HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-08-22 - Orange Coast Pilot-Costa Mesa-- . . Saddlehaek VOL:. 62, NO. 201', 4 SECTIONS, ~ PAGES < DAILY PILOT 119ft ri.i. GWEN JOHNSON AND FRIEND CELEBRATE DECISION For 8u1w•ll~ Htppin••• I• 1 Hom•·in L1eun1 ·Raroon to ·stay Laguna Teen Gets to Keep Pet Can a racoon from Cucamonga find love and happiness ln Laguna Beach? Yes, Mys Gwen Johnson , l:J..year-old rout.er of Buzwel~ a three month old rac. coon. And the city council agrees. Ml8a Jobnson received lbe cwncil's permissior. to keep Buzwell aloog with 30rne 'advice .on the care and keeping of ra~ ~·· to ita7 In a_ mfltal Cap six feet by four feet by 4 •fed blgb when not ander direct control of his master, councilmen decided. Cage and raccoon will be kept at Owen·s house at 616 Mystic View in Laguna. Bu:r;well came to Laguna from a Cucamonga raccoon ranch where t h e animals are r.aised as pets. City officialdom came into tus , life because a municipal law regulates Qie keeping of wild. and. ?r_ 1 e1~\c ~fla ,,ilfu. Uio -oi llilNtil\ Co!OrjJ, • ·Trustee Desc1~ihes Bitie1· ' ' S~hool Board, Chief Split By TOM BARLEY Of "" Dli" r1i.1 ,..,, A· ~clure of a bitterly and politically divided Orange County Board of Educa· tion and a rebellious schools superi"" lendent "who is detennined to go bl1 own way in defiance of the board whenever he feels It ts nectSsary" was drawn today by TrUstee Donald S. Jordan. Dr. Robert Peterson was condemned by' the retired school teacher "for his con- 1tant refusal to advise the board of vilally important programll and his refusal to accept board advice and counsel in programs that are not so vitally important.~· Jordan made it clear in hi.o; press COJl· ference that the board is politically and sharply divided. He is backed, be claims, by trustee A. E ••Pat" Arnold and lh<1Se two memben ~ opposed by trustees Clay Mitchell of Laguna Beach and Dr. Dale E. Rallison, a1Santa Ana dentist. HAS SUPPORT Jordan made jt equally clear that Peterson .almost always hu the support of Mitchell and Ralil90n for ••some ~­ trover11ial actions." And lle conderruled. the superintendent and Mitchell for re.- oently calling a pres!! conference to rebut the report o( the Orange County Grand Juri. Leary and Wife Fail w Keep Date iii Court t>r. Timothy Leary and his publicit:ed family didn't lleep their pretrial dale Thunday in Superior Court, an apparent indication that they prefer to wait for the. 5epl. 3 trial setting procedure. Leary, 49, Rosemary Leary •. 33, and John Bush Wry, 19, gave the court m prktr tndkltioo that they would not be In court -a fact duly noted by a di1ap- provin( Judge lloward cameron. 'lbe Leary• face charges that they were Jn poMession of marijuana and LSD when Uiey were atTtlted last Dec. 28 In Laguna Boacll. . l'bose charges take precedence ln Wms of lrial act.ion cover charges pen-- ding In Riverside Counly in which Leary 1.nd h.la wife are accused of drug Viola· tlons and Leary himself is charged with C"'1lrlbuting to u.. delinquency ol a mtnor. Leary'a 1rresl on the li1Uer charge fol~ the drowning or a. 17-year-okl Lacuna Be.ach girl who was sakf by ln- vestJc'aLora to have bten under the ln- nuence ol UD when the died In the pool •t the Mountain Center hippie hangout. I ' . Jordan today defended that report as "sane and sensible" and supported the Grand Jury's suggestion for elected coun- ty board members and an appointive superintendent as • "'welcome and in· Bpired proposal. "Whatever anyunt might have to say about that Grand JW")' report ft ha11 to be conct!Cled that these , people did their homework," Jordan said. ·"They haVe closely studied the work of our board and Dr. Peterson at many of our meetings and their report wa! the product cl those observations." Jordan aaid many attempts had betn made by the boa.rd to come to tenn11 with Peterson but "it is no longer posajble to discull anylhing with this man. Our rela· tionship has reached an impasse," the trustee asserted, "and about the best we can hope for now is to perform our routine functio11.1 in the best way we can.'' DEPLORED DIVISION Jordan said he deeply deplored th< deep divislon ol the board along polllical lines. He also asserted that Ralllloo, Mitchell and Petenon represent erlrene right wing political thinking with hlm"lf •nd Arnold cast in the role d. moderates. He also made: plain th1t future: board action and ouUook wtll hinge a great deal on the oult'Ollle ot Tuesday's election in "11lich two candidates seek the post recently vacated by probation offlcer Lyle Guipre. Jordan bitterly condemned J>efttaoo'1 recent accusaUon that he' (Jordan) hid placell "tpies" in the county IChoola of- fi ce.. Jordan said Petel'IOO's outburst Item. med from the trustee's "very natural'' desire to obtain infonnation on programs the details of which he claim1 had been withheld from the ~d by Peterson. MANY COMPLAIN "Many people Involved in those pro- grams have called me. to complain of the superintendent's conduct and actiom in many instances," Jordan &akl. "in view of hj! refusal to acquaint us with the nature of many ol !hes<> Innovations I felt.and fffl it is· my duty to make lheR inquiries. '1 Jordan criticized the bOard'• f!l" vesUgatJon of 1anilly Ule and sex educa· (See. JORDAN, Pap Z) Republican Women Gather Saturday The Laguna Stach !!<publican Women will hold a White. Elephant u1e Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Woman's Club, at the corner ol Glenneyre 1nd Thalia SIH<ls. .Coffee and donula will be llOld on the- clu b patio. • -• . . N.Y. Steeb' ' ORANGE COUNTY, CAt:IFORNtA . . FRIDAY, ~AUGUST 22,c :1969 . • • ' I ' • In Defense of· _l(oreans Schools Due Milijons F1·om State SACRAMENTO (AP) -Th< state end- ed the fiscal year with a record $524 million budget surplus, Controller Hoos· ton I. Floornoy reported today. Thia means California's 1,200 JOcal school districb will get nearly $175 million in new state aid during the com- ing year. During the swnm~r'11 bli budget battle. Gov. Reag_an agreed to put unexpecttd surplus money into new school aid - over and above the $105 million he already had budgeted and another $15 million the slate: got unexpectedly in federal funds. The surplus turned out to be flt.It million bigger than h{9d been expected. Of the $79.81 million "bonUJ," about $35 million came from .governmental cconomie.!I, Ffnance Director CasJiar W. Weinberger said. The other $44 million was because ta1es brought in m;re ' Presidents End2Days ' Of Talks By MERRIMAN SMITH UP'IWll.._..._._,., SAN FRANCISCO -Pnsidenl Nhon and President Park Chung H~ ol SoUUi Korea pledged jointly today t b a I American and Korean forcet ltaUooed along the 3Bth parallel WUI remi.ln "strong and alert" to cootilJuJq cc.>· munist acgresslon. · In addition lo stating their detmnlna· lion to meet any anned attack against South Korea, they al» recogn!Zed th< necessity ror "long tenn efforts to le!IM!n the causta of tension on the Kore'an peninsula." The joint statement wa11 issued u the two chief executlv~ concluded their two. day vlsit to the SL Francis Hotel in San Francisco. The statement .said ~ "Prezident Park gave an actOUnt of continuing acts of aggression committed. by th" North Korean Conununist regime ag~inst the Republic ol Jloroa. The lwo presidenlA •iree<t lha~Repoblic of K..;ea forcel' and American force. staUooed in revenue 'tllan .•nticlptted,, . Here u how th< • 11:hool """"'r..,. epproprlAled by a compfombe bill paaa- ed in the 'filW bouOI Ill th< lepslalive ) • Korea must ~m.~in 1trong and. alert •11<1 IC' • •. i .:a;.,._ . . t)le • ""' pi'ufdenta ttaHlnnal t)le 11ession -will be ustd: · '<C!llR; .. _ • ..,, : · "-~-1 • deter.mfnaUcin of lbelr government! to ~··¥'Iv Soulh'Coast ~egion~Civic Center 11 headln• lo'fa{jl meet inn#<f attack agalnst tbe llipubllc ~,7 mllUaa. Ill 1 combinallaa of aeneral ach\IOl-lJ!'6lrllri aujlj>Ort and specla1 proafm1 JUCb u for slow readers. ~-Jii .nec;~,o( Uilj'. dr..Oillller WJnlndudo ~ccM.t of .Korea ii' accordance with th< !Dlllual rooms,-a'iibl'llT mt b!'aneii l:;l~,w yarloUI ••l™I• of Orange ~~~ ~g~.tw· llililth iClrd and County governmenl tocaUon at Crown Van.y Parkway and Niguel • ''Prtsldeot Nilon and Pmi<lenl Parll' ~pt, ~tf'!~':. .. Nlguel •is designed.to ''ve south ~ty resident.":· took note of !be newly formed llom<land -45 ~ for research and new pro- grams. -$2'1 million far junior con..-con- st.rudion. ~ reserve de!eme force 11 1 contribution to the security and stability ol.'South Koru. 'they agreed lhat aupport for Ute ttice should be continued. 49 million whlch stays in the higher education construction fund, and cannot be spent wit.hOut legislative action. When' the school finance bill passed, no one was sure bow hie the. budget surplus would be. Most frequently used estimates were $20 mlllion to $40 million. And educational expert.I ftlimaled that the tOCal new aid appro~frlat«iJiy the bffi wouJd be about $134' million. Ilistead it i1 nearly $175 mWlon. The figures were revealed by the Republican Flournoy, who noted they are preliminary oaes and will be rechecked between now and the final report on Nov. l . Then. WtJnberger took the piOdlum in the new11 conference room and said Reagan was "delighted" with the educa· tional windfall. Weinberger made a pc:Mt ol saying a large portion ol the surplus was the result of Reagan adminl1tratlon economy. Police Clothe Nature Boy A young man who police said ·was cavorting in the raw on Woodland Drive Thursday nJgbt "'as wearing j a i 1 coveralls todey when he appeared for ar· ralgnment in municipal court on an in· decent exposutt cllarge. Officen Wd William James Moscato, 21., Wll arrt;lted at about midnlght in the 100 block of the rustic Woodland Drive a .... Tri~ia County to Delay Action 2 Weeks on Salt Creek Or111t1e eoUnly supe"rvilorl "will walt In· the past, he aatd, supervlps have · another two *ts when they are 1D . bfen ~med ' abolrt )iubliC iccesa J>ut pment to take -..ction orl a proposed · there ha1 been a lack of ani directive to -policy tO eiisure putiliC aa:eai-to beaeh the county llaft. HiJ propose? pOifcy: and tldel•nds .. · . · . ..In the ~nferest of ensurtna: .ihl.t 1:}ler1 The' policy, deelgiiedtopreventanother 1 1wi11:·;be .pu~l.le. accw to~ I~. Salt Criek i:orllcov""1, wupropoaed far particularly Ude_!~ 11.l!'~l"'llcy of .adoption this Week by SuperVi!or DaV¥ . this cbunty that It will" aeekito Jot>taln 1 or Baker but tWo other . supervisors talked . protect public access to ;public.lands. him out of it on behalf of a third ool~ ·,"Every county department Md county Jeagne who was absent: ' age.Qty is directed to keep' tb111 policy in "This is a very important policy .matter mind when dealing with developmenl.J or and all of the memberi ought to be here matter11 which affect or may af{ecl ·pubUc to act on Jt,'' said Supervisor Alton 'E. lands~" Allen of Laguna Beach. Supervisor Baker proposed aucb· 1 poUcy during Wllllam Phillips was in Sacramento for the Sa.It Creek Beach discussion 'I'll~y, an appeal ·to the State Highway Com· but his proposal was dropped when mis11ion on the Orange Tretway. aupe~iaon Allen and Wl\Ham Hirstein Baker reiuctantly yielded to the 'del1y. had to hurry away .from the tn,"'ting· to but not beCore Supervisor Robert. Battin ·1tteod ·a -swearf'11·m ceremony for an , honor platoon of ao Marine recruits. put. in,· ''I m gettln~ tired· of . studying Phillips was \n Samm:iento when Baker Ullngs. today and let~g them die tomor-bri>ught the matte~ up aga1n Wedne.a:day rowi Th~ roa~ to hell LS paved with good aOO Allen aod Hlrstein"asked for deferral. lnlenUOfl!. Wo keep poUlng l!ltnP oil aad 11Jrs1eJn aatd Ile will be on vaCltjon nUI putliJig, llllnp, o(I." · • week, ao th< Jl'lllcy · ~nslderaUoa waa Baker nid he 111 aware that 1'Bolsa · postponed ,hfo weeks. · ChlcaiTu,i,CaoBe~cll1 tsin>lhtproceoaof . Baker pointed oot only Joor ol five plaonJn&; "'1ply 111pervilon IA r<qUlid lo ,be pment to adapt the coun\y budiet aJt<! it is ·P~llY' lmporllnl . She's Got Liberal' Boyfrielid lllnteln, ...Cerrlng lo th< mean hlgh tide determlr1aUOn of Wbei't! pu6llc lidelanda begin, said, 0 In the case of hifth tide there, isn't anY, public land availa~le. oriJy It low1Ude. Ttils1s the-way it ls. You have to recognize the facts." • Allen aald be wonled time to·1et an op1. nioo frOdt COUn\y Cll"""I 01rwhat im- The Western White House It keepin& of. Nlion dauehter stayed a few days at the pllc:•Uonl the policy mtght hl_~e fOr the llcially mum about it, but Tricia Nixon Cox family home in Wea\hamplon, Long . Upper Newport Bay land "'t•P wllb the has a boyfriend. A pollUcaliy liberal "~".u. .._. · lmne Company. ., boy!~ d rd' • l -num~ wa ..,..,,,...r b1S< ,,..n.worldnc for Of the cool\tx'1 l3 D!U.. of coutrine It '"'o • acco m. 0 •·~" ~ the New· Repablic,, 1 liJ!et'al political · nOir ~~i1e1)<· owJied<teoi',mli .. ~--, maPJlne..: {le.1a l·1·0 has &fit>• om• ' belollc'to 1nd'tc·~·ace in 'publlc 'Ille repon. couldn't be conflnned ~~teer" .work lot a.1,ii. Nader'• 1 oW!!mhlp; 1nctudtnc ·nlha ijy ll\e. "llijlt, beal111e Edward Cox, u • y • ar · o I d Raiden, ~ l"'tlP1 "'iu· .~~~ ho)'Ot!111 . -, by. tbe-(edtral· aoJ<l'IUltelll .line! rour Harvard Jaw itudent, Tbursdlly chetU!:i . men;-JMSuY 1w a u,-;n1.a -w are by. Ute count • ' . O<it ol the San Clemente Inn. probing Jnlo ~ely u......i.td · • Y ' · He had been it.eying there alnce last federal govmunent operatloM. weekend. Cox, who Is reported to be in- "l think mJYbe he'• gone to S.n Fran-deptndeutly wealthy, swam ln lhe Nixon clAco," 11kl a clert: at the inn. 'l'llat's Jo~IJy pool and aJons the buch with NEW YORK (AP) -The ~k market wlltre Tricia went with b<r Jamlly Thu,... Tncta durlnc hls San Cltmeote vis IL Th< . closed with a .man pin !Oday; as .It day. They,,.,. due hock today. couple'lieo toolt"qulet dr1vu up and down repol'Udly ·cOntJnued lo ccnaolldale the Nobody knew whether Cox, wl\O thi coastline. 1alna made in Ill --rally. (See escort.d Tri.eta to Ill Ana<ll base~I Al T.llcla'1 l'e!lual; Whit. -aidel wtaUoos, Pqes 10.11). g~~.~~~id ~"!!' with tlie havtl aatd nathlq 1bobt ihe •PP1ttntly Tradt!'C near tliO clo<e wao mo<Jorale. N~~Q buddlllg iunallct. C0t also bu alt-• '!'tie 'Dl/lrJones lndultrlaJ a\'UllP at 2 '1'19o week> asa, the IJ.yeor<>ld lllonde ......rully avoided the p...,, p.m. wu up 1.111! GI.It. • "The two preSidenlll recognized the nee™llY for long-tenn effort to Jes.sen lhe causes ol tension on the Korean peninsula." other items in the joint statement-in-cluded : -An Invitation· rrom Park to N'txon to visit Korea. Nilan accepl.ed, but the two chief executives said the NUr:on vis.It would take place at a Ume of mutual con· vinitnce. DiplomaUC sources aald. thlt would probably be next year. -They agreed .that th< Allies In Vi.t. nam ahOuld continue "to work toward ae. curing an ho.norable and lasting peac~ in ~east Asja. In this connection, Park endorsed Ille peace propoiab eXpotll1ded by Nixon la!t Mey 14, and NixOo, Jn Wm, paid tribute to the contrlbut.ion Jn Viet- nam by Korean forces. The statement said the t.wo leaders agreed to consult closely and with their other AJUes coocerning the Vietnam aituaUon. · At an tmusual state dinner Thuracfay night -unusual becBuse of its size and for ltl sJte outside the White House - Park warned that 1ny imbalance Jn coordinated U.S.·Asian efforts to meet the regional needs would inevitably lead to "new disturbances and threats" in Asia. This same the.me was somewhat !':luted in the joint statement although Ni.loo and Park djd emphasize their concenr about conl~nued ggre.ssion from the north. Ni:s:on · h!J toast to Park 'Ibuflda1 nigh phasized Independence of free A!lan natJonS also meant 0aelr~rellance." (See NIXON, Pip I) Oruge Weatller Sunny 1kle1 will warm the ,Oranje Coast. ovtr the weekend while inland areas taste some low clouds and Jog ovunlgbt and the mercury drop! Into the upper IO'L INSIDE TODAY Windup of tho Lido l4 "°' , Uqnal ch4mpion1hlpr and 'the Hen11tU11 Clip rac11 hlghlfo'htf · c buar uiaektnd of bootino a& titlity ol<Jng the C..,l Pag• II. • I I I • I -• , S DIAY Hl11T l '.R,l~hnto~d ~«)Ids Back Raging · Flood Waters· ' I ~" >-Tbo·noUtn .: .. ::,·~ lllo rnountalllli 1ltth at ; ;«od In ns bockwuh. The sand- bop and Rlo.bmond w.. •pared. (8-]lbotqs, Page 4). ' 1 ctvD D.eftinie authoritie1 said there ....,. '44 lcnown ,dea<I, ~ Injured and 111 '"niloalnl 1n All-.!! Mounlafn towJil upriver from RfchmOnd. More cuua.J. ties were erpected u the vtllagea peeled bocl< ~ o/ mod end d<brll. • 'lblrti4ool llood10lm ~am'""' hP lllcbmond'• -bq· blrrlor u tbe 'Nude Husband Escapes Wife's Hatchet Attack A iqoaming btood...Ued Santa Ana man who told police be sought refuge Thuraday night in a neighbor'• home from 1tls bersirk llatc~et-w'aving wile .ls today listed in fair .cond!Uon at Oraiige Counly !lledical Center. · . Officers said Ramiro Lechuga, C. told them thst the !int o/ lhr,. aUaclll by hla •;ife occurred whlle be was lyinj: nude oo his btd watching tetevbion. Lechuga alleged his commonlaw wife, 11-taria, 3.f, attacked him with an electric saw but he managed to dilann her after 1he inflided several cut! in an apparent attempt to sexually mutilate him. Lechuga then told police that he was cbeckipg on the couple's aleepin& children when hi! wife attacked hiJ111rom behind with a hatchet. Again, he disarmed her but only after she had ltruek him twice with the blunt end and ooce with th• blade. Lecbup then -oHice.r.s used lhe word -"Incomprehensibly" -again turned bb back on b1I wl!e to put the hatchet away. She allegedly struck him several Umea in the back with a carving knife inflictinc several wound! and lacerations. ' Officers said Lechuga decided to caD it quits at that poinL He ran from the homa tcream.lng for help with bis wife hard on bis heel& brandi!hine the hatchet. Neighbors managed to stparate the couple and held the acreamm& woman until police arrived. 'lbrou&bout thl..fracas, Lechup told of. !icer• bls wile kept Win( him: "Why do }"OU 10 out with other women, wbat ls wrong with me?" Mn. LeChuga Is 1G41y In Or~1e COOn· ty women's jail She lJ acCuud Cl wault · with a deadly .weap®. Police officers todly said the Melican- bom woman wu' acquitted in her hclneland m charges of !tilling her bus· bind. They state that Mrs. Lechuga also told them that she killed I lecond hUI· band in self defense. f'l'OM Pqe I JORDAN ... tion JW'OiflJ1l!i as a "degenenition into an obviOUJ attack upon Paul Cook, IUpOrint<ndenl o/ the Anaheim !Ugh School DUtrid and related programs in dherllChooldlatrk1.9. ''The education valuts In llUCb pro- arams Wlft buried under an aval&Dehe of m>Ollonal, emtme right wing poliUcal attlct," JCS'dan said. Jordan accused Peterson of bringing about the resignaUona oC "some ta to 20 memben: ol the county schools office etaff." He alto condemned Pete.non'1·refusal to take the board's ad vice on the IUptfintendenfs holly c r it I c i zed "barLershop poll," in which Peterson aollclted the views of barbershop patrons on aex educaUon in acbools. 01\11'1 1·1101 ~ COU1 P\lll""1• UllU'roUi'I' •·'-' frf. w ... _ ... _ .1.u a. c.~ VIit,.,.... ........ ...., nlfHt s:...-1 .... ~~'" J.I....,,, P. N•l ---,.,,. ...... ---221 ............ . M1l/f111 AMt.1 •.o. a., 66ft. t2ilJ --~ Mnet • .., .... ,.,.. ....... ~. !7tf '#9' ....... ....... ,.,. .... , ....,., .... ..... ,.;,. .-1owara 1111 Au.* a.-. IPlllll ..., -u wu ..,._,.._ -..,, ., to 11 -·el n11 -'11* ..,ital dlJ pllM a1o111 II rltaDd Ge -· ,. .,,_ Calll!lti • ~ .......... ll!llPll ....... -'lllt -IOacbod 1 P'all et _. ,... llW ,,.. "at lio& • .....,. a· leol oat looll••low 1111 loll el tloo ....,_ *,Ibo 1"1# al wblch 1111 Jaiw ball!-ln Rlcl\mond ~t da'tln, lben-created' JMrtly olltt midnight. ball an hoUi lalt1(1be wa!iri fill ,IO, ~:11 : "We're In ., good a ahlpe 11 we -leet and blell)'-<Yed workera croaked slbly can be," said City Manager Alan a hoarse "Hooray(" -Klepper at a 1nldfitgbt newr ton1'erence. It waa Virginla't worst flood &incti "Richmond seems lo be 1n good shape." ms, ,wtahlna; away towns, caving In Tbe James battered ~ wUb its mountaliWdes and ' 1 we e p I n 1 away nirllnlcrelt for almOlt four boln, but lrldgu. · · ' • th& onabsbllt dam ~ fl"llected Weary ol!lclala Rid Richmond wu low-lYinl w..-, plallls and clgar- DAl\.Y 'l\.OT Slefl' 'MM Flipped Over Flapjacks Lions Club President Gonion Kent W11nn1 up for organization's series of pancake breakfasts during Labor Day weekend Aug. 31· Seyt. I. Ticket& at $1.25 eech can 'be purcbued from Lions Club members. Proceeds from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. breakfast at Heisler Park will go to Laguna Beach Boys' Club. One Press Conf erenceJust Like Another Press Meet B• TOM GORMAN Of flit 0.11)' ,,711 ll•ff PreSl!i conferences and britfings art. 1 way of We in America today, rangin& from naUonaJ, state and even down to d· ty Wue.s. Everyone, It 11eems, is tiut to meet the press. How far will this go? PLACE: Lal\lna Beach High School pr~ room. TIME: I :30 p.m . (PDT). This being an lrJo~al gatherina: of newsmen, there won't be any television coverage by the major networks. The brieliog is about to begin. Press secrttary Fred Schomehl has just en· tered the pma room, and head! dlrecUy to the podium. "Hey, Fred, I was wondertne; .. "yells out one correspondent. "Just a sec, Smitty," Fred responds. "l have some announcements first, before ~·e grt to any queslions." "Finl o(J," F1'd starts, " the typewriters begin to clatter, "let me clarify for you fellows who weren't listen. ing earlier, who will be the chief justice of the Student Court. "You'll remember Utat t had said the post Is filled by elect.ion, not by presiden· tit! appointment. The chief justice, ac· cording to final tabulatiom, will be Mark Sizelove." One reporter yell! out, "Where's frn!: nearest telephdne? I've got ~adline.s crashing all over the place!" "Now, fellows, 1f you have any ques- tions about the court, I'D refer you to Mr. Sile.love." "The othu announcement Is th1t the Presiderit Will leave next Wednesday on a Laguna Captures Lawi1 Bowling Tra111ng by 17 poinls al the '!j><nlng ol lbe second round, Laguna Buch came to lite and acored Cl potnta plus to def~•t 11"""'"'1 Beach, ~. In lnttr><lub lawn bowllnl compO!IUon Jn Balboa lhls -k. Newport captum !Ive ol tight 1•mts In the !lr.t period for a total o/ 114 :!hots to t7 for the vlsll0r1. But in the isecond period, Laguna downed their bosls In sli f!ma and tied one. The 1cort was 11\1111, 127; Newport, 1111. T\li'o Laguna teams ?.'OD two 1ame1 each. Hency Pecll. If. N• Patl<ar, Ed Lenihan and Stan McCllnUc were up 24~ ond 1!-7. Bill Dovl1, Nay SweU and Hugh Cavanagh won ll·lt and 14·10, Dr. L. W. Ketchum, Guy Holsopple and Arthur Lee WOil l!-1 and tied JI-II. ' ' I Laguna Teen Corner tour of aix schools in the Crestview Loque. U any o/ you l\ll'1 went to cover tt, see me later, and 1'11 aee to it that you're 1ccredited." "Now, I'm open to ~uesLions. r·tre away." "Hey. Fred, is it true that school opens Sept. 4?" '"Let me just say, Stuart, that that"s the date wr staff has been alerted to. If any changes come up, you guys will be the finl to know." "Fred, I understand that there's been some changes in Ule cafeteria food service. What'a lhe story?" "Yes, we havt opened up four windows to expedite the servl~. And we 're also contemplating food stamps. But the President will hive something lo say on th1t 1t a later date. '1 "What's the latest on the budget, Fred?" "Well, I'll t.ll you. The President call· cd an emergency meeting of Student Congress for next Tuesday, and I can say that the budget will be discussed. If you \Vant more info, I'll have to rtfer you to the budget comultant. Gary Norton." "\Vhal's the truth Jn I rumor 1 heard, Fred, about a studerit protest over clothes rules? I've betn told the students might boycott the next basketball game.'" .. No commtnt." ''Does. that ~an there is something to It?" - "Go on· lo the nett question." "Frtd, what's the latest on the per50n· nel prop!«rn? l know I.ht teachers and coacbu •~ sW1 up.et" 0 That'1 I. pod· question. But I have to 10 now: 'I'her9~1 a llaff meeting tn 10 minutes. ""nlankl for comlt11 up here, fellows. See )'OU ilHt wttk." D1·. Salk Bm.glarized SAN DIEGO (AP) -Dr. Jonu Sslk Ill)"& a burglar pried open a 15Cfttn In Salk's home and took a $150 television Rt and '3 In cash. The devek>per ot polio vaccine htads the r:ur1'' Salk lnllitut.e for Blologlctl Studtes. ella fA<l«IU. OllJ «ID to IOD. penona ... _,.,,_....,...,...., ..... It .... .Sdlb -WUU... C1r1111, "lllt only were Ibero oo ....._ w Mw nDt even heard or ·one serious !nlury." About W Hatlooal (/uardlmen patroll-. ed black..Ut arw ~I Thunday night, tumlnl boc.k . ~ from restrlcted areu a.nd directing traffic. At one poln~ the James croPI lo wilhln 20 Inches o! !loodlng ml cloa!nr busy lolenlale Iii, I auperhJll>wq linking Ric-with WubJn&tAm, D.C. p.,,. 1Utl qorllHouth hJihway• were c- -.., flooik. OlllJ-.-jor ~ -city ol Hopewtll wilh aliout 20,000 rul· dent.s-now lay l.n. Ult flood's path. Fur-- ther damage by the James, a1ready mounting Into the million111, wu expected to be light because the river Tfidens as II winds tbrwp nwslllands toward the .... Rlclunond's succe.sa 1tory contrasted trlllWl1 with """"' lltlll trlcllllDI In !ram Vlrflnla'• mldsectloo, where lhe Ooodl bqu '!'UOlcla1 ~ after dyln& ClmlJlo ~ d~ .... Owl II lodlOs el nlo cm 1111 J-· M» ..... Tales; of death accompanied rescue WCl'k.en corniOI 'out of inundated areas . There were reporll of a ~irl boldin& onto a tree limb and then dtsappearlna befQte she couJd be saved; of ·a man who swam to reacue a chlld, otilY to drown afler the youngsltr w u ..Ued to safety: and or a family of rour lb.at sur· vived the first fU5h of nooding, only to clle -tbelr ..... collapaed inlo !ht current wbal tis lllOWllallllldo supports pve way. * * * * * * Refugees Trickle Back Camille Deaths Mounting GULFPORT, Mias. (AP) -The grim search for Hurricane Camille vicUms dragged on alon1 the Milsi.!sippi Gull Coas! loday amid disagreemenls on the death count and a new problem arialng. Refugees trickled back jnto the hardea:t-blt area at nearby Pass Christian where bodies were sUU being found . .'J'he new problem Involved bod.ie.. belna wuh- ed out of Pass Cbri.stian cemeteries and mistaken for hurricane victims. This caused some confusion among rescue teams. Mlssl!sippl Gov. John Bell Williams stood by his count of a minimum of "200 plus" tilled by tbe vicious atonn when it swept out of the Gulf of Muico Sunday night. But the Ci.,·ll Defense coordinator Nap Cassibry put the toll in two oI the three coastal counUe1 at "approJ:imately 236." "We may never know actually how many were killed," Casslbry said. "Some will be declared as missing for a long time before they're declared offidaUy dead." , Cas!dbry aaid the conlu&on over the death count stems from "the sheer magnitude of what we've got to do and are dolna: for the Uvlng." Harrbon County Coroner Mrs. Gladys Gorenflo said she had held Inquests for 104 persons in Gulfport, Biloxi, Long Beach and Pass Christian. ''Tbe"se are all the-bodies we have," she said. "If there any higher figures bein1 Wat.er, Sewer District Sought Formation of a water and sewe.r as!ts.mient diatrict lrl the Arch Beach Heights area has betn approved by the Laguna Beach City Council. Councilmen set Sept. 24 as the time or a public hearing on the project. Bids on th~ project will be opened at Ule Sept. 17 meeting of the council. . The improvement di.strict coven about SOO lots. So fir there have been no pro- tests, Chy Manager James D. Wbeaton said. put OQt, we do not have tbe bodies!' llandliD1 the bodies cauaed one o/ the new problems. Wally Dabbs, an assistant to Gov. Williams, aaJd the bodlea of rtonn vie· Urns "are j,111ng up" in area funeral homes with no way to get them to tern· porary roorgues set up at Hattiesbura, 70 mlla north of Gullport. He &aid relri&erated trucks were due in from New Orleam to help. ''Tbt trucb bttler get he,. preUy IOOO," he a.aid, "because we're golnc to have to find some way to dispose of them because ol the beallh hazard." Slate Highway Patrol Chief Inspector H. C. Slly said some of the bodlea found In Pw Chrl!tian had already bttn om· balmed while shaUered caskets wert found nearlly. Slay added that "a ireat many" of tht bodles found in Pass Olristlan wer9 hur- ricane victims but would not e!tim.ate th• number. Aircraft started sprayine part of the battered area today in an effort to con- trol mosquitoes. Authorities said • regular program for spraying was beinJ established. Health officials said medical needs °' the coast were being met and empbuized any threat of epidemic had ended. 