HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-16 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa' 7 • _. ~ * * * • By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of tM Dlllly .. lltf Sflff Fog. That's. wqat n\anage~nt and iO passengers alike peere4 lhr'9ugh on ~an. 1s; 1967, when Air Califonua set out to tr~v_erse the Ck>lden State, c<JrrYing a $6..1 milliOn grubstake. l • Commuters On uJ. b.istoric~trjp rode buses 1o Ontario Ai~P,ort as a i'esult, but the line whose long-aWaited maiden flight rumbled·up the San Gabriel Freeway has alm06t unlimited visibility today. The skies aeem ratl?Jr friendly. Executives OI. the 32-montb-old rlirline ... that state and federal aviation of·· ficials will regard their 13 .proposed Dew routes· irrthe same fashion. Air California this week formally ap- plied to· the California Public Utilitie11 COmmiJslon for permission to lie Sacramento and San Diego Into its atatewide system of service. The airline a1so·is as~ for a piece of the action in a federal (Civil Aeronautics Board) hearing to select: carriers f OT JucratiVe P a c i f i c NorfP,west-Southero Calilornla routes. '\ rlie Aug. 11 appllcatiowl!isks the PUC to act on the matter u quickly u possi· bJe. . • "Award of the'1ddiU011ahoote1nroold bnJ1n>Y• -lo !be\ publlci a!ld (Set AIR. CAL, P .. I) I Huntington•Man Runs Over, Kill~ I-year-old lNiece ' ' Rosario Cararez or _JJuatjngt.on, Beach plsyed the roi. di vilt~I uncle '-his -,...-.. td niece for'tht 1111' Un)e Fri• day~ H• clraft bll car out e( ~,dll_.y at tbe Slanlm -of.llttle ~CC. .... end ~ ootd tbe bodt ., the diU!i. 1!ho -JliaYln&•ln the -Ill'· Amelie died. 1S millUles lator In Sloh- ton Cornmulllty l!oepUOI. s~ off" cm •aid CUI~ 2SI HUil~ SI., will not be aocuaed ol. "'lltjeilce In the tragic death ·ol the child. The name di E<IJt•nl ,,i>avlcl Dye, il•. o( Brea, 'WU added to UJC county acc1~ dent toll at about the ,same Ume wben hir car Jert the northbound lane of the Newport Freeway and struck a bridge abutment at the Santa Clari Overcros. ,,,., ' Coroner's lnve9llgator1 said pye must have died Oii Impact. 'i'b<y 1tt\ibut. his deetb lo bil>lool of caolrol at ·hlcb sptitd. ' I \ '* • ' * :g . . • .. s .. * * * * * ' •• ver 1ec • * * fi *· *· ':.ti ~ Gi-oop Thwarted on All Sid~ .. . • Slated for Niso.n . ' ' : 1 \ l l 1 ·~' . PAC Chiefs lnsist March DAILY PILOT .Still Alive * * * 10' * * * Thwarted at nearly every ium, leaders of the Peice Action Council •re insitting they will carry out plani ,1o:bring their SATURDAY, 'AU'GUST '16, 119'69 W&.. .U. NO, 1#, • MCTIOflll. ~ l'.t.Ot:S ' . anti-war messqe to thit·'""doorstep of ,, i Pre.aident Nixoft~I Sin 'OJemente-sUmmer ., . ; '' , ~~ x~:;; :Will ~ Ae·tt-ess-~ Murder~/-~ .. .,, .... . ~'lo~.liiedl Oil•~ wall .tr-· . .1 ,,, ' , • · ·-' "' I -: ~.:.... '~' -, . " • • r • . ·-· tP.~.· • t • • : , • • , ' -A;C\lllil'Gu&nl cull!f~10£fshor< lo • ·1 i "·~< =~an OC8all aaaiillt .. the Presi-F1· gu· re· M!l. y · '.s· "u;e" . -Federll ,aviation -autbotlties have ..,. • lorllfddell o~ll iD·the area and tbe ,p~-'~-u one member suggested -; ~ 1 •meNage acrosg the akies. Beyond that, . state authorities have forbidden the PAC to use the San Clemente State Park near the Nixon prop- erty as a 'rally ;xiint Sunday afternoon. On~· court hall upheld the park oliicials , an<tlate appeals seemed impossible. ' SQ how does the PAC get ill message across? Late Friday, PAC spbkesman Robert Blaod ol Laguna Beach said the protest wJll take the· fonn of "a silent march thivugh lbe forbidden park lo a beacb In a tribute to the many thousands who LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A· young caretaker questioned in the .mass mud- deis of actress Sharon Tale and four , others at her Benedict. Canyon estate threatened Friday to sue for false ar- rest. 'William Garretson, 19, told newsmen h~ went shopping for groceries, enter• tained a friend-and stayed awake till dawn writing letters and listening to mus.ic the night of the massacre. · have-.cped ,in Vietnam." WINGING·'TOWAR!l'~A!!GER SLICE OF'THAl' BIO,PIE IN '1'.HE SKf But .presumably the protest;, aimed at The victims were the pregnant ac- tress ; her fonner flance, hairstylist Pr,e!ident1Nixon, and 'there is .scarcely a Air Cal :Wants [ucky 13 chance that he will know it Ur going on -•.J\T. , . /F' ·A~ • even ·lf lie does spel!d the enUre day· ;J·1;J1af€Jn · .i•eeB.-l(Jl.f1f," behind the walls of the rambling estate,: . , '·' · The President is awar&'o£ the war Piti--. '.B l'.· .. N .. · '· . T" lest, said Presa Secrelilry Ron Ziegler Ut ext .Jme- Th.irtecn .is the lucky number if all pro--Burbank to San Francilco, San Jose, Friday. That is all he said. : . '·: "· ·: · ·. : . posed flighl routes aoogbt by Air Oakland, Sacramerito, PO(tlllld, SeatUe. There waa speculati1111 that Mr, Nixqn ·.·. Wo' .n't Go So Fa' r. Callfomia are approved by state and -Los Angeles .to San··Franc.Jsco, San ..may be out of town Sunday - a stocy federal otftcials..,... Jose, Oakland, Sacramenf.o-suggested J>y the PAC's Bland -b1i1t · Cl~ of.. the Goldeli State will be able -Long ~b-to San Jose, Oakland. Ziegler insisted. that "then;, is no planne.d · President Nixon got· in a round of,-golf lo fly tUJyW1ier. ~.llf.ln& lo tor'•.... -Palm Sprtnp .lo San Frandsco, San schedule for ihis weekend. ·Frida~·~t· the Camp. Pendleloo. Marine way f~ 1AJJow..u,'7.C7,,tll:>incJud'!d, Jose, Oaklana. Ear.lier, White House ai.des sai~. : ~1 $qon t>e.'won't,.hav'e· to• travtl ·that '16rtheSanFr~amento.trtp. -san,~·toQrange_OOUnty, Los "~e·~. not" worried · about th1~ ;tar:JoittteQff·., ·: 1 •• • ,, • , ' ·• ~ Maimum b trdal. fire woold be -Aniilos1 ~ Ontario, P a Im · d•moM\'•!0"· h' : ;I; few .ttpo out 'the ·door of hi& Sa'n ;'i_.__"'--1 ,., . ~ .sr.w.gs,.SID\Dieao HoW,..nµny 1could•show up and1w at Cle 'd 'll 1,,_ ....._,..91m1;i1ego"W\d_SoliUl'r'ap-.. • ';.!'<~-• -, n:....~ ,~-·-t "·-theyWIU':do"were.lmpreclse:-•· · · mt11le~ermi ~nc.e:o!. !!"·~ 'Tlifl -·• -ln.:.11i'd•l'llT ~....., 1o ,u,..,.-. .~Y. -:Al:. • .-..,<baWd·"""'" -~ ·" , ... · • ·• roul<s 'pr~ 1alt •weet and allo . Anieles, 'Butb!U!t., Oqlarlo; Palmo· rrie;{~~Xc'atdcl{.IO'a 'cWfu 11e·&'<pctlng a.•mlnl·(llllf ....,..·u ,a O!'llif Jn '.tho year, I'!' ooHl'lta)e aer· 8~· ~!~ liOs ; ~'lt!wouliLbflng., many as 16 boa!es rgUI --·!Jr&nge,Coonty lri<i!'fl. v~ 7 ;•11~ if ~ by· ~. Burbank Onta'rio, i:111.m fhlm lhe~to,mas,or,Los.Angeles ~ ~ The aeve~~.Md f~;green ~Lt • on au •. , • . . SPr:bip Long seit:h San Die·ao ~ ~.to ifte protest. Most crowd 'noWUridetideveloptnent on a-portlon 'of • ~~ange ~ty Aitpm1 tot~'lljep, Portlud, Se'ltttJe. ' · ~ estimates by the PAC in the past h~ve rtbe lJ! act'e•Cotton estate property dte San FtancJsco~ Sf,n .Jo9e, ,Oakland, -Saeramenlo '1o Sari .FranciJco, San been mot;e than p;e!J.tf!!U!. About, 500 or ~n President did not purchase. Th_c!~'Nixab Sacramento,.Pottland1 and. Seattle. ~Josi Oakland 1.os • An , eJeJ: 'Oran announced 5,000 stlowed up at tlie famJly bougbt five acres immediately -San Diego) to 'Orange· C~ty Los eourit,-Borbank Qittario \an Diego ge President's bailquet at the Century Plaza surrounding arid ·iJlCiuding· Ule'~14-rdom ~es. Onf,ario, B\Jl'bank, San 'F~an---PGrttand to" san iott,· Burb~nk, llotet.fn,Los. AIJgeles Wedri.esday ni~.t.. mansion. cltcO,.Sa,n Joee, Oakland, Sacramento. Oran1t CMJty. A PAC ·a~kesman said those J01mng MJ~ion Viejo Country Club ·i olf pro '~tirio to .san Francl9co,1 San Jose, -Seattle .to San Jose, Burbanko()fange, ~ht pro~t will gather on VJa ~c Jfrente Jack' Fleck' is des:igning the private links. Oaklanll, ·sacfamento.. I County. 1n southern ssn CJeme~te begmnmg at Fteck1heads a group calle0 "11ie Golfing about 1 p;~. Sund~y. The street . r,uns Friends ot1be President:'' p8ralleJ tb tbe 1San Diego Freewaf•on the , . · . . , • Jay Sebrtnr, Polilh· 1\fm p~ Voltyck FrokOW1t1: <:offee heiress Ab~ gait FolR:er, and 'Steven Pamit, Gar• retson's friend. Garrelson said he was unaware of the murders until police burst into h i s bedroom early Saturday and.'led him lo the bodies of FrokqWai:i and Miss J'oJ,. ger, lying on the laWn, and Parent, slumped over the wheel of bis car. Garritson. said be was:unlble;to rec- ognize Parent because of the ~ to his bead from the tiullets wbictl-klned him. Po~ce released,Gar~,M!"d'Y 111d .h,!:V•: arres~.no ,otbeo ~p!ds. llomi. · e1ae 'detiedlves refuSed to cOnfirm Qt . deny pqbli$ed reporll;ao ~orm&lllwho . ~lleves he·.knows the klllera· ~ clff:ll . them'~ na~el!. of tlir~ .~ible 1U&o ~.,liJC:ludlng a11,aspirtng.yawtg actor. : 'Guretson saJd he would 'sue-~tbe 'citt for false arrest, false' linpriSomnent, in- vas!On of privaaY anCl.1 ViolaUon ·ot. h 1 a coostitutional rights. HC: said he ·wu not advised of his.right to remain silent un-- tiJ'""aevml7hours after'llit"'rist. • '·~ • ' ''I ol • Clear-skl~.-.cami aeas .ind con· -Unu!Ag-w"'l" wlU --ail oh the Ormge ~~· · ... A. high or about ·as ls predicted over the Weekend With n i g h t temperatures dropping ,to about 65. Coastal wtba·co!XUUons will be m0der1te tO sJlght on ·both c1ays: On; ocean 1iat..; not far from the Presiderit{s They re paying for the course, said -~~~ ... y.,~ .. ~·~1111" P'!j~~~~~m .. , ·••ltitii<li!U· be"l&modlon' the,m.e1. erty, be ·~otd. Surfing Pf~ ~ depCbed, '5 "Pti« to Jill"· OVtr'tbe wM:kend. ,aj.~~~····'•;. .' INSIDE TODAY , . U'plihers ]1f1t.S~n.d Out PlwnyNews lly JACK'GIAPPQ.L °' ............. 11'• called the 1Lower Saddltbact Upfi!l.en ASBOCiatkrl." It is lo Ml88lon Vi.to wbat Ille llalboa lsllll!d Punllilg and Sculling SOclely Is lo Newport beach -a spoof, a C•I· a 1re1t put-qn. Unlike tjle ..,ullen and punltr• who hue in ttie , pall ridden a train · ttt Catililia IJlaDd Ind <rt'.jed on 1 yacht 'VOYIP to-.C..Vepa. ~ UpUfters doo'I do 111ytblna -except iBaue prw reiw... Eillmple. 11.kulon Runyon, ·president of the IA>wer Saddleb&ct Up&Wer1 Association, an· -nounces tbe formauon. of a special ad hoc Bumper ~Ucker Commlttte. • 111fhf: comm 1.t tee, UD:ler the chairmanship of Elmer Wllbold, will in- vestigate various worthy cauaes, un- dlilates and canipilps. Tbeji w1ll then (IJoe UPLD'l'El{I, ·-·· ' ·bllt•wlll'lial bi!lieadlrig '!Qwanl'the Wblle The ·oo~ •~· ullllneteljr ·HOUie~' • . 1 ,wtH'bebouP~bfwbl\While-- • At I p""1be~1111ent lllllidl" wtlMead ctU ·a "'cobipallbli buye/'."' Tbll ls· ei· 1hnioglr lbe stale plrt.clownno· the otote peeled' lo be the Rfc!i..i Nil!Olt l'omi- .liuch below. Tbere, the ailence will be daUon, Tho land. WCNI( PfeoqinM)T be ltfted to ~ar rro.m· Toshlatr Yokoyama. used as a &jtf for8 Nlxop inUseuin,-,tim- 'member of ·the Ja-Diet from 1955 nar to the EIJ<nhower museum Iii Abi- to '1117~ 'ferry Hallinan, attorney for Uie lcne, Kan . · "Pmldlo 17"; Talflu Uhuru o1 the Blick Ziegler d'ld not disclose· the COllt of tbe Student Union, and other representatives President's small_goU cow-se. ol Iha Student CoallUon al UCLA: tbe · Black Pantllen, and the Welfare R(ghts Fle<t, fOl'l)ttr U. S. ~n champlOll, OrpnlloUon, IC<(!rdl"i lo p A c has la!d 11 out to 11 will bave ,.v,. holes Qiairman Irving Samotl. -two each at three Jnenl Ind 0111 at s.motl laid 100 monltara· will he ata-.the fourth aretn· l""'8d ·•leo( lbe Sat> Cleme11le atreet lo Tho loolest 1bot wlll be DO yards from "'°"'-le-lo Ille proper atopplng 'the\<«Tfiat'1onthellrsthoi..T11"ot11er , ~ _ holea will r-lrom IO l<>.150 YllP• Bmy G"'11am'1 coming to Orang< Cowmp-not imloMdloi.. ly, aUAOll(li. TIO• co~n'I tell Et from"oll l,\"c"'""'°-~ "" at C)'!i!jlde headql\llrtlf'1 'ift ;\nola<iin'r Angel Stcdiunr.ilo<y 'PaQ• f, . • ' • M•n> Grf/lin mak•I t~< blf jump f rom rmoll talJc lo big lime S1najl tal~ -cover story, TV IVEEK. Clllilltlltll """"' ·--................ '""sq:: ... .._ ( ' • " " . .. ... .,_ ' I /' ' WHO WOULD EVER THINK COSTA MESAN MARY HELEN SMITH , 4, LIKES ICE CREAM? . . ' . .. ' t '· 'Attract Crime' Cave Closure Urged .. ! By JOHN VALTERZA Of "" Dlltr "''" lltli The Jaree cave 1t Corona de! Mar's ltocky Point may be altractlve lo the eye, but police today described the sea- . hewn cavern as a filthy mess that breeds irlinc. They woo1d like to see it plugged up. Aimlant ·Police Chlef Harry Nelson said that the department will recommend j'h~ cia\re's clolure "some way or ,. ~" to the City Council Aug. 25? !~ 1 The cave, about 35 feet wide at the •·l mwth, re.:ha into a rocky bluff about , 25 feet and has a labyrinth at the rear , • lealllng IQ another small beach. "" "Durbli a ll-m,onlh Jl<rlod Oll<fing Aug. 1 we have tt.ad to arrest 44 juveniles in tlKt cave from offeDHa rartll~g from sa crtmes to tntollcation," Netson said. He said the department hu: been com· Pl-111' the arrest and incident record at· tlle C..verp for a Jong time. "We know.Jbat_tM c~ve }}as lt.s aesthetic C1;>ntribuU~ to•tbe Itel, but it also is cfirty. amelJ1 and an Invitation to young l!OPle wbo want to I.lie dope, have some an and pt Jn,1ol1c:ated," be aakt. • The, ~'Ill" of pluutnl the cavern 11\ipt -• 'Ull!e problem. It wlll be up to the public works department to develop a way of doing ll, he said. During the year's period, Nelson said, 'to you\Ws were arrested for se1 offenses Ca rape attempt on a teenage girl ~y five ~I boy! Wis reported there Jasf. WetktJld). ,l _· N"ifie· ... ~ a.rftsl:ed on narCOlics charges.' . · 4 • Nineteen m0te youths were. arrested in ''. )11• ~ JOii <lld"' on<! i1111i o! par!jital ' control \ltotat:IOhs. · The cavern, which faces Newport Bay ~· ~ the ~arbor entrance, is also strewn :. wilb.tru.h. and· broken glass. llf -One police lieutenant o b s er v e d ? redlpUy; ''Yod can· go in there any lime f:--end!smell marijuana mioke ln O\e air»' "I! you ask me, someone should blow ''that thing up,'~ another officer said. '·. The cave and the beach around it pose ' iome special patrol problems t o Policemen on the beat. too. '· "'111e officer has to leave hi! car and ~,BJaiherg Said ~ .. - " ·~·.Dangerousl y Ill "' CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA IUPil . -Philip Blaiberg, the world's longest .... Surviving heart tramplant patient, is •"'dangel'Ol.1'1Y Ill tn Cape Town's Groote :· Schwr Hospital, hospital sources said Friday night. -• Officially, the hospital Issued no bulle· ·.tin on. the condition oC the 60-year-old re- .; ·1ired dentist wtio re-entered the hospi- ,. 'ta! with complications two days ago. <'' . But hospital sources said his chances . of surviving the latest crisis were slim . ·:_'!'bey said the crucial stage probably , would come in about four days. .. " '· . >· .. ., DAI L\ ~I LOI ........... " ............. .......... C... »-,..,,_.. Y!Ckt . c.wMIJllA OR.IMG• c:ot.Sl P\laLlSMllfO COMl'ANT lt•Hrt H. W•14 ~ .......... J1c• l . Cvrl.., ,,IC9 t'rw'*tll 11'11 OIMtll """-"'"' -- Th•tM• K11•il .... Th1111•• A. M•,,hl~• ...._._ ....... his radio In the main beach parking lot, scramble over the rock!, then down a stairway tv check the cave," Nelson ex· plained. ''That leaves his car unguarded, and if he gets ir.to a serious situation he can't get lo his radio." Policemen several times have had to chase suspects into the \\'aters of Fairview Needs To Fill Playroorn Happiness is aomethlng to play with. Unhappiness is w h en you go to the playroom-where they ieep all the toys shared by the othtr children -and find nothing there. "We just don't have a thing," says Mrs. Betty~ Whitaker, coordlq4tor of donationa for lhe volunteer seryice at FalrVlew State Hospital in O:>sta Mesa. Uaed or new toys -anythin& a normal child would enjoy -ph11 &lmple games, may lie dropped oV at the administration building of the hospital for mentally retarded youngsters. "The state doesn't provide toys and things;• said Mrs. Whitaker, "il's up lo those who voluntetr." AIR CAL • • • strengt~n fhe 'total intra.&tal.a air transportation system," said Carl A. Benscoter. president of the airline. He said jt would also bring the first in- trastate air carrier competition lo the heavily traveled Uls Angeles -to-San Francisco Bay Area air corridor. Pacific Southwest Airways now pro- \'ides the only full service to that tra\•cl circuit. which carries morf! people than any other twin city route in the wbrld. "-The present sole intrastate carrier in the L o ii; Angeles market carries w e I I O\'er half the traffic," Benscoter said in aMouncing Air CaWomia's newest route requests. The airl.ine operates six Boeing 737 aircraft carrying 11~ passengers each, 14·ith three more scheduled for delivery next year. The new routes would not invol\'c subst.antial increase sin traffci in and out flf Orange County Airport, a company spokesman maintained . Reside n I s beneath the takoolf C<Jrridor in Newport Beach -most of them in $40 ,000-plus homes -have cast wary eyes at boosting jet operations from the county air termi nal. In fact. scores have sign ed their names lo lawsuits claiming damages from rapidly increasing jet flights over their homes . "We have three basic routes now and there would be no substantial difference if a flight trom San Francisco to Orange County took off again for San Diego," said Glenn Hatfield, public relaUons director. Hatfield said the real increase in Oights \\'ou\d involve other oisting bases such as Sa'll: Francisco, Oakland, San Jose and Ontario. The flight taking off from Orange County -theoretically -for San Diego would not necessarily come back via the rounty airport, he explained. "We are not asking fo r a number or new flights out of Orange County Airport itself," HaUield rontinued . Air California notes without mentioning names that PSA carries haU the In· traslate trafrtc and commuters should ha ve a choice. "An additional. aggressive intrastate 11peciallst is clea rly needed, It says. Founded by a handful ol young men from the Harbor Area on what must have seemed Jike a shotStrlng in the airline buslnes.s. Air Califomla Ii virtually on the brink ol becoming big·Ume. The firm, with officet at 4400 Campus Drive, adjacent lo its home base, opened with two Electra jel!J , then put its first jet into the-Oett I year liter. Afltr its Initial night of 70 J18SSengers, Air Callfomla logged 30,000 per month In .August. IM7. hiltTng 70,000 last Augu$t and the figure will doubtless rise at the .end ot this rponth. The total since Jan. IS, 1M7. 19 1.f miUon paiMngtrs al'ld -depending on flow , lhlhf1 go in Sacramento and Wasbin,ton -the •~Y It the Umll~ ~ Newport Bay, uniform and all , to make arrests. Lifeguards regard the cave and the labyrinth as a high-injury area requiring ~cores of first aids every summer. If the cave is plugged, Newport Bay's tour OOal.\. \\'ill just have to change their c~r~ and guides will have to scratch another scenic attraction oft their !isl. UPLIFTERS ... recommend appropriate bumper sLickers lo residents of the Valley." One press release, the first, ran . un- changed and Wl!~gnized by one weekly paper. It reads: "In the interest flf rommunity service, the Ulwer Saddlebaels: Uplifters Associa· lion has beco organized, according to President Rulon Runyon. "The association was the inspiration of early Rancho Viejo resident and fonner telctite salesman B. G. Mills. When asked to be charter president, Mills reply ing from his retirement home replied, "I'·1e grown too old to serve." "Explaining the purpose of the new organization, Runyon said, "Our goals are to bring the flower of culture, the fellowship of well-being, and the almighty dollar to oor fair hills . We feel we fill a definite void." \ In addillOn to President Runyon, the associalion is headed by a cast ()( six other officr.lltWma cit. "~'are. ken from niodem lftirarj lhempfa'. Two such .officer~ are H. Humbert, youth activities director (Humbert was a lecherous charaeter ·in the book "Lolita." and Gloria Wandrous, soclj!:l chairman !Gloria was a prostitute in "Biitlt:!rficld 8" ). ExecuUve vice-presidl!nt:;is L. S. Gutz, of whom President Runyon writes: "L. S. Gulz is 'lots a guts' -and without him we would never have organized. We bor- rowed him from the El Toro Exchange Club." Treasurer is Seymour Billli. a transparent name. Frieda Ryder, secretary, and Rev. S. V. Rolla, Chaplain, ho1vever, are less obvious. Frieda harkens back lo public bus in· tegration in Little Rock , '1958, writes Ru· nyon. while the good chaplain is Savonarola, a super-reformer monk who provoked the art patrons of FIOrence to burn all their jewelry, paintings and art in i.488 in the "burning of the vanities." rtess releases are is.!ued on UpUfter letterhead. The only hint to the group is in lhe post of lice box number, 21a1, Miss ion Viejo, Calif. Post of l ice authorities refuse to release the name of the box patron . More press releases: "Applying themselves lo the problem!'i of the Valley, members of the Lower Saddleback Uplifters Association passed a series of resolutions and position statements this week. "FolloW-ing heated debate, the Associa· tion went on record as (1) condemning the John Birch Society for 'being soft on Communism,' (2) praising the Mission Viejo Company for their speedy repair of the golf course bridge deStro)'ed during rains last February1 (3) tion!>red the Edison Company for erecling avante gard landmarks across the southern tip of Granada Homes, (4) Castigated the teenage generations for their 'immaturity in dealing with \Vorld problems' and (SJ recommended repeal of the liquor tax." • • • ''Minutes or I.he last meeting of !he · Ulwer Saddleback Uplifters Association : The meeting lasted 13 minutes." • • • "An all-<:1ul membership drive has betn launched by I.he Lower Saddleback Uplifters Association. acrording to Presi- dent Rulon Runyon. "We need new blood to juice up our lagging spirits," he said. "Ovic com· mlttee rork has put a real drain on our member!hip'a time and energy. lf we are to continue our lofty projects, we must have new members. Be.sides, the treasury is hurting." "For awhile. the association considered forming a Ladies Auxiliary. (but I.he broads wouldn't buy it) but the ladles ob- jected to being relegated lo an alleJedly 'second class position.' .. 'Motto or the association is, 'Our Valley, right or wrong,' Its goal Ill, 'to serve -particularly, to serve the resldtnts right.' "Meetings are held the oecond w..i. 1\esday and third Thursday at L30 p.m. 11'1 the PlazlCoffcc Shop, Miasfon ·Vlejo.!' I I Mirii-h&e: 118.ws V f,lgue . , Maxi-problem Coneerns-Parents, Police A n1lnl-bike can call§fl .a (amily tmaware of tile strict ca.llfornla 'Vehicle Code restrictions on lta operation some mail.pn>b"'na wlt.b the la• .. ''" A IJl!;C'1I <an dri" lbem lo cm for the same reuon. t ,_ Orange ~t1 a11lhotttitl are 1MC<lm- lng more concernocl •boul lbe ~ of sel!-propelJ<d machlna not leg'1ly Olll· fitted as motor vehicles is the swrtmer weals on. . "I think the bf.it 11"obliur'i1· that • parents are buying mini-bliea and go- carts for their children without un-o der!tandlnf laws pertaining to their ope.:ation,' says Costa Mesa Police Lt. llarold Fischer. The more 1pricific problem, explained the trarrtc bureau.chief, is their operation on publ ic street.s. · ~ If police are betomilJI more, conctrned, parents or miniature motor vehicle "Pilots are not fr.I' betllnd. • "What the hell are they g_lving a 12· year.old kKf a traffic tlCket for'?,'' demands one indignant father over the phone. "If they aren't legal why arc they allowed to be sold?" complains a mother who had to accompany her boy to court as though he bad been picked up for burglary. This vague area of legality is the spot where mini·blke or go.cart entbusiets usually run into rugged going. No motor vehlcle may be operated on a pubUc stttet -even-simply pushed - unm It ls fully equlpped with lights, brakes on all wheels, tum signals and 1 long liat of ether safety accessories. "It would be too Jong to enumerate," say1 U. Fischer, adding that llO perceot of such vehicles encountered fall to mett minimum stonctards. Some now do, but they may only be driven on publle streets by a person pos~ssing a valid driver's license and are strictly prohibited on sidewalks or in parkways. .. "We do enforce the registration and driver's license violaUons," says Lt. Fischer, although a first.lime offef!der may ~requently get by with it warnlli_g if he is unaware of the law. "We don't like to write up nine and ten- year-old kids, but we have had to do this THIS YOUNG MAN HEADING FOR A TRAFFIC TICKET Wher1 Do You Put Turn Signals on a Mlnl·blkt? in the past," the lieuteO¥t".-dded; noting it requires court ap~ :W1th a parent or guardian. The Only certain soluUon for an un· derage driver. an under;9.P~ vehicle -or the combination thereof.-is use of a large privately owned area for motoriz-. ed play. .. "It ls best to obtain written -pennission and one should also take. the noise factor into e<>nsideralion, since .a n ~fl y e d residents may sign a disturbing the peace romplaint," s8id Lt. Fischer. He said he .~, defifl\lely aw~~c 9f ~ prob~'";i· of reguiatl~g ' • ''taSt;~ow1ng sport Which Is an attraction to both children ar.d adults. ''I'm sympa thetic to the parents." he sai4, "let's race it -they 1lfe Jot.s of fun ." "But they are also dangerous,'' he ad· ded. Hitting a chuckhole in the street can throw the two-wheeled motorized bike out of control, while the low-slung go-cart is capable of decapitating the operator if it shoots under an unseen car rounding a rorner. Cary Grant Wins Fight On Daughter's Visit LOS ANGELES (UPI) -Cary Grant "'on a court battle Friday to kep his 3-year-old daughter from being taken to \'isit her maternal grandparents n e a r Seattle, Wash. . . Japan:<;ofC Gets Irvine 'Red ·Carpet' Treatment The lt:.vlfle Ranch laid out an Oriental reQ, Cflrpet friday. , " ; ~ One·huhdre4 ·.forty ·members-· Of tfle Japan Chamber of Commerce stopped at the Irvine Information Center and were guided on a tour or the 83,000-acre ' development project, Each of the visitors carried a camera and took notes on the proceedings. They are in California to study land and in- dustrial developmentJ. Translators attempted to keep every one informed -but it wu dllflt ult to tell Japanese ·English translators lrom the Japanese chamber members -at least for the Americal)s in the crowd . · Four Irvine hostesses and f o u r Japanese businessmen from Orange County Je(t the Japanete visitors on a tour of the ranch. Girls used hand signals when the language barrier became too great. One visitor, Sho Furuda, and a member of the Japanese. Travel Bureau, said the group has visited San Francisco, FresnG and Los Angeles. ''Vi'e are studying your shopping and in- dustrial areas to get ideas to take back to Japln,'1 noted Furudil. ' ' Alamitos Man Held on Perjury LOS ANGELES !UPI) -A Los Alamitos man convicted of perjury stem- ming from a federal grand jury probe in· to horse race Hxlng faces sentencing Sept. 22. Kenneth ~I. Brandyberry, 31, cou l d receive a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $2,000 fine on each of four rounts of perjury, He was found guilty Thursday. Brandyberry, ~·ho testified before the grand jury last April, was accused of lying about a tip he received on a horse which ran at Pomona last year, about bets, and about his knowledge of bookmakers. Getti•ag llato the Swim UC Irvine . stud~nl Bolsy VAugbt . h•!P• Elias dozen UC! students, all vo!un#rs. are !akin~ time Fuentes, 8, float •• ,youggster lakes inlUaJ ln;lruc-· our from summer actlv!Ues · stall progt:lllll In· !Jon In UC! student-spon~ored learn"lo-swltn pro-'· volvln& 7$ yotlngsteri . ' gram for undtrprivUeged. Santa Ana ' children: A• · · · · • ' ' VOl:.-6a, NO; :1961 4 SECTIONS, 6' PA6ES " • • . ,SATUIU)AY, ;..U6UST 1'6. 196, - Dally···- • • . . JEN CEl'ilTS Caretaker to Sue? actress Murder Fig.ure Threarens Suit · LOS .ANGELES (UPI) -A young caretaker questioned In the mass mud· ders ol actress Sharon Tate and rour others at her Benedict Canyon estate thfe4~ned Friday to sue for false ar· ,,.,,, ' ' WWtam Garretson, 19, told neYISnien be went shopping for groceries, en"ler· tained a friend and stayed awake till dawn writing letters and listening to nwsic-tbt night of the massacre. The victims were the pregnant ac· tress; her former fiance, hairstylist Jay Sebring, Polish film producer coM~UNlTY sE'NTIMENT TOWARD PEACE MAR~HERS REFLEG'fED BY·ONE INNl<EEPER A Sign of 1the Times in San Clemente, Whtrt Protest Me11a91 May Go Undelivered Bloomhed Spream in Irish Riots \ l Salt Creek Path Problem Lies in Okay By THOMAS FORTUNE Of' JM o.itr l"lllf Stiff Cost of building a pedestrian Ptth to Salt Creek Beach might be nominal, but winning permission ol the Laguna Niguel Corporation to do so is likely to cost plen- ty. That Is the answer.prepared for Orange ewnty SDperViaon who .eni;rm' ·a look into a Oood control cbarmel as• possible public _-pal!l...,. Tfie·report by cGUnly .....,., ... t atafl lndicates that it wotikl be technically and legally feasible to bUild a pathway along a flood control channel. But the report goes on to note that right-or-way would have to be acquired from Laguna Niguel Corp. and that once this was done there still would be no place to locate parking, lifeguard or restroom facilities. Th• report also hints that tha Laguna Niguel Corporation would be entitled to &everance damages. The report was prepared by ~ty F1ood Control Chief Engineer George Osborne with belp from,Coun\J Counsel Adrian Kuyper, Real Property 'Services Director Stanley· ·Krause -and Harbor District Direct.or Kenneth Sampson. Supervisors will consider ii at their meeting Tuesday. The final statement io the report ap- pears to be the hooker. Couched in in- volved legal terms, it mentions "possible damages to the owner's prciperty." "That Is mainly referring to the prob- lem of. severance damages," explained County Counsel Kuyper. "l told George (Osborne) we ought to say something in there lo warn the board. ''When you condemn a pieioe of prop. erty you not only have lo P'!Y 1..-1 hat portion, but for damages lo the rest of tha property. You're going into the locel point of Ille property. You're not ruining jt, f course, but after all the beach a n d frontage colllributes ·a great deal to the valµe of the property," Kuyper said. Salt Creek Beach is located between South Laguna and Dana Point. A road that w as a. former alignment to P.adlic Coast Highway ooce passed near the favotlte surfing spot. Access to it was cut oil wt!h the developmeol of Monarch Bay Jrivate community and then about a year and a hall ago~abandon<d the road to Laguna Niguel COrp. w-~ a P.1l>1ic: bearing, • ' Lost public • .,. ... baa been the !Ubject of controversy for ~ny months and supervisors have fell the PotiiiCi.i beat. Last month they aslled far the report on use of the flood channel f8r public ac- cess from Coast Highway add abo wrote into the county budget fl.:million for beach acqulsiUon, ~;'-they didn't specify where along·lhe coett the beach might be acquired. , COUnty alllciala looted •• .Plarul .... milted 1!Y 1be Laguna NIP.el C«porllion for·~· llocid -d>anoel ml lowld' It suilabl. lor poclelCrian - P ..... lallll woulol not ha..,:lo •walk In the cbamel 111111, whlcb Jeodll1-. tile spillway el a plamed dim. -8all Creek creaUn« an lnllnd lt8, lllt'llilq" a IUool wide 6enn ... -•· Ille IO\lth aide. A stairway would have to be li@i ikiW/i rrom c..11 Highway, Osborne ldiind, b\lt the .slope 1long the embankment is a gradual 8.7 degrees. However 1 he and the. others noted, at the erid ot the Oood ch1nnel, 1rprivate beach -Id have to be croaed lo get to lhe publlcjy..,,,,ed Udeland1 beyWid tile mean high Ude Uno. PAC Promises Protest Despite Nixo~ Barriers Thwarted at nearly every ·wrn, leaders , of the Peace-Action Council are. insisting they will carry out plans to bring their anti-war _ me.ssage to the doorstep of President~Nilon 's ·San Clemente-aummer White House ·simday. .: Tlier have ,..., problems' . . ~· of 'GW'NI,.., eslote wid'be closed 'to them and a nme.:tOot wall sur- rounds \Iii; ~. ' ,.. .. . -A c.utGtlafd cuU..-1111• off~ to prevent ·an oetflD auault-'Oft the Pres1· dent. -Federal ...;Ation authorities have forbidden overflights in the area and the PAC cannot -as'one member suggested -tow a message across the skies. Beyond that, state authorities have forbidden the PAC to use the San Clemente State Park near the Nixon prop- erty as a rally ~t Sunday afte~. One court• baa µ~d lh• park officials and late appeals .-..i Impossible. So how does tha PAC get its message aCross? Late Friday, PAC spokesman Robert Bland of I,aguna Beacb said the protest wiU take ibe form of "a 1ilent march lhii>ugb the forbidden park.to a beach in a l:ribute to the nwiy thousands who havt died in Vietnam." But presumably the protest is aimed at President Niion, and there is scarcely a chance that be will know it is going on - Nixon Tees Off; But Next Time Won't Go So Far Presillent Nixon got in a round of golf FridaJ!at ~ Camp PendletOn· Marine B~+.on ·be won'l ha'! lo trtV)!l that far toJ<e 'oil. .. A few llepo out the <!!>"' Cl(. hil San Clemente. aummer reBideoce wUl put him on a court. lie Is getting a Jttini:ioll ~ aa a gllUrom aome or111ge £ol!n~ lr!Ondl. 'Tbe~veMee and four,_. . .....,. Is now ili'der development m a pGl't\on. of the ll!I•..,.,, Colton estate -·ty· lbe President did not ..,.cl>ale. Thi Nb1lll family boupt five ..... 'lmmedlately surrouildlll& and lncludillC lbe 14-room maniloa. • ' -vte)o Country Club ;golf pro :raek ~ ts deli8ninc lhe private liiiks. ~-· a group callld "'11le G<lllil\li el the President.•• ~ .,. ' ' even lf_ he does spend the .entire day behind .the wall! of the rambllng estate. The President ls .•ware of the war pro- test, said Pless Secretary Ron Ziegler Fr!d>y. Tha:t'ls-all'be'Mid •. ' There W!''~,th•t Mr. NlJ:on • 't<·~'r:%n:rci~ t!l'7 · ~' 1'1fit .. S Bllllr),...:Jllit Ziegler lllalslecl-I~ "lhett it ... .,.., IChedule for !his nelimd.'' • • ·Euber, · ,White Houae lldeo said. uwe're no~· worried about th e demonsl(atp~.·· How many could . show up and what they will do were impreci9e. As many as .t;OOO to 3,000 have betn mentioned and the PAC stuck lo a chUm that it would bring as many as ta buSses from ghetto areas or Los Angeles and San Francisco to the ·protest. Mosf crowd estimates ·by 'the PAC in the past have been·more than lf!]erous. About 500 of an aMounced 5,000 ·sbcn¥td up at the President's-banquet at lhe Century Plaza hotel in Los Angele! Wednesday Digbt. A PAC spokesman said those joining the protest wiU gather on Via de Frente in southern San C~ente · btcinning at about 1 ''p.m. 'Sunday, The street runs parallel to the San Diego· Freeway on q.e ocean side ._ not far from the President's estate. At 2· p.n,., says the PAC, a rectangular picket line will be fonned on the street. but will not be leading toward the White House grounds. At 3 p.m. the 4'silent march" will lead through-the state-park-down to the state beach below. There, the silence will be lifted to bear from Toshiaki Yokoyama, member of the Japanese Diet ·rrom 1955 to 1967: Terry Hallinan, JltomeY. for the "Presidio'27";· T~u Uhwu1of UJe Black Student Union, and other representatives or the Student. C..Ution at UCLA; the Black Panthers, and the Welfare 'Rights OrglUlizaUon, aC<lOrding to PAC Chalnnan Irving Sariloll. Sarnoff said 1-00 tnonltors will be sta- tioned along the San Clemente street to guide people to the proper stopping places. Navy Minesweeper In Newport Harbor Specula-llQll!Od·Frlda1:bJ;tlae•pres· '.,.,.,of aNt'Y '~tn ·N<wport Hori!<>< WU' lliP.lclled.wlth 'tho·nport of the Harbol'' Deparjmenl lllal, the USS Ruff 11wu · mertly .. on a routine Ufi&n· rnent." . -'Ibe N1Vy ql'.ft1 was expected to leave today for: an unstated deatinaUon. ~ ' BELFAST, Northern Ireland (UPn - Roman Catholic and Protestant snipers, hit and run macbtnMuMers and fire. bombers spread IDOIO'l>IOodshed through Belfast's flaming streets today in new fighting outSide bar1>td wire zones man· ned by 400 Bril!sh troops. Eight per$003 had been shct to dealh since the re11glous rioting broke out in Belfast ~y night and more than 320 injured, including 62 persons shot. A nintb person was killed in tbe city of Aimagh. Amm•the border, die overwhelmingly 8--Catholic Irish llepl!blc mobilized 2,GOO i9erve.ln>ops lo -1,600 men alnedy alooi N~ Ireland -• 't:·~ \.'. ''"""' . Ji1oh nepu'blicaD Anny , (IJIA) laid i,t was ready lo set1CI llelp to N-~:, ll«oan .Catholks. ' 'l!le·lf -ill inl<!niillie otrlfe In ~ llOle\1d ~ lnlo neaf cMI war this week and is the result or the Roman catholic minority's convention that' the predominantfy Protestant gov- ernment of Northern Ireland systemati· cally dlxriminoles llli•insl Catbolics, partlcularty in jobs, housing and voting. 1be lri9h R$1blie whlc& includes all but tbe .six northern counties which make up Northern IrelMKI_ bas oe.ver, recognized the mo partllion which -blished the predominantly Prote.lant aree which '3 still loyal to die Brilisb crown. British troops rolled into tha adjacent Protestant and Catholic nelgbborhoocls along the Shankhill and Falls ltoed.s Fri- day night. Police were helpless to separ- ate moo. llghling with guns, firebombs, .stones, bricks and tist:s. The British triKlpe surrwnded a mile square a·rea with barbed OOncertina wire and vioience scaled down to sporadic sniper'firfl and rock throWing, · Huntington Man Runs Over, Kills I-year-old Niece Rosario Cararei of Huntington Beath played the. role of visiUng uncle to his one-year-old niece for the last time Fri· day njght. He dfove his car out of the driveway at the · Stanton home of litUe. Amelia Caz· arez ·and , directly over the body of the child, ·whd' was ptajing in the driveway. Amelii died 15 mi'nutes later in Stan- ton Community Hospital. Stanton offi· cirs said CWrez, !55 Huntln~n St .. wUPnoL 6e aceuied of negligebce in the traaic death of the child. 'I1te name of Edward David Dye, 53. of' ,Brea, was added to. the county. ace I· ""'t toll at about the wne time when hli:! car left the northbound lane of the NewpOrt Freewi)' and struck a bridge abutment at the Santa' Clara overtross- ~oner'1 Investigators said Dye must have died on impact. 'J'.hey attribute his de~tb to his loss of control at high speed. 'l'bey'n: payina: .tor the eours~ said pmldenUaf prt8" secretar>: ftl>n ll+gler. ~"1Wl!l.be·•n lilterim "'" ol ltie'FOJ>' e111.:'(bauplatied. , "; _ P.~s~. Pnt On Tbf ·~ ac....-ullima\dy ..u111i·~~!lell!lllle ~t ... u .• • .....,. .• :rl*:1'i """' peded·lo' lie • llldiold ~ l'o<m' dalioa. Tbe -~~ ..... -aa a llte for• Kllln _,., lllill· liar lo Ille· Eilellhower .-In Ah~ lene, Kiil\ Zle,.ler did not dloclole lhe ~ 61 the Presideut'l)"'l!aD aoW .....,., , • Fle<k, I~ U. s. Open champiao, hu la!d H out eo It will have' 11ven 'boles , · -two each at .three lfterlS and ooe at the loortb -• ' Tbe loo&Osl ~ wm be 220 yards rrom lhe toe. Thal'• eil•lhe lint bole. The other bolel will range from Ill lo 150 yarda. I > ' ' '· ' .. • . I • Voltyck Frokowskl : coffee heiress Abi· ,au Folger, and Steven Parent, Gar- retson's friend. Garretson said he wa::i unaware of the n1urders until police burst into h i s tiedroom early Saturday and led him to the bodies of Fn>kOwsJd and Miss. Fol. ger, lying .on the lawn, and ,Parent, slumped over the wheel of bis car. Garretson said he was unable to rec-• cgnize Parent because of lhe damage to his head from the bullet& which killed him. Police released Garrelson Monday and have arrested no other suspecta. ffomi· clde detectives refused l.o Confirm or de.ny published reports an informanh9ho l>clieves be knows the killers had' given them the names ot possible sus- pects, including an ~ young .actor. Garretson said he wii\d',ue the city for fal se arrest, false t~nment in- vasion of privacy and vlolatlon of his constitutional rights. He said he was not · advised of his right to remain silent un- ill seve~al hours after~~ .. '!be llilcrmant ttPl'llill lcild police he was invited to the party .,,..0home of Miss Tate and her film productr'busband, Roman Polanski, the night of the mur- den. Polanski was· in LpndOll at the thM. 'nle inforamnt, a Polish em.lgre w b o knew Fi;okaw11d,,sajd he wol'.kecl.Jale th!ll night and. never went to the PoWllti home. He reportedly believes Fri>iowlld was the,prtme larfet in the mus mur·· der bee~ of his mvqlvement with nar: cot.lea: diatributors. Tlio.Los Angelea Times roported 1oc1aj: tha~·delectlves had been guarding tlae U..' formant since Sunday, when be ftm:' •poke with inve~alora. Police have dee~ to comment on rt- Jl(lrts .~t drugs were found in ~· car and that a "commercial" quantlty ,ol.· drugs was found in Miss Folger't bed .. room. Police have been checking every rumor in the bizarre case, which involved· four members or a social set desCribed u "rich hlppie.s." It Is believed that Par- ent, 18, was unacquainted with the other. victims and may have been tulea when he saw sonlething as be left thti est&te after, vlstUng G'""tson. . Garretson, \he only person loonil llllve GD· the pnl~ early Siturday; ... held for quesUoolng over the·-kend"ud,.. leued alter be vi>lulltarily ~12a 11e detector test. Police1 aaid there Wu Do evideJ>ca against blm. ~ WINGING TOWARD WGIR SLICI Of' THAT llct PIE IN THI 'SKV . ' . . " Routes W ·anted Clear Skies Ahead for Air Cal?, Fog. By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of l'l'it D•llr Plitt Stltff That's what management and 7U passengers alike peered through on Jan. 16, 1967, when Alr Califorru,, set out to traverse the Golde.n State, cwrying a '6.l million grubstake. * * * Air Cal Line Hoping for Okay On 'Lucky 13' Thirteen is the lucky numbet if all·pto- posed fiight routes &00ght by Air California are approved by state and federal officials. Citizens o( the Golden State will be able to Oy anywhere worth fiying to for a one- way fare. As low as $7.rl, tax includeid. for the San Francisco-to-Sacrament<; trip, Maximum intrastate fare would' be $2% between San Diego and San Franciscc, This Itinerary in c,I u ding routes proposed last week and also earlier in the year. for 1 out~f-state ser- vice -will be offered if a·pproV'ed by aviation atithorl.Ues: ' -Orange County, Airport to San Djego, San FraT1cjsco, San Jose., 'Oakland, Sacramento, Portland and 8e~ttle. -San Diego to Orange County, Los Angeles. Ontario, Bw:bank, San Fr11r cisco, San Jose, Oakland. Sacramento. -Ontario to San Francisco, Sin Jose, Oakland, Swamento. -Burbank .to San Francisco, San ·Jose, Oakl3qd, Sacram.entt.,1 Portland. Sf:at\le. -Cbs Angeles to San FranciSC(I, San Jose. Oak;Jand, Sacramento. -l.<>ng.Beach to San Jose., Oakland. -Palm Springs to San Francisco, San Jose. Oakland., -San Francisco to Orange County, Los Angeles. Burbank, Ontario, P • 1 m Sprinp, San Djego. .Oaldand· '9 Orange <;oim\y, ·Los Angeles, Burbank, Ontario, P •I m 5prlng's, Lo\11 B<ac~. San Dluo. '-Sin Joit;tci Qi1~i1"1C0uoty, Los Angeles, · !lur~•n~. .On\ario, , I> al 'm Sprlnp, .,l.dng-l!taOlt, San. D 1 e.g o, Portland: SaatUe:. ~cran*nto tO San Francisco, San JQ,., Oallfand, Los AOielea, Oran&• County, Burbank, On~io. San Diego. -Portlllld to ; San Jooe, Burb~ Orange Cotnity. i.. -. -se,1111<.to San a ... ;au11>ank, Or&llie County. • Commuters on the hiBtoric trip rod• buses to Ootario Airport as a I'elUlt, but lhe lille whose long-awaited maiden Oighl rumbled up the San GabrieJ Freeway bas almost unllmlted mlbility today, The skies seem rather friendly. Executives of the 32-montb-old airline . hope that state and federal avlaUon of· ficlal! wUI regard'tbeir 13 proposed new: routes in the same.Lubioo. Air Calilornia tblit •eek formally •P. plied to the . C@(~, ~blic Ulilitiel Ccmmission -~ pe.mmsion to . ti• Sacramento and S¥11 Diego lnto its sta~de .system of service. The airline also is asking for a piece_ of the action in a federal (Civil AerOnaotla Board)· hearing to &elect <!arriers f o I'! JucraUve P a c i f i c Northwest-southern Cellfornla routes. 1be Aug. 11 application asks ~ PUC to act on the matter as quickly as possi· ble. . ''Award of the additional route.s would improve service to the public and (See AIR CAL, Page I) Or411ge Coast Weather Clear sties', cilm aeas and con- tinuing warm will prevail on the Orange C.oast today. A high of about a5 is predicted over the weekend with n i g h t temperatures , ~ropping to about 65. Coastal wind condltiom will bo moderate to sUght1 on both days. Surfing priospects are d~lbed as "poor to nil" over the weekend at county belches. INSWE TODA\' BiUy Grcham's coming to Orm>g• Co••ll/'-nol hnme~late· ly, oltfloutlh '°" couldn'I tell II frurtr oil 'flae commol!Qn. g61ng on ot C1U$0de hHdauamn In Anahcfm'I Anqtl SiGdf•m. Story Pag_~ 4. • Mew Griffin mtlk11 the big jump'""°"'f!ftiJllbJlk ..,..V ll,.. moll toUc -"°"" ftotf, '.I'.\' WEEK. · • ·-" ·-• -.. ...... .. ~ ........... • ·--" ·--.. ·-.. ·-, -.. ... ._. " ' ' ' I ' ---~ ~ WHO WOULD EVER THINK COSTA MESAN MARY HELEN SMITH, 4, LIKES ICE CREAM? ~! . _: 'Attract Crinie' .. Cave Closure Urg.ed -~ By JOHN VALTERZA • Of llllt Dllh' Plllt ttlff f. i ·· The large cave at Corona del Mar's Rocky Point may be attractive to the e~e. but police today described the aea· 11.ewn.cavern as a filthy mess that breeds ·mmc. ~y would llke to see it plugged up. Aiaistant Police Chief Harry Nelson Jald that the department will re<:ommend ~~tbe cave'$ docurt "some way or ,... another" l<i the Cily ec.mcu Aug. 25. ~ft' The caVe, about M feet wide at the ·.r: mcutb. reaches · 1n1.o a rocky bluff about 25 feet and ha1 a labyrinth at the rear ~I!)~ to another amall beach. ,.;r_-, ••DUriug a 12-month period ending Aug. J we have had' to arrest 44 juveniles In that cave from offenses ranging from RI crimes to intoxication," Nelson said. He s1id the departmenl has been com· Piline the arrest and incident record at the cavern for a long time. "We know that the cave has its aesthetic contributions to the aru, but ll also Is dirty, amelly and an invitation to young people who want to use dope, have some HJ IDd 1et 1ntOl1cated,'' be aid. The technl.que ol plugging the cavern mlah\ -a Utile problem. It will be up lo tbe pubUc woru department lo develop a way of doing I~ be said. Durtnr Ibo year'• period, Nelaon said, :to youtlis "were arrested for RI offense.s (a rapt attempt on a teenqe girl by five '' "'1t wu repor10d tbere laatweell>hd). ~~;·Nine were arrested on narcotics ch · ·.. ' , ~ ,I. • I ~ ': N"""~n ~t youth.! were arruted in . .. the bole for curfew and lack of parental 1"'contrGI violaUOQ:5. The cavern, which faces Newport Bay ! r~ar .. the Harbor entranct, ii 1lso 1trtwn ~·with trash, and broken glass. ~~~ One police lieutenant ob 1 e r v e d •'.\recently, ·"You can go in there any time 1,;;":8fld mien marljuani smoke.in the alr." "If yoo ask me, someone should blow •l.U.t thing up," another officer said. ;~.·The cave and the beach around It pose ~ttom• apecla.I patrol problefnl to ...a->en on the beat, too. ,i, •:. "The officer has to leave hia car and ;~' ' f~laiherg Said :;J>angerously Ill 'l ·.CAPE TOWN, SOUTH AFRICA IUP!l -Philip Blalberf• tilt world's lon&e.st ~.!.&Univing heart ransplant patlent, Is :" 41n&eJ'OUsly Ill In Cape Town's Groote j,.it &hutlr ·Hospital, hospital soorces sa id . l'riday nigh!. 1 Off2cially, the hospital issued no bulle· 1• tin on the condition oC the 60-year'°ld n -j 1 tired dentist ,..tio re-entered the hospi· "·taJ with complications two da1s 1go, . But hospltll s~rees said his chances ••1 6f tiurvivlng the latest crisis were slim. ~ 'nle:y Hid the crucial stage probably '·~come in about four days. 'i ..... DAI L\ PI LOT ....,.,. ..... " ............... ---·---CAl•OINIA ,Ol.'MOI C.0.U1 ""ILIMiltHG C.OM~NY a.Wt N. WHI ..,,....,. ... ""'..., Jeck R. C1ttley Wc:l l"reliflr'I ... ~ #ilNIW ThHIAf lff'f'tl .... T\1111111 A. M•rplifftt """"""" ''""' -c:.te llllMI QI 'llfW .... tff'tlt Mtwn .._.: nu .,.._, .. ..,.. ... 1twr1 --a..-..,.., m.......,. ·-ttwltlMlll!I ...,.I. ttf\ ... . -. --..... -_ hls radio in the main beach parting lot, scramble over the rocks. then down a alairway tu check the cave," Nelson ex· plained. "That leaves his car unguarded. and if he get& ir.to 1 serious situation he can't get to hls radio." Policemen several Umes have had to chase swspecUi into the waters of Fairview Needs To Fill Playroom Happiness Is something to pl1y with . Unhappiness ill w h e n you go to the playroom-where they keep all the toys shared by the other children -and find noth!n& there. "We just don't have a thing," says Mrs. Betty Whltaker, coordinator of donations for the volunteer service a~ Fairview Stale Hospital in Costa Mesa. Used or new toys -anything a normal child would enjoy -plua simple games, may be df1:1pped oU at the adminlltration building of the hOipitaJ for ment1\ly retarded youn1sters. "The state doesn't provide toya and lhing1," 11ld Mrs. Whitaker. "lt'1 up to those who volunteer." I , •• slrengthen the total intrastate air transportation sy&tem," sald Carl A. Benscoter, presldml of the airline. lie said it would also bring the first in· lrastate air carrier competition lo the heavily traveled Los Angeles-to-San Francisco Bay Area air corridor. Pacific Southwest Airways now pro- vide. the only full service to that travel circuit, which carries more people than any other twin cUy route in the world. "The present sole intrastate carrier in the L o a Angeles market carries w e 1 I over hall the traffic,'' Benscoter said In announcing Air California's newest route requests. The airline operates six Boeing 737 alrcrart carrying 115 passengers each, v»ilh three more scheduled for delivery next year. The new routes would nol Involve substanUal increase sin traffci in and out of Orange County Alrport, • company spokesman maintained. R e s I d e n t s beneath lhe takeorf corridor in Newport Beach -most of them in $40,000.plus homes -have e&st wary eyes at boosting jtl operations from the county air terminal. In fact, scores have slrned their names to lawsuits claiming dam11es from rapidly increasing jet flia:hb over their born ... "We have three basic routes now and there would be no substanUal difference if a flight from San Francisco to Orange County took off again for San Diego," said Glenn HatfJeld, public relations director. Hatfield said the real increase In flights would Involve other exlstin& b1se11 such as San Francisco, Oakland, San Jo5e and Ontario. The flight taking off from Orana:e County -theoretically -for San Diego would not neces1arlly come b1ck via the county airport, he explained. "We ar.e not asking for a number of ntw fll&hU out of Oran1e County Airport itself,'' Hattleld continued. Air California nol.es without mentioning names that PSA carries half the in· tra1tale tr1fflc and commuters should ha ve a choice. "An add itional , agiressive Intrastate specialist Is clearly needed, It aay1. Founded by a handful of young men from the Harbor Area on whit must ha\'e 5flfln'led UJi;e a 1hoe1trlng ln Ule airline buail)tss, Air C&llfomla ls vlrtually on the brink or becoming blg-Ume. The llrm. with offices al 4400 Campus Drlvt, adj1cent t9 its home base, opened with two E)edr1 jets, then put Its first jet into lht fleet 1 yur later. After it1 lnltlal flllht or 70 pasaenacr~. • Air Callfomla logged 301000 per 'month In August, 1967, hitting ?0,000 list Aurust and the flp:re will doubUus rill at the end or Ibis mon1h. The !OW since Jan. 1' 1167 Is 1 l millon p.1isen1eri and -dependln1 on , how thine• 10 in Sacramento and Washln1ton -the sky Is Ibo Um!L • Newport Bay, uniform and all. to make arresta. Lifeguards regard the cave and the labyrinth as a high.injury area requirin&: scores of first aids every summer. If the cave Is plugged, Newport Bay's lour :>0al:t will just have to chan1e their course and guides will bave to scratch another scenic attraeUon off their list. UPLIFTERS ... rtt0mmend approprla~e bumper stickers to residents of the Valley." One prus reiease, the first, ran un- changed and wirewgniz.ed by one weekly paper. It reads ; ''In the interest of community service,. the Lower Saddleback UpWters As.socia· lion haa betn organized, aceordin1 to President Rulon Runyon. ;iThe association was the Inspiration of early Rancho Viejo resident and former textile salesman B. G. Mills. When a1ked to be charter president, Mills replying from his retirement home replied, "1'·1e grown too old to serve." "Explaining the purpose of the new organization, Runyon ' said, "Our goals are to bring the flower of culture, the fellowship of well-being, and the almighty dollar to our fair hillJ. We feel We fill a definite void." Jn addlU~ to Pr!:dent Runyon, the asaoclaUoh 'ts ~ead by a Cfll ~ six other offlctf.!; .acme Whom are taken from modem lilerary attempts. Two 1Uch officers are H. Humbert, youth activities director (Hwnbert waa a lecherous character in &he book ''Lollta." and Gloria Wand.roust &oclal chainnan (Gloria was a prosUtute In "Butterfield 8"). Executive vice-presldent Is L. S. Gutz, o( whom President Rullyon wrlte1: "L. S. Gutz Is 'lob a guts' ~ and without him we would never have organized. We bor· rowed him from the El Toro Exchange Club." Treasurer is Seymour Bills, a transparent name. Frieda Ryder , secretary, and Rev. S. V, Rolla, Chaplain, however, are Jess obvloos. Frieda harkens back to public bus in· tegratJon In Little Rock, 1858, writea Ru· nyon, while the good chaplain is Savonarola, a supcr·reformer monk who provoked the art patrons of Florence to burn all their jewelry, paintings and art in 1488 ln the "bumine of the vanities .'" Pl'iss releases are issued on U~lifter letterhead . The only hint to the group is in the post office box number, 2131, l\-11sslon Vlejo, CalU. Post o f f i c e authorities refuse lo release the name of the box patron . More press releases ; "Appl ying themselves to the problems or the Valley, members of the Lower Saddleback Uplilters Association passed a series of resolutions and position statements this week. ••f'oUowing heated debate, the Associa- tion went on record as (1) condemning the John Birch Society for 'beln1 soft on Communism,' (2) praisl"I the Mluion Viejo Company for their speedy repair of the a:olf course bridle dettn>ytd during ralnJ last February, (3) )lonored the Edison Company lor erecUni avante gard landmark• •cross the aouthern tip of Granada Homes, (4) CuUgated the teenage gener1tions for their 'immaturity In dcallng with World problems' and (5) rctommended repeal of the liquor tax." • • • .. Minutea of the last meeting of the Lower Saddleback Uplifters Association: The meeting lasted 13 minutes." • • • "An all-out membership drive has been launched by the Lower Saddleback Uplirters AssoclaUon, according to Prt.11· dent Rulon Runyon. "We need new blood to juice up our lagging spirits," he said. "Civic com- mittee cork has put a real drain on our membtrstUp's tJme and energy. ti we are to continue our lofty projects, we must have new members. Beside!!I, tbe treasury Is hurting.'' "For a~·hile, the associalion considered form ing a Ladies Auxiliary, (but the broad1 wouldn't buy il) but the ladles ob· Jee~ to beln1 rcleaated to an alle&ed1Y ·second claS! position.' ''f\1ot1o or the auoclaUon Is, 'Our Valley, righl or wronJ,' Hs goal 11, 'to serve -pertlcutarty. to serve the res Id en ta right.' "Meetings 11rc held the second Wed· nesd1y and third Thursdty 1r 7:JO p.M. in the Pl"a CO(f,. Shop, MISllOD Viejo." I . . ..... Mini-h,ike· LaWs Vague A nlinl·bike can cause a family unaware of the slrict California Vehicle c.ode restrictions on Its operation some maxi-problems wtth1he law. • A gD-Carl can drive them to court for the s3ffie reason. Orange County autbor!Ues are becom- ing more concerned about Ibo problem o1 aeU-propelled macblnee not l•1al'7 out· fitted as motor vehicln as the summtr wear1 on. "I think the basic' problem 11 that parenta are buying mini-bikes and go- carts. for thelr children without un- derslandlnj llw1 pertaining to their ope:aUon, aaye Costa Mesa Police Lt. Harold Ftscher. The more speclllc problem, explained the traffic burtau chief, ls their operaUon oo public streets. If police are becomlOI more concerned, parents of miniature motor vehicle pilola are not far behind. "What the bell are they givica a 12- )'ear-old kid a traffic ticket ·for?,'' demands one lndianant father over the phone. "If they aren't leg1l why .mi they allowed to be sold?" complains a mot.bu who had to accompany her boy to court a1 though he had been picked up for bur1lary. Thia valUfl area of lea:allty Is the spot where mlni-bike or a:o-cart enthuaiasts uaually run Into 11Jiied going. No motor vehicle m1y be operated on 1 public street -even simply pushed - unleas It ii fully equipped with lights, brakes on all wheela, tum signals and 1 long list of other safety accessories. "It would be too long to enumerate," says LL Fischer, 1dding ttlat 90 percent of such vehicles encountered fall to meet miriimum .,standards. Some oow do, but they may only be driven on public slreets by a person · possessing a valid dr iver's license and are strictly prohibited on sidewalb or In parkways. "We do enforce the registration and driver's license violations," says U. Fischer, although a first·time offender may :requently get by with a warning if he is unav.•are of the law. "We don't like to write up nine and ten.- year-old ldds, but we have had to do this in the past." the lieutenant added, noting' it requires court appearance with a parent or guardian. The only certain solutioO for an un· derage driver, an under~uipped vehicle -or the C<lmblnation thereof -is use of a large privately owned area for motoriz- ed play. "It ll best to obtain written permission and one 1.hould also take the noise f1 ctor into con1lder1tion, since an ·n o y e d realdents may sign a disturbing the peace complaint," satd ·Lt. File-her. He aald he Is definitely aware of the problems of regulating a fast-growing sport which is an attraction to both children ar.d adults. "I'm sympathetic to the parents," he said, "let's face it -they are lots of fun ." "But they are also dan1erous," he ad· ded. Hitting a chuckhole in the. street can throw the twc>wheeled motorized bike oul of control, while the low-slung go-cart is capable of decapltl.ting the operator lf It 1hooll under an unseen car rounding a corner. Cary Grant Wins Fight On Daughter's Visit LOS ANGELES (UP I) -Cary Grant won a court battle Friday to kflp his 3-year-old d1ughter from being taken to visit her maternal grandparenta n e a r Seaftle, Wash. rents; Police THIS YOUNG MAN HEADING FOR A TRAFFIC TICKET Where Do You Put Turn Signala on • Mini·bika? Japan CofC Gets Irvine 'Red Carpet' Treatment The Iryine Ranch laid out an Oriental red carpet Friday. One·hWldred forty members of the Japan Chamber of Commerce stopped at the Irvine Information Center and were guided on a tour of the 83,000.acrc develoi>ment project. · Each of the visitor1 carried a camera and took notes on lhe proceedings. They are In California to study land and in· dustrlal developments. Translators attempted to keep every one informed -but it was difficult to tell Japanese ·English tran1lators from the Japanese chamber members -al least for the Americans in t.he crowd. Four Irvine bosteases and f o u r Japanese businessmen from Orange County led the Japanese visitors on a tour of the ranch. Girls used hand slinals when lbe lana:uage barrier became too great. One visitor, Sho Furuda, and a member or the Japanese Travel Bureau, 1ald the group ha:: visited San Francisco, Fresno and Los Angeles. "We arc sMrlyi ng your shoppin1 and ln· dustrial are.a!' lo get ldus to take back to Japan," noted P"uruda . Alamitos Man Held on Perjury LOS ANGELES (UP!l -A Los Alamitos man convicted of perjury item· ming from a fed eral grand jury probe in· to horse race fixing races sentencing Sept. 22. Kenneth ~f. Brandyberry, 31, co u Id receive a ma:<imum penalty of five yews in prison and a $2,000 fine on each of four count.s of perjury. He was found guilty Thursday. Brandyberry, ·who testified before the grand jury 1ast April, was accu1ed or lying about a tip he received on a horse which ran at Pomona last year. 1bo11t bels, and about his knowledge of bookmakers. Getting Into the Swim • ' UC lrvi~ lludent Belay Vaught helps Elias Fuenles, 8, fioat •• l'(Kln(•t•.r takes il\iUal tnstruc· lion in UCI studan1'sponsored le......to-swim pn>- 11ram (or . unde1:privllegad ,Santa Ana . C!hlldren. A doien UC! sludenta, all volanteen , are taking time 011\ from summer ac\iYiUts to stall prop-am ln-~lvln( 71 youngsters. , ' !!>tllnld;A-U6.'196t , ll'llln~· ~·: UCI Rrof Presents, C se Against DDT,'. ~ .. . . ' . ' . ' By JANICE llEJIMAll . ' ' .. ,., ... ·:·t~ t ' t "lvhit wouk\ boppen II' we sprayed orchid plants with PDT?".• student ol Dr. Joseph ArdKll 's wanle<I to·k\IOw. h; ~§C.liV1'nc1Pli!eOiof '·plant <Jiii ,,.lio,. ·~ Ii Ordllds. • ''Tile -"!'WM' lll•ill<"'i.,:;.;.f}Uf," .Mdl\li ialjl .. ·'.ii!;,, ~/tr llnd. out how ,..I.cl; ~\i'I; 118' accwn~ )n1 the l.C~I~ '' .. 06~ ,llM lt•ffl ~p}aillst) ~ rbe~r _'it • ~ ... chan'ged ,~· tbeRJ.·. ,•J· ! Gienn County k~eps its promises. MWwtiile, ArdftU has beCorne ln- ·When' Cheryl Ann Fullwood, 18, ap-volvtd with the en11rt DQT q..,&n -a p)ied for 'a license tt> µiaQ-y "Rich· question thai hu tfiompled ',""'1":to ,..k ard b. Davrs, 20, sh~ presented a a leglalaUve'.blil on DDT,ln taufo~ on yellowed. newspaper clipiling. II grounds. that 11 la bar\nfJll to. man, LOIJ :how she was the· IOOlh: b3by · ,aolmal• and· plailts. · , , t>or'n at, Glenl)t ,~e't:it HQ.6pital"rin • 'C8Woi-qia m&mlfllc~s and.uses more lfillows, Ga!it~·;alicl 'r~ii;~~ rsilid ''.!lDT·than·aiiy Other state; ac:cordln& to• .Count~ .i;ledc.'.V/.lJIJ !(ale· Pt'lriii•~ ·~.'b~ Stanford Unlver•~Y-marine 'her a frt~ :tnarri.age· Jicen¥, vih.fn' science' prof,;iaori and students. • she wed. Sale died in~'196l, 1;but µ\.. Ardit.U ~ed lds support te the pr~ cuinbent Cleric. Milt~'E. ~•lk1 r' 't tests. 8gain.sl 'the pesticide by signing, ass1;U'ed" her the proll}ite ~,Y. g90il 1 1along with 61 other ,biOloglsts,· a letfer to and paid for the licenQ. " Governor Reag;ui . • ~·. -~· "J ~ by·oo means a expert ori DDT,'' t • ' ' • i;8j.il Arditli .. But I ·know that it is • " • ! "'· Honey G,irl, a tiny }l.ummi~bird, wa8 ' -PQUUting our.environment." • . ~ENEMY' ' ........ '11le pestlcld"tr be said, iS 111 friend that turned an enemy." · · · As a i:rimd; DDT iii responsible fof sav~ , Ing millioos , of PeoPie from ·death by malaria, typhus, and -other diseases -apread by insects. It· al80 hu •saved billions of dollars in 'CrOps from iMecl . pisis. : . ·But as an enemy. ,Arditli Mid, DDT used in amounts great enouJh to kill in· sect pests also kills other animals, includ- ing birds, fiJhes and bentficW insects . tliat help .hold pests .in check. That'• ®I all. "Chrooic poisoning" also tak:es plilce, the St.al)ford swnmary says. "The ·main effect of chronic poisoning is reprodut· tive failure. The visible signs of ,this art not as spectacular as those of acute poisoning, but the end resulb may be worse . "Reproduclive failure can lead to ex .. . : . UC IRVINE'S ARDITTI CHECKS HIS PLANTS : In the Greenhouse, Mix ing Orchid1 and DDT • uricUon of Species, and we see lhis hap- pening tod3y ... ArdiUi explained why. "DOT. is 1 stable compound . DDT stays and slays, and accumulates in the organisms. The 'nett organism t~at eats an orgaili~m becomes loaded With DOT, or more loaded." stu1ined wlien it flew into· the glass front door of ille · Brownsvill.e, Tex., Chamber of Commerce. But thank! to th-e •11ursi11g of Juanita TejcclG, the Oird is on the mend and even able to taste a hibiscus blo§sorn while perch· ed on Jtwnita's finger • • The Tillamook, Ore., County Sheriff's office reported that it got a phone call canceling a tidal wave alert broadcast after a big earth- quake near Japan. It was a good thing, too, since somebody had for- gotten to give the city the alert in the first place. Teaching Not in, Stars Or Law For Astrologer • Parish Pritst J~an Pons says he . gets too many funerals at his church at VirrfQodi. Spain, and he \Vants a few weddings and bap- tiSm« !o"'righl"('Jh)ngi up. "Un· fortunately, ev~one comes'. tel, me '"hen they need a funeral. and they go to another church when t h e y \Vant to cele~rate a joyous eve.nt." he complained in his Parish-maga- zine. • London garbaf'le collectors pick- ed up a brand new television set set down outside a doorway momentarily by its delivery man 1 . ~ and crushed it tn their trash· com.,,ressing truck. The11 return- .. ed the flattened set "to the sales· man when he rtished up to com· plain. • The Shakespeare action commit- tee in Stratford-on-Avon, F.ll.gland. Is s e e k i n g government action against an agency that takes tour· ists through the bard's alleged boy· hood home, on grounds it is break- ing advertising laws. Tourists pay 30 cents to see the house on Hene· Jy Street. "There is 110 written evi- dence ·at all of where he was born or When," the c'otni\lainants said. • ~cram'ento sign painter P e t • Wimbrow, 34, hcis bekun selling at hfs sign sh9p, for. $1 each . vials of what he catls ''genuine imitation simulated moon dusl" Wimbrow said he put the dust together from descriptions the Apollo 11 astro- nauts gave of the moon's surface. 1'\Ve \vai\t to give people a cute mo- rQento that's worth a dollar, that's au:• said the enterprlzing Wim· brow. "Loo~s like moon du~t. Feels Iii<~ moon .dust. May be better than the real thing. Who knbwa?" Part-lime Balboa Astrologer Burton J\{orse has lost his first legal· bout with the city of New.port Beach and its ordinapce .. b'neing the teaching of the an· cient practice . But Morse's fight isn't over yet. M\!nicipal Court Judge J.E.T. Rutter It said Friday he has · overruled Morse·s argument charging \be · City ordinance violates both the U.S. and Californii con· sUtutlons. Tbt judge's act.ion means that Morse will stand tiial for vlclating the city code and committing a misdemeanor last spring when he assembled a etas,, in a room at the rear ct his astrology shop on Balboa Peninsula. Judge Rutter said he deliberated for several weeks on the issue, then finally decided that Morse's arguments charging the code is unconstitutional did not relate< specifically to the complaint made by the city. "In other words, the city's complaint was so short and unspecific, that M01se'a poinl'I -and some of I.hem we.re quite good -just didn 't apply," he aaid. A date for tbe trial baa yet to be tet, Rutter said. 11 will bt announced some Ume nen week. The first battl' involved a hearing last July on a demurre.r filed by Mor.se's lawyer. The courtroom was packed with more than a score of , 1upporter1 of Morse, whose full-time profession is aerospace systems analyst. Judge Rutter has stressed the im· portance of the case despite its hum· Laguna Banker's Last RiteS Set Services. will .bt held Mon(tay for banker William &ta:nley King, Laguna Niguel, who died Frida)' after a lingerina illnea. Ht wU $7. Mr. Klng wla manager of the t.aiuna1 Niguel branch of Uniteet California Bank. Mass will be celebrated Monday at 11 a..m. at St. Catherine'• Catbol:ie Chuich in" Laguna Beach. servicee wi11 follow at Ascension Ctn,etery at El Toro. . ' : . moroos elements and the lack of hostility on either side. He said that Morse has a chance tr. have lbe ·Case dismissed at the trial because of the city's unspecilic charges . But If l ttie case is dismissed, the ordinani?t . iitiys in effect. It will stUI forbli:I Morse's clasSes in astrology techniques. : , ' . ,M,Xse.bu vowed repeatedly be ~ mak· ' lng the ~u,e a t~t case. He admitted having known of·""1be· ordinance before assembling ·his first class when he was arrested Jut May by Newport police. City .AUorney Tully Seymour said he is thlliking ,about bringing the matter up before the ' City Council to see if the ordinance . could be amended to allow Morswtylfl. astrology lnslnlclion. "I don't •kflow boW far the idea will go, but we're ~king about it," he said. '. Blackmailer Get8 3 Years Probation A .Westminster man accused or blatkmalling a Las· Vegag night club owner to ,the tune of $50,000 has been placed on three years probation in the ' Los Angeles.federal court. Judge Albert ~e Stephens suspended a two-year , sentence on lesser charges for Chadwick t>ean Miller, 49, of 7561 Wyom- in1 St. Miller pleaded luitty list July 22 to re\ristd' ~rges of mailing a threat to accUse one of a crime. ¥iller was arrested by U.S. postal in- 1pect.Ors: -lal't June ts and accused or aending tne~ciog 'letters to night spot operator Robert. Van Sao ten . Investiga~ said Miller warned Van Santen that. U he didn't get $50,000 he would publicly accuse Van Santen of viOlatine · tl\e Mann Act - a federal measure 'tHat prohibits in le r 1 tat e tranlportallon of a woman for immoral purpo .... ' Miller w.s indic~ by a federal arand j~ last July 21. Ht was arre!lted ahorUy after ree.tiving the money from his vie· Um. ' . -' .. DAILY 'IL.OT fltff '""'' CR.ITICIZES COURTS 'Archilc,. ln1dtquate' Tlt LE IS A PROBLEM Chief Robltelll• . ' Why i!oestl'llt clll1ppur1 . f Becllllf, ~uy11 the. ~otord1 report. . DDT Ml·• "ha«I" peaUclde,U.11 ao1 ail· ly -~,into haqnie,U ~ ~y ·the· action· of wind and wator. ik~ evaporate atorlg with water·•frmlti 110i1s 1n<t.111< .. , ....... of .tt enten dle.lir. o..ec1n the lir, DDT tend1Jo,cling to ~· parlicles lhere, attacbinc ilaetf to dust ~"' ll<lnl cm"ltd ll'OUl1d the world by "'.wttil: And &o the. sei, wlili::h coven neaily , ·thrte:quartero , of the ,~Ttb, ~v~ a large share 9' the dil!t that .. 111n. ll'l.lM .sea, dwell the Jiab. And the fish were • major ~inl in Ardittl's ex· p1-nation or I.he trouble With DDT. · MAY AFFECT BIRD ... Many bir;ds consume fish, and fish consume ·smaller .fish. Smaller · fish ea\ plankton." U some of the animals, in the cycle have DDT in their systems, it may affect the blrd that ate the fish~ "DDT interferes with the bird's metabolism when it comes to laying eggs. It causes eggs to form with very fragile shells," said Ardittl . "When tbe bird sits on it, It breaks." He said, "TQe pelican and the peregrine falcon are in danger of ex- tinction, because their-'eggs dQn't have &hells." ' . . O.vo)opment e{ -~ :• ~.U,.t w,111 deogoll,"';!f··~"'l" ,._ ~ar Jlrlt.hl.wn._, , ; .... 1 •• * • ~1.i:'l.1.o.l.O:.·,, ·1-~ . . 'BIOU>GICAl.,\NlU~ ! r-!• ·:1 ! o.Dr .. Ed~an s~ .. Gl.;llllJ;iilll . _,e:rplqr:toc .~ ...... ,~~ -1·-·-1· . ,.. . ....... """°'"""" . ,.. , • ••r ._ ~. I ll 'iii ~ •"lilolellcal~ ..... ,• · Sle!MIUI ·--11Jiil.badlllio,anl vi""'' that ·dle llnce'U!el' ha .. '""Niii 'lho·destrutllV. ~ -• ......,.,.,. , · "Tiiis b•• to be•ilolie •very ~1,._,,.,?J. safd Arditti, '"becllfM -the 'P.'.f"""• naturalJ,y, ·getJ.JCaie:I at tbe 'tbObiti\.tOf reteu1ng bacteria aoc1~1 ~u.t:• mooph~e. They qy, 'Ill/I 11'.~l·lTNPens if mutations deYelop1' 0 1 , ~ • ' ... ""nie answer," he .c:onttn~~'.:~ili::to make sure these a1•n!a (lo~ • are specllic and to ~l{lp~ · · , erly: "~ th'at's· wh~ ~ . • ~ 1 l• Anhtt1.. . J • • • •1 , Incautiously relei:lii:tc .00.: or~ 4' destroy another bu' ltl perill, • wa Arditt. . .i • "In Jamaica, they introduced mongoose:s to .destroY the makes oa· 1the island,. but Instead they ... ·the chickens." . Populatioo control Js another ·Jtll!!IDs Ol contioling polluUcin by.pe-. Anl!W 'd ' UI . • .~ · "'.r· The shell-less eggs are linked with the , ract that DDT is abaorbed by the body fat of birds, and released into ~e blood dur· . "There are too many pe<lple. IO wt have to grow too muCb fOOd. The more people,·the m~ food we'~ aot to 11t1fr, and .Uie :m9re we've got to spray." Ing breeding. There may be a correlation. in man, Arditti said, but it is too early to be po&itive ibout that. "Every resource is so extensively tap- ped, there is little leeway for ianarfhl.11 mistake," be said. ' Says the Stanford report, ''1.Jttle work •. : ha• t>e<n done on th•~bt1e,rong.1enn e1---Seal Beach Garbalre. fects of DDT m man. -, · • e An oul·and .. ut ban on DD'!, said Ardit-F. hi S "t h." .i • ti. may not be necessary. ranc ~C WI C,: '!:'U "We can use it judiciously, and when possible, not use it," he said. "We can substit ute compounds that can be broken down," he said. He' compared the pesticide with the detergent problem. where suds noat around on t.he surface or , rivers, and streams for a long · lime because they cannot be broken down. Meet the People Transfe~ Of the gai'bl{e c0Uecti0n"tfab- chise for 5ea1 'Be a· c b IDCt.mcfttct Rossmoor. excluding Lei.sure w.-W..-bd been appi;oved by . lht. cowifY"'Boani'o! Supervisors. The Seal Beach ·oispooal ~.hll be<n pur<baself liy tbe Lo< AJamitOI 1114 Cypre53 Disposil Conipoey. ' Chief Robitaille-He's . . . . Realist, Not Sociologist By TERRY COVILLE 01 Ille OtltJ '1111 $1tff" "Our function is to provide protection of life and property and n)aintain the public peace. A policeman 'i:\ not; and should not be a sociologist. although he • mdlt•hlw•tiome lmderstandl!'ll:<Jf \!."• Huntington Bea.Ch'i .brand new top cop. Chief of Police Earl Robllallle, is neither hard nor soft, but he considers hlmseU a realist in the area of police work. ''There Is nothing wrong with being modern, "1 he explains, "if you can. prove the worth or a new technique-.. But l don't believe in jumping on· the bandwagon .... "Some or the East Coa.st police departments, for example, h a v e eliminated uniforms and now wear blazers with dress shirt and tie. The idea might prove valuable in the future , but until you can show me it really helps law enforcement I wouldn't use it just for change." For a man who entered police work by accident -he oHginally st\,ldied to, be a dentist until a friend dared hlm to become a policeman -Robitaille has strong opinlons and a head·full·of plans to Improve police service. On the job only two week's, he has already laid several reorgailiiational plans before City Adminiitrator Doyle Miller. "We now operate with three basic branches -patrol, investlg;ation. and 11ervices," he explains, "I plan to add a fourth, administration. tc remove the weight of various items such as training, public relaLions, planning and others i'rom the divisions which must work in the field." Reorganization and updating of the department's techniques are prime con- cern to Robitaille , who feels it is "Southern California's finest police department." "My predecessor, John Seltzer, built lhls department to one of the be>t. I in· tend to maintain it," adds Robitaille. In his new funclion as chjef -he was head of the detective bureau -Robitaille says he':1 "mellowed" a liUle in hig outlook on the department. ''l have to look at the total entry no1r1" he sayS. , The lhing that botbera the "'\" ·~.l!o hi• l(ork la what he .terma ,::AIL~ inadequate state judkial sy1tem.1 ~ • "It need• to be·.~.p!etely l'tVIOwed and revitilt•ed to tlliillDai.:~·~ dous bottlenecks we . nOw hi.Vt iJ' lilt courts." be states. ' "l don't real)y feel the c:ourt1 _., following the will of the' peoelt," c:iom- ment& the, ch1er, ••amt thelr· 1~. ~ cost us a lot of caaes ·becauSe a ·riiittin:er a witness simply· can't ·speOO •Uie tbnt that court delays take. · I , "The Slillle people. over and over, ct committing the crimes," · comlbelita Roblt.aille, "and It'• becaUM tbey,.are conlinually turned JOO&e by the courts. Hia biggest J~I problem ~.downtown Ituntington Beach. , . "Sou th of Walnut Street ia1another city. of 50,000 kl 60,000 people," he statee, "and that's where ; almoet' .an of 'otir. overtime ancJ narcotics inves~ ~ is spent. Crimes in all categories, r1p1, burglaries, are high there.··· · · "If you removed ~beach froot.~ we would be In good slrape1".CantiDuel Robitaille. • : : " To meet that problem be lir4adJ,Plonl to shift more personnel into U. ..._ especially during the crlUcal nealar hours. But Robitaille doesn't ~ 1 l policema11 can allow hlin.aelf to faUJftf to the hecklers or to pick on peop..~ wlU! long hair. · "Our rr.en wo~king these ~ .... to be aware of the problems, .-· a polioem3n who can'.t keep hlmstlt ~ vengetul reacUon ia finlabed here;" la says. &jt eve!>. Wif11!rJ. Qie,downtown.~. the .1truqJe·to •!aY iven·>ttth.a .-g city and 'lhe inc.reui4 ~ ~ poltce w o r·k, .Rol>itoll!e thoroqbly en· joys· his new l)OSt. · ·· The only pi:6blem h'·lil>da dilfl!!l1I to cope wllh. he says, 11· bef):lc .anw "chief." . . · · ' : "1 "It sounds awfully fonnal. Wl;Min.},!'•• a captain they, used to. call. me l.QYWDI· Now it's just 'Chief.'" be mmplabU.: ·Jt8 .whats , inside that counts! This means the Mariners people· and their proven professionalism in matters of finance. It.means· Mariners people·to-pe_ople interest iii your security •.• and Marinerswise investmentof)'Ollr money in the progress.of our community. '. • . ' . ' . ' I I Join your neighbors and open a'Mari0erssavings account, today. Remember; Federally.insured savings with'thenation's highnt rate of lnferest, from day in to day out. Also free Trayejers . : Cheques and free safe deposit bc?xes. (with minimum $5,CXX»accc!unt). ' t \ t ' I t I I I I ' ( • , ,,. Gooptl Jtovtlaton. • lltlro --.1rm1 Stn oi-.o. ilQI be die le~.,...., II _,...... olGtd llilra,• llh ~ Onrovll. lf!•IM1 Beedl, IJW>day. ~Tiii Rtvillafcri Will ""' .. lllllhtbe•"'1111(-•nd ·~;'!which beld lmm0dlate'11fter .-.-.111e ...... let will l&a.rt 1t 7 p.m., and thf "~low" at 1pproli· lllalc'1 t o clock. Priday ~ v e n i n g Shabbat -w1ll !>'! off<nd by Barber lldorm TempJe at I •\dock. at S(. JamtS Epbco- Dll Olurch, 3209 Via Lid<>, !olewpon Beach. Rabbi Ber- nard P. King will lead the ...,....11on In a oped&! Has- 1ktte ter'Vioe. Cantor Milt Mil- ler will chant the music. Do Finl Unlled M.....U1t Oard of Foanlaln Volley, llZZS Bushard St., will hold its vacation church achool Monday lhrough Thursday ~ •• .,...1~ 1969 Si s 4 .. Pulpit and ·Pew' - lioat t lo II'~ a.m. dally. Jlo&lttrallon for glde$ JcJn. dergll'WI 10 sb;th Is I I per child with a m1xlmum of SS per family. For further Infor- mation call Mn. Ron Clark at -or the church office, 91M5t!. Sunday morning, 10 o'clock, the Rev. Ken McMillan will prucb on "Oeftnitlon or a Disciple" al First United Methodist Church, llZZS Buth- ard, Fountain Valley. O.urch school classes are avallable at 10 a.m. also. 1be all~ation that Jesus visited the ~lands of the Pa- cific, a view proposed in a recent boo< publi>lied by Am- herst Univmity Press, will be ~ this Sunday morning in an address given by Dr. H. A. Spruit at the Hermetic FellOWIWp, 1135 E. Collins Ave., Orange, SUnday, 10:30 a.m. Pastor of family ministry or C.O!a M .. nnt Ualled Mdll· odl1& CHtt:ll, Dr. Botel' JhMb. ner pradleo the rut of • ;;;rt.I of lour 11em1C•l• oo J e- sus' !Int and HCOnd eom-mandm.,.. al the.'t :• aad IL a.m. aervicel Sunday, His topic will be .. Life All About." Sunday morning c h u r ch school for aU age! is II ,,. a.m. wittl an ea:tended _. ...alon at 11 a.m. The iunlor high group meet,, In Tlii>mp. aon Hall Sunday 7:00 p.m. The church ls located 1t 420 W. !Ith St. HOii MemOrlal H09pit&l's chaplain, the Rev. Ech••rd G. Reitz, will preach "When Life Seems Unbearable'' at I and 10:30 Lm. serviet.1 for Mesa Verde UD!ted Medlod· tit Cburch, 1701 Baker St., Costa Mesa. A lecture aeries on ''The Basic Ideas of Science of the Mind" will be delivered on five consecutive Wednesdays by Cburdl or Relleioa1 Sd· -·~-,,,. tllka wW .... •• bj Ule llff. AltMn-al !:a _e-m. -lhll -at Mary We"bb Diml!tudlo, etalnd St., Newport Baedl. Futthar information m&J be bad by oalllnr-· -· "Nathln11 Wt1t11 be 1 e b Plrt1 will be beld b7 ,..., ... lletli Da¥fd DOif S&turday. )n. lonnallon may be oblalned from Geoff or SallClf carr at 43M44I. Regular Sabbath services will be beld Friday, '' ~ p.m. at Community Con-gregaUooal OWrcb, Kalalla and BlooniJl<ld A veoueo, Loo Alamitos. Rabbi Beman1 8 . Goldmllth and c.ntor Harr)' Newman will conduct the serv. ices. Nur.ery s c ri o o I claues, which begin In the fall, wtll be held at two morning .... 1oaa. Children 1 c e d S yura I monthl through I yean w1ll mee( Monday, Wedneaday and Friday t :IS to 11 :4$ 1.m. Younger childn!n cs yun t mootllo lo I ,.... t mmllloJ mutbt( at -1 Baiodil wlll-~ and Thin-a.di, IH4 S. Broadway, dar -....'nlop at the ume Saal& Alla, <>rep ec.mty time, -may be po11on are Invited t o. = <alllnr Linda 0.ller, J>Utidpale, "Wiim Is o;e., ~I" "!Vbo h ,Juallllecl?" Is the 11 the~ lo be probed by .theme selected by the ;)l.v; u---~ n-b'·.:_ II the Lothar Tornow at Qrfll -~ •~ ~ ~ '~Cllua,7IOVlctoda, IO:IO Lm. llunday moetlni of : Colla Mesa, Sunday. Com· friend& and memben of the munlon will be celebrated •t =..::-0.::~ ~'Ji! bolb the 1:11 and 11 1.m. torla St. Mn Roblnaaa 11 aml<:os. In addition at the_ be of the. "~-•-ola l :IS oervice, Ken Wllka, will mem r ",._ be inatalled aa ~ new Newport Bay" and ..,. of otx teacher for the D/lh and mtb Involved tn a caM now In grac1ea of CluUt Luth<rau Day SUperlor Court --the School county IUdltoM:oatroller 1nd Sund,y afternoon t b e the lrvtne CO!Jlpany .... cermn, the nebiinae. of Janda ~tion will gathtr 1l ..._~~-· Upper N e ,. P 0 r t TeWlllkle Park, 1 p.m., for tht ---Annual Church Pla!ic. Bay. .ThW'ldly mo r n I n a • I o'clock, the Onop Ceaty Cbaptor of .. Natli11l --" ll:vaqolleal1 will oonduct a pastor'• prayer "saints in Aprons ID d Overalls" Part 1: "A Salnt With a Stomach Ache" will be the topic delivered by.the Rev. (l!ee PULPIT, Pare II Criuiilile ~aataown Graham Workers Stir · Up Cpunty • iy TOM MllLEY ar1 Or1n1.• Coua&y • •...,,..,..,. ~v•, womea Who 1t1 Dr.BUIJGrabem'1Southam ~ 11W1¥ ....... of thltr Calllomla · Crutade .,_., time to whal orpnllm call open until Sept, 2t, but the the "!Ue blood" or lll\Y euuol vilttor to Anabdm Grahlm" cruude -,...nl Stadium could be forgiven for olll • t·-• •n •• ..... list ce wor.. , .. nr, ...... thin._ tha flay ev'""e '• lelephonlnf and Iha -lint pita 10 the Dla01 of a mall eampalp that haa thoo•11nda upoetad 10 lloclc to put Graham literature tn a Iha ball park Is a matter of million loeaUona. b0t1n 1way. •--•• Cru··•-~ The Rev. Hally 8. WUilaim, ~w: -illUIC: wo1·aen Graham staft member who is an> _.lln& the hum ol a<> 1 heacflns the crusade effort tn Uvtly In lbe campal(n _head· 0nnge County, points out that quarle1> at , approprialtJY be hu had the help of aomo = ~ ::::: 4IJ ol. ,!: 10,000 volunt<en at lhll 11&1• chaol !torn da to day • of the eampal(n. cam~ org~,., call ':, They hive contribu.tld, be othm on the 500-vohmteer rog.. say1, more &ban eo,ooo mlh. ter for tbtlr sthlt tn 1 seven-1 houn tn tbete early d1ya. W ...u drlH that Is being main-· he pledicta·!hat figure win be ta1ned •t fever pitch. eclipsed a.s 1 further 20,000 l\l&llj' of thooe , volunteen (.0. CIUJllADll:, Pqe LI ORANGE COAST CHURCH DIRECTORY LOOKING FOR MEANING & RELEVANCE? '" FAIRVIEW BAPTIST CHURCH <•. 1. c.1 Fairview Rd. At F1ir Dr., Costa MIN 9 A.M.-Church School I 0 A.M.-Wonhlp lh1•1 'u'lltlff D1prt. INWe Shldy Ckff .. ,,...... _. ..., C1rrd... !14!1-4611 HARBOR TllNITY BAl"TIST CHURCH 1UI ..._ St . ., ........... C... M.., .... c..-. s..... ,..,., Suadly 5chool 1:41 Lm. Mor11iog Worship 11:00 a.m. Bapllll Tralnfni Union I p.m. EvelllDI semce T p.m. Wednesday Bfbl• Study & Prayer ........... 7:00 p.m; RRST SOUTHERN BAPTIST CHURCH Ill HAMILTON, COSTA MUI. Su!Mf1y Se heel • ·• •••• t:<4S Met11fn1 We"ltlp •:•.. f I 100 ,.._'4M111 Tral11hit U11io11 , ••• , , ,, , 6:00 Ev.,.illt Wenhlp ••• , , ••• 7:00 WM. •fftllf"I Stn'I,, •• , • 7:00 H....,Al_...,.A.....,. UNIVERSITY BAl'T1ST CHURCH DU L I. PAUSAllS ID. .. SANTA ANA Hll•HTS lUMOA'f' lctlOOl ................................... •141 A.M. MOl.MtMe WOlllMll" .................................. II A.M. aVaMl#I WOUHll" ........ , ................... ,. . . 1 '.M. MIOWl:P lllVICI MOMllOAY ................ 7,Je ,.M. WllMMI L Ac-. P'ad9r CMrcll ,.,_. W-l'17 Flm IAPTIST C:HUaC:H ........ ,....., I~ lntlall I ,,.,. M.-tt~ '· Y. a.... D-. H•.,._, Ml11b"" FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Victoria & Placentia Ave. C<lsla Mesa , J ....... ...., M·- CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES IU.NCHIS OP THI MOTHR CttUICH THI PIHT CHURCH OF CH•tn, SCllHTIIT IN IOSTON, MASSACHUSITTS "SOUL" Subject of Le sson -Aug. 17 Cotti MIN -First Church of Christ, Scl1ntt1t 2111 Mftll y.,. Dr., Cen Mn. S.1tHy ScltaoJ-9:15 A.M. C•m-11 ..,_,S--11 A.M. leMl119 IM-. 1110 M-Y ... Df, Huntington Beach-Finl Church of Chrlll, Sclantl" 110 on .. S.lldey Sc .... -t 111,I t 1 :ti C•11rch -11 A.M. hMle ... , ............. 11 °"'9 L.guna 8111ch -First Church of Chrlal, klentl1t 6JS Hltll Dr. Cllm:h & ......, 111:111 t:JI I 11:01 IHcO•t ..... 114 .......... Nawport Beach -Flrol Church of Chrltt, Sclantlal llllJ YI• I.We cnrc• & S.IMMy s.•011 t :ll I 11:11 Aeedl .. a .. ., JJ1 I Yh LNit Ntwport B11ch·S•cond Church of Chrl1t, Scf1ntl1t 1100 P.clfk ~Di'.,~ !!1!11.... _ •• -ciwm & SnNy W••• 11 A.M. ...... IM..,_2161 I-c..t Hwy. 1\11 are cordlally invited to attend uie church .. rvtces . and 1~01 th• prl9lleg11 of the lleadln1 Rooma ClilW c.,. P49'tW AT ALL SllYICU THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH Walco""' You. IT. .IAWIS. Int Y9e LWrt. H..,.... .._. 11:M AM-Hefr l ... 1 Ill • ........ ,,.,_ l:llAM-twr........ IJ CltlW C.. .t ll:tl AM ....,, ... In, ..... p,....., II; Alll .. n. a.r. D..w C,.., Phone: 675-4210 ST. MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS Pacific View Or. at Marguerite, Corona del Mar Sundays: 8:00, 9:30 -Child Care at 9:80 Holy Days as 1nnounced All •-w-.. ..... n.. ......... ....,. ..... _ ...... HW4U ST. JOHN THE DIVINE, 2043 Orange Ave., C.M. Sundays 7:30 & 9:30 Church School-9;30 Thursdayo: 6:30 & 10 a.m.; Jloly Daya u announced Yks, '1111 -. ..... w. ~·-,._ hMIU EPISCOPAL ST. WILFRID'S EPISc;OPAL CHURCH '" ...... 0..... "---............... ........... ..... canJWt'9 Tiie lln. ,,_ C:. caw,, fl'•tw Sunday Services •1• A.M. ...., CllMI.... ,, ........... .._.,, ''""" • ai...a ,, .. '.M. '-~ lcMtt ,,. """' ... 11c1a.. 111• iLM. ,,..,.,... ....... v ... ~ . ._,, ,.,. """*" Ffnt Auembly df ·God Church 146 E. 22nd St., Costa Mou 541-3761 M. C. Cronfc, P1itor 'ta, Nie~1110", Mh.;1t.r ef Yevth SCHIDULI OP .. Strittn s • .-, ca.. .... ldlMI ••••••••••.•••••••••••.• t :Jll .... ...ny w ..... , •...••. , , . 11110 •JL I 7:11 , ... Churlh Chelr -Sheril Paul1a11, Dl•tlfor \ M•,ftfllf Worahl, l 1lO .l 11 :00 I Su!Mlpy S'hool , •••• , •• •:JO 1 Yeui\ MMll119 , •• ,, ,, •• 6:00 , Pra.,.r Sar"i'e • , • ,, , ••• 6:JO ,...... H..... 11.;;;;;:;;:;;;:;;;::;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;11 Ywt_,_.... ~ •arlY Weni'I"' ... ;' .. ., ... t r)f •""-r ~ Wei•• -fftn'llfY Att9114Mt STATI UCINllD Pll·SCHOO~ wnu ...... , ,.._, MloJHI I Ev.11i1tt Sarvila ••• , , • , , 7:00 .. ..., .......... ,, ........ .... -· ........... ·····~ . CHURCH OF CHRIS·T· =-:i.:~~ .. •;::::::.~'.'i ~::: . 142-242' Nu;;.