidate firmly in mind." three New York judges Ronald L. Ziegler. Nixon's reported to be among those press secretary . said Thurs-considered by the President day at the \Vestem White "stand in this tradition." He House in San Clemente. listed them as Stanley H. Fuld But the White House has and Charles 0. Breitel, both of refused comment on reports the state Court of Appeals, that Nixon wants U.S. Circuit and Henry J. Friendly, a Court Judge Clement F . federal appeals judge. Haynsworth Jr., of Greenville, ;:::==========.I I S. C., to take the seat that Justice Abe Fortas resigned in BEST 1nid·May. New York Mayor John V. fht DAILY PILOT off1r1 tome of tht b11t f11t11tt1, by a~t111I 111rv1y of r11d1r1, av1il1blt i1t 1ny n•wiptpet in tht n1tio11. Lindsay, at a news conference in New York Thursday, urged ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA 85( O«WS For calls atter 6 p.m. weekdays and all weekend. 3 minutes stalion-to·station, plus tax. ,...~@ Turn on a lOOwatt light- bulb-yours for only 1oc• with each purchase of gasoline ... at partici· paling Texaco Retailers in this area • .Ughtbulb supply is limited so don't delay. Turn in at Texaco today. "$.IUffhf~- Most Job Corps , ' -' Victims Unplaced WASJllNGTON (AP)~ 'Ille · administration la: bavb\I a hllNl Ume llvln& up to tts pro- mise lo find jobs or · new training for young men and women clught in the closing of 59 Job c.orps centers last April. Latest information from the Labor Department indicates 5,527 still are unplaced out or the 1,301 enrollees at the clos- ed centers who asked for help in getting jobs or more train.in&:. The det.y In placing them Is running up unexpected costs for the department, Which is paying each youngster. up to $51 a week to help tide them over. 1-At last count, :S,625 were get- ting the &Upend -costing the program ·about · t 5 o o, o o o a mooth. The other 1,901 enrollees haven't even been processed yet The department also is run- ning behbid on plans for 30 new centers to take the place of some of those that were closed. Last May I Secretary George P. Shultz to 1 d Congress he expected to have proposals developed for most of the cienters by July, with as many u balf·c! lhem funded ¥ this swum.er. But in a progress report this week to the 'House Education and LabOr Committee, ~ultz , said contracts have been, ex· ecuted for only three -in Hono!Ulu ; Phoenix, Ariz., and Edison, N.J. The Honolulu and New Jersey centers will use racilitles of former Job Corps centers that were <llosed. Shu1tz mentioned only three other sites as even being under consideration at the present time. "We are cuttently In the process of evaluating the com· munity relaUons situation in Atlanta and Mobile. where it is proposed that new centers be located," be said. -Storm Lashes Cuban Island MIAMI (UPI) -Tropical storm Camille bore down on Cuba's Isle of Pines today. battering with 65 mile-an-hour gales and heavy rains the once-lranquil island which now houses Fidel Castro's political prison camps. Zond Back · From Space MOSCOW (UPI) -The Soviets announced today the suecessful return of a moonlooping Zond spaceraft from a nlission Western ex- perts said n1ay be a prelude to Russia's first attempt to send men to the moon. The six-ton Zond 7, packed with equipment for supporting man's life in space, used retrorockets to soften its touchdown in the S o v i e t republic of Kazakhstan Thurs· day, according lo a Tass report. Soviet scientists have said in the past the Zond series is. equipped w rt h life-support systems adequate to take men on voyages to the moon or to other planets. No cosmonauts ever have flown in the craft. D~!l Y PILOT 5 New R-eports Sl1ow Economy Still Hot ·wl.!ll!INGTON (UPI) - With the Jastest indicators of· · fering little relief, Treasury Secretary David M. Kennedy wamed Thursday that the present rate of inflation will cut' the value of the dollar in half in just 11 years. Corporation profits d i d decline slightly during the se- cond quarter of this year, the Commerce Department an· nounced. But any cooling ef· feet that may have had was more than offset by an earlier Commerce finding I h a t personal income went up $6.2 billion last month . Corporate profits before tax· es deelined by $750 million in the April-May.June qu!lrter to a seasonally adjusted · annual rate of $94.75 billion, the Com- merce Department reported . Although the figure was off ftom the record $95.5 billion reported during the first quarte r of 1969, strikes in the auto industry accounted (or much of the deline and profits continued to climb in many in- dustries. Personal income advanced more than $6 billion for the se- cond straight month and scored its biggest monthly boost since March, Commerce offlclals announced a few hours earlier. Kennedy was in Philadelphia making a speech at the dedic- ation of a new mint at Ille time. but his remarks about the House-passed tax refonn bill indicated his concern for the continuing innation that two reports showed. Kennedy said the House reform bill's provisions that would cut government income by $2 billion could have a ';potentlally dangerous im- pact" on the fight against in· nation. He indicated the Nixon ad· ministration will ask the Senate to amend the measure to either produce mo r e revenue or scale down its tax relief provisions. Mrs. Johnson, Lynda in Nice NICE, France (AP) -Mrs. Lyndon B. Johnson and her daughter, Lynda Robb, came here Thursday for a vacation at the Cap Ferrat villa of Mary Lasker, American philanthropist._ Another first from Newport National Bank ' . ! /., .... ~, SATURDAY TV BANKING SATURDAY TV BANKING IS CONVENIENT AND EASY · Banking on Saturday will be an added convenience at Newport National Bank for people who missed banking during the week, or when emergencies arise and extra cash is needed. Just dri'le up to our un ique Auto lV Drive-in screen on any Saturday and, after pushing the button, one of our televi sion .selected tellers will cash checks, accept deposits, make withdrawals on savings accounts, accept Joan payments, issue money orders and even open new accounts. Our special TV hostesses will serve you and your family refreshments and show you how to operate the TV Banking. It's convenient, fun and very easy. Saturday TV Banking can make your life a little more pleasant. at unique at these locations only IN FULLERTON • SUNNY HILLS OFFIC£ • Harbor 11 Bru • 87,J.7290 UNIVERSITY OFFICE • East Cllapman at Slalo College • 879~840 IN NEWPORT BEACH WESTCllFF OFFIC< • Westcliff al O."r • 64Z.Jlll SATURDAY TV BANKING IS AVAILABLE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:00 A.M. AND 1:00 P.M. Also open e'lery day tlu .5:00 p.m, 1nd 6:00 p.m. on Frld•'fl· • -' : • • J DAILY PILOT EDITORIAL PAGE · One-lnan· Grand Jury County An.Ssor Andrew lllnahaw, habitually a ...,. tor ot cootrovorsy, is still at It. ahlp does exist In couoly government, lt Is belween the county counsel and the Board of Supervisors. In the second place; this response -an attack on Kuyper -avoids the lssue. So does his flat denial that Kuyper'• legal warnin¥ has any validity. To Kuyper'• otatement that commmgling .and refusal to describe new parce1s may render tfie new assessment void, HlnshaW's respon$e was that the counsel's statement 0 ls irrational, without merit, or with any standing in !act.'' His attacks on a n d harassment Of ' tndlvld..U are reminiscent of the Old Cunnudg-, the late lqler- !or Secretary Harold !ekes. And like Ickes, Hbubaw often avoids speaking to the Issues. His current feud with County counsel Adrian Kuy• per is typical. It is another example of boW he strives for a public image as the helper and protector of the liUJe man while at the same time be i. raising every· one's tax base. In tbe Kuyper case, the county counsel 1 warned the Board of S~ervisors that a grave tat loes to local agen- cies including the schools, iJ a likely result of Hi!). aha;,,. practices in the case of Upper Newport Bay land. The assessor bas lumped together Jand partly owned by the Irvine Co. and partlf by the county. KQY· per warned the supervisors that if the public and prl• vale lands are not considered separately, Hinahaw'1 · assessment will be nullified, with an estimated tax loss of $1.6 million. This is nol only not answering with clearly dellneat· ed fac!s, It amounts to an attack on Kuyper'• integ· rtty, somethlng entirely uncalled·for if there is to be harmony and efficiency in county government. Hinshaw can be credited with one achievement. Present· assessments appear to be _generally more fair and equitable than they were preVIously. So saying, ii is also fair and !actual to observe that Hiruhaw's approach to county affairs has become steadily more obnoxious to the point of appearing at Um.es malicious. He has been performing like a one. man grand jury in passing judgment .on countx..pollcy. Africultural presen'es of the Irvine Co. are lnvolv· ed in Kuyper'• warning, as well as lands commln1led in the Upper Bay land swap now in litigation. · . Tough Balancing \Act Kuyper has pointed"out that Hinshaw .has coo!U5- ed matters further by refusing to follow -the supervi· fion' directive lo cancel or at least prorate the Irvine Co. taxes. pending court settlement of the whole issue. So how did Hinshaw react to Kuyper's letter to the liUpervisors? City planning and zoning commissions as well as city councils on the Orange Coast are attempting bal- ancing acts worthy of high-wire perfonners in a major league cirC"us. He accused Kuyper of abandoning his fiduciary (lawyer.client) obligation to him. He caJled for an ex· ecutive session of the board and himself to setUe "this personnel matter." In the first place, no Jawyer.oelient relationship ex· iJta between Kuyper and Hilllhaw. If such a relaUon- }luntington Beach fears too much or its land is go- ing into tai:-poor apartments and is considering some kind of limit on their construction. At the same ti m e, Costa Mesa's Chamber of Commerce executive secre- tary ts saying Costa Mesa soon will need many new rentals to accommodate an influz: of employes. So complex is the problem, not even a Solomon could &Olve it to the satisfaction of all. Senate Group Seeks Policy Co1atrol Nixon's Hands Nearly Tied WASHINGTON -A vivid DIUJtraUon was provided by the U.S. Senate on the ABM iuue of how shaky and risky the inaking of. critical nallonaJ dtciak>na has become in this age of protest llld demonstration. The group of men who undtrmintd public support of the Vietnam war and drove Lyndon Jobmon from the presiden- cy very nearly tied the hands of Prtsi· dent Ni.J:on in providinl for the defenae of tbe United States. Leaving aside the merits of the AB~I t.ue, the methods eJ!)phlyed by Ni.J:on's C!fpOlilion were alarming in advanced ... __ u this ii to be the pattern of the future, the defenee of this country may turn upon tricky parliamentary maneuver and emotional paclfum spur· nd by New Left clicbta in the mouths of peacenlb. It wu all the more appalling that otbenrise liDcere and dedicated senators woo.Id Jay ulde what they bad previously l&ood for In a lut.-mlnute maneuver of duperaUon lo gain the vote of Margarel Qiue Smith of Maine. WITH HER VOTE the ABM opponent.! tboo.gbl they might conceivably win and tend ringing through the Pentagon tbe cbi.Wng notice that politicians in the U.S. &enatc. were taking over the decision- making process on the kind of com-- plic:attd weapons systems needed for tbe nation's defense. 1be maneuver did not succeed, but it eaiily might have with just one more Yott: for the misleading and imprecise .,.,_ -•• I-.,.---''\ I Smith amendment which would have junked the Safeguard syst.m proposed by Nixon. The scene on the Senate Door was not reassuring. A quickly scribbled revision of Senator Smith's proposal to satisfy her arxt meet the requirements of other ABM opponents ••• the scurrying about lo get the last possible vote while the roll call was slowed down ••• The diMembUna: and outright deception about what the Smith amendment meant. All that was· redolent of the parliamentary chlc4nery that mlgbt have to be 1ce<pled u port of the democraUc system on lesa criUcal issuto. • BVT TBIS ISSUE Is wbetber or not the United States can IUl"Vlve attack by the Soviet Unioo'1 now equal nuclear striking power. The opposition aaw the issue mOllUy in lerm8 of blowing the whlsUe on the Pentagon and the mllltary-lod-lal complez '° that J. William Fulbrlgb~ Eugene McCarthy, Charles H. Perey, George McGovern, Teddy Kennedy, Albert Gort and other llke-mlnded men, can impose upon the Nixon ad- ministration their concepts of naliooal priorities and fonolgn policy. They are supposed to be ~spll'ldlng to the national mood for harnesaina: the Pentagon but what they are doing Is at- tempting to grup control of national security policy on the bJsiJ of their ideas about our safety and gftting along with Russia and the rtst of the world. They are proceeding on a rapid course of disengagement abd isolaUonism. Nixon is not moving fast enough for them. Jt Is to be doubted if they are represen-- ting a national mood which existl. The polls do not show it exists. The House of Representatives, which is more represen- tative of the national mood than the Senate, does not reflect the imagined revolt against the Pentagon and the military-industrial complei:. 1 TIIE OPPONENTS OF advanced ... eapons systems are now failing to make an easenUal dtstincUon. Thi! distinction is • between waste, blundering a n d mismanagement in the Pentagon, which ls lndelenaible, and the critical decisions which someUmes m.ut be made in- securely on the kind of weapons systems e~nUal lo defense. The big waste on the TFX plane is often cited as an example of Pentagon mistakes which must be prevented in the future. This ii a precise example of the distinction ABM op- ponent.I fail to make. The TFX aircraft wu tmanimously opposed by the Joint Chiefs ol Staff. It waa imposed upon them by the civilian authority of Robert S. McNamara and John F. Kennedy. Jn the present case, the Senate instead of McNamara ia trying to override the combined expert judgment of the military leadership. 'Back Up Our Fighting Men' To the Editor: Concerning Diane Soarduto, et al (Mailbox, August 12): · My sympathies on their peace march plaMed for next Sunday at San Clemente. What a wasteful way to spend a God·1iven day. Do they begrudge Mr. Nixon and his tam.Uy some rest and relaxation while on a working vacation ? Then they must begrudge the businessman his vacation. nen though he comes back with twice Ille enqy; die t=her (who is greaUy respansible for the molding of future 1enerations) his vacation, which allows him to come back in the fsll with renew· Id vitality and oftenUmes, new ideas; the mothers and dads who lake a night off away from the children to settle their nerves, re.lax, and return better equipped to solve 1 family problem tbat isn't IUC:b 1 bi&: thing after aJI. HAVE TUEY EVER Uiougbt of a bet· tor wey to spend their time, perhaps In writini a cheery letter to a serviceman ..... illiiiiiili-. Friday, August 15, 1969 TJW ed!IOrlaJ pogt OJ lhe Pail' Pllol ..... lo '"'°"" cm4 '""" lfi.tl f'fadnl bt1 prtaniting tJ&tr MtNpo:ptt'I opifUoftl Gad amt.-.....,.,, 01' lopftr of lnln<JI llftd tlgtt!flimtu, b' prot>ldlng a ,.,_ far lh• •"I""""°" of -..-.· opltlfotu, and br pr.tH1lting the dlvn-1t vkw- poiall of 1•/ormcd ob'"""'' °"" ......,..,. on lopicJ o/ lht ... ~ N. Weed, PubU1ber or using the money spent on a:aa to get them to San Clemente, to man off a package to a G.I . who has no family (I am sure the Red Cross could help them find one). I am not a lover o( war. Ourln1 the last war my family and I were left with only the clothes on our backs and I have a daughter, who has spent only five days with her husband since Christmas, who la only one of many, I know, but our boys need the backing of all Amerlcan1 to get them through their service to their coun- try, not atorlea ot marchers who really aren't contribuUng anything to their fellowmen. LET VS BORROW 1 phrase from the late Winston Churchill, "Never wa1 ao much Otfcd by so many to so few." What kind oC Ufe would we have today U tht people of England had not honor<d their tnaty with ~lovakla! Would ft have the hedom we are now enjoyin&f Wbal U England and Americ1 hid lumed their back oo those "few." Would the ~en be enjoying our <ducallonll advantagu, our "lay of We and our right to pcoleol! Have they tvt.r 1topped to think th1t perbaps, In JOmC w~, thq tnd JU pt.ace marchers ha\'t been lndlredly mponslblt for tho cluth of aome G.I. In Vietnam who hu thought, after reading the newspaper stories o( ••What 1oe• on btcl llomt," that people doo' re1111 cuw about him, drops his guard and stops a bullet? WHETHER WE ihould be In Vietnam or not Is something I cannot honestly answer but I believe that everything that can be done to bring our boys home will be done and only fools could believe a complete withdrawal would insure peace for 111 Ume but instead create ooe Viet- nam after another. If the peacemakers are really con· cemed about our fathers, sons and brothers in Vietnam, stand up and be counted. Show them they are for them, loving them, praising them and working at making this a better America for them to come home to. We abould all try living each day as It comes to the best of our ability, pray for peace and God 's guidance for our leaders lo make the right decisions and for heaven's sake, BACK UP 0 U R FIGIITING MEN. DORIS I. REEG Dear Gloomy Gus: One good thing about a one-way ttmt. Gua:, Is that you can be bumped only from tho .-..r. -J. G. TMt fNt9"I n1'llcft ,.....,.. ........ .... MC-llJ .... ef "-_,..., ...... JWI' --• •IMM• ..._ Olltf l>IM. Imagination Is One of Life's Boons ,.....,7'1,.,."'l'""'~~ -.,..r-~· eryda,J 1 .,aioblelllJ' By EU.SWORTH L. RfCllARDSON ~1lol1ter Nelghborhod CongregaUonal CRrcb Laguna Bead Of all lhe faculties whiclli are ours to enjoy, what a blessing it ls to have im· aglnaUon! How dull and drab life would be without it! We may suffer the loss of Hmb or sight or hearing but -is long as we have our mental faculties we can enjoy the pages of memory and we can an- ticipate new worlds on the carpet of our imagination. Childhood would be most1borlng if dolls did not talk! In our house *lone time we had a dog called "Mitsy.'' Of all our dogs I like this one the most. He was peculiar and I am not speaking of his doubtful claim to a strong inheritance. He would appear out of nowhere and suddenly disappear. He had a voracious appetite. The neighbors were afraid of him and at time.:; I would have to run away from him or else be bitten. THERE WERE TWO things I liked about "Mitsy." J didn't have to buy a license for him and most of all I didn't have to lake him for a walk. "Mitsy" was the product of a rather vivid imagination on the part of one member ol our family! What a boring world this would be for our children and for us, if there were no ma- gic carpets, no elves or fairieJ and I might add, no Santa Claus! Curious people are imaginative people and sometimes are not aware of how tar it will lead them ! Dr. Harrington has a summer home on the outsldrts of a town called Denmark in Maine. It doesn't have all the conveniences of home so 20 minutes a day are spent pumping water to take care of the daily supply of water. A double.valve, rocking hand pump does the job, when somebody grabs the handle. "Blr'f LAST SlTh1~1ER,'1 Harrington said, "the pump broke, and had to be sent to U1e village at the end of the season for repairs. A friend in Denmark wrote me this winter that he had seen ~ pump in the repair shop close by the door, bolted to the "'°r. Out of curiosity, he went up to lt and tried it out a few times, pushing it back and forth. He then inquired of the shopkeeper why he kept the pump bolted to the floor right near the door. 'Because.' replled the Yankee, 'the new leathers made the pump pretty stiff and I knew Mr. Harrington would find it ha rd pumping for awhile unless they were softened up a bit by use. I noticed that nearly everyone who came ln here would try lo glve it a push or two. so 1 jµst bolted It to the floor, and the whole town, lncludin& you, Is helping to break it in.' " SO THIS NEXT summer when Or. HarTington does his daily doz.en, he will remember all the people In Denmark who inadvertently helped to break in the P11mp. H• wlll thank the sho\>k"'I"' for his lmaginalion and Ingenuity 10 usmg the natural curl<>!lty of people to do a Job. Theri Is a little moral lo this story: lf only we did not do precilely the same things day after day In the same old way ••• If only we were more <:Urlous to put our hand to $0n'le new task •.. if only we weri nwrc--.JrnqlnaUvt, maybe peace could be established ID our tlnw I • Dangerous Myth: War 'Necessary'· Thoughts al Large: One of the most prevalent and dangerous myths is that recurrent \l'ars are a "natural'' necessity because lhey appreciably reduce the population every few decades : but even this funct ion isn't served by war, for all studies show that its "depopulatioo" is quickly made up in a few y~s. (Moreover, since the healthiest and most robust are taken into military service, the rebreeding is done by the weakest and sickliest, who provide us with an inferior genetic population.) • • • The sensible act of cremation will never supplant the tradition of burial un- til a law is passed making it mandatory to tell only the truth on tombstones. • • • One or the hardest, and yet most valuable, lessons that any young person should learn was enunciated by William James, when he said: ';Everybody ought to do at least two things each day that he hates to do, just for practice." (When first hearing this. by the way, QS{'ar Levant retorted, "Well, I do - every morning I get up, and every night [ go to bed.'') • • • • Some people read to get further away from themselves, and others to get deeper into themselves; both are forms of escapist fantasy, for the true end of literature is a heightened relationship between oneself and the world. • • • A "quarrel" ls not a fa ilure in agree-- ment. but a failure in argument; it arises not because the disputants disagree with one another, but because tbey are in· .,,. -· -·1 Si~ey J. Harns J --··--··-·- capable even 0£ agreeing on what U1cy disagree about. • • • If, as Chesterlon said, "it is the test o( a good religion whether you can joke about it," then the fundamentalists have a mighty poor religion. • • • The trouble with Marxian economics ls that while it can succeed in one half of Its goal, it makes the Mch impoverished, it cannot succeed in . the other ha lf of its goal, to make I.he poor affluent. • • • Jf I were taking applications for ad· mission to an insane asyl um, I would begin with those who imagined thC'y understooci the currency questiori. • • • Can anyone explain why the clothes you don't like art the most durable you have bought? • • • Tea, coffee, tobacco, and whiskey were utterly known in the ancient world - what did the doctors forbid their patients to take~ • • • It's odd how a man who can't find an hour to relax between engagements can always find six weeks to convalesce after a heart attack. • • • The worst written books I have ever read were those wrilt~n .bx linguistic ex· perts explaining language. 'Consu1ners Speak Out There has been a great deal of postur· Ing and pontificating about the poor, ad· died conswner and his need for wise counselors to guide him through the jungles of the neighborhood mom and pop market Mosl ol this is pretentious pop- pycock, of courst, for It denigrates that. toughest, smart.est judge of product marketing -the American housewife. She's well aware of her rights, and perfectly capable of speaking up for them. Ttiat she is doing so, effectively, is evidenced by ttle fact that during the past five years 2U pieces of consumer legisla- tion were passe<t by Congress. Currently there are nearly 100 similar bills in the legislative hopper, many of lhem being considered by 11 House and nine Senate committees. ArtlONG THESE measures is that or California Senator George Murphy, the Consumer Food Protection Act of 1969, prototype of federal legislation sought by a rapidly growing body of c:onllumers across the nation to assure all buyers lht right to purchase the food of their choice in the place of their choict, without being harassed and damaged by anti-consumer boycotl! and slrike1. ~ator Murphy'• bill would correct a long es.J.sting situation In agrlculture that lw made po$Sible lhe current grape boycott, contrived by Cesar Chavez when his eff6rt to coerce California grape pickers Into his Un ited Farm \Vorken' Organizing Committee failed miserably. Because of the speci11l naturi! · or agriculture Uie usunl managem ent·lo.bor procedures cannot now )>a equitably •P. plied. A strike al harvesl time could des· Guest Editorial l ' ·- troy a crop. and a farm . The consumer \vould be denied the right to purchase thal lost produce . THE SPECTACULAR growth of the recently organized n a l i o n w i d e Consumers' Rights Committee -with more than 20.000 individuals a n d organizations representing every state In a demand for new federal guidelines sucll as proposed in the Murphy bili -is ne'' and convincing evidence that when his rights are trampled on, like those "grapes of wrath" of old, the consumer speaks out in no uncertain tenns. California Feature Str\'lce ..---B11 George ---o All your adv\c~ is just like th~ ac-- vlce from the lady advice col- umnists -prissy and prudish and last-century. It does seem that at least one advice colun1nl!t could give some "advice" that tloesn't sound like 1t w-u written by a Vic- torian spinster. ANNOYED Dear Annoyed : l take it you haven 't Rnl for my c.ptain George Secret Decoding Ring? That cives the real meanlnc or this junk. J I l lo y1 cl do yo c .. R do " Jo w u F " • d n c T a • n s c p • d h jo lo c c s • • ( d d ( t r ~ ( ' t t ' , I ( ( J ( I l f ( t '-"""'~•-._·~~-~·~~~--~~ .... --~~--~._.,....,._..,~.,.--_-_-~-"-"-~-~-N-•. ..,. .............. ,,....,,,...,..,,,,,,....,.,,....,..., .... _, ......... -. ....................................................................................... .,.,. .... ~':"11"'"11 Pa·i,. Lo se Son A fter ' Chaining INDIO (AP)-A coup!• has Jost custody or both lhelr 6- yeaN>ld son officers say wu chained irWde a box on a desert commune and their 11· year-old daughter. A Rlvenlde County Superior Court judge rnade Anthony and Tammy Gibbons wards of RJverslde County on Thurs- day, removing them from the custody of their parents, James and Beverly Gibbons. who aherUf's deputies say lelt them at Lbe corruoone I a s t February. A hearing was scheduled for next Thursday to detennlne where the court will place the children. A grand jury has Indicted 18 members of the commune on charges of felony child abuse. To date 11 have been arrested • TMI mAHOI WOfU .. MR.MUM • H " I and the others are being---------~----------1 sought. The commune has mostly disbanded. Deputies said Tony was shackled inside a wooden crate in the open sun over a period of 56 days, during which the temperature hit 110 degrees at times. Officials say he suffered no permanent in- Winnie Ruth Judd - Extradited to Arizona jury. They freed him July 26. SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Tony told dt!puties he was stay ln Calliornia. Belli sat next to her. "I want to stay,'' she plead- ed. "l klve It here." The hearing was conducted ''*• AutUrt 15, 1969 DAILY PILOT 7 -. • . 4 • . Pho ne Call Durmg Novarro Murder -Related ... ~ . LOS ANGELES (ftPJ -"I r Me:tc_~ k~ 1'boluf and hit' time:' to a:et cigarettes or Novarro's. .nude, b tp o d . trlc l , exteruiton crod and he have to go now beJore Paul brother,JiauJ. ~both fonnelS beer. covered ¥c!Y was fount Oct. had been beaten severly. Ao really huN Ramon .•. 1 want Chlcaeo retldentt now oa'trial Miss Mel ca 1 f asked 31 on his bed. His hands we.re autopsy showed the ~ find Is tied behind him with aft el""· str•naled on his bl..-to out what golng on." in SuJ>Ui9r CoQrt. Ferguson what was wrong, she,----------"-----~------· __ A yoong Chicago woman Miss Metcalf, near \tMI M test.Uied , and he said his testlfled Thursday one ol two she tesunec1, uld Thomu loW . brvtlier was trying to find the brothen accused of t h e tier he and bis brother "'were loation or the money. bludgeoning death. of sUent going to tie Ramon up to acare AUlhoritles say there is no film star Ramon Novarro, 69, him to find oot where the . told her this ln a scream-• money wu " evidence Novarro, lhough a punctured phone caU Oct. 30, She said · Thomas told her wealthy man , kept lar~e the night Novarro )¥IS killed the brothers believed t6,000 . amounts of money In his in his plush home. was hidden behind one of house. . Brenda Lee Metcalf said several hundred pictures Jn She said !homas t~ld her, he Thomas Ferguson, 19, called the house. was not do~ng a~ylhinM wrong • her In Chicago at a: l~ p.m. She asked where P•ul "" and wasn l go1~g ,, to get Los Angeles time and during a and Thomas said, "Up with blamed for anyt~ng. 45-minute conversation claim-Ramon," Miu M e t c a I f '!1Je co.nversahon e n d e d , ed he "was in the house of testified saJd Miss li1etcalf, when Ramon Novarro and he told She ~ she could hear Thomas told her. "I have to go me he was a movie star." someone screaming when now before Paul reall~ hurts The prosecution said Miss Thomas left the phone teveral' Ramo.n · . : I want to find out what 1s going on." • CONTINENTAL MANOR LAGUNA Califo rnia's newest and loveliest re tirement residence Imprisoned in the 6-foot high Gov. RonaJd Reagan has crate because he set fire to a ordered trunk murderes:'!I Win· commune building. Deputies nie Ruth Judd extradited to said his sister had not been Arizona after rejecting her-, mistreated. Gibbons, 33, a f 0 r m e r , plea to remain in California. employe or the Los Angeles "After a thorough evaluation County Probation Department, of all legal and factual mat· disappeared shortly a { t e r ters in lhis case, it is my con- deputies told him on the clusion that there is no basis telephone that they had taken by Herbert Ellingwood, the ------~:::~ governor's legal affairs and exll'adition secretary. It was upon his recommendation that NOW OPEN NOW ACCEPTING GUESTS l,ocated in th e beaut iful resort area of Lagun a Beach. Continental l\fanor Laguna is designed for acli,·e, ambulato'ry guestS:Full social and recreational program. Attractive apartment.a. Superb cuisine. his children from the com· on which to refuse to honor 1 mune, officers say. requisition of the Arizona Deputies said he told them governor," Reagan s a i d he left the youngsters at the Thursday. commune becau se he liked its The new mov e apparently is efforts to establish a working up ta Mrs . Judd's lawyer, ranch. lt is located about 36 Melvin Belli, who w a s miles from Blythe. He said reported to be ln the Scan- when he visited the commune, ttinavian nations studying their Tony wasn't in any box. pornography statutes. Mrs. Gibbons, 36, stands Mrs. Judd f Je d from an trial Aug. 27 on a charge of Arizona m e n t a I institution contributing to the delin· seven years ago. She was quency of a minor. recaptured this past June In I Power Loss Caused Crash? SANTA MONICA (AP) - An inquiry into January's crash of a United Air Lines Boeing 'l'll is centering on the possibility a total electrjcal failure may have caused''the crash -one of the original theories. Danville, near San Francisco, where she was employed as a babysitter, companion and cook. Reagan's decision was made known in the form of an an- nouncement by his press of- fice. He had earlier turned down a similar Arizona ex- tradition request on a ~ical point · Mrs. Judd, 64, tearfully ask· eel at the extradition bearing last week in Reagan's office to Reagan acted. Firm Sues On Strike Turn on a 100 watt ligh t· bulb-yours for only !~*with each purcha se of gasoli ne ... at partici · patlng Texaco Retai lers in this area. lightbul b supply is limited so don't delay. Turn in at Texaco today. •s.-a"rN mau ,;a. (JptD~/2-fr~ ~ree brunch and tou rs from 11 a.m., CONTINENTAL MANOR LAGUNA 2130 South Coast Highway Lagu na Beacll, Califo rnia 92651 Telephone (714)' 494-,9468 • ' '· C!f'~ &{NIX'~S/116 llt'W m ..,..,,,.~ 11'/JS.. • l • I • r -. I DAILY PTtOT F"rid,y, Auoust U, 1969 ite ouse es Proud Nixons S how Off Their Cliffside Spanish Honw Perched Over Orange . County Shoreline In San Cle1ne11te Dai!y Pilot Photos by Pat O'Donnell (Set SLory, Page 1) . · --. ' ,. . :ll'!:f-•·•'+, • , .+ 'd r__._ ~ • .. 'THE NEW NEIGHBORS' APPEAR OUTSIDE FRONT DOOR TO GREET GUESTS WHO CAME TO INSPECT HOUSE AND GROUNDS It's Am11ing What • Little Paint, Some Bright Colors and New Drapt1 Can Do for an old Spanish Villa THE NIXONS AND THE EISENHOWERS STROLL ACROSS THICK CARPET OF GRASS Plenty of GrHnery, A Mixture of Sun and Shade and Oh, What a View ' ...• AND THIS IS THE GUEST HOUSE , WHERE JULIE AND DAVID STAY' A Gracious First Lady, Obviously Proud of Her New Home, Guides Touring Newsmen TIM GETS A PAT FROM THE MAN OF THE HOUSE lrllh S.ttor One of ThrM o.,. In Family LADY OF THE HOUSE DISCOVERS BIRD'S NEST In the Garden, Sounds of Surf and an Occaslonal Tr1in \ NEW NEIGHBORS SAY GOODBYE AS VISITORS DEPART A Red Phone end • Secret Service Man in the G11ebo I • J Wo111en lnma·tes Build Skills for Outside y '!OM BAJU;EY ot .. Clell'I' •"91 , .... SANTA ANA -Wh en c04?peraUve buslnessme11 .and typing test that only allows a the 60 wQ1nen prlsopers on U\e a,roomin,g and general educa- m~rchanla"make sure that the maximwn of one error per dallY headcount at th~ jail. tlon corresp0ndenco cour~es supplies they need _are placed mlnute -in · error rate 'fhe facility admits some ·350 are on her LI.st. at tbe disposal o1 ja'il qfficers,, guarantctd to raise the inma\es a monUl and lt lln'l "Later perhaps," she says. Some sueplies are made eyebrows ot gradua tes from ·poS&lbl~ t.o make the voca· ••We'll have to concenlrale on avallable to the s t u d e n t much moi:e sophisticated typ..._ tiooe.l ~ainlng available to what we have Just now aod prisoners through the profits lng Clts.$eS. manY who wouJd ht· lntert?Sted, make these things available tt Frfdlf, August 15, 1969 . Join us for HIGH HOl Y ,OA·Y SHVICIS et TEM,lJ' ·SHARON ; lll• Coft1trv•tlvt lvntto0u. far fM E~llre ~ ArH 61 7 W11f M•l'fl~te11, Coit• M•1• 1: For info.r.•tio!I c1lh 446·5552 DAILY PILOT • R•"f fh!'Hn Goodm•n and the Ttmpl• Sh•r.n Chelr Marlene · walked into tbe ..)ranee County Women's Jail her only ambition was to serve the one-year term she got for clJl!d beatlnc with as little tmable .u possible. ---A]Jlthy1'11!-mlecied in the ·47-year.otct prisooer's de- meanor· long before she'd had her, lir1t meal tn tl}e fac ility. s~ .wu convinct4 that she faced 12 mooths of utter boredo'q'I, a year of reflection on a poSt-prlson future that look<\! as bleak and forbidding as her present prospects. ol the Jail lnm.a,te Com· Normal rules and rtgula· "lt's a closely supervised and when we can. I'm very vilssary, .~r way •. of tiOns of 1the jail apply to the prOgrwn and it takes up a lol happy that we've been able to -inrl!Hing-"·a·t-the pilot ~it amf-1tt~~nce-· if'"tlmntrft'"bllt'1mtcers wouta • do what we've one for some gr4m'' adherents add not"inS:' strlCUy enfor~d. Inmates' s:et nprma1ly be. devoting to other of our prisonars.'' I fl"'*"' vour Mtl1 fOCltY -SUllng 11 t.l;;•'•""=·:.....-1-----h ""-....J.,l'lllltlne oro1114M •9' o·~lme..wll ... Friday E~ml119 $er'ilcn 11 f:U '"" l $choOI Rt'glslrlJIO!I. SU<ld1y, ~I, 1, It 10 AM to publie costi. ., .. ~ lb~ mesSage v~y ~rly tha t jail duties," J,.t. Ayres s"ld. so are Marlene and Norma. i!:::============::::;====== "..Any inmate who mtgbt look ~~e classes are no. refuge apd "\Ve're'very, \'Cty happy With Both are the products of al -----------...,.,--...,'------"\ ·on 'the cou~ as One way of 1t s an und~i:_standing that bas the program and we warit ti) program that h!ls shown them ..... ...- • iilCJ~ping )41! discipiioo for an reiutted, in /elf,. if any,, expand it but it's something how to take what appeared to SEE THE STARS . hoUr ot two is q•u t pk I y d1scl plinary problems. that we can't do just now." be wasted tl~e and use tt w ' t disiUusioned. • WA. NTS TO EXPAND Lt. A-s also sees an e"-fashion a talent. ... Ltt th• 1ti rt 91114• v•v. SvJ119y O"''''• on• of th• worl4'• ''"'' 1•~ " l!'IO,t .,tr•lot•r•. writt1 the deily horo1c.op• c:olu,,,n featu rtd Rules· are strict.' Deputy If· Lt. Ayres has a gripe to pansJon of the succe~ful Marlene's flying fingers and In th• DAILY PILOT. Tod!I)' silo's banging good- bye W U!e blues on one of six typeWriters being used by in- mates u their keys to a new career. And, says Lt. Barbara Ayres, Marlene is building u her apeect and efficiency to ilie point that she wlll leave the jatl as a highly competent typist who should have few problems in finding a n employer. Lau.rte Tayco, for exaJnple, offer it could be that she can't training courses into other Nonna's smart new wardrobe those fieJds. rigidly eJJ.forces a five-min ute exte nd the program to more of fields -hair styling, personal te ll thei r own story. !"----------------------' . AQd she's qulck to stress • 23l I. IM St., c... w ... SlioJ1pb11 Cfftff, C.M. • 17904 ...... 11. St. etT .. Mrt-Vlllote Cef!tM, f9•11tOJ11 Y.Ue., that· the program·doesn't cost • 10841 ketetlo Ave. • ludi4-Gohk11&ud 111e,,1at Co11ter, G.~. • a..11 It , ...... llvd.-H•11tl119to11 ia.-ch ShopPl11• C.Atet, tf".I . • •a21w......,.,., w.. w•. w ... ......., the taxpayei t. cent, · • 9461 C...,_ AM. crt lroollkrst-0,...,, Copry'fltao, G.~. • 21131 leocli ltvd. ot At1..mi-Hu1tl11gto11 hoc.It ' . • 1440'W, ....... lllllCI ttls,.I St..--1111 .... COtltlll', S.A, e 2300 Horhr lhd. -Horhf Slloppl .. c .. ter, Coito MtMt e 11122 .,......... St ... w .. t!lll..,.._WntWffll CHNt, ..... e 11~61 Y~ley,....9tC .... M•·A.,.~Pl ... G ••• BVSINESSMEN llELP ' Much the same,.s:an be said of Norma; a c o nvicte d narcotics pusher who decided that pushing m at er i al s through a sewing machine helped push the clock around a little. Any hint that she might well make the grade as a highly qualified seamstress by the time she picked up her street clothes would have been good for a laugh from the 27· )'eaMld prisoner. CLASS REGULAR Today she's well on the way to completing an assignment that will give her a wardrobe of smart, new clothes to take home with her. She's a devoted regular at the 00.. minute, twice-weekly sewing classes and one of several prisoners taking a long, hard look at the possibility of using their newly acquired skills in the world they'll be returning to. It's no secret that many jail officers had qualms about the novel rehabilitation program launched rece ntly under the direction of Lt. Ayres. Inmates in both schools are allowed to bring into lhe jail the materials they need. If they don't fiave the money to do it, cOntrlbutions from Road Work Delayed By Strike SANTA ANA -A construc- tion .strike is delaying start of work by the county Road De· partment to improve Tustin Avenue in the Newport Back Bay area and install a slgnal at T u s t i n and Uni\lersity Drive. Approval for lhe project was given this week by county sup- ervisors, but bidding is being held off because the operating engineers strike prevents con· tractors from bidding intelli· ~ently. Assistant County Road Commissioner Ted Mt'Conville said. Tusti n is to be improved from University to Palisades Road. V/ork will be done by the county because it is cnn· sidered "a highway of county_ wide importance." The county will pay $15,625 toward the cost of the signal and do the installation ~·ith the city of Newport Beach paying $9,375. Rehabilitation courses had been discussed at top level for some time before the sewing aod typing classes got under way. But the spanking new jail catered for short t e r m prisoners, an obstacle that ap- peared 10 be insurmountable 1o those who weren't a• Grove Slates determined as Lt. Ayres to of- fer prisoners a. chance to ~se their prison time to good Youth Oass. purpose. . She is delighted today with , · 4 the results of the pilot pro-GARDEN GROVE. "":" 'i'he grams. And she is convinced Orange Cou~ty Assoc1aUon for that the "graduates" from her th~ Educa.t1on of Youn g typing and sewing schools will Children will h.old a summer be definite assets to Orange works~op starting Monday at County employers looking for the First Methodist Ch urch skilled girls and women in Nursery Schoql h~re. . Afternoon !ess1ons will be DEATH NOTICES HAWES l-M. H-. S<lrllYed by motntr, Vlrwlni. WOl"lhlnt10t11 sbter, Gll<:lv1 Pr0¥01t1 onl 9t•nddau~ll!r. S~kn Wiii bl! helll l tl.m. Frldlv H-CM!>· el F-t lnm M«nori11 Pert". Cv· P,...., F-1 L1wn Mor1u1rv. C)'flreu, Oll'ICl'Dni. WICKLAND ~Id EU9tne w1c11u ... d. 2~?62 ll•rti: A .... ,-~· Toro. Diie Of dt1!ll. AUilUSI ll. ;iunlved bv wile, SMr1e11 d11111h· ~. Ml" P•rrlclt Wic~l•nd, Redoncta 8Nd'I, •rid Mn. Shfrlev 8r"'"'1', $Un Velltr. c.ur.: 1oiis, A.ooer, M11111Y. Incl Rober!. El Tor11 bro!l>ef", Joll11, Weil Los A11a~1,,. mother. Mn1. Al· held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday on "Bridging the Communication Gap through Audio Visual Methods," from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Dr. Ralph Eckert ol Cal State Long Beach will talk on "Personal Communication" at 8 p.m., Thursday. Family Weekly Every Saturday lltl'f• K.lelntr, MlnnfllPOlis, Min~ .. 11'1<1,-----------I llv& 9r1tldclllldre11. Servlctt will bl! llekt 2 ~.m. Church ol 11\f Croat, L1· oun1 Hlll9. lnler....,nr P..clllc View Ml!mcrl1I Part, P1c!!ic View Mort11-r----------, r 1rv. Dlrec'°". ARBUCKLE & WWH WestclW Mortuary 427 E. 17th St, Costa Mesa 6l6-4811 • BALTZ MORTUARIES Corona del Mar OR J.9450 Costa Mesa &D g.~ • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa Pileaa u 1-3413 • DILDAY BROTHERS Hlllltlngton Valley Mortuary 17911 Ilellcll Bl..i. Huntlqloa Bea UZ.'1771 • MCCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 1711 Lapa• Canyon Road Lapa• Beacli UUil5 • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemelery e M-.,Y Chopel S5tO Pacific View Drive Newpon Belch, California tff.l'llO • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL HOME '1111 BolM Ave. Westminlter l93-3Ui • 8HEFFERMORfUARY Llpna Beaclt 49f..1$SS Su Clemente 'tulot • SMITll8' MORTUARY a? P.1.ala St. UunUng!On ~ 13i-8$St TURN ON ·Turn on a 100 watt light- .bulb-yours for only 10¢• with each purchase of ga soline.,. at partici· paiingTexaco Retailers in this area. Lightbu lb supply is limited so don't delay. Turn in at Texaco tod ay,· •JuUMltd 111.t11.nc: .. I $1~' Value! Gold Veined .12" Mirror Squares DISCOUNli ,DOLLAR 68~ •TtftPMrt • Sollp1poon • Dlnntr fork • Solctd Fork Hea'1 quality aiai~!eu '1tcel futwa~. DAYS SAlE Today Thrv Tuesday, Aug. 19 ll9flMI J9l ... M1tchi111 KRi~ll J fer $1.00 $po Value 36:124" Linoleum Roll r~~i:-~~ 2 ~ s1· ~Utm:1! I l11ta •SM'2• · 15x30" Fringed Scatter Rugs 1oo1t WtlliflA: bluid of 11.J!)ll. polyat~ a: 07100 in OT1ls Pt oblt111p 'With stfetf b1cl1, f rin.i;ed ends ot $1 lri~ •nl'llnd. Nl"ll' <lllon.1'.11.chine w1.1h- eble. 77~Avocado I 0¥.z" Tumtables ,,,,%,. 0 ~A-2''1 ~m. IOYJ I diunetet, 1., J •-' "" S4c: Reg. •4,95 C11sier Table ~$322 !tlSf r11ted 1t1nd o Siii· 1:ed t" tfttl 1>11iina "'"'°rts •nr 11bJe IOOde1 TV "' Girl's Nylon .l'anty Stretch Tights 99c 1otl% nylcm teain. 1~1 1i11h u wiLh 1 -wi,lc "'oven d.utic \. "·•i11b1ml. N""'est ').\ F.ill fa..hion colors; • :-1.:·•111.,., ....... ,,,,..,,r.¥. Girl's Acrylic Sweaters .( cahle fl'Ollt cb.u ic $299 01rdipn. ... ·itli a.hie on 1lec1'r. Sues 7 to 14", Ill Fill colon. 39" Letter Sizo Legal Tablet J.iodr .•• 6 ,,1 rultd yell()'ll' a paper, I ' 6 6'S.•1 $l.l• $3,79 Value! Pull Toys • ._ '• Ktr ··-·-$1•• •Dulo ~ -•$1-lty ·- *l"Boxofl Coffff Mu9s PClplllu a ~ 1i1t, •1 inUe cl. .milk ,..bite Jms.resiJtlot ,1us. . i -~ ~ $J!! Dupont CHEMICAL Auto Needs 1z;. • • 2 ' '1 llll~~--1'::. 0 ,..., • ll• •·CM11Cl1i.-I hll S:11; l ....... $1.,0 $1 61 Head '& ' Shoulders 4,J·tl'. T•H D1n~rulf .s1 .. "',.,. Ind. IOe •ff $1 ~~~~:·10• CERAMICS .... 53.99 Oec:ora1or ple<:n lh&t Hll fe r dollers mo•e In 11i!t s1>ap5I ~:~~:~ •• BON BON DISH Foo!eo lion bon dl$h lhll loot.1 !>II murh more 1xptn1ivt 11110 our low price, 87¢ 8¢ ~:. JUICE GLASSES , ... ,,., '" LlbbfV'l design wl:ll !ht Icy look. POPVl•r ~oledge. Stock UPI !~·~:, ••• BOTILES Reprodue1lo111 ol old-lime bcHllts '™de 111 1111 U.S A. ~hApes, cck!r11111oro, 39~ PrllltTtny 77¢ .Kitchen .Towels .,... .... 3'•1 NO·:~: .... TEFLON FRY PAN $1.99 ·'"" "' 0 Pede<:! !or 10Hree dieters arid taakll'dl. Won'I loC••lch. S1v1 ,1,0G Ol\ rovr1. BOW pioclct11 I 8811, dtsfsn. in d«otaloc colon lhl!" ~~~~~,. ASH TRAYS Smort, rol'llr!ul . . lor~ o:nougll tor onv SfT\Oker! Shld1!$ for evtry home d~or. ................... ··---- "·",,,. .. LAZY SUSAN OECOR~TOR ' • $1.57 Blue or (ry>tal. E~i;ie1uive lookOrog plou 11> Sl)o)r~ll~g blue or cle~r. Gl11 p.ackogcd . , , buy now ~t Throllv 1ovln91 for ycurs~lf. !or lu'urf 9111" Tn~ P<rfe<:! hcsteos 11e1per, ~;;.0;;. GOBLETS 29¢ Elegonr >Temmed 11oblel1 In p0pul1r 91~ ounce olit . In rich gold tent lor every 11blt . Men's Acrylic Knit Shirts Hi new ..,.ith com- b1n.:i1mn color 1uip-$298 d i r nttk 11td ,1«"· a , aod TCtlic1 I Itri~. S·M·f...XL. Check Protector Envelopes ""-"'' 4 ' $1 -wi11\ erot«• 0 t iYt hne11. R Gu1td im runt chrdc1. $) ,29 Siient Mercury Switch At these bi,irDoll•tO•y s1 S1viTigs you'll 'l'Vllnt 10 nopJocc &II your noiiy · ,.,.,tches. $1 " .. Mate ing Pillows & Bolsters 1'1i:c Ot 1t11lcb. 2i'3 $)'' Eveready Flashlight with 2 lotteri•• •1 Americtn made "Colllo m&11der" Uoion ~ flabli.11:ht! 39' furn hire Wehtilnt 17 ,.., tf D•,.ll>J. "°'"'I ...... oil,... 5 ' •1 ?Id lawn .I~ 0 •lare.Cho1teof I utd r Ctil . 9 Ft; ........ 2 Exten1lo11 Cords Pacific !ledrlcotd, iworJ '1 or brown cxte111io1' CPrds. U.L. appro•td I · Reg. $1" Oval Vanity Mirror· 1oa11 inch llilirar Ill '1 Plltllnirih jllti lot dif. tortiOD Jtte ..... A0o ticiut ir; 11'hlte .,id ·finUh ftllnrJ. $),20 Value! 3 Blind Mice Gold Finish •1" Faultless 11re e1dti11,; f1tt Pencil Pendants 9" Ice CaP.i ; Cboote/Mr&•n n 91 1o1driwtubbtrircdt10t1"SI (1ti111 Hltctlon. ,; 5 ,..Jth wide 11p,nin,1: dtpndp de1>1ned • moutll l.lld Je1kpcoof ~· u p. i Polished Wire Real Stone look r.R~e;;g.;.. ,:1~1.~@~,..,:;;;111:::. t,::8:".'c ".'.,,"'.', .. -:M:llHI~::', Shoe Rack Fashion J41welry Thermo111tter Colorful Yin 111.o•ins garrrf de-44• igne<l I<) lnt yow: ttfln~! K!,:1~~0~:i·~t:: 1a'"a'1 C li~~Z 1:t1 1r'hi'n~~ 6& lelbblt, ~i~r ~ fl 1·r· Tftl '"d u.i,. B1i1htlr Pierttd 14 kt, pld 7 1.1.e ar w1 te1 re1d. M plattd. filled. wins. incomptnb1t nlut. ( 58' firCi1r::e:-;R:es:i1f:st;:a::n::t~. t~;'.::;ir.~f'.!<.-';::":T.~D:'""""l-~~~,:!*J=.~.:i~:?J:::'.$1~4'=·-, cm,;.,,., .!~:,~'l,.,~hest Mouthwash Hot Waflt' lottlt, ~ "'~'·,: -~~W, , btf fifl $694 1•d A1lrl•1t•I 2 , '1 '-.... 1w11 t11. ae,,,; ,-,'"',~:••:111•1H O /JI fint,q11illl1rr tllbtift ., .... • ' bhtd IN'llL 7J • "•111 fMda 10 ~t allCI Jutl • hllh. ll+f'" '°"" • ·~H ,.;.ie, y,.,, Clloiu "' .:av-... •11•••to•l' Canada'• Dominion· Rora Canadian -whisky .$4•• QUAitT Ol111litd 1t1d blet1dca in Canida lot Thrift.r .Alont ! $1¥1 'Oc • 'llllrt for • Hmiltd tl1t1e Ol'llp I • • Boys'. Acrylic Short Sleevo Sweaters JI"· Value Joutlque Glftwart 1 -. • J 9 1>A1LY PILOT Terrific Value! Misses' Casual Vinyl Jackets Choose from 4 classic $tylcs for $.Choo! or casual wear. f ashion colors in misses' sizes. t.li1JlJ' Sporlsu:tar D1p1. CUT•l to '3! Boys' & Stndenh' Rugged Jean• 177 A"°""" """' fab-rics 2od rolors. Not all sizes in all st)'les. While they Wt. 811JS WtM Dt/1f. CUT 49% to 58%! Cushioned Deck Shoes "'ere $4.9!1 10 $;).IJIJ ·Men's ronon duck oxfords wi1h fufl y contoored in· sole; crepc-<ypc rub. be r sole. Colors. ShotDtpt. No Phone or C.O.D. Orden on These Items Use Sears Revolving Charge \I ~ t-Prieec!! '. !i \ ·Acetate ·· I \ · · ; Briefs Sensational Price On Little Girls' Dresses Spn.$1 Elastic leg briefs in aceute ~icor. Choice of whire and assoncd colors. In sizes S.M·L Buy now! Lingtrit Dtpt. Boy now ror Back.-ro- School! Jn many. many adorable stylu_ .colors and patterns. Crisp cottons for the small set. Sizes 3 to 6X. l ttfl#nU'.ChilJrt11'J Dept. Fabric Casuals Now Reduced! Were JZ.99 to $4..99 Casual styles with sturdy fabric uppers. Assorted colors. Jn women's aad children's sizes. S/,., Dt/il. CUT 55%! Point D'esprit Panty Hose Lowest Price Ever! • Knitting Yarn Clearance Won 89e 1o Sl.29 Aaom:d yams selected from 3 $} Sbetlmd Wool,Mohairand mallf others. Big ttduc• for- tiom! Noiiom D1pr. Stretch Socks 100% oylon stretch socks in wide assonmenc of colocs. I a men's sizes. Stock up now 1t this low price! Mtn's F•rnishi11ir Dtpt. SAVE 32%! 49c Yd. F1annel Yardage Sanforiz.cd 100% cot· 10 0 flannel in sturdy t ight weave. Sofr. bovy nap. machine washable. 36 and 4)-in. wide. Y .... J.g Ikpr. Great Value! 13-oz. "Gigi" Hair Spray Women"s si:zes P.A.T. OiiJdren"s sizes S..M-L. D ainty pattern stretch ny- lon. Many fashion colors. G reat with short &kins and pants. Petal Rose Print Mnslin Sheets HOJitry Dtpt. Were 12.98 Twin Size Jo'iued or Flat Were $3.98 Full Size 1-~ilted or f'lat w.,.,, $1.!18 Pillowct .. 1 l • l 7 Pink. b1ue. yeUow printa. !H111tSlic Dtpt. }77 221 Conraint no lac· CfUeJ'. Keepe hair ne•t and aoft look· ing. Good fo"f' ble.ehed or tinted h1ir. Cts.,1i: Dt/JI. ~-------------------------------------------------~ I . BUENA PARK El MONTE LONG BEACH PICO at Rimpau POMONA SOUTH COAST PLAZA I CANOGA PAllK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO SANTA ANA TORRANCE I :lfN ~0J~~~g ~A~o~~A Sears ~~~ ~ci~r~Gs ~~i1EJNT °' s1auson I ~-~-----------~------------------------------~ "SatisfadionGuaranteed or Your Money Back" Shop 6 Nights Monday through Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. I ,\ Sew For School ------·---~-~-~--·---~------=c---.,.-,-------,.- ears . . .. ........ . . • • • . .· .. • -· . .... • . . ' No Phone or C.O.D. Orders on These Items • SJ_Ol.95 Oval 5-Pc. Dinette SAVE $52! wa1nut woodgrai.n design plastic top uble. 36x48 in. size _ex· a:ods m 72.in. o .. L 4 vinyl covered chairs. P•mit11n D1p1. 4988 Use Sears Revoll'llig Charge SAVE 50%! Utility Interior Latex Paint ~97! \ Refinishr& wills «O- nomically. Ideal for touch-up l'aint jobs, •oo. 7.99 Acrylic latex House Paint. gal. 3.97 SAVEl-0% CUTSI0.98! \ Coffeemakers Were s17,95 697 Makes 4 to !!- cups. Has brew· level gauge, flavor· strength selector, pop-up basker, signal light and stay-wanil feature. Eltrtrica! Dtpt. 'l.49 to '2.98 Panel Assortme.nt CUT Sl to S2! Beautiful window panels in 8 7c, assorted sheer fabrics, pauernS and colors. 8l·in. leogchs. Come in eaiJyf Dr11prry D1pt. Tropical Fish. Assortment rrfdlt, Auoust 15, 1969 0 ' Auto-Stereo 4-Track Tapes Sears Top Value! Top anises: The Mamas, and 199 Papas, Jeann ie Seely, Wit· son Pickett, Righteous Bros., Gra.ss Roots, • others. TV Dtpt, 67• Charcoal Briquets SAVE25%! I.arpo10'1b,bw.Highhea~ 2 $} etsf to ignite briquets. for , Have no odor and very low ash. Stock up! • lio1111u,111r11 Dtpt. Sewing Machine with Case Straight stiteh ?'"'hine 2 988 com~ w~th carrying cue. · Hioged pressure floor ,-~,. coutrol. 1001/9703. Wide variety includes Mol· 5, lies, Platy s, Variatus, 99c Swords, Zebru. Stock for up your aquarium. Drum Fish Bowls..__79c Latest models in. custom miniatures with built-in. features. low friction wheel bearings • . lllcing 1licb! Aasortment or Hot Wheel Cars Seata Low Price 65c Stwing Macbi~t D1p1. 1169.95, 9-in. Radial Arm Sa,w Direct drive morordevelops l-M H.P. SAVE $70 -No gears or pulleys. On-<>ff swirch has krv lock for added s99 safery. Convenient color coded controls make se:t· ups simpler & speedier. flortlWllrt Dtpt. Gmlt•Sbop SAVE '41! 18-in. Power Reel Mower Replar 129.99 3-HP, 4 cycle engine has 8888 recoil starting and no-ad- jusr carburetor. Safery handle lowers to stop mower. #81989 H11rdu•11rt Dtpt. • T., DtPI. Ali pa, indudin 88 ind pellel AU 50Jd onJ, 10 R'sidenu 1u1e. where pur- hase i1 made. w raidence requ.ir- d.) P\ln:bum firetm11Uld1111"1.11111ni- cioa mm be 21 ..,:Uld .... .J"Ol)f. No deU'teriftwill be m.de1111uide.--. 11 ll Wei subi«t to Ff<ktal, s,.1.,, and M1111icip&I U... 111d !•' • Long Rifle Ammunition Replar 82c 1 .22 cal. big ~cJocity1 fOp-·5~•7c , per plated rounds . Box . . . of 'O. Limit 10 boxes 1 • ••• per cwtomcfr. ' ~ · ~ Spor1i•t G"'(s D(P'· ,----------------~------------------------------,--~ I BUENA PA8K El MONTE LONG BEACH PICO at Rimpau .POMONA . SOUTH COAST PLAZA I CANOGA PARK GLENDALE OLYMPIC & SOTO SANTA ANA TORRANCE 1 COMPTON HOLLYWOOD ORANGE s SANTA FE SPRINGS , VALLEY I COVINA INGtEWOOD PASADENA ears SANTA MONICA VERMONT at Slauson ,________________________ ------------~-------' "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money,Back" Shop 6 Nights Monday thro119h Satllrday9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. ( I , _.:__.