HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-18 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa MesaI DAI LY PILOT * * * 10' * * * '' ~ONl)AY -:Ai:mNOotl, !;U~USl "J 8, (1969 YO&,. .. MO. tn, a11I CTfML • PU,11. ' . BB~s-Ne"W-Be·a-ti= : 1 '., : • , . . . ur 11..-.i. Tlu"s-picuire ol; prjgltte: :eanlbt· and her new' flame, playboy< Patrick Gm; OJ\ &. Atliem be8ch rerulted in' a fracas between Gill ·and the photographer. Gill aUeJllptecf to smash the newsman's camera, but ended-up being' dwnpOcl into the water. , Hurricane Shrieks Across Gulf Coast. Killing 14 ·GULFPORT, Miss. (UFl) --Hurricane· C~mille Wieked across the·Gulf Cca'st early-today with 190-mile _per hour winds' 1-nd flood tides.-laying waste to entfre cities 3nd killing at leist 14 persons. Two .Mtssi.solppi t..,,,,,_llay .St. Louis Four Countians Survive Plane ' <Eras.h in Surf and Waveland -were out or touch1 with the oul1idt world. but were repOrted besleg~ by fires that threatened' their business districts. Countless persons were injured when Camille, the strongest · hurricane ever recorded by man, slammed into a too. mile stretch of the AJabama, Mississippi and Lruisiana C-Oast. Damage was esUmated in the hundreds of millions' of doUars. "We have at least 10 dead in Biloxi and we haven't even begun to check," said Mayor Danny -Guice. ''It 's just terrible. There's m:Jlions o( dollars in damage." Fire tn~cks raced from New OrleaM toward Bay St. Louis, appare!ltl:· hardest Four Garden.Grove resldeals•are.hame hit city along the coast. Only 35 miles totlay nursing cul! and scr4tche!i .. ~ !tUl from New Orleans, _Bay St. Louis was thlnkful they survived tbe ctash of their· without normal communications -and sritall plane tn the surf off' Balboa Satur· most roads leadlt)g into the scenic city diy. · · / were closed to traffic. ;t'he smal1 craft, which lifeguards said Gulfport was hard ·hit in the pre-dawn resembled 0 a piece of crumpled Ulifoll•, hours when Camille made her sweep after t& 4'\tm. crash. was .remtWed'bf across the coast, then spent her fury in- tow lntCk late Sliltlraay rilght · laod'ln'MiilSi!BfpPl By mid--momirig,11>e •twuJa1total:Joss. • · .~ •, remnants ~ol~thest.ormt-wlth.top .'iflnds jl'he ,pilel of the ,tw .. ~el":-old p)ane, of aliout 55 .i;nph -·were ,report!'\ ~ Sheldon Eaust,.20, told poJi4*.lie ~ft Hun· miles'east ol JacksOO and moving inlanil ~Stach Airport at.3'411, p.m. theri "Ml 'COd, ,IJ>Y 1louse Is iremoliilbed," ~enced lbrOttle trouGle' as' be fl<w< llOOIMid a 'Blloid • woma'n wbo"ientured ovei-NeWporl Beach. • • · · · • .from' motel>ln th<'gray claim tO·llUllVey 11.t the E Stmt Beoch •the plint.f11181ll" .Ibo damage. , ' lct.t too.much J>OW!ll'·and phmpd into tho• , Stfaqely, a neighbor's house 11'.H oUrfjllld !Upped upoide down. , • ,Yiftually wid8Jpag;d, but that 1\''5 the 'Falllt •nd three pawngeri, l(Qbert ex~ There was heavy damage in P!i!Uti!I,. 20, and Mr. and Mn.: Jil;l<" :n~ bufit.was mild rom~ to the Howley an clambered out of ·the plldi •»~•'i""°"~port ·wtie~ moot ~r the before It sank, police sakt ~ downtown area was.destroyed. • · !:Hawley, 21, aod IUs .,,Ue Jan,•:ltl, suf. Some !out hour• afler the storm, many ro!red ahoc~ and minor cuts and bruise•. teleplime 'llneS bad been repa)red In the 111"Y were N!leased al\j'r emergency hanl-liit areas, giving B<lme com- l<Utment at Hoag MemorJal.llo>l>tlal.' nfunlCltlolll IOI the townJ. 'l1>e pllot and Phlllipo, who wu llOl'ving Alco( the lotknlle otretcll ol coastline •t copllol,. both declined emergency r,_. tho. Florida puhandle to New U.atment. Orieul~Udot ranaed !rom-llz-to J'Ibe Peninsula's heavy shorebreat went feet ~bove normal, covering bouses, ti/ ,,....k"" the plBn<,olod waves broke I~ roads ancl ,,...alng b\1dgee. • • up Into oewal· pieces tbrough ,tbe ·neo-, The, winds qi~ trees like dry ·lwigs. 1'f. Ilebrl1 -~lrm cbol<ed TIJ!lds. , Both'Wtngs were btoken off and the.tall ln addlUon •to · the 10 'known etdi at . b rlpped.Jtmn l hdli ... lq<, -police aald. Ulot:.CAMIUE, Pap IJ • --~---· ava I I lane Crashes 011 BO·lboa But 4 Countians Es~•Pf! • }lamar~ Says Rej~~tiop • 2nd Surgery Would Have President's Day Quiet Been Futile Peace Pickets Fai l to Disturb-Niron CAPE TOWN, South Alrlca (UPI) - Dr. Christian Barnard said lo day Dr. Philip Blalherg's new heart was so severely damaged by rejeclion ''he was back to where he started before we did the transplant." It may have been noisy on the·outsidc, but it was quiet on the inside of President Nixon's summer home in San Clemente over the weekend. \Vhile the Peace Action Council's parade of thousands marched within a few hundred·yards of.the grounds Sunday afternoon , the President remained inside his 14-room mansion', spending quiet hours with his family -Mrs. Nixon, Tricia, David and JuJie Eisenhower. After the demonstrators left, heading for the beach, the First Family, except far Mrs. Nixon, climbed a.board a· helicopter for Palm Springs:._-~ · They ~nt th e evening lflt!r8 at the estate Of· multt-mlll lonalre. oubllsf'tP.r Walter' Annenberg, U.S. Ambassador to Great. Brilaln. Anoenber& ii • long,Ume per.sonal fr'iend, of· the Presiderit. Hi! estate is just outside Palm Springs. . Blaiberg, the lori~est surviving heart transplant recipient, died SUnday after living 19 months·and lS days with another man's heart. Barhard said a secotid•transpJant was STORY ON BLAIBERG'S LAST NOTE, PAGE 4 ruled out because the remainder of Bl,aiberg's ltodY was so "ill" it would have bten fuUle. Nixon Taps Haynsworth For Supreme Court Post · Saturda'y afternoon ·f.he, President, Julie and David ma'de1'up1a golfing threesom'e at the Pawna , Valley Country Clubl northeast W.· Oceanside. They wm the guests of Evangelis.' Billy Graham, whose home is o,a the goH course. Dr. Gr a h-a.m ·and jlebe Rebo7,o, tho J>residen,t's ,Key Bitcafne1. Fla., .friend, tnarched arotn)d the ~"course with.Mr. Nixon and the young EJsenhowers. . Earlier ·in tHe d:S.y Saturday; the Ptesf•' dent worked a bit ln hll liame and walked along the beach,' Wbit.l House aides said. At no time during ._ weekend were any messages ol stB:te cranked out: by the pres~ential ltaff, · By JEROME F. COLLINS Barnard, the· South -African surgeon ot ,,.. Deltt P11tt 111tt wi o gave Blaiberg, 60, tlie heart of it. President Nixon converted ruiner into year-old Clive Haupt, s a 1 d "un-fact this morning by anfl0¥-ncing his in~ co'"rtunately, today It' ts not possible to tentlon lo nominate Federal Appeals Judge Clement }!,, Haynsworth of South completely prevent rejection. It la only Carolina to serve on the U.S. Supreme ROSSible to slow it down. Court. •11[n the case of doctor Baliberg, we Nixon did not personally disclose biS slowed it down ror about 563 days," he choice. The announcement was almost routinely made 'by Press Secretary ~n ~id. Ziegler at the Surf and Sand ltotel tn Eventually~ Barnard said, "1the chronic Laguna Beach. Judge Haynsworth stayed ~jecUon damaged the heart4 to such an home in Greenville, S. C. e~tent that it failed." There was speculation that the selec- Bamard said he waf• saddened by lion of the 56-year~ld jurist was di~ , closed in that fa shion because. Sen. Ever· '-Blaiberg's death but not discouraged. ett Dirk.sen (R!Jll.) had spoiled' the sur- 1 "~We've -done ,ve·ey much better than we Pfi&e last week. Dirksen said at the time ever expectedi .but l have Mer bluffed tftat'-RaYnsworth wou.lfl ~ nomina~d myseH 1or my patients or the .rest of the .. unleu there is a radical change of 6•g~ world that we believe 1that wJth ,organ nals." transplants we have a cure. "1 llll)'pllworth lS chief jitdhe oC .. the 4th • According · 1o ·Barnird. •Blitbert•· chtult eouk'or Appeals.~l'nemocrat, he ~ body 0 waa 90 Ul that it would not be i s described as a 0 st.rict-construcUonlst" wonhwblle l<> -attempt another hearl-' or tbeJaw. lt•nspjah~ "It w•a what one wrutd call a chronic rejection where eventually so much ot the heart muscle wa! destroyed that he was back to where he start~ befort wt did the heart transplant,'' Bam~rd said . • TIP BALANCE In the! rospect, be is In accord with lhe' Judicial philosophy of recenUy apl)Olnted Chief :Jcstice Wanen Bu.rger. Their ed· dltion to the court is expected to tip the balance ln several areas of crlmlnal pro- secution when the new sessiorv opens in OCtobcr. Haynsworth, whose nominaUon must be confinned by the U.S. Senate, repfffl!llt& the fifth generation of Haynsworth a~ torneys ln South Carolina. Pres\dent Eisenhower named him to the Court of Appeals 12 years ago: He was appointed chief judge by President Johnson in 111&4. Ziegler said"NiJ:on spoke to HitYJlSW911h about the nominaUon for the ~ time in a telephone .call Sunday ~· "Several weeks ago, the Attorney General (John 'Mltcllell) Indicated to him that his name was under COO!ideration-, '1 .s&id Ziegler. "sunday the word became final." ' ' FIW VACANCY · The selection: IM. White HCJii5': aide ·emph8"'ed, "did, not .10 through the l>QllUcal clearanee'.J>l'OOeaa:" • ,. . "The President !eel• that SuPJ<me Court oppolntments abould •be made tol .. Jy by him." ' As Associate Ju.Uce, Haynsworth rttb a vacancy created when Abe Fori.s '"lgned last MllY 14 amid ctitclolurta , that be had accepted a fee rrom • foun-<S.. ,HAYNSWOR111, Pa(e I) ' Weatller ' . Maybe you can't sleep till noon, but Old .sol lnleod• to Tuetday, arter whiclt ·it'll be sunnj and warm (75) along the Oranp Coast and sllnnier--and warmer (M) fill'· thet inland., INSWE TOD.t.Y A computirr oivu some onni,>trt on tohethtr it iB wiser to buv Of' rent a ho'1?e during Cfle present period of hiuh intere'st, t11tc1. i 8ce S11tu/a. Porter'• column' cm l'age !B. ' ::.:. ... l: =~~ ........... ,.,& ...,. ..... ---...... .. -.. -. ·-•it. tt Wtrlll ........ , ' DAILY l'ILOT s P .. e i ). • • • CAMILLE •.. ~ liJod. olliclals said two were dtad at GuUport and awo more at Moss Point. A)lhougb there were no casualty l1gum from Bay SL LoulJ, o!llciala ,.Id &he loll would probabi! not be as hi&b u miehl baY< beftl thought since IO por- eent ol the residf.nts were evacuated. Coast GtJud helicopters bo<lted 1UI~ ~IVRge winds at dawn to dip lo acrou tht or.ean·fronls ln a aeareb (er survlvon or penons in distress. There was little drinking water to be fouDd, bot National Gu&rdsmen were t.ruckiJW tanker-loads to stricken citie.s. Mafl3'''0l the 1,200 guardsmet ICUvated lo cuant against fooling and help make retCUtt rode amphlbll:'W! vehicles through 1trreeU irundated with water and Olher· Wilt impassable. '!be O-Cia Air National Guan! bepn shuWJnc !ood and supplieo lo Keesler Air Force -al Bllosl. Whittier Man Loet in Surf j Off Catalina Divers today hunted the body or a man who never resurfaced Sunday after he and a companion from Huntington Beach dove down to free the anchor of their boat o(f Catalina Island. Tbe vicltm was ldentlliect by Los Angeles County Sheriff's depuUes as Jesse L. Jones, 4J, ~ Wh!tUer, pmumed drowned in . the scuba divin& mlabap o!I Hamilton Beach, near Avakll. Authorities said William R. King, 24, of 657l Redgrove Circle, Huntington B~ach, was underwater with Jones when his own diving gear malfunctioned. King, listed as owner cf the bolt, signaled his buddy be was going back up, but J-....., !ollowed and tbe aeard1 began after the .ict1m bad been down 45 minutes. King and Jones' wire. Connie, 40, noµfied authorities of lhe apparent drowntng and a day-long tearCh by other divers' !oiled lo locate aey •i&• of him. Fullerton Man's Body Discovered At Bolsa Chiea . , c~tances 1urroandt'ri1 i.b.1 mysleriOOB death ot a l>unertol "''" whose body was found ln a pirked cir at Bolsa Odea State Beach -with f'\O outward sign of injury -are belllg pto. bed by ... -·a d<puUeo ~y. . Wil-D. Sanders, 34, o! 1271\ E. Unk>n Ave., wu found Saturday af- ternoon by a poss!ng motorist "110 notl0 fied Huntington Beach pOUce. Orange County Deputy Coroner Jim Belsner estimated the victim dled about 1 a.m, Friday. Results of toxicological tests to del4!rmlne the possibility of drugs or alcohol in the victim'11 system -or both -will not be known for several days, Bel-said. 1bere were no signs of violence or foul play, lnvestigal<n added. Eastland Schedules Haynsworth Hearing WASHJNGTON (UPI) -Olainnan James O. EasUand (Q.Miss.), of the Sen.ale Judiciary Committee today Prais- ed Judge Clement F. Haynsworth's record and scheduled 1 bearing fer Sept. 9 on his nomination to the Supreme Court. Following the expected announcement from the Western White House thal President Ni100 bad seJected the 56-year- okl jurist, a Democrat, to became an aseociate justice of the high court. Eastla.od said Haynsworth had a "dJstinguiahed legal career." DAIL\ ~!LO I ....,.... ........... .... --_,..., --CAUfOIMIA OAMOa CO.Ul "'1M. llMIMI) COMMN'r .......... w ... _ ... _ JK. l., c...., Yi.:..., ...... ..,.....,. MIN"' n_., •-u ·-n ... ~ '='=N -c.lrit ...... , .. ..., .., """ .....,, ""°' m1 "'"' ..... .....,. ""-9"cfl1 271.'-' .. .... ......,.. ---I . $11 "'91 • Mond.tJ, August 18, 1969 ' \ -I ' ·-i..---· i ALA. ·~ I MOllLE l A. GUif or MfXK'O 'Crhne of Silence' Newport Sailor Hides In Church as Protest By ARmUR R. VINSEL "' Of , ... OallY l'ilfl St1tf Naval authorilies today considered v.•hat action to take against a Newport Beach sailor who has taken ref uge in a Quaker church in SUtUe to protest Viel· nam combat and all other war prepara- tions. He ls PO ! C Bruce Preston, 2.1, formerly of 1156 RuUand Road, who has been absent wllhout leave from duties , with a medical supply unit at Treasure Jsland, Calif., for nine months. Contacted today at the S c a I I 1 c mctuary, through the American Friends ~rvice Committee. the 1964 Newport Harbor High School graduate sa id he does not know just what will happen next. ••r·m not too sure if they know how to hand1e ii," said Preston, who \\'Orked as a psychiatric technician trainee a t Fairview State Hospital In Costa r,1csa before hls enlistment almost four years ~ " ' "By &oing AWOL7 ~ was committing the criQle of silence," PO 3 C Preston told the DAlltY PILOT today. He said be fmally decided about two weeks agQ.6:> expand his pro~ effort. "l decided It was necessary to confront the militar;y with my protest in a non· violent bat positlve way. I plan on staylng in sanctuary until the military responds,'' he conUnued; The Navy ' enlisted man entered the church Saturday to await his fat e, saying in the interview today that be has been tO,.veling up and down the West Coast slhce going AWOL last year. 'He said he lef t his post at Treasure lidand after being turned down in a re· qUest lor conscientious objector sta tus, b'ased on a contention that he was being forced to bear anns. "My family is behind me in this," said Preston, whose mother is employed in a Newport savings and loan and ¥:hose falh~r is a telephone company employc. The young bachelor sailor said military police hav e been invited to enter the Friends Church, but that it would be futile for him to walk out and surrender in tenns of protest emphasis. DIES ABOARD CARRIER Brl•n R. Llgthert Newport's Ligthart Dies in Navy Mishap Navy Aviation Boat.swain 3C Brian R. Llgthart, 22. a long time Newport Be3('h resident, was killed Friday in a plane ac- cident on the canier USS Constellation. Mr. Liilbart. tbe son of Mr. and Mra. Arlhur Llgthart, 400 St. Andrews Rd ., NeWport Beach, had urved In the U.S. Navy 1lllco 1968 alter attending Orange Coast Coll•i•· He WU I IMS graduate of Newport Harbor H11h School and lived In Newport for II years. He was a DAILY PILOT canier for three ytan. He ii survived by hls parents and two ll!lt.rs, 01.a.ne and Nancy. Stttlces al'• ptn'dlrrg at Pe('lflc-Vlew ri.1tmorl'1 Pt.rk, Corona dtl Mar. J, "We're expecting them anytime,'' he added. A spokesman for the Shore Pat rol in Seattle · said Sunday, however , that he ~'as under the impression PO 3C Preston was going to come outside and &Urrender. Military authorities have been reluc- to.nt in the past to lake protestors out of church sanctuary, usually attempting all methods ot perauaslon before uslng force. Pilot's Fotorama Opens Thursday At Island 'Pa1·k' St.age Court at Fashion lsland TueJday .'"'ill be. transforn'led from 'a band concert "park" into' a "picture gallery" in readiness for Thursday 's opening of F'otorama. Conductor Jlenry Brandon and lbe Fashion island cn::bestra tonight Is scheduled to present nrit-tc-the-las( in the 'summer series of "pops" conctrls on Stage Court. The tent under which the musicians play in the weekly Monday night Con· certs Tuesday will be moved lnto the ~nter of Stage Court. It will form part of a large canopy which wi!: be used lo CQVer the hundreds Of photogra phs Of various kinds to be shown in the DAIL y_ P ILOT Fotoram.a at Fashion Island. Pictures for display unOer the "big top" already have begun to arrive from lhe various agencies which w i 11 participate In Fotorama . They will be in· stalled \Vednesday. Fotoram.a optns at JO a.m. Thursday and v.·111 be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday free to the public. Poisonous Gas T1·ainload Ready For Final Move LOCKPORT, N.Y. (AP) -Railroad pollct guarded a train carrying 210 tons of poisonous gas today as il sat at a secluded siding on the outskirts or the Ci· ty waiting to take the la st. 41 ·mile leg of a cross-country journey that stirred widespread controversy. The train was to be moved to the Van- DeMark Che111ical Co .• which uses the gas in the p?bduction of pesticides, dyes, j"lharmaceuUcab and plastics . The gas -surplus phosgene from \Yorl d War I -is part of two shipments 10 different sections or the country from the Army's Rocky Mountain Arsenal in Colorado. The other shipment was to Geismar, La. Sta.le Rep. Richard D. McCarthy (0. Buffalo). had called the canisters in which the gas was being transported unsafe. He said they were corroded. A VanDeMark spokesman, however, r;;hl_d tne canisters were in good condition. Camille Leaves Boats Adrift TAMPA, Fla. (AP) -Several vessels and baraes were helplusly adrift or aground In the wake of Hurricane Camille. the Coast Guard reported. The 19'l-foot Danish freighter Mcrtan- tine was UsUna 5$ degrees to st•rboard 250 miles soulhweM or Tampa. A Coast GuArd spokesman said five membera of tile !lt.ven·man crt:w were removed to another ship, lhe Mi.ssourl, and a cutttt WAS en route. The Missouri was standing by and reportedly Wi• altt.mpUn.1 to lake the htercan1ine under tow. Murder Hunt Spreads Police Seek 'Hippie' in Tate Slayings LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A manhunt for a redohaln<I suspect Ill Iha maa murders ol actress Sharon Tale and lour other persons spread Uu'O;ligh weatem Canada Joday. Thomas Steven HanJgan, 23, was described as a "hippie type" and a known narcotics add ict by Los Angeles police, who said he was wanted for murder. Also sought were three other "hippie types" believed traveling with Harrigan somewhere In the Canadian provinces of British C.Olumbia aod Alberta. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police were coocentrating the dragnet around Edmonton. Alberta, at1hough there was President's -- Gatekeeper Keeps Busy llarry Schueltge, gatekeeper for the Cyprus Shore compound of mansions in San Clemente, is busier than ever these days. 'J1he reason is that a lot or people who don't live in the private resldenUal com· munity want to get in to see Cyprus Shore's new neighbor -President Nilon. The Nixon estate, ooce a pa.rt of C)'l>rus Shore,· ls just over a wall. Non-residents aren't aware of the wall. So they come and see Schueltge. They never get past him. Just the other day; b'e turned away: -A little girl who said she had a very imrortant message for the President. It was from her grandfather. -A man who claimed tie had been ask· ed to tune the Nixon family piano (still in New York). -A young lady who said she once baby· sat for Tricia Nixon. "Nobody gets mad when 1 don't let them in," said Schuellge, a retired purchasing agent for the city of Burbank. "They all leave with a smile. And I enjoy it, too. I like talking to people. Lately, I've been talking to a lot." The gate is up the road from the en· trance to the Loran Coast Guard Station, where the Western White House's ad· ministrat.lve offices are located. Schueltge and three other gatekeepers are on duty around the clock. It always has been that way at Cyprus Shore. But in the past, the gatekeepers had ooly to check with residents on guesLs seeking entrance. They now work from a clearance list supplied by anothe r source -the U.S. Secret Service. They also provide backup gatekeepers. • Sunday, as thousands of demonstrators marched past, Scheultge had quite a few such "assistanls.'' But they weren't n~~ ed. Youth on Wrong End of Assault A youth accused of assaulling a 15- )'ear·old Newport Beach girl had to be rescued by sheriff's deputies from an angry crowd In Scotchman's Cove Sunday before he could be booked . Officers said witnesses told them that James Arnold Ward, 19, of 1.1oline. Ill., si ngled out his victim from a group of girls and made seve ral "improper remarks" to her. \Vhen lhe suggestions allegedly turned Into advances onlookers pulled \Vard away from the girl and began to punch and kick him. Deputies had to extricate Ward frcm\ the milling crowd to arrest him . He is to- day in Orange County Jail nursing what deputies describe as sore ribs ·and a variety of cuts and bruises. no Indication why the group was thought lo .he In llllt ...... Kml&u'•·lrl'tllftl wuplnkm: wm 1-u aiar1 .. Tlcol, Hatril (0< 11-) D-, and W!Uiam Doyle. !llnllan reportodly allended a party th! nlatit·.of ~ m&ll8Cte at 'tbe aecludtd h<IM 1ehd by Miss Tate tod btr bus-ba!!'t, flJm dlreclor Roman l'olall!kl. lklnlclde dol«llves '""'1d aay only Ibey ... ln ... ;,&Uog Iba .. _ ... pectl" IJl the perplt.1in1 cue., However, ~ lllOWlted tho ,nily alai'!ni• wer• ~will)~. It wu repciiied that frl-of lbe vic- tims told detectives that narcotics were delivered to the home for the we of two Ul'ITt ..... NOMINATED BY NIXON Democr•t H•yn1worth From Page 1 HAYNSWORTH dalion linked with now·iJnprisone9 finan· cier Louis E. Wolfson. Ziegler said in nominating Haynsworth, the president had tapped a man with •·a proven record as a jurist, both as an associate judge and chief judge of one of this country's busiest courts of appeal." "Judge Haynsworth bad a disUngubhed record as a practl'clng attorney and a distingUlshed record as a leading ciilzen during hbf years of private practi«," said Ziegler. "He meets the qualitica· tions which the President believes are essential for an associated justice to the Supreme Court." The nominee i.s married to the fonner Dorothy Merry of Augusta, Ga., and has two slepsons. He ls president of the Com· munity Chest of Greater Greenville and chainnan of the Crusade for Freedom for South Carolina's Piedmont Section. He also has served as vestryman of Chris( Church. El Toro Jj'ire Loss Estimated at $2,000 Fi re about 4 o'clock this morning did an estimated $2,000 da mage to the El Toro home of C. L. Bosdet, 24891 Cava· naugh Roed. The Orange County Division of For- estry said the fire apparently started in an electrical fixture o< a bedroom coo- verted from a garage. Charles Bosdet, 17. who sleeps in lhe room, was fighting the fire with a gar· den hose when firemen arrive¢. There "·ere no injuries. of the victims, Polish film dlrector Vollyclt Frokow,q, :n, &lid coll'4 belnll Ablple Folpr, a. II allo .,,. reporled drop W0Je !oolnd Ip he ~ car ot. another vktlin, •'• hair stylist Jay S.brlog, 35. Police liavo 1iJd there was no evidence ol n~ ln Uit 11ou ... -'nie coroner's office perlorrDed test.I oo Ille bodlfl lo d<l'""lne the pmence ol drua:a but the l't!IUlll hive not beln made public. , Deteottves believe the tiller or k1Ders wero llmlllar wllh !be houae lllld grounds of the ..tat. -lb• telephone u ... JI !eel above ground were cut -and did not need to enter forcibly. Smoke Smell Brings Mesa Drug Arrests A complaint of a suspicious, weedy smoke smell emanating from a Costa Mesa apartment Sunday led to the lllnSt of rour perosns and seizure cf what police said was a quantity of marijuana and unidentified drug pills. Booked on suspicion of possession of dangerous drugs and marijuana were Joseph C. Ale1ander, 32, and Marsha D. Landress, 27, both of 381 Hamlllon St., Leroy H. Spim, 32, Brea, and Gary R. Stonebraker, 30, La Habra. Patrolman Richard Johnson sajd he and other officers sent to the Hamilton Street address were given permlss.ion to search the house when they explained why they were there. Al6ander, they said, had a plastic bag of suspected marijuana tucked into his trousers, while a box of 3% assorted pills was found in the borne, along will) pot· z;moking paraphernalia. Inveatlgators said Miss Landress was searched at the station by matron Diane Mawrin. who allegedly found two more pills hidden in the arrestee's un- dergarments. · Man Badly Hurt In County Crash A Los Angeles man was' seriously In- jured early today when the car in which he was riding shot through a stop sign in- tenectlon near Orange County Airport and plowed into an embankmelll David Alv:~ 24, wu taktri to Orange County Medical Ceo!«, where he 11 beln& treated today for a skull fracture and a broken leg. 'l1>e driver and two women passengers were less seriously injured in the .ac· cident, which occurred at 12:0S a.m. en Campus Drive at Jamboree Road. Arthur Fletcher 1 Jr., 24, Dyanne Alvarez, 22, both or Los Angeles, and Rosalie Macias, 22, oC Pico Rivera were treated .and released, according to the California Highway Patrol. 37 Transplant Survivors Left •'>' TH'f ASSOCIATl:D l'•lSS The death of Philip Blaiberg, the third human being to undergo a heart trans• plant, leaves 37 survivors among the 142 persons who ha ve had such .an operation. Blaiberg received his transplant en Jan. 2. 1968. The patien( v.'ho has survived longest wiUt another's heart now is the Rev. Charles Boulogne, SS, a Roman Calh-- olic priest v..-ho lives ln a suburb of Paris. His transplant occurred on May 12, 1968. b f . • • • ottt 1ve mtnutet. suit is what you don't buy around the A corner J'm on that little penin1ula past tl1ose 27 closer meu·1 1l1at leads to Lido Isle, a short 1lore1 in order to look over ltlock beyond The Arehes in the mill I have in your 1iu. Newport Beach. Or e'fen my neckties or But I don't know v.·here you SO(';k. or 1hirt1. ~lakin,g a are. minor pnrehue here is a pain· Probably. be ca u • e 1 hi• leu way 10 find out if you like newspaper circulate• In several the kind of merchandi1e I e itiu. you're clo1tt to about aelect. the ~neral feeliq of 27 other good men·1 1lore1 tlie 1tore and the type of intel• than you are to mine. lfl(enl intere•t you 5et (rom ftlinor porchuea. like tootl1-my atalf. ~a.ste, you pick up al the lwld· After alt, the belt way lo 1e11 1tore. You know exact.ly find out lf you feel comfort· what y~o. want. Why w111e °°" able with a 11ore is to p in tane dnvtng one block farther and buy oometbing. Uioally 1ha.n you need to for it? yot1 ean form an orlnion l11 A •oft. tbooRh, it not tooth· -;; ~lost o( my competitors are chain s tores. l\(ost o[ the chnins are owned and run by larft'e clothin(I: manuiactnren in the east. TI1ere'• notbin1t WTOng willi 1ha1. I b o o ~ h I think it does tend to make a •lore'• stock a liltle lop1ided so they <'.an pusl1 1beir own brttn•l of clothing. I h.ppen 10 he a one 11ore inrlenende~t merchant. and I MY there's no helter place lo take your ho1iness than to a one 1tore independent mer-. f"hant. Your bu1ineu coun .. for more in • •lore Uke that and theTefore it'1 •ppreeiated n10Te. They haven't yet in· venled a computer that knows how to appreciate a cu1tomer'1 bn•iner;s:- Wheo you hoy 10mething here. aad one of our ,nay• .. ,. thank ~on. yon how it con:te1 from 1he heart. My heart. patte. You don't buy one 11 the 1t0f"e around the corner on your way horue 10 dinner. Jaek Bic well I admit I'm prejudiced. llowever. [ 1tlll 1&y it mi1111ht be worth your whiJe. next tin1e yo11 need-• 1ui11 1·0 flr.J\'e rlgbt 3467 Via Udo, Udo PMitu!ala, Newport Beach right out to Rlcbanl•s Market and the Udo TI1ealer. ftlucbo parklft8di ..... tly behind my 1tore. l'bone 6734510. Copyright 1969, Jack Bidwell. ' ·! I I I I I. 1' I ~ I I I I Ii I 'I I I' " 11 1 -' • ,---., -:: Qun,ington' B'8eh -~---EDIJIO tl • VOL 62. NO. a9r; 3 SECTIONS, 30 PA,GES I ! --r • ORANGE COUNTY, t:AUFORNIA · . • ,_ ' . TOdiiy's F1aa1 . ~-lW·l'--Stoeb I MONDAY, AUGUST '111 '196f . ' • TEN CENTS Nixon Picks H~ynswortli DAILY I'll.OT Jl'MM bJ TtrrY Co¥11M WORKM EN PUT THE TORCH TO OLD OIL TAN KS C.l••ning Up the lma9e In Huntington Beed\ Six Oil Storage Tanks Falling in Huntington Workmen are tearing dow.n six old oil storap "!!'!l!'ja ~-~~lb• Signal pn Compall)' JJODUnues Its cumnt cleanup aJ)d consolidaiicri P'"?IJ'am ~ tbe oil fields. :1 " ' · The tank! surrounded a still operating pwnp,ing 'ullit at the northeast corner of 16th and Walnut streets. They had a capacity of nearly 5,000 bairels 61 oil, but hasn't been used recenUy; '!'be tanb are more than 30 )'elTI Old. Signal's campaign .to consolidate its oil ' ' storage ta.ilks cotncl<les with a city of Ji...u..loa.jlioch ~)ol clelJlllp tile 'fride9i*'Md~cHl•field' are11. 1 Herb Day, o11 field superintendent, sal1Mhal during !he !Int. hall ol: 1969 a total ol U llimllar s!orqe tanks were rerhoved u well as S9 abendoned wells. Signal OU Co., llid Day, is pumping its oil to central storage tanks near ·21st and Walnut Streets. · The-Slgnal cleanup campaign Is volwr tary, added Day, TJle old l;ank,s are being cut up· and will be: sold for scrap meta.I. Fountain Valley Recall Candidate Out of Race Don Frank. one of the cand'idales for cify cound1 in Fountain Valley's recall election became a drop-out today. He announced he would no longer be a can- didal<. "Adequate candidates and a dilution ol recall suppart," were given by Frank. a sYsf<ms engineer with North American· R.Qclcwetl for his withdrawal in a two- page Open Jetter to ''those concerned." "We now have adequate candidates t'o offer the public a proper choice for re- sponsible and representative govern- ment." said . Frank. . . Frank indicated he plans to direct his effort toward a "Yes" vote on the recall without throwing support to any partic· war· candidate. Tr ustees Ponder . Bond Erection For Oce an V.iew Trustees of the Ocean View 'ScbooT District will be asked tonight to set a $7 .5 million bond election for Nov. 18. The board metU at 7:30 p.m., in ,district headquarters, 79n Warner Ave. Failure to sell $L3 million in cuneiit bonds because of a five percent lnterelrt ral.e-limit bu prompted Superintendent Clafence llaU to request a new elect.ion with a bigl)er bond interest rate, now allOwed by Jaw, Ocean 'VJew' currenUy has $Ll~mUUon In bondl .appr<M!d by vol'1's, but district olflciaJs 1feel those bond1 are WCIJ1hless now·because O)ey can't be sold with. their · limited int.er.est rate. t "U we batl IOld that •U millioo In bonds,'' said Hall today, "we wOuld not be requind to hold a bond eiectlon unw !he end of the year." ' Egypt Plane llija-:~ed In his lwo-page lelter Frank lttacked the three incumbents !or refusing to answer all charges and avoiding open debate m the sublect. Frank was seeking the council seai now held by , Joseph C.ourTeges. Three other candidates, Jlon Shenkman, Roy D. Richanls, and John G, Gino<, Jr., still oppose 'Coorregee. Mayor Rd>ert Schwerdtfeger still faces competition fnxn Robert L. Sas- sone and George Scott, while Vice Mayor Donald Fregeau must fae.e Bernie P. Svalstad, Paul P. Savarino and Paul C. Gulso on ;;<pt. 23. One caRdidate, William Schultz. was elimjnated earlier as a candidate fot the M1lYof't1 seat on a legal tec.hnicali~y. ·--·-· LA. S.C Democra t Tapped for Higli Cour·t By JEROME F. COLUNS ell Dirksen (R·llL) had spoiled !he sur· Of ,.. o.itr '"'' St•ff prise last week. Dirksen said al tbe time President .NiJ:on converted rumor iuto that Haynsworth would tie nominated fact-this-rnorning-by-.aMOWICing-.his-in-------!'unless tbere...is-a..ud.ical...change o!-Sig.._ ten Lion to nomlnate Federal Appeals nals." Judge Clement F. H~ynsworth or South Haynsworth is chier judge or the 4th Carolin,a tO: serve on the U.S. Supreme Circuit Court of Appeals. A Democrat, he C@ri, , _ is described-as a "strict .constructionist~· Nixon did not personally disclose .his of the llnv. . . choice. The announcement was almost In that respect, he is In accord with the routinely made by Press Secretary Ron judicial ph.ilosophy of recently apP?inted Zie,gler at the Surf and Sand Hotel in Chief Justice \\'arren Burger. Their a(i.. Laguna ~each. Judge Haynsworth stayed ditlon to . the court is ei:pected. ~ tip the home in Greenville, S. C. balance lJl several areas of cr1m1nal pro-- There was speculation that the sclec-secution when the. new session opens in Hon of the 56-year-old jurist \Vas dis· October. closed in that fashion because Sen. Ever· Haynsworth, whose nomination mu st be con!inned by the U.S. Senate, represents the fifth generatlon of Haymworth at· tomeys in South Carollna. Presldeilt Eisenbowername~-ttte-Q;urc-or­ Appeals 12 years ago. He was appainted chief judge by President Johnson in 1964, -zieglefSald.NJxon spiike to Haynsworth about the nomination for the first time in a telephone call Sunday afternoon. "Several weeks ago, the Attorney General (John Mitchell) indicated to him that his name was under consideratJon," said Ziegler. "Sunday the word became final ." The selection, the White House aide emphasized, "did not go through the (See HAYNSWORm, Page%) Dr. Blaiber g Heart Ruined By Re jection Hu,e,ted in Canada CAPE TO\VN, South Afri ca (UPI ) - Dr. Christian Barnard said t o d a y Dr. Philip Blaiberg's new heart was so se~erely damaged by rejection "he was back to where he started before we did the transplant," Blaiberg, the loogest surviving heart transplant recipient, died Sunday after living 19 months and 15 days with another man's heart. Barnard said a eecond transplant wu STORY ON BLAIBERG'S LAST' NOTE, PAGE 4 "'*' ~~beca111e 1111! remai-.....i Blalberg'I . }>ody WU 10 •1Ul" 'tt:·9W14 have been fuUle. -. Barnanli. Ille Squth African surgeon who pvt Billberg; "'-Ille heart of H- year-old Clive Haupt, s a id "un· forlunlttly, today II ii DOI JlO"lble to completely prevent re]ection. It ls only possible to alow it down. "In the case of doctor Baliberg, we slowed it down for about 563 days;• he said. Eventually, Barnard said. "the chronic rejection damaged the heart to such an eittent that It failed." · Barnard said he was aaddened by Blaiberg's death but not discouraged. "We've done very much better than we ever expected, but t have never bluf.fed myself or my patieats or the rest of the world that we believe that with organ transplants we have a cure." Aceordlng to Barnard, Blaiberg's body "was so ill that it would not be worthwhile to attempt another heart transplant. "It was what one would call a chronic rejection where eventually so much of the heart muscle was destroyed that he was back to where he started before we did the heart transplant." Barnard said. Stock Ma r k ets NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market finished on higher ground again today as the rally which buoyed it late last week . carried through another se3Sion. (See quotations, Pages 18-19), Trading near the close was moderate. ou1r r Of Red-haired Man Sought In Tate, Seb1·ing Slaying LOS ANGELES {UPI) - A manhunt for a red-haired suspect in the mass murders of aclress Sharon Tate and four other persons spread through western Canada today. 'J'homas Steven Harrigan, 13, WM described as a "hippie type" and a known nareolica addict by Los Angeles police, who l!aid he was wanted for murder. Also sought were three other "hippie types" believed traveling with Harrigan somewhere ii;i the Canadian provinces of llrlllsb Columbia and Alberta. 'Ille Royal Canadian· Mowited Police were concentrating the dr~ around Edmonton, Alberta, atlhoug;b there was no indication why the group was thought to be in that area. Harrigan's traveling companlw were . Identified as Olarles Tacot, llarrla (or Pilot's Fotorama Harrioonl Dawson, and wuuam 0oy1e. Harrigan reportedly aUend-a the' of ' ' "-·d'!:r~ · J ;~\il\>.,•A•' ~"' ,~ .~I\~~ ' urns "l 'llUrSOBV band, film director Roman Po{ji111~ . . 'l Homicilje cleltdlv,. T(Ollld. 141· ,o\iJ7 A I l d 'P k' lhoy are -!gating Ille._...• t s an ar ~-1 ol tlie perplblnr -· )lo!i."f. reports ll10WJled lbt grisly olaymp ,..... · .Slage Court al Fashion l>!llnd Tll<Sday will be transfonned from a band concert "park" into a "picture glnery" in readiness for Thursday'• opening of Fotorama. Conductor Heory Brandon and the Fashion Island orchestra tonight ls scheduled to present next-to-f.be..las( in the summer series of "pops" concerts on Stage Court. The tent under which the muslclans play in the weekly Monday night Con- certs Tuesday will be moved into the center of Stage Coort. It will form part of a large canopy which will be U9ed to cove r the hundreds of photographs of various kinds to be shown in the DAILY PILOT Fotorama at Fashion IsJand. Pictures for di.splay under the ''big top" already have begun to arrive from the various agencies which w 111 participate in Fotorama. They will be in· slalled Wednesday. Fotorama opens at 10 a.m. Thursday .and will be open Thursday. Friday and Saturday Cree to the public. Gurunan Gets $4,000 HAYWARD (UPI) -A gunm:m handcuffed two employes Sunday and escape() with nearly $4,000 in a robbery of a large Long's Drug Store. Byron C. Young, the manager, said the robber-emerged from a hiding place after closing time. He was wearln& a light blue -'"!h drugs. ' ' It WU reported that lrieodl Of the vic- flDlS tokt detectives that narcotks were delivered to tbe borne for the use of twp - of tile victims, Pollsh fUm director Voltyck frokowsky, 37, and «>flit heiress Abigale Folger, 26. • 1t·aJao .w11 reported drugs were found In he aports car of another victJm. men'• hair slyllsl Jay 5ebring, 35. Police havt said there was no evidence of narcotics in the house. 'I1le coron~·· office performed ttsts o1'i the bodies to determJne the presence of dru.p but the results.have not been made public. 'Detectives believe the killer or killers were familiar with the house and grounds of the estate -the telepborie lihes 18 feet above ground were cut -and did not need to enter forcil?l>'. . J ack M. Br owning Funeral Rites Set Services for Jack M. Browning, 69, a 23-year resident of Huntington Beach, will be held Tuesday at 11 .a.m. at Smith's M<rtuary in Huntington Beach. Mr. Browning, <08 l2!h SL, who died Friday at. Huntington Beach lnteti::om- munity Hospital, is survived by bis wife Beatrice, a son Jimmie, a sister Bonnie Drake and three (ftandcbildren. Hurricane Shrieks Across Gulf Coast Killing 14 ... GULFPORT, MIS!. (UPI) -Hurricane Camille shrieked acrou the Gulf coas.t early today with 190-mile per hour winds and Oood Udes, laying wute to entire cities and killing at least 14 persons. 1'wo MIS!isstppi towns-Bay SL Louis and Waveland -were out of. touch with the outside world,_ but were reported besieg.Jd by fires I.hit threatened their business districts. Counllest persons were injured when Camille, the strongest hurricane ever recorded by man", alammed Jtlto ll 100. mile atrotcb of !he Alabama, M!Mlsslppl and l..oUiaiana coast. Damage wu estimated in the hundredt of milliona of dollara. were cloled to traffic. Gu~port waa hard hll In !he pl'Mawn hours when Camille made her sweep across the coast, then spent ber fury In-- land In MissJ.ssippJ, By mid-morning, the remnants ol the storm_ -with top winds of about 55 mph -were repor.ted 20 miles east 'll Jack!on and moving lnlal)d. "My God, my house is demolished," IObbed 1 Blklli woman wtio venturtd from a motel In the lfllY dlwn lo trurV<)I the damage. Strangely, . a ntlihbor'1 house was· virtually undamalfdf but that. waa the exception. There w111 buvy damage ln Biloxi, bu~ It was mlfd ®'flpuod lo !he Wl'J!Clrag• In Gulfport when moet of Ille downtown area wu clellroyed. CAIRO'(AP) -An E01Jl(OJt -ie airliner waa hijacked by tw unideotllled -over Lwlor today and laded et El Wajh A!"J!O<l 00 !he Red S.a ccut, IA Saudi Arabia, a United Arab Airline.I gpokmnan aMOUJ!<'d. MUICO ''Wo_llavo at leut 10 dead In Bllo•I and -:~t even tiqun to cheCt,'' Aid MQGI' Jl?al1"Y Guice. "11'1 jual tarrlble. 'Jlim•1 in!lllons ol' clollm In damap. ", ,Plr'e ~;cti raced· lrom• lle!r , Or!fina ' toward 881 St. Lo\119' appareotl~ -lilt dtT along tht coasL Only ., mllet from New lOrleoD3, Ba)'. St. ~ii; wp . . l wltinil normal ·communlcallolll • and ':::;a~.:: .. ;:;;.o;;iiC:;;"===,·:, -::';", '.;-;'l;;z;~m•~-~ .. ~-----..-o..1 most ~. Judlng into tbe ~ dtJ S001' four houri allor lbe otonn, mall)' telephorie-Ii>!", ~ rtpOlred Ju•~ han!:IJlt areu. il"!ll -com-m11111<&tlooo,1o I~ jowilo. ,Aloog.IJie'JtlO-milc.~ <)£ -,_ lbe Florlila PanliaDdJe 'to l(eW .,,.,..,.., lldeo rinltd !nm els lOr II rOOt'"ooo.e ""'11al,., cova'lnr'c·~ .rpado and ~· llrldc... . ' ' .. Jl •• UPIT ...... NOM INATED BY NIXON . Oemocr1t H•yn1worth New Hi gh Court } ustice Accused Of Being Racist· Not. everyone in govemmmt ,mae. WU pleaaed toc!ay Wltlr Pmldeqt Nlzmi'I announcement of the newest u. s. Supreme Court JU!tice. . , .Ap p.~lla~e Jljdse . Clemail F. ~Jr., wu accated o1-., ·a oeiregalior)J;t by a.Civil rlghta 1eadir \ind bis ~nllals ,were otherwise qiJeltlilied by New York'Ma,... John V. Lindsay. ''We ·feel that.Jn bis key c10cisto11'1-h6 haa, cletrJy taken a position In ftvor ol segiegii!Oii,'' do<:lar<il'Clarenco Mitcllell, a·-ol lhe National Associlflon 10< the Advancement of Colored People. "Hayoaworih laclrB the pbilooopey, and senslUvHy required· lo carty oo !he tradi- tions of Louls "Brandeis, Fe l J'x Frankfurter, Benjamin Cardozo and Arthu;r Goldberg," ~dded Mayor Lindsay. Haynsworth, whose appointment to auo- ceecl Abe Fortas on the high bench wu formally announced today in Laguna Beach, has been de3Clibed as a· middle-of· the-roader. He has sustained many desegregation rulings while serving 12 years on the ap- peals court COVeTing North and South Carollna, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. This tradition -irksome to many in the heart of Dixie -ls still not· satislac. tory according to the NAACP leader, nor is his Written opinion that the pace of de.segregation must continue. The controverw began ·last week when Haynsworth, of Greenville, S. C., was publicly acknowledged as the President"• likely choice for the Supreme ·Court vacahcy. A'.nny's Resor Heading for Vietnam WASHINGTON \UPI) -Army Secretary Stanley>R. Resor flew to Asia Mooday for a visit to the war zone and a look into t.he Green Beret ·murder in· vestigation in Vietnam. The trip wlll take Resur to liawall, GUam, Korea and Japan, as well as Viet· nam. Or aage : Weather MayQe you can 't sleep till noon,. blit Old· Sol intends to Tuesday, al\er which it'll. . be sunny and warm (75) along the Orange Coast and Wn.nier and wanner (84) '(Ur. !her inland. INSIDE TODAY A comrm,er gives some a1awen on whetJiu it b wiser. to bu11 or rtrit o homa during the' prtstnt J>1rlod of high intertat ra.t11. S~e Sttlt>ia. Porter't columrt on Page 18. ' f J . IWlV l'MT " Beach Seeks Surf Meet TV Outlet Hun\lngton Beach's U.S. Surfboard Championships have been guaranteed this year by the Clly Council bu t backers of the inriual event are still searching for an ent.ertalmnent market to replace ABC Televlskin's "Wide World of Sports." One m those looking the hardest is Neil Croa. a member oC the .surfing cham· pionship's executive board and also con· nected with Color Tapes Inc., a private ftlmiq Mfit. Network television is out .for coverage of th1s ,a.r's championships, says Cross but II 4 llnandaJ backer can be found his cotnPlllJ' will film the sport and sell U to iDdMllla1 television staUans. "We "Deed about $12,000," says C:oss, ••antt we're in business." CNii has been worklng -w I t b 'Aslodated Booking, the agents who b~ the rock group "Canned Heat" to HW1Uiiijoll Beach, to find a motktt to sell a leficthy surf film. "My company has put out too much money filming auto nclng," explai ned Cross, •'b\lt lf we can find a backer lo pay the costs of production of the surf film I know we can get it nallonwide ~l t'P .. e by sellin& to individual sta· ti. J ODS. Color Tapes Inc. had filmed the first HunUncton Beach championship event In 1960, but ABC had taken aver after that. Tb1s year, however, ABC cancelled wt recenlly, !Oltini the clty to guanl!lt .. fl .500 to hold the aunmg coolest beclluse ABC ...Wdn' be puljlng up that .-mt. "I think they dealt with the dty pmty unflirl1," commented Cross. adding that ABC could have told the dty It wam't In- terested early enough to leave time to hoot up with another network. ''There should be no problem in finding a major spdnsor in 1970," said Cross, ••we'd like to do it, or lbe city may &eek another major television procram." Meantime · all that is needed to guarantee September's Huntington Beach U.S. Surfboard Championships a spot on film ii a finaDdal backer. "If someone will guarantee our costs, we will-produce and sell the film ," coo- ctuded Cnia. Mobile Library Off for Repair p~ or the Hun~ Beach Public · Llb -. bookmobile !ill~l>l"e tq •114~-· wt<li or the portable lerv\ct'to rioumf. • The mobile llbruy Is~ the dty Y•f<ls this -r ... a poU.,,JQb "l"'_IJ re=~i.\ ~1..i~ regular route!: next W~M)'S ~-~v Walt.er Johll50n. :t . , : : · The bookmobile carries ,500 books arid circulates .more than 100,~ books ~r year to schools, parQ, lhopplng centers and rtsldential areas. Zone Bid Tops Valley Agenda One public hearing on a reque5t for planned development zoning tops the list of agenda items for the Founlain Vllley City Council meeting at 8 p.m., Tuesday, John B. Clark Co. is requesting a awitch from commercial zoning to residential zoning for 9~ acres on pro- perty west on Brookhurst Street and north of Warner Avenue. The proposal has been recommended for approval by the planning commission. In other business, the council will be asked to give final approval to the. city's municipal Code as compiled, edited and published by Book Publishing Co. o[ Seat.-. lie, Wash. DAILY PILOT OltANOS COAST PUILIMHNCI COM>.t.N'r •oborf N. Wt•' Pft)lda\I Inf P'llbllll>tr J•ck ll. Curloy Viet ,.m\(M111 and Cotnrrtl MtMtlr l ht"''' kt••" Ed•lor Tho"'•' A. Mu1phint ,....,.,.,Int (Oi1or All.11t W. ''''' #luotltlt Eollor t4•nth1ftff h•• ~ l D9 Ith Shttf t.t1n;ft1 ,.,d10111 r.o. lo• 7'0, '26~1 OtMt Offlcn "''""'' loff<n: lJll WMI &1111!1 to1i1..,1r• C:llll• Mnt: llf Wttl It., Slrttl l ..... ,.. k.dl' JJJ F-1 lli'*""9 • UPI Tti.lltft One for Plwtog This picture of Brigitte Bardot and her new flame, playboy Patrick Gill on an Athens beach resulted in a Cracas between: Gill .and the phoiographer. Gill attempted to smash the newsman's camera, but erided up being dumped into the water. Huntingto11 Beach Orator Nati~n's Top Toastmaster • I>erutlt IL .Mangers, 28, of Huntington Beaeh, became the nation's premier Toastmaster th.is month during in· temational competition held in Cleveland, Ohio. competition with eight other finalists . Mangers, the new principal at Fountain \ralley's Harper Elementary School , is the youngest man ever to win the contest. won the Aug.., t· speech contest in . .... I f Toe.stmuters International President Ralph E. Howland , who presented Manien with the award. cred ited hirA with "one of the most dynamlC performances of speaking ability I have witnessed in all my years o l H'" ~Pl~ne . Bacl<in Athens -, '. AniENS .(~P) -An Olympic Airways pline ~urned to Athens Sunday with 24 passen&ert and three crew members aboard after a Greek doclDr and his fatniJy.for~ the pilot to fly to Albania. the family -Dr. Vassilis TsironLs, his w)fe, Barbara, and their two sons, 10 and 1~ -remained in Albania. 'Passengers aboard the airliner when It \V~ hijacked Saturday said Tsironis and ~ wife carried pistols and one of the bOys pulled a knife as they entered the cOckplt to take control or the plane. Al~­ nian jet nghte.rs met the plane as 1t crossed into Albania and forced it to land jn a field near the port city or Vlore. f'ro111 Pnge 1 HAYNSWORTH political clearance process." "The President feel s that Supreme Court appointments should be made sole- ly by him." As Associate Justice. Haynsworth fills a vacancy created when Abe Fortas resigned last May 14 amid disclosures that he had accepted a fee from a foun- dation linked wtth now-imprisoned flnan· cier Louis E. Wolfson. Ziegler said in nominating Haynsworth , the president had tapped a man wllh "a proven record as a jurist. both as an associate judge and chief judge of one of this country's busiest courts of appeal." "Judge Haynsworth had a distinguished rte0rd as a practicing attorney and a distinguished record as a leading citlien during his years of private practice," said Ziegler ... He meets t.ht qualifica· lions which the President believes 1re essential for an associated justict to the Supreme Court." The nominee is married to the former Dorothy Merry of Augusta, Ga .. and has two stepsons. He is president of the Com· munity Chest of Greater Greenville and chainnan of the Crusade for Freedom for South Caro\Jna's Piedmont Section. He also has served as vestryman of Christ Church. Flooding Hits New Orleans NEW ORLEANs (UPll-Wtten ri5lna from the rains of Hurricane C.mille broke through both aides ol New Orlelns' Industrial canal euly Monday. Thousands ol r"'1d<nll wl)O had gone to bed knowing they had be<n apar<d the won:t ol Camille's winds were roust. tel out ol bed and evacuated. Offl<ers pound«! oo doors and J>Oll« cars wtth howllng sirens and flashlne b1ue 11.ghts raced through an ea11em He· lion of Ole! city awakening residents ~ ly after Clmllle's wlnd threats aubalded. ToaoUl\utcina • -' ,. .• • d '" A1angen reooVed ms ma!ler• egree '\...from the University or S o u t h e r n 1'1Worni8 and hls BA degree from Cal State, Long Beech. He was a national finalist in this year's White House Fellows program. A former Long Beach school teacher. A1angers has appeared in leading roles with the Long Beach Civic Light Opera in "The Sound ol Music" and "My Fair Lady." Beacl1 Guards Make 63 Saves City lifeguards ln Huntington Beach spent a relatively easy weekend watching 136,000 swimmers and sunbathers 'en· joying the warm 69 degree water. A total of 63 rescues were made Sahir'· day and Sunday with only seven major first aid cases reported. Lifeguards also gave aid to a small boat that ran into trouble near the surf line on Sunda y. Five toddlers on each day had to be guided back to lheir lost parents, reports lilax Bowman, assistant director of the lfarbors and Beaches Department. Sunday's crowd was the largest ,! reaching 75,000, added Bowman. Sex Talk Slated For Be.ach YRs lluntington Valley Young Republicans \•1UI venture into the treacherous waters of "sex education" next Thursday Aug. 21 when the group's invited speaker will be Mrs. Marge Gage. 1ilrs. Gage is a member of VOTERS (Voice of the Electors Regarding Schools) and her topic will be the pro- posed family life and sex education pro- gram for the Huntington Beach Union High Schoof Dlstrl<t. Her talk will be accompanied by a film, ''Sex Education, Conditioning for Im· morality." The meeting will be held at the Trtasun Chest Restaurant in the llun· lintgon Harbour shopping ctnter, begin- ning at 8 p.m. The session is open to the IXJblic. Girl, 5, Loses Life ln Anaheim Accident An Anahe.lm traffic accident early to- day killed Catherine J . Rea.or. 5, of Whit· Utr. Anaheim police said a car drl\•tn by William McGregor Jr., 21. of Whltll•r. wt"nt throuJ.h a barricade Into a t'On· litnlct.ion ditch on Santiago Drive. llls .!ltepdauahte.r, a passenger, was fatally fnjur<d. Sh• dl<d three hours tater. ( President's Day ·Q:ui~t· Peace Pickets Fail to Disturb Nixon It may ha ve been noily on the outside, but It was quiet on the iDelde or .President Nixon's Nnmer home ,in 8in Clemente over the wee'kend. Whlle the Peace ACl!on Council's parad.i of thousands marched ~i~n a few hundred yards of the grounds Sunday afternoon, the Presfdent remaioed inaide his 14-room marulon, speodlng GUlet houn with his family -Mn. Nfxon, Tricia, David and Julle Eisenhower. After the demonstrators left, heading * * * President's Gatekeeper Keeps Busy Harry Schueltge, gatekeeper for the Cyprus Shore compound of mansions in San Clemente, is busler than ever these days. The reason is that a !ot of people who doo't live in the private residenliil com- munity y,·ant to get in to see Cyprus Shore's new neighbor -President Nixon. The Nixon estate, once a part of Cyprus Shore. Is just over a wall. Non.residents aren't aware of the wall . So they come and see Schueltge. They never get past him. Just the other day, he turned away: -A little girl who said she had a very lmportant message for the President. It was from her grandfather. -A man who claimed he had been ask· ed to tune the Nixon family piano (s till in. New York ). -A young lady who said she once baby· sat for Tricia fJU:on. "Nobody gets mad whtn I don't let tOOm in," said Schuellge, a retired purchasing agent for the city of Burbank. "They all leave with a smile. And I enjoy It. too. I like talking to people. Lately, I've been talking to a lot." The gate is up the road from the en- trance lo the Loran Coast Guard Station, where the Western White House's ad- ministrative offices are located. Schueltge and three other gatekeepers are on duty around the clock. It always has been that way at Cyprus Shore. But in the past, the gatekeepers had only to check with residenlS on guests seeking entrance. They now work from a clearance list supplied by another source -the U.S. -Serret Service. They also provide backup gatekeepers. Sunday. as thousands of demonstrators marched past, Scheultge had quite a few Sucb ••wistanl!." But They weren't11eed- <d. Police Use Tear Gas In NJ Race Rioting LAKEWOOD. N.J. (UPl)-Police fired tear gas to disperse groups of Negro youths early today as more firtbom~ ings hj~ this southern New Jersey com· munity. It was the second consecuti\le night of racial disorders, stemming from t.he arrest of three black youths falsely rumoced to have been killed by police. Police arrested 14 youths in today's out- break. Fnllerton Girl Dies After Fall From Horse A girl tossed from her horse Saturday died five hoors later of head injuries suffered when she landed on the pave- ment, according to Fullertoo police. The victim was identified as Carol L. Jones. 20, of •oo W. Orangethorpe Ave., Fullerton . for the beach, the First family, except for Mrs. Nlion. climbed abOard a helicopter for Palm Sprinv. They spent the evening there 1t the estate ' of multi·mlllionalrt publisher Walter Annenberg, U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain. Annenberg Is a lon .. time peraoaal friend of the President His estate i.s just outside Palm Springs. Saturday afternoon the Preaident, Jillie and David made up a golfing threesome at tbe Pauma Valley Country Club northeast or Oceanside. 'Ibey were the guests of Evangelist Billy Graham, whose home h on . the gpU' courae. Dr. Ora ham and • Bebe Reboio, · tht President's Key Biscayne, Fla., friend, marched around the~ course with Mr. Nixon and the y~ nhowel'f. Earlier In the ~IJ' Saturday, the Prul- dent worked a bJt in hi& hmne and walked along the beach, Wblte House aides "Id. At no time durlnt the weekend were any mwages or slate cranked out by the preaidentlal' stair. 'Crime of Silence' Newport Sailor Hi.des In Church as Protest By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of lfM DlllY l"ntt Sltf'I Naval authoriUes today considered what action to tab against a Newport Beach sailor who has taken re:fUie In a Quaker church in 8eatUe to protest Viel· nam combat and all other war prepare· tions. He is ..PO 3 C Bruce Preston, 2.3, fonnerly d. 1156 Rutland Road, who hall been absent without leave from duties with a medical supply unit at Treasure Lsland, Calif., for nine months. Contacted today at the S e a t t 1 e sanctuary, through the American Friends Service Committee. the 1964 Newport Harbor High School graduate aald he does not know just what will happen neit. "I'm not too sure if they know how to handle it," said Preston, who worked as a psychiatric technician trainee a t Fairview State Hospital In Costa Mesa btfore his enlistment almost four years ago. "By going AWOL, I was committing the crime of silence," PO 3 C Preston told the DAILY PILOT today. Fullerton Man's Body Discovered At Bolsa Chica Circumstances s u r r o u n d I n g the mysteri.ou~ ·deeth • .. Fullerton man \vhoee body wa1 found In a puked car at Bolsa Qica Slate Beach -with no outward i*• "i njury -are being pro> bed by~' deputl11·today. William D. Sanders, M, of 117\\ E. Union Ave., was found Saturday af· temoon by a pwing motorbt who noti- fied Huntington Beach police. Orange County Deputy Coroner J im Beisnel' estimated the victim died about 1 a.m. Friday. Results of toxicological tests tG delennine the possibility of drugs or alcohol in the victim's system -or both -will not be known for several days, Beisner said. There \Vert no signs of violence or foul play, investigators added. Stanford Heart Recipient Dies STANFORD (AP) -A Phoenix, Arii., man lived only 10 hours after becoming Stanford University Hospital's 16th heart transplant patient. Doctors said Herman Scales, S4, died Sunday. Scales underWent a 4\l-hour operation late Saturday by a team or surgeons headed by Dr. Norman E. Shumway. The donor of the heart was not named. He said he finally decided about two weeks ago to e1pand his protest effort. "I decided it was necessary to confront the military wilh my protest in a non- violent but positive way. I plan on staying In sanctuary until the military respands,'" he continued. The Navy enlisted man entered the church Saturday to await his fate, saying in the interview today that he bas been traveling up and down the West Cout slnce going AWOL last year. He said he left his post at Treasure Island after be.Ing turned down in a rew quest for consc.ie'ntlous objector 1tatus, based on a contention that he was being forced to bear anns. "My family 'is behind me in this,'' said Preston, whose mother is employed in a Newport savings and loan and whose father is a telephone compa11y employe. The young bachelor sailor said military police have been invited lo enter the Friends Church. but that it would be futile for him to walk out and surrender in tenns of protest emphasis. ''We're expecting them anytime," he added. A spokesman for the Shore Patrol in Seattle said Sunday, however, that he was under the impression PO 3C Preston was going to come outside and surrender. fi.1ilitary authorities have been reluc· !ant in the past to take protestors out ot church sanctuary, usually attempting all methods of persuasion before using for«. Court Postpones Sanity Verdict On Candl,e Kill.er "Oandlelight Killer" Robert Willard Liberty will have to wait another month for a Superior O:lurt ruling on his mental condition. Judge William Speirs today delayed that verdict until Sept . IS to give two court-appointed psychiatrists more time to preparP. their evaluation of the Westmimler man. Liberty got the label "Candleliaht Killer" from officers who in vestigated the slaying of "1rs. Marcella Landis, lfle attractive brunette who shared bis aperl- ment at 8382 Westminster A v e . , Westminster. Officers said they found Liberty on June 4, 1966, strumming his guitar Ind sofUy humming while Mrs. Landis' body lay draped across a living room sofa. Of. ricers said Liberty had placed burning candles around the body of his alleged victim. Liberty was laler ruled to be insane and sent tu Atascadero. He was recently ruled. to have recovered his sanity, a point which must be confi rmed by Superior Court before he can again face murder chargo:s. about five minotee. A suit is what you don't buy around the corner !\lost of my competiton are chain 1tore1. ~foal of the r.bairu are owned and run by large clothm,r manolactoren in the eaat. There'• noth~ wrong with that. tboa~h I lh ink it doe1 tend to make • 1tore'1 1tock a li1tle lop1ided IO they can pae-b their own I'm on 1hat little penin1uJa pa11 thoH: 27 closer men•1 brand or t;JothinR. tliat lead. to Lido Ille, a 1hort 1tores io order to look over I happen to be 8 one atore block beyond Tl1e Arche1 in the 1oit1 I have in your 1ize. independent merchant. and I Newport Beach. Or e•en my n ec: k t i e 1 or say there'1 no better place 10 But I don't know where you 110Ckt or 1hlrt1. 1\1 akin g a 1ake your bul!linesa than 10 a are. . minor pore.hue here is a pain· one 1tore independent mer. Probably. becao1e th11 leu way 10 find out if you like rbant. Your boaineu cooota new1pep~r circulates in aeveral the kind of merehandiae I for more in a 1tore like th1t el lies. you're cloaer !o ahoat aeieet, the ~era.I feeling of ind therefore it'• appreciated 27 other good men • 1toN1 the •tore and the type of intel· more. They luiven't yet in· than you are to mine. ll89J1t fnterett you pl from Tented a computer that k..nowa ~tinor porcbuea. like tooth. my ataff. how to appreciate a ea11omer'1 paate, you pick up 11 lhe bond. Aft« oil, lhe beet woy to bu•in .. ,, i .. 1 aton:. You know euclly find oul II you feel eomforto When you buy oomelhlng whal you want. Wby wute OC> able with a 1tore it to go in here. and one of our P1' •y• lane drivinl' one block futltier and boy tomethlq. Uaaally thank you. you know ft eomet 1han von need to for it? you ean form an opinion In from the heart. l\ly heart. A ;oit. thooP., it not tooth• paate. You don't boy one at 1he 1tore around the comer on your way home to dinnM. I admit rni prejudiced. How«i,cr, I 1till ••Y it might be "·ortl1 your while, next time you need a 1uit, to drive right Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo, Udo Penlmula, Newport Beach right nest to Richard'• &larket and lhe Udo Theater. Macho parkt"l! dl,...lly behind my alore. Phone 6734510. Copyril!hl 1969, Joe.Ir. Bidwell, I \ I I 3 I I I 11 I ' 'I I New Scene for Lido·l.4s The famed Lido-14s begin their class championship on Newport Harbor today. The scene is widely dif· ferent from last year's championship regatta sail- ed on Huntington Lake. Photo by Jacquie Beckner shows the sporty sloops in starting·line action et Huntington Lake. The local regaaLa will run through Friday. 2 Ne,vport Men Score In Bermuda Tim Hogan on Team Winning King's C-,,,,p Alter Wins Hobie Cats Forty·nine tlobie C a t s participated in the annual Newport.Poche Race Saturday and Sunday. Saturday's race started from Newport and finished at San Clemente where the boals were beached overnight. Sunday's return race was a slngle-hander Results : BERMUDA -Un.ited States Junior Championship sailing rep rese n taUves Argyle Campbell and Tom Purcell won a '1 \1: mile practice race Sunday in Bermuda's Great Sound wit h a time of three minutes, 59 seconds. C11npbell and Purcell are both from BJ!boa Yacht Club. campbell is a member of the All·Amerlcan collegiate sailing team from USC. The two members or the USC sailing team had little difficulty in tac.king in the three knot wind and gradually lncreued their lead as the nee procressed. Defending 'champion Euan Swun 1111<1 Lockland M<Tav!Jh cf Canada JOl!lt the 11Mntaje ol 1 good atart and flniabed aeventh. The A~·American collegiate sailing team won the King's Cup. one or three major trophies thty ara setklng in competition with the British collegiate sailing team this summer. Competition for the King's Cup was sailed in Soling Class sloops at Rhue, On the Clyde1 Scotland. Tim Hogan of Newport Beach. captain of t h e USC varsity sailing team, won the Cowie Winnel" James Cowie's L-36 Tortola from Cabrillo ·Beach Yacht Club WIS the WiMer of the fourth sailing of the Wall Elliott Harbor Challenge Race Saturday. Cowie won over the defender Harry Sturges in Electra from Los Angeles Yacht CJub. deciding race for the U.S. with the help or Richard Doyle of Notre Dame. The final score ~·as 4·3. The eight-man U.S. team earlier this yoar won the E u r o p e a n championship against all universities in Europe. The King's Cu p vic- tory gives the U.S. team 11 wins out or 13 races sailed ·so far th.is summer. On Aug. 26 the team will race for the Lipton Cup and on Sept. 4 for the famed British· American Universities Challenge Cup. Southland members of the U.S. team an: Hogan; Chris Seaver (Newport Be a ch ) Yale; Ed Butler and Tom Mtl.augblin, San Qiqe St.ate. Mias ~slie Messen1er of Newport Beach is the team manaaer. )., ' \ : \ CLASS A-(I) Hobie Alter, Dana Point ; (2) Ted Hen· dickson, Corona del Mar; (3) Wayne Schafer, Caplslrano Beach; (4) Sandy Banks, Dana .Point; (5) Dick Lootek, Costa Mesa; (6) Jay Mullin, Riverside. CLASS B -(I) Tony Melum, Newport !leach; (2) Ted Berkon, Dana Polnl; (3) Parry Porter, Newport Beach; (4) Earl Riekena, Dana Point ; (5) Bill Butler, Dana Polnt ; (6) Larry Donovan, Newport Beach. . :i~7 reasons why Maverick is the fastest-selling new car in automotive history! Our IHll• cer I• '"'kt"' I bit hit. In ltt ftrtt 100 de,.. M1Y9rfok h11 OUI• .old every new Cir .,., Introduced. And ..,,.,., day more end mor• 1n11rt drtYert ,,. dlecowering th• run of owning "'° llmj>lo -lno. T11t1 1 r.w minutes 10 find out why M1vwlck'1 lei popul1r. TMn tlk• 1 111t drlY• 11 Y°"' Ford Dt1ltr'1. 1, LOW ftf'ICI. M1 vtrick it 1t1• best seller ol 1~1 '10. 11 1980 priee1. And you Qfl your mon1y·1 wof1h. A compllle car 111 re1dy to drive home. 2. LOW fU!L BILLI . In IUl\l)y protess1on1l drlYll'l et ou1 1r1ck1. Whtre w1 clo our besl 10 dupllc111 1eh.11I cl riving COl'ldltlons, M•v· erlck 1ver11ged 22.5 mpg. (Some M1111r1c.k owner1 r1Pol1 lhty get 2S mpg incl bltle1.) i. 10I HOftlEI. M1V11rick"1 hlgl>-1plrtted Slx •Ml• you na1rly lwlce es mU<;h hOrse· powtf 11 the !11dlng lrnp011'1 1nglne, You o•• Mt! 1ocellrttlon, easy P1Ulng. •• 'IOPLl·l lllD IMTlftlO". Mtverlcll: plnU'ill ptnnlls, not people. tit lront 1111 glltel you nine lncM-1 mew• 1houl~1r room thin th• lltdlng il'l'IJ)Of1. Plue loll of leg f'OOfn, hlp rOOll'I 1nd head rOOfl\. I . u,ay HANDUNO. MM"'k can ciutml • Ml)Yer 1h1 1t•d1ng teol'\Omy lm~r1. n c•n FORD U-tu1n In 1 tlghlllf clrclt, nip 1round cor· n1r1 i ncl altOt Into t1gh1 p11k1ng spac•• with emazlng IQlllty. I. Ff:Wf.A l lAVICl CALLS. Maverick Is 1c1u111y e1a1er Ind less 1u.pens1ve lo m11n · tein than an economy Import. Mavericll. oil changes come only one• every 6,000 miles 1nc1 ch1s1t1 lubric1tion1 oru:1 In 36.000 mltu . The lflld!ng lmPOl1 recom· mends en oil ct11ng1 1w1oe 1s otlen end I ChUSIS klbrloltlon Slit lim&s •• often. fMavericil gi\111 you economy wllhoul In· eonven!encel) 7. llMPL! l lftvtCI 'AND Rlll'AIRI . Tha MevMlek Own11'1 M1nu1I h11 24 PIQIS of inslrucllont to1 rouf!n1 m1lntel'llnc1 jobs you c1n clo youmll, H you wtsh. You c1n eht ng• 101111 plugs, repl•c• luel filter, ad1u•t lgnlllOn tJmlng, Ind more. Even 1 sm11hecl grHlt ctn be tepl1cod In 11 l1Ut1 1s 13 mlnutn. I , WIDE-OPIEN TftUNK IPA.Cl. No more c11mmlng In lugg•g• jut! because you h111e 1 small cir. M1verlclt gi119g you 10.4 cubic 1eet 01 luggage spac1-n1ar!y twice es much as the le1dlr1g imp011, {Wllh M1v· e11cll.. you c1n lake it with you.) I, SOLID DURABILITY, Maverick's unlllzed bOdy conc1ruc1ion makel It light, strong encl durable. (Alld M111erick'1 3-speld iransmlaslon la tough enough to handle 1w1c• 11 much horsepower 1s the 1ngln1 tUtfle out) (MIM!rlek mey b• linlt, but you clon'I h•vt 10 1re11 11 liltt a kid.) ' 10. I UfLT.fN t.lPITY. Unlllte most .conorny lmPOn1, Mavel1Ck'• lread 11 wider thin th• cir !1 l'llgh. Th1t mtlm: 1t1b1Uty-mlgh1Y iml)Or1ant when !ht road 11 wtt or lh• wind Is llronQ, MAVERICK-- $1995 ... _,.,,,.., -..... ~·· ,., ....... i!J'rlff .... -l!ltlilfe• ...,~ ""'"" 11 • .,l ~•-•; .... ,,_.,~MN! tllt111, " ....,, ~ 11111 ......... lM llMI ...... USED CAR SHOPPERS: Ford Dealers .@-Used Cars are the best )OU can get I Mission Bay Man Take s Victor y Win OCEANSIDE -Homer Dtmln1 ol Mluloo Bay Yacht Chlb won the Victory Class na· Uonal champlonahlps Sunday at &he conclus.ion of a three day-re,gatta. ~r-up ll\,•lhe serJes was RJch Dezelan or Kin& Herbor Yacht Clu b 'and J,trry ' Pinckney, MQYC wu third. After three races the fleet was split into two divisions and the lower hall raced for the Coverno:"s Cup which y,·as won by George Gilson of J.tlssion Bay YC. Second was Ugo Sbaraglia, Santa Barbara Sailing Club, and third was Heinz Fuchslock of Wind· jammer YC. De:telan also won the Hanna Perpetual Trophy for the high scorer in Flights A and B. Rod Rogness of Mission Bay Yacht Club won the N orlh Perpetual as the winner of lhe C and D Oight the first day. DAILY l'ILOT J7 BYC:'s 68 Serles Ayres Wins Pilot Trophy Firtbrand, an ErlCIOtl_.t sloop skippered by Don Ayr<s Jr. of NewP<>rt Harbor Yacht Club woo the DAILY Plwr Perpetual Trophy SWlday by scoring the bW corrected ti.mes ln lhe'flnal two races of Balboa Y.aicht Club'118 Serles. Flrtbrind ploced aecond ov- erall in the Balbol to Lon1 Point race on Saturday and second" in the race from Long (.;old Wa ter Soa p Defended LOS ANGELES (AP) - Cold water detergents kill germs, a a y s Dr. Gerald A. Heidbreder, county health of- ficer. But, he adds, a buill·l n sanitizing a.Jent would make them more powerful germ· killers. Point to Balboa Sunday. 'l'he (21 Seropis; (3) Sparkle. yacht wu the . Clw B win· CLASS' B '-(t) Fltebrlnd ner In bolh raca. (Z) Sanderling, Kirk &! Poole, Followlnf· a re the trophy BYC & BCYC. winners by clus in both CL..WS C -(I} Impetuous: races: Class c 8 )I) Impetuous; CZ) Btl* to Loac Point (2) Hokulanl. CLASS A -Serapis II, BUI CLASS D-(I) Swm Navy; B~. BCYC: (2) Sparkle, (!) Volan\e II ; (3) EdelwelM, Al .. Irving: BYC; (S) E!CU· 0.ve Lange, BYC. dero, Dick' Valdez, LBYC. f.10RF -(J) Seaquaclous, CLASS B _ (t) Firebrand, Craig & Doog Rastello, LJ!YC; Don ,J.yra Jr., NHYC; (I) (21 Goldyloca; (I) Veloz, Ken Atari, John Cazier, BYC. Ross, BYC ; (4) Misty, AUe:n Heller, BCYC, CLASS C -(t) Ho{u.lani ,fjijjjiiiiiijjiijjjiiiiiijjiiiiiijjiijjjiii~ McCabe '1 Hokanson, NHYC; II II) Impetuow, Ch a r I es Glasgow, BYC. CLASS D -(I) Sandpiper, M.R. Minty, SSSC; (2) Swiss Navy, Dick Deaver, BYC; (3) Volante ll, Mike H1rsh, BYC. MORP -Aloha 11, Glen Reed, SSSC; (2) Serena, Phil Doane, NHYC: (S) Goldylocks, Eddie Arnold, BCYC; (I) Anita. Bill von KleinSmid, NHYC. . Lone Point lo Balboa C~ A -(I) Escudero; CHOICE ACREAGE FllM'lf I• CMH.nfe $500 to $1,100 Acre O .... ltyU_.,_, PHO"I 525·6198' I I • I ! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •i at · El Rancho: the supermarket . where the price 'is1 ri,glit ! :fEverybody who's been -to the •1Moon is dining on :istouffer's •1 ! •Ii ·~ j •i • • ·~ •' • • • • Astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin and Car- penter are enjoying Stouffer's fine food~ e ... and if one has to be in i11olation during 11. quarantine period, isn't that a ''"ondtr· e fut way to dine? ,. , • •why not join · them? • . Enjoy the QUAlity, the flavor, the roodnw that • Stouffer& offers to our Astronauts ••• and to you~ Here'• delicious dining! • j. • ·i· '.j• 11·• I . . 1 •- 1 • • Beef or Chicken Pies ................. 49:. Ten ounce~ big with Jots of tender meat! •Short Ribs of Beef .............. '1.79 Stouffer's main course pleasure ... so convenient ! 111/t oz. Baked Breast of Chicken ..... '1.79 Sweet tender white meal from Stouffer'• I 18 oz. Potatoes Au Gratin ................ 39¢ Stouffcrs offers it ready to heat & serve! 11 Y: oz. Cauliflower Au Gratin ............. 39¢ Garden fresh goodness !rom Stouffera: 10 or.. Creamed Chipped Beef ........... 89¢ Trust St.ouffera to offer variety! 11 oz:. pkg. Meats that make the meal! ., . Escalloped Apples ...... . .. .. ... 39¢ St.ouffers makes il easy for all to enjoy! 12 oi. Salisbury Steak .................... sl .29 Ready to .serve in minutes ! ••. 12 oz. pkg', Macaroni & Cheese ...... : ........ 39 .. Stouffer• make! it with real cheddar: 12 oz. Lobster Newburg .............. '2.29 (;ourmet delight from Stouffen ! 1 I V2 oz, Chicken & Noodles ............... 69¢ Baked in the Stouffers kitche.ns ! 11 Y}-oi. pkr.~ Stew ·Beef ................. ~~.~~~.~A~' ................. 89~ Chunks o! t'ich hearty beef ..• so tender, so tut)' •• you 'll wonder why you don't serve stew more often 1 Chopped Sirloin Steak ......... 89~ Stroganoff Beef ............... '1.49 t •. IA!an, tender, tasty! Three patties ~r pound l I.tan beef that invites you to take second•! ·Veal Cutlets ............. ~~~~~ ............... $1 ~? Ready to cook .•• and serve, •• and enjoy I So t~nde.r and t.uty, you 'd belt.er be sure to have plenty. Super-summer favorite Haas Avocados .................................................... 19~· Smooth buttery meat ..• for makinr ,.ladl and appetilinr undwiches and for dips, too ! I p,;,,., i~tf/eet·M.,.,,Tut1., Wed., AICADIA: Avg. 18, 19, Ill. No ..Z<1 to .u.i...,. su..,tand Hllltiftllon t>r. m Rinc!o C1nit~ PASADW : 320 Wnt Colondo Blvd. SOUTH PWDEllA1 fr.non! and Hvntlncten t>r • HUNT1111TDN llACH: Warner and Ailllique (8oar6\illl Cant•~ NEWP9RT IEACH1 2n7 Nowport l!llol. and 2$55 tall>IUll Dr. ~IUll Wllfl CllDll L ----------...,~--=---------------:-------:----.......,.---:-:--::-:-·---··~~ I • !1 lll.V"'1.DT Complete-New York Stock List =) H• UIW c-. <'::. -A-::~.: ;~ :~J.1'1• ll ~· tl14 ~I\ ±,'411::.f~ ,~ ~·• 'I Ii! a. + • 1"'·G .~ ~·l ~ ~ i" l~ -_~;~ l-.~ ... ~ ~'!!.~ .. -." ~ ~ I""' T. .. . ~r,;il: :~ ui 1,h.,·j~ I! ~·a ,J~ ~ t~ 1 r--~ :::.,., d 1 !t u14 ! "' 1.1111 LEGAL NOTICE .: ~"· • ~.~ =~ ;!r. i· r:g ·ll 19-i m 11~ I~ · .. ~:~ AMC's Hornet Debuts ~ ,;l ,,BB• • ~!~1i!M·~ L•••L ~TIC• • ~~°',, .• ·( , w: ~ n r l ~1~ 1 NOTICE is HE•e:•v GIVEN ttiat .,. First of the 1970 models to enter the automotive tures are optionaJ. Shown is the Hornet SST z.door Ata:i 1' n~ Yt :+1"" *"I 11 1.• ~~l~~E~~== ~fie"r~i~n~~~c~!o;:;~e;4H~:e!:~t;:e ~ ~~~e~~.b~~k vinyl to~. New AMC products go ~~ i ~li I ~!~ f·I •;i'·!;t 111 ~!rfi =~e':~v::L :;:. _•_d_e~l~u~x;e-;-;SST-;;;;;m;;;od~e_1._v_.a_e_n_g::....in_•_and __ a11_"po'-w_e_r_f_e_a_-__________________________ 1W;J~i ,l' ~ ~ 1 ~ !1i ~~~:,~ _.,...,,.~ ..-"" ,,,_"' w1111111 M.,.11 LEGAL NOTICE ~i.kli:f. \ " !:: flii ·~ l i ,f~•5' ', '" ..... , frtllft!M "" Pllblk•lloio ... lfll• "'" # ~ ft ~ """ mi. """' .. .ii.11 ""' "' ""' "'.Jttt1 Am d'.a~.J • ,.\Ii 11. 1 ~W 1"A """"""·" llMf'e N -·or In'"" Cit'!'" ClllTll'ICAT• 0 1' OIKOHTIMUANCI' Your -, 01··-·· '" Worth Am CM !" 1 4 , ..... c. Cottt Mew, In '""!ell c..,. 1!w 1>..-f\I 01' USI' AN0/011 AaANOOHMINT 01' 1f.. __.. D O AC111 of )$ Va \'a -\II -Ct .. ahfill 119 IOld •I Mlle 11Kllon 11 1 llmt l'KTITtOUt NAMI' :"" Ctn\, I.~" • f 'l! ~ .. ~ et1111 0.19 ID be l lWIDUf'CltCI, YHI! l1NOEll51GNEO -Mntw A Olel 1 OATE~_: :.~fr~ .. 1.... ~,~ ~ ... ~ =: !:,."-~· ,~':~ B R ? c· . T n ... ,~, l~ jQ ·~ , ....... j· ~ ~:1~~~:.:0~~~ 0 • 11 Y 1:Ji:; i~~Z-~::?JirI~!~~=::;!~ uy, ent. omputer e -S L •. ~. 1.~'.1!1• .. Jl, 11 d mi !-: t:m'Jr~"~·.tt lorm.,ty awnl>Clffd . ot tr.· tol'9'#(f19 .... ., "" l Mt ; + ?t ~."!r!•f .40 LEGAL NOTICE :';;::"'~ ""f:":s ':~~ :~,~~ "11« °' -·~~;:' plA6 1J lf....:__ -1 -:..:.)" w.~rJ!l'.1J'.J! F1f'r11d D1fllel $1~, IOUS A'!r.:/11\l~ ~ !fil I" ~ t Yo •1tfttN (" , J42'1S EaYntr1111. s.r.11 """ '17'5, c1ntornt1. By SYLVIA PORTER you and your family live Js reasons -tn the emotional, :m"~11 ·~ 1 11-, \t\~ ~L~ ·1~1, · c ... u11c1lt for tr1nMclfon of tlvs!MH t']] -• h'l · Im t · I he Ith f · A Honie fj ~ 1•-&11 It ce1T1,1CATe CF cc1u•cttAT10N ul'lder 111, 111ove llct!tlotls Mme, 1,.,., 11_ Wc'th mortgace rates al s I a wo1 w1W 1 e mves en 50Cl8, • a areas· -or in-A Momt ..... 1 sm -u ,..,. · FOtt 1t:AN$ACTION CF aUSINISS /kl1vll or IH.lbllatlon 11\e!'eot, 1,.. on rii. f I uJI ti horn B t A "' 17 M•!o •'Ito 1111'11 +'lo ••••• ,.1,,1T1ous ,.,.,,.1 ,, ,., ,.,, •• " ,,. c---,,.-_ hlstorl k or a ong p . ves ng ln a e. u on a."', "'",.n,0 14t Mi•4 39\io "14-,.. -... _,,, ... ~ ... c pea ' properly taxes I I f' . I I ""' nVll . 1:11 ltllt lll'l lt!IJ +1\'o •11111 (11 ... THE UNOE•s1GNED CORl'OltAT•oN 0 .. 111111 countv, unoer ~ orDYl1Joni of • THESE JUDGl'ttENTS are str cl y manc1a bas s, a ~!';'MF,11v .tO 16' ~ n!. l t1' •• ·F1n ..... 1 t1om 1>t<l'b!' c~n11v 11111 u 11 ~11,,. • s.c•io.. 24" ,., •• ''''' '"' 1·n a relentless u 1 nd ho h IUl 1 lid ..... orte • , 10 " "Mli "1 "m + ·v1 111a11M ,,, bwlflf$1 loc:•'"" ,, :io11 s. H111..i..v st. WITNESS mv ''i..l'ld tllh j11 d•v of Pre • me backed up by a fascinating ouse a comes ou as a so AMtlChl W1 6 29.,.. 29'4 29~ ..... •mo•L ·.451 cP.O. llox 2ln1. s.nt• An1. cit1toml• Au;u11, 1Nt, building and all maintenance compilation to appear in the investment. ~N=• 2 1M ~:? w:'~ .:" ··· · :.::Tr: 1·10 w Es TE• H ALLOY s TEEL PubllW<i Or•r111• Co•uf Dilllv ,.11o1, costs rutally high and soar· forlhc<iming issue of "Better , The following table will ~!wc~.:Mfl· -,.,.1ift 1.ro ..,..r lht llclllloll1 11rm n•mt or l'eN"1kl 01nl•I sr~-b ""1Pllot 1199 !,'. >lJll •', I l .. ,.,~ t' I"):~ .. n11 1h•t ukl firm k c-'" o1 the A11111111 to. 11. 11, ,,, tNt 1~ Ing what -•-·Id d , B H and Garde " T ho """ M111 ..... ..,1 t3 in 5'1l~ ti. m .. c 11t1a1 "3l1Gwt<1t cor-•llon, ... ~ 1111nc1p11 _ • owlV\I you o. Uy omes ns. o s w you the net savings on:;;: ,~' 1 2 ~ ~ ~ ... 1ri.rt "" P1•<• °' ~· 11 •• fo)llowl.: LEGAL NOTICE or rent? reach them, Peter Lindberg lhls ~.ooo investment agalnsl A ~: 1~ 1l~ ~'Ji ~l: ~i"~ :': ~. •,r-1111 , .~ ••• EHl;INl"•AEO EQUIPMENT COM-~ Am$oAlr 1(1 roP PAHY :ion s. tt111.a.1 sr. c.-.o. With this indisputably fed the following assumptions renting during the first years. Am sio ,. sr .. ..,. '°"" "" -11111 11•tc11 1·60 &t>ii ntJ), Sin!• ....... C1tlf111ni.. NQTICI INVITING ••os d f ial . t ter Am s1 ... n ... J\ f,'\t f, ~('! + n. lr'l"~P .Ml WITNESS 111 ,......, 11111 111 hr cf N1111«o 11 ,_., ,1.,.,, 11111 ll'lt 9Mrd" a verse inane· background m o a compu : YHr 11 ....,.. ™' stir• F&lll ,,., ._ StJ"r 1.60 f~ u !'" l',. _ i;, ~~ 1:/i: "-•st. 1'6f T""''" " 11'1t oru.e Cont J\lfllw and the proapect that Purchase of a -.ooo house m •...., wl!l9 1 v•ll" ~"'4f':..s"2:# lL 0 0 •·•·· .oe JI (CORPORATE SE.All Collt9t Olitrlct of °'-· c-11. u .. 2G--7 • • ·1.• I ·l.JOO s .1.300 AmWWb .5' ~ ii~ ~ tr~ +·'iii ",.."'f,", .... M 'HGINEEltED EQUIPMENT C1tlfornl1, wUI N:ClllW 11111ed bldt ... "° trends wl become even more Wlth a year ~ perecnt I ·-·-' --· \!'" •• ' COMPANY ll;QO '-"'· Wecklesdf¥. Sttotrmiier"' 1,.,, ~ I • ,Jl:M -lM-1 .J,ou AW"•" 1-Ys ~'° .. 11 I~ :.::,,. llM~'rls "· o . StNMMofl, ., "" Pllfdll$W.. o.i. of Mold ldloof advene in several areas -is mortgage, '2,000 down, $300 1 • 2n • t11 -1.uo Aw W 1.u ~ 771\ ~ ,,,.. + .., c ...... couwr~"A~•ANGE , u ~~;~c1.;::,'"c,~~. ~"!ri~ •::; a house atill a worthwhile in· closing costs; taxes equal to 3 ! ,,::_: · ::: ::.'t: :~1e•nc·~90 ,!' sP Jt" Jl -4: ~ee•.J STATE OF CALIF01tNIA , "'"' bin wm 11t ...-111k11 _.,..,.,,......, vesbnent for you? percent ol &he home 's value s 3.JJ) 1,2., • au :t:~ CP .ll .ffl 2~ m; mi. l1 "'Fi1v * °" 11111 hi Cl.Iv°' A-1. AD lt6'. lor 41 1 Pr1nrtnw cf Or1noe c111st Col'"'9 E b I · ' 4, .. , 1.112 • J\1 Am-1~.;: 41 # W.-l ..,t1;t'I iA - " ,.,. ,,.1,., IC . ...,,,., • ,.011,., N-•Pfr ,,,.. 6,_10 $(llocf Yut, 1,.., cu ACH OF THESE questions eac year; annua insurance 1 6.n• J.oo• 114 ""'""' lAO ~ ~ 31'h ~J, ... 1::; "I HLt 1.12 PUblic lft a ,.,, ••kl county ,,.., S••'-· .-r1n11"' or Golt!MI w~t co 1 re, ~ is of the most crucial meaning premiums equal to * percent • L)11 ;).Ut 111 Amt~ .32 11 IM 1w. i"' -'4 ... m-~1pf14:ff r...,, ... llltrtl"' dul't' Ct>ll'llt'>ltl!Dfled IP'ld N-SP•Pfr for ,,.10 S.C:lw»I YN•. Incl UI ho Anlc.oow:t 1,90 309 29 2l\'t 2~ -'4 (Mil• I .. ·-"· .._1.,. -··ecr F. o. 0111r1ct Tower Rt11i.J tor "'"'° ktlclcl to you, for purchase of a house of the me's value; income ~::,o;nv ·'f \',• ~i~ ;\t .a~~ t ~ ~~~~ f;i s1.,.,.,._ --t. me 10 be '""' Y•••. is probably the single most tax deductions, wonh 20 ~r-W l '"'~ 1.20 ,,. n 11. v. -"' .. ..,,Saye 90 ~7:he wm.111 1,..,1rumtnt en Olll•lf of"" 1n11tU(t10"' a. CondlllOJtl '"" ,,,. important financial decision cent o U\e me's va ue ; A• 1 1.-11 ff V. 4~ "'t '"" ':r~' l.60b ---.... c.GlrPlrllloll 11'1fl 1~. All bkls .,.. lo lie In •c«lrdlnct W1111 f ho es er•n Aol P 10 2• l"' ~· • '"' ,· 0 '",-..!:'--•'1on• _ '" ... re11nu~~~ ... • •• ..,nc1 :=11~'i::';e~k~,..:·~:.., °':"fl~•-:. made by most Americans. So maintenance costs amounting ~'1 f;,~,, , iil~ ,!~ 104 n .. ~~ r.:~!tl'r ''° -·-.... _..,_ 11 ...... ·p -~1 I . Joi tfthl s Ardl0•nl.60 4 '34'ra4l .•. (FI S!lee ••l!'C\lltd 1111 ... ,.,.. a .... .... ""·"''"' """' or ukl o summarize: percen o e va ue an· ks H'k Arf!Pubsw: 1 u '"" l•U ,,~ _ '!• Cllldbrn ·1nc In WllMU Wlltftof. I "'" hl•WlllO .el klloctl d!1lrld. Re l ., ']I II I h nuaUy ee 1 e Arl•M·Di .10 71 29'1• " ,,.. ... 1 ... ,, ' -,,,,... 111nc1 ...i 1fH,11ect ""' onk111 H•I ,,,.. Eld! b!Mw mv~1 1ubn>H w1111 1111 blct 1 n l you WI ve n t e • AnncoSt 1.60 113 2ra Ira 27" _" l>lrterNY"i 111v ,,,. v•r 111 fflls cert1tlc11t tt,.1 •bOYI uit11er'1 d!ldt. ,.,tu1N meek, at bid· place for only a few years., Or rent equal to 13 percent :~:Eir,g ~s .J ~ .. J,,_ i.:I .. , .• ·+·, .. 1~M••"M',·~, wtltttfl. dt!"1 bend !Nllt P•r•blt 10 I~ o.rw ol I I h A k llfl.7 .. -' •owv<. (OFFICIAL SEAJ:l ..... 0r•fl09 Coql Junior C<>llftt Ol1trlc t Buy if you pan to Ive t ere of the value of the house . This Western Air Lines will file A~ ub 1:/J vi = ~ r +·,.., =:~n ,1:0 MMY K. HtfllY &oel'd d TN1'"" •n 1" •mounr "°' •e.• for a fai r period of tline. percen'·ge allows tho owner with the Civil Aeronautics ~!!!,,'~,.,.' ·", ' 22~ 2211. n~ + '"'sri.rnt,'.v ·:ia Not1rv l'ulllk..C1lllomi. ltl1n flW ~ (5'0) of !he lvtl'I bid II U& ,.,. 21 ,, 271,1,, 27V. -'II. ~lltl ~ 1-..0 PrlnclNE01lkl111 ,.•tu.r1ntt11l'l',!.!~b;ld~, w111 rn11!rin10 Andyes-ahouselnwhich enough to pay taxes, in· Board for an increase in its~~ld°al},!"° 1r, ',,~ ",,~ ',,1,,_=!!'1!71fr"" _.11, Or-eou,.,., .,......., ........ r1et "" Mmr 11 d ti f •··• OG "' .. -•• Mv Con1mru1on EJ<PI•• ,..,.,.tied 111 1111n. 1,. tt1S ft't11t of 111111rr tc surance, maintenance costs omes c ares. ';"::"' , 1.:.!! 4'0J ""' "' "' ... • "••I 11 N!!f. 2j, 1112 enm-rn111 wcti o:intr1et. "" Pr!Xffdt '°' and earn 11,i percent on his The increase to be proposed ~~•'•" -,.,... : fl.,, ff!: ~" ! ~ !fil~t.=~,,.)lf' :i Pllbl!lllef Otll'lll CN1I Diiiy Plkt~"" dlfdl: Wiii be ~\ft>d, or In"" u .. •~1:.. ........ "4fl ·-·-e ,·nv-~ent b w ste 'II b I . Aillllchfld r 10~:7J, ... ~"'jf:*i 1'1'• +"•"" llMSPP Plj ....,""' '-n, ia. u. iw TaM• of • bond, tN t1111 i.um 1t1er.o1 w111 ~ 'II 1wua ...,....., y e rn w1 vary y np Allllch on.;rs 1100 ~ st"i st• sl' pl ct -,::;~ ~ := .. '!!'~~1bld tor , IN ADDITION, Lindberg distance, with a greater in· :n1111~m J:.J ~ 1;l'h 1;l~ 1;t111 t~;~ m!P~~J' LEGAL NOTICE HrlDd If fottv.fhll ..,cA!l hn 1111r 1111 MORE DOCTORS, made these three assumn. crease for short. er segments ~',•..,1c~. 1 st 2P1. 25'4 :Mu.+..., 11111Pc1 UP -------------ldlN. .-'! fOr ll'lt °"" ltllttof, DENTISTS • th f l tr F ,. ......., 11t fu $,., s•.r. -" htt1P ctNW The ao.ro -Tl'\lltet1. rewr"" 1t1c , lions : the house would rise in an or ong 1ps. or a 600-A11r'9"1 Pt., tJ 1, n•1o 1Jv. -"' .,1 Tiii• , '° """"" ltrlVlletol of rtlt>Ctlnl "'' ..0 111 b!Ci Of A .\.UfSPlllr Oii " 16•• 161'1 I~+ ~ · <E•tt,1cAT• °" •us1N1ss "° ••IYt _. 1r...,11rltltt .,, 1... TTORNEYS, AND value 2 percent a year, about mile trip, the fare would be Ur Automtn lNI •s l~ 14\'t ,"". ~~Fc"'i\' :Z: F1CT1T1ovs HllM• ,.,,,,,.11na 1n '"'bid or 1n""' bicldlnw. OTHER ,...ual to the Jong-term in· creased from $43 to $46, a 6.9 := ~i.~20 J; jE l~ ml i1" c11 ••Pl 1 .Ti. ll!ldtril9lild • CW'llt¥ INT ·~ Prka ft~ lftd -mv bll"9 ........ 1. ~.. Awry Pd .l2 u ll"" 'l ~ llrom111 .u t-.ic11,. • 11u11nt11 •• 1111 Et c.m1no. ~' w111 toe 11Yen "' 1111 """''"'" PROFESSIONAL nation rate in the U.S. in percent increase. For a 120I).. AvM1 inc .«i 1,4 ~.. 4 ,"~ ..? "'°" .. ' of J C-11 j!MM, C1llfomlll, """-r ltw tk> ·-mAllU'l•dl.ITM .... t>l'Oltua!d lft lflr mc']e lligh• the . ould AYOll Pd 1 IO u, 14l'r> 161 161 '~ ... 111::!.,'1Er ,1 ... llllow II""...,,.." VILLAGE TUI ...., Sii" el C1lltotnl•. All ltlf!ll'l.lll ,,,,..kttO modern times; would remain ... U'ICl'ease w AllK OU 'Gs 1 U!'O I.fl; '"'" -Vo ;;M11t \.~ '°t111111c1 """ 11 ~ 111 1t1c i.1-.. """"'~ Jtir. t11c1 ""'" -tr w1111 PEOPLE USE unchanged over the 20 years·, be from $'15 to $'19, up S.3 per--B-1n1 .. StJ.!e•,. •·• ...., ,..._., ....-. lllmH .., fUH Ind Go¥erNntnl Codi s.ctloll$ OllM:JOJ In-TAB BECAUSE ,.._ W ;F1,, IO "*' a1 m111enw ,,. • 111iow.: au.m. would fall 2 percent a year. cent. 111111~1rr ~~ 1~1 ,,m:: U'" ",•nifl + ~ •,~',,.' •'-':m'Y How1rd E. Htllttoff •"" 1'11r1t11 OPftl: s~ :i. 1M1 11,10 1.m. WE'VE GOT THE The overall average I 11.110E 11' ,. ••• • Ht1tllofl, ,.1, l.llt'elo SI .. COii• Mftl. lllflld• NOIUMH e WATKIN Now, here is what the com-Weste ' d . .~ BllO ,.,.~.50 ruo ,, " J =," "'I~;" B2 Offld Allfl,llt 1, lfff. • Sec:trtary htrd "' Toin1tt1 .J. puter cam u wt'th · · ms omesuc sysl.Clu ''""~"' .M u 2.ru n~ Ullo +n11 ,., n ..r1.31 Ho1nrt1 E. Htrtlwlfl '114>Hsl>td o.,,,.. '-' o.uv P1101• allSW•RI e. P : would amount to a e.2 percent l:::l"Tr4:1: il 2,.·~ 2"'~ ?!\.'I,+~!•'!..!',",·~ '•trkl.! ""'""'" •·-·-• ''· •• '"' 1'"1-tt If tho houae '-eas•s 2 per ,,_ .,. .. ~ + ,,.. ·~ .-,,,,."' c.1UDr111.1. Or-• Ctlllltv: ...... ... .. ~ • incrtase. The increased fares 9,~;;~R1~ ~ ~~ ~ = -t1l? ~'"'-11~11 i::: 0n Aut11111. 1NJ, ....,,..., me. • Ho11•v LEGAL NOTICE FOR >,s LOW AS cent a year, it makes sense to .11 be ff~· Sept "" 8,11c 1~ ., , 15"" t5"' 15~ ,L ci.¥~1111 2.o.1 "ub~c lft •nd tor .. 1o1 S11M, Hr.Ml\llh' rent if you expect to llve there WI e ,.,.,1ve . 15, suu-Belft Ml'I · s '°"" 10v. 10,4 _ ~ lion>~ .1.so ~=='ti E;,..Hel:': ';: ':.:= tu•1•1011 cou•T c, TN• 14.50 PER MO. two years or Jess. But if you ject to CAB approval. ~:J:: iJ:l Pl.'.I 'l 1~ iiU..., i~~ ii~ cl:\\~'' ri!"'t -...._ '"' .ul:llc:rlbtd te t11t> wllllln STAT• 0, CAL.1,-0llNIA FOii I li 1"' 'ir' ~ IMlrumtfll •NI ~ thev ·~· THI COUNTY OP OllU.NOI CAU us NOW FOR pan to ve there any longer, HA A(!O ec ... lfld ""...,.,,,. No...,_.. buy. If you live in It for 20 cir~, 1 .. ~~\ !QFFICIAL SEAt.J 0110111 TO SHOW CAUSI INFORMATION ANO ·11 be hi s J ble 'R 1oueo1 1.n • Mertlll M. O's.tmv... F-OR CHAHGI 01' HAME. A BROCHURE. years, you WI roug y tate 0 SS at ou8tllt 1.20 Ko11tv l'ubllc • C1lllornl1 In 1M Mtttlr d : IRIJCE ALVIN PED-,~,000 be"er off to buy. e olt P1I 1.:10 Or11>11 GGunty DY end HILLARY ~NOA PEOOY, TV U (Oll\lll Alic 1 MY .. commt»lioft Eiu>lr.-. For Clllnl• e1 H•""'-I TtlEPHONE J( the house doesn't change co1~nR1<1 .1:1 Feti. ~s. 1m WHEREAS llltUCE ALVIN PEDDY •NI .. ~ .... •NswtAIN' I I 'II be f' . II ~'°'"''' ~''° "uttlll!lld °''""cont c111J" "11o1. HILLAltY AMANDA ,.EOOY. pet111°""'"-i::l.N" • n va ue. you manc1a Y s A b N o1o Sou pr 4 A119ust'" 11, 11. "· "" 1014' ;~:i~ ~;:~ ~:..,+r,,.c~e~~~~ BUREAU ~~-~et~~r~e~:s: J~~ ~r:C~~~ tays ove ation' S co1i1::~.,~~' f:il LEGAL NOTICE HILLARY AMANDA PEov. 543-2222 h u 8 1 ·r b 1 -------------· IT IS OltOEllEO th.II •II HnOM In· I OFFtCES TO SERVE one-a years. u l you uy coluC..1 1.60 "0T1c1: o, Tttun1:1:·s sAt• iereited 1n "'• •bovf«lfllltd m•IT9r '"' ALL OF ORA.NGE ·c·o. and live there 20 years before SAN FRAN C 1SC0 -of unskilled workers as have ,',~~~ ;151,,, lM 11 ... pe1r blfort 11111 COl.lrt al t :)O 1.m .. on ]l' •I •• U ] -°" Frklir. Stoirmbrr s. '· .i :w s.Pttmblr 1' 1m 1n 111e C1>11rtro.n 111 se mg; you I net a ~1 ,000 nemp oyment continues to the more heauv industry c!!!bE,,.",, '.·•. e'clodr AJA., UN ITED 5 TATE 5 D~rtment No 3 1j,,.. courll'lcluse ln lhr · t' h'gh j C t•r . ., c~ .. "" HOLOING COMPANY .• , T""'" -· ,,_ " •• ,,· •-c-··-" 0 ,,-. gam over ren tng. run 1 er n a 1 omia than oriented economies of other com1So1 Pl.ff '"" --n1 1" deed 111 !rust .,.,.., '' "' -" ·-· _,., "' .,... IF THE BOUSE d i lh h com..,Ed J.:10 ~'"°'blr 17, U'1. l~K\lltcl' bv IC:•lllerltlf Cl!lfOrn~, tNI .,_ UUH, II • ...,, Wirt ec!ineS 2 n e rest Of l e nation, but is states. com E fi'l.'2 L-11r ,,..,n, 1 m1"1"' _,,.,., a 1111 "111""' 1°' di•""' "' ,...,,,.. "-Id 11D1 percent a year, rent unless more evenly d i s tr I b u t e d "Even though the rate or ~""o 'sci"' r_.d.cr s...~ " lNL In Boalr. IU7 bl ar1t1l..S. c ,..,. 1i. If OlfkJet 11~111 1n ""ettic~ 1T n FU1tTHE• 0•0ERED ""' • HAL AhlSCHEI you expect to live there at among various labor groups in migration is slowing' and the C:::-~111 1 GI' ll'lt ltl(O(Otr of 0••.-o• Counl'I COl>t' "' 11111 ...... '° 11\oW ClllM bl I t nd h If th lat w II F B k "" c M ci6uhlml•, wrn Hll 11 puttlk •l,IC'!Jon 1~ PllbllV!ed 1n "" o.uy p11o1, • ...... 1P .. u Hr•. RING AIDS eas aeven a one-a years. e s e, e s argo an service industries are calling c.on ri11:' i:m f¥ hllhht bl~ tor t1$1\ CNv1b1t 11 d ....... i c!rculitlon "''"'"' In Ille c...... '11 But even if you buy into a reported. for an increasing number of ~conE•,• •, •, 11,,,.. ol Mio! In llwhll -~of !he Un!ltcl' ty "' Oril'!lr. Ci l!fornl.I. ~ce 1 wfflr. tor decl ' ' ' hbo hood I H Id L B "'' S'9lnl 11 ..., 1<111lft 1,,,..1 1nlr•11C1 1o '"' '-wcceuive Wfttl prior to ""' d•'• 1n1ng ne1g r , you' I aro . uma, manager workers, california will prob-conF~nfZ:·~ n1c1 Or-C-"" coo.i"'*"'•· Jn"" City aet '°'':'"•Int on ""1>11Jt1on. ''"'•"' Aur11I Ampllflc11rlon ~ about $11 ,000 better off o( the bank's economics ably C1>0tinue to attract more !§i•IG 1.n •t-Slnf• An., Orenw c ...... ty. Cilltornl•, o.i.ctit~~~o1~~MPSON after 20 years than "you had department, 00'd 1'n 1967 and trained k th · ""'' 1.90 ·~ r111hl. 1111• .... lnlrrttl con~tl'N • JUDGE 0, THE NO SALESMEN u <KU UD wor ers an lts ont"w Pl'·'° •• -Mkl "" 11 ~ 111c1 ~ in suPe11oR couRT rented. ' 1968 California's unemploy· econom,.\'. can absorb.'i" c:ir;t,LPl~s),6 tM llf'OPl•h sllu•"' In tlll C"v Df Coit• WALIWOlt TH,SEIOl!l I CRAIL 3409 r CO'ST HWY Le' dber . 7" t menl t d I ., I --------------.]C IC 12D MDI, County or C)r1"9I, Stilt al Ct!I-1611 WnlcN" Orin, Suilt 20t • "' 0 n g S 111 p e r C e n ra e range rom </. 0 en.,. ..,pl4:)s fMn11, 0ttcrlbH' 111 ,...__, ••1e11. c111i.ni11 nwt CORONA DEL MA.It mortgage rate ls too low for S.l percent, while the figures ion• C<!"" .:io ™ Northwnt••1" 60 ,,.., 01 "" T•t. !llO ..... ~.o. 5'1'"""11 now b t th t d 't k'll th for the U.S. were 3.8 and 3.6 Of!! C• 1.1:1 ~ulllll•ti.Hv 1'$ IHI ol 'II . "'"°'lllT' !or l'tllll-'t • u a oesn I e I c~ p!A).S 0 Ncrtlltfftrrtr 111 '"1 o1 Loi lot 01 Pub11111H or•"" COii'' D1n1 P11o1. for Appol11hntt1t validity of the conclusion, for percent. l:..,~r .'1l: -:.::;:d:Oln :C.:':"'.,:"t'I ;-;a:";";';':: A1111u11 4• 11· "· 1'· 196' 1"'"6' as the cost of a house goes up, ''Though unemployment is ::: 0~(1 011~ ~.~~:·=•ty. M•Pt. r..:o•11' °' ••111 LEGAL NOTICE 6 7 5.3933 so does the cost of renting. well above the na tion a I ~on! \~1 1 n s~kl ,.hr will bl rnMlt, bu! wn1>c1ut There are many oth er average for all groups ln the p•i• CCl\'Cntnt or w1.,1nty. ~·••nt or lmollt<I. t t I d un!i'°!o r"1rdl"' lll lt. 00tffllol>. or t.... NOTICE c, T!tUSTEl'S SAL.I s a e, een-agers an norr -r!n 1..0 turnb111'1Cfl, to NY 1111 U!!llllkl to.111nc• o1 l'-1116 whiles carry a smaller portion -TR 1 !IHI PfltKINI ourn a! IM nolo ae<:U•"' Ir/ On !ht 29'111 lllY Of AU ... 11, 1"'9, II 11 :llO """T pl1.7J •-"" """· fo.wll : 11.11 •. ao. Wl\11 Int .... , 1.m., INLANO MORTGAGE COMPANY. of the burden in California c-!•l'ICI 1.20 ••-At>r11 u, ""· ,, 1n Mkl "°'' ..,..,. • corp0111lon. •• Tr"'''" u1111er •nd !\low! PS\ jets than in the nation as a whole," !~',,':? ;~ ~ded. ldv1ncn. II ..,.r, ..-"" i.rms """~ IO 1 lleed of ""'' ul<iltlcl bv --.. al $11d 6ttd1 tte .. chlrou ....:t '"""""'WILLIAM M. LANSDALE .,,,, MAltY s. he said. :ir:',i1! or ""' Tn111H 11141 d Tiit trush uN!tcl LANSClALE. hu•tt-nd end w1"' d11t<t AMII Duma -ported thal non· .,,..,•tin .n br 111d c!Hd. n. 1'64, rec:orcled M•¥ J. 1'66 ill !loot: '" O'Nlt1 ;o T111 ~ic11rv llftlhr 111c1 dltd. bl' n11 Pig• ns. Ofl1c111 ••con1s • °'•"" ~ hoiir whites In California had an 0~8<tcft1 .w '"-of ' brt«fl or c:1t11utt ,,. Ille Coun!'I. c111!ornl1, J.K\l>'lnt • ..._ otl!rr ~,Jn11 1 .l: Dt111t111on1 _.., n..r"'1, herttotott obl11t1t1ons. , ...,,., 1or m.ooo.ot 1n , • .,.,... unemployment rate of almost .... IC ftKvttd -dellllft'H lo""~ Df PllOVIOEHT FEOEltAL SAVINGS 8 percent la t y b t 'I ~~fNI·-: • wrllltn O.:lertfloll of Otllu" .,,,, °'" ANO LOAN" As$ 0 c I AT ' 0 M OP die hou s ear I u I was rew(cf I.JU rr11nc1 "" s.11 . .,.., Wl'lfffn Hotkr 111 RrvE1s10E now ..,. owner .nii halde• still only about one and a half ,....,. CoB Ddwft Ind t!IKtlol! -Siii Undrr ~ ..... ~. wltl aeH II IH.lllllC wctlDll to 1"' on r ti th t r th bile I bo \fl«• .. a1 Trvst 10 UUM ""' ""°"'"...., 10 11111 111;r....1 blcld~• 1or c11h t••v•ble 111 .. ,..,, . mes a o e w a r ••:.iJ;: w1c1 "'-"' " "'""'" o.111c1 ato11 .. 11on1. ~ of '"" u111fftl s111.rs 11 tJmt o1 force. Nationally lhe non-white n 1NI _,..tttr, on Apr!! 11, lff•, tl'lfl 1111-l fl """' Sl•lf! $!fee1 Ent•1nct lo "" to Sa Fra ' • r yd, trv"'( .4!1 U"lkttlll\ld UUltCI Mid Notlu el o.!•ull Or•• CounlY Court HouW lft Jiit CllV of n , nasco: jobJeS! rate WaS double that of I pf~ tl •"" Elecllon to s.-11 ta tie rtt~ 11 s.n11 Ant. Counl'I e1 er_.. s11i. of whites. u1w11n .?* I<!)!~ No, 11'91, In !look "7'! PNt C1Utornl1, 111 rloll!, !Ille ltld lftlt"'ll con-~::=no~·~ .. ~ m Offlc!•I ttttw111 of °''"""' c°"""'· v, • .,. 111 1nc1 now 111111 bl' 11 Ulldtt" 111d ''The unemployment rate for C1rltornl1. !Med ot lr1t1I 111 tnd 11 -lollowlnt ~urll11 Wrl l O.ltd: """''' i. tMI d~oe:•lbtd o•r<•I of rNI ~"• ,u. 1 •m lo I pm. loth WIJI. teenagers in the state during c:~~1..wH ~ ~ uN1rEo sT.-.res ... 1tec1 in ••kl c.oun1~ cf Dr1nte. St••• of 7 ... f.10..11 •m-12 noon-1 .2 .. s-c.5 ... 7 ... • pm. the past two years has been eve""'• ''° HOLDING COMPANY, C11llorn!1, •nd 111$C:rlbed •1 lo~: .. Cv ...... IM 1,411 •• o.11111 Tru1•"· Lot y o1 Tr.ct No. DIO. 1n "'' c11Y"' Mor• on wHkends. about 16 percent, lhree times LEGAL NOTICE av '""1 "· G•rbrt, cos•• MeM. 11 "'' m10 11'cordtd '" the state's average for all Viti Pf'ftilltnt boOll 133 -" 3' te l" in(lutlve of llv J111"1!• M1rti~. Mlanll•"""" M11>1. 1n ''"' o111ct"' '"" Pl workers. Nationally, the teen· A11!111n1 Slc ... 1.ry County llttOtCltr flf Mid COllfllv, n· his age J'Ob]eSS rat! 1's even l$EAL) !lid ult will bt mldt, tkll wlllloul us II Publl"'*I O••l'lll• CN1t 0.11~ P11o1. (ov.,,.1n1 or "''"'"ty, ••arm or lfl'loll<td, higher, about three and a half Autull l1. II, 1.5, "" lollll-" •t1ttrdl"9 flllt. POPtMlcln or .... l1'1nes that or the Jolal labor cum1tr1nc1, fo PIV IM ~•lnl111 t>tln-liOu ,INI wm o1 Mid nog.t .. ID-Wiil s.11Ml.31, • r force." !ntwnl, ldv1nc:t1. 11 snv. under tile ------:c:::::------r1ermt o1 111" 6ttd of'""'· fies, wr1n Duma clltd two m1jor "·Mtfl 1NI t•Peftwt of llw TratlMI •NI ol ffYI" I lh •-1e• hi h ClttTl,ICAT• 0, •USlfflJJ ttU'" Ir/ ukl *""'"' '"""· the If hou reasons or e .... s g ,ICTITIOUS HAMI. TIM ~l<J1ry Ul'IOlr Uld """' ol on unemployment rate -the COO.. The ~1'tr!M 0t Cfl1!1• 11\ev t>rt lr\111, to. _..,'°" ol I l>rffC" Cf dt!flllt In r <Ol'ldl.octll'W • l!Uiti-. 1t w c E. 11111 -o11u1111oft 51Wff<d ttit'"1. ""'•rotor• Unuing lnnux of skilled and ti., c.ae ~ c.lltor~Je. llf!Clt• 1111 11r-ex.cllffod .,,,, o1e11wttd to ll'lt u'*"'llint<f unskilled w or k e t a into t!lltM Hrlll """" Ill OllCOUNT LAUN· 1 -1mn C1Kt1r1f1Dn el ftf1u11 1NI .,... to San Diego!. ORllt & OltV' CllANEltl .... IN! 51111 ~ .... Hit '"" I wr""'1 !lllkl ol ' I II California seeking. better job """ " c--' flf 1t1e 1o1io.i.. ...--111111111 ""' of ,~..,. • a.... ~ end a more attractive plac-e to ....... IW!llt'f, Ill Ml IN ,._ fl lllleltn!fMll lit HM llltl pr_.,., 1\1 ,~.,. .. ..,.,_: "''11tv .. 1c1 •1•""""· .nc11 """"'""'·"" Jlvt, and the surplus of ""''"" Me<Mnlll 11111 •CIOlf1rt ....,,, 11· '""· "" ....,.,,Iii•-" u!HMI "10 1 15 to 10 10 1o-worke-f-I m p or l a n l Mtd:llftlll. lOJ W. G1>vlll1 It., lt11 notltt llf llrf1t111! .... tltcllon tt-" a, 111t ; am : P'ft. m .. ,.. ,., •v•u ~;;"7~•;; ~n. ~~ ~ ""ttll~~ :_: ~ 1:15·1:30·t='0·10:S0.11:30 am-12:J0..1:J0..2~:30. seasonal Industries such as ltodttldC Mtct1-.1t t:Klf'ller 1111-11d c-"'· 4 s•s so .. 1• • ""7 .. • •• 10 10 cannin1 and con!tructlon. T1W4fN ~ o.tWti Jui. a. ,..,, : .,. : : -: .. .,. :..-.:_. : pm. U kill~ k I s• ... e1 c.1....,.1a, °' ... c:ovn11 r !MtAL.1 More on wetikendl. ns ''" wor ers are R so °" Jvfr "'· lHll. ~ /'Ill, I NOtt,., INl,.ANO MOltT,t.OE COM,AllY moving from rural areas to ~TI..'\:' ~:~T.::~~ =~= '· G•~ Califomit1 cities 1s meehaniu· Mith!!~~-.. -.. 111"" __. Nl•WIH or-c-1 o.:,,. ,11.,, Why worry •bout• nisttvtilon wtltn PSA Mt O¥tl' 1&0 n1gn1t • Uon reduces farm manpower .,,.... ~ 1r1 Mwrlbtf " tM Wftlllft A.ut1111 4, 11, IL tJtt ,..., ... _, 8ucl'I •n ea..,""'°""*"tmt.f fehedult """'' .,. OI-It -~-lrnl1IM'llftl ...., KIU'lfw.....ci ""' ••·•-::::;;:;;;:;;;:;;::;;:;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;=,I ,.._., g, .,.,,. "6 ..........,. r:rK:'l:L. 'mL, '' .round In your h9ad. Why temtmber knvttt ram? Or all Jett? Duma believes the ttat.e•s ,,.,,. "· """ THE BEST Or 9t11t Nrvfo. to a.kland, S.n ..loae. Mid~ unemployment rat& will ~ ::ct.~iU ~llfor1tll ••H•r1ti1, , , It • ,.ov• ,, wnento? Or that kids uncklr 1i fly PSA (with main 11bove the nation a I Or1"" c.unw "'••1111h" It ••• •I ,.,, .... ,,,., their partntt) for h•lf ftN? 8111 .nt a •verage for aome time. =..~:;f'°" ,.,.,,. M•rt ,.,,1 •• '""''' 1tri,,. !':114 ,.._,.lllon? Ju.t call your tmiel tOtnf ''CaU!ornia'a tl!Chnologtcally ll\oblk.r.f'd °''"" c ... ,, 0.11¥ ''""· It 4ollr '" tfi• OAll'I' PllOT. orwt11talt1n1meabll"fa. PSAghe,.alift. advanced economy has not ""'1111 4 11• lL a. '"' 141~ been 11ble to absorb the inflow NEW CONTROLLER Robert Rennard Controller Appointed ' - l l MO.Dday's Clos: New .J Prices-Complete : I Complete Closing Prices \ York H StocK Exchange List UAL Ill( 1 u ... 11co 1 UGI C• 1.10 UMC l!>d .n Un•r~o ,«I u..il NV .1't U~ Ct1mo 1 U11C•~ 2 Union cor- DAIL y "LOT I• -American Stock Exchange List Stll un.>anted lt.tmt 'With • DAil..Y PILOT Owlfied A.a. • • •• • • -· ._ 19, lM' ' ON FL YING TRAPEZE -Crewmen on Australia's CP Air. and George Twlsl'I Telegraph take to Jbe wires in, action of first· l).S.-Auslra\lan challenge series .for. the speedy Australian-18,'dihgbleo.·IJ.S. team finished thin! in ~e'competl• -tion. . • Salling" Aerebades Aussies Win Dinghy Race A q!Jlrtel ol Australian sail- ing acrobats won the first U.S.-AJWalian !Moot Dinghy challenge Sunday by virtue of auperlor trapeze work. The winning skipper was Bob Holmes of Sydney in the Australian TraveLodge with a record of 1-143-1 for 1oy, ~-beat Clilf MookhiU!e of Sydney of a haU point. Monkhiuae bad a record of 2-:1- J.2-3 !or 10% points. Third place went to·the U.S. crew akippe:red by George T'lriJt of Newport Harbor Yacht Club sailing Daily Telegraph, and fourth was Ruu Bendall d Sydney in Ansett Air. Three other boatl in the flJ"Sl challenge series were net 8CQl'ed because of mishaps tnd failure to flflish. They were Ray Lopez ol Long Beach in Ca(avella, Fred Otlls of Long Beach in Toogara and Roger Welsh or Newport Harbor YC In TraveLodge U.S. 'Ibe Australian 18-footers are the futest single-bull &ail- ing dinghies in the world and require the entire crew of lour, includini the ski-, to man the trapze wires in Strong winds going to weather and on reaches. During several races at Long Beach the boats were clocked at 17 knots in a 20 knot breeze. The challenge series was sailed as part of the Ca!Uornia International Sea FesUval at Long Beach and was the first time the fabulous dinghies have been raced in Ulis coun- try. ...... ., ..a- SHIELDS CHAMPION -Carl Reinhart's Kathleen (foreground) was th~ win- ner of the Western Regional Championships for the Shields Class in competi- tion held Saturday and Sunday from Newport Harbor Yacht Club. UCI Youth Wins Shklrui Championship Carl Reinhart of Voyagers Y.acbt Club was the winner &mday of Western Regiooa1 ChampioDSblp tn the Shiekia Claaa. Reinhart is captain of the UC! sailing team. He ended the five race series with 1 LEGAL Nf.Yl'ICE score of 12~ points. Marilee Allan of NHYC. ln second place was Howard tn the junior championships Wright Jr. of Los Angeles held 00 Friday, Jbn Barbe! of Yacht C 1 u b, and Lan ce LAYC was the winner and se- McCabe, Balboa Yacht CJub , cond was 1 tie between Frtd w:~~· was the outstanding Simonds, NHYC, and Parker. skipper of the series, winning four of the Ci\le Tacefl. He lost the series in the fourth race by sailing to the wrong mark. FOOrth in the series was Pel.er Parker, champion Kite ..Uor !tom Newport Harbor Yacht Club, and filth was TRADE COMMODmES U!lder hp•ri 61114•11c• IA4'.S...1 C7141 IJl·lJM --Mr. F, ... k Ofl..,•r DELTA SUPER QUALITY Tires Cost Less C•mpl•t• u .. ef Fib.r9I••• ••hH r., •• A .... n.1t1 •. ,..__ s..t • $21 .tl ,e. P.l.T. Flff,tl•tt Wicl• 0¥•11 -S11iar Pr•mhun - R14'i1I -Sporh -S•11cl luttV - ' •II St .. 1 T111e.k Th•• - Ask About Se81'8 Convenient Credit Plait. '• . -. . ... ' ...... .Per Monday;August 18th and .Tneaday, August 19th ..... SIZE!~ j ... vs jr~1o \u.T. ALISl'ATE PASSENGER T.&:le. 81.M.kwaltt Tire Guanntee ""'" ...... .. .. 11.~ MSxl• ts.95 .... 19.46 95 Tr'Md Life Guraa1ee Tread w~o.1 73Sa:14 21.95 M9 20.96 GuU'llateed Apimt; All· C:":;lnlee 775:.:14 t!J.95 7.49 ,.... 1.95 failuia ol the Oft result· Ca•r•atee Ag1in11: 82Sx14 '2.95 LU 24.11 ~II in& fmm normal roMI lw,.. ·Treed wear-out. 8SSxl4 SS95 U9 ..... ~ .. arch oc defttts ia m1terial For How Loq:Tbe own· ...... 23.95 U9 1796 J.52 650xl3 or workmanship. ~r of montbl ~ta. 77Sal5 ..... 1A9 ..... 1.99 For Bow Len,: For the Whit Seari Wi Do: Jn Tube.I-ftit.wallt Tubeleoe life o( the origiul mad. achaqc for lhe tire,. ~ 650113 2135 ..... 30.96 1.56 Blackw.U. 'Wh1l Sean Will Do: Re-place it, charging the cur-695:.:14 ..... u • 2i.n 1.83 pair nail pw»tt11m 1t no rent ~gulu selling J!tice 7'b.1< ..... 7.74 23.21 I.BT dtlqie. I• cue ol failwe, tus Federal &cise Ta: i• ~ t'or the tire. e.u the lollowiQ& allow-77Sx14 ..... .... U.11 '·" ttp1*:t it dmgiQ8 on.1, ance: """" SS; L99 ..... Pint 1.56 F.E.T. the proportion o( currnt Monlhl 8Sb.14 38.95 t.74 !9-21 And Old n ... resula' .ellin& price plus Gaaruleed AJlow•n~ ...... ..... .. ,. 20.21 FeGcn1 llacitit Ta: that t2 ,.2o1 10!16 77b15 "35 ..... ,..,, n:prelel!ICI tread wed. 27 co 39 20\¥ US.15 "" L9' ..... 8Sb.JS ...... to.•-..... U3 . ' ~-------------------------------------------------, I ~JIUITAM40D.'21 ... SJO aUMGf~ll ............. ,,. raWIJM.2'2 "'"1AMiot.ICl7.)l11 "IOIUH'.IUS.1"1 tl!HOM.Ha'404U1 .,,..,,,. 0t .. 1ocw, a ~n o.IWIC •.,. Njl w211 ~., a.114s. * N l•l. w w11 WfTA" WIHCll ......,11 wwe fM.1nr. I I COfilfOI NI 6-lll~ ... ..V61 IOl.l'#Oli. Ho ...,~. ObMOI fJ1.JIOO IAltt4 ld«A Ell Wll •Allh' '° U'fl, ..... I CO¥Ml. JM.N11 Na1W001101 e.ntt t~ 611~11 1, JJl·4!11 kM.lntto.sr"-'U .MG.JJJS ...,.... ft. .. lfll ,________________________ _ ___________________ , "Siiltol.ctloft-wllod•-M-Jhck" ........ ·--...,. __ .......,s....i.,NOIJA.•NOPA \1 .,. ... ' Fonniain Valley . :VO( 62, NO. :197, 3 SECTIONS, 30, PAG~S . . 1 DAil V 'ILOT P"'9 •r TtnY Cevlllt WORKMEN PtlT THE TORCH TO OLD OIL ·TANKS CIHning Up the lm191 in ..HuRtingt°" Beach Six Oil Storage Tanks Falling in Huntington Worlnnenrare tearing down six old oiJ : ·~ linblnlfaallaCtoo.~lu,i,tte I .... ~I! ~ca.l:onUoues tta ~t P Ill , ~-am Iii U\o oil fiek!s. The tanks surround~ a sUU operating pumping unit at the northeast corner of 16th and Walnut streets. · They had a capacity of nearly 5,000 barrels of oil, but hasn't been used recently. 1be tanks are more than 30 years old. Signa.1'1 ·campaign to comolidate Its oil sto'rage-t.anks coincides with a city of Jlunll .. Beacl1 campaign to cleanup tlif-wl· ..COi Betlfaru.>~ -, l!'!lf Diiy, oil field 1Uperint<ndent, Wil that during the !~st ball of 1119 a ' t.ot4l ol 43· afmilar Jtorage 'tanks were removed'aa: wetfiu '9 abandoned wells. Signal OU C.O., said Day, is pumping its oil"to central storage tanks near 21st and . Walnut SIJ'eets. 'Ilte'Signal cleanup campaign ls volun- tary, added Day. The old tanks are being cut .up and will be sold' for scrap metal. Fountain Valley Recall Candidate Out of Race Don Frank. one ol the candidates tor city council In Fountain Valley's recall election became a drop.out today. He announced he woold no longer be a can- didaU. "Adequate candidates and a dilution of reca.11 support." were g1ven by Frank, a systems engineer with North ..Americ.an- Rockwell for his withdrawal in a two- pagc open letter to "those concerned." •:we now have adequate candidates io ol'fer the public a proper choice for re- sponsible and representative govern- tnent." said Frank. Frank indicated he plans to direct his effort toward a "Yes" vote on the recall wtthout throwing suppart to any part» ular candidate. Trustees P-fJnder Bond Election For Ocean Vi ew Tn his two-page letter Frank attacked the three incumbents for refusing to answer all charges and avoiding open debate on the subject. Frank was seeklng the council seat· now held by Joseph Courreges. Three other ·candidates, Ron Shenkman, Roy D. Richanls, and John G Gmos Jr still owose Courreges. 0 I •O Ma)'Or Robert Schwerdt£eger still faces competition from Robert L. Sa.s- sone and George Scott, while Vice Ma yor Donald Fregeau must face Bernie P. Svalstad, Paul P. Savarino and Paul C. Guiso on Sept. 23. One C1:nd1date, William Schultz, wa!I eliminated earlier as a cand idate for the Mayor's seat on a legal technicality. ·--·-· Truslee! of I.be Ocean View Schoo1 Dis!J"ict will he asked 1onlght to set a fl.$ l A. million bond electkln ror Nov. Ill. 'Ille board meets at· 7:30 p.m., Jn district beadquaruirs,.797'2 Warner Ave, Failure to sell $1.3 million in current bonds because or a five percent interest rate limit •has prompted Su'perlntendent Clarence Hall to 'request a new election· with a hlgber bond interest rate, now allowed by law. Ocean V1tw currently bas $1.1 million In bonds approved by volen, but district offldals feel ttae boods are worthless now:becaose they can't be sold with.their Jimited interest rate. ' "If we had IOld that i/.J mill\jln In bonds," aa~KI Hall today, "we would not he requlr«f to hold • -electloo uoliJ the end ol U>e year." Egypt Plane Hi jacked C1JRO (AP) -An EIY!"1an-dotnMUc air loner wu hljatkod ~Y two ~ • • ~ over Luxor today and Jaildtd at · ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA: MONDAY, :AU&UST 1•, 1969 TEN CENts .. • Nixon Picks Haynswortli SC Democrat Tapped for High Court By JEROME F. COLLINS Of .. D-lllV ,. ... ,..,, President Nixon converted rumor into fact th1s morning by annoonctog hlJ In- tention to nomtnate Fedfil'il Appeals Judge Clement ·F. Haynsworth of South Carolina to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. Nixon did not ~ally disclqise his choice. 'lbe announcement was almost routinely made by Press Secretary Ron Ziegler at the Surf . and S8Jld Hotel in Laguna Beach. Judge Haynsworth stayed home in Greenville, S. C. 'I11ere was speadation that the selec- tion of the M-year.()]d jurist waa diJ.. closed.in that fashion because Sen. Ever- Dr. Blaiberg Heart Ruined By Rejection CAPE TOWN, South Africa (UPI) - Dr. Christian Barnard said t o d a y Dr. Philip Blajberg's new heart waa IO severely damaged by rejection °he was back to where he started before we did the transplant." Blaiberg, the l°":4est surviving heart transplant recipient; died Sunday after living 19 months and 15 days with another man's heart. Barnard said a second tranlplant was STORY ON ILAIBERG'S LAST NOTE, PAGE ·4 ruled out because· th6 r.matnder o1 B[alberi', bOdJ ;.n· to "lili•i . it ....... have been fiit1le. !.. ~---:. Barnard, the SWth. African IUJ'leoft who gave Blllbtrg, ·!I, the heart of 24- year-old CllYe Haupt, s a i d "un· fortunately, today it II Pit poalble to Olmpletely prevent rej~oo. It is only possible to slow it down. "In the case of doctor BaUberg, we slowed it down for about 563 days," he said. Eventually, Barnard said, "the chronic rejection damaged the heart to such an extent that It failed." Barnard said he ·was saddened by Blaiber'g's death but not discouraged. "We've done very much better than we ever expected, but I have never blufJed myself or my patients or·the rest of the world that we believe that wUh organ trilnsplants we have a cure." Aceording to Barnard, Blaiberg's body .. was so ill that it would not be worthwhile to attempt another heart transplant. "It was what one would call a chronic rejection wl)t:re eventually so much of the heart muscle -was destroyed that he was back to where he started before we did the heart transplant," Barnard said. Stock Markets NEW YORK (AP) -The &tock market finished on higher ground again today as the rally which buoyed it late last week carried through another sess.lon. (See quotations, Pages LS-19). Trading near the close was moderate. CUii Cf MllltO elt Dirksen (R-JU.) hid spoiled the aur- prbe last week. Dirklen said at the time that Haymworth would be nominated ''unless there ls a radical change of cig- nals." Haynsworth Is chief judge of the 4th Cir<ult Court of Appeals. A Democrat, he is described u a "strrct constructionist'" ol the law. In that respect, he Is in accord with the judicial philosophy ol re<enUy appointed Chief JusUce Warren Burger. Their ad- dition to the court 11 expecled to Up the balance in several areas of criminal pro- secution when tbe new session opens in October. Haynsworth, whose oomination must be coofirm<d by the U.S. Senate, r.pments the fifth ,_.!loo ot Ha)'linwth •t· torneyii In South Cmlllna. •. President Elaenhower ..-hlin to the Court of Appeala lJ years ago. He • appointed chief judge by President J......,-in tlM. Ziegler ll8ld Nixon lpolto to llaYmworth aboot the nomination for the ftrlt time io a lelepbaoe call Sunday atte.-i. .,. •(Several weeb ago, lht Attorney General (John Mitdiell) Indicated to l1itn that his name wu under conilderatlon/' sa.ld_Ziei:ler, "SUnday the word became final." The selection. the White HOWie aide emphasized, "did not 10 through the (See HA YNSWOR'lll, Pap %) Hu .. ted in Canada Red-haired Man Sought In Tate, Sebring Slaying LOS ANGELES (UPI) - A manhunt ror a red-haired suspect in the mass murders oC actress Sharon Tate and four other per~ spread through western Canada today. Thoma!! Steven Harrigan, 23, was described as a "hippie type" and a known narcotics addict by Los Angeles police, Pilot's Fotorama . . . 0pens q'ltutMJ.ay ' At Island 'Park' stage Court al Fashion l.sland Tuesdq will be translormed from a band concert "park" into a "picture gallery" in readiness for Thursday'• opening of Fotorama·, Conductor Henry Brando n and the Fashion Island orchestra tonight is scheduled to present next-~the-Iast in the summer series of "pops" concerts on Stage Court. The tent under which the musicians play in the weekly Monday night Con· certs Tuesday will be moved into tbe center of Stage Court. It will form .part of a large canopy whidl will be used to cover the hundreds of photographs of varlou!I kinds to be shown in the DAILY PILOT Folorama at FasNon Island. Pictures for display under the "big top" already have begun lo arrive from the various agencies which w 111 participat'e in Fotorama. They will be in· stalled Wednesday. Fotorama opens et 10 a.m. Thursday and will be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday fmi to the public. Gunman Ge ts $4,000 HAYWARD (UP I) -A gunman handcuffed two employes Sunday and escaped with nearly $4,000 in a robbery or a large Long's Drug Store. Byron C. Young, the manager, said the robber emerged from a hiding place after closing time. He wa!I wearing a light blue who sald he w1s wanted for murder. Also sought were three other "lUppie types" believed traveling with Harrigan somewhere in the Canadian provioces· of Brlttsh Columbia and Alberta. 11le Royal Canadian Mounted Police were conctntrating· the drapt around F.drnonton, Alberta , allhougb there was no indkaUon why the eroup w11 thought to-be in that area. ffani&an'1 trave:Ung companions were lderillied u .<llarles Taco!, llan1a (or l!arrllon) DnlOll, and Wllllam Doyle. Harrigan reportedly attended 1 party the olghl ~ tlie ...... ..., at Ille wlmod :::=~~#!\'f·~ Hoollclde detecU.. -I« U1 tllly · they are lnvaUgatlnl the ~Qll'Oolk:I¥• ,, pect1" G( the perpleiln( -· Honver, reports mounled the lrisly.al"Yh!CI Mrt coonecled with clrup. . It was reported that" lrleoda of the vic- tims told· detectives that narcotics were delivered to the home for ~ uSe of two of the Victims, Poll!h Jllm direCtOr \'oityck Frokowsky, 37, and coffee heiress Abigale Folger, 26. ' lt also wi.s reported drugs were found in be sports car of apotber victim, men's hair 1tyllst Jay Sebrtn1, 35. Police have aaid thtre wu no evldeoce of narcotic! in the house. . 'Mle coroner '• ofOce performed tests on the bodies to determine. the pruenee of drugs but the results1bave not been made pub Uc. Detectives believe the killer or killers were familiar with the bouae and grounds or the e!ltate -U1e telephone lines 11 feet above ground were cut -and did not need to enter forcibly. J ack M. Browning Funeral Rites Set Servlcea for Jack M. Brownin1, e9, a 13-year resident of Huntington Beach. will be held Tu~ay at 11 a.m. at Smith's Mortuary in Huntington Beach. Mr. Browning, 408 Uth .St., who died Friday al Huntington Beach lntercom· munlty Hospital, la IW"VIVed by hia wife Beatrice, a son Jimmie, a aister Bonnie Drake and three irandchildren. Hurricane Shrieks Across Gulf Coast Killing 14 ... GULFPORT, Mtss. (UPI) -Hurricane CamlUe shrieked across lhe Gulf coast. early today with 1111)..mile per bour winds and flood Udes, laying waste to entire clUea and kllllng at lt!'ast 1' persons. Two Mlaslsslppl towns-Bay St. LOll!s and Wave~ -were out of touch with the Outai<ie world, but were reported besleg .. >d by fires that threatened their buslnesa districta. Countlest perllOns were Injured when Carnine, the strongest hurricant · ever recorded by man, slanqned Into a 11»- mlle stretdi of the Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana coast. Damage -""' esUmated ln'the hundred! ol m!Woos ol dollan. .. We have at least 10 dead in BUOxi.and we haven't· even begun to check," said Ma)'1:1r Danny Guice. "ll'• just terrible, There'• ui!l!lons of dollars in damagt. •• were closed to traffic. . Gulfport was hard hit In the prMfawn hours when Camille mtde her sweep across the coast, I.hen spent her fury in- land In M!SSlsslppl. By mld·mornlng, the· remnants of the l!orm -wllb top wfl!ds of ab<Nt 55 mph -were reported 20 miles east rJf Jackson and moving tnland. "My God, my house II demo!lthed," sobbed a Bllod WOJtlln wtx> vtntured from a motel in the gr17 dawo to aurvey the damage. Strangely. a neigbbor'1 ~ wu •irlually undamqed, lMil that wao \he . esceptlon. n-wu bea')' clamqe In Biloxi, but ~ ..,.. mlJd•_...s to the l!TeCkage In Gulfport whlro -ol t11e downtown .arta WU deltrtytd. -f .. houn after the ........ many te~ -had been repolrtd.ln Ille haril-hlt an11, lllvlnc -...,_ munk:O!IQno to ,!110 r-. · Ul'I T ...... NOMINATED BY NIXON Democrat Haynsworth New High Court Justice Accused Of Being Rac:Ut Not everyone ht goyemment circles was pleased today with President NW.'1 announcement ot the n.Weot u, s, ~ COurt justice. App e,11.a I e Judge Clement 7, Ila~ Jr., WU accused ol bdn( a ..,gnp\IOnisl b)' a clvil rjgllts ltader and hlJ cnden!lal• were otherwi,. queatlomd by New Yorl<"!(ayor John V, l.lridsay. ' "W.• feel thl1 in bis tey dedal~ he bu clearly taken n pooiUon In f . of segregation," declared Clarence Mi~D. a .dJrettor of the National Association for the Advancement of Cok>red People • "Hayn.sworlh lacks the philosophy ~nd sensitivity required to carry on the tradi- tions of Louis Brandeis, Fe J· J's FrankfUrter, Benjamin Cardozo and Arthur Goldberg," added .Mayor Llnd.ay. Haynsworth, wboSe appointment to IUCo ceed Abe Fortas ob the hlgh bench wu formally announced today In Laguna Beach, 'bu heeo dexrlhed ... middle.of· ~ .. ,He bas sustained many desegregation nilbJgs while Xrving 12 years on the' ap-peals court covering North · IJ1d Soullr Carolina, Maryland, Virginia and Weat Vlrgln!a. 1'his tradition -irksome to ma?JY In the heart of Dil:le ~ ls still not· sattifac· toty according to the NAACP leader, DOI' is hlll 1Wl'itten opinion that the pace··of deJegregaUon must continue. The contr.oversy began last week when Haynsworth, of · Greenville, s. C., wu pumlcly acknowledged as the Presldent;s like.ly ~ice for the Supreme c.olrrt vacancy, Anny's Resor Heading for Vietnam WASHINGTON (UPI) -Army Secretary Stanley R. R<aor flew to Asia Monday for a Yi.lit to the war aone and a loofl: intn. the Green Beret murder in-- ve!ltigation in Vietnam. The \trip wUJ: take Rtsor to Hawaii. Gl.lam, Korea tndJapan,.as.well as Viet~ nam. .Coast W.eatlaer ?(ay~ yoo1can't 's1eep till noon 1 but· Old .-Sol Intends to ~ay, ' altr" which it 'U be sunny and wann•(7$) along the Orange Cooll · and sttnnler· and wanner ('4) fur· !her Inland. INSIDE TODAY A computer giue1 .tOmt annotr• n whethtr it is uriur to t>uw o,.. r«nt a .hohu: d"ri"g the f)rt.rmtt' ~ o} h1gh lnt<r<ll rain. See Sylvia Porltr'1 column Oft Poar 18. El Wojh Airport .., the Red Sea cout In Saudi Arabfa , a United Arab Airlines lpo~eaman announei:d. ~-::~.::...,;;;;~_.:;;;;::=i;:;:i:t"-;.,.;:-. ::cro;;;;;;~!lll!lllr.:".,_ _____ ...;,-'J Plre tr1;cka raced from New Orie8M toward Bt~ Sl Louis. appare.'11·· hlrdMt 1 hlt clty •loog '.the'COG.11..Cinly 0is m.1111 . from New Orlea111, Bay. St. Louij wu wltholit normal cornmunlcaUons and !'lost roads lcatllnr lrilo the scen!c city . Alocli lht")Oklllt-h of -titlO fr<ldl the tlbrlda panblmdle "to .. New Qrlea111, tldtt rona!d 4-. alk to· » !jet •bov• nonnal, ~ . .houM, n>ads and wrecldn1 brll\lts, I r~ I r • • H Beach Seeks Srirf Meet TV Outlet Huntinaton Bach's U.S. SIJlfl>oard Championships have been guaranteed thlJ year by the City CwnciJ but bacl<en of the aqrual event are sUU searchlna ror an entertalnrnent marUt to replace ABC Televislon's "Wldt World of SJ)Ol'b.." One ri thooe looking the hardest Is Nell Crou, 1 member " the surfing dwn- plonship's executive board and also con- ntded with Color Tapes Inc., a private filming outfit. Netvr"ork television ls out for coverage of Ulla year's champJonabl.ps, aya Croas but if • ftnanclal backer Clll ... !c>Wld bil compuy wUI film the llport and aell it to indtvldual television llatloos. "We need about $12,000,'' 11y1 Cross. "and we're in buainess." Cross has been -king w 11 h A!sodJi.<I Booking, the acents ..mo bn>Uf)lt the rock -p "Conned Helt" to Hunllnlton Buch, to Dnd I marbl to sell I Jqthy surf film, "My company bu put wt too much money filming auto nctna,11 eiptalned Crou. "'but if we cu find 1 backer to pay the costs cf production or the IUJ'f film I know we can get it nadomride CO\l l"j"e by selllog to indJvidual lta· lions. Cntor Tapes Ioc. bid !Urned the l1nt Huntlnrton Buch championship event tn 1seo, but ABC bid llUn nver Iller lhlt. This y11r, however, ABC cancelled out recently, forcing the city to guarantee 17,500 to hold the lurfln& contest ....._ ABC wouldn't be puttlnt< up thll omounL .. One for Photog -· ~-... President~s Day Quiet· Peace Pickets Fail to Disturb Nixon It moy have been noisy on !be outaide, bot it was quiet on the Inside of President Ni1on'1 summer home io 5an Clemente over lbe ""eek:eod. Wltlle the Peace Action Council's parade cl thowands marChed within a rew hundred yards of the groundJ SUnday afternoon, the Presldent remained inside his lkoom mansion, apeodlna quJet houra with hil family . -Mrs. Nixon, Tricia, Dayid and Julie Eisenhower. Alter the demonitrators left, beading * * * President's Gatekeeper Keeps Busy Harry Schueltge, gatekeeper for the Cyprus Shore compound of mansions in San Clemente, is bllSier than ever these days. The reuon Is that a lot of people who don't live In the private rtsidenUal com· munity want to get in to see Cyprus Shore's new neighbor -President Nilon. The NIIon estate, once a part of Cyprus Shore, is just over a wall. Non-residents aren't aware of the wall. So they come and see Schueltge. They never get past him. Just the other day, be turned away: -A little girl who said she had a very for the btach. the Finl Fomlly, ucept for Pt1'rs. Nlxon, climbed aboard a helicopter for Palm Springs. They spent the evening there at lhe est.ate of multl-millionalre publiahu Walter Annenberg, U.S. Ambassador to Great BrJtaln. Annenber1 la a kln&·lime perJOnal friend of the PraklenL H1.s estate Is Just oulslde Palm Sprlngi. Saturday afternoon Utt President, Julie and David made up a iolnnl tbretaome at the Pauma Valley Country Club . northeut " Oceonslde. Tbty were the guests ol EvanceI~t Billy Grlhlm, whoH home ii on the 1Glf course. Dr. G r I h 1. m . I nd Bebe Reb6zo, lht President's Key Biscayne, Fla., .trlend, marched around the goU course with Mr. Nixon and the )'Oll118 Elsenhowers. E1tller tn the cloy S1tur11oy, the PmJ.. dent -ted 1 bit In bis home and wilted 11.., the belch, Wblte House aldes llld. At no time during the weekend wtN 1111 m-ts of lllte aanlced out by the -1deotial 1Wf. 'Crime of Silence' Newport Sailor Hides In Church as Protest By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Of IM Delb' Pllllt Steff Naval authorities today considered what actlon to take against a Newport Beach sallor who has taken refuie in a Quaker church in Seattle to protest Viet- nam combat and all other war prepara. lions. He Is PO 3 C Bruce Preston, 23, formerly of 1158 Rutland Road. who has been absent without leave from duties with a medical supply unit at Treuure Island, Calif., for nine months. He said he finally decided about two weeks ago to expand his protest erfort. "l decided it was necessary to confront the military with my protest in a non. violent but positive way. I plan on !laying In sand~ary wttil the military responds,'' he continued. The Navy enlisted man entered the church Saturday to await his fate, 1a:ytni in the interview today that he hu been traveling up and down the West Coast stnc. going AWOL 1 .. t year. "I think they dealt wfth the dty pr.tty unfairly,'' commented Crou, addin& thlt ABC could have told the ctly It wun't tn- terested early enough to leave time to hook up with another network. "Tbtft shoqld be no problem In !lndin( a major ·sponsor in 1'70," said Croes, "we'd lllle to dO It, or the dty mlY "'t another major television procram." This picture of ,Brlgitte Bardot and her new flame, playlJ?y Patrick Gill, on an Athens beach resulted. in a fracas between Gill and the photographer. Gill attempted to smash the newsman's camera, but ended UP. being dumped into the water. Important message for the President. It was from her grandfather. -A man who clabned he had betn ask· ed to tune the Nilon family piano (still in New York). -A young lady who said she once baby- sat for Tricia Nixon. Cont.acted today at the S e a t t l e sanctuary, through the American Friends Service Committee. the 1964 Newport Harbor High School graduate said he does not know ju.st what will happen next. "I'm not too sure if they know how to handle it," Wd Preston, who worked u a psychletric technician tn1nee a t Fairview State Hospital in Costa Mesa before his enlistment alm06t four year.i ago.· He said he 1et't bis PoSt at Treasure Island after being turned down In a re- quest for consclentiaus objector status. based on a contention that he was bein&' forced to bear anns. "My family is behlod me in thil," said Preston, whose mother i1 employed in a Newport savings and loan and whose father is a telephone company employe. Meantime all that is needed to guarantee September's Huntington Beach U.S. SutfboW ChomplonJhips a spot OD film iJ,a financial backer. "lf scrntone will guarantee our costs, we will -produce and sell the film," CM· eluded . Croes. Huntington Beach Orator Nation's Top Toastmaster "Nobody gets mad when J don't let them in," said Schueltge, a retired purchasing agent for the city of Burbank. "They all leave with a smile. And J enjoy it, too. J like talking to people. Lately, I've been talkint1 to a lot:" The gate is up the road from the en- trance to the Loran Coan Guard SI.a.lion, where the Western While House's ad- ministraUve offices are located. "By going AWOL, I was committing the crime or silence," PO 3 C Preston told the DAILY PILOT today. ' Fullerton Man's Body Discovered At Bolsa Chica The young bachelor sailor said military police have been invited to enter the Friends Church, but that It would be rutlle for him to walk out and surrender in tenns of protest emphasis. ''We're expecting them anytime,'' he added. A spokesman for the Shore Patrol in Seattle sai~ Sunday, however, that ht was under the impression PO 3C Presl'on Y.•as going to come outside and surrender. Mobile Library Off for Repair . Dennis H. Mangers, %8, of Huntington Beach, became the nation 's premier · Toastmaster this month during in- lemal.ional competltton held Jn Cleveland, P1troas of the H~ Beach, PubU. Ohio. Librlcy'• bookmobile .Will ha,. ~will a . He woo !be Allf. •. 1peecb contest. In week for the portable~ lo e. , .., · ' • The mobile llbrory ls lo the d yordl · '*.ed Pl this Week: for I point j<m an!! 1-aJ Hii ' ane refurb'ilhln&. ... · ii r-· , It wlll lie bid: cm the Job CO"ftrilll 111 < ' • r ~!:' J::._ rim weet. "Y' llbrui•n Back in Athens The bookmobile curies 3,500 boou Ind circulates more than 100,000 book:, per ye1r to achools. parl<s, shopping centers and residential areas. Zone Bid Tops Valley Agenda One public hearing on a request tor planned development l<llllnc lope the list of ag~ Items for the Fountain Valley City Council meeting at I p.m., Tuesday. John B. Clark Co. is reque.tlni I &witch fnm commercial zonlnc to residenUal zoning far I~ acres oa pro- perty west on Brookhunt Street and north of Warner Avenue. The proposal hu been recommended for approval by . the planning commission. In other business, the council will be asked t.o give final approval to the city's municipal Code as compiled, edited and published by Book Publishing en. of Seat· tle, Wash. DAILY PILDI OUN08 COAST PUIL11HIMl!I C.OMl'AM'r loh•rt N. Wted rru~ Md N llshtr J1dc R. CM1l1y Vk.t lttctiOlo\1 tllf Gffofr .. M«iertr Tho11111 kt1•il E•l1ot T~el"l•I Ao M°Mrphi111 M.l"'"'lrl• IE•llOf .Alli.rt W. l1let AuKl•tc ldl!W H••tl• .... .._, Offlc• JCt !It. Slrt•t ... 1ili111 Aililr1tt: P.O. lt1 7t0, f16•1 °""' ....... .........,,._, &u<I>! ,,,, Wttl ... ftN .__..,., • CM•I lkU: SJI 'fll'tll I"' •trttl \.lt\lf\I ho.(~; 221 FlftSI "'"""" ~, QI.I\.., 1111..0f, "'"" •lllcll .. ~ ""' ......,,._ • -""'" Cl•ll• ll!(t~ """' 4t'f "" -'"' 911illaM lor Hll'll'"'IM a.-c11. f'-1•111 Vll)loy, 0111• MtM ....... fltirl 1-11 tllf ue-IMC.II, ...... .,._ -... \Mil ""'°"'· ()A"" c..11 ~ "" ~ ,,1r1•W11 •-t1 .,, .. nu ww ltlteil ...... , Nf'Wl'Ol'I ln<ll. •1'111 Ill Wiii ~ ... l.ltNI, Cllloll .1.1.rw. T...,.._. t7141 '42""'J21 "•• ........... C.11 , ••. 1211 ~ ,..,.hi .. 64J.J671 ~. '"'· OrMI.•• (Ntl ""*' ..... ~~· .... -.,.,1, ............ ...... Ml""-1 ll'llltl• • ....., ••• """""" Mrtl!! _., llf .......... "*" -·~· """' ..... .. (,11..,,.191\, twl!V. ~ t»tl _ ......... •I °''-" .... •!Id Ct•'• ~H· Ctlile•~·• .,, t.«••tlUI t.tl c•,,ltr UO. .....,,111ly1 1>1 ,,.,,11 t• •t ..... 1111v1 ... 111 ... , ... , ...... _ ,, .. -1111.,, • ATHENS (AP) -An Olympic Airways plane returned to Al.hens Sunday with 24 passengers and three crew members aboard after a Greek doctor and his ramily ron:ed the pilot to Dy to AJbania. The fomlly -Dr. Vwilis Tsironis, his wife, Barbara, and their two sons, 10 and "11 -,...,ained In Aibanla. • Pas&engus aboard the 1irllner when It was hijacked Saturday aald TsironlJ and hil lfif'e carried pistols and one of the boys pulled a knife as they entered the cockpit to take control of the planet Alba· nian jet flgbter1 met the plane es it cr:ossed into Albania and forced It to land in a field near the port cit)' of Vlore. Fro111 Page 1 HAYNSWORTH political clearance process.'• "The President fet!ls that Supreme CQurt appointments should be made sole- ly by hlm." As A!SOCiate Justice, Haynsworth fills a vacancy created when Abe Fortas resigned last May 14 amid disclosures that he had accepted a fee from a foun- dation linked with now-imprisoned Unan- citr LcuiJ E. Wolfl!Of\. Ziegler said 1n nominating.Haynsworth, the president had tapped a man with "a proven record as a jurist, both as an a590eiate judge and chier judge of one o( this country's busiest courts of appeal." "Judge Haynaworth had a dl~hed record JS a practicing attorilty and a distinguished record as a leading citizen during his years or private practice," said Zl~ler. "He,meels the qualiflca· tioas which the l'festdent believes art essential for an associated justice to the Su reme Court." ' ~e nominee is married to the former Dorothy Merry of Aupll.a, Ga., and has two stepsons. He Is president of the Com· munlty c:Mst of Greater Greenville and chalnnan of the Crusade for FreedOm for South Caroline's Piedmont Section. He •!Jo hu wved I! vestryman of Chr~( Church. Flooding Hits New Orleans N&W ORLEANS (UPl)-W1ters rlslnl from the ra!nl d Hurrlotne Clmllie brol<e lhroo8'> bCllb lides d New Orlelns' ln~l cOoll fJll'ly Moodl)'. 'l'bouslndl d -Is who bid gone to bed kmwlng ~ bid boon •pared the wont d C.mU16 1 winds were roust. ed out of bed a6d evacuated. OrflC<1'I pounded on doors •od police can with howling sirens and 0&Sh1Di blue light& raced through 1.n. eastern SK'· lion of the city ewakenlng tttldents ahoft.. ty after Camlu.'11 wind threatt-1ubsided. competition with eight other final ists . ~1angers, the new principal at Fountain Valley's HllJ1>er Elementary School, is the youngest man ever to win the contest. Toutmastm Jnternat.ional Pre1klent Ralph E. Howland, who presented 1i1angers with the award, credited him with "one of the mo.rt dynamic performance11 of speaking ability I heve witnessed in all my years o f Toastmasterin&:." Mangers rtctlved ht.' master's degrffl rrom the University of So uthern caUfomla and his BA degree from Cal Sta te, Long Beach. He wu a national finalist in this year's White House Fellows program. A former Long Beach school teacher, Mangtra has appeared in leading roles with the Long Belch Civic Light Opera in "The Sound of. Music" and "My Fair Lady." Beach Guards Make 63 Saves Schueltge and three other gatekeepers are on duty around the clock. It always has been that way at Cyprus Shore. But in the past, the gatekeepers had only to check with residents on guests seeking entrance. They now work from 1 clearance list supplied by another source -the U.S. Secret Service. They also provide backup gatekeepers. Sunday, as thousands of demonstrators marched past. Scheullfl;e had quite a few such "usistants." But lhey weren't need- ed. Police Use Tear Gas In NJ Race Rioting LAK&WOOD, N.J . (UPl)-Police fittd tear gas to disperse groups of Negro youths early today as more firebomb- ings hit this 5-0Uthern New Jeney com- munity. It was the second conseeutlve night of racial disordtrs, stemmlog rmn the arrest of three black youths falsely n1mored to have been killed by police. Police arrested 14 youths in today's out~ break. Circumstances: 1 u r r o u n d I n g the mysterious death of a .Fullerton man whole body wu found in a parked car at Bolsa Chica State Beach -with no outwattS al1n of injury -are belna )to. bed by-corooer'a deputiet today. Wllllam D. Sanders, 34, of 127;, E. Union Ave., was found Saturday af· temoon by a pu!ing motorist who noti- fied lluntington Beach police. Orange County Deputy Coroner Jim Beisner estimated the victim died about 1 a.m. Friday. Resulu of toxicological tests to determine the possibility of drugs or alcohol in the victim's system -or both -will not be known for several day s, Beisner said. There were no signs of violence er foul play, investigators added. ,,_tilitary authorities have been reluc· tunt in the past to take protestors out of church sanctuary, usually attempting all methods of persuasion before usin&: force. Court Postpones Snnitj Verdict On Candle Killer "CJandletight Killer" ll.obert WUlard Liberty will have to wait another month ror a Superior Court hiling on bu mental conditioo. Judge William Speir.i today delayed that verdict until Sept. 15 to give two court-appointed psychiatrists more time to prepan their evaluation of the Westminster man. Uberty got the label "Candlelight KiUer" from officers who invel!t.igated the 11aying or Mrs. Marcella Landis , the StallfoI·d Heart . attractive brunette who •hared his 1par1- ment at 8382 Westminster A v e , , Westminster. City lifeguards In HunUngton Beach Recipient Dies Officers said they found Liberty on spent a rol1Uvely easy weekend watching Fullerton Gn" ·} Di'es June 4, 1966, strumming his guiter ind 138,000 swimmers and sunbathers en· sofUy humming while Mrs. Landis' body joying the warm &9 degree water. STANFORD (AP) - A Phoenix, Arii., Jay draped across a living room aora. Of. A total m M rescues were made Satur· After Fall From Horse man lived only 10 hours after becoming ficers llld Liberty had placed burning day and Sunday with only seven major Stanford University Hospital'• 16th heart candles around the body of his alleaed fir3t aid cases reported. •-an1ptant pat1'ent victim. A girl tossed from her horse Saturday "' · Lifeguards also gave aid to a 11mal1 Doctors said Herman Scales " d1"ed Liberty was later ru1·• to •· 1·"··-died five hours later or head ini'uries I '1't> CU UC: ,......,,._ boat lhat ran into trouble near the surf Sunday and sent to Atascadero. He was recently sufrered when she landed on the pave-· line on Sunday. ment, according to Fullerton police. Scales underwent a 41,.,.hour operaUon ruled to have recovered his sanity. a point Five toddlers on each day had to be The victim was klentlfied as Carol L. late Saturday by a team of surgeons whit:h must be confirmed by Superior guided back to their lost parents, reports Jones. 20. of 400 w. orangelhorpe Ave., ... headed by Dr. Norman E. Shumway. The Court before he can again race mw'der Max Bowman, assistant director of the Fullerton. donor or the heart. was not named . charg"s. Harbors and Beaches Department. -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I Sunday's crowd was the largest, I reaching 75,000, added Bowman. Sex Talk Slated For Beach YRs lluntington Valley Young Republicans will venture into the tttacherous V.'altrs of "sex education'' next Thursday Aug. 21 v.·hen the 1roup'1 invited speaker will be Mrs. Marge Gace. P.frs. Gage is a member of VCYl'ERS (Voice of the Electors Regarding Schools) and her topic v.·ill be tbe pro- posed famil y life and sex education pro- gram for the Huntington Btach Union High School District. Her lalk will be accompanied by a film . "Sex EducaUon, Conditioning for Im· morality." 'nle meeting will be held at the Treasuff: Chtst Restaurant In !he Hun· tintgon H1rbour shapping center. btgin· nlng at a p.m. The session is open to the public. Girl, 5, Loses Life In Anahein1 Accident Ari Anaheim traffic accldenl tarly to- day kUled C1tberlne J, Rtdor, S, of Whlt- tltr. Anthelm pollce said a car driven by \Vllllam f\fcGrtgor Jr., 23, of Whittler, wml throu;h a barricade Into a con- 1ln1cUon ditch on Santlego Drive. His Jtepda~ahter, a 1>3ssenger, w11~ (atally injured. SIMI died lhree hoor11 ltte.r . A suit is what you don't buy around the corner a.bout five minatet. Aloat of my competiton are chain 1tore1. ~foet of the chains are owned and run by large clothin,r manofacturen In the eut. Th.ere111 nothin~ wrong with that. t b o u 11 h I think it doet tend to make a atore'1 11ock a little lopsided so they can ro~h 1heir own I'm on that lillle peninsula past those 27 closer n1en'1 bnnd of clothing. tl1at leads to Lido Isle, a tb.ort 1tore1 in order to look over J happen 10 be a one •lore block beyond The Archet in the 1ui11 I have in your 1hte. independent merchant. and I Newport Beach. Or even my n e ck t i e • or 1ay there·, no better place to But I don't know where you toeka or 1hirt1. l\l a k. in g a take vonr llnsinett than to a are. minor pnrchue here is a pain· one ~tot'e independent me..., Probably. h eea u •e t bl 1 le11 way to find out if you like r11an1. Your bo1ineu counlt newspaper eireulatea in .evenl the kind of mercbattdlee I for more tn a 1tore like that rlties. you're cl0&er to ahoat .elect. the ~neral fee.Jin• of and therefore it'• •P'P~latM 27 otbt!r good men'• 1tora the store and the type of intel· more. They lui•en'I yet In· tlutn yoa are to mine. lifteDt lnterett you get from 'f'ented a computer that know• l\linor parchuee.. like tooth .. my 1111ff, how to apprm:iate a customer'• paste. -you p~k up at the hand. After all, lhe beat way 10 bn,,ine11. iest store. You know exactly find out tf you feel comfort· When yoa ,buy 1omething what y~u. want.-Why waate °°" ahle with a 1tore i• to go in here, and one of our PY' .. ,. • tane dr1v1n• one block farther and hay tomething. U1ualty thank ,on. yon know It eome1 than you need to for It? you can form an opinion in from t1te heart. l\ly heart. A suit. though. i1 not tooth· paste. You don't buy one at cbe 11ore around the corner on , your way hon1e to dinner. l adrnit 1·1u prejudiced. However. t 1till Illy it n1i~ht be "'Orth vour while, uesl lin1e you ueed a 1uit. lo drive right Jack Bidwell 3467 Vii Udo, Udo Penlo1ula, Newport Beath rlgl11 ne1110 Rit.hard't ~(arket and the Udo TI1eater. ftlurho parkin8 dirertly behind my Olore. l'booe 673451 O. Copyright 1969, Jack Bidwell. . . ·- ... --• . - Laguna Beaeh Tetlay's FIBal . ' N.Y •. Stoelu . . ~Ol. 62, N0.''.197, 3 SECTIONS, 30 l'A&ES ORANGE COUNTY, CA~IFORNIA MONDAY, AUGUST Tt, 1969 TEN CENTS • • • IXIC--emo ame _..our Missie.n Trail Capo to Light Up· for Yule SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -The San Juan Caplltraiio Chamber of. Commerce hu launched a cap>palan to light up the city this Chriltmai. Downtown· merchants are being asked lo support lb< purchase of ~t c~ ty 'decorations. The chamber al9o bu an- t'IOWlCfllf it will sponsor a home decorating contest this year with the illeme Christmas in Mexico. ·• Profs Get Posts MISSION VIEJO -Two Saddleback College professors will move Into key admlllistrative posts at the college this !all. R. L.. Platt, Tustin. will vacate his posi- tion as dean of admissiOOI to become the 11ew dean of Instruction on Sept. l. Howard lL Marcou, South Laguna, will fill PlaU'1 vacated spot as dean of ad- mW.ions and records. Marcou was chainnan. of the Saddleback businest department last year. .e l!esterd•!f· Week Set LAKE FOREST·-Jl'll'<mb<rlns what ft""' like.In "tbi.jjoOd cild ...,..11111 bt members of the Arts and Crtifts group at the Buch aod Tenoia CIA. This .... t II y~ -k ll!<f y~rs will be Jiortlclpltlng In IUdl varied 1ctiviUes at' cancJ}e making. • dress up day, crafts and a natlll1! hike. , e Tourne11• on Tap MISSION VIEJO -This week h: still week at the ~Uon Cen ter. Tournaments will take place daily atarting at 1 :30 p.m. Memben '!'Ill compete in chea, car- rom.s, ping ·p>ng, maze, checkers and bumper pool Coot..,lanll wW be divided Into Ii• group!. Pilot's Fotorama • Opens Thursday At Island 'Park' Stage Court at Fashion Island Tuesday Will be transformed from a band concert "park'' into a "picture 11llery'' in readiness for Thursday's opening of Fotorama. Conductor Henry Braodon and the Fashion Island orchestra tonight is scheduled to present next.-t~the-las( in the summer series o( "pops" concerts on Stage Court. The tent under which the musiciaos play in lhe weekly Monday night Con- certs Tuesday will be mqved into the caller of Stage Court. It will form part of a large canopy which will be used to cover the . hundreds of photographs of various kinds to be shown in the DAILY PILOT Fotorama at Fashion Island. Ftctures for display under the "'big top" already have beiun to arrive from the various agencies which w i I J participate in Fotorama. They will be ln· malled Wedne!day. Fotorama opens at 10 a.m. Thursday and wi.11 be open Thursday, Friday and Satut<lay IM lo the public. Youth on Wrong End of As&tult A youlh accused of 1ssaulting a 15- year-old Newport Buch girl bad to be rucued by aherilf's deputit!I from en angry crowd In Scotchman's Cove SUnday before he could be booked. O!!lcen ""' wltneuos toid"UMan that James A.mold Ward, 19, of Moline, 111., aiogled out Na victim from a irouP of girls and made several ••improper remarlu" to her. When the suueotlons alleged\y lumod Jnt.o advances onkiokerr pulled Wini away lnmi, tile girl and be&• to punch and kick him. DepuUOI bad lo ..trlcale W~ from th< mlllin( '"'"'1 to arrest him. Ht It to. day In Orlll(I CountJ Jail nunlng what deputJ'!I dtscrtbe II aore ribs and a variety o/ cull and bruises. -· DAILY PILOT Stiff Plltte Pardon My Truck Larry Kren!zlin o! 1031 Madison Place, Laguna, and his son, Jell, were unloading concrete in. their driveway when the borrowed flatbed suddenly beo. gan ro!liJig downhill . ·Jell tried to stop it, but could· n't and the t.ru<k rolled inlo William E. Butcher's backyard at 1054 Flamingo Road. No one wa.s hurt, but there was a lot of unscheduled tugging and haul· ing at the Krentzlin residence Saturday afternoon. Yiejo Company to ·. Provide Additional School Funds By THOMAS .FORnJNE ot ... ~~ l'li.t It.ff The MiuiM Viejo Company has come to the reicue of two school districts - San Joaquin Elementary and Capistrano Unified. -which wanted to open schools in the area a year from DOW but couldn 't get financing. Under an unusual arrangement. the 1and development company will make up the diHereoce between• the going money rate Ind fiVe fH!:rcent fntc=rest which Is the hl1best these school districts can pay to bortow under presept state law. It di depend upon the ·bond market, but the amount the· Milsion Viejo Com· El Toro Fire Loss Estimated at $2,000 Fire about 4 o'clock this morning did an et\imated $2,000 damage to the El Toro home ol C. L. Bosdet, 24891 Cava- naugh Road . The Oranae County Division of For· eslry said die fire apparently started in an electrical fixiure ol a bedroom con· vetted from a garage. Qiarlas Bmdet, 17. who sleeps in the room. was fighting the fire with a gar- den hose when fjmnen arriYed. 'lbere were no injuries. pany will shell out Is e.s:pected to be about S250,000, vice president for rmance Don 1.ellner said. He said the company is willing to do so because it is important that new schools be built aloog with new hcmu. Besides the weJfare of residents, one practical consideration is the dirt balance in grading -dirt cut from hills and put in val leys. The school balances out 1 given borne deveJoj>ment,' ZeUner said. The company's contribuUon to make possible the five percent Interest loan from United Calllomia Bank should finance a. $1.t million program for the San Joaquin DiStrict and a $2.t million program for Capistrano Unified. 1be San Joaquin money Is to build an elementary school for school opening a year from September in the El Dorado homes section, and ti> acquire two new elementary sites, one in El Dorado and one In La Paz. The Capistrano money is for an elementary school a year from Sep- tember in the Granada homes section, and to buy a high school site in the n~w Coronado homes area. The two school districts, along with 13 other districts in the coonty, haven't been able to get funding from the state Alloca- tk>ns: Board because state government (Stt VIEJO, Page J) Pt:~•~' s J)qy Quiet· Despite Out.side Action It may have been noisy on·the oullide, but it was quiet on the inside of President Nlzon's swruner 11o·me in San Clemente over the weekend. While the Peace Actton Council's parade or lhousands marched within a few riundted yards of the grounda Sunday afternoon, the Prealdent remalned inside his Ji-room mansion, apenciing quiet hours with hisi family -Mr!!. NlxonJ Tricia, David and Julie Eisenhower. After the demonstrators left. heading for lhe beach, the First Family, except for Mrs. Nixon, climbed aboard a helicopter for Palm Springs. They spent the~evening there at the estate of mulU-millionalre publisher Walter Annenberg, U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain. Annenberg is a long-Ume pertonal friend of the President His estate Is just outside Pahn Springs. Saturday afternoon the President, Julie and David made up a goliing threesome at the Pauma Valley Country Club northeast of Oceanside. They were the gueN of Evangelist Billy Graham, whose borne is on the goll course. Dr. G r a h a m a nd Bebe Rebozo, the Pre!ident'a Key Biscayne, Fla., friend, marched. around the golf course with Mr. Nixon and the YOW\& Ei.enbowers. ;Haynsworth T-0 Succeed Abe Fortas By JEROME F. COLLINS Of ,... o.llY "11t1 tlatt President Nilon converted rumor into fact this morning by anOOuncin& bis in- tenUon to nomtnate Federal , Appeals Judge Clement F. Haynaworth ol South Carolina to serve on the U.S. · Supreme Court. Nixon did not penooally dilclole hll choice. The announcement waa a1molt routinely made by Prw Secr<tary RM , Ziegler at the Surf and Sand Hotel in Laguna Beach. Judge HayDSWOrtb atayed borne In Greenville, S. c. There was speculation that the selec- tion of the 56-year-old jurist waa dis-- closed In that fashion because Sen. Ever· ett Dirksen (R-111.) had spoiled the sur· prise last week. Dirksen said at tbe Ume that Haynsworth would be nominated "unless there is a radical change of elg- nals." Haynsworth ls chief judge ol the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals, A Oeq!ocrat, he ls described as a "strict constructloniat" of the Jaw. In that respect, he ls in accord with the judicial philosophy ol r<eenlly appointed Chief Justice Warren BUJ'ler. Their ad-- dltlon to the court is ·expected to tip. Uie balance in several areas of crimlna1 pro- secution when the new seas1on cptDS· lo October. Haynsworth, whoas Jl!'l11!li!ltlqo mUJ) !'" r:"~ .~~~ ~t::1J'. IOrl)<Y' In South Carolloa. ' P.raldent Eisenhower namecl him lo tllo Can1 GI Appeals 12 years ago. He wU IDOOiDte& chle!.judg1byPresldentJ~ln1114! Ziqler aaid Nllon lpoke to~ aboot the namlnaUoo for the !lnl ttme in a t.1eim-call Sw>day a!temOoo: "S,veral weeks ago, the Attonie, G<neral (John Mltchell) lndli:aled to him that his name was under-coosideraUon,_: said Ziegler. "Sunday the word became final." The selection, the WbJte House aide emphasiud, "did not go through the (See BA YNSWORm, Pare I) Drug. Rap Jails Nude Meditator A nude man praytq ln the yoga lotus pogltion at the altar of the community Presbyteri>n Churdl of Laguna Beach. waa arrested Saturday wheg. police entered the sanctuary. Officers said the man, fdenUlied u 28-- year-old Deanis J. Maginnis, of 1257 Fairywoocl Lane, Laguna Beaclt, ap- peared to be in a drug stupor. · Lawmen found a pile of clothing beside the bare medita.tor. In the clothing, thtee purple pill• police thought to be LSD were found, according to Lt. Fr~k Schopen. Maginnis was booked on suspklon of possession of dangerous drugs after being taken from the church at 41& Forest Ave., to,.cily Ja!L ·-·-·-· Hurricane Shrieks Across LA, .... '-" • • ou1r . .. • Of MnlCO . .. -. Gulf Coast Killing 14 .. GULFPORT, Miu. (UPI) -Hurricane Camille shrieked across lhe Gulf Coast early today with 190-mlle per hour wlnda and flood tides, laying waste to entire clUea and kllling at least 14 persons. Two MJssiM1ppl towns-Bay SL Ll>uis and Wavel.aod -Wert out of t.ouch with the ootsirie world, but were report«l beslegod by !Im tbat threatened lhelr business dislricll. Couotlest persons were lnjurt<I when Camille, the strongeat hurricane ever recorded by man, slammed Into a 100.. mile stretch of the Alabama. Mississippi and Louisiana coast. Damage was esllmaled In lb< hundreds of millions o! dollara. "We have at least 10 dead In Biloxi and we haven't even begun to check," aald Mayor Danny Guice. "lt'1 Just terrible. There'a m!ll!ona: of dollars in damq:e." Ftre tr1.ck1 raced from New Orleans toward Bay St: Louis, appare.'1tl~ l}ardest h~ city atnn1 the coasL Only 35 mlles from New Orlffns, Bay St. Louil WU without normal communlcatiw 1nd most roads leadin&: lnto the scenic city • • • , were cloeed to traffic. Gullport was hard hit In lb< pre.dawn hours when Camille made her sweep llC1'0U lb< coast, then spent her !ury Jn. land In MJaalsslppL By mtd·morning, lb< remnants of the Qorm -with top winds of about 55 mph -were reported 20 mllea.etst ''-Jacbon and moving_inland. "~ God, my house Js demolished," llObbed a Biloxi woman who ventured from a motel in the gray dawr1 to survey the damage. Strangely, a neighbor'• house was virtually undama~pd, but that w1a the ex«J)t.ioo. There wu heavy dama1e In Biloxi, but It was mlld compared to the wreckap In Gullport whert l1lOll ol 'the downtown area w11 destroyed. Some foo1 houra after lhe storm, mMy telephone Unes ha.d been repalred 1n the hard·hll areas, gjvin1 aome eom-- munlcallonl to. the.to\ma, . Along the 100.mlle, stretc~ of .coastline from tbe Florida ponhandle to ~ ... Orleans, U<le> ranged from olx to 20 feet 11bove normal. covertna bou.tes, !See CMllLLS, P ... I) t "''' ....... NOMINATED BY NIXON Democrat Hayn•worth Mother of 4 Dies During Diving '!est A La Sierra mother of four cliilllren practicing diving wltb an Instructor ln·the eea of! ~ Buch Sunday rnom!M died llUddenlY lfter llU?factq _, . ...,. plaintnc o! fatigue. · Mrs. Ruby Martin, 47, was a di'Ownlitg victim, according~• prellmlnaey nncjhlal by the .Orange County Coroner's O!l1c.. ~ wu dead on arrival at South CdPt Communtly·HOlpital, deoplte !ranUc.1t· tempt& li1 a ll!eguard to revive her In the wa~ and by a phyaidan who did what be could to·help on the ahore. llieguard Will HitchCock plunged fn and IW"1\ Jo Mn. Martin's aid lhortJy after-her 10:00 a.m. collapse, glvin( mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and atrua· gling to bring her ashore. Lifeguard Art Smart said an urilden- tlfied physician on the beach with ru~ family at the Ume admJnistered ntemal heart massage while rescuers waited for an ambulance. . ~uthoritlea sa!d Mrs. Martin was Prac- ticing free ascent with her diving m. structor off Shaw's' Cove and complained of being. tired, then su.ddenly slipped into unconsclOUsness. Lifeguards theorized today that abe might have suffered an air embolism - the result of •surfacing with " lar1• amount of air In the lungs and not' es:· haling on the way up. Laguna Reach lifeguarda logged a total of 16 swimmer rescues as two to three- foot surf lured 19,000 pertom1 Saturdar. and•an estimated 22,000 on Sunday. · San Clemente lifeguards reported 25 rescues during the same period, with crowd estimates of 28,000 Saturday and more .than 30,000 Sunday. Stock llfarkets NEW YORK (AP) -The llock market finished on higher ground again today u the rally which buoyed it late la!l week carried through another session. (See quotations, Pages lS-19). Trading near the close was moderate. Oruge Coa•t · Weather J.taybe you can't•sleep till noon, but Old Sol Intends to Tue..lay, afler which It'll be sunny and warm (75) along the Orange ea.st and sunnier and warmer {84) fur· ther Inland. INSmE TODAY . A computer gll1t!1 some aniwn1 on whetli.tr ft ii wiser to buv o,. rent a home durlna Ole pre1cn.t f)f:riod tlj • 1lia1' intere1t rott1. Ste S11tvia Portn'1 column on Paa• IB. ...... ,,, ,. -u CIM!lnll• • ,.....,., "'" •• , ......... .... ·:r:-• ·-• .. -'" -" --,,.,, DMrll ,-.n.. • ...... . .. .""""' .. .,. • ltMll ......_ 1•1• ........ ._.. u TtinolW. 14 ·-,.,, -.. -" ·-• .. ..-.. .. ... = • --' w"" ' .. I I . . . -.. I DAii. y ,IUIT L ' I Red-hai~ed ·Man Blaiherg's Heart $aid ~ Slaying Suspect Rejected 1 LOS ANGELES (UPI) -.A manhunt for a red-haired suspect In the mus murders or actress Sharoo Tate and four President's Gatekeeper Keeps Busy Rmy Scbueltge, a:attkeeper for the cy,ru. Sboro compowid ol manaJons in S•n CJemente, 11 busier than ever these di)'•· 1'e ttaJOn b that a lot of people who don't live in the private re:s1deoUal C9ftl• mUJlity want to a:et in to see CJprus Shere'• new neighbor -President Nlxon. 1be Nixon estate, once a part of Cyprus Shore, ls just over 1 wan. No~residenb aren't aware o( the wal1. So they come aiid see Schueltge. They never gtt put him. Just the other day, he turned away : -A liUle girl who aald she had a Vtfl'Y lmporllnl ....,.,. for the Pl<lld<nl. It wu from her erandfalher. -A man wbo claimed be hid been ask· td lo tune the Nixon family piano (ailll in New Yori), -A YOUill lldy who said she on<e bab)'· ut for Tricia Naoo. "Nobody 1et.s mad when J don't Jet them lft." aaid Schuelt&e, I retb'ed purchutn« qent for the city ol Burba•k. '"ntey all leave with a amlle. And 1 en)O)' 11. 1oo. 1 like talking ro people. Lately, I've been talking to a lot." ne 1ate ii up the road rrom lbe .en· tranC-e to the I.man Coast Guard Station, where the West.em White House's ad· ministraUve offices are located. Scbuellge and three oth~r gatekeepers are on duty around the clock. It always hll been that way at Cyprus Shore. But in the past, the gatekeepers had only. to check with resident! on guests ueldng entranet. ,1~ Tbey now wQfk f!Offi a clearance u.l uppl\ed by another source -the U.S. ~etftl Ser\11~. Tbey a1lo provide backup gatek..,,.n. · · SundaJ as thousands of demonstratcws marched 'past. Scheultge had qui~ a few •ucb "uaistant.s. ·~ Bu.t tbey weren t need· ed.1. ' Tfllef Prefer~· .. " Jlf~g "e •4 P Ir~... ·~ !J;r' No one Ilk., lo feed ' ' huli · 1'1 ... a Buch ptrktng mtten !All pollct 1A>day feel that aomeone bu aone too 1-_r; A met.er in th• 100 block ol Laguna Ave., was nipped off at the ground .,...,,Jght Sunday atld carted ol!. nte meter is valued at $71. Polle~· ha~e m Idea bow much change was in the co'!1 boL VIEJO ••• From P .. e I couldn't find a buyer for IU Uvt pacent IChool bonda. M' . Vi : But In anticipation of the 111100 1e)O arrangement.. the allocations board has agreed to allow sale of state bond• earmarked ror the specified prpjects. Next step Thurtday, will be to ob&.ain permiMl~ for the at.ate school buikiirw: finance committee to enable the st.ate treasurer to proceed with the sale of bonds. Without Mission Viejo Company's 114, • opening of the two schools v1ou\d have been set back a year. according to school officials. A constitutional amendment lo raise the maximum interest rate fqr 1tate bonds to seven percent is scheduled for the primary e:lection next June. UAllY ~·11or OUiltl~ COo\11 .wl ... tllCt COMMIY IMittf N. W ... ,,....,. ............ J•c.\: I. Cwf.y ·". ,,........,. ... _..._.... ~ n... ...... 11 ·-n .... A. M""'i" ..........._IWlttr Rlch1N P. Hill l._ .... City Ifill, ..,_ __ 2Jt ht .. t A•1. M1lllftf A441e111 P.O. IN .U,, tZ&lt --Cal• Mtw: Jlill Wnl ... , •• ,... .........,., loMdt: '711 ............... ...... ~-.. tell; .... ... _,% -. other per&0ns spread through west.em Cana4a today. Thomas Steven Harrigan. 23, was "described as a "hippie type" and a known · narcotics addict by Los Angeles police, wbo said he Wa!I wanted !or murder. Also sought were three other "hippie types'' belle:ved travelinc with Harrigan somewhere in the CanadiaD provinces o( British Columbia and Albe:rt.a. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police were concentrating the: dragnet around FArnonton, Albert.a. atlhough there was no indication why the group was thought to be in that area. Harrigan's trave:ling companions were Identified as Cbirles Tacot, Harris (or Harri.son) Dawson, and William Doyle. Harrigan reportedly attended a party the: night or the massacre at the ttkfuded home leased by Miss Tate and her huS'" band, film director Roman Polanski. Homicide detectives would say only they are investigating the "nlrcotics as- pects'' of the perpleling case. However, reports mounted the grisly slaylngs were coonected with -drugs. It was reported that friends of the vic- rims told detectivu that narcotics were delivered to the home for the use of two of the vjctims, Polish film direclOr Voltyck Frokowsky, 371 and coffee ·be:ir~ AbigaJe Folger, 26. · lt abo was reported drugs were: found In be. Q>Orb car of another victim. men's hair styli.st Jay Sebring, 35. Police have said there was no 'evidence of nan::oUcs in the house. . n;e coroner's oerice l>'f'formed tests on the bodies to detmnine lhe: presence ol · drugs but the re:su.J.ts have not been made public. . Detectives believe the kille:r or killer.t were familiar with the: house and grounds of the est.ate -the telephone lines 'ta fe:et ·above ground were cut -and did not . need to enter forcibly. From Page l HAYNSWORTH ' .political c:learance: process."' · "The President £ee:ls that Supre:me Court appointments.. shoU.ld be made: sole- ly by tilin.'1 . . A$ Ass,ociate Jwtice, Haynsworth fills ·a vacancy created when Abe Fortas resigned last May 14 amid disclosures that be: had acce:pted a fee from a foun- dation linked with pow-imprisoned finan- cier Louis E. Wolfson. i.. ~er.,said in ~inatt~ Haynsworth! th~deiitmd 18PPtd ·• man with "I proven record as .i ·jurist, both as an UIOci&te jucigt and chief judge of one o( thl1 a busiest cou~ 9,1,Jljl~' ._ • •1 ' orth ha~1~~ ~~ " • red:ldng attOrney and a itistinaulihed record as a leading citizen du~ ·~ )'ears of private practice," '&aid $i~ltt. 1'He: meet.s the qualifica· tionS wluCh the President believes are estential for an a.ssoclated jusUce to the Supretn~ Court." · !f1)t nominee is married to the fonner Dorothy Merry of Augusta, Ga., and has 'twO stepsons. He is president of the Com· !munity Chest of Greater Greenville an4 chalfman of the Cnlsade for Fre:tdom for 'South Carolina's Pitdmont Section. He also has served as vestryman of Chris( Church. Otte for Photog DAll."I" Pll.OT P'lltN n 1 ...... n11111 CAPE TOWN, 'Sqilth AJrlci iVPI) - Or. ChtisUan Barnard said to d 1 "I Dr. Philip Blalbera's new heart was sB severely damaged by rejecUon "~e w,s back to \Vhe:re he: started before we did the transplant." Blalberg, the longest' survivin& hurt lr'lnsplant recipient, died SUnday after tl•ine l9 months and 15 d1ys with another man's heart. Barnard said a second transplant was STORY ON BLAIBERG'S LAST NOTE, PAGE 4 ruled out because the re:mainder of Blaiberg's body was so "ill" it wou14 have been fu,tile . · Duck Takes to Water Barnard, the South African surgetm who gave Blaiberg, IO, the heart ol i-t- year-old Clive Haupt, s a I d "un· fortunately, toda y it is not possible to completely prevent rejection. It Is only possible to slow it down. Pilot of amphibious Coast Guard helicopter dis- plays maneuverability of craft during life saving demonstrations Saturday off Laguna's Main Beach. More than 1,000 beachgoers obse rved demonstra· tions, '._Yhich included jump by airborne SCUBA divers and clif:f·hanging by special rescue team. •·tn the case: of dootor Ballberg, we slov;ed it down for about 553 days," he said . Newport Sailor Hi.des In Church as Protest Laguna Gua1·ds Back Oemente Pay Demands Eventually, Barnard ~aid, "the chronic rejection damaged t:H! heart tB such an e:xtent that it failed." Barnard said he was saddened by Blaiberg's death but notdiscouragod. "We've done very much better thin we ever expected, but I have never bluffed myself or my patients or the rest of the world that we believe that with orsan transplants we have a cure." By AR111UR R. VINSEL Of ,,.. °"" ...... ltlff Naval • authoriUes today considered what action to Lake again.st a Newport Be:aeh sailor who has taken re:fuge in a Quaker church 1n Seattle to protest Viet· nam combat and all other war prepara· tion.s. He is PO 3 C Brutl! Preston. 23, formerly of 1156 Rutland Road. who has been absent without leave from duties with a medical supply unit at Treasure Island, Calif., for nine: months. Contacted today at the S e a t t 1 e sanctuary. through the American Friends Service Committee. the 1964 Newport Harbor High School graduate said he does: not know just what will happen ne1t. "I'm not too sure if they know how to handle it," said Preston, who worked as a psychiatric te:chnician trainee a t Fairview State Hospital in Costa ~tesa before hli enlistment almost four yeifi; ago.· .. By going AWOL, I was committing the crime ol ,sJl'llF'," !'!!. 3 _,C, P~f.1o" told the ,D~ P~ ~ ' He said he finally decided about two w~ ago to' expand hia prolelt effort. "I decided it was necessary to confront the military with my prote:st in a non- violent but positive way. I plan on :staying in sanctuary until the military resPond!," . he continued. The Navy enlisted man entered the church Saturday to await his fate, saying jn the interview today that be has bee n trave:ling up and down the \Vest Coast sioce going AWOL last year. He saJd he left his post at Treasure Island after being turned down in a re· quest for conscientious objector status, b8'ed on a contention that be was being forced to bear arms. "My family is behind me in this," said Preston, whose mother is employed in a Newport savings and loan and whose father is a telephone company employe • The young bachelor sailor aald military police have been invited to enter the Friends Church, but that it would be fuUle for him to walk out and surrender in terms of protest emphasis. "We're e1pecling them anytime," he added. A spokesman for the Shore Patrol in Seattle said Sunday, however, that he was under the impression PO 3C Preston wa.s going to come outside and surrender. Military authorities have been reluc-. tnnt In the pa.st to take prote:ston: out of church sanctuary, usually attempting all methods of pe:rsuasion before using for«. Laguna Child. Struck h.y Car Goofrey R. Cunard, 5, Laguna Bf:acb is in fair condition today after being hit by a car Saturday night at the interse:ction of Goldenrod Street and Pacific Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Pollce .said young Cunard, son of Mr • and Mrs. Fred G. Cunard, 115 Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach, ran into a cr08SWalk at the intersection against the light. Witnesses said one vehicle: swerved to avoid striking him. The nelt car hit the child. The drive:r, Doyle R. Peterse:n, Santa Ana. was not cited. The youngster was taken to Hoag A.te- morial Hospital with a broken leg plus 11everal cuts aDd bruises, Fullerton Girl Dies After Fall F1·om Horse A girl tossed from her horse Saturday died five hours later of head injuries suffered when she landed on the pave- ment, acrording to Fullerton police. The victim was identified as Carol L. J~. 20, of 400 W. Orangethorpe Ave., Fullerton. By TOM GORMAN Of 9'41 Dai111 Pl ... ltltt Thirty-eight members ol the 46-man Lquna Beach Lifeguard Department have 1igoed a petlUon 1uPIJOl"llng San Clemente Ueguards de:mandi for higher wages. The Laguna lifeguards earn ten. than their San Clemente counterparts. But they are not threatening to .trike:. The Laguna petition·slgner.s Include ChJef Lifeguard Tom Du1ger, supervisor!! Dean Wertgaard and Jim Hardman. and senior guards J obn Cunningham and Art Smart. Thirty San Clemente life:guards had threatened 'to go on strike Saturday if their demands for a wage increase: were not met by the ol.ty, But tbe day. be:fore the strike the guards yielded to a temporary restraining order prohlbiUng the:m from going on strtke. Their pay dispute bas not yet been reaolved1 though, The ~Ullo• '1lantd 1iy the Laguna Beach lHeguards state:s : "We---the undersigned of the Lagana Beach.ilU~dl 'l'l11J>Olhize wUh lbe San ~ente: Uffg\lard's In '\he l r demands for a wage increase. For the amount or re!pOTlsiblltty which ts ex .. peeled of a lifeguard, the lifeguard is underpaid." · Starting pay for San C 1 e: m e n l e lifeguards is $2.8!. an hour. They are demanding a starting salary of $3.12 an hour. $1,500 Taken At Laguna Inn A theft of ,1 ,500 from the Beach House Inn, 61!1 Sleepy Hollow Lane:, was under investiRatioo t o d a y by Laguna Beach police. The burglary was reported by Inn ~tana&er Richard Worthington o f Emerald Bay. JI apparently occurred early Saturday morning. Police LI. Frank Schopen saiC.: .entry lo the re11taurant was gained through a Win· dow. The cash was taken from 1 strong box. Noth ing else: was stolen, Schopen said. According to Barnard, Blalberg's body "was so ill that it would not be worthwhile to at!empt another heart transplant. .. It was what one would call a chronic rejection where: eventually so much of the heart muscle: was destroyed that he was back to where he started before we c!id the heart transplant," Barnard Aid. From Page l CAMILLE .