•;y· Care"P?OV!d:d 217 w. WILSON ST. COSTA MISA HARBOR REFORM TfMPlf 14M771 MMJ41 ICTWllN HAllOl _. PAllYllW SUNDAY MORNING lllLE STUDY , , , , • , •• , , ••• , , • ti41 AM SUNDAY MOANING WORSHlll I COMMUNION ,, 10:41 AM meetint et FIRST CHRISTIAN I Chwrch of the Dtily Werd SUNDAY EVENING WO RSHlll ••••• , , , •••••••• •••' 6100 P.M. NEWPORT 'UNITY I WEDNESDAY EVENING l llLE STUDY ••••••••••••• 7:10 PM St. Jim .. Eplaco,,.I Church 3209 Via Lido, Newport Beech SABBATH SERVICES -RELIGIOUS SCHOOL CHURCH CHURCH NUaSllY CAU PROYIDID o. ... O. Mwtfttt• D. a. HWlt llA9ll 9•11HAllO P', KINI 1'011 INfl'oaMATIOHt CALL llWMI Mein I Ad1ms Str11ts I Huntington l11ch "-o. "lkklll9tr 1 Mbilstw ....... M ...... Jrl\111111• Mon1i1tt Worthi11 GLAD TIDINGS 15th a lnoi1111, Na,..pert latd'I li';=::::::::::::::::::::::::::p::ho=:::n=a=: =5=*=S7=l~l;::D=..,=or==N=l9=h=l====;I! I CSt!llor Cltl-t l utldlnfl ii 1:45 A.M. Sw11Gty Se1'ieol I 0:00 A.M. Da .. olio11al Sa,...ie• l:Jl I 11:0IAM l iltla s,heol •••••••• !:45 AM Youtll 6 tOUJU ••••••• 6:00 PM E"'''"' WorVii,, •••• , 7:00 PM OFl"ICI!: XlO W. Coilll Hlgllw.y, N.9. , ..... ..,.......,_ .... _,, ..... NllPMPY c-l"l'llVIOM " .... ,..,km I omc.1 a.:u. .. Ottl o-t~-1 DIAL-A.PU.TIR-'46o06Jt CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE .. H..,.,t 9Mdl MtmMr CINn:R et U~lttf Cl111rc1t ll:ltlltion Scltflct , \.ft An1tlM IUNDAY SEltVIC£ , •• 11 ANo. Mllllll'lr ••• , Atbfff l lltllt, 11.S.c.I'. Oltlfl'l'ITM CMAl"l'L 0.111111 c:o.11 YMCA. ZJOO Unl~riun, or. I WHAT A SHAME •••• ""'""' ........ . ,.._, ,..,.. Mf ....... ..me. .. CALVARY CHAPEL -... wt i.,INriMd .....,. ..... ..,.,. ............ ..., ... I ,....,,. WWe 1tiMllill .,. Int wMt tMy'ft MM ...... htt fer ••• tMt t11e c~ '"" -.. ... ·-••WnMp h • ..,.. I .... .t Mld,._.i11. 1MI ...,. " "" ht '"'" """' .... ... I .... '" .... lllYICI, 11:JI s.114.., Men1I .... -"'"' I .... _ ............... . ,. ... : 541°2121 .JJ.artor C/iri6lian C/iurc/i OP NIWPOIT IUCH-IDltclpltsl MMt"'t ........ , H..,., ll•-"'9i' k!Mel 421 L '"' It,. C.... ..._ Worship -9:45 A.M. N__, C.. ,. .. , .. ~ Phone: 67S-391S 1,1 • C!NTKAL BIBLE CHURCH &nphaldng The Plan of Cod " The Penon of Christ Tfle Powtr of the Holy Sptrit Su"'4y School ' AM Momlt1J wonhlp ' •lld io:JJ AM [Ytnl111Setvlce1 PM nu.irldlo' •lbll ltvdr ind f"Nyer 7 ""'" · Nunery durlna 5e1Vitl!I A fun Youth Progmn Cm. of 0ranJt ~nd lltd. St. CasaM,.. Pmor ff. E. JOl'lfSi lfCA. Mbr, u ....... ci.rc• •• RELIGIOUS SCIENCE I 420 I 0th St., HYntington 111,h I Phone 516·21 20 Adult ' Youth S•r~ict•- 1 I :OO A.M, llNIST PATI, MIHISTEI CORONA DEL MAR I ASSEMBLY OF GOD 15th & Monrovia, Newpart Beach c,""-.u t: ll~CH. a.A: 11/1 llocl Ww., ""' H.,,,.., '4'4620 .. 146·7166 ~· 1'llllu1 ~. """"" -'-Miiier, M-.kel OlfMfW : C" SUNDAT SllYICU f: :; f :41A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL. N11f'HfY C•ro z -10:IOA.M.-HowW•M9YIHW ..... Chrttt V\ 7:11 P.M. -1..,1111 A s,lrituf lni1-Ac,•1111f ' '!'f lotl hf1M111 •Y P•ter + ~ .... + II~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~'':::·'~':.'!::"'.:: .. :::".::··~· ~··~"::'!;"~'.:'~,,~,;.·~·"':!:;;::;;::;;;~j 't,. ...._ , ~ ~'/i ' HARBOR ASSEMBLY OF GOD I ~I• MA~~ I 740 W. Wlloon, Costa Mesa 1 f'. L HllTWIClf. ,_,., CAIL 61NTIT COMMUlllTY CON6RE6ATIONA1 • 611 HELIOTROPE W......,_11tOI 4M. Chm• Sdl••I 10:00 A.M. or. fl'lll ... I. _,,..,, Mllllltw Miii IM"'1 lf!Mt. O.C.•. 673-4000 141-4704 MW... ef w.a. SUNDAY SERVICES · t :45 A.M.-SnMr kllMI Cl_fw ... 11• 11:11 A.M. -"THI A61 OP PUCI" '"-"..,,_"" l :OOP.M.-"THI A•I OP A•IS" s.r....., ,.,., COSTA MESA CHRISTIAN SCHOOL fl' .... SCflMI -KJ,.,...me -• ......,.,., -ClllN tire Seventh·Day Adventist Churches ORANGE COUNTY COMMllllTY CHURCH Cesf'll M... tq. .. • NI .... 271 A••c•lli• Strnt wanlia,. I• Joh11 Sh11wm1ka, Pailor Sovtll SlileNS ..,,ht Chrl• Phone: 141-65'6 12712 Cr.Wll Yelt.y ,......., S.liMt• Sdtffl • , •• t :JD AM A. E. Ra..,.011, ll•slar Monditt Wanlllp ·• 11 :00 AM Phone : 4'2·1936 ~ Sclrl>MI •••• t :JO AM PNyet Mffthlt • Wd • 7:JO PM Mon1btt WenMp •• I O:IO AM { 11011.d111t'll1f11ati•11all CNte Men We111H'1 Cl11., -W• 1M It.•~­ C-- SUNDAY SERVICE ......... II A.M. ~====Mln~~ls~ter.~. ~D~•=· ~D~-~w:·~M~cElro:~J~::;::::;:::::;::~/i===~~~:::~~~::~~:;:::;::ll c•-• °'"'" 141 Int 11,. St, FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ' c-M- I Ml.._,1 D,. ,,... ... ..._.., .... L.-... ........... . ...,_ P"'*4& ......... ,, .. 1..;.,:, . - ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN CHURCH IMl11eurf ~M l ...... 1,1111 •I the UNIVERSITY P RK SCHOOL S.~tt •t M•tfttowt 111 U•l...,.tlty ,,,~ WOllHIPt 1 ltll ...... _ ........ "'~II.. ...... lJ).f)ll . FAST DRAW ~-Lr..-U1 .,..., ,.. f•••••• ,,,,.,11• hi tk• ,..,,,, C1tl '4J.UJI oM .... th•,. •t•l111t your e w• l l•cL " t04o T .. '9tt A•. ITllMrt & M ..... I, FOUNTAIN YALUT UNIFIED SERVICE • Sundt y School t :JO-WORSHlr • IO:JO Wonhil' l Yowth Group•. 6:]0 ,.m. Nunert proviclad at t ll 1t 1Tlc111 A ~ltr C11WU1 -~ Ara A_,, • .._ EVERYONE'S FAVORITE l y •&tu1I faad•Nflf!I pel/t, 111111 ef tf'le MMt ftO!lllltr lltWljll jtlff f111htt•• 111 A1n•rlct 11 tha An11 Linden lel11m11. 11'1 1 ~illy "1t 911l1r" In flr11 OAILY PILOT. ' ( / "' a l!~!.~!~~~~~N ---617W•M--.c.. ..... . ~ . All J..-hh ftl'nlll111 era l11'flte4 t. fe(1t ",111 trulf fli1a111J11f111I SANATH mHIN• ... ,.ca .. PM,. 1111 P.M. lphitMI ~ -.......... ••••rt•• 64l·ISSt Tamplt Sh1r•11 a.;; -011111 Sh1\1)' 14t·l-J! Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 2SO! Cliff Dr. u M29ll ....... -..... ,_ n..a...a...www... ..... ......... , .. _.,, ....,.... ,, ... I., .. .... ......., kMtl ,,,. .. ll:Jt ... .. ..,.. .. llrrice 11:• .. 11:• Nur'll11 c1r1 available 1& Ill 1ervtca WILCOME Lutheran Church of the Mut.r 2900 Paclllc View Dr. CORONA DEL KAii Dlt. WILLIAM It. ILLll ---1145 A.M-F•Mll)' Went.Ip t i41 A.M-Suiwfrr CM,dt s ..... I J :00 A.M.-Fe1ti•• Wril, .......... '"" C:Ha!ST LllTlllUN C:HURC:H Mtuour!S"'od 761 Vfctwla It., c..-M1ae Lothlr v . Ternew. hater --• .,,... hn''-11 9111 9 It A.M. ........ lctltll1 t 1• A.Mo awn ..... c.-1 t:• A.M. CHllSTIAN IUMINTAIT SCHOOL UMIU PRINCE OF PEACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Mt1e Ver4• Dri" .l l•kH Stre .. , Coste Moi•, CoJif, ANOl•W C. MiOlfllO"-,...... ... , kl!MI f:lJ """' .... WW'lflt• ., .... ,.,. Prl11l11 af f'e•l• L•th•r111 Scflool -Mi11 Uihar Olw..., Prl11ll,•I Offtc• Pho11111 14f0 05t I Seheel Phon111 loff.0542 I w. ""uN1~1RiAN · Attend the church UNIVIRSALIST . of your choice CHURCH I 12" =5~•.; C::!!.n M••• '1 1 on Sunday 10:• AJA. A Cordial Welcome from THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH l•I••• hl•H COMMUNITY MnHODIST c:HUIC:H ,,, ...... ,. 171-0950 1111 lllf1n•ial W1rthi, t ;JO Tr141tl•n•I WaNhip I S1r11tlay Sllleel C111t1 Me111 PlaST UNITID MITHODIST C:HUaC:H ltfh St & Hatkt 11 .. J. Werthl11 I Clivrcll School t :lO & II A"'4 14 .. 7727 . Co1f1 M••• Herth MUA YHDE MnHODIST C:HUIC:H M••• Yer4e I l•••r St. 149-2719 Wer1hi, I Church Sehffl t :OO A IO:lO AM H1111tlntt.,. ltoth FIRST UNITEO MITHODIST C:HURC:H :t721 17tti St ..... IJ6.JIJ7 s.m, •• -t :JO I 11 '·""· N1nary tht• 2114 tr14• • 11 CMtrch S.h .. J -t :lO •·"'- Hu11t1119to11 l'etch-N•rfll COMMUNITY MITHODm C:HUIC:H •••:t Hell A.,.., .142-4461 We"llll' I Ch•rch St•e•I t I IO:JO AM ~11111• k4~ LA•UNA llAetl MltHODIST C:HUaC:H t I t W119'1y Dr 11 S•. l•1u11a Wonhip 10 AM Chwclt Sthoel 10 AM t 4tt.JOll 1Nawpeff le•lh C:HRIST C:HUIC:H f IY THI SIA 1400 W, lalka IM, I "'"'"' W ... Dii, I Church Sdloaf ;t I IO:JO A.M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHES of the Coastall Ar'°s Christ ChlB'ch P~an 11111 ...... 11. , .... .U...l ............... a..u.o . ......_....._,_., h-*' W9"il&p: tlll AW Cltlfdl ldtMt1 11:41 A.M, Offke 21112 M...-Me St, Pkff 961-4'40 Chlll'Ch of th• Covenant Jiff ............. c..,. w ... In.Ice A. Kurrt•, P~itor ...._, Wenltlp 1. a.di ..._.: t :J._,.._ 14MJ04 St. Andrew's Prubyterian Church ............... $-CHAILll Hllllll' DrDINPI PASTOI -·--... , .. 1lAll """"-St. Mc.ti ~ • Chlll'Ch C...J •• ,.. ......... .,..c.... ..... -~--........ & ClliNll flt11f • 1, AM M4olM1 1 • ANDY HAS ANSWERS • . 1 . I i . • l -• . ' ! -~ ' • . ' . -. . ' t I • -• • j ' ,. • I I ' • I ' I ' t l ·~•1pi_t and P e w . - (CenUaued from Pa1e _4) Bruce A. Ku.rrle at The Prt1byttrlaa' Clwttlll o( .&be Cclvaiaat, 18Stt Fal1'VleW Roid, Costa ltfe~. Sunday. Family worship wlll ~ a~ 9.:30 a.m. with ch lid c•re th r o u g h klnderg!U'len age provkled. Wednesday summer prO. gram begins with a ~:30 p.m. recreaUoo period fOlloN by dinner at 7 p.m. Rese"aUoni muat be ma\IO .. by MO!l<lo1. evenlpg at I.he ~urCh office. A pl'Olfam wW be pre5e11Jtd a11, o'clock. Claur~. He wtll preach at the Senlo.r Citizens Building, !Mil and Irvine, Newport Beach, at 10 a.m. Slll]daY. A commWllty sing will bo led by Pastor Flickinger, also al the Senior Citizens Building, Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Preaching at both the I and 10:30 a.m. wonshlp eervlces. ll>e Rev, l"rtd Overby will ad- dre .. Ille CemmaltJ Ualled MedlCNlllt Cbvcb11 conartP· ltJlure a sermon enUUed 1"'Chrtst and the SI n I u 1 Woman.i• 1'1t moUon picture "Tbe Restlesa Ones" produced by evangelist BUly Gmam,· will • be shown next Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at Rede•rner Lu 111 er a• Church, 16351 Springdale SI., Hwttlngtoo 8-h. A free-will ollerinl will be ~ved. !ion on "lceberp and ~ar ~-~bin ••-· 1 trip Bears " Olurch school and ~" I ~ recen nurse;, care are b 0 1 b throuah Ruula for the 11 a.m. ' ail bl 1 th ..__ ·-service In the Colta MtM The Rev. Ernest Pate, av a ~ 1 e same 1""""'1>. -Poanqure c bar c la, 1734· speaking Sunday at '"": Hu. Vacalion churcb s c boo 1 Orange Ave. will be the Rev. llngtoa Beack Ualted Cllllr:<• begins Monday, 9 a.m. at the Dr Harold Jellr1es Fow:· fll Rtllgfdl Science, 420 Tenth ~urch. 6662 Hed Ave., Hun-~are Di.strlct Supe~lsor St., will preach "You Can ' ~!°" Bea~;!~S.,SCS f°f ~ ·sqplans for vacation Bible Take It With You." Youth' and ...... sarten. '"""6'' s 1: school Mginning Aug 2!t and ·-.«1'ftl'I Olapel, !IOI Bolaa Ave., --and the 11 a.m. ..met tt Hun. ~ S,ach Chapel, Ith and Or-. o1 the rtnt .-~ ol llutlqtoo lleaiil . Chum. School ls held at the downtown cbl.pel at t :IO Lm. !or chlldrea and adu!Ls. . Tbe American Baptist Women will go to Fairview Stale Hoopltal to do mendhl& Wednesday, t :30 1.m. For transport1Uon and lnformal1on call Marian Garland, 847.-4138. "'Ille Chrl1Uan'1 Strategy" ls the title of Ille message which Pastor James E . Piercy, of Flnt Cllrlatlaa ~ 'm Victoria St. Costa M ... , will prtad1 <Nrln( bath of the momtng worship hour., S:30 a.m. ~ !O:to p.m. Durtnc the naper hour, 7 p.m.. Ellis B 1 ck , a mis.Wonary who will soon be working· among the American Jndhw near Strawberry, Arii. will tell about his work there. adult services begin at 11 gra,des·w11l be held rrom '·to unlltril through Se .L 5 a.m., following a 1$--minule 11 a.m. each weekday mornmg :'na: completed by ~e ite": Pastor David DIProfio will period of music and medit.a--for two weeks. Robert Ingles, d Ire c to r : speak on ''Knowing How to tlon. Activities will take place from Blush" Sunday at Chri1t During the month of August, "Regaining Your Ability to 7 ,to 9: 15 p.m. Monday through Cbardl by & la e Sea, i.400 w. at 7:,45 p.m. each Wednesday, Handle Life" will be the Friday during the two weeks. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach . Pastor Pate will explore sermon at the regular I p.m. . other church services are at Duplicate services of worship "Basic "Ideas in Religi°';ls Sunday Lecturt at Sdaltoloo 7 p.m. Sunday and I p.m. , are held at t and 10:30 a.m. Science. Thb n on c re d 1 t F o u n ta in · Valley. 11703 Wednesday. with church school meeting at course ts given without charge Edinger Ave. The Rev. F. 9 a.m. also. Nursery care iJ and Is Intended as a preview Brown McKee· will speak at The Rev. Howell S. Foster, provided. of the lnstrucUon ti\ be t~~ open, non-denominational regional secretary of the presented when formalized trture. Board or~ American Missions Ftnt Ualted Met b o d 1 s t ' ,,. )"odill' • • • -II deU.... I _,. entitled IJll. wonhlp -Plltor l :IO p.m. ~oodly Ille "Hear U1 l"or 'Illy Merci.. ThomU Ray has selecled Conii~ • ·cm Bvaa&elllm Sab. '' "Can We Be Happy ltl Heaven llMilla 1t 1:311 p.m. The vbual educlUooll """ Koowlna 1 Loved Ono Is In • , -aram conUouu 1o the Stmda1 Hell?" as hll top~ _(Of the Enn1ellstlc~lllellrip With -Cbliich achoorll t :-IS 1.m. -sermon •I-C.atrir llaptllt Dr. Phll Shuler wW cootlnue Ctlardl, 7iel Warner Ave., It Hutlll-Vllley Blptlll "Soul" ·WW ·be Ille oennon HuntlnJIOn Beach. 5"ndly QDl'U, rm Sliter •Ave., topk at 1q. area Qrbtlaa ICbool meets at 1:45 a.m. FouptAJo V1ll1y tliroulb Sim-Sdeoce c!Ntthes du r I 1t1 YOujh trajnln1 union and aduU day, Aul· '14. No ae<Vlee will wonJ\ip aervlcea &umy. choir rthunal are 11to held be held today. Sunday, at I p.m. followed by Dr. Shuler wUJ be speaking · Laguu Btacb · u 91 t • d evenlnr wonbip, If o'clock. 7:!0 p.m. dally and al i:IS, 11 Meillodllt Cliarcb, Zl 111 Vacalloa Bible achoo! wlll be a.m. and·fi p.m, on Sundays. Wesley Drive, South Laguna held Mood•Y thrwch 'lburt- Nursuy care will be pr~ wUI feature a sermon by Dr. day w1.t.b a family beach party vlded for each service in ad· Orvar J. Nease at i!a 10 a.m. plAMed for nert Saturd.y. · dlUon to children'• church for wor~bip service. HJs .toJilc wOl youngsters th~ tblrd be "A Model Person -Is "Are You Alive?" wlll be grade. There One in Your Home?" the sermon toplc at 9 and Church .school a~ m~ ~t . 10:30 a.m. wQrship strvices 10 a.m. and child care i1 pro-for Cotti Mesa Ce.ntral Bible vided. Coffee fellowsb1p ls held-Chllrcb 23rd street an d at 11 a.m. · Orange' Avenue. Pastor Heary SL Jolin tM Dtvl1e Epl1eopil Cboreb, 2043' Orange Ave., Costa Mesa, will observe communion at" 7:30 and 9:30 1.m. wl\h SwKiay school at the same hours: The Rev. Cameron Harriot wilf deliver the sermon. Pastor James G. Blain will return . to U)e pulpit after several months illness this Sunday. Kia &erm.on UUe for both the 9 and 11 a.m. worshlp services will be "Do You Believe? -In Vain?" for Newport Harbor L a t b e r a 11 Churcll, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach. First E.'rlday e v e n I n g services wiU be bekl Jn the new sanctuary or Temple Hillel of Huntington Beach Aug. 2l. I p.m. The new toes· tion iJ 401 Orange. E. Jones will deliver the taJk. He will also 1peak on "A Proven Method'' at the 7 p.m. wanhip hour. ·Crusade •t Anaheim Stadium are being held at SL Aadrew11 Prftby1erlaa Cbarcb, IOO SL AndttW'1 Road, New p oft· Beacb eacb Tburaday, 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Or. Qlarlea H. Oierenfield will p r • a c b "Somebody's l..0!*1nt a t You!" at 8, t :30 and 11 •·m.. services. first-year classes begin in , of the Lutheran Church in Church, 2721 Seventeenth St., October. Plymoutb Cooire1atiollal America wiU be the guest Huntington Beach, will con. Nett Saturday the Woman's Church of Newport Harbor, preacher at ResurrecUOn duct worship services Sunday Guild will sponsor a rummage 3Z62 Broad St., New Port Luther a a Church, 9812 at 9:30 and 11 a.m. with IAIUteran' Cburch , Of the Mui.er, 2900 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar, offers worship at 1:45 and 11 1.m. Sunday1. ~I TREES.,, <!~:!ORLD -~ Dr. William R. Eller will ..._ s.-. .-. -4 a.---sale to be held at The Beach, meets for Surwiay Hamilton, Huntington Beach, David Pittman preaching. Speaking at SUnday's 11 church from 1:30 a.m. to 4:30 worship and church school at Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Nurseryl-----------------------------------------------~-----­ p.m. Back·~school clothing 10 a.m. This week the Rev. care is prnvided. wlll be a special feature . Norman L. Brown will speak Sunday church school for At Newport Beach's St. Jame1 Epl.copal Church, 3209 Via Lido, Sunday the sennoa at both the I a.m. celebration of communion and the 10 o'clock celebration of The trial liturgy will be ~ivered by the Rev. John P. Asbey,· ll. on "Finding Holy Ground." three year olds throuih third BabysiUing service is pro-graders is scheduled for 10:30 vided. a.m. in the Educational The 44th co nse cuti ve Wilkerson Youtb Rally is slated for Friday 7:30 p.m. at Melodyland Theater, Anaheim." Teen-agers are welcome to the free ral!y to hear David Wilkerson, author of the best seller, ';The Cross and the Switchblade." Dr. Philip G. fiturray will ask the questio n "What's Rlght With the World?" when he speaks at 10 a.m. services for Coron• de! Pt1ar Com· munlty Congregalional Church. 811 Heliotrope Ave. Summer church school is held at the same hour. Nursery care is provided too. ., ._._ Church of the Cros1roads, congregation which worships at Pacific View Chape l . Corona del Mar, will hear Dr. Vincent Gottuso preach "It· ls Right or Wn;>ng'\ al the 9 a.m. worship service; S u n d a y school is held at 10: 15 a.m. ''The Kinlt,dom of AWareness" ls the sennon ti· tie selected by the Rev. Loren Dale Flickinger for Sunday services al Newport lJnlly Winding up the vacation Bible school, a special pr~ gram will be held in place of regular 7 p.m. services for First Baptist Church. 301 Mag. nolia, Costa Mesa. The morn- ing: worship, 11 o'clock, will Crusade ..• (Continued from Page 4) volunteers move into Crusade fonnalion between now and opening day. \'Villiams lauds his volunteer workers as "far more pro- ductive then just those ~pie who work only for the dollar, They coi:ne in the office ·ear.ly in the morning and sl.q Jate al night. Saturday is just another day of work for them. "These p e _o p I e,. ' ' the vigorous minister commented. "are nearly all of lhem personally · committed to a local church and deWcited to Je.sus Christ." And he's quick to point out lhat niany of the volunteers on whom he lavishes his praise work through the lunch hour and grab a snack as they get <ln with their Crusade assignments. WilliamJ speaks oflen of the ' 'staggering statistics" in- v o 1 v e d in Graham's determination to make his Anaheim drive the crusade of crusades and it's a tum of phrase that would appear to be thoroughly ju~'tlfied. Vital to the success of any Graham crusade a r e. the counstlors who move among the multitudes attracted to the 4 UNEXPECTED SPEAKER Mra. Biiiy Groham " Graham pulpit. The)' are oot, organizers stress, c a s u a I volunteers called in for one.. night duty. A Graham counselor is the product of a special five~eek course. At the heart of that in- struction,· says Williams, is "practicaJ instruction in living the Christian life in today's society and helping the lay members of the church un- derstand something of the principles, importance, values and methods of sharing their faith ." There win be 3,500 counselors on duly when the Crusade QPens. Among the number who are aimnUy ~iving their final training are members ()f St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Newp<>rt Beach and Trinity Baptist Church, Westminster. · Backing them will be 3,000 BIBLE THOUGHTS fHl LOJtD'S SU,,IR: Jeulf proYided the Lonf1 IUJIP'' 10 thet Chri1fi•n1, by 111 '"''' eel, might REMEMIEk lti1 d1etli, Lk. U :11. T\i1 111'''' ... ,, ,,o .. ;c,.i 11 •• c1u11 &M •now1 me11 and ut1d1r.l1mh h11 111iril111f 11etd1. He •n•w fli et "''" NEEDS 1 frequtnll't' r1p11IM' memorlel fe11.t, 1111 II• fort•I the 1acrifice thtt Cltri1t 111ad1, Thia ii colftp•r•bl• to #i.1 M•d, vii • .,,., Mo•••' l•w. for Ill oft '''"''''" 111e111ori1I d.1 y, .... s ..... h. wh ich ho• llEMEMIEllf.D 011e:• eec:h week. II tppee,. ffitt "1111 NEEDS, eech on4 •"el"l' week, I 1111toriol r•mirtd1r ef 9r11 t SlllltlTUAl trutJi1, 1111 ht lorttl. We h••• th1 Al'OSTOLIC .-..mpl• of ••rly Chri1tltn1 llEMEM· BER ING Clorid 't d••'"' i41 the lortl'1 $11pp•r ON THE FlllST DAY OF THE WEE( SulMl.1y. fAth 20:71. lli•y "'"' •etul.11ly e1 ch S11ndty. I Cor. 16:1, ?. H•b, 10:?5, ?61. O rf1t;.1r11, tH1y, 1hould I•~• tht Lord'1 $11Jl,.r EACH S11rwl1y, thu1 r1m1Mbtrh1t th1ir Lard •• fr•tt11111tlv •• GM h.11 tricl'ic.1tot4 tlooy 1hould for th1ir •pirlt111I w1ll.111. 501111, ted.1y, •••• tlo.1 lord'1 Supp1r daily, othtr1 w11kfy, mo11thly, ~·•rt1rly or ,...,1.,1 Are ltio11 •ht d1¥l1!1 fro111 Go111'1 p.11!1rn wit•• thin Goel? De th1y lu1ow mrt11 ,1141 hi1 nttd it1tttr lh•n God h ow1 lh•11? "It it 1111 111 m.111 ti>1t w1l•1th le dir1cl Ioli 1l1pi." J1r. 10:21. "Thtrt it 1 ••Y which 1e11111lh right 11nlo 1 "'""· t.111 tho 111d lhtr•of ''' the ••v• of d11th," llr. ••~IJ. COME, •or1hlp God wilh ""' .•• th1 llllf d i11c:h. !11 tli!1 1111tt1r of llie l ord '1 Supper. Church of Chri1t, 217 W. WUuo1t SI., Co1!1 M111, C.1Hf. •2627. Bullding. Older c h i I d re n worship with their parents at the morning service. Dr. Francis McOlash,· chaplain at Fairview State Hospital, will be special guest speaker at the 9:30 a.m. ushers w h o ?.•111 be. selected from the •;many, many young men" who have volunteered. And county church choirs will c ontribute some s,oOO choristers to swell the music that is an integral part of any Graham crusade. There are 900 clergymen on the Crusade 's Council of Ministers; 900 members on the campaign's La y m e n ' s Council and the same number on the Youth Council. Many of Orange County'• civic Jeade~s and leading ministers art serving on the Crusade's 43- member executive committee. Among them are Hudson Saffell or SaffeU a n d McAdams Inc., Costa Mesa and Arthur McKenzie, Costa Mesa city.manager. Both men are playihg vital parts in the Jay contribution to a crusade that will call for nearly $600,000 in contributions -a budget that must be reflected in black on the balance sheet when Dr. Graham mciunts the podium ror lbe first time. hfore than c1 third of that sum Is already-in Crusade co(. fers. All th~ slatis~cs are, crusade leaders stress, merely supplementary to the one vii.II statistic: the hoped for 500,000 believers w h o wUI Dock to Anaheim Stadium during the 10 days in which Dr. Graham will preach a message he last pi'eached in Southern California six years ago. ·~is appearance at Los Angeles Coliseum drew nearly a million persons during four weeks of Graham's unique ministry. · · ,Many of Dr. Graham's worker s, both staff and volunteers. believe that the North Carolina evangelist at- taches ·a parttcular Im· portance to his Anahelm crusade. None of the cazn. paigns he has waged during more than 20 years of worldwide preaching ha.I can. ed for greater preparatlon than this Southland . Crusade, some say. Perhaps the most powerful backing for their argument comes in the ronn of a decision recently made by "Mrs. Billy Graham. The quiet, unassuming wife of t h e evangelist recently astonished all connected with the project and many who weren 't by an- nouncing that she would speak in support of h e r husband'• crusade juM 11 day1 before 11 opened. It is an a1mo1t Un· precedented move by Mrs. Graham. She hu made It a practice over the yean to re. main w Ith the coople's Ove children and three grandchildren In the Graham home at Montreat, N .C. It Is only rarely that &he has broken with that tradJUoo and most of thoee occasions wrtre ln the early years of Grabam.'1 Cruaades. "That's what thl1 Crusade mean1 to the Grahams," a volunteer commented. "lf the, a ahy, reUring persoo can do aa much as that then we can &Ive 1 few hours extra to thlt a:reat cause." Another first from Newport National Bank SATURDAY TV BANKING SATURDAY TV BANKING IS CONVENIENT AND EASY . ' - Banking M Saturday will be an added convenience at Newport National Bank for people who missed banking during the week, or When emergencies arise 21nd extra cash ls needed.Just drive up to our unique , Mts; lV Drive-in screen on any Saturday and, alter pushing the button, one of oor television·selecl~ tellers 'lil1l cash checks, accept deposits, make wilhdr.iwals on savings accounts, accept loan l>OYITl""l-. issue money orders and even open neWaccounts. OUrspeciallVhosteoseswill serve you and your family refreshments and show you haw to operate thelV Banking. It's convenient, fUI) and very·easy. Saturday TV Banking can make yoor Ille a Utile more pleasant. 11• ----------·-·-.\ (.".._. "NtWPORT ,,.. '\ ' · NATIONAL -'· \ ' , IJ \ ;;.~~BANK ~,4 , / -----..... ~ /. ... "' __ ./ at these loCations only IN fULURTDN SIJNlff HIUS OfACE • -rt Blot • 871·7290 UHIVEllSllY OfflCE • E>st Ctiapman rt Sule C.l~p • 879-4MO IN NEWPORT BEACH WtSTCUFF. OfflCE ·;Wesl<liff 11 Dover• 64ZJlll SATURDAY lV BANKING IS AVAllABLE BETWEEN JHE HOURS OF 9:00 A.M. AND 1:00 P.M. Alloopan fN<ry d'1tiU5:00 -•nd6.'00,,... ori Fridays. ' . • • ... " .. ;,-, .-r . -. •• ! • • • --, ' I .. • •• • Commen•. Page ... • j •• ' ' . • • • . . . . .. . . .~ • • • • • • • Communal Living )lack in .P opril~rity I ' I I " :• '" • . ' • • • • Hippre s R edis cov er Bac·k Country By BELEN II. SllAl'FER J:4ltartal ~ ReporU 'Ille communal llvil!C movemen~ which ll*•ned-ol UtUe utopias across the United Slates during the ltlh Century, fl hl'ltng a CtµiOus re\rlval In the troubled late 1960s! Even· more remarkable are in· cllcaU01111 that eelta1n a.pecla ol the com· munal Jivtng Idea .may be taking root at last in American society. The blpples are largely n•pooslble !oc reintroducing the communal llvln& priDo ciple into the popular consdousDesl. l'nlctlcall1 evuy America koows now tllll lbl -blppie -whllloftr be . ' bu wtlb olher hippies -food. clolbklc. pad IJld pot. The MO\'ement may have paased Its peal; and maJ1Y ol the phony hippl., have gone back home to the sub,.rbs. But there remain a number of genuine flower children who continue to live com- munally not for reasons of convenience and economy, but because they consider it a superior way of life to living a in- dependent indlviduals or as separate family unlta. 11llS SUMMER many have taken to the hllll IJld Ibo --.. -they are trJin1 to esteNlsh new comD1lUlJl . commUnltles ~ reach ol un!rielldlT F•mi)iar Bing? Just a Few Words About Vietnam Editor's Nott: After Secrttl1T1J of Def.,... Laird f<«llllf declaTed 'that .. we ~ Wtainlt1 turned the cornn fn Ul.e war," editorial page editor PWlip GeyeLin of the Washington Port dls~d the statement as "a tOorUi.r addition. to any compilation of 719ftWar VittMm Quot.a:tiom." Gttl" ella f.Mn toeftt on to list some of the otM:r famoua quotations made about VMtncm ift rfM· la.rt 15 titan· Ris m1icle ap~artd before Prutdent Nimn last week described the 10m" • ai possibly "one of America's finest hoKrs, btcaUSe we took a difficult t 4 s k and we succeedtd'' -another quotation wlde1' mav join' futtir1 com- pila.tiom. G1111lin'1 Ust follo1DI: ". . . We haw reached an important pint )'hen the end betlfns to eomo Into •w.r ... The _,,,bu llUID1 problems: . • lie Is looinC <Ullrol ol Ibo ocallend -_Jatlon -bis hdh...... • • • "" .... the .u..,,ui ol hla -llltadll1 declining •••. Bil .....,.. ol!- hue been failiires. He was dealt a mortal blow by the installation of a freely elected representative government ••• the enemy's hopes are bankrupt."'-Gtn. W.,tmorelaad, Nov. Zl, 1N7. .,,_,.We have never been tn a better rolative positioa."-W.,lmonlaM, April 11,i.. . " .• , We are generally pleased ••• we mt very sure we are on the right track," -Pretldeld Jollftaoe, July U, 1M'7. .. 1 "P.rogress bas been made,,. We have pmhed tbe enemy farther and farther In- to the jung1es ••. We have aucceeded in •ttalning our objectives."-Gen. -... land, Jaly "· 1167. ••1 npect the .•• war to achieve very · MDl&tkml results 1967."-Ambuuder 1.oqe, Jn. I, 1167. .. We are beeinning to see 1CXDe signs of. ' , ' 111r:OeU • • • 1bere Is an erosioa of ·'I (!!llllDY) morale.''-Secre~ ol -' i: :a.i.. Aflg. 1$, !Ml. : r,, "We have &'lopped lo!llng t b t •: ,,.._ .. -&cretary ti Ddee1e M.cNamua, ': Odotler, 19'5. ' ~· ... , , We are not. about to tend I Am<r!can boys nine or ten thouaand mDes from heme t.o do what Asian boys ~ought to be. doing for • J,hlrnse1ves."-Presldent Jobasoa, Oct. 111. llH. •1'· ~~_:r.:,.:.~:a~,:' ~ens:! Jiii, . -''I UrinJc the number (of U.S. personnel) In Vietnam is not likely to increase IUbltantially."-5ecretary of Defeme McNsmani, May lf, lMC. ' ... , • The Vietnamese ••• themselves can handle this problem primarily with their own effort."-SecrtlarJ of Staie Ruk, Feb. U, 1114. ''The United States still hopes to withdraw lb troops from South Vietnam by Ille end ol 196S."-Secrelary ol I Ddeme McNamara, Fe~ JI, 1"'- "I am bope!ul "" can bring back ad· ' , dltlonal ••• men ••. because I personally believe UU. la a war tbe Vietnamese mwt fight. I don't believe we can take on that combat task for them."-Secre&ary of Defense McNa.mU'B, Feb. 3, IMC. HVictory • , • la just montm away, and the reduction of American advisors can begin any time now ••• I can safely Ill' the end of the war i!. in sight." -Gen. Paal D. Hutbn:, commaoder ol tM MtUlary At-Commud la Sllpo, Oct. II, ua. , "Secretary McNamara and Gen. (Mu· well) Taylor reported their judgment that the major part of the U.S. military task an· be C<llllplel.ed by the end ol 1965. ••. »~Wld&e SOUN 1talema&, 0cL I, ua. "I feel we 11hall .chleve vidory in JIM. "-Tram Vu Done. leatll Vlei.. -_.i, Oct. 1, 1Jll. ..... South Vietnam ii C11 tta way to Wl&cl'y o o •II -l'ndiertid: &.. Nollfng, U .S, •m•111der tt ~ Viet:um, Jut u, 11161. ''The South Vietnamese themse1ves are fighting their own battle, fighting well. "-Secre~ ol Stale Rusk, April 1163. "(The struggle) Is turning an bnpCll'tant COl"l'ltr."-Sectttuf el State B • 1 k, Mln!k I, ltu. . " .•• 'Ille -bu ddlnltely been turned towaro v1c1«y 1n South Viet- nam. "-.VU.. Sylvel&er, A I I I It•• t Semll1J "lid-, -.. 1Jll. ''There are de!lnllely . enoouraglng elementa • • • the ratio of cuualtiel ••• lndlcatel IOll\e turning In the aitua- tion. "-Beenmy If Sta&e Bat, Felt.. 1, 1111. "The war In Vietnam Is fOlng well and will succeed."~ McNuun, Ju. I~ llU . ". .. The Soolb Vietnam.,. ahould achieve victory bt three years ••• I am confident the Vietnamese are &ai:nl to win the war. (The Viet c.r.g) l.,e In- evitable defeat."-Adm. Harry D. Ftlt, U.S. ~r-hl.Qdel of P ld!k: Fwces, Ja. U. 1111. ~ • E v e r y quanUtalive meaaurement allows we're winnina the war.,, U.S. ald to Vietnam baa reached a peal; IJld will start to level off."-Secrelary ol Dd- McNamara, ltU. "The. Commimlats now realize they can never conquer free Vietnam.".....Ga. J, O'Dulel. o!Ddal mllllary aide to Vlel- aam, Jan. a. 1111. u . • • 1be American a.id program in Vietnam bu proved an eoonnoua IUO- ceas, one of the major vidoriel o( American policy ••. " -Gu. J. w. O'Dulel, ollldal mllllary aide to Viet- nam., Sept. 7, IMI. "Wtch a Utile more training the Vlet.-- namese army will be the equal of 1111 other anny •• .-BecretarJ ti U.. ArmJ Wilbur Brucker, Dec. 11, 1115. ·"I fully expect (onl;y) six.,.... monll!s of hard fighling"--Gen. Navam., Freacll commadtr-ID-ch1d1 J1.11. l, 1154. pollce, maroudlng tbup, botbel'IOl!le "plaatlc hippies," IJld lawtlnr -· PrimlUve communes have been formed In the Bil SUr aru ol Call!omla, the mountain areas of nortbem New Medco, on stretches of rural land in the northeastern states and eJJewhere. The e,..nual poini.ot oommunal living b: that all members .of the group pool their earnlnga .or other reacurcea, aha.re equally in the work of maintaining their community, ~ share equally in the ,_ and senlc:a produced by all Like the typical colllll(ww colOll)' ol the past. btpple communes in tbe.back country are ol!On held ~U!er by • myatic ...,. of brolherbood. At Ila root la a common belief that man can uon::lle the demons ol acqulgl!IV<nea -.and cunpeUUveness from his nature. WILDERNESS· con d 1 t Io DI have modified the lilpple atUtude toward work and rules; 'lbe commune founder11 must hew woocl clear lllld, plant IJld harv.,I crops, build shelters. They have learned the neoe!Slty ol eelta1n diactpllnes; the assigning· of jobs. for u:ample. A '"Work· ing anarchy'' is the way ooe hippie dncribed blJ nrra.1 commune. Not all rural communes have a hippie consUtuency. Of dlsUncUy different character ls Twin Oaks, a 123-acre communal rann community in Loolsa, Va., purchased by its founders in June 1967. The main in- spiraUon of Twin oaks comes from the behavioral science$. Specifidally, its member11·have &et out to test the design for a utopian llOdety that wu oet !or1h by the Harvard psychologist, B. F . SkJn. ner, in his novel, "Walden II." Skinner, who incidentally took no part in the Twin Oaks enterprise, portrayed a communal 110Ciety which .not only p r o 1 p e r ed economically but succeeded in con· dlUonint its memben to live fully and happUy, without rancor or ambltion for power. Twin Oal:s advertlles for c:oowrU, hoping that at leaat 1,000 penom will want to try a way of Ufe that promises "no rules to enforce., no persmal eom- peUdon, no money to be -aed, and no glory or power to be gained by any Bingle individual." The community puts out a newsletter which has a prevailing tone of good· humored optimism. The colony, is st.ill poor but is building ror an expaoding economy. tt ,supports'"-it!elf at pretent m.ainJy by ~ food for its own table, by m..nufacture or rope ham· mocks, and by donations. BACK COUNTRY teUlements !re not the only·manUestattons of lhe communal llvtng movement. Perhaps the nearest thing to a wave of the .fUlure in corn· munal living ls the smd group that llvet as a family, pooling tncome and sharing the wort, in a ltnlle house or apartment. TbiJ new-ltyll urban com· mune rarely hu more than 15 mem· hen and usually tnclUda seve.nl couples, somelimM with cblldren. The new tmlll !nedom bu played a part in the powtb ol url>an communes, u has the trend away fr~ campus llv· Ing by unlvenity etudenls. T h e I r establlshm<olt appean lo be one pbaae of the youth revolt taldna place In many parts ol the world. A growing commune movement baa been reported among young people In ""'*· especially In Weot Berlin, Ille Federal Ropubllc of Germany, In -llaly IJld in Scan· dinavian countries. JOINT AcrlV1TY In a particlllar pro!· oct, which may l'IDl(t from putting on puppet llMoa to polilical -Is often the unifying factor In the urbln com· mune. But the maj«' motive appean t() be youth's search for a new and more humanly saUsfyin& way of life, one in wbk:b troubled Youn& people can shed their lndivldualisdc hanf-ups a n d possibly transform BOCiety by transform· Ing Ille Individuals In II. Comunmal living in the United States is atlll vrry much a fringe mo\"ement. But llOclolollstl point out that changes in IOclal values of the. larger com- munity often originate with a fe\v who rebel against the pre"vaillng norms. If the present movement persists •nd spreads, some form ol communal living may weD become a familiar e.letntnt rather than an oddity in the social struc- ture of the nation. .-----------O.r Mall f,. Sa ll f'rancfuo ----------· ; IF HE CAN SO CAN A PELICAN By llEU c.u:N • SAN FRANCISCO -At for Lomar llunl'• propoeed 11&.ft. ...... .. Alcatru. the belt,.. can A1 for ltll lhal it can only mab Tr-ICil'• pyramid loolc better. 'Ille -around Ibis comer haJ been pretty Venomou11: however, mOlt SUQeSUon• for vertical emp)aoement ol the tow.r ...,. blsbl;y Impractical, oo per!Japo S. Y. lhavJd simply NY to Mr. llunt <'Thanb' but no lhanb" •• , Alutna baa ~ been for the birds - opecilicoll)', 1>f]Jcau -wl1J not clvt 11 bock to fhtmT IOio bis olflce lo al1llOIJllC< "I wlsb lo be dlllolvecl" • • • This historic etop alici maru the tnd o1 that aomellmes plduresqot fiiure on the California _,., the py divorcee. "Will she be known al a dia&ol.vee1'' lnqutru Winter. An awkward word. but aW1 better than a ''dWolute." MAESTRO Arthur Fiedler otumped the cr~w at Jack's Monday by order- ing "A thin staut" -a favorite drink of hi1 that tuma wt to be half Guin- n"' and haU Coors and not haU bad. . . . Uke the late Sir n>omas Beecllam, Fiedler objecta to women mlllld1n1 tn hiJ on:hesVa IJld ror the ~T-! "II tboy'n pr<Uy lbeJ bother the other mus~ and Ir they 're not pretty,' they bother me." T1IE VELVET-GLOVED threat: Lloyd Clas, overnlg!lllnC at the Royal Palms in Bakersfield, wu amused to rind Ibis 11iJ1 on the TV In bis r<>on" "Please call office to d1sconnf.ct IJurClar alarm be!oce moving TV ael.'' AUDRAE DIJCKWORTll, -" at Alherton'a Cote d'AJllT, demanded an llemi...t bill artor a !SCI charge from 'her auto mechanic, ud rot Jt. as loll<""' '110 !or pllllJ, Ill !or poinlo, ~ to kiss it end make ll well.•• NEWSMAN PAUL AVERY was right behind them on llltlhway IOI and recordecl the entire actn<: 10 kids jammed in a rt.a.Uon wq:on driven by lladd1, wtlrlnc I T-ablrt and guallnf a can ol btet, wb.lch he toon chucked out onto the lhoolder. The Chev's bumper &trip: "Allolher F 1 mi I y Apinst Crime!" ' 'I STOCK POND ON LEARY RANCH IS WHERE 17-Y EAR-OLD LAGUNA GIRL DROWNE D' Mountain Hideaway Has Had 111 Trwl>IH lul Dthtr Raaldonll Say Thay'ra Good Nal1h"':.1 Leary's Mountain Pad 'Like a Family,' Says One Remaining R esident By DENNIS TRISTRlM Rlvlnld• Pres1·Ellle'1"1M 1111 an ruined now -for . & "'1hile ' ' anyw~. ~ They thought that in the l!lOWllliN they would be free to find peace· and to escape the city. It would probably have worked, eicept one of their members-a parUime, looee- ly assodal.ed one -happened lo be nam- ed Timothy Leary. Leary ls a name well known to police because of drug arrests and its long associaUon with LSD and o t h e r hallucinogenic chemicals. Further the name belongs to a · man who is not known for personal modesty or reluc· ta.nee to speak his mind in public places. MOST RECENTLV, Leary haJ been in Riverside answering charaes ol con- tributing to the delinquency of a minor and possession of dangerous drugs. His connecUon with the Brotherhood of Eternal Love ranch near Jdy1lwtld and the death of a 11.year--0ld girl there July 14 and the more recent death of a 26- year-old raneh resident brought the law and the public into the mountain fastness. The isolated tranquility the ranch residents bad sought there was diMolving into the clear mountain air. LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS swooped into the valley on night raid! and made drug arrests -there have been no convictions yet -and newsmen came with cameras and microphones and a few days laler most of the residents had fled in fear and fru stration. "We just want to be here and be left alone and have peace," says Barbara, one who remains. She was sitting in a sandy open place between a lavender painted barn and the ranch house. A half. dozen collie-type dogs meandered aboul A white rabbit slipped out from beneath the barn door and the dogs chased tt and tt dodged back be.neath the door. A breeze ruffled a stand Of rich green com Jn a fenced vegetable patch adjacent to the barn. Four-year-old Mandy sat in the dirt between Barbara and Santa, her mother. "People come up here and expect that we're weird,11 Barbara was sayina. "I don't know what they think we are. Peoo- ple get horrible ideas about what we're doing, but we would just like to have our privacy respected." "We're trying to create a better world for our children and the only way we can do it is to take them out of the cities," aaid Santa. Before the trouble started, berore the police began their raids and kill the men and women and children running from their tepee summer homes in rear Of ar· rest, things went,. well in the 11).aere valley. It Is five miles by dirt road from Highway 74 to the ranch. It cannot be seen until 1 visi tor has tra.veled more than half that distance and opened MV· era! locked gates and t>ounced and jounc- ed ever the badly malntalne.d, narrow road. IT TS KNOWN as the Fob.. Ranch, natnfll aftt Ray Fobes of Hemet wbo liv· td there 1tveral yean and railed bolJD. tiful c•bbage crops. Tho rich sol! now p<ovldet the Brotherhood members with 111 the vegelables they need. They have one Brahmi buli and one mlllt CO!'· A haH• d.... hon.. Ind ponies ll'U• In I meadow below the birn and the hillaide where the six tepees are pltched. It is not a commune, said the women. ''I've alway& thought of it as a family," said Barbara, The· -family is joined together in the Broth«'bood church. Two years ago, in Laguna. Beach, the r amily got together and began plannJng fer a ranch. They ope.ned an irt store and tho proceedl from that llOre .... payin& ror the ranch and provtding , what little cash is neated! Also, said! tba ..,Olllf!I, they have tfiends, some of them wealthy, who dooate money wben. it is needed. A little more than a year ago they purchased the ranch and went to live lbm. Thert have never been more than 330 persob.,, men, women and Children, living al the ranch. U ii not open to just anyooe either. \ THE COMMUNITY is primarily one or couples and families. Single perSOlll are not. encouraged to stay because, Sanla eald, "They don't feel comfortable around the couples." Ages of the residents range from late teens to late 20s. One child, Full Buck Moon, was bom in a tepee there lut week. His father who delivered him, col· lapsed at the ranch and died ln a Hemet hospital last Sunday. Authcl'iUu au.sped hallucinogenic mushrooms. There are no llrict rules in lhe valley. The commmlity work! because lls members have 1 common philOISOphy and motivation, said Barbara. "Oh. we've had arguments and disagreement.s, but they're always work· ed out. Underneath we always knew we loved each other. All it takes ia a com- mon goal and we have that -to live ck>se to nature and live oU the land and love the land." A yellow pickup truck growled along the hillside road and pulled into the sandy cpen atea. An aged cowboy and rancher, Jim Wellman, got out and gave the women 1 carton of ci&arette.s and other store-bought items. HE WALKED with Santa to the vegetable patch and they picked an armful ol or1anicaU1 grown ccrn and squash and other vegetables, and put them in tbe pickup. Wellman hu been 1n the mountains since l!f01 He runs utile on his laod wilicb adjoins the Brotherhood ranch. "I get along fine with these people" he said. ''Tbey'rt good nelghbon. T think ~ you mat people like you like to be treated yourself you pt 1lon1 most anywhere." Tbe Brotherhood could rllae cattle on the 300 acres they own er lease sur- rounding the valiey, but they do not because "we don't believe l:n killing animals for meal" A comequeoce is · they must i>urchue canned dog food for tbclr numerous dop. 'M>e anlmals cannot IUl'Vlve on vegetables u their masters•CaJJ. But, as in other areas of conduct, there 11 nil TUle against eaUng meal A member may lri!Ulge IJld Ille whole "!arnil7" baa on hoUdq occuk>ns. THE BROTHERHOOD ttllgloo is T1olsm, ICIDtthli\I attn to Buddhism, lr.- volving Yoe• IJld meditation, <>p!,in.d Barbara. 11 II not Chrlltlon, bill tbe members do celebrate Easter and Cbrl111mas and other rdiclous holidays. Thm are ~-ol Chrllt In aome of lhe tepees and 1 picture of Moses w1th the ten commandmenla tn Ibo ranch home, whleh serves as a community meeting house and di!l1ng rodm. Barbara and Sanla do not consider. themse!ves hil?Pies. "Wh!t ls a hlpple?" she asked, '"Ibat'• just a name they call people' with Joni _hair. I've just abfays thoogbt ' of myself as a perscn." Before they came to , the ranch, Barbara's husband was a ~puier pro- gramrper in the Navy. Sp.nla's .waa a barber. . Be[Gre Junet.o before ~ "trouble with the law startec, a visitor 'f'ould park at the ranch house and holler a htllo and "people would just ma~ from everywhere," as one frequent ranch visitor said. ' • On a recent Friday lhert waS only San· ta a~ Barbara IJld abother woman IJld Santa s daughter, Ma.tidy~ Md her baby daughter Capala who, is namtd after th@l lake in Mexico where htt parents we.re staying wheo be.r father delivered-her. THE MEN we~~ _'jln the hill.s,",aaid the women. The omers were gone. Thi tepees were tmptY. A few would come back to collect thtlr things, the women said, but they would not slay. Because ol the ilrouble IJld ~ police residents are leaving the ranch for the winter. Only a lamib' or two wtD stay to act as caretaken. Tbe others will return In the· oprtng. They hO!JO by then their blddm llttle valiey wtli have been !oreotleD by the world. They will try •catn. In the apring, when the snoWJ have IO'lt and the several !pringS .,.. runnln& full IJld putt and llio ice is off the stcct pond wbere ~ swim. They Will replant their garden and try again to l;>e len alone, to ~ their; peace in the Isolation Of the mountains. "We just want lo be farmer!"," &aid Barbara. "W~ just want to do .what 10 the ot.ben: in these mouqtains do, to live off the land and ht farmers.,,. She walked to the ranch house to prepare r&int tea. Santa went lo pick vegetablt1 In the garden. Mandy alayed alone with the viSltora. SHE LOQUD quiulcaUy up a! ..,. ol them, a pmzle on her ,untamed !see aur• rouned by blond hair. "Are you guys copst".lbe. asked. "Oh," Ille said bl18htly, "theft yoo'ro our friends ." , Barbara came to the door d the rancti house 11 'the vtslton began to drive away. ., "I'm IOn'Y;' 1be said. "lt's,,Mhing peraonal, but plea!f: don 't come and: visit us any more. Please tell people not to come here. We just want to be left~~ Do you under!tand?" 1 She Urted her right hand in 1 tent1• wave. Her fact was sadly 1poloa:i!tic, Two fingers of the hand Lhat waved were eatendecl, !onnjnc a v. It waa tbe' 11p Of peace. ........ iiiiiiiil.- S& I "rdf~· Augu.st ·16, 1969 The Comnieat Page of tit• Dally PUqt seeks to inform and •lil!'wlate readers by presentihg a variety of com. ment.art on tqpics of inter• est and significance from infonned observers a n d spokesmen. Robert N. Waad, Publlshor •• . . J ' \ • " 1· ' ! ' • ' •• 1· ' ' • • . -• ~ ' _,___.... .. _............. ----~ . ---• ML MUM , " Boro•co ' ' Lib : Rave Ftrlth . I I I , DAILY 10.10 SUNDAY 10·7. In 0 , ~udgbient LITTLE BOYS' OXFORDS ' I Sun. Only! SUNDAY AUGUST 1ii\ ' open. Accent continues OD Grained v l n ~I oxfords in basic friendships. black or brown, for 11chool . , By SYDNEY OMAJ\R CAPRICORN (Dec U.J or dress. Long-wearing sol~ • . • · . an. SI.us 8% to 3. Jus t gay. 19): Review a m bl t.1 on s . "ChaJ'ie It" al Kmart. Realize co-opera.lion with one !tEC'REAnON HINT1 1 Fine in auu,orlty Is a necessity. for party featurillg ~&ht Diplom&cy, consideration pave . dea1ntiou ad music. lel'\'e deUcacles. Mab. every tffori w~y to greater presti.ge. Know to brtnz comfort lo olhen~ Key tb1s : respond accordmgly. 11 chmn and J .. U.:.. \ . AQUARIUll (Jan. 2G-Fe~. ARIES (March Zl·Aprll 19): 18): Look ahead. Perceive litend ·bridges. Apologiu1, if future-. need:S· Keep com· necessary, to one wbo Jtves m~atio~ lines clear. Call, you but has been hurt. K;s special delivery messa_ge cooJd maturity and regard for fu · e contain needed mate~al. Lee· security. Domestic adjust t ture, wo~ from wJSe man appe.ars necessary. help you fme yotmelf. TAURUS (April 21).May 2l): PISCES (Feb. Ill-March 20): :!97 Comp. at 3.99 I Avoid extremes _ inclu~s Inv~tlgate. Delve In~ areas atatementa u we!J as actiods. previously restricted.. Throw Some neighbors, assodatb off fear. Frank d.lseusston 1fl:lh may try to bait you. uuu,e mate, pa~ner clear~ the •ll'· power of reslraint. This will Money_ situation Improves. &ave embarrassment _ and News ts favorable. maybe money· IF TODAY JS Y 0 U R GEMINI (May 21.June 20): BmTHDAY you .have knack S-PC. PLASTIC ASSORTMENT Demands from loved ont!d for making c_omebacb -Sunda9 Only! could be cosUy. Be considerale ~:tll_!_~~ 1!~te:1ch8:8"ge Select 20.qt, utility tub, l- b u t avoid extravagance. Et-"'J._. . bu. laundry basket, was~ ~~needs. Heed innfl' for beUer. U mngle, you could bukt.l (17.qt.l. Many l'ityles voice. bcfwhat iii tf@:ht. 1bffr· ·be headed for a1tar. · and color1 to coordinate wot r Isome situ at i om To 11nd out w11a•1 k.l~v for vt1J Jn with decor, evaporates. :=;,,'":1s~ 0~1~';. r:"r~:J ' Womtl\," Send blrllldllt •lld JO Oltlta CANCER (J 21 "" -) nl Orro1rr AsirolofJ' Ste,_,.., ft)lc DAjCV une ..... wy ... : PILOT, "°" :i::i•. Gr•"" Cmt!'1I ·f• Some evenla:, persons of past 11o11. New Yorll. N.Y. 10011. may reappear. Don't permit sentiment to cloud judgment. What is fmlshed should remain so. li1essage becomes clear as you become 191lcal. LEO {July 23-Aug. 22): Be versatile; emptiaslze originali- ty. New contact could be rruit- ful . KnoW tJtjs and respond ac· cordlngly. Deal with .Teens Win Prize for Hot War neighbors, relaUves. Creal Two local teens have won a a.Uy ls sense or humor. grand prl7.e far a Jot of hot air. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Wendy Piccard, 14, daughter Fine for attend.Jng exhibit con· of ?-.1r. and Mrs. Don Piccard, taining objects which you ad-N e w P o r t Beach sport mire, collect You are balloonists, and Chuck 2i97c Rl!IJ. 7 7c .,._ especl.ally perceptive today. Eckmeler, 14, son of Mr. and You aetm able to gen.se: trends Mrs. William Eckmeier of -and you can s e I e c t Costa Mesa, won the Ward something of value. van Onnan trophy In the tenth aMUal Model Hot Air LlllllA (Sept. ™Jct. 22): Balloon Contest sponl!Ored by Cycle continues high ; you the Wlngfoot lJgbter Than AJr make discoveries of value. Society, of Akron, Ohio. SPECIAL FOCAL 7x35 BINOCULARS Have faJth in your own Jud&· Wendy and Chuck put their menL Don't permit those of model together · in the loft little faith to discourage you. where the Plccards asae.mble You C<llld ha ve significant their large balloons. It was gp\rltual experience. made of plastic 25/1000 of an SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. II): lncli thick. and painted black to absorb the sun'• heat and Beinl alone could enable you make It rise raster. to stnll!ht.n tboogbf>, emo-tions. -Oet to know younelf. Then they malled the Yoo may be seeing penions, balloon to Akron, where it wu situations through rosHoiored tested by contest judges. glasses. Take time to tNnk. The Grand Prize, for the greatest total c:umulatfve Ume S.tGmARJUS (Nov. 22· aloft, was the first won by the Dec. 21): Day CQUld feature team. It was the lint balloon pleuure. Company of loved they ever made, too. one revitalizes you. £$Pl'ftl The trophy-and the balloon desirts. You can make aolkl are belng mailed from Akron gains. Key is to be {rank:_~ck to Newport Beach. ' I I See by Today's Want Ads e THAT . •IT'S e DIMI eA e LINI Reg. 16.BB 1088 Ideal for all summer sporting events. Charge ill • •• • • .. 2-GAL GOLDEN ARBORVITAE 222 Reg. 3.33 Sunday Only Great buy for htdges and corner decoraUon. .. -- ....... Allllll 16, 1969 DAILY 1111.0f. ~ COSTA MESA ONLY ' 1 l BOYS' JEANS 99~ Reg. 1.66 Sizes 6 thru 14. 100% Cotton 5 pockets weslern Jean 11 ... -. ~ SUNBEAM, ELECTRIC ALARM CLOCK J94 Rl!IJ.-2.67 Easy to read dial : Sweep Second Hand. 10" TEFLON~ COATED PAN Sundell Onl11 f J37 Reg. 1.77 Aluminum West Bene! fry pan I.a unsUclcable and eaaUy waahed. No tat ne-eded to fry. Save! JADE POCKET RADIO Sunday Onl11t Reg. 4.38 . Thia neat portable radio hi.I all the features of more o-penslve ones • • • earphone. cau, and a 9 volt battery. 347 21 " x 34" RAYON PILE THROW RUG 73~ This fine n1g has fringed ends and latex backing. Green, gold, rose, red, roy .. al and morel ANTIQUE VINYL JACKETS Reg. 3.97 2 22 Sizes • 10 thru 16 Color•· Blue, g~n, brown. • • .... ~ • BOX OF 200 l ACIAL TISSU£S Su1111&1 Oaa11t Reg. 2 for. 4Je 2131¢ Ktnart.'1 own box of 2-pl:v -II to1t 6 ablorbent. Pure white. FEDERAL SHOTGUN SHELLS Sunda" Oul"t Reg. 2.02-2.21 Available ln 12, 16. 20 and 410 cuage tar g e t. Color coded by suage for safety, Great far miall pme bunt- In&! J97 BEACON THERMAL BLANKET Reg. 3.74 Machine Washable, Comfort Without Welgbt 247 .. ~ ~-·-: .. -.... ....,.-;.,,,,,~ .......... ~ . .,..~·,.....,. .. . .. .. """" . .... ~ .-~~ ..... e DAYl • , 2200 HARBOR BL VD. ~~::~, 0~'1° COSTA MESA : · ~lorbcr • • ' ' " ' ' I , I I ' F~J!iily 'Cabana' .. ll SINESS MID PROFESSIOfll.A.L GUIDE · At Jt1' ;w,r fiiew . I -11 MATTllUSIS MATTUSSll • • Quedions •nd Comment By Horbcit View u...-..5 Prm r~• froiD !If 911$ to Ml'l'I · •-; ''°'~-.. --• ·-.~· ..... 1 .. "~ t ......... powlir;lit•.-t teac ... T t ......_ ......... , o..a.,_UfJ40... .·~~-dlof·-.....,.,1911 wllldl """" whlcll eiopillollet ·llCl"'loo ' -w -~=· [ ll1d prtvo<y Is lll~rolly ' 11• '1ile'lll.Jll.a,,·llM , rilh>llU ,;.y .,lrom lb• • LJbfrtY .to ff3 uOiber .Dill ...... la.[11~ Newport 1Conler ll1d ,Faahion ' u•.""'• y e .... ..S..eloi>loOnt If !I~ lllood lhoppln1 lnoll, the Un1·1,.:•;._~r;.;.....,._;o-....,._-i ' PIN·-""'""' -'ibe ~n-1 !(m!IJ 111 !JoljlGrnlo 111rv1oe, Rooltor . . Rindal McC.r<lle ' EJCpl•ht ••'-•nd leasebe<k. I know aomt other Mhtntmtn have sokl their profMrl'f and then leased tt •tall). never INvlng the building. But, I never re•ll)' uncle ateed how it functions. Why is it done? What are the 1-t.v.m~n of plllng and leasing back? Please give an tx•mp'•· H. S. R., Huntington 8tach The sale and leaseback technique has helped many a busineS1man. . ....,_111 o1 ·_,i.uo. e11, Corau...W Mor uip 5chool; 1 Meu U"""'..._ private !omlly recroolioa.clulo lheOraace'.C-Owi1¥Allpwtllld .., ·~' r.r,111e,nel1b~orbood '!o lhe l>t•ch<J one! morlnoJ ,ol Ubtmr M 11f ~.. . Newpon.Bta<L . , The club calltd'the 111....., Models.,. localed. llJford "" • .-.. ,... View Horhes cabana • ~ Road and M • c A "°' u r <. ' I , . Swim Club, hu been under Baulevord. Take lhe'Son Diego e CCMPUTlll'l'ISTIN e construction for the past sii «.Newport Freeway· to the lllOflths. Duffie Frylln(, •..i,. MacArthur Boolevard ollromp 'If N y J S ·T managu of ·Hort>or View Ind drive IOOlb to the coast. • 'HAl'PJNESS Homes wbo boa speal mony or lab the Col!t Hlchway and 1n1 . ,... in. the mlJ'Utina and lii!'11 north Cort MacArthur ..._ ..i.. o1 planned COIDDIWlluOs, Baulevtrd. Models.are "1 dQ. ~47•6+6.I For example, imagine an owne~ of property d.es1r· in&. to reJse capital ~expand his business: he can either PEACE, PRI VACY WITH A VIEW AT LAKESHORE HOME$., LAKE FOREST -focillly !'YI Mr ncb day. ''" caUs U. cJub "Jbe noestl~~p~lly~~lrom~~l~0~1~.m.;~tol~p~.m~.~~~-~·~: ·~-.~~··~~·~·~ uSe bis property es skurity for a ~oan, or h~ may sell ---------- tbe property Utereby con~erting its value .mt~ cas~. HOwever if he nteds the use of· the property m his bust· qe0s he 'will be :re\uctant lo follow the latter course. ~ow auppo1e be sells the property and then leases it 1 bac.k from t.Jie purchaser. In this situation he will be eqs4red of the continued <occupancy of the _property. In . effect he wil~ bt •hie to convert the value of the :eroper· ty. ipto the C&Jh lie need s and yet be able lo enioy the continued .use <ii the· property. Wes thaven Unveil~ 3 New Models offereed." -• ~;~::.'.ub~='i! YOUR PROBLEM: -== ho".:~: H~ncevt:! You want to' 1tll ti.me Item Homes. Family ocUvlly will • !hot you no lonter' neOd but center arouod a large outdoor ; somtoM ·•'* c1n ••-ftir · , S"'· n .. n;c Water·. y;n-t.. Olympic-olzed swimming pool. "NOT ' OiV ER $'5 0 1 "'"'° " HO IN A toddlers' wading pool la ·~-· • • Jaoo>t to lhe ~lg • pool. 7 7-? : ? 7 ? I Lakeshore Pro vides T)le sale and leasebacl< transaction has many ad· vaniages. For.the.buyer. l~lting for. a solid investment, it of4rs a uruque opporturuty. He 1s able to .purchase investpient property wilh a built-in tenant, the seller. Because the lease is executed contemporaneously with the sales agrttement, the buyer ~ll know exactly what his retLJni On bt1 investment wilt be. The complete tenns of the lease are set forth and agreed upon be· Hom.eowners in the alsoane~.cellep~"'.'~"li~~~t Ov.erlookihg the '-Px>llide YOUR 'ANs··w· ER·.·JL Lakeshore Homes at Lake from which to en]Oy watcf\ing arti is theoeU.1b'~s~4,008,sq.'ft. .' Introduction or three new couiitzy clubhouse. 'Tb e • 'h g Forest begin the day with cor-lhe children "'~. they,'re-on clubhou9e ii ·desigMd to serv~ • You call THE DAILY PI LOT, ask for !: models highllg led last un-fee on the deck, proving that a the wat~~,. ' ~ ' as the center of oelghorhood « Cla11ifiecl AdYertiaing, ancf placi • ~ day's grand opening of the water view refreshes whether Like other residents, Lake civic and social activities. The :! eighth unit at Weslhaven, you look at Jt or swim in it, Forest homewners belong to interiQr b spacious in dimen-PILOT builder -developer L a r r Y according to Lake Forest the Beach and Tennis Club, sion and provides a comfort- Shields ' popular community In director Warren Tuman. where instruction it\, ·s:wim-ah!~ lodgellke atmosp}»ere. In : t h e W e stminster-Fountain Toman said, "We P.lanned riiiiig and saililll ,.. well aa a ·addiUon ' ·to its · h~ly PENNY • fore close of escrow. 1be transaction also offers unique advantages to the iener. Fint, be will regain the use of 1.he money that he ha4 previously tied up in the property. Second· Jy he Is guaranteed the continued use of the property foi-the term of the lease. Rent that he pays for the u.se of the premises will , of course, be ded~ctible-, The ~ac· tor of deductibility of rent becomes 1ncreas1ngly 1m· portant as the owner exhausts his allowance for de· predation on the property. By transferring the propert y to a Dew owner, a new basis for depreciation is created Valley area. the two lakes for family use, full recreaUonal program is fucnllhed main 10\inge, the : Refreshments, including knowing that this really means available. c14bbouse building bousa'pri-PINCHER • roast beef s a n d w I c he s , the children. They can sail, All four of the Lakeshore va&e · sbl:Mers and drts11nc :: cookies, punch and · coffee fish and swhn, whether from Homes models, whether tWo, room areas for po;OI usen. ! were also served to all visitor.s their own private beach or at three, four or five bedrooms, Club facllitie&, :Fry Jit n 1 / CLASSIFtED AD ;: during the opening festivilie.s lhe Lake Forest Beach and have broad panoramic views staled, are reterved for the ~ through the. courtesy of lhe Tennis Club nearby. of the lake throygh· the gla"' exclusive .,. of Harbor View AT OUR $f'ECIA,~ LOW RA TE • Southern California Edison Co. "Thl fresh sparkle or the walled living rooms, as well as Homes resid~nts and their 3 2 2 : and O'Keefe &: Merritt. waler in the early morning, from the decks in the two-guests. The club is the newest ·.' LI N,E S 'y I ME:1 0 0 L L A R·S : in the hands of the buyer. Sa I e s a g e n t F r a n k and the calm and beauty at story Bayshore, Lakev~w and ~ty in .. muter plan for : ~1cFarland Sr., explained that ' day's end, give Jiving an extra Islander models. Basic prices ,lh'e nelghbQrbood, which also 1 ' AND YOUR CREOIT IS GOOD I • with the three new models,1 dimension. So we designed the begin at $30,995., • .,_includes the park and an . , 1 DI AL NOW f DIR.EC TI : You're a pilot; on an average day how many planes land and take fJff at Or ange County Airport? How do11 Ora"fl' County Airport rank in size compared to the OfMr C1Ufornla airports. How does this compare with LO. '""8oi;t lntorn1tlon1I Airport? buyers now have a choice or 18 two-story homes at Lake Lake Forest may be reached elementary school site. · • one and two,story erterior Forest with a broad deck that by taking the Santa Ana or _. Harbor View Homes: cur-6 4 2 S 6 7 8 • stylings and six functionally-opens out from the master San · Diego Freeways south tcP"'"'ttritly offers tWo, three, four ~ · • ·7 !: designed and fafully-tested bedroom suite -a place for El Toro Road turnoff,, ~D and,.._five-bedroom homes in <Tel ftM Mri CfliltfJ 140·1JZOJ ;: floor plans. Priced from -~pr~iv~a~cy~a~nd~r~el~a~xa~ti~on,~~·n~d~~lo~llow~lng~d~ir~ec~U~onal~~11~·gns';~~~~ion~s~.-~d~t~,..~olo~ry::.__!P~ilnB~.:]-~'t!!!!:~~~!!:!!!~~·~~~~!:''!:'!:'!:'~':!':!'!"!:''!:'!:'~'~';!':!'!''~'•· $31,095, homes at \Vesthaven :, 1 :1 " / -D. J.-Newpo rt Beach may be purchased under a ,_.# : ... number of financing pro-',. :.(I. Orange County now ranks as the SIXTH busiest air-grams, includina .VA, FHA · -·~ port in the nation as to the number of takeoffs and and conventional tenns. landings. . The spacious homes contain Those men in that control tower are busy! In' the three or foor bedrooms, with past tWelve months. there were over 550.000 takeoffs family room, dining room, up or landings rnade at Orange County -that is more to three baths and large lb Jj()(). d ... !· • master bedroom suites. All an every ay · . ·~ . < ·the homeJ feature the patio Mo,,st of the planes here are. light, SJ.!1:gle eg.-:1ne kitchen, with large pas. planp, & ~y of th~ tak~1ff&A-and landft!~s"'t'em'rded through windows COf\necting it are ltudent pilots making a touch-and-go. Therefore, to the built in hospitality bar sipce ~the two oper~tions are so different, it if.· ·.difiic~t on the patio. With the adjacent ~ ~robably unfair to compare Orange County with family. room providing access ¥s Angeles. -to the patio and garden area \. _Orange County air passengers run into the thous-by way of sliding glass doors, abds &nnually, while Los Angeles handles over twenty-the entlrt kitchen, family s4ve'91 million yearly. room and patio area may. be 1 • · · · , utlliJCd as a spacious en· EDTTb.Jt;S NOTE: Ra.11dalt R. ~fcCo.rdle is 01t investme nt tettaibmenl center for fonn'al anall}!t; prelident of the Real Estater1, a college lecturer, a or inf~nnal. indoor-outdoor director -0/ th• Califontia Association of Real Estate Teocli · cntertai_nlng. tr•, author of "Real Estate in California". Send your ques• . Location has al~o played an tiom,~nd comments to RctrtM.ll R. ~fcCardle, c/o tlie DAILY 1~~rtant. part m the ' con- PILOT_. ~ lS60 Costa Mesa 92626. l1nu1ng succeas at ~esthave~, ' McFarland added. Stutated 1n ¥oney Lenders. Hain pe r Trailer Develop ment? ~The finlnclaJ world's Jack of bowledge about mobile home pirk developfnent 1,1 part of the reuoa the U.S. tan ·1 meet Jij: hou.sina: needs, • &uthern Cf_IJ(ornla engineering firm president claimed this wee k. "Thia country needs 2.6 1111.llQlew rJeW houses each year, and mobile home parks could l"""idt abou1 600.000 lites a year," said Harry Huelnp, president of Walters add SOn of Newport Beach. "~l, Hastinp said. "finahcial . lnlUtuUons are . holding us bac~.· Hattlngs based his ltltimenta on the results of an 11t1 survey ol lenden. 1,. ?tplyine to the survey, repreaeo&aU-ves of financlal ln- Btitutiont admitted they do not hav' a sufOclent portfolio on mobilehome p a r k develop- ment. ,and lnd1cated an exact martcClt analy1i11 and economic ~ on investment has not yet been ~stabUahed for the .... illduatry. "As. a result," Hast.inp said, "mqll fmandal lenders automaUcally lurn d o w n ~O~ park developers for iolnl btcaule they are oot famlllar witll the charac- ....... " tho market ll1d tbdr pereoooeJ •re not ex· ....-... lll!J Cltld. •n ii olllllli 1..,...1b1< ror --'"'* developers ..... aie -lllltttst rate, u per -( ..... rate]," Hutlop 1114. A lrime rale c1tv.ioi-li!l<dt 11 lout lour clJor.tClerilllco IO qlllfy • ac-.,,,,.., .. ... -pany poljoloi: • I. Loni lorm -' 2. A ""'l:.:.-1, The -.... 4. Loan must exceed one million dollars. Because mobile home parks require a great degree of management, the interest rate to park developers is in· creased to abou1 9.5 percent, Hastings said the survey showed. "These institutions loan on the basis of availability of funds, not services rendered," Haslin¥s noted . Hastings said lhe survey st14?wed most , financial in· sUtutions J;iaven't investieated the increasingly important role being played by mo~ilehome park!; in meeting the nation's housing needs. ·~Mobile home coach sales are being slowed too.'' he ad· ded. Sales are not as fast as they could be because there are few places to locate coaches. Colleges Set Nig ht Oass Regtslratlon for fall night classes at Orange Co a s t College and Golden West CoJl~ge will start oo August II and continue through Sep- tember 2. Students can enroll from 6 lo 1:30 p.m. in Basil II . Peterson gymnasium at OCC and at the GWC CoUege Center Building. Re1istration wlll be held on Aug. 11 through 2t, Aug. 21 and SepL 2 by alpllabtilcal order. the heart 1of Oran ge County, the community Is within easy commuting distance or all ma· jor business ud industriat centers in the ~Southland, as well as the mani outstanding recreational ·areas, fronr the mountains to the ocean, by way of the nearby freeway. Westhaveh was opened a lit· tie more than three yean a,e, and has enjoyed much success since the beginning. When fully completed, it will etintain some 800 homes, together with a number of community' facilities, including a newly completed park, a school, a c:hurch and a complete shop- ping and professional center. In addlU<>n to the new com· munity park within the boun- daries of Westhaven, the development is opposite the Mile Square Park, being developed by Orange County. This s p 1 c I o u s recreattonal facility will contain num- erous sporting areas, ranging froqt an lft.lhole KOIJ course - which 'wa5 o~ to.the public last month -!to fOo(ball fields. baseball diamonds. t e n n i s . courts and many other similar racllitie~; picnic areas. lake~ hiking trails, and a number or shaded and wooded areas depicting the many varieties of trees, shrubs and o t h e r vegetation indigenous to the Southland . The model homes are open for Inspection daily and are ~luated in a parklike setting hdjacent to the strikingly designed Mediterranean sales and inlormaUon pavilion .. A completely equipped chlldr<n'1 playground ls next to I.he mod· el homes. Westhaven mey be reached rrom the Garden Grove Freeway by drtviilti south on Broolthurst, or from the San Ol~o Freeway b7 driving north on Brookhur!il.. ON fHE TUBE For t~• Wt tul4e +. ~t'• ••rp•11l1t1 011 TV, re14 , TY w EK -4ltftil111f.4 wllh tit• 51t11"''' fftti•• of fht DAILY 'llOT. •'lllv, Dill< • '"' .,...,.._i Student& with Jut. names A througto c .. glster AU(UJI II: °'1, Auguat 19; K-Q, AUR. 20 and R-Z, Aug. 21. Open re,i.tratlon Is ICheduled for AUf. 17 ond Sept. 2. !:::========I I .. . ' . • ' •• .. ~ -- Seawind~ 1 The homes that ~re changi~g ·th~ mjq'"ls · of a ·genera~ion:!,=~. Model Hours: 10:00 am to 8:00 pm I . . ' Seatoind is the bes! of both generations; young idf!AI like con.,ersation pits, high TJaulted ceilings """ wtt b.m. A!'d for the button down col[ar crowd, t ltgance, quality construction and a builder reputation that is unsurpassed. For, both; location. Art centers and cultural areas likf Newport ileach are minutes away. Shoppitog, legitimate theaters, surfing, boating and sun batl1ing art one minute from Seawind. 3, 4 & 5 Bedrooms • 2 & 3 Baths fro m 527,990 ' V Al~ Convenient ~ailcing; ' I ·r ... ,..._. ·--·"''"7' •---•---• . ., ..... • • • • • • .,., • • • • • •I •••• 4 • • •-·----· -• • D~ILY Pili!~ p n:~·~~,,,'C_. .,, •. ti , . . Hai-Cliff Bililding - 1 • • • f'.ir:m ~rganized ··. 1 .. Builders Enjoying Recofd ···:\lear1 ' Rec..t ronnaooo of HM. , a devalopment company b · Midqucrt.err 1'I •tllrU .h•beenannouncoil~y 111'11) ~.,llirth-,end <;ti(· f«d' Everman.1bolh ot 'wboift the two prlnclpala of tllo - --.-~­the ,home bulldioc'IBdullrJ la Uie: Sol.dh1and. • ' • Mr to the formatP, ;ot .... !"'Ir' Harclllf. Hinh ..... ._.,;. ble, ' .. • ~pOI cil u.e Hlnl>Ecloardi Bulldlnt' Co., " ·for 1Dle ~ 1of •P-~ly -u.~ oomng 'large lllXUry projecls; tw<dn units, comprisina: Slng)e,;ramify Santa Ana and one ln the city ~ detelbpmenis,'coo-L o(Otange. 1)e Santa AN pro- ilomlillwns iJfd other mu~iP,le-jects are the Colooy ll?lslol, a ~~:::'bas built se.verll , 274-Unil d4;velopmen~ expected th/iisand single family hoinu to be ...,pi.i..i this month, in the past years in Orah1e and the JM.unit Colony East I County, and has also devel· which will be: ready some time eped a num~r of haury. ap--in Octcibtr. The-'nl.Uon'• largest pro-Tllo WM thing appeon to !llisionai home building con-be happening In 1169. For the 'cerM ate ed}oylhg. the best, most ~ council members' aaltl In 1heir htmry W.. ,.ar dt3plle PlOWlUng problema ol sales lmprovemenls took plate light> uioney, tabor and code , in such mttropolltan areu as restraint&, a survey of Chic110, °'lroit, New York,. members o1 the , Council OI San FranclJco Washinltoo Housing Producers revealt, O.C, Dd IM Ange~itleS Making use ol sophiat!cl!ed that are targda of Housing approaches to' financing; Pro-and Utbao Dev et op men t ductlon, maikeHng· ahd o\ber Secretary George Romney 's fac\On of i their bus!Mss. Operation•Brtitthrough. Council · men.be!"! reported Macco Corp. of Newport greater volume in the first Beach, a subsidiary of Penn- half of lset 1han In the com~ Central . Co., was among the parable period of a year ago. most suceessf'Ul of the lS ''Outspoken and unlnfonned COuncil of ROUllng Produce.rs crlUcs ol the Industry are pro-members during this year's bably doing mote 'harm than first half. ' ' ' down, and that v.n•1 DUle rates in ·the ne1r future, etiber," he reJ.ort1. "At a rule, ooio ho's aced reall(y cin thees polnts1 the customer 11 convinced tbat there's no point ln waiting." In tbe opinion of Ben C. Deane, president of Deane Brothers, Inc. of N•wpoert Beech, m a n y prospective hom·e buyers have been Un· necessarily frightened out of the market by all the pulllicity that's been given the Ugbl· money suutalion. "We have plenty o f morta:age funds a v a 11 a b I e right now," &ays Deane. '"A quaJWed buyer will have no ti:ouble making his purchase ... He tM10n1 that ma ti 1 famili., wbo are now rentlnc will find their rtntt Increased u the wldU]lttad aportment shoriage worsen 1. "When people ruli20 th.al mortaage tenm really aren't out of line In comparoo\ to Increased rents, many of them will jump into the homebuying market,'' Lyon predicts. As for h1a own -company, Lyon reports lhat volwne was "pretty much on IChedule in the UrsL half," and thaL his financing ls covered by com· mltments throogh the end of 1969. -of rhe ~ 11\J de...,aed -·· .. .. .... when the credll mmcll WU much more~ U. *"'· ·~ Kaofl!'ae and llnlod'a uleo In Mly • ... J--"' .,peciallY "'°"' 1a u~ Northern Ca1lfllnlla a 'a.d Chlcqo .markets, 'breW ...., ded. ' M a ~p, CIWJICll memws I.ill year tuniad out, tO percent of the natloo'1 ~·. and ~ate-Income~. This colnprlaed I ' full 'jg ~· cent of their iotal produetkjn. This year, the 15 mtmtitr firmJ espect fD doubJo tlltlr total proc!uctlon In , lbt low- and mod er at e-·I DtOm>e.: field. artme.nt pr0jecla including 11\e Or11111e Squate,'ln the city• ol s.:unlt 'Loma ' 1Pallsades. in Orange repre1ents a uoi<[ue San Di<go . and the Sand P1Per cGricejit of aportment desi&n, 4n .Paliit. tlrpert. He .. w•-.llo as the 250 units whldf will ,jnvolved In. tho C<P.l/'Uc\joll of ~ em!IUally comprise ..-de- the · constralnll a n d im· ''We, did as .much busi~ pedlmeatl we now have," a in the first six monlhs of this counci.1 ipokesman said. "This Ye<41' as in all of 1968,'' says does not mun that we do not H. M. · Lasky. president of have to continue to press for Macco's residential construe. !Olutions, and• not just short· tion d i v i s i o n, Leadership term &0lutlom: to long-tenn Homes. "Thus far, our Ul69 problems. HOMver thinga are results are rjght in line with Deane Brothen. 1 suWidiary of Occidental P"etroleum Corp., enjoyed im· proved sales in the first half of this year compared to a year ago, And, Deane adds, "we're a litLle. ahead of °""· 1~. pro- jections so Jar this year." Kauwman and Broad, Inc., headquaetered in Loa Ang- geles, recently announced the best hal,f-year aDd secoDd quad.er in ita 13-year history.IJliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliii-iiiiiiii Sales in the first six monlh.! .,f\I this year were up. 66 percent over last year, reported Ell Broad, the firm'• chairman. Net income rose 75 "pi!ttenl , ~ .11!11 ~~1 . ·4nd . 'nlopment are plai>r"'1 •• a ' lTllllli.pleUnit · int.as ·1er.iesyof .individul, four-just ~ · u bed as.: crllics our prcjectiom." · ELDORADO CHIEF Wiiiiam E. Kant I .. W. E. Kent Eldorado · Sales-Chiet . Veg;s. ;. ' 1-aparbnent buildingl,tkleal for I Jlltsh. and ..,Eyerman cm-.. the owner-in'o!estor. Apart· ...,nc..t Uia~.Harclifl will be 1. ments 1wi!I• range In slu from priiliarlly cooe<rned with the .onel tor 't)lree ·bedrooms, and c1etei_.ni· ol apartment both , one. and two-story build- compleJes tbroug~ orang:e inp Will be available. Private Coonty and has already em· .bal~es and patkls are in· '8tj5ed1on a.muttt;fnillioo ~401. cludea apd air conditioning ""progr~ wiili ''19t 1Uftit.s sySternS head .the long list of q n d e r construct.ipn in thrte: luxury reatures in all units . would make them appear to Lasky concedes that some be." · prospective buyers are voici,1g In 196617,.when the housing concern over rising interest industry suffered a severe ra.tes and the resulting in· recession, members of l,he crease in monthly mortgage Council posted i:ecord sales payments. ·•1n most cases, and e.,-rungs and were able. to we're able to convince people· cope with the problems, the that prices are not going to go Council pointed out. prospect for reduced interest $lrong as the demand for houses Is at present, it will get even more intense around' the end of the year, in tbe opinion of William Lyon, president of Wm. Lyon · Development Co., Inc. of Newport Beach, 1 subsidiary ol American Stan· dard. Inc . "Although tight ll'Oll•Y and high i~est ratews will have an effect on the' totaJ number of dwelling units prod~cid in the U.S. th.is year, Kaufmari and Broad will not be af(ected by this national trend.'' Br~ said. ..Historically ew hilve been able to inCrUse ~ William E. Kent bas been named to the aewly ., crea&ed pool ol Eld0<ado Homes pn>} ect sales manaaer, of Mission • • • " " ,. Viejo. f In his new position, Ken • • will bear dveralt administrl· I tive responsibilities for t!f sales of Eldorado Homes, ttie fastest selling deveiwrnent in Mission Viejo. MacFarland In- dicated that lhis includes cu&. tomer relations, implementa! Uon of the option program and product recommendations to the marketing department. Kent thus will serve as liason between Eldorado cusiome and the company· personnel responsibl~ f o r designing. · bullding and delivtring Eldorado Homes. Kent, who has sold 294 Eldorado Homes sinct joining itission Viejo Co. 2'k years ago, attributes his success as a salesman to the "in. comparable values" available in the communlty. Previously, he had worked 4 ,.. for some of the largest real I 1 • • estate developers in the Mid , ~ " die West and California in a variety of saltll · and a~ 1 ministrative positions.-.:· · I . . . ' NA~~~~ead Call~' for Credit Curbs I r The 1...i.r, ol the home bulldinj indu!try has called for credit· cOntrols in order to provide·m~y for the housing America.~rately needs. Eugerk A. Gulledge. presi· dent of the NationaJ 1.Aissocia- tion of Hotfte Builder!, called on the A.dhtlnistrillion ani:i the CongresS lj) set up credit con- trols ii\ ot'der to dlStrlbute scarce ~t more fairly and spread ... more evenly th e burden of 'fighting inflatiOn. • • ' •; ~ I ' ' I INSIDE the,Hatbor View Home's setting is a com-OU.TSIDE, there'~,all the fun of living in Newport· plete village ncigllborhood. 0 It all begins with the Beach. The fashionable shops of Fashion Island are Wrltifl( in the NA•HB Journal . of Home!>Jldinfi, Gulledge said the nation 1s currently· experiencing i t s fourth c,ridit crunch ii the past 15 Years. Each time, he aaid, t~ •controls used have been selectne and the housing industry W been the fint and major casualty. In 1966. he pointed · ~ home building, which is .... 3.5 percent of all economic ~vtty, bore almost; ~ J>l!rc<bt ol the total cutbfc~ Jn lhei ·renttre economy. To create a bouslng shortage ill imelf inflllioinary, he said. ' homes. And they're something special. Start with minutes away. Sods the University of California at high beam ceilin~s and cozy fireplaces in the living Irvine. And Balboa Bay. And some of California's rooms. Gi> dn to formal dining rooms, private fam-most beautiful beaches. 0 If you know Newport, ily ro.oms, s'tep~savipg all-electric kitchens, patio you know what homes c'ost there. Come see the alcoves,_ bedrooips that emphasize privacy and exceptions to the rule. The San Diego and Newport I!laster suite~ tha:t .are privately luxurious. 0 And Freeways take you to the MacArthur Blvd. turnoff that's only t)l~ beginning. There's your neighbor-..• and south on MacArthur takes you to Ford h<>?d ••. a CQD1pletc-5elf.,contain<:d cdmmunity with Road, and Harbor View Homes. The setting is , quiet, ~afe Slf~.tS, )'.O~ oy.-n School, grassy park perfect. T\le hofili:'s are big ana beautiful. And the a?d pnvate filinily. recreation club. , , . . . · , . qpP!Jft,uni,ty is no~~ The NAHB has demanded a corriplett' tefstructuring of ~ t financial system, "which ti:lne and again in the past genlia· lion has failed the Amerida"n people." But (bis overhaul will take Lime ad Immediate ac- tion ls needed;~~lledge said. "In a free 9UG1ety, the ktea or controls is blil:lcally repu1· nant," be u.i*wben thal -society gets whack, drastic me ~ may be necessary.'' PolnUng to the f of the lending imtitutions ~ atlon credit voluntarUy, id "they a·rt only raUoni !&>' raising prices and then Ing scarce supplies av first to favored custo For a large part of thef =.,...··· ''-~ clal system, and particularly most commucLll bana, thil does not include home seekers llld horn< builders. "If the banks and the lender• simply cannot by themlelvea do the job of Tl• Uonlnc ocarce credit tolrly, then other" measures become nece.uary, no matter 'a.ow distasteful.'- ' ' -' O 196' DONALD J... ll£N COMMNf KALl"°;MU.S I I I I c190,1c• ACRIAGl ,...... .. c.R .... J $SOD i1 $1;100 Acre. • ' " . .,..., ........ ' ' . 1PHbNI I I . 52S..61M ~ . .. I \, ~ I . ' ' : '' " ' .. I > •J -• ' , ", I ' , I I . I I I \' t:. • , Lagt1na's-. . La Joya Beginning ' A slgn!l!csnt part of the cu~ rent '20 million cons1rudloo pnlll'UI\ al a-Leilure Wodd, Laguna Hills, CODlbta of an entirely new coocept in hoosint at the lamed adult recreation community, notes ROSI W. eon-, p-ol. the -Corporation. Construct1oo is uMer way 1t the 1500-acre mutel'planoed dtvelopment·on the luxury La Joya Townhouse!. They will consist of three bedroom~three bath or two bedroom and con. verlible den plan. wltb three baths in spacious 1,ISOO square loot li\'lng space. SOUTHERN COLONIAL, ONE OF SCHO LZ HOMES' TRAD ITIONALLY STYLED APARTMENTS Two basic elevations 811! offered tn the LI Joya .aeriea, both of which feature .a S p a niah-style architectural deslsn. Prelah Homes Now in Mesa Belore any pub 11 c an- nouncement wu made about lhe new Townhouses. salet ol.· ficlab at Romnoor Ldsuno World bad alrudy lllld 23 units to present resident.I of the comm.unity. Occupancy la now scheduled for early next year. I Scholz Devewpment Starting Six A partments Scholz Homes, tnc., a major home buiJder in the nation, is now in California ' ' l o paitidpale In the udtlng and demandinl home market of the west," according to Donald J. Scholz. president. Scholz Homes is one of the few publicly-be.Id builders, and its stock is sold over the counter. This often-cited firm, widely knawn in the industry and among consumers in areas other than the west, Scholz Homes is located at 1814 Monrovia Street, Costa Mesa, with Chet Stare. vice presi· dent, in charge. Rlgbt now there are six lux- ury apartment projects under way. They are conventionally built, using all or the time- hooottd. design and technical know-how that Scholz Homes has developed and utilizes in their highly successful prefabrication program. These projects are in Mill Valley and San Mateo in Northern calJfomia, and Newpot Beach, Tustin and Orange in the south. Based in Toledo, Ohio, •Scbob: Homes already is a major successful pioneer ln the pre{abricated home and apartment field and has added a still greater dimension in its martet penetraUon potential, with the acquisJtion of Schult Atobile Homes, a mainstay in that industry. Scholz Homes has a unique domination in the medium to high p r i c e d prefabricated packaged quality h o m e market. Founded in 1946, as a conventional builder of homes. the firm incorporated in 1958 and started biuld ing prefabricated homes. Jmaginative design and creative building and marketing concepts m a d e prerabrication a practical reaJity at a savings to buyers. Te> assure that every price range in the market is com- petitively covered, Scholz has added sectional housing, born of years or experience in pre.fabrication and innovative planning. Sectionalized homes are erficiently manufactured in a plant. transpe>rted to the owner's site, and erected in as litUe as one day's time. Sec- tionalized apartments a r e likewise erected. Scholz, in the !Inn's annual T e po r t , en thuslastically cutlines the results of their m"'I"' with Sdiult Mobile Homes together with their own ••Design ml" sectionalized homes and apartments. The latter are now being turned out in a new plant facility in Galion, Ohio, providine the et- Caldwell Appointed Ex.ecutive at Macco 1; ficiencies and quality control e n g ineered prefabrication. Display models are now open· ed to the public and pro- spective bWlders in Toledo. Priced from $13.000 to $25,000 it is their opionion that "the product is the finest or its kind in the nation and will sell under market fe>r anything of comparable q u a I i t y con· venlie>nally built." P!l!sent plans· call for start- up of another plant lot the "Design 2000'' sectionalized homes and apartment! this year and a third one next year. The company is also planning a new me>bile home plant this year in Kansas in addition to the cnes now in Middlebur y. lndiana; Ironwood, Mi chigan: Elkton, Maryland, and Plainville, Kansas. 'The advantages of every Scholz home, in every price r&Jlie, is aUention to detail in styling, never compromising wit.h authenticity, thus achiev- ing the finest product possible and competitively priced. Selling of Scholz Homes has been refined to a total marketing concept, with their 100 salesmen working with 360 qualified contractors in 32 states. This gives them a com- pelltive edge, the finn's presi- dent. po i n ts out t'o their slockholdcrs, as they gain mome ntum in their detennination to obtain a ma- je>r growing share of the booming housing market. The home market has never had such a broad-based de- mand, and with one out of five homebuyers purcha1lng mobile homes purchases to be made on longer term financing -making an already at· tractive market even more so te> the buyers in this market. Development plans fe>r the Wes t Coast calls for the ac· quisilion of qualified con· tractors, skilled in home a nd aparbnent building and having a highly .a cceptab l e performance record. T h e same holds true for mobile homes manufacturers. Admittedly a i m I n g at becomiag the General Motor1 of the housing industry, the Scholz line cf homes covers the entire spectrum of the growing housing market from mobile homes ~tarting at $4,000 to sectional homes from $13,000 to $25,000, to luxury single fami ly homes up to $100,000 plus, and blankets all rental ranges cf lhe apartment market. The La Joya units will have all-electric kitchens and will feature self-cleaning evens, deluxe 15 cubic foot frost free refrigerator with icemaker. deluxe diswasher and dlspe>sal. Pre-finished wood paneling will be used in the den areas, and &eenic wall coverings will be used in the dinin&: rooms. A vallable as an option, mir- rored wardrobe docn will add a touch of elegance to the master bedroom suites. All baths will have decorator- seleded fixture>. In announctng the It.art of the La Joya Townhouses, Cortese .also toot note cf ad· ditional phases of the current building program, Including the start of the first residen- tia1 structures In the com- munity to exceed twe> stories. and to include elevators. PUBLIC AUCTION c......i Amor!CGll -.. S.lo LOVEL T NEWPORT llEACH RESIDENCE SUNDAY, AUGUST 31 at Z P.M •. loo Sito! 1201 DEYON LANE Thi1 1h•rp l b.droom, 2 bett. holl'te i1 on • cor!l•t lot i" pm~ tl9iou1 Newport lead1. S•pt r•+• clining room, fir1pltc<11, co•• .. cl p1tio, rnoclerr1 built .in .. ifeh1n, W<11ll0te0w1ll ctr,_h, 11twly paint.d. .• Ownir Wiii Carry E1ceRent Flnanclnt Opeo to. 1 .. poctlOft Sunday, Aut"" 24 11 to 41 P.M. Lt,.esl b.c•!Ys ••lty A~ Iii A-'u MARSH DOZAR RIAL llTATI AUCTIONllRS .. , ' ...... w.,, .......,. ..... tOJ11 "'-1 JIJ•272·flJ6 1 Rt. .,JackH Caldwell bas been named v:lce chairman of the. boon! ol. dlredors ol. M'°" co Corporation, the largest estate in calilonlla. Macco Is the real estate development susldiary of the Texas-based Great Southwest Corporation. mobile home.s, Scholz couldl~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I only obtain their full share ofj: the total market by Including MACCO VEEP H. L. C•ldwoll GWC Offers Classes in Real Estate A! a prospective landlord, do Yt>I know the Ins and oota of building construction and anaintenance, taxes, insurance and tenant rclaUons? If you dGn't, Golden West Collese will tell you this fall in a real estate p r operty management course aivering residential. apartmenl. com· rnercial and industrial prop- erties. 11>e evening course will be taught by Samuel Robinson, of Orange, a property manager for the Jut ten )'ears, a real est.ate appraiser and certified -ol. the Colilornia Real EltateMsodaUon. Cla11e1 wt11 meet Thunday's from 7 p.m. to JO p.m. tn ibe co a me tol o g y building. Contlnulng evening stDdentl will register by .11 p.. polnbnent In the College Cen1<t Aui. 16. Otherl wUl register from 6 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the same bulldlng olphabetlcaUy by lul ••tm>: A.C, Aug. JI; !).J. Aug. 11: K-Q. Aus. 20; ft.Z, Aug. 21. Open rq!Natlon wlU be held A11&. rJ, Sept. Z and ·-permlltlng. Sep(. '· l~ll.1$-11, and Ji.If. A tultlon r .. wlD be dw&ed at the llm< ol. rqlllnlJaa. • them in their plans. William C. Baker, president of Macco, made the an- nouncement and stated that caldwell will be Jn charge of special projects ror the Micco board of directors and will have special responsibility in tbe area of new acquisitions. A! emphasl.xed in their an- nual report, "75 per cent of all single family homes purchas. ed under $13,000 in pnce were mobllthomes. Sales of mobile homes are inc.reWJing at a rapid rate ••• in five years sales for the industry have gone from 100,000 to 300,000 units." This is significant Jn their total marketing concept. Caldwell, whe> joined Macro lo 1960, had served as Cl· eculive vice p~stdent 'ince Other factors support con- tinued growth of that industry. The development or highly at- tractive mobile home parks, with a wide range of recrea- tion and aesthetic amenities, together with the housing tilll passed by Congress last )'Car, has made it possible for '"'· He attended the University of Southern Calif«nia where he majored in civil engineer- ing. He also did post-graduate work at USC in busine.ss ad· ministration. Cffyoucan u4f[ord theCJJest_ then~ can -n Ill DOVEi! SHORES, NEWPORT BEACH. Here the quiet ele- gance of Baycreat'• •forever View""' homes, t he prestige of Newport'• famous West Bluff, and prtvot8 boacl>- es combine to make thls THE phtce to live. You may purchase en exquisite existing Baycrest home, « you may choose a "'forever 'tiew'' Jot end tvan Wells & Sons, Inc. w ilt design and build a dream home Just for you. If you can afford the best ••• see Baycrest ••• custom homes. $74,950 to $150,000 iuym.at BJI•11"61!S-,lac,Qooilr-/•"- Modelo ot K!O Galdo ~ Neoport --(714) 646-1550 . Opoo dotlY. 10 to .5 pat -"1...1/.,.,;,n,.J '1J.JLB-, SaotaA-. lllCID CUISTIDD Land of the Dons UNSPOILED, SECLUDED 2~ to 3 acre rancho sites amid the great oaks of Oeveland National Forest Deep io the -aol: rqioa Sall Clemente. and Newport of the CICTeland NatioDll Beach. Only 23 scenic m.lles Forest lies a JOOcm illlad o( from San Jaan Capistrano.. rolliDg hills. ...... ftllqs and Rmcbo c.p;...,..., ~ ... ""' 8""l' l!ll<les knawn .. -pric:<d from $8,750 to$ 18,000, ~ Vast.-o!tbo _.,down, liberal ~ N.