___ ··~· - JZ OAltY PILOT ' Vital Stalisties for the .Or~nge_ f;oast VNll'E"D ST Al' BS NAl'IONAL BANK Divorces State Backs Community Lectures Efforts of the Fountain Valley Schoel District to bring the knowledge and skills of community members into the classroom have been reward- ed by a $3,100 grant from the state Department of Educa- tion. The Community Resource Project, as it is called, recruits persons with unusual occupations or experts in cer· lain fields for lectures in the classroom. To this date these }lave in- cluded talks by by people in widely varying pursuits, rang· ing from profe ss ional ballooniSts to Star athletes. Btt•1se ot ·tl)e overwhelm- ing response from cWzens, the district wUl havi to devise a "key sort" system to categorize _ these h u Yn a n resources. The grant money will be used to establish lhe system. The pro ject, said Superintendent Mike Brick, is designed to build a healthy relationship between the com- munity and the schools. Final Stocks In All Home Editions TURN ON Turn on a 100 watt light· bulb-yours for only · 10¢.* with each purchase of gasoline ••• al partici· paling Texaco Retailers In this area. Lightbulb $Upply is limited so don't delay. Turn in at Texaco today. •aiuttlff """trl• Miii BACBI SET Ho boy. ts this cute. You gotta '" il Little mini·bachi with grill and coaJ. firebox. got a little draft door. cin;:le tray and llttleakewera. For some fun snacking". Choice of colors. 299 HIBACHI If the mini·bachl turns you on. imagine what this 10 inch hibachi can do. Rugged cast deal with the handle. Nice to take along on vacation. 297 PLASTIC TRASH CAN And if you're really a lousy cook you got a place to hide your mistakes, No rust and you can just flush it out with a hose.to keep it fairly 1anjtary. SIX 47c GAL. BINSdF MYG'ooo .S7UFF ""om!!!!!P-- , BAB-B-0 -Big deal with. ·adju1tablegrUl. UL approYed motor and spit. whHls, and a big warming oven on top to keep th• chow · 'hot until Herley comes home from the mine. I J'lo!mg FOG-A-YARD We told Linda this ls to keep airplanes from landing in the ycrrd. She believes it, poor thing. Actually it protects a large . ou bloor area from all kinds of flies. skMters. and bugs. 129 DlCBODRA SEED The price g•ts better. We don't know if we'regood buyers or if the guys overproduced. but you'll save.11.0 matter what. 99.44%pur• (pure what?). 147 lLB. SHAKER INDOOR-OUTDOOR CARP~G Our rolls are stacked up Ilk• a carpet shop. 9nly you don't pay the price you might pay there. Spills. rain. just laugh at them. (Stand outside and laugh at the rain and someone riyht away 1end1 you to thf home). 2 59 SQ. YD. MOLDED MARBLE TOP PULLMAN On.• ol many. many kinds and colors we have on display. Pat Farrah says they a.re 25 inch•• wide because th• top ls two sh09 leagth1. Complete witb enappy faucet. 3995 JUMBO PLASTIC TRASH CAN The way manufacturers keep usiilg bigger packages with less In them. you JI need an extra trash.can. Snug.lid to keep those old cat a out. 67 WITH LID 20 GAL. a n~tlo~.al . GET YOUR PERSONAL llATIONAL CREDIT CARD Ask anyone ol oar flllf 2x4STUDS Call for the doctor. these 2x4'1 got chicken pox. Worth 37c. maybe 39c. Take a chance. EA. SOUTH COAST PLAZA • BRANCH NOW OPIN -SATURDAYS t,. I P.Jri4. MON°THUU "1W P.M, flJDAYS 1M ~M. 1114) 141-Ult. l.....i .. , 1e.c..r1-.c-. ..... GR.APE MOLDS You pour in the stuff, let harden and break the mold. Make up some jazzy lights~ table decoration• or just go out and wo~ the kids with a game of giant mcublea. 1'4 INCH ' ' CASTIRG RESIN Thia is the stuU you pour · intomoldltomakeallklnds · of interesting things. (I poured about 10 gallons into a mold of Sophia Loren. but even th9 copy W!)uldn't go out with me) • 2 99 GAL. DECORATOR BE.IDS Here ls place to let your Imagination run w:lld. Don'1 be- lnhlbllad. man all ldncb of curtaias. Window IC?HU. ilM-thN .,;. ..... hippy necklcrces. dog collars (for weird dogs). kangaroo chains. and other therapeutic proJecta. Got all kindi and colors, pre-strung 6' 6" strand. CERAMIC TILE 29Cl:PKG. mSTBOARD ' This 11 the one Pat Akers owes her famous Clara Bow figure to. (An hour gla11 figure. but th• sands hCJTe thiltecl). Metal base. ball b.aring deal. twist away the fat. Paw. 1'7 Unglazed crystal satin •hffn. 111. many colors and patterns. 19c Pk~' ~. .. .. . . OUTDOOR CLOTHES liBYER • HCJTen't Nn this 30 line umbrella type in a ton; time. beccna.1• Richie forgot where they put them in th• waNhouff, Stffl cent•r pole, vinfl coYered lin••· 1 ( --------------·-------~-~----------· - • ' ~men ' J ODEAN HASTINGS, 642-4321 ,,.., Miid u. 1Nf • , ... 1l '. Ca·rnival P'1a.As Soar Come to the carniv.al ! J Extending the invitation to all area residents are swnsors of Oceanview Little League. . .. _ · The league will conclude ,one season a1,1d acquire nec.essary funds for next year duril)g· .a carnival which wUI take place Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 22, 23 and 2~. at Huntington Center. Rides, game booths and typical carnival fare to feed hungry families will be available from IO·a.m. te 10 p.m .. 1 with proceeds being used toward trophies, pins and the purchase of additional land to provide space for more.boys to enjoy the "All-American" sport of baseball. Tickets now are on sale in all Huntington-Center. stores at dis- count prices of six for $1, or may be obtained. ·at regular prices dur· ing the carnival. · · LE.M!UE RID ING HIGH -Oceanview Little Leagve will con- clude another successful season wi'lh a carnival taking place in Huntington Center. Area families are invited to enjoy rides, game. and food boollJs which will.he offered between 10 a.m. and • 10 p.m. rnday, Saturday and Sunday, Aug. 22, 23 and' 24. Soar- ing as high as loogue plans are (left to right) Steven Williams, 11; Shaun Mehaffey, 10, and Jim Stone, 10; assisted by Mrs. Buck Williams, codtainnan of the carnival. Making preparations !Or· tile last fund·rilising. ventu~e of the s~son are the Mmes. Conte Stone, president; James Werner; Bud Phipps, H~rold Coulson, Buck Williams, Arvie Hankey, Red Mehaffey, James Skipper,. Don Clemens, Patrlck McGinnU and Durlin Keller. A total of 638 boys participated in the games sponsored by Oceanview LitUe Le!igue. during. the.past .. asoo • Twins' Mothers Seek Island Ref1:1 ge Visions ,ol tropical lagoons and swaying p~s will be confured ~p when the Orange Coast Mcithers of Twins Club honors husbands during a luau in the Huntington Beach home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Saunders .Saturday, Aug. 23. Making preparations . for .an eY,ening of swil!lJDing, dancing and feasting are (left to·right) Mr; and Mrs. Gary E. Johnson, Fountain Valley, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leahy, Huntington Beach. Polynesian entertainment · also will be offered bY. members. Fu ture Moo n, Tra velers Eye Fashions Discovering It'• A Small World are (left to right) Heather Gallas, 9; Cheryl Wedner, 7; Leslie Wed· ner, 5, and stacey• Mintz, 4. They will be viewing baCk·to-sthool fashiohs for future moon travelers when Temple Hillel Sisterhood sponsors a style show at 2 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 4, in the Fountain Valley Recreation Center. Fasbions by Sears and home-sewn designs will be displayed, Tickets ate '2 for adults and 50 cents for children, and Mrs. Abra- ham H, Gallas, ~. niay be called for·infonna· tion. Ramon·a's DEAR ANN LANDERS : Several of·us girls gave a 'lovely engagement shower for a co-worker. Ramona told us that her fiance's wif~_had agreed to a nice quiet divorce and· tbe wedding would come off in the fall.. The shower was held at my home and the gifts were beautiful. Last week Ramo1,1a ann.ounced, with a good deal ol embarrassment, that ..the man's wile hal ~a heart condition and he cannot leave her. '.l'he wedding.is oU. She . didn't say one· wor;d about returning the gills. Later I asked heir wh~t she in· tended to do with all those lovely presents. She replied, "I'll keep· lhem.. The)' will corbe in.;liandy wben I meet someone wonderf\il.'$ · . ls this lair!.'Wt are t -BURNING ON . • • Sweetheart Has Everything-~ .. lnc luding ·a Wife cashier can see the hair-on my chest. someone cans on the phone and It's a taly f1te yoa to mU:e another loaq mar- ls there anythlng I can do to get the wrong number he says it was another rtagt. hair on my face to gr 0 "? guy. Last night he spent an hour lookln& Yoia lted dme" amr ap ud 10 doe1 1banka. -HARRY (A n o t h e r em· barrassment. This Li my real name.) for Ure marks in the driveway. He' Work• that active volcano wlto calll ldmteU a DEAR BARRY1 The doctor gave yoa · ed late and was sure someone was here. has~ Stay apart ,a few weeb ud &be stral«'t goods. Ae«pt It. If It'• any Tohigbt he went through my album and then set some couselillg. '· MIC!ilGAN AVENUE of ·hair· on my cbelt and·anns ·and -legs,. com!~ lo,... pie ... bowU111 mnu-lore,up all the pictures of my high_ school . . Wh ,. DEAR MICH: _•·at out the, name• and but ntr ta·ce 1s~ as' smooth u ·a baby's · · tf. men ee11der 1havlnJ a 111ri11rnce. «!td, • frie~. ~ ·ph~n~ D!id. and ask~ ~ tor " !J~ ~.rourself 0: dates? at &"f backside I shave twice ·a ·week even would lib tt trr.de· your Jl'")ftlem fOr come an4:f lget me aAd ,tlie,,jbit>y. This~ rijht? Wlu.. s wrong. Should )'OU~ forge& It. You: dummies gave a shower for •M.•.d. 1· d ,1 need to __ ·d 1or' tfth• · • martlage la lousy and • see nn }tope fM Shouldn't you? Send lot Amt. Landers ...1 ~-.1 -_.1. "'"""II" on • ••K oc saya ·-· · · · 61 .r ·:i 'bOoklet"DaUngDOtandDon'ta"enclol-a&>& <IUll.I a mamea llllll· there is nothing wrong with me _, tbat · · "the future. Please tell me WheN! I can get · • · UleSe ·.tflihgl l):i n''now ahd t~ and , 'DEAR' ANN LANDERS : I'm 11, mar· a free lawyer. I want a divorce so I can ing wilh your request SI c:-ts ll.C'Cin and DEAR ANN LANDERS: J juofread the • not"•• can be.If.. aboul ti • · rled 1$ months, and have a baby.•My 1iu .. -start over. • -'MESSJ';D UP GIRL a long, aeU-add~ lllMlll"' envelepe. letter from "HirSllie Hilda", I h e ,_,. . ' band is lf, BID has cnailged lntO a diJ. DllAR GIRL: Sqrt ml oru?. AJlll Landera will be glad lo help you aec:;retary who bad jo shave eveey ·day. ll When I 80 to a movie. to; .adults .only, I • fer~t person th.la past ytar. 1 c,ap'l·-. ~n~ther m~1? Be.;e 1c:' m;_e, lJ yean or . with your problems. Ser\d. them to her la makes me si~k tbat li fe is 90 unfair. carry my ID card. I also -wear .a sport. believe il • J age ud alreadJloOklllg for a dlvlt"tt. It · .clre ro( the DAILY PILO'D, encloslng a . I am a zt.year-<ild boy and I have lots shirt and leaye lbe· collar open to the He ii so Jealous· J feel like l'm in jall.11, won't solve your problem, T'°te.,Jt .W teK·addressed, ata.mped envelope. .I . ANN LANDERS f I .. , .. l.IP'IT ......... New Chapeau for New Title Holder Trying on new \vidi!-brimmed hat style is Wendy Dascomb, Miss USA for 1969, who is beginning ex· tensive travels including a stop in .New York Where Horoscope Willing l she visited the Millinery Institute of America. The New Orleans beauty participated recenUy in the Miss Universe pageant. Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines • Family Wedding Car~el Church Chosen For Afternoon Rites \ Memben ol the immodlate Attending her •1'l<r u mild famUles ol J,\argaret Dedman of honor wu Milt .. Gill !led. of Costa Mesa and Larry o. man of 1lu DI..,. Bjle· was a~ St<rlln of Balboa Island were tlied !Jr Pink dliffon, aver laf. ~~t when they exchqed feta and i.r tuembJ.t wu wedding vows before the altar complemented. 1fitb . a short of the FI rs t Presbyterian · pink ve\! and b1ioquet·of' baby' Church. Cannel. plnk roses and wbl&e carna~ Perfonning the late al-Uons~~... .... \ ~ temoog ceremonr for the The brldearootn ~ his daughter and son of Mr. and father to stancl._as ....... man Mrs. F. 'II· •IJedrnan of F~lr and guests were ilO,\ed by Bill Oaks and Mr. and Mrs,. O. J, Dedman of Sacrameilto,.~roth. Sterlin ol Park Form South, er of the bride. · Ill,. wu the. Rev. Dr. George Following 1be ceremon• Hunter Hall , . 1• For the double ring rite wedding gualll gathered for the bride lelected a atnoe~ dinner In the June -I · "'• sheath ... I restaurant, Clrmel, wbert en111o11 crepe Whu ace white d al s I e 1 • carnations. coat dress, enhanced with· a yellow chrysanthemums and cowl collar. Her short veil was bachelor ·buttonr Were ar-cau~ to a double bow of ranged for decoraUpns. matching lace, and her l>ou· Assisting when the wedding quet wu an arrangement of cake was-served were the whlte roses, carnatiooa and mothers of the bridal couple. stephanotis. The newlyweds t r av e le d Hawaii \' I Loans Theme tlirough northern Califtrnia for their honeymoon and have established their first home on Balboa bland. The new Mrs. SterUn was graduated from Oakland High: School and the University of CaJifornia Medical Center In dental hygieoe. While at- tending UCMC 1be served as president. of the jWllor class. She also attended the Unlver" -slty of the' Pacific, where she The annual summer party affiliated with Delta Gamma staged by Juniors of the sor!lfity, and the Unlventty of Wednesday Morning Club wtli Calllornia, Davts. go Hawaiian this year, with Her h u s b a n d attended colorful luau decor. Eutern New Mulco Unlversi· MR. AND MRS. LARRY D. STERLIN Hom• on 81lbo1 l1l1nd ty and was graduated r----------, from Houston BaptisJ. College. Further study was done at the Shakespeare Institute and Ox- ford University, England. Special guests for th e ceremony were Mts. ~ El!-la Hudspeth of Harrison, Ark., aunt of the bridegroom, and Mrs. Eva Dedman of Fair Oaks, grandmother of the bride. IUION The Newport Beach home of •'''"""'®" __________ 1111..,,,. • .,,,.,..,,,..,,, ... ,.,, ,., .... ., .. i To Aries: Be Make Concessions SATURDAY vitaUons, cballenges. Be open To avoid disappointment, prospective brides are reminded to have thBlt' wedding stories with black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PU.OT Society Depart- ment prior to or within one week after the wedding. the William Geohegans will be the locale for the festivities, scheduled Saturday, Aug. 23, at 7:30 p.m. Greeting members an d Peering Around AUGUST 16 ~lac~perience. You're going gu-~-at the door wi·tb col· .. ,....,.,,.,a,.wc0g•••1i•w .. wli"l!-•---1111111~""'""""'""''""'1Cl~<Dll l ~... -----"·----,,.,,_. By SYDNEY OMARR CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Be ready for changes. TEEN DATING HINTS : Big Study Sagittarius message. e J c I t e m en t for Ubra. Career matters might be DdlnUe daange In We style spoUlghted. A social contact accompanies new discoveries could provide valuable in- on 1 date &Olllgbt. Romance troductioo. Show appreciation. shines for Gem In J, while AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. Virgo may get 1iuck with 18): Journey seems to be part tbe clltet. Aries con1lden a of your day. Interesting cor- more permanent rdadonsblp, re;spondence, c a 11 s are 1'hlle Leo COllliders a cbaage. hJghligbt.ed. Strive to please Evenla& featuring m • 1 le special person in your life. mall" Ideal date for 1llGll This alio will male you ba!>' tee:M. Taaru1 • II e 1 1 d re-PY. · For engagement announcements it is suggested that the story. also accompanied by a black and white glossyJicture, be submitted. early. U the betroth announce- ment and wedding date are six weeks or less apart, only the wedding photo will be ac· cepted. To help' fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail· able in all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions' will be answered by Social Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494·9466. orful lei! will be Mrs. Douglas Patty, hospitality chairman. Mrs. Geohegan, special events chairman and her co-chairman Mrs. David N. Bourke are planning background decora· tions and exotic supper dishes to carry oul the Hawaiian motif. ~ Mrs. David Poppell, club I chairman and Mrs. Patrick Br es nab an, co-chairman, report a full tum out is ex- pected for the summer event. member ---PISCES (Feb. t&-March 20): 'Im----------------~ ....m1 diel aacl g-81 · Money, questions_ canceming "' Assisting with planning are the Mmes. Davis forge, Ran .. dy Nutt and Charles BabbitL beaUb. Caprkom re e ~ 1 v e • estate could arbe: Base ac· meabtgfal compllmeat, wtdle lions on fact&. not rumors. Plsc'tl get& tovolved with Jn-Some today delight i n dlvidul -bag It •preading alarm. Be wise by mystery. Many lonlgl>I dis-getliDg pro~ in wrjliDg. Alumnae Plan Welcome Party cua laslllllU.. ol marriage. IF TODAY IS Y 0 UR BIRTHDAY you are inerested hllXlllling freshmen a t ARIES (March 21-April 19): jn Jaw, you hive appeal to op-Scripps College will be Some with opposing views posit.e sex. You Jove the welcomed by Orange County could do an about-face. Be spot.light, but some of yoor Alumoae of that school In a wllllng to also make some cona best friends consider you . party setliDg on Wednesday,. ees.!ions. Keep open mind. basically shy. Social activities Aug. 27. Your charm shines; many are this month should not be The Newport Bea($ home or attracted. Get expert legal ad· permitted to drain creative Mrs. William Ellers will be vlct. energy. the scene of a p:iolside supper TAURUS (April 20-May 20): from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. . Your sense of harmony is ~T'l'ld~wt;:'J.r"t.Jnt~O::f~~ Hostesses for the event will , em""'•••zed. You are sens1·.ive baat1e1, "Stcre1 !lint• tor """" ~Mi be the Mmes. Arthur Birtcher, r-11 WOf!len ... Sef1d l>lrtlldtlt •Ml 50 uni• today to those who are •e om1rr >.str~'""" Secr~1. "'' DAii. v William Fleetwood and Bart PILOT1 Oi:i1i: lUO, Gr1t10 Ctnlr•I S.I• B pugnacious, unhappy. For 11on. New "Ol'k. M.Y. 10011. rown. your own good, steer clear of semeless arguments. GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Romantic interests are in· tenslfted. Some basic responsibilities continue to need attention. But there ta a greater degree or freedom. Separate (act from illusion. 'Salad Days' Ahead CANCER (June 21.July 221: Practical issues dominate. You could be rewarded for past effort. Be courteous to older individual. Your security may depend upon impression which is made. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You may find it necessary to travel. If you do, take care not to lose important papen tn tran1ll Key is proper preparation. J'>n11't "''t Off everything until last minute. VIRGO (Aug. ~pl. '2): For Area Housewives Cool days during the beat of summer are promised by the home economists at th e Southern CalifornJa Edison Company's Electric Living Center, Huntington Beach. Refreshtng salads to be en- joyed through the summer months will be .demonstrated by Miss Joanne Tebbetts. Simple to pr~ from com· binaUons of fresh and frozen food, they may be assembled a n d refr!ge<ated lbe d a y before, or created and frozen . weeks before using. Mrs. Carol Hetni w I Ii discuss having a cool and comfortable house equipped with electric air condltiooing. Summer Salads wtll be presented at 10 a.m. Tµesday, Aug, 19; Tbunday, Aug. 21; Friday, Aug. 22, and Tuesday, Aug. 26. Evening demonstraUons will be offered at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 18; Wednesday, Aug. 20, and Monday and Wednesday, Aug. 2> and 27. Festival's in a Hawaiian Mood BUFFET SUPPER in their Vista del Lido apartment home will be hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Grorge Williamson Wednesday, Aug. 27, when they entertain t h e ap- proximately 80 members of th.e Voyagers, a group from St. Andrew 's Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach. A program by the Me I od y Makers will follow the buffet, DINING IN Michel's restaurant, Honolulu,~ were Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hooker of Costa Mesa , They have been Belts Circle Chic Fashion Spending hab its may have to be revised. New project, am· bit.ion could alter previous plans. Be flexible. Know that what you need will b e available. Shop for b e s t bargain. Belts make their own fMer They are open to the public and there is no charge Jor the presentations. Additional information may bt obtained by calllng the company, 547-?Ml, extension 218. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): circle of chic. The fashion con- Fine for expanding activities. scious young sometimes wear Don't get mired down with two or three belts together, ex· routine. See projects as a tending from waist to hip, lo Mrs. Jaycees Bringing out ukeleles and grass skirts for a preview of their Hawail~, lee Cream Festival on Thursday, Aug. 21, are members of Harbor Senior Citizens Club (left to right) the Mmes. Veronica Hanson, Pauline Mithoff and Aaron D. Christensen. Proceeds fron1 the event, to which the public is invited from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. will go to the Zonta building fund . Booths wii! feature a dis- play of bazaar items and a program will include performances by several sing· ers and a ballet group. whole. Your intuition rings accent her Uthe slenderness. true. Follow through 0 n Some belts for fall and Huntington Beach ?.f r s . beliefs. ambitions. winter have bells that tinkle. Jaycees meet the second Mon- SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov, 2l): Jingle-jangle comes from day of the month at a p.m. Eicellent for special con· gypsy coins and other metallic Location Wormatlon may be f e re n c e s • exchanging cona oddme.nt.s that clink and clank reeeived by telephoning Mrs. fidential information. Be sure' 'o;w;ib;ienii;iith;iei;wi;ear;ii;;er;;;;;;w;;;a;;;lk;i;s.;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;~i;l;;iich;;;a;;;•;;;I ;iiB;;;roo;i;;;;ks;i;, ;;;536';;;;;1022;;;;;.;;;;;;;;ll you get money's worth. Means I~ don't undersell yourself. Your value is more than might be imagined. IT'S A FACT! Thomas C. Houghton, 0.0.S. Announces The Opening of His Office for the Procfae of Dentistry for Ch;ldren vacationing in the Islands with the Colony Surf Hotel, Dia· mond Head Beach, as their headquarters. Old Favorite Diamonds and p e a r I s , aJways a deluxe combination, are used in more abundance with more spectacular results that leave necklaces, pins, rings, bracelets and earrings a stunning sight. Pearls may be one of the oldest of gems, but they do the newesl things to jewelry for laJL HB Auxiliary Turn on a 100 watt light· bulb-yours for only JO<* with each purchase of gasoline ... at partici· paling Texaco Retailers In this area. lightbulb supply i~ limited, so . don't delay. Turn in al Texaco today. •Suuntt.im.l,n.:.. Twice a month th·e Ladies' Auxilh~ry lo HJ1ritlngton Beach Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 7368 meets at 8 p.m. 'Ille first Friday of each .month they gather in. Odd Fellows Hall for a buSiness meeting and lbe third'· Friday they socialize 1n various locations. Further tnfonnaUon may be secUred by calling Mn. LeRoyl~--------_. . Hermann at 536-3580. AWARD WINNING SHOE SERVIC:E ~~· COMPLETE SHOE fl LUGGAGE ' e HAND BAG REPAIR AU WORK GUARANmD TO YOUR SATISFAC:TION .. --s CONVENIENT SHOPS eMI •• COi.Sr HWY. e 11oe IRVIHE AV!, CU-... IMr, ~ , Wn1Cll!I PL111 ~ VIA 1.100 NtwpOrt Inell, MMN3 N .... rt I~ f1MUI e RO&lNSON•$ e 14 l'AIHLON ISLAND F11hm 1111 ... ""'"" 191d!o "4-7!U .. ........,... lftcll THE BAREST SEE-THAU YET IS FOR HIM . SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22· Dec. 21 ): New friends could Introduce you to exclt\ng con- cepta. Be daring. Accept in- Our Glycine gold tone watch shows its skeletal parts under glass. If you spent 30 seconds looking et An~magnetic. w\(er,...istant and each of our shog samples, it would HUNTINGt Olil· P. ROFESSIONA~. CENTER. ahock1ll001 with liloci< or brown ot toke you over 9 hours to iee them oil-alligator band, $1i0, Suite 210 s~· ,,..C.,::.4:1', Done• Club so come early end bring your lunch. , , . . I'.~·-~---~~. ,JZ.. ~iii~ U:,.1~~ 18700 M1in St. {aClOss from S Points) Huntington Buch ._, _ -~ dancedakoaelecttdbyLace'n DON'S CARPET SHOP · 18 FASHION,IS LA!jD Leather Dance Club members. NEWPORT BEACH ·-64411380 < Tho muslc 1tari1 at 1 p.m. In 426 SD. MAIN (2 Biies. No. of Bullock'1) ORANGE Office Houra ~y i,>.ppointmenl 8~7·2564 •-'""" ,..,_WI"'""_ •~""'"'..,I'""" .,..,.. "' the RecrtaUOO Center, lluzi. HOUIS: f•J:Jt D~ILY CLOSD SCINDAY .._, ' o,_ Moeffy, llrt41y llMil f:JO P•1111• tln1ton Buch. . .• ____ ..... ____ ...., ..... ______ , -----------------·---------JL---------------- = 1 SANDEE HAROLD Betrothed November Date Told Mr.s. Charles J). 1-larold of 1-luntington Beach has an- nounced the engage ment of her daughter, Sandee Harold, to Apollo Mikolagak. The son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mikolagak of Gary, Ind. is serving y,·ith the Navy at Port Hueneme. I-le was grad:iated from Lew Wallace High School in Gary. The bride-elect. a graduate of St. Anthoiiy's High School in Long B~ach,1 is planning v>'ith her fiance a Nov. 15 wedding in St. Bonaventure's Catholic Church. Tea Date Selected Parents of new st'.Jdenls of Prince or Peace Lutheran' School will be guests at the seventh annual Welcoming Tea Wednesday, Aug. 27, at 2 p.m. in the church. Speakers will be the Rev. Andrew Anderson. pastor, and Miss Esther Olson, school principal. Also present \Vil\ be all of the teachers, \\·ho will meet the parents and answer ques· tions. Chairman of the tea is r-.1rs'. D<ivid Hartke and assisling \\"ith plans are the Mmes. L. E. Jerrard and H a r r y Soutbron. Accepting reservations is Mrs. 11all Gordon, 540-3575. ' ' Honeymo.on to Oregon Follows Yow Exchange Married 11). an afternoon ceremony in Lutheran Church of th e Master, Corona dtl Mar. were Barbara Edward J enness and William Terry Nauck. The newlyweds, both seniors at Ortgon State University. are the daughter and son of . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ellis Jenness of Ne.wpo:'l Beach and Mr. and Mrs. \Villlam Fred- erick Nauck of Portland. 1be Rev. Willlam R. Eller led the exchange of vows and rings. ' Given in marriage by her father , I.he bride wore a princess .style ·gown of ivory alaskene and venlsc lace. A veRi'Se lace headpiece caught her cathedral length ve il of il- lusion and she carried a nosegay of white roses and baby's breath. Her Delta Gamma sorority sisters, wearing floor length dresses ol yellow piqUe and carrying nosegays of yellow chrysanthemums and baby 's breath attended the bride. ' Miss Jean Ann McDowell of San Carlos was maid of honor. Traveling from Oregon to take part in the ceremony were the J\.tisses Patricia Jo Fisher, Lynn Dee Flomer, Sandra Lamar Steen and Mr s . Frederick R. Messerle. Steven A. Austi n assumed the duties of best man. Usher· ing guests to thei r seats were Frederick \Velis. Craig Nauck. Robert E. Jcnncs~ a n d Richard G. Jenness. MRS. WILLIAM TERRY NAUCK During a recepLion in Irvine Afternoon Ce remony Coast Country Club following--------------------- the ceremony, Misc:. Judy Ross attended the guest book. J.'ol/owing a honeymoon trip in Shelter Island and a motor trip ah:lng California and Oregon coasts. the newlyweds will make their home in Corvallis. The bride was graduated from Newport Harbor Jiigh School and the bridegroom from Cleveland High School in Portland. He is a member of Kappa Sigma fraternity aL OSU and serves in the Army ROTC program. Embl em Cl ub Gathering for b u s i n e s s sessions and programs are members of Newport Harbor Emblem Club every second Tuesday al 8 p.m .i9 the Elks Lodge, Newport Beach. Saddleback Valley BPW Seats Officers Hoping to have their charter in September are membe rs of the newly formed Saddleback Valley Business and Profes- sional Women·s. Club. The first presiden t is Mrs. John Tor>er and other elected officers are the l\1mes. Cecil Pearson, vice president: Bob H o s m e r , c o rresponding secretary; Gary Be r gen, recording secretary, and Al Blais, treasurer. The club has established a regular meeting scheduled on the second and f Q u r t h Thursdays of each month at 7:30 p.m. For location in· forn1ation !"YJrs. Toner will answer questions at 831-1477. The next n1eeting is Aug. 28. The first n1eeting of each month will oe devoted lo buslncs~ while the second gathering will e m p h a s i z e social programs, the preside nl indicated. Charter membership is open to all '"'omen '"'ho are actively engaged in business or the professions. Annual dues are 118 Mrs. Hosmer "•ill handle mcmbei'shi p inquiries at 831· 1130. YOUR ENTIRE PROGRAM 1\2 PRICE! TO CELEBRATE GRAND OPENING OF OUR SAN MARINO AND CORONA DEL MAR SALONS WE OFFER YOU A CLOSELY SUPERVISED PROGRAM AND A WRITTEN GUAR ... NTE E THAT YOU WILL ACHIEVE PRE-DETERMIN ED RESULTS. Sculptor Visit School For Warm-up Rug Hooked 7063 in1A&.'B~ LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE l'·Uln Cl!ltTll'ICATI! OF I UllNfSS 1'1CTITIOUI NAMl T!ot U"c!~'11t"9d cl~$ (trlltv hi II CC"• cluc,lfll I b111l"ISf II P.O. 8 ox 69S. CCIII Miii, C1 11lor"le, ""c!•r tilt flc!l!IOllS ilrm nemt ol COAST Pll:OFE SSIO NAL SEltVICES I~ fh-1 11111 ll•m 11 com· P<lSOcl of lhl followln• p!rscn, wl'l&lt LEGAL NOTICE l'·MJM (lltTll'ICA TI! 01' •USINfSS FtCTIT10U$ NilMI THE UNOEASIGNED do htrtby eer!llv LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Jt D.'lLY PILOT s Fertu.aes la. Lend -" 4 Probe" First, Buy Lat.er 87 SYLVIA PORTEil OPEN U HOU~S TIC TOC MARKITI •JI a •iC AsaumJnc '"" haYe l!llde • declalon lo Iowa a portial cl your sav!nl• In land -as mllllons of Amertai. are now doln( -Whal ... '\ht bulc rules for the •mattur? And what are the. pitfalls? .. _ ... _ Htre aoes: Btfore you lnvest, gt l answers to lhls key qutltion: how can the land aclualiJ be used when you .sell it? For housing? Fl&hlng! HunUng? Swlmmlnl! Enjoying a good climate? Sldtng? S b o p p I n g Center? Retirement bomu? Summer vacaUona? Winter vacations? Industrial parks? At.50 BEFORE YOU Invest, find out from loci! CtnSWI statistics. local r e a I t or 1 , gossipy individual citiiens, other SO!Jrctl In the aru: What are the local populaUon trends and In which dlrocUon is the pop.daUon movla&? $1,000,000 COMMDCIAL FINANCE IQUIPMENT LEASE -SALES LEASE BACK ACCOUNTS RECEIYAILI AND INYINTORY FINANCIN•. GREYSON ,CO. LTD~ INC. 2411 w .... c ... t Hwy., Suite 11 NIW,ORT 8IACH -642.a102 \ i YOUR PROBLEM: - t .• You want to Mii some lt•m th•t you no longer need but someone 1IH c1n UM for NOT OVER ? ? ? ? $50 ? ? YOUR ANSWER: 3 You coll THE DAILY PILOT, a1k for Cluaffled Advertising, ind pl•c• 1 PILOT PENNY PINCHER CLASSIPIED AD AT OUI SPECIAL LOW RATE LINIS 2 r i MES 2ooLLAltS .... D YOUlt CllEDIT IS GOOO I DI.AL NOW DIRECT! 642-5678 (f .. M .... c__, M0.11101 • • OVER THE COUNTER, • Dan.Jo FanjoT Anllqut 4 trlna bllnjo 143, Who has the 11traw hat! Or ror 1trolllna SYP•ies. violtn $19. • Bellt on her tots 1'l'\"1 thave this oo her ftnpr. pear abaptd tolltaitt tet In white told •. 75 ca.rats. pert'tct to 10 x. • Complete-New York Stock List • • • • • • ' • • • • • • • • • " Ii " •. 11 .. ~ • ~ " u ~ ~ .. ~ ti .. • " • • • • " • " • " .. " .. • " " .. • • •• ~ " • .. " .. • " • ~ • " I~ ,; • • ·• •• ·• ... ·~ .. "' " • •• .. ·• " " " " ••• ·• • ·~ ·: " • -~ • .. .. .. i I :: ·~ '11 ilJ • ..,..,,.,...,..,,.,..,.,.,,.,.,.,.,...,,.,...,.,.,.,..,,..,.,..,...,.,.,...,.,....,,,.,....,..,.,.,,..,..,.,.,..,..,.,..,..,.. .. ~.,..,..,..,.,..,,.,...,...,.,.,,_,..,,-,..,,,,.~.,..~.,..,..,~,...~~~-,,,,,,,,.-,,,,.,,,~~~••'·"·"'~'""'""·~~-~ ...... ~ I ' Thursday's . I -.. a..Jllllll .. a..a.. CJ~sing Prices-Complete New York Market Oimbs Up Along Broad Front NEW YORK (VI) '-S!ocks climbed alone a broad front today In moderate trading. Monte Gordon, analyst of Bache &; IJo., &aid "the rally was t11Chnical and could be extended fUrther." The market had declined clYer the three previous d1ys, although the Ust started snap- ping back late Wednesday. Other analystf felt the marl<et hel~ ljl> rather well in view of a basically unfavorable news climate -Vietnam, monetary uncertainty and tnnation. Tl!• UPI mirketwide indicator was up 0.63 P"" cent on 1,513 Issues traded. Of these, 821 advanced, and 452 declined. The Dow Jon es average of blue chip Industrials was up 3.77 to 812.90 near the final )lell. Volume amounted to 9.3 million shares, about in line with \Vednesday at that time. Among the most active issues was Natomas, which said its most recent well offshore Indonesia would be tested next week. Electronics showed scattered strength, several issues climbing 1 or more points • wilh Stock Exchange List DAllY Pit.qi' ·. • • . . " • • •' .. ·-• l -- •. I ., I • ' ' . .. Frldar, A\19usl 15, 196~ " .. • I S•Y• Sl.'llol·C .. 1-••• ... ,,; ,,, . ., .• , .. , ....... i.1.-.M-wlth t-ktt.• ""'~ ........ ,pri•t .,_. ch•" •earl with' ri•• .,.. .... , ••Y)'· 10.11. TRiCOT•BABY DOLLG.WNS 117 1.99 ·value Sava 41~1 NJl111 a.itl acet .. •·li•"r 11•11~ wltll . -•nltlaretl yaka1, 'l'al lac• tri• .. fNat'a••rl911 • .... -·~di.lii1 : p••• .. Plftk, •taa, M9i&e,. '9t'aL Int S.,0..' ' 11,1.g;e .. 11)4.1:1 . • .FAMOUS MAKE Ii"• PORTABJ,E COLOR TE,.¥1.11•1!1 ZODYS LOW s 19· 8 ·. GRAND OPENING · PRICE . . •Compact c.abinet tn hand.some walnut flni1fi •·Preset flne.tuni:n1 .co~t r.!. •Dipole.antenna · "*Ofagoital Mto•.....,..!. .. . ' -·~ • ., MILLIOIAl!NiJ!YORk·*. WIEKEN!s~EPSrAKES · INCLUDIN~: e . FLIGMT io'•AND .FROM .NEW YORK CITY e 3 DAYS AND 2 NIGHTS AS. GUESTS OF THE FABULOUS, . LUXUll0\15 WALDORF·ASTORIA e CHAUFFERED ROLLS.ROYCE AND LIMOUSINE e DINE AT SARDl'S, 2l CLllli, IRA,ISERIE e BROADWAY THEATRE · NIGHT CLUI SHOWS ** . ··--·-....... Rl ... Tilt JN lllll'S HOS.aY MPr. F.ORMEN AND BOYS IOYS', IA.,;101• HOSE ·-•t1Mi1-..,.· ~ ....... ,,,_,~, ~ hil 1.00 ... ~ c.,... •••• ..,_ .... ·~ hrt, l••lff' WHr• M•ll•.t •tff, • ..,., .,.,k,t .. JI ..... hi. ,, ••• ,7 ... \IJ _ .. lt-1.t . · 69c vat- Silva 41~! Lltfla hys' ,... ...... 111.t pn•• ,..,,. h1 ret•l•r -••i•r 1fyM. · 11••• :whl•k•J'•. •II••• hi•, li,.w• er itl•ck. s1 .. .,a ..... 29c · valu••7.C . . .. Wl7HCOUPON ••tt111le••J-price •• 45 ••• rec .. .,,,, ... ..,.1.1, .. 1t. f r•• yest•nl•r• llfllll ,. WITH COUPON co1i1-·u,..11 TUU.. au•: t t, , ... fJ.\.Ujl-llfJ.J:I 300 SHEETS . FILLIR PAPER 91c 45c value WITNCOUPON ••ck . .r aoo .,._..,.. flKer ,.,.,. a.c1, .. -tMcli .. 1 ai.IHI 'o,.. . •• ,.. .... ..,.1 .. 1 .uMR.2· WO"H. COUPON ioi" OM I•""' fUll..'"'9.1t, '"*' *·' ·tii*·''' 4·]: ,, POPULAR BRAND CIGARETTES 2•• WITKCOUPON h lect ,..., fil.- 1'-..... 111 All .... ,.,.,.,,1, .... , .... kh111 •H 1ff's •t tllltl.Wpric•. llMIT 2 CAITONI Wl7H COUPON , .. . .. 7f.tSY•h•• 4f.t7 MINUS $.le wiJhc••,.• .'Ell"gll!'tcwilird o r· i traig lit "Stach Girl"' IOok .,_Ito lon!J lu•uri6us lolL .I :1 •• ' ' "'1"'!!11..,, . .,.. ........ :---------.............. P.l .... '!ll"~"':'~ .... ~..,. ... ,,.,,.,,.,.. ... ,..,"'1\', .,,,.,,.,...,,.,,,,,..,,.,.....,..,,,,.,......,..,..,,,...,., -:-;.,..-,,.-,. '"•""1•-,:"•""':==-:-~=;-:...,-="':"""o;;-~I' ---0 . • • -1 :1 •• :• ' . , .... '·~ ' ... . ~ ~ ,l' ; .. ··· ··-\ l ,, •• ' . • ... , . ' 0.14•• W•-er I• ""·· , .... ,.. .. ,..,. •I,•• l•lce ••' 01' ••• 111 ....... UMaf 12 ...... ,. , Wint COU'ON l>~!i--uMUNll.,~1•,, .. , ... ,,. ~ ... ::;..,, ''·'·iii*·'IJ4·l:+ ;:··~. HIAYY DUTY ,r:, . . #q~ F.,.OT LO~KIR t:. ., . · 12.95 6'5 19< . -• ,, . . .; "' =, . • ' WIN! 16 $100 HUMAN ' HAIR STYLED WIGS Hi-Fashioned Styling of your Choice!. WINI HUNDREDS o.r1YI DOLLIZE" HUMAN HAIR EYELAIHEll ' NO PURCHASE NECESSARY! REGISTER Iii ANY IODYS STORE! IJ.l .i #JJ.IIJ).1:1 . JUMBO SPOOL MONO LINE valuesto49c · 1.65 . .. , W1ntCOU'OH ~~e.tWOl~ .. 1t. ~ .... ..-.• 1100 J11• I I~ ,,..1 6SI 74..,. 10..1~6Slyllt. ' -~~~<:~~ CO-lll"nl,._ll ... 1t,lfH fl.1·£Q3·111Q·l!E PLIABLE PLAY·DOH ·1.00 •7c value .. WITM COUPQN the •rl1l••I Pl•ro.lho• cle••• ,11.1111 ... lt-•'t 1t•it1. Mo4•U•1 •-· 1t11•lt4 _,. .. .M4 -·•"''! .... '· UMIT2 WRHCOUPON GIRLS' TENNIS OXFORDS ' ·le value 1.99 99.c values 33c . • WltM ""'"°" ........ lectWeetli ... fhb •••••••••• ..... .., lP ..-.ii -~ ... ~ J ....... ,., •••• , •• elMll• .. du wftll Uy .,., .. M•etl• .. UMR2 , WRMCOUPON . OAILY PILOT JS I ' PHILCO AM 7 " c-.ocK RADIO ~11.9510'' . valu~ , wrtll CdUPON . ~ > I . ... W~!IJ•~· Wek ..... 1111nic•e ....... Altf ... "'"''' '°""''" e.etNI L1Mif 0 I · WltN COUPON WITH COUrGN ' S•lllll ,,_.. Htfety. ,._, ..... 1., ........ ~ , ...... 1.11t-tr1VA1 "tll,.. ,, .... ..-.;t.1111ti.. ' ,ltMlfl WITMCOU,ON COVl'Otl Ulf't ... lllll ... A,,., 1t, l':tf EJ .],$fjj·j'l4·'ji .. ·. 81~.JALL ~~ p~!~' ~·N~ __ .. value 9 @ Wl'nl C~UPO~· ,.,na, ~ •.¥•!-~ . ....,_.. clrlll4N••• .. rihiMll ,.hit,. .. , ..... tui .. .......... ,1.•~··· llMn' .• WlfM. COUPON _,.,. ............. _,,,f_ v~·~:U.iitoR FILM ll!CLUDH PIOCllllNG 2.95 ·157 val•• WUMCOUPON . ............ • , Wttlf COUPON CO-IUleJJ tt1t11r.-1f, 1' ... ''·'·''!i·''Y ·t:e . , ••111N•HO:U~• • .. iiFili.rmiis1 • SYIAM.·DRY .. IR,ON 1 ... MCllAHUoui-I • 00 , n !!i~!:7 : =~~~nm-.-n••·-,· ... ···: cm: I u-.. , _,.,. , • ., I ..... teww4Milc-...,_ . I I AG J • PHOM,...,,_ __ Dl.01' CO\INM OI ttAloNMlt I IACllMlll IM ANY zo•ri ""' COMTUT IMDI fUll .. AU9U~llti.1t6tj _ ... ____ ~-- - I I I DAILY "LOT Frrd07, AbOUrt 15, 1969 Rebels Fall Apart After Losi.ng B~rg, 45-17: .. ,_. ort;ft M 19 1111 llillllt!o NORTH FULL8ACK JOHN BROOKLIER IS HIT BY SOUTH DEFEND ER AND FUMBLES BALL ON THE SOUTH TWO. THE SOUTH ~ECO YlRtl!. Sutton Duels Lowly Expos Palmer Lea'1e8 PGA. Bursitis May End Golf Career MONTREAi. (AP) -'Mlt Loi Angotes Dodgers are counlina toni1ht an the · friendly confine• ol Jarry Park and the right arm of Don SulWn to boolt them closer to the top of th• N1tlon1l League's '1ectic Western Divlaion. . · The Dodgers took Thur1day off after l>owing $-0 Wednellday nl(lttt to the St. Louis Cardinlla to clole out 1 ho.hum M home stand. Ton!Jht'a contut qaln1t the Montreal Expos opens a nlne-11me road trip. Sutton, 14-11, will bt aunn.ing for his lhird straight victory ind, If his perlonn2nces 111lnll the Canadhm club are any indication, he'll have llllle trou· hie achieving It. He's beaten lhe E11poa lwi~ -in· eluding a fiv•hlt 1h11lout -without a Joss. And the Ood1er1 have t1ken five of six games from them, Including all three played in Montreal. Los Angeles is currenUy liod wiU1 San Francisco for fourth in the Wett -but that's not as bad 11 It 1ound1. The two clubs are only three 11me1 off the pace set by the Cincinnati Rtd1. AUanta and Houston are 2~ back In the five-team race. DAYTON, Ohio tAP) -Arnold Palmer withdrew today from the l'GA cham- pionship and sald he would not return to the tournament tour until he ifets rid or a chronic hip 11.ilment. He lndlc~ted he might rema in ou l of aolf compeUtion for the rest of this a&esoR and try a comeback next year. However, many observers believe that this may mark lhe end of a cart..f.!r that made h.lm U1e all-Lime leading money winoor with earnings of more than a millloo dollars. and the 1nost popular figure in the game. The 39-year-old Palmer, credited with buildin1 golf into its present multimillion dollar buslnass. shol an I I-over-par 82 in the first round or the PGA Thursday - the wor•t round he's ever :;hot as a pro. •le came off lhc course. pale and in pain, saying a h!p in jury first suffered in 11166 had recurred al the start of his round. It is a form of burs itis for v.•hich 1loc· tors II)' the only cure is an operation. ll1Jmtr ln1ists he will never go under lhe knife for lhi1 ailment. Arnie reparted al lhc NCI{ Counlry Club at 9:48 a.m., 30 n1inulcs before his sc heduled tce--0ff titne ror the !;L'COnd round, cleaned out his locker ;ind prepared to fly to his Latrobe, Pa., hon1e in his $800,000 jcl. "I figured I mu sl get :-tarted on this thing sometime and it might as \veil be now," he said . "l will co ho1ne, sec a doctor, rest and Stomach Flu Hits Hewitt; Hall Breaks Wo1·ld Ma1·l{ then make my decliian• a1 they become necessary ." lie said he deflnitelY woul~ 11ol play in the tournament at S'utton, t.1a~ .• rie~t week in which he is entered but jg In• definite <1bout olhe.r tournaments latt!r this season. HURTS KNl!E -CIF player of th e year Darryl Berg, who \ras helped off flel4 in Coun- ty All-S tar game Thuraday night, suffered a torn carti111e in his left knee accordln1 to 1 preliminary ex-amination. Tho \Vestminster lt I g h atar l• 11chcduled to Visit a knee sur· !!con this afternoon for 11nother examination to determine the exact extent o( the injury. "I ju•• don't know," he :said. "As for mf f\lture in golf, I will cross the bridges a• I come to them. I hope to play again . As tor r'liring, I don 't even like to think abgot it." Almoat lost in the shadow of Palmer's dilemma was lhe battle for the first rouiid leJd that ended with nine players deadlocked al tw~under par 69s. They were a nondescript group that in. eluded ex-champion Al Gelberger, Ray Floyd, Lprry Ziegler. Tom Shaw, Johnny Pott, Bob Lunn, Charles Coody, Bunky Henry ifld Larry Bowry. Ten y,ars ago in Minneapolis, nine players lied for the first day lead in the PGA wit~ identical scores or 69. Canl!!dlen George Knudson and big Jack Nicklaus both bogeyed the final hole and finished at 70, along with leading money- winner Frank Beard. Jacky Cupit, Bruce Crampton. U.S. Open champ Orville Mogdy, Phil Rodgers, Bruce Devlin. Canadian Open winner Tommy Aaron a~ Wei1kopf. Booth African Gary Player, one of the favorite•, was in a group of five at even par 71. ~fending champion Julius Boros sh<>i a '2 while Masters king George Archer scored a 75, as did Kermit Zarley. despite a fat 10 on the par five, f>36.yard hole. Winner of one U.S. Open. two Britsih Opens and four Masters titles in an ii· lustrious coreer that has earned him more than $1 million in ()fficial winnings, Palmer'• torment started early when he bog!Yed his first four holes. 'l'hen came consecutive bogeys on Nos. lZ, 13, 14, and 15 and a fantastic triple boiey seven on the 451·Yard 16th hole. Almost lost in the excitement was the collapse of Tom Weiskopf, the Ohio slug- ger who came into the 17th hole three under par. Weiskopf, who hasn't won this year, miased a three-foot putt for a bird, then stapered to a double bogey six on the final hole for a finishing 70. Angels Baclq So Is Injured Catcher Egan The C.1~""11• Ailfeb M••n't !\Ill much to !illU. illlut W-'"' b\11 thq had a few llill!fl lit ahHr 1lltftt up u they r!IYrnlll It ""' I lo.pmt llllnll stand ...ishl 11111111 1111 ClmllM 111- dians. For !1111 Wn.. GIWhtr T'1ll lfn retumlll lillll ""'1\. HI wa1 MUM II! Detroit Wllllliltll1 lflCf ~ WI! fui<d JM A111tl IS.e . ..... , .. "fll l'll~ICMPCOMl A1111. ,, w llMfC '"'I AUQ, 11 "t . t I IMl"C ~ Al.II-11 \'I ! 11'1. ICM!"(: I Auo. lf .,.. 1: KMP"C I A119. 71 °"' 1:11 ;. ~ 7111 Auo. 21 .,... " Ee r:a IJ. .w;i .,,., might h llottllllU ... r.r I 1t1llU1r 1111' •nd IO(l lo tM 1Mt11 1111 1111 rfll 'OI IM season, But Anpll llllll~Loftf l'hllUll Mid Thurs4•1' k •PPlll'J 111-"• Wll6 oWltrtd a halrlinf fraotyn be1aw \ht left eye, may bt •Ill• " Pilf Iii a ll\anlll. The club WU illO P1..it41 II Ille -- Ing of ••~an boekfilli ~I"'• Who Wt1• ll!tfY•ttd .., nt ln'I epO\, Rodl"'i hi 1-. al Cl a't flve hits in W<ll~lililf'1!1 M ~ D!lroiL The Angel~ w•• ld t Th ay, CalilOrltlt 0111 lllO ~ lorwlt4 lo ptayint one II Ult llW elullt lowor lllln itself' In thl ltlhlUftl11 If llOt· U. WUt IMl colunut. The 4~a, Ml. "' 111111 la lllt Ameritlft Yf• 1"" lndlMt "' last in 1111 a!1iJM1t 11111 111\'t • slightlJ btltor lt-7' ,-a. A • d Clovollnd llldl H In !ht -aerios. Sam Mol>Owll), !HO, WIU "1'1"'4 CaWOfllia'a 11110 MAJ, M, Ill loalPI'• opener. Nortli Shall Rile Again, Again,~ lltlliner ........ 11 W•~11 Tlltls r:: ~w i,;.11 ... ...... ·-Altrldl ..... i .... """" """ avtMl't• .... TCI Y9 YI. AYI. ti ,. • '·' 11 n n u It i4 ) 4.2 121 0 7.1 ... ,,, 2' .. , ..... " •175 ' '·' " .. " '·' • ' • ... ' ' • ).0 ' ' • ... ' ' • ... PAlllNe.Q .. M ••• ..... •• " '"' .. • •• " " ' "' .,, -" " ' "' ... I I • " l.000 " " lltll'llN• I '" .... . .... " .. ' " ' " ' ' ' " ' " ' • l • "'" ' • ' " ' ., ' " ' • I • LOUISVILLE, Ky. !APl -Th• divers take a break tod1y but thl!I 5wlmmers hope to continue their 1Uack on world records at the third attack on world records at the thlrd day of the 1969 Na· Uonal AAU Swimming and Diving Cham· pionships. The old mark wa 11 4.0G.5 by Ralph l·tut- ton ol Los Allos. Calif., last year. Hulton finished fourth in this year's event. All three wUJ compete again toni ght in the men 's 200-meler freestyle, Broken Play Was Turning Point Toni Hewitt . 1968 Olympian from Corona de! Mar. finished eighth in the 100-meter butterfly with a I :06·.8. ~1iss Hewitt reportedly was suffering from stomach nu but hopes to be rrac!y to de- fend her title in the 200 Uy on Saturday. Three world marks rel! on Thursday's opening day. Garden Grove's Gary Hall, 18, a rreshman-lo.be at lndiana University, swam the 200 backstroke tn 2:06.6 lo top- ple the world mark of 2:07.5 set last year by Roland fl.11thes In a meet 1n Leipzig. East Germany. Hans fas.sn1chl. II, 1 1lud1n~ at Cal State College (Lon& Beach) and a native or ~,ermany, Id. a world mark of 4:04.0 in the men 's 400-meter rreestyle. Mike Burton, 22·)'e8r~ld 11tnlor •l UCLA, finished tee0nd '"l:OU amt alao broke the old world mark and the Amlr1caD citlzenl mark iJJ the proce5'. Susie Atwood, 16, an Olympic swimm er from Long Beach, knocked 2.3 liCC1"lnds off the c.xi sling 200 backstroke mark \\'ii h a clocking of 2:21 .5. Thr nld rl'Cflrr1 \1'11s held by Karen ~tuir of the South Africa ASU, Air ~rec LL !\1icki King cnplured lhe v.•nmen "s three-meter springboard di1 in~. In other finals Thursday Doug J{usscll of Arlington, Tex., set an AAU rC<'ord in v;lnning the men's 100-mctcr bullcrfly in :56.0 and Jose Fi olo of the Phi llips 66 team broke existing Amer\r;in ;inrl AAU reco rds in the men's I 0 O • rn et er breaststroke with 1:06.9. Dtbbit Meyer, II, S11cr1nlento, 11crrinri· cd hl!r women'• 400-me\tr freeatylo t!llfl and 1et a new AAU mark of 4:18.4 Other winnt.rl Thur1d11,y wore ViralnJA Durkin of St. 1>rter1hur1h. P'la , In the women'' lOO·moter1 bulle.rfly and Kirn Brecht or Whittier, in the \\'Omen 's 100· meters breaststroke. Nortli Converts Field Goal Try to Go-ahead Touchdown Bv JOKI, 60ff\VARZ 01 ffi1 Dlllf Plitt l t11t To mo~i or the ov rf\ow crowd al Orange Coast Col1111e Thur1day night it looked a bu1ted play, And it wa1. But wh at started out a• 1 21-ylJ'd field goal attempt by the North and wound up as " six-yard pass completion for a flrst down turned the 10th annual Orange County All-Star football aame around. The South was nurslnc a 1~7 ll!lad early in the tlurd qu:irter and apparently had 1lopped 1 North drive •t lhe Rebel 11 . North co11r.h Dive Glbbl aent In Penni• llnughn lO lry II field QOal rro1n the 11, but tilt snap to thf! holder Norm Kepner go! there only n!ter lll'IYl!lral bounetl. Kepn1r coolly plckod up the b•ll and firl'tl e pass to Haughn al the six for a hrsl dov.•n that kept the drive alive. Minutes later the North scored seven points and was never headed. "\Ve worked on plays off bad snaps in pracUco," Gibb1 said after the game. "When it happcnl'd Kepner would yell 'fire' and all of oor reeeivers were sup- posed to scatter. Haughn just drifted open and Kepner M him." South coach Tom Baldwin. v;ho lost his flr1t 11me in all-star competition said kepner'1 pass to Haughn changed the complexion of the game. "I lhouahl tho pitJ thould hove botn wht1Ued dlld, be<tUM Kopntr hod both kntl!!I on the around when ht picked up the b•d '"'S· 11W1 woul h1ve had the ball then, but that one p\1y gave thtm a trt•t IUt. lt hurt us like hell." "The thing that amazed me most about the North, 11 llldwln llid, "was 1helr pass -ltoklnl. Wt enlf aot to thetr quartotblc-tntt or twtce. "Ancl I <Udn~ ~ llltm to nm to well In lllt tttcOltd 11111. J lhouaht. they might be obit lo ,... IPlftll• ua, but DOI run tht way they did. "AU they did Wiii tun -flla1s and trap our 11\Mn)to wllo "'" penetratlnl • ...,a, .. '.' Glbbt, wno becantt lltt llrtl ,._ In the c:ount7 clallle to *di • IM!n, •• r;,'" no lltlprlat OYtr Ult !terill'a ¥le- , Our kld1 wore jllll In bolter PllYtlcal concUUan Ind theJ nallJ wtnttd Utlt 11m•,•i"he Mkt. · 11Even at Mlrllme wMn we wtN down 10.7, our kid• said they were 1 beUu t<am and I knew cm loom could do It. Gibbs said he didn 't hive to me any halltlrn< ljlff<h makin& to fire up bis club. 0We just went over a few play1 we thoqbt WI lhould nm and fi(ured the rtclll olde al thetr line WU weak and WI could nm over It. Tho I'd! al the Ume I "* let our lddt ntt. "I let K-call about 91 [la<enl of our pion, W1 lol<I him whot p1'1• would wart •it ~lilll l!Mtll llP. Ill -Ctll· lnl 1!1171 lllrM yun and I knew he ..ut' do\. "'Wt IPtlt Jtlll tn Undtrrttod ltlm wltll6ut 1111 bli illmu, but wt wontell to wlll '"'"· Tlilo hos t• be the bl~ upset win fer the North iJJ the 1erles, ~· aald. , l • • I I I • , • I ' ' BLASTING OUT -Arnold Palmer blasts out of a sand tra.p on the third hole during the opening round of play in the PGA tournament. Palmer who was Sports in Brief F'rldlY, Augvst 15, 1%9 • Ul'I T1111>/1fl9 nagged by bursitis in his left hip plans to drop out oi the tournament and take a Jong rest from golfing. Nothing's Too Good Twin Boss, Boswell Air Views OAILV PILOT May Still Hoping. To Play CAMP PENDLETOX '(AP) -Chicago Wl\lie Sc;,/, oul· fielder Carlos May said 1!W~s· day ''I think I can ldll Jlay baseball" despite an' 'acci4ent lhat tore his thumb in half. A Navy doctor agreed. May I a leading candidate r1r rookie of the year, wUI 'un- dergo more sursery, p1'Ph4b1y· Saturday, but Is ex~ tG return to baseball nert1 spring. As his two-week Marine reserve drills began Monday, jammed ammunition inl a mortar tube ignited the fifing pin and a round blew : off May's right thumb at the first joint. The 21.year-old athlete will be hospitalized four weekst the doct.or, Cmdr. Morris Skinner, told a news conference. But May added : ''Yes1 t'think I can stillplay. 1 k n o w tl!e biggest Prob/em will be throwing, trying to pro- tect the ball. But I ·uve J,his game and I'm goin& to play ll I may have to cut down on,my stroke a litUe bit, that's all:" Skinner said May was In satisfactory condition i.nd pro- ~ress.ing well after the inJUTY 'Involving skin, bone and muscle of the distal portion of his thumb." The possibility is being con- sidered, SkiMer said, that bone grafts ~ and n e r v e transplanting would h e I p restore more use tG' May'1 • •• PICTURE OF FRUSTRATION -The look on Arnold Palmer's face tells the : story c;>f his di sastrous first round score of 82 in the PGA 'lournamerit. Palrn:er ' 1 had flJne bogieS and one triple bogey \Yh.ile playing Ofl his ailing hip. ' For Sid's Chargers MINNEAPOLIS-ST. PAUL (AP) -Calvin Griffith, presi- dent of the Mirulesola Twins. met with pjtcber Dave Boswell Thursday about his fights Aug. 6 in Detroit ·with teammate Bob Allison and manager Billy Martin. throwing hand. • His left thumb was ripped by the blast, and' May's face was burned. . ... ~: Nelson Recalls Days :: Of Meager Payoffs 1" DAYTON, Ohio (/i.P) - ~ .. -Byron Nelson gets a sinking feeling in his stomach ,'1-somet}mes as he sits high in .,.h Is television tower and ~.,vat'ches golf's mode r n mi~~ parade to the pay ".;:Window. ~~. "tn 1945 1rhen I .,..,on 18 ! tourname nts, 11 in a row, the y figured I colleet~10 percent of ··the total ·purse.:.' the 57-year- ,1: old part-time .cattle rancher :·:from Roanoke, Tex ., recalled .uJ:oday. "ln those d;iys th a l l"Vamour.ted to a liUle over = .. lG0,000. If I had been able to do the same today the payoff :would be, well, lel's see ... they say the total purse ii; over $6 million. Then it would be $000,000." Nelsoo was the mechanical 1m8" ti! the mid-19405. so dominant that he won almosl every time he teed Up the ball. His I~ ;consecutive tour vie- " tortes have never been malch· »:..i. ·• , Neither has his scoring .-..average, 68.3 per round. Once during this streak, in· eluding a victory in the PGA match play champ ionship at the nearby Morraine Country Club, he p!ayed 19 consecu tive rqunds under 70s. "Then one day I shot a 72 and 'the papars headlined : 'Nelson Hits A Slump'" he recalled .. At the 'time they called him the mechanical man. Pund its said he could not play 36 holes a day because in the second round he ?lad to play out his own divoU . , "I never regretted quitting ," Nelson said. ''I had played 14 years. I had some physical problems, sure, an unruly stomach, a hand ailment. but these were not the reasons. I was just pl ain sick of working a n d playing so hard under such intense pressure ." Now graying and sparse of hair, a bit heavier around the middle but still alert and deeply entrenched in his favorite game as a com- mentator for ABC. Lord Byron acknowledges that he often wonders what might have hap- pened if he had come along later. "There are many more and better players now than in my day," he said. "But the courses are no tougher - they're easier, If anything. If a man could average 68.3 -or 67.4 which was my average in the ll:tournament streak -he would win a lol of money." Many observers b e I i e v e Nelson's scoring record may never be matched. "Courses then werl' not as lush as today. They were never watered down -the ' fairways or the greens. You can get more roll on your drives but it was much more difficult to fly a ball at the pin or finesse it around the green. "We prayed for rain. "Players today have a dif- ferent mentality. Because courses are lush, they can at~ tack. So they think length. We thought finesses. Players of my era were stylists, today's men are bombers." How Tl1ey Stand NATTON-4.L LEAGUE East Division \Von Loit Pct. GD Chicago 73 43 .629 - St. Louis 65 52 .556 81 ~ New York 62 51 .549 9lJ Piluburgn· ~· ;s .51& 13 .Phil11delphia 46 69 .400 26\I Montreal 38 80 .322 36 \Vest Division Cincinnati 6.1 43 .568 - Houston 63 53 .543 2Vi: Atlanta &:; 55 .542 21,;; Los Angeles 62 5.1 .539 3 S. Francjsco 62 53 .439 3 \·,..San Die20 3S 81 .302 30 1~ ' Tll11"Hn lfl-llt a:'.:"1 MOntrf•I I. Cln<l111111i l ~lllltdelllfll1 I. Alll llll 0 °"'' 11""'1 KhHuled Te4;sy'1 G1mt1 Stll Olef!O (l(,llev ~··~ ., ,.. ... ,.,aY(ltt ($e1"'9r ,.,IJ, .. 