•. roads and wrecking bridges. The winds split trees like dry twigs. Debris and trees choked roads. In addition to the 10 known dead al Biloxi, officials said two were dead at Gullport and two more at Moss Point. Although there were no casualty figures from Bay St. Louis, officials said the ton ·would probably not be as high ~ miRht havt'been ~ght since 90 per- cent o1 lhe resident. Fere evacuated. Coast Guard helicopters bucked still· ~av~e winds at dawn to diP, lo across the ocean·fronb in a seak.h for :Survivors or persons in distress. rpere was llt~le drinking water to be found, but National GuardSriten were trucking tanker·loads to strlck'en c'iUea. Many of the 1,200 guardsmen activated to guard against looting and ·help nlake rescues rode amphibious veblcles through street.s inundated with water and ' other· wise impassable. The f'..eorgia Air National Guard be:gan shuttling food and supplies to Keesler Air Force Base at Biloxi. Girl, 5, Loses Life In Anaheim Accident Ari .Anaheim trafric accident early to.. day killed Catherine J. Rector, 5, of Whit· titr. ~aheim police said • car driven by \V1lham. McGregor Jr., 23, o{ Whittier, weni through a barricade into a con· struction ditch on Santiago Drive:. His stepdaughter. a passenger, was fatally injured. She: die:d three hours later. about five minotes. A suit is what J\lo1t of my competiton are c hain 1tore1. ~laet of the chains are owned and run by large clothinir manofacturen in the eut. There's nothin~ wrong with that. lhon~h I lhink it does tend to make a store'• 1tock a little lopsided &O lhey can pu"h their own brftnd of C".lothing. . you don't buy around the corner I'm on lhal li1tle peniu1ul1 pa&I those 27 closer mea's lhat leads lo Lido lite. a 1horl 1tore1 in order lo look over l>lock beyond The Arebe1 in the 1ni11 I have lu yo ur 1ize. Newport Beach. Or even my necktie 1 ·or 8u1 I don't know where yo11 IOClu or 1hirtJ. l\l akin g a ere. minor pur«!hue here it a pain· Probably; hee1u1e tbi1 le11w•ytoflndoutif youllke newap•per circulates in .everal the kind of merchandiee l ci ties~ yoo're cl0ter '!O about teleet~ the ~nenl feelin• of 27 other good men • •tores the 1tore ud the type o( intel· than you are to mine. Usent interest yon get (rom Minor pureh...-.. like looth-my 11art. pHt., yoo pick up•• the band-After al~ the boot way 10 lest store. Y oa know exactly llad oat it you feel comfort· what y~u. want. Why wute OC> able with • 11ore i1 to to In lane drtVlllA' one bloc~ !artber and buy AOmethin~ U1ually lhan yon need to for 11 • ,·ou can ronn an opinion in l happen to he a one store inrleJlentlPnt merchan1. and [ ttav llte:rr:"" no heller place lo lake your hu1ine1a lhan to a one store inrlef'endenl mer. f'hant. Your hn1inua eounll for ntore in • 11ore like that and lbl!!refore it'• appn'ICiated more. They-h•ven't yet in· vented 1 computer that knows how to appreci•te a cu1tomer~s ba8inee1. When you buy aomethlng he~ ind one of our ~YI 18y1 !hank ~ou. you know it f!Omel lrom 1h• h•art. My hear1. A 1ui1. thou~~ is nol looth· • ru11te. l'ou don'I buy oue at the store around the corner on ~·our way honte 10 dinner. Jack Bidwell I admit I'm prejodl~ed. 3467 Via Udo, Udo Penio1ula, Newport Beaeb This pklure of Brigitte Bardol and her new flame, playboy Patrick GiJJ , on an Athens beach resulted in a fracas between Gill and the photographer. Giii attempted to sma sh <he newsman's camera , but ended up being dumped into the \Va ler, However. t 1til1 &ay lt ml.ht be worth your while, ttexl time you need a 1uit, to drive right rigl11 nest to Riehard'1 ~larkel and the Udo llieater. Murho parkln@dirertly behind my 1tore. l'boue 6734510. Copyrisl1t 1969, Jack Bidwell. • . ' ... • . -... . .... . . .. • • WILD NAT IVE COLORS -. Putting the finishing touches on one of her floor length, silky gowns is designer Lee. Alent of South Laguna. The former designer for New York theatrical companies and Los Angeles' gannent district ·currently is showing her line at the Sawdust Festival through Aug. 24. Her dresses allow freedom of movement and comfort. Mod Style 'Goes Backward' ' Ancients . Influence Fashions. By JUDY. HURST Of ... Delli l'Mft Sti ff Gowns with tbe quiet, understated look ol ancient RDme or Greece .•. Door length dresaea wild with native color from the darlc c:ontlnen~ '11lil la tbe.flrsl lmpr...i.n one gains •• when strolling past Lea Alent'a dress ~ at the Sawdmt Fest.I.val. . . . ' :MlM Alent 15 · a designer for the A9tw;an age, Her Prints are alive .•• °""' move ~ •• they lurn people oo, Her unique costumes. which now In the ~capture "this moment" in fashion. Yet. the gowns seem to be borrowed f~ ancle.nt Umes. "My deaigns have their beginnings in tile earliest: dawn of recorded history. Tl1<Y encompass the freedom or body rnOV,ment and the classic grace and ~ty d a feminine woman." ,Set upon Oakes of sawdust, her booth aPf*!.s men like a three-sided tent set upon tbe Arabian deaert. tndde women suddenly are unrtslrai~ ed: ' Lea simply wanta her clothea l.o "cap- ture" tbe freedom of body move!Dent. "I try to make the. woman feel like , a, woman .•. I want to au\e 1 lovely fee.J.. tn1 SI bolri a dly. ~For years designers bave aeparated loQ1'tn( beallli!ul and betill comfortable. My clotbel. for borne, eveninc or reaort wear are natural and totally commltted to comfort." Amoog her designs are variations of . the classic tunic, cbiton and other basic shapes. "Rather than contrive drapery I let the body structure create the flow of the dra~." Miss Alent makes her gannents seem like i. piece of art •. Moving art, if that is posSible. Her rtlmr, gowns 'saften l~e body's angles and lend grace to the wearer. "A minimum cl underclothing sboold be wum," she !misted. "Btas will · mWihape the dresses and the dresses are made for natural figures. "Fabrics and a woman should get together and tnake a happy song. Today there is ao much for a woman to choose from in styles. "Women who purchase from my line doo't like being dictated to. They are not gOM'Oed by the seasoos or what to wear. They let ihe mood and the occasion de· mand what ts eotted for them. People who are concliUoned to time cannot wear tbeJe [ashions.'' Lea resides ~ South Laguna whtre her ,dress. Btudio Is located. In her two-level home is a well-lighted studio ovttlooking the Pacific and neighboring hills. Here she createii what she feels. But this w1s not alway1 the case. For yean 1he waa btmpered and dtligned for others in New York't tbeab'ical, teeUoo and Los Angeles' gar· tnenl industry. , "My fonnal t.rainlng began during the deprf!lion wbe:ti I worked for free just to learn the trade. One of my early employers worked for Ziegfeld. It was then 1 had the exposure of designing clothes for moving bodies." After Ziegfeld dilys she went on to & theatric1l outHtling company Which aup- j>Ued costumes for New York ahows ·on doWn to college productions. "We even made costumes so that little girls could look like carrots," she commented. Beiore advancing to the Los Angeles garment district in 1950, Lea 1pent several year:1 painting portrai!J and landscapes on the high desert or Mojave. "I never received any satisfaction from painting, • .clay was too cold-and wet when shaping. Fabrics are warm and this is my medium." She continued, "In the garment trade I was told to do what everyone else ls doing but make it a Htue bit different What 1 contradiction," she laughed. °For awbUe I just played a game of musical chairs. • .moving from one office to another. · "An lntuiUve awareneiis finally con· vinced me that women couW be free from the deforming bondage of garments wh1ch were deai1Ded by jieople'who didn't really care. "Jn my fashions the woman becomes her.elf consciously but in • n unselfconscious .way. She ts 1ware of a second Din and freedom of movement." • .. ' .. .. .. . • . . SOUTH SEA ARlltVALS ~.Looking 11 k e they just stepped from a boat 1 iailing from 'the 1.slands are (left to right) tlie Mmes. Le- roy Vineyard, Rudy Burton and Theodore Opera League · Dinner .Dance • Beane. The Opera League of Laguna Beach t. staging a South Sea Fantesy luau and din- ner dance Aug. 23 in the Monarch Bay Beach Club. LB Luau's No \ , I Fantasy. In Tahiti It ts called a Tamaaraa, in Sa- moa it's a Fi&-Fia and in Hawaii its name is Luau. But whatever you want to call it the South Sea Fantasy Saturday, Aug. 23, will be an enchanting evening under the stars. The Opera League of Laguna Beach is planning the colorfUl island soiree In the Monarch Bay Beach Club, Laguna Niguel. The luau and dinner dance begins at 6:30 p.m. with cocktails to he followed by an ex- otic Polynesian bullet. at 8. ' Lahaina Luna's, a profesSlonal group -from Hawaii , Tah)ti and Samoa will provide music and entertainment in native costumes at 9 and'10:30. Dance music will continue to 1 a.m. Spearheading the arrangements for the annual event has been Mrs. Theodore Beane. Working on her committee are the Mmes. Craig Ketcham and H. Donald Outmans, invilationsi Robert E. Lawson, ways a11d ... meaps; Ted O'Connell, financial ; George H. Bryant, reservations, and Anthony Orlandel- lo, entertainment. Others are Mrs. William Wittman and Mrs. Outmans, dinner liaison co-chairmen: Mrs. ~achary Malaby, decorations, and Mr s. William llilby Bruggere, publicity. This fun and fund-raising project is for the benefit .of the Lyric Opera Associa· tion of Orange County and the upcoming pro- duction of "Sound of Music." The classical musical of Rogers and Hammerstein wtll air in Irvine Bowl Sept. 5, 6, 12, and 13. Marni Nixon, star of musicals, films , opera, concerts and television, will sing the leading role of Marla. OJ1era league members work throughout the year planning social and money-raising activities. During the .. Sound of Music" they will he busy working backstage and staffing the concession booths. Currently they are making costumes and props for the produc· lion. Secretaries Have Monopoly . on · Sir Walter Raleigh Charm DEAR ANN ' Thi> i.u... WU lnspit<d by the m .. who lllid the ctrll In hll of. 11oe were "beginning lo look better e•ery day.• He claimed bis wile was always too tired to make 1o... Either she liad a backache, • abe&dache -or IOmt other 1DgeoiOUI tlCUSe. ' ·'' I'd like to ast him • quesUon. How does he treat hll wife• compared with the &lr!s In the of(kt? I met my busband in on o!ftoe IO I -how he -both pl..... When I WU his l!ea'elary he -. his neck rusblna to my aide lo help me evtr)' Ume I moved a chair. At home he wou1dn'1 stir 1 mUJCte to help me Ult the refrigerator -evtn if one of lbe kidt Were under It. • ANN LANDERS ~ ' Al the office bis conversation wa11 willy and brighl He always bad a smile and warm compUmenL Now when he: cornea home he yells all throul!h suppeT about the billa and the kids and m1 relative.. He gulp< his food, belches and rettm to the couch with the neW>Paper. Then he tunu on the TV. If anyone tries to start a conversaUon he say1, "Shut. up, can't you see l 'm watching something?" In 20 minutes he 11 onortng hll heed o1r. lf complaining husbands would take 110me of that office cbann home, maybe thel'r wives would have fewer bachchef and headache& and other ingenious ez· Cities. -WITNESSED BOTH SCENES DEAR WIT: Your ltUer will n- doabtedly be a toptc for dlaca11loe I• many homes .ton1g11t. naaU for ~ vldtn& ll DEAR ANN' My husband h11 had a lot or dental work dooe tb<oo pas! few montbd. Like 1 fool, Albert neglected his teeth far 15 yea.n and now, to aave his mouth. he aoe• twice • week for restora .. Uon, ·gum treatment. •nd wliat have you. Albert bu been to the denllal,..1 office 110 often he bu become friendly with everyone In the building, esplcally 'tbe elevator operator. Yesterday when I went wl°' him he 111ipped the operator a dollar. She smiled and said, "Oh -not aaain!" But he lnalJted tblt 1he keep the mooey, Ind •he did. I ask you, who ever heard of lipping an elevator operator? When 1 ezplalned It wa:1 In poor taste he aald he didn't. lff why. I tried to t.e.11 him she was going up anyway and U.at he didn't owe her anylhlni. We got Into quite an ariWJlent. Please aetUe IL -VEJ\ED DEAR VEXED: U 1 1teldy .rider wula.lt 11! •.100!! f•DO'I\', lie ... ,buY ~ elev.•iitf .epn acor a 1m11I Ifft for Cbriltmu. llol tipptn1 11 ael called ro.. Like yOtt 11ld -1be W11 .1oln1 up IDfW•Y· • ' ' DEAR ANN LANDERS! I am fl )"earl old and my problem is myself. 1 am a liar and 1 braggart. When I start lo tell something t find mystU exaggerating ao much that the story lurnl out to be a bla lie. Why do t do this? How can I get over It? -D. A. OF SCRANTON DEAi\ D. A.: P..,.te rytio bra1 ond ei· 111erale to tbe ,,.,., of lylo1 ... .. becaue 1'q. 1te e&l'r to mde a1 I• ~ .. and Utey.doll'l ll111t tbe ll11111 lo do It. Yoa fffll te dcftltp ilwe Mlf-eoe- lkle1ce •• pat u ' ... it ~ ...... tr.ctJve b.tbU .. Make 1 CODldou effort &e IA!k leu •Dd keep yoar ..,,.;itn1 tow-ttey 1Dd IK!CU{lte. ' Wbea romaoU c; 1lancea. tum to warm embraces la Jt Jove or chemistry? Senrl. for the booklet "'Love or Sex and How • Tell the Ditter,.nce," by Ann Landm. Enclose a Jong, stamped, self-addreaed envelope. and 3S centJ In coln wllh your . rtquelt. Aim Landers will be gllld to help YW wUh your problema. Send them to her la ciit<.o! lhe DAILY PILOT, encl09!DC I sell.addressed, stampod e11 .. 1ope. -1 " ( ·I I i ._ .. ,~ • ...: ' ...... ·" ....... -"'" . .. ~ .. ~ ... -·-·· . .. .. .. " . . . Honeymoon in Color.ado · ... Pants Suit Occasidn Afternoon Vows Read ' MRS. RONALD MARSHALL MERCER lndi1n1pofls Hom• Camino Club Card Play El Camino 'Re.al Woman's Club Bollva-Slmba canasta ...D4 robin tick-off game · b scheduled for Tueaday, Aug. 21, '.in the Community CluJibouse, Dana Point. Beginning An afternoon ceremony In St. Micha.i and All Anatls Eplscopal Church united tl-1ary Ann Gumblnaer,' dauatiter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank JOlieph Gumblnger of Corona de! Mar and Los AnaeJe.s, and Ronald Marshall Mercer. The brlde was escorted to · ~ altar by her father for the double ring ceremony perfonned by Canon Douglas Stuart. Her gown was of silk organza and alencon lace, with a detachable lace edged tr11in. Leaves of lace edged with pearls caUiJ>t her elbow length veil of illusion and $e carried c 1 s c ad J n c phalaenopsis, stepbaoot.ls and lilies of the valley. Shadow cbarteuse chiffon gowns wlth m•tchlng lau trim were worn by bridal al· ttndanll, incl\lding Miu Alice ~cFadden as maid of honor. Mra. Daniel ·Smith Jr. and Miss Linda Read w e r e brideamaida. Their chartreuse headpiece veils were held by ciown.s of lace and they car· rled cascades or green eanta· tlons. spider chrysanthemums and Bells ol lreland. Arbra Eu1ene Donegan of Indianapolis waa best man for. the bridegroom, who Is lhe son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Mercer of Portland. Ushers were Sterling Bartlett of lndianaPolis and Frank Erwin Gwnbinger, the bride's brother. Assi.sting for the wedding reception in the Newporter Inn following the Ct!remony were the Misses Ranalyn, Karen and Randy Tuppan, aJI cousins of the bride. The newlyweds are traveling through the Coloredo Rockies on their honeymoon en route to their home In Indianapolis where the bridegroom heads the adverti1ing firm o f Mercer, Donegan and Will· in11h1m. The bride received BS and MS degrees from the Univer!i- ty of Southern California where lhe wu a member of Alpha Chi Omega, Pi Lambda Theta honorary, the Trojan Junior Aui:iliary a n d Senior Class Council. She has been a ~\ I ._, 161499 "SOLDATINI" The Llltle Soldier is the name for this channing pQllts salt by Fon\alla of Italy. The stand-up collar is topped wiUt braid. '!'h• cuHs are deceiving -easy to make with ·br~id shaping Ute pointed aelail and buttons for !nm. Large double·breasted buttons march dowp the front. Double vents enhance tbe back· view. The long straight pants come wtth the pattern. They are side zipped and set on a narrow waist band. Make it in gabardine, flaMel, glen plaJd, double knit or mediwn weight woolen. 61499 is cut in Misses sizes 8-16. Size 12 requires approximately 31r.. yards of 54" fabric. To order pattern 61499 ; state size ; include name, address and zip code. Send $2 post- paid for each pattern. Send orders for books and patterns lo SPADEA, Box N, Dept. CX·IS Milford , N.Y. 0884ll • Lagunons Sa il for Northwest teacher iii the Fountain Valley Mrs. Robert W. Roper, On Friday, Aug. 22, a con. School District. chairman or the Theater and tingent will depart Laguna Horo_scope ·cancer: Trust ·· Hunch I • • • ·TUESDAY AUGUST 19 '( appear clepre.taed, U ti JI J 1; views. Nothioa atops you tmQe sena If "humor. You have yob ~de upon definite nothln1 to fur but fear itlelf. ~ ot act.ion. Cumntlf, By SYDNEY OMAlll\ Luur poslUon f•vonble for FISIDN<l, PLANTING. GetUIJ alOJll 1t home today entails wUUnpe1s lo dl1e1111 financial que1tlou, le&acl••· olber matt.en wldclt II.ad bten comrdered taboo. ' SAGITT41UUS (Nov. n. · ed " Dec. nJ~ You may not be ycq ,_.are conv1nc u11t a aware of an µwt ts omi.rrinc. c~ in domesUc scene la 1 Realbre this and hold oil oo ~y. detm~·cMcI~lons. It y,,.i ;no ~,.... 111~~' "s::i .. " 1 11 111 slit ~. ~~. answers are ' ~6i.i-:" ~IN'ITN111'"'J..:t behind ~0 JCeQCS. , <. ·-~ ..,_. .J!. Clllll ,,,_Omerr cA?~KN, fDte. 23-Ja~ Jf:'~('t~'k.tl}:,Ty;;r. tt J9J: Jo vol v em eat"• m?========::;:1 1 .. ~ --• Includes lrlendll fl'ff Concert ARIES (March !I-April ti): and i-who command more Financial pressure should not than ~ lJl•tonlc Jn t ere 1 t. 9 · ' TONIGHT be pennltted to crtate panic. M~ ls clear before day is p.m. ~ Plan with calm deliberation. flnia!\ed: Remember b 11 i c E....LI--l~'-ncl Authorities are. on your 1lde. com-•tme •~ 1"11Mtvn ... ,,.. n~. NIW....-T CINTIR Stick with eiperlenct. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-f"eb: .._ nJA':!~: c~~~~~Ma;b~>~ ~~~=·m,:isre~1 ~J::Ufi1~Y::::O:::::::U==K==:N==:O:=W::"=== as.serting. Play waiting game. y_ou finish current FQjecL Don't seek contests, in or out Le · • ch of court. Be selective in public ~:n~~~~~ if ;:e~ YOUR · CHllD statements. Key is ta.ct, you are thorousJJ, sincere. . ~:'ially in dealing with PISCES (Feb. If.March ZOJ: WILL LEARN GEMINI (May 2l·JU11j! ZO): Chango of plans may be Despite apparent obstacles, necessary due to long-distance TO SWIM AT yo u should take Initiative. communication. Be receptive, Don't play games. Know what but don't bury individuality;. BLUE. BUOY you want -go af\e_r il. What What appears a setback Coula you fear is largely a product boomerang in your tavor. Wait of lmaginaUon. A c t ac· and see. AH s. wn. TM cordingly · ; IF TODAY IS Y 0 U R ~ ....... lll-4, CANCER (June 21-July 22 ): BIRTHDAY you are a S.... ._, T_,.• Your intuition provides insight showm~n, dramatic, capa~te 546-1880 regarding members of op-or pulling ICl'OSJ your maJor posite sex. You may find liiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil yourself in somewhat of a II dilemma. Problem includes children, other loved ones. Trust bunch. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Upsets could occur in routine. Be ver'} cartful where pro- perty, home enter picturt. You will have to aSIUme responsibility. Don't s b 1 rt duties. Dig in for basic in· formation. VIRGO (Aug. 23.S<pt. 22) Avoid_ uqnecesnry tr ave I. Relative 'who extend1 ·in- vitation may be merely talk· ing. Don't waste your time on mere formalities . Some red tape will be removed. You benefit. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22): Changes occu r. Some of lhem prove costly. Realize you get nothing for nothing today. non·t fight for nonexistent principle. Concession is necessary -saves money. SCORPIO (Oct. 2J.Nov. 21): Take initialive where home ~ comforts, repairs are con- cerned. 1.1ate, partner may ~ J Tnere's .A New MR. 'ROBERTI His Name is FREORICO SCALESE; Multiple Award Winning Stylist of Europe and Ameri.:a . MR. ROBERTS COIFF.URES IS ONE Of: THE·LON5EST ESTAILISHED AND l!ST STAl'fED IN ALL THE SOUTH COAST AREA. . CLOSE IY AND ON YOUR WAY TO EVERYTHIN$ •.• THE ADDRESS fS: 3800 PACIFIC COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR TELEPHONE: ORiolc l·lBZO PAMPERED ANYTIME FROM ..• Reservltions, prior to satur- day Aug. 2!, may be made with Mn. Robert Irwin ... Mn. Hubert Jones. Dellert will\b' served at U:30 p.m. X practloe 1une wlll take Plaf\e Thurf!ay, Au1. 21, at 1 p.in) in tlie home or Mn. lnrtll. competing in the contract bridge round robin on Friday Au_a:. •29, ~ noon in· the Com- munity House. Serving a salad luncheon will be lhe Mmes. Tbomas Webb, W .A. Wood· man, lrtne Dalull, W .E. Mor- ris, Ggy Holsopple, RaJph Quackenbusb, George Betu, William . Warner. GI en n Garwood. 1 Niles Welch, C.A. .Raqwey aqcl Robert Warner. Her husband received a BS Vagabond Monday Morning Beach at noon. They wilt In science and an MS degree Group, invited members going boord the ship at-Los Angeles Library Hour in economlca at Oregon State on the club'• Cmadian cruise }!arbor where friends and ' 7 A.M. UNTIL I P.M. MO,NDAY THRU SATURDAY University where he was to her home last. Wednesday Costa Mesa Library Is the affiliated wllh Sigma Nu and afternoon for I get.acquain ted relatives may rete them with scene of a library story-hour MBMBER .OF THE . CALIFORNIA COSMETOLOGY ASSOClATION 'fl!er< will be 12 ""'pies · '!be ft!"!1 round will take place in Mly in the Caplstrano Beach hqme of Mrs. Warner. was president or Sigma Delta, _JP~•~rt~Y·:._ __ --, ____ _lbo~n_::v~oy~a!ge;!:pa"'.r~ti::es::_c ---~·~•::er'.!'.y_::T~h'll_ur~s_'l'da~y~a~t~IO~c_'.'30'.:•~·m"2:_. ~~!!'!~!!!!!!!~'!!!'~~"!':'~~~!!"'~~~"!'!~ Phi honorary. 1 · ' - ' SUMMER REFRESHMENTS: A NEW ~CONTOUR~ CUT AND ROUX WE ttlAU..Y DO HAVE A KNACK~ A LINE-HOL.DIHG~ COHT°"'R- •HAillNG TECHNIQUE, s9 ntAT VOUft HAIR JUST MUSHCS INTO PL.ACE. ntEN THE irlNISHING TOUat OF WOHDEft-WOfltKJJiG P'ANCl~1 , • nft: INSTANT COLOR RINSE THAT'S A eot&tlTIOtclft AND WAVE SIT AT TME SAME TIME SO THAT IT ~M: Oftiv 1 ftEl"RESHES DUU.. HAIR AMD TONES YOUR ' M..CACffED HAlft. CONTOUR CUT1 SHAM~, l"AHCJ~L.L. lllHSE AfrfD SET 1 11 !50; NEWPOftT BEAUTY SAL.OH, COME IN O• CALL AtfY 01" OUR EXCELL.ENT R09TNSOH11 IEAUTY SALONS. ROBINSONS NE'AlfDRT • FASH ION IS'.Af\.!D • 044-2:::.JCJ Lose 10 Inches in Firat to Gloria Mar1hall' a Rued on our· actual records ••• our average patron loses 10-incbei within the tint 10 viai~ from hips, waist, thighs, tummy and annS. NEWPORT BEACH 430 Pacific Coa•t Hlghway-442°3630 II l lkb EHi ti Sll!Jllt ler Cl"*) SANTA ANA 1140 WHI 17th Strott-543·9457 FIGURE «:ONTROL SALONS I.a, ... Id. Mi I lnk.lllrfc.d •f llttltr u,. .... -- An•h•im, Bevl't'ly Hlll1, Covina, Cr•n1h1w, Downey, Gl•n• dal•, Lakewood, Long IMch, Newport 8•1ch, No. Hollywood, Ontario, P1uden1, San Dle90, S1nta Ana, Senta Barbara, Sunland, T1rt1n1, Whittler. Salons also In FrHno, Sacra· mtnto, Sin Joie, SunnyY•f•, Walnut Creek. ICI Co!IYll ... t !Mt Olol'k M1t1h1l1 Mt l. Ce. '""- • • • . , , . Saddlehaek 1".0L. 42, NO. '.19~. 3 SECTIONS, 30 l'AGES ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA' t>iONDA Y, AUGl:IST "I Ii, 1949 '\ ' I • • • • IXIe.-ame 0 Daum the M •. ISSIOD · Trail Capo to Light Up for Yule · SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO -The San Juan C.pi..trano Chamber o1 eommm:e has lauoched a campalp to liih1 up the dty lhls Cbrlllmas. Downtown merchants are· being asked to support the purdwe otpermaoent.c~ ty decorallonl. The chamber Ibo bu an- nounced it will spomor a home decoratln& contest this year with the theme Oriatmas in Mexico. , Profs Get Posts MISSION VIEJO -Two Saddleback College professors will move into key administrative posts at the college this fall . . . R. L. Plal~ Tustin, will vacate his posi- tion as dean 'otadmlssioru: to become the new ~ean of 1nstructiOn on Sept. 1. Howard H. Mar<W, South i:..,una. will fill Platt's vacated .spot as .dun of ad· missiOllJ and records. Marcoo was chairman ol the Slddleback llutmeH departmeDI Jut year. • Y ester•" W ttk Set M!tE FoBEST -!lm)tmborln( wh~t 11-llM ln~lhe pol old,daJI" wjll lie .-. ol lhe Arll and Crafil -al ·-and Temils Club. 'l'IU week Is y .. lenlay "°'' and ,_iers wni be parilclpaU., Ill JNclJ varied actJvtties as cand)t maklnc. • drtll up day, crafts and a na_!ure hike. 'e '.l'out'llf!gs on '.l'•p MISSION VIEJO -This wttk Is tltill week at the Recr.ea\ioo C en t e r • Tournaments wlll take ploce dally 1tartlng at 1:30 p.m. Members wlll compete In cbels, ar· rom.s. ping pong, mue, checken and bumper pool. Cootestanl3 wlll lie dlv!ded Into age groups. Pilot's Fotorama Opens Thursday At Island 'Park' Stage Court at Fashion Island Tuesday will be transformed from a band concert "park" into a "pict~ gallery" in nadiness !or Thursday s operung of Fotorama. Conductor Henry Brandon and the Fashion Island orchestra tonight is scheduled to present next-to-the-last In the summer series of "pops" concerU on Stage Court. The tent under whlch the musicians play In the weekly Monday •liht C-OD- certs 'l\Je9day will be _moved tqto· the center of. Stage Court. .lt will form part of a large canopy which will be used to cover the hundred! of photographs of various kindl to be shown In the DAILY PILOT Fotorama at Fashion lsJand. Pictures for display under the "bJc top'" already have begun to anive from the various agtndes which w 111 participate Jn Fotorama. niey will he Jn. 1talled Wedneaday. Fotorama opens at 10 a.m. Thursday 11nd will be open Thursday, Friday and Satunlay free to lhe public. Youth ·On Wrong End of Assault A yooth -~of IMIUJtln{ a . IS. ' ynr-old Newport Be..+a girl hid to i.be ' rescued by lherllf's depllll,. from In angry crowd in Scotchman's Cove Smxl•t before he could be booked •. Offi<:et1 said wl"""'9 told them that James Amokl Ward, 11. ()( Moline, Ill., 11ingled out his Victim from a lfOUP of girls and made aeveral ••improper remarlu" to her. When the suggeationa 1Ue1edly turned Into advances onkloken pulled Ward away from the lifl and bqan to puocll and kk:k him. Deputies had to extricate Ward rr... the mHlln( crowd lo amot him. Ro·ill lo. day in Ora111• •Coonty Jall..nurslll( nl depuU'!I d-1bt II '°" ribl and a vatlety ol cull and brul&u. ' - DAtl..Y 'tLOT Ji.ff,...... Pardon My Truck Larry Krentzlin of 1031 Madison Place, Laguna , apd his son, Jeff, were unloading concrete in their driveway when . the borrowed flatbed suddenly b& gan rolling downhill. Jefi tried to stop it, but cnuld- n't and the truck rolled into William E. Butcher's backyard at 1054 Flamingo Road. No one was hurt, but there was a lot of unscheduled tugging and haul- ing at the Krentzlin residence Saturday afternoon . -ViejQ f:ompany to Provide ,J1,;~,~~t's .nay ' · ---Quiet Despite . AtJ~tional School · Funds Ouhlide Act~n l By. THOMAS FORTUNE "\-Of Ill Dllli fln.t Stiff Thit Mission Viejo Company has come to thf rescue o! two school districts - San ~uin Elementary and Capistrano Unified -which wanted to open schools ln the·.,ea a year from now but cooJdn't get financing. Under an uniuual arrangement, lhe land dievtlopment company will make up the difference between tbe going money rate~. -tive percent Interest which is the · . these achool districts can pay to bo ·Under present state Jaw. It will de.pend upon the bond market, but tbe amount the Miss.ion Viejo Com-- El Toro Fi.re Loss Estimated at S2,000 Fire about 4 o'clock this morning did an e!t.imated $2,000 damage to the El Toro lk>me oC C. L. Bosdet, "U891 Cava- nauP:; Road. The Orange County Division of For- estry said the fire appar.antly started in an eleetrlCal nl'tizre ol. a bedroom con- verted-fn:m a garage. Chat1es Bosdet, 17, who sleeps in the room,. was fighUng the fire with a gar- den hose when firemen arrived. There were .no Injuries. pany will shell out ls expected to be about $250,IMXI, vice ·president for finance Don Zelln<r said: He said the company is willing lo do so becall.$e it is important that new sclDOL! be built -along wilh new homeJ. Besldes the wel!are <i residents, ooe practical consideration is the dirt balance in grading -dirt cut from hills and put in valleys. The school balances out a given home development, Zellner said. The company's contribution to make possible the five percent interest loan from United California Bank should finance a $1.9 million program for the San Joaquin District and a $2.2 million program for Capistrano Unified. The San Joaquin moriey is to build an elementary school for school openJng a year from September in the El Dorado homes section, and to acquire two new elementary sites, one in El Dorado and one in La Pai. The Capistrano money is ror an elementary school a year from SeP:- tember in the Granada homes section; and to buy a high school site in the new Coronado homes area. The two school districts, along with 13 other di.nrict.s in the county, haven't been able to get funding from the state Alloca. tions Board because.-state government (Set VIEJO, P•ae J) It may have been noisy on the outside, but it was quJel on the inside of President Nixon's summer home Jn °San Clemente over the weekend. While the Peace Action Council's parade of thousands marched within a few hundred yards of the grouDds Sunday afternoon, the President remained inside his 14-room mansion, &pending quiet hours with his family -Mr.,, Nixon, Tricia, David and Julie Eisenhower. After the demonstrators left, beading for the beach, the First Family, eicept for Mrs. Niion, climbed aboard a helicopter for Palm Springs. They spent the evening there al the estate of multi-millionaire publisher Walter Annenberg, U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain. Annenberg is a lone-time personal friend of the Pre.'lide~ His estate is just outside Palm Sprlnga. Saturday afternoon the President, Julie and David made up a golling threesome at the Pauma VaUey Country Club northea.st of Oceans1de, They were the guesta of Evangelist Billy Graham, whose home is on the golf course. Dr. G r a h a m a nd Bebe .Rebor.o, the President'• Key Biscayne, Fla., friend, marched around the golf courae with Mt. Nixon and lhe young EJaenhowers. Haynsworth To Succeed AheFortas By JEROME F. COUJNS Of .... IM!'IJ ...... '"" President ?:liion coo.verted munor lnto fact this momln( by llllllllWldng his Jn. tentlon to nominate Fqrll Appeals Judge Clement F. Haylisworth of .5oulh Carolina to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. Nlxou dld ·not _.11y dilclooe his clioice. The aMouncemelit wu almO.t routinely made by Pms Seciotazy R&n Ziegler at the Surf and·Sand Rote! In Laguna Beach. Judge Haynsworth otayed home Ill Greenville, S. C. There was speculaUon that the telec- tion of the 56-year-old jurisl was · dis- closed In that fashion 'because Sen. Ever. ett Dirksen (R-111.) had spoiled the sur- prise last week. Dirksen aaid at the time that H3ynsworth would be nominated ••unless there is a radical change of 1i&· nals." Haynsworth Ls chief judge ot the 4th Cin:ult Court of Appe.lls. A Democn~ he b described as a "strict construd1onlll'' of the law. In that re>ped. be Is In accord wilh tile judicial phlloaophy of r:ecently appolnled Chief Justice Warren Burger. Their ad· dlUon to the Cllll1t Is elpeClld to Up tile balance in .everal.ana·at crim1nal pro. seculloo when tlle .... -OJ10111 In October. • • 11-orlh ... ~-· m. jhe t1.8;:aai11 i•l!! a ill! .-ra11o0 wr llzJ-af.. Souih ~ P-.it nmn8il -~~"'· ·~ppeala 12 • ,..,.., chlet Judi•~~--llM. Zletlertald·Nixon llJIOb to RzJmwo<th about tile IJOl!.llnaU1111 lor the llnl lime.In ·a telephone· call Sundly afternoon. "Several weeks ago, the Attorney General (John Mitchell) Indicated to him that his name was under ~lderaUon," said Zk!gler, •'SUnday the w9f'd becime final." The selection, the White House aide emphasized. "did not go lhrough the (See HAYNSWORTH, Pqe I) Drug Rap Jails Nude Meditator A nude man praY1n1 tn the yosa lotus position at the alter of tile Community Presbyt.rian Church ol Laguna Beach, was arrested. Saturday when police entered the aanctuary. Officers said the man, ldenWied as 28- year-old Dennis J. Maginnis, of 1257 Fairywood Lane, Laguna Beach, ap- peared to be In a drug stupor. Lawmen found a pile of clothing belkle the bare meditator. Jn the clothing, three purple pJJJs police lhooght to lie L.!!D wtre found, according to Lt. Frank Schopen. Maginnl1 was booked on IUSPlcioct of possesstoo of dan&ef'9US drop after belng taken from the church at 41$ Forest Ave., to clly jail. . ·--·-· \ALA. Hurricane. Shrieks Across lA. ' • -·-... •• I MOllLE GUif Of l<lllCO .. ' • 'I' ;,. ' Gulf Coast Killing 14 4 GULFPORT. Miss. (UPI) -Hurricane Camille shrieked across the Gull Coalrt e arly today with ]91).mJle per hour wlndl and flood tides, Jaylng waste to entlrt ciUes and killing 1t least 14 persons. Two Mississippi lowlll--Bay St Loa11 and Wavt.!and -were out of touch wiUI the outsitit work!, but were reported heaiegoo by nn.1 tllat ~atened tlielr 'business -· Count.lot pertons were lnJured when Carnine, lbe strongest hurricane ever recorded by man, alammed Jnto • l°"" mile stretch of the Alabama, Mi!slsaippl and tooisian1 coast. Damage was esUmated In lhe hundreds or millions of dollan. . --"We have at least JO dead ln Biloxi and we haven't even beaun to check," said Mayor Danny GuJce. "It'• just terrible. There's m.:llioos of dollars ln damage." Fire trl'.cks raced from Ntw Orleans wwarJ.Bay St. Louis, aP~U:' ~ hit, city alon• the coast. Only a; miles from 'New Oi"leans, Bay St. J:;Ou13 was_ wlthoUt normal communlcaUOill ·Ind .most road! leadlna lnto lhe 8Clnic City J • were cloeed to traUlc. GuUpori wu hard hit In the prMawn hours when Camille made her sweep """"' the coast. then spent ber fury Jn. land In MJISltslppL By mJd.momln1, tile n!mnanl3 ol the storm -wtlh top winds "' ahoot 65 mph -were rtported 20 mllel eut oA Jaclclon and moving Inland. "My God, my hoUio Is -~" llOblled a Bllotl woman who ventured from • mctel In the 11'•1 dawn to survey the damage. • Stranply, a nelil>lior'1 -was virtually wXl•~lled. &t that .... tile excepUon. There wu heavy damact in Bllozl; but It wt• mild -pared to the wreckqe In Gulfport where moot o1 tile downtown area wu dtstroyed.. Some fOIJI houri alter tile llorm, 1111111 Jelephooe Unet had been repalnd In tile hard-Ail' -.-rtU. ~ !IOIDI ~ COIR- munlcaUont IO the '-· Alon& tile 100.m11e olHlch or CllOtlllile lli>oi lhe Florila f14oJiaqd¥ lo ""' OrJeons. tlilel' hlli'ed !IOlft llX~:,.i;o feet 11boVa "9ftlll), ~ ~. (Seo <:AMJU.E, P ... I)' .. • JEN CENTS UPIT ....... NOMINATED BY NIXON Democret Haym.worth Mother of 4 Dies · During Diving Test. A La Sierra ,n.u,.,; el fOQI' chlldrft practicing diving with an ~Di the aea oil La'""' Beacjl _, 1QOi'nlns died llOildeiil~-lfter aur!acJnc ... .om; Plalnlni of !1Ugue . Mr~ Ruilyl\Jartln, t7. was 1 dr"""1ng •""''-___._ lo ellmlna flndln ·~--....... ~.. pr 'Y . p by the Orange COunty Coroner's Offlce, She iras dilad on arrival at South Cout Oonimunity Holplte~ .despite frantic af.. templa by a lifeguard to revive her In the water and by a physician who did what be could to help on the shore. Llf.eguar4 Will HJtcbcock plunged In and qam to,Mrs. Martin's aid shortly after her · 10:30 a.m. collapse, giving moo~outh rtsuscft.ation and mug4 gling to bring her ashore. T Ufeguard Art Smart said an unlden4 lilied physician on the beicb with hill family al the i.pn, a~mJrust.ered external heart m,assage while rescuers waJted for. an ambil_la~e. Authorities said Mrs. Martin was prac- ticing .free ascenl with her diving in- structor off Shaw's Cove and complained of being lired. Jhen suddenly slipped lnw unconsclousness. Iileguard.9 theorized today that •he might have suffer~ an air embolism - the result of surfacing With a Iarie amount·of air in the lungs and not ex4 haling on the way up. Laguna Seach lifeguards logged a total of 16 swimmer rescues aa two to three- Ioot -1urf lured -19,000 persons Saturdiy and an estimated 22,000 on Sunday. San Clemente lifeguards reported 2S rescues during the same per.iod, with crowd estimates of 28,000 Saturday and more than 30,000 &mday. Steele Jtl•rkeu NEW YORK (AP) -lbe·lloc:k marlr<t f~~ on hig~r gr~d agaJn today u the rally which buoyed It Lite last w .. t carried through · another 1ession. (See ~uo!aJ1ons0 Paget 111-111. Trading near the close was moderate, Oraage Weather • Maybe ,you can't sleep till noon, bul Old Sol intends to Tuesday, alJer. which ft'U he 1iUJ1J1Y and warm f1S) al111r tile Orange Coasl and ounnler and wanner (Ml fur· tber· inland. JNSIJ)E TODA.Y A ,comp~ter. gives tome aD1Werr On w~etlitr it fa wiler to buv or tent ri home· during &he pre1nt l?"Jod of high '"ttr11t rd.tis. Strt S11lvJa Porter'• column °" Page 18. ......, 11+• ,..... a ~ . " ................ ~ '11-Jt ~~ • c..trt. M SFtv'-........ M =· . ti ...... --l>t4 ..... ' -.... ••ltlNI ..... ' ilect ,....... ,.,, ,.,.,, ti I ,.,.....,......... •:tt I ,._. ... ,, ~ fl ........ .. , .,. ' f t """ """"" ,.. ... ... " IMlfllll• ·' ..... ...... ... I . I I I • ' J • ''. ·-.. . . -----~~· 2 D.111. V '11.DT L Se119Jat in ~anode = • ' ' ~lam.erg's s . Heart Said Red-haired Man •' If .. • • ,. • +..i. • Slaying ·S·tispect Rejected UlS ANGELES !UPI) -A manhunt for a red-balred suspect in the mass murders ot Jctress,Sharoo Tait. aDd four ' President's Gatekeeper Keeps Busy Harry Schueltge, gotebeper for the Cyprus Sboro compounjl ol m1111ions In San Clemente, it busi« than" eftf Ulese d111. Tbe reason ill that a !ot of people 'bo don't live ln the private resiaential com- munity want to get in t.o tee Cyprus Shof<'• new neighbor -President Nlzoo. Tbe Nixon estate, -0nee a part. tll Cyprus Shore, ts jUst over a waU. Non-residents art!!'t aware Gf the wall. So they come and see Schueltge. They never get past him. _ Just the olber day, he turned .away : -A IitUe girl who aaid she had a Vf!r/ Important message for the Pmilknl It was from her grandfather. -A man who claimed be had been ask· ed to ~ the Nixon family piano (JlilI In New Y4!1<), -N JOUnl lady who said she ooce baby· aat for Tri<ia' l!ixon. "Nobody cets mad when I don 'I. let tbf1D, tn," , saMt Schueltc;e, a retired purdlulng ageol for the cily ol Burbank. ''They all leave with 1 mnll<. And I enjoy IL too. I like talking to people. Lately, I've been talking to a lot." ne gate is up the road from the . en· traDce to the ·L«an Coast Guard Station, where the Western White House's ad· mlnlltrative offices are located. Scbuelt.ge and three oth~r gatekeepers are on dutf around the clock. It alw4ya has been tbat way at Cyprus Shore. But jn the past, the1 a:atekeepers had onlY .. tG check with residents on gue$ls seeking entrance. 1·. Tbey now wort· from a clearance 1st •uPf!lled by anoll>Or sour« -th< U.S. sdl Service. They also provide backup gattMepers. . SuQdaY as thous.lndl ·of demonstrator• marched 'past, Scheultge had qu~ a few sudl."a!SislanlS." ~ut they weren t ~eed- ed. ' . other peraons Spread through we.stem Canada today. Tho~ Stev~n Harr\ian, 23. was describ&l as a •1hippie type" and a known narcoUca addict by Los Angeles police, who said he was w81lted for murder. Also soua:ht wert three other "hippie types" ~lieved traveling with Harrigan somewhere in the Canadian provinces of British Columbia @d Alberta. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police were concentrating the dragnet around Edmonton, Alberta, atlhough there was no indication why the group was thought to be in that art4. · Jiarrigan's traveling companionJ were Identified as Charles Tacot, Harris (or Harrison) Dawson, and William Doyle. H;lrrlgan reportedly attended a party the nigh.t Qf the massacre at the secluded home leased by MW Tate and her hus· band, fibn director Roman Polanski. OAIL Y PILOT ....... W Ttnl effllllll Duck Takes to Water Homicide detectives would . say only they are invet1tigatinl( the "narcotics as· peels" of tbe perplexmg case .. However, reports mounted the grisly sJaYings were connected with drugs, It was reported that friend s of the vie· tims told detectives that narcotics 'vere delivered to the home for the use of twG -0f the vidims. Poli.sh film director Voityci: Frokowsky, 37, and coffee bdress Abigale F-0lger, 26. Pilot of amphibious Coast Guard helicopter dis- plays maneuverability of craft during life saving demonstrations Saturday off Laguna's Main Beach. Mort than 1,000 beachgoers observed demonstra· tions, which included jump by airborne SCUBA divers and cliff-hanging by special rescue team. IL also was reported drugs were found In he sports" car of another viclim, men's hair stylist Jay Sebring, 35. Police have said there was no evidence -Of narcotics In the hoo!e. The· coroner's office performed tests on the ~e.a to determine the presence of drugs but the resuUs have nol been made public. Newport Sailor Hi@s In Church. as Protest Detectives believe the killer <li' klllei-s were familiar with the house and grounds of the estate -the telephone lines 18 feet above ground were cut -and did not need l<> enter forcibly. Jlrom Page 1 HAYNSWORTH By ARTB111\ I\. VINSEL Of'IM DlllJ' Pli.t Shift Naval authorities today considered what action to take against a Newport Beach sailor who has taki!n refuge in a Quaker church tn Seattle to proteat Viet- nam combat _and all other war prepara- tions. He is PO S C Bruce Preston, %.3, fonnerly of 1156 Rutland Road. who has been absent without leave from duties political clearance process.'' "1th a medical supply unit at Treasure "1lle. President feels that Supreme Island, Calif., for nine months. Court appointments should be made sole· Cont.acted today at the S e a t l t e 1Y bY him.'' · sanctuary, through Ille American Friends M Associate Justice, Haynsworth fill s Service Committee. the 1964 Newport a vacancy created when Abe Fortas Harbor High School graduate said ~e resigned last May 14 amid disclosures does not know just what will happen next. that be had accepted a fee from a foun-"I'm not too sure il they know how to dation linked with now-imprisoned finan· handle it," said Preston, who worked as a based on a contenUon that he was being forced to bear anns. "My famlly is behind me in this," said Preston, whose mother ia employed in a Newport savings and loan and wllose father is a telephone company employe. The young bachelor sailor said military J)Glice have been invited to enter tlle Friends Church, but that It would be futile for him \o walk out and surrtnder in tenns of protest emphasis. "We're eipecilng th'em anytime,'' he added. A SJ>Gkesman for the Shore Patrol in Seattle said Sunday, however, that he was under the impression PO 3C Preston was going to come outside and surrender. Military authorities have been reluc- tant in the past to take protestors out of church sanctuary, usually attempting all methods or persuasion before using force. Laguna Guards Back Oemente Pay Demands By TOM GORMAN Of tM O.llY l"la.t Sttft Thirty-eight members of the 46-man Laguna Beach Lifeguard Department have signed a petllioD sllJ)IXriing San Clemente lfeguards demands for higher waa:es. The Laguna IUegu.ards earn leas than their San Clemente counterparta. But . tbey are not threatening to strike. The Laguna petition-signers include Chief Lifeguard Tom Dugger, Supervisors Dean Westgaard and Jim Hardman, and senior guards John Cunningham and Art Smart. Thirty San Clemente lifeguards bad threatened to go on strike Saturday if their demands for a wage increase were not met by the city. CAPE TOWN,• So\jth· Alrka (UPI) - Dr. Christian Bamerd said today Dr. Philip Blaiberg's nfw heart was 50 severely dwhaged by -ftjection "he was back to where he started bdoif: we did the transplant." Blaiberg, the longest sU,..iving heart trk,,piant recipient, died Sunday after l!YUJ .19,rqOl)th,s aqd lS d,ays ~ith another man's heart. Barnard said a se<;ond lfansplant waJ STORY ON BLAIBERG'S LAST NOTE, PAGE 4 -ruled out because the nmaindtr <lf Blaibera:'s bocf)> was so ''ill0 it would have been fuUle. Barnard, the South African surgeon \Vho pve Blail>erg, 60, the heart of 24· year-old Clive Jlaupt , said "un- fortunately, today it is not possible to compleiely prevent rejection. It is <lnly p<>ssible to 1low il down. •·Jn the case <lf doctor Baliberg, we slowed it down for about 563 days," he said. Eventually, Barnard said, "the chr<lnic rejection damaged Lie heart to such an e11tent that it failed ." Barnard said be was saddened by Blalberg's death but not , cliscourai~. "We've done very much better than we ever expected, but I have never blu,ffed myself or my patients <lr the rest of the world that we believe that with organ transplants we have a cure.'" According to Barnard, Blaiberg's body "was so ill that it would not be worthwhile to attempt an<lther heart transplant. "It was what one would call a chronic rejection where eventually so much of the heart muscle was destroyed that he was back to where.. he started before we did the heart transplant," Barnard 1ald. Jlrom Page 1 CAMILLE •.. roads arid_ wrecking bridges. The winds split trees like dry twigs. Debris and trees choked roads. ~ cier Louis E. Wolfson. psychiatric technician trainee a f • · .; • Z~er,JiBid in·nory.inatihg Haynsw(lfth, FaiCTiew State Hospital in Costa Mesa the'~dent had tapped 1a man wlth !''a befor'e his enlisbnent almost four yell(! Laguna Chi1d . Struck by Car But the day before the strike the guards yielded to a temporary restraining order prohibiting them from going on strike. Their pay dispute.has-not yet beef\,~~lved, thoup. The petiUon \1iglied 'by the Laluna Beach lifeguards states: In addition to the 10 known dead at J3ilox.i, officials said two were dead at Gulfport and two more at Moss Point. Although_ there were oo casually figures from Bay St. L<luis, officials said Jhe toll w-0uW prbbably ,not be as high as migbt haVt 'been thoutJ:ii since 90 per- cent·ol· the residents were e"'cuated· .. · Par.~g ~~~«f. " No ooe Ill., lo fiiitbi.}~W­Beaci> porkln& m....-.-Ji!it po\l\lO· IOdlY !eel that -hal .... too larJ A meter In the 100 bloci ol ~· Ave., WU nipped off at the lf01llld ovemlg!lt Sunday and carted ,off. · 'lbe meter is valued at $71. Police ba~e no idea boW milch change waa in the to1.n bol. VIEJO • • • Jlrom Page 1 couldn't find a buyer for Its five percent .chool bonds. • ,. But in anticipation of the MISSJ.on VleJO amngement, the allocations board has agreed to allow sale of state bonds earmarked for the specified projects. Next step. Thunday. will be to ~b~n pennission for the state school buildmg finance committee to ena ble the state treasurer to proceed with the sale of bonds. Without Mission Viejo Company's aid, opening of the two schools would have been set back a year, according to school olficials. A constitutional amendment to raise the maximum interest rate fbr st.ate bonds to seven percent ls scheduled for the primary eleeUon next June. UAllY PllOI OMNI~ COW ............ ccw.NHY ......... w ... Pt .......... ...._ J1c.k I. Cwt., 61. '1kl ........ o--.. _ "" n.-•• 1(..,., ·-'"'·-· A.. M11.,1tt11 -·-JllU1r4 P. Nill ·--CltJ' l[flW ---22? f911•t A••· MtlllRI M4••tu P.O .... 6ll, tZ611 --Cltfl JMM, -#ftl .... '""" fll......, ~! fJU _.., .......... ,. ~--....:• ... ....... . {ci ___ . proVen .. ~ as ·• jurist, both as \an ago. associate ju!1r. and chief judge of on of "By going AWOL. I was committing thit~~)lusiestcourtsola the crim!! ol 11Uence," PQ 3 C ~ ·-·~~or'flhh•~~ t la!d the P.AIL¥ PIJ.br iocl>)'.. · . ~JL..pr..et.J<i.ng attorney and a He said he finally decided abcrut tv.·o disttftCUllbld record as a leading citizen weeks lgo to expand his protest effort. durlng his years of private practice," oil decided it was necessary to confront said Zi~er. "'He meets the quaillica· the mJlitary with my protest in a non· tions whidi the President believes are ·violent but positive way. I plan on staying esSenUal" fOr an iwoclated justice to the In sanctuary until the military responds,'' Supreme Court." be continued. The nomlrlee is married io the former The Navy enlisttd man entered the Dorothy Merry of Augusta, Ga., and has church Saturday to await his fate, saying · two stepsons. He is president of the Com· in the interview today that he has been , munlty Chest of Greater ·Greenville ·and traveling up and down the West Coast chairman of the Crusade for Freedom for since going AWOL last year. South Carolina 's Piedmont Section. He He said he left his post at Treasure also has served as vestryman of Christ Island after being turned down in a re· Church. quest for conscientiOus objector status, O•ae for Plaotog This picture of Brll!ille Bardo! and her new Dame. playboy Patrick GUI. on an Athens Deach resulted in a fracas between Gill and the photographer. Gill attempted to smash the newsman's camera, but ended up being dumped into the waler. ' Geofrty R. Cunard, $, La;una Beach is in fair condition today aftet being hlt~by a car Saturday night at the intersection of Goldenrod Street and Pacific Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Police said young Cunard, son <lf Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Cunard, 115 Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach, ran into a crosswalk · at the intersection against the light. Witnesses said ooe vehicle swerved to avoid striking him. The next car hit the child. The driver, Doyle R. Petersen, Santa Ana , was n<ll cited. • The youngster was taken to Hoag Me- morial Hospital with a broken leg plus several cuLs and bruises. -Fullerton Girl Dies After Fall From Horse A girl tossed from her horse Saturday died five hours later of head injuries suffered. when she landed on the pave- ment, according to Ful!ertoo police. The victim was identified as Carol L. Jones , 20, of 400 W. Orangethorpe Ave., Fullerton. "We the underaigned of the Laeuna Be.ach =ards~ aymp~ with the San Cl te ' W~ In t;jeir demand5 for a wage mtrease. F ~e amount of responsibility which i ~~x­ pected of a lifeguard, the lifeguard is underpaid." Starting pay for San C 1 em t n le lifeguards is $2.&S an hour. They are demanding a starting salary of $3.12 an hour. $1,5 00 'faken At Laguna Innf A theft of Sl,500 fNlm the Beach House Inn, 619 Sleepy Hollow Lane, was under Investigation t o d a y by Laguna Beach police. The burglary was re~ed by Inn Manager Richard Worthl'ngtolf o t Emerald Bay. It apparently occurred early Saturday morning. Police Lt. Frank Schopen sai<l entry to the restaurant was gained through a win- dow. The cash was taken from a strong box. Nothing else was stolen, Schopen said. A suit is what you don't buy around the corner Ooast Guard helicopters bucked still- ~a.v_A.&e winds at dawn to dip.lo across the -OCean·fronts in a search for survivors or persons in distress. There was little drinking water to be found,, but National Guariismen were iruc~g tanker-loads to stricken cit.iea. Many of the 1,200 guatdsmen activated to ~ against JooUng and help make rescu.ts rodt! amphlbiou.s vehicles througb streets inundated with water and other-wl~ impassable. ' The r.eorgia Air National Guard began shuttling food and supplies to Keesler Air Force Base at Biloxi. Girl, 5, Loses Life In Anaheim Accident An Anaheim traffic accident early tG- day killed Catherine J. Rector, 5, of Whit· titr. Anaheim poli<:1! said a car driven by \Villiam McGregor Jr., 23, of Whittier. went through a barricade into a con· struction ditch on Santiago Drive. His ~tepdaughter. a passenger, was fatally injured. She died three hours later. about five minute1.. ft.loll of my competiton •re cba.i n 1tore1. 1'-1011 of the chaine are owned and run by large clothinll' ·mannfactnre" in the ea11. There•• nothin~ wrong with that, thon~h I think it doea tend 10 make a 11ore't 1tock a little loptided M> lhey can flUSb their own I'm on tl1at little peniu1ula past tlto&e 27 closer men'• bJ'And of f:lothing. that 1ead1 to Lido lale, a short 1tore1 io order 10 look over l happen 10 be a one •tore block beyond The Arch.ea in the suitt I have in your ti.M!. indenendt>nt merehant. and I Newport Beach. Or even m'' ue~ktie1 or say ihe1t.'1 no better place 10 But I don't know where you tocks or 1h~11. l\I akin g • 1ak~ your hu1inet1 1ban to a are. minor purchue here i1 1 pain~ one 110-re in"tle11endent n1er. Probably. be ca u • e t bi• les1 way 10 fin!) onl if you like rhant. Your bo1ine1s eouut1 n~~1paper ,circulates in ,eevenl the kind of merchandise 1 for· more in a atore lib that t111e1. you re cloeer to about H1lect~ the ,reneral feelin1 of and 1berefore it'• app~iated 27 other good men'• 1tqret the 1tore and the type of intel· more. They haven't yet in .. than you are lo mine. ~l interett 700 se• from ventfld a computer that know• l\linor purchuel. "Uke tooth-my staff. how to appreciate a cattomer'a ra9te, you pick up •I the band· After all, tbe be&t way to huP<lneu. 1e~t store. You know es.aetJy find oat if you feel eomfort• When you bay aomethi what y~u. wanl. Why wa1te oc-able with a slore it to p in here. and one of our auys 11~ laue dnVlng one bloc~ !artber and buy .ometbiog. U1111lly 1l1ank you. yo u know It r.omet lhan y~u need to ~or '' · you can fonn an .or-inion in from the heart. l\ly heart. A su11. though, 111 nol tooth· paste. You don't buy one at I he store around tl1e t!Orner on your way honie 10 dinner. l adm.it l'n1 prejudiced. However. I still say ii ml-11t be "·orlh your wl1ile, next tin1e you netd • auit. to drive rigl1t Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Lido, Udo ~eninaido, Newport Buch rigl11 ne"t to Rithard'a Market and the Lido Tbt:aler. ftlucho parkitlfl directly hehlud m7 llore. Phone 673451 O. Copyrijjht 1969, Jack Bidwell. b fl d Ii "' ~- pu. "" mt he lhe .... -----• • Newport· B~rltor DI I ~oi:. 62, NO. :r'l7, 3 SECTIONS, 30 PAGES OUN&E cooNri', ~UFg~A --, • MONDAY, ~U&UST ~·i, '1969 • ' • • Today'• Flaal ·· . -· N.T •. Steetu . , JEN CENTS ·-·-·-· ' . ' . I Nix.on ,Picks Haynsworth LA. .... GUif o• Mil.CO - Hurricane Slirieks Across ' ' Gulf Coast l{illing 14 Gtn..FPORT, Mis!. (UPI) -Hurricane Camille shrieked a~ the Gulf Coast early today with 190-mile per hour winds and flood tides, laying waste to entire ciUes and tilling at least 14 persom. Two Mississippi ~Bay St. Louis and Wave~ -were out of touch with lhe outsitie workl, but were reported beslegl?d by firea that threatened .. their bu.m..s districts. CoonU... per .... ""' lnJur<d 111><n Camlllt, the ttrongesi btmicane 'tver recorded ,by man, •lammed into a 100. mile •lrelch of tbe Alabaola. Missisalpi>I and Louiliana coa&t ~Diunage Wat estimatod In the htllldredS of mlWoni of dollars. "We have at least 10 dead Jn BllcW aDd we hav.ei1'.t-.£ve'n_beaun_to _c~Mid Mayor Danny Guice. "lt'a jU!t temDle. There's m!Uions of dollars in damage." Fitt tn-.clts raced from New Orleans toward Bay st. Louis, apparentl; harde3t hit city along the coasL Only 35 milu from New Orleam, Bay St. Louis was without nonnal communications and most roads leading lnto the acenlc city were cloeed to traffic. Gulfport was bard h1t in the pre-dawn boon when Camille made her sweep ~ the coast, then spent her fury in- land in ·Mississlppi. By mid-morning, the remnants of the storm -with top winds or about 55 mph -were reported 20 miles east <J. Jacbon and moving inland. "My God, my house iJ demollzhtd," sobbed a Biloxi woman who ventured from a motel in the gray dawn to aurvey the damage. Strangely, a neighbor's house was virtually undamaged, but that was the exception. Then! was heavy damage ln Biloxi, but it was mild compared to the wreckage in Gulfport where most of the' downtown area w1s destroyed. Pilot's Fotorama· Opens Thursday At Island 'Park' Stage ·eoun at Fashion lsland.Tuesday will be transfonned from, a band concert "park" lnto a "plcturt gallery" in readiness for Thursday's open1ng of Fotorama. Some four hours after the 1torm, many telephone linea had hetn repaired in the hard-hit areas, givin1 aome com- murUcaUons to the towns. Alone the too.milt stretch of coaslline from the Florido pulumdle to New Orleons. ti1les nnged from •I>< to lO feet 111bovt normal, COftrini houses, roada llld wrec!;lnf brld8eL ,. Tbl ~'II# .._i!ll' ·ofp l'!iP· Debri1 .... -~ --' ti; addilioo to the. it _,'dull st BUill, OUICiala. aakl i. "" dtad at Gullport ud two inott:il ~ ~""1t. . Al~ . Ibero .,_ . IO cuolo!ty flprit !nom llj It. Louis, -aid u.e ion -w prohibit ao1 be a. high ., m~ho..,,-thoul!il-allice,IO per-~ t~u:r="=:t atlll· "'"""' winds at down to illp lo ~'the ocean-fronts in a at.ar'Ch for IUl'Viwrr « penons in distress. ; There wu liUle ·drinking .water to,be rou~. but National Goardlme:n wtre trueking tanker·!~ to ~ken clU .. , • Mtny of the 1,200 ,,,.-.0 actJvut<1 to i!iard oplnst ~ li>d.lielJ> m•e relCUes r~ amphl.!Houa vehicles throuab streets· tll\llldated with "'"' ond --wise inipanable. The <'.eorgia Air Nat..ional Guard be&ln . ahuttling food and suppUes to Keesler AJr F°"" ll&se at Blloll. Youth on Wrong End of Assault A youth accused oi assauhin1 a t~ year-<>ld Newport Beach gtrl bad to he rescued by lherllf'1 deP:J,ities frtlm an angry crowd In Scot.chm.an'• Cove Sunday her ... be could he booked. . OffiOO"i said wltnts..es told thtm. that Jamea Arnold Ward , 19, of Moline, lit, .singled out his victim from a group of girls and made aeveral "lmpfoper remarks" to her. When the suggestions allegedly turned lrlto advmcea onlookers pulled Ward away from the a;irl and bepn to punch and kick him. Deputies had to utricale Ward from the milling crowd to meet him. He is ~ dfY In Orange County Jail mining What dep..1.i~ describe: as IOre ribs and a variety ol cuts and bruises. . .. _S.C D~riwcrat:-i'apped tor High Court ' . BJ JB1IOMB r. <lOUINS ., .... Dlllll' ,. ... PmJ9ent Nbon --rumor Jnto. loct lhlt mornlna by. 'ID!IOUDclD( hll in. t.nt1oa to --r.,imJ,..Appea11 Judge a ..... t r. KQ111wor1lrof Sooth Carolina to aerve on the u.s~ Supreme Court. Nixon did not personally di.5$:1ost his choice. 1be announcement was almost mrtinel)' made by Prw Setn!tary Ron Ziegler at the SUrl and Sand · Kotel in Four Escape Balboa Surf . -. Pleine Crash Four Garden Grove residents are home today nursin& cuta and acratches, but sUU thankful they dn1ved the crash of their small pl.0.1n the surf off Balboa Satur· day. \ The small craft, which lifeguards said resembled "a piece of crnmpled tin foll" after the 4 p.m, cr~h. was removed by tow truck lab: Saturday night. It WU I total Jou. The pilot of 1'le two-year~ld pllM, Sheldon Faust, 20, told police be Jett .tfun·· tington Beach Airport, at 3:40 p.m. then experienced throttle trouble as he flew over Newport Beach. At the E Street Beach the plaM: finally lost loo much power ond plungod ln\o·the aurl and flipped ·upalde down. FillSt and three pauengen. Robert PblWpa. 11. 11111 Mr. llld MrL 'Jail<. How!q all c~ mt of ,.....,.. before H •i!ollcti''ui&" ">,.....,....· _Haw~~!, ,oiod hll Wife Jan. IO. IUf. rel<ll "N<f a!ld mlno< Olla and -'l1ley weni roleuecl arttt emer1ency -'If l!IH~-i.I llliopjl&L . Tba )10ol~'l'lllllll'i' liho *lmlnr u eqpllot; "WI ... Iliad -llDCY trellme!ll. ' The Peniiiula'a"'-vy·lhor.mak ... nt to wort on the ·ptane and waves broke It up. Into aeveral pk<el tbroulh the ._ Ing. Both wings were lirol<en oU ond the tall waa ripped frtln tbe luaelqe, police Aid, Newport Council Eying $400,000 Utility Use Tax The Newport Beach City Council tonight will decide the fate 6f a auggested tu on utiUty use that could raise more than $400,000 a year. And if they decide In favor 0( lhe new levy, councllmen will abo study way1 to spend the money it would raise, city aides Mid tOOay. The special atudy ae.asion, ltartina: at 7:30 p.m., also will include disclolure of the city's recommendaUonl fer develop. rnent or Upper Newport Bay. No official action on ellher issue can come tonight, however. Councilmen Will ewnine the plans and decide on liking up the lliUes at a rqul1r inttting. The utility tax, recommended by City Manager Harvey L. Hurlburt earlier th!s IWtlmer, involves lmpo8ing the levy whlch alrea<ty· it in use by a doien Soulhern California cities. The anrag! cost per penoo under the . tax would he II, Hurlburt told the coun- cil. In a year It could raise $431,200 in Newport Beaeh. , • Lqlmll ~.Judp K~ allyod homolnQ~.s.c. · 'l1leio wu.""""'1latlon that the .. i.o. ti"1 of Ille 16.ieo'-<>ld jurllt, ""' dil-chioedJn that faahloo becaula sm.· !Mr· ett Dirter(P..lll.) bad 1poilid ,_...,. prile Jut J'O'k. Dirksen said .at lliiJ iJnt U..t ,ffaynswQltb would he nom1 .. 1111 ''unless there ·is a radical cliangt Of 1la- nala.l'•-• • Haynsworth ls chief judge of the 4th qrciiit Court QI AppeaJs . A ~ocrat, he ii described as a "strict CCID!tructionist" DIES ABOARD CARRIER Brion R. l lgttiut Navy AvlaUorr Boitswaln· JC Brtan R.. Ugthart. 22, a loog lime Newport Beath resident, ,wu tilled Frkfay tri a plane·ac· ddent on the carrier USS Constellatkm. Mr. Llgthait, the oon o1 Mr, and Mra. Arthur Llgthart. 4'0 Sl Andrews Rd., Newport,~. had served in the U.S. Navy 1tnce.1166 after attending Orance Coast C.Uece, He was a 1985· graduate ol. Newport Harbor High School and lived in Newport ror II ' years. He was a DAILY PILOT carrier for thrft: years. He i1 survived by his parents and two sisters, Diane and Nancy. Services· are pending at Pacific :View Memorial Park, CorOl1a !)el Mar- ol Ille law • In' tlial mped. be 'II In accord wllh , 1111 Judlctal phllooophJ of menUy 8'PPlllDted Chld Juallce Warren lknler. 'liielr ocl- <litlon to the_court to apected to tip Ille balance In. aeveral ,, .. ,,.,, criminal pro- secuUon when the oew · seuton optns in Qcloher. Haynsworth, whose nomination must be confirmed by the U.S. Senate~ represents the fifth generation of Haynsworth at- (Set BA YNSWORTll, PIJt J) Dr. Blaiberg Heart Ruined By Rejection CAPE TOWN, Sooth Alrica fUPI) - Dr, Christi.an Barnard aa1d t o d a y Dr •. Philip Blaiberg's new heart ""' 10 severtly dam1ged by rejecticn °he was back to whert he started before we did the transplant." Blalberg, the longest surviving heart transplant recipient, died Sunday after living 19 moolhs and 15 days with another man's heart. Barnard said a JeCOnd transplant WIS ' ' STORY, ON BLAIBl!.G'S LAST NOTE, PAGE 4 ruled out btcauae the remalndU of Blaibers'• body. war ao ... ill,t it1irwld. )a\tl~~·. T~,;,. !lo., I, .~ oo ·So\ilh 'AM~ ~ w11o p•eBll!her11.,eo. lbe.bea:t ot,24-._ yuriOkl Clive Haup&, •a 1.d ."u• -ly, today " to nol·jcllllblt to ~ jilt.en1 ttJldloo. II 'Ii aa!f ~to -it down. . "ID the cue of doCtor ~. wt slowed it down for about M3 days,0 .,_ aald.. . -· • Eventually, Barnard said, «tlJe chronle ttjedlon damaged the beort to ouch an extent that• il failed." Barnard aid hi wu 11ddelled by Blalhers'• death but !IOI dl>couraged. "We've cktne very much better than we ever eipected. but I have never bluffed myself or my patients or the mt al. the world that we believe that with Ol'J&n lramplants we havt 1 cure.'' According to Barnard, Blaiberg'1 body "was ao ill that it would not be worthwhile to attempt anotber heart tiansplanL Mesa Favorit;e for Court B'UtNewport in Running Co&ta Mesa still has the ln.<ide track but Newport Beach ~ not out of the run- ning. That will be the s:ituaUon Tuesday as Orange County su~laon: again take 'up the two ciUes' bids for location of a new Harbor Area regional courthouse. The Cost.a Mesa land offer is auP'POftd to be •t million cheaper than the Newport Beach offer, a point .Upervison sar-car· ries t'Onllderable weight with· them1 But several letters from key county aovem- ment .staff offer other consideraUons for aupervilorl. Cotinty Cow1lel Ad.rtlD Kuyper writel L'lal the 32nd Agricultural Dlo1ritt, owner• or the eo.ta Mea County Falrgroond1 aite, hu "ample authority" to sell or lease the acreage, a polnt not clear when aupervlaon last took up the matter three months ago. County AdmlnistraUvt1 Officer Robert Thomu notet the fairgrounds site "of· fen: no advantage with respect to the Costa Mesa Civic Cettler" a ' distance .removed . from the propoRd court tile IC2'0ll AtUnaton DriVe lrom C-Olta Mesa High School. Conductor Henry Brandon and the Fashion Island orchestra tonight is scheduled to present next-to-the-Ju( In the summer series of "pops" concerti on Stage Court. The tent under whlch lhe muslciaM play In the weekly Monday night Con· cerU Tuesday will be moved Into the center of Stage Court. It will form part of a large canopy which wi!? be used to cover the ~ of phologrilpbs of varloUs k1nds to be shown in lhe· DAD.. Y PJLCYI' Fotorama at Fashion Island. Sailor 'Protesting War The Newport Beath propooa1· fa< the courihouae, on the othe< hand, would put lt adJotent to othe< public wvlct buildings In tbe plonnod new civic center at MacArthur Boulevard ond East Coosl Highway. ' • C-Ounty Rood Coounbalontr A. L. Koth pointa out Co&ta Ma.io High Scboi>thas ln- adequole parilln( for Ila alliilenta and .Or,nce Coe.ll-College INdents prefer to porl< clooe to the~ eta-rather than In coll• Iota. .. parklnc lot lntrudert coold be expected at the !olrl<Wfldl Pictures for display under · the "big top" already have begun to arrive from the l'arioua agencies which w 111 participate in Fotorama. They will be m.- 1talled Wednesday. Fotorama opens at 10 a.m. 1bursday 11nd will be open Thunday, Friday and SaJurday free to the public. NEW YORK (AP) -n.e -k maret finllhed on higher groond agaln today 11 the rally which buoyed If tale last week cocrled lhrouah another .... ion. cs.. quotaUons, P1ges 1~19) • Trldinl near the close .was moderate. " Newport Man Takes Refuge in Seattle Church BJ ARTHUR It. VJNSEL Of ... DtllJ ·,11it ...,, Naval author1Ue1 . '9da>' consldtrecl what acUoo to take q.aht a Newport. Beech llilor who has taken refuae In a Q\Jllltr tburch In Se-lo prolal Viet- nem CG1nbll and all other 'ft'!lr prepar1· tiOhs. • • Re Is PO 3 C Bru"' rr_.tlon, 23. fonnertJ ol. ltll Rutland Roid, who has been abelmt without luVt l!Vln dutlea wtlh a medJcal Ripply untt 1t Treuurt Jslll!ld. Calif., for nlne.mootbs. ' Contacted loda¥ at the• S \ It tt I e ,.nctu•l'f • tliiwgh the Ainer1ca Ftlenda Service-Commllteo. the 1111 N~ Harbor Kigh School groiluate' aaJd he -not know jual whit will happen O.xt. "I'm not too '""' H they lcnow how to bindle It," nid Preston, "1io worked as a J>B)'chlalrlc tecbnlc:laa lrllnee • t Fatrvlew St.ate Hospital In Co.ta Meaa befpre his enlistmeot almost four yean aao. "By «ioinl AWOL. I .... commllthlf the crime of sllence," PO 3 C' Preston told the DAILY PILOT IOdl). Ile aald be finally decided about two nekJ ... to expand hi• protest 'effort. "I il!tided It WU """'Ull'1 to -root the military wttb my protest in a oon- violent 'but postthe w1y. I plan on staying tn aanctuary unW the military nsponda," be continued, The Navy enllated man en~red lhe churcl> Saturday to 1w•Jl ,bll fale, .. ylng tn tha lnltrvlew today th•t be hu been travdln( up. ond down the Weal Coast 1m goin( AWOL lat year. Ke &aid be lell his p<mt 1t Treasuro bland after being tu,,,..i down In a re- Qlltlt for ClllllCiatllloul .ObJ~ 1111!11,_ hued Oil I .c<llllentl0t1 that ho WIS helnc forced to bilar anns. "My lamlly' II behind me Jn (hi•." aald Praton, -mother II employed In • Netrport sa'1np Ind loan atld whoM father la 1 telephone c:anpt.Jty employe. The YOlll!i hacll<lor oallot aaJd military police have been Invited to enler Uoe Friends Church, but that ii would he fUllle for bin\ ~ w1lk IKlt ond-IUlTellder In ~ of prot<st empbull, · "Wt're •JJ*Uni them anytime, .. he added... · ~ ~ .pok!sman .. ror the ~ Patrol Jn ~ttfe>sald ·Stlnday. ·hfni0ver. that be Wit umter' the impresalon PO 3C Presfon wa11oln1 to come outalde ud IAITTl'fl<ler. Milllarf oulhorltlet · have been rtllfe- tanl In the pat! to llko proteatora out of <hurchi aplotuary, U1U1lfy alt.ifiptlng all inelbolli of pellUulOfl. be!~ lllllil !or"°' • IC° -T toUrthouMI~. J DlrllCtor of .Roal Property oervlce.o St.aftley Xraute say1·MO,OOO' to $45,000 an acre 11 • ..-hie price to pay for the wonl6-lle If, otre Folr.......,. Ille, but reconnneDstt ~ d e I 11 ac- ceptance ot the 0..-Mm offer "to et· plOl'll'lvalllblllty of, -.,poalble Illes bavmc more favonblo llllldac •nd pro- limtty fact.on.'' Egypt Plane Hijacked CAIRO CAP) -An EIYJ!llon ·domeallc1 alrliotr wu hljaokod by two linldenllfiod penona over Luxor lod•Y and !lnded it !:1 Wojh Airport Oii the Rod S.. cout In S.udl Arobta, • Unllod1Arab IJrllnU ....... "" .. --. . ,..... . . • • NOMINATED BY NIXOK Democrat H1yn1worfh New High Court Justice Accused Of Being Racist NOt everyone ln government circles was pleased today with Prt:lidenl Nizon'1 announcement cl the newest , u. S. sUpremer Court justice. ·Appell1t·e Judg~ Clement F. Ha~ Jr., •u acalJed of being' a JIOl?!l~.bf atlvll ~--and hll cre.lentlall·"*" othenilae ~ byNeWYori:MlY01;JobnV.t.tr71 7. ·•<we lee! that In hll t91 deciaku, he has clearly taken n J>O!lltion ffi-1avur ol- eeareaatlon," declared Clarence Mttthell, ll iinctor of 1 .. Nalional Aaoclotlnl for !ht Adv~ of COlorod Pei>ple. "111,_orth taco ·the philoaopby nd tenal.Uvlty required to carry oo the tradi-o t.iona Ol Leuis-Brande.is, F e 11 ·s Frankrurter, Benjamin Cardor.o. and Arthur Goldberg," addod Mayor Llndaay. Haynsworth, whose appointment to llJOo ceed Abe Fortas on the high bench WU formally announced today iru Latl\INl Beacb, l\u been described as a middle-of· tbe·roader •. He has sustained many desegregaUOn rulings while serving 11 years oo the a~ peals court covering North and South Carolina1 Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. This tradltion -irksome to many In the heart or Dixie -Is still not satilfa~ tory according to the NAACP leader. nor ls his written opinion that the P1C9>-of desegregation must continue. Board to Hold Special Meeting Newport.Mesa Unified School District's Board ct Education will hold a spec:lal meeting tonight at 5:30 o'clock' at Mariners School, 1100 Mariners Drlve, Newport Beach, The meeUng will be held to di8CUSS board and district plans aod·goals for the upcoming school year. No of!icial action will be taken by the board. The next rtgular meeUng of the board of 'edocation wtll b6 at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at, the C.Osta Mesa High School lyceum, 2650 Fairview Road., • Orange Weather Maybe you..can't sleep till noon, but Old So~ Inlaid• to Tuesday, after Which jt 'll be sunny and warm (75) alon& the. Orange Coast and suhnit{ and warmer (84} fur- ther inland. \ INSmE TODAY A comput~ gfvt1 some an1w•r1 on tohethtr it is ICiHr to bur or rent 4 home during th• pre1f!nt ptriod o/ high interttt ratf1. Set S11ltna Portfr'1 column o" PO{I< 18. • -.. MtlttMI ,,.._. +s --' .,,,,,.. ,.,_ 11 hc\111 ..... lJ.11 .... . ,,.., ·-----~,._,, ,........ .. -.. -. .... ..... .. --.. I --_,. --------··. '-'--·~·--• • • • I l J DAILY ,!LOT N Mtodq, ._ It, 1'" ~•light '~ Canada Red-haired Ma~ " Slaying Suspect LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A manhunt for a red-hatred sus~ in the mass murders ol aclres! Sharon Tate and four other persons spread through westeru Can•today. Thomu Steven Harrigan, 23. Wl3 d..cribtd u a "hippie type" and a known narcoPca addict. by Loi ADa:eles police, President's Gatekeeper Keeps Busy who said he was wanted for murder. Also sought were three otMr "hlpp!ti types" believed traveling with Harrigan somewhere in the Canadian provinces of Briti!h Columbia and Alberta, The Royal Canadian Mounted Police were concentrating the dragnet around Edmonton, Alberta, aUhough there was no indication why the group was thought to be in that area. Harrigan's traveling companions were Identified a.s Charles Tacot, Harris (or Harri.Ion) Dawson, and William Doyle. Hmigan reportedly aUended a party the night of the massacre at the secluded home leased by P.1iss Tate and her hus- band, film director Roman Polanski. Homicide detectives would say only they are investigating the "narcgtics as· peds" oC the perplexing case. However, reports mounted the grisly slaylngs were Harry Schuel\;:e. 1atekeeper for the connected with drup. ~Shore compound of manaions in It waa reported that· friends of the vlc- San cfomente, b busier than ever ~ tlms told detectives ·that narcotics were · Pardon ltf11 Truck . . . .. ' . '~· .. ,, • • DAl .. V PILOT Sttff PIMlll ' • • Mother. of 4l ,, DiesDw-ing • • ' Diving Test A La Sierra ' mother of four 'children practicing cUving wflh anlnstructor in tht sea off Laguna 'Beach Sunday momm, died suddenly after aurtacini and com· plaining of faUgue. Mrs. Ruby Martin, f7, was a drowning vicUm, according ~ "Jlrtllr.Jnary findi111s ' by the Orange Counb' Coroner's Offic& She was dead on arrival at South Coa!t Community Hospltal, despite frantic al· tempta by a Ufeguard to revive hU in the water and by a J>hyiiciaD Who did what be could to be1p,qn tbe shclre. Lifeguard Will 'Hhcbcock plunged In and swam to Mrs. Martin 's a.kl shortly after her 10:30 a.m. ccillapse, giving mouth-lo-mouth ~talion and •true· gUng lo brinr ber ~: · ' Lifeguard Art &Mart said an uniden- tified phy'sician on the beach with his family at the time adminiltered ezte.rna l h~ massage while rescuers waited for an ambulanc~. days. delivered to the home for the use of two The ruson 11 that 1 Jot of people wl» of the victims, Polish film director don't Uve in the private us1denUal com· Voltyck Frokowsky,~ 37, and coffee munity want to get in to see Cyprus heiress Abigale Fol&er, 26. stJCrt'I new neighbor_ President Ntxon.. It alto was reported druJs were found Tbe NWm estate, once a part of"Cyprus in he sporb car of another victim , men's Larry Krentzlin of 1031 Madison Place, Laguna, and his son, Jeff, were unloadinC concrete in their driveway when the borrowed flatbed suddenly be- gan rolling downhill. Jeff tried to stop it, but could· n't and th• truck rolled into William E. Butcher's backyard at 1064 Flamingo Road . No Ol)e was hurt, but there was a lot of unscheduled tugging and haul· ing at the Krentzlin residence Saturday afternoon . Authorities said Mrs. Martin was prac- ticing free ascent with her diving in- structor \'.!ff Shaw's Cove and complained of being tired , then suddenly slipped into unconsciousness. Lifeguards the<Jrized today that she might have suffered an air embolism - the result of surfacing with a large amount of air in the Jungs and not ex· haling on the way up. Shore, ls jmt avtt a wall. Non-rdldenta hair stylist Jay Sebring, 35. Police have aren't aware of the wa11. So they come said lbere was no evidence oi narcotics in and ,.. Sdalellie. the !Joule. They never 1et put him. The coroner's office performed'tests on From Page 1 Ju.st the other dl,J, he turned away: the bodies to determine the presence of -A UWe girl who aaJd she bad 1 very drugs but the results bave not been made HAYNSWORTH tmportaol ·_. !or the Pruldent. It publi<. was from her grandfather. • Detectives believe the tiller or killers tome:ys in South Carolina. President -A man who claimed be bad been ask· \vere familiar with the house and grounds Ellenhawer named him to the Court of ed to tune tM Nil:oo family pilno (atilt in of th~ estat~ -the t~ttphone line~ 18 feet Appea\J l% years ago. He was appo1¢ed New Yft), above ground were cut .-and did not · chief judge by President Johnson in ·1964. A ad ho ••'d she once baby need to enter forcibly •. -young 'I w ...... • Ziegler said NiJ:on spoke lo Haynsworth ut for;Tricia Milon. "Nobody a:ets mad when I don't let about the nominaUon for the first time in them in," Wd Schuettce. A retired p ide t's Day a telephone call Sunday afternoon. pw<hallng agenl for the city ol Burbank. reS U "Several weel!s ago, lhe Atlomey "Thej 1U lea"ve with a smile. And I enjoy Gtneral {John Mitchell) indicated to him u. too • .J lll<e'tatklng 1o peopleo Lately, Quiet Despite that his name was under C<lllllideratlon," I've been talkin& to a lot." nie 'eate is up the road from the en· said Zleglu. "Sunday the word became trance •to the Loran Coast Guard Station, 0 ts: .J A t • final." wbe"' ,the Western White House's ad· U me C Wll The ..Jectlon, lhe White House aide ministraUve offices are located. •" emphasized, "did not go through the Schueltge and three ()ther gatekeepers lt may have been noisy on the outside, pol!Ucal clearance process."' are OQ duty around the clock. It always but it was quiet ·on tile inside-of Pres.ident "'rte President feels that Supmne has bten that way at Cyprus Shore. But ?'liion's summer home in San Clemente Court appointments should be made sole.- in the past, the gatekeeper• had only to aver ~ weei:tnd , · . ly by him." check with nsidtnlS f:M'I cuests seeking While the Peace Action Couriclfs As Associate Justice, Haynsworth fills ent~. parade of thousafida marc~ed within a a vacancy · created when Abe Fortas Thef now work from a clearance li!t , few hundred yards of the grdunds Sunday resigned last May 14 amid disclorures supplied by lnOthU spurct -~ U.S. afternoon. the Pnskfent remained inside thal he had accepted a fee from a foun· Secrtt ~Ice. They fW p-9yide )!ackue: tUs If.room mansion, spending quiet dation 11.ni:ed with now-imprisoned nnan: pte-.,. -;,;"'~( ·bour• "itl\-hl• famllj< -1Mu. Ni>O!l, cler Uiji!IE. Wolfson. . , ~. U thousafidi or, . Trict•~ David and Julfe Eis~wer. Ziegler said in nominating Haynsworth/ marct*I °1)ISl, Scbeult.ge b quite a few After th~ demonstrators left, heading the president had tapped a man with "a such "uaistants."'But tbey weren't need· for the beach; the First Family. except proven record as a Jurist. ~ U an ed. ~ , ! ,,.,.. ,~, ... h, fer~, ~· climbed •bomt 1 . associate judge.ll\d <$iel.jll!IM 9!,P'.\f1ol ~ 1,<1 ~ '"'f -.~ 't ·. l beli , • SP,rinPi .i"}I c~ {. ..,_; this CtlUfllrJ's bdliest NU.rtlilf"ijpe.l' · • · . " ••ening.1\ll&e at lhe • "}•lil•}laynsworth bad a dlaUJ>iul!hed Go d N eState ~'mUf!l·miWonall'e ~bh1her ' recqrd " a practicing attorney and a r Oll -Wille~ . f,U.S. Anibassaaor to Cl.lilliijUQ1ieil record Ii a lea~g cilizen • 1' . Grea.~ Jrl~tn •. Annenberc ls a long·Ur11:e dµrtna: bis years of prl'Yate practice," Se • SJ d peraonal frierid t>f the President His said Ziegler. "He meell: the quallfica· rvJCeS ate 1 • estate is jun outside Palm Springs. lions which the President believes 1rt Satunfay~ftemoon the President, Julle essenUal for an associated justice to the Services for Gordon A. Nielsen, 49, an 11..yur Newport Beach resident who.died . Sund1y al Long Beach MflMrlal Hospilal, will he held Wednesday .It 10 a.m. at Pacific View Mortuary. Ntellen, 1615 Ruth Lane, was a chemical enctneer for North American: RockweU. Ht ls survived by his wife, Eleanore. a daughter JaNce E. PaUUlo. two sons, Ralph and Dale and a atster Marjorie Ruckel ol Michlg111. Police Use Tear Gas In NJ Race Rioting LAKEWOOD. N.J. (UP!)-Poli"' fired tear gas to disperse groups of Negro youths early today as more firebomb-. lngs hl( thi5 southern New J!rsey com· munity. Jt was lht second consecutive night ol racial disorders, stemming from the arrest of three black youths falsely rumoted to have betn killed by ~lice. Polke arrested 14 yooUu in todays out· break. OAllY PILOT OUHll tCiU1 "'* .. , ... COlfrMIAllY le'-t N. WH4 .,.llllftt .......... J•tlc I . 0114ey VU.......,. ..w Ge!lff .. MINllT Tli•111•1 IC""'n ·-Th ....... .-.. M1tpli:fte ~·"· . J.,.. ..... "· C.111~• --Clt'I l:llllW ~ ..... °"". 2211 Weit lt"'-t l•1lt••" M•tli•t M4'Mt1 P.O. lh 1111. tl••J. --c.... ~ ••• , ..., '""" a.-llMdl: m ,...... •-.......... -..:ti: Jlf 1111 ..... and Davtd ·made up a golfing threesome SUp!'Mle Court." at the Pauma Valley Country Club 1'he nominee is married to the former n«.thtaat of Oceanside. They were the Dorothy Merry of Augusta, Ga., and has guestl of Evangellst Billy Graham, two stepsons. He is president of the Com· WhOle home is on the golf course. Dt. munlty Chest of Greater Greenville and (j r a h a m a nd Bebe Rebozo, the chairman of the Crusade for Frtedom for Pruldent'a Key Biscayne, Fla., friend, South Carolina's Piedmont Section. He IJ'larclled around the a:olf course with Mr. allO has served as vestryman of Chris' Nixtln and the young Eisenhower1. Church. \1,1 Ttlf!IM'9 011e for Pho tog This picture o! Brigitte Bardo! and her new flame. playboy Patrick Gill, on an Athens beach re1u1ted in a Cracas between Gill and the photographer. Gill' attempted to .smash the newsman's camera, but ended up being dumped Into Ibo walu. I Viejo CompanY, to Provide Additional School Funds Laguna Peach lifeguards loqed a total ol 16 swimmer rescues as two to thre-e- foot surf lured 19,000 peraons Saturday and an estimated 22:,000 on Sunday. San Clemente lifeguards repcirted 25 rescues during the same period, with crowd estimates of 28,000 Saturday and more than 30100CI Sunday. By THOMAS FORTUNE Of llt9 D•ll• Plllt It.ff The 1.llsslon Viejo Company has come to the rescue, of two school districts - San Joaquin Elementary and Capistrano Unified -which wanted to ()pen schools Jn the area a year frQm now but couldn't ret financing. Under an unmual 1rrangement, the Jand development e<>mpany will make up the diflerence between the going money rate and five percent Interest which la the bigl:iest these acbool distrlctl can pay to bomlw under present state law. Jl will depvld upon the bond market, bul the amount the MlS6ion Viejo Com· pany will shell oul is expected to be about $250,000, vice president for finance Don Zellner said. He said the company is willing lO do so because it is importADl that new schools be built' along with new homes. Besides the wellare of residents, one practical consideration is the dirt balance Charles. Mowei' ' . ' - Funeral Slated Funeral Service• for Charles R. Mower, 74, 521 Jasmine Ave., Corona del Mar, who dled Thursday at St. Joseph Hospital In Orange, will be held at Pacific View Chapel, Tuesday at 11 a.m. fl,1ower, a 23-year rtsident of Orange C<>unty, was an electrical engineer and a past president of the Orana:e County Building Contractors Association. He served u an Air Foree captain dur· Ing World War n. Mower i1 suMved by his wife Louise, a son Richard, a ~lster, Beatrice Mower , and t-hree grandchUdren. Fullerton Girl Dies After Fall From Horse A girl tossed from her horse Saturday died five hours later of head injuries sufrered when she landed on the pave- ment. according to Fullerton police. The victim \\'as identified as Carol L. .Jones, 20, of .00 W. Orangethorpe Ave., Fullerton. in grading -dirt cut from hills and put in valleys. The school balances out a given home deve1opment, Zellner aa1d. The company's contribution to make possible the five percent inlereSt loan from United California Bank J1hould finance a $1.9 million prqgram for the Naked Youth Held as Thief San Joaquin District and a $%.2 m.Illion "Here t come," said the young man as program for Capistrano Unified. he ~·andered aOOut the intersection of The San Joaquin money is to buifd an Arbor Stteet and Vista Drive early Sun· elementary school for school opening a day morning. year from Sept~ber in the El Dorado Police officers saw him comlng. It wa3 homes secUdn, and lo acquire tW<I new bard to miss him. elemtntary sites, one in El Dorado ind He was naked. one in La Paz. Christopher Shetller, 19, was arrested The Capistrano money ts for an .at the .intersection after Newport Beach elementary school a year from Sep-police answered a call aboot ao at· tember in the Granada homes section, tempted burglary on Waverly Drive. The and to buy a higb school .site in the new victim of the attempt said the would-be Coronado 'home:i ana. · thief had oothing on. Tbe~w ICbQol..dlltr~.alon& with 13 , Police allege Shettler, of 2&41 Vista other · • eti".1Dllie ee.,mtY, haven't been Drive, NeWport Beach, was appartntly able ' e< twldlng from the state Alloca: under tbe influence of drugs at the UJM Uons loard because st.ate rovernmeni ol his arr$::, cOIJldn'1!