-i-m:iation=a stft:tCh in every direction. a Gonrumcnt~wned bof!er ag&mt population and com- mc:R:ial encroachment. Rancho Capistraoo will belong to just J3J ow ners, in fee ~imple. Each of tho 2 .li to 3 acre siles is cleared and accessiblo to utilities and £l3rlod road. Anciom SpanW. Ollis still stad en most of tho lites. nu primo preserve. once sold, CID nner bo duplicated. Al -Cll;llll-"""" 1'/•a•••t ~ttic DrlH: S-Am/SaI>ieao"- .,,., to liatorlo Su Ju.u Capiatruo, Ilea cut oa Hwy. 74 (Qoop H"l'.) ... follow the sip~. Fro,,. Pomona or .Ri.'Nnidl: Drive to Corona. thea eut oa }{wy. 71 to 11.,.. 74, ~ and foUow tho e:a.t.ruco ..... aQoy .-red IDC1mim for u. ,_., lnliolte "'-Ibo beauty d two~ lllntllm-fcd lala, !"'!:~ ·---ndcliJDato .\~"::'l'::""l:::"..,l •t 3300-ft. ·c.1eva00n. ud » minute acccs to ooastal rccr~ aUon at lAgana, Du.a Point. '---<--..:..:.=.::;..-.>:'-=-,.. Wrilc for oor frtt. Wustrated bmchme. llKCID CIPISTllKD <510 ~ .. Dlile, s.ilc2. Newpartllcadl, Colli. 92li60 f7J4) 546-7114.l 81 - PIS PICI llB 18Tll 111188 ISC .llT ' ,.'"·/ ~o~ ----. ""~, 1'' 'I'/' SUIBIY .. >=~, IUIUST 17. ~:~:: ~ . ' 81 Tll .h: : _.;. ~:~~/ IBUT A~:· :J 11111 ISTITI Spend a great day on the greet eetlltt wl>lle you .,Joy an old fesllloned picnic ... wa!Ch .,....,""ii the balloon thet ln1plred the h~ song "Up, Up and Awr/' go 1oar1ng Into the aky ••• munch on hot doge and alp cold d~nkl. SlrOll 1long the lrM shaded pelhl, •• Inspect the country club recreation center ••• SH the most bellJll. ful model homes In the county. Don't miss the good times th is Sunday on the greet estatel -C.---Qo .:.'e "tt a ., . ~ • • • I • • = UNIVERSITY PARK ~ Movie Set At PR Meet SANTA ANA -"Change/ Handle with Care," a docwnentary movie produced by Fortune Magazine. will be featured at ne1l Monday's meeting Of U.. Orange Coonty Chapter of the Public Reta. tions Society of America <PRSA). 'Ibe movie, which portrays the challenge of social change to the business comnwnlty, will be shown at the dinner meeting scheduled !or g,30 p.m. at the Saddleback Inn. DEATH NOTICES COWER comer, 1rwne. n, ol 31J7 E. 16th St., C°'I' MfM, survived bY tu1sbel!d, S!•rtford F San1, Wl11i.m ol UHi Mfllll&, d St111ford Jr. of Ut.t\, o.vtntw, M1$. lltoMrt Pir.«twi of ~ ltldl. 1 1r1n0chlldrw11 Ser- Vl(.ff Ind t!>h!mienf ,.'-Ix, Ariz. Frlendl mey c;1ll ti h ltl Mortwry, Cooltl ,,.,..., let t. Su11. llllZ Mot· tu.rY, CO.It Mn1, d~ ARBUCKLE • WEIBll Welkllll M"""ll'J' il7 E. 17111 Sl, Colla Men -• BALTL MORTUARIES eor.aa del Mar OR J.145' Colla Men Ml I-HU • BELL BROIDWAY MORTUA.RY 111 Brolldw1y, Colla Mesi LI~ • On.DAY BllO'l1lERS & .. llDatoa ValleJ Manuary 17111 Bed Blvd. ' e..tlaatoalleaa IC-'1'1'11 • M<CORMICIC LAGUNA BEACH MORTIJARV 1715 Lapa Ca•1"0 -Lqmoa Bea<~ "'-MIS • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PAHi[ c:e....,e_....,. ~pel -·-Vle1r llrtve N...,.n -. Colllonla -• PEEi FAMILY COLONIAL FIJNEllAL HOME '11'1 BG!loA>f: w--.:awm • llllEF-~J"E~R MORTUARY Wpaa ..... • 111-llll Saa Clemmo llM!ll " . llMITllS' MORTUARY G7 Mala It. Bullqlaa-- .. u.~w llipiHClion l1111ru~~~ works its WQllders \Wee ways -as 1 base coat .•• a sealer ••• a glossier tloss.. Avaittlte ii Clear ..i frosted finishes. "Swing & Twist" 'ht FallllJ lurciser ••• if Yl*'reoverweigltl • have fun twistil11 away u11- w111ted pounds • • • rel~x ~;~~:""'1' "'"'9' ·a"" '"' !'3!1 • lltlllltic kd11 Im• . '" ftttl , •• , •• llmlieup & don tbe "" dtntists recommend. Cem. plate kit ready to go Wilm you go ••• contains the Bfo~odent bras•. extra brushes and tube of loott.. paste ••• all in the new i111- ported India Mallras kit. OHLY12.88 11111111m11s ••• c-mmrd1zxW. Ptbllm ...... 89' "nHisoHex" suos1Ns "Trial & Travel" W1Cttrittsil1 Ckm« ...... P!UY !1111111111-8 "" "1...0. """"'"""''' ~.-=~ 3 50 and toorooghly • • • 2 29 !tt. ~i:t!S lllille-Up let• flT • 3.D4 11 tr. Sire • ''P 'fy" .. 0. 1,, un MDU!HwAsH 13 TIME-RELEASE t• SooerStmttl- "Plll1nr" Sweater Sliort slene wit\ er~ Ml fall I• ioned ol acrylic ii white aid pastel co~ n Sim 1 kl 14. 1.69 DAll.V PUT J l -== sna'f ~ ''Glad" ~~''Pledge'' = --= hcMI S11n9e llp 'E~ f•llil•• Wa = Cltlf,lmlcwi.-"11lf. == Cl1usult-••• =-E 11c1• 11,. 1111131 $ llpl111r l .. 1. _ : :: 141L : .~ 29c _A~ 99c J l11ti-Ptrs,ir11t-1 09 ~ f11r lonier lasti~a Th! "d'Y one• for \ 8 prolectioo from bad 1 50 the whole lamily!, -~ breath. 1.H 1.J IL Silt • 1.U2lttSiz1 • -... Cotton ~wabs "Breck" sHAMPoo 1.39 "Plate-weld" fl DElllURE 1!1111 QT Lip Glace or I i-~1£! gee Cheek Stick -u1•s _Soft Cosmetic Puffs loPllr Sitt ~ Sitt 1.98 2.98 ,, s••«•rc~ , lllllt,.. 1 29 '""' l)yi:: ... ~r;s er. ~11 • f1t UWer and 1.Dftf P1a1es. FOIDllO·lllJAL failqolacnar.d leallil• '~~~~ 3:1 00 bla sten.11 r.oklrs especial-• triple si.!e. I • ~-... --"'· OSTER Jr. Massager Motor motion traasleri 11)- tation, patting action ol Sw~isb massage to r,~ fingertilJ$ -tor OOdy, ace or scalp . "Aery line" DEHru•E •mNnfl ~.tt 1.19 ~,., .. 1.98 ' Clothes Dryer With 10 ns Crat extend Ollf· wadi Id ... """"""' 49c """" ... c.1., ...... ,. ... ,,,.. r::;i "Hands & Face" .__2_._o_o_._L .. ~ 5.~~ 49c place wbere tin IS I "b. 111-lUS 26.95 5181 ·-:;.y;· .•.. ·~·~c "".C!(t:.l:f '1~11'·., ·: "No Pest Strip" r~il&&IGE "'Ee ... -flDI ..,rity ¥iAJI coverd h!ggage witt1 llicllel plated 1'a-dwn. w ... •ith loci ..... y. strong canyini llmlles. Assorted cokn. • 26" PolllttH • 21• Weekender • CoSllll!lt Case Yoar A 88 Cb1icft • II. "Coppertone" Oil or l.atiOI 2.W I IL Sitt 2.59 "Shade" • Sprinkler I Soaker HOSE ·s~l1rl" ~1111 ••. """"" "'"'· 1 98 led faucet gives 1 fiia like Sllf'Y •soak- ing • penetration. • • Sa1tba LotiOI for utri proteclioL tM 41z. Slti 1.79 Kilts alllll flyiac in9ecb i. dim ••• -Ol lilliq . ""'" ~ 3 ...U.S. a..o.1 49 Oy ... -pjcol-or fo~ llolcler. 111-t.11 • 2 Qt. Plastic Bottle f11 Millll. S1tt111 & Son· '• • .. Wb;te 1ase 1ritl1.,.. &3c ated mij colorhl saw-~,."" .: "'""'"' .... I A !!~a1~?.~~~!~!~-~ 59c I ~~~!~~~• ... 119 :=======: ~'Bzs.111.g•Andy~·: ;;RA· .. ;E~~ 1'omt.rl11 ... Jar • "Snug Treds" Turns H • WISllAIU FM SJi..s .. "'Illes 16 • io P'·'""'..,, _ i""· c HAWAUAN TANI ..,. """'""'SOiid """"" . F1<1MSICllClllS1rfll11UIIl ... O-"'• 49 Cll!>!ef,.,_.tytn1i ........ Dilltiol table ..-iDI • is fw ccmct mixtore. tf1. Mast 1M ............ .. Sill ""''°" .. _,, IOW' Loli• ,. Sp~;i:r J !.;s;~~ !;~ 1.09 ,;f~,.. s.i1.Ls111. l .98 •. MWIOI -Witfl •ssny na• price. Broe haA-ftGc tontrol dial! WM rect1111xl• dies. 00~ r" 1 69 1 95 :1rm11p1D xti5 ••r1stot.• 'Iii::.# Si~~ • • 11. 3 88 ' Hose llmle ~ · =-~1~ Tanning Batter 73c ~ 1:11: 1.49 -111•-1'""'<!"' !:::::::::::::::::::::::::-:::=:::::::::=::!...:~:··:""::.,&lc ... l_~_~_ ... _· __ ~--------"""I Dam Ice Cream Scoop m1uoy Batteries "'Dlscem a..tca• ..• Cd " 1 .. #116 9 """"""llr-dlol'lgtil1. '"'·"' 2gc DRUG STOREs OPPtAMte10PM-7DAnAWlll • HUNTINGTON BEACH • .......................... ·HUNTINGTON BEACH .......... , ....... . NaWPOllT BEACH 1UI.~ Ill W ..... fff "-- ' ~ .. \ f. I ! I 1 • I • )J'=WLV PILOT J ·- ._.__ .. ~ ... . - NEW YORK 'STOCK: EXGHANGE WEEK'S AND YEAR'S HIGH, WW ctosE .; AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE WEEK'S AND YEAR'S HIGH, LOW, CLOSE • -!' • • I l j ... • . .. Y PILOT ' QUMG Playhouse Going IJp l>EGAL NOTI<lll ' LEGAL NOTICE . ' . T1ieater Loses· Lease, Gains Ground ' LEGAL NOTICE SUl"HIOll COU•T 01' T"lf STATE 01' CALll'OlttOA 1'011 TMf COUNTY 01' OltANGf IOI .. A-4l6U LEGAL NOTICE NOTtC• 01' "11!.UIMG O' •tTITION ..... un FOil ••o•ATf 01' Will AHD l'Olt NOTICE TO CltEDITOltS L•TTlltl TESTMfNTAltY. JUPt:ltlOlt COUltT o,-TNlf 1"10 aONDl STjTf 01' CAL11'01tMtA ,-olt EU•lt ot l !'lllmer J•Cob Ellerb•ot~, THI COUHTY OF OltANCill •I~ ~nown '' T!'l!lmtr J. Elltrbtotlo.. Ne. A...i30$ 0Kt~. Eit11e IJf CHARLES JOSEPH MllLEll t+OTICE 1S HEllEllV GIVEN T!\11 tk1 CHAlllES J. MILLEll fk• JOE AllMlh M. Ell~rt>r~k !'llJ lolt!d lll!r,Jn I MILLEll l kl C. J, MlllElt. ~tlsecl. pellllon lo• prlltlllt ol wlll •/\Cl !Or NOTICE IS HEllEBY GIVEH ro '"' l»<11nc1 of Lette-. Test•mtn11r1 to Pell· (r&dl1or1 01 l!'lt •tiow 111ml!G otcedent lierier fNo 8 ari0). tf!erenct "' Wiiie.ti Is fh.11 111 i>e<&Otll f\1vt119 ellllms 111lmt lht ""°"for furt!'I..-P1rHcu11rs, and th•! Ille said decedent i r• reqylred to tilt !hem. 1_1..,, 1nd Pl1c:t o1 h!!lrl"" 1ne ,,,.,, ~·· wl!n "'' 11«.,.SI,., vovch•rl• in the ottlce betft WI •for Sfotembfr S, 1ff9. ti •.311 of tho clerl< of th• i bove enlllltd court. o• ~.m .• In tN «iYrlroom ol Oto1rtm~l No. lo Pres~l lllem, wllh the neces~•rv 3 al said court. 11 XIII Wt51 E.lfM!'I Sl•eel, voutll•rl, to Ille ul'ICle"!•ned 11 1111! o!llce In the Cllv of S1nt1 An1, C1Htor11!1, o1 hjs i ttcrr\e"ys, COHEN, OSTEll AND Oiied A11tusl II, '"'· MILLAll.0. 4« w. IDlh St., Sin!• ...... , W. E. ST JOHN, C<1U111Y Cletk. Ctlllornll 9210~. wh~ Is tilt Pia<• of ~. SMlll 8 Adklllffll, bvtl-of the UfHl.nltl!fll In 111 milters ,.. 0 .... IM1, perl1lnlng to Ille ullte of nld cll!ced..,t. ""'-" .....,,,c1~i.n.11 within four n10nlh1 1fltr tN 11•11 Publl,I· Tel: .cn•t ,....n ~ uon o1 11111 natlc•. """""'P.*'r l"•fllHlr . 011..::t Julv n. lNf Publbil'ltd Or•1111e Co1ll Otllv "lllil, cit....U.Es J. 'M1LLEll., Jll.. AUfllll 15. U, 21, lHf 1S2Uf A...n\nlsfrllor LEGAL NOTICE .... .., M01'1C1! TO CltlfOITOltl $U1"••101t COU•T 01' TH .. tr•.TI 01' CALtl'OltNIA ,-011. THI tOUlfTY Of Oii.ANO• ' Ht.""22117 E1t1ie of UMllEllTO •NTONIO of "'-Eslllt of ll'lt 1boYe 111med de«ftnt COM~. OSTlll. ANO MILLAltO , .. w. 1tlh 51, ''"" AM. C.lffwllll '21tl Tel: 1110 StM441 All>fl'lllY• ft!' ACll'lllftlttrtltl' PUlllW!i!d Ori,,._ Cout Dilly Pllol. Ju!v ,, ""° AUIU$l ,, t, 1', "'' l.lfU9 <~l-~~~~~--'--'--'~~-1 CIANI. 0Me11ed. LEGAL NOTlCE NOTICE 15 HEltEllV GIVEN to tM'-----~-------1 c:recllton GI tt.. •bow named OKe<lent•-1'·1'12l1 IT'S NEW! EXCLUSIVE FIRST SHOWING Now with Ac.•d•my Aw11d wi1111er G•o19• K•nn•dv (llESf !!iUPORTING ACTOlt 1Hl-"C00L HAND LUl(f••) THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN ARE BACK - --ALSO· l"LAYINC. -JAMES CAAN in ''SUIMA•INI X•l" 11y TOM TITU~ Of "'-OfllY '!let lltlf Last month the roof Cell 1n on the Westminster Com- munity Theater -ttie group loot Its lea.se on tile building It had been using· ror its pro- ductioOJ ror the pa.st two seasons. Today t h e Westminster players are looking up agJin. Earlier this week the city of Westminster donated a parcel of land to its community theater group. a 10,000.square. foot plot on which Oie thes.. pians plan to construct a a permanent home.'• Soon a sign will rise on the corner or Westminster a n d Edwards avenues -"future home of the Westminster Community Theater." 8 u t between now and that even- · tuality, there remains a Jot or work to do. About $45,000 worth, to be specific. "We're rolling up our sletves now," declared Gene Tardy, president nf the players. "We're l09king for volunteers and contributions so that we can get the building up by the start of the 1970·71 season." GRANT SOUGHT The theater also plans to ap- ply for a grant from the Irvine Foundation. which recently gave two other Oran ge County performing groups, S o u l h Coast Repertory and the LagUna Playhouse, a financial boost. With or without any Irvine funds, however. the project is going ahead. "We have one year to build the playhouse after ground is broken ," explained Sa 11 y Crowley, a longtime member of the eighl·year·o ld playhouse. "Already, some contractors have offered to do n ate materials and/or money.'' The n ew theater, as pr~ ' posed, would seat from 100 to 120 persons with parking space for 30 cars. Dressing rooms and rest rooms will be in· eluded in the new facility. "We've been w o r k i n g toward this for eight years," Tardy said. "A lot of people along the way have ~n in on this dream and have helped make it come true. Many of those not now actively In· volved with the group have worked hard in the past to keep it alive. Now, finally, it looks like we're on our way to a permanent home. U PRODUCTIONS Although the Westminster group started slowly-with ooe production in 1961 and one more in 1962 ~it soon fell into the pace or other little theaters \Vith an average of four shows each season. To date, 28 plays ha"'e been stag- ed under the Westminster aegis. Number 29 v>ill be Neil Simon's pop u I a r ''The Odd Couple," but where it will go on is still a matter of con· jecture. The group rnust ":'.acate its pre sent Westminster Center quarters by Friday. "We'll fin d someplace," l!wl Ill Pll'SOftl lltvlllf Clilms 1•11flll lht Cllt1'11'1CATE OF IUSINISS ••W d.c.iienl I r• rectv!red to Ill' lrlem, wlt!'I the MCnN•Y vauchers, ln the GI/Ice PICTITIOUS NAME ''I I' k d I c t I .,, tM cl•rk of ""' •bove tnlllled <Ollrl. or The 11nderslol>eel "" (Uli!~ lhev Ir~ I e " s e to prt.nnl llM:'m, wllh th• rie<:esllr'I CondVCllnt • bvslne" 11 F01.tnl1 l11 V1 tll!y. 'Cl . vltlldWn. to tM un6tr5ione<I 1t the olflce C•l!IO<'nll, under Iii• llc!l!'o"' tlrm n1,.... .,, l\f!' lttameY. 11.ALPH It. GORDON, JllC ol II I. H TRENCHING COMPANY •nd K ! I I' k d , J1rolnt Tr111! Bldf .• Lon• Aee<!'I 11111 t,l iO l!rm lJ comPOse<t o! 1n, tollow-eep, I e 1t C1liforni.., which ff, tM 0!1cr or bus1n~~ ln1 IHl'$Gn. whoJt ,..mt In lull Ind 11!1crs ot fht Ufldersltlned In 111 matters per-or re,ldence are IS followJ: t1lttll!f to !M esl•te ct 11ld decedent, LC!l!IA Huth, 11651 Sin Marino I ti A ffb t ''Casile "A bizarre juxta-position of con- K flicting moods, . eep with the visual wtllllll four"'°"'"'' •ltU tnt fif11 ~ubll<•· Circ•t. Fou1111ln V1ltt.o. C1lilornl3 fHC• a 0 n 0 ea tinn of ltlis noll«. Mervin Ai•ber, 114H Se" M•rl~ 011H: July 2.t, Ifft .. " Clrclt. Founl1ln V1Jltv. C1litornl1 t210I ... '""'"' ""~""'"'"' wa'r f1'lm that's Admlnltlr1lflx N11rv!n &i.-btr ot !ht Ellllt 111 L011•11 Huth tl'lt •baVI "tmed dtc..ien! Sttit of C1lll'llrnl•. Or1nt1 Counlv: h b II.AL'" •• OOltDON On July 2$. I"'· belore mt •• Nc.11ty on t e eaml Burt • JnlM Trvtt •Wt. Public In '"" •or s•lO Stilt • ..e••Ol"nllv t. .... Hell, C1llftrfll1 IP1>e1red LOGAN HEATH •nd MAlltVIN Til: (tUl UP-tlM A!E&Ell. 11.nown lo mt 10 ti. !tit i>ersoni L t • AltWMY fir Allml11lltr111'11 WhClll n11"M1 .,_ 1vbKrlbld lo 1M wl!Mn ancas er gives PollllllMd Or111M Coat 011ly Piiot. !nJ,,ument 1rid 1dcnowled81d llltv ..-. J1llY :N •1111 Aueust 2, '· 16, tH' 13tUf ec:uled Ille s .... e. !OFFICIAL SE.All d' t' • h d LEGAL NOTICE ~~~~ ~~i?i1~~~·1ti!wnl• a IS 1ngu1s e IS SUPERBI '' ~~~~la1~~ ~~:t "'" '""""°'""'"'"'·" lent cast I" •Art "" PrlnclPI! Offlet In ""'" "' ""'"" 0 "M' '~"" po rt ray a I and SUl"lll.1011. COUllT GIF TH ll My CcntmlHIM Expires ITAn 01' c;All,.OllNll 1'011. Jy"" 21, 1t1f - THI COU"ITY 0,-OltANOI Publtshl!O 0~1nt• COIJI 01fly Pilot. th d, , E•'•'• of MAT~i.o;! oortTHY MAll lA IS N ,, WI July 2• 1/\d AUPUSI 2, t, "· IH9 \JH.f9 e en Ing I PEAS. DKtl~. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE 1$ HEllEllY GIVEN lo l!'lt d t t' I" c:rtdllors of t1!1 tlJOlft named decedent NOTICE TO CrtEOITOlll evas a 1ng 1n1t 111 ..er!Clns h•vln9 cl1im• 1111lnst lh• 'UPlltlOlt COUltT o,-THlf 111d ~I i re rewired to l!I• fhtm; STATE 01' Cl.Lll'OllNIA l'Olt W WU!\ lhl llK!Wln' VOi/Chert. In lM ottke 'TH• COUNT'( 01' OltANOI -AH°"kAL[, M.Y. DAILY NEWS •F Ille Ci.tit of l!'le lbove ""Ulled (Ol/11, or Nt. A"3lfl lo or.,.n! th.,.., wllh l!'lt nec:1tssarv Eslltt of H, I . McVAV. 1l:io ~"OW""' Hone of the most voudlln."'"" und,~11,,.., •• """a!flce HUGH 8. M<VAV. 0f'91..e-d. fll Ill• •!lorr.ers, Coro.., 11111 Sto61.kt, 1211 NOTICE IS HEREIV GIVEN kl 1!'11 N. •roRww, 111111 21,, $1nf1 A111. q l!'dltort o! Ille 1tiove n1111ed dtcedeM C1Uforn/1 "JOT, .mien i• ..... pl.Cl GI n .. t •II H•SOlll !'l1v!nt d•frm 191iMI l~e 0 r ,. g '1 n a I . to.illness of "" unde••ltn!!cl ln Ill .,..,."''' ''kl dec.oent l (f rectulred to tile !Mm, m 0 v I es oert1lnl1111 kl trlt u11!t ol 1110 d-ecedent, w!trl the "•ces11..., VOl>Cllers, ill llte olflc. wllttln tour fl'ltll'lll\t ifttr !ht llr'St .ubllc.1· of tht c1ttk ol Ille tbelft 011tllled owrt, or f th d !IOI! of "'IS ncllu, lo PfUOn! !hem, wllh lht ntUsUry 0 e year an Dlled J111'1' :n. 1Nt vc11elit~, te Ille ul\der1!tn!!cl ti lht Law J , L. Wlncfbllltr O!!lce ot Fr1P\klln ""° Frenklln, 101 E. f Ell:•<ulor 11!h St.. Cos!t Men. Cillfornl• '36,1, • 1 f -----1-tht-wHl·•l-lllo> Wille!\ ll ll'lt el.lee of' b\15!11!>1 el 1ne ee""tfl y Q<>B-1'> lbOVt ntmM dee.eden! viiff;it1.,K'"l11 111 meffi!rs HrlitnlM o ----·rra· · · --· -i'l 6 U t:ONIN AND STOttKE ffif t•!•lt of 11!d d&e~o11!. within lour 1'll "· • ......,.,, Svlt>t lit ::,~~:!"titer lhe llnt p11b!lc1110fl GI thls th b ti " S•11.11 A111, C1ffklrnla, '2111 01t~d July 11, 1Ht e es Tel. 11141 US.Uts lank of ...,,,e<lc• ' Alllf'IM't hr f:Kttllttr N•1lon1I Trui.I t nd .-J()HM M l'ITHOl.OMEW TIJCKD,, l"ubtllhtd Or111111 Co.ur Dtltv Pllol. .s.vin•u Au.oc1111o<1 J uW 1' I nd AutUll t f , 16. 19ff l~t2.ff Iv T. c;, Thrrnlnll. Jf. WA8C·TV LEGAL ·NOTICE A!.!i111n! Trust Oil!ter E)(f(v!or of Ille Will tnd Codlcll ttl 1111 tbovf namfd dti:l6ent •Alt lltl 1'11.ANKLIN ANO JIU.MKLl"I NOTICE TO CltEOITOllS AllwMrl II LIW SUPl•IOlt CDUltT 01' THI 1f1 S. 11111 S)rffl ITATI 0 1' CALll'OltNt• 1'011. CH!f Mftl, Cllth1'11!1 fUt7 T"IE COUNTY OP' OllANSI Ttl: (714) -.m1 H•, A~Hl Altt,,...,. "' ••.cvw (,t.i. flf STANt.EY O ~tl:GAN Jlubll1lltd Or111M Cout 01llr Piiot. C>K.1~. ' ' JulJ ff •nd AoJIU-.1 2. f, U, 1Nt llto.ff NOTICI IS HEllEBY GIVEN 1, ttw crlllltors of 11'19 1boY1 111med d..c:ecle!ll LEGAL NOTICE thll •II --!'11v1,.. d•lmJ ... rm;t"" --==~~~-----Nitl 0.Cllltllt ••• reoulred to Ille !htm. frtOTICI' 01" MltAIHAt.'I SALi with "" lltCIUln' veu<Nrs, 1n tN olflcl JHll ..,_ l" .. lllllff "· Jar~ a,1,Aa ef n.. crerir of 1111 1bolle tntllled «1urr. tr al!lll .,,, .. ~ C"'"Nar, DtftM1a1 LM •• I• ~ lllem. will! fl'ie lll(tulr'f I~. -"""· lo 11'11 vnclerl"'ll!d 11 "'-office Mt. flW el tMll" .tterner. Al'f!'lur S!rocti:. 50S -XIII! llv vlrtM of •n !~!'<Ullon lullff °"' "''·· New-I l1t•Cl'I. C1lllornl1, which Ii AvtllSI •• , lM' by Ille Mli111dNI co~rt. ~ iti.. flf bvt!nu' et Ille Ul!Clttsltlli!d 111 Or•-CO.:.nfY H1•bol' J~lcf1) Olstrlcl. "A high mark! Ep- ic in size, hand- somely produc- ed I The action is furious I" -NICNtll; WlHSTUf. M.Y. l'OST -VINCENT CANBY. Nf:W YORI( TlMt~ "'Castle Keep ' is a film you'll be talk - ing aboutforsome time! I cannot rec- ommend itstrong- ly enough! Run, do not-walk. to one of the year's com - p I eat cinem atic experiences I" -m Eirt 01altlt, WOMEN'S WEAirt OA.11.Y "Fascinating! A film well worth seeing I" -tl:ICH.t.11;0 SCH ICl(EL, ll~C •II m1t11n .,.r111n1,.. to ""' .. 111e et Sllld COlll!lv of Or-. Stale ol C1!lfllr"11, ~. wllllln tour m0>nllu 111~ ff>t ,_ 1 ludamenl 1111erld In !Ivor ol Jade flr•t IM.lbllC1llon ol lM~ "Olltt. 8•ro.ts• '' f\Httme111 crHitor •Ml 111!ns1 D1tod Jyly 12, lMt JIClt Gtl!YtOt'I •""' GteYSOll ComPl!OJ Ltd,, ltllf;a E. Mor••" Ill(, u llJCfllmenl debton. lhowlnt 1 "~t '• ~· Patrick O'Neal ·Jean-Pierre Aumont scon WllSOH. TOtf!' Bill· ASTRID HEEIIDl · Al rRH~l~ .m.' JAMES PAOERSO~. SRUCE DERH and Paler IBlk .-.om1111~1re1r1~ b•lll<'I(• of n .oot.n KIV•lht oue 011 said .r lM e5'111t .. ''" llldlt m....1 on lh'!! u11 or . tht iuu•nc• of •boYt n11nld Ot<;~I ••ICI Utcvllbn. l ht\<9 levled UPOll •II l!'le All:TftUlt tT•otK rJtM, ttlle Ind !~rer~t of 11W h1dtme~I SU _ Niii lin.t d!'tltOr• I" lhe o•o.e.tr ln tfl~ Count\' or N..,..-t a.cit, C.llloNoll 0•11•1'· Sl1lt ol C1llfllrn!I, dttcrltlOCI •~ Ttl: 11141 11M1tl lallo~t' 3 of Tricl •11U llllC!il 16', P•tl It """""' .... Mlnllllllt"'1• • JlutllWlff et.noe COii! O•llY 1"1101. .,, MIKtll•n-MlllS. retOrd$ of Or-COlll'llv, C1tlfor111o. Ind tom• J111P 2f 1ntf A\1911111 2, r, l,, 1f4f 1:m.a rnontv --11 ltD $.lnU110, Nt-11 llM<.11. C•IJ!>frn!1. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEll.EIY GIVEN th•t '" -------------1 Frld1r, Je1>ttmber s, 1Ht, 1t 1:00 1•cloCJt .. Milt I" .M. •I ff'Oo'tl of Courl!'llvtf! . .S.1 WH1 \tltt caaTil'ICATll Of' •UllMllS SI~, City .i Cott• Mew. c-1v Cl( · _.fCTITtoUS liAfil\a Os'• .... Stltrt! flf C1llterJlll, I Wiii .. H 11 TM ~llfCI 4-f!9rlll'Y """' •rt Mlk ~ II ,... l!itbttl bl«Jet, ler ~ • fllnl'MU •t' .7)00t El 'f ush In """"' ,,_ M tM UnltN ltelu. ..., .-1 ,.._ ~llflrnl" llllCltf tt11 flt-en -.. ~ tltlit ,.,_. 11ttwrut <if ••Id fl""" flfnl .,.,_ flf UIOl.INA NILi.$ I~ fdll'li' In Wle "'7¥t ftKrlMll frtU•H•Y Mf ""' Mid !tr"' lt cot11o P~• « .. ~ ""8reol •• ~r he ,..,... If/ !tie fellow!"' ~ w11oH MC'ffMlrY ho •fltfY Mid n«vt!M, wlll't ~.flll( ft Plelii ti Ntldiriot lrt IC~= !;"C::. ~~r.1"-"'1•. Avt11t1 ·~ S MallwU •1111 Gr1« S. p, 1'.,, JM,_.., '*4! ,.,_.,.,, Dt..... 1'11.ANCIS L GL.ASEa. M...-VMll• C.llf, Ml~I o. ... JUN ia. 1,.., MuniclNI Cov•t. Gtot'tJi $, fl't!MU Ori-CDvnfr H"'tlor Ot'Kt t, ,....._, JuCllcJtt Oltlfltt tM,. f//t C.llfer"lll. Ora>l!M Coll<ltr; Ir L. H. oer i.. St11eent ... - U.. !Hf· """ 1M I Notary J.it lll'Cllt. ll'llllltllf ' ' •• Ctt .. M Drt..., _,.,._ Ill .,., !!Ir ulcl ,tf1M. "t11on1l1Y "-' Ml<:lt. Cillfwlll• ~ 0... s. lo\l'bwekl .,.. °'"' .. .. 0 «. ~ "-,. .,. tt " tilt ....... ,.... ,.,... C:0.11 1>11tr !"llut, ........... _,.... I A I~ fO AvtllU f, 1'-n, 1Ht 141Mt -..-""" ""1rul'Nnt .... .OllOW!Mt• """' .-cvllCI ~ Mm-. • ..... ~l l(ALJ ~Ta,ICIA A. tllGLI" ,, "1*1k! • , .. ...,,,1. CMlf¥ "' o,..,,.., =·~-c.iret ''"' ,_..,... ONQt Cfffl CIUY l"llet, 'vW ._.,,,,.,. 2.. •·I" lffJ J»HJ Let TV WEEK Turn You On ,,.., -....,.{llllfl, ltlJ.!ll.Sll.,.OM!) •m'!fl · ... "-"'-~·l>'I, WW \1~1>6f'E •-•-f!l<OOI ! fg'[• >'o<ifO!\S'f()ljE\'f'Cl'.l.1£i: ,_,, ¥1,.1.m!lt~.lillft t;I!.(!• ~NEWPORT BEACH-at the entrance to the fobulou\ lido l~le OR 3·8350 DAILY Continuous ffom 7:oo PM Saturday and Sunday Continuous from 2:00 PM T1cke1s 1t Cornputicket Outlets Including Bullock's . Ralph·s Markets. Walllcks or al 1he Box Ofliet . =:;.1•1~~-'..tC •~ I I I I I I I I I I Harbor Blvd. at Mcfadden• Phone 531-1271 "CASTLE MEEP" '"" n 8 :1 S PM ,.,., '" Iii! "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF" I (It~"'"'"• Or!Jt 1~6•11) I '""'" 10:30 PM I See Complete Show I "L1te as 10:30 PM Mn. ~wky p roml8'd. ''We'll probably have to put on our next season in school auditoriums, but we'll have a ful l season:· The ptayers are . familiar enough with school .auditoriums -their first 21 sbows were stagt!d ln such facilities, notably those of the 11tb Street Auditorium. The Weslml.niter Cehter theater was used for Ille group's last seven productions. LONG PROJECT The acquisition of a permanent home has been a project always in the back of the players' minds. With the rental of the small but functonal building in lhe 'Vestminster Center, the need became less pressing. 'Vhen the group lost ilS lease, the play~rs fa ced an uncertain fu ture. ·Now the Westmjnster Citl Council has assured them o at least the location -the rest is up to the group itself. Not unaccustomed to hard work, the Westminster players are looking forward to a busy year. building their new home from the ground up instead or rnere.ly remodeling an existing structure. And they 're anxious to get started. Sally Crowley sums it up : "Looing that lease was pro- bably the best thing that could have happened to us." Tchaikovsky Concert Set Zubin Mehta will conduct the Los Angeles Philharmonic at Hollywood Bowl tonight in an all-Tchaikovsky program, opening with Marche Slave. Misha Dichter. the young pianist ·who won the 1966 Tchaikovsky Competition 2nd Award, will play the Piano Concerto No. I. The orchestra, under l\1ehta. also will be heard in the overture to "Romeo and Juliel" and the 1812 Overtu re . which will include 1 he 562nd Air National Guard Band. Most Popular LONDON (AP) -A poll by the rock magaz ine "Disc" shows that S4 pcrcenl of young Brilons answering the ques- tlonnaire believe the Beallcs are still the top pop group and that their best is yet to come. According to the poll, John Lennon has displaced Paul McCartney as the m o s t popular member of the group. Electrician ., Cameron l·I a r v e y of'. Co rona de! Mar is • master electrician for . lhe Utah Shakespear· can Festival at South· ern Utah State College, Cedar Cily, Utah. Har·· vey has a degree · in drama fro1n UC Ir:vi;ne. •• • Rock Sound 'Rapport' To Rascals The Rascals. set for a one· nighter Aug. 23 at Jack Kent .Cooke's Forum , have beep called the Am erican Beatles, which isn't too bad for a corri· parison. But not all local music ei.· perls agree. Both group_! began their careers belting out basic rock, say the wise me11 of music. but somewhere along the line the Beatles the high road t.o revelation while the Rascals kept their earth sound churning. And "churning" is the wort!. fo r most of their fans believ,e that you don 't listen to a Rascals song, you feel it! They say the Rsacals kno how to touch people and make for the Aug, 23 st\Qw at the them move ; a kind of rapport audience crucial and peculiar Lo roc k music. Brisk advance ticket sales Foru1n attest to the fact that 1he live young entertainer are a1nong the most popular in the land. Sly and The family Stotte \1•ill join !he R3licals at the Fortun Good seats · a r:e avt1il;1 ble at The Forum i:Ji:?X Cilfice and 1111 Southland ag~n­ cits • Youn" 0 Star HOLLYWOOD (UP!) Beau Bridges, son of Br idges. will star in Landlord." D1011 Jo11"• ludd., H~k•n i11 Wolr Distte.,·1 "THE LOVE BUG" Jeny Lowis Peter Lawfortil "HOOK, LINE AND SINKER" Japanese Movies Every Tuesday Night t.-•············· .. •••••••••• ............ _ • Sl"lCIAL NOT!Cl TO OU R l"ATRONS ' : . • T~• plc!ure• tn t~ll bO~ m•y be con1\dt!•f!ll by $0111! 10 bl u,,.e l sull•blt In• cnlldrtn and you119 i:>eOJllt -inO require 110re111ill dl•·e · crNlton. • 'CASTLE KEEP" 111;1 .. RUN .t."IGEL RUN " {II;) ''THE CH•llt-9 ' .MAN'• "MACKENNA'S GOLO" "SEVEN GOLDeN MEN"e ~ : "OEATH 01' 4 OUNl'IGHTEll:" •• -· Co.>lr••v lo 1dv•rtbin11 l><!VOl\O cur ronirol.•lld t l>Pfa•l"ll tlle·• •w!'le•e, young people u~der 11 (nol 16! will ncl be ed<nil!t!d to Pe<I·: • : Hr Tnee!"t 1o ~Ct t~e (It) P•CIU•e. !lsted '" t~b be~ UflilU IC· com11<1nie<1 by i:>atfl'I ar 1dull 11u•nll1n, • • • ...................................... 1 • . . . .... ' Two Great Dit111y ShDwi Ster• forest IUI Mvmy "RASCAL" pl1i11 ,.,,, Ustl•oY 5111•11111 P'l"li•H• "BLACKBEARDS GHOST" l1cl111ive Dri•1·l11 E11go91m111t lurt l1111ctnh:t l"et1r F.lk "CASTLE KEEP" plus Jetnn Gorfler Wolter lren11011 "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHE RIFF" N~ Oflt "'"'.,. It wlll bf &dmil!M u~ltJJ l t'O .... l>f!llled b~ PICC"! ,,.. •1111!1 guordiln. ...................................... • . -- GretOfT 'eek Omor SJ..rlf "MACKE NNA'S GOLD" plu1 "SEVEN GOLDEN MEN " ' ............. ~ .......... !. Gtef•f'y htk Allll H_.,"-:ff "THE CHAIRMAN" phrs SHAltON TATI · ''VAlLEY Of THE DOLLS" te ........... ,~, •••••••••••• , j "RUN ANGEL RUN" ••w "OEA:r:H 0 1'-A GUN FIGHTER" NO Of't 11.,cl•• \I Wiil 119 ... tr!ll!ed 111\ltJ.• ~(tOtT\'1'\~ llV IM'1!11! Ot Idun Ml'lll•fl . , -------- ' ~ rr-QUliiin~·-...,.~~-· __ 1..;;.:li~fWl;;;..;;·rftll;;;;;r1;,;;;;;Giidr~ Doll With JJeterniination By to discover that l\111$ lleynoldl "They live · llOll door. and l TER.RENCE O'FLARERTV loves to spell tb.lngs out for the have all kinda: of 1nim1t1. pre.!ls which indicates her Every day there's 1 new one H 0 LL Y W 0 OD -An p-ss u well u the fact'' to my yard." she said. lei,.. art.hllect friend of mine once that she ha& probably had a ing horro.r in 1 campy way told me that all Beverly Hilb bad VQ>l!rlence with .Uptbod and nuuertng her eyelubu. hou .... look •• if they 'd been opellln&'by the fourtll e.tate. •"J'htir dog, my dear, II the sliJ><Overtd. I tbougbt about r .Just u I was about ready to ugliest 'thing I have ever eeen. thla as t walked up the go nuts, n-u-t-s, ahe saw Tom lt has · red eyes and -it's 1 dri••l¥1!Y to_Debbl• Reynolds• .s.motli ~·IOI! 'of the brlpdler .monster. 'iou'il think the place which hat '1 gigantic seoerat who owns RCkN&C, Slmotfs wtlUJd have the concrete latUce across the ~' tcross the lawn wltb rnOoey to~·• chic dol like frool I llnally found the rlghl htl'Wife. , an Afghan.'' hole and walked through tt ln· LEGAL NOTICE NOTIC• 0 111 MAlllHAL'S lALli (illjdel'I Wei Crlldtl l;ol'POr1tlon 1tsl0Md te EllSlene K1vtm.n, llll1fn!lll 11• Wlllw IE. Cl1r1( illkf WlNl1m E, Cl111i: 1k• Wlllf•m e. Cl1rt; Jr. •nd EHtfbtltt Clerlc Oekndet11 No. 2t.ef. er virtue of 1n •xec11llon !nu.cl "" ·~"'' 1. , ... by tilt' MunklP•I Courl. IJ~•rl'I Hlll1 Judidal Cll1lrlct, C1N111'Y ol' Los ""'''"' Sf1!1 of Ctllh>rt1l1, 11111n 111 '°""*'' .,,,....., Ill ftwr el Golden WHI o.ci11 t •r110r111ctn flllthfd lo £utt"9 kevtfnfft •• ludOment c~llol" •I'd , .. 1,._1 W1!Nr C. Clarll tkl WHll1m E, Citric tli:t w1m1m E. Clarl, Jr., Elli.bdl'I (l1rli: 11 ludol,,,.,,I dllbtor" ,,_"'9 1 nir! llllfftCI ef 11,241.2~ tdwllY M Ol'I 11ld lutftmtnl on the Mft af th4I 1$1111M1 el H id uKUTlon, I ht~ lt¥1ed UllOll 1H tilt r11111, 111i. 1M lnt1re1t el 11ld l\ldtmltfOI debtor• In ,,.,. ,,,_rlY In the Cout11Y al ~'"''-$1th ol C..lffornf1, deWlt>ed 11 follOwt! Loi U. Traci 21ll. look t4 ..aon 4S. 4' .. •1 of Ml1c1lltn90US Mtl>I tlld "I didn't like '-1-apn wben I wu a--· Uld I don't lib ijiem. '""'!" Ann Landers Why Not 'frade a 40 For a Pair of 20's? 'C9mmonl1 know" •• 1900 Altur•, Corona . .11~ 'Mr. c1n11)1'"1,_ DEAR ANN LANDERS : Why don't you level with NOTICE IS HE~EllV GIVEN ltllt Oil • 1:r1c11v. ~"'""' 11. 1"9, •• 2:00 o'(.1oc1t the men 'vbo wnte? Tell them they are crazy to get .. M. et front of Courtl>o<Jrll, 5'17 Wnt "ed bef th 35 Th if lh h .ttth strett, c 1"' at eos1. Men, covMY of marn ore ey are . en ey ave any 0r.,.., stet. of c111tom1•· 1 w111 wu •1 brains they should choose a chick who is at least 10 pyl:IUt •IJCtlon to tt>e 1111Msl bl~er, for . or.111111ewtu1-.... of.,. unnec1 s11m. years younger than themselves. I! they can get one 15 1!1 the rJtollf, lltlf •f!d lnfort1I of uld 111c11"""t drbl11u 111 tt1e •bovs desi:rlbed years younger, better yet. -'Y. or '° mucll tlltreof 11 m1v tit I d th l er ,,_,,. 111 wtl&fy u ld ue<:ullon. with ma e e usua azy kd"UM iim-nt 11111 ct11t1. mistake. I got m a r r I e d 1~~~=· .r Cott• Mau. c.i1tor111•· A1.11vst straight out of college aJ 22 1'1'ANCI$ l . GLASEll:, M..-11111 before J knew what life wls alt Mt.onlclNI C.Ourt. • O••"ll• co1mty ~·tio• about; The bride was 23 also . Ju111c111 0 111rtet hUdhood eetheart IY E. J. f'Olltl, S.r1e1n1 -my C SW • L .. 1111 11. o.1111. Another stupid mistake. We Plll•ltff'I Attt.nwt k h to th ti\. Utt W11s111r. ••vd .. sv1i. rn ept ou r ome ge er un ~"' wu11. c1"'-r1111 "211 the kids were out of high ,IJllUlh.cl Oreng1 Co.it Dt11V 'llol. , ·A119u1t lf. n, JO, 1'ff 1n'"' school. Then 1t C<JSt me $50,000 LEGAL NOTICE CllTl,ICATI 01' IUSINESI, ,ICTITIOUI MAMI! plus the house to unload the old tomato. But it was worth it. people wilt think he's over tbe bill that be take• up' with a babe half hit age. Aft.er a )'W' he's ready to trade tD his dn-dn« 1boe1 Jor boaJe 1llppera. ~D you old 1affen ·oat tbere who think a wife lllould be thot when the reachtt 41 bad btttei' uve the l11t ballet for )'oul'ldve1. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Doctort who prescr i be medication and r e l 1 s u e prescriptioM without learning to a handsome contemparary home. It is small by Beverly Hills standards -which I e a n toward tennis.court s i z e d rooms and fake tudor es· teriors -but it has a serenity that only J3-foot ceilings, mar- ble walls and giant tree !ems can provide. She lives there wilh her hus- band, Harry Karl. a nice, friendly man ·to whom she has been married for nine years. Between them they share 10 airy rooms, seven cars, five children and 400 shoe stores. Debbie Reynolds is as boun· cy and doll·like as If she had just been brought to life by a magic wand while t h e toymaker slept. B u t un- derneath it all lhere is • sel{ assurance and detennlnatlon that has been with , her, 1 suspect, long before she was f\-fiss Burbank of 1948. If ever there was type-casting, surely ii was Debbie Reynolds as "The Unsinkable M o 11 y Brown ." This fall she will have her own weekly situation comedy on NBC. That was the reason for a dinner of 30 of· the na- tion's TV critics, an assort- ment of publicists, and an NBC vice president w h o crawled over the back fence wtth bis wile. She handled the party with enthusiasm and I came away from it with a full stomach and an unsinkable ad. mlratibn for the hostess. She gave a few of u1 a house tour but at the outset she said: • TM ~lg>lfld di certltl' fllev 1r1 condudl .... I bon(ntll If Hf E11I 11111 Stl'Mt Como Meu C1llferlllt , 1,1nftl' ti.. fldltkleln fll'tn .,.,,,. of EAST·Wl!ST •nd tNt .. 1'11 fll'l'll I• CDll"ll'OffCI el 1'lw follow· Int --· """-9 11111M1 In full 11nd .i-of rftldlnc.t .,.. •• follows : Tllomes J. $1Crlty, Jr., 1517 Dr1no- AVe11ue. Costa Mn•• C1llfllr111', JOl\11 w. S.mPwn, 2105 Bf'f'tnt Sovffl. Mill· "ff110ll1, Mln11. I passed a petiUon around the office today. lt read : "I agree that all wives abould be shot when they reach 40." Every married man tn the of- fice over 30 signed it. Doesn't tbls prove that I have a paint? "Now look, I'm very hokey, I know about singing ·and dan- cing but I doo1t know much about architecture. The walls are travertine and the house was deslped by Burton Sdlutt what the ~ide effects do to _ that's spelled S<-b-u-t-t fut Cf:rtain patients are not better l\'.1 pronowteed skutt" than criminalJ who sell d6pe'.'' • • At 1 studio tntervte"w earlier TOD~Y . . NOW SHOWING • ONI WEiii: ONLY e MUST IND TUUDAY AU•UST 1t TO MAii WAY M>l ANOTHll 116 SHOW! + SPICIAL 1nu1N IY l'OfULAl DIMAND ......... •t .. 111111t M1 ,.,...,.,,.~nt!"r -JO VAN RID ~ , •• ·"TOlW•·J:Ol& 11111 "SHOD OP "IHllMAN" ONCI ONLY AT 1:41 Dltld Auturt 15. 196-t "ttlom•• J. Skelly Jr. Jo1!11 Sim"°" -HENRY VII! DEAR HENRY: Yes, you bave a point, bat ~)'be il you we•r • hat nobody wtll noHce iL Every now and Uten t cet a 1etttr from a raJddlw&ed nut like you who ml1take1 a 1low· de1Ua raffle. 811'1 1r,; afraid In less than three months a tn the day [ had been cbanned close relative changed from a,1,..:::=..=::...:.=:..:;=.=:==:=::::;=:==::;;:;================='ll charming, delightful person t:li Stat. el C111fllrn11, Or•M• Counlv: Ori A11111J1I U. lfff, belor1 me. 1 Nottrv ...,bile !11 tnd tor ••Id St11,, J>tr.ont!lv •-fed Tllorl\11 J . SktltY, Jr .• 111d Jelln w. '"""SOii kflllWll to "'' lo bs ,~. "rson• ~ ntmn '"' 1u1tr.crlbed to tt>e wr111111 l"''rvml!flt tnd 1tkrwiw~1td !tin •~lal!ed ""' .. ,,..... 10,l'ICl.l.L SEAL) JOSEPH E. D.l.V IS Nolt•V Pllblt Ct llfMl'll Pr!"clPtl Offl(I In Ortl"IPI County MY COrrll'f!l11loll E11>!- J""' 21. 1'71 l'\lltll"*1 0!'•1111• CO.It Dal'°' .. IJol, A1111wt If. n. XI 11!1d le!ttcmblr ,, 1f6' ,., .... LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE ~~~~~~~~- T-SUPE•IOlt cou•T o .. TMI IAlt·ltM STATE 01' CALll'01'NIA '011: •. ~U .. l!ll:IOll COUllT o' THt" TN I COU/llTY OP Ol.t.NOI, , Ht. A-OllS '1 l ITATa 0' CALl,OllMIA i<Oll NOTICI 01' NIAll:I ... 0 .. ll'ITITIOM TMI COUNTY 0" OllANOI 'f"Oll PJIOIATI 0, WILL AMO~POlt MO, 4-41111 LEntllS Op ....... DMl•ISTlATIOM ··NOTIC:!' 01' KEAlllMO OF l'l!T1TION wnM·TKl>WILL AJtflllXlfO • , •• ll:llOIATll ... WILL ANO l"Olt" e1t•I• of E!THEll B. H(lusl. ••i.o , LITTl!llS Tl'~AMINTAll:Y ; k-11 ESTHElt a . SMITH, ~nec:I. • EJtti.= of Y1rlhi F..,.,, KMlnsmltfl. 1f911 NOTICE 15 MEllEBY GIVEN TP.11! t tl!OWll •1 \llrlll F"lm Klel11$C.llml!ff IEVEltLY H. JOHNSON 1111 flied l)trtl" Dea11ed. 11 ..ellllc" for ll!'l>Dltl ol wlU ...0 fur I NOTICE 1$ HERESY GIVEN Th•! i••u•ntt of L1!11rt of Adlfll11!1tr1tlon • D1"1el E. Klel~Sll"rilll Nii flied ~treln 11 wlll'l·IM-wlll 11111111-.iM fl! ii; PllltloMr. t flol!llllOll for Probelc ol 1!1"111 Ind lo• ref&""'°' 10 -.filch ll rntO. tor 111111\t• 'ln u•flCll of let!.,, Tetl•me'lllU"I' to I'~-PlrflCvllfl end thlf ~ !Im. t!ld ttltc9 • !loner, rtt.r-. '° .,,..,,1cl'I II m9Clt ll:H' (If 1'111rln1~ tl!t lltM 1111 bffft u l lo• ! furtl!er H rtlcultrs, Ind lflll 1M ll!Mc •!Id ,t,\lllu51 19, 196-t, 11 9;XI 1.n'l .. In l~t •l•ee Of l!ttrl"' ltw flnlfl hit bffn stf courlfoom ol Dfi>ertm~ No. 3 ol" ..,;<1 f for 5'Ptember 5, 196', lll t:JO 1.111., Jn Ille court, I t 700 Wl'SI ElflMh StrMI, Ill ltie • courtroom of °"''"'"'"' No. ' of ... hi (lty (If SAnl• An•, C1lll01"f'I•. I <.Ollrt, •t 700 Wflt l!!lthlll $~1, '"· ltll Dltld .l.11111111 I, lf&f. • City ot $t;ntl A111, a11tt1r111•. w E ST JOHN, C<>V!'>+v c1u• ; D•led' Auoust 1$. ,,., MUNNS, tco;.,oJto. HOl'l'M,\N, 1 W. I!:. 5T JOHN, County C"•k HUHT • TMJIOCJ<MOllTOH 1 c..tMY, $Cllum•dltr• C.._,,., ,,,. CMlw• ••M • M1"Y1!11 IM Hetr1nll St" M..-1"', Ctll..,,,11 tllN ~ A ...... n ftr PP!ltlo,..,, Ttlt (2111 211:-41'1 I 11f T-'"' c-1 .... lteff. "'""""" fir 1'1HllttMr l °""'" Cllffltllll ""' Publl!Ol'led' Orange Co11~1 DAii, !'Ila!, ! Tllr (fltJ MP·llll Au1ull t, 11, U. 1'16t 1"2-69 "'vbll.ited' Or•P!I• C011t D1llv •11p1, ------------A1,1Mt l6, 11. n, 1"6f' 1531Ut I LEGt-L NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE P·Mt"U SUPl!lllOlt COURT 01< THE Clll:Tll'ICATll 01' IUllNUI t TATI!" 01' CALll<OJINIA FOii: ,ICTITIOUS NAMI • THE COUNT Y OF ORAHGI l'i'i,. IJ.lldtrAltMd llo (trll!Y IM ,19 UllO-H1. A 1.W1t lll\IC1!119 I bu1!"~" ti 3112 E. CIMPn'!tn, NOTtCI OF HEAltlHO OJll ~llTITIOM Orll\01.. C11ltrirnl1, u~r the lktlllous 1'0111 ... OIATE 01' WILL ANO FOJI '"""11•m• Ill DEPUT'f·D.-.wG PETI •!Id LRnl!Jt$ TE$TAMl!HTAll.Y llllf t•1d llrm I• (otTIOOJKI ol IN follow· Eilltl of PHILLIP .l.NOllEIY HOOO. 11111 PtrJon. WhOff ntme ffl tull tlld or•c• 0.(t11ecl. crf ,tshtllMt ere ti 101'"'5: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN T~tl I Flt.ED l . KAWICK. J$ol N. Pl1111, LARlt.IA NE M.1.RIE KEA.FER, alto 0rt !'>9f, Ctllfornlt. k,..;wn ll LOll.R ... INE M,t,ltlE KEA,.ER. 1 D•hd J111Y U , lht Mt !\led llenl11 • l'ellll1:>11 !or Proti.lll!o ol ! Frtd L. t<1wltk wm •M 11r l11111m;e of Ltl!tra si.i. ol C11lfol"11!1. O•lntt Counlv: Ttslt1Mnlt1Y to ..-tlt1-, ""'--IO 011 7-~~lHt. bs~ mt. • Nol1rv "'ubUc whld! 15 mtde"for flir!Mr '"'r1l(U!t r1, '"" 111 1nd for .,.1d Sl•i.. Ptrta111lty •-red 11111 1111 tlmo 1nct t llc:t Of 11111r11111 ll!t. l'•l!D I.. KAWICK kNWll to IM to bs tllt 1am1 1111 bH11 HI fer Avtusl :It. 1tlt, ti --WlleN 11-It l~blcrlbld fll lllt t ::llO 1.m., In 1111 eourtroot'll of DtHrt· wtrlll11 1!'11trumlflf •f!d •cM1'0Wledttd 111 mt11f No. 3 °' u lcl court, ti 1'0" Wnt IJIKU!ld tlit •lrM. El•!\111 Str111, 111 11111 City pf S1nlt A.111, (01',ICIAL SEALJ C1lff0nll1. WILLIAM •• JIENl(lNS 01tec1 A\191)" t. lfft. NOlll"t' Publlc. (1\/ror!'>ll ./ • W. E. $T JOHN, Cou"l'I Clttk .S!li. of C.lltOl'l'I• MAllWOOO, SOOEN & AOl(INSON "'rlnc:l11I Of'llt1 111 "· o ... k 1"1 ' Or1nt1 COUflty N...-t INd1. Ctlll. J Ml' Commllllllll E~Jlrt1 T.i: (1Ul tM-UU ..... 11 '· lt71 "~" ....... ,,.""" I .. llbll11!1d Dlll"" COii! D•llY l'llol, l'ubllill!fd • Or1"9e COi.if D1ltv l'llot, Jul'I' » •lllf Al.ll utl l, t, 1•. Ifft llM-tf A1111~t t ,\1, 16. 19'9 1'1U f 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-111 I NOW TOGETHER FOR I THE FIRST TIME • EXCLUSIVELY l a vulgar, overbearing talki:di r machine, a n d \fanquilizer~ did it. When one botUe ~ 8911f she gets another. All she has to jl<>-ls . '!'k ,the . ~oetot 1or a reorder.'Tfils-woman used tO get .Wn.g ;with ,eve?yone. Sud· denly she 'Started ' to argfue • with salespeople and neighbors • .as weU as family and friends. • Now it seems every time I am • in her .company she telll • somebody off. • What has happened to • medical ethics? Shouldn't thls· • be one of our major concenis ?' • -OUTRAGED AND e INDIGNANT e DEAR OUT AND IN' I o 1s1ure you tbe doctor h11 • nothing to gain lf bl1 patient • eata pills like popcorn. Tiie • drugght 11 tbe one who makes • the profit. • • Yes, It would be wonderful If • all doctors could see their • patJents often enoogb to detect • persooallty ehangea, but dd1 • 11 · h:npofltlble. It 11 the re-• spons lblllty of the patient or • a rtlatlve or I.he patient to In· • rnrm the doctttr of radical be-• havloral changes. Has some-• one In y our family lhooght • to do this? If not, you should • do ll. e • What Is French kissing? ls It • wrong? Who should set the e necking limits -the boy or • the girl? Ca n a shotgun wed· • ding succeed? Read Ann e Landers' booklet. ''Teenage e ·Sex -Ten Ways to Cool tt." • Send SO cents in coin and a e long. self-addressed, stamped • envelo~.. • . , ... """ '• {UAti/}l ..,. ~ 2 llG FAMILY SHOWS! CONTINUOUS DAllV I ,.M • Oiclr V111 Dvk1 ''CHlmCHlm IAN•· IA.NG" · p,lu1 "YDUll, MINI AND OUIS" ·w,llh Lu_,111, tell • • • • • • • • • • • • • I ~ SIAR tLl-4. I BOBBIE GEN111Y• ROGER WIWAMS ' muslcil dlrectar...John Scottllollw August 1,a.22:si-sat8and10PM I P0P P01Hi I WAITS 103rd ST. RHYTHM BAND August 18-22; Showsat9and 11 PM . I ·COUNTRY MUSIC ;JUBJU:l: I FERUN HUSKY• 111i Geezlllllaw Bnlllms Sue Thompson • guest MC-Hugh Jamtt,KBBQ Sunday, August 17. ShOWs at 5, 7 and 9 PM HAUllT£1!,J41ANS/ON • • • • • • • • • • • 1• • • • • • • • • • • • • • UILV l'ILoT Jll ........, tMot-... ..._ .. ...,.... ... w.-ot.. ...... EXCLUSIVE RUN lmt La'IC'IJI• ¥-... J .......... Wetter.__. ,, "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF" ..... -.. ..... 1, ... cfff ................. 2,.111. "MarveloU& •.• Brilliont ••• 4 Sta,.,.. "THREE PENNY OPERA'• UST 1 .. 11t\t1. OON'T Miii TMIS O•U.T MUSICAL! '·"' c"'' ~ Hr "......,.... "*'*' .. ___ ... __ NOW PLAYING! Fo ... 1 .. -. 0oo .. o.,.. 12,u !!1Jl.!!! __ sh_ow_s_1_1r1s_1_2_,~_o·_ .. ..._,_ ......... ~vn COOUD It ACUI Oii NII PAlllNa llPll•llATION a ioin:-M\oJs f'f.RfOnuiCU AT l'OPlUl PllCU OIRtCT nON m USEMD !EAT ENGAGEMENT I -ALSO COMIDY CO·HIT - A11cf1 •rlffltti 1t1rrl1t 11 (GI "ANGEL IN MY POCKET" Co tor ••• LAST 2 WEEKS ••• --s ST ARTS WEDNESl>AY MATIMllS DAILY The ltran1•1t trio ever to traCk a killer. :='JOHN ·. -, . WAYNE GLEN CAMPBELL KIM DARBY OLJE 0 'G IT I l 11'==============='1• ~~ :1!;::;:;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;:::::;::::~ • • • MATINEES DAI~ Y Co1th1ff• hfll 1 :JI e W,\LT Dl&Nl'f '. 0 '4P •' : -·~~ --·-.. NOW OPEN ... to llumons Delightfully dreary ••• Frightfully entertaining. Getting Jn Is eaoy. Getting out Is another matter. Our latest census shows 999 happy creeps In active retirement .•• butthere'a elwaya room for one morel DISNEYLAND ·IS OPEN EVERY-DAY ••• Sunday· llM•dty, I AM· ~ldnlte • P:~,1rtd Sl'tl.Srdly, MM., AM • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MATINEE'S DAILY- Jack Lemmon and Catherine Deneuve are --".Ihe_AllriU'OOls'.'._ • •• ........... ~--·11·• T~! Mio "°"""'~ f il!ri. ... ..._. ... A N.ucNI G..ftt l'lctltlW ....._ ·~ -' •· •• . · I ,, Saturdty, A.1191ut 16, 1'69 NEARS 500th HOMER Ernie B•nks t> .., • .~ r• ,. • t • • .. il~nlis .,Vas Ne~rly·P:Dt to Pasture By RONj EV ANS 1U you'd uked Leo thrte ye:ar1 q:o., bfa oi tM °"" ""' 111f1 mlihl haYe wagered thal Banks wouldn't hL~" b~ked Leo Durocher .. any. plaf in a, St!,ies.i In ract. the Cub boss U.lng nice you Sl!J •~t . Ernle and nqw shamefully admit.I to nearly putting attribu\e to me b OK· and J don'l care 'Banlts out to pasture when he an1ve:d in what you write.'' Chicago three years ago. 1bal was the immediate ~acUon from . "That tint spring training, T started lbe peppery manager of the Chicigo Cubs· Playing every 'rookie first.' baseman we when asked to comment <ln the life and · r had-; Emle was 35 theit and I wu sup- Umea ol Ernie Banks, who. at 381 finall'y posed to be building a young club. 1 kept seems destined to play in a World Serles trying one rookie afte·r another that after all. se&!IOD and Ernie never said a word. It didn't look like Detroil's A1 Kaline "He just sort of said 'good.bye' to th05e would eve:r make it until last seam. kids and took over again. I'll tell you -I When he did, baseball's faithful lurned doll 't know V>'hat kind of pills that guy their attention to Banks. whom fate had takes but I wish T knew his pharmacist. also-ntglected. "If 1 was 1 writer I might say Ernie's like a big tractor -you have to b8 The face' remains unwrinkled, the pect the.$100,000 u.lary Jn one year." around us all the Urne to reaUze what a stomach 11 flat and his 1honlders 11eem t.argelY, du• ·to Bank1' peniuaslom. dependable, conslltenl job he does for UJ. almpst 'boy.like. He puse1 eqily for 25. Jackaon jlped. He never compf11tns and never says a He Is a man regarded~J by h1s Banks talka of re:llrement days now but word. Even when I was trying to replace teammates and ,by aJJ. ~ofr t all's bl&ek not of 56;1ar1tlog hlm3C!U from baseball. him in '66 ~never sald a word to me:.'' athlttu. R~e Ja~,. r example, ''I Would llke to be Involved with some Clearly, LeQ ove~stimated the ravages . _sought biJ adVice in ~ArbOna tasl spring sort of eic1Jlaye.rs' association. I th ink the o! Bania' 'Ye~rs. 'ntrtt yeara later. be wf)en ht Willi threatening to quit the game needs smle things that ex-players Has1playCd In ll3~f 1 11 garQes this year. Athlelks. can do -like p11ssing for rules that He hiU 17 homers and 85 RB'l'l. "l WH very .proud of the reJatiooshlp l might speed the game up ancl 1n.,tan What you have in ,Bank! ~ ,. lint w.aa able to ach!eve with Reggie." Banks uniform ground ru.les. And the game generation hl.gh salaried black athleJ,e. At said, In father-Hke tones. needs lo be promoted oow because it's in S00.000 a year, he figurea he has two good 111 toJdlhim lhat ht couldn't reud ~ith more competition than it ever was. )'C81'15 left. . ~ ,his employer or he'd get himself into art "Baseball ls such a great game and It "I have: to be realistic. l'm in good Impossible situation, I made him realize has been~ great to me that l'd like to be shape but I figure I don't have more than that he'd been offered a tremtndous able lo make some kind of contribution two 150-game y~ left." he says: salary increase and that he couldn't ex· !Ste BANKS, Page 171 "'"""""""""""""""""'"".,"""".,..,.,..,,...,.,,..,....,,..,...~_,r-..., .. ,..,,,...,,,.,...,,...,C1.,,..,~,,..,N•rcc:-2'!11>""'~·-"",. .. ""'""""~""""'""""',...,.., .. ..,.., .. .,,,,..,.,,,. ... .,.,.,,.,,...,.,."""":1'!'~--r.::r--""!'~ Bunning To Dodgers In Trade CINCINNATI -The Plttoburgh Pirates sold veteran right·hander Jim Bunning, the only pitcher to hurl no-hit.- ters in each major league. to the lA>! Angeles Ddogers Friday night !or two minor league players and an unclisclosed amount of cash. Bunn:ng. who compiled a 9-10 record this year, his ISth season in the ma}ors, was acquired by the contend ing Dodgers to fill the gap in their mound staff created by Don Orysdale's retirement last Tuesday. Chuck Cogin, a ~year .old infielder with the Dodgers' Spokane farm club, and outfielder Ron Mitchell. 18, their 12th round choice in the June ee agent draft, were shipped to the Pirates in the deal. Bunnin~ has won 20S major league games, more than any other active pttcher. aoo has stru ck out more than 3,000 t.iatters. • HOUSTON -Quarterback Earl ?o.for· rail threw a SS.yard touchdown pass tG Willie Richardson with three seconds left Jo'riday night, to give the defending Na- tional Football League c h a m p I o n Baltimore Colts a :U.29 exhibition victory over the Houston Oiler5. The brilliant pass and catch spoiled ll dramatic comeback by the American Football League Oilers. who appeared to have won the game 37 seconds earlier \\·hen rook .e kicker Roy Gerela booted a 23-yard field goal and gave'the Oilers the two-point lead. • NEW HAVEN, Conn. -ll's listed as only an exhibition game but as far as the New York Jets and the New York Giants are concerned. their football clash in the Yale Bowl Sunday falls into the Super Bowl .:ate gory. This fir!it meeting between the World Champion Jel.s of lhe American Foot ball League and the Giants, once the kingpins of tbe National Foolban League, hi !of Ult so-called championship of New York. Neither team wants to lose:. A sellout crowd of 74,784 Is assured for the headon clash between Joe: Namath. I.ht Super Bowl he.ro quarterback of the Jets, and Fran Tarkenton. the scrambl· Ing quarterback o( the: Giants. • ffiVING , Tex. -France's Calherine t..acoMe, seeking to become the first foreign U.S. Women's Amateur queen in 33 years, advanced to the finals Friday of the 69t..h championship, along with Stan· ford University :1tudenl Shelley Hamlin. Miss Lacoste scored a 2 and J victory f>Vet Anne Quast Welts of Mt. Vernon, Wash. Miss Hamlin, a ?O·year-0\d Curlis Cu p member. downed stubborn teen.age 5Ct\Siltion Nancy Hager of Dallas, l·up, in the other semifinal match over the ~hort but treacherous Las Colinas Counlry Club course. • SAN FERNANDO, t:hile -A dog 5COl'ed a 110CCeT goal for his owner 's team and Ule referee ruled it •·controversial but valid." It happened Thursday evening. A player shot from outside ttie penalty 8J"el. The lenier ran after the ball, col· Uded with tt. and sent it caroming into the goal. During the long argument that rollow· M. the dog stood beside the beaten goalkeeper, wagging his tail. • RENO. Nev. -A Re no race book rates the Baltimore Colts and Lo~ Angelu Rams aJ co-fa\'orites at ).I to win the upcoming National Football League title and the Oakland Ratden at 3-5 to take the American Football League. Thb year'! Super Bowl champions . the New York Jet.9, were booked as third ehoict to win the AFL. race at 1· 1. Thf! Kansas Clly Chiefs. at 9-5, fol!O"Ned OO!and In lhe AFL odds.· Rams Talie Shots at Cleveland By HOWARD L. HANDY Of 1M1 C1llY f'lltt Stiff Bill Nelson ow c.:s the Rams a debt of grat.itude but the Cleveland quarterback can hardly be expected to show such an emotion tonight when the Browns fa ce the U>s Angeles club in Ult! second pre- season game at Ule Coliseum. Game: time is 8:05 with 61>-70 ,000 fans expected. ll was during last year's pre-sea son game: with the Rams that Nelsoo took over the quarterbacking duties or the Browns from former Ram Frank Ryan . All Nelson did after that was produce 30 Gr more points in eight consecutive games for the BTOWM. Cleveland wiU be_seeking to avenge a 30 to 6 defeat. at the ~nd11 oC the Raois in the Playoff Bow'l game in Miami last January. In three meetings I as t year, pre.season, regular season and playoff bowl, the Rams won all three declsona. C<lach George Allen has announced he will use Les JosephsOn at fUUback for two series Utis game -doubling his active participation over last week . ·Mike Dennis, used chiefly as a spot player last season,1 will get a start at the running back position. ·•we want to give him. a real good shot at a possible starling. role during the pre·season Be Soars Like an Eagle Flanker Ben Hawkins of the Philadelphia Eagles flys through the air after he was upset by Atlanta FaJcon cornerback Ken Reaves. J.-tov~ • garrles,'1 Allen ·siid. , While Roman Gabriel will gel the starting nod at quarterback, Allen plans lo use Kiri •Sweetan ·more tlli& week to give hJs back-up signal-caller a chance to get in more game action. S,wee41n 's ·former Detroit ru!l11ing mate, Pat Studstil~ will see limited ac· lion this week. Studstill has been hampered with-a puJled hamstring mus· cle but is ready to play .at a wide receiver spot. Roger Brown, defensive tac kle and ;i member or the Fearsome Foursome last season . is still sldelin~ with a cast on his le~. Dick Bass and Tom1ny Mason will likewise be.kepi. out of UJe action. There are 51.ill 60 playe rs in uniform at the Ram camp in. Fullerton with the next cut coming on or about Sept. I when league rules limit the roster to 49. Wendell Tucker. Ram nanker whG caught five siQellnc passes and an 85--yard bomb, will be facing one of the craftiest corn ermen in the NF L in Cleveland's Erich Barnes. Cleveland's cxlposive offense is the big concern of Allen. "Leroy Kelly and Paul Warfield are recognized in the leagu' as superstars. Cleveland is the only team that has two of them that yoll.ng." Kell y is 27 and Warfield 26. • ing up loo late to hel.P Reaves is linebacker G ra~y Allen: Both ~lub.s are in action today with Atlanta at Boston and Ph1ladelph1a at M1am1. I'll Be Back., Vows A rnie Sl11 gg i11 g LA Whacl{s Expo s Behi11d Sutton Flovd Fires 66, Leads PGA .. DAYTON, Ohio -Ray Floyd, brash and cocky, bolted into the second round lead ln the PGA National Championship Friday, Gary Player scored a course rec· ord 6S and Arnold Palmer quietly headed home to the rolling hills of Western Pennsylvania, his golfin g future clouded and uncertain. "This il> not retirement.'' Palmer in· sisted arter withdrawing because or a hip ailment. "I'll be back. "But I won't play again until this hil'I heals properly. I have no idea how IGng tha t may be." Floyd, a husky. 2S.ycar-0ld bachelor, broke out of a huge logjam with a second round 66 for 135, seven under par for two lours over the demanding, 6,tt>yard, par 71 NCR Country Club C'OUrse. He wa s one of nine t.ied for the t\rst round lead at 69. Player, the Uttle South African wllo is gunning for a second PGA title, had eight bird ies, two bogeyt and nine.one-putt greens In his remarkable round. ''The two rounds I've played here are the finest two rounds I've played this year," said Player, already winner ol more than $100.000 this year. lie had a JS.hole total of 136, jusl ooe back of Floyd and one ahead of drawling Bunk:· Henry. the former Geor({i3 Tech place·kicke1 who had a second round 68. .Jack Nickla us and U.S. Open title:· holder Orville Moody (oUowcd al J38, each after shooting a 66. Bert Greene. , .. ho finished second in th£' rigch Westcherster Classic. had a 68 for 139. fo~loyd. who has been on the lour since 1963. won both tbe American Golf Cl assic 'and the Jacksonville Open earlier this year and Is having his best se:ason finan- cially with almost $75,000 in winnings. ~d reuM l<O"e' "•kllY I~ llw PGI POii (hllTIP'°"'1ll11 ovtr tM •1r .U.JS-11 NCR Ca1:ntrv Club DC111r11: Ray l"layd G•N PitV'' l!lunltv H!'l'ry CJo., SIP.• Orvl!)I MMdY Jtcll Nk kl111\ Jlrnrnv wr;,i111 l!IPTI G_ .... l •rN /ir(JWN Brut• C•OITll>""' Cl!1rff! Condy Rd11 Ct rruckl L1rrv z1...,1~r Mee MtL'11dM H<owlt J1t1111 ..... .. 1 G•lbt~r OIV! $1ot~lon G1rd'l'J• Oldlilllltfl l.,.,.mv ••ra~ JOhll RMQf<t l!IUKI! 8-lrd Edw1"9 Krall l lll'Y J•~llfl Jeck Cup11 l<l'M ~rt! l!lob Lu1111 y,,.., We• Jot>"'"' JOC'ft 1'°""4 Sl\IW eo1> eru1 c111 Chi ll!r!rt1ua L• TN~ff\O ~'"66-llS 11·45-13' 49-M-IJ' 11.11-1-1,. -·· l'l).6'-llll 11-M--)Jt 11-41-111 69·11-UI) 7fl.7&-lol0 ~9.71-140 11.&+--UO Mll-UO 1'61-111 1111!-ltl 6\.-n -111 11 &1-!•l n .ro.-1•' ro..»-H) 10-n-10 II.II-Ur n .10--1" TJ.lll--Ul 10-n-u.1 TJ.10--14.l 19·16-l•J n.n-113 ff.IJ-1U ... ~'~' 'l-11-UI n·n-114 7).1'1-1 ... 1"10NTREAL (AP) -Willie Crav1ford rlrove in three runs wilh a pair nr single~ :ind Andy Kosco. Bill Sudak.is and Willie Davis hit wlo home runs as the Los Angeles Dod gers belted the Montreal .Ex· pos 9-2 Friday night and moverl tG within two gartles or first place. Don Sutton, 15-11. allowed only .seven llod ger Slnle Au,. I• D<ld~~,, •I MQ~!rNI ~ •. m Kft IUlll At1~ 17 OadOt" ~I ..,._,,~~I !S·:ICI 1.m l(f1 !'-ICll llVll 1t Dadq•r~ •' P~llllCl•l11M1 •:)()pm, l{l<I (~.IOI .o.vg lO 00d9t'~ 1t P~H~del1>hll •:JO"·"'· l!Ft !M:ll hits and struck out eight as he notched his third consecutive victory and third straight uver Monlreal without a loss. Almost unnoticed in the l>hit attack was the return 'to action of Wes Parker . The Dodger first baseman. who slam· n1cd two hits Including a double, had betn out since July 20. after undergoing an ap- p<:"ndectomy. Indians Trip Angels, 2-1 , In 12 Innings ANAl!ElM Jose Carden a I c1 ashed a 12th inning home run off k!luckleballer llGyl Wilhelm Friday night. carrying the Cleveland Indians pa~ the CalifOTnia Angels 2·1. The Angels will try to square thin~ with Cleve land tonight, sending And ';I r.1Lssersmith (10-aJ against Luis Tianl 18·14). Wilhelm. California's 4&-year-old r~ lief specialisl. came on at the start or lhe 12th and got one out before ex·An• gel Cardenal drilled his ninlh homer of lhc season into the left fiel d ·scats. Sa ndy Alomar beat oul a bunt in the Angels' sixlh, took second on a sacri· lice bunt and scored on Ric k Reichardl's tingle, tying it l·I. Cleveland southpaw S,1m ~1cDowell allowed just one other hit and fanned II. boosling his st rike· out total to 202. lops in the Ame rican League. before leaving for a pinch hlf· tcr in the 10th. The I ndian~. hitless against California slarter Hurly ~1 ay through fou r innings, scored in the fifth on Tony Horton's dou· hi•! and a single by Ken Harrelson . Duke Si ms walked with two out In the Indians' 10th and stole scond . With a 1·2 e-0unt on ?o.1cDowell. Russ Snyder b31ted fo r the pitcher and slapped a single to right. but Bubba f..1orton·a ~!rong throw nailed Sims at the plate fo1 the third out. CLEVELANO CllLl~OR"l.l ••r~ltl nr~ltl Nel\an 1b ) O O O 11,1a..,.., 111 • 1 .1 n l Brow~ lb • 0 0 O S11u•<:tr 111 4 o r n Ftoker II l O O O Re•dl!rd!!! 'II 1 I Hlnllll' If 1 0 1 I) Frtpa•I u S 0 I 0 T Hortlll' 1~ J 1 1 0 Morlan rt J o I 1' l~•,.ehon rl ~ I I 1 II Rod•igllfl• lb 4 O O O C~rden.<rl (t S 1 1 t John•lont ti J f 11 (I Leon ts 2 001Al(Ufl' sozo C~mllliJb lOO O RM~VP lo no S11<1rei~ !31\0Llt nesl!ft 1011n $If"• ( 0 0 0 0 K T•turn 0 0 0 0 0 Mcoaw.11 " z o I t Va-s pl! n n o 11 $nyd9rllf! IOIO Wll~elmp 0011 0 lAWP !000 ' lo•11 lt 2 ' ) Tot•I •? I " ~ c11vet1"" OtlG 010 OXI fl01 -1 (1llla1n•1 000 OCI 000 000 -1 E -Nfl!!On. OP -Cltvel"'ld 1. C1lllornl• I. l08 -(lt ••lt l!CI' I, C1!Horr!1 17 75 -1 Har1'311 I. llltllt. Sper>ee•. HR -(Af06"'11 l•l Sl!I -Simi s Slll!llCtr 2. Mt00Wt tl, Jal!n''" lf. IP H I. Ell SI SO Ml:OcrWl!ll t ' I l I 11 L•w lW, J.I) l I a 0 J .1 R.Mey t 3113 .• K. T•tum 1 1 0 0 1 t Wllhetlm !L. ),JI I 1 1 1 n J H8P -Wilhelm IS•msl. T -l ·1• A -1.611. Hall Breaks Second Mark In 2 Night s LOUISVILLE, Ky. AP -Gary Hall riid even better than his cGach predicted Friday night. setting his second world'A. record in the 1969 National AAU swim.. 1ning and divin~ championships. Hall swam the mens' 40().metcr in· rlividual medley in 4::13.9. His coach at Indiana Universit,v. Dr . James Coun~ii. man predicted before the race. that Hall \1'ould snAp the old mark or 4:30,0 by fivr seconds. 'The previous mar k was ~cl by Chari~ llickcox of Bloomington. Ind .. at Long Beach last year. In today's action. Toni Hewitt of Corona del Mar goes in the fin als of lhe women'll 200 breast.stroke. 1 Stricken by !he flu earlier this week, she'll have a bat tle holdini:: off the {Ao vored Ellie Daniel, a Jong·time rival and Oly mpic silver medalist. . The 18·year-0ld llall from Garden Grove. established a world record in the: men'! 200·me:ter backstroke Thurs· rlay night wit.ha lime of 2:06.6. Afte r the race, Hall said he didn't knoW' ho\v much faster he could swi1n. "t'd ju~t have to try.·· he said. 1 ·, Hall also ~aid he will work on hts" breast~troke. his ¥ .. eakest leg in the rar<' . t:arlicr. Sue Peterson. Arde:n Hillit ~wim Club of Ca rm ichael, Calif.. est.al>- lishcd a new AAU record in the womtn'1 200-meter rreestyle. The l5-year-0ld t.fiss Petersen cnvered the dist.an~ In 2:07.S. breaking the olcf mark or 2:07.8. ~ in 1965 by Ea die \Velze\ of Lake Bluff, JU .• in Lincoln. Neb. Chargers, Raiders Collide Tonight l.oo Angeles plans to send Claude O~ 1ccn. IS.ID, against thr CancHan club tonigh\, LOI .i.NGltlf'.' llllOH'Tlll!:aL 10 , ~ ltl '' r h 1t1 Wllh H ' ' ' !••"" t • • ' . Sll'tf PSON'S DEBUT AS PRO LIMITED DETROIT (AP ) -O,J .'.s profeio;~kmal SAN DIEGO (AP) -Two rivlis In bolh the State of Callfornta and the America n Football 1.eque cluh toolght In San Diego Stadium. The OHiand Rlldm and S.n Diego Cha11en will field lineups nol•llvelJ free of',......... lnjurltt. ln &be bllUlt ol quarterb ac k s . ~·.-Oij'jle LamOiiica. Who h1a tn ..... r<d yfc:t«fea aftt th< Cl\argeMI th< pllll three ......,., and John Had!, - the veteran Charger, will st•rl . But both will be backed up by S{lhd relieve rs -Eldridgt Dickey 3nd George Blanda for Ult. Ra iders and Marty Domru for the Chargers. Raider coach John Mtdde.n, who at 33 Is the yoon,gell mentor In pro ranks. has lost his two pre-season starts, but his ltam tias 11cored 44 points whllc the Charge rs were scoring IS In complling a 1·1 record. It 1''111 be r.1adden's firsl football ap- pearance in San Diego shlCt he was tlef('nsive coordinator at San Diego State from 1964 through 1966. OakJand ha11 the same ~tarting Ii~ that have played th4l previous games. \~'Ith only one significant exooptiGn the JllUC I true of San_ Dlcgo. Rw.s Smith. who wffcrtd 1 back sprain in laSt wetk's Char1er-&lnls tnCOUnter, will be out for 11notbcr "'eek. Also absent fro m !he: Charger HMup ~ 11ll·pro offensive tackle Ron Mix, whose. pulled thigh muscle. suffered last month, wlll keep him out unUI the Aug. 2.1 en- counlcr with the NFL Cleveland Bro••ru. Among the: younger players. lhC' RRlrlcr pass receiving or Rod Sherman and Drt\Y Buie have alertod ..the. Charger dcfcnl'C, while lincbackr!r Bob Babich oC the ChMger~ has made his imprint as ()flt of the finest prospects in the pro lineups. C•~wf00'1! II W Cll~•I <I KOKO rl p .. ~., ,~ S•id•-1• Jf! H~lft ~ ~'""'°'. "' ~1>!""1 II le•1I te• 11...,.tt1 ~\fwll•NI ' . ' ' '•l•lv ~ ' ' ) 1 5ttyll rl • ' ' I M Jorl•l II • 11L.._,. ' 1 I 81lllrv " ' ' I 51.il!lffllld ~ ' I & C:otun, 1tl ' " O O Wl~t l' W••l'w\IOI D McGlo><! • """"""' " Cl•M 11'11 l'lll. p Wft':., ,i. ltM•ll • J1 ' u • , .. ·~ "" .. '" • ' ' . football debut wasn't a joy to behold. • ' ' ' The Heisman Trophy winner from USC, ' • • • • • ' ' played just 12 seconds m the nm h!\I • • , . • • ' . llnd about two minutes in lhe second 11 ' • • • t.he. Detroi. Lions be.ltt'd the Buffalo Billi! • • • • ' • • • Friday night. 24-12. • • • • ~Impson didn't touch !ht hall for Bnf. • • • • ' • : : fnlo in the first hlllf1 bJll srt up a.Bin,• ' • ' • o a -loochdown In t~ final two minutes of • • • • pi Ry by cr.tct\ing I 37·yatd paS5 frnm Jim » I > I ~· -• Harril'i. .. -' ( r r t e a a l• E • If 1, ~·· p " •1 •• " ' lh Sl re ''· " H· "' !lo s ., [ • I < Start • Your Engines! by Deke Hou/gate Dan Curney, interviewed In the racing journal COmpeUtion Press, expresteS the (.l()mplalnt ol people who spend money toipro- "lde the raw me.terlals for auto racing . " As a ~ar own~r he Is upset that the U1S. Auto Club didn't 10 a11 lhe way in upp1ni the size or the stock block enefne to be UMlt In championship cars so that a car owner use one in all types of raclng. \Vbat Gurney says is that by not outlawing exotic Indy eQCiDer USAC Ignores the economic. realities faced by cir owners and 1nanuradurers who help pay their bills. To be competitive al Indianapolis and some larger ovals, a <lriver must hav~ a turbo-Ford or turbo-Offy that costs U much ns ? nice thrte ~room house in the suburbs -$22,000 to SS&..000. To back htmself up he should have another of those "houses" sit.- ting on the bench in his racing shop, in case the first one fails. When a driver goes to a oONnila. oval track he is probably belier off with an unsupercbargedl"ord or Oflenhauser ($17,000 to SZS.000). Then there are the road races, where the best bet is a stock block Ford or other passenger car engine (about $4,000). Logically, slece all these races Jud to a single U.S. driving thamptonshlp, a lnan bankrolling a car and driver would be better off if he only had to invest in one type of engine, and the cheaper the better. Gurney recently proposed to USAC that for ne1t year the slock block engine be increased In size from its present 320 cubic inch piston displacement to 366 and that turbo engines be cut 1lown in size. In elfeet this would eliminate all exotic engines in lndy racing. . . • "The basic reason for any engine change i! to make it more 11ppealing for sponaors and spectators, which really boils down to , money," Gurney said. I Relive Days Gone By , . "I feel that if tbey (USAC) were wise they would really go all mJt and make a change over to the same size engine used in Former Dodger WalJy Moon will be one of the feature attractions Coliseum, &ite of the 1959 World Series. Moon sent 14 homers over Trans-Am racinc t305 cu. In.). which in effect would immediately at Anaheim Stadium Aug. 24 when the AngeJ~Dodger oldtimers the Coliseum screen that year. make USAC champion.ship racing available to at least m _c_o_U_id_e_. _H_e_r_e_M_oo_n_,_· •_•_•_••_in_fn>n __ t _of_hi_· s_o_l_d_op_la-')'lll'-·_g::....bom __ • __ lh_• _________________________ _ manufadurers." These are the six for which Trans-Am racing wa1 desiglted - Ford, Chevrolet. PontJac, American Motors, Dodge and P!pnouth. Curreiilly, only Dodge and Plymouth are not campaigning oo the Trans-Am traU, and-they are expected to be in the runnin& ln 1970. So Gurney ~'Ould have every driver racing in a car ~red by \'lhat really is an engine designed and built orlginaDy fir the· street. not some special engine built only for Qne ~rpo9e: When the USAC rules committee met recently it acted JI) the spirit of comprot'nise. raising the !lock block limit from 310 tO 3S.5 cu. in. but refusing to defer to Gurney and others who w~ the lurhocharged engine size lowered (from 159 cu . in., w~ 1!1'111 stav). ·-..) . ~· The consensus of the rules committee was that It is'dtstrable to r:ncourage driver! to use stock block engine! in the mterut of economy, but there has to be a place in USAC racing for ~otic machinery. Gurney feels that the two areas where ID(lbey comes from -the spectator and the manufacturer -would be Jerved better if cheaper, mus produced passenger' car engine that rverybody identifleJ with would be wed inchampionsbip J'aciDI, "I feel µSAC Js not changing with the times," he ~""'1iey are not looking at the thing very coldly or calculatiqly, ~·they art apt to just wither away on the vine." Vnknown World Cl1nmp One of the qal'et men of drag raclni, Benpy Oibonl, was ln town over the wee~ad. Tbf:y call lalm "Btnny the Wlxanf of 05· Dorn" because someone once played a trick oa Beaay'a name ~·heabe painted It on tlte side of a car. But "Benlilt · Be:any" would be mo~ appropriate. Quiet. mode1t. uueantiooal, be la Ule uknown champion of tbe world. Llvl.Qg la Sand Sprln11, Okla., wbJch 11 a perfect place to live ir you don't want anybody to llad you, Btnay ha1 spent tlle week ln a motel acr0ts fnm Dlmeyland. With him were llJ1 w1fe ud 1-~·ear-old 100. Tbe atmo1pbert In tlte Olborn calnp waa more like a plca!ant vacallon than a·H:rioua racing effort. Asked why he is so anoaymoo1 la tbe world of colorful auto rating cbaracteri, Benny came right to tbe point. "l like to keep trn' tnoulb dlut," be saJd. "Let tbe other IUYS speak for themselves." Benny called our b.r:id conversation "doln1 public relatio ns" 11nd confeued be'wlisa'~VelJ', comfvrtable al U. . YMC:A Event Newport Slwres Wins Sw·imfest Newport Shores Swim Club dominated the Orqe Coast YMCA lnvit.ational Saturday, wlnning four of five age £1'9UP assifications en route to • the ov,e.rall championship. I Complete results: U 'Mdlr,r llell' -1. NewPOrt Sllorn -OllM °'ttl, SCl!•-11'1 Henman. J11Nt Sl>olllner, QulnfltU ?. Pec!l!c S1nd1 -D1vid W-"· 8ob M1!lov, Robb11 M cC 1r ln e v, Ed McC1r!r•n; l. Emer11d 81v -HUI • .. 1,,,, P1•1lr1, c ...... 10, Ent•n: '· N~-' H.,bor Y. c. -Kr!n Delklll , An" Bud<!nth•m. J111n C.,.,111'1. c. 8Udil"9har>I. 1·1 -11¥ R•'IY -1, N-l>Ofl Shorn -Miki .U""1, J1t1el ·1~­Wfl'Ml1< Oe VOUftt, M&l1I 0Ytrf¥11 r: ?, Eml'l'llcl lllY -.C..-111, Smith, ti.111, JDfl~m: l, P~ci r. &Nodt -S. Glbsofl, 8 . Pt1rp M. 8.0rlt, W, H-1 '· 0.111111 11 YMCA -S. l'l'!ClllOlm, J. Well1, . ltll'l!IOn. L. l"edlto1 J. HIWPOl't H1rbor Y, c. -L. C!•rv. ft. C1l'V1r, r· Ptr"'" 8. l11et.lnt1'11m1 6. H11tcr.. (!lib -( l'llfl\Mfl, (, Con110ll, O. Ptrtlntl 11, llelden, ,_10 MldltY ll:t IV -1. H-pcid Shora -M Dorli,11, It. P1rolt C. Sllr•d ... , C iu11r11 J. Or•noe Coin YMCA -S losnlu J. Elnff~ "' -tl"tat. l(f1t1btl1. en·'"lltlO. "'' '· P1tlllc S1ftda -C. MtC011rt, D. udrltl C. i<ullt,, M. Mcc'.aurt: !>, N"""°' H1rbof" Y. C. -L. Pe..-, s, J1111n11n, J 8\ldll""'tm, C, Wl!IO'll •. HlltcrMI -M. H1ntl11r, P. ltlt11'9n. C. S11nrf, G. Wiii.a. 11·12 Medin' Rf!1V -!. Emttllcl 81v -All!OI\, P1111rM11, SI..--, UP'11m; 7. ,.,.._, Sl'lwH -$, Reid, J. HUCli.an, L. k1tlflkfi A. 0'$111Y1 l. PKlflc Stndl -J, vr1111, S. WI',', A. W1iker, M. 1trc11 '· N--1 M1r1loor Y. C. S. Clltmbffl J. Clmltfl, I I LO~ <>Old, J J"Cll-; O!'l"'t CU• YM- CA -$, Nlelloft. 1~. Gr19, Meftle; '· H1lec•t•I C~'fl -M . °''''· IC. MurPllv. ~n11,o J. Thon\11, K. Elmeff, T, C•r111,..er;x:,· S H-'i.trt~I - W IOD lllCktlrdlt Jltlt -' N""""" •• -O...lntlo .• s. mlth, S: G"''~· ll1111ers; 1. Pldno; "'" -D. W 11, R. McC•rfrNY. F. Cllrl'IOW. .. T,;•!IDPNrSDn; J. Emenlli • .., -{1 Pt,..1•1. Dllt>o!S. H\inlftL /I 100 \'II. BIW!tokt JlllllY -l , 'M""°"t $horn -M. Adlrfta. M. CtU:. '1 ....H'M"""• M. Onrmlfftri1. l'ldfle S.•. -S. G~, II, l'Ml'IOll, M, ..... W. H-n l. !Emtnld he -CtiiMlo, Sml"', P1ul50n. Hull"h -, 911i!tt1Col~t YMCA -tlll. art-J, \'l.U.,. l . Pedl90. S. lllM!hoftl1 j, HftHfl Kirbo< Y. C. -II. Ctnler, C. M~. a. eudclnol\am, L C!lrv. ••'9; toO Yd. ll1dl.sttote JleltY -1. Ht-rt ~"9 -W. KHoerldl, C. $hrteer, S, A.S.im. M. OotWs: 1. Of~ CO.It.,. "YMCA -,.D, l!l'll!lnl"" S. L-'&, I' . ....._lr!Mr, I . MIO!llhlol1 l. i-1t1fk Sindt -C. ·Fun ... , C. MtC1ur1. K. l!lte, I . F•rrll; •· Emtr•ld 9•• -H11ttlns. Hurtt. S..,ltl'I. kttret; !. Newpert H1~ Y. c. -c. wui.on. J. llU<klnell•m. A. C1m11,., L. l'ersen: 6. H1i.trnl -E. Cl\oln, S. Oclenw11d, D. Cllubbuclt.. M. Ht"'ltr. 11·11 20IJ Yd, B•tktlroke lltt11 -1. Emer11a l•Y -Aml4fft, Pto1nv. Alll!On. Slm'"""'I 2, Ntwil'arl $1\orts - L, klllnltl. K. Dorl111, II. Vorhf1, S, l!eld; l. P1clflt S.lld1 -J, evroo. s. W1v, <. Fuller. H. W1Qi;t r; •. N""'"'1 Htrber V.. C. -L. Norl1111d. M, .Sl•ln. J. Per.on, .. 8~..in111\1m: !. H1!ecre1t -P, Ron, M, M1nos-t. T, Clltrt, II, JotinsDn. 13-!4 700 Yd. l adc1!n*t lltllY -1. Em'1"1IO fl1v -fOflle, Amlden. llOdtr, Slmmotts.; 1. P1clflc 510<1i, M , Ct"' G. Bv'Gn. c. ltevnelds, G. ludrb; l. N"°'""" $f\0~1 -M. Pr"'' L. Darius. L. 1<11per1k. R G..,; •. HtwJOrt H1rt>or Y. C. -W C1m!I", K, Elmor•. J . TllOmts, T. CA•~n••r: !. Htigr"I -S. M1rk1burr, II. Chtrt, C. Wiii._ S. ~,.,.1111. Packers, Bears Plav " TV Feature One of the pre-sea.son· s best e:dtlb ilion pro foodlall attrac- tions hil3 the TV screens to- .nlsht when the Chicago Beers SQuare off .against Green Bay .in Miiwaukee. Ray Scott calls the action ~tarting 1t ·6:30 on Cllannel 2. It's. 1 ~oreast. EbeWhere on tbe pro grid front'. a tape of the Rams- Cleveland same will be shown Sonday at 2 on <!hannel %. Today's baseball feature is a Pittsburgh-Cincinnati match. Gam ettme is 11 a.m. on Chan- ne:I 4. 'nle'raincheck game i! St. Louis and Atlanta. The' USA.Great B r i t a i n track and field meet will be shown Sunday at 12 :30 p.m. on Channel 2. Sunday 's NFL action pro· gram offers ao in·depth study of the decline o( the Green Bay Packers. The weekend TV n1enu : TODAY ~1ll1~ri !11 c~lM;,'l~c~~LJw...-: 11:r'~lr."'~1: 111 cl1T'~ •. Fr11* 11a:"'Tkl-5:!!~ 1taut•11" miketld• " 'i·o.m. 'fl~t -PGA GOLF -FIMI ~ts (C•v .~~-11 1111 '"' •~·'"· m'T -:'o'A1"'l'[?1~}rom l J.. '"!°"'' l'rontoo Jflil\11 •-'"· !l<llF -"aoL -fLucl\t ws Alamitos Entries • •lllST\JIACI. I ..... r Old~ 1ncl u• i. Gr..,. A Mlrll.ls ~tel In (1111, PYr'U a!7DO. Cfllrno Al ""-811 l•kh•tdl) DIM\ll'sl fMorr!tl C11V Chu II«> 1 fl il>html Ml""' ,.,,.., fW1!M:>n) c,.,, Sky ($mill!) Que,t Mflofl fMllSY.S.} e ..... 11 ltr !.,POdlc1J Goodt's Tlrie (P•9tl F11t 11-r fC1rckl:1J Dim "Ttotl"' fH1rtl • • "' "' '" "' '" "' "' •• '" SE'CONO JI.I.CE. l!O ~••d• l w•r olds tncl UD In Gr1de A Minu1 C'•t'd In Cllif. P~r51 11100. My 811 M-CA41lr) Slt<do T-IP191) Ct1111 Flror (Plllmlll l.11'1 l!ld fWlllOl'I) T~ Wildt (Morris) Su" Gl'IOll fllnbl Jodln o.nav l•r flrln~le~I HMrveilll'I Don IC1rdco1.tJ Mcefl'V't Bibi IL11>111ml Sutwaod Rodi.et (McAevnold)) '" "' "' ... "' '" • 116 "' "' ,,. THlllO JIACI. 400 v1rd1, J v••r Old• lfld U• In Grldt AA Mlnuo. P~ne 12IOll. lleo's llf'<luest flloh•"'I Oon Plle'lllfl fAdtlrl A1old llfl(krf (tlillc:rit~1 ) Tl>f i-ol!rOOfl (WrflJl['rl ) Monumenl1! (Hirt) Gold Olt l (Cll'llOIA) Ptlllfl e..r Time iSmllhl ltcly Artllfl 2 ISl-1 '" '" '" "' '" •• "' '" P'OUJITH flACI • .UO Yll'd1. ) y~1r Oldl •nd u• In Graff M Plut. PUrM '""'· Ltdy •-ue1I fSmlltl) All1n11 Jet Meftd1!1 0-Go fMerrlt) Pl~-Pertu""' !Achlrl Oonlt II Good (ll!Clltrd11 Kl.,Tr1 Got0tn1tl IAP«I•'•) Tom lvdon IW•ti.onl BeulMl'1 ll:ockfl fLIPh1m) 0e(k Nol1t (I' 1~ I o.~1 IMl:lle"Ynolnot • "' '" "' "' ") ... '" 1l!VENTM JIACE. V•t~lt S•, Cov<lt --110 ,..rch. J Yi!lr flldl tfld UD ·~ lowtflCIL J111rw $3500. lloo;ket Jto1111r IR 1!1M>) 01wcs M191< !Acl•lr) Ill, ll<111Wr fWlltOfl) Mr, Ptr$0ntlllv Cl rlM l•VI Mtblr Cllldi loo !ADfld1c1l lt•• l r1<1r !ll"~•m) Nerclrio (H Croot111 No:ortell1 fllldlttdll EIGHTH llACE. J50 vlrds, oht&. Tiie k!ndtr91rl•n. Pvr11 "'ulllfr I ron.tr fAOllr! llebtl Clwlr .. !H1rl) Go 1-r CJI Sri.ti J11u1r Jlfldttl CH Cro1by) ltk 1's Geld fRklltr'dsJ A·Wlltll .. IY To Go (L/ph1ml lltd C~lner lltr tW1llon) ""·<>.!tl'll To Go Clrlnktev) L111le'1 Go Min Clrnllll ) Ayntlt lulu 10 lltllktl "' '" "' "' " . '" "' "' ? Yt•r lfO.lOD. •• •• "' •• '" '" •• "' •• A-Vruel1 Stt!llOI\ ~•rm En!rr. '" HINTM llAC•. $4t YlrOi, l '-"'r oras Ind w. All-1J1C1s. l'urtt l2000. Genii'• lleoue1I P•••1 "' St,.,.ton't Sl1tw (WI lflf\'I 111 Cllltomf1 5m1111 fltt<Mrch) ti. P1ot'1 Pride CAdelr) 111 SlltnF Grami"d CCtnlllll) 1)0 Wflfldt'I JlodlM 112 SI a tlillOUHI fkl<llsJ 1U J1y Jiii ... fSllN) 1'>0 Mr. 5itY 91r (Hlfll 115 IOI.Ill Pro (lllnt ldll 116 PILOT·AOVUTISU 17 Fish Ooh Slates 2nd Youth Trip Ballioa Millol Club will •ponaor Ka tecond annual non• member lllUtb lflbln1 tourna- men~ 'llleidly. BAO bu a(aln charterert f.be.: -...~,., t 0 SC• commodate-40 elrla and boy• from fqu.r youth clubs in the arta; the Boys Club of the Harbor Area lhe Newport Beach YMCA, and t h e recreatk>jal group from the Rio Hondo Park of Pico Rivera. Each club wUJ ha ve a counselor with its group. and lhe Balboa Angling Club ls furnishing fishing c o a c h e s under the leadership 0 r chairman Bob Reid. Reid is coocluctin& a clinic for these to youth., t o demonstrate the proper hand· liDJ of tackle and fishing gear, prior to the trip. Balboa Angling Club I., furnlsbing aU neces sa r y tackle, and trophles will be awarded to the Wjnncrs in various categories,: from the largest to the smallest fish. The board of directors of Balboa Angling Club believes there has been a need for this type of sports ac.Uvity in the area, so that youna people from the various y o u t h organiza.Uons will have the op- portunity to learn to enjoy deep sea fishing. Handicap Races Set Orange Coast area drivers will make up more than one third of the field tonight in the handicapper's championship drag races at Orange County lntemaUonal Raceway. Time trials get under way at I :30 in the afternoon with eliminations starting at 8:30 p.m. More than UlO drivers wlll be gunning for a $1500 purse in the handicap racing which em- phaWes driving abllity over simple horsepower. Under the handicap system. a driver detennines his own handicap by predlctl.ng his elapsed Urne. If he runs faster than his declared time, he 's disqualified. OCIR director Mike Jones said some or the leadlng en- trant& from the Orange Coast include Billy West, Linda Whltficld. Leroy LaPerle and Marion Burruworth f r o m Costa Mesa , Lee Keeley of HunUngton Beach and the Westmlnster trio of Keith Merfeld, Gene Brown and MiJc:e Bergen. Sharina the drag racing bill will be compeUUon ln the Bigas supercharged and in- jeded funny car dJvlJions . AJtltoagll he ,.-on lib: flrd NRRA world cbampioasbip two ~·ear1 110 be: didn't get arond to qattttng his job as a meebanic in ;i new car ageocy nntil jast before this seuoa started, because be didn't really consider blnlself a top profe11loaal. After be won bis second world title last October at Tulu, he !inally ru.Jized wbert be atood in bis sport. He ba.s beea on tbe go ever since, capitalizing on his rtputaUon. J,1~r:·"~J1e;°'1i::;.,. -NIWPOtl !hores -M. Pr"'' Gr .. Mlldllll, L. Oorlus, L. ICISPttlk; J. "'"''"'"' B•v -Foo!t l !/'"""°"" .-msdtl\, l'ennv; 3. P11tirc -· -M,c .. n . G, l oo(lrl•, J. Cunf\11191\.m, G. Iron· ( NcwPOrt H1rllor Y, C. -W. 1m~n. k . Elmcirt, "T . c1,..,..,,1er, J, Tl'lon!H. 5-4 100 Yd. Free lltll Y -I Newnoorr Shorn -Quinlin Rici\. J. SMO!fl,...r, G. Hulev, o R011rr1: '· "•cllro; Sandi -o. Woedtl'I. e. Mlliop. F.Currow, II:. McC1rt,,..,; J. Emer1ld f11y -Hut1ln1, Prr•lr1, £f\Vetl, C1lofl'lfl; 4. N-rt H1rbor Y. C. -IC . Oellol1, A. l~kl"l!htm. J. Ct mlln. C. l!Yclif"llll•"'' !. H1lecre11 -T. Cr1lf\Sl\1w, L. M•noske. E. Ctr!•r. II, M~ne.ke. <te soccer • M•1"'· 6:Jll o.m. f2/ L -FOOj'"\, -(l\ICtafl Vt. Glftn 9•r..:lllY COii IUI Chr!1lmln, Brue.. JI ''i m1k11fdt •I Coomlv 114111171 lft M tw"' ,,.. 10 e.m. fMlF -llOX O -fAtrlfl di 11 MmlM de M11lc.,I Ml Pie fH cr-...l Vtndy Eiieen 11:1rdcr1•! Flllv A Ge Go (Adli lfl Pen Ptl'1 Dtl'lllY (Wt!Nr'I '" '" "' '" •• , .. '" "' Race Results The Wizard of Os-born has a high regard for safety, bolh fln lhe street and on the strip. He's expoa:ed, as they say in the in· ~1lrllnce business, driving 40,000 accident-free miles a. year ton•ing raef cars and hilling 225 m.p.h. in competition. "If I ever get my dragster out of shape 1 back off and quit. I figure J'm going lo lose some races that way. but I'll be. around to racr again tomorro"·· ''I spent six 'veeks In the hospital after an accident once. and 1hrn six months in a brace. I think that experience made me grow uo Skitlded 011 Runwa11 Don White the USAC stock car driver, literally "took a bath " ;i few days a10, and it may hive saved his life. Rained out ol one race at Naz:arelh. Pa., he and lour others flew a small, light plane to Dover, Del.. for another. Landing on a :-ml'llJ strip near the Dover track, a landing gear collapsed IJld ~C'nt the plane skidding off the runway at 100 m.p.h. into a ~wamp. \Vater under the plane slowed it to a stop a few feel in front of 11 ~t::ind of pines th l!l would surely have ripped the tiny aircraft to hit~. SOFT SELL SAM .;L££CH // ['!1loYM£Nl ///', ly Marvin Myen :l::~:·n· ~ ... "' . . -.. • I· I .... ''/PtTllE£M~f. f'rF NEJIE,f !Jff!I FJqp ... I A ltiAN(S TO MY KNaJINC-/;/!/ftl TO ffJ/6N/ M lDC Bl'TISlll"''' llel1y -l, NtWPOrl $horn -Qulntfn, S. Holtm1n. ~•ftd~'~1~'. .....-'Od~~neM.:c7irt~~~~ M•llov, F, Cu•llOWI J. fmt•lld llY -DYbols. Hut,lns, E111t11, P11r1lr•; 4, "'ewoor! Harbor Y. C. -K. Dtllo1~. A eua1nv~1m, J. C1!'1111n, C. lvdt· ln<>~ilrn 14 loo &•t-'&tstrol!.t llel~v -l. Nl!\~OOrl S~are• -II. H~1l1v, M. ~~~~id .. ;, .. ~'Sm~\~.&•~·.~;,~~~: P•~l~O'I. Hul1!; 3. P1clflc S1nd1 -B. My,pf'ly. Jat.n D .. Lh1 P, JI.., W.; <, NtWllOf'f H1rbor '1'.C, -l , (\1rv, C, "'O•lnfl(I, H. P.,.oon. R. C1rv1r. •·10 :!00 8re11.l1trllkt lltl1v -1. N...,?Orl Short!. -M. Dorl!,.. C r~;:•• }!'· 0 "'""iU.t1i, p~A'°~chi~~cl~~ M111ov. c. McCauru J. Or•ntt Col•! YMCA -D llrlnt\en. s. Loom! •• I(, woue. e. M.1ocri.10fl1 " &mer•ld In -1>81<l}(lfl, Arn1d1n. Ntll. Kl.!J!blll; ~­ N ... _.1 Htrbor 'I', C. -l l'trlOl'I. II, '1'1)1Jn<110vf. A Ctmlln S. 'ruom1n; I. Hll«r~I -M, HJMltr, S, Odtftw11d, P. ltl.,..ton, "-Wiiis. 11-17 2<111 l re1tl1trDllt tllltl•Y -l , Emtrlld 111 -All!•O<I, P1ll~•.on. ~::1~· .~10: lo.:i"""V:C1 ~rr, Pt••-· l. Bowm1n, J , Meri.. M. -t!J. 5..,.ri.~. II. V~.J!:. A. 0'5h1y, I, ~~~11.J· :~:"1. ~.7j ~: 'fl::.Po~i H1tW Y. C. -J, Ctmlln. II, l l-ld. T. Cerpe...ittr, J. Jad!«<iJ 5. Or~"9t Cot1! YMCA -G. H•rrlton. It. l'«lllO, 5. Nelloon. M. 1t1r1rl"ft1 •• H~lea',..I -9 , Smll'tl, M. Stn1tll, T. Wiiis, M, M•notke lJ.1' 200 llre11tUroti1 "il.rJ: -'· "'"'-' Sl>orr1 -I. "'" R. 11.ldltrdSOll. G. krllll, 0. dMh 1 l;' .... rl ld &IV -[)oeley, Amlden. Foote. Slmmonu J. Ptclnt Stnd' -IC. McElrll'l', s. McCrot, M. C"'la. 0 . lludr!11 • N51 Hltbof Y. C, -W. (""'lln. J· lfl•tnclfr, J . Tl'!Omt•, K. lltmore1 . tlterttl -S Ml~rv, 9. Mtlp/oe, M. Sl1""1 L. ~lrll<'. H 1004. lllt19"IY illllllY -I. N1WPOrl •• -J, Sl>etl"I'' Quintin, !. Ot11t. • Gl111,. D. °"'"' 1. ~~tTl~t=I :; .. ~~1"Sftid~'::1'D: w .~11.,.~-... ":l~ ~.~~c. ~ K. lloll , A. i rtthlm, J. Omlin, c. !ldlt,..,, ..... 14 lOD yd. 1111tt!r11v 111i1v -1. New"" Slloru -M. c 111. J . Bro,__. M. Adll'!'ll. W. Dt Yovrttr 1, Ptclllo; Slftdt -a. ..,,,_, l . 9owll'I. O, 1'1rrf"• M. Budrtu I. £em-r1kl a ..... -01111.,.,, a•um•nn,_ P111110n. H111tt1 •. Ortnet C1111 "YMCA -C Wei .. , L, l"MI .. , I . Nl/olrfitrr, ll lrt,_1 S, NIWll0!1 Hll'W Y, C. -I , llldi· '""'*"-\.. Cl11Y. II. c..rvtr, It l'ft'JOfl, t>ll 1llO l'd. autt1rt11 tlllll11¥ - l Hl'llJ'llf'I MlflrH-C. Sllr,..r1 M. DclflvS. W. IClll'l!l"l<A. II, l"ff-1 f °'~ 1-i~ -·~·~ '· ~t"ifrc S...: -~. ltA."'. M.~ ... ~ ~ C. Fr.rlltri ._ _,.111 .. , -l(IYH, AIT\ldt"' IClonb~ll, l ry1"'llllt1 H-1 H•rller Y, C. -J, l\ldl;· L. Pi.--. A. C""ll"' C. . J tof 'l'Ci. f utltrl!Y lltllY - 1. NtwWI IMrt:t -J. HuOtoon. L K•lfl*I, a . Vwtlllj,11 JllMlf f , l"IMrlld '" -~tftrl. ~~ 'r,C,· •ii;· = ,t r.~~ ,._ w: .. -;,., ·-. rt~ H~t "Y. • -I. °''r'OJ J ~:, M "' • lTNtlli1 J, 11111 '-1 'f A -, l'til9fl, M. ;l,IHl•fi:-f1. H1,,.111Dn, I Ntl•1 I, HllKfltl -I , -1,otlllf=-M. k'rlfltl. M. ~!t ~· ~I• • ,. Yd S\!llfff!w° 111111¥ -~•~~ M,~~L '~= ';: '""'" ..... -.. ..,...,1 ··-ooi.. 111'1""-1 l. l'1c!l!1; •11!1' -M. ~flt. . C11!"'111!11f1.m, I . McC,11, 9r ""°''" •. NrwiDOl'"I Hlrllot Y, ' -... 1-t \DC Yd. f rt'f lllllY -1, Emert!d B•v -U111m, C111rlo, Sml!ll, tiUlll; '· N~oorl Sllort1 -W. DI! 'I'-. MtC1U, M. .t.d1m1, N<. O~rrmlllft; 3. P1cltlt S..nds -S. Gib!iOlh e ..... ,wri. w. Hocu•t•. M ll Ydrlo; 4. O"nte Co11I YMCA -C. Wallt, L. P.Oloo. 11.Murollv, R. l rtn· non; !I. HtlKr11t -C. Rem~~. D. Odtnwtld, o. Lu1k, I . llrlden; t. N•W'l>Orl H1rbor V. (. -l . (!Ary, 11.Ct•Vt<• H. p,,_.,, II. Bucklnth•m. J.10 200 rd. Fftl ll:tllY -1. NtWl>Grl SUNDAY 11:)11 •.m lflCT -TllACK M~' -VS.I. vs. Gr~ ~"gin, Jade Wh 11-er, Dfd: ..... 11 OllDll ti'ICkl II w>ho "" I~ r:· '~'-· !;JO o. • -Fl ACTION -"Tll• P1a: J, 1\ t B• " e~•mlnt• !~• ,,_,, 11111fn.i Hit Mr tonlfll ef Gr.Hn 81V Ptekt<,. 1 •.m. tlCT -FOOTflALl -Clrv1l1nll II J11m1. f S!r•tlon. DDn P•ul mlk~ldr 11 tr.t !J1·~•· t D."1. i~l -PG GO .F -Fl~1! l>o!•t ot I " ,.GA "•mD o"•"l• 1 o.m. IMll" -TOllOS -fPtle11 dt 1oro1 di Me•lco.) FIFTH llACI. J.fO v•rdt. J YUr Olds Uld ""· Clllmlrtt. Puri• IJOOO. Cl1imlno Drkr IJOOO. s.uor•s cr..l'H IMlttud11 Tne CllYrl !Adllrl Joe Sherrr !R l~Yl Llglltnlnt llldve (Hat1) T1-r Bir fW1lto0) C-oOiV 11:1' fSil'llfli) "' "' '" "' "' "' SIXTH llACE. lSO v•rd1. ) ~·"Old! 1nd Y• In Gr1dl AA Plu1. Pynf 11)00, Pet•" e., tC••doU) Chill lier (Ktnlsl .. '" J,IO 1.1!! >.M SIXTH JIAC•. VftHIJ I r . Sllote• -M. Darlu1. C. 51\r•d", S. Ad1m1, c. eut•••: '· Ortnte Ce••I YMCA -tlll. P~lg(I, l . Felde. D. Brennt~. 8. Mkldlelon; 3. Pacific S111d1 -C. F~lltr. M, McCoyrt, S. "°"''"'"' K, lllce; '· Emfl'lld 111¥ -Brumrt leld, Hu111, Nrll. •n•defl; $. "'~ H1rbor Y. C. -C. WUst11, L. Prrsen, $, TY•· !~gin, J. 9~dl;l1191\1m ; •· H11«mt - E, Chol"' S. OdM#11d. D. Chullbuc~. G. Wiiii. Bull Bass Top Action Al1e lll1n-Bobbv De L~•f, llloek~r V•n 5Y11n, Jtoy&I Jettier. O!tkev lltr, J~, Slm'1 NlgM Out. Hip HYtllfr. Pra\H ro-n Girl, Scrtlt lltd-True V1»<1v. SICONO llA(I", l!O y1rds. 3 Y~lr eldt t nd u" In Gr.cN -,,1. Ml"ut. """'" 1110I. Caur1e-47Q Y••dl, l Yll• Olcll Ind u~. C111mlno. l'urv S:IOCICI. e1 G1Ylt111 IW•bonl Mk!no Of Ttt1 ClrlMltvl ~, Whit (Aclll•) Tl~ •tlO. S.10 J . .io 2.llO I.ff l 7fl IN The two detp sea fishing ootrtts in Newport Beach have taken their eyes off of the How They Stand American League East Division ~· L Pct. GB Baltimore 82 35 .701 Detroit 66 50 .569 151f.r: Boston 61 55 .526 20'~ New, York 60 58 .:;o8 221f.i Washington 60 60 .500 23% Cleveland 50 70 .417 331,~ West Dlvlslo11 Minnesota 70 47 .59' Oakland 87 48 .583 2 Seattle u· 67 .417 21 Kansas City 47 68 .409 22 California 44 69 .319 24 Chlcago • 45 73 .311 25¥.oi ,.,,..,i, e11M1 •1111,,... t. Sllttil I IMfllll 11 ltl111fl Clt1 "-n llWll"'1 Clr11tlt""' t. C1ll!Of""l1 1 o.111"" '· Dttrsll • Nrw ven 1, c~ 1 Mirw-41 l. W1lill"~ I TMlr'• ·-ltnl<nMfr McN1ll'r (It-I) II Sfftllt $NII! "'-41 l\ltfll to.JM Unll9rl f7•JI """ Nlff 11"1 11 Klmtl Clly l llllt'r 16•1 ,.,.. tllloot:· er rt•IO!, t. TWMl!tllt HM Y~ all!'llldl Ct-f) II Chlcltt "E'f~ {141. IWl~t Mlrrntl1 IC ... 111.,I at w .. hl11tlol\ ..,_ (t-.J) Dttrtf1 Wtl• Ito.ti 11 O.~ltrnd l(rfuHt fUI C.lf'Ytllnd l 1•n! 11-UI t t C1 lller11l1 MtMrtmllll(ll>I), nlthl Natioaa1 Leapt East DlvJ1I011 W L Pd. Chicago 73 44 .624 St. Louis 65 S3 .551 New York 62 SI .$49 Philadelphia 47 69 .405 PUllt•burgh 60 55 .522 Montreal 38 II .'19 Weat Division Cln!:lnnaU 11, 19 .M:I GB ••• ' Atlanta 66 55 .545 1 li1' Los Angeles JS $3 .MS 2 S Frllldlco 11 53 .$43 2 Houston &I $4 ~ 211 San Diego 11 It .302 :lO '"""' -Sto f<rtM:ha':L Clllu.t t l'lttlllw'ell t. Clf'lclfl"'" 1 Alltrtlt a. SI, l.11111 2 "hllllll"""!• 1, HevllOll. Lit Anttltl f, Motrlrttl 2 Stn OllM •t Hew Y.rl CllClll1Nntdl '""" 0.-s.n 01w. ICIM 1>11} It H.,. Y1 ... McAMrtw CS.ti Lit MftlM °""" ll"lfl 11 M.. l•HI WtMMr 4._,), fllltrt Htwltfl Otltflft (Ml .. l'Mlldtl• ttl\!TWIM (J-10) St. lolllll 0 1._ (!'"f) 11 Al!llllt &r!lllll (•JI Ctr~ Jeni!~ llt-1tl •I IA~ (1<1111- tltco ,tf'ry flHI Pllli.llllrtll l!ll!s {t-111 ti ClllCl!l~•ll Mtrr!ll 111.J) unpredictable albacore in Mexican waten and are now centering their attention on San Clemente Island and some fat bull bass. Davey's Locker and An·, Land ing report good action on Lhe bull bass in the S to lZ. pound range and occasional good catchet or yellowtail in The Barn. Both landings have diverted their all-day boats from alba. core runs to trips to San Cle· mente Island. In local waters, meanwhile, bass and bonito arc supplying most of the action with a few barracuda thrown In for vari- et y. The bonito fishing iS good with the bass coming on and off in spurts. Barracuda fish- ing i.s rited only poor to fair. DldltY'• Gtm fSmllhl Golft l1r To (81ftktl 8cinHldl lllo fAllllrl J,to J,IO l,10 J . .io 3.• >.• Tl-11 ,flt. Alte llt.....0111 8r1nc1v, Dtc~• tlllebtl, Dtftdv Mflol•h. D111ttr ll1r Bo1" ltovtl Tl-. Wllel Lvc:I. Scr11cftM.-1'1....,.. 5fD, 81r Ml Joe, Clla1'91 l'trlh...,., tlilcry1I tlllkrt. NIOHTLT DOUaLl-7·Mr.1 Art1 a l +Dklllr'I OM\, l'tllll ms.•. CONIOU.TION NIOMTLY OOUlll, J-Mt .... ,.. a ,.P_ si.., 1.111 SUik~. I'~ U!'.M. TMlllO II.I.Cl. 1lG Vl•dl. 2 YNr Olds. Ali....1nct1. l'urte 12100. Mooltll llOd:et (1 rfllllleY) 4,70 J.70 1 . .io ltflMI Doe {C1rdfl11 I J.OIJ l.JO Fltmln l!ltht fSmllh ).611 Tlme-lt 3110. Alto ll:1n-l(IJOIY'I ~. F1s1 EOCllt, T#ltlfl<f Shldflw, Go Llkt Jtl, lk•nloo. "'' Kr1IC/\ts. "OUllTM llACI. 4.io ¥t•d1, l Yffr elds 1nd 1111. Clt lmlrtt, Pur11 S1t00. Gitd Ltd !AOtlrl l.IO J.60 1.•0 Cut Deck ltlllk1'11rd1) J.tO J.00 • Idle Dl111r ftlll. l1nl11) •.oo Tim• -n ~lf, AIM llf" -Hfnt'9oml J1tllll lluUt E111 VIMY Ol'l11 BUll..,.'l &ell. .... l(tlldlH. •t,TN llAC=I.-... =-~,,=,,.._ J VMr tla I"' "" ........... ,,,.,. " ..... AIM J11-Trul'I' Amltfl ,Wh!rl'I' Ooc>. Nlctl Dtl Mir. krllcM6-l'""tfltlt., 22.• 1M •.«i 4.0I l.tt >.M l!IOMTM uc•. 400 ......... l YfAr old1 lrld UP. Aliew.l!Cff. TIMI C~lt­ V. Pur .. $IOOO. Et11bo fC1.