11ht LOI "'"""' (Sulton 1.i.111 1! MOii> .,~.,, lrr1I fW111fw1~l 1,.1, nltllt Cllk llM CHollrm111 !Ml 11 51fl ~ ,,Fr-ltco CMtrim.1 1:Ml. "'"'' SI. Louil !lrllu 12·tl 11 An.1111 (lr!lloll .. l), llltl'll • '"1"'911Vrtft (YHlt 1•111 11 Cln<I"" ;,,: !N11 (Hot1n W l. nltll! • HOlll!m'I (LM\1111'1' '"Ill fl Ptillfftf• .r..."'Df\1-<Wi.e t..1111 .... flt.hl S1111fWt"• .. "'" .__,,. 5tfl 01110 11 Ntw Y0111 •>'( lft A11n!t1 11 Montr11I, 11l9h! Hgu110fl 11 1'!1119df!Pl'lll ~t. Lout• 1t All1nt1 ,.,,., l'lthllll'"' 11 ClnclMI" (Jl!C-11 111'1 Ftln(1Ko S•l!lll"'' OUNJ ·~~· 5~11 Oltff 11 Httf v.it-t "..! t Lot AlllMlt• 11 ....,t'nl1! , -Houll.,, It Plll~lllt .. St. LOUii 1! ,t,U111t1 PlttJltll'fl'I ti Cfn<l11n1!1 (l\k tlO It 5tn f•l~IKI AMERICAN LEAGUE East Dlvl1ion Baltimore Detroit Bostol1 New York Wasiling100 Cleveland Won Lost Pc&. GB 81 35 .691- 66 49 .571 141<. SI S5 .S26 20 •9 sa .504 2211 60 59 .504 2211 41 70 .4t2 3311 West l>&vl1loa Minnesota 69· 47 .595 - Oakland 66 48 .578 2 Soottle 48 66 .421 20 Kansas City 47 68 .409 21 1,1,. California 44 68 .393 23 Chicago 45 72 .385 241,1 Tl!wt1H.,•1 lt1t11!1 H-Y0111 l. Cllk190 2 0n1., 911'1111 'Khtdulrd Te41.,•1 Olfflft Hew Yortt; ('°elenO!I l~·U) It ClllCll'Q (P1t1rs 1-H), nlfl'l1 ~rolt flolkll l~Sl 11 Olkl11M1 (IC•.WN .. St, n19ht Cle"ltlMI !Mc:°""'l1 lJ..lll 11 C1ll• lor11l1 CMI., J.t,, nfttll s1nllllOl'e 1c11e11e, 1s.t1 •I k •Ult Hlrtbt-lldil'I' f.ll. nlwllt lottori (Lentlonl 141 1t 1C1~1 cnv fl u"-'r H l, nltht Mlnne1of1 (Pt,,., l).S! 11 W1.,,il'l9· tOl'I CSMlle!'lbKk U ). n11ht Sil~rd1.,•1 G11f1i1 Ottroll 11 O.kllnd Cltvtl11'1d 11 C1111orn11. nfthl lltlll'!IO,_ II S11lllf, nltlll 1<9~ •I IC•llWI City, 11~M New Yort; 11 Cllkl tt. !Willtl!I NtlnntlMll 11 W11ll1M IOfl '""" ..... 01-0&lrolf •' Otkllllll CltWl11M1 'ti (1!/fwitl1 1111!1'!161'1 1! ....... Sot!Otl 11 l(lnt11 (l" Ntw Y0111 It (llk l!IO Mlnntsot1 •I W1lllln.t1en Fresno Gal Advance s In Classic IRVING, Tex. tAP ) Curtis Cupper Shelley Hamlin withstood a withering charge to upset medalisl Barbara Fay Boddie Thursday in the 59th U.S. Women's Amateur. France's eatherine Lacoste, former c~ampioo Anne Quast Welts and teen·ager Nancy Hager also advanced lo the semifinals. The semis matches today will feature Miss Hamlin against Miss Hager and Miss Lacoste against Mrs. Wel ls. Head Coach Sid Gillman gave the San Diego Chargers a treat Thursday fQr hard work in practice -breakfast in bed. Then they ran through a spirited drill at UCL A veteran lineup on oifense with lY."O exceptions was an- nounced for the preseaso n ex- hibition Saturday a g a i n st Oakland 's Raiders in San Diego. The two are rookie tackle Gene Ferguson and so phom o re guard Bill Lcnkaitis. • OAKLAND -Because of a broken right hand. Oakland A's center fielder Rick Mon· day will be just a fan f o r about a month, and nobody is pulling harder for the A's and slugging Reggie Jackson. "It'll be very hard for Reg· gie to break the homer mark." Monday remarked. "Right now the other clubs are able to pitch around Reggie because Danny Cater and Sal Bando are in a liUle slump." final home run tGtal for his teammate. Jackson, who has 42 homers. was walked three times by Baltimore's Jim Palmer who threw a .no-hitter Wednesday night In a 9--0 victory. • WIMBLEDON -Mark Co:< and Peter Curlis, Britain's un· predictalbe tennis duo, faced another vilal doubles match today, knowing that victory would send their team nearer to the Challenge R o u n d against the United States in the Davis Cup. Cox and Curtis played Romania's Ion Tlrlac and 11\ie Nastase, rated one of the best doubles pairs in Europe. Britain and Romania were tied 1-1 after Thursday's two opening singles of the inter- zone final. Tiriac downed Cox 6-4, 6-4. S-3. but Graham Stilwell hit back for Britain. defeating Nastase 6-4, 4-8, •t, 6-2. • For several years he had been listed among the world's top 10 featherweights, climb· ing as high as third earlier this year. Valdez said an eye specialist told him damaged blood ves- sels putting pressure oo the retina caused a loss of peri- pheral vision and that to con- tinue fighting could result in blindness. • LOS ANGELES -When Oscar ''Shotgun" Albarado climbed into the Olympic Auditorium ring he was the heavy favorite , When he climbed out he was the winner -bul just barely. The 147%-p o u n d welter· weight from U v a I d e. Tex., with s tood two withering attacks by Thurman Durden , 147, Los Angeles, to gain a split decision in Thursday night's 10-round main event. • Griffith said he plans to fly to Wash ington Friday to meet with Martin and Allison, and hold a joint meeting with the Involved perJOns a I t e r Satur.day's game. Allison said Bosw'ell hit him while he had his hands in his pockets outside a Detroit bar. Martin said he went outside lo see what was going on, and was altacked by Boswell. The manager then knocked Boswell out with several punches. Boswell said he doesn't recall hitting Martin first and believes several persons were By his bedside were , his wife, Margaret, ... and-'11 i s mother, Mildred. Both five in Birmingham, Ala. May said the accident came as his 81-milimeter· mortar failed lO fire during • six·gun volley. He started to swab the weapon, and the round went off. His immediate thought was to protect his face, he said, but it was hit by powder burns. Ed Short, general manager of the White Sox, visited Mai in the ba~ hospilal Thursday and said the team 's orthapedij surgeon, Dr. Gerald LoRU!, was flying in to help with the treatment. holding him . Witnesses have T Set said otherwise. Boswell. who OlllDey . reCeived several stitches for eye and head injuries, has not Corona de! Mar State Bea.cl\ been with the club since the will be the site of a two-day incident. novice volleyball tournament "Maybe after his episode he Saturday and Sunday with 32 will do a lot of serious think-teams competing. ing. '' Griffith said about his • Mark McKlnsey will sponsor ho!-tempered pitcher . the event with action getting Miss Hamlin of Fresno, defeated Mrs. Boddie of Shreveport. La., I-up. after having the Louisiana lass dGwn with five holes to play. Mrs. Boddie then reeled off birdie-par-par-birdie tG cap- ture four coosecutive holes. The crucial 18th was halved with pars. Mooday would not predict a "Maybe he has found out under way at 9 a.m. Tw.>ma11 SAN DIEGO -The New that you don't use your fisU teams will compete la the Orleans Saints plunked down but your mind to get things d o uble-elimlnation tourne~ PHOENIX-El Cajon, Calif.. $100 Thursday and latched on-straightened out. I look for Last weekend McKinsey and edged Vancouver, Wash., 4-l to Dick Absher. a S.foot-4, 235 Boswell to become a much Mike J ackson combined &o will in seven innings in a first .-po'--u_n_d_l_ln_e_b_ac_k_•_'_· ______ be_t_t•_,_P~i-tc_n_er_as_•_,_•s_u_11_:_' ___ ,_,;_m_ll_a_r_t_ourn __ •_m_•_nt_. __ _ The slocky :\1iss Lacoste, former U.S. \Vomen 's Open champion, overcame an early Z.up lead fashioned by Na- tional Junior finali st Mary Jane Fassinger of New Wilm- ington, Pa., to win 4 and 2 with a birdie-birdie finish. Mrs. Welts. th ree times champion in this tournan1cnt and five tim es a finalist, took out stubborn Miss Dorothy Germain of Blythe ville, Ark., 1-up. Miss Hager 16, a h\gh school junior trom Dallas, p I a y e d steady golf over the 6,100. yard, par 72 Las Colinas Coun- try Club course lo oust long- hltling D la n.e Dailey of FrankfG!'t, Ky., 2 and 1. CATHOLIC S Jf1IN, 28-22 The Catholic AJf.star s rallied for 15 points in the final period Thursday night to whip the Los Angeles All-Stars. ZS- 22, in the third annual Big' Brothers all-star f o o t b a I I game played in the Los Angeles Coliseum. The Los Angeles c I u b dominated the statistics, but a fumble, an interception and a bad snap from center cost them the ball game. Halfback Joe Hicks of Mt. Carmel iCOred both of the Catholic touohdowns in the last quart.er oo runs of six and 17 yards. rou nd game of the Western LitUe League regional tourna· ment Thursday night. Sanla Clara, Calif .. meets Carlsbad , N .M.. tonight to determirle El Cajon's opponent in Saturday's championship game. 1be winner advances to \ the Little League World Series in Williamsport, Pa. next week. • SAN DIEGO -California featherweight champion Bob- by Valdez said Thursday he is retiring from boxing because of a damaged right eye. The 26-year~ld US-pounder from San Diego compiled a professional ring record of 22· 8-4, including nine knockout victories. -I P Ac1F1c D1vERs SuPPLY 1Nc.. THE LARGEST AND FINEST EQUIPPED DIVING STORE IN THE U.S.A. COM•Lm SCUSA OUTftT-NEW 1969 72 CU. FT. TANK GALV. CONTOUR PACK, TWO STAGE SINGLE HOSE REGULATOR. S YEAR GU"llANTEE-1 YEAR "IR SUPPLY $15.DO TANK-NEW 1969 72 CU. FT. GALV, RESERVE J VALVE VALUE SlOS.00 YOUR COST SSt.tS TANK-NEW 1969 72 CU. FT. GALY. K VALVE VALUE $1S.OO YOUR COST $49.01 TWIN TANK-NEW 1969 7'2 CU. FT. UNIT J VALVE -DELUXE PACK REG. $'2'20 SPECIAL .•......... , ..............•.......•.•................. $151 °"' ''"' "'-SUHt• WIJH l'(lltCHAM OI ""'TA.NII. Att t••• 111.11a1NJrr1 IOI nvr n•U wn sun-NEW 1969 Jt \6 NYl.ON LINE SEWN SEAM VALUE S71, YOUR COST $Jf,tJ LIPI VDT-REGULAR VALUE $'22.00 YOUR COST ...................... $14.fS Sl.t..VUl G.t.UGl3 The Most R1llobt. Oi.,irig !nstt1.1rntn1-M.ode In Tii. U.S.A. AVAILABLE AT p.o.s Mary had a 11ma1amb ••• but she'd hava bean banar on II Shi had a IOVI bUI . ll'OmlYll'IDD ! ' ' . • ' ' • • ' • ' • : • ' I j • ' ri ' I - • , H ~Ally l'ILOT Frldly, ...... 15, 1'16t ·. Los Alamito~ Entries ~==-",Te Winkle .. , .. .,,._,, .... U, tMt -tit!' D•'f c.. ,..., ....... ,.., ,,., '·""' ........ ht .... W ll;Ka ......... ., "'Jiau l'l•ST JIAC•. • Jlrft. J yur 1kl• aNI tit Ill Grt4!1 A l'lu• br ... 111 C1nt. ~., ... a-.. 0. lu~• fMorrl1l ltl ltedlel Vtn Su:t111 flmltlll 111 ••ti J11'1t." !HlrO Ill Olckey l1r Jel (Cl'Olllvl 1 It Ml• U119t. .. , (C1rdouol t7t Fm NtrK ILIJl'llml !!O Mt, A1"fO (MclltJ"'lldll llt ~ N..,.1 Oii! (Wll'IMI llf wi. Hvntr CAdtlrl 111 ,.,_...... 01rr c•..,kll 111 S"OHD aAc•. UI Ylrdl, J Ytl' _,.,, 11111 ~ 111 Ci<'"-AA Mil'UI. PUrM no,. l>f1I lt1nclJ (Morrlll 12G Dlckto Rttlel fl'lltlol HJ ~ Moolefl (....,.Ir} I l1 DwM1' air kr U(tor11s) l'lt Dlcby'1 G.111 C$n'l11111 ll'O l.r /M Jee (A~) 111 lt°"I ~ IW11Mnl 110 Whet Lvci 117 Gofl1 &fr '°" Ill. l1nbl 111 1'11wm SIN !C1roo11l 111 ......... , .. Clllr.1 Fortlll'ft Ill. 81nk1I lll SOlllflde 8olt iAUlrl 111 JIO'l'll lllDt (C1rc!N1) 1 !S TMIJID RAC•. JM r1re11. 1 y~1r old1. ........... "" .......... lt!OO. F ...... lft EltM fSmlttll lit Klpl'f"1 s..H CLl1tf11ml Ill llon Ooo 1C1r11e111 l U F..t Eddie IAdtlr) \It TWlsled $.h.OOW fKlonl Ill #Nol.., lh1d1ct (llrlnll111rl llt c;. lib Jet !Wt'-l 11• IU!lloe rl'11Tlol 111 POUllTH UCI. ""° 'I''""· 3 yeer lldS Incl u.. C'-lmlnt. PwH SltCO. C .. ""'lnt •rlct llMCI. ldlt 019"1' {II, links) IU ~--{(6rdoul 111 GIM LH (Acl1lrl lH Cut Of<* (lllCIWlrOt) 11' ~NM lulls l!YI 10. ll11111JI 111 VMd\I 0111 IW•'-I 177 .....,.,.,.'! •• , , ... ,,, l!J '''™ llACI. Slf y1rd•. J y11r old1 • • Race Results ; • :· . • • """"'''I'· A11t. H, IHt Clur I 1'111 'lltlT ltACI. a v1nl1. J -,e1r o'd1 ; 111d i,. ill Grffl I l'tv1. l'uflt 1151111. .. ..liOIN( n,.,,.ml t.oo J.10 JM ':.. L ... O.J'Mhr l 1r 1.-..oos.a) J.IO J.61 • llldlhir ((l rflDltl t.11 TlrM-20 1111 kr.ttcned -MIH S~r Ou1, Wl<1• I'm A T1kln, Ml1 Fltll C~ICI<, S•«ll Gl1111r. SICONO llACa. 150 Y1rd1. J l"I' elts Incl UP Ill Grldt A MlnuJ. Punt j. 11100. Ft1f Sle-r IC1rdol1) 6 . .0 l .60 ),IO ltapld ,_,..,I& (Ad1lt1 S.l'a l.M Softlc Moon Clrlnk~) J.IO ; Tinl9-M Ult ser.tcflod-Jodlt:l 01ndY &>r. """' <1y'1 .... I'll. S'r l llflk•J91, Leo'1 l1r Ot11lh. • • JlllCIHTLY OOUllLl-l·l l.l'te!MI & 6-""' , ... ,.,. "'" '"··· • THllD ltACI!. 151) v1n!1. Mlidoft t 'l'Ur 61111. Cltlmlnt. 1'11ne SUOO. Sl.lr'tin Dile (Ll""-ml S.00 J.l!O 1.60 a. 8oo Rocket t,.,..rrl•l J.«> J.Oll Hifter'1 Goldy C!mllhl J.to Tlml'-11 J,110 Serlldlf~ -Too FDUr 1(1y. G•D'> l oe1er. OouOI Oetk, C.Mreo. l"OUltTH ltACI. l!ll Yltd•. 3 Yt •• •lcb I ncl u' In Cif1cle A Plu1. l'utw llllOO. tllockt r, K1t1v (Wlt1onl 10.111 '·'~ ••I 911lh !'Hot (WllM>fl) 1.60 6.0ll LJni. ..... ,,.,, !lrll'lk~Yl l.IO Tim-II 2111 !cr1~1, Hw•t•r. Ge Homll••· Ke.If Cl-, SI,,.., C~lc. Ptl"TM MCI!. JlO v1rd1. l re1r el•1. (111"'1"9. l'Ur11 12000. -r Mlll (Llpl\lml 1 1111 llr lfrte (Canioz1) Sueil•'• 1t1Mt1 cw.i ... u Time-It lllt N1 ttr1~. J.• l .111 1.60 S.00 l 10 "" StXtH ltACI!. .00 Ylr<I•. 2 Y'I' .. 101. c11lm!nt. Puru nooa. l'11"'m tlle<1~e1! (Ad1lr) ~.<Ill l.l'O 1.111 Trll>lt l1r Torn tW11lOft) l .<111 6.lrll Mlftl Ch1rM (LipMml ,,l'O Tlme-)11 1/10 k•tldleO-lte<om""'ftoff, C•ll10rnl1 S.ndJ, S.u v 8ruce, l1tter1'1 G1mltle. llVl!NTM •ACI!. a v1r61. ' .,. •• , olcb i ncl u. !ft Gr1~ AA mlft111 !Ired In C1J11. Purw snoo. c~u11e 'Rori! cw1twnl u .to 1.00 1.<0 Jt!aYllCr (L;p ... m1 (.DO l.~ V1llillf l"rl'l(f, (Clrdo11\ 1.40 Tlme-)11 2/10 Scr1rc11eo-1unnv'1 8u T. l!IGHTH ltACI. Veu.ei. Sr. CDUr~­ .,. r1n!1. l ve1• okh •"" uo . ClfimlM. l'une SUDO. I U""Y l1r Lei !G ADC4K.ii} Rulettl lli.t11ml Ul.to <l.tll U."" ?.I~ ?.I.Cl Go l"lonC. Go /Rlnt!dl) Tl~ '110 $cr1!q.e6-WOndf'1 ltKktl. •• ~!NTM IU.CI', lSO r1rd1.' Y••r olds '"" u• I~ 'GrHe •· l"lu1. l'un o SltOCI. •celer Bob {It .. ftkl) •.Ill •.Ill '·20 Da W1!cll (Smlllll 11.111 6.0I Trut Cit! "Ill ILi""""' ) ... Tlm-11 VIO SU1ld'lfld-EI G1vll1n, Ro••I Jtl· 1ter. Think• Oat. S.m'I NJ .... I °"'· OUIM,ILLA-l·!'Hlv ll N 6 J.()I W1h:ll. 1"1141 Ut.:11. -· . .. .• " Mustang Poloists Stun Unbeaten Argos, 10-7 Costa Mesa High School 1Wnned previously undefeated Garden G r o v e \Vednesday night, IG-7. on lhe final night of action in the Costa ~!esa Recreation Dept. water polo leagut al Estancia H i g h School. -·Victory .assured the ~: Mustangs or a second.place ... finish with a 6-2 mark. ~ • Newport Harbor snapped a thrff.game losing streak with -;-a 12-4 romp over host Estancia ~.. and La Quinta took care or ,,. Troy, 7-6. ~ Mesa's big win over cham· ,, pion Garden Grove Wal spark· ed by John Carpenter's three second-half goals. Mesa Jed by a scant ~·4 margin at the half but sewed . it up in the third and fourth :; quarter~. -. ,:SOFT SELL SAM .-:- ·:- ·' ·!. .,. :"". .• ·' : :,.. .. -., ., :: ;.:.. HelpiOg Carpenter in the scori ng column for Costa ~fesa in the second hair weri! Curt Plumlee and B i 1 I McAneny with one g o a I apiece. Ron Misiolck and Mike Beal each tallied twice In the first half for Mesa. Despite losing. Grove won the title with a 7·1 record . Ne~·port Harbor broke up a close contest with Estancia \\'hen the Sailors erupted for rive fourth period goals while blanking Estancia . Jeff Wilcox was the scoring whiz for Newport, tanking four in that decisive final period. In all, Wilcox managed seven goals. Tom Warnecke chipped in with a pair of tallies in the first half a!i the Saiklrs opened up a 7-2 lead. By Marvin Myen = e-~ .··'4 ~ I J.~T 111 JOP, HY MfF M?N'T iv'i:'ifl. M! ~EP/f0£J f,{'JYt /.IJC.47[/J l'1C. I , Btl! I'l'F STIJ.L 601 HY I/CAI.Ti/ II , ' i . To Battle Fathers TeWinkle Park, soft b a 11 playground champions I n Costa Mesa Recreation Dept. circles, will meet the City Fathers Wednesday night at TeWinkle Park in Costa Mesa at a p.m. The champions earned the right to meet the Fathers alter taking the A cham· pionship on the strength or an g.7 win over Harper. Four runs In the seventh In- ning gained the decision for TeWinkle. HJrper won the 8 and C Division crowns by defeating Adams, 13-1 and 12-4. Rosters of the champions clubs: Harper C Ronnie Craig, Bruce Clark, Ricky Palmer, Chris Dunn, Kelly Dunn, Jeff Walden, John Walden, Lenny Geronone. Ted Richardson, Jimmy Ramores, Jeff Pinskowski, Brian Fugee. Dave Shees, Duane Shees. Mickey Jones. 'Harper B Kurk Clarke, Bill Wilk inson. Bill Pascoe, Kevin Rhetmeyer, Steve Richardson , Robb i e Wagner. John Diaz. Ronnie Lamcrton , David Brownell, Terry Isaacs, Nick Zamosa. Tc\Yinkle A Kevin Platte. John Toal. Steve Lackey, Dave Shrupp , Brent Snitches, Joe Craig, G. Erickson, Ron Stout, Joe Horst. Rob Nahrlecker. Tom Lodgeneis . Here Co1ne Da Judge, Bird Style BALTll\10RE (AP ) -"All righ l. let 's have order in the court." outfielder F r a n k Robinson shouts, pounding on the wall of hiS clubhouse li>eker with a baseball bat. With that, the Kangaroo Court of the Baltimore Orioles is called to order. Then the fines begin to be assessed. Most of the infractions cost the Offenders $1 , with Coach Charlie Lau acling 11 s treasurer of l\ fund which now exceeds $500. The money will be used for a postseason par· ly. The infractions cover a wide range -from bonehead plays in a game to im proper com· binations in the choice of street clothing. Lau's 4-yea r-0Jd son, Cha rlie Jr., was fined for not wea ring socks to the park one night. His dad collected the money. f\.-fanager Earl \Veaver once inserted shortstop f\.1 a r k Belanger as a late.inning defensive replacement and Belanger made two errors. \\'eaver \Yas fined $1 for his choice or BelangeT. In the All-Star Game, \Vcaver muffed a foul ball as he coached al first base. \Vhen the regula r season schedule resu med, Weaver was assess- ed a SI retroactive fine . Sometimes the accused arc fined an extra arr.~unt for leaving the cou rtroom -and heading for the showers - before the case is decided. Appeals are allowed, but not recommended. Seldom do the appeals upset the original verdict. Buse ball's ) Top Ten •Mfltl(,\~ LEAGUE l'l1~1r Clut G All It H '''· C1•~w Ml" 96 31• 10 171 .JS7 ~ !m1tl! l 1n \01 3" 70 UJ .lll F.Rc~!P11on 811 117 •01 ~ 13' .l7' o·,,~ M'ft 101 •olO 6' 1'7 .lll "•'rccelll ''" !OS l&9 6S lU .Jot Pc,..cl! 111 11• •7' H 1•6 .JOS O.Jt~n1cn 11! 107 JS) lS !OS ·"- (1.,>.t NV 111 •S1 s• us .?ts F ~w1rd Wa• IU 4J fl Ut .lt5 Hom1 """' It J1c>.,cn. 01U1l'ICI. ''' I'. Hl7W1n!, W11~1 .. ,1on. ~11 P-11. 111111mo,..., 3'; l(ltl•~tiN, MlftM$Oll, JIJ Y11Jr~m~I, l o1tcn, JO "~"' sanff 1~ Powtll. l 1llimore, lD•: k lltrb,.w. M1nn~1c11, 101: JI JKkllln, Oakltncl, Ill ~. HDV11rd. Wa,fll<19!on, ll; YH· lrfem1~I. l c1ltft, I) 1'11Cflf"f n Otcll!.,,1 .YcN1ll~ 81fllmt~. 1'·l, llt P1I· _,, l1lllm,,..., 11·1. ~; LOlltft, (>r. l•o.1. u.s .. 150' Mc:L1in. Oo!•ol!. 11·1. ,7501 Odom. O.~l1M, l•·S. Ill. NATlON•L LfAGUI! l'l1y•r Cl~' G Al tit N l'ct, Cl'1"~n1e Ptl! ti 35t 67 Ill .'SI (,J-.1 NY lilt 316 J6 !JI l•I A.Jchft'°" (lfl t• Jll Ill 117 J•l M Alou Piii\ l!• •tf n !II lJI ltOM Cln 105 •U I' 1'1 .:P• s11,.,.11 P.., 1c1 Ml s• 1n .Jn lenc:ll (lft '' J.16 ., l1S J~l McCovev SF 101 »1 '' 110 .»1 ... ,,.., Cl" 1!1 4'1 H lQ .lll li ..... rllf\ All 101 lff 10 121 JU HOIM l:ltfl1 M<CoYev. $•n ffr1Pl(!1eo. :II; L. M,¥, C.lntlftnltl .. 121 H. "''°"' At11n11, 111 Pere t. C\t\Clnft•ll, 211 w,..,n, HD111t1111. u. """' ''"" lft s.,, •• , (llk190, U: McC.oY•Y. S•n Fr1Ml\nl, ti; l'f"'J, Clnt'-!I. "' t ,,...,., Clnt!Ml!ll, 11: l111t;1, Clll· Clt llo ''· . l'lkllllt 11 Ottis~ $>'1!'11•, O.'t'"' 11·4. .Ill. Ce1'ell, Clnell'llU"· 1,.J •. 1061 Mtrron, CIMlft ftlll, U J. .7rlllt C)rl!_,.,, $1 lWI\, II ... 100/ SclYel', NC~ Yort. 16·7, Atl. aRWLo.~~ ~, Chandler I ' Deep Sea Fishing Will Use loyGOlf'S·4-T1Ml MASTERS WINNER MUlft'1MttOM •RACH -" 1111i.r11 blU"I" "-""· ,~, ~hco Nu. " ~· -11 "°"lft..~U MM, ..... SAN CLl/llflilTI -lJl lntMI '°' ~ ens )90 lllU. 400 w r1ClfN, tloftlf9, "' 11o1u. <1GJ lltrrK.1111,. 4 •• 4 lllllblll. Nf T fAr1'1 t,.lllflq) -104 1111tbvl, ' l'ellowt111. I whtl• t11 blu. i nti 6.1 1Nrrac\JCl9, "f boftlto. 7f t.OlrlG llACH f,l(lllc SHtfflllllllt) ltl"N-J'Odi. fltl\. • 11.i111111. 101wr1 • -Ill 1rwtll!'l1 2 w111owto111. SJ bl,.. L' ... ~ -&17 111tlt!'I' tSl 111!1, •U r1Clldf, 2 llalfbul, Ut Ml&. UO tioonllo. beilHllf ltl lwl•r~ue11, 1 Wl!Ut'" ~ 4,1..-,.lltl l.M.11111111 -21T i11tltr11 II 1 Wl~U. Nrrtcl,lllA, 1'1 !Mu. '" borllfll. ! vtl• $.ltN O!Eff (llt. l I"' I . H. 111.. lo'ffllll, ~ fOdltlWl, 4 1!1llbut. (llhMllf LEFT WRIST FIRM FOR ACCl.MATE PUTTING • Midget Bai Manygollenfail lo si-*" their puttt on Jin• bec:o&:ite they allow their left wrist to start corl~ng b.f'ora the ball is on Its way (see illustration). 01),less yoi.lr left wrist remains firm, the clubface will be tum-a to your left when it meets the boll. This will caut• you to J):Ull your puttt. It mqy, over a period of time, cau1e you to :start· compe(l9Clting by pYlhing them to th• right. f'..,_.. l.tfM!ll tl -1" .... ltrs; l'llf'I -16 IMltrll ! Mlllwt, It roe~ A baseball bat cannot be >" f,tlllcor" 11 ~et1ew11u, " ..,,. mi. 11 .. " -J1 -"'" iw -.ito. • r1c:ue11, 1M bonffll, 1 Miiie -lllu, 1' twrr1cudl. 11 lllU. ' Gripyourputterto that the hock of your left hand fo ce1 down' the torget Ii ne ~ CORRECT INCORRECT Keep it facing down this line both on your bode and an' your through stroke, If the back of this hand mo vu throu!Jhthe ball al~ the liM.r your putter will foce down the 10me Ii ne. •HON TO IWlOVE YOUR MTING•1 H.111 i1Amold Pal1111r'1fully lllvttl'l!'l.d ~id. to p.ittlro lfane•, lino-1.1p, stroke I S.nd ~ olal'l{I wit+. a lf_,,.d, •If-odd~ 1nvefopo to Amakl Palmer, in car• al tfli I M'fl'JPCIP9r. Sears Aok AbouL Scant ConYe1Uct1l Credit flla11s longer than 41 llk:hes, but tbei-'=:::..:;;-==.:...::==-='-"--===-"-=----- rule book does not speciry a minimum leogth. Tflat's why Eddie Chandler, <ti forll)er pitch$!r with the PotUic Coast League Angela and Brooklyn Dodgers, l.s probably the only player Jn history to wield a 25-inch bat, made e:specially (for him by the m anu (acture'rs of 1 Louisville Sluggers. When Chandler, now a Los Anj:eles investment counselor; joined the Angels ~in 1951 , he had a habit of gri)>piog hb: bat at least 10 inches up on the handle. Hillerich &: Bradsby Co. designed the abbrevlated 2a-inch model, which Chandler used for two season. Chandler batted .260 in 40 games in 1951 and .249 for 34 games the nen year, rare marks for pitchers of today. THEM BY THE • • New Tread5 13·inch and 14-inU &ius e Ruy 1hcn1 l1 y lhc Jlair now at thia 10'"', low pricl·! • Re:lreat!s 011 ~o und li re l1odie1 SIZE RLACl\WALLS 6.00x l:I 29' 6.50x 1 :1 32' 7.00xl 3 :14• 6.5<h 14 ·10' ·-----7Jl0x 14 41' 7.50x I 1· 14' 8.00xl.1· 451: ll.50x14 49' WHITEWALL'> Only '2 More Pf'r Tirr ... ~~--~~~~~~~~ ... ~--------------------------------~----------------~ .......... '"'~TA ~ IHX", l21.4~J0 n IOOHlt GI 3 Jfl l lQl«i KACI! Hf :).0121 P!Cd Wt lo4211 IWI• "'' ~1 1 l)71 10fO•Htl '42·1J1 1 I UNOOA. ,.,~ J10 n.1~1 c.u .. ~•a ett l.iocu. o '4&11 ct, .. ,,t ' ~10 1.N 1 J211 ,o••o'" ro 2.11''· NA 9.11t1. YU.,,,, $>•11• 1• ~ ''~.:i11 1.:t1At<11 ".,1n1 t I cow1011 tJl 6 )!ll, Ht 2 S1'1 ""U'l\'t'OOfl HO 9.)f'I .,. .. ,c.1 ~JJ.2100 '"'r• ~IX •.UH Y~lllf l'O 3 ''''• ft4.1UO I co""'~ tu.o.11 ~.u.,.,.ooo ot 1;111 ••l•t"l'iA 011.1211, l5t..4~11 !Ol/n< ~o•U 'l•f> -'tO llJl Vl•oon "-' 191 1 11i Sears " , _______________________ _ ---~----------------~ "5ati1f ad ion Guara ntttd or Yaur Mont '1 Ba ck" -------~---------------.--...,--.,,.-=-=-=-=-----,----,·----~-o;-c---=---~---- ' . ,,. ,• .. . -· Insignias Of Ships Available There's good news !or 1bip -watchers, that happy breed ot marine buffs who a p e n d leisure hours with telescope and blnoculars tracking sea- , gofug traffic. ;,:; •(Ship .. Stacks of the Pacific ~~pit'. the JO,ng out-of-print :~poster bearing slack insignias ~of vessels pjying local waters, ~has ~ reissued · under ~ ? joln.tfsponsonhip of Stapdaid :: Oil "ot , ~lifomla and its ;t sub.Miary, dbeVron lriterna-~ f.i~al OU Co. Emerald Race Set BI SBYC Seal Beach Yacht Club has issued invitations to the Ocean Racing, Pacific Handicap and Midget Octan Racing f)eets lo participate in ils , Emerald Cove races Saturdciy anc;t SUD-' day. · The race to the Island retreat and the retUrn race will be considered two dif. ferent races. The races are open to any skipper of a yacht club affilia ted with t h e Southern California Yachting Association. Yachts must have a valid rating certificate in the division in which they sail. :Z:: 'J!he colorful poster, 18-25 tn.. ;: ches and suita~rfor fl'.:8Jlling, ~"°" inclildes 135Jltlct emDlems of· ~ domelil~·And forfign lines. lt ;l: ts b'!lnll dlarlb~ted by Stan-SUPE RC~ OEfl -That's Ute name and that was Ute performance of Ed ""dart!" of ~omla u.a public Johnson'J; Supt\r Stock boat which won the national cbampiohsbip in Ute Speed · . service, and in recognlUori of Regitt:a)at the Califcirnia International Sea Festival at Long Beach last week- the company's extensive in-en~. The ~ewport Bee.ch driver's Charger is powered by a 427 cubic inch Saturday's race will start between two orange flags ap- proximately one-quarter of a mile southwest of th e Seal Beach Pier. Startin& time for the Ocean Racing group is 11 :30 a.m. with PHRF and MORF starting at fiVe minute intervals thereafter .. The finish will be between the race com· mittee boat ana an orange volvement in marine com· _Cb __ evy __ e_n_g_m_e_. ---- merce. Standard, through I t s subsidiuy, ~hevron Ship~ CO., ~qenl.ly tias 88 'veSsfJs }ii iii worldwide tanker1 opera. tlons and has more thlln three million tons or additional ship. ping 'on ord~. Ship wajctiers are invited to setld tot a COIJlplimentary c~f thl!l new stack chart by malling their name and ad· dress on ~ postcard ta Staa~ dard Oil, Stack Chart, 742 Ba11croft Way, Berkeley , Calif., 94710. Only ,one to a customer will be mailed as I.he supply is limited. Frenchman Starter for Power Race Coont Gerald de Geoffre of Cognac, France, will be the of- ficial starter for the 5th an- nual 1 Long Beach Hennessy Cup ~tfshore power boa~. race Aug11'. Count de Geoffre Is a partner-in James f{ennessy &: Co. the famed cognac distilling firm which is providing ~.ooo of Lhe'ract's $7,125 prize fund. William J. Schielfel)n Ill of New ;ycrk, chairihan and president of H~y·1 U:S. dislribuk'r, SchieUelin & Co., has been named as honorary judge of the 206-mile classic. • 111~ Pacific Offshore Power : B o a t AssotjaUon·sponsored : race, is ~oned by the .Am,rican Power Boat Aqoclation and will offer points towlrd the APBA na· tional cha'mpionship and the u~ of l \p,ternational Molo<boatiiJg world title. Pilot Gives ·~-f' ' · LOng ~oint 'J.1ropl!y The DAILY PIL-OT J>erpetual TroehY win be the b~ pme in .• Balbca Yacht G,lub's Long Point and return race Saturday and Suaday. 'Ibe two races conclude the 66 Series. The trophy is given for the boat with the best combined corrected times on the two races. , - The first class 'i'n Saturday's race wUI start 11 a.m. This will .be the Midget Ocean Rae· ing Fleet. C!8Ss 0 ocean rac· ing wUI start at 11:10, Cla ss C at 11:.20; Class B, 11:30 and Class A, 11 :iOi The finish will be off Long Point, Catalina, Island. The fleet will rendezvous at White's and Hen RoCk Satur- day night. Sunday's race home will start at 12:30 for MORF and al 10..minute intervals for the ocean racing classes starting with C1ass D, The race will finish off Balboa Pier. Distance for the race lo the Island is rated at 25.7 miles and the return race is 26 miles. ' Safety Rule Listed fo r Fuell.in~ • flag approximately 200 yards east·soulheaot of Indian Rock Cra ckerboxes J • f off Emwtd Cove, Cataline .us ti _,r !~day's ra~ will start , ' 12:30. The finish .will be 8p. proximately ··200 yl:fds south· soulheast of the Seal Beach Pier. John Shelley is race committee chairman. Squirrely Reputation Crackerboxes have earned a ieputation for 'beini the m:Ost unpredictable,· squirrely boats in all inboard circle racing, and the~ ctasS more than justified that infamy last S!turday. in the National Championship Speed Regatta of the Califarnia International Sea Festival. The S o u t h e r n California S p e e dboat Club-sponsored e v e n t con.5isted of natiooal championships in E: Racing · Runabout, Super Stock. and Crackerbox classes i,n addition lo a full program of hydro and runabout classes. ' It required five abortive at· tempts ta get the first heat run as bqats either flipped or ran aground in the fiercely competitive early going. Finally a full five.tap heat was run and then another and tile eventual winner was Bob Clune of Long Beach in Toy Box, a Chevy.powered Pat- " DeaCJ.Heat Ends Race terson boat owned by Dick Dead heals are not unusual Gustaveson of Covina. Jn races of any kind , over It took a stadium record of shor\ distances, but It's more 68.56 miles per hour for Clune than passing remarkable when and mechanic Hector .Mecca two sailing craft competing to outrace Gardena'j Art Field over 2,750 m.iles o( the Ailantic in hemon Crate, second place ocean firmii in a Ue. finisher. Field .didn't get the That's how the yacht national title,, but his S,750 Foolscap, owned by Arthur seaS;ODll paints -600 of them Hansen of Baltimore, Md., and f<i" bis 'second pjace -gave Ru(Ul; owned by Michael hlm a Mmmerlock on the U.S. B~rner of Finlp_nd finished the No. 1 for next neason as n8;/Tecent Newport,) R.'I. to Cork, tiana1 high point man. Ireland, trans·~Uantic r~ce. . . lbe belled GTW 11 • aafety belt on whHIL A fil*r- glaie twift-bett under th• tough. Dur-aene rubber treed lhietde 1g81rm punctures; 1 nd blowoula. Full Nygen• cord pll••-·Generars patented proceu nylon cord -1dd to powerfUI performance. FMn~a. deep, du1I tread de1ign glY•• 1ure lt~•nd·go traction. DtatlncltYe, thrM whit• ring aid ... o Hts • lt....,t. Speed .!}~_erl90ked trimaran Be.at ·'A_zz~t;r~nsp~c H opef_u_ls_ Jn aJI the _d.ispute __ on who was or wasn't first to finish in the recent Honolulu race - and who is or im't entitled to the elapsed time record -a fabulous story of speed under sail was ovtrlooked. Hardly an)'one noticed on July 4 Ulat a 61-foot trimaran pointed its trlple bows toward Diamond Head about an hour after the 73 single-hull yachts in the race had answered the starting gun. The trimaran was Eric Tabarly's Pen Duick JV Which the 38-year-old Frenchman recently built for sailing single-handed in an upcoming transatlantic race. averaged 11 knots and hit Not. being an entry in the ma:rimum speeds of 19 ~ race, little or nothing was knots. heard of Pen Duick en route. The French yachtsman said But when Windward Passage he had planned to participate arrived at Diamond Head In the Transpac with ~ after nine days and nine hours single-bulled Pen Duick IID, of sailing, Tabarly and his but it waan't-available so he crew were near the flnlSh line decided to show how the to greet· her. The trimaran had mulUhull would· perfOrm. been in port over a full day The craft wu designed for ahead of Windward Passage. fast slngle.-hlnded sailing,. but Her elep_,ed time wu eight in pacing the Tranapac fleet days 13 hours and nine Tabarly had a crew of four minutes. plus a maguine photographer. by Tabarly ancl Frtllch,naval. ardtlteci Andre Allegre and built ~Y .tlle Chantlera de la , Perrlere boat works a t Urienf, France. Tabarly said the Pen. Duick IV was the only one of its kind. De!pite his fabulous crossing and the admiration it received in Honolulu, Tabar· ly said the craft was for sale. The price tag was repcirtedly $60,000. THE SIGN OP IOATING PLEASURE C•lll.'i Ul'll"' va1ume OMleo THll Wlllt'S SPICIAL LAS VEGAS DUNES TMtS FINI: IOAT Lim "OJt WlJ wa·v· SOl.O A I UN(N AT »ltS ONL:r J LDT W95 ....,,.. Sfflt, Ill• W~, T•,. "'lly LI .... Dttllll• lllttrtff,' lif N .. "'"""'...... • ......... ...... S!ffrillf• ... a111, llllMll Ga1 TMk, ~rhlt N•nl._,., lltfltt. I ll Whfft Tr1lltl", s.a ... ·-~ .. G1tnP11r. S.. 1t1y. 81vtw1t.er, L11 V90t1, Wr~. Avtn. Dell Qu1y, GL111ron, fll\t!'et,11'\I, °"" 1 Pl~ A Wffk & E~a. . U21 s.. Mtlll :._141= SffD "'"' Multihulls are not allowed in Pen Dulek IV was designed the Transpacific race, but if 1--------.....;::....::.....::::.::.:~========== they were Pen Duick would have been first to finish with a fabulous new record. Even on the basis of corrected time she would have been an easy win- ner. Seiling veterans c a 11 e d Tabarly's c ros s Ing "fan· !antic". phenomnal" and the "fastest Los Angeles to Honolulu S:1ilboat ~ r o s s l n g ever." . Tabarly, who holds the singlehanded transpacific (San Franci~o .. ta To1<¥0> sailing record, said he made the Los Angeles to Honolulu crossing to "show off" his Pea Duick IV. He sai d he was happy with his crossing time but could , have done better had the winds been stron_ger.. He TRANSMISSION COMPLETE ADJU STMENT SERVICE (plus fluid) CURES MANY PROBLEMS OR w~~ .. $1.15 COSTA MISA. ENGINE ELECTRONIC TUNE-UP I. ANALYSIS (.,lus ptrts) IMPROVES PE~FORM1'J!C~ 19J4 Newport lllld ..... , ••••••• 645·0900 LON• HACH t 211J4Z7•141., FULLlaTON 2451 LMt .... ...... 71 1 s. ..,,...... 1164697 COMnON IJ1J llJ7·2310 OU.N•I SJM071 t611N.1.MflNdiltN.-701 W, a _,-. AM. . * Provides 11fety ,, et high '1poed1 ••• * Give1 over twice the Miile91e ••• A fleet of close to 30 races is expec~ for \be 10 a.m. start off Befn\ont Shore Pier. Bl\lleUDs oo race progress will be carried every 15 minutes after and 15 minutes before the blur on radio sta· lion KBIG. The American &at and Yacht Council, tbe broad-bas- ed technical ,society of the boating lndus(ry, has released a proposed safety standard covering portable fuel systems and portable containers for flammable liquids. The new publication has bee_n released to advance ' ABYC's objective of establishing a voluntary ~ of advisory safety slangards and recommended e~ring practices for <1.~. con. structing, equippina and main· tainiD(,iDlall ci'ift of all kinds LONG, LONG MILEAGE * S1ve1 911 tool ' BYCBoat InO'Day -..,r1irogram benefiUng both ,A!iO industry and the boating Bob Kettenhofen ol Balboa"" public. Yacht Club will be the J.ua G The propased status of the (California) represpt8tive in report is stressed. It has been the O'Day lina,ll··at King&ton, published solely to ellclt con- Ontario, CJattfa, Sept. 2-5. structtve comments from all The $)?Day Trophy is for the ABYC members and from North American Yacht Racing every element of the boating Union's &ngJe.handed cham· field that may be interested or pionship. concerned. All comments are Kettenhofen won Lhe shot a\ referred lo the technical com· the title last weekend by tak· mittee that is developing the ing the semi-final competition report for their consideration at Alamitos Bay. 'I1te semi-and action. finals were spomored and con-A copy of the_ paper cait be ducted by the S o u t h e r n obtained by writing to the California Finn Association. American Boat and Yacht Runner-up in the semi-finals Council, Inc .. 15 E. 26th St., was Larry Porter of Newport Room 1603, ~ew York, N.Y. ~arbor Yacht Club. 10010. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • ' • • • • • • • • • ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA 85( MWS For cans after 6 p. m. weekdays and all weekend. 3 minutes station·to-station, plus tax. --@ ' plus $t18 r~ u. Tai, silt 08-~,, a .35x14l tWereu whltewtlL OtMt sites a:aparably Jlfieed. I MAG WHEELS SS/8000 Super Sport e '!'J(ror.poli1h chrome , e C•1t. aluminum center or M11t1r Ch arge s299s each • Thoft11roof hub cop . e Otht r 1tyles 1v1ll1bl1 · Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth & Dod .. ,. Don Swedlund 646-5033 ' ---------------------------~--....._._ .... .......___._~.__._. ..... ,,__,__. ________ -·-----' ., _, -. ' FRONT END ALIG,NMENT WHEEL BALANCE $20C} •. COMPLBE CAR CARE Since 1959 H .. n: 7:JO to 6:00 ....,- ., ! l ' I H DAILY PILOT . --I i .• · ' t ' Fr~, AUg11st 15, 1969 \ . ' '· I . - ' ' • • .. I 'f r .' . . AT. FA·SHl .ON ·1sLAND and You Shau/ti See MARS 'CLOSEUPS' Glossy prints taken from Mariner 6 and Mariner 7 television transmissions over 60 million of SplCO ••.• incredibly de!oilod views• of surface of tho Rod Planet. Prints courtesy of Jet Propulsion Laboratory MAN ON MOON Pictures phot09raphed by first "tourists" on the r:noon include amating on•· of· a ·kind shots from Lu nor Modulo Eogl1 . end on· moon surface by Astronauts Neff Armstrong end "Buzz" Aldrin. Print1 courtesy of UPI Telephotos end NASA r You Cou/i/. Win ·~in . t.· ' VOTORAMA at FOTOR~MA . Co-Sponsored by ' Orange Coast Stereo ~O;J,,FM .. DAILY PILOT Radio KOCM ' . ' . . . ' ' .. R&eJister for Prizes, Then Step Into Th,, '1 . • • • • • ' " ' . ' ' . ' . i AUTOMATIC VOTING MAC:HINE · .. PRESS WINNERS All the .winners in 'C.tolor_itt. Pr•s Photo'7·•phe<S Association competition ••• more thin 70 eye-grabbing wiJ,lls ~Prisint,~he Gold ~~I Ex~ob:t,, . ' TOP NEWS PHQTOS . ~ Best shots. submitted for competitive judging by all th'e Associated Pross pltotographers in California end Nev1a1 ••• 38 top-notch nows end feature photos, induding alt the ·winners. 'PRETT·Y PICTURES' Collection of. some of the finest work of 0 rang• County and other· Southland professionol photographers in an exhibit coordinated by Professional Photo9rophers West. BEST OF THE DAILY PILOT You'll remember these ... some of the best news, sports and human interest ·pictures by DAILY PILOT staff photographers, put together in on exhibit which explains how phota< ore published. F·OTORAMA WINNERS Top winner from each of the three weeks of Fotorama Camera Contest ••• Pick the one you like best from among ·these three award-winning photos by am1teurs. You coukl win 1 prize for voting. -. '. SEE 'LIVE' NEWS PHOTOS Get •n ed itor'1-eye-¥iew of the Un ited Pres1 lnternetionel Unif1x, the .me~hine th.t electronic•hy reproduces "wire photos'' from where¥er in the world news is h1pp1nin9,' FotorAme'1 Unifex .wln be t ied into the UPI network 10 you'll see the pictures at the seme instant they're .arriving et the DAILY PILOT pl•nt. And you'll be tuned in, also, to chatter among photo ecUto1'1;,fto'M1throughout the United St•tes es they argue for priority "on the wire" for their· pictures. Installation Courtesy of: United Press International Pa cific Telephone Company • PICK A · PICT,URE • $1, 100 in 'Sound' Prizes! • YOU COULD WIN! 26 PRIZES FURNISHED BY . RADIO KOCM THE GRAND PRIZE Stereo console with .FM/AM radio, FM multiplei and stereo record player-$359.95 value. . . NEXT 2 PRIZES Eoch winner gets FM/ AM portable ' rad io with built-in cassette playback and recording unit -$109.95 value. NEXT 3 PRIZES Each winner gets FM/AM "cube" cl~k radios $29.95 value. NEXT 20 PRIZES Each winner gets five stereo record elbums by top recording artists-approx. $25.00 value, 'All Thi's Plus FREE "JOHNNY MATHIS" Records Distributed Daily! ALL FREE --3 BIG DAYS --AUG. 21, 22, 23 Open Thursday and Saturday, .10·5:30 Dciy and Night ·Friday ( 10. a.m.·9 p.m.l ' ' ~ FASHION .J ISLAND 1 , •• ""----' ""'" HEWl'OB.T CEHTEB. ~-~;1 . ' . -. ----------------·-----~-~-------------------------------------~---------~~~-------~ ---~ -.. • ' • - ., """'· "'""" '· l 969 -· • • .. . • DAILY Pit.OT l.t A Complete Guitfe ••• Wbe l e to · go • •• What to do • •• Circus Comes to County ' .. Doze ns of Acts to Make U~S. Debuts at Anaheim ' THREE HILARIOUS Cl OWNS PLAN FUN FOR AUD IE NCES ' ' Dozens of new acts will be making their American debuts when Ringling Bros. and Barri.um and Bailey Circus opens a six-day run in the Arena at the Anaheim Convention center tonight. Europe's famous 33-year-old animal trainer, Gunther Gebel-Williams with his tigers and elephants will be one of the headllners along with Hungary's Mazan Duo, aerial acrobats; Swilzerland's high wire perfonners., Pio Nock and Com- pany; the Seven Andon and Seven Donevl, tumblers and acrobats; Elena Ben Said's Bird Revue, featuring doves and parrots; Jeanette Williams and Sigrid Gebel, two (If the continent's outstanding horsewomen and the ski-high swinging of the Five Christos. Other acts perfonning for the first time in this country are: The Great Fat- tini, clown prince of the stratospheric sway pole; Swit.zerland's Golden Goddess of the single trapeze, Isabelle; Sweden's high · wire artists, the unbelievable Lindstroms; Britain's Baroness of Balance, Rogana; Bulgaria's Kristo and Raina balancing act, and Rudy Lenz with his chimps from Holland. Other acts 'Which will dazzle the au- diences at the arena include jugglers, a dog act, a team of unicyclists, balancing Sets, teeterboard perfonners and the largest collection of clowns in years, with a ~hole brand new VOOP of laughmakers Car rier Si:~pso1i Shows He Can Read Lines Like;1D.e fenses -ay ;~NSCMT VPl ,....,,.....~,._...tllt HOLLV.WOOQ"'-"The buzzer rang for silence on the MGM l!Ound stage and the director called" for action ir.. a tensely dramatic bosJ>;ital seene. Into the brtjht lights walked a young man playing an All·American football star. The . actor was singularly con- vincing. He should l>e·. His name· is 0.J. Simpson, the 1968 Heisman TroJ>bY wbiner and one of the most heralded college gridiron heroes of the century. Producer Frank Glickman h I r e d iimpso~, 11ot so inuch for publicity _ilUtpOSeS, as in the :ecent Joe Namath '.ilm festivities. He 1eeded an actor who ~uld play fOotball ~r a football .player who could act · the ~art. The role calls a fengthy football se· o. '· 11Mr H quence, and viewers of the new show, "Medical Center," are too bright to believe some preltl', boy actor could take the, pounding of a breakaway ball carrier. Jitfore hiring O.J., Glicksman gave him 1. scene to memorite and perionn before frozen-f8ced MGM and CBS executives. • "We never doubted for a minute he would be convincing an the field," one of the bosses said. "But we were absolutely dt!llghted with his natural acting style." O.J ., more slender than he appears in tnlform, compared football with acting: WEEK.ENDER INSm E FEATtJRES Those umy comedians, Rowan and Martino started their joint mo- tion picture careers. with a ten- minut. film In support of U.S. Savings Bonds. See the story and picture on Page 2S. Travel Pip %1 (jukle to Fu1 Page H filtmn.Jsafon Page n Oat 'N' About P .... Z'1·1t MGM Movie Scl!iedale P•ce n Knott'1 Bttry Farm i Pap n Gulde to Movies f· Page It Crotnonl 1'11W. . Pap It A1Uf Heywood'• Carter Page It CQaom~I~ -Pap ll ... P11e It TV VleWI Pqe II Televl~ .. Log· ' • Page II w. 1c. F"ftld1 rm1va1 Pace ai Rests l'llDliln Sbow Pqe 32 la lite GaUerlt1 Page n "It's easy for me to identify with the role - a college football star in his senior year who is getting near the hlg money. "I played that part last year at USC myself. "Acting and font ball both depend on concentration and discipline. Reading a 1ine from the script is like breaking through the scrimmage line and heading into the secondury. There are variations and options. "Jn the beginning 1 was just reading lines. In .high school I just got the ball and ran. But it's how you read th e lines, and how you read the defenses that make all the difference." Simpson is articulate and r.elaxed. He has an easy grin and a high likeability quotienl "When I'm on the field I put myself in • particular frame or mind to gain a rhythm for the whole game. The same is true of acUng." Sim~n also credited actress Cycely Tyson, "·ho plays his wire in this episode of the new 60-minute series, with helping him a hundred dUferent ways. Proof that Simpson's name value wasn't uppermost in the minds of the men who hired him is that the athlete must carry most of the dialogue and the dramatic scenes. It's no plact for a big, dumb athlete. Simpson's acting talent appears to come to him as easily as carrying a pigskin. There Is candor in his brown, ex- pressive 'lyes .. His face is the color of a Hershey bar and free of hostility. "I can't force myself to hate anybody or anything," O.J. said. "I don't try. And I sure couldn't hate a whole race. "From the time I began playing foot- ball and baseball I played on racially mixed teams in San Francisco. You don 't think of a man's colorwhen he's blocking for you or if you're waiting on third ba&e hoping for a hit la bring YQll home. "I'm an individual. I think for myself. And I judge people as I meet them. Good men conie in all colors. So do the bad ones." Pennario Sets NY Performance Leonard Pennario, favorite soloist with HollJW<>O!! Bowl audiences . in many ~ certs, will appear with the New York Philbannonlc la the Bowl on Sepl Sth. The New York Phllharmoolc, Selji Osawa, conductor, will play the Jast two coocerta of the seam, on Sept. -tlh and 6th, taking over from the Los Angeles Philharmonic, which bill have left tor Its thrte week Japan tour. Pennariu will play the Grieg Concerto fot Piano and OrcbeslrL O.J. has no P1ans to become an actor. At least not at this time. Sports buffs Will be hippy to lei.rn that Simpson is determined to play football this season in Buffalo, the pro team which drafted him. "I'm sure something will be worked out SG I can play football in Buffalo," be said. 1'1 certainly bGpe so. I ·hope the financial negoliatons don't give the impression I just want to get out of playing there. That isn't true. I simply want to make the best deal possible." (Since this in~ terview 0. J. has signed with Buffalo and is at training camp with the team.) "If I don't~p1ay football, there are ether things I can do. Right now I have a three- year contrad-to do promoUon work for Chevrolet." O.J. grinned broadly. "But I want to play professional football with the big boys. It's one thing to be a coUege flash. It's something else to get out there with the pros· and know you 'can play against them." Simpson takes pride In not blowing his cool on the field. Neither does he get nervous in front of the cameras. "Nobody's uptight on this show," he ex- plained. "And I'm relaxed on the field . It has to be that way or you can't do your best." The best tesUmonial to O.J. came frcm the show's sound man: "You can alway• tell an amateur on the set by the, terror in his voice. But Simpson's a natural. Ht sounds like he's acted all his We." LeRoy, Recorded Complete Score , of '13 Clocks' Producer-director Mervyn LeRoy has recorded the complete 11 c ore o~ "The 13 Clocks," composed by Academy Award winners Richard M. and Robert B. Sherman, alth~gh the mulU.miJ.Uon. dollar Warner Bros.-5even Artl motiOn picture musical is not scheduled to begin lilming unlil later !his year. · LeRoy used a temporary cast of slngera and a small orchestra to tape the number• u a guide only for him and his production staff la otud)'ing the many characters and In planning aets, costume., choreography and e Ye n camera ldw for apeclal effects in act. vance of fllmlng. ''The 13 Clocks'' 11 a mu1lc1l adap- taUon of Jama Thurber's story. A. J. Carothers hu wrltten the screenplay for the film . . The Sherman brothert won Oscar• for their 11Mat)r Poppins'' musical 1COre. 'I .I ---------------------------·--------. to share the stage with some of the old fa vorites. · In addition there will be five new musical spectacuJars which will be spoUighled by the 99th edllion of "Riding High!' depicting the ezcltement and -hilarity of the hunt. "Garden in the Sky," takes 32 beautiful girls, in flower carts, high above the arena to perform. a breathtaking aerial -ballet, while in "Twas the Night Before Tomorrow" a young lad .falll! asleep and dreams of every child's f a v or i t e storybook characters. Suddenly they all blend ihi.o a 'look· at the world tomoITOW with moon creatures aiid strangers from outer space calling. · "Saf~,'' .a jungle journey, fe8tures clowns, pretty girls, witch doctors and ... three herds of performing elephants, and the final musical act, "Be a Clown,'' is a glorious grand finale to the Celebrated Congress of Clowns and the whole com· pany. Many of the" acts were acquired bY the cwners of "The Greatest Show on Earth" when they pyrchased the prestigious 1~ year-old Williams Circus of Europe of which Gebel-Williams was the star. There will be two performances dally with three l!lhows an Saturday. Tickeb, $2~ are available at the box office and most ticket agencies. Children under 12 get II discount for Monday through Yiednesday perionnances. CLOWN COLLEGE GRADS .. .~unn ymen Get , , Q.o~'s 'Degree' ~ loVa15le; laugh8bte funny mtn of J the clrcu.s) the magnificent clowns, now have a training l!ICbool to letrn ,their ·trade. , ", Irvin Field, president ol O...·Ringling Bros. and Barnum and ·wiey Cil'CUI • which -opens tonight la . the Anaheim ConvenUon center Arena, realized what creaUvity goes into the w,ork of the clowns '-When they are out In the center rin& and •how much !llent It !ates la gei people la laugh' at the characterlutlolll of hiinwi beinp. As a result lhe circus opened 1 unique ochool laat fall -the Big Show's Collep of Clowna. It Is the fll'lt and only !raining program for clr<us fuMymen. Succellful graduates are making their professional debuts In· lhe performances 1t-lhe-Arthl In Anabtlm. MIK E GAUT IE R RIDES A PONDEROUS PACHYDERM Trainer Teams Enemies Of Jungle for Big Act Gunther Gebel·Williams, for several years, has been the st8r of · the 150-yeilr old traveling Williams Circus of Europe which was recently purchased· by the owners of-Uie""'Gffitest Siiow on Earth." Generally r~gnlzed as one of the most gifted animal trainers in circus history, he has an ability to talk lo the animals - and they seem to. talk back to him -to the delight of the audiences. He synchronizes tigers, elephants and horses intG a bitarre and breathfall:ing ballet thus revealing his multi·sided domination over: the animals and their amazing response to the master of the animal kingdom. In a steel-meshed cage in the center ring, Gebel-Williams presents natural en- emiu of the jungle-elephant and tiger- working in absolute harmony and 'teamworlt:He 'tops the"act with the dilul- ing· stunt of riding on the back of a mighty Bengal tiger; that is, in turn, !landing on the back of a gigantic elep'hant. · This il!I a feat never before attempted by any animal trainer in the world. and ff, took years to perfect. : "Only people who understand bow much-elepha,nts~fear-beasts of prey will realize how much time and eUort weiiC into the act," he explained. "I must be very careful that the tiger makes no unexpected movements whicti might panic the elephants. In India; about 20 percent of all young elephants are slain by Ugers and the two elephan1' seem to sense that." Not one to stand an single laurels, Gebel-Williams also controls three rings of educated elephants, using no.asai!tant.s and without toucht:ng the h u g 4 pachydenns. He rules them merely with vocal commands to give a performance that makes circua history. " ' Arid then to toinptete hls repu~tloil!q ' a, triple threat man of the · three ttnl:s.. GeDel·Wllliams puts a cagt£u1 of snarti.JJI tigers through Uieir paces for one of ~ , mGSt unbelievable wild anJmal acts aeeq anywbere in the world today. ~ • . '! • ' Weekend Highlights i " ANG EL BASEBALL -The Ange1s"will be playing at Ana· heim Stadium, 2000 State College Blvd., Anaheim ior the next i JO ,days. On August 1>18 they will 'meet Cleveland and will • take 'on Bal\imore August' 19-21' and . Qetroli' on · August 22-24. , nckets at the Stadium or at most ticket agencies and brancJ>.es I of United California Bank. KNOTT'S BE RRY FARM ...'. 'niere Is entertainment in the Wagon Camp area of the Farm this weekend planned to appeal 1 c ,to the young and to those with good.memories.Tonlgbt a young Dixieland Band from Newport Beach, called "The Seven Card Stud" will perform, and Saturday wtll find the "Sens or the Pioneers" smgfng at \II• ume. spot.. Many of tl)e hlls that blV9 ; · ·made .lllem.-a standout since 1934 win be beard. Showt" 11'8 ! acbeduUd for 7, 8:30 and 10 p.m. Knott's Is localed on Beech Blvd. two miles south Of the Santa Ana Freeway in' Buena Park~ ~ • PICNIC -The Social Arts Week celehrjled each year In Costa Mesa gets off to ·a tine start on Sunday with the Old Timers-New Timers Picnic in Costa Mesa City Park. A f\ne chance to renew old acquaintances and make some new -lrlends.~starts·at 8'8.m. and•goes ta sundown,· ~ • • • • ' ' . l • • ·, ff DAJl.Y PU.OT Mesa Sets Arts Week AuC. U ANGEL BASEBALL -Ill Ille Anabelm Stadium, 2000 State College Blvd. Anaheim. All night games are at I p.m.; day games start ~t I p.m. Tickets avaltable at all Ucket agencies and the box office. Phone J-633-2000. Angels vs. Cleveland Aug] LI, JI (N); t7 (D), 11 IN); Ballimou, Aug. l&.Zl (N); Detroit, Aug. 22 (N), 23-24 (D). AUG. JS.ti KNOT'J"S BERRY FARJ\1 -Entertainment at Knoll's this weekend begins Fri., with a young Dllleland Band from Newpori-Beach called "Tht Seven Card Stud" playing shows at 7, 8:30 and 10 p.m. Saturday will find the ''Sons of the Pioneer•" a1nging the hits that made them famous at the aame show houn. All of the shows Lake place in the Wagon Camp at the Fann which is located on Beach Blvd., two miles IOUth of the Santa Ana Freeway in Buena Park.. AUG. 15 .zt CIRCUS -Anaheim Convention Cenltr, 800 Weal KattUa Ave., Anaheim, will be the tent for the "Greatest Show on Earlh" when Jllnillllg Bros. and Barnwn and Ball<y Circus pmenbl the 99lh ediUon of lhelr show Aug. ~IO. Trained animaJa, trapeze and hilh wire art!Jts, musical spectlcles, clowns and m u c h, much more will be on Ult proaram. There will be two performanca eacb day with thttt on Sat. Tickets, $Z ~ '5 available at the Arena . office and all ticket agencies. Children under 12 1et $1. dJSCOunt for all performances EXCEPT Fri. night and weekends. AUG. 1$-17 FJESrA -The third annual Poor Clare GuHd Fiesta will be staged Aug. 1>17 on !he grounds of St. Barbara's Church at Euclid and McFadden in Santa Ana. Food, rides, games and prizes will be more pJenU!ul than ever befatt. Sponsors of Ille Fiesta will use funda r.aed to asaisl Ille Poor Clore nuns in payiq off the $14$,000 debt f« the day can nursery operated by the nuns. Hours: • p.m. Fri., Aug. 15; noon to 10 p.m. Sal and Sun., Aug. II, 17. AUG. 15·24 1 LAGUNA FESTIVAL OF ARTS -The 34th annual F.,. Uva! of Arts and Pageant of !he Masl<n ~ being held at the Festival grounds and Irvine Bowl, 650 Laguna Caoyoo Road, Laguna Beach, through Aut. 24. nckets for the Pageant of the Masten, if aYailable, are on aale al the box olflce daily, 10 a.m. • 5 p.m., and include admission to the grounds. Si.na:le admission to the grounds to see the artists' exhibits Is 50 cents ror adults, aod 10 cents for children. Hours: noon to midnight daily. Phone $1145 for additional Wor- mallon. AUG. 15·11 SAWDUST FESTIVAL -The third annual Sawdusl Festival bl beln( held In the IOO block of Laguna Canyon .Road, Laguna Beacli U>rougb Aug. ll, aponsored by Ille Laguna Ar• Uata and Gallery O..n<n AssociaUon. Over 100 artJsta and craft.men will diapla)""their work aod talent from 10 a.m. to midnlgbt. Admission free. AVG. 15-ll - ·; ART·A..YAIR -The arU and crafts of 70 craftsmen are ' on ulllbit at the outdoor art show, sponsored by Lagwia Beach Fine Arts Alsocl>tioo, 346 N. Coast Jligbway, Laguna BMcb, through Aug. 24. Open Mon . .IJb.urs. 11 a.m.