'J'hej also said there wu no longer any need for mus immunization against typboit but added that drinking water aboUld bt boiled or chlorinated except in GulfpoJ1 where the water supply was clear. Fro111 Page I NIXON, PARK MEET. • • The joint statement wu issued in writ- ten form at the St. Francis Hotel and the two leaders who had planned originaJly to appear before reporters at the conclusion of the talks, decided instead to make separate statement,s upon departure from San Francisco IntemaUonal Airport. While a sm&ll Cn>\\'d or antiwar demonstrators clashed briefly with police out.side the elegant St. Francis Hotel, Park and Nixon exchanged toasts Thurs- day pledging mutual cooperation and sup. port. They mel for two hours earlier to discuss U.S. aid to South Korea and Korea's military security. Nixon told the banquet audience in the St. Francis' so/Uy·Jlihted California Room that the United St.ates wu grateful for the sacrllitta being made in Vietnam by 50,000 South Korean troops. "But we also have tremendo11S.respect for the fact that despile the military burdens thst the Republic of Korea mll!t bear," he added, "that economic pro- gress has moved forward 1t a dimension no one though was posslbe." Park de.alt in much stronger term s. He said that while the Seoul govern- ment supported Nixon's efforts to end the Vietnamese War, "the very aggressive North Korean Commurusi., -bellicose Communists" presented a conliDulng pro- blem. Park stoi;>ped short or asking additional U.S. aid. But he said : "I think the Asians as well a.s th4 United States people should bear ln mJnj the sober (act that only when the in itiatives and efforts of Asians themselvr.1 and the cooperation of the United State! are well coordinated and balancet together so as to meet the needs of Asil in an effective way, can we expect grea' effect from the new approach of thl United States for the stability and pro gress of thb region. "But should theae efforts become un balanced for want of positive efforts 01 the part of either side, new d.isturbanc~ and threats will inevititbly re.cur in thi region." The crowds cene.rally were friend~ Thul'lday al the hislorie Presidio wbed Nixon firsl greeted Park. along t motorcade route to the SL Francis, anl in Union Square ouWde the hotel. But there were a few hecklers, ht eluding Mike Maloney, 27, who ii terrupted Park"s speech al the Presidi by shouting for Nison to produce th "secret weapon" plan for endtng the wa he promised in the 1968 presidential catll palgn. A crowd 0£ 4,000 gathered in Unia Square when the two presidents arrive at the hotel. Several bundre• demonstrators carried signs and chante slogans against Nixon and the war. Summer Safe-~inaf W.ek ' l ' I '~ COMPl.m SIT 1 AIM CHAii s499 J SIDE CHAIRS I SINIDI OYAL TAILE ' OUR SUMMER SAlE ALSO li'lCLUllES .SEllCTm G(OUPS FROM DREXEi:. HEllTJ.G!, HENREOON, NATIONAL, MARGE CARSON. HERITA~E & HEN REDON UPHOlSTEltY PLUS MANY OTHER LINES. llDUCnONS ON ACCasotllS. LAMPS, AND l'tCTUIH All Al.SO AYAILAIU. NIWJIOlT llACll 1727 WMlcllff Dr. 6tt-20SO OfU NIJAT 'mt Pr.i..illlal lmorior LAGUNA llACH DMI,.,.... 3~S Nori~ C-lfwy. Avallatllt-AID-NSID OftK NIDAT ,,, t ,._ , ............ 0....-c..., 140·1»1 J r [ I ' I I • ·----· ----• . ~Ne~.d ~~hor • ED I TIO N • . .. _"' . VOL'.. 62;NO, 20'1, '4.SECTIONS, '40 PAGES TEN CENTS LA Demo Asks State to Weigh Bay Swap Oka y A ·Loo · Mieles County assemblyman b.a1 uted the 11tate Lands Commi.55ion to recomjdet its 1967 .approval of the Upper Bay ·anc1 escbange. Alil' .Democrat Alan Sierotjr said today he bellev" he Jiaa "a pretty good chanCe .. iot succeeding tn 'hls request. Sienly1 Tburaday sent leters to the three'membeh ol the comn\Luion asking for ~~ ne'w actlon. ?tjlY ·OM 'present member of the :com- mission, "mite · Coolfo11er H, o ~ s t o n Flournoy, was on ·tbe board when U ap. proved the exchange ln 1967. Aides for the assemblyman said today that.the reason for the requea:t was "lw<>- pronged." .. '"There have been 11ome substantial ..._ changes iii the e\itire issue since the slate- appr@ved 'It in 111&7, and besides that, tho makeup, of ihe comml~ion has changed coo:Slderably," EtHan Wa'gner, SJeroty's assistant, uid today. Wagner said the assemblyman believes • • • Wrecki-.g Pima Wr e.C-ked HUge tongue ·of< flame. towers ·atiove Cleveland Wrecking. CompanyJn San Fnncisco. durlng-follr-alarm fire early today. Blaze, which au~s rusi>ect was:.et by arsonist, caused 8n ·estUnatecl $1 mil· lion. Ill damag~. It was iecond majj>r ti,re'lzi.same Industrial 1ection of~lnthreedays. . _;. Trustee Descr ibes Bitter School :Qoard, ·Chief Split 1!T ,:>l.rr ~!-';~l A Jliclur< ol a blUerly ~ politically div1ded Orange County Bolnl ol .Educa- tion and a rebdlious khool.s supum. tendent "who is detmnfned·to go·his oWn way Jn.deJianct of the board whenever he feel1 it ls necessary" was drawa·today by Trustee Dooakl S. Jordan. • discuss anything with this man. Our rela· tion'libip has reached an J111:pasa,"· the tru~ee asserted, "and ibout ·0ie best we can bOpe for now b . to perform our routine JunctioM in the best way we can." Jordali -said he deeply dep-the d diviolon ol tbe -•'""• palitlc:.al eep _ --... llnea. He alsO allt.l1N that RIJll80D, (See JOllDAN, Pap Ir that the measure would have a good chance: of being reversec! by \be new commissiOn, composed of Lt. Gov. Ed Reinecke, Finance Director Caspar Wein- berger and Flournoy. ''We set a chance here for a reversal, because of the change in makeup of the commission," Wagner said. The impetus for Sieroty's request came from advice givel'.1 him fro_m lhe )egisla- live counsel's office, the Jawrers for the state Legislature, Wagner sa1d. ~ In a press release &MOUnCing q.e, r~ quest, Sleroly aakt "I have serious reser· vatlons u to whether tbe publk: lnterut is being protected in the J.a!ia exch.ance:.0 Sleroty served lut December u the chairman ol the AssembJ.y Subcommittee on Conserv(IUon and Beaches which con- ducted hearings In Newport Beach.- It was at those hearings -tht\ ennounce-- ,ment was made about ppbllc ·~ to Salt Creek being eliminated. "Both the assemblyman. and r have taken several' tri1>3 to Newport Beach sioCe then, aod ,.. have alllllned tbe Up- per Bay !'<-.Oil~ •nd have lollowed Oil the de .. ~ In tho ezchange ......... .W agnet said. He AJd 'inany pe1'IDnl • qUeJlion the validity of a~Los Ancelts TegfsJator in· VQ)vlng hlm!dl In an Oral• County pro- blem. ·, . "Eveeyone Is concerned with en.- vtronmental luues and a Los Angeles uwnb1yman alao representa the entire state, just u the re!lt of tbe atate1$ representatives do," Wapel"' siJd. Wagner cited Sieroty'1 (!i ntimate knowledge" or state Lan& CommiSsl.oo actions on the swap in 1967. Sieroty wotked as executive secretary to fprmer Lt. Gov. Glen ,Anderson. who opposed the exchange during his ttnure on the commission. "l believe it will be to. the benefit o( the ' public to review lhe value of the land which the Irvine Company is recriyhig rrom Orange County and the true value of the land Orange County is tecelvlng In exchange," Sleroty said. l(orean Strength Pledged • Nix o1i, Pa rk R enew. Stand Agai~t Aggression . By MERRIJ\IAN S~UTH U,I W~lhl He\IM •-rtw SAN FRANCISCO -President Nixon and PreS"ident Park •Chung Hee of South Korea pledged jointly today th a l American and Korean forces staUoned along the 38th parallel will re1nain "strong .and alert" to continuing r.r,n- munist. aggression , In ·addition to stating their determina- tion to meet an y armed attack against South Korea, they also recognized the Experi1nents Set in Halting Bay Oit Sl ick'· The mink>ll ltak lri~ up In • West N...,.... iltadi .._1.lrlll laal• lllUe lmg<!t' than brlglnaJl1.p!anlied, <11J aides said today. It'S going to become a guinea pig for a few days before it ls eliminated. City Harbor and Tidelanda Coordinator C'ff!Or'ge Dawes said that two private firms:, bpth from the Orange Coast area, will use some new equipment and techni· quea on ure tiny crude oil leak in the tidal zone near Newport Island. He said tbat·the two firms (one makes a pump to suck oil off the top of water: the other make.'> a small boom system) will install the1r equipment witbl:n the next few days. The oil, which Dawes described u "on- ly a trickle." appeared about two wet.ks ago at the cha.Mel near the end of 43rd Street and ia staining bulkheads and boat hull! in a small area. It b the first teak to appear on lhe water's surface in the area, Dawes said. Previous leaks have been noticed on dry ground. The latest is In an .area where high tides cover it with water. The Research and Development Corp. of Fountain Valley will install a boom system designed for small inland waterways around the small palch of oil. Boats and crews from the Harbor Department will help install the booms to contain the ma U oil slick. After the oil i!I contained a small motoriud pump . machine provided by Plasma Chem CO(p,' ol Newport B<aeh will begin l1l<klng tbe oil olr the water. "'Ibis will give 111 a good chance of measuring !be rm ol the oU '• Jeal<," (See llLICK, P.,. %) necessity for "long term efforts to liuen the. causes of tension on the Korean peninsula." The joint statement Was issued as the: two chler executrves concluded their two. day vlsi& to the1St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco. The statement said : "President Park gave an a.ccount of continuing acu of aggression committ~ by Ule North Korean Communist regime againlt the Republic of Korea. The two Ci ty Spared presidents agreed that Republic of Korea · forces and American forcu ataUoned in Korea mu:st remain strona: and alert and the, tl\'O presldenb reafflnned the determination of 4 their gOYemmtntl to meet armed attack against. the Republic of l;{orea in accordance with the mutual defense treaty between South Korea and the United Slates. "President Nixon and Prt!ident Pafk t.ook note of tbe newly formed homeland reserve defense force as a contrlbUtion to the security and stability ol South K<na. They agreed that •uppofl !or tho ,_ should be c:ontlnued. "The two· praidents recosftl::ed the necestiity for long-t.enn effort to Ieaen lhe. causes of tension 011 U\e Kartan parlnsula ." other items In the joint statement fn. cluded : -An invitation from Park to Nixon to visit Korea. Nixon accepted, but the two (See NIXON, Pa1e Z) Richmond Holds Sclwols Get $175 Million ·iJ a. ~Ji.· · __ Iii·~~ .... ~iv~_·t ... ~=~;a~~t·• ~ , ed lllo lllcal yw with a record 1524 I . " RICHMOND, Va. (UPJ)-'JM-left James River batttrtd tbt aaodbap pr. tecUng Richmond early today ~after boil in& down from the mountains With 'at least 44 dead in· ill backwash. The 18.od- bags hcJd and Richmond was spared. (See photos, Page 4). Civil Defense aiphorilies said' !here were 44 known dead, 41 injured and' 111 mWing In Allegheny Mountain towns upfiver from RfclunOnd. More cuual- ties were expect~ as the vru.aa peeled back layers of mud and debris. Thirty4ool flood -olammed into -~ -""'""' .. the James•roand· ::;;Jibe AIJanllc.O<:oao. swolleo b; up to JO Inches· Of' .raia from the rannanta..-of -hurricane Clniille. The James.., reached a peak d 2Ut • I • mll)i,,j badget ll!fP)ul, C<iolroller llou.. rilP..;. '-wow tho..!f o1 iii. u.;i. ... 1. nournoy roported t..i.y. '~bciur~the 'watm ~61= 'Ibis mean,a California't J,200 ·tocat feet and b1earJ-eyed worker• crOaked !thool distrtcl! will get n~ly $175 a bo&ne;'"HOcrajl" · · • 1 million \rt new state aid during the com-n Wll ~irgirda'11 wont floo4. aince ing ·ye,ar. 19311, washing away·. towna, caving in During the summer'1 big budgel battle, mountainaldes and aweepla1 a,w&y GOv. Reagan agreed· to put unex~ted brl!liea. _ _, Wury 0Uiclal1 aaid RI~ was surplu!! money into new school aia - ~onl becauae jt Wli forewarned. over and above the flOS million he ,,,. cl dly piled aJooi,llf merll'.onl alrtady had budgeted and another 115 • I I-~.to bcild .l!ack t fiood -waten of Sl f~ et• mJllion the state got unerpectedly ln •ct!Y tho belghl at whlcll tho Jones l'!leral funds. crUted ohortl1 a!ter'!!lldnlJlll. The surplus turned rut lo be 179.11 ~1 ~e: ~'!-::i: ~~'C million bigger than had been expected. at a midnight IM!WI ,conffftfti:t. Ol the $79.81 million "bonus," about~ " IMtDI to bl lD pOd"lhape." niillioD. came from governmenta l economies, Finance Director Caspar W. Fair .Won't·Leave Mesa, Weinberger said. The other $t4 million wu because taxes brought in more revenue than anUcipated. . Here is how the new school money - appropriated by a compromi11e bill paSA- ed in the final hours of the legislaUva session -wlll be used : Directors Deci,de, 4-3 By JANICE BERMAN Of .... o.llY' , .... ,,.,, Orange County Fair Boerd members Thund1y night voted 4 la I •ta I" on record a1 expressing a·de!ire not to move outolCosta Mesa. The vote followed a heated ~on on a letter tent by the board's newest m..nber, Alexander llowi•. ta Its prw· dent, Cecll.J. M•u •• In the letter, Bowle "l'flCOl""""'omu.ended that the Boord move·ta appoint the members of Die committee cre8ted on June 11 to bimtli•te pOsatble ·alterMte fairground ...... -$38.7 million, to a combination of general school program support and 11pecial programs such as for tlow readers. -$5 million for research and new p~ grams. ~7 milllon roe junior c:ollege c:on- ltruCtion. · -.:.st million which slays Jn the higher education COll5lruct1on fund. and cannot be spent without legblatJve acUoo. Dr.lRobert Peterson was condemned by the riolJnd achoo! ~Cher '1or his COO· olant 'refusal .. ad vise tbe bgerd or vilally important programs and his refusal to accept board adv ice and COUJJltl in programs that are not so vitally import.ant." That Ti1ne Again Marts lold Bowle that be had held o!I on ~ aJIPO(ntmerU because "We had enoqll b9d' publk:ky before lhis fair, ao l didn't want to appoint the committee un- til after the fa ir." When tbe 1<bool Unanc:e bill 'passed, no one was sure bow big the budctt surplus wonld be. Moot lr<quently .-..tlm•t" wen! $20 million to Stl million. And educational txpet;'ts estimated that the total new aid appropriated by lhe bill w~uld be about $134 million. Instead lt ·iJ nearly $175 mlllion. Jotdan made it clear In his press con- ference that the board is politically and lharply divided. He 'is backed , he cla ims, by· truslce A. E. "Pat" Arnold and those two members are opposed by trustees Clay Mitchell of Llguna Beach and of. Dale E. Rallison, 1 Santa Ana dentisl. Jordan made it equally clear that Peterlon almost always has the support of Mitchell and Ralli!IOn for "some ~ t.rovonial •c\l<>NI " And he condemned tho suporilrteilderrt 1ocl Mltebell !tir r<- ... u~ a'pr.., conlertne< to rebut the ol the Orange County Gtlnd Jury, Jotdln today defended that report as "aane and sen!!lble" and supported the Grand Jury's suggestion for elected'coun- ly board members and an appolnUve auperintenden\ as a "welcome and lo· •plrtd proposal. "Whatever anyone might have to aay about. that Grand Jury report it has lo be <oncoded that thelO people ,did their homework," Jordan said. '"Ibey have clooelf llludied the work ol our boon! and Or. Pttenon •t many ol oar meetings •nd their "'port WU the product ol tl!o6< obaf.natianl ... Jordn Mid many attompll l111d been made by the board to come to terms with Ptlel'IOO but "it fs no looa:u possible to Ne ·wport Lifeguards Ho ld Annual Frolic Marki lodicated he was now ready to appoint the committee. But tfit l'nol.ion h)t~uced by member By JOHN VALTERZA Of 11M O.llY , .... Sttff "Listen you guys. if any or these judge!! here getJ wet ln the next hour er so lhi11 thingr will be cancelled {or the next 10 years," the chi~ wairDa will grunt. Listening, starx:Ung 1t Iliff attention, will be 30 Newport lloach Weguards Whoee deditttioin ' 11 u n m at c b e d aoywbert. And Sunclay mmti,. Ibey wtn have but one dedl<atlon In mlnd -ta pt tbe judp.t wet. The whole debacle will start a\ 10 a.m. -everyone hopf.I: -wheri the judges take lbelr -in ·l'nlot ol l1!eguard heedquarten nw N'<irpon Pier. • 'Ille rule boot Js elaborate. . .even omatt. ")"'"' , Two prime l"\Mll, COtmcilman Don Mcfnnis, chief judge, &aid, are as follows: -U a .judge gets wet (and they have llOll<n wet each 'ol !lie nine ytars l.!:e mm haa been held) !be event will be ca.net.lied for the ,next 10 yean. -All devl<eo l\l!d by """'peti\D<' Call must drus ltCOrdlng to the theme ''Ex-· otic Life S&vin1 Devicn") muat rectl"Vt t official approval (rom the Pacific Yachting and Ballooning Society. The societj reportedly ha:s q mobile headquarters trailer. It was last 1een parked near a Lompoc roadside. Spokesmen tbere said that they ex· peeled a representatJve "to noat down to Newport ta certify the getups." Ollt.enslbly the Ufeguarda will have to swim around Newport Pier • Here's where the rule makers iet a ctumce to Dex the.ir musdet. .. ll's a great set of Niu," Chief \Valn11 Robert Reed said. "But as an administrator t mUJt in· dical.e to you the strong import.a~ of baytng a coherent plan or impfemerrtaUon _., lti•t the.occurrences near Utis fltilily on lhat morning will !!how the maximum uUliialion of the Ume-response-reaction thtoty of competitive aquatic ex-erclae," he said with classic adminlstratJve clarl· ty. "We gotta have rules, fellas," he added . Rere they art: For plua points -Be.U 1Uesavi~ device. 10 million )101iit>; Om swimmer In, I million; •Wbnmer With UIO - • Frank Riemer, who uld, "I like lt here, clams In hi; possessioii. 1 mlll1on ; :swim-and t don't think. we should move," was mer wlt,h most fiah in bis ~ion. two approved and the' committee members million; any swlminer hit / by a Y(ere 'not appolnt'fd. aurfboard, five rpillion,, and lhl special BoWie argued, "Jf·tt were •JIOS.1ible to - Award for Best Spart.smanshlp, 39~1 relo<!ate, it would . thia an even more Points. detirable location for . a collri .Ille· lo Every corilpetltor hlt by objects Utrown Colla Mesa." from the Dier will recdve a million polnta 1'1be tntereN of thlJ bolrd,0 he Hid, for each 11dt." ••are matricabl:J' interffffh wtQt the ci· But. Weguarcb, bewor• lht-MUUv• ty al Coltl Mesa and tho Orange County pointa:. They're murder. Bo9rd ot Supn1Jon." ' · · • The performer with the poorest mm Replied Marko, "l <l'tlml the .a-d of time will lose six entlro points. -SupervllCI'• ~g In and tryin1 to tell Attempts ,. 1nn.....,. tbo.declait111 ol, uo al>cM lhll-l11r.• · the Judea \ot!i c.ot' 1' ml!llon ~ per Ho added, "We've gotteli .loo r.r:all<ld · ollenae. " • i tblni ttiat·cbuJd hive beon handled Throwln& objocto at the~ win c<lot ·bJ ·-~lee.!' · · I mlllii>n' for elCb alfeilae" (F'..._,, Bolfle••Jdler auuated that tile boord i rrom !he 00'11.fleet have piwdN<!...,., · cdnsidllr lnvllln( .!loyal Stttet. M"""° trimmings In case a """pelltor ;,anta to ·Co<J>oratlon and Lin<Oln Propertlel. · forfei t 1 kw miUlon telllea). alGnJ with 111)' Other llrms-expre1Sin& an J,udgea Mdnnia, Howard Rdi"1 end ... ,.... "lo IUbmlt a ~ Im: tbe ao. Pete Slractlaa ell agreed !Mt they '"''Id qi!llitlon al the preaeol foiTIJ'oundo." . · employ the Uv01>bint-must Ill'-._ but• ·Mart. CClll!Mred wllb a letltr /nm, the • de<llned lo e!Jbonte. .• cl1lef ol lbe m.loJoa ·al Fain ud El• • · Tlity did loy, howeyer, thol tlley woo)d )!Ollti!IM In S8cnmento, ~that l\ICll !iN one ,..,....ct iulde In. M · :wwk , ,.._ii.....,. 1':•unlfr'111 lltate pollcy ~-1 m0rnln1 -ilie llttWtlllog .booll, and ,"th~t the • De!llrlnlent , ol Gener&! • . "C.ld>·Z:.. . • '-. . 111eo rAll\, '"' •1 . . Orange Coasf Weatlier . Suruly sk1ea •Ill warm the Orange Coast over UMI weekend while 1nland areu taste some low cloodtl ·and log overnight and the 1Mf'CW'J' dror-into the upper IO'a. INSWE TODAY Windup of th• Lido H M· Uonol chcmpiomhf P< and II•• llµi•!HU CMJ)' ""'" hlghllghtl a. ·b~ 111tektt1d of boat,ng oc- tivit~ alono the Coa&t. Poae J3. ...,.... ,, c.1 ..... 1. • CleWl!tll .,,.. Ct111!a 21 c'"'--' H 0..... Httk" t ·~ ,." . ................ tt.tt '"'"'' ... 11 ...,_.,. '' Alllll L""'" 1,• ....... -.... ) I J U&.Y, 'II.OT "'. . Moo:n W~ -. . ~Js;cut -F'Mt·: ...... ·_ . . -..-"" ' . . ,. Tlle-)IOail ·Walk, bad press and a ckiOblOM'ec!er .at Allpl ~ .callood Orlflllil Colmli' FU-aUmdance to plilm- mel Ii> c.ota M.,. tlils.1ear. the !alt'• --ollllrodors-~-Fa!J\"GOnenl ¥anar..: Allred Luljuns Wamed --·fa<:tln lcr lht 11 per· <enl drop In lolOI altadance. LutJwv>placed Pie majority cl lbt blMDe cm•tbe mtronauts. Qoverqe of l'1e moon J't\,l.ssioo~ ~ said, "took the better spots In the paper.• "Our -'materlal~wu: relepted to a BeCODdat)'.p0$1liOO In the paper,"~ Ilic!. Ho cblraed thal the pm$ .... ~ /rr "woolly dbtorted and wifilljt fa~ sloriu about the lm· m-.lale ot. \he laif1rouodl," whicb, Ile Mlil, dlaCollfqtd _people from going to Ibo lolr. • . • . ru ..., .... to 111tcmoonwalk and the prom, iii' Lquna';lltacb an festivals, tbe · -Clemente art lelllva_I, and the doll~ al 'tlie' Aill!tl Stotfl1!m were nine tn as olher. attraClkms the fill' bad to compote with. But; iaJd Lutjeam, thm was-abo .the problem of inridequate advance plannlfll. "We got a late start on pamphlets imd placards," he said. "\\i'e dicif!'t get our ~tertainment announced until 12 days before the fair and the moonwalk." He blamed faar as a reason that fajrgoers left the grounds early. "'That was a direct reflection ot the trouble at the Strawberry Festival," he told the board. '"lbere were 1 lot of 'hip. pie types,' who made no trouble, but I think they may have worried aomt yisft«s .. "We'll bavt a problem nm year when .,e try to 1'11 opace,"·l!e said of the I per cent lo&& in revenue.. Lutjeans urged the board t& "&et evorythin( togelber b)I January .. that from February through t.lay, we can develop public interest in the (air." f'rom Plfge J FAIR •.. Services Is tht sole agent to dispose ol &tate land. Bowie'•. letltr also rapped the ado -of 'the llnd JJWrict. "It leaves room for substantial im· provement." he said. . _ He added,~ d0el1JOl appear Ip be ll'1y plan or overaJJ objective other than tO repeat what hu been dont year ln and year out in the past." ADD ~ARY He tuil~ that the •l.iOrd lilcf, a. ltOfttary ~ lO take . the ·~ 0( 111- mininraUve. detail oil the alloulden. <JI the -1 manager. . Tb.ls, be said, would ~ the general manager for recniltlng, new exhibitors, su·ch as 11North American Rockwell and lmrroughs. which is now located in ~County." _"\!~need to bring in technology," said Bowie. Acx:onlln( to the prtllmlnary lair report. Uctel sales dropped to $34.300 this year. 1be pre-fair estimate for saJe1 waa 155,00I>. Last year's Uc:ket recelpb totaled $51~. Bowie said his letter to Marki "was .not mU.nt penonally." But, ht told the board, "1llls is your fair, and yoo're reoporulble. Yoo eitller bold your bead up.« )'OU hang tt a bit" Deadline Near For Lake Trip All aboard. Saturday is the last day to liln up for a sesaion at Camp Cedar Lake near Big Bear. officials of the Boys Club of the Harbor Area reminded members today. Buses depart Sunday al 10 a.m. foe the rustic mountain playground and there ls room for about a daien more campers. DAHY PIJOT nuNH COAl1 "'91. mtt• '*""" I .wt N,Wff4 _ ... _ J•tli: I . WNf .... ""'lllool ... O!-.. ....,..., Th• .. •• IC""'il ·-1\i•MM A. M•Miat _, ... . J•r••• F. C.1l11t -·---· __ ....,. 1z11w ........ ...,_. w.Jllot -..,or1>.a.t4l&.U6U. .............. ~ ............... •,,,••.,·,.--1 m ,.._ ..,,_ -......... -~ -• OUl.T Ptlof, .. wa.o " ......., -I ,_, ............. _., e..-.1 ~ ........... " ........... ..... ... ..... ~ ..... lio11co!!•if' ... .. ............................ -.............. 0....c.. .......... ~ ............... ,,., ..... .......... "'-" ......... .. _ ....... c. .... . . ' !)' 1714) ....... 111 . -, ....... , ......,. -"-......... ~:;;-~=.-=: c...... ----.....,_ "Qll:WlkU ...... .... • cmvs· ............. ~._,,_..._, -c.---. ... ............, .. ......... t.,.... ... -:.._. .... =.-:......:.::.- -( I..,_,,_,_.._ •• ·-·. Uf'ITrl ........ Ce1neterie• FloOde'd ' Camille Deaths :still Mounting GULFPORT. Miss. (AP) -'!be lrim ~ for Hunicane Camille vtcilms dragged on along the Mississippi Gulf Coast today amid disagreements QA the cteath count and. a new problem arising. Rdqets trickled back into lhl han;SeS.blt area al nearby Pus Christian wh~re bocHes were tWI being found. The new problem involved bodies being wash· ed out of Pass CbrlsUan cemeteries and mistaken for hurricane victims. This caused some confualon among rescue teama. Mississippi Gov. John Bell Wlllianis stood by his count of a minimwn of "200 plus" tilled by the vicious stonn when it swept out or the Gulf of MW.co Sunday nigbl But the Civil Defense coordinator Nap Cuslbry put tl'le loll In two of the three coasiaJ countJes at "approz.imately 235." "We may DeYer know actually bow many were killed," Caulbry JI.id_ 11Stxne will be declared .. mls>inl fO< • long time belort they'~ declartd officially dead ." Casslbry said the confusion over t.M death count stems from "the &beer magnitude of what we've 1ot to do and are doing tor the Jiving." · · Harrison County Coroner P.1rs. Gladys Gorenflo said she had held inquests for 104 persons in Gulfport, Biloxi, Loni Beach ind Pus Christian. .;These are alJ the bodies we have," sht. sa!d. "If there any higher figures beinJ pu t out, ~·e do not have the bodies." Handling the bodits caused one of tM new problems. \Vally Dabbs, a11 usistant to Gov. Wllliams, aaJd the bodies of storm vic- tims "are Pi.lin&: up" in area funeral homes with no way to gel them to tern· porary morgues set up at HaUlesburg. 70 miles north cf Gulfport. He said refrtgerated trucks were due in from New Orleam to help. SOU.TH KOREAN PRESIOENT 'PARK ANO HOST REVIEW TROOPS AT SAN FRANC ISCO'S M•mori•1 of Korean Conflict encl .-Joint Pledgt of Str1n9th at th• 31th Parallel PRESIOIO 'Underpaid' Placentia Man "The trucks beUer get here preUy soon," he said, "became we're going r1t have to find some way to dispose of them because of the health haian!." Tri~ia ElnsiTe She's Got Liberal Boyfriend '!tie Western White H..,,. Is keeping of. ficWly alum about lt. b.tt Tricia Nilm hu a boyfriend. A poliUcaJly liberal boyfriend, according to uoeonfirmed ......... The reports CCRJhtn't be conflnned because Edward Cox, 2 5 ·ye a r • o I d H1rvard law student, Thursday checked out of the San Clemente 1M. Re had been Jt&Jinc there since last y,·eekeod. "I think maybe he's gone to San Fran- cisco," said a clerk at the inn. That's where Tricia went wi.lh her family Thurs- day. They were due back today. Nobody knew whether Cox, who escorted Tricia to an Anaels baseball game Tuesday, would return with the NiJ:ons. Two weeu qo, the lJ.y~r-old bloode Nixon daughter stayed a few days at the Cox family borne In Westhampton, Looi Island. Co:r this summer bas been working for the New Republic, a liberal poUtical magazine. He 1l1 o h&1 dooe s o me volunteer work for Ralph Nader'• "Raiders," a group of dedicated, young men -mostly law students -who are probing into previously uneumi.aed federal government operatloos. Co:r, who js rePorted lo bf! in- dependently wealthy, swam In the Nixon family pool and along the beach wllh Tricia during his San Clemente visit. The couple also took quiet drives up and down the coastline. At Tricia's request, While House aides have said nothing about the apparently budding romaoce. Cox Ibo has IUC· cesdully avoided the press. NudeManEsc.ap_es Wife's Attack With Saw, Knife ' A screaming blood·soaked Santa Ana man who told police be aougbt refuge Thursday night in a neighbor'• home from his berserk hatchet.waving wife is today listed in fair condition 1t Or1n1e County Medical Center. Olflctn said Ramiro Lechqa, 41, told them that the first or three attacks by his wife occurred while he was lying nude on his bed watching televlsi0rt. Lecliuga alleged his oommonlaw wile, fi.tar:ia, 34, attacked bim with an electric saw but he managed to diaann her after she inflicted t1evera1 cull in ·an apparent attempt to .IUUallY: muUlat.e him. Lechuga then told police that he was Bm·glars Take $1, 979 Loot at Coast Market Newport Beach detectives today are &('arching f<r clues to the identity or the burglars woo robbed the Coast Market cl $1 ,971 ln cub Md merchandise. StrUdng under cover ol early morning fog, the thieves entered the building at 3347 East Coast Highway Thursday thrcugh a akyllghl. ownus Ruth and Everett Adams told policr .. Forcing a locked door leading to the managers o!fice, the suapects removed a 1mall floor safe by chipping away at the concrete whk:h held it. They put the saft, cont&lnlng $1,000, on a dolly and ap- partntly took it to a waitigg vehicle, police said. .The thieves ab:o look siJ: meal knivu and $6l in cub from a meat counter o'W'Dl!!d by Art Coleman. Befort exiting via a &Ide door, they helped themselves lo a wide range of merd>andiae. Including dog collars, ...,. dy, nl Mlglasses. From Pqe 1 SLICK ••• Dawts llld-, "without having it cause nlon -·g•." Original plana to de:al with the little Jeak called for dumping of a dozen bags of cement Into a bole dUg into it. Qty mwr 1'tfe to have done that la.st Tuesday. but the low lidt they were • walt1ni for wu not law enough to allow equl-In to dl& Ille ho~. "Shortly an.er that we "'ere cont.acted bJ h two forms and they ~ed the ch111d to ... their equipment,. oa- 1ald. Clty central services Mpartment crew wtn man the pump ooce It I• installed, be oddod. checking on the couple's sleeping children when his wile aUacked him from behind \\"ith a hatchet. Again, he disarmed her but only after sh e had struck him twice with the blunt end and once with the blade. Lechuga then -oUiettt used the word "incomprehensibly" -again turned his back on hia wile to put the hatchet away. She allegedly .struck him several limes in the back with a carving knife inflicting several wounda and lacerations. Offictrs said Lechuga decided to call It quits at that polrit. He ran Crom the home screaming for help with his wile hard on his heels brandishing the hatchet. Neighbors managed to separate the couple aqd .held the screaming woman until police arrived. Throughout the fracas, Lechuga told of· ficers his \\'ife kept asking him : ''Why do you go out with other "·omen. \\'hat is \\TOt\g with ,me?" Mr1. Lechuga is today in Orange Coun· ty women's jail. She is accused of assault wilh a deadly weapon. Police officers tOOay said lhe Mexican· born woman was acquitted in her homeland on charges o( killing her hus- band. They state that Mrs. Lechuga also told them that she killed a secood hUJ- band in aelf defense. l'rom Page J JORDAN ... f\litchell and Ptterson repres"1t txtreme right wing political thinking wilh himself and Arnold cast in the role of moderates. He alS-0 n1ade plain that future board action and outlook will hinge a great deal on lhe outoome of Tuesday's election In which two carididales seek th e post recently \'&cated by proba tion orlictr Lyle Guiprc. Jordan bitterly condemned Peter30!l's rectnt accusation that he (Jordan) had placed "spies" in the county schools of- fice • Jordsn said Peterson's 1>1,1lbunt stem- med 1rom .the ,trustee's "v6J natural" dl!.slre to obtain lnfonnatJon on programs the detaib or which he claims had been •'lthhtld from 'uie board bf P•terson. ~!ANY CO~LAIN "Many peotile Involved In thooe pro- grams bave called me to complain of the superintendent'• conduct and actions in many instancu." Jcrdan ukl. "In view of ht11 rdusaJ to acquaint us with the nature ol many of these innovations r felt and f~l It Is my duty to make the&e inqui ries.'' Jordan trlticiled the bofrd's itJ- vutlgaUon of family life and sex educ•· ti6n programs as a "dqeneratioo into an obvious attack upon Paul C o o k , superintendent ot the Anaheim High . School Diltrld and relaled program1 In other school districts. f '1•0111 Page J NIXON ••• chief executives said tbe Nixon \'iai t would take place at a time of mutual con· venienct:. Diplcmalic sources said this would probably be next year. -They agreed that tbe Allies in Viel.