• liuytr.lot, Ha five ~I · He was Cfiiraed with attempted • .r.1 " • · ".> · " ' bUNI•~ SCHWI~ l... "~ I •• (" _,,, BUt )!' tli:ip&uon oHM MlilloaY.1.1~ arr~.!{ll? 'lht a.OocaUqns boar~M..-! ·J _ ·.__ • "'~ t0 illow ..ie of state biijilrr Girl, 5, Loses Life earmarked for the ipecified projeds, · Next step, Thurlday, wlll he lo obtain I · A h • A .d permi8'lon for the state school bulldill( ,n na . eun CCI ent finance committee to enable the stat~ treasurer to proceed with the sale ot ~ An Anaheim traffic accident early t<>- bonds. day killed Catherine J . Rector, 5; of Whlt- Witoout Mission Viejo Company's aid0 Uer. · opening of the t~o schools would have . Anaheim police said a car driven by been set back a year, according to school 'Villiam McGregor Jr., 23, of Whittier, officials. A consUtuUonal amendment lo went through a barricade into a con· raise the mulmum interest ri.te for struction dltcb on Santiago Drive. Hi.a state bonds to seven percent ts ache.dilled l!lepdaughter, a passenger, was fatally for the primary elecUOn next June. injured. Sbe died three hours later. Man Injured in Crash . .\ Los Angeles man was seriously In- jured early today when the car in which he was riding shot through a stop sign in- tersection near Orange County Airport and plowed into an. embankment. David Alvarez. 24, was taken to Orange County Medical Center, where he is being treated today for a skull fracture and a brcken leg. The driver and two women pas1eniers were less seriously injured in the I C• cident, which occurred at 1%:05 a.m. on Campus Ori\'e at Jamboree Road. Arthur Fletcher Jr., 24, Dyanne Alvarez, 22, both of Los Angeles, and Rosalie Macias, 22, of Pico Rivera were treated and released, according lo the California Highway Patrol. about five minutes. A suit is what you don't buy around the corner ftloet of my competiton are chain 1tore1. ~lost of the cbaim are owned and run by large clothln, manufactnren in the east. There'• notbiD« WTOng with that, thou•h l think it doe1 tend to make a 1lore'1 1toek a li1.tJe lopsided to they can pu1h 1heir own I'm 00 tbal lilt.le pe.oineula past tbote 27 closer men'• brnnd: of clothing. 1hat leads lo Lido Isle, a 1bort store• in order to look over I happen to he a one itore block bey~nd The Archet in the 1uit1 I ha:ve in your 11ize. inderienrlent 1nerchant. and I Newport Beach. Or even my neck Ii es or 11av there's no better place to But I don't know where you 1ock1 or 1hirt1. Making a 1ake vo11r ho1ines1 than to a ire. otinor purchaae here ie a pain· one ;tore independent mer. Probably. be ca u • e lb l• let1 way to find qut If you like rhant. Your ba1ine11 counta ne~'1paper circulatea in eeveNl the kind of merchandlee I for more in 1 1tore like tluit citie-. you're clo1er to about !elect. the ,ireneraJ feelinR of and lhe!"efore it'• aT1pfflCi1ted 27 other good men'• 1tol"M the 1tore and the type of inlel· more. They haYen't yet ta. 1h11n you a.re to mine. Upnt lnteftllt yon get from vented a computer that know1 l'tinor purcbaet, Uke tooth-my 1taf£. bow to appreciale a cu1tomer'1 r••te, you piclr. up al Ibo band-After all, Ibo heel way to buoineu. ie1t 1toro. You know euclly Ond oal IJ yoa feel comforl· When you huy 1omolhlng what you want. Why wute ~ able with a 1tore i1 lo 80 in here. and one of our llUY' 1111 lane drlvintJ one block fart.lier and buy tomethinKo Usually thank ,on. yon lrnow ii mmu than you need to for it? you can form an opinJon In from 1h~ heart. ftfy heart. A 1ul1, tho1111b, lo nol toolh· paste. You don't buy one at the 11tore around the r.orner on your way home 10 dloner. l admll I'm prejudiced. However. I otill eay ii m1-ht be worth your while. next tlsne you aoed a 1al~ to clrl•e rljJbl Jack Bidwell 3467 Via Udo, Udo Penlntu!a, Nowporl B .. cb right nest to 8Jcbard'1 Muir.eland the Udo f11eater. Mucho parklagdlro<tly l .. hind my 1101 ... Phone 6734510. Copyrlghl 1969, Jack Bidwell. • llA ANDERSON, Editor ,.._.,,_,..,It.'"' If ,_. lJ I TERRACE SERENADE•-Mrs. Thurmond Chatham (left) who arrived ·troin Geo~ge~wn receiVes _a warm ,welcome from her cousins, Judge and:. Mis.• Thurmond Clarke . who entertained with a cocktail buffet in her honor last Thurs- day. Serenading them are strolling musicians the Bernle Richards Group. , · ' Party Mood Pervading 'nle evening of the Astrofete v.·as very much the topic of conversation when Judge and Mn:. Thurmond Clarke en- tertained some of t h e partygoers and other frieDds in their Cameo Shores ho1f1• last Thursday night. Around 200 guests gathered for the buffet party wtlicPi. started with cocktails on the --front-terrace,--including-the-F~. -- Donald Nlxons and t b c I r '· daughter, Laurene, Mr. 11141 Mrs. J. Simon Fluor of Santa Ana, the Dennil Carpenten, the Herbl!rt W. Kalmbach<, the Charles S. Tllomaaes and the Robert Be.avers. Abo ' enjoying the talk ol lht utronauta' triumphant even- ing in the Cmtury Pla!a WU 'Mrs. Thunnond Ch at h a m from WaSiltistoo, D.C., widow ol Congramtan Chatham ol W~em,N.C. Mrs. Chatham now lives in Prospect House Jn Georgetown, w h i c h was formerly the 1esidence ol Secretary of the Navy James v. Forrestal, the f 1r1 t Secretary of Defense. Strolling around during the evening was the Ber n i e Richards Group, a small musical l"'rnbo ~ch played everyone a favorttes. · 'Ille Astrorei< still was glow- ing wh<n Mn. Will Ward ol Irvine Cove entertained with a :luncheon F r l d a y in her horn•. and ...... Mr. and Mn. Charles s. Thomu (they also attended tile Astrolete) ,.. tertained with cocktails .001 dlMer In the Newport Harbor Yacht Club Saturday. Mn. Clarke's lister, Mn. Rkbard Zlebe ol San Morino and Emerald Bay, heated a dlmet party w111i ber husband TOASTING NEWLYWEDS -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hutton of Udo Isle, newlyweds, (center) were hosted by Mr. and Mrs. Walt- er Burke (left) and Col. and Mrs. Charles Hostler during a cocktail reception in the Hoollers' Lido Isle home. Sanday in .the. To'wers, Laeuna -· Mort, area r~dent.s whfare treasuring their engraved In- vitation with the presldentJal seal were .tnvited le 1 coclrte.il reception given by Cot. and Mrs. Chaties HosUer last Thuriday In their Lido Isle home from I ·to I p.m. H~er is a vice president and International marketing director for McDonnell Qouglas Astronautics C o . 1 Western Dfvi!kln. . Among their-honored guem were newlped Mr. and Atrs. Charles Hulton of Lido Iste· (Hutton is vice presidtnt of ~fcDonnell Douglas Aatronautlcs Co.), AstronautlC9 Pre!ldent and Mrs. Walttr F. Burke ol Cameo Shores, and Otlef Ex· ecuilve dffJcer an<f Mra. Owles R. Able of Dover Shores. Botll the Burkes and -Ables attended Ille Aslrolele and &till are remlrUsclng about the evenlng ertraordinalre. . COINS IN1THE FOUNTAIN -Wishes fly wilh tossed pennies as new officers tor ~ace .. tter Chapter of CARIH (Children's Asthma Research Institute •nd 'Hospital) look toward coming year of fund raising for !aclliUes in Denver. C:bapJ.Or Jeoders (left to right) are the Mme6. Larry Fruhlinger, president, Bernie Schulman and Robert Cramb. Hospital Benefits Board Setting Pace For Funding Projects New board members for Pacesetter Chapter of CARIH (Children'• Asthma Research Institute and Hospital) have been installed at a meeting in lhe Newport Beach home of Mrs. Al Phillips. C<>-chaimlen for the gathering and evening dessert were the Mmes, Don Perkal and Pltillip Handleman. Those laking office Included lhe Mmes. Larry Fruhlinger. president: Bernie Schulman, vice presiden.t for fund raising; Robert Cramb, vice president for membership; David Sandor, vice president for publicity; Herbert Lencher, recording secretary; Arthur Sbef, corresponding secre- tary; Irving Puhn, treasurer ,and Richard Braeger, finan<:ial secretary. , The Children's Asthma Research Institute and Hospital Jn Denver is the recipien't of funds raised by the group. The hospitaJ treats and cares for asthmatics of every race and creed, free of charge, and searches for causes of asUuna and other allergic diseases. Those wishing further information about CARil! may call Mrs. Fruhlinger al 496-3714. Secretaries Have ·Monopoly on Sir "V?llter Raleigh Charm DEAR ANN : Thlll leUu WU Inspired by the rnl)l who aaid the glril In hll ol· flee were 'jbeginnlng to look better every d31." He claimed his wife waa •lway1 too tirod lo make love. Either abe bad a backache, or a headlcbe -or 10me other . lngeniOlfs excuse.. • l'd like to ask htm a qUeJUon. How does ho treat hll wile compartd wllb lhe gir~ In the office? l met my husband In an office IO I know how he actl both places. When I was his secretary he broke hls neck rushing to my side to help me every time I moved a chair. Al home he wouldn't stir a muacle lo help me lift the refrigerator -even if one of the. kids "''ere under It. At the office h1s converutioo waa witty and bright. He always bad a 1mlle and warm ,compliment. Now wHen he comes home be yells III lhnMlgh supper aboot the bills and the kids and my relaUves. He gulps Ills food , bekhe1 and retirea lo the couch with the newspaper. Then he tul'M on the TV. lf anyone tries to start a convenalion 'he says, "Shut up. can't you set rm watching aomelhlng?" Jn 20 minules ho ii soorina his head olr. ll complaining husbands would take some of that office charm home, maybe their wives wOU:ld have ·rewer bactachet and headachea. a~ o~r inge!1i0Ul!I ea· cuses. -WITNESSED BOTH SCENES DEAi\ WIT: Your leUer will ua. doubtedly be . a topic lor dl1cu11lou la m11ny bomea t.onlgln. Thank• for pr~ vldlog fl. DEAR ANN : My hllliband has bad a lot ' • of denlal wort done these put few monllu. Like a fool, Albert negtectod hll teeth for 15 )'W't and now. to aave his mouth, he 1oe1 twice a week for reatora· tion, p'm l{ea~ and what bav~ you •. Albert bU been to the dentist 11 office: ao ollen ho bu become friendly wltll everyone In the building, esplcally the elevator aperator. Yesterday when I went wllh him he sUpped 11¥ opera!Qr a dollar. She smlled and said, "Oh -not again!" But ho lns1'ted that sho keep the money, and she did. I ask you, who ever heard of Upping an elevator operator? When I explained It was In poor laste he said be didn't. see why. l tried to tell him &he waa going up anyway and that be didn't owe her anything. We cot into quite an argument. Please .. ui. It. -VEXED DEAR VEXED: U ·o steady· ncI,et wuU1&t be a pod feUow. M cu bl7.Use eleYa&Or o;trator • '•mall' 'Jiit · fW CluUtmu. Bvl Upplos ii DOI clllW !tr. Like yoa aakl -•• wu lolac " U)'WIJ. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am 11 yean old and my probltm ls myself. 1 am a liar and • braggart. When I start to tell something I find myselr exaggeraUna so much that the story turns out to be a big lie. Why do I do tbl11? How can I get over It! -D. A. OF SCRANTON DEAR D. A.: People wbo brag and ex· auer•to to die polllt ol Ifill& do ,. beca111e they are e•ger &t mike aa tm. ,.....too Ind 1lley ·cloo't Intl Ille lnrlll to do II: v .. ....ii. d,..lop'more ..u.- -and pu1 · u · ud to'lldt -lr,acjlve Ul>ll. Make I CMIClou elfor1 lo toll< laa ud keep jGar ..,onlB& iow.\oJ ud ICCW'•le. When romant.i.c' glanca turn lo wann embracee is It love or chemlstryT Sell& for the booklet "Love or Sex and H0'4' • Tell the Dillerence," by Ann Landin. Enclose: a Jong, stamped, sell-addl'tlll!ld envelope and 35 ce.nll in coin wlt.h your request. Ann Landers will be glad to help .YOU with your problems. Send them t5i her ln care of the DAILY PILOT, encloalnl • self-addressed, slamped envelope. .I ! I ! j I I I .. J' ·. DW,V l'!LiT M"41!, AU91"t 19. 1'6• f'/Qneymoon in· Colo rado Afternoon Vo~s Read MRS. RONALD MARSHALL MERCER lncllanapolla Home Camino Club Card Play Beginning An afternoon ceremony In SL Michael and All Angels Epl-1 Church united Mary Ann Gumblnger, daughter or Mr. and M.n. Frank Jmeph Gumblnger of Corona de.I Mar and Los Angele.!, and Ronald Marshall Mere~. The bride wa! escorted to the altar by her father for the double ring ce remon y performed by Canon Douglas Stuart. Her gown was ol silk organza and alencon lace, with a detachable lace edied train. Leaves of lace ed&ed with. pearls caught her elljlc>w len,ih veil of illusion and she carried ca 1 c ad I n g phalaenopals, atepbanotis and Wies of the valley. Shadow chart<use chfflon SO'ifl\11 wtth m1tchina: lace trim were worn by bridal at· -1encttnts;indudlng Miu Alice McFadden u maid of hcru. Mrs. Daniel Smtth Jr. and Mi.sa Linda Rea~ w er e bridesmaids. Their chartreuse headpiece veils were held by crowns of lace and they car· ried cascades of green carna- tions, spider chrysanthemums and Bells of Ireland. Arbra Eugene Donegan ol lodianapolis was best man for the bridegroom, who ii the son. of Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Mercer o! Portland. Ushers were Ster l ing BarUett of lndianapolls and Frank Erwin Oumbinger, the hride'.s brother. Assisting for the wedding reception in the·Newporter Inn foUowing the ceremony were the Misses Ra.nalyn. Karen and Randy Tuppan, all cousins of the bride. The newlyweds are traveling through the Colorado Rockies on their honeymoon en route to their home in Indianapolis where the bridegroom heads th~ advertising firm of Mercer, Donegan and Will- ingham. 'I1le bride received BS and El Camino Real Woman's competing ·in the contract MS degr~ from the-Universi- Club Boliva-Samba canasla bridge round robin on Friday ty of Southern California round robin kick-off game Ls Aug. 21, at noon in the Com-where she wu • member of scheduled for Tuetday, Aue. Alpha Chi Omega, Pi Ll.ni>da 21, 1n tht Com m un I t y munity House. Serving a salad ~a honorary, the Trojan ctubhouae, Dana Point. luncheon will be the Mmes. Junior Auxiliary a n d Senior ,, J ' Pants Suit -Occasion 16109. , "SOLDATINI" The Little Soldier Is lhe'name lor this charming pants suit by Fontana of Italy. 'J'lle stand·UP collar is topped ·with braid. The cuffs are deceiving -easy to make with braid shaping the pointed detail and buttons for trim. Large double-breasted buttons march down the front. Double vents enhance the back view. The long straight pants come with the pattern. They are side zipped and set on a narrow waist band. Make it in gabardine, flannel, glen plaid, double knit or medium weight woolen. 61499 is cut in Misses sizes 8-16. Size 12 requires approximately 31h yards of 54" fabric. To order pattern 61499; state size ; include name, address and rip code. Serld $2 post- paid for. each pattern. Send orders for books and patterns lo SPADEA, Box N, Depl. CX·IS MiUord, N.Y. 08848. Lagunans Sail for Northwest Ruervatioos, prior to Satur· Thomu Webb, W .A. Wood-Cius Council. She has been a day Aug. 23, may be made man, Irene Dalzell, W.E. Mor-teacher In the Fountain Valley Mrs. Robert W, Roper, On Friday, Aug. 22, a con- wl.tb Mrs. Robert Irwin or ris, Guy Holsopple, Ralph School District. chairman of ·the Theater and tingent will depart Laguna Mrs. Hubert Jones. Dessert Quackenbwh, George Betts, Her husband received a BS Vagabond Monday Morning Beach at noon. They will will be aerved at U:JO p.rn. WJ..ll1'm \nmer, Glenn In science and an MS degree Group, invited members going board ·the ship at L<>s Angeles Ho rosc;ope Cancer: Trust Huncn TUESDAY AUGUST 19 appear d!l""led. U Ii 11 ze ,..,. of humac. Yoor ba~ nothil>g to lur but fur itlOll. v ... Nothi111 atopo you OllCe )'OU decide upon dtlinili count ol action. CurrenUy, you an coovinced that • chanp ln dolnesUc sceae is a neceully. By SYDNEY OMAlll\ Lllnar po1ltloa l•v•able for FISHING, PLANTING. GeW.1 •l•11t •me today utall• wllllapt11 tO dllCUN rJnaaclal q11etUon1, le1acles, otlllr 1111tten wlllcll Ud bee• con11deml t..boo. ARIF3 (March lt·Aprll 19)' Financial prtulU'e ahould not be pennitted to creale panic. Plan with calm deliberaUon. Authorities are on your Jlde. Stick with esperlence. · TAURUS (April 20-May 20)' Do more listening t h a n amrtlng. Play waiUng game. Don't seek contests, in or out of court. Be selecUve in pubUc statements. Key I s t a ct , especially In dealing with mate. • GEMINI (May 2l.June 20)' Dupite apparent obstacles, yo u should tlke initiative. Don't play 1ames. Know what you want -ao after it. What you fear is lar1e.Jy a product llNI boo!!. I, Tll1 Trvlll AbcM.11 SAGI'l'l'~S CNov. 12- Dec. ll): You may not be aware of all thll Ss occurring. Rt11llze Ibis 111d hold off •• definite conclusions. If you in- 1l1t on knowing, an1wers are behind ~ scenes. To fl"' wt mor• .t.11 voun•M •" • f ltl'Oloff, 'E::' S"Jdnn Om1rr'1 J6. "''"':r.'n.e ~ cenld '\ Om•;z CAPIUCORN (I.lee. 22t.Jan. ,&r.: C.,1r1ftl~11or!~.Jy.,t '1.v, 19): Jn v 0 Ive meats are-;::;;;;;:::=========1 leatured -Includes frienda Frff Concert and I.bole who command more than platonic interest! 9 TONIGHT Mt1Sage ls clear beforo day is J>.m. finlsbed. Remember b a ' i c Fashion ltland conimltinents. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. ii:::=N::::l::::W::::PO=l::::T::::C::;l::::Nl,,:,· 1::::l:::;::: 11,, You m">'.fee11emporaruy YOU KNO.W thwarted. nus 1s overcome U you · f1nlsh current project. Leave nothing to .chance. Op-YOUR CHI' 'D position vanishes if you prove Ii you are thorough, sincere. N PIJlCES (Feb. lt-Marcb 20), WILL LEAR =ryo~ut~nr~ TO SWIM AT communication. Be recepUve, but don't bury individuality. What appears a seiback could BLUE ·BUOY boomerang in your favor. Wait and see. of imagination. Act ac· AH S. Wiii Y•• cordingly. IF TODAY IS Y OU RAMhl•, ..... lll•4• CANCER (June 21,July 22): BIRTHDAY s.t.. ..._ ,_... Your intuition provides insight showm~n, dra~':iic, ~:pa~I: 546·1• regarding members of op-of putting across your maJor posite set. You may find imi;;;;;;;i;ma;;;iiiii;;;i;;;i;;i;;i;iiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiac.i'Oii yourself in somewhat of a dilemma. Problem includes children, other loved ones. 'Irust hunch. LEO (July 23-Aug. 23)' Upset.a could occur in routine. Be very · careful where pro- perty, home enter picture. You will have to assume responsibility. Don't g h Ir i: dutie5. Dig in for basic in-. formalion. ; VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 23) Tliere's A New MR. ROBERT! His No me is FREDRICO SCALES E; Multi pl e Awa rd Winni ng Styli st of Europe and America. A void unnecessary t r a v e I . Relative who est ends in- vi tation n111y be merely talk· ;j ing . Don 't waste your time on :~ mere formalities. Some red tape will be removed. You : bemlk. 1s.p1. 23-0cf. 221 ~ MR. ROBERTS COIFFURES Changes occur. Some of !hem ~ 15 ONE OF THE LON5EST ESTAILISHED AND prov.e costly. Real~ze you get ~-. IEST STAFFED IN ALL THE SOUTH COAST A.RU... nothing for nothing today. ,i Don't fi ght for nonexistent "l CLOSE IY AND ON YOUR WA. Y TO principle. Conce ss ion is ~ EVERYTHING •.• THE A.DDRISS IS : necessary -saves money. 3800 PACIFIC COAST HWY SCORPIO (Oct 23-Nov. 211 ' " Take iniuauve wbere home CORONA DEL MAR comforts, repairs are · con· 'TELEPHONE: ORlole 1.31zo cerne d. Mate, partner may PAMPERED ANYTIME FROM ••• Li brary Hou r. 7 A.l\t. UNTIL 8 P.M. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY A practice game will lai:e >Garwood, 'Niles Welch, C.A. in ecooomics at Oregon State on the club's Canadian cruise h ,_..... -Harbor where friends and M LI Is th place 'lbursday, Aue, 21, at Li • Bi~MJ"IAl Robert Warner. University where he was to her ome 111a~ Wedladay C06la esa brary e p.m. in the borne o( Mrs, fte flDaf round will take affiliated with Sigma Nu and afternoon for I set-acquainted relatives may fete them with g~ne of a library story hour MEMBER OF THE CALTFORNIA COSMETO~OGY ASSOCIATION Irwin. .place ~~ in the Capistrano wu president of Sigma Delta _IP)lj•_':'rl~Y·:_ __ .:__.:_ __ ~boo~~v~oy~ag!e~parti~·.,~· ._ __ _.:•~v~ery~Tbur~~s~da~y~a~t_1.101J:'~30~a~.m~. ~!!!!!!!!!~~!!I!!!~!!'!!!!'!'~~~~~~~~!".'~ Thero will be 12 coup]., Bead! bclDe of Mrs. Warner. Phi honorary. • ,. ~~;__;_:~~~.:...._~~~~~~~~~~:::::-----~~ SUMMER REFRESHMENTS: A NEW MCONTOUR• CUT AND ROUX WE ltEAL.LY DO HAVE A KNACK~ A 1..INE~ot..DING , CON'tCIUlll- SRU'ING TECHNIQUE, 60 THAT YOUR HAlft JUST BftUSHH INTO PL.ACE. TiiEH THE P'IHISHING TOUQi OF WOHDEft-WOftKING f"ANCl..,-UU.,. ••THE INSTAKT COl..Oft RINSE THAT1S A COMDM"IOHEft AHD WAVE SET AT TifE SAME TIM£ SO THA.T IT COLORS 'GREY 1 REFRESHES DUU. HAIR AND TONES YDUR M.:£Aot£D HAIR. CONTOUft CUT, SHAMPOO, P"AHCl~L.I.. RINSE AND SET, 11 J5 0 ; NEWPORT BEAUTY SALON. COME'. IH Oft CALL ANY OF OU!t EXCELLENT ROllNION11 9£AUTY SAL.CNS. ROBINSON'S NEvVPORT • FASHION ISLAND • 64L;-C200 . Lo1e 10 Inches in Firat 10 Visits to Gloria. Ma.raha.ll ' • Based on our·acbJal recorcb .•. our average paln>n loses 10 inchel within the first 10 visits from hips. waist, thighs, tummy and arms. NEWPORT BEACH 430 Pacific Cout Hl9hway-642-3630 (, l lM;fU IEIJI ti l1ION .. , Cl'*l SANTA ANA 1840 Woll 17th Strttt-543-9457 I FIGDRE CONTROL SALONS h!1f M. $1t. .. I • 11.U•t1lt&N 11• M11t1r t•1111 ...._ -- An1helm, Beverly Hills, Covin1, Cr1nsh1w, Downey, Glen· d1le, L1kewood, Long Buch, Newport Be1ch, No. Hollywood, Ont1rlo, Pasadena, Sin Diego, $1nt1 An1, Santa Barbara, Sunland, T1n1na, Whittler. Salons also In Fresno, S1cr1· mento, Sin JoM, Sunnyvale, Walnut c,..ek. ICI C~IO!'il , .. , Giort. 1.U1111tlt Mft. (Al I~ I I I I I I ~ • -------eosia -M~a lt'OC. 62, NO • ."1 97, l SECTI ONS, 30 PAGES. ' .. • ORANGE COVNT'(, tAL1FQRNIA_ • Today's Flnal N.Y. Steeb . . ' TEN ~ -• ·-·-.. -· . ' Nixon Picks Hayns-W~rt~ LA . ,...., .,,,,.,,_ GUif Of .., ~111:1co"' Dixie Demo Tappe(!, for High Court By· JEROME F. COLLINS Of.ftM ~ P.t19t SMff , President Nixon converted nnnor Into ra~ this-morning by·.-., his in· tention to nomlnite Federal Appeals JtJ9ge-Cjem~nt F. H~orth ot--Soo~ Carolina to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court. . . Nixon did not personally disclose his choice. The announccrilerit wa5 ahnost rouUnely made by Press Secretary Ron Zi~ler at the Sur{ ·and Sand Hotel in DI". B laib erg· Heart Ruined . . By R·ejection Laguna Beach. J11dge Haynsworth stayed of the Jaw. home in Greenville, S. C. tn that respect. he ls in accord with the There was q>ewl•Uon that the selec-Uon . of the ~year~ld jyr~t was dis-judicial philosophy tA recently •ppolnted closed in that fashion because sen. Ever-~ef JU§tice Wa~ Burger. The~ af:I... ett Dirksen fR-111.) had spoiled the sur-dlllon to.the court'11 -ezp¢.ed to tip the PfiSe last week-:-Oltk!e11-sald-at"'the11me 1, balanct tn several mas of cr1mlnJI pto. thal. Haynswort~ would be nominated · lecuUon when the new aessJon opens in. "unless there is a radical change of sig-October. nals:" ' Haynsworth, whose nomiili\lon m~st be Hayrisworth Is chic£ Judge of the 4th confinned by th.e U1S. Sehat~. iepusents Circuit Court of Appeals. A Democrat, he the fifth generation of Haynsworth •t· is destribed as a ''stric;nstruclioni~t"1 (Set HAYNSWoR~, P11e I) ll'a1ate d for Qt&estionitlfl Su spect in Tate Slaying . . . . . . Hurricane Shriel{s Acro ss CAPE TO\VN. South Africa . (UPI)· - llr. Christian Barnard said t o d a y Dr. Phlfip · Blaiberg's new hea rt was so severely damaged by rejection "he was b<ick to where he started before we did th~ lransP.lanl." Gives Up ·i;tt Los Angeles · • LOS ANGEl,ES (UPl,l -A man connected with drugs. fl was reported that friends of the vic- tims told detectives that na rcot1cs were . dcllvered to the home for the use of two of the victims, Polish film dinctor \'('ityck f'rOkowsky , 37, and · oof.£" heiress Abigail Folger, H. Gulf Coast l\.illing 14 Blalberg, the ·longest surviving hearl transplant reciPient, died Sunday arter living 19 months and 15 days with another man's heart. described in a Canadian police broadcast as a $1.1Spect in the brutal murden of ac. tr'ess Sharon Tnte and four othtrs was to , surrender himse lf lo police later toda y. An attorney for Thoma$ Steven Har- rigan, 23, said he would bring him to police headquarters for questioning. nae attorney, Paul Caruso, tmphasized Har- rigan was neither a prime suspect in the case nor a drug addJcl GULFPORT, "Pttlss. (UPI) -Hurricane Camille shrieked across the Gulf Coast early t9c1ay with 190-mile per hour winds and flood tides, laying waste to enlire cities and killing at least 14 persons. Two Mississ}PPi towns-Bay St. Louis 'lnd Wave!and -were out of touch with the outsio.e world , but were reported besiegOO by fires that threatened their business distri~. Cou.nt.U person.s werz injured when Camille, the strOc!gest hWTicane ,~' recorded by man, &lammed Into 1 1o_o.. mile stretch of lbe· Alabama, Missi$8iPP,f and Louisiana coast. Darpage was estimated. in the hundreds of millions of dollan. "We have at least 10 dead in Biloxi and w.e haven't even begun tet check," 11ald "'ayor Danny Gu,ice. "It's just terrible. There's m:Jlions of dotlars in damage ." -Fire trr.cks raced from New Orleans t.Oward Bay st. Louis, appare.'ltl:· hardest hlt city atoog the coasl.. Only· 35 mlla from New· Orleans, Ba.r St. Louis was without normal commanicatiom and most roads leading into the scenic city were closed to trafbc. · Gulfport was hard hit In the pre-dawn hoors when Camille made her swetp 'I.cross the coast. then spent her fury ln- land·in ·Mississippi •. By mi~·moming, the Te.mnanta of the storm -with top winds of about 55 mph -were reported 20 miles east .J Jackson and moving inland. "My God, my house is demolished,'' sobbed a Biloxi woman who ventured from a motel in the gray dawn to survey the damage; Strangely, a neighbor's house was \'irtually undamaged, but that was the exception. There was heavy damage in Biloxi, but It was mild compared to the wreckage in Gulfport where 'm06t of the downtown area was destroyed. Some four hours after the storm, many te1ephone lines had been repaired in the hard·hit areas, giving some com- munications to the towns. Along the too-mile stretch of coastline from the Florida panhandle to .New Orleans, tides ranged from •ix to 20 feet '!hove normal. covering housts, reads and wrecking bridges. The winds split trees like dry twigs. Pilot's Fotorama . -. Opens Thursday At Island 'Park'' Stage Court 11t Fashion tslabd Tul'9day will be transfonned from a band concert "park" int.o a ''picture gallery" in rtadlness for Thursday's opening or Folorama. - Conductor Henry1 ~randon ind the Fashion l~and orcbest~a tohi_ght is ,;cheduled to present nei:t·to-the-last in lhe summer series of ''pop.1" cotlctrts on Stage COO.rt. The tent under which the mu sicians play In the weekly Monday night Con- cert.' Tue&day , will be moved into the center or St.age Court. It will !onn part o£ ._ large canopy wh.Jch will be used to cover the hundreds or photographs of v1rious kinds to be shown In the DAILY PILOT Fotorama et Fa.sh.Jon Island. Picture.! for display under the "bi& t.op" already have begun to arrive from the variOWJ agencies which w t 11 ,.rtlclpato In Fotorama. 'Ibey will be in- .. ned Wednesday. Fotorama opens 1t lft a.m. Thursday 11nd will be open Thursday, Friday and Saturday free to Ibo public. Debris and trees choked roads. In addition lo the 10 known dead at Biloxi, offlclals sald two were dead at Gulfport and two more at Moss Point. Although there were no casualty figures Crom Bay St. Louis, officials ~id the toll would probably not be as higlt aa might have been thought since 90 per- cent ol the residents were evacuated. Coast Guard heUcoplers bucked slill- ::avage wind.a at dawn to dip lo acrou the ~;~.! search for S!J.tVfv<n or }>el,;:":~: dtin~g ..:.·lo be found, but NaUooal Guardsmen were trucking lankir..Joada lo ~ickl!n. citie!. Many of the JJlll cuardamen activated to gllltd ag-looting and help make reocu.s.rod~amphibjous ..rodes lhrOugh street! lnunclated with water and Olher· wise lm~le~ · The r.eorj:la Air National Guard began shuttling fqod and su pplies to Keesler A1r Force aut at BUoxt. . lnmll tes at Stocka d e I Battle Army Police . ' F'T.•CARSON, Colo. (UPI) -Prisoners in.the Jt. Carson Anny Stockade Sunday set fli'e to a pile of cots and ·mattresses and hi.Jrled roor shingles at mill~ary poUcerwbo moved into the area. Sj>okesmen for the tnililary base near C.Olo@do Springs said 19 persons were in· jured in the melee, but only two -one a military policeman· -r e q u i r e d hospitalization. OC!icials would give no cause for•the outbreak. Barnard said a second transplant was · STORY ON BLAIBERG'S LAST NOTE, PAGE 4 ruled out because Ute remainder of Blalberg's body was ao "iU'' it would have been fuWe. Barnard, the· Soulb African sure.,,. who ga ... Bllil>enl, IG, Ille bea~"" '"° yea(-old Clive Haupt., 1 a I d "un- fartunatety, today it is not possible to completely prevent rejection. rt is ooty possible to &low it down. u1n the cue of doctllr Baliberg, we slowed it down ror about 563 days," he said. . Eventually, Barnard said, "the chronic ' rejection damaged Lie heart to such an extent Utat it failed." Barnard Ill.id be wu udd~ by Blalberg's death but not dlscour1ged. •'We've done very much 'better than we ever expected. but I have never bluffed myself or my patients or the rest.of the world that we believe that with organ transplants we have a ·curt." According to Barnard, Blaiber£'s body "was so ill that it would oot be worthwhile to attempt another heart transplant. · "It was what one would call 1 chronic rejection where eventually so much of the heart muscle was de&troyed that he was back to where be started before we did the heart transplant," Barnard said. Topping off Fake Cake A Royal canadlan mounted pollct broadcast on Harrigan and three ether men had Indicated he was a "k'l')(>Wn narcotics addict" and a prime suspect ln the caee. Pollce !Jupector Harold YarnelJ ·lodly· ;,•; CYJ~= the' Jm~ • ··tW ~. "'4 .cenitfed' di!rln1 U.. weekend in western Canada, for ~igan aod· lbe other \hJ:ee, He 1'i<! lb~"'­ wanted Oflly ror questioning in tbt hope theY codld jirovide further Wonnpinn. He u.ld the search for the killers' NC! spread across the United States but would not dfscl05e the areas. 'Hi:lrrigan's traveling companions were Identified as Charles Tacot, Harris (or Ha~) Dawson, and William Doyle: 'Harrigan reportedly attended a party the' night o{ the massacre at Ute secl!J(k!d home leased by Ml!s Tate and ~ hm· bindofilm director Roman Polm\Ski. Homicide detectives would say only tliey are in'Vestfgating the "narcotics as-pects" of the perJ)le1ing case. However, reports mounted the grisly slayings were Stock Market. NEW YORK (AP) -The stock market finished on higher ground again today as the rally which buoyed It late last week carried through another ieS!ion. (See quotations, Pages 18-19). Trading near the close was moderate. ( ltJook1 beautiful, but you'd have a hard time stomaching this cake b<llng decorated by si:~~:: L.ub, .12, Co.ta Mesa. Shclley's iclng..ls real . · '" but cake Js made ol pla.1\lc material. It's used In cal<e decoratlilg dass conducted by Harbor Aree Girls' Clllll • It also was reported drugs were: .found in he sports car of another victim, men's hair stylist Jay Sebring, 35. Ponce have said tpere wu no evidence cl narcotial .in the house. The coroner'• office performed tests on the bodies to determine the praence' of drop but the result. have not been m..:le public. lW•"R4...,nJ bisitle-'lnck . ' For Coutt Site . Costa Mesa still ha1 the hlikle ..ird but Nl!wport Beach Is 1icJC,1aut·ot.1die-.fuo. nlng. '!bat will be the aituatlon 'l'Ueld•T al Orange c.ounty supfl'Vilon qalsftak• up the two cities.' bJds. for locatJon of a new Harbor Aiu region~! courthouM. ·The Costa Mesa 1a!nd otter-ii IJUpPoled to be fl rilllllon ch .. p<rthan the Newport Beach offer; a polrit superviaon u.y car- ries coosklerable weight wfth them. But several leUehl from key county govern. ment st.afC offer oUler conalderatlons !or supervisors. County Counsel Adrian Kuyper writ.es that the 32od Agricultural Dlatrld, owners of the Costa Mesa County Fairgrounds 1lt.e, hes '1ample authority" to sell or leue the acreage, a point not cLear When aupervi.Jon lut toot up the matter three months ago. County AdminlstraUve Officer Robert Thomas notes the fairgrounds site "of· fers no advantage with reaped to the Costa Mwa Civic Center" a distance r emoved from lhe proposed court lite acrou ArUngtoo Drive from Cotta Meu. High School. The Newport Beach propooal for the courthouse, on the other hand, would put lt adjac<nt to other public aervlce buildJngJ in the planned-new civic c<nter at MacArlbur Boulevard and Eu! Cout Highway. County Road Commi111ioner ·A. L. Koch points ool Costa Mesa High School haa m.. adequate parking for ill atudenls and Orange Coas~ COUege !ludent1 prefer to part close to their cla!ses ,rather than in college lots, so parking lot Intruders couJd be expected at the falrgroundt oourtbouM site. Dlreclor of Real Pr-1y Servl<es Stan1ey Krause says ft(l,.00'.I to $46,000 an acre ia a reasonable price to pay for the would·be 10 acre Fai(Jroundl Ille, but recommendt supervisor• d e.t 1 y ac~ ceptance of, the Costa Meu offer "to n· plore avall1billty of other pouible lites bavlng more. favorable.~ttna·and ·pro. xlmJty facton." Board to Hold Special Meeting Newpo<t.M ... Utdfled licb<Jol..Dlatrlct'1 Board Ol llliuca!lon will -bold·• apedal meet i n g lon!pt at ~t:• o'clock at Mariner1 smooJ, 1100 Mariners Drive, Newport Beach. The mffllnl wilt bo liold to diacu11 board and dlstiic:t plana,and &Olla for Ibo upcominc ldlool year. No oflldll lc:llon 'lriU bo tNen by U.. board. The nexl regular meelhlr ol the booid of «lucaUon will be 11 7:IO p.m. Tueoday at the c..ta Mesa Hl&lf School t;icmm, 26IO Fairview Road. ' . -.. -- NOMtNA:rED BY NfXON . Darnocr1t Haynsworth New High Court . . Jusiice Accused Of Being Racist Not everyone In government drcle1 was pleased today with President Nitoo'1 announcement of the newest u. S. Supreme Court justice, Ap p e 11 ate Judge Cement ·y. Haynsworth Jr., was accused of being a seP,"egiUonlst by a clvJI rights leader and Ills ~tlall' were 'otherwiie qupt.iaaed by N.W ¥0<k )la,.r John V. ~. ''We feel Uiat ln .his key deci!ians, be has clearly-taken n po&iUon.)n.favor:-of ~.~d«lared Clareoce..M.ikhe11. • ·dlrectOr of /he Natlooil Allo\tilllloli Jor tho Addnc<-t of Colored ~ "llaylllworlll·ll•Ju u.. ~ .. nd oensllivlly required to carry on tho tradi· tion1 ·of Louis • · Brandeis, F e l t1x F.ranklurter ,. Benjamin , Gardozo and ~ilr Goldberg," added May.or LindN)'. , Haynsworth, whose appolnlment to suc- ceed Abe Fortas on the high bench wa• fomtall,y announced today in Laguna Belcb, Jlias been deacril>ed'u a m.iddle«· llJe.roader. He bu 1t1sta.ined many d~~ rulin_gs while serving 12 years on ,the ·~ peals 1court covering North and South' Carolina, Maryland, Virginia and ·weat Virginia. · This . tradtt.lon -irksome to many,Jn the .heart of Dixie -ls still not aatlafao- . tory according to the NAACP ·1eader; nor is ... his~ written .opinion that the pace-of desegregaUon must continue. Schools Signup Now Under Way Registration ror new students entering the Newport-Mesa Unified School Dl!trlct this fall is being conducted th!J week: at each school in \he dlstcict. . All first-time and transfer st.udenU are required to register for faU claaeirat' the achool nearest their homes. Parents mwil present proof of age for youngsters -r1"1 kindergarten a n d records of polio ind,, measles im· munizatlons should be provided. Children must' be 4-years, 9-monl.hs old •by· Sept,, l tO qualify for -kindergarten •. Registration will continue through Fri· day. Coan , Weadoer 'Maybe yoli ·can'l sleep till ~. 1r0id Sol ·lntcn<ls to Tueada,y. al which it'll be sunny and warm· (7$) ·Along lhe Orange Coast Ind sunnier and warmer (14) fur. !her inl&nll. INSIDE TODAY Acomp~tu,giut1 .SOfl'lt GMDtT.f °-"-whetherlt.i.r ~~r to buy"' rtnt o home during tl1t prtaint pttiod .of hl~h interest rate!". S,t.• S11lviG -Porter'• column on Page JB. ' -t7. " -.. ... _ ' --•• ·-..... .. __ ' ._ .. ''""" ,..,.... u ,_ n "'"' -1).1• .,... -• -""' -·-' lfldr...,.... •1• :::::-·· .. ·-" .. .. -n ~=-" .. ·-• " =-" -· t -.. I\ • .. • • ----....-------' Duck Takes to;Water Pilot of amphibious Coast Guard ~elicopter ~is-~1ore than 1,000 beachgoers observed dernonstra- bU"t of ft d n\ilif, saving tions, which included jump by airborne SCUBA p1ays maneuvera 1 y era Uf? .e d1·ver·s and c11·1J.hang1·ng by spec1·a1 rescue team. demonstrations Saturday off Laguna.~•:..::=am:::..:B::•::•::<h:::. _ _:::.c..::;..:....:...:_...:.... _ _;::._.:o_c._c._ ______ _ Mesa Police Nab Four Suspects in Marijuana Raid A compJainl of a · sµapicious , tveedy imote smell emanating from a Colt.a Meea apartment SUnday led to t)le mat or four perosns and seizure of what police r;ald "a' a quantity of marijuana and unidentWed drug pills;. Booked on suspicion of possession of dangerous drugs and marijuana were Joseph c. Alexander, 32, and Marsha O. Landrus, 27, both of 381 Hamilton St., Leroy H. Spites, 32, Brea. and Gary R. Stonebraker, 30, La Habra. Patr'~an Richard Johnson &aid he and olher ofllcera aent to the Hamllton, Street address were given permission to search the houee· when they explained, why they were there. Alexander, they Said, had a plastic bag of IUl1lOd"' marijuana ~ked into Illa trouwaJ while a box of 32 auorted pills was i..in<f in the home,, along with pot· •moklng poraphemalla. , Investigators said Miss Landress was &earebetl at the station by matron Diane· Ma~ who alle~ly fOunii two more pill• -lildden In ~ arreal<O'I µa.· der .......... ts. 1 ., •I rr ,. ·1, ~~ ~ . . ' ' . .. ' PhiJ.u;Iey .T3kes Syra~~~ cltrse~ Cella M.,. Deputy City l:tttk' Eileen P. _Phinney Is back ·on the job today, lollowins <irnpletioa o! a -weell·IOllC· training inatitute at Syracuoe tJDlversily, New York. ' The Fll'fit AMuaJ Institute f o r Municipal Clerks drew 110 participants representing all aspects of governmental . flll)Cllon, from 21 states, Canada ml NlgeriL The Aug. 10 through 16 course was organized by University Colle,ge, the Syracuse campus' continuing «1ue1Uon unit. according to James LeFlort, com- munity affairs program administ~tor~ · ' Subjects i n c 1 u d e d commumcation, · publicity and public relations, dty" 1aw and budgeting, plus discussion of other. topics relating to contemporary municipal affairs. Gunman Gets $4,000 HAYWARD (UPI) -A gunman handcuffed two employes Sunday and escaped with nearly $4,000 in a robbery of a large Long's Drug Store. Byron C. Young. the manager, said the · robber emerged from a hiding place after cl~ng time. He was wearing a light blue· Ohl lY Pl l01 CUJIOI ca.u-r l'\llt ..,..,.. CMPAH'r J:•Mrt N. WeM ....................... J,c.k It, C11N11Y \/let..,......, .... o-r .......... fliMll 1C.•ttll .... T~'"''' A. M.r .... l~• _ .. ... c ........ ~ lJO Wed a., $tffft M•~U11tM4rn.: P.O. lff 1160, tJ&ll --~kid!: "11 w.t ...... .....,.,. ......... ,._,.: 221 ._, ... _ Hwtlf,... ..... : .. 1111.,..... Newport Sailor Hides In Church as Protest By ARTHUR R. VINSEL Ot .,. D!l~ 1'11•1 lltff Naval 1uthorlties today cohsidered what action to take against a Newport -Beach sailor who has taken refuge in a Quaker church 1n Seattle to protest Viet- nam· combat ·and all other war prepara· tions. He is PO 3 · C Bru c..>e Preston, 23, formerly of 1156 Rutland Road, who has been absent without leave from duties with a medical supply unit at Treasure l$land, Calif,, for nine months. Contac:ted . today at the S e a t t J e sanctuary,~ the American Friends strvtct Commlttee. the 1964 Newport H'arbor High Scho61' graduate said he does not.know just what will happen ne:rt. "'I'm not too s:ure if they know how to handle it," said Preston, who worked as a psychiatric technician trainee a t Fairview Slate Hospital In Costa Mesa before his enlistmenl almost four years ago. "Br·"""",\~ 1 w .. committing the CHmt.1cl Ill ," pol 3 C Preston told tbt DAILY PILOT today. He said he-finally decided ab6i.lt two wee.i:ott_..i,bja P"!IO!l •ffort.> • *'I . .., il;'P~ necessary t~ confront the iWJ.Wlth my protest 1n a ~on· violeni~ttve way. I plan on staying in sanctuary unW the military responds,'' he~.' The. Nqr enlisted man entered the church Saturday to await his fate, saying · in ihe intel-view today that he bas been traveling up and down the West Coast · since going AWOL last year. He said he left his post at Treasure , Island aftert being turned down in a re- quest for conscientious objector status, baaed on a contention that he was being forced to bear arms. One tor Photog "My family is behind me in this," said Preston, whose mother is employed in a Newport. aavtna and loan and whose father.is a telephone company employe. The young bachelor sailor said military poli~ have been invited to enter the Friends Church, but that it would be futile for him to walk out and surrender in tenns of protest-emphasis. "We're expecting them anytime," he add«!. A spokesman for the Shore Patrol in Seattle said SUnday, however. that lie was under the impres:iion PO 3C Preston was going to come outside and surrender. Military authorities have been reluc- tant in the past to take proteston1 out of church sanctuary, usually attempting all methods of persuasion before using for~. Man Badl y Hurt In County Crash 1 A Los Angeles man was seriously iii: jured early tcx:lay when the car in which he was ridltik shot through a stop sig1'in- . ter~tlon near Orange County Airport and Plowed into an embankment. David Alvarez, 24, was taken to Orange County Medical Center, Where he ts being treated today for a skull fracture and a brcken leg. · The driver and two women passengers wtre less seriously injured in tbe ac· cident, which occurred at 12:05 a.m. on Campus Drive at Jamboree Road. -Arthur Fletcher Jr., 24, Dyanne Alvarez, 22, both of Los Angeles, and Rosalie Macias, 22, of Pico Rivera were treated and released, according to the Ciali fornia Hiahway Patrol. This picture of Brigitte Bardo! and her new flame. playboy Palrick Gill on an Athena -beach resulted in a fracas bet\veen 'Gill and the phoiographer. Gill attempted to a:masb the newsman's.camera, but•' ended up being dumped lnlo the waler. . ------ Rresid .· nf's Day . Quiet . . Peace Pic-Jeets ·'Fail ·to Disturb Nixf]ri . • lll1il:t have been noisy on U., outside, Tricia, David •l\d Julie Ebenhower. but Jt wis quJet on Lhe lnslde of President After the '4demonstratars left, !lei.ding lltin .... , summer---"llome-~San-c1emente· -ror~;-ttie--nrst-Famnr;-except over :th(,' weekenct: ' ' lor ritrs. Nixon, climbed aboard • While the Peace Action Council's helicOpter for Palm Spring&. parade of thousands marched within a 'I1Mf) speni the evening there at the few hundred yard! of the grounds SUnday estate of multidlionaire publisher afternoon, the President remained inaide Walter' Annenberg, U.S. Afnb~sado~ to his lWoom manaion, ,.1pendklg quiet Great Brita~n. Annenberg 1s •. long-time hours wlth his famijy -Mrs. Nixon, per30naJ fr1tod of the President. His estate is just out.Jide Palm Springs. Saturd•y i.ftefnoon the Pre,sident, Julie -~made-11p.1.golllng.lhr.....,. .at the Pauma ,. Valley Countey Club northeast of Oceanside. They· wtre · tht guesta ol Evangelist Billy Graham, whose home ls on the golf course. Dr. G r a h a m a nd Bebe ltebozo, the President's Key Biscayne. Fla., friend, marched around the golf course with Mr. NiJ:on aod lhe young EisenhQwers. President's Council Meets Tonigh~ • Gatekeeper Keeps Busy Harry Schueltge, ga~ekeeper for the Cyprus Shore co(npound of mansions in San Clemente, is bw:ler than ever these days. The reason is that a lot or people who don't live in the private residential com- munity want to get in to see Cyprus Shore's new neighbor -President Nixon. The Nixon estate, once a part of Cyprus Shore. is just over a wall. Non-residents aren't. aware of the wa11. So they come and see Schueltge. They never get past him. Ju.st the other day, he turned away : -A little girl who said she had a very Important message for the President. It was from her grandfather. -A man wbo claimed he had been ask· ed to tune the Nixon family piano (still in New York). -A young lady who said she once baby- sat for Tricia Mixon. "Nobody gets mad when l dOIJ 't let them in," said Schueltge, a retired purthasing agent for the c.ity of BW:b~k. ··They all leave with a smtle. And I enJOY it, too. I like talking to people. Lately, I've been talking to a lot. u · The gate is up the road from the .en- trance to lbe Loran Coast Guard Slat1on, where the Western White House's ad- ministrative offl~s are located. Schueltge and three other gatekeepers are on duty around the clock. Il always has been that way at Cyprus Shore. But in the past, the gatekeepers had only. to check with residents on guests seeking entrance. . They now work from a clearance list supplied by another source -:-the U.S. Secret Service. They also provide backup gatekeeper!. Sunday, as thousands of demOC\_Strators marched past, Sche.ult.ge had quite. a Jew such "assistants." But lhey weren't need· «!. Thief Removes Transmission Frwn Spee~boat A thief who hauled one speedboat in front of another to hide himself while at work removed a $550 transmission from the display model at a Co5ta Mesa firm early Swlday. William L. Hansen, of Newport Speed & Marine, 1750 Newport Blvd ., told Officer Rudy Malik the thief appare~tly knew just what he wanted out of the boat, parked on tht open sales lot. A woman hospitalized over the summer months also reported theft of a .22 caliber Pistol valued at $100 from a nightstand in her unoccupied home. Jean Haugen, of 240 Virginia Place. told investigators there was no sign o! forced entry and the theft could have taken place as early as May. City to Discuss Curbs On Oil,: Garage Sales Discussion of curbs on big business and small -oil producers and garage aales -is expected to come up at tonight's Co8ta Mesa Clty Council meeting. All else on the 7:30 o'clock agenda ap- pears routine aod ob!lervers expect to. clear up the official business early. Under the new business heading, coun- cilmen are expected to talk over a com· plaint by a furniture store owner that From Page 1 HAYNSWORTH tomeys in South Carolina. President Eisenhowe.r named him to the Court of Appeals 12 years ago. He was appointed chief judge by President Johnson in 1964. Ziegler said Nixon spoke to Haynsworth about the nomination for the first time in a telephone call Sunday afternoon. "Several weeks ago, the Attorney General (John Mitchell) Indicated to him that his name was under CC\nsiderat.lon," said Ziegler. "Sunday the word became final." · The selection, the White House aide emphasized, "did not go through the political clearance process.'' "The President feels that Supreme court appointments should be made sole- ly by him." As ASloclate Justice:, Haynsworth fills a vacancy created when Abe Fortas resigned last May 14 amid disclosures that he had accepted a fee from a foun- daUon linked with now-imprisoned finan- cier Louis E. Wolfson. Ziegler -said ir:1 nominating Haynsworth, the pre1ident had tapped.a man 1'ith "a proven record' as a juriti, both as an ' ·-~Juilie and cl1lel ~ of -ol 1 this ooilnli'y•ibuaiest eourti of appeal ... "Judge H~orth had a distinguished record •"• prictlcJor1119""1 and .-•. diltingullilil r~u ·• leading odmii durill1 Hla yean of private practice,'' said Ziegler. "He meets the qualifica- tions which the Preltdent blJlleves are essential for an anoclated JutUce to the Supreme Court." The nominee b D;11rried to the fonner Dorothy Merry of Augusta, G~. and ha.a two stepsons. He is president of the Com· munity Chest of Great.er Green~Jle and chairman of the Crusade for Frei]Clom for South Carolina's Piedmont SecUon. He also has served as vestryman ofl Chris(· Church. r Girl, 5, Lose,s Life In Anaheim Accident An Anaheim traffic accident urly to- day killed Cather.int J, Rector, 5, of Whit.. Lier. Anaheim police said a car driven by William McGregor Jr., 23, of Whittier, \\'tin~ through a barricade into a ron- struction ditch on Santiago Drive. His stepdaughter, a passenger, was fatally injured. She died three hours later. garace sales by privatt citiuins are lln· fair to merchants. Councilman William L. St. Clair re- quested the discussion by memo last week, saying some homeowners are abusing the garage sale right to literally go into business. Mayor Alvin L. Pinkley also said today he will ask for a review of the ordinance on oil drilling atld exploration for a possi· ble general tightening by City AUorney Roy June. The action '1.ias prompted by recent protests and cOJnpiaints regarding an Oc- cidental Petroleum Corporation test core hole drilled on a slant more than 4,000 feet under the city from county land outside. Tests indicate !,here is apparently no oil under the city and the Camay Drilling Co., subcontrator involved, began dismantling its 136-foot-tall rig last week. Property owners in the area of the tesL hole near Bear Street and Paularino Avenue complained bilterly about the issue, which the council had no actual power to prevent. Mayor Pinkley said today the time seems ripe to try to block any future oil probes, although it seems unlikely any would be attempted if there is no petroleum below. A number of other matters recom- mended for approvaJ by the city planning commission a week ago are on tonight's agenda, but received swl!t action at the advisory body's level. Ja~OO,ree Road -Work Pla.pned he City or Newport~Ikach writ~ept bids in September for work on a quarter· mile e'lltenslon of Jamboree Road. The new four-lane divided roadway will lihk Jamboree Road with MacArthur Boulevard and will include a traffic ,light aild median island at Mac Arthur Boule.vard. The road now stops at.its.in- tersection with Palisades Road. Total estimated rosl of the Jink ls t IB.11000. lt will be financed with $80,000 in Newport Beach city gas tax fund' and $80,000 in Orange County arterial ex- tended highway funds. The remaining $23·,000 will rome from a separate county hmd for road construction done outside the city limits, officials said. Work ls expected to begin In October. Fullerton Girl Dies After Fall From Horse A girl tossed from her horse Saturday died five hours later of head injuries suffered when she landed on the pave- ment, according to Fullerton police. The victim was identified as Carol L. .Jones, 20. of 400 W. Orangethorpe Ave .. Fullerton . about fi \'e minutet. A suit is what you don't buy around the corner Moat or my competiton are chain 11ore1. Moll of the cbain.1 are owned and run by large clothin,:r manofactnren in the ea11. There'll nothin~ WTOng with that. l ho o fl h I think it does tend to make a 11ore'1 1tl)Ck a tittle lopsided &0 tbev can llush their own I'm oa that little penlmula pul thote 27 cloaer men'• brand ~f clothing. that lead• to Udo l1le, a tho!" •torea in order lo look ~ver 1 happen 10 l>e a one &lore block beyond The Arcbet m lbe 10111 I have in your l&Ze. indenendent merchant, and [ Newport Beach. Or even my oeektiee or say there'• no better place lo But I don't know where you IOCks or 1biru. Mak iog a take you" bn1inet11 than to a are. minor pnrchue here i1 a pain· one 1tore independent mer. Probably. becau1e th.It teu way to find out if you like nhant. Your bu1ine111 counts ne...pa.,.,.. e'-lateo In lle'fertll rite kind of merchandite I for more in • orore like that eltiet. yoa're el-r lo ahoat oeleot, the peneral feellq of and therefore It'• appreciated 27 other pOO men'• •toret the 1tore and the type of lnte~ more. They ha•en't yet in• th8n y.oa are to mine. ligenl interelt you get from vented a computer that know1 . Minor purehue.. Uke tooth· my staff. bow to af)preciate • cu11omer'1 · patte, yoa pick up ot the band-After all, the beat way to bu•in .... iett 1tore. l' on know -tly find oat If yoa feel comfort· When yon bay oomethlng what yoa want. Why wute -able with a 1tore It to 8" In here. and one of our ll"Y' eay1 tane ~riving one block farther and buy oomething. Uoaally !hank yon. you know it •omee than yon need to for it? you can £orm an opinion In lrom the heart. Aly heart. A 1ult, thoqhl la not tooth· pa1te,. Yoa don't buy one at the 1tore around the corner on yonr way home to dinner. I admit rm prejudiced. However, I 1lill eay ii mlRht be worth your whll~ nut lime you need a suit, to dri\'O ript Jack Bidwell 3467 Via.Udo, Udo Penlnaula, N•wport Beach right n••l lo Richard'• Markol 111d the I .ldo Theater. Mueho parlduR directly behind m1 llore. Phone 6734510. Copyrisht 19691 Jack Bidwell. Ot.IL Y ,ILOT f'hOtt '" klcli1nl Kotl'li.r MEMBERS OF COSTA MESA PQilCE TACTICAL SQUAD FORM BLUE LINE IN F!!ONT Officers From Neighboring Communities Help K"p Pt1ce Protesttrs Arm's Length From Presidtnt Peace Protests Peaceful 4,000 March Without Incident in San Clemente White House Scribe Vieivs Coast Editor's Note: li1errlrnan Smith, dean of Wh ite flous1 corre.'i'pondenis, has reported on several U.S. presi· dents and followed tlirm to tlie ir s11mme1' 'oltitt' house headqu.arters. 1fere are St11,itli's imprtssions of the Orange Coast area surrounding Presi· de,it NUon's suntnler lV/iite House \Vest. By fl1ERRl fl1AN SMITll The area which President Nixon has selected for his \Vestern White House is a land of tremendous contrast in which the staid political conservatism of Orange County seems incredibly out of syn- chronization with hippies, surfboards, beach buggies and a narcotics problem. Furthermore. the presidential com· pound seems so -removed from swinging life on a public beach only a few hundred yards away and this adds to the at· mosphere of contrast. The highway. a whizzing freeway just out.side Ole Nixon property, is known locally as •islaughter Alley" beeause so many motorists have died in high speed accidents between San Clemente and the nen town to the south, Oceanside. As a result of many accidents in the area, Orange County and California State Hlghway Patrolmen enforce speed limits · about as rigidly as While House traveleNJ have ~ aoywhere in the world. To I.he north. there is Laguna Beach, headquarters for the White House travel- ing preS8 party. This ls a seriws art col- any, hippie heaven and another center of political conservatism all at once. In San Clemente itself, the churehes run heavily to Lutheran and Southern Baptist. Yet, San Clemente and other towns close by are regarded as prime liberty ports by the 45,000 U.S. l\.1arines stationed at nearby Camp Pendleton, an enormous city in Its own right just to the south or San Clemente. This section of coastal California is one or the prime surfing areas of the mainland United States. Its beaches abound every weekend with leggy young blonde girls with streaming yellow hair and leggy young blonde boys with streaming yellow hair, as well as some types a ·little on the square side. Over this past weekend, there were stories in some of the newspapers 'of the coastal area telling about a shortage of mariju8na, thus leading younger swing- ers to experiment with pills of v a r i e d purpose and potency. Since the President arrived here for his summer visit, there have beta at lea!lt two cases of young men on S<H::alled "bad liips" being seized by authorities as the raced along the beaches in lhe nude. One was in the San Clemente · area; the other at Laguna Beach. Since these two cases were so similar, It led to some conjecture that they must have gotten some bad dope from the same pusher. There are some highly aesthetic aspects of the area selected by the Presi- dent and Mrs. Nixon for their Western borne away from the White House. In Laguna Beach, for example, there is a month·long art .festival and pageant In wlllch 30me of I.he great classic paintings or an Ume are recreated by living actor•. This was the county tJlat gave Sen. Barry Golftater CR-Ariz.), such heavy aupport in the 1964 presidential election -I.be same county of 1Urfboards, nude men racing do'A-·n the beach, stunning art shows, and now, the Western White House. By JACK CHAPPELL Of "" Dllll "11•1 S11ff A ragtag band of at least 4,000 d e monslrators · protesting every.thing from the Vietnam war and the freeing of Nazi war criminals to non-union grape production swarmed through S a n Clemente Sunday. Many of them may be back for a "smaller free speech rally" on Aug. 31, according to Peace Actlori Council (PAC) representative Robert 0, ~land of Laguna Beach. Bland was in Federal Court today seek· tng pe:mi~ion to use San Clemente State Park for that rally . Sunday's demonstration was peaceful. There appeared t.o be no harassment or the 200 law enforcement officers by the demonstrators. Police were decked out in riot gear. Demonstrators started arriving in San Pol.ice reported no out.(lf·lhe«dinary ar- Police reported no our-of-the-ordinary ar· rests Saturday. An estimated 2,000 protest.ers marched along Via De Frente's dusty walk.ways until about 2 p,m. when the crowd began spilling onto the roadway. Police closed off the street and ~!lowed proff;sters to rorm their picket lines on the pavement. The picket line stretched a half mile by actual measurement down Via De Frente. Marchers were three lo four abreast walking up and down the street. After the picketing, marchers filed through the San Clemente State Park grounds and took over a picnic area for their rally. Officials made no attempt to remove them. Some demonstrators carried poster cartoons of the President. Other picket signs read : "Bring AU Troops Back NOW," "War takes Lives. So Does U.S. Hunger ," ''Freaks for Freedom ," ''Viet· nam, Love fl or Leave II." "War ts the Air P1llution Of The Woi-ld," and "Peace Now." A small knot of blue-shirted men iden· tified as a group called "Guardians of of Freedom" at limes marched in the midst of the protestel'S. At other times they stood out of the line oC march and :shouted at the marchers. The Guardians carried signs saying: "Win the War," "Hang Ho," "Don't Quil. '1 Aside from some angry words, U1ere appeared to be no serious con· frontalions between the opposing groups. A number of marchers wore hat bands identifying them as "Gl's For Peace." F'rom their appearance, however, it did not seem that all who wore the bands were "Government Issue." The march crowd well exceeded previous PAC estimates, a first for the peace gro up which normally estimates the number of persons who will attend. ; Eiact detenn.inaUon or the crowd size was difficult. Estimates ranged from 3,000 to 10,000. But most ·press observers settled on a figure of 4,000 demonstrators -about 6,000 Jess than the PAC's high· est advance estimate. Marchen themselves ranged In aile from toddlers to oldsters who walked with assistance ol canes. The bulk of the protestors were in the 18 t.o 30 age group. Lawmen from Westminster, Fullerton, Santa Ana. the Orange County Sheriff's Department, San Diego County Sheriff's =rv1:;"~u~ i:~~i;:n!~n Clemente, Hussein Meeting With Nasser Set CAIRO (UPll-Tho semlolflcol news- paper Ahrim said today Kl!ig Hussein of Jordan will arrive here soon to dis- cuss with President Gamal Abdel Nas· 1er the pos.gblllty of an Arab aummlt conference i. deal with Israel. Arab diplomattc sources said the cha006 Qf a full Arab meeting appeared dim although Nasser has requested one on gruunds the _t.tideast situation has cha~ed radlcally since the last such meeting In Khartoum ln 1967. Diplomats said ll wa! more likely tllere would be a ttmiled conference involving countries directly lnvolved in fighting with Israel -Egypt, Lebanon. Syria, Jordan and lraq, • -----.... ---.... -~.,.... -- - --·=-,,,----- -. --,... -- - - - -.... -- . -. -----.... ·---- _M_M_d~-·-·-~_u_st_l_~_l_'.16-'Ti~~~~1L~~~-D_A_ll_Y_"_l_OT~:J ~. 8 Green Berets No Longer iii Isolation ' < SAIGON (UPI) -'!lie Anny removed eight Gree0 Beret offJceNJ from solltary confinement today and gave them rooms in barracks outside the m!Utary siockade wber~ they had been sinee a~ of JtlUrdering a South Vietnamese civilian. In Inhumane condtllona 1t llle.J\Qckfte In Long Blnh, 17, mllet north of Salgoo. "It la a terrible tblng out there," said George Greioq "Cheraw, S.C., lawyer fol" ooe of tha accused. 0 You cannot believe bow bad It LI." olla(O • S:OJlllllOD --.llallln Jll<lr ,_ __ con!lnciment quarlm, a m fl 111 r r ., apok"men said. . • A civilian lawyer and several con· gr.essmenllad'.cbarg~.o.DP,t "Isolation of the prbonen, wblch. WU .,. ... ......,. dlll'IJll ... pbm of tile in· vesUgaUoo, ts no loa&er required," the t llle men. wW bt o!lo!red U!NI• and ' • Aid. Sears STUDIED CASUALNESS .•. THE SOUGHT AFTER LOOK •.• SEEK NO FURTHER Traditional Ivy Style Shim ia. wide «ripes on blue,greeo. browa,gold color. Tailored •ith near. trim lines. Long pcint, bunon-dowo oollar. lo sites small lo ema large. 5 50 Co untry-Look J ean• a fashion that too. no season and will cohanc:e your WJtdrobe tU year 'round. Smart tweed loOk i"n PERMA·PREST'9 polyester and cotton. Country colors. 30 to 36. $6 Uee·Sean Rmilving Charge The ~!O!" within a SIOl'e at Sean, Roebw:Jc ind Co. ,--------------------------------------------~-~-, I tl.H!Mt.,.AIC II.MONTI lONOtu.Of ..:O•.... fOMONA ('°""'"'"""-• CANOGt.'AllC Gl.IHDAlf Ol'f'MPIC&IOTO SANTA."* ~ I COMPTON HOlll'WOOO O.•NOt ~ IAMTA"..... YMlrf I COVINA. INGtlWOOO """"~ SANTA MONICA. \'DMCfff ·-' • • -• • • • • ---------• -•• • • -Sea.rs-------~-----------~ "'5otl.,...Ouaewl11tl•1'lolorMllGfr...... ---..,,..,...-...y~ ..... ,..A& .. NtP& • I• t\ • I ' I ---------------------------------------------~-----·------------ I B.laiberg: •1'm Dying' Hanoi Vows -To-Drive Widow Tells of His Last Act • ' ~ ..... .,...., ..... ,.,,. Entertainer Denny Thom•• is a • grandfather. His 25 -year • old -daughter. Terri, gave birth to a 6- POUDd. &-ounce girl in Cedan of -LebanOn HospiW. She is the wile of L•rry Gordon, a publicist~ Doc· tors 18.id mother and daughter, named Dionne Theresa, were in excellent condition . • Bees in the belfry are driving the Rtv. Elwyn John of Hyope, Eng· land batty. The bUZ?ing insects cover the raUen of bis church.-~~"' hang from an inside well aqd swarm in the bell tower. ''If they keep growing I may have lo close the church." John-said. -• Workmen with a crane and dniolition equi~t pulted up to an apartment house at 213 Fourth Ave., i11 A1bury Park, N.J., and, OJ the ten.ants fnddt tDGtched, began ripping jt up. B11 tht time the OWMr afTived, au the back porches and the fire escapes were gone. It turned out that the workmen. hod been UIUld a buildingi permit ioith a wrong addren on it. Th.tr wtre S"\pposed to bt remodeling an apartment house across ·the .street. • Ul'IT.._.... 'BORROWED TIME'· OVER Dr. Philip Blaiberg Arab Saboteurs Takes Big Toll Of Israeli Lives TEL A VIV (AP) -Arab saboteurs and guerrillas have accounted for alrnOllt a third of Israel's anny fataliUes since the 1967 war, army sources said here today. In the period up to Aug. 9, 349 Israeli soldiers have been killed, including 110 by "the actions of terrorists" the infonnant sai d. Of 1,248 Israeli soldiers injured in acUon, one-third were wounded by Arab lrregulart, they added. After spending $480 tn u_ie J>ll:ll Tbe figures indicate the Arab lr- eigbt years on driving lessons, Mir· regulars who infiltrate Israeli-held ter- iam Hargrav• of Lupset, England rltory from Jordan, Lebanon or Syria and has done it again. She just flun):ed others who strike in the refugee-packed the test for.a driver's license for Gaza Strip are having greater success the 34th time. ••1 drive quite well," than gene~ally be~eved. . Mrs. Hargrave protested, "but On the civilian side, 38 of 56 were killed none of the examiners wanta thL ·"'bY sabota'e acts slnce th~ s~x--day war. J be! ~ th b ed """1-~ And four-fifths of the 501 civilians wound-·8 .,v' e man w O pass lYlll" , ed were the victima of sabotage attacks. la~-She said she plan~ .to com.. The anny 80UI'CtS said there had been plain to the Transport Minis'lry. no a1gnllicanl ,...nt Increase In the nwn· • be< ol Arab lllbatoge attacia, bul each day brings. fresh repart.s of Israell trucks being blown up by mines, hand grenades thMWn at troops or irregulars firing rockets or mortars at Israeli settlemenls. Tank Car Leaks Cyanide Liquid CAMBRIDGE SPRINGS, Pa. (AP) - A tank car cootaining a form of cyanide leaked out 5,000 gallons of the liquid after a train derailment 500 feel from a creek which prov(des W. community of 2,500 with its water supply. N. J. Rodgers, safety and plan t pro- duction supervisor for A m e r i ca n Cyanlmld Corp., which owned the chemical, described it as acrylonitrile, a :iubstance used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber, paper, sweaters and blankets. He said it was "toxic and highly flammable." Civil defense wor'kers and other volunteers dug a pit below the railroad embankment after the accident Sunday and the tank car, one of 26 derailed, was lowered down the hill. •tt Was Beautiful~ Nora Avis Hopt, daughkr oJ comedian and Mrs. Bob Hope, Qttl a slighU11 awry kiss from her new hflto bond, Samuel Boyd McCullaoh Jr. TM couple. married at Saint Charles Borromeo Church in Hollywood thit Wttkend, will honeymoon in Hawaii. • Toky0 taxf driver Ma1ayukl Hasegawa refused to get out ol his air-conditioned cab when police ar- rested. him for speeding on a 90- degree afternoon. A police wrecker towed Hasegawa and his taxi to the nearest police station, where officers opened the taxi door with a duplicate key and arrested the drtver. 400,000 Share 3-day Festival . \VJUTE LAKE, N.Y: (AP) -The great rock festlva1 ended today In the same spirit of peace and sharing that enabled 400,000 young people to gather for three days of music , marijuana and mod living without • major Incident. "There has been no violence whataoever, which is remarkable for a crowd of this she," said Dr. William Abnmi. the festival 's chief medical of. ficer. "These people are r e a 11 y beautiful." AJ the great exodus of tired, thirsty, hungry youths began Sunday, security of· ficlals reported three deaths and close to 5,000 persons treated for injuries, illness or adverse drug reactions during the three-day span. A late afternoon thunderstorm speeded departures. But thousands of detennined fans remained and huddled around flickering campfires through the chill night to hear the final conCerfa Despite the rain that turned" the farm fields of the festival site into seas of mud again, despite the shortages of water and food and the lack of sanitary facilities, the spirlls of the audience remained high at the end. Everything from drugs to rides lo sandwiches donated by local residents and merchants was being sha red. Volunteer doctors and nurses were treating the sick In hurriedly set up clinics to keep the hospitals free for emergencies. "Today," said Michael Lang, 24, one o[ the resUval organizers, "is a time to th.Ink about what happened here -the youth culture.came out of the alleys and streets. This generalion -was brought together and showed It W85 beautiful. "The peace they were screaming about is what they really want -they're living it. They value each other more than material things," said Lang, who had an· ticipated an attendance of only about 50,000 each day. The extraordinary response created traffic j a m s, health problems a n d material shortages J)eyond anyone's ex- pectation. Rest of the Nation Nice But Camille Raises Havoc Along Gulf Coast CaHtornl• Temperatures """""""' ........ Hllll L.,. l'rK. " " co .. tal L• tloudl In .... mom!ftf *- lfll .._,. lft !flt """"°""· Wfticlt -'-If I .. U lll'leh. Hltll lroCM' In mlf l'O't. Yn~n ._..,.....,,. ,....,... ftMI I 111111 9f .. II 1'. In\ ... fWtlllerlh.I~ flfWM ,,_. I 1111111 9f f1 " ID. Wtllr """"''""'• -..... ,... L-.f 0, ...,,, 'Inf o. 'w" S•a• J $tot 11 Aut. 10 Aut. " 11.S. Summary H\Orrit.111 Ceornlllto 11911'V!Md 11'1111 h (91111"91 Gvlf coelll' ...,,. 11 '"!IQ -I " Oll"-1, Miu., Wllfl Wllldt • M 190 ml~ ,., flour •I Mll1w Irr It, LW!t . Al ltMf II --M.-. ....., kUIN w!llt Mllftl ~ lllkirlf tl'ld mlt .. lflt 11'1 1flt Nry et "" WI,._ •M 1111 ..,..,,.,, ~ klcM<d oft '" IMr ,.tti. Al Gt.I~. KIMI et 11 " :10 fllol """" • .,,.,.. wllflt Glmllll " wn>•--. G'Mlfl 11'1111 dttlrvtllcui.. f~le<"I )llld C.f'l'>lll• -· """""" lt1t -ihw1r4 .i II mll-.111 flour 11111 wat we1•.,.1nt •• JNi ""'°""" l111•M. MMllWflUt, flllfricl"'t Ottllllr t•rl~ .m Nrr -M m llft "" "' "1111 J~.,-i, P.,llt. flA'f4t1Wt M'f ~ie'1 ·•:...ts l'HC1*' IOI m,,,11, 11\d toll(!~ llont 1"'111"11111 ~ ln!-Hlctrlon It the --.II ••-• -'hwnltrtr Pllll. ni. r•lftftll "4t'l 11 MQb!i., Al,., from C•mlll• ~ "'*"' '"'11 ti• lncl'lft wl\1141 MfrMllll, MIU ., 11..t .,.,.,.,., '" ll'IQI ,.., -ll'lll"lf -• Jlk lla.>r otrlN 11'11• morn'"'· ·~ &.ktnfi.lcl 9!trnar>:I!. .... ..... e'"°""'"'vui. """ .. Cll!C'l11N1ft .. ,_ ... ,.._ ........ F.i"rti.nb Fort Worlfl ·~M "'""' Hol'Ol~I• K•llMI City L..t \'etlt LOI A/lfflh Mltm! Mll'lllt9POl1t """ Orietnt ...... Yor'C 'N~ "t•tt• o.kl•lld Oklahoma c11, """"° P1lm SPrl111• Pt"'Jtnl~ P\11ibt.irllll Pol'l'll..., Ri'Olcl City ilhcl 111111 ••M l«rlm.e~lo S..11 Llk• cu., '"""" $1" .. ,..ncltai k•""' Soall1ne """"" Wnfll!l9t0ft ~ " n 105 11 71 ~' 17 ,5 .. " .. " .. n .. " .. • .. " " .. .. " .. n '~ " .. .. u " " .. >W .. .. .. " n " ~ ., " ~ n ., .. .. " .. .. .. " "' " ,. " H " .. .. .. 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I ltll1'il Instant fii.11 AUTOMATIC FINE TUNING ",.eliminates the need for critical picture tuning. Invented by Magnavox in 1964, AFT keeps ell station signal3 locked-in to give you a perfectly·tuned picture that is always precise-instantly and automatically- on every channel. every time I MediterranHn moctel 6926 Early Amerlc•n model 6924 TAC-plus these other advanced Magnavox featurn con· tribute to the unequaled enjoyment of owning today's finest Color Tl/: New Brilliant MX500 Color Tube-gives you vMd. natural color pictures which are clearer and sharpel', fOf men life-like picture fidelity and realism. MX500 with huge 295 ~ in. screen-a combination of engineering advancements to tiring: you the ultimate in viewing pleasure: Chromatone-forthrining depth and dimension. Quick-On pictures and sound eliminate annoying warm-up delay. Bonded Circuitry chassis sets a new standard of lasting reliability . 82·Channel Remote Control tor UHF {V HF is optional. All models shown on concealed swMlf casters. Also in French or Italian Provincial styles. Contemponry model 6922 . You:r ~~~:: s59aso authentic styles • Select from over 40 magnific ent Ma gnavox Color TV styl es ... from s2599o : KERM RIMA MAGNAVOX Magnavox Honie E11tertainnie11t Centers-Factory Direct Dealer 2666 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calif. 546-1691 6855 Westminster Westminster, Calif. 894-2350 12116 S. Brookhurst Garden Grove, Calif. 531>-4360 12891 Chapman Garden Grove, Calif. 636-1250 EXPERT FACTORY SERVICE I ) ~ t • Architect Dies at 83 CIUCAGO (AP) -Ludwig Mondq, A"""l 18, 1969 Crew's Fate Ullknown Copter .Dawn Over Korea and w1s eotnc down," ac- cording to the spokesman. Mies van dtt Rohe, one or the SEOUL, South Korea (UPI) over North JCorta.n tmitory founders of modem arcbltec· _ The United NaUoN Com· while on. a training mission lure, dJed late Sunday at mand (UNC) today asked south of the demarcation line :!',S~~-ChtcagoWesley"""""M em rn-a~l~h-Korea-for I.tie return Of---seperaUn&..S-0-u-l-h and North H~ital. He was 83. an unarmed U.S. A r m y Korea. U.S. Marine Maj. Gen~· w. Adam5; UNC senior delegate to the Korean Military Armistice Com· mission, sent a melsagt to 'his Communist coonterpart, North Korean Army Maj. Gen. RI Choon Sun, aating the return of the helicopter and crew. ARMED BRIT ISH TROOPS CONFRONT CROWD IN BELFAST At Le11t I Person• H1v1 ·Died Sine• Rel igious Riot ing Broke Out Ireland Troops Bolstered Britisli Comrnande r Ex pe cts IRA to Inte rvene . . 'Da~! What's • Cat .. llc?! President Mulls New Oil Policy WASHINGTON (UPI) - The Treasury and lnlerioJ Department are urging Pres~· dent Nixon lo propose new 011 tax policy to help the ad· ministration regain the Lax reform spotlight from con· cresslonal Democrats. The plan would require oil companies to justify their tax breaks by investing money equal to the tax ~reaks. into new programs to improve or develop lhe nation's natural resoorces. The proposal would either add mi\lioos of dollars to the oil industry Lax bill or generate a spate of research and development projects. It has been publicly endorsed by Interior Secretary Waller J . Hick.el. Sources said Treasury Secretary David M. Kennedy also is ad vocating the pro- gram, although some w h at more quietly. But the ultimate choice is Nixon's. The President must decide during his working vacation at San Clemente If he will include the pl an in the tax package he will present the Senate Finance Committee Scpl 4. The tax refonn bill passed by the House cuts the con· troversial depleUon allowance from 21in to 20 percent but permits oil companies to con- tinue single-year write-i>ffS of intangible drilling costs. con- tddcred a major loophole by some Treasury tax experts. The Treasury-Interior pr~ pOsal Would pennit oil com· panies to claim no more benefits from depletion, in- tangible drilling costs or other measures than they spend on research. Money Or ders Free l o Gls WASIDNGTON (UPI) Slartlng Sept IS, servicemen in Vietnam will be able to Wld money home via postal money order free of charge. For servicemen in oUlt,r par:tJ t or the world, the charge will be reduced to IS cents. Postal money orders cu rrently C06t servicemen from 25 cents to one doUar, depending on the BELFAST. Northern Ireland (UPI) -The British army commander in Nor th e rn .Ireland said today he expects the outlawed Irish Republican Army (IRA) to intervene in the rioting betw.£en Roman Catholics tend Protestants. He also said he is building up his force to 6,000 troops. Prime Minister J a m e s Chichester.Cla rk met t h i s afternoon with "represen· tatives of all sections of responsible o p i n i o n in Northern Ireland to explore ways of restoring peace and cum mun al understanding." it was announced. The meeting was al Stormont Castle, the seat of parliament. Nearly a week of religious violence left at least eight dead and more than 300 in- jured in what the Protestant- dominated government brand- Astronaut Collins Hangs Up Spacesuit SPACE CENTER, Houston (AP) -Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins, the man who orbited the moon while his crewmates made history, says he is hangi ng up his spacesuit and will take a nonflying job in the space program if it's of· fered to him. Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., another oI the Apollo 11 crew and the Vandals Raid P AC Offices HOLLYWOOD (AP) \Vhile members o£ the Peace Action Council were busy pro- testing the Vietnam war Sun· day in front of President Nix- on's Western White 11ouse in San Clemente. four vandals raiided their office. Police said witnesses told them intruders intimidated a SS-year-Old woman with guns, blindfolded a resident of the building and ransacked files. The four also s mashed ttirough a door to the office for the National Committee to Abolish HUAC (Hoose Un· A m e r i c a n AcLivities Com· miltee) acro.ss the hall and went througb files, police said. second man to walk the moon, also casts doubt on his specific future plans. The third crewman, Apollo 11 commander Neil A . Armstrong, says he would serve the space program "in any capacity," including space flight. "Apollo 11 is my last flight," Collins said Sunday during a televised interview on the CBS program "Face The Nation." "I think it's difficult to keep up year after year, to really approach the training, the liv- ing in simulators, with the zeal that you have ta in order to do a good job." Collins sail . "OC course there are a lot or encroachments on my family life which I have not enjoyed." Collins said he intends ta contribute whatever he can ta the space program in another job. but the 38-year-0ld Air Force colonel said he didn't know whal Olat would be. Aldrin said he e1pects to continue in the program, but has not decided about going back into space. "I'm available in any ca· pacity in which I could serve best," Arm&troog s a i d. He also indicated he would like to make a long space journey, such as to Mars. U.S. Youth s to Appeal Spain Flag Conviction MADRID (UPI) -Five American students reportedly sentenced to six-month jail tenns on charges of desecrat· ing the Spanish Oag have not been officially notified of their sentences and wlll probably appeal when Oley are, a U.S. Embassy source said today. A Spanish court of public order was expected to confinn the sentences cfficlally today. The rive, all but one students at New York Slate University's Maritime College, were tried Aug. 13 by the poblic order court on charges they ''committed insults to the Spanish nag" during a parade in Alicante June 21. The Americans are: -Fred Uricb, 21, o I Brooklyn, N.Y. -Robert M. Fracda, 21 , of Plandome, N.Y. -John F. CirtYJ 22, of West Sholom. N. Y. ~~evc;n G. Prussman, 21, of Wlniir Park, J;1i. -John R. Hopkins, 22, ot lluntington, N.Y. dropped the demand to nine months. He said that dtiring the parade, the youthli had marched in the p a r a d e alternately waving a Spanish flag and dragging it along the ground. He said they were ar· rested at the demands or an angry crowd. A defense witness. Jose Ma nu e l Bernabeu G l ne r, gave a different version. He said the youths were not ac- ting offensive1y, but shouting "Viva Spain" and "Viva Fran- ce!" to the people lining the parade route. Mobile Man To Head VOA WASHINGTON (AP) -The Nixon admlniatratk>n h a s selected Kenneth R. Giddens. Mobile, Ala., radio and TV station owner, as the new head ol the Voice of America. ed "revolution" triggered by supporters of the ove~·helm· ingly Catholic Irish Republic to the south "and other sinister elements." Geil. Jan Freeland m e t ~~m ~ ~1~ ~ m h~d~~al1r! 12 miles outside of BeUast as Catholics began burying their dead. Thousands of mourners marched in funeral pnr cessions past silent British troops enforcing a shaky truce in this capital city of Northe rn Ireland. One funeral was for Patrick Rooney, 8, killed by a stray bullet that pierced the walls of his family home. Freel and told newsmen he had 1,000 men and from 40 to 60 armored.cars on the way to reinforce troops trying to keep the clashing sides apart. Asked about the oullawed IRA which has vowed to take action. the general told the news conference, •·we would be pretty stupid not to expeet them to intervene, if they ha ve not already done so." Freeland said the 4,000 troops he now has In Northern Ireland, mainly in Belfast, are enjoying somethi ng of a "honeymoon," and are being well treated by bot h sides. Catholics whose homes and shops were hit hardest by the rifle, firebomb and rock· throwi ng clashes with m!litant Protestants disputed t h e as- sessment of the blame issued by Chichester.Clark. The 1.050 British troop9 behind barbed wire a n d machine guns in BeUast sheathed their bayonets and vigilantes kept their own brand of peace in the smoke - lilled, rubble-strewn streets of the nation's capital. Across the Irish Sea, British Prime Minister llarold Wilson ended a vacation in the Scil ly Isles to return to London for consult.ations with his senior advisers, including H o m e Secretary James Gallaghan, top cabinet official in the Northern Ireland c r i s I s . Government spokesmen said Wilson planned to meet early in the week with Chichester~ Clark. Ex-Wallace State Police Oiief Dies BIRMINGHAM, Ale. (lJPli -Albert J . "Al" Lingo, 59, who headed the Alabama Highway Patrol during the state's racial crises from 11)63 to 1965, died Sunday at University Hospital. Lingo was taken to the hospital Sunday morning from his home at Eufaula, Ala., and apparently died of a blood clot. Lingo, Alabama's pub 11 c safely director under former Gov. George C. Wallace, dispersed Negro marchers at the Edmund PelluJ Bridge el the start of the Selma-t~ Montgomery voting r l g h t 1 march on March 7, 1963. Many Negroes were Injured In the melet, which also Involved former Dallas County Sheriff Jim Clark's mounted posse. and Lingo contended he '[I! made the ''scapegoat" of the Building he designed inelud· belicopler and its thrte-m&JJ "'nle lteli<;'Of)ter had been ed the Seagram Building tn crew downed by ground fire in obserVed ~ Crom the ground New York, the U.S. consulate !Jle. latest Korean truce front ~';' ~kae~~e :Vh~~ k:l~. . Sa p lo B il th 1nc1dent. m o au, raz, e The fate of the crew was Korean t er r i t ory,'' the Bacardi Office Building in unknown. spokesman said. Mexico City and the recently A UNC spokesman sak! the The OH%3 was last heard pilot oC the OH23 helicopter from· when the pilot radioed complett.d NaUonal Gallery in "had b ecome disoriented" "his klcation wu tmknown, he West Berlin. Sunday and accidentally new waa belnc find upon, wa.s hit There WU DO tmmediate r-1rom the Norlb Korean military. the wonder wig in modacrylic i.t looks and feels like real hair but it's a whole lot easier to care for Soft and silky. Full and natural. That's the wonder wig from London. Looft like real hair. And feels like it, too. But the great thing is. it behoves ove n better thon reol hoir . You 'll never have to set it. Just w.ash in cold water. .Tho n for • curly head, jus t shake it out .•. the permanent body wove stays in. Or if you would like• straight, sleek head, just brush . The fit is • big port of the natural look of this wig. Tho reason's the stitching on tho stretch bose , .. co nt oured to make it fit close and comfortably. In eig hteen notur.!!I looking shades, with the same lighter-to-d arker toning that your own hair hos. Pre-cut, pre-styled and ready to wear! regularly 30.00 mtJY, co cosmetics I 00 may co south c0<1st pl111 sen dieg o fwy. ot bristol, cost• m*'•: 5<16-9321 shop molldoy th rough s1turd1y 10 1.m. lo 9:30 p.m. 23.00 MAVCO i,. 11DOUQL cl money .ent."' Orlglnally, the state pro- secutor had demanded sl1 , ... 10< ...0 fJI '1>om. but Giddens, 60, replaces career officer Richard G. Cushing, who has been acting director s Inc 1 radi~1V personality John Charles Daly quit the Job ill J\llMI ,,.., -coottoversy. ~ 1-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... ~~~~~~~~~~-t-.