-1l Ger A Milt fLIPll.ml Sl\ldow Mtn CIC111ltl Tlmt-2(11/10. l .:O J.1G ), 11> 2.60 1.n >M AIM t1111-Hobi.rrt1, h rleo lloc:ktl, Turl'f 9"'· No 1cr1tcilt•. "llNTM a.Act. 350 Yt rdl. J VII• eldi •rid u. '" ,,..,. M mln11t" Purte S110I. Gt Go Ell!I (LIP111ml 'I ... '2.60•1.70 He's 1 tlll1<1ut1I CfAd•ld 4_g l ,l.'O 99" tew PKtl ICtl'Ollll} 2.lt T lme -11 ll!D. Alill rt" -Miiien tlilKktl, Sllftr• town, M~ Kt11lct, Gttonl"" Mr, Lii• P1rr. oo.d, LIH!t Miis 'Nlnft. $(r11CF!td -l'lllY 81111 Ml~ MIC · kt' Ohl\. BANKS ALMOST BENCHED . • • (CoaUnued from Pa1e Ill to It whtn T stop pl1iyln1." But this it sUll 1"6 and the Cubs -yes, lhe Cubs -are closing in on a ~nnairt. It l1 slinlflcant that 61 ml&)lt , .. ward Banks wtth bolh a World Series and hla 500th home run. He has •n -one less than Lou Gehrla. hVts, Uie sooth homer will be a great lhrlll but you know that the World Serles prece- dea that. Lefj race it, a lot of iftll players have never had the opportunity to play In the Serles." The CUbs' first baseman looks like a player of a van- ished era. He wtan bll 1eg· 1t"i1 Just below the k .... which ts like Joe Namath wt.arlng pleated pant.a. But .Ernie Banks woulel be king in Chica~ even In bell.- bottoms. The club's public re- lations director. Chuck Slu'\v. er. offers another an&le to the man. "Ernie hls never learned to say no -lh•t's wby ht's so popular ln our town. 'nie lime he apends away lrom the ball club al speaklna commit.. ment.s is fantastJc. I really don 't see. how he does tt. ''r It's the pllls he takes. • I • I I ( .JI DAlLY 'l'ILOT - ' I • . I ' - I -. , .. .. , . BRAND NEW ~69 PLYMOUTH 2 Dr.· Belvedere Serial No. Rl2189E I 59413 Plus tax and license '. Atlas Service Department, where pride ,.akes the differ· ence ..• We have what we Top flUiility us1d 1utomobl/1s, clttr11te1 11J1 1tlced, with top hYl119s for ~ou •• feel to be tho finest servite de· partment in Orange County Do- ndable and Etonominl repair and . pe Mainten111<~worlc-.ccomplislled by factoy trained personnel. For your convenience we honor E OINEll:S CLUll, CARTE BLlNec:p;(iess. MA 5 TE II: J.~~~k'G1. IANKAMEll.IC:A.11:0 '67 Opel Station :wagon '68· GMC % Ton Pick Up 6 CY!., ' ~. l'llfle_ 11111.,.. Low, llw mllft .a "'• bvmoer. etc. --'1988 '67 Plymouth Fury II 4 Dr. ~ '788 '65 Olds Cutlass Holiday Cpe. '68 Austin America Sedan '1188 '66 Dodge Coronet Sedan '68 Volkswagen Bug V-< '"'-•-.. -........ '"'" "''"'· '""' "' .. '""-... tr ... _ otkk """--· WIK .. '1388 '1588 • '\ ... '66 Piym. Valiant -4 Dr.;Sd(i; '~·-....... , •• -~---~ '67 Rambler Amba8S,' Sdn. '·1~4 • • . .. . ' '66 T-Bird 2 Dr. Hlrdto1 - Y~, 1\l'tO. ,._~r llr COIWltllnl!ll', .._._ ............. # ,::::' •.-: ... -w rtc111. ,.....,., ""1'-'!r ffi ... l'llHr Wllll W , '°"' 1111 ... Jl 7• ; • ~2188 . ~t:7"·t-~ t:HRY$L(il PLYllOVTH IMPERIAJ ' \ .t,';.l'I '" ' ' ·-; ' . " ·N --- ' .., --· -. • ~~ Satuid'1, Au;ust 1(-1969 DAllY l'ilor Jf ~i " • ,, ' ' • ! .• ' . ' i' ·, ·AT -' ' ' ,DUNTO N FO•Dcs -,• I . ' -~ , · . , ., . . ' ~ .., . Cleclrance, C:l·eara'.ac·e ·, Clearance SALE • • -. · -· .YE4~1ND CLE49*NCE ·O _,i\l;L ' ' MUSTANGS, TORINOS, T·BIRDS GALAXIES, LTD'S . " " --~ They MUST be sold, so COME IN TODAY! WE'RE READY TO DEAL! I . . \ HUGE SHIPMENTS ' ·~ JUST ARRIVED . FO,IJD CORTINAS Choose From OVER 60 All Body Styles & Colors CAMPER'S·. . . . . e Th• W•odl1te C_,.n. -._..., .,.._, "'" h1 · ~·•llty c•"'pers. FroM .... lb to Hirt lorfeit, • Komp kllilfJ c....,.._..,1n. ... llUtf-.· w.n""tY. "'T•~• .. c._,..., Tockly." '.'"' ..test co ...... •• ·"-~'•· __ •. _ COMPARE OUR PACKAGE PRICEI We 1 .. 1ure the BEST •t the LdWEST' PRICEI CHOOSE · FROM- , .. ----- 0 -V ER 4 .U -' CARS "'& TRUClts "·'~ AMIGOS Y VECINOS Los invitos .• qu• ven9i1n • DONTON FORD, p•t• ~ua hagen la m•jor compr• d• su·vid•. lenem·os prec:iOSos b•.jos y e)(c1lente servico despties de , le:i veiit•s. Esf•- mos aqui pere servirlos. -SU SERVIOO"R JACK HORN > -A ·'/Junton Deal' •• -_, Your Guarantee of the Best $$ Buy Anyw/Jere '69TOfU~O GT $3195 )SI Vt , 1utomatlc . tfaM, factory air, powar 1h•erin9. pow1r di,c ltrl'lt 1, t t dio, ltJ•t t,r, wh if1w;t ll tire•, low rnile1. XHV 66o), -'i8FoR·o ' $2395 G-,li:iiie ·SOO l door,h1rdlop, l•O VI , 1ulo1111tie tr1n1, pow1t 1t1er- in,, ',r#dio, h1et1r. whilewtlt tir11, tint1d 9l•~1. VHA683. ~65 OLDS $1595 -' YLS}A. CRUISER. ' PASS. WAGON. V.t, Autnm1tic, F•clory 1ir, ?ew'iir· 1teeti119. 'ow•r br•k11,, R1dio, H11!11r. Lic1n~1 VTU 515. ' ' ' ' .. ,7 COUGAR $2295 ;!~J.·f.OJlQ.._ _ , . $895 .. ~L 10·0 2 Dlt.·H.T. V.8,')('u•61lf1fi~ R•dio, Hc1t1r. Lic11111 TYS-4J6 · ~ "'' ' ' . ' . ~ . ' '.'6• M~R C.URY $1695 · CYOlDNE ~fj;f:j 'Dlt itr. Y;t , Avlofn1iic. F1clory •ir, J$ow~r , .. ~~· "°""""~ili:ff, b".tket~~•f_••, lic11ue TSA 111. '65 FORD $1095 Ga11x:, 500, '4-door ••d•n, VS , automatic lr1n1, power 1t11rin9, r1dio, h11l1r, wh itewall li111, SY820l , '65 FALCON $895 '67 FORD $2395 Country S1d1n 10 p111tn91r, 390 Vt , ~ulo0meti c lr•n1, f1cfory 1ir, power 1le1ring, pow1r br•~11, r1d:o, h11ler, whitewall !ires, tinted gl1n, h199191 ,r1ck. TY'Z60J. '67 MUSTANG $1795 . H.T. V-8, • Sp•f. 'e•tr 1l•1ri 1111. R1dio, H11t1 r. Wide 0~11,, lie· 1n1e TYX 601. '67 MUSTANG $1695 ' H.T. V-1, A11torn1fic, Pow1r 1fe•ri119, R1dio, He1ter, ..,.;11yl"roof, Lic1111e TUR 070. '65 FORD .. ""'"' . Country Secl 1n, Vt . 1utorn1tic tr11111, pow1r 1!1eri119, r1dio. he1ter, whilew1ll tir11, tinted gl11,, 11149191· rick. TltK217 • '6.8 MUSTA~G _$2295 ' -H.\. V-1, A~to1111tlc, Power 1tMrit'l9, R1dio, H11!1r. Lic1111e '"DP tl7. ' • t ~ ' } . '67 FORD ~NCH WAGON, V.t, Autern1 t;c, ! F1ttory ,,;,, Pow1r 1leef'i"'1, '•wet lir••e•, 1111919; r•c•. Uu11M <TVthl6J~ t • -'~ • ~. ! • '68 MUSTANG $2195 '67 GALAXIE 500 ' $1995 CONVERTl !LE. V.f , Autom1tie, p.,..,,, 1l11ri~9, Radio~ H11l1r, con1ol1, butkel 1e1!t, power lop. Lic•n11 VRlt 161. '65 MUSTANG , s1:295 '66 FORD $1595 Convertibl•, v1,.11lom•t\c lr.nr, J1 e+orV t ir, pow1r·d11rin9, whit•· wi ll tir11,'flnt1d tl111. OYVl62 GAL. 500 -1 DR. H.T. V.t, Aut om•lic, F•clory 1ir, Pow•• 1t•••• in9, R1dio, H••f1r. l icen1e UOU 51.0. • • .,. '67 MUST ANG $1695 '66 FAIR LANE 500 f l495 CONVERTIBlE . V.f, Aulom1tic, Pow1r 1't••in9, R1d io, H1•t1r, · ' 2-door. VI. 1ut6m1tic +.1111, 1lr conditlo11in9, po~1r 1,t11rln9. r Power lop. Lic1nie UON 2~1. lt'l'G•3• · '66 MUSTANG $.1~95 '69 FORD $l1:95 H1rd top, VI. J-1p11d, r1dio, he1l1•, whd1w11I lir1i, t!nt!d 91•11. G,AL .50 0 0 FASllACK. V-1, ~ulomat,ic, F'cto!V 1ir,.fower 1lferit'l9, TFR221. ''Po11ttrtbr1•ff, R1d io,' H'11tt'r. licel\1e,K'I'~ 8~1. 1 , -. ' '64 Thund'erbird ~1'295 '65.CHEVR.OLET -$'11 '95 ' 'j ' • ' ' ' • • • ••. '' ' I H.T. v.1, Automttic:, F•ctorv •ir. , ...... , 1!1~r1119, ,ftow1r'"t:Jr1•··· liftp·~·· ~~ep.,.)i~~top,I yt,. Pow~r. 1le~~il'l.f. Pow~r ~, •• e •• reito~ .P~w~r windo'l111, Powtr 1e1f1, R1di o, H11 ler. L1cen1e PDL611., ll1~!1r, w •few' ,Jirei, t1.,.11lqf111. PDEfOI 1 • '' $895 '67 t:o·Jib -. . . 's1·49s l1IV1dere <4-ilooi-1ed1111,. 6• cylinder, ttic• 1hHt, r1dio. h1'.ler, 0XR716 . , · . t ' .,.• • .' ! ' I ' I • ' CUS10M 500 '2 DR: V.t , Alitom1tic:, 'ow1r 1!11rjn9, R1die, Heit· 1tt. Ui.1111e·ljM f6'6. ' ' . • ' , · ' . ' -' '&5 'fORD s1095 '6.4 'FQR~ : , " . ' GA:L. lOO.~'COJ>lYERT1 8l£. v.1, A11to1111t,c, Pow1r 1t1eril'l9, ~1dio, HJ •~•_!f Ljc•'!I• UYR 2•2. COUNTlY .SQU llE ., '.ltSS. v.1, iAufo~'itlc,' Air, Power iteeri119, ~1dio, tlel'.t•r.J:ict Me'SVf 9l2. · •: • . . • ' " " ' ; """""-~----.....,..---~-----~--------~------------- ft DAILY PILOT ( \ Hello once more, boys and girts, and welcome back to .another Saturday momin1 In '?:J..i,...:::I Uncle Len's Corner. \Ye received a good selection of hot weather pictures this wetk, making il very tough lo choose a winner. Honorable 'mention should be given to two other contestants. Terilyn §\elly or Costa Mesa and 'athy Wagner of IrviM, for -their entries. IN FACT, Tcrilyn Kelly gets ~pecial mention today for her peclal little poem, which ..went: 0 Roses are rtd, violets blue, Uocle Len's Comer fun and be is too.'' Thanks r the kiud words, Terilyn, nd keep sending your entries ~-------------------------------,1 the Uncle Len. As you probably all know. e President or the United tales is vacationing here on the West Coast this month, and ncle Un is asking all his ' * PRIZE WINNER This week's contest winner is Cheli Spittler. 11, 10351 Christmas Drive, Jiuntington Beach * oung artists to sub mit their 'drawings on Mr. Ni1on at his lsure. Let's make this a real peclal cont.st. Any child under 12 can enter Uncle Len 's Art Contest. Here's all you do : (1) Dra\v picture on piece of plain, white paper s• inches wide and 4 inches deep. Use black ink and make lines black. (2) Do nol copy or trace picture. IL must be your own work. {3) Put your n401e, age and addres~ on back of drawing. Mail it to Uncle Len's Art Contest, Box 1560, DAILY PILOT, Costa Mesa. \Vinner will receive Kennedy half dollar. "" Stephen Arnott, 7, Costa · FLOWERS 1'~1owen are not very1all, esa; Patricia Halloran, 91h, untlngt.on Beach; Dianne In fact they 're sort of small ; They wav~ this way and thal Like a blowlng hat. Lewia, 11, Costa Mesa: Estelle Ulacres, 4, no addreu, and Haskell, 9, HunUngton ach. -~e.rilyn Kelly, 9, Costa Mesa HUMPTY DUMPTY Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall : Humpty Dumpty had a great fall ; All the king's horses and all the king's men Had scrambled eggs for breakfast again. A k ...... y i-a• 1111/llr fNI .. Wrv G•lef-. lt, 211'1 hr.,..._ '--N~ ._-. .... fi. wlM"'9 •fltf'y In l'M...,,. ... _~ ...... --.. u.,., .. UllClt L-. ....._ lUI, c..I• Mola Cafi,.,..19. ~~~~~ro/~ ~orner~~~~-• RIDDLES AND JOKES * Dear CoroJ: What ls the quietest sport? , PRIZE ·WINNER ·do.Jp U!d • Jl•'i U•"> f\OA ·au11.v.09 :Je.MSU\t -IC.trill a.nw. l ll JumlM A'Nw c-. .i.t-MM i • • Dear Carol: \Vbat looks like a person but h a s three ears? ·~ •'ff U0 UJO:) IU!•H UOSJed 'fl ! Je.MSU'fl -EWl!lt 1"'8n. 11, C.tllt Mnt Dear Carol: \Ybat time is it when an elephant sits on a fence! ·e~U•j .... u I ••6 Of tWJl :Je.MSU'fl -kt-All Dn lll-t, l'ovnl1!11 V•tllor Dear Carol: What's black and white and has a cherry on top? Dear Carol: What did chimpanzee? 'J•'> •=>!tod "1 :JeMtuy -M.arll Dewl~-. F..,Jlltlll \l•Htt t.tie banana say to the ·ew '*""' puno.11 -<•>tuow .a,uoo :JeMSU'fl -T"1b-11 Kt ttr. t, Ct1!1 "'-" Sn4 yon """'•'" to Ad Altdy, C/• OfW90 c ... hlly "lot, Id llit, C.,._ ...... Cellf • _/j.N/1 l""'5 t 70-YOI-~ &I fht w.,.i.i eoo11 Ef'CYtl-1• la K111w , .. Ila!\, -II, of J......_1, Okltl'l(lmt , ~ W.o U.IWel"I Andy's qut1· Uom! education formation NASA. and public in· department o ( t:: Andy himself Ui a pixie type ~aracter who keeps out of si&hL He da.ims to be around Crossword Puzzle AC/IOSS J A l"'g Wl y off 5 -·· souc l: Without c.11e 'I "Rubbish!" 14 Future: l words IS lll1kr • swratrr I~ Com prlfl« t 17 Glance at hastily lB Formrr S. A111 rrlc1n rutrr l 'I By surpri~t 20 Tranqui l trsl Zl Evil spltll 23 lns rcts 24 Femin1nt pub Olllnrt 211 Ptirl of an lnsltumrnt 21 Brast of burden 29 Brll SO\llld J) Short bird Jii Burn slightly 37 An1cond1 38 Tablt SCllP9 39 H1vin9 n1uch fl•.,.. •o Ope_oslte of maxi" 41 Bakrd fooli 42 French - 43 ~1kr progress: 2 words 44 One's n1tlvr country 4!. Hair WJY l 4 7 lilrr convryor 48 Nonmet1lllc elemrnt S2 Nrlghbor of Java S5 Rtmovr 51 Stupor 58 lilaunt- Cavttl 60 Across ill Mall brver1gts 62 Amrric1r1 tr Wrsleu1 -- 6) Ust a whrlJton1 e.4 G1rment b5 lnttl11gent bb Rll!'Qulrtmtnt b7 Prtl. lo a tl111e period DOI N 10 COlfSt U Ur. Avrr1ge Ma n, In Russi1 12 Ag rtemeit 1] Mei's social orgillllzltlon 22 Shabby l AU--: 2S Endin g ustd Conlust'd: &a. with socl1I Z words f 111d rr11 !: ·-·point: 27 Show tffrct Centrr of of lhr yea1s Interest 29 Enjoyed 3 H11mili1te a rrp1st 4 lnsur1ncr 30 Ot1lh l!lfl1l's ?.oticr . income 31 Pos1t1vl!ly source not!": !I Sn11ll boil.I 2 wOfdS Ii Girl In 1 32 Ob\;i!n as co•lt 'trip 1 l)!'ol it , 1 French 33 CoHtgt rrsort i.tudmt: I Crrtain IRl0tm 1I sports 3• Tom, Dick statistics and Hany ' Rtfraln JS Brirl nrws syll1bl1 story e11•1•' 311 Ne w 8111ns- wick cit~: I 2 wD(dS 3 '}Vestige 40As:.ily 1 s1 lve 42 Contagious disr1se: h1for11'11I 43 M•n's nicknti111t 45 M1~titin1 olf1cl1I 4b Sawtd wood 31 an •n!ll • 48 Part ol 1 moll on pict11f1 49B lush 50 Grttt letter ~l OJ thll!' ROSI 52 r.l rs. Truman 51 ''-Bede' 54 South Amrrlcan city 5fi Rrv1ltt1' "' 5• llrm o! out· d:lOf 11o taf 10 I 11 IJ PEANUTS PERKINS JUDGE PARKER COME, SA»t •• l WAMT \IOU TO M.EET M.Y FRIENPS~ MOON MULLIN5l " TUMBLEWEEDS MUTI AND JEff: Tt-IE EYE OOESNT SEE? GORDO . ' ~ -"'~_\!;;,__:__ .. ..,.. IT0S NOT THE EYE 1"HAT SEES Tt-\INGS IT'S THE BRAIN! years old and most of tlrbe he has been busy ring the questions of persons. lie enjoys his When Apollo l l blasted of( from Cape Kennedy, Ben was right there close to all the ex- citement. And there he stayed, gathering all the details until the astronauts splashed safely home. But during that histcric countdown he snitched a mo- ment lo write a postal card to Andy, just to say hello. Tha' postal card. mailed with the Apollo stamp from Cape Ken· ncdy on the morning or July 16. Is a lrtasure. And when Andy n~s lhe last minute details on what goe s on in space, he depends on Ben . your reporter was right there in the lab ahd heard the delicate instruments U!ed to record the two-way exchange of piping signals. There are others. many others who stand by to help answer your ques- tions. ty_ls only ooe sixth as great as the earth's. But let's hope Ulat the eipek.s design I e s s .--------....::--;,....---.. cumbersome space w e a r before the lrip to Mars. There the surrace gravi ty is twi ce as great as the moon's and more than one third as great as the surface gravity on our home planet. When a 1()0.pound pack of earth equipment is set down on the Martian landscape, it will require 36 pounds worth o( muscle power to carry It ork Very much and tries to ain things so that you will are his enjoyment. 1lurally he does hls very st to find accurate. up-to- inute an.'!wers and this calls for a Jot of help. All the questions in Andy's ail bag are interesting. But lhe most interesting ones as a rule are the h.afWst ones to aMWtt. Readers go lo a lot of trvub\e to write down their -oqutltioos -•lone with their names. agu and home ..ad· d,....., And they do not go 10 all that trouble wben the annrer can be found ln school librariel and various nuiterial around lhe . It ltandl to rt:U>n that geta the tough questions. ;t:so. Andy has • slall of ex· l1it always retdy to help L Ri&ht now, readtts more than usually In. in the space proeram. la tam dtpartmenl, the news 11 oo -tlMlt k hu bantl1 ..... -1mo p!1Dt. So Andy ·"'"" t/ien Cludol wtio ii ....U, In tho !mow. He 11 in tile But busy Ben does not have lime to study the details of other topics such as geology. meteorology, soc Io Io g y and biology, So Andy has .at least one helpful friend In each or lheae and other fields. Pam is a ·lovely young expert in the field of mlcrobilogy. Andy lru9ll her lo gather tht latest newe on what Is going on In th• bk>logtcal laboratories. One of Andy 's ravorlte friends in !he insect depa.rUnent is Or. Adrian Wenner. Adrian is the very first human bein& who had a lwo-way con\·ersatton with a queen bee. Oh yes, this fabulous brea.kthroogh w15 wr:llten up ln a acholarly m1gulne and Andy'a copy ls autofraphed to And1. who al1t1 heard the queen piplng. Yt1, • This d<X"s not mean. or course. that Andy ca n supply lhc details to every question that pops into your head. Scientists have not lound tne answers to many of them. They either do nol know or they have only p a rt i a I answers. And for some of the rtally big quesUons we can of. rer only theories, or educated guessea. Someday these theories may be proved true or false . ln the meantime. An<ty'a friendly helpers refuse to let him report them as facts -or to uaggerate Ult known truth in any way. A.1'\111' M'* I WorHI looll Allt~ " Huoflt Youno. _e0t 1t. If WRtl •n• '°"""""' a C , C•t\Me, for l)lt """''on: How does 1ravlly on M1r1 compVe w1tll Ute eaJ1JI? The dlJ ol nan'a vlail to Man 1pproacbff. Our lunar aatronaull could move around cul17, even with their bulky equipm~t. The moon's rravl· arouod. Weight, of course, is the puU of gravity. It is a built-In pro- perty of mass, the weighty matter of a planel The pulling force ls exerted from the mass center of gravity, the forct grows weaker. So surface gravity is related to radius. half the dJameter th a I measures a planet's width. The radius of 1'1ars Is 2110 miles, a little Jess than half the earth's radius, tr we rlgure the earth in unlls of one. the volume of· Mars ls 0.16 Ind it.s mass Is 0.11. The rallos of mll$1 and vvlume a.re com· puled to give the ~lartlan 1urf1ceJravity -and ll IJ t weig~t 3S pounds for every 100 round! on our home planet. ' MISS PEACH TELL LIS, AflTHUlt-1-lOW D0£S IT Fail. ,..0 KNOW VOU CAN'T E.V!~ ACCOMPLISH .AN'1TM!NO 1"0 KNOW TMAi ¥0U WILL GO Tl<RCIUGM LIFE l'"AIUNG CON.SISTENT~Y AT EVE.ltVT~r NI; '<OU ATTEMPT 7 ·--... ""\! By Charles M. Scliu& · By John MHts COWTAMIWATlON •• TME SOOL C.OWTAM.IWA.TEP !Y lllE OILV SECRETIOMS OF ()Pf'gESSION ~~E.A.C.H POtE 5TtUG6LIWc; FOR IMMORTA.UTY ••• By Ferd Johnson By Tom K. Ryan COPY BOY! By Al Smith ,, 'I tt 11 ' ' By Gus An:lola ~AVE '<O.J E.VElt ME.ARD "n-4E EXPRESSION: • TRUE. EMOTIONAL.. SE.CU!l:ITV7 • ,\ ,,1,:,:~11//Y''L'-..... ,•, .......... . -------.•.. Sat11rd.11, A11ouK li, 1969 D~ll V PILOT 2J HOUSES FOi! SALE HOUSES FOR SAL E HOUSES FOR SALE HOUS ES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOii SALE ' HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOii SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Gener•I 1000 General 1000 Gener1I 1000Gener1I l000Gener1I 1000Gener1I 10000.neral 1000 Gentrtl 1000 Gener•I 1000 A·FRAME/A·BUY 1M~~AT~T~LA~B~O~RD~E,~R~eahlto~r·------------------.;;m----iiiiiliiiiii~~ 2150 .~~~~~~!ed ~v~~~acious IMMEDIATE. OCCUPANCY! NEAR \VestclW Plaza. 4 BR. 1% ba, (am. rm ., <::ptdldrpd, lned, ah t. de trees. quiet ~trttl. $28.500. Kinaaard ~11 2-22%2. 3 BR. 111od. beach home, 1tep1t to QCr.an! $291000 FOUR BEDROOM, TWO BATHS, 20'x30' FAMILY ROOM with FIREPLACE and sep. arate GUEST ROOM. (ideal Mother-In-Law quarterS). Enclosed garage. two protected patios. The a nswer to a large family's prob- lems. A ~argain at only $2.5.950 with various means fl financing available. CALL FOR DETAll.iS ! '! •• $20,425 ·' Spaciow, Neat THREE BEDROOM, lath and plaster constructed home. Excellent condi- lion in and out. New carpets Living room and hall. COVERED PATIO, cement block wall, fruit trees and "'ell landscaped . An excellent buy -ACT NOW!! FOUR BEDROOMS -POOL North Sfde. INDOOR. OUTDOOR FAMILY HOME. $6.000 improvements .in aluminum patio and SWIMMING POOL added. Large Jiving room. den, dini ng area and two baths. Close to schools, transportation & shopping. A REAL BUY AT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27, 750 ! PLACE OF DIGNITY OPEN SUNDAY 12-5 CUSTOM HOMES ·From · $29,175 V.A.No Down-FHA Conv. J11st Completed - Ready NOW! FEATURING: • 4 Bedrooms • Ove rsi zed lots • W /w C1rpetin9 thru-ou t • Rear Ft>ncing II Wood Roof e And MUCH MORE COME SEE FOR YOURSELF EZ TO FIND -SEE MAP Coats & Wallace Agt s. -546-4141 } • •• -·;; .. t t 81k1r ft. Joh fk l1ptllt C1tholk Sci...I 0 -•• " .. Many years of satisfaction are yo urs for the asking. SEPARATE BUNGALOW. Double doors lead to lighted outer court yard with generous plantings. community olympic pool, patio and Bar-8-Que. Take pleasure from ex- tensiv~ use of quality wall-to-wall carpeting. Cozy fireplace. built-in cook center with din- ing area for (amily feasting. TWO SPAC- IQUS BEDROOMS. two luxurious baths. See this delightful adult care-Cree retreat before you buy. EXCLUSIVE WESTCLIFF VILLA for those who care. FULL PRICE ONLY $48,500! General 1000Gener1I 1000 Genertl I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia 1000 General 1000 INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL Located In the center of the COSTA MESA BUSINESS DISTRICT. 2,000 square foot building presently used as a plumbing shop, easily adapted to many industrial or com· mercial uses. Three private offices, storage room plus large shop area with over hea d doors. Property completely black·topped and c hain link fenced . ASSUMABLE FINANC· ING -AN IDEAL BUY AT ....... $33.250 *CREAM OF CROP* Exceptional 5 bdr1n 31/2; bath custom built Baycrcst home. All la,ge rooms. Lovely master suite. A char1n- ing home for a young executive with a grow- ing family. Attractive 4 bdrm 3 bath \Vestcliff -llome. Lovely pool & New Home Only $28,500 !or this bran~ OtlW 3 bedrm 2· baLh '-home. Carpels & drapes included. No Yard Work SALESMEN • SALESWOMEN NEEDED patio. Tired of maintenance~ llere is the place for you. 3 bdrm Condomin· ium. ?rcstige location & convenient to shop· ping center. 220 L 171i l46.fl5i Hi ve Ope ning for Reil Estate Salesm1n 646-0555 JERRY 220 E, SeYeotffnth SI. IE. 17th SI. SJiopplnt Ctr.I Reollor> COSTA MESA !. FREUD • CHARLES ARNOLD 388 E. 171h Street, C.M. Mb-7755 you'// like our friendly service 1=:=G•="=°'=·=' ====1ooo=G=""=·="=' ====10~00 Evenings Cell 646-4579 or 646-1050 I= G.!. or FHA DUPLEX Excellent condition. 2 BR. each; garage, bit.ins. Pyramid Dcchang~n 6,16·2&29 IOQO MESA VERDE This immaculate 3 BR fam- ily home ('an be yours by assuming 5,.; % FHA LOAN. A must see to apPreciale. Asking $26,950 DAILY Pn.oT WANT ADS BRING RESULTS~ Jn·epfaceab fe JlnJa .!Jj£ Open Sunday 12 • .S 14 Linda Isle Drive A Rare Find on Waterfront In final stages of completion, beautiful, 5 Bedroom, 41h. Bath waterfront home. Large spatious rooms. fireplaces in living room & n1aster bedroom. fully carpeted, landscaped & complete concrele boat d~k. Priced at Gener el IOQO OPEN SAT./SUN. 278! ALBATROSS l\ff'sa Verdf' J BR l baths, lar~e cornf'r )01 . DAVIDSON RHlly 546-5460 Bves. 5~·8.184 White Elephants'!' SAN CLEMENTE Open House Sat/Sun 526 E. San Juan ~ BR 2 baths, family room. beaulilul ma..\ter suite \\!ilh fireplacr. Jots or closet :c;pacf'. 2487 5(J ft & view of O(.'('an. CORONA DEl MAR 4 BR 3 bath, lan1ily room. 3 minutes fron1 beach. E:1.· C(!.llent locaUon. Lachenmyer Realtor CAL L 646-3'21 t:ves, 6\4-165;1 THIS HOUSE IS A MESS It's dirty, it nt"Cd~ paint, lhe lawn netd:i; to be mo1.1.·cd, no- body lives there it's vacant. the llt'lghborhood Is nice and clean though, It'll got every. !hing )'OU need to make It a home you'll be proud or, 4 bedroon1s. 2 balhli. built in kitchen and so fourth. Steal ii! ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St., 64M494 REDUCED $1000 642·1n1 Anytime MESA VERDE 4 This is an unusual home. Fourth bdrm. especially customized with bea1ned ceilings & dressin~ room . Just finished interior painting. 2'.4 bath "'ilh optional bidet special fea· ture. Close to Mesa Verde elernen· tary school. $29,950 FHA-VA terms. 2 STORY BEAUTY For only $36,500 some happy family can buy this outstanding Republic home and move in soon. Formal din· ing room + family room. Large hack yard ideal for pool. Delightful landscaping. COATS & WALLACE, REALTORS <i;~> 1491 BAKER STREE T 14µ141 COSTA MESA, CAL IF. LARGE EXECUTIVE HOME Over 4,000 sq. ft. ,9f decking & landscpg. Custom designed by BrowneII: 4 BR. 3 Ba. Pool. Do not miss seein g this on Sun. Open · 1.5 140 Harbor Island Rd. fof! of Bayside Dr., N.B.l $93,000 Wm. Winton , Realtor 229 Ma rine, Balbo1 l1l1nd 675-3331 General 61h 0/o LOAN S Bedroom + Oen Payn1cnts just Hkr t~nt! S"'C'f'l 11(.'('ntcd t>itagnolia tr('('1t, Star pine & r r u i ! trceli. :l baths. El<'ctric /\ward buill-in kitchen. Fam- ily roon1. Dining room. ;,ro.1· ·o TARBELL 2955 Horbo r OfMn 'til 9 Every Night 1000 SAV~ S w!th 5'.4% GJ.1 Newport \Vest l BR 2 BA home. ~1 mi lo tw-ach. Cplll, drpi1. All GE ki1. renced, land!!Capcd, 11prinklcrs & patio. 1-"reshly paintf'd & 1vt>ll cared for. $28.700. 01vnrr will carry :?nd. 22<1Z2 Caph;trano Ln, llB. ~().9545 or 96Hl.l2 CAYWOOD R~ALTY 6306 \V. Coast Hwy., N.B. CHAkGE IT! • 541-1290 • 1000 Coldwell, Banker OFFERS : OPEN SUN . 1 • 6 P.M. 2015 llA YADERE TERR., Irvine Terrace Spectacular vtew. Beautifully fUmi!hed 4 bdrm. 4 bath home. Classic architecture. Swimming pool. Lease or lease/option. $189,500. Kathryn Raulston CAMEO SHORES-VIEW A delightful 3 BR. home. Large family room \v/frplc. & B.BA. Sparkling s_wim· ming pool. Great v1e\V of ocean & Jelly. $79,500. Cathryn Tennille NEW LISTING CAMEO SHORES View! Small leasehold. 4 BR. + conv. den; pool. spacious patio, sep. child's play yard. $69.500. Kathryn Raulston HARBOR ISLAND RD. $62,500 Smartly decorated 2 bedroom with con .. vertible den. 2 Fireplaces, hi beams, beau .. tiful gardens: lots o( glass. 2nd Story could be added for water view. Mary Lou Marion CHINA COVE-GREATVIEW" Jmmac., modern home within 50 yards ot best b~y beach. View of harbor & ocean fro1n lge. living room & balcony. Lowest priced in Cove at S62,500. Walter Haase BEST VIEW-BEST VALUE Beautifully decora(ed 3 BR. 3 Ba. Lusk Harbor View Hills home. Formal din , rm., fam. rm .. 2 fireplaces: poolsized lot, prof. landscaped. Great view. $59,950. Chuck Place YOU ARE INVITED TO THE BEACH 2591 BAYSHORE DR.. Bayshores • Open Sun. afternoon. Private gated area. % ·~ay beaches. Spacious 3 Bdrm. home. $581950. J\1rs. Harvey NEW BA YSHORE LISTINGS 3 BR. 2 Ba., comp, redecor. top to bottom; $42.000.' Also, 4 BR. 2 Ba ., just painted, re-- carpeted, ne'v furniture ; oversized lot. 149,500. Joe Clarkson . PACIFIC PANORAMA Unfold s from most of this lovely Cameo Highlands 3 Bdrm. 2 Ba. home. Lge. adobler brick & open beam ceiling; new carpeting: prof. landscaped. $46,950. Chuck Place A DREAMY umE HOME 131,950 If you need a neat 3 bedroom, 2 ba., 20x2B family rm. in Harbor Highland, then this is your borne. Patio & fenced yd. Detached garage. Mary Lou Marion COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTER OR., . NEWPORT BEACH . 133-0700 General 1000Gener1I lOOOGeneral lOOOG.ner1I IOOO I 000 General 1000Gentr•I 1000 General 1000 _, ___ _ THE REAL ESTATERS 646-7171 NEWPORT OFFICE WISTCLIFF·DOVER SHORES AREA Stunnln, new 4 Bdrm, 3 bath custom home: wllh 1-p&cious family room with Wl'!t be.r. Formal dining room. Attractive deslg'1' for fam'ily living & enltrtaining- S82;500-Currenl 71,S -1. loan can be .as· slimed. 01ACI IAY IEAUTYI NIWl'ORT IEAC:H CU&tcim home · 3 l1r&:e bedrooms. din· Ing room, huge enclo6E'd patio, hard· wood floon. 18x38 heated pool, !IDrink· lel"ll. ImmNliate possession. 7'n:'% in· tcrest. available. Prfccd to atll. !39.500. CHARMING WORK SAYER Ne1r new and !iparkling clean on • choice corner lot "'i th pt>rfect lanlhcap. lnr . 2 Mtha and dellghUuJ dining room. -$24.~ FOR A MR. FIXIT Busy owner could not fin· ish remodeling this New· port Heights home. •fig h br3m ceiling In living rm. &: 3 bdrms. Has f8mity rm. 1tnd den. too. on .. block from Cllff Drive and "·Ith· In walking dillf.ancr. to all 1-thools. m.ooo. HARBOR OFFICE 546-2313 5 llG ONES Looking ror 11. l1Tmendous S bedroom 3 bath home. Sepal'ale ""·elnut panPled fan\ily 1·oom, formal dining room. Also f'aling 11rea In kitchen. Cusiom drapeg, luxuriOU!o gold !l.ha,t:: carl]f'ts. Tropical lendsc11plng, largr b;ick y11rd. S1.10lless and beauliful home. S48.950. G.I. NO DOWN l\love !n for emfs & in1pound!. only. 3 bedrooma, 2 baths, fireplace, family rm. <'ovel'f'd patio. hardwood floor1. N~sUed in a fin<' Costa Tl1esa neh::hborhood - 124,950. Sec It before it ~lls. REACH FOR THE MOON Reflected In the shimmerln&: heituty of your own 16:c38 heated & filt!"red ""''im· mi~ pool. The 3 bedroom 2 bath home ii; des!~ for fitmily living • run. l\1od· rm kltchf!n with ah the built-ins. At. tractive front lanchcaplng "'ilh 1prink· lers. Double car gara11e for Dad. Don't make a mistake. See It ~! 132.500. SOMI PEOPLE EXPECT THE MOON. bul hf're·s 1h!" OOst buy "Under t~ Sun~" Stunning 3 bMroom. 20JL:26 J)flneled Orn "'ilh drift· \vood stone rireplllce, formal dining rm., 3 bllth& plus park-like groun~. Thl.11 "'I'll· htillt home has 2400 e:q. ft. unequaled at $42,950. $2,000 ,000 Nearly $2,000,000 worth of property sold by THI REAL I STAT IRS In July. That's right ... \Ve sold 53 HOM I S (nearly :.? a day1 during July. -And 60 home <'.ll\'nen engaged us u aa:ents to sell thtlr homes. 5) SALES • , • 60 NEW LllTINOS THINKING OF SELUNG7 \Vhy settle for anythlne IC'M lhan the best -Tor the modern way to merchan· dise )'Our home and '0R~lllSULTS call 11ny of our ofn~s whert' you will al· "'l.Y8 receive k HOWLI DGI -COUlll· TISY -SlllVICI. PROOF POSITIVE Alk anyone or our cllenls -\V.i will be ~lad to alve you namea from our filei; - 70'lo of our busine1s comes from r•f•r• r1l1 and form•r clltnt1. THE REAL ESTATERS 673-8550 CORONA DEL MAR LITTLE CORONA HACH is only step a"·ay from this unique twri i;tory 4 Bedroom 1-lome -Spl\clous and f'lea n with a nev.rly remodeled kitchen. lar~r family room 11.nd \Veil proteetrd patio. Greet vh'1V upstalr!., ttome vie"' dnwn. T'l'y $69,500. TOP O' THE MARK VIEW IN CAMEO SHORES 3 bedroom~. convertible dtn, family rm. and formal dining rm. wJlh a 180' v1e1v or ocean and jtl\)'. All this PLUS a aor· gPOus large pool in a protected court· yard -tor the family lhat deserves the best. $7i ,500. OWNER WILL FINANCE AT 7'/o Corona del P.la.r. Charm "''Ith a mini vi~'. Spacious 2 bedroom and den wltti a de.Ughllul patio. No points, no feoes, no Impound account, no payoff penaJt.y -Call us quick~ CORONA DEL MAR INCOMI UNITS SIX 2-bedroom unit.a: aouth or highway. l blocks to oce11n, In a Hawaiian settlflg. Each apt. wtlh !!eCIUd~ patio. Bit-in kif... ~hens. carpeted and dra()4!d. L'xcellent surnme.r rental t.rca. 114S,OOO. INCOME MONEY MAKERS 'l Complimcntlni; rourpleJL:e!. with 2-.1 bfodroom &. 6·2 bedrooms -All unil11 havf." 2 bath!! and all built·in!. Shows PX· t't'llent return and could bf< a fine llvr-in o"·ner property. $139,000. 7 SEPARATE HOUSES Each unit is iieparatf' home "'ith fenced ~ard and gara~e. Total land are11 lt1. 12X.:i00 In ex~llent rtntal area. Show• ~ood 1•eturn. ()v.'rler will help flmml!t' nr (lr \VIII trade fnr seasoned trust deed,!.. $82.900. M· I WITH HOME I. MFG. 11.DG. Proprrty 11 complctely peW!d and his cement block.. wall on 3 51dn. ~lfg. build· tnp al'!. used for boat building, and are divided Into slalls. t:Z0:.:140 over all. Plu,. • 3 bedtoom home "·;th fenced patio Ir pool. $67,500. For full fnformatlon on a ny of the above .. Plea.11e call any OM of our off!~ -\Ve're open all day SUNDAY. .. , I I ·--··--...------·--~----------.. --·------· . -----. ·----,--~-- S.Uml>y, Aut'll 16, 196, ' EINER HOMES ~~l~l~l~PO~ll~IAL~~l~H=OU~la~l~P~Olt:SA~L~l!~IHOUSD llOl IALI HOUllS POil SALi HOUSll PO!t SALt· ~~iiiiiiiiiiiii.l~~~i.iiiiii.iiiii~~ i IOOIO•••NI ,.. °"""" 1000 .0-rel 1000,!hMfeT-~ 1000 ~h , /Jtirrell f<ea/iy NEAi •R HI READ THIS DOVIR SHORES ESTATES UlUmale In gractoos famlly.l)vln1 and enter- taining, In this 5 bedroom borne with large r livina room, richly paneled family room wllh brlcli fireplace. V I e w from all rooms. •144,l500. ~.sat., Sun .. & Monday ; 1036 Galuy. Dr. • UDO ISLE one o£ :tb•most beau\lflil bomei <i(fered· on comer lot, on lovely Lido Isle, across from private beach. 3 LarJ• bedroollll, large llv-~ room formal dining room. 2 Fireplaces. ~Btiautitutly decorated Ior executive taste. r Call fot ,pp~. .. .. ,, ................ $115,000. I' DOVER SHORES VIEW Large 40,000 sq. ft. of luxury wilh healed and !filtered pool, and a view of the Back Bay. A real family home, 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, family room, formal dining room. Ideal. for entertaining. Only 21'l years old. Beautif~I, I and well priced at $11K,OOO. Call for app t. I IAYCRESTS FINEST Elegant blending of woods and brick in thls !custom built 4 Dedroom home. The helgbth fH&UnU 600 AJd1an °""' S.t./Sun. 1.S FOUR OPEN HOUSES Vidt thto lllUllUll cua!Om· , , · 181yt'4 homo 1rith INO!Vm. Rl!DUCED ,OR QUICK SALE ~ Bayerest owner transferred 6: tired of ~ullJti. Thll Clltaniilnc 3 bdrm Jvan.WelJJ boma will be open Sunday. Do come 1n. 1901 Glonwood • Sun 1·5 (I Blk E. of Commodore@ etarllibt Circle) HARBOR HIGHLANDS -S8e this fasbiOll· able & functional 3 bdrm hom·e with large family room -2 fireplaces. Inside corner ad· dress. Large assumable 5th % loan. 1536 Sylvt1 Line Optn Sun 1·5 COMPARE BLUFFS -See for yourself the premium view & the l1etter than new inter- ior of this open, airy end unit. Large 2 bdrm 3 bath & lamily room. 2132 Vista Dorado Open Sund1y 1·5 .UALlTY,;. not iuat .. boll. Beam celllnc &: 1 brick ttre- pl..., ID liYtnc ftlOm • dlntnc --··--116 bethl. Back YIJX'd iJ-:fult rilbt .. l:IO~ too Wze I: not too amall. c.-........,..,.be!Men ' nrtce • bouae. BAYCREST 1941 Windward Ln Open S1t./Sun. l·S DElJGHTFUL A SPACIOUS • beam celling lli liviilg room • form.al dining room. break- fast area -family room • 4 bdnns -2% batba • loldt of •torace • pool sized yard beautifully landscaped, COUNTRY LIVING 2187 Irvine Open Saturd1y l·S • • • • Me you in the ma!'' ket for a new home, a home in a prim• area very close to Huntineton State Beach; a home you can customiza w~ It Is being btlllt, a boma d•' signed by outstanding archi· 14c!J and constructed by Frank H. ~ 6: 'llon; a Company ~t 6as bOeii in business since 190&? IF YOQ AR,E e e e e Come to RANCHO LA CUESTA at Brookburst and AUanta in Huntington Beach , any day between 10 A.M. & 7 P.M. and select your home In our newly opened UNIT V. PRICED FROM $25,990 to $34,200 968·2929 or 968-1338 --~ --- -----. ----·--- HOUSll l'Olt SALi MOUllS lrOtt SALi Oenor1I Id ilOMNI loGo I . IJ J ~I It SONA 'L I TY HOUI E OCIAN IOULIVAltO -COltONA DIL MAR ,ONLY $70,000 Quaint Now EJ\gland Cottage -a Aguly •Po pe~~ hqme with VIEW OF OCI'; N AND JE , located on a large corner lot. Ex· torlor is weathered board and batten. In· tertor with vaultt\d beam celllngs, stone flre- place and panaline. O}VNER WILL Fl· NANCE at 71'i % interest. SIX UNIT$ -CORONA DIL MAR Six 2 bedroom units In a Hawilian setting. Each with private patio and modern built·JD kitchen. Loeated SOUTH OP THE HIG!IW A Y only 2 blocks to the beach. Provld~s, excellent retum on a summer-wlnter or yprly basis. A rare Corona del Mar investment opportu .. nlty at '145,000. Shown by appointment only. ExcluSlvely with .this office, ,0 Tl IE J{L/\L ·"'-ESTATERS 673.asso 332 M1ttuerila CoN>ne .i,.1 Mer ---------- 1000 O.nor1I 1000 2n1M11 ll)IYSHORES VACANT • Extra )&e, 4 BR., • of beam ceilings and glass walls, add charm , and warmth 10 this near n.ew home, built f around a sparkling pool. Priced at $98,500. ONE OF A KIND BAYCREST -Looking for that separate master bdrm wing? Plan to aee this 1lexi· bie family home with 4 bdrms, formal din· ing room (coul!l be fiflh bdrm). Ample yard !or boat & pool. Owner leaving area. Bring offer. 1901 Commodor• Lane Optn Suncf1y l..S You can have horses, BBQ 1000 in the kitchen, relax in your· I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 20x24' muter auite & ovdt·l1 Gener el 1000 Gonorol And luxurious living •Ba., newly dteo!'. hcl'Jle. in your O'>''Tl-your-own Din. Rm., hu&e liv. nn.; We1tc1lU .Villa encl. patio, Near BAY CLUB ls~~:n:;~: . ~~~PoR.T BEACH This custom built Baycrest home has a rare excitement. All glass, to a beautiful pool. Tall vaulted ceilings lead to a step-down llv- lng room with indoor.outdoor garden and waterfall. Floor to ceiling fireplace. conver- tible dining room. L~urious master suite with garden leading to the pool. This 3 bed- room home 'is a must to see. Under $80,000. * * * HIGHL y DESIRABLE I -Baycrest B1g enough to house the most active family. 4 bdrm.!, 3 baths & lovely separate family room opening onto covered patio. Beautiful· ly landscaped yard. Call for more information. Office Open S1tfrlnl1ys & Sund11yt look ;your own b!auUtul "" acrt. 4 MUsr S!:E TO AP- PRECIATE. JEAN SMITH Realtor 646-3255 400 E. 17th St., Coit.a 1'-leaa Spacious living room VIEW LOT open• onto patiO Unobstructed view ot Har- 2'41 AZURE AVI. ma.slm> bedroonl ·1ulle bor: fee land, incl, plant• SANTA ANA HEIGHTS wit~=~~U~~ck $~,~PORT BEACH Open House Sat. A Sun. 12·5 Thls Weekend-Villa #20 OPEN DAILY 1-S STOP & SEE JF you want #l. Room to park your trailer \VestclIU Dr. •t Buckinaham 405 FRANCISCO. Exclusivt I HARBOR VIEW HILLS PETE BARRETI REALTY and your boat and put in a pool #2. An O'size s49,500 Back Bay &rea. Channing, dbl gar. w/rm.· for your workshop #3. A 3 See Jack Scrugy Spanish stylai 4 BR., 2 Ba., Br. and den, 1~1. Ba: home of a 70x1~11 cor-Re,. 6«-~:150 ,unken livlnr rm., tam. rm . '!View o( Mountain and Sea; I ,year old Lusk home i 3 bedrooms, large family room; alee. tric kitchen, breakfast room and breakfast 1605 w .. tcllff Dr., N.8. 74 .LoA1 Centrl.l v•cuwn s_yalem, Hi-ner lot, W/frpl. and 2 patios, comp .. fenced Fi, elec. a~e, PPtner • 642·5200 for maximum privacy. VACANT. :.M.5CIO. "C" THOUAS Tho Price, $21,SGO Ownor1Bkr. 675-1642 54f.1211 ,.. !bar: lushly carpeted an~ draped. Well land· •caped, w!Ut timed •prinklers. Fee tiUe to land available. An outslending v a I u e at $52,500. Call for app't. Gen.rel t 1000 Gentr•I 1000 Secluded, privat,, oo wld"''I'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!'!!!!!!!!!!~ I REALTOR greenbelt site, Evtr popular!• ~24 W. Cout Hwy ~ 3 Bdrm. 3 bath, 11tna:le level, O.ner1I 1000 General 1000 NtWJl:Qrt Beach, Eve.~ WESTCLIFF LOT Located on one of the most desirable streets in the area 80x120 Feet. $27,500. iohn macnab lowest Priced Mes• Verde 3 bedrooms, 2 batha. Builtln range I-own. Fre1hly Wnt.. erl. $23,lliO. 540-172o TARBELL 29.15 Hubor BY OWNER 123,900 3 Bdrm., 41 ba., crpta .• drpll., frplc. 2 pat.lot. 6" % Gl loan. 646-7034 UNBELIEVABLE BUT TRUE 3 bedroom home in Costa MeK with an added family room with &or to ceiling Nnd atocie t1replace, an new carpetlna t.hrouabout deluxe aha&. lt'1 been completely tutefUlbt decorated bf Veral---'-----='-"-==----'='- Denll • UPCJ'&ded acctsaor-BUY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!.!Whl=:,.:="::;•pbM=::=":,' ;:Di.-;:=:-:::;:-llno:;: I '"· loaded with amenWe1. BARGAINS IN DAILY PILOT .CLASSIFIED Gonor1I 1000Gonore1 1000 REDUCED 1or l.mmed~~lr;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::il sale. lmpect.ion &: oompar· ison 1.nvtted at $39,9XI. Eve- nln&• Phone 644.tl233 {J *2015 Bayadere Terr. (Irvine Terr.) CdM EXCLUSIVE W1TH ,,. elft u,,,llr 833-0700; 644-2430 !pun 1·8) REAL TY COMPANY 901 Dover Dr., Suite 120 642-8235 repa.inted, also a covered ,1G=•=n=•=r•=l====l=OOO:;I patio and iots ot. big trees. 111 OWne?' 1sktng $23,500, no down to veh or minimum down FHA hurry on this f _ 11 HI u-.BS 108 via Florence (Lido Isle) NB ~ 673-9060 , {fun 1·5) ly THIS WEEKEND 1983 Teresita Ln. (Harbor Higl!la,Jlds) NB ·&75-3000; 646-5227 Eves. (Sun 1~) 140 Harbor Island Road FOREST E. OPEN HOUSE ouples Attention SAT./SUN. 1.s re ii i.s -A wonderfully Custom '1 BR. Dining & Fam. fortable two bedroom Neu schools; bay. $66,950 OLSON e. H's bright and cheer--411 WINDWARD Inc. Realtor• • Wood t>uming fl.repl«ce. e OLD WORLD CHARM SPANISH ub1e detached pra&e. L!>-Qui ck poss~tori~ ~ BR. I ted on a quiet cloec • 1n fam. OUered at FH4 appr. llide 1treet. ltanlwood $36,900. ts. A re.rt Jlnd at only 2919 PAPER LANE ,250. • Spa n is h eleeance. 4 lar~e bedrooms. 2 tll~ baths. Spanish tile entry. Maaalve double tln!place. Open flame cooking In a eounnet kitchen + de. Jwce bullt·inJ.. Huge play room &lld only '29,900. Call now !lenor! 645-0300 "For A \Vi!e Buy" olesworlhJ & Co. Quiet Cul De Sac, 3 Br, & fam. Asume 51b % loan. $31.HOO 2910 PAPER LANE • Choi<'.e Bayfroot $97,900 1915 BAYSIDE DR. • lrvlno Tem.ce S42."00 DUPLEXES ll19 BONNIE: DOONE e AT THE BEACH Un!VE'rslty Park $'19,900 Sand pebble's th row lROOl NORTON from that wonderful 1ea.. HAL PINCHIN Two large bedrooms and 2 baths each. Largo kit· & ASSOCIATES chen + deluxe built-ins. 675-4392 Sun d<'ckl. Great Joca• Corona df'l Mar lion! Good rents! Only l.lL--~'~'':t,·rn".''-.~-· I ,. .............. iiiiiiii .... •11 $38,500. Tod a y • l'I beat OUR DREAM Open Thia WHkend buy! cau now 645-mo.3 to otter thi1 prestia:e trl· 1847 TAHITI DRIVE NEWPORT BEACH el home, in pride of own. Big family home, 5 BR ' ip location wi!h massive 2900 sq. ff. Anthony pool, ASSUME 51/4 °/o rooms, 3 luxurious baths freshly redec. Sharp loc in Beat high interest La.tie the mos l beautitully Mesa Verde. Listed $54,900 custom two bedroom h!d ho~ anywhen!. -but all offers Invited? home In Newport Hzhts. G. BIG FAMll..Y ROOM Plent;y or llaht & charm. rich walnut panelinz with Open This Sunday Alley accn1. Hlfh G.L tom brick fireplace. FOR. 1812 10\VA STREET loan of $20,600 and $162 L DI NING ROOM! (eor. CaHfornia SL ) mo. pays all! Room for ry. spacious all elcclric Exceptionally clean J & fam. pool, boAt, c • m Per. tchen and utility room. ily room . room for boat, Only S26,900 Interested! auWul professional land. trailer. camper, clc. lmmed· Call 645·0303. PiiW anc1 roomy patiot 1ate po11eulon. Offered at COUNTRY HOME ployer pa.)'B sellers coat.s! $26.900 ... ,..10 LOAN VE THOUSANDS at a ~ S4S·SllD Q '' e sacrifjce of $39,950. (l'IP!'clnl'nlt19t!tl Lot!l of elbow T'OOm In cellent tenns'. OLLEGE REALTY thls l' x tr a ordinarily WE SELL A HOME -1it*.tll largo 4 ""'"'°m lamlly VERY 31 MINUT ES ~ 1 home. Country kitchen ~!!!!!!~~"'l'!!!!!'!~!'!" II with de!W<e built· ins. .Iker & Lee G.I. LOAN OF 5~% Hugo lo~ Rlah< ID tho l.crlY payments of $141 P.I.T.I. city! You can have Beat the high interest ratct. horses too! The big 6% Submit your down paynient loan pays everything at ·on this atunnlng 3 bedroom $166.50 mo. Don't dell,Y! clank. Features modern Q\U today! S45-.0303 Harbor Blvd. al Adams -Open 'til 9 PM undt'r <-onstruc!lon: 4 rm5, 3 baths, view homr ith over 300) sq fl of living, ' taC\llar ~·iew. I a r g e me room & an usumable · % loan. OUett<I at $83,500, $Jt,5GO -5 Bdrm. estate IJ'OW'd•. lmmacu- te, 41 story. Fireplace tn aster bedroom • AddltJo~ lfreplacu fn llvlna room. lnjng room. Alt electric · L-Jne. Truly exceptional! m ltlELL 29SS H•rbor $21,500 built '"' 1or Mom. 2 "'" NEWPORT AREA charming baihs. ~p pile carpeting, alllb drape• TAKE OVER 7'/2°10 throua:hout. Beautiful fcnc-}'antastic $20,900 Joan. ed bflck yard 1urrounds this No tees. One oJ 3!! beau· huge 1."'0vtred patio. Will sell tlful town homt'S In ex· FHA or VA at $24,900. elusive Newport Beach WE SELL A HOME area. Total price m.~. S 2 extra large bt'droonu, EVERY 31 MINUTE 2 baths, fireplace, bullt-w I k & L ins + club house and a er ee '"pe' ,,..1. only 1091> dn. Hurry! C&ll 645-0303 768'J Edlnger 8424456 or 540.5140 ' Open eve1. NORTH MESA Slf..% $125 MO. COflsta1 waters. Ju.t minutes awa,y, Bright & cheerful 3 bedroom, family room_, kitchen \\i lh built-.lna. Q\Jift • 1erene. Private IW'ln II: Unnis club. All of tht1 io,r only $2S,SOOJ All· 11ume nfA latn. No fee l Belttr ~ rut! c.-n 645·0300. FOREST E. .OLSON .... 2-114 Vb~ Del oro 1"' "'" ._.,.....,.,., wftl'" till•,...""'• (off Bayside Dr.) NB Newport Beach Y•• t• hnt ........ All ttie t....S.... 11-.4 ~l•w 675-3331 (Sun 1·5) 644-1131 ::.,. ~'.: .::,' ,t::' ~::::.-:.:: 1959 Vista Caudal (The Bluffs) CdM lhowlnt .,_ .._. f..-sale •r ,_ r.nt _ .,... 675-5930 (Sat & Sun 1·5) . a r r ~.....- ORANGI COUNTY'S LAROl!ST 293 E. 17th St., 64M4M BAY FRONT IASTSIDE COSTA MESA Will llf!ll V4, FHA, or con· ventional, Immaculate 3 bed· room, 2 blth, f.amlly room, 1'1ttplace, built ins, on a beautllul eroomed c:ornt.r Jot in a qutet neighborhood. Open Holllt 12 to 4, WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee Featuring one ot a kind on beautiful LlOO ISLAND. Spacious family home or OJNVERT FOR 2 tamWee. One of the most fabulout bu;y11 we've ever bad on the bland at a reducltd price. Shtt!r IUXUI')' throuah • out with too many features to mention. But WHAT A lOU WmclUf Dr. viEW! Call noW tor tu Ii 646-7711 ()pen Eves, detallJ and appointment! SHOPPING for a home'!' Flexible terms and M 0 ST Call, write or visit our of· ANXIOUS!! flee kit )'0\11' tree copy of WE SELL A HOME our "Home1 For Living•· EVERY 31 MINUTES Mqulne, with ptolUru, W I k & L price• • detalU ol our a er ee aeleel U.tlnp In Newport Beach. Corona Dtl Mar & Costa Me11. RED CARPET 2043 Weatclilf Dr. 6'10. 77ll Open Eves. 4 l•dnn·S19,850 No Down G.I. De1!gncd for a lal'(e 1amlly. 2 baths, Kitchen with luxury built.ins. Park like yard. Cloilng COltl, TARBELL M'-0604 tT'S Beach bOUlt time, Bia· a:est aelectton ever! See the DAILY PILOl' WANl' ADS! REALTY, 2025 W. Balboa 0Blv .. Newport Beach, 92660. "'"""'°· Newport Hgts.-$19,500 C.Oxy • neat & Immaculate · larae bedrooms. a:raciou1 Iivlnl room . fireplace. 540-1720 TARBELL 29SS Harbor nlE QUICKm YOU CALL. n1E QUICll!:R YOU SELL Gener el 10000.nor&I For The Man Who Has "Made Goocl" Absolute Spanish eleaance designed for the active family and gracious entertain· Ing. 4 bedroom p!UI 3 baths, large family room with built-in wet bar. Leas Utan 2 years new. Prestige Baycrest address. A must see at f/8,600. lest luy Harbour Highlanclt How long has it been since you have seen a Harbour Highlands home priced at just $29,500? Three large bedrooms. I '!I baths, bright country kitchen with breakfast area. Separate sheltered patto, plus fenced rear yard. Add just a little paint and save big!! Couples Attention Here It Is - A wonderlull,v comfortable two bedroom home. It's bright and cheer· fUI. Wood burning fireplace, double de· tached aarage. Localed on a quiet clooe-ln Eu!Jlde street. H•rdwood floors. A rare find et only $22 ,280. FOR A WISI auy --COi.ESWORTHY & CO. 642-7777 _,,,__ .. ... _ ...... hft 11111 I ati, a-, 1 • ......i ............. c....., , • t• II• lft. 1"'9r""'"•• hi tllh 1el1111111 -.c• Frl4.,. (2 Bedroom) 900 Chestnut Place (Ea1tbluJl1) CdM 675-2!01 (Sat & Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom) 324 Snug Harbor (Cllffbavenl NB 645-2000 (Sat & Sun 1·5 *242 Joann Streel (College Park) CM 548-9578 (Please call firit) *522 El Modena (Newport Heights) NB 548-9450 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 546 Riverside Drive(Newport HeiJ!;hts)NB 645-2000 (Sun 1·5 ) 321 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar 642-8235 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 600 Aldean (Newport Heights) NB 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2187 Irvine, Newport Beach 646-3255 (Sat 1·5) 2591 Baysbore Drive (Bayshores} NB 833-0700; 644-2430 (Sun afternoon) 459 E . 19th St. (Nr. Westclifl) CM 646-8811 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1501 Bayadere Terrace, Corona de! Mar 675-3000 (Sun 1-5) (3 Bedroom & Family or Den) *450 E. 21st Street( Back Bay) NB Ma.-0355 (Dally 2·7) 717 Poppy Ave., Corona de! Mar 675-2101 (Sun 1-5:301 320 Bucknell Road (College Park) CM 549-1920 (Open Wkends & eves) *2807 Setting Sun Drive, Corona del Mar 644-2732 (Sat & Sun 12-6) 1577 Corsica (Mesa Verde) CM 546-4141: Eves 642-5719 (Sun 1-5) 2341 Azure Ave .. Santa Ana Heights 675-1642; 549-1281 (Sat & Sun 12-5) 1730 Irvine, Newport Beach Ms-9491 rsun 1-51 *1224 Nottingham Rd . (Westciiffl NB 642-5200 (Sat 1-5) 2132 Vista Dorado (The Bluffs) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) 1536 Sylvia Ln . rHarbor Highland!) NB 642-5000 (Sun 1·51 1901 Glenwood (Baycrest) NB 642·5000 (Sun 1·5) 101~2 Stoneybrook Dr .. Huntington Beach 646-2829 (Sun 1·5) *1880 Maui Circle (Mesa Verde) CM !146-6421 (Sun 1-5) 1307 Marian Lane (Westcliff ar.ea) N.B1 54().2858; 642-5551 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1645 Bimini Place (Mesa Verdel CM 549-0656 (Sun 1-5) 100 Via Florence (Lido Isle) NB 873-9060 (Sun 1-6) 418 St. Andrews Road, Newport Heights 646-1133 (Sun 1·5) li033 Paloma. Newport Baach 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 2915 Ellesmere (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 (Sun 1·51 3023 Country Club Dr. (Mesa Verde) CM 540.1720 (Sun 1:3().6) 251 East Bay, Costa Mesa 646-nll (Sat & Sun 12"4) (4 Bedroom) 2915 C1talpa. (Eastbluffs) CdM 645-2000 (Sat & Sun l·S) *2437 Fordham Drive (College Park)CM 646-8811 (Sal & Sun l~) (4 Bedroom & F•mily or Denj 442 Rlverside Drive, Newport Beach 548-2986 · (Sat & Sun 10.8) 1941 Windward Lane (Baycrest) NB 646-3255 (Sa t & Sun 1·5) 1380 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shore•) NB 642-8235 (Sat& Sun) 225 North Star Lane (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 115 Milford Rd. (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-69116 (Sat & Sun 12·5) 223 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar 673-3770 (Sat & ·Sun 1·5) 1338 Antigua Way (Baycrest) NB 676-6000 (Sal 1·5) 1430 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shor~) NB 646-1550 (Open Dally) 1901 Commodore Ln (Baycrest) NB 842-5200 •rsun 1·5) 2722 Sandpiper (Mesa Verde) CM 543-7051: 540.9719 (fain 1·61 2084 Goldeneye , Costa Mesa 543-2313 (Sun 1·5 ) *256 Oceanview, Newport Beach 646-7171 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 1338 Santiago1 Newport Beach 6411-7171 (Sat & Sun 1·5) *1332 Santiago Drive (Westciill) NB 646-7755 fSa t & Sun 1·5) 2341 Irvine, Newport Beach , 540-1720 (Sun 1·5) (5 Bedroom) • **14 Linda Isle Drive (Linda Isle) NB 670.3210 (Sun 12-5) (5 Bedroom & F•mily or, Den) 2784 Albatroas (Mesa Verde) CM 546-5460 : Ev••· 548-8584 (Sat & Su n 1·5) 1536 Galaxy Drive (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat. Sun & Mon) *4538 Roxbury Road (Cameo Shores)CdM 675-3520 (Sat & Sun !~) 1718 Port Abbey PL (Harbor View Hills) Newport Beach 548-8281 (Sun 1:3().3 :30) 2731 Bayshore Drive (Bayshores) NB 675-6000 (Sat 1"4, Sun 1·5) 1807 Buttonshell Lane (Baycreat) NB 646-7755 (Sat & Sun 1·5) 2060 Phalarope, Costa Mesa 546-2313 (Sun 1-5) 8882 LaRoca. Fountain Valley 540-1720 (Sun 1·5) 103 Post Road, Costa Mesa 540-1720 (Sun l-5) CONDOMINIUMS (2 Bedroom) 2400 Elden Unit ii 15, Costa M-..a 542.1n1 (Sat & Sun 1·5) (3 Bedroom) 14tl Lexington (Monticello) Costa Mesa 642-1771 (Sat & Sun 1-5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE 1201 W. Bay Ave .. Newport B~acb 673-6210: 675-0998 (Sat & Sun) 617 Narcissus, Corona del Mar 673·2222 (Sat & Sun 1-6) (3 Bedroom] 514-518 Avocado. Corona del Mar 545-0465 (Sun 1-5) *** l'MlelHIWtlMftMrt *It Wclwrtcott ·- , I ..... ---~-. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALB HOUSES FOR SALi! HOUSES ,OR SALi 1 lOOCotta Mesa j,;;;G;";,.;r;;•l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1000;;;;0.;no;;;r;•l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1000;; C"I• -.- A Home That Pays For Itself You can live cheaper In this Spanish modern DUPLEX. Cooled by ocean breez .. just a !ew steps to the Southland's most beautiful beach. Includes a home·llke 3 bdrm. wtth !!replace, walk·in closets. sundeck.s. tile roor. ocean view + a spacious 2 bdrm., low mainlen· ance, carpets, drapes, landscaping included. $43,500. ' Join The Action WITH AN AGGRESSIVE YOUNG FIRM HERITAGE REAL ESTATE has I openinJ! ior a top salesman. Best commission split available. S to p by & see us or call Dave Myhre at 540 • 1151. Heritage Real Estate, 2918 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. 1100 Newport 811ch MOYE IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS New homes, ready to move In. 2 to 5 bed· rooms, 2 to 3 baths . Y.i mUe from beach. First payment up to eo days after move. in. VA /FHA Tt rms. From $23,990 The Beach (on Brookhurst I mile South of Ad•msl 962 • 1353 Lido Isle 1351 OPEN SAT. • SUN. 1 ·5 210 • 9th Str"t Huntl"9'0n Beach TERRY REAL TY 536-1459 Costa Mesa Weed It & Reap i.~~!to F!~vesa~" b~ ~= ~08r due to divorce. Charming OPEN HOUSES SUN. 1·5 -------~--- Bring paint &: tools. Watch this turkey tum Into a beau- tiful swan. 3 BR 2 ba, has BONUS of 15x30' POOL. Ou1 of town owner WMla his VACANT home 110ld fast. Excel College Park area. Offered at $27,500. CALL 5-14}.ll51 llcritage Real Es- tate (open eves). old hse. on Nt>wpori Isl. 7 Spacious t·ustom 2·slory eX· room5, 2 baths, has been ecutive home. l..a.rgp fomial completely re m o d e l e d • dini'll room. Panrled den modem kit. "'/bltns. Lots ~with "'et bar & firt>place. of storage. Used brick frµlc Silting roo111 w/fiJTplace. J & dining room ~·a 11. bdr, 31~ baUis. Cardrn f'fl. Bathroonu1 JW>1v w/sunkt>n try. Vie1v of bay &: moun- tub. l.rg. sundcck iv/view. le.ins. S82.SOO. 6~6·2151 100 VIA !>~LORENCE. Beaut. cust. bit. homt'; 3'Br. 3 ba. l..gt'. party nn.: 3,000 sq, fl.; bll·l1lil. de I u x e features. OvnM!r must sell, immediat.:! possession. Gen1r1I WOULD YOU BELIEVE? OCEAN>FRONT DUPLEX Priced at $a6.000 • choice area -4900 block • 2 BR. plus bach ... furnished -R-2 lot -30'X85' -owner would con1Jlder exchange (or IAtg· tt unit1J on OCl'an lront - for add. lnlo, call today - &15-0128 * • * • VACANT BEACH LOT Owner has prlcrd below thl' market lor fast 1u1T10\·er - apProx. % blotk fron1 !)CC'an -oversized lot l>·x9a· -zon· ed R-2 . a steal at $25,000 · 1000 PUTTING GREEN Right outside your door + near by swimming pools & shuUle board courts. You can enjoy your spare tin1e while living in this luxurious 3 bdnn 2 bath single story home -Unburden yourseU \Yith this deltuce Upper Bay ''\VAY OF LIFE" $36,500 Newport at Victoria ~11 (anytime) Assume 4o/4¥• GI Loan 4 B<:lnn, 1 ~ .. Ba College Park area. 26' liv. rm. R/O, dsh1vhr. dbl car gar, lncd. Blk to SC'hls & ~hop'g. $26.950 2'.278 Cornell. 64&2309 Ag:t. $20.500 1'1.JLL price. VA loan at 4 \!1~~ wilh total pay1nenl of $130. Clean, shuJ·p. 3 BR, 2 BA, wilh lg. yd. & dbl. ciu· garg. 548-8414 or 548-3300 BY O\VNER $23,900 ~ Bdrm, 2 ba, crpt~. tlrps, lrplc. 2 pa rios. 6" 7~ GI loan. * &16-7034 Ne~·ly painted oulside .~ Across st. from Bay on 2 side11 &. J b\ks. froin ocean. University Par k 1237 $•12,500 buys this 4 BR horn<'. 4008 Marcus, NB Marine Tra n sferred 67a-0363 or 494.5420 tJ BR · fain. l'm. 2 cov pa· · Lios, beautiful trees & plan\. OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. 1307 ~larian Lil \Vcstcliff Area ~ Bch·ms-r.R. & Lanai ovr1'8ized garage-"·ork.shop Roy Geo1J:e·R<'al1or 61~-5551, 5·t().ZSS8 ing, many rx11a~. Top loc. 61§i% !in. (110 Joan cost) $36,9.>Q. DOUG JOY REAL TOR 83).0504 NEW M''7A=TH~ 19M G.1 61!'.: + O\VC 2nd equ11ls j BR in lo\v <\O's 11'/ IOI\' OP. !OS VIA FLORENCE. ~11rn1. ini: fant ho111e: 4 Br. 3 Ba. 3 car gar. All bll·i~. New carpeting. 569.850. A SLEEPER at '47,000. Allr, 2 Br., new frpk·., new bllns, nc1v carp., llC\\' d r a p ,. s, imn1ac. cond. Lov£'1y patio. SHORE PROPERTIES Jll6 Newpc111 Blvd. NE\VPORT BEACH 673-9060 WANT GLAMOUR? Townhouse, modern 6 ~· oltl. I Br,, ronY. den. Tiled <'n1ry & din. rm. App't only 1 $16.JOO. ' \Valkcr Realty 675-236 priced al Only S22.000 -bet· ==========I tar call today! $&500 cash • assume 5~'; F1iA !0811, $131 mo. Li;. 3 br., hm. 1993 r.1eyer Pl., COi'. Seal. • Red Hiii Realty li;()&8 Culver 01· .. hv!ni.' OPEN 9 A~1-3 PM 83.l-0820 ANXIOUS II (}wnl'r wants action on va. cant 4 Br. & ; ba. flon1c . Xlnt value at asking price of CHIL T ROBINETT REAL TOR 645.((128 BEER BELLY BUDGET How aDout 3 bcdroo1ns, den, 2 baths, 2 car garage, built· ln gas range & oven. Forced air heat, carpets & drapes, a Hug,. 14x30' patio, and a big crystal cl,.ar POOL $23,500 . arr ll!:if w- ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 894-5311 VACANT HOME fmmN:lia!I" occupancy for your family, Nc1vly decorat. st &: fully CArpeled. Ideal location ~ar \Vestcllff Plaza, See this lovely 3 bdrm home today. $24,500 (8°/o loe1n 1v1il. l Newport at Victoria 64~11 (1nytime) COOL & LOYEL Y Brand new design by Ivan \Velis. \Vill be ready for you in time !or school. 4 bdrms, 3 ba + f.JO\\'der rm. Beam· ed ceiling entry living rm & ATTR. to"1lhow;e 3 bdr. 21, ba. pool, clbhsc. nice garden & patio. 5~,.A> loan. $21.TJO. 5-1.S.19:0 Mesa Verde 1110 separalf' forn1al dining rm. O\VNER TRANSFERRED - Rich panelled family rm. Priced for inimediatc. sale! 1vith fireplace & walk-in \Vet at $27.9:JO. Imm a cu I a! e bar. Spacious master bed· home \vllh 3 oversized roon1 "'i!h opulent Roman bdrms, 2 sparkling ba1hs, tub. This impressive cus!om large family room, double hon1e is keyed to it's entic. raisefl hearth flrcplacr, cor· ing CDUl'l yard pool & s~·eep.. ner lot & ciu \et cul·de·sac. ing vie1v of the bay belO\V_ cau S.15-8424 Soulh Coast \Ve have the key at 1430 Real Esta!e Galaxy Dri\•e -Open daily. ~===~~==~ Roy J, Ward Co, REPUBLIC HOME tBaycrest Oilicel Near new single slory 4 bdrm 1430 Galaxy 646-1550 2 bath wllh formal dining $16,500 PRICE AND 1800 BRICKS Make up the massi'>'e patio! \Vhere in the ~·orld can you find a 3 bedroom, 2 bath hotne, NEAR THE BEACH with electric built-ins, excel· lent carpet, boat door to back yard, and VACANT!! LESS THAN S2.000 00\VN! ! WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee room, ramily room, upgrad· ed carpets/drapes &: indoor/ outdoor carpeting thruout kitchen & family roon1. Va· can1. OPEN SUNDAY 10-6. Z1'!2 Sandpiper, Quick OC'CU- pancy. S4l.950. Owner/Agt. 5·16-1001 Or 540-9719. COUNTRY Club area-custom executive home \V/pool. Priced below rcplatcment cost. '5~~'io loan avail. Owner. 546-&121 BY OWNER: 3 BR. 2 b;1, ram rn1. Trees, block wall. pa tio, sprinklers. 2935 Royal 2700 Harbor Blvd. at Adams Palm Dr. $24.500. 546--9896 545-9491 Open 'til 9 P M 4 BDRM., 2 . Ba.. crpts, ---------q drps, de.an. Assume lo. COUNTRY LIVING ,.,,., $Zl.ll5Cl own" """" T-PLAN 3 Br, 2 ba, lam rm. IN THE CITY Ui45 a;,n;n; Pl., CM. "'·'""· Prine. 549-0056. Sun 1-5. \\'est Bay Ave. duplex. 3 Br. :.! ba. lower: l·BR. 1-ba. up. per. Custom built allractive units, 3 car gar. All in a quirt neighborhood. $59,00'.l. BURR WHITE REALTOR 29ol Newport Blvd .. N.B. 675-4630 &12-2253 Eves. BAY AVE.-BAY VIE\V Open llousc Sat. & Sun. 1201 \\I. 81\Y. N. B. Li;e . rorner view lot. 2 Br. Gar. Apt., rm. lo build 3 Br. home. For details phone Al King -Jones Realty Inc. 57:µi210 OR 6Ta--0998 OPEN Sat & sun. 442 Riversidt Or. N.B. Prestige C'Uslom lnme. 4 BR lge. rumpus rm .. <I-level. Fenced yd., 2 fl'lJlcs. bll·ins. oveniized gar off allty, Pool size lot. Crph1. drps. 548-2986 0\\1NER'S SACRIFICE 4 or 5 BR. 2 mo. old Harbor Hills honie. LP., DR, Fam. R \Vith frpl & bar. 3 Ba, CrpL~. drp1. niar1y Xtras. Xlnt financing. ~1 Corona dtl Mar 1250 RUSTIC CHARM $49,500 Brick, Beams &· \0;1d~ ol pall('\ing enhance !he charn1 of this spacious 4 Bdm1. plus family rm. ho1Tl('. Ovcniize view Joi stretchc~ fron1 Ila· ze l to Poppy. Sho"·n by app't. ooly. OPEN SAT/SUN. 1.5 KIDS WANTED I I For this 4.000 sq. fl. 2-st.y. colonial homC!: 4 Br. + nursery & lam. rn1.; ·11~ Ba. On 80' frontage. Hop, skip & jump lo bf'ach. $119,000. 223 POlNSJ:.TIIA . -· ..... DELANCY .. REAL ESTATE 2828 ·E. COAST HWY. Corona Del Mar 67).3770 COOL POOL e OPEN HOUSES e Don't be a roo l, Tak(' lhe 7!7 POPP.Y: Open _sun. \- plunge! Exotic 11 et t j n g, ;;i;3Q. lmagirM!. a 4;; rt. lot B k B 548-035S wilh a charnung Country ac ay, f'ecling Home." 40,000 CLIENTS Pass in frollt of this 70x"U7 900 CHESTNUT PL. Open exceptional C·l corner oUice. Sat. &. Sun. 1-5; 2 Br.; only Asking $26,900. Terms. one of i!s' kind In Canon Realty 675-3581 Eas!blurfs. Oceanfront Sacrifice SEMPLE $;;9,500 LIDO REAL TY INC. 3 IOO Via Lido 673-88.10 Huntington Beach 1400 TRY THIS ONE FOR SIGHS! Brand ne1v and right near lhe ~ach. 4 Beautiful bedrooms, 2 baths. Dramatic, ra.iS1!1:1 celling Uvlng room 1vlth dis.. tinctivc fireplact. An all glass garden kitchen takes the "erk" out of housework! and makes cooking an ex.I perience. Check these built. Ins: \Vall to wall carpeting, draperie!, feocing, beaut. lront yard ldscpg including sprinklers. Deluxe bit-in ap.. pliances including: Range, oven, dishwasher &. disposal. It's ready lo movf' into now. 6601 Luciento Or. Hunt. Sch. $27,190. and worth every pen. ll('y. CA or FHA. (714) 531-3-IOO, 11 Af.1 to 7 PM. Bkr. $22, 950 Is The Price I The payment on this bcauti. rul VA loan is $132 per monlh whit'h includes taxes and insurance. The home has 3 queen size bedrooms also 2 baths. Double Garage. Fenced Yartl. Carpcts & drapes, ?tlodern kitchen v;ith :.erving bar. Submit yo ur down payn1ent, WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee Modern 4 Br. 2 Ba. !am. REAL ESTATE 7682 Edinger Split level 3 bdnn 3 ba + College Pa.rk ___ 1_11_5 nn .• bc5t beach area .. 2315 E. Coast Hwy. 67j...2101 842_4455 or S40-::.l40 !~========~I hon1c oUice. 2 Dbl garages BIG POOL + $59,JOO -Or lease/option. * SACRIFICE * Open evrs. 4 BEDROOM + boat yard. Huge family d '.tl 11 O\VNER 83J.2al7 Fabulous viriv hrune 1nl ~'.""-""--~-... •ll I d k •• ,.. -, BigYar. s..,,.a,. 1· nn w sun ec · ..... e ... u DUPLEX WEST BAY Corona dcl ~1Hr. l BR, f11m Beauty at the Beach! lot, circuJar driveway. Near 3 Br, 2 B11, crpts. $28.900. · Ch , -•·-Is $4000 dn. ·o.,•ner. 5'13-9578 Olvncr will carry TD, no loan rm, 21 ~ Ba. pool, all new A master bdrm suite with MESA VERDE charnung er:-y 14M:, 1 ,. J applla••c,, "<wly I I' I · ti. rr~--' ..... ""'n lo gC"I. U"CP aces, etc. ".. " cus om irep act', spac10us me 0 ""'""· ... "'""" 3 BR, 2 BA. Separate guc!t 673-0114. decorated, landscape<t. Xtra co1T1er lot, insulated thruout. Roy J. Ward Co. room w/balh. Pool. By Jge living rm w/frplc, lge luscious carpeting & near all Beautiful new carpl?ting. l.,o. cated on QUIET cul-dc-uc streel Has a large covered & enclosed FRONT PATIO. even room for boat or trail- er. Exct'llcnt v a I u e at $27,5CXJ. Call no1v as t h is popul11.r plan will !<C'IJ fa.~!. 546-9521 or 54~31 3 Bedroom 2 Ba. $20,900 That's righl it's 11 3 bed- room 2 ba!h home in C.Osla Mesa and it's ready lo be II~ in close to shopping and scbooh1 kindergarten through colleee-Try 10% down owner anxious. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St., 646-4494 5 Bedrm + Pool + 3 Bath-$26,950! Farnily Jh•ing at a price to Jit your budge! -5Ce thi1! Rich wood paneling, hand· 11t1mc bar. Elegant fireplace. Excellent area. S-IB-1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor OCEANFRONT 3 BR. home on excellent ~ach; $54,950. , George Wllll•mson RE..\LTOR 6T.M350 Eves. m 1564 (Baycrest Office) Owner. 54>7873. OIAR.MlNG Back Bay; 3 closets. OttUpancy in time schools & zparkling beach. 1.00 Galaxy Dr. &IS-1550 =========0 I lrg. Br, 2 ba, cprts, drps, for school. Price TI!duccd Priced ria:ht with FHA·VA Newport Beach 1200 bltns. Owner. $ 21' 4 5 O · rrom $69.500 to $59.500 for terms. * 3 BR 1% bath, bchvood 646-8698 quick sale. Call owner Pacific Shores Really noon, cpl!I I drps, (rplc, Fun·Loving BLUFFS elegant F plan, 3 644-2732. 2807 Settini:. Sun 536.8894 Eves. 842-8728 double lil a rage, beautiful Family Home Br, J Ba w/BayView, wide1 !:'°'~;~vo'.;·===~~--1 ~i'i:':0"1~~~~~""":'11 fenced yard. $24,500 For the execu!ivc "'ilh a grcenbelL All upgraded. Loi· SEA GLEN MAR by Owner; 4 Br. * 3 BR 11,i baths, carpets, large, young family, 3100 lsc, lo dn. $41,500. 644-4265 Ch BY 2TBHE J ~f. ba. fireplace. dshwhr. drapes, large fenced yard. ~". rt., 2 lllo!'Y, 5 bedroom , arming r + 1-'0nv. den '"••' ,. . ·•J 3., bath h OPEN House. Sat·Sun 1-!>. + formal din, nn.; attic bltn~. :,;prnk.lrs. New paint Vacant -lmmed. possession. 1ni;·slZt:u ·" ome ,122 El ?lloden Newnnrt II~-' Inside & out; very clean. $20,750. on one or thl' lllrgel'it corner · . a, ···-space. 2 lrp\.: wa •:u gar· Well .. McCardle, Rltrs. lots in the Back Bay nrea. Heighls. 3 bdr .. pool, 3-car den, VJE\V of ocean & jr.t· C.ood neighborhood. 600 sq. 15x20. Living room anrt lS x gar. Brokl'rs v.·elcome. ty. Steps 1o beach. Assume rt. patio, Lots ol cement & 1810 ~~~rta~~~~eC.M. 18' family room ovl'rlook a loan al 61h'7c . $108,~. raised planters. Garage. 1,, ..... funotion al covered PA. Newport Heights 1210 Walker Riiy. 675-5200 handymarui dream, cabnts. Beautiful Meredith ,.... 1 nit all chain stores. "·aJk 3 Bd ' '' 00 1 1 TIO and a 20 x 40' hra1ed Broadmoor to elem sch, 1 mi to HS. 2 , rm., ,2 ., ge. am-POOL ~-· r· $'6 500 " d Be . • 1n.:re is a gas In:"· /. , Harbor &: Oceanview custom n>>' to JC. $26,500. """ 1"~0 ily. forn1 ining. aut. SEP -~ crpts., drapes. All the ex-pit for cool evenings. -3 Bdrm. home, l~ii balhs,0FbAI designed honie, ~ bd.~s, NOT ONL y ARATE play yard has a heal. Kitchen bit.ins. , family room, formal dining. tra1J! See Sun. l 6: lOll2 PLAY HOUSE featured in gar., large lot. room. Beau!ifully appoinlcd. FREEWAY CLOSE.·· Stoneybrook Dr., Huntington Sunset Magazine. All e:lec· $28,000 $T.l,500. cau Kaye Neal at Golde~ J.C. & the Broadway Bearh. Agt. ~2629. trlc kitchen, large utility l B<lnn. "-Family nn. Larg.! 644-0323. shopping are nearby too. llAVE appT'OlC 10 acres ,room, permanent soft water living rm. Stone frplc. Pro Donald M. Bini l.: All.SOC. Hm!'s the sharpest home we Ocean view property, 3 min system, closets GALORE landscaped, Choice area. 517-7041 have oUered this year. $26.SOO from downtown Laguna. throufhoul. BY 0\VNER. '-"'. \\'8.Y below any similar home Value $150,00). Will trade 1100 Highland Dr.. NB. 9!0 ~ TOP NOTCH now being built. for bayfront home. Balboa 646-6868 forapp't.dlrl& 3 Bdrms., den, 2~ balhs. Rex L. Hodges, Rltr. or Lido. 615--0833 aft 6. BALBOA ISLE HOME I l A LT Y Jmmcd. l)Ot>9ess. Open Sat.. 847-2525 OWNER WILL FINANCB Near Np!. l'osl Ofc. 646-2414 Sun. 1·5: 1!139 Vista Caudal Cotta Mesa 1100 Plenty or room for 2nd unit· BOYD REALTY 4 doors rrom N Bay, Probale 1220 362!1 E . Coast Hwy ., Cdltl Tops In College Park Just cleared, Really worth Newport Shores 675-5930 Aissume 5\~'lo l<><1n. Sli8 mo -----pays all. 3 BR, 2 BA. Fam chcckin~! Pricl' S~4.1j(). 3 BR·2Ba. 235 Cr.dar OPEN SAT., SUN. 1.5 mi, sep dining rm. 2 fire-BEACH APT W/INC. S24.950 W/$8500 down or 617 Nercii ius places. Immac! lndscpg. Per1nancnt ot-ean view -just $25,%0 w/SA,000 nt down to Duplex wl tutal or 6. BR, 4 l\faJ1y f'Xlra~. By Owner. a hop k A step 10 the ocean. see ln11;ldC' call 67:\-1784 bath~. $55.000. V~w '"' • wknd:-. ....,... 4 bdrm 2 ba unit w/2 BR DON V FRANKLIN • "' ;uv 1 ba rental. Price $40,000. Baycrtst 1223 • Bucknell Rd, CM. 549-19'20 IT NESTLES REAL TOR $4500 DOWN Assume 5% % Gr Joan, Clt'an 3 BR 2 bath home, hard- wood Doors, carpel~ & drap. c-s. Large tree shaded lot. \Von't last Joog 11 only $21.500. Betrer call no\v~ MUTUAL REAL TY 842-1418 Anytime Reduced,$25,500--LSE $175 4 8, 1%: wfoption IN A PRIVATE BEACH REPOSSESSION e 67l-22'l2 e Ut.500 ltome wfCom. U6e 'COMM of newer homes-this IN CdM: "INVEST NEAR THE Near ocesn • 0wntr trans- ok. Nr. all shops on W. 19th 3 BR 2 ba house i11 neat. BAYCREST OCEAN. 3 Bt. 3~ bl.., den, ~~· ba.I..wcurlous 2-sdt.oey, 4 FREE rent or 10'1&. l B. l~ clean & avail. Prlee only Large 4 bedrooms, 3 bath, 2 frpl, din rm. 3 Gar. Can r, ' fireplace, in rm, PlTl pd by 2 other units. $26,95(1. all the custom luxury ap. build another home on lol ~ect blt·ins. ~ gar, cpl.a, Rare inv. $1S,SOO F,qulty 2 Lloyd Barnett Rltr. -lntments prolessio.nally Som!! vlew, nr. beach le drps. Nr school, $hcipplng TOP retiree deals ""' ~ Bkr 673-20lO" cntr & exclu11lve entry club. 9 333 E. l71h St. land!IC8ped. Drive by 1901 ! .. .,.,.,. · • Owner S3&l9l4 Lytle S&1 \V. 1 th• 645·2134 Santiago, -call O\\'ller for LGE. hilltop 1ot. Penn. view -;;;u.:<1=.,===-ll CM 5'8-94'3 ---=--=.---appointment to see. nexJblt ot ocean&: hlllt. Privacy. WHY PAY RENT? ALL 3 BR'..SY OWNER READY terms, Phone 642-2835. Realtor 673-201G Yr. old Spanish style. Aa. Large Family "oom 950 Victoria $19.500 Gr For buildnig, this tarae P....2 Do Sh 1127 CAMEO SJiO~ 1umt> FflA loan. 3 BR., pa. $26,500 Meta Verde 1903 Federal $21,000 5'4 oceanfront lot, Owner anx. ver ores Oceanfronl'• BR A: Den Ho, BBQ, bltns. Adj, to goll Spacloull homt • bre:ald•al 422 WaJnul $21.500 6% iol11 A: askln1 only $42,000. ... * UNIQUELY 115 f.1ilford Ir 675-6996 ooune. pool , S!S,950 .. I ! II d :113 &aannah 126.500 S~ C'JSS.CI CORBIN-MARTIN r n am Y room, rNm La-lake ovtr ioa.ns Dltlerent "Old \Vorld" Con. CAMEO SHORE.>5 Bclnn's R.EALTOllS • sr.,.16G2 kitchen, built • Ins. 1"ormal ···~t0l99• PROPERTIES WEST temporary, executiv~ lux. * $'19,500 * dlntnc room. Land1eaped lo 1028 Bi\Ysldf', N.B. 67M130 ury home. Unob1tn1cted Alter 6 p.m., 67>3520 3036 E, COASt Hwy,, CdM perfecllt""I. 54().rrzo BY OWNER: Eutside CM. 3 HOME & INCOME Bay &. Mtn vu.most rrm.1~===-"'===== YOUNG & BEAU'l'If'UL TARBELL 2955 Harbor Bdrm. bltn kitchen. Miura.I (mniaculalt:, duplex n c 8 t 5000 I<! fl. 4 Br, 4~ ba + Lkfo Isle l3SI 3 BR, 3 Ba, lrg. fan1. nn. on NEED: At-1 bulldln£i 800 lo birch ca.blnetJ. 66xl26' lot ocean le: 1bom>hig. 2 bdrmt. •maids qt.nl Jdl!al tor entcr-1---------bullt·ln kitchen. R.M for pool 1000 square feel small .ot-wl alley access fO!' boat« each, patio, deck, overslu lainlng, Euy mnlnt, Irnmed CHARMING 2 Be.<lnn, beam fof~~;ntas;5C~ie.9ft:737, ,floe ~ prt?f. WaAhable trailer. 6-W. ~ loan can be pr~. $40,000 part furn. occupancy. Furnit:hl!d. celling, 1\m!t to street, xlnt 1 ~==-,==-o==:o ll -... ·- 10000....ral PAut WHITE CARNAHAN . .... ""' Paul • White • Carnahan Realty Co. 546-5440 OUR 24th · YEAR •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WE'RE SORRY • • • IF YOU ARE MOVING to any other area in the county -but if you are , coll us and we'll refer you {at NO COST) to the leading real estate firm in that city ! , , . and of course we'll be happy to Ii.+ your hom e and get it SOLD fast! P.S.: Sellers! This "EXTRA" 1ervice brings many out· of-state buyers referred to us by Real Estate firm1 all over the nation , . , CALL 546-5440. "The Home of Complete Real Estate Service" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HERE'S AN ULTIMAn 2 CHOICE LOTS INVESTMENT IN OUTDOOR \Yo r t h consideration, Ov•ner liquidatln!;' Inter- est. Has 2 BR home. Bit- in kit. + refria:erator, good condition. Furnish• ed. Only 1 ~ blockll to ocean. Plus a 1 bedroom unit ovl'r garage. Own- er asking $40,000. ~1ake offer. ll's a sleever. 546·5440 FHA APPRAISED $33,500 Vacant ultra modern Eichler built 4 BR + den home -In Orange -Over 200 sq. ft. or living atta -2 baths- 25x20 liv rm .. rirt'place, St'llarall' mast!"r bdrm. vtilh prtvale bath. Step s&Yer bit-in kitchen plus lge eating area. 1,S acre lol ,,..·/rruit trl'C!I, 63x33 Badminton Courl. Choice area. Accesll to Nt'wport Fret'way. Prit'C $33,500 FHA terms. 546-5440 Living, Is this 2990 SQ. foot, 5 bedroom homl! In Baycrest. Beautiful cus- lon heated pool, loads or Cf:mt'nl dee.king. Trop- lca.1 landscaped grounds complete with sprink- 11'!1"!1. Cront It rear. 3 ba lhll. marble i;inks, all carpeted. Exira largl! outstanding kitchen, n>· set ll11hllng, bll·in di sh· \1· asher, rerrlgerator, double o v e n. ?llosale tiled double entry. Ex- pensive \\' /w cpt~. And drpes. Price $73,400. Va- cant. Make offt>r. 546·5440 CAESAR'S PALACE WBs no finer than this outstanding 4 bedroom, family room home in Mesa Verde•" 1.1assive pil- lared 46 foot roof, cover- ~•• !S~JrLDI """+ v.11.t !, 2 sho1 ! liv- ing n1ng roor . ovt- ly k :abi· nets, blt·ins. ~ervlce rm., "'Bier softener. Vacant. 0 w n er transferred. Must sell. Asking $42,- 500. Call tcday. 546·544G In beautiful J..aguna Nlg· uel -Fully improved rt'ady to build 70 x 124 Y.'ith view -Outsta.nd· lng location in expt"nd· ing al'f.a. $11,000 each- $2200 down. 546-5440 TEXAS SIZE S Bedroom home. Also ha1 3 baths. Ideal tor that '"''" family. Nea r schools &: ahoppina:. Im- maculate condition. Hup living room, fireplace and top quality wJw cpla: A drapes. OUtalandin&;. An electric bit-in oven I: range. Parle like yard \vith sprinklers. Room for boat. A must gee at $37,9..JO. EZ lenn1. 516-5440 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MEN· WOMEN· LEARN MORE· EARN MORE Fine opportunity for experienced or inexperienced peopl-for a rewarding professional R. E. CAREER -Insurance Benefits -Bonus -Openings now! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• NEAR WESTCLIFF CENTER, NEWPORT Beautiful 3 BR home Y.oilh hardwood floon. \Valk to schooll l shop- ping. 2 baths, spacious living rpom, fireplace. Fenced rear yard with lovely covered patio. Lowest priced home in Harbor Highlands - ONLY '$28,!500. call ror showing. 546-5440 IT'S A SLEEPER Hurry and inspt'ct thJ11 popular T plan. 3 Bl? home + family room in :r.r('Sll Del r.1ar. Ideal lo· cation to schools, shop- ping. Step saver kitchen with bit-In oven, range, dishwasher, r or mica splmh. l * baths, staJI sho"·er. 17xl2 llvlng rm., w/w cpts Ir: drapes. Plua a heated I: filtered pool. Owner mWll sell qulckly, Submit a.II offers. $32,- 950. 546-5440 l IEDROOM CONDOMINIUM In1maculate home in University Park - 2 doors from pool--Choltt Grrenbelt locallon -2 baths, bright built -In kit C'l1 en, all eleclrl<·, 25x20 livlng room. Ure· place. \vall to wall cnr- pl'ts Ir: drapes, wet bar, palio. Prlct' $33.950 - E·Z terms. 546-5440 TAKE OVER 5'1•¥• FHA LOAN No change in interest rate. Paymenlll $182.00 month !hat's all. Fine 3 BR home in good location. Near schools Ir: shopping. Many extras. M i r r o r paneled wall cover fireplace. Quality w/w 1-i>ls. Dra~s. 37 x 15 Blue Haven heated pool wilh fllide &. board well decked. Hit-in kit, 2 baths, Alflo added paneled + tiled ;arage converted to rum- pus room. A must see at $31,300 S;Js..5440 SWIM YOU SWIMMERS A must see pool home. Exquisite 4 BR pha CUB· tom heated pool. Good location on East.side with bit-In oven &: range, all electric. Spacious living room, fireplace, wall to wall cpts A: drapes. 1 % baths. 6 yrs. old. Room for boat. Price $32,900 .. E·Z terms. 546-5440 NO$$$ DOWN Total price $22.~. Real cute 3 bdrm home I.hat's been all newly painted in & out. Hu bright kit- chen with built-in oven &: l'ftnge & diswasher. S1)1lcious living room with w/w carpels, FA heat. Fenced re11;r yard with patio. 2 car gar- ageo. Top value at $22,· 500. 546·5440 LIVE IT UP This just Jlated, 3 BR- !amily room home with quality hardwood floor1 ls a must sec. lmmacu• late condition -love.17 wall to wall carpet. throughout, 11tep u.ver bit-in kitchen -220 wir- ing. Spacious living nn. with stone fireplace, 114 baths. Choice, convenl- enl location. Look! Only $25,500 -10% down-- HURRY! 546-5440 LOW INTEREST RATI HURRY ~ 546·5440 Anyone can assume this large 5% 'm Joan. No change In rate. Well conditioned 3 BR + ram- ilv room home In good eonvtnlent location near schools. All electric bit.- in kit., dlahwasher, l be.th&, stall shower, w/w cpts It drapes, fireplace. Only $26,900. -$176.00 mo Includes everythins. ONE YU.I YOUN(i $27,350 Jusl llsltd this 4 bdrm. home In choice locaUon with lovely Spanish &r• chltecturl'. Outstandlni: gardr.n kitchen with all bulJt.\ns, bright formlca tnp & double sink. 1 % baths, 11tall s how f! r. Cement block wall y&rd, rront ~prlnkleni:. Buy no down VA terms or FHA min. dn. 546-5440 I OPEN HOUSE ''12:30 to 5:30 I OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY -3137 SHARON LANE lfl-op by alter church and inspect this vacan\ • .•J?Otless 5 BR : 2 bath home in choice Jocation-near schools. 25xl6 l1v1ng room, dr1ctwood stone fireplace -all built·in kitchen -dishwasher, quality carpets &. custom drapes -2 car garage. Professionally landscaped. North of Baker-West of Fairview. PAUL· WHITE· CARNAHAN Re•lt11 Ca. 1093 BAKER STREET, COSTA MESA 546-5440 l "' ' l' I I I .I I I I l 'I ' ~Wiiis &. OoorK. 220, 3--phue. assumed, $24,900. '42-tt78 R, c. GREER., Realty $171.000. A11ume .6"-~ b.n. oond, room tor exptn. DAILY PILOT Qua.llled $43-5623 aflrr 1. 1a_IA_R_G_E-'yo'-ur-•an_t_ad_oow_ •. ~=-·_v_L>_L_i_do ___ ,_n._9300 Bo:it 1632 N.B. 548-7249. S39.75Q. 2U..1'9MTI1 L!occ~Jlo>l~N!:,'OW~;_1 _.:_ __ 'IL.---•---------------------"fl I I ' I l 0 S.lwdol, Mtun 16, IM lllNTAL'I ' Aptt. Unlvrnlthol LI HOUS F LE TAL-S •• RINTAU • " UNTAL.. RENTALS UNTAU 1.:.:;.;;;::;:;:.;..;;;~:;;:;:;;:_1 McMnet l'umlthtd' tt11111· ,_......., Heu111 Unfurnlthlcl Aptt. l'urnlahM A• Unfurn..,... ~ltl.-.ion liolch 1400 ~·· Beach 1705 RJ..11lo te Shore 2GOJ Summor Rlt1t1i. 2910 Col'Oll• del Mor 1 Meu 4100 Gofdon -4610 Coll• -5100 Tustin VACANT/SU.'91 ' CUTE . LARGE 2 Bdrm apt, iwlm--1---------;;:;;;;;:-;;::~;;;:;-::;:;-J .:.:=.,:_ ____ _ i 3 BR"""""'°~ Good ....i. COTTAGE smGt.t 21 yr ........ rlrl 1o CLEAN a.Iboa ~ Umta. IRVl!IE TERRACE "''"' poo1, "'""· no .. .., SINOµ: y°""' ..,,,,. Lwc-SHARP 11,.. 2 lldml &Pt, -•E ASPENS By Part .. tint atta. SUb-• •hire 2 Bdrm. ~pt. Sleep. f to 10; for summer D el uxe hOme fcfr Yf&rly $14.S. ~-22136 Ca.n)'Ol) \IJ'7 earden ·a,,t. with IXlUJlo. Cr'Pll. drpc, bltn.. QWei '' mttntAorGI. 'Htre.1 a rtal channer, t.o. w/tame. Can ~ aft.. rnerv,ilOnl ~ 613--&Mi hut. 3, Bdmu .. dinlnc Dr. ll'Y club a~ and blrJa. Infant OK. SUO 'mo. 15652 'Wtlllam St i:x~:'s :9".!~1v ~~~o~~tr:E~ 5:!;1. m r.. BiJ'boa· vd., e.Jbol, room. a> llvlne room. All t BR. util paid htll.ll'd $IOOI complete privacy. SOU11f ·541..aa att 5;!!0 or wtmds.. ri::~·t' i::!'~ 1t" drp COYtrt!d 'PIUo" M3*> RUSTIC' ARCHITF.CTUftAL MALE Roomnll.te unted to 2 BR . ~bol. apt adj :;.:~~ ca:e: ~ no cb\JdreQ ~ pets. uoJ BAY CUJB APTS 13100 FOlt l,.eue 3 BR, S BA. ,DtW SbaC brpets dn . Sis,OiO klan •. r.HA 5,_,., DESIC~, for which this ffa· are 3 Br •PL Nev beach. beaches/~~ ~kly. AU bCillt-1.ns ~~ rhi&. Whittler. 548-0fl.2. atAPMAN Aw ., Ga.rdell ctpta. "9autttul drl.P*.t9ulll. Total atr .rondlUonb1& • ~" MMl • S161 Pm . aide community 11 IO tamed. * '6-1458 * S36-39U. a: dlshwuhu. Pool malnt: -Grove (TI4) 636-.3030-lrw, p.tie, pooil, chlbbOWit Furnllbed j; Untumlahed aubmh. Dttilltd exttorior ol Red· ROOM. bath. private m. A prdener Incl S450 per Newport Buell 4200 prlvileaes. 546-4014 Cymnulums 6 Sumu HAFFDAL REAL TY . wood plank, low 1WeeplJW Cotta Miu 2100 trance. ON B£ACH . ..,, ... ,.itaa mo. a.ta.. pieaae'. Call ow~ Laguna a.ach · 4705 2 BR Ou~ex &aide. Newty Apt.rtments trom $150 8T-IO \\19l'f1Cr, .~.v_. M2-440S =l~u=t= ~ 2 BR, &at, patJo. tropical $50 wk. -er, 673.551.3. Necou~:y CLUa 100 CLIP, DRIVIE dee. Stove. p.nae, yard. 1 For information 8J5-66S7 GONE TO TEXAS WEAn-cERED BY 'THE ·actllnl for adults.' 1 blk to 2 BR. Oceanfront, Penirt. ~~ OCEAN at Catalina view 3 Two bldroom turnlabtd blk to 1hop'1. S135 mo. Vacant , BR. WW tell. J"HA SALT AIR 01,. '.fij.f: SEA. 1h0p Sl'JS. Mo Mf.4780. bl&. to bay. ll29 E. Bi:I~. 8edroomJ, din1rw ~. LIVING All Deluxe Feallrea Adult.a. SU llitb P.1 .• (:.M. Dana Point 'or VA 6. Pl)' the points. '3 UlfJQUE 2 BDRM lo SEP. N port IHch 2200 i15 Wl!l!k; Family, 615-SO:Sf. '420 Month Lwcury &:arden apartnte'nta Walldna; Diltance to Bc&eb 2 BR. Pl"I· new crpt, stoYe, ---------1 5740 balhl. includes carpets I ARA.TE OEN' n0oi-plan. ew BALBOA inexpensive cot-~I a&ent GU-8235 6f.l..56Sl. :e":~Jt =~~,,!~ $225 -Ye&rly leate refrlg, drps. 17• Monti 2dBR :i:x. ~~ o:: d,,ape1 &: a $800 ~ dele<> Olde ta.shk>ned parlor IYPI! QUIET, secluded ipot rlP,t tqe1 -wkly rates. Avail 4 BDR duplex, 21i9 IJ8: pa.ralll!led reerea&:.i faciJ.. 494-2441 VI.ala rps, t· ' re &:. , tton sytttm + l-L10 intercom llv, rm,. 1raced by the on oceantront. Duplex Win-now. 54S-3l58 bl~lna, cbbwshr, DK! aq ft. ttles In 1 coun•-club al· 2 BR duplex, turn 4 unf\u'n, NEW . 2 bdr Sl40 bl.t-lns. $l90. n4-689-64lS AMll'Matereosetup. Super watrnth of COZY LOG ter Lease 2 bdt. $195/mo. RENTALS Yearleue.$300/ma.540-1S13 mo.sphere. Now .. ieWna in nr Vlc H uso, mw pntio, gar. i.duJ11'onl7, bO REAL ESTAT! ~mh corntt lot. BURNING FIREPLACE OR: Bachl!lor 1uite $150/mo Houtn Unfurnished 2 BDR. ww cptg, Ntwpart Beach. cpWdrps, !rpl. 1 a r • pefl. 1JiD G 21.at St General ' SET IN WOOD PANEu.ED Incl all uttl. mo w. Ocean-blt-ins, 1700 16th Strttt "97-l.lfi6 5990 ., •• ,. WAllS, CATHEDRAL front. Phone 637·2771 or Gener1I 300:0 drps, &ar·=· Furnilhed ot unfurnished P ANO RAM I c y I e w , Newpert a.1ch 5200 a.ntih WintH ~ BEA?if CEILINGS, .WALL 538-3232. )Iodelt open noon to 9 pm overlookln& Alho ~ach. 2 e ATIENTIOH e I--===,.,-=-:-=;--OFBOOKStlELVES,SOLID DOVERShores lf aylron t WE HAVE ANOTHERI H I •-h "1.1""' TI4: 642-8170 bdr.,tum.Allelect.Mature UNBELIEVABLE "-~rslnthiaa.reawhomay SHOWPLACE OAKEN FLOORS THRU· ho 6 BR 4 BA I l Bed,,,.m, 2 bath. Modom uni ngton -•• ~ OAKWOOD BAY VIEW ~·· OUT. me. ' • arge Kitchen. Double Garage. 6 BR. 3 BA adulll, no chlldreR, no pets. ha~ Income property in - 2 Story 4 BR. 2 br.. Palos Well designed kitchen w/ al· pat.lo, 70' private dock. Fenced Yant. $189 Per . • Mar beach, new GARDEN $185/mo. Eves.: 400.3155. S\mply lakee your breath VIC. ol L.A. AIRPORT: ft!· V ~-~1 ""-•-· Avail Sept ht, ·""" Jse, $1000 H B high b. & college a-. overlookJ.n&: Lido & 1•" -"pie " 6 yr old e,,,,.,. stone u yC, "'""u .... tached breakfut a~, bu mo. 213 :71~~75013 or monthLease.FlrstandLut. '· 'J'" . EXCLUSIVE apt. A Semi-sponsuoe .. v • • ) 1akn. Unique landsca.pillf. ranae:, reMgeratDr, exten-213"?85-Q.13 Call Soft water, 1arbage paid. APARTMENTS care for riderl.Y person in So, Bay! Spacious ~errace daughlt'r (no pets), seek 2-3 Assume ~I,(% loan. sivt use ol ceramic tile:. AB-. WE SELL A HOME Leue to resp. Part Y' beaut. ocean view home. for e:nte:rtalning. Ad ts. no Br. untum. hOme (court. BRASHEAR REAL TY SENTEE OWNER IS SELJ... BAYFRONT I: dock J Bl', 3 EVERY 31 MINUTES chUdn!n ok, no Pe 11 • • NEW SPANISH P.O. box 623, So. J..aa:. Pl!UR~:~~ m::s..~T& sgi. dwelllnz or some apt&. ' 847.&lll 536-2123 • 431-3769 lNG THlS HOME COM· Ba den. Leue/optlon $500. & Unfum. $3'10, part turn. VILLAGE APTS. MODERN l Ir 2 BR., beaut considered), nr. school, In ANXIOUS-OWNER PIEl'E WITH FURNISH· mo. 67~331. Also untum. Walker Lee ~~:t.e::= in ad· l & 2 BDRM. Furn or un-~11.n view, util. me. Adults. Nw~=~t~ ~. 2 ~ ~~! ~ce\\'nf:~~e ~t~:u:; INGS. Offered AT THE Co-•• dol ... , 2250 ..__ "-· fum. A)N:ood, clahwbn, eel:f ~. ~. i.-~ bldg. bu 11 t ·I n s' O\\'n homt', to )'Our rental. ust reduced price of this l 3 bdnn 2 bath, corner home '~· ·in G~n Mar 11.tta, $20,950. submit down. Ter ry Reelty 536-145t DUPLEX REAL BARGAfN PRICE , .,.,_ m4I 7682 Ed~r 3 BR. 2 uath nuuse with clean'&: ovens, pttlo, ""'"'-NICE I ·~-.. 2 Ba., yr. __ , OF 842-4455 or Ml).fil40 buUt-lns, fireplace & double fut bars pri fUndeckl P<:W-,., subternnean parking, boat Can pay $125 or • bit more, $24,HO FULL PRICE 1'e1chera Welcome Opl!n eveL a:ara&e. Newly painted & • vate • round $175. Patio. 538-3195. lllp1 avail. but please .ubrnit what you OFFF.R YOUR OWN TE&'1S Your choice of 2 comfortable 4 ·~~ 2 Bath Ca-ts new carpl!ts. w a I kt n g lqpoolslorq:e closers. ~:_ated RENTALS Caribe Balboa have. Area ol. Hawthorne, ' 8, •---,· dbl ~~·" DCU·~·-. , ...... d' --~1 -1 , saunas, ba.r-.,..,uea. "'0 r ndo St Lawndale l!tc, hll!band em. SEE TODAY! · .. .,.,..,. • · •--.. · I-Drapes Excellent Hunt-istance lo """""' · _.mo. Sound proof walla, walk in Aptr.. Unfurntthecl ,... erna · • " GONE TOMORROW! 9 Mu. leases, $225 or $250 tna:ton ~ch area. $2$ per Rltr. 546-4141. cl<>st't&, covered carport &13-300.1 ~oc'Zly~e::;s::ir:::i MISSION REAL TY --~ent 673-84S4 month. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath IDEAL lot the r;maller famt. Adults, no pets. Genera~ 5000 DELUXE apt, blk to beach. ~' So ~-I M Bit· 2 •-I .. d "'reekends . ...,.. ......... 11 lwy., Laguna Lido Isle 2351 E'.a.!lt aide Costa esa 11.rea Jy. 3 bdr plus den. 1,, ba. THE CALIFORNIAN ins, uP cs, crp .... rps, -"-=="-------1 f't Phone (714) 4944731 $185 P"r month near schools Cpts, drps, d1hwsr, blt·ins. Phone 546.-2727 VEN DOME sundeck, sep gar. 3 BR. 1 I 2 - 2 BR 2 b a l h. 4 yean THE "TRESTLE HOUSE" LIDO NORD BA YFRONT and shopping, $175. 968-6249, 962-3831 combo Br + fam rm ~·-. ln<om, $290/mo. EZ w lk & L SINGLE Young Adulbl Lux-w/•-io -A• ---"·· RENTAL ftNDERS I :;~-;. Owner y.·anls oUu. Award-winning hUlslde home Exeaitive home furnished. 3 r ee -ury garden apll y,ith COi.in-ThlMACULATE APTS! ... ,. • WARO, t-'"""'6' R. D. SLATES wlocean view, 3 BR 2 BA, BR, conv. den, 3 BA, a e \Vutminater 3612 try club atmo5pbere and ADULT Ir; FAMILY $775 yrly no pet. 642-97'r9. 847-3419 5.16-4;;58 close to schools. $41,000. recently deeoraled. Pier • 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams 3 BOR, &: den, cpts., drps., complete privacy. SOtrI'H SECTIONS AVAD..ABLE 2 BDR., 2 ba. bl.I-ins, cpll .. 4M-6336 Laguna Beach. slip. <26' Chris Crall 0~ 545-0465 fireplace, dshwshr, bll·ins, ~AY CLUB APTS. lrvine a CloM to shoppl"f, Park drps., Sl!IO yearly lease. Fount1ln V1lley 1410 HE AU T I F fr L 1 BR., liona1l. Leue Sept. lO '° Open 'Iii 9 PM sufl water, sprinklers, patio, 16th Newport Beach. * Spacious 3 Br'a 2 Ba Avail Sept. 1· Seuhore Dr., G w.1m,e.t......,...,.1n c-. .. front custom turn. Will June 15· Owner. 2 f u ba''-Rl!!r'" ~~ .. ~ (Il4) 645-0550 * 2 •·•-ma ' ' NB By appml only; {2l3) 1 • ' ,.. '' • 4 • """"Z {213) 241-1425 $1&.-i. 2 BR Studio duplex, u ""'' '6• Wwu..::r QaU\Jl,I 696-4433 eves. CE 5'14 •;. 111!11 on contract or lse op-yard child O.K. &-dryer optional. $225/mo. WINTER rental. t.ge crptd 2 * Swim Pool, Put/erttn NOTI 4's5Ume ui•lill& VA loan. 3 tlon. $32,500 owner. 613-2259 WATERFRONT H 0 ME : Bkr. 645-0lll C.M. 9321 Madison Ave. Call Br, 2 Ba. bit-ins, doted * Frpl, Indiv/lndry tac'Js ~~ apt. adu1!~plonly. one REALTORS &. RENTERS BR 1% bath. Low down need ard Avail. Aug. 15 by week or between 6-10 PM weekdays. p at I 0 & gar a ge, 1845 Anehelm Ave. .....ge room ": '-""'" · I sm. The housing oUlce of Univer- paymenL Across from 2 2wB:·t.: 1ol bt·T~4~: month. 224 Vla Lido Nord. szs. 4 BR. 2 Ba, fenced All day weekends 89'2-7450, washer/dryer Avail Sept OOSI'A MESA 642-2824, k1tchen avaJL Sl6S mo. sity of Call!omia, Irvine is s"immin&'. poola & •.!1;,!~ 4!M-81TO. WE ~ or BR o.4547. ~· :nc.~.pets O.K. 897-5904. 500'.l" Neptune. Call Il4; ~~kd~;"Swi nr after 6 e,,',,.01""1 ,1~~~.1!nn •• !.,". Rerv;aJ.oe • ,.,., •"" """"· ~~'" ======== 'WINTER ... w avail. s..._ ,,._,.., e RENT e 1 ,.:..::.-="'~-=·~--~ --.-.. ~ i welcome. No yard work or Linuni Nlnvel 1707 newly redecorated. 3 bdr. $25CI. 4 BR. fm rm, condo 21Ai Laguna 8t1ch 3705 WINTER rent&.I. '-. crptd 2 2 BR. 2 ba, elec kit, trplc, tors & private 01vncrs are I worry. S20.l per month in. • • 2'iii ba .. turn. 675-l013. car 1ar. pool. Many extras, -Mt>" 3 Rooms Furnftvra enc 1ar. steps 1o bch. tse. encouraged lo Include suit· cludin( Pm & A550CLation SPACIOUS view home. 1 yr. nr heh. Bkr. 534-6980. PROFE.S.SOR will lease 4 Br, 2 Ba, bit-Ins, closed $20. $25 & UP $250. nw 673-1990 or able man1ed & 1ina:le lrt\I- • fttt. Just live it up & they 3 BR, 2 BA landsc pool FURN f BR. 3 BA, contemp. BR, 2 BA home, w/w crpt. Pat Io & I a rag e' 548-3181 dl'.nts &: faculty accommo- 1, will do the rest. yd, cpts, d~ trpi. MS: Newly dee. Avail Sept. lS, Cost1 Meu 3100 ting. drps, lg. deck. $250 WMhl!rldryer A\•all Sept. Moo th-To-Month Rentall ..;..:;="-------dations in our files. Wrile S35 500 496-371<1 wntr rental or yrly. 6T~ --mo. Avail Sept. I. 494-4243 50CXHI Neptune. Call Il4: MOE SELECTION VIEW apt. 2 Bedrm.li. r;plit or phol'll! for a listing tonn Xtru. ' · 2 BR, 2 BA home. sunny eves. 6~1492· Appliances & 1V'a avail. ll!Vel. Elqant carpeting, trom: Housing Office, Li· Sant• An1 1620 CHARMING 3 bdmt., W/w cpts, paneled library: 2 patlos. frplc. $26,990; $141 ·Month. See 1417 Shawnee. 54Q.82S3 L1gun1 Hiiis 1700 Dana Point 1730 Looking For a Net R"urn of 12 to ta•;. On Your lnvettment? \\.'ell, you can do it Oil this 8 unill. 2 bdrms each. 6 un- furnished, 2 turnlabed. ear. pet!d draped. Only 4'iii ytars old. Walking dist~ to shoppina: A: new Dana Point Harbor. Excellent financina:. LAKE Forest. garden home, POINT REAL TY Many extras, plus !lha.dy 34156 Cout Hwy, Dana Paint 'patio • yard. 3 Bclr. 2 Ba <n41 •96-6323 piUI fam. room. 837-8646 ========= I PM Owner transfer· Condominium 1950 patio. 218 Via Dijon. Lease 4 bed~! ~~Tn Mesa SUPERIOR 2 BR, 2 BA *. NEW BAY FRONT ~C ~l~re°i:~~~s ~~t 61;;;'~g.