· nam should continue "to work toward st-- curing an honorable and 1asUng peace ln Southeast Asia. In thil connect.ion, Park endorsed the peace proposals elCpounded by Nixon last Pi.fay 14, and NilCon, in turn, paid tribute to the contribution in Viet- nam by Korean forces. The statement said the two leaders agreed to consult closely and with their other Allie,,· concerning the Vietnam situalion. At an unusual rt.ate dinner Thursday night -unusual because of its size and for its s.ite outside the While House - Park warned that any imbalance tn coordinaled U.S.-Asian efforts to meet the regional needJ would intvitably lead to "new disturbances and threats" in Asia. This same theme was SO(Dewhal outed in the Joint stalel!IOnt •l"'®ih NlxOl).111<! Park did "1'phaal••Jheir -.com:em ~ conlinued aggression tram the north. Ni."ton in his toast to Park Ttiursday night emphasized independence of free Asian nations also meant "&ell·rellance." The joint statement was issued in writ- ten form at the SL Francis Hotel and the tv•o leaders who had planned originally to appear before reporters al the conclusion of the talks, decided Instead to mike separate statements upon departure from San Francisco International Airport. ' Gets $17 5,000 Billy L. Ball, fig1lrod be WU underpaid. So Ball, a fonner escrow company oi- lier, stole $175,000 from bis employer. But be got WJlht, The 31-year-old Placentia man pleaded guilty 'Illlln&ly to theft cbarats- l..o5 An&;el~ Jud(e Antonio E. Chavei .. 1 Stpl 10 .. the Hlltondog da~ In Superior Court. Ball took the money bet~een October 1967 and last May. He served as vice-pmldent tnd escrow officer for the Business Title Corporation, · 3871 Wilahire Blvd., Los Angeles unUl he ...,·as fired May 9. The embezzlf:d funds were used by Ball for the purchase of eight pieces or pro- perty, to pay medical bUls and to buy ex, pensive automobiles. Dewey Smith, district attorney's in· vestigator, said Ball told investi&ators his sa lary wu not enough to compensate him for running the business while tbe firm 's president, Millon Welner, was recovering from a heart attack. Smith aald Ball would dip Into lht firm's long term tsa'OWI, write & check. to the seller of the property, forte hls name and cUI it bimJelf. ,. He began by1taking amall 11mounlll of money, ranging from UOQi ·to MOO and then. was taking u much •,$17,000 •t ~ time when he was caught. Ball's scheme fell apart in May when an attorney sought to learn why a c:Uent had not been paid after the close of an escrow. The escrow company's records showed that a check had been received by the lawyer and cashed . It was then learned that Ball had forged the sign•ture and cashed it himself. Stale Highway Patrol Ott_ef Jnspedllr H. C'. Slay laid some of the bodies found in Pass ChrlsUan had already been em- balmed while shattered caskets were found nearby. ~ Slay added. that "a great maoy" of lbe bodies found tn Pua Christian were hur- ricane victlms but would not estimate the number. Ain:ralt starUd aproyinr part of the battered 1ru tocfilij in an effort to ceo- trol mooqulloes. Authorities · Aid a rtgular program for spraytna: was bt:lDC established. Health officials said medical needl en the coast were being met and emphasised any !hr.at of epidemic had ended. 'llley al:so said there was no longer any need for mass immunization against b1:1hold but added that drinking water sboi.ild be boiled or chlorinated ucept in Gulfport where tht water supply was clear. Laguna Captures Lawn Bowling Trailing by 17 points al the opening of the second roond, Laguna Beach came to life and scored 41 points plus to dlfut Newport Beach, 2U-200, in lnter~bm lawn bowling competiUoo In Balboa this week.: ,, .. Newport •c:aptur<d live of eight pmtJ lo the fittrperiod for a total of 114 shots to '11 for the visitors. But ln the second period, Laguna downed lhtlr hosts In a1x games and tied one. The score w11 Laglll)a. 127; Newport. 86. Two Laguna teams won two game each. Henry Peck. H. N. Parter, Ed Lenihan and Stan McClinUc were up 24-6 and 16-7. Bill Davis, Nay Swett and Hugh Cavanagh woo 13-11 and 14-10. Dr. L. W. Ketchum, Guy Holsopple and Arthur Lee \\·on 16-9 and Ued 11·11. Summer I• OUR SUMMU"S,~U :.t.LSO ltlO.'lmtnEllt:Tm'°Q?l\IPS" !'ROM DREX£J;"HEklTA1l( Hll'RltXlN, NATIONAL:. MAR6E CARSON. HElllTA6E & HENUOON Vf'liOLSTERY PLUS MANY OTHER LINES. llDUCllONS ON AfCISilollll, UliPS, AND PICMIS All ALIC> AYAILAIU, l NIWPOttT HACH 1727 -1111 Dr .. ..,~ OflJf ....... ' 'tll ' I I OdXIL • HlllTAM ; HINllDON owA INTDIORS 'rol..l-11nllrl.. LA-.t H ACH O.lfNrt )4J Ntrlh (Nit tt.y. AvallHl.....A.10-NS ID OPIM PllUJ ift. f , ••. -• 1 ..... , .. "" .... " Or-. ~ a..11•1 - -..;mrr---.. ....... ----- '-IPIT• ..... Real Traffk Jani Three Penn Central railroad diesel locomotives ran unattended out of an engine house, around a yard, off the tracks, through a fence and onto a Boston superhighway just before the evening rush hour Thursday. There \Va s a massive traffic anarl but no injuries. Ne w Jersey Biggest Casualty of Cut~ack WASHINGTON (UP I) - The battleship N"ew Jersey, a ~war veteran and the last of her mlgbty kind, bas been ordered back Into mothballs, perbaps to the scrapyard, because her operation is cos- ting too much money. The old baWewagon was rescued from a shipyard limbo 16 months ago so her guns, the nine largest artillery tubes in the 'World, could hurl their nearly ooe..ton nils 21 miles Inland against targets In Viet· ..... Halsey's flagship than as a combat unit. She returned to the Pacific for tll-"1> tours during the Korean war, where she earned four battle stars. Off tlte coast of Vietnam she fired more than 20,000 rounds in 434 missi ons, first against Norlh Vielnam and later against targets in the south. When she returned after five months to her home port of Long Beach, Capt. J. Edward Snyder, 44, her skipper, said •'only an idiot" would decide not to return her f(X'" another tour of duty. ·--- DAILY I'll.OT S More Pullouts n ·ue? PoliS h Pla yboy ' , , Laird Cuts See n Mosi in Vi.etna m ' • WASlllNGTON (AP) -The But be specllJcslly rulod out mM reduction ........ part Slai n on ~Trip'? I far him In bll naUve Canadl He lold ddectlveo he waa In Manhattan Beach, 25 mllu from &he murder scene. ~e night ol the 1loylngs. After questioning, he was released. "'"""'1'• 100100!).plus cul in !llllllary manpower 11 lllcely to be viewed u a lllp the Nlxm -tntloo Is tlllnklng hic in the way of future troop withdrawfll from Vietnam. Secretary of Od.,,.. Melvin R. Laird, UlllGllJldnc the cut Thursdoy, ab! the mllltary reductlon· ,,.... the -t• lllOOlhs doeon't necessarily tmply a Vietnam cut of that acope. combat l r,oo,P' withdnw'!)s' of a con.......,,ialljr dlrecfod " LOS ANGELES CUP!) - from WHt °"'11aey, Sooth Pentagon e!f<n to 1 la I b Vollyd Fnikwaf<y, llain with ICoru and Okinawa -kaYlng delmse lpene1in( by .-four other penons at the Vietnam as one ol the few re-P blllion lor the CUJ"ftOt filca1 estate of actrea Sharon Talep mainln& places ~ large year. was erpe:rimeqtlng with the nllll!bers of Americans are Laird already ,_,.., Ill balluctn~on!c drug mescaline ltatiooed. bUUon from the ~meat when h: was murdend, a P"1tagon ollldalJ admit 1'70 budgel lnberited 1 n rr ... fritnd bdlevea. pivately that LaJnl comiders Jann.,., from the oulflOlng ad· Thoma• Michael Harrigan potent1al rep1acement of U.S. min!straUon. said he saw Frokowsky-the troops by South Vietnamese a Under the new economy G B t <by before the m a c a b r e lador In his p1am to trlm the drive. due to leave the defeme reell ere munlers and the p o 11 s b overall American mi Ii la r Y budget at f17 billion, the Navy emlgre told him he waa on the loroe level. wW lay up 100 shlpo including Dec~ "'l. on Due fdth day of an eight-day Fur t bennore, President the Battleship New J ersey, the i.o mescaline trip. LiVJD• g £' --t Nb:on said in June be hoped to Air Force will curtail training fl.I e s c a I i n e p r o duce.s ~ be able to more than match a ffight.s sharply and the Army SAIGON (UPl) -lt will hallucinations similar to the suggestion by form e r is supposed. save SSC» million lake at least five days to find more potent LSD and occurs • Harrlgan first met Frokowsky in June, I~. and he had gone to the Tate borne Aug. 7 to Invite hbn to a party on Saturday. But he did nol give the Pole the address. "He WS!!I too far gone on the trip. He'd never have beesl able .to unde:ntand the directiona." •• Still Soars; Secretary ol De!ense Clark M. in its various o per a t I on , nahlra1ly in tbe cactus buttons Clifford to set 100,000 combat maintenance and training ,.. out what the Anny is going to chewed by some American Okinawa Return troopo out of Vldnam this tivities. do about the eight U.S. Spedal and Mexican INl!ans In tribal U • Jul )'Hr. Some memben of Congress Forca (Green Bezets) of· religioul rites. ? p m y Some military 0 I It c er • will fmd Laird closlna down ficers acaiaed of murdering a Hanigan said Jay Sebring, Sia ted by '72 believe the nut withdrawal military Installations tn" their Vietnamese civilian, a U.S. who the next night would be WASHINGTON (UPI) announced by the President home stala and that coold military spolte'1llan said to-one of the five slain, WBJ sit· WASHINGTON (AP) r The CXJOt of living coollnued lis will probably amount to no bring howls of anguish. day. ting In a chair with his head Secretary of stale Wllllun f . Jul lncrea more than 25,GOO men. Further The manpower reduction ls "There are at least 450 to UJted to one side, "as though Rogers and Japanese Forei.91 steady climb in y, s-pullouts eould take pJace rt9« expected to leave U .S . 500 pages of testimony to be he were watching a movie mo Minister Kilchi Aichi will t;O, ing five-tenths ol 1 percent cooting months. strength at about 3.3 million typed," b.e sald. "That alone Jy he could see." to reach a general di· mostly because of h I g h e l1 At Thursday's news con-men by nei:t July. will probably take five days." He said Mis.s Tate was not derstanding here Sept 12 prices for food and services, ference, Laird would not com--"I shall strive to insure that After the testimony has high and seemed unaware of return cootrol ol Okinawa the Labor Department mit himself on the ad-the cuts have the le8.'1t po55i-been prepared, Col. Harold D. the condition of Frokowaky Japan by Jm. reported today. ministration decision th i s ble impact on our readiness," Seaman of Hampton. Va., and Sebring, .. As though there State Department offi · a The Bureau or L ab 0 r month on whether lo go Laird said, "but I want tht' chairman o{ the investigation, was nothing oot of the who disclosed lhls said • SlaUstics said c 0 n s umer beyond the ~Uy autboriz· American people to know that wUI make his recommendation ordinary." general unden;t.anding w prices have risen 3.6 percent ed 25,ooo-man troop reduction there will be an inevitable whether to drop the: charges or Harrigan surrendered to include an agreement on U.f. SO far this yev, for a in Vietnam. weakening of o u r worldwide go ahead with a court martial poUce Monday after he leanr military rights on Okinall(a .,...,_ '"--...... __ 100,000" mlllt• .... ...-ture." of the Green Berets. ed authorities were aearching after the reversion date. 1 seasonally adjusted. annual 1 _ _:".:::.~.....:"=~.::....·.:-=...:::::::...._:.:::.-=:'.'-=::"""::::'::.:.:. _____ ::....c::.:.:.::.:.:.::.:.:.::.:.:. _____________ _::_ ________ -+ rate or more than 6 percent. This is the highest annual rate in the fll'St seven rnootm of a year since Ibo K«ean War year of lt:il. But the bureau also ._v,d that an increase in tbe tat• home pay of raol:-and-llle WOtb!rS matched the July prlco lncreues to leave their actual purdlashlc power about the same. The price Jncreases for July added to gloomy new! already from the Commerce Depart· med., which has just surveyed the business scene and found more inflation just about everywhere il looked. The two reports were nol encouraging news to the Nixon adminil!itratioo, which b a s vowed to curb inflation and hopes to have that mission - its foremost domestic goal - accomplished within ooe year at tbe molt. ' Another first mm Newport National Bank But the Defen.se Department revealed Thursday that ahe will be decommissioned .. part of a 13 billion Pentagnn budget cut. *'It was sbnp1y a matter Of money.'' aid one naval ol· ricer. 1be government spent Pl mDlim to put her back into fighting shape, and il coot $26,000 a day to keep her 79 or- fictn and t.556 enlisted men operating. Coed Jail Cell 'Ibe decision to return her to duty as the 'lr"Orld'1 only operating battleship wu a controversial one lrom the .start -not because or her record but because some naval o(ficers felt the money could be heller spent. The Philippine Sea, the Carolines, Leyte, Luzon, Jwo Jima-her Jog is a roll call of World War II in the Pacilic. Jn those days she saw more 5el'Vice as Adm. William F. Girl HeM 8 Day s as Mmi An.ANTIC CITY. N . J, (UP() -AUantic City police admitted Thursday they had failed to separate a girl from tbf boys. They said Charles Albert Nebus, who was tossed in the men's section of the AUarilic City Jail Aug. 12 on thef1 charge3, turned out to be 17· year.old Phillis Kacbur. a young lady who f a v or 11 trousers, loafers and shirt.'!. "Well, bell, it's hard to tell these days," said Police capt. Albert WUsoo when the suual revelation was made during an examination of the prisooer in Atlantic City Hospital. The captain said M I s 1 Kachur had spent eight days with a male cellmate. He said .. The cellmate never knew hia ma~·s secret. Or if he did. he's oot admitting it." Wilson said that during her jail stay she spoke in a low voice and never took a bath and that .ti. also told jail of. fw:ials she bad suffered a ~Injury. nrouh8va Bliek 1na bug ••• 181Dr.IYll'IOD athlsnaw bua h•daual'llrS -· ' SATURDAY TV BANKING SATURDAY TV BANKING IS CONVENIENT AND EASY Banking on Satu!daywin bean ad6ed convenience at Newport National Bank for people who rissed bonldng during the~..--emergencies a~se and eortra cash ls '-'ed. Just drive up to cur un!qua Nb 1V IJrlve.ln SCR!ell on *"1 Sabmlay and, aftet pushing the button, one of our television-selected tellers 'Ill ca3'1 chocks, accept deposits, 11111'8 withd,.....l• on savinp ICCOUlrtJ, llc:eei>l loln paymerilS, Issue money orders and -cpen -accoUnts. our SJ)Ocial iv hoslesseS w111 ...... )IOU ind your family "'lreshments •nd ~)IOU how to _.ta tholV Banldng. It's corr<enl~t. fu1und very easy. Saturday 1V Banking can make your lilo 1 littlo more pleasant. II Dnllll ----r-· ~~~:~A~7' ~/ , ·~l:\~ BANK -1# / '-.... -~ ~--:-·* ----., :----- v at these locations only IN FULLERTON SUNNY HIUS OfflCE • lllrbot II 8ml • m.rno UMIVERSllY OfflCE • Wt Chapman 11 Still Colltto • 879-4840 IN NEWPORT BEACH wmtt.ITT OFFICE • Wts!diff 1t Dotlr • 642-3111 SA'l\JRDAY 1V BAIOONG IS AVAJIABLE BETWEEN TIIE HOURS OF 9:00 A.M. AND 1:00 P.M, ---dltylfll!i.-00 ,.....,,., --.. frldaya. \ ' ' . • • • DAD.Y PILOT EDITOB.l'.U PAGE The Bay Club Lease • . ' Newport Bdch votero will be liven Ille opportmlltY ln November lo decide lb• future fall ot tbat aprawl· 'In& enterprile known' aa the Ball"* Bay Club. .,....' = Tiie bellot proposition •will aat volero II the llY Club'• loaae of municipal pn>perty aboulll be -ed, anotbtl' Harbor An, ~ldmt, Uo,d E. BIMPled J~:. i• usllllllng a seat oo Ille" manlclpal boncb ill w .. t Or- ange County. , If it la, the action wUI allow Bay Club management to move aljead with many ambltloua plans. Leue ••· tel!lioa approval will also fat!& the municipal treasury to Ibo tune of Jlll0,000 annually. Addlllonol contract pro- visions are virtually certain to mean even more money to Ille city cotters u the Bay Club growa. Blanpled, loyal worker ill community' aflau• -b'e la a achoo! board trustee and very'act!ve.lii.tbe YMCA • -wu to be awom Ill at W~tmlllller at'4 ·o'clock w; afternoon. He bu legal and penolial qualUlcallona wblcb should aarve him weU u a dllpeiuar ot Jllltlce.' Best wishes to Judge l!lanPild, besi wilhos•to Jud&• ' Davis. . Ntwport city officials and 'l"'•Y civic leaders are eager to win voter approval of the l .. se extenglon to &aln new revenues. Better Police Tr aining SU.ch revenue would go a long way toward financing Costa Meaa and Newport Beach autllotitlea have Jwt received refunds on a subetantlal, oa•year Invest· men! In good law enforcemenl · the city's proposed new Civic Center. , Stripped of emotion.aJ arguments, the issue appears to be one of city revenue and orderly development on the one 'side or "doing somethin. else" on the other .. If voters reject le.ase extenslOD, then Ille really big issue comff to center stage: 'Totaling nearly '31,000; the .money came from tbe Calllornla Coinmission on Peace Officer Training and Standards. It paid 'for educational courses lalten by Harbor Area PQ!lcemen. . Whal would you do with the site? Rookies were graduated 1rom ba>ic police academ• les. Veteran officers took college coursea,-from crlmin. al law to hwna1r relatlol\5-thus broadening lbeir tndl· vlduaJ value. Ranting commanclers·compleled univer- sity .. minara· designed to improve admioislrative and departmental operallons. Judges Davis and Blanpied The Harbor Area bas two judges to congratulate-- one oo being appointed to the bench, Ille other for hav• log aarved so well as he steps d<1Wll from. Ille bench· Superior Court Judge Karl Lyim Davis Is ~tinng at the age of 68 to "make way for a younger judge.'' The money was wisely spent by the citioo and It is hearteninc to note that 1111 parcent of all law agencies in the state bel90g to the Peace Officer Training and Standards program. The former city attorney of Newport Beach, Judge Davis has been an authoritarian figure °" the bencb- falr and obvioU<ly uncorruptible. His decisions.; whi~e not unanimowly applauded, reflected a conservative s reapect for the law and fur Ille netion. . . The only real strings attached involve· completion of the Individual's course to qualify his employer for repayment. As Judge Davis steps down from Ille Supenor Ccurt, And' perhaps best of all, the funds do not C:ome from the average taxpayer, 'but from· those who con· tribute moet to Ille need for what Ibey buy -through' fines imposed on lawbreakers. (Nl Green Beret-CIA Incident Case Can't 6e Covered Up WASHINGTON -The cumulative ef. feet of a !erles of incidents involving the Penta11on is being underesllmal"'1 In Ibo Nixon AdminiltraUon. 'Ibeae Incidents have one common factor. The Nilen Administration b not beln& frank and open about lhem, and to ~ ellenl It II not. lhal much more luel is ldde\I to Ibo Uady ragin1 flames of anU.Pentqon unllmenL The Green Beret cue 11 undoubtedly • baruucratic busle between the Cintra! iz!lellJ&<nce Agency and the Army Special Forces, envenomed by the hatreds ai.d fruttraUons of the war-zone mentality. Emerging from this incident is a pha.n. taanagoria of public impressione darken- lnl l h e }Jeroic image o£ th e Green Berets and deepening the conspiratorial imqe of U!e CIA. So, in the e n d, both become t b e murderous agents of J111Sf<r!OU!, baleful and bungling policies in the mire of the Vietnam war, FOR WEEKS TRF.SE impressions have been permitted to grow because no cm is told why the four Green Bertt of· fleen pere imprl!onea in tht death of a South "Vietnam national suspected of belni a double agent. No inlonnalion has been given wt officially on why the men were held or what they are charged with. Sa11ori rumor and report supply a pic- ture ol order and counterorder by the, CIA·tn the assassination, with the Green Berets aa the premature executioners. Not a word o( explanation has emerged from the Pentagon or the White House in • case which fascinates especially thole who w!Jh to blacten the American forces in Vietnam u wanton killers ·rid.in& down a defen .. i... people. WbeD the new wave or war protests bqina, u 11 Wldoubtedly will belore U!is yeor Is over, boll> the Green Berets and the CIA will be pUlotled ., murderoU< "1lllboll of public: dlqrace ill Vietnam. The cue is not aomeWnc the .ad· minl!tratton, or the Arrrfl Special Forces, or the CIA can cover up. Without ade- quate explanatiOll, tltla incident becomes new ammunition for those who are only lemporarilf boldlng their fire oo the Pen- tagon. THE UNITED STATES millfMJ' - rnenl with Thailand falla Into the ume category ol unesplalned arranpmenta which m;lle publlc doubt and dlstrult. For mootbl, Ibo Pentagon. Ibo .State Department and the Nb.on Admlnlltratioa u 1 whole have had an opportunity to uplaln Ibo nature ol the military agreement between the United Stata ...i TbaJland and its fM'Ce IDd ef· feel Bil by bit the story bu come out Iha! such an acreement emta, that it Involves the poalhle .,. of . American tlOOpl to -Communist f..,,.. in Looi, and U!at these lrOOfll would be under al leut nominal 1llal command. The relu<tance wllh whlcb tbll hu been WlOfllclally ad- mitted only bellblena the lmpreulon of 1ecret cornmlbnentl which could involve the Unlt<d Slates In a aecond front In Asia al the ume·time Pretident Nixon proclalma we are reducing our Allan mJllWy ~ommUmenls. Incest Increases By NORMAN NIXON, M.D. The taboo aganat sexual intercourse between blood kin of the Immediate faml· b' -particularly father and daughter, mother and SOD, brother and sister -has existed in all societies since time im· memorial. In only a few privileaed classes, usually royaJty, and in some sec- tmi'.an group1, were incestuous rela.Uon:s: evt1'° permitted. Considered a universal crime today, laws and penalties covering incest in all cl the United States date back only lo Im. Many fit.alts st.Ill do not cover cohabitation of aunts and nepbews. unclel and rutces, rim cousins, or brothers-in-- Jaw and si.¥ers-in-law. PUNllillMENT FOR tbll 'form of ptrverted aex behavior varies from date to state. Usually only the male ill cull.gated_, although · incest is just one .,mptcm. of a dl.sr.urbed family situation in Which tbe mother, daugbtu or ailter IOmetfmes 11 the instigator In a rm· -Ip wblch may C0111lnue undelec1'd for monb or years. Moot Americana believe Incest Is •!most-~ since U.... crimes are aeldom reported to the pollce. Hor- rified at even the thought, many people are embarrassed just to talk about il Neverthdeu, psymiatrists have bttn reporting increasing numbers of in· dividuala who have committed Incest. No serioully dlaturbed family ia immune from thia tniaedy, regardless of racial, religious or economle backgrounds. EVERY CfULD. when 3 to 4 years or age, beg.ins what is known as the Oedipus or Electra relationship with the pannt of the oppcde ae1: as a part of normal ' penonaJlty development. When pennta are aware of this family trian&le-lnat It appropriately, the boy IUCtellllaJly resolves his romantic feellnp and laJ11a.lea toward his mother, just u , a gtrl works through slmllar caprfclooo feelings for her folher, by the flnt or aecond grade, then tnarehes on to the cr«ner fields o( normal bo)'·i\rl rtla· ti<lllhlpo lal<r. Bui only when both pa,.,,la outwardly show love for eocll -u 1 re!lec!lon of U!ek happy mar· riq'e. WITll INNUMEllAllLS famlllea hn>t· en by dtvorce. detertion, and de1lf'I tach ~: there art counll•• rema.rrla~ts In wblcn cf1Jldre11 are Involved. Since judgH U1U>l1y award tbe cull<lcly of young cblJdnn to the mother. • '""' al~ uatlon al1aet when a woman nmar· rl<L For tbe al<jlchlld.Jt-l'ent at· ltadlon. refm<d to u the "Phaedra campl~" become< the counterpart ol the Oedipus and Electro rellllonshlps. • Here again there bu been nolhing but di ... mhlillg h7 adminlstuiloo olllciall on what tbO Thal _.. means. Tho terr~ ci(.the _..i are held oecret from Ibo public. AAuranco ii racelved only !nm untdentllled oources U!at the agreement II DOI automatic In Its effect or of such a blpdJn( nature1that it mllht as well be. MUch more ii needed than the word of llllldelllillod sourea oo tbll point. ANO'mER SOURCE of distrust and doubt is the manuladure aod movement jn this country of Jelhally dangerou1 gues and compounds, experlrnent.aUons ln spreading epidemics in warfare, and the· potenUal dlsast.r from -car. eoea of such fatal agents. Beyond that. the utlllty of the policy of manulacturing and sWinC llUCb ageots is lo question. In each cue. however, I waJl of misun-- denlandtDI II pennltlod lo rise because lnadeqoale explanal!ooa and justifica- tloos, or no expla.natlon or justilicatioo at all, come from respm:'81ble ICIUl'Cel will· ln11 to be Identified by oame. ·It Is as il tbe P"'"""', U!e Stale Department and the Nixon AdmlniJlraUoo believed they wtrt pro- tected by an impregnable wall of juatiflable 1ecrecy in Ute uUonal in· temt. · But the thne has Iona alnce pused whtn the need for aecroey II acctplod u a juaUflahle or practicable dtfeme In all cues. U the Pentagon. wllhe& to eee more cf the Public's conndince drain aWay tt wn1 -to operate beldrid tbe lllleld'of aecroey wheo frantnea fO!lld bolter afrve its own and the national ·lrlt!l'f:st. • Ill u. s . Partlculorly for older lfrll durln1 pr .. puberty and early adolete:e:nee. the step- father often i1 the first object of their normal intutat in adultl of the opposite au. The aame is.true 1n aituatk:m like Pbaedta'a when a YCIUnl woman marries a much older man. and falls in love with his 10D of a former man'lqe. SINCE THE stepchild and :stepparent are not blood rtlaUvu, the inetst ta boo ls diluted consJderably. Unles.s the new family unit is a sound one, with both parenta loving and respecting each other. the stepp&rent~stepchlld attraction can get out of hand. Individuals ~·ho resort to incestuous behavior certainty are mixed up ~ tiooa!JY. The lamlllea in wblcb U.