-10 p.m.; , Fri., Sal 10 a.m. to midni&bt ; Sun. 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Tbe ad· : mtsston dW'ge ii 25 celllJ; wllh childten under ll admitted Cree. Sup ticket with unl1mlted admlssicm;, $1. Phone fM-LSlt for information. • • ,_ • f I l ' • l • l • ' I l ' I ' ' . l . ' ' I AVG. ts ·It DISNEYLAND SHOW -SonCr01S Bobble Gentry and plan- lst Jqer Williams will be appearinc Mon.-Fri. on Tomor· rowland stage through A111. 22. Show limes ar< I and 10 p.m. nlghUy. SUnday b country music jubilee nilhl with Ferlln Holli)', the Geezimbw Brothers and Sue Thompson, .Aug. 11, at 5, 7 and 9 p.m. The Brooklyn Bridge will be on ·the Tt'J'TliCe Aue. 15. Shows at i and 11 p.m. AUGH-lt HORII!: RACING -Quarter Horse Racing Is ocheduied nWtUY, ocepl Sunday at Loe Alamitos Race Course, 4981 Katella Ave., IM Alamitos:, First poat time is 7:45 With nine · races each evt;nl111. Phone 1-527-2231. AUG. 11 TEEPi CLUB DANCE -The Westminster Recreation and Parka Department will bokl a Teto Club Dance in the com- munity Center, S200 Westminster Ave., (for \Yestminster Teens) each Sat. from a p.m. to mldnighL Admis.sion, SI. for members, $1.50 for non-members. "The Special Blend'' band will play for dancinJ. AUG. II -SEPT. 11 HORSE RACING -'a._e Del Mar Race Track, Highway JOI at the lntersecUon ol"lnterstate Highway 5 in DtJ Mar . has thoroughbred horse racing daily except Sundays (and Tuesd_,, Sept. 2) through Sept. JI. Nine races daily with post time, 2 p.m. $15,000 Bing Crosby Handicap Sat., Aug . 16; $15,000 Cabrtllo Handicap. Fri., Aug. 22. Phone (714) 1·~1141. AUG. U • SEPT. 15 PADUA R11LS PLAY -The Padua Hills Theatre ls pre-- senting "Harvest FestiYal in Jguala" with authentic music and dances from Mexico. through Sept. 15. at 2:30 and 8:30 p.m. Wed. through Sat. Adjoining the 300 seat air-conditioned theater is the Padua dining room where the players entertain during lunch and dinner. Mexican and American food is serv- ed daily. except Mon. Padua Hills is located on Padua Ave., three miles north of Foothill Blvd. in Claremont. Phone ]-. AUG. 17·1S SOCIAL ARTS WEEK -The fifth annual Social Arts Week jn Costa t.fesa wiU open Sun., Aug. 17, with Old Timer-New Timer Picnic in Costa Meu City Park from a a.m. to sun- down; Mon. -Family Spaghetti Feed and playground enter· tainment in the Community Recreation Center at the Fair· grounds lrom 5:30 ~ 1.30 p.m. -all you can eat -75 cents for adults, 50 cents for children ; Tues. -Senior Citizen's Day at the Community Recreation Center with card toW1U1- ments Crom I to 5 p.m. followed by chicken dinner ; Wed. - City "Pops" vs. Playground All-Stars softball game at Te- 4 Winkle Park at I p.m.; Thurs. -Crafts Day tor children ( 6 to 12 years ; Fri. -city wide Checker Tournament, in ) 1 • divisions for children under 10 and those 11·14, from 11 :30- 3:30 p.m. at the Recreation Center. Additlonally ~ will JI be an Aquatics Show at Estancia High School at 7:30 p.m. Thurs., and Fri. Students 25 cents, adults 50 cents. The Play- ,. house Awards Dinner Daoce at the COila Meaa Country Club J will be held Sal., Aug. !3. Reservations are necessary. Phone I BM.-. f AUG. ZI STORY lJOUR -Every Thurs. the Laguna Beach Library, 36.1 Olenntyre, Laiuna Beach, conduct! a story hour for chlldren two and one-hall to five yean:. It starts at 9:30 a.m. AUG. !l STORY HOUR -The Cosla Me sa Library , 566 Ctnter St., Col!ta Mesa, holds a story hour for children each Thurs. at 10:30 a.m. AUG. It WESTMINSTER JUNIOR DANCE -The Junior Teen Club of Westminster invites all seventh and eighth grades living ln Westm1nsttt to 1tttnd tht.lr activities wbleb include a danoe most Frt. ni1t11.1 7:*1 lot:,.,, at the Westminster C.orn· munlty Ct.nttt, DlO Weatmlnster Avt. "Cloud 5" mualcal group wlii play lor !he final summer dance Alli. 22. Adml> Travel ·~at French ~Jn T-ahiti • By STAN Dli~A~l.ANI .. ISLANDS.UNDER-THE·WIND-A tourist a&en- cy man in Tahiti said 10 1ne: "If we could only have tourist business without the tourisle banane -the banana tourist." (The group tour. It's the !irst time they've seen a growing banana.) Jn Fiji: "I dread the day when air fares come down and the mob moves in.'1 IN A BREEZY, open-air bar in Papeete, the sun splashing gold over the evening sky and the black peaks of Moorea: "Henri? Oh1 he c~dn't take it anymore. Jets coming in two or three tunes a day -do you know bow many traffic lights we have between here and the airport? "He and his vahine moved up to one of the other islands." Rehearsal Break in Laguna • So \Vt caught a thundery old DC-4, and a French pilot with a huge beard and bush jacket flew w to the Islands-Under·The-Wind. Production stafiers pause for a break in the rehear- sal for "Sound of Music". which will be produced in Jrvine Bowl, Laguna Beach, September 5. 6, 12 and 13. From left are Lynn Morris, choreographer; Eu- gene Ober. 1nusical director, and Kent Johnson, stage direc tor. Marni Nixon and Alan Bergman co- star in the Rodge rs and Hammerstein musical classic. A full orchestra will recreate the music. ' * You eat well in the French islands. But'ler from Normandy. Crusty French bread baked by Chinese -it's a Government subsidy. (O n faraway Bora Bora the 2000 islanders e't 1700 loaves a day . l11te1•Haission THE WINE COMES from France, the rum from sugary Martinique. The local grapefruit are the size of a cannon ball. SCR Seeking Broader Base NDbody works very hard. The maid puts a ~h~t on your bed. Borrows a cigarette and smokes 1t sit· ting on the floor. "There 's so much work," &he sighs. I! you land in Iron House, the jail, they let you go home weekends. By TOM 'l'ITIJS Of .. OlllY P'lltt Sllll Like a painter stepping back to rt-- fleet on his work from a distance, the directors of Co!ta Mesa!s prestigious South Coast Repertory company are tak- ing a long, hard look at thenuelves and their artistic product. The' primary ob]ecUvc, as set down by SCR execuUYe director DaYid Em· mes, ls to come up with productions which cany • potentially wider com- mercial appeal -such as an upcoming musical comedy, "A Funny Thing Hap- pened on the Way to the Forum." Emmes, who hal guided the fortunes of the company since its inception more than four years ago, is quick to point out that this apparent change of d.irec· tion \, Mt tanta- mount to a "selling out" of tbe lofty goab he and oU>er SCR pioneers set lor thtmselvea when they movtd their operatlao out ol Em- ma' 1ara1e a n d into the tiny Second s t e p 'lbelter j n DAVID aMMIS Newport Beach. Rather, Jt ls a bid for a broader base or support among the theater's Orange Coast audience, which In the final analysis will determine the company's succea or failure "We are sWI trying to stimulate as well as entertain," Emmes explains. "Some artistic plays are more commer· cial than others, more suited to our aud- ience. Our future productions will have the same artistic justification, but will oner a wider appeal. "THE NEW THEATER made us deal more realistically" he continued, refer- ring to the company's big move two )'ears ago from the 9G-seat Second Step Switch to Movies to its present home in do\vntown Costa Mesa where 200 patrons may be seated comfortably. Profits jumped at the Third Step. but lhe fina~ial and technical dif· ficulties of production multiplied at an even larger rate. "Our overhead is three limes as great at the .Third Step," the SCR director notes. "Sets whi ch cost about $100 to construct in Newport now run up to $800. The last two years we 've been treading water, paying off our bills and getting used to a larger operation. H's t.aken us up to now just to get back on our feet." Emmes fondly reca\IB U1e early days at the Second Step -Which so1nehow seem more lhan lour years in the pasl. "It was a period or very exciting crisis. We were all staying up 20 hours to \1·ork on our shows and selling an impossible pace. Of course, we were all younger then ... " It was at this matchbox playhouse, now occupied by the Open End Theater Workshop, that the company built ils enviable reputation of producing con· sistently top quality entertainment. Even the experimeilal dramas such as "Choc- olates" and "The Trial of Gabriel Kap- uniak" weie attacked with the sa me artistic gusto that went into such classics as "Othello" and "The Glass ~1ena· gerie," and tbese more obscure works fared better for it. THE CAVERNOUS Third Step has magnified the cymbal clash of a re- sounding hit such as "A Streetcar Named Desire" or "Death of a Sales- 1nan," but the dull thud or a turkey ("Big Soft Nellie," "La Turista '') \'eighs heavier in a 200-seat auditorium. "Our problem now is finding plays that people want to see and that we want to do," Emmes summa rizes. "\Ve're not 'selling out,' but we must make our theater more commercial from lhe view- point of entertainment." An indication Of this tack come with the announcement of SCR's first four productions of the 1969-70 season. The opening _play will be the West Coast premiere of Joseph Heller's "We Born~ ed in New Haven" -but completely localized to fit into an Orange County format. "Bombed" will be followed by "Fun- ny Thing Happened ,'' and then by "Joe Egg," anothe r critcial success. Alter that, the company wil mount a revival of "The Glass Menagerie," one of its most impressive producls from the Sec· ond Step days,.and will alternate it with "Spoon ruver Anthology," which re· cently aired ta critical huzzahs on tele· vision. ALSO PLAf\"NED FOR the repertory group's sixth season are shorter runs with more dark lime between produc· tions for preparation and polish. Com- pany workshops will be reactivated with a renewed emphasis on training o{ younger actors. SCR 's high school pro- gram, initiated with daytime perform- ances of "Death of a Salesman" last season, will be expanded. "Duting our first two years at the Serond Step we were building momen- tum . and our energies were geared ti>- ward acquisition or the Third Step," Emmes explains. "In these last two years in the larger theater we have been trying to get a gauge on our en· vironment. to ~ee what's going to work, l-lopefully, we have a more mature per· spective now ." However, as far as "what will work" along the Orange Coast, all the returns aren't in yet. SCR's two biggest money· makers in the new theater have betn "The Time of Your Life" and "Ameri· ca, Hurrah" -philosophically at op- posite ends of the pole. But maybe that 's the secret. * \Vant to bring a little Tahiti home? (Put a jas· mine flower behind your ear: Right ear, "One is taken." Left ear, "One is looking around.") Now, take three pounds of raw tuna. Juice of three limes. Put the Jiine juice on the tuna and put in the refrigerator for four hours. This cooks it. Chop a little onion, green pepper and carrot into it. Top it with a spoonful of coconut milk -you get it canned and frozen in gourmet shops. (This is not the water in the coconut. It's the cream squeezed out of grated fresh coconut meat.) * "We1ve seen paintings of T1hitl glrls don• on black velvat. Do you buy those i n T1hitl?" Those were done by Leeteeg. Great talent, great taste for rum. Poor Leeteeg ran his scooter into a bridge and killed himseU, and I doubt there's an original painting in the islands. Some copies in the International Market in Honolulu. * ''What do you think of Tahiti for a man, 30, willing to give up my iob and enou9h money to l11st six months?" Most of them are bored out of their minds In a couple of months. That beachcomber's life with the lovely vahine is something of a myth. The French don't want you just running around bare- foot. You have to leave after six moDths anyway unless you have such special talent or invested money they have to have you. The vahine is t here. But she has the outlook of a rive-year-old, and most men are screamJng wild after a few 'veeks of two-plus-two conversation. You should hear some of them I've talked to. * "Can we invest in the South P11cific? Wh•t do you think of the opportunities?" Dick and Dan Bet on 'Maltese' Bippy You can now. Used to be the French colonial gov- ernment wouldn't let you in even if you sprayed dollars. Now I've seen some attractive folders on investments. Write Office of Development of Tour- ism, Papeete, Tahiti . * There are new airlines coming in. Fares ere sure to be lower. Lats of islands that haven't been touched. Big, sunny atolls \Vith warm water lagoons. Rowan and Martin are the nr~_.,..,...,.,.,.....,.,....,,... la(est in a long list of television stars looking for a niche in the moYle hall of fame . If they make the transition, and their first slab Is a wayout MGM comedy called "The Maltese Bippy." tbe team will be in select com- pany. Steve McQueen did it. So did James Garner. But add one or two other names and the list is depleted. The first sea10n Dan Rowan and Dick .Martin scrambled to make "Laugh-In'' a succtss, they were too bu sy to think about movie careers as. the series soartd from 4ltl} to first place in the ratlngs within a matter o( weeks. Then, four Emmy Awards later and into their second year. they be1an to con- template their futuret in entertainment. "We knew the serie s wouldn 't run forever ," says Dan. "We didn't want It to. Yet w·e turned down several lucrative movie offers ... They had learned an lm· portanL leuon watching other TV stars nlake ml.stakes in similar matters. They would not film a cloema version or "Laugti·ln " and they wouldn 't appear In 1 quickie productiOl:'.I txploilin& lMir popularity. ROWAN AND MARTIN IN WILD ROLES "Maltese Blppy" Comedy of Werewolves Bonds. "1 gave at home ." he replied In a light-hearted cf. fort to conserve his lime. . In rt'ply to his query, Enders was assured the fihn c;ould h a v e entertainment value as Y.'ell as deliver 11 me'ssage and thal he could have any star he 'A'Onled tor the project. aboul their picture plans, and they said none of the generous offers they had received ' guaranteed top.night artistlc qua lity." r Enders ran to tht" phone and called producer E v e r e t t Fretman. asking if he still had a property he had written ti· tied "The Incred ible Were .... ·olf Aturdt'rs." Freeman said yes and Enders hung up y,ithout an explanation . star in thr~ quality pict ures for MGM release. "The Incredible Werewolf Murders" was litle.(:hanged to "The Maltese Bippy" and planned as the first project. And that's how movies are • seldom made in Hollywood. * No income tax. And investors get exemption from a lo t of general taxes and custom fees. French Polynesia no doubt will take off suddenly like Ha- waii. And we'll all be sitting around moaning about t he good old days. Auwc ! NEWPORT BEACH IS FAMOUS FOR A LOT OF THINGS! One of which is NEWPORT PRODUCE. but more important ..• MR. ARGYLE CAMPBELL, SKIPPER AND MR. TOM PURCELL. CREW. They are representing the U.S.A. in the Junior Seil Boat Racin9 Chempion1h ip in Bermud•, Aug ust 16th thru Au9u1t 23rd. They're both seasoned sailors •nd we wish them e lot of luc~. We're confident they'll put Newport ''on the map." If they win, well give them e beautiful basket of fruit end ovr flower 1hop will give them both e do:ten rose5! For Our Customers. We Hne These Low Price Goodtnt ··········~··················~ • SANTA ROSA • CllSP-GlllN • rrs 11Ull '• •• • LARGE PLUMS • CELERY • FRESH GARLIC• llQo IUNCHH W IN IULIC 8 • 15«1b. : 1 QC btioch : 1 OC11o. : • • 8 l lf!Mt -I LIS:. • Utdt -6 Medtct: a U.ft _ J Lii. • • Witt! Thlt. Ct11pt11 a Wl9' Tiils c .. ,.. • WI"' Tiiis c..,._ • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• -CoupoM Expire A ..... 20ttt - Yo"' d;n11•r h•1 +o b, ''011! of thi1 worU" ot fht10 fi110 re•l•11t111h. Tl.,., bwv the fi1101! pro· tl wco mon1v c1n buy. Th1v wort'I tttllo for 011vlhin9 el1e. n,,., '''"'"" ,.,, Oo1t. Try tho"' oMI vou'll 111! L It I H>OD S(IYICI with C 1f1ltri11 ;,, Atlo11tic Roio1rch. Iori o 0114 C0Ui111 r ~dio, NlWPOIT llACN TINNIS ClUI, IALIOA IAT CLUI, NIWPOIT HAltlOI YACHT .CtUI -•IHI •~•r 100 othon. '•*'011:!' fhtffl! How •ltotf yow tollint 1111 "ORANGE COUNTY'S FASTEST GROWING PRODUCE ORGANIZATION" . I •ion IO etnl.a. , "Not dolng a moYie was prtlerable to doing a bad ont," aays Dlclt Martin, who l'A'O years ago had a good comedy role with Dorla Day in MGM's "The Gius Boltom "Rowan and ~1artin,'' was hfs quiCk rtply. The rc511h. U!led "Rowan and Martin At The MoYits,.. was rilmed in flve hours. It rum only IC!n minutes, but received such important marquee b i 11 i n e that it drew large audiences wherever 11 ph1yed. "Ttfcn I asked Dan If he would like to watch Dick tum into a werewolf. He broke up. 1 asked Dick how he would like lo watch Dan watching him lurn Into a werewolf. They bolh broke up." :,~~~~,.NEWPORT PRODUCE . AUG. II I ' I NEWPORT .\RT f' AIR -The Newport Beach Park$, 8cacbll and Recreation Departmmt 11 havin& an Art.·A-Falr 1n the Mulnen MulUpurpoH Room on Dover DrlYe and Jrvlne Avt. Aug. za ln>m 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Projects made • bf chlldrtn 5 lhroogh 12 ytal'I durlna the summer arts and :· crafts provam1 will be Clhlbltcd. Open to the public, no •d· million dlaree. ' -r Boat". Producer Robt.rt Endera pick.'! up the Jtoty here. lte wu preparing tevtral proJ- ettJ for MGM whtn studio erecutlves asked him to pro- ~ • Tttaaurr Department 11hort prOfnotlna s a v i n g s .. Whtie we ~:ere making the mort." Enders recells, "I knew lht!re was a big market for a Rowan and Marlin · nlovie. I asked Dan Md Dick PHONI! 67U71S 2616 N..,.port Blvd. on Th~ Ptnlnaula "32 Y11ar oJ Pf-oducf K·11ow Hoio'' "\Vht rt Quality ls TM Order Of tht llollle" \Vhile Dan and Dick fell down laughlnjl, F r c e m a n • Enders Productions was born. A few days later, a dc11-I was , signed for the comedy team to!..;:;;;;;..,.._ __ , __ _.,....,, • .., .. .., ...... .,,""""'••••••••••••" I . -- Frtdq, A119usl l.S, 1969 OUT 'N' ABOUT By 1 NORM STANLEY ORANGE COUNTY'S RESTAURANT, NIGHT C.LU 8 AND ENTERTAINMENT SCENE Charles Bistro Farw;y a restaur::i.nt with touches of Parts, New Orleans and San Francisco. Which is exec.Uy what you'll find at the intimate and chanµmg new Charles Bistro in Corona del Mar. In the main an authentic recreation of the bis-. tros so deservedly popular in the French capital, Charles manages at the same .tirn.e to conv~y an atmosphere reminiscent of distinctive spots m the two U.S. cities. Perhaps more than anything it's a quality of elegance te~Y informality. ~ CONVERSATION ART owner George Charles Heinrich, who also ~r­ ates the Captain's Inn at the Long Beach Manna, has utilized several collections of paintin:is in !he decor that are bound to keep conversation gomg Jong after dinner is over. The dining room walls display nu~e works of art exemplifying the eternal beauty of woman and her many and changing moods. The artist, Vivian Burtchby of Laguna Beach, is a noted painter of nudes and portraits. Exhibited in the downstairs ''Zinc" bar is a serie.s of bawdy paintings that combine the crafts· 'manship and ribald sense of humor of Allan Wood, who enjoys a national reputation as the last of the great saloon artists. Originally known for his cartoon work in Col- liers the Saturday Evening Post and other period- icals', Wood later went into oils depicting the lusty, busty girls of the lBllO's like those on view in Le Blslro's lounge. We Jearntd, incidentally, the term "Zinc" was the name applied to the bar section of Parisian bis- tros in the late IBOO's. At that tijne libations were served on a plain counter.top covered with a thin sheet of zinc. DELANEY'S Retl Cantonese Food e1t here or t•k• homt. STAG CHINESE WINO 111 21st pl., Newport Beach ORiole 3-9560 Ope• Y .. lr••H' Dolly 12·12 -FrL _. s.t. *II I e.111. Entert•inment Nightly Tu•sday through Saturday THE FABULOUS DICK SEAN * BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 450 * SERVIN G LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWLARK country club GOMER SIMS, CECIL HOUIN~SWORTH, C..0....111n 16782 GRAHAM STlm HUNTINfiTON RACH For Reservation• Call 146-1116 or 146-1416 L•11eh fro11111:JO••· Df..w fr9'll 4tJOp.t1t. Doily ._,.,, Ill...., Nltldtf NOW APPEARING RENE & BURT GROOVY COMIO Tuesday thru Saturday TONY FLORES His Songs and Guitar Sunday and Monday Niles 2607 W. C-t Hlghw1y -Newport -646-0201 MASTER CHEF OLIVER Cuisine at Charles Bistro, presided over by master chef Bjorn "Barney" Oliver. Includes a tempting array of appetizers; Charles' own soupe a L' Oignon au cognac· with Bjorn's garlic and cheese topping (individual ke!Ue $1.25, ketue for two $2); a soupe du jour and a pleasing selection of special desserts. ENTREES Among the main en\rees are a variety of ex- citing lamb dishes, from the regal crown rack of lamb, $1.1.75 for two, to old fashioned French sheep- herders stew, $4.95. Numerous fish specialties grace the list of en-- trees, including camarones rojos. a la Espanola (giant Spanish prawns), $6.45, and petrale sole a la San Francisco, $4.95. To please the beef eater Le Bistro oUers the savory file! ortega Romano, $5.95; ye old English pub short rjbs o( beef served in its own black iron kettle, $5.75; tournedos Acapulco, from south of the border, $6.45; and the ever popular New York Delmonico steak, $6.95. A new offering to local diners -to the best of our knowledg~is the Kanasas City combo, a com- bination plate including a trout saute'ed meuniere and a charcoal broiled Delmonico steak, $7. 75. All dinners include a choice of Le Bistro potato du jour or parslied spaghetti meuniere, the veget· able maison, rolls and butter, tea or coffee -and a wondrous trip to th• salad-hors d'oeuvre bar fea- turing more than 20 different Items. There is a wide selection of fresh greens and gourmet dressings; vegetable, meat and seafood salads, assorted hors d'oeuvres and relishes. A word of caution, however. Don't overdo it here at Ute expense of the remainder of your din- ift'aMois' CONTINENTAL CU!SINE Femous for FLAMING DUCK Open II :00 A.M. -Clo1ed Mond1y HUNTINGTON BEACH, CALIFORNIA 11161 BEACH ILVD. 142-1919 VILLA ROMA Spoc:lalblnt In !talion Dlna1n HAVING A PARTY, A GATHERING OR FAMILY DINNER? Our 1tand1rd special sp19hetti tJinner con1i1t1 of our tJ•liciovs m•at sauc• and m•et bells, topp•d with Im· ported parm•s•n che•se, and includes our deliciovs garlic to11t. · No cli1h11 t• w••h with our tlbpot1l>I• a!urni11u111 collfai111n. "•""" .. ....,. .. ,,.._, ... "''· 100 -$141.ot 6 -SI.JI 50 -72.11 4 -.... 25 -JI.ff 2 -2.tt 10 -14.10 I -1.41 '4'45 North Newport Boulevard, Newport leech Op•n '4 p.m. • 12 p.m. Ml 6-'4929 Open 7 D1ys ••ll11• 11 SUPERB POLYNESIAN n I Entertainment a ''We •' Frld•y & S1turd1y 8:30 P.M. -2 A.M. prombe 110• good aoul sert>lee" POLYNESIAN FOODS food DON JOSE' _,,_,,._h_ ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY Tuesday thru Sunday DANCING r.RI. AND SAT. IN THE FIESl'A ROOM Finest Mexican Food At Reasonable Prices a COCKTAILS a I 9093 E. A<llma (•I Mlgnoll1) Hunt. lllch f62·1'1 I II I n n I ner. Otherwise settle for it alone at the a la carte tab of $3.50. Tb• restaurant also provides one of the most comprehensive imported and dome.Uc wine lists that can l>e found m Orange County. And an excel· lent selec:Uon of appetizer and dessert wines by the Vass. · · Charles Bistro, located at 2325 E. Coast High· way, Corona del Mar, ~ns fOr dinner at 6 p.m., Tuesday lhrouillt Saturday, and at 5 p.m. on Sun- day. Service Friday and Saturday nights is by reservation only. Tearoon1 Turnabout Big changes are afoot in the scene that has always characterized a department store tearoom. And new dining paltems are developing in their \vake. We were introduced to some of the pace.setting innovations altering the old tearoom image during a recent visit to the May Co. in South Coast Plaza, Costa Mesa. The occasion produced many surprises. CO.EO PATRONS Gone, for instance, was the representative view of a roomful of lady shoppers eating delicate finger sandwiches and dainWy sipping tea . Women were almost equaled by the number of businessmen pres- ent, and more than a few members of both sexes were enjoying a glass of wine with lunch. In place of the one-time menu with a limited number of light offerings, today's diner in the May Co. tearoom can choose from a wide variety of items which cover the full range of appetites. And tile bill of fare provides diHerent entrees every day for as Jong as two weeks without repeating. The new operation stems from an internal man· agement decision to upgrade the food service in all stores. Top officials resolv~ to bring the quality ··'" ,.-.-~ 1~, FLING IHTUTAINMENT • 7 NlliHTS A W1U DANCING * HAP HALL DUO wllll JIM hftn M la• n. ....... MON .. TUU...WID. *lorry Lib Sinlft' Guitarla:t Re1r-Meu The1t1r S:uE::e Coste Mel8 141 L '"' It. Jd ... Newport ltftll. Dining with An Ocean View SEAFOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET EHTllEES * * * * FROM $3.25 * JESS PARKER App11rlng Nightly T-4., thn 111..t.y BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE PHONI IJ6•211!1i 317 OCIAN AYE. HUNTINCiTON IU.CH Overlooking Th• Pacific Ocean At Th• Pier -JOSEF'S-I! LUNCHEON CHUCK KEELY TRIO CANCINO NIOHTL Y FROMf P.M. SUNDAY BRUNCH 11 • 4 • 2121 I. COAST HIGHWAY AT THE JAMAICA INN DINNER 673-lllO up to the level that attracts people to any favored eating place. NEW-EXECUTIVE CHEF Toward that end they 1011gbt a highly..tllled professional to institute a program turnlnf the te. rooma into fira\.cl1S1 restaurants. Certainly one of the best in the business wu signed on in the po.- of Chris Rasmussen from Hollywood's f.,..famed Scandia. Before joining the May Co. in the newly-created post of exe<:utive chef, Rasmussen was with Scandia for 11 years, serving the last three as its executive chef. His early background includes European train- ing coupled with extensive gounnet cooking. We had an opportunity to get acquainted .with this affable Danish gentleman and his culinary su· pervision while luoching the other day. Among other things, it was a pleasure to learn that ht had once cooked at several of our favorite restau· rants in Copenhagen -most notably the 7 Smaa Hjem (7 Little Homes). WE SAMPLEO THE FARE But it was even more delighUul to partake of the food that Rassmwen oversees in his present duties. A good cross-sampling indicated a truly maj· or departure from the usual tearoom bill of fare. They were crepes delices, thin pancakes rol.led \vith Danish ham and cheese in a light cream sauce, breaded, fried and served on creamed spinach, tomato sauce, $1.45; broiled halibut, with cucumber salad in sour cream, parsley, potatoes, choice of vegetable, $1.45. And: Polynesian chicken salad, fresh Hawaiian pineapple, tender pieces of chicken, celery, loasted almonds, $1.65; beef a la Dutch, tender beef, green pepper, onion, mushrooms, served in red wine sauce, choice of potato, fresh vegetable, $1.60. Continued on Page 21 -11 R111rv1tlons: 4f4.6.174 Opln Dilly • ot wars • ··--• DINNI• • lllTAUUHT AND e suNDAY llWttCM • COCKTAIL LOUN•I e LATI SUPN• • DUtlN$ OCEANFRONT DINING, ATOP TOWERS WING Of SURF And SAND HOTE~ 1UI IOUTH COAIT HIGHWAY ~ Restaurant SCENIC MOUNTAIN/SEA ATMOSPHERI! DANCING NIOHTL Y MON. Thru SAT. .The Naturals I 6'"MoHTH Open Daily 7 am • 2 am Rn. 499°2663 31106 Coast Hwy. South LOCJuna NOW OPEN '9z88Y -AIRPORT COSTA MISA -ORANCil COUNTY AIRPORT 1262 PALISADES ROAD (7141 544-IJH Moo. ICn Sot. 11 .,,,..2 a.m-Sunday 4 p ..... 12 pAI. SERVING LATE DINNER To 12:30 AM. Mon.-Thun.-1:30· A.M. Prl.-$11, Ft1turin9 the same world·ftmou1 m•nu I lounge enjoyed. by million• for thirty-on• ye1rs at the '9zuv -ARCADIA ' HENRY'S Arr.tonnt of Spanr.Ja Food & SteaJu Exttnds A·Get.Acqutlnt•d Offer -Sl'ICIAL FAMILY NUtHTS - lo no. Jall-•-For • Llml!ICI Tlmo Only Mon., Thur1., Ftl. It Sat. Sunday Only S to ':30 p.m., I to ' p.m. MENU HINRY'S COMIO PRONTO PU. Tl IA.LAO. ell, TACO a llill alfCMIU.DA CHlatl INCMIU.DA tta, TACO, l'f.Nlltl •tc:I ,LUP'Y CMILI llllL'-INO 11•11D alAMI, TMTlu.AI ,,AMllM a1c1, 'lllllD llANt IUTTllt. '*"'*' TOii.Tiu.At. IVTfllt; C0,1111 92 .. I .2.SO FROM oui Non.a •OllDO'S DILi.HT •ow vo•w. ,.. ,,. .. ., CMl'-1 lllll.LtHO 'ILST M ....... CMICttl1f llllC"IU.OA I ff; "4fl!TllllMIMllll fllll!ID llAHll COfl,.11 IOU,., IAUO. COl'flll ,,, .... .. ,., ....... •h'lf u ..... 12 M.Wllill•e••· ....... M1~1C ' TACO. •• ,... .. •tea. MIUt ••.eo 91.M HENRY'S -RESTAURANT ...._. .. m Newpertt1.a1;al COSTA MISA 141-117' \ • ' ('j" .. 1 1' ! I DAIL\' f'ILOT" --Fr~•J, Allgusl 1.5, 196~ OPEN FOR LUNCH ~ l1:30 to 2 p.'m. .. DINNERS T ... -5:30 to 10 D llL .' -t . -·rr P.et.a ,cl ~:~: ~FRENCH RESTAURA'l'lf i · ' I ' ' \ I .. . ' ~''"'* from ·P• rr -· Bear in mlncl, though, that< some of these items are only offered every 10 'days or so. But a wide variety of sandwich. and salad ,speciall.ies iJ avail-~ 540.3641 c .... ., .... ,. ......... c ....... 1? . • • • ' .. ~-... 1-.~ .• , .. ,,\,, ..• , ... 1 ~-:-• • J r MONDAY THRU SATURDAY ·JAN· & PAUL I ' ' 37 FASllli>N ISLAND NEWPORT atmR 9-tw•n •llffu"'' & .,..... •• A"'pi. .Pendn• : 1 GRAND HOTEL l PllltMM Wi'f •· ilU(lff .W:lllU rao111 MIJll UTl GF OIMll'tt.W 2 Shows Toniglit ~ and 11 " #t:.r.t,f'fot"' PRESENTS ·coMEDIANS JNC . . HERKIE BEN STYLES BLUE MURIEL LANDERS FRAliKf ORTEGA ) iOOed Aty.iu~ SHAY DENHIS able d8ily. · ADDITION OF BEER AND WiNE Perhaps the most . une~ change that has been made in this setting is the addition of the small 1 but well-chosen wine and beer list. With its seleca lion o! cock\ail and des$0r1 )\'Ines. by the glass, white ,and red table Wine., by the ball or full bottle, and dome,stic and. jmpOrted 'beers. . . . · ·Rasml!ssen is cqrrenUy C9~µc:tlng tr~g programs for the kitchen staffs of all 17 . May Co. stores in Soutbem Califbrni@. 'J'l>;e ·new ·model 1 tea- room debuted in Costa M~ approllimately t,hree months ago. . . • · The imprestive results call for an outing to South Coast Plaza at the first chance. Love's There is welcome news for barbecue lovers. The latest restaurant in Love's wood pit barbecue ·chain has just opened at 3046 Bristol St. (just south of the San Diego Freeway), Costa Mesa. () «:.:; \) 4 And seven additional locations are already un· der way or slated to open soon in Orange County. Brea, Orange, Buena Pa,rk, Huntington Bee.ch, Garden Grove, Santa Ana and Tustin. SLOW COOKING House specialties are'c.0.S.D.A. choice meats barbecued in the old fashioned way -ribs, beef, pork , ham and chicken slow-Cooked over real wood in deep brick pits and continually basted with a savory sauce. Another feature is home-style barbecued beans, se rved in indiv!d).131 bean QOCks, that are slow· smoked right alQng with ~e meats. Luncheon spe~.als include beef, $1.30.; ham, $1.15; pork, $1.15; 'shrimp, ,$1.15; ·chicken, $1.15; pork rib, $1.50: short rib, $1.50. All are served .with toasted butter and bun, Kosher dill pickle and a choic'e of two from barbecued beans, French fries or cole,slaw. Filet Miln~n ·---------~----.....------ 'N /\BQlJ :.Il . . ~'' ... ,.~ 1• ... 'Batbecue dtrulon 'blcll14e bief, '2.75; pork, ·'2.60; ham, $1,llO; comblnot!OI> plate (beef, port, ham), $2.71.•EICh comn.wlth Iced relish tray, barbecued beaoa, Cole slaw, French fries, toasted sesame tiun, Kooher dill pieJUe, •, ! 1' , • Llgbt eat,r's spec1ali, 'with srltauer portions of the same iteinsrOli the' regular diifner ._range from 'I.SO to •1.es.•Al>d· a cbarbl!>iled steak dinner is available fol' n :ts. ' . •• ' ' TAKE OU'I' dROERS . Everything on the menu "\also can be boxed to •take out. And, if you bring it by, they'll custom barbecue your own turkey, ham, roast or chicken. Love's Costa Mesa restaurant is open seven ays a week -11 a.pi. to 11 p.m., Sunday through Thursday, and until midnlgbt Friday and Saturday. Well~pleased by meals we've eaten at Love's in Hollywood and Northridge, out 'n' abouter ts JoOk· ing forward to visiting ttie new Orange County es- tablishments. Cheapskates It's one of those:stories that makes you realize restaurant complaints aren't limited to bona fide gripes by customers. Those operating the places where we. eat are sometimes justified· in express-- Ing their dismay too. . We were told of a cilse iJi pOin,t the other day. It happened to one of_ our good friends among Costa mesa's restaurai~urs. . He is, as they saY. atcool head so we weren't surprised he let the iilcid~t-pass without t•tellink Off' the cheapskate that. wandered in. But some. one should-·10 maybe }\e-can.-be reached tbil way. We could print the man's name and really do him in lince he unabashedly offered and leh his business card. But maybe he .bas a decent family that· ~s already ~rne ¥>o much ·embarrassment trom his oontemp!uous behavior. ~ay, the set-to wa~ ·pro111pted by a little promotion.al ~rd ou~ friend. put ppt fn ~e i'1terest. of attracting new and stead.yj patrons. With pre- ·sentaUon of tht card,. the bearer , could order a .. finger length steak sandwiCli and beverage, at a total cost of ,1.35 plus tu.,~ receive a ~uplicata­ order free of charge for any.,.dining companion. PROMOTIONA~·l'l'l'M CLEAR· The c~rcl, ,mind Y.OU, clt;atJy spelled o~t that the offer was limited to the designated item. Which \ ..... ,,,lr". ...... ( ,1·\ should have bten gra1>bed up· by anyone •rocosn'1~ mg a food deal. \ Bllt,tbese twe> guys, without any visible alga.of what was to come, worked their· way through a co~ple of steaks in tbe $3.50 !an,e. IVb•n th.J waitress presented the check, skinflint himatlt• emerged. ~ · . ':J )I've. oqe. ot these," he said, whipP.ing out a card . fur' lb'•; steaj< sandwich offer. "So creduct an equlv°aJont anlountfrom my bill/' . . The "'liitrds patl.eqUy explained that th• card \VaS=nl, good for '8 sf eat s3nd-Wicb.' Thaf it Couldnft ' be a eel as~ci'edit on·otheritem.s, · ; ~you.guessfid·it:~''Mr. Crustl'·s~.~ the caustic i:omments ~aod verb.al harangue .. For a finale,: ho'"'ver. be took pen in band and scribbled a cliatrjbe•oo th .. back side o! the card. PLAIN RUDE A lot of mindle$S nonsense aboat the rigid re- quirements of the offer, being· alienated by the management's policies, never returning, etc, etc., etc. This he atU..ch'ed to.bis ·personal business card. t.hrew the 'fhole works down witb his money to. the cashier, mouttied his indignation again arid stomr ed out. AN EXECUTIVE? One wonders what makes a guy like this tick. And whether the well·known company for which he's director of rriarketing apPreciates this kind of repres~tion In .Public. Above all, though, there is the amazement that anyone can show himself in this light. Cheap be-- yond belief, unreasonable and arrogant. A real wiMer in the gall stak~s .. We 'admire· the restraint shown by the: restaur· ant's operator under the circumstances ... ._. .. ,., twel rtMY •ltk, _ ....... . ..,, .... --• .. tftMI . ' ··~···············~··············~ ftMEftA . ltE&TAUlb\NT ContlMf'ltll Cul•lne Codct11l1 Servino ; Luncheon and Dinner '.Monday through Sat1'nlay. Cloted Sund.Gus Oprn for Pri .... Pani<1 Only W• ere loc•t•d n•J:t ·to Ith• M1y Co. in South Co•st Ple11 . !he most regal -.nc1 disrin· gutshed ste1k ava;w,,e. A goUfmet's choice cut, salad wMh choice • of dre~•Sing. chok:e of potato and our famous Ranch House Toast. $299 /~iiiiiii: 1 •I ' 1n.m.m.m-the flnor.of '&MR. slEAK ~ OPE~ 11 MUD 9 J!M BANOUET FACl/JTIES AVAi/ABiE .. <I DAYS ONLY Mon.,. Tut., Wed., Thurs., Au.1t, 19, 20, 21 IAt ..... I, • COSTA MaSA 642.0732 ._.,._, S42"3S9J (~Sonday) . then,w tft!atirie ~stautlHl.t ail.d {jafileri Excitingly different. A delightful selting to meet every mood and taste. Well prepared gourmet menu-well served. Strolling musicians add an atmosphere of charm and romance. Enjoy this enchilnting atmosphere for lunch, cocktails, dinner. And, opening soon, the most exciting wine cellar in Southern Uliromia. Reservations suggested. 6«-1700 Ext 552. U_l ~Qtjo, ......... ,.,_.~.,--~.-~-,,,.,, .. ~ .. ,.,~, -.--...--------·-·--••-•*"-"••-o-o•< ••••--O-owoww-owo-ww-oww~u~www-o..,u ... -w-•~•·--·-------.---.................. ,.,,,,.,,,,,,..._ ____ ...,,.... ___ ~..,..-.,.. _ _,. _______ _.. ' Johnny Vance Trio The Golden Bull in El Toro is featuring the music of the Johnny Vance Trio, Wednesdays through Sat- urdays starting at 8:30 p.m. Gordon Brettle is on drums, Vance at the piano-organ and Ray Terry plays alto and tenor sax and the flute. All of the men share in the vocals. The Golden Bull is located just off the Santa Ana Freeway at El Toro Road. . ' STEAK HOUSE MONDAY SPECIAL Top Sirloin ...... .' .. ,,., .$1.19 (R-.ul•r $1.Sf) WEDNESDAY SPECIAL New York Ste"k ........ $1.:.!9 . (Regul11r $1.6f) EVERY DAY OUR GREAT Texas T-Bone Steak ...... $1.99 Steak Sandwich . , , , . . . . . . 89c: ' NEW SUNDAY MORNING BREAKFAST STEAK .,d EGGS .............................. $1 .29 HAM .,d EGGS ................................ $1.19 · BACON .,d EGGS ............................ $1 .09 SAUSAGE aod EGGS ........................ $1.09 PANC:..~ES l·All you c.•n -eet.1 •......... 4',C . 10065 GARFIELD (At Brookhursl) FOUNTAIN VALLEY ,.. • 6372 . NEW IN HUNTINGTON BEACH NOW OPEN , BERLINER RESTAURANT AND. ·BEER . GARDEN· Open Tuesd1y thru S11turd11y-l l •.m.-10 p.m. Sunday 3-9 p.m. _. CIOMCI Monday1 We Serve Slndwichn. Bu1lness~n't L\lncheon • ALL-DAY In the BeautlfUI Town & Countrt Center· 18582 Beac:h Blvd. Huntington Beach 9&8·5800 Happiest ship to tl1e happiest places! ,~· .. ~~,'.!!',:.-! Princess Dalia South SeasCndse. ,rld4), ...... 15, 1'69 OAJLV PjLOT ff -~ ... Ftrst trmrer~·rotfi · ·~ MGM :S-tarts New Schedule '11\e first major production program under MGM11 new presiden~ Lollis F, P<!lk, J,,, was. . disclosed ~ rec:eotJ.y HerberL F. Solowj t~~~I·_,_., dent m aigi'O uc ion. The S<hedule at Ult M°GM Studio incJude's seven Uieiltrical features Starting ... over the next ' six months, three television series in pro- duction and numerous pf9ject1 for theatres and televislori in the planning st.ages: - . ' Three feature motion plc- tures begin filming t h l s moolb. "False Witness,!' an E v e r e l t Freeman.J\oberl E!l_ders ProduCtlon starring George Kennedy an4 directed by Richard Colla, rolls at the studio in August. John F. Kt!lley wrote the screenplay. , RICHARD 'WIDMARK ' . "Th• Moonshine War'' .o~ the same date, "The Magic Garden of Stanley Sweetheart" beirig produced by Martin Poll abd directed by filming in Northern Galifornia Leonard Hom, begins filming and then move to the Culver on location in New York City, City studio stages. Robert Westbrook has written In October, producer lnvin the screenplay based on his Winklir plh.ns to start filming recently published novel. "The Strawberry Statement,'' Two weeks later the Patrick a book authored by 19-year--old McGooban--Ricbanf Widmark· Columbia· student, James Alan Alda starrer ''Th e Simon"Kunen. S tu art Moon.shine War," a Filmways Hagmann iS slated to' direct Production. directed by the Chartoff.\Vinkler Produc· Richard Quin~ for producer lion With screenplay by Israel Martin Ransqhoff w l t h Horovitz-. screenplay by E I m o r e Mitchell Grayson a n d Leonard, will start location · Robert ·Goldston will produce . ' ' 'TbWM • COUMTRY r lOti.Gflllft. ~lfe.; •• HUNTING.TON IEACH i COSTA MISA· . ,tWJ 1.-cll 15". ff1..Jt!1 8EHIHD TEXACO STATION A, I . 11til • klllt Mt K1·14't CHILD'S PORTIOtl HALF PlllCI. (Child(en under 12) PHONE IN ... ALL ITEJIS AVAILIBlE TO·TA«E OUT ' .. . Two Grfft Di1MT Sltowt .• si ... Ford 1111 "''"'' • ' · : "RASCAL" ' ' I -~·: pu ......... :~,; htft Ustlito• S1tnH rlnhemi ', ~BLACKBEARDS GHOST" ' .............. ~ ... e••••••••: """'"1e Adventures of Augle March" scripl<d by Fred Segal with director NOel Black starting film.ini the Everglade ' Production ontNove.rnber 3. eer..Wrector . B I a k e Edwards ls at" the CUJver City Studios writiJlg the screenplay for the Ju.Ue Andrews st.a~r. "She Loves Me," whl~ wW start productlori 1n January. · ln that same month,. Burt Kenn~ plans to return to MGM lj! clirect and produce "The Ballad of D I n g u s M<:Gft," based on the novel by David Markson. Of a' dozen theatrical featUreS t'urcently b e I n g scripted,' Solpw said that two more would be put into pro- duction by the end of the year. In addition to these new p~ ducUons under Solow's Aegis at the studio, he noted that MG~1 has three ~ films cur- rently rolling overseas: The David Lean Film "Ryan's Daughter" pro d'u c e d by Anthony Havelock·Allan. star· ring Robert Mitchum. Trevor Howard, Sarah M 11 e s , Christopher Jones, John Mills and Leo McKem with Lean directing the Robert · Bolt screenplay: the Peter O'Toole- Susannab York film, "Country Dance," produced by Robert Emmett Ginna, directed by J . Lee Thompson, scripted by the late James Kennaw1ty and the Kalz.ka-Loeb production of "The Warriors," be Ing directed by Brian Hutton1 and s t a r r I n g Clint Eastwood, ·Telly Savallas, Don Rickles , Donald Sutherland, and Car- roll O'Connor. Gabriel Katzka and Sidney Beckerman are producing. Screenplay is by 2241 West Co1st Highw•y Newport 8e1ch 17141 646-5057 ' Opo Dallr 11 a.m, Eftjoy Your CONTINENTAL CUISINE '" A11tftl'ftflc 16tli Century · E11tlllll hcer ' . ~UNCH~ON • DINNER 'CQCKTAILS 1·7171 8roOkh11"t Strfft· Fountain Valley Telepllone: 962·6625 111e1~ .. or1 ... 1. , .. ,.,......, 1m "-c•ter ,.,... '91k . I "CASTLE KEEP" . . . pin , 1..1;9-s .. enlef' Wolter lrn1to11 "SUPPORT YOUR , LOCAL' SHERIFF" .,. Ho ~ lll'ldel' ~• wm .,. .omltttd unltH ac~· 119illed w-P.r1111 or-ec:11111 tu11nll1n • .......................... _.. ..... ._ ... • . , .. ~~trE~N~·f'lio~O.q II -.. pin l ' "Sf.VEN GOLDEN MEN" , , "lee"'~ f., All1lt1 1j " ........... .-, ...... ~····· · ·~ Peel , AM H.;.!~ 1 I ' .... I Troy Kennedy Martin. Jn Hollywood, a n o t h e r ~eatrical feature In anima· lion with some live-action se- quences, The Cbuct Jones Production of "The Phantom ToUbooth," written just • few *,)'Qi'§ agq by. Norton Juster, bµt ~lready a cl11sslc, ls in lhe final, stages ol lllmlng. Ov~r~as. director Fred Zio- pemann's "Man's Fate," a Carlo PonU Production with the dislingulshtd international cast of Liv Ullman, Eiji Okada, David Niven and Juzo Itami, is planned for a pro- duction start in London in November before moving to locations in the Far East. Screenpl11y by Han Suyin is based on the famed novel by Andre Malrauz. Pre-poducUon activity on "Tai-Pan," based on the James Clavell best seller with Patrick McGoohao In the UUe role, is proceeding in Rome under the supervision or direc- tor Machael ·Anderson arld producers Martin Ransohoff and Carlo Ponti. Location filming will be done in 1 Sardinia. Eleven new television proj- ects are in various develop- ment stages. In addition, three television series are now In production. The three filming for. fall premieres are "Then 'c;ame Bronson" produced by Robert Justman and Robert Sabaroff for NBC; "The Cotirtshlp of Eddie's Father" for ABC with James Komack producing, and ' ' M e d i c a I Center" which executive pro- ducer Frank Glicksman and producer Al C. Ward are mak. 'ing for CBS. ''Jn addition," Solow noted, "we also cutrently are analyz. Ing the production of a package or features f 0 r television . "MGM Studio is definitely in high gear," Solow said." Dennis Cole On 'Lancer' FAMILIAR FACES AT KNOTT'S Sons of Ploneer1 to Entert•ln 'Sons of Pioneers' Star at Berry Farm "The Sons of the Pioneers", a name synonymous with Country Western ·music, will be headllners in the Covered Wagon Camp at Knoll's Berry Farm on Saturday evening, August 16. "The "Pioneers" have sold over 20 million record albums since their beginning back in 1934 and have appeared in ~undreds of motion pictures with top name stars. , In 1969 they were voted the be~t vocal group in the coun· try bY. the &luntry Western Hall or Fame: Making their second ap. pearance at this apot they will be presenting shows at 8:30 and 10 p.ln. featuring music from their long blstory of bits such~: "Cool Water,•• ' ' Tumbling Tumbleweeds," called , ''Tbe Rice Kryspies" present shows at 8:30, ·a and 9 p.m. This bluegrass sound consists of ttiree· bro\fl.efs on gui.tar, mandolin and •banjo and the wife of the group's leader on string bass. Besides answering an ever increasing demand of personal ap- pearances, this upcoming group has just completed their first long play album. Knott's is located on Beach Bou1evard just two miles south of the Santa Ana Freeway in Buena Park. Sutton May Cut Record "Timber Trails" and "Carry . Monument Records are tall:· Me Back to the Lone Prairie." Ing to Frank Sutton about cut· Other w e e k e n d en-ting a single for lbem, to ·be Orange County's 0 e n n Is tertalnment in the Wagon released In conjunotlon with Cole, who co-slarred In 20th Camp begins tonight at 7 p.m. the premiere of · C~ TV's Century-Fox Television's "The wilh t'The Seven Card Stud," "The J t m · Nabors Variety Felony Squad" for the last a·-<tiiieland band from the· ·Show." . · three years, has been signed Newport Beach area who were Sutton, while he's taking by producer Alan Armer as grand prtze wlrmers in the singing le.ssons for the new , a guest star i.p the "Juniper's "Festival of Sounds" com· show, wouldn't sing on the Camp" episode of the studio's pe'.titlon. Their show times are record, simply recite a fV"llOln "Lancer" series. ,..-·· 7, 8:30 and 10 p.m. about friendship related to this He will play "the suitor of On Sunday, August 17, closeness t'o Jim Nabors Shelley Fabares,-previously American· folk music will take developed during the five ye"ll' announced guest star in \he the spotllght when a group run of .. Gomer Pyle - segment · WilUam Hale is from San Dieg9 State College U.S.M.C.". . · directing from a script byl;=~========;=~~'f:'~~~~="'j Barry Oriiiger. II NOW SHOWING "Lancer." starring James BALBOA e ONI Wlll ONLY • Stacy, Wayne Maunder , 67• Aft48 Andrew Duggan, Ellzabelh ....., MU,ST IND TUISDAT Baur and Paul Brinegar. is OP" AUGUST ·1f TO MAii WAY seen every Tuesday on Chan· 6:~1 f9l ANOTHll llGo ·sHOWI I 7 ~ "' ........ ne 2 at ;. p.m. 111-. ,.,.11'1_,• SOUTH SW TROPICAL ASH Largest Selection of Tropical Fish & Supplies in the area. New :t Loccitl ... tll w. WILSON, COSTA MIU loft Ft!r"~ lld., Ml-1'"1 1n-o, 10 .... rs:.s. Dr. -HtwPOrt l•Kl'I lbtl'lltwl rn. 1'1111 omul '-IHJ3l EYI SHOW STAITS 1 P.M, CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT. & SUN. PlOM Z P.M. + srlCIAL •nUll:N IT porULAA DIMAND . "I LavE Vau. . ' AucEl.TaKm· jli'VAN FLEET -· -.-SMA "TOKU.1" 7:ot • 11:11 ''SHOft 0, PISHllMAN'" ONCI ONLY1 AT·l :4$ 1 CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M. ' Alw1y1 Plooty of P•rklftf FIRST ltUN ENGAGEMENT •I ~-' :;1'HE CH~IRMAN" f • SHARON TATI 1 ... \ t • ...... -! "VAIJLEY OF TH.I\ DI>~~-.-' ltUrl LanrUlar J£Alt.PllE Amr _ ........... ~-.. Pw1~1h·•ci<~.e:OL0.01 PATRICK O'll£Al.1 ~ 1 1 "'RUN ANGEL r 1 . 1 - • . $1 lS <"DEARfUl~N'O' F A '! • ' , PLUS• THI '5LllPll COMIDT OP'THI TIAI' J1rn11 G1m1r -Jee11 H1ckett -W1ltllf' h1t11111 ~~·~--~~==~""'~·~'°~-r~~~~~=;~~.u~~J~~~·~~,~~!~,:.!:!:~· ~ i ,f il.i'fti;ilY-... . ' --UsTINOV·~ES·MH • • I I • r. ' 3f DAll.Y PILOT, f•ldlr. """"' I!, 1969 ~-'Thrill to Guid~ to Week's Movies -· -;. Thoroughbred .. Marwloul .• t BriUtmtt ••• 4 Stora- ''THRff PENNY OPERA" UST 1 l'llt,S. Lonely Boy, Raccoon Team in Disney's 'Rascal' . . : .. · .. • . ·. . . action!· Nothing can match the all-out, all-the-way ex-• cltement of Thoroughbred racing! Come alive to It all ••• the special thrill when time stands still for that thunderous run for the money. There's no thrill like the Thoroughbreds! Come, see for yourself. lt'a happening now at Del Mar. 9 races dally, Mon.-Sat., through Sept. 11, Ras. seats from $1.20, (Sat. and holidays, $1.SO.} Post 1/mo 2 p.m. Tomorrow: $15,000 Crosby 'Cap ••ass 1 ALSO SMOKISTACIC LIGHTNIN HOOK• SAT., AUG. 16-8:00 P.M. CAL STAlt FUllERTON !Eclitor1 Note: Thl1 motri:a avlde U prq>artd by the film.a committee of Harbor Council PTA.. Mr1. John Clarie ii preridfnt and Mr.s. Hart SwttMll ts committe• chairman. It is int.ended u c re/erenc• in detmnining suitable films for certam o a e aroups and will appear weekly. Your vitws are solidted. Mail th.m to M~ vie Guide, care of the DAILY PILOT.J * * * ADULTS Casile lf:etp (RI: Art·Wled castle occupied by wounded men is a symbol of resistance against the enemy on the eve oC the Battle of the Bulge. The setting is the Ardennes Forest in the winter of 1944. Burt Lancaster, Patrick O'Neal, Jean·Pierre Aumont. Deatll of a Gunfighter (M): Town turns against t h e marshall who lives the law of the gun, and uses it to destroy him. Lena Horne and Richard Widmark. Goodbye Columbus (R): A summer romance between a poor librarian and a nouveau riche college girl lapses due to their different views. A satire on sex with Richard Ben· jamin, Ali MacGraw. "I Love You, Alice B. Toklas": Nioo Jewish boy gives up his square Jiancee and his role in the Establish- ment for the life oC a hippie. Peter Sellers. AlacKeaaa's Gold ( M) : Story of a group of men and women who all share a fear of rampaging Apaehes and a greed for gold. Gregory Peek and Omar Sharif. Valley of tbe Doll.s: Shallow. melcid.rama about three girls txn£MnY LARGE STOCK •t:.lrlp '11115 PICKWICK~ !~~"~.!."!>!.! !140.2-ltl . 1743 Klll,..ood llwd. llol""* (%ll) MG 9-1191 ' ' , .......... · LU/jujz ,.. . ,;.' . ....... .:. ? BIG FAMILY SHOWS! .., _____ JIO:m Al AU TMI USUAL l'l.ACU "' TMZE!S< $S..GO AOY..-$UO DOOi CONTINUOUS DAILY I P.M. o;ck V1" Dyfro .. CHITTY CHlm IANCJ IANG" . . . . . IT'S NEW! EXCLUSIVE FIRST SHOWING Now with" Ac&d•'"Y. Aw•rd wi1111•r Geort• K•n11tdy (IEST SUPOllTING AtTOll: 1'68-;-"COOL HANO lUKE"l THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN ARE BACK • • plus "YOURS, MINI AND OURS"' with LuciUo 81U MATINEES DAILY Co11tb1110• ,,.,.. 1 :30 *II' ;.----... "'*''" EVERY FATIIER'S DAUGHTER IS A VIRGIN! RATED (Rl -OR IS SHE? YOU MUST SEE THE ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE PRESENTATION OF GOODBYE, COLUMBUS A filll'I from tM No¥1tlla ltJ PHILIP ROTH tlMt •llfhor ef ..., NOW llST SRlll "PORTNOY'S COMPLAINT" TIMI MAOAllN• llll'• MAOAZINS U.TUltOAY ••v11w OOWT MIU THIS e9'1AT MUllCALt se\ In lbe toup world of 11- blllln..,. Barbara Parklnl, PaUy Duke, Sharon Tait. and dram•llc chlrtat ...... It demonstrates Ult bnpsct of Olrlllianlly .. Ban Hllr and bll lamlly. Olarllm H- and ~~ Hawk!nl. ne Loft. Bas (G}: Dimeyl!:;;:::;"";:;;;-;:;;;;:;;;:::;":;;..._:::::::;:;;-;:;;;:;;-:::::::;=:=;:;;;:::::::;:;;•:;;":::._...=:=:;;.._=:=:"";;'"'=~ comedy about • Volklwacen11 wllh human r .. u.... Dean MATURE TEENS A N D ADUL'lll • Tbe A/I'll Fools ( M ) : Hilarious and romanUc fart- ta.sy about a married man who rneell somebody elae's wife. Jock Lemmoo and Calherlne Deneuve. Tiie Cllalnn.. ( M l : Gregory Peck Is a Nobel Prile winning scientist who is aent on a spy mission to Red Oltna. Wilh Anne Heywood. Guu of !be Maplnc..t Seven (G): An American and six mercenaries lead a dariD& attempl lo Uberate a pGpUlar Mexican leader during the tyrannical regime of President Diaz in 19th century Mexlc:o. George Kennedy, James Whit- more. Puny Gbt (G): Lavlab mualcol praentatlon of the lile ol Fanny Brice, tbe child of the altuns, who becomel a IJUI comic star. Barln Slre!And, Omar Sh ar 11, Walter PJieon. Hook, U.. ud Slllllu (G): Jtrry Lewll llarl as a DWI who believes he bu ooly a short Ume to live. Peter Lawford, Anne Francia. Tiie -of Ille Fblennaa (G): The Pope males a monumental decision in a world threatened by nuclear war:, and returns the Church to one of its orllfnSI mean- ings. Set at some Ume in the future wllb Anthony Quinn. Sir Laurence Olivier, Sir John Gietsud. FAMILY Angd In My Pocket (G): JOlltl and Buddy Haclc.U. T•o --lllppy (G): N o ....,,.lcil COl!ledyodl!Uer about a couple of fly-l>y-niibl buslnw parlnm who become Involved wllb family o f werewolves. Dan Rowan and Dick Mortin. Ollver ( G ) : Speetacular mllSicaJ veraion of Dlckens'a clasaic about an orphaned waif cast into the teeming aqualor of Jbe lower class. He finally escapes to the elegance of the upper class. Mark Lesler, Jock Wild and OliV<!r Reed. llucal G): Appealing Wall Disney comedy about a molherlss and Jooely boy and hia pet racoon which he tries to civilize. Steve Forest and Bill Mumy. (Gl NOW PLAYING! Doora Opon 12:1S Show Starta 12:30 COOLID I\' llPRtallATIOM -ALSO COMIDT CO·HIT - Afl4'1 Grlffltll •t•ttl•t lit "ANGEL IN MY POCKET" Color Lion ia Winter: Clash of two strong-willed monarchs, King Henry II of England and hb queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine. makes a brilliant, explosive drama out ol fragments of !!