-~~~~~~~~~ • ,-- \ I l \ ' \ --' • DAILY PILOT EDITORL\L PAGE . Overhauling Welfare ''Nr.v Federalism" bas suddenly come Into the ~------...ews"'to-111ccae<t"New-Deal,.....,'FaiM>eal llnd 'New- the states new unUorm atandards !or public welfare -U -llongress approvet1-l-h-e-Jilixon Adffilniall'allon'• pro----11--f,~~ ~--1---;;J~ • Frunti'er" as the hallmark of a Presid~'a: adminl· 1trat1on. .. · . · Whatever I ! s shortcoming as a catch-phrase, It does nevertheless describe rather accurately a move by President Nixon w1>Jch could be the moot, far-reach· lng overhaul of fede.ral wellare programs since Social Security was enacted in the years of the Great Depres- sion. rlma il Two ideas are embodied, p r y: -A floor ulider family incOme. -State and local sharing o! federal revenues. President Nixon declares hiJ p~sal . to put .• $1,600 floor under the income of ~ilies .,0!1 weUare 1s not. a guaranteed annual income , which be i'.>pposes. And he says that the sharing of federal revenues b>: th e states and cities will not involve control by Washington on how the money shall be spent. He says he wan~s to disperse back to the states the money control previous· ly held tightly in Washington. · These statements-may-be.totally sincere today but. they ·are likely to be discounted soon enough .. The $1,liOO Lncoma floor will shortly be seen as whoUy in~dequate as infiiition continues to erode the dollar's buying pow· er. And it is almost a foreg~ne conclusi~n that inefii .. ciency waste and even possibly graft will so comp~ mise s'tate and local use of federal fund s that Wasbin&· ton will take back control -wasteful as that, too, wUl be. . The nation has seen scandals enough in highway fund use in some states and in other federal-state joint programs, to know thai Washington eventually cracks down and regains financial control. Desirable as is the President's goaJ of reversing gram. Tljls would be a continuation of the situation In the Eisenhower AdminlstraUon. While Ike was t.allting about increasing local resec?nlibility -a deslrable-coir servative goal -stale aid ·and resultant Washington controls were increasing. Apart from the pessimism past experience In tltls field naturally generates, the Nixon Pl'01'91•1 has a lea· lure all critics of welfare programs can applaud. It is the mandatory work requirement. Applicants for welfare, both men and women, would be required to register with the FederaJ-State Employ· ment Service. U they turn down a job offer,~thtlr share of the security allowance would be cut oU -but not that for the rest of the family. There are also incentives to get men and women on welfare rolls to train for job&. . · , These two features alone will Ies1en objections to the welfare program most often heard. Apart from concern about continuing heavy-hand· ed interference in local affairs by Washinllon, the Nix· oi:i proposals represent new and far-reac6ing concept.5 which appear to have real merit. ,. It would seem to be prudent, however, t() suspend judgment until the program has undergone the detailed probing .sure to come from debate in Congress. The Goldfish Bowl the trend toward ever more central control in Wu.b· ington, the end result see~s . lik~ly !-a be stea~y in· creasing control of and participation m local affairs by >':" • the federal government. Congressman Richard T. Hanna, 0.Anaheim, who fully disclosed his finances to his constituents, has in· , ~troduced a bill he calls 11the strongest full financial dis· closure bill ever introduced." II It passes,' federal officials may begin to build public ronfidence, The taxpayers are entitled to know all details of elected officials' finances. 'He's ri8/it. Thue isn't 'anything ill here against ur, For example, Washington is, in effect, imposing on Etn~rrassment i•a the Kremlin Sea's Wealth: Soviet Technology ·Failed A Political WASHINGTON -Kremlin leaders have begun an ag<mlzlng reappralaal ol Soviel apace. teChnoklgy aa a result of the much publlcif.ed Ap<>llo 11 success and the failure ol Russia's Luna 15. That ia the word from the intelligence community here. It confirms rumblin&S heard In Prague and other Easl Euro- pean capltala late lut month, just after Ute Apollo 11 8!b'onaUls returned ufely from their hlatoric hmar landing. Jl 15 """ested here that the terribly ill· timed ranur. of the Ruallan Luna hll catlled a eerioUI tmbarraAment for Leonid L Bm!lllev, gmenl IOCl'eluy of the Communiat Party, aod hll Kremlin associates. Authorities here are quite 5ure thdt Luna 15 was a failure, in more ways tbaa one. The available data indicates that the Kremlin first hoped to beat Apollo 11 to the moon with t.he ur\manned Luna, make a soft landing and return to earth with tht flrst samples of lhe lunar crust. THE m1ETABLE was apparently ruined by a series of aborted launches, including (as reported previously here) a couple of Soviet rockets which blew up on the launching pad. M a result Luna 15 and Apollo 11 were in space together. The Kremlin directorate, on that new schedule, wu apparently still hoping lo collect some of the credit from a double-- feature in space. The contrast would have been one of maMed and unmanned space technology, with Luna mechanically col· lectlng moon dust on signal and retumina: it to Soviet scientists.. tY~~·r:"',,_ . ...,_,..._,_..,,... ~·i-l., ._,,.,-. ' Allen-G.oldemit11 ~ t'Iben, however, the Soviet technology filled again. Luna dkl not make a sort !anding as planned but hit the moon at a speed in ex~ of 300 miles per hour and deitroyed itself -disappearing just at the lJellbt of the Apollo 11 team's televis- ed • triumph. WHOSE FAULT? -Kremlinologists here are quite sure that the Luna 15 failure bas provoked argument. and some uchanges oI blame, a m o n g Soviet leaders. They say the circumstanCes there are not so very different from those which might apply here. Russia, like the United Slates, has been spending money on Its space program wblch would otherwise have been u~ for other projects -proje-cts which have their disappointed advocates in I.he Soviet hierarchy. Those Ru.ssian space skeptics haY:e new ammunition now. Tht timing ls especially unfortunate for Brezhnev and his KremJin clique. They have been assigned much of the blame for the adverse reaction, within the Com- munist world, to the Russl8Jt'led invasion of Czechoslovakia a year ago, and some experts here think a power shirt in the Kremlin may well result in a year or 18 months. AS IN THE WAKE 0£ the Czeth in· vaslon, the reaction in other Communist parties to Apollo 11 is said to be a matter of concern to Kremlin leaders. They are said to be distressed at the positive sen· timenb extended to the United States. That v.•as the report seeping out or Warsaw after Brezhnev and Soviet Presi· dent Nikolai V. Podgorny met there with Czech, Polish and East German officials, ostensibly to discuss collective security matters. Analysis in Lhe wake of Apollo II flight indicates that it was, with everything else, a propaganda triumph for the United $l.ates behind what used to be qlled the Iron curtain. Generally speaking, people in the Com· munist world -except for China -saw the moon walk on Jul y 2G. live or by videotape. In addition, scientists and other experts from the Communist na· tions extravagantly praised the technical achie' ement. ON JULY ZZ, for example, Soviet cos· monaut K. Feoktistov, commented for the newspaper, Izvestia, that the moon landing was "undoubtedly a major milestone in the development of cos· monautics." His interview. also carried by radi o, stressed the flight's "scientific significance.'' At one point. on July 24, Radio Moscow even put the flight lo its own propaganda advantage by telling ils Russian listeners that, despite the world acclaim, ''millions of Chinese know nolhing of the flight." Bv Robert S. Allen and JObn A. Goldsmilh Problem . ... ----- Editorial "' Research 'Vho owns the ocean~ The question Is not so frivolow as it may sound. After several years of dlscus.slon by an ad hoc committee, the United Nations General Assembly on Dec. 21, 1968, adopted · several resolutions dealing w i t h "peaceful purposes of the sea bed and ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, underlying the high seas f?eyond the Jimits .or present national jurisdiction, and the u~e of their resources in the in· tcrest.s o( mankind." The pennanent committee established at the same time is now holding its third series of discussions in New York City. These talks are something else again from those recently resumed in Geneva. Thert a U.N. group of 20 nations is work· ing out various proposals by the United States, the Soviet Union, and Canada to bar all weapons of mass destruction lrom the ocean floor . The Employm~nt Outlook THE WEALTH of the sea is only begin· ning to be realized. Sea food and minerals of untold abundance are in lhe offing for a world half underfed and already being depleted of its land resource.s. The ocean depths also promise future profits to industry, and economic power to whichever maritime nations gain the I ea d In exploiting th ~ m. Barron's maga.ilne reports that offshore oil drilling "is now worldwide ; drilling is under way In the lush Persian Gull. the North SPa, off the coaBt ol Nigeria (io the midst of a war), the Arctic Circle, and the water:i off Indonesia, Australia, and the British Isles." Ever since the government stepped up efforts to curb Inflation, m a n Y economists have assumed lhat success can be purcliased only at lhe price of a substantial increase in unemployment. It bn'l necessarily so. Dr. Ewan Clague , fonner Com· missioner or Labor Statistics, points out that the U.S. labor force has changed drastically in the past decade. While it is by no means immune to layoffs, neither is it likely to be as susceptible as it used to be. One reason is the steady growth of service ind115tries and local, state and federal governments. These areas now account for about one·third of total noo- tarm employment, compared with 28 per· cent ten yean ago. A business slowdown Is likely to have limited immediate inr pact on service · industrie& and it m11 even increase government payrolls. 1'tOREVER notes Dr. Clague, there has betn a decline in the proportion of the labor force employed In "cyclical" m. dustrles, lho&e that soar In good Umes aod 11lmost collapse when business turns a bit aour. ln part thiJ trepd is explained ----- Monday, August 18, 1969 T"4 cdll<>rial page 01 the DaUv PUoe "'"' to tnfonn ond attm- --bv l"",.11U11g tAil ..... ,..,,.... opmloM ""4 ...... ~ °" topiel of hittreit """ rjpl/I..,...., bv f>T0111dl1111 • fortmt for IM e:ci>rctlioll o/ our f'f'fldttt' opinfon.t, an4 br prtHJldng "" cUverlf m,. polftll of ln/orffled obt'"1frt 0:"4 •potumct1 on. tapfa of the &sy. llobelt N. Weed, PubU.ber '\ Guest Ed itortaL ' I ) l• by conscious business efforts lo diversify, both through "conglomerate" mergers and in other ways. The fonner U.S. official also figures that businessmen will try harder than ever to maintain employment leveUi il tl:iey can. This stems not so much from increased social consciousness as (rom sensible self·interest. The tight labor markets of lhe present and recent past have poin.ted up the difficulty of auembl· ing an able work force. Labor force st.ability, furthennore, often pays off In lower unemployment compensation taxes. THERE ARE OnIER factors, loo. Employers reetnUy have been making greater use of part-time help and overtime work ; both practices will, at Jeast for a Ume , provide cushions against Ole reduction In full-Urne jobs. Though all of that 90Unda encourag1ng, one trend in particular could prove Dr. Clague wrong: The cooUnued sharp rise lo labor costs. At .a press conference the other day, Labor Secretary George Schultz warned both unions and manage- ment th.al the trend could lead to trouble for everyooe, HIGHER UNION wage demands are certainly understandable. In many cases past pay ralsei have been more than olfJet by !ho inroad! ol lnllaUon, with the mu.It &bat the woriferl wtnd·up wont than they were. Union ofncials who don'& take tha.t sort of fact Into a«ount are llktly sooo to [Ind their own jobs In jeopanly. ~ Up to now ,companies ofteh have been able to pess on moat or all of &he w1ge-- oost lncreuseg In higher prices -which, of coursi. jU!l gives another spin to In· rl;itlon's upward t1piral. While Secretary Schultz nnnly denied he W8S ff!Vivlng the wage-price 01Uldeoolll'V~ unlamented memory, he was equally firm 1.n saying that the economic climate was changing. WHEN TllE Admlnistration'9 policies to control inflalion take hold, he cau· lioned, business could find enough com· petition In most markets to make it "very difficult" to offset higher wages with higher prices. If wage costs continue to rise at the recent rate-:-7.l percent a year in major contracts signed in !he first half of 1969 -the safety factors cited by Dr. Clague. could i.n lime prpve to be flimsy protecUon against mass un· employment · If business profits are increasingly squeezed between .risi ng wages and relatively stable prices. the secretary commented, some companies \\'ill be forced into layoffs. ''Just as goods can be priced out or the market." he said, you can price labor out of lhe market, 100." The outlook for avoiding sharp declines in both tiusiness and employment o\ri"- viously depends heavily on w I s e governmental financial policies. Just as obvlously, lhough, u. '1,sa del!fn<l~ heavily on responsible policies by unions and managements. Wall Street Journal Dear Gloomy Gus: Wiiy dod state allow "wide load" trucbtaullng mobOe tiomes and those monsttrs CQfl'Ying five to seven au~oblles to use two- lane sttte hlgb ays? They're a re11I menace as j8m up traffic. They should haul by rail . -8. D. W. Overshadowing questions of technological and economic feasibility of mining the sea ls the poliUca\ question. David 8. Brooks, chief of the Division or Mineral E:comonics of the U.S. Bureau of to.Jines. observes, "While minerals oc· curring on continental shelves out to at least ZOO meters of waler depth belong to the adjacent coastal naUon, those in deeper water lie in a most ambiguous pool of connlctin&: interpretations ..•• How will rights to exploit deeJ>"sea mineral resources (including petroleum) be dlsltlbuted, and who will have claims on the returns from lheir exploitation?" THE tQO..METER reference is to the four treaties signed at a U .N.·11ponsored Conference on the Law of the Sea at Geneva In 1958. The c:oovention on the ConUnental Shelf, which went into effect in 1964. defined that area as tbe sub- merged coastal 18nds extending to a depth ol ioo metus •'or beyond that limit to where the depth of the superadjaetnt watus admits of the exploitation of the natural rcaources of the said sea." The conventloo recognized that maritime na· tlons have exclusive right to explore and e.xploit the Bhelf adjtctnt to their shores and lt.s n.1tural 1'UOUf'C.'61. Wheri do we co from thtrt! Obviously much remalna to be worked out. both In milltll'y tnd economk: re 1 p e c t s. A rteent article In Unlted Stal.efl Naval Proctedlngs sugge&tl "a protracted series or ncgollaUons" whlch would "permit clarification Of the Issues." That 's exaclly what's happening at the momtnt in New Yorlt arid Geneva. And 11 's a aood bet that sooner or later. mllltory problems and economlct of tho Kl will have to be considered as a whole. 'Practical Man~ Is Impractical One of the things I have been nagging my readers about over the years has been the theme (borrowed f r om Chesterton) .that in the long run nobody is more impractical· than the S<H:!alled "practical man." The practical man is now worried down to his toenails about the rate and future (if any) or the American cities. This spring, both "Look" and "Newsweek" magazine& devoted large portions of their issues to the problem, and dozens of seminJrS and televi.sl9f1 pwieis are being agitated on the. subject. BUT MORE THAN 30 years ago, the inj.efl.ectuals, the idealists, the "im· piactical men" were warning us Lhat this was going to happen -and, of course, nobody listened. We were growing fast, getting rich, and swollen with pride at our technical accomplishments. The hid· den cost of this exploitation over our urban environment was ignored by the builders, the boosters, the down·UH!arth pragmatists. That great social thinker of our time, Lewis Mumford, v.·rote. many books predicting that the modern city was on a collisilffi-course with environmental decay -but only other thinkers read his words, "'·hile the movers and shakers were loo busy congesting traffic and creating slums. NOW WE ARE poised on the brink of the abys.;, when it will take many tens of billions of dollars lo restore the cities to some semblance of sanity, decency, ,..-.;c .. · ·-··-·~·~ .... ,,...,,..., .. : . Sidney J. ·~aniii J .... --~_.... ..-...;.~ heallh, and order. And , of course, while huge private fortunes have been amassed at Lbe expense of the urban setting, it will be oul or the public colfers that the money will come to repair the damage. Our wretched state ol urban affalr1 was foreseen• k>ng -before the 20th cen· tury, by intellectuala, poets and scholars. In 1800. William Blake prophesied that the modern industrial city (then just beginning) would take its present omi"lous shape if we sacrificed long-term human values to short-range commercial considerations. Wordsworth also penned some bitter poems on the dehumanization of tbe city, and both Dickens ("Hard Times") and Melville ("The Confidence ~1an") prefigured this decay in novels \\'ritten 100 yeart ago. BUT THEIR VOICES were drowned out by the clamor of the machines and developers thought the day ol reckoning would never come if only they could build fast enough and move away to the houae on the hill in the suburbs. Now the long finger of urban disease is reac.hing out toward the suburbs, and there will soon be an end to runrung. Then, as always, the pracUcal men will tum to the theorists to bail them out of disast~r. 'The Y ear of the Whale' Years ago, read ing "Moby Dick," T liked the part where Captain Ahab, about to dash his harpoon into the mountain of white, faced his greatest test. The whale suddenly turned on the boat, dived under it and split it into pieces. Later, of course. the "monster" turned on Lhe Pequod itself. Starbuck felt the wood cracking under him as Uie ship founder .. ed and sank, and Ahab and all of his men, except Ishmael, perished in the sea. 1n "Of Whales and Men," the Scots physician R.S. Roberuon wrote a fine ac· count of modern Antarctic whaling, but again, as ln Melvil~. the mechanics of TMi Yt•r ti tM Wllt le. Ir \'ldtl' I . klltfttf". krl""*"ll M "'·' 14.t'S whale-slaughtering distressed me. tt's still going on to a point wbere whales are being killed faster than they can reproduce. Japan, Norway and the Soviet Union, prlncipal nations in the whaling business, do away with some 15,000 .a year. The. world populaUon of blue whales has, over 30 years, dropped from 100,000 to about 1,000, making it commerclally ext Ind <; ~ ~~ ~ • The Boo~n ~ I ~ / to get tough. feeling it is time for him to shove off for good. WE WATCH THE migrations of Y.ilales, from season to season, from th~ Arctic to Japan to Mexico. The family is integrated at one point. separated at another. Dr. Scheffer knows as much as anyone does about whales (although Melville's line, "His is an unwritten life," still holds ). What enables a whale to dive 3,000 feet to reach a giant squid, without breathing? What multitude of signals constantly reach the minds of whales through a variety of perceptual chaooels? We find out whet is known, in these 11 chapters. "The Year of the Whale" ia a cry for c:ooservatloo; it ends lraglcally, the great predator man closing In on the healthy, four·ton marvelous young creature. You are for tbe whale, as once you were agairuJt Ahab, lied to hi!J whale by 1 har· poon line. And for Ishmael, sustained by a belief in love and human solidarity. who alone remained lo tell the tale. Wiiiiam Bosa• v11:roR 8. SCHEFFER, I blok>gi•t with the United States Fish and Wildlife Servi«: and an authority on the biology of marine animals, felt he had to write about whalu before lM)' are remem- bered only from fading photographs and ruckerlng •i<l,..lap<. lie did "° in "The .---B11 Georrre --~ Vear of the Whale,'' delightful blmd of , scientli'k fact and lyrk:al fiction. Dear George: 'nU.t traces 12 months In tbe life of a b1y cousin ha11 sltit1ed staylng oul )'OUDI ape.no whale calf lhAt Is born, a late every night. Should I wom ton of liquid and life, under the 5urface of about him becoming .an alcohollcf the ocean 200 miles west of Baja, Call-c. E. fomla. We !lee It nQ.dged by !ta mother De ar C. E.: to ill fin\ bre:ath at the sw1oce: watch it No, staying oul late: at night is follow tts mother llke a shadow, growing not cause to worry about rapidly on her thick. fat milk. Al a 2S-alcoholism. The thing to walch for footer of ·nearly fout tons, the calf deve.1· In alcoholism Is when somebody ops an annoying habit ot tearing food drinks a lot. from t.be mother'1 moulh. She ll forced !.!..------------' .. DAIL V r!LOT 1 !$ ' -CHECKING •UP• Mo•eow Yout1t Active QURNll •v Phil rnttrtlilcft • I MOSCOW (AP) -A small this summer. But almost "buy,'' "sell, '1 "bow much" "fartsovahchlkl,'' ·the Ult- Black Market -J Flourishes Illgenious Murders Happen in Britain army ol YOU"i RUS!ians has anything made In the west and "too much." translatable slang name ft -swung--br.o action-to-unload moves 1 on 11 oscow No f.lgure11-are avaJlable--oo-we illegil-~~21· re. ---+-~--Western visitors to Moscow the volwne of trade that By L. M. BOYD MURDERS -The most in- genious murders for profit oc- cur in Great Brlt.ain. In Italy, Spain and South Ameri~a, murders more often are done in plain rage. The majority of murders in the Scandinvian lands can be attributed._ to li- quor. In Greec( Yugosla! .. Turkey, Syria, Albania and t other Eastern .Medlterranea countries, murders primarily result from scandals involving pe.rsonal honor. W~t leads to the largest number of murders Jn the United States are family fights. Such were the con· clusions of 150 lawmen at the Annual lnlernalional Police Convention. THE BIRD -Ever heard of ll currawong? That's some sort of an Australian mocking bird, I guess. Lot of them around Sydney. It's because of the currawong that numerous Australian soldiers now get up in the morning to a bagpipe reveille. Fortunately , the cur· rawong doesn't seem to be able to imitate a bagpipe. But some time back that bird mimicked the bugle reveille so well it kept getting the troops up before dawn. CUSTOMER SERVICE' Q. "The Italians are the greatest gamblers, right?" A. Italians rank fourth. The English are first, Chinese second, Greeks third. • .Q. "HOW MANY LEGS has a centipede?" A. That varies. Never less than 16, never more than 346. Q. "What was the name of Brigham Young's fa vo r i t e wife?" A. Amelia. NEXT CASE A Wa shington State ju d ll'. e 'recently suspended the dri ver's license of an in- Girl Animal Tamer Clawed LAKE GEORGE. N. Y. (UPI) -The daughter of fam- ed lion tamer Clyde Beatty \1'as clawed by a lion Wed- nesday during ·an animal act at this popular summer resort. Miss Harriet Beatty was treated at nearby Glens Falls Hoopltal for an Injured right thumb. I of evetything they will sell. market. moves throulh this dborganiz· Often lbe Irlendly Y~ Summer is the peak sea110n High prices are paid ror ed underground s u p p I y Russian who &ePfOlcht• a for the hard·working black sunglasses, Cigarettes, shoes, service, but IL Is «rtalnly tourist wan~ only to chlnp marketers who roam central ballpoint P e n 1 • COlmetlcs, substantial. money offering five ruble• lo Moscow, stocking up their in· rings, ties. cuffUnks, jazz It is a rare foreigner who the doilar or about 500 per· 1 ill". records, shortwave radloe, Ii· passes lhrougb M 0 1 c 0 w ' ;:~:: Jio:ad~he ong w .er , quor, automobile accessories, without encountering an eager cent above the o(ficlal<t"lte. women's underwear, nigh'. buyer. A foreigner who sellll tllbtr ebriated salesman with the "I'll buy anything. \\'hat will bags from foreign airlines, Foreign newspapers can be ends up with plenty of Ulr.1 , v , you sell?" one young Russian kind of 1 lhin nd f commhent, ped. ou r~ a ~en~! reeenlly asked 8 startled any c o g, a o sold for a ruble apiece and rubles or plenl)' of ti'ollbk. to t e estr1ans. , '"' American woman. course dollars or o t h e r such girlie magaz.lnes as Expulsion coukt falDW For defendant pleaded, "But, your She shooed him away, and Western money. Playboy are woi:n 10 rubles a the Russian ::lJ -...., this." The i·udge snapped, "So e went merr Y 00 ng or · f thi kind ol ·11 I ff al i.~ t '"' ,....... r· honor, my living depends on h 11 oil I kl f The Russian who dare• to go copy .. ·The ruble IS $.1.11 at the 11.~re is a ,_1 ~ - another prospect. m or s 1 ega ac-o 1e1 excuonge ra e. viding lmprisonmS three does thelrs." Bang! . f • tivity is an expert al spotting It Is common. to find banned lo ei·ght ye•-, ,_ The great majority 0 tm-oua PHYSICISTS may wish to promptu friendships struck up 8 foreigner. Good shoes are books m the apartments of caught operatin( • a "larc& note a nea uses approximately between Y"''na Russians and the surest giveaway. Nothing M o s c o w ' s. inteUectuals, scale" can ~ e death v-manufactured in the West authors ranging from H••~ 100 ergs of energy to jump foreigners eventually involve ~UJ penalty five inches. . ANOTHER · :>; ' ;q:-,,;:1/ . an offer or a sale_ and much looks quite like a Russian Miller to Svetlana Alliluyeva.1;='==''=.=:::;;=::::#-===; A1EAtBER of the ~per Jo8 \ ~ .::. ... u '-of the merchandise finds its shoe. Alf have been purchased at Club is a man named Clil K-. •. _,,_,,..._., w.. ..,.,.,. •..t.i ;;.. .. _ _..... way into ~toscow's nourishing SPEAKS ENGLISH probably double or triple the Free Freeman who labors in Ann 111egal black market. The enterprising buy e r publisher's price. 9 Arbor, Mich., as a bail "Look, I! it's all the Bame to you fellows, 1 don't Hen' ITEMS usually speaks limited English Co0D CONNECTJONS p.m. bondsman ... THAT NOBODY want to croas the B~ • • .~ Books and magazines -or French, the vocabulary Even the New York Review Fa ...... Island can swee t-talk a lady like an especially on sex or po1¥Jcs -being highly specialized in or Sex can be obtained if one ~RY lrishman is attested to be the _______________________ .:":.:":...:'::.m::•:cng~lh::•:_::h:::ott::•:•:•_:il::•::m:•_:•::•:::ch::._:::"":m:::m::::::er.::c::i•::.l_':.·erm::::::•_:••:__:h::•:•~g:ood::_:c:::on:::nec::::ti:on:s:_w:i:::th'...'.'.lh:•:==="="=='·==C=l=NT=I=."==' fact there are at least 40 words for "darling" in Gaelic. . . WONDERFUL WED- NESDAY is that day of the week when the fewest citizens get · killed in car wreeks. . .NOTE ONE EXPERT insists the correct method is to pour the cream in the cup first and the cOrree in afterwards. Why! Why! BUFF AW -Which of the old westerners made the most money out or the buffalo! Not the hide hunters, no sir. They traveled in smelly pack$ and split the little take. It was the occasional loner, working his wagon behind the hide men years later, who cleaned up. Literally. He picked up the old bones and sold them for fertilizer. NAME GAME -It is the observation of ·our Name Game man that girls called Rhoda, being excellent wage earners themselves when prcr- perly trained, frequently wind up with husbands who only in· te.rmiUently become engi!ged in seasonal employment, such as construction workers and deapsea fishermen. Your questiom and com- ments lft'e welcomed and trill be UHd wberevtr possible In ''Checking Up." Address mall to L, M. Boyd, In Clrt of Dally Pilot. Box 1175, Newport Beach, Calif., 9%663. Your questions a11d com.· ments are welcomed and wiU be used wherever pos· .siblt in "Checking Up." Addres.r m a i l to L. !if. Bo11d, in care.of the DA ILY PILOT, Box 1875, Newport Beach, Calif., 92660. Here's a real buy on stretch knit nude heel hosel Stock up nowt II 2 for 51 Marvelous panty hose •.. For the long 1911 look .•• our mini hitch panty h- ••• casual control s4 You',.. ,..-,. tor tht WW. of mini5 ..; cw l)'Cl"09 tpan- du:/nyloti JIOW9I' "" brief """"stix.king5 that hitch Nglt on the ltigh. In to.hbi color& .•. SS/SM/ .. /AM/l<J./WJ IL Replacement hosefortt.. mini hitch ••• 1.25 • Pemeys hos1 or1 fomout f« good look& ond long w..-..• and 90Cln0m)'1 tool ~ l 1outiful ••oml••• sttet~h hose In fmhion '°'°'"" Ow. liu fits oll, tool choose a whole wardrode of them Ploin knit 1tr•tcft '*-ht l lo ........................ .;,.. $.A.L • Reduced thru Saturday! Super savings now on our fashion permanent "So French" by feminique RetJ. 'IS 9. 66 NOW • USE TOUt f'INNEl' CllAtOl CARD- NO APPOINTMINT NECWAIY ,Vlll•TOM tlVf'ITlflt•T'Ofll lL'CM MIWl"OllT l lAClt KUrlllntlOll Ge!ll., l'ttlli.n Ollllf It's ,.volutionaryt Our 'Up Tight' panty gircll• .. ' s4 No .... hoab• ..-.n ....... ,.n.ct ~ .... _.,....,,-. .,,,,_......, .... cvff ... how ~ Ol'9 ...... fi9'ft tott- '""· ... whit. or nude in lltet $.M-L. Our Penn Stretch nude heel '-en pri<Od j..t r;gh1 far badc--Jouiiog. lnfa1hio•udon._. out P/M, MT/T. 1.29 Our-ml--panty 1-thot 1-always been• ,._ifo far fit""" ~ ...... Choose fn>m fashion colon NI 11nl.S-A.wtl.. 1.69 Our A9ilon• ptlftfy" hOM gt,.. you the ultimate in leg-clinging flt, for a .s..ktr look. In fmhfon cob-a with r1inforc.d hMI. Siz• S-4-l:JCL '$2 Our control top bikini panty hole ••. pksln knit. G•lat f.,. •ho<t, short thim and fitted dothet. Fath- Ion cQh)n in aix., S.A•l. Think SchooL F. j $2 LIKI rr ... CHAI•• rr1 \ Think Peoneys! This long leg panty girdle is garter freel It's greatl ...... .,,. .ic.tk ....... ,,....., ., •• 11• --...i.-..,...,.iy.!Mflnoly.I,.... ...... _... ....... ...,.-~ AVAILABLE AT YOUR ·LOCAL PENNEY STORE .. • ' \ ' I I Orlflftllllr c..... 1M """· .... ,,,, ~----!ncl ,...,, 1'1.c4 hi llllOr, ""'"1 .!. ' ·• -. " • ~ DAil Y 1'11.0T ......... • - --·-----------·---~-·-·'-•'llL ~,. ~J . Ii i Nuclear Guard Goes Wild Major Suspended • in Handling of Missile Stockpile SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - 'Ille Air Force bu suspended - a major on charges he allowed three mea with dangerous psychiatric problems to guard a supersecrel nuclear weapons stockpile al Hamilton Air Force Base, 25 miles north of San Francisco. Base Commander C o I . Michael Stublarec said Sunday Maj. Donald Tidwell has been relieved of duties pending Ur vestigation. The case came to light dur- ing the weekend in the record of a preliminary hearing for Sgt. R<>bert V. Ballou, 22, Corvallis, Ore., accused of going berserk with a loaded carbine at the base. the missiles," Carrow said. ty facility were Investigated. BaJJou was accused of ''It scares the hell·out of' me. "This waa apparently a-holding-a loaded-carbine to It's like Dr. Strangelove." quest~on of ju d Im en ta I another sergeant's head Aug. However, Master S g l . decision by the sec u r I t Y 2. He was later disanned and \Vllliam 11. Leopold testified squadron c om m a n d e r • • ' at the hearing that he was Stublarec said In defending the supervisor of the nuclear basic Air Force gulldelines for v.•eapons arsenal and that ac-nuclur weapons security. cidental detonation of the A psychiatrist testified at weapons is Impossible. The Ballou's hearing the sergeant testimony was the first public was dia1no.sed May 20 as a disclosure nuclear weapons "passive-aggressive personali- are stocked at the base. ty," specifically listed not to put In the stockade. Carrow, forme r mayor of Novato, requested bis client be moved to a hospital for treat- ment The Air force hearing officer is eipecttd to recom- mended th.is week whether Ballou should face a coort- martial. Tidwell, 37, had testified that guard nuclear weapons. accidental explosion w a s Tidwell was ln!onned. of this, ;==========;II """~ible although he conceded but satd he concluded Ballou Free Concert ,..~ was onJy a "goldbricker." he is a security offictr and not 9 JQ IGHJ a nuclear specialist He also One of the other two guards N said he had received un-mentioned at the Friday hear-p.m. favorable psychiatric evalua-ings U now in a psychiatric Fashion Island , I See By Today's Want Ads: IT'S A DIME LINE DAY! Civilian attorney Robert D. Carrow or Novato said Ballou, ·his client, had pleaded not to be assigned to a job iavolving explosil•es and weapons tor fear he might hurt somebody. lions of Ballou and two others ward and the olher has been NEWPORT CENTER but did not relieve them 1~d~is~ch~a".:rg~ed:'.:_. ______ '.'=:=========::!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ because of a shortage of VROC Blasts PT A , Nixon Welfare Plans . BURLINGAME (AP) -courses without polling local New re90lutions by Jude.rs of members." But on several occasions. Carrow sa id, Ballou was the senior noncom of a lw<>-man guard unit for nuclear-lipped missiles stored al the base. "That means he could have sent the other fellow for a cup of coffee and been alone with replacements. Without guards, T i d w e 11 said, "people from the Haight- Ashbury" (hippies) might try to gel at the weapons. Stublarec said that there were o t h e r replacements available and tha'. Tidwell had been suspendeii while both his testimony and base security procedures at lhe Marin Coun- the conservative U n·i t ed . UROC urged the formation R~~~lican.s . o f Ca\ifoml.a of rival parent-teacher groups cnlicu..e Pre~ident Nixon, the locally with policies contrary United Nations and t,b e to those of the Nationa l Knifing Ends Family Feud Calif~!a Pareots-Teachtl:t; Congress of Parents and AZUSA I AP} -A dispute Association. Teachers and the California over use of the family car led The measures, adopted br PTA. lo the stabbing death of a 1~ 160 delegates at a three-daJ Two GOP leaders announced year-old youth Sunday, sher- board of governors meelin( their Political intentions at the · aid, with a small pocket knife, deputies said, and Michael turned on him, p I u n g i o g himself into the blade. that ended here Sunday, art three day meeting, both call-iff's deputies said. subject to review by local ing for stricter law en-Michael Steinhardt was Newlon Kin unlls of the 9,000-member loroement. stabbed to death Sunday volunteer organization. Los Angeles Dist. Atty. morning in the living room of Subpoenaed T h.e governors crllicized Evelle Younger said Sunday his home in this Los Angeles President Ni1on'1 proposed be would not be a candidate sub urb, impal ed on 11 knife welfare program which would . for state attorney general. OAKLAND (AP) -Melvin establish a $1,600 yearly On ~turday, Sen. George held by his brother, David, 14, Newton, brother of imprisoned minimum fede ral aid to poor Dtukme1ian (R-Long Beach) deputies said. Black Panther leader Huey families of four. said. if be .ts elected to that Michael was attacking his Newton, says he has been sub- Th UROC I I I pog\, be would seek appeal of mother,· Bertha Ho Imes, e r e s o u on "court decisions which make poenaed to appear before the declared that the proposal was law enforcement almost im-deputies reported. because she federal grand jury 8 s disguised "guaranteed annual possD:llt" by fettering peace wouldn't let him take the car. chairman of the Huey Newton income" and that it would ff' Da•1'd went to his mother 's Defense Committee. "create a greater evil than the,_0_'"""-·-----------------------------present welfare system." A proposal to cOOgratulate Ni1on's appointment of War· ren Burger as chief justice ,was defeated after memben voiced fears that Burger might be "too liberal.'' Nixon was called upon lo "cease all •cUvlties that tend lo give respectability and pttStige lo the S o v i e l regime.'" Specifically condemned Wlll the placing of a wreath on Lenin's tomb In Moscow by a!!lrooaut Frank Bo r m a n , because Soviet·made tanks are being used In Vietnam against .American solalers. Feet Cause 2 Homicides In Bay Area SAN FRANCISCO fUPI) - Hurt ree ling.s over stubbed toes were blamed today for two Bay Area homicides. One man stepped o n another'! toe at a San Fran· cisco party early Sunday and the other complained his corn hurt. A light followed in which a knife and a gun were drawn. Police said Price Davis, 54, shot nine times at Melvin J ordan, 36, Daly City. Jordan died en roule to the hopsital. Two women were slightly Y.'OUnded. In Oakland Sunday, Richard Johnson and Bubba Knight got into an argument over scufred shoes. A third man assertedly jolned the di!cussloo.. fatally s~ Johnson, wounded Knight, and eocaped. 1 lAL!.'F!!!!r'11 :i s,op.at home! • Fn. consultation I ·• Fru estimate! - • No obllgatlonl • We bring samples! l • • Penn crest® 'take-me-along' sale! Big _,...on ... ...,,....portabWTV,....,ior:lulmdcmllllltap9Wdlit ..... oll oirodoood-G.•olf"''-Io ........... 00 .. golTob_ .... _..parllos ond p;cnic&. Drcp ill at '-'is llOW ••• aid pd: )'Im' pwlubW .. SAVI 11.951 PORTABlE 1V WITH .18" SCREfN MEASURED DIAGONAUY SAVE 11.951 PORTABlE 1V WITH 15" SCREEN MEASURED DIAGONAUT REG. 99.s>S. HOW$ 8 8 REG.129.95, NOW $118 • Aft chamel recepficn • Fuftr molded, twgh illlpact pbtic c.abinlt • Uniform picture contrast • PrHet VHf fine f\ring • Slide-rule UHF dial • 31/2• front mounted speaker • Earphone }ode wi1't eca phone included • 'Qvtd:~ic:' tw bt pidur9 cn:t ICMd.. • All chcmol -"" • Fuly rooicied. Mal> ...... cabinet • PrMet VHF fiM ..n. • E:o~ jack with earptx.. indwded •3V..•frcdllnOUJIMcl ...... • 'Qukk..,.IC' for fast picture Cll'ld !IOlllld. SAVE 5.071 PENNCRfSTO 3 BAND M/FM PORWl£ RADIO .... 36.95 N<:HI 31.88 • Yoriabl. klfl9 control • f°IM tining caritrol • 6 •• :r ....... UFNd .Mt rvl• tuning-• Earphcn. Jock and eor- pl.... lododod. SAVI 11951 4 PC. AM/FM STEREO COMPONENT SYSTIM .... i34.95 N0\11 f122 ~ • Sold .............. ISlt .._.. charow"., ...... dmur •• 6 CClfto. fl'Ol1 • Wakit fitlbh O¥W' herd wood! • AM/FM 1hn0 tur.. - SAVI 7mt PENNCRES~ C\SSE1!E WE RECORDER ... 69.95HOW 61.88 • AC./lattlry..-illlon • Ni./fMdd -...rcdo •Mttybe...-lma..,...• tope NCOI .. • few .oO or AM/fM inllant • eCIOl clno- • • - . - • • ,. -~--,,.. Dope Still Alive; Is De? I El Toro Woman's Husband Missing Two Years He haa been missing since Mrs. Hanson related. but the situaUon hasn't chang- ed much. .,--•• --T . -• • - ---.... .,, ----'<" --- -------,... --------- Monda, AlltlHI 18, 196') DAILY PILOT 9 IT'S A · FACT! By RANDY SE.£LYE July, 1967. and Mrs. H~ -,...,"'"""'"" .. _"'_'""u:':-,..-.o="-"'-hasiiiiii>oo=; intention of giving up · EL TORO -Mrs. teven pe rorb"lSnturtr.-.. i-was Hanson does not tri'ow if her shown a prisoner of war photo husband is dead or alive. about six months ago and Believing he is alive helps, but it's hard for her to raise F2~td son TiSdd. He has not eve.n seen his father. "How do you exphdn lh1s situatloo to a Utile child?" "I write my husband ll'eo quenttrrboplnr-one-lettff... might gel I• blm," Mn. Hanson added. "ntere are more than 1,350 wives, mothen and a n d families in the U.S. who face a situation such as mine. It is truly only inner hope and faith lbal keeps eacb one of us going. If you spent 30 seconds looking at each· of ou r shag sample s, it would take you over 9 hours to see them all-I 10 come early and bring your lunch. DON'S CARPET SHOP NOT GIVING UP Mrs. St•ven Henson Meeti1ags ARBUCKLE & ~B Westcllff Mortuary U'I E. 17111 SL, c..ta M,.. -• BALTZ MOllTUAIUF3 Corona del Afar OR 3-9450 Costa Mesa MI &-Zill • BELL.BllOADWAY MORTUARY 110 Broadway, Costa Mesa LI lh!l33 • DILDAY BROTHERS BunUnglOD Vlllley Mortul'1 17911 Beaclt Blvd. Bundagtoa Beacll IQ-'1771 ~, . ' -McCORMICfi LAGVNA BEACH lilQR'rllAllY j· l'ltl Lapaa Cul"iO 8"d i:.acaa~;· 4M-Ml.5 j , t ' ~~.J1.~ Cemetery e M-111'1 Chapel 350t Padfic Vin Drtve Newport Beach, CllUorala -• ~EEK FAMILY COLONIAL FllNERAL DOME __ 'lltl Bolla Ave. Wulmlnm nusu • SllEN'SR MORTUARY Lal""• 8.,dl IN-llU San Clemente oz..tlot • ~UTllS' MORTUARY G'i' ~taln SL IJ11ntJngt1>n Be•cla UMSlt . I I For the past two years she identified my husband In the has been trying to find out the picture. fate of her husband, a Marine "Words cannot clescribe the Corp helicopter pilot missing difficulty in trying to meet in action after being shot down each day, week after week, over South Vietnam. month after month, with no Mrs. Hanson and several friends have been writing let· ter:!I every month since March urglng public officials to pre!SUl'e Hanoi into releasing names of POWs. Tile group has received many replies from legislators and foreign n e wspaper correspondents, 426 SO. MAIN (2 Biko. N•. of Bullock's) ORANGE New Board Building Set Back SANTA ANA -Hiring of an architect to design a new county Board of Education building bas been dropped from consideration for.a year because of Grand J u r y criticism or the county school boar<!. The Board of Supervisors agreed this week to take the mattef' off calendar for a year. Supervisor Robert Battin said he didn't want to approve hiring of an architect at a cost of $110,000 to design a building that would cost $1.4 million when the Grand Jury recom- mends serious consideration be given to phasing the county schools office out. Let us copy your favorite old picture ... Pre1e1Y!f fond memorie1 for all the family • , • let u1 make fine copie1 of a beloved picture to share with them. SALEI Last Days only 395 &i1 copy of plttufl In cood condition If plchlr• It !Im.-, !Ii. "'1· tlon.i C:l!t•Q"• for ,..ton.l!Oft .,. -•• 1 .. prlotd, ""' v-et!~ 111•t plc:h11• rtll•m•cf 111t1hllrtt1tcf, HUNTINGTON BEACH 192-3331, Ext. 281 - knowledge whatsoever as to whether he is being treated humanely, is sick or well -or even if he is dead or alive," HOUU: 1•1:JO DAILY CLOSID SUNDAY "Nine prlsonen have been "1.......S from North Vietnam recenUy IDd ,. I hope they will start following th e guldllnel set at the Geneva Conventions and r e l e a s e names.'' she saJd. Read The .Daily Pilot; For Top Sports Coverhge \ • • l ,. i ! ; • •; ( .. . . ' • " . " ' . . . . l . ... :.: ' ., ! • Come one, come on to this exdting Penneys lamp extravaganzOI See an eltcepti~nal show of values starring this collection of stunning new lamps.. Eoch a super star in its own, rightl Table, chain or troy floor lamps ••• ready to be mixed and mah:hed. t sh All fa1~ioned in ,your~favorite styles and destined to become decorating additiont to every room in your home. Hurry in today and watch this show tum.on! 'MEDITERRANEAN' slyle lamps take you back to the rich quiet life. Fashioned in metal, china and gloss in all the most wonted slyles. The perfect accent ·for any room decor. 'MODERN' style lamps that will light up your life with excifinil sllapes and vivid c61ars. All beautifully designed to mix or match. maldng a ~ fas~ion statement in every rooml I' " ., . . .. i ' • " .. 'TRADITIONAL' slyle lamps are da.,ic favorites. 0.Signod in . metal, decorated gloss, end crystal with beautiful coordinated shades. In styles that wUI complement your favorite .-.. • CANOGA PARK DOWNEY FULLERTON HUNTINGTON BEACH , I I f I Prett·Y and precise beige electric alarm clocks • Electric repeat alarm clock •• , 5.55 Clock feat11res: ·repeat alarm. lighted dial and plastic casO. 4"' x A•. LAKEWOOD MONTCLAIR Corded electric alarm clock ••• 3.33 Electric clock features1 lt1minous dial, plastic ~se. 4,.. x 4''. Deluxe "Chlmellte"' ·electrlc clock ••• 7.77 Mellow chime olann in· •lead of buzzer. Ughtod dial. 7" x 4". NEWPORT BEACH VENTURA . . ----------------·---------····· --------------------------·-------------~~--- I l l \ Jf DAILY l'ILOT Toothache Goes Away For Gls Jl'l' ~U:WJScJ\'8'11. (UPI\ -~--~TootliACh~S. com- ' bat troops In Vietnam have "-poaOy ttduced because of a new dental filling . '!be filling, wtiich I s nc:mmetallic. is known as ln- t.ermediate restorative materla.I (lRM}. Dentists al this Army post describe It u "tough, resistant to abrasion and dimensionally stable." lRM provids temporary fillings that protect a soldier's teeth against decay during his tou r or duty in Vietnam. Because il can be put In much more quickly than regular metallic fillings all trainees ":ith cavities Ciln get immediate treatment. NEED FJlJ.INGS X-rays taken .shortly after .r trainees arri" •I Fl. Lewis ltfesata Witas P:r:omotion show that 25 ~t or them need fillings. Li ndsay D. Browning, 270 Brentwood ~t., ·~ ~esa, receives n~w auto-fire-- Lt. Col. Billy P. fl.1ulllns, man badge from Asst. Los· Angeles City ·F~re .Otu~f ThBP T. Whippo. ~rown· v.·ho heads the trainee dental ing drives fire equipment at \Voodland 1i1lls s~tion for Los Angeles Fire De· program at FL Lewis, ad-partment. vocates a strong preventive _o::::_::::::::.::_ ____________ ~------------1 care program along with the stepped-l.Jp treatment using Inn. His st.alf sees 450 lrainees each week. The trainees hear talks on oral health. and all that need it have their teeth cleaned. Their teeth are X·rayed and those who need further treat. ment are scheduled for ap- pointments. "About 60 percent can be taken care of by the individual with proper brushing, but the rest need immediate pro- fessional care," he said. For every 10 trainees com- ing to Ft. Le\\•is, he explained, 79.5 fillings, seven surgical procedures and 1.8 dentures are needed. SMALL TOOTHBRUSH To answer those \\'ho make the excuse they don't have time to brush their teeth. Mullins' staff hands out a rninibrush - a little vest pocket·type toothbrush that can be used after meals even in the front lines. The minibrush is given credit for eliminating trench mouth which two or three per· cent of the men suffer. Mullins explains this is all part of an intensive program to increase comb a t ef. fectiveness. Since it \\'as in· troduced last summe r, the dental program has reduced tooth emergencies a m o n s front·line troops from 142 to 93 the number of cases per 1.000 per year -about 35 percent. Peso Sound As Dollar In I Place LOS ANGELES <AP ) -On Olvera Street. oldest in Los Angeles. the peso is as sound as the dollar. Two pesos. in ract, will bu y 15 cenls worth of merchandise at any of the 80 shops which line the picturesque street that Is now part of a state historical monwnent. A program called "Ac· ctptamos Pesos Mexicanos" accept Mexican Pesos, began last month shortly after the 1'1exican consulate moved Into a building a block from the s t r e e 1 ' s tourist-attracting shops. The merchants, thinking of the 400 Mexican nationals who visit the consulate each day. figured accepting the pesos would be a goodwill gesture. The money can be ex- changed easily for American cul'T'Cncy at the Bank of America branch on Olvera Street. ~ SAFECO IN&URANC& for specia l GOOD STUDENT DISCOUNTS on you r Family Auto Insurance Bob Paley .... Auocl•,., INSURANCE 474 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 642-6500 House Now Too Mod? . Solon Critical of Br ight Shirts WASHINGTON (AP) -The genUeman from Calif?rnia says all those bright.colored shirts and sports coats on the llouse floor are getting lo be too much. "Attire that is acceptable for folk dancing, sailing or the horse races may not be suitable for a session of the House," Rep. Burt L. Talcott, tR-Calif.), lectured f c I Io w members. ' '·There are many ways that \\'C can attract t.he attention of the news media or our con· stituenls in the gallery,'' he said ... other than by wearing gaudy or casua l clothes or behaving in a raucous or peculiar manner." Bright pastel shirl'I and costs have been blooming in the ol'k..-e subdued old I-louse chamber along with mutton chop sideburns and Jons hair styles. The 4G-year-old Talc:ott. who was voted the Outst~nding Young Man of Salinas, Calif.. In 1954, prescribed d ark business suits for House wear, both in winter and summe r. The best way for freshmen congressmen lo l~rn the rules and traditions of the chamber should be to attend session regularly and watch the senior members, he said, but added: "This procedure is lime con- suming -and, regrettably, sometimes confusing.'' Talcott. a six-year veteran, also reminded fellow members in the leccture inserted in the Congressional Record : "\Ve ought not to eat, chew, sleep. read newspapers or magazines, sign mail or try to co mmun ica t e with the galleries by shouting, facia l gestures, or arm and hand semaphores while Uic·House is in session." · ' Placing shoes again5t or on top of the seat in froiit ls p a r t i c ularly iDdefensible, Talcott said. • ~arpet1ng ••• great for ·bathrooms or kitchens! In 'n out' AcrilQn ' acrylic pile tip sheared or level loop styles in 4 n9 contemporary prints. Choose from geo· • 7 metric or flora l design.. SQ. YD. . ' Hi-den•ity backed for indoor u•e ............... 5.99 SQ. YO. 100% Herculon" indoor/outdoor cofpet, d ecorotors choice! Ideal for potios, kitchens or bothroorns. Choose 3.50 from a variety of 8 solid colors. SQ. YD. Pod and installation a•ailable a t regular law Pe nne y prices. Avon•ble •t "'"" store1 •r shop •t homo (714) 52U511 CANOGA PARK LAKEWOOD (lu.>660) {W•·1001h • We bring samples.. DOWNEY MONTCtAIR • Free estimate. i .. MJ..41) 1•11-311\J FULLERTON NEWPORT WICH • Free cansultoti "'~4ll lll3417t2' HUNTINGTON WICH VENTUAA • No ~igolion. "'°""" (6'2.J'S91) ' .Cities Get, $16,963 Trai~ing Police Pays Off Costa Mesa and Newport Arthur R. McKenz.lt, a year Is $7 ,783.20, lite Kenzie Co m mlslloner McKtrWe Beach city offtclals have been member of Gov. Reagan's said today. said more Ulan 23,000 lawmen. given a $16,1163.92 refund for Commission on Peace Officer NeWport Beach Police .Chie[ ha'ie been tramed and nearly lbeir investment Jn com· Standards and Tralnl"8, notes B. James Glavas accepted a $1 million paid back to their mu y ii""' enforcement,. but that lhe.annuaJ allocation does check for $9,180.72 for the respective enforcement agen- lt is Impossible to determine not come from ordinary tu* -other Harbor Area · com-cies since the program was 'the future diYidends. ,., payers. muni,ty's Investment in law established n~ years ago. -The money has been .repaid ·LaJ¥Dreakers pay it through enforcement. The commission was formed by the California Peace Of. a special assessment on court· Local lawmen were l~a.ined to let minimum basic stan· ficers Trainini fund, which • collected fines. at ~ Los Angeles Police dards of excellence f o r picks up the tab for much of Costa Mesa's shai-e of the Academy, California State Califcimla law enforcement of. what e,ach city paid Jut ye'r $2,712,970 pa.Id back for the College, IAng Beach, Orange ftcen and more than 99 per .. for expert police training. training of 3,674 California Coaat College, USC, and other cent of the stale is served by Costa 1'-feu. City Manager peace ·offk:en durina: the past institutes. member police agencies. ~~~~~~~~~-'-~=-~- & £ I -DAVIS-BROWN 411 E.17TH sr.-cOSTA MESA. 646-1684 • AUT.)CENTER (MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY) HERE'S WHAT WE DO: • Correct caster, camber, toe-in • Reduce excessive front end wear • Eliminate d!lngerous wlleel pull • Prolong the life of yo•r tires CHARGE IT! BRW S YEAR GUARANTEE Should a"Y Fore"'°'' !RW !ottery foil lnol ..,.,..iy disthetro•l wilhill 2 }'Hf1 f1'0lll th• dai. af pvr\'.hase, nitvm it to Penn.-,. OM! it ,.;II be repkKed frff of thcuge... A.ftff 2 yean. bl.It prior to IM ••pirotiofl dot. of IM gt.1C1tonte., J. C. Pftin.y C0111pony ,.ill reploc. the botlet'y c:horglng Qn'7 fOf" ~ Pftiod of o~, bosM °" tfl• cu ..... nt priai at th. lirM of NNrl\, pro-toted •"' tti. statM guarot1tft inontt.. ONLY 5.88 BRW battery ••• so powerful it carries a S year guarantee! 27.95 type 24 with trade The kind of •farting power you can depend on. Built to ta ke lots of abuoe, the B.R.W1 is capable of carrying an e xl- lra heavy accessory load and still mainta in peak $farting power. . Ol"an;ethoroe BU ENA PARK a1va11eyv1ew CANOGA PARK CHULA VISTA DOWNEY FULLERTON HU NTINGTON BEACH MONTCLAIR NEWPORT BEACH VENTUR A • 4 • ....,, ..... -----~·-------·--~-~-~·----~--------------------~ Free Concert 9 p.m. TONIGHT Fashion ls~nd NIWPOltT CIHTIR New Mint PHILADELPHIA (AP) -In America's newest and the Turns i •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •• world's largest mint lhere'a a machlne that rolls out 10,000 shiny copper pennies every minute. That's at a 166-per- second clip. Eva Adams, director of the Bureau of the Mint. sald, ''The successful operation of this new plant, incorporating lhe latest coinage technology, wUI be a giant step into the future of coin production. It is the greatest single improvement in tb1s century." ' ' .. YOUR PROBLEM: - ? You want to Mii some item that you no longer need but tomeone elH c1n UM for NOT OVER , , , • • • $50 ? 7 YOUR., ANSWER: 3 You call THE DAILY PILOT, aok for Clilsslfled Advertising, and place a PILOT PENNY i PINCHER i CLASSIFIED AD a AT OUR SPECIA.L LOW RATE a· LINES 2 TIMES 2ooLLARS ~ • ANO YOUR CREDI'!' IS GOOD I • DIAL NOW DIRECT! ! Nothing today coins money raster. The oonventlooal stamper now primarlly in use at the naUon's three mints hammers out S coins a second, or 300 a minute. Philadelphia's n ew $37- million mint, which replaces one ln use here since lacll. y,·as declicated Thursday, Aug. 14, nearly two years later lhan expected. Labor disputes and problems in assembling the more sophisticated equipment caused the delay. Right now, the new mint is coining only pennies, bu~ o(- licials hope to have it hooked up for a two.shift producUon by Lhe 600 employes wilhin 90 days. HALF OF COINS Last year the three mints produced 6.5 billion pennles, nickels, dJmes, quarter• and halves -2.35 billion at Philadelphia, 3.1 bUUon at Denver and 359 million at San Francisco. This year Ute tot.al will pass 7 billion. They also make coins for many foreign iOVernments, starting this w«k In 1178, and minted 2f1 million for them Jo 1968. Among recent customers were Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panama, t h e · Philippine$, Israel, Canada and Libtrla. But about that fant.asllc pen- ny ®ttUllcholas Theodore, suP:erlnl'endent al Philadelphla, said the coins "just·rou right around and out like they were shot from a gun." ELIMINATES NEED 642-s61a 1 • • By the end or 1970, it will be making more than half of the nation's coins, s om e t h i n g around 4.2 billlon pieces, near- ly three-fourths pennies. At full production, however, with three shifts every day or the year, the mint could produce over 8 billion e<1ins. This com- pared with the nation 's best minting year. 1966, when 9.5 billion were stamped out. "In addition to increased output, the coin r o I I e r eliminates the need f o r separate blanking, riddling and blank anneaUn,: opera- Uons," Theodore aaid. He noted other coins eventually : ITofthwN.mC..lttfl4 .. 1U0) i ! .......................... ',.,'''''' ,, '''''''' ,, ,, ',,, Sears Fttc replaccmenr with.in 90 days of pw-cbase if battery proves defective. After 90 days, we replace the ba.n:ery, if defective, and charge you only for the period of ownership, based on the regulatprice less uade-in a< the tjme of return. prorated over number of months of guano rec. ... 48-Month Guarantee High Voltage Batteries Regular Trade-In Price $26.99 Fil! 90% of all Ameri· can made 12.volt can;. Free Battery Installation \fore New Pmta In Every Remama.faerured Complete Ellgine •ADM.Bod -... •All New Bydrwlie """' •ADNew ...... • AllNews..I ....... • All New EsJ.111.i v ..... Erpert lnatallal.ion A•ailahle ALISl'ATE Cu and Truck Enpl)(ll -&c.h~s tva.ilable tor oYer 9:50 makes and mod~ls remanufactured 10 more exactio.g uandards daaa used in aewe-agines. :M:.Month• or 24,000 Miles .. Remaoufactu.red Engine Gnan.ntee' If mr pon fub due tO drf«a in llllUrid ot tllOfk· rnarub1p ••• duriag the ft™ 90 d•rs ot '4,000 miln.. wbidtcYct OCC\ll'S first. w" will rtpait or 1tpl..ce paru Crtt ol charge, pmYiding required ICl'Yicc hu btt-n pcrf~ aroording "'glW'l.nttt cenificue. Af1e~ 90 d•flOt 4,000 milc1 and up IO 24 l!IO!llh~ or 2-4,000 miles, which-r occut1 f1nt, para md J.00.: di.tac will be prcn&N. btltcd upoo the~ cl ...,..orftd mom.bl or mila.. .tiichr9ttUontct rcptttMlin& '"lit' rt!C'Ci-n:d. Periodk toel"rice ii re- qaiftd 10 lcrcp~ Mii tflect. ~ ~-r....., c. """~ o.i, f.oMpete ALLSl'ATE Reiu-rlCtttred P.ngioe Qt;elity . "'Bloeb ad e.a. -a-i.n~ Mtcnallu im!p«lllJd ed prellUtt aced ,,, C'.naic.IMR. r..-bafl. t-.Ai"' 8.& -~ (ompkw tnd poUlbed II' OU P.lllf:I, OU Pen. •• ,_. C---1 &-... ~ -i• ta.lledoa di OHV eogines ·--I I CUP TiilS COUPON I CUP nus COUl'ON I I This Coupon Wor1h I Thia Coupon Worth I I I I I .sso $35 I I I I I I I I 011 r\trctwe al ru.y.;::rlm I On Piuthne of An, ~left I I R C:yhn<kf Rc.,_w: En-I 6 Crlind~ Rcm11Juftcru.«" Ei.-I I Jine llUfAilcd. I ,1lne lmt&lled. I oq.. ..,_ lfJJ/{A I °"'"'-.... 111• I T4111/flf °'"'"c,,...~c.-T .l!ITfC'I I I o.c..,..r.c- ~-· Satisfacti.on Guaranteed or Your Money Bach ' • Shop ,llfondoy thru Saturday 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.M. DAILY PILOT JJ at Fastest ~1,ip • L,,.. ..... es ,· / )Hi Theodore Wd the new plant where no 1earcb Is necusary. only pennJt1, dimfS and supermachlnes. "ls u burglar·prool as any ln aU U.s history, through 177 quarters. Denver, built ln 1904. woukl be made hi mini •-' u.. bu I be • ye&r1, there never hu been a makes all colnl, lncludlna Ule "T s ...., 7.--most 1 ding can .' major robbery at the mints .. nation's enl.i.re supply of halt modem and ttle moBt efficient STEEL DOORS Before the e1ectroruc detec-dollars, 100 million 1Mually. In the wotld," a.Id Theodore, Trucks enter through huge tors, lhe only losses were San Franclaco, in a 32-)'ear-old a 31-year-old lawyer and ac· steel crash-resistant doora . small thefts by tmployts. bullding, mlntJ pennies and countant: There the Yehicle Is Inspected There la plenty of coin In nic:ldes and all the apec:.lal "We're tooled to make via closed-clrcult television reaerve today, with mUUons of proof sets. · an<! the driver checked. It dollars worth 'atored in the Theodore said Philadelphia anylhing, i n c I 11 d J n I the goes through another steel mints awalt!Aa a h 1 pm e n t probably will start making the nonsllver Elsenhowtr dollar dooc to the sealed loading orders from Federal Reserve still-hoarded Ktnnedy halves should eongj.W aUtbOrrie·u: area. H~re materials are banks. . once Congresa makes it a "We will melt, cast, Jllll aOO. taktn of! and colna put on for , NO SHORTAGE -.., sandwich-clad coin, compoltd coin, and . a150 produce the delivery to banks. Theodore aa.ld, "Th~e is no of la yen o( copper and nickel metal for composite coins." Visitors and employes must shortage ot coins even though like the dimt and quarter. It pass through metal detecllon the demand keeps rising, now is 40 percent silver. The building ls uniquely machinet before they can gtt mainly because ot vendlng n.e Philadelphia Mlnt"a best located, just. two .blocks .from in or out o[ any product.ion machines." production year was 1n 1961 hi.storjc Independence Hall. area -except in the gallery Philadelphia t o d a y minls wben it made S.I billion coins. Across thestreet,onones~e • .1,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; is the Christ Church ~metery where .Benjamin Franklin and four slgntts of the Declara.llon d. Independence are buried. On the other aide is a huge grassy mall, p • r t of IndtPtfldence National Park. NEAR IST MIN'I' It la: Only several hundred feet from where America's realm in 1792. Since that time it Is estimated the United State! has circulated nearly 100 billion e<1fns, and almost a Utlrd of that total was made in the present decade. • FINE BAKERY BOSTON CREA~I PIE A ligh t 1pon9• eek• fill1d with delicious fruits, a rich ley•r of custard, topped with J whipped cretm. 1.65 CINNAMON BREAD And It is the only mint In the world where visitors, walking in off the street, can watch the making: of a coin from raw met.al to the finished product. A specl~foot glass-walled galluy ilirlooks the entlro production al'!a and can ac· commod1te 2,500 p e r s o n s every hour. Theodore estimated over 300,000 will watch the minting process, described by taped voice, in the first year. • DANISU TEA CAKE • Made with lots of buttermilk and nuts, light. ly spiced and topped with a delicious icing. 99c TWIN CUEESE ROLLS • • Ughl fl"ffJ •oil• lopped with The new mint actually Is a split, rive-level factory, with sin. acres or noor space. It covers a full city bk>ck, and is longer than two football field!. The building ltaelf cost $18 che dtr cht1se. 6ml6c million the rest is equipment, compared to the $2-milllon price tag for the one tt replaces. The old mint will be out of business by December, and General Se rvic es Admlnlstratlon will dispose of it. ~~ BuaflcWtYC~ BOAT BUFFS Almori loc•eh•v i1 th• onlv I lull-time bo•ti11') •dilor wor.i11t •11 ally ll•w1popor 111 Oro119e ' S WINNERS EACH MONTHI 1f you birthday is in S1ptember, October or November, sto p in tnd fill out an entry •.• • decorated 2-lay•r eek• to 5 lucky people each month! 12.~LID .O Cou11ty. Hl1 •••::lu1iv• (.Ov••et• of bo•ti~t •ft" v•<hlin9 new• CENTER 11 o 4'eitv feeture of the DAILY PILOT. 3433 VIA LIDO !NEWPORT BEACH 673-63&0 w~-give·schol~rs~ips to · bright students. If their grades aren't too high.1 It doesn't toke much vilion to give scholarships to A students. But what about lh. kid1 who didn't lead storybook lives? Kids with the pof9ntiol but not the grades. Like the boy who spent hrs atudy time boQglng grac:erl•s so he coukl ~ .ome. Or the girl who gave up 1ludiff ond datff to be the neoreat thing to o mother her broth.is ond al1ters will remember. Or tlie late starter who fina lly realized that stuff like geometry bullds brictg.s and mokes olrpl onff fly. Someone ought to help the• young ,,.ople. And on• $Om10M is • \f ~ the Gos Company. W.'re not changing the world, bvt we do·hov. a • ~ Kholortlilp progrom for emerging ttud9nts In C.ntrol ond Sbuth C.ntrol Los Angeln ond Compton. W. help pay their woy th~ugh scliool . And we offer them good paying summer jobs. 1 Of courM the youngtters our scholorthlp board pitks hove to be coll-;• mat.rial. Bot Wt don 't wont any A students. t....ryoneelM tak11core of them. We're looking for IOO"l9thlng harder to find. < SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS COMPANY ,. I Were Investing In tomorrow. · i • I I ' ' I ' • j •• • I I '· L I ~ MO\dq, Auoust 18, 1'169 Not '.Eoo High A1ini-skirls for Israeli girl soldiers are definitely out and this military policeman carefully checks skirt length of distaff service member on street in Teiaviv recently. 'The new rule states that skirts must be no higher than three centimeters, about 1 and 118 inches, above the knees. War·weary sold· iers home on leave are going to miss the delightful sights of misses in minis, but alas, that's the piice of war. Berlin Wall Becomes Normal Fact of Life BERLIN (UPI) -"Let's hope for rain" the East German border gua,rd said as he looked at the d i r t y automobile being c h e c k e d through the · opening in the wall at the Frledrichstrasse crossing point for foreigners . The car did need a wash but would have passed unnoticed at most borders in the world. The fact that the East German soldier -one of 7,000• guarding the 99-mile border around \Vesl Berlin -took note of it i.n a friendly way showed the changed attitude toward the waU both in east Ind west on its eighth an· niversary. NAME GONE It litiil abamefully separate! parents from the.it cllildren and brothers from t h e i r sisters. BuUlo one calls it the "Wall of Shame" anymore. It's become a .pennanent fixture in the cold war and the men guarding it at the Friedrichstrasse checkpoint opposite the U.S. Army's Checkpoint. Charlie are more relaxed, more Polite, more friendly. t.take no mistake about It - they have guns and they will use them to prevent the flight of refugees. But they are nat the sullen, hostile, fearful men they were in the years im'mediately following the building of the wall on Aug. 31 , 1961. Their new atti tude renects the awareness that the wall has become a fact of life that the West lives with. NEW CONFIDENCE Their attempts to joke v.·ith toorists refJect the new con- fidence a rising standard of living has given the East German Democratic Repub lic (GDR ). No one likes the wall any beUer. It hasn't improved with age but rather has become more difficult to get across. Bu t not even the wildest drunk talks any more about pulling it down. Th is fact of life was un· derlined when the S t a t e SCHOOLS On'• n1w1p1p1r t1lt1 yo11 mor1, mo•• eff1n, 1bowt whit 9011 on In loco/ 1c:hooh. Yov'U fiRd th1t n1w1p1p1r l• th1 DAILY PILOT. Department in Washington a~ nounced last month that the United States, Britain apd France are considering a new approach to the Soviet Uriion to try to ease ~ions over Berhhn and improve the city's liiluation. Somehow this Jed to a report that the West would propose that the Russians tear dOwa the Ber1in W.all. NOT ON AGENDA A State .Department spokesman quickly explained that pulling down the wall would not be on tile agenda of any talks with tile Soviets. That wou1d have caused a stir a few year ago. · Now most people here realize that the Russians have as much chance of buying back Alaska as the Americans have of get- ting the "Wall fer\KJl'P'ed at \bis point. Friends and foes of the wall grant that lt el'Ved its purpose. • . The new prosperitr 'Df East Germany would have been im- possible to.achieve wi~ the in- stability and loss or labor caused by the refugee Bow. Until the wall went up an unbelievable 2,824,000 East Germans fled to the West, The monlh before the wall went up 30,000 fled. The day before, the figure was 1,400'- a rate of 100 an hour. TOO EFFECTIVE Now the 15-fool. high wall with its electric alarm system, trip flares, trenches, anli·tank traps and dog runs has become so effective that most East Germans who nee to the West do so from another East bloc nation. This May, for example, 514 East German refugees were registered. But only 91 manag. ed lo get across the wall or over the longer East-West German demarcation Jioe . The others Oed o v t r Hungary, Bulgaria, Cuchoslovakia or a n o t h e r Sovi~t..allied nation, or did not r eturn from a trip oulside the bloc. Since the wall was built at least 170 have died esc aping. Fl'ff Concert 9 p.m. TONIGHT Fashion Island NEWPORT CENTllt Happie$1 ship to the happiest places! ~ -~~ .... ,.,.~,:;~\'.'"! Princess Italia South seas Cniise. ' trench coat: the wet look sleek; new and very detail~ A 1hinY. st'arf ! • '. · • new season .. T r1nch' c:oafs· in th'e grut now' look-, , , the wet look! 'looking llki IHthor, in ·urethane coattd cotton. Lots of pockets, brassy bUt- ton., belts, welt seeming, bueklos. Just wipe with • eloth to tidy them, end they're dry-eleonalilo. loo. 3· 16;. 60.00 •· Clouble·brusted grH! eoa!. · Bloek or brown. b. Single bruited, baek P.lea.tea; flleek or brown. may to boulevard eoati 1.0l \ ' •• ; \ . ~ \ \ . \ \ t , \ ' I ' . ' , . ' I ~ ~. -' > \ I/ \ .. .. . pretend you're a rich girl in this fun pants coat Oh' you beeutiful feko , , , the striped end spotted pe~ts coat, looks es if you spent o fortune or went on a safari to get this one ••• but et!uelly it's plush, budget.wise reyon pile bonded to cottpn. Short enou9h to wear ove r little dresses, perlet! over pants. Newly sheped, fitted to !ho belt, flered below, Bleek •nd brown stripes on gold. 5· 13. 5-13 , junior. 38.00 may co youn9 1i9nature coet1 24 .. mey co south' coast pleze, sen .diego fwy et l:iristol, costa mesa; 546 • 9321' ahoP. mondey through seturdey .10 e .m. to 'I: 30 p.m ... MAVCO I --, --......... ----,...,,-;.,...,-:::-:::::::::--;:::=:::::::::::::::!'."-=:::::::=:;:==:;::=:=:-----------~-------";"-..,..._~--""'." ... ____ !""!' J?.eag le-to "'peopt>Je ) . EfE 0rt Ex.panding .l • • fiilt';\';'\~~~:::'.1:"':], "The iJ1:i_possibI~-d~am is ·about to come true," says a thrilled and 8ppreciatiVe Wyn. Sai:gen\1 •" ·, .,.. . On OCt. 13 Mra. Safienl will board a plane lpaded with 16 tons. of • supplies and bead, for BofneG where she hopes to save the Oyak nali,ve tribe frol]l exf.inction,., , . · Working be hi n.4 the .scenes t0uheJp· with the venture have been a grouP' of her neighbors wbo banded 'together to form the Huntington Har- bour Sargent-Dyal< Volunteers, • Helping' to provide small but vital ·necessiljes have been the Mmes. John Arinstrong, Lloyd Fµglie •Roberi· Kitzmiller, J ; L. Mason, Franlc. Wever; Earle' Colee, Edw~ btMuUs; Arthur Herbold, Daxid Mayberry, Dallas Moran, H. P. Blackwell. Jr., Herbert Shyer, Donald Fylp~. A • . Bayard Dod Jr., Weldon Beezley._ Arthur Knoll, Arthur A. Preter·Jr., Roy • Hughes, Willard Sprague ll¢ Jim "· Martin. They .have established collection boxes in-. various sections of Hunt· ing>ton Ha~bour including El l\anCho Market and are requesting donations from re.sidents between now and Sept. 15. -- Among the items they Ji o p e to collect-are garden tools including a wheel barrow. garden hose and plastiC'·bU.ckets, and all types of building supplies from nails to electric-wiring. ' 1 - They also are seekinf clothing for small 'people, sewing equipment, teaching .supplies and toil~ articles. Since the Dyak people have never seen themselves, the group also is ~guesting mirrors in addition to cos-- tume jewelry, ribbons. balloons, suekers and bard candy. For the team of workers who will· accompany Mrs. Sargent, the vol·· unteers are requesting cots, sheets, towels and wasbclaths, pots and pans, soap, ea.Ung utensils -all the every-day necessities which will be required to set up housekeeping in the primitive jtlngte outpost. Mtmbers of the volunteer group also1 are packing Christmas boxes for the Borneo-bound team, and have 'establi:shed a "Dollars for Dyaks" ·fund to assure a continuing supJ>ly Of medicine. · Area residents who wish ' to make contributions may contad· the Mmes. Arms trong. 846-1255; Ki\mliller, 846-1136; Mayberry, 846-1009;. FugUe. 846-1481, or Martin, 592-5901. • l Financial contributions may be mailed to the Sargent Oyak fund, Huntington Beach. Accompanying Mrs. Sargent·wiJJ be four teams of volunteer work· era including John Buettner and Jack Woodward, agrlcuJturei Dr. and ¥,rs. Louis Netzer, medical; W. L. Kaufman and Vince VaJence, animal tiusbandry and church workers, and Alan E. Por.co and Don Watkins, edu· Cation • •· . • ANIMALS JOIN AIRLI FT:_:_ Includ·ed in ·the 16 tons of supplies Mrs. Wyq Sargent (left)· will take. to Jl011)eo will be goats, ral>- bits and Chickens, and tea~hing the straving Dyak people how ti become fCl:flJlers ipstead Qf,fishermen will be W. L. Kaufman who h3s volunteered a year of service. The tOrmer head-buntl.ng ·tritie ,. · driven inJand during World War II, has been dying of,disease and starvation. , · · · · · · ' , • l , JO.DEAN HAST INGS, 642-4321 ~. Allllttf ll. 1HI' I .... 11 NEIGHBORS -IN ACTION - A group ol Mrs. Satgent's n~igbbors banded together to form the Sargent-Dyak Volunteers. Col- • \ -• .. > lecting badly needed gardening supplies are (left to right) the Mmes. Edwaid De- Mutis, .Jbhn Armstrong and Uoyd Fuglie. ' . ' BOXES PROVIDED -Food donations for the personnel are beln~ collected and of· ferlng their contributions are (left to right) tbe Mmes. ·stuart Zuck, David May- berry and Roy Huf hes. The volunteers are reijuesting gifts o dried, canned or pack· aged foods. , Sec.retaries Have · Monopoly on Sir Walter Ral~igh Charm DEAR ANN: TIUs letter was inspired by the man who said the girls in his or- fice were "beginning to look better every daJ." He claimed his wife was alwa,ys too tirtd to make · 1ove. Either she had a bacbche, or a bead.ache -or some other ingenious eicuse. •• -I'd like lo ask him a question. How d°" he treal his wife com~ with the glr!I in the office? I met my husband in an office so l know how he-acla bolh places. When I \yas bis secretary he broke his neck ru11hfng to my side to help me every time I moved a chair. At home he wouldn-'t stir a muscle to fielp me lift the refrigerator -even if ooe ol the kids were under· 11. I ~· i A N N LANDERS ~ At lhe oflJce his conversation was witty and brighL He always had a smile and warm compliment. Now when he comes· home he yells all throllgh supper about the bWs--and the ki~ and my relatives. He gulps.his food, belches and reUre1 lo the couch with the newspaper. Then he turns on the TV. If anyone tries to start a conversaUon he says, "Shut up, can't you see I'm watching something?" Jn 20 minutes he Is 1nor1n& bil held oil. II complaining husbands would lake some of that office chann home, maybe their wives "ould have fewer backlchel ~ headaches and other Ingenious ex: cuses. -WITNESsED BOTH SCENES DEAR WIT: Yov letlu will .. d~btedly be a topic for dl1t•lon I.I many bome1 ,ielflWt. j'llu.U for 1 proo vlcthlg It. DEAR ANN: My husband has had a lot .. of dental work done these post few month.a. Like a fool, Albert neglected his teeth for J$ yean and now,i.lo save hi.s mouth, be goe:s-twtce a week tot rator•· tiQn, gum treatments and what have you. Albert hu been to the dentlll'• offk:e oo often hO has become friendly with eveey,one lh the building, api<ally the elevitor oPtr:•tor. Yesterday when I went with him he sUPt>OcJ the oper-a dollar. Sbe smUed and •eld, "Oh -not again!" But h~ lnalsled that lhe ketp lho "'°""Y• and she did. I ask you, who ever heard of Upplpg an elevator operator? When 1 1ex-plaJned it was in~ poor taste he sald he dldn't see why, I tried to iell him she wu going up anyway JDd thal be dldn'I owe her anything. We got into quite an argument. Please se!Oe it. -VE~D . . ~EAi\, Vf!ll\ED: II 1 lftodI .rider wuta to 1)9 a 1o0d fellow, be Cai baJ tbe elentor ope.rater' i '· small Pl& f« cmutmu. Bat dpl(bg 11 not calltd ror. Lile yoa 1ald , -atie wu goloa up U)'W81• DEAR ·ANN LAND8lls: I am ·II years· old and my ~TTI. 18Tmysell. J am a llar and a braggart. When I start to tell 110methlng I rtnd m,ielf ei:aggerating ao much that the atory tW'IJ• out to be a big Ue. Why do I do Ibis? 110\\' con t get over It? -D. A. OF SCRANTON • . DEAR D. A.: Pe'l'k wbo b'°I oed ex- IQtrlCt It lflo• polol 11• lylol dt It ' because Utey are e,_~r ~ make u tm· presston and U.,y, doa't trut tM tnlili to do u. You aeed &o,del'elop more self..._.. fide nu. ud put . 11 end ~ to~ *' Ul&i! traCUve habit. 'Mile a coudOQ effort tt '""'Jen aad'keep your reporllq tow.U1 a.ad aceva&e. , When rorn@11Uc glances tu.-n to wann embrAces Is l l Jove or chemistry~ 5eod fo'r the booklet ut;ove or Sex and How 1t Tell the Dill"f'l>C'!," by Ann Landen. Enclose a lohg, stimpid, oell-addreosed envelope and 36 cents In coin with your request. . . Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her In car~ of the DAILY PILOT, enclosinl • sell-addrtued, 1\Jmped onnlope. ' •i J 4 DAILY PILOT Mta~I' AutUSt ll, l~ .. ~ - Honexmoon in Coforaclo · l . ' . ' Afternoon Vows Read f An afternoon cetemot1y !n St. Michael and All Angels Epjtcapal Church unlled Mary Ann Oumbln1er. daughter or '" Mr. and Mrs. Frank Josl:ph Guinblnger of COrona del Mar ,.and Loa ' Angeles, and Rooald Marshall Mer~er. ~ bride wa.s escorted to the a1tar by her father for the double ring ceremony performed by Canon Dou1las Stu'art. Her gown was ol silk organza and alencoo lace, with a detachable lace ed1ed train. LuveS of lace edged with pearla cau1ht her elbow length veil of illusion and she carried c a s c a d in g phal1"1opa.is, stephanoti.s and Illies of tht valley. Shi.dew charteuae chiffon gown,, with matching lace trim were worn lJY bridal at- tendanta, lncliKltng Miss Alice McFadden as maid of honor. Mrs. Daniel ·Smith Jr. 'and Miss Linda Read w e r e bridesmaids. Their chartreuse headpiece veils Were held by crowns al lace and they car· ried cascades of green earn&· tions, spider chryaa_nlhemums and Bells of Ireland. Arbra Eugene Donegan of lndianapolla was beat man for the bridegroom, who is the son • • Pants Suit Occasion ' . 161499 <1f Mr. 8.(ld Mn. Harry R. 1 Mercer of Portland. MRS . RQNALD MARSHALL lndi1n1polis Homt MERCER Camino Club Card Play El Camino Real Woman's Club BolJYa-Samba canasta round robin kick-off game is scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 26, in the Community Clubhouse, Dana Polnt. Beginning C01Tipeting .· in the contract bridge rouJV! robin on Friday Aug. 29, at noon in the Com- munity House. Serving a salad luncheon will be the Mmes. Ushers were Sterling Bartlett or lMlanapoHs and Frank Erwin Gumbinger, the bride's brother. Assisting for the wedding reception in th e Newporter lnn fallowing the ceremony were the Misses Ranalyn, Karen and Randy Tuppan, all cousins of the bride. The newlyweds are traveling through the Colorado Rockies on their honeymoon en route to their home in Indianapolis where the bridegroom heads the adverUslng finn o r Mercer, Donegan and Wlll- jngham. The bride received BS and MS de1tees from the Universi- ty of Southern California where she was a member of Alpha Chi Omega, Pi Lambda Theta honorary, the Trojan Junior Auxiliary a n d Sen)or "SOLDATINI'' The Little Soldier is the name for this charming pants suit by Fontana of Italy. The stand-up collar is topped with braid. The ·cuffs are deceiving -' easy to make with braid shaping the pointed detail and buttons fur trim. Large double-breasted buttons march lawn the fi'oot. Double vents enhance the back view. The long slrai$hl pants come with the pattern. They are side upped and set on a narrow waist band. Make it in gabardine, flannel, glen plaid, double kJW.t or medium weight woolen. 61499 is cut in Misses sizes 8-16. Size 12 requires approximately 31'.a yards of 54" fabric. To order pattern 61499; state size; include name, address and zip code. Send $2 post- paid for each pattern. Send orders for books and patterns.to SPADEA, Box N, Dept. CX·IS Milford, N. Y. 0884ll. Logunans Soil for Northwest Reservations , prior to Satur-Thomas Webb, W.A. Wood· Class Council. Sh.e has been a day Aug. 23, may be made man, Irene Dalzell , W.E. Mor· teacher in the Fountain Valley Mrs. Robert W. Roper, On Friday, Aug. 22, a con· with Mrs. Robert Irwin or ris, Guy Holsopple, RaJph School Distlict. clWnnan of the Theater and tingent wlll depart Laguna .Horoscol,'e ~~:?ce~~ ~:~,:.~~u,~~~~- AUGUST 19 sense of humor: You h1.ve -you decide upon definite By SYl>NEY OMARR Lunar Po•IU~ ravorable for FISHING, PLANTING. Getting alon1 at bome today entllls wlllincnet• to dJ1cu11 flnanclal que1Uon11, lecacle1, otbd' m.aUer1 wblcb bad been couidered taboo. nothing to fear by.t rear itself. course of action. CUnently, SAGITl'ARIVS (Nov. 2t-you are convinced th1t a Dec. 21): You may not . ''change in domesUc scene b aware of all lhat ls occurruti necestltv a Realize thiJ and hold aH orF lo' • definite conclusions. If y<1u in To nfld ()1,11 _,.. l'boul YOl.lrMN • ~ • •tlr<ir~r:· %4!""~ Olfttfr"I jO. sirt on kn0Wln4, answers ar, :!T:o1oe't :s.iio\_ '° ~T:u~ c:.i~: behind the scenes. j eoo11i.1. h• ~n•1..v'" oTy•~ :n.o. CAPRICORN (Dee. %2.Jinf '~~~~ c111•••I s 111on. IW °""· N.v. 19}: Involvement~~~· featured -includes friendj FrH Concert ARIES (March 21-April 19): and those who command more Financial presaure should not tl}an platonic Jn t ere st. 9 TONIGHT be pennitted to crt11te panic. Messaie is clear before day i1 p.m. Plan with calm dt.l\bet'atlon. finished . Remember b a s i c FaHion Island, Authorities are on your side. commitments. NIWPOIT CINTll Stick with experience. AQUARIVS (Jan. 20-Feb.1'==:====:==:==:::===' TAURUS (April 20-May 20): 18): You may fe_el temporarUyl~YOU KNOW Do more li.steninJ t h a n thwarted. This is overe-0me il asserting. Play waiting game. you finish current project Don 't seek contests, in or out LeaYe nothing to chance. Op-YOUR CHILD of court. Be selective in public position vanishes if you prove statements. Key is tact, you are thorough, sincere. , .... N ~~-!ally In dealing with PISCES (Feb. 19-Marcb 20): WILL LEAi GEMINI (May 21.June 20): Change of plans may be Despite apparent obstacles, neceasary due to long-distance TO SWIM AT You should take Initiative. communication. Be receplive, Don't play game•. Know what but don't bury individuality. BLUE BUO. y you want -ga after it. What What appears a setback ~d you fear is largely · a product boomerang in your favor. Wait of imagination. Ac t ac-and see. AMS. win YH cordingly · lF TODAY ·ts y o U R .......i .... hti... ,.,_,, CANCER (June 21.July 221: BIRTHDAY '-'-AM. T..t• Your intuition provides insight showman, drJ,~lc, ~:pab~ 546-1800 regarding members of op-of putting across your major poslte sei:. You may find ~;;;;i;;;;;oi;;;;;;;:;;;;i;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;iiiiiiiiii;;;:;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij yourself in somewhat of a 11 dllemma. Problem includes children, other loved ones. Trust hunch. LEO (July Zl-Aug. 22): Upsets could occur in routine. Be very careful where pro- perty, home enter picture. You will have to assume respo~ibility. Don't s bi r k duties. Dig in for basic in· formation. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Avoid unnecessary tr ave I. Relative who e x t e n d s in- Yitation may be merely talk· ing. Dcm't waste your time on mere formalities . Some red tape will be removed. You benefit. LIBRA (Sepi. 23·0ci. 22): Changes occur. Some of them prove costly. Realize you gtt nothing for nothing today. Don't fight for nonexistent principle. Concessio n is necessary -saves money. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Take initiative where home • e-0mforts, repairs are con-' ~rned. 1'.1ale, partner may ' Tliere's A New MR. ROBERT! His Name is FREORICO SCALESE; Multiple Award Winning Stylist of Europe qnd America . MR. ROBERTS COIFFURES ts ONI OF THE LON~EST ISTAILISHID AND HST STAFFID IN ALL THE SOUTH COAST AREA. CLOSE IY AND ON YOUR WAY TO · IYHYTHING ..• THE ADDRESS IS: 3800 PACIFIC COAST HWY. CORONA DEL MAR TELEPHONE: DRiol• · 3-3820 PAMPERED AljYTIME FROM ..• Mrs. Hubert Jones. Dessert Quackenbls.h, George Betts, Her husband received a BS Vagabond . Monday Morning Beach at noon. They will will be served at 11:30 p.m. William ·warner, GI en n In science and an MS degree Group, invited members going board the ship at Los Angeles Library -Hour A 1pract.ice eame will t.ake•'··Garwood, ~Iles Wekh. C.A, in economlcl at Orqon State on the club's CaDadlan cruise Harbor where friends and 1 A.M. UNTIL l .P.M. - MONl1AT THRU SATURDAY place Thursday, Aug. 21, at l Ramsey a~ Robert Warner. University where be was to her home last Wednesday Costa Mesa Llbrary ts the p.m. in the home of Mrs, The ~ round 'Will take affiliated with Slli1ia Nu and aftemooo for a set-acquainted relaUves may fete them with scene of a library story hour MEMBER o~ 0THB cAilFORNIA COSMETOLOGY ASSOCIATION Irwin. place ln.M9 in the Capi!trano was president of Slama Delta _!P~l~rl~y.:__ __ :.