-of. fenses OCcur usUally are so diSM.Jpted that children cannot develop into normal, h~allby adult& With auspicioM, rivalries and jealousies ao intensified, family harmony and coopenllon ~ markedly dlminiJbed. Punlshment alooe ls not 1 deterrent fir lnceS\ but psychiatric trea~ ment of U!e family, DOI just ol one in- dividual, can be MlpM. Dear Gloomy Gus: Newport pollce change headgear to set better image. More betttr they chanae buds on some of tbe olfietrL I / -T. R. R. TV Gave New Image of Pat Nixon Modern communicatioru Ji~ the woman known colloqulaltr as the "First Lady" into the public ll&ht in a w., bnpossible in the last century. This was disclosed on televi&lon earlier UU., month in a half- hour narration by Mrs. Richard Nii:oo of her trip around t.be world. Further, the program gave evidence of the profound eJfect a President's wUe can have on her huaband's naUonal standJng. Wuhington and Llncoln were perhaps exceptions. They were IO preeminent their wives hardly touc.bed their careers. Martha Washington, aUll l a r g e 1 y tmknown, was a colonial dame who kept her place. Mary Lincoln waa a protean figure whose hwband turned cM to be of such immenae stature that she has become a passing oddity. ' IN OUR TIME WE have known three etlraordinary wives, Jacquelinf: Ken- nedy, Ladybird Johnson and Eleanor Roosevelt. We appear to have beeq glamori.Zed into unreality in our view of the then Mr&. Kennedy. Mrs. Johnson had 1uch eminent good sense as in some measure to counterpoise her husband's sagging fortunes. Mrs. Roosevelt was probably the most remarkable of the White House wives, because she was 1eldom there. For six months Mrs. Nixon's image (that word!) resisted efforts of the news media to make her interesUng. Everybody acquainted with her knows her as a woman of fine character and high intelligence. But she had been seen as a passive figure, in public appearances always calmly bes.ide her husband, yet only an adjunct of the Presidential presen ce. WHAT SHE HAS Jacked 'Publicly Is animation, bul this ill a tricky apparition. It may be interpreted as inability to pro- ject personallty, which Is passivity, or 8! true modesty. These are widely dilferlng traits, though they often wear the same guise. We know that from our iveryday eiperience, people who seem aloof al flnt glance, but are not aloof when known. This television program abould have altered some impress:klna many Americans 1'ad for the year Mrs. Nlmn has been in the public eye. First, it was sklllfuJly paced and pro-- portioned, in a half-hour instead of an hour. We had fortknowledp Mrs. Nixon would be impeccable in action and al· tltude, but we did not know how she would transcend this social value. And that she did . SHE DtsPLA YEO a moving feeling for humble human beings, people wbo have Jost in We, or never had a chance, retarded children, orphaned chlklren, duperately wounded American soldiers. The faces of these people u sbe bent ()Vtr them and took thttr hands glowed with a light which forestalled any cynical errorts to see her visits aJ inspired ':1y 11elf·interest. She was other than studious ol' how she would appear. Then when she talked, aplaining her approach to difftrina sceoea 1n differing places, you perceived she was not aloo{ at all. but a wann-hetrted, concerned woman in a part of the world where all dou not come up roses. Thls Is (If" course but one per1<m's vie"· polnt, but It must be aid 11 a duty in io- W'prttina events. Al r u r th e r ln- terprelaUon, n 11 submllled here tha~ whatever the poUUcal profit of the Presidential journey, the human profit ii incalculable, due chitflJ to Mrs. Nixon's own concept ol, and rapon&e to, the t.si put belcn bor. " . . -- Latest Moon LtWa,;i Most Suicides Among Affluent We were talking about hfs Social Studies, and my older boy asked me to tell him about the Depression. l tried to explain il as humanly and graphically as poaaltS!e -aJthough the memory still hurts -and happened to mention the number ol men who committed suicide in those days. \Yhat surprised him most was the ma· jority of suicides were men of affluence -bankers and ·brokers and bwiinessmen -and not the very poor. He found it hard to understand why this should be the cause. AS WE GROW OLDER, however, we begin to recognize that a prlvileee withdrawn is more painful than a deprivation we have always Jived with. As ArilltoUe said long ago, no man feels cheated for not havina: an eye in the back of his head; but if men were bom with rear eyes, a person without one ¥t·ould resent his "blindness." Growing older is also corrupting. In a sense. We become used to what we never had before, and find it harder to live without such adv11ntages than we ever dreamed woold be possible after we had them. lf anything proves "original sin" in human nature, it is the insidious way a luxury turns into a «necessity." And it is far enler to do without a hia:her standard of living than to retrench after having it. POOR PEOPLE were not much worse off in the Depression than they had been before: there was a tightening or belts, bu~ belts had always been tight for them. It was the prosperous suddenly facing ..... -·-·-~· ....... _ ,.,_ --! . . ( ,. . ~ Sidney J. ~~..,'ri&f '. .. . ' " . \, , ' ~ -... ~ .... i._.,. ... J: ..... ~,.111' poverty who took a look down the precipice and found the distance so shat· tcring -and many preferred to jump than to roll down into the deep economic chasm. Indeed, for those who remember it. there was a certain kind ol grim camaraderie among the poor in those days, a feeling of everyone being in it together, mUch llke Londoners in the BliU -and this sense of sharing a com• mon misery provided the poor with a morale that was lacking in the newly deprived. ACl'UALLY, SUICIDES have always been mort common among the affluenL than among the poor: the latter ha\"e hopes that if they could get a little more money, most of their problems would be solved . But the prosperous already see that there ls no end to this process, and are forced to the candid conclusion that personal happiness does not depend upon the acqulsilion of more worldly goods. What is a pity ls that the social and moral vi rtues engendered by wars anC depressions tend to erode in times o{ peace and prosperity. We act better toward enc h other when things are bad , but quickly forget the co mmo n welfare when the danger has past -and jus~ when we need it most. Ca ll I t 'New Humanism' "President Nixon has recommended to Congress a program of legislation which he calls the 'new federalism,' but it may be more aptly described u a 'new humanism' in government.'' -David Lawrence, W1shlogton Star. "He (President Nixon) has dealt with the intolerable paradox of American lile. He has insisted that poverty 1n a pros· perous country must be elim.inated. He has asked the Congress ror tax reform. He has begun withdrawing troops from Vietnam, and put a limit to American responsibility for keeping peace·all over the world." -James Rettoo, New Yort Times. "It was lhoroughly in order that the President urged the elimination of this 'colossa1 failure' in favor of a brand·new approach. \Ve applaud that decision, as, in fact. we think most citizens al&o will agree in broad terms with the basic goals the President set forth." -Waallln.gtoo Sla.r F.dltorial. 0 TO D~RIBE the Nixon plan as bold is an uoderstat~ment. It 11 1 reform to be compared with the original adoption <M the Social Security Act in 1936.'' Richard Wilson, Columnist. "His work incentive proposal, ii energetically and ima ginatively ad- mini stered, in time should lead to a~ enormous reduction in relief rolls an.:t costs. The gain in individual self·relia nce and self·respect could be even t11ore in-.. portanl to the nalional well-being tha~ the potential savings to the ta1pa yers.1 -\'t'asbington News Editorial. "The President cannot im plement h:1 program. Now it is up to Congress. A°' Congress very clearl y should heed Mr Nikon's urging to offer opportunity ant dignity to those in need instead ol 1 vicious cycle of dependency.'' Phlltdtlphla Bulletin Editorial. ,--------B 11 George -------- Dear George: Whal'• lhc matlu wlU! lbe mid· die-aged generaUon, George? How come you cats are to rkSkulously hung up on how kmg somebody'• hair is, of all !'ltupid things? NINETEEN AND SIIAGGY OW Shaggy: You tnow what, Shaggy? YCN're 1olng to make a ruJ fll'e•t bigot If you don't witch out. Whttt do you 1et oil coodemning a whole aenera· lion? 1 not only don't care how Jong your hair Is, and think anybody who condemns today's kids is nuts, but J\-e got a strong hunch )'OU can hardly wait for your age lo catch up with your basic stodgineu. BAclr. to the upre&SO. pseudo-hip -YOU aln~ conninC us. (Send your problems to Georae, the nation's No. l autborlt7 ao Side•.,y1 Tblok!ns.) I I • '* VOL •2. NO. 201, ~ SECTIONS, 4o PAG.ES . ORANGE CoUNTY, CALIEORNlA i'fllDAY, AUGUST 22, '1969 ' -'.. . . TEN CENTs ' "" ' . • Fair Board. Divi,ded·, Bµt · Won't .. L~ave Mes:a · By JANICE . BERMAN Of -°""'?' Nit ... If Orange Oounly Palr Boord member• 'llrunday nlg!>t voted t to I to go on recwd as upressing a desire not to move out of COiia Mesa. 11le ·vote followed a heated 'diacua&ion on a letter sent by the board's ~est member, Alaaoder :Qowie, to it' presi- dent, Cecil J. Marks. In the Jetter, Bowie recommended that the Board move to appoint the members of the eommlttee created on Juhe JI to * * * Moon Walk, Angels Cut Fair· Crowd The Moon Walk. bad press and 1 i:!louble-beader at ~el Stadium caused Orange County Fair atttndance to plum- met in Costa Mesa this year. the fair'• Board of Direct.IXS heard Thursday. Fair General Manager Alfred Wtjeana Llamed tho&e three factors for the 32 per- cent drop in total attendance. Lutjeans placed the majority of t.ht blmne on the astronauts. Covtrage of the moon mission , he aaid, "look the better spo{s in the paper." "Our material waJ relegated lo a ~econdary position in the paper," he aakl. He charged that lbe press wa11 rraponsiblt for "wbolly--dia\Orted and wildly fabr1cated stories about the im· mlnet ·silt el the fair~" w~h; he sa'id, ~aged peOple frim 1oin1 to the fair .. In addition to tho.\~walk aocl tho pruf, the Laguna lliach art fllliuls, the San Clemente alt festiTll, a!!!! the doub~der· at the Ania! ~ were nm&·in as other attrad.ioDI -u;-btr had to compete with. But, said Lut)eans, there wu allo the problem of inadequate advance p~g. "We got a late start on pamphlets and 11tacards." he said. ••we didn't get our entertainment announced until 12 days before the fair and the moonwalk." ·He blsmed fear as a reason that fairgoers left the grounds early. "That was a direct reflection or the trouble at the Strawberry Festival," he told the board. ''There were a lot <J. 'hip- pie ty~,' who made no trou~le, but I think they may have worried some \'isl ton. "We'll have a problem nut year when ... e try to sell apace,"'be said of tbe S per cent Joss in revenue.~ .. Ltltjeans urged the board to get everything together by January ao that from February through May,. we can develop public interest in the falf ." Pl.acentia Man Make s Up Salary; Sreals $175 ,000 Billy L. Bal~ figured be wa1 underpaid . So :Ball, 1 former escrow company of· fier, stole $175,000 from bis employer. But he 1ot caught. The 39-year-0ld P1acenUa man pleaded guilty Thur1dlY to theft charges. Loi Angeles Judge Antonio E. Chaves aet Sept. 10 as the sentencing date ln Superior Court. Ball took the money between October 1967 and last May. Hi served as vice-president and escrow nHicer for the Businm Tille Corpora.Uoa, WI Wilshire Blvd., fos Angeles untU he was fired May I. The embez:r;led .funds were used by Ball for the purchase of eight pieces of pro- perty, to pay medical bllll and to buy U · pe111tre automobiles. Dewey SmlOI, ,district attorney'• i~· vestJ&ator said Ball told investigators his aalary wa~·not enwgb to ~pensate ~ ror nmnina the business Wh!Je the Onn • prtlidrent.'Mlllon Welner, WU recovering from·• h~ attack. smith aald Ball would dip Ir'' the firm'• long t.enn eV-rOWll, wrtte a ..neck, to tht ..i1er of the property, forge his name and cash It himself. lie began by taking mall ,,,,...11 fl money, ranging rrom $300 , to .. and then wu taking as much u '11,000 at one time ,..hen he wM Caught. Ball's !theme fell apart in May wh'n Rn attorney sought to leam wt\)' a client had not been plld artcr the cl,.. of an escrow. eel The ucrow company'• records ahow that a dJftk had been rteeiftd by tht lawyer ud. .ca1hed. It w1s then learntd lhat Ball had fora<d tht alpotur& and C>.llltd tt himaeU. \ .... ';\; . . - lnvestlgate pomible alternate fairground aila; • Mam \old ao,rle that be ~ held olf on the appointments because "We bad enough bed publlcM:y before Utls fair, so I didn't want&o appolnt the coqunjttee un- W..iter the falr." were not appointed. M a thine that coWd have been ~ Bowie argued, "lf it were pouible to ·by a~" .._ • relocate. lt would lhiJ an even m&. Bowle"• ldt<r ~ lhil Uli 1\<1<1'11 d<slrable' locatioo for a court alte in CONldet inviting Royal Slretl,. llioco Costa Mesa." • • Corporl.tion 1nd Lincoln ·Propertiest .. The interuta of lhla board.• he ID!,..-alq with all)' other !inns elPrWliic an "are inerlricably Interwoven will> the cl· ~"to 1Ubmlla pr_.1.rcw the ac> -• 'llrisltian of the prt!!ent f~ " ~arb_... indic;ated .be was !;'017' ready to ty « Costa Mes;a ·~ .~10tance ~W MarU countered •itb a.letter ~·the appoint the committee.. Boan! o( Su...,vlaori. • . . cM,f of the Dlvbioii of Pairt•otl( Zl!· But the motion lntroductd by member Replied Maru, "I re-1 the Boan! of poolllom ln -._to. aa1htJ tblt ...., Frank Ritmer. who said, "I like it here;. · superVlior1 stepping In ID!I trying .to tell proposa!J were COW!l<T to llille.'Jli>ll9>, and 1 dol)'t think we should inove,'' w.i.s us abom Uila bir." _ · ' .and that the Dep&r.tment 9f"1Qmir:al approved and'-tM committee membfrs He·aWted, • ;iotleft too lar afield Ser.vices is the tole .agent &o dl,lpO,te.of . ----~ Top Cat in a Cool Pool Estancia High School's swimmini pool will serve . ocen•• 1:gleil lfO~]lOl'ulat televi>ion 1)1o.;,. Jqoli IJ··k iii!!\ 1el•visjon 1ereen ~ght at 'l:!O ·11ben 'i.S.,llen · ,~f.llCYI J;laj;tll$2•11e!el; tfro'l!I Jijij •1!1 lhe Costa Mesa Recvreation Department stages it.a ~ppear in "Top ·cit'• ·MqUence. · 4th annual Aquacade. Girls 8 lo 17 will •wilµ in · , Korean 1 Strength Pledged Nixon, Park Re1iew Stand Agains t Aggre ssion By MERRIMAN S!UTJI Uf'I wtritlo ....,,_ A-1w SAN FRANCISCO -Pmident Niion Ind President Pm Chljl1g Hee of South Korea pledged joi,,Uy today t h a t American "and Korean forces stationed along lbe 38th parallel will remain "strong and alert" to continuing Coln· munlsi aggres!ion. · ln addition to sta ling their determina- tion to meet any armed attack again.!lt South Korea. they 1lso recognlied the ne<:essity for "long term efforl.5 to lwen the causes of tension on the Korean peninsula." The joint stateme nt was lsaued as the IW3 chief executives concluded their twir day vi.sit to the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco. The statement 11ald : "President Park gave an account of continuing acts or aggression conimitted by the North Korean Communist regime against the Republic of Korea . 1be two presidehta agreed that Republic of KOre.a forces and American farces stationed in· Korea must remain strong and alert and the two presidents realfirm~ the <letermlriaUon of 1.heir gb\remments lto meet armed attack against the Republic o(Korea in accordance With the mutu'l.I dil-trdty betwoen, SaUtb Ko...a and the United States. Trustee De sc1·ihe s Bitter "President Nixon and President' Park took note of the newly formed homeland reserve defense foi'ce as a contrlWtlol;l to lhe security and stablUty of South Koru. They agreed that support for the fofCt should .be contlnutd. "The two presidents recogru,.ed the necesslly I°' Jong-term eflnrl to ieu<n 1 he c~mes of teMion on the.. Kor~n School Board, Chief Split peninsula." . other Items in the joint statement In- cluded : . -An invllation from Park to Nixon to vfsit Korea. NI~ accepted, but-lhe two -By l'OM BARLEY Of ... Del'!' '"" '"" A.picturo of a bi!lerly ond-~ dtnded Orangt County Joonf of Ed!Jca. -' . ' lion a..i a · .....,UiOaJJ, icllciols ouperln- tendait "who ls determined•to go his own w1y in defianct of the board whenever he feels it llj necesury'' was drawn.today by Trustee Donald s. Jordan. Dr. Riiberl Peterson was condemned by lhe retired school teacher "for his con-- slant refusal to advise the board of vitally important programs and hi!\ refusal lo accept board ad vice and counsel in programs .lha\ are not so \•it.ally impcrlant." Jordan made it c~r in his press con· ference that the board 11 politically and 1harply divided. He ia blcted, he claims, by trust.et A. E'.""Pat" Arnold and those two members are apposed by trust.tea Clay Mitchell of Laguna Beach and Dr. Dale E. Ralliion, a Santa Ana denilsl Jocdall made ii .equally clear that P""80ll aJri>ool alw411 ha1 'the 111P!'nrl ol MJtchell and Ram-for "llO!l\e con- trovtnlal· acjlom.". And be coocleJnned • Deadline Near For Lake Trip All aboord. Salurdly L< the lsll day to llp up for a aession •t Camp cedar I.Ha ne.r Big Bear. olliclsls of the Boy• Club of the Harbor Are.a reminded memben today. Bulel depart Sunday al IP a.m. lo< the n*k mouhtoln play'ground •and there Is room (or about I doien more campers. chief execuUvea said the Nti:on ·Visit lhe ·superintendent ·and ¥itchell far re· would lake place at I Ume of mutU1l con- cent1y calling a prea conference to rebut venlei:ice. Diploma~ source1 ·u.JCi, ~ Utt repoct r:l the Orqe Cwnty Grand would probably ~ neit year. .. Jury. . -They agreed that the Allles In Viet, . Jordan today defended that report as nam ahould~conilnue "to work toward • · .. sane and aeliaible" ·and supported the curing an honorable and \utlng-peace fn Grind Jury'a iuggution for elected coon-Southeast Asia. In tbia connection,' Park ty board members and an apf>Ointive endorsed the peace proposals dpoun4ed superinte~ .as a "welcome and-in·-· ~1 Nixon· last fday 14, ·and Nixon, ·ln.tilrn, spired proposal. paid tribute to the contribution in V1et. "Whatever al}yone might have to say namby.Korean forces. · about that Grand Jury report il haa to be The statement said the lwo ltadera conceded that these people did their aireed to consult closely and, with their !Sec JORDAN, Pago II (S::e NIXON, Pap I) Tri~ia Elusive She's Go t Liberal .Boyfriend 'fhe·Westem White Howe·l1 keeping of· flcially mum 1bout It, but 'Tdd1 N'lJ'oo has a boy!rlend. A pollUcally liberal boyfriend, 1ccord.in1 to unconfirmed IOlll"CQ. 'l11e reports cooldn'I • be conlliinod because EdW'ard Co1, 21 ·y e a r • o Id Hatvard Jaw-student, Thursday checked oUt Of the San Clemen1e Inn. He bad been staying there !inct list weekend. "I think may~ he's a:one to San Ftan· cl:sc:O," S&kl • elm at the inn. ,'!!lat's where Tricia WMI with her family rnurs· day. They Wert due back today. Nobody knew whether !lo•. who eacorttd Ttlda to •n Angels baseball 1ame TUesday, would retum with tht Nl1on1. Two wetb 110. the 2.3-year-old blondt Nlxnu daµghtor ~od a 1 ... ,daya• at q.. Col f11111ily home In Westhampton, Loitl Island. · • · Cox thil summer has been working for the New RepubH\'. a liberal pollll~ mapzlne. He al 1 o haa done t1j me volunteer work for Ralph N1du)1 "Raiders, .. • ,group ol dtdicated ycusg men. -mostly lew student. -i ·whO are probing Into previously uneaa/nln<d lederil govemnlenl """-· • Col, ..... ,, r<Poried to be iJi. dependently w'althy, IW•m in lbe Nlson l•mUy pool and along the beocll wtth Tricia during his San Clemente visit. 11M: COIJPle also tool: qultl ·drives up and do'f1I Ute coesijlne. .At Trici1 '1 requesl. Whii, Hou11 al<Sts h1n ,.id notjllng about the 'J>parentl.1 b\1ddlng '"'1'aJ1Ce. Cox also has IUC- , cesslll"1 avoided the prt ... ,. ( wch u "North American Rockwell Ind Burroogha, which Is _. localed in Orange County." "We need to bring in lechnolOI)'," aa1d ?'°:1~g to ~ p .. ~ tilr repnrl. Ucket sales dropped to $H,380'thi! year. The pre-fair estimate for aaiea w11 ISS,000. Lui Y<ai'1 Ucl:et rocelplil•tolalOcl $51,300. • ~. " Bowie said hJi letter to Marks "wu not meant personally." Bul, he told the board, "'Thia: is . your fair, and YJO'te respoMlble. You elthei: hold . your bold up, or you hana lt a bll" ·Richmond Holds • • l)aek High River . RICHMOND, V1. (tJPi),-Tbe awollon Jama River baltered IM undbap pro. lectlnl lUcbm6nd wJ.y today· alter boiling down lrom the mountains with at least f4 dead tn it.a backw11h. The 1and- ba,s held and Richmond waa spared, (See pboJos, Pqe 4).. . . Civil Defense au\boi;iUes said · there were 44 known dead, 48 injured and lit missing in Allegheny Mounta1n towns upriver Crom Richmond. More casual- ties were expocted u the vi~ .peelOd back layen of Jnud and debris. Thirty-foot flood waters alammed lnto onto a Jfte limb. and then ~ before lhe could be saved ;~of I ·1Dlrl who swam to rw:ue 'a drud, ,orily to drown after the )loungster wu· °pulled to safety; and of a family or four that sur- vlvtd tbe fin;t gusb of flooding, onJ.y (D die when their home collapsed into the current when its mountainsidJ: l\1JJR(111: a:ave way. Nude ·Husband ~:.-S~'i.:::J.~ba~"O.!'.·. Escafe·s·W1°fe's IWl>lleft by up to tt •oc!>e& of taitt from . . the~of~Cai1'1 I , •· 0 • , f~1Si11the!' Hatchet Attack %bourlalertlipn~e~ ' l • ·-=;Y-~ irc~a I 1 .!.lfiho .. ·~~t Anl/ Vb1lnis'•• -llood aiDCt -~. -1• ~ 1"'1 !Oims, ~ ,In ,...._, Jn 1 .J!Ollbl>or!I --'-'-'·'-~•" -~ 1 ,_ his bertct bafcbll.WnlilC wife it ~ -• •·• • P e I· ,""11 today Diiled 1(1 Wr cmidltlon al Oranp WW, o!llciols &aid Rlcl!mond • wH County Mtdlcal Cenler. spared only btcall!t It Wu forewarned. Otflcer1 laid Ramiro Lechuga, 42, told The capital city piled along ill rlverfin11l lh<m that the l~st of three allacb lly his a undblJf for1nllo dellpod to hold back wffe occurred while be was lying llllde on pbt flood watera of 31 feet-almost tJ:· hi& bed watching television. actly the height at which the Jamet ~huga alleged his comqM>nlaw w:lte. creoted ailortly alter midnighl Marla, 34, altacktd him with an el!ctr!C "We're in u good a lhaJle as we pog--lllP but he managed to disarm Mt •rt.er sibly· can be." said Cit)' .Manager Alan she tnruct.ed several cuts In 'an a...ft.•.._. Kjepper al a mldnighl ..,., eonfertnce. ...--· ".NChmond seems fO"be in 11ocid "sbapei" attempt to sem"lly mutilate him . IJ'he ,Jame1 battered Richmond 'll"jlb 111 Lechuga thin told poli .. tbJt he was -'-'•:\ ...._. f almolt fOur houri • but checking on the eouple"s altt:ping clilldren •" ~.., "' ' ' ,.~ his wile<allac"~ hbn from •-•~· t)\e.., -"* dam -~-'ul\Y ~ ·-·~ ~ lo!)'·lylnfjT~;pjiDu and c;p.. with a halcb'1. Ap!n, he diHnned•her ette factorin. Onfy «IO• to 500 persons but ~Y after she had Btruck hlm twM:e w~e ·ev1Cuated from t.beir' homes Ind, wHh the blunt end and once with the according to Public Safety Oirtctor blade. · William Groth. "Not only were tlierf:" no Lechuga tt\en-offlcera usectthe wmt deaths, we have not even beard· of ont "incomprehensibly" -again turned hia serious injury." • back on his wife to.put the hatchet;•;· About '525 National Guardlinen .patrolJ.. She allegedly stnick hlm several ti.ma· n.· ed. black-out areu throughout Thursda}' the back with a carving knife lnfli...t; .. ,. night, turuin& back sightseers from aeveral wounds ancl laceraUons. ..-~ restrtcted areas and directlnl'· traffic. Officen said Lechuga decided to can It At one point, the James crept to within quita at that point. He ran from the home 20 .Jnchei of floodbJg and cfoalrur busy · I hel Ith 1.:. 11 ......... lnt.erstate 95, 1 su...,.bighwatb mi· king scrunung or p w 1mi wue .~J«iu on .!.:'L.. his heela brandishing the hatchet. Richmond -with WU1uugton, .C. Par-Neia:h.bors managed to separatw the allel north:south hishwl.)'• W!re closed couple and held tlle screaminf ....,.. earlier by floods. · ~ Only one major metrppolltan area-the until poUc:e arrived. city of Hopewell with 'about 20,00lt· r~ Throughout the fraca1, Lechuga told of. dtnt.-now &.y in' tht flood' a path. 1'uf. • ficers lits wife kept asking him: (!Why do ther damage, by the' JaJTM',I, alrea<ty you go out with other women, what ls mount.Ing Into the milliona, was er:pected wrong •·ith me?" to be ' l1jbt becau!t ·the river widens al Mrs. Lechuga i~ today in Orange ~ it· wlndl through marshlandl .toward the ty women'1jail.She11 acctlled of uaault aea. with a deadly weapon. ' • !Uclunoqd'a 1UCCe11 story contrasted Police officers today satd the Mexican- tr1·alc&IlY With reports sUll trickling in born · woman was acquitted in 'bet !t<im Vlrglnla'1 mklm:tlon,. where· the homeL<nd on charges of killing her bu. floOdl began' Tuesday night alter dying hanil. They 'itafo lhal Ml'I. Lechup alsb c.mrne IUIUpeCledly dumpe<I nt«t than told them that llhe killed a oecond tru. l0 1tnchea ol rain on the James'rbead-band in ie:lf.defeo11e. ' WlllerS. ·Tales of death aCl'OJnpanied rescue worker• coming out of inundated areas. There were reports d a lirl holdll\J M~sa 8th Grade Reunion Slated ,Mrmbe~ of the €olta Metal Main~ Sc:bool ltb pd< ci.. of '41 art )loldlnC ~ Zf.Y<ar.rew>lon toeiabl •I t!!e Cotta -Counlty Club. /lbe clua will honor ita.rormer teacbef, Milf Elaie Morrow• I • .lloclal llour for the .event wijl start •I I p.m. with dinner served at a p.m. '1bJre will bt 4anch)g later In the evtnlng. • • NEW YORK (AP) -!!'be atoclt mark<! cloeed with a 1man gain today as It repor1edJy conUnued' lo ""'*'11dato the pins made In Ill recent rally. (See qlio\aµans,.Pages IHI). , Tradln& near the clole waa moderate. The °"" Jonu lndUJtrlal averaie at I p.m. wu op t.?t 1t aae.ee. Weadter sunw -will' worm tlifl Orange Coaat ....-the -tend whlle Inland .,... tule aome low clouda and IOI ·,overnlght and tht m«cury drops fnlo the upper lll'L · INSmE TeDAY •Windup o/ tit• Lido 14 *'" Uo!tal c/lmnpWNhil)I •rui th Hant}e1s11 Cup ract1 b,iahlightt d b1<1u "'"k•n<I of bDo«•o ~ llolfjj a!Ofto th• CO<U~-Poge 11. . . . IMtlfll '' Cellflftllll I cr.uttttt tt·ff Ctll'lln 7' ·-.. --' --. .......... ,,.,. f'IHHt '"" . .~'"C':..,. ;~ -. ...... .... ' • --.. ........ """ ... °'-~ . ,,,.... """' l• ~ DJt _ ........ .,. .. -.... ......... "''' == .i: -. --... -... • 1 ' .•• .i.........._ __ ~ - • • . -. --. • 2 NILY 'ILOT e tt\ Demo, Asks St1:t,te:t9, Weigh B.aY Swap Okay .... .. . ' \ - A JM ~ Cawily ....,.blymJn """'"1, ,. .. oo lilt bolrd -II ap-\bal the ll'••n •Gllld bal't • aW In a Pf"' rt!-~ the re- hu llw l.ol!'llC-mloljlolo """9dlbil--llllll7. -·"'~ ~ lloo -quool,Sllrolfaal!l"l~--rf<, I I .... _al If Qie ~ Aidlll ... Illa -"bman -~ .,,.,, ~~, LI-OoJ. ,Id V!llool .. lo ........ p8llo .... < B1y l.., !lld>anre. Ultlllllo-r.-lhl req ... 1.wal 'lW.. ~ ~wai. .11 balJW ~lll 111o'.larid achanp." •-• --"" SI ty .... locJ•v pr--'• \ ' ' "--r -•• ...:.__._ ' -•~ -l&ll llo«mber aa the NN -ocr" ~• ero -· ~ ~-.,_: •·•--u -~·w -·-...,~-1 • 1 ....,,..... GI lbe ~ Subcommilte< he beHeva he hu 'a prttly good ·~ htW U11111n tome 11.1-1 •I •• • eee a chance ·~n: or 1 revtl'SI , on Conservatfor1 ~ Btlches which coo-~Of. ~Ina In his NJqUesl. chllll!" In IH; Obtln;J14uo alh<o llie'11t\6.' beCaul<. of lho change In makeup of llle' du<IOCI liearlhgo In Newpoit JkoCh, .. ~ Thurlda7 tent Jtters to the a~roved It tn iil?'L.And beildea tha~ the CQn'llJl.bsWn," Wagner said. It wa1rat those hearings that announce- three 1pemberi0[ Ote 'commbslon uilrii LrnllktuP Of~tbt Commbslon bas chal\led The 'iinPitus for Slei::oiy's request c.1me ment wu made aboUt publlc aceess to for the • adion. 1 considerably," Ethan Wainer, Sleroty'1 fmin advlce &1vm him .from the 1eglsla~ Salt Creek belnJ eUmlnated. 0017 one pruent member or tM com· cmistant. said today. · ·1 Uve counsel's office. the ·taW)'~ for Lhe ••Both the aSSWlblyman and I have mloaloo, .otato COalnilltr H o u s lo n Wq~r said Uw usemblyman bell!im •4'1e ).<lllJalure, Wagnor wd. 1ak.. several trips to NR']lOl'I Beach ' Schools Due Millions From State . ' " . r ,,. ~ SA~!:lfl'O (AP! -'!'ht Slate •nd· td tJte 'flic11 yeii wit!\ a record 1514 mijlian budget surplus, Controller Hous- ton J. Flotirnoy reported today . Thls means Caliromla's 1,200 local gchool distri ctJ will ge~ nearly Sl7~ million in new state aid during the com· Jng year. During the ,UDUDer's Wg budget Uttle, Gov. Reagan agreed to put unexpected sur~us money into new school aid - over and above the $105 million he already had lxldgetod ind 1nolher 115 milli"! llle Nie aot 1111"Pt<todly in federal lunda. '!be SQrpllls lum!il out to be 171.ll million bigaer than bad been expected. or the m.11 million "bonus," about $35 million came from governmental eccmomies, Finance DireCtor Caspar W. Weinberger said. The other $44 million '!al becaust taxes brought in mn revenue lban anticipated. Here ia bow the new ·achool money - appropriated by a compromise bill pw· ed in the Dna.J hours of the legislative se&Sion -will be used : -$Sl.7 million, to a combination of general IChool program support and gpecla1 prognims IUCh u for alow readers. -tS million for research and new pro- grams. : 4Z7 million for jwUor collqe con- drucUon. 49'ii@ion which lllys lo, Uw big!Jer tducal!ori -fund, and camiOI be spent without legislaUve acticlJ. When the school finan~ bill passed, no t>De wu &ure how big the budgeL ~hp: t'OOld obe, Most froqueotly I/old e!tlmil<s were OJ million to $40 mllllm. " · And ~dueatlonal esper1a eollmotod lllal 4'e loial new aid IJIPTOl'riatod by llle bill woold be about $134 mlllion. instead it is Dearly $175 million. ~ The filurea we.re revealed by I.ht \!<publican Flournoy, who noted llley are ~nary ones and will be rechecked r""een now and the final report on Nov. Thed~ Weinberger took the podium in (he, ~a cooferenee room and 11aid ~·was "dell&hted" with the educa· (jonaJ windfall. , UPIT.......,. SOUTH KOREAN PRESIDENT PARK AND HOST REVIEW TROOPS AT SAN FRANCISCO'S Mtmorits of KC!r•an Conflict and • Joint Plldp of Strqth at tht 31th Par•lltl PRESIDIO Premier Huong's Resignation Caps Srugon Siruggle SAIGqN (UPI) ~Prime Minister Tran Vap Huooa;,rui&Jled today in lhe cJqnu of a five-.week 1truggle with Pres~ent Nguyen Van Thteu wbo sought a prtmiF who could eet alq with the South Vlet- nameSe Jegi&lature. Huong, a former ~!teacher who escaped a Viet Cong assasalnaUon al· tempt Jast Mar$, quit after an impasse over efforts to reshuffle 11tleu'1 cabinet. Thieu's office made the announcement of Huong·a resisnauon, which poUtic1t observers said could bring a major crilis in the South Vietnamue IOvenunent. Frot1t Pqe J NIXON, PARK MEET • • • other Allies concerning the Vielnam situation. At an un1!8Ual state dinner Thutlda1 night -unusual becau.se of its aiu and for its site outside the White House - Park wamect that any imbalance lo coord ln1ted U .S.