~place. brary Admlnlstral.ion Bldg, ="=''=·J"u"ne"."67=5-<=825====-I Verde. New !lhai carpets. North end, ~ature couple or Winter rentals, 2 Br, 2 Ba 517 W l9th CM 54!1-3481 UC Irvine, frvine, Cali!. Bk tody no children or .... 11 furn. Avail Sept 6. 1225, mo.•=~ w· Lncl'n A·•-'17 ........... BALBOA BAY CLUB EX· 9'1664 Phone: (TI4l 833-6.nl. B.lbo. 111.nd 2355 $22:i/per month ••· ·· • r. · r-• 227 ~ S 're,...,.,,, .wvo "'"" ~ qul•il• 1 •-apt ~·-o• -----"-'-"' 546-9521 or 540-4631 $245 lse. Rell. 494--8109. I ~"!:'_l~·~·h~l;_. ~"~~~----l;;;i;ri"·'i,i~i;:· fi:~;i;':;;2 °' "..... • RESPONSIBLE t'xec:utive MAGNIFICENT View. week $1.50. 2 BR .. ~"1 ha. Studio 4-1..:":::"'::.·.:Lle=:·..:14.::00:::·:..SIZ-:::..::7633=--desires 2-3 bdr home or apt, CHARMING Cape Cod nr. Laguna Niguel 3707 or yearly gplit level 2 plex. Encl d. 1ar. patio, 2 BR. Apt1. turn, or unfum turn or unturn for Sept & So. ~ &: FeJTY, Recently -''---''-----bedrooms, ·fi~lace, prQe, child I. pet O.K. Bkr. To S20CJ yearly. Oct Wlllut; to pay top price decorated 4 Br., din. rm., 3 BR, 2 BA, beautiful view. 200I'iii Kings Road. 5'8-2394ll,:.s:J>.690l~~'-· -~----Anita, Jones Rlty. 67J.6210 for quality facility. Prcler trplc., patio. Attractive:, ""''""""'~~~~'""'""[ Bltinl, dlh-4'hr, crplll, drpi, after 6 p.m $145. 2 Br. studio, 1% ba., nr. e EXCLUSlVE J Br, 2 Ba, in or near Uniwn.lb' Parle =~~~!e ~~~ ~~ * $105 MO. * frplc. 836-57fiO or Soi2-l215 l & 2 BR apt.. From $135. to ac~l1 &. shopping Bkr. c;rpts, drpl. bl tns, $22.a mo or Turtle Roel< Hills atta. ft 6 $175. No chiidrcn or pets. 645--0lll C.M. !IM!~ ~1024. Work bra. c all 1213) 44Z-3481 eve, 11. · · 1Con=.;.d;.;om-'--1.;.n.;.lu:.;m.;... _ _:39..;.;;..;50 1525 Placentia, Alr;o avail. $125. LGE. 2 br., 4-plex. Bit-========= ext 25. or reply to Daily 157 TIME oUered, nicely 2 BR Duplex, garage, . unfurn. ins, w/w, drps., family W ·::;":::;'<::l:.:lff:..._ ____ S::;2::3::0 Pilot Box M 90'1. tumlshed. 2 BR. 2 bath; fenced yard, kids OK. Country Club Villa -1 • __ , 2 BR ,, OCEANFRO~r 4 ~-., 2 ba. welcome. Bkr. 534-6980. SND prt, 2 BR, 2 BA, -l, 4 WOMEN in medica pre> choice location. Adults S2JO • $110 with stove & relrig • VJVa Y • In BA., CI"PU., " uw .._,. tession need 3 to 4 BR. 2 mo. cau Pasadena 798-4003 SMILiY, Realtor drps., blt-lns, pri. patios. $220 Sept·June. Cphs., drps., ( t ft\eq 5100 drp. frplc, bltins, aCl'OSI BA, tum1shed house by ATR 3 Br. 2 Ba. cor hse, 1 ..... :.:::.::""=-.:a:.;eyti:..;;;'m.;.•.;...-"-"""':;;;.l l-'-1225-·_827_·~9830-·____ Responsible family. No " I fnn Coco'•· $225 A $200. Sept. 10. Pr-eler beach. \\inll!r, nu pa.int, frplc, 2 BR., garage, patio, crpts ..... ,,.,AL~ pets. 646-462G upr dplx. ~A;•;;•;1"';;;6ll-0239=::=:·,:1660;;,:lrvin<=· ;·c 1 -~846-4~!2l~'.;""~-~~..'!af~tc.:5.::_,,i LAKE Fore5t, on the lake. 1 BR apt Laz B. close ~pa="°=·"'"""="· =673-<261===== I drpg., itove refri& .. tropical Apts. Furnished OCEANVlEW: 2 BR. winter CONSTRUCTIOll E1st Bluff 5242 4 BDRMS or equiv in Be llful vi 2 bdr 2 ba beaches. park, markets, -setting for adults. l b1k to lse., $1Ei0 or 2 BR, family Newport Beach or CdM BJ'l~ al~w6 pm.··~ Range, refr, cpll, drps. On-Huntington Be•ch 2400 shop $145.·$160, Mo, 544-4180 Gener1I 4000 rm, winter lsc, S I 9 5. JUSJ (OMPLETIJIG e NEW DELUXE e area. Tiz-5536, evea ii: ·- Jy $12,500 ca.sh. Owner I -•·-642-543' l,:"'""=='=""1=·===== 494-2413 $150 BEAUTIFUU.Y furn, 2 BDR Dup ex. Uunuu, gar, 2 BDR upstairs apt. 3 Br. 2 ba apt. for lease, ~w.;.'':..""'=·==_,---,=~I -"==~~----·I lg yd. "'"or older, oo .t..-, n""/mo. 642.1~=n e WINTER RENTALS e •-· -··-ow·•· dm· ,. ON!C--'-. RENTALS air cood. mobile home in ,).> ""6"' •£.,IV ....., \VINIFRED L. FOSS. H1rbor Heights Four ,._... ... ....,... """• ELECI'R _...s engineer L1guna Belch 1705 beautiful park, w alk in 1 548-2nl No children. • &42-3850 • A.at. 2 & 3 BR UNITS · & dbl zarage, auto. needs l bdr, furn apt on 1r-=---------__ H_ou ____ F_u_r_n_ii_h-'od"--1 d i t t an c e or be a ch. 3'iii mos Halhoa Ba Oub ·all with fire .. .1 .. ces. door opener avail Pool & th!! oceanfront, yearly. JEW HOME Me11 Verde 3110 · . Y . 3 BR 2 BA furn apt for ..-rec. areL Nr. Catholic 871-04().1 t 468 PO . • • By.OWN.ER• Rentals to Shire 2005 Teacher/Owner on leave. :::;::::....:.;:;.;:;:.. __ ~;.;.c. studio bay aide to qUalilied winter lease on bch. $300. dishwaahers & 2 batha. Church & school 6. Corona 713 •67• Be.Ii: or Can be ll!:l!:n by appt. Rels. COZY 2 BR, F'rl!sh pa.1nt, member. 548-6961. 1508 W. Oceanfront, NB. Ren tal tfanager -Box :>, · New 3 Bdrm I Den. Beam LADY lo share' apartment, '""=·=d=. :"'=:'':":S-:2643.=:=== range, new custm. drps, SlS5. 2 BR., gar. w/w, drps. !lofts. Cbrlstlen.Sen del r:-r Jl~l~ S25S. • 1 =E~L~E"°"c°"r"R'°"O°"N°'I"c...-:,-:a-:lc:•c:•I eeUings, outstandln1 VIEW. no aJoohol $6:i mo. • Cll>lil. fenced. $185 mo. Older child welcome, avail YEARLY l bdr upper, partly 3117-A Cinnamon Ave. 865 Amlgoi Way, N.B. engineer need• l bdr, turn I All elcc kitchen. Roman • 60-7871 • V1c•tfon Rent1h 2900 "~o ...,.,., or all furn. Dock avail. 5ll Co1t1 M.11 apt n the oceanfront, year-' U "'7 500 -,,=,.,-,~=,...-,-,--..., .c;c_c.;.;_...;...;.;__cc...__ .............,.. now. Bkr. 534-6980. ""th St DELUXE Iii •I-2 l l B• bath. ?t1ust M: .... , or FEMALE 22-2S to share 4 ,,., Phone 546-1034 ..... •• ly. (2131 870-nn or PO Box I offef. OPEN SAT & SUN Br, 2 ea hou.se In good artt. ~~F wee~~ ~:t:~~~: Newport Beach 3200 ~~n~ ~~: :va.iltie;~ OCEANFRONT w1nter IM!, 311'"'"""'!'"""'~"""'"""'~!!!! ~~ ~·close: garN ~N up. 675, Balboa. 110 *"'· · 4 pm, 1495 Skyline $!!0. mo. 546-6264. ~-pt 2 Bdnm, ""P"'"· "''·-,,.~ ..,,, BR. lam\ly, SlTh. 4807'h NEW SPANISH CdM Hl~hl. ~~siiJ3 ear -*,-,R"°a-n°'t-•'l 'S.-.,.,rv"l"co-*,- 1 Drlvo 0 ' phone 1131).2825. ~-------~ NEAR OCEAN -· ~= C.M. "-.,~-~,·.,, ' NICE man or \\'Oman to l tu'8.P· 2001'iii Kin&:s Rd. """' "'""' "" VILLAGE APTS. rnEE TO LANDLORDS I •'WHITE WATER'• share 3 bdr. home, SlOO mo. 54g.2394 af~ 6 pm. THIS WON'T LAST ~· 1~~id~:~· ~3:'~ilsm:;i~ LARGE 1 BEDROOM l & 2 BDRM. Furn or un-Coron• dol M•r 52So.1 _~B'°'lu~•~8'~ao<=n=6'5--0lll•.== 1 Ocean view lot, $6,950. Small 642-3167 ======'=== Available now . J bed., 2 Bkr ~ sBO month. )'t!atly turn. AIN:ond, dshwhn, aeU J ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~I EXEC DESPERATE ,but ltvel. n.ooo down, bal. -~~~-~---Summer Rentals 2910 bath, 2 patios. double gar-· · •673-8088.. clean'r ovens. patio, break-1 "-'-, 1,.~ yard, •··, I •I $70 month. EMPLOYED lady will share ~;;:.:;'-"";....;==::-...;;c;..;.. $100 UTIL pd S It bl 1 f b " f d-·•·-.,.. oeucm ""~ ...., 7·1021 497·1210 home v.·lth same. with or age, fireplace. Range, oven, . .,,_ . u a e l & 2 BR fu1'1\ & unfurn apts, ast sn, P••V&le un eu\3, • .,,, by 8/27. 713-378-1168 I without meala. 545-fil07. FURN. l bdr. r,1us hide-a-bed dlshwuher, disposal. New penion. o....-. 534-6980. Pool. No children or pet•. lrg storage closets. Heated ~ OCEANFRONT APT. J on Nwpt. ls and. $125/"·k. c•-t.B A drapes. Steps to --•uni::,,_ 16th SIN 8 ,,.,, •~r• pool, 1111.Wlll.S. bar-b-ques. ~ on• NEED 2 Bdrm. ~~t i1n SINGLE 21 g\rl to -r~ C ••---..........,711 • • .............,.. H Sch att by -pt Bdrm, 2 bath, Jrg deck, yr or over See 414 38th SL Sat or pool, playground and ocean. Oita ~ 4100 --========"'° Sound prool walls, walk in arper · a · Pool. Priv beach. Laguna aharc 2 Bdnn Apt w/same. SUn or call 879-2061 Sat. or Water paid. 4800 Rlvtr, Coron• dtl M•r 4250 closcll, CO\l'!Ted carport. ON TEN ACRES Reasonable, 645-1155 , Sands No. 45. ow ne r . Call 642-460! aft a:30. WttkdayL Newport Beach. $345 lease $30.00 wk. up Adulta, no pell. 1 l 2 BR. Furn Ir Unfum e LANDLORDS e 1.,n~4;./f94.~_22ll~---,-~ I APTS. to aharc near U.C.I. BALBOA ISLAND with references. l pet OK. e Day, week, month. OCEANSIDE Hwy, 2 BR. Tlp!Eh ~2NlnAN Fireplaces I priv. patios I FREE RENTAL SERVICE 180• view, just completed 3 Male or female. Broker Large 3 BR, 2 BA, Aug. 23.301 ,Ph...;ii.......,iiiiiiiiiiowiiiin<iirii. '""'"""" e Studio • Bach. Apts, furn, walk to shops, adults1 __ .:_::::0M:::..:.::..::..::7__ Pools. Tennis. Contnt1 Bklst. Broker 534-6982 hr, 2~ ba, 300 All fl sundeck. 645--0lll C.M. $375. 311 North Bf.yfront • Incl UW1 A Phone serv. only, no pets. S4G-3864 HARBOR GREENS 900 Sea Lane. O:IM 644-2Sll 1 _N_!C~E~l~or-4~B~R-,-pt~o-,~--- Arch.Beach Helgbta, $34.700. GIRL 26 wanll same to Beautiful beach, best Joe. I/I • Maid Servtce. TV avail. Bachelor Apt· Sl2'J (MacArthur nr, Coasl Hwyl unf\Jm or tum. G o od Owner, Mr. Lewis (Il4) share 2 bdr, Bal Isle houae 6n.3245 TOWNHOUSE •New Cale il Bar Util Incl. Shag crpfs. tHidenlia.I area. R e 1 P · 528-5013. 1112 Noria. w/pool. Sl?:i. &~1122 2 ·-B-R-. ~Fom--.-.-"-P-1,-,,-""-an 2 BR. 2 baths, bltn.11., trplc. 2376 Newport BJvd. 5'8-9755 -====="'75--0954;:;::·====l BACHELOR unfurn tr om 2 BR south ot hlway, crpbl., &75-6l39 22 2 d $-th --::; $1.10. Alto avail l • 2 &: 3 drps., frpl ., i&l'l· No child, I .c.c::..,:::,;,,,,.~~~~~ 4 BR. 2 BA. f.amlly room, BACH.. . wl. Br. apt ., vw., 2 bikl. bch., quiet. im-carpels, rapes. """' mon . $135. PER mo. Deluxe mob. Behm. Heated pool&, child no pets. Yrly lse. SlSO mo. BU!..lNESS Lady desire& 1 Law $30's. Xlnt buy N'pt. Beach·S120 per month. mac. $100 wk. Show wk.ends Bay & Beach home. Hid pool, adults, no B•lboi. _____ .;.43:.00:.:1 care center, adj lo shoppinz. Avail 9/1. Aft. 7, 67~17 bd".'m unfurn apt. To $110. 491-1642 536-1069 After 7:30 PM. only. 290 Ca,jon, Lag. Bch. Roalty, Inc. pets. 4 Seasons Mob PENfNSULA Poinl l Bedrm No pets. Call &d-oo86 l=========-'-=========o:l.--z:::===-==== E•'-lo• 2359 N, w t AVAIL Now, lar&:e 2 bdr. I~==:'.,-=-~~---= 901 Dover Dr .. NB Suile 126 54~· P 0 r · deluxe Sl35 yrly. 1S4 4 2700 Peter10n \Vay apt. new crptll., painted. bit-NEED 1 Bdr. house nt'Rl' HB Gener•I 2000Gener1l 2000 Gener1I S©\\.-i!lA-.t&r-trs· Sol"" a Simpl< Sersmbi.d Wonl.Puzzl< ~raChuckle •=· .. ::-:. ~r-;::::.::::::::::::::J llimplt wcrds. Pril'I "'*' Ill 90('.h illl ill liM of ...... INUGBIL 1 r r ILAYNIM · I I I' I I' I I I I A poll!loof prilCMf In o.ba, obout to bo-.-utod, woo bllndlofdod. Tho cnptoln cf the ••acutlon tquod "'""" I ~Im If ha wonlod o clgaratta. '"No, thank you,• sold the prfsoner. •I'm trying to -• I' IT c AR 111''1"1 !=r-r r r r r r r r r r r 1 11111111111 ·=--1 ,.,, ~ ANSWER IN DIME·A·UNE 2000 645-2000 Evei. 548-6966 · Miramar Dr. 6T.,_1353 Costa ?.'esa ::>46·0370 Ins Sale or rent a.t $200. '"/fenced y 1 rd. Couple. LGE. ba,h, • l BR. "...... OCEANFRONT MARTINl"'UE Coupl• .... 4S. 673--0130. 847·"'3 OCEAN view • 1 Br., ·2 ba ., Drps., crpll., bltlns. No BAClrELOR A'PT. "'I"' den, r··-. -'"·. Patio. P't'-288!; M•ndou DI'., Apt. GARDEN APTS. 2 BR, '"'"'""'"'" avo!l. Rooms for Rant 5995 ... ,.~ •~:...CM.'6 . __ , A *673-4938• Aller 9/15, IO. Of hi~'l.,Y. 3141 ----------1 Yrly. lse ......, mo. luu. l-===~-==~-1 Excellent, park.WCe surround-f.iargarlte. 213-431-ll95. prdener. Vacant. Davis CHATEAU la POINTE 81lboa Island 4355 inp for adults only, FURN-room tor rent w/pvt. Rlty., Mr. R o b i n 1 o n Lo~y 2 Br. fum, 11.pt, Pool, Bach, l , 2 A 3 BR. Apta. 2 BR. l&r1e 11.pt .. bll·lna, new BA. & kitchen prlv,. Dana MJ-TOIXI. carport; adults, no pets WINTER rental, 4 BR &: 2 Pool, nr Mopping. crpt., freshly painted. Cpl 1,,:pt,.:,,.· l:.',:,'c."'°,,,c.· _49t<--'9S~l-'4_. -,,- 3 BDRM, 21Ai bath. pool, $150 Mo. plus utilitil!S BR. All elec. dillhwsh.r, lm Santa Ana, Apt. 113, ,o;:';'°;:•,;"°=:"=:;";· ,;67~3--0=130=. ='I PLEASANT quarten t o r lenced yrd, dbl gar. $300 mo 1941 POMON A, C.M. dlsp. gar, frplc. 120 Aaate. e 646-5M2 e employed. aentleman. Priv leat.e, Incl pool malnt. a: $135. Ptr mo. Deluxe mob 673-8918, (2JO) 728-7065 2 BR Buna-alow d up 1 ~ x. Huntington Buch 5400 entrance. C.M. 64&-66119 wlr. &U-1290 home. Htd. pool, adults, no BEAUTIFUL Upper duplex Elec bltn&, crpll, drpl. 2 BEDROOM C arp e ts, GENTI..!:MEN -beach, pool, WATERFRONT Ip. 2 BR. 2 pelll; 4 Sl!aM>ns Mob Apt. Very close lo St. Bay. 4 sliding glau drpg, 2 patios, drapes bullt·tns, l blk to 5 tennis, refrii:., entnnoe. BA. trplc, r A heal. elec kit. E11tatet, 2539 N e w p o r t • Br. 4 ba. $400 ~ mo. YJV. bird's eye view of aea. Gar. point storec. Owner, 1 ~SS>=.~"'°~· 0-,,._., __ 1_~--...,..­ patlo NO pell! or children. 548-6332. Sali!bury Riiy. 673-6900 Adults, no pets. 21S1 642-2835 or Key at 7701 NICE. Clean room fo r rr.,..7899. BACl·IELOR spt. no cooking WINTER renlal, 4 BR &: 2 American Ave .. C~l. Ellis, Apt. O $145. employed man on day abHt. SUAJ: NR. Back Bay: 3 Br. lacilitil!S. $55. UW pd. Good BR. All elec, dishwshr, LGE Bachelor uni!. Sharp. NEW ll4S up. 1.2.3 Br, 2 Ba _Coo=t=a"M=,..~·=· 64=~=79'11)=== Redecor. w/w cpt.. &:ar. area. adu!Ls over 3 O. cJi1p. gar, frplc. 120 Agate. Cpll/drpg. Nr. So. Cout hid &: u.una pools, rec rm .... Fncd. yd. Avail Sept. l: 642-3108 67J.8918, 12131 1'l8-7065 Plaza. OCC. $125 Incl refrig. G.E. Dlshwshr Mgr 846-31371 G_ue_s_t_H_om_" ___ 5_'9_1 549--0077 DELUXE 2 Br. $140. Pool & & util. Stt at 973 Valeru:la l 846-4144 BAYSJ{OftES..UNf'URN. lemu:e. ldeal tor bachelors. Huntington Bt1ch 4400 Apt. 2 sn. 5 PM wkdl,)'s & "NEW:,:...:...$150;:.c,:._"_P_· -1~_,..-3--B-R. P=t~ 18r:~ N: ::;: 3 &: 4 BR. -Yean lease Spacious. 1993 ChW"C.h, C.M. FREE f l tum J 2 BR t 1.a!=.l .::w::lre::nd::::•·-----lteated & u.una poo~. ,.. -··ndlng•. ~ me a I 1 . "C'· THOMAS, Reolto• 548-963.l. u 1' . • ap ' 2 BDR. l ba 1 d ·-•-nr Beach. $130 up. • " cps.. rps., nn. Hell A: Alaonquln. M;r. C011ta Mesa •~•. Avail 224 W. Coest Hwy. 548--5527 FURNISHED BACHELOR 5.16-Jm 5JG.Tl82 S36-1J66 bl.t·IDI., 1 In I I e gar., 846-lU'1 or 846-C+t $@pt. 1. Cell 548-4'753. "PARK LIDO", like new, 2 APT, COSTA ME.SA. upstaln, Sli>. One child iiNEWiE\ifiaiiB~R.::'-'i2f'iBA.ii;:--:crp;;;;b.;;[=:;:=::,:::;;:=:::=,I Br, 2 Ba., frplc., pool. 2 car * 54!J..3345 * SunMt 8e1ch 4455 OK ' No pets. Eve 1 : drps. RIO, bit-Ina. Dbt pr, Mlle. kent1l1 5999 lprBR. 2~ba,· Bbllati ... ~ ~ ~ru:1:1'1n~~,.d~~ S l'1MMER1.. ~n~~~t =·2 BR. crpts.. drps,, ~~SJ~ ocean. 405 8th St ~~E ~ ~ 711 ·-.,....... ......., ap . ,. uw ·• ._..~p~. bl tins. retrlc. T r i . p I e x , ""=''°"'=~~---! enetulin.I A -... Sept. ~ leaae. Avail tn. SlOO. 2335 Elden, CM patio, gar. Fully tum. U4Q. Adulla. No pets. $l40. or 2 BEDROOM. Qpts, drps, $Z). mo ~ •. ~2921. C.M. 129..aOJI aft 6 PM BEAtmFULLY nJRN $160/ail:. 17th & S. Padtlc. f\Jm. Sl50. ~6-MM aft. 5 built-ins. No chldnt. no pets. - 3 BR., pool home . J block 2 BR.1Matcd pool, adults, m SB. (714) 642-1403 P.l\f, Call 968-0166 aJt 4 p.m. I~ Property 6000 from beach. SJ30 mo. lncl. pet.I, Sl45 + util, 642·9520. -=========-I,;;:'.,,,=~~~~-i2"iA-;3;-iB;;D;;;R;;:Mf, -i2>;ea>,-;pvt;;;;'pa=-u0::-, I !!=~..:::~!!.:!-.!:::=I pool rnalnt. Aa:I. 968-436i 1 BR Sl-25 month. Or1nae County 4600 TlfE SEVIU.E 2 BR. I% ba. ht:a led pool. new I> •TRIPLEX• ::.;.;:.:.;.,"-'c:..;:;.:.:;;:<..-.c.;~ W/pn.ge, $150. AduUg • PL'~ V • • • -U OiARMING 3 Br .. 2 ba. Like 2UOB Ot"lnge Avt., df!coraled. 96149!M u.3 ae&nl r.-.> ..., ,_ •-· bl Cosla ~Tesa SINGLE )'OUl"C adul!s, 111x· Cl"Pll • dr1JI • Blt·inB. fenc· -'-----'---'----I Owner wJU c&rry lit TD at 11rN'; cp ........ ...,.. tns. nr. u--~n ''''· •·/full ed yd, 2519 Santa AM A\.-e., LARGE 2 BR unfurn apL bNch ...,,,. Agt 548--'-•:1 ,. ... ..., 8'iii':Xi Int. 15% Down buys. · ~· ..-,,. LARGE I bdr. in 4-p\tx. ~~11.tion fac!lili's &: com··i ..c...,._...c...ccl2l=. ------Crpt.a, drpe. OW:n, ~. ~.000 f'ull Prict ---Closed pr, waler pd. plete privacy. South Bay LUXURIOUS 2 BR. all elec .. __ lo..12l_._•_"'-_15'4'---Ewing lnvett. Re.tty lly ShwM 3225 SUS. S48-\S1', Club Apt1. 277 So . crptg, drp1 .. GE kltch., pine 2 BEDROO~I. Carp t ts . 6-14-UIJ OR &44-1361 \VATtRFRONT Ntar BBC Vl."RY nicr 1 BR Apl, SUO. Brookfiurst. Anahclm <n4) trrt'I, encrd a:ar .. nr bus. drapet, r&11p, pl"q9. SUS. •DRIVE BY DUPLEX* luxury 3 DR. J BA, wuh ll2 \\'ell Wilton, C.M. m...ffAXI Sl~. Adult&. 120 E. 20th, 894-4113 * M3-85T1 * •519 W. Warner, $.A. •ardtfler, yrly ~PL 15 to 4 PLANNlNG lo movt? You'U NOW &nUnc: New Ir. l BR IT'S !kt.cit houle dme, 8Ja-ONLY $23.500: Inc. $270 Y~fl.l'I. $650 n10. Resp. Jo'URN I BR Aptl & Studios find a.n am.allrw number of apta, cpta. drps. bllln.a. rar. l't'llt ttJtcnon ewrl Seo& the NR .. s. 00. Pt.Z. adUlts, no pea. 71f..60.6814 avail Sept. 111t. $110 A $W. hornet in todl,)''a Qusttled P.ttiol. Adulfl only. •'&f. DAn.Y PILOT 0 ...med Cpta, df'Jll, T mo. Oft. or 21$-791M&51 2l3S Elden., Apt. I. Ad.I. a.ck Ihm\ ... 2110 Elde.n. 64&-1162. aeaUall NOW! ~1·2231 ---' . .. , . • • ' ' ' ' I· ' I • • ' • .. • .••. -·*--*--· .... -ml!"--.p I llEAL ISTATI 'It * OOltorol IUSINISS ontl FINANCIAL !1U1rdf!, AuglOt 16, 1969 DAn.V 'll~ 'Oil.A llMPLOYMINT,Oii i .IMl'[OY ... Hofp W•n!M, Mon 7200 llolp w~ Mo.. 72'1 . I Mounl. A Doter! '210 •••. Opportunltlea '* ) •••••••• , Rnch Hse & Acreace NEWBERRY SPRINGS CITY OF LAKIS MAKE YOUR OWN LAKE PARTNER S25.<n> cuh requirfd IOT' t ll· ~-0 1 d establWled cornpaey dlvtrsitylna. SaJ. ary $.JQ,000 + profit. Double next ytt.r. Call t.fr. Lee at 213-43'7-802t ( When You Wont it done right •.. Coll one of the experts listed belowfl ACCESSORY FABR.ICATORS "'°" -20 Mil" E"t o! Barotow on LIQUOR STORE SERVICE DIRICTORY Wb1ctcty1 W•nt? Wh1ddy1 Got? , freeway. Elev. 2000 rt. Near Newport Bch, Asklna; $65.000>1 ;;;;.:.;.;..:.;:.::..;;.:_;;.:.;;.:_:.:.;;_ ;t'_ - SERVICE DIRECTORY SIRVICE DIRICTORY The Techl!e Dept. of United Technolo1Y Center bas openings for Accessory Fab- ricators at their {acilJties in fUverslde, Calif om la. . S'ECIAL (LASSIFICATIQN l'OR l.ake Lorttn. Wonderful land plus Inv. Old license. \Vf'll 81bytlttln9 6550 NATURA L BORN SWAPPERS fol' Mpricota. alfalfa. nut tree eatablished, arosslng m.ooo, ____ ----6665 Jonlhlrlol 6790 Req uires a knowledge of plastlc1, fabrica- tion and layup to produce a variety of rein·• forced plastic mortar l>ipe accessories. Re-· quires experience in mixing and epplicatlon of resinous material•, use of templ•tes, molds. and interpretation of drawings. Ex .. perience In sheet metal layout iJ also appll- ~ble. I ' per mo. Make offer. -Special Rate cro .... ·ln~. flSh raJstng, horse Gr•ham Realty 644-2414 RESPONSIBLE moU1er will 5 Lint• -5 tlm" -S bucks ranch. boatln1. etc; etc; Near Newport Post Otfice babysit your child, any Corpot Vinyl Tllo AU styles r.'ld colon 1-'ree est. Lie, contr. SPARJQ.1'~ Janltor\11 1 • \Vin. dow cleanin& Scrv. \Vin- doW1, res\d., comcl. con5t. Cleanup. 1-"'rtt eat BM-2691. ll:Ul., -AO MUST INClUOe hour, reu. Sf&..5986. 1-w".i Y911 111w 1t1 1r1•. ~w .. 11 "" vr...i "' ,,.., 40 Acre!'!. Ranch Lancl, im-*LIQUOR LJCENSES• )..YOU• ........ ll'lf/., llllf'QI. -..) lllltl .... Vt•tllll'tt, proved MTI1 modern : BR Inter-County Transfel'I BAB~SITTJNG &: con1- l-NOTMtNG FOii SALi -r1t•DES ONLYI "'"'""'ft my homr lunches 54o. 7'J62 SfM478 PHONE 642.5671 ranch house', 1£e liv rn1, .. ORANGE COUNTY * .--M ... • · • Ad bcaml'd crilina. breakfast "WE WON'T BE UNDER-big fenced yard. MS-5814 6110 To Pl1ce Your Trader's PiridlH nu, kitchen, modem bath & SOLD" Limited Quantity! CHILD cano S day1/wk. ovt":r * Uc'd landscape contrac- '75' CRUISER, A/P, tdeplh \Vtl.L t>:.;change $25,000 plumblng. Tank house en-Wiolton 1213) 272-4249 collect are 3. E1r:per. mother. ANTHONY'S tor; complete lndacpg & alM> G1rd1nlng lnteresled applicant& •hould apply in person or send reaume to Mr. L. G. Harlan. 3100 Jefferson St., River.side, linden;, r1tn.i:.e 1200 mi. Re-eqly in land al R11ncho closing 1000 £al .galv. stor-PAftrNER ...,•anted, active or Paularino area. 540-9686. Japa.ne11e prdPna 83().JO.TI cent survey . 1v\IJ consldt'r Calif. 11·~re the action Is age ta nk under ti lbs pi-.&-inactive. E:cciUllG' 11f'w pro-MAT. \Wman, child care, LANDSCAPING Yl!ccas lar California 92504. prop .. TD or smaller boa!. for 16+ uni~. Nt'ed depre-surf'. \Vlth double a:1r. Con-duct prol~ted by US pa-your home. C)wn trans. 644•4860 ule, ca.ti Juan Panloja, u .• d J h I c t Ov.•rV'r 1714) T!9-l100 ciation owner. 544-3666. Box l'rt'lC icptic lank, all elec., lenL Ra re opportunity. Ref'a. $1.2S hr. ~S-4389 1'he Best. com no more~ DI e ec no agy en er.. 876, T\~lin 5 hp pump, 301 gal per min ?ilanufactw'C<I & distributed. Experienced lo1&intenance p Ni I I APPROX. 10 acres ~ean SEDAN at 80' dcp1h. Improvements: 6~ML2. Brick, Mitonry, etc. Bwtaet Laodscaplnc •per ng "t A DIVISION OF UNITED All'tCRAFT COR,. view prop, nr. dn!n Lagu-'Viii tradnde 1966 Vl1Y 1 Fenced 11•ith l" by 6' x 300 ft 6560 Gt11.dU1te Horticu!twist P1lntln9 6150 na. Value $150.000. Trade J:ood cp ition. or c ean redwood fenet'. '7 Pi1Jles Eaat Food To Go BusineS5 r _,.,:::c::;=:....::=-:::::=:::..-U.S. Citiun.stup ttq4lred for boylront honJf', Balboa 1961 or better VW BUS. 1 h I -000 ·~ Cub AL'S G&rdenine & Lawn PAJr..'TJNG Jnt A: Ext Lowest j * * 4944129 * * 0 sc 00 · ••l;I, ' 711 ' Good profit record BUILD, Remodtil, repair. t.faintenanoe. Commercial, oontracted prices. Fully int. Equal opportunity employer or Udo. 675-003 aft 6. bal 1st lrust deed. WUl ne-* 615-3202 * Brick, block, ooncrete. N ~'!!!l'!!!l!!!!!!~!ii!iij!~!iii!!!!iii!!~~'!!!l!!!!lfl !lave $7tl.IXXI eq, in 17 older gotiate. Courteay to broker. -· job too mall industri&.I & residential. PAI TINO .;; ~~ts B~n~t-i~.;.~~~!d. cf~:~: unifg $1420/mo gross. \Vill-84T.fi640 alt 6 PM. PARTNER silent or active: carpen ... ,., no I . •646-3629• EX·PAINTElt now teacher, Job Want9d, Men 7000 Help W1ntld, Men ndn ' ·' .,. tak• {N>e &: clear house. k...... •• need $3500 to mfg. item of Llc. O>ntr. 962-6945 I --~E~a""v"'·s::.,:LA=WN:,::,.~.--quality painting weekends, ::..::.::t: Preatige area, $14,001 eqty. r 'I I ~. ti ~-E 1 E R, F'or local homr., units, or small units or TOs & cub. ~~~m'•"'. pe; o., .. ne pou. Builders 6570 GARDENING SERVICE vaca on .... ,= 1t mate. ENGIN E non-decrted, PeITOn RE-alty 642-lm E h II. E 6230 .,...,. re1/Comc'l/lndus. Reas! ___ _;-::::=::_ ___ 1 with 17 .)lt:al'I electft>nlcs ex-?? By owner 968 -3597. ':'.'.:.::~:::~:::_:;.::c_.,.. I xc •- Glen r.lar 2 story 1.."0rner • ' BEER, wine & deli; liquor * Room Addition,_ 642-7756 Satldaction. auu. Free eat. perience urgently s eek a ELECTRONICS Lot, Lile membership Cub San t.Ioritz, Lake Gregory, $1500. \Vant late modrl car. camper, or J<il in Northel'n Calif. 847-:?6.SI HAVE: NSU • Dune bu.ggy $150 value .~· Ul.)9 Simca S9J value. TRADE for subot sailboal, moton-yc!C', or ~? (;.16..1257 SHOPS~iTTH complete equipment jigsaw. paint spray, milling equip; also 5 string bass liddle F 0 R auto or camper equity, 830-"'5. PAU.I OESJ::RT n e 11. r PALM SPRINGS. 2 bdr house, pool & air cond. Sll,000 equity. For lot or !! 830-2825 20 Acres ranch. 3 t.1odern homes. 2 wells: fenced. Trainln~ !1i+.rk. huge bai·n, 14 stalls· ron land, units or ? $4j,000 J::q , 675-6259 We Arl'O\\'ll('ad water- front lot $j(l,OOQ val . Pacific Palisades Ocean VU lol, $21,;,()0. WANT: Income. Brkr. 548-7ru. * * in H.B. ACTUAL elfuity T\VO-Unit c 0 mm e r e i 11. I potendal. Established ston: * Apartments &. Units --~A~l.t~.E=N-e=ao~s.~--J in1 Week& 673--ll66 niiht job lo permit eotn· St.I NEF;D Westside C.M. $1';1,000 F'rec & Clea r _ $6,000 in growing comn1unity. * Cu1tom Homes* Kilchens GARDENERS STUDENTSEXT c:.::::..:11.::ot:.:. ;:pn:.l::g:.. A.:...,=-om-.-Ul-1 pletion ol degree work l It! !' I T UP I 537-1758. * 2 Story Speclalb1t!I \\-rki-way thru -"-. + ~ . k during days. \Viii con11idtt 10111(' 11' l PoO · Ann. nc. radf' or F 1 t & d 1"n ,, ... uw~o-g ......... pamt, neat wor , job as tecb"nician or ? For 968-'1663 larger L'(lJTin1en:::ial or LAWN mowing & edging, .;e a.you ei.., • t---:xp. Lie, Rea.~. &16-4203 c';:°':_:c"':;_'':,·,oR:.:o:;Y•c."='·;:'358=.-~ I lntervle\V, write Box p 429, CABIN Cruiser ll '. top lndustl'!al or L fl k ~fro 11 t nC'\V NJUipt. new side ran1p yrs; exp, Jip•neM G•rdentr PAINTING _ paperini:. IO Dail P 'lot '.,,,, c"p< 6, t~in V.S 's. ra· home in Arrowhc11d, trlr, :sn1atl route. 548--0486 Pacific Co•st lulldtrs E I . ' I o-bl .:::='.;.:.'=·-----"' 2435 E. Coast lh1")·. ·xper., coinp yard sei·vice. ycatll n atta. n.o:aJSOna. e YOUNG man follo\\·lag elec-ri lo phone. auto pilot, elC' Realtor 1714) &15-7411 LAUNDROlllAT _ successful, C.orona dcl J\lar 67~7l!ll free est. 645--091.2, 96&-2303 rate!I. Call 64Ul477. lrical trade. p 0 s l t i on \\'ant •••anl Jot. TD's. or •1 t t mat-" '' I I ... •• os au o ru · ----CLEAN-UP SPECIALIS'T! a.ARK & CLARI\ want!XI in in d us l r i 11. I, . _.Valued Sll.000. 673-24311.;;R;;. ;E;;. ;;W;;";;;";';;"°;;;.;;;;;;;;6;;2;4;;.0 scrvict!. sax>. fiia-5622 COMPLETE SERVICE Pi1owtnr. ed&'ing, odd jobs. CUSTOM PAINTING residential or marine. Uaed :!O' Century Bay Cruiser: 1• ESTABLISHED beauty salon • Remodeling • nrsiden lia.1 Reasonable.~ • 642-2936 • lo long hours & hard work. bay lillhlni , etc. Retinished In CdM. 6 chairs, newly ·~i:;.::o:~~= EXPERIENCED Japaneae PAINTING, Pasierine 16 yn. VERY dependable S48-8283. i.Wd• & ouL 13~ va. $$ MORE CASH $$ doeoratod. til>l<20. 548-7596 """"""· Reliable. 541).1313 Jn Horbor '""· Lk. • 7020 \VANT: tnick. wag, r or far tree estimate bonded. Ref.I. furn. 642-2356. .lob WanMd, L•dy RE. M&-9661. For Your Home Equity Money to Loan '320 Cablnetm1lcl"f 65IO JIM'S Garde:rllnc .1: lawn SUBURBAN Palntin&/Dec RELIABLE. experienced TRADE 2 ADJACENT AbsoluteJ,y no COil • • • lsl &:: 2nd loam for quick Dtn'CH CABINET MAKERS main~. Ret. Is Com-Expert Guarantffd Work mature lady u Cashier, LOTS on Sanlia&0 in West-lo )'OU the Seller! cash. Borrow on )'OUr ~ mercW. * MS--8411 Ftte eat. No job too larse HOliteu .. or Receptionist. cliff for income property or 12 years o! paying more cufrt perty eq withOUt disturbln& Reb•ul~.d, ~~.·.u•',..1c1!-_~th Cut & Edp Lawn or too &mall. C94-il90 Prefer CM-NB area. Part or •. •. •. NB --a. "",000 .aoh. for Oran•• r-unt;y pro""-. •--In at 1' --.... .. ... •"C'C ~ ti G46-8.565 ...... ..,.,.. ......, r-•..,.. your..,,.. tere t •~· 646-~ or 645-178& fl.falntenartt. Llcemed • For better painUng ca ~f:;ul:;l;flm:;:::•::.·.:".::8-56:;:::;"'--- 113 Acres nr, river. Small house on llwy 31, Colvillf! Na!. Forest. \Vai:;h. Sl5.00J Val, \Vant C)l.f, NB prop or lots. 64~17~5 Trade pizia & snac:k shop on \Va.terf1'(lnt, Balboa Is- land or restaurant equip- ~n t~ ~~~t B~i Alao buyen for 2nd TDs. • 54s-4808/645-2310 alt 4 experienced palnten a t E..'<PER. practlcal n u rs e , .S.'\tUer Mortgage Co. Inc. Carpenterln1 6590 * EXPERT JAPANESE 646-4077 after 6 pm. cook dlets1 live in, rererenc· Serving Harbor Area. 20 yrs. GARDENER p A p E R SPECJALISfS -c11. Box 7u2, Laguna Beach 33Ci E. 17U. SI. CARPENTRY f"ree Estimate. 646--0830 Cal's best for vlnyl11, noc ks. p NG 1 J b 642-.2171 M~11 .... !NOR oc•pAfRS. No Job TY I I\ my homC'. o -·-'" n.L, Jll\l'S GARDENING & la11·n foll, murals, 847-1669 eves. n ,sumcs, letters, reports. -' -, .. Tor Small. Cabinet in gar-R , r-e 54"14IS• Mortg1ges, T.D. s 6345 ... ,, • o I h' r cablne1s. main1cnance. cs . ..: \..Um-68 ~ -----·--5.iS.&n;, Uno a111wer leave m<"rcial. * 548-8411. ~erlnR. Rep1ir 80 147·6033 or 545-1245 20"/e Ref. for 3 Yrs, t!A"2l7' II o e PATCH PLAsrERING. REALTY BEVERLY JACKSON 00fl.1EST1C work . Own ment for what have_ you ?t~""""""""""""""""-67"'.r2774 De msg &I .....,. · · · ,.._ I •-I 6682 $3.571.43 2nd Trust l!d be· Anderaon ""n•r• ..... rv CH All cype1. Frtt estimate. hind small Jst on lot with -'-"--------Call 540-<025 Laguna's lines! ocean view, C~ENTERING, room ad· HAULING. General. trees. I,::=;==:;;===== transportation. Refs. 836-5766 aJt. 6. * * * BUSINES~ ana FINANCIAL $40 per month incl. 9% l d1tlon~. patio decks It hedges, topped, trimmtd, 6190 yrs, 22'H Discount. cowra. Qual ity, cu 1 Io m removed. Big John-64Z-4030 Plumblng Chinese live-ins. CbettfuJ DomMllc Holp 7035 AVTEL Th• Avtel Corporation, a Jtading n1anufaeturtr of Ml· id·slate powt'r oonvera syrtems, has immediate porlunltlea for persons - perienced In dii;:ital contztl circuitry. SCR. lo c I c Ii: switching techniques. 1 TEST SUPEllVISOR Mlnlmwn two years =· vi*lry or lead aper! • Olpable of han::llJiw: ten mif' section. Prefer p:nftJ' cal version ~nee-I ELECTRONIC TICH~ Minimum two yeua expeJi- <!l'lt'e In tran11ial0!' drcuitrf! integra.ted circuits. it dla1t.4J control, flekl acrvice: •Opof- tunlties. ! Apply In perl!Ol1 01· !iCnd resume to: AV11!!l Corporation ll30 E. Cypttaa Strffl Covina, Calli. 9l'l'ZI I Phone 213-3.11-0ISl REAL ESTATt I REAL ESTATE General General -===---- 6000 lndu1trl1I Rental But. OpPortunltlet 6300 497-lnO BROKER 497-1021 \lo'Ork. 645--0415 6730 PLUMBING REPADl Permanent. Experienced. $75,oo:l Ut TD on 11,000 sq. REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS ~H:;l:;:U;:ll::;n~9-----"..:.;; No job too small Far Eaat Agency 642-8703 National Pok-0-Golf ft. brick oommerc. blc!i, ol'.I CABINETS. Arly &be job YARD/pr cleanup. Remove ===·~6':;"31'8=:;:;:•;,,== Georae Allen Byland Agency LANDSCAPE -PLANNER- Be Your Own. Boss long-term leased I and . 25 yn. exper. 543-6713 trffs, rvy, dirt, tractor Employer Pa.ya Fee Part Time or Full Time P11.yable S750 per mo. lncL QUALITY Repairs _ Altera-backhoe, crade 962~45 ~~.model, Re,-lr, '940 lOS-8 E. 16th, SA 547...()395 $667. to $111. per Income Property For Lease 4200 Sq Ft 4 NATIY NlFI'IES Shop Bldg Nr Dntown All 2 BR -Elec bltin1. Lush Costa Mtse. Many Tdtal patkm AND over 12'/o net return. r.1ake me prove It! uses. Contact owner, Jo Hansen. Rltr. 646-11226 Mr. Dickerson. PRE-BUILT Sale. M apt! on i 642-0084 Days El Mon1e golf cse. lst. l=='54t-==54.=52=E=v'°o"s.='= Owner deprec. 644-4265. 1.;======== llndu1trl1I Rent1I 6090 Business R•nt1I 6060 • PRIME Retail Location e Store 17x40, xlnt ft. & auto tralflc. 1871 Harbor, C.M. .. ....,. MARtNF;RS CENTER Office & store bldg, rent or l~ase. $15 lo $120 per mo. I49 Riverside Ave. 646--2414 BALBOA ISLAND • Lea!!e 2 Stores. IO(;t'lht-r m-sep. 307 t.1arine Ave. 673-llThl Or see your broker $60 PER t.tonth. East 17th St.. C.I\I. Slref!t f"xpo11ure. Realonomic11 61...-6700 Nt~ED : M-1 building, 800 lo 1000 square feel Small of. flee space pref. Washable walls & floors 220, 3-pha.sc. 535623 after 6 . M-1 INDUSTRIAL 3100 5q, ft., 4 officc!'I 3 pha.!;c Power. S350/pt>r monlh. C. Robert Nattress Realtor Co11ta t.lesa 642-1485 M-2 INDUSTRIAL space In concrete bldg. 3000 sq fl. 746 \'i. 17th, Cilf C213l 434-5082 FOR Lease-New 2500 sq. fl. lndu11trial bldg. 9c fl. 1639 1'.1onrovia, 0.1. 673-9017 Lots 6100 OFFlCE or store. 700 sq. ft. 2-1627 Dtl Prlldo. Dana Poin t. Call 496-151.1 BAR"GAiFi:--2-apt' tOis-cOSii 1..:.=.::.:=...:::..;:=. ___ , ?i-leaa. A 19 unit &. ll 55 unit. Sn11lll s1ore Excel loc. 645-2000 o r Caralina island $7:'i t.1o. . . Phone Avalon 187 !l.16-0lJl. Anytime. I ~======== FABULOUS ocean v1ew lot. Office Rent1I 6070 MODERN OFFICES FRO)l..f $65 PER fl10NTll Air-cond., parkir1g, 1..'tntral lo- cations. ~crctarial service. 230 E. 11th. Co111a t.icsa 642-1485 PRIVATE oflices w/htith, crpts., drps a: storage 11pace In the Glendale Ji"ed Savlng5 Bldg .• Col'OJ'VI, del Mar. $65 mo. Cail Evelyn Halbakken 675-M44 or 545-3165 SEE Al 188 E. 171h St.. CM . Nrxt to Security Pa.cine Nat'I Bank, Plf!nty of park· ing. a 11 util. Included. 6,12-4210. Ollie' &: desk space, Srrretaria1 M!rvirr. Ne"·port Civ\f" Cenlf"r. 675-1601 CARPETS, drape!i, 1ur con. rl ttionln~. ptt>nty of parkinl{. SiO & up. Well1-l\fcCart\lt':, Rllni. 548-77'29. CllEER~"'UL A/C office 15 x 20. Elevator, park.I~. top Jocalion. $65. <tgg.E. 17th, at Irvine Aw. ~74 Musi Sf'll. reasonable. By ownrr. Lag. Bch. 49'hllll 6200 Laguna Beach 7 ACRES W/PERMIT TO KEEP HORSES Adjacent subdivision o n e mile E. of h11.'Y, util 11.vail. SJS.IXXI, ~ Cash. baJ 13t trust '""· MAKE OFFERll \V ri te or contact: George R Kress. Box 914, La.guna Beach or phone 494-4726.. ACREAGE for Sale, oom· pletely engineered & Im· proved on Dan DU?go Frwy. Zoned M-J, one acre psrceh1 lo 15 acres a\'a.il. Between Cro\vn Valley Parkway & El Rancho Viejo, in Laguna Nli;ucL call lO A.~1. to 12. 2 Pt.1 to 4. 400-13&5, Stan Allen, brok~n; \\l!lcome. 11 ACRES. orange & avocado grovr. So. Or. County. $136,000 on ca..~h d " a I w/$25.oo:l dO\lo'fl, No pym!Jr. on equity for one )T. 494-6594 Broktt. Be your own boss and run 10%. Rental Income $2,400 tioM _New conat. by bour CLE'" UP , l•'t• mov'"" 1 .,_ . month. Appointment N •u~ ""' M .. BUILD, Romode. nc:patr noo ·~1 1••-your own busine!t'I. ATJON· per mo. 20% Di!icount. or Contract. 646-3442 Tree 6 shrub removal. Brick, block, c 0 n c re 1 •, Help W•nted Men above .-• po•• ... al. POK-0-GO~ anno.un«<~ BROKER 497-1210 REPAIR Partitions Small Rcaaonable. 549-1359 crpntr)', no job too small d•pt"ncllftl on qv•ll..I avaRabl• ftlstr:i~tonh1ps in $1.950 Znd TD at $20 Month Rcmodei. etc. Nile or day, Lie. Conti'. OOZ-6945 Test Asembly Trnee ficatlon1. ! !r'.°ur area. 1:hts ts a ra~ta.s-. 1 l07o , t. all due 3 yrs. R as! Call KEN ~79 HAULING, cleanup, lots etc. To $500 lee paid. Xlnt oppty lie oppor1un11y for unhmil· inc· "'..' 11 , .. -... ~;1 ;'"';::=::==::=:=:=:=: H&ndyman anytime you call. * t.r )'OU need remodeling, w/ top co! Some col, or CITY OF , cd monry-makin.e: potential on ocean "1ew ~' ......,w... ** 642-3398 ** painting or rtpe.in. Call mach shop pr-.f. Al!O lee H ' i1·ith our golf putting ma-Beach. 20% di' count Cement, Concrete 6600 -T-'R'-A~SH=:::H=A=-U~L~IN~G~ Dick, 642-1791 jobs. Call Kent, 546-5410, NEWPORT BEA::J· - ... • •. ·--1 I t 494-1137. ;;:="°'======'I cuine. ~-e -= our proc uc . * CONCRETE \Vark, bond-~ Juon Best Employment Requires dqree tn can produce more mone)' $5.950 ;s1' TD on ocean vie .... · ed I: li e. Pat~/drvwys reasonable • 645-272{1 Stwlnp 6960 i ..:A&~cy;:·.::'::"::'.::S::.. ,:.M::•::in"-'"S".A".-· I ture, land1eipe d ~ J~I per location than the bowelJ. lot, 8 ;to, d,,u• 12'1oyears. lOo/o etc. Phillips cement . HovHcle1nln9 6735 "" '"""'. •x-•-amstre1s, $30,. PIUS ruork.ir admln!atratlon known coin operated wl-discounl 4 -0 ......,. ., in..> ,,.... = .-- Ing machine. Our company C497-1021 evenings) 54-...-.. Windows an alterations & repair, meTlll clotelY related. Proleu ~·ill se l up your business for • CONCRETE work 11. I I Ce~~· or Comc'i. Xlni clothing specialty. 645-0731 National C:i. seek$ Sales experience may be • you in a provt>n method of Money Wanted 6350 types. Pool decks & custotn. work Reu! Reis. 548-4lll Alttr•tlons--642·5145 Manqer, capable of direct. ~:m: 0~::~~ Air 11ucces1. All you do is 1erv-call 548-1324 N 1 1 20 "'"xp Jng Ja.rae 1ale1 forte. Qr. \""'T l23 OCIO-will ... ~y up 1ol-'"---------CARPETS. Windows, fin, ta, accura e; ye · ply be.fort Aug 22 1969 lb ic:e dealers. 'Y•u• , .,.. CEMENT WORK no job too etc. Rea or Comc'l. Xlnt ~ ange Co, location, call Ann, th• Peraonnel cim~. City d, PUBLICLY 0\\1NED 9% secured by Isl T.D. on •mall. -··"nab.lo. Fr•• I E C I 6974 Merchant& Personnel Agen-\d '"'........ v.·ork Reas! Refs. 548-4lll T L , er1m C ~ewport Stach 3300 New,. COMPANY Costa hfeaa res ei:tt: . estim. H. Stufllck. 548--8615 t'Y. 2043 \Vestclill Dr., N.B. poM Blvd .. Ne..:....,.. Beact(, If acccptrd. you 11·ill share Please call Art Giov1nett1 Bay &: Beach Cleaning Serv * Verne, The Tile t.fan * 615-Z170 .. ,,... •• in th" profi~ or one of U1e REALTOR 673-7420 Child Cire 6610 Carpets, windows. floors . etc Cust. work. Install Ir. repain.1-'C::.:S:.:l::L_V_E_R_W_OO_D~S~,--callf. 92660 (T.M) fi1J.&ill -1 fastest gnH\'lng. m0tt aa-ANNOUNCEMENTS :;;cco....o;cc:._____ Rea &: Commc'I 646-1401 No job too small. Pinter NEWPORT •j gl"l.'ssive compa.nle11 or lls and NOTICES WORKING mothen: child WlNOOWS DIRTY ? patch. Leaking 1hower ENGINE 1 &THE · · ,. · · EXP. Tailor filler. Perm. ..,._ IYPt" which h11.o: 1vtrs1Ued care, my home : dayii, week· Johnny Dunn your local repair. 8.17-1957184&--0206 INIST'--' into other fields. Found fFr• Adi) 6400 ly; 1'1!'11.I rates. Q,f area. srri;ire. Free est. 642-2364 position, fringe beneflt&, rd--MACH '-'i NO FRANCHISE 1''EE! 646-6279. TrM Service 6910 pay. Apply Mr. Williama. 4S E.i:ptrienced ln closr toJ.. ~ r.linimum investment 01 F'OUND black fem a I eho"======== EXPERIENCED houseclean-Fuh\on Island. 644-2424 eranct', short run wo1"j S49i5 through Slma. German Shepherd, f u 11 Cirpet Cl11nln9 6625 ing, own car. Dependable. GENE'S TREE SER V : fl.falntenane<! Meat Dept . ""Ith ability ta make ~ l 25 % DOWN! gro""·n. White cloth collsr, I ~$:;;l8~d:;;•~Y~· ;;""':;;ne;;•:,;64;;;'-;;:787;:;;,1 = trtts/1hrubbery removed, Clean up 7-S p.m .. 5 days. ups. Leitsfng available with 1p. 11·hlte feet. vie. Del t.1sr St., CARPE:r' &: Furn. cleaning; 6790 trimmed, hauled aw a Y Gd rate. Rlchard"11 Mk!, proved credit. c.t.1 . for 1 day service A: qua1Hy I !J1:::n:;i:;l•:;r.;;i•:;l_; __ _:c:..;.: 5'19-1359 3433 Via Lido. N.B. 673-6360 9 Hour d•y . 45 hr. wk.. AVERAGE EARNING PO-548-893.1 'vurk, caJI Sterllns for WALLS, \VirKlows. noon. ~========'I Architectural DrafUman Profit Sharf"I 1 TENT!AL or Sl.~.OO A f EM ALE Germ" n brightness! &C:z..8520 carpets. Commercial &: Upholstery 6990 Inte:nnediale, 3 yrL min, MONTH! She hered about 1 year old rosldenlial. Daily, weekly CZYKOSKI'S CUST. Upho1. cJip, Tom A: Tnurkier Hunt. J C C rt Ca i WRITE US TODAY. Pl'"' . P · d . Corpot Loylnt & hi 71 , , a er , ', includr name, addresll and ~~ivpo~ahsa~c:d. RC . r.t~ -----~R.!•!!P•~l~r~6~6~2~6 I ~·~nd~/~o~•;:M~•~· ;,*';;7~-7350~ie-s;;:; E~cx)~n fl~li:~1~r;,: P ini'\on Harbour ~ telepho ne number, Full flt· ESfATE Malut Tree Serv EXP. Ser, Sta. Salary + i«:riptive literature will fol-M9-tm. CARPET LAYING Removal It trimmings, tree 1&3.1 Newport Bl .. C.M. comm, o/11me pay l'lft i!O low. BL/\Cl\ kiUcn ·with 1vh.ile C.A. Page 642-2070 e1Umatt, Call 541..00SS. DIAL direct 642-5678, Chll.l'le hrs .. full/L Perm. 990 E. NATIONAL POK-0-GOLF paws, Owner pis. identify & For Dally Pilot Want Adi your 1d, then alt back and ~C~of'..H;,'.wy;o:·_:N.;;B~.---~~ Box 123 clain1. t.lesa Verrlc/Adanu; Drifting Servlc• 6637 I r;;;;;;o;;;D~ial~· ;;;64U611~~~::;;;;;,!.~h~·~~·§n~to~the:i;P~bo~ne~rli;n;•~!"1iJ PERSON to clean Aptt. 11)4()7 Liberty 11.n:!a. 594-3904. BUILDING PLANS ti &for house1. Submil Ap. St. Louis, Ml5souri 63132 2 kHtens, t black, 1 oran1e, • Remodelln& •Residential Your~d Should .. Here, plication lo P.O. Box 1810, lI·l-423-1100 flea. rollara, 300 blk Glen· • ~ !•• • Ind trlaf Newport Beach, 92663. ASK F'OR 1i1R. DENTON At SPCA I a ... •na ...... mm'rc"" WI Th ' Lo kl • Ill neyre · .._... ,,._ •-· ~~~I· Auoc • ... 0 ftl Or GROUNDSMAN, Saddleback CANDY SUPPLY """'h till 19th. ~"'""''S48-;llli~n . c.u...,. In q u t ro Mr. ROUTE YOUNG male black aiiiiliii~. Cherm.k 837·9700 or 495- AFflLlATE Labrador-mix. Blk collar. I ;<537:;::;,· =,-----== <No Selling Involvodl Vio Mori""'' Prl<. N.B. ANNOUNCIMINTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCIMINTS R"11RED man. part.ttm. Excellent income tor ftw 642-#12 incl NOTICES and NOTICES ind NOTICES yan1 work. 2549 TUstin Ave .. houn wet":kly work IDIY• or DARK glasses, amall horn CM; ev!'nlng11l. Refillltig A: col· rimmed pre~ption. Hun-Persontlt 6405 Person1l1 6405 ~EXP:;:::ER=-. -,.-rv-,.-lce-•"'ta"1"~"'n"'•"t-leeting monry from coin op. lington Beach 5'9--027S Lost 6401 :_:::.:;:;:::::______ tt-""'nl. Full time. 646-5558 ~raled dlspcri11f'ni in <mta . DIVORCED J1m11 Loyd Bullock • ._ MeSll & sum:iunding area. ORANGE male. k 1 t ten, * I ..:2006~~HC:"'~:::'.!bor,_.;: C::·"::.·~-- Wc est rou1, Ill and I e 5 wfflea collar. Near Harbor MALE blaclc mtxed. Sps:niel P~!~on colnh~~ ~~M:~l1t:1i' Securlry Guards n.m •. bran. d 1·•ndy • Shop. Centr. 543-5443. dog, ani "Tufty ' v 1 c YES IT'S YOUR N-·-area Gotha~ • w--r llB 2401 Han1aon St., Everett, .... ....,,' k ) 115~ C h . ...IDS .. u "" ""''"' ' ' FAULT Call 637-3070 11n11r S •:J. As. req~ur ,,.,. Rew, 847-7417 'l~YM~h:_. ~---~--:ln.c;;;cT.:=-iiiiii;ii;C>'i;;oR ed. for personal 1n!crv1ew Jlotel/fl.totel expe-rienc' For recorded message !hat -PART time BOOKKEEPER. in Cosla fl.1ei;a arr11. !I end 673.-9410 L\DJES \.Vllll<"I. Vic Center ._~,.01 change: your llfe caU WANTED to Pu r ch • s e; Mature & exp'd, 9-?, s days name, adrlrcs~ & phone nurn-OREY rabbll S"6-Gl4G or St, CM or 3rd Ave., LaiUna ORANGE co. &17-6667 llcke~ ror out o( 11tate wk. 63&-SllT 671 W. 17th St. j Coste M11a j 541-3421 An equal opportunlty I ompfoyu · FOREMAN Mu.I be~ In supc!TV!skln ol mill • partmtnl Will be ~ llble for NC eqnlpment. ExceUent fr\na:e benef:ltL Codllloc Cont,.,lt DiVhsion of Ex-Ce:llo Corp. 1166 Whittier Ave. Costa Mesa 646-2491 An equal oppor1unlty I miployer her lo Multi-Stale Inc., 9<Jj7 "'A" 10.... Bc11.ch, Ji'ri 8/1 . V11.lu11.ble 24 hour recording guest!'!, YQU're not going to E I •-1 H Do ~~ R rd 4!l'J."~9 use, to Laguna's Pageant of · j20C)LI-I W 1~ u--· mpe."' wy., wney, P 1 P e r s. ewa . ~ WVE boating? Hale & heat· the Mastera. 675-85. Help Wanted, Men "9 P In _, """" ''¥' O\lir. 9024l f213) 1161-0871 Lost 6401 all 6. ty widower yacht » ma ,1 AFFILIATE wit.bes to meet 1;tnuent ENJOY economy vacation MANUFACTURER DOG, small long · hatftd Person•I• 6405 unattached female. Oepcn-Catalina la1&nd, From SS degirc' usocialt: with men-hlonde color, 6trled up tail, WANTED dllllt OK. Share expenses, ~~:'~: ~~~ a.remcnl or t":ngineerlna: Oe11. roliAr. an!I. to Rikki. work, k fun aboard lwc- IOAT MFG. LARGE Executive office N.B. Al&o iun•ll office from $45 mo. Owner, 815-46§4 bsckxround to join txpa.nd-Vic ~ Shores, CdM unous yacht. (ZlJ) 432-30C6 YOUR poem .et to music ln-N ow'S THE Ing manuf'1. co. $7.500 in-beach. approx 7 '21 · Overweight Ladl11 LICENSED dud musLclana IJ alnpr, 2 ve11tment. Salary $2!i0 per REWARD. 6T'>Ot32. FOi' reetarch -'l!lahl rec:tuc-Spiritual Re•dlnp, advice discs~. Hank 542-4427. • Finish Carpenters • Clean-up Boys 600 to 1200 Sq. Ft. Ot'FICE. C.r.t. Mb-2130 lndu1trl1I Prop. 6080 TIME FOR v.·k + equal ahaN' of profi t. MED/brown Genn. Shep. tnr proen.m to ataWllh on all matten. 312 N. E! Should return $2:>.000 per type fem. vtc. 16th &. Slnta statlsUca ror rapid penna. r.a.mino Real, ~ Clementi yr. For appoln1 men1 call ~tr. Ana. CM. Reward. 646-21'.Qi. nent wel11'tt Jou, (!ll)nducted 492-9136, ~9SO'T Qu ICK CASH O~nour. TI4-539-~. SIAMESE cat, amwtn lo by qualltled phy1\ctl cul-10 A.P.1 • JO PM WI DARE YOU fftcldet, female. Los! vie turi!tl. Applicants mwit bl GRANO OPENING AUG. U 6410 • Grinder Bonders •Comb. Tool Man TOP WAGES lo chPCk U& out N11.lionwldo1; Ea•t Blufl, &«-4529 1 minimum Of JO pounds MUR-RAY HEALW SPJ\ THROUGH A · ·-;.::-overweight, have Inn. LOT i lzr 100x170' v.•\!h oUltt Co. tlt'eds • d\11trlbutor m WH.lTE ftima.1111 poodle, l~t portatlon and not Cum!nt. 2930 W. Coa1t H•'Y, New?Ort ;.. 40x40' slab \\i.th 5tctl your ana. 2 lo 8 h~ Per 1/10 HB. No ident: Ii ly under Doctor'• care. All Beach, 7 d~'I a wk, Tra1nrd Undetectable Men'• CuJtom-made b&.lrpleq from lrall.!iPIJllnt •rtltlclal akin. Comfortable, natural-looldrw. Ota.nae Co. lt1lr Rtpla~ mont Center. 433 N, T'\Utln, Apply In PorMn rrllmr onb' _ ide11l for truck. D~I LY PILOT 11.-ttk <di.YR or t.\lt':?t\ for hi1h children waiting. 962-1434 Inquiries completl!!ly contl-ma.Qtute 642-3.154 ' ,_ 1'6 -~ t t'nmlnl{1. No 5Cll lni:z. \'ou . E Int;:" """ • ......... , • .,,_-51 ° can kttp pre8C!;it job. Sl&.'.iO R~'"WARD: Carin Ttmu, dtinlial. Attractive xpert lc:rms. Owner will cany bl WANT AD n-qulrcd l1ttt1rodl. !"or 1,,. bt1ndle color. Vic Pomon1, ASK FOR litns. TIIOMAS YOUNG WOMAN TO. rrrvlcw In Your lll'f'a, !11:'.nd C.fl.f. Call S4&-21!18 5.11-5412 da.ncer wW teach .YOU all Wtll&-McCardle, Rltrs. 1qi.n1a. and phone no. to: DIAL direct 642.5678, Oiuae ALCOltOUCS Anoqyn"10U1 late•t slept. Call Ardell lJIO NeWJIOrt Blvd., C.M. 642•5678 Oistrllautol' Dlvb.;lan. 58o N, your ad, then alt bl.ck ud PboM &U-'21.'7 0&' 'fltT1'9 to 213: 591-43311-10 PM 1.,..,,,543-..,?729..,!!a!!""1..,!!m!!!'..,!l 1---------·'.:;A;;;";:"::'·:..::"°:;'.:;'"°::::.· _,Ca:::.:111;.:•c::':;lm:::.. UstM to the phone rinll P.O. Bole 1223 Coda Mtu.. DAILY P1LOT WANT ADSI HARBOUR YACHTS 15192 Golden Wetti Circle PLACE "°"' """ o.i -... Westminster, Collf. thtll,... fooldnr -D.\ILY ll!i:!:~=::~~i:!:~~~=-:::SQi=::il:::!::.: PILOT-!-'' °"""'· m .,._ "" ., .. "",. $ $1 I I • ! ' I I ' I , M Do\llY moT -• S1U/1Uj;A119uu 16.'1%' • :"1flll' a y,...Nl JOIS .1o e-LOY T J oBS & llol'LOYMINT JOIS & EMPLOYMENT JOIS & EMPLOYMENT I JOIS & IMl'LOY'l\INT JOIS & IMl'LOYMENT ...., W ....... Mon 7200Help W-. Mift 7tOO Help W1ntttl, Min 7200Holp W1ntttl, Mon 7'00 Hol -W-t·• u. 7200 Holp W1nlM H1lp W1ntttl JOIS A EMPLOYMENT! JOIS & EMPLOYMENT Help Wonted w-Holp W1nltd Womtn P an _, '""" w.,,,... 7400 ~omen 7400 7400 7400 STOCK CLERK * .. YOU· ITT JABSCO 1 CAN JOIN A VITAL EXl!'ANDING INDUSTIY, WITH THE F.ORIMOST .MANUFACTURER OF AUTOMATIC IMu1t be experien~ Shlpplna.· ttcel"'"'· 1111 * otdm. delivtty. No ex· Ptfiel)Ce ntensary. $450. pet month to 11.art. Five day wetk. ~ to advance. Write qualltk:ationl. hel&ht J. C. PENNEY COMPANY Fuhlon Island -Newport Be1ch Hosnss PART· TIME For O>oo'1; ln ¢otta Mn.a f.futt be ofer 11 ' ' ' Hone Operator ud wd&ht to Bax M-356, NEEDS. PART TIME SALESLADIES TY'IST I Apply In,......, .,,,. Dolly Pilot. VALVES AND CONTROLS. t HESE PERMANENT POSITIONS Alt,E AVAIL· A•LE IMMEOIATEL Y Grinder Operator Sr. BOYS 10 • 14 OuTter Routes Open IOr Howtwlves & Mothers Type 50 "''Pm lltt\ll't.h!ly, Come dicta.phone experi- ence preferred. REUBEN'S coen . * GENERAL MACHINIST Drill Press Operator Lq:uoa Beach, So. Laauna DAILY Pll.OJ' ..,....., Equal opportunity employer. • UlSW. Ad1m1 Cost• Mesa , (Swfng shift onlYJ Eltensive machine shop experience required. Mill Operators Sr. * DRIVERS* No Experience Necessary! Can you spare a few hours each day and -add to the family_ income at the sa me time? Schedules conveniel\.t for you, mornings, af· ternoons, evenings or combinations of all. Work Jn store under the finest of conditions and top supervision. 1485 Dale \Vay Cnsta Mell&, Calif. 92626 1714) 5't5-8251 NURSES • RN-Relief duty, two dayi!I per ·week. * TURRET LATHE O .. ERATOR No. 3 & No. S W1rner & Sw11ey Potter & Johnson autom1tics. CADILLAC CONTROLS AfllSf have dean Ollllornla drivlnz record, A9i1ly YELLOW CAB CO. 186 E. 16th SL APPLY IN PERSON .. E..,periencr-d • LVN-Reliel. 1 fou~ !!hilt.I per \\"eek. 4.guna Beach NW'Sing Home * ENGINE LATHE OPERATOR <Swing shift only} Division of Ex.Cello Corp. 1866 Whittier Ave., Cosl4 ttfesa 646-2491 Costa Mesa PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND 10 AM lo 5 PM Monday thru Friday All student positions filJed.. TELLERS lmmt'diale openings for out- going, pcrll0l13blc girls who have a genuine interest in banking. For interview ph: 5-11}.Zllt. ,.....,, -Exec S.cty to $650 Xlllt oppty, good co., s a I ea oriented, make decisiom. Call Diane, 546-54.10. * CRl·DAN THREADER O'ERATOR An equal opportunity employer 2 VOLKSWAGEN mechanics (Swing 1hlft only) * RADIAL DRILL O'ERATOR (Swing shift only) * DRILL 'RESS OPERATOR (Swing shift only) * DE BURRER · ***** SEARS Costa Mesa Announce1 openings for 'fl• have provided over 20 years of steady employment for our employees. EXPERIENCED -·-SEAT COYER ' tLA·YAL COMPANY 17th & PLACENTIA COSTA MESA, CALIF. 714-548-2201 INSTALLER -·-BRAKE MECHANIC -·-ALSO FOR FULL llME SALESMAN Hard surface fiooN.'OVcrin1 I A.11 ~·.t .,,..n11lty _,11y1r. and interior decoratin&. 1~~~~~~~~~~~1 --. Excellent Earnings Plu.!! lfilp W1nlttl, Min 7200 Help W•ntttl, Min 7200 ITT JABSCO ITT JABSCO • Profit sharing • Hmpitalization • Group life ins. e Paid vacation • 8 paid holida)'s e Employee dlS<..'Ount I MECHANICAL , DRAFTSMAN MECHANICAL ASSEMBLER • Apply in Personnel Office Monday 1hru Saturday 10 AM to 4 PA1 ' '.Experienced In close tol· /erance drarting on small pump componen!B and , aSS<?mblies. Re q u I re ! Prefer someone with m~ rhanlcaJ assembly exper· icncr. SEARS Roebuck & Co. I working knowle<lge of de· menslonlng techniques a.." applied lo cai.tings and ~achining drav.·ings. Shop I n:peritnce desirable. Samples reqUirtd. GOOD BENErlTS AND WORKING OONDJTIONS J::qual Opportunity t:mplo)'er l 1485 DALE \VA\' d:JsrA MESA. CALlt'. 92626 ! <n4i a4;..82SI I ITT IABSCO ! . ' MILL & DRILL OPERATOR ' ]!lust have some exper. Equal opportunity employer j 14S5 DALE \VAY 00STA M.ESA, CALlf. 92626 1n4) 5f".>-825t ' EXPEDITOR ' i ' l\fust havf' o\·cr lh1'l·e 1 years wttnl expt'ri<'nt·.~ ! !n machine 5hop C.>iJ,edlt. , lnE'. ' Cadillac Controls GOOD BENEFITS AND \VORKING CDNDITIONS Equal opportunity emplo)'tr SOUTH COAST PLAZA 3331 S. BRISTOL COSTA MESA 148.> DALE \VAY An Equal Opportunity COSTA MESA. CAW". ~ ..-. ..-. ~~r ..-. ......, 1n41 54~1 -------- POSITION AV AlLAB1.E For aggressive and Experienced residential Wesman All inquiries confidential Contact. Wm, C. Ring E!I RE.Al 'rORS Corona del Mar 673-«00 MAINTENANCE MAN ·I· l-198. to $604. pe.r mon th One year gardening, mainte. ITT IABSCO IM .. ELLER PROCESSOR Some e:i.:peric~ with hand tools and drill press· ea required. GOOD BENEFITS AND \VORKING CQNDrrlONS Eqtla\ opportunity employer 1485 DALE \VAY cosrA MESA, CALIF. 9'2626 ( 7141 545-8251 nance or general repair ex·1---------perience. Completion of eighth grade, valid Calif. drivers license. Oral board and performance test Srp- lr.mber 9 & 10, 1969. 1714) 893-4511 ext 2C6. LUGGAGE SALESMEN Experi•nced preferred l:::xcellent benefits . .Full tlrne, TWO BUSBOYS NEEOEO Apply in person REUBEN'S COCO'S Apply in person, Personnel J SSS W, Ad•ms o[!lce. Costa Me11 J. W. ROBINSON 1-~E=NG-"1~Ne=E~R~1N=G- 0 1\'1s1on of Ex·CE'llAu Corp. Fashion Island, N.B. -AIDE- 1166 Whittier ve. e>~ua1 op""rlunity employee ""• ,,... s:ira. to l700. per month Cost• M•s• SALESMEN -Established · 646-2491 territory to be expanded. One year experience as An equal opportunHy Salary + commission + car dra!lsman, one year collegt', , .. ~=~""~pt~•~Y'~r-allo\\"Ance. Mr. Michaels, engineering maJor subsU- AUTO SALESMEN 642-7352 tuted foroperien:e. Hieb kl esUlblished Buick df'al-BUSMAN. Top money, Ex-School graduate. File appJI. --•,·p ,,.~, 1 Mw • 1 userl 1 --" I·-" A 1 cation at Cily Hall, &200 I.JUI "'"' pere ........ .., Pl"l"ota11.-u. pp)'. \V I in-t:ar sale~man for replace-NL"'WPORT GROITO estm nster Ave .• Westm ment. M11&t be neal t. reli-33l.'\ \V. Coasl H"'Y sler, C&llf., by .\ugw;t 2Slh., hie, thorouzhly c.'<p'd I. Ne"·port Beach ~~5 P~-\Vritten exam by hie to cloi;e own deals. -x:p!em,,...,r 6th, 1969. ;i!J'ai&ht scll. top coinm i~· ASSISTANT >.ingr-Car \Ya1h. (714) 893-45U Ex!,, 205. ion. co. b<'nefill!. gd. hour~. 1:>-3:;. yrs. of a.gr._ E,.,p, not LEARN TOOL -CUTT'ER ptcasant "'orking conclitlon.-1 rt"QU1i_'Cd· Apply in person, GRINDING TRA.DE: Jl.1ar· 11\pply in pPl'SCln only; St't' 628 \\i · !9th St .. Of. ried men preferred. J\1usl be! ~les Manager S~RV. STA. A1T : 2 Full an1b1tious, H.S. i;rad \\•ith r-Tcrty Bui<·k 1in1e liten, Ove r 2l. lifu sl malt bkgrnd 1.: be f 5th & \Valnul tu1v<' exper. £ a hair rut. 1nechanlcally Inclined. Good t llunlinglon Bf'u1•l1 19() E. 17th SI. C.~t. "'orking L'Ond'1 &r. fringe ; bentflls. 1-&alp W•nted, Men 7200 f1•lp Wint.ct, Mtn 7200 DAILY GRIND1NG INC. 3822 Campui.· Dr .. N.B. DISPLAY MAN MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Excellent traJning program . , . for an excellent position. Our unique Management Training Program follows a \\'ell plaMCd, comprehensive for units room only, two Equal opportunity employer Jason s.st Employme~ Agency 2120 So. li1Jln, S.A. tune up and rbake mech., J helper for lub & oil, SO.SO * guarantee, we pay full group Ins., vac. &: holidays. 536-1491. Help Wanted * e ORDER CLERK e ~~~!!!!~~!!!!~~'F'!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~:::: lnlf'resfine: job. .~ Will lRAIN li1ATURE \V0~1AN FOR 'p~,-od-.-u-c"ti-on~M~ •• ~h~i'n-ist-,-11 __ w_om __ •_n ___ ~_7400~ Drill press Of' Turrel lathes. Small close tol. instrumenl parts. Small company with good working conditions. 5'9-0343 SER\I. Sl'A. ATT. Expcr. only. FIVE POINTS SHELL Ph: 842-3444 INSTALLMENT CREDIT CLERK Good typin~ required -·- Help Wanted Women DUNCAN 7400 Older person preJerred. CANTEEN. Hrs 10 to 2 PM . Don The Beachcomber Call Jl.trs. Maley S4S-06n Apply aft. 4 PM. 3901 ext 495. Mon & Tues. 8 to 9 ="E=·,,"""'=--"''""""""''l··,,ru="=~ 1 am & 10 lo 1 Pf.I. \VANTED: SILK FINISHER. schedule ... provides you DISHWASHER EXPERIENCED Imn1ediate opening for an Top v.1age11 for quitllly "·ork. ARE you attractive, around XlnL opportunity. Near the 30, ool afl·aid of "·ork, used sea ~hore. Dimmitt to meeting people -in Cleaners, 3200 E. Coast possession of a pleuant H\\ly, Clim. nature! -\Ve ~d you as a --~*-'~''------*---I ,vaitress. Contact Blg Bttl F 1C Bkkp r or Hofbrau, 2885 S. Bristol, CM the best opportunity to de· Apply Swiss Cha.let, 414 N. vclop quickly inlo a respon-Newport Blvd., N.B. TELLER ACCOUNTS PAYABLE -CLERK- Jr Acct to $750 aft 2 pn1. sible executive in Consumer GARDENER. i n d u s t Ol' Finance ... Interviewing is comm'l, min 2 yrs exp. xlnt. a major part o( !his non- selling, salaried position. oppor. Call rves. 4M-S427 Liberal employee benefits 1 ~'~n~"=~~---~­ and regular salary increas-BUSBOY, 18 or over. Start es based on your progress. Sl.65 hr. Apply in person UNITED CALIFORNIA BANK Imme<! opening with i;tablc \VOMEN, lull or pa11 ti1nf! co. Data Process-Cost acctg. needed immtd for: Chllci Cal! Kay, 5-16-5410 Care, Aides or Companions. 3029 llarbor Blvd. JASON BEST A'll" 21 ta 65. Su EMPLOYMENT AGENCY St'lto"ng Preti• Agoncy C.OSta Mesa ca!it · CC('SSful appllcanl l\·ill r 540-in,U . have local work exper. in. 2120 So. Main, Santa Ana ~1ember of \\le Sit Better, High school graduate. The Cottage Coffee Shop, NEWPORT volving acrounu payable, OCCASIONAL silter for 1 Inc. Subsidi1ry ol Gerber labor distribution and child. Days. ~1ature won1an. Prod. Co. 642-3274 PACIFIC FINANCE 562 \V. 19th St .. Costa Mesa. BEACH lime card proct'55lng. \VIII call basis your home or -'-"-'s-.-.-,.-1-1-,y-.$54""lc--1 16612 Beach Blvd. ESTA BUSHEO Insurance · \Viii have Ute typing and milll'. Co!'ila Mesa only. Call Sharp skills required and able Huntington Beach Lnds avail, N.B. office. AD AGE'NCY !en-key adding machine on Saturday betw~n 10-4. to ,,·ork independt'ntly, call 1JZJ3 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove Equal oWQr\unity employer ITT JABSCO CLEANER DEBURR & HELPER ?!'('fer some factory ex- perience with hand tools. GOOD BENEFITS AND \\'ORKJNG CONDITIONS Equal Opprtunily J::mployer 14&.J DALE WAY COh'TA MESA. CALJ.f. 92626 rn41 ~>8251 ITT JABSCO TURRET LATHE -OPERATOR- TURRET LATHE OPERATOR/ SETUP GOOD BENEFITS AND WORKING CONDmONS Equal Opportunity Employer 1485 DALE \VAY OOSTA htESA, CALIF, 92626 (714) 545-8251 NEEDS 11kills, assume total cleri-642-7682. Loraine, llferehants Person- P1rt time h•lp. Good cal responsibilities for Secretary $S41.00 nel Agency, 2W3 WestcliU typist far clerical du-accounts payable. Sharp skills required and 1,,:D.:,'·::,· ,,:',,='',c'-"-c'---~~ 1 Career oppt. 675-6383 APPRENTICE WELDER lor small machine shop. * * ~94-8989 * * ties, errands. $1.6S nar able lo work independently, \VAfol"TED: YOung attractive .--2865 Feirvi•w Road ·'I Lo · ' p H I W d hour. Call Barbara at c.... raine. 1erchants er-lady for asslstlnr new ear e p ante 7400 642·3910. Costa Me$a sonnel Agency, 2043 West-scrvice managt>r in taking _w_o_m_•_• ______ i'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii'"" $45-8261 -"~;_11_D_'~··-"~15-~m~o_. ~~~ 1 custoniers h ome. Fu 11 abl'lt'tr'es General Office $400.00 ~i.~e~:;,.k_ for Chas. Woo.iard SECRETARIES r·our years secretarial experience. shorthaflfl II. typing, IBM electric. KEYPUNCH OPERATORS ~linimun: one year key. ptlllCh f'~perience. 4: 10 pm to 1 a1u and 2:30 pin to 11 pm shills availab!P. COLLINS RADIO CO. 19700 Jambor•• Ro.d Newport Beach Equal opportunity employer TELI.ER Aggressive young company needs girl with teller and new accounts experience in Bank or Savings & Loan. 1 to 2 yn;. prd'd. Pleasant, small office atmosphere. Equal opll(trlunity employer GOOd typing skills + prev-.rtu-JVJV CJrllimff.eQ ~ ious work exp., call Loraine SHARP GAL WANT E D , agencv Accounting Clerk MerchanL~ Personnel Agen. sales ability. personality for u cy, 200 WestcliU Dr., N.B. Boutique dress shop in Quality Positioos for A position is now available ~2TID beach area. A-t ui;t havl! i;ales Qualified ApplJcll.Dls in our Accounting Depart. Babysitter· Housekttpt>r expcr. Box; t.1-642 Daily 488 E. 11th St., Suite 224 ment that require~ the use For teacher: infant & 2 Pilol. Costa ?tfesa &42-1~70 of a 10 key adding machnie, children 9 &: 10. HB area. =P=RA7cr=1"CAL,..,---,,""-,""-,--"""'==,d typewriter, and the usual 897-4918. for elderly gentleman livlng S S S S S S S S S S office skills. \VANTED! \\'oman r 0 r in c.M. area. 5 days \\'k. Housewives or others desir-CllJLD CARE, lighl hskpg, 7:~5. 548--8261 morns or aft ing addilionaJ or prinUU')' This position offers a good 5 Has., live out. Laguna 8 p.m. l·-m• BE YOUR OWN salary with attractive frintre --,,""===,.---,==I , .... ,, ... ·--. Beach ~94-9321 after 6 pm. HOUSEKEEPER . BABY· BOSS P"~ 1· I II beneli15 includin ... fully paid ... • 1me or u -<& TT O SITIER, 8 to 6 Pl\t wk. dy11. time Independent dealers. Ior medical and life Insur. A RACTIVE \V li1AN, 18' \Ve train )'1)u for Immediate anee covel'llge, three weeks 45 to instruct in makeup i,.; day Wed. Nurses ho1ne. income and oiler excellent vacation after 3 years, etc. techniques for ram o us ~"".:=.·"':::,,:'.c· -~~--~I advancement opportunities. model11. \Ve will train. PART-Time bakery \\'Ork. 54&.-4871 . Apply in person at the clJ36-5=='-"---~~--~· I Apply Trotter's. 234 Fore11I, I I S I S S $ S S S DAILY PILOT NEED """"" L;k, ,..pie? """"na Boach. S<e Mn. HOUSEKEEPER w a n 1 e d Build your o\vn business I '"'RaC::C"P~P~-~-~-~~-I \Vho seeks permanent ho1ne. 330 West Bay Street, Costa selling Vatlda Be au t Y LIVE-lN Housekeeper, 50 to Nice room overlooking the Mesa. Ask for Jl.ff'S. Green· Counselor Cosmetics. F'lex 65 )~.Prof. ~uple & 16 yr. waler. 4 chUdren, full man or call 642-4321 for an hrs., unllmilcd earnings; no daughter. Most wknds. free. hou~kl!'Cping & cooking. intervie1v. age limit. 5'16-l765. Eves. 7.9, 673---1097. Driven license desired. Car I----~.-----I RE.CEPTIONIST \VOMAN to \1·ork in donut will be provided. C a 11 SECRETARY d 1 d k shop. Apply in person before Home: 2\3-43l-7351 or Ofc: · a~ F' ighCt es : Full Limed. 10 Al\1. NO PHONE CALLS. 432_7~77 v1 angt' o. Airport. Sen C replies to Daily Pilot. Box 2947 Harbor Blvd., .l\1. 1\1902. HOUSEKJ::EP~R, live in & t.1AIDS, Pftrl lime or full assist "'llh new born baby. ti1ne. Experience n 0 t Priv. room & bath. Start necessary. Ken Niles Villa Aug. 18th. 6-W-23.f.I Full Tin1c HOUSEKEEPER Apply in person for busy alld interesting position. Shorthand and typing skills required. • litarina Motel 1021 Bayside RECEPT·TYPIST Drive, Newport Beach. l\l in. 5Chl"pm, S300/mo. Please Contact Mr. Lapp. lluntington Beach GENERAL CLERK OOWNEY SA VIN GS & Convalescent Hospital LOAN ASSOCIATION 18792 Dela\\'&re St., H.B. 8J1-tSll or 642-653.1 Gener1I Office $400 EXECUTIVE Good typiog •killi + ,..., •. SECRETARY iot111 \\-ork exp., call Loraine lill'rchants Personnel Agen- 77 YEAR old blind man phone &38-3593 tor appoint. wants competent \\'\'.Iman 10 =m~'~"c.'·=~~~~--I clean trailer, drive car or PRIVATE Duty Nurse~ cook a meal, 4 hl"!'i, 4 days needed. RJ~'s, LVN 's. All \vkly. $100 mo. 536-0068 shirts. Call any ho u t , JOIN HAIR & CO. -three 642-9!l:ij !or combin~tion of at"- counting and keypunch operation. Figurr exper. desired. \Ve ti·ain on keypunch. ACCOUNTANT Needed for exciting, temi» cy, 2043 \VestcliU Dr., N.8 rary assignment. Good short. 6~:>-27i0 On~ or the countries top hand and l.ranscribin1 ma-BABYSITTER/ Firm located in !at out hair stylists? Open-r.·c17AT=u~R=E~s"';t,_«-•.""2'"'""'oh""ld7rn-, 0s1 ing Aug. 1st in Balboa & 12 Re!.s .. o\Vn trans or live Jslund. Call Sun, !\Ion, Tues. • Jn. ~36-6433 t>Yes. llB. building r Ir ms . B1·ight, chin(' skills net>ded. HOUSEKEEPER San Clem•nte. young man for inllial as-West•rn Girl Inc. for teacher. 4 yr. old at Pl•ase call Mrs. Hilson slgnnient in Orange County, :)41}.032" Unlimllrd opportunity for ====~="~· =~~ home; 3 school age. hrs. 492-1153 • degreed "'°"ntant lo INSTRUCTRESSES ,,,..._ Good P•Y· He. l -~E~l~E=CTRONIC broaden his experience and Young, mature girls able to 897-7949· r ASSEMBLERS prepare for a solid future. meet the public. t.1ust be C 0 MP AN I 0 N, I i le Sn1all commercial products Constl'uction e-ii:per. helpful attractive 11·i1h a good housekeeping. Cheerful, ac· Mtg. in Costa f.tesa. Knowl- but not mandalol)'. Salary ligure. tive \\.'Oman in 60's, for edge of Color Code w/ pre. commensurate with ability Apply in person rlderly lady. Pvt. rm., ba., \'ioUsexperience helpful. A~ plus excellent fringe benefit.I Holidav l-ilealth Spa TV. S al a r y open. Ref· ply of a world·wkle parent co~ r ' ~ erences, 642-5.389. CORYONICS 3027 Enterprise Costa Mesa pany. Contact W. C. Baker • Costa "l'tteM • Experienced In single needle (114) 541)..9710 HOSPITALITY HOS'I'ESS is and overlock. Good piece -~P"'R°'O""D"U"C"T"t""O"'N,.--1 looking for mature women work prices, 15teady "mk. CONTROL PLANNER to welcome newcomers to EDDY MOSS 14042 Locust 111: yea.I'S exp. in UPS or the communhy. ?.lust have St., Westminster; 534-8738 typewrit@r, car. and be hon. OS power supplies. Stock· dable. Apply 2:35 E. J\iain, COP.fBlNATION. Sharp Bar room e!l;p. helprul. Be able SW!e 7, Tustin, Ca 1 if. Maids & Go Go Dancers. lo order, plan. schedule and 5'1+69'li Top wage1' $3.00-$3.50 to e~lte lronl engioef'ring -~====~~--1 start. Ph. ror int. 545-9983 .... 1,.,,,,_ SECRET ARY s. .. y i.as.,. 2001 ""'"°'· LF.AR JET IND. EXPERIENCED C.M. 2001 S. Richey St. Permanent, 20 Hour, 5 day \\'01'1AN-house\\1fe. use your S.A. 5~7•3906 1v eek position available spare time lo earn money. Equal op110rlunlty rmployer I Newport Beach., hrs. 10.12 \\lin prizes. no a,ge imit, no * EXPERIEN~D * II. 1.J PM. Top saJary. Wrile time limit, \Vill train u COOKS BUSBOYS DISHWASHERS Box P~l. Dally Pilo1. Beauty Counselors. 847-0846 NEED attraetM, 71 to 1'>. NURSES needed !or privatr \Vaitn!s.9 for lunch buffet ducy. Praclica.I. Aides. No Apply In pef'!On Mon. t:hru lie TW!C. 3-Ll, ll-7 &. live-in. Fri.; \Vhile Horse Inn, 3925 Mu11t ha\-e rels. Ca 11 Newport B!vtl., Newport 6U-a955 C•feteri1 Employment 7 to 3; ~1on thru Fri Call 813-0600 t'XI. 2036 \Vcd. 714: 67:)-1230 or on other days, 213: 449-6967 SECRETARY, Sai l boat 1nrgr. S/H 100 "'Pm, typing 60 wpm, apply \V.D. Schock Co., 3502 S. Greenville, San· ta Ana. \VANTED: pt-time carbon- ribbon typing done in your home. 61!>-4883 MATURE housckrepcr, Iv.in. 6 da own lrans. S250. ~7364 NB. \V,\ITRESS Apply 1n person: Sea Shanty Restaurant, 630 Lido Park Dr. N.B. NURSES AIDES Expe1i~11ced 3~9-3061 IT'S A REVl!:LATION the many bargains )'OU fuxt in Classified Ads. Check them 00\\'? NO matter v.·hat it i~. you can sell It with a DAILY NO matter what It 13. you can Sf!U It with a DAILY PILOT \VANT AD!! 642-5678 THF. SUN NEVER SEl'S on Classilied's action ~­ Far an ad to ~11 around the, dock, dlaJ 642-5678. _ MOLDERS - EXPERIENCED DqierieFK:ed. Excf'llrnt bcn· cfits. Full time. Apply in person 1t!ot1. thnl Fri. 10 lo 4 p.m .. pe1-.onnel dept. APPLY IN PERSON" REUBEN E. LEE lll E. c .. 11 Hwy. N1wport Bo•ch Beach. SECRETARY -2 man law "NANA" for 2% yr Old boy. on~. Xlnt "'Orldng cond . Over ~ OK. 5 days per lmmed. em pl oymen t . week. $Zi. Refs A: own 962-6611 . • ' ,.ermanent mold operators Top pay to top men ·Apply Precision Castings 2044 Placentia, Costa Mesa • J. W. ROBINSON FASIUON ISLAND NE\VPORT BEACll INSTRUCTORS l\1aful"t', )'OUni adult, look· inC' for good 1t11ure, able 10 m11et the public. Apply in Ofc. S•les Clerk to $500 Xlnt oppt)', ro. movi"4;: lo lr- \'inc. Pre.f exp or will 11..tn. Call Bert, Sl&.5110 Jason Best Employment Agency 2120 S. h!ain, SanlA AM ...... ------= 'H:iidoy Heolth Sp• ~S~ e Cbt1a Mtsii e F D CONTOURS • t~tab, 195.3 lS YOUR AD IN a.ASSI· Now in Orante County ttED ! Som1"6ne •rUl '-Top ~ten RtqUlrrd 546-3030 Jooklnl (or lt. Dill fH2-567J 1 ~ """!""'-"!!"!~----------~-1==::.;:;..=.=:.== , !rans. Mesa Verde. 540-6690 BABYSmER, mAture. ~ NEED 11tfM EDIATELY dll)'!, vie. Montecello Y.'Oman who loves children. Townhses. CM. Aft. 6, Call U intere1ted for in-5"9-3722 tf'rvte\\·, 2 children. 96~7592 RELIABLE \\"Oman lo care EXPER.IENCEiflii'IC book-for 5 childl't!n. Willing lo keeper, full time for loca1 &lay overnight. \\'eekends. t.tfg. F'inn. Call 611-5661 for Own tnns. 6"3-1776. =';,";,"°,1"_tm~'"-'-· ,-.,,,---.,.-I LIVE . ln HOU3t'kt'eper, priv • FUU. Ume nighl COUMelor, room. Salary open. Call after 2 to 9 PM. AllncUve, pod 6 p.m. 847-4856 HB figure. 642-3630. LAGUNA Beach area -DR.1 co""'FF=E=E~SH=o~=p-w=A:!TRES==s I \\'orker. htondAy. 0 w n \YA~'TED, EXPERIENCED. tr 1 n s po r la I on . Rc!f 642-7424 49'f-.5384 -'"i!Nor· ~ 16. 19'9 JOllS A IMPLOYMENT JOBS A EMPLOYMENT JOBS It EMPLl)YMENT MERCH.ANDISI FOJI MElCHANDISI POR MIRCHANDISI POR MlllCHANDISI "' llf;l"'lt l ;~~~~~~~~~~~=~~j:~S~A~LE~E-'J:ND:r::TU:=!.!O!!E~S~A~LE~A~N~O~TRA~~Dl~l~SA~L~l~A~N=D=TRA:'.:~Dl~S~A~L~l~AN~D=T~ltA~D~l~I MERCHANDISl FOR SALi AND raAQI Women Holp W•nt1d 7•00 Jobs-Mon, Wom. 7500Jobo-M•n, Wom. 7500 F .. u~rn~iillvii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiii~Ml~IOl~OF~urn~IMe~iiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiii-~1~1~11~F~-~~l~-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-~ ~II-l600 Mi~ INOO ITT lJBSCO SENIOR VERIFIER/ • KEYPUNCH. OPER~TOR Alpha numt'rlcal. Some: related clcrlml dul.lea. Advancemenl 11DSible to conlrol derk. Good bcnttil.5 and l\Wkill&" COlldilioll!I. Equal op~tunilY en1plo)'er, 1-185 DalJo Way Costa h1esa, Calif. 92671 cn4l 54M25I * J, C. PENNEY COMPANY t'asbion 1'1a.nd -Newport Belch * • I/3 orr on all bUdnlr 1: COOKS HAS OPENINGS FOR . WAITRESSES BUSBOYS \Vith some experience and willing lo learn. Top working condiUons & envfron· 111ent. CompctttiVe wages plus meals & tips, and outstanding benefits including hospitalization and profit sharing. Apply in person 10 AM lo 9 PM , Monday thru Saturday PENNEY'S FASHll)N ISLAND LOST OUR LEASE Ow ................ , 1hltfl .. ..... Must Vacate Now · ................. COit Our 6000 sq. ft. Store S!Kk must bo IOia Open to Publlc First time 3 Rooms fum. Value Over $1000. Now $389. • 5 ~. •uthtntlc Spanish ldrm. Hf, • 96 In. 41ultt· Id sof1 with 56 IR. maklllnt Ion nat. or chair e 5 pc. SPl'dsh l>httttt, 01k t1bl1 top e 3 ht1wy MM- ltwrantin. rnatthiftg tables, to, dUr1bl1 tnouth for Fl""foto D1oct. Onct in• lifetime price1 of 1001 othtr item1. Plus en extr11p1cial offer $5 off on any $100 purc;h1se or more, with a copy of thi1 ad. * * • 10 pc. Quilted Corner Asiemble •........... $159.95 •~~~~~~~~!!"~~~~~~~~~~ • 96 in. Quilted Sofe, w/56 in, loYe 1e1t -.. $1-49.95 }';qual Opportunity Employer All student positions are !illed Women f't1lp Wanted • 60 in. Heayy Spanish Coffee Teble .. --... $$29.9-4 7400 • l•rge Matching Lamp Teble, ····-·-·---.$19.95 Jobs-Min, Wam. 7500 • Spani1 h Decorator L1mp1, from •................. $1-4.95 PUBLIC NOTICE covtr'U»S· Arr/ lite IOJ FOR ,SALE: Star ~tory w-fa~. ifottom. tt.f "ti ......,, Salt. CDP~ Serr.I '\>"' '9-'>. A~\hlf11 c;..., No. 32'lfl. 8'a1¥1 ntw. llOQ. :l40& VI. llt><Jt nw,. N.11 . (COll.,$U).l MovinJ,COlt QO( <)pft 8~! • . ~ DfCOIATOI GJTS CAllCBl.AllON htclwled In ale prlco, you KEN&IORI<' CH .,.... !Krill Of 11 WXU1Y ~oUTMtm ::.··~,~.~~~0:,: A,.tliAtl<>li!i"..itteS>O'. $pan'91i & Moditwr-funl• 1 l"earnley, ,..,,.;tt, 8 le s ~wrl~ll ~1Jm~. ~J£ AU BRAND NF# p.m. The Newyorter Inn, W.T;)! ., I u d l!OT •Janiboree Rd., N.8 . 9-pc. M• itarr•nean lad1oom Suite In Pac•n _s...=..;';;""~,.,.--;-:-:::;-;c;--I OLD \IPrlJhl ~ctlct -planq' lR09. ,l.9.00 1 .... , ........ .,_ ..... ,..NOW. $1'1.00 POOL TA"LES 150 r .,1. w/ottachetl m•" Gorgaous Spanish Cu1tom Built 'Sof• with "" ble Ul,ble fro. ·bf O.nla matching love Saat-Cholie of ba1utiful '4" and 1" slate Iopa. New ~· fabrics. !Rog. $41 9.951 -.......... NOW $225.00 ::~ci!'..1;!!bl~rlnwi=~· __ FO,..._RMAU~~---Bl~ue~t=m. ~:~di~.~ie~1 i:~i.;·~-~~··c·;;;~~·-r-~·bi~~-~-1~::;: ~ 4:!ii ~:.~~-~~ ~·r sct'~th :~~ Tell Oecoretor Teble Lemp• ut ~---1 "·ble -•;,·;mi:.;;:=======•I I *" ro e. ~ u .... ..,. JW-ava... , . R19 ... 9.951 ........ -........... _ ..... NOW $11.00 .. ,..,, .. "'·'""· .... 1201. u •sc."w•......,. 1610 Speni1h H1n9ing Swag l•mps * AUC 0 tTW "' ,,.,,..... l 1Ro9. ••9.HI ............................ NOW Slt.50 u,..w111~u.."....,* -. PAY QSll j' A decorator dream house on display -3 .ive wmtiy , .,. rooms of gorgeous Spanish fumirure (was AuctloN Fri<I&> 1:ao o.m. • NOT CIMcb I T~,.~,,.-,-,-------I BABYSIITER • HSKPR. 1 Mlcro Phoi09raphic child. small apt, Balboa ----------• Guarenteed Bo x Spgs. & Mettresses, from $1 9.95 Outside Sales • St•cks & Stacks of 15 yr. Quality King & Ou•en FREE MEMBERSHIP! s .... 1 TERRIFIC SAVINGS. reg. $1295.00 Windy's ~uction B•m For GOOD, USED SACRIFICE $398 Behind Tony 1 Bid£ 1rlat1. rutnl~. S,tertq, TV or . , 0 0 0 0 0 2117511 Newport. CM 64W6IJ6 lfout!obold It..,. of <"Y kind. TEC'HS Peninsula. Aug. 13-Sept. 10; l'\1on-Fri, babysitting 8:30-CUl"Tt'ntly 11Clling to house. Bank Term1 Stor• Cherge Master Cherge B1nkAMericard All Accepted c,.mdit Termm• Av•il. CrfU•dit Rc1.N,.,ldTUtmmeRdiEetely M=:: G:r;s ~! ; ':1l'"T"':"o'-"_1 Leading ma£k ml!lnufActu1-er 5 30 $100 I lal o o. 10 : , o . n .x-pt. : wives direct? Add us lo your needs tech.s in rollov.·iJ1&: 2-6 pin, hton·Fri + hskp'g, line for extra commission 01"" 9.9 dolly-Sit. 9-6, Sun. 10.S s.a-9660 areas: " ~·- • Pl-iOTO R£SI~ SlOO mo. 6T;)-.Huu a.ft 6 p.m. income. Ket>p in !lhape li:ee. APPR D FURNITURE """"' "''board S<O. drop FUllNITUllE leeJ map!• table 125, OIO. TOP CASH m 30 Mlnulta • Qt.iALITY O}NTROL or v.·knd s. Represen!Htives ne.ederl a.II • MASK PROCESSING NE\VPORT BEACH over Orange County. 2065 Ch1rl1 St., Cos11 Mesi Behind "Harbor Car W•1h" Enter ,off Ham ilton or Bernard St. ~~~~ 57 Borgward $25. Qua.Uty Ntnltw., ~ TV'1 1844 Newport Blvd."":.-., PLAYER PIANO :.l:i~.~P1""""'' -· Exp helpful • hut nol nee. Fasl ac<:urate typist with ex-5'19·l368 or 842.1451 Call lor appolntmf'nt pcrience in bkkpg. req'd, for Holiday Health Spa TRANSMASK CORP. 6 1o:irl oil.ice. Please phone • C.o~(a Mesi • 675-3.'ill. ==='="=-'~;::_=--~ A lilt!• htrd to find, bYt worth th• d11ll1r1 vo1,1 11.,..J "~t. ·Mesa ·only s.cr111c1,. beautiful, '"" .,1.1212 1IUI -new Koble~ & Camp~ll.1----":.:..=:::...--..,r l walnut llnish, jusl appraised l¥1fYNlghl'Tftt-WM.,Sot.IS...'Yli at nooo. Best ,.,h ottor WE PAY MORI 3952 Campus Dr .. NB REGISTERED Phy! l cal (714) S:I~ SA LESWOl'\iAN. Experience Therapisl, full lime. ' -G S I over $500 takes. lttust sell erage 1 • thll!I weekend! See at 315 E. 1--M~TS==T~.,JT,-~.~--; in ladies ready to \\"ear. Huntington Valley yp1st Over 25. Apply Mon lhni F'ri Convalescant Hospital Furniture CASH ---------COf\IBINED GARAGE SALE Furniture Auction 8025 18th. Apt 3, C.M. 54M7l6 OVER STOCKED Musle1I Inst, 1125 -& BACh"Y ARD ART SALE: • F It • FOR Sale-MOVING, &Jass $~00 lo S.ciO. l\tust be exper. l!H. APROPOS No. 27, 8382 Nl'wnian Ave., for Newport Beach compan-To111n &. Country. Orange. HB. 842-5551 ie&. We need a lemporary & permanent po.sllion filled. Newport Personnel Agency 833 DOVER OR., N .8. 6"2-3870 5-19.27•1.3 See Betty Bruce at mi4~£xec Agency fot C•rMll' CU-ls 410 \V. Cout •lwy., N. B. By appoint. 646-3039 CASHIER-:HclSTESS Neal appearing, 18 to 40. No experience necesS11ry. Apply in person. BOB'S BIG BOY W4 E. l'T!h St. Coila Jli1e6a l-""S"A"'L"ESWOM.~E=N~­ For exciting nrw f!1shion stare in So. Ola.st Plaza, C.J\f. Applican11 must be thoroughly exp'd In ready to wear. Xlnt salacr &. con1m. Apply in person ALROE, INC. Blue Dolphin R11taur;nt 3300 Via f.ldo LIDO ISUAND e WAITRESSES -Over 25-,,.--, •• OPERATORS •• E."'(perlenttd In 1Ulgle needle 11.nd overlocks. Good pieC'e work prices, steady work. EDDY MOSS l4CM2 Locust St., 'Ve~tminster: 531·87:18. * ASSEMBLE RS * Exprrlence h!'lpful . Valor Electronic$ Inc:. ;)~t).9261 Bl KI lf'i Barmaid/dancer. Full or ~t·tin1e. Cost.a Jobs-Men, Wom. 7500 Schools-Instruction 7600 MUST SELL! OOLLECTION. or combined • um ure cocktail table JOxfJO, chairs, works, paintings, arts &: Apphanc11 • Color TV DRUMS: Five drum set with tw. box spr. I. matt., plc- c raft s , stitchery, AOK AUCTION high hat. Save 2/3 on new ... _ "~Id s t trig For 1urnlhtre, appliances, colored TV, . pianoa, orpS1I BRISTO COFFEE SHOP (Experienced only! e FOOD & BEVERAGE \\IAJTRF'SSES 8 BUSBOY e CAS!lIER' No telephone inteivie"'I Bristo'!ii Coffee S;iop The Nev.tporter Inn Apply 2 to 6 Pl\f, l'\1on-Fri, _.,_ NEW MAR INA "· RESTAURANT !Experienced only) e \\'AITERS • \VAITRESSES e CAPTAL'l LW1Ch & Dinner Contact J\Ir. Jan1 es Dt'n1alo J\1onday lhru F'riday -THE- NEWPORTER INN 1107 Jamboree Road Nr1vporl Beach. C31if. FRY COOKS To[J \'.'ages, permanent, hon- est, a nd working conditions in area's leading res!aurant. Apply 9 am lo 5 pm for in· tcrview at -G ~ G Bl ,...,..,.s, '-" po re .. SAUCE RMAN SCHOOL N-" 9 pbol,.,,..,.aphy, u•hat ha\·e • ·~~ 1i.uen rove vd. pritt. Perfect for bea:lnnet _ _. .J p1 and •--"· '"' pc. '-'Orf'K.'1· arTang. -.,. W . t G G 1:'--. 1-.:u~u. -~"'" pauu Co. fo""'airgrounds, gr. 1.s choice o( clrs reg $230 )'OU, fine assort. of garagl' estm1ns er nr. · . ~ "''3• or experienced drummer acceu. bal'bttue, ladies n. \Vhere the ~rogram n 0 iv Sl.\9.50. · He~dbrds:' items. 10-0 SaVSun. 509-29t.'I ~ea" Thun T1PRM·Sat 6:30 who can't afford· expe111lve 18 clothlna, misc .• 968-2844. Fits the Child Ki 115 ~-$"' ui Sf., NB. u.~ate consgnm • ~·New: set. Youn for $130. Call ngs, . "'u"'~ns '"'·""• • 673-SlS9 * Dan at 494-400!5 or Mlft PEAR !hapeil d 1 a io on d \Villa.rd ll Saucerman. Full Sl0.50, Twins $3.95. A _.. · • aolltaitt, .76 eta. White ge>id Eel. D. Trundle se ts {duo riserl w/ GIANT Garage Sale, Jo~ri Ii: p..,.iincea llOO t~S=pa~'"=''°,._,.,.~.:..;..~---setting. ftte of bn· ii4CHOOO Enroll now inner spring matt. ,reg. $106. Sat. 9' blue-grn divan, REFRIGERATOR SALE F'E ND ER Ba 1 s man perlectim to 10 t t me , Eve!I MS-1758 now $79.50. Roll·a-way beds Wll..\lhlng machine, 1 as U11ed \Vestinghouse .... $54) amplifier. '69. Used only magnification. $950. Seen by Educatiotlll.1 Vacation 5th w I inn. spring matt. reg. burner unit & matching Used Frigidaire :i dr ••.• $68 twice. Complete w/ltand It l!lpp't. at U.S. National graders ..• Sr Citizens Ul.50, now $39.50. Full &Z. hood. Crpts, g Ill s s ware Used GE .. , bea'""Wul, 18 cu 0COV='="'=·=$450'='=549-=:i:l503:===' I BanJc. &43-9335 Chilcoat 10 lesson typing sleeper-sofa reg. ST.J!l.50, now designer clothing size S.12. ft, ne\v molor •••••••••.• $135 \VJNOOW alt condiUonen, Sehl. Trial Le~son. 173 Del $169.j{I. New beds: K I n g rostume jewelry, books. Holpolnt Re!rlg, 12 cu It 2 Pl1nos & 0~,._1_n_1 __ 1_1~..;.0 llke new; Cold6pot 6CXXl BTU }I.far, c.r-.f. 543-2859 $99.50, Quecru;, $89.50, Full records, lamps, lumber, month11 old ••••.•••••••. $139 w 111 e rv 1cec 0 0 tr a c 1 """"'-.. DQ-or Jli&bt 18'-IOI SWEBUYS $ · FURNITURE $ . AePLIANCES ME RCHANOISE FOR S•l9.50, Twins $39.50. fully misc. 1227 Marian Ln, NB. ~ve.ra.l brand new Washers, MOM & DAD guaran. fl. sz. spreads $9.9;) Fri. 548-.'i976 DryerS", Relrlgerators & DO rr NOW!! EmertlOn 8(K:!O BTU. Each NEED' bric.kt one to l<XXI, SALE AND TRADE s rESTA SLEEP SHOP, 1927 GAR.AGE S TV 's \Vhile \Ye have the greatel!lt reduced $50 for quick 88.le! rea.sona~Y primL &U-4687 'I bo Bl.~ CM "~ 2760 ALE. M i II c .. ' l•ctio• , •• -· ~714. Furniture 8000 ar r .. u.j ,,...,. glassware, dresses sizes s.. al '69 close out prices! e '" ·~ """' reason. ="'"""="""",...,..,.,,.,.,.,..,.-.1TWIN ~ alu. hidH.-bed ---;:;:-::;::::;---'-·l cd"'o~ily~1•>:9~Sa~t;;.s'.<>""'."~'":"~'·--ll, Fr. Prov. dining tbl & Sec at HENDERSON'S able renta..ls, the best teach. VINYL Til..E, L 1 no le um, sota. Any condition. rJS....4421 SPANISH JUST LIKE. NE\V: Oval, chrs Ideal for anUq, Incl. tbl 18n Harbor, C.M. 548--0155 er. Choose from Conn, Wur-Asphalt Tile -Beautiful col· MEDITERRANEAN parquef ditling rm table pad S4a. Lamp, maoy odds DELUXE A·-• kitct-· un•'• lltzer, Knabe, Fiacber '° oh and pattertll. Free MachJtiery ofC. '"'" ,._,. ... others. Spinets, & c.on.ote1 estimates. Uc. Co nt r. -,t A1 S!Nm•n in model homes. /Thomasville) Y•ith 3 leaves & ends. 10-161 Egret, off walnut, closed top, like new from $579. Ren•A•-from 110 ••• "78 ro0~·~· Pri~ lo r l fl.ms of furn, (din rm, llv & 4 upMI chairs, S200. Slate \Vard & Garfield, Fntn S285, c 0 st $450. 673-3663, I.CU& .............. • ·~ .,,.. \%11 11n. & bedrml prict'd else-top, round f'r, Prov. Com· Valll'y, Aft 12 Jo'ri. 968-2.008 Rental OepL monthly. BOTH like new. Beige exec. quick aale! Cl.ARK '6L 2500 where at S89.) is yours today n1ode, $65. ! Chintz, floral SINGLE bed c 0 m P 1 et e. KENMORE 8 u 10 ma 1 ;·, Gould Muaic Company desk, walnut top. Black hi· lb. LI.fl 'IOWMQTOR LT 441 at only $39'J. Easy Credi! quilted liv room chairs $125 Large gas heater. TV Y.uher, late model, ··'-l 2045 N. Main SA 547.()68J. back exee. swiYel chair. 4IXk> lb. Litt. YALE 4000 lb. l Term .. ,., ,,..__.,....,.,. tabl Fc ~· fJust ott SA Freeway) Both lor 199. 897-9167 oc lift 12' hi·lo mart. YALE s. ,~ · .......,. .. lt11.1 e · Service equip. OU paintings. cond. Santa Ana Furniture Prov. Thomasville, $85. 9' Other misc items; furn. SG5 * 114l·SU5 Franc:hiM CIOHOUt 540-1398. 4001 lb. lift 1~131 mast. 4:.'6 W. ~th St., Sanla Ana (off \\'hite) Sofa, loo.c;e back Jay,•n edger. M8-S622 or Tiie factory has ord.!red close 1/3 OFF on all bikinis & cov-CLARK 6000 lb. lilt. 783 • ~17-0789 • pill<J\1-'S, $175. Contemp table 530-672" 969 Go C ?.1 FRIGIDAIRE gas dryer, late out ol 4 Console ii; 2 Spinet A . I I Newton Wa;y, Cost& 1t1eu.. ==;i;,,.:.:c::;=-7~~l 1amp, l:>lue $35. DEN ' a vemor. · · model, xlnt. oond. $75. Pianos on a cost.plus basis. er-ups. ny size op w any 642-83!D LEAVING state. Beaut 2 FURNITURE: Grt'en sofa, 2381 ZENITH, S.A. Hgt~. Sat· 847-8115 Never • ...,;n piano ._-Ins bott$9.80om .••• .!'.~· .... ~~. now2400 ~30"'•~Y~O~R~l(~TO=W~AB=LE~-.-.cm~1 mo. olds· sofa&: lo\'e 8eal. s n A 16-17 ft tOAM -.-......... 'Y' .. ,. .......,.., 6. coffee tbl. 2 end com-chair I ottoman $75. Con1· u ug a .. ·w.tSTINGHOUSE electric liketheael Firstoome~lint w CstHwy N.B OpertSUfi. 1Lbhy&terpneu,Seve:ral l ntodcs: hide-a·bcd, 8 "'"'· pletc. \Ving back prov print Lan:tp, bow111lng ba1 11• fT,,hpoling stove, 42" double oven, $30. served. SUR. PLUS 1' ,,;., d · Other "FORKLI.n truck&. ,,~ rocker $35. l\faple floor equip, go equ p, • e •646-2512* \YARD'S BA.LD\VIN STIJDIO ac-., res 11 MUsr SELL! ~2691 Span. kingsize bedrn1 11et. lamp SlO. Oval. \VOOl. green clothesline, watches, tools & 1819 N rt CM IHU4M fabrics &: remnants. Sold ;;;;~,-":::;c,-..,....;,;:,;c:L Will :.acrHice; call collect area rug $20. 5'J3.....946J Nwpt olher good stuff. LARGE Co Ids pot ewpo • · · to the public 8-4 Monday PETS and LrYESTOCK 213-133-434U &h SAT & Sun: Dlshc!. painlA, ~fr~~rator~z:."is32White, HAMMOND -Steinway· Ya· thru. Sat. 1820 Monrovia, Pitt, Generil' llOO l (Qilt1;;\Al:LJi!TrlYihKJ.,,.;;;-;bod;;;;;,-.;;;,;;iltt;1od;;i°.l l~:'C.-----~-bric--a-brdc, campl-gear, -os -rec. . . maha • new A med planos l.,;CM;:.:·..,.,,==,--,c--:0' ".;c.;o...::..:.:.="---= 0 • I 17 Pc: K1'n9 S1'ze .. ft of all makes. Best b""'• In ....... mp et<", u n 1.1 s c d $10ii: • auto OOdy & n'tE!cha.nlcs 5{X'Q BTU. Phil co air cond. U.J 26" ADMIRAL color TV. BE A,U T Jr UL Golden 11<orth SZIO. Aft 5 or wknds Bedroom tools. Othl'r misc Item&. 418 Like new cm;t $145-$75 takes So. Calif. right he~. Under factorY warTa.nty, 2 Pheua.rill 1 yr old Pl pr. 847--0-t~ La 9 d d 1 Es!her, CM. 548-8653 it. 569 W. 19th St. C.M. ' SCHM1901IDTNM. ~~~~ OO., yrs. $375 Kelvinalor fros\. 64S..lli6. Zl14 Canyon Dr., i _ r&e rawer resser, m r-. 1ua .. ., · ...i;.. ~ c ~t \ LEAVI NG, slate. Beaut. 2 ror, z bedside stand-;, king. ANTIQUE furn, dishes, sew-REFRJG. Hotpomt frostfree. Santa Ana b'ee re .. 15-Cl'OU-top .,,:>. · · I ;o-o~ 8 :/a : l:ie scat. si7.e hcadboald. frame, quilt. Ing machines, lots of misc. Xlnt cond. SJZ. &t2-6859 EXPERT piano tuning & 540-4013. ' Cits , 1820 , •7119 co tt . · e com-ed mattress. sheets, blank· Priced right Fr-Sat 9-5. 1.&54.1_,evc:'::'::.· ~------1 ~pair. 21 yn.. exp. Richard KIRBY V a,c u um -Oeaner ~ MANNING'S modes: . hi~e·a·~. 8 pc. ets, etc. Ohkl Pl. off Indiana, CM. KENMORE washer, many F . Mone 6T":HOll. with attachments I.: UnusuiJ tell)ale lilac.point J COFFEE SHOP S~n kin~ize bc<.lrm. sci. Choice of Spani1>h GARAGE sale: Antique furn. Cycles. Perfect wo rking polisher. Take over~all Siamese, 2 &el!ll. 8 wkl. r 2 ,031 El Toro Rd. \Viii sa.crdice; call collect or ?i1odem Style ._ _ _, h' I la nd S45 54&.7077 WANTED pymtsor$41.10c.a.s.b. Credl.t Quiet "affe etio "ate . ., 21.3-433--4340 u.:u~. c ina, g 8.SI, mp.s, co . . PIANOS &. ORGANS • .. Ll'lsure \\lorld Laguna Hilh · All For $249 clocks. 22031 Susan Lane Holpoint Refrigerator, •636-363l• Dept 535-7289. 546-9CB1 afler 5. 837·101-i FORMA~ ~ahogany Duncan No clo\\'n _ Pnits. only $9 mo. H.B. 968-7214. top freE'zer ..•••• $35 CARPET HIM A LAYAN.Siame&e • 616-7301 -~CAJ~M~P.,.U.,.S-S.,.E~Cl/.,.R_l_T_Y_, Phyfe d1n1ng, also co~~lete WELK'S WAREHOUSE 8022 &12-M32 PIANO WANTED Shap, tweed.s, bl.Jo pile. AD Seal-point mb:. 10 wits. 1Ui I:====-,--.,-.,. GUARD rallan furnishings. fo 1 n e Gar191 Sale .J :.;:<213;;)=817:·,;lll3S;;,;Pvt:;;;P~arty;;,:~ I colon. Free elt.. Llc Contr. h 835-0574 8"~;.~;nRlS, 1~y 1~:~: 10 n1onths each year, H.S. ~~~ fairly P r 1 ce d · 600 \V. 4th St.. Santa Ana GOLD Shan.~uedo couch H:t~~ ~~Irle dryer,, Tilevlllon a205; 1.;546-4<~~18;::·,,_..,.....,....,.,,=-, l·ADO.,.e~ac~RAB~·=cLEc=.,.kl~·,..~.,,-.~M~'""'-• ""' Lite hskpg. SJ3-4ll31 aft grad <incl trained to \vork 'sr=E~R~Eo°"'"-,b~l~~(7~,.~~2 Open Daily 9 9'. w/\!o"alnut trim. :dnt cond 644-0930 .:.:=;:::::.:. ___ ....:=: A l\f AN A chest freeter, 8 Angora $$. 543-3>'39, u P\f 12:30. \VJ!h )")Ung people. Retired II ca1 ", 7' 'lb'. Sat 9 6 Su" 11• 6 $50. \Valnut ooflee tbl $5, 8110 '66 23" ·PHILCO Lo Boy, con-C\l. ft, $50. Olair/ottuman 646-4160 aft 4 PM p o I i c e 1Jflicer prcfl."rred sma er 1na c ung ca s · · • · · wal nut bed frame $25. port. Antiques sole, xlnt cond. $65. S40. Dinette table, 4 chairs =========·f,I DENTAL ASSlSTAt\T, !rain· $2.86 per hour. Apply l\1on. custo1n made, 11huUered 3 ROOM CROUP type,vritcr S2 Baby Items· •543-3657• $30. 5404013 ed and ex Pe r i en c e d thru Fr. from 8 an1 to 4:30 doors. $100; cost S-100. Living rm, bedroom, dinette . . ' Lerry Morg•n Antiques .::::...;c:..='---~-Cop chairsidc. Ph.: 5-18-5602 y,·k. I cl ·r ·" I 644-465.3 $297 s1rolll'r_bl$3l. higb ...!:.hr Sl. Be there when the Van pulls HI Fl It 5 FOR sale :i occasion a !TO -~y~~-----. -.-.-~c days. p.m., a · ass1 11 ...... personnc, portacr1 _. car uo:u never In & take your pick! 14 • terao ·1210 cha.in, W ~be r kettle BBQ ......-e puppy.pie ""' 1901 Nr,vpor! Blvd., Costa 9' SPAI"ISJ I so fa, nioss grn. \Veekly PaynlE"!lls ... _ used S3. 2a10t Champlain, Pump organs. 2 dozen roll twin mattreM: TV trays. cream female. Slxlt1 &:- LIVE·in lfou$CkCC~'r. Aug. ?i-1csa. &.i:>-l~H Ne ,v po rt vclvct. top quality, xlnt cond \Vf' carry 0111· own rontracts Laguna llllls. BJ0..1062 top Dei1ks, 15 Chlna ca bi· I~ STEREO C<!neole, dlx, !l(i:S.1834. ' wormrd. Out" of ttol)e)' 21).Serit . 3. for e Ider I y Blvd .. Costa i\lesa. 6~a-0600 To lrg. for rn:'W h 0 me. Van's Discount Furn IC lG G RAGE in beaut cabinet, complete West, Golden Groovy SDI. gentleman. No. f'nd LB Closing date Aug. 2'ld. Call all. 6:30 wkdYs. 417 \\'.4th St., S.A. 5-17-1412 B B A SALE nets, Austrian Armoircs, w/ne,w g u a,rantee. 4 QUALITY king bed, qU!lled. 54~2835. ·IS-l--0643. : 1 ---'~-~~---~l·1. Open Daily lfJ.8 * Sat l0-6 Antiques. Tools, Re f r I g. Bedroom suites, Brass beds, Speaker 80\IOO l!lyalem. 4 spd Coft)plete, unused $105: =-"=="-~--,,,,,-- HOUSl':K!·:l:;PJ'.:tl Stove, Rugs, S ur I bo a rd Crandfalher clocks, Vienna English changer, aolld state worth $250. After 5 or "'imds BOXER puppies, AKC rtl. LIVE-IN ESCROW LIJ\E rw-1v, Coloninl winged· DON'T Gi\•e up! You n1ay TV 's, Clothes, Radio, Furn. regulators, & J\1uch J\1ore! &: diamond rn!edle. Pa,y oU .84~7-0J06:;:::~--~~.,.--Champion blood 11 n e · Emerald Bay, La~. Brh. OFFICER arin, skirled ·l>a..->c. 6' i;ola. fi nd it at An-.erica's largest, Swing set. Guital'l5 & Amp. Set at: 2380 or 2428 N~-port ba.J of $T9.10 or easy pymntJ. Health Spa memben1hip!, Con11lder any l'UICln&ble of· S200/nio. free rn1. & brd. Turquoise print vinyl. $100. 1nosl unusual unUnished Utl'nsils. I.fa ir dryer. Skis, Blvd., Costa Mesa 548-7383 Credit Dept. 53$-'1289 12 months (over 200 vbits) ~'='='·~ ..... ~~"",..-.,..=-.-.-,,! 494-ro22 67J-50.17. furniture store. Cor. Redhill Bike.. Books & other C 0 L L E C T 0 RS, Shop-for $99. Regularly $200. Miu WELSH ·Cora:I , (Pembroke) BABYSl'ITER wan1t"cl. pt--NEWPORT-:> PC Maple bdr Sf'I $7;). 4 pc &. Santa Ana Fwy. Tuslln. 1 ~ies. Sat/Sun only. 2508 ispecializing In d 011 s, l\IUNTZ 14&8 track) car Lane, S4!J....l42S. champion aired. 5 maJea. 3 tin1e daysleV'Cs. Cl~l'l1. 50c NATIONAL BANK ''1aJnu1 bdr sel s1:i. Roll· ml So. ot Newport Fwy. Chi! Dr. NB percussion guns. &: much stereo & 8 tapes. Like new-,:;::;:.,;.:.:..:.::;:_....,,,....~ kmAles. Pftced acc:onllng /hr. 6Th-3265. 67>31'i7 art. 6. away bod Sl5. Zix52 Baby Open 362 days per yr. ELECTRCNIC .. ~, new & W ha lhl used only 10 hf'l!I. 5»-4017 USED conlinuoug.filament to _, .. 11 .... ~ a«-54~D _., more. e ve some ng nylon carpet, sculptured ~=';-.,.-~~~.,,..-.,._....,·--,.,-c-.,,.-,·I T\'PlST, for mn.,nercial a:>NTACT l'llR. CARTER ~":'.'.":::';"'~"''."...:l'.'.7:::.!"IO:'.: . ..:>m-ll::c~7116:::::__,1 ___ ,e::::Y.::::aC--old. Sat &: Sun only. 2386 for .. evtr')"One. HELEN C•rneru & Equip. 8300 pat~rn. beJge, appro:( 55 AKO Mlnlalurl' d&Chahund, blueprint shop. Over 21. 612-3111 F1NE decorator furniture, 4 e Fumiture e Westminster Place, CM. l\tANNING ANTIQUES 2428 "°"=c.o:.;:.:..:. .~ _,_1 cond !162-4008 ~ shots 1' y.!ar old "'73 A II • c I TV 64S-3:;69 N•-rt Bl·~ .• '""") CM. , .... s.. Al.LI . • • • , Hll. Phone: SID-,,., . pc King BR 11et, game table pp ance1 o or rA,,~925 ..... 1 vu GRAPHIC 4x5 view camera EL.EC mower S3S, Magnavox $25. ,New ~ ~ .. ~, TYPISTS, 1:i yn. er older, Intervie\\·ing No"': ~t. Baker credenza. lamps, ACK AUCTION GAf.AGE SALE: Sat & Sun. ~ w/cue. tripod, lenses, Xlnt TV w/cart.$75 slant needle 642--7961. I w/strong backaround on COOK S large sofa & chair. 64~!0Ji 7722 Garden Grove Blvd. Clothes, htrnllur@. odds & FOR SALE: AnUque Shop, cond. $150. MS-6167 Singer I.~ $75. 1640 Ntw-~SH Setter pupi. To aooid !Bl\1 ell'ctric. Perm po!ltion WAITRESS ES LEAVlNG stale • 1t1aple Westminster nr G.G. Frwy. ends. 2'J3 Ogle, Apt. A, C.M. large stock. sma.11 down, 1500 Port. Blvd., S,..Ce 12, CM. ho111e ooly. AKC. Adorable! w/ma.iUOi Ul'm. s.:b'.aos.J. couch $2S. 2 matching Tues:&. Thurs 7 PM-Sat 6:30 ~7160 ba.J. l yr. Call 645--19'70 or Sportlnt Go«lt 2 TWtN be:t\I. , l!lleel frames, ln~ted! Call 5f&..750t 1 BABYSTTI'ER needtd, 5-day The Derby Restaurant chairs. 1 naugahydc $15 Estate consgnmt. Rcpo. Ne\' G.AR.A,GE SALE 338 E. Uhh, ~ -----1 SURFBOARDS $30 e•cb· Corner table $15. ADORABLE mbltd poodl~ "·k. t'nll or 1 ~ tinie. 