<th C"11ury history. Peter O'Tolle and Katharine Hep- burn. Andy Grilftlh plays an ex- rnarine, now ordained minister in bis first cburtb. He breaks up the feud between two families which ha.s impeded the progress of a small Kansas town !or lbe P"i 60 years. SabmarlH X·I (G) I A British Wcrld War 11 Naval adventure in which Com· mander James Caan is asalgn· ed to train crewa of three top- secret midget aubc for attac11:jiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii on a German destroyer. Ex· citment is enhanced by navel ships and activities o f frogmen. Wlnnini (M): The marriage of a racing car champion ls almost wrecked by bis con. centraUon on winning the big race. The racing background is colorful and exciting. Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. TEENS AND ADULTS Barefoot In tbe Part : Beguiling story about the first few weeks of newlywed lUe in a Greenwich Village walk-up apartmenL Jane Fond a Robert Redford. Bea llllr (G): Screen clusic with superb sets, coetume.s Ba.dbeanl't Gbolt: Peter Ustinov &tan in Walt Disney's adventurea of the famous pirate. o.an Jooes and Suzan. ne Plesbette. C1oltly ClllU,. Bug Bug (G.I: A cherry musical in which Diet Van Dyke portrays the cractpot inventor of Jan Fleming'• fantasy. He rtmodels an old racing car and spina fabulous yams ta the amusement of hi.a adoring children. 5ally Ann Hawe. also llan. Support Y oar Local Sberlll (G): llllilrloustongu .. ln.cheek almost non-violent western wfth James Gamer, Joan Hackett and Walter Braman. * * * The letter immediately after the title indicates the rating given the picture by the Motion Picture Code. The Motion Picture Code And Rating Program may be found on the motion picture page. Anne HelWood Star Stays Starry-eyed When actress Anne Heywood about something really Im Color attracUon, which Ls cur· was a tetn-ager. she worked portanl I think the films rtntly showing in Orange as an usher in a movie theatre which entertain while they aay Coast Theaters. something about life art the "Greg is one oC my favorite and found herself enthralled only wort.bwhUe ones. The m a le stars." tihe explained. by atm0&t every film that was very fact that '1be Cba.Jrman• "The first time I saw him in shown. deals with Red China should penon was bacltstqe at the Years Jater, co-starring with make it one of the most ~ Oscar ceremony last year. We Gregory Peck in 20th Century-portant films of the year." were briefly introduced but all Fox's "The Chairman," she Anne is interested in many I did wu start. I hadn't the different things rangtng from vaguest idea that we would has become one of the mc:.t politics, re Ii g ion and soon be working together." sought after 1alenb in films, psychology, to travelling and "The Chainnan," directed but is still rather starry~yed furnishing a home. by J. Lee Thompson and pro- and enthusiastic When It com-Working with Peck was duced by Mort Abrahams es to motion pictures. another factor w h 1 ch in-from a scretnJ)lay by Ben ''I really wouldn't want to fluenced Anne to accept a role Maddow, also stars Arthur do anything else," she said in the Panavition and Del.me Hill and Conrad Yama. very seriously. "I think fUm---------------------11 making ls the most exciting tiling in the world. Every role is like a new life to me." Certainly the excitement that she brings to each role is, in part, responsible for her long string of BriUsh film suc- cesses and her . critically-ac- c\aimed perfonnance in "The Fox." "I'd lived that role of March for a long lime because my husband, producer Raymond Stross, and I tried to finance it for years. When we were able ta film the property, l really knew her. Oddly enough I feel the same way about Kay Han- na, the character I played in 'The Chalnnan,' " the actress continued. "Kay is a woman dedicated to her career but aJso capable of love and devo- tion to people. I hope I don't natter myseU by thinking that I have a lot in common with her." A ravishing brunette wilh bright, brown, intelligent eyes, Anne is a rare combination of braJns and beauty. She has an acute awareness not only of the film business but of the world in which she lives. "One of the reasons I was so eager to play in • T h e Chairman' wq that It was such a C011temporary film THE MOTION PICTUH CODE AND RA TIN~ Pl OGRAM n.. Motie11 rictu,. Code 011d Roting Ad111h1ittrotio11 oppllo1 tllo followlnt roftntt te fll111• dl1trib11tod in tho U.S.A. ftic. f•ro1 r1te4 G, M "' ft q1101ify for tho CH• Sool. .. Pict11,.1 r1tff X de not r•c•"'• o $111. Thi rotln91 opply te pict11ro1 1olo11od eftor N•¥efll• i,., 1, lt61. Picht,., ,..1001H bofor1 fk1t d1!0 oro 401crfb-. od •• provi11oly ( f9 ond/er SMAI. ml-S•tt••••4 for •INllAL 011dio11co1. 1l-S1111••tff for MATUll offionco1 CP•ro11t1l 411. cr•fio11 o4¥1M41. mJ-lllTllCTID -ror101'11 t1n4ot 16 n.t 14111ltted, 11111011 ICCOll'ljttnlod by 111ro11I or 1d111lt 911ord· i111. ~ ...... ,, --....... This •flt ,,. 1trlctlo1 Jnty •• llltUt la cott1li. •f'I••· <:Mic• th,,.,. -•'••tfi1i111. Crossword Puzzle ACROSS l Clyde Bt1ttt was ont 6 Swift 10 Sinc lalr Lewis hero 14 Not ln1ntmatt lS Dental office word l• Chlntst servant 17 Whttt lht Feather River is l• Sitt ofl960 ·01y111ples 20 Heeled over 21 The day after today 2l Animals groups ZS Novel 26 Color 27 Ftmlnlnt nlcknamt 29 Exudt 31 Nakt I SKiii 33 Get11l9 or Costello 34 Consume 1vidly: 2 words Ji Bookkeep- ing •ntry 40 Plus 42 C1Utd 44 Bird In "Allct in WGndtrland'' 45 T allor's tfeltiOr1 47 Tltd 4' Pottic contni ctlon 50 Klplln9 hero S2 PftCIOUI ston• 53 Rivtr of Scotland 54 Eltctrlcal unit: Informal 57Today 59 Britf spasms of pain 61 Pat1 dt·• -: 2 words •4 Crtam of-· fi7 Theatrical award 68 Advancing steadily: J wo1ds 70 Bont: Comb. form 71 Garmtnt featur1 72 Oval 73 Clostly akin 74 Units in physics 7S Color DOWN 1 Diplomat's ntctssity 2 Jal -·· l Place whtrt flour Is madt 4 Avo id: Archaic 5 Ont who stttltl. dlsput• ' On behalf ol 7 Rtlall•• I Otsctndwit 'J Historic riv tr· 10 Emi1r -: tan. arUst 11 At the point of death: Arch1lc 12 S. Pacific I stand group 13 Dick or Ttd-· 11 "-·-Out": 2 words 22 Had a llablllty 24 Hindu guitar 27 Statt of panicky conl;JslOfl 21 Tatt It easy J 0 Abn011111 \ ctllul11 growth l Z Gtt hitched JS Enlive11 : Z words 37 Puttlo fllco's '-Operation " )I Prtlhttlnlry plan 39 Canadian politician; lnfor!l'lll 41 Tret 8115/69 41 Contend 'ln wo1ds 40 High· pltchtd sound 41 Entrgtllc people 51 Vtry unh1ppy 54 "Flow g8'111y swttl~" 55 An1mal of A taska and Canada · 56 Martin Pinzon'• "''' 51 B1stb11l'1 "Liltlt Poison" OI "8ig Polson"' l>O Staid 62 ObSlfVlnt person 63 Malt anlinal 65 Play dl¥1sion: 2 words 66 lilolhtr of Ztus '' Marin t insl<rtll ALL WALT OISNEY SHOW MATINEES DAILY Rick with I.aught.er ••• bright with the joy of life WAil' DISNEY PlttMICllO,I' ·S. ~FORREST111MUMY -..-lllll·EiuWORElm _.,. _ _,. .. ,_,.,. ... tc. ....... '*-",....... Olil. $TAlllN6' STIYE FOllltlST e llLL MUMT PLUS GHOST TO GHOST LAUGHS WITH •· ---,,.,.,,, Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are "The April Fools" Tfdonicob"~ !!!le» AC"-cmttf'\m.~ A Nation;JI ~ Pictllfft ~ NOW TOGETHER FOR THE FIRST TIME EXCLUSIVELY I 20th century-Fox~ li&OIVPBI llllDE HEVUlllll AA Arthl# P. Jec:iob9 Production. "THE DIA•a· :IND FEATUlllE STARTS WEDNESDAY, AUG. 20th The strangMt trio ever to track a killer. Sl'JDHN WAYNE " GLEN CAMPBBl KIM DARBY PRONE 84%-4321 DUE '\G IT IN TBE lt'EEKENDER FOil ADVEllTISIN6 ... . -.. ·, .. e JOB PRINTING • PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quality Printi119 and Oapanclahla Sarvlca for more than • quarfar of a cantury. 1J11 WnT IALIOA a&.YI .. 'NIWflOIT IU.CH -141..4J1l ----------------------- PE_ANUTS PERKINS JUDGE PARKER •• I . TUMBLEWEEDS I 11EVER THOUGHT l'P RUN rmo A NEWSPAPER llOV INTHE MIDVLE OF1HE DESERT! VYll(, 11115 15 WHERE AU.1HE~NEWS IS, IAA.-Lll . .MR._ MUTT AND JEFF MU1'T, ARE YOU-- .. • -0 MISS PEACH \ AU rt6HT, A85EV •• rM UllOUS A&ol'T CME OTHR THING! MN PtO JOG W.MIT METO WME HERE JN Bl.ACK TIE .... WHEN YOUR 'fllENC>!t' CA.IAE HERE PRESSEP •• !>MA.l.L we SAY •• 0111re lt.IFOJWJJ.Y~ 1UMBt.EWEEDS JS 1HE NAMEL KID ... WHAT'S YEKS? " By John MRes By Harold Le Doux I W.t.NTfP TO PllOVE A POINT NOT HALF ,4.S TO 'Q! I WA.NTEt> VOi 10 RE· SILLV AS I "1.IZE HOW SIUY Es.TA!USM· WOULP FEEt. MEWT CUSTOMS ARE'. PONT 'YOll Pll£56€P lllCE FEEL SILLY Pli!HPSEP IN THAT YOUR FIJBICJS ~ MONKEY $UIT? .,___,,,_ By Ferd Johnson tJo,tJo·· l ~0HSHl'1 RETU/fNS, I'll 51"1'fl. ( MVSSlF-- By Tom K. l.lyan By Al Smltli ? ? I I I ' ~'4·· WMO 15 ~e: M.14.V T A.~tc.'-.,. ROCK MUPSON c ' ' -'. -.. ___ ,___ By Gus. Arriola -C~D TO YOU •• ',., ,..,, ' " QUllNIE TELEVISION VIEWS 'Music Scene' For Young By l'hll lnterlancll ) By CYNTHIA LOWRY HOLLYWOOD (AP) -If the name Laura Nyro rings no bells and if you think the Bubble Gum Company makes something for chewing, a ne\Y television series called "Music Scene'' will count as educational television. The ABC varie'ty show is not for the elderly squares of the nation -by definition almost all of us in those twilight years after 30. It is for, and 1argely created by, young people. And while it is not expected to hook the oldsters, it may help them understand what interests that younger generation. "MUSIC SCENE" will concentrate on con- temporary comedy and music. Young, la r,ely un- known comedians with ability to improVJse will handle hwnor that is often topical. The musical staff is studying record sales charts the way an· other generation scans stock market lists. "\.Ve listen to literally hundreds of record~ a week," said coproducer Ken Fritz who confes1es unhappily to being 31. "We tune in the underground radio stations -FM stations with disc jockeys who nally know hard rock and don't care much about commercials. We visit the little night spots looking for kids without much experience but wtth talent. We talk to people ." FRITZ APPARENTLY Is able to tap the my-: sterious world ol the teens and early twenties. J "Most older people never knew anything about lt, but we found that for almost two years now kids as young as 12 and 13, from Malibu to New York, were carrying around Laura Nyro's albums." said Fritz, addinJ? kindly that Miss Nyro is a singer who has rarely ii ever, appeared on prime-time tele--vision. ••we would never have found the Bubble Gum l Company or those very young rock groups like the • Ohio Express or the 1910 Fruit Gum Company ii we; hadn't run into them on the underground radiO' stations." THE SERIES wil lnot just spollight new talent : Fritz alao expect! to present musicaJ stars like Kate Smith and Bing Crosby to show their contribution> and he is also interested jn the superstars of the day : the BeaUes, the RoUing Stones , Johnny Cash.- 0 . C. Smith and others. • Fritz, recenUy a full partner o! the SmO'!hers Brothers in th~r lucrative television, stage yrodu<> tion , talent management, recording and rea estate ventures, is eager to get a'vay from the ruts into which he says variety shows have fallen . "WE'LL HAVE none o! that opening comedy monologue by the host -in fact, there won't be a host, u he said. 11We'll go for intimate comedy - sketches, blackouts. close-ups -to introduce the mu1ical numbers. Of course, entertainment comes first, but we also want the comedy to really say something." ABC, hunUn~ !or something that might stand up against NBC's "Laugh.Jn," bas the 4~minute show at the head of its Monday night lineup. Dennis the Jtle11aee I I l I I " ' . ' ----------~-------------------- A.. I J , .e TV Plans ROB~N·S8KJS -·· i A-:w-~ ... .,.. STAMPANoco1NDEPARTMENr 1 Of· F~ekh '. 1 MAN 'ON THE MOON Sophlstleited sla!"llck~: A Giant Step for Man:kln.d :~=t~aru::,:~.r11:1 Don't Miss These Hlstoriccil l'ssues ! 8F\'~.is'.1"':u!~~.~~~Wtio ~ · · • 1s said to have had more than Gft0n.~Ex1remely beouilfUI hi-value gold foll just. a' little fondness for the &lamp showa'Nell Armstrpng ond Buzz Aldrin on bubbly and a definite hatred ihri moort ,,.xt'to th•-lunor Module with the earth of children, wiU be saluted honglng obo"' them. Very limited Issue-min t with a W. C. Fields Fijm Fe&- llngle •••• , •••••• ~ ••••• , •••. ~ ••• , •.••. 7 .so Uval -August 18 through 22. d h '" 2 Utilizing lour ol Field's W. C. FIELDS' FILMS Czechotlo,altla-Expecte s ort..,-sto~ps -at~.sl ••.ts over five nights, ·• .. t t A II 11 95 r.•~ 1"' Channel 11 Festlvel paying tnuu e o po o · • • • • • • • · • · • · • • • • the lJ p.m. festival will in----------Firtt DayCovers-2 stamps .••••••.• •••·•• 1,25 elude "My Little Chickadee," Hungary-AllO expec;:ted shortly. Souvenir Sheet August 18: ' ''The -Bank honoring the Lunar Landing. Dick," August 19; "Never Joey B~hof} Sidekick Gets Series Perforated .••.•. , •.•...•• , ••..••.•••.• 1.75 Give A Sucker An Even ~ h Break," August 20·, "You lmperTorote souvenirs eet- wery limited issue .... , ......• , • , •••.•• 10.75 CAan't tCh2leat_!'° Honestt Mf '~Mn,'' C I d(I) 200 ugus aimarepea o y First Doy overs-per orate · • • • • '• •' · ' Little Chickadee," August 22. First Doy Covers-Imperf orate ( 1) ••••..••• 12.SO -' , 1.1.L. h J~ by Mae W.est and More ttilinps~omtn•moroting .. ,,11 fstortc. .. vent Diet ·Foran, Fields' "My Little coming in dally. Earlier space commemoratives Chickadee:•. concerns Miss also In lfOck. West's playing the Jield in Regis Philbin has been sign- ed by KHJ-TV in association with RKO General Broad· casting to star and host a week.ly 90-rilinute syndicated series, "Philbin's People," cording to Lawrence Einhorn, the station's program director. Send u1 your standing order. If you have a charge search of a rich accaunt with us, oll n•w and earlier issues will be husband-while all the time Hnt to you upon request. only having eyes for a mask· ed bandit. Apollo Souvenir Covers TEU THE HISTORY OF..IHEAPOLLO·Fl.IGHTS Complete set of Apollo souvenir covers fiom Apollo 1 thru A~llo 11 ••••••••• , •••••••••••••• 6.2.S Also avoilable ln'divlduolly. Gemini ·Souvenir Covers THE THRILLING STORY OF MAN'S EXPLORATION OF SPACE. COMPLETE SET OF 13 ............ e.oo Also available indiVidually. LOS ANGELES 7th, Hope & Grand, MAdlson 8-0333 NEWPORT Fashion Island Newport Center, 644·2800 After accidentally tripping a bank robber and landing a job as a guard, Fields, "the pr~ teclor," faces a real holdup in "The Bank Dick." He's joined in the comedy by Una Merkel and Franklin Pangborn. "Never Give A Sucker An Even Break'' is lhe title of the s_tarrer -as a promoter lays seige for a wealthy woman's hand, or that of her daughter, and loses both. Edgar Bergen and Charlie McCarthy get into the act with Fields in "You Can't Cheat An Honest Man.•• It's all aboot the ventriloquist aild friend trying to keep a showman's daughter (who thinks her father needs money). from marrying a wealthy man. "Philbin's People" will be produced at Channel 9'.s local s tu d ios. and will air simultaneously on KHJ·TV, Los Angeles, and WOR-TV, New York, on Saturday even· ings at 9:30 p.m., starting August 16. Rir.h Rosner, until recently the producer of the RKO General syndicated variety- comedy series, "Della,'' seen locally on Channel 9 will pro- duce "Philbin's People." The series is conceived as an informal conversation show .and will feature six nationally. known names per w e e selected from a full spectrum of celebrity newsmakers. "I liked 'Castle Keep,' I liked it a lot! An offbeat war film that's . onthebeamfBurt Lancaster gives ''Castle "A bizarre iuxta· _ position of con· _flicti~g moods,. ep· i with tile vrsual · a distinguished portrayal and the ending is devastating I" _ · · · beauty of a dark IS SUPERBI // fairytalelExcel· -<u..m..coo'""""'"" ' lent castl" -W~tw.f.M."C.DM.r·IUWS 'One of the most original movies of the year, and certainly one of the bestl" "A high markl Ep· ic in. size, hand~ somely produc· edl J.he action : is furious!" " . . ' £iJ.o NIWPORT SlACH-at the e ntra nce to the fabulou~ lido l~le ·OR 3·83SO DAILY Continuous from 7:00 PM Saturday and Sunday Continuous from 2:00 PM Ticket• et Computlcket Outlets Including Bullock ... Ralph'• Markets. W1lliek1 or at lhe Box Offic;t. I I I I -VINCUITCANBY, "EWYORKTIMD "'Castle Keep' is a · film you'll be talk- ing aboutforsome time I I cannot rec- ommend itstrong- ly enough I' Run, do not walk, to one of the year's com- p I eat cinematic experiences I" -l"ETDt Ol81l[. M>MDfS WEM Do\lLY "Fascinating! A fUm well worth seeing I" -RICHMO SCHIClm. UfE I Harbor Blvd. a~McFadden • Phone 531-1271 I "CASTLEKEEP" ~1-.J·[?l~~ 1 1 ...... a: 1 s PM J __ r •. ll.11 1 -• .tJ~. ""''"M1" JD' ion I "SUPPORT YOUR ! ... .! .. ;;.·' ! i~· I LOCAL SHERIFF" ]iCJ,ll;D!I"'::: ,~:~:~~;;~";~ ~lf;J:~o···-·cl_ I Ste Complete Show ' ':'.:' ..... , I 11 Lale as IO:lO·PM • r.;.,.., r...; I :\. ....... In the Galleries ··----MfiSa --GoH .. Oub:. $hows -~Jane.:Hili:Axt " I . C11ALL1S GALLERY-13911· S. Coast lll&hway, Laguna Beach. lloun: .II a.m. to S p.m. dally, ~ ohiblt through Aug. painUngs'by Mark Coomer in oil· and encaU!tic media. 1 • - -\ I -1 LAGUNA ART GALLER¥ '-' 3'l'1 C11!! Drive, Laguna l!eacb. ,\4mlsslJ>O 50 cents. ld,embert lll!l one gue.sl f"'l'i ' Holirs : .Sun. • Thurs., Noon to. Ji p.m!f Fri: and Sal Noon to 9 p.m. AU :califomla ShOw. coincidiDg wilh Festival iQf Arts through Aug. 24, 180 works will be shown. MARINER'S LIBRARY .:... 2005 Dover Drive, Newport Beach. On exhibit, through Aug., in the Jr. Ebell Ex· . ' blbit during regular 1ibranr hours, paintings by Caro Eaton and an exhibit of children'1'art from their workshOp. NEWPORT NA110NAL BANI. -1090 Bayside Drive. Newport Beach. CUrrenlly •on ohibit through Aug. during regular bus~ 1l9w's weavings and tie and dye fabrics of ,ff, Cra.'le Day. COFFEE GARDEN GALLERY -U2S E. Coast High- way. Corona del Mar. Hours 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Mon ... Sat. No admission charge. On exhibit through Aug. 22 paint- ings by Ruth Osgood and pottery by Jack Taylor, CIVIC CENTER GALLERY -3300 West Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m~ :Mon:-rri: Chil- dren's art exhibit including the work of some Japanese chi!· dren, ages 5 to 15, which are on exchange with some New- port children whose art is being shown . in Japan. TWo murals done by children in the Costa Mesa Schools also .are on display, 11\rough August. CORONA DEL~ UBIWIY -411 ~ eor..a dfl liar. 01i exhibit i1ur101 ttiufar Ubrll7 ~· ~ ,Au(,. Ille polnllnlla ol 01r1o,. Winton. i. MESA VERDE LIBRARY,,,. 2969 Mesa Verde'lltM East, qoati "'.,.· CumilflY. on dh!hlt during regular libr11'7, houro, 'jlu'ollgh Aug., the oil P'!i"tinp cf ll .... ,8chonlaL • OOsTA MzsA.IDR!RY . .;_ 566 Center st.tbs.a M ... a. On eihlbit diirtng regular Ubrary hours, ·t.broiigb..,Aug., oil . paintings by Marie Taggert ' C.M., ART LEAGUE ~ 513 Center St., Cost.a Mesa. Hours: S:at. ·and SUn .• 1 toes p.m. Continuous exhibit ol art work in various media by Art League members. No ad.mi> sion charge. ~ COS'l'A MESA COUNTRY CLUB -1701 !Goll Course • Drive, Costa Mesa. The paintings of .lane Hill, in oil and ~ pastel, are on exhibit on the second floor of the club Ulrough f the month of Au~. ~ GLENDALE FEDERAL GALLERY ...; lgi3 Newport ' Blvd., Costa Me'!". On ',!'•.hihil thro11&11,A=t' · ing reauJar business hour, oil patnup.gs by Mltdrea • SO. CAIJF. FIRST NAT'L BANK -17122 ach Blvd., ..;, Huntington Beach. On exhibit during regular' business how's, ;. ~ougb '.O:ug;.~,. painlings ·by Virginia Shunklj ~- CHARLES BOWERS MUSEUM -2002 N. Main SI., ; Santa Ana. Hours: TUes •• througl) Sal, IO a.m. to f:30 p.m.; Sun. 1to5 p.m.;_Wed. and Tburs. evenings; 7'to 9 p.m. No •..- admission charke. CUrrently on exhibit California Bicenten- nial Exhibit 2Jld Califotnia Miss.ions in Stereo. ' NOW IN PROGRESS · • J ' l APPLIANCES • STEREb. • TELEVISION i .1 .·,. ~-i·(_,,:'y1o ~ e NEWEST FASHION COLOR "HARVEST GOLD" e NEW ADMIRAL AUTOMATIC DOOR CLOSERS e CANTILEVER SHELVING e GIANT FOOD STORAGE CAPACITY GIANT 22 CU. FT. CAPACITY ONLY s39900 COMPARE AT 499.95 Admiral Duplex Refrig. Comes in 31-35-36-41-48" ' MODEL ND1694· Adn1lrol ' . IMPERIAL DUPLEX• 16 SERIES ONLY 31" WIOI, YET F~LL SIUO•J IN IOTH FODO ANO F.,EiER SECTIONS! Tl.ii 1ma1tly 1tyled Admiral D11pla1 rapra1a"t1 your,,.. .... wit ' .. 1f11a i11 a fop quality 1icla·by-1lcl• fraa1ll""ftfrittrt'· tor. la•g• 11 .] cu. ft. r1fti91rator aH roomy t9J lb. c•• p1city fr1a1at-l6.l 011. ff. of 1p1c1 i11 0111 compact cabi~at l Fra11ar 1actio11 fttluN1 fo• rfull wiclth clowlil• tticl ,fr1a1i'119 ,i,,1 .. ,,, Sii axtra roomy cloor •~•Iv••· Wicf• ren9e temp1rat11r• control ttlows pracl11 ftfllplttfwr• 1eleni•11. R1frl9ar1kr 11ctlo11 ffat11r11 fiva f11/I \;.idth i11t1rior 1halt"11 to pto.ncla 1p11cio11t slora91 ''''· latt• porc1l1i11 crisper will kt•P frulh e11d .. ,91tabla1 1t tllair f11 .. orfwl bast. Rlfri9•rwtor door hes 5 1~al ... 1 plus COii• •111ienf b11Htr/ch•••• compartma"t' ancl. •99 1half. Di· ll'ltlUHlflt? 64~1/l" h, Ji~' W, 26•7/l '' fl . " • KARBOR CENTER 2.300, HARBOR PHONE. 540-71131 COSTA MESA ' ·-···1 ..--,.,... ...... - WILSON 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD ("'iway .391 HUt\ITINGTON BEACH I OPEN 9 AJ,t. TO 10 P.M~-7 DAYS EL DORADO CAM PER SPECIAL $39 88 FULL PRICE BRAND NEW '69 F-250 STYLESIDE Mot. Ma. 11'2JAAF7~12 & llDORADO 10\o\ CHER OKIE CAMPER hr. No. 1117• IMMEDIATE DELIVERY TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS . . ~s· ·5· ,. fORD'SURF:WAGON ' . ~lo. l!Nt.r. v .. ~1..._. oze m. • . I ! '61. fORD GAWIE 500 . v-4. au"1o •• ,, 1ie.rl1'111, ••''°-llff!tr. itt.V °"' ?SA-DQQGE II TON PICK-UP 9 ta't1'!191 lllll t rHt tllr/'. nv ... ns. ' ' . : '53 Foao. II TON PICK-UP • · · v~ 9191ne. ,.,!Q..,...,ltr. vaa.. . .!ial.I ·~Iii spo.HAllW).P-., -. v.J. '(.ft ·+--,._•'"'1nt. Ndarl' ii: ~~Vs-' '64. FORD FAIRLANE TUDOR ' V..& eill!Jl\I, rid ,_,..,., Alf' Coild. N.w M Gold flnli.11. OFIC :rn. '63 CHEVROLET 1h TON PICK-UP SIYlesldl lonll bed. A H1"rlllc bity, £1329$. '6' 4 lllJICK SKYLARK v-1, IUtomlttc. ~ l\Ntw. •~rwlldr f!rllll'lo "'-Ct-lnllrlol'. 1. Ol.W tl L " BRAND NEW 1969 TORINO GT $148 $188 $248 $248 • $488 BRAND NEW 1969 CORTINA $2488 $1888 FULL PRICE FULL PRICE BRAND NEW ... 1969 LTD HA1RDTO P 2-DOOR FORMAL HARDTOP -EXTRA '65 ~8~~!!~~-P~~~n!.0!dio, hearer. Dark green finish. PJL 021. . I 6 7 ~a~i~~;,,,~~x~e~!~~" saver. TQM 535. /:> Al'! ' . .~ ;" f.T ., • ,.., ... - 1969 FORD GALAXIES • MUSTANGS • FAIRLANES • --"\., [• . Low Mileage All Colors FACTORY WARRANTY AVAILABLE ' Our Special Purchase·wm Save You Many$$ '64 f.~~~ H~r~~p~~~~au~ic, P. steer, radio, heater, OLF 316. '65 E~.~~ .~!~,~~!~!II Model, V-8, " automat ic Great family special. 177241. .t. e .All fUll PRICES ARI PLUS SAU~ TAX I DIPT. MOTOR VEHICUS fl!S e 1969 COUNTRY SQUIRE 4-DOOR LTD. WAGON FIOM SUGGESTED UST PllCI VACATION SPECIALS- '65 CHEVY SPORTS VAN !llcil lllltt, r..:llo, hNIW, ,,_ lrltn '1111111, _. .. tfllt YIPUt. HOV 119. '67 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN WAGON v ... ~ ,....., ...... Ill .... ur WMr.,..,. lSN 121. '66 ICONOUNE CAMPER VAN · lllfllr \Ian Wlltl --1111ff 0 blll!Mft. 1111-lk< tr1n1., lll1 tf191M, TSJIOt. '67 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN WAGON v, ... elllcwnotle, P ........... f'tct, Air Cll!ICI, ""'"' S-lei. \lllS »!. '67 fOID FJOO CAl)IPH SPECIAL ~:w..-r .... ~t,.'""-!Wltri. $1388 $1688 $1788 -. -.. \. s 188 · I ' , $1988l·. '68 FORD F250 14 TON PICKU• · s· 1988 "" !'JI) iii r .. P'ldl<UP. \I ... .UIOITlolllc. ltfltlt, HNltr. Eia;*Wll Vtlul. #12'11. '67 DODGE SPORTSMAN VAN CUSTOM DELUXE ' "'' modltl, 'l·ll 1.tJfoma!Jc, r..:llo, he1ftr, I tvi-llnllll, lift CW Wtn'..,I)' I Ytfl, THL 5)1. $2211 $2888 =====· =.=" BRAND NEW 1969 COBRA $ " t illMI' lllDl'flroDI'. •• C.l.D, DS h.,., \1-1 llWIM. i 111M11. c• rille' m..wl tr-l~lii'• llMVl' dvty IU""""9n, Ptrll ..... tit r, l «H -• ....... ... -... ~ F 4 wldol .... Si M iit asw tlrn WI~"' Kk" rll, 1 -lflCI It l.tl•rJ. hood ~llltt ~11 "rac C/11111'11 _ ~Jl"I, "ft:l ., .. clotlllxe -.. No. ftt4'Q1M.c.Q BRAND NEW 1969 FALCON . 2 DOOR $ 98 8 ' RD OTOR HOME S . ' SH our complt11 selection of Minihomes, Cont1mpo Cempm ind Gypsy C.mpers for immedi1te delivery. ' ' Use one of our many ways to finance your new or used car or tntck inclu.d Ing Bank of Amet;ica, United Calif. Bank. or Ford Motor Credit Corp. With y0ur Approv1d Ct'ldlt. · MAKE YOUR CHOICE SAVE AT . WILSO'N f.ORD T"ODAY 1825.i B ~ · ID ......... .-.... ·-HUN T ·l 'N GT ON BEACH ~rN•vm . 5 4 o-7 7 80 9 A .M5~~E~o ~.~T~ o.,. su::Y:.VT~u7~fr~·7TH Tut1d~.~~~~~~!r.110!~ :°iA~ PM. , I 842-6611" ~ --~-------------------~--------~-~-- -HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSIS FOii SALE HOUSES 1'9R SAL~ . ,.., ,,_ HOUSES FOR SALE HOllSIS FOR SALE HOUSES FOlt SALE HOUSES FOR SALE . HOUSES FOi SALi HOUSIS FOR SALi Genoret t•ci-•I IDOi -·· . t•c.t·-IClllOO-rot 0-r•I IOMGoftor•I 1000 Passtssioll ... Sdlool Starts READ THIS FINER HOMES Pete Bal'l'eff /Za/ig pns.n/6 STOP & SEE 2~1 'AZURE AVE. SANTA ANA HEIGHTS Open H-. S•I. & Sun.12·5 e e • e Are you in the .mar· ket for a new borne, a home in a prime area very close to Huntington Stale Beach ; a home you can custom ize while it is being built, a home de- signed by outstanding archi- tects and constructed by Frank H. Ayns & Son; a Company that bas been in business since 1905? This has. 10 ~ the- ~ 3 BR home in l\tesa Verde~ Nrw •1/w Cail*l.5, paint &, l'l'a.ll- paper. Beautiful b ic back yard with play. house on q:ttiet streeL Don't miss this onr. &Z terms, C:all t!O'tr. µ;,,.._ DOVER SHORES ESTATES Ultimate in graciou.s lanµJy living and entei:- taining, in UU. 5 bedroom home wlih Iara• living room, richly paneled family room with brick fireplace. V i e \V from all rooms. '144,500. Open Sal., Sun. & Monday; 1536 Galuy OT. UDO ISLE One of the most beautiful homes oUered on comer lot, on lovely Lido Isle, across from private beach. 3 LarJ• bedrooms, large liv- ing room , formal dining room. 2 Fireplaces. Beautifully decorated for executive taste. FOUR OP!N HOUSES REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE -Baycrest owner transferred &: tired of commuting. This· charming 3 bdrm Ivan Wells home will be open Sunday. Do come in . 1'01 Glonwood Sun 1-5 IF/ou want # 1. Room to park your trailer an your boat and put in a pool #2. An O'•lze dbl. pr. w/rm. for your worksbop .#3. A 3 Br. and den, 1 % Ba. home of a 70x135 cor- ner lot, w/frpl . and 2 patios, comp. fenced for maximum privacy. /5JJJJJ,,,,,, COATS · ~WA~CI (1 B1k E. ol. Commodore @ Starlight Circle) Th• Prict, $21,500 OwMr/Bkr. 6751642 549-1211 Generiel 1000 IF YOU ARE •EALTOIS -...SS'4j4'>-44141- <0,-. '••lltiiiol Call for app't. ..................... $115,000. DOVER SHOlES VIEW HARBOR HIGHLANOS -See Ulls fasllion- ab!e & functional 3 bclrm h<m>e with large family room • 2 fireplaces. Inside comer ad· dress. Large assumable 5~% loan. 1536 Sylvle L•n• Open Sun 1-S UNBELIEVABLE•. But true -We have many, many unita to choose from, prices "'°""" lntm 127,500 lo S?S,IXXt. Call to see! Ownet' Anxious Goner•I e e e e Come to RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookburst and Atlanta in Huntington Beach any day between 10 .'A.M. & . 7 P.M. and select yo ur home 1n our newly· opened UNIT Vl PRl~CEO FRPfol . $25,'90, to $3(2N . • ' , 961•292f Of 968-'1331 • I j .. ,_ L f 1000 General --~-- 1000 PERSONALITY HOUSE OCEAN BOULEVARO -CORONA OEL MAR OHL Y $70,000 QUainL New England Cottage -a truly ap- ' pealing home with VIEW OF OCEAN AND JEITY. located on a large corner Jot. Ex· terior is weathered ·board and batten. In- terior with vaulted beam ceilings, stone fire- placo and · paneling. OWNER WILL FJ· NAN'cE at 7~'11> interest. . ' SIX UNITS -CORONA OEL MAR Six 2 bedroom units in a Hawaiian setting. Each with private pa~io and modern buUt-in kilctten. Located SOUTH OF THE H)GHWA Y only 2 blocks to the beach. Provides excellent return on a summer-winter or yearly basis. A rare Corona del Mar investment opportu- nity at $145,000. Shown by appointment only. Exclusively ~'ith this office. • . o 'l'l!J: REAL '"'\.. f"ST!l.TERS 673-8550 332 Marg1:'9rit• Coron• d•I Mar General 1000 General 1000. 4 BEDROOM MESA VERDE Beautilul new cu,>eting. Lo- cated on QUIEl' cul-Oe-sac 1treel I-las a lari"e covered • PftC1osed FRONT PATIO, even room for boat or trail- er. Excellent v a I u e at $27.500. C.a1l now as t b I 1 popular plari w1ll seU fut. 546-9521 or 54M6.11 •'**'•• F•irw•y's Finest Dnmatic bi-levd cus- tom bomr on lbe Mesa Verde Goll C.ourse l1:itb over 4700 911. ft., a view from every room, a tre. mendolu living room Ir a delighUul secluded pool. By appointment only. Asking 1153,000. ''J'··,·\·.,, ., ·1 •· I .• ~-. \1 ,, • \., ,, 546 -5 99 0 Shlmmerlne Weterf•U $23,500 • f..arle covered patio over· looking your own privaw. park, waterfall, &: BBQ. Bla: Bedrooms, full dinlnc room. Sprink1en. 5f0.1720. TARBELL 2'55 H•l'licW Large 40.000 sq. ft. of luxury with healed and filtered pool , and a view oI the Ba'ck Bay. A real family home, 4 bedroom., 4 baths, family room, formal dining room. ]deal for entertaining. Only 21h years old. Beautiful, and well priced at $104,000. Call for app't. IA YCREST'S F.INEST Elegant blending of woods and brick in Ibis cu.sfDm built 4 bedroom home. The heighth of beam ceilings and glass walls, add charm and warmth to this near new home, built around a sparkling pool. Priced at $118,500. ONE OF A KIND This custom built Baycrest home has a rare excitement. Al~ _glass, to a beautiful pool. Tall vaulted ceilmgs lead lo a ste(M:lown liv· ing room with indoor-outdoor garden and ~aterf~I: FJoor to ceiling fireplace, conver· tible dmmg room. Luxurious master suite with garden, leading to the pool. ThU 3 bed- room home is a must to See. Under $80,000. HARBOR VIEW HIW View of Mountain and Sea; 1 year old Lu1k borne ; 3 bedrooms, large family room· elec- tric kitchen, breakfast room and bre8kfast bar; lushly caryeted and draped. Well land- scaped, with tuned sprinklers. Fee UUe to land available. An out.standing v a 1 U e at $52,500. Call for app't. WESTCUFF LOT ~ocated on one of the most desirable streets m the area 80x120 Feet $27,500. iohn mac:nab REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dovor Dr., Sult• 120 642-12" COMPARE . BLUFFS -See for yourself the premnnn view &: the better than new inter- ior o1. this open, airy end unit. Large 2 bdrm 3 bath & family room. 2132 Vis!• Dorodo Open Sund•y 1.5 BAYCREST -l.AlOking for that separate master bdrm wmg? Plan to see this flexi- ble family home with 4 bdrms formal din- ing room (could be flttlt bdrm): Ample yard for boat & pool. Owner leaving area. Bring offer. 1901 Commodore L•ne Opon Sund•y 1.5 * * * HIGHLY DESIRABLE/ -Baycrest Big enough to house the most active family. 4 bdrms, 3 _balhll & lovely separate family room opening onto covered patio. Beautiful- ly landscaped yard. Call for more information. Off/ct Opon s.1uruy1 .. Sund•y• PETE BARRITT REALTY 1605 Wastcllff Dr., N.8. 642-5200 --------------- Gonertl 1000 Gonor•I IDOi 1--------CHEAPIE CLOSE IN cllEFlEE And lwrurioU.!I living in your O\vrt-)'OUl'-OWD Westclill Villa Studkl apartment. 2 Bedrooms le-den. Spacious living room opens onto patio master bedroom auile with fireplace & sundeck OPEN HOUSE 1.S ONLY m.~ Dca't let the i--Jce fool you. Thla two bed- room -elepntl1 carpeted over wood noon Ms been remodeled rectntly and off- ers a BEAUTIFUL BUil.,T-IN Kl'I'CHm Wirn ASH C\B- INE:l'S. ~t bar. cln- .ete area ~()Wpu&\e 9'!'- ,.. ......... lliiliiiiiiiT••;jM ... :;lLlo;;l";W;\U~hl,BAiRR.;bom<=. OCEANFRONT v1c'e Pcirch-uve in mmfort REDUCED $1000 "'"'"" $24.7'0 • low down 0.ner•I · 1000 Gt-•I IDOi tnd ohop onlY two blocb -------------------'Mltf WeekeM-VWa #20 WeatcUtf Dr. at Bucldna:ham $49,500 Sharp 3 bdrm '2 bath C.ondo. In dioiee' locatkJn actou from pool &: club house. 1 Priced for qu1ck sale. ' i'PEl=U:~ON • ../ , .. • •• """-::r"l ~ • 642-1771 Anytlm• -ownei';..mcany. 3 BR home OD excellent --------i---------awicyatE.lTthStreetSbop. • 30,0Q) sq tt lot. 3)180 s.w. ~ach: 154,950. &.st Buy IAY FRONT ping c.enter R-2 LOT -ADD Bkoh St. A"''"' 1.14.500. George Wllli•rmon Hubour Hlgh/inds ANO'l'llER UNIT LATER. * 2 BR. l \z story, good con-REALTOR How long bas it been sffife Featuring one of a kind on di!.ion. Al.king U8.750. 6'73-050 Eves. 673-1564 yoo have seen a Harbor beautiful L ID 0 ISLAND. CAW.. Glen Queen 540-U51 I!!~'!"!~~~"!'!~"'"' I Highlands home priced at Spaciowi family home or Heritaa:e ReaJ E1tate A-FJiAME/ A-BUY just $29,500? Thrtt large CONVERT FOR 2 families. NEAR Westclitf Plaza. 4 BR. 3 BR. mod. beach bmne,. bedrooms, 1%. haths, brigtit One of the most fabulous 1% ha, fam. r m., steps to O<.'e&.n! S29,500 country kitchen witb break-boys we've ever had on the cptd/dr'pd, lncd,· shade 'CAYWOOD R&AL:TY fut atta. Separate Ahelter-island al a reduced price. •J.ll&ll ...... lrttl. qu~I strret. $23,500. 6306 W. Cout Hwy., N.B. ed. patio, plus feneed rear Sheet lu-.ry through.out s.. Jack Scrnggy -614'22.IO -----·---K~aard Ml 2.-2222. • ~1290 e yard. Add just a lilUe paint with too many features to. 1 ..,,..E..,'""~""'.,=..-c.n_.;.....__;,,;...::_- and oave bi&!, menlion. BUT w H A T A 3 Bedroom 2 Ba. A 4 Bdrm, for the VIEW! Call now for tulJ de· 1000Genera1 1000 1000 General S~\\~~ -~"B<rs· Solve u Simp~ Scrambled Word Puzzle for a Chu t klt 0 Reorrono-lettet• ol the four tu0mb~ wt1tds be.. low to form four llmple wordi, l:IBILO "-'-_I I' Ir I ICUMIS I · I' r I I r~-Yrl_R~E~~-1 . I I' I I . The penolty of success is to be bored by the oftentions of peopJ• who formerly - ,..,...------~ you. .. IDOYNEB , . IHC -ar.w.Lil!I<" . I I I I' I o ~"~::-the~~ ~d _ • • yau dMlop from 1 -.p No. 3 btilow. e ~~,~~E~rsgu~~E~ETIERS r r 11 r I' r I' I e uNSctAM81.E lEffiRS TO I G£T ANSWfl! I I I I I I I SCRAM·LETS ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 8800 "For A W\5e Buy'" Colasworthy & Co. 1.u.""" appointment! ,,,,.. $20, 900 Price of a 3 Bdrm. Ible terms and M~ Ai'C<· That's right ifs a 3 b«I· WHY? JOUS!? ! room 2 bath home in C:O.ta WE SELL A HOME Mesa and it'ii ready to be- EVERY 31 MINUTES lived in close to shopping Walker & Lee ::!.;~ .. ~~"':i'~ -.. ...... ...-20&.1 We1tclltf Dr. 646-ml ()pe:n Eves. Open Eves. VACANT HOME Because tt's vacant and tho! owner wants it .oid, it's in beautiful cOndition and in a Prt"Sti&:e area. All built in kitchen, 2 queen m.tod baths and as a bonus )'Oll 1et an unobstrucl~ view of the Pacific Ocean. Just reduced to $39,500. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St., 64M494 CLEAN UKE A WHISTLE over 2300 sq. ff. of beauti- fully maintained home. Four bedrooms, ~ batb..!I, conver. tlble den, kitchen nook and fonnal dlnil'lg a.mi.. If YoQ'w seen the GRUBBIE'S yoq'JI appreciate our PREIT'i, 646-nn 10 THE !<LAL ''-r.STATr.R.S PROPERTIES WEST 1028 Ba,yD:le, N.B. 67>fl30 Leaving area. Terrific 3 BR + lovely hid pool. lboice loc nr achools & shopping. 2 ba, blt-tn... Dble yard. Mak~ olier. A1klnr; $32.950. P.W.C. 546-5440 llOOGener•I 1000 Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: OPEN SUN. 1 • 6 P.M. 2015 BAY AD ERE TERR., Irvine Terrace Spectacular view. BeautifulJy furnished 4 bdrm. 4 bath borne. Classic architecture. Swimming pool. Lease or lease/option. $189,500. Kathryn Raulston CAMEO SHORES-VIEW A delightful 3 BR. home. Large family room w/lrplc. & BBA. Sparkling awim- mlng pool. Great view of ocean·& jetty. $79,500. Cathryn Tennille HARIOR ISLAND RD. $62,500 Smartly decorated 2 bedroom with con. vertible den. 2 Fireplaces, hi beams, beau-- lilul gardens; lots of glass. 2pd Story could be added for water view. Mary Lou Marion CHINA COVE-GREATVIEW Immac., modern home within 50 yards of be st bay beach. View of harbor. & ocean from lge. living room &: balcony. Lowest priced in Cove at $62,500. Walter Haase BEST VIEW-BEST VAWE Beautifully decorated 3 BR. 3 Ba. Lusk Harbor View Hills home. Formal din, i'm., fam~ rm., 2 fireplaces ; pool sized lot, prof. landscaped. Great view. ;59,950. Chuck Place YOU ARE INVITED TO THE BEACH 2591 BAYSHORE DR, Bayshores -Open Sun. afternoon. Private gated area. 2 Bay beaches. Spacious 3 Bdrm. home. $58,950. Mrs. Harvey NEW IA YSHORE USTINGS 3 BR. 2 Ba ., comp, redecor. top to bOttom; $42,000. Also, 4 BR. 2 Ba ., just painted, re. carpeted, new furniture; oversized lot. $49,500. Joe Clarkson PACIFIC PANO~MA Unfolds from most of this lovely Cameo Highlands . 3 Bdrm. 2 Ba. home. Lge. adobler brick & open beam ceiling· new carpeting; prof. landscaped. $46,950.' Chuck Place A DREAMY UTILE HOME $32,,50 lf y~u need ~ neat 3 bedroom, 2 ba., 20x20 ~amdy rm. m Harbor Highland, then this 1s your home. Patio &: fenced yd. Detached garage. Mary Lou Marion COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. SSO NEWPORT CENTER DR .. NEWPORT BEACH '™1700 B/B Whether b11ying or selling, why not NOW before the school JJeUs ring? B/B NEWPORT BEACH OFACE CORONA DEL MAR OFFICE OWNER WILL FINANCE! BALBOA-PENINSULA NEWPORT HEIGHTS! BEST SELLING TIMEI GREAT-POOL-HOMEI LAND PLUS 4 UNITS .Dup)ex just ~ block to Big nay-· POINTI $2t,t5'l M 548 .PROPERTY IS MOVINGI ~hi:~~r "cS:J;"~3m~~W~~= Grtat rent.I area. 2 Bdnn., 1% Blifboa! Sniall fi.xer-u1,1JC r duplex Owner wUI finance ·at 71.-i ~. ~ OPEN HOUSE ~un. l ·S P. · . PEOPLE ARE BUYINGI saver klklv.n. QU&llb' cpts/drpl. ba. ea unit 1 vacant. Good in· ONLY $2',959 First time buyera or retired coup. Jn-this ls for you! 3 Bdnn.. 2 ba. 66' corner. Large FHA loan tranr;Cerable, no cost. N. Hgls. with p1Uo. $5,000 do"''"· Owner btdt'ooml. 3 bathl A: fi'ntlly room. Rtverside. Buyer can aMume eXi&l· Irvine Ten. &howplace. Cash down vestment for owntt 'o«upancy. 4 will finance balanc('. l'rrre $39,500. Price' reduced to $59.000. i~ FHA 6'4-,;. loan. Payment.11 -S1111 tllre119~ rn11hi1tl1 tilti11t Jiow i;?:ovems prl~. $fiD,500. carport&. You own the land - 645-2000 E\"~''· 673-13,55 645-2000 l"\·~. 673-0479 $197.00fmonth lnCludtna: toes. 3 1•.00<>.000 4Si1 Mllll1rrl l11e,1111 67"'-E·-&-"""''"' S58,500. ~·-oom .... -e. covered patio.. Bel;t .r'7VUU ...... ·~ 6i;).JOOO 6~ E\-es, 673.£&4 EASTBLUFF ! VIEW / VACANTI OPEN llOUSE Sat. & Su n. 1-S 1>.M. 2915 catalpa. 4 bf.drooms, :.1 bl.thl;, .eparwte dinini:= ruorn, Light A 10\'el)! Price -3'18.000. 645-2000 Eves, 645·21.23 CLIFFHAVEN 'VACANTI CORONA OE L MAR VIEWI l..Antt-eor~ lot! J brdroom, dt:n. New kitchen, 51'parate dln1ng room with view of oc-ean. Qv.•ner't Ill· nrss forces &ale. Price only $49,SOO. 645·2000 Eves. 548-6966 CONDOMINIUM! OPEN 1-IOUSE Sal. • Sun. 1·5 5 mlnutts from ~ &: Bq. 3 P.M. ~ Snur He.rbor. J bfod~ bedroom'l, 2 baths, l&tge Uvtna ~ l" IM,tbl. Close lo school&. room wilh flrel)l•c.. 2 car i;aragJ'.'. Prk'O rtduoed to $34,400. Convenient terms! Prlcc-$32,500. &t!>-2000 Ewa. 548-4810. 00.lOOO Ev~. ~48-6966 WUTCUFI Of\f!Ct 645-2000 tOI De"' DrlH l•lte 126 .....,.... I'll'" o••r 11mo p•rio4 l11t yo1r. huv In areal 64~-2000 EV('$. 548-4009 WESTCLIFFI 5'h% LOAN/ SpotleN 3 bedroom 2 bath hom<', small dlnlna: room. covered patio, lgt. comer loll Price only $48,500. 645-2000 Eves. 548-6966 ~I.BOA • OCEANFRONT! 5 bedroom. 4 bath home beauli• tull,y furnished. Glamorous, exclt· Ing color cocnblnation! Price firm BUYERS/ We h••• 1w•rv ltind of liJtin9 ,.,,11,b1•. SELLERS ! 011r ''"'" •ffo•h ''• 111ppl1"'1nf1d bv th• Mulfipl• l i1tl"• S1r•ic• which c1rtio1 ill11,W1tle1" 1!\4 dt· .. crl11t!on1 ef O" 1'11114,..11 of prop· 11"li•1 lilf ... liy th1 17S 1r1emk1 offic11 . W. c111 h1lp .,.,., i nd '"' r11dy wh111 yo~ •10. GI•• 1n • c•ll. flt $125,000. se-2000 [\~. 548-6966 ,,, .... ___ .... ___ .... .i. YOU'LL LOVE ITI SOUTH OF HJWAY BETTER THAN NEWI 011<'. o!. a. kind Corona dcl 1'1ar Investors special! DuplC'x only D 1 3 Ir 2 Bd • ...._ Entire property just rcdt'coratcd, $44,500. Ottupy and rent attrAc· up. ex rm +. gues .. Ul·a-, brand new cpts A: Ulr. 4 Bdrm, tlve 2 Bdrm front unit, rear apL mat1cally bcaut.1fU1 in11de. 3 Bdrm. extra den, 1 be., ovtr41tt ga.rq:e, ovtr 2 car garage. JUil listed - Ideal for owner. large yard. '27,250. C&ll MW. 675-.3000 Eves. 675-4666 675-3000 E\>es. 548-8868 675--3000 Eve.a. 673-2569 SWEET AND LOVELY .And onJy '31.900. 3 Bdrm + Dtn 2 Wi bra. Imm.tCUlate cond. Ccm· pleldy l't'dtcorated a carptted. Larae yard - Not leuthold. F /A he":at, covered patio. 675-3000 Eves. 644--0818 A SHOWPLACE I In most wanted CDM ana.. 4 Bdrm A: Famlly Rm., 3 Ba. Planned <for comfort All blt·inl Ir fln~l appt'a. $S7.500. Ll:!ue purchase poqiblt; $5,000 Dn. 67S·3000 Ev••· m-&m SOLID INVESTMENT Corona del Mar Duplex rcdec. •nd remodeled, shows like a home. Owncn unit 2 Bdnn. + lae fa.m· Uy Rm. 900 sq ft. rear unit. Lovell polio. ~ E~. 673-0MI BAY and BEACH REALTY. INC. c;c~ ,.., Ofll" 675-3000 24171.C.-t Hltllwwrr lll'llN6 THI HAllOI AIU. llNCI 1Mt HOUSl!S l'Olt SAL• HOUSl!S 1'011 SALi '" HOUSES 1'011 SALi -1...cH.;;.OU.;;.S;;.;E;;.;S.;;.1'..:;0.:.;lt..:;SA;;.;.L::;l:_.:.;H;:OU::;S:::.•:.::•~~=ll.:.SA:;:L:::l:.,.....1 HOUSl!S l'Olt sA~:11• ~"::i:~~R SALi HOUils ;;v :::~ If. irf;;;';,"";;';;Al;;;;;;;;!';;;;;;;;:';i .. ~;°'; .. ;;,;"~':;;;;;;::;;;;.;l·ll!il;; -•f, 1011 -C•t• -1100c..t u-. 1111 oo1o HOUSES f'OR SAL I ,. A 'Home TI.at Pays 1 :::;~C;:;;rr:11:ia:dil;;:;if;;. :;:;·· °"'9•••· ioeo -• ...,.... N•::T-:~L :200 ~IJ~ .. ~,!...'!"h -!lse !o!:!!T.t!!• '-" , .. -:_ ---·--.forJtseH... .. ---· _,_ 11 ..... f ..... .,_..t&mlly... NW llAllOR a1 '. •11·n The' -a.1cti· ·on· -·~~ ".:!~l~.' ~~ •n " BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS You can live cheaper in thll Spanish modern bdf"fM. 3 bltha a Jotm&l ii M -per. eu.iom built attraottve New homes, ready to mowe In, ~ mile DUPLEX. Cooled by ocean breezes just a few dlnl11& room. Wilk to beach. 600 a ,_. __ 11 unlm, s car pr, All In a from beacb. ll'lrat payment up to 80 day1 steps to the Soutbland'unost beautiful beach. Double , ....... i:x .. u...-i.. ...._.. WITH AN AGGR£SSlY£ YOUNG FIRM quiet nnl&llborllood. $$.9,000. alU!r move ln. lnclud., a home-like 3 bdrm. with llreplact, "11"'· Open S.t./Slln. 1-S IURR WHl'll Torma VA/PHA. From $22,990. w_alk·ln closets, sundecks, tile roof, ocean Hunti..t•n u•rbour v~..,'':m.""~;::1,,.'b"; HERITAGE REAL ESTATE ha& 1 opening ltEALTOJt CORAL SHORES view + 1 spacious 2 bdrm., low mainten· ''5"" rNI UALITV • not Just a box. for a top salesman. Best commbalon apllt 2901 Newport Blvd., N.B. ance, c~pets, drapes, landscaping tncluded. Beam ce1u111 1: brick fire-available. S t·o p by & see us or call Dave ''15-4630 64"253 EW•. $43,500. """"°"' s bdrm• 2 bath "'"""in""""..,...""'""' Myhre at 540 -ll51. Herltace Real Esta!<-BAY AV>:.-BAY VIEW "'PEN SAT SUN 1 home. Per!e<t condition 10 room -J bd""". 1\0 bath& 2918 Bristol St., Costa Me'8. Open Hou.. Sat,• &in. (on Garfield between Beach ft M•l!lOlla 962-1353 u .• •• 5 moveln,Locatedawa,ytrom Backyardisjust rJcht-notl !!""'!!'!'!"!!!!!!!!'!!!!'!!!!!!!!'!!";'"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I 1201 W. BAY, N. 8 . 210 • 9th Str~ the &MOC· too Iara:~ l: not too -.mill. 1. Lie • corner Wtw k>L 2 Br. --. -~---------------· Huntington Beach Eastside Duplex ~":,';",b="' be•ween -::G~ ... __ .. _. ______ 1~000~ c.,,. Mou 1100 A¥~::~~;;:ia,~~·;,;,"'· Cer••• c1e1 ~· 1liso TERRY REAL TY JUST LISTED • 1------6TW10 -":;-,: ·~ J~ RUSTIC CHAllM BAYCREST BEAUTIFUL BONITA Tepa In Col .... Pork OPEN Sat • Sun. 442 . $49,500 1-----'---I 536-1459 ~~= ~ ~;._l ~!:,!>'i:: CHOICESr ol the CHOICE Asswne S~~ loan. $111 mo Rivenlde Dr. N.B. Preill&e Bnck: Beams I: '°8d1 of J'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I est 6~11. 1941 Windward Ln pa.ya all. J BR. 2 BA. Fam custon1 hon:lt. 4 BR Jae. ~in&' enhance the charm I Open Sat./Sun. 1•5 Secluded, private, on wldfft J1!1., tep dlnlni rm. 2 fln-rumpus rm •• <t-level. Fenced ol ~ta .,:iactou. 4 Bdrm. plus Gentr•I 1000 'General 1000 lachenmyer DELIGHTFUL I: SPACIOUS lfffnbe!t site-. Evtr popular plue1. Immact lndrpg. yd., 2 frplcs, b 11 • l h I' family rm. tw>me. Oversh'.e --------= 3 8dnn. 2 bath. alngle lt'!vtl. Many e,.'(tra1. By Owner. 0 .. ,,..,, •• gar ... all-Pool view Jot 1tret.cbe• from Ka-• beam t.-eillQ& in livin& room t t fully ~ b • -vu "-.I SHOPPING for 1 home! SAVE S with 5\4% G.J. t u e decoralcv Y V!TI. Vll!W ews t: wknds. 32(1 11ze Joi. Crpl<. drps. M&.29S6 zcl to Poppy. Sbo\l.'1\ by Call, write Of' vitlt our of-Newport \Vest 3 BR 2 BA Realtor ( otnnal duu;c r;:om • bre~ Derus -llP(raded accesso11-Bucknell Rd. CM. 549-1920 , ~ app't. only. Hee for your frtt copy of home.% mi to beach. Cpts. L.isti.ngs: NewPort Beach, tdrm~2'~ ::~ .r:'1ds.ot ics, 10llMd with amenities. AIL 3 BR'..BY OWNER OWNERS SACR11'"1CE our ''Homes For Living'' drps. AU GE kit. Fenced, Corona del Mark Costa Mesa slof'a&'e • ~ iized yard REDUCED for lmmediate 950 V~ $19.SOO GI 4 ~r S BR. 2 mo. old Harbor OP!N SAT/SUN. 1.5 Maga.:inc, with pictures. landscaped, sprittlden &. CALL 646-3'21 beautifully landscaped. sale-. Jngpection & com.par. 1900 Ffderal S21000 ~ Hills. home. LR, DR. Fam. KIDS WANTED I I p1·ices & details of our patio. Freshly painled It ~ invited al $39,900. Eve-m Walnut $2]_• 500 6~ R with frpl I: bar. l Ba. FOT this <,000 oq. ft. "o••. I w-'I -• f -~ ;;:;";";;Ev~•~•·;';'~'·~l"5~~~ nuws phone 644-0211 • ,, Crpts, drps. many Xtru. ... oq ae f!C.•t listing!'l In Newport c. can:u or. "~"""' COUNTRY LIVING EXCLUSIVE WITH 203 Susannah $26,500 s.., XJnt linancinr. 548-32SJ colonial homf'; • Br. + Be:ach, Corona Del Mar 1.:. owner will carry 2nd. 220'!2 SPANISH BUNGALO'S Large take over loans -===-=-~"'-'--I nurtery &: fam. rm.; ·~~ Ba. Co.ta M<sa. RED CARPET C.P1"'""° Ln, HB. 541>9G45 f , ~==•.:•,,;513-,.:..,;l"'l),;.:c9•:,;•:....,,~I COOL POOL On 80' h-ontoc<. H-, skip• REAL or 968-4132 Arf" hard lo find. You'll llip 2187 I • " -• 1 Blv .. Newporl Beach, ~. NEED: M·l building, 800 to n-5 rd 1 5 •~ bl\ lritche •·-• Do ~ Tak POlNSl:.......,lA. TY, 20'15 \V. Balboa ==~=~=-=~ oVtt this 3 bedroom cutif' fYlne [flll ~ BY OWNER: Eutslde CM. 3 jump to beach. Ul9,Q)). 223 67a..mxJ. 1000 square feet. Small .of· wit h 2 baths located in older -,....-n atu •Y • uu..... n n. na....... n't uo: a fool, e the ,, • bl established are2. ol tower-You cAn have hol'ses, BBQ · bireh cabloetl. 66x126' kit plul'lgf"! Exotic st It i n c, BY OWNER $23,900 lice space pre~ W;'~e ing shade 1 r e e 5 ! ~ ! Good In the kitcht-n, relax in your ' t7 \V/ '11ey accus for boat or Back Bay, ;u..(Jl55 3 Bdrm., 2 ba .. crpts., dri>S., \Valla & Doors. • P · old fashion s ER v 1 c E 20x24' master suite t, owr· trailtt. 6~'r. loan can be 40 000 CLIENTS Ctplc. 2 patios. 6~ o/~ GI 5'8--5623 after 6. }ook your own beautltul ,,~ 2.\14 V'8tJ. Del Oro _usuml!d, $24,950_. ~711 p .. , in'· '-nt ol 'th'-_,,7 loan PORO!!!! Deep back yard Newport Beach -.... u" m •VAU. '-==·= .... ="'='7034""===='--'==SOCK===rr::TO=z:::'EM=:::' ==I ot lush land5caplng and 2 acre. A MUST SEE TO AP. 644-llU Assume 4:V..91. GI Lo•n exceptional C·l comer ottice. r· car garagf"!!! Inside clean as PRECIATE. 4 Bdrm. 1%. Ba c.otlege Parle Asking $26.900. Term1. a pin wilh Jovety carpets a.ttL 26' liv. rm. R/0, ca.non ReaJty 675-3581 Open Houses THIS WEEKEND K•p thl• haMy lllr~ wlttt you thl• w•k-•ntl .. you .. hou..-huntln• All tM loc.atten1 listed below ar•. ducrlbN In 9reaNr ftt•ll by Hv•rtlilnt elsewhve In tM•y'1 DAILY PILOt WANT ADS. Patrons ahowlnt open hOUHI for u le or to r.nt are urgM to lilt such Inform•· t l.n In thlt column uch Frltl•y, (2 Bedroom) 900 Chestnut Place (Eastbluffs) CdM 675-2101 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (J Bed•oom) 324 Snug Harbor (Cliffhaven) NB 645-2000 (Sal & Sun 1-5 *242 Joann Street (College Park) CM 548-9578 (Please call flrsl) *522 El Modena (Newport Heights) NB 548-9450 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 546 Riverside Drive(Newport Hei~hts)NB 645-2000 (Sun 1-5) 321 Poppy Ave., Corona de! Mar 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 600 Aldean (N ewport Heights) NB 646-3255 (Sal & Sun 1-5) 2187 Irvine, Newport Uach ' 646-3255 (Sal 1-5) 2591 Bayshore Drive (Bayshores) NB· 833-0700: 644-2430 (Sun •flernoon) 459 E. 19th St. (Nr. Westclifl) CM 646-8811 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (l Bedroom & Family or Den) 450 E. 21st Street (Back Bay) NB 548-0355 (Daily 2-7) 717 Poppy Ave .. Corona del Mar 675-2101 (Sun 1-5:30) 320 Bucknell Road (College Park) CM 549-1920 (Open Wkends & eves) *2807 Setting Sun Drive. Corona del Mar 644-2732 (Sal & Sun 12-6) 1577 Corsica (Mesa Verde) CM 5464141: Eves 642-5719 (Sun 1-5) 2341 Azure Ave .. Santa Ana Heights · 675-1642; 549-1281 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 1730 Irvine. Newport Beach 545-9491 (Sun 1-5) *1224 Nottingham Rd . (Weslcliffl NB 642-5200 (Sat 1-5) 2132 Vista Dorado (The Bluffs) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) 1536 Svlvia Ln (Harbor Highlands) NB 642-5000 (Sun 1-5) 1901 Glenwood (Baycrest) NB 642-5000 (Sun 1-5) 101:l2 Stoneybrook Dr .. Huntington Beach 646-2829 (Sun 1-5) (4 Bedroom) 2915 Catalpa. (Eastbluffs) CdM 645-2000 (Sal & Sun 1-5) *2437 Fordham Drive (College Park )CM 646-8811 (Sal & Sun 1-5) · *2015 Bayadere Terrace (Irvine Terr} CdM 833-0700 ;'644-2430 (Sun 1-6) (4 Bed•oom & Family or DenJ 442 Riverside Drive, Newport Beach 548-2986 (Sat & Sun 10-8) 1941 \Vindward Lane (Baycrestl NB 646-32>5 • (Sat & Suri 1-5) 1380 Gala~ Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 225 North Star Lane (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sal & Sun) 115 Milford Rd . (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-6996 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 223 Poinsettia. Corona del Mar and drapo•!!! GLEAMING JEAN SMITH $1',SOO PRICE AND dshwh.-, dbl "' ~· '"".'· OcHnfront Socrillc. HARDWOOD TI.OORS! !! R-ltor 1IOO BRICKS B1k to .chls • shOp '· $26,95G Modern • s 2 Ba tam Tl"O h -2278 C.Omen 616-2309 ...... r. · · · ·v uge patios for grttt &46-J255 f.1ake up the maaslve patio! ·-· no•. rn1. • belt beach area • 2121 E. CQAST HWY. outdoor living. Ottered at a 400 E. 11th St., Costa Mesa Wherf" in the world can you COLLEGE Pk. area; auumc $59,:;oo. Or lease/opiion. Coron• 0.1 Mir LOW -LOW $'23,500 with find a 3 bedroom, 2 bath 5~ ~ 3 BR. 1%., BA, 1,. O\VNER 8Jl..2(11 •7J.3no NOTHING DOWN TO VETS ----· home, NEAR THE BEAdl Jam1ly rm., 2 frpl I., crpl!I., CHARMING •· k Ba . l or $1300 ntA. with electric built.!11.11 excel-drps. By owner $27.250. .._c y, • OPEN.HOUSES e WE SELL A HOME WOULD YOU lent carpet, boat door to 545-8631 lrg. Br. 2 ba, cprts, drps, 711 POPPY Open Sun 1 EVERY 31 MINUTES BELIEVE? ba<k yard. and VACANTI! . bllM. Own<r. U7.4SO. '''°· i,,,..i., a <s tt lo; LESS THAN ., 000 00 BY OWNER $:23.900 ~ with hannl ....... :_ W lk & L OCEAN FRONT ~. WN!! 3 Bdrm, 2 ba, crpts, drp1, BL a c .'!f o..uuntry a er ee DUPLEX WE SELL A HOME 1 1 2 tlo 6 ••• , GI UFFS <i<gant F plan, 3 Foell,,. Hom<. rp c. pa s. 'If.,. Br, 3 Ba w/BayView, wide Priced at S56.000 • choict EVERY 3l MINUTES loan. * 646-'7034 rretnbelt. All up~ed. Lo 900 CHESTNUT PL. Open 2100 Harbor Blvd. at Adams """"' Open 'Lil 9 PM CU.SSt!Ot UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE 3 bedroom home in Costa Mesa with an added family room with ftoor to ceiling sand stone· Hrepface. all new carpeting throughout deluxe shag. It's been completely repainted. aJ.90 a covered patio and . Jobi of big treeL Owner asking $23,500, no do\vn lo vet& or minimum FHA huny on this -arro.v- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St., 646-4194 5 BIG ONES IN MESA VERDE Looking lor a tremendous ~ 3 tialh home. Ready to lllO\I!' in condition. This ts ii! Separale walnut paneled family roorn, formal dllling room. AlllO eating area in kitchen. custom drapes· luxuriOU! gold shag carpets. Tropical landscap- ing, front (.'Otll1;)'ard with pri· vate ;patio. Largf" family fun back yard. Spotle111 and beaut.iful home, There's ooly one! $50,000. 546-2313 -o THEREAL '""-ESTATERS . ' . MAGNIFICENT VIEW From this rabuloo11 home On the Bluffs. in cxclustve Dover Shores. 4 Bedroom1 plw; family room with wet bar &. fireplace. Living room opens onto Spacious front terrace with a breathtaking view Reduced in price to $139,000 with excellent terms. Call Wally Hallberg ReL 644-4187 HAlt•Ofli ASSUME $11,000 6~. G.I. LOAN area • -4900 block • 2 BR. Walker & Lee BY OWNER: Oean 3 Bdnn l:KI, Jo dn. $4.1,500. 64+.426S Sat. & Sun. 1-5; 2 Br.; only plus bach. -furnished • R-2 E a s t 1 l d c • New ahag OPEN House: Sat-Sun l-5. one of 1\1' kind i n lot -30'X85' -owner would 2100 Harbor Blvd. al Adams carpeting, Extra lfl y a rd 522 El Modena, Ne'N])Ort Eaatbl.ufls. consider cxchan&f" for Iara:· 545-SC91 $23,900. 646-06l5 Hel1ht11. 3 bdr .• pool, 3-car SEMPLE er units on ocean front -Open 'til 9 PM REAL ES ror add. info, call today -M V rd 1110 gar. Broken welcome. TATE 645-0128 en e e 2515 E. Coaat Hwy. 61~2101 * * * * Owner Needs Helpl OWNER TRANSFERRED _ Newport Heightt 1210 * SACRIFICE * VACANT BEACH LOT Immediate ·posset111k>n -bir Priced ror immediate We Fabulous view home tn 5 bdnn caJTl.qf" Estates · Owner has priced below tbe (about 2900 aq ft) with pool at $21,950. Im m' a cu 1 ate WALK TO SCHOOLS Corona del Mar. 3 BR, tam market far fut tumover -In lop Mesa Vf"rde location. home with 3 oversized l BR. '-f..mily rm, La.rie rm, 2~~ Ba, pool, ~I oew approx. % block from OCffft Out of aru ownl!r makint Mnns, 2 sparklina: baths, livirc rm., atone trplt:. a p p 11 a n c e 1 , n c ., J 'I -ovf"rliud lot 3S'X$' -zon-double paymenls _ ,., .. anti lartf" family room. double OloiCf" area • SI. Andrewfll decorated, landscaped. Xtra ed. R...2 • a st.ea.I at $25,000 • offer, reasonable or not! raised hearth fireplace. cor-Rd. lge liVi"&' nn w/frplc, tge pr1ctd at Only $22.00J • bet-ner Jot &: quiet cul-de.u.c. $28,000 close!.'