-Asian efforts tO meet the regional needs would inevitably lead to "new disturbances and threats" in Asia . · This aame theme was somewhat outed in the joint statement although Nb:on and Park did emphasize their concern about continued aggress!Qn from the north. Ni.ion in his toast to Park Thursday night emphasized independence of free A&ian nations also meant "Hlf·rtllance." The crowds 1enerally were friendly 1'iursday at the historic Presidio rbere Nixon flrst grttted Pirt, along a motorcade route lo the St. Francis, and in Union Square outside Uie hotel. But U\ere were a few hecklers, in· eluding ·Mike Mal9ney, 27i, who m. tcrrupted Park's speech at the Presidio by shouting for Nixon to produc-e the "secret weapon" plan for ending the war he premised in the 1968 presidential cam· palgn. A crowd of 4,000 gathered in Union Squal'i! when the two presidents arrived at the hotel. Several hundred demonstrators carried signs and chanted sloganJ again!t Niion and the war. alnco then, and we hive exam= UJi =~::!1ft::..,. ,! Wqner llld. • • ' He said many = ":(Uestion the v_.lldity of a Los es lt&lslator in· valving blm~U In an rana:e County pro- blern. "Everyone Is concerned with en· vironmental issues and a Los Angelts assemblyman also represents the entire state. juat u the rest of the state's represenbUv" do,'' Wacz>er said. WllJll'1' cited Sleroty'1 "I n 1 l:!lt llooWll<llt" GI--L1Mt C. ioloD --• Illa .-..p-ta IM'/, • S!trolY wei:lod u encuUve ...,,...,.,. lo former LI. G<v. Giii\ Ande....,, who opposed the eicbange dUrlng his tenure on the commission. "I beUive lt will be lo the benefit of lb• public' tO review lhe value of the land which the Irvine Company is rteeivJni Crom Orange COunty and the true value or the land Oranae County iJ recelv~ lp eichanae, '1 SJeroty 1aid. Cemeteries Flooded Camille Deaths Still Mounting GULFPORT, Miss. (AP) -Tho grim 1earch for Hunicane Ca.mllle victims dra,1ed· on along the Mississippi Gulf Coast today amid .disagreement& on the death count and a new problem arising. Refugee. trlckled->. back .into the hardest-hit area a1 nearby ·Pus ChrtsUan where bodies were sWI btln& found. The new problem involved bodies being wa.m. ed out of Pass· Christian cemeteries and mistaten for hurricane vldlm.s. Thh ca~ some FODfusioP amonc: rescue teams. 1 Mlaalsslppl Gov. Jnhn Bell WillilllDS 8'ood by his ""'"' or a minimum of •1oo plus" ldllad ~ vldcw storm when ti llWei>t out ol Gull of Malco i;unday nl(bl Bui Ibo. •ii Def-cooiil!notor Nop Custbry put Ibo toll In twool Uie three coastal COfJlltlts at "approxlznately m ... "We may MVer kno" .actually bow many wert killed," Caulbry said. "Some Will be declared u mbslng for a Iona: time before tbey'n declared officially dead." Cusibry said the confusion · ever the death count stems from 0 the sheer magnitude of what we'ye got to do and are doing for the liviJll." Harrison County Coroner Mn. Gladys Gomiflo said Ille had held inquests for 104 per10ns In ·Gulfport. BllcW, Looi Beach and Pus Oui.sUan. "These an! all the bodies we have ," she said. "U there any higher figures being put out. we do not have the bodies." Handlin& the bodies caused ooe of the lltW problems. Wally Dabbs, an assistant to Gov. Williams, said the bodies of stonn vic- tbns "are piling up" in area funeral homes with no way to get them to tem- porary morgues set up at ~tiesburg, 70 miles north of Gulf P.Ort:. He &aid refrigerated trucks were dUe In from New Orleans to hel p. "The trucks better 1et hen pretty soon," he saiG, "because we're going to have to find some way to dispose of them because of the health hazard." State Highway Patrol Chief Inspector H. C. Slay said some of the bodies found in Pass Chri&tlaa had already been em- balmed while shattered caskets were found nearby. Slay added that "a great many'' of th• bodies found In Pass Chr'b1tian were hur- ricane vlctinis but would not estimate the number. Aircraft started spraying part o( ll1e battered area today in an effort to con- trol m05Auitoes. Authorities said a regular program for spraying was being establlshed. Health officials said medi cal need s on the coast were being met and emphasized any threat of epidemic had ended. They also said there was no longer any need for masi immunization against typhoid but added that drinking water should be bolled or chlorinated except in Gulfport where tbe water supP!y wu dear. • Lodge to Tell Nixon No Change In Red Position SAN FRANCISCO ( U P I ) Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge has ar- rived to tell President Nixon he sees "no change" in the Communist position at tht Vietnam peace talks in Paris. Lodge traveled a}one by commercial airline and arrived Thursday to attend the meetings between President Nixon and South Korean President Part Chung Hee. He planned to fly with President NL.on today to Uw San Clemente Western Whilo House to report to the chief executive. On bis arrival Thu(i<fay. Lodge 1aid Nixon bad made "flexible and com· pr~nsive" proposals at the Paris talks. "The Vietnamese president baa also made proposals of his own, including bipartisan government and international inspection where necessary," the chief U.S. negotiator at Paris said. "But there has been no change al all on the part of the other side from their previous attitudes. which include U.S. withdrawal alone and which would leave the whole country frtt to the domination of the North Vietnamese.'.' Weinberger made a point of saying a larp ..portion .of .Uw IUrplUI WU Uw rfllUlt of Relpn admlnl1tration ecooomy. Huang's mOlt likely succeasor Is a deputy prime miniater, Gen. Tran Thien Khlem. The U.S. Embu.!y In Sairon had put pressurt on Thieu to keep Huong in of- fice, political sources said, on the theory that if Khiem ~ame prjme mln1ster, SOI.It!\ V~ w(iuld return to a near military government. The joint statement was issued in writ· ten form at the Sl Francia Hotel and the two leaden who hid planned originally to appear before reportera at the conclusion of the talks, declded instead to make separate statements upon deparlUN! from San Francil<:o International Airporl While a amall crowd of antiwar demonstrators clashed briefly with police outside the eleaant St. Francis Hotel, P1rk and NU:on ·exchanged toasts Thurs· day pltdging mutual cooperation and lillJ>- pOn. They met for two hours earlier to di.Jcuss U.S. aid to South Korea and Korea's military security. Summer Costa Mesa Man Shot to Death A 48 year old Costa Mesa man wa1 . found dead In the backyard of his Loyola Drive home Thursday night, an appartnt suicide victim, police reported. InvesUgaUng officers said the victim reportedly had been despondent over ill health. A .38 caliber revolver w1s foWld with the body. The victim was prl)o nounced dead upon arrival at CO&ta Meu Memorial Hoopllal. I Ohll V PllOI outtt• CQUI .., ........ c.oMntft ..._.N.W ... ---Jee• I , c.frt Viol"'"llllflt ..... ..._. ........ n ...... tc, .. i1 ·-111.-it• A. Mwrllfil•t _ ...... ---, •• w ... .., ltreef Metr.111~rA111 IUf, •t&lt --__. ... ;mt._ . ..,.......,. u.....oi1 nt~ .. .... ............... : .. ... It wu 1hl second lime Huong, 67, had resirnecf. He also strVed three month! u prime minister in 1964. Huong, a former schoolteacher a n d mayor of Saigon, bad been the target of Thleu's own poliUcal alliance., tbe Na- tional Social Democratic Front. The alliance had asked Thieu on Aug. 9 to remove Huoni. From Page 1 JORDAN •.• homework," Jordan aa.id. "They have closely atudied the work of our board a."ld Dr. Peteraoo at many of our meetings and their report was the product of those observalionli. '' Jordan .said many att.empl!I had bett1 made by the board to come to tenns with Peterson but "it is no lon&er possible \o di&cuas any\hlng w:ilh thJg man. Our rela- tionship his reached an Impasse," the trustee asserted. "and about tht best we Cin hope for now is to perform our rouUne function,, in the best way wt can." Jordan said he deeply deplored the deep division ol the board alon& political. lines: He also asserted that Ralllaon. Afitchell and l>et.erson represent extreme · right wing political thinking with himself and Arnold cast in the role or moderates. He also made plain that fulun! board action and outlook will h1nge a grtal deal on the outcome of Tuesday'a election In whidl two candidates sttk lhe post recenUy vtc1ted by probation officer . Lyle Guipre. .Jordan bttterly condemned Peterton's recent 1ccu..llon lllal he !Jordan) bid plaoed "spiel" In Ille COOJlty IChoob of. lk:e. Jordan aald Pete.non'• oulbunt llttm- med from the trustee's "very natural" dttlrt to obtain lnlo~aUon on programs the dtlAJla of whldl he claims had been wlllllitld i-Uw boanf by Pettrson. "Many people involved in those pn>- grams hive called me to compllin of the •11P1rlntondenl'• condnd ind actrw In manf· lmtancu, '1 Jordan 11ald. "Jn vltw of his refusal lo 1cqualnt 1.11 with the nature of m1nr of thw innovations I iett and fetl It 1s my duty to rnake these l'nqulrlu." • Nllon told the banquet audience in the S(. Francis" Softly-lighted California Room that the United States was grateful for the sacrifices' being made in Vietnam by ~.000 South Korean troops. "But we also have tremendous respect for the fact that despite the milltary burdens that the Republic of Korea must bear," be added, "that economic p~ grtss bas moved forward at a dimension no one though was possibe." Park-dealt In much strnoger terms. He pld that while the Seoul govern- ment supported Nlxon't efforts to end the Vietnamese War, "the very aggressive North Korean Communists -bellicoae Communists" presented a continuing p~ bl em. Park stopped short of asking additional U.S. aid . But he sald: "l think the Asians as well as the United St.ates people should bear in mind the sober fact that only when the in· iliatives and efforts of Asians themselves and the cooperation of the United Stales are well coordinattd and balanced together so as to meet the needs of Asia in an erfecUve way, can we expect great effect from the ntw app1'08ch or the United States for the stability and pro- gress of this resion. "But should these eUorts become un- bflanced for want of positive effo rts on the put of either side, new disturbances and thrtat& wlll lotvltably recur in this region.'' Camille Destroyed 5,238 Coast Homes WASHINGTON IAP) -The &d Cro" uld F'r1l:llr ttJ latest sutvt-Y shows that llurrlcarie Camlllt destroyed 5,1!1 home. when II hit tho Gull Coul Sunday. Tht agency said it had revised upw1rd to 111667 -Ole number of homee reeelving major dama1e w h l 1 e 20.826 i11CUrrt-d minor dAmage. Also, the Red Cross said, J ,007 rnobUe homes were destroyed or damaged. ~long wlth 569 business es!Abll'it'l menls. ' \ I I COMl'UTI SET 1 ARM CHAIR s499 l SIDE CHAIRS 1 SENIOR OYAL TAIL! OUR SUMME~"SAl.E ;t.lSO INClu.ll£S"nCIC115"6lQUPS F~OM DREXEr: HlP.TTA&f, HENREOON, NATIONAL, MAR6E CARSON. HQITA;E &.HENREDON UPHOL.$TEAY PLUS MANY OTHER LINES. HDUCTIOllS ON ACCllSOllllS, LAMPI. AND PICTUllS ARI ALSO AYAILAIU. Ddlll. • HQTTAll. 'HINHDoN DIAlD ?art .. · NIWPORT llACll 1717 W-Rlf Dr., '42.IOIO ONN N'9AT '1'1L t . ' INTEllOllS Profttal.r.11 ln'9rlor 0.01..,... LAGUNA llACH J4S North C-Hwy. Av11!1blt-AID-llSID Ol'IN PllOAl' ,,L t ""' t ........... 0...,. c.., .... ,,,. . ' ' ' 494-6551 I , .. I I D~LY l'll.4T IS More Pullouts. o ·ue?, . ' P oli,sh Playboy ·Slain on 'Trip'? Laird Cuts Seen Most in Yi.etnam WASHINGTON (AP) -1"' ~·· 100,~lus tut lo Jl)lllle-y manpower la likely lo be vi.wed as• sign.the Nlaon edmlnlatnllon la thinking blc Iii the ny al future trOOll But ho speclllcallr ruled out man reduction .,.,,,,.. 11 pm oombat t r o o p lrillldnwalt' ol a coogreatooal!y dlrect<d L05 ANGELES (UPI) - from W..t, G<nnuy, South Pentagon d!orl ·lo al uh Voltyck'Frokowaky, alaln with Korea and OtioaW• -leaving delenae apeodlng by another foor other perllOOll al the Vietnam as cne of tbe few re-P blllkll for the current fi.tcll estate of actress Sharon Tate, •• •. '!llhdraw.is from VleWm. Secretary ol Def...,, Melvin R. Laird, •""""""111 the tut' Tlwnday, aaid the mWtary Hdac&a .... the -10 montha doe1n't necessarily Imply a Viw.m cut al Uill acope. maininl places wbei"e large 1ear. was · eiper:lmentfng wtth the numbers o1 Americans .,. Laird alr<ady lopped IU ' halluclnog"1le drug meocaline f9f him In 1111 native Gmmc!L Hi told deteetlves be waa tn -tan Belldl, II miles bun the murder acene, the nlghl al the •ia11ncB-Ali,< questJonlng; he WU releued. U,1 ,,..,_. Keal Traffic Ian• Three Penn Central railroad diesel locomotives ran unattended out of an engine house, around a yard, off the tracks, through a fence and . onto a Boston superhighway just before the everung rush hour Thursday. There was a massive traffic snarl but no injuries. New Jersey Biggest Casualty of Cutback WASllJNGTON (UP I) - The battleship mw Jersey, a t:hfee..war veteran and the last of her mighty kind, bas been ordered back into mothballs, perhaps to the 8CJ'apyard, because her operation is cos· ling too much money. The old baUlewagon was rescued Crom a shipyar,d limbo 16 months ago so her guns, the nine largest artillery tubes in the world, could burl their nearly one-ton shells 21 miles inland against targets in Viet· 11am. Halsey'1 llqshlp than .., • combat uniL She returned to the Pacific for two tours during the Korean war, where she earned four battle 151.ars. ·Of! the coast Of Vietnam :she fired more than 20,000 rounds in 434 missions, first against North Vielnam and later against target! in the south. When she returned after five month:s to her home pert cif Long Beach, Capt. J. Edward Snyder, 44, her skipper, said "only an Idiot'' would decide not to return her for another tour of duty, •tationed. blWon from .the «igina1 f1scal when he was murdered, a Pentagm oUiclalJ acinllt · 1970 budget iobe:rited I n close friend bellevu. privately lbal Laird cont1dera January !mu lbe,outfolng ad-Thomu Michael Harrigan potential replacement of U.S. ministration. said he aaw Frokowsky the troops by South Vietnamese a Under the new economy G B l day before the m a c a b r e factor In his ptana to trizn the drive, due to leave the del<nse l'OOll e:re murders and the p o 11 a h overall American mi 11 tar y budget at m billion, the Navy emigre lold him he was on the force level. will l•Y'UP 100 ships Including Dec1·s1·on Du"e fifth day of •n eight-day Fur t benncre, Prf:aldent tbe Batllesbip New Jeisey, the mescaline trip. Li • £1 ......... Nixon aaid in June be hoped to Air Forte will curtail training J.{ es c: a 11 n e produces Vlllg \.A.Jet be able to more than mat.ch a flights sharply and the Army SAIGON (UPI) -It will hallucinations similar to the suggestion by for me r is supposed save $500 million take at least five days to find more potent LSD and occurt Harrigan f1rat met P)olawalty In June, 1118, and ho had gone lo lbe Tate home Aug: 7 to Invite him lo a party on Saturday. But he did not give the Pole Ute address. "Ha was too far gone an the trip. He'd never have been able to understand the d1recUonl.'' Still Soars•, Secretary of Defense Clari M. in ils various o p er at I o n • out what the Army is golng to naturally in the cactus buttons Cliffonl to "'t 100,000 combat maintenance and training •<-chowed by -· American Okinawa Return troops out of Vietnam this tlvllles. do about the eight U.S. Sped.at and Mexican Indians in tribal U • Jul year. Some members of Congress Forces (Green Berets) or~ religious rites. SI ed b , ? P m Y,· Some military • ff I c er. will find Laird closing dawn flcers accused 9' murdering a Harrigan said Jay Sebring, at y 72. believe the out wlthdrawal military Wtallations in their Vietnamese civilian. a U.S. who the nen night woo.kl be WASHINGTON (UPI) lll1l1ClllnC<d by the Pr<sldenl home states and ilull could military spoke.mlan laid to-one ol the tive !lain, waa Ii~ WASHINGTON (AP) .,- The c011t of living cooUnued Its will probably amount to no bring howls ol. anguish. day. ting in a chair with his bead Secretary of State Wllliam Jt. d climb In Jul lncr more thm125,000 men. Further The inanpower reduction ii "There are at least 450 to Ult.ed to one side, "as though Roge~ and Japanese F~ !lea Y y, ea. pullouts could take place over expected to leave: U .S. 500 pages of testimony to be he were watching a movie on· Minister Kilchl Aichi will 1 ing five-tenths ol 1 percent coming mOOt.hs. strength at about s.s million typed," be said. "Th•t alone ly be could see... to reach a aeneral mootly because of higher. At Thursday's news con-men by next July. w!JJ probably take five days." He said Miu Tate was not derstanding here Sept. 1t prices for food and services, ferenee, Laird would not com-"I shall strlve to in~ that After the tesUmony has high and seemed unaware of return control ol. Okinawa. i> the Labor De p 11 rt men t mil himself on the ad· the cuts have the least J)OS3i-been 'prepared. Col. Harold D. the condition of Frokowsky Japan by 1972. l reported today. minlstration decision this ble impad on our readiness," Seaman o( Hamptan, Va., and Sebring, "AJ though there State Department otnclats The Bureau of L a b 0 r month on whether to go Laird sald, "but I want the chainnan of the investigaUon, was nothing out of the who disclosed this said tltl StatisUcs said c 0 n 5 u m e r beyood the present1y auth<riz-American people to know that will make his recommendaUon ordinary." general understanding woutl prices have risen 3.6 percent ed !5,00G-man troop reduction there . will be an intvitable whet.her to drop the charges or Harrigan surrmdered lo include an agreement on U.j; 50 rar this year, for a in Vietnam. weatening ol our wcrldwide go ahead with a court martial police Monday arter he learn-military rights on Okina l I The "more than 100,000''" military IV"llllure." of the Green Berets. ed authorities were searching after the reversion date. , seasonally adjusted annua , _ __:___:___.___._ ___ _:_ ___ _:c..:_'"_. __________________________ --;-_______ ~ rate of more than 6 percent . This is the highest annual rate in the first seven months of a year since the Korean War year o1 1951. Bui the bureau allll nporled that .. Increase In the take- hooie pay ol rank....wJle workers matched the July pi\ce increases to leave their actual purclwing power about the 58.Ine. The price increases for July added to gloomy news already from the Commerce Depart· ment, which has just surveyed the businese scene and found more inflation just about everywhere it looked. The two reports were not encouragin~ news to tht. Nil:on adminislrat10n, which b a a vowed to curb inflation and hopes to have that mission - its foremost domestic goal - ac:complished within ooe year at the mool, -Another first from Newport National· Bank But the Defeme Department revealed Tbursday that she will be decommissioned as pm ol .a $3 bUJioc Pentagon badge! cut. .. It wu simply a matter of ·mooey,'" 18.id OD& naval of~· ficer. The govern.meat spent l30 million lo put her back Into fisbting abape, and It co.t :flt,000 a day to keep her 79 of~ ficers and 1,556 enlisted men operating. Coed Jail Cell The decisioo to retum her to duty as the world's only operating battleship was a controvenial one from the start -not because of her record but because some naval officers felt the. money could be better apeot. The Philippine Sea, the Carolioes, Leyte, Luzon, Jwo Jtma -her Jog is a roll call or World War II in the Pacific. In those days lhe saw more aervlce u Adm. William F. Girl ·Hel.d 8 Days as Man ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. (UPI) -Atlantic City police admitted Thursday they had failed to separate a girl from the boys. They said Charles Albert Nehus. who was tossed in the men's section of the AUantic City Jail Aug. 12 on theft charges, turned out to be 17· year~ld Phillis Kachur, • young lady who f avors trousers, loafers and shirts. "Well, hell, it's hard to tell these days," Aaid Police capt. Albert Wilson when the sexual revelation was made during an examinaUon of the prisoner in Atlantic City Hospital. The captain said M I 11 Kachur bad spent eight days with a ma}e cellmate. He said "The cellmate never knew his mate's secret Or i! he dld, he's not admiWng it." Wilson said that during her jail stay she spoke in a low voice and never took a bath and that she also told jail of. ficials :she bad suffered a chest Injury. n1ou11ava Bliek lova-111111 ••• saa Dr. IVarson athlsnaw bug h88dQU81'181'S "' SATURDAY TV BANKING SATURDAY TV BANKING IS CONVENIENT AND EASY Banking on Safurday win be an added COIM!ltience at Newport National Bank for people Who missed benklng during the-k, or when emergencies arise and exlra' caslt Is needed. Just d!We up to our unique MW 1V llriv&ln scnai an any Saturday and, after pushing the button, ..,. of our television-selected tallers wtll ta$h checks, eccept deposll:s, make withdrawals on smnes acccunls, eccept 1oon paymems, • Issue money orders and """'!open ,_accounts. OUrspeclal 1V hostesses wlll serve you ind )'OUrfamily refmshments and show you how to operate the 1V Banking. It's convenient. fun and very easy. Saturday 1V Banking can make your life 1 little more pleasant. It DRIQDI at these locations only IN FULLERTON SUNNY HIU.S omCE • Harbor •t Bra • 871'7290 UHIVll!SllY OFFICE • Em Chapman •I Sbl• C'.ollep • 819-4840 IN NEWPORT BEACH 1IES!a.IFF OFFICE• Wlltclifl 1t Omr • 612-3111 SATURDAY lV BANKING IS AVATUBLE BETW£Ilf TllE HOURS OF 9:00 A.M. AND 1:00 P.M. __ _,.,dlf tlll S:OO -end 6.-00-on Ftldqt. • 1 I I - ••BLY Plbn' EDITOBIAL PAGE Better Police Training • Coata Mesa and Newport Beach aut1Jorltle1 have Juat roc:tlvod reflmdJ Oii a aubatantlal,..oa•year invul· m•ntln ~w eniorcement. Tota -rly '21),000._ the money 1'8J!l' from the Callfunlla m1sil01J 100 .1:<eac1 Olficer Tralllinl and SW>danll. It paid for educational cour•es taltan by Harl>o• AN ..,.Ucemem lloolllts ,.... graduated from buic·pollce acadern· 1-. Veleren olllcen toot collete coun-from crimin- al Jaw to bumb nlatiODJ-thua broadoninl'their indl· vldual value. Ranking commanden completed unlver- alty oemiDUa designed to improve admlniltrative and depertmental operations. The money was wisely spent by the citiM aJ1d it Is b~ to note that 911 percent of all law aeencles Jn 'tbe stat. belong to the Peace Officer Tralninf and Standards program. The only real strings attached involve completion of the lodivldual's c:oune to qualify hla employer for repayment. . And perbapa best of all, the funds do not come from. the average tupayer, but from thoaa who con- trl\>Ule moot to the need for what they blU' -through tinOI lmpooed on iawbreaken. 'Judges ·Davis and Blanpied The Harbor Area has two judges to congrlilulat&- one on belni appointed to the bench, the other for hav· Inc served so well as be steps down from tb• bench. Su~or Court Judge Karl Lynn Davis is J"tiring at the age o! 68 to "make way for a younger judge." I' I ' A• Judge Davis 1t.p1 down from the ~r Court, • another lfarbor Ar~~ideo~ Uoy.I E. l!liiiPl"'l.Jr., la uauming a .•"!II• on the muiifulpat bellch m:~ut Or· ante County. . , Blanpled, loyal worker in comm"nity attain -ho 11 a achoo! boonMnlstee and very acU••·ill'tl>o YMCA ' -wu to be nvom In at Westminster at 4 o'clock this afternoon. He ha•' legal and puaonal . quallfkltlona · wblch sboUld aarve bim.welL u a ·dlspenrer ol jostice, S.sl wishes to Judge Blonptod, best wlahes·to Jude• Davis. The Bay Oub Lease Newport Beach V'OUrs will be given the opportunity In November to decide Ibo future fate of that sprawl· ing enterpriae known as the Balboa Bay Club. The ballot P"'POSIUon will ask voten If the Ba,y Club'• lea•• of municipal proporty. should be extended. II it is, tbo action will allow Bay Club management to move ahead with many ambitious plans. Lease .ex· tension approval will.also .fatteo the municipal treasury to.the tune of $100,000 annnally, Additional -.ict pro- visions are virtually certain to· mean ev,en more money In the city coffers a& the Ba,y Club trows. Nowport city officials and many civic leoders are eager to win wt.er approval of the lease extension to gain' new reve:uues. Such revenue would go a !Ollg way toward financing the city's proposed new Civic Center. Stripped of emotional AriUID•nts, the Issue appears to be one of city revenue and orderly development oa the one side or "doing 10mething elae"· on. the other. ' The former cily attorney of Newport Beach, Judge Davia baa been an authoritarian figure on the bench- fair ond obviously uncorruptible. His decisions, while not t1nanlmously applauded, reDected a conservative's respecl for the law and for the· nation. . If voters reject lease extension, thtn the really big issue comes to center stage: What W1>Uld you do with the •ile? Late8t Moon Landing Green Beret-CIA Incident Case Can't Be Covered Up ,WASHINGTON -Tbo cumuloUve el• ftct ol a l<des ol :i:~I the Penia100 Is belnc Jn the -Aclmllllllratloa. 'l1lell 1-hne one caaunaa faetar. 1bt N1SC1111 Miitnistration ii not beJnC frat aDd -about them, and to Ibo -It II ...._ that much mon IUel It _. lo 1111 alnady raginf flaam ol ~ -.ienL Tbe Green Beret -ii uedcllblatlf • bmuucratic bmle betWllft tbe c.tra1 -lifence Agmcy ml .... Amy•liplclll For<e1, envenomed by the hotred& and fiwtrationl of the war.zone toonlality. Emerging from this locldmt 11 a pba .. i-11oria of public lmpreajomr darken. inc: t b e bf:rotc image OC: t b-e Green -ml deepenin1·1be c:ouplratarlal image oC the CIA. So, in·tht end, botl\ liecome the murde<m qents or ,,,,.i.tlous, boJeful and . buncllDi policJeg ID the mire of the Vlellwn war. FOR. WEEKS THESE impressions have been permitted lo grow l!ec&Ule no -Is told why the lour Green Betti ol· floln wtre imprisoned in the death of 1 South Vietnam national gugpeeted of bliilc a double agent. No inform1Uon bas been gl\"llli out officially on why the men ...,. iidi.cr what they .,. charged with. Salam rumor and report supply a pie. tun ol <rW and coonl'1:onltr by Ibo CIA tn the auusinalion, with the Green ~ 11 the premature e:recuti.onen. No& a word al uplanaUon has elDll'fld from the Peniagon "" the Whllo H-In a1cue which flldnates npedally UIOllt wllo wlah lo blacken the American !""" in VJetnam as wanton killm ridina down • !!oftnaelea& people. ~ the new ~ave of war -proteltl beclDI, u ~ undoql>ledly will before this 1"' ii ...,_ both the Green Beret. and Ibo CIA will be pilloried u murderous Q'1Dbob of public dlqrace .ln Vietnam. Tbo -is nol !<lnJethlng the ad· -411oo. er the Amy Special Forces, or the CIA can cover up. Without ade-- quate nplanation, tbil incident becomes new ammuriition f<r thole who are only temporarily boldins: their fire on the Pen-t.ion. 'l1IE UNITED .STATES military aeree- m<nt With Tbailsod .falll Into the NmO category of unezplalned arr-ls whlcll exdla public doubt and dlllnut. For manlbl, Ibo PaN&oo, Ibo Slall Department and the Nlson A~ u a whole hive b.d an .,,,...1un11y lo GJ!laln the nature of the military a.,..aperil bmr<en the Unli.d 5laloa sod TbaJland sod 111 roroe sod ti· •feet. BR by bit the tlol'7 ·hu come out that IUCh an -estlil, that II lnvolveo Ibo poulbie -of Amfricao troopo to oppoee Comnumllt forcea: in Lloa, and thal lhete lroopo ,,.,...id be under al leall nominal 11Jat, conunaod. Tbo relucilnce with wblch thla bu been unolliC!alty ad· mlltad ooJy ~ the lmpreutm of IOCrel ......-which coo1d Jnvolve the • lhlllld -In a second front In Alia at the ume time President Nixon proclalma ... .,. reducing ""' Asian milltaTJ commllmenls. Incest Increases By NOllMAN NIXON, M.D. '!be tlboo a1ansl se:1ual intercoune bltw&en blood tin of the immediat.8 fami-17 -particularly father and daughter. l1IOChu and aon, brother and sister -has aSlted in au societies lince Ume Jm- menorill. Jn only a few privileged cluoel, usu.Uy royalty, and In !Orne ...,. larlan groups. .wtte loc..iuout relatlo!U -.... permitted. Ccnddered a univeraal crime today, llwa and penaltita: covtri"I incut in all ot the llnli.d states date back ooly to 1•. Miny data still do not cover cobibitaUon of IWJla: aod nephews, W>Clts aQd nieces. lint COOl!ilns, or brother&-Jn. law and sisters-i:n-law. PUNJBBMJ!NT FOR thia form ·of ~ aex behavior varies from ttat& to otale. UIUllJ,y only the male Is eutiptfld, although incest is just Ult IJ'DJptclm ol a dbturbed family situation ii which the mother. daughter ot slller --11 the lnstlplor Jn • rell-tlomlllp wbicb may oontlnue uodelecled -~-- Friday, August 22, 111611 ,.,.. cd!torlal page 01 Ulf DoUr Piiot "'"" to ... , ..... Giid - ""'" """"" b' "'"""'"" !Mi _.. opinlcnw ...s -IMll'°'l °" loplcl of fnUral Ind rfgrllflcmoc<, br ~ • tor-for Ill< upre,_ of '"" ..