2 1262 Pali rl(les Rd, CJ'.1 ca.ch. &12-7365 • MODERN while & black tri· Costa ltfesa. Gu stmre, dine Se f M hi ll2Q •67 PERFORMER 9,6,. Call 673--'1226 puppies, S weeP old ~. children. Lite hou s<"1vork. --~-j 'l>-b."-90.-~--USED 5 pc Din set $15. 5 pc pl£ dresser. n1a1ch.ing hi·OOy t11blc, n.1g1, baby acceu, W n9 IC net ~1910 ?ilature 1\·onian. SJ9...175& aft. Professional \\'alnut Bdrm 11et $•19.50. $50 each. S47~19 etc. 1969 SINGER Paid $90* aell s:I), qAhaNOI PY.,,:!1.,.b. ·"1 ~.~1 ' .!1~· COLO~ Retrienr~ pup I 6 ' E I t 11 FR C 517 Iv , 9th PATIO SALE. Chol-smoll c r. ~ · ~· "''~· p.n . mp oymen · . . . . . . , .. b mod 1· lD" RICHARDS $S5 """mo AKC Qiamninn lines l.~ro" I A · •.,1s.31BI Office Fur_nltuN 8010 1 hi ·1 lit Zia.zag ca a!Jghtly ~ r·-MATURE \VONAN 5$1Stance Ml queii: c na, SI ver. II. • used. Scyllsb Wal cab. ·boes 117 E. Bay, Balboa dam) 871-03151 $150. For telrrihooo su1'W)1 our of-COASTAL AGENCY BEAUTIFULLY n c 1a1 l e 11 AN AEROSPACE Siie hNit 8ol cvMe~~~r.igFrl1IO 9th eYerything without attach. 675-SUiO ~~IG:c~:~~= SHELTIE pup {toy collie) I fice. fltu1'rlh~ 1hlfl. Gd . p11;• -A ·n1ember of fl'uitwood . l'rench Prov. CORP. RELEASES 1·· · · on iuu • Bit.In control;§ to overcast. COMPLETE Mr. &:: l\1rs. con110le $60. ~S..2!129 ~C. 3\~ mo. Female. I Ph. h'irll. Pihl &tS-7~. 9:30 SncU it11t & Snelling. lnc. <l ining table, 2 leaves. $135. • :i!S-00x3<1 \Valnut dt"llka, GLASSWARE. misc. ltc1111, mak:ri button holes, sew ,op Marlin fi11hlng gear. 2"No, •54&-&W• a.n1 . .:i:30 ri111 dally :__ '71.)0 ll11rbor Bl. C:'tt 540-60:>5 6-14·1817. with never marred top~. used clolhing; priced lo sell. buttons, hem dresses, make 259-1 Garcia poles; 2 RH &: 1 LARGE cement wheel~w -~~"=~"""=--,,- COOK-HOUSEKEErER -kE.':>IDENT DIRECTOR TRUNDLE bed wtchfosts. ~furbished ...... S74.50 2033 Republic. CM.~ fancy ll1tchel!I etc. 5 Yr. LH. Penn ~nator reels. s,~ .. ~~~~e. ·2 bencbtl ~"tr-r:~~e~~ I F.Jfici""'· ~rm&11er1t. Ton fol" boys. Olde.r man or 0011. <12" high $60. C.onloUr chair • 32-4 door Jetter !lie GARAGE Sa.le • Antiques & pa.rt1 & .ervke $UU• Pay bell, hameu A alln11 Cost · 11" ":"ffV"·. ' (114) ~ 62!hS695 Pay. Ref& required. 673-91•17 plc. Sniall private school. ~. 841).....t226 •. , ••.•.....•. ,, .. , $3.i ea. lhlng:s. Must llf!ll, 9952 Bond $5.88 dn A 9 pymnts of $5.88 SZ75. used one hour $125. TABLE M~ drop-Je.af * BEAtn'IFUL * ! PBX, an.swerlng service ex-673-9410 • SOFA large qtillted collon, * 4 ·walnut sccrela.ria} & Circle, HB. 968-lSn mo., no Interest Chars.! or. 644-2.632 $IO. BUilet $$0. 2.flde chain per prel. Vvied shtfts. llB Tt~LEPllONE. SOLICITOR browns Ir yeUows $50. unit<; •·· · · ·: ··••• $125 ea. J.fIDE-A·BED $50, cu..trtom FvU Pric• $58.80 SEE "POOL TABLES" In ~ 84T...a9 ' Sh '.1 ~ 1 e . Pupt, AKC, 1 area 536-8881 4-9 pm dally Mon-Fr. EXP'd Before I p.m. 54&--1923. *Also drafting !ables, couch $50, antlqlie buffet For no obllg., fret> home Mlscellaneo\11!1 for sale col· 21WIN Beds. at~ li'atntll. (mlni&t\rf'e.tj)llin). 961-5862 1 De ~bl ~ t ----'------chairs, "'Ork tables steel ''B · ,,_. -,.cb ~ t&lllo 11< AtJm:;t\N Sbeph•rd BABYSITff;R. 2 chi ldrH, 2 pre . pe .... a (', \...j>f olfice SECRETARY •M M I • 1il sz. 8142 Mar11e.llle or .• n .. dmt0, Call credit Mir 'lil 9 -·--....... ~ 1"" ~'l}IU-'1 s th ho $2 hr. 54Ml64 ....... Ip e desks, crederuas, fire -. PM. Jf. tA11 .call colltcL POWER 8""" 1~1 ""-~ cau ~i22i; • \ . p u J!J ! .,, . m 0 .. n ... -~,· p.m. • U p.m .. m:t me, couch/bed $40 Chain 4. es. etc. STEAL I'r! Mlsc itt.ma! ...., ....... "'' ,..,....,.. $21).. ~ refl;.. 642--~16.l ?ilANAGER for 12 • 2 BR. chesm $1().fl), 644-2562 MclttAHAN'S 14l2 Antlcua Way, Newport 213: 5Jf .. 96M J:l')ll clubll, f u J 1 ·Rt,. ·like ELECTRIC ~ Sill.. Eye-. - '"m -• apt Old -Be • * ••• -G -w. o:•• .u12. 1--• _...__ •--L.t-o-MlN.·ScbUUZllt AKC male \VlDO\V, to llve-lh, Ute ·· '"""'· $. l'r ,,..r-SACRIFlCI!:: Quality Danlllh 1830 S, Anabcim Blvd. ac,,. O"tr':JUU'il 1969 SIN ER ,toucb-o-matic, ,.,. ;no-...,. ~ ....nr ~~-' 1n4o ll'IOW lt7 ~-~. Mtt"' 6 r Ive . r;on prcl No ~nor pets. M -• ..._. al<..-<p!'rt o1~ A··•·lm CARPET ••• h"· NEW .ta za• button holes sews $15. 546-1285 , ' . P\IPt-f;h I . q 1' ,..,..,.;-o.,1'5 "' .,..,...,.,.,. II 5PM od. corner ...,.l!I ...._.,,,; ._.,.., .. ...., "" ,...,., ' ,._, ...., ...... .,. ' Mlo·-~11-·'-STEUBEN. ,.rn. 17\1 _,_ ,_. dcltd. t1hqta.. m.-0$4 Relcrences. 5J&..35,;i2 .,.... • .,.__a · 11>111, IAmJa. 5.16-3740 (Aldngskle S.A. Fv."J. S4 1q, yd. 396 ll&mllton, on buttons, blind hems. ir;r., 9llVll' Ul.IK", ... u.. .....l"l't EXP'D SAtlSLA.OY BABYSITI'ER wa.nted : 1-trs ROCK maple long drop leal at Katellal C.M. Saturday only. $34.88 or $4.16 mo. S?&-6616 FAMILY me.mbr:nlp 1 n 51'15. GIE~ ~ ... -~, J,P l'ltm l W"'1'1Cl'll Q.)thtrc: ?:JG.-4. Mon-Frl.1..ocal arta. tlb~ s,;o; ltt ~m table 2 &XF.cUTIVE desk $50, BlRDSEYE MAPLE -I'Nl.ne Cout Country Oub 64M&tl $25, ,__"WU!:'-. fl-~5383 fu Cllll evH 529-&;00 clvllf'!I S50. 673-5479. Po• tu re ch a I t S 1 s, T\vo J.pc Bedrm !ll!ll It o1M-r Mu1lc1I Inst. . 1125 for ~. P,.t pty. 67)..UIIS MF-CHANIC'S Haflll U30 BEAUTY opel'11lot, lull llme, MALE l Female hou9& INDOOR.Outdoor dining ~t. ~writer $30. desk lamp lum. 1830 Highland Dr. NB GUILD M20 Jirl• guitar, GO. Siz.e pool table $60, TV Floer Jack, jutt like DOW'. guar war• A comm Cwtn's ~=tl'8iio':;l~i ~:~~~~vat. 4 chait"8. Reasonable. s;;o. $5. 847..a.119 • PATIO SAL£ • Ml!lu!HU:. $110 new. only $"5 with port 1land $35, druaer • 66-UMl • I YR. old M1 !'~~ ptri.\e Bty. Shop, 494·3294. • ~l!i2 Office Equipment 1011 liOI Begonia Avenue, Corona wtcase. 962--4956. $20, 6t6--0T95 TYPEWR.ITER. C I lat Io n -pk!Uurr~· SHA?.tPOO Glrl 1or tti:clu11lve WAITERS, W a 11 r e 8 s e 1 • El .• F-A.A.NT dltil~ table. 3 df?J Mar. Fri • Sal. 4 Slrir.g Antique BanJo $45 POOL t.abSt, 8' 4"X4' 3". portable, ~pt type, MS. I ===,,..,'::~:;.;:::;=,...,=·I' Beauly Salon, 3*Xl 'Pa.cilic Busboy. Prel. exp'd. Apply: kavoa A. 6 chalrt. cut V<!lvel TYPEWRITER. Add Ing GARAGE Sll'le, Moving, 1!111 Violin $19 Rack. baU1, ~ $lli?l. * &t)..44.12 'ft' G.Elfl'lX" .,., 'J'lrited borll to.it Jh''Y 673o-3R:I) 21~1 E. O:last Hwy. C d M. 11eals. $125. 64Mll9 mach, calcull!ltor. Very mu11t go, Sat, Sun. Mon. 834 e 5'&--7834• Cd J\f. 6'73-3a. ~. MUST aell nowl res. Cari~ wJtacJr A. JtaQ. Ma,t aell, MAJO. full or piu·f tinit:, -CHURCH ORGANIST-3 ROOMS of qualtly near mi..-inable. Xlnt ton d , W. Wllaon, C. M. &i:J..2965 TRUMPET KING SURF'BOAl\0 8' $15 .O cts. weddin& fet. $135 ot-mall:e offilt. ~ Sl.7'/hr. I du/1o.'k. t.a,aunA S4t).2219 nr 548-72.1:8 new rurnll\lrt. By Owner. 89'.Z-2423 cvet. HUGE Garm SAie, Ant: 16 Exti!llent * $125. Excellent oondiUon best offer. g.u.!98'1 aft. 5. THE QUlCKEI\. YOU CALL. Shnrtt titotl':I. 4!M ... 2). White e!Cpluinlsl Dln»e·llne 1M Shalimar, CAf. DAILY PILOT WANT ADS! ,t. 17. 2514 Ba¥1~ Or, ~ ___ ..,..:::.c.:4;;;32;._ __ ,.,._ ___ 536-=;;;'"";;;..--• DAILY ~llm' -"ANT ADS! THE QUtCKER YOU 1825 • , .... ~~--..,...--;-;·-------------------- DAl\.Y PILOT FOUR CONVENIENT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU e NIWPOIT -CH Ul 1 la-llvd. e COSTA MISA -···· -330 Wnt lay e HUNT1NIHON llACH --30f l'lfltt Str .. t e LA&UNA -CH -····--U2 ForHt Avtnuo . . . . ' . Here's How You Ca11 Use Our Famous Dime • A • Lints e 111"'1 -or Mii "'"" with <OITtct cash to ..... .., 4 CNY•l•t offlctt. e tM c .. morclol ed• allowed. e lodl ftttrt must be priced with no Item over $21. I No commercial firms REBUILT Fiat 500 ena;ine KING liize oontoor chair $25 DOUBLE mattreaJ and box BROWN met&! dinette aet, 4 G.E. automatle wuher, runs BENDIX wubtr and ~r 'IV stand $1.SO. Oil paint· ANTIQUE iold d~sk $1.5 • • b • $25, R.ebuill H 1 JI m • n Ladles ll!ze $25 Foam mat• !iPrln&111'5. s.io-1845 chain, table «" x 30" IOOd aood $25 Good clean a:aa $25 each. Apt alze 1tove flO ma. $10 to $25. Oothinf, Wrou&ht Iron round table, or prlhv,te u 1 stness mty transmiuion $15. Austin· l"l'llS & bolC sprlflill like new NEW Portable GE wtndow condition S12 96i--0&42. •love $25 each. St&-1869 Couch $20 :i pieces antique thots, ~ $.25 to $15. wOOd finished top $25. 9xl2 use t ese CO umns. Healey sl:4rter ~. 2 boxe; $25 Blonde desk and chair fan 20'' 3 spre!, electrically BJC\'.Ct.£:, gltlf_ ~-Little VAt'VlJM dtantt $25 Hair secUonaJ $25. 2 VW bu• V~a $.25 to $1. Table thCl'it goJd rug $12 Stovt SZO Black 2. EACH ITEM fot fUU of foreJgn car parts: $25 Maple cabintt \\•Ith TV· rewrtiblc $20. Solid "walnut blkt $3. Bedroom chair $2. drytr $15 74 Jnch bolsttr $9 seeta SIO and $5. Rollaway $3.!!0. Antiqut• n to $5. An-dresser with mlrror $1~ le t b • d r i n Is• o i I f i I t er s 110 Blonde corner lable $10 coffee table· \l&"x36"xlS" Assorted ret"Ordll. bookii, 36 Inch bolster $-t 2 boh:ttr bed $5 Ltuv doU house $10 t:ique plOW" $7.50. Men's suit Bedspread King &ize $20 II mus e price -transmission parts, dash Ladies iee skates 4\i & 1, S2:i. Hobie surfboard 9. ex· clothing 1Qc.25c. Utility tub covert, 74 Inch arid 38 inch Padded king slie bead $2, silo 44. Ltalhtr j•ckct. Boy·s clothing. 3 monUis.l ~~ no price over $25. gau.geJ, Mal!i, carburetor SS. Men's 13, S5. Stainless cellenl for bePnners $20. $4.50. 2610 &8swood NB all $12. 2 twin bed slip coven board $6 Set of 3 glass top .size 10, boy's $S. Pots aod yn1. 10c·25c Bu!iltr Brown 3. DIME _ A ~ L IN E kits SlO. King1 m _°..~or Roto-broiler oven $10 Tlki 675-4105. day Sat. Aug. 16. $24 Bissel irwee~r StO Rug coffee and end tables $20 pe.ns $.50 to $2, Antique mir· shoes 1 , al1no7~t nepw\ >1 11 1> Bbalbyl. • d d analyrer conso e & t ....... ust torches 50c each Mason .. A_ ... Cha" s•• 2 Power la\\'n mower $10 Pad-rnr $3. Baskets $.2j. t'i.~ Steri izer :ic •~ c • "' eds are accepte an analyzer, both for $2S 2 each jars. 50c doz. 644-2632. BOY"S s;olden St ingray biU:, l fo"ORMALS, Blue 9110, lnanipooer N ll' ....... rled bar etool $2 Dolly S6 aquarium, light, 5 gal. $7.SO. 1ub 50c Ladles 2 knit suit$.. ' . br. h d . '""""ii••\ -Ml"-· 117 ~ with MA-'plece, •-. Yellow, •kt rackll $5 and S8 Bicycle 287 Co la •· pu IS e as a un ique Ste\vart \Varner englnc hour ""'"" .... ...... ......,, · ' au ~ ,.,_,.. Balhroon1 pole $1 Antique 15 gal. S20. Toys$.().) to $5. size 8-9 $1.50 each s -DECORATIVE "TOUght iron 24" -" bo · bJk I A J 7/8 •·•d p'-·•. 1-. Ca I l $15 Lam,.,. SS to S20 .....,nee l t t 1ncters r'lf'\V SJO 38 bol!le •00'.• Y 1 e. a so • • '"' ""' "" t bl S""'De • be h -amall table $2 House:ware beater $4. Hand lawnmower f<.1esa St. , ;: service o our pa rons P . 'eoi · •"·-1,,~ banisttr S25 Addition a I $1.5. 837-5055, 548-1962 betwt'!fl n 10-5. a e 6oJ aeon a nc _, a--' 1. tu __ .. _,, S? ~ T 1 , 1 5 0 • ' d h ILY PILOT epr;i a mac ""' ...,, · 32 b ti2 '25 p · Rtcord cabinet $18 Double ..,..., l)C rf!s ~4~...,. ~ ·""· oas er ~ · · BAR stools $20 each. ttaJr I ~ t In t 9 OA G ~ 3 ~ t ma1·,,_ piece . y f • air LIKE b d h"l ANTIQUE •· I · ~ ill -H B LE '3911 GI and di he $ 1• • arra," ~I"'"" au o .. r.tap!e night !!lands or new rown an w 1 e w'8.S.'> w 1 n bed S25 Bar atools $10 tt.ch. n.e y ...... . . .,.. . , at.'!wa.re s s . ~ dryer $2.50 !'.losaic co Hee , _ reserves the right to turntable $10. Ke 1 Jog g eodlables Sl2.50 Electric upholstered chair $25 Gr~n bedsteads $20 and $15. Small Sleeping bagi $5 each. I< ING . 11 I :t e b t d $ 2 0 $15. Baby bed $25, beautUul table SlO Ha530Ck, trike S.f I, •t th • bl' t'o Cro"·n spray gun & lnllne · t 125 I\!" Jo'rench Provincial chalr S25 bookcase $2 Small boudoir 545-4320 Refr'-tor • cross top complete. Dttsslng tnble. 5 e1thc TV antenna SI Table IMI &Ir pu ioa 1 11 rrgulalor $15. 16"' bike with pain sprayer J trrors Custonl made coffte table dray,·er $2 646-5601 '====~-~~~--. ~;·ns. 839-{1582. dr. $10. Balh table $7. tennis accessories $1-50 Pic-to one day eac:h week 1•L HP Brigg• good stRrt ~Z.$5. Baby needs _S2-S<l.50 42 125 Side tabl• $"" ............. , DOUBLE btd set SlS 4 speed Dia-r pail n. Frog •-• 1 1 • 1~.11 -23 .,, '. , .. 1n ro u nd f.fod1tc•rraneo111 "" rv ..... .,. DISHES lOc-$1 Glas.sy,•are record pla)lt'f' $20 Tap sllOeS 5 Bellyboarda & kneeboard .. ~ ... ~ ure t'amr.. ""' "" DIME·A .. LINE .de ire o.n t.un motor bike $15. 9 6 table $15 Old s I a t 25c·$4 J-0.fj speakers in 10c41 Glasaware 10c-n.so $5 Ballet 11hoes $1 Ballet box 2'9 .. to 4'5" f1 2.SO • m.so. for VW, bHnking $ 5. Goldeneye Pl. 546--0807. ; :.-1trictly cash with copy. Hobie S su~lxlt!:'d $2SWiF backchairs $2. Old Iron cabinet s25 tach \Valnut Antique~ $1-$5 Lamps Sl·S-1 s1 Leotards and l!ghta u Surfboard 6'8" $25. South ~I~.~ a:~. ~i~a:~u~ END table SIO Lantps Ss.$8 ' .. __ ..,_ .... .. .. ,,. to •• State I. ' tween son piano stool~ $~ 50 Pr Can.. bl'dgtcad $20 Underwater Chairs $-'l Men and women'• Boo'·· ._" Prol•••'••ol La .,.,,. ~""" ••• .., J I •'-~ Boo'·· \"· • ..........-. -• ... & Victoria CM 548-2472 · · · " camera case & camtra Sl5 1 lh ~-" C k 1 u ""..,., ..... run• '<T.M.w.>· Anchor bolts $.50 box 14". ewe l'Y """~: "" 1.V 1 ,· port p rompt 17 to the · · tains chairs. black $12. N tfi ,. 110 co es """v<· o o n C dOK clippers $15 Plutic HIG H c""-lr 13 0 •• se•t ~.so Twin .._,, •1:.. Rock saw •1:.. 50c China 25t.'-Sl Sat-Sun 10- "· DAILY PILOT Cla""'"' SOFA, beige Sl2. 548-568·1 642-5815. avy 0 cer un .. orma utel'l5llll 25c43 Glovea SOc---h c•• 13 ...... _.__ 1• ....... ... """' +-' ..., s R 329 Cab ·1•· Cost• ' I=,-~~~~;-~--N re.I $5 C. k u...,, """ ~........ Gia.ht stuffed Panda $7. Bab)'\\'&lker $4. gem Old · · i2ar ri "'· ! Department &DY riolaUOn.t MY Scooter is shlny and ~· TV stand $2 Clothes hamper s2° Bi: razo!,. N 1 r2 pac $l.50 Jewelry 2 5 c • S 1 · 2 5 Hema 5CJc.$5. ~l>-0548. Children'• clothe1 a n d radios $2/box. Nylon web ·'=I~"=''--~~~~~~ .:.,,! rtl. tbeu Dtme-A·L1n• rep· r am selling ii for $3. 2 big $2 le• ,•-st $7 •-ni..., cage"" Yon , man Booka 10c.SOC Beddlng 25c·' ====;--,.,,.,.-.--,;;; -,.., u" . .., tent S'l Martini pitcher $3 $3 Picttlt'ell $3-SlO GJmell WHIRLPOOL washtr $25 shOes. size 2-3, 10e-7Sc Elec-playpen, exceUenl cond, S15. DIVING tanks: 71.2 cubic ft : ,. '&Uon•: t\fotorilic &els combined $15. board S'1 Suitcase $3 Steam Desk tamp $2 China tea 25c-75c 130 Magnolis, CM Boy's blcyce I $7 Go-cart tri":: roa.."Uni oven $4 Mix· 4 potty 5eats $.75 each. lank. new hydro $25 K valve ~ DOUBLE n1atlress $ 2 5 644-2881 Iron $7 Pink woven waste cups and saucers $2 Shoe rear alley. l!H PM Sat-sun frame $4 Beer crock & cap. master S4 BatlU'OOm heater Kitchen stool $1. Vacuum $15 28 cubic foot tank. new ' -Bookcue headboard S2!i CHR0!'.1E Ford whuls and basket $2 First year law bag S3 J ewelry box $21..Mge per wi th cabinet S15 Garden Sl Kerostne heater for cam-cleaner $7. Night club table hydro and J valve $2j Twin '· -Cricket chalr Sl3 Small tltt1 $16. 10" ""'ide Chev books $2·$4. 645-0156. AWOL bag S5 Trays $1-$4 tM'lUTY trailer, new tires tractor whtth1 with. gear plng $3.50 Large carved •'Mag Jc i an 11 ' • s 3 .5 o 50 cubic fool tanks $25 each. ~ ,_., versatile vinyl chairs \\'ith v1heelll $25. !'.totcircycle solo r.1A YT AG electric mangle Purse $1 GE steam iron S3 $25 Ch.eek protector $25 box $10 4 electric mo ton, \\'QOden 114 in. plate glass: Decorator \\'inclow shade $6. Underwater camera houSinj • ~~ \vooden arms S6 each. seat $20. 646-8708 $12 Silver King electric Propane torch $l. % HP gas Drapes, beige, 36" long, each $3 Black and Decker \\'i.ndow :t7% x 82, $10 Valance to match S2. Paint, S25 8mm can1era witll 6.5 J ~ 54&-5316 GLASS bath tub enclosure sw-eeper In A·l condition $20 engine $10 Timex watch $10 110" '''Ide SlO includes rod ~" electric drill S8 Dresse11. aizc 14, Sl·SIS. 504 colors galore $.25 can. Boys' 1nn1 \1•ide angle lens for _ OOUGHBOY twin1ming pool with tracks $13.50. Dishes, Toallter S3 Norrlco rator in Air co1npresaor, new S20 and brah rings. 540-8638 \\.'omen'11 Rhoe skates SlO. Larkspur, CdM. shlrtll, si~ • S.10. Antiqut undcrn•ater housing $25. $.· 15 ft with tilter $25 Exhaus! flo\\•er pots. 1imall hOusehold good condition $6 Glass top Ren1embrance s!Jver t ea TWJN box spring matttts11 362 E. 20Ui SI. MS-7862 BICYCLES, boy's Stin~ay fol ding cha irs $:}. Antique 673-6Tli9 't-fan. 21'1 in $10 Wheelbarrow ilenis 10c·$7.50. cash only 9-coUee tablt S5 Living room Sf'l'Vice: tray $25 Tea Pol $12 Antlque mi.n'ort $15 CL.EAN double bo~ 11prings $20, new paint, 26" regular dishes. service !or 5. $25. ~F~R~IG=ID~A~l~RE=-w-.,~h-,-,,-."',. 1 !-. S3 Lawn sv.·M'per Hom bag! 5 PJl..I. Please park outsidr, chair and olloman $10. S25 CoUee pol $25 Cream Antique corner chair S15 a.nd mattre11. includes 2 fil· $18-l20 24" boy·s 3 speed $16 Basketball hoop S · 5 O · cellent condition $25 Rotary I S4 Guitar $5. 446 Catalina don'l dislurb rnanagt>r. 1626 ~5187. and sugar $10 Vegetable •·yo-)"o·· qu!lt, anliqut $25 led bottom sheets $IS De~ert G.E. clock radio SS. Electric Perfume S.25 to $1. Antique 1 a w n tm\\'er S2ii. Gas , ( ,., Dr. Ne\\'f>Ol't Height s. Ne\\-port Blvd., C.M. No. 28.k80=y~·~s-,-,-d~-,~,r~l'-,-,2~47".. dish $15 Platter $15. 281 India 11o·icker chain $2.50 air lamp SlO 548-5611. iron S2. Single wheel trailer round top trunk $2j, Bfsscl engine SIO 2 hand saws S2 I -. 64~ PRESfO pressure canner bicycles, new tires. ex-tlanover Dr. ~1357. Revolving vanity stool S6 21'' T.V, S2S. 19,, portable .Si.I Brown wiglet, never carpel scrubber $1. Knife t'ach. Tennis racket $1 b. 1 110 h ll od" . 117 50 h SATURDAY -·• Sund•"'· Mouton lamb tur coat, s~ . .,0 ,395 wom $6. 541)..2847 Marpener $3. Honer ar-Steam iron $2 Kitchen clock I MAN'S 28 inch ICyc (' $15. Canning jars Sc eac ' ce eyit co ltlOn . eac ..,.... n os perfect $25. Tree clothes I =~,,_~,_~~,..,.-.,--,--rangements $.25-$5. 9 6 4 $2 Car . r $1 Hair clip. ( !;; Folding step for camper Fresh water rod & reel $1. 226 Cabrillo St. 548-2803. Simmons rollaway bed line s2.50 Old iron wan: 9•4•· J0e Qua board. ex-Pieere M&rr@ clarinet S2S Maaellan, Cos la Jl..I e s a . t C:~ Hand sewing truck S8 Blue Chip s~amp Chefs hat SOc each, Knives HANGING lamp $.1 Ladies drawer chest $10 $1D BU!sell $I.~ Sweater 50c-$1.50 ctllent for beginner $l5. Table and 4 cha.in S15 Twin 54D-7402. per se ' 19th St t book $2.25. 321 W. Wilson. $3 each. 545-1519. ...-.. ~-s """Book! lOc To"" dry rug cleaner, new $5 SO 11 .,A.,=-headboard $3 Clothing 25c-;;-;-;-;==,,..,,==-,,-,-machine $1 ~ E. · CM S 00 .... .,....... ......... ;TR \Vood ........ steod •1:. Hollywood Blankets $1.504J. s k ~ 12 833 T c DAL SlNGLE bed Heywood~ Costa ?.IE'SJ. 00-9326 I ; ";° • • pace IXI• WINDOWS, heavy aluminum 5c Crib and mattress $2. bed r:.H;, twi;' or full S3 underwear 50c-$S. 54Ml.43 I Tl\;;;:~U~CK,,-~o~u~tsi~-d~e...,.,.~.,:::-~vJ~ew= &4i.293B. owne, · M • s t NG L E bed Heywood • I .~~;;;.,;.;;:;;;,;;;~~==\I {tATTAN table 30" x 30" and frame wilh screens, crank· Playpens $1 Car bed St Car Stereo, Garrard changer, SCRAM LETS mirrol'JI. perfect for camper T!Jlring and mattress 10 fit. PLANNIHt! 2 rattan chairs $ 1 . .5 out 1ty!P in excellent oon· seat ix Iron 7Sc \Vinclow needs work 115 2 Stadium • 1 ~""~"'~$25,_~•-•_lr_. _54_6-.ll=-"~~ MINI-bike $25 Bikes, l Huffy excellent condition s 2 o . V • -Ga1vanll:ed water tank for dition. Picture window 8' x !:hades 25c Pat.io chairs 50c 20·• boy's stingray $15 833-0379. '··" travel trailer 21" x 14~." x 4· $25. Bedroom window 6' x Drapes Sl Rocking horse 75c seats Sl.50 each Set ot ANSWERS MAPLE drtsaer $25. twin Schwinn boy'5 20! $22.50 """li"°'"-'--::::::::--=:==-11 TO RfMQMLJ ' ... , 6" $5 UHF aeriar $5 Nc1v 3· $15. Kitchen windo1v 4' x Chest of draWers $3 Kitchen weighls s7 Gold fil igree cor· bed frames S:I each, crib, Girl's $10 1·26" girl's 3 JAC BSON power mo\\'er, an; ;.~_:_ ba.th tub safety rail S5 3' SJO. 646-1166 C.M. chairs $1. Sonday. 311 Nas-ner shelf SJ ChofH)-matic mattress $10, s.troUcr $2. Epeed $10 Bike pilrts, 10 good condition $15. 548--0947 "' Round bird cage 33" high LARGE d"k $2J. Deluxe i;.au Rd. C.!'.-l. 50c SpaI:hettl plates lGc Bluing -Ma inly -Knotty -marbie top · COift:e A: end speed gears and parts l()C. Bronze PttsenUal coin sets 3" di 1 18 i~ gal each Mahogany ~!'.'wing Tallow -Qtu•asy -Arctic -tables $25 each, movie S2 R · B · nd $150 h 642-84i9 1 ame er . ·1 • lra,·eJ bag $7. Lionel train EXCELLENT condition cabinet to be antiqued $7. 2 0 camera llO. girl's E-lish · unntng nggs a · eac · 1 • 1 aqoarlum 12 x 2" \Vlth flltf'r 2:i 0 , 0 0~ I . !2' QUIT SM KING ... Stratton small engllll'! $10. SO"A i•-· 1-_, !·~ $12.50 Cocktail tilble 20 .. x sci Sa . .rw-vouv. Su~bt>am c er1r1c n10'-'""f:l' old mitTOl'S Sl each. 2 tron-A political pr!son~r In bike $.12. antique buffet $25, 2020 Continental. c.r.t. r , '""'e piece sec .ion,.. , r. 40" $10 536-1131 CUSTOM made \V h 11 e 100 cord s:i ping.pong table ing boards Sl each General CUba, about ro be executed. dishes • sel'Vict 12 S8 milk S13. 646-2685 '. .... · . . brocade dress and short S6 Student desks S5 and S3 El!!ctrlc percolator a n d wa.'!" blindfolded. The captain glass pitch('l' a et SS toys, 3 speed &lrl·s bll<e S20 Girl's STAMPS -mini blocks • firs! :.f , .. WALNUT ~irush,. no mar top, jacket'Size 9 SlO. 642-1065. Formica kitchen top anrl sleam iron S.2 ea c h of the execution squad atktd dolls, children1 books, i;tlngray $16.50 Boy 26'' bike day covers • many old U.S. dining table with 1 lea! $20 PING PONG T bl S1B double sink ST.SC Sturdy lug-Westinghouse waffle and him i.1 he wanted a cigarette. jewelry, clothing, handbap, $11.50 Girl's 20" bike SW. & fon!\gn post cards Ai Maple crib and mattress$~ a e, new · gage carritir $8 Sm a 11 iaodwich maker S5 Toys "No, thllnk yau," said the decorator Items 5c to $5. 546-02.07. L Siamps le · $25 -Wood bed 1! Maple dresser. matches cnb 53fi.T4BI e I ct r i c or g an S 6. 50 and games 50c·S2 Tap shoes prisoner. "I'm try in e to 847-24«4 8142 ·~ille Dr. WAGON wheels $10 each frame $4 -Wood doubk bed :[ S25 Oiildren's sand ~x. 53 23 OIL paintings SS to $.25. Encyclopedia $5. S gal and danc:e suit Sl Dr. Seuss l~Q~U=I=T~SM=O~KIN...,._G~·-"...,.-...,.-I SOFA S25, dinette tet $20, Wood mallets 50c each frame $5 • Mr. President • All in very good conditiOn. All original. Size 8x10 to a q u a r i u m s $2 and Sl' books, like new 50c each c:hair $5, refrigeni.flor Sl5, Dilhwasber and w a s h bronze coin sets $4 • 3 Blue :,j 54()..0681 24x48. Se as ca Pe s and Clothing, utensils, toya lOc· Golden book encyclopedia EVEREST & Jennings in-bed $1.5, va.cuum cleaner $3. machine motors $2.50 to slamp books S7 -CASH ON. BOX spring and mattre11 $25 landscapes. 531-..1793. Sj Saturday lhnt Tuesday set $5 2 Bamboo framed valld walker SU. 847~1 rad" SS Ml-3092 7631 $7.50 each Tumbled abalone LY 494-1891 after l p.m. ! Drapes $6 Cofltt maker $3 1965 vw parts; \\lindshlrld 10.0. 2162 National, C.M. prints Sl each Man's vale! SINGLE mattress and box Co~od~ Clr. ' pieces 50c lb. Commercial Only ' Toaster $.1 Mahogany poster S25 Front seals $15 each. ALL day Sat. & Sun. Round SS Double kitchen sink S'1 spring, comfortable an d ===...,.~""'"-==--,--=-, bar for home use-oak top 1 ro=-~G~07L=o.-v-•7ine~d-m...,.im>-r~li~le, • •.• , btd 525 Mirror $10 Jewtlry Rear seat SlO Running Maple drop-leaf table $25 Bathroom sink and faucet $5 clean $25. 847--6319 JIGSAW It table $25, band $10 fl. Chryoocola ore 50c lb. S20: aold boutique medicine: $1. 317 Ramona \\'ay, C.1.1. boards S5 each Hl"adlights, Cedar chest $15 Ping-pong As.o;orted Pomona ti~ SS e.n-KENMORE autom a tic saw & table $2."i. oopying5 849 Congress, C.M. 646-9719. cabinet. $12; Lanz cotton •" ••82 1 $8 h T ·1 $10 J t'-\o\. Lad1·eg b-~-' knit ... A ,__ good 125 machine $25, 20" bo)'ll .,...,......, comp etc . eac ai table and paddles r. ..... .,..., wa ... icr, worM . ~.... 'k I'" ,. •• 7.... MATCHING sugar and couch cove.r and C'UrtalM. ' 1· h 15 h All good · h -• d-·. ••.g '0 1'". T-· age ~. 847 .. ll5 g""""" bi e ...,, ......, "'· \ h • USED brick 5c. e a ch , 1g ·ts Eac · con· pool table \11t cU":!i a..... • ... ,.... .., .... '"~'' .,.,," creamer pres:ried glass $5 $4; g a18 containen v•it ·f 83().3640 dilion 54G-9498. balls S7 Tennill rackets $4. Harris & Frank suit, perlect Vacuum cleanrr, H 0 0 v e r FULL set of MacGN!gor Round pressed gUw bowl lid~. 23c up; GE Oscillsting ., BABY changing t ab I e, D~.SK $5 Bookcase S.: Elec· ST.50 Baseball bats 50c·$1.50 $10 Ladies dreues, skirts, canister, 11 ttachments, extra irons, plus golf bag sz;, call $5. 3 fine pieces of cut glau fan. $3; 5 steak plalei; \\'ilh :j wicker. lots of storage, like tric coffee pot $3.50 Electric Fishing pole $1 PlctUl'f.! 50c·S10 Man'g jackets, tux· bags, Good condition $15. ,-=~2~l1~97. -:::=7.;,-;:::;:= S15 each Da.v bed S25. 310 wood platten. SJ: electric •a -w SIS In!an and little mixer $2 Sun lamp $4 trames 50c-S1 Uather bound edo St • S4 Custom 1w 1 n 54S-6007 FOR Sale Sl(JVe SlO, baby sc-}"ernleaf, CdM. Park In can opener. $2; GE stl;'am :: i;;y·s clothes, size o.-3 l0e-$l Recorrl stand .Sl Endtables llt!t Encyclopedia Britannica spread $2 Tires. 0 n e 'R~o=LLA""'~w=A~Y"""'hed-,~l=to""'G~ard~e-n ale $2, 847-#19. driveway in alley. iron, $2: bottom or blender, .; Ma\ern1M clolhes 1~-ss $2 Dishes ~Oc--IDc 20262 (1910 edition) $5. Oaw hooks 7.75xl4 and 7.00xl3, $3. 1857 I ~n r · h kl ROUTER ·~. gkll .......... sa"' SUNDAY only. 2 Mossbe" Sl ; new shoe caddy, St: " ~ 50c Boo'·· lOc p k t boo'·· Ntw Jersey SL Mesa Verde, loo 5 ......... -1s ing tac e _, •J ~ 1 -· b $8 A 1-e • {sizes 10-12) Shoes. new Acacia, Santa Ana Heights. "" oc e "'"' $2 Rod and N:el $2 Tackle $15, coffee table $20, end 2'l riDes $18 each. 40 pound e ecuic room, · n tqu •· g.9•rn . •-d 5c Jroning board 50c Dishes, 546-686L Pl table• $IO, b"m-c hitch ", wood bow $4. Slot --12· brass rush lamp, S12 ; an· Suell, =" one new pa1r KING, wrought iron ,..,a • po'·. ~"'· .... r~• "·ll box SL 1959 Rosemary . ,,. ,.-N --..R II · · s · 9,LN $3-•·-I "' ,,_ .... "' ...... GIRL'S 16., new blke, med 16 .• bike nffds tire •11 child Sl2 Flood lamps. clear Sl tique portable kerosene wlllte c n1c s, · 1ze n board $2.) Velvet ""'"'" La-c 'laple TV •abi-l h 125 S4" """• C.M. Sat-Sun. ..,, sl-•e Cea-I s-· F-··h •• · All the lat I 2105 ... " .. ·~ tv.'O mont s · _..,... pole and red Sl.50, flower each Colored $1.50 each 40-.,. ·~ • '""• ....... ::. .. • ~ir. rd ..roodes swivel chai~ S20. 646-· with full doors $10 f.1aple BASSINETE with skirt S6 BLUE chip stamps $2.75. arrangements 25c and SU. 6()..15-lOO watt IELmps l3c chef cooking equipment -... ,,.ts. PrY slu Y en GI"' '"" boy'• b"1'·· 112 and ,-• lable with •pace for "0 ~~ 1·ro· b-,. and -pper •• cl 115 P rt bl rd n.u '"' '"" M""""'a""" coffee table S5 ' ,,~~~=='-,-..,-~-=,.... pool table S25. set of balls, 6 each 60 watt show case "• ... ..., .u-01et · 0 a e reco $13. Good blow lor•h $2. --cd player $7.50 Pholo --• .. , • 115 -ppec hol watec pl•ll<c I .-• ., 54° •213 " • "'"" ver11··-' cack 11 Paperback 7' GOLD 110fa, lair condition cues & rack $15, 12 V motor lamps -10c Weatht>rproof "" p a"-N · o-o 5411-4623. dark room equipn1ent Sc-$20. m}'11t:iies lOc each. f.1esa $20 Deep cupboard 4' wide, ard pump S3, 2.25x17 ti"' S.l sockets 50c 12-2 • Romex and n1atching plates. S1 5: I • ! GLAS!t sliding shower . door Pink lav1ttory, faucet, 3061 Carob St. Eastbluff. Verrle. 546-4174. 7' high $25. Unfinished chest Deep fryer S3, shop vacuum w/g 2j(} rt $14 14-2 Ron\ex Bavarian plates '24 for $24 • for tub $20 Bath lu b smk ~ matc:hlng toilet and water 64'1-12:>1. of dra\\·ers S5 Bookcase. SlO. Xmas decora11ons IOc wig 250 fl $10 No. 12 T\•i cheese crocks SOc-$l .S O ·:__ '°,,m,/,"""r ~or S2!a,11!~ch$ l ~~ closet ~10 !or . all. 15 .lb.l'AN=T~l~Q~U~E~l~a"bl~e-.$~10,-.,T~w=_ t"n 2 .,._.~,080~_G,,.:1 ~:~typa~~~lv;~ conC'rete blocks and U" to $3.SO. 4-V\V plugs $2, SlO 50 ft. Dimmers $4.50 silvt'r and pcwlcr S2-SlS, •-· door 15_ '""' n••• Bro. nS\\'1ck bo\\'hng ball, ~size bed .. com[llcte S20 Rocking ,,.. boards, 8' x 8' $25 for all. 2 slate bench $2. carpet Tlmen; SS P lugs 3 o c CUtl1"Y250c1 each. 41''orm.lca •l 15~·,-,;, Upholsteret1 ---ker 9~? shoes $20 !or all. Elec-chatr S8 TV. amall console each. MS-7579. ~heels masonile $2 each 424 $4.50. o\•lll rup; Sl5, 5.60x15 Swltc~i't 4.0c 3 \\tlM'l band tab t', e:aves, <'hairs. , _ no s1eel cabinet \\•ith dou-inc can ope1wr S2 . G.E. dry $25 . filn_i edl!or. 8m1n SlO 1'1ANS bro"·n n a u g a h Yd e x 6 12·• concrete blocks 20c tire f.1, toys, clothing, dishes saw S2.i. Electric football $15; plaster plaques of Pan, bl •• '•k 125 F•"••pla-IP'''' lron Sl .50_ r.1agaz.1ne table Rotissertt', pot•fa.blc S 1 O ret;i.ting base chair S25. each Trlcycle11. small but lOc to S2Q 892·9317 14312 game S2 50 Carbidf! cannon SS. Plcturf! framr.~ S:?-SS . ' ... , ~ "" . """ 1· 1 h \ blnol I o Hammo Ln'. HB. ' · Foan1 bolsteri1. S2. \\'rought and screen $2 1.20 gal hot l·lx26x24 high $8. 548-6""". Eleclrlc Iron SI._~ 4 small walnut 1n ~ P a)•tr ca good. $4 arge Sl.50 ronnica $2. Games, maga.linei't S5c· iron cha.Ir and fitool. 5JG. wal.r h •• •-s-1 ~gal hot LA\VN mower. gas powered tables $1.SI)._ S2. Hill speakers $10, 536-1390. tablt' SlO Sid boots, size 8-9 TELESCOPE 60x60 mm $1.50 S I u rd y ovel'!'ltulfed B h ~· ~ ~ I ,_ •• y;-I -· $2 2' x . ch••"r S8 Old la•h1"0··• d-'·, Alta Vista, Laguna eac wa.ter heater $25 Old light rotary S15. 6!."l-6834. $.1·$2. Pat10 oungP. uan1e LAWN nlo\\'er hand type "" ""Paces .. '""" variable $10. tv.·in beds $5, '"''U "ar. 494-4168 fixturf!s 50c-S5 Gas s!ove. $15 1936 LIONEL electric train $1 .50. 389 E . 20th 543-2127, nt'1vly ~harpened, bargain ~~;:'c~~t ~~ler!~1::r~:o;; 8ntlqUe trunk $5, 8~7-6671. ~r;f ~~~ $8Pat~~~ ~~r~ =R~E~L~A~~~O~R"""'S~l~Z~E~'~R~S°'25 Kitchen see $15 Mirrors $19 2 copper spittoons SIO 20" TV Holtman console 1..:•..:17..:·50:::.· ..:9'8-c....:_3750..:c.·...,.-~= 4. pine bookcase S:I each. A. H. SPRITE parts o to $25, Mesa. Clolhes. teen.~ tops IOc-$1 Sl.50 to $3. 120 sq. yds rug, each. Brass · cllspi(tor $.i $25. 333 W. Bay Sl. Space T\VIN bedspreads. lhl'OW 64.2-0396. 264 Sherwood, aU molorcycle parts o to S25, I ,,7-.-::=-:---:-:-;---:c-:--= Sk!rU 50c Dresses Sl Caprls I . i I f ! ·I II ·' I " alt $15. 2656 A Newport Oriental planter $.3 3 No. 3 C.M. rugs Sl each, occasional d Sa electric organ with bench GAS range, 8pl. size $25. 75c Caniping needs: Dishes Blvd. 548-2134 decorator paintings S5 each l'rv=-Wl~.,~h-,~,.-,-d;-~$1~5~\~V;;:iz chair Sl5, pink plastic bead ='-Y~·=\.====,--~ $25, stunt planet SJ O, Clean. 548-3382. Sc-$1 Sleeping bags S2 Pad PORTABLE doi;: kennels by Camp col $3 Typing tab~e register SlO Scat car SS board $3, all very good con· 19" PORTABLE TV. works halllcr&fttor5 modle :':: 107 r.tAPLE tv.'in bed $25 Baby $1 stool 50c. Coleman slove Kennelaire. S5 and SI O SlO Infant can·ie r $2 Violin Ride.em-jeep $1 Tricycle S5 dillon, 962-9&57. SZ) 4 speed Garrard short wave radio $25, bathinette $j Swini sel SlO $-t Christma~ an·angt'mf'"nls Home.made car lop luggage $19 ;,.1s.1s.~1. Scooter Sl Wonder horse S? PARAKEET caa:e complete turntable, amp si5 lO" 893-7479. E lectronics components SOc 2.i..:·Sl. Artlficial nov.'t'l'!I 2c curler SID \\lalnut h1rniture TYPE\\IRITERS: smit h. Child's rolltop desk S3 y,·ith feeder.;. fred, grit and ~~~~~~n$~:~i;~· :1:11~ 2 BAIT sleds $7.50 each. 2 C SJ CurtainJ 50c • S2 f'ach vues lOc ash tray l~x:: by Dania: Large cocktail Corona S20.9:i Roy a I Sidwalk bikes $2.50 & $4 cuttlebone $3.50 833-1368. antenna in box gold anodlz· solid mahogany shelves SlO hrome bread box $2 Plate Pirtun>s and fran1es $\ Bar table $20 Decorator benC"h portable $18.9S Underwood Electric motor $1 Ch11h· t1 5 'SS CHEV . wagon parts 15 10 eel i!20 21 .. TV new pictutt each. Kenmore w a 8 her, gla.~s mirror $4. 833-1489 and stools $18 CustomadP. no Round plar..te.r table SlO. Slandartl $16.951 2575 Elden ga1 gas can SOc Shopping $ll. p;oo<l gla!is good front tube. nnt ll'Orklng $5 23" good $20. 6 F.re.nch doon; 3 OONSOLE TV $25 Portable collee table:, 6 ft. $20 foil ,,,,. ' I ;j ., " :1 .. :I :1 t ' ., I ' I -,...,.. Read Classif ication1 6500-6900 548-0012 Ave., C.Jl..f. cart Sl LRmps $1 & $1.50 end roof back r.ome ·55 Zt'nilh new picture tube. y,•lndows all SIO. Antique TV $.1 Twin bed $15 Double bag and lunch hr.gs 2X 2 f\.1 ATC H E D stereo CLOTHING 5 0 c. $ 4 Kil· Maple milking . stools Sl Chev. P ic k _ up parts "'Ork~ good $20 2 telephones, oak 1icwing rocker $17.50. bed Sl5 Single water ski $8 \Vuhe.r S5 Electric fixtures bookshelf !:peak.er ~ysten1s, cht'nware Sc-$2. Je\\"'lry 5c--eai.:_h .0o1vn ~!<!~ping ~g ~ 842-1836. excellent c:ondilion .SS each Walnut china cabinet solid Snow shoes and poles $10 ST Bathroom $8 ~sh basin ~fonarch SPCR4 $20 each. $2 Toy·s lc-50<: \Vall 10 Child s mus1ca roe er REF R 1 GER AT OR $5. Sony AM·Ff.l n.dlo with doon $25. 673-5479. Dresser $18 Mirror 4" round \\'ith fixtures en's pants Thorens turntable, Empire \v~lldrapes $5 Electric ap-Potty chair 50c M9'2812. 536-6126. batteries, t x c e 11 e n t con. I CLQTH===.,~s"°'1o~r-,•l~a7e,...,.,\o7l•,-;;li;::ke $5 VW seats $6 Record i x Record stereo 50c. 23."i7 For Exptrt cartridge. comp on e n 111 plinnces $2. All good con. 3l21 College, c .r.f. In rear. dition $20. 839-7516 new lOe-$lO. r r e n c h player $7 Refrigerator $25. 'f.1inuteman Way, C.!'.1. Mon- in the ' DAILY PILOT ' " ,, I • " •I tonearm $20 !or all. Sal dition. Sat. Aug. 16 til l'lOid. Sat only 9-4. DESK excellent condition 's~T~U~D~l~o=-.~.,.'-cl,-~E~u-ro-,.-an maguines 25c c u 1110 rn 886 Towne. 645-0077 Ucello Homes on Fairview Assistance afternoon and Sund a Y · 2967 Croftdon. C.M. 544).6803. PORT.Q.CRIB, '2 mattresses cl=25~·c.::536-<:.:,.,=~"-. ~~~~cc handmade, $2S. \Vall·han&· made earTlngs and beads SPANISH roof tile, 1700 l~R=d=-========~========:;:~:1 833-2265 PARAKEET· cage and $20 Elec!rlc . barbeque and KITCHEN lable. 3 chairs ing, "·ool e rn b r 0 1 d t. re d 25c--75c Sat Aug. 18 only 10 piece&, 10c each. 6' tra.Uer LADIES thermaJ.foam U.S. stand ..... .' .............. $3. spit SS Form tea corner~bl~ $10, \\'ater r;oftener and tan 18 k (predominantly r@d), $15. A.M.~ P.M . .(lI lrvl~. NB. axle and wheels, tire new for " .. ,. ,, .. ' 1: • " 1: " " .. • " .. Diven M-l suit top, size 10. FIOOR lamp and shade.·$3. s:i Large wooden c~'::t $16, i'fllll cha.Ir naugahyde • Oak, hall-round old table FOAM matlfegs $10, box boat or utility c:omplete axle small $18. True-Cue pool T\\'O small wall mlmirs SI J>O \V\~ shtlv~ Sl Overs r. 962-6.112. top, $2. Danish teakwood springs $20, crib $10, drop S22 Tire 6 ply $2'J \Vheelg S6 cue, ne:w $10 Children's ONE table mirror ........ $2. chair S3 Hide-a-bed couch "LA...,.MP~S~s;.$2~70~.-w~r,~12-0~. ~,,~,~xi-coffee table, unique !:qua.re leaf table $15, blkes $5 • Walttr cooler for trailer $12 drum set SlO Child's ~laple FIVE dining room chairs.$3. S15 Gref'n couch. $IO Full gla.s $10, typewriter S25. of· shapt. top scarred. $20. f1.50, vaporiitr "· full slie One 21 gal propane tank for roeker SJ.50 Child·s doll bed f'!\rk cans l'ed"'OOd si8;1" 75c per flee chairs $25, 1011.ster $5, 1olonaurtl t a p e -recorder quilted floral, spread to RO truck $2Q \.\'h~lbaTTOw rut.. $3. M8-8249 METAL bicycle baskets$3.50 gallon Sti:oller \\:ith run:ble thermos $2. fold·up bed $-i, •·G4?neral," t\·\th Spanish 1'<\tb olive. $40 new $25, In-ber ""'heel $10 Dralt ~r tel LARGE. d" . '•b\e•e l§t"al $5 High cha.Jr $3 Triry-. . o.~ k•I 12 ~ table I I "'" ta-·-l l 1··•1 I bl 1· h"•I• up $25. 2 c11.nv11.s awning 6' HEAVY duly 111 t n i -b ike ~ 1n1ng room."' ""~ cl<! Sl Step ladder $J .S(). 232 p1cn1c ..... s , , ca... anguage es ,,~. ....... an u:\l ng a e: :'I, w trame. S2J .Old dryi•r. \\-orkii LARGE Parek~t btn:I cag •. Amhrrst Rd. C.!'.1. Sat-Sun, SS. silvPr ro:ic tall.~ S20. Ell.rly Fi\! 1ul\f!r, "Monarch,'' SlO. hookca~ headboard SlO, good $:i e11ch. Exte-rior $1. 8.l;i x 1::. tin'. like nrw $11 ....... , .................. $2 l0-5 S411-l0l3 American Cll~IUmt's $15. F!ve-ga.llon lin \\'hole grain potty chair $2.50, 962-2507. cnAmel JW!int $2.50 gal, C.r 12V-Plymouth slar1f'r or S TUD IO desk 17 ' · carpel sample!l 20r: flo\l.·en \\'heat. Sl. \\/,\'I, tt Marine ANTIQUF. Insulators, albums D dlo, 6 volt ST New 6 volt genel';l.tor $5 f ord lire and rlrn\\'t'I'l\) ...... , ...•.• • .$~. T\VIN bed. coinplele S20 IOc, grapes 25c b o t t l e NCO overcoat, $.1. Antique SJ-$4. cofiee, end ta bl ts $1.5, batteries $.5 New 6 voll rim $5 Jlead ttlil~. Ponliac "J•ARD ''\'ac:" ............ $2;:i. Baby crib $14. Stroller SS "'armer $1. Potty seat Sl. 11.ddln1 machine, works fine, excellent box springs doub\!! genr.rator $1 Euy lift SS .Bowling 00.ll tnt'n'.~ S.i TiiREE p1ru;tic bor!lts .•. Dint>tte st1 $10 CmqUP.t set car te"at $2, 842-233.'J. $L"'l. Evtlporative cooler-fan, .SlO, reftiprator $ 2 0 , trailP r hitch $2.i Bathroom 0 a r" S 2. 5 Q. 2 5 2 4 ••• ,, .. , .......•••.• !l9c each SS Blonde li!"r ('Orner tabel U NOERWOOO Typc.,.,Titer Sl!i. Bissell cat'?'! ~weeper. cameru, electric razors S.l, sink, \vhite sink $3. 64&-3117. Westminster, C.M. f'OOTIJALL thoe&. 1lze 11 S6 $4 Pole lamp $3. All ex· good $20, Hoover tank $3. cleebic broom, $8. dry \\'all nails No. 50 $9, CRm mattttss. hteU $20 PARACHUTE _ 54 it cargo B 0 W LING Ball and cellent condition 5'1&-503.1. \.'tlCUllm $12. Singer lank UnlVt'nal "Auto-up" J,ns baby stuff $3, $7. 536-1537. Rotary mowtr $15 Potty $23. Kodak lSmi~ movie ~~A.TEO'~'.~·~~ oough1s fir, 2-4 x 14. 10' vacuum. $18. 12" RCA TV attachmt1ttt lor Nlkon-Lelca, 307 Crest HB. chair $2 Bilby lll!at n.so i: camera SIS. 5f3..00j2 ea·h Jong, 1-4 x 8. 12', l.J x 6 x portablt $10. 4 RCA.CE Sl.50.1 Trlill·podbos. ·~ andboo'~ MAHOGANEY drum table 2033 Re Pub 11 c, C.M. ~ L 15', $20. Kenmore portable Clock radin!I $6-S-IO. \VelX'O,I' Met• e :<, "''""' 1111' Playpen ;s ~ cha.Ir $.5. n 4 DIN~d~-~in hlll5. ~ THREE patio cha.in $2 "'asher SlO Norg" electric re c or d p I aye r S J 0 . .ll!'ic to $2.$\FooHt~lll heboolm~; :'a!:: ta~~· ~e"J 646-3688. 1, Iv.in 1A:3 ....... ,...,, • c" each • dryer. $25. SU-7958. Ol:shmu:ter good $22. 2 .SOc and · .U\ TIJ -' =~~-~~~~~ ~ naugahyde SS. Bnw N'COrd I..A?.1-P table ............ s2.50 l $.}-$7S p l t Scliick httlr drytrs $6-$IO. boy's, 6\,, $2, Aquarium ac-upholgltrrd 1lde chain $25 FUU.. silt melal ~without ,1 raclc $1. Collection of Stale PICTUR.E frame, ••••• $1.50 BOOK she vea 2 ~ Record tum I.able $8. VHF ceS50rirs fpump, etc.) .25c pair. 847-2689. !q)T'\ngs and matlrelll $10. ~ p&lte1 $5. 1971 C Wallace TABLE Clock ............ $2. bnishe1i 10c-2X "" con\'trter aerlaJ Sl5, Ztnlib tQ S2. Swim linR. mask and 2 OR£SSERS $8. 2 .Dttssera 241 E. 21st, O.t " Aw • .-C.M. Sat.SUn. 202n Continental C.?-1. tables S%1 OlhCT 11!:hif's a Channel Pl NB 6T3-U03. 11110r~l tel. ii Comic books SIS .,ach. V11nityfmlrror ~PO=RSC=~H~E~3.16=-=s-p-,..-,-..,-,. 1t ' benWet t12 Mahong:al'I)', th ·"-• •I --a·• t•· $25 G I " Bl cl 1 1· 15 2 Su •-Ii BABY thlnp:. car bed "'·\th NICE playhouse 6 x 8. You ttak, flr. Pl:\Y\\'OO<I in solid 1968 MINT st11l11d mlr1t u t y=~;., i;:;e ~";p ·.~ 1$. '1toi~.~.!;ehfd'.and ~-~ ~:,:~ sin ";w\, bal!;;ari U matlnA and iheets $£ houl sai. ~~205. llCl'llJ>R lOc-12 St 11. in I's s S2.'iS 1969 Pl'Ol'lf set $8. 1004 atte5SOrff',, rockfl 111.un-treu SU . Lllmps SI e~cb. Landmark book1 50c each lj N~ .~·a.sher, ntt(Q rtP&lr GQO[J po1lurt'·poillcd l\vin 8Cf?\\'!I and bo.ltil lOc·Sl C!llcttc rator \\'Ith cue ching 11tntion. r.olllle~ .. 05c Books Ziic-$1, 2 kitchen Popul11r Sc I e nc e and :1 flS. 30 \l'alnut bl.r stools, 1 n1a11reMC!', \..tu~ S40. new Cub.llf!;f' d i s P Cl Ml $4 (colh'f:fo~ •t('m I $5. Car· 10 $:.l. Bro~'Tlie ''f1ash111ift." tables $5 each. Scrttn door f.lechal\IC& · S 9. ' 6 9 $10 Ii; for $'1.5. 546-0'Xl6. $12. ~377i Um b rt I l 11: S 2 16 ' riago \8.ffiP SS, Old extract $3 .. ta\'l.ll bA.g of mct11l tent tramt $1. Tires SS each. Sunbeam )3ck $1. Honda BLONDE pbde Wis. brown f'RJGlDAJRE Ul6.1 Custom lt111l!!r Cramt. 4 x 3, S3 Slaod bott\t> SL V\Y Tnp Tl\nk ~ s!Rkes .. !iOf· Toy11 11nd com-Strvinsi: cart 3·tier $4. a:cnorator tlO 2 Che''Y 900 x I w\a' $10 ~t.Ch. "1·1923. Im.ptrltl under UM'! counter for !Able .uw $.'l. 64&-2317. 6T"~-S2j8. pletc g!'mf'll fnr Ulfle glrl. \\'roughl Iron pa.11o lllnlp 1-\ cht'l'>mt. rtverwe rims & PATRONS ARE URGED TO REPORT ANY DIME. A· LINE IRREGULARITIES THEY FIND IN PRICING OR MERCHANDISING TO THE DAILY PILOT WARNING! Advertiting no t ,onform ing , to our Dim ... A·Line regu lations ni1y b1 in violation of both City •nd Stale Bo ud of Equali10lion codes! • COLD clu b&, 2 wood•. 41 irona dl~hwashtr, nerd~ minor roR Milt: Aluminum WAik· Bi:ACK And whl!.(I lll(l(k>m .psc to $1. "f.a.tY·BAke.. $12, ?ilovlns:;, ()\her items. tires $25. 608 RocheAltr J1 S25 Slna1e maltr!:&a $10. repair $25. t&K> Santiago Dr. ini;: aid, like new SIO. f\l;'\n beda, bookc.aM head· ovtn "'ilh mbts, $2. Tea 541 CAt&llna Dr. Newport AFB carburttor $10 MU948 ·==================~! ~(-6416--mo N.B. MU?lJ. 1_MZ-<_7_0_1. ______ •-"°'-"'-'-'-'°-'-"-''-·-"-'--'_la __ , set. $1. 646-M _H_•_Ir_h_ll ____ m>_. ___ ,, _•_11_. _6______ . 5atutd11, ~ l' 1969 DAll.Y Pll.Of n rETS , .. LIVESTOCK TR!\NSP.ORTATIQN TRA!'!S.P..ORT,ATIO!f TIW'jSp!)RTATIQH . TRANSP.OllTATION.. T""'"l'ORTATION TRANSl'ORTATIOH , r!W<SPORTl'TIOlil TRAlii$POllTAT. H..--..... " Yochlt. .9000 5'111d Ski ..... 9030 Molllle Hoow-f20ll Trvcb 9$00 lmf!O!lod -HOO lmoartocl AutN 9600 ......... led ........ 9600 1.,..-- EAUTlFULAnafu'.iiill:w -.....,.,.-.,.......,----1·;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, . a•ld ...,._, g ,..._, xlnt CABIN°"""· ln"'! .. 111 'l'llUljD~RBJllD lO' x 7%'ii • '61 lnhmatlonel DATSUN . M$1 TOYOTA for 1111ow · .. trail $1® brldao .w/ ........... ""'1 ca.-.i lmll 1 ·w· bp GREEl~EAF , ' PICKUP·-·" 'ION ~----...:.-.,..Jl~'"'."=,....,......,,.c----. heod. $!S95 or lob ...,, Mumiiler 1/fi '-:ll pi Loaded " • --'" llilGll 543-5131. ' tmnlll.6'2-2161 • tWi,held,M'.:.ftO.lb&t; ,.a~~.!-1~~·= ·68 DATSUN Grten, mu.a mlahly tJnel-------- BAY m.,.. good "' l><aiD-'68 SEAGOING -t 1cilet, 'l>t,lt tank. ~ .. 4. 3S\ PAR~ i.oo-. A drlvW lfke bnnd Bir •talloa .._,, aui.....,, motori,., 11 11495. WIF 168. ELMORE ner. aOOd price to rt&:hl 32' Steft_ tm1L Jn.outboud.. 11t...... moot'lni:. T~ : arw. ' I .o\ltlrhttd cam. dlr, dlJc bra· Calif .8part1• Can Ltd 901 buyer. call an. 6 p.m., Sleeps 6.1$9800. eatrbetwee.n w/1% Wt. =<.IQ + tu. ~ ' -kes. ~rfect coadltlon. Takt E •. fint1 st.. Santa Ana. MOTORS ~-709 PM <n<lm.UIT $75.SllS , In dear, dee, <OOI O>ola • * .,u.H, , * •Ind<. SacrUko. W8J 11t1 --· TOYOTA ~~sp:i!: 7~· '63-;,. ·au;,, Sea S~ CU9TO?d in~, 3Sl Ford. ~W:-:C:: ~=v~Jl! alto '66 lnternattonal. !It toA. _LB. cau Ken, 56-0SM ' '~ MGB Tad< alic> a''n.B -.'i49T. . TS, $ fldlo. tab&, 1Atho. rnahoe. Deck. See to •P' HornL DI.splay Modelt ' Loaded. '65 fil'A Romeo CT Sprint Hurry Oll tl\ia ·one -onJ.y 1 ,..;,;,:;;;""".:,,:,c,:,,.~· ,,;.,,.=.;· -ISwlm ltep1, Full cov. dln&b)' lftC. Sacrifice. $ 2 5 0 0 • sales oUice located at Pant. to. SIA96alr~ketJ. V-8, Coupe. red w·hlack ln~ $119?! UPG ~12. Call(. Sporta HORSES BOARDED -With W-aaii a-en1. 54ti-M215 eves. 8J0..183S. O 'K usroM MOTORS stereo tapes, $1800 as ii'. Can L'.i. oot E. Fint, teed $40, ~~ $70. 31 CABIN Cnllaer, *I hp 14' GLASTRON, 45 hp, elec PEN 845 &kn St., Coat& liteu. 7l4-496-l47B Santa Ana. 542-8801. 1-====~==·===I M•ro. Tti.r. bait lank, mrt, trlr, mtge ...,;p, xlnt 9. AM TO 6 PM ~ * Authorlllod QRANGE COUNTY'S '63 MGB, hard • 1ott top, • Larat.11t telocllon ot a 11 models, c:olott, trom the larsett Toyota dealer, NtCESf USED CARS IN ORANGE COUNTY 15.100 Beach Blvd. Westminlte:r Pio.la 894-..$3.22 FREE To You ~~ exb'U. Make otter. ~:"'; .. .' •t•ll at l850. A(l'l:IW MOBllf ln...,,attonal °'"" NO. I """'Ures, """'· -""""· --~-'I.UH '61 Oodto V-I, auto DATSUN DIALER Very aood ooild. Mlllt oell. HEALTHY )'OWlll cats "'8ht JS' CABIN erw-. 40 bp 1967 16' GIUtron, 50 h.p. * VAN * DOT DATSUN M•k• oiler. -[TinlVfnlTIAI VOLKSWAGEN RECRET pertJng wilh "8' automatic , VW bur. but present wcrk requirH 4 dr. Luagage rack .t cowr, ,pad. d«f steering wheel. ~Ann" &ta-Tm or tW&.3129. '65 vw. 2 door, ' ....... radio, he!W>r I beauti6&t red ... and 1harp. RUM 140. $1005. Carl's Motor Co. Inc., 1K1 Har?Q', CM. Mi«U. '65 VW, 2 door, <I sDCtd, radio, heattor, beautiful. red and ""'1>. RUM 140. l10ill. car1·1 Mat<lr Co. Inc .. 00 Harbot, C.M., ~ aie for nttW ho~ 1 elec Johneon, trailer • bait Mercury. Xlnt com. $1495. HOME SAIS 18835 Bea.ch Blvd. '65 MGB blue, rtd int. Wire ~ a especlally intelligent iaby tank. $800, 89T..f460 Call ~2259 HuntingtQn: Beaeb whla,, 48,000 ml. $1U5, ad· Be O..I A A tmllo). 1 .... w h It. GLASSPAR -steerina 16" FIBERGLASS lkl boat 1750 Whittler Ave IOI'" ~~~· whit•, 114>-Titl or -cond. '9f-&28 st . • ... I '64 vw aunroof, ndio. '&:! female. 2 «di.nary types. box, cables & dolly. Xlnt. witb 15 h.p. Mere' mt1lol'. Costa M--KUSTOM MOTORS ·er DATSUN. Excellent '69 MGB GT. Gtten w/blk DEAN LEWIS ~bullJ:~~. 646-2388 8/16 cond. $190. 548--0420. $850.. 540-69«. 546-0370. •-845 n ... _ St tranap,rtat.lon. Lo miles. int. 5,000 miles. Perfect ~ ............. 714 642 1350 ~r ·· °'5ta Mea ~l;;tOO;,;un<1a-~:;,::w;.hal~e;·,:;644-<l858=:==-liil"'""'i·r.JM;j;oajit\i,.f=;u.;;;"4-84ll;;;;:=;;;u;; 1966 Harbor, C.M. M&.930.3•.,,,-=,,.,.,,...--.,---1 THREE ugly white kittens 26 IT. Inboard, $1500. 'll CHRIS Craft • trlr. : • Sf0.5915 * Author\if:d _ 1 ;67 vw Like new, orl& ownu. named RaJph, bla.ek cuter Z Hrs. since overhaul. Slip Fbrgls. Make ofr or tradel""":::'!~~~~!!"'"'"'l,,~'~nt:<::""'~"~-onx1~_!l>o~I~---'51 MGB/GT green blUk Bia MAXEY ones, N!ven wks. Weaned, avail .. Long Beach. 847-133). for. s.5-1657. In a choice location CLEAN .62 Chevy a~r ton, ENGUSH FORD Inter, RJH, wire' wbls. ~~ad 10 • air wnt.a. ready for new home5, 1257 lD' GLAS.PAR, new Johnson 16' FBRGLS. 33 bp electric We offer quality 4 savinp step bumper, tool box, ~~;;;;~~~~~;!,"'~·OOO~m~i~. ~-~~--~~2887~· = ITIOIYIOITIAI Conway. C.M. 549-0532. 6 hp mtr, trlr, nds. tires. sta.tt Johnson '66 .Inbd, New 20 and 24 wide heavy duty pipe rack. After •ORANGE COUNTY'S ~ ~ = =-= 8116 Aft 7,>1 p.m. 548-li093: $'30. oon-. Incl trlr 1146-9543 MOBILE HOMES 6 pm, 646-0111 VOLUME ENGLISH OPEL 18881 BEACH BLVD. '66 v.w. EXCELLENT OONDmON. BEIG&. $1150. 545-0348 2 LOV. mole kitten., 3 """· 44' DIESEL motor croi<u. 2 1011' SPEED boat wltraller. Driftwood Beach Club •37 FO Id !he /Siam / 21,-ClF1 RD panel, ""· Id. FORD DEALER '68 OPEL Hunt. Beach 147-1555 '67 VW 32,000 ntl. o . Mo r ese Fa.th. beads, shower, aleeps 7. Pri 20 hp Mere. $475. or make ...,. PA C csr. HWY. body, many span!!J, 5et up SALES. SERVICE 3 IN ot ~--H -• -•1o1he •-~-er Persian. 1 all blk. 1 011. party. 673-3468 oiler. 646-8693 INQUIRE SPACE 26 for Chevy $100. 962-4955. ,69 M.OD&3 St•fion W<19ort m · ._.,....., 'WY. on B~u I1W au:~ .....- w/grn. eytt. 5.11-3267 8/19 l964 OWENS XL . board 19, HUNTINGTON BEACH Baby Blue, Wpeed, radio, '65 TOYOTA Sta. Wag., good 546-4310 8119 Superb condltion~"'3500. ·incl M.rine E'ulp. 9035 53&8500 & 536-2131 ~~O:tyttrt~ :; !: =las';,~~ rack. VZY1$6315.95 ~~~·; .... rebuilt ena:.. $7!1(1. 1968 SEDAN, lo miles. $1.'lOO. FREE kittens, adorable long trlr. 613-8593 SMALL mobile home, Im-536-1573. Theodore .,._, Xlnt cond. & _short fur .. One calico • 2 ...,, GOUFENDORFER. Lo NEW SO' Mast extruaion, mediate occup. Xlnt mn-O NS FO Best O..ls Are At "'°="""======• l=-=-o*o--'"2--'-56'111-'-*-,.-,., beige &: wbite -2 grey & .w ' t& Alcoa Alum. 6061-'1'6, ~" -x dition. $1f00. Space 73, 2191 '*SHELLS* R II RD DEAN LEWIS •;67 VW Camper, ~wly ttbtt black 644-0688 EastbluU 8118 ot Glob ·$1350. Don t call if 8Boo%"m.•2l;S~x· 5~.'x ~~. Harbor Blvd., C.M. Sat or Sll&ht F, re I I' ht Damage 2060 Harbor Blvd. TRIUMPH eng, many extras. $23$ or · not a character 546-1834 1:11 ....,.. SUn CHEAP. ~1800 Costa Mea MUm.O --;;:;-;;;;;;~;;;:;;--! ~hes~t ~·U~e~r.:,:•!!97~-l!ll2.~;_,.....,.,_.I TO q~ rancb or large lS~J' BOAT hull partially $50. Call 5'8-6516 · ,56 Olcvy % ton PU N 1966 Harbor, C.M, 646-9303 'i""'d oge wb1lh children: l yr finished $275, Crattaman Brand ne Norcold DE 250 10x50 MAYFLOWER Xlnt ti ba • ew '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l;=~'§'~'§'=:====1 1 62 TRIUMPH . '68 YW aub>aUck, Bel&e like 0 pure-red be a g I e. dre , ••• ·-boa . w quality. 1 bdnn Adu 1 t res. ttery, points & plUgs. PORSCHE TR-3, beautiful bronze color, new. $18.00> mi. $1795 (P'f. 543-0058 8118 am. -~;:, t fri&. ltt tray. 110 k. FV _,, 1u.... Good cond. $450, 642-2093. FIAT new tires, Snt;, RGW 691. p+.-) 871-0315. D~-AC/DC. Never used S125.1,,;,""---==·~-~~""".,..::~:..,,. __ ----'-'-'~==::...t ________ 1 ___ ;..;._;..;.'-'---~ SMALL T•n-ler, male, 2,.. O:' C~nl"& = 644-2345. 28' ZEPHYR, l BR, ale, '63 Chevy. Sho" hed, v~. * * PORSCHE Calll. Spom °"'· 9ll1 E. '68 VW lo ml • Xlnt oond. old, all shots hsbkrn. Free y-wee -mon . MERCURY 10 hp o .e . $50. bath, furn, immac. cond:., *$795.• RAT Ftnt, Santa Ana. 5fU801. $1650, Or beat offer. to good home w/older cou. S 11 .___ Johnson StL hp O.B. n<".11, ~or best ofr. 962-.3198 831·7577 or 495-4187 For The '61 " 912 •"' $5395 '66 TR-4 MUST SELL 6(2-9227 ple only. 642-4096 8/18 I uv.fs 9010 *;::., ·-• _... e Best Selection 5 spee-d, radio, c bro me Red with wire wheeb at ....... e1:: '"""'·- RAT &. CAGE. COMPLETE custom SABOT ===;:~;,;;::::,'";.,,== Mini Bikff 9275 ;;.J"="".;_ ____ _;9~5~10 e Best Trade.in whe!'ls, almost new. #rt1i4 •$1595. Don't let tt 1e:t away, G;oo V:~:cal ~ 1;oo: rn «~ b ild ~ Bo I y h 4 Wh e Best Price '67 .. 912 -$4795 SLB 451. Calli. Sports C&rs 847_1!162 ............,.. ar u your own uvm our 1 • •c t '69 HONDA Mini-Tra.ll zso. eel Drive C LlfQRN 5 speed radl t • Ltd. 54U801 =-=~-~~--"I 2000 Calvert, Mesa Verde, liberglaas hull. Sabot c;:hirta11 9039. running 11 g b t I: license. '61 JEEP • , , , , • $2497 A IA 'wrK 0949 owner. -~,65~5~P~l~T~F~IR=E~-'63 VW; sunrl, r/h. great C.M. 8/18 repairs -anytime. Sabot ..._.. ., • ., .... ., Commar:do Roaditer, w-, '57 C I $1195 cond. MUBt tell S&50. 4 FUZZY little kittens. 7 hardware & new Sabot BLUEWATER CHARTERS .,....., V'U-J.O'U. 17050 .,. SPQRJ CARS Be5t bu.v ~~~o~ ... JFK 343 Black with hardtop. A real 642-3028 wk&. old. AJBO while parts: mast, boorm:, lee Sk U Drive Sail or Power Motorcyclo1 9300 '67 TOYOTA .... $2297 n-at ~-·la Aro At 'stpoeet ... ~t ~~ OLSLtd-.~~-:aJEU.c ,=='"_ "'vw="" .... ~.-xl'"n""t-oo-..,.od, Rooster. 881 Towne St. CM boards, rudders I: tillers. lppered local sport fishing Landcruiser, hardtop, looks '"' ..,.. ''"' ...,...., -""' - 64&1218. Finished u well u un-Harbor Cruises 64&-!KXXI like new. UOF llO 542-8801 DEAN LEWIS 1;F="':';.· =Son=ta=A=""=·.;~=:=',1.need--•-m~ .. ..!~~,7~-~~C:·*~--1 LOVEABLE Jc!tiens, assort-~~~ FASYd Ma:_,, Je~es, f~ '66 JEEP •..•... $2297 ---,,,,~7""F~l~A~T~--1 I" '57 vw Bus. Corvair enc. ment of oolqrs and ages 875 W. lTth Street eqp • 11..1un Cnatn, <IUu•g-Wagoneer, big 6, 'powtt steer. 850 Sport Coupe, nicest tn 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-9.303 VOLKSWAGEN NeedA: trans. work. SZiO/Or n e e d 10 o'd h 0 m e 5 . CM 642.filS• &46.o2•" gers,_ poles &: reels for 1ng nicest in town. SVE 368 town. #9989 '61 PORSCHE coupe, lfiOO.cc, best offer. 6<12-8530 836-4493. ~ 8/19. · ~ w marlin &: albacore. (213) '57 JEEP Pickup . $997 $1397 gm., blk. tnter. Radials, '64 SUNRF, good shape. $815• 1,c:c:;.;.:cc.-::;.,=-=.:c...~-1 * SANTANA 22 * 69'J.-0903. A little lvork horse. Lie. FSP Best DHIS AN At chnn. whls. Luggage rack. I =o==,-"546-3=3:;.75:_,.,--.,.. '6S VW red, blk inl. Wood N;;: h~al~cdbh:1 r:c:~ rtJLL ra~/cniiae. 5 aalls. CAL Z4 $25 day. $150 wk 013. DEAN LEWIS AM/FM. Perr. 'cond. $.1,00J BUSIEST marketplace ln =~· sc:;rm "nm1·650s, ~tt!I!! · · Nu spdmtr, ~wr. l!!pin-CAL'""*""' d•v. ""10 wk '52 JEEP $997 Invested, ... u "2 3 O O. town. The DAn.Y PILOT ui-cs. reo. • · o•.JP"Oi»4 nux. Gentle, Io v es kids. naker. 6 hp Evinhu:ie. Many ~ _, -.., · · ·' ·' ·' """ ......... • OassUied leCtion. Save 836-4493. 8/19 x-• Pr.~. (~') •-l108 For Cha.rttt 84&-295'7 Military type. Only one in ,...,.., H bo CM •••!J303 "V•~ '61 SUNROOF. Radio. N•w u .. .., 'J .. ,..., .,..... town, Lie. YXV 631, .......,., ar, r, . . U'IO' + '65 CONVERT + money. time I: eHort. Look brakes, $395. HEALTHY happy kittens, wkly. BOltsWinted 9050 196& Y'~ DTL Xlnt Ifft 0.1ls Are At 67 FIAT Xlnt cond. All xtras nu PDt. cnow;;l;:,!!==,.-::====.!..===*=83>-==5237==*==:1 angora too.~t anything & UOO 14 No. 2756. Xlnt hciat! ;;.;.;;..;..;.;c=:::..-'-..:.;;.: cond. '&9 eng. Also '55 DEAN LEWIS Happiness is thi.s '67 850 top, Must sell. 646-1234 - are box Need some-Race Winner. Every.eictra. -W<1nted Chevy •2 Dr. & Alick ;175. Coupe at $1095. UPG 512.1-~,---'-----rlm=po~rl=ed=="~uto=s=:9:600::~lm~oo~rt:od::"':"'°'~==9~~;-;;1 body to love, LI 8-2462 $1145, ptu11 trailer. Also:, 20' to 221 lnbcwird 7'12" Cheatu slick mounted Calif Sports Cars Ltd 901 * 66 PORSCHE 9ll * KROEHLER brown couch, good SABOT. incl la.ill!,. NEW car Dealer will tnide on Camara wheel $45. 1966 Harbor. C.?t!. &16-9300 E. Fint Sl. Santa ·Ana. All Extras. Zl',000 miles good condition. You haul $185. 84&-1165 ~· late model or new car for 54.6--0:l}l, eves. 1946 WILLYS J EEP, new ~-8801. Must sell. 646-0389 lffl[Qrfl[OlfflfAll away. 1969 Panons Street, sEA s c 0 u t •• derspera.tely 20' to 22' inboard tiberglus •'67 fRWMPH Bonneville top, new brakes. Good cond. '69 FIAT 124 Sport! Spider. '59 PORSCHE, AM J Fm I house B, Costa Mesa. 8/lB need a MA'IN ~ tot' :.q deep V hull type cruiaer. 650, Price is $850. e '62 $700. 545-6340 Red exUblk inter. AM-FM Sunroof. re-bit eng. new .._------===-==-=-- VERY tritndly pooch, FOOT ALB AT RO$ S, C.ontact General Mgr. Bob Triumph 600 Dirt Bike $350. JEEP 1953-55 Model Military soft tap anly. Abartb ex· tires Sl5IXL 548--5795. A"'trali.n Shepherd mix 642-5769 Longp,., Pontiac~· e '69 Honda 90 $715. A-1 coB!itlon. 548.J672. ha"''· 48,000 mi. $2900 '59 PORSCHE S•per. Fo• • HUGE SELECTION • fem.ale about :1J months old'. 2T VDCING If.we:. BeauL end. 6J6..2500 ~n to oiler • •642---5751* F irm. days: 549-4121. sale or trade for VW. • Has shots. &ti-0391 8/19 Moor avail. Trd 0 K. Mobile Ho--9200 '67 TRIUMPH Bonnie, 650 C1mpera 9520 '63 FIAT 124 Sport Coupe . .;548-~'1943-'="~"=~=~= '69 TOYOTA $1790 NICE rat family. Abo, aome 546-8030 x434 Mr. Postma. ,,=.:'::;;;.:c..:,:;."'"="::-:::::-~-'o cc, lots chrome, new eng, 1 I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Llke 11ew. $2S50. Private PORSCHE '69. 9UT. SM FROM bachelors&: 1wjngera. 894-4094 OWNER will sell SO'xJ.O' 2 owner, Best ofr over $975. CAMPER Party.** 673--8662 warr. AM I FM I S\V. lm- eoge. & H.H.G. pt'OVidod. ,. SAlLING Dinghy. Fb'lllL BR 1" I l bath !'f"".'10wer-_ .. _ ... _:m ______ t s.1 ... Rental• '67 FIAT 850 ..... Very moc. Prl. Ply .. 54~. • BIG SAVINGS • 64&-2388 . 8116 hull. amplete. Ready to Pilgrim l!E!t on 30 x60 space 1968 650CC Triumph Bon-good c:ond. 49&-9116 after s RENAU' 'T-EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOW! 4 FLllrl'Y temol• "'"'"" 9 ,.iL Good cood. M.,.t ·...i In """'"' ld•lt pari< on ..ville, chrome lank I. lid• Authorized Desior wluly• ., . Newport Bay. 22' carport 1 N Eldorado • Four Winds ' wks aid. 3 tDrtotse shell, 1 $125. 675-3115. 38, awni"" ,.i,.;.,.;,,,.. rock & Jl&ll(' 5· ew tllu. $900. TlRED of high ga1 bills? Get NEW T black. 11215 Palm St., F.V. CAL :u 3rd In Ne"·--•s 2 bark ,_·~d· -.-~· '··•-548--4987 or S45-'1l63 (.,..kl Scolaman • Banacuda FERRARI a rcol econo-• car • 25 OYOTA MARK II 847_7914 • UUI...., • 1411 scapuig, puu1 ... , FREE ZEBRA MINI BIKE .. .., ' yn. S3700. CAL 30, twice patio tencod for privacy, MarQRCYCLE tr a Iler' with purchue of any --------1 m.p. gallon; 1960 Renault. NEW HI • LUX PICK • UP 56 VW Sedan Jxx!Y· Gd. TraMPac wmner $28,900. alum uW\ty shed, including custom. For 4 bikes. Heayv camper ar camper packapl FERRARI Goo d , d e p e n d a b I e cond. Come .. .... up. n..-:1951 .. trig. • range. l4250. d•ly. Many """· Top Theodore N""l>Ot'I Imports Ltd. °" b"ansporlllli<>n car. $150. NOW ON DISPLAY! ........., 8118 LEHMAN 10 No. 574, xlnt Fumltu,. •""'•bl•. s...,, 1 _sha~pe_m> __ • M_T_--0330 __ . __ ROBINS FORD .... Cotmt)"s CltllJ autbm-call after 4 p.m. & all day WI NHD YOUR TUU.fN l'OI MALE Germ. Shep/C:OUie cood. Sall, oars, car top as5Ul'ed in thU fuil.1 oc-HODAKA 00. race ready, lzed dealer. 1.;:Sa;•;· ;:&,;5:;:"";;·,;"':;;-6468:===o 11 OUI NIW USID CAI LOT gd. watchdog, needs room rack. ~ 673-1638 <11' cupied park with club xlnt cond. Must tell $1l5 2060 Harbor Blvd. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS SUNBEAM to nm. 495-5103 8116 · 683-72.12 house. pool, boat dipa, con-"firm=' =· ..:49l-'i:;.:.::752=....----O>sta Mega 642-0010 3100 W. Coast Hwy. DEAN -LEWIS 4 FLUFFY .Jo-balred kit· COLUMBIA 22 2 -. oIA ienial neighbors. Ideal tor '68 KAWASAiKJ 250 A·lSS. 642.94f:sewport Bea~0-1764 '67 ALPINE ..... -• • • J•g "" one or two pel'llOns (no •<::VI '&6 DREAMER. cab-over tens. Ca1ico I two-eolored. outbrd, runn1na lites, boom IB) 6~1140 n t 1 me Xlnt cond., ..,.,., I belt off. Authorized MG Dealer Roadster, 4 ~. dlr. wtro pe ,.,.... a y ~ camper.Butaneretrtg., • .,... Call A.M.: 499-2521 8/16 ~~head, cabins tbl ~pals only. ' _:.:..:.,c:::c.,~=~=--I stove 1 oven. Llke new f176. wheels. Like new. 29,600 On AUSTRALIAN shepherd iiX5iJl PACEMAKER. 1 BR. TRIUMPH 1966 TRSC. xlnt Consider boat in trade. HILLMAN Speedo, Driven by little 'ole OIANGI COUNT'f" TOYOTA·YOLYO HUD9UAmtl puppies, l month! old. FIBERGLAS Sabot dinghy trl 9x20' creened porch cond, lo mls, rec. tuneup, 5.'J6..8891.196 ·-1--Hl_L_L_M_A_N--Mlnx-1 lady. FUll pr $1499. Pymnts 6 4 6 • 9 3 0 3 545-0647 8/16 w I sails, x Int cond. $175. in ~ult Par~. Pets allowed: 65Dcc S695. S4Mll1 RENT~..SHELL Convertible $350. Ga 0 d ~~~u:M-~e!°r = 1966 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA SMAU. white puppy, mixed, Phone 673-&19"7 54~ after. 4. 1966 305 Honda WEEKENDS. WEEKLY cond. throughout ca 11l:°:~~~~~g~~!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!~ 8-12 wks., male. 646-15.12 26' Folkboat. Kood DAil.Y Pll.OT DIME-A· Modili~~bler MONTHLY * 839-1800 548-2687. New C1r1 9800N•w C1rs 9800 New C1rs 9800 aft. 5. 8118 condition. S2500 LINES. You can use th~ MMUusrsr-; .. ei1tl'·ss~Chea;;V:v . .:.tru;;;;.cki l-="'~7':=:'7:=:=:==~1;=::::::=::::=====================:::J 4 MOS. Wire hair terrier •646-0713• for just pem:Ue1 a day. Dial YAMAHA 305 Scrambler '68, and '63 camper. Best oiler. JAGUAR good w/children. Too many RHODES 33. Ready to race. 1 ;642-5671;;;:=:====== perfect. ~lust sell, make af· Gd. cond. 968-'7003, pet.I here. 645-0127 8/18 9 Wis, outboard,. $4000 or 1, fer. Morn. 675-7987 trade 548-3531 MOTO• HOMES 9215 '66 305 ·~·~·~ EIGHT tt. cob over pickup •ss Jaguar XKE Qrupe Immaculate condition Call 675-6226 aft 5 PM 1WIN ldttens, 21., mo old. ' " ._.VU>~•" camper $900. See at l95f Black &: white. Free to good SPRITE, Small fa mi I y and Bell helmel $285. Placentia, CM home. 540-0254 8/18 =boa~~ like new. 613-0904 or 642-5866 ,54 METRO camper van. FREE cute kittens, 2 whl~ · t 5. 1968 HONDA Scrambler 90. New engine It lnkei. '68 XKE. xlnt. cond. Best oiler over $4.100 15,00J miles. 675-4531 female11, 1 tiger male, 6 wka 9' FOLD • UP Stow-boat, Dirt extras. Like new! Bunks. 838-6594 old. 53&2029 ~~· w/sails & outboard *968-190'7* MUST 8ell •66 vw Camper. DARLING part beagle pup-rac et. $1.95, 64U142. '68 YAMAHA 350cc Scramb-Fully equip. Low·mue~. pie 11, 6 wk a. o Id . STAN Miller Racina Sabot l ler. Like new ;650 MUSf Xlnt cond. $2495. 64Z.1536 '55 JAGUAR. XK140. Con- vert, Cassie! Be st atter. Call 645-1905. 546-4310. 8/19 dolly. Like new, ail No. SEE! 536-1680. '56 JAGUAR SEDAN C1mper Re_n_t•ls · 9522 Good englne It. transmlukm. LOVABLE female chihuahua, 4268 $360 615-0884. 1 year aid. C&ll 968-4738. 8/19 HOBIE CAT 96~738. 1 8/19. Like new. Trailer inc. $1195. MALE klttens. aturdy &1 __ ='-m:;.<:;.>..;593-;:;c"7:,:<;:2c..._.1 cute, habrkn. 32? Magnolia LIDO 14, exct"llent pt., C.M. 60-8lKf6, 8/19 oondltion. $650. FREE cock-ailf'Oli puppies, 7 * 6'13-4474 * weeks old. 548--6606 8119 HOURLY RENTALS FREE fireplace · wood for * Rhode• 19'• * haulina. 542-0632., 8116 Fnn Zone Boat Co. Be.lbol 2 BLACK adorable PQPPiet LIDO 14 *** 491-1849 *** with traill!l' ............. .. VERY cute Iii Manx kittena. Sf6....2209 ~ 8/16 •61>-2400• SABOT<'Ontplete $175 Good ~nner'• boat ONE cute, long-haired broWn *675-a5'19* kitten. Female. 543-1932. Cel ltia.I N . FREE rock. 830-3640 8111 •FINN No. 9ll* TINY puppies 54Q-5766 8/19 Hiway trailer • coven TRANSPORTATION Like new must sell. ~0389 Boolt & Yochll 9000 Power Crvlwrt DAVID L. FJlASER 2 BOAT ....,... must ..U %'l' Kings erus. Sip .• atomic 1amlly 30' Sedan; Ub, auto oL Soet in orig, top o:ind. pilot. f.atho, dirl&hY. elec ...................... $6900 wines. lllh, &1:M£ip ...... ~NB. 28' P-28 stoop, me. •• $5750 er c:e ..,.,...,, _._., 26~ Fiber/tee ~ n,y. 24' GU3l'ftON, 3 )' r 1. f!!t Sloop ll1pl. 4 'ftlY clean ald-<xie:t netr $1,150, 1011ded, •••••·•••••••••••• ..... $7D) 235 ~ vs Olievy, .,,,, be.It 415' Qui.I TO.C.. "54, • &aDkl. e&c. SllC.$3,750. Phonrt Mlluteb' bttuWUll Owncl't.846-'-11_6L _____ _ mtll! -:ell now! AU ot!ers CR1JJ.s&-ON, 11' Ca b I n prnencecs. crw.r, "fl'OOd -•nd" fihtt Call: Chick Awry &lua. motor & trailer $550. 3424 Vljt Oporto, N....... S45-4511. ' 673-5252 * 494.J916 evea. 28' TS CRUISON. V4rlves; , SIS lankL SACRIFICE! 67 Gt.AS.SP AR C I t I t t o n • ~12 or 5f8.2851 tnboant-outboard. 120 Men:.I~===~"";.;.:.;.;._= Qiaiter wllb powtr jet A * ~JACX 3:1· LOADED power trim. Full cove:r. Bimini top A. outrlQtl"I to HElDQUlRTlRS FOR MOTDRHDMES Oil em\AT 1111 AU mr DOOQE "EXPLORER" . ~ ......... . U.llls,M ... wltl ..... w. •nn., ....... l. A\.\. lllU. ti PMT, 2t POOT. • •OOT. 1 YlAtl •11AI(~ Ila A• ....... Yl• PlllT, '67 HONDA ,CL 450 Excellent oondltlon. New tires $695. 646-1883 $200. 541-3681 Auto Services & Pam 9400 *EXPLORER* By ..... or month. Luxurl-KARMANN GHIA OUI. Sleeps &. Sell contain-~. lJmited number. Call ' 6 0 K G • V W , Ga ad Need• s 3 0 0 . SAT & Sun. Misc toola: fender trona:, }I a m rn e r 1 , drills, ICT'e9>' drivert, IOCket wrenches. tool bo'll:es. '1.8 Esther, C.M. 543-8653 today. Transportation. LEISURE RENTALS cl•tch hearlnp. cmi 64U6ll, m•i 837-3809 ~-:::::=·======II Dune lluttlOI 9525 MERCEDES BENZ 2 * LA PAZ* ------ T;..:;r•;oll:;:•:;;r•c.T;..r...:•;..•.;;.•l-......;9_4-"-SI Bugy Builders, 3623 w. war. 15' STARFIRE travel trailer, ner, SA 5'6-4045, da,yw 9-7 sleeps, 4, extra cupboard&, RENAULT DUNE BUGGY, cptd, reduced price $595. $350. New tap. · 1588 San Bcma.rdino Pl., 1 ___ ....::833-IJ594::::::::_ __ _ c.M. 64z.3973 '63 vw Tubular Sand Rall. 26' MOBILE Scout. fully sell· $1000 or beftt offer. 143 E. contained, a.Ir oond, 1969 2111t St., C.M. 548--4695 • model. 871---0134 eve9• Gl11s Body Oun• Buggy 9500 $515. 6'12-9038 ~=---_;;:c;;; '61 Ford Econoline Van Imported Autos '600 *~ AUSTI~ HEALEY '51 M1rctd11 190SL ~er. A Real Qasslc. Lie !NE 383, Wt! Boil 0.01 Aro Al DEAN LEWIS ·~cal~ ton, xlnt ·~~S'f2_Hp, !f_;alJ1= SpaftJ"lte; 1996 Harbor, C.1\-t, SfS.9300 962-7558 w _,.... ,..., "' '6'1 MERCEDES BENZ 230 !=""'="°"===== .i:•:;;.m."======= I SL Coopo roadatar. Air f20ll DATSUN oond., '""'· 1ra.... "°""' ----steer. tmmaculate, one BAY HARBOR •"i:.•: SALES Clearance Sale BARWICK IMPORTS :'.'."-ni.s. UKH94S. D 1 r . AtmtORIZED MERCEDES Sent '60, ZI> S. DATSUN New tires, xlnt con<f,, rldlo, Ott Att D...., 111.-...u te C...._ ,.,_ Al Sim 1r .. 14' WW. -----INCLUDING-----• IOUAWAT Ill PAllYllW CASA LOMA MY HAllOI CASJT.U COINIU SHIU.TOM MANOI •Alt410N MANOI r•11t1•• HOMITfl Clllll!YT ........... alt cond. 543-'TS58 aft 6 Big Rdan, auto tra111, over-1960 Mucedes 100. Clean, head cam, disc brkl, radio, new tires. $150 f I rm • heater, 21 ml pm-cal.. aflt"r 642-4452 eve~. ~~1';;.~. tact wamuity • .;,5S;;,;..;Mc;;E~R:'C:C.Ei-,O"'E"'S.-1"'90S=L-ll 4Vt Pl'rie A.Vall Roadster. A Real Quale . FULL PRICI $1'50 Uc !NE 383. 1131)1. 1111 MIVEl/Clil IMMEIJIA TE IJlllVEIY 2 Dr. S.dtl\ nm. ......... ,. ...... Set. #11:17 2 Dt. S.111111, Wh!IW.M ftlft, 2oo cn1c ltlch tflf., •litti trlilt. crvlse 't' Nfk, Kttftf 1rovp, railt. Ser. •6126 2 Dr. le4t1t, lrlHtllf W... lfr, #1136 2 Or. Stda11,. U1111 ,.W, WSW tfn1. Stt, #2000 2 Or. ltU11, II• 1114. ... tirts. ltr. #2001 2 Dr. ltc&tti. 1111" tol4.""" tlru. Str. #1"9 2 llr. S.4t11, Wlmftft4oit wfllt1, 200 cvMc b1ch '"'·• ri11yf trfm, crvlM '•' 1111tle, rtdfe. Str. #6744 t Dr. ltillan, Fl"M&n 1llt, cnilll '•' mttlc, tccent 1r•up. hr. #1974 2 Dr. s.c.., 0...... W.. crvll1 '• ll'lltfC. «Ullt trollf. Str. #1971 2 Dr. WM. ltfltttlr W111,. tcctftt .....,.. Sor. #1971 t Dr.,.._, """"' ..... ttO c.•k lnc:lt 1111 .. _.. • Mtttc. 1Cctllt '""''• r•At. Sit. #1972 2 Dr ..... tlullt ltM, ..,. .......... """_... ,,..,. ............ ,, Plied STAIT AT '1995 STK. •nu .+ fQ, UC. &- '\'''i~ ~ "~~ . "~u"'-n....,.s_e_ =*6oi"rr.r 5440 GARDEN GROVE Bl VD .. WESTMINSTER I ) J., I _, ,• , ~', 1-l' _;~ .lQ)(_l 998 So, ~Hwy, t...1 Bc.h 1958 MERCEDES BtM 190 545-0ll34 O.A.c. <94-9771 si. oonvt. Nu bru. 1300 "' • TAKE .THE VALLEY VIEW OFF RAMP Read)! to •nioY. All l'rim1tep1-"trlmlllbo. 1425 llAKER ST. COSTA MESA malnten1nce nc:urQ. 1."-~.;...c=',,--=-~---YI lltd: ._ ltf......., •...., r CAL&. 14f.t47t TODAY -· Kl ...... Wllfla -I .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!l!..,;;;;;;;;,.;;;;;,;,.;;;;;;.,.!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ..... _Ooc;;.;;;;•~""':::.~lncl.:::.."""':::.c::°'..;u~···:....'-'~nal::;;;ne:.:·~Cal~1~54t.:;;:..;:1259;;;:;;_~R""'====.,,.~-=""'--~~------==~""'""'======,.. .. '"'!l,...ll _., , f I .• ... 91'!:'~--"".'""-------------.,..,..,.----.-.:--.,.....-------~ ... :-:~--:::;-·-------···----~----- TRANSPORTATION 1 TRANSPORTATION · TRANSPOll,TATlON · TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATl,ON --· --9700 Autoo W•ntod" • 9700 Utod C•rt 9900 UNdC•" 9900 UNd C•rt 9900 we PAY ••• CASH WE PAY'WH FOR YOUR .CAR • CONNEJ,L CHEVROLET BUICK CHEVROLET '65 CllEVY II 'U BUICK, black, LeSabre, Grttn. Cuh Only 4 dr. hdtop, motor gd., nds. *Ml-8352 • muffler Sl25 galh. 5aM603. '56 OIEVY 2 Door. Automalic tn.nsmi.uion. V-8. Call ..,.._ CADILLAC IMPERIAL '64 IMPERIAL 4 d o o r hardtop, prestige car -load· ed. PCT657. S12ro. C&i'1 J\10101· Co. Jnc. 19U l{arbor, CM , 642--0-lll. Antlq-. Clullu 9615 1'38 FORD Orla!nal Ford Coupe. Very '~ condition. ' ""'~=~~ •--'66 CADILL4C CHRYSLER JAV~N HWI.~ Beacb Auto Leqlng 9810 Con1tertlblt '68 JAVELIN A/C, P/s: ==~Kl~"3331~~="°"' .1 ...;;;~~~;;;;~;;;1 Ful! power, t..cJory air. Im· '67 CHRYSLER Dbclbrk&. Stc"° l&P< 343 'CONFIDENTIALLY LEASE • RENT maoulate ccodlfoo 11""°"1. ' "" 1"· XJ"t oood. 12500 or of· 1 4/W, xlnt, t.'Ond-S12ZI or " oHer. 6-16-62·15 or VOLVO SVMU. FuU Price 2.DOOR HARDTOP fer. 548-1247 Betw. 9 A.M. 4: t We Pa,y M..-e y.,, ALL POPULAR $28'5 U noon. F '· Or 5-i ,. .. _ MAKES Conn•ll Ch•vrolet V-8, automatic, faclory air, I -;========~ I •• VOLVO BUYS are.,.n ..., •• a~" l'OR power steering, power bra· PAID FOR OR NOT D 2828 H"'bor, CM 54~1203 ""· radio • heoter, lnm>a· MERCURY '67 122 .......... $1797 B. J, SP.ORTSCAR AUTHORIZED '67 CADI!LAC t door udan culato. (UDE 7431 CENTER LEASl.NG de Ville. DMg owocr, air. '2295. '67 l\1erc Col. Pk. \Ven. 10 pallll, a/c, rack, PIS. P/B, P/\V, plYI'. seats, 5pd. cont, au10 door lock. AM/FM, 1nueh more. S2650. 830-6448 '62 f.IERCURY Sta. Wagon trans. jWit rebll. $490. A1t. 4:30 3331, "B" A\•ocado, C.J\1. Automatic, radio & heater. SYSTEM leather upholstery, 1ttteo, f TT'T741 Extra Sharp. '67 144 .......... $2397 4 door. Lie. No. UVA333 Automatic trans.mis.sion, ait Cflndltlonlng. 2833 Harbor Blvd. Get Out Competitive Rates loaded w/extraa. Mu 1 ! Costa Me&a , 54().4491 n..odo,.. sacrifice! See at 1750 ATLAS , stereo tape,-;, header ust, good cond., $950 or olfer. fi46.6894. Will Buy ROBINS FORD Newporl Blvd., CM. Prl 2060 Harbor Rlvd. 1-'-p-'ty-;. ;;;-=.,,.-===--ICHRYSLER -l'LYMOUTl-f '65 544 .......... $1297 Fast Back, scarce moclf'I, radio, heater, 4 speed. No. 1346. Costa Mesa 642-0010 '69 CAD Eldorado 2929 l-IARBOR BLVD. Your Volkswqen or Porsche Like ne"'· every extra COSTA 1.fESA MG-1!1'34 NOW'._ THE U.tPORTS WANTED & pay top dollars. Paid for i "'""".~~L"!E~Al:'Sl:'E!"'·"""~"""i S6775 Open Daily 'Iii 10 p.m. 9700 1966 Harbor, C.J\1. ~ n....~~e eoonttu or not. Call Ralph ~ ~ v ·11 A Sal "''-.ua> 673-0900 '68 Ql,dillac CouPe de Ville, 1 age uto e~ '67 CHRYSLER 300, 4 door 1968 CYCLONE Gt . Auto trans, P""T brk.o;, ...,'ndws. Air. tn1n1ac. Prv. prty. 962-3621 '62 PllOO ....... $1297 Sport COUJ>e. Silwr with red interior. Lie. Hll..896. TIME FOR TOP S BUYER fully (!<(Uipped, $129 mo. 465 E. 17th SI., C.t.l. hardtop, VS, automatic, tac-""UICK CASH Bll.J. MAXEY TOJ_O?A WE 'PAY TOP '67 Ford, 10 rass station wag.1 ,,,,.,,.=~64~:>-04-co~''=~~~i 'ory air, power steering, , V\V bug. xlnt. cond. vale owner. Clean. 2 new -,fi-&t2-97tl7. • 18881 Beac:b BJ ' DOLLAR on, r/h, air, ps., $75 mo. '61 CAD Sedan DeVUle. Good po"'er brakes, radio, heater. THROUGH A H. Beach. Pb. MT..as55 for good. dean used cars. '67 T-Blrd, air, elec wind. cond. S49i. 642-3850 Dayi;; gorgeous, TUD440. $2895. &.st Deals Are At • '&1 VW. Xlnl. cond. DEAN LEWIS DAIL y PILOT DON'T cfve It away, get aD makes. See George Ray S98.5(1 mo. Evenings call 675-2699 Carl's J\totor Co, Inc. 1941 quick cash tor it with a Theodore Robina Ford SOUTH COAST. ,65 SEDAN de Ville, all ex· tlarbor, CM, 642-0413 . '69 MARQUIS WAGON Private Party 494-88&1 ST SELL! 494-2457 WANT AD D'11yP!lat.~A<I! ""' -mvd. CAR LEASING lra•, like .. w. Private ..... 1-========01 MUSTANG 1,.. Ha-. CM. 646-93113 =======:.'..:===-=·=·==~C.=M=. ===="=&J2.001:=;:' 300 W.c.tHwy,NB64>-2182 ty, 642.fi603. CONTINENTAL ------- F=======.:._:,======:=:99:'00:='0 td C 9900Ustd Cert 99Gtt UsH Cars 9900 TAKE aver · lease 19691969 EL Oot'B.do, low rnllefi, .---------'69 MUSTANG. Mag whee.ls. 9900 Used C1rs 1 •rs Riviera, lull po\Ye?', air $6850, must Rll! Orig. 69 CONTINENTAL MARK Immaculntc condilion. :r..1u~I OFFICIAL 1969 FORD CLEARANCE CLEARANCE BEFORE YOU BUY - ANYWHERE! NEW 1969 THUNDERBIRDS CHECK OUR DISCOUNTS ON NEW 1969 $ FOR.DS -MUSTANGS FORD TRUCKS • OVER 200 NEW '69's NOW AT FINAL CLEARANCE SAVINGS! INVOICE! ENGLISH FORDS ANOTHER BOATLOAD JUST ARRIVED! No Sales Expense, No Preparation Char9es, No Dealer add • ons of any kind! Drive home any new '69 T-Bird in our bi9 stock at this price! 2 Drs ., 4 Drs. Lar9e Selection of colors and equip- ment England's No. 1 Selltt ... America's No. 1 Import Buy! Customs -GT's -Station Wagons Large Selection of Automatiu and Four Speeds! hy "Br•ak Camp" tp o places when we will fl'lve you • new Zebra f.'t ini Bike a bsolutely btftEE with eny new VACATION SPECIAL! FREE MINI BIKE WITH Every Camper, Truck & Camper Unit Or Motor Home Packa9e Sold ! Example Vacation Package: NEW 1'6t v.a FORD lf,.fON PICKUP I' led, Gaugu, Extra Lerge Radiator, Huvy Duty Sprints. F10YRE90065. NEW IARltACUDA 600 CAMPER Cab--Over, lutaM anti llec:trlc Lights, Din· Int Nook Tabl1, leds, Sink 11nd Drain, Drapu, etc. NEW 1'6t ZEIRA MINI llKE c":~~EKR, ALL $3295 MINI llXE FOR Vlalt .ur cemplete C1mper Centar-Crulnll"I, Four Wlnda. l1rr1c:uda, Contempe lpollar, Sundial, El· dorado. Gem Top, Mini Hom .. Ch111J1 Mounts •• , ALL RIADY TO ROLLI RENT YOUR VACATION HOME ON WHEELS! YIM.I go where you want, stay whar. you want without sched· ules or NMrvetiOftS when you rtnt a Robin O.luxe Plcku' C1m,.., er Condor Motor Home. REASONABLE ltATES RESERVE EARLY OVER 2 ACRES OF ROBINS RELIABLE USED CARS NOW AT SPECIAL S~MMER SAVINGS! 1 '68 CORTINA 1600 • ".Doof S • d • 111. 4 1pe1d, r1dio, ; '*''• 1ppto ... 14,000 mil11 . W1r· : •~tv 1v1ll. IZOSl4l) :.: '69 COBRA ~STIACI. Aulo,. RIH, P.S., 1p- ' ox. 4,100 mil11, tik1 "''"'· Bleck : .,.11. F1tlory w1r11nlv 1v1il1bl1. • t LHllll ' . ~:068 PONTIAC GTO •-•• 1t11r;""' •1die ·~d h11l11, :bitck1t s11h, b11ut!lul m1!111ic :n,1,h , 111w ,,.;i,,, 1ulo,.,1lit lr1n,, tYL•11. '65 IUICK $1195 StaUoo Wag.< l!pd., wide ovaJs, V-8, R&R. Low mt. ~tPF 430 '66 VOLVO 1Z2S. 4~peed tra.nsrnisidon. <RRE321l 51295 ~~;,J!!:~· "195 Coach. Slieps 6, I stovf', Ice box, dinette, 2 but.ant' tanks. Beau· tlful condition. CFE7017l '67 CHEV. $1795 H.T. Impala 4-dr. V..S. auto., P.S., air, R&:H. CUKU·157l '6' CHEVY lmPflll 6-pass. Station wagon. 327 v~s. auto .. $2595 P.S. Rl:H, lug. rack. 26,000 ml. VZW819 Approx. '63 VALIANT $495 Station Wagon. Real clean trans. car. 3 spd., RAH. AIA195 '67 FORD $1195 Cust. V-8 F AC- TORY AIR, R&:H, PS, PB. CYCU550) '66 OLDS s995 4-Dr. Sedsn. City o1 Nl!\'o·port car. V-8, auto .. R&H. (311261 '67 DODGE Sportsman. \Vlndow VRn. Auto,, htr. VIN· 370. Sale Priced! '68 FORD s1595 Custom. City of Coa ta Mesa lease car. Full,y main .. 1Alned at Theo. Robln11.. 390 VS, cn.i\110.. heater, P.S., epprox. 36.000 ml. (114907) • I•.-. ff t p.111. M_....1-n • Mt I •·"'-I••'·'"· S1111 ID •.111. t• 6 ,._._ ~AR rs & SERVICE HOU~ 7 •·II\. 1• t ,.111. M" e 1 •""'· +e 6 p.111. Tw ... frl l American 220 l\'ag. '64 RAMBLER s995 Auto., radio, heater. (KAN454l '64 DODGE Dert. Economy plus. (PBY605) '64 FALCON 2-Dr. H.T. Auto. red.lo, heater. CNYP4601 5895 '66 BUICK n 995 Le Sabre 4-dr, H.T. Fact. a ir, P.S., P.B. Auto. App. 38,700 mi!e5. Excellent cond. TEZ093 '65 CHEV. s995 No\'ft. 4-Dr. Auto. Radio, healer. (f!EG3951 !Wluxe wagon. VS, '64 FALCON s795 auto., faC'L air cond., lugg. rack CSUY871) I •·'"· t• 6 p .111. Stt PARTS ONLY cone!. Blue w/black in-owner. 837-7344 'Ill sacrifice. 545-5632. ~ \ \ M PRIVATE PARTY te •• or. mmacu ate. o. l962 CADILLAC 847_1320 1965 r.1USTANG V-8, 4 !!pd, pmts $137.22. Pvt. pty. S750 646-8'197 l ~==""'=:--===o I R&.H. Nc\v brakes. $750. ,!J62.-08<9~~·~~o~r~67~>-~n~·~·~=:oi==='::':=.:':':':.:':::='='i 499-3464 ~ CA~ARO CORVAIR ~ . .,~,~,u~s~TA~N~C~P~/~S ~P/8~1 9900 ---------'64 CORVAlR _ sae $650 or .Xlnl cond . t.Tust Sc!\\~ '67 CAMA·RO SS 350 bc!s! offer, draf!cd n1ust SISOO * 6Ta-2108 Used C1rs • OTHERS blue, loaded, air, auto sell. 536-2221 or SM~20. '67 MUSTANG. In wa.iTanty. • TURNED * $2295 * *'1962 CORVAlR Monza, 4 ~73:i~~lo. $ll9J. Ca; I spd, fact air. Xlnt cond. • YOU •DOWN TTD712 • Weekend Special S475. 548-3975 '6a MUSTANG, air. Xlnt. Doublr Sharp Car~~ '61 4-DR C.Orvair. 3 s~. 1.,'0nd. auto. one 01\'IK'r. 6- KUSTOM MOTORS r.ooct traru;portation car. cyl. SlS-6074. &elS Baker St., Costa Mesa S1 50. ~93-1917. TRANSFERRED in1med. '65 540-5915 "* Authorized!-"'========= Z..1uslang Convt. \Yht w/blk e NEW IN CALIF. Jnternati011al Dealt'f CORVETIE top. SSOO. 833--0909 e BEEN BANKRUPT '67 CAJ\1ARO RS conv. alll--------- • HAD A REPOSSESSION "Come & See Us" P\VT, XLNT. COND. "* $1795. •&16-4m • '· No Sid• Loans '67 CAMARO Rally Sport '64 CORVETTE Stingray Fastback UP7.076 ' $1995 2. No Furniture Loans fact air, r/h, p/s. Dayi; 3 N S.I L .n phone 540-1741 l!vt'S 540-5.'123 FULL PRICE · o ary 0 1 Connell Chevrolet 4. No Co-signers Needed l-=========~I 5. No Collateral Needed CHEVROLET 2S28 Harbor. C~'I 516·1203 We carry our Own Contracts -'63 CORVETI"E 327. 4 spd. '60 Chev. Cot'\•air ...... S29J '64 EL CAMINO ~~. d. ea_u aft. 5 p.m., TXT 2-12 """".ll-"i '59 Chevrolet .......... U95 A 1 · Cusdllom vs •si Corvette Sep 780 u omat1c, ra o, healer, , $ 6 ... 27 • . N76805. "\Vhile ii Lasts'' 1000. 4,,...;;i 63 Rambler .......... $295 Full Price ' GOrdL 283 ..... , $995 COUGAR ·6~ J:c o91" .......... · ..,.,,, Connell C::hevrol1t '62 Po t T I 139· :?S'Z8 Harl>or C~f 516-l:roJ '67 COUGAR 289: 4 speed; n empt>s . .. . J • good nd' · f , RAX. 701 • '68 CHEVY IMPALA-~19.~_10~~~ ires. 61 Chevrolet · ......... S39:i Spo1-t Coupe, lactory air. ========= JF'~1 747 J>l)Wer ~leering, V-8. radio. '66 Ford · ·· · · ·· ·· · · · · · SS!J5 heater. Like brand n<'""', lullx XTU 982 guaranleed. WAK 8'l7. '62 Lincoln ............ $~ $ll 9S JRO 901 '63 V.\V ............... $69.> Connell Chevrolet DES 5-11 2828 Harbo.r c .:-.1. 546--1203 '66 CHEVY II 2·DR. SAF HAROTOP FORD '68 Ford Torino 390 high pcrlonnance, 4 spd. dlr, pwr disc brakes. one owner, near new. \\-'ill take older car in trade. \VIL 871 LB. Call Ken 545-0634. HOLIDAY RAMBLER 1969 HARBOR BLVD. 642-6023 COSTA MESA Loaded, dlr, one owner. Sac· '60 FORD Station \Vagon. rlfice! Would like Joreign Radio, heatrr . white car in trade. SVG 325 LB. sidewalls. Good rond. $25() '!!!!'i!iiiiii!iii!iiii!'i,ii,!"!i jieau~Je~\1~1 ~5<~5-"'3~~·~· =-:=..=:i cash.. 548-2879. 237 E. 20th, Wholesale to Public! . ., rnEVY • 0oo, ,., •• , "'1 ~c=M~~~~~ J;ngine, auton111tic, power 1.966 FAJflL,\NE GT Con· steering, factory Air, Radio, vcrtible One O\\'r!Cr 390 1966 Qicvy, 4 dr, new tires, H~ater, 40.000 origin a I Auto. SllO\\TOOm clean. Best ps, $100 under Kelly Blue miles. ?vlusl see S 8 5 O of.fer over \\' h o_ I e s a I e . Book. UGE 820 586--TI64 Finance ™;Ip avail. 646-8206. OLDSMOBILE • • 5% OYER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE SALE OVER 100 1969 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROMI 'You can dl'iYe home your • choice of 100 1969 models ~t c:.:actly 50(,~ over our actual Cactory invoice. e NO SAtES EXPENSE e NO ADD.ON CHARGES e NO PREPARATION CHARGE e IM.i'1EDIATE DELIVERY University Oldsmobile 2850 Harbor Cost.a. Mesa 540-9640 • • '63 CHEVY, 4 door sedan, ·~ FORD 4 door "-'agon. VS. REAL Sharp '66 O Id 1961 Olds, 4 rlr, ii.ins good. 327 engine automalic pov.-cr automatic, power l'itecring, Cut.las-'!. Hol. Coupe. Gold looks good! Transportation steering, factory air. radio, ra1lio, heater, beautiful red. \\'ilh hlk. Landau top, lo special! S229 full price. QFT-heater 40000 original miles. YPS74'1.. $1295. Carl's P..1otor mlg, nu wht/'A-all tires & 994. Must 'r.ee SSSO. 546-7764. Co. Inc., 1941 Harbor, CM, brks, RfH. cuslom blk lthr ';)7 CHEVY wagon. 283, _64_'-"'=1~3=· -~~~--1 int & bucket seats. Conr.ole ~Chevy, 2 dr coupe, i:iew R/H. Aulo. Bod)' a: engine '66 Ford Falrl•n• "'ith tach, P IS, P/B, P/W. tires, good body I: engine. · ........,. _,,.,,. ~· lo · M t $l7J full price. LSA 701 In "~ COnul n. u1·1ve $495 fact air. ust see o N D I Pl I apprecmte. $350. 547-3182 2 Door Loaded VS f'IC Lie believe! Private Parly Best S::.L~a ers ,f CHll~f '65 CJ{EVROLET, 4 dr, JRJ\19-19 Pho~ 64i..6ozi Dlr: oUer. 96'!·2860 . . llUUrU 0 • G 0 1 • Jm~a. xlnt ~nc1., air, .66 }'c)RD \Vagon, fully '66 OLDS 442. 4 on the fioor. lnc.-Reta1I Div. ~adio, auto shift. Ca 1 J equpd w/air. PIS. P/B. Good cone!. !\lust sell! Best :>48---1:>58 aft 6 offer. 641)..2129 1000 \V. r.oast Hwy., N.B. $2350. 642-41400 d a Y s. 645-0050 645-0701 '63 CHEVY 4094 spd, 411 5'18--07!17 eves. '62 OLDS Super l\S, l\1ui;.t sell. ~!!!!!J!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!I rear end. Buckets, ain90I:, .63 FORD Wagon. Stick W· Xlnt. Cond. $39:). Ca 11 TRANSPORTATION CARS R/~H fl1ags. lmmac. $1350 overdrive. 8 cyl. Clean. $495 ~<,,.><_·<°"3°'95"°'~'-' ="=-c:c=-:::::-I llWPORTER MOTORS 675-0281 or oil". 646-4481. '64 OLDS. RIH, pwr •lo;, 1969 CH.EVELLE 2-dt Hd '!'P '63 FAIRLANE \VAGON n('\\' st ('OVS, nC\V tires, ] 2036 HARBOR BLVD. ra/htr, auto, p/s, fac/a1r, vg, Air. P/Str. owner S800. 646-0028 COSTA MESA 5,000 n1i, w/\v, Landau lop. e tif:>-7559 e 1965 OLDS Delta SS. 4 Dr. $295(). 54~140 alt 6 pm. Hrdt Pl A1'r--"d S'~ S@.5294 or 548--851 l '63 ~'ORD Wag. V8 Xlnt, p. 8 · --.v • .u:.;i. FINANCING AVAILABLE '59 STATION Wgn. auto. Eng cond. new t!reii, R/H, good ---====,-,,,=--I & body xlnt cond. 1761!1 'I u g• "'" '139 SOCK IT TO 'EM' '68 SPORTS sedan 13 700 ,...__ 51 u Sia•·-gas m1 cage .,.. "· ....,.,.., • · "' • • ......... eron ., o ua,J..===2'================== ml., air. pwr., vinyl top. Top H.B. Us.ct Cen 9900 Used C•rs 9900 condition. 494-3232. '59 BWE El Cantlno, nu BUICK !ires & hrake1, b o d y straight, looks sba.rp, runs ----------1 gd. 54~1342 '65 BUICK ~ Sabre .="==c-~--~-'* M,\NY EXTRAS* 65 OIEVY. Xlnt cond. ".'-uto One owner, IO\\'CSl book tran1. PIS. new til'l'A. pri~. fllake oUcr. Pvt. prty. brakes. ihocks, Prvt. prty. 632·3242 or 644-0-iSO. &st otir.r. Call 494-5687. '66 BUICK LcSabre 2 door '65 Chevy lmpala 2 Dr. Good h rd' V8 t ti I cond. Auto, V-8, SlZOO. a op: . au oma c, . ac· 675--6.'i'iB tory air, po..wr steer1ng,l--"""°=-,,==,..-- nidio, heater. ROU 3&1, 65 EL CAMINO S3135. &rl's J\lotor Co. lnc. l94J Harbor. 01, 642--0413. Xlnt cond $995 • 842-.~44 • '65 BUICK Wildcat Convert 'S9 IMPALA Sport C.Oupe, V- 1 mvner. Good .11hape. $1400. 8, auto, good shape $450. 6~7899. 546-4328. '6t BUICK Skylkrlt, PIS. '64 CHEVY. Standard. Xlnt air. Xlnt. cond. 30,COJ mi. cond. 4.1,000 m1. S600. 603 Sl.200. 6/;>-4315 eYeS. Acacia, CdM. 6~1928 '65 BUICK Wildcat; xlnt con. 1963 ClfEVROLET Impala dllion. Private ptltty. Sta. Wgn. AIC, auto. $595. $1400. IW7·lll9 642--3166 or 833-2S17 BUICK '68. GS 350, all xtras. '58 CHEVY Buk k comfort sportscar good trn.nsportatlon per!onnance. $2495. 675-4461 $1'!5. TI4: 494-8076 '56 BUICK, stick shift. l 1i5 OIEVY Nova W~n a.Ir, O\\"fler, needs clutch. Sll5 or new titta & ball. lx-:st olr. 548-96:19 sim. 1001 BUICK Electra, $325. '60 WAGON, 1111 power, R&H. air. f'IC\Y lll'CI, 23211 Le RIM. V-8, Runs great! Linda. 6f&.5970. S1lO. * 673-MS7 1962 BUJCK Special convert. '57 OIEVY &I Air, .. Dr. Ne1v !ires, R&.H .. $425. 232S Auto, cle1.n. $180. La Linda. &16-S970. * 548--3657 * TIIE QUICKER YOU CALL. '61 Ch•vy. $275. TKE QUICKER YOU SELL Oean.1 64).9038 AUGUST CLEARANCE FANTASTIC DISCOUNTS ON ALL CARS IN STOCK MORli THAN 200 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM HERE ARE TWO EXAMPLES '66 CHEYELLE J DOOR llDAN • 1yli11d,,, 1tcl. ''•"'" ••• cllo, h1•l1r. TEV 21), '64 PONTIAC GU.It PllX 2 DOOR H.T. v•. •ulo., pwr 1!1tr, pwr br1k11, rtdio, h1tl11. SICI )40. 18211 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach Hwy, Jf Se. ot S. Dl991 fwy, Phon• 545·8863 or 847-6139 Open 7 D1y1 'Tll 10 P.M . --. ---,.-.. S•lurdal', Autus1.J6, 1%9 DAILY PILO'I 3J TllANSPOITATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANS~~-~~ION TRANSPORTATION ~.TRANSPORTATION TlANSPORTAflON TRAN$PQilTATION "· '1 Uoed Co" 9900 U1ed Cero 0900 UMd Coro , 9900 U_Md Cui 9900 UMd Cua 9900 UMd Can 9900 lhed Caro 9900 UNd Can .. '900 U_,. Con ! ·~~~~~·~~...;.;...:-.~~.=...;:.:;;;;;..;:;:;::..~--'~~~""""..:;,;;;.;:..._~_;.::..:.;...;.;;;;.;;..;;,;;;..:.-~...;.;:..:.;.....;;;;;;;;..;;:;.:...~.....;~· • NINETEEN SIXTY-NINE ' . , Our Hlectlon of brand n•'!f .1969 Cadlfl'acs Is the fi'!••t In our hbtory • • , ;-Jhe Masterpiece From Master Craftsmen" •.• Then select your model, equipment &. colors nowl . Jest drive tadar, • 1969 COUPE DE VILLE 1969 COUPE DE VILLE l Gorgeous Shallmar gold exterior with black roof and lovely Dardanelle 1old cloth and leather Interior. This car has full power tf.!Uipment plus factory air conditioning, AM-FM radio., most all the popular Cadillac options. (J9175774) USED LOW MILEAGE. StrlkinR tuxedo black e:icterlor with harmonizing Cull Ieathtr interior. This one is absoh1tely loaded with options including full power equipment plus factory air conditioning, tWillght sentinel, power door locka, etc., etc. Early new car trade-in with every low mileare. (.YQ1472l SALi s5757 PRICE SALi s57 57 PRICE 1967 EL DORADO E1qui1ite ao ld linit.h 11/black •in7l roof 6 ao!d cloth A lu.thu i11taior. Fac\On, .air,._fuU .. power, alerto Ahl-FM, tilt telticopic wli~; lfiS&r ..-., ete. r.1~1 aU power options. ('ITE58J) ~ 1968 CADILLAC. Sedan de Ville. 'Full po\.\'eT, f&.ctGry 11.ir ("onditionini::. padd~ roof, A?,1 -FM radio. Very low miles. (88279274) 1967 CADILLAC CouJ)' De.Ville. Phantom blue with blue lei:tller interior. full power equipment piua factory &it COD· diti<initi1. (UJA3.i7 l 1967 CADILLAC Cal1i1 hardtop aedan. Full power and factory 1ir conditionint-tilt and telete0pic 111uinr wb~I. llUJIJ other :v1ioni. (WQD039) 1964 CADILLAC Sedan DeVllle. Full po.,..·er. factory &ir, pow- er, factory air, po'''er vent wlndow11, AM· FJ\1, t•Nilight sentinel, tilt wheel. (QUH274) 1965 CADILLAC Sedan DeVille. India ivory \vith v.:~ite leather Interior. full power, factory air conditioning, tilt 11teering "·heel, M1-FJ\f radio. (SZV518) SALE $4444,,,: PRICE 1 •• ., .... " SALE $4646 PRICE SALE $3737 PRICE SALE $3232 PRICE S~LE $1515 ,~~;, 1 PRICE SALE $2323 PRICE OVER 80 QUALITY AUTOMOBILES TO SELECT FROM • 1967 CADILLAC Sedan de Ville. FUii power, factory ilr conditioning, padded roof, v.'ond@r-bar radio, tllt-tcle v.·heel, door lockg, etc. (\11H'185) 1966 CADILLAC flt"ehvood Brougham, factory air condition- ini;-, stereo. AM-FM, full power plus door locks, tilt wheel, leather inter., etc. (TEOi89) 1968 THUNDERBIRD ·1 Door Landau. Full PQ\\'er, factory &Jr con· dilionlnf, stereo AM-FM, tilt wheel, power door locks. Local 9400 mlles-,e&r.· <XTl<o.53) 1964 CADILLAC Coupe DeVille. Antique sold with aold cloth and leather interior. Full powtr, factocy air condltioninr, alina.I seeklni radio. (RGV889l 1961 CHRYSLER 4 Door Sedan. Alr conditioning, radio, heat-.,.~ er, autcma.Uc tra1111mission, WSW, power sl!erlng, pov.'er brakes, etc. Local low miles car. (\VXE659J 1966 CADILLAC neetwOOd El Dorado. Full power, f.clO!'J' air, MJ le.ther intt'l'iar, 1tareo AM·FM. tilt 'Wheel, f!'tffr1 conceivable option. CTEH741) PRICI SALE $2828 PRICI SALi $3434 PRICE SALE $1616 PRICE SALE !2626 PRICE SALE $2525 PRICE . Your Factory Authorized Cadillac Dealer Serving the Orange Coast Harbor Area NABERS 2600 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-9100 SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN • 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM Mon. thru Fri. e 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM Sat. and Sun. All CARS SUIJECT TO PRIOR SALE. ALL SALE PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1969 9900 NABERS CADILLAC ANNOUNCES A NEW SUBSIDIARY "NLC" (Nabers Leasing Corp.) LEASE DIRECT ORDER YOUR 1970 Cadillac Today for October Delivery Outs.t•ndini;i S•rvic• f•cility at Or•nt• County'• motf mod•rn d•alarship .• OLDSMOBILE PLYMOUTH PONTIAC PONTIAC PONTIAC PONTIAC RAMii.JR T·llRD T·llRD ' >' • 1'64 CUTLASS HoHday CouP". 1--------1-;;;-::::;;;;:-;:--::;:;:-buc"'t ,..,,, aoto, pow. , 64 Pl uth '67 PONTIAC OTO , i;lW'fng, fact. air, 'good ymo Hardtop Coupt. Factory air. '65 BOlllEVILlE HT '63 PONTIAC Le Ma1111, 0011-FOR Sale 19 6 8 BON· :I? RAMBt.!:Jt 8. auto. 4 dr. ,~ T~. oric1n11 <nmer, REPO 81 T-Btrd. lb.Im d@.. ... ( vert, rtd/whUe top, reblt NEVILLE, 2 Or. H. Top.. A-1 ~.Clean ln "-out. Nu -ncent tuneup. new tires, cent.., loob tlrt<d. $Zill tn-~ 1 eng .. with le11s than 10.(QJ A. Cond. 15th. miles, one ~~.:-._. ~d. ~.':.1-~ ht11 had xlnt. care. $1350. Vetted. Bat cUer takes. • f"Ood. $975. 6'l2-1.187 or Valiant automatic, p(J'Wl"r atttring, 642--Im. v power brakes, radk>, heater. -81: auto, dlr, one owner. WBL ni. F·"I __ '64 Olds 1'·85 Ta.le! low payments. 1-~ u 11 w I"'"'" Very aood condition. priee $6!19, OTU 691-LB. call $23'5 S600. 646-0028 Kr.n, 49t-97'73 or M:>-0634 Conn•ll Ch•vrol•t ========l-;,6;;7-';P;;L;;Y,"M"OUT;i:;Hi-i;;IV7AGi:i0<:N""° 2828 Harbor C.i\-t. 546-1203 PLYMOUTH Fury III '6' i'ONTIAC GTO, V8, 3 v.g eng. Air cond. 1peed. radio, heater, 3 duces '69 383 'ROA1>R0NNE1t, 8 T Power Brakes&: stttrinc •nd ready NoOUW. $1195. atereo & new Gd)T OT tirea. $2150. 546-4145 Carl's Motor Co. Inc. 1941 iur susp, $.1200. 642-1260 '47 PLYMOunt Coupe , Harbor, CM. 6'2-0413. Hl6S PLYMOUTH Fury 11. 9 R/11, signe.la, rood tires, PLACE )'OW' wai.DI aa wbert PUs waion. 363 enr. Air, be&t oUer owr S 2 O o. they .,_ )ookfna' -DAll.Y D/11, p/b, SU95. 962-:ll.15. MT-2966. PILOT clulifted &12-5871 , ________ , • I Full pwr, dlr. fact air COf)o. ml. NEW heater, rear win-driver ill power. 