!. Occupancy in time ter c11U 1oday! ~ ~•'·SlllJ Call 56-842-4 South Coast Owntr/Bkr. '"-2414 for school. Price m:h.1ced CHIL T ROBINETT fnetreilllAwltllll*'" Real Estalf" rrom S69.500 to S59.SOO for REAL TOR '4.S..0121 LEGE REALTY COUNTRY Club area.custom quick salf". Call owner "llZZzz=J 1500-.•Hi"*.CM. exf"cullvt' home w/pool. Newport Shores 1220 644-2732. 2l!07 SeOing sun • -~----Priced lx'low replacement 3 BR.-2Ba. 235 Cedar 1 ·°'-.i',..~.,. ======-PmlNG GREEN S BIG BEDROOMS '"t. 51\ll> Joan ""' l""" W/$8500 down or RUSTIC PRIVACY NO DOWN GI Owner. 546-6tl1 sz5,950 w/$4,000 nt down to Shcl.tering tree• cover cool Right outside YOW' door + l>fa&nolia trees. Oo11o·ers l B'f OWNER: l BR 2 ba, see l.nl!ide call 673-17M patio. Double lot otfeni near by swimming pools & 11hnlbs. Star pine • Cn.J.il lam rm. Trees, ~k wall, ' quiet privacy. Below trlch- 1huffle boe.rcl courts. You lrf"el . fire pit, l baths, elf"C. patio, sprlnltlers. 2935 RoyaJ 81ycrut 1223 way locatioh 1or euy beach can enjoy your span time trlc built·in1, raml~ room, Palm Dr. $24,500. 546-98!16 -access. OttercdatJot.'68,500. while livlnc in thi.l luxurlous dining .rom. Cull needed REPOSSESSION OPEN FRl./SAT. 3 bdrm 2 bath . •-for clll!lllf costs. 540.17'20 4 BDRM., 2 Ba., erpt11, JN 441 FERNL&AF ~--_ Unbu.!~011::,~ryu TARBELL 2955 Herbor drpa, clean. Auume lo. · ,..,. .. c nn: v---FHA. $27,850 awner aols..M13 BAYCREST Hal Pinchin & Aasec. with this delwee Upper Bicy $19 995 Larre 4 bedrooms, 3 bath, 3900 E. Cout Hwy, 65-4392 "WAY or UF'E" ' T·PLAN 3 Bl', 2 ba, lam nn. u ,._ I N Dow G I "" Bl · I Pl ~· •29 950 a . u..,. custom uxury ap. BY THE SEA $36,500 o n • • ].,... mm ·• ........ " • · ntments ~1sionally ~fonth.ly payments less than Prine. 54~. Sun 1-5. ia:.ii!!Caped ~':e by 1907 Charmine 2 Br. + conv. den rent! Loads of charni, a 11 A1TR. townhouse 3 bdr, 2i,; Santi ~ f + formal din, rm.; attic Newport •• modern kitchen spacious ~go, owner or spa~. 2 frpl.: walled 1ar. livin& & dinin& roin. ba, pool, clbh!te, nice garden 1ppo1ntment to see. ~1eX;1ble den, VIEW or ocean • Jet· Victoria TARBELL 146 0604 ~~· S%.% Joan. $21,?Ml. terms. Phone642-2835• ty. Steps to beach, Assu~ loan al 6~%. $108,500 Fixer Upper ·······••I J ~-Acre, in choice Santa Ana • Hgts, Low, low price, COOL & LOVELY DAVIDSON RHhy "'-""' """· ..,.5142 Brand new de;ign by Ivan * 3 BR 1% bath, bdwood \Ve.lls. \\1W be ready for you 11oors. c:ptl I dr'PI!. !rplc, In tltnf' for school. 4 bdmu. double g • r a I e, bf"auti!ul 3 btt + powder nn. Beam-fenced yard. $24.500 cd celling entry Jiving rm • * 3 BR 1 % baths, carpets, scparalc lorrnal dining nn. drapes, lafie !f"nced ya rd. Ri ch panelled family rm. Vacant -immed. possession, with fireplace & walk·ln wet $20,T:JO. bar. Spacious master bed-Wells-McCardlt, Rltrs. room with opulent Roman lB10 Nf"wport Blvd., C.M. tub. This Impressive custom I --~""=~7129~~'",,;ytt::-,m,;•~- hOme ~ keyed to it's entic-MESA VERDE ing court yard pool & sweep. $23,tSO ing view of the bay below. Hard to find at thl11 low price \Yr have the key at 1130 in such a de!lrahle location. Galaxy Driv~ • Open daily. l Bedrooms, 2 separate Roy J . Ward Co. baths. Buill·in nngt. & oven IBaycrest Office) Sunny kitchen. 543-1120. 14.ltl Galaxy 646-1$0 TARBELL 2955 Herbor BEER BB.LY BUDGET Jlow aboul 3 bf"droorns, den, 2 baths, 2 car 1arqe,, built. in 1a11 range I. ovf"n. Forced air heat, cari>ets I drapes, 1 Hugf" l.fx30' patio, and a bl& cryslal clear POOL $23,500 DOVER SHORES 6 BR, 5 BATHS NEW 2-STORY VIEWI $11f,600 Frank Jame11 Rltr. 544611 Cott• Mew 1100 Deal Fell Through 1115 Do'9r ShorH 1227 W•lker Rlty. 675-5211 Coll"9• Perk'----"-'-'1 *UNIQUELY Br .. dmoor llG POOL + OiUereot "Old World" Col). Harbor I Oceanvkw custom lig Yard. 53/•.,,• temporary, executi~e lux· desi&:ned home, .f bdnns. l Br, 2 Ba, crpts. $28,900, ury home. Unobetructed family room, formal dlnlna: S4000 dn. Owner. 548-9578 Bay .l: Mln VU-most nn11. room. Beautifully appointed. 5(QI 11q ft. -4 Br. 4% ba + $12.500. Call Ka.ye Neal at Newport Beach 1200 m11ids qtt"I. Ideal for enter-644-0323. '.!::.::.<:=:::-.=::::::: _ _:..:;: taining. Easy maint. Jmmed Donald f.f. Bird A A.uoc. Fu""Loving occupancy, F\irnlJhed. 5-47·7041 Family Home $118,000. Alswne 6%.% loan. Cdf.I: "INVEST NEAR ntE For the executive with a Box 1632 N.B. 548-7'249. OCEAN. l Br. l~S ba. df"n Jarre, youni kmily. 3100 ......,...._,,.~ 2 bl>l.· din nn. 3 Gar'. c~ ••• ."., 2 • ....,, 5 ...... m For sale by Owner buUd another homo on lot. (4 k1ng-111U!d) 3%. bath home Some View, nr. beach It o1 n .,1e or theBal•k'IBtsl corner SpiciOUJ custom 'l-st.ory C!:r.:• 1hopt, Bkr. ~2010 ... ot.11 • n the c ay arM. 15x20' Livinr room and 15 x ccutive homt':, Large lonnal LGE. hilltop lot. Pt':nn, view 18° famUy room overlOOk a di.nlng 1'00m. Pane.led den of oeean & hills. Privacy. large functional 00\'f"red PA. ';,1t~ wet bar "· f1repl1tCC!. Real~or 613-2010 TIO and a 2<l x 40' heated Sitting1 room w/tirtplace, 3 CAMEO SHORES POOL. There Is a ras rlre-bdr, 3·• baths. Garden en-Oceanfront 4 BR & Den pit for cool evenings. SEP· trr. View of bay & moWl-ll5 ?i.iillord 1t 61J..6996 ARATE play yard has a _,!!J"!.._S82.....:.._&lll~~l -_ PLAY HOUSE le..tured ln ~ Lido Isle 1351 SWJSet. f.lagulne, All eltt· University P1rk 1237 Irle kitchen, ta.rg~ utility OPEN HOUSES room, permanent .oft water Marine Tran1ferred SUN. 1·5 sy11tem, closet!! GALORE 5 BR • tam . nn. 2 cov pa· 100 VIA FLORENCE, Beaut. throua;ho\lt. BY OWNER. tioft, beautiful tree. I; plant· cust. blt. home; 3 Br, l ba. 1700 Hl&hland Dr., NB. Ing, many extras. Top loc. L(t':. party nn.: 3,000 sq, ft,; ~for app'I. 6~% fin, (no I0111 coal) bit-ins, de I u x c feature& BALBOA ISLE HOME SJG.950. Owner must sell, immediate OWNER WILL FINANCE DOUG JOY REAL TOR """""~n. Plenty ot room Jor 2m unit· UJ...8504 • -4 doors from N Bay Probate EW -1~ VIA FWRENCE. Charm· ju!t CIC!al'f!d. aeaib> worth N MA TH ing fam. home: -4 ~r. 3 Ba. checking! Ptice $44,1!i0. 29M @ 6%% + OWC 2nd 3 car gar. All blt·irui. New BEACH APT WtlNC. oquals S BR '" low to•a w/ '""'"""'· 169,!50. Permanent ocean \/iew. ju11t law DP. a hop .1: • step to the-ocean. e Red Hill Realty A SLEEPER at $47,003, Attr. 4 bdnn 2 ba unit w/2 BR 18068 CUiver Dr., Irvine ? Br .. new frpk.; new bltrll, l be rental Price S40 000. OPEN 9 AM-8 PM 833-0t.'>O unmac. cond. Lovely patio. Lido lal• U51 CHAR.MING 2 Bcdrm, beam ceillna:, 11.rttt to street,· :dril cond, room fOI' exiian. $39, 1~. 213-19S-8771 Balbo• lslancl 1355 212 S•pphi,.. 3 Br, 2 Ba It. den. 24 x 30 1 btick pat)o, f"Xpo!C!d beam celllnrs. completely remod. By owner SjJ,500, ~ Huntington le1ch 1400 $20,200 FULL PRICI! FlIA Loan at S% ~o with to. tal p&ymf"flt of $123 P.I.T.t. Real 1harp doll houMl wilh 3 queen size bC!drooml. Gor· if"OUS pullman bath. Aey. on. quaHflea. Huae 15 :t 100 lot wllh double 1arare. Homf" has a built in vao- uum. &ibmll your down lo WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 7682 Edlnier 842-4455 or 540-5140 Open eves.' VACANT 3 bdrm In nf"W condition. Wu adult occupied, Extremely larae master bdnn. Br l c If ftreplace. All buUt-ln kitchen appliances Purcha5f"d less than 1 y'ear ago. Ownef must • will take $2500 down Ii. pay all comb. Priced low at $24,960, .,,. Beauty et the IMchl A muter bdrm suite with cwitom fil'f"place, spacioul comer lot, insulated lhruoUt. luscious carpetin& A near all schools &: sparlding beach. Priced right with FHA-VA terms. Pacilic Sho""s Realty· ~ Eves. 842-8728 GLEN MAR by Owner; 4 Br, 1% .a., tlttplat'f!, dshwhr, bUns, 1pnlldn. Nni paint t Inside A out; very dean. 1 r.ood neighborhood. 60U aq. , It. patio. Lots of cement I: I raised plan~ Gan~. I handymans dttam0 cabntl. 1 ml all chain l'toret. walk to ele'm sch, 1 mi to HS, 2 mi to JC. $26,500. 962-18511 $4500 DOWN Asai me 5"4 ~ GI loan. Ce11n 3 BR 2 bath home, hard- wood floors, carpets l draP. es. Lar&e tree, shaded Jot. WOo't lut Jong 1t oncy $71.,500. Better can now! MUTUAL REAL TY 142-1411 Anytl"" POOL IS COOL THE HOME IS BIG 5 BR11 BIG A: THE TERMS are WIDE OPEN. $31,500 IS A RIGtrr PRICE! Beau. tlfully located P r e s I i c ! ilome. Rex L. Hodge1, Rttr. S47·2m WHY PAY RENT? Yr. old Spanish style, As- sume FHA loan. l BR., pa. tio, BBQ, bltrui. Adj. lo iolf OOW'W, pool, $26,950 CORBIN-MARTIN REALTORS 615-1662 3036 E. Coa!t Hwy .. CdM SHOWPLACE 2 Story 4 BR, 2 ba. Palos j Verde atone frplc, Extru 1alcn. Unique landscaplnc. ) =eH5~t,\\ toREAL TY : IWT-&5.11 536-2123 431-376:9 1 ANXIOUS OWNER Just ~w:ed prlee of tbl!I 3 bdnn 2 bath, corner homri in Glen Mar are1. S20.960. Submit down. T•rry RHily 53'-14U DUPUX 2-2BR2balh.4 yeal'll yaung, Income $290/mo, term•. Owner wants oJkr, R. D. SLATES 673-3770 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 1338 Antigua Way (Baycrest) NB 675-6000 (Sat 1-.1) At $141 per month TOTAL!! Lovely shake roof h o m e with 3 large bedrooms and 2 pullman bath&! WaJk to Park!! Carpet1 and drapes, ALL ELECTRIC KITCHEN AND DISHWASHER! Love.. Home complelely quaJIIict tor VA bu.yer. Lovely 3- bedroom i.bath family room home on cuJ-dN.ae 1tl'fft in beautifuJ back b&y area of Newport Beach. 1-lurry on thi11 onM1wner. ~ady to move. Total morrttiy Pl¥· menu $250.00. IT NESTLES ' SHORE PROPER11ES IN A PRIVATE BEACH leek .. , 1240 3ll6 Newport mvd. *WESTMONT-VACANT COMM ol newer homes-thlll NEWPORT BEAOf 6~ 147-3119 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 646-1550 (Open Daily) 1901 Commodore Ln (Baycrest) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) (5 Bedroom & Family or De n) 2784 Albatross (Mesa Verde) CM • 546-5%0 : Eves. 548-a584 (Sat & Sun l'..l) 1536 GalaxY, Drive {Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 ' (Sat, Sun & Mon) *4536 Roxbury Road ( Cameo Shores)OdM 675-3520 (Sat & Sun I~) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 1201 W. Bay Ave., Newport Beach 673-6210; 87~ (Sal & Sun) (J Bedroom) 514-516 Avocado, Corona del Mar 5-li>-0465 (Sun 1-5) * ... , ** w....... . *** '"' ........... .., ly cwtom nreplace and ORANG I! COUNTY'S beam ceiling family room! Gora:eous back yard with LARGEST rov>:RED PATIO, Ind 894-5311 block wan renc1ng. I .............. -.......... 1 WE SELL A HOME COUNTRY LIVING EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee IN THE CITY 1682 &linger 842-445S or S41).5140 {)pen e\!f"L NEWPORT SYa% LOAN Ba.ycreatt. 4 Bedrooms. Huse master suite, 2% baths, for- mal dlnin& room. 2 fln!plac. e1, family room, 54~1n> TARBELL 2955 Hu bor BY OWNER: E:xecutlve home. 2 atoric"1, S BR. l Ba. pool lfze lot·feneed. Temu ll<xll>lc. $3>.000 ......... ..,. OAn.Y PILOT WANT ADS! Split k!vcl l bdrm 3 ba + Dome otrk'e, 2 Obi 1ar11e11 + bnat yard. llltf< family ·rm w/llU'n deck. IAf'le cor lot. clreular drtwway. Near charm!,,. Oierry Lake, ltt time oUered, $49.000 Roy J . Word C•. (8-ycrelt OM~I 1C30 Galaxy Dr. 646-1560 rrs WONDFJIUl1Jt. tba maJI)' buya In ap,&tlca ,.. IInd ln !he OulWtd A.di. Qleclc them now! 546-2311. THC R[/\L ~ ESTATU·<S 3 BR ' ba -,, ..... Owner EUROPE CHARM FINISH BONUS RM -~1.. o 68, Lid Rare 3 BR A: den. Luah cpta., oov. c}Can I. avall, Price Uo'Y Will Finance n. o corner. pa.lio blk wall, 11prtnlden, p:i,9jQ. pnvaCy on So. patio w/ bna ~ ... •28 ~ lo Lloyd Bernett Rltr. Imqint 8 20 x 30 living pool l Bd. ~ + 1 Bd dn ~;;a~ vcfuv G1. ·-· lt1 E 11•h St room, 3 balht + electrlc guclt •Pl Approx. 2600 IQ. 3140 Warner, r .v. 6 5. 2134· ld~chen. Larae pool. lot ft. ilZ,000. BOSTON IOUND 4 • 125·x300'. .,.,.., I•• ho"''· R. C. Gllf:ER, a.ally $19,850 Archhf'ct must acn hi• Jae LD<E to live on a 1mau 5 car aaraae. "'Ith larp 3355 Via Lido 6TJ.9.100 4 Bl• ._,_1 BR paved work area. -C.om·''";i;;i ... ..0.ii.iiiiOii;;i;i;iii • _,_,, • A family on OVER· ·Island! For 11le by own.!:r 1 1• Comfort A quality, 2 balha, SIZED 1.01', lfodcm Sci¥n· dut to divorce. Charmlllr P etely ft.ncOO ST9,!JOO. No WANT GLAMOUR! Lov 1 t he bh 1l)lle, 12x:l5' patio, 1ep. old hie. on Newport Jal. '1 ~: ;:'~loWOOy~ercsl rate Toll>Wd ......,.I 8 , mOderndc ' yra, .~.!}~a~ ~~~ ploy yard. Room for CAMP-""""'' I bllhl. has """" 646-7171 · r., '°""· n. Tllod TARlllLL 142-1 £R. BOAT A BUS. 3 yn completely re modeled--t.ntryi.dln. n:n. App'tonf1.f=========I new. ASSUMABLE 5"-% modem kit. w/blW. Loll $76.500. A hel loan@ S2(Dlrno. P8.V• evf'I')'· o{ t:oraie. Used brlck f'rplc Walkitr Realty '15-2616 M m -1 thlrw. CAU.. 541).1:151 H•ri-A: dlnlnc room w a 11 • atARMJNG 3 bdrm .• tqe Real Esi.fe (open eve1l Batbrooms new w/1unken ANXIOJJSI I eptll, pant5ed library: Top Quality Duplex rub. J.ra:. tund«k w/v~w.j-=:=;;::;;;====-l aw.... wantJ actli>d"' va. patloa, !rplc. PG,9IO; 11'1 2 BRa. hdwd flooni:, frVlet. N~r p&inltd out1ldt1 . Coren.a clel Mir 1250 cant 4 Br. It : bt. hoine. Month. See 1411 Sh&wneel FA Mat, bll·ln lcllchl, iar· Ad'Oll 1l ftom Bay on 2 -Xlnt val~ at uldn& price or ~ &£"es bet~:~n units, 11 fncd l1dH &: 3 blkl. from ocean. CAMEO SHOREs.S 8drm'a S5e.~ c=A°"n.=y~~PILO!'==~o~IME=~.IJ"'l ynto, quiet """· llll.500. ~ !':!!' .~~~·-' BR * $79.100 * LIDO REAL TV INC. UNES. You '*" .,. This won't lalt! all now! =:::;.:.,. -u :'Ull· NB Allee 6 p.m.. 61~ 3'°'3 Via Lld9 m8l30 '°" ju.st: pennies a d.&1. mat "J TRAOE" 11•-or 4.,.....,_, For Oa1U' Pilot Want Adi THE QtnCkiR YOU <:AU., PILOT OatsWed ad. &b Olaon Rltr. S.$5.1.Rtf Dill tc.em tor RESULTS Dial~ fot RESULTS TltE QUICKER YOU SELL &aa.Tt _.....;.; _____ _., I I ----..--·---..........,,.....,---=------------·---' . --- f ' ·{!I'. ""*1,-..l ls_lM · .,. . ' • . -l • -' • • , IUiNt • ,. , !!INTALS-• •'llPITAL'' l . lllN~l;S lllNTALI "l' · lllAL 'UTATI HUit l7IO \!!'! !::. f'!.':!'!1111 • ' --Unfurn-· ~·fl~~ · A!lft...Unfurnllhtol -A!"'= ""'--• O,Wel _,....._.._ ,...... -...... ~··'!ii!!! P¥ ~~I Mar' ~ ""•"" .... 41GI o......,, '°'° """"" '-"I iii1 ........ w ... IM "" P"""3 ~ pl111 <oi!o!lr Cll48NlllG, a.,,.. C9'I nt. IR~ . .M:E ~-:a.o.h 1lllLUXB .... -· -. e ~TTINTIOllj e . ,.uo ·•·-~·8*,<J,llo ·llor-Bor'*.....,._1\Y pdu~ ··~ ••• COUNTllY.CLUL-.• ,,.....VENDOME'" .Bltlao.l..b:»k0. ........ -.• Pw9\!n.loll>itma.lillo"m.. ·--- ""' tam ......... SI'!""°' -.aled < er .. '"'· rm .. """'· • . • dinlnr LIYINC) ............. 11>1'. '! ,811, l have ,.....,. -Di ait.' fM Owoer trudir-fl'plc., ~do.--AttneUve, room. ~~ ~.ftlm. All ~..._.. . ....,_,.ti 1 IMMA~ AP'l'S! combo ' Br--+( tam l'm, VIC. ol LA. AIRPORT: rt-1 ,..i. • • • -comtoda~· ....,. home. J>ea•lllllllll °'""'" • oueriNc .~privaey1 AWLT "F~ w11'plc. llll>Qt, ,-"'-· ~'lie..,.." 6 )'t. old Forti!, on the \tM. \Y&n•· 1-ue $$25. 193-9631 ~ 1.0\itb ~tell~·. bta.gtilif• ' ~a:~ ~NJ: &Y'AltAllL!! $215)'!tylioPtt. ~.. dll.ll!*r (no' pets),~ 24 s.aotl!ul view. i b<lr.1 2 """ ""· ~ L • · :;1 ~t,:.~~ ~ ftCria . .,,.:: Citte 19 aiieW,lni, 'Park ' BOil, ~1>0. \Vti.., ojlia., :'ti d~ ~":!: ' !:~·'°""" °"""' Huntl"" akb 2400 ~ &~or~I~!· ~ P" ~::~'IJ.u':" In !~8:_','Ba. !':ilS:OL ':.'!.. ";.; """1dr<d1, nr. acl>oo!. In • mo. ., .-euie • ........, owi> l~ew;ort O'lt"""'.. * SWlm o...J'. FUV&rff1' NB' 8t' •Ppmt. Mty·· (2J,S) ntOt are.. DaltnfJ)r fam-•~-...t.. 1105 BEAUTIFULLY tw:n 11 "JJt, er. 613-5513. ,.. . • '1700 utb strttt * -..7'j'"r,di;1t:...1-1 ~11 996-4433 eves • Uy wW alve beat ol care, u * * * * * ... _.. $1$) pu mo,.spaCIOUS, air 2 BDR. """ ~ts. bltins., Furnllbtd dr'unftimbbed ..... ., ...... L.:-z -.C • own bome, to )IOUr rental ulEW HOME -: mobll• hol)l"_l o drp>,gor.No'pe••· • M""U'OP"'"'°"lo9-Pm ;..i!!,45.....,~lm,A)'W.« SPAC,oew2 8R,2BA.clec CUpay!l2Sor•bli..,,., 19 . • • _Ataln..ble IOCJJiOll , wdhl!\ ~ '. n4: &U-8J70 w.:t1:A. MESA fiO.~ ldt, frplc, enc pr. St~ to bur pluat 1ubmlt what )'OU I ·~· tY .. ~ER -.... dlllaoce or """" ' • OAlCWOOD -. RENT • -~ Jjo, rra,.uee 'have, .... ·ol lla-e 3 BdlP> • J¥nor~ pool. Ttacber~~r oo Hunllngt9n S..m 34oo · . . or Lawndale,"'·' huabaod rm. Wltocldv• W4•tt ~-~' SPKIAi. CLASSIFICATION l'Ollt NATURAL IORN .SWM'Pll\S ' illng1, ouotud'"' VJ>;W. '~'" Avail s,ept. 7th. C&ii . . GARDEN ' . ' "-FumliuN VIEW apl. 2 Bed11111, a])lll plo"" by W•at..,. Aldlnea. Spot!•! lto19 ' 5LlnM-5tl--511uch elec kitchen, Roman be IM!fD by -.p~t~l'~.e:ir· 8 BR. 3 ~'near beach. new • . s20· .. 15 .__ ••• ltvel. Elegant carpetlnc, can locaUy: &a-S!89, eWI/ ;hath. M"" ,.p. !fl.SIX> ar perte\10>1....,k»'•lleasll H.B. hi&!<. 'Jr.,"•...,.,,.., A1'AltlMEllf1S '• •-• .,.. drai>es, ..,...,. U..plare. w .. i..nk. , ~-JltUL.U 1'!" .J.O tiM,llT IH(:l.UDI ~,,., -.......... ......... ""•"' ... ,, .... l~•o~r. o~~pm~~~ ~3f~req'd. c~.11 ~ft 'Ml.,~er .. '!'°~-pPI,· , NR\iSPAN.ISH JIOn~:-~ Callatt6.PY648--23M ._YOU• ,,..,.. 1~ ........ ... -9' Nwrtllll• ......ofHIN'! ~ Uo1.A -ffU.Oll OHL.'\'t am .. ' -. ' . ...... .... •. par " ~1L··~e 'PTS BAI,.llOA BAY Q,UB ... vr, or phone ,831).2,82S.. ' children ok, .no p e t 5 . .• W'\V ~ • Appllances • T\t'1 avaD. ~ l Br apt FUrn ar RENTAL '1NDllltB PHVNI 642.U71 . :If ANDY MAN'S Vacation Rant1l1 2900 uorum. $370, part turn. 1.!,_2,.: .::".!° "';j ~ s;:;\~:-i~ unL IM. 141lO. 6<2-1'33 -... -To Pllcl Your ·Trltltr'• P1rlMllt!t M 75' CRUISER, AIP, 2 deptb WILL exchanre ~ ' f Income units UO OUP' ~ with vi~ private· $400. lat, tut months 1n ad-w ...... se n 2 BR A~· I uni ~ .. -• · deeka ~ • • ~ Refs 962-ltOn cltan'a aveM, patio bretJt.. 517 W. 19tb. CM ~ • ..... um. or -urn. 111 9l!ldilllilll..w -}'dt. to beach. Pf.Oas, avail. weekly during Aug· · · _ fast ban priva~ fundeckl 1561 W. Lncln, Aobm '1'14-2800 To $Dl yearly. ·--, 1w/~ view, Nds, painl, Sept. 2 Bdrms, fireplace, 3 BR. 2 bath house witti lrc stoni.C clolets & ted Anita, JOnf:I Rlty. 1'13-621G GIW &den, range 1300 ml. Re-eqty in 1'l>d at Rucbo cent awvey • will comider Calif. wbere the act.ion Ja 1~ ~ ~$9,~ prage. D11% King! Rd. built·irll, ~~~~~ ~~ pooJ, .. ~ ~l>q~t HARBOR GREENS . YEARLY-Avail now 4 BR. • ,;:''!:'~~'!. prop., TD or amaller boat for 16+ uriits. Need depre- 1considcred, ' . 543-23SC' atta-t pm.. ., . . ~~m:;: y \r.'.~k'~n.~ ~ Pt_Wf walls, w.it ~. 2 BA. ll7 1'ttd St, Apt B. R E SPONSIBl.E executiVe Owner (tt.fJ 729-3400 elation owner. 544-3a66. Box MISSION ·REALTY. 4M-0131 S :_ tinl. I 2910 distance to school. $225/mo. c~ covered carporL BAQIELOR untum from * 673-5636 * desirea 2-3 bdr borne or apt, APPROX. 10 aettt: Ocean _ 3 ummtr . • • Rltr M6-414l .Ad~,_ oo petl. 1 1 $1il.O. AlAO avail 1 • 2 Ir 3 furn or uhflmt fbr Sept & view prop, nr, dntn t.agu. ~NT APT. s AW • • "l'HE CALIFORNIAN Bdrm. Heated pools, child w t lift 52 .. 0 Oct Wlllln& to pay top price na Value ~ CQl, Trade !Bdrm., 2 bath. Ir&: d~ BAL,~Q!,t J ~"";'D IDEAL fbr the·am8ller tamf. ... ehone-646-1727 care.center, adj.to aboppin& et c.. ~ for quality facility. Prefer ~ ~nt ho~e, ~boa I Pool. Prix beac;4-t.aiunl Larae 3 BR,~ 'BA, AU&" l&JO _ly, 3 .bdf plm: den. 1-~ .be.. '·• No pets. · SND prt, 2 BR, 2 BA. cpt, in or near Univenlty Padt. Udo 675-M33 aft Sands NO. 4& Owner . <2 weeks). 'Al Northl Bay· Cpts, drps, dshWn', bit-ms. SINGLE Youne Ad~ts Lux-2700 Petenon \Vay drp, !F'PJ.e bltinl, across or Turtle Rock HUls area. or · 6• •n4/494-~ front. Be11;u\Ual beaco tac-$175. ~ .S62-a11 ucy a:arden apts with coun-; a.ta Meu 546--0.l70 tnn COclo'~ $225 & $2oo Work bra. eall (71.3) 442-3481 Blc Bear A·.frame cabin. Jso• v~ just comple;ted 3 ing water.J 613-3245-• • ~ . -try ,club atl1\08phere and $140 2 BR. . W/ Adults. sc..G 1685 Irvine: ext 25. or repJy to Daib' (:rptt A blt·inl, Sweet frplc. •br, 2~i ~300~ ttaunded<. FURN. l bdr. plus hide-a·bed We1tmin1Mr 3612 · :,W'~U:~· ~ RIO. eacl'd. 1:f,~1. Bi::: ' Pilot Box M fm. ~·~~!~4·:~; 'Arch.BeacbHe1&hts.$3f,700. on Nwpt. lalatxL $125/wk. · " · • · a 534-69!!0 . E ttBluff 5242 WO • Ch\•ner Mr LeW.is-(114) See 41f lltb ·St. f sat. or 3 BDR. A· Cleo, cpt;-.1 drps., 16th Newporf Beach. · t 4 MEN in mediC&I pro-• ! By owner ~-528-ClOi:r ill Noria.''' sun or call 819-2061 Sat or fil'eplact\ ds!1~shr. ~t-ins, truJ 66-0050 e NEW DELUXE e teuion ~ 3 to f BR, 2 Lot, Ufe memberahlp Cub • • •• -Ai-1.1...1-· ·.-, ·~ · '· soft water spHnlders paUo C t Mela 5100 bA, furnilbed Muse by San M ·tl, Lake G~ ! 'MAGNIFICENT ,...,_,,':' r • 2 lull 1>athi. -Reing, Wame; WINTER rental. Lee crptd 2 os • ' 3 Bt,. 2 ba apt. for lea~ Sept. 10. Prefel' beach. $2500. :'ant late model car: pcean vfew lot; .$6,951l. sman, 2 Bit FQm. duplex.. ~an & dryet "optii>noll. $22Slmo. Br, 2, ·Ba,. bll-ina:, doted _ Incl. apac. mastr. i;ulte, dtn 84&-4120 or U6-4038 aft 5. camper, or lot in Northern but level. $1,000 Down, bet vw., .2 ~ ~b., qU!f:t, lln· 9321 Madison Ave. Call patio k I a r a I e • c™™ rm. & dbl. garage, auto. callf.. 84:7·2681 lat $'lD month. mac. $1tl0~1'k. ~ -Mt-mla between. 6-UI PM weekdays. wuberldl)'er Avail Sept VIUIKU\llUft doof ~ avail. Pool I.: 4 BDRMS or equiv in b"i-lll'll' ·497_ ·1210 only. 2IO Cajon, I;ar. Bcb. All day ~kends 892-74.50, 50001Ai Neptune. Call 114: tte. 'area. Nr. Catholic Newport Beaeb or CdM HAVE: NSU DUiie bua:o G20-u112 · JUST (llMlll nnir. Chureh • acboo1 a eorona ortL '1'12-5536, .,... a 1160 vatue a 1959 S!mca S95 ~THE "TRESTLE HOUSE" CLEAN ~boa.Beach UllltL 8971.590t * NEW BAY FRONT . yrlrU.llftV del Mar High. wkends. valu@, TRADE !or sabot Award-wiMing tiJJ.lside borne Sleeps ~ to-JD; ·19r mmmer e ONLY -e ELECTRONIC --•-s .~-r _ ...... ~• tnOto---r..., or '! ! iw/ocean view, ·3 BR 2 'BA. reservationa call 673-m) Laguna INch 3705 Winter rentals, 2 Br. 2 Ba H•rbor Htights .Four -.. -""" ''t>"''""" ~.. • ... ,, ....... ~• ~ Balboa Blvd •-'~-I"-Avail Sept • ......, 165 Anll&o& Way, N.B. needs 1 bdr, furn apt on l61S-=125=7'-------d ose to sclloob. $47,000 . .,..., ~ ·• ~ -· ' ' "'"· '~-.mo. 2" 3 BR UNITS • ..i •• 1494-6336 Laguna ·Beach, 2 BR , Bal~ apt adj SUPERIOR 2 BR,· 2 BA 221 19th St 67S--O'l36 aJ.l wl.th ~laces, DELUXE-all .ele.e. 2 ~ 3 Br, the ocean.front, ye..-..,.. SHOPSMITH complete _ n cn ""'" North end. Mature oouple or 1 & 2 8R apts. Front ... 'JC. to ~i~ 2\1 Ba, closed pt. $300 up. 213 • 8n-0404 ext 468 or PO eqttlpment, jigN.w, pain! BE AU T 1 F. UL J ' BR., beaehts/piel'\ -w....,.. lady no child.ttn or pets. ......, .... hwuhers A 2 be.tbs. 'F.i.2 Amlaae"· W13: .N;B. Near Bwt 675, Balboa. spray, millins e:quip; also j Baylront custom tum. Will 536-3911. 6'1S-68lD S.245' lse. Ref.a. 494-8109. $l75• No children or pets. RentaJ Mana&er -' CdM HI Sehl. 6~ e t..ANDLORDS e 5 •trln& biw. fiddle F 0 R ·sell on oontract or ~ op. BALBOA l BR. redec. Nr. 1525 Placentia, Also avail. Mrs. .. ~ FREE RENTAL SERVICE •Ulo or e&mpel eCJUif¥, ',_ tion,. '32,5W owner. m,..2359 beaehes. ·$15-$05. w k.1 Y. L-una· Nl.;,,tl .~7-07 unfum. 3117·A Cinnamon Avt. C ~"I Mor 5250 _.__ ... ~ -830-2825 ' ' 53&-3911 or-675-§MO,, --·-• ~n:~m .. ~"'·;:•·:. --orone-aw ·* R:=.·= * ~P;;,ALM:;;·:,:·;;· "'~b,..E"°SER='~T-n~-.-.-, ~aguna . Nifuel 1707 ROOM. bath, -private en-3 BR. ·2 St\, beautiful view. • Agt. i· one 10M ~ FREE TO LANDLORDS PALM SPRINGS. 2 bclr 1 ON BEA('U BIUns1 ·dsh-Nhr, crpta, drps. e -&U-3850 e .. .., hoUR ....... 1 & it eond SPACIOUS vieW home. 1 yr. ra.lff'· -...,...~ · · -1". 836-5750 or 542-1215 , M NEW SP'NISH ~ Blue Bea<rn 6'S-0111 • ~ a ' .,3 BR, 2 BA, '--•--, pool-• 150 Wk. ~ ... ..,... NTER :--2 BR tl15 + util. "' SU.000 equity For lot or ~~ -C40 "' ,.eo Sal Aug. 16th VILLAGE APTS. · •re• EXEC DESPERA'.fE tt 1Jo.'825 • ~· <PG. 'drps, lrpl, !'f,l' l.~.a.._~ba .. ~\l.'fmm.Balboa~. Condominium · 3950 ,Ii 23rd. 12-2 pm, 1Dl! w. I & 2 BDRM. Ftim .,. un-1 Bedrm, lcnc<d yard. lie, C~"-"==---- !Xtraa $35,500 49&-371• ~ "' Yt: .iµ:t· -Bay A NB A . il ~ 6 furn. .a-1....-.1 .. _......__, .. u ON -• ACRES by 8/27. 213-378-1168 '"" Acres ranch. 3 Modern , • S15 week; l'irriily'. 6f;i..SCG4. Co'.Untry Cfub Viila ve., • . va ......... • _,_ .... ,..._~ .... ._.,~-:_s::: l & 2 BR.'~" U homes, 2 wells; fenced. ~"'-ONT • bdr 2 b&. uo:a.u S cwtDI, P&tio, -· Furn A nfurn NICE 3 -' •• apl -..__,__ -• .. 1-tra•k, huge •·-Dana Point .1130 RENT'LS· Lovely I BR., 1~ B:_A, crpts., ~~.,.., " ., v• '-.. .,. ,...,..,_ ,~ .... ,. .. _,.,., "' .f-.. bit Hoe $220 Sept.June. Cpl&., drp1.. Wt bars, private fuDdeekJ, Flrtpla.ces I priv, patios I untum. Prefer bluff.I. Resp. 14 ltalls; FOR land, units , L~lng For'a Net Housis~Unfutnlthed . ii:fS:"'m.: pn. pa · Resp()nSible family. No ~~tD~ote~~ :;~e;;:~~:rl!~ m-.5139 or .? $45,000 Eq, 675-6259 R. m ol 12 to I~ ~-nerol . _ •ooo pets.~ upr dplx. NEED 2 Bdrm apt In • .,. _ ~ Sound proot walls, waJJc ln (MacArthur nr Coast Hwy) · .a. * * On our Investment? tENTALS LARGE 1 BEDROOM elosett, covered carport. . Harper Sch. area by Sept. l. !' 676, Tustin WlU trade l!llili VW SEDAN food condition, for clt ln 1964 or better VW BUS. * * 49f.4129 * * Have $70.IXXI eq. 1n 17 oldfr unlbl $1420/mo ~-WiJl. take free It cl!t.r house, small units or TDs 6-cub. Pen-on ReaJty w.1m Glen Mar 2 story come in H.B. ACTUAL efl\db' 81-1 NEED Westside C.M. home with pool? 968-5663 CABIN Cruller 31', t o fl' end. $1.P• 6, t:ovln V.S'•, ra. Clio phone, auto pilot, tit! Want vacant lot, TD'•, or , .. v.iued $11,000. 673-2431 front lot .$50.000 val. Pa · Pall.sades Ocean VU lot; $27,500, WANT: Income. Bria". stS-m.1. ;z:o' Century Bay Cruller: bay tiahln(, etc. Reflnilbed inside k out $3(0) va. WANT: truck, wag, trlr or RE. 54g.9661 TRADE 2 ADJA LOTS on Santiqo in. We!Ko clitf for lncome propert;y or ? !? NB area. $30,CO'.l each. 616-8'65 * \Vell, you can do it on thil $225. l BR .. 1'4 bt.., dbl. t Aptt:. FurnishH $150 month, yearly Adults, no pets. MOD. 2 BR, blt.fns, RAO, g. Reasonable, 64~ll55 "ll9 * * REAL E5T!TE -·--~-·-·- 8 unill. 2 b<lnns each. 6 un. pr., pool ~n. &: peta. *6'13-8088* THE CAUFORNlAN dl!p, frpl, terra~. v~w ulil. BlJt.lNESS Lady desires 1 ltlAL ESTATE Gentr•I lfumisbe<f, 2 furnished. ear. Avail 9/1 £Uv. ~ Genertl 4000 1 & 2 BR furn & unfurn apts. Phone 546-2727 $190 mo. 540-2266 bdmi unfum apt. To $UO. -Gt="'=""'---- iJl'ted draped. OnJy 41,1 years $l35 2 LGE." Br duplex. Clos-. Pool. No children or pets. 2 BR lb of hi Call 64z..rol6 Office Rental -6200 t~~-~: ~~·dD!st•~• ~·"''•, ed ·pr, w/w. Avail 8/15. iiii/::R UJll~s ·:~1659 2405'-Ai 16th st N.B. 646-4664. GMA10Rn1 NIQUE drps.~1.. lm~o ~ci: \VIOOW desire• small film 6070 1 _A_•'-'-"'"'""-----•••Pl>-~ -·--·· '"· s ...... .-. · . A N Am. .. y, ... flM .. ,. .... ~ MODERN 0FF1c&s -L \ I-I.arbor. Exc:tllent lin&hcln&:. . No children. C d I M 4 no'pe , r y .• ....., mo. ap ocean v w. P ...... ., Lagurt• Bea"' i POINT REAL TY $165. ? BR .. w/v.-, patio .. Dbl $90. 1 BR. Tri·plex. Util. pd. orona e ar 250 Excellent. park.Jike IUftOWXI. Avail 9/1. .Aft. '1, 615-3'717 Nov. <n4J 549-1779 FROM $6S PER MONTH 7 ACRES W/PERMIT , '4156Coa.stHwy,DarlaPoint gar. ""ES!de. llkt. ecMUl Avail . 8115. ·, BrtkM. LG, pvt bachelor, so. of ina:•for adult,only. AVAIL Now, larJe 2 bclr. NEED l Bdr.bonM ntuHB Ail'-coQcl.,parklne,centraIJo. TO KEEP HORSES r==~m~4~)~.,..,,.~~=:;::i::l~loral~.~::· :··~·;:',:·::'=;;;=;;~1 ~-~TI~· "Lj;;;:;;--;;;;;:-'~;rii hiway. Refria:. on I y . Baeh, ~ 2 1;·3 BR. Apts. apt. new crpts., paint~. blt-w/fl'nced yard. Couplt. catlonJ. Secretanal terVlce. Adjacent subdivision oft • I: i-li73=600f -:---Fool,·tir-ahopp~. ins-we-or-re-nra:r ;200;-MToe ·-~ E. -l-7th,----eosta-Meaa mt!£ E. 0r-l'lwy;-utn-a l!""~on~l\l~om~ln::i~um::--;-:'';:50:l;Cos;;;''~M~1~t1~.'~;;;;3;1;;00; I~ 1 ~d~x, fv!tl.8~11 OCEANSIDE Hwy, 2 BR, Im ~t.a At!a., ~Pl W , Couple over 45. 673--0130. 642-1415 $35,000, ~ Cath, bal lit trust. ,r pe ~nl . tum, walk .to lhops adulta • 646-5M2 • l ·BR 80. of hl!:W, lg. deck. Rooms for Rent 5995 PftIVATE offices W/bath, deed. -' I BR a pt La.&; •B. cloee FOR RENT ' Bkr. 534-6980. . only, ,., pet:a. MO-JB64 1liE SE\llL.I..E' BR. 1% 'Ila: rirw crpia, dtJi6: some turn. crpta., drpt 6 •torage 1pace MAKE Ol'f ERi I . , beache.s, park, markets. 4 bedroom home in Mesa $130. 1 BR;. Hoar ~ Ba<;hd W/garage, $150. Adulbl • $165 mo. 673o-69IM PRIVATE entry, men onfy, ln the Glendale Fed Savings Wdte or contacl: Georte ro 1Range, refr, cpt&, drps. Qn. Vente. Ne\lt shag, c~l.9. Adult&. avail now! Broker Util iDcl~ c~~t· ~ crpll -drps ., Blt·lria. Feno-2 nD ..,,_,"_.,_ avail. $15. mo. 648-3696 aftEr 4 Bldg., C.orona de:l Mar. $8S Kress, Box ·914, ~ lly $12,500 cash. Owner $225/per month ......... Bier". 645-0lll·iocal. ,~~;::k crp...,,. ed )'d. 2619 ·Santa Ana Ave., .... ~ u.u•11-"'" pm, mo, Call Evelyn H.alb&kken Beaeh or phone ~726. 494-2.fl.3 546-9521 ;:· s.46J1 3% mo&. Balbc!a · Bay Oub ,......,...,,. 6.JS...4120. ='1:: ~~~: 314 FURN. room for rent w/prt 6'1S-5t44 or 5'5-3165 ACREAGE for Sale, com. j • •tudio ~'side to qualified Balboa 4300 2 BR BqngaloW d u p I e v. BA. A kitchen priv., Dana SfE At 188 -E. l'Jth'·St, CM. pletely e.nrl.netred k il'I'.· iRENTALS member. 54MOOI.. -. D ec bltna, crpts, drps, 2 BDRM'S So. of Hwy. 1 blk. Pt. $'10 mo. 496-9514. Nut to security Pacific proved on Dan Dlta:o Frw,. HouMI Fumished PENINSULA Point t Bednn. ·sliding a:Jaas drps, 2 pa&e, from beach. $US • .Adults, no PRI. room, kit prlvl'p Nn.r Nat'l BanJt. Plenty of park-Zoned M·l, one acre~ J;..,.ral , 2000 Cotta Meu 4100 deluxe $135 yrly. 1•5 4 4 bird'• eye view ol Ra. Gar. pets, 64:2--'1898. 21 It Santa Ana. $1'1. wk. inc. a 11 utll included. to l5 acres avail. Bet'1te1 ~-~ bomea •-• I BR., g•~--lio, ~"., $30.00 --~ up· Mlnunar·Dr ....... 1358 Adulla, no ,..... 215 1 5aoo 66-1294 employed only. ·1.:6'2-1210==·-----Clown V&!ley Plrl<way. !JI ~u,••.:. "..,., .. • --~ _ -r '"" wa. !-.====<'.====-• Am@ricanAw., CM. Balboe ruRN. room wtth bath, Office I: delk space, Rancho Viejo, in lAauU unturn. 4-5 & i Br. From .drJls., stave retfig .. tropical • Dl.Y. week, month. Bilbo lslan~ . 4355 LGE Bachelot unit Sharp. $l70. N~ 2 BR. 2 Ba, private entrance. Man only. Secretarial IUVice. Niguel Call lO A.M. to l2, ~ $300.Bkf.,66-0lllloc:al. -1 1ettin!;f~r.,~ulMQ. ~.~78010 e Studio&Baeh;.Apta. Cpts/drps. Nr. So. Coast yearly. Laundry I: prace. $20/week. 646-'MS Newport O vlc Center, PM to 4· 499-1355. ~ shop •• 45.-.,......... o. ~ •Incl UW. I: PbQDe ien. WINTER rental, ' SR I: 2 Ptua. occ.-$125 incl retrig. Nr library. 673-391& n-es. -~1601 Allen., broken weleo?ne. ~entals to Share 200! 2 BDR Duplex, unfurn, gar, •Ma.Id Service. TV avail. ~.R. All ~~· 4,iabwshr, & utll. See at 973 Valencia Gueet Hetne1 5991 CARPETS, drape•, air con-HAVE approx iii ~ i ~ , , , ___ , , Jr yd, 35 or older, no dogs. •New Cale: & Bar ~~r{m> na..7005 Agatt. Apt. 2 aft. 5 PM wkdays I. Huntf"'--IHch a_.._ dltiorling, plenty of parlt.lnc. Ocean view property, 3 ~ f YG; ~IUUU mm With MS--2720 · 76 Newport myd.. SU.1'.155 all wkends. · '""''"" ~ PRIVATE room tor Jm-S'i'O .l up. W.U.MeCardle, from downtDwn Laau~ 3rd ~ &bare rent. Furn. $135 PER mo Deluxe mob BEAUTIFUL Upper duplex 2 BDR., 1 ba., cpts., drps., F itst Time Avall•ble bula~ lady. Nice sur.-Rltn. 5'&8-T729. Value $150,000. WUl trUt 111~~: U3 ~R.P.k,2%1rv~' N9wnorf lff;ch 3200 ·bom· ,, Hid poo1' , •dulls, 00· Apt Very close to St. Bay. 4 bl . roundtngs, good meal 1 . :s::: tor ba)1ront home, Bal..,. 1 g. •tu...,, mv. ..,... t,;. 4 Se M er: 4 ba. $400 per mo. yrly. l·•M., 11 in & I e a:ar., One 2 BR, convert den, own. Costa Mesa uta. Avail uu.;ERFUL A/C office 15 x or Lido. 61$-0833 aft 6. go..":2588 alter 6 pm. NEAR OCEAN ,peta. asons ob SaliSbury Rlty. 6'J3...6SOO U})fttairs, $120. One ehild era Villa • , , $300. One 3 + Sept. 1. Call 548-4'lM. . 20. Elevator, parkinr, top 11 ACRES • _.. ' Estates, ~·Newport. OK . No peta. Eves: Oen or 4 Bedrm studio • • . ' locaUon. $65. 488-E. 17th, at , orange • a~ --:-1 NICE man or woman to THIS WON'T LAST MS-6332. Sunstt'•·ach "SS 646-3432. $350. These are 1500-2000 sq M~-II t I 59" Irvine Ave. 673-6574 grove. So. Or. County. ~share 3 bdr. ~ •. $100 mo. Available now - J bed .• 2 LCE. baeh. & 1 BR. up-sirs. .... .. ' -~BDRM, 1% ba.. bltns. ulil ft Vlllaa, Fireplace, erptJ, •-· •n I I ililGE Exe ti u· $135,000 on cash de al 642-31.67 bath. 2 patios, doUble gar-Drps., erpts., bltins. No St· MMER rent-Oceanfront rm, gar, patio. New crpts It: drps, bit.ins, priv attach R'll'-STORAGE . lal'alfl, fulfy cu ve 0 ic:t w/$$,000 down, No pymtl. EMPLOYED lady wills~ age, rU"eplace. Rangt, oven,. pets...2885 Mendola.Dr "Apt. apt. 14 •bdr., firepla.ce, drp.s, No pets. 1 rn.ile occ. age. Huntln1ton Villa&, 16tn encloeed. Avail Sept. lit. !!,·!lmoJJso =:.:.:mm on equity for one YI· ·home with same, with or dishwasher, disposal, New A , ' ti' Full !Urn ., ;.,, "· •·· •11n MaJqa Lane H B 842-IW .,,..,, 0:60 2921 c M _. · 494-6594 Broker , pa o,. p.r. y , . ...,.& $1w mo. .uit & ._t, ...., , · • ....,, mo ea . .-r , . . • · withiiut meals. ~07. · carpetl &: drapes. Steps to CHATEAU 1 POINTE $1.Gd/wk. 17th & s. Pacific, deposit. After 4, 968--7272 (11 AM. to 5 PM) Industrial Ptop.. 60IO TAKE over 1D ACftS n1 ~INGLE 21 yr or over girl to t:;rplayi!"::.und ~nd ~~1:; Lovely 2 Br. f.::.n_ apt . .Pool, SB. (n4> 642-1400 IMMAC. 2 8R. erpts., drpg., 2 BEDROOM Carpet 1, Income Property 6000 down. $25 mo. Ranch al~ \~1 .,A! ~rmaftASp~.30w./~. Newport Beach. $345 'lease carport; adults, ~.pets JI..:"" AbldtiMulta' re!,~'· Tlar i :~401 "or· ~apui•I ~~-· 1 blkOwntoerS, •DRIVE BY DUPLEX* i.m il!e 100x170' with office nr. bute lake. 89f..47U Ait.i ~ ~ , .. ,·th .-•-·-•. I ..;, OK. $150 Mo. plu.s utihtie.s Oranee County --·-pe ... .,... " ;,,..,..,., S • .~ • .,...... r -1941 POMON' c M '...1<11 ,. ,.·,,_ • 5 642--2835 or Key at 7701 *319 W. Warner, .A. le 40x.tO' tlab with steel Mou t & ~-~ 621" 'tostt ••---llOO Ph. 646-6942 ov.·ner. · ,... · • SINGLE young adults, lux· furn . ., ........ 54-alt. ONLY $23 500· ine $2'70 frame only. Ideal for truek. ·==n.,.~"-.._....=""--'-"• -. . LOVELY b'• 2 BR, 1''-.... -~ p M Ellis, Apt. D $145. ' ' . -1--------~ n ~ ury gm~eo apt>. w/(ull · · NR. S. CO. PLZ. In& !kn>. $26,000 . "'" ol l •••••••• j 2 BR,. iar. patio, troPieal 8/1 Pool, patio, adults. $190. recttation facilities & com. LUXURIOUS 2 BR, all elec., NEW $145 up. 1-2-3 Br, 2 Ba Cpts, drps, 7 mo. OWn. terms. Owner will CaJT)' lst D-1. H & A setting for adults. 1 blk to TO\VNHOUSE 2310 Santa Ana. 64~2933 1 pl.ete privacy. South Bay crpts, cl.rps., GE kitch., pine htd It: sa\Ula pool1, rec rm. 5.l}.2'J38 TD. RIMI se Cf1all . ahop $175. Mo 544-4780, 2 BR. l "baths, bltns., lrplc. v.•k. Club Apts. 277 So . trees, encl'd gar., nr but. G.E. Dishwshr. Mar S46-3l37 4 NATI"Y NIFTIES Wtll .. McCardle, Rltrs, , N -rt Blach , 'Hftft carpets, draMs, $225 month. BAOIELOR apt, no ~king Brookhurat, Anaheim Cn4) $140, Adults. 120 E. 20th. & 84Ml.4-4 All 2 BR _ Elec blUns. Lush 1810 Newport Blvd., C.M. NEWBERRY' · ·-po ' r-· Bay ij Beach !orlllt"". $55. Ulll pd. Good 112-4500 *TOWNHOUSE* Nt:W ll50 up. I·,_. BR. patm AND over 12% net ·• ~1'129 anytime QUIET, secluded gpot ria:hl Reelty, Inc. :!!a~108adults over 30. Gardeft Gro.,. 4610 2 BR, 1% BA, crpts, drpl, ~ell"a ~!drec return. Make me prove it! SPRINGS , ao!root. ~--'<x Wiii ~ . patio. A~ulla, '1150. 134 E. rm. gr. Jo Ham.,, Rllr. 64W226 l-'ust~-1 Rtnttl 6090 CITY DF LAKES .on~-·· 2 ... ~~~/ -• 001 Dovtr Dr .. NB Suite 126. FURNISHED BA. CHELOR · ' f..ielody Lane. &f2.Q'l2. 846-3l37 or 8464144 ''9 rH1 ... ~......,.YOUR OWN"~ '!er ~ -· -mo. &tS-2000 . Ev Sl8-61l66 '-· SINGLE Young Adulla l.wc•t---'·..'-~·--·--2 BEDROOM -d lalboa lslalld ~ ~ 'OR: Bachelor stitte 1156/mo es. APT, COSfA ™A. ury garden apta with COW'l· NOW 'Rentlni: NeW )&. 1 BR · .... .,ts, rps, l'or Le•H 4200 Sq Ft , incl all util .. 721p W. Ocean· WATER,fRONT lie,. 2 BR, 2 * 549-3345 * try club atmosphere and aptll, cpts, drp4, bnllUna, J!:· ~t·:;~ ~:fp.:. pet&. Store or offlc<e:, w/w cvpett. Shop Blff Nr Dntown front. Phone i63"1-2m or BA, trplc, FA heat, tlec kit, ALL Util pd, 1 bdr duplex, complete privacy. SOU'm: Patios. Adults o y • .._.. lillSO;;,;;·;:B:;kr::,, ;:&G-;;;:95155::;;;== Coste Men. Many kletl 538-3232. patio NO pels or children. <!1,der adlt.s. infant. Pt..tl OK BAY CLUB API'S 13100 I ;:·21lO=..:FJde=:n.::.:&41;:6:..;l:,:.76'.:::.. __ 21: 3 BDRM, 2 Ba, pvt patto, luff"~' Rertt1I 6060 Ultl. C.nt•ct owner, VER Shores bay '?on t 67>-789!1. $100. 2135 Eld!n, Cll-f. CHAPMAN Ave., Garden SHARP larae 2 Bdrm apt. heated P 001 • n ew 1 Y Mr, Olcke,raon. : ~e. 6 ~ 4 BA. large $150: NR. Back Bay; 3 Br. BEAtrrIFULLY FURN Grove cn4l 636-3030. Crpta, drp;, bitn.. Quiet "d;,."'°"""1a;,.<ed,,._,. -:962~--cc.;.--BALIOA ISLAND 642~ Days 20 Mlle• Eut of Barstow CIJI trffway. 'Elev. :xn'.I ft. Near Lake Loreen. Woodertul luil for apricots, alfalfa, nut u. growing, fisl'I ralalnJ, hot'1lt ranch, boa.Una:. etc ; etc; . paui:i.. 7P ._.Priyate dock. Redtc<>r" W/W cpt., • gar; 2 BR. heated pool; adulti, no bid&. Infant OK. $150 mo, LAROE 2 BR unfurn apt. T 0 p location 300 + sq fl, 54-S452· 1v ... Avail Sept fl"•~ l!;e, $1000 Fncd. yd. Avail. Se-Pt. l; peU. $14& .q... utll. 642-9320. Ltlgun• ~ch 4705 5'1~2682 an 5:30'or w~1. Crpt.s, drpa, oven, n.na:e. 4 yrs rtmainlna: on lease. . 40 Aetts ~ Land, !m. ~:~ 110·50l 3 or 5-19-0077 . 1 BDR:, parthilly furo~ nlo, 100 CLIFF DRIYI! 2 BR Duplex E-side. Newly _ _..cl_l>l_._._ .. _ .. _1_54_4__ ~~iS ~~ :e:i:: ~;~· Box r;:0~ ~i'.nat~ o~ proved wrm modem 2 Bil · · CHARMING l Br.,2 ba.Like util. pd. Over 30 years. Two-bedroomlutnilbtd dee. Stove, iar.&e· yard. I 2 BEDROOM. Carpt•tt>, e rRIME"·1a11'·-llo· • flee space ·pref. Wuhable rancl'I boult, Jp Jlv rq\, YFRONT I. dock 3 Br. 3 nn'; epta .. drpa., blbis. nr; ~~~ All DeJ.ux. Featurea blk to sbop'a. $135 mo. drapes, raoae, garage. $12.'.i. ,...., .....,.;a n walll 6 floors 220, 3-phue. beamed ceUl.nc. brealdut Ba den. LeaR/optkln ~. beach. $250. A&\. ~1290. 1..:.. -'-"1"s°'R"""ll25"""-mo-n°'th"'.-· 1 Walking Dilltaoce to Beach Adults. 318 16th Pl., C.M. -====1194-4.l=="=== Sten 17x40, xlnt ft, A: auto -.5623 after 6. rm, kitchen, modem bl.th • mo. 675-4331. AllO unfum. BAYSHORES-UNFURN. moB Orange Ave., :··$225 -Yearly lease SPACIOUS 2 BDR. cpts, ... ~ 1B7l Harbor, C.M. f1i·l INDUSTRIAL 3100 aq. plwnblna:. Taruc houte ,.,_ a.r . Ji,lan4h 2350 3 &:. 4 BR._ Yeara.ltasc Costa M~.sa ~ff.:2449 drps. stove. 357 Victoria, Tu.tin 5640 ft., 4 offices s pbut poWfr. :.~~:;-1 J~ ;!: T di . W I ·-J.. -'"C'' THOMAS, ~~altor LA.JlGE 1 bdr. in ~lex. r2 BR duplex, fum It unhlm, Colla Mna. THE ASPENS PROFE§IONAL off t c e SS:5(1/per month. sure. With double 11r. C.. M •rt • Clmw 224 w. ~t·HW)'. ~27 CIPSE!d pr, -.w pd. nr Vii: H 11. go, new 2 BR. gars, new crpt, stove, \5652 William St space, $155. mo. Must ue to · C. Robert Nattreu Realtor crtle septic tank! all elte., Your·cboiae ot-2 comlortable "PARK lJDO" like rrtW 2 $115. i"'!-151i cptl/drps. trpl, ·I at. rerrtg, *"· 1'14 l.'fonte Tustln·s prtstip addreas appreciate. 1862 PlacenU.. ~ta Meaa 64.).lf85 5 hp pump, 301 &al per min 2 Br homes; dbl. '8J'&&et. B 2 n. ,_,: ......i 2 ' ' . , Stud. 49'1-1056 \11ata, Adult ll•.in .. , no pet! C.M .-Phone 642-8907. aw INDUSTRIAL ...,._ in at kl' dtplb. lmprovtmenll.1 g Mai leues '225 or $250 r: ...,..., ... ., .... , ~· , car FURN 1 BR Apts A IOS . • .. ,. MARINERS CENTER ---~ ·Agent ·673-8494 1ar. mo. Bier. ~. av'11;Stpt. ~t. $110 •. Sl20. PAN 0 ~AM l C VI e w, N~ ? bdr, Slf04 b!t..ins. Sl\q carpttl Off\ae A: atore bldi, rtnt or eoncrete blde· 0000 sq ft. 14' Fenced with 1" by 6' x 300 ft --=-----------13 BR 21~ ba -bltins· poolc"$265. 213!1 Elden', Apf. fl. • ovt'.rlOOkinj Allao Besch, 2 f&UO. eat°· Adulta onQ-, '-no Total air condltlon.lnc w: l'Jth, CM (213) 434-5082 redwood fence, 7"Mllts EUt Lido 11'9 23}1 le·'" 'Av•il' 911 ' I B" til id •· led pool lx;l.r ..• f\trg_,All elect. Ma.hu'e' pets. 1SO G 21st St. Furn~ & Unturntfthtd leue. $75 to Sm per mo. i:OR Le~New zoo sq. ft. ot school. $19,IXO, ~ Cub, =;;._--------I """"'· · ,., Y pa • ,.,..a • adult& "° children no pets aymnurum's .t sa.un.1 l'9 IUYtnlde Ave. 64&-241.t tnclu trial bid&: 9c 1t. 1639 bU. lat trust detd .. Will llf" WA,...,,..,...,,"NT ft OM E : 729>-«138 J!fti& .PM no . c~ildrcn or pets. 18Ql $185/~. 1;'.,-.: 4~"755. : A .. a .. t. .... ents troin $150 BALBOA ISLAND. LtlM 1 1. CM ·--1 ....,ti1te. Courtt.., to brok-. i~....... . -~-~ Wh1tllcr. 548-0412. • ' "'"\•"JO ... .,..., Newpor.t a.Mh 5200 ""'"" Monrov... · •1J>•viu •· UJ ""' .Avail. Aui. la by week or lay Shin1· -"mS MOD~ 1 .\ 2. BR., beaut. For Information ~ 2 Stores. together or eep. 847-8640 &rt f PM. ·"'°'th. 22< Via Lido NOnl . 112>-CL~., furn, bath . ..,. .. vlo•"uill._lnr.Adults. UNBELIEV'BLE 307 Marioe Ave, mml •~ 6100 ••!!!•••• WE • -or BR• m.1. w4~•-nNT N••• ·"""· UtU. incluaeo. Clo a e-in . t1"" .-.. . .m ·-·. • •y VI E~W Dtnl Point 5740 o, tee.....,,,. broker .-•• - -~ ·---~ ff ....... ·~·~ -,__ 'iliRS_Httue'fiif ~-•L::::. ... L, , • ..: ,Wll"flT,B ftfttal •vail~ Sept. luxury 3 BR, 3 BA, with Adi.lits, no pelf.~ NICE '2 Bedrm., 2 Ba.;-yr. SimpJy taus your ·breath 2 8R Duplex lease crtpg $60 PER Month. Eatt 17th -··--..-..., :newly redeo:n.t.ed. J b!k· gardoDU, yrly Sept. 1~ to 4 FtJ.RN 2 bdr abt for rent raund $115. Patio. ~ &Wt.>', owriookU. Lido & d~ bit.'--,·,.,~ •• no' ,. .. •. St., C.M. Strett expo1ure. LOT'S, vhlw o1 oct.an. A coast.1---"'""'----- 1L a.~ 1 6~ )'tu.. $650 mo Resp s&..88M -,,, • .,._, uia ......._ Realooomlcs 6'1$-$100 }k'e from l..q"una to NIW'-~ntt Gommerclal " " um. duJ 71;_,.,~; RENTALS So. aayi ""6cloo• """"' mo. 11M!M41s -~. , bllildabli iota. l"uJl .155,aoo l'l'to • Cl•ar · tt,OQD 4 BR. s BA, o;intem.p. " ta. ni:t. pets. ~~ for entwtatntna. Adulta. no ..:.-::::..:.:.:..::;.=:_--orncE or store, 'Im Ill· n. -• ~ N'cwb' dtc:. AvaU S.pt I~ ortlM!IM856 Nftjloft llHdl · 4200 ~ ,Unlurnllhed • P'la. l5liO per month. llEAL ISTATk :Mm Del Pn<lo. lllJI& -=..11&~ '°$.o.~1· ~ ~llli:'ram~UP ~ •i:itr renal« )'rt)'w ~ Co""41 ~ ~ , 3250 <hMNI 5000 R~TOR fi'l'5-267$ General Potnt. Call 496-Ul! tact R.&al Estate (optn rvt1) lnd111trh1I tit Lake 1 r on l 2 BR,.( '1 I/Ii ~ .uNO' . ·~ • '. MAGNIFICENT View, '#Mk NEW P 0 RT tit a c b small start IAJtGAIN. 2 ~t lot. Colla home in Arrowhead, 1 ... i1o 21&" VIA blJon. Leue OCEAN 6-Ci.talJna vteW. 3 or yearly, ~Ill )INel, 2 $L1S .. 2 ~· Deluxe atudlo · Waterfront 2 bdr, 2 ba, New Rentils Want... 5990 Cl.tallna Island $75 Mo. Mesa. A 19 unit.\ tt 55 u.nlL &caltC't <114> Mf.lt14 ~.J ~ Bedrooms. dl.nln& room. bedrooms ntttllact', garap, aot. l ~ ba.. Adult~ cnly, )uxury bldg bu 11 t-i n s Phone Avalon 111 ....,.,.. '*"'· ' 1 -Ad\llll oqly. f420 nwnth. fOOI'~ Kin,1 Road, 54$.2394 avail. 9/1 Bkr. 6;4S:.OW 1ubttrrt.nel~ parkine;. boai ELECTRONIC 1ale1 E>rcel loc •. 645-2000 or THE SUN Nl:VGt SE'fS a Pl.ANNINO" ftldWf "Yos'U c.11acipt142.-8235 ~ alter fi p.m. . loca.1. sUp1 avail. qlnttr nteds 1 bdr, tuni Office Rental 6070 636--0llL Anytime. OaaUlfd'i aetSon po1ftf tfnd an amuinf nwnJter off BOR dUplf.X, 2% bt;, EANFJlONT winter lilt', 3 $135. 2 8JJ.. 4-plex., •tavt. Carlbe Balboa apt n the: oetanltont, year. -FABULOUS oet.,, view lot. For ..,..·ad ti) a Q :;;;; hr:#Mi. tn todn.Y'a ~ hltrinf. dsbu'lltn'...12m' Mt ft, BR,. t•,nlly, ilf5.. :1!N'f'.~ v.·t,v,,, drps. Children .l pet 310 Fernando SI. )y. (2.U).t~nn ot PO Bo.x 600 to 120D 5c(. Ft. Musl sell, rtuomt>lt. 81 the cloclt, eall f0.6C'1I Ads. ~k thl-.m M •.. '!l"n.r It!·'~". r.N!/ml), 5!fl.-75T.l ~~~hnrc l)rk't. OJ{, Avail, 9/1, ~. ST3-30ll.1 6'15. ~lboll. Ol"l'ICE. C.M. 64b-2130 owna. Lq. 8cb. fiWDU • • ------~~ ~-......... --.~-------...,..--~-------~--------·-·---~-.... II.IA\. UTATI IUllNISS ind 0-.al ' FINMtCIAL I~=="'----- It. E. W•"'" 6240 Mo""'"' T.D.'a When You ~· i;;;:;:;;;;;·;o;;;;;;;;• -Want it done -IWIACOINT llTOC!r<DRK ·si ~"~WH"ss .. 1.~~=~s~ ... -··-. _ . -~ig~1 :· ·:·-. ITT'~ 's[•ls .. DA11Ef ... : H. =:~Ea:~~ 6345 FwY-~EoW'> ~"t.!: !;.:"~ Call one of _ MECHANICAL .c.Sb"lllsa E«.U.~ ~--!'..:i!'.""'~"'C-= A'*l!uldy pf-• ' • .., mo. ios; Diacounl the expert~ ASSEMl~R. . • ' . "tor .. txoeltont pOlltl•"· Wlila quallllc&- fo -ht Scllm t BROKER 497-U!O • c; ,.,,._,,00 1Nl~'--Our Wt1que '"-nt Slid -to Bolt II.a, l2 yoan ot PIYin< ""'" cuh II"~ ,~·TD -"·· } ( l1'sfed below/I• ::-...... ,... ~·~---"-"~ a The ~·~ -•-'. '"' °"""' eount'"'"""'" .~ ·~. -••. --"' ( ~"' -WIU..me-EX,..c:.< • C 0 ·~·-, • ·-·-" -· ~ ,_ Call tho Rest , , . ihcl. 109' 111~. all due J yrs., "· · • / ' ~ UMnlb!)r eQe"" , ~ plann@d, comprehffltlvt IOYS 11 ·14 Thon call tho a.st :.::::"".,v_zw d~'; <~ SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIR.ECTOllY SEllVICl Dli.CTOllY tonce. S!~T ~OVlll ::..hed~ ~~·p.;;,>:i~+~ ~ Clrtter ~ °"" 494-1131. -~ -GOOD ·INSTALLllll velop qUie into a tt•""""-, ......... a...."" ._._ , ·-- BEVERLY •1c1rN1 -·:.~;;=-----I B lld "70 BJ!:NE.fl'l'S ANO ......... _ ... _ .._.. .. """ --- 1 .nm ~.950 JSr TD oo ,..., viewli-·-~·-".-iijjiijj;ii--·B·u~ll~d~•r1-.iijjiiij;ii~6~S7~0~ 1 Hou-lean Int -6n5 WORKING coNDmONS • olble ...... uv. In CO"""""r DAILY PltOt' 1 Jot, B"i~. due 3 Yf'ars. 10% , BlltAKE Finance ••• lntervJewi.Qc ls "2-ml' ~ ""UJY i d\1count. ,.91-1210 CA,RPETS, wtncsc>ws, rirs, 'Equal opPQrtuttity MICHANIC a mlJor part ot thil nor.. "'i;;;;;o;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o'lll ICUL ·<491-lil"ll evenings! Bi /)~ t k ~ :-r1c t!,101Rets~~t etnplo~! . ~It ue:f':' ~~~~~lit• ·~ Monay Wint-• ••50 ui(, t"na U l e ea Bay 6 a..m Cl,.moa Serv 1185 DALE i/;AY ,ULL "l'.IME Slid re(lllar ..,.,,. !ncr<u - -d ti Carpet., wtndowt, &on. etc COSTA MES.\.·~··n636 SAL.ISMAN "bued on )'OU.I' p~ FDCONTOURS-ei1:tab. ll53 WANT $23,000-wiU pay up to Res I: Commc'l 6t6-I4!)1 <n'l 5f5.,U}1 Hard •ilrf&ee ·nOor-coverinc 11p~c-1•1c rrai!U>Fl~ .. 1:i To Now in Orana:e County 147-6033 or 54s.124S IUSINESS •no FINANQAL 9% 1eeured by is1 T.D. on We Specialize in: \VlNDO\VS DIRTY? and interior decon.tirc. "'l.66ii Beacb~CI ~ Costa Meu. ttaidence. Johney Dunn iOur loeaJ _._, H · T t •--b'-T Pl call * 1· Add' • o.m ,..... st ~ POSITION AVAJl.JtBLE ... ._ Boacb H -m •r ,_ 8vs. OpportunltJes 6300 ease Art Glovi.netti oom 1t1ons ce. e . For •attasive and Excellt!n1 TO.-i .... , To $500 ~ paid, Xlnt OWt, REALTOR 673.7•~ Expe .......... ,. 1323.3 !!arbor Blvd. w/ top t"OI Somt col, « Natlonol poJc.Q.Goll ANNOUNCEMENTS * Apartments & Units lronln9 6755 n..-naldentta! Plus Card" Ct0ve mach ahep ""'· Abo tee S. your Own Boss l&leaman • Profit ahatfltl: Part Time or Full Tim• and NOTICES * Custom Homes e wILL do ironina in In)' All lnquir1c1 ConMe.ntlal • Ko1pltal1Z&Uon ~ue.l opportunity employer ~_;,, Ca~et Ke~=~ Be your own boss and run Found (frff Ads) 6400 home, 15c a piece. Contact, Wln. 'C. Rtnc : ~tip v!:!tit· A&'ey. 2120 S. Main, S.A. f your own bu11iness. NATION-* Kitchens •54$-SJ.04• I Bl • I .... 1.1 .... ,. .... ,,_ SALESMEN AL POK.().GOLF announces 1'"'0UND Calico kitten, vie or IRONING wanted l5c • 20e • E;;i'~~unt ITT llBSCQ ' available-distributorshi1>5 in Redlands &: 1'fesa Drivt, * 2 S S =~ dellvecy SOc: extra. • M In Our Gun Dep_t. i your area. 'niis is a tantas. CM. 646-4846 tory tructures OO--...Y Apply' In Personnel Office Fully UJl@rienced needed. l tic opportunity for unlimil· YOUNG male Sianwse cat, )fondQ" thru Saturday CLEAN!I F\lll time, Apply: { "" "'°""m"""'• potoolial Pacesottor ..... Lagw>a Free Layout and Des1"1Jn J1nnortol 6790 REAL TOllS 10 "'' .. ' PM DEIUIR & GRANT'S I with our golf puttin&' ma-Niguel. 4~14. \VALLS, Windows. noon, Corona del Mar m.4400 sraRS S"RPLUS I chine. \':e feel our product SI .. ,ESE C t brow --'· ca-ts. Comm·-'al "-i (A HELPER U can produce inore money -u• a • n m....... -.... .,...., • 1750 NEWPORT BLVD. ~ .. , locat~o thM tho won. ""'' lomalo. " Corooa dot 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE ftddeollal. Dally, weekly • • R bu k & Co. cosrA MESA i known coin operated bowl. Mar. 644-4529 and/or No. 897-7350 TWO IUSIOYS QI C . Pf'!ler aome factory e:<· l-=~~"=-~~--1 ing machine, Our company DARK &lasses, small horn GENE'S TREE s ER v: NEEDED ' perlence with hand tool& sae • Plus i will "t up Yout busltte" '" rimmed P"'oriptioo. Hwt-PACIFIC COAST BUILDERS "'"/ohNbhery removed, SOUTH COAST l'LAZA ' · , you in aAllproven method of "u:,·""'°C:C:-"'.:Bc=".:."'-"=9-0215.=.:.' __ 1 ~~=· haµled away Apply In ,.:rsen 1.W S. BRISTOL \~~~~N=l1'= National Co. aeeb SaJfl I success. you do is aerv-ORANGE maJe, kitten, COSTA MESA II.tanager. capa"bie ct diftet. ! ice dea.lers. w/Oea collar. Near Harbor 2435 E. Coast Hwy, Corona chi Mar SPARKLE Janitorial I: Win. • Equal Opprtunity inc larse •ale• toru, Or-t P~LICLY OWNED Shop. Centr. ~. dow cleanizlc Serv. ~ REUBEN'S An Eq\la1 Opportunit)I Employer •nae Co. locat:ioll:, call AM. J If=~~~. YoU will shal'! Lost 6401 675-7191 ~~u:1~~~d00&.<;;~: ~~ ~~~~~":.:: ! in the profits of one of the E.WATE Mairtt Tr@e Serv COCO'S 1"5 DALE WAY 645-27'10 l fastest growing, most ag-OOG. small long • haired Removal-• trimminp, ~ CX>STA ~~· S262l5 * I &ressive companies or l t I htonde color, curled Up tail, Weekend Appointments Available Htimalt-, Call 541--00SS. 1555 w .. Ad•m• ITT IABSCO~ . DRIVERS * type which has diversified flea collar, ans. to Rikki. Costa Mete No ExperieKa ' ;oto othor llelds. Vit: Camoo Si>ore" CdM "!IJ!~~--L nd J ••1-0 ENGINEERING ITT JABSCO N---1 I NO FRANCIUSE FEE~ bench. approx 1 I 2 8. :: ~ a scap "I -----r Minimum investment of REWARD 6Ta-0432 6550 Draftlnn ServfC<I 6637 * Uc'd landscaP' contrac--AIDE-IMPELLU Alust bav. c1N:n Calfbnla : $4975 through $9950. · · Babysitting ,.. $575. to $700. 11tr month drivin&; ~. A_..· l 2570 DOWN! f\111.LE black mixed Spaniel · tor; complete lndscpe It also PROCUSOI TURRn • •THE ,...,, • -. _ vail do(. ""' "Tully" v t, --------1 BUILOING PLANS Ja-..,....., 830Jll37 ooe yoar •-rt.-aa ..,. YE.LLOW CAI CO. '• ....,asing a able with ap. Gothard &: Warner HB RESPONSIBLE mother will • Remodeling • Residential LANDSCAPING Yuecu for draftsman, o.;~";u .. e, -OPERA TOR-188 E. llitb st. i proved credit. Rew. "'7-74.17 ' . babysit your child, any • Co~rcial • !·'us...,·• Some-expe-Nnce with Costa llelll i, AVERAGE EARNING PO-'" hour 548-59116 Coo nu. ...... sale, call Juan Pantoja. enzineerinr major tUblti-hand tools and drill pres.s. TENTIAI.. of Sl.500.00 A L:\DIES wallet. Vic Center • reas. . ~~iln Assoc. I' L-tuted tor ~rlen:e. Hi I b n nqu1red. TUUO LA THE 2 VOI&WAGEH mechanlct : MON'ni! St, CM or 3rd Ave., Laguna BAB~SITI'lNG k com-epern.mngfftf School rraduate, File-appli. for !l'dtt room only, two ' WRITE US TODAY. Please Beach, Fri 811. Valuable panion, niy borne, lunches, Floon 6665 Pelnti"I 6150 cation at Oty Hall, 8200 GOOD BENEFrrs.ANI> OPERATOR/ tune up and rbab medL, J I include name, address and papers. ftey,·ard. 499-2369l;bl'!;g,_:l~•-~~y~anl~.~54~8-587'.'!~'-1 '-:.:.::..;..--:-::--...:::::: ___ :;.. ___ _:;.:::;1 \Vestminster Ave., Weatml~ \VORJQNG CONDITIONS SITUP helper fer Jub Ir: oil, 50-50 ! tel~honc number. Full de-aft. 6. CHlLD care S daysfwk. owr Cerpet Vinyl Tiie PA.Il'l"TING Int le Ext IAwetrt ater. Calif., by ,\UJU!t 25th., auanntee, weJ~ fUll IJOUl> l sc:riptive literature will fol-GREY min. cockapoo age ~ E.xpcr. mother. All 1tyles '·'Id colon contracted prices. Fullytns, 1989-S pm. Written exam by EquaJ opportunity GOOD BENEFITS.ANO Ills., vac. Ir: nouaays. low. ..Crusher" Vic Warner & Pnulanno area. 540-96$. Free est, Lie. contr. PAINTING ~~na;;~thf:!t~.'v.t. em.ploytr \VOJUONG m:mmONS I ~==~'=",.,· ~-----11 NATIONAL POK-0-GOLF F..dwarrls. HB. 84l-1670 or • ~1262 5464471 EX-PAINTER now teacher,l...;.=.,.;;;;.::~,;;;:~;:•w:::__ I "l" CltEMIST BS .. deptt. ·3 to 5 Box 123 847-700t Sandy, Rew·d. Brick, M1sonry, etc. quality painting weekends, SUPERVISOR 1415 DAi..E \VAY yrs. exp In airicultllft 10407 Liberty " 6560 G1rclenlng 6610 vacation. F'rtt Ettimate. COSTA lifESA, CALIF. ~ Equal Opportunity c hem I c a 11 , ourtut.nu St. Louis. Missouri 63132 BLACK &: grey tiger cat 54().0()67 tn4) se.1251 EmplO)'er 31442J...1100 w/white on tummy k legs. BUILD, Remodel, repair. ANTHONY'S Satls.faction l[lW, F'rN eal Excellent opportunity with a ~RATORY ' PI lot ASK FOR 1'1R. DENTON ?.lust find owner. Mission Brick, block, concrete, JlniWeeks673-U66 fast arowitir conmmer.pro----------1485 DALE WAY Reant work. U.S. Citizen. l Viejo. 830-1755 carpentry, no job too small. duct comp.any. EX"perienced COSTA M!:SA." CALIF. 92626 sume box M 355 Dai1)i ' CANDY SUPPLY SIAMESE cat, answers to Llc. Contr. 962-69.Jii 644·4860 EXT/Int. pntc. Aver rm. $20 in injection rnoldinr, extrud. (n41 545-1251. Pilot. I ROUTE freckles, female. Lost vie 111(' Bnt, COits no more! + rood paint, neat 11>-'0rk, Ing or wire coatina desired. IJT JABSCQ Procluctkln Machinllt1 AFFll..lATE East Blulf. ~ Builden 6570 Experienced Maintenance loc .ref& Roy, 347.1351, Supervtsocy experience pre-Dr1ll pre .. or 'l"llrttt Jatbel. I (No Selling lrrvolvedl Bud.let Landacapin& · PAINTING -papering, 10 ferred. Orvlse County area. Small close to.I. lns~nt ! ExoeUoot me.mo for t.w WHITE l•malo poodlo, to.t COMPLETE SERVICE Craduato Hortkulturt•t yoan '" a..a. Ru...,.bto Roplyo Box M'641, The Dally MECHANICAL ENGINE ' LATHE P""· Small ""'J>&"Y wllb I hol!rs weekly-work.CDays or. 81~0 HB. ~ ~o .aent; 6 e .Remodeling e Residential AL'S Garde .. t--•. Lawn rates. Call 60--0427. PUot. . ___ ua. "'UINISJ...._ iood workln& condltiom. I eveningsl. Refilling &. col-childf'!n waiting. 