-., oplnlont. ond tr p......,,,,, Ill• dlucTu .,,..,. jlo!llfl of mf.,.,..d obmwrl Hii .,,.,..,,,,.,. °" iopkl'of Ulf ... llobort N. Weed, P11b!Wler for montbo ., ,....._ Moot Americana , believe lncul la . ahnost 1100G1sten1, llnce these crtm .. are seldmi rePacted to the pollce. Hor- rified at even the thoucht. lllU)' people are embarrassed Jiut to talk abo.lt It. Neverthtless, psychiatrists have been reporting increasing number• of in- dividuals who have committed incesL No seriow:ly disturbed family is immune trom thil tr11edy, regardlei& of raclal, reUgioua or economic bocqrounda. EVERY CIDLD, when 3 to 4 years of age, begins what is known as the Oedipus or Electra rtlatiom;hip with tbe parent of the opposite sex as a part or normal ~ty c1e .. 1opm .. 1. ' When parentl are atvare or thi.s family tdqJe and treat it appropriately, the boy ~ resolve.& his romantic /eellop and flnWies toward his mother, Jlill u • llrl _.q through slmilar caprldoua feollnp far her lather, by the Unt or leCOf'ld crade. Ulen marchea on to the geeou fields of normal boy-girl rela· lionship1 lattt. Bu\ only when both parent& outwardly show love for tach otbw as a reOed.loa ol their hippy mar· rill•· . 'll'IT1I INMJMEllABLI! !amlllt1 brot· m bf div-. dmrtlon, and deat!J each ytlf, there art countless rtmarrlagu in wblcb cblldren are Involved. Since Judges usually award the custody or young ch!ldna to the mother, a new ait.- 'uaticn ariles when a woman ttmar- ries. For U>e st.epchlld-stepparent 1l· ttacUoo , referred to as the 'jPh1edr1 cc.nplex, ·• becomet the counterpJ.rt of Ibo Oedlpua and Electra relallonlhlpt. ' ' · Here again there has been nothing but dissembling by admlnistr•tion officials on what the Thal qreement maana. The terr 1.S ot the aareement are blld eecret from Ibo public. .u..raoce 11 received ooly from unldentff!ed _,,.. that the ..,._ la not automaUc In lta ellect ,,.. of IUcb • blndlnc nature that u mil)lt as well be. Much mere ls neoikd t!Jan the word of unidentified ......., oo thla point. ANOTHER SOURCE of distrust. and dtobt is lhe m.Mufaeture and movement in this country of Jelhally dangerous Ii.Se$ and compounds. experimentations io SJrUding epidemics in warfare, and the potential diJUler from wrec:Ud car· goes or &Uch 11W agents. Beyond that, the ·utiltty of the policy of manufacturing and-•torins IUCb qenta is in que;,tion. In each cut, however, a wall of misun-dentandtnl JI permitted to rise because lnadequale ~Ilona and justillca· tlona, or 6o explanation or jUatificatlon at .all, come from rnpc:lll&ble IOUrces will· Ing to bo identified by .-. II ii H U the Pt~. the State D"e part-men t aod the Nil:on AdminlstTaUon belie11ed they wm pro- tected by 1n lmprepble wall of Jullllllable secrecy. Jn the naUooal In· terest. · But the Um1 bu Jooc.slnct puled when the need for oecrecy la acceplod u a Jullllllblt .. practicable def-In Ill cua. u the'Pentaaoo wlsllea to -more ol Ibo pobllc'1 conlideDce droln away II.will continue to operate,behind the tbleid of ._ when IT-would belier serve Its own aod the naUoDll interest. • Ill u. s . Plrilcular!y for older girl1 durln& pre-pubeftI and early adoleacence, the step- father Often l! the fint object of their normal lnterUt in .adultl of the opJ>OSile aet. The ume la true in a1tu&Uon1 like Phaedra'• when a Youn& Womal) marries 1 much older man and falll In Jove with hlo IOll ·ol • former morrlqe. Jl!NCE THE llepc:hl1d sod stepparent m ,not blood relaUva. the incest taboo is diluted ccmiderably. Unless the new famll7 \DI.ft la a sound one, with both parents loving and respecting each other, the stepparent-stepchild attract.ion can get out of hand. Individuals who resort to incestuous behavior certainly are mixed up eme>- tionally. 11le f1milles tn w-hich theet ot- fen.!ltt occur usually art so disrupted that children cannot develop into normal, heaUhy adults. With suspicions, rivalries and jea)ousles &0 intensified, family harmony and cooperaUon are markedly dlminiabed. Punlsftmenl a.lone is not a deturent for incest but P6Ychlltric b:eat- ment ol the ramily; not Just of coe in- dividual, can be belplUL Dear Gloomy Gm: Resktenll of t<i1eu. Verde are In for a surprise if they think a bridge at Gisler-Garfield will never be bulll! -M. F. M. T•I• fMtllN Nfttc" ,....,.,. .i.wt. Mt _._,.,.., ...... ., t1tt """""'· StM Mr "' ,..... " ellM!r .... hllJ ,, .... IC! TV Gave New Image of Pat Nixon Most Suicides Among Affluent r,lodel'D ClllUuunkations lift the woman known .colloquially as the "First· Lady'' into the Jl'lbUc Ucbt in a way impossible in'the last ctntury. Thia was dlsclosed on television earlier this month in a hall· hour narration by Mrs. Richard Nixon or her lrip around the world. Further, the program gave evidence or the profound effect a President's wife can have on her husband's national atanding. We were talking about his Social Studies, and my older boy asked me to teU him about the Depression. J lried to explaJn it as humanly and graphically as possible -although the tnemory stJll hurts -and happened to mention t.he number of men who committed suicide in those days. What surprised him most was the ma. jorily of suicides we~ n1en of affluence -bankers and brokers and businessmen -and not lhe very poor. He fowld it hard lo uoderlW!d why this sbouid be the cause. Washington and Lincoln were perhaps AS WE G'OW OLDER, however, we exceptions. They were so preeminent begin to recognize. that a privilege their wives hardly toucbecl the.Ir career1. withdrawn Is more painful than a Martha Washington, still I a r g e J,y deprivation we have always lived with. unknown, was a colonial dame who kept As Aristotle said Jong ago, no man feels htr plact. Mary Lincoln wu a ·protean _ cheated for not having an eye in the back fis:urt whose husband turned out to be. of of hi• head; but If men were born with such Imme~ slat~e that she has rear eyes, a penson without one would become. a paasmg-oddity. resent his "blindness." IN OUR TIME WE have known l.hree extraordinary wives, Jacquelirte Ken- nedy, Ladybird Johnson and Eleanor Roosevelt. We appear to have betQ 5lamorized into unreality in our view of the then Mrs. Kennedy. Mrs. Jobnsorfhad such eminent good sense 11 in aome measure to counterpoise her huaband 's sagging rortunes. Mrs. RooeeYelt was probably the most rmarkable of the Whlte House wives, because she was seldom there. For six months Mrs. Nixon's image (that word !) resisted efforts or the news media to make her interesting. Growing older Is also corrupting, in a sense. We become used to what we never had before. and find it harder to live without such advanl.ages than we ever dreamed ~ld be possible after we had them. · U anything proves "original sin" in human nature, it Is the ln!idlous way a luxury turns into a "neceulty." And It is far e"1er to do without a bigher standard ol livlns: than to retrench alter having it. POOR PEOPLE were not much worse off in the Depression than they had been before: there was a tightening of bells, but belts had always been light for them. It was the prosperous suddenly faclne poverty who took a look down the preeipict and found the distance so shat· tering -and many preferred to jump than to roli down into the deep eccmomic chasm. Indeed, for lbo6e who rtmeril.ber It,. there was a certa.Jn kind of &rim camaraderie among the poor in those days, a fee.ling of everyone befDC 1n it together, much like Londoners 10 the Blitz -and this ...,. or ahartnc • -· mon misery provided the poor with a morale that was lackina In the newly deprived. ' ACl'VALL Y, SUICIDES have always been more common amona the affluent than among ~.I poor; the latter have hopes that if ~ could get a little more money, most of their problems would be solved. But the prosperous already aee tlilt there is no end to this proceu, and are forced to the candid conclusion that person.al happiness does not depend upoa the acqulsiUon of more worldly gooda. What is a pity is that the social and moral virtues engendered by wars and depressions ttnd to erode in limes of peace and prosperity. We act better toward each other when things are bad, but quickly forget the common welfare when the danger has pasl -and j ust wbc.n .,.,e need it most. Everybody acquainted with her knows her as a woman of fine character and high intelllgence. But she had been see n as a passive figure , in public appearances always calmly beside her husband, yet only an adjunct of the Presidenti11l presence. Call It 'New H·umanism' WHAT SHE HAS l3cked publicly is animation, but this is a tricky apparition. It may be interpreted as inability to pro- ject persOnaUty, whicll is pujlvity, or a1 true modesty. These are widely differing traits, lhou.gh they often wear the same guix. We know that from our everyday experience, people who seem aloof at rtrst glance, but are not aloof wben icnown. This television program lbould have altered some impression. many Americans liad for the year Mrs. Nixon has been in the public eye. First, it v.·as skillfully paced and pro- portioned, in a half-hour instead 0£ an hour. We had foreknowledge Mrs. Nixon would be impe«able in action and at· tltude, but we did not know how she would transcend this social value. And that she did, SHE DISPLAYED a movin& feeling for humble human bein1s, people who have lost in llte. or never had a chance, retarded children. orphaned children, desperately wounded American soldiers. 'J"M facet of these people u she bent over them and took \btJr buds glowed with a llcht wblch forestalled aoy cynical efforts to see her vi.lits as inspired ~Y atlf·lnttrr.1l She. was other tbln studious ol how abe would appear. Then when she talked, explaining her approach to differing scenes 1n differing pllCeS, you perceived she 'tfll not aloof at 111. but a wann-hnrud, conctmed woman in a part ol lhe. world whert 1U does not come up "'6e5. This. is or courx but one per101fs view- point, but It must be 111d as a duty in in· terpreting events. As f u r th e r in- te:rpretatlon1 it Is 1ubmitttd htre. that, whatever the Political prU.lt of the Prealdentlal joume.y, the human profit Is Incalculable, due chiefly to Mn. Nixon'• own concept of. and responae to, the t11.ik" put bel0<e her, ''President Nixon has recommended to Congress a program of legislation which _he calls the 'new f~tr:fllfm_,' ~t It may_ be more aptly ducribed 11 a 'new humanism' in government.'' -Davld Lawrence, l\'•sblaitoa SLlr. "He (President Nixon) baa dea1l...wltb the intolerable paradox of American life. He has Insisted that paverty In a pr• perous country muat be ellmlnated. fie has asked the Congress for tu: refomi. He hu begun withdr1wlng troops from Vietnam, and put a limit to American responsibility for keeping peace all over the world." -Jama Rtlikll, New Yort Times. "It was thoroughly In order that the President uraed the elimination Of thls 'colosul failure ' In Savor of a brand-new approach. We applaud that decision, as, in fact, we think most citizens also will agree in broad temu With the basic ·goals the President set forth ." -Wadllafton &1.ar F.dltorlal. "TO DESCRIBE the Nixon plan as bold is an understatement. It 11 a reform to be .. - compared with the original adoption of the Social Security Acl in 1936." Richard WllsoJt, Columnl1t "His work incentive proposal, If energetically and imaginatively ad· ministered, in time should lead to an enormous reduction in relief rolls and costs. The gain in individual self-reliance and self-respect could be even more im· portant lo the national well-being than the potenlial savings to the taxpayers." -Washington News Editorial. •·rhe President ca nnol Implement his program. Now it is up to Congress. And Congress very clearly should heed Mr. Nixon 's urging lo offer opportunity and dignity to those in need instead R_f a ,;cious cycle or depend ency." - Philadelphia Bulletin Editorta1. .-------Bii George Dear George: What'a the matter with tht mid· die-aged generation. Geora;et Bow come you call art IOi ridiculously hung up on how lone tomebod,)'11 hair is, of all stupid thln11? NINETEEN AND SHAGGY Deu· 51\aW ' You knoW what, Shqgyt You're IOilll to make I nal areal bifOI ~ you don'i watch out. Where do you &et off condemnina a whole ltntl'I· tlon1 t not only don't care OOw long your hair Is, and think anybody who condemns today's kids is nuts, but I've got a Wong hunch you cen hardly wait for ywr age to catch up with your basic stodginess. Back to the expresso, pseudo-hip -YOU aln 'I connln& us. (Send your problems to Gear.., the nation's No. 1 aulhorit7 on SidewlJ'I Thlnking. l Nixon Lilies ' . . . . I Surprises He Fit.s LBJ's''fmpromptu President' Mold to a Tee By HEL&N THOMAS SAN ~1!1P)) -It;. ~ a time Lyndon' B. J'ohnson u.;M~n the White House and ~ was called Lhe "'Jn\promptu Pmlldent." To their surprise, . reporten find the note conservaUvt., low key, programed Richard M. Nizon fit.a the AIDe mokt. 1.fadison Avenue image makers notwithstandihg, the similarities, more than lhe difference sin style between Nix- on and his predecessor are coming into focus. Wben LBJ was riding tall in the saddle, he would summon reporten to new1 con· ferences in.his oval office, on a moment's notice. He a1sQ had a penchant for taking off on trips without advance not.ice and In an exuberan\ mood, he would drop bombshell news from improbable plat- forms. Jn olher ways there is more contrast between the two men. Compared to .Johnson, Nixon i5 an absolut.e gadabout Johnson fought the painful presidential ·~· \i.,, 111<__W!llte Boose '"' Ute Jooellat si'~ in the worki "Lonely Acres," ~used to moan. And he never (elt he could move easily in pUbllc. But Nixon ls oul' on the town here ahnool nightly, dp>ppinr In on restaurants and motoring alont the busy co:1stal freeways during evening hours. Beach city' restaurants 11re having a field d"1 revising their mtnus to read: "Presi. dent Nixon Dined Here." Even his wife, Pat, marvels at his spur-0f·the-moment decisions to 10 to the ball game when they are in Washington. Mrs. Nixoo says her husband and their son·in-law David Eisenhower start taking baseball at the dinner table and the President.suddenly will leap up, and say, "C'mon David, let?s catch the last few in· nings" when the Senators are playing. "He thinks all he has t.o do is make a couple ol telephone calls.'' says Mn. Nix· on with a sm.lle. The telephof\e ca\ls alert the Secret Service who set. the wheels in motion for Protective Custody Witnesses Stay in Jail But Aren't Forgotten The case of two witnesses assertedly being held in jail like prisoners until a forthcoming murder trial won't be acted upon now but won't be forgotten by Orange County supervisors. Supervisor Robert Battin at first demanded action to make life in pro. tective custody easier for _Ri cky Tice, 18. and Carl Tice, 15, then later this week had second thoughts. The teen-age brothers are material wit- tiesses in the case against Arthur D. League, 20, charged with the murder June 4 oC Santa Ana patrolman Nelson A. Sasscer. Municipal Judge Paul Mast ordered them held in isolated protective custody because ol the possibility their lives may be endangered. In a court appearance earlier thi s month, Carl Tice said he wa1 with League and a witness to the shooting of Officer Sasscer. Ri ck Tice. along with League, is a Black Panther Party member. Tiniest Pupp>' Reported Fine. The tiniest pup in Fountain Valley - maybe the world -is still healthy today and standing tall, for .a one ounce ch1t:uahua, that is. Mrs. SaIQuel Staley, 15968 Roc'ky Court Rd ., reports the litUe tyke is "growing like mad and fighting for his £ood." "He's almost an ounce-and·a·half now," she said this morning. of the pop they have now named "Chico'' (little guy). Chico passe:d the critical 48-hour stage -the veterinarian said if he lived thaL l,.,ng he'd make it -at 6:30 p.m., Thurs- day. The rub is that while in custody at County Jail, the two witnesses, accused of no crime, are being treated exacUy like prisoners. They dtt'ss in jail clothes, eat jail food. sleep on jail bunks in a jail cell and follow jail rules. But they do have a television set, magazines and a deck of cards. In a letter to county supervisors, al· tom ey Thomas J . Keenan pleaded for helter treatment for the brothers. He said they are isolated from their families except for two, 20...minute visits each week when they are only allowed to look through a window and speak by telephone. He said Rick Tice's wife is five months pregnant, has no funds for medical ca re and is deprived of the $100 a week her husband earned before being confined. Su pervisor Battin responded by sug· gesting daily visitation privileges and use or county welfare funds to compensate the wilt. Other supervisors cautioned him to leam more about the matter. Upon renection. Battin said he would like to defer any action until after the trial. Preliminary hearing is set for Sept. 25. His reasoning, according lo Fred J.larber, his executive assistant, is. that •·this is a policy matter and supervisors should not discuss it when jndividuals are involved and personalities could obscure the principle." Harber also said Battin decided the judge of the court has jurisdiction and treatment of the particular witnesses is not a matter for superviscrs to take up. Jn his letter. attorney Keenan said he is a'A'ate' that the· sheriff does not have facilities other than the County Jail nor funds or authority lo institute another type r6 confinement. presldenliel travel tbr..p Ute ,dark Wasblngton •tw.ls by eaJlh>r oul a lar .. segment o( the local police force· to halt traffic at every lntersecUon for his 115\ moving motorcade. At the presldenUal retreat in lhe Maryland Catoc\ln Moun. tai.ns neer Washingl.OQ, another Whlte House bonus be, b enjoying, Nhon often wUI head out the gate for a drive lo Get- tysburg, Pa., 20 miles away or lo neighboring small towns with his buddy, Charles G. "Bebe" Reboio, to mlngle witb the townsfolk. They a l w a y s buy boxes cf candy at the lccal drug store. It was Jn the same .spirit that Nixon aocs his wile made a quick commaod decision to take a cable car rlde, Jot cld time's sake, in San Francisco just before they departed on their Asia n tour last monlh. With another "Impromptu President" to cover, reporters are finding truth in the Fl'ench motto: "'The more it changes the more it is the same." North County Seeking Early Free,vay Work A group of 40 civic and business leaders from northern parts of Orange County traveled to Sacramento this week to maXe a pitch at a meeting of the Stale Highway CorTimissiOn 'for early· com- pletion of the Orange Freeway. . At issue is whether 4.6 miles of. the north-south freeway link from the Santa Ana Frteway to the Riverskle Freeway will be completed in 1970...71 or 1971-72. The Ora.nge Freeway segment had been scheduled far 1970...71 completion but Highway Commissioner Alexander H. Pope of Los Angeles is suggesting it be set back a year so funds can be transfer- red to the Glendale and Artesia freeways. He wants to ease traffic congestion around Los Angeles In I e rn at ion a I Airport. Carrying autographed balls, bats and California Angel baseball caps the county group appeared to head. olf the fond diversion. They argued the Orange Freeway ls needed to serve Angel Stadium, Disneyland and the Anaheim Convention Center. The Highway Commission made nG decision and took the matter under sub- mission. Frank M. Reid, chairman of the Orange County Freeway Action Com· mittee. said he thought lhe group made a strong case. Pa8senger Injured In Quick Landing OAK VIEW (UPI) -Donald Tr6utner, 34, La l\1irada, was seriously injured Thursday night when the light plane in which he was a passenger crashed on a residential area street ·while attempting an emergency landing. Sheriff's deputies said the pilot, Charles C. Adams of Paaadcna, escaped unh&rm· ed Mechanic~! Voting Starred Fotorama Exliibit Vi.sitors Pusli Buttons for Winners l\techanical voting, up uRlil now a novelty in Orange County, continues to be one or the · hlghligttts of the DAILY PILOT Fotorarila al Fashion fsland. Visitors t.o the big show at the Newport Beach shopping center a r e invited to participate in "Votorama at. Fotorama by using a PrintomaUc voling machine manufactured by Automatic Voting Machine Corp. 0£ Jamestown, N.Y. The machine is one of several types of automated vm.ing_ sysJenlfl _pnder study for of£ictal use in Orange County. A pair of the machines is being used in the Votorama at Fotorama g a m e In wtuch visilonl are asked to select by popular vote the grand prize winner in the Fot.orama Camera Contest which the DAILY PILOT held for non.professional photographers. The winner wiU receive $500 ·in Fashion Island gift certi ficates ; voters get a chance at more than $1 ,100 in merchan· dise prizes furnis.hed by radio station KOCM. Fotorama, open unlil 9 o'clock tonight on Stage Court ln the Fashion Island shopPina center. goes into its final day Satutday. It will be open from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on ·Saturday and winners cf prizes will be selected in the final haJ{ hour of the event. f Fotorama offers visitors a look at hun- dreds of unusual photographs, many of t.hem award winners in professional photojournalism competition and some of them priz:e winners in competition among professional ''rommercial" photograph- er~. Another highlight of the show Is the demoostration ·or a Un1£ax, the machine w h i c h automatically and electronlcally creates pictures sent by P a c i f I c Telephone Co. lines over the United Press International network. Fotorama visitors also gel to listen in on chatter among photo editors talking en the nationwide UPI Telephoto circuit. AUTOMATIC VOTING MACHINE EXPERT BRIEFS FOTORAMA HOSTESS ON BALLOTING Don D•vl1 Show• Lauren Mezuc1pp.1 How Mechanlcal Voter Doe1 It• Job • •• I " " . Aia Old Tinter Wings It LQoking a bit like the Red Baron himself, leather· helmeted Robert Penny guns his Navy N3N prior to takeoff at recent fly-in Cor vintage aircraft at Or- ange County Airport. Penny flew in Crom Bradbury Cor the event. Flying old planes is hi s hobby and he really wouldn't harm a beagle, or a beagle's fleas. Action Delayed On Drain Plans . ' . Consideration ol a fir!t,. increment o{ an Orange" County master plan for drainage. has been tabled for two weeks by Orange Co1,1nty p I an n,i n g com- m~ionera at Ule request ol the Irvine Company. · Richard Duncan, Irvine Co~pany al- lorp~y. argued at lhe planners meeting \Vednesday the firm needs time to rfview ambiguities and obscurities in ·the dratiiage plan. · Recreational Programs Listed. Nine recreaUonal . ~~ms . are scheduled th.is fall in Fountain Valley, \lo'ilh the first, karate, -l:iegiiiitirig Se-pt. i: Registration for any or all pro!rams can be tak en care of al Fountain Valley City Hall, 10200 Slater Ave., any week· day I from a a.m. lo 5 p.m. ln addition to karate,· the recrta.t.ion and parks department will offer tennis, Sept. 6; nag footbalt, Sept. 6; in- te1 mediate bridge le880ns , Sept. 11 ; gym- nastics, Sepl 16; ballet and tap, Sept. 11; ltr.'l"lbling and acrobatics, Sept. 22; slim and trim, &!pt. 22 ; and swim team, Oct. •• Special Census . ·to Bring . $120,000 for Huntingto"' . An e~~dilure of ~.&Stl . whiCh will generate an estimated $120,000 ih. clty revenue is the hapPy picture for Hun- tington Beach in a special fedetat OOlsu.s to slarl S<lpt. JS. Floyd ·c. Belsito, city adlninistratlve assistant, said the · present estimated popul?tlon of the commW)ity Is nea r the 115,000 mark, a gain of more than 10,000 over the current ·official headcoLint of 104;124, as of. last October. The city ·receives abOut $12' a person from state l'Ollected · taxes on gasolioe and other Jevie.s, therefore the city's col· fer& .will gain ~re·thari.J0,000 over,. the . current o(Cicial hcadc~t or ·104,124, as oC. last October. The city rectives about $12 a person from . s!Bte celleclod taus on gasoline and other levies, therefore the city's cof. fers Will gain more 'than $120,000 when the new census figures become official later this year. · · .Belsito l.smJ¢ a call tor 300 census in- terviewers who must be signed up by Sept. 10 ApPlicatlon blanks are available now al City Hall, 520 Pecan Street. Interviewers must be citizens cf the United States, reside in Huntington Beach and be at least 18-years-old. The pay is 8 cents for each properly recorded name and the average In- tervic'llt·er: should be able to list about D names per day , acco~lng to Mrs. Jane Chta.tum, census supervLsor. \\'orkers must be physically able to do conslderable walking and lo climb ltair~, Signup Nearing For W. County Flag F oothall &!ptember slgnups and game1 will start soon for both Hunlinglon Beach and Fountain Valley boys interested in flal football. Fountain Valley will be the first to launch il.s program with slgnups Sept. & and 13 al Fountain Villey Elementary School. Signups are scheduled in Huntington .Beach Sept. 13 and 20 al several playg rounds and elementary schools. . Bolh programs provide fast action und~r safe conditions for boys in grades ~. Play is divided Into three divisions, "A," "B" and "C," according to srade !eve! . r. Yo\ire-Cm Chevrolet SavingsTime. "':f ou ~eady .know thia ii th. time of year you~re 1om1 to uve money. You juat want to know how much you'U save, and on what car. Plenty. On a Chevrolet. '.f,.1.ke Impala. Even without yenr-end aavinga, you d save. Many model& coet lee1 than 15st yoar'A, comparably equipped. Y?u ave again. on your Chevrolet dealer's apecia.J year-end pnce. ChM-old Impalti Sport Coope And you 88V6 atJ11 a third· time. The da_y you decide to trade Impala in. (Traditionally W1her resale value, you know.) Name Another cu that promises u much (be- fiide:!IJ Chevelle, Camaro and Nova). You can't. . · When you're on Chevrolet. Saviop Time, you're on t.o something tiig. · Puttln& YOU tint, keeps UI tlrst. ' • ' I .. ---· . .. .... rrtiloY, A"'ust 22, IM ' Virginians Bead fOr Bigli 1Gr Mn. H-Heldormon, the coat at Rainy Lake Lodge, In . · t1Mm&llOll81 Falls, Minn., sound· ed a born to IUlDIDOl1 a ·resort em· ploye to the ltltcbeu. Five min- utes later, Ille noticed a bull moose heeded for the lodge. The big ani· ma! stepped ashore and came Wtthin about 15 feet of the build· Jng, • then ambled oU into the woods. • califonila ..., gettmg Teady to Pot•t with prl<k to il&elf thi1 \ IW',nmJ' toMn it SOGTt'd paat tM '° t!