__~--~bo~n~v~oy~ag~e~pa'.'.rtl~•~•:.· ---~·~ve'.'.ry!_.:!Th~urs~d~a~y~a~t ~1Jl~:30~a~.m~·~!!"!'!'!!!'!"!'!'!!!!"!'!'!!!!!!"!'!'!!""!'"!"'!"!'!'!!"!'!'!!"!'!'!!~!'!'!!~~~ There will iw.ch home of Mrs. Warner. Phi honorary, •· _.:.=.::...-=...~:.....:.:..:::.:_,..:.;:::'--'-r..:...:.c.================= . SUMMER REFRESHMENTS: A NEW "CONTOUR" CUT AND ROUX W'E ftEAl.L.Y DO HAVE A KNACK~ A 1-IHE-HOLDIHCi 1 CONTDU"- SHAPING TECHNIQUE, SD THAT YOUR HAIR JUST BRUSHES INTO PU..CE. 11iEH THE FINISHING TOUCH OF WONDER-WORKING f'AHCI~. • • TltE INST AMT COLOR RINSE THAT15 A CONDITIONER AHO WAVE 5ET AT THE SAME TIME SO THAT IT COLOftS GRCY, ftEJ""ftUHES DULL HAIR ANO TON.ES VOUI\ at..EACHED HAll't1 CONTOUR CUT, SHAMPOO, FANCl"4'UL.L ftlNSE AND SCT, 1 J .50; NEWPORT &EAUTY SAL.OH• COME IH OR CALL ,AttV 01' OUR CXC E\.LEHT ROllHSON11 IEAUTV SALONS• 1 ~BINSON'S Nfy'VFCRT • FAS~ION ISLA Loee 10 lnchea in First 10 Vi1ita to Gloria Mar1ball'1 BMed on our·actual record!! •••. our average patron loaes 10 inches within the lint 10 mils lrom hlpe, wail~ thigho, tummy and uma. FIGlJBE CONTROL SALONS D1llJ 1-f, 1at.· N • IMU .. riM tlllf Mttltt ~ ..... NEWPORT IEACH An1h1lm, Beverly Hiiis, Covina, Cr1n1h1w, Downey, Gltn· 00 Pocific c .. 11 Hlghwoy-442-363o (t •lllcb l!:.ul II .. lllM .. y C'"I SANTA ANA 1840 WHt 17th Str .. t-543-907 d1l1, Lakewood, long l11ch, Newport Beach, No. Hollywood, Ontario, Paucf1n1, San Dl190, Santi Ana, Santi B1rblr1, Sunland, T1n1n1, Whittler. Salons 1fto In Fruno, S1cr1· mento, Sin Jose, Sunnyv1I•, Walnut Cretk. -IC ) CMl"l ... t ,,.. Olorll M1 rllll•ll ...... C•. fpie, .. 3 ------.... -..... , .... --• CPI PIM\ MRS. GEORGE WILLIAM BLAKC Afternoon Ceremony ' Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines , To avoid disappOtntment, prospective brides are reminded to have th~ wedding 1tories with · black and white glossy photo- graphs to the DAILY PILOT Society Depart. ment prior to or within one week after the Wedding. For engagement announcements It is suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy · pictµre, be submitted early. U the betrothal ·announce- ment and wedding date are· six week.S or' less apart, only the wedding photo will be ac- cepted. To help fill requirements on botb wed· ding and engagement stories, forms are avail- able in all of the DAILY PILOT offic..,_ Further questions will be anzwered by Social Notes staff members at 642-4321 or 494-9468. Betrothal Disclosed _;-~ A November wedding ls being planned by Carole Marie Closson and Kevin Mlchae1 Barnes. both drama majors at Orange Coa.!lt College. The engagement w a 1 dilclooed by the bri~ect·s parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Cloaoo of Tuslln-Hu parents ai;e·ljr. and Mrs. J. F. Barnes of' Newport Beach. Tbe·engaged couple also are fellow graauat.es of Corona del Mml!lib SchOol. 'l1ie Lutheran anuch of the l\(utef.!n.Newport Beach will be the seen~ of. the wedding ceremony on NO?. 29. CAROLE CLOSSON BrldHl.ct El~Anfen -lmYRITEr"' 5.00. ,..,,...._ ..... _ ..Me bnnh eye!;ner. llnes lick. Dmn bshet. Outlines eyes in 15 seconds. ,......le fib ...... l olilw.lelb·a"""' Noom•• &en ftow. -- lfiliqMoof. leftll, 1..SO. Connie Lowden Be-comes Bri.de En route tO Memphis, where he serves with lhe Marine Corps is George Wit. llam Blake .and his bride, the fqnner Connie M~e Lowden, who. were marTled in Presby- terian Church of the Cov-enant. She is the daughter of Mrs. &bert E. Sheolierd of Costa Mesa and BUI l.owde!l of Des Moines. His parent.a are Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Blalte of Tustin. 'lbe Rev. Bruce A. Kurrie officiated ror the .Jate after-_, ceremoay. Given in marriage by her step.father, the briae wore a long-sleeved .gown of peau de 90ie and chandUy lace with · a train of matching lace. A crown of pet,ls and seed pearl_s caught her · shoolder- length tiered veil, and she oanied a casca<le booqt11'1 of wtlite and pink baby roses and carnations. Attending her sister' as mald of honor was Miss Char,. loUe Ann Lowden, wearing light pink crepe sashed witli deep pink velv.t. The aame velvet trimmed her pink pie.. Wre hat, and she carried a loog..temmed white l'Ollebud lied with light and deep pink velvet streamers. · Dresses of deep pink .crepe sashed with light pink velvet were worn. by the brides- maids wkb matching plcturt hats. 'rbey were Miss Lynda Langston, Mrt. Don Smith and Mrs. Jeff Hill, 8ister ol the bridegro6m. Flower gtJ:l Jamie Clendenin wore a pinl: dress and car· lied a wbl1e basket filled with pink and white roses. The bri&j'a oousln, Terry · Brown, 1::1rried the rines. Larry Smith was best man and ushers included Kevin Lynch, Melvin Whetstine llld Smith. Candles and pink fiawi!rs were featured ln decoratloru fur a poolllde r«<ptioo al the Costa Mesa...._ home of the bride's aunt and uncle, Mr. an<f Mrs. F,d Brown, following the ceremony. Assisting were Mrs. Whet- stine, Miss Lynda Rodman and Mrs, Arpy Rossi. Soocla1 guests included the bride's ~andpattnts Mr. and Mrs. Orie Lowden from Iowa ·and the bridegroom's grand- mothers, Mn. Della Blake from Arizona and Mrs. Mary Dumoulin from Sacramento. The newlyweds both were graduated from c.osta Mesa l!lgh School, and be attended Orange Coast College before entering the Marine Q>rps. 'Ibey honeymooned in San- t.a Barbara before departing for Tennessee. Mesa-Harbor Club Singer Repeats Date Mesa-Harbor Club memben heard a repeat performance by Dick Kite, who had sung for them last year, when they gathered for their August luncheon · meeting in the Mm Venle Country Club. The singer, who performed with such Big Band names as Tommy Dorsey, Spike Jones and Charlie Spivak in the 40s, was accompanied by Hal Kapp as he sang popular, semlclassical and 1 a c re d selections. During the business meeting Questions Answered QuesUom: and answers by Orange County Superior Court Probate Adminlstrator Laura Otto· will comprlse an iJl .. formative e v e n I n g for members and guests o r Harbor Area Legal Secretaries As.sociaUon. The group will m e e t Wednesday, Aug. 20, In th~ El Toro Marine Base Officer&' Club as guests of Col. D. A. Renner. Cocktails al &:301 will be followed by dinner ~I 7 p.m. Mrs. William C. Harl. 641-MSll, Is In chargt of reservaUoml. which preceded the luncheon, Mrs. Ed Schmok, membership chairman, announced that the new Mesa Verde home of Mrs. Lawrence Shertzor-would be the setUng for the annual Membership Tea on Sept. 18. Plans for a November fashion show also were told by Mrs. Harold Lakin. Proceeds from the affair, to take place in the Newporter Inn, wil l go toward the group's philan- thropy project for the coming year, the Child Guidance Center of Orange County. TOPS Honor l<OPS Member At their annual anniversary meeUng in the Costa Mesa Goa and Country c I u b , memben of TOPS Harbor Lighters planned a '1pecla1 night on Mondf!y, Aug. 18. The group will honor Mn. G. D. Fritz as a five year 'l"mber of KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) when they gather in Harper S c b o o I Auditorium rrom 7 to I p.m. Weekly mteting;s on Monday night. take puce In the same locale. --fl-II· Dole, who wl1t pmonafly:a.ilt you IR your $tCedion ••• Monday~'-" fridiy, I SANTA ANA ' .........--·;• ,.w __ . .._, """"I 18, l '169 'Z - DAJl.Y PllOT JS --· ... ~-~----"':"'--~~~-~~--------~~-------~-------:"'.c----·-·----~-..---,......,=---.,...--~-·--~-·---...... r l . ' Jf OAl\.Y l'ILOT Court Stella Memberl of Court Slella· Marlo 1143. Catholic Olqbt.en o1 America meet acb leCOnd and fourth 1.-ton- day It a p.m. in St. Jciachlm's parllh hall, Costa Mesa. ---- ' -· "-' U, 1'69 Eastern Ster -Temple br-Lqmia Beach is !be mttllnc settina when Lquna Beech Clhlpter 521, Eastern St.at memben galher !ht first and lhlr<I ™· dJys al I p.m. · Vacatione rs Embarking on flle SS Lurline fl)r a Hawliian vaca- tion are Dr. and Mrs. Jerrel Tbunton Richards of J,,ido Isle. Accompanying !hem are their daughter and son, Heatber and Jay B. Richards, 1Vhose eyes sparkle in an!icipetion of flle ftnt glimpse of Honolulu. Newp~rt Teacher Wed In Evening Ceremony A c:ru1'e on the Ae1ean Sea will make their home in and a vtait 1to Grecian Illes N"1)0f't Beach. Soroptimists B'nai B'ritli Peet!ing MRS. ARDITH Rqberta and Mrs. Catherine Mallfr were co- hosteS!tS dwing a koffee klatch for me.rnbers of the Heisler P a r k Shulllehoard Club. Around Soropllmlal Club of ~ ~.Dr1111e Coast Chapltr of Ungton Beach 1atben at 13:15 ~'nai B'rlth Women aather Ult p.m. !ht second and lourlh 'rirst 11lursday al I p.m. In Others included , the Mmes. Tuesday1 tn F r a n c o I 1 , )iercury S.vlngs BanJt, Hun-restaurant. lirJii.on Beach. Myrle McAlll•ler, Maude1----------=-r------ Enjoying !he par!)! were !he Messrs. and Mmes. Rod Kimi><!~ John Bingham, Jack Hunter, DeaQ Clanton. Mike Rowlhab, Richard WhJtaker, Herman Blennano .and Art Sharman. Pettrson. Helen S c o r 1 e I d , Lillian Randolph, Marie Van Hou.ton, Eleanor K r a a c k , Gertrude Hopkins, H e I e n Doran. Bessie Br\acoe, Hester" ~foore, Ina Steele, Mary Crockett and B..-bara Pag~. Also among the guests were Cap Ellis, Arthur MacDonal!f, Don Cavitt ~nd Paul Egeler. IN,TRODUC INp • . • JERRY GUTIERREZ Fermerly At South Coett P1e1• DRAMATIC SCISSOR CUTTING ~~- -. I B1GckRs 86TH SE MI LANN UAL FURNITURE, CARPETS, LAMPS, ACC ESSORI ES PASADENA: Colorado at El Molino POMONA: Holt; east of Garey SANTA ANA : Main at Eleventh • Santa Ana Store Open Monday Eves. THE BEAUTY SALON 'S NEW BRU SH -N-GO KANE KA LON WIG wUl be on the European travel She is a graduate of San jtiJ>erary of the fCl'JDU Mrs. Joee State College and he wu Mary Lou1!e Warrick and Roy gradualed from UCLA. Ht H. Ottuhout who "'"' mar· heada his own CPA ofllces In 548·0460 r!td In SL Mark's Preobm-. 1 _.:M=llOtebdlo:::: __ •_nd_N_e w_r_o_r·~~~~~~W~ES~T~C~L~IF~F~PL~AZA~~~~~~~================= Be com pletely cerefree ell summe r long with this magic wiggery that knows no b6unds! W eshes just like reel heir, ne eds no selling -just bru shed into pi ece, en d fits right into your handbag to weer et a mo ment's notice. Introductory offer, 22.95, wide rttnge of colors. Mail orders accepted for o limited time only. Simply send o sample of you r own hair for a close match or choose a new color for yourself. Cell the Broedwoy neorest you. ·The Beeuty Solon, bOI. ,_. Buch. Ian Church. The new Mrs. Oste.rbCllt, a ~r for the Newport.Mesa Sc!iool District al Mariner's School, choee a lavender dress and wore a white orclqd cor- sage accented wllh baby's brulh. Her son, Michael B. Warrick escorted her to !be altar 1..- the evening ceremony oerlormed by !he Rev. Dr. becll Hollman. Misa Karen Warrlck wu maid of honor for her mother, wearing a blue and whJte organdy drms and carrying a blue, white and yeJ. low bouquet, and Allan Oster - hoot was best man for h1a father. A reception for the im· mediate family took place in the fonner Mn. Warrick's Newport Beach home follow- ing the ceremony. Following their travels In Britain and Europe, the couple Kenmor e Canister Vacuum Sears Kenmore Floor Scriihher- and Polisher • e.1o._i polisher head ••• .,.,u.ber will not tip when lined from t.ba floor e 2 ....,),inatioo b"'W-% felt ballinc poola, 2 -Pl Mod.18110 l -~--1 e Combia1lioo noor and ... bnoob, .i....., bnab. • Rooad m•ul body. toggle .-itch. Model :!918 Aak About s.... Conftllieat Cnidit Pbm &Asfaawn Guaranteed rs==-i Shop 10•••1 1hn Sa•triay or Your Money Ba ch ~ 9:30 A.IL 10 9:30 P.R. • ' IUU. IOAVCli ~0 CO. I This 1amous NASA uortralt In 1011 color 01 America's 11rs1 men on Iha moon ts yours 11'1111 at ma Bia M ••• Mutual savings. This 18'x14' colorful sou- venir commemorating man· k·ind's most dramatic achievement is your gift from Mutual Savings. Get yours today-at any of· tice of The Big M. more interest than banks mere ciertain tlum swcks MUTUAL SAVINGS ad 1-11 usaciatin CORONA D EL MAR 2867 £. Cotst Hi&hwey •Phone: 675-5010 PAMOEttA (Heid Office) 315 E.astColotado BIVd. •Phone; 44g..2341 W£ST ARCADIA r.60 West Duarte Ro.ti • Phone.: 44&016' GLENOA.l.£ 336 North Bram.I Bl\ld. • Phone: 2o42-4J'8 COVINA 200 North Citrus Ave. • Phq,111; 339-647• • ... _....... ., . ---~.--. -~--.-. -.--.-...... , ... .., .. ~ . " New Scene for lido-145 The famed Lldo-14s begin their class championship on Newport Harbor today. The scene is widely dif· ferent from las t year's championship regatta sail· ed on Huntin gton Lake. Photo by Jacquie Beckner sho\vs the sporty sloops in starting-line action at ijuntington Lake. The local regaata will run through Friday. 2 Newport Men Score In Bermuda Alter Wins Hobie Cats Tini Hogan on Team Winning King·'s Cup Forty-nine liobie Ca t s deciding race for the U.S. with participated in the annual the help of Richard Doyle (If Newport-Poche Race Saturday Notre Dame. The final score and Sunday. Saturday's race v•as 4-3. BERMUDA -United Slates Junior Championship sailing represe nt atives Argyle Campbell and, Tom Purcell v•on a 71,~ mile practice race Sunday in Bermuda's Great Sound with a time of three minutes, 59 seconds. Campbell and Purcell are both from Balboa Yacht Club. Campbell is a member of the All-American collegiate sailing team from use. The t\\'O members of the USC sailing team had little difficulty in tacking in the th ree knot wind and gradually increased their lead as the race progressed. Defending champion Euan Swam and Lockland McTavish of Canada lost the advantage of a good start and finished seventh. The AU-American collegiate sailing team won the King's Cup, one of three major trophies they are seeking ir: compet.ition with the BritiBh collegiate sailing team this summer. C-Ompetition for the King's Cup was sailed in Soling Class sloops at Rhue, On the Clyde, Scotland. Tim Hoga n of Newport Beach, captain of t h e USC varsity saillng team, won the Cowie Winner James Co¥iie's L-36 Tortola from Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club was the winner of the foorth sailing of the \Vall Elliott RarbOr Challenge Race Saturday. Cowie won over the defender Harry Sturges in Electra from Los Angeles Yacht Club. Our llttle Cit la making 1 big hit. In lta first 100 d1Y• MtY•rlck h11 out· .old ..,.,, new cer ever lntroduc1d. Aftd ... ,, dly more tnd rnor• 1rn1rt drtvera 1r• dlte0verlrtg lht lun of owning th• 1lmpl1 m1chln1. T•k• 1 rew minutes to find out why M1v1rlck'1 to populer. Then tek1 • l11t drive 11 your Ford D11ler'1. started from Newport and The eight-man U.S. team finished at San Clemente earlier thls year W(ln the where the boats were beached E u r o p e a n champiooship overnight. Sunday's return against all universities in I h E Th Kin , C . ra~. was a sing e-ander urope. e g s up vie-Results . to_ry gives the U.S. t~ II cus.5 A-(I) Hobie Alter, wins ~t of 13 races sailed so • Dana Point: (2) Ted Hen- lar this summer. . dickson, Corona del Mar; (3) On Aug. 26 the team will Wayne Schafer Capiitrano race for the Lipton Cup and_ on Beach; (4) S~ndy Banks, Sept. 4 for the famed British-Dana Point· {5) Dick Loufek, American Univ er sit i es Costa Mesa'; (6) Jay Mullin, Challenge Cup. Riverside. Southland members of the CLASS B -(I) Tony U.S. team are Hogan; Chris Melum, Newport aeach; (2) Seaver (Newport Be a ch ) Ted Berkon, Dana Point: {3) Yale ; F.d BuUer 'and Tom Parry Porter, Newport Beach ; McLaughlin. San Diego Stale. (4) Earl Rickens, Pana Point; Miss Leslie Messenger of (5) Bill Butler, Dana Point : Newport Beach i.s the team (6) Larry Donovan, Newport manaaer. Beach. : ~ I il'l " .. ~ ..... !..: "~'. ",.i reasons why 1. LOW PIUC!, M1vtrlclc 11 tll& beltt 11ller ol the '70s 11 1980 prloe1. And yov get your money"• worth. A comp19lt e.r all ready to drlYe hom•. U-tum in 1 1ighttt circle, nip a1ouod tor· nera end shde 1n10 tig~t parking 1p1ce1 wftll 1rnaz1ng ag!llly. t. WJDl-OPIN TRUNK IPACt. No more c1ammlng in luggag• /uat beeauae you hive a small car. Maverick gives you 10.4 cubic lee\ of luggage apace-neerfy 1w1ce ftS much as the lei.ding import, (With M1v0 2. LOW FUIEL llLLS. In !esl.! by 6rolessional drivflrs at our tracks. w1'1e1e we ao our be$1 lo duptlcale ac1u11I dr!ving condiUons:. J..411v- fH1Ck averaged 22.5 mpg. (Som e Mav•rrck owners report !hty gel 25 mpg arill belttr J 3. 101 HOFl$ES. M•verltk's hign-!op1111ec s1 .. g1...es you ne•rly twice '' much rtorse:· pawe.r 111ha !11.d!rig 1mpan '1 tng1ne. Yoo o.i 1191 1cce11r1t1on, easy p1g1!ng. 4. PlOPLl·SIZIO INTlfUOR. t.41 ve 1ick CJincMet pennlea, not people. Ila fronl seal glVtl you nln• inthes moce thoulder rOOlfl 1n1n lht le1ding Import. Plua loll ot lelJ room, hip rooM and head room. I. IAIY HANDLING. Maverick ctn ou!rn1· newer 1h1 111C1ing tcanorny Import. 11 can FORD I. FEWEA SERVICE CALLS. Maverick ts actually easier and less expensive 10 main· 111n lhan an economy 1moort. Maver•ck: 011 changes come only once ev•ry 6.000 miles ana chassis lub11c1!1ons once in 36 000 m11es, Tne 1eaa100 Import recom · rr.ends an 011 Chlnge twice es o!len and • chassis l11br1cetlon s1• 11me1 1s ol\eri. !M1ve1lck gives vou economy without In· convenie~1) 7, 81MP'l.E SEAVICI AND REPAlllS. The Maverick OWnal'a M11tu1I ht9 2.C Pflges ol 1nslructlon1 1or routi ne m1lnten1nc1 jobs you can do youraerl, JI yoo wish. You ee n r.hange spark plugs, replace luel flltt r, 1d1u11 igni1iori timing, arid more. Even a 1m1sht<t grille can be replacell In as Hiii• 1s 13 mlnu!a&. ~· e11ck:. you can take ii wi!h you.) 9. IOUD OUAAllUTY. Maverick's: un111ied bO<ly cons1rucnon makes I! light. strong and du1able, (And Maverick's 3-speed 11ansmis1Jon ls !ough enough to handle 1wlce as much horsePOwer as the engine 1urns out.) (Maveritk may be little, bu! rou don'I have 'to 1re1t it like a k!d.) 10. BUILT-IN SAflETY. Unli ke mos! economy Imports, Maverick'• lreall !s wider than the Cit it high. Tiltl means stability .... mJgh!y important when the road It wet or 1h1 wind 1, •lrong, " MAVERICK EM+ $1995. ··~"-· -~· ....... ""' ,... fllt '"' I' ,_ ,,.. lftthf• I •tit ,,. ... l'f'ri,.~ .. 2.0G; ... tr ,,., ••• i.rs •• ,. •• ~ eflfl lrlll.,.,... • llW ..., ............ 1eo11 ...... ' USED CAR SHOPPERS: Ford Dealers '®-Used cars are the best you can get I Mission Bay ~an Takes ' Victory Win DAILY PILOT J 7 BYC's 88 Serles ' · -Ayres .Wins Pilot Trophy Point to Balboa Sunday. The 12) Serapis: (3) Sparkle. , yacht was I.he Chus B win-CLASS B -(1) Firebrand;...!.. OCEANSIDE -H o m e r Dendng of Mluion Bay Yacht Club won lbe Victory Cius na· tlonal champlonah.lps Sundtiy at lbe, conclusion or 1 three day-regatta. Firebrand, an Ericson-41 s!Oop Skippered by Don '.Ayres Jr. of Newport Harbor Yacht Club won the DAILY PILO'f Perpetual Trophy SWlday by scoring the be~t correCted times in the final two r~es ot Balboa Yacht Club's 16 Serie.I. ner in both raw. (2) Sanderling, Kirk & Poole, : Following a re the trophy BYC & BCYC. . Runner-up in the series was Jticb Detelan of King ·Harbor Yacht Club "and Jer ry Pinckney, MB:YC was third. After three races the fleet was split into two divisions and the lower half raced ror the Governor 's Cup whJch was won by George Gilson of Mission Bay YC. Second was Ugo Sbf.raglia, Santa Barbara Salling f Club, and third was Heinz Fuchslock of Wind- jammer YC. Dezelan also won the l:lanna Perpetual Trophy for the high scorer in Flights A and B. Rod Rogness o( Mlssion Bay Yacht Club won the North. Perpetual as the winner of the C and 0 fl ight the first day. Ftrebrand placed second ov- erall in the Bai boa . to hong Point> race on Saturday and second ln the ra« from Long (.;old Water Soap Defended LOS ANGELES (AP! - Cold water detergents kill germs. says Dr. Gerald A. Heidbreder, county heallh of- ficer. But, he adds, a built-in sanitizing agent would make. them more powerful germ· killers. winners by cl a.as in both CLASS c -(I} Impetuous : races: • Class c 8 )I) lmpeluous; (2) Balbo1 It Long Point (2) Hokulani. ~ A-·Serapls ti, Bill CLASSD-(i)Swis.sNavy ; Barry, BCYC: (2) Sparkle, (2) Volante II : (3) Edelweiss, Alex lrv)ng;-BYC ; (3) Escu-Dave Lange, BYC. dero, Ole~ Valdez, LBYC. ~10RF -(I ) Seaquaclous, Craig & Doug Rastello. LBYC ; CLASS B -(I) Firebrand. \2) Gold?locks: (3) Vel<n, Ken Don Ayres Jr .• NHYC; (2) •-B C (!) M. t All Atari, John Cazier, BYC. •W3S, ; is y, en Heller, BCYC. CLASS C -(I) Hokulani,l·jjji-jijiijjjiij--iiijjjjiiji McCabe & Hokanson, NHYC;\' (2) Impetuous, Ch a r Jes Glasgow, BYC. CLASS D -(1) Sandpiper, M.R. Minty, SS&C; (2) Swiss Navy, Dick Deaver, BYC : (3) Volante II, Mike Hirsh. BYC. MORF -Aloha II , Glen Reed, SSSC; (2) Serena, Phil Doane, NHYC; (3) Goldylocks, Eddie Arnold, BCYC; (4) Anita. Bill von KleinSmid, NHYC. Long Point to Balboa CLASS A -( 1) Escudero; CHOICE ACREAGE $500 to $1, 100 Acre 911011tltf Llt11l"4 'HOt41 525.·6198 - ••• t •••••• •·• •••• ·-· at· El Rancho: the supermarket , •1 •I •:I •1 I •, ' r I where the price . is '' right! e' I ·1 ! :fEverybody who's been -to the . ' ' I .I • Moon is dining on • •Stouffer's • Astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin and Car- penter are enjoying Stouffer's fine foods e .. , and if one has to be in isolation during- a qu arantine period, isn't that a won der- • lul "ay to dine l • • • • • • I • l e I • • why not join them? '\• Enjoy t.he quailt,y, the flavor, the goodness that }• • Stouffers offers to our Astronauts ••• and to you ~ Here's delicious dining! • • Beef or Chicken Pies ................. 49~· Ten ounces bi~ V.'ith lot, of tender meat t •Short Ribs of Beef ............ $1.79 Escalloped Apples ...... . ..... 39¢ Stouffer's main cour&e pleasure ••. so conven ient! 11V2 oz. Baked Breast of Chicken ..... $1.79 Sv.·eet tender v.·hite meat from Stouffer's! 18 oi. Potatoes Au Gratin ................ 39• Stouffers offers it ready to heat &. serve! 11 Vt oz. Cauliflower Au Gratin ............. 39• Garden fresh goodness from Stouffers! JO oz. Creamed Chipped Beef ........... 89¢ Trust Stoufferis to offer variety! 11 o;r;. pkg. Meats that make the meal! Stouffers makes it easy for all to enjoy! 12 oz. Salisbury Steak ......... . . ..... $1.29 Ready_ to serve in minutes ! .•. 12 oz. pkg. Macaroni & Cheese ............... 39" St.ouffers makes it with real cheddar ! 12 oz. Lobster Newburg ...... .-........ $2.29 Gourmet delight from Stouffers ! li Vt: oz. Chicken & Noodles ............... 69* Baked in the Stouffers kitchens ! l l Y2·oz. pkg. Stew Beef ............... 50 . v~v.~~A~' .............. 89~ Chunks of rich hearty beef .•. so tender, so tasty .•. you'll \vonder why you don't serve 11te\v more often t Chopped Sirloin Steak . . . . . 89~ Stroganoff Beef ............... $1.49 LB. Lean, tender, tasty! Three patties per pound! Lean beef that invites you to take second.s r -, Veal Cutlets ........ ~RE~~0 ............... $1~~ Ready to cook ••• and !ervc ••• and enjoy'. So tender and ta.sty, you'd better be sure to ha\'e. plenty. Super-summer favorit e Haas Avocados .................................................... 19~ Sm0oth buttery meat ••• for makin~ salads and appetiiin1 sandwiches and for dip.s, too! I Pri<.,inelfut Mun.,T•ct., W;d.. ARCADIA· Aug. 18, l Q; !O. No ·~'" to de<lkr1. Sunset and Huntington Dr. (ti Rancho Canta~ . . PASADENA: 320 Wut Colbrldo BIVd. SOUTM PASADEJIA: Fnmontand Huntinitnn Dr. HUllTIM&TON BEACH: Watntr and Algonquin (8oanlwalk Conl11) NEWPORT IEACH: 2727 ft"'port Blvd. an~ 2S5.l Eastblutt Dr. (Ea1U>lu!I Vllltft Ctntafl • • • • ! I ' i I •r------------~-~----------------------------- • • Ja DAILY PILOT s LEGAL NOTICE Ut•ltsl tUl'eltOft COVtT Of' TH I tTAT9 o• CALl•OlllOA f'OI T"a COUNTY Ott OllA,,.Oli ......... WOT.Cl Of' ff.I AIHIG <>" l'•TtTIO• •Oii PltOIAT• OF WILL ANO f'Ol L•TT••I T•H AMENTA•Y ~ .... Of v ... 11e "'rn 1(191nJml"', •tiO ~ .. V.,lle F«11 l(ttlNC!lmkll ......... HOTICIE 15 MEllEBY GIVEN Ttl•I DIJl11f l . k~!nM'ftlll\ ~1 1!114 """'" 1 ' "'''*°' for ..,..,. d wll( Incl fol' JMl.Mlnct or Lttltn Te$r.ment•"' to P1tl- llionfr. r~•nt• IO whldO It ~ for f\lfltlef H rtltf.lllWI, Incl 11111 1119 II..-Md fllfu: oi ,_.,Int ""' .aru "-~ been "' for ~ s. lfff, ,, •::!Cl ··"'·' In !ht UIH'I'-" OI' Ol'lllrlrnml Na. 1 qi wld UM,lrf, 11 100 Wft.I ElvM~ Slrffl, Jn !he CltY of Saftll An1, C1lllornl1, Dlllllt AutllSI U. lNt \", F, ST J llHN, CnunlY Ct.rt, CMkMt, Sdl-tdlt<'. Coit!Nll, M!lrtlr41 ..,. How.nl '" ,_ Mil (flllll,., ..... 0,...., ~l«fll• t2UI 'ref; (Tit) S'1·S111 All9nley1 fir hflt"-, I Monday, August 18, 1969 Finance Briefs LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Union OD Co. o1·caurorn1.t bas ·~ed Its rim offshore' well of the Trucial Arab slate! of Ru Al Khaimah. Althoogh'. there. were •bow• · of• hydro<Olbol)I the dr11linfl ••· counW<d . iiiechaalcal d I!· llcultles lbat lo~ ' eban· domnent and reconstaeraUon Plll>Jl"""' Or-Cot11I A~I 1•, lt, 2l. !Mt LEGAL NOTICE AMC'• Hornet Debuts ' of. the area'a problems. • . ttotice .~~°e~'-E:~T~~~EN 'h•' ..,.. First of the 1,970 models to enter the automotive to11ow1ng 1-.,_., orMwd P.-.-1• scene is American Motor's new1Hornet. It will be twv• bffl'I 11tld bY ,,.. Poll« OKJtrtmff't ei 1Mt c1iv o1 cos.t• Mflll 1or • Pl'•lod 1" offered in 2 and 4-door sedans and also will come as •~• al nlnetv 1901 dtr1: d I SST od I V-8 · d II ' f tures are optional. Shown ;., the Hornet SST :I-door se•an with black vinyl top , New AMC products go on sale Sept. 25, R<!d bike. b1ac11 bite. tw11 t111" blkf$. a e uxe m e . engine an a power ea-NOT1ce JS FUllTHEll GIVE N ""' 11'1------,---------------------------------------------- "" -r 1-.n 1rld bro-.et "'" LEGAi NOTICE ownorll\i. ol l!lf '"'~IV wllhlro W.,." '171 ""n felloW!ftll """ li~llull..., of 111111------,--.-------No!I~. ttit 1111• "*1fo lfo&H Vf!lt In ll'lf .._,. tlrd~• 11 ttitr. be -or In lhl! C!lf of CllTll'ICATI 01' l)llCONTIHUAlllCI! c It ' Mt\e In :ti"'' t.Ue "'* pr_,tT Oii USIE AHCl/Oll A•AfltO()JolMElllT CF os ~~ ' 1•-I llmt FICTITIOUS MAME '"''" IM •ICI ., e .II( "'" e • THE VNOERSIGHED doU i.nw end dlll l(lbf~. ~ DATED: August It.'"'· c~rtllf 111&1, el!Kll~• A11;1ud 1, lfff "" II: e HETH ce1MCI 1(1 do bullMSI U!Mk!r !tie lklltlo\4 cH1EF OF POI.ICE firm ntrM of WESTER N At.LOY STEEl..1 PvblJslled Otellh Coa1t 01llY Plkll. 11 3f1U 6. Hetlkley· (P.O: 8oJl 23'SI S•nl1 \ Avu..st it. Ifft 152Ut An• n101 C1llfornla, wlllcl'I bu:tlnes1 wes c::=-=-'--------·llormflrlf oomPOSed ol the followlrlv LE-GAL NO'TICE ptrsof'I; ~ flll"" In full end Plen ,of '"!Oeftce 11 es tollaws, 1o-wlf: • YoJr · Money's Worth ' Buy~ Rent? Computer T~lls Ferreld 0111il1 s~ 1<1621 B SYLVIA PORTER nd f ·1 1· J .. ••m EQ1>Htr11n, s.111• A"• n11lS. c1ntern11. Y ' you a your am1 Y 1ve s reasons -In the emotional, ... cen111a1e tor tr1Mectioll of bus1""" ' sUU a worthwhile investment social, health areas -for •-cE1T1111cAT1& OF co•l"OltATION un<1"' th• eboNe 11ct1111111s """'' 1nc1 af. W~'th mortgac• rates at ur "oil TRAHt.lCTIOlll o" •uSlfitE5S t141wlt o1 PUbHutloll 11wreor, ,,.. on tll• ., !or a long plilll. vesting in a home. But on a UNOIR PICTITIOt.15 HAME Ill Ille offlcf "' Ille c~ Cleft ot .histo "c peak.!,'property•tax.es st 1 11 fi 'al ba . THE UNOER:SIGNED COR:PORATIOlol Orlf!H Covnlv, unclef' tM PrG'tlslons ol ... THESE JUDGMENTS are r c y manci SIS, a d<IQ h<!retw cert!ff th•' 11 1, O!ll'ldl.ldl..., • se.:11<111 2~ of the c1¥11 Co!lf-. in a'ftlenUess uptrend, home' backed up by a fascinating house still comes out as a solid bull~ loalled 11 1017 S. Hell~"f St. WITHESS m"f Mncl !Ill• Ill .:Yy o1 • 1P.o. BO!! ms), s.1111 A,.., c111torn11 A11;1..s1, itH. building and all maintenance compilation to appear in the investment~ u~r '"' lictll!Oln tlrrn ....... ol l'err11d 0&11lel Sftophen""' ........... II h' h __ .. ir.......1.-!.-:-• r • B " Th I II • . WES TER N ALLOY STEE L Pubnlhed Or1nue C:0.11 01!fy Piiat. C()S~ ":'r f 18 411\1 soar• lVl~IUIUllllg JSSUe 0 ' e"er e 0 OWUlg table Will ~>!d ""' ••Id firm is ~ o1 1t1e A111in1 ._ 11, 11. 2s. '"' i'3M9 Ing, what~Ould you do? Buy Hoinei and Gardens." To show you the net savings on lol-lng COl")>Clrello1i. Wllote ptl!IC.INI 11~u o1 business ;, ., fol~: LEGAL NOTICE or rent? reach them, Peter Lindberg this $20,000 investment against ENGINEER:ED fOUtPNI ENT COM-(•• the f ll in pti l'ANV 3011 s. H•lllld•v s1. fP.0.1------------With th i 1 indisputably ~ o ow g assum ons renting during the first years. e.ow r.itsi, s.n1a A,.., c1uro'"11. NOTICE INVITIHG ••Ds · adverse financi·a1 backO'l't\und into a computer· WITNESS 1'1 htl'lll 1111• ,,, dlY ol NCllk:e Is llerlt!l!y glv"" ""'Ille 8oerd ol ""¥ . Yur 11 IMlllM riMI Sl•Y• Jl•lb"" A""""'· !96'. TMtMt of ""' Or11'111e IC01st Junior -al)d ~-prospect that Purchase of a $201000 house 21'1 • ...-111111 1 ,,. ICORPORATE SEAL) (611f91t Dbtr!Cf of oi;e,. Countv, trends will become even mOre wl" a Myear 711 perecnt 0 '·1300 • ·2,300 I •2,XIO ENGINEER:EO EQUIPMENT Calllotntr., wlll l'llCll"' IHltd bids 110 to. 1-11 ~ 1 ·L:»I ·I,~ •2,0U COMPANY · ll:o:t •.m. w~.,, SeP!emller :i. lt6'. adverse in several areas -is mwtgage, $2,000 down, $300 t • 211 • '" .1,1...i =~kk~r''-""' ::,;~ ~~·1~ ~;1. F~1rv~ 'fa:~ a house still a worthwhile in· closing .costs; taxes equal to 3 ! 2.i:t · !;: ::::;: couNTY oF 011.ANGE > 1s c"!'l'~.,.""',·,, ,.c111~",''•' ..... ~ "'".,."' ",..me vestment for you? percent of the home's value s 3,m 1,269 • m: STATE OF CM.IFOll.NIA l ""'"' w . py.., c r b I . 6 ~.ftf 1,111 • 511 °" 111is h i 111-r o1 Awui.t, Ao 196', '°" Ill Prlnllne of °'-' coa1t Col~• EACH OF THESE quesUons eac year; annua insurance 1 '·"' 3,004 • 11' befort .,.,. Nlftry I(. Htnry 1 Noliry N-r tor 69-70 Sdlool Yeer. end U) i:.... mi al t \I t t t ?ll 3 ,., 117 Public rn •1'111 1or .. id t:oomtT • .,,, s1e11, Pr1n11,,. o1 Go!~ Wt$1 co t• e • e is of the most crucial meanu.it> pre urns equ o percen · ' ~ldl,,. 1111rr-1", dOIY commh$1ontd 1nd NPW1Pe11« tor _.XI khool Yte,. end ell to you, for purchase of a house of the home's value; income sworn, persone ll'I' appeered F. D. 0111r1ct Tawel Rental for .,_~ kllool tax deduetl'ons, worth 20 per· , .sieottenson k-lo me to i. "'' Veer. is prqbably the single most PrHldtnt 'of ""' corp«atlon that ••· All blds '" 10 ~ 1" acc.ordenu •1"" important f1'nanc1'al d-'•'on cent o! the home's value ~ ~ltd the within IM!rumtl'lt Of! br:hllt of tl11 ln"ruetlorls & Condttlam ltMI Ille ..,,. ,.._._ tt>e con>or1Uon """"' nefMd, ,..., ~lflcations w111~11 •..-,_ on 1111 •nd made by most Americans. So maintenance costs amounting ICktlOWledDld to me fllll ll!.ICfl --.tlOl'I m.W be lnsotdtd ind WCUrecl In lllt Of· ( ' 1o-1 percent 0( the value Rn• ' tKecutt'CI ""'a.am1. nee ol the Purc111s1111 Allfl'll o1 1ald o summaru:e: . in witntu Wll""°'' 1 hlv. 11erovnto "' ~1 distrkr. Rent if you wlll l1've 1'n the nually. rn~ 11111d lllCf •flhl!Jd mv otflc111 -• t~ EICFI bs.tcr.i; mvsl submll wllt! Ms bid 1 ,., e"" ., .. , In 1t111 cer1lfft1te t1r11 ebolrf uttlltr'• d!«k. cer1r11.., <M<k, or bli:I-place for only a few years. Or rent equal to 13 percent wrlllllFI lier'• bOflll m.ci. pneble to Ille order of B '[ I I II th ol '•' • of hous Th' ,OFFiC •AL sl:ALI tile or...oe. cc.s1 Junior co11-0111r1r:t uy I you P an o ve ere we valu'-the e. IS M•tf K. H"""' eo."' of 'TM1-in '" •mount "°' •im ror a fa ir period of time. percento ge -allows the owner Hot11"r' P11bllc-Cttltarnl1 t111n flv1 oercent (S~l ol l!>e •vm bid •• , Prlncleal ooin 111 • 1111er1n111 !NI tM bld11er wu1 ir<1ter into And yes - a house in which. enough to · pay taxes, Ur °''"'' CountT rM PtOllOMll Contr1er II l!>e ""'' !s · t -~-Mf comm1n1on E•Plra aw•rded la tllnli. In me e~ent of 111111•• to surance, main enance Cv;,i.s Ne"t. ~. 1m "'"'" lnlfl' such contract, 111e 11racee111 1or and earn 81,2 percent on his Publl..ried Otan11t Coetf o111v P\lol. 11>e Checll will tie fortn11eo:r, or In 11>e c•i. ••o.•;_•.,.-• ... -•·•.c•:•"•~S.MMW"4JI house lnvestmenl. Au-I • 11, 11, is, ltff 106-6t of • bond, 1llt lull 'um ll>freot will be ' lorletll!d lo> Wl<I ICl>oo! dl1!rkl. No bidder ,.,..... wlthOraw Ms bid for 1 MORE DOCTORS · IN ADDITION, Lindberg period o1 forl"r'..fl~• (UI 111vs •lier the . , made these three assurn"-------------· ld•te: wt for t11e _..1ne 11iereo1. DENTISTS ' • Tl\e r.o.rd ot Trvsttu reservn "'e ; tions : the house would rise in ~ p.Mtfll _ prlvllt9• of "'IK1J119 1iw elld in bids or ATTORNEYS AND bout Cll""Tll'ICATE OI' •USIN ISI 1o waive •nv l•reeulerltlts or In. , value Z percent a year, a FICT1T1ouf NAMI! tormellllf'I In enf bid or In 11>e bkld!,,... OTHER ual to the lnng •erm In. Thi \/fide~ do certllf lllfv ,,.. Price tl!nfta 11M1 flllllltT bel1111 l'QUll, eq .,. con6uelh!9 e ..... ,_•I \OH El Cimino, ~ wm ti. t lven la "" ProdlK~ PROFESSIONAL nation rate in the U.S. in Cost1 Mna. C1llfor"ll' under !hf tic. grown, m."ul•elurtd, or PrOduaol In the mod Um uJd ' 1111c1t1 ti.rm "'"" of v1t.u.G£ TUe •nd 51,,, of Cillforf'll•. All m11er1e11 PT"OVl<lf<I PEOPLE USE em es; wo remain 1+111 1akl 11m1 i. compene<1 of !hi! 1011ow-11'1•-" "'1' 1114 ..... 11 c:qmolv w11t1 unchanged over the 20 Years; 1,,. "'"""· whow Mmtt 1n tuu •11111 ~..,,....., Cade Sectrotll ~ in.. TAB BECAUSE p1-o1 mkltnu ere " 101JowS: c1111iw. w.ould fall·Z percent a year. Kowar<I E. Hellr.atf '"" P1!rl,l1 °"""' SePtembr:r !, 1Nf 11 :Dll 1.m. WE'VE GOT THE the HeJtnotto n1• Loreto SI., Cos1• Mtw. 519"111: NORMAN E. WATSON Now, here ts what com- 011"1All9Ull1.1Hf. seu;111nr aoen1 llff Tr1111H1 aNSWBRI puter came up w1'1h· HOWerd e. Helll!Otf Publllllfd o • .,.._ Co.It Dlllf Plllll, A . • Petrlm He!tlloff Autt1$I 11, 25, 1Ht 15'1~ If the house Increases 2 per· "•'-ot c11lforflt1, or1ne• coun~ cent a year, 1·1 makes sense to On Aut\ISI l, lf6', Wtore ml, I Nol~ry LEGAL NOTICE ·FOR AS ·LOW AS Public In 1nc1 tor t1kl s11te, oet111n1tlf, -------=~==--I renl if you eipect to live there ,_.red How1ro E. ~!tllolt 11111 Patrlcl11· $14~50 PER MO. H•ithoff ~ ,., "" 10 i. '"" "'"°"' 5UPE11.101l cou•T OP TH E two years or Jess, But if you """'-n11,,,..1,.. aibt«lbell to fl>t wl!hl" $TATE 01' CALll'OaMIA FOil plan to live there any longer, IMtrvrnent .,w Kkllowledold t11t1 e•· TMI COUHTY Of' OllANOJ: CALL US NOW FOR LEGAL NOTICE Western Seeks Hike Western Air Llnes vdll file with the Civil Aeronautics Board for an increase in its domestic fares. , The in crease to be proposed by Western will vary by trip distance, with a greater in· crease for shorter segments than for Jong trips.'For a 6()0.. mile trip, the fare would be in- creased from $43 to $46, a 6.9 , percent increase. For a 1200- mile flight, lhe increase would be from $75 to $79, up S.3 per· cent. The overall average for. Westem's domestic system would amount to a 6:2 perce11t increase. The increased fares wilr be effective Sept. 15, sub- ject to CAB approval. MESA, Ariz. (UPI) Talley Industries, Inc., has ob- tained iis first major order fo~ computer hardware equip- ment, a contrac\ from Na· tional cam Register Co. of Dayton, Ohlo. to·provide 13,000 nlclek:olbat diok8. Ml!>hAND, Tex. (UPI) - f~' _Ou Corp. has com· plete<:F'~gas well in the Gomez CEl~enburger) field In Pecosj County, Te~. lbat slowed at a calCulated·rate ol 50 mlUionl cub.ie feet daily · at depths r3')Blng lo 22,64.'I feet. WS . ANGELES (uPI) Hughes Aircraft eo.-ha! wi>n a $13.4 Navy contract and otber defense jobs totaling $5.3 milUon for the work on the Phoenix missile system and airborne warning and control systems. Telcor Gets Irvine Site , Telcor lnstrumeilts, Inc., a recently formed ·corporation involved in designing and manufacturing marine and in-I dustrial instruments a n d systems, has acquired new of· fice a n d manufacturing facilities in Irvine's Industrial Complex, at 1778S Sky Park Circle. Initially, Telcor purchased the Marine Products Division of Marton, Inc., a Costa Mesa ba~ electronics finn. Telcor has since added several new products of its own to expand the product line. Other pro- ducts are currenUy in develop- ment for addition to the line within the next sit months. George A. Prell hm been named president, with Jay Tracer as general manager of the marine' products division. .c.utecr 111e ..-. No. A~ buy. U you live in it for 20 (OFFICIAL SEAL) 010111 TO SKOW CAUSI INFORMATION ANO Merllla M. o·sumv111 ,OR CHANGE OJ" NAME. A BROCHURE. years, you will ·be roughly Hcfarv Putillc. c.e11tom11 1~ *'t Miit.!' ot: e•ucE ALVI N PED-$40,000 better off to buy. Dr-• 0111mff DY incl Hill.ARY AMANDA PEDDY, 1'.lb State Jobless Rate "'' Cllnln'JJulon EKolra For ct.1noe Of H1m1. TD.E:PffONE Ir the house doesn't change ""'· 2.t 1m wHEREAS e11:ucie ALVIN PEDDY'"° · -AN-RIM' I al 'II be fi cl II Publi.llfd cir.-Coast DlllY PHo!. Hill.ARY AM.ANDA PEOOV, oet!tloM... ""i; • n v ue, you nan a y -'ut"'' 4. 11, n. 25, 1fM 1c 1.., 111w 111ec1 , "1111on w1111 '"' c1er11; cf 11111 BUREAU wiSe to rent if you expect to ------------·1 :u.:.!.~ e~R~t'e" ~t'~~"",ro~1on~ 543-2222 live there less than three and LEGAL NOTI CE ---~,..-------· IH11~~:vo~RNEor: :.:,D~i1 oeraont Ii.-9 OFFICES TO SERVE one-hat! years. But If you buy · · , teruttd 1n tM 1bov..en1111fd m•t~r """ ALL OF ORANGE CO and live tha-e 20 years before NOTICE 01' TaUSTEE S IALE oear befott this court 11 t ::JO 1.m., Ori ' ell' 'II el $21 000 On Friday, $el>tembef 5, 1'6', ti 11 :OD SePteml>l!r It lff9 !" lllf C01trtroom of 8 Ing, you n 8 , o'ttock ,i,.M.. UN.ITEO s TAT E s oeoa•lme111 Na l ai ~ courlllovse in 11,. gain over renting HOLDING CO.MPANY, ll Truslee 1111der CilV 01 Santi . A"a, Cou~lf o1 Orl"llf· · . and oursue"t la deed ot lr utt dated Calll<i•nl•, •~!I .now cauw, 11 111y, w~v"p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Ojl IF THE HOUSE declines 2 Seote_. u, 19'1. t!Xreuled bv Kellltl•lnll the pet111on for th•Me of ... me thou Id nol 11 percent .8 year, rent unless Lawler llrtull, I m1rrled woman, 11111 be trantec •ecw-SeP!em11er .21, 1N1. r~ B"'* &151, iT 15 FuRTHEI: ORDERED 111e1 1 HAL AEllSCHER you expect to li ve there at Pa9e 156 of Olfk.'li l Rtt;0ronc r" tne office COPY of this orde• to 11\oW tau" bf h I ot the llll'l#<le• . of ora,.e cou"tv, 011b1J:sht11 Ii• i11e 0111, ,.11111. 1 ~•oe• least seven and one-a f years. Cf11fornl1, win u u 11 oubllt •uctllll'I to o1 vener11 c1rculat1o<1 prl~tld In Ille coun-HEARING AIDS But even if you buy into a tne llklllnl bldcltlr tor casll foeyeble 11 Iv o1 orange Celltor111e oroct 1 wm tor lime of wre 1111ew1111 monev of !he United tour wecesiive wHk• Prior 1o th• dai. declining neighborhood, you'll Sla!ttl at lllt '°""' ''°"' '""'r•no:e '°"" u• for ne1r1119 on Ille pet1tiorl. I 1111 I be about $11,000 better off etd Or"'9f! C-IV coun11011•H, Jn llll Cllf Oattcl: JulY 11, lNt. CuJtom Aura Amp ut on "' Sa"'• A11•, Oranltf COl/Fl!f, C1lltornl1. R:AYMOND THOMPSON after 20 years tban if you had 111 r11111t, tlllt 'lftd lnfl>fait t0~w1ved to JUDGE OF THE NO SALESMEN rented. 11111 l"O!W held bf 11 ur1dfr 111<1 <lfe<I 1~ SUPEll.IOR COUR:T tMi ..._,.,.11tu11« in 1111 CllY o1 C<>'•• wALswoRTM, sl!•D£t. a. c1:A11. 3409 L COAST HWY. Lindberg's 7Mi percent tMM, CO\l!'llY of Orll'llll, Stett ct C•ll· 1117 w.,t<Mff Orlvt . Suitt 2" rorn1 .. .-:.rlbed 11: N•w"'rt a11e11. c111tor1t11 mH CORONA DEL MAR mortgage rate is loo low for The Hor11lwntert1 ., fMI of l!>e Ttl. (710 '41.JWl, 54-7] J'IOW, but lh<\.l doesn't kilJ the Soutnenl•rlY 1'S ffl!I cf I hf Alklnlln , ..... "'*"" Norl1>te11er1Y 11s 1e11 of Loi 1oa o1 Publl111ed Dr•n111 eoa11 oe11v P1101. For Appofntmnt validity of the conclusion, for Trecl 300, 11 OlOWn Oii lnlC lherl'Of A119u1I •, 11, lt, 25, 1t69 \Ql-69 8S tbe COSt Of a houst goes Up, r«er<lf:d I~ boot l'4..n19es 11 "'" n ctl-'------------11 675 3833 MltctliaM011' M•PI· rtc0rd• of uld LEGAL NOTICE • so does the cost of renting. °'"''" COlllll'I'. . Th t h Said ult w111 be m&e1e. t.1,11 w1'"°"'J·-;;;;;,c;:;;;J;;~;;,~~~-1~;::==========~===e=r=e=•:"':::m::a:ny:::o::::•;rl covenani or warranty. tllO<tH or lmplltd, tetardlnl title'. ~ilon. or en-NOTICE 01' TRUSTl!E'S SALE r.umbt"1net1, lo Ga't lltt un1>1ld bll1nce of F•llH , ~ prl11elNI ..,,., o1 '"' no1e ~rid tw On lllf 2?111 Of of Au9111!, l9't, 1111:00 "ld deed, fO..wlf: Sl,116.00, wllll lnt1reit 1.m., IHLANO MO RTGAGE C:OMPANY. t rom .\i)ril lS. ,.,,.. '' tn 1111d f>Ole oro-1 corooretlon, II Truo!M under '"" ,,!~. eclv•ne!$, H •n•, under 1111: It"'" OUl'IUlnl lO I de.cl I/ff "'"'' exec11led CV ct 111d dftd; fees, it111rtes end f~I WILLIAM M. LANSDALE end MAllY S. ct fh9 Trinlet Ind o! "1t ltUlll "tlled lANSOAl.I:, ll11111lrncl encl w!!e doled April bv 111d deed. 21, 1966. rllCOrdld M1v 2, 1M6 In 6ooll. The t»ntllcl•IT ullM• t•kl died. b'll 7'17 Pate $25, Ollldel Records ot O•~"lle r~son ot e breech er deUuH '" 1111 CountT, C1HfornJ1, securl"ll, among cthe• Clbllpllonl 11K11rt11 therm , ll•l'llofo•• obHt.trron .. • nci!t tor $33.000.00 In t1wr ••e<ulft 11111 .U!lvtrtd 10 !lie unOtrtltflf<I 1>1 PROVIPENT FEDERAL SAVING5 1 written 01dlrltlon ol Dffeurt 11'111 0.-ANO LOAN AS$ 0 C I AT I 0 N 01" mend for s.i., 1n<1 wrll!en Ncfl~ of RlVER$10E now !ht crwrier 11111 lloldfl Deleull Ind Eleoctlon lo Sell Uncit'r Ott<I ltll!l'lof,. will UH II PUbl!t 1u<:llo!I lo IM o1 Tnt1t to aiull! Ille urioerilal'll'll to .ell hlg/"ifSI bl<ld<l!I' tor Cllh (l>-'••b~ ln lawful "Id p.t'(lplrl'I' to lltlst'f w ld obllpfillom, ,,_.., ol 1111 U11lled $lllH et flmt DI and lhetufler. on Aorll 16, lff•, the ult1 el IM 51lllh Stnt"I Enl••flCt lo •~~ 11ndttlltMd t•u• s.ld Mollee of Default Or•"lll Coun!Y Courl H()ll'll! 111 !he CltT cf end Election to Stoll lo be r«Ot<l..cl 11 S.nll Anl, Coun!Y of Orl"O'· s1,.1e DI ln1t.....,_1 No. l\ilfl, In floolt t91f, P1t1e' C1lltornl1, Ill rlolll, !ll!t Incl lnltl'fll con· rn. Df{lclel llecords ot Orin" Cou11ty, wefect to> end now Mid IW ti 111\de• seld (ltltomll. d'te<I of Irv.I 111 Ind f9 tlll hlllowl~' Dlltcl; AUVU•I '· 196'. described oartt1 ol ,.1 prootrh ,,,. VNITEO STATES UA!td !" Mid Col.mlV ol Drlntlf, Slet1 of HOl.OING COMPANY. C1lllornl1, 11111 dMCflbtd II fol!OWI" 11 seld Tt111!tt, Lei 51 ol Trlct HO. :l3IO. In I~ <llY ol 8t P1ul F, Gtrbl!I', Colli MHI, •I per f!'llP recorded In VIC* P°"l<ltllt boo1t lU pegf!t M 10 3" IMl"'IVt DI 19• Ju'""' ,..,,*"· --• Mlsull•~ ""'"' In ine ell!« o1 '"' AUl111n1 secrellrf C:ounlY Recorder of .. Id Cll\lnlY. !5EAl.) Saki 11lt wHI IHI mid•, but wlll'loul Publl.i.ed O••nv1 co.st D1llY Pilot, ~·"•or w1rr1ntv, e•prnt or lmpllt'd. A1191,11t 11, ll. 2$, H6' u41~ rtoerctlft9 !Ille, --loll Of" en---~----------lcumbr1n«; Ill pn me ••m•lnl,,. 011 ... e1oa1 111m ot 111d note. t(MWlt: '31,toS.lt, !~11!1'1!1.t, edvencn. If ant, uncl~• th~ ------------·lie""' ot a.a1c1 deed ol lrvsl, '"'' tti••o•1 Cl.ltTi,tCA~i;~ •Utl Nl$S ~;:.~: ::C,T;f'~',:t.11111 of irvi.i, LEGAL NOTICE 'l(TITIOUS NAME Tiit be..el'kl1ry un("' "Ill llt>ed O! TM ~•ltMd do> cerlil"r !Ill!• tr• ttvll, bf ,..._ of e brtltll or 111111111 I~ COl'ICllK.11"11 e bWlntU It 2U C E. 11! flit obll91ll9"! tf(V<ed llle<l'b•, !>er-er~ 51. C~I• Mne. Ca111orn11, unct~ "" '' eucultMI lflll aellwrell to ti. 11t1111r1ft'"IMI llllom; lt•M .,._ ol DISCOUNT L.O.VN· • W'"l~ clej:;llr•lton ol <IM•ull Ind !I~ 011.IES • ORY CLSANER:S 1°'11 lfltl "Id merld tor w it find I wrllten ""tlc1 DI llrm i. ~ of •~ to•-1n1 "'-dffeun end ol tle<tlon 10 c•uM ,,,. ~ n-"' '"" encl PIK" of und~ II •11 .. 111 l t'llJ>erlT to .-~•rt M hlllowl! M!l•lv Mid lblf11t1ont. encl l~-t~r. c" TM!m• Mldl_¢llf Ind ftoellrlctt Aofll 11. ,,.,, """ lllldtnlfned UUMcl uld Merte<IU.. lot w. GIYIOI• "·· u~ f!Otl« fl/I Olillllfl ..,.. lltclfon 10 -.u le "' Cltme(IJI', C.llf~ t:tr,i, rfC.Ol'dtd )fl eaok n , ,. ... US ot OI• Ottfd JwPt. 29, 1• r~I Ceaw\tl· 1n lilt ~ of ""' c.oi..ntor -~ ~tftllf Recor!lff ot ll!kl COll!ltT. TMlml Ml(;ll.f!ll)I 0.1111 J111Y l. Ifft. lttto el C.11~11, Or.,. C:o1mtT: llEALI , Oii .lllly 29, 1Ht, tlell:lrt me, 1 Nolll"Y INLAND MOll.TAGE COMl'AHY 'Mile: lti lflllf for Miii $tel•, iter-11ty llt Lou!. J, O."'" .......,... TPlflfM Mld!tnlllr 1.-.d 11.~lct p,..1clfont ~ --10 f!W IO lie 11141 "'"°"' Mii.,_. Dr-Col.ti 01!1¥ •Hot, ""°"" IWtnft "'' •llllKribtd l'O' IM wtlflln All9<nl .. 11. II, 19't ,_,.., -...-' ""' ec.tM•ltcltllll 111ev ··•1F====='=======:;I ~"----lOl'"FIC.IAl SEAi.i Mitf1' IC, """' NNr:r 1'_11&1~ • C1tPrortrl1 JOrllldNJ 0!11" ... --· ~~ .... IEOlrll .... M. ttn .......... arr..., Conl O•IW l'!lot, ~ .. u. , .. a. ltff 1'!if• • THE BEST •1edtnhlp po I I 1 ~,0 ... 1 "'111111h'' lt 0111 •f th1 worlll'• f!lo1t pop11!1r Cof!llc _1trip1. ll:11d If ilelly In t~e DAILY PILOT, ~PSA~ ~JI~! oo _u.,. 11lJUr to San Francisco! 7 om to t ,,.._ Botli wop. 7·8-1·10-11 .... 12 ...... 1.2~.u.1.a.1 pm. More on wffkendt. Plus flights liOur oo the If hoor to San Diego! ·~· ... t0 10:10 """'°"' .. ,.. 1:1 w:»t:ao-1o:ao-11 :so .... 1a::io-1 :ao-.z:ao-s:so. 4:30-l:ao-1:1M:3CJ.7:3M:30-10:10 pm. Mortonwetk.._.. Why wony •bout a re11rvatlon wi..n PS~ htt·over 160 JUghta • day? Such an eaay·to--,.mernblt schedule you c.n cany II around In your head. Why remember Jowett fares? Or 111 Jets? Or gre1t .. Mc• to 01kland, S.n Jott, end SaQ- tamento? Or ltlat kldt undtf 12 fly PSA (Wilh thflr pal'lllntt} fOf hall fatt? Sllll went a r..e,,.atkln?.Jutl· tell yoVr tr1¥9f •oenl or wh•ttltaname alrllnea. PSA gi"9I )GU 1 lffL Stays Above Nation's SAN F R A N C I S C 0 or unskilled workers as ha ve Unemployment continues to the more heavy industry run higher in California than oriented economies of oth er in the reSt of the nation, but is states. more evenly di s tribute d "Evtn though the rate of among various labor groups in migration is slowing and the the state, Wells Fargo Bank service industtits are calling reported. for an increasing number of Harold L. Buma, manager workers, Callfomia will prob- of the bank's e c o n o m I c s ably continue to attract more department, said in 1967 and untrained Vl'llrkers than its 1968 California's unemploy· economy can absorb." ment rate ranged from 5.1 to ----'---------11 5. I percent , while the figur)!s for the U.S. were 3.B and "'3.6 percent. "Though unemployment Is well above the national average for alJ groups in the state. teen-agers and non· whites carry a smaller portion of the burden in California th an in the nation as a whole," he said. Buma reported that non· whites in California hact an unemployment rate of almost 8 percent las• year, but It was still only about one and a half time:1 that of ~ white l'bor force. Nationally tht non·wbite jobless rate 1fas-1louble thaf of ·· whites. "The unemployment rate for, teenagers in the state during the past two years has been about 16 percent. three times the state's average for all workers. Naliooally, the teen- age jobless rate is even higher, about three and a half times that of the total labor force." Buma cited two major reasons for the state's high unemployment rate -the COO· linuing-influx ~of-skilled and unskilled w o r k e r s into California seeking a betler job and a mofe attractive place to live, and the surplus ot workers from Im portant · seasonal industries such a canning and consl.N,ction. - Unskilled workers are alsn mo\>ing from rural areas to California cities as mechaniza· tlon reduces fann manpower neodt . Duma believes the state's unemployment rate will re· main above the n a t lona l average for some Urne. ''California's tetllnologlcally advanced economy bas not been able to absorb the inflow NEW CONTROLLER Robert Rlnn•rd Controller Appointed .- Robert S. RennaTd o f Mj.sslon Viejo has been ap- pointed controller of Philc~ Ford's Aeronulronlc DivislOl'l, Newport Beach. He formerly was manager or contractanaeost analysis for Ph t lco·Ford Jn Philadelphia, Pa. He aucceeds John L. Kem· merer, wl'lo has been ap- pointed auistant controller tori analysis with lbe company In Philadelphia. ReMard previously h a d betn with the eontroller.'1 of· fict of Acronutronlc from 196Z to 1968 . ·- Whv Reads the Swrs ' For thf Swrs? ... • ' I I ~ It's Sydney Omarr .... ' ' .. And now this articu1ate writer who has b~en called the "astrologer's astrologer1 ' reads the stars for: you. Sydney Omarr_, longtime personal astrologer to many of Hollywood's and tho Htoro ry world's most famous sta·rs. is a DAI LY PILOT column ist. Omarr's record for accuracy of pred!~ti1ns based on astrological analysis. is amazing. Whether you read astrolO<Jica l forecasts fo r fun or as a seriou s student of star-gazing, you'll enjoy Sy\!ney Omarr's daily column in the •• I I . . . . . • . --. . -• • . • . • ' . . . • . - . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . I ' • • ~- • " • and You Slloultl See MARS 'CLOSEUPS' . Glossy prints teken from Mariner b and M eriner 7 t1levision transmissions over 60 million of space ••• incredibly dotoilod views of surf1ce of the Red Planet . Print1 co~rt•sy of Jet Prcpul1ion lebor1tory MAN ON MOON Pictures phot09r1phed by first 11tourists11 on the moon include em11in9 one. of. 1. kind shots from Lun1r Module E1gl1 ond on moon surfoc1 by Astron1uts Nea Armstrong ond "B " Aid . uu r1n • Prints courte1y ol UPI Telephotos ind NASA PRESS WINNERS • All tho winners in C1lilorni1 Press P~ologrophers Associotion competition , •• more ti,.11 70 •ye-grobbing prints comprising the Gold S.11 Exhibit. --.'' ' ,.I f TOP NEWS ·PHOTOS -/ - Best shots subroitted for competitive judging by 111 the Associlled Pros""hotogrophers in C.r.forni• ond Nevodo ••• 38 top·notch nows and f11ture photos, .i>'cluding 111 tho winners. 1 ,I 'PREnY PICTURES' Collection of some of the fin11t work of 0 rong• County and,iithor Southl1nd profossion1I photogr1phtrs in •n oxhibit coordin1ted by Professionel fl\ologrophtrs West. BEST OF THE DAIL y PILOT I . You'll remember th11e ... some of the best no'1 sports ind humtn intorest pictures by · DAILY PILOT stoff photogrephe,., put togeth,.1n 1n ••hibit which oxpleins how photos •rt published. , ;' i F·OTORAMA WINNERS Top winner from each of the three weeks of Fotor1m1 C.m1r1 Contest ••• Pick the one you like best from 1mong these thre• •w•rcl-winning photos by •m1t1urs. You could win 1 prize for voting. , SEE 'LIVE' . NEWS PHOTOS Get •n editor's-eye-view of the United Press lnt•rnetionel Unifex, the me chine . thet electronicelly reproduce• "wire photos" from wherever in the worlcf news i1 heppenin9. Fotoreme's Unlfax will be tied into the Ul'f network so you'll tee the pictur•1 lilt th• seme instant they're errivin9 et the DAILY PILOT pl1nt. And you'll he tuned in, elso, to chetter emon9 photo editors from throu9hout the United St1t11 •s they 1r9ue for priority "on the wire" for their pictures, · - Installation Courtesy of: United Press International Pacific Telephone Company - I ' You Coult/ Win in VOTOltAMA at FOTORAMA I Co-Sponsored by Coast Stereo 103 FM Radio KOCM ' ReCJister for Prizes, Then Step Into The AUTOMATIC VOTING MACHINE PICK A PICTURE • $1, 100 in 'Sound' Prizes! • YOU COULD WIN! 26 PRIZES FURNISHED BY RADIO KOCM THE GRAND PRIZE Stereo console with FM /AM , radio, FM multipleJ and stereo record ployer-$359.95 v1luo. NEXT 2 PRIZES . . Eoch winner gels FM/ AM portable rodio with built-in c1111tto ploybock ind recording unit -$109.95 value. NEXT 3 PRIZES Eich winne· gets FM/ AM "cube" dock radios $29.95 v1luo. NEXT 20 PRIZES • Eoch win~er goh five st•-record olbums by top recording orti1t,_.ppro•. $25.00 volue: . All This Plus FREE "JOHNNY MATHIS" Records Distributed Daily! ALL FREE •• 3 BIG DAYS •• AUG. ·21, 22, 23 f Open Thursday and Saturday, ·10·5:30 · Day and Night Friday ( 10 a.m.·9 p.m.J FASHIQN J ISLAND 1,."'=-< '°"'' • NEWl'OR.'ll CEXTER. • ' ... " l ' --- • - DAil ~ PILOT 1, • ON FLYING 'fRAl'l\ZE -Cremeii on AllStr a'1 CP ~and Geor Twl•l'1 Telegrepll take to tlie wires in' actii>n ·Ol 11111 U.S:-Austr challen e .. r1., for the speedy Australian-18 dinghies. U.S.•leoln 11nished ,in the mpeti- tim. . .... Salting Acrobatics , -. I Aussies Win Dinghy R'ac e A quart.t ol AUllralian sail· Ing acroba1a won the Dnt U.S.-Aulltralian !&-foot Dinghy challenge Sunday by virtue of auperior trapeze work. The wbmlng skipper was Bob Holmes of Sydney in the Australian TTavel.odge wllh a record of 1-1.s-3-1 for 1ov, points. _Holmes beat CUff P..1onkhluse o1 Sydney ol a• hall polnL Monkhiuse had a record of Z..J. l~ for 1°" points. Third place went to the U.S. crew skippered by George Twist of Newport Harbor Yacht Club sailing Dally Telegraph, and fourth was Russ Bendall ol, S)'llnef . in Ansett Air. Three other boats in the first challenge series were not scored beeause of mishaps and falluri to finish. 'Ibey were JUy Lopez of Long Beach in Caravella, Fred Ottis of Long Beach in Toogara and Roger Welsh of Newport Harbor YC in TraVl!Lodge U.S. The Australian JS.foot.en are the fastest single-bull' sail- ing dinghies in the world and, require the entire crew of four, incllidlng the skipper, to m~n the trapze wires in strong winds going to weather and on reaches. During seve ral races at Long Beach the boats were clocked at 17 knobl in a 20 knot breeze. The challenge series was sailed as part of the California lnternalional Sea Festival at Long Beach aod was the first time the fabulous dinghjes have been raced in um coun- try. !'Mt• ,, hdtrltr SHIELDS CHAMPION -Carl Reinharl's Kathleen (foreground) was the win- ner of the Western Regional Champioµships for the Shields Class 1n competi- tion held Saturday and Sunday from Newport Harbor Yachl Club. VCI Youth Wins · Shields Championsliip Carl Reinhart of Voyagers Yacht Club was the winner Sunday of Western Regional Championship in the Shields Class. Reinhart is captain of the UCI aa.illng team . He ended the five ract1 series with a LEGAL NOTICE score of 12% points. ' In second pla~ was Howard Wright Jr. of Los Angeles Yacht Club, and Lance McCabe, Balboa Yacht Club was third. Marilee A11an of NltYC. Jn the junior championships held on Friday, Jim Barber of LA YC was the winner and se- cond was a tie between Fred Simonds. NHYC, and Parker. McCabe was the outstanding skipper of the series, winning1J"i0iii0iii0iiiiiii0iiiiiii0iii0iii0iiijl four of the five races. lie 106l TRADE the series in the fourth race COMMODmES <••T1,1cATI o, •U11M•1s. by sailing to the wrong mark. , . fllCTITtous ti1AM1 Fourth in the series was U"d'r bp•rf Q11id1"c1 ~~..,,: c:."~ ... ~•r:Z Peter Parker. champion Kile l~•lre: 111 41 IJJ·1J., ~ ce::'"" ~ ~t~..,;.~1..:': sailor from Newport Harbor Mr. =n .... , Mii MltVICI .,. 1MI Mid llrm ltljiiY~a~ch~I ~C~l~ub~,~a~nd~f~if~th~w~a~s~~~~~:iiiiiiiiiii§~~~ comM9M 91 "" fotlowlnt --..... -"' fltt Mil ·~ 91 ... ldllu 111! • = " 8°'"'"· ""' '•-DELTA SUPER QUALITY ~~~l~iH.,t» Mar.-Tires Cost Less "-T • ..,,_. . ...,_I, OrWI ...... e.ltfrol'Tlllr. o.. ..... c-.r. Comp11!1 U"' of •• OJI .-.... Ult! .... .... ,,.., • ........ ~ "' ... for Mid ''•'-· Fil.119l1t• l1llff Tlr11 ,t.•1lltbl1, rrk" 5t.t tit SJl.tl ,tvt f.l.T. fib1r9l11t Wid• Ow1l1 -S11P'r rr11'11i11111 - R1d i•I -Sport1 -S1rtd luttY - ...,... .. _T ....... 6 °"""'' ._ " -" ... "" .... """* '"' MIDw:~ " ~~-::,:,:--BERG'S DE_ L TA TIRES ·=.-n:.: , ,.. ,.._,," 1,...,. 141 E. 17th St •• Costa Mesa . 645-2010 ~""co..• D•llr ,..1101, l•11kA1111rlc1ul to,,..c,. lobl llt .. .,, Mt1t1t Clier1• rw. .-.. .. _,,..., ~, .. ____ ,oo_• .w.'."-"."'-••.•.•.•.•.•.•.--'.'.'.·•.•,. ____ J & •II Sl111 lr11ck Tlr11 • ~Sears Ask About Sears Convenient Credit Plam ALLSTATE PASSENGER Tire Cuarantee Tread Llfe Curantee Tread Weu-Oa1 Guarantud Ag1in1t: All· Guarantee failutts of tbe tire resuJt-Gaarenleed Ap.in1t: ing &om normal road hiu-·Tread weu-out • atds or defecrs io material t'or flow Long: The num- or workmanship. ber of months rpccifitd. For How Long: For the Wb11 1Sean Will Do: Jn life of the original tread. nchange for the tire, re- What Sean Will Do: Re-place i<, charsin& the CUI'-ptit nail puDaUres at DO rent rtgUlat telling price charJt. la use of f•Hurr. pha hderal EttiSC' Ta: in ucbange for the tire_ less tht': followi11& allow- replace it clw-gin& onl1 ance: the proponiOCl of current Month1 Rgular telling price plt11 Cuannteecl Allowance ttd...t ElciJ< T1r dlat 1219 24 10% ~rcxms and wed. 27 to39 20% -- ' SIZEl~I SAvslT~• Ir.LT. Tab"Je,. Bl-ekw.U1 . .,.,.,, ..... MO 1&95 69SxlC !S.9S .... 19.'6 13S:rl4 27.95 M9 20.96 77Sx14 29.95 7.49 '"'' 1.95 82Sx14 32.95 8.24 24.71 "' 855x14 35.95 &99 26. 146 5'"115 23.9S ... lT.96 1.52 775x1S 29.95 7.49 2146 1.99 TuM.ie.. Wliit.wUJ. """" 27.95 M9 2M6 l .56 695x14 28.95 , ... 21.71 1.13 73S.1' ..... 7.74 W I 1.87 775il& ..... .... '"'' ..,, 8!51.14 35.95 &99 ..... 111 855114 ..... "" 29.11 5'"115 ..... ..,, ...., 775115 ..... ... u.n ""'15 ..... .... ..... .... "'115 • !183$ lUO ..... 14' . - n ' Per T if-e, ' ' Monday, August 18th ' ' · and'.Tuesday, Augu:at 19th 95 . 650xlS Tubeleu Blackwalla Ph.., !.56 F.LT. AndOidn ... ,,,._--------------------.--------·--------------------, ..... ,...,,. ...... 2u11,. .... Oll-ltfl IOICaACNHl.S.0121 Mllwt-.=.w ' ~AA14All7~J11 . tCllLVQJol~llJJI I ~ ,_ SC.0..1 a...u CM a.1etM, a ....,,, a.~' '°'°AH J.5111 ~ m 1.11•s. MA '""''· Y\t ._.,,, l.'.lftA ..: h'lGt '4C11 MN4ll ,...,,. I I ~HI ~1511. Hr 2-»•1 t10U.'l"#ID09 HO ..,.,., C1UHOt 631.2100 """'" .1G«.A a •4711 "',w" '° .11.J.t•1, """"" I ~Jr6'0l11 ~CMIOIOllf.321 ~·114111, ~Jl-4)1 1 tOIJnlCOMl'P'tAUJ.l~l.U ~'1.f•lfll '------------·------~------____________________ , "htl&lact1onOUOfGnt11d1rYowMoneyBack• • .... ....... .......,........,, ......... u • ..,.. ........... , .. Mondly, August 18, ·1'69 DAil. f PILOT 21. 70,87 4 See· Broadway Joe .Rlay Flawle·ss Role· ·NEWHAVEN,CoM.(AP)-,f1'eotege beciU!' they were the s}'111bots.-tb6 belacg!d to Broadway Joe Namath, but uiree original mmi5"' of the club who the bows went to La.Ty GraAlham, Don ~·-of lhe)r, ri•w York Titan J\laynird aM Bill lllalhta. blt1Jirjght had been detil ... ed to the days '!bat's lhe way It was Sunday to the wben tile'Gllnls ruled the city. g;mtallNewYorkCitybadbetnwalltng And .RO\', .I~ the slea)nlJ>J drooslng more than three years lo see, as Namath room, qws ttio was enjoying the con. completed 14 of 18 passes for 181 yards q~· role. , and three touchdowns tn the Jets' S'1-l4 °1 dcin't waot' to bear tbey ditt.D't go out exhibition victory over lbe Gl!llts before t0 win,'>-·Gririllfam said ' sharply. ''They a crowd of 70,171. played .ajl · lhtlr · personnel· the whole But as soon as he entertd lhe Je.ta• game . .' We just JH:Oved .we have a better dressing room, Namath seemeil to cliib. ·~ -~ "-'l _ _._, - purposely retreat from the spoUiglit. . 'While1 the. v,eteran . linebacker spake mettculouo!y. shaving the <llltline$ ol h!o sQ.iply, M'aYnaid ailil. Ma!J>la prefemd nrw·h Manchu mustache while leaving ~ ~t ~Giants.down~~ ~ay, I ' Grantham, Maynard and Mathis:· to col-0 As far as I'm concerned," satd )ect &he bouquets in the center of the Maynard, "I gave lht!m $2$0 wt1rth - clubhouse. that's what '!'e get paid for an er.hibtion. '!bat ffiey ·did~ each being awafded ,a If ;t \1is •is,000, Jf might have been a dif· 1ame ~DDl-.ocl¥ le< their ellQ{ls .bill •• 1-t game. We would have bad a bluer .inpenUve." • · "People wba'know loothall ICCtpt UJ aa a· bettet team."' Mathll ~ted out. "But you know what Dave Herman aaldtlf ht asked, ,cboctllng aboGI ~ llidellne con- •-Wlth •the V-·l!Jll;d. "He to1" me: •caa ·you mqli>e what the ...,. . ....,14 be II we were playJnc for · $15,000.' .. Mathis scored two -· one on a two-y~ run. ai\d. the other m. the· end ol a :M>yard ~ 'fr<o!, Namath. and. Maynard was the ,Jeadln&. Jet receiver with four rectptiool f0f'1 u .yafds. \ But,it was Namath,. tuµy .'<lOgrur.ant ol the mWling-ol the>1airie ,to the thne, original!, · deipite the exhlblUon 1abel. who got the job·d- And coach Weeb Ewbank Indirectly ad· milted that Namath•anied the job to be thorough. . Floyd's Winning 35.footer Looked 2 Miles From Cup· DAYTON, Ohlo-(UPI) -Somet.im" a whole golf tournament boils down to just one shot -and that'! exactly the way it was for newly-crowned PGA champion Ray Floyd. Floyd, a wavy-~ired, 26-year-old bachelor whose obviously brimming con- fidence has caused him lo be called both brash and cocky, acknowledged today that the big shot, a 35-foot putt that.rolled downhill Into the 16th cup, didn't tun> out exactly the way he'd planned. "It looked about two miles away.'' said the Lake Havasu City pro, who gotoed the PGA tiUe with a 7t-2'(6 score that was one stroke better than the !iCOl'e of Gary Player, the litUe South African who had batUed bis way into Utlt contention despite being harassed a· day earlier by demonstrators. "Actually it was about 35 feet," F1oyd said. 0 It was downhill and I was hoping I could tw~tl" Floyd needed a two-putt g: re e n deaperately, becaust the cushy five- &troke lead he enjoyed at lbe start of the final round bad all but disappeared In the course of a rambling, scrambling round that he himself admitted "wasn't very good." On the 15th Player bad &liced Ult margin to a single stro~. And now Player was on the green putting from seven feet for a par. If Gary holed that. Floyd needed one putt to stay in front, two lo tie, and three putts would drop him behind. lnst.8ll be holed lhe JS.footer -ond Player '!!'It!!'! )\Is oev~~ooter. Floyd's lead~,.,. uv.e_ wltb$!!0 holes to go. "It was the best birdie putt l have evu seen ,anyone-make under pressure,'' Playert sai~. Player nevef quit -be blrdled the 17th to gain. one stroke., and then gained another with a par-on the 18th when Floyd bogeyed. BUI the bi& pu~ had jlooe him In. 'I1lere were no lncldenta SuOOay like thooe Sa-y When play WU dirSupted Buie Them 011t? six times wtlh· . demonstrations by members'of' civil rights groupa. Jee was tbroWn in Player's face alld he wa.s jostl- ed. in a met~ on ·the loth green. Ten persons arr-e.sted on disorderly conduct charges await t r la I in Montgomery County coort.~ Scores went higher Sunday than in ear- \IPITe ...... AAY FLOYD Angels Gun Fqr 4th Spot --~Tribe For fleeting moments Billy Cowon's fortunes rode a roller-coaster. And it made the Cleveland I~ dizzy. Cowan found himseli at the plate as a pinch-hiller i!f the eWbth inning Sunday with the California lnlets trailing the In-~~ ~nd ru#n at first and third. Ca1ifomia ?Gnqer Lt ft y Phillips flashed the f!AUeez.e bunt 11ign but Tribe pitcher Juan "Pizar:ro1crossed up Cowan by throwing one hl&h and outaide, well out of relch. Time for Strict Control A diac6nsolate Cowan could only lunge fuUI~ and watch as Jay Johnstone, the rumfer at third, was trapped and tagged 1,; the second out. , Of All-Star Grid Games tt's time for more rigid controls to be placed on the rash or summer all-star football games that call for the services of the top graduated high school seniors. Daryl Berg, called the best athlete ever produced at· Westminster High School by his coach, BUI Boswell, is one of the victims of tht exploitaUoo o( prep gridders. His right knee is currently in a cast and he's sweating out whether the Injury be suffered in Thursday night's Orange WASH essusu --~·••e•••U•• 9t.all• .... ,. County debacle will be temporary or permaneot. Apparently it depends on whether he tore cartilage or ligament u to the future pla~ing career of thte tremendous cOUege prospect. be cut out altogether. Leu radiSl)ll be- lievers feel th& game should be 1'11owed to go on but that no one !houkl be per· mitted ·to play in more than one of them. When you see a kid like ,Berg racked up before his college career begins, you have to feel ·that it is time for the: NCAA to step in and take stricter <:Ontrol meas- ures, maybe even cut out these con~sts. North Has More Pride Ken Moats. former star athlete at Runtlngtoe B<ocli Hip Scl!oof aad Or- ange Coast Co11ere, now fooCball coach and athJeUc dirf(:tor at the former, ~ last weet•s so-called North apset of the Sou~ peae.d ~U ba ·advaace or the 1ame. ' MHIJ bad observed -ll by bolb s14el u &bey pre:parH for tbe lftb re- l!eWIJ of tilt nm.mer Qrnge Coan'7 prep footbaU lbow. ADd lte noted Uuit there was aabetntlaUy more pride ud purpose dem-rated by the Ya9'a. "Eve:a put Nardi pla7en ·showed up at workoata. I aw Boogte CariUt (e-x- Anabelm )'pol bla armo 1"""'4! ... ol llll• year's atl .. tan. nd ~vt ltlm a pep talk after a practice ses1kln,'' Moala recalls. 1 But redemption was only a swing away. ,cowan ripped Pizarro's next pitch over I tho Jell field fence and the Angela claim- ed an uphill 7-3 victory. The Angels 8nd Indians conclude lheir four-game series lonJght with California's Tom Murphy, 7-11, opposing Steve Hllrgan, 4-10, A vidory, combined with a 103! by Kansas City, could move the Angels into foUrtb place in the American League west. a.av•U.MD (ALl,OllflllA eillrllrM _.r.,.. C:1rdWMt,. Jb 4 I T t Aloftler. 211 S f I t ~lvm. If 4 l I 4 S~r. 111 5 1 1 1 1"1111•r. 2b 1 t o o f'regosl, ,, l t t t SroyO;r, r;f 4 I J 2 Morton, tf l 2 I I T.Horlon. Ill 'l 2 2 f tc:.Telv"'· I' 0 t O O Herrellon, tf 3 I I t lltlcNrdr, If ' ! l 2 S1.....-c--~ 4 1 t A.t:l<:dr!guCl. :Ill I 4 I II tc:llmc:heck, 2b l 4 1 t Jor1111'-, ef l t t t C.mllll,:lb 1fOOA1c~,c •lt l L.llrown, as ( 0 0 • McGkll"lm, p 0 D D 0 Pio111,p 2000Ll.,,.s,pfl 1010 S.Wrtll•IM, 111 I 0 I 0 Wrlfhl, p 1 f f 0 P!11rrt, p 0 0 0 0 ll:IPOI, pl! I 4 D 0 Hlntorl. ph I 0 I I W\IMJm, I' f 0 I I Ntbon, IN' o o • I Von. p11 o 0 4 o Cow•n. rt I I I I Tottlt i5 ' t ' Totei. i.t 7 M 7 Cin.IW 220 029 000 -I C.llfol'T!le 02I HO fJk-1 e_ -Aki11'1er. S, WU1l11M, LOI -C:leYel...., ,f, C.lttoml• 1. ,. -SI"'--Sri~, ft~. Hit -Morlofl 111, 1t11et11n11 t nu, Her ... ~ 124), SOtrlc.,. CJI. Cowen (ti. 11 -Q!'OeMI. ll'MRll llto "'"' ,_,,, ~ , a , • $.Wiiii.iN 4 4 J J I , Pl1•rt0 (l.2·0 llJ 2 J J 0 0 McGlott'>fln 244221 Wtlo"I •Jttll Wlll'tellll fW,).11 2 1 II 0 0 t tc:.Telum I I I 0 • 0 S."" -K, T1tun'!. HI!' -by S. WllllelllS IFr.,.IJ. W1' -McGlolllll11. TlrM t:O. Atttr.Ml'C'e -1.on. ' , \/PIT..._.. SWEET SNELL OF SUCCESS -Matt Snell of the New York Jets takes a header as he is brought do.wn py Ray Hick! of ·the New York Giants while retunling a punt The Jets, behind ·the passing of Joe Namath, bombed the Giants, 37·14, ln their ex· hibition game at Yale Bowl. .Thunder, Not Blunder, RantS' Goal for Chwf s LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Kansas City Chiefs, ooe ol the top powers in the American Football League, are next for tht"-Los Angeles Rams here Saturday nigbt. ' In SUnc\.ay's er.hibilion acUon. the NFL AUanla,falcons -whipped the AFL BQston Patriols, 34-16 and the Dallas Cowboys edged the San"Franclaco Forty·Nlnen, 21>17 In t bat~ of NFL teams. In Sotuiday .. mes. San Diego (AFLl defeated O&kland (AFL), 16-?; New Orleans (NFL) downed Denver (AFL), 28-22: Kansas City (AFL) whipped Cin- ciMati (AFL), 23·7; st. Louis (NFL) defeated Pittsburgh (NFL), 2 7 -1 3 : Chicago (NFL) tripped Green Bay (NFL), l!l-t and Philadelphia {NFL} tririuned·Miami (AFL), 14-10. Coach" George Allen of the Rams, reflecting-today over the team 's loss · lo the Cleveland Browns Saturday night, 11). 3, ·could only hope for more offensive thunder -and less blunder. A crowd of 54,937 was on hand In f!femorial Coliseum and a few con- tributed a few boos as the Rams d i d many things. most of them wrong. "After beating the Browns six straight times maybe we figured all we had to do was show up to win," said Allen. Allen wa.-quick to note, however, that rookies were guilty of most of the miscues. Penalized during a 60-yard kickof£ return by Ron Smith to the Browns• 30 lat.e in the final quarter, the nullified play could have ignited · the Rams for at least a tie. It was a cold night for quarterback Roman Gabriel, who threw 27 times and completed only 11 for 111 -plus two in· terceplions. The second interception -and the !e- cond timely theft or the evening for Cleveland linebacker Bill Andrews -led to a clinching 31-yard field goal i:a the In Colonial Test last quarttr by Don Cockroft. The most disastrous interception, however, was charged to Karl Sweetan, Gabriel's backup man. Andrews out-jug· gled Pat Studstill for the ball and ran It back 50 yards for the g~ahead touch· down. Rookie D~vid Ray's 42--yard field goal in the second quarter gave the Ram$ a brief lead. It also gave the Rams their smalle6t.tot.al of points alnce1&be)'.loa:t to Baltimore in 1966, 17-3. Cleveland's coac)l, Blanton Collier, summed it up fairly well for bOth ·ie·ams. At this stage of preseason play, he point'ed out, it is the inconslstent play on offense that hurts -a problem developed by the mixture of the tested and untested talent employed. Hulme, Pearson, -Unser Bag Wins · Denis Hulme, At Unser and David Pearson padded their already healthy bankrolls in auto racing during · the weekend. Hulme, former world Grand Prl.x. champioo, sped to his third victory in the Sl mlliioo Canadian-American Chai· Jenge CUp series for sports-racing cars at Mansfield, Ohio, and picked up a check for $12,700. Unser. bard-luck guy of this year's In- dianapolis 500, won the 200-mile Tony Bett'enhausen Memorial race for USAC championship cars at Miiwaukee and was paid SlS,543. Pearson, aimi~ for a third NASCAR Grand National Title, won the rain·Short. ened Yankee 600 p-stock cm at Cam· bridge Junct4on, Mich. His $21,950 'che<:k boosted his purse mooey for \be season .. 1135,00S. Laver Tl1umps Rosewall FORT WORTH (AP) -Red·haired Rod Laver overpowered Australian Ken Rowewall 6-3 S-2 Sunday and won the eighth Colonial National I n v i l a t i o n Professional Tennil Tournament Th< victory, Rocket Rod's Clfth straight, earned him $3,000 and pushed his earnings for the year put S00,000. Rose-Wall, the defending champion, picked :up $2,000 for secood place. Laver, the world's top ranked tennis player and the 11167 Coloma! Utlia~ cloeed out the match with a lunging backhand cross court volley that caught RDsewall flat-footed. Laver, with the Wimbledon, Australian and French titles th!• year' goes arter his second grand slam In the U.S. open at Forest Hills, N.Y. later this month. No other player in history ever has won lwo grand slams. Bat Battalion Finally Awake; Dodgers Rest MONTREAL (AP) -lt would seem the Los Angeles Dodgers batting brigade finally got tired of reading about the team's mound corps and decided t<tknock out some headlines of Its own. Actually it all be_gan a week ago when pitching ace Don Drysdal< snnounced his retirement ilfter 14 major l:eague aeuorui. all with the Dodgers. He was the last of the old Brooklyn Dodgers to, journey west. On Friday night the club announced the acqui.iiUon of burler Jim Bunning from Pittsburgh to fllfthe vacancy. And that's when the rest of the club showed tbelr presence in a big way. They jumped on Montreal'• expansion Expos for nine runs. They must have Uk~ ed the idea .. 'nley repeated their act Sat· urday night, then , did it a third, time Sunday to climb closer to the top of the tcrambled National League West. •Los Angeles went to opposite extreme1 . to wlD tbe weekend • gafne:!ll, sewing up Saturday night's. 9-3 victory in the fll'St inning, then waiting until the final frame Sunday ro explode for ae.veD runs and another 9-3 triwnpb. The Dodgers were idle tDday. They open a ~game se~ Tuesday in Philadelphia. The weekend's· action left them jwt one game .behind front-running Cincinnati. Houston, San Francisco and Atlanta are au tJed for third, 21 off the pace. Maury Wills, who started the year with' the ExpOs, belted the' first grand-slam home run of' hls•career in the fifth inning Saturday nlght ·to deliver the victory to ' Dodger aoutbpaw Claude Osteen, 15-10. I.OS AfllOa&i.IS MOHTi•A&. 1llrllrillf ... ,llrillf Wltl .. 11 lTOO ,Cll,..,cf llt l Mole. If $ 2 I. l'Mlllpi,cf l 0 I. W.OaYl1. cf s I I ' ' Fatriv, lb • 1 2 1 P••k•r. 111 s 1 1 2 ,5111111, rl 4 e e o Cr1wlord, rf ~ 1 2 O M.JOtlC!I, If • O J o Sud1kll, ltl s 2 2 2 Ltboy, a> 3 t O I) Ht!ltr, c 2 0 I 0 S11lherllt'd, 211 J 0 I 0 Slr•n.r1, :b 3 I I 0 l<'llld. c 4 O O O si.111 .... P 2ooow1111,u l oo o Glbrlel.on, pit I O l I S~n. p J 0 0 O Grtllatkwltt, Pf' 0 0 0 0 J.ROflert'°"', p 0 0 0 0 Br-r.p 11100Mc0fM.P 1000 l411$'f,pfl '''' Tot111 )6 ' 10 1 rote11 • u J t f LO!o """''* 100 000, 101 -t Montr .. 1 102 000 000 -l e -w1111, Slldtkll. 1"11r1y. DP -la ..,...,_Its '· MontrHI .. LOii -los """"' .. MonlrMI •• 21 -Cllrie, Fetrlf ,M, J....,_ Pll'lctr. Hilt -CUne 1u. ,,,,,., u1, sw .. 111 nu. lft " • • ••• so Singer '•IJl2 1tr1wer (W."'5) l 1 I 9 2 J Stoften'll" (l,7.IJI I I 4 l 4 I J.ltoWrl.P:ln ' 113 f $ $ I I MeGIM 1/JOOOllJ HllP -by $10M""n (Sltemo,.), ..., ''""" (5ulhtlrlllnd1. W~ -5~11. Time -2:)6, oll• 1....0.lltl -11.$12. That verdict will not be known untll 1 the swelling goes down and complete examination can be made ••• probably Thursday. Berg was injured earlier this summer tn· another all-star fiasco-the innual North&ulh !truggle 1t the CclliseUm. Some serious thinkers believe tht all- ,;lar productions have gotten out or con- trol and that these summer ihows should ''Tile North 1111 ettablidled a WianlnC tnclitioo (elpt wt.1 11111 tries) ud bas built ap more ol aa esprit-de-corps," be coectades. ' ' . ftanu. Dra"' 141,000 Ram tickets may bt more precious t,han gold if George Allen't charges ha-Ve the great ,...,.. upected of them. When two elhibillon games can aUract 1'41,000, you know the Interest is there. Let the clUb win ilk fint two or th'ree n!gular gamts and Udell wUI be impossible to obtain. Hall Bags Another World Record IJ.owe Ailing Don l\QW:~ assistant football coach at Golden West College: and former major leagile pitcher wit.b the New York Mell, wia.s o]:ierated on Thuraday to have a boot "" chip removed from his left. elbow. ,f Tho -atlon WH performed by Dr. t 'f'nmk Jobe. Rowe ii expected to be hosp. llallied fOf' thrte days 1t Centinella -.Vall•y H~tal In Inglewood but wUI return In lime for the 19$9 football season. Br the wv. ducau tor the Ram.- due at Ana.helm Stadium are now oo sale. The Sop!. 11 clash will be the eshl· bWoo flnlle ond wUI be held al 5 p.m. so (he true grid fanatic can. set up to Ole Coliseum In time for l~t ume day's 4 o'clock $how l:jetween OCLA and Oregon State. ' ' Big A tlcketa are reamed, priced at M-3 bucks. LOUISVILLE CUP!) -Gary Hall ol Garden Grove set hl11 third worJd record in lhe current l'iaUonal AAU awtmm!ng •nd diving champlonabfps Sund•y J!lghl to sbare the «potligbt with -~ record aellm Debbie Meyer tncl Mite Burton. Tolll lltwltt of Corolll de! Illar mi-I her bid for a tblrd straight natlontl Uti. In the 200 butterfly deaplte tyJnc her Amttlcan record of 2:22.0. t,yM Colella of Seattle won tn·J :l!.1 on a bJ.Uot decilk>n over Ellit< Daniel or PNIS<lelphia, who WU crtdlted with • 2:21.S clocking but 103t out ori judges' decisiOn. Hall swam the JOO.meter individual medley In 1:09.1, one second under the pnvious world mark se~ by Chcirlie Hickox one year ago: Hall previoualy had broken records. i'n li.t 2 o O -m e t er backstrokt Thursday and the 40().meter Individual medley Friday. MIN Meyer and Burton, set the.Ir m•rka in the women'• and men's 11500-- me~r ft;~:yle events. ' Burton wat clocked in 16:04.4. 4.t -1111der hla world recoril stl a j w ago. The 22·year-old UCLA student cllm~ ed out of the pool a disappointed record setter. He bad hoped to go, W}der 11 minutes. M1ss Meyer, doggt!d every &troke or the way by her teammate Vicky King, eclip&- ed her own world record b)' 11.3 seconds to finlsb in 17:lt.t. The 17·year.()ld Otym. pie heroine finished Just a tenth of a se- cond &bead of her Ii-year.old friendly rival. _. , . Don ~avens of the lm Anlj:eles Athletic Club churned to an Amtr1can r~d In Iha man's 100-mcler liteslyle In 62.5, .. shading the old mark by .... tenth. The wocnen11 100-meter f~tyle was woti by Sue Pederson in 59.7. Lynn VidaU"ol tbe Santi ClJtl, ~swim Club captured tbe women'• 200 meter b dlvldual medley in 2:28.2. • Hiii recei>ed I b • Robert l\li>ftutlt award as the men's leading polnt•getlt!' in the meet. 1116 Klpbulb award1 named for the famous Yale swimming coach, for, women went to Miu P~. Air Force lleuteoont ltll<kl Kini of Loi -Af\8eles won her fecond diving Utft1 of th• m~ wben &he captured the -:omen's plpilform event. ' I. I • \ - M"'"1°, Au,uit 13, 1969 Labor·~ Day Means· Just That for Rustlers 11 HOWARD L BANDY or .. DllllY 'llM SI ... scrimmqe at Gltnd1le ln 1n lnfonnal at-st.artlna role on oUeme. fair aod on the foUowin& M.0Dd1y1 cllsa Defenalve)J"tbe club will haYe 1 middle Labor DaJ may be a bolJday for moot pe,..i. but for prospectl,. football play. en at Golden West College it will mun just whit the name lmptles -LA B 0 R with 1 capital "L''. Head coach Ray Shackleford has pro- mised an upected r~ turnout of m ... lhan IO be will conduct drilb three times daily during the fint week of prac- Uce. room work will bectn-patd, a tackle, an end, two llntbacken Ten ol tile 30 lettermen ntumln( for and a bolfblck retuming lncludln1 Mil<• the squad tblJ year were first rtrina Jonu, all-conference nm team aelectJoo plaf'<• last 1eaaoo-four on all-and at the guard pott alooi wilh oecond tum lb from the defensive unit. --alkon!er-hallback Noel Paubon. Flanker back fulger Parkman. a sec-Other defenalve returneea include : Blll ond team all-conference selection last Tbomhill and Davld Graven a t season. I• the lane backfield candidate linebacker; Bob Serowick at erid; aod returning. Pete MarlndJ. who played Mlke Rico at tackle. center in 1958, will move to an offenalve Sbackleford bad a JJpecial lntereet. Jn Ke will call the aquad together on Sept. tackle poat wllh both guards r<tumbl& -the Nortb-Soulh hifb achoo! All$tar I,at I 1.m. and follOw up with aeaai~ at I p.m. and qaln at I p.m. for th& first rive dl)'L On Saturday the club wW Paul Raippuini and Kurt Krueser. game Thursday night as be wstched four Billy Wilson, a aecond llr1ng center la!t ph1yers who have si:&n1fled their ln- ltUOO. ia eJpectld to move into a \enllom of attendin& Goklen West. Sporu Clipped Slwrt 'roomey Sets M·ark;. Andretti Twin Hurt LONDON -Olympic declthloa champion B i 11 Toomey of Laguna Beach set a world record in the pen-- tathloo during an invitaUonal meet at CrystAI Palace Satur- day when ht ~ 4,W points. The mark bettered the previous best record of 4,016 points by Kurt BendJin of West Gemwly in Mardi, 11115. His world mark in the pen- t a t h Ion c ame with performances al 21 feet, 101> inches in the long jump, 217·1 In the javelin, 21.3 in the 200 meters. I~ In the discus and 4:02.3 for the 1,500 meters. Toomey won the Olympic gold medal at Mexico In the decathlon last year with a total 8,193 points. ......... DES :tifOINF.S, Iowa - Two drivers, including the twin brother of Indianapolis 500 winner Mario AndretU, were hospitalized Sunday night with injuries suffered during Iowa State Fair auto races. Fair ofHdals said Aldo AndreUi, %9, of Indianapolis and John Sugges, 32, of LltUe Rock, Ari., were injured in separate accidents during th e comolaUon Jeature to an IM· CA sprint car lest. Andrelti was listed i n serious condiUon with head in- jury after his car plowed into a fence while swerving to miss a spinning auto. Sugge.s suffered a shoulder injury and severe lacerations when bis car collided with one driven by Johnny Johnson of Independence, Mo. ......... SAN CLEMENTE -Pf'!si· dent Ntsoo telepiloned Arnold Palmer during the weekeDd to console the gOlf pro on his withdrawal from the POA tournament. Nixon, who played goli Fri· day, Saturday and Sunday. reached Palmer at h,is borne in Lat.robe. Pa., aod told him fans were rooting for his return to the PGA circuit. Palmer was forced I o withdraw because of a rWlr- rent hip ailment. ......... Denny McLain was tagged for R e ggi e Jackson 's 43rd home run in the first inning, U1en sett.led down and became the major leagues' first 19- game winner as Detroit pou nd- ed Oakland M in baseball ac· tion Sunday. ... ... ... W ASll1NGTON -Pitcher Dave Boswell of the Minnesota Twins wa. fined a.n "un- di.scl05ed amount" for hil first fight with manqer BUly Martin and teammate Bob Allison in Delrolt Aug. 6. ......... HAVERFORD, Pa. -Mrs. Margaret Sm i th Court of Australia dQwned Britain's Virginia Wade, 6-4, 6-4, to ca~ ture the women's singles tiUe in the '10th Pennsylvania Lawn Tennis Championships. ......... WIMBLEDON E l i e Nastase of Romania beat England 's Mark Cox, J.6, 6-l, 6-4, 6-4, to give his country the Inter Zone Davi s Cup cham· plonshlp and the right to meet the U.S. in the challenge round next month. ... ........ DAYTON, Ohio -The Uni· led States' ti.man Ryder CUp team will include 10 first·llme members when it plays Great Britajn in England in Sep- tember. The only members of the squad who have played in Ryder Cup competition before are BUJy Casper and Gene Lit· tier . The rest of the U.S. team wiU be composed of Frank Beard, . Ltt Trevino, Jack Nicklaus, Dave Hiii, Tommy Aaron, Dan Sikes, Ray Floyd, Ken SUll, Miller Barber and Dale Douglas. ......... IRVING, Tex.-Jt appears the 70lb U.S. Women's Ama· teur cbampiOMhip will be Tbe four plly•n drawlna the lilcnlloo al the llwlller coocbln& llall include: Toey 8"'well, quarl<rback fnlln 11\m- tlng!Oll Bflch; Andy v..._, tackle and Uneblcker trom Marina i Mike Qu.Jm, defenalve end from ,La Quinta ; and Dco Hellion. 1 apUt end from Mat.et Del. Newest member of the fOUM1ll.D coaeblnt ltaff, Gene Farrell. comes here from El Rancho higll. Farrell played junior college football aa a teammate of Shacilelord al Compton. Ironically, the other two-wiatant coaches likewise played together under one of the most succtlUful trtumvtratet of junior college coaches in the blslor)> al lhe "'°'Yur llCbooll -Fred HOO'ttt and Dcp 11ow .. All lour played Wider Tay JllOlm u head coacb wllb Cbuck Wllllama and K .. CarPtnltr "'"inr .. ulblanla. Playllla in the Sou1betn Calll""11 Conference this coming a e 1 1 on , Sblckelford loob to &all Loo Angelea Husldes u the ''team to beat" for the U· tie. Four pracUce carnet lncludinC a tough s e a a o n . opener with a bitter rival Orance Coast Cl'l 3eP'· 20, will preface the five league pmu with a bye on Oct. 18 &ePIJ'lllni the lour "°°'ltque tilta fnlln · tbe five that count fm" a poalbla state 16Bowlers Eye Berths In Finals Time 11 running out on the lg.man field left in the 196~ match game eliminaUons at Kona Lanes. And It looks like it will be a five-man fight tonight to gain the four spots in next week's round-robin flnals . Roland Alexander sti ll holds the top spot, but his lead is a precariOUI 21 pins over second place Lamar Keck, the defen. ding champion. Marty Anderson is another 32 plns back in third place. In fourth, 111 pins behind A1ex- ande r Is Mike Su.vu, but he's only 30 pins ahead of Dale GleM, who's battling !or a berth In the flnala. After that there's another t~lus pin drop to the next bowler. The Orange Coast area's . two competitors are way back in the field and their chances of matinl the I.op four appear dim. Fred Ricci.Iii of Westminster ls 12th and Dick Braasch of Fountain Valley ii 15th. Both art more than 400 pins behind Seaver's current fourth-place total. Negro t.:levens To Play in LA . Statz to Manage Halos Vs. Oldtime Dodgers wig::;:;~,!dL:~.'