968-2844. ......,.. Phone 837.7STf (JI' <GS-4117. cin Skip 5"-'IM Fri. ditloning, pwr windows, low, dow, U-jolnt.s, shocks, wide .84 PONTIAC Catalina 2 Dr ,515 T·BmD, ......, """· cond. '-=-===S.=1=.sun,===::: L low mlleaae. Xlnt oondltion •cllon Utt.a, braJce1 llnln&, T •lllD ·-., •" 1 • in !!ind out. Total Prlct: $1399. cylinders &: whl be:aringa:. Hrdtp. Ventura trlm. Riff. portholu S168ei or be1t olr. .e~m . \\'Ul fine prlv prty. LB VBA \Vl1h comp! major tune-up. Auto, Pia. P/b. alr. 52,000 .63 T-BIRD, full pcrwu, Xtra Before 3 p.m. 54&-2980; lliilftr g \ 319. Vic. 545-0634. rt'11 your lor $5'1S. Se<! &t : miles. Sl095. 54fi..350l Oeanl Lo mUes. Xlnt after S p.m., 545-:18n. 'M TDJPtsr Cuatom Ur .. ·~ ; '66 PONTIAC. white, Ve~ Al's Phillip 66 Station. 510 '66 PONT. Le ?ttans convert oond. $1250. 67$..f190. IM T.SJRD, fUU pov.-er, all' v.a, new ._ 6 Ures, rib. ~ ; tura. blk. vlnyl hardtop; E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. l't'Cl w/white lop. RAH, '63 T-Bll\D, one owner, Xlnt 'cond. hcloey tape, Landau * J3S.QSIM , ~~~rair~lhr~~:;!~r. l:. ~.6~~P'~;'..-'':,.~w.~N=ls~Con-,,.-rt-,t-lc-" ~.mUlt Rll. SW>. a>ndit = e2i~ ~~.':.::.' & ahocka. VALIANT ~ '. part)i 4gg..1639. good oondlllon, good Ure1 '59 PONTIAC. Xlnt. cond. rr•s WONDERFUL tb9 T-BIRD~ clt1n. WOO ~ 15 YOUR AD IN C:U.SSI· S275. MQ.-1.0IKI Best offer. btA)'t 1n QP1iancet )'Oii ftnd tlftllt '•11, JY.Vfnl t0wn. 1990 VALlANl' Sed.u. 1957 J1EO 'I' Someone will be For Dally Pilot Want Adi * 646-4.U4 * ln the Ouatfted Ads. Oiec• 540-2622 Ford waaon. Make oUer. 953 looklna tor It. Ds.t 642$11 Dial 642-5618 fot REStn..TS "o;-ial:--:c642::--Stm=,..to""r--::RE=SUL=TS~ I them now! \.Vhlle EJep1J1.nt1? Weit Wllmn, CM. ~ ' . • ' • • • . ' i I' • • I I • p DNLY "1.01' _____ s.c:."c...,,,ic.:"-:-Allgui...;._t _16._196_9 • • .. (!!) {!!!) {!!) Ull (!!) -~ ORANGE COUNTY'S ' • . LARGEST ·v~LUME ·otA·~Et!. A REGARDLESS O~. MAKI OR MODEL " . . :r$1 '64 DODGE DART $588 11.:J G.T. HARDTOP CPE. • ' -. ·- SA L '64 CHEVROLET IMPALA 2 DR . H.T. Y-1, fU IOINl!I(, 1.ICllo & ~ltler. _., Jttu· 1~1. Wl!lr• .. 11i 11r11. • • 'iw11s :JIU. ; .. ' a: l • Fainily weeJtly AUGUST 17, 1969 'DAILY PILOT ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SYLVA KOSCINA An Old-Fashioned Giri In a Mad, Mod World PSYCHIATRISTS TELL Why Accidents Happen, HowYou Can Avoid Them AUGUST 16, 1969 SPOllTS SCANl)AL The Tragedy of Our Hopped-Up Athle~ .... l ~ I . J I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I t ' ' • • • t ~ I l I t • I I I • • c l i Ask Them Yourself FOR DR. DONALD '4. DlJKEWF. American Mt'dwai AU«i4tion I• il Ir~ tlud '"°"'°''"" u tle141rMU..tl by tla.e /e· ""'le .es'!-Mn. N. Fnua- cu, A•latabula. Ohio • Yes. Mongolism i11 an inherited de· veJopmentAl defect due to abnormal rt-ms or relationahips of the mother's 1·hromosomes-lhe material determining inheritance. No blame ehouJd be directed toward the mother of a mongoloid child, however, i.ince she can't control her 1·hromosomes. But a woman who h&!I had a mongoloid child should undergo genetic counseling before another pregnancy. FOR }ACK DEMPSEY If' Ital u your op1nwn of "du~ l.ontJ count,, in your la.eaoywMitflll claaMpion· •ltip n"' •ilia Gene TIUS· n ey?-Dn11id D~•&l•d•. Jamoka, IV. Y. • It wu rhe grtatest thing that eve1 happened to both Tr ney and me. It has kt'pt us both alive with the public aJI rhe~ years. If there was any mistake in the fight. I made it. I should have gone to a neutral corner. Gene was right. .... lr'OR EY A GABOR Your ltnir alN10y• loolu neat nnJ nltt00y1 Joalu tla.e ••M4t. Do you toear a NJitf? Koren Meula, Lorui"f, Mielt. • No, darlin1, it's my own hair. But my good friend and hair dresser, Peggy Shannon, help me with it. FOR COY. RONALD REAGAN, Coli/ornio ,,.,.,. tlld you lea"e elaow bwU.eN lo en~r poliliu? -D. N., Lnncoder, Pn. e I had a rumulatjve reeling that there was too mut'h big (tovernment takinl[ over the live11 or people. I now have the 01>portunity to put my thou(tht11 and feel- ing:! in10 practice. I have a deep dea ire to adminjster to the needs of California's 1·itiuns and feel that beinp: Califom ia'11 governor is the greatest honor of my life. A mrncan Optomelrk Auociotion Ha• IM G011ernmrrat ap- pr011ed contact leM e• /or •rn>icenuin arul •en>~ t00men?-Ja~ Zrnl, In· dianol., Olcla. • Yes, but usually only for eye-health vr 1ob reasons, not cosmetit'. ones. FOR FINTON BWllfVT, [I PoJtmostu Cr11t'rul o/ tlit' U.S. May an orfllnory hoaue- tJOl/e lilre Myeel/ •ub..U a daa,11 /or a U.S. po.1a1e •lomp? Or are IMH arl- ui. already commiuioned by llae G011er1uruml /or euela purpoH•~- 1ffr•· Kla.u Meybnum, Fultlcill, N.Y. e Individuals may 11ubmit suggested art work with their stamp proposakl. but 1hcy are not encouratted to do tw since unsolicit~d designs are rarely approved. FOR GRACE DAJ' .41.L. 11u15t0111 .. curaU>r, Broru Zoo s~ •lte mule noon ... not mule. wlay u ii •o- colletl~--Conrad Fiorel- lo, Broolclyn. N. Y. • Mute swans make a hi!!l'ing noi~ when disturbed and a low staccato sound when calling their young. Their name probably ref«"rs 10 the fart they are defi- nitely less vocaJ than other species. FOR DR. IJ'ILLIAM }. BEECHER • Director. Chicatto A<'uhmy o/ S~nc~ W'llal u kinlf done to pre· 1'ent the rJilinclion of our prniril! tltidcena11-/tf ra. G. }. Byra. Senule, Faelt. e Two Illinois organizations. the Prairif' Chic.ken Foundation of Rock lt1land and lhe Prairie Grouse Foundation of Chi· eago. a committee of the lUinoi~ Chap· ter of Nature Con11enancy, are trying to raise funds to purcha5e nt3ting grounds for the prairie chicken. whirh <'annor n~l in rultivated field.'!. FOR PEE IJ'EE REESE. 3Portsrtutu JPlto do you rfll1fnrtl a• th1t Mo•I ouu11ue.din11 piultu o/ llte po•I? JF"lto i• IM ma.I ouulandin~ current- ly?-Ridc Knolu, Car· mU:ltnel, Calif. • Sandy Koufu wa i1 tht> ou1 .. 1andiniz pitcher. Nowadays., it'<1 Boh C ib11on. FOR PETER GRAVES of ".Wi,ui'on: lmpauible" Fltrrfll do you get nU lltf' equipment lltnl you UH! on yo11r elwn.o? 110111 muclt doe.• onfll •h0t0 eo•I to fiJmP-Marlc Yurko. N f'111 BruM· wklc. tv.J. • Our special-dJerts dt'partment huildA mostj)I our equipment to order. although much of it i1.1 bUt"d on thin1tt1 heinit used industrially. Our ~how rartiett a weekly huditel of from Sl80.000 to 1200.000. W••• •• •fl • fa .... peno• • .. •tloe'P Y-ea• ,......._ .. thlie ~--. ell4 we"U pt tlie ... wer f.-1he prV9hM•t pe-1-~te. ~941 ~U... pttf•Nl>ly on e ~ pwl ea .... to .Ult Th._ Yoarwetr, Fa•l)y Weoekly, 641 l.exl•sto-AYe., N-Ywlli, N.Y. 10022. Wo ce .... Hfl-wlMp ~...._ ... , IS wlU be peW fw _ .. --"· WHAT i~E WORLD! All Clear Aheodl There's a new de-- vice called Opticom which should help firemen, police, and ambulance drivers get to on emergency quicker-ond with less chance of an accident while speeding through heavy traffic. The device, mounted atop the emergen<y vehicle, electronically cbonges up· Go-go light changer coming traffic lights to green and holds the "go" signal until the emer· gency vehicle has passed. It freezes only one light for o short time, mini· mizing disruption of normal traffic; no in terference with nearby radios or tv sets, either. Among the cities using it ore Tucson, Ariz., and Redondo Beach and Vallejo, Calif. The Ideal laby Sitter T een·oge baby sitters should follow a code of behavior, according to the Metropol· itan life Insurance Co. Some rules: 1) No partying or dating on the job. 2) Keep the door locked and don't admit strangers. 3) If you must tele- phone, make it brief. 4) Stoy awoke. 5) About refrigerator raick-osk first. 6) leave the house as orderly as you found it. The girl has o right to make it clear that her main job is keeping the child safe and secure. No house· hold chores • Talk About Transplantsl In New York, they're doing human transplants with fingernails. If o local beauty ruins her manicure before o big event, she goes to Mlle. Sergent for o m<rtching transplant from o nail bank of snips from real fingernails. What's more, says Medico/ W orld News, "the doc- tor" practices preventive medicine: the "potient" gets instructions on how to open jewelry clasps, type, do home chores-without damaging the noll transplant. Bucking the Trend Antiwar senti- ment hos token its toll of enrollment in military schools. Indeed, several hove hod to close. An exception is the Morine Military Academy at Harlin· gen, Texas. Its superintendent, Brig. Gen. Huntflf Hurst, USMC (ret.), soys Are these youths in step? the school opened in 1965 with 56 students. Now it hos 137. Enrollment inquiries ore up 8 percent so far this yeor. Why such growth in unfavorable times? An emphasis primarily on the academic and on outstanding faculty. ''We're not ploying down the military, though," soys General Hum. "We get letters from all over the country from youngsten searching for a disciplined atmosphere in whkh to learn. On the other hand, we have never been a boot comp for the Morine Corps, either." Burl Ives Burl As a Boy Family Weekly asked Burl Ives (scheduled to do NBC-tv's "The Bold Ones" in the foll) when he first sang professionally. "I was four," he told us. "I was helping my mother set out onion plants-and singing. An old soldier walking by heard me and sa id, 'We must hove this boy sing for our local (Jasper County, Ill.) Grand Army of the Re· public reunion neJCt week.' " Did they pay you? "Oh yes, $1 . And I've been charging high rotes ever si nce." LlONAID I. DAVIOOW h.U-. MOtnON fllANK P•Wi~ W. PAOI TMOW'SON .. ,.mw., Din~tOl' ltoea.T I. MOWM E..,t"' "'"mi•i•1 "•-•n ltUUILL L IPAIKI Wour. "'•ttf'-f•• 111.,..,.,. A'fff"tUO"' 0/fltt.: M1 ~A.-, Mew Yott lent; •1 N ......... ._, ... 11; ..n1 0..- erel ...... aw. .. O.t ... lt 4&n2; 1721 .... ,.., ....... L .. ~ ... I 118 s,,,._ le., S.. ,_....NIM P•W.illln R•tt.-: ...._.. 0. "-, L09 Hk n.-t M.O'Nell. ..........., • Avguat 17, 1969 RoeaT FITZOfllON 6flii.M....atiaf JAC·K IYAN "'•-'""1 Etll14tr MAllUS N. TllNQUI An lXr.cU<r MBANll DI "°" , .. &tlitM A~tcE~ I hMfy. ....._.,., tw '--"-· T...., w....t.f ....... W .... 1 ,_ J. o,, ...... ·-c... A.eei'•l•.-t A rt Di~tn: ._... ._. l':llit;rle/ Of/ice: 641 L ....... ._, 1 H-Y..tt, N. Y. 11122 @ ..... FAMILY WIBlY, INC. .,,,......_..... Yov •• invited to mall your questions Of com1Mnts about eny article or IC!Yertisement tl\lt ~ In f1mlly Wtt•ly. Your letter will receive a ptornpt answer. Write to Sertict Editor, f*'"ly Weffty, Ml lt.1iftlton Avenue, New Yott. N. Y. 10022. SALE FINAL CLOSE OUT Two Giant 4 Ft. Full Color Murals For, 0nJy$2.00 ea. Giant Murals This Size Cost •10.00 EACH ~ COR MORE> IN ART STORES Original Masterpieces Painted in Oil by Paul Detlefsen Yeta l In Art 8toree 7oa woa1d pay ap to $20 or more for two maplAeent sf ant murale thia abe! These are breatlt- takiag11 beaatlfa1 2''"1'48" slant murale t.hat are featured ID art catalosa and lne art at.or& The7 are now youn at our apedal price of S2.ot each. (At this tremendoua aav- btp. allliaaa order la 2). !marine banrhur in YOW' home both BIG MOMENT and HORSE ANl> lmGGY DAYS. Tbeae breathtakingly beautiful portraita of enchanting, aere.ne daya painted by Paul DetlefMn are muterpiecea ol charm and beauty. Now for the ft.rat time ever we are otTering theae 111~rb full color print. in their molt exciting aise and ahape ... two maaruftcut murat. 2-'"x"8" each. The new trend in home decoratin&' today ia toward large prints. The drama and elepnce they brinar to any room muat be seen to be appreciated. The a.mall black and white illuatratlona above cannot poa-ai~b' ahow 7ou the beaut7 and intricate detailine of the.e paintinp. Only when you receive your fwl color murala will ,ou appN<'late bow they will bring a new dimension to JOW' home. ' OFFER WILL NOT IE REPEATED Each tlant print la four leet wide and two feet deep. We urse you to order your giant mu:raJ4 now while the s upply laata. Thia fa your only chance to orde.r. Tllia ot!er will not be repe.ated in Family Weejly. EACH GIANT MURAL IS A HUGE 8 SQUARE FEET ~~----------~--------, I n. HO•UTIAD. ~ L•H·lS I I " ..... , ... ..,.,,.. I ... ,.. ....... ...,...,071U 1 1 ,,_ MM Ille Ult TWO 'lll'lt11a 24#llAI# fut! eolOf 111ur1b (fr1111a I 110t 111c11MH> "111.....m· w "ttone w....., Dlirt'' tor on1y M.oo. I I N I ~1 IMlck llllf8fttM If I 1111 not dtllllttiC I E.ncloMd 11 • <"ttu• '""" I ,....... I I Add I I CIV State Zip I I g Uftl WICIAL lnDJ Order TWO Mis of ISlftt "" •uni• (FOUtt I I liilnl• 111 '"> tw OM.T t 7.oo °" .... _, 111c11 cuerant ... <Tou .... I tLOO.) Dtra Mt lllkts 1 lltffect l lft. , L--------------------~ ·- HORSE ANO BUGGY DAYS capturu tM ·-----·-· -·---------.... ---··-------------""'-------- . I I I ! • l • • I r • • r • a l SUNDAY ~pL MONDAY ~ TUESDAY ~ ~ WEDNESDAY j)~ THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY ..... Perhaps not everyone bas a week like this, but you could-every week of every month all summer lon•-thanb to internally worn Tampax tampo.ns. Tampax tam- pons, safe, secure, comfortable. i)vlf1I t>Y Col• ol C:.h lOM ... TAM~,._,.1..,co111t ... o .. A T&O. ,. ................. MA••· I N ATLANTA recently , a young housewife listened silently as her husband be- rated her for running up a department-st.ore bill. Later she got int.o the family car and promptly backed into a tree. Result: a severe whip- lash injury and $500 worth of damage. In Scarsdale, N.Y., a prominent businessman tried to talk his college. student son out of participating iri a campus demonstration. But the next day the boy called to say he'd been arrested and needed bail money. That same night, after wiring t he cash. the father tripped and fell down a Hight of stairs. He was lucky to get away with only bruises and a badly sprained back. In lot Angeles, an 11-year-old girl was told that her parents were getting a divorce. At play that after- noon. she chased a ball into the street -directly into the path of an oncom- ing car. Fortunately the driver was alert enough to jam on his brakes and swerve at the last moment. The girl received only cuts and contusions. Most of us would call these inci- dents accidental. the results of mo- mentary carelessness, or just plain bad luck. Actually, they are none of .. f '1&mily Week/11 , Augt(at 17. J!J80 these things. In 1938 Dr. Karl Men- ninger, one of the founders of the famed Menninger Clinic in Topeka, Kansas, described such incident.! as •·purposive accidents"-events which upon analysis turn out to be subcon- sciously motivated. There are many reasons why ac- cidents occur . Obviously, we can't minimize the role of uncontrollable factors such as a blowout at high speed. or a brake failure. But vir- tually every study conducted in the accident field since Dr. Menninger's early 1·esearch has shown clearly that many accidents aren't "accidental'' at all. They are, rather. a means which many people use to atone for guilt feelings, hostilities, or frustra- tions. Moreover, if we can recognize these tri3gering factors-eithel' through self-analysis or with the help of a professional-we can help to pre- vent-future accidents. An example is the case of Arthur Cohn (the name· is fictitious l . a sales clerk in a large New York depart- ment store. In 1962 Cohn slipped on a newly waxed floor and sprained his ankle. Six months later he pulled a muscle while lifting a carton. A year after that. he cut himself severely on the broken glass of a display case. And less than three months later. he was back in t he first-aid office for treatment of a ecalp laceration suf- fered when be walked into a n open locker door in the employe11' lounge. On his last trip to the medical de- partment, however. Cohn was inter- viewed by a psychiatrist. as well as treated for his wound by the com· pany nurse. It took only two brief interview sessions to pinpoint the cause of Cohn's repeated mishaps. It seems that Cohn is an extreme- ly passive man, married to a partic- ularly dominant woman I a com- mon situation l . When he was asked to reconstruct the events that had preceded the most recent accident, he recalled a brea kfast-table argument with his \Vi f e-an argument in which he had characteristically come out on the losing end. Further analysis made him realize that all his accidents hacl come after similar ''scenes." This opened the door to under- :1tanding. With guidance from the doctor, Cohn began to see a pattern : unable to get back at his wife direct- ly, he had punished himself for his weakness and. at the same time, had garnered a little sympathy by coming home with a bandage and tales of hlood and pain. Once he recognized that his accidents were acting-out devices used for self-punishment and manipulation of his wife, the pattern was broken. Although his marital status hasn't changed-it would take much more therapy to affect his basic personality-he has gone fou r years now without another mishap. ----·-·--l Family Weekly / August 17. 196!1 Why They Happen....._ How You Can Avoid Them An ger, fru stration. guil t-th ey can be as dangerous as faulty brakes or a broken s tep; but psychiatrists say th ey can be controlled to prevent frequent mishaps ln 1926 a German psychologist named Karl Marbe proved stAtistical- ly that a person who has had one ac- cident is more liable to have another than a n individual who hasn't had any at all. But it wasn't until the lagt 20 years that researchers began to probe the problem scientifically. Today psychiatrists are beginning to get answerR--and these answers could go a long way toward r educing our staggering accident rate. Today accident.<1 are one of the na- tion's major health problem8. The overall statistiC's are astronomical : more than 100.000 killed each year in the home, factories, on streets and highways; another 400.000 perma- nently disabled; billions of man-hours lost; a nd an annual cost to industry a nd taxpayers of some $21 billion. Exactly what percentage of thiR tnll can be attributed to purposive accidents and how much to other fac- tor!-\ is impossible to measure. But the first inkling of how "major" thi=- percentage might be came in the late 1940s when Dr. Flanders Dunbar, a pioneer in psychosomatic medicine, interviewed patients in the accident ward of a general hospital. Although all of those interviewed attributed their mishap to "uncontrollable'' en- vironmental factors. at least RO per- cent re\·ealed typical accident-prone characteristics -all symptoms of deep emotional confliclll, In recent years a considerable amount of effort and research has been devoted to the cr eation of a safer environment Such t hings aR dual braking syst,ema on automo- bile.q, stronger or more resilient cen- ter-strip barriers on hiJrhways, hard hats for construction workers. eye shield~ in factories. nonskid ttoor surfaces. and safety...ed ucation pro. ~ramR htWP. served to reduce the lH:ddf'nt !'Rte somewhat. But current statistic~ reveal clestr· I~, thAt these environment.al efforts are not enough. The accident toll in the United Statel'l has come down to n plAte1w-and no amount of addi- By STANLEY L. ENGLEHARDT tional safety devices or education programs seema able to get it be- low this level. For tbis reason, safety experts are now taking a long-over- due look at human factor s. and what they have discovered to date is ex- tremely revealing. Con1ider what was learned dur- ing a two.year study conducted by Dr. Harold Marcus. associate clinical professor of psychiatry at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York. at a large metropolitan depart- ment store. The study involved one group o! 26 accident-repeaters and A group of 26 accident-free controlN An accident-repeater was defined by Dr. Marcus as someone who had had at least five accidents in nve years- leaving no doubt of their pronenesi:; All were given a battery of psycho· logical tests as well as at least one lengthy clinical interview. Whenever possible. Dr. Marcus tried to see accident-repeaters when they were "fres h" from a mishap. On a superficial emotional bAs is. the tests and interviews didn't turn up any marked differences between the g roups. Both had their' share of anxious or mildly depressed people: both revealed patterns of good and poor marital relAtionships. Thus it wouldn't appear that the upR an<l downs to which we are all subJect cr.n be implicated in accident-proneness. What doe1 seem to be involve'ti. however. is basic personality pl11~ family backjlround. Here i11 where tests and clinical interviews turned up some dTamatk variationR. For example The accident-repeater group had a predominance of pass ive or submifl- sive people--and t hose few who could be chAracterized as dominant wen! almost all women. Among t he l\CC'i· dent-free controls. the -pattern wn11 just the opposite. with the vn~t ma· jor ity of men dominant in their social 1rnd mArital relatiom1hips, Almost all the people in the acc i- dent R'roup admitted to some inhihi- tions, guilt. and fear in their attitude toward sex. In the control group. about half evaluated themselves a i1 being completely uninhibited and free from feare in this area. A large number of the repeaters said they were dissatisfied with their jobs. while all but one of the controls indicated they liked their work. There was a striking and signifi. ca nt difference between the two groups in the way they handled their anger. Without exception. the acci- dent-repeat,ers revealed that they were unable to let out anger under any circumstance-they jftst swal- lowed it. The non-accident controls, however. did a pretty good job of venting anger when it was necessary. In t he family histories of the a('· cident group t here wu a formidable lineup of parental di scord. broken homes, strict punitive discipline, and poor relationship between parent and child. Although there were some broken homes in the backgrounds of the controls, most said that home discipline was mild. In essenc•, t he accident-repeater!\ exhibited a clear pattern of sup- pressed anger, carelessness in their work and personal habits. and passiv- ity in all human relationships. Thus. lacking a normal ou tlet for many emotions. t hey used self-destructive accidents aa a means of expressing hostility, of getting care and atten- tion. and as punishment for their sexual guilt. Dr. Harry Levinson. former dire<>- tor of the Industrial Health Division of the Menninirer Foundation and presentlv a visiting professor at the Harvard Buftine8s School. estimate!-\ that 80 to 90 percent of all indus- trial mishapR can be attributed to similiar psychological patterns. More· over, the same causes probably un· cterlie a srnod dea \ of t he aicknes" and absenteeism which costR U.S.'in- duRtry some $9 billion yearh·. The crucial queRtion is obvious : can we use theae insights to prevent accidents? The aOAwe\° was indicated quite dramatil'Rll.V ciurinJr: the Mar· cus study. When worci got around that a psychiatrist was interviewing all accident victim~. the store's acci- dent rate dropped drastically. Of the 70 employes interviewed durinUhe study, of whom 54 had had one or more accidents each year, only one had another mishap during the twC1- year period. ~oreover, the number of lost da.vs due to accidenlff dropped 3j percent, even though a program of environmental accident-prevention measures could bring it down no more than 14 percent in the previous two yeari; Thus It would appear that Ri'nlple recognition o( accident "pronenes1f' is a vital first step in prevrntion. Reyond this. here are sever·al step~ you can take to break a troublesomt! accident trend. 1. Ask yourself what happened dur ing the day that preceded the al·- cident. Go over every event until you pinpoint the incident or incident~ thal made you angry. annoyed, or upset. It could be somelhinir as s1m· pi e as a sharp word from the bosi1- A word that you were forced t.<l,iitJ."nl· low. Or it could be guilt or hostil it~· developing from social contacts. I f vou can expose the event. you ma~· be able tn recognize the renson for ~·ot11· most recent accident. 2. Talk it out with n friend or rel- ative. PIAin talk is a great pressure vnlve--and you may gnin enough in· Aight to realize that the miRhap wasn't ju8t bad luck or clumsine~s. 3 . Finally. there'" the important role of professional help. For many people. tiR recog.?Htwn and preven- tion of an accident pattern-paJ•jpll· larly when the accidents result in serious injury-may require psych1· atric as!-l1stance. "The sum of the wholf' matter." Dr . Menninger has written. ''is that our intelligence and ou r affection:< :ll'e our most dependable bulwark!' agA rnsl self-destruction. Tu recosr· ni?.e t he existence of such n fore<> within us is the first step toward if~ l'l>nt ... ,1.. • ,..,1.t,..il11 W Hkl11. A uy111t I ;, n11111 1 I f Custom fit for any dress .you make guaranteed on this precision adjusting form or no cost! Aristocrat of ))reg Foa111S /+. profcuional pr«ision adjustment form I r.11Pon1 Ncoprciw aivt$ body material 11Ut ftuina and holdina powr). ..... • .. ..,.., ___ ............. , 0 2 ...... _,_._ YOU. • A ........................ ~,.-. ........ ( ........... ,.). • IMlt ................... r-11 ...... ...... , ............ ...... ...... -........ ...... ..,,, .. ,_ ................. ,... .... . . ~,.. ................ ,_ ..... .. ..., ,_.., •••'lins. 5fr9lls ...... .. c ... ,_ ......... ..., . _..... _., ....... . -;.. If you're without a drns form-just lt)'in1 this one (at our risk) can ctwqe your life. This fonn suarantees a custom flt npftlsive loot to each dras you alter or male-or no COJl, Yet it ••. ,., you money 50 fast it often paya for ilself lbe ftrsa or second time l*d. This cUitom fit form sans hours adjustina P9lltrns and finina clodu-up 10 .50% of 1ewina timt. h sawa Slf\IUlina, twistiq. •"'"'"'a-1,,1111 1~ ~· the ri&ht fit. h saves rippina out seams for a aunplc ahcration. or just bccaux your skirt didn't hana property the ftnt time. . It's perfect for berinncrs. Here is why all of lhia .U IO. THE SECRET OF CUSTOM FIT Would you like every dress you abcr OC' 11\Ue pr'fil!d tor its cus&om fit upcnsive lool 7 While you smile-inside-at the moacy and time you'Ve sawd-at the end of cmbenassment of poor fh "home made" cloches-« the succeu or your ftrst dress makina atteatpt. The teertt is ""'"'" odj1U1i1«1 or standard .,.t. wrns 10 your diftercnces (there's only one you). When you pin the pancm 10 an ellC1 duplic.Mc or you this adjustln1 is simpk and easy. And this custom fit life liz.c drat form bKomes ~.11actly YOU-with YOUR waist-YOUR lboul- dcn-YOUR neck-YOUR bust line-YOUR hips. Tbls is because in cKh body area an inecnious size computer ~dialah your meuurcmenta. A Tab tlike a tape measure) slides tbn>Qb a slot wader the area answer window. When yoI/'r mcasurcmcnta appear in each window just clip lock in politioe. AUlomalkally the DUPONT NEOPRENE pro- ctUtd body material bas already adjusted-in f'«lt ~ •l'ff-IO bcconw YOU! Custom adjmciq of pilllkms lo you has become as easy as before it WU dilicult. A LIFE SAVER FOR BEGINNERS . ~use lhc hankst part of home sewin1 is mal- 1n1 adJustmcnlt-ellac:tly what ADJUST-0-MATIC makes 10 simple. With it bcsinncrs easily mate hems-adjust hem- linei-makc ahera1ions so perfectly saore bouabt dothn ftt like made to order. You uve the $3 to S5 P9id before to fill a shoulder line-shorten a hem -take in a waist tine. You're more satisfied with tbe way your cJolhes fit Fit1in1 in lhil form is ao easy you quickly form old dJ"HSCI into new. Too ti&hl or too loose-loo larte or 100 small dreucs fit .,.in. You easily aha, rcdcsian. remodel your own draws, coals. skirta, blomcs. You be1in to make your own simple dNlws then lnOft complicated ones. Later, you ewn detip your own styles, and all on UU. form. DOES MORE THAN ANY OTHER FORM This matkr _penern maker's form haa nery possible pn>f essional clrnsnakcr Irick aDd abort CUI built ripl inlO it. It's unlile any other form. To adjust there"s no maze of wire and bolts to llrvuic with. Simply slide adjusa and clip lock. It's ptnnable-tltrou,ltotft . No pps down fronl or side or around neck rive difftcully . Scientiftcally placed pidc lines let you know when your drus is pcrf~tJy centered on the form.. The li1ht Slttl stand is so adjustable, raises or knwcn prttiN/J to Uy point 4' r lo ,. 6• (add lmsth or your head from ned ""to mnsuremmta of any form). Ifs handlome rubber tipped pva steady suppor1. It asamblcs, takes apart ca.MJy . The inventor has built a ....,... c:n.u lit.time a master pattern maker for leadlna pattern DM.u fOMIS compmnies Into this form. u s......, All hi1 life -he desiped ;~ dress forms -some of the ,3140021, wotld's m05t expensive -to aive custom nt to the very rich. ::..S:.. But he built this custom dness tonn tor you -to adjust more precisely than any other -do many dressmaker tricks others can't -yet costs a fraction of the othen. Wort wilb this form anywhere. Lap. table, chair. Want to work on shoulden-bed-undttarm 9eUl'I -fl"Ol'lt-waisi-hips? Pres&o! One hand lifts form olf s&and. Without ever ldtias up from your cbair you can tab ADJUST-0-MATIC a119n and work in 1ee1ions. Every adjustment-each contour line-the hei&ht ransc-thc analc of lhe da~urc antic or the form-all have been checked and rechecked by fL~ion fit leaders. home dress makina authorities and fashioft editors.. AMAZING NO RISK OFFER ln11ead of bulky, heavy casi iron framina Hd body, ADJUST-0-MATIC u.tes DUPONT NEO- PRENE proccued body malCrial SWppcd direct to you diaucmblcd ii costs a fraction al ordinary forms. There arc acvcral parts lo each acclion- only '' in all. To aucmb&c, adjust or 1ake apart each st~ is aimf)k and fun with clear can't llO wron1 d1rutions. When you try it for 30 daya without obliptiona you'll rcaliu why it's '° amaziq. Full refund if noc dclishted. All AOJUST-0-MATIC costs is $"'49 yet it has many features drus forms cosain1 six times more do not have. Try at OW' risk. Rcacrve yours today. .~------------------·M..tleD STUDIOS U81as ' ............. ,.....DM7 l'lcaw nnfl rcvollotlOftW)' P't:lt .. ECT FIT ADJUST· 0.MATlC 0... Fomt IM4 9'1&raatee cuet-'lt· tU.. clothes fOJ the mlln f~ fot JO.clay NO IUSK TlllAL. U al1e1 1ryln1 PERFECT FIT ADJUST· O.MATIC I ... not detlshld ht c'""l' ••r. I •Ill retllf'tl It '°' ruu rduttd. Cll&CIL1Rn1 8""-"89(1tO2IO)lleca-rrM If bust Is l0"·40". l.arfe~(JO\i..SO)a--ui*d II tMM la 41".'2• Eaclc>Md ~ ot 111_0. s SctM1 -: _Jtq. ADJUST~MATIC Dre. Po.-@: S"-49 ~ ADJUST-OMAYIC Dfte "-@ $7,., -~bit S-1 0.-s.-.a @ SU9 NAMll~~~~~~~~~~~~~­ A.,.,....~~~~~~~~~~~~ CITY STATS z•---1 Pk a..r "dd !Ur po<oto¥C w11h orllcn ·------------------ Stand recommended for best reswlts --· Children's Menu Thou(lh VeflelableA are mf'l with •neertt, And no one's hun,iry. it ap~ar ... Thoae appelite8 ontt •o inf'rl Snap to life at the word .. d~M1rt. •• ') -Beuy l all'r ...,.. ~ i QUIPS AND QUOTES I ''I received a letter from Mother W· day," Mrs. Perkins told her husband, ''and she says she hopes to visit us next month." "Oh. no," moaned Perkins, "not again! The last time she was here, she spent the entire visit pointing out all my faults." "Don 't be silly," r etorted his wife. "She couldn't have pointed them aU out. She was only here two weeks." -F . G. Kerna11 B ut fhen M eth.uselah didn't smo~. drive a?l automobile, or crou city struts. -Gertrude Pierson A father took his small son te visit t he family's newest arrival in the nur- sery of a country hospital. The boy stood in front of a large window peering in at thP. 15 tiny cribs in which there were 13 babies. "Oh, look. Daddy." be ex- claimed, "they've got two more traps set.'' -H erni Albr-ighf W /t.en a friernl went on a diet aml lost more than JOO pounds. my am.all son's comment wa.s, "S//e'tr already lost mot·e weight titan most people are!" -Dorothy 8. Bennett In the Driver's hat A man lo eueeeed muet have reeolate drive; That ia why many lim~ appearing Berund a Big Wheel who goes far in the world. There·, a woman with power ateerin~. -Tkoro E. Riningu "We ha.ve1i't decided wit ether to buy or bttild." Family WHkl11, Auq1ut 11, 196!1 7 A hippie was derisive about a man's new car M the owner brag1red about its power and claimed it could outrun an~·thing. The hippie bragged he could outrun it him11elf. • o t he car started off lit about 30 mile!! an hour with the hippie running eMily alonJ,r· side the car. At 50. the hippie speeded up, too. not even panting. Then the driver floored his acceleutol'. and the car soon reached l(lti miles an hour. But there wai1 the h1pp11 running along with him. Sudden!~· thE'r• was a loud explosion. and he disappea re d The driver braked to a stop as the hippi<• crawled out of a muddy ditch. ''What happened ?" asked the drl\'er "Man!" said the hippie. ''Did you E'V('r l>low a tennis shoe at 100 mile$ per hour·•· -Dan Bettnrt I 1 I -W HEN a youngster who bad done well on the freshmen football team of a large Midwestern high school turned up for fall practice last year, his coach was dis- mayed to see him. He bad been countinr on the boy for the vanity, but he had ~t added enourh wei1bt. The coach prMCribed a ciuh diet, but it didn't help. Then Oae co.eh remembered readinr about drop which could help a ITOWing boy add pounds rapidly. Yee, there were such drup, the team physician told the coac~he andro,enic•nabollc atttoid com- pounds, similar to some of the body's own moet powerful hormones. But he warned the coach to check with the American Medical Aaaociation before orderlq them for the boy. Drop the whole idea, the AMA'• School Sports Committee Wl"Ote em- -.c9hatically to the coach. Such steroids are danaeroua and could do luting harm to the youth. UnfortulMltely, ttiere la mounting evidence that not all coaches check on the dangers of drura which either build up Ol' "hop UJ>" a star perform- er. In Europe, deatha have been re- ported in some sports. "The di1turbiq practice of many coachee who artiftcially inftuence an atblet.'a performance ia the result of our mistaken empba.aia on the de- velopment of aupentara and new rec-There is little evidence that hyp- ords rather than on encouragement nosis helps an athlete turn in a con- of the average athlete to excel," says aistently better performance. Pay- Dr. C. Etta Walters of the Florida cholotiat M.B. McDowell of Pa.ciftc State University Institute for Hu-Univenity aaya, "Hypnosis can relax man Dnelopment. Doctor Walters an athlete who's not playins up to his lista four methods by which an full capabilities, but it can't aid a athlete's performance can be inftu-poor athlete. Good athletes lightly enced: chemicals, hypnoeia, motiva-hYJ>notise tbemaelvee anyway by fix- tional atreea tnininr. and will power. ing their. attention on the contest The drat three, wrongfully used, pre-ahead." sent a major peril to athletee. What can make an athlete utilize The AMA bu this to say about the ,,. "')\. 100 percent of b1a potential? Re- ehemical moet often considered in "8archen believe the beet-and improving athletic performances: aafest-atimulant fa motivation and 5tw1ldt wed to put. on weight will power, developed to extraordi- -can · atop growth prematurely in nary levela. Doctor Walters and col- prepubertal boya. induce precocious leares believe the seat of this power puberty, and decrease the aiu of the Jiu in the "Great Arousal Center" sex glands. In adult males, sex-gland (GAC), IOcated in the brain stem. function can be slowed. Oral doses }Vhen fear, excitement, or anxiety of the steroids have produced markerl spurs a person to action. the GAC, changes in liver functions. they believe, operates as a power Pep pills (illegal except for medicAI plant bombarding the neceaaary mus- purpoeea) give athletes extn bunts clee to perform a physical act with of enerv but can cause damage to exciteq motor neurons. Simultaneoua- many parts of the body and are habit-ly, tbe GAC ahort~ircuiu normal in- forming with prolo~ use. bibitiou, and the body responds The controversial industrial sol-with a single purpoee. vent DMSO (it penetrates through "The problem we are trJil"!r to the skin in seconds) is being applied solve is to find a wax for athletes to to mask pain 10 that an injured play-short--circuit normal inhibitions vot- er can return to the game. The dan-untarily," says Doctor Walters. rer, warm the AMA, Is that pain is Part of Ute anawer lies in the de- • respected warning against the pre-velopment of will power, says Dr. mature return to competition. With ThomM K. Cureton of the University the pain muked, the aeriouaneu of of Illinois Physical Fitneea Labora- an injury may well be overlooked or tory. Doetor Cureton is ftrmly con- compllcatecl. vinced that ecience can help ordinary athletes develop the kind of "ftint steel" mind as that of famed miler Joey Ray, who at 70 stiJl runs a mile on his birthday. Ray, Ol~pic gold-medal swim- ming champion Don Scbollander, and others believe in the principles of atreq training-pushing themselves beyond what they think are the limit.a of their endurance. "But this requires developing toua-h-mindednea over a period of years," says Schollander-and this is the poeittn mental attitude Doctor Walters sees aa Ure prerequisite for triggering the GAC to unleash aston- ishing physical power. The AMA.'1 attitude is expressed by Univerity of Oregon head coach Bill Bowerman: "Take a runner who tries to break the mile in four min- utes but is not capable of it-and does not even run it in the time he is capable of. I'd rather have an Ath- lete be abort of his ultimate potential than try to go beyond it. Goadina- him and having him fail can frus. trate him permanently." Doctor Walters suma up the case against the hopped-up athlete in these words: "When coaches foolish- ly condone drura or hypnosis to gaJn an edge in a contest or apply im- proper techniques of sport. pqchol- ogy, they are not only flirtinr with danger but are tanrpering with the spirit of competition, which builda character and dnelops sensitive and rewardina-adulta." • ( ) ( .. • • Win a Polaroid Swinger Sentinel Camera in the Aurora Bag-A-Camera Sweepstakes. Just imagine! I 0,000 of these famous cameras that make pictures in onl y 10 seconds. 10,000 prizes are available and only in the Western States. You don't have to buy a thing. J ust take the at- tached card to your grocery store and compare the slo- gan printed on it with the slogan on the front of the Aurora Bathroom Tiss ue pac kage. If they matc h, you've bagged yourself a new Polaroid camera. Sec rules on reverse side. FAMILY Wffl(l Y O ROERCARO • • • • • This may be your lucky slogan : "Two layers thick" l t I I FAMILY WEEKLY COOKBOOK Fr>osty Dr>inks -. . For> Su11zct11-ier> Sipping MELANIE DE PROFT Food Editor ) 8 ummertimf' l.-n1l11 ill'f"lf lo flXpt'rimt"nlintr with c-oolin" drink conCO<"liom• and leisurt>ly sippiu,r. lt't-fun to 111ir up 14omethin1r nf'w in tf'mptin~ thirlil quent'ber8 al' well a11 mixinfl lho~ nld favnnlf>i&. <Aonf>d fruit pont'h ancl canned fruit driok8 a"' w .. 11 H t'annf'•l or l>nttled IM'vf'ra~t'~rhonated or no11carhonated-art> ddi,rhtfull~ refr.-11bin,: wht'n Wf'll ic-ed. 'fry lhem. tMJ, ait the 11tarl of lh•t .. t1ome tbin,r n c" •• wlwn mixinlf drink ... Apricot-Orange Mixer 1 pint onn1te itht'rbel 1 •/z cups apricot net"tar. chillf'd 2 tablespoon" lt'mon juir<' ! 1'z cups lemon-lim.-carbonatf'cl bHf'ralft', chillf'd Vanilla ic• cream or "'"'t'elM11'ci whipped creMm Grated oranitt' pel'I l. Jn a mixing bowl or l>le ncl t'r oeat sheruet; add apricot nect1,1 1· alld lemon juice. IJlending until llmooth . 2. Pour into glal4~e11. Add the lt>m1111 lime carhonated be,·era~c to ead1 a nd stir gen tly. 3. I ( desired , for stirrer:-. threari skewers with lemon t·url.: and grapes. Or top each with <1 sm;tl: Acoop of vanilla ice cream or sw~et ened whipped cream and g1 •1ttc-cl orange peel. 114 ql>t. IH?Vemr11. Mocha Shake I pint chocolatf' ict' <'rt>ani 2 cup8 milk '1 teaspoon almond u:trnd 1 tablespoon suirar 5 tuspoons instant co«<·1· Sweetent'd whipped <'rf'ltni Shavf'd chocolatt> J. Soften ice cream in a mixing lio\\ I or blender ; gradu~dly add milk. con t inuing to beat or blend until s mooth. Then blend in extt·act 1rnd a mixture of s ugar and coffee. 2. La dle or pour into glas11c:-;. Top with t he sweetened whipped ..ream and s haved chocolnt<' I QI. null. .~h11/,·, Lime Cooler 2 11coop11 lime sher!wt cup chilled Gato rad(' lu Fresh mint or mintf'Cf t'ht>rr~ J. Put one scoop lime sherbet into ll tall glass. P our Gntorade over the• s her.bet: add ice. 2. Top with Aecond Mcoop of s herbet. Garnis h with fre~h mint or m111 te<l cherry. 10 J.'amilu U t1t14·111. Augu11t 17 fJlll'• Cherry Cooler GJallfle" ,..·ith suirar-frosted rim" Eitir "'·hitt- Sujear en,•elope cberr~r straw~rr} pret'IWt"efened "ort-drink mi:\ 31 z cup1< cold water I cup fruit cocktail I pint oranite s ht>rht>I 1. To frost rams of glassei<. l>ru sh outside rim:i with egg white. then dip in Rugar. Place 111 freezer or rt'- fr1srerator until ready to u1-1e 2. Empty the presweetenecl soft- drink mix into a 1-QL pitcher. Adil the S112 cup11 cold water and star 1111· til h lenclecl 3. When ready t(i ~erve. put 3 table- spoonll fn11t co('ktail in eact\ glal{s. Pour in drink mix; add ice cubes. 4. Top each llerving with a Rcoop of llherbet. 1-qt. C(lo/n Banana Milk Shake envelope vani11a-ftavored inl'llllnl breaUai-l 2 CUPR milk 1'z pint bla<'k walnut or buttered pf'cR n ice cream full)· ripe banana, cut in pitte" lable .. poon lemon juire J. Empty instant breakfast into a container ; stir in milk; set aside. 2. ln mixing !Jowl or blender. soften the ice cream with the bana na and lemon Jlli<'e. :J. Adel the brenkfost drink xn<I lilcnd until ~mooth. I. l'our into glallses. Garni~h C01d1 with I\ thick ~lice of banana cl1pp<>d in lemon .111it'e. if dellired. 1 qi. /l('l'('t'<lf/1' Sweetened Whipped Cream I rup rhilled whipping crt'Rm :l lahle,.poons 11irted c:onrec:t ioner:-;' 1111itar ll'BRfJoon \'anilla f'Xt ract I. Heat the c ream until it st»nd~ in peak:< when beater i11 i-lowly lifted 1111r11ch t 2. With final few strokes, beat i11 the 11ugar and vanilla extra<:l until blended. Set in refrijlerator if nt•t used immediately. If whipped crcarr, iR not st iff e nouJrh when re:HI\ 11 1 u11e. heal ug:lin Ah1111t !! 1·1111/( wh11111<'<i 1·1Nl11• Cantaloupe-Orange Party Drink The rich. full fiat111r 11f t1in t'-,.iµP11NI cnt1taloupe im11art11 011 m1f11r(l1'flol1/1 qua.lit11 to tl1t1' f>E•i•1•rayc . medium-sized ripf' canta loup<'. rind rt•moved and rantaloupc· meal rul in piert>1o 1 ~z cups oranite juirf' 2 tablt'8poon11 lemon jui<'t- 2 tablu pooru; lime juir1· 2 table11poonR 11u1tar Fe111• grains of 11all Melon ball~ Oranl(e sliceii, quartt'red J. Put one-half of all ingredient except melon balls and orange slice!' into a blender. Cover and blend about 1 min. or until smooth. T ur n mixture into a pitcher or bowl. Re- peat procedure with remaining one- ha lf of ingredient!!. ('hill. 2. Serve over crushed ic'e in st emmed glasses. Garniflh each Rerving with a melon ball and ora nge slice perched on rim of glalls. Insert two colorful, Rhort straw*! in each drink. Abo11I t 1,4 qtx. l1e1•p1·ag1 Lemon-Cherry Cooler 4 cups water Y, cup suirar 1 envewpe lemon·ft•\•ored soft. drinJl mix envefol>t' c:herry-ftal·ored 11oft· drink mix ran (6 oz.) froien oran1re juic-t> concentrate. thawt>d can (6 oz.) frozen pineapple juiu concentrate, tha\\.e<I bottle (12 oz.) sparklinit watf'r. chilled J. Combine wnter and sugar in a saucepan. Set over low heat and stir until sugar is ctiRso lved. Brin~ to boiling and boil 5 min. Cool ; chill thoroughly. 2. Combine soft-drink mi.xeR and juice concentrate": beat w ith a ro- tary beater or mix in a blender. Sti1 in the chilled "yrup 3. Pour over ice in gla~Rel-1, Add sparkling water and stir to blend. If des ired, top each serv ing with a scoop of vanilla ice c ream. f Qf8. hl1VPrct(lt> Cola Sherbet Float '• cup suirar 1 cup carbonated cola beveraice I t.upoon grated lime peel Citrated throuih colored part only) Few i rains salt I ~i cup8 cream I. Chill a bowl and rotary beat.er in refrige rator. 2. Blend together in a large bowl. in orde r : the sugar. cola bevera~e. lime peel, ~alt. and c ream: Stir until s11ga r ii'! dissolved. Pour into a J. 1.1t. refrigerator tray. l<~reeze unti l inixture is mu:\hy. 3. Turn mixture into the chilled bowl a nd beat with the chilled beat- er until smooth. Immediately return mixtu re to refrige rator tray and freeze until firm. .t. Put ice into tall g la:cses and pour in cola beveraJte. Float a gene rou~ scoop of Cola SherlJet atop each drink. Ahout t t/2 11ts. s//erh<'I f enougll for R to U drinks 1 Tropical Cooler Li cup suitar l) cup water 2 lable&P'>Ons lf'n1on juit'•· I ripe banana, cut in pien·)I 2 tablespoons bro" n 8U1Car 1 '• cups onswt'elent'd pinup pit-ju in· '·• cup oritnge juice I . Combine s ugar a nd water in a saucepan. and foUow directionR in Step 1 of Lemon-Chen y Cooler . 2. Put lemon juice. banana. and brown sugar into a blender. Blend until ~mooth. Addin g gradual!~-. blend in pineapple and oran~e j uices. then the sugar syrup. F reeze Dntil mu!<hy. 3. To serve. spoon about l/z cup ba- nana mixture into each of 6 chilled ~la. Ae!\. Fill each with the desired amount of chilled Rin2'er ale or i«ed tea. A hottl 1-qf. freeu Jee c'?'eam or sltP.rbet et1ho.nces th est• re/reRhing drinks. Reading clockwi41e frnm lo11•e1· le/'l , A1w1cot-Ora-n gr M ix- er, Mor ha Shake, Lime Cooler, CheM'y Cooler , and Banana Milk Shake. ~ I t OUTPERFORMS COSTLY ROOF ANTENNAS 20 TIMES ITS SIZE! • c ..... , ...... ,...._......, .......... -.,...., ·~ ........................... 11 • fW.:::...,.· ~ ,., ,.ffect .... , 81'4 bladl • Cle-M -4 l'9ftPllOfl! • J .... ,... ~left..,.,._,_ fOf TV, 1 ler ........ '901 • ~ ............ wltll I ... , ... leM-lft .. ,._ fOf n--1 .. ,.. .... ,.., •0Nr1r1111t1 ............. ......,.,0,.,...1 • ~teotleellr ......... , · .... •...-4 -----·· _..., • o ... "'H ,.., -ltMllclil •wrMtr/ ~-s••blr4-lrtclu~u -11 ~-•-' 0ttt~-l•1 •• , Ml YOfl ClWt -II '10W#/J Iii lfflltttlu! You just can't beain to lmaaine how sharp the pk- 1uros and how clear 11ic 10und you can receive in your own home, until you've insu.llod th.is revolu1ionary new SKYPROBE omni-direccional 1n1enna system! SK.Y- PROBE -the re9ul1 of advallced d«"troruc resurch -~ith a uniquely effidcnl cylinder shape aod a superio1 mtegr11cd component system -re11ches out to pull in si•n•ls over a 360" circle ... over • radiu1 of up 10 'IS miles! Color pictures come in 1now-frec and Slable in critical color and conl'l'utl \)our TV act and FM receiver work at !Mi~ fulleat po1en1iall You couldn't CC1 better results from a motoriud. rocatina antenoa system ttllina for JO times SK YPROBE'S low price! ONLY S/1.9"' NOW! Run Your Car Without Spark Plugs T'1E IMPOl'ITANT DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ORDtNARV 8PAAtC PLUGS AND JU·FIR' FUEL IGNITUIS Your u r'a PO••• co,...1 ''°"' 1111; ••PIOfrlOM ol p .. O//,.. ••pot e M/ e11 lrt "°"' crl1"'1•n Tl'I• °'~' Ill• llWJIT-R# Wflt. l•lllTali &[M, ·::;.; ;.;i CONVENTIONAL PLUGS ••PIOO. on •• mllture wllh • 1p11k """"'"" acrou •n '" oep The •Park t& full 3~· lh«Mn1no1n• ot .,, 1ncn ecroaa -noo wtOe •novon to ••PIOCle all tha 1'"1 1n Ille cyl11>d8• UnC>urM<I gat IKAPt'& trHOUOh your ••h•u•t '" ....... .,,It' l le<lrO<IH -·-l l>O C.keli "'"" cuoon l h• O•o ••<l•ri• ttte apart. Qe\I "•rro•er you tote trt0re Wiii d•ll~•r up to 30 more ltoraepower, 5 more mil•• per 11•1/on ualn11 only 1'9f1Ul•r 11•• I THEY NEVER WEAR OUT YOU'U _ Q.Ull._,. Oii ~ "'---l • ,,_, up to 5 more milN per {lllllon ol gu po-••. •H•• more luel '"° finally ..... IO llPllU you1 plulJ• J£T.FIRE FlJEL CGNITER WIOE SWATH OF FLAME JET·FIRE FUEL IGNITERS uu no ao11k• ln&IHd a tenn•"O 1w1111 ot "•"'• wat•• acro11 • a.enu..c;onch.1,lo• • add up to 30 tnOl'e ttor .. po•er to your engine ~r,~~ Drodge lrom one lllClrO<ll to anothar, ,r ~ \ '-••olOd•M 111 more luel, ge111no far more power T ""' 11 no o•P lhet can WIOlll, and Utl>on d<IOCMll• ft.IU•llV • N•• SfOO each r••r '°'you , 1••r lllf•r 1••r "'""• ,ou UH th• ch .. ,, .. , grH•• ""gHol/nel ht. Ill improve penormance Th~V do Ml ....,., n1vo to De 1djull•d 01 replacoo-•••r· ~r*'' plu .. , MC' ott\ntcu·' h ow tnttc-... ·' la.r hcrh,t ... , \•• fU" \Pf)Ut '-•I V.-uf\ ""'""'"'"'"ii 'pa.rl. f'lh~'· '"''' iii hu.ftt'n o' Ith lu.. 1h .. n cn1t..:r .. )tl\11 c,.11ndc'r' '' lU.tUc-4.1 1ruu S"''""'C.' I ht. fr f'w..lr'f''\ 1nrn\orh )'our u1ilr1pc a,, unt\um.-J .. ~•f'Mtt t h.-1 " bc'C'l\hc· thirtt '~rl t• ''' narru•--onh \).1tk•u .. ..anJ1h ... 1 1 ,,, in-." •1dco-1ttat tt t a•ut.'4 sx .. ,,~h ••ftl\c all uu hk·I n11uu• tn lht: \)llndct A' phtth .._._., t\IJt.L 1t'°'u \f'l"'9t~'t ~""'l A.Ht••._\, fln4 I~-. rtt·"-toent otl I~\ hl\"C ''* ~ rcptauJ "'-tllll '"' hrc-t-u.rl ltrult" ..,,, ~ far bC"urr JOt> ''' turn•"• J'll~>l•n< 1n10 pn--. r ln,lrad ~ • naru:•" •P-tt~. tht't .._ .. n.-t ,1u1 4 ........ uh "' n1rnir '"'" •... 1.... M.ntt.\ a w.m,•ulftduc. h tl ltS". 1ann1"• nu1 tft .tll dtr~thtn\ and C•Plochntt l;;u 11\4!~r IOtl '" 1tw '"'""J .. ,,_ Thal " ... 0.. ~ To ,. ...., .... _, Mott Jc.1.t--ur .. ur:I 1.,n1lcn. h.10~ lAc a.par~ plu11> rnc.rr:h ~Ju ... 1"4:) h.a\t' IU .__ ""'''"''J 1ntn •h~ '-r»tk plur "''~C't 8u1 ~11 ,, tth•v \.h• '"' lair J1n"rC'nt H~u. ' ht•• en l'hlH 11 I .... )-°' dU It'\ l •Jl1 w-•I' J. Sc.,. .,. • "9rlfffl1 lo'fl '4fflctl al rtNMI ) ..... lk ""' .. ™" ...... ., wllll --.,..~, ...... 'ff .............. -rolh .. lllllM -"1 4 •• _.. ....... , llM le.ull l~·tl« t•<f IJrflllft' t• 111· ........ job. ' 9. l'oo• -l>O• la'4 ,_ fW rolh al WI ... _.i. \ -ran n.....-1 k 10 ~" 4 TO " \Ill fl• PEit HOl'lt t A~ t: 11 •It"-• ta.d1J,.. lk .. , P«<!*-4-~ •It•• ln-t·1,. Fwt ltlt>ittt> lltcttaw ..,.lflto lt'\h h> I .. tu tst •lt1l eo IOC'<nM i. wa• roe_.,.,.,... •At l>lilltl ~'· •f'M• i.. ..,. • .., ... lit 10 l.~ ' Stt hr"t lhm)t, \.OU 'an tcJ1"~ the" ~.l'J, fto~ "" l\IJ'l~lnt't thl iJlm~' •rt:• l'lk.I ,,.,.. ... -. •n.f') ltcfoft '°"'·u· ''"" '"''" ... 11 •• (At tlK· <rialTH" umt. \OU ..-an m.1•~ yow 111U·h1 ~·'" ttU\tUh: k3nC"r I U\'f l11n1tr" rt'-IUlh' •1"1\ .t •" 1 riuh' 1n•ut1J •'I •ht--.--nn\rt..n11nn11I V I fl', a ttmf)k .1t.t,u,1mcnt 1ho11 )•1HJ or \lfhH Yt11 are protected lly ttlis 4·WAY GUARANTEE I. GUARANTEED tor the llfe ot your car co1 30 000 mites\ without cleanlnR. ttrvlt 1ng or reo11c1n; 2. GUAJIANTECD to increase miles oei R<ll Ion ot «IS on ruu111 Ra'' 3 CUAllANTEEO to 1ncruu llonep0we1, Increase enaone RPM• 4. GUAJIANTHD to Improve HU ot start 1na and accettrat1or mt•1.h•n1l. \an nu1h· '" one m1nuu h PH'IV•<k' c1i1rn J,rc.ot r C.\.-H\~!ltl\ '''" tlri~tnl.' .,r.J '-ou'll N'41u· rv\n mt\l't 1mru,wC'.~"1 ur h• \(I nMur '"'"""''"',.er ••I '"'"CktJlhtn f'Mt'•t"t, thmb1"' 1"'-••'"'' .uuJ f'•,11r11n11. f'•wc-r Alt th•'-"'h•k hurnt1111 It..,., ~_., SWITCH TO llEQUUll '"" nor11 time: )•\IUf • ., .. ._au~ '<h ft<'~• \he ··t-mpn•• m.1•~ 1<ll 11>c •ll•nJ•l'lt to 1111 11 IJI' .. 1111 ICl-l1ULAIC • {han<ec• .,, •••tt ti °'' k.Jnt!,~r nt-<d ""'"'""" wh1t,h '-'"'' four ''' r1fth1 '"""''" n-KHC' own rt~"hu .,__.. Af'H.I 1h1" 'liC'-''"J "~"''"*' '' •Wlh 1he hcJ1nn1n~ Jn tu.-. f ud 1,-n11er' N••VMk C.i\.~f o ttd •tlthtr >Cat1'-• •f'MJ thac l"l'M'Wrh k '' dr,11n f\f\ \our hatltr~, and "'' dra1tt un )UUt p.1otth., .1 \t~I IH It• ttcl 'litJtt..J 110 llUUClllQ 011 AO.JUITlllQ rvu I It\ mo~ )t\U drt\-f' ow bcUrr HM.tf t-ud l,mutn r-itrl0f11 I two' \ktn'r bf:,nnw ch'<kd, •e.1t nu1 '" rtquuc ~JU\hn•. AnJ ,.._,"'-n htuld .. ur--Ov n:t1u,.t C'f1t'"I)' t•t ttftJ fa.\htOMtJ Oluar..,. •tualh ma Lr .. hJC'I tt!ftlh:r' l)tlhlrt'1 ht.ttrr l.arboft brcomt .. ~n jttJJflh_•nal ,•rr•(f iut t~ ••n•tt r·,. b•, )l.l ft.tn\, ~' '"<Ir \••U h•"~ • th1nJ ••v1n;t Uot W:l oJ h•<I 1t1nllf' •ttl l1t .. l the htr of "''u' , .n t., .. ,,ted To 1 ... Air F0<u L"••- New llwJ c ... la•• You M-r f,1 t •h I uvl lw:nllrh .,.,c "''' dc~Chtf'.d tn .. ,a"'r J1tn1<n h\ot" Uurtn., \\4,rft.I \o\.er II tlt...t" "'''c umc"' •h<n nk'h o~·•"' "'C'•,· ~tlkt.I b\ i.perk r'llUs maUonchon than tn ~nf""'' •ntto" A tiulur~ .. tW-«tl r<pt1n.('l'n\nl v.a\ nt'e<kd, and t ud l.:nn,•r11i '"d rht ~·h 8-.Hh th<" Na\'\ •.nd A•t f <'rC"c h'"' ·•Pf'Hoh·d thf'm '''' f\•t cn~1rw u .. , ~.1-.11 '"'' lht\ huvt.: hi&:rn nit'tflf'<',f '"' .autcunobtk u .... 1 h<'\> -·'-''' '-lil"C 'ft\Uf hfc, but lhr\ ,..,n .. ave vnu h1• rnc·u'~"­ Uf" I•' Sttlh" )'C'Ar v.uh nnl1nar\' tlr11oin ... Samr day. all can ma• CO"'<' fqo1r~d with 1-~I l1tnitf " I ltk• lhta. Bui why wan .. htn )'Otl can 1n\Ull a \C:I y<l11r"'H now Ju>t mall rllc oour-•n wl1~ 1ht make •nd mod•I nf yo.,, , 1 I cat. and wr'lt ru..n Yf'U a ttl wl•h fuU ln'-fruuic•n' Ja!t $12.80 per aet of &. St.60 pe.r set of 6. 1 S6.41 per le( of 4. I I S•,. $100 • Yeer With Jet·Fwl lgnltersl II YOU o .... IS.000 mitt$, you Cl ll .. .,,, H •r • $51) by •wlle111nfl 10 1•11111•1 llH • $40 on ro11r tHINar "*l/H fl• • 110 ov nof reolaclno p/1191. JAY NOltl'lll COltP. Dot>t. L·2S3,31 "MM AYI., ,,_por1, N.Y. 11 .-----SEND COUPON TODAY -MONEY BACK IF NOT DELIGHTED ·-----· JAY NOltltlS COltP. Oopl. l · 253 '1 HeftM Aft., frfftMlr1, N.Y. 11120 Encloud I• 0 check [1 "'oner order 101 '-- (Add 10% lot POll•!l• 4 llendlrnr; n Send c.o.o I enCIOH 25% Oepos1· T will ~y post•ge end C 0 0 cllergea on drl1•ery Charge lo my n Ame11can Exoren c [ 1 01ner1 Club Acct Z------------ Plane rush me lhe lollowlnQ =-°"" t -U-J : Pri<O Add 10% lo~tlege & ~ndllng J_$ __ _ TOTAL S I I I I I I I I (S19n11ure1 Aooren I For lgnlr•r• VH' c111 : M•l<o Moo11 ot c•r ;:.11tt•-1~ .J -------------------------------------,, SYLVA KOSCINA ENTERTAINMENT Old-Fashioned Girl in a Mod World "JAM OLD-FASHIONED. I've lived with the same man for 13 years. Are we married? Well, sort of ... "I am a cocktail-a mixture. ·•t am a good businesswoman. too. Money ? I d on't have an~-. I spent it all on my houRe and m~· furniture. I'm broke" ConfuRed ? 1 should have been. But Sylva Koscina had explana- tion!'! for the contradictions. And. believe it or not. most seemed logical when I visited her in San Marino, a suburb of Rome. "This i11 the first rea l home I have ever had," Sylv11 said a s she showed me uound. "I make a lit· tie money from the vineyardi; here. I built t he homey cottage where 1 a m living now. and I am building a nother, bigger house nearby. The big house will be a little more pretentiouR." Whatever anyone else ma,. say. I found t hat Sylva has a con- viction that she iR old-fashioned. "I don't like fl irtations or chang- ing men like a toothbruRh," Rhe admitted. "1 believe in being t r ue to myself. in being fem inine. l 've lived with the same man for 13 years. as I said. Oh, sure. we were married in Mexico. but in Ital~· this doesn't count becam~e he waR married before. We've never had any serious problems. maybe be- cause he is 1 ~ years older ... Sylva's husband ia lfaimonrlo Castelli. who was a film d1Rtribu- tor when she met h im. Some con- sider Castelli a Svenga Ii. having great inttuence over Sylva. But from the beJrinning. he has guided her career excellently. And I found him a rather charming. bald. mid- dle-aged Cary Grant. who appeared genuinely concerned about S.vl\'U . " J.'t1111tl1f lrl--ook/11. AtlflU~I 17, J!}(j,<1 Sylva Koacim1 and Kirk Uoun· fa..s ;n "A Love- t y Wa.y to Die ... Sylva was born in Yugoslaviu. Her father was Greek-Italian, her mother P olish. (''That's why I call myself a cocktail mix.'' 1 Whil~ in school. she appeared on major Italian magazine covers. "But I really wanted to become a n actress," Sylva confessed. "and 1 was very naive about it. I got a lot of offers-ah, but not for any pictures!" But with Castelli, she did well in European films. Her uncom- mon ambition was r ecognition in Hollywood. "For years I yearned to go there," Sylva says, "but nothing happened. So when a pub- licist suggested that l pose nurle for a magazine, I accepted." But indeed before Sylva ap- peared in t he magazine she wa~ chosen to costar with Paul New- man. Then came costarring parts with Kirk Douglas and Rock H ud- son-the latter in United Artist!'', "The Hornet's Nest.·· T o Sylva. her house is her most "real" possession. "Maybe be- cause I can see it. because I can touch it," she told me. "I know that when l am 40 or 50, I won't be alone. If nothing elRe, J will have the house. F or the p ut few years. I've put all the mone~· I made into it. That'R wh~' 1 have nothing in reserve. But I can live in one house and rent the other. Because of this house. I've made some poor pictureA. l needec! the money." Sylva loves HolJywood. "l miss it." she says. When I asked whether she would like to live there, she lookec! around proudly and told me: "Six months a year, maybe. H ere-arP my roots. I'm old-fashioned about having roots." -PEER J. OPPENHEIMER rl 1UI •ug- Jve- ii. .. Ui. !ln. ·h y on rs. an i 1 : a n~' rel! m- in 1ed >ut 1b- 1de i p - •a <, :w- rts 1d- ts '. ost oe- an ow n 't •j 11 ew . I 1\·e an .h e 've led iss Jld ted ''" l t f' mt ER And if you do not own a cartridge player, we will give you this 8-Track Tape Cartridge Player =~· s1995 With this beautiful, top-per· forming Player, you'll be able to add the convenience and full stereo sound of 8·track car· trldges to your present stereo record system! Our regular price for the Player •s $69.-95, yet you may have 1t for only $19.95, when you purchase your first four tapes for only $5.95, and then agree to pur· chese as few as twelve addl· tJonal tapes durina the comins year. See full details on mem· bership in copy and coupon at right-and note that you may charge the Player to one of your credit cards. if you wish. if Ytl jei1 MW, 11• 8'ftl tt ,aRllHI as ftW II fitt M•ltltul car1rlifltt dw1111 Ult et•lll rew, tr•• Ult Ill•*••• t. k tffwN. YES, rrs TIUE! You may have any • of the best·sellina 8-track cartndies shown here-All 4 for only $5.95! That s the fabulOus b1r111n for new members who JO•n and agree to purchase as few as five additional selec- tions in the coming yur. AS A MlMIU yoo will receive, every four week~ a copy of the Service's buyina guide. Each issue contains scores of different cartndges to choose from-the best-sellers from many different labels! If you want only the reguler selection of your musi- cal Interest. you need do nothinc-it will be shipped to you automatically. Or you may order any of the other cartridges offered ... or lake no cartridge 1t all ... just by reJurn1ng the convenient selection card by the date specified. What's more. fr om time to time the Service will offer some special cartridaes which you may reject by returning the speci1I dated form provided ... or ac- cept by doing nothina. YOUlt OWN CHAU£ ACCOUNT! Upon enrollment. we will open a charge account 1n your name. You pay for your cartndcts only after you've received them -ind are en1oying them. They will be mailed and billed to you at the regular Service price of $6.98 (Classical ind occasional special cartridges somewhat higherl, plus a mailing and handling charge. YOU IU fill CAltTllDllS! Once you've completed your enrollment agreement, you'll get a cartridge of . your choice FREE for every two cartridges you buy! That's like getting 1 33WK. discount on all the a.track car- tridges you want ... for es Iona as you want! (If COii.POD bu lien rtr110Y9CI. amd t11• awalla'll of Ul•J IOl&T cattrld•N '°" •ut to ..,. a .• , Mldreu below. COLUMBIA STEREO TAPE CARTRIDGE SERVICE COlUMllA STEllO TAPE CAITllDE SllVICE Terre HCIVM, Indiana 47101 PINllll f'nroll me All • member of the Servltt. l'v• lndiuted below the fuur <'•rtridiree I wi&"i to r-1~ for 15.95. plu' J>Ollt.fe end ~dllfll. I •IT" to purchue 6ve more •l«tions durin1 I.he comin1 )'ellr •I I.he ~lar Servi"' f'ace und.r 0.. tam111 oullined 1n l.hil edve.rt.-t •.. ''°d I may conct my membership u y bme therMfwr. If I rooun .... I am '" rtt't'tYf' "" ii l r111·k •'i1r1rida• u f mv rhOIClt FREE for t'Yory ~ .ddj. 1111.oal wlertiooe l ~. SEND ME THESE 4 CAITllDGES (flll In numbers below) l-~~~.....L.~~~~'--~~~..i....~~~__.J 2as.112K My main 111u.icol interest it (cliock ono boa only)! 0 Eo1y littonlng 0 Young So11nd 0 Country talllol u.111 ... ""'"'-- State_ _l it O Chf'ck ho,. 1f, 1n Addition , vou want to ~,.,. lhe l'olumb1a 8-Tteck 1\po Canrida• Player for only $19 !t.'i. f;DC'i.:-your chock or money Ofder for Sl9.96 u full poytnent. (Cnrnplf'I~ ""tW.Chon ~ 6U•ranl-.l ur your _,_y will bo refunded in full I You'll be hilt.id S.'S 96 fnr your fintt foor ..,.,.ndcn lplu .. a msJlw,i and honnl11\lf cha~• for llw cartndirm am Player I, and W1U 1T>H•IY ..-r• to pu~ "" 1-u '""''"• adw· tiunel cartrid«H durin11 the comini y•r et the l'fll(ular Service pnco. (0. ~uro to indicate in the box• aboYe th. lour car1nd11e1 ~ou want.I If you wish llO cluirr• your Playu. your fint four cartn dree tplld mall· il!S and b&ndli111) IO • credit cord, ci-ti -and 1111 in your account oum!.r below: O American~ 0 M ld..t Banll Cud ._ ....... .......... _ 0 OinanClub 0 Uni-Card O Maatu Charr• O ~rd 285-8/2M 2,S.9/3M ~------------------------ • l 1 l j j ----~·-----~--------------------------.------------....... --................................. ~ ......................... ... • _ it !i~!;Ji•r 111& 111~ ri a ~1r;1· f~Rrt i 01 1 != st~~tl~l(''~l,llll<JU[i;<r~iI!!~!i-<1~1 I i~ii!i!i:t.-?!i~s!i!il .. ~if.sJi~~f!P;; ·~ ~trtin_if~~ •= I sa=;· ~1~. =f rl1§11·~slri, 1a~·? ,; l,~~~s1 11it~a 1~:1 £;J~-!l)[~~ai,fli~ :ci t ~;~~~-1 ~<Ii iltJ~lif~f9~~(tjl•iir !J. ~h;C!!br.!:;l1 'f !JI 1!~5 : ii· ~rrf o: 1·i eh · ~s;i~:1 11 11i= '':1~!1i!if1t;i•1 fi-< ~.t1J1g~!:!~l'1 r1•1 ~t!~l~ili:!n::lf till g .. t1 ~"'if•fn::I'( !.I 1' .. hief ... i-t d~ 1J:'a,. • ~1i ''"' 11 ...... ~·< l Is .3 a"' ... , >~:-.. ~ 1ir ... r ~"'-.1.. r" -, r. .. c: ,. ~· -1r • ... "' Ha;E~~~, ~ii l:t: l?~lf ~t~~mli!i 11·1 l r S!ii:~N!ti• !?:~ i!~~ !! I i : ~~ii ~1,mii~1 i ~I 1.11 •t133~f!i tr i1;-~ i• .2.i J0 !fr·1~~Jr i < ~$s-:,1!.!.t'i"l .:-=i ,.=r-111 ~ i if~~~~ J ti•tc-s 'l ff ~!·ea~~Si F~ int in~~ ;!ifJJE~f 111 f ~ ~~l~~!:i:t! m; jN ~=I e ' ~~~~ li 111PJ ~ ( rl --ll~~~<aJ 111 Jul ,ftiu ~Hn~b~ ·-' ! ~ ::a ;;;r:!;:~ 1!~0 1jiJ 4r -! }l~~!I :f 1is: if! ~ f li ' ___________ __. 5 ~o .... 1tiu.~J !r-e: l-. fs 'l I .. :oer:::! ~,.,_f .:t ... ! .. '? I ~ii ·1·1~ ll ~~ii ~·· fl~ jliil fl l 11~1~~ ·1· i! - ==~· I F.2r liE:7 a1 l ~t5 11~2 'l~g IJ-~nn I ~0~ ~~llrl r!!ii!•:f:s ~1~1rt9~Jt·;~ rf~ 91.1 &!=11 "'rn 11r1 uri.~ ~n· ~:-u li ... ! ... f~ ~1111 (li 0 1!2j111j i r1 1·2:•.11:~;!)i 11 iiJ. i:ljJ!~J!JS!,f11t ~1'1~1~r·I~ ffJ~'JfJ 11!~,~,!-,-,i! I~ '-if ?1: ,fJI.~~ =! f ~ ... , lt t -1~e1 r t·-1 . -iftli ~1 I J s 1•l:;t1i J 11 • I • t~~,, ~ ~:. ilft!~i~~hii !:~nj~•tii1ii:~ ~ ~;hm!~!:~ :11~' i11:1Bm1; !ii!.iii~r~ :m ~I~ g 11 • • • , i t!tl~f i!il;; ~!flf iii~ '!II lti 'f ;uEf tt f('fr a I c• I :J ·> If ta -a.~ I .. tll ;a"· ""I~ fJl ~: ! Zea n~s '4•· "I r-11w l ;:;i!IW lh!I~ 11if f ~flJI ~Iii J1f l tJw I ;~ ~ .:1'-iffiflf~rt ~1. ~ i~! ;!:. t1~=1i;!•; i~!J f~tfi! j;11 1 g:1! ~~1 lj' f1'!f r it~ 1 I· ,f~·'· qa ,.~• J.l.ti• ·~Ir t.ail l-1=--~ •• L f mt• 5~f: 1J; Jf tf fl r i ) ! i ····- ,,i 'iJF 1·~ ~di qJ ~~f-1i!::1i~Ui:t: iiiill ~i~1at ~1:1r1i ~b n :iii 11 lii§e n~i linel al ~r! ~~;f~ro ·rJi1r:i i! df~if i:. l ; ii ~ii p !1 h u l n l - f-:t:T 1!1! ~: ~.1tf ~lJ. shJ ._s: ~ J~.u. ~a11 f f-ei~_i_s_l;f !!.1~:~-;!~;-1l l!i ;~!Vil! i~;Jif !h!! !ri~1111: b.~~;U!1~! I 1 -~i 11 ~i1b1ii~2ii I 1111 91fr:,t,t t1l~•1ta§' a l~~-011 • g . • 1e~ 1 ~af!. ==m~·1Ji .• 11 w1.iii1t!i 1 t!fr1 ~,·i, ll~i ~fqi)r §i~fr ~ lr:I ii1lal t11f 1:r 1' ;~ ·1 >1 __ • I ;1a8 ~ '< ;l ~ gl r1i frJ ~lt:l r ~'i' [ . I ~1 It i'-1 lrK!~! mm :~~!I ~i!: !iiHir,~t !ilti!~il i!J !Jt1 ~I!! ! l1e1s11 ultir ,!al, i f Jf •sls~ltll· 1•(r1 fj r---! =i l ... !ill .. 1~,,;. ~ a111:i ;~: ~i, 8•1• .. ,,~11 1 tt~ 1 Pf 11!f at! p~ •' ~ 1 ti!; i~i~r m f; ~J }§Iji!I' tfijl ~~ ir1111 •}ljJ!I ~ 1, •i1r. !!~:~ ~ts 1 : 11 i.n:w1 1 ~,~.· R J11~ •1~~!d! I . I I '· ·~:ttt .... I ht _,. al!.. ~ ti• .. a 1:l 11r-1(il, '1 UJIH•i•~ I i_ __ ~.1~m~ih1 I !1-·J9 .. Jr I~ ti !I 1tlil l •1; liz ... , I l lJ it..... 1.•s 11!'r:UI I'll ~nhiGi !i !:c1 !1!1 il'i! ~, i 1) 1~~ . .tfa· 11 i I ~'II =1 ~ ith11 -. I ...... ? er ~=. --~­,.,, _ * tlfrfMl •}-,.,,, ,.,, l/IGJIOfl.r, -.-...... .... ~. ........ .,.. .. ~ -' ,_.. o/ 7 -TllA1' --.~ ! -.nip. :=.r ....... ....... ........ ......... ., ...... ..,_,.,.... .... ,..... _.........,_ ··-· ..,, ,.,._ 1tllll: • "-Ofdy ., cMIM -JOU are ek-e of $19.91 ,,._,, _,,, ,,,. b-* at ·~ "" ,..,_ :.LY.1- ----~ Jk llCW al $41- -oalY ~-#Nt-rilk (Of' ''-JI .... I>" '_,,,I ._,,.,, _______ .. JUNIOR REAS URE CHEST Lff's Draw Kitty By Ann Davidow HI, Math Fansl A farmer bought 100 animals for which he paid $100. If calves coat $10 a piece. lambs $3, and piglets 50 cents a piece. and he bought at least one of each, how many of each did he buy? I See Amwer Bo:c) 8 R G R J J R " R B IEy• TuMr Hold this picture up before your eyes, move it slowly towards you, and see if you can get Michael and Dodie into the house quicker t han they can walk there. You Name It (See Au101r Box) • Kitty's not vexed. She's asking, ''What's next ?" Hide-a-Name Hidden in this sen- tence is another name for a picnic basket : Moat of the amateur actors were pretty good, but there was one who cer- tainly put on a pure ham performance. (See Answer Box ) Mlnlna Vowel What one vowel will ftt in each of these vacant spaces to make the 881Ile words both acr088 and down? <See Amwer Box) Answer Box OOlt 001 09 liiMIV:> CJ s qwwr t Ltt 11~a1..S!d J>6 :suv_.i l(lVW '!H ·.\\Oq-Q -90qQ :n HIVN nOA, ·qJuB 'JUf8 'lrflrJ '..SWJq -.. V .. :taA\OJ\ J U]W!W •JadW VH :HIVN·V·apJff Ftutul11 Weekly, Atlqwt 11, 1961 U FREE TD flll Tllll IUllllS! NEW DISCOVERY FOR SORE GUMS FROM LOOSE FALSE TEETH! DENTU•l·MESMML·OAY•LOWUS: SeM fOI' ,._.. "-nplar ,,_ pcbt el 12 Au.O., O.._. M• AAe. lhes, .....,.1 Prove to yourself .._....., rr... that the All-Day super soh, ~uper thin Denture Mesh Adhesive is unlike any paste, powder. plastic or cushion you have ever tried! This fine mesh, pre-tut to fit your denture~ is treated with an invisible adhe- ... ve lotion that gently clings to gums and plate. The All-Day Denture Mesh makes false teeth feel right. fit tigbt£r, itutan1l_v! Each All·Day dentu~h la trHte<I with an lnvlalt>i. •dh.-1119 lotion that gentfy cllnoa to guma and plate. NOW EAT THREE MEALS A DAY WITHOUT SORE GUMS With All-Day Denture Mtsh Adhesives your Je1u~res stay firm. snug. hold 11[Zh1er. longer. Now you can chew, eat, speak even sneeu without fear of embarrassment or discomfort. There has never been anything like All-Day Dcnrure Me&h Adhesives fo r loose faJx teeth before. Thousands of dentist.s have already requested samples of All·Day. Thousand! of false teeth wearers arc experiencing comfon they ne ver thought possible. Unlike the powders and pastes which are dissolved so quickly by moisture io the mouth. tht wetter rhis miracle mesh gets, the tighter it holds false teeth! And every All-Day cushion peels off as easily as it goes on. Light mine ftavor fiflhts denture breath, too. 12 cushions per packet. Each lasts I·$ days. Only pennies UM>O *'"lflCATIC* a day for real false teeth comfonl ----------- ( Try All·DaY yourself absolutely FREE. Tear out thiJ ad and send wtth your name ind address ) for your regular 69i packet of 12 absolutely~ Send to All·Oey. Box 54·J , Mamaroneck, N.Y. 10543. lmpot'Qnt -spedfy: O uppers or O ~ Only one Free box to • family. I "problem" . . persp1rat1on solved '"' • ., t-11111ds •-• ••n•lre ltlawily An a ntiperspirant that really works! Solves undera rm problems for many who bad despaire d of effective he lp. M itchum Anti-Perapirant keepe underarms abeolutely dry for thou.sands of grateful ueen1, with complete gentlene11& to normal akin and clothing. T hia unwsual formula from a trwit- worthy 56-year-old laboratory is guaranteed to 1utt.isfy or dealer will refund ~urchue price. So get the pomtive pro- tection of Mitchum Anti·Per- spirant, Liquid or cream. $3.00, 90·day supply. Available a t your fa vonte drug or toiletry counter. BACKACHE Painful Joints You long to HM those pains. even temporarily. until the cause Is cleared up. Why not JO'" millions ol other usera and try OeWltt's Pills? Famous tor over 60 years. DeWill"• P•ll• contain an analgealc lo reduce pain, and a mild diuretic lo help eliminate retained nuld1, thua flushing out bladder wastes which c1,, c1use auch paln1. DeWl1t's Pills ohen 1uc- eeed where others fall If pain persi111. always consult your doctor. but flrtl. try DeWitt' s Pills YOUR CHILD MAY HAYE PIN-WORMS 1 OUT 01' 3 DO&S Fidlt!tlllg. loa o( aleep and a torment- inr itch are olten teUtalf' slrns of Pin-Worms ... ul(ly pan.a1tes that mt>diral l'itperta say infu t I out of t>very 3 persons uamlnf'd. Entire fam· •lies may be victim. and not know It. To pt rid of Pio-Worm.. thf'y mUAt be klllf'd in the largtt iot.Htlne whett thtty liv11 and multiply. That'• exa<'tly what Jayne'11 P-W tablete do •.. and ht-Te's how ttt.y lio it: First-a scientlfl<' roatinr carrin the tablet.8 into the bowel• befol'f' they diMOlvP. Then-Jayne's mod- em. medically-approved in1redient goes right to wOf'k-kllla Pin-Worms •IW<'kly. easily ... hk .,our ph•rm.et.t. l)on't cake chances with danser- oua. hlahly contaliou1 Pin-Wortn1 whlt'h lnf~tentiNdamillM. Get gen- uine Jayne"s l'·W \'ermlfuce •.. small euy-to-tak.e tabletl ... 1pecial cltee for children and adultl. How To Hold FALSE TEETH Firmer Lo•«Jer Do your falae teeth annoyaod am- barn.u you by comtnc looae a nd ctropp1ng wbeoenr you M t, la~b or talk? Then eprtnkle PA81U-B on your plate.. PA8TDTIJ bold.a cieoturee ftnne1' looger-bolcta 'ban more oomto~~·u i.oo. Mak• eauo1 -.Ju.PAST I.I alkaline. Won't aour. Ho gummy. gooey, paaty tute. Dentuna that nt are eeaeottal to healtb . See your dentJ.at regularty . Oet PAB'l CE'I B at •ti dNI COWi ten!. Doctors Find ~~­ Way To 4JW Shrink Hemorrhoids And Promptly Stop Itching, Relieve Pain In Moat Cases. ~cience ha!I found a mediution with the ability. in most rnses- lo :stoJl burninir it.ch. relieve pain and actually shrink hemorrhoids. tn <'&Se after rase doctoYs p1·oved. while ~ently relieving pain and itching, actual 1•educ- tion (shrinkage) took place. The answer is PrPJXJrotio~ ff'1J -there i11 no other formula like it for hemo1'rhoid!I. Preparation H also lSOOt hes inflamed, irritated tissues anti helps prevent further infection. In ointment or 11uppoai- tory form. PHOTO CREDITS Cover: &ob Wiiioughby. Poge 21 CIS; 3M Corp.; Morine Mill· tory Academy, Horfingen, Tuo•. Poge '' Sigrid Owen fo1 DPI. Page 81 Wide World. Now ... Plastic Cream Revolutionizes Denture Wearing For the first time !K'ien<'e now or. • tic you ran b•tE> harder, c hew (ers a unique plMtic cream that harrier ll'ithout pain. You may holds foL'e teeth almollt li~e Na. ('ven Pal and enjoy apples. ateak. ture herself holds natural teeth. corn·on·the-cub again. 1t forms an elastic membrane that I FtXOOENT'aspecial pencil·point holds hoth "uppers anti lowers" as cli11penser lets you put j t exactly never before. wht>re it's neede<I. Avoids oozing It's FritOOENT-a revolutionary ove1' and gagging. discovery for daily home use. So .Ju!il one application may Lut different it'a protected by U. A. 'round.the~lock. Even resiat.s hot Patent 13.003,988. 1·offee. Oenture11 that fit a re es· Ftxoot:NT not only hol<la den· !lf'ntial to health. So Sff your den· tures firmer, hut u holds them ti11t regularly. Get F1 XODf!NT at more rom/ortobly. too. I t't180 el as· oll dru1t <'ounters. . , 1 j l 1 l How do.-..... plan 111111 witla it? BUlineufMn plaft ••l'llfl willa It? C..-girts plan tlllir Mys •.• at11 ... M111111tll with it? Wlaat do the stirs •uy• lllout yo1? CMck yeur ltirth ston on the Zodilc ring wllidl cirdll the CIUPlll aMw lo ..... I Plrsenll Horolc• Hallll9ooll FREE, with trial ,...blnhip. Then mail lfttif1 coupon lncludiftg the Zodiac and Take any 4 books for only g_ac: _.,.,. ~ jol11 now alld .. ,.. to ecc:.pt only four boob In the comlns year. Persona l Horoscope Handbook by Sidney Omarr FREE dial c:llallal9c you to es.pkn the ff'Ofttien of ..... man nperieoce around us. Boob on atrolOIY, FSP, the IQPetMtnnl. mncamation, yap. hYP- OO&is. the bllick arts. Tbae subjects make for fU- cinatin1 readina. tl)intins and dilcusaion in t.bil year of akepticism. discovery and re-evaluation. Sdectionl are dac'fibed in adYance. Tbe9e new books xii for $4.9S, SS.9S or more in oriainal pub- lishers' editions. bul you pay only $2.49 plus ahip- pin1 and bandliq. ( OccuionaJ ulra-value llekc- tiont sliahtJy biaher.) Tab u few u4 boob in tho comiq year. You may milD any time thereafter. a.-..,, ..... ,_..,,., Send DO money. Choolc any 4 boob, iocluclina. if you wish. "l.Jtlda Goodman's SUN SIGNS." Aad BE SURE to check your birth llian oo tho coupon above to receive your FREE P~TIOllal HOf'OliCOPO bootlet-with trial membcnhip. u not deJIPted, mum the boob within 10 dayi to caned mem- benbip. Univene Boot Ctub, Oardee City, New Yotit JlS30. ... -. .... " =--·-.... HI PIYCllC -. .... ,.,.. . ............. ... u ......... ,, ......... ft• ,.....,,~ ltlll ..... 1'9'•1. _.. .. ~-.. ~ ,....,..._ ......... ~ " '*'" tlllt .,..._=-.. -· .............. ""' ...... ..,., ---... ...... l!WN ........ ,,... .............. :..~-... , ... ....:-. ..... ftletW ............ tll. HYHt Tll IUCtl • --.. ,.....,, ..... bin-... "'1.~ ..... ...., ...,....... "flm ........ .,....,.,..... "tdltlar1)'... s.t. ... .................. -----· ............. ~.-...,-.. relaurtall••" la ........... '-...,.__ ....... r=~·.r:. .... , •. ......... PIWllT. DHltl lt· ~~ ......... "'..,...,._ ... U::..1 -.·:.::: ---~· All•• 11u111•tt. .................. .... ··~ .... . Hll I .. ... ..... , ...... 1 .... ... ..... -· 9ITWllll .,.. wtlltl. M. fdor. Can .istarlta of ... , ............. ••••••. n•plrn, .... ~ ........ ~ !Mdlllles.' .... ,., .. -------. 9lfe .................. .... ,.._._ .... __ &!pr Cartt "reef" ttlff· ......,cl-. ....... ................. -.--·--I .. -, lff N· ... co-..... Tllil .............. at~ .. l llPIK -tliitfl •• -....... _ ............ . ,.._, .... .... l""· ...,......_a.car . ..... ..,,,. ,. = ........ ,.. .... .., ... .,.. .... ...... :t.,. --.u... . ... .... "en.••••• er a •TC•. IJ'll Leet • PnctkNll .... •· ................ .. __, .......... ~:rJn..--· tU. ... c.MPU1I tllHTIUH ..... .......... NCIS.W.&L-. -· Cowrl _.,.... ~----·U# .. y..._ ...... ..... ...... ..-ccT• _,M.m.~ C.W.~lalt_. ............... •M;:mtwtt• . .... fMl'I --...,, ...... ta.• ln Tampa. Ftorida recently Ray Lewil ... ndng down the meet at • top speed of als miles pel' bour. lfe WU prompt. 1Y •topped and ticketed-by the hiahttay patrol for driving ., un1lcenl:ed wbeelcbalr. tewll ns required to obtain platet for b1a wbeeJcbalr and a valid driver'1 llcent! for hlmRU. After, of counse, be puled a written aamlnatlon and a road test. Speaking of speed, Ford'1 done It again. For the third time · iq three yun a Ford powerl!d lriacbloe bas won _top bOnon in the grueDnc M hour Le Mam test. 1bere are ao many rea- IOnl why Ford .. the leader jult • there are ao maQ)' reaons why we at Wlllon'a Ford Sal.ea hen in Huntlngton Beach are Oranae County's leader. Always an oulatandlng • e I e c ti o n of Ford11 p-eat l• line in most colon and body styles to chooee from. Many new Cir buyers aren't aware of many of the new and exciUnt f~turU offered on 1n01t ol the .... Far eumre, our popular Mllltang Macb ii tor people With • bur$I de- llre lot llC.'tSon. It'• all in the M.m I. GT IUlpenldoa. WJde. oYal belted tlrel. Rear deck IP()Uer. 5 hot V-111. Up to op- tlooal GI Cobra Jet Ram4Alr With through-1he-t\ood "shaker". Aa h-· ldds' ln the TV commer- dat aay, "It'• 1be Going Thing" I If a Mach I seems • tittle bot for your taste, we are sure to have 10mt thlnl here It 11155 Beech Blvd. that fits your personal needs bettu. Our Ales people have an uncanny abilltr to match ••car-to-customer' . Why ftOt drop in far a fittU. IGUHltlme real soon. MEET ~ First of the 70'1 at lMO Prices --------~ : '-Ot-10 I '----- -----~ IT'S A LITTLE GAS -MaWf'ICt, Pf'lced lo rht•I !tie lmtlON•• t lYft you a bitter, more Pf'Klkal car. Maf!Y peopte -·t put 9fl 9lltfil °"" lftte Maverkll --II'• all !here. A llUlc ~verldt II more ttlan a ll9lk car. • ..................... i••············~~~··························· IRAND NEW SAVE AT lEAST 1969 SJ200 THUNDERBIRDS BRAND NEW 1969 MUSTANG 52288 BRAND NEW 1969 CORTIN·A BRAND NEW 1969 COBRA 52788 BRAND N~W 1969 GAL•X1E 500 52'188 Ills i.11 & lie. DELUXE SEDAN. f7.6 C.1.0. '1 H.P. qlM. fully 1vncN'Onll· .cl 4 speed :r•"""lulOn, disc bralln, vltlyt lludla: ... ,.. tvlly carPtfld, air· flow vet1tlletlon llMter & defroaler. In. ._IW af!d •lerler -., ....... w+W tires, Plddld dHll & vJaon. e!tctrlc wl :d wl & ....,,..., BRAND NEW 1969 RANCH ERO f1CIUP 52288 El DORADO €AMPER SPECIAL 53988 Br•ncl NeW '69 F250,S~ & El Dor.do 10¥2 . Moh.-.k C•mper JUST 2 MILES SOUTH OF THE SAN DIEGO ERWY.. ON BEACH BLVD. 18255 · BEACH BOULEVARD 842-6611 HUNTINGtON IDCH· . SALIS HPr. t ........ , ... 7 Dews 11mc1 onN TM1. "1rllM,. I•·•· .. 1, .... ... ~ ........ t , ... I 6:1 6:. 7:t 7:3 S:OI ' 8:3U I • • r - •· ~ -.. t· •• ... .. • c - -L SATURDAY AUGUST 16 fVENING Muir (C) (30) "Love Is a looth· ache." Captain Gregg's wamin11s are ignored by Mrs. Muir, who at· tempts to interfere 1n Martha's ro· mance with a dentist. Jonathan Harris guests, (R) 0 (i1) CI) (@ lawrence Welk (C) (30) A melodic mixture ot new and old tunes is offered. 6:00 B Q) 00 m Hunt1e1-Brlnkley (C) m Bud Owens (C) (30) (30) 9:00 0 Q) (6) m NBC SaturdaJ Mov-9 One Step Beyond (30) ie: "Blrdman of Alcatraz" (bio11ra-O Boss City (C) (60) Sam Riddle phy) '62 -Burt Lancaster, Karl hosts. Malden, Thelma Ritter, Neville (D The Invaders (C) (60) Brand, Betty Field, Telly Savalas. Q) Rainbow Theatre (C) Lancaster portrays Robert Stroud, 6:30 f) (ij (j) NFL Pre-Season Foot-a convict who educa ted himself In ball (C) (3 hr) The Green Bay the science ol birds during his Packers meet the Chica110 Bears at years In prison. (R) Milwaukee County Stadium. ID Bill Andenon (C) (30) B KNBC News Conference (C) (30) 9:25 O Wonderful World of Sports (C) 0 Melod1 Ranch (C) (60) Eddy 9:30 6 eij @ My Three Sons (C) (30) Fukano guests. Chip and Ernie observe Robbie, I The Rosey Grier Show (C) (30) their older married brother, in the I Love Lucy (30) company ol a glamorous "other P111lnr the Guitar (30) (R} woman." and con tide their worst W Film Feature (C) (30) tears to Steve. (R) Cl) Girl From UNCLE (C) (60) O Movie: "Road to Utopia" (com· 7:00 B KNBC Survey (C) (30) edy) '45-Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, The Anniversary Game (C) (30) Doro.!!!Y Lamour Al Hamel hosts. 0 U1.J (3) Cl) Johnny Cash (C) 0 Death Valley Da1s (C) (30) (30) 0. C. Smith and son, Grampa '1he Informer Who Cried." The Jones and songstress Melanie guest story of the capture and shooting O Philbln's People (C) (90) Regis of the Infamous bank robber, Sam Philbin hosts. Bass, by the Texas Rangers. Ed (D Kitty Wells (C) (30) Bakey, Scott Thomas. Barry Sadler 10:00 B Qi) Horan'• Heroes (C) (30) star . Hogan's plan to tree the under· m ~1cll Home With ~e K!nc ground's number one man from the Family (C) (60) The entire King Gestapo by capturing General Burk- clan retums .. home to Plea~nt halter and holding him lor ex· Grove. Utah. ~!' Those En~ear.mg change goes awry when Klink is ~oung Charms, is the inspira· kidnapped by mistake. ( R) tional me~ge offered by Bob I News (C) (30) Ken Jones. Clarke, Alvino Rey and Karleton Ernest Tubbs (C) (30) ffig~ondtrs ol the World (C) (30) . · Box de M.e~lco (90> ·'Jamaica Ginger." (R) 10.30 1 9 00 Jacltt Gl~ason (C) (60) @ Passport to Travel (C) (30) News (C) (30) 8111 Bonds . ill) Summer Serles (C) (60) "A Joe Pyne (C) (2 hrs) Folk Festival •On the Green." A Sw!nrln' Gospel (C) (60) musical visit to the 1969 New · lwillcht Zone (30) Haven, Conn.. Festival of Arts, 11:00 0 0 t@ News (C) where entertainment is provided by 11:15 O Saturday Ni&ht Movie: "Hatful Folk Dancers. singers and bands. of Rain" (drama) '57-Don Murray, a> Do-Re-Mi (30) Eva Marie Saint, Anthony Franciosa, ~ Rat Patrol (30) Lloyd Nolan 7:30 0 Q) (6) m Adam-12 (C) (30) 11:30 6 News (C) 9 Movie: "The Cius Key" (mys-9 Movie: "The Story of Dr. Wn- tery) '42 -Alan Ladd, Veronica sell" (drama) '44-Cary Cooper, Lake. Signe Hasso. 0 @ rn (!)The Datinr Game 0 Movie: (C) "The Iron Mistrtss" (C) (30) Jim Lange hosts. (adventure) '52-Alan Ladd, Vir-0 Million $ Movie: (C) "Wonder-ginia Mayo. fut Country" (western) '59-Rob-(D The Empret.s (C) ert Mitchum, Julie London. 11:45 6 Fabulous 52: (C) "Night Pas. (D World .?f Women (C) (30) "Ride sage" (drama) '57-James Stewart, the River. (R) Audie Murphy Dan Duryea Bran-a> Los C.udillos (30) don DeW1lde. ' ' 8:00 0 ~ (6) m Get Smart (C) (30) ID Movie: "Make Mine Minic" (com· .. Shock II to Me." A mad scientist edy) '60 -Athene Seyler, Terry· captures the Smarts for use in his Thomas. electrical experiments to suspend 12:00 I m News (C) hie Tom Poston guests. (R) 12:30 · m Toni(ht Show (C) 0 1 al The Newlywed Game Men In Crisis (C) (30) Bob Eubanks hosts. 1:00 All·Nicht Show: "Murder on m Movie: "House of Straneers" Mondat" (mystery) '53-Ralph Rich - (draina) '49-Richard Conte, Susan ardson, Margaret Lei&hton. "Juncl• Hayward. Gold" (adventure) '66-Allan Lane, @American West (C) (30) "Bi& Linda Sterlinc. "Queen of Bur- Snow in Wyoming." (R) lesqu1" (musical) '46 -Evelyn ID An Eveninr of Swedish Tele-Ankers. Charleton Younr . vision (2>A hr) Excerpts from shows 1:30 f) Movie: "Full of Life" (comedy) currently being broadcast In Swe· '57-Judy Holliday, Richard Conte. den. Procrams will be translated B Movie: "A Sli&trt Case of lar· into English where necessary. cen1" (mystery) '53 -Mickey m Noche de Eltreno (2 hrs) Rooney. 8.30 0 @ (6) m The Qhost and Mrt. 0 Adventures of the Seaspray (C) BOATING IS EVEN MORE FUN AND SAFE ... WHEN YOU BUILD AND USE HEATHKIT MARINE ELECTRONICS Choose Heathkif Marine Electronics kit Ml-11 A Heathkit A" Solid-State Depth Sounder A•ouf tfte •"'D•"H•M•At--fl•n••t-co•• of 'uftnil'ltj ••'•"'"" the MJ.11 A •• .. 11•••'" tho el cleptht .,,th S "· ec.cwr•y Oflll ell , •• J ;"9' h probH 4ow,ii te 100~ 011 '-•'' ltotto""' I 00 Ol'l toh ''"'''"' botto""' . . •••" tpoh uhool1 •' l11lil kit MR-21 A Heathkit ''Mariner" 3-Band Radio Dir•ction Finder Alw•yt ....... , yott the ••Y ho""t thow• yow ,-.ectly ~here yow •'• throw9,. •Cht,.•h tt••••vf•tio11 . •'""o't u •••• u t••tl•1tt • flU(t "'"' yow ''" wu 0 f•,• •ftttrtel• "''"'' l1•t•";"9 •• AM tt4'10 or for "'Ofl'1tort11t9 tllie "'•rtttt '".,'"th Solid-State Fuel Vapor Detector Yowr bt•t tHvt•fl'ICt •••'•ut o•plo11of'I t ftcl #itt •• ue. Meler •ttcl• ''uf•·-'•"•••O\ft• t•pfo1i•t". •f'd ti•'"" IOVf'U: .. whel'li fu"'t• •'• prH t AI. l viltf •"ti i1uhtl ,• ;-., fv1t ) h•wr1, FREE NEW All Solid-State T.c:hometar ... For Any l oa t C•n IM connec1ed 10 1nv ,0111 ivo• en111ne w1lh anv l1nd of tQtHl~on 'vuem Comes w 11h soluh prool CctH or without c11• fot panel moUnltf"g Send for Our Huge Catalog It'• FrM to You for th. A.king. HE .IJHKIT' ElECT"ONIC CE NTI" H IE >i 1b:Aii""' to retch-Hetttrr.~it Ef•cho"'' C tfl'lft r ft~• Mt r\a•• 11.-4 •o ltll A•• •••• Ofl'I letl • few •ho1t bloc\1 lo llO l a1I l all 01 11•• Sa•I• A•• F111w1y lo H11~0• 11•4., H.,lt.o• 11•4. to letl,., f•• t~ort .. loc~• •"' tov'•• .,.,. SAW & PARTS HEATHKn 776-9420 330 EAST IALL, ANAHEIM SERVICE 776-9423 SUNDAY AUGUST 17 M 0 J? N I N L All stations reserve the ri1ht to chan1e program· mine without advance no- tice. fJ Movie: (C} "Mauaut It Mar· I T1tis It tile Lift (C) ble City" (western) '66-Srad Har-10:00 Teday't Rtlfp11 (C) ris, Dorothy Parker. • elt•rt USA (C) m Kltbryn !WM••• (C) (I) G) Una (C) · @ Cl) Rtvif•I Flrts (C) • ovft: (C) "'Orv.ms ill ttt. Deep 9 (j) faff 1o$pt1 Rtvlnl (C) South" (1ctven~re) '51 -James m n. Anwr <C> lera1~.ru~(~> t:GO II C..a T1ne (C) "Really the ~ flitlt fw Tlday (C) Counby Blues." A proanm that n. Tow Hall fllettin& (C) lustrates the contr11t between the n Crito "'·la Obsalridacl "old" blues and th• "new," fu· Whip to Adweftbn (C) turlnr old·timer Eddie J. Hous. Jr. 10-.30 Music. M•slc. Mak (C) Today's and new blua star Buddy Guy. (R) entertainment is a rock-and·roll 6:15 6:30 6:55 7:00 0 MJ ftweftte Semon (C) Anctlo dance party with the 1P1C1 are Tiit ~ C. Manera Jr.. District SupeNiSor sounds of The Guild and The Blue- Tiit llblt Answtrs (C) of Jehovah's WltneMes, Gruter Los berry Jam. Qlwt Us Tiiis Day (C) Anaeles Area, auests. 0 ID@m Ciuldellne (C} '7el· To• tnd Jerry (C} Day of DiscovtfJ (C) ling If Like It Is. and How It Ought Sonday funnies (C) Cballengn To Be." A series Illustrating the 7:30 Aqu."'m (C) Ciosp1I Mlllk (C) Catholic Church's Interest In social Mormon TlbtmKlt CMlr (C) I A. A. Allen involvement. Today's conversation Is • DlwtJ and Colllth (C) Katltt'J'I Kuhh11111 (C) between NBC News correspondent S.Otcl Ht•rt (C) To• ind Jerry (C) Chet Huntley and Father Donald 7:45 Tiit Christopbtn (C) • ueva Clta F, X. Connolly of the National 1:00 Im LHtp Unto My feet (C) • Ciod and Man In tht 20UI Ctn. Catholic Office for Radio and Tele· ffii Qrlstopll1rt (C) tUIJ vision. "'"''' of To11orrow (C) m A(rialltural Report (C) I cm mm IOna Kon1 (C) • DQ of Dbco¥try (C) 9:30 R Comtrutiou With • PIJdtl• tafthfor Today (C) WondtH•a (C) trilt (C) Cl) future (C} Allen Rnwal Hour (C) 0 Economics for All Apl (C} 11:00 Pr~ Hud Start (C) Today's (]) Dn., alld Gol~ (C) "Half land, Half Water." Oriental focus Is on the Afro-American child. 1:30 IJ look Up and Live (C) "Sorties State at Los Anples are euests on Homebuyer's Caide (C) @ Cod 11 tM Answtr (C) men and women studyinf at Cal I This Is tht ut1 (Cl In Time and Space: Sonata Humber today's program examining trade in (ii)(]) El) lullwlllklt (C) 8." A novel muslc·and·dance score Hon1 Kong, the Philippines, Viet· Movit: "Titt Advlfttwess" (ad- by composer David Ahlstrom, em· nam. Cambodia. and Sln11pore. venture) '47--0eborah Kerr, Trevor plgylnr a "new'' music technique D Mowit: "Rodi Island Tr11t" Howard. that substitutes 1raphlc Illustration (western) '49 -Forrest Tudler. 'Churc:h In ttlt Ho111 (C) for the conventional diatonic tcale Adele Mara. (i) first Baptist Cllurdl of notation, is the subject of to-llmm DedleJ Do·Rlctit (C) m Wrnt11t11 (C) Ba program. 6 Oral ""lobtrtl (C) 11:30 fill It Uk• tt Wa (C) "Years • future Aq11•an (C) o Dis!ppolntment" A look at the Rebels With a Cause (C) o a Mano Ranc:htrO years 1877 to 1900, when hope for ------------------------social and political freedom was SECARD GIANT SWIMMING POOL ~ • 18 n. POOL x48" SALE y, HP FllTfR·SUUACE SKI MAINTlNANCE KIT IOTTOM DUIN . AND CHEMICAL DISPENSER 4-~~~.-.llW:i 20 FT. POOL ONLY 189.00 LINER REPLACEMENT CENTER AU SIZES lfAffl-SUOU-CHEMICAJ.S-JACUUM SE1S EASY TERMS 5 Locations To Serve You. 9 Years' Experience 323 S. Main, Orange 532-1992 :ns, WI HAYE OVAU TOOi OPEN 10;30 TO 7:30-7 DAYS replaced by bitter disappointment when the South turned to lynching. 8 Mlltstontt of Man (C) @ mm DISC:OVtfJ (C) "Op- eration WNther." A program focus· Ina on the small army of dedicated men and women weather wltchers whose predictions of weather cnana- es Influence our daily lives. (R) 0 Movie: (C:) "Voyaie to Dlnpl'' (1dventure) '62-John Hansen, Kar· in Baal. m Accent on Action (C} l\ F T I I? ~ 0 Cl '• 12:00 I face Ult Nation (C} • Rtad Rl&ltt! (C) Mewlt: ... llffalt C•" (western) ' -Wayne Morris, Marty Robbins. I Esttntlally Su (C} I Tllis Is tllt Lift (C) Triple flltllre f•bn (C) nt en Su Cua Ptof lies of (C) Arlltd force~ttpu (C) 12:30 I) 9 (j) WI Trad! 111d fitld Meet (C) The U.S.A. meets Great Britain at White City Stadium, Lon· don, Entland. 