\lllfmo population flgor<. Btd the Dtpcrt:ment of Finance ~d thol • cj<climng ~irth ~ and less migration th.an tz. pecttd has produced a. a!OTD- doton fn population growth. Now the estimaU is that the 20 million levtl toifl be passed next ~pril. Record flooding in the wake ol. Hurricane Camille ls Jnun. d·ating Virginia. At left a line ot uUllty poles iJ almoot submerged along the James River in Manakin, near Rich-· mood, while at right a small house blocks State Route 6 at Farber. The building wiis wash~ down Cove Creek "!'rlY Wednesday • Israelis Fire Over Crowd At Mosque 8 Arrest., Sore Skulls Irish Police Reserves Off Riot Duty SF's Nixon Protest Small • A young man described as "col- lege age, nice looking and well dressed" has been passin~ out fl aod $5 bills in Crawfordsville, Ind. with no strings attached. The youthful philanthropist, who refus- es to identify himself, said, "I just feel good and that's why I'm doing il" He thrusts the money into the bands of people and quickly disap- pears, then returns later to give away more money. Local banks and police say the money .is legit· !mate. • Actress Loretta Young shown in 1941 photo with husband Thom4.t H. A. Uwil Wal granted a divorce after 2S:.vears of marriaQe. Mi!s Young raid LtU7fl had le ft her 13 11ear1 ago, but she: had toaited to obtain a divorce in hope• of reconciliation. Letoir tool ordered to pay $1 a 11ear in alimonu. • A 24-foot-high picture of a nude female had a very brief exhibition in downtown Chicago. Some people called the picture a work of art. Other< called the police. Phillip Gross, owner of a remodeling firm , said he commissioned the mural because he wanted his scaffolding to be decorated with romething more interesting than signs warn· ing workers to wear hard hats. After passers·by gawked at the nude and traffic began to snarl. the picture was ordered taken down and Gross asked his artists to come up with something more conservative. By United Press International Israeli troops today flred shot.! over the heads o! a crowd or stone throwing youths in Jerusalem protesting the fire that swept through the El Aqsa Mosque. one of the Arab world's holiest shrines. Anti-Israeli demonstraJonr also broke out in Nablus on the occupied west bank of Jordan. On the fighting fronl, &yria reported antiaircraft gunners drove off three Israeli jet fighter planes which flew over the 19117 cease-fire line. · A military Spokem\an in Dama9CU5 also said Syrian and Israeli ground forces exchanged nre late last night and early today in another sector olong the Iron~ The anti-Israeli dernon.Btralions in east Jerusalem flared during noon prayers at the mosque which was heavily dama1ed in a fire 'Iburllday blamed on Israeli arsonists by"the Arabs. Wltneases said a crowd of youths, chanting "Napaer, · Naiier" lrurfed stooes at Israeli lnlops guarding the mosque. '!be reference was tG Egyptian President Gama! Abdel Nasser. The witnesses said a rock struck the head U the officer commanding troops at one of the gates leading Into the mosque compound and then the crowd charged. The troops counterchanged and fired "a number of shols" into the air to disperse tbO demonstrators. Kennedy Should Pass-Sorenson NEW YORK {UPI) -Former Jftlklential a111istant 'Iheodore C , Soreosen aald Thursday Sen. Edward M. Kennedy should not run for the preslden-- cy In 19n, even U the. political debits from his fatal auto accident vanish by then. Choosing a phrase for Kennedy's na .. tionally televised speech to the nation ex· plaining the accident, which Sorensen ad- mitted he "worked on,'' the fonner aide to President Kennedy said: "I think, as he said. his action at that time of pressure was indefensible; and I don 't think that being so recent in the minds of the pubUc and that being 10 clear an indication of his action under pressure at this stage of bis lite that be should try for the presidency in 19n." SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) - A brier flurry of violence betwet:n police and anti-war milltant.s out.side the St. Francis Hotel 'lbur&day night produced some sore skulls and eight arrests. The violence ocatrred when mounted police moved into a line of about 50 demoruitratora on Post Slreet after the crowd began damaging autos. The police prodded unruly demonstrators and there wa.s some resistance. Officers jabbed with thelr clubs to drive the man back onto the sidewalk and chased some in- dividual militants along d o w n to w n streets. But the brief sculne was the on1y one that mamd nearly 10 hOlll'S of protests 1n Union Square across the street from Czech Troops, Tanks Pull Out Mter. Protests PRAGUE (AP) -Tanks and troops pulled out ot Prague today aft.er demoostraUons on the first anniversary of the Soviet Invasion underlining the deep division between the Czechoslovak people and their Communist government. Communist party leader G u s l a v Husa.k's regime sent tens of thousands of CiechosJovak soldiers and 60 tanks into downtown Prague Thursday night in a massive demonsb'aUon of m J 1 it a r y strength. It shocked and angered many Czechs .who remembered all too well how Soviet tanks took over the city and the country on Aug. 20-21 last year. After five hours of maneuvering in the streets and spotlighting some apartment house windows, the tanks rolled back across the V1tava River and out of the ci-ty. The other anny unlls also departed. Street cleaners began clearing away the debri! left by the rioting in which the public showed its frustration at a year of occupation and i n c r e a s i n g ac- commodation to Soviet direction. Prague Radio said five persons had been kllled Jn riots -two youths 18 and 19 in Prague Wednel'lday night, and three persons In Brno Cll Thursday. The broad- cart said 12 per90ns were injured in Brno. Thousands of young Czechs clashed in Prague with the helmeted riot police. but many thousands more c i t i z e n s demonstrated in more passive fashion. Northeast Awakens Chilly Thunderstorms Pummel Great Plain.s, Rockies Callfortal• rtllVllW CWUSAWUllOlllllPllFOIEWT 111 l:llP.M. EST 1 •U•ff retnJN!f'attr ..... •• I Pl WIATlltl ltTOCAIT. Coutal r.,..., INll'Tll,. "°' Wfftt titw - t11r ... w 11 •·"'-11u1 "tttiy 11" ... htrfloon low tltudl-. Wlfldt _,. .,.., I lo IS k1*a. Hl1ll Mt'f, "' y, ........ .,... ~·""' """" ,,.... • llltfl el '5 Ill 11. ,~...., ""'-"'""" rMM "' M to fl. Wtftr """-• ""'11 •·-· '""' ' '° • ... Sth ' Jl • I'll, a 1tt1 ~.0$ '·"'· kit >.U 1 "'· Al~v. ·--All1nt1 le~fl"lfltlcl l !l!Mrtle .... ·-,_e¥11i. ,._ "'""""' ..,_ ... _ ...... It~ ... l'Ort W-"' ·~" --1(111t11 Clty ...... = "' .. M,_ -·· --.. ptlw Yont S:Ult"' ,,._,..., """" 1"111'11 llll'ln'lt ..... ••ret ·-· ,ltflllllt'll~ , ...... 111 ••11141 (lty .... l!vft ·-"u-" Sell lt~• Cll\I s.n Oltloto ... Fftll(IWI ...... ...... Tfltrl'lll l W1Jlih19ton ltlltll ... ..., ,,...;. .. .. .. " .. " ·~ " " .. .. " " " ~ " " .. • " ., " .. ~ " " " " ff n 'a .. .. " n " .. "' .. n • " " " .. " " ... " " .. " • " " " .. • .. "' .. '" .. '" .. " " .. " .. " ·~ n " .. •m .. " " " .. .. " " " • " "' " " " the hotel where President Nixon hosted South Korea President Park Chung Hee in a fonnal state dinner. At its he1ght, a crowd or about 4,000 gathered whUe the Student MoblllzaUon Committee presented its p, r o t e li t • However, the great majority of the crowd was made up of spectators watching the goings-on in the hotel and in the square. And there were dozens or pro-Nil.on demonstrators in evidence, too. The crowd in the square waved signs and chanted off-color slogans while waiting 90 minutes for organizers to show up. A aign ~th photographs of Nixon and Park. under a "Wanted for Murder" sign went up. as did a Viet Cong flag. The speaken finally showed up lo lambast the two chief executives. c The police department had massed its forces early in anUcipation of possible violence. But through the day, there were . only minor Incidents. A cherry bomb tossed from the crowd exploded near ac- ting Police Chief Al Nelder. A milk carton filled with dirt hit an oUicer and there were some arresta and warnings for· obscenity. The trouble started after the militants' Urtion Square permit ran out at 8:30 p.m. Most went home, but some went around to the Post Street entrance to taunt late anivals to the state dinner. Mayor Jo,,eph Alioto ol San Francisco drew the most hosWe reception. A small American flag was burned by some of the Post Street group. Nobody was seriously hurt. * * * * * * Zsa Zsa Gabor Upstages Nixon Dinner Politicians · SAN FRANCISCO (UPI) -Zsa Zsa Gabor, the glamorous HWlgarlan actress who never grows old, stole the show Thursday olght at President Nixon's state banquet honoring South Korean President Park Chung Hee. Resplendent in a gold-sludded pink gown with her blonde hair pi.led high on her head, Zsa Zsa coofessed that 6be did n<>t know exactly why she was ont. of the few Hollywood celebrities invited to the gliUering dinner at the st. Francis Hotel. But she told reporters that she had always admired the President, dating back to hJJ vlce presidential days, and that he had once autOfraphed a photograph for her by wriUng, "From your biggest fan." Calling everyone .idarling," Miss Gabor explained thal when her "beautiful home in Bel Air" was up Ior sale, thf)n Vice President Nixon was looking for a house and dropped in. That's bow she 1ot his picture. Later the Gabor mansion burned down and with It went lhe Nixon photograph. , Distressed, Zsa Zsa wrote the Presi- dent Jasl month and requested a replace- ment. She said that within two days she received a glossy photograph autograph· ed, "Sincerely, Richard M. Nlion." Shortly thereafter came the jnvitation to the state banquet in San Francisco and Zsa Zsa told all her friends that she was •·Jnvited to a president's ball." Miss Gabor was completely at home with the trappings of protocol amid the fashionably gowned and jewet-Oedecked women and formally attired men. BELFAST, Northern Ireland (UPI) .... The commander of Britiah troopt ln Northern Jreland said today Protestant· dominated police reservists will be relieved of riot duty and will not longer be able to keep weapons in the.ir homes. The British decree represented a vie· tory for Roman Catholk:1 who have long denounced the "B-special" group, blam- ing most of the nine dea.lhl in the week of Catholic-Protestant rioting in Northerl'I Ireland on the volunteer force. Protestanls had warned the British to "leave the B-specials alone." U. Gen. Sir Ian Freeland, the British commander, said henceforth the weapons of B-special forces will be stored Jn a central armory a n d issued o n I y jn emergencies. Until now the reservists have kept their weapons at borne even when they were not mobilized. Freeland said he had asked the in- spector-general of the Royal \1kltt ConstabularJ "to start t>Utti.nf 'the 'arms Issued to the-Ulller Special Constabulary in Belfast and Londonderry under central control." · "There would be considerable security advantages if these weapons, like tbo8e of the regular army and T.A.V.R. (Ttr· ritorial and Volunteer Reserve) were concentrated in annories when they are not actually required," Freeland said. He sald he plans tG expand the ar- rangement of arms storing to other com· munllies in Northern Ireland, excepL in emergency casea or where an annory is not available. "Where the weapons and ammunition have been stored for safe cuslody In annories, they will be issued to the special constabulary at my discretion whenever the constabulary duties require them," Freedman said. On present deployment of th e reservists, the general said he wants them to be employed "only on guarding vulnerable points and guarding police barracks and on road checks in border and country areas. * World Opinion Sought to Force Hanoi Reaction ieBernie~ Fights PARIS (UPI) -The United States is banking on world opinion to force a change In North Vietnam 's treatment of American prisoners of war, diplomabc observers al the Vletnarn peace talks said today. Making an tsrue 0£ the plight of U.S. servicemen held by 'North Vietnam has become an important part of the U.S. pruiitlon at the talks. At Thursdsy's 31st session of the con· ference, American negotiator PhilUp C. Habib took the unusual step of reading in- to the record a statement by 42 U.S. senator• on the prisoners. Diplomatic observers said the U.S. delegaUon, apparently recoenizing the present lack of Communist resp<>nse to peace moves , was taking Ume out to emphasize what had been a aide Lsaue. The ba&l.c aim of the peace talks, an end to the Vietnam war, has become bog- ged down because ol. Communist refusal to even d1tcuas peace proposals, allied of. ficlals said. The North Vlelnamese and Viet Cong delegatkw insist that no real dl!CU.Ulon or moves toward peace can come before the United S t a t e s unconditionally withdraws all Its troops from Vietnam . They insist their treatment o f Ame.ican prlloners is humane. They have rtjected demands ror information on who Js heJd prisoner by contending thal !he United States ia the •&ll'eslOr in Vlt!nam. The 11.atement algned by 42 senators read by Habib complained that "L.365 ••• American femilles are lllll walUng for tht releae of a husblnd or IOn, acme even for de!lnUe word whether 1 loved one Is dead or allve. u '"111!1 kiDd ol cruelty Imposed on iJ!. nocent bystanders ta both repugn1nt and virlually untblnkablt, n It ukl. 1J1plom1Uc observm aald U.S. officials are de[Jtndlng on world public opinion to press~ North Vietnam on the prisoner issut. Irish Lassie Seeking Funds NEW YORK (AP) -Bernar<ielte Devlin had changed from blue jeant worn in Londonderry battle to a peUte white minidress but she quickly made it clear that her American fund raising drive was in the spirit o{ the barricades. "The barricades will 1lay up in Northern Ireland until the goverJlment comes dowo," the 21-year~ld Miss Devlin vowed before a cheering audience ff 500-• lrish·Americens. Smuggled through the barricades into the Irish Republic and flown lO the United States, Miss Devlin, yobngest member of the Briti.lh ParUament, em· barked Thurllday night on a tour ~raise money for the homeleu and unaey Roman Calhollcs of Northern Jrela • "We as.k that every person interested In humanity and aoclal jusUce: came to our aid/' Miss Devlin, sun clad ib the blue jeans 1he wore in batUe, told a 'news conference on her anival at Kennedy Airport. Hours later ahe was ready for first speaking encagement be:fora a capacity crowd in Inwood, an lrish eoclave at the northern lip of Manhattan. She broU&ht the. crowd toJta feet again and again, charging the Protestant con- stabulary acted "lnhwnanelf and Jn. j..Uy" loword the C.tbolic mlnorll1 In her country: "When.thOle ll\ldmen tried to come In· to Derry/' ahe said, "they CllDt in fut, but went out • climn ll&t>t rllrter altenr• atart.ed OD them. n I "Everyone In Northern lttland thal'a worth bl.I Alt want.I an Jreland· "hen every~ne lncludinc Cl!thoUcs, Protestants. Hnidus, Jews and dl'lybody else c:an live tog:e'ther," she told the crowd. She praised the British troops for the.Ir tffort In bringing order to the land. NEEDS $1 MILLION MP Bernadette Devlin saytna:, 11They are a neceaalt)' now becau.M they have restored a aemblence ol otdtr. Koweyer, we all "-Ulejl.,... not stay forever." She told her sympathetic audience, 11tt'1 a llnlggle ol ordinary people for a decenl llfe, rree al rear and lnt.lmldaUon. Unleas tWe problem 11 IOlved It could well become 1 civU war." Her tQ;Ur ii being sponi;ored by the Na- tional Committee for Irish Justice and the fund re.isinll goal is $1 m\IUon. Real Traffic Jain Three Penn Central railroad diesel locomotives ran unattended out of an engine house, around a yard, off the tracks, through a fen ce and .onto a Boston superhighway just before . the evening rush hour Tburs4_ay. There was a massive traffic snarl but no injuries. New Jersey Biggest Casualt y of Cutback WASHINGTON (UP I) - The battleship New Jersey, a three-war veteran acd the last of her mighty kind, has been onlered back inUI mothbaUs, perhaps to the scrapyard, because her operation is ~ Ung too much money, The old battlewagon was rescued from a shipyard limbo 16 months ago so her guns, the nine largest artillery tubes in the world, could hurl their nearly one-ton shells 21 miles Jnland against targets in Viet- nam. Halsey's flagship than as a combat unit She returned to the Pacific !or two tours during the Korean war, where she earned four battle stars. Off the cout of Vietnam she fired more than io,ooo rounds in 434 missions, first against North Vietnam and later against targets in the south. When she returned after fi ve months to her borne port or Long Beach, Capt. J. Edward Snyder, 44, her sk.ipper, said "only an idiot" would decide not to return hs-Car aooUier tour of duty. . -... ~-... --..... -·--. ------- Frldq, AU9Ull 22, 1'169 DAILY I'll.OT S ' More Pullouts n ·ue? Polish Piny.boy Laird Cuts See n Most in Yi.e tnam W.\SlllNGTON (AP) -The Pentagon'• 100,000-plus cut in nillltaiy'manpower 13 likely lo be Yiewed as a sign the Nixon admlnlstraUoo I! thlnklog big in the 'Way of future troop wtthdrawa1s from Vietnam.. But he apeclficalq ruled out man reduction com~ as part S·lnin on 'Trip'? 5ecretary of o.rense Melvin R. Laird, announcing tho cut Thursday, said 1he military reduction over the next 10 mon.tllll d,oesn 't necessarily imply I Vietnam Cl.It o[ that ocope. combat t r o o p wltlldrawal.o or a coogmsiOllally dlnx:ted LOS ANGELES (UPI) - from We.st Germany, South Pentagon effort to s I as b Voityck Frokowsky, slain with Korea and Okinawa -leaving defense spending by another four other penoru1 at the Vietnam .a.s coe of tilt few re-$3 bUlion for the C'l.UTtD.t Uscal estate c1 actress Sharon Tate, matntne placu where large year. was experim•g with the numbers of Americans are Laird alrtady lopped $L1 halluclnogenic drug mescallne stationed. billion from the original fiscal when he was murdered, a Pent.agon. officials admit 1970 budget inherited In close friend believes. privately that Laird considers January from the outgoing ad· TOOmas Michael Harrigan pltent.ial replacement of U.S. ministration. said he saw Frolrowsky the troops by South Vietnamese a Under the MW economy G B t day before the m a c a b r e factor ln his plans to b1m the drive, due to leave the defense reeD ere murders and the po Ii sh overall American ml I l tar y budget at $'11 billion, the Navy emlgre tokt him he wu on the force level. will lay up 100 shipo including DecIS· 1"on Due mth day of an eight-day Fur t henn<re, Pre!ldeot the Battleship New Jersey, the mescaline trip. Livm• g Cost Nixon said in June be hoped to Air Fcrce will curtail training M e 1 c a 11 n e p r 0 duces be able to more than roatcb a ntghU sharply and the Anny SAIGON (UPI) -It will hallucination.s similar to the suggestion by-f o rm e r l! suppo6ed save $500 mlllion take at least five days to find more potent LSD and occurs for ·hfm In 1111 'nauve canada, ' He told detectlvet be waa in Malllµitlan ~ 15 mile• from the murder scene, the night of the alaylngs. Aller questloolng, he 11''!1 re1used. Harrt1an first met Frokowsky Jn June, 111611, and he had gone to tbe Tate home Aug. 7 lo lnVlte him lo a party oo 5aturday, But he dld oot 1ive the Pole the address. ••He was too far gone on the trip. He'd never have been able to understand tbe cLlrecUoDa. II Still So""S", Secretary of Defense Clark M. in lts various opera t Ion, 1 h 1 ,. A ,_ In lo naturally in the cactus buttons u..a. Clifford to get 100,000 combat maintenance and training ac. ou w a we nny ~ go g chewed by some American Okinawa Return troops out of Vtelnam this tivitles. do about the eight U.S. Special and Mexican Indians in tribal U • Jul year Some members of Congress Forctl!l (Green Berets) of· religious rites. , p m y So;.. mililll)I • rr I c... will find Lalrd closing down ·ricers accused iii murdering a Harrigan said Jay Sebring. Slated hy '72? believe the next withdrawal military installations in their Vietnamese civilian, a u .S. who the next nigh\ would be WASHINGTON (UPI) announced by the President home st.ates and that could mllll.ary spokesman Said to-one of the five slain, was sit· WASHINGTON (AP) The cost of living continued Its will probably amount to no bring bowls ol anguish. day. ting in a chair with his bead Secretary of State Wllllam P, more than~ 000 men Further The manpower reduction is ''There are at least 450 to tilted to one side, "as though Rogers and Japanese Foreip steady climb in July, increu-pullouts could take piace over expected to leave U.S. 500 pages of testimony to be he were watdtlng a movie on--Mln.i.ster Kllchi Aichi will ~ ing five-tenths of l percent coming months. strength at about 3.3 million typed," he said. "That alone ly he could see." to reach a general uni JnoeUy because of higher: At Thursday's news con· men by next July. will probably take five days." He said Miss Tate was not derstandlng here Sept. 12 to prices for food and services, ference, La1rd wouJd not com· "I shall strive to insure that After the testimony has high and seemed unaware of return control of Okinawa to lhe Labor De p & rt men t mil himself on the ad· the cuts have the least pcwi-been prepared, Col. Harold D. the condition of Frokowsky Japan by tm. reported today. ministration decision th i l!l ble Impact on our readiness." Seaman of Hampton, Va ., and Sebring, "As though there State Department otnciaJS The Bureau of La 6 0 r month on whelher to go Laird said, "but I want the chairman of the investigation, was nothing out of the who disclosed thiJ said the Statistics said c 0 n s u m e r beyond the presently aulhoriz.. American people to know that will make bis recommendation ordinary." general uoderstandin& would prices have risen 3.6 percent ed 25,000-man troop reduction there will be an inevitable whelher to drop the charges or Harrigan aurrendered to include an agreement on U.S. 50 rar Otis year, for a ln Vietnam. weakening of our worldwide go ahead with a court martial police Mooday after he learn-military rights on Okinawa I ""'e "more than 100,000" military posture." of the Green Berets. ed authorities were searching after the reversion date. seasonally adjusted annua •-~'="-==-=-'------'-~------------------------------------' rate of more than 6 percent. This ls the highest annual rate in the first seven months of a year since the Korean War year of 1951. But the bureau alsc reported lhat an increase in the tak&- home pay of rank-and·fUe workers matched the July price increases to leave their actual purchasing power about the same. The price increases for July added to gloomy news already from the Commerce Depart· ment, which has just surveyed the business scene and found more infiation just about everywhere it looked. The two reports were not encooraging news to the Nixon administratioR, which h a s vowed to curb inflation and hopes to have that mission - its foremost domestic goal - accomplished within ooe year at the most. Another first from Newport National Bank • But the Defem;e Department revealed Thursday UJat she will be decommissioned as part of a 13 billion Pentagon budget cut. "It was shnply 1 matter of mooey," 18.ld one naval of- ficer. 'Ille government spent $30 million to put her back into fighting · .shape, and it cost '26,000 a day to keep her 79 of- ficers and 1,556 enlisted men ope.rating. Co~ Jail Cell Girl Hehl 8 Day s as Man 'The decision to return her to duty as the world's only operating battleship was a controversial one from the st.art -not because or her record but because some naval olflcers felt the mooey could be better spent. The Philippine Sea, the Carolines, Leyte, Luzon, lwo Jima-her log is a roll call of World War II in the Pacific. In t1'I05e days she saw more service as Adm. William F. ATLANTIC CITY, N . J . (UPJ) -AtlanUc City police admitted Thursday they had failed to separate a girl from the boys. They said 01.arles Albert Nehus, who Wa$ tossed in the men's section of the AUantlc City Jail Aug. 11 on theft charges, turned out to be 17· year-old Phillis Kachur, a young lady who f a v or s trousers, loafers and shirl!I. ··wen, hell, It's hard to ten these days," said Police Capt. Albert Wilson when tl\e smial revelation was made during an examination of the prisoner in Atlantic City Hospital. The captain said M I 1 s Kachur had spent eight daya with a ma)e cellmate. He said ''The cellmate never knew his mate's secret. Or if he did, he's not admitting It." Wilson said lhat during her jail stay she spoke in a low voice and never took a balh and that she al.so told Sall of. ficials she. had suffered a chest injury. UJOUhaY8 a sick I. IOYI bug •• !. •Dr. Iverson athlsnaw baa h•dauartars I ' SATURDAY TV BANKING SATURDAY TV BANKIN&JS CONVENIENT AND EASY Banking on Saturday will be an added C011Y011ience at Newport Natiooal Bank for people who misSed banking during the week, or when emergencies arise and extra cash Is needed, Just drive up to our unique Auto TV Drive-In screen on any Saturday and, after pushing the button, one of our television·selectf!d tellers wiU cash checks, accept deposits, make withdrawals on savings accounts, accept loan payments, issue money orders and even open new accounts. our special TV hostesses Will serve you and your family refreshments and show you how to operate the TV Banking. It's convenien~ fun and very easy. Saturday TV Banking can make your life a little more pleasant. lllllal at these locations only IN FULLERTON SUNNY HILLS OFflCE • H1!1>or It em • m.7290 UMIVWITY OFFICE • East Clolpmon It St1l1 Coll1p • m-4840 IN NEWPORT BEACH WESTCllFF OFflCE • Wllldiff 11 Doiir • 642-3111 SATU RDAY TV BANKING IS AVAllABLE BETWEill THE HOURS OF 9:00 A.M, AND 1:00 P.M, --,..,, daytiU 5:00 pm.and 6;00 p.m. on frfdoyt. I • I ' • • ' j • I ..----- ' • DAD.Y PD.OT EDITORIAL PAGE Apartments vs. Homes The a&~roblem of a ratio between apartmenta old cllcbe, "Figures don't Jfe, but liars figure." You ara faced with these hard fact.. Today H.3 percent of the city land is zoned or master planned for a~rtments. On the other hand, S6 percent of the 1 city Is :roned or master-planned for single family homes. A 11lce ratio, but not r eally what it seems to be, If the city builds to t.hose zones and master-planned areasJ tb'ere will be one apartment dweller for every person \Vho lives in a house. and ~· f homes In a modem city is plaguing l!UDUll')OD dty olfic:WJ again. The problem is l'Ot new -it'• been going on al- most s!ll<:e'tbe day Huntlttgton Beach hegan:to emerge from a sleepy oil-oriented beech town Into a thriving suburban commbnity now boasUng 115,000 resldent.s. . It's a ·problem Iba\ most people would like to sweep under the carpet, 'but It just won't disappear that easily. 'Ibero !> no other subject in municipal planning. that draws more partisan react.ion. If you are for single tamilY homes, you 'are a;gainst apartments. If y~u are for apartn)ent.s. you wish the h~meowner would 1ust go someplace else. For example, Dr. Ralph Bauer says apartment dwellers tend to be transient and thus a large segmeot of people in the city will have lltUa commitment I? support community requirements • S!Jch a~ l>arks, 11· brarles, fire statioDS, echoola, municipal buildings, etc., and those financial issuea wblch are required to oper· Now that you have struggled through that figure dile1nma, here's another fact. Apartments in the Orange Coast area are 98 percent occupied today, The obvious answer is that more of them are needed to sat· is Cy the demand. If you don't think so ask the ~rson · \vho has shopped for an apartment recently-or is pay- ing the rerrts they command today. One other fact is worthy o!. consideratlort: acre for acre, apartment developments contribute 47 percent more in taxes than do single family developments. ate them. · · , It all adds up to another of those'"damned-if.you-do and damned-if·you-<ion't" problems for Huntington Beach officials. Then the ,good docjor drops the .bomb -"In short, a ghetto of users and ~ d~rs will be · c~eated (if the City Council allows more apartments) with no community esprit de corps for positive action." End of. an Eyesore How would you 'react to that kind of talk ii you were an apartment 01fner or dweller? ViolenUy, no doub.t. Harassed city officials ultimately must decide, right or wroog, how many apartment projects .will be approved for Huntington Beach. They must realtze thal they have no cbance o( being right. At least half the people will oppose their every decision.. . So ii you are planning commissioner or a city councilman what do you do? Obviously most of you do what you tb!nk Is best for the city as a whole. · But are you certain you are doing what is right for tbo5e diversified interests! You have 1acis and figures to show but theTe is always someone ready to drop the Speaking 0£ n1ore pleasant Huntington Beach sulr jects, Ollin C. ''Jack" Cleveland, Huntington Beach's veteran director of building and s::ifety and a longtime crusader for upgrading the downtown Rrea, had some good news to impart to city councilmen recently. One old eyesore was gone and a new, attractive building erected in its place. As crammed with nostalgia as \Vas the old \Vaite's Drug Store, t he building which housed U1e ~o\vn meet• ing place at 1vlain Street and Walnut Avenue was an eyesore andliazard. Congratulations to owner Dan Gillis-and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Terry, operators of the new coffee shop. s Greeta Beret-CIA lncide1it TV Gave Nei v Image of Case Can't Be -Cov ered Up WASHINGTON -The cumulauve er. loct of a serle1 ol inc:id<II1a lnvolvln& Ute Pat!agOll ls bebtg -led In the NIJOo Adminlltra-,,,_ lncldentl have one CGalmon fltl&or'. 'lbe Ni:son Admlnlstratioa la not belnt lrlDk and optt1 about !hem, and to, the -tt la not, that much men luel la added to the already ragina flames ol '"!U·Peola(Oll -.Ument. Tbe Green llmt CIR la --ya tuuucratic bmle between the Central ialelllgeoce Agency and the Army Special Farces, envenomed by the hatreds and fnlltralkml ol. the war-iooe mantalltY,. Emerging trom this -ls • phan-~ ol public fmpreMlont darken- .. t he heroic image of. lb e Green -and deepening the consplrBtorlal image of the CIA. So, in the en d. both become t b e murderous 1gents of ..,.w;ous, baleful and bungling policies in the mire of the Vietnam war. POR WEEKS THESE imprwions have been pennilted to grow because no cne 1s told why lbe four Green Beret of~ ficen were imprilaoed In the death of a SOath Vietnam national SUlpecied of being a double agent No information has been given out officially on why the men were held or what they are charged with. Salgon rumor and report supply a pie.. ture ot order and counterorder by the ClA In the assassination, with the Greto Berets u the premature ei:ecutiCU'l"L Not a word or explanation has emerpd from the Pentagon or the White House in • case which fascinates especially thole who wish to blacken the American forces in Vietnam as wanton killers riding down a defenseless people. When the new wave of war protests -~-. -·......-~.... .... ·. \-.. begins, u it undoubtedly will berore this year ls over, both lhe Green Berets and the CIA will bt pilloried as murderous aymbola of. public disgrace in Vietnam. The case ia not something lhe ad- ministration, or the Army Special Forces, or the CIA can cover up. Without ade· quat.e e1planation, this incid ent becomes new ammuniUoo for those who are only temporarily holding their fire oo the Pen- lagoo. THE UNITED STATF.S military agree- ment with Tbailand falls inta the same category of unuptained arrangements which ez<ite public doubt and distrust. For months, the Pentagon, the State Department and the Nixon Admlniltration u a whole havf: had an oppor111nity to explain the nature of tbe military agreement between the United States and Thailand and Its force and ef- fect. Bit by bit the story has come out that such an aqeement exists, that it involves the po96ible uae of American troops to oppose Communist forces in Laos. and that these troops woul<t be under at least nominal Thai command. The reluctance with wlttch this has beffl unofficially ad· milted only heightens the impression of secret commitments which could Involve the United States in a second £rant in Asia at the same Ume President Nixon proclaim• we are reducing our Asian military commJtmenls. Incest Increases By NORMAN NIXON, M.D. 