!f·~i~; Close laekpot Battle -the first foreigner to win LOS ANGEl.ES -Two of the naUon'a strongest Negro college football t e am s , Grambling of Louisiana and Alcorn of J\.1ississippi. will meet In Memorial Coliseum Sept. 12. 'Ibe man who has played more professional baseball games than anyone else will be back for another one at Anaheim Stadium S u n d ;i y (Aug. :II). He ls Arnold (Jigger) Stal% who, for JI out of 24 active seasons, was Mr. Ba5eball in Loo Angeles. Ills major-minor carttr covered 3,473 games, 2,790 a.s an Angtl ouUl.elder in lhe Pacific Coast League. outside the ·park and batted for the cycle as the Angels defeated San Franc::lsco lo.ti. For three PGL seasons, Statz had more than 500 putouts in. center fi eld and one year posted a Htldlng average of .99'1, only two errors in 602 chances. He played with a unique glove, cutting a hole in the centu and leaving the palm bare. Statz had 200 or more hits in 10 dUferent seasons, once get.- ting 291. ms eight-year major league career was with the Giants., Red Sox, Cubs and Dodgers. the tournament in 33 years Skjpper Gary Bellinger (center) of "the Newport.er out of Art's Landing checks with a ~and-2 victory Satur-out a close battle for jackpot honors. Bob Thornton (right) of Cost.a A-1esa won day over Shelley Hamlin of the pot with his 10-pound 5-ounce bonito, just edging Art Mace of Balboa Is- Fresno, Calif. said she plans land, who caught a ID-pound 4-oUIX:e sand bass. to quit international com· -------'----'...----------------------- petition. ......... PHIU,DEl.PH!A -Two c~ws from Philadelphia's Vesper Boat Club ••on cham· pionshlp events Sunday at the National Regatta on the Sc huylkill River's H e n I e y rourse. Vesper came from behind to win the four-oared shells without coxsw ain o v e r Stan· ford . Calif., Crew Associa· tion's entry and gain a trip to the W o r I d Champ ionships Sept. 11·14 at Klagen(urt, Aus. tria. Hogan Has Tantru1n, Still Is Victorious tournament, had to stage a dramallc comeback from mat- ch point to pull out a 6-1, ~7. 8-6 victory over Pam Teeguarden of Los Angeles. Handicap Drag Title To Howard The contest will be a benefit for the Urban League of Los Angeles. Los Alamitos Entries P• Mtt'IUT, A111. 11, 1N,__...,. Dtl' Clllr I P1f'I. P'lnt P•I 7:4t "·~ Dtullll .,, UI a t~f ll•c.t Qullllllll .., tlll ll•ct NOEL PAULSON Defenaive St•ndovt SJ!Hdlt ,.-IV fl!f,111ml Sltlrley 11: ... lle !SlePel Sti r Gvin:I Jl lltvl OU.n Flocktt fMotrl1) llllll!Ot VIiion (Hlr!J "' '" '" "' "' Because of. his Jong and distinguished c::areer with the Angels, it was only fitting that Statz was selected lo manage them in the first Oldtimers Game Sunday against the Dodgers. H1s ta.ye ar Ange l average was .315 and he also was one of the game's greatest cent.erfielders. Slat.z' managerial opponen t will be Hall of Farn er Roy Campanella, whose Dodger roster includes a n o th e r member of Cooperstown's Shrine, Jackie Robinson; and a pitching staff of Sandy Koufax, Doh Newcombe, Carl Erskine, Clem Labine, Ed Roebuck. Joe Black, Hal Gregg and Johnny Podres. BROOKLINE, Mass. (AP) -Chauncey Steele III of Cambridge, playing be(ore an enthusiasUc c r ow d on his home court at Longwood, rode a booming service and shar p all·around game to a stunning 6-4, S.3 UJ)6et of top foreign seed Tom Koch of Bra:iil Sun- day in opening-round play at the 89th annual U.S. Na tional Tennis Championships. i\t one point in the third set, l\fiss Hogan flung her racket after losing a crucia l point, and it went into a group of people where it either grazed or just missed a female linesman. San Diego's Chuck How•rd walked home with the largest purse ever paid Jn handicap drag racing Saturday night, $1 ,000, at Orange County International Raceway. f'OUllTK ltACI . iWO yer'111. 3 ,_I r Only 'Hall of Famers Stan ~1usial and Ty Cobb are close to Statz in number of games played. Musial appea~ in 3,329 games, 3,026 in the ma- jors. Cobb was in 3,196 wittl 3,033 In the majors . SLaU now 7t and a resident of Laguna Hills, bad one of his biggest days at lhe opening ol Wrigley Field. Sept. 29, 19t5. He hit the first home run SOFT SELL SAM Box and reserved seats are on sale daily at Anaheim Stadlwn, United California Banks in Orange County, Mutual Agende,,, Buffums Department Stores a n d W1llictls Music City. By Manin Myen ~Cl*lf TO THINK OF nM]_E llfA MJl'iORITY GR()()p "'"°* CAR IS PA ID FDR/ • Baseball's ..-;>Top Ten Alr>llllCAJt llAOUI! , .. .,., C ... 11 • Al a M !'ti. C1rew lr>l!n '1 J6.I 111 11' .117 11..Smllll l lll lo.I olD6 711 IM .l'.'lt Ollv1 Min 110 ~Sol 66 ,..,. .:m F 11ott1n...,,, s.1 11' 615 •1 Ill .no ~t01 l>n 111 lTt " lll .JI! "-11 111 117 6:111 ., ,,. .J(IJ l l1lr 111 Hf M ft 151 ·'°' c•1•-• NV 115 61'11 • 1• ,,.. 11uton1 .. 1 1os HO '' n o .1'5 1' .HOw1nl W1J U2 44 IS 132 .1tt '"""" ..... •• JIC:k ..... 0.-ll lld, 'l ' "'· 14- •""· W1111!Mlel'I, lll ,._II, 11111-mart, 131 Klllebf"IW, MlnMHta. :121 Yirtrnm.111, t1111t1n. l!. ..... ••"9111 ,,, "-"· fl1mmo,., 11191 K!llebr...,,. M\n,.tc1h, 16'1 It. J.0,Mlft, OM11fld, ... I P'. H-11d, W111'1l"'llln' N I Y ... ff"ft<!'l•I. I01111f', U . "11dlh•t 1tOK11MM McN1!1,, l!l•lllmort!, 11·t ·'"' "1\. l'IWf. t11111""°"e, 11.1, .'41 Melt I,,, o.trelt, IM, .1601 l"lloftlus, ll1!timo-., ., .... 7J01 OOom. o.l<l1nll, l'-S. ,JJ11 J, ""'"' Ml""""•· 16-11 .TJI. NATIONAL l l AOUW "la"r CIVIi 0 1111 It 14 h i. Cl-Iii ,..., 100 Jl't II lll .1$1 C.JonH N'I' 111 .. 11 1~ ..lf-1 • .,., (In 1111 011 t i l.. .lll s .. ,..11 ,..., 101 '71 " us .lP A.Jiii'"''_, (In '1 lU t t ll'f ,Sll M,...,..,, hf! 111 JOt 11 16' .1lJ s...oi c in lot "' '' 111 .JJI "etK (/ft '" 451 ., 151 .l30 MC(_., SJ' 1111 MO .. 111 .HI 14_,..,.. At! llf Jilt 1' U1 .)II -·-~. Se.ti ,.,.lldoce. J61 l-""t¥. C""'-"· :1111 14 .... '911. Alltnllo, HI "9rfl· OftclMltl, ,,, •. Allrfl. P'l'llll- ...-i11, !J. ·-. ..,,., .. .. ~. Cf'tluff. .. / ,., .. !, (lllClfto ... o. '11 ~. 1111 f"r1nc!1o1:0, '11 l,. Mil'r• Clftdlwwll~ "I l lnkl, (Ill• u... ''· "lft'll'"' 11 0.Chi.M klme, Cl'llttH. lt-6. .IJG1 Mt-rro!1, ''°""'"'°II, 1).J, .J1'11 t-•111111, S1. l•'"' 1). .. ,n 11 $WV•I, N-'(Of1t, U•J, .1011 C.,rwllo <ltltiN'llt1, U•S. ,,,., Patti Hogan of UCI survived her nrst-round test. Miss Hogan. toth ranked In the United States and the se- cond domestic seed in the The 1§..year-old Californian said later she was "just fed up" with her play at that point and had no intenUorui: of hit- ting anybody. How TI1ey Stand Art1ERICA.N LEA.GUE Easl Dtvlalon Won Lost P~ GB Baltimore 84 35 . 706 - Detroit 67 51 .568 !Sii Boston 63 56 .m 21 New York 61 SI .SOI 23 '1. Washington 61 61 .400 2414 O/eveland 50 72 .410 35~1. West Dlvl1lon l\1irmesota 71 48 .597 - Oekland 68 U .581 2 Seattle 48 6t .410 ti Kansas Cky 48 70 .407 22"2 · Calilornia 46 69 .400 23 Chicago 46 74 .383 2512 Sllwfll"I ....... .. 11'-e IJ, SMlfil J ll .. !l)fl 1 .. ,, 1( ..... , (lty , .• C•ll'°"'lt '-Clwlllncl I O.,llnd f. Qlolroll &. 11 1Mlfte1 ~ S. NN 'fart: ' Wllflllllttfl 6, M"'-1t S ,......,... ·-"' l 1lltf!llr1 '-5-ttll I ••ton 1, 1t-.c1,., • Q lf'f-111 7, ClltYttt"' • 0.troll f, 0.kiaM • ,..,. ., ... s. Otktte t MINftllt j. W19111"'1 .. ), l J 11111--T ... Y't 0. ..... e.a111~ tl'1im.r 11·)1 t i lttnlt ll Nnt'I '''" PllOhl Clii~lllld ("t rttn .. !ti •I C•lllto1· nit IMv,..,1 1.111, ni.Pi• ....... '!'r.tt: (Stat!i..tlyl't 1f •tl 1! 1(1_, c1,.., ''"'""'t' f·tJ, ~r~1 M+-..-it (~II U•tl 11 l •llln rc11i. u .u . ni1~1 NATIONAl. l.EAGUE Eut Dlvt1lon Won Loi\ Pct. GB Chicago 15 45 .05 - New York 66 51 .~4 11.2 SL Louis 87 !13 .558 8 Plllabw'ifl 61 58 .521 1111 Phlladelph1a 48 10 .407 26 Montreal 38 83 .314 37-h \\'e1t Dlvl1lvn Cincinnati 14 50 .Mil - Los An5eles 6S ~ .551 I Houston 64 SS .538 2 ~~ S. Francisco 64 SS .538 2 ~ Atlanta 66 :t7 .~7 2~2 San Dlc~o 35 85 .292 32 SltvrMy'I 11 .. Yllt Cl'lk-J , Siii l'tltKIKO I ('11(!1111111 5 ... lltibur9'1 2 S! LG1.1l1 t, ~19"'9 I '1111-•"* 7, Houtttn • l .. A--. '· Montl't•• 1 "'"' """ 1·t. Sift 0 ...... 1 ........... It"•"' itri Pr.nci.c. •1, Cl'lkffe l-J ,..,,., ..... e. Clnc:!IWM!I I St. Lwll J, Alllo1111 1 Nw1,_,, J, 1'1111 ... l!Dfllt I L• AntMt f , Mlnfl'MI I Hw Yett; W. 511'1 OltM 1·1 T'Mty'1 ··-'!l'*l'ffl twellctr 1-11 ll C111d1to ~ (Afr ... ,4). llltfll 'rlNYlf'• •• ,,.,.. ''" l'r1nc:IKO "' ,...... y ... -. ni.i.t Stn Dleee 1l Mtflll'MI, Plftlll Loa A""'81 11 1"11)~!1. 11111'11 14-ltln 11 Plltlbulfft, llltftl AllaPllt fl Cll!Cffll Clntlll!Mtl 1! SI. Lw lt. 111t~t More than 200 drivers en- tered the handicapper's cham- pionship and Howard emerged the winner, defeating Pete McCarthy of Riverside in th'! llnalll for the lop pri1e. He was driving a near stock t!!M Pl)'ll10U1b and hil be!t elapsed time of the night was 14.64 seconds. Jay Gage of Wilmington cooiinued to dominate the in· jected funny car dlvlslon as he de!eated Dean Leavengood of Glendale in the finals. Gage had the low elapsed tUne of lhe meet, 9.'n 9et'Onds, while Leavengood posted the night's l!IWlltest speed, 142.85 miles an hour . oldt •nd 1111 !n Gnodt A Ntlnu1. l'uri.t 117 SlJDO. ll'G Nl!Odltllt !A<:l1lrl 110 T~ I ll Min llkittem) 1\1 l.,.,,1,...,, (1C1nlt1 110 Mlrk Mt °"*" [Wrl ... 11 n o 11111•1 11.""°"'1 11 11n~11 110 ll-r"• """"''' owr11 117 R~I C1nd'I (Flkl'llrdsl 110 Slwn S!•awt CW1IS011) l!J c i.nv lonl Tlll'M C..111 lllltvl '" >M '" '" '" '" '" '" "' '" tlCOND •ACI. Cl& Ylrdt. 3 .,...r llMI 1Nll "" Ill Gt1lllol I l'lus. l"utM ~IP'TM FlACI!. l50 y1ntl. ! "" I UDl/I, Seat! GI,...,. (l rlnk!n-1 ,_.,.,.. Dff«lrl• ISLIMI T,.... t kle S.... flMCMll) Dii i f'lll ,~,, Min Su .... Ou1 IC.,.11) Ml.II ~-Ollcll rw•IMlll Sim •1vt !It lllMI) ttlLI T-IA•l•) Wll'll I'm A Tlltln (!Ctnltl oldt. l\ll..w1nuJ. l>une UlOO. 116 Mll<ln llr no The llVMI"' en. tMl!rl l!l l..av tlMlnl ·IS rtllllln") 116 Go llkt Jtt !W•ltoll! HI S!lct; Jlcl 111 l•o 1111 Ol1I ((11'110111 ,,, 11..tYn ltW! Doll llllcl'ltn:l1J 111 l ltHt Con~ IL~) 117 ""-'-11 G11'1t !Mon'IO >M '" "' '" '" "' "' "' '" .. TMlllD •.t.cl. t!IO ,..,.._, Meldlll 1 SIXTH •ACI. lJG '!llr'lll. I.,.., dch •nd Ull. Clllml"'. !'Uri• G'IQO, C!1lm- lnt 11rlot SUOO. ,.., .. .,. ...... _ 111'00. 5119111 su ... fltr!llllJ Mr • .._ Ill t1lllol ""· llttll OM*. fl rlnklnl 5-/CY Codr!ioll (W-) Tlfl¥ TllUdl 114 Crwtlt"I "' >M ·~ '" "' SI""'" lluU (W1!-I CMdt ...... lt !Mllr\ lUIY\Pll W jSm!lll} '" "' m "I Ocean Fishing Report LM G,..M !lhf1tm! Mr. Olo Torw (II. 9•M1) M1rii; II How IK•nbl Gold tntot (H1!1I " '" "' llVINTK lACa. 110 w rdl. ! ye1r okh 11'111 "'· CLllmlnt. Pune anoo. Clllml.,. Jlfkl! UOOO, MllMOS.t. t t &CM-,, t"'lt~1 HJ ANI i..., .. llool!OO. 1 l'llllbvl. U.M Oll'llO (!'!. L • 111 I • JI & M. ,....,_ •• ltlfl1t11 -t• 1ntllrt1 I , .... Cott , 2' ttlltwlt ll, I \llutl'ln luM. 17 llltrKUdl, '1 llolllllo. 1 ""'"• WI l>H1. SANTlll MOMICA -1ti lltlltfll tit """' 10 llclnlft. J1 1111111111, f ..., • r1rodl_ .. 111uo11• cov• -u• .,..*., 111 rott flsl\, .:..S NII, .. llMltt, 6 1'1•1111111. »JI CllMIMTt -,,, -ltn1 1,ta ""'"'" )l1 111..._ U lllrrtcloldl. I hlllbo.lt. • 't'l""°'911. "'" "'°'o ftblf at. ~, -14 -11n1 • n 11ow11n, 1' 11trr~1, tlt e.ltc. -.. ... ' 1111111111, ,. lll!lltot, tt1 bluil btu, M Nd: fhtl, 1...,..'I ..........,, -llJ -ltnJ 11 Y'tllerwl•ll. Ml '-l'l'tC.1411, 1.:2)1 111111. l IWllMM, Jtl -OJl:NAllD -pt •Plf1'11 : TJot '-"'• ' 1•1 .....ii.. • r.-cl. (911. ti llt"""L ' 111:::;;::i.T 10-f'I Ltitill') -241 •fllltnl 1ff tMrr~ I.art llDll!to. 1,0it bin, It r«11 toll, I ... lllMlt. !Arri LHllll11tl -n l •11th>n1 ,,. lolttKvM, l H-bellll'O. \,HJ Mu. 17 rwkflll'lo I llt llbvl, MOlllO IA'r f'llr9't ....... , -td •ntlln 1 11 M!lllul, 1M ll"f Ad, 1.t71 rodl ~-. (Pt. Mlomil -'° t l'lllltral ,. 1111 .... Gibbl!1 Sllucll 'Im 1• t1~11 ,.,.~ ... t-(,,,,1111) Ul!(lt lhlfl'lo !l,.,,_I ll"""'1'1 LI ,_ IMon'lll TGllY'I s..tfbiH IAdt!r) "tc111c; $!0"" (1(1nl1) .. 1111 Mlldlo ·~ '" '" "' "' '" '" '" MINTM •&Cl. l5ll Ylr'lll. .. '"-' .... •ncl I.IP tn Cirde A .... """" ""' Cit Oukk (It •• ,..,, t•• '"' l1r !1t1111f,) Sod1 .. m .. r lAcl1lrl Dv1,., lli:lcll .. , (Wf!Mlll S"'6 A l• (Al'fdlq) 01• Vtll (M.tltltdlll Mld'ftT M!lllt !C•*"I Oll~~l l""""'I ,_., 1>ot1 (W!l-1 Cf!'• Oft l>tdt IM4nl11 '" "' '" '" '" '" "' "' '" "' --.. . . . . . . . Se••orr Progratta· ~ @-• -'Joy ~ at Open End DAILY l'llOT 2S Boulevard, Disappointing " ' No Glii mor for Touri.sts at Holl ywood a,,d Vine "class" ~ in Holtywood. When they pze arqund, Uiey After Wilcox Avenue, quallly ,.. ,J>!Ppiel trylnl! to e•rn pol <leocends. Then ""°"" • "-Y 'by, HUin& the· ~ d,..ary procession of dtacounl An 1 F p t'•bt tituaUon became aaM. "The problem.1 : Well, 'ti,.,. "1" 1.100 run1way Juveoilos ia \bl Holl)'Wood 1rea 11 &II 'lbeatrlcal el\J>Orl"""'. with the added touch .of what the producers call 'the llilmple joys or tensory etperience" ls on tap for Orange Coast au· dtencea 11 Newport Beacl!.'a Qptn End 'nl•ater presents Us first prodUctfun of the aeaS(ln, oponin1 Friday. "Joy: A Semory Celebra- tlon" will play Friday, SatuJI. day and Sunday fot: two weekends at the theater, 281$ VWa Way, Newport -Beach. Performances are scheduled for 8;30 p.m. op Friday and Saturdays and 7:30 p.m. Sun- By-THOMAS Hoili.YWOOD (AP) -A policflnan who patrols the B,outevard tells it this w-.y: ..The touri~' biggest disap- pointment is the corner of HollywoOd and Vine. They come there and see the ..Broadway Department Store and llody'1 Reslaurlllt and the ReiaJJ Dnlj . aiid Uiey aa.y. 'This ii It?'" atores, •UTPI"• oulfi'· -'••· ge ., ll" r.w; ,. . -"' •~-ponied boys wltJi m&Pup and out.-of·buslneas aalu. health bleached , ~alr; ZuJu-haired food ! t 0 re 8 • pomogr111phy gurus in,. outfits that macer standa, crange juke counters, beUef. Um ... 'and quite., ... ., _ gravltal• 10 the l\O'!!<•ard •. ---1 There art the ·hipple1 who con· The gl"OOvieat lil1 pad aOoet. today the greateat garb evtt. yoa•It flip Jr. High9-., Sean ie 7oar b ag ••• yoar aizes. ONLY for J OU 6J to l~ . .\sk about Sean Charm School. ACROSS 1 8eyond the usual In sizt 5 "-·· 11 nd out!'' ' 'Call 14 Track tvtnt 15 That wh ic h Is destintd 16 Fork featu1es 17 Part of GreatBritahr. J words !' Man's namt ,20 )(ind ol sk.ate 21 Fact: Slang 123 Instrument 24 P1 rt torri and left hang lnq 12' Comr1.ess~s by b ting ;~8 Roman ruler of old Ill -Edward lsl1nd ''S Two or three·---; S. Amer. t' 1111mmal: / 2 wo1ds :40 Grecian theatre 41 Pier made by thickening a wait 142 Row dy pe1 son 144 Stage Instruction 145 An lm•I 1ssocl1ted with a holid ay 2 ' • .. 70 " Sliop MondaJ th ... Satonlay 9:30 A.M. to 9:30 P.11. IEJ.BI, itOUOCS UD 47 Coal production center 49 Customary practices 51 Steeps 52 Phrase en legal docume.nt: 2 WOl'dS 54 River lo the St. Lawrence 59 Prepare for boxing match 62 Coin of , USA and Canada 65 Dine at home: 2 words bl> Man In charge of a jet l>B Aid in dlgtstive process : 2 words 70 Vtnl 71 Extent of su1face 72 Augury 73 Pronoun 74 Coin 75 T•ke it easy DOWN 1 Public command 2 Tur kish Commander 3 Land body • Dishonest person 5 Poslticn on a TV dial Ii Slrtn of th• '20s 7 Grttnland village 8/18/1>9 8 Entyme 38 Untaft found in 39 America's k idntr Elias or , LOCI Can tda 's organizatian : C.O .•••• Abbr: 43 Numtr ital lD Slopes prtf11:. 11 Al the 46 Hcwevtr very ltast 48 Flower 12 -···miss 50 Downcast ll Laborer of ~J Culti vattd Old England shrub 18 Unlocks 55 Kind of 22 Kind of code drum 25 Count, on Sb "One• 27 Pl;iyer in upon··-": an open 2 words tourn11ment 57 Sly 29 Horse color •rtlllces 30 A di fferent 58 In reference cne to 32 Btlng the 59 Barbecut nea1esl implem~I 33 Series of bO Interject ion l oops of disdain :!~ Br ing: Sp. 61 And JS Prohibition 63 Bog 3& Burden of ti• Kind of proof num brr 37 Device for 117 Ltlltr healing 69 En joy a liquids repast • day. The production, a ~first Jor Orange Counly theatergoers. is unusual in several ways - there Is no aaipt, the actors don't really act and the au· dience is taken tbroq&h the theater one by one. Acoording to Walter K. . Coas t-Pair- Featured on Tonight TV Phelps, dlrtttor of the pro- duction, "We're even asking Two local prc>fesaionat ad· them to take off their shoes." ors, both currently Wfonning Labeled more as an e1:· in seyarate• stage productions perlence than ·a traditibnal on the Oratfge Coast, will be theater production, ''J0y" is featured tonlght on •a special primarily an experbnent in pilot for proposed television the audlern:e-"rformer rela-series. . tionship. It· features sensory The hour.Jong show is "Tiger, naer." to be aired experience, m u s i c , en-a vironment and/encounter with at 7:30 p.m. over KNBC, Chan- lhe 'per£9f(Ders.' nel 4. "We tare radical in our Playing the leading role-or d · " I a young veternarian _will be es1re to womote ove and Peter (Ostling) Jason, former- care in the theater ex-ly of_ Newport Beach. Jason perience," Phelps Continued. Is presenUy starring in South "Although this new direction coast Repertory'• musical is being tried in Los Angeles, "The Threepenny Opera," New York and other ci,tie:S, we which closes this weekend in ~re plearsed 1 to be able lo offer Co6ta M~. 1t as a irst ar Orange. County Appearing in a supporting audiences." part in the HTiger'' pilot will According to Phelps, au-be Doug Rowe, Jong associated diences Ql&Y find the presen-with lhe Laguna Playhouse. talion •'far different" from the Rowe currenUy ts directing tisual fare offered by a and starring in Laguna's "La. theatrical organiia.Uon, pro-dies' Night in a Turkish fessk>nal or amateur. Bath." the last production at "We don't want to scare the old playhouse. anyone away, of coune,'' he.-----------1 said, "but this production p~ ~,,,_."\".:' bably isn't for everyone, We're trying a fresh appreach, a new experience -something the l.llillll!I prospective audience fC'ember should consider before be at- tends." Because of the nature of,.the presentation, only 50 people will be admitted p e r performance. Tickets are "$2 and reservations may be made by calling the theater at 67S. 1120. The production will .continue on Sunday nights following the initial run of weeken d performances. CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 2 P.M. -FIRST RUN- BALBOA 673-4048 and Rtturn Showing of Pita Sa1as , ...... lml'fmll • . -.. St1rts Wodnesdlf Bmt Lanc:Jl11 v -J•-.. ,...,. Wolf'M' lreu• •• "SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF" lff. S.._, IMm 1 p.M. CMt. Set. -4 s ... fre111 J P-"'• The patrolman expre.ssed what local residents have king known but tounsta find out the hard way: 11lere is 1 wide discrepartcy between Hollywood B·o u I e v·a rd ae- eot'(iing to legend and the way it ·really is. Take a westward stroll along the Bou)evaril and yoo'll see why tourists go away disaJ)pO!nted. ' start at Gower Street, but don't look for the fabled Gower Gulch where Western actors used to meet;. ·it no longer e:r.ista. You walk past car dealers, a mortuary, small shops until you come to Vine Street, whlch resembles a busy intersecUon in Anywhere, USA. A half block down Vine is the Brown Derby, where you might find some television stars -H you can get a table. Movie Stars rarely come to Hollywood any more: their habitats: Beverly Hills or Europe. NO CLASS Con t inue along the Boulevard and you pau movie houses, most offering a heavy diet of aex, and inexpensive ahops -there are ahnost no e1The main attractionl ln this These noveau · cha.qactera • stretch : tbe ornate Grauman'• have replati!d 1 the au~ntlc Egypllan-Theater -and !he HollywoOcl types >tho lm>g~re-quented the Boutnard -Wu: Museum operated by In Peter the Hermit, Billy the enterplialng East Indian nam-. ed 5_,y Slnlb. Book storu Midget and others. And Uiey thrive. hive ~us.ea alann amO'ng The few blocks between HoUywood'a llli!rchpnta, who H. hi A and LaB campaigned !or mote pollCe 11 and · venue rea protection. Three weeks ago, are the only ones with an air the Los Angeles p 0 Ii c e or prosperity. New h18b-rise Department instituted a 'walk- office b u j I d in g I and ing patrol of the Boulevard. apartments. are beginning to One of the patrolmen ii Tony appear. Nearby 'is the Steinhart, wbo commented:. Boulevard's only authenP.c tourist attraction. Grauman',,s CLEANUP ctrinese 1beater, where foot-"The merchants wanted the prints and bright sayin&s ol Boulevard cleaned up so that Hollywood's g re a t s are tourists and shoppers would enshrined in a P av e d not be discouraged from com· courtyard ("Love to All -Ing here. Also, certain prob- Shirley Temple"). lems have developed .begin· gregale on the comers, and the oldtlmers who sleep In doorways and alleys. And there is a homosexual sltua~ uon: Uie male . prostitutes stana on corners lookina for trade." Steinhart and his fellow patrolmen stroll the Boulevard daily, cooling potential trouble with their presence. They also offer infonnaJ service to tourists. "Yesterday I laid out a whole itinerary for a group of visitors who didn't know where lo go," Steinhart said. ON THE TUBE For tfo~ M1t t~i41 to wtlt t'r tl1ppe11in9 •n TV, r11d ~ WEEK -4ittriD11t.d wittl tfl• S1t11rlf1't .d\tieA of th1 DAILY PILOT. Oh, yes. there is something ning in 1966, When the 114rcotic else for the tourists to see . ...:_::::::~.:::.::.:::::::.:::::=:::.:~========== Imbedded In !he cllar«>al ler· razzo sidewalks along the Boulevard are bronze stars "'""""""""""""""""""""""'""""""""""""IN""" containing the names of 1,539 figures in the movie, radio, television and recording in· dustries, from Bud Abbott to Adolph Zukor. BEWILDERED And so on these hot August days you see bewildered tourist!:, dressed In shorts and loud shirts and equipped with cameras and smaU fry, plod· ·ding down the Boulevard with downward eyes. ITS NEW! EXCLUSIVE FIRST SHOWING "EKOIUllOVSL'I' DllTllllESTDfGI UMUSUAL. Ol'l'llUT ••• & FAUi. FAR ABOVE &~OE l'ILll ABODT WU1¥ IT'S .. A NEW UGI" -oAVlO OOlOMAM. WC.it hDIO • '. ~ COt!M61iPtC.li(lf.S liri~ Nlll•l'SP!e.,..11: ,.B.ut ',~ ·lianmllar ·-- Now with Ae•d11T1y Aw1r4 wln.,•r '9•019• K1n1Mody !BEST SUPOJl:TtNG ACTOJI: 19'1-"COOL H"'40 LUKI!") :Rzdo ... "'" .. : THE NAGNIFICEHT SEVEN ARE BACK • ALSO PLAYIN• -JA MES CAAN 111 "IUIMAllNI l •I" ,....TIONolit.~OOlifll'OlltallOM NOW PLAYING! Fo-·x· .. ~.,!!!. __ 0oor __ ._o_.,._._1_2,_1s_ ~n Show St1rt1 12:30 ...... ,.,...., ......... ~~1 AC&IS OP Piii PAii.iN• COOLID I T llfllSllATION MM COMTl!itUOUS PllRlR~€S• f'Om.M Pfl1ClS OIRfCT FROM ITS llESERVUI SEAT EN;AliDll£!'T ! (G) , -ALSO C.OMIDT CO·HIT - Atdy •rlffltlr1 1terrl11 11 "ANGEL IN MY POCKET" Color •· • "• • •• •>Iv I " ·~====~=="""' t -anu:Bm--i8:1SPM I "'""1to111t. I "'""" .. llCM .. .,.. DAtl'f ' ~t5-f..-7 :00PM l •tw41ty ..... Swldoey C•t'"-t f~2!00PM •1 ( ... ~ ............ ...,. ·-·'---· _...,,_ .... ~-·· .. ·--............ OI ... . I -·· IO:HPM I s.~si...u. ....... .~ --- ST ARTS WEDNESDAY ~~~~ . , , Th• 1tr0n1nt trio •v•.to trcick o kill•. !:"JOHN · . WAYNE GLEN CAMPBELL klM DARBY ' ___ _,.... __ __ ""''"' ............ "" OltOO ...... . . f\UE G IT STEREO ,SENSATION! ... MATINEE'S DAILY ''BREATllTAOlr t. 'BRll~l:: -Tiii ,_ YorW . . !he lndl e ss .~um.mer The colorful soun-= or Oranae County Music RADIO KOCM 103.1 FM .:Ws From Fashi on Island, Newport Beach --'-----------------------------------·-------------·-.. --·---~---·-- - r . 1. I L r I I I t j ' l I· ' • MONDAY AUGUST 11 •\f'Ji',(, } l:JOlllBC ...... (Q (&O) I ...... -(30) @IIJ--(C) (30) fl!)T ... --(C) (30) a C1J m -(C) (30) ID -" (C) (IOl I.Kl "' Siollll llldlm wtlll .. ""' mtlll " PttllMd nicnitta. (-. • ·--(C) (30) .... hris " "" AiMriceL • ~.S~'l'..\"..:.-:..:. r. SoMttt -• lllOotil\I blll It mt tround wtltn in klnoctnt rM• b 1c.mH If lht alrnt. (R) m Dl!ll r,,.. (C) (911) OJ._ fw Tos Lit (C) (60) 7:00 fJ CBS ( .. 111111 Nern (C) (30) ! Wallor Crvn~itt. i 0 ........ ""'' (C) (30) ... W•llr Bruner Ind refUltr Plntlllf Arlene Frtincis wtlcome cuestl Anl· ta Gilltttt, Soup)' S.I" tnd Ifft ' ! ' t t ' . -· ·-(C) (30) .... """ Lllddlft WllcolMI rllllb Mint Fr1ncil 111d Skltdl HtndM'soll. m""""" ""' <30) lj) IIl •• ..., -(C) (911) f1i.l bderll ..... ... ...... lift (JO) "Zell kt Ptlntln&. • HOii Al1n Wtttt Uhlltrlt• ttJt a,pllea- tion of Zin to thl lldlnlqua of10:00DOJ(l)Jl••I• ltl11m (C) Chi._ tnd Jap11119 peintinc. Ht (60) .lol111 Sommlr1 and Sklla I dtl!IORStr1tn with brull Ind lftl H9lldtrloll fl*(. ra CIJ 1 .. w, .... (C) <30l am-(C) <'°> m"""' w.w (C) <30l u <H> mm"".-(C) <IOl GJ DJ-. ..._ (C) (30) OP«I -tar 1iMr1J Sills au..u. O Na! (C) (IO') Peter M1rlh1n, Jtekll ~Moms" Mabl17, Tht frltndt of Distinction fll•sl 7:30llai (J)litt••••• (C) (60) • "The Lona f'Clahl" Bounty hunt· f • e11 hold Doc. Sam (Gltnn Str•nacJ, fl!) ""'I ""' (CJ ('°) "II• Cor-ntll Upnsinr." Wllllem f, Buc•ley wek:omell pesb Wilt.-Btrns,. 1 eom.11 f.c:utty IMll'lbtr .mo r• sllfltd fl#tnt tht prottsb, tnd Ernut w11'1 dtn Ht•r. prufessor ol soc111 phi~ tt New '°" uni. ktttJ •nd louit Phetl•s Otmes ' Nlllltl') h0$bat tt the Lona i , B11och, In tti• hope of tradln& their captim 1D M1r!h1l D01on for cow- hllld BM Mlllw (Robwt Tottln), on ... hlld thn b • $10,IXX> ,.. • ( l · l ! )- l · .. ' j I .. j : ') r . l i ~ . -(R) um 111t.11 ....,"" i_.., n. 11111 (C) (60) V.tlrilllrlln Doi Mtc- -~· II) Ma Alla .. k Millrtli (t) (30) Muten (PM .luorl) Ind I'll& brldt (M"""' °""') """""" -lltJOll!l-itl (30) 811 JoiilD. ttold with 1 minl-rflllllawil thlt Ill U. .,. • " ~ (30) Ind• t 500-pound tlpr. .,... -(iO) "" ... .,_, """ ll:<IDllDDEmlll-(C) a ~m mn• ••••1•r1 tc> DAlfrll Hlktacl (60) "ATunny Thin& tupptned on tht W17 to tht SlltioL • A Brttlah 0 Mawlt: ..,.. T~ S. .. ltnll"' apnt M tha .., to 'IMlt SIMd (dr1me) '58--S)twil $f'rlll, llerbltt Ind Mrs. P..i diliemb1tts It tht lorn. wrvn1 mtioll Incl m .. ts d.th In· mW. t. f'llNI Fla ,..._.: "MJ sttiad. (R) Litt11 Chlckadtt,,. co-ltlrrln1 M11 fJ MDllon $ Mow11: (C) "Thi Diii WISI: (1940). 1t four O'Clod" (dr1ma) '61-ID Mw11: ..........,. (4r111M) '57 S?tnc« Tttcy, fttak Si111tr1. -Maril Schell 1BTdwC:a111 Ill (C) {30) tiiJ(I)al@9(i)llM (C) ..,..., ·-(IO) fD ......... (30)' "'Automlted Anli,.il of BodJ Aulds." Dr. R1c11-11:JOR9 fi1 Pml1Ell..,, lrlftl •rd Srtnneman looks It tt11 com. ~ (C)M«V, populer holl·li11Pt· merdll iisa for 111 1utomated 1ctor wtio. J)'ndicatld •rlea hu fluid themlcal anal)'zll' dMloPtd bMn I flYOrltl thM)U&llOUt the tor th• NASA Bloslttllilt ProJtct country for th• p1st lour Jt•r\ Gllt:Sb art ttie m1dl!n1's lnmi~ hnsts a 11111-nlttlt v1rllt1·~lk Mr· from Jd Pn>!)Ulsion L1bo!1tory. l~s for CBS. Thi show ontl111les lrom the hlstotlt Cort Th11ttt i1I m Clt9cllo ti lltolt (JO) New Yo1~ Mltl'I Is H*isled by ., ........... (iO) m""" <"'> fD Wortd "'-(C) (WJ A IUl!I· m111 ol &lobll preu rnctioni to --~ AttlOllll •n4 lr!ttrnltiollll . .., ... Ill •• -!Cl (911) Mhur Truchet afld Mort UJ'dsty and H!s Ordle,111. Lesllt Uu1mt, »e N1m1th, Woody A.ll•n 1u1rt. O QJIIJl!!T"it>l "'" <Cl e .... (t) .... n,... (dr .. mt) '51 -Rib G1m, Y'IOllM 0t c.~ C.rlol "fhonlplOfl. o mi mm"" ,..., <C> "" Sfiioillert Srutllera Ind l!lllllllist ............ ''" u 9 CIJ..... bq (C) (30) lllt'J' lllps 41 Clllts kilo I.ht b1nk'1 1%:30 OJ Act1111 f'Mttn: "Murdtt 11 Mld- tlll to blllllCI tlie boob Ind nilht." Maon17 b fired. (R) n QJ oo m "" -""'" (1) "n. C.lory ,_. (ldwnlllrt) '65-lom flJ1)n, H•IVI Pruntll, S.1111 81ra11, AndtlW 01111111, Jeanne Coopet. Dw1n1 till put4¥11 War period. 1 Pftlllrt-l'Hlnl!J pro. ft1$1onal lllltf11 ltundltil II It· 1:00 IJ lilovi•: •A111p11tt1t Patts- . (1!1)1tery) 'S2 -O.n Andrni. ao-1ci r I'.--------------!; • , • ' • • • "· ~· 0 k ' I TUESDAY DAmME MOVIES e JOB PRINTING e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Oi11llty Printing and Otptndehl• Strvice for more th•n • qu•rt•r of • ctntury. PILOT PRINTING ·-I fJ11 Wllf IAUOA ILYD., NIWH>l'T llACW -'42' ... )21 TM SORRY'A80UTTltS/ $Cll4iTME5 "'°" ACT!O UK! A FS:UEND/-NOT LIKE TMIM! THE ONES WHO ME Pl.OTT»IG ~TME/ JUDGE PARKER . lw TME MIPST OF HIS &IZA.ll'E COWVERSA.TION WIT>< MOE'/ $PEIKEf, THEY IJ'E INTERJ!UPJCP Sf HER SfCIE'JM)'! TUMBLEWEEDS COPY 50Y! THATS MY EDITOR 'CAllJN' ME! MUn AND JEFF JEFF, +'.OW DO YOU SPELL. MISSISSIPPI? GORDO HOW'O \tXJ I /RDS GET 1H4 Bl& RJ!P FCI< SAVVY? S·JB MISS PEACH I I ! *' ' . ...... ~ .... .. .. . ··-:· WE JUST R'ECEIVEtJ WMA.T"5 A U.U. FlOM .BROPI! THE HE'S 111 lAIL ! CH.\RGE Tl<1$ TIME? MV EDITOR'S KINDA STRANGE ... nlE STORY GOES'TliATA IRATE APPRENTICE PRESSMAN BEANED HIM WITH A COMPOSING STICKLSORTA SCATTERED HIS TYPE! \ By John MDes J.l')<lN .!ii'~~ I'll By Harold Le Doux Yf:P ... FLAkEY AS A SNOW STORM! By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith BOY, T+1AT WAS A LUCKY GUESS! By Gus Arriola By Mell '< g. ti ' • .. " .,I .~,, ... , J n l..o I I ,_.._ • PREMIERE -Merv Griffin exhibits the vanous faces be will be wearin~ as host of •'The Merv Griffin Show" -a five-nights-a-week late talk·var- iety serieS which premieres tonight at 11:30 p.m. on Channel 2. Guests sclieduled fur tonil!bt include Joe Namath,· Woody Allen and Leslie tJggams. TELEVISION VIEWS Widowers Over Widows By CYNTHIA LOWRY HO LLYWOOD (AP) -There will soon be twice as many widowers as widows in telev.isionland, a study of marital status on the three maJor networks shows. New wido,vers will join the ranks to replace last season's dropouts. The widows are holdovers from last ~eason : Lucille Ball1 Doris Day, Julia and Mrs. Mwr. CAROL BRADY of 0 Tbe Brady Bunch, 11 a new show, might be included becau~e she is, a widow with three children when the senes premieres. ~he will, however, marry Mike ~rady, widower with ·three children, in the first episode. Barbara Harper, a widowed school t~acher with a little girl, will finally catch the elusive ~ead of the "My Three Sons" family, but not until about two months after the series resumes in September. There will be four widower newcomers: "Mar- cus Welby, M.D.;" the fatter of three in "To Rome with Love;" the chief executive of "The Gove rnor and J .J .;" and the m·an m the title role of 11'Ibe Courtship of Eddie's Father." TELEVISION characters are never casually a s- signed marital status. Often it is a device on which the series is bung. Half the fun of "Family Affair" springs from the way that two dedicated ·bache1011 -master ahd servant -try to bring up three chil· dren. Sometimes it is a way of bringing children in~o shows -and appealing children often work magic with ratin~s. Sometunes. too, a widower is created to giv~ a series more flexibility: E. G. Marshall, playing Lawrence Preston in the pilot film of the late "De-- fenders," had a wife. She was quietly dispatched, in the interests of simplifying scripts, before the series began. HAPPIEST BRIDE of the new season has to be Beverly Garland who, as Fred MacMurray's new spouse, will join the uMy Three Sons" family, as Mrs. Harper, widow. Miss Garland, in private life the wife of a non- professional and mother of two, has been married on television before. She was Bing Crosby's wife in a short-lived situation comedy. ·"I'm happy," said the actress, 11because most of the time I'm cast as an alcoholic or a psychopath or the victim of poisoning." She was able-to break her disturbed acting image before -when she \.11as chosen to play Cros- by's wife -because for more than a year she had appeared as Ft iolly games-playing regular on what 'vas once TV's annual summer replacement, "Stump The Stars." "I was able to be myself and people saw t.hat I could even be funny," she said. BEVERLY KEPT busy with Ulm roles after the Crosby show. When she heard that "My Three Sons" was casting a wife for Steph en Douglas - MacMurray's role -she asked her agent to sug- gest her. 1'Personall_y I had some reservations about 'vhether anything would come of it," she confessed, "but after Fred had talked wi th me about it, he chose me." Deta1ais the Menace ., i .. . • HOUSES FOR SAL E HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOtt SALE G;;.-.-1----1-000-HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALi 0-r•I IDOO Gononl 1000 Gon•r•I lOOO Gonor•I l,;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;;;;,j";R~a':::m:;::bl;;:l119::-;H;;a=me=-MESA VERDE 1ooo l r~~~~~~~;;I Gtn•r•t 1000 Mff• Verde ORANGE COUNTY 'S LARGEST m E. 17th St. -94 UNBnlEVABLE BUT TRUE 3 ~ home in Cl'.ista Mesa with an added family room with floor to ceiling und stone fireplace, all new 2150 sq. It, of customi~ liv. Tills ltnmaculo.te 3 BR lam- ing. Spacious FOUR BEO. Hy borne can be yours by ROOM, 'IWO RA.ms. 20'x assum1n&: 5~% FHA LOAN. 30' FAMil..Y ROOM wtch A must see to appreciate, FIREPLACE &.nd sepan.te A8kiz'C GUEST ROOM, (idoal MoL'>-$26 950 er-In-Law quartert). EncJos.. ' eel garage. two protected pa.. ""'· "" answu to • ..... TWO ON LOT family's problems. A bat-EAS'fsIDE Newer 3 bdnM ~ain at only $25,950 with ~r-'&; older 2 ·bdrm, detached 2 IOUJs means of tinanc1111 car garage &; worksl>op. Ex· available. CALL FOR DE-terior recently painted TAILS!! Only $29,9SO ' --'PERRON -.. -......... ,. - They Are Det per•te \Yhen they Jive away this rembllng 3 BEDROOM, 2 ·bath bungaJow alter only I months with peymV1is of ONLY $16$ per month for t'Yerytht,.. As litle-as $2,400 down to an FHA loan with NO QUALIFYING! Qulet lreHined street. Secluded back yard! BHutltUl aort lJha&: carpel! Oleerful open kitchen with loads of cup- boards and magie eye range & oven! BIG, BIG masier bedrooms! Gueu what'!'! ONLY $23,950. BELIEVE IT OR NOT! WE SEL\ A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES carpeting throughout delux 221(.U. aha& it's been compleUy re-I ii~Eyi•~n~ing,::;~ean~:..:-~~11~6-11~~=:;:~;::;== Walker & lee 642-Jnl Anytime painted, also a covel"!d patio Ii ::!: B hy p ""' km of big ...... ~.... ORSE RANCH eac eachy ""'"• '3,500 "" down to "'" H 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams $415-9491 Open 'til 9 PM ol minimum down fllA hur· 2 BR 1 bath home & garage ry on Ulis one on 66x200' lot for only Outstanding duplex. 1 "4 blocks from &real beaeh. 2.J Bdnn wuts. I ha.s cozy fireplace Ii: 2\3' batrui. Large bdrms. Just 4 yean: new. SM,· 9()(1 ~·ith good terms. Br•nd New Listing Fabulous 8 month old laJ'lt' custom home close to roU eourse. 1 staey • !hake roor. diniot i: breakfast area, 4 bdnns etc. 3 BEDROOMS, 2 BATH $20,900 $23,500, DREAM KITCHEN Close in home on R·2 lot. &droom v.·ill handle king l'i1e bed. AU thi..!l for $23,500. lathenmyer & Vacation a moolh or more in • COATS Liv• Ye It Up l . WALLACI! fabulous MAUI HAWAII! REAL TORS Sharp 2 bdrm. completely that's right il's a 3 bedroom Rea ltor furnished condo unit on 2 bath home in C.Osta Mesa CALL 646-3928 $.46.-4141-beach. call for further info. and it 's ready to be Jived Jn,J~~~E~v~";;:·: ... ~-~!6~55-~~~i (Open EYenl.., $350/mo. kindergarten through college Cool & Lovely 11 ritwCinlrNthell11l close to shopping and schools I· l'l:=======~ ~ ~6-SllO try 10% tlowo o""'' anxious. Ivan W.tb' """' d"tgo. Ct. NEAR HARBOR HI OlUGE REALTY yard pool & sweeping viev.• ,._MMliblf,CJl A VIEW IS A VIEW, IS A VIEW of bay. 4 bdrm 3 ba + pow. !~~~!!'!!!'!"'~~~~ der rm Formal din rm. In Newport Beacti. U_nusual __ _ r~amily 'rm w/f:ri>lc &: wet custom-styled home with IN-G.I. LOAN OF 5Y4"1• bar Key at Ray J. Ward Co. DIVIDUALITY_: not just • Lew pa,yments or U41 P.I.T.I. icO Galaxy Dr. 646-1550 box. ~~ ce~ & brick Beat the hlgb interest rates. 1;:,:;::.,,:.::='-"'"'=~-""=c l fireplace in living room · Submit your down payment NEAR Westclitt P laz.a. 4 BR, dlnlng room _ 3 bdrfus -L% ·on thls stunning 3 bedroom but this view is fantastic, full l~ ba. fam . rm ·• baths. Back yard i.1 just clusk. Features modem 1so• panorama of tllP pacific cptrl/drpcl, tncd, • h ad e right -not too large & not built ins for Mom. 2 very coast line the home i5 brand trtts, quiet street. $2.8,500. too small. Covered ~ charming baths, Deep pUe new only four yean old, 4 Kingaard Ml 2-2222. way between garage &: carpeting, also drapes muter size bedrooms, rear boU!ll'. throughout. Beautiful fenc-Y~ terrace ~ m~h mot'!' Gener1I 1000 JEAN SMITH ed back yard surrounds thii; i;ee 11 to appreciate 1l $36,500 R It huge covered patio, \Vill sell ea Or FHA or VA at $Zt,900. WANT NEWPORT HEIGHTS YOU'VE GOT IT a beautitu1 home overlooking newport harbor, rust I c charm is the word with 3 bedrooms 2 baths and a buemert with built in bar·b. q, all on a corner k>t. 42.,950 call tor appointment onJy EXCLUSIVE BACK BAY AREA 39,500 is the price for this 3 bedroom 2 bath pool home located ln a real executive neighborhood, the kitchen Is a womans delight. t h e tn:iplcal landscaping and the pool )'OU will both enjoy, the 600 aq, ft, enclo.sed cabana will thrill your guests. you owe it to YQUr wife to ~ it A 4 BEDROOM FDR THE PRICE OF A 3 BEDROOM -WHY? because Ifs vaC!&llt and the owner wants it !Old, irs in beautilul condition and in a prestige atta. all built ln kite~. 2 queen sized baths and as &. bonus you get an unobstructed view of the pA· ciJic ocean. just reduced to $39.500 THIS HOUSE IS A MESS it's dirty. it needs paint. lhe lawn needs to be tTIO\Ve<l, no- body lives lbe:re, It'• vacant, the ne!ghborhOOd is nice and clean though, ii'• aot every- lhlng )'OU need to make It a home you'll be proud of, 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, built In kitchen and so forth. sleal it? A DUPLEX FDR NO MONEY DOWN owner ""'ill sell to \'£'lJI, it shows a good return, aJway1 ~nted, both an ! ~room l bath units in a aood area of costll ~. orlgbWly th4!re \\-UC ~ now there Is only l and this it tt. owner anxk>us, 1 ..wrw prteoe la 32,450 -rarr-:-W - ORA NGE COUN TY'S LA RGEST 292 E. 17th St. 6«-4494 FOREST E. OLSON Ine. Realtors OLD_ WORLD CHARM SPAN ISH Spanis h e legance. 4 la.t·Jte bedrooms. 2 till'd baths. Spanish tile entry. :r.-tassive double fireplace. Open flame cooking in a gourmet kitehen + de.. luxe built-ins. Huge play room and only $29,950. call now senor! 645-0303 DUPLEXES AT THE BEACH Sand pebble's t h row from that wonderful sea. Two Jarge bedrooms and 2 baths each. Large kit- chen + deluxe built-ins. Sun d~k!. Great loc:a· tion! Good renb! Only $38,500. Tod a. y 's best buy! Call now 645-0303 &?autiful 4 bdrm, single story Republic Home with ganlen atrium en- trance.. All elect kitchen, big fam . nn., top lndscp, low p1 : ~ $34.950. ''l, ·s 1'"' ":.~,, .. ,~, · 1 t" '··~·'······ 546·5990 lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ SPACE & SPACIOUSNESS L.ai-ge Jot • Jarxe home • la.rg.! pool. surrounded by large trees. This custom family home, with 4 bedrooms, fam. ily room with fireplac.e &: WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee 7682 Illinger 842-4455 or 54().5140 Open ...... Be•m Ceiling R•nchero Only $22,500 No Down Veta 3 bedroom, 2 baths on slet-py slttet or sky reaching shade trees. Lovely earpets and drapes throughout! Immense fetching FAMILY ROO:P.11 Ranch like living with beam ceUing!I. Ramblina: Yard, of UJW MAINTENANCE! Any. one-qua.lilies at $1,lDO down FHA. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & lee :»13 Westclitt Dr. 64&-77ll , Open Eve!I. beamed ceiling, paM!ed CHINA COVE """' & tonn'1 dtniog room: o"' ot a kiOO. A•tn"' $90,000 GREAT VIEW NEWPORT BEACH john macnab lmm•c. modem home withio ASSUME 51; .. 0/0 (71 4) 642-8235 ~ie~rd:r ol ~ ba: ~c:~ Beat high inter6t. Large 90l Dover Drive, Suitt' 120 from lge. living room &. baJ. custom two bedroom NeY.'pon Beach eony. Lowest priced 1., love home in Newport Hghts. II~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ j al S62,500. Plenty of light&: charm. SHOPPING for a home'!' Walter Haase Alley access. High G.I. Call · .. loan of $20.600 and Sl62 , wnte or v1s1t our of. ....... mo ....... ,1 ail! Room for lice. tor your free copy or .,.....,. our .. Hennes For Llvin•" pool, boat, camper. Only $26,900 lnterested! Magazine, with pictures, Coldwell, Banker & Co. Call 645-0.303. prices & details of our select listings in Newport S50 Newport Center Dr. COUNTRY HOME e .. , •. conma o.t Mn & Newport Beach, Calif. 6 ~/0 LOAN Costa Mesa. RED CARPET UJ..0700 ~2430 REALTY, 2025 W. BaJboa Lots of elbow room In Blv., Newport Beach, 926£ll. Witch ltl Wet P•int- this extra ordinarily 6/;H;OOO. • •. And brand new erptg. largl'! 4 bedroom family tt--~~~~~~-­home. Country kitehen NO $$ DOWN fl $27,250 i! your price then with deluxe built -ins. Total prlee $22,500. 3 BR litt this f bdnn. with extra Huge lot. Right In the house all newly painlr.d in den. 2 ba. .• on big (you own city! You ean have & out. bit-in oven, rang" & it) lot. Just listed. Vacant. hon;es too! The bill 6 % 1. Grt In before !iehool. loan pays everything at dishwssher. Spaciou11 iv. Bay & Be•ch Re•lty $166.50 mo. Don't de\~! nn, w/w carpets. FA heat. Call today! 645.()3()3 Fncd rear yard. 2 car £'ar· 67>3CXXI Eves. SU.7963 age. 2407 E. Coast Hwy., CdM NEWPORT AREA P.w.c. ,.;.'44tl TAKE OVE R Jlfi '/. SAVE s .... 51'% G.I. Newport WHt 3 BR 2 BA Fantastic 120.900 loan. home. IA mi to beach. Cpta. No tees. One of 35 beau-tiful town homes in ex· drps. All GE kit. Fenced, elusive Newport Beaeh landacaped, ~ It area. Total price S23.250. patio. Freshly pllinted &: 2 extra large bedrooms, well cared for. $21,700. ,CS!~~!!§~~~~~""~' 2 baths, fireplace, built· Owner will ea.tty 2nd, 22022 1 r:..9"'. Ins + club house Md C..plstrano Ln. HB. 54()..9545 • 3 BR 1% batb, bdwood 1t1per pool. Only 10% or 963-4!32 Doon, cpta I drpir, frplc, dn. Hurry! cau G45--0303 11"E"L"'E"G"A"'N"T'°""N"E"w=p"o"'R=T ~~ ~.as~~ beauWul NORTH MESA 51/4•/o LOAN * 3 BR 1'.I balhl. ..,..i, 5lj.,% $125 MO. Prcst;ge Bay'""" • w. drapco.l&rrc'""""''"d. ' " bath r ---' di Vacant · lmmed. pouealon, Coutal w a t er'· just ' ~· -,s s. Uf'Wal n. mlnutet: away. Bright i: Inc room. 2 fin!placts. Fam. W~e'l"°l._:McC•-•I•, Rltra. cheerful 3 bedroom. Uy room, Paymenti an less ,,,..-rv family room, kltclu>n than ttnt when )'Ott as9ume lllD Newport Blvd., C.M. "'Uh built-ins, Quiet i: present loan. 540-1720 ~7729 a:nyt!me sererte. Private 1wln A T•RBE LL 2955 H•rbor Lowe&! Pr'-ed lA:tnnia club. AJ.I of this ""' ~ for only $25,!iOO! M· -A.'f'RAME /AwBUY-Mesa Verde sumf' FHA Joan, No ftt! J BR. n1od. beaeh home, 3 bf!drooMa. 2 batl\8. Bui!tln Bettl!r be fut! Call wte,>s to ocean! $29.500 ~e a oven. Flfthly paint. 6'5-0303. CAYWOOO RI AL TY ed .. s23.950. 541).1120 1DC1 w. Coast Hwy., N.B. TARBELL 2955 H•rbor FOREST E. OLSON Inc. Rea1t0f'1 e 541290 e BY OWNER $23,900 SPOTLE~S~S"°I --3 Bdrm., 2 ba.. """" drJ<.. 3 BR. + larnlly rm .• 2 blllh fl'plc. 2 pe.tlol. I~" GI tlo loan. 6fl6.T034 holnf:. w/cov. pfl , •undeck ~--=~~=~= w/ocean view? 5%~ loan G .I. or FHA DUPLEX may be auumcd, $14,$(1(1 f'P Exeelltnt oond.tUon. l BR. BALB OA BAY PROP. ""b: """"" blt.!01, -0 THE REAL ·'"'\. ESTATt.:RS 1700 NEWPORT BL &46-11n wmcuFf. DOYER SHORU AREA . Stunning new 4 Bedroom J I Bath custom home with spacious family r o om with wet bar -F'onnal :lining room. Attractive design for tamuY living llnd entertaining -$82,500 -Current 71Ai'];. loan can be usumed. Lt.CK IAY IEAUTY! Custom Home -3 L&11e BedrootM -Dining room -HUge enclosed patio. Hardwood floors -18.x38 heated pool -sprinklers - I m me dlate possession. 71A?'a intettsl available. Priced to sell $39,500 CHARMIN!; WORK SAYH Near l'IE'W and sparkling elean on a choice eomer lot with perfect landM:ap- lng. 2 Baths, a n d delightful dining room. - $24,500. FOR A MR. FIX!T Busy owner could not finish remodeling l h i s Newport Heichb home. High beam ceiling in liv· Ing room and 3 ~ has family room and den, too. One block from 0111 Drive and within walkin&: distance to . all 11Cbools. $26,900. 2790 HARBOR 546-2313 G.I. NO DOWN Move in for COJls and lm· pounds only. 3 bedroom1. 2 baths, fireplace, t&mily room, eovered p a t i o , hardwood tloon. Newtled ln a fine ~ta Mesa neighborhood -$24,950. See it before lt sells . RU.CH FOR THE MOON Re!lecW in the lhlm· mering: jieauty of you own 16x38 heated and filtered swimming pool. The 3 bedroom 2-bath home ls dealgned. for family living and fun. Modem kitchen with a11 tile built-Ins. Al· tractive front l.and11eapiJw with sprinklers. Double car range for Dad. Don•t make 1. mistake. See It!! $32.500. CORONA DEL MAR 332 MARGUERITE 673-8550 SOME PEOPLE EXPECT TRE MOON, but here'a the best buy "Under the Sun .. !! Stun. n\fll' 3 bedroom, ~ pa neled den with driftwood stone fireplace. formal dining room. 3 baths plU.ll park -l ike groonds. This ~·ell-built home has 2400 square feet, unequaled at $42,950. LITILE CORONA IU.CH is onJy •le"P' away from lhls unique two story 4 Bedroom Home Spaek>us and cl"an with a newly remodeled kitchen, la'rge family room and well protected patio. Great view upstairs. AOme vie\V do\vn. Try $69,500. TOP O' THE M.t,RK VIEW IN CAMEO SHORES 3 bedrooms, convertible den, !arr.fly" room and formal dining room with a llJ) view of OOP:an and Jetty. Al l this PLUS a ~ large pool in a proteeted courtyard .... for the family t h a t deserves the best. •moo• OWNH WILL FINANCE AT 1% Corona del Mar. Charm with a mlni view. SpaclowJ 2 bedroom and den w;ith a deli&'htful rovct'M pe.tlo. No .polbt1, no fee1, no Impound ac- counl. no payoff penalty - Call u1 quick. CORONA DEL MAR INCOME UNITS SIX 2-Mdroom units IOUth of hlahway, l blocka to ot'ttll. ln a. HawaUan 1tt. tins. Ea.Ch -apt-: with teeluded paOO. 81 t. t n ldtchen1. Cltptted and d:-aped. Excellent sum· meT rental atta $14$,000. at R1trbor Ccntc.1' 2299 H•rbot Blvd., c .M. 67l-T420 ANYTIME Pyramid &xchlnrors 1146'2629 I l!•!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;;;;;;V;;ACA;::;:N;;T ;;HD;;M;;E;;;;; I OWNER TRANSFERRED -Priced tor immediate sale als;ll,950. tmrn•c ulate MOVE IN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS Immediate occupancy for )'OW' family. Newly deqn.t· ed &: tully catpeled. Ideal locallon near Westclilf Plaza, Sec! this k>vely 3 bdrm hotne ,...,., $24,500 (1% loan 1v1U.) Newport ., Victoria -11 home with l ovenittd txlrm1, l sparidlng bathA, large family room. double raiaed heartb.tlreplace, cor. ner k>t a quiet cul-dHl.e. Call 5f5-8U4 South Coast Real 'Eltate Coll~ P•!'!< ___ 11_u 3 BR. 2 BA. Separate guest room wlbath. Pool. By Owner. 54>'1813. Newpert lleoch 1200 New hom es, ready to move in, ~ mije !rom beach, First payment up to 60 day1 after move in. Te..,,,. VA/FHA. From $22,990. CORAL SHORE$ (oo Garfield between Beach & Magnolia 962-1353 Coron• del M•r 1250 Huntington ... ch 1400 I _;;.:=B"-Y~T"-H-E-CSE_A __ Fun-Loving. Family Home "-:=-i:=z-:-::z==== I For the-executive with a • lal'l:e, younr family. 3100 4 BEDROOM sq. n., 2 story S bedroom (•nytime) Channing l Br. + conv, den + lonnaJ din, nn.; attic space, 2 trpl.; walled pr. den, VIEW of ocean • J~t· ty. Steps to beach. Assume loan a\'614%. $108,500. TRY THIS ONE FOR Sl~HSI Brand new and right nee.r tbt be\eb. 4 B@e.utiful bedroom&, 2 baths. Dramatic, railed eeillnr living room with dis. linctlve fireplace. An all glass prden kitchen takft the "erk" out of housiwork and makes cookinc an ex. perlence. (])eek these-built. Ins: Wall to wan carpe~. draperies, feocinc, beaut front yard Jdscps lnchad~ sprinklers. Oe:luxe blt-in ap. pllances includlng: Rar:we. oven, dlshwuber &: dispoeal. It's ready to move ltlto now. 6601 Lueiento Dr. Hunt. Bch. , $21,190. and worth every pe~ ney. CA or FHA: (tt4) 1531-8400, 11AMto7 PM. Bkr. (4 klng·•~od) 3'4 bath home W•lk« RI~. 675-5200 MESA VERDE :.o~~ ~ ~~~c~= LGE, hilltop k>L Perm. view l5x20' Living room and 15 x of ocean &: hills. Privacy. BeautUul new carpeting, Lo- caled on QutET cul-de-sac street Has a large eovettd &: ~ncloted FRONT PATIO, even room for boat or trail· er. Excellent v a I u e at $27,500. Call now as t h I 1 popular plan will sell fast. 546-9521 or -31 ~ I II .NICHOLS JI' f tmUy room overlook 1 ==""='1=""=="'-==2tl=lO=:'::': I lal'le functional covered PA. Lido Isle llSl TIO and a 20 x 40' heated PCXJL. The~ i~ a. gas r;~l ---A-N-X-IOU--S-1_1 __ pit for cool evening1. SEP· Owner wants a ction on va. ARA.TE play yard has a 'PLAY HOUSE featurrd In cant 4 Br. & ; ba. holl'k.'!. XJnt value at asking price ol Sunset Magulne. All elec-s59,500 tric .kl~n. large utility LIDO REAL TY INC. room, permanent soft water system, closets GAWRE 3400 Via LIQo 673-8830 throUghou t. BY OWNER. . -- 1109 Highland Dr., NB. Huntington le1ch 1400 646-6868 for app't. • QUIET DOUBLE $22,950 la The _Proce l. _S_•n_,_•_A_n_• ___ 1_6_20 The payment on this beaut~ · W"st Bay A\>e. duplex. 3 Br. l\JI VA loan is $132 per OtARMING 3 bdrm., wtw 2 ba. lower; l·~. 1-ba. up-month whiCh includes taxeii cpl!, paneled library; 2 Rl;ht. outside your door + per. Custom built attra~tlve and insurance. The home patioe, frplc. $26.990; $141 near by swimming pools l units, 3 car Pl'. All in a has 3 qUttD size bedrooms P.ionth. See 1417 Shawnee. shuffle board courts. You quiet nei&hborhood. $59,000. abo 2 baths, Double Gal'ag't'. 540-9258 can eojoy your ,,.,.. time BURR WHITE ""'"" Yant. ca..p.~ & "'=""""'======! PUTTING GREEN while living in this luxurious REALTOR drapes. Moclern'kltchen with Ugpn1 Hiiis 1700 3 bdnn 2 be.th •.ingle story 2901 Newport Blvd. N.B. aervlng bar. submit your --------- home -Unburden younell 675-4630 &U-2253 Eves down paym8nt. LAKE Forest. 1arden home, with this deluxe Upper Bay . WE SELL A HOME l\tany extras, plui Jhad.Y "WAY o$r36LlFE5o"o • ~':"'BR.ER'~:.!":"~-EVERY 31 MINUTES polio • yanl. 3 ..... 2 Bo W lk & l plus fam . room. 831.86fli · ~:i::~ '!'-~· [~: a er ee aft. , PM o""'" ........... Newport Cri>ts •. drpB, many Xtras. I ~™_;,:,·,;._~---~~-I ' 7682 Edinger LAKE Foreat, ou the lake. • Xlnt financing. ~I 8·t2-4455 or 540-5140 V• 1 • Beautiful view. 2 bdr .. 2 ba., IC or1• DUPLEX WEST BAY Open eves. 837-8646 aJL 6 pm. Owner 646-1111 Owner will earry TD, l'ID loan --;2:--lil~E;;D:,R;';OO.i.;M"'S-tramferred. (inytime) to get. Fireplaees, etc. 2 baths. $17,950 ·full priee.l;=========I 673-0114. carpet., di-apes. bi.Jut.ins, L1gun• Buch 1705 $16,500 PRICE ANb CHARMING Back Bay: 3 =~ .. ~:-g1•,d~r.·.!'!8:t:i;; HANDYMAN'S lrg. Br, 2 ba, cprts, drps, ""'...,, '""' ... -,... . 1800 BRICKS ' bltns. Owner. s 2 7 , 4 5 o . fence patio. Just repainted. Special! 4 lnco~ wllll ~ Make up the massive pa1k>! M6-8698 Very clean. Nice land.eap-)Ida. to beach. P atiol, dtt:b Where in the world can you =========I Ina. W~ to &hopping. w/ocean vi~. Nds. paint,. find a J bedroom, 2 baftl Newport Shores 1220 etc. Should grogs S9.~ yr. home, NEAR THE BEAOI • , ·~-_'CmQI Pr. $69.600. Ttades <ionaider- wftb electric built·ins, ncet. 3 Bft.2Ba. 235 Cedar '\dlWT'!!'Tmll'.i rd. lent carpet, boat door to $241950 W/$8500 down or MISSION REALTY .f94.0'13l back yard, and VACANT!! $25,950 w/S4.000 nt down to -;;;PA..-..Y'A=TT=E'°N"T'°l"O"'N' ''WHITE WATER'' LESS TifAN $2.000 DOWN!! see lnsi~ call 673-1184 OUT THERE I Ocean vtew Jot, $6,950, SmaJl WE SELL A HOME Hcre·s a Fainnont home on but level. n.ooo down, b1L EVERY 31 MINUTES Baycrest 1223 a eor lot w/ detaehed rar-at $70 month, Walker & lee REPOSSESSION age. 6%% VA loon for you ::c"=l·,.,tt1ll===-_,..,=<97_·12IO"°"'I IN to take over. $212 pays all. OCEANFRONT AP'I'. 3 2700 Harbor Blvd. at Adams BAYCREST Wr: Will helll )"OU wit h the Bdnn, 2 bath, tra: dfict, 54S-M91 Large 4 bedrooms, 3 bath, dn pymnl. Pool. Priv beach. Laguna Open •ta 9 PM all lhe custom luxury ·~ Rex L. ·Hodges, Rltr. Sands No. 45. 0 w n er . --~22=~500=~--1 polntments professk>nalJ,y I ;:,=~=',.,"c-·252=5==-=~ ~'-"'---'"~'-----• $ landscaped. Oriv" by 1907 GLEN MAR by Owner: 4 Br, 8 E A UT I F .U I.. l BR., ' Santiago, call owner for 1 % ba, lireplace. dshwhr, Ba.yfnmt et11tom furn. Will A solid value. Gleaming appointment to see. Flexible bHns, e:prnkln. New palnt sell on contract or lee OI>' hdl'.'CI n.ni, lath & plaater terms. Phone 642·2835. lnsjde &: out: very clean. llon. $32,500 owner. ST3-2258 eonst. 3 big BR. 6b:120' lot, Good neighborhood. 600 sq. 2 BR f need ·--' $14 !JOO lge cool patio, dbl gar. Room Dover Shores 1227 ft. patio. Lott of cement I: Wiii ·~ k>t. n;:;·TD ~: fr boat , trlr. Be1t of all use raised planters. Garare. .... tow * UNIQUELY • 110. your GI loan or dn FHA. handymans dream, eabntl. Owner moving lo Penn. DWerent "Old World" Con-t ml all cPlain stores, walk 4 BR. 2 BA, family room. \Vanis fast sale. CALL temporary; executive lux· to elem ach, 1 mi to HS, 2 Low $3'.l's. Xlnt bqy 540-1 151 Heritage Re a I ury home. Unobstructed mi to JC. $26,500. 962-1858 497-1&12 Estate (opt"n eves) Bay .r. l>1tn VU-mosl rm1. $4500 DOWN Dani Point 1730 d + P I 5000 IQ fl. 4 Br. 4~ ba + s Be rm 00 maids qtn. Ideal for enter. Aasume S* % Gl loa.n. aean . Looking For • Net + 3 Bath·$26, 950! ta!ninr. Easy malnt. lmmed 3 BR 2 bath home, hard· Retum of 12 t o 11% f"amUy livin.. at • pric" to occupancy. Fumi.&hed. wood Doors, carpets & drap. On Your Investment? -·• $118,000. Assum, 6•,,% loan. ,, • ·-• ~ •• ,h ... _ .. lot flt your budget • Re this! · ...... ".... IWt."U • Well, you can do it on Uris Rich wood paneling, hand-Box 1632 N.B. 548-7249· Won't last long •t only 8 units, 2 bdnns each. 6 un- some bar. Eli>gant fireplaee.1 '~;;;-;;-;;;;;;_;;_;;;;;;_;;_oi_;;-;;;;;_;;-;;;;;_;;.-.;:;i; I $21.SOO. Better eall now! furnished. 2 furnisiled. ear.. E<ooltem ..... 540-1720 For sale by Owner MUTUAL REAL TY "'''d ~ ....... Only •11,.. .... TA~BELL 295S H•rbor l-~14,:;2·,,1.:,41,.i;l-i:An:<.'yt.,-l•me=-I old. Wolklng dWance Spacious eustom 2-story ex· SHOWPLACE shopptni l new Dana Point OCEANFRONT 3 BJ\ bom" on excellent beachj $54,Q)(I, Geor9e Wiiiiamson REALTOR 673-4350 Eves. 673.1564 ~PRICE REDUCED ccutlvc homo. ""1<e formal Harl>o<. "'"'''""' fiMnclnr. dining room. Paneled den 2 Story 4 BR, 2 ba, Palos POINT REAL TY with wet bar Ir tlreplaee. Verde atone frplc, Extru 34156 Cout Hwy. Dana Point Sitting room w/tireplaee. 3 &a.lore, UniqUe landscaping. Cn4} 496.sm Assume 51'~ loan. bdr, 31~ baths. Garden en· an•SHEAR REALTY RENTALS try. View o( bay It moun. """ tain.t:. $8'2,SOO. 64&.Zl51 847-8531 536-7123 431-3769 1 __ H_ou_ .. _•_F_u_m_l_•_h_ed __ 1 ---·vm Rent•I• IO Shore 2005 Wettcliff 1230 Set our deal on this vaeanl SINOLE 21 yr. or over gtrt to sh11.rn 3 bdrm.. S minutes to ha 2 Bd A t $1 000 CUSTOM BEAUTY beach. $450 wW move you s re rm. P • . 3 BR. C9.lf!Cla, drapeic, lat:e \Vilh freshness of a brand In on approved credit. can w/samt. C..ll 642-46<B alt lot. $20,950. new home -Instead or 6 Art, s LATE s REALTY '-''-'00::c,· ~------1 DAVIDSON Re1lty yrs. old. 4 Bd., pan/den, MT-3519, Eves. 536-4558 MALE Roommate wanted to 516.5460 Eves. 642-4951 breakfa.gt room $15,000. I -'7.i-i;~;";.,..-;;p0-1 ihare 3 Br apt. Near beat'b. HAVE ...... , 10 "''' R. c. GREER R•llty VACANT/$23,950 * 64>-1<58 * Ocean view prope:rty, :J mtn ,===V;;"=L=ldo===6!3-=9300::::: LAOY to share apufme:nt, from downtown Lacuna. 1 · 3 BR comer lot. Good eOn. no alcohOl $6$ mo. Value $150,<IOO. Will trade Unlver1lty P•rk 1237 d!Uon. By park • best area. • c.o.mt * for bllytrbnt home. Balbof, Submit FHA or GI. FEMALE\ 22-lll to share 4 °' Lldo.675-<033 aft" NEW MA TH HAFF DAL REAL TY "'" .. -in .......... 29l\f @ 6~% + OWC 2nd 8740 W11..1·11er, F.V. 842.fCffi $90. mo.~. equals 5 BR in low ito·1 w/ Recfuced·$25,500 NICE man or woman to All. 3 BR'•BY OWNER low OP. Near oettn • Owner tran&-ahart 3 bdr. hOme, $lill mo. Cost• Me11 1100 000 Victoria $19,SOO CI • Red Hill Rfflty fen-ed. LwrurioU& 2-story. f _64_2-31 __ 67 ______ 1 190.1 F'ederal $21,000 Stt 18068 CUiver Or., Irvine bdr, 2 ba, fireplace, din nn, SINGLE 11. yr or over l'iJ'l to 422 Walnut S71,500 '"' OPEN 9 AM4 PM SU-OR20 r:lfct blt.lns. 2-car p,r, cpta, ntt 2 Bdrm Apt w/aame. ~ Susannah S26.500 ~~ ======== drpt, Nr .chool, shopping Call SO..-aft s:30. La're take over loans Corona def Mar 1250 cntr A exclusive entry club. AP!'S. 10 IShatt near u.C.t ••548;-t059ee BEST BLU F FS BUY Ow""r 5'>-t9t4 l\1ale or fema1e, 8rolc:tt BY OWNm: Eastside CM. 3 l-Owner: custom, lmprovtd WHY PAY RE NT? 64ti--Ol11 c.:r.f. Bdrm, bltn kitchen, natural 3 Br., 1:nct model, on quiet Yr. old Spantsh sl)lle. A•c .;c:nu.:.;;::;'6:.;;ccwanc__•_•_ssmo __ ~tol birch cablilets. 66xl26' lot cul de sac adj. llffhbill:ll 1Ume FHA loan, 3 BR., pa. •hare 2 belt, 8aJ Isle ho!Jse- wl alley acceu for boat or Owner will he.Ip finance, tlo, BBQ, bllns, Adj. to aolf w/pool. $12$. ~1'122 traUt:r. 61,4 7i loan can be 0-' .. 121500 ( -ll50 ......... $24.950. 8U-4171 IW p1.;d,1n A Anoe. 'C:~it:.'M._u"i.RTIN BACH .. 22, w/2 B<. apt. . "-\~ • ~ N'pt. Sf'acb-$120 per month. $8500 cuh • usume 5'4"' 3900 E. Cout Hwy. 6n.4392 REALTORS f13.1662 5£..1069 After 7:30 PM. FHA loan, SJ31 mo. 14. 3 NEWLY LISTE D 3036 E. Cout -·· CdM tr., hm. 199.l Meytt Pl., 2 Bd Jo 1'"' YOUNG I BEAUTIFVL mr, Sf:al nn on oorne.r l, w u.i hd~'d tlrs., forced a.tr hut, 3 QR. l Ba, lrg. lam, rm. "1t ATTR, ~nhouAcl 3 bdr, 21i Ja:e. eountl')'·I~ k 11,; nr. bttllt·ln kltehen. RM for pool be., pool, clbhle, nice &arden shop& and be1tch. $38.500. A bolt. $35..500. 962.(l73T. l patkl, 611,i;. loan. m:rso. Delancy Re•I Ettete 10172 Suntan Clrcle1 HD M. ... t933 • I 282* £, Coa6Rfl H\l'Y., CdM For Dally Pllol Want Ads ~ rr ro ·1::1>11 J3.3'i10 Dial 6f2.561B ror R.ESt/LTS ,. ·------------...__ .... _ Coot• -2100 2 eR. rar, patio, iroe1co1 atlth'l8: for adultt. 1 Nie bt tbop $1i5. 1tfl) 544-4180. nIE' QUICKER YOU CAIL, nlE QUICKER YOU SE4,. .... I D.t.ltY PllOT M-. -1l 1'6t ~~~;:~:;::;--iru:::~~;;:;;;:;:~;-i~~~-~~rA&:S lt1 ... Furnw-1 Apfa. Pum1M:!4 RINTALS Afllo. Purnllho4 RINTALI ...... Unfurnlahltl --------,. •• ,..., lludl DID _,.., -!l2CIO c.to -41!f 11•11 Qll C:..ta -flto -....... -woo QUIET -.... ..... sso.oo· n; .,· -PllllNIUu -1 -.. :::;;;;:;;.~;:;; "' P-• Duiil• wto-• I/I . .• °"' --lh. . ~ SUS ~. 1 SU .., i-2 bdr, $111/mo. TOWNHOUSE . e fllllllio •-..,.._ .._,Dr. -(OilSllllCJKI OR.: Blcbelor Id~ $150/mo 2 B'R. 2 be.tbs. blW .. ftltk. ·-DD UtDI a, PhoDI _., 2 BR. Ooluitroot. ~nln. ~ lli<i all utlL 'l21D w. -0-n-carpela, draP'L l22S moou.. e Maid SoMce, 'IV avalL bfl~ II> ""'1 . .1129 E. Balboa; JUST (llUlll ~ hW-l'tlo<>e '637-2111 "' Bay & leoch -N"' °"" " Bu llS week; Jl'amlly, 875.503<. lll'lf'l.l;llftV -· R11lty, Inc. 237' -BM!-54MIS5 Har._ lllltht• Four 09VER Sb:ft:I baytron t 9:)1 Oow:r Dr., NB SUite lJI SUS. PER mo. Deluxe mob. lalW. ,...... 4US 2 '-3 BR UNlTS ~· 670'fJB.,pri4va~ !::: &«><2000 .Eves. 518-6866 home. Htd pool, adults, no ~unrut. upper duplo; all wJfh1fboeplact1, pthO, pets. 4 Se~ MO b Apt. Very ch>MJ tO So Bay d.iah'4-'Uben I:. % b&lhl. ' CAHDY .Ul'l'l Y ROUTE AFJ'IUATE Aftll Sop! lit, 11'4' lie, $1000 3 BDRM, '" • bath. poQI: Eo!a1"',. 2359 N ~ p or I. 4 Bl' 4 ha llOO ' . Rental -.V . mo. J ll : 110·601 S or !e.rticed )'rd, dbl pr, S300 mo 54M$32. , , fy. S.,U..r, BJ:.'°~-Mn. OuidtaNn 213:78$-ml ~Gc..~pool maint. le LGE. bach. I: 1 BR. up-ctn. WUritii n:nQ 4 BR lc 2 1117..A c-.,... A¥t. l ido ,,.. USI . -Drpo.. ........ bltlm. No BR. All me. """"'"'· • Coote Moll . NEW 3 BR, 2 BA. crptl, drpti, R/O, bll·inll. Dbl. pr, 3 bl.ks to ocean. 405 Ith St. fl6'41SZ Tuotln mo: NR. Bock Boy; 3 "'· .,,., 2885 ... .-er., Ape dUJ>, iar. !tpf,;. "° ..,,., Phone ~IN4 Redecor, wJw cpt., zu. A ~ C:brS) 121-~ THE ASPENS Whadtly1 Want? WhoddYt Gett SPECIAL CLASSIPICATION FOR NATURAL IORN SWAl'l'EltS Spoclol Rate • (No S.Ulna Inwfvedl !:xc<U..t -... for few hourt weekly work (D&Js or ev•nlnp). Reltlllqr l col· leednc morlf1" tram to1n op. erated dlsptlllers in Cotti M'eu. ' aurroundirlc Ufa. We eal route. (Hand l.e • name b t a n d cancf)' .t , 1nacks) il575. CuJri requir. ed. F o r penonat mtervlew ln Cotta Mell are.a. 1 e • d name, addtftJ .t phone num. ber to Multi.State Jnc., !d7 E. Imperial Hwy., Downey, Calif. 90242 (213) Ml·M71 \VtNTER rental avail. sept. newly ~ted. 3 bdr. 2~. ba., tum. 6'1>1073. !~:.Jd· ·Avail ~I. l; $135. Ptr mo, Deluxe mob 2 BpR.., 1 ha., cpta., clrpa., Tua= ~:;ia~ .. 5 LI-- 5 ti.,.. -5 buclca 11.UllS -N> MUST IHC\UOI home. Htd. pool. adults, no Huntt ....... -..Ch 4400 bit-ins., •In 1 le. 1ar., Adult living, no peta ·~ ,... ........ .,... t.-WMI ,.. '""' '" .,.., ._voua,._.. ..... ...._ ...,.,.... .. ...,..~ NEWLY turn.ished 4 BR.. 4 Ba, avail Sept 15th. Winter or~.<n4)~ BA YSHORES-ONFURN. pets. 4 SeUObS M ob . upstairs, JU:I, Obi! cltlld Shq 3 I 4 jllt. -Years leue E.statH.. 2539 N e w p 0 rt . FR.EE uW. furn, 1-2 BR .,t. OK , No petl. Eve s : To•·• .~ ~1,:!,, •• ~HIHO l'Oll U.L• -fltADU OMLYI AFFILIATE MANUFACTURER desires auoclate with man- WW trade 196' VW SEDAN aeement or engineuina: good condition, for clean baclqround to Joln expand· 1964 or better V\V BUS. Ing m.anuta. co. $7.SOO in- PHONE 642.5671 .. "C'' THOMAS, Realtm' •:.o -...... nr Beadl.. Sl3D ap. 646-3432. '"" " ._...... ----• -•~-I::====~~~~ Flltniabtd I Untumished To Pf,.. Your Trldor'o Parldl11 Ad :? BR, 2 BA Mme, sunny pelio. 218 Vi.a Dijon. Luse Sept.,_, .,,._ 224 W. Co&St'Hwy. 54&-5527 nELUXE 2 Br, .,40, Pool 111 ............. ,,, 538-7.212 536.t:Mifl THE."SEVlLLE 2 BR. 1% bL G ...... na.•lunu" Saurw "< ..... ,,_ Bi& Beu A-frame cabin, 3 BR 2* ba, bltlruJ, pooJ $26.'i. terrace. Ideal for Ncbelon. Or' 1..,. County .a.r-W/p.rare, $150. Adults -Apartments fl'om $150 ,._ta a; bll · s ed ,_,_ lease._ Avail 9[L '8pacloua. 1993 oturch. CM. :!t: · · -crpta -df1>1 • Blt-ins. Fenc. For infonnatlon 835-6681 · .... t' -ma, w • .. t""'· m.am aft 6 PM 548-8633. SINGJ..E )'OUQ&: adults, lux-ed yd, 2619 Santa Ana Ave., Prestige area, $14,000 eqty. 81lboll l1t1nd 2355 3 BR .. Bd home. 1 block LARGE 2 Bdrm .,t. JWim.. ur:v &af'den ~ta. w/tul.I c63Ml21;::.=::.· ------1 Dane Point 5740 ;;r B~~~ or ------. fro"' b&ch. S330 mo. Ind. 'min& pool, bltns. no pets. recttatioD !acilitin • com-IMMAC 2 bdrm Tri-pl:ex. Lo I a. bt-.. 1 a Jg}' T.lME oflettd, nK:el)' pool maint. A.at. 9IM362 SIG 54>21.0C. ~ C&IX)'On. plcte .erfvacy. South Ba,y CrpU;, fbi>&. bit-ins, rdrlc. 2 BR Duplex, lease, crtpg, t. U&£C mtm ,.,, P vb tum.lshed. ~ BR. 2 bath: OIARMING 3 Br., 2 ba. Like . Dr. • Oub Apts. 211 So , Adults, no peta. $140, drpa. blt.ln1. ttfriK, .no pell. S&n Morits, Lake G_~&OIY: eho locatiOn Adults SZt0 n........i."'·-' .o.--...:.. $180. nf...689....8478 $2500. ~ant late model c&t, ice · nrw: cpl,., drpa., bltns. nr. ALL Ulil ~ l bdr·d·-••x, .,,.._.._. ..... ,,. ~1.m <TI4l ~ alter 5 p.m. · cam-or lot ln Northern mo Call Pasadena 798-4003 ....., Ut""' m-t500 REAL ISTA~ ~· · beach. ~-Ag!:. MS-1290. older adlt.s, int&nt, pets OK SHARP larae 2 Bdrm apt. '., Cl.lit 847-2681 ATR 3 8'. 2 Bo. cor .... $100. 2335 Elden,, CM Crpl&, ...,,., bltm. Quiet Oenarll IHA:=VE"-", "-N=SU::...Dun,--buggy- winter, nu paint, frplc, Newport Heights 3210 1 BR $125 month. G•Nen Grev. 4610 bJd.c. Irl!ant OK. S1SO mo. Rontilt Wint·' 5990 $150,value &:: 16 Simca'$95 patio, locd. 673-0267 5f1-2682aft5:30orwlmds. -al -·nE f bo OOZY 2 BR, Fttsb paint, 21108 <>ranee Ave., SINGLE Y~ Adultt: Lux. v ue. in.iu.o or A t Huntington aeich 2400 ~. new custm. drpl, Colta Mesa ury prdta mptl with coun-FOil Lease 3 BR. 2 BA. new e ATTENTION e sailboat, motorcycle, or?! c:rpst, fenced. $1&5 mo. VERY ~ 1 BR Apt, $lli), try club atmosphere and crpta, beautHul drapeL Built. 0wnen in thil a.rta who mayl&<&.'""125""'!="°' ----- $150 BEAlITIFUU.Y furn, 54&-9S.16. 132 West Wlllon, C.M. complete privacy. SOU'l'H int, patio, pool, dubhouae ha.ve income property in SHOPSMITH complete air cond. mobile home in * 543-95n * BAY CLUB APTS 13100 privileges, 546--4074 VIC. ol L.A. AIRPORT: re-equipment, jlpa.w, paint beautiful park, w a I k l n I Bly ShorN · . 3225 J>'URN 1 BR Apts I: Studk>S CHAPMAN Ave., Garden 2 BR Duplu EA.Ide. Newly sponsib)e couple I. I yr, old spray, mlllifl& pquip; alto di, tan c e o f be a ch. -"-'--'-'-----ail •-..,~,,, ._ .,'WI Grove (U4) 636-3030. dee. Stove, 1arage, yard. l daUghter (no peUl, seek iJ 5 strillg bass fiddle F 0 R • * 494--4129 * '* vestment. Sa1acy $250 per =,-c:,:::,-:==:,.:;,:;.,,...1 wk + equal abut ot profit. Have S70,000 eq, ln 17 older Should l't'turn $25,000 per uni ti $'1420/mo cross. W!ll. yr. for appointment call Mt. take free. Ir: cleu boule, Obt:noW", UWJ9.5600. smaJl un1t1 or TDs & cuh,.l--.W~E"'°'D~A'"R"°E""Y"°O~U~-1 Perron ~alty 642.1m =-.,.,.c...,~'--"'--1 to check us out. Natlo.ow)d.ii Glen Mar 2 tlory ~r Co, needs a di.!ltrlbutor In In H.B. ACTUAL equity your arta 2 to g hr1 p er SM ..NE_ED We1taide C.M. week Id~ or eves) fot hich home with ~ 1 eaminis. No selltnc. You 968-5663 can keep pttsent job. Sl65iO Lake Arrowhead water-required (secured). For fn. front lot $50,000 val. Pacillc tervlew in your uu, send Palisades Ocean VU lot, name, and phone no. to: SZ1,SOO. WANT; lncomt. Oiltributor Dlvi1ion, 590 N. Brkr. S48-ml. Azusa, C.Ovina, Calif. !ll722 Teacher/Owner on leave. WATERFRONT Near Bae, av Sept . ..at. ......., • .,.._. bllc to Mlop'g. $135 mo. Br. untum. • home (court, auto or camp<r oqu!••, 2135 Elden Apt g v 20' Century Bay Cruiser: can be ~n by appt. ~[I. luxury 3 BR, 3 BA. with • · Laguna lkach 4705 Adults. 31116th Pl., C.M. sgl. dwelhn1 or some apts.1,==;:==·------bey fishin&, etc. Re.llnisbed PARTNER req'd. 12131378-2643. ~ner·u:~ Sepmo.t.1!~op'. N.wport.;;;. 4200 lOO CLIFF DRIVE OCEAN BREEZE, le 3 bdr, ~nsideredl ,~ ~i in PALM DESERT near in!lde & out. $3000 va. ,,__ -""" 14 ha.. bll·lns, cpts, drps. n ce are!'-rvma: am· PALM SPRINGS. 2 bdr \VANT· truck. waa: trlr o V•c•tlon R1nt1l1 2900 adults, no peta. U4-&C2-5674 Newport Beach Two bedroom furn1lbed Sl.50 no pets. 56-3215 lly will cive be1t of care, u hoUAe, pool 4 air cond. RE sis.&1. ' r $~.000 cull required for ex· DUPLEX with view, private: or-213-79!M856 COUNTRY CLU& All Deluxe Features own home. to YoW: ttnt.al. $11,000 equity. For lot or T ~ADE 2 ADJACENT ~m~;.:, Odfveld,..,!~~~ .. SaJ.ed LIVING Walkinc Diltance to Beach Newport Beach 5200 Can pay .$1.Z or a bit more, 9? 8,30:282S ~ .. .,_.,, ... , ... 15 avail. weekly dwin1 Aug· Corona del Mir 3250 $2'JS -Yet,My le&M but pleau submit what yoUll-''--===-----LOTS on Santiqo in West-ary $12,000 +profit, Double SepL 2 Bdnns, fireplace, ---------Luxwy &arden apartments 4f4.M49 UNBELIEVABLE have. Area of Hawthorne, '67 FORD Oill.om 4 door, clill for income property or next year. c.au Mr. 1.4 at praae. 3:1Ql"' Kinp Rd. mVINE TERRACE oUerinC complete privacy, -2-B-R_d_pl--.-----Lawndale. etc.; husband em-390 h.p., auto, new tires, ? ?! NB are.a. $30,000 each. 213-fJ7-8024. 548-2394 after 6 pm. De I u x e home tor yearly beautiful landscaplna: I. un-u ex, •u•" 1 untuni, BAY VIEW ployed by We1tern Airlines. R&H, Xlnt cond., Value 646-856S Jea.se. J Bdnru:., dlnlng paralleled recrtational facll-nr Vic-Hu CO• new Simply takes your bttath Call locally: 642-3SB9, evh/ $1600. For equity 1n ttal 113 Acres nr. rfvtr, Small LIQUOR STORE room, 30' livi..., room. AU tiles fn a country club at· cpll;:r-h'pl. l • r · away, ovtrlooldng Lido " weekends. estate or what have "OU! ho H 31 ~'-""- ·• I ·--In '" l ~~;;miiiiiiiiiiiiml I .. u.se on W'Y • VJI_•-Newport Bch •• -kl•• 165,000 beautifully carpeted " mospbert. Now eas .. ,. --·~~------1 So. Bay! Spacious terrace 6'Q-91B:I Nat. Forest, Wash. $15,000 plus inv Old n<>fi~;.. W•n CLEAN Balboa Beach Unit!. draped. Low.ly heated pool Newport Beach, PAN 0 RAM IC VI e w, lor entertalning, AdulU, DD 1'--'--"'--------Val \V CM NB ' "~ · Sleeps 2 to 10: far summer All bu.ilt·lns includina rfric. 1700 16th Street overklokinz· Albo Beach, 2 _pets. SS50 per month. 1966 OLDS OJt1as.s Su-• ant • prop or established, Vos.sing S20 000 re9tl"Yations call ~ lt di&h\l.uber. Pool malnt F'Urnl.abed or unfumished bdr .. tum. All elect. Mature REALTOR 67>2671 preme. Power, bu cket lots. 645-1745 per roo. ).lake oUer. ' 315 E. BaJboa Blvd .. Balboa Models to 1 pm du1U b11dl'I!: ===~'=--'-"'-='-'--ISOlllM ... SU1MT8 seat.a, new tfts, RAH. Xlnt Trade pim. " mack 1bop Greham Realty '46-"2414 I: 1ardentt incl. $t50 per ope.n noon a , no c n, no pets. N E \V p O RT B ea c h __ .._, _ -_ _.lti-. For la•-mod-' -~-t Balboa ,_ t adj •• ,. pl Call n•· &424110 .,110::/ ~~ ·-""""' ~'--\.VllU "'' .., "" on W&•<::IUVU • .... Near Newport POii Office 2 BR Balboa ap mo. """' .. ease. ow~ · ..-mo. £> ......... : =-~•oN· Waterfront 2 bdr, 2 ba, New .vr.-IOOMAn SllYK! F.con Va.o or Similar. Call la.nd 1 beaches/pier .$15-$150 w1dy. er. m-5513, OAKWOOD EXCLUSIVE apt. " Semi· luxury bldg. bu 11t -1n1, "'"·""''" or restaurant equ p. •LIQUOR LJCENSES~ ·-~· 6!S-SKIO b ••-boa ,_, -znent for what have you ! Inter-Coun"'· Transfers ~....... 4 BDR ~ 2% ba. GARDEN care for elderly peraon in SU tern.nean par....... t .,4:!'· ~":"c.t.~~11 75' CRUISER AIP 2 fm..Z774 * ORANGE~ muNTY * ROOM. bath, private en-bit-ins, d.abwahr, 2aX1 sq ft beaut. ocean view home. lliPI avail. '' ----• • ~ 'trance. ON BEACH. Year I.ease, $300/mo. 540-7573 A.,.ARTMENTS P.O. box 623, So. Las. Caribe Balboa 4 \\'OMEN ln medical pro.-depth firEe rt, ran&e 1200 20 Acru ranch. 3 Modern "WE WON'T BE UNDER.. ISO v.11:. 494-5544 ~r RENTALS 310 Fernando St. tessiOn need J to 4 BR, ml ~t aur.rey • will homes, 2 \\~Ila: fenced. SOLD" Umited QuanUt)'J .,.,., .,,.,,... comlder prop TD or 1rn&l-Training track, huge barn, Wirwton (~') -··-0011-1 Hunti_._ leach 3400 SINGLE Yowi1 Adults Lux-A u f l L-.. .,,............, bA. turnlshtd house by ' ~ .. ,....-uv ""' BALBOA Inexpensive cot-.,. ..... , k_. wllh pts. n urn ,,_ 2 2 b bl Sept. JO. Prefer beach. ler boat. Owner. 14 sta.11.s· FOR land, unit, PARTNER .ta:ges _ wkly rates. Avail ury & ... uen apts coun-BDR., a. t·ins, cpta., "A" At""'"' "A" An~• aft S. cn4J 729-MOO or ? $45 000 Eq 675-6259 wanted, active or ,now, 5t8-3l5! 3 BR. 2 bath house with try club atmosphere and G.ner1I SOOD drps.. S190 yearly lease. [ ~·~~~!C-~~~~~~~.::__[--="-=='--' · lnacUv,e. Exdtlnr new pro. R ENTALS built-ins, fireplace I: doublt compl~te privacy. SOtmf ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;j Avail Sept. l . Seashore Dr., EMP. woman who llw.!1 ..I. * * * dt¥:t protected by US pa- gara1e. Nev.·ly painted il '3AY O.UB APTS .. Irvine a VEN 0 NB By appmt. only; (213) qUiedy, desires rum. apt, ln1."~!!!!!!!!!!!!J!*ii!J!!!J!!!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!iJ~'!!!!J!'li!!!!!!!!!ltl tent Rare opportunity, Houses Unfurnished new carpets. W a I k In I 16th Newport Beach. D . ME 696-44l1 eves. c d M, up to $100. fl'1$...0085H Manufactured I: distributed. 3000 distance to tcbooJ. $225/mo. 1nt1 &6-0550 -~1 6 PM REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 673-9412. ~ I RI "~ •1tt ~==-~~-'-= VIEW apt. adults only. one ii.I -=--~~~~~~-I ntr• tr. -""'"""' ...... ::: IMMA~" •TE ·-s ~-I ~-r1I ~F d T G 8 WINTER rental. Lge crptd 2 .. u....,. IV"' ! tarp room wtfirepl. &: sm. 4 DORMS or eqnlv In v.nlr• _.. oo o o usintss 'EHAVEANOTHER1 IDEALforlhe smallerfami-Br, 2 Bo, blt·inl, clo&ed AD\1LT4:FAMILY kitchen avail. $165 mo. N-·;_. Be ch r CdMl---------I-------- '" 3 ~-pl d l'" ba SECTIONS •v•" '"LE '"~" a 0 lusl-Rental 6060 lots 6100 Cood ptoftt record • Bedroom, 2 bath. Modem u. """ us en. -. · pat Io l 1 ara 1 e , ,.. AU.oN:l' 548-2394 Sat/Sun or after 6 attL m-5536, eves &:1 ;;.="-";;;_,;..o ___ ~, I __ (. * 67S-3202 * w.tcben. Double Gara.a:e. Cpts, drps, dshwsr, bU-ina.. wu~r/dryer Avail Sept. Close to thepplntl, Park PM wkdays. wkendl e PRIME Retail Location e BARGAIN 2 i Weoa -~ y-~ s•-p er $175. 968-5249, 962--3831 «nN0.11 N •·-Call n4 '1 i:....Mn. •• 3 Br's 2 Ba ' • ap ta PARTNER Jllent er active · I ~·= ~~ ~ ========= Jl.llN7ll ep........ : -• 2 BR, 2 be., elec kit, Irplc, * Rental Service * Stott 17x40, xlnt ft. " auto f.Iesa. A 19 unit I: a 55 unit. need $3SOO to mlf. Item 0f 1montb Lease. First and Last. 629-1492 * 2 Bedrooms enc 1a:r. Ste• .. to '--" be. traffic. l8Tl Harbor CJd Excel lac. 645-2060 r ·~11 Fount1in Vall..v 3410 WIN-TER-•-•., •e, -~ 2· *Swim Pool, Put/-•, .... "'""" FREE TO LANDLORDS • · . o nat'I aoope; fortl.lne p:m. ~ •J ....... uu ..,. .... ,._ $200. mo 673-1!90 or Blue BeaCC'n 6'5-0UJ. 646-6654 536-0131. Ahytime. MG-9234. E SELL A HOME BEAUTIFULLY iand pod Br 2 Ba. bli-lns. cl .... * Fri>~ Indlv~ ..., II 5'8-3181 VERY 31 MINUTES "" '11 • 1145 Anohoom A... EXEC OESPERATE MARlNERS CENTER Aero-6200 BEER. wine ~ .. u.· .•~- a Iker & Lee 3 BR, 2 BA, blt-lna, frpl, .pa o a ca.rage, CX>STA MESA sc.2124 VIEW apt. 2 Bedrnu, aplit 4 Bednn tenced yard lse Office & atore bid&. mit or potential. Established~ C!'pt&, drpa, covered patio. washer/dryer Avail Sept level. F.Jeeant carpetin&. by 3/11 '2:13-J'l8.ll6S ' ' leue. $75 to $120 per mo. l•rin• looch In -..i.... commwU+v, OoR to ICboola I: •'"'-'f ~ Neptunt. Call "ll4; ..i .... ~ _,.._ "-1·-· 149 ••--"• Ave ""2tt4 "'""• v a~, • RENT • -Call-att"' 5"p_M_ .-; • .::::;~· NEED 2 Bdrm, apt ln ~~~ ' -u 1 ACR S W/PERMIT 53!-1!'8. 7682 Edln •• r . Yrly lae $2'15 mo. 8J9-.3135 629-1492. ~ BALBOA l""~o • ··-2 ·~====-~--·I 3 Rooms fl'umlture Harper Sch. area by Sept. 1. ...,,.,.,.,.. -~ TO KEEP HORSES 'LAUNDROMAT· Succea:ful, 1142-4455 or 540-5140 lo ch 3 * NEW BAY FRONT $20 • $2S & UP BALBOA BAY CLUB ex· Reaaonable, 645-ll.55 Stores, together or aep. 307 Adjacent subdlvirion 0 n e Moat aotomated s e If . 1, Open eves. !:!fune I 705 Winter rentala, 2 Br, 2 Ba qui.site 1 Br apt. Furn ·or --="'~=~=-=-~,-I Marine Avt. 6'f3.8753 ,1_ E · u~ s= ~ f A II "·pt 6 -... -· e LANDLORDS e Or,.. -~··-m-. of hwy, util avail. sel'Vlce . ..,._.,. ·~ $165. 2 BR Studio duplex, PROFESSOR wtll leaae 4 um. va ;J<: • .-,,. mo. Montb-To.Month Rentall unf. Lae $400 .,_,~ uivl\a' $35 000 JL Cuh bal 1 , OK 227 19th SL 67&-0236 ,.:;:;.=:..· =:o·.:.;;c:;;::,__ FREE RENTAL SERVlCE ffJt. PER Mon~ ~-~ l71h • • 711 • st tnlt ESTABUSHEO beauty salon yard, child · . BR. 2 BA hOnie, w/w crpl· 1----------WIDE SELEC'I'ION 2 BR. Apta. turn. or un.!um. Broker 534-6982 -u .. --"' deed. In CdM. 6 chairs, newly Bkr. 645-0lll C.M. ling, drps, lg. deck. $200 MAGNIFICENT View, week Appliancet A TV's avail. To UX1 yearly. St., C.M. Street npoftl1't:. MAKE OFFER! I decorated. 675-3420. ~· 4 BR. 2 ea, fenced mo. Avail Sept. L 494-4243 or yearly, split lewl, 2 No Seoirlt)' Deposit Anita, Jones Rlty. 673-6210 NICE l or 4 BR apt or house Realonomlcs 675-6700 \Vrite or contact: George R . .. .,anJ. Children &: o<ts 0.K. eves. bedrooms, fireplace, earace, HFRC Furniture Rentals CL S 3 ~ 2 Bo unfurn or furn. G 0 0 d all Kress Box 914 1 .... Mo 6320 ,"ski'. ,.. M" C.M. 2001% Kina• Road. 54S-239t 511 ... w. l91h, CM 548-3481 •EX u IVE .._ °', , r~ldentW area. R e s P . sm a tore • • ..._,una ney to Loan 1. ............... SUPERIOR 2 BR. 2 BA 156$ W. Lncln, Ahhm T74-2800 crpts, drps, bl.um, $225 mo 67S-Ol39 Catalina Island $75 }.to. Beach or phone 4944726. 1----"------- . 4 BR. fm nn. condo 2% North end. Mature couple or _att_•~'~6,cP_.m~, -----1:::.:.c.:,;:=::..;;;:::;..::,:.:_:::; lae. 645-1024. _ _;Phone.;::::.;A:.:valo::::;:;;"c.;1:;:17;__ lJ ACRES, or~ I. avocado 111: 6 2nd loa.hl for qu1ck car car. pool. Many extru, lady, no ch1ldre.n or pela. 1 &: 2 BR apts. P'rom SUS. to JlSO. 2 BR .. 1% ba.. Studio ~ BU~E:SS Lady desitt!I l grove. So. Or. County. cash. 8amJw on your pro. inr bch. Bia'.~-$245 la. Refs. 49'-8109. $115. No children « peta. plex. Encl'd. car. patio, Westcllff 5230 bdrm untum apt. To $110. Office lentil 6070 S136.000 on cash de a I perty eq without dlsturb!na l~ Pla~ntia. Abo avail. child 1: pet o .K. Bkr. C&1J '4)-0086 MODERN OFFICES w/$25,000 down. No pymta. )'oUr k1lr tntereat 1st TDs. ~osta Mela 3100 L .. Unl Nipl 3707 ,W>turn~:cc·=-~~--I _534-<980"'-"""-~~---I SND Prf. 2 BR, 2 BA. cpt. on equity tor one fl'· Al90 buyen tor 2nd 1'DI. •<;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;; OCEANVJEW: 2 BR. winter s ~145. 2 ~. studio, l'h ba., nr. drp. frplc, bltlm, acrou, ;;R::oo::m::":.:;fo::r_R::lnf:;;.:_.:.5::99.;.5;I FROM $65 PER MONTH 494-6594 Broker, &ttler Morto.re Co. Inc. ~ 3 BR. 2 BA. b"utllul v;e,,, 11 2 BR .... Inn ~--· ·-l -,. A!Mond., -· centnl lo-==~=:;;====IServtna Harboe Atta 2l -. FOR RENT Jae., 60 or , famoy achoola le iboppin& Bkr. ......,.., s. ·......., .....,.,. GEN11.EMEN • beach, pool, catiolll. Secretarlal tetvlct. 7tL ,, •• -4 bedroom home in P.1esa :~·:;:t"~ ~~· nn, winter lse, S 19 5 • 66-0111 C.M. Adults:. 64J...6239, 1665 Irvine. te:nnia, nfri&., entrancf'. 230 E. 17th, Co.!lta Meu. Mount. & Desert 6210 642-2171335 E. 1 St.~ 'V•nk N•w oha< carpoh. :';64.,!ER RENTALS e $125. LGE. 2 br., 4-plex. Bit-Corono def Mor 5250 165. mo. """3518. 642-1415 !......... .. . ,- $225/per month ...... Bkr. Coodominlum 3950 ins. w/w, drps., familrl iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii NICE. Clean room f or PRIVATE Ol.fices w/bath, Rnch Hse & Acrea e Mortg•ges_, T.D.1 6345 9521 or 540-6631 .;;.;:====:...-..:..;.;.; WINIFRED L. FOSS, Alto welcome. Bier. 534-6980. 11 employed: man on day 1hUt. crpta., drp& .l storate SPf'lce g Country Club VIiia • &t2-3850 • ... : Costa Mesa. 642-79'10 tn the Glendale F@d Savings 20•;. Rtt. for 3 Yrs. L<w•ll' 2 BR, 1% BA,-~. 3 BR 2 BA turn apt '"' ~C.:.°"=•.:.M~•=•-_..;:..5;.;.;100 ~ Bldr .• Corono de! Mar. SSS NEWBERRY 13.5n .43 2nd T""t Dffd be· dl'p!I., blt·ins, pri. patloa. winter lea. on bch. $300. 'O,. •rt• Guest Homes 5991 mo. Call Evelyn Hilbakken hind .man lit on lot with S2'l5. 817-!1830. !508 W. Oceanfront. NB. HARBOR GREENS , 67">-5<'4"' 54"1165 SPRINGS f.asw>a" ""'" oceao mw. Kl:NlAL!t YEARLY l bdr·upper, partly ON TEN ACRES PRIVATE room tor am-l.SE..:::E:.::::.:.1!8=._;E:,=.,l=!th=.,S~~CM= CITY OF LAKES S40 per month incl. S% 3 2 BR., ~. patio, crpts.. Aph. Furn!·•~ •• -'l furn. --•· avall. 511 BACHELOR u·•--n from 1 & 2 BR. Furn "· Unturn bulatory lady. Nk:e liur-N tAt .,.; -'"' tp., lfl. >!AKE YOUR OWN LAKE yrs, 2:lr'o DllCOl.lnt 'drpe., ato\le relrlg .. tropical .. _ ::th~St. .1.111CA •uw • roundin,p. good meal a. ex. to ...:CUnv ac c 497-1210 BROKER 497-1021 I ting f dulta 1 blk to .I.:-:;;:...:;;.,--=-~-~~ $1.10. Alao avail 1 -2 It. 3 Firepl.acea I prlv. patios I Ccdta Mesa area. Avail Nat I Bank. Pl~nty _of p&rk· set or ... ~ · c.•• A...,,. GeMral 4000 OCEANFRONT winter l!!e, 3 Bdrm. Heated pools. child Pools. Tenni8 • Conlllt'I BkfJt. "'·pt. !. call S4MT53. ~· .... 'o.11 util. included. 20 l\tiles Eatt of Barstow on $75,000 ht TD on 11.000 sq. shop $145.-•.Ulll. Mo.~'"" ---------';..;.'I ea.rt center, adj to shoppln&. 900 Sea Lane, CdM 644.:Mll ~ U'l"""4.1 freeway. Elev. 2000 ft. Near ft. brick corwnerc. bJd&. on ' LEAN 2 80"'! hOu,., p-· Sl.55 2 B" 1•• w/w d..,. BR. family, $l7~. .fBO'l"!iii N I IM-·'-h ~--H I I I I d I d no ·~ · "'·• .... • • .,...."'--'--Ori opes.. '"""'-.urn:r.~1 wy Lakel.oreen.Wonderfulland ona·erm ease an . : fenced lot $135. 1 58 a Older child welcome, avall 1-~""-'=-~'"='='---"'"""' ===-2700 Peteraon Way Mite. Rentals 5!,9! OtDce 6 desk ipace. for aprlcota, alfalta, nut tree Payable $7SO per mo. lncl. , Rlvtts1de Pl. off 16th St. now. Bkr. 534--$80. LARGE 1 BEDROOM l-.:Col""l&"""M'O•=oa"'°"::.546:.:..,:-03:,l;:O-I 2 BR IOtlth ol bi'WI.)', crpll., STORAGE full Secretarial servtce. ""'""ing, fish raising, horse lQo/p, Rental inoome $2.iOJ $150 month yearly earqes, Y Newport Civic Center, .. ----Sito. 1 BR., ,.. beach. 87 • ..:.. MARTINIQUE ...,,.., frpl., prs. No child, ,--•---• Avail "·pt 1., ~r·~ ""°"· bolllnr. •IC; .ic: por mo. 20% Dlooou"t. Newport leach 3200 students o.k. Avail 1123 ===*==~==*=== bC1 petl. Yrty lat. $180 mo. •iuUKU-,;,c • • "'~ ""' BROKER 497-UlO 2 Bkr. 645--0W C.M. CorOlll dol .,_r 4250 GARDEN APTS. Avail 9/1. Alt 7, 67>3n7 $Z), moo e~~d29bl21· C.M. CARPETS, drapes, air con· 40 Acres Ranch Land, Im· Sl.950 2nd TD at $20 lltonth OCEAN view -Br., 2 ha., ""' ~--" 2 "" tu 1 .• _.,_ ... * 1ii F ... a,, pl't.l'e., dltiOnin&", plenty of pa.rklna;. proved W11ll modern 2 BR · I 10~ · _,1 d 3 .. fr! P · $115. 1 BR. 4-plex, pr, am.all c.A<."Qltnt, park-like surround-u. ... , m uu•u•n av.... ._. 1 •~A" n-.... 1l'IC. 10 int.,.. ue yrs., n, range, 1't' I· atJo. ~.... Alt 9/lO or hi n< wr son.re-~ v•--.e S'70 &:: up. Wells·AlcCardle, -.. ch hOu" •·• llv rm · , ·-· Yrly, lse $32) mo. Incl. pet considered. Avail 9/1 OCEANSIDE l;fwy, J BR, ... , for adulta only. er ' so. way. Ave, Costa P.1eu.. Rltra:. 548-7729. b;' ed ii· ..., b akf sf on ocean v1ew lot, ..._ .. oa gardener. Vacant. Davis I=•,,"',.·--=,,---·'""_,."",.,.---, turn, w1lk to 1h0Pt1, adult. Bach, 1, 2 I. l BR. Apts. Mt.rpritt. 21J.431-1195. 1 ;========,-1,,=.:;:;:,;::.:;,::::..,,.---,,~ am ce mg, re a Beach. )J~ d I a co u n I Rltv., Mr. R 0 b 1n•0 n $100. ln'lL pd. SuJtablt 1 _•_nil'~·-"'~"-"-·-------I Pool, nr shopping. 2 BR. Jarie apt., blt·in!, new -1000::. .___rty 6000 LARGE Executive offief! rm, kitchen, modem bath It: 494-1137. " 1m Santa Ana. Apt 113. 1 fn!shl -'"ted Cpl ,. ...... ,..,.. N.B. Aho small ottice from plumbing. Tank house ~n--1~~-~==-----1 &n-7000. penon. BkJ'. SU-Qm, Whit. e}epbUC.I fnme..6-line 646-5542 ~., Y _.., . $45 mo. Owner. 675-4644 closl.ng lOOO pl aalv. ator-$5,900 lST TD on ocean vie! Summer Rent1lt 2910 - ' • 1 • • 014/J. no peta. ~. 6 UNIT APT. •i e tank under ti lbs ptts· ~t. 8%. due J years, 10~ General 30000.nerel 3000 Gener1I 3000 2 BR Bungalow d v PI ~ x • .;:;:;:=::==::::==,[ 600 to 1200 Sq. Ft. sure. \Vllh double rar. Con-d1SCOUnt. 491-1210 . . - 1------------'-----"'-:..:..--'-'----------1 E1ec bllns, crplJ, drps, Huntinefon lelch S400 Sparkling ne1v OFFICE. C.M. 640-2130 cnte aeplic tank, all dee., (-497-1021 evenings) S~\\~~-~t.~s· Sol•• • Shnpte Scra .. bl•d Word Puute for a Cm.ck!« ......... ·-.... .... tour. at11mbi.cf .... b.- 1ow to form fovr . •lflP'-'WO!'& t'111"'·r1 ~1· 1 1. I rilLr ,. " 1 11 11 D '" I Abool 0 ""''"• ..... "Ho'•. ' I' I I oud! a lowbrow !ha! -ha -- -goll 0 l)eodocl<o ... pull - 1 ,.N_l_U_C_O_P __ ..,, ,. h~ ihoo." • ' I I I' I !$!::.~~; 1 i ~~"'~~"r1w r r r r \' r \' I • G'fF: lET!tJS TO I I I I •. I I I I SCIAM·LITS AN WER IN CLASSIFICATION 8000 alidlrtg 1Ja.u drps, 2 patios, 2 Bf!drooms, 2 Baths caeh. 5 bp pump, 3(11 aaJ per min bird'• eye view of aea. Gar. 2 BEDROOM. Crpl!, &-pl, fireplact1, t!lectric built·ins Industrial Prop. 60IO at 80' depth. Jmprowments: Money Wanted 6150 Ad It 21 , 1 btlilt·lns. No cbldm, no pets. 1 • d u •· no pets. ~ ca.rpe s rapes fenced .. 1th l" by 6' x 300 ft American Ave., CM. Call 968-.5'766 aft 4 p.m. 2 Car garages LOT siu l00xl70' with oUlce rtdwood fence. 7 Miles East WANT $23,000.wW P9.Y up to LGE Bachelor unit. Sharp, 2 • 3 BDRM, 2 Ba, pvt patio, MinUnum maintenaOCT & 4CIK40' al.ab with steel of iebooJ. S76.!XXI % CaM, 9~ .ecuttd by h t T.D. on Cpts/drps. Nr. So. Coait h e at e d po o I , n e w I y 1 A winner both frame o!lly • Ideal for truck-bal 1st truit deed. Will ne-Colpf la MetacallreArt•""""'-c· . ~ Plua. occ. SUS lncl l't'fli.a, decora.Wd. 96M.994 -~, ncome & tu-wi!e in& Hnn.. $26,0Q) • tM!'1t of gotiate. Courtesy to broke:r. "'""'"~TOR '°""".,. '•"•- &; ulil. See at m Valencia 2 BEDROOM. carp e 11, $1lT,51Xl tema. Owner will carry lat 8'7.