962-14.14 • Commercial e Industrial .... .., ... CLARK Ir: CLARK * EXPEJUtNCED * DRAFTSMAN ~~ --0549.434;;-;:;l'...._:===;;;;..-ll le.cting ~ney f.rom. coi~_?P-REWARD: Carin Terrier, Construction-Design Assoc. :i~=~· re=~al, CUSI'OM PAINTING ~ Exper\e.nced ill clo91! tol· Qv STA ATI'NDN'T. Part erated W..pensers 1n t...<»t& brindle color. Vic Pomona, 548--159& e ••• --e COOKS Ex--·nced tn cloee tot-erance. Mort run work tim • -~ ...._ M •.. ,_.,.;._,. i.... · l:'=;':===;':====::=:l -,-.d*~646-J629~~~*~,--~ II""'"" with ability.,--•--., e, ew1, • ...... esa · Sw•v ........ mg atta. C.M. can at&-21!3 I. ==,.:;.,;.c;:-.;:=.::...--er&ZIC'e draitiM ~ ·all ,..._ ..-c App. in peraon bet 5 PM. We est. roUte. CH and 1e1 Cabinetmaking 6510 ERV'S LAWN " PAINTING, Paperibc 15 yrs. BUSBOYS pump · cOmPob@.nts am and ups. 2241 Harbor, a........._ name brand candy le: Personals 6405 GARDENING SERVICE in Harbor area. Llc. l:: • snacks) Sl.575, Cash re.quir-DUTCH CABINET 1'-!AKERS res/Comc'Ulndus. Reas! bonded. Rti1. tum. IWN356. DISHWASHERS :.=,..blies~ !,: :: t Hour dey. 45 h·r. wk. SERV. srA. ATI. 'Exptt, l ed. FO r per8onal interview * 1·ive! Rebuild, remod, lritch, bath &U-7756 SUBURBAN Paint!JW!Dec merisk>nlns: techniques u Profit Sharl"I onl)o. ·nvE POINTS SHELL in Costa Mesa area, send etc. Fl'tt estimates. A1LEN BROS. Expert Guara.ntttd Woric: APPLY IN PERSON piled to Hna and · _P_h_, -"~"'"''-"'""==---II name, address & pho~ num. '-==646-521=='=°'="="=''1116==d GARDENERS Sl'UDENTS Free e1t. No job too l&11e • ~ d ~s J C ,.,.,,. C DISHWASHER ber to Multi-State Inc., 9057 1 • wor~ way thru coDeie. or too amall, $ll90 REUIEN E. LEE expme~ m. de~S:::. • • ~..,_&If 0. Apply Sv.'lu Chalet, 414 N. E. Imperial Hwy., Downey, Meet that special someone Carpentering 6590 Exp. !..le. Reu. &46-t203 e For bettor ""'"""" ·-'! ISi E C ~ H S""plt!s -uired. 671 W. l7th s~. Newport Blvd .• N.B. Calif. 90'l'12 (ill) 861-o:!TI & begin to live. _.. .... '6 "'"' • oe., WV• .~.. " A':.!'l~::::CTURER o";1'~! ~~/:" MINO~A:,_!;,~~R~• Job {~~~~~-::r:~':."i.r :',!:'.:'.'" a t . ,:7;;N~~'i-l~~~~'k~ Co;;w.~•• 1::~.:r ~:. desires usoclate with man-l..OVE boating? Hale k he BJ'. Too Small. Cabinet in gar--I ""°';;;:""':;:;;.:.:::;;....--PCalA .P. ~-~ fPor~inyl•, o .. ~=-. MAN ·•· Harbour M&-0671 ly widower yacht, ma,, ages le o t be r cablneta. EXPERIENCED Japanese ""' 1<a i•-t .~ ., • ..,, .. , o -·-'ty An equl -··'ty ~ment or engineering wishes to -t ·'"ue•t ""175, u no answer leave foll, murals. 147.1659 eves. ' '"""· 0 ..-s. pe!"'' mohth ~.... ppo._ • ...,.. .,..,....,_ .. background to join expand-.. ~.. .....u " t &46-2372. It 0 gardener. Reliable, 540-1373 Employer einplayer Help Wented Ing manurg. co. $1.500 in. unattached female. Depen-mq a '1 =""='"""'-'-=""='m=•t.:.•____ Plasteri.w.. Re ... •ir 6180 One Ytar 1arde~ •. maint~ Wemtn 7400 vestment. Salary $250 prr dant OK. Share expenses, Anderson JIM'S Gardening le laWJI '-==;;.··•:;...;.;.:.::.~:::..-'·= tl&nCt: or &'rlll!ri.I Np&Jr ex· 1U5 DALE WAY · = wk + equal share of profit. work, & fun aboard Jux-CARPENTERING, room ad· matntenancr. Ra 1: Com· e PATCH PLASTERING. ptrience. Completlon of COSTA MESA~ b.LIF. 92626 PERSON to dean Apia. INSTRUCTRESSD Should return $25,000 per urious yacht. (213) 432·300i dltions, patio deck.! £: mm:lal. * 548-8411 All types. F'rH mi.matt. ela:h~. ara,de~ v~, ollif. (n4) ~ •lor boo.et. SubmU Ap. Youn1, ma~ clrill able to yr. For appointment call Mr. LICENSED covers. Quality, cu a tom Cut le~ Lawn Call 54(1..6825 drivers Ucenae.· Oial hoard plication: to P.O. Box 1810, meet the public. MUlt be Obenour. TI4-5J9.5GOO. Spiritual Readings. advice 1_w_or1<_._64_0--04 __ i.;____ f.fa.intenance, Licensed and ptrform,ance ie,t -Se~ ---------;;N-;;•:,;wport~'="'Boa:;;:ch.;;o.;,!0363.::;:;.,....~ 'attractive with a SoOd WE DARE YOU on all matten. 312 N. EI REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS 518-4808166-2310 aft 4 'lumblnt '''° tember 9 lr:~lO, 1969, ITT JAB. SCO GROUNDSMJlN, · Saddleba.ck figure, lo check 11$ out. Nationwid~ Camino Real, Sar. Clemente CABINETS. Any size job * EXPERT JAPANESE (TI4} 193-4511 .qct ,2ffi, Collep, 1 n q u Ire· ti.tr, ·ApplyH 1"'d """" I h S Co. needs a distributor in 492-9136, 49&-9501 2ii yrs. exper. 543--6713 GARDENER PLUMBING REPAIR· LUGGAG. E Chmnak '37·911;Q qr 495--o j ey Heat p• ft 10 Afot 10 PM QU No job too small 4537. e ~-•-Mo,. e your area . .: to 8 b" p e rl "'"",,;::,;;""·~,o.:C,,,,,-~I ALl'IY Repain -Altera· Jo'rtt Estimate. 646-0830 e 6U-l12I e SAWMEN MJLL & DRIL ~~ w~k fdays or eVt"s) for hig h GRAND OPENING AUG. ll tions -New cons!. by hour JIM'S GARDENING &: lawn L ASSISTANT Mnsr-Ca1' Wash. NEED attn..ctlve, 21 to 35, earnings, No 11.'lling. You MUR-RAY HEALrn SPA or Contract. 646--3442 maintenance. Res. le Com-Remodel# R.,eir. 6'40 Experlenc:M.'.pret.rrH OPERATOR· 2j..J5 yn. of qe. Exp, not Waitress tor lunch buffet. can kttp prese:it )Ob. $1650 2930 W. O:>ut Hwy, Newport REP.(JR Partitions Small 548-Ml.l · ·-Excellent benefits. Full llme, required. Apply . ln ptnOll, Apply in perwon Mon. thru required (secured), For in-Beach. 7 days a wk, Trained Rcmodei, etc, Nite or day, merclal. * · BUILD, Remodel. Repair Apply in penon, Pemnnel J.fust have .Ome. exptt. 621 W. 19th St, C1I. Frt.; While Hone IM. 31125 terview in your area, send mas.seuse 642-3154 Reu! Call KEN S40-4679 Japenese Gardtner Brick, block, concrete, office. , DAD..Y pnm Oauifutcl Newport mvd., Newpcd name, and phone no, to: Attractive Expert Exper, compt yard service! ~ntry, no job too am.all _ J. W. ROBINSON coob BEN'EFlTS AND MCtlon NOW!· Beach. Distributor Division, 590 N. YOUNG WOMAN Cement, Concrete 6600 Free est. 548-7958, 546-0124 Lie. Contr. 962-«145 Fash;on Island, N.B. \\'ORKING CONDITIONS j Azusa. Covina. Calif. 911'22 dancer will tench you a.ll * CONCRETE Work, bond-Gtn1r1I S1rvlce1 6682 * ~F you need rei_nodellng, Equal opportunity employer , Hel, W•nteil, Men 7200 Help Wentecf, Men 7200 *LIQUOR I.JCENSES* latest steps. CaU Ardell pamtlng or repaU"S. CaJl BUSAtAN Top mone -.,,._ Equal opportunity I Inter-County Transfers 213: 5914538 1·10 P'I ed &: lie. PatiosJdrvwys HAULING, General, trees, Dt' "k ••0 J7"" • Y· ""'""'" empl.""•r " .. • '1'lV "' perlenced -terr"ed. Apply. _, I * ORANGE COUNTY * James Loyd Bullock :~~-,.,.!hilli~ Cement. hedges, topped, trimmed, ..... "\VE WON'T BE UNDER· ~ removtd. Big John. 64z..&o30 .... w'tn9 69'60 NEWPORT GROTTO lW DALE .WAY MOLDERS 1' .n.0 .. u· · ~ Q ·1y• please contact your sister -_ 3333 W. Coast Hwy · <:A.I~ m1t'"'"' uant1 . Marion Ihland Jensen al e CONCRETE '1.'0rk a 11 N COSTA ?.IESA, CALIF. 933)6 •• \Vinston (213) 772-4249 collect 2401 Hanison St., r-.--t• types. Pool decks & custom. H1ulin9 6730 25 YRS. exper Seamstreu, ewport Beach Cn'4J. 5f&l2Sl ! d T G ~vc, .. " Call 543-1324 alterationa k repair, mens '.J'OOLMAKER or C"us A Foo o o Business \Vash. YARD/gar cleanup Remove clothine: specialty. 66-0731 A-fachlnl1t. ~per· In toolin& ~!.EARN==-==~-_-an-mt___ EXPERIENCED Good profit record WANTED to Purcha s e : CEP.IBNT WORK, no ~b too trees, tvy, dirt: tractor Alterationt--642-SIU and prototype. Cape En~-GRINDING ...t. ..... E ·. u--* 61S-320'l * tickets tor out of state sm~I. re~ble. F r e e backhoe, &'!'&de 962-874a . neerlrc • 1'fanllfa...tt•..i-~~ ••iar- • uests. yo<t'•e not ~,·,. to cstim. H. Stu!hck. 548-8615 ,...,EAN UP l Ii'-m"'•ina Neal, accurate, 20 yean exp, Z'1694 cam!no ..... ,:::..,·~·. tied men prefletrid. Must be PARTNER silent or active: e-......, "" v•~• 1 ·-· ...,.. i;,u amblllou!!, H.S. rrad with need $3500 to rtifg. item or use, to Laguna·s Pa,e:eant o1 Child C 6610 Tree k shrub removal. TILE, Ceremfc 6974 -.una Ni1ucl, 131-llS4. math bk~ I: be nat'I scope: fortune poss. 1he Mastera. 675-6665. er• Reasonable. 5'19-1359 RETIRED man, part-time rnechurlc~ ,inc.11.ned. Good 546-9231. ENJOY economy Vacation WORKING mothers· child HAULlNG, cleanup, lots etc. * Verne., The Tile Man * ,Yard work. 2549 IJ'uatln Ave.. worldnc cond'• A frin&• LAWN inowing &: edging. ~talina Island. From S8 care. my home; day;, "'eek-Handyman anytime )'(IU call. Cu.sl work. lnstall & repairs. CM. · benetiti. new equipt. new side ramp midweek for" tv.'O. Hermosa ly; reas rale!S, CM are.a. ** 642-3398 ** No job too small. Pluter EXPER. &ervice itation at-DAILY GRINDING INC~ trlr, small route. S48-0486 Hotel. Phone Avalon 187. 646-6279. TRASH HAULING patch. Leaking shower 1tendant FUll time "6-"'~.a 3IZ2 C&mp\ll Dr., N.B. LAUNDROMAT. SU<ceulul, ALCOHOLICS Aoonymott• ..... ~. 847-19'7/84&-0206 "'6 H.r...r, C.M. • DISP' a.y M &N Mollt automated s el t. Phone 542-7717 ot' write to CarpM Cleaning 6625 reuonable • 6'.>t720 Securtty Guard& W'l " Sft'V!ce. $6500. 675-ti622 P.O. Box 122.1 OJSta Mesa. CARPET A Furn. cleanJno·. Houwclu. nlnt 6n5 Upholstery 6990 · Newport ana 1 y ... CZYKOSKl'S CUST. Uphol. Call 637-3070 l:xpar'i<tnced. Excelltnt ben. ESTABLISHED be11.uty salon OUR poem set \o mulic in-for 1 day 1iervlce &; qUality CARPETS, WlndOwl. fin, European Craftsmanship l;;-;;:;:-;;::i;:::~'--';:;:,-~-efit&. l"Wl time. A,pl)t 111 In CdM. 6 chai... newly d_ud mus_iciam Ir singer, 2 111oric, call Slerl1-for RETIRED man "-'Pt·"--po-· M-thN Frt IO to ·~ d "'~ H k ~·" ...... ...... etc. Re-a or Comc'I. Xlnt 100% fin! &0-1454 ...,... ..,..., "'''" "''· · • decorated. 61";,.J4aJ. iscs ....... an ~·· brightne.u! 642-853> ,matntt.nance i wor'k at 4 pm nneLctePt work Reul Refs. 548-4111 1131 Newport m ., C.M. t&vem, CM 6:f6..73Dl ' '• p11rso · Monoy to Loon 6320 Announcements 6410 Carpet Loylng l •MACHINJST Exp' on mtlla J, W; tOllNSON 1.11 • '"" """ '" qutcl< ~ R•p•ir 6626 Your Ad Should .. Here, • 1ath .. ""''°""' " too1. FAsmoN ISLAND oa.sn. Bom>W ., """ """ Undetectable Men'• CARPET LAYING They're L-kl-for ltl '""· 54!>-M 52 NEWPOltT·B~Aat petty cq withoUI d~1urtt;1111 c.A. POi• &12-2070 ""lll SILVERWOOOS, INSTRUCTOIS )'OW' io. Interest lst TOs. Custom-made hairpiece lroml----~----NEWPORT ' Also buyen for 2nd TI>s. transparent artificial skln.j'll!i-.lllllll!llll!llll!lllll ...... 11(11 .. llllllll. ~ EXP. Tailor fitter. Pt.rm. ?.1atu.re, 'YoWtl adult, took· ,, , .. _ M---n. lnc. Comfortable, natural·lookinr.l' •••••• hlA-f9',._ L.-.J> lnr '" rood future, •"'· to ~' ~ -~-· ~. ~--, c.. Hair •-1a-JOBS & EMPLOYMENT JOBS l OYMINT JOIS & I OYMIN ~~~• -·~ ~u. rd--Sttvltlc n.-Afta » yn. ··-• ·-• ·-""1· Apply Mr. IVlllllml, '3 ·mtet the public. ApObr lit ' ••• ~111311 & 17!0 '";,, -· ~~~~ "'!'""· Job Wanted, Man 7000 Jolt Won.fed, Ledy 7020 O..:.::.::"oet=lc:.:.Ho::::l':,__:7W=:l;;FuhAiiir;;1ott;;Nib';;lud.,-..-;"-;;•-;l4247£---:: -. ~ ~u .,. ., ..,. ..,. ... GARDENER, 1 • • • , 1 ., Holicloy Hea~h Spo Mortpgn, T.D.'1 634$ ~o' S it!•" w• 91 YOUNG man tollowinz e~ EXPER.. practical nu r • e • Chhw Jtve.tns. Oftrful eom.m1, ·m1n 2 yn exp, xlnt.1 ~~,;•:..;Coot&:::::.' ;:Mia::;::..;;•'"'-- " B & MPLOYMENT trlcal trnde. Po 1tt1 on cook dietr, Uve tn, refen:ne-::=m-:: e>ppc:r. Call ~•vt1. ~ YOUNG man tor locel Jtwc'- Job Wented, Mtn 7000 wanted In Ind 111 trl a I, ea. Box 102, Laa:una Beach ===="=="===l::i(i,iTI:;<>:,,,,,...,,.----~ rt 1tort •. SU.1 A nlated rerldentlal or marine. U5ed TYPING in my J'lorne. Job Helfl Wenttcf Min 7200 BUSBOY, U or over. Start woric. No experience DllOfl. ENGINEER. -----.. to )Ong houri A: hard work. ,,,~ •·t--· --"-..;..;;""";.;;.:.''-'.;.;.:-"'~I 81.65 hr. Apply lft per90ft ury, Appl)': Perma11•llf mold dperaton Top pay hi top men Apply Precision Castings 2044 Placentia, Costa Mesa IOAT MFG. • Finish Carpenters • ClealHIP Boys • Gr.incler Bonders • Comb. Tool Mcm TOP WAGU Apply •• ,_n 10% Rat, for 3 Yrs. p,m.u 2nd TrU•t Deed be- hind tmall lit on Jot with Laguna's finest ocean-vi~~ $40 ~r month incl. 9<;1. S yrs. 22~ Diaoount. 497·U10 BROKER 497-1021 with 17 ~an el;;;~~: Vl:RY deJ>i!t'da.ble 54W2S3. •Yl:•ume~~lCi!e re,...,_ PART time BOOKKE£PDl. Tht Cottqt Q)~ Shop. klltK J.IWILltS perlence UT'l:tntly seek I Job Want~ Lady 7020 I===:;:::,:;;:='=== Matunl! I: txp'd. g..2 S dl,l'I 562 W. 19th SL, c.o.ta Mett. 2300 Hatt>or Blvd. HARBOUR YACHTS nlaht Job to permit com· ' Domestic Help 7035 'Nie. ~rl7 ' ESTABiJSHED1 Inm1tance • Coet.a Mua. Cal.it ptrtlon or dcgt'tt work RELIABLE. experienced SALE.5MEN • EAtablllhed lads avd. N.B. oUice. STUDENT, penn part time !T'S ....,, --· Bis-dun "" ""'· Will coMldcr motu"' +•dy .. Casbi.r C<or1c Alleo "''""' """"' t'""""' •• he ·-· au.... opp1. 67M383 •'Orl<. ama11 mfa. plant, 15192 Golden West Circle eea teltcdon ever! See the job u lcc:hnician Ol' ! r-·or Hoste11 or-~tionl!t'. Ernpklycr ~· Fee Salary + commlllkln + car APPRENTICE \VtLDER chemlml mlxlnc A ~· · DAILY PILOT Oauin.d lntt:rvlctW, "Write Box P •29, Prefer CM-NB area.-Part or 1()5.B E. 18th, SA 5'7"°393 allowance. Mr. Michieli, for unall machlnt t,bop, 1_.,.~·-m._,1=415.===-=::---' Wfftlftlnster' Calif. ____ N_oo_i _____ Diily Piklt. run Ume. 543-5633 White EleopbantJ7 6'2-7Sl2 ** ...._ ** --~atARGZ~~~!IT!:!l"-._.J~!!!:~~!!!~!:!!,,::~~~!!!:~~!!!~~~!J ..... ..... ' ·~----·----- H..-1 ... " Molhon . Can yoo spm a few boun each day l!ld add to the iamlly In c o m e al the aame time? Schedules convenient for you, mom.lnp., af· lemoons. eYelllnp or comblnallons of alL Work Ip lloie under the finell·ol condlUons and top supervll!oo. APPLY JN PERSON Al ... ~ Somo related derical dutlel. Advanol!IMit t pilsiW to _ ... _ Good benefits and "',... cdllkm• ACCOUNTS PAYABLI -CLERK- JOU l IMl'LOYMIKl'JOU Ii IMPLOYMINT . . With ....,. ~, l!ld 'wilUq to karn. Top worklnc coadllions • ouvfnm. ment. OoinpeUUft waiu plt11 11!!&1• & 11p1, ..,. oilUtandlnc lleDeflU inclQdmc boaplli11zaUon l!ld profit sllarlnc. App!Y_ln !*SOD 10 AM to I PJ.f, jllonday lhru S.-ay l'INNIV'S ,ASHION ISLAND LOST OUR LEASE 0.-.. ...... 1111' ,., ........... I Must Vacate Now ................ ! .. Our -"I• ft. Sloro Shclc muat .. Mid 0pon t. Pulollc l'lm time S ·~Fin. V .. 0-$1000. Now $389. • 5 !IL .. II tfc Sp.ldi ..... ltf, • M ......... arl ttf1 ... S6 IL ... clkg 1ew ... , w.., e s,...,....~Mlttailo.., • ,...., ... ...,, ...... 'I 1..W..,"' ....... .__,.,. ,. .... o-. One• in • lifetime prlc•a·of 1001 other items. Pl wt an ox+re 1p•ci.I off or $5 off on ony • 100 ' . PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND purcha1a or more, with a_ copy of thit a4 * * • 10 pc. Quilted Corner Aisomblo ............ t:ilt.95 l'J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!"i"'•!!!!!!9!!!!!!!1!!.,..!!!! • '' !"· QulltN Sofo, w/5'. in. lov• seat ..... 14t.95 Equ&l•-'1Y ·--' 10 AM to ~ PM Monday lhN Friday All student politiODI filled. 1435 Da1e Way Coste Meaa, Calif. "621 I ll4) 56-1231 J · • 'O in. Hoavl Sp1ni1h Coff•• Tablo ... ___ .$f29.t4 : rrt! ~ate in9 Lamp Tabios ···---· .. ·-··-···$19.95 7400 Jobs-Mon, Worn. 7500 Equal opportunily employer SALES 216S l'olrvlow 11 .. .i CHI• Moe• !4MMI Outskle Saltll * * PROFESSIONAi. BABYsmER • l!SKPR, 1 FREE MfMBEISlllP! ·-· --------. -·-EMPLOYMINT , Eno! .,....,.. dilld. ....n a~ Balboa COUNSELLOR Penlnlula. Au(. JI.Sept 10; ~---"' 7"11 . Rlt . Asl't Dl...m.r 11-7 bM:ilwment bi: • Nuratnr 1; product re-. .. -. --·--HelP W•nt.41 If you havt' the ability &: Mon-Fri, baby1tttltw I:»-""'~"'Y sellln1 to bouae- Womtt1 7400 dnire to work Yo'.Jtb. people ~ 5: 30, nOo total. On Sept. 10; ~~~es,:;re:!~~c:o':~= -~,__,.,...~--•I in pieaunt aurrouod1np 4 U )Im, Mon-Fri + ~~·1. AcCauitit-, • Na.a. have had u.le1 °" public NCR Sl50 mo. 67>-3481 alt I p.m. incoR me. Keep ln Bhape f'lft. -ft ct .. --i.....-or wltndt. epre.entaUYes needed all coola ...,.,__ __ .. we are PROOF over Orange O>unty. loolcing IOr )'Ol:l. We wiU 549--3368 or 842-1451 ::'."F.~=":,"~t. OPERATOR TYPIST/RECEPT. Holiday HHlth Spa oo:i. can Mr. CUDarrt _._ Part time, Must be. neat and 'e Costa Mua e . -' A posttiah It now .-vail1ble .,pen11 Decorator Lemps, from .................. ,14.95 • 6uorent•od lo• Sp91. & Mattro1101, from Jl9.95 • Ste cks ~ Steck1 of 15 yr. Quality King I Queen Soh ot TeRRIFIC SAVINGS l111k Torm1 Store 0Jiar9e M11t•r Charge l•nlt>.m•ricard All Acceptocl 0,00 M 4ollr-Sat. U, S... l!IS 541-- APPROVED FURNITURE 2065 Elo.t. St, Costa Mn1 Beh ind "Herbor Ctr Wash" Enter off Hamilton or l•rnard St A littl1 li •ril t1 Ii~, i111t w•rth fh• ilorr,,1 ,,,;••••I· • QuO.f ~ ftlllily, •unhlr <are e Progreuive patient can! in our Aocountmr Depart- meot that reqU!res the use of a 10 key adclhw mach.nie, typewriter, and the usual ottice akllla. COASTAL A!J~NCY NX attractive. Apply M p.m .. -------Sn~,m~~i:"" OPERA TOR "" w. 18 "':. c.M. CALL TODAY!! -Fumlturo - 2190 Hut« Bl. C.M. 5«MiOM ~ NE\VPORT BEA.CH LEARN HOW PfOlrat!l dittc~ by a Total S Restorative Te.m. Required lor positions This poaitloll oilers a 100<! salary with attractive l.rbi&t benefia lncludu. 1u11y ..,. tor medical and life inaur- ance cowrqe, three weeU vacatioa ~r S yean, etc. ,.,..,...., 1.NSTAI LMINT Fut -tni.t........ -YOU-••••••••••••••••• Mic,. =rophlc CCRLllDIT :-:.-..:,_~·~ CAN EARN * 3 ROOM GROUP. * oOl!:.nilw in larae, extended care ho&pital. C1P ROYALE' -Apply In P'-rton at the Loadlnc muk manutactuttr RK ~-==·~~-~-1 * AYbN * COMPLETE nl!eda techs jn follawin&: GOod: ~requited. SALESWOMAN. Experience CAU. Living Room -ledroom -Dinette abilities anlimife() agen<;y DAILY. PILOT a~as:, ln lattien riady to wear. 541).1041 $297 e PHOTO RESIST UNITED CALIFORNIA Over '5. Apply Mon tl>N Fri 54M.1S1 • QUALm rotmtOL BANK ,..._ APROPOS No. 11·REG ""=1"'Sl'El\£D==-P=-h-y"a1c.c"a"1 I w .. kly Paymenla •• We carry Our Own Conlracla e MASK PROCESSING Town &: Country, ~-Thertpist, full time. Exp ~1p1u1 ~ ""' "'' ""· ""' u..w ••·•· uvE-1o """" ... "''" A.,.. """""""" va11ey VAN'S Discount Furniture 330 West Bay Strttt, C.0St1 Mesa. Ask for Mn, Gree"" tllll Or ~ ~ for an i:nll'rview. Call ~r ~ent Costa Mes., Calif. »&:pL 3. for e I d e r I Y Convalescant Hoapital 417 W 4th S S A TRANSMlSIC COIP. 546-2033 eenUenwi. No. end LB &382N A • t., anta nl Free Parking 300,2 Campti, Dr.,' NB WANTED: attractive Pi for ~ _HB~~ ve., Open Dilly 10-I Sat 10-6 547·24J2 Quality PosltlOns for -Appll<ants 481 E. 17th St., SUlte 224 • SEC~ETAIY ('/M) 5IMi080 ales la lo<&l J!we1'y 1tore. BABYSITl'ER wanted, p• TELEPHONE SOLICJ'roR ••••••••••••••••• Mm Typist -1ftf. .. , ... ...... -c1a>11eve.. · °""· SOc ... pm dally ..... Fr. """'" Com Mesa "2-1'70 $400 to $4.iO. Must he uper. ::::! =~ Z.: rtrr. 675-3265, 6'r>31Tf aft. s. pret Dependable, Cld office -Furniture -1111 .. 111111 lhalewMt U' otben ... Ina: additional or primary Income. BE YOUR OWN BOSS Part time or full time independent dealers. \Ve train YoU for immecHate income and oUer excellent advancement opportunities. ...,..,,_ ~ .,. Ud b1»ft!stin&' Jlo<itlon. -and typin&" &kilh req~. for Newport Stacia coenpan-IWtiJt llvd. CM. ".fYPIST· tor oOmmerdal S2 hr. 540-8184 l'umftvre iet. W• need a temporary .I _ • . blueprint Mop. Over 21. I ""'MAN=7AG"'ER=""'t-o-r"12,;-.-:2"e""R. ---------CONTEMPORARY krwllne permane•t peeitlon tilled. OQCASIONAL ~•er 6>r 1 Pbooe' !W04173. rum., pool, apt>. Older po~ 17 Pc. King Sin metal trundl• ""'' A mat-• rt child. Dl.yt. Mature woman. TYPISTS, 25 ....., or older ID11 pref. No childttn or pets, tresses $50. 6'73-88$2. wm caU basil ......... "--6 or · .. -~~ • ...... 9520 ··,PM 1-.aroom GENERAL Pir1on1M Atency mine Com M;;._-~ Call w/stronr be..~ on ,~=·=;;:·-='c-==· =::-= WU RED nauga.h,yde den clWr; 1 833 DOVER DR., N.B. on Sa~ betwee · l!M IBM electric. Pttm poation BABYSITTER wanted: Hrs J..arie 9 draWf:r dresser, mlr-overstuffed oak trim. $15 CLERK 642-3870 54~2143 642-?W. n ' w/maillne-firm. 54e-309IJ. 7: 30-4. Mon-Frt. Local area. tor, 2 bedaide •tands. king each. 673-8852. 8ABYSI1TER Dl!eded, 5-day can eves S29-8S60 me headboard. frame. quilt-"N"o=w='"S.-"'T=H=E--' WANTED: SILK FINISHER. wk. lo"'Ull or ;; time. 2 ~M~A~L~E~~~F~em-'1e_ho_""__ ed. mattreu, abeetl, blank· Top wqes tor quality Mlrk. '""""" u~-~6·---"-. k Park Lido Co A' eta, etc. s s $ s t s t t s $ !\lll Time for combination of ac· -and keypunch operation. Fi&Ure expcr. Xlnt opportunity. Near the ... u:: ,..........,WVI",.. ee~rs. nv.... O>oice of Spanish aea· ahore. Dimmitt Maturewoman.139-1759aft. escent Hospital. 642-24.10 or Modem Style TIME FOR Cloanero, 3200 E. Coast -'""•"""·m,.,. ==-===-I All For $249 TELLERS deaired. W• train on Immcditte•(IJlthinp for oot· Hwy, CdJn. MATURE WOMAN School•lnstructlon 7600 N d ''""'· ............ ;;<1. who • ..,.__. For lele-""""'·our... .:.rl'it':s" PmwA'"REH'"'•olu•smEo, QUICK CASH Firm louted lft ha.~ a a:eneral .inU!rnt in TR A I NE E S fice. Mornlna ahift. Gd. pay ftUJ\ S.n Clo~. banldnc. F01t iatervln ph' l'Wtka, lnlectioo meldi!!C-Ph. Mn. Pihl 6*-T1S3. 9,30 SAUCERMAN SCHOOL • '"'yp&lllclL HOUSEKEEPER HuntiDCtoll Beach Convaltscent Holpltal 1Sm Delaware St., H.B. s.t0-21ll. ~-ahift. Mut be depend-a.m . .J:JJ pm daily Co. Faltzround&, er. 1-1 l(Q w '1h St Santa ADI THROUGH A RINM-clll .o,-Hllion .. ..., _ _..._.a1 ·~ "ou-· ER Where the-Piiilnrii · 0pe ;__u·• 9 9 · 492-1153 able. Apply in penon I to CDOK.,, ,.,.,,,,rao:.. ·Fill the Child n ..,. Y • BABYSmER/ HOUSEKEEPER far teacher. 4 yr. old at bxne;. 3 9Chool q:~ bra. T: JM. Good PA)'. HB. 8'11-1919. ITT IABSCD Sff Bett1 BrtM:e al .f p.m., &50 W. Uth Sl., Efficient, permanent Top Will-~ H Sa Sat. 9-6 SUn. 11 ° I m l Costa M<M.-Pay. _ _....., "3-9141 u~ Ed .. o'."'rman, 06flndN'Tlt GI':'-~~-You may DAILY PILOT • .1..a ATTRACTIVE WOMAN, 11-PBX. ftwetmc serrice ex-5404060 Enroll now •at~·• tarpst. ,IJMI. Ket: 45 to lrulb-uct. ,in .niakeup per prel. Varied shifts, HB Eves MS-1151 moat unusual unftnllbed AaeneylorCareuGUU ttthniquta fer t am cu1 area 516-8181. F.ducationa.I Vacation Sth furniture •tore. Cor. Redhill WANT AD e:'~ Hwy .. ~ models. We will train. BABYsrrrER. 2 chlldren, 2 graders • • • gy Citltem ~ ~~ :-~~~ COMPANlON, lite hou.ekeeping. Cbeerlul, ac- tive woinan in GO'a. tor elderly lady. Pvt. rm., ba., TV. Salary open. Ret- ettnces. fiG.5389. TYPIST ' Type 50 wpm accurately. Come dictapbone experi- ence preferred. 136-.sT'3. p.m. -11 p.m.,. my home, CUlcoat JD leaon typing Open 362 c1a,ya per yr. I "'c.!!'•!".S~H~l!:::l!:::R~-H~OS~T~l!!S~S~liiNEEi. ED!D;;.,.;,ne;,;;;,;-Li:iuk;ke~peop;;;;;;p1e;;;;;, I m.. 64>-'163 Sclll. Trla1 .......,_ 113 Del ....,,.70 . 642 5678 Neat a.~umc. 11 t6 40. Build your own bualnea WU>OW. to live-ln, lite Mar. C.M. 548-2859 • F • ·No exptnence ntcessiry. sellln& Vanda Be au t Y houee-kpr. Mullt d r I v e . WESTMINSTER PmlDYter-A II um.lt\1Cr11•· _ .. _ ...... and OYeriock. Good piece Wlrk pricn. steady won. EDDY MOSS ltlMl Locust SL. We:stmlnstt:r; ~ MBtNATION. Sharp Bar Maida: le Go Go Dancm:. Top wages ".00-$.1.50 to start. Ph. tor int. 54$-S9S3 """ Las&y, '"" -· C.M. WANTED, Mature woman to 111 in my home, CM, w/2 school q:e children. Short hours, 1ood Pi)'. I am • t~. Trana. 4' rd&. r.- quir'ea, M0-3661 . I Equal opportunity uipk>,yer. 1485 Dale Way Costa Mesa. C&lil.. ~ (Ill)~ HOSTeSS PAR1:·Tl!o\E For Coco'• in a:.ta Mesa Must be over 11 • "'1>1y In person REUBEN'S COCO'S Cowtaelor eoameqc.. F1e.'I: Referel'ICff, 536--3552 i.an Pre-School, open to all pp ancet o or TV ApPb' in ptl"IOn. bn .. unlimited !aminp; no 3 .1 4 yr olda. can n 0 w AOK AUCTION age UnrlL 546--1115. Jo.. Men, Worn. 7500 962-40t5. T722 Garden Grove BlVd. BOB'S BIG BOY w.,tm•-~ G c F :JM E. ,, ... St. RE.CEPTIONIST BR1si:o MERCHANDISE FOR Tuea .-:;;;:.:; ,.,;,.s., ~ "-Meaa and F1i(ht d•sl<. "1ll fun•, COFFIE SHOP SALE AltD TllADE Emle ""'"""'t. R<po. Now IEAUTY OPERATOR Orana< Co. -Send Fumlturo IOOO LEAVING ••ate. Beaut. 2 Full or part· tbM. Must be replies to D&fb' Pilot, Boa: {~rienced only) mo. old I' 80fa &: love staL t.op atyl!.at. Xlnt opportunity. MOO'l. OVER -STOCKID 6' coHee tbt, 2 end com- Call Mils Warida, at M i 1 1 MAIDS, part ttme or fl1ll e FOOD I' BEVER.AGE modes; hide-a·bed, t pc. Prim'• Model Be&!lly Shop. -->:xpe;v..,. ". t WAITRES.SES MUST SEU•. • .... -bedrm .... HB. 962-2666. neceuuy. Ken Nllet: VUla e BUSBOY Will u.crltlce; call collect SALESWOMIN Marina. Mote.I lD21 Bayside e CASHlER. Ntw 9 pc. comer arnng. ,.,2U-03-4340==,,.-...,.-,-.,,--,~ For ~citing new fashion Drive, Newport_Beacb. choice of clrs. rer. S230,ILEAVING, state. Beaut 2 atore in So. C:OUt Plv:a, 77 YEAR oJd bHad man No telepnone interviewa now $149.50. Headbtds: n;t°· old 8 sola It love 1191. c .M. Applicants mwit be v.•ants competent woman kl Kings, SIS, Queens $12.50, 6 coflee .tbl. 2 end com· thorouah)y exp'd in ft'ady to clean tralttt, drive car or Brirto's Coffee Shop Full $10.50; Twins $3.95. modes; hide-a-bed, I pc. weir.'Xliiti~'I: Comm. cook: a meal,• hn. 4 ~ App~ :e~r~Frt. Tnmd1e aet& (duo riser) w/ Span kU.:~e bedrm. set, Apply in pel"IOn wkly. $100 mo. S36-.oo6B -•-inner sprinz matt. rq, Slo&. Will sacrifice; call collect ALB.OE, INC. JOIN HAIR .I CO. • thrft NEW MARINA now $19.50, RolJ ... way btd1 ;;;nJ.<33.4340.==--,---,,-- lSSS W. Adami Blue Del-"ln f¥ out hair 1t;ylisll! Open. RESTAUD•t..1T w I inn. 1prins matt. rer. FORMAL mahopny Duncan REAL Estate Uce.111ee. Good COit• Mtu R t"'' inc Aua;. lit in Balboa RrY" $58.50, now $39.50. Full llZ. Phyfe dining, alao complete commi&iion w/iuarantee. ~~r~ I!land. Call Sun, Mon, Tue1, aleepeNOfa ref. $239.50. now rattan tumishings. F I n e Vtty active rental agency EXECUTIVE LIDO ISLAND 'Ved. n.f: ~1230 or on <Experienced only) $1Q).SO. New beds: K i n a: quality, fairly pr I c e d . noe<\J Yo1U11 ""')""to_. SECllETARY e WAITRESSES oilier day1, ru, .._., e WA1-•s 199.50, Quee"', 189.50, Full 548-6003 lm~iately. 645--0lll. ,_,, $4950 Twins $3950 fully '"'="'""_,,,=.,._.=,,.--: 1.::===-'-'-~=-~-Needed for xc'ti tern""--Over 25-SECltETARt, Sailboa t e WAITJ\ESSES · • · • _STEREO cabinet l72"), 2 WO~tAN-how;ewife, uJf: YoUr e 1 "1• .,...--mftr'. SJH 100 wpm, typtni zu.an.n. fl. u. l))rtadi $9.96 .smaller matchin& cab• a ··~~tim•toeam-... ruya.uJanment.Goodihort-GIRL FRIDAY ...,. -•··WD ._._ .. __ ,_ e CAPTAIN SIESTASLEEPSHOP 1927 •-mad h .... ,...--.-·T Uml-;-" baJxt and =blnr ma-""' wpm. aVl"V · · ~ • cus..,m e, 1 utte \Vin prues no age: ., no _...,n_ · n.. .,=-s ~--n·""-•--L ... ~ • Din Harbor Blvd., CM 645-Z1ao d-SlOO· -·t ·-time limiL Will tftin u cblnt ..iua ed, • for arn.U Gltior. IJte dicta· ;:'"~ ' vt'C'I: v-'oU'I:', ~~ """.. .. ner daily 10.9 Sat-Sun 10.0. ~ ' ''"" .......,, Beauty Counselpn. 847--0946 We1te~I Inc. tion, t)'pil'IC, ~eptionist ana PRACTICAL riunt needed Contact Mr. Jatnt11 Dtm&to JUsr LIKE NEW: Oval, LIKE new. Colonial win(M-- ARY -2 man law rtn offtce. Pttf. yotuw, bet. tor eld 1y tleman n ~ MOndf.y thru Friday parquet dinlne rm table lklrted bue 6• llOf ' ollice. Xlnt ~ ---'-HP$f'ITAµTY llO!ITESS 11 20-25. PH: 54~-6475 1 C uer ie:n 5 d ' k THE CThomaavillel with 3 leavea ~-'.... 1 · ,,• ... 1 100'· ....,..-looktnr IOr ~a"ture women O n ...... -.rea, I.YI w • - -I: 4 hol • .... '-1.,o se pnnt ""V • $ • PLANNING TO REMODEi.i 1 fmmed. em p Io y mt n t • 1 ,_ 1 , •• OPERA:r RS • • • 1:30.5. 50-32&1 morns or aft NEWPORTIR INN up dWn. SJJO. Slate 613-51KT. 9Q.66ll o wt"'vme neowcomcrs o Ex ienoed · · 1 nttdle tcp, round Ft. Prov. Com-' · • ·thfo commuftlty, Mu11 have per in ainre 1 P.n). mode $65. 2 Chi tz Oara.I ~,~PC=M~a.,pl'"•°'hdr.,_,,-e'°t =m~."'<'"..,-11 YSITIER. mab.Jre, ¥. typewritl!r. ctr. and be bor..1 :::!.tc ~·m~ =LIVE-IN Houtekeepe:r, 56 to llO? Jambo~e Road quilted liv room c~rs $Wii ''&!nut bdr set $75. RolJA 'days, vk:. Mon t•e ct 11 o dable. Apply 235 E. Maill,l EDDY~,.-o-·"· !'"'" • __ _; 6a yrs. Prof. cousMe •IS yr. Newport Beach, callf. Fr away bed $15. 11'x52 &by Tmrnbst C?tl An fi .,.,, wu ......,...,, frft' pair. :;• Coclctall table . '. ~. s, · · • ~~7, TUl1in, C a I I f. St., Wl!;tmlmttr: SMT39, =t~. ~~~· ' fRY (OQIS ~~~=-~ba! Fr:i:::::~~ ~. 4 i<£LWILE _.,, " ..,. . SECRnARY· * AS EMBLERS * B&byalt,.._ --pillows, S11>. Conttmp able ""K"" BR,.,, game table I I'°', .... s-c:~.h~·. ~~n:rx:. EXPIRllNCED v1t!r~T":r:i.:u1iM. ror ttacher: infant It 2 lamp. blue SM. 0 EN tet. Baker credenza, lamps, ......, PermaDen JO S d chlldrtn I .I 10. HB aft&. TOp ....... ,, ptirmantnt, ~ 1'VR.NrtuRE: Green aota. 1arp 110fa £: chair. 642-8005 Own tra.ns. 675-1215. • t. Hour, 17 5"G-Q361 19T....f978. e-+ _ .... ---.1 ..... --''"'*-• chair I ottoman $15, Com· USED 5 o· t m 5 w e II: ltion llVi.ilable 1t · ......... '""' ...... ~ .... ....,.. pc in se ~ pc E. In Housek"9pti', pri•. N...;..; i: ch bn l0-1.1 •I KIN I .BannaJd/dancer, WANTED! Woman t 0 r 1111 ana'i lMdirw rntautut. plete. Wing back pruv print walnut Bdnn set $49.50. I , SalaJ')' open. Call after A 1..3 PM. T:p .&i...,.y: Write l'ull or put-timt. Cotta CllLD <"AftE. l1lbt balqic, Appi;J' I am to 5 pm fnr b rocker $35. Maple fbr H.r .R.C. Sl.7 W, 1 9 t b • ~I p.m. M'l~ HB Box P-421 o.uy PUot. Mesa 5 du., ""' out. 1.quna Hirvft at lamp SlG. Ov&I. wool. rreen 5C8-23Sl OONA 8l!adl area -DaJ Nunm . &16-T301 Be&ch ~ after ' pm. :,a I\11 $20. 54l-9Kl N"f)l 'LEA~=v"IN"'c;:--:,,.,,,,,e-.-. .. ".::;:p1, Worti:6,· MondQ. Own e TtN-Reliet du.Qi' two 41¥• EX~D WISLADY WOidAii to wk in donut MANNING'$ couch $%i. 2 malchin& It ran 1 po r I at on · Ref ~~'et.It • Men I: W'WM'lll Clothlnr 1!iop, Apply tn person befott COfrl'IB -SHOP SPANISH chairs, t nauphyde $15 ~ _ e LVN~ner. fw;_ ahiftt * 541-53&1 * 10 AM. NO PHONE CALLS. 240.11 El TOro Rd. MIDITIRRANEAN each. 64~136.i RECEPT-TYPIST per week. t.arina Bea~ BEAUTY opetator, full tlmc. 2941 Har~ ~vd., G.M. LeilUl'I' Wadel Lapna. Hilla A1 Showft in model homes. ITAL. PROV. LIV. SET Cof . . 50wpm, PlO!mo. f'lclM Nlll'lirJc Uomt KUN' _.,. 4 comm. <;'ftn'• KOUSEKEtPER, live In a. IS7·lOlf 3 Rms ol f'llrn, Cdln rm, Ii• fte tbt, cominocfH. I' tran-~ ltbone l38o3il93 tor •'""'V ........,,, Bl)'. Shop. ~ assist w.1th new born baby. CAMPUS SECUJUTY rm. A: bedrrnl priced mt-1it mfa, chair, 642-99d alt menL ., Exec s.cty te $611 SHAMPOO Glrt b' exclusive Priv. room I bath. Start GUARD ~t :. ls=-= I p.m. TURE sitter, 2 ch14nl. 5 Xlnt OIPtJ, .,.a co., a a I e 1 Beauty Salon. 3IOQ Padtit -'Ill· l!tb. M.f..2319 l~mont-= ;.T~· !;! Tenni. ~D:ilN:ilN'"G,..-...,=11-ae-t'°'120=.""'11'"""bod • J.2 Rell., own trans ~ltve ontn~ 1'Qfkr ~ 0.1t Hwy 673-3&20, LIV&IN HOUSEKEEPER wUh, )'OUtll people. Retired S.nta An• Furniture frame$&. • in. ~ e\'et. i:IS, Call mine, ~O. MAID, tull Ofo pe.11 lime, F.merald Bay, LI&. Bch. po 11 c • offioer snftn'ed f2l6 W. 4th st., Sanla Ana * 642-4115 * TUR.E ~ IY.ln, ' Juon~ Sl.15/br, I du/wk. ~Ill. *300/mO. trffirm. A brd. $2JI per hour.~ Mon. e 54T-OT89 e TRUNDLE btod w/theall. • da own trtnl. szo. Emplo)1wnt Apnc:y .. Shoru Mot.&. .. P2I ..... UIN :rr. tram I am IO 4:30 QUALlTY Jane bed. quilled 42'' hlch $80. c.ontour chair ...... 7364 NB. 2120 So. Ma.in, S.A. BABYsrrTER . tor Want. DENTAL Aul•tant. ~ p.m., at clall1fted penonntl, Com,plttt, u n 111 • d St:!; $25. MS-4226 AITR.ESS AP(>ly in pt:NJl'I: BOUSDCEEPER • BABYa wW1• lDOl'N. "rn:t homt: b S rqonlht. ~ llOl Ntwport Blvd., Cotta wert.b $250. Att S or wbib so=F°'A'""Jara<=:-:qu11=1ed,.,--:eet::lon,~ ka..Jbantr Rtltalnnl, GO s~ I to 6 PM 'lt.'k. dya. Lli. hllrpc. m-ocsi aft. prdtr1H. Of..ITTS • r M9L ltS-Utl N ... p 0 "t SfT...otO& ~ a )'tllOws $9). µso Parle Dr. N.B.. ~ ~ Wed.. Nurw1 bomt. 12:l0. • .... mo. BlYd., C.0.ta Nell. 66-0ICXI NEIGHBORHOOD Gar a.. BelOn 1 p.m. 548-19'l3. .W. -.....-, 1162-1913. DEN1AL ASSISTANT, train-MIDI CAL Cito ... date A ... 220· Sale. SttriU,.r. tu r", SECRJ<TARY 14" Map Io ltol!'Mi4ttruiJw.lpld PART-nm. bakel)' work. ed a.nd experltl'l ce d lltlCl,TIONIST WA.11'DtS,Waltre••••· clothts. rnltc. lN61 Shuca much/bed $40 CNitn I .ftlutt. MJ..3131, APfl.y Trotttr's, S'4 Fote!lt, chatn.ldt. Pb..: stloam wk. Ex'perltnctd e . 645-UQl Bulbo7. Pftf. up'd. Apply: Ln, HB. chests $10-$21). "4-2362 USEKED'Dl ... ttr 2 Laoint. Beach. ~ loin. dl,)"I. WAN"J'ii&. pt-time: carbon-mt E. Coast Hwy. C d M. Sl'OR. Cabfutt $15, box tr'S Uncb ~ Lime. Bis· old<riY 1141et, ~ Ula Ra""'. SOCK rr TO "EM! ribbon ...... done IJI ,,_ CHURCH ORGANIST-,.,.... 110, polo lamp 13. cut,.,_""'' See the I ttai1. m..l28I. _., ~! Dune-a-line DAILY PnDr WANT ADS! homt. m-4883 M0.22TI or 543-ttll 1tereo $73, atool .$2. iW8-m51 DAILY Pll.OT WANT AO.C:! • , . ·( Q RNd Cl•ulflutlona 65004900 In Ille DAllY PILOT • For Expert Assistance ~-------" Read The DAILY PILOT c L A 5 5 I F I E D U-RIT 1111! r· ..... ~""'----------------------------.... ------... ,..,,,..,,.,,..,,,..."""'" ~ . .....;., .. ft .~·· . -. ·~-.--=--... .. . .. ~ ... ,-. . . . . . . . ., ...... .. ---....... _.. .. FrldO)', ~ 15, 191>9 DAILY~. MIACHANDISI FOR MIRCHANDISI l\01,. MIRCHAHDlll FOR SAi.i ANO Tl.ADI:-MIRQWIOlll' .aa 'l'!l '•liil -lo1WITOCK !IWiiPol.TAtlcSli' TIUH$POttT4'tlOH TIWBllOiTAT .. 1'111-. · -hml.U.. IOOO Sewlnt MOthf-1120 Mi¥el........, .MOO Mlocoll•--· -· ' ::=i'~. G' ·-RON • ., ~~IAi'ili' o\ND~iTllAi~Dli~SA~L~l~<AH~· ~DiT~RA;D~I~' ~1~SA~L~l~AH~D~T~ltA~D~I~ MIRCHANDISI! f O' SALi AND "_1"'DI . l!!f! , . ll25' loots & y-, 7? _r Cruloora MO Molllle - -8llELTI!; pop''°"_, DAYID ·L, l'RAS.:J n -· • • yr loa"""ceJo<aaoo • SINGER _.....___ -· 11s orr oo .u bUdnll" • ,,v... '' · · · ms east""'..-lo9ded 1 w ....,., -• -_,.,,....._!I<. -POOL TABl'ES bo ' ,.,,,..~mo..¥.-:r K .... Crv.•!Rp., '2l5" 11p·vs Cirif ii• 'bali • -.-ittJ -· ..... : ':"~J:' ~ •0 • ·-.. 1" al•+-10-Ntw ~N&PS-~ ~j au~: 1.v ... _!t~~ '-~C •. ~ ~~&op = t&hka. fte. Sac $3.'tso. Phone N~,...! ~-: .. ..... -'C -......... th1"'" Goe -..-....... """ • wb. ···~···~·············· lf6.111L • . ' -13UI,.. IUI mo. covv1,,,., With ot wtlbout ..., · , • -•• • .• -!>' , 28' P.U Sloop, nJce .. $11?.!0 Drlltwwl ...... ·C ... coin attachment.. In stoclc: ilOq W, ~ Hwy., N.B. \ Jl' nbft/ttllk, rrtsco Jbt-CRUlS!;()ff, 11' Cab In 1146i PAClnC CST. HWY. llROIA'la Im WICBUTIOH Of· 11 U1X111Y APAmllBITS , M_l!licol lnot. . 1125 2 "8'1, -11 ..... Ptlcod Open sun.i.,.. Hor-. IUO .,. ~·-4 ,..,, c1o .. Qulaor, -and ftbtr 1NQU1R1!; SPAC!l • l\UMs·l'l,.drumM'lwltll tolOlll Uquldatlq .. ndplr SON)< :i:!5, • i.d. 4 tnd! BEAU'f!f\lLliiiJo:o@> ... : ..... : .. ,,;,·, ...... !ml ~;..mo"""tralltr$S!O. HUNTING'Ji:m9£Aal ••·• · ,. .... l'lnanclJW avallatili: •1tano'llJ>l!de<k.ecbosound . ~· 0"1I Tri-Cab '54;,b. ~ $M!OO'l'5,16·21ll -· hat 81" 2/3 oo ntW "lolln" w.-6*'!20T !lt'.S. N.,,.. lllld In ahlp ~ ftl'il, I ""'" xlnl I0\11\clJ '-'tllUI' o.....· * SIOPJACK 2)' LOADED ~~ Jor::::::: II 0 VJ NG• )(v St m box $1G.1, fttati. $200. ~ ~ tnJl. $1~ mu.£ . ~ aow!" An 0-: Blmlnt top A oatriam to s::!:i!ie:. ~· = , -can't -----$10 0. -BAY mart. -lor bealn-pmmt>il. IWlm -" -..... ditlon. $1400. s-,,, 2111 s,111•1•illhn-~, . AU. IRAHD NEW , f·pc. MMlterr•ne1n .. droom Suite in P.cen !Ra9. ~f,DOI ........................ NOW $161. oet y.,.. tor JU> can Whld .... dr)'I< 115. maple " 0 ..-..... • • . • c.n, O>uck Avm 6'3-Sll6· . Harbor Blvd., C.M. lat tr DJ~ al_Mf #Ylf_ar· MDce o:imrr cupboant $«), drop Mltc. Wanted 1 ner, ·~price : rlabt wt Via Oporto, N""POl"t 1980,0WENS29' crulltt, alpl. Sun. &or9eous Sp1nish Custom Built Sofa with .., , match~ Love Seit-Choice of beautiful Spain •-~~ 7 table m. °'"' wr PAY ~•ru ~ ,an. p.m., ~ * ......., ..... " twin ,.,.,., "''"ll' ... ~.12'c"°Sl"""' P~•-CEMAKER.===-1-1111.=• FENDER Ba •• man: M4--125i ~ Borrward $25. "~ 'wwn ' try. ~t. COl'ld. Ul'-3184. trir., 9:c20' tereenld ~ c ~· f'1brle1.' t Rog . f41t.95 I ....•....•.. NOW $U5.00 ·~:11~.~E~1 i.·~i.;··;·~;i·e:-~ii~~-·r;·i;i;;·J~:::: amplWu. ''9. U"" °"'' PLAYER PIANO • NOT ..,L--b 8!;'~ lpll't..:. 7~ TRADE YOUR BOAT Sp11'! !Id iOI'* 9030 1• Adult Pirie. PtUr ~ twiet. QonwJete w/1tlnd Ii ~ '.Paek abo aw.fl .f)f..J4$1. , • 548-4843 attet. c. · I ......,, l4!0 "*'1SGI • ~ --tu., For GOOD, USED HOllSES BOAflDEO _ w1111 <30' .;;. la!t<T> tor 1 un111 THUNDf!:llBDU> lO' • 711'· ro.so· MAYFLOWEll. Xhll T tll O.cora+or Table Lampi tRog. '49.951 ............................ NOW $11.00 Sp1ni1h Hen1in9 Swag Lampi GUILD JOO &1tlJ suitu. =rnutftnkh.:.='Q Ful'Glti.n, Stereo, 1V or 1"dUO,wttbout$».. :n:1::0:'~i~= ~: ~. i: ~ ~t7.P.vl=.-A4u l , beautlful. $1lO new, only $45 at $1000. Bett CUb otter Hou.lebold Item. of any tlnd. SC9-359l b&y, Call noW for detalll. tank&, bead, SS radk>, 2 bet~ 28~ ~.,....:...:, 1 w/cut, 9S-4955. over $500 takn. Must tell • M7..s722 • I YR oJd '->' stldlnco pnU. Ed Riddle IUtr '46-8811 terlea. bait tank, llpa: C. !5'· ~n1R. l BJ\. a/~ IRag. '49.951 •.......................... NOW $1'.50 A decorator dreit71 house on display - 3 rooms of gorgeotJ$ Spanish furniture (Was reg. $1295.00 • Slrlne Antique Banjo $4S lhlo -s.. ••)75 E. • wa·NTED -~--~ -. Newport -... Trailer bolb, tum. --v1o11n· 119 Ulb, ... 3, c.M. 54M7JB ' • .. -· ~ -· '11 GU:SSl'.Ul c ... ti 0. ' w/EZ lift. l3GOO + tu. $12)0 .. -otr. - e546-'lll4• * U FURNITUU -boord. 120 1o1trc. m.Ma' A cnoN, * GENTU: ""' .. lr!lod ...... Cn!l1tr ,,."' -· jet & IB' HO"!ZON ~-~ Sid Mini Ilk• PiaM. a O,...M l1J0 If 10U wm tell or txq TOP CASH lN ,30 Minutes w/tack &: atall. Mutt tell, power ttim. Full eovtr. r. outuuoa.n1 I ~;;;;,.:;;,:;_,; ____ '275~;,I Jiv. Wind1 a try Quality turnlture, c:olor"1'V'1 make otter. 64Mf39 Ready to enjoy. A 1 l boat. Low profile. 125 HP 'et HONDA Mlnl·Trall - SACllFICE • • • • • • $398 MOM & DAD AUct1oru1 -..ia .. 1W 1tereoef , appliance1 tooll. matnteziance record&. 1 Mere., ~ ~. Xtnt · ll - OOITNOW!! • ··"-! •..... olfko .. u;p, FREE·TO YOU •owntr.KIM«4 . cond.-..--. ~~bt" """"" Whil• We havo "" .,...i.st Windy. AuCtion S.m SJl-1211 GOOD u· . bberrJus ou• CUS'l'OM -.. = FOid, celection, tbe moat reuon-8tblnd T~1 BklL Mat1. Hl:ALTHY ·)'tmll cats. Jll&bt boa.rd hull w/dual 1eYft'. mahos· Ditck. SM to ap-M la c;.r•dit·Terms Avail. Credi+ Cleared lrnrnediot•ly -ablo ftlltall, ""belt ....... 2)15!> N ........ CM -WI ... v MOii_. II ... for .... --1 -. """· wtieei Xlnl -· Sacrlllco lllOO. 4oWcyc . "'· °"""" lrom COM, WIU'· FOi\ Salo-MOVING sWa -fD!olll&ul taby "lhlp-,...._" -~ Iowa lllll-113S. 1--...:.-"-----.J li,tzer, Knabe, Filchtt 4 cocktail taNe 30dro' cbaln, CASH (male), 1 pure white euU,y. $125. 673-f518 It' G}ASTRON ~hp. elec mm FURNITURE olhtrs, Spinei., A Conm... hr. box .... lo ~ •• pie-1-. 2 .-,,, -'fi'27' Olril S.a Skiff alul, 'lrlr, • .q..ip: xlqt from $519. RentaJa 1rom S10 tures, Coid !p)t refrlc,, W6-%U · , 8/U TS. s,s radio,' tabl. t&tbo, cond. A Ital at •· montbly. redwd. pl and -patio • nmu. ua17 wJ»je kl-Swim ....., J'ull -· dlncby 56,1311 • Gould Mu1ic Comp.ny access. butieeue, ladiea u. F · fllrnltare ppll&ncu Nmred , ~ blade: cu'* W...U l erw. 54tl-M2S evt1. 19S1 16' Glut:on. 50 h.p, ~ N, Main SA Sj7.f.681 18 clothllw', mite., 968-2"4. ~ TV, ;tar!.. ,~ Ohfl, MWD wk1. Weaned. 20 CABIN Cruller 80 hp Mercury. X1nt cond. $1t95. (Just .ott SA Frttwa,y) PEAR lbaped diamond and antiques· ready for .new, homes:. 12:57 Mer.: Trier bait tank, Call 613-22$9 1~ lewport Blvd.~-·> · ' Costa Mesa only hary ..... '11 t -WM., Sat. & s.._ !Tl I Pr•nchlM Cfo..out· mlltaire, .76 eta. Whlte aold ' Dt.y. ftilht ConwaJ, C.K,~~ ma~ extm: Make oner 16' FlBERGI.ASS aid ~t The factory bu ord-tttd clOR aetting. ~ of im. ' ' •' 1111 536-2928 ' with 15 h.p Mere motor I ~.,:::.~~~~=-="°'I -========001 ·outofCO:msole.t:2Spinet perfection to 10 times 6364621 WANT ·bome •tor b!autlful II'· $850~546-0310 °1968 YAMAHA DTt. Xlrd. ----·--- Furniture . IOOO G1r1p• Sale 8022 Pianos on~ coet-plua bas1a. ~cation. $950. Seen by $WE BUY$ yoonc ntUiured male elec~~ ~: t!ft ,12 ~RIS Craft • .' b'lr cond. •e eng. AJll:) -Never agam plam bargain! app L at U.S. Natkmal Maltale cat. ,,Sth fen~ tank e_, 8!ft ~-· Chevy ) Dr. 6 atlclc: Sl'IS., SACRIFICE: Quality Dani.sh BIG mG GARAGE SALE like theN! F1rst come • nnt Bank. 543-9335 yard. Had ibota. Very af. • ..,...,. ...._. · Flqls. Make ofr or trade 7%'' Oftter lllck mounted, Mod. corner 10fa bed; cbrs, Antiqoos, Tools, Ref r 1 g : serVed. SURPLUS factory d re 11 $ ' FURNITURE $ feeUonate, ·548--1951. 8/15 23' ~J Cab Crua, lmmac. for. -545-1657. on Camuo wheel ... tbla, lamps. 53&-8740 ~ve. Rugs, Surf boar 4 W~'S BALDWIN STUDIO fabrics & remnants.' so 1 d APPLIANCES HEAL111Y ba kllte Inboard. S/S n.dkt, bMd, 16' F8RGLS. 33 bp electric 5'6--0301 eves. , TV•. Oothes, Radio, Furn. 1819 Newport. C.M. 64Ut84 to the bli M u..-.... • '-· . PPY na. plle)t, covers. $21'SO t1r atart JohnlOn '86 Jnbd. Office ful"tlf.ture 1010 Swing set, Guitars & Amp. . . thJu J>U c u:=::! Co9w r"-"••-St.r••• &ftlCft wo. Eat aeythlng • trade tor trtr/bott. 6415--1189 eontrolt Ind bit M&..i5o e ·n TRIUMPH Bonnt\l'illit Utensil! Ha' dryer Skis HAMMOND.Stetnway.Ya· Sat. 1320 ...., ... ..,....., I ,._..,...._ .. N &re box tmd.·Nffd IOIIW-' 650,.Prlce is $850. e Afli AEROSPACE Bike, Booull' & 0' the; maha .. new A used pla.noa: Of. CAIH IN It MINUTIS 'body to Jove. U S-2462 '68, SEAGOING Houseboat 10~~· SPEED boe.t w/traller. Triumpti.651) D1*Blke-$m' CORP.1!.EL.EASES Goodies. Sat/Sun only. 2503 of all !Dakea. Best_ buys in TAPER-FLEX cOncave • 541-4531 e KROEID..ER brown couch, 32 Steel hull ln-outboafd, :l!> hp Mere. $475. or make e '69Honda!I0$27S. * 518-60x34 Walnut desks, Chit Or NB So. Calif. riibt here, water llci $40. 3 pr ladies u gOOd condition. You haul Sleeps 6. $9800. Call between offer. lf&..8693 *&U.5751* with never marred topll, , SOiMIDT MUSIC CO., I Vointr akl pants $20 ea. SCHOOL Teacher wants to 196S p Strffl T&9 P.?i.f. Cn4J'172-1247. '68 SUZUKI 120 Trail ttftU"bis .......... $74.50 * P~TIO SALE* 190'1 N. Main, Vogue water 1ki $1S. buy toy train. Pref. older, =· B, Costa~sa. s1i8 20' CABIN Cruiser, inbd., tty Marine Equip. 9035 mi. Ex. cond. Coocl * 32-4 door letter file 601 Beaonia Avenue, Corona S&nta Ana. 6f4...ll61 an)' cond. 539-\Jlll. bridge w I controls. encl • -dirtJatreet $250 6'J'S..319C &ft $.,,,, · del Mar. Fri & Sat. W U ft L I T z E ft Sp'--t .. NEED '-'at.... one to lOOO NICE rat family. Also, aome head. ..,.,= ,.,. 1.:i.a --NEW 50' Mast extn.ts.lon, , S·.,. • .............. " '" .,.., ea. _ ... . "' ... .., 26 ADMIRAL color 'IV. .,...,... • bachelors & s w Ing e r s. ._,,, ... .._ ""~ Alcoa Alum. 6061·1'6, 5 x o30J * 4 ·walnut secretarial & · ~ ltallan: Provincial. Under factory warranty, 2 reasonably priced. 6f4...468T Ca.ge1 ·A; H.H.G. provided.I ~PYints. 6'12-246! 81,l'' x .188, JQ'I, Wood '87 TRIUMPH Bonnie 8 units ............ $125 ea. Furniture Auction 8025 Like ntw. $l2IO. Ca 11 yn. $3T5 Kelvinator trost· TWIN bed size biclH·bed 646-2388 tns GLASSPAR dinghy •leering Boom, 21'6" x-5',6" x 5%", cc, Jots chrome, new .;,., 1 * !1a7r,, d::nstab;:.~ ~~~ e Furniture • 545-6428. . tree rdrig:. crosa-top $15. sota. Arry condition. f15..4427 FREE kittens, adorable long box, cablea l dolly, Xlnt. $50. Call· 5C8-tlil6 , owner, Best ofr ovtt '911. d k ame fire fiJ. Appliances • Color TV 4 YR OLD Fitzgerald eo.nsote Sf0..4013. &: slut fur. One calloc> • 2 cond. 4190· S48--0420. Brand new Norcold DE 250 646-4203 . es~ :tc. nus. AOK AUCTION Piano. Xlnt cond • tinlsb, KIRBY Vacuum Oeaner Machinery, etc. 1700 beij:e It white • 2 tre7 ~-• boal frig. Jee tray. UO MOI'ORCYCLE tr a 11 er, ~lcMAHAN'S 7722 Garden Grove Blvd. $390. Pri pty 61>'132'7 with attachment• & FORKl.JFTS: Priced f 0 t black, 644-0688 F.utbluH 8/18 S.1l~ts 9010 AC/DC, Never IUed $125. custom. Fort bikes. Hea)'v 1830 S. Ana.helm Blvd. Westminster nr. G.G. Frwy. EXPERT piano tuning & poliaber. Take over small quick aale! CLARK '64 2500 TO quaillled ranch or large 644-~. duty. Many extru. Tqp m8450 Tuea &: Thun 7 PM-Sat 6:30 repair. 21 yrs. exp. Richard pymta or $41.10 cuh, Credit lb. Uft. TOWMOTOR LT 44, atteqe with cbiJdren: 1 >T ro~~E customir:ABOT MERCURY , 10 hp O.B. $50. ahape $180. 847~. CAlongsl" S.A. Fwy. Estate COl'\llgnmt, Repo. New F . Morse 67""a-40U. Dept, 535-7289. 4000 lb. Lift. YALE 4000 lb. old pure-bred be a 11 e. ;beral...;oor ~wn S ~ b ~ Jolmlon 5% hp O.B. $150. 1966 3(6 Honda at Katella) WANTED GE refrigerator • freezer 13 lift 12' hi-lo mast. YALE 543-0958 8/18 repairs _ anytime. Sai:,t *~* Mod.Wed ,,&nmbler ~pll1ncH 1100 PINAOS &: ORGANS cu. ft. 2 end l-one coffee 4000 lb. lJft l'*-130 mllt. SlotALL Terrier, male, 2 yra. hardware & new Sabol 49f.o:i924 Office Equipment 1011 •636-363!* table, maple finiah. White I-CLARK 6000 lb. llft. 783 old, '11 shota blbkrn. Frff parts: mast, boornA, lee INiet· Yecht YAMAHA 305 Scrambler •a. TYPE'WRl'J'ER/ Add Ing u~~~~~= .~~$50 PIANO WANTED :~. d=Jke~'= = \Vay, Coat.a Meaa. to aood home wtolder cou... ~s, rudden &: tillers. Charters 9039 perfect. Must sell, make of. mach, calculator, Very Used Frlgidaire 2 dr •••• $68 (213) 877-1035 Pvt Party pie only. 642-4096 8118 ~n1shed · u well u ~ BLUEWATER CHARTERS ler. Morn. 615-7987 reasonable. Xlnt cond. Used GE .. , beautiful, 1B cu Rd' 1200 eves. CARPET ~~Y~~t~r~~:":~e~~ RAT&: CAGE. ~=~rn UDrtveSallorPower '67,SUZUKI 80 Tra.U .. trtet, 89'l·U23 eves. Jl, ~ motoJ: .......... $135 1 IO Sbap. tweeds, hi·io pile. All Other FORKLIFT trucka. S46-6.S25 875 W 17th Street Skippered local •port fishing escell c:ond.~. Jdras. G.-o •-lo 8022 Hotpo1nt Refri&. U cu ft 2 C. B. Radio, Buddy traJll. colon. Flee al Lie Contr: MUST SEU.! 6»-2691. 2030 c.Ivert, Mesa Verde,, Of. Mism, 6'6:.6219 Harbor Cruises 64&-EO» S185. WkendHVts IJ'B..74'2' .... .n montha old ............. $139 eeiver 22 cbanneI. Good 54&-H'll. C.M. 8118 FAST 33' Jeffries fully '66 30S SCRAMBLER COMBINED GARAGE SALE Sevtral ~ ~w Wtorau~'. tenna.'545-3586 after 5. an-A MAN A cbeit fneeier, 8 PETS and LIVESTOCK C fUZZY litUe kittena, 7· FUJk* SANJ'A~A 22 5* .an.. eqp'd. M&iiin Chain: outria:· and ·Bell helmet. '$285. .l BACKYARD ART-SALE· Dryen. .no:!rigera .,. wks. old. Aho W h I t e race c:ni If. -· ten. pol ea & reela for 673-090C or "2-5866 COLLECTION of combined TV'a 69 cl . HI-Fl & Stereo 1210 cu. ft. $50. Clair/ottoman Pets, General U00 ftOoster. 187 Towne SL ct-s' ~~~apc15mbtr~ .. ~· ~~~ marlin ar albacon!. (%13) TRlW4PH 1966 TR6C. xlnt. . .' at ' ose out pnces! · $40. Dinette table, 4 chairs 6f6.12ll .__.r, p .i:.vUll"UQe, ., ... .,, 699-0903 .. ,_,_ works, paintin~, arts & Stt at HENDERSON'S 1969 STEREo Co l $30 540-401! SCRAM LETS . xtru, Pr ply. (21.3) m-uoa . cond., lo mla. rec. _,.... crafts, 1t1tchery, · ~L-...o. ,. • • neoe, db, · 4 • • · '56 VW Sedan body. Gd. wtd · CAL24$25day-$l50wlt 650CC $750. 548-4111 photography.• ~what have '1811 l:fafDDr. C.M. l sa=Dl55 lll beaut cabinet, ·complete FOR. u.le ! o c ca I Io n a I c:ond. Come &: pick up. y. CAL 36 $95 day • $570 wk 1968 HONDA Scrambler llO. you, fine aUon.; of Caraa:e LARGE .election ot recondi-w/new g u a r a n tee • ( ~U'l. Weber kettle BBQ ANSWERS '46-4569 8/18 l.IOO J4 No. 2756. Xlnt boat! For Charter 846-2957 Dirt extru. Like newl items. 1°" SaVSun $29t!l tiooed appliances, repoe: ap. Speaker sound a)'il.em, 4 spd twin mattresa, 1V traya. Race Winner. Every extra.I~======~,,., st NB • pUancea from model t>Mies English changu, IOlid state 968-1134. EXQUISITE kitten, part $1145, plus trailer. Also: Bot W ted •!IGS-1907* '' * 673-5159 * . aD IUIJ'&l!teed. • diamond needle. Pay oft QUALITY ldng bed, quilted. Libido--..Mutic -Fiery -Siameae, fem. T w ~ I . rood SABOT. incl ...U., I I ~" · 90~,0 '68 YAMAHA 350ce Scr.m~ We Service -We Finance bal of $79JO or easy pymnta. Complete u nu 1 e d $105· Beyond -SNUBBED 675-0477 Bn5 $185. S46-ll65 W•ntecf ler, Llke neW $650 Musr GIANT Ganie Sale, Fri &: DUNLAP Credit Dept. 535-1289 worth $%i0. A1ter 5 or v;kruh The penally o! success Is 2 KJTl'ENS. 1 male, 1 9• SAILING Dinghy, 1''brgls. 20, to ft' lnbOlrd SEE! 536-1680. :t~hin~ =· d~n~ APPLIANCE MUNTZ 14&:8 track) car 847-0406 :~redby:iea=tlo':; female, 3 mos. old. hull, complete. Ready to NEW cir Dealer wUf trade burner unit & matchin& 1815 Newport Blvd., C.M. stereo l-8 tapes. Like new· BALDWIN Spinet p t a no, SNUBB~ y:U. 0 er 548--0968 1115 tail. Good cond. Must tell lite model GI' ..,, c:.r tor Auto .$ervicn hood. Crpts, 1 lass ware • 541-7780 • used only 10 hn. 530-4017 Acrosonic. Sterling ailver, PRE'ITY 10 wk. male puppy, Sl.25. 67>-3115. 20' to 23' inboud ftberzlau & Parfl MOO designer clothing size 8-12, .D~U~ ~e .~c~kn unit, Cirnerii & Equip. 8300 ~· l~t" by Towle 8p~:s~n~ 1[~~lcl ~1:~ ~~ home. Call 8;fi. u:tq.lAN 10 .No. 574, xlnt ~~ ~t)'pe ~mn:b SAT .l Sun.. Mile tooll: costume jewelry, books, w nu ..,.,. I e new .. 646-ll66. 2214 Canyon Dr.. cond, Sail, oan. ear top LolllPl'f: .l'ontiac m.8su tender trone:, hammers, records. lamps, lumber, S285, cost $450. 673-3663, GRAPHIC 4x5 view camera Health Spa memberships, C.lt1. MALE Germ. Shep/Collie rack. $325. 6'1lal£18 , or ~2500·"-n'tooffer • drllla, screwdri'l'l!rs, llOCbt mlsc. 122'7 Marian Ln, NB. Rental Dept. w/cue, tripod, lenaes, Xlnt 12 montha Cover 200 viaits) gd. watc~. needs room , ~'1252 ..,.,.. • wrenches. too! boxes. Cll Fri. 548-5976 KENMORE a u to ma t i c eond. $150. 545-6167 for $99. R.qularl:y $200. Mill Cits 8820 to n111. 49a-5l03 8116 COLUMBIA 22. ~ yrs old, Moblle H~mes '200 Esther, C.M. 548-8853 GARAGE SALE. Misc., washer, late model, xlnt. I..ant, 549-1425. 4 FLUFFY long-haired kit-outbrd, running lites, boo!Jl AUSTIN HeaJe:y •59 ezcirie a:Iusware. dresus sizes 9-ccmd. Sporting Good1 8500 u SE o c:onttnuou.filament Unusual female lllac-potnt tent. CaUeo A: two-colored. covet, l'ftd. cabinl tlil. ' · lQG.6 transmllslon ar nu 11, Fr. Prov. dining tbl A: S6.5 * 847-8115 nylon carpet, sculptwed Siamese, l seal. 8 wlcL Call A.M.: •2527 8/15 644-ll58 GREENLEAF end 'p1u1 other puta.' Gel. chrs ideal for antiq, incl. tbl FRIGIDAIRE gu dryer, late ,67 ~1:~= 9,6, pattem, beige, approx sa Qulet • a ff e c t l o n ate., A.USI'RALIAN s h e p her c1 ' 26' Folkbot.t, sood. cond. Rea& ~ pad $45. Lamp, many odds model, xlnt. cond. $'15. p . _ ll $30 yrds., xlnt. cond. 9624098. 546-8081 after,S. pupplea, 3 months old. co~ltion. $2500. PARK & end!. 1046l Egret, oU 847--8115 aid..-*.ae ' BEDROOM set, stove, mite HIMALAYAN.Slameae .t: 5f5..0647 8/16 *646-<1713* MOTOR HOMES 9215 Ward & Garfield, Fritn Se J 1 ·:;~~~~~;:~~I Valley. Aft 12 Fri. 968-2068 KELVINATOR, relrigerator, 7' 10" RICHARDS $55 f'urnlture, lamps, etc. &ilOlnt mlx. 0 wkL $15 SMALL .white puppy, mixed, RHPDES 33, Ready to race.10 clear clean cool Collll • SINGLE bed 1 1 s ma 11. XI n t con d . ll7 E. Bay, Balboa 540-5614, 545-"'13ll each. !3Ml574. 8-12 wka., male. 546-7532 9 u.ils, outboard, S40(XJ or lttesa. New 92 ' SPIC« Adult Large a:u c ~:... e TeV $&1. 545--2486 675-5160 2 TWIN beds, steel framea ADORABLE kittena, Manx A aft. 5. 8118 trade. 548-3531 Parlt NOW OPEN!, M0blle Service equip. Oil paintings. O'KEEFE & Merritt double COMPLETE 1rlr. &: Mra. $30 each. Corner table $lS. Angora $5. 5«8-2039, 8-9 PM 4 MOS. Wire hair terrier SPRITE, Small fa m i I y Home Dllplay Models &: Other mile Items; turn, oven gas range. $40.00, 258 Marlin fuhing gear. 2-No, Call 673-7226 646-4760.\ft 4 PM good w/children. Too many sailboat, fibrgls, like new. Sales office located at Park. lawn edger. 543-6622 or Santa Isabel, C.M. 259f Garcia poles, 2 RH & 1 CANOPY Crib, car bed, hi· pets here. 645-m.27 1/18 S600. 540-6587 aft 5. OPEN ~715 969 Governor, C.M. OlES'r type frttzer holds LH. PeM Senator reels, chair, potty seat. Xlnt cond. Dop 1825 TWIN kittens, 2~ mo old. 9' FOLD. UP Stow-boat, 2381 ZENITH, S.A. Hgts. Sal· 240 pound• $45. belt, harness A: ding. Cost 540-2770 TOY poodle puppy.pick AKC Black & white. Free to good compl. w/aails &: outboard 9 AM TO 6 PM Sun Aug tS.17 aft lOAM. 673-8852 $275, used one hour $125. REDUCING table, worka cream female. Shots &: home. 54G-0254 8/U bracket. $195. 642-8142. A((fNT MOBILE Lamp, bowling ball, fishing WESTINGHOUSE electric ~26l2 like a St.ufftr. S50. wonned. Out Of Honey FREE cute kitten&, 2 whlW STAN Miller Racina Sabot .\: equip, 1t1U: equip, T-pole atove, 42" double oven, $30. SEE "POOL TABLES" in 673-2748 Wert, Golden Groovy $200. females, 1 tia:tr male, t wkl dolly. Like tle\V, aaU No. clothesline, watches, tools Ii: *646-'3U* Mlscdlaneoua for u.le col· REFRIGERATOR. good con-54~2835. old, 53&2tJ29 4268 $360 6'15-0884. HOME SALES other iood 1tufi, umn. dition $40. AM/FM Sttte0 BOXER puppies. AKC reg. PLYWOOD and so 1 id HOBIE CAT SAT k sun: Dishes .. painl!I, Antlqves 1110 POWER Built left banded console $60. 645-2929 Champkin blood It n e . mah or any a e r.-a p, .. Like new. Trailer inc. $1115. 1750 Whittler Ave brlc-a·bra.c, camping gear, • gold clube, full act, like LARGE cement wheelbarrow Consider any i'eaaonable of· 64fr2.177 8/17 (U4) 593-17"2 Costa .'le"- auto body " mechanics Larr y Morgan Ant1que1 new. 54&-0412. 110 ft ft n tahl• .. benches fer 642-4386 .. 1 .,,.,, · • 11. -V .... .~~ •• · VEl\Yrul<1'Malll<•"'"'·s~sco"t•dtspe.-aldy 714 '4ZllSO tools. Other misc items. 418 Be there when the ~n p .... s $1.S. 847-2966. WELSH ()Jrgt (Pembroke) MG-2700 8Jl6 nttd a MAIN uJ1 for fl : • Either, CM. 548-8653 in &: take your pick! 14 Ml1ee!l•MOUI l600 LE Mn"""""-. ~teal ehamp1on slttd, 5 males, 3 Fft~E "-pla-wood. for FOOT A L'B AT ROSS .l~~!!!"""l!~"!!'~'!'!!"'! I Pump organs, 2 dozen roll TAB .... ~..., ........ . temat Priced rd' '"""' "'"" ...... ·1; ANTIQUE furn, dlahe!I, sew· top Desks 15 Qiina cabi· \VINDOW air conditioners, $50. BuUet $50. 2 aide clWn to -·~~ .. · ~923acco ma hauling. ~. 1/16 6'2--5769 O\VNER wW aell 50'x10' ~ ina: machines. Iota of miac. nets, AuStrian Armolres, like new; Coldspot 6000 BTU $25. 847-2689 't....... • · le 2111' FOLKBOAT aux zloop BR l u I 1 bath MQ'flowt:r- Prioed ril:ht .f'rl;Sat 9-5. 