0 Chradtfa In Ult Alts (C) ''Tht Trailblazer.'' Dr. Stem combine.a the music of Wagner and the lit· ereture of James Joyce. I Cent Autry Sllow Public Sttvlct (C) E rlts of s.ccm (C) ,., ....... (C) • 1•1• ...... ftlill CC> • lir.wf.: (C) "Mtflflrt" (western) ' 8-Wllllam Elliott, Marie Windsor. I Prtll Co1ft1tM:t (C) Q11llt eta.. Wat Zollt Rtvif•I f1m (C) 00 U.S. Nny Fll• CC) Pattern for LMn1 (C) 1:30 Qi (j) Nfl Action (C) '711e Paclt WIU Be BICk." A procram tJtat examines In dttall tht reuona that led to tht dethronemtnt of the Green Bay PICkers, who won the Wor1d Championship an u11pr1- cedented four times In a row. B Y outJt and u.. r.uc. (C) ''The Police and the Bladt Community." Los Aneeles City Councllm1n Biiiy Mills. ~tired police sergeant Joe Johnson of l.A.P.D. and Officer Ralph Wac1y, l.A.P.D .. discuss police· yauth relations in the bladl com· munlty with Negro students from Cal State at L.A. 0 frn (}) 61 lssuu and Answtn i Howard K. Smith. Voice of Calv•ry {C) U.S. Navy Fil• (C) 2:00 Hfl rr.Stuon footblll (C) ape delay of Saturday's LA Rams vs. Cleveland Browns pme. 8 Station to Stltioft (C) Gil m EE PQA Golf ChH1plolt- slllp (C)CompetJng for the $175,· 000 prize money on the south course of the NCR Country Club In Dayton. Ohio, will be virtually every top roller In the wortd. Julius Boros will be back to defend his title on this course of 6910 yuds and with a par of 71. ID Rolltr Dtfby (C) ~ (j) M~o-Round I Dualo cit hslontt Featurt (C) 2:30 On Ca11pu1 (C) "Sounds of To· day." Two musical eroups from th• University of Redlands perform. After the performance. host Bob Wright discusses music at the Uni· versity wit~ Professor James Jor· eson. Million $ Mewle: ''TM Road to ne Kon(' (comedy) '62 -Bing Cro:sby, Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour. m Heficlay (C) 3:00 D Movie: (C) "Ironside" (mys· tery) '67~aymond Burr, Geraldine Brooks. 0 Movie: (C) "Oallota lnddttrt" (western) '46 -Dale Robertton. lllo¥-:3!:) Lu~. 3:30 Mootlt Sptdal McKllYtr & tllt Colotltl 4:00 Movie: "Mllttl' Spy" (mystery) -Stephen Murray, June Thor· bum. I M111 from UNCU (C) ~l.anlmie Fact tbt Nltion (C) de Cristo Enslp O'T oolt Amtricln Problems (C) 4:30 News1111ler1 (C) News (C) (i) future (C) : iliibn,_... NtlOborhoocl (i) Polka Parade (C) • Muslca y P1labf11 • The Rifleman Scope (C) 4:55 World of Sports (C) 5:'00 News (C) Clete Roberts. ............... ~rt IL..W.MI t H ""* "J • -... ma) '57-Elvls Prtslty. Judy Tyler. Os.Jppy (C) '1lle Vim llOnS t of won 1pr• 'The 1ity." Billy Joe 'ficer 11ice- com· from .... (C) t1m1 alolt- 175,· outh Club ually ulius his ards To· the orm. Bob Uni· Jor· d to Bin2 iour. z tllt" :son, :ery) hor· ""· Merv Griffin (C) Ho••nd (3') S-Arb "91tr1 hspel of Christ (6) I DrHll of Jnnnlt (C) : Wtiat'1 New? (R) · Toros • 'Rlln for Your Life (C) 5:30 fJ a (j) Alltteur Hour (C) All the acts represent the state of Massachusetts today. I SC>t•k Up (C) Bill Leyden. Poth P1radt (C) Cidiet (C) Glencannon (i) Meet tilt Pms (C) teinpo (R) Here Co11e the Stars (C) EVENING 6:00 tJ ~ (]) Tiie 2ht Ctntury (C) (30) "Circle of Love." A look at the encounter group, with its seri· ous exercbe In interpersonal rela· tionships that attempts to bring people closer together, to help them understand themselves and others better. The program shares the experiences of six students from San Diego colleges who are participating in an encounter group , and shows highlights of three of their sessions. (R) I It's Acadt111lc (C) (30) Secret tnt (60) I srwtfl Universal City (C) (60) A behind·the·scenes look at this world of motion picture and television production. (R) §William Tell (30) @ Wor1d Tomorrow (C) (30) Young Musie1I Artists (30) Benita Valente. a talented young lyric soprano, is featured. Assisted by pianist Luis Batlle and clarin· etist Elsa Ludewig, Miss Valente presents a song recital ol works by Faure. Debussy and Schubert. al Man from UNCLE (C) (60) 6:30 II Ralph Story (C) (30) 0 @ (j) m frank McGee (C) (30) O Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Guests are Curtis Mayf ield, The Impressions. Phil Silvers. Allan Drake, and Jimmy Wakely. m Insight (C) (30) Marquee 22 (60) The French Chef (30) Julia Child prepares tongue the French way. ~ (j) Skippy (C) (30) 7:00 II~ Ci) l.auit (C) (30) Lassie's friend Neeka (Mart Miranda) learns a lesson in responsibihty when a foolish act explodes into near· tragedy and threa,iens the Ille of Cloudy, the Indian boy's horse. (R) 0 @ @ m Hudi Finn (C) (30) "Pirate Island.'' The children hide from giant apes and treasure·seek· ing pirates. (R) 0 @ (!) el) Land of the Giants (C) (60) "Shell G1me." Giant fish· erman Talf and his deaf son Dal capture Valerie and Betty and trail Fitzhugh to the Earthlings' hidden camp. (R) 0 What's My Line? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. m 8act Ho• WlUI The KJna r ..... ilJ (C) (60) V'iewers are brought back to the childhood home of The King Sisters and brothers in Pleas· ant Grove, Utah. (R) ID Passport to Travel (C) (30) "Spain is omerent." ,. vta1t to Encore for Elv1· S Mal121, Sevilll Incl Blretlont, 11 well as the modem reaort of Palma -----------de Majorca. (R) fE Speculltlon (60) "Sensitivity Elvis Presley, the phenomenal traal- Tnilnlnt-£ncounter Croups." Three blazer of the pop music field, returns euthorl~s on the behav~I sd· to television Sunday night ( 9 PM oo ences dl.SCUSS the dynamics of 1 NBC) pre-empting Bonanza in a re- group therapy session. Guests are pc.at of his show which chalked up top Or. Richard Farson, Or. Berne Kai· . l.!i!an and Or. Char1es ftfiUIOO. ratings last year. @Ii) Coaic:ol J Ctnde1111 (30) Tilled ·'Singer presents ... Encore 7:30 tJQt(I) Gelltlt left (C) (30) for Elvis!" the hour-long c;how fea· Tom. Maril and Ben meet a family tur~s Presley singing 18 of his most of hostile Indians. (R) (Resched· popular tunes, many of which have OuledL m earned hnn gold records (he has SO Q,J\.!J mWalt Db"'f (C) f h ) . '(. I ·11· I "little Dor Lost." A study of the o I em . s1gn1 ying -m1 ion sa es per psychological problems of animals. recorc.J. . . focusln2 a Welsh corgi's abnormal The how opens with a lavish pro- fear of brooms. (R) duction number of "Guitar Man" with fJ Million $ Movie: (C) .. Battle 76 exrras dressed to look like Presley. Cil'' (drama) '55-Van Heflin, Aldo "Guitar Man" also serves as the basis Ray. for a major production number later (!) Cllilltn&lna S.. (C) (30) in the show in which Elvis tells the "Stran2e Creatures of the Sea.'' ( h · f · · Story of the stone fish. whose spiny slory o t . e ns~ o a young mus1c1an dorsal fins conttln poison more from carnival pitchman to supperclub deadly than a rattlesnake's venom. star ~ Another s::>ng·a nd-dance number Bif Picture (30) has him singing a medley of gospel Los Caudllloa (30) songs backed by The Blossoms. a 8:00 II Qj Ci) Ed SuJllvan (C) (60) three-girl Negro ~inging group, and a Sergio Franchi, Nancy Ames, Stiller chorus. The number is <.lanced by lead & Meara, Peter Gennaro, Steppen· dancer Claude Thompson one of two wolf, Ch~rlle Cairoli, V~n Harris, choreographers on the h~w. The Wa~hington D.C. Fest1Val Chorus The special marked Elvis' first tele-and Enc Brenn guest. . . 0 ROLLER GAMES-LIVE• (C) v1s1on appearance sine~ 1960 when he • guested on a Frank Sinatra program. * T-BIRDS vs. TEX.AS When will his next one air? No one knows, so if you missed Elvis IJ Roller G1rau (C) (2 hr) T-Blrds th! fi!'1'lt time 'round, now's your chance lo !iee one of lhe living vs. Texas Outlaws. legends of show business in our day. O @(I)Q)TM FBI (C) (60)1-------------------- "Moment of Truth.'' When lnspec:· durfnf portions of ttlt mutkal spe-''Communal Uvina-Youni Ptople tor Erskine detects a hnk between dal.~) Turned On." David talks with tldlt a reputable loan company and an l'J (I) EB UC ,_., MM: youni people wf1o Wlf't brouctrt to. Illegal loan shark operation. tie (ej Hlpptalq" (dlllml) '67 pttier by mutual int1resta and cl$o gives Aaent Colby the undercover _ Anthony Quinn, Mlc:httl Parb, satisfaction with a mattrfallatlc .,.. role of a bad risk loan appllcant. Geora• Maharla. fa)ll Dunaway, cltty. Part 11 11 entitled "Mra. El· Martyn Mason 2uest1. (R) Robert Walker, Mirtha Hyer. Rec:ll· dridae Cluver." Kathleen Cluver m Movie: "Hout of Stran(tf'I" eteer-hotel owner Roe Delmonico talks about her husband and the (drama) '19-E.dward G. Robinson, (Quinn), bellevlna that toulha 1re Black P1nther Pafb. Richard Conte. I ..,. c T_._ (60) &> Wanderlust (C) (30) "Japa.n's bent on 1bductln1 h s youna IOn, ..., ru _.,. Fire Country " A visit to Kyushu, a offers himself Instead. When the 10:30 ll h1d y...,.. (C) (30) Japanese island that lftenilly ap· png demands $3,000.000 for Roc:'a II °*' lllllta (60) m':o!~ o~n s~:.!!0 (C) (2 hr) i1:u;~.=e .. ::) to pay It. 11:00 I=:.: ~ (30) ''The Blossom Music Center." From Pit« I• (30) tiilaiiiriltf TtllOfTW (C) the summer home of the Cleveland Do•inC" Htnltz (30) Wllllt• F. ludSIJ (C) Well· Orchestra, conductor Pierre Boulez 11.nown Irish author and Intellectual, and pianist Allcie de Larrocha are 9:30 fJ ,.._ (C) (30) ConstJntlne fltzalbbon. au..U for featured durln2 the concert per· m .. , ....... die Ctr (C) (30) • dlxullion tftled "The Decline of formance. fB Mr. • Mra. Netti! (30) Antl·Communbm." al Carrouitl M11luno (60) ail C......tarln y C.~ 0) Wiid Adwetltst (C) "Saillnr 1:30 0 @ @ m Tiit Mothtrs.-in..._ ~) Mount Edith Cavel!." Tiie crew IUe· (C) (30) "Didn't You Used To Be 10:00 fJ 9 (jJ Mlnitn: la,..... (C) cessfillly 1ttlts Ille 4000 foot moun- Ossie Snick?" Former bandleader (~) Cinnamon and Rollin btoome t.aln In Alberta, Canada. (R) Os,,ie Snick (Ouie Nelson) gives cabaret performers In a plot to @ CIJ ~ @CBJ Ci) ..... (C) Eve and Kaye their big chance on mike deranaed Emll Skarbec:k (fritz 11:15 fJ lllewtt: "Tllll IOaifll .. .,. televi.sion, but the results ue em· weaver) fall In love with Cinnamon (western) '4~rank Slnat11, Kath· barrassin1. (R) -part of an IMF plan to remcJ'l9 ryn Grayson. &l The Sports Sit (C) (30) him from COf'ltentlon for 1 vital po-11:30!:1i1wt1t (C) "Tiii T ... r T,.,.,. fB Wtrlcl To..,,.. (30) lice ~ (R) comedy) '55 -Debbie Rernolda, 9:00 tJ Qi)(]) HH·ffaw (C) (60) Con· 0 ~ ... ~ 6°D MJ friend Toay (C) rlftk Sinatra. way Twitty annd Jerry Lee lewis (6l}) 'C4slno.'' Woodruff and No· 1 UINM• and l1rtlly (C) guest. (Rescheduled) vello are hired by forel1n aowm· Cllllltt D SINGER PRESENTS . mint Interests to help cl'ICk a Titt Etllpft11 (C) * .. ENCORE FOR ELVIS" r1n1 aldmmln2 e1alno profits. Jlnet ct) ll•"Pt (C) Mac:Lechlan 2uata. (R) 11:.45 IB C.-. s..-,: "Thi Acbtor." o 9 m m~ Sioatr Im ,.... <C> (30) U:OD e Mlle ..,... <C> •• .,.r11uma PYIMfttl EMi ( ( In a vfr· Lit Ill Tiii ti . . • (C) (60) the Growinl Grau f1"-" '-. ' tually one·man Elvis Prn111 KtlUI Wilk.tr hOstl.. MQOI' -.ti sings his top recorded lllts, a Gos· Alioto of San Frtncilco 1uem. 1:00 8 ~ ........, tf 11111" <:r ~el medley and a. musical produc· I Uber ""*' (C) (30) t.,Y) '56-Rldlard BUlhart, f'/ lion number. He is backed by The Mlfllofl ftn1• Murphy. Blossoms, a female $ingin1 trio, · Dn1d Sutallld (C) (2 hr) Cl NIWI (C) NO WAY . TO START A GE Peter Jason and Marilyn Devin Ivan Tors and Tiger "Tiger! Tiger!," a one-hour pilot film by Ivan Tors, airs on NBC, Monday at 7:30 PM. Peter Jason and Marilyn Devin star in the. situation comedy about a bride· groom -a veterinarian -who plans ro leave a pair of orangutans and a tiger (the subjects of his pre-wedding study on ani- mal behavior) with colleagues. The trio of animals elude their new keeper, sec out to find their substitute "father," and make a shambles of the veterinarian's wedding. His farewel~ to the animals he has raised is sad but fi\m when he returns chem to their new keepers. Bue again they escape, embark on a perilous journey co reach their substitute ''father," causing an all- county alarm that involves the honey- mooners in a desperate chase to reach the animals before the hunters do. And so it is that the bride becomes the substi- stute "mother" to this unlikely group in a · future certain to be filled with frequent chaos in the typical American small town where the newlyweds settle. J. Pat O'Mal- ley co-scars. I m e' 21 pl tc m SC UI ti1 p1 ot N I ~ bi in Jt tr. 1 1: ar cc >y ~o lC e- :o ae l · >f :o a g. ·d 0 e, h l- y- 1e ·O l- a lt n 1· YOUR HOME SERVICE GUIDE REPAIR REMODELe REDECORATE e ADD A IOOM e ArAITMINTS & UNI?$ e CUSTOM HOMES e KITCHIN IXrllTS e TWO STOIT S..ICIALISTS Patios -Wa lks -Driveways Licensee{ -R£'asonablc Rate:; -FrC'e Est1maws - J. RAY CONSTRUCTION '42-4210 or 673-6675 eves. Block Wall & Wood Fence Building -Add Attractiveness and Value to Your Home! Custom Work -R<.'asonable Call 646-0121 anytime Robert Russell Bennett, musical director of NBC Tel · evision Network's ''Project 20," has written a sym- phonic suite for band. "Down to the Sea in Ships," stem- ming from the orchestral score he com posed for the unit's TV special of the same title. The new work had its first public performances in a pair of Goldman band concerts in New York City. "The Musical I World ot Robert Russell Ben · nett," that marked his 75th birthday. The first was given in Prospect Park. Brooklyn, July 16; the second in Cen · tral Park. Manhattan, July 17. Richard Franko Goldman I and Ainslee Cox were the conductors. ,,... Layut & Desit• 20 y..,, 1ap.n-. C•ll now -Open WMkd•yl Set. & S••· A,,t$. AweH. I• ••r •ffice er YHf lie ... 14JS 1: C••t Hltliwey c .......... M• CAJlPETING Use Remnants for Extra Rooms and SA VE 50% ! J. J. KNICKERIOCKIR <Town Ir Country) H.B. 18582 Beach Blvd., 962-3351 Temutes, Rats, Roaches, Fleas & Ants Exterminated (Licens• No. 36:l6l JOHNSTON, 549-011' Mr. Bennett's score for the TV "Down to the Sea in Ships," telecast last Dec. 11. was hailed variously by crit· ics as "one of the finest ever heard over television " (Dal· las Morning News). "fine evocative music" (Detroit Free Press), "an evocative score of many moods" (Bos- ton Globe), "superb" (San Diego Union) and "moving" (Houston Chronicle). "The finished score was so moving we prevailed upon the composer to extract a suite and arrange it for con · xert band," the publishers of the New York, Warner MIRRORED 'WAlt.,.011 DOORS * Ornate Front Entry D0<m· * Room Dividers • Shutterf * M 11lworl-lnt.lalla tiol" CURTIS LARSON 673-IJ26 Plumbing Repair Draln Cleaning -Free Estimates- SPllDY PLUMllNG 24 Hrs. It Weekend Work 546-2387 or 540-7217 LAWN SERVICE Mo\\ · Edg~ · Vacuume Clean-Up and Hauling Rcascmablt Rater RUSS JONES LAWN SERV. 54S-2t4l VETS IONDED PAINTING -10 Years in Area - Licensed & Insured Reasonablt> Rates, Interior -Exterior C•ll '42-0427 •nytlnM Bros.·Seven Arts Music, said. The symphonic suite for band is in five movement s: "The Way of a Ship," "Mists and Mystery," .. Songs in the Salty Air" (using sea chant· eys as themes), "Waltz of the Clipper Ships," and "Finale, Introducing the S.S. Eagle March." Mr. Bennett's original com· positions include three op· eras, six symphonies. three concertos and a long list of shorter works. He began his association wi th NBC-TV in 1952 as arranger of the Rich· ard Rodgers score for "Vic· tory at Sea," and subse· CARPET & FUltNITUltl CLEANING For 1 Day Service and Quality Wvrk . . . CALL STERLING FOR BRIGHTNESS! 642-1510 SPARK LI JANITORIAL Windows Out Specialty p,.. •• 11 .... ... c.e--c1a1. ............ ffl.2't1 C•ttn.ctlM C~ CZYKOSKl'S Custom Upholstery & Ro,alr European Crartsmanshlo 100% financinsc-Continuous Do-It-Yourself Uphol. Classes Largest Selection or Fabrics 11l1 Newtt0rt II., c .. t• M9'a '42-1454 Roof CoatJng and RepaJr "Rock Roof Our Specialty" Guaranteed Work -~ Estimates - ~77t quently has composed and conducted more than 30 or· chestral scores for "Project 20" TV specials. The list of stage musicals he has or- chestrated provides a virtual catalogue of the biggest Broadway hits of three dee· ades or more. His arrange· ment of the score for the filmed ''Oklahoma!" won him an Academy Award. Mr. Bennett was born in • Kansas City, Mo .. on June 15. 1894. • • • Character actor Charles Lampkin, who is also a com- poser, folk singer, university lecturer and authority on eth· nic music, returns to May· berry R.F.D. in guest appear· ances next season. WANTED BOYS •cl GIRLS AGES 3 to 19 TO AUDITION FOR TV e COMME~IALS and Movie Presentation Nete4 Hell.,.,..4 T.._. ~ . ..., ................ ,...... ........ ,. ..... tty ... c-. ............... FOR FREE ON CAMEU. AUDITION IN YOUR AREA CALL NOW 547-6251 JIMMY LLOYD Fan1ovt Actor, 'ro4vcor, 01roc· for offfri119 opporl\111ity to liich 0114 yov119 aclvlta to bo ropr•· M11tocl In tho TV I FILM IN· OUSTRY. LLOYD HAS DIS· COVUED ALMOST 500 KIO~ WHO HAVE A''EAREO IN MOVIES I T.V. MANY OF OUR LUCl(Y KIDS EARN OVU SI00.00 'U DAY. ,,R. CO. MAKES 'ROFESSIONAL CON. TACTS FOR YOU IN HOLLY· WOOD. TAKE I PRODUCTIONS 1161 Nor+h Vin• Sffe.t HOLLYWOOD. CAllF. II ,.... THE DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, AUGUST 16, 1969 DAYTIME PROGRAMS MONDAY thru FRIDAY M 0 f~ N I ·~ r, 5:55 1J ''" Ua Tllit 0., {.C) Peter M1rah1ll welcomes cuest 1>1nellsts. &JRoJ RO(trl 10:50 0 Feslllona i11 Sewin& (C) 5:00 II s. • .., s.ater (C) 11:00 11 9 Cl) Love of life (C) 5:)0 ti Sullllt' Sdloel (C) 0 qJ (6) m Jeopardy (C) Art D EdllCatiotl ~11119 (C) Aem1nf -fmti. U Tiie ~rd Arb 0 TIM ll1lloplnc Courmet (C) at Educatlon1I FUm Gl'lham Kerr. ti) Tedlnlcal Comtr 0 Debbie Drab Dancerclze (C) m Slltriff John (C) 7:00 II CIS News (C) Joseph Bentl. OJ Roll9Ptr Room (C) Pu,~~n.s ~~ T9day Sllow (C) 11 :25 119 Cl) cas """ (C) Douglas D berciM n. lllori1 (C) Edwards. m Mr. Wfsllbone (C) 11:30119 Cl) Seard! fOf' TontOJTOW (C) OJ Felix Hie Cat (C) 0 QJ 00 m Eye Cuess (C) Biii ti) C.•llOditJ / Stoe* Repert Cullen hosts. 7:30 D Th• Ed Ntltoll Show (C) m Tht Rlntsto11t1 (C) OJ Bozo (C) 8:00 8 Qt (jJ Captain lln11roo (C) With Bob keeshan. 0 Abbott I Colttllo Cartoou (C) mMIPtJ Moute (C) Q)Cu•by (C) 1:15@ (]) Ytdeo Dipst (C) 8:25 O Co•1nU11ity lul'etin Board (C) Thurs. 0 Jolt11ey Crant at Universal (C) D Tiit Annlvenary Came (C) Al Hamel hosts. 0 Tempo (C) Bob Dornan and Roy Elwell co·host. OJ World Adventure (C) M4>n .. Fri.: Travel (C) Tues.·Thurs. ti) Merht Close 11:55 U Corria Cuy (C) Wed. AfffRNoo--. 12:00 ti Boutique (C) Steve Dunne hosts. 1:30 0 hbllc Stnia Flints (C) Thura. B @ (6) a;, You're Puttin1 Me 0 Altrtttavt CartlOll1 (C) On (C) Bill Leyden and regular m lup 81111ny (C) panelists Peggy Cass, Jack Cassidy ft'!I and Larry Blyden welcome guests u:i Rocttt Robin Hood (C) Nancy Dussault, Anne Meara and @ (1) Rody and Hit frlttldl (C) Jerry Stiller to this week's show. 1:55 O C.••unitJ lullttln Boerd (C) 0 Mtvit: See Daytime Movies. D @ CI> ltwltdttd 9:0011 n. Luq Show cc> m m Nen cc> o ID oo m tt T .. " T• cc> m St9ct Mlftet An•tysi• Vin Scully hosts. 0 Morie: See Daytime Movies. 9 Cl) The linkltttlf Show (C) Johnny Grant hosts. 12:15 CD Stretdl end Sew, Wed. D Movie: See Daytime Movies. Jackie Joseph is hostess. 12:30 119 Ci) As the World Turna (C) 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies. B @ (i) m Days of Our lives m @ (]) Ject la lannt (C) ("C) MacdOnald Carey stars. D @ Ci) That Girl (C) OJ Undtrdoa (C) m Movie: See Daytime Movies. f, ~ Andy Crifflth; Ann Cutdttf Ben Hunter hosts. ( ) riday only. CD Di11in1 for Dollars (C) Dave 9:)011 Cit (jJ BMf'IJ HIJlbllliu Reeves ho3ts. B @ (i) m Conc.ntrltion (C) tE Offict of tbt President (if McMlfion hosts. m MO'lit: See Da ... ime Movies. 1 :00 II ~!!) lovt la a Many $pt.ft· ,, dored Thrn1 (C) CD Cu111by (C) Q fD @ a;, The Doctors (C) • (llJ (]) HIFden'1 H1ppenln1 (C) James Pritchett stars. 10:00 II Andy Griffith D (llJ CV Drum House (C) Mike QQt(jJ a;, Personality (C) ler· Darow hosts. ry Blyden welcomes 1uest panelists ti) Ttchniul Corner ~hee~~.MacRee, Bill Cullen end Julia l :3o II 9 (jJ Th• Culdine Licht (C) Q) Putllic Service fll1n1 (C) 0 @ (I) m Anoth• World (C) Q) 00 Sunny Today (C) 0 fltlttr Knows Btlt 10:30 II Qt([) Didt Yen l>J't II @ 00 m HtltJwood S41oeres 0 CilJ (1) Q) let's M1kt I Deal (?) Monty Hall hosts. Q) Joan Rivers Show (C) ti) Co•.oditJ/Stod Report 2:00 II Qt (jJ Secttt Storm (C) 0 ei! (6) m You Don't Say (C) Tom Kennedy hosts. 0 Love That lob; Cootlaa (C) Wednesday only. 0 (llJ 00 (£) Tiit Newtywed c ... (l) Bob Eubanks hosts. Q) Movie: See Daytime Movies. EE The Pitm Show 2:30 II QI (j) The Ed&• of Nlcfrt (C) CJ Q) 00 a;, Tht Matdl 6111tt (C) Gene RiYf>um hosts. 0 Tiit C1ttatm 0 (i1) (3) (£)The Datiq c ... (e) Jrm Lin1e hosts. 3:00 II Tiit llntltttlf Show (C) O P.D.Q. (C) Dennis James hosts. 0 HieltWey 'atrol u <llJ m m '"'"'' Hospital cc> 0 Movie: See Daytime Movies. Tom Frand~n hosts. m Zooram1 (C) Mon.. Fri.; Felix the Cat (C) Tues.-Thurs. 12J Ci) Matinee: Don Rodewald. Qj (j) Afternoon Show m Mltlnee: Don Wilson. 3:30 II Lacly Pair (C) Geoff Edwards 1 hosts. O Mike Douetas (.C) Rorer Miller CO· hosts. 0 One step Beyond D (llJ 00 m One life To live (C) m Mr Fevortte Martl1n Q) Hobo Kelty (C) 4:00 II Sea Hunt; Movie: See Daytime Movies on Monday. U Cirl Talk (C) 0 (jJ) @ (£) Dark Shadows (C) Jonathan Frid stars. m The Aintstona (C) 4:30 II Movie: See Daytime Movies. 0 Divorce Court (C) 0 News (C) 8111 Bonds. m News (C) George Putnam. CD Bozo's 811 Top Show (C) (ii) 00 Peny Meson ~ (j) ShaktJ'I Pine Pai1J (C) aJ Bewitched 5:00 Q MIC Newservic.e (C) 0 NIWI (C) Tom Reddin. 0 The Croovy Show (C) Robert W. Mor1an hosts. m The Addams family ~ 00 Jim111y Thom110n Show (C) a Cl) The Lucy Show (C) m Cilli11n's Island (C) ED That Girl (C) 5:30 0 (jJ) 00 ED ABC News (C) Frank ReYnolds. 0 Twill&ht Zone m P1y Cards (C) Art James. CD CIHipn's Island @ 00 This Dey 1969 (C) ED Mlsteroprs' Ntifhbofhood Cit Cl) Ntwtert (C) m Town Talk (C) SI in 01 ta ru " m S1 w bl tr tlt N I b1 c :u re t.b K a te vi fil tc h; ye Iii (C) (C) .... (C) • (C) ... 1sts. (C) ries. trd.s Iller (C) ime (C) (C) ink MERV GRIFFIN: TELEVISION'S PERENNIAL lb.is, believe it or not. is the 24th year of The Merv Griffin Show. Any resemblance, however, between the 1945 vers.ion and the flve-mghts-a-week variety-talk series that premieres on CBS (Mon- day at 11 :30 PM), is purely coincidental-and in name only. The original Merv Griffin Show was a 15-mioute radio program beard on a Sao Francisco station. It starred, as Griffin recalls, "America's new, romantic, singing star." .. There have been several other versions of a Merv Griffin show io the intervening days," says the oew CBS star. "The first was one on which I only sang and, of course, our new series is the talk-variety format that I have hosted for four years in syndication." Io the 24 years since Griffin starred on that original show the popular teleVlsion host struggled through a career that included just about all aspects of show business and was highlighted by a recording that sold a million copies and by his emergence as a movie star-"almost. ·• "Freddy Martin, the band leader, heard me one night on the San Francisco radio show," recalls Merv, "and since his singer was leaving, he signed me. 1 was reluctant to leave the radio show, but when I learned that I'd be going to New York, I decided to •t. l'r>:7i,e first thing we did was a string of 74 one-night stands acr0S1 the country! I bad my first day off on the 75tb night in Fargo, N.D., and I spent it seeing a film called 'Sitting Pretty.' Believe me, l didn't feel that I was sitting pretty at the ti~e." However, Griffin's stint with the Martin band was his first major break. Because of it he recorded "I've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts," that sold a million copies. 1 Shortly thereafter he was signed to a motion picture contract and went to Hollywood, where he co-starred in three films. "In the third film I bad to do my first Jove scene," Griffin recalls. "On the first take there were 30 visiting football players on the set and I could hear every one of them breathing as I hugged Kathrin Grayson. That's when I decided movies weren't for me." Griffin returned to New York, where he resumed The Merv Griffin Show on local radio. This was followed by a network television show, a Saturday teenage prog.-am and f~uent tele- vision guest appearances. Then came a tWo-week assignment to fill in for Jack Paar, who had left his late-night stand. It proved to be the springboard for the brand of Merv Griffin shows that have been so successfuJly in evidence for the past four years. "As I look back on it," says Griffin, "It was as if I sang for years and nobody listened. That Jack Paar fill-in was the 12th time 1 was 'discovered.' It's also going to be the last." Griffin shiel away from the term .. starmaker," but there is no doubt that he is one of the most successful starmakers around. "In all honesty " be says, "I can't take personal credit !or each of the perform~ who went on to great success after debutina on our show (when it was nationally syndicated). Many of them were discovered by our talented crew whose job it is to find youna, unknown entertainers to showcase. "In the four years the show was syndicated, scores of young unknowns made their television debuts with us, and many went on to become outstanding comedians, singers and actors." The parade of performers who m~de their ini!ial ~ws on Griffin's show includes Woody Allen, Dick Cavett. Tany Tim, Jose Feliciano, Lainie Kazan, George Carlin, Jo Anne Worley, Richai:d Pryor, Gloria Loring, Stanley Myron Handelman, Marty Bnll and The Brooklr,n Bridge singing group. .. 1 remember,' says Griffin, "that during our very first week Carlin, Pryor and Jo Anne Worley were on rpe show. The rest of the discoveries were more spread out. "I also recall the shock registered when Tiny Tim was first on the show. It was the only time during those four years that our judgment in b?<>king talent was questio~ed .. We assured our critics that Tiny Tim was what was happening in New York at the time, and you can see for yourself what happened to him after that appearance. • "Dick Cavctt's debut was also something a little different Dick bad been a writer for another late-night show but wanted to go it as a comedian. He couldn't get a spot on his show, so he quit one Friday and the following Monday made his first professional appearance with us." . Griftio is also justifiably prou~ of the array of no.n~sbow bust- ncss personalities who made their first or only televmon appca~­ ance on his show. Included are Bertrand Russell, Dr. Mamo Luther King Nicolai Fedcrenk:o, the Duke and Duchess of Bed- ford Henry 1Cabot Lodge, Averell Harriman and Mitsuo Fuchida. "That last gentleman " recalls Griffin, "was the commander of the Japanese attack. on ' Pearl Harbor. When l introduced him as such the audience was shocked. But during the interview, in which Fucbida said he had become a minister, the audience forgave him and ended up apJ!lauding." Merv's show ongioates from the historic Cort Theatre in New York, a Broadway ~howcase for more than ~atr a century. It now bas a seating capac1.ty of 500, after conversion to a color broad- cast studio. Located on the west side of Manhattan on 48th Street, the Cort opened on Dec. 20. 1912, offering J. Hartley Manners' "Peg O' My Heart," starring the late Laurette Taylor. Since then the theatre has been the site of some of Broadway'• greatest plays including "Boy Meets Girl" (I 93S), "The Swan" (1923) "Undle Vanya" (1930), uRoom Service" (1937), "Char- ley's A~nt" (1940), "A Bell for Adano" (1944). "As You Like It" ( 1950), "Advise and Consent" ( 1960), and many others. hle9 MONDAY AUGUST 18 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day 's movies. All sta· tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 a ''Timberjldt" (western) '54- Sterllna Hayden, Vera Ralston. fJ (C) "lucky Mt" (musical) '54 -Doris Day, Robert Cumming$. fJ ''Htrots in W11tt." (drama)- Jean·Louis Barrault, Bernard Blier. 9:30m "Aff1lr In Hnana" (drama) '57 -John 1Cassavetes, Raymond Burr. 12:00 0 "MID or Gun'' (western) '58- Macdonald Carey, Audrey Totter. 12:30 m (C) "Sa1111en and the Slave Queen" (<1dventure) '64 -Alan S1HI. ''The Great fllmarion" (dra· ma) 45-0an Duryea. 2:00 m "Dap of Glory'' (drama)- Charles Boyer, Suzanne Pleshette. 3:00 fJ "OnlJ Two C1n Play• (comedy) '62-Peter Sellers, Mal Zetterling. 4:00 8 "The Eu and I" (comedy) '47 -Fred MacMurray, Claudette Col· be rt. E VENING 6:00 I) The 811 News (C) (60) Jerry Dunp!Y. 0 m HunUey-Brlnkley (C) (30) 0 Steve Allen Show (C) (90) Lynn Kellogg, Jim Lanae. Elias & Shaw and Timmy Rogers guest. 0 Six O'Clock Movie: (C) "Mark Of the Renttide" (western) '51- Ricardo Montalban, Cyd Charisse. I love Lucy (60) lltman (C) (30) 11 SpJ (C) (60) (}) Mike Douglas (C) (90) W11afs New? (30) Various films look at moose and mule deer, firing and launching satellites and tradi· tlonal Lebanese dances. g) Jwentude Divino Tesoro (30) G) News (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30, KNBC Newservlce (C) (60) Patty Duke (30) @ HunUey·Brinkley (C) (30) : Twin Clrdt Headline (C) (30) Ci) m News (C) (30) Notlciero l4 (C) ( 60) 7:00 I) CBS Evenina News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. fJ Wll1fs My Line? (C) (30) Host Wally Bruner and regular panelist Arlene Francis wele-0me gue.sts Ani· ta Giiiette. Soupy Sales and Bert Convy. m Password (C) (30) Host Allen Ludden welcomes guests Arlene Francis and Skitch Henderson. I MeHale's Navy (30) @ Monday Movlt (C) (90) Eastern Wisdofll and Modtm l fe (30) "Zen in Painting." Host Alan Watts illustrates the applica- tion of Zen to the techniques of Chinese and Japanese painting. He demonstrates with brush and Ink. la (j) F1111lly Affair (C) (30) Pap 10 'The New Merv Griffin Sho· 11:30PM4 I Caafs Wertd (C) (30) D,... HMie (C) (30) I 7:JO BCIJlua•oh (C) (60) he Lont Nlcht" Bounty hunt· ers ~ct Doc, Sam (Glenn Stranae), Kitty and Louie Pheeters (James Nusser) hostap 1t the lone Branch, in the hope of tradin& their captives to Manha! Dillon for cow· hand Ben Miller (Robert Totten). on wh93I head there is a $10,000 re-ward. (R) 0 Im SNW PREVIEW TiCet'! TI- pd (t) (60) Veterinarian Don Mac- Maslus (Peter Jason) and his bride (Marilyn Devin) share thelr house· hold with a mlni·me,11a1erie that lndudes a SOO·pound tlaer. 8 Jaa le•llJ (30) The Mills Bl'OthersCR! D @ ID Tiie Aven1ers (C) (60) "A unny Thing Happened on the Way to the Station." A British a1ent on the way to meet Steed and Mrs. Peel disembarb at tM wronc station and meets death In· S!fad. (R) U Miiiien $ Mowle: (C) "Tiie Devil 11 F• O'Clod" (drama) '61- i ncer Tracy, f rank Sinatra. Tr•~ er CoaeqtllftUS (C) (30) Perry Muon (60) l1110Wltions (30) "Automated Ana!YSis of Body Auids.'' Dr. Rich· ard Brenneman looks at the com· merclal uus for an automated fluld chemical analyzer developed for the NASA Biosatelllte Project Guests are the machine's inventors from Jet Propulsion Laborato(J. I Clllldlo el Reto (30) 1:00 Za11t Crey (30) Haztl (30) Wofld Pr• (C) (60) A sum· mary of &1ob•I press rtaetlons to local, national and internatio111I events. 61) Hit Parade (C) (90) 1:30 B 9 (j) Here's Lucy (C) (30) Lucy slips 48 cents i!)to the bank's till to balance· the books and Mooney is fired. (R) a 9 oo m NIC ,......, Mev1t: (C) Tlf1ie Clefy CllJS" (adventure) '65-Tom TrJon, Harve PreJntll, Senta Ber1er, Andrew Du111n. Jeanne Cooper. Durina the post·Clvll War period, a prestiae·hunlfY pro- fessional central launches an at- tack on Sioux Indians with a real· m&nt of untrained recruits. (R) U Colden V.,ap (C) (30) "Rio. Paris of the Americas." o @ (1) m n. ,.... .. wu1 Sennett (t) 130) ''The Trial." Jim Sonnett sees a shootin1 but Is not around when an Innocent man Is accused of the crime. (R) I David Fmt (C) (90) Run tor Your Lift <C> (60) 9:00 lllJbtny RFD (C) (30) An ef. ficlency expert (Woodrow Parfrey) sba!>U Goobef's pa station Into the bl&·city mold, much to his friends' dismay. (R) 9 THE BARON IS *THE KING OF HEARTS & THE KNAVE OF CLUBS! II n. • .,... (C) (60) ''The Edp Of fear." A paliltinc Is stolen from the louvre end The Baron Is drawn Into a nerve·tin&linr ltr'ies of d•n· 1m when Ult thiefts ao to tlab· orate lentths to force him to eum· lne It for lta authentlc:Jty. D IRI (])QJ Th 011tc11ta (C) {60)""'1''G1Ve Me Tomorrow." Ear1 Corey contracts to 1ulde an aris- tocratic Southern family to Arizona, where they plan to reestablish their ancutral home. (R) m NET Jewul <C> (60) "The Battered Child." A Jtport on the work done by a special team of psychiltrlsts, pediatricians and .,. clal workers in rehabilitatlna chll· dren who are victims of menttl and ~sical abuse in the home. Qt Ci) 1\e fllntltt• (C) (30) 9:30 ti fa•ilJ Affair (C) (30) Told that boys don't like smart &Iris. Buffy deliberately sets out to earn poof' aractes to attract a little ~ she likes. Gary Dubin auests. (R) D ..... (C) (30) Ted Meyers. m I ''l!cl I HIP tplld Uwhlt -=br11 i1 (C) (60) Dick Clari auists 11 Wally Parts tells how i. fffls about draJ rlcln1 and what propels him from one race to an· other. Mick!'? Thompson alto auests on the National Hot Rod Amell· tion special. (R) tlj Ci) llcffale'a NIVJ (30) fl) ............. (30) 10:00 R 9 Cl) Jl••lt Red1ers (C) (60) .loaAre Sommers and Skiles & Hendemn fuest. um ..... <C> <60> D @ (1) G Didi en.tt (C) (60) 0 Della! (C) (60) Peter Marshall, Jackie "Moms" Mahley, The friends of Distinction auest. m firl111 u... (C) (60) ''The Cor· nell Uprlsin1.'' William f. Buckley welcomes auests Walter Berns, a Cornell faculty member who re· alaned durin1 the protests, and Ernest van den Haaa. professor of social philosophy at New York Uni· varsity. II) llu Alla de 11 M'*11e (C) (30) 10-.30, ..... (C) (30) Bill Johns. U. Crltt en la °'9cwldad (30) u:ao§La,.es..._ <C> • Mowit: ..... Trees In Ult Slreet" (drama) 'SS-Sylvia Symi, Herbert Lom. Q) W. C. fltlds Fil• festiwll: "My Little Chickadee," co-starrina Mae West (1940). m Merit: "Cervalle" (drama) '57 -Marla Schell. ti1J ma @a Ci) ..... <C> 11:30 8 9 (J) PRDllERE Men 5rtfflR iiiOW (C)-,.erv. popular host-linaer· actor whose syndicated series hu been a favorite throuchout the country for the past four yeers, hosts • late-niallt variety-talk 11r· its for CBS. The show orialnates from the historic Cort Theatre in New Yott. MIN Is usisted by Mhur Treacher and Mort Lindsay and His Orchestra. IJ@@@DTeni&M Sllow (C) It M0¥1e: (C) .. ., .. Fire" (drt- ma) '51 -Rita Gam, Yvonne De Calio, Carlos Thomp100. D (ff} CJ) a> JMJ ...., <C> The Smotlitrs Brothers end mentalist Ktmin auest. 1Z:30 Ill Adlle n.tn: "Munier at Mid· ruaM." 1:008 ~ .. ~ ,.,.... (mystery) '52 -Dan Andrews. ....... (C) • C.••ltJ ............ (C) 1000 BEAUTIFUL STICK-ON LABELS $1.00 .. l11t .... May be used on envelopes as retum address 1abels. Also very hondy os identificotion labels for marking personal items such es books, records, photos, etc. Labels stick on glass and may be used for marking home conned food items. AR labels are printed with stylish Vogue type on fine quality white gummed paper and packed in reusable magic seal top container. -----~--r--- 1 Flit .......... ,... en; •'"' '"'" ...... S 1.00 .. I Pllet PwWa..lA~I DI•., ... 1171. I ~ ...... C.lff. f2U)· -, I I I I I I I I -······················································ ........................................................... ···················-···························~·-······ h,.,. ..... r-•r Zip CM• I I I· I I I , __ _ PILOT PRINTING ----' L - --_ ... _. - ----._. - - -FRIE BONUS WITH EACH ORDER OF LAIELS WE WILL INCLUDE ... SET OF PACKA&E MAILIN& LAIEi.$. ....l!lllapla al d .. -' llAGllE YOURSELF IEHllD THE llCROPHOIEI WHICH OF THESE • FASClllTllG CAREERS llTERESTS .YOU1 O DISC JOCllY O IUWSCAmR O SPORTSCASTll 0 COMMHCIAl ANNOUNCD PHI VOICI ANALYSIS mLS YOU IP YOU HAVI "HIDDEN TAUNJ"I TUIM AT MOM( O« IN OU• IUUTIM NlW STUDIO SCHOOl! You Ctn 1tudJ brCIMU1t ttcll11IQut1 at llofllt, 111 )'HI ,,_,. tllM, or In our ,... lroedtt1t• 1111 School-lOCATtO •lettT HUIE IN LOS Al!QlES--ilnd11 tllt ~1lo11 of Ollf OlrKt1111 racullJ of ll fe1110111 llroadet11tn. •11:110-TV 1tellon1 tvtfJWlltrt llllff 111 IMMEOIATl OOIAHO for llOtll llMll and wom.11 to tth onr l111por1111t 10CM1· plJl"I l"I rl111t llOW .... TIOft•WIOl 11'\.ACCMlNT ASSISTAJOCE at no eatra co.ti Tw1lion H1l11Det ntllablt. SeM lo CA•U• ACAOCM'l"S dlvltlOll of FIMOUI lroeelc11t111 fOf rtCE boo'· ltt, r~. Incl wolct 111111111 dttall1. NOnC11 oumu. NOW Fa. CARDlt ACADIMY'S NOT CUASI THtl COULD K YOUR CHAMcr 10 PUT YOUllKU' KHtND TH& Ml~D •Al\ ec'.ct'9dl~ member of ttlo N• tlonel Homo Study Counc:ll •nd tfl• • Notlonel Auocllotlon of TrMI• end To«tnal Scl'loola • Approwcl fl>t Vet.ren T,.lnlnc ... ~ of C.llfoml• Anocl•Uon for ~¥et• [duc.ttfon •Al\ .. i.lblo lnttftvtlon unct.r ttlo fMerelly lntu'" Student Loen '"'cram. ,--------------------· • CAif.ER ACADEMY ~ : ! 719 ...., •• lnl ec4 ~L 1 • Lee ...... c.... *21 ·~ : ,._: (2U) 4Mrn • •1.-i. .... 11 1-........,. .. ....... -111 ................ .,._......_, .. Addreu City St•to/llp I am lnt9f'ntod In O Clnsroom O Homo ~ I O•AAAIU --------------------- TUESDAY AUGUST 19 For morninc and afternoon llstinp, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to chance programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES t:OO U "Tiie llM Dlltlle" (mystery) '{6 -Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake, Wiiiiam Bendix. fJ "One. 11111'9, My Darlin(' (ro- mance" (49) -Lllllan Randolph, Robert Montaomery. 0 "Tiie Hippy nltwtl" (comedy) ·~-Rex H1rTlson, Rita Hayworth. t:JO m "ElPt O'~ Walk" (mysttfY) •SJ -Rldmd Attenboroufh, Ca1hy O'Donnell. 1%:00 D "rt•lldtnn. of Paint.cl fl.ti" (wutern) '59-Sklp Homeler. Co· rlnM Calwt. John Carroll. lZ:JO m ... ., ...... Stars'' (d111ma) '45 -Michael Redirm. Je1n Simmons. Z:OO m ..... ,,_ Trtae,te" (mystery) ·~ruton Foster, Slrne Huao. l:OO D .. Uldtt Twe fl•is" (drama) '36 ..:::ftonald Colman, Victor Mcla1len. 4:30 8 (C) "Cllerp of tt.e l111C1t1"' (a~nture) '54-P1ulette Goddard, Jun-Pierre Aurnont. fVFNINC 6:00 11 TM 111 ,.._ (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. B m H~kllf (C) (30) st.wt Alle11 sa..w (C) (90) Cius Brvont, Norma Crosby, Stu Gllllam, Joe Wiiiiams. and "Balloon Min" Biii Morrison ruest. 0 Six O'Clecl Motte: "DedsiH Apblst Tl_,. (suspense) '57-Jaclt Ha.tins. Elizabeth Sellars. 11 lMt l~ (60) ...... (C) (30) (1) .... DMlfa (C) (90) Wi1f1 Nft? (30) A ioo. at Bl1hom Sheep in the alpine mead· ows. dbtances betwe.n &•IDies and Philippine dance steps that accomp1ny rb plantini. .,......,... ~ r ... (30) El) lhwl (C) (60) Jack Hidey. ':301 MIC ...._ .. (C) (60) ,.. Dttltl (30) Cl) HlllltltJ-lritlkllf (C) (30) Cl) m ..._ (C) cao> fil)....... MM11 ... •t Traillq (t) (30) "Modem Supeni.1o(y Tedi· niques." A preview of • '9fies de· siped h> improve 1 supetvl.sot's skilla in motlwatlna. dtwlopln1 1nd au1c11111~ ti) ~ l4 (C) (60) 1:t08 cas &tHlc ,.... <Cl (30) wafter l;(onklta, D n.ra lilJ u.? (C) (30) 18 haw• (C) (30) Allen Lud· din hosts. I lllldWrs ""1 (30) (i) ~ (C) (30) .... __ 0,.. ..... (30) "The sqtlt ot Sound." Host Russell Coft. THE DAILY PILOT, 1V WEEK. AUGUST 16, 1969 nor visits wtth Nan:isaa Williamson fl!) NET fastivll (C) (60) "The Tai· to enjoy the silht and sound of the pi Skull." NET producer David Boston Museum of Fine Art's musl· Prowitt narrates an Australian film eel instrument collection. about the detection of 1 fossilized I ()) Tiie Cood tiiuys (C) (30) skull that could be the lonr·miuinf f&landl 111 Ille Sun (C) (30) link between ancient and modem D,.a• Hoae (C) (30) man. Tiie story concerns a profes- 7;30 II Qi Cl) Lancer (C) (60) Scott so<'s search for a skull. orl1inally sJves connlvin& medicine man discovered in 1886 and for1otten or Claude Buttermere (William Win· dismissed IS unimportant. dom) from a tar 1nd fealherin1. @I> HOJ (30) but the fllm·flam artlst shows up 9;l0 fJ 9()) Doris Day (C) (30) at the Lancer ranch durina Scott's When Dons has to be out of to.n absence, posin1 as en Indian •rent, for 8 few days, the house becomu and starts a phony land boom from a shambles until Emma Flood (Mary which he hQf>es to profit. (R) Wickes), a retired Marine Corps of. D ID (i) m Siar Trek (C) (60) ficer, •nivu and takes "command" '1he Tholfan Web." The Enterprise of the situation. (R) ia surrounded by an alien web as 0 @(})Gl Ny,. D (C) (30) Mr. Spock and Dr. McCoy search "EverybOdy Toved Him." A film for Captain Kirk's body which Is prOducer who apparently had no lost in space. (R) enemies is found murdered. Det. Lt. ' bet lenftJ sa..w (30) Mike Haines and Detectives Jeff @ C3l al Mod Squid (C) (60) Ward and John Corso lnvest11ate eace lfo.-Atly Blau!" Chris· the slayin1 and discover that the topher Connelly ruests as 1 con· victim was not as "loveable" IS ha victed draft dod1er. the son of a was built up to be. Special auests aeneral home on leave from Viet· are Walter McGlnn and Jack Somack. nam. The life of Arly, a former (R) schoolmate of Julie, is put in 0 """ tC\ (30) Ted Meyers. d1n1er when he eccepts five years Q) I sflCIA I Where Ifs Happen. In prison rather then rerister for lnt-TII• Strip (C) (60) Bill Burrud the draft (R) ponders how the Strip, which be· 0 Millien $ Mewie: (C) "House of r<>n as the quickest route to Malibu j°'"tl" (hor~or) '53-Vlncent Price, Beach. became a place to ao frank LoveJOY. rather than a way to 10 there. (R) I Trutlt or ConlequtfKU (C) (30) · hny Mat111 (60) 10:00 fJ ~ (j) CBS News Spedal (C) fr.ndl Chef (30) Julia Child (60) "tMthers and Daughters." .preparu tonaue. (R) Charles Kuralt and John Laurence @!) Cll•dM el Roto (30) report. .:001 z .. c30> I m """ cc> <60> . H= C~) (fi) @ Ill Diet Cavett (C) (60) : Featvre (60) • Della! (C). (60) . . Qlldlo Anllanct (C) (30) : USC Music Festini ~60) . John &:30 II 9 Cl) TM Ubwece sa.ow (C) Crown hosts a proaram with pianist (60) tve Arden, Matt Monro. Mary Jam!' Cook .of . t~e USC School ~ Hopkin and "lord Charles" auest. Music. Proar~m. :?Cc.eta, Op. 7 ... Liberace plays Tchaikovsky's 8-flat by ~humann. and Ludus Tonalls. Minor. Other piano numbers are by Hindemith. "Alley Car' and "Tea for Two." 10:30 (8 Ntw1 (C) (30) Bill Johns. a ~ oo m Ju11a <t> (3o> 11•001_0 C'ft I.!!\" cc> "Home of tht Brnes." Juli• des· • ~ H~ IWI . pairs when she realizes that Corey • Movie: "The Lat Tl•• I s.. cannot ah.end • father-and-son Ardlle" (comedy) '61 _ Robert Scout meetina. (R) Mitchum, Jack Webb. 0 ,.,. .. ~. ltttK "'" m w. c. rte1c1s Fil• fesdvat: "The ~ (~) (30) Lionel Bart and Ba k Dick " co·starrln° Una Merilel Leshe N1efsen ruest. n • • o rRI mm 1t T•'-' • TMlf cc> n94o>. , (60) "i:'A Matter of Grey Matter." Q) M~: "'Cat alld Mo• (mys. Conctusion of a two-parter. Altxan· ~~ 60 -Lee Pattef'30n, Ann der Mundy checks out a hunch that ; m ~ ~ m N ... (C) 1 12·yHr-old boy may be the . vv 16>1 161 uv 30) br.ln behind the solid missile fuel • h1pt1 ConfarttlClt ( formula he has been ordlfed to Ill~ l4 stul. Barry Williams. Joey Heather· 11:30 fJ 9 (J) MlfY Srlffin (C) ton Ind Paul Lukas rum. (R) 0 ID 00 m Toalpt .. (C) I DMI Frwlt (C) (90) 0 Mowie: "Santa fa ,_,.., ... fw Y .. Lh (C) (60) (wastem) '5f>--John Payne, Faith Preeieft! (3 hr) Dom!!JU•· t:GO D @ m NIC r.-., Mewie: 0 Cl1l (}) m ,.., lisllotl (C) (tj ~.. (dr.ma) '69-i'Ony Bennett. Ruth Gordon. Reuit Les'ie Nielalt, • flarl Rhodes. Aldo Jackson (the Oakland A's home-run Ray, Ruby Dee. Beverly Todd, Max sJurrer) 1uest. Julian. Dana Deir. S1Dty of two @!) Natlclero J4 (C) men's efforts to enf«ee the law in 12'30 m CMlltr a city tom by dissention. A lflStrict • Q) Actio ......... ~ "G Fl " attomey •nd a police lieutenant try 11 ..... tr~ reen nrers. to flnd the klllet of a newspaper. 1:00 II w.-: "H•an Dah" (dra· man in a 111dllly troubled dty. (R,) ma) '54 -Glenn Ford, Broderick O Sk tatt 5 (C) (60) "W1y Out Crawford. Gloria G~hame. West." The Ooodletown Pipers PfO· O O News (C) vide aaother _mUJical . outin1. The g C:..•ultJ l•lletln ..,_ (C) •l'bMfl •tile 3')ecifally ta aim at the likes al Marshal Dfllon 1 :30 m Al~Nlpt sa..: "The Great Ad- ana othtr inhabitHts of burreonlna venture," "Blonde for a Day" and Dod19 City of "'Gunsmob" fame. "Killers Are Challenpd. • (;9 'T1J- t>1vid film illzed sslna Idem ofesr nally !nor (30) town 1mes \4ary ' of. snd" :Jo> film no . Lt Jeff 11te the l ht ests aek. ,.. rrud be· libu ao (R) (C) rs." nee 60) Min 111st of 7.'' is,'' .. ert "he lei ys- .nn I) ... Ith C) Pt un •· ck I :S- td I land in the lake Countrv of Calilornia Pines Lowest b1ak ter11 on acre11e overlookiaa CALIFORNIA PllS lAIE PARCRS FR• 11485 Fil PRICE! 30,000 acres of vlrzin Northern CalHornla land are bein1 developed as the world's laraest prf vately-o,wned vacationland. Only 1 small part -approximately 1,000 1eres -of California Pines is now for sale. Much of the remainine land will never be sold. Callfornla Pines is not a commercial resort -not sold as a heqe aaalnst inflatlon or as an investment for profit alone -bot as a refuce from the smoc and strife of our cities for families wflo want to own 1 share of unspolltd Califomi1. Ownership of property in the Like Country elves your famlly full recreational ri&hts in all Fift C111trie1 1f Clllftrtla P11ts! The Stream Country The Hi&h Country lite TrH CoHtry Tht llkt Country TM Horse Cou1try FREE! 1. Pictures, floor plan of this A-frame cabin (we build the outside, you finiah the inside) you can buy on an acre of land at California Pines for $4000 (Price includee land!) 2. Mape, color photognpha. 3. Ofticial report_ by the State of California on California Pinee. Dill/ ., Call Co/l«t 149-6600 CALIFORNIA PINES Dept. TVW 8· I 16288 Ventur11 Blvd. Sh~rman Oak., C11ur, 91413 PluK Knd ~ the frtt inlorm1Jion padup. Clt1 ____ 8tat. ___ Zlp __ • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WEDNESDAY AUGUST 20 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve· the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES ~0011 .. ......, llllinaa" (comedy) '31-Groucho, Harpo, Chico and Zeppo Marx. D ''llte Crystal 1111" (comedy) '43 -Ray Mi111nd, P1ulette Goddard. fJ (C) "law of the LnleW' (western) '64 -Dile Robertson, Yvonne De C1r'lo. 9:30 m "Tiie lnMI MaJor" (drama) '43 -Pat O'Brien, Robert Ryan. 12:00 11 "Raiders of Old California" (western) '57 -Jim Davis. Arleen Whelan. 12:30 m "TM Man In tM Wlltte Sllit" (comedy) '52-Alec Guinness. "Onr Ult Moon'' (comedy) '4~Rex H1r- ri10n. 2:00 ID "Air Sbib' (drama) '5~1ch· ard Dennlnc. Gloria Jean. 3:00 fJ "Jane Eyre" (dasslc) '«-Joan Fontaine, Orson Welles. 4:30 R "DtstrJ Ridel Apln" (western) '3§-James Stewart. Marlene Die· trich. F \' f r,. I "• (, i:OO 11 Tiie Iii .._. <C> C60> Jerry Dunphy. Cl @D H_.,.lrinkltf (C) (30) II Sllft Ahn Sllew (C) (90) *II Benny, Lalo Schifrin and Sheri lewis 1uest. D Sil O'aee. Mtwil: "SolMtMltl fiif tllle llrG" (comedy) '52-Vktor Mature, Patricia Neat. 11 S,, (C) (60) I U.. 1.t1cJ (60) lablu (C) (30) (]) MIM Doqtas (C) (90) . Mira Newl (30) Rocky Moun· lain black heirs, the properties of the Uranium atom and dassical dances of India are tonictirs sub· jects. @I) Jwtlltud Dlvtee y..,. (30) &) ..... (C) (60) JICJt Hickey. 6:301 ""IC ......... (C) (60) htty .,... (30) @) ......... rtUSIJ (C) (30) · ~ Ma...-.nt Traillltl.I (C) (30) "Human Relations and Motivation." A preview of a series desi1ned to Improve 1 SUl*Yilor'• ablllty to tr.In, motivate and dlrwc:t other people; as well n provldlna insllht to leadentllp. 9 Cl) m ..... <e> <30> E Netidtro 34 (C) <&O> 7:00 1J CIS &1M11 ..... (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. fJ Wllafs My Une? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. m P....,d (C) (30) Allen Ludden hostJ. ID Mdtale'a Nawy (30) QJ@ You Aaecl for H (30) Bobby Goldsboro-sings "I'm a Dr if tu'' whtn ht u g"tst on tht Kraft Music HaU from Hawaii colorcast on NBC, Wtdnes- day at 9 PM. P-..14 Tl4E DAILY PILOT, TV WEEK, AUGUST 16, 1969 m l&acl ~ c3o> ,., panel a wmt11a1 (C) <60> of Nearo newsmen question a com· D ti}) (I)S AIC We••utl•J mun~· leader. U-owit: (C) ~ftds ot tlle Kalllultl" I lfwrtr Hlllblllles {C) (30) (adventure) '65 -Stuart Whitman, •deftlllt (C) (30) Stlnley Baker, Susannah York. Thto- Dft1• Ho• (C) (30) dore Blkel, Harry Andrews, Hlaef 7:30 II Tarun (C) (60) Cruudln1 ,... Davenport. Stoiy of the survivors of porter Diana Russell (Diena Hyland) an air crash on Africa's fort>iddlq risks her life to prvyt that tribal Kalahari Desert. (Rescheduled) (R) elections to create a new nation m Tiie Ufe and n.. ., ... will be fraudulent. Don Marshall trand ltuaell (60) A survey ot the end Willilm Smithers also 1uut. 1reat paciflst·phil0t0pher, mathefna. W @ @J IE Tiie Yirplan (C) ~::C~r':a~~io;u~l~ndlvldual ~) "Oe:sth Wail" David Sutton ti) srtwll J Enrique (60) kills a man In self-defense and 9:301J 9 (j) lirMn Aues (C) Lisa's then Is threatened by the man's mother-Instinct comes out ...... n ... , femlly. (R) "'"' u1 Ir .. 1. (30) brooder breaks down and she (J}l CJ) • Here Ce•e th knows thet 1000 thre .. day-old baby fCj ( ) "One to a c;us: chicks haw to be kept warm to tomer." Adam Wiiton, • youn( sulNWl(30) Ted Me_,,, Mormon farmer, buys lend near 1··-Seattle and ca ti I f J Paris .. • stlle llbllle SUI Y n arms ason ( ) ( ) e'"' Hu'-. Tri-I Editor Bo:t that he Intends to court and "1 _, ... marry a number of the lir1s from of ~e LA. Times, joins 8111 Bur-New Bedford. (R) rud 1n an Inexpensive visit to tht B MUiiee $ MtN: (C) .,._, City of love. h.n. Mr. Alli..." (dra1n1) '57-10:00 I) t8 Ci) Hawaii Flwe-0 (C) (60) Robert Mitchum, Deborah Kerr. Steve MCGarrett takes a cure-all m Trwtll er ~90nal (C) (30) practitioner ()oenne Linville) to fflree women dressed as astrvnluts. court although publlc sentiment pretendlna to have returned from favors her and she seems to have a trip to the moon, relate their a foolproof case. This episode Is i riences. the conclusion of a two-parter. (R) Ptny Maon (60) 0 @ 00 IE Tllo O•blder (C) • Jo7c.t Cllea Coob (30) "Bun ~) "A lot of Muscle." A police i routs." officer Is aa:u3ed of acceplinr a CJ) lest of HoUyweed (2 hr) bribe ond David Ross is cau1ht In Qudlo of ltoto (30) the middle. James Greaory p:ays 1:001 Z.... &ref (30) Officer Michael Cameron. (R) Hazel (30) II OJ Nen (C) (60) . r .. ,. (30) "Dlsposability." A B Della! (C) (60) Tony Martinez photoaraphic ess1y on the dlspos· 1uests. able nature of man's belon1ln1s. fll) Spec11l1tlen (60 'The Alcoholic C.st·off motor cari. litter, build· Generation.:· Di~uuion of the prob- inp and cremation of the human lem of soc11I dnnkln1 and new •P· body are examined. proaches to a cure, Guests are @It h•fNIC1lil Malcalts (30) Nicholas Khourat, M.D.; Paul Locan, 1:301J Tiie Qood 1i1171 (C) (30) Rufus, M.D.; and Robert Ronis. alcoholic Bert and Claudia turn (clors for a counselor. film company that wants to use the @m Mas Alla de ii Muerte (C) (30) diner IS • settln1 for • crime story. 10:30 m ...... (C) (30) Bill Johns. ( R) fl) Un lirtto 111 I a Obtalridld ( 30) II a .. s Hipllpts (C) (30) A ta.st·pacect tape 01 11ey p1a11 and 11:001 OD fl> ma> News <C> action shots of last Saturday's pre-Alf111~~ H~ season 11me between Cleveland _,.: ... _ la tlle Strtets" Browns and Los Anaeles Rams. (drame) '56-Sal Mineo, John Casa· Didt Enber1 narrates. vetes. D (17) (!) G)'flte Km1 f•ilr (C) m 'Y· C. Flticts Alm fatlwal: "Ntv· {JO) the "Kina Cousins offer "I Be· er Grve a Sucklf an Even B,.ak." lleve In M11ic" to stert off the co-starrl~g Gloria Jean (1941). show that features numbers from ID Mow11: ... 1-. Wllit9 and Pw-the Broadway hit "I Doi 1 Do!" (R) feet" (mystery) '42 -Mary Beth I Dnid frat (C) (90) . Hu(hes. Lloyd Holan. Ran lef Your L"e (C) (60) (i}) (]) @ 00 9 Ci) News (C) ~ lut (C) (30) Robert 11:301 §Ci) Merv liriffin (C) Cromie hosts. 00 m Tonlpt Sllow (C) Ill Senrisa (30) owle: "Stranier at MJ Door 9:00 f:l ltwerly Hillbillies (C) (30) Drys-twestern·drama) '56 -Macdo111ld dale finally finds 1 payln1 tenant Carey, Patricia Medina, ~ip Hom· for the fifth floor of his bank build· eier. ln1 by evictin1 Jethro and rentin1 D tm rn rn *' Bishop (C) MU- il to Jed. (R) ton Berle. R1Ck Nelson 1uesl B KRAFT MUSIC HALL . 12:30 OJ cttilter * Don . Ho, Robin Wilson Q) Action T'Mltre: "Enchanted Val- Bobby Goldsboro '"·" II~ Cl) t°D KRft Mtllic Hall 1:001J Mowlt: "Ad of ~ (dra· (~ ~) A musical procram oria· me) '49-Robtrt Ryan. Vin Heflin. lnatln1 In America's 50th state I Stlakhl1 fMIJ (C) starrin1 Hawaiian sln1ln1 aur Dofi Co••unlty Bu:llttin ... rd (C) Ho, with iuests, ' Bobby Goldsboro ,.._ (C) end the comedy team of Stiller and l :JO OJ All-Niitat 5'ow: "Raldef's of the Mart. Robin Wilson, Toby Alyn, Spanish Main.'' "Murder 11 My Anrel Pablo and The Elsner Sisters Business" and "Sombra. the Spider are fea1urtd. Women." E 6: 7: 1969 ~ ttrn1n. Theo- Nlftl Oil Of iddina t (R) ... ., the *"--tldUll Llsa'1 II the • baby 711 to (60) ••II to nent , ... I ii (R) (C) •lice I a I In ~.,. ollc ob· IP· are an, >lie 10) ..,. " r· th " d I· I· THURSDAY AUGUST 21 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY- TIME PROGRAMS. Below for your convenience, ar~ the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00., "Rtlythm on the Ranp" (mu- sical) '36-Bin& Crosby, Frances Farmer. 0 (C) "lll1t NIPt In Rio" (com- edy) '41-Don Ameche, Alice Faye. e "D•nfWOUS Youth" (drama) '58-Georae Baker, Frankie Vauahn. 9:30 m "Allepeny Uprlsln(' (western) '39-John Wayne, Clalre Trevor. 12:00 0 "Scandal, Inc." (drama) '57 -Robert Hutton, Patricia Wright. 12:30 m "lone Rine and Ult Tom1- h1wt'' (adventure) '64-John Harl "Marauders of the Sn" (adven- ture) 62-Terence Morgan. 2:00&> "Dra en•t" (mystery) '47- Henry Wilcoxon, Mary Brian. 3:00 fJ "The Teacher and the Mlrade" (drama)-Aldo Fabrizi. 4:30 ft "Moss ROM" (mystery) '47- Vlctor Mature, Ethel Barrymore. EVENING 6:00 ~ lhe Bf& Nnn (C) (60) Jerry Dunphy. 0 m Hunt111-Brinkley (C) (30} 0 Steve Allen Show (C) (90) £.art Grant, Frank Rosolino. Geor&e Burns, Gert Mehr and Robert Klein guest. O Si1 O'Clock Mcme: "Abbott and Costello In the F~icn Lecion" (comedy) '50-With Patricia Medina. I love L&KJ (60) B1t .. 1n (C) (30) 11 SctJ (C) (60) Miu Dou11u (C) (90) ~ab New? (30) Variou5 films study grizzly bears and mountain lions. the moon, and songs and dances from Thailand. I Junntud Dlvlno Tesoro (30) Nns (C} (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30 KNBC Ntw1e~ict (C) (60) Patty Dute (30) 00 HunUey-BrinkJtf (C} (30) The lnvestipton (C) (30) "A Look at the Moon." Alan Scott and astronomer Dr. I. M, Levitt apply information gained from unmanned moon flights to new concepts of the moon. . • • ~m m ..... cc> (3o> m Notieiero 34 (C) (60) 7:00 fJ CBS Evenln& Htws (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. fJ Wbafs My Une? (C) (30) Wally Bruner host3. I Password (C) (30) Ci9J (!) McHale's NIVJ (30) @ HI~ and Wild (C} (30) Playlna Hie l uihr (30) "Notes of the Fifth Position." lnstnidor Frederick Noad presents some lim· pie studies for practice. He 1111r· forms an lullan Renaiss1nce piece -"ltallana. '' @E True Adwtrbn (C) (30) G) Orta• Hotllt (C) (30) 7:30 8 Kai Kan Presents * ANIMAL WORLD "World of Pelicans" fJ Qt .CIJ Animl WOJld (C) (30) The curious bird known as the pel- ican Is the subject of tonicht's show. Scientists study the stranae bird in one of its North American habitats, Gunnison Island In the Great Salt Lake of Utah. 0 fa@ m O.nltl Boont (C) (60) "Be Thankful fOf the Fickle- ness of Women." Josh Clements (Jimmy Dean) turns for help to Dan after winnin& a beautiful girl (Brooke Bundy) in an auction. (R) 0 Jack Benny (30) Mel Blanc guests. 0 @ CI) al The F1Jin1 Nun (C) (30) "How To Be a Spanish Grand· mother," Carlos has lied In his let· ters to hi5 arandmother that he is married and has two children. Now that she Is coming to visit and he has to come up with a wife Carlos decides th3l Sister Bertrille'~ sister Jennifer, is the likely candidate t~ portray his wile. Elinor Donahue end Lillian Adams guest. (R) fJ Miiiion $ Movie; ''The Mudtarlln {droma) '51-Alec Guinness, Irene Dunne. I Trvttt or Consequenus (C) (30) Ptny Mason (60) Cuals Mutlf Class (30) Cello student Joanna de Keyser perfofms the last movemiint of "Sonata Ho l in E MillOf, Op. 38" by Brahms: Casals offers instruction and crlti· cism. el Chucho el Roto (30) 8:00 IJ Q?J_(j) TM Pritoner (C} (60) The Pnsoner seeks to undermine the power of Humber 2, and pos· sibly entrench himself as head of the Village. (R) 0 line Grei. (30) 0 @ @ @ That Girl (C) (30) "It's So Hice To Have a Mouse Around the House." Don trades apartments with Ann when she Is frightened by a rodent. and her father decides to pay an unan· nounced call on his daughter the next momin&. (R) m Hazel (30) fl:ll NET Playho~ (90) ."The Lady With the Dog. A prtze·wlnning Russian film adapted from an An· ton Chekov story tells the story of a love affair between a business· man and a young gir1 who is al· ways seen with her white Pomera- nian dog. Alexei Batolav and lya Sawina star. el Feliciano! (C) (30) 8:30 0 ta 00 m Ironside (C) (60) "HotWlth a Whimper, But a Bang." Both the San Francisco police and an Army bomb aquad are called In to investieate bomb threat.a on a college campus. (R) U Bolin& (C) (90) Dave Niehaus and Mlctley Davies are ringside fOf a lO·round lightweight bout between Jim"!l... Robertson and Ellas Varaaa. o CJ.1J rn m 8ewttdled <C> <3o> "Samantha's Shopping Spree.'' Sam is joined by Cousin Henry and En· dora on a jaunt to a department store and the simple shopping ex- pedition becomes a major chore when Cousin Henry decides to have (Continued} if you want smaller IJips . try this! NO WEIGHT LOSS l "Hippy"? Try Relax-A-ciz-0r. It's the modern way to reduce size of hips, waist, thighs - used by many women the world over. You use it while you REST, read or watch TV . .. nt home! There's no effort! No weight loss! IT'S A FACTI •Many adult women lack good muscle tone because they don't get enough exercise. Relax-A- cizor gives effortless, concen- trated exercise to such figure areas as hips, wais tlines thi1.rhs and abdomens. Regula; u se causes these areas to reduce in size measurably to the extent these muscles lack tone because of insufficient ex- ercise. And the less the muscle tone, the greater the degree of size reduction. PHONE NOWl Oleander 5-8000 Olympia 2-2550 • FREE! Find out how to re- duce size of hips, waist, abdo- men and thighs while you rest ~~~M at home. Send coupon for your free copy of "Your Figure" by Burton Skiles. No cost. No ob- ligation. C 11168 -Rtlax-A-claor Rrrar-A-ruor ca.Tit'• U..- •eol of Na1w11 ... i1lr- ('o>Wulftcr Tr•lifll/ /11~t11 .. ir, '"'· Toll Fru: Unith S297 FREE! ·----· "RelaxA.cizor ..•••••• ... Mall Now! 1ra nut Write todly for Fill tvlly lll11ttrettd color brochure. "Your F11ure" by 811rton Sklltt. I I : Rtlu·A·tlior. Deot. 14-0l·OS I I 980 No. L1 C••HOJ Boult11rd I I l li Anftlts, Clltl 900S4 I I I Pleau send FREE, "l'our f11urt" by 8urto" Sk1l11. I Ttlls how wome~ over 18 reduce s11e of hips, n lst, : al>dome~ 1nd lh•&lls. No cost. Ho oblipt1on. 1 0 MRS. 0 MISS 0 MR. : I ~M I I AOOR~S I I CITY SlAT[ I I ZIP PHON I 0 I tm undtt 18. O I 1m over ta. &5-17.4C : H ·Ol·08 90817 • •••••• FREE! MAIL NOWf •••••• ! hp15 BED WETTING * STOPPED! WHY WAIT? Tht ENURTONE mlthod hes proven In over 450,· 000 cases that It can stop btd·wettlna c•Enurul.,, WHEN NOT CAUSED BY ORGNUC DEFECTS OR DISEASES, In just two to four weeks. NOT A DRUG OR DIET, Just slmplt condltlonlna technique. Correct bed wettln1 In tht privacy of your own home. Appnwed and pre· tcribed by many doctors. Rtc0mmtnded ages 4 thru 50. MAIL COUPON FOR FREE BOOKLET IED-WETTINC: Its c.M, tfftd and trut........._. no obliptlo1t. nit l1tfoniltfve bootltt. wrftttn by 111 ••in1nt fa•lly llMltll autllortty. C•pyri1ht 1968, THf ENUITONf COMl'ANY -------M~ii i;;" £N'Uiro11c-c:OMPANY-.-~ iai.i.oo-:-.;v-,ii1------- TARZNCA MEDICAi. COlltR, sum 208 + NAM 11740 VENTURA BLVD .. TAR.lMA. CAI.If. 91356 AOORESS·-------------- CITY---------STAT.._ ___ _ i\N /\Cl IH C-'111 ll PFl~'-.Cll'JAl '->f RVI< l LEONARD NIMOY'S NEW LOOK "For once," ~rins Leonard Nimoy. "I can scratch my nose if I want to." Nimoy, newest member of the Mission: Impossible team, is referring to his new role on the durable show. "Playing Mr. Spock on Star Trek was much more strenuous than it seemed," continued Nimoy. "For one thing. I had to stand perfectly erect and at attention. I could never lean against anything--or anyone. This studied stiffness was carried over into life off-stage. Some days. even off the set, I actually w~ Spock. Gen- erally it took' about five days to unlimber. Also, during the show I was in every scene with William Shatner and was re- quired to follow him, not unlike a faith- ful dog." Adds Nimoy, "There are some fine regulars on· Mission : Impossible like Pe- ter Graves, Greg Morris, Peter Lupus, plus various leading ladies. I won't be on the screen virtually every minute. Last week I had a day off!" Nimoy has a new look these days and he loves it. "People now come up to me and tell me how well I look. Apparently the tautness in my {ace has gone. making hp ll THE DAJLY PILOT, TV WEEK. AUGUST 16, 1969 THURSDAY (Continued) llpment with unusuaJ entll~ aome "fun" by z1ppln1 salesmen wtlen ht Is ordered to recover a Into ~nnequln.s. Jack Snow of the microdot contalnlnc stolen dlflftle Los Anctles Rams 111ests. (R) lnfonnatlon. The dot Is btllevtd to I David frost (C) <9n, be in possession of one of several -f y Uf ( (60) beauty contestants. Nancy Kov~ '""' or ..,, • J. • ~ Averw and Ince Jakklln "''est. ...... ' &b'tlla (C) (30) ....... 'I .M 9:00 a a Cl) cas Tllanday Movie: <i· o.u.1 <C> (60) {f) "DlaMnd Head" (dram1) '62 •~-.... of S. (C) (2 llt) -Chartton Heston, Yvette Mimleux. : -.... G Ch kl Is f N Steve Allen hosts a repeat of Sun· eorre a r , ranee uyen. day's show ~torytot 1 prominent Hawaiian fem· em Mas Alia ct. II Muertie (C) (30) 1ly, racism and hatred. (R) 1J (i7) Ci)&) TOii Jones <C> (60) 10:39 II) Ntw1 (C) (30) Bill Johns. PeulAnka, Georala Brown and Mary em Un Critt 1tt la Obtc:uridad (30) Hopkin auest. Also on the blll are 11:001 DO !.!'eta> Nws (C) the Crazy Wortd of Arthur Brown Aiirti!H and comedian Georr• Carlin. (R) • Movtt: "Ille Slrtet Wttlt • em El Mimdo Esta LtCIO (60) 1M" {mystery) '48-fficherd Wld- 9:30 0 9 Ci) m Draptt (C) (30) mark. Merk Stevens. ''8.0Jf.~R~." Friday and Gan-m W. C. F1elds Rl11 flltnl: 11"You non handle a v1r1ety of calls In· Can't Cheat an Honest Min, co- ctudlnf an attempted suicide, an starrlnf Edcar Berren (1939) officer shot durln1 a robbery, Ind II) Mowit: "De Mondlr Dlt CUl- wamlq the city of an Impending '-&Id "8 W"1d"' (horror) '57- tldal wave. (R) Tim Holt, Audret... Dalton. I rifict~ (30) Ttd Meyers. (ll) Ci) 9 Cil Qt Cl) Ntn (C) Weird Dences of tlM 11:301! Ci) Mm 6rlfftn {C) oriel ( ) ( ) The Linker family • 00 8' Tonlpt Show (C) spoUl&hts some of the most dra· ovit: "ee,ond Clol'y" (dra- matic 1nd excltlnc dances of the ma) '48-Alan Ladd, Donna Reed. world. (R) 1J @CJ)&> Joef Bishop (C) Pt1· EJ!) W....,n,_ Ill ...._ <Cl (30) '11 lee and Nfpsey Ruaell &uest 10:00 o @Ci)m 111e &olddiatn <C> 12:30m cwa. (60) Gall Martln and Lou Rawls II) Action Tlltltre: "Golden Gloves dress up as tramps for a "slum-Story." min(' medley ind Paul Lynde turns 1:00 I.I Movit: •'Tiie Arst TI•" (com· baktf, speelallzlnc In cakes for edy) 52-Robert Cummlnp, Bar· Bester partJet.. bare Hale. m ..... <C> <60> a Movie: "1:M Fat.11 ......, <mys. @m m NEW TIME It Telles ttfY) '40-Borls K1rfoff. 1 Thltf (e) [60) "3S.23·36." Alex· IJ C:O..Uftlty Bullltln Board (C) ender Mundy plunges into his IS· News (C) for a more youthful look. It's true, I'm not nearly as uptight." The relaxed actor went on to explain his new lease on life. "I turned down a pilot based on Mr. Spock. You see, t had no desire to be cast again as a cold, unemotional and humorless intellectual. The role of 'Paris' on Mission: Impossible offered me the perfect solution. Martin Landau played the role as 'Rollin Hand,' and like Martin, I'll never play the same person on any consecutive show. I'm even more casual than the character played by Landau. I can dress less for- mally. for instance." As most viewers now know, Martin Landau decided not to return to Mission: Impossible and his wife, Barbara Baio. followed suit. After Landau left, Leonard was offered the flrst tw(>.parter. His em- ployers liked what they saw and he was set to do eight shows. As of this writing, he will appear in all segments during the 1969-70 season. Nimoy isn't bitter about Star Trek. "It made me a name and gave me a foJtow- ing. Judging by the fan mail. they're rooting for me on Mission. "But there's one facet of Star Trek I'll never miss. For three interminable seasons I reported an hour and a half earlier each day to undergo heavy make- up that ended with my wearing those pointed rubber ears. I'll never miss them:· 169 urn , . lflte I to ere I ICk, :eat hr) :un. 30) 30) I fou co- .... r_ rl· 9Cf. Ill· res m· Ir· ,. irv !PORT! H/tJHl/tJ//Tt SUNDAY. AUGUST 17 12:30 11 9 Ci) AAU Track •nd Field Meet (C) U.S.A. vs. Great Britain at White City Stadium. London, England. 1 :30 11 9 Cl) NFl Action (C) ''The Pack Wiii Be Back." A study of the reasons for the Green Bay Packers' dethronement as World Champions. 2:00 II tJj' (i) NFL Pre-Se•son Foothell (C) Tape delays of Satur· day's L~. Rams vs. Cleveland Browns game. fJ @Cl) PGA GoH Ch•mplonshlp (C) Final rounds of the $17"5°;000 tournament are telecast live from the NCR Country Club in Dayton, Ohio. Shooting for the $35,000 top prize are Arnold Palmer, trying for his first PGA title, defending champ Julius Boros, Billy Caspel', Jack Nicklaus, George Archer. Orville Moody, Lee Trevino, Bob Charles of New Zealand, South African Gary Player and Dave Hill, current money leader. Total yardage for the course is 6910 and par is 71. • MONDAY, AUGUST 18 9:30 6) I SPiCIAl l High Speed Living-Drag Racing (C) Wally Parks discusses drag racing. Mickey Thompson, Dick Clark guest. (R) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20 8:30 O Rams Highlights (C) Tape of Saturday's Browns vs. Rams game. THU~SDAY, AUGUST 21 8:30 O Boxing (C) Tony Doyle vs. Cornet Nolan (heavyweights). SATURDAY, AUGUST 23 11:00 AM D @@ Major League Baseball (C) 2:00 ~@@ Avco Golf Classic (C) Telecast today and tomorrow 1s the third and fourth round play in the Inaugural $150,000 Avco Classic, a 72-hole test of golfing skill for the world's leading pros, from Pleasant Valley Country Club in Sutton, Mass. First prize is $30,000. 5:00 O @ CI> Wide Wor1d of Sports (C) Little League World Senes at Williamsport, Pa. Movies al the Week SUNDAY, AUGUST 17 9:00 O @ (3) "The Happening." Anthony Quinn, Michael Parks, George Maharls, Faye Dunaway, Robert Walker and Martha Hyer star in the 1967 flick about a racketeer-hotel owner who, to save his young son, offers himself to abductors. When a ransom of $3,000,000 is not paid, the kidnapped man, bent on vengeance to those who refused to pay, t urns the gang of young toughs who kidnapped him Into a slick, organized group of criminals. The Supremes sing the title song. MONDAY, AUGUST ,18 8:30 B Qj @ "The Glory Guys.'' Tom Tryon, Harve Presnell, An· drew Duggan and Senta Berger star in a 1965 film about a prestige-hungry general in the post·Civil War period, and the raid he led on the Sio\Jx. TUESDAY, AUGUST 19 9:00 O (2) (6) "DeadlockJ" Leslie Nielsen, Harl Rhodes, Aldo Ray andRUby Dee star in this "World-Premiere" movie that is the forerunner to the law enforcement segment of NBC's new fall series "The Bold Ones." THURSDAY, AUGUST 21 9:00 fJ Qj Ci) "Diamond Head." Charlton Heston, Yvette M1mieux, George Chakiris, James Darren and France Nuyen star in the story of hatred, racism and bigotry in a prominent Ha· waiian family. FRIDAY, AUGUST 22 9:00 II ~ Cl) "God's Little Acre." Robert Ryan, Aldo Ray and Tina Louise star in Erskine Caldwell's story of a greedy Georgia farmer who thinks there is gold buried on his land. SATUR~Y. AUGUST 24 9:00a·Cll~':* .... t. ......._,. Bur1 ,tvw, J~ Clim....,., F6rtntfnio ind Hat "Hofbrook star •n th.It ''Wor'ld Premlere" forerunner to the lawyer segment of NBC's new fall series "The Bold Ones." 'LITTLE DOG LOST' A small Welsh corgi dog named Candy. that develops a psycho· logical problem stemming from a fear of brooms, is the title star of "little Dog Lost" on Walt Disney's Wonderful World of Color, NBC, Sunday at 7:30 PM. . After once having been punished by being barricaded in a kitchen corner with a broom, Candy identifies everything unpleasant with it. During a drive through the country, a sudden shower separates Candy from his owners. When he tries to make his way back to them along a river embankment and encounters an old broom in a pile of rubbish. he is terrified into running wildly in 1he opposite direction and becomes lost. In a strange neighbor~ood. Candy is chased by a pack of mon· grels and is rescued by an old lady who takes him into her horsecart. When the cart goes over the side of the road. she is knocked un- conscious. Candy remains by her until a young passerby discovers her, but the dog runs away frightened. Wandering all over the countryside, he is eventually adopted by a friendly farmer who takes him to his ranch. Soon Candy is happily herding the cattle of his new master, who. wilh much patience and understanding, discovers the dog's basic fear of brooms and helps him overcome it. Rover Run Concerto. a pedigreed Welsh corgi, is the title star of the animal drama. The Welsh corgi, which is similar to the dachshund in conforma- tion but has a medium-length coat and erect ears, figures high in the canine social register because of an illustrious heritage that dates back 3000 years. The breed was initially introduced to Walea by the Celts in 1200 B.C. • Concerto's particular family line. which is similar to the earlier corgis but has a short tail, was brought 10 Wales by Flemish im- migrants in 1107 A.O. For centuries the breed WB! a favorite with British Royalty. Queen Elizabeth's children owned a corgi. Originally. corgis were used to look after children because they are gentle and make ideal house pets. Then as hunting dogs. they became expert at flushing out game. And later they became adept at herding cattle. Their short, springy leg~ enable the corgis to duck the hooves of livestock. Like moat coraif, Concerto haS l sunny diaposldon. He is loyal and affectionate, without cftmanding constant attention. His high degree of intelligence, stamina and patience m ake fiJm work easy for him. , ... 17 FRIDAY AUGUST 22 For morning and afternoon listings, please see DAY· TIME PROGRAMS. Below, for your convenience, are the day's movies. All sta- tions reserve the right to change programming with· out advance notice. DAYTIME MOVIES 9:00 0 ''The Uetit That felled" (dra· ma) '40-Ronald Colman, Walter Huston. 0 "Vorues" (romance) '37-Joan Bennett, Warner Baxter. 0 (C) ''The Implacable Tllrlt" (Western) -Geoffrey Home. Chris· Una GaJonl. 9:30 m "The Ufe and Death of Ru· dOTph Valentino" (documentary) '62 -Rudolph Valentino 12:00 0 ''The Sllowdown" (western) '50 -Wiiiiam Elliott. Marie Windsor. lt:30 Q) (C) ''Th• Red Shoft" (dl'lma) '48-Molra Shearer. Anton Walbrook. 2..'00 I!) "Devil's Carp'' (mystery) '48 -John Calvert, Lyle Talbot 3:00 0 "In The DoehouM" (comedy) '64 -Leslie Phillips, Pew Cum· mini. 4:30 ft (C) "Alabum Ult Great" (com· edy) '61 -Cartoon leaturin1 the voices of Frankie Avalon, Jonathan Winters, Dodie Stevens. CHANNEL fVFNING 6:00 fJ The Blf News (C) (60) Jeny Dun~. I W HuntieJ·lrlnltt., (C} (30) Stew Allen SM'# (C) (90) Pat Paulsen, Louis Nye, Dave Sany and David Ruffin guest. O Sil O'Clodt Movie: "Tiit Cm· ture fn>81 ttte Blacl UIOOft" (hor· ror) '54 -Richard Carlson, Julie Adams. I Love Lucy (60) let'IUD {C) (30) 11 SPJ (C) (60) MIU Douflas (C) (90) ~ars New? (30) Films focus on the trumpeter swan, time change during space fllghta. and Burmese folk songs. @!) luventvd Divino Tnore (30) a> NIWI (C) (60) Jack Hickey. 6:30,, KNBC Newservlct (C) (60) ! l fic1Al I Making the Scene ( ) (30) Behind-the-scenes shots of film in production In Europe. Ben Gazarra, Anthony Quinn, Anna Magnani, Robert Vauehn are fea· tu red. g Patty Duke (30) @ HW!tley•Bl'inkley (C) (30) Book Beat (C) (30) Robert Cromie reviews "The Kingdom and the Power," by Cay Talese. (R) ~m mNews cC) C30> m Notldero 34 (C) (60) 7:00 B CBS Ewnln1 News (C) (30) Walter Cronkite. 0 What's My line? (C) (30) Wally Bruner hosts. m Password (C) (30) Allen Ludden hosts. LISTINGS Information for these lop Is fumlahed by the televislon stations_ TV WEEK I•. not responslble for latt·mlnute changu In program llstin1s. IJ KNXT (CBS) Los Angeles D KNBC (NBC) Los Ange1es 0 KTLA (Ind.) Los Angeles 0 KABC (ABC) Los Angeles fJ KHJ (Ind.) Los Angeles Q) KTTV (Ind.) Los Angeles ID KCOP (Ind.) Los Angeles Ei> KWHY (Ind.) Los Angeles EE KCET (NET) Los Angeles l!) KMEX (Ind.) Los Angeles m KMIR (NBC) Palm Springs al KPLM (ABC) Palm Springs CI) KLYD (ABC) Cable Bakersfield @ KERO (NBC) Cable Bakersfield (j) KBAK (CBS) Cable Bakersfield @ KLYD (ABC) Bakersfield @ KERO (NBC) Bakersfield 9 KBAK (CBS) Bakersfield A star (*) preceding a log listing indicates it is a paid adver· tisement. Channels 22. 28 and 34 are UHF in Los Angeles, with 28 being the educational (ETV) station. Channels 17, 23, and 29 are UHF in Bakersfield. SIGN ONS CTEST PATTERNS) Channel 2-6:48 AM Sunday. 6:o8 AM Monday throuah Friday, 7!18 AM Saturday. Channel 4--7:00 AM Sund1y, 6;00 AM Monday throu11h Friday, 7:00 AM Saturday. Channel 7-f'roerammlnJ 1t.rts at 8:30 on Sunday, 7:00 AM Monday throull'h Friday and :30 AM oo Saturday. Thi• ma111lne Is publl1hed WMkly tor this nfnnpaper by TV WEVC, a division or Onf'fln Pnntln•. and Uthoeraph Co., Inc., editorial and produc· tlon offices, P.O. Box 11901 Glendale, Callf. Address advertlsln1 lnqulriM to tti. di1play advertlain1 de1>11rtment of this newspap•r. ..... 18 THE DAILY PIL01', lV WEEK. AUGUST 16. 1969 I McH1le'1 Navy (30) feRM (C) (60) "Epitaph on a Com-m Cintcna SMwease (C) (90) puter Card." Judd defends Harry rir. future (30) "Southern Str(tton, the victim of a computer Symphony sterlin1." The music of mishke. when he takes drastic South Africa emphasizes the variety measures to clear hia name. Be· of cultures in the multi-national cause of an error of a credit card country. Music swln1s from the computer. Stratton first lost his stately minuet to the rotllckin1 etedit, then his Job as a person i hm of 1 pennywhistle. "destitute of moral qualltlu." Judd, (f) Miyt>erry Rfll (C) (30) realizin1 the man is the victim of iiiMrican West (C) (30) automated character assassination. Dream House (C) (30) takes the case only to learn that 7:30 Oj (j) The Wild, Wikl Wat (C) something in the man's past is (60) A dyin1 man's request to jeopardlzin1 the outcome. William preserve a legacy for his young Daniels and Jacqueline Seott guest. ward sends James West to a Kan· (R) sas town where he discovers a I Nueva Cita Musical (30) wholesale conspiracy to steal the 9:30 News (C) (30) Ted Meyers. Inheritance. Jim Backus 1uesb. (R) Portrait of a Star (C) (60) 0 m Hip Cflapanal (C) (60) "James Mason." Ralph Nelson In· "The lion Sleeps." Don Sebastian terviews James Mason and asks Montoya schemes to gain control questions of tonner co-stars Sue of the Cannon Ranch when he is Lyon. Stephen Boyd, Omar Sharif wounded by a would-be assassin. and director Sydney Lumet. (R) Frank Siivera, Brenda Benet and Et) AdYenhlrt (30) "Children of Jorge Russek guest. (R) the lake." Three young Enallsh ex· 0 lad Benny (30) Ben Blue plorers discover a pre.lncan village 11uests. near one of the highest plains of 0 (ilJ (3J al let's Miiie 1 Deal the world-the Bolivian Altiplano. ~ (30) Monty Hall hosts. e> Consteladon (30) (:J Million $ Movit! "TIM Wat 10:00 0 ~ @) m The S1int (C) (60) lovtf'" (drama) '62 -Steve Mt· "The Man Who Gambled With Ute." i en, Robert Wagner. The Saint faces icy immortality Trvtll or Consequenus (C) (30) when he is the subject of an eerie Peny Muon (60) experiment of a man who plans to The City Watchtfl (C) (60) become immortal by being frozen Charles Champlln. Art Seidenbaum and brought back to Ille. The Saint and DaYid Graber are featured. is his guinea pi1 (R) I ClludlO ti RollD (30) I Q) News (C) (30) 1:00 Zane Gr'l._ (30) Ci1J m al Didt CIYett (C) (60) . G7l CI) W Jolln Onidson (C) • Delll°!(C) (60) The Checkmates, (60) The Dave Clark Five. one of ltd.; Shari Lewis and Dick Dawson Britain's most successful pop guest. groups, Joins John, Mireille Mathieu, Ell) RID Review (60) "Oil From Aimi Macdonald and Rich little. (R) the Deep Ocean.'' A pioneering I Haiti (30) ocean-floor oil production system Luceclta (C) (30) is now being developed, and 1wo 1:30 Q! Cf) Comer Pyle (C) (30) engineers on the project are Or. Bunny's cat suffers a strange ma· Albert Hibbs's guests, laise, but Gomer mistakenly thin~s 0) Mas Alla de la Muerte (C) (30) that It's Sergeant Carter who is 10:30 II) Ne" (C) (30) Bill Johns. ~n~(fil @!) Un Grlto 111 la Obscurldad (30) u 00 m Name of the C1me 11:00 I 0 0 Bl mm ""'* (C) (C) ( ) "Breakout lo a Fast Buck.'' Alfred Hitcllc:ock D~n . Farrell suspects that an aging • Movie: (C) "Copper Canyon" cnm1nal has been forced into es· (western) '50 _Ray Milland Hedy caping from Jail to aid in a multi· Lamarr ' million.dollar, robbery. Barry Nelson mW •. C. Fields Film festival: "My and Arthur 0 Connell guest. (R) little Chickadee." ~Ac~ the Sften ~as (C) (30) II) Movie: (C) "Pandora and Hie ParadlS8 After Dark. Flyin1 Dutdl1Hn" (fantasy) '52-1! David frost (C) (90) Ava Gardner James Muon ~ I sJlciAL I Man Oft tlM Moon @ (I) Ii) 00 ~ (}) Nm (C) ( ) (60) The saga of Apollo XI is U ·30 I ~ Merv Griffin CC) told with p~tography. The story of • • Qj 6 m Tonietrt Sbow (C) the prepa~t1on of the three . astro· Movie: (C) "Come Nnt Sprint' na.utt-Ne1I . Armstron1. Edwin Al· (drama) 'SS-Ann Sheridan. Steve dnn and Michael Collins-and of Cochran r~e!~1:i~~1°~1~~~g flight is told AO uz>°P(I)I G)BJoey Bishop CC.> Ed Et) Dulte Elllnaton (60) An encore R~:!11 tr~'ist ergen and N1psey ~f the D~ke's concert recorded ~ ~ Cf) Weekend Show tis premiere at San Francisco s 1"·30 HJ ,. ... 11 Grace Cathedral. '· ""'· " e> Nodles Tlpatias (30) Action Theatre 9:00 IJ ~@ CBS Friday Movie: 12:40 0 Movie:, "Man With a. Gun" ''God's Ltttlt Acre" (drama) '58-(western) 55 -Robert Mitchum. Robert Ryan, Aldo Ray, Tina Louise. Jan Sterling. Erskine Caldwell's story of the 1:00 IJ Movie: (C) "Drum Beat" (wes1· greed of a Georgia farmer who be· ern) '55:-Alan Ladd, Audrey Dallon. lieves that gold is buried on his B Movtt: (C) "Two WHks ifl An· farm. (R) other Town" (mystery) '62 -Kirk O Playboy Atttr Dirt (C) (60) Oon Doualas. Edward C. Robinson. Rickles, Kelly Garrett, Shecky IJ Country Mnk (C) Greene, The Collage, Melvin Belli, Nm (C) Bill Cosby, Doug McClure. Bob 1:30 Q) All·Nl&frt Show: "Trio," "A Run Fuller and The Checkmates, Ltd. for Your Money," and "Passport to guest. {I!}_ Plmllco." 0 Qi) rn a> Judd fOf Ult De· 2.1IO 0 Community lulletln Ikard (C) I• ry 1r le I'- d is n l, ,, 1, It Is n I. I) I· :s e if 1f I· ·e 1f ). I) " y e 0 n 1t I) 1. n n g n 0 r. 1) ') " y y • " e d y SATURDAY AUGUST 23 MORNING R ~~ti ~:::ic sr:~~C) fll ~ftle: ('() "Erla UM t.nQtllt'Of' (drama) '64 -Cameron Mitchell. G) Amuln& Titree @m Lu &trell11 'J Usted 10:0019 Cl) TIM Arclllt Sllow (C) @ (I) Q) JollmfJ to UM Cen- t.er of UM Elrtll (C) 7:00 8 @ Ci) m U1tt1111td World (C) G Movie: (C) "Thunder Cleud" Phll Carey hosts. (western) '50 -Randolph Scott. I Mr. Wishbone (C) G) Movie: "The 8urnin1 Croa" Felix the ~t (C) (drama) '47 -Hank Daniels, Vlr· 7:25 Give Us This Day (C) ginia Patton. 7:30 summer Semester (C) I Pattern for Livlnr @ 00 m storybook Squares . Lu Victlmas (C) Pet.er Marshall hosts. 10:30 9 00 llabftan/Superman (C) 0 Campus Difest • Q) 00 m Underdo& (C) • Mallin& the Most of Maturity Movie: "The Woman They Al· Bozo the Clown (C) MOSt Lyncbed" (western) '52--Aud· 1:00 9 00 Go-Go Gop~s (C) i e Totter, Brian Oonlevy. @ (6) m Super Six (C) l11J Cl) G) Fantastic four (C) Counby Music (C) fiit Blblt Answtri @ 00 tiE) Casper (C) 11:00 . @ (i) m Major Leaeue Bast· Abbott ' Costello C.rtoons (C) . b.•U ~)Yea ms to be announced. Tales of Wells Farro 0 (}) tiE) Georp of tilt Jun· Gumby (C} ef:i ( 1:30 ~ 00 Bup Bunny/Road Run-m Movie: "Dr. Satin's Robof' ner Hour (C) (sci·il 'SS-Eduardo Clanneui § @ Ci) m Cool. McCool (C) 11 :30 B Ci) The Htrculoicll (C) @ @ m Gullrver (C) (I) Q) Ainerican Banclstlnd Movie: "R1mrocl" (western) '47 (C) Dick Clark hO!ts. -Joel McCrea, Veronica lake. G Movie: "Rider on a Dud Horse" I Cisc4 Kid . (we$tern) '62-.John Vivyan, Lisa Lu. Rocket Rob10 Hood (C) C!) Movie: "Hiddtn Homicide" (mys- 9:00 @ 00 m The Flintstones (C) tery) '59 -Griffith Jones, Maya Movie: "Thunder Over Ariz4na" Koumanl. (western) '56 -George Macready. I@ 00 m SC>icltrman (C) Jadl la Lanni (C) Ruff 'n' Reddy (C) Sa11brusll Theatre Estudlo de Pedro V1rras 9:30 QfJ Ci) Watl'J R~ (C) , AFTFRNOON 12:0019 (I) Sbuun! (C) • Tutro Famllilf 12.:30 a Cl) Jonny Quest (C) 'tif" Allen Rich g Movie: "The Y1nilllln1 A1ttri· I Samson (C) can" (drama) '53 -Scott Brady, Juvtt1tucl DMno Tesoro Audr~ Totte1. Bia Picture (C) 0 (ll) 00 t:E) Happeninr (C) Paul Ralnbow Theatre (C) Revere a11d Maril Lindsay to·hosl 3:30 IJ Movia: ''Twenty Million Milts to m &ans-Novak Report (C) Earth" (sci·fi) '57-Willlam Hopper, 1:00 I) 9 Ci) Mob'J Dick (C) .loan Taylor. D hit: "Tiie Fabulous Tuan" I Patty Duke (western) '4?-William Elliott, .John Travel UM World (C) Carroll. Quest for Adventure (C) G Movie: "Khyber Patrol" (adven· 4:00 Jal Alai ture) '54-Rlchard Eaan, Dawn AAJ. Wapn Train (C) dams. McHale's Na~ m Movie: "Panic in the streets" • Sliver Wlnp (drama) '50 -Richard Widmark. , See the USA (C) I Public Service (C) 4:30 Outer Limits Mas Alla de la Muerte (C) The Munsters ArlMCI Forces Hi&hli&llts (C) : Operation Hl(hllnes: A survey 1:301J ~ (i) The lone R1n11r (C) of Job opportunities lor retired Navy l!) Wrts"iifn1 personnel. 2:00 IJ Movie: "l1lt Mldlipn Kid" I Bronco (western) '47-Jon Hall, Victor Mc· Rainbow Theatre (C) La&len. 4:45 Soutfl ~frican Scien~sts: A l~ok 0 ID @ m AVCO-'°" Classic at the V8!10US technlctans making (C) The third round of play Is tele-South Africa a leader in scientific cast from the Pleasant Valley Coun-• progress. ~ Club in Sutton. Massachusetts. 5:00 IJ All·American Coll•&• Show (C) U Movie: "The Sava11 Horde'' Dennis James hosts. (western) '49-William Elliott, Adri-0 Close-Up (C) Piers Anderton an Booth. hosts. I Quest for Aclven1ure (C) Scene '70 (C) . 2:30 Battle Cry (f/J@·tiE)Wide World of Sports Set the USA (C) Homestead (C) 3:00 Dial M for Music (C) Sonny : Innovations (R) Stitt. Urbie Green and Kathy Pres· • futbol·Soccer ton auest. 5:30 Ralph Story (C) (R) 0 Movie: "Dead Reckonint' (mys· KNBC Newservice (C) tery) '47-4iumphrey Bogart. Liza. • Twill(ht Zone beth Scott. Man from UNCLE (C) O Movie: "Thunderbirds" (adven· Gllliaan's Island ture) '52-John Derek, John Barry· : The Life ind Tlmes of Bertr1nd more Jr. Russell (R) m Cllllltr m Aariculture USA (C) Important columnist. You don't w~nt to sound like a sap or be won't lnte.rv1ew you.•' "I _.._ tbblk be'• important at all. I've read his cobama ad be'lalwa11 maldq IUD of lltls like I ••• and that p.lcture of ldm ID'lbe ................ llJr.e a pan. Let'• forpt the whole dliq," .... ,. ..... ,. A fun part of a 1V calmnnist'1 Jab ii c*en die bar91eW rib Filbert comes back on the phone. "Allen, baby, 5andra'11 si.n ~ near atan. dying to meet you. She's one or your blggest rans. How about ~ It UIU61Jy ls ccmdueted ln a plush restaurant and paerally. Hungry Tiger restaunuit on La Brea Ave. In Hollywood for lunch consumes about two bau.n. tomorrow?" · How dOes mae lelect die ldor w 8Ctr.1 to be llltervlewed? · You 9hould know better. But you're nattered. So yc1t1 agree. Somedmel w doelll't. Occu'asU, die)' M1ect ,_. ff your You ~ve tor the interview on time. Filben is there, but not ....., resistance Is IOw, die ,.f111mer'I prw ....., wllllle Jeb Sandra. She finally shows up a half hour late. "I couldn't find La It Is .. set Ids cllmt'1 name ta prlDI, · Bree Ave .... she says, with a dazzling smile. · somedmtl 11111 ,eu a bU1 of ..-.. Her pnae qmt loob uncomf0r1able. ffe and I order 1Ullldl. Let's go baclctqe and see bow this · ·Sandra order'I a double llW1bd. Fiibert's expl'etllm e.ball&fll ls done. from pan .. apprellenllft. . You are stttina 1n the city room. The Soon sandra is working on her tourtb m•rtini. But so tar pbone ringJ and it ls one ot the town's nothing sbe's &aid would be fit to print. .. Look," you say best ftacks, Filbert Q. Pueb. desperately "I haw to find an angle Ol' I won't have anything to "1 got a new and lmport8nt client," write.'' ' ' begms Filbert bopetully. "She's a beeuey. Sandra considers this as she stares owllshly into tbe bottom of Very t.alented. Her name is Sandra Merl· the martlnl glue and orders enotber. -' teatner. How about iDter'Vtewing her?" "Wbat d'ya mean angle? Didn't Filbert tell you J'in being "You say lhe'1 lmportam? What baa paged by Rowan and Martin, 1be Flying Nun, Ed Sullivan, Green sbe done?'' you uk. Ac1'8I and Get Smart?" RICH "Well, at die ...-Sadr& 18 be-0 1 thought It wu lronside, Name of the Game, Julia, The FBI tweea parts. But tile's bellll IOUlbt bJ lnnlkle, Name ti die and BOD8DZa," you aay accurately. Gamet Julia, 'Be FBI ad Bmama. Wetll tab tbe belt after.'t ''Ob, dial wu Jut week,'• Sandra flbl al!UJ with a sll(lbl hie-' (Tbey•u tab ANY ofter.) cup. 0 Here, I'll let you talk to ber,0 addt Filbert. 0 Honey, aay Then she addl brightJy, ''J think color TV is a CJ{ALLENGE. heUo to Mr Rich.'' You wear die wrona dreu and you're dead. You gotta remember .. Hello,;. abe sap. "I thtnt Uve TV JI a CSALLRNGE." dial. It's act ~· MOllly I write It down on a pad the night Fiibert paa.. tbe p11m11 11-. blr . .......,. You ar a.a befare.'' __ whispering In the background. If your: hearhig WH better, you'd (,.S. Tllemmtl Sllldra Malfeadaer _. ruusn Q. PUlll are learn this ts what they"re saying: "How stupld can you 8'l(; San· ftettOUI. but any resemblance to penaas Hvlas or dead It not eo- dra? That Old cliche went wt when color came in. 1'hil guy ls an Clrlly eelncldental.) ..... lt SAVE S20~00! BUY NOW! PRICES GO UP ON SEVERAL MODELS ON SEPT. 1st! SONY Model so Solid State Pocket Cauett• SONY. Model 20 Automobll• Cassette Player System SONY 540: MUSIC-LOVERS DREAM! With the new Sony 540, you can separate two of the four speakers In the Quadradial speaker system up to 15 feet for the most thrlllinc stereo sound available. A full 20 watts of music: power lets you fill the room with a curtain of sound. This exciting new three-speed stereo tape system has just about every recent advancement in modern technology, including non-magnetizing record head, scrape flutter filter, automatic tape lifters, Retractomatic pinch rollers, built-in sound· on -sound, and automatic shut-off. In fact the 540 has more features for less money than anything else in its price range. Come on in -hearing is believing. Under $399.50. Mell no.