£i&40 att I PM. ~ ~ ....., Apt. 2 att. 5 PM wi<da>• 4 "'-'• ,..,.., Pt81"· SU.. Call Wally Hall1!:' -TD. • •••••••• ANNOUNCEMENTS all """""'-IM-4183 ~•. ~·•• Well1-McC1rdll, Rltrs. ind NOTICES ,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • .,... HAR•O lllO~~ ~~-R. E. WantN 6240 Found CF .... Ad1) 6400 N E W '· •• Industrial Ront~I 6090 For l1111 42QO Sq Ft $$MORE WH $$ F'CMALE appcvx 1 yr aid "PettlC'Ollt Junction" type dor. Red color. wine. «.'OI· lar. cau 642-2613 Shop Bldf N, Ontown F0< Your Home E4u!IY D• A t• l l •!!!!'!"'!!!l!!J!'!"!!~~.,...,.ICottaMeM.ManyidHI Ablolutelynoeoat ••• YOUNG male black 1me. • 1ne • TRIPLEX • UNI. Contact owner, \0 )"OU tbt Seller! Lebradof'.mlx. Blk collar. PLUS Vacant R·S Loll Mr. Diclc1r10n. t2yunof~rnorrcs1b Vlc Marbwr's Prk, N.B. Deadl Owntr will carry 1st TD at '42.ooM Oeys for Orulre Couab' propcrty, ,, .. =WS02=-=-~~-~~-•1ne SJ;I\ Int 159' _, b\tys, 545452 Ev11. Call !he RMI • • • FOUND ..... -.... $$5.00'.I Full Price ~f·l INDUSTRIAL 3100 9lf Tben call the But tl9 collar, Aue. 'lit. J't)olM Ewlnt lnv11t. R111ty n .. 4 o!fl''" 3 ,.... ,,.,..,: BEVERLY JA(X'ftll '11" 5• ..,_ 3 00 P.M 64...US OR. 61 .. 1361 ~/pir month. JVn f1U • C..Uco rabGtt r.r .. e 4 NA1TY NIFTIES C. Robert Nattrtu Realtor Corona 8eich. Clll 4 klent· •, • Ail 2 BR -Elee hlllno. Lu>h Coll& M•u 612-1.., REALTY 1_11Y_. !7Hil38-~~---I patios AND owr 12$9 ne.t M-2 INDUSTRIAL l))&(9 In MAIDS F . I DAY rt.tum. MaJce me pf'O\.-e h! coocrec. bid&. »:>o sq ft. 7f6 &47-60U or SU-124$ Hottl/Mote! expmence Jo Ha111en. Rllr. 64&--m w. 17th, CM 12'13) tM-6082 m.-9410 ... -PRS-BUlLT S&le. Ill •Pta on FOR m ... fiiii aq. ft. GREY rabbit. ~-.. Ef P.fonte aoU pt. lat. lnd1J1 b11J bide. 9c rt. lS39 rnE QtnCKE'R YOU CAU..1 _54_"'3fl!IS-=,_,..~-.-."'"- Ch\'1'1t1" df!prec. 644-0SS. Momov\a.:. Of. m..9M1' THE QUJCKER Tiu SEIL Whtte r;l~rtiants'! . "' -··--· ,#<-----~.. . .~ ...... ~ ........ --.... ·---..... --........ --..... ~,...--.... ~--~·"' . ..,.,,..,., • I I I ' I I I • • .. • • • • , ' Alllltl "· 1 When You Wo nt it done _righ t •.. ANNOUNCIMENTS end llOTICIS JOU &' IMPLOYMINT .IOIS & IMPLOYMINTJOIS &•IMPLOYMINT ,JOU & IMPLOYMINT ~-~ 1to1, w......,"'"" 7200Ho1p w-.Mlll noo 11oi.·w...w."'"" noo ~wonte& MM·191 Travel 64" -i:i.ctmdcs =:.;c.;,.: ~\.A,~ H U 8 H ES t/J..t(l'f. Share C 0 It I, . Howes Ill E. Bay, CM NI WPORT BEACH Coll one of the experts listed below/I · ' Joas .. EMPLOYMENT • ( ~.1 SlllVICI Dllll CTOllY SI RVICI DIRI CTORY SERVICI Ollll CTOllY . Joli Wmtod, Mon 7000 ENGINEER, -...... with 17 yean electronics, eic:· perie~ uraentl)' • e e k 1 nla;ht job to pC!nnlt com· ptetion ot deVM: work J ·1 I I 6.,_ d .. ..t-.t ... -. Will conskler ,·---6665 '_•_n_• •_r_a ___ . __ ·~--·~ -· -· • 1 . Job u technician or T For Car pet Vinyl Tiie SPARKLE JanHorial I Win-tnttmew, write Box P 429, ELEC- TRON~CS TECHNI- CIANS MAT. woman, child can, your bomtl, Own tra.na. Ref's. $1.25 hr. 54M3B9 AU 11>'1" •"" colon dow cl-Serv. Win-.,:Delly==Pllo=I=. ====- FJ'ff est. Lie. contr. dowa, resld., ~.const. Joli Wan•-• Lady -o 5tl).T262 546-4471 Oee.nup, ~ nt. _.,.zaL •-• 1v4 lrlck,Ma-ry,tlc. l<======='==:IESrATE Main! 'l'rff 5'rY REL1J.BLE. ..,.,.._d 1 ______ _:65:;60::; G1rdenlnt 6610 Removal 6: trimmings, ftte mature lady as Cashier, ___ .;:.....____ estimate, c.&ll ~-0088. Ho&tftl or ReceptioailL ANTHONY'S .. Pttftt CM-NB area. Part or for components teat and BU?LD. Remodtl, repair. Brick, b)ock, concrtte, carpentry, no job too aroall. ' Uc.Qlntr. ~ A :Land=::::.....,.::i:;:ML-·':.....;61::.:;10 full time. ~ production support. A min~ ~ .=:s::,:,;,,;.:: ===-'--~i----1 mum of one ytar ot r«!Mt 644 4860 '*' Lic'4 landlcape contrao. EXPER. practical II u r • •. industrial expetltnce la re- MACHINISTS. ™"" .... ,.,......,., Hone Operator ' Grinder Operator Sr. Drill Press Operator Mill Operators' Sr. - CADILLAC CONTROLS Olvlslon of Ix.Colle C...p. 186& Wllittier Ave., Costa Mesa 646-2491 All equal opportunity employer Y:OU : -. CAN JOIN A ,VITA( IXNNDOt• IJ4DUSTIY, WITH THI l'OQMolJ., ~J~UFA<;TUREl OF ~UTOfitATIC VALVES AND CQNTl.OLS.. . ' . . THISI rlRMANI NT l!OSITIONS ARI AVAii.- AiLi llt!MIDIATILY -I: i . . , * GENERAL MACHINIST . (SWlnt "lift .. 1y1 Elltnll••< lllldJIM lbop aptrlonce nqulrttl. * TURRET LA THE OPERA TOR No. ' a. No. s w ....... a s....., Petter It JohMOn wlalfltkt. I • * ENGINE l:A THE OPlllATOl I (Swint' shift .. 1y1 · ) * CRl·DAN THREADD Ol'IRA TOI 1 Tht Bnt. COila no more! tor; complete lndacpc ~ a.I.lo a>o.k: dieLI, live in. reterenc-quired, A lmowledie ot IOJ.. ~rienced Ml.iilte ..... -Japanne prd~nl mJ037 es. Box ,702, Wauna Beach id atate~tcy is delir-l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!~~'!!l!!!!!!!'"!!!!!~~~j .._.,.. .__. LANDSCAPING Yuecu for 00?.IESTIC work. 0 w n able. • · * Room Add!UoM G= 1=Ji.~t saJe, call Juan Pantoja, iramportation. Refs. Help Wanted, Men 7200 Help Wanted, Min 7200 Builders 6570 (Swing shift only) " * RADJAL DRILL .~TOR (Swint shift .. ly) 1 * ~~8nts • UnKll",_"---AL"S r-~-I.;;:;;:~~==:;:~ ~796 aft. 6. ()ptnina:s art on 1n &: 2nd ;;;;;;;;:;:;;;:;;::;;;:;;::;::; ------.....,,-1 *~tom """ * ~ -~""" .. Lawn Pa-rhanglnt 1-=:=::==::=i=====-l "'itt. ----IMMIDl~TI . * 2 story SpeclallstJ ~lntenal'lce. Commerdal, -HI 7035 ~ ,.,.. _. .. -• • tndustr1aJ • mldentlll.P _a.._in_;.;tlc.;:nt,__ __ 61=50 Domatlc Ip SEARS HELi' )VANTED 20~. ftP. *6f5..3629* PATh"TING Int 'Ext Lowest ClUneM ltw.ina. Cheerful H U G H E S ~~SIOll Pacific CH1t Buikltrl ERV'S LAWN 1: contracted pricea. .:-..11 .. ins. Permanent. Experienced. ~·· '"' E. eo.11 Hwy. GARDENING srnvrCE s.tlsfact1on .,.... >.:;;.... For ,,.. .. ,.....,. 64~ Costa Mesa 1• EJa>-i;:siON Corona del Mar 67$. n91 rta/Comc'J/Indus. Reu! Jlnt Wee.kl .,_ 1166 ,.__ Allen B•land ... """' NEWPQRT BEACH ' ••7 -•· , ~ ORANGE COUNTY: * DRILL' l'lESS OPERATOR !Swint shift only) *DI IURRElt ***·**. COMPLETE SERVICE 64~7756 EXT/Int pnf&: Aver rm S2JJ Employer Paya Fee 500 Superior Avenue AnnounC.a openings for Providea taunedla1-em~- • Romodellna • R"id•nttal ALLEN BROS. + IOOd ~t ... at .;., .. ~lt&=B~E.;.16;;th,;;,;SA==54;;1;.--0395;;:;1 N•wport •••ch, c.m. EXPERIENCED mcnt. lot r.lldc!tl ol iii. We haft pntYlded. OYet' 20 yrears of ! e Omuntrclal e Induttrial GARDENERS STUDENTS loc rrta. Roy, 847-1351. -;;; arw.. 'I:'---.. ..... i-•t nece dy ' c.n.1ruct1on-n..•-Assoc. -H 1 · W 1~ Mon 7200 -•-~-~· -· • ING ._.--....__ w -i...1911 j 'fM..~.,... ">' thrtl collele. PAINTING -papering, 10 ;;;;';';;;;;;an;;;-;•;;;;;;;;;;;;l~Eq=ual:.:-:::~tw~o?ty~em:p]O)<:r SEAT COVER IU'Y &a compaey traiD1na: ,'"f"-r••-••• tvr ._..... -··T 1 ' Exp. Ltc. Rea.s. 646-GD years m e.ret. Reuonable M &: F INSTALLER Jt furniMtd, · C..,..,i.rlnt 6590 Japano .. Gardener , "'"· c.u 64UIZ!. --START CLA"·VA1;. COMPANY ' Exper., comp! Yard se:mce. CLARK • CLARK BRAKE AT .. l CARPENTRY Fue tit. M><l!U, ,,..._ CUS!'OM PAINTING H-U Q H E S ITT JABSCO MECHANIC $411 PIR MONTH 17th & PLACEl\'TIA MmOR REPAIRS. No Job CLEAN-UP SPEClALJST! e 642-2936 e e It qualifted llhl M.UPted, 10 Too Small. Ca"""'t In Kl" Mowing, -· odd jobo. PAINTING, P,..rln& 16 yn. NEWPORT BEACH ALSO FOR on 1>l>'Oll t1>11 -· COSTA MESA, CALIF. aps a: o t be r cabinet&. Reuonable. 548-6955 in Harbor area. Uc. 4: F ULL TIME WGH SCHOOL GRADUATE 714-541-2201 , 545-&115, U "' """'"' i.... EXPERIENCED J.....,. bond<d. RW. tum. 642-2:156. HH urgent MECHANICAL SALESMAN AGES :JO 'l>., lDll' at &tS-2372. lL O. prdene:r. Reliable. 54().7313 SUBURBAN Paln~~-/Dec r-uir1ment1 for DRAFTSu&N Hard aurfaoe ~ 1 YEAR. RESIDENT ,....,__..,,,,.....,_ .... ,,,.,. l ._ fM !rte eatima.. Expert Guarant.;;"wm ., ..,.. ml Interior d<coratmg. IN AJIEA Help W..,,...,· Moll 7200 Hofp W...W. ..... -, ,.... ". ' CARPENTERING, room ad· JIM'S Gudenlne i: lawn Free eat, No job too llrl:e _..,_ CA;LL M'~~ er TGel. di-patio ..... k ma1n-.... Rel. •. Com-o• too .....u. 494-3190 -SWISS -""""""''"' In cio.. to!-1---=.":.:'°:.:725=':.....--1=:.:==::.:::.:.: ~. QuaJlty, cu 1 tom merrlal. * 541-MU • F0< better -__ ,. erance draltins on una.11 Excellent Eam1np "'~ ~ ........ SCREW pump component• and Phis m· JABS · • CUt Ir Edge Lawn experienced painters a t assemblies, R e q u I re 1 • Protit aharin( CO REPAIRS, ALTERATIONS Maintenance, Lictl19f!d 6464077 atttt 6 pm. MACHINE "'Orking .knowledge of de· e Hosgitaliutlon ~ Any aiz~ 54&-4b/'4>2310 &ft 4 p A p ER SPECIAl.JSfS _ OPERA TORS mensklnlna; lechnlquea as • Group lite ina. ,rs. exper. -* EXPERT JAP~ Cal's beat for vinyls, flockl applied to cuUnp and • Pl.Id vacation QUAUTY Rept.in -Altera· GARDENER foil, murals. 147-1859 e~s. ' (A & I) machlnlfli drawlna:1. ShOp • 8 paid holiday, tlcns .. New comt. by boor Free Estimate. M6-083I) experienoe desirable. • Em~Yff dilcount or Contract 6f6..3442 JIM'S GARDENING " ll'lm Plastarlng, Rep1ir 6880 OPENINGS ARE ON Samplea required. e REPAIR, Partitions. Small maintenance 1\H. &: Qnn. FIRSI' AND SECOND Apply ln Pemnnel Office Remodel, etc. Nlte or day, men:la1 * • 5'8-Mll ·~"PATCH PLASI'EJUNG. SHI.n'S GOOD BENEFITS AND Monday thnl SaturdQ' Reul can KEN 5fO.Wl9 . • ftLI typtL Free nttmate. WORKING CONDmONS 10 AM to • PM Ge 1 S. I 6682 Call 540-6825 Work \n • clean, air-eond. SEARS Cement, CencNte 6600 ntr• rv «II ===='===== I manut.acturtnc facility Jo. Equal Opportunity HAUL.ING, Gtnenl. tJ:ee!, Plumbing 6190 cated near the btacb. Enjoy Employer R C * CONCRETE Work, bond-· bedgff. top~, .trfmml!d, top company benefits. 'l'beSl oelKlck & 0. ed &: llc. Patios/drvwya removed. Big John. M2-41J30 PLUMBING REPAIR positions oUer an P.Xcellent 1485 DALE \VAY etc. Phillips C •men t . No job too small fututt with a rrowirW com· COSTA t.fESA, CALIF. 92626 SOUTH COAST PLAZA TURRET LA THE -OPERATOR- TURREr LATHE OPERATOR/ SITU!' GOOD BENETm AND WORKING CONDlTlONS ITT IABSCO MIU. & DltlU. OPERATOR MUil hive mme aper. GOOI) BEllE1'm AND WORKING OONDmONS Equal_..,,,.,, -· ITT IABSCO -CLEANJR DEIURR & HELPD Ii I P'l'ei'u eome fldor7 • J , -wlllllllndtoola.' ' 1 GOOD .BENEm'S AND WORKING OONDmOlll i ' ' 548-<380 H _.;.au;;.;l..;.1"9.._ ___ ..;0.;.7.:.;;30 ==:;;•;.~===·== ""rcial w..ision. ol Huaht• m<1 54;8251 1:1» S. BRISTOL Equal-~ty 1485 DALE WAY •OONCRETE-" all -Rmodl R . 6MO Al=aftCompany.•tt<"011·:1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiii l CDSTAMESA ~....-,. OO!l'AMESA,CALll'.-Uti DALEWAT . I _ ..,.__, .. ~ ..... •-·--YARD/sar cleanup. Remove -~ •' ep11r, niled leader in tbf field ofP . (n41 56GM. ~A~•• ~··-v~ ~ ~-·-~· .... •-••--_,_w,, 1"5 DALE WAY ~· .-.·~. Call 543-1324 bad<i.o.""" -,s,_,.,45 BUILD, """"1<1. Repair ~~ Ao F.qua1 Opportunlly OOSf.\ MESA. CALIF. l'lDlll--:-====.,--:::-·J -_,...,,i<~n:,:t;;l_;'H:;;IU'll::;;;;' =.-I I CEMENT WORK. no job too l'LEAN ui. m mov1na Brkk. block. co•cr•t•. p1 .... 1pply LANDSCAPE Em"°'"' • mu 56el * EXPERIENCED *· ACCOUNTANT < 1 ' = a;;;;:·~e Tl'ff Ii mub ~. ~~tr~ job tDo ~ in person -PLANNER-~ --------1 . COOKS One -thrl eouat1'"7'!1 I Reuonabl@, 54~1359 * IF )'OU need nmodellna:. bui1dlll& f I r m a . .,_. Chlld c... 6610 HAULING, clwoup, loU '"· palntmg or r.palrs. Call H u a H Es $667. lo $111. per ITT JABSCQ EXPEDITOR BUSBOYS ,,_ mu !« laitlll • ! Handyman anytim• '°" ca11. Dick, 642-1791 month. Appolntmont OISHW ASHE RS ...,.,_ '" Clnnlt °"'"'!'· WORKING molhon; child ** 642-3398 ** NEWPORT BEACH ibovo $667. po11iblo "'"" .,,. .,., -. ~~"!.i ~ ~ I care, m>-•: da>s. ..... TRASH HAULING-' S.o,;;;•.;.;'""'''-----'6"''60"" 1d1• .. po,,nd.,,1,"'. on quali· IMl'EWR ,...,. """' ..._.... ' APPLY Ill PEll8Cll'I -•"" .-11nco .... ty: reu rates, CM area. -500 S lor Av---in ma.chine lhop expedit.. _, ... ....-m. reuonab!• • 645-ml is YRS • ._ Stan11treu, upor -·-PROCESSOR 1n1. .....,. for a --· • al""llo"' • repair, m•na Ntwport lloich, CilH. CITY OF REUIEN E. UE ~ ....,, "'1""1 Carpet CINnlng 6625 l10UH<ioanlnt 6735 clolhlna ,..c1a11y. ~I NEWPORT BEACH Ctldlllac Cont,.11 1511. Co11t Hwy. but not ............ lollr7 CARPETS. Windows f1n. Alt t " J-642 5845 Equal opportunity Some experlenc:e with DIYillon of Ex-Cello Corp. -•---&.. commerllUfl.te "1QI abillt1 CARPET &: Furn cleaninl• • •r• KH1 • employer MJF hand toola and drill p~... l"' Whllt1-.a l'Wt ___.... plua exoellent fl'tnp·beaeftta for 1 day aervi~ il qui11t). etc. Rea ar Comc'l. Xlnt Neal, accurate, 20 years op, Reqlliret dt&Tt"e in hortlcuJ. Ired. ..., ,.r l!l>YI• JEWELER: Moat bt ~ of a ~ puwnt ~ work call Sterlinr 1or \\'Ol'k Reul Refs. 54S-tt1l ture, landscape d e 1 I 1 n, es requ Coste MeH enoed SIS» + J'Uil btne-paqy Contact w c. 1· lllorl ~-•"----•. "" -c·•~ w·~-•-TILE, Ceramic 6974 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -<dmlniotntion or 646-2491 ~'-. ~-. m<) '41»110 ' · .,.'6 u~ Q'lroiUV ..uw-~·~ .............. ....~ I: clolely related. ProfeuioMI GOOD BENEFITS AND nu. Mll1. oppty to So WJW etc. Res er Comc'I. Xlnt * V The TUe M * experience may bt sublU. WORKING CONOmONS An eq:zrtumty ~~~· C.a1J GftT1 Whitt, * DRIVllS * Carpet Laying & work Reaa! Refs. S4&-41ll Cull~. Inatall A: rt~ tuted 1or education to • .,_.._., No I -' ' , ____ ;;Rlll=•;;lr.::66.::;2:;;6 Boy • Beach Cleenlnc s.rv No job !DO •mall. Plutrr ITT JABSCO maximum 01 , .. yoan. A>-Equal oppommily AUTO SALESMEN COASTAL ACJENCYxp-11C9 I r· Carpets, wtndowl, f1ocn. etc _._.. 1 -""-1 h 0 wt r ·•·· be~ A 22 1969 1 employer Cid eat.ablilhed BWclc deai. A member of N -I I CARPET LAYING ,... a. Commc'I 646-Hrn ;:;pa1~;. M,'.'"~,,_ :'.'.'.'.: P '""' 1~. • c~ ,,0 ,..,,.. .. ..i.1 ..... ,..,. !!ntlllna a llnellinC 1ne.ec111ary I c.A Pooo 642-2070 uc eraonne V&Ul!e, ~ 14,!5 DALE WAY ...... --•--.... •---"-~·Bl, ~ta-llmt bne dlaa ...... --... · =' WINDOWS DIRTY• MECHANICAL N•wport &ach, 3300 N .... oosr• MESA, CALIF. 92621 ;;;';o:.tb. ';.,a ..u. ••w -----. .;;,;--. 1 Draftlnt Service 6637 Johmly Dunn """ local TrH Service 69IO ASSEMILER "" BI"'1., Newport B•acb, mu ~ lhl" _ _,, eocp'd l WGGAGE YILLOW CAI CG. ~. Frtt ert. 642-23&1 GENE"S TREE s ER v : callf. 9'MO (7Wl &tw633. bl t close dnla. SALESMEN -s. 111:11 .. BU ILDING PLANS EXPERIENCED --$30. Pl • • 0 .... .... /shrubbery mnov..r. us -· ..n, toP -°""' -e Remodellna: e Residential lna:, own car. Dependable. trimmed, hauled aw 1 y =~-:::bl;~~ FOREMAN akm, co. benefits, &d. houn, lxperltncH ,...,.,,.., J VOLKSWAGEN medlUdci e Commercial e Industrial S1S day. Pbone, 6C2-71'11 54~1.359 lenc:e. National Co. aeek:s Sales pleuant wortUnc condition•. ElceDent bmdlta. ~ tlnv. tor unit. ftXICft ODb' ... twe , Cona~i;~lsn Aaaoc. ?ofanaaor, ca"-"ble of direct. Apply Jn per.m onbl; ttt Apply Jn per.on, Penonntl tune .... alld rbakt ~ 1 .,_,...,., J1nitorl•I 6790 U hol~ 6990 ..-J.lust be experitnetd ln St.lea M•n•-offtce ..... ~-: ;;.:.:=='----..;;.;.....;; P .. ary GOOD BENEFITS AND tni Iara• ..i" '""''· Or-.upcrvi>lon " mW de-.;-,;:;;·";,..,. J, W • ROllNSON b<lpar ..,. lub • Oil; - Electrial 6640 \VALLS, \Vindows, floort, CZYKOSKI'S CUST. Upbo1. \VORKlNG OONDITlONS ange Co, location, call Ann, partment. \Vill be mpon-5th I: Walnut .......... •• P11 tall ... ;;;;==---..o..;...; carpelt. Commetcial !: European Craftllnansb.ip 1-lerchan!s Personnel Agl!n. ilble for NC equipment. Huntlnzton Beach f'ubiorl Wand, N.B. lnl., vac. A boUdlYa. ' e ELECI'IUCIAN no job residential. Dally, weekly 100% fin! 64~1454 Equal opporlwlity cy, 2043 Wtttclltt Dr., N.B. Excellent fringe bel'ltJlta. · E4Ual opportunity~ 53S-1491. too small. For prompt a!WJ/or Mo. 897-1350 1!31 Newport BJ., C.M. employer 645-2Tm LEARN TOOL -CUTrER SUPERVIS'.>R· Gf'OW1n& bolt 10 ""'Ice call 54H814 SILVERWOODS, Cadillac Controls ~DING...=E~.::: '""""""· 13-io br. G.ood c.m:~t: l:;,. ' DAILY PIWr DIME-A-Your Ad Shoulil .. H•re, oosr!~~ d'Ji 92626 NI WPDRT 01v;.1on o! Ex.C.Uo Cot"p. unb=~ H.S . .;..s wldo comry Wh·~ ~~ Call Ctr-"" LINE& You can"" them • EXP. TaJlor Ut .... Penn. 1166 Wh ittler Ave. ,math hlqml a b• COAS~T.A~L ·~ENCY Ltit>llD~-'- for,... ,....., • ""'· ow • They're Looking For ltl <11'1 545-8251 ,..111on, ... ,.,, btnems, "'· Costa M111 mechanlcsllf lnclln<d. Good, • ...., AlLY, ·-· 642-l6'IS --------1 "'1· Appi, Mr. WW!anu, 45 646-2491 -""'" A lr1ap • A member Of . M2'432I · ' Fashion l•land, 6"-2424 An equal opportunity beneftta Sntilli!c • SDelHnc Jne, Pr:oauct ... rn .... ENGINE LATHE ""'hltectunl IlnfWnan .,,,p1oyer DAILY GRINDING INC. 2190 Hu1ior Bl. Colla r.r .. Dnll ,_..,. nrr.t·l&lllso. ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES -MACHINIST-Intmned;att, 3 yn. min. Ma-er y .. ;"-3122 Campu1 Dr .• ·N.a. Ofc..S.lelCiorltte$500 SmaJI clooe ml. -- "''· Tom • Tnukl" Hun• ,.,. , ...,... DISPLAY u &N Xlnt Cl'l>IY. co • ...,.. to 11' -Small._.,. Wllll Experte.nced Jn close !01· tngton Harbour MS-om -,...,.. 1 'fiDt... ~ ~ or will train. pod wortdrw . «mdlnc... Found (Fr• Ada) 6400 I·~-°'-~ -.....u--,,..--.-.::-1 Pa<-als MOS :~""=b.:: ::u '!~ ":'mm.St~;.,!'!-~ ~ =~~:.== ~;-~~ CIJIEw~ =· ~ ...:.. .. ...: FOUND black fem a le blonde color, curled up tall, WANTED . ~-H~;B.Perm. 990 E. 1n& Orange i..~ •. .suite c peraonMOri. thru !'rt.10 • 2120 S. Mi1n., s.nta .AM ~iJ:lel~~ ANNOUNCEMENTS and NOTICES ~ wi:~ ~'. ~ ~ ~. ~ Owrwe'eht L•dlea 'H;;.t1~Ysh!5,~ wk. GROUNDSMAN, Saddleback C.M. "2-0lllS, ~19 'p.m.. penoimtl dept. ~ rm w. Cout H.,, whll<feet-vlc.Del.r.tvSt., beach. OP""' 1/28. F" research weight reduc-Colleae-hqulro Mr. PART· TIME. J w l.OllNSOtil . mu·llllNIQ ~ -. " C.M. ~ REWARD. 675-0432. ing proeram to tttabll1b I c carter Ca ' t'hennak 131-9700 or 41> Now ftirtnc elaht (II men. ' • SERV.' 1 STA., A.TT. Elpd1 !-\DIES wall•!. v;c Color ,,. .. "" tor npld """.. • • • @31. Jara• '°"""'!Ion E .... . FAlllllOll = ·-r D CONTOURS. -w ..... nVl: POINTS lllDi r E p,f A LE G er m an-St, CM • 3n:I Ave Laruna nent wel&tlt lou , conducted PART Ume .BOOKKEEPER. helm branch. P!.ea'aani wortt. . NEWPORT ' i Now in•~ ~ ~· ~ Shepbcred about l year old. n..... .. h Fri !/l. "va.1 bJe by quallDed phyaical cul-671 W. 17th St. Mature 'exp'd. ._2, ~ dl.)'1 ing condlt1ons, tva. f :3(). NIGHT FOREMAN: M 3 If :·~~ ~.I · =;.;;;D;.;llHW;,:::-ASllZl\~--.-1 Vic Paliaadel Rd. ' ...,._.., Reward 4~ twilta. AJ'Pllcanll!. mU1t be Cost• Mete wk. 6J9.613'1 9:30. qalJ 6.3().1800. have awmbly expft' I: a ~~ Am Swm a.Jet.. 41f N NewPOrt Blvd. C. M. ~ ~ 1 r a. • a minimum of 10 J!Ollndl 541-M21 PONT &lvt It away, pt Maintenance Meat Dept , ~~'&hr:= ':~to ,•be~ -N~Blvd., N.B: i :,'~ex""·.,,~. ·-th white ~-. II 6405 ~~t~h~~e~ An equal OWGrtunilY ~~~-~-f~ £~1 with • Cl.Gd•an,.•,.P 1'!,!.:.~n1"·51 ~ $40«&.. , • -• -4comnillP:ID+ear dTliLifiD '*8~.' ~ ~ w• r--a ,_ ~-~·-w~·-. -* ··~-COASTALAOIN'"" -lfr. ·-"·· ·-----11.a. -,,. ..... n--..ia. identify A: v Undf!T uu.;1or'1 care. All emplo)'er IC4671 Jt33 Via 1.1.t... Na. l73"'360 .,.,, -~ '"'M~'; Vem.tAdanU * 1• 1 inqulrie1 completely c:onfl· J !!I!!!!!'!!!"!"!!!!!!!~~!!!!!! -. ' A member Of , ', &O-t3$2 . c.r.r ODf!C. ..... -· 1ve ~tta!FoR MRS. THOMAS l'Al.T TIME ~Ip wantod,.., 7200Holp W111tod, Motl ?JOO m0~~:'11ci:..~ ... , .......... -nm -w~ ,..,,.. 2' ktttem, l ~ I orance. • 531-0412 -· n .. .,,....., 3Jll bill Glen-., la! LI CENSED INSTIUCTOlS ..,.,.. A1 SPCA. 1.aruna • "' that lptC """""' NOW HIRING IOAT MFG. ,..., · O'au!t. 1oo1t Beaeh till 19th. • be&in to liw. · Sptrltual R.eadlngs, aJvSoe , ., .,., ln& :r• ~~. &b1t ~ ORANGE 00. '41-' ... all mattcn 312 N. El • Finish ca-nters mttt t!lo N•lila. ·~ lo Lett 640I 24 bout record.Ina: Camino Rell, SUI aeme.ntt LARGE. NATIONAL a>M· • r--"'lft'Y M::ALE=--bla-"'----S!>a'"'I'-'-" A':,,~~~~~" ~· _ ::""::' sgo~~~ ~ • Clean-up loy1 ~. H..itli •Spo ""' ... "1'u!lr'' v I c dancer ..w tuch,.. all YOUR poem ... to muok .... TO WORK EVElllNGS g,30 • Grinder 'lonClers-. • ""'"·-• . .Gothlnl • w....... 1111. latest -. Call Anloll clud muoldana • ~. 1 TO 10 PM. 5 DAYS A WK. HANDYMAN ...... w-m1 213, -1-10 PM · dm$135. lllnk542M2'!. e Comb. Tool Man Small eratt ....,, ,_ MEDI-~ Gnm Sl..-p J •--' •-•~• TOP STARTING PAY 0oaot llW7 A -Dr. ..... ml lllt ..... :op.enlllll'I ~ fun. '1c-UU. •• ~ ~~~~w,;'";;., i::A~·-~=-:~l~lto;;nfl;;;~64;;10: I NO EXPEJl. NEC It<I'~ ""-Oil! 0-. Ana, CM. ---· 'M>rion lhland Je.,.. at WE TRAIN TOI' WAGIS--Y m'-lllO'l>a!.-. Top ,.., IO top .. SIAMESE eat. PIW'tl'I. 10 '401 Ha.rrllOn St., .Ewrett. 1Va 111 """ 1f; 11 ACES 1J TO 45 Apply lrt-.,........, ASSISJ'ANT JI~ w-. f IrecklH, ,..,.,.. I.oat vie Waalo. Undot.ctable Mon's FOR INTERVIEW CALL 2H11 ,n. " .... EloJ. aot A I B • • A .I' East Bl•tt. -ENJOY """'""' vocation C..tom-made hal"""9 o.m MONDAY. TUESDAY HARBOUR YACHTS ~Apply .. -• pp y r:tecl,1101 vla1IQI WHITE femalt ,poodle, lost C..tallna hland. From SI tnNpartnt artWclal akin. 774-n51 l2S st., CM. 8/10 HB. No Sdtnt; I midweek for M>, Hmnoaa ~·· natural-lookifll. NO malt.er what k la, yC>U / SERV. STA. ATT: J ~ruu ' ~ 2044 Placentia, , cMldren watttni. 962-1434 l!ote!. Phone Avalon 181. Orarof• C:.. Hair Roplect-'*" sell ft wtlll a DAILY 15192 Golden ·w'5t Clrcll 1-11m< Men. lMr II• - REWARD: C.rin Terrier, ALOOUOUCS Anoeyn\OUa ment Center, 433 N. Tu.llln, NO matter wbal ti lit )'OU W-'-1 ~-.na hi ... uper. A • hair cut. -Coda Hesa. brindle"°"'· Vic Pomona. Phont!'2"'1211" """to °""'" m -· can ... n Wltll. DAlLY -... m "'"'· ......... "'E.11tl1St.C.M. c.M. c.n 5CS-21• P.o. ~ms OMrtl Mesa. v· = v.... • • " pn.ar wAM ADI• IOOe781 l~~~~~~~;-~. ;!"~~-~~~~~~I :::'.'.:'.'.jflWle~9-~m!!:=:t -• - • ~-• . ' -. MOLDERS ..;. , . EXPERIENCED · : : ' " : . . ' • • • .- . •"•-· . .... .... . .-........ . . . . • Mondl;, .....,, 18, 1'169 CA!LV PILOT '°91 & llMl'LOYMINT JOIS & IMPLOYMINTJOIS & IMPLOYMENT JOIS A IMl!l.OYMINT JOIS & IMPLO,YMINT JOU A IMPLGXMl!ff JOIS A EMPLO,Y · M•RCHAN I I MfRCHANOIS ~~;;::~-~~~;~~-~!!i·~~~;;;;;~:;;;~~~~~~~~~I SALi AND TUDI! SALi ANO~ Help WlfllM Help W•ntod H.i, WontM H•I• Wan!M Jollo .M«I. W-1•10111 Mon, Wom. 7500 -lw. WollW Womon 7400 w-7400 Women 7480 W-7400 Furniture IOOOPllrill""" . L~"'~A'.'.:JIF:._ __ ~7400~1 ~;;;;;;;;;;.;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;;.;.;;;;;::;;~* * * ~ 1( ilpenanrM!lllW""lt. ..:~=~W~""i..;,b LOST OUR LEASE J. C. PENNEY COMPANY '"" F11hion Island -Newport leech ~ OPENINGS 'OR Ow .... _. .. ,., • l••t ...... ...._ NEEDS PART TI&!E agency c 0 0 Ks w A ITRI s s Es Must Vacate Now SEClEfiYIES ,._,..........,..1 tqift'ilru1 Morthlnd • tnlnf. IBM electric. SALES LADIES 833 DOVER DRIVE IU s I 0 y s •• , •. :1 .... _ ........ NEWPORT BUCH Our -Ml• .fl, StoN Stock muot loo oold 642.1870 Wllh some experience and wlllin1 to Open ta .... lie Fl rot t1"19 learn. Top working conditions & envfron-·1 KEYPUNCH OPERATORS HouMwlrn & Mothtn Can yo u spare a fe\v hours each day and add to the fami ly in com e .at the same Ume? Sc beduJes convenient for yo u, morilJ ngs, af· ternoons, evenings or combinations of all. Work in Store under the finest of conditions and top supeni.sion. Dea r Applic1nts ••. ment. Competltlve· 'l)'agea plus meals It 3a-F-. V .... 0-$1000.Naw$389. tips, and outstanding benefits .Including e 5 ,.. -le """"" ..._ tit,· e M lo • .p1t- Ple1so be 1pprised th1t tho counselors et Newport Personnel w11uld very much like the pleasure of your com• pony to di5Cuu with Y"" the m1ny b11utiful jobs available to you 1t this time. hospilalizatl0Ji and profit •hiring. 14 "'' wlttl 56 lo. IMkWot loYt 1111, « cWr e A I In 10 AM to •~M Spc. ....,DI_ ... ,o'1o.., • 3 .....,...._ MJnlmun1 ~ year key. punch f'"<perienoe. 4:10 pm to 1 am aDd 2:30 pnt to ll pm lhlfta av&ilablP .. pp y person • r , ...,_, Mll<MOI ..W., .., HnWo -.II t« Monday thru Saturday "-logo D-. PENNEY'S 'ASHION ISLAND Once in• lif•tim• pric•' of 1001 oth•r item,. EqUIJ Opportunity Emplcyer Plua •n •rlra •p•ci•I off•1 ,5 off on eny $100 COLLINS RADIO CO. APPLY IN PERSON All atuden t poeitiona are tilled purchat• or mor•, with • copy of thls •c'-* * • 10 pc. Quilt•d Corn•r Assembl• ···-·······'159.95 PENNEY'S FASHION ISLAND 10 Ml to 5 PM Monday thru Friday All student positions fllled. I~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 1 • 96' in, Quilt•d Sof•, w/54 in. loY• •••t _.$1 49.95 I"' e 60 in. He••y Sptin i1h Coff•• Tebl•·-······$$29.94 Women 7400 JoM Men, Wom. 7500 • l•rg• Metchint Lemp Teb l•• .................... $19.95 1'700 Jombo'" Roed Also, plea•• be advised th1t m1ny of these top paying p9sitions •r• fee paid by our lovely employers. To bo perfectly honest, however, not all of our employers rea lize yet that this is the applicant's mer~et ri9ht now. Melp W1nted ---------1•Sp•ni1h D•cor•tor lemps, from .................. $14.9& • Gu•ranf••d Box Spgs. le M1ttre11•1, from $19.95 Newport Buch Equal opportunity employer Equa1 oppanuntty empklyf!f * WAlntESSES 11-35 * INSTALLMENT CREDIT CLERK Good typing requiml --EXPERIENCED TEWR UNITEO CALIFORNIA BANK 1 ~~~~~~~1 Holp Wonted Women 7400 • SECRETARY Holp Wonted Womon 7400 ~ Accounting Clerk We. will "be ·expecting 1 telephone in· quiry from you at your earliest con· F'u.U l. Part·Tlme Neat Appearing No Ex:pe:rience Necessary Apply il'I Person, 10-6 BOB'S BIG IOY !SC E. lmt·ST. CX>S1' A MESA to 2 ,..._ .,.rd. Pl...aot. Firm loc1tod in DAILY PILOT I una11 oruce """°"'"'"· Help W•ntod . · •• OPERATORS ••• Contact Mr. Lapp, S.n Clemente. Women 7400 Women 7400 Exper:lenoed in 'air.igle needle DOWNEY SAVINGS " Please call Mrs.. Hil50n 330 Wesl Bay Strttt, Costa ---------. Help Wanted r and' avfl'todcs. Good piece LOAN ASSOCIATION 492-1152 fl.fesa. Ask for Ml'I. Grttn-----------1 v."Ork prices, steady work. 837..c9ll or 64J-6533 man or call &U-4.lll for an EDDY MOSS 14042 Locust EXECUTIVE NEWPORT '"'"";.,.· ITT JABSCO s1 .. w .. 1m1,,1er; 53<rnll. BEACH SECRETARY ITT JABSCO GIRL l'rtdoy' M>ture" ''" SECRETARY Comoa d<I Mar,· lite ohtd, poooo ble·f" local.co. Good Nt.ed@d for txcltinr, fem~ AD AGENCY l·girl ore, no bkpc, gen! off· typing &: filing skills, To ...,.,, anignm"'l Good'"""· NEEDS Jo, ba<k.,..uoo, div'""'"'· TYPIST • SENIOR l450. c.u Sally Hort,"°""'' hand &nd ""'"'rlblng mo-P•rt'4lmo htlp. Good MISS EXEC AGENCY VERIFIER/ COASTAL AGENCY c:hiflf!' tkUls needed. typist for clerical du--4lD W. Coast Hl&hway Type 50 9.'PJT\ aeC'W'lltety. A member of Western Glrl Inc. ti••· errands. $1.65 per Newport &ach 646-3939 come dlctaphone expert· Snelling l: Snelling Inc. 540-0325 hour. Call B•rHra 1t NURSES ence prefen'ed. KEYPUNCH 2790 Harbor Bl, Com r.tesa INSTitUCTRESSES '--;.,..64=2·~39~10..,·=-•.,RN, ,:,R,•kli.el du\y, '""d.,.. OPERATOR * ASSEMBLERS * 1 -ELECTRONIC Equa1 opportunity Experience belpfuJ . Yoan.r, mature girls able to • LVN-Rellef, four shifts employtr. Valor Electronics Inc. mee t the pobJic. Must be ASSEMBLERS per v.ttk. La&una Beach Alpha numerical. Some Sil0-9'l61 attractive with a good Small com~ial products NuninE; Home 1485 Dale Way relat~ clerical duties. · figure. Mfg. in Costa 1.feM.. Know!-494-8075 C.OSt.a Mesa, c.allf. 92628 Advancement po1sible to STEN~ariefy with great Apply in person edge ot O»or Code w/ p~ =~-------·: (TI4} 545-8251 control clerk. co ......... '6 .. nial olc! light shtd. Holidey Heelth s~ vk:iua experience helpful. A~ ARE you attn.cUve, around ---------Ftt ttimb. also f~ jobs. r-ply 30, mt afrakl of -'Ork, used Good benefits and $-125. Call Gloria. 5"1().6(J;S •Costa 1-fesa. e CORVONICS to meeting people .-In Experienced workina: conditions. COASTAL AGENCY BOOKKEEPER 3021 Enterprise poUe&Sion of a pleasant A member o1 wm lake a young sharp airl Costa Mesa nature! -We need you as a TELLERS Equal opportunity SneU1ng It Snelling Tnc. for A/P, AIR, posting to I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,__ waitreu. Conta.et Big Beef employer. 2790 Hai'bor Bl, C.OSta M«"u. led(er. Will train. m u 1 t H,•lb,rau, 28S5 S. Brlltol, CM Immediate openinga for out D~TAL ASSISTANT, train- know debit from credit. T 'Sfl J -'~'-~pm_. ------&Qlng, penooable (iris who 1485 Dale V.'ay ed and e x p e rte n c e d MISS EXEC AGENCY ..l: ~ WOMEN, full or part time have-a genuine interest in Co1ta Me11;, Calif. m chalrslde. Ph.: 548-6602 wk. 410 W. Coast Hl&hway _ _ nt"eded immed for: Child banking. For interview pb: (114) 545-3251 day1. Newport Bearh 646-3939 Care, Aides ot Companions. ~2111. 1--=======--IS-fEiW-'RE'CP'i'N.;:rpo.; tn A 21 t 65 : ~=~====~~-STENO/RECPT: Neat, pois. HOSPITALITY l:IOSTESS ls ''KIO-:-f..'.'1'n1;;,1='° ge o . LEGAL SECRETARY: E:"Cp, DEPARTMENT ed type w/ lhtd to grenwn. klok.ing for mature women "-":;':,-.~11 ,...,.., Slttint Pretty Agency w/ good typing & shtd skill.t SECRETARY dorS & assist in purch. To to welcome neowcomen to c-. •S46.1 Member of We Sit Better, for local attorney. $500 to (Sherp Gil) $475. can Gloria. 54-0..fimi the community, Must have ~~ ~~~1!1.7 .... ,ot Gerber atart. C all Sally Hart, Purcha.$lng ai:ent of a fast COASTAL AGENCY -wrlt~r. car. and be bo~ ......... ....,, oru.,.~, ~•n1:~ v~ --i~"--~~=~-· I ~ growing consumer producl1 A .member ol dabio, Apply 235 E. Main. SECRETARY · Socret1ry •u1 CO•STAL AGENCY' ..-"" manufacturer, needs a sharp Snelling & Snelling Inc. SU!te 7,, Tustin, Ca I I f. S yn exp, no sbtd, figure 5'tuu1> akllls rcqulred and able A member of v.·oman tor a ~sponsible pri-219() Harbor Bl, Costa r.1esa ~ aptitude, good w/ public, lo work independently, call Snelling: & Snelltng Inc. sltion. Experience In pur· NEWPORT BEAOI SECRET ARY exp in sales or electmnic1 Loraine, Merchants Person-2790 Harbor Bl, Costa. 1-fesa chasing: inventory c~nlrol, Fut accurate typist with ex· prer. nd Agency, 20'3 \VestcliU Exec S.cty to $S1S product10n cqntrol demable, perience in bkkpe: ~·d fw EXPERIENCED MISS EXEC AGENCY Dr., MS-2T10 . Laguna Hills area. Fee re.. ~t WI~ TRATN an intel. 6 girt oUlce. P!e'ue phone ~nt, 20 liour, S day 410 W, C.out Highway WANTED: Young attractive imbursed. l·gtrl. ofc, Xlnt l1gent 11rl. Good akills rt'-6~3551 w e e le pogiUon available Newport Beach 64&.3939 lady tor asaiatir« new car ch&nce for advancement? quired. Shorthand 90, t)'p-J==~·~~---~ BRISTO COFFEE SHOP CExpe.rienc@d Ollly) e FOOD & BEVERAGE WAITRESSES e BU$BOY e CASHIER No tclepllone Interviews Bristo's Cottee Shop The Newport.er lnn Apply 2 to 6 PM, Mon-Frt. --NEW MARINA RESTAURANT (Experienoed only} e WAITERS e WAITRESSES e CAPl'AIN Lunch "-Dirufcr O>ntact Mr. Jame1 Demato l\fonday thru Friday -THE-' NEWPORTER INN 1107 Jamboree Road Newport Beach, caiu. FRY COOKS · ' Top wages. permanent, hon- est, and work1nc condilion1 in area's leadlfli'. nstaup.nt. Apply 9 a.m to S pm for in- terview al • St•c•s & Stec•• of IS yr. Qu•lity King le ,Qu••n Sth et TERRIFIC SAVIN6S. link T •M'l'll Stor• Cher9• M11t•r Cherg• l•nkAm•ricerd All Accept•d 0,00 M ...., ~ Sii. N, S... 10.,S ·541-"60 APPROVED FURNITURE 2065 a..i. ·s1. Coitl · Mou l•hind "H•rbor C.r W•sh" Enf•r Off He~milton or l•rnerd,St. A litll• h•r<:l t• fi nd. lurt wortli tko doll1r1 vo11 11-..1! JOBS lo EMPLOYMENT FurnlNre Jobs Men, Wam, 750o IOOO Outskle-Sales FREE MEMBERSHIP! curren.uy Sellif!g to howlt- wiv-es direct! Add Ull to your line for extra com mission income: Keep in sha~ tree. Representatives needed all over Orange County. 549-3368 or M'l-1451 Holidoy Health Sp• • Costa Mesa • MANAGER Real estate licensee for prop. t!!rty ma:mtlrentals + resi- dential sales. Unique growth Poteiitlal for aggressive in.- div . .Exp_ pref. PROPERTIES WEST 10'28 Bayside. N.B. 6Ta-4130 CHU~CH ORGANIST ~2'179 or MS-7718 OVER -STOCKED MUST SEll! New !I pc. COl'tll'r arr&JW. choice of cln. ttc. $730, now $149.50. Headbrd1: Kings, $15. Queens $12.!!0. FUil $10.50, Twins $3.95. Ti-undie sf!ts (duo riser) w/ inner sprina: matt. rer. Sl06, now $79.50. Roll-a-way beds w I inn. apring matt. rea. $:6.~. now $39.50. Full a . sleeper-sofa reg. $239.50, $169.50. New ·beds: ·K i111 s99.so, Queen.s, $89.50, Full $U.50, Twins $39.50, fulb' gUantn. fl 51. sPteads $9.95 SIESTA SLEEP SHOP , 1927 Harbcl,r Blvd., CM &15-1160 daily 10-9 S.t-Sun lG-8. SPANISH MEDITERRANEAN Schoois·lnstructian 7600 I As Shown in model bomes. MANNING'S 3 funs or furn, ldln rm, II• COFFEE SHOP SAUCERMAN SCHOOL rm, & bodrint pric<d e!so- 24031 El Toro Rd. Co. f'airgrounds, a:r. 1-& · where st $8$ is youn toda,y Leisuh World Lquna Hills Where the Program at only $399. Easy Cftd.11 837·1014 Fits: the Child Terms. . CAMPUS SECURITY Willard H. Saucerman, Santi Ana Furniture GUARD Ed. D. 426 W. 4th St, Santa Ana 10 · S40-4060 Enroll now • 547--0789 • months each year, H.S. pd •nd tniined 10 . y,-ork Eves 54&-17S8 3 ROOM GROUP ""1th )'Otlng people. Retired 1'E<1=,-a.-.1"1o"na.1,.--..v,.,.,,.=00o-"°"5th"°1 Livi.rt&: 1m, bedroom, dinette p o l i c e oUicer preferred iradtt~ . . • Sr Citizens $297 $2.86 per h<lur. Apply 1'1on. Chilcoat 10 lesson typing \Veekly Pafm~nl1 . • • thru Fr. fron1 8 am to 4:30 Sehl. Trial Lesson. 173 Del We ,calT)' our ow11 conb-acta p.m., at classified personnel, Mar, C.M. 543-2859 Vin's Discount Furn 1901 Newport Blvd., Co;ta MERCHANDISE FOR 411 w. 4th St., s.A. 547-lill ' 'B;esad. ~.~it Ne~!!~ SALE ANP TRAD&_ Open ·oa11y 10-3· * Sat lo-6 v ·• .........,.._ esa. "'""'""""' LEAVING . &late. Beaut. 2 Closln.,. date .AJJJC. 22d. . F II -·~ urn ur• mo. <1ld 8' aola & love 11eat. ESCROW. OFFICER -NEWPORT- NATIONAL BANK CONTACT l'fR. CARTER 642-llll SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS 6' coffee tbl, 2 end com modes; hide-a-bed, I pc . Span. klngsize bedrm M!I. Will sacrilice; call collect 213-433-4340 Purify _ Ali&3 _ Biped _ f"OR~fAL mahogany Duncan Pounc _ ASPIRIN Phyfe dining, also complete A~t a tactleu bo~; ratt~n furnishings. F I n e "He' a iuch a lowbrow tliat quality, fairly p r 1 c ed. Newport Beach, hn. 10-12 Exec Secty to $650 service manq:er in takin1 ••--''' ~. ing 60 A real opportunity RECPT: Plenty of variety Ir 1-3 PM. Top··'·-·. Write ~ """" •-. h · can f doi•"• PBX .....i-AIR. Be -..,. C'Ultomel"I home. Fu 11 ABlLITrES ..... r a career ..,.-pe. or -.. • ..,.,... .. ~, _ 1 "====~~--- Box P-Cl. Daily PiloL time-ask for Clas. Woodard UNLl?t!ITED AGENCY appointment alert & love to be busy_ $31:i, COPYWRITER: adv agcy, when he gets • headache he ~54&-5003~==~-----I pUts ASPIRIN in his shoe." !ii1lPANISH aofa, moss em. OON'T Give up! Y<1u may \ih.er. top quality, xlnt cond find ii at Arr.erica's largest, To lrg. for new home. most unusual unfinished Call all. 6: 30 wk d 'J 1 . furniture store. Cor. Redhill ~,.....=="-·~~-~~­&. Santa Ana Fwy, Tustin. 1 S PC 1'1aple bdr set $75. 4 pc mi So. of Newport Fwy. \Valnul bdr set S7j, Roll. Open 362 days per yr. a11•ay bed S15. 27x52 Baby N:!i~~t~u~~~l i:u~'. ~~n~~~ ::~·Top _.....,.,.=~"·~~-~--4S8 E. 17th st., SUite 224 POLYOPTICS INC. CC°o~~~~NCY rull charge to make up ads, Apply In pemn Mon. thru Independent Personnel Babysitter-H?usekttpcr Co!ta ?ttesa 642-1470 ---,,,,S46-==225D==,----I A member of ;~~ ';~ ~~· ~ringJ ~~ Fri.: \Vhile Horse Inn, 3925 In& Oranae Ave, Suitt' C For leacht.>r: infant & 2 Wom1n Stock Broker HOSTESS Snelling It. Snelling Inc. Brown 54()..6(65 Newport Blvd., Newport CM 64Z-OD26. S4s.-09i9I ~~!~~. 9 & lO. HB ~-Lie alter 6 n1os lraining. PART-TIME 2i90 Harbor Bl, Cosla Jl.teAA COASTAL AGENCY 1 _B<a<~_h._~=~~~-HOUSEKEEPER wanted A'°'rr=RA=cr=iv"E,--,W"O'"M~~AN~. =ig. Busin 1& &e:Uing "=XP5:,:1'0P For Coco's in COiia ri°1eaa SALESWOMAN. Experience A member of Gentr•I OfflQ $400 who !ffks permaneo1 home. " · groom ng, mu.st ue or 1-.fust be over 18 Jn ladies ready to \Vear. Snelling It. Snelling )f\('. 544-5470 maltren S7.50. 548-8786 Good typing IJdlla + Prt"V· Nice room overlooking the 45 to instruct in makeup talleSr. Fantastic oppl\'! over 25. Apply ?>fon thru Fri 1l'90 Harbor Bl, C.O.ta Jl.tesa ,_.. k •• • ... Lo . water. 4 children. full techniques lor famous MIS EXEC AGENCY Apply In -r•on llH. APROPOS No. 2'7. 1 1 lew! N e Furniture e BEAUTIFULLY de ta i I e d ~ wor ~p., .,;o.u raine models. \Ve wll l ll"airl. 410 w. Coast Highway ... -n erv nt <I\\': F · 'OOcl r~ h Pro Merchants PeraonneJ Agen. housekttping & cooking. REUBEN'S Town & Counfn.'. Orange. COOKS Appll•nce1 e Color TV nut'\\ , renc v. -.. w llU 0 N Drivers licen~ desired. Car 836-5143. NC\\'JlOri Beach 646-3!139 AOK AUCTION dining table, 2 leaves. $135. cy, ~,,..... estc r., .B. STENO, LEGAL: Terri/le 644.1817, 645-2770 will be provided. Ca 11 MAIDS, part lime or full • ORDER CLERK e boss Is c:rylfti for a sbarp WAITRESSES Tm Garden Grove Blvd. C 0 Mp AN 1 0 N, 1 it e Home: 2J.3-433.7351 or Ofc: time. Experience no t fnterestinst job, COCO'S efficient gal. $450 up de-The O.rby Restaurant \Ve1bninster nr G.G. Frwy. QUALITY Klllf: bed, quilted. ~""1411 ne-cessa'"". Ken NUe11 Villa WILL TRAIN -• can J T 'Th 7 PM0 ·tG30 "-pl t uo so d 11~ ~·sekecp'""· ~---u1, ·~ ~-. ~=~--1 ., . P'•N• on you. ean 12~ Pal•'•·'·• Rd CM ues"" un i .""" : ....,", e e. " ....,; '""' ~... ...... ... ~,.. ..... ----C E-.-Marina Motel 1021 n .... slde Old -• ~ B 54 .. '"'": -'""' • tiw woman ln 60's, for SE R TARY ~ er ~f50n P•=e,,~. 1555 W. Ad1m1 rown ......., 546-8390 E&tate consgnmt. Repo. New worth $250. Aft 5 or wlmcls elderly lady. Pvt nn., ba., Huntington Beach. \\·ocking: In Drive, Newport Beach. Don The Beachcomber Costa Mesa COASTAL AGENCY REGISI'ERED p h y 11 ca I USED 5 pc Din set $1S. 5 pc 841--0406 TV. Sa I a r y open. Rel· political atmospnere, l-1irl 11 YEAR old blind man Apply aft. 4 PM. 3901 -A member ol walnut Bdrm set $49.50. ROO< maple long drop leaf erence1. OO-S389. office, good ekilb. Wllnts competent woman to E. Coast Hwy., Cdi\.1 Salta Sedy to $600 SneUln1 &: Snelling Inc. The~~~~·;:;., 11~1 H.F.R.C. 511 \V. 19 t b, table $50. Ice ~am table 2 -~~.---~1o~,~1og-,,----e: MISS EXEC AGENCY clean trailer, drlve car or F/C BOOKKEEPER Fee split Shtd not nee, 11'90 Harbor Bl, C:OSta Mrsa Conval~nt Hoe;rial ~81 chairs $50. 67J...6479. -~ "··k. Good : 410 W. Coast Hia:hway cook a meal, 4 hrs, 4 days P··-11 (20) hand .bklmd but must be Kood typist. 8 I KIN I Barmaidida,,.,,r. ODERN h' • bl k ' JNOOO:e-Ou doo di ' ai,... ove'""" p ece N _ •-·h .,...., ~S39 wkly. $100 nlO. 536-006ll ""''""" • ..... Prefer someone \\'ith inla-8382 Newman Ave., f.f w 1te ... ac tri· t r n1111" aet. wm:k prices, 1te11.dy work. ewpo,, """.... .........., thru trial balance, no small tive .I: ibillty 10 work under Full or part-time. Cost.a HB. 842-5551 pie dresser. ma.tchillit hi-boy ~ chai . Reasonable, $50. EDDY MOSS 140!2 Locun Cl•"" Typist t $425 JOIN HAIR • co. -·-''"'""· ""• ~==~===~ I 150 <a<h. 847-6319 846-5152 lilll 0 far oot hair st)'lilts! Opeo-MISS EXEC AGENCY pressure. some electronfc ,,_.,,...,...., 1 RESIDENT DIRECTOR i~~==~-~~--I SL, Westminster. S34-i'13& ing Aug. lsl In Balboa <IO W "---Highw le. customer liaison baek-===.,,-=-·~,,,...,-,,..,.-for boys. Older man <1r cou-3 ROOMS of quality near ELEGANT dining table, 3 MBINATION. Sharp Bar · ~· ay 1round. Excellent opportun-BABYSITI'ER needed. >day pie. Small private school. new ·furniture. By Owner. leaves A: 6 chairs. cul velvet M·"· •~ Go Go Da Split lee. 6d wpm, general Island. Call Sun. Mon, Tues, Neurnnrt Beach 6f6.39l9 .... ••-f • k ~... , . 2 ...... • ncen. office. Abo fee jobs, Wed. TI4: ~1230 Of' un ~,.... ·1...,! """"" ee JO~. w . r l4LI or ,; time. 67l-!M10 758 Shalimar, 01. seats. $1L. 642-81·1!1 Top "''airs $3.0).$3.SO to ....a...--...a-. p I other da,ys, lll: 449-696'1 WANTED: SILK FINISHER. ABILIT~ children. Lite ~\\'Ork. i .o='""================.:.;;========;;;I at.art. Ph. tor Int. 545-9983 I,.........,..._., ertonne : ==="-'=~~-~--: Top waaes; f<lr qoallty ·work. UNLIMITED AGENCY P.lature woman. 839-~159 afi. su.y Lusy, 2901 JW-bor, 1116 Orange Ave.., Suite C SECRETARY. Sa 11 b Oat Xlnt. opportunity. Near the 4M E. 11th St.. Suite 724 6 p.m. C.M. C.P.f, SU-<I026, &6-00'79 mfgr. S/H 100 wpm, 1YPIJ!& sea shore. Dim m 11 t Costa Mesa 642-147ol;TY=P°'JSTS='°. -:250-yn=.-0-,,-01c:..,-,, 1-W~O-MAN~------.,-..,-,.,,-·r: GENERAL OFFICE tiO wpm. apply w.o. Schock Oeanen, 3J» E. Coa.lt MATURE WOMAN w/strona: background on 1pan1 time to um money. Yoon&, will train cost ac-Co., 3502 S. Greenville, San-Hwy, Cdm. For telephone 1urvey, our of· IBM electric. Penn po~Uon Wln pri:.ea. no itge limit, no countlna:. Familiar w 1th ta Ana. •673-S605 • fice. 1-tornlng i;hlfl. Gd. J>a>' w/m•Ulng firm. 54Q..3095. time limit, WW tnln u =~eping, .tharp le. like PRACTICAL nurse needed F'C Bkkpr or Ph. ?ifn:. Plhl 646-7753, 9:30 TYPIST. ror commercial Beauty Coun&clon. 841--0846 MISS EXEC AGENCY for elderly gentlf!man Jiving Jr Acct to $750 a.m.-3:30 pm dally ~uf!prinl !}mp. Owr 21. NURSES ~~ t ... 1 in C.M. area. 5 day• wk, 1 d 1 . h " bl CTJCAL ,_,....._.,. or P••VA e 410 w. Coast Hla:hway 'l:J0.5, 54&.-8261 morn1 or aft mine open ng wit ,,.3 e PR.A NU!'lle, cook, Phone: 540-9373. duty. Practica1, Akles. No Newport BeaC'h 646.3939 8 co. Data Proceu-Colst acctg, houSC!keeper, elqld, pt'rma-J:======== lie nee. 3-11. 11·7 A: live-In. Full Time p.m. Call Kay, 5-16-5410 nmt. top pay, rds ~q. Job~en, Wom, 7500 Mu,st have re.fl. Ca 11 UVE·lN Housekeeper, 50 to JASON BEST oG~7:J.~M~28~=====-I ~;;:;:;:;;:-;;;;;:-:;:::-.:= 64~ HOUSEKEEPER 65 Y"· Prof. coup!~ & 16 yr. EMPLOYMENT AGENCY -COOK.ffOUSIXEEPER ART1"1', ADV' Fin. <Om<! da"•hter. r.1oat wlmda. tree. 2120 So 'lalo 0 ··ta Ao• ""NANA"' for 2~ yr old boy. t\·~. 1.9• 6Tl-40'31. · " • .xu• Etf!cienl, pennanent. Top art tlnn haa opp!)' for exp ~ 6S OK. ~ days prr Apply In person I ~==~--.~-,~~I OCCASIONAL sll!U' for l Pa.y. Rrls requtred. 673-914'7 pe~ who illustrate I. do week. m. fb!fs I 0'!''11 WOMAN to work ln donut child. D&ys. Matutt woman. PBX, anawe...._ .... aervke ex-fast paste up. $433, Call trans. Meu. Verde. S4Q-.fi8lilO J-lunllnf\orl Beach &hop. Appl.y In P«'~ brfore Will call basis your home or ... '6 J«"an 54G-6(f6 Convaltseent ibpltaJ ID AM. NO PllONE CAU.S. mine. Costa Mesa only. Call per pref. Varied ihlfls. RB COASTAL AGENCY N,!!_~ ~M .!!,!°!:1!:'; um Dtlaware SL, H.B. 2947 Harbor Blvd., C.~1. on Saturday betv.'ft:n lM. atta ~ A member of Call if inteftsted for b).. SHARP GAL WANTED, JtOUSEKEEPER., Jive in A. 642.-7682. BABYSI"M'ER. 2 children. 2 Snelling Ir SotUiJw JI)('. 1emew. 2 chUdrcn. 96l-19n sales abilJty. pet'30fta)lty fM' auiat with new born baby. Secretary $541.00 p.m. • 11 p.m., m)' home. 2790 Harbof' Bl, u.ta Mesa EXPERIENCED F/C book· Boalique dr-eu: lhOp hi Prfv. room I: bath. Start Shell> skill$ l'f<l\llrtd and relJ. 50-9163 TELEPHONE SOLICITOR bepa-NI time tar 5oca1 beach ~a. Mutt have talet Aue. Utb. 6"-2389 abie to work lndtPendr:ntl.J', EXP1> SALESLADY f.9 pm daily Moo-Fr. Exp'd M.f.s. Ftnn_ Call '3.l-(J66l tor aper. Box M-&t2 Dan, RECEPT-TYPIST call Lon.lne, Mercbantl Pfr. Men A W'lmel'l8 Oothlna ~t. Depe:ndabl;e, CN otlice ...,in"""'L .,.Pl,,i.,.ol.,-.,--:;--;---,., Min. sbwpm. $300/mo, PIP&te aonnel Agency, l>C West· • ~ * t:2 hr. 540-8'l&C FULL lime night coumelor. Cafeteria Employment phone 131.J:m for appolnt.. clW Dr .. MS-27'70, BEAUTY operator, full time, BABYSl'ITER .....med: Hn 2 a.. 1 PM. AttraciSYe, eood 7 to 3; Mon thnl Fri =""=",,'-=,...,,..,.-,,,.---I O-ral Offlct S-.00 ruar waie A comm. Gwta's 7:3'.M. MM-Frl Loca.I art.a. f'.Wln, 6G-.1bl. Call tl3J.OtOJ e_.. ~ PRIVATE Out)' Nu r 1 ea Good typing llldlla + prev-Bty. Shop, 494-3294 can ewr Sl'l&-3360 iiffiiEri' ~ tn UVE. in ~. pr1v. needed. RN"1, LVN'a. All klua work~-. call Loraint SHAMPOO Girt lor exelu1lve ?ii ALE A. F~male houle- town.. The DAILY PILOl' room. Salary OClf.ft. Call altr:r shifts. Call aey h o u r • Mff'Chants ~~ Agen-Beauty Salon. 3*IO Picllic kttpera. Parle Udo ConveJ. l :=l,;,P.='"=·=l<T~-111<==,,RB===ol =-===-.,.-.,.-,:--..,,,.-! ~~ WertclW Dr., N.& Coast lfwy 61s-.3820 ~nt Ho.pttal. 642.-2410 CUIUled ~ S.vre COFPEE SHOP WAITRESS WAITR.ESSApplyl'npenoa: -===,.-..,,-=,-;--1-tAID. full or part llme,\VAITERS,\Va 11r .. 11ea, lllOM7. time 6 .tfart. Laofl WANTED. EXPE'RlENCED. Sea SMntJ Rtslaurant, 6.111 NURSES AIDES Sl.15/hr. g das/\\'k. t.aauna 811sboy. Pref. exp'd. AJ'PIY: ,\ now!ll &CJ.1'24 _u_·do_P_""'...-"'-·_N_ .• _. ___ ,Ei<p."""-"'-""'---'---'-"'-:m--'s_ho;...tt..;•_~.;.'•:...''c.'·-•..;,....,,.;...;;;o';...' __ ,_2:.:1::21..;E.:;...:C...="-':.;H--wy:.; • ..;C;_d;;..;.;M;;..' --------------6-------------' • i i i I • D •· ), " ), i ·/ . " ~ •· •• • u !y 15 " " • I• .. <Y " " •• 12 ' .. 1 •t. n- c. •l ct •n .. • I. "' 11- 'Y d v. ~. d. 5; ds al ' l •• • DAILY PlUIT ME RCHANDISI FOi SALE AND' TaADI . ------,..,. ------------ MilcAA::glSI Nik MllCHANDISI 'Olli r.,, 1114 LJVISTOCK TRANSPORTATION TRANsr.oRYAT ION !RA!JSPOJlT~TI~ 5.\LI AN TJIADI ' SALi AND TIL\l)I l'umltvre -l'umlture IOOO 0... 1121 S.llliooll liiiiii;;;;~;~;;;;;;~1Ml-11-NGO I'."".,,--,..----.-----~-- t,00 lm-'"41 Auloo 9600 TltANSPOll.TATION TRANSPORTATION , Imported Autoo 9600 UMCI Cori ".II -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ! WELSH c0.si (--) UDO 1' No. 21$. Xlnt bolll • Champion alrtd, 1 malet. 3 Raet-Winner. Every eictn.. ~ I FOR SALE: Star 0e9oe!tory f9ma1H. Pricoc1 &cCl:lrdllw $1145. plut traUtt. Allot Monay SaU. CDP~ SfNI to quallty. 154&-49i1, good SABOr. Incl ...,., No. !2HT. Brand. _,.., "°"· A.KC Minil.tlh rnUfid $1115. M&-US5 (coet "30.> Jrilov.illr C!llll DOI IPl,)'td lhOb, t )'Ml' ~ SEA Sc o 11 t ' 1 dffperatfl)t DK'ORATOll' GETS. CAHCEUATIOH lnclD4ed In Mio -. """ -ti ~ ....i • MAIN ..u "" 22 handlo Ale A~ ol ;;;:_ ew --.$11. FOOT ALBATROSS, Of 18 LUXURY Al'ARTMOOS """· co ntact 3o11n1,.,=oo."""--~-~ ...,.m S111nilll & ModltwrMeen ._~ F•""'1<Y. M""Frf. 1 ., s !RISH setttt ..... To aood 1;;;-;;;;=;;:-::::-=,,,-= ""••••• p.m. The Newporter lm home only, AKC. Adorable! :r VIKING Aux;. BeauL end. All BRAND NEW 1107 Jambottt Rd.,, N.a: Intereited! Call MS.mt Moor avail. Trd o K. 9.pc. Mediterr1ne1n B1droom S1.1it• fn P•c•n ~1700 ADORABLE mixed pood.li = xUt Mt. Postma, Go~~::~.'~4p~-~~~ c~;i-.::·a~iii-s~~~~.~1 •1·00 *AUCTION ·* puppltl, g ... ,,. '!<I 15. SPRITE, Small family • .,. u . ' <U-1970. matching lov• Se•t-.Oioic.1 of beautiful you wtll lllJ or btO" J ~;;;;;;;;,;;.;.,~"O'::':"::"<'"= aalllxll.t. tlbl'Jll, 1lke new, f•br;cs, I Rog. $419.951 ------..HOW $US.00 ctve Windy a tey AUSTRALL\11 S ~· phtrd lllll. ...,__an 5. s · h c· · s t Auctions Frida11':30 p.m. Pu PP le~ 3 ro on th 1 ·I-========= s~~d·Q,k1i:Jr,'bj.~·~-~~-·c;ff~;·r~·i;·1;·~·;:t~::: Windy's Auction lam ,: ScbntUttr AK~! Power CruiHn 9020 Tall 01cor•tor T.bl1 La mps Behind T~• 8Jdc. Mat'L Pl.IP. ch littd. lhow qlty. 2 BOAT 0 0Wf'te,r mU1t .ell IRog. $49.951 -......... _ ............... NOW $11.00 2075\; Newport, CM -Cl-pd. dcld, •hot& IU-0547 famlly 30 Sedon: Ub, aulD Spanish H1n9in? Sw•9 lamps FOR Sale-MOVING, &lus pllot. tatho, ~h,y. elee I Reg. $49.95 ............................ NOW $1'.50 cecklall table JOx«>, c•·•-Monet IQo Sa~hn·~!:.,.JJ!,P .!V:!!_ llB. 15' STARFIRE, travel lttliler, 1l&lps, 4, extra cupboards, eptcl, reduoied price Slm. 1588 San BernanllM Pl .• c. M. 64z.39'73 Ji' MOBitE Scout, fUily .-elf· contained. air mnd, 196.9 model. 871-0134 eves. Yes, our clearance 9SOO Trucks A d d ..... ~ "'' ....... ........., ~· CLEAN '62 Chevy l,i ton. · ecorator ream house on display -3 tw. box .... & m••~. Pk> '"• bumper, 1001 box. rooms of gorgeous Spanish fumiture (was ~~-~and si;;~~i;; ~~~~at~~~ 2:;~~~.~.·~~~: ~;:, ~&r rack. After reg, $1295,1)() ..,..... barbecue, ladlet u. Coll 545-2!<0 alt I pm. ~~P VI SaChevy, •I•. hall SACRIFICE lB ck>thing, mlsc., 963-2844. GENTLE but spirited horae ...,.,.., etc. c S3,no. Phone HEAVY duty % ton Ford $398 PEAR ·•-~ d . 846-1161. P /U, Dual tires, gd. coOO. ... ~ 1 am o n d wttA.ck I: stall, MU&t adl, • • • • • • .:il.ltaire, .'16 Cts. Whtte gold make otter. 644-«39 28' TS CRUISON, V1irive11; 536-1573. Cr•dit T•rms Avail, Credit Cle1r1d Immediately ltttina:. Fl'ff of im-=====;==;;== SIS tankl. SACRIFICE! * SHELl.S * mm RJRNITURE ~~.! ~-~".: ~; FREE TO YOU * =.i:x"' 10~;':ADED ~fr e • • h ' ~~ •pp't. at U.S. NatklnaJ B1minl top 4 outriaen to '63 Chevy, Short bed, v~. Bank. 54.1-9.13S 2 LOV. male kitttn.t. 3 mos. awtm 1ttps A trim tabs. *"95·* 1844 Ne. ort Bl d <• 1/3 OFF on all blltinia I: old, Mother/Siamese/ Tatb. 673-&1Ji. 837-7577 or 4~781 wp V e Hart.ot ,IMI., covtl"'\lpl. Any alze top er Penlan, l all blJc. 1 org. ======== '59 FORD V8, ~-ton. xlnt w/any bottom. ,14 1ults w/cm. eyes. 531'-3261 8/19 SJ!"d=Skl 8o1t1 9030 meehanlcal cond, Costa Mesa only "°w $9.0I. A,nythl"' Goeo, 546- 4310 8119 ,.. Ct.ASTRON, 45 hp, eloc ==1162-==1"'3====== 2400 W, Cout Hwy., N.8 , FREE kittens, adorable Jona; ii.art, trlr, misc equip, x!nt J-9510 1¥try Night 'Tll 9-WJ Sit, • & S... 'Tl' Open Swxlays! " abort fur. Ont cal1co • 2 __ .. __ , -..,, btige I: whlte • 2 O"eY I: .. vuu. A &te&i al $850. ATHLETIC equip: Wetghta, black. Mf.-0688 Eutblutt 8118 _545-=-131!=-,o,-.-,-..,,,-,--JEEP 1953-55 ?.lode! Military btnch, sprina:s, fi1111, etc. ~-16' GI so h 1 · ... ·-Model airplanes. parts, eng. TO qualWed ranch or large ~· utron, .p. A·l cond tion, ..........,..,~. Furniture 8000 Sewing Mic.hi"" 1120 Skydlvin& equip, h1i1 c, acreage With chll~n: 1 yr Mercwy. Xlnt oood. nes. S 56-7676 old putt-bred be a & 1 e , _c.u;,-,;;;',,'l>-;;2259=,....,.--:;:;--= C1mpers 9510 1969 INGER 5'3-<l908 8/U II' FIBERGLASS "" bolt -;;;;:;;;:;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;;;11 17 Pc. King Size Bedroom Zia: b mod 111~•.i.. KENMORE &u stove !crill • -zag ca • ,..,....,. "rotbu.rie) 41u" wide "<:11.. SMALL Terrier, male, 2.,... with 75 h.p. Mere mo!Dr. CAMPER lAJ'i't 9 dra~r drener, mir- ror, 2 bedside stands, king llze headboard, frame, quUt. ed mattnoss, sheelll, blank- ets, etc. . Owlce of Spanish or Modern Style All For $249 No down • Pmta. only S9 mo, WElK'S WAREHOUSE 600 W. 4th St.. Santa Ana Open Daily 9 • 9 Sat.9.6 Sun.11 -6 Office Furniture 8010 ' EXECUTIVE desk S 5 O , paatur e chair Sl S , typewriter Sl), desk lamp. $5. 847-6319 G1r1ge Si le 8022 uaed. Stylish wal cab. Does 711 ..,.. -1•-. $850. 540-6944, 546-0310. everything without attach. Study de1k, will ho I d old, all ahot& h1blcrn, Free ;:,,--..,,==-'=-~~-~ Blt·ln controls ta overcut, typewriter 30% x 31'1A" $25. to aood borne w/older cou· '12 CHRIS Craft & trlr. make button holes, sew on -":ru.2-:;:73C'l2:0:;;-;;-;--;-~.,.,----II "-pl-'-°"-;;ly°;';.;:-64>-t<l9ti'i:-'-'""8"°/U-'---Fbrgl1. Make ofr or trade buttons, hem dresses, make VINYL TILE. Li no 1 e u m , RAT &: CAGE. ='°'=·=545-=l=65=7=. ===== fancy stitches etc. 5 Yr. Aapba]t Tile-&aut1tul col-5t6-6S25 80..t-Yicht parts & service iuar. Pay on a Del patitrns. nee 2000 Calwn. Mesa Verde, $5.88 dn & 9 pymnts ol $5.88 estimates. L1c. Co n tr , C.M. 8/18 Ch1rter1 9039 mo., no interest chart~ or: MS-4478. LOVEABLE klttem, usort-BLUEWATER OIAATERS Full Price $58.80 V3 OFF on all bikinis A ~· ment ot cokirs and aaes u Drive Sail or Pow-tt For no oblig., trtt h 0 me er-1.1P1. Any lile top w/any need Io o d home 1 .. Skippered IGcal 1port tlshlng demo. Call credit Mar 'tU 9 bottom. $14. suita now 8J6...4493. 11/IJ. Harbor Cntl&es 646-9001 PM. It toll, call ~ct. $9.80. Anythlnc Goe1, 2400 NO. ad hm 1: tned yd for kw. FAST 35' Jeffl"lei, fully 213: 531·9694 W, Cst Hwy, N.B. Open Sun. )'OWll'. female blk cocbr eqp'd. Marlin chairs, ciutria· SURPLUS factory d re 1 a mix. Gentle, Io v e t kids. geni, polet I: reels for fabrlcs I& remnant.. So ld 836-4493. 8/19 marlin le albacore. (213) Mu1ic1I Inst. 1125 DRUMS: Fiw drum 1tt with :ru the Saib~ M ~ ~~:tio~oo ooui!i 1--,,.,-,,.· -;:;-;:·::-=.:::;-high hat. Save 2/3 on new CM 6.......... CAL 24 S25 day • ,150 wk · away. 1969 Panons Street, CAL 36 -•·· tt70 k price. Perfect tor bqinntt ;;;c=::--:c:---~=--...., '"Y • ... w or @X(M'rie~ drummer KIRBY V a c u u m Oeaner houte B, Costa Mesa. 8(]3 For Oa.rter 846--2957 who can't afford expt!lll~ with • t ta c h m e n t 1 A VERY friendly p 0 0 c h, ========= 11tt. Youn for $130. Call polisher. Take over Im.all Amtn.llan Sbepbml mix, Bolts W1nted 9050 Dan at 49'-4006 or !-like pymts or ,41.10 cub. Credit female about 10 mo.rilhl o!d. --------- Spain 494-5934 Dept 535-7289. Has &hot1. 66.-0391 8119 W1nttd GOLD Shansuede c ouch -"~TR'""UMP;i,;,,;ET;:;--;KIN=°"G--OLD upright practice piano '56 VW Sedan body. Gd. 20' to 22' lnbollrd w/walnut lrlm, xlnt cond Excelll!nt * $1Z. $50 7' IOfa w/attached mlll'-cond. Come A pick: up. N!:W cat Dtaler wUI trade $50. \Valnut coffee tb1 $5, &12-4432 ble table f10. by Dania 646-4569 8118 late: model or new car for walnut bed frame $25, port. ========= 548-0012. MALE Germ, ~p/Collie 20' to 22' inboard Jiberglua typewriter $2. Baby lte1111: Pl & O ll30 2 FORMALS Bl SllO dttp V hull type cruiser. i;troller $1. high chr $1, 1"°' '111"' -ue • ad. viatehdoa:, needa room Contact General Mgr. Bob yellow 7/B wl.th beadp~a. to run. 495-Sl03 8/16 Loncptt, Pontiac 893-6651 - portscrib $l. car bed never MOM & DAD C&ll 5"-1962 between 5-7 4 FLUFFY ~--•·•-• kit-l36-2500 Opon 'to offer • used Sl. 25101 Ctiamplaln, DO lT NOW!! p.m. _..,,.._.-.. Laguna HillS. BJG..1062 \Vhile We have the a:reateat ~--===,.---ten1. Calico I: two-oolored, PATIO SALE. Cho'-,-·'I aetect:ion, '"-mGl'lt l"l!uon-CARPET Call A.M.: 49!J..252'T 8/16 MobU• HOfMI . 9200 ... ..,. UllU .._. Sl\q:s, h\-.eda, bl-JG pile. All ' antiques, china, 5ilver, a lit-able rentals, the btst teach. colon. Free est. lie Contr. AU~ Shepherd GREENLEAF PARK tie bit o[ everything. 110 9th er, Choose from C.Onn, Wur. st&-441'8. Nple1, 3 . montba old. ln clear, clean, COQl C.osta St., N.B. Mon thru Fri. lit.zer, Knabe, Fischtt I: ~~~~---~-MS--0647 8/16 1.le•• New a. ._ ..... adult ••-Sp. •-• eon-• QUALlTY kin< bed, qutlto!. -•• -~ S1le1 • R•nt1l1 · AulhoriJ.ed Dealer Eldorado • Four Wlnds Seollma.n ~ Barn,cuda FREE ZEBRA MINI BlKE \11ith purchase of 8llY camper or camper packaae! Theodor• ROBINS FORD 2000 HArbor BlVd . 0:-ta Meu 642-0nO RENT·A.SHELL- WEEKENDS, W E E K LY MONTHLY * 839-1800 MUST lll'IL '59 Chev. truck and '63 camper. Bqt offer. Gd. cond. ~7063. MUsr sell 'fr6 'IW Camper. FuUy equip. Low mileage. Xlnt cond, $2495. &U-1536 C11mper Re~t•ls 9522 *EXPLORER* By -week or month, Lwrurt- Ous. Sleeps 6. Sell contain- ed. Llmlttd nwnber. Call today. LEISURE RENTALS lnt> 64U6U. cn•l 837-3809 9S2S Gt..ASSWARE, m; .. ,., Item•, ou~rs. Ult.,., ""' .,..ei SMALL white: nmpy, mlxed, park, Model• • •-•ea o"'-...... from ""79 Ren• .. •-fro 110 Complete, u nu 1 e d $Hl5; .,_,. • ..,,..,. UJ .... USt!d clothing; priced to sell. ..., • -.. m worth $250. Atter 5 or wknda S.U Wkl., male. 646-75.12 locat~ at Park. Open 9 AM =~~~~--,,..,-,.-;,..,,·11 1 2033 Republic, CM. ~3688 monthly, 847..{lf()6 aft. S. 8118 to 6 PM. HI E A BED ,.~ Gould Music Com,.ny t MOS. w•-hilt .__._ ACCENT MOBn..E , D · · ....,, CWllDm ~ N, Main SA 547~ Health Spa memben.hlps, ....., ""'£''"' HOME SALES i couch $50, antique buifet ~ {JUlf: of! ~Freeway) 12 months (owr 200 vWtll good w/cblldren. Too many l TJO Whittier Aw. <, $25. 8142 Marseille Dr., H.B. •--$99. •~·'arly •~. M'--petl hiett. 645-0127 8/18 F nchlse CloHOUt ...... """5 "' _... ... Colla Me1a n4: 642·1350 CARPET, shag, bi-lo NEW ~1 Lane, ~1425. TWIN kitte"', 2% mo old. ,,._~ MAYFLQ•=• Xl•t '' S4 5q. yd. 396 HamiltoD, -~"°. ry ~,~. s"iOlle Black I: whltt. Frte to good ............. . ............ " .,.. eo._ • p net USED continuous-filament home. 540--02S4 8/ll quality. 1 bdnn Adu It '1 C.M. Saturday anly. s on a cost.plu1 basis. nylon carpet, sculptured DARLlNG ..... 1 park, F.V. $2.-0(36. 1 GARAGE Sale. Moving, all e er again piano ba.ra:ainl pattern, bti&"e. appnix 55 part _.e pup.. I..,======== I must go, Sat, sun, Mon. 834 like these! First come • Jint yrd1 .• xlnt. cond. 96l-4098. P I e 1 • 6 wk • • o I d • Motorcycl•t 9300 •l =W~-~W~"'°-o:-"'-' _cC._M~.142-·72965-= aerved. J::LEC mower $35, Magnavox 546-4310. 8/19 :· HUGE Garage S,ale, Aug. 16 WARD'S BALDWIN STUDIO TV w/ca.rt J75, elant nttdle LOVABLE female chlhU&hua, e "67 TRIUMPH BomM!v!lle : &: 17. 2.514 Bayw!de Dr, CdM lB19 Newport, C.M. 64U484 Singer&: Desk $75.1640 New. 1 year old. can 968-4738. 8/19 S-,,0,. Pr t c e 11 $850. e "62 , •P HAMMOND. Steinway . Ya-port Blvd., Spaee 12, CM. 968-4738. 1/19. Triumph 650 Dirt Bike $350. ~ Furniture Auction 8025 maha • new &: wed pianos 2 'IWIN bed.a. iteel frame1 MALE kittelll. sturdy & •"69 Ho=~~.' ot all makes. Belt IK.ly1 in $30 each. Corntt table $1.5. cutt, hlbrkn, 329 Maanolla I,-,=--==~,-;.--~ • Furniture • So. Calli, f'ilht Mn!. C&JJ 673--1226 St., C.M. &U-8806. 8/19 1968 650CC Triumph Bon- Applience• e Color TV SOiMIDT MUSIC ro., STEUBEN Ad&e, l'T'iii xtra. FREE cock-a-pooh pupple1, 7 nevi.lie , chrome tank & side AOK AUCTION 1907 N. Matn. SITS. wtekl old. 548-6fi06 8/19 panela. New tires. $900. 772'1 Garden Grove Blvd. Santa Ana ~'"'--•• 548-4981' or Sf.5..9763 (work) W · t G G F ~ 2 BL.ACK adorable P\ll)p\e1 estmms er nr. · · rwy. WANTED MECHANIC'S *** 4S7-1M9 *** HODAKA 90, race ready, Tue1 & Thun 7 PM-Sat 6: 30 P~OS &: ORGANS xlnt cond. Must sell $225 E!t1te consgnmt, Repo. New •636-3620• Floor Jack, jutt like new. ONE cute, long-hatred brown , firm. •94-51'5l ~ Appl11nce1 8100 PIANO WANTED MUST .~u 6!:Ul'fi:. Carl.be kitten. Female. 543-1932. '68 KAWASAKI 250 A·lSS. ~ {213) 877-1035 ·Pvt Par'I'$ .ts eta. wedding 1et, $135 or ~ ..... l..arpho•-m:_~g Xlnt cond., $5:.o I beat off. 1 DELUXE Acme kitchen unit, """'7~, a ... 644--0280 ~ walnut, closed top, like new Televl1ion nos best offef. Nl-198'7 att. s. ;;FRE:;;.,.E,-;;""::;;k.-;;830-ll40iL>W-;lf;;plfP l:T;;RIU:;;;MPH:;:;~l~ ... ~~TRSC=~.-.1-,, : $285, c 0 1 t $450. 673-3663, '66 21·• PHI!.CO Lo Boy, o. Misc. W11nted 1610 TINY puppie• Stl>-5716 8119 cond, lo ml•, ree. tuneup, : Re"lal Dept. '°"'· x!nt oond.165. 1--------TRANSPORTATION 650cc 1695. 548-tlll : KENMORE au Io mat I c •548-3657• • WANTED '67 HONDA CL 450 washer, late rnodtl, xlnL IOl .... 1"1'-&"-Y'-1<"-h-"fl'--9000~ Excellent condition. '°"'· IS5 * 8<7-8115 Hl·FI & Starao 1210 TOP ~~N~R!ute1 'ITGLASSl'AR C1t atto~. New""" 1695. ""'"" llil1l "1'EREO O>naole, dlx, Qualll> furniture, ooior TV'• foboai'<k>utboani. 1lO Mm:. MOTOR HOMES 9215 in btaut cabinet, complete •tereos, appliance• tooll, Cruiaer with power )et • 1 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Tii FRIGIDAIRE gas dryer, late model, .:Unt cond. $75. 847-8115 w/Dew &' 1.1 a ran I e e. 4 oUlce equip. power trim. Full OOYe!'.11 AUSTIN HEALEY '60 AUS'l'm Healy Sprite, w/hard top, ~1755 aJt 6 p.m. DATSUN BARWICK IMPORTS At.miORIZED DATSUN Bia sedan, auto tniru, over· head cam, disc brks, radio, hC!ater, 28 mi per gal., after 2,800 ml. Full !act warranty, PL 51Q.M4826, 41n: Fine. Avail FULL PRICE $1850 998 So. Coa.1t Hwy, Lag Bch 5'5-0634 0 .A.C. 494-9711 Does not incl, tax or lie. '68 DATSUN Big station waa:on. auto trans, overhead cam, dlr, disc bra· ktt:. Perfect condition. Tak~ trade. Sac.rill~. WBJ 589 - LB. Call Ken, 5t5-0634 sale is one of a kind ••••• DATSUN • --'69 PL510 2 Dr. R&H, defroster, AIR COND. One of the many fine demonstra- tor• that we have avail· able. A real &avings! $2295 1969 DATSUN '69 SRL 311 IXICIJTIVI CAlt $3195 Roadlter 2000 cc, 135 H.P. Real · nice demon· 1lrator. Equipped with oval tires, R&:H. SAVE! SAVE! DATSUN '69 DATSUN IXICUTIVI CAlt Statlon Wagon, 4. 1pd,, rack, radio, white In color wlturquoise trim. Many, many extras. . BIG SAVINGSI · 1969 TOYOTA COROLLA Radio. heater, low mile· age. Near new. $1395 '68 DATSUN 4. Or. R&H. defroatl!r. Many, many extras. 5.000 miles. Driven by Mrs. Zl.mmerman. $1795 LARGE Cold spot reb'igentor-frtezer. White, j frost-free, $'15. 548-1932. Speaker aound aystem, 4 spd 5J1 .. 1212 Ready to enjoy. A 11 English cbanga', llOl!d state 1----------m..tn.tenance recordl. 1 & diamond ~le. Pay off \' owner. KI 6-4«4 HtA~H ~I IT DODGE. '65 AJ.J!'A Romeo GT Sprint '69 DATSUN Coupe, r<d w-bl.ck '"'· 5000 mu. Philco air cond. ba1of179.10 or euy pymn1a. WE PAY MORE '68 SEAGOlllG ,.....bolt • Like new cost U45-f15 take• 1 1=";'~· ,;,"'"=w-·~'~9ih~S~•~c,.._M..,,..._ REFRIG. Hotpoint frosttree, Xlnt cond. $1Z. &G-6859 .... STEREO equip: AKAI 1'1-9 Sleeps 6. $980). Call ~n Credit Df'pl. ~72S9 CASH 32' Stttl hull. Jn.outboard. Hotpo\nt Relrl~ator, top frffier ..... , $35 '4-4432 HOTPOINT electric xlnt cond. $60, <cy.r, (Robtrtl)~ $500 Pioneer 130 7&9 P.M. (n4)77)-U47. W lfultiplex $250. 2 Pionttr . '63.2'1' Oiria, Sta Skitt elUl)honea $25 C I e a n I n 1 TS, SS radlO, tabs, tatho. equip. Tapes $3 ea. Sf.5..'16'TJ For 1'tlmltfzre, appllanoe" swtm 11.epg, Full mv. dlnah¥ color9d Tv, PW.0.. orpno W...U • eni. 5'lkl42li .,.., andantlquff. Day or nlaht. ~ CABIN Cruber, lkJ hp Mere. Trler, bait tank, -10 many e-.. Maka ott.r. Sporting Goods 8SOO SURFBOARDS 536-2928 l 1==='4<-0930======;;m , Antlq-iffii 'BT PERFORMER t •&• Paid $90, Rll $XI. * 7' 10" RICHARDS SSS ll7 E. Bay, &lboa $WE BUY$ Solllioofl 9010 $ FURNITURE $ APPLIANCES U:.,):;,.,"';:'."' ~ j I • • I Larry Morgon AnflqUff ====~==l=llO=== Be: lhett when tile Van pull• In &: take )'Ollt pick! 14 Miace?l11MOU1 8600 C.l•t TY.....,i•R•t-Sfttte1. * 6n-H'l4 * Pump orians. 2 do12n roll top Desks lS Qllna csbl· TYPEWRITER. C I t a t I o n nets. Au!tnan Armolttt, portable, tcript b'Pf, $45. Bedroom aultes, Bru1 boda. * 64i-t432 * 1 ""' ... " ...... CASH IN ll MINllTIS • 541-4531 • F'OR Ille Lido 14 witb tnUtr, Xiii! -· c.u 17J.:1891 HOURLY RENTALs ... !lhodtt 19'• * ""' Zone Boat °'· &lbol Gra.ndfalher clockli. VW:nna F AMILY membentp In f'r'Slllators, & Muob tl!ortl Irvine Coast C.OUOtry Club Seoe at: 2380 or 2t23 N~ for llllt. Pvt pty. ~1111 Blvd., °"" M.., 541-CD. She pxol tabto WJ, TV with ll'llltr .... ·"" .. -.$111. Sowl Meehl-1120 "'"' part •land ps, ......, ~'a.!':iic~u ~ *~ Mochlnory, olc. l700 LIDO H "' -QI. ---:00=1e<111a1="'N"'•"'v-.=11on=-·-SlllGER IOIJcb-4>.ma''· ~roo=L:--:labl,...,., .. =-,=·-·-::,:::.x"•·,.-::3',,-', I lb. Utt. TOWMOTOR LT"· Counl --4000 lb. lJlt YALE 4DOO lb. &ta f.11, button holta, ICwt R&dc, balls, quea, S1SS.. llft 12' hi-lo mut. YALE Coob '* 6'1$-1166 on buttom, blind brms. CdM. 6'1J480S, 615-0023. 40XI lb, llft 1(8.la'.t nwt. ff·s &ICb hOiill ttm•. Bia· $34.18 or $4:15 mo, 535-G616 SliRtBOARD 8', $15 CLAR.K 6000 lb. lilt. Tl3 I"' ltlec&n ever! SN thl f'ar DeJJ, Piiot Want Adi Excellent condition Ntwton Way •. Colla Meu. DAILY Pu.or 0-Wded Dial 642-5611 5.16-2836 su.'393 -NOWt 'HUDQUlRTlRS FOR MOTORHOMU II llllUl TR AU lml DODll "DPLORER" ...................... ............. 9ftll ...... --- 1tereo tape1,• $.1800 u ls. EXICUTJVI CAlt 2-Door. Chrome wheels, 1 _71~M~9&-=1'~78~====-ll PlrreW tires, radio •nd ORANGE COUNTY'S heat@r. Real n ice! NO. I DATSUN DEALER DOT DATSUN 18835 Bee.ch Blvd. Huntington Beach 842-7781 or 540-044.2 '67 DATSUN. Ex ce ll e nt traMpOrtation. Lo miles. $100 ulldtr \\'hale. 6"458 ,ENGLISH FORD ORANGE COUNTY'S VOLUME ENGLISH FORD OEALER SALES · SERVICE '69 MODELS Imrntdla te delivery LARGE SELECTION Thtodor• ROBINS FORD . $2195 One Of The Largest Selections of Sport Cars & Imports In Orang• Co. ZIM,.,ERMAN DATSUN -lia.rtor BlYdt emta Me" 642.o010 Phone :::::;~: • RAT '67 FIAT 850 ooupe Very aood condo 496-tlil alltt 5 .. __ 2845 Harbor Costa Mesa FERRARI · FERRARI Newport /mporuo Lid. Or- .... Counl>'• onJy author· jqddMJu. SALES-SERVICE-PARTS 3100 W. Coe.st Hwy. Newport Beach "2·9405 540-1764 Aulhorlttd )fG Deakr HILLMAN 1961 111 LL1'fAN Minx Convertible $350. Go o d oond. Utroughout c al I 543->;87. JAGUAR '65 MUSTANG $12'5 ---------11 CoRl't rf, v•. •11to, f•c.+ •Ir, '68 Jscuar XKE Coupe PS, w-w ti111, ttnt•G 9IM1. lmmaculate condition Call 6'1&-6226 aft 5 PM OVVl 6l _, '6S OLDS $1595 '68 XKE, xlnl. COnu. Best o[fer over .,4.HlO ~ Vl1t1 Cr11l1, '·' Wot· v•, 15.000 m.ileg, 6'1S-45.lT •uto, 1lr, PS, Pl, RIH. VTU5li. '55 JAGUAR, XKl40, Con- vert, Classic! Best otter. '66 MUSTANG $1.,5 call 645-1905. H.T. VI , l·1pttd, rtdkt, htlftr, W•W fiftl, fintfd '56 JAGUAR SEDAN t liu. TFR221 Good engine & transmWkln. II '="-'-"""'---,-,,-, $200. >11"'81 < '66 CHEV. $1495 =====~===II 1MPALA 2 Dr HT. VI, , ... , MERCEDES BENZ 'P•w•r "'''" r1dio, httftr. SOL Oll. '64 FORD $195 GAL. 500 ? ifr. H.T. V.f, •uto., r1dio, ht•ftr, TVS 426. '66 MERCURY $169S CYCLONE 6 .T. 2 Gr. H.T. v.t, •VIO., fie.. •ir, p•w•t 1t••r., pow1r brtktt, bvt lr• et 1t1h. TSA 121. I 1 • i '6S PL YM. $19S ltll'1d•r• 4 dr tod, .. qol, i:;;;-';~:i;i""';;;:--.:'.:::::--;;;;;;ll 1tlclr ll1ift, r1d io1 h11ltr. oxli.11• ·1 '61 GAL. SOO $199S ========== 112 dr M.T., V•, 111to, ftc 1!r, I PS, Pl, RAH, w-1-w, vinyl roof, tiftt 9l111. Ul(H716 MGB '61 MGB, hard. & .oft lop, '6S FALCON $895 new ttre., radio, wire wbeeb, 2 dr. v.1, 1tltk. r1GJ., •••*· Very a:ood cood. Must sell. ''· lt11I 1h1r,. N60 J6t. O:Mi'ikc7.;o"'tt:"cri:. 0'..,_-7-9808=-:::;;:;;:ll '66 FAIRLANE $1495 , 1 , '69 MGB GT. Green wlblk &00 2-.lr VI, •uto "'"'• Int. S,000 miles. hrfecl i lr c.ofld, pow•r 1tteri119, c:ond. Mu1t ell. 494-3428 11.YG4J4 PORSCHE '61 pORSCHE coupe, 1600«, gm., blk. Inter. Radial•, chrm. whit. Luggage rack, AM/flaf. Perl. cond. $3,00) lnve1ted. seU $ 2 3 0 0 , '6S CHEV $1195 II lmp1l1, 2·door H.l . v.1, PS, Pl, 11dio, "•••••· whrt. w•ll1, tint 91111, PDe,01 , '67 MUSTANG $1695 H,l. V.1. 111tt., pwt, "'''· r1dlo, ht•l•r, .. invl rotl. 7Uk 070. ~673-8>Mcc..:'i7'·,...,,..,;r.;...--.--11 + '65 CONVERT * '69 TORINO $i19S xfiit cond, All xtru, nu pct. GT, Jll V•, 1wto, f1c.t ,;,, top. Mual sell. 646-ll34 PS, l'wr dl1c l rk1, II. I H, "'""'""'"'";;;;,.:.;;=-;;-..,-::-·II W·W tlr•t, low ,,.i. XHV66J 'M PORSCHE, AM/Fm, Sunroof. re-bit eni. new '61 MUSTANG 52295 \ 1-";;;"";,;;~1§1500~.~-~~~-;==:[I H.T. V-•, •ufo., pwr. tfMr;. 1 ·• rtdio, ~••I••· VDP 117. -___,s,,,u""N""B"'EA;::M~-ii '61 FORD $2095 '67 ALPINE RANCH WAG, v.t , •uto., Jtoaditer, 4 &pd, dlr, Wirt f,,, t lr, pwr. it.tr., pwr. br1k11, lu91•11• r1c.k. rvo wheels. L1ke new. 2'J,600 On 102 Speedo, Drlven by little 'ole · lad>. Full pr 11499. Pymnu '61 MUSTANG $219S to flt )'OUl' budget. YPSlU. CONVERTIBLE. V·I, •u+o., can BW 4:9f-9T13 or 545-0634 pwr. 1f1tr,. radio, ht1ttr, c.011Hlt, b11c.k1t •••It, pwr. TOYOTA 1••·'"'" "'· --------11 '61 :FORD $239S ELMORE •• 1. '" 2" H.l .. "'VO, MOTORS TOYOTA' • Laraest eelf!ction of a 11 model1, colort, from the largest Toyota dealtt. NICEST USED CARS IN ORANGE COUNTY 1530o Beach Blvd. Waatmlnater Phone ast-3322 (TIOIYJ()IT@ Best 0.111 Ar• At DEAN LEWIS 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-8303 BILL MAXEY [T!OIYIQ!TIAI 18881 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. Baoch 147455S 3 ml N. of Coast Hwy, on Bch VOLKSWAGEN 111!•, PS. k l H, W•l•W, tl11ttd 91111. VHA61J, '67 MUSTANG $169S CONVERTllLl. V.e, •uki., pwr. 1l1tr., rtifio, h11ltr, pwr. top. UON 24t. '67 COUGAR $2291 H.T. v•, •uto, PS, llH, W•l•W, Ylftyl roof. mlS9 '64 T·BIRD $1295 H.r. v.1, 111to., fie. •Ir, PS I Pl, pow•r wi!'ldow1, f'wr. •••ft, r1cllo, h••™· roL •11 . '67 FAI RLANE $1995 500. 2-dr H,T. Vt, tufo, PS, rtcllo, h .. 1ttr, whit.• will tlr••· UPS515 '6S FORD $1095 GAL. 100 CONVERTllLE. v.1, tufo., PS, r•clio, ht1f· ••· UYR 292. '6S FORD $149S LTD 2 dr. H.l . V.t, •t.tto., fie. •Ir, PS l Pl, r1clio l h••t•r. ltTV <1119. '65 FORD $1095 GAL. 100. 4 dr 1td•rt. V•, •1111, PS, RAH, whltw•ll REGRET partlng with '68 tir••· SYIJOJ automatic VW bug, but pn!aent work requitta 4 dr. '66 FORD $1595 Luggage rack: & cover, p.ad-GAL 100 2 cir. H.T. V,t, ded 11teering wheel. "Ann" •uto., f1ct. 1ir, PS, RAH. 642-77TI or 646-3129. UOU 160 ~·&S"'vw""". -':,;-:;doo'::"r,'-4.-:,::poed:::d.I '67 FORD $2395 radio, heater, beaudtul red City SM 10 P111, J90 V•, and 1harp, RUM 140. $10'J5. 111!0, 1!r, PS, Pl, RIH, w. Car1'1 Motor Co. Inc., 19(J 1-w, tint 11. lut rk. TYUOJ Harbor. C.M .• 142-0rn. '69 FORD $329S '6'1 VW Camper, newly reblt GAL 500 F11tbtc.k. V •• , tng, many e<tras. $2395 or 1uto, f1c.t. •Ir, PS, Pl, ti• but otter, G7-ll92. clio, ht1hl,, KTH tJt. ~,964,,,...~vw"'". ~ss".IXXl=--m"1,... "'ct'",-.,-.ll '65 FORD '$12'5 Good mechanlcal oond. $700. Ctrv S-4, V•, tuto, '5, _M;;.:-7-;;781;;,:.'-=-::;;:--::=;ll RIH, w-1-w, t111r1l1t1, lut °'63 VW ..• J /h t r1c.k. 7RK2t7 ; 1w..-., r , greall ''°"'-'-""'-"----- oond. M"'t 1ell 165 O. '67 ¥ORD $1495 , .... ;;;;..c"""".-.=--:;::;--:::::; II Cu1t. 500 J dr. v .1, 111t• .. 1960 VW bus, xlnt cond, PS, RIH. TJM •66. need1 motor. S400. '66 FORD $1795 I I :<."U.u*D.'4::1_-3371-;;:=*;:;;~;::-II Count1y Squir• 10 p•tt .. '51' VW Bui. COrvalr ~fll. v.t , 1wt•., ~. Pl, l lH, Needs trans. work. $Zill/or lt.19919• r•c .. Ull 791. bNt offtr. 64U530 '68 VW red, blk lnL Wood whl. ctmn rims. ral!W tlrts. Stereo. $1650. ~2 '61 SUNROOF. Radio. N t w brake1, $395. * 8.18-5231 * '115 vw l!<tback. Top -· can lfffr s pm, 646-'28:2 '14 SUI/RF, .... ohaj)C, $373. ~75 DIAL dlnct 6C-!678, 0..,.. )'OW' ad, then 1lt bfck and Jlalen to the phOne rlnal DUNTON FORD 2240 s. MG111 Santa An• 546·7076 ' < ' . ' ' ' NEW 'CAR CLEAN-UP AT JOHNSON _ & SON ' • DON'T WAIT ·-Too ·-LONG!! --.--·-----.. M 0 NT E:G 0 S ••• ,....__.._ ___ ~ Pint --.. '-"'!o!P _i.j. _, THI llAUTl'UI. 11.Uli'UIS · SAVE w.u -.. -4t!IM .f DOOl:'·HAIDTOP kl .. ., '*"" lrllild: .... ,..,. ... lflJlf. .... ......... ...,.,,. ................ . •its •tom 2:111 SAVE $7-3· ,-10 NOW 441,M WAI 1111:1t ' MEllJCURYS ••• ...~~~~~~~~ ..... MAND NIW COl.ClllT"PAU WAMIN ,.,.._ ...... , .......... _,..... ....... 1111 ...... MI .......... .,.._ ffKM •lilcll mt ..!~ .. ~! $81600 NOW .f71t.41 0 llAHD NIW THI HOT ONlll 'DANDMIW ._ ... llAND NEW llONTKO Ml CTCLONI MOHlffO lolONll60 Ill llOlnlMI llX SlATION WA•OH 2 DOOR H..UDTOP 4 DOOi SIDM .... .... kOtll ...... ,.. """" ""· Mltd ...... IMl't. W I •l .. -*. ,,_. lltMr. ~-.. AM CWtoN l!lfllw 11 ..... wt111 "°' loPl(lll ""'*-I. WI W. llllCt lllllt. WI •Ill. ,,._ ._, ...._ ................ "' .......... 11111t. ···""'"" a.rt HY~ wl1li mW. ••Ill.,._.~ ,........, ...... -----.. a!*lll pUfd\Me inn... .................... '" COM.'tlllt ..... ,..,... .,..,.., ,...,.,. .. .,.. .... .,,.... ..,.,...., ""',....., -...... Jn! _,, __. .-......... •Ir --. NA r8dllt lllt. •.WfN IToat I ti°" ""' Ill Y"ll· kl'. Ho. UJ1 1llU liltllt-. '6W°'4 1ltdl 11SI *' ll9M. l¥flf11J 1!odl 1160 ,.,.... ...,.._ ........ ,,,,, sAvE s 450 o5 SAVE $661 00 SAVE $47669 SAVE s49319 SAVE s54515 w.u • WAS 4Jl1M WAS sn1.i1 JHT.Ot WU JU&.71 . WAI lffc'M NOW IUl.ZI NOW JJIO.ot NOW n11;11 ' ' NOW :J461.11 NOW Jn6.41 SELECTED NEW CAR TRADE·INS. MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! 1968 COUGAR COUPE 1965 MERCURY COMET BARGAIN CORNER ... utltvl ltoy1I ma,_ Wiii! blld: lfllerlor. Auto. tr-.. rMIO lo hett.r, power aleerlllg, IKlory 1lr COfldlllonlna, E~cetltnl ttirou9'!0V!. VfU11 $1111111 WQOll. V ................ •lull Mitt wllll nMfdt. '"9 1ni.r1or. Altlolnetk tr-., redfe I. htltw, POW 1i.rlrl;. 1lr condlllDnlne. Gtr1 c:INll. RINSU , II OW • .,,.... CW-we ""°' ........... ctn. lefM c ..... ttlM Mt .. c .... ._ 11111 .,. ......... -we'Y• Moll ....... -"' ""' l'llllt """' CIR -Nil .. ,.. .... Uillr 111111 I Vtr. SAVI AT ---------$3195 SAVE AT ____________________ $2650 SAVI AT ···---·-----··• $1395 SAVI AT ------------$5895 .... POii •AWll U4. 4 ... AT. I. H, PS, ..._ 11Sl4' $525 C-Y-r ..... 1M1t w'N W It fM, IMt.l - 1965 CONTINENTAL 1967 COUGAR 1968 MERCURY 1961 COIYAll MONZA. Stkl, I, H. HPE724 fA .. c., ... ,.... ..... , $575 c-tlblt. S.1111 bi.de flnhh wllll bladl !Hiii"' tni.lol' .,,.. blKll: ..,., l'wll po!Mr ~lpped, rMIO Mt1 NIM, llCfllrY 11r, belullflll aindlllon.. Ori¥ .. 9lll1 .... mills. NOZlllL Attr1cl!v1 l ime Frott l lnl1ri Wlllt rr111khln9 \ntttlDr, AulO. tr111l., r1d10 " llMtw. powt1t 11ttr1,,g. 1tac111r Pl, !Ir"° •le.. Showl UetHetll c•r•. UONtl7 COIOny ,1111 ' Muengel' 1t1lloil wt>QOI\. •llrK'l!W C..tcllMI Riii 11"1111 wllh b!Kk comtort-we1w vln)'I lnltflDr. A111omotk 1r1n1., rtcilo, ri..tw, 1ttreo 11.,., factory 1lr condlllonl119, pOW9r ''"'""' poww twell .. , M l ktlon 1111 .. .._ on1y ltMO mlllL No. XI~ 1967 CADILLAC COUPE 1f6' CHEY I llSCATNI w ..... 4 Dr. Stkk. l ,H. SVZ06l $n5 IN ... • llttte,.. Ii_.., weft.) I f6'"'6 MUSTAN• COUPIS. 4 .. c11MM ...._ All,.,... ........... WW.. ........ $925 We .... tee _., hi ttecL 1 tU c..,, IDWl4t SAVI AT ------------· '219 5 SAYE AT _______ ----------$2175 SAVI AT --·-·---·-·------$4395 SAVI AT ----------------·$3995 ltH PONTIAC CATALINA. 2 Dr. H.T .. AT, UH, PS, Pl, $925 Air. OSW1JI. (CS-IMlt wll"ft Hd It toe lollt.J 1968 CONTINENTAL SPORTSMAN'S SPECIAL 1968 MERCURY IHI CHIY I MALllU CONY. AT, UH, PS, otc. DAIHt $1175 ,,., ... IMt 119 .... ,, -"DOOll, ~ IH'Utff\11 Artie YtOaw flt1lsll. llKll: L.M!lloW IM lMICllU too. LUl!Un' -!Pl*! ~. l"llff ,...,., rtdlo & ~""' flCIOr'\I' •Ir _.II ........ more.. Drlv .. only llAOO mil& LIU MW. WlS171, ltu JEEP WAGONEEllt Sttllon WllOf'I. Cilwrei.t \I~ eonvlrled tn!!lnt, 4-w!\HI drive wllti C111eknllk ,,..,, wl>ltls fl dlo &. hH IV, nH• ,,... c°"'""'nci. llrnl $tt lt'IG Clrlv1 to 1pprtcllt1. UOTDG. ,..,... l.aM -..tl&lt. 8Hll!lf\11 910ld W'DflH flfli.fl wf!ll Mlfdllng ltlttfl« Mid wt.Ill top. l'u!I IJOWtl' equ!llJ*IJ rlodlo _,., ht9Nr, 111" Cflfldl!lotllng, f.,..r ""'' cirtwn onty t,«11 ..,1191.1 SPtCltl JM"CfleH fl'Otn "°"' "'°"" "· end llv11115 ~ Gii .. vou. wvxm. 1966 MERCURY P1r1rt ~ 'DHT. Arctic Mi"-ftll\111 wtltt l i,w. lunclY lfll.,I«. L-r ._.,.... ~-ful.I Po-· FetflrY Air CDllll. A,,/.,M, tJC. lllY4U. SAVI AT --··------'4995 SA YI AT ---------------·---$149 5 SA YI AT ·-··------'319 5 $ - SAVI AT ____ 1795 NEW CARS 540-5630 • 642..0981 J'obnSOD•SOD .LDllll:m1Li1 Glli!JTll1EllTAL • 1£111JD: • IEICID • GlllAI -H·---·-A-- USED CARS 540.5635 NOOlmportocl ,.__ -lmpor1od ....... 9600 • lmpor!M Autoo -Autoo WontM 9700 ij;;t c.r. 9900 ll...i C.... -9900 ~­ ~~ i1 &\ lk\liill\~ n.t't rltht, Chic:lr lv•'10ll i;iv1s you • Ofl• of e lrilld ttrvlce 9uer1nt1e Ofl eny .... -•f • lrill4 lo,-e bug, lt'1 the cir th1t won't 9i,-e you 111 riythi119 to werry •h.t. w. ni1lr• ture of th1t. We 9ive It the VW 16.point selety tlld p1rfonn1nce tert. ft hn t• p•u. S• we 9ive it our 100 '-9u111r1ntee th1t ,,..,•11 r•pl1c1 111 fl'l•ior 111ffh•11lcel pel'he for l O d1y1 ot 1000 rn Jl1s, whichever colflts fiu f, hn't th1t whit 1 MW ••r-owri•r fteed11 A bug th1t wot1'f drive you t111h, Low, Low Prices on These SPECIAUY PRIC,ED BUGS! HOME OF "fHE LOVE BUG SPECIALS '6' PORSCHE '65 vw CAMPll l119!1t1, tr1t1ilflb1io11 •rtd ltr•k-' NC•lltty •v•rhtwl.d. lK.Olt. $1899 '67 vw ••• H1r4 t• firtd, •••v .. ltvy 111H •xuptlt lltll'f c:l1111. YXVl16 $1999 . '57 PORSCHE COUPI R1cflo, c:hrolfle wh11!1, lllW p1i11t, olr rn•c.h111ic1Uv. OPM 151. Ot1ly $1699 '65 GHIA COUPE Autometic tr111t, r1dio. h1111t•r, ''' coml., 11,000 lflil•s. !lire h••· XOC JOI. $2599 '68 vw S9UAll IAClt It.cf with bl1clr: irtt•rior. Showt exc•lltnt cere. So flit • 011 the roed. Redlo I h11ter. l ie. No. VTU 1544 $2199 '63 vw DILUll IUS Mu,t 1ee to •PP'•c.i•I•. HBG 635. $1399 '69 vw SUNROOF SIDAN lt1dio, whit• 1idew•ll firtl, lo1di of other •xfr••· 1,000 ectu1I mi111, XSR 145, $2199 '66 vw CONYllTllLI lt1dio ertd h••f1r. Don't ,..;11 thit one. SI S 155. Ab1olu!ely lilr• new. $1499 1970 N. Harbor, Costa Mesa I VOLKSWAGEN WE PlY_CJ_Wl ___ l--CAD-n-•-AC:-C:HEYIOLET FORD OLDSMOBILE '66 VW, xlnt conct $1225 or best of!er. ~ er 613-.107~ FOR YOUR CAR '64 EL CAMINO '68 ford 'Torino '64 cun.ASS Holiday eoupe, '66 CADILLAC c--~ ,., hlP _. .... , opc1, bucket ... .., '"'"' pow. _,vtn ..... .., __ ,._lu.. •teerl.ng. ta.et air, good Connr.tlble Aubn.atic, ~ be:aW, VI , ....-, pwr ....,.. --""' one oond. $975. M2-4387 or '65 VW-KG convert, tuned exhaust. $1095 67S-7757 C:ONNEU CHEVROLET run JIOWl!r, ta.ctor,-atr. Im-N768(fj "While it Luis" :;:r· ~ ~ w~ ~ ~..,_;,;o.;:;1m=----~-i rMCUla.t, condition thruout. Full Pi1:ce CV ' '64 Olds F-85 '6$ VW Squ.areback, blue, one O\vner, perfect 1 h a p e • suso. 61J..13?9 SYBCE. Full 1Mce $9'5 LB. Call Ken Sf.5.0li34. Very good condition. C .1S21!! Connell Chevrolet 1~_.ro8.:.°,.~ WaP"°t"'s Pfull/B.Y ===!600=·=-====1 onne I Cnovrol4t 2821 Ha.-bo• ·CM '46-lllll ···~ • ~. ' Will Bay -2821 H&imr, CM -~00 ... CHEVv IMPALA IUIO--····-'65 vw, stet'!O tapes, headtr '69 CAD Eldorado Nl-4m ews. exhaust, aood oontt.. ~ or Your Volkswqen or Pthche Like new "'17 extra Sport Oiu.pe. factory atr, '83 roJU> Wqon:, St.Jct w- best oiler. 646-68!M. A: pa,y top doll.ars. Pa1d for $8175 lJOWer ~· V"3, radio, ovefdriw. I cyl. Clean. $495 heater. Lin brand new, JUlb' or offer. 646-4481. 1965 VW 1500 s square back. or not. Call Ralph Vlllqe Aut. Sales s-ranteed. w AK m. $ll!i0. ,,.. l:°'°"'."'°:":'.6~13-0900;::==:;;;;;_1~~<6S::.:E=-~1~7tb~s~t .• =c=-=M~. ~I $2195 491-1835. AMc for DON I . 64S--041D Connell Chevrot.t '68 VW Sedan .i., '61 vw i-A,;uto;;;;L;;;•;;•;;•l;;;n;g;;;;;;;;;9;81;0, 1 ·61 CAD Sedan DeVilla. Gcod 2828 M&-1203 Sedan/or trade far VW Bus. I• cond. $495. 642-3850 D«yB; Harbor C.M. '61 Mere ())!. Pk. Wgn. 10 962-2.129 LEASE • RENT Eveninp call 67S-289t '65 CHEVY ll pass, a/e, rack, P/S, PIB, R -~~ -----ALL POPULA '65 SEDAN de Ville, all a· *11(2..3M2* auto door lock, AM/FM, MAKES tru. like new. Prtvat. JIU" --,,,==-=o;;=--1 -~ --.... 'fl& OIE\IY 1 Door. much more • ..,.,__ o.JU"V'l'IO FORD 1,,::IY,;,-..,642-6803.=--=--,.-,.-....,,.-I Automatic tl'ankrnis&ion. V-3. AUTHORIZED lllf'l EL Dorado, 1ow mnes. Call 613-598> MUSTANG LEASING l6850, "'°" oell! Orli. =======;I·-.:::;:.::.:.:::.::.::__ SYSTEM owner. 837-'134C MERCURY VOLVO VOLVO 8e1t D1al1 Are At C:HRYSLER PLYMOUTH -----1 • 64 Plymouth Valiant V-8, auto, dlr, one owne:r'. Take low paymentJ. Full price $699. OTU 691-LB. Call Ken, 494-9113 or ~ '61 PLYMOUTH WAGON Fury III V-3 eng. Afr eond. PO'>l.>er Brakes I 1teering $2150. 54&-1145 PONTIAC Cet Our CompeOOw Rates 1962 CADILLAC Theodor• f150. 646-3291 ROBINS FORD DEAN LEWIS CAMARO 1966 Harbor, C.M. 6t6-9303 2060 Harbor RlYd. ---'67 CHRYSLER '69 MUSTANG. ?..fag wheels. Immael.lla.te condition. Must aaerUlce. 545-5632. '67 PONTIAC GTO . 1-lardtop Coupe. Factory alr, 1965 MUSTANG V-8. 4 !pd, automatic, Po\\"er steering, 2-DOOR HARDTOP ~New brakes. sr:ia. power brakes, radK>, heater. Antiques, Claulcs 9615 _eo.i!!!!!a!!!!!M!!•sa,,.,!!!!!!!!!!!!64UOl!!!!!!!!!ol ~ '67 CAMARO RS conv, all v..a. &Utomattc, factory air,I========= I WBL 712. Full price .. power ............... , bra-OLDSMOBILE $2~5 1931 FORD V' LEASE V' pwr. Orlghial tord Coull'. Very '68 Cadill.ae Cout>e de VlDe, XI.NT. COND. * $1795. kes. radio & Matu. lmJDa. Connell Chevrolet -~ ($2295· • -• ~HaONNEvillim good ecndltlon, fully equipped. Sl29 mo. *64&-4m* ~-'67 Ford, 10 Nl¥ station wq-1-========= "' •lh. ai., "" m mo. C:HEYRO.LET '67 T ·Bird, air, elee wind. --"-'-'~~=.:..- 645-1441 s~~H'0i:OAst '66 CHEVY II :34 CHEVY. $450. !WM rood. CAR LEASING ~~,~ SdlrAF HARDTOPSa will trade !OI' 2 5 o e e 300 W. Cit Hwy NB 645-2182 ........ ...,... . • one owner, C· l=====·=::;;:::,1 rlnce! Would !Ike foreign motorcycle. 675--2965 .;:;:::;;==::=;:::== Uoocl Ce,. 9900 .,.,. Jn ...,,_. SVC 3l5 La Autos W1nt..i 9700 I---_;. ___ _;. '=Call_B"'!ll=""""'=----= :.::=:..:;=='---'-'-' TRANSPORTATION CARS 'ST CHEVY wqon.. 283, ATLAS CHRYSLER -PLYMOtrm: 29'29 HARBOR BLVD. CX>STA MESA 546-l!G-f Open Dally 'tll 10 p.m. CORVAIR WE PAY •.• CASH llWPORTIR MOTORS ::;m~·:...i~ ~· -,...--OOR-VAIR-----· apsnclate. $350.. 511--3182 rpd, fact air. Xlnt cobd. :l03I HARBOR BLVD. 1415. ~ COST• MESA '63 CHEVY 409-4 opcl, cu I ========i 541-5294 or 548-1511 roar end. Bud«b, .....,le, CORVETTE 5% DYER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE SALE OVER 100 1969 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM! far U9ed Can • trucb full call U1 for free Htfmate. GROnt OIEYROIIT FINANCING AVAILABLE ~-~a. lmmac. $1350 ---------1 '8filief.ij:f~~~f.iiol~"~'~~!,,,_=--,..-,-You can drive home yoor " SFQRTS ...W.. 13,700 '65CllEVY. XlnL <OOd.Auto '64 CORVETTE choicoo!1001969mode!sat nU., ~· pwr., vinyl top. Top tral'\I. PIS. new tirel, Stingray FasttNCk exactly 50% owr <>Ur actual Alk for Sain Manqer condition. 494-3232. brakH, lhoclal, Prvt. prty. UPZ076 factory invoice, 18'11 Beach Blvd. ""''oner. Call 491-56111. $1995 ~ • NO SALES EXPENSE HUD-...... BUICK • NO ADMN CHARGES Kl 1'-S33I 1---.;;;.c:;.c..;:_ ---·1'65 t'heYy Impala 2nt. Good nJU. PRICE e NO PREPARATION =======-:-, '65 BUICK t.. Sai.. oond. Allio, V.f; lllllO-(.,,,.II Chovrol.t OlARGE CONFIDENTIAU y •MANY EXTRAS• .,....,. -Hu!>or, Cl<' 516-ml • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY We hi More For One awntt, ~ booll 65 EL CAMINO '63 CORV£Tl'E 327, 4 apd. Foreign Or Sports can pr\eoe. Make offtt. Pvt. Pf'l1, X1nt mnd $995 Good coad. Call aft. 5 p.m .. PAID FOR OR NOT ,;632-Sm;::,;;;;;;";:..;,...__~;::::,· ==l!;;;;c-;;;;;•.;-~ii-~•;:;;;t;;I..:=~~:;,,· -.,--,,---I B. J. SPORTSCAR '65 BUICK Wildcat; xi,. -1963 OUMIOIEI"' Impala '51 Col"f-- Full pwr, dlr, fact a.Ir eon- dltionlng, pwr wlndow&. low. low n1llcage. Xlnt condition In and out Tota) Prlee $1399. Will line priv prty, LB VBA 319. Vie, $45-0634. 1'"""0R Sale 19 6 8 BON. NEVILLE, 2 Dr. H. Top., A. Cond. 1$th. miles,_ one driver all power. 96&-28«. '64 PONTIAC Catalina 2 Dr Hrdtp. Ventura tr\m. RfH. Auto, Pis, P/b, etr. 63,000 miles. $1095. 546-3501 '66 PONT. Le Mans con'ittl red w/white' top. RAH, owner must aeU.. $1500. 5'13-05,;4. ·s2 WIANS Convert stick good condition, pxl tires m-a. 541)..)(181) RAMBLER '6.1 CLASSIC Sta \Vac. 3 l{ld. 0/0, new trans. Xlnt pa ml. $4!t). 894-29-1.3, 546-!M26 University Oldsmobi[e CENTER dltlon. s::i~':n~ ~~ ~z;;to, ·$595. ntm. 64MS21 2833 n..1>or Blvd. 51 ~~ T ·BIRD Costa M"• 54-0-4'91 BUICK '68, CS 350, .U xtru, ' ~· • _ FORD 2850 H.-Cost. M•u 1-------- Bulek oomlort, sportacaraood tmn.par\&UOnl---------1 540-9640 'fi4 T-BIRD. OrlJlnal owtlll!I', WE PAY TOP ,..,.,,.,,,.,.,_ mr;_ 61>1161 $115. 'II" -'IO FORD Smtlcm Waaon-• • """'"' tuneup, ""' tiJu. DOLLAR '56 BUIOC, atk:k lhitt, 1 '65 01EVY Nova Wap eJr, Radio. llNif'r , w h 1 t e has had xlnt care. $13.".CI. for aood. clean used can. owner, needs clutch. $125 or new tirul. batt. ISdewaDL Good eond. S2501=':;,.-=---==--;;:,. Photle 83"1·1577 or 4f6.471?. oll ......_ SN Georte Ray -olr. S1M659 $1m. 968--lO'll cub. !ill-#lll. %tT E. -REAL ShM1> '66 0 Id .....__..__ n-.. •~· F...... CM tl Cold '56 T-BtRD, very p. cond., ••~ ... ........,.,,. ...... 1llli1 BUICK Electra, $;15. 'Sl OIEVY Bt1 Air, 4 Dt. CU ua. Hot C.oupe. portholes $1695 or best otr. 21'.iO Harbor m\ld.. , R.lA, air, Mw Hftt. ms La. Au., cleJn. $BO. '" Foret F•lrlene with bllc. Landau top, k> Btiore :s p.m. 548-2980; C.M. 642-0010 Linda. 6f6..5970. * MS-J6ST * ••s mia. n11 wht/wall Utts1,!:_at -;:_""-""'""'""m'-' .• --'545-li971.=='--I IMPO~TI; \\'ANTED ...,,. brkA, R/H, custom bUt ~ == 0ranie <bmties 1962 BUICK Sped.al ('(Invert. '61 Chevy, $275. 2 Door t.o.ded. VI, etc. Uc. Int A bucket seats. O>nsole '65 T.SIRO, one owntt, xtnt TOP S BUYER Nr.w tirft, RIR. $425, 2328 Oeen! MJ.i038 1RM949, Phone 6(2.M23 Olr. with taeh, PIS. P/B. P/W, cond. Orlwn 13,000 mL BD..L MAXEY TOYOfA IA Linda. 646-6970. rr"S Heaeh bout time. Blc-'63 FORD Wq. VI Xlnt. fact air. M111t M!tl to e 673--4976 e l119!1 1838:1. BNch mvd. THE Qtnoa::R YOU CALL.. pit~ •m:'!·Set the cond. new tirN, R/H, good be.llevel Privat. Party Beat DAILY JotttOt-WANT ADS It 8"cll. ~ Mf-S THE QUICKER YOU m..t. DAILYPD.Ot'WANrADSI ...... _m=ile;o ... ::;..-='""'-~=-1-•;..U;..";..·-962-=2860=-..-----"-...;..BRIN_.;;c_REStru==c.:rs;;t_ i - --~--- •