1854 Bedroom auile~, Brus beda, w I 1 e r v t c e co n I r act 2 TWlN ·Beds. steel frames IRISH Setter pupa. To good 2 BLACK adorable pupp • lapstrake ·hull,' depend . ..,; Pilgrim SE.'t on 30'x60' apace Ohio Pl. of! Indiana, CM. Grandfather clocks, Vienna Emerson 8000 BTU. Each $30 each. Cotner table $15. hotne only. AKC. Adorable! *** 49i'-1M9 *** bolt. 2 11eta dacron iails 4 in modern adult park on GARAGE Sale, pOol table, regulaton, &; Much More! reduced $50 for quick sale! Call 67l-7226 Interested'! Call 546-7504. 4 MALE, 1 fe~ ... J;i pers 8 1an apinaker. Make offer. Newport Bay. 22' car:POrt swi"" aet, misc. 1515 E. "'· t ~•• 2428 Ne .. __. 64" ,,.,..., LAB .._. kittens 548-4950 (JS. 646-011) 38' awning, !lkirting, nclc A . ..,, =e a : l.oXJIU or -....-•• """"'i · ELECTRIC Mower $50. Eye-• re ... ever Pu P s. ' bark landscaping, plants, Oce6..., !!,_ Blvd., Ba Ibo a. Blvd., Colla Meaa 548-7383 VlNYL TILE, Lin 0 I e 11 m, level slave $50. Rl:friit!rator AKC ())amp I Show/Field ONE female tan A white raL ·AQUACAT 12' Sa 11 in g patio fenced for privac:y, 1.,:.;"::.~=;,;~~~~.-~-C O L L E CT O RS • · Shop-Asphalt Tile -Beautiful ool· $15. 546--7285 stk. Easters Kennel 633-7340 Very tame. 642-4424 8/15 Catamaran Ir trailer. Fut alum utility died, ~udlna: GA~GE u.le: Antique furn. speciall..iing 1n do 11 1 , ors a nd patterns. Free GAS ranee $25 Mown $5 AKC COLIJE PUPPIES WlOTE ratl. 548-7613 8n.5 A euy to ' saii,. J?'· oon:I. reb1g. 'a: range. $42'>. be<ls. china. glass., lamps, percussion guns, Ir: much estinmtes. Llc. Cont r . Bo • Ir: girl's 26 .. bike $15. For show· or· for Jove FREE rock. &'IQ.3640 ·8/lT $600. 6'15-319t &tt 5.30 Furniture available. Space ~· :2:ml Susan Lane more. We have tomething 546-4478. · ~'orange &U-56fi6 STS-$150. 642-5902 UDO 14, excellent auurrd In thla f\lt4' oc- H;B. 968-'1214. tor evel')Vne. H E LE N 113 OFF on an bikinis 1r: oov~ aadcBe 17~ tra ADORABLE mixed poodl• TRANSPORTATION condition. $650. cupled park with dub GARAGE SALE: Sat j: Sun. MANNING! ANTI~:i::s) CM2428 er-ups. Any size top w/lJl1 STEUBEN$1'ni ' x ' pqpples, 8 weekl old $5. ..... & y ht -· * 673-4474 * house, pool, bqt.t 11191. a. Clomts. 1urniture, oddi; & Newport B vd., <~ · bottom. $14. wtta now a. 646-0Ml 493-19'10. IC I nruv HOURLY RENTALS genial neighbors. Ideal for enda. 293J>ati:, Apt. A, C.M, 642-9251. $9.8(). Anyth~ Gos, 2400 GO ReCrie . SOUTH COAST 11 · * Rhode• 19'• * one ·or tWo peraona (no 67a.nso . FOR SALE: Antique Shop, \V. Cit Hwy, N.B. Open Sun. $1000 Cub for AtlStrla AK1cf~pion ir!a (~~ ~ BRISTOL OOND. FuJ1 Zone Boat Co. Balboa peta). 673--1140 a ft it t mt• GARAGE SALE 338 E. 19th, large 1tock. small do\vn, Flag MobUe contest ttr dam) 87l..o3l5 $150. · 644-0064 UDO 14 Principals only. Costa fl.fesa.. Gu stove, dine bal. 1 yr. Call 64~1970 or BACK TO 'SCHOOL ~ For Norway. &CS-2415 · 8x35 KIT 0 •• ••~ l t Botton 'tenier Puppits 26 FT. JnbO&rd, U!iOO. wltb trailer ........ :.,;.$895. table, rugs, baby access, .,._.._., SALE FAMILY membera P n Male Ii Females, AKC .2 Hra. a1noe ovtrblul. Slip *6'1>2t00* very I'd. cond. Pvt. p(J, FOR · MOTORHOllES • IMAT 1111'. AU 11111 DODQE "EXPLORER" ...................... ......................... ---llLL IUU. 11 fOOT, n fOIT. M flt1. 1 Ylo\Q flllll ... IM' Al APl'IOY11 CllDtf, etc. Aug. 18 . 23 lrvihr Coast Country Oub <7l4) G22-0882 6~ avail., Lorw Stach. .,7.132Q. SABOT-compltte $1.7!i 646-1388. Call ever. •tt4 ~ .. ,., Ori•-, ~,• •-1--hlnet 8120 TiiRIFT SHOP lor sale. Pvt pty. 673--1918 ....... '-VU.. • ... "''" -... · 120 E 19th S C 'I D .. •"TION male 10 wks 10' CLASPAR, new Johnaon Good beginner's boat -1.•.:.L••-u .o_a_ - Couch, chain:, chests · t., ·" • GD. Size pool table $60, TV """'~ · ---,;;:;,~•~6='1t*~~~t:::'-l;-~M;oo:bl:l;•;Hot;:;';'";;;;:;';;;-;:-;;;;;;;"""'"";;~~~7;;-;-.i1 Clothes, Odd• aod Eod• 1969 SINGER with port •land 135. drt"" puppy. AKC. champion '""· • hp m.,., trlr, ncla. tU.& 1....:==-=:..c:..;:..,::.== I z•·-cab mod allgbtty BOTH like new. Beige """'· $lll &4&-0l1l6 $75. -.mo Aft 7,30 p.m. S4MCllll; $230. Cde•tial Navleatlon IAY .HARBOR -HOMI SALES GARAGE Sale • Antlqllff I • desk walnut top Black hl . ' ~1.unFUL ... D'.....,._. _,...._ lier 2 Coutee . 1 .. ,_. Must teD. 99S2 Bond u*9. SfJllkb wal cab. Doe• ' : • NE w p ORT Tennil Oub * ... ...,., *" ... ~.-. ""'-. cru · Ci;i;, Ha ....isn evl!'l')'thtni without attach. back exec. swivel chair. family membenblp. $'50 s tie It I e Pops, AKC. heads, Mower, •lf!tPI 7. Pri CoMe * 673-lltl Clffralce . Sale '· Ruuu•oE ••LE Bit-In """""' lo ......,t, ~uir -,,,....., or pt., traOI lff. 133-1469. lmtnil""" collltl). "8-5862 party. -~FINN No. m• , ~ ~ make button bolts. aw on • POODLE JIU'Pt• to:rat , A.KC. 28' GOUFENOORl'ER. Lota lltftf trailer .. oowrs 0, Al ............ • tt a..,,._ Girl'• Club lia Anaheim buttona. hem dre1111, make MUST ael1 now! rec. Caribe NOW'St 1ff1 0 r a~ Bnatlful of Gklb $USO. Don't call It Ukt.N'W tl\Ult tel ..._ M a. 11' ,. M" WW. ft8.1'Ul Fr1ASat1°'4 fancy 1tttclw1 etc. 5 Yr. .'5 c:ta. Mdcllrc ut, $1SS or heaVJ coats. ao-m not, c:tiaracter 545-1834. n8ERGLAS Sabot di~ ~--...... --INCLUDING------ STEAL IT! MilC Items! l*l1t" • servke cuar. PQ bH:t offer. ~1911 a.ft. S. TIMI FOi AUSTJW..IAJC Silk1 Tfn1c:r 18~. BOAT bull pcQtl&lly 2/1all1, xint . cond. '115· ~.:~ :, ~~= •= 1ru AntltUa w.,. Ntwporl ss.• dn a 9 pymnt1 ol ss.88 PRE st DENT ••ndl<w "'\llCK CASH ,.. ...... AKc;'1\iie1 !150-tiniahd 1775, ~ -:"":;"';:,.:::;:::~=:=::::::::::::-II -c".!!'-ITT Beach. * 642-0006 mo,. no tntettst cbut• or: Orange County Al r p 0 rt; "I"' d .,~........ CAUTAS COINIU ~'"':::' ... F U l'rl $58 80 flOO. -7'20. r .. m! ~" , IHllATOM MANOI fAIHION llANOI ..--BlllQSEYE MAPLE u c• • photo blow.up w "" •• THROUGH A AKC lalNt Pups 14' BOAT, MOTOR ,_, Cruhoro 9020 Two 3-pc Bednn 1tts k other For no oblls •• free home 642-370l A1t. 5 PM Trk:otor 1 wlu ~. ~ and 11,.iler. ~a.ma fllro. 1830 Hl&hland Dr, NB dtmo. Call a'fdlt Mar 'Ill t VANITY 12), Pia> ,,..,. 125. DAILY l'ILOT - HUGE Gongt Si>!, Aur. 16 PM. JI toll, ootl col .. et. BBQ SS. Stro<>Hl Chair. WANT AD GREAT DANEPUI'-Boot Clolnlng So~ l 17. 2ll4 Bayside Or, Cd1't 213: 531·"'4 837·'1577 01' 49S-4117 " lb Fedtftl ·Avt., CM Dtut·wetk·mon1J\. ,642~. 2t TS CR.UISON, V~rtvtt; SJ~ ....... SACl\IFICEl m.GUor ~ 1425 IAKEll ST. COSTA MESA Vl .............. ... CAU. 14 .. t47t TOMT • ----·-00.------~--------~-------~~~---. . ~T fridq, -1'.1'69 -~flON TRAHSP6RfillON ,,..,.. 9510 TllANSPOllTATION TllANSPOllTATION TllANSPOllTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION Trwb MOO /r k • 9500 • wi-1 Ori« "-9510 c.n.,.... '520 Campe,. tm Duo1 Bunlts 9525 Imported .Auto• -Imported Autos HOO '"~v..,.uto ""'1 '61 JEEP •••••• $24'7 W WILLYS JEEP, ,_ •14;;;""";'.D:;;llEA.ll.ER,;;::;::;;:--:: .. :;:,._-:;'.:.,:l-_:_-.:: _____ l '~-~~--- '61 tm.<MttoMI ~.Road'1cr,llwp. 1011,nowm• ... Good......i:-Cln\per.Butanerelrlr ., *LA PAI* FIAT MERCEDES IENZ *VAN* mo -CAMPER •!ov< & ovon. t.ikr new 1116. 8""" l!uilden, "" w. war. ~·v:a.".'!:!~bl<t ;!~;!:,~T~i~. = J.,.,;,,_,.111od<IMlll...,. S1l11 ·R .. t1l1 Consider boat 1n trade.""• SA llfMOl5,...,. .. , * FIAT * 108" WMtl hll•. whiff', 16311-A KUSTOM MOTORS ~ BaJcer St., cmt.a Mesa 54G-5915 * Authorized seats, Cam!>tt Shell, red. like new. UOF UO A·l condition! M8-3672, ~~Foor~ 536--8891. . 3ENAULT DUNE BUGGY, Looks I; drives Jiic. brand '66 JEEP $2297 · 8' CAMPER,.slJlll 2, ice box; $350. New top, For The • BHt Seledloo e Best Trade-In e Bt1t Price .. · ' · · · · ·' C1mpo,. 9520 Scotmwi • Barracuda c•--• Jnl ,,.,_ "la ~. -w. \Vagoneer, bi&&. power steer, FR.EE ,ZEB'RA. MINI BIKE ..._,.. .-. u ""''"f'• * $2695 * ing nicut in town. SVE' 361 RENT A.SHELL with pu~ o! an1 GMC Cl' Ford """*· $215/ '63 VW Tubular Sand Rail. lntemat;on.J Dealer '63 TOYOTA .... $1597 WEEKENoS. WEEKLY caniper or camper pe.ckq:e! fi'S.<1659 ews. $1COO or belt otfer. 1'3 E. al1t0 'li6 lntl"mational, ~Ton. Land Cniiser, hardtop,. all MONTHLY * 83$-1800 Theodore 21.at SI., C.M. ~ CALIFORNIA * SHElLS * · bock V-8 xtraa + w\l'ICh + wide lites C1mper Rent1l1 9522 _ ~ Slllhl F re I 1 hi Damog• :;;"';'iO:~'Ts>iss eta. • Lie. 81S <n. MUST sell '511 O..v. truck ROBINS FORD ·* EXPL-O"ER *. Imported Autos 9600 SPORT CARS CHEAP! 839-lMXl KUSTOM MOTORS '57 JEEP Pickup .$997 and '6.1 camper. Best offer. 2060 liubor Blvd. . ll '56 ~ i,s ton PU. New 845 Baker St., Co9ta r.teu A little work bone. Lie. FSP Gd. cond. 968-70&3. Costa Me&a 642..QJJ.O By Wffk or monlb, .Lu:xuri· AUSTIN HEALEY Urea. battery, points & plugs. 5'1().5915 • Authorized 073. EIGHT ft. cab over pickup ous. SleePI 6. Self coottl,in-, Good eond. ~. &12·2098. lnlcrnatk>nal DeaJer '52 JEEP , , . , , , , , $997 camper $900. See at 1954 MUsr seU '66 VW Camper. ed. Uinlted number. Call 601 .. ~!!_STIN Healy Sprite. Military type, Only ohe in Plactntla, Q.t: Fully equip. Low mileage. today. w ,. ... " top. S46-1755 alt 6 . '67 FIAT 850 Sport Coupe; nl~!t In to\Yn. , 9989 '6l Chevy,:~.~· V-8, ·~~~~~n:8:!.'re~t ~p to"·n. Lie. YXV 631. ·s. M1'.."l'RO camper van. Xlnt C!Onct $2495. 642-1536 "EISURE RENTAL~ l°"=p.m=. ====== 837-7577 or 495-4787 for Chevy 1100. 962-4955. DE,.A •• No..1l. AErewA'1s ~. e~lne & o~~ Fot Dai!Dlaly J>.!I!t~!_ant Adi <n4> 64U611., <n4J a,,?.3809 DATSUN $1397 Best Deals Are At owner. 548-7765. '61 Ford Econoline Van HEAVY duty % ton Ford ~ ....-..uio CHARGE your wanl ad now. * 15115 * P/U. Dual W... K<L cond. -Imported Autos 9600 • BARWICK IMPORTS 8tSJ2l!t ~1573. AUTIIORlZEO DEAN LEWIS ORANGE · COUNTY'S N-EWEST IMPORT AND SPORTS CAR HEAD.OU.ARTERS Featuring ·s--a: /~-' l\Jt SWEDENI AUTHORIZED SALES and The sportiest SAAB. SERVICE It's called the SAAB V-4 Sonett it does I 00 plus with no sweat. We de· sign cars the way we design jet planes. For maximum performance, comfort and safety. SH what I 0 years of extensive research can do for a car. We de· sign our cars the way we design our jet planes. For maxirrium perform- ance, comfort & safety. The head SAAB. SAAB lias incredi1ile fiont ·wheerdriv~ The front wheels do all the work. They slee•, grip the road , they pull you around corners and through thick and thin. We design cars the way we make jet planes. For maximum performance, comfort and safety. CELEBRATE WITH US Fri., Sat., Sun. August 15-16-17 You ore l•vlted to wlslt OrCllMJe Cou•ty's new SAAi Headquartns. See off five models of Sweden's foremost cars built by Europe's largest supersonic jet manufacturer. It's a Southern CaliforRia breakthrou9h for one of the World's IMPORTANT autom0o biles. Dnlgned and engineered for safety, 1Cnln9s -and -SPIRIT. Tnt clrlYe the SAAi Staftdard SecloR for ec0tt0my, the Deluxe Sedan for creature comfort, t•e WCllJOI fcH" styUsh utlRty, or tile Ah New tt Seda11 for a totalfy new con- cept in compact cars. All ••• lacked by o Miiiion Donar SerYlce Deportment. The best from · Sweden ..• The best ht serYlce. SEE THE NEW SAA.IS .•• TODA YI GUARANTY Q~ALITY . USED IMPORTS 1968 VOLVO Air conditioned. VRR949 $2595 1951 BENTLEY A rere model! En9li1h re9i1try. $4400 1966 OPEL KADETT Deluxe Sport Coupe. SRT277 $1095 1966 DATSUN STATION WAGON. SMZ091 $995 1960 PORSCHE lmmacul1te! SVX984 $1875 1966 V.W. BUG Extra Nice! SAAO I 0 $1299 1966 TOYOTA Cle1n Coron1I RST938 $1175 We Specialize In Rare and Vintage Sports Cars. Let us show you our long list of available makes and models from all over the world. COME IN AND TEST DRIVE AN fNGLISH TAXI CAB! IMPORT CAR 110 NORTH MAIN e SANTA ANA e 1963 V.W. BUG Unusu al V•lue! JRF2 12 $899 1966 TR4 TRIUMPH Wire Wheels! RRY938 $1599 1969 SUBARU Br•nd New Pickup! 1171 5CVC $1341 1967 V.W. BUG Cared For! RYF709 $1499 1964 ROLLS ROYCE CONCOU RSE. Autom1tic Tr1 nsmis1ion. .ENG '6~.LF $7000. ... DATSUN Big sedan, auto trans, over. bead cam, diac brkl, radio, beater, 28 mi per gal., after 2.800 ml. Fi.ill fact warranty. PL 510-044826. °''69"""FIA=T""'12<""'"s""po-,"" . .,....,,.s,..,,.~.,. 4Y2 Fine Avail Red eir:t/blk inter. AM·FM -------- MG FULL PRICE $1150 soft top only. Abarlh ex· '61 MG Rdstr 1600. ~bit. 998 So. Coast Hwy, Lag Beh haUJt. 48,000 mi. $2900 mtr. &d. rop, Urea., tonneau 56-0634 0 .A.C. 494-9771 Finn. days: 549-Ull. covs. 838-3500 835-442'1. Does not incl. tax or Ile. ~=~=~--­'&1 FIAT 1M Sport Coupe. MGI '68 DATSUN Like new. $2550. Private Big station \V&gon, auto trans, Party. ** 61~ ---,-66-M~G-B°"',.-­ overhead cam, dlr, disc bra· '67 n AT 850 coupe Very Green, makes mighty fine kes. Perfect coodition. Tak~ good cond. 496--9176 after 5 nlotoring at 11495. WIF 168. trade. Sacrlllce. WBJ 589 -wkdys. Calir. Sports Cars Ltd. 90l LB. CaU Ken, ••• ~· 1--·~-"=-==-·==== Sa An .....,._..., E. Fl r!it St., nta a. '65 ALFA Romeo GT Sprint FERRARI 5t2-880L Coupe, red w-black int. '63 MGB 1tereo tape:i;, $1800 u is. FERRARI Hurry on this one -only 714-496-1478 Newport Imports Ud. Or-$1195! UPC 512, Calif. Sports -:Oo;R"A"N'°G=E""'C"O"U7.N7.TY='~S-I an&:e t.ounty's m1y author· Cars L · i . 901 E. .First. No I ized dealer . Santa Ana. 542-8801 • SALES·SERVICE·PARTS DATSUN DEALER 3100 W. Coast Hwy. '63 MGB, hard & aott top, l DOT DATSUN Newport Beach new tires, radio, wire wbtth. 642·9405 54~1764 Very rood cond. l.lust aell. 18835 Beach Blvd. Aulhorlted hfG DeaJer Make oller. 494.-9808 lluntlneton Be11.ch 842-mt or 540-0442 JAGUAR '65 MGB blue, red int. Wire '68 DATSUN Pu, 8,000 miles. I--------~hr::• 4~c:128 ml. $1l95, gd. Like new. All extras. $1625 '68 Jaguar XKE Coupe Priv Prty, Larry 646--7290 Immaculate condition '69 MGB GT. Green w/blk ENGLISH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD DEALER SALES -SERVICE '69 MODELS Immediate delivery LARGE SELECTION Theodore ROBINS FORD 2000 Harbor mvd. Costa hfesa 642-0010 White Elephants'! Call 675-6226 aft 5 Phf int. 5,000 mile&. Perfect 1-~~=~:::...c..:..:;;_.1 cond. htust sell. 49f-8.t28 '68 XKE, xlnL oond. ck Best offer over $4100 '67 MGB/GT green. bla 15.000 miles. 675-4537 inter. R/H, wire whls. 23,000 mi. $2350. 644-2887. '55 JAGUAR, XK140, Con- vert. Clanic! Be s t oiler. Call 645-190.:>. KARMANN GHIA '6 0 KG ·VW. . Transportation. clutch bearings. 646-<IJL1. Good Needs $3 00 . DIAL dlrect 642-5678. Ola.rge your ad, then sit bllck and listen to the phone ring! OPEL '61 OPEL Station W•gon Baby BllK', 4-speed, radio, rack. VZY163 . $1595 Best Deals Are At DEAN LEWIS 1966 Hart.or, C.ltl. 96001mported '"utos 9600 Imported A•Jtot 9600 Th1t'1 ri9l>t, Chick J.,111011 9 i .. 11 you 1 0111 of 1 lri!MI 11r .. ic1 91,1 •r1nl11 011 1ny u11d 0111 of I •incl love bug. 1!'1 th1 <•• th1t won't 9iw1 you 1nythi119 to worry 1bool. We rn1k1 1ur1 of tlt1t. W1 9iv1 if 1111 VW 16·poir.t 11f1ty i nd p1rform111c1 fttl. II .h11 lo p111. So WI 9iv1 ii our 100 ~ 9u1r111t11 th1t w1 '1I t 1pl1c1 otll rn 1ior rn1ch1111c1I p1rh1 for JO d1y1 or 1000 miles, wh ich.,ver com11 f«1t. linlt th1t whit I new c1r·own1r 1111d11 A bug th1t won't d ri¥1 'you nuh. Low, Low Prices on These SPECIALLY PRICED BUGS! HOME OF THE LOVE BUG SPECIALS '66 PORSCHE '57 PORSCHE '63 vw '12 COUl"l COUP'E Ouhl111din9, ori9in1I line DELUXE IVS dri11in9 '''· f; .. , 1p11d R1dio, chrome wh11h, n1w M111t 1ee to eppreciete. tren1mi11ion • f M r1dio. p1i"t, ok '"1ch1n;c1lly • Goldi" 9r1 en with bl1ck OPM 153. Only H8G 615. int11 io1. lie. SKN2116. $1699 $1399 $4399 '65 vw '65 GHIA '69 vw CAMPE• COUPE SUNlOOJI SEDAN Engine. h1n1mi11io" .,, A11to111 e tic tren1, 11dio. Redio, wh ite 1id1w1tl fir .... b11~e1 recently OYtrh111!ed. h11!1r, 1ir cond., t t.000 loed1 of oth111xtre1. 1,000 RSG OSO. mil11, like new. XOC 308. 1ct11el mil e1. XSR 145. $1899 -$2599 $2199 '67 vw '61 vw '66 vw IUS S9UAll IACI! CONYl•TllLI Hird to firid, 111y lo buv .... with bl eek i"t11io1. R1d io "' heeter. Do11'I Show1 1l!c1ll1nt cer1. So "' 1~e1ptio1i.lly el1en. nie1 ., "· roed. Redio '"i11 thit one. SIS 155. YXV 576 I h1et1r. Ue. No. VTU 544 Ab1 0lul1ly like new. $1999 $2199 $1499 1970 N. Harbor, Costa Mesa Ftldiy, Au,int 15, 1969 TllANIPOllTATION TRANS!'ORTAT ION TRANSPORTATION TIANIPOllTATIDN TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRlNSPORTATIOH TftANSPDRTATION --· '!!!"'! ... !!'~Nol!!1A~-~_:NOO!!~ '"'"°""" Allho -lmporlod A-,-!e';! Caro 9610 A-.Va~ rOUCHE TRIUMPH YOLKSWAGIN ~7 =~•-. W£ PAY WJ1 Wh le let p br. 1 ''1 TRIUMPH ... VW, "'° sUck, Pl!l'f«I JKI' 143. SALE! 0 sa 0 u dC. '66 CADILLAC '67 CAMARO Rally l'ORSCHE TJl.3, beaulllul ......, color, "°""· RAH, "" "'k. 1'1,000 $If A fOR• YOIJI CAR • TURNED Convortlble ~;:.,. ·~;~ .. ,:;•· '"··~~$»95 new t.irel, f/'95, RGW 697. ml. $1800. Call Mn:. HoU· DE-ANDNL'""EwtlS ' 1066 "-"'' • dr new u "111 power, fa ctory tilr, lm· . Calli. SpoJ-~--~ man, 642-J8'10 bet 11<5. CONN..,' • YOU ~~·•· , "'· ,.,_ ndl"--5 ·-ed c'hro·me '""' ....... ., ....,.._.;.. &.,. P', 1100 und-Xelly Blue mac ...... te co UU<l UU'UOUf, ,J;i,,l a1,..n' new, #0014 Fint, Santa Aoa. S<U80J ''" CAMPER. po....., AM· CHEYROLIT -· UG! sii SVOOil, Full Prlce ·~, u2~. $4195 '6' TR-4 ......... palnL ID,OOll mL 111111 H.-, CM. -• DOWN $2895 5 --' r.dJo 1 o........... Red wilh •• .1__ w--•-al wty., pvt. pty. $3100. Ewa. 1'--1'-~ Harbor Bhd. Jllltt Oldt, • di', "'"' ~. Connell Chevrolt t ' --.'WU<~ _._.-.... Sl595, OOn•t"1:C tt a:t':Wl.Y. arib' ~ Arttiqutt, C..-a 9615 ·~;;;::.-'1tsa M-UOO ~ good! Traru~tbi 2S2li Harbor, CM 546-121ll Custom 'J7 .. c-.Je · .. $1195 SL8 4il. Cali!, Sports Can '81 VW Map, big tires, 1931 FORD Auto Leeslnt 9810 : ~ 1Ne£:LiriitiPT special! $229 fuJl prfce. Q"-'67 CADll..LAC 4 door sedan Autontallc, radio, heater, Sett Duy in tovi<n. JFK 34.1 Ltd. 542-8801 . Glass fenden. $650 or best Orla:lnal Ford ~. VeryL,;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; e HAD A REPOSSESSION 994. de Ville. Orig owner, air, N7!illlri, "While it Lu lest 0..11 Are At oHer. MG-3822. 1ood condl.i.A-1• 1 the hoist•~ t FuU Price YOLKS ~-LE'"I! ·eNT "Co-& s .. Us" 1~ Chevy 2 d eft r up ~ii • I eren, DEAN LEWIS __ WAGEN ''" VW Sedan alao '67 VW -• ~ ,,_ ~ • r OOU.P",.new 1"'1od w/extra.. Mu " $995 ~~r trade tor VW Bus. ~~ ALLJ'_.0:~5LAR 1. No Sldt Loans Uret, rood body • eflline. sacrifice! Ste at 17 50 Connall ChtYf'Olet 1• Harbo CM .... 9303 REGRET parting with '68 ,,_......,._ ........ '6i-,...._.., 2. No 'urnlture Loans PN75 1 0uU P1ricc. LS1A TOI Newport Blvd., C.M. Prl 28'28 Ha.rhor, C.~1 i-1 , r, · · automa.Uc VW bu&:, but ,ORD 3. No S1l•ry "oan1 ° •• eri, P eaMI pty. '61 CHEVY IMPALA + •iJ CONVERT+ """"'work-s <d:-. VOLVO 645-1441 AUTHORIZED 4.NoCo-11tnorsNHdod Sqbaru of .Calif. '64 CADILLAC SpoM Coopo. 1a01o..,,, xfiit cond. All xtraa, nu pnt. Lugpge ~A: cover, l*d-l93f. FORD P/U, ""'""""· LIASING 5 N C II I IN--'-' I" R II DI 2 Doo ~ ~-v • d -M·---" 64"-• •-• st-~"• -~-1 "•--" • O 0 I era ~ nC.-efa Y. r, Harolop, "'1.ut run-power st~, oo:i. ta . -· -· ~. ~-----~ .. ~. ~· VOLVO IUYS '°"'""· ... up ... •mall SYSTEM f~ p()D C!t'U'C' AM / Fm, MZ-rm or 646-.1129. ,67 122 $l7f7 block Oltvy $1.50. 283 Cht'vy t:et OUr r..-..... dtJw RI.tea "!'60e ~our Own Clntraet• 1IXXl w. Cout Hwy., N.B. nlng• ~}~~· ~."",.!~ heater. Llkl' brand lk'\I', ._.....""' -~ ....ai::v. Corva..lr •••••• $295 ~·11 IU\SO , ,. ••• 01 out ....,..... ...... ! ... e ...,.~gn gUarantl'ed. \\AK 8Z7. SUnrOot. re-blt fl'W. new '65 VW, 2 doQr, 4 speed, · · • · · ·' · · · ena; just .reblt $D1 or both l'Nt1o Uot.rvu ~~ tins $1SOO. 548-5195. radio, heater, beauWul ttd Auto~Itil~·, ~ ! .. ~ater. tat $40G..'7S-3119 ~R,OBINS 'RD' .. ~ ~~4?·1 • ._ W°UJ ~ trade,~ P~-~· ·$2195 ..... .s:..o.i..-• ---... w .... ~""· .......... -ul'lc prv p • .., ........ ...,... I Connt ll Chevrolet .,. POMCH!i ~·-·. For ""'....,,.RUM IOI. SI095. '67 1•• ·-1 .,. CHEVY "50. """'--" SBP "° BUICK vw~·1. cau BU! 01-!IT/3 -H,~,c.M. ••O ·~• l ~ Cul'1 Motor C. Inc 1941 -......... · ... , • ' -llubor RIYd. ·13 o--bl -·~ --~~ l&le or trade for VW. e · " 4 door. Lie. No. UVA333 will trade for 250cc Costa Me• Mi-0010 ,_.., tr .......... $295 or · a MB-7943 Harbor, CM, 642--04.ll. Automatic transmluion air motorcycle. 675-2165 ·-GOFonlL 283 '65 BUICK Le Sabre '61 CAD Sedan,DeVille. Good ·~pe~;~E~~~L~~nd.~ "1 • '66 POfW::HE 9ll. '65 vw. 2 door, 4 speed, condlllonin&:. • ,.. ,,..,-LEASE""" IM JEC oo.;··········:..· $3!15 •ll1ANY .E.XTRAS•. concl. i495. 642-3850 Day~; t'idk>. auto lhlft, C a•l All Extras. 27,000 miles randdio~ .. ~ter, beautiful red '65 544 .........• $1297 Autos Wen =--97.;..;..00 '68 Cadlll&c ·eouPe de Ville, .62 Po t. T 1 ""11~ Ont. owner, lowest book Evenings call 675-2699 54S-7558 taf! 6 ' MUll sell. 646-6.389 ~--t·""":_rp· RUM lfO. $1005. Fa.st Back, scarce model, WE PAY. . • fully eq\lipptd. $129 'mo, RAXn 10lempes •••• ~ pnce, Make.oHrr. Pvt prty. '65 SEO.AN de Ville, all «:X· ,,,.. CliE'~ ,.., •pd, 411, L "" \..&I" 1 a1otor Co. Inc., 1941 _... he 1 • ~ N '67 F ~ 10 ._.,__ ro1., ~"A2 "AA At"" . w ••.. .,.,,,..... ru~ ,·~ .. 9/llSWT, ~ Harbor, C.M .. 642-0413. ~~~· a er, , s.,....... o. . CASH . On•, r-a slO ...... , wag. '61 O\evrolet • •••·••··· ~ _..._. or U't'l'V<QU, ~. like new, Private pal\-rear ertd. Buckets, co~ watT ftlQ .. _... .uu-......., on, rib, alr, pa,·~ n\o. · JFM 747 '!i6: BUICK laabre 2 door ty, 642-0GOl.· · RJl! t.fa',gS. lmmac. mac." Prt pty., St5-940i '57 VOLKS. Oean! $375. Co~ '62 122 ...... , •... $"7 167 ,T·~ •• air, ,eltc w1DcL '66 F rd • $59$ hardtop V8 autamatic fac-1989 EL Do do J • roil 6'/5--028.f tact P. Po\1.-ers, Sawdust 4 Dr. Extra clean ZAC713 $98.5(1 mo. 0 .............. 1 a.i · ' ; t 'ti ~ ra ' ow. es, =~=·=~-== 1 9900 UMCI Cara 9900 UHd Ct rt '900 U· ,._. C•t:i 9900 ---------------------... 1 CADILLAC CA MARO 9700 Uood c ... •'OTHERS REN &ULT ~ b U9l4 can A trucb Jlllt . '62 Lincoln •••••• ; ••••• ;6915 radio, hea r. 'ROU 380, otmer. lb7·7'M4· W htr. aufn. ri / 1 ,., . • FntivaJ. 1a&WMl Beach. '62 PllOO ......• $1297. SOUTH COAST , XTV 982 ory r. ewer • ee nr. .,..o.N. , mlflll sell! Orig. ·1000 CJ~ 2-dr Haiti' " · Sport ""'Pe. Sil...,, with "'1 oa11 u !or !ree ..-i.. _ CAR .LEASING JRO 901 P195 Cari'a·Motor c. too. • •• • P '· '-. ·~-------1;,64;;;--vw=-,-•• -~o---.~-.-.~65 1 interior, Uc. JllL896. GROTH ofVRolEJ 30GW.CstHwv,NB64>2182. ·-VW • .-19(1 i.1arbdr CM .. 1.,;..,,,, 1962 CADILLAC . 5,000Jll.l ... w/w, Undau ' •" ......... ., •·ow.., .• ,, vu · · • ............. -' ' ' qot~ 1750. 646-8297 ·$2950. S.15-6140 alt 6 pm, l TIRED ot high gas bill1? Get ttbuilt engine, extru, $1195. Best 0.111 Are At TAKE ovtt lt a.se 19 6"9 DES SU '62 BUICK. l:ilack. LeSabre , · , • ,.ii ....,..,, car -25 185 . Oak, Lquno 8'ach. DEAN LEWIS All< tor Soln M Riviera, full power, i1r HOLIDAY 4 dr. hdtop, motor gd., ...! CAMARO ,. sTATION wan. auto. Ei'C m.p. gallon; 1960 RenaulL 494-4894 11211 Beach~ cond. Blue \\'/black in-RA mutner $325 cuh. MS-41i,Q3. & body xTnt cond. l~ Good , dependable '67V\\'I..Ucenew,oria:owner. terlor Immaculate. Mo MIL.:R · CnnH.•ron 51·• off SlalBf transportation car. $150. 11450 radi o, air vents. 1966 Harbor, CM. 646-930! Hun~s.3331 a..cb Pmts • 1137.22: PvL pty: 1969 HARBOR BLVD. ·~ B\JJCK ~d~ Co~~~· '67 CAMARO SS lSO ll.B. 1 l ~ ~~~~all day 51~1068 VOL VO CONFIDENTIAU y ~ Ol' 675-2742. 642-6023' ~TA MESA ~;: s pe. . b*l.uo, s'"2d•29d, •5ir, a*uto :~re:~u: ~~~~~i~~d'l ""' RENAULT Daup"'"", . '66 V.W. EXCELLENT We~ •• M-F-"'-Md __ ~;.;•!! __ _:9_!00;:.: TRANSPORTATION CARS '64. BUICK. SIQrlark, P/S, •.traigtit. looks sharp, , Iii •UUI:' OONDITJON. BEIGE. Best 0.111 Are At ,.~ .... c ..... "" llWPORJER MOTMf air Xln na 30 ooo · clan, "" w I whii. vinyl lll!iO 5'>-0348 DEAN LE IS ...... i&n Or Sports can VIU . t co . ' ml. TTO'l12 . Weekend Spocial 1-"'"':;_· ="'-::,::1842;::__~---41 top. $675. Phone 543-4688 '67 vw . 3 2 0 0 0 1 w PAID FOR OR NOT '68ml ~RTS ~~· l3T,700 $1200. 6'i;>-43l5 eves. Double Sharp Car!~ BUSIEST marketplace , SUNBEAM ndloll>cat" ' ~· 8. J, SPORTSCAR ...;;,;;;;,~·top. op 0036 HARBOR BLVD. '65 BUICK Wlld"'t: "lnl con· KUSTDM MOTORS town. Th• DAILY P 673-l003 • 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-930.1 COSTA MESA dltion. Private parzy. 8'\,5 Baker St .• C.Osta P.1esa Classified scclion. Sa CENTER THE QUICKER YOU CALL, sca..5294 or SCMSll 11400. 841-U39 >ltJ.5915 * • Authorired money-, time • """'· '67 ALPINE 1968 SEDAN, lo miles, $1100. Sport C•rt 9610 2833 Harbor Blvd. THE QUICKER YOU SEU. FI1'(ANCJ.NG AVAILABLE White elephants! DUne-a-Une lntemalional Dealer now!!! Xlnt rond. c.o.~ Mesa 54M49J. ""'.'=.:==:::===::=::==.:==:~~~~:;;;;;;~l=;,;,~~==~;;;~J..;~~=========~~;;;:=========i=~I JIGl& .. r ...... dlr, wi.. *'"'-"'"* PORSCHE ' 9900 Whffb. Like new. 29,600 On IMPORTS WANTED Speedo. Driven by little 'ole '67 VW Camper, newly reblt '61 .. 912 .... $5395 Otan&:e Cb.zntia lady, F'Ull pr $1499. Pymnts eng, many e:icttu. $2395 or 5 speed, radio, c h r om e TOP $ BUYER to fit YOUI' budget. YPSU3. best offer. 497-1192. wheels, almost new. #0074 BILL MAXEY TOYOTA. ciD Bill 49f.97'13 or 560634. '68 VW auh'Htick, Beige like '69 -912 • -$4795 1IS8l Beach Blvd. TOYOTA RMORE MOTORS TOYOTA e Larzest selection ol a 11 models, colon, from the laq:est To)IOta dealtr. NICEST USED CARS IN ORANGE CDUNTY 15300 Beach Blvd. new. $18,COJ mL $1795 (pv. S s~. radio, 1 owner! R. BtaCb. Pb. M7-«i55 pty) 871-0315. W1K 949 Will BIY '68 VW Jo mi·. Xlnt. cond.. '57 • Coupe·• $1195 $1650. Or best oUer . Best buy in town. JFK lQ MUST SELL 642-9227 Best De•ls Are At Your Volkswqen or Ponche & l*Y top dollars, Paid for Of not. Call Ralph '66 VW Jo mi-Xlnt. cond. $1250 or best otter, MUST SELL 642-9227 '62 VW Camper WeslJlha]IL Pol'IChe engine. Xlnt. cond. $1250. 673-8954 1965 V\V, clean, dependable ,,,. Sl095, • 962--0290 * DEAN LEWIS moooo 1966 H"bor, C.M. 646-9.103 J --.W;;E"'P'°'A"Y:;".T;;;O:;;P;-- 1967 HOf'.'DA Sports~· bl.ue DOLLAR convertible, Red 1ntenor for good d ean used can 14.IXXI miles. Fully equiped, all mak~ SQ Georz:e aay' Perf~t Sl.300 6 4 2 • 6 9 1 O Theodore Robina Ford Monung:s. 2060 Harbor Blvd. White elephants! Dune-a-li ne C.M. 642.QQlO Wnbninster Phone 894-3322 '66 VW SQUARE BACK lf!O!Y!QIT@ 1-ST-•_,:;,,,,o,.~;,',.,'i_;"Ai~;i;Ni,~39::;.8_000_ t •at Doals A .. At '64 VW SUNDIAL lmportld Autos 9600 Imported Autos 9600 FINAL CLEAN-UP · Every New 1969 in our stock reduced to clear immediat~ly CAMPER 11600 . DEAN LEWIS l:::.Ell'""vw,.,,.., _.,_:_"48-8JB3,_l .. ~ .. ·~. 11225~or IOO[Q]IYIPlfT)IAll BRAND NEW '69 BUICK DELUXE WAGON BRAND NEW '69 LE SABRE CUSTOM COUPE BRAND NEW '69 CUSTOM .WILDCAT SPORT COU PE BRAND NEW '69 RIVI ERA CUSTOM COUPE :. BrLL'MlxlY ~~'~~-or '65 VW-KG eorrvert, tuned exhaul< l1095 61S-'11S7 e HUGE SELECTION e '69 TOYOTA FROM $)790 •ss VW Sq\l.liebaclt, blue, one 1•1 BEACH BLVD. owner, pertoct ahap•. Hunt. Buch M7-ISSS lll!iO. 67>-J.179 ; , 1,3=ml=N'=. ot~Cout~,..-H=wy;-c·-••_Bch-,--, 1 •&S VW, 1tereo tapes, header · '65 TOYOTA Sta. Wq., good exhaust, sood cond., $950 or e BIG SAVINGS e EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOW! NEW TOYOTA MAIU< II NEW HI • LUX PICK. UP NOW ON DISPLAY! ' cond., rebuilt eng., $750. best offer. 646-6894, 545-4588. l96S vw 1500 s square bade. ·I====== llliO. ·' TRIUMPH 49'1.J835 • .,,. tor DON \ " " ... ,, ' " ' • .. ,. ~ "' .. "" •• .. •• • •• •• •• • .. • , • ·~ .. ' ., • !I • • • • • '63 VW bug, xlnL cond. WI NllD YOUll TU.Dl·IH POI OUI NIW USID CAI LOT '65 SPITFIRE Privatr owner. Clean, 2 new 81ack with hardtop. A real tires. 642-9707. 1tMI at $795. OSL 659. C&lll. -~=~Xl~-.. ~-DEAN LEWIS s~-~-Ltd 901 E '64 VW, nt. co . ....,. ,.. .....,.11 • • MUSI' SELL! 494-2457 nrst, Santa Ana. 542..sMll BUSIEST marketplace tn to\ft. n. DAD..Y PILOT '6' SUNRF, good shape, $875. O•utfted ledion. Save =-=~546-33~-"~,_.,­money, ~ I: effort. Look '64 VW, laced paint, rims, OUN•• COUNTY TOYOTA·YOLYO HIAD9U.t.mas 646°9303 1966 HARBOR BLvp. COSTA MESA now111 ttblt eng. snoo. 646-3688. ' I ' Imported ._ -lmportod Autoo 9600 lmportod A-96001mportod Auto1 • DEMONSTRATOR & EXECUTIVE CAR SALE 1969 TOYOTA 1969 PL510 1969 SRL 311 COROLLA Z Dr. R&H, .!.f.01tor, AIR COND. 011• EXICUTIVI CAR of th• "''"Y fln• d•m•111h1tor1 lfl•t llo1dd•r 2000 cc. •I JI H.P. ll•tl rtlc1 l•ilio, fi••l•r. low fll il••t•• 11•t r rt••· w• h•"• •¥t ll••lo. A r••I 11..J11gt! .i•1'1'10111lr1t•r. E1111i,p9' with 0¥•1 tlrtt R&H. SAVEi -SAVEi $1395 $2295 $3195 1969 DATSUN 1969 DATSUN l968 DATSUN EXICUTIVI CAR EXECUTIYE CAI 4 Door. Ro4J1 t rtd h•1l1r, d1frod.,, St•tion wo9or1. 4 11111••'· ,,, .. , r1ili•, l ·Do•r. Clttorr11 wh1.l1, Pltr1lli tiro1, m1ny, l!'IOny •••r11. 1,000 mil••· Dri"•" w~lt1 lri color with t\lrllJff{I• trl111, r11Ho •Rd h.tt•r. R11 I nic•I by M11, Zl11u11•,,11•11. .. .. ,. "''"' ... , ... $~195 $1795 Ill Savini• • ' DNE 'OF THE LARGUT SILECTIONS DF SPORTS & IMPORTS IN SD. CALIF • ' ' ~ :Al Cars Liited with Remaining Factory Warranty · ZIMMERMAN '"-14MJIJ D AT s u N l'HONI 540°6410 2145 Hai bor Blvd .. Costa Mesa ' ' $512 OFF OFF . OFF OFF WINDOW STICICllt PlllCI No. 4341592109467 WINDOW STICKEll PltlCI No. 454l79CI 17267 WINDOW STICltlll PlllCI No. 466l 79Cl202l4 WINDOW STICKER 'ltlCE No. 4t4879H'l 5090l 56 MORE AT COMPARABLE DISCOU NTS 'SI CHEVY '6' MERCEDES St•tio11 ••1011. Auto. l•n1 200. Au to. trtn1 .. tron1, r•dio, ht•l•r. redro, h••i•r, hfllftOCU• SYSZ 11. lol•. SVF 251 $295 $2595 '6' IMPALA '67 RIVIERA Foctory •It, outo tr1n1, Foctory 1ir co11d. Cui· po••t 1l••rln9 r1ilio, lo"' 1q uipp•d. Full h11t1r. TPH•OS. pwr. Vinyl roof. ZZK215 $1795 $3195 '65 IMPALA '68 PONTIAC St1p•r Sport Cp•, 1uto. L. Mtn1 h1tdfop cp•. tr1n1, pwr 1l••t, rtdio, A11!0. tr1111, pwr 1l•1r, h••l•r. ll0Al51. r•dio, h••l•r. VHA 401 $1295 $2395 '65 EL CAMINO '67 DATSUN J 1p••d. 11.•dio, h11t•r. Rl411. 41p••d, r1dio, "'"$1095 h••'•'· TlJ 194 . $1295 ' . OUR OPEL PRICES START AT $1777 '68 DODGE '68 IMPALA Coron•t 400 4·11r. ftct. Z Dr. H.T. F.c oir, oul11 t ir cond,. outo lrtn1 ., trt n1, power tl•1ring. P.S., R&H. \'GB 979 WJM 119 $2395 $2495 '62 CADILLAC '66 CAPRICE Con_.rt. F1ct •it cond . Z Or htrdtop, o11r cond, F,.,11 pwt, l'"m1cul1I• 111!0 '''"'· pwr 11•••. condilio11. FXG149 r•dlo, h11t•r. SIMJ71 $995 $1795 '66 IMPALA '68 PO.NTIAC 4 Door H.T. Foctory 1lr lo1111•¥ill 1. -4 door h1rcl· cond., 1uto. tr1n1 •• pow· lop, FA C TOR Y AIR •r 1t•1r. R&H. SVFS27 COND., P.S., P.1. WXG $1695 '" $2995 '63 IUICK l• S1br•. Ftct oit con. '66 T·BIRD pow•r 1l••r I br1k••· F1clory t ir cond. Full IHYM 4 111 -pow•r. SLV491 $995 $2395 NO HmR PRICES ANYWHERE MAKE US PROVE IT! '66 OPEL '66 vw F••lbtcl.. 4 1pe1d, re· ·1 •p••d, t•dio, hteltr'. dio, ht•l••· SYC 897 lRHJ71). $1095 $1295 : -----------'65 'MONZA '67 MERCURY H1rdto p. Auto. h •n1., Monltr1y 1 door herd• i'l'l'"•c11l1t• co11ditiol\o top. A11!0. tr1n1, pow•t ITXJ l76l 1l••r, R&H . UON·701', $995 $1795 ---·--'69 ELECTRA '65 ELECTRA Cu1fom cou p•. F1ctory H•rdiop co11p1. Full 1ir cond. FulJv poW•r pow1r. FACTORY AIR 1quipp•d. YPT.446 COND. NCI 41 0 $5195 $1895 '69 FORD LTD '66 CAPRICE F1ct. •ir, PS., Pl., 11110 4·dr. hdip, 1ulo. lrt ni.,' ltt n1. Only 4900 mi ill FACT. AIR CONO .. P,S .. w•rr1nly. YPS 120, P.I., R&H . TGJ 249 $3495 $1795 JAGUA RS LARG~ELECTIDN N • SED Comp 1te Salts and Service Department Open Mon. thru . Fri. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. -Sat. 8 a.hi. to 6 p.m. -Sun •. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.. . ' AIJTHORIZED BUICK· OP EL· JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE . ~ ' ' . ' • -· ~ 4J DAILY PILOT • FltdoJ, -15, IM 'flllNSllORfATION TllANSl'OllTATION TllANSPORTA1l0N TltANCPollTATION tlOONew C•r• ' -~ea,.. NEW CAR. CLEAN•UP AT JOHNSON & SON DON'T WAIT TOO LONG!! SAYE WAS 4HUI NOW 4'n.M llAND NIW MONlllOO MX MM. b!ut. •-t1 -"" ..,Ii. v"""' ....,, wllct lllfn, II I M llJ. -le. ,,_. -· ............... r .. 11, llftl , ..... -"""' ~ U:R. 1 ill'~ ITOCIC I llot SAVE WAS J711 .JO NOW JJJl.11 • THI HOT ONEii CT Cl.ONE 2 DOOR HMDTO, Cyt-Soooilw II .._.. wit11 JrlM JPetlll ....,j...,_!. A qo«.111 Plll'™N -''°"" Iii .. ~ WI l fHI ""' ""'le.,...., s.r: .... ~ 1l l2J SAYE WAS 1941.11 HOW 1111.11 MON .TE GOS~ SAVE s73110 NOW .Mst." WAS SllJ.11 •• MERCURYS ••• IRA.ND NIW MON!RO 4 DOOi SIDAN l51 \II, \tlld "'ilt, w • ••II. ~ ti-, llll"ff•• •Ir awl. Hftl l lltt. .......... Mir,_, ,...,_ ill ...m.. 16'S1~ l toci< JUI SAVE 1WAS 1126.70 NOW 1!50.01 w~~!.~. s75993 NOW 4S",77 IRA.ND NEW MONllGO MX 4 DOOR lffuttlwl fl'ld. II-. Ml VI, 1tltltl ...,;n, w I -lh, ~·-·WM-. •Ir COlllll, AM r.tif,, lint tlil .. ••moi. ,.,lrtor, 11'60Mff 11Gd< Jilt SAVE s49319 WAS lt44.IO HOW 3461!01 llltAND NEW COLONY PAik WAGON F Ir~ rid ~ lotdef wlltl f¥WYll'lifte lft(:k.111 .. lltr """I' Jr4 ... ,, -· _..,._ SAVE WAS 5535,40 NOW 471f.40 05'S!Oil 11«t 1Ut llAND NEW MONTEGO MX STATION WAGON O.•t IV'/ tr-willl lS1 VI. w ... lb, po-,.h:low, lrd IN!, -1'-1", brMn, Iii' coM, 4No rl410o t1ti1 ei.u. -10JJ 1!11cit J160 SAVE W"S 4Zll.60 NOW 373,.45 s54515 SELECTED NEW CAR TRADE·INS. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! 1967 CONTINENTAL C-rlllllo bffulllul 0cNn lur<:1UOl11 llnhfl Wlfll maldlln9 lfl!wrlor •nd ""'I .. !09. CompltMly hl.l!11ty eqvlpped, lull pgwer, "MIFM rl<llo, flt!Of'V 1lr, till """'· Pt. 4 lwand .,.,.. !Ires. TMs tint ur mwt t>1 -10 t>I IPPl'«.le!llcl. UOAlM.. SAVI AT .................. 53195 1965 CONTINENTAL Can""'11ble. S.llft ~ r1n1111 wflt1 elect IM"'!" antw• •"" blact l!:lo. Full ~ IOUIPJl'(lll, rl<liO •"" llN• .... fKIOrY llr, llUUliful <Ondllkwl. Ori .... .,.1y Jl.GOI mllel, HOZ ... SAVI AT .•........• $2195 1968 CONTINENTAL ~DOOlt ll\llllU. 6NUllllll All« YllloW llr!lth. 611tk le11Mr 11111 l1nd111 fop. l.u•urv equipped ltlr~. Full pciwer, radio & llelter, t1c1oty air condlllOnlnlil a. IYIOl'I. Drlvtn 1111v 11.000 miles. l.lk• ntW. WESl11, SAVI AT .............. $4995 1968 COUGAR COUPE IJ.Mulfful Ito~•• ,...,_ w ith blart Interior. Aulo. lrlf!S., rlHllo a. llN!tr, pow9r 1!Nrir19, ltclOry t !r <ondlllonlnl!. E.lCl lllnl lllrougflouf. VEl'71 SAVE 1967 COUGAR AttrvJ""" lime F-1 f!nllJ! wufl m11dt1n1 lri19tlor. Auto. trlllt .. radio a. helltr, pOWtr •lwrlfto. lltdlsl Ply tifn. lie. SlloWi utltlllnl ,.,... UOHll, SAVE AT .................. $2175 SPORTSMAN'S SPECIAL 1"' JEEP WAGONEER S!lllGrl Wa9Cff'. Cllt¥ral<e1 V.t COll'l'l!fllld envfM, 4-WhHI drl\'I w lfll Chlll·mlllt "'°"' wti"I• rlHllo & hH!tr, nur MW Com!MnclO llrnl See Ind d•! ... 19 •PP<Kllll. IJ01012 SAYE AT : ............ $1495 1965 MERCURY COMET $1111111'1 WIQDfl. v.a, 11 .. m~ 111111 Mlll with m1tcll-ifl9 ln111tlor. Aulomallc tT1n1, 11<11D a. 1>N11r. pow1r •'-I .... •Ir conllfllollll'lt. .. , •• dun. ltOUU '$ AT . . ...• 1395 SAVI 1968 MERCURY Colony P1r1r ' 1>111enter 1l1!1Df! '"'"°"· AllrKllvt C1ro:111111 Rid llnilll whh bltct comfoN·~•,... ,.111y1 lrlr.<lor. All!OtN!ic tr-., radio, hell .. , lllfto tlpe. lloC""Y 1 !r conditioning. pOWWr ''"°'lftg, .,.._- brlkts, duel 1di0t'I lfij "''~ Only ,,. mlloa. Ho. )61, 1968 MERCURY Perk l1M (Otl¥erllblt. lltaulilUI oalcl bron11 flrilsll wl:I> m11Chlne Interior •ncl wnl!e top. Full Jll)Wtr eciulpped; rlHllo 1nd llfflfr, 1lr eondlllOl'llno, lnNr .,.,.., d•I....,, on ly t.GOG m11n.l Sp1d1I Jlll•t"9H from Ford Motor co.. Ind N\'ln;.I PllHd "' lo VDU· wv xm. 1968 CADILLAC Eldorado llNvTllul Mllclk.lm Tut'quol-A Mist flnll!I wllfl Whitt l..Mdtu Ind .... lcfllng lnt.rlor. Fully II/wry fQulp. p&od. Full powll'. f<ICIOty 1lr, SterM rlHllo. Tell/THI s!Mrlng -J • .it. Dtlv111 orily '11/KA ml. lly or4 ~.WFU*. SAYE AT ................ 55895 1967 CADILLAC COUPE 0. Ville. Allr1tllw. l"owdtf' lllU* Ml•I with Wh lll Uncltu a. m1tdllng 11111\er lnllrlor. EC111ipped wllt'I I ll ""' ~ ltllur• .. FIC!ofy Air Cond. T•Jel 1111 StH<lng Whell. Ster• tlodlo, 11c. One -•· 11hra clffn. 0.fvtfl only U.000 ml. vo1.1•. SAVI 1966 MERCURY P1rtc1 LI,,_ 'OtlT. Arctk Wlllll t1nl1h wl:to "'"'· 9undy lnrtrlor'. l.1111ury IQul!)l)id· thl"Ollllloul. Full p0 ....... Flt!Clry A.Ir COl!ll. AF/FM, 11c. RR Y'44. SAYE AT ................ $3195 SAYE AT ............• 51795 NEW CARS 540..5630 • 642.0981 Johnson.son ~H~lll®U3 G!llllt1TBIUHH'&ll. • tll&lllX IDm: • ll~llfCUIY • ll:Glll!lll&lll BARGAIN CORNER lt6l FOID GAU.XIE 500. 4 Dr. AT, I, H, I'S, etc. IGS349 $525 fYery c~ t.111 w•'Y• hod II foo 10119.I lt65 COIYAll MONZA. Stidi:, I, H. Hl'E724 $575 fA 11iu cctr, ltftCfs pcrlM wort.I 19'' CHEY I llSCAYNE W09011, 4 Dr. Sttc•. l ,H, 5YI06l $n5 INHdJ o little polld & _.af wo1•.I lt6S066 MUSTANG COUl'ES. 4 to ch-fro1tt. All l'rited ..,ow Kitlly Wholnole ll11e .. of!. We MYe too_, I" 1totk. 196, Coei--Jl.DWl41 lt•4 PONTIAC CATALINA . 2 Dr. H.T .. AT, l&H, I'S. 1'8, Air. OSW1ll. !Cleon b11t we·w !Hid if too lollfj.I $925 $925 1965 CHEV I MALllU CONY. AT, l&.H, I'S, etc. DAKl•t $1175 I Very clecu1 lt11f h0$ to CJo.J 19,, l ·lll.DS 121 Choiu of Tw-RTl724. Lo11do11. l riti1k nAttolllt tr ... fi11l1h with -tthi119 interior a11d ltl-.k l11111do11 roof. (quipped with o•to trons, lt&H. I'S, l'W, PS, fact ctlr, etc. hiced ~ow Kelly'• Wholaale II~ look. USED CARS 540-5635 $1825 i:::::::~::.:.----'9900= Used Cirt 9900 Used C1rs 9900 ~U;;;H.;cd;:...;C;;•::.':.'----'9900;.;. Used C1rs 9900 cUc.:-'=_C:..;•c.'.;..'----'--l·----'----'-9900.;..;.. Used C1rs 9900 Used C.rs 9900 CHEVROLET CHRYSLER CORVETTE FORD MUSTANG OLDSMOBILE RAMBLER T·BIRD T-BIRD ' ; ! CHEVY. 4 door sedan. :321 engine automatic iXl'''er •gtttring. factory air, radio, ·heater 40000 orig:inAI miles. :Mwit see $850. 546-7764. '67 CHRYSLER .63 CORVETTE 32'1. 4 ipd.1---------TRANSFERRED lmmcd. '65 : ... 7°'::0;-L;:DS;:-:; ... :;.:-;Co;::m::-.-:~~/,:157--R-AM-B-LER--S-, -,-,,-,-. -,-d-,, Good cond. Call a.fl 5 p.m.. '68 Ford Torino ~iust~ ~Wht w/blk ";j~j~~ry fine mnd. $650. A·l rond. Clean In & out. Nu 549-3124. 390 high pcrlormallCI!, 4 spd.1-"~•-·:':"::-" ::::~·c.;;-::-~--ll--==========I paint. S2T:1. Fim 1. 2271 REPO 61 T-Bird. Rum de-'55 T-BIRD. very gd. cond., cent, looks tired. SZ50 in-portholes $1695 or best ofr-. v('ii~d. &st offer takes. Before 3 p.m, 548-2980; call Skip 548-7698 Jo'ri. J ~·=';''='=';•0=·;m;.,0=545--S91=-==L=='I 61&-9200 Sat.Sun. 2·DOOR HARDTOP 1--======= I d1'. pw• db•c brak.,, ooe OLDSMOBILE PLYMOUTH N•wport Blvd. C.M. COUGAR ~'ner, near new. \Viii takel---------V-8, automatic, factory air, older car in trade. \\'IL sn • • '64 T·BIRD, original O\\·nci-.1 ___ T_E_M_P_ES __ T ___ 1 'ST CHEVY wagon. 283, • R/H. Auto. Body l engine : in good rondlUon. Drive to apprttiatc. $350. 547-3182 po1vcr stet"rlng, power bra· LB. Call Ken 545-0)34. ke-1, radio &. heater. Jmma-'67 COUGAR 289: 4 speed; 65 Chevy Impala 2 Dr. Good cond. Auto, V-8, $1200. 61>-6518 culate, (UDE 7431 good condition; new lire&, 'J7 FAIRLANE 500 V8, P/S, Y< $2295. $19-15. 646-47&1 R/H. New paint, brakes, 5 0 maj. ,,..,.,. & ball. 1)-. ""' 0 FORD reblt Sac $200. 2100 Federal ATLAS St. CM oll. 5. 65 EL CAMINO Xlnt cond S99a • 842--3#1 • '9 IMPALA Sport Coupe, y. • &. auto, iood 1hapc!: $4;(}. • 546--4328. CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH 2929 HARBOR BLVD • COSTA r.tESA 546-lll34 Open Daily 'Iii 10 p.m. '64 OiEVY. Standard. Xlnt •mnd. 43,m> mi. $600. ms .69 -Acacia, CdM. 675-192.8 CONTINENTAL CONTINENT AL MARK ill :1963 OiEVROLET ln1pala Sta. \Vgn. AIC, auto, ~ 642-3766 or 833-25n '58 CHEVY &OQd" transportation S1Q. 714: 4M-S076 '65: CHEVY Nova \Vagon air, new !ires & bait. S1215. 96S-2074 '65 CHEV\'. Xlnt. cond. Auto brakes, shocks, Prvt. prty. Best oiler. Dill 494-5687. '60 WAGON, all power, RIH. V-8. Runs ~at! $250. • 67J.S!l.57 CHRYSLER 67 OIRYSLER 300, 4 door ~top, \18, automatic, 111.c- lOI)' air, pow~r steering, poll~r brakes, radio. tlt'ater, PRIVATE PARTY 847·1320 CORVAIR '64 CORVAIR -sac $650 or lx>sl offer, drafted must i;ell. 536-22'11 or 894-6520. •1962 CORVAJR J't1onza. 4 spd, fact air. Xlnt cond, $475. $48-3975 '61 4-DR Corvair, 3 speed . Good transportation car. StiO. 493-1977. CORVETTE '64 CORVETTE Stingr•y Faistblck UPZ076 $1995 ~. TUD440. $289.l. FULL PRICE 's Molor Co. Inc. 19-11 Connell Chevrolet Harbor. C~t. 642--0413. t 2828 Harbor, Cl\t 5"6-1203 1966 FAIRLANE GT Con-"·oo"'""""ro=RD=--"s~ta"tio_n_w~""-.·.1 vertible One 0'4'ner 390 Radio, heater , w h i t e OYER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE Auto. Showroom dean. Best tiidewalls. Good cond. $250 offer over w ho I e 1 a I f' . cash. 548-2879, 237 E. 20th, Finance help avail. 646-83)6. CA1 SALE '65 FORD <( door wagon, V8. I -"'63'"°'e"A"tR~LAN=E~w=A~G"o"N~ I automatic, powtt steering, V8,-Air. P/Str. radio. heater, bcautilu1 red. e sr:)-7559• OVER 100 YPS744. Sl295. Carl'1 Ato1or I;========~ I Co. Inc., llK1 Harbor, CM, 1969 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM\ 642--0413. '66 Ford F1irl1ne $49S 2 Door Loaded. V8, clc. Lie. 1Ri\f!H9. Phone 642-6023 Dlr. '66 FORD \Va;,'On, fully equpd wlalr, PIS. PIB. S2351J. 642-3400 d a y I • 548-0791 eves. SACRIFICE leaving stale. '67 Ford custom 4 dr, pis, VS, \V/W, r /h, $ 9 8 0 • 54S-J766 '63 r AIRLANE, X1nt rond. good tires, new trans. 2.cJr V-8. 644-0410 art S. 19;)9 FORD, xlnt. t'<>nd .. $150. or best offer. 402 8 13th St., H.B. 536-2612. '63 FORD Wagon. Stick w- overdriv<'. 8 cyl. Clean. $495 or oiler. 646-4481. DAILY l'ILDT WANT ADS BRING RESULTS! IMPERIAL You can drive home your '64 IMPERIAL 4 door choiC't' ol 100 1969 models at hardtop. preslige c~r -loa~-e~actly 50% over our actual ed. PGT657. Sl29.'>. Carl Ji factory invoicf'. Molor Co. Inc, 1941 Harbor, e NO SALES EXPENSE CM, 642--0413. e NO A.DD-ON CHARGES e NO PREPARATION JAVELIN CHARGE ---------I• IMi\1EDlATE DELIVERY 'liS JAVELIN AIC, PIS. Dlsclbrks. Stereo tape 343 cu In. Xlnt cond. $2500 or ol- lel'. 54S-1247 Betw. 9 A.M. & 12 noon. MERCURY '67 Mere Col. Pk. \1+'gn. 10 University Oldsmobile 2850 Marbnr Costa Mell. S-ICl-9640 pas.o;, ale, rack, P /S, P/B, • • P/\V, P"T. S<'ats, spd. cont. auto door lock, AM/FM, ,,.:="'..,-~--~--="'-, much 1nol'f!. S2650. 83l)..64.t8 REAL Sharp '66 0 Id '62 MERCURY Sta. Wagon °!!lass, Hol. Coupe. Gold trans. just reblt. 1400. Aft. \\'llh blk. Landau ~op, lo 4·30 mi "B" Avocado mli;. nu \\'ht/wall t1rcs ilt CM · 1 ' brk.'I. Riii, custom blk llhr · · int & bucket seats. Console I~ CYCLONE Cl Auto v.·ith tach. P /S, P/8 , P/W, trans, P\\'T brks. v.-ndws. fact air. fihlSI &ce to Air. lmn1ac. Prv. prty. believe! Private Party Best 962-3621 oUcr. 962-2860 · '69 MARQUIS WAGON '65 OLDS Dynamic Hardtop. Private Party 494-8864 PIS. R/H. Auto. J>'act. alr. MUSTANG 47,IXXI mi. Like new. Good tires, engine perf~t cond. Clean inside & out. White '67 MUSfANC convt, red \v/blue inL Privall! owntr wlwhiW top, 4 lqld, a/c. $1450. 330 W. Bay, CM pv.T. top, iletr\ng & brakes. be(Ot'I! 8 Pt.I_.----- FM/AM radio. cons o I e. --sfoo LESS THAN wl~ whl11, 5'' rims. like IK'\\' BLUE BOOK ~"~·~000.=="'"~~1'~ll0~~-,~~ I forctd 10 raise cash. 8 t ' I '69 MUST ANC. Mag wheels. offer takts '66 Olds F -85 dlx Immaculate condition. Afust 4 Or, air I pwr. Prv prcy. u.criflct. 5($.5632. 54~25af. 196.S M~STANG \'-1. 4 spd. '66 OLDS 442. -t on the Door. RAH. New brakes. $750. Good cond. Must sell! Bm m..3464 Offer. ~ '67 MVSfANC P/S P/B '62 OLDS Suptr 88. Must sell, XJnl rond. Must St.It! Xlnl Cond. $395. Ca I I s1soo • 675-210! 4~ an s. '67 MUSTANG. In wananty, 'Gt OLDS, Riii. pwr •lrl· V-8, auto. S179S. Ca I I new st <.'Ov1. fK"* tire1, l SJ&..7351. owner $8(1(1. 646-002S '65 MUSTANG, air. Xlnl 1965 OLDS Dclta 118, -4 Dr. oond. auto. Onf' owner. &. Hrdtp. Pie. Atr<ond. $1299. eyl. 54S-$')?4. 64to-0939 ' -~~-- '64 Plymouth Valiant T·BIRD M.'t'Cnt tuneup, IW'W ln't's, 1966 T-BIRO, full !XJ"'cr. air has had xlnr. c1:11'f'. S11'JO. cond. Factory lafX', Landau· Phone 837·75n or 49~787. V-S, a uto, dlr, one owner. top, nrw lires & shocks. ·s:i T·BIRD, full poivcr, Xtra Take lo1v payments. f' u 11 tz200. 962-2098. price $699 oru 691-lB. call I;.,,,.~==-~--,=; Clean! Lo n1ites. Xlnt. '6,, TEl\IPEST Custom 2-dr., V-8. new eng & lireEi, r/h. $695. 8~ VALIANT Ken 49-1-9773 or ;.15-0034 56 T-BIRD, clean. Sl:tOO cond. S125CI. 675-6790. • must sell, leaving town. '65 T-BJRD. one O\\'l'k'r, >..1nt HIGO VALIANT Sedan. 1957 '47 PLYMOUTH Coupe, 540-262'1 R/H, signals. good tires.I--~-----~-rond. Drivrn 2..l.000 ml. Ford \\'llgon. J\.1akcortcr. 952 best oUcr over s 2 o o .1 -,,=;wru=="=tJ=:'0;'han;:.o:"='==C...,=;•=='='=J.4=9;7:6;•=1=11;''==!...;'='';":':';v='""="·=c;.M=·="=8-'9=1:1='".I 847-2966. '69 383 ROADRUNNER, 8 T stereo &: new Gdyr GT tires. air .susp, $3200. 642-1260 1965 PLYJ\fOUTH Fury II. 9 Pa.!5 W1\iOl1. 363 eng, Air, p/s, p/b, S1195. 962-2035- PONTIAC '63 PONTIAC Le Mans, con. vert. red/,vhi!e lop, reblt en~ .. \\'ilh less lhan lD,000 mi. NF.\\' heater, rear win- do111, U-,JOints, shocks, \\•ide a ction tires, brake lining, C'y\ind<'rs & \\'hi bearings. Wi1h romp! n1ajor tune-up. It's your for $57:1. Sec a1 : Al's Phillip 66 Station, 510 L . Blllboa Blvd., Balboa. fPeninsulal '65 BONNEVILLE HT Full p,vr, dlr. fact ,Air con- ditioning, P"'T windo"'·s, Jaw, low mileage. Xlnt condition in and out . Total Pri<'P $1399. \Viii fine priv prty, LB VB.A 319. Vic, M5-06."W. '67 PONTIAC GTO llal'dtop CouJ>f} Factory ail', automatic, pc>\\'Cr stef'ring, po"·cr brakes. radio, heater. \VBL i11. Full priC(' $239S Connell Chevrolet 2828 Harbor C.~I. ~ l203 '&I PONTIAC GTO, VS, 3 speed. radio, hcatl'r, 3 duces and ready NoOU\V. $1195. Carl's Motor Co. Inc. 19'11 ll arbor, Cl\1. 6424113. '66 PONTIAC, \vbilc, Ven. 1 tura, blk. \•inyl hardtop: !act. air. Lthr. inter. $200 Under book vaJ~. Pr1v. party 499-1639. FOR Sale 1 9 6 8 BON· NEVILLE, 2 Or. H. Top., A. Cond. 15lh. miles, one driver an powtt. 961-2St4. '66 PONT. ~ Mans con\lf!rf r1'd wlwhite lop. it&H, owner must sell. $1500. 548--0554. '61 PONTIAC ronvt, ne1v eng & trans.nets new top A: rear brakeR $200. 847-1988 '59 PONTIAC. Xlnt. cond. Bt1t offtt. • 646-411-t • New Cars 9800 New C.ars 9800 New Cars 1910 MAVEllCNI IMMEDIATE DEllVERY 2 l>r. $td111, lill'lt lofll, WIW ti~I. $er. !:1137 2 Dr. Std111, Wimbltlloll wh ilt, 200 cubic inch en1 .. winrl trirn, cn.iiu '•' mtlk, t C(•nt 1rou,, r1die. S.r . .:6176 2 Or. Stll1n, lrill1nr blut. S.r . .#1136 2 Dr. S.d111, lim1 1ald, w1w tins. S.r . .:2000 2 Dr. Stlltl\, lime 1otd. w1w tirtL Sir. :2001 2 Dr. Std1n, lim11olll, WIW tirH. Ser. ;:r lfff 2 Dr. Std1n, WlmMtcllfl white, 200 cubit irteh 11t9., vl11yl trim, cnd10 'o' rnttf~ rtlllo, S.r. t 6744 2 Or, Std111, fr1udl1n 1Jlt, cruise'•' m1ti,, Hc111t 1111u,. Str . .::1974 2 Or. S.cl111, Drt1dtn blut, cruise •o metlc, 1ct1nt 11111i1p. Str. !11971 2 Dr. S.~11. lritt1ny blue, OCClflf 1roup. St•. =197! 2 Dr. Std1n, Drt111t111 blut. 200 cubic iftdt 1111 .• crui11 e m1tk, 1tc1nt 1roup, rtdie. S.r. t l972 2 Dr. S.4-11, hu/11 bl111, cr11lu 11Ntk,. WI• tlr .. , KCtllt 1rMip, rtdio, Str. ii:tt7• PRICES START AT 51995 STK. '1136 + TAlt. UC. & flDOHT 9800 ,,,~,,~ "&~ "°' IU~l"l~S~~.-.=,;l:':;<>;;;r:;;:ir- S 440 GARDEN GROVE BLVD .. WESTMINSTER . . ·21J1 S9B-SS88 -1714 1636-4010 TAKE THE VALLEY VIEW OFF RAMP • " . •' ·'. " " . • . " TRANll'OllTATION TRANSl'ORTATION TRANSPORTATION " 'f'.RANSPOllTATION .t TllAtjSl'OllJA.TION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRAHSPORTltiON · 9IOOHhl c.i ' . . YE.AR E'N'.O ~SAL.EI .OvER l50NEW • ROY CARVER'S GREATEST SALE. EVERY CAR ESPECIALLY OR.OERED FOR THIS SALES EVENT OF ~HE YEAR! Ready-To-Go ' . • SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN' MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7,30 A.M. lo 6,30 P.M. • SALES DEPARTMENT , OPEN , , 8:00 A.M. lo 9:30 P.M. EVERYDAY [[] --..-------------------------------- PONTIACS! SAFARI! ' GRAND PRIX! e 19 GTOs ' e 21 FIREBIRDS . e 8 CATALINA 6-PASS. WAGONS • l EXE 'IVE. HARDTOP COUPE :., ,,,, ·.:·>· '4.f if~· ' ' \, ~f '"'~. ~·· .... , ,,. • ";' "' .~. '1'1 • ' ., ... " .... ,. VILLE HARDTOP COUP_E;,S =--....m e 27 GRAND PRIXS ~ e 3 CATALINA 9 PASS. WAGONS . " . . ... . . '. ' ~. ·.,,_' 'fl ,. ~ .... ; ·~. •\,: '• -'-l,, I ' " e 4 BONNEVILLE 4 DOOR HARDTOPS e 3 CATALINA4 .DOOR HARDTOPS CATAUNAI GTO! . e 15 LE MANS HARDTOP COUPES e 3 TEMPEST CUSTOM WAGONS e 3 CUSTOM HARDTOP COUPES e l LE MANS SAFARI WAGON e 4 CATALINA HARDTOP COUPES e 7 EXECUTIVE 6 PASS. WAGONS · e l BONNEVILLE 9 PASS. W A,GON I • \ ' e 2 EXECUTIVE 4 DOOR HARDTOPS e 3 CUSTOM S 4 DOOR HARDTOPS e 4 EXECUTIVE 9 PASS. WAGONS - ... ·' . '. ~ . ' '67 FIREBIRD H.O. '66 FORD GALAXIE '69 TOY OT A CORONA ]SO VI, 4 1pttd, powtr 1fttri119, rtdio 111.! kttftr, 100 2 Door htrcllop. Vt, IJ1111ftm11tlc., powtr 1!ttr· Stdtll. Rtdio, hitttr, wh!f t 1idt will tirtt, burgurtdy with blti:k inferior, i119, powtr br1k11, rtdio, h11!1r, whilt 1h!t will (UJC 1771 . tir11, f1c.tory •ir c•IMfft{o11t11t: I RQL 9591 4 •P•ff #15301 1377 51877 ~777 '66 CHARGER '68 BUICK WILDCAT '67 MUSTANG VI, torqutfllt1, pow•r 1ft1rit19, r•ilio, h1•t1r, whit1 1id1 will tir11, 15,975 "·ii••· Light blu1 with dirk 2 Door h•rdtop. Hydr•m•fic, pow1r 1t11ri119, pow. 1r br•k11, r•dio, h••t•r, whit• 1lil• will tir11, fit• torv. •ir co11ditiot1it1't-IWAE Ill' F11fb1ck, VI 390 •119i111. 4 1p11d, pow1r 1f11 ri119, . . . ' ' blue i11t1rior, flZJ 119) . ~ 5217.7 . '63 OLDSMOBILE Cuil111 sport coup1. Vi 111gi111, hvdr•m•fit tr•11t- t11l11i•11, pow•r 1t11ri119, r•dio, ht•t•r, wliil• .¥(111,_ f•ctary •ir conclitio11i119, si1.,1r/blu1. V•ry low Mil .. •t•• IFWX 7131 51177 '69 TOYOTA CROWN 4 1pttd lr1t11mi11i•11, r•dio •nd h1•t1r. (YPTOltl 5197.7 53477 '67 VOLKSWAGEN D1ln1 lu1. 4 tp11d tr1ntmi11io11, r1dia 111d h11l1r. 'IUVH 3411 r•dio, h11t1r. ITXX 599 1 • 51777 '66 THUNDERBIRD Crui11 'om1tic, pow1r 1l1•ri119, w~itt 1id• will flr.i. . . • rtdlo, h11t1r. { RJV 3921 52177 . 51777 '66 VW BUG '64 OLDS JETSTAR I R•lll lo, h1•t1r, while 1id1 wi ll tir11. 10,000 mil••· 2 Doo r htrdfop, pow1r 1!11rl119, f1ctory 1lr, •ufo· {SST 104l m•fic, VI, r1lllo, h11f•r. INYN 4411 ~477 5877 ·ROY CARVER PONTIAC BLVD/COSTA. MESA 2925 HARBOR • Kl-64444 I -·--··----------------------·--·-···--·--------------------···---···--·---~- • I ' . . ' . . .. ; . ' .. ....:....· . ~ . ' • FOR· T H I S OUTSTi.NDIN. 1969 CLOSE-OUT SALE, ROY CARVER HAS ESTABLISHED S PE C I AL FINANCING AR· RANGEMENTS THAT WILL ENABLE YOU TO BUY YOUR NEW PONTIAC MORE EASILY THAN EVER BEFORE ••• BUY l'fOW AND SAVE .NR,WI • . ~J . ~ -·- • • I l I I l . . : I . \ " THIJ)OOU ROJINS,·J• •. , ' • TH19!19H . · • llOllNS, ,SR. ! • ' . . .. t -Door Std•"· 4 1peed, rt· dio, h~•fer, eppro .. 14,000 mile1. Werrtnty ev1iltble. IZO!l4ll SAY ' !! ' •1'. ~ r . '68 TORINO GT 2 Door •Mrdlop, 390 Vt , #1riof"t • eir, ~wtr 1t11r- lrtg, po.,.., i:litc ~ brthl, vilwl roof~·11-ww,; 0'1'111, 21 ,000 !'il9! ~&!SI. ; ~ .f'l '67 CHEVY • Yi TON. 4 •it•ed c111lom C•mpir, radio ai:id h••t•r, 1plit rim1 with · c•mp1r th•ll. Ql~S03, '64· RAMBLER Amtrictn 220 w19on, 1uto JMio, h••ftt. KAN45 4 '65 COM~ '6B . RAMBtER R1L1I J,do,r h1rdtop. 232 6 cylilid1r, 111to. tran1, Tl· etinint' powAr 1111ih, .trir1 1htrp. VWV41J: '64 FALCON D1h1x• w1901'1, VI, •wto, f1ct. 1lr cond., lu99. rick. SUY671 $791 ., .. ~('," ..... " ' t .~69 COBRA P:11fbtclc:. Cfuhom•tic, pwr 1te1r,11'pow., ·4l i1c brtk11, epprox,:·~250 'J111ilU,~r1dio l h11t1r. Zl.:Hlll. SAVE,!! •'>~ j Ii , I I , '66 CHEVY 'II Ton piclu1p, VI, auto. tr1n1, po'"''' 1!11rin9, rt· dio &: h11tar, spllt rill'll, r11I 1h1rp. U2t607. SAVE!! ... ,. ' '65 illlCK . ' . St1tron w19on •. 4 1p1M, wide 0•111, Vi, R&H, low mil••· MPF430. s1·195 . ,_ . '69 SHELBY GT s90. 421 Cobr1 Jet, 4 speed, rtdio t~ hetltr, motor #410904. Stock 1#115] •. 7910 '7'11lt t.. SAVE !:,! ' .. ' ~. '64 DODGE Dirt, -~~nomy pl111. PIY· 605 $495 '66. CHEVY IMPAL:A ' 6 P••••n91r' 1t1tiori w19. 327 VS, 1utom1tic, powtr stt•r, RIH, lu19•9• rick. App. 26,000 mi. VZW619 r ~:~s.•s SAVINGS! '66 OLDS "4°Dr S1dtfl. City of N1w• port car. VI, 1uto., Rl:H. 11126. $191 '63· VALIANt Sh1tion w19on: R"ttt · tlt'l'I tr1n1port1tiOn e1r, ] 1pd, R1dio, h11t1r\ AIA 195. $495 ' '65 FORD '65 CHEVY '64 FAJ.CbN '6-7 CHEVY '61! VOLVO 611. !QO '2-dr. Std1n, VI, Novt, 4 door, 1uto, trtn•. 2·Dt fiirdfop. Auto: fr1n1. H.T; lfl'lptl1 4 DrVI, t uto. 1225 •4 .,.M fr1n1mi11lon. Cnii1•, RI H. 'RENl71. R1dio, H11t1r, REGJ95. R1dio,. h11t1r. NYP460, P.S., 1ir, RIH. UKU157. RREl21 '$1'091 '"5 $895 $1795 $1·291 . . ,• •.'68 FORD '-f:.t.~·' r h .\1. tilr.'. ·' -~.~}I.I~~~· ~I ,tl:11i.1t1r, P.S .. •pprox. 36,000 milts. 114907. • .. . . $ll95 • • ,, ~6t FORD ,, 7{r if <' .. "'"'"' " . u1t~ ! ... ,.;:tf•Cfory , R1dio4tt•; pwr, 1t pwr, .,,a•••· ·ycusso. $1191 • t '67 DODGE SPORTJ'MAN Window. Van. A11to. trans. httftr. VINl70, S1l1 pric1d, $1.•··· '66 BUIClt · · . ...-\ .. LI IAIRI 4 Door'H".T. F•c;t. 'aii, pwr 1tMrin9 & 'br1k11. A11to. A,p. ll, 700 rr1il11. &cal- l~nt condition. TEZ09.J. $1"1 THUNDERBIRD , 2·DR.1HA,RDTOP t.1Uft1'"7S . , SAVINGS! SAVINGS! THUNDERBIRD 4-DR. LANDAU tJl,N1,.,., LIST PRICE $6530;73 DISCOUNT :sJHl .26 ~~. ·$s16t:~1 FALCON . ' FAIRLANE CORI" LIST PRICE $4313.35 OISCOUNT $.749.10 . - ShelliyGT· 350/S· .. 500 / ' . ORANGE COUNTY'S ' ONLY 0 DEAURI I '. . · B80NCOi WAGO~.IRAND..frllW Stl1lf UltliUonafl.,_, _... Dl'Jft • ~ ••• ,,,:_..._ • ................ ! .... ..... • """ .............. ·19 """' I .. ._,_ 9-~· - L!,$T PRICE:$UM.71 DISCOUNT · J 511~ SALi -~ ·~· ..... n:1c1 ~~ SHELBY G.T. 500. CO,NV. LIST PRICE $4983.42 DISCOUNT $1266.94 ::.~. $3716.41 . ' ' -.WE TAILOR , TERMS· TO SAVINGS! YOUR BUD~ET -, • ' ol,• '61 DODGE CORONET 2 Door h•rtltop: V1;·.-uto. Pow1r 1t11r, rtdlo, h11f1r. R11I th1rp. YJ$SOS. $1891 I S~VINGSI . SAVINGS! ' -. •••• Financing thru LOcal 15anks ~ 'l ... OVER 200 · BRAND NEW 'CARS & TRUCKS TO .BE SPl:D. SEE THE MAN 'Wl.TH THE SHARP PENCIL FAIRLANE SPORT ROOF LIST 'PRICE' $3714:97 DISCOUNT $ f32.42 .TH.UNDERBll!.D 2.0!'-LANji,.U. -. tJ ... 1""1 •, usT P~rc €'.sss2•.•1 DISCOUl'l.1'. $1154.23 ~ .... .... Cl • I -' < · RANCHERO t . . ' 111141!" N IW· • • S;rf•I tK4.fH '"'6705. VI ...... r•iio,. :H.D, · •U•~•lt9 SiOll. (IST PRICE $3570.05 DISCOUNT' ·5 731 ,61 ::.':. l252' BRIN~ YOUR OLD CAR IN AND DRIVE 1' BRAND NEW ONE OUT 26 tow MILEAGE DEMONSTRATORS AT .EVEN ' GREATER SAYINGS! • RENT YOUR VACATION HOME ON . WHEELS! • .. ti . ~ •• .. ' • •