'Ibe taboo agan.rt seJual intercour!le between blood kin of the immediate fami- 11 -particularly rather and daughter. mother and i!!On, brother and sister -has e1isted in all societies since time im· memorial. Jn only a few prlvUeged duses, usually royalty, and ln some se<:· 1arian groups, were incestuous relations ever permitted. Considered a universal crime today, laws,and penalties covering incest in all ol the United States date baCk only to JR Many states still do not cover cohabitation of aunts and nephew•, uncles and nieces, fir8t cousiM, or brotbers-in- law and siaters-ln-Jaw. PUNISHMENT FOR Utia form ol perverted se.1 behlvior varies from state to Ill.ate.. Usually only the male is cuUgated. allhough incest Is just one qmptom pf a disturbed family situation la wbld> Ute mother, daughter or ailti!r mmeUmel is the instigattr hl a rei.. llomltip whldt may -IJlldetected --W- Fri dlly, August 22, 1969 '!'he edltorlal pao• 01 !Al Da11r Pilol "'"' to inf°"" o1ld .U... lil4k nodm bv pr<ff!l!Jng W. ..... ,,..,. ... opltllcnc ond """" -111 "" lopicl of lntcul o11<1 aiQlll/1am<tr, bv prooU11ng • ,,,,_ for U.< ..,,...-of °"' rcad<n' opinioltl. o7Id br immttinQ °" dlwrrt -p0lft11 of Informed ol>Hn""' ond IJIO..,,..,. on lopicc of !Al .... Roborl N. Weed, Publllher for months or years. MOl!lt Americans believe Incest is almost noo-existent, since these crimes are seldom reported to lhe police. Hor~ rified at even the thought, many people art embarrassed just ta talk about it. Nevertheless, psychlalrists have been reporting increasing numbers of in- dividuals wba have committed incest. Na aeriously disturbed family Is immune from thi1 trqedy, regsrdleu of racial, religklus or economic backgrounds. EVERY CIDLD, when 3 to 4 )'l!ars of age, begins what is lmo\vn as the Oedipus or Electra relatiooship Ylith the parent of the opposite ux as a part of normal penionality development. When parents are aware of this famlly trlangle and treat it appropriately. the boy •ic:cessfUlly resolves hls romantic feelinp: and fanlHies toward his mother. just p a girl works through similar capricious feelings for her fat her, by the flnt or second grade, then marches on UJ the greener fiekis of normal bay-girl re.La- Uonehlp1 lat.er. But only when both pamQ outward ly show love for each other as a reflecUon of their happy mar-- 'l'tqe. WITH INNUMERABLE families brok- en by dlYOree:, de.serUon, and death each ytar, lbtre are countless rem11rrtages In Which children are involvtd. Slnce judges usur]ly award \he CUBtocty of Y"111g clilldttn to the mother, a new slt- uaUon arl&e1 when a woman r~mar· riea. Far the strpchlld-stepparent cit- tr1cUon, referred to as lhe "Phaedra CIXllpiu," becomet the countorpart of the: Oedipw and El~Lra re.lationshlp5. ,j Here again there has been nothing but dissembling by a.iml.nistration officials on what tbe Thai agreement means. The terr.lS of the agreement are held secret from the public. Ass.urance is received only from unidentified sources th at t h e agreement is not automattc in its effect or of such a binding nature that it might as well be. Much mare is needed lhan the word of unidenlilied sources Qn this point. AN01'HER SOURCE of distrust and doubt is the manufacture and movement Jn this country of lethally dangerous gases and compounds, experimentations in spreading epidemics in warfare, and the potential disaster from wrecked car· goes o( such fatal agents. Beyond that. the utility of the policy of ntanufacturing and storing such agen ts is in question. In each case, however, a \Vall of misun- derstanding Is permitted to ri se because inadequ ate explanations and justifiC<.t· lions, or no explanation or justification at all, come from responsible sources will- ing to be identified by itame. It is as if the l'entagon. the State Department and the Nixon Admini.straUon believed they were pro- tected by an impregnable wall of justifiable secrecy in the national in- terest. But the lime hailoog since passed v.·hen the need for secrecy is accepted as a justifiable or practicable defense in all cases. If lhe Pentagon Y.'ishes to see more nf . the public's conUd~nce drain 8\li'ay it ·will eonlinue to operate behlnd the shield of secrecy when frankness wnuld better serve its own and the national Interest. .. Ill u~ s. Particularly far older girls during pre· puberty and early adolescence, lhe sl!>p- father often is the first object of th eir normal interest in adults of the opposite sex. The same is true in situaUons like Phaedra's when 11 young woman marries a much older man and falls in lo\'c wilh his son of a farmer marriage. SINCE TllE stepchild and stepparent are not blood relatives, the incest taboo is diluted consider.ably. Unlcs.<; the ne\v famil y unit is :i sound one. \vith both parents loving and respecti ng each other, the stcppatenl·stepchild attract.ion can gel out of band. Indi viduals \vho resort to incestu ous behavior certainly are mixed up emo- tionally. The fa mllies in which these of- fenses occur usually nrc so d1i::ruptcrt th:it children ca nnot develop inta normn l. healthy ndults. Y.'ith suspirlons. ri valriC'S and jealousies so intensified. fam ily harmony and C<>OJ'l(ralion arc markedly dimin ished. Puni shmen t alanc is not a deterrent for incest bul psyc.hlatric treat- ment ol the family. not just of one in- dividual, can be helpful. Dear Gloomy Gus: The dny of th(' tln rr11ckf'rbo1 scr,·lce !tauon ls f.?Onl\ or ~hou lrl be. Lei 's ha\'t" 11 ~.rung ordinar>C1! In l{unllnaton Beacti -a blow for beaur y. -R !,. T. Tlllt lt•IH19 f'll-'1 •"IN"' Ylt'WI. 11111 q(ft!t fllf J!'Ott c• l~t ~t•ltt...,., I .... ,..., "' -........ , .... 0.llY ,jlitl, Pat Nixon Rqyce Brier Modem communications lift the·waman known colloquially as the ''First Lady" inla the public light in a way impossible in the last century. This was disclosed on television earlier this month in a half- hour narratian by !\-1rs. Richard Nixon of fler trip around the world. Further, the program gave evkleoce of lhe profound effect a President's wife cari have on her husband's national standing. Washington and Lincoln were perhaps exceptions. They were so preeminent their wives hardly touched their careers. "fart.ha \Vashington, still I a r g e I y unknown, was a colonia l dame who kept her place. Mary Lincoln was a protean figure whose husband turned out to be of supt immense stature that she has becon1e a passing oddity. IN OUR Tll\1E \VE have known lhree extraordinary wives, Jacqueline Ken· ncd y, Ladybird Johnson and Eleanor Roosevelt We appear to have beef! glamorized into unreality In our view or the then l\lrs. Kennecly. l\frs. Johnson had such eminent good sense as in some n1easure to counterpoise her husband's sagging forluncs. P.1rs. Roosevelt was probably the most remarkable of the WlU!c J10U!)C Vt'iVCS, becall!e She WaS seldom there. For six months Mrs. Nixon's image (that \vord!) resisted efforts of the news media to 1nakc her interesting. Everybody acquainted with her know~ her as a woman of fine character and high intelligence. But she had been seen lL S a passive figure, in public appearances slways calmly beside her husband, yet only an adjunct or the Presidential presence. \\'HAT SllE llAS lacked publicly is aniznation, but this is a tricky apparition. It may be interpreted as Inability lo pro. jeet perS-Onality, which is passivity, or as true n11xlesty. These are widely differing traits, thougtl I.hey often wear the satne ~uise. \\'c know that from our eieryday ex pericnc<', people who seem aloof at first glance, but are not aloof when .knO\VTI. This television progran1 should have altered some impressions n1 any A1nericans had for the year Mrs. Ni~n has been in the public eye. First, it was skiJlfully paced and pro- porUoned. in a haU-hour inst.cad o( nn hour . \Ve had forekoowledge Mrs. Nixon would be impeccable in :i.ction and at- litudt', but we did not know how she \\'Ould transcend this social value. And th <it she did. SHE DISPLAYED a moving reelin~ for humble human beings, people who have losl in life, or never had a chance, retarded children. orphaned children, desperately v.•ounded American S-Oldie rs., 1'00 faces or these people as she bent (1ver lht m and look their hands glowed \1·ith 1:1 light whJch rorestalled any cynical l'fforts to sec her visits as inspired !>y :-elf·lnterest. She was other than studious of how she would appe:ar. Then when she talked, e1plalnlng her Dppro.ach to differing scenea 1n differing places, yau ~rceived she was not aloof at all, but a warm-hearted, concerned ~oman in a part of the world where all does not come up roses. This is of course but one ptt&an's view- point. but it must be said as a duty in in- lerprcting events. As fu rl her in· trrpretalion, It is submitted here that. \l'hatrvtr the polillcal profit of lhe Ptti,idenllal Journey , Lhe human profll is Incalculable. due chieny to Mrs. Nixon's own coocepl ol, and response to, the ta.5k put before her. · Latest Moon. Landing Most Suicides Among Affluent We were talking about his Social Studies, and my older boy asked me to tell him abaut the Depression. I tried ta explain it as humanly and graphic,\ly as possible - although the memory still hurts -and happened to mcnliqn the number of men who committed s · ide in those days, What surprised him most was jority of suicides were men of aff --bankers and broke.rs cind busin -and not the very poor. lle f hard la understand why this s the cause. AS WE GROW OLDER, howeve;r. we begin to recognize that a prl;ilegc withdrawn is more painful tblin a deprivation we have always lived! With. As Aristotle said long ago, no man feels cheated for not having an eye in the back of his head: but if men were borri with rear eyes,· a person without one V.'ould resent his "blindness." Growing older is also corrupting, in a sense. We become used to what we never had before, and find it harder to live wlthQut such advantages than wr ever dreamed would be possi ble after \lo·e had them. If anything proves "original sin" in hum;m nature, it is the insidious way a luxury turns into a "necessity." And it is far easler to do without a hlgher standard or living than to relrencb after haviJ1g it. POOR PEOPLE were not much worse off in the Depressian than they had been before; there was a tightening oi belts. but belts had alv.·ays been tight for them. lt was the prosperous suddenly facing ~--.... _ • ' Si~ney J. Harris ; _J poverty who took a look down the precipice and found the distance so shat. tcring -and many preferred ta jump than to roll down into the deep economic chasm. Indeed, for those who remember it, there was a ce11ain kind of grim camaraderie among the poor in those days. a feeling of everyone being in it together, much like Londoners In the Blitz -and th is sense of sharing a com· · mon misery provided the poor with a morale th.at was lac~g in the newly deprived. ACTUALLY, SUIODES have always been more common among the affluen t than among the poor: the latter have hopes t~at if they could gel a little more money, most of their problems would be solved. But the prospcrous already see that there is no end ta this process. and are forced to the candid conclusion that personal happiness docs not depend upou the acquisition of more worldly goods. What is a pity is that the social and moral virtues engendered by wars and depressions tend ta erode in times of peace and prosperity. \Ve act better toward each other when things are bad, but qllickly forget the common \li'Clfiirc when ihe dan ger has pas1 -and just wh.cn we need it most. Call It 'New Hunia nism' "President Nixon ha s recommended ta Congress a program or leglslnUon \Ybich he calls the 'new federalism : but it may be more aptly described as a 'new humanism' in governn1ent.1• -David Lawreoce, \Vashington Star. •·•1e (President Nixon) has dealt with lhc intolerable paradax of American life. He has insisted that poverty in a pros • pcrous country must be eliminated. He has asked the Congress for ta1 reform. He has begun withdrawing troops from Vietnam, and put a limit to Ame~ican responsibility for keeping peace all over the world." -James Heaton, New York Times. "It was thoroug)tly In order thal the President urged the elimination of'j this 'colossal failure' in favor of a brandiill •w approach. We applaud that decisloo as, in fact, we think most citizens also {Will agree in broad terms .with the basic gOals the President set forth." -Washln(toD Star Editorial. ''TO DESCRIBE the Nixon plan as bold is an understatement It ls a reform to be ' Guest Editorial cmnpared with the original adoptian or the Social Security Act in J9J6." Richard Wilson, Columnist. "His work incentive proposal, H energetically and imaginatively ail· ministered, in tin1e should lead to a11 enormous reduction in relief rolls and costs. The gain in individual self-reliance and self-respect could be even more im· portant ta the national well-being than lhe potential savings to the taxpayers.'' -Wasblngt-On News Editorial. "The President cannot implement his program. Now it is up to Congress. And Congre~ very clearly should heed A1r. Nlxcm's urging to offer opportunity and dignity ta those in need instead or a vicious cycle of dependenty." Philadelphia Bulletin Editorial. --------By' Geor9e Dear George: \Vhnl's the malter with the mi'l- rlte·aged generation, George? Ho1• rome yau cats are so rldlculoual~ hung up on how long somebody's halr is, of all stupid things? 1 _ NINET&EN AND SHAGGY O.ar SbaUY ' You know what, Shaggy! You're going to make a real great bigot U .. you don·1 watch ~l Where do you get off condemning • whale gener1- tlon? I nol only don't care how long your heir is. und think anybady who condemns today's klcll is nuts, bul l 've gat. a strang hunC'h you C'an hardly wait far your age to catch up wilh your basic stadginess. Back lo the •ll'fCSSO, pseudo-hip -YOU ain't com'llng us. (Send your problems lo George, the naUon11 No. I authority on Sld~ays Thinking.) I ... .. ---•• • DAILY PILOT 'f CHECKING _(;OP Gives Up on House But Not Senate e UP e 1 WASHINGTON (APl -Two GRAFFm by Lury iom that the party In power t t op Republican strategists generally loses congressional agreed Wednesday the GOP seats In a mkltenn eltelion. haa only .an outside chance of But they see the Senate races , winning House. control in the as a likely departure. mainly 1970 congresalonal electioas because 25 Dtrnocratlc seats but expressed optimism about and only I Republican seats the Senate. are being contested. Some Men ·Marry Deputy Chatnnan J I m RJchards said the COP's Mothers-in-Law Alliaon Jr., the operations cha.nee {)( winning Senate con+ clUP lo the aggressive new trol "Is better than it has been team that bu taken command In some time." Republicans Bly L. M. BOYD please a man the girl is not supposed to show off the cos- tume. the costume is· supposed to show off tbe girl. Old Anatole France had it just about right when he said, "On- ly men who are not interested in women are interested in women's clothes; men who like women never notice what they wear." of the Republican National last won the House and senate Committee, said he is not as in 1951 but lost both two years optimistic as House GOP later. Leader Gerald R. Ford, who Allison cited Democratic- has rated Republican chances held seats in Ohio, Indiana, in 1970 at 50-50. Nevada, Texas, Florida, Ten. .. I feel we have a good ne.ssee. Coo.oecticut, Utah and chance to pick up between New Mexico as prime GOP eight seats and control," Alli-prospects with JXISSibilities son said. Democrats currently also in MJdtigan and Wyom - hold a 2#188 lead with three ing. A seven-seat pickup would vacancies, and the GOP needs divide the Senate 50-50 and to gain 28 seats for control. give Vice President Spiro T. OPEN QUESTIONS-t. Who SIMILAR VJEW miU.ee, ln conjunction with the Agnew the deciding v:ot.c in • A s1·milar v1·ewpo1n· t wu ex-R e" u b I i can ,..,...,.ressional oganWng it. invented the fly swatter? 2. " """'6 wu n't Bob FeUer at age 16 pressed ln a separate in-Committee, plans "a big effort FAVORS SOUTH the youngest baseball player terview by Richard Rlchards, to make some gains in the Allison rejected a suggestion pen,. ol the Northeast. M0<ton of Maryland; and bor~r 'states, but the GOP I• "We feel that we have got a While llouse political aide alto renewing its ellorts Jn national strate1y,'' he sakl, llarry Dent o( Souih Carolina Northern industrial llateJ, adding that "planning a are all from Southern ~ especfaUy in black slum areas. Southern · strategy lrom •j;:==================:; pr&CUcal standpoint would be ROUND TRIP foolish for our party" since he1 upect.. that if G<or(e C. Wai.I lace runs for prealdent again' ht-will coocentrate on lhe South. ANYWHERE IN Although ha said It would be d~ficult to win the 1972 elec. tion without tbe South, he ad· ded he hopes the party could CALIFORNIA make up for any Southern tosses with new strength in the Northeast such as I n Pennsylvania. I 85( Allison said the Republicans1 are maklng a concentrated el·\ fort now in two Northern, oa LUI states -New Jersey, where 1 he feels they have a good c hance to win t he governorship, 1.nd Massachussets, where the par· l t ty is fighting to hold the House f seat of the late Rep. WUliam Bates. LOVE AND WAR -Many a husband has deserted his wife to run off with his mother.in- law. So you think that's too broad a statement, do you? All right, why is it 12 states make it a crime for a man lo marry his mot.her-in-law'! Becau5e it occurs, that's why. And With astonlshing frequency, too. Jn civilized societies, I mean. It rarely happens in uncivilized socielies, should be noted . As Sir James Frazer wrote, "The awe and dread with which the intutored savage conUmplates his mother-in-law are amo11&st the most familiar facts of anthropology." Wlly the modern man is apt to get romantic with his mother-1n- law while the tribal native is not will be taken up hen subsequently, allhougb not soon. ever to get into the major former Utah stale G 0 P House" but added : lha't the national committee _ leagues? 3, Does any given chairman and now the na-''I doo't look ~o controlling and the Nixon administration RENEW EFFORTS name have more spellings tional committee's political the House. That would be -ar·e following a Southern Allison, a 38-year~ld Texas than Catherine~ 4. Who did director. unrealistic." Both All ison and strategy that favors the South, . newspraper publisher; National j For calls after 6 p.m. weekdays and all weekend. 3 minutes station·to-staUon, plus tax. ,..,....._@ Oliver Wendell Holmes have in -~H~e~said~· ~th~e~na~u~· o~na~l_'com-:'."'.':_~R~i~ch~ard~s~c~ital~the~pol~i~Lic~a~I ~·x~·_:Mid~·~w~..t~a~nd~W~esl~a~t~the~~"~·~C'.!ha~irm~an~~Rog~ers~Jc~. ~B~.~=================== mind when he said, "Fatel- A PAIR OF PROFESSORS at the University of Con. nccticul claim they have pro- ved cooclusively a woman's memory for names and face.! is far superior to a man's. • .IT WAS THAT WISE SCOT James M. Barrie who so long ago observed, "His lordship may compel us to be equal upstairs, but there will never be equality in the servants' halls.". . .A ST. LOUIS SUBSCRIBER says he just received for his birthday a left-handed briar pipe. What, may I ask, is a left-handed pipe? CLOTHING-Do w o m e n dress to impress men or other women. If you can think of a more weathered rheotorical inquiry than that, name it. No~leu, it crops up again here 111 a note from a feminine customer who insist! she dresses to please h e r gentleman friend, nobody else. Excellent. That is how it should be. No doubt she bears in mind to dress properly to tried to conceal him by nam- ing him Smith"? S. What four· footed animal can't walk? THAT TUMBLEWEEl}-At hand ls an unconfinned report the tumbleweed, k n o w n hereabouts as Russian thistle, did not actually get out lo the Old West unt11 years after the original guns were quiet and the original gunmen dead. Is this true? A native Coloradan says tumbleweeds didn 't show up in his state until about 70 years ago. Despite this, prac- tically every western movie tho staged in earlier days, pie· lures tumbleweeds atumbling. lncidentally, am certain J've seen the identical tumbleweed in ·a doz.en differtnt shows. Town gets quiet. Doors close against th e upcoming gun- fight. Sky darkens. Wind picks up. And down the ma.in drag rolls that same d u m b tumbleweed. Must say, that bush gets more work than Walter BreMan. Your questions and com. menu are welcomed and will bt used ·wheTtver J>OS· tible in "Checking Up . ., Address mail to L. M.-· Boud. in care of,JM DAILY PILOT, Boz 1875, N t10p011 Beo<h, Calif .• 92663. Rziss Having Troubles Controlling Betting MOSCOW (UPI) -There are no roulette tables, no one· armed bandits, yet thousands oC rubles are being gambled away on the Soviet Black Sea coast this summer. Balmy weather and gullible Soviet touri sts, their vacation money in their pocket!, pro- vide the necessary prere- quisites. Since there are no state casinos, gambling Soviet-style is done primarily in taxicabs, although hotel rooms, beaches knives and began abseotmind- ly to play with lhftn- PoUce hold a Ust o £ "crimJnals" but have a hard time putting them behind ban. "The courts find nothing criminal in the actions oC these gamblers," said the newspaper. ' 'They are dangerous not only because they deceive tourists, but they throw an open challenge to our morality and demoraliu our youth." and parks are also favored. 1----------1 The newspaper Selyskaya1 ..----------. Zhizn (Rural Life) warned holidaying farmers •' l he number of gamblers jn the Black Sea resorts is growing." The taxicab appears to be the favorite gambling Jocation because it gives gamblers a feeling o( security a n d mobility. Poker sha rks usually take a cab, invite a tourist for a ride, have a couple oC drinks on the way , and then start U~ came. Police al Soehl reported numerous instances of tourists J0&ing up to 300 rubles ($330 dollars) in such a tall ride, then returning home broke from cancelled vacations. Ofte n tourists, ooce they realize they are literally being taken for a ride, want to quit the game but their partners soften their reluc· lance with implied threats. According to SOCIU police Inspector Pyotr I. Mali there were instances when the pro- fessional gamblers p u 11 e d VNITED S TATES NA TIO N AL BANK SOUTH COAST PLAZA BR.(NCH NOW OPIN SATURDAYS t te 1 P.M. MON·T .. UU 10°1 P.M. P•IDAYI 1MP.M. <11<11 uo.1111 . '-••Mii T•: S•. C.... ,,..., ~,. M .. Atlf, Vkto ,.,.., M• ... E. H. LEVAN TURN ·ON Turn on a 100 watt light- bulb-yours for only 10 .. with each purchase of gaso line ••• at partici- pati ng Texaco Retai lers in this area. Lightbulb supply is limited so don't delay. Turn in at Texaco today. ._..... .......... You'll find great buys on RCA Color TV sets right ~ -everythinc from mastw..:ralted fme fumltµre styles to Sleek portables.· See them au, indudinc ·thole with "Wi,.._ Waardl' ' • remole control. · n• s Oflicial -RCA Calor TV Is JOU!' bat choice 10 take advantap of bis saYinpl W.A:LK- AWAY VALUES .. 11 ' ,.. .... _ 'Ndc ---..... ,,.YHf .... , ---COICTCll.dcl .. --· •52910• bite S' -Ill .......... , ........ ---------1 $ C:Sj CllMMt, l#f ... •= .. ~ '52918* ,.. ....... _,_.,, .. ·-~­•IROmltic DwDr'Da ..... -. ... __ --·--w••NT <allta•• ... ...., .,,. .. , a •-....-sea di•• ltylC' AFl'CI II ill fiM....,; .... ---.,,....Sdld ... --•59915• .... .. , ........... ,,,.. ............ ... The hm1io -elopnt Spoftill> ...... conaolt, 11.d•Mit "lodtid-in" tint l\lttinc (~ oo bolit UHF Olld VHF •. Now . -25,oOod __ _ ............ u,.. ... CllMrDIJ•-....-. .. • .... ;r ...... ···--.. 119 -....--lltt• __ ................... ------=:--=-' - .. :tMMORE of COLO{lXV • t ) • ' ' ... ... .. • .. -.. f DAILY PILOT rrldlf, -22.1~' • College Cuts Due? ,,. __ .. Mii.MUM Nov arro M arder . 'A dvances' T ol,d in Court Sclwols Say 25,000 to Be Turried Away Wage Fight Threatens LA Schools LOS ANGELES (UPI) -A ltalemate in salary negotia· tions between teachers and the board ol education threat.ens to delay the scheduled opening of 1"" Angeles City Schools SepL 15. Teacher representatives ac- cused the odlool district 'llwnday " not bargainil>jl in good faith and said teachers would seek legal redress or walk out if the situation is not 1et rigfll Robert Unrube, cllairman of the Unified District Negotiating Cooncil, s a i d Superintemlent J a c k P. Crowther offered a 5 percent pay raise "m a Cat take it or leave it basis." A lcbool official said "we have talked and we just don't have any mo.re dollars now to negotiate w I t b • ' ' The guperintendenl's salary com- mittee was upected lo recom- mend a 5 percent increase for teachers at a board of educa- tion meeting Monday. Unruh Leads 'Candidates' SACRAMENTO (AP) - Assembly Minority Leader J-M. Unruh ii the leodlng paliential Democratic can- didate for governor against Gov. Ronald Retgan'1 ex· pected re-eleclion bid in 1!17<), the cnpyrigb1 California Poll saya. Unruh Jed botb San Fran- cilco l\layllt JOS<ph Alioto and S. I. Hayakawa, San Francisco Stale College presiden~ in a sampling o( Democratic voters, the poll reported Tbur:adaJ. In' a tbeoreUcal matdi between the three for the Democratic nomillatloo in the June primary election, Unruh had 40 -~ Hayakawa 25 .....,rt and AllotD 2S perce11L Field noted that Hayakawa ts nol considered a likely can- didate. SACRAMENTO (UPI) - Gov. Ronald Reagan's ad- mlnlstratioa. and a spokesman fOr 1tate employee were split ~ over whether Reagan's economy budget cuts would force state colleges lo reject 25,000 qualified students. Slashes In the budget, com- bined with higher CCX!U, wiU force the college.s to turn away an expected 20.000 n e w stude:nls. said C&Ufomla St.ate Employes Association GeneraJ Manager Thomas T. Jorda.a jn a prepared statement Thurs- day. Jordan said the col~ges would have to· 0 close the door on at last 5,000 currtnlly enrolled students as we.II." He said the administration had proposed to the colleges a tm.71 budget of $26S million, "$10 million less than the cur· mot budget." While the colleges were in. slructed to ask for sup- plementary funds If needed. Jordan said, such money has traditionally been used only for spe.clal programs. But Finance Director Caspar W. Weinberger in an answering statement called it "inconceivable" that colleges would turn away 2 S, O O o students and said Reagan had "given higher education the highest primity" on the budg· et. He did not dispute the budget figures used by Jordan, but said state agencies we.rt allocated funds ''based on the current year's budget and told to assign their h i g h e s t priorities wilbin that amount." Agellcies were told to submit "supplemental lists or high priority programs," be said. Smog Alert Called Again LOS ANGELES (AP) -The second first-st.age smog alert of the year in the Los Angeles basin came a day after the first and was officially described as the wont air pollution in nearly two years. Ten minutes after the alert was coiled 'l!lur3day by tile Air hllutilal Control District, the a:incentration of ozone rellt'bed .7U parts per million parts ri alr In the vast San Gabriel Valley. On Aug, 30, 19f1. the district said the count was .'13, al.aG in the east San Gabriel Valley. 11Since the state colleges detennine their priorities in the preparation Of the I r budget, it would be in- conceivable that they would recommend eliminating 25,000 students," Weinberger said. * * * Extra Aid To Schools Due Toda y ti ii Fram Win Servl«t noonced pion ri llOl calling his LOS ANGELES _ A defense client to Ute llattd to testily about who delivered the fatal witneu says one c:A. two beaUng. brothers on trial for inurder A prasecutlon w I t n e as told him he beiit Ramon t~ied that Thom a a Navarro because the actor Ferguson had told ber his made bomosexual advances brother beat Navarro. lbe brothers tortured Nova.mt to force him to reveal th• locallon ol $5,000 in cash they believed be had secreted ltt bis home. Ilia nude body was found bound and bludgeoned on a bed in the rambling mansion last Oct. 30. toward him. The prosecution contends "I j1111t hit him very hard!;===================• Join us for HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES at TIMPLE SHAI ON TM COn1wv1tlw S'tM'°'""' for !tie Enllr• Hll'bOr ArM 1111 W11t H1'"ilto11, Co1t1 Maia For l11forlftatio11 ctll: 646-51152 several Um es and he's dead," Victor Nichols quoted 'lbomas Scott Ferguson, 18. Nichols, a real estate investor, testified that the Ferguson brothers came to his Hollywood apa1t- ment just after midnight Oct. 31, the day the 69-year-otd ac- tor wu found at home, choked in his own blood. R•Wtl GliP'Mf'I GMdm•" Paul Robert Ferguson, 23, a'"9 the Temple Sha,_ Choir told hun' Novarro had made """"" rour -" tocHy -SNllnSI ll Llmlttd. Bally..sl!llne pt°"'°9d for Ga'(llrM HNka.. SACRAMENTO (AP) _ "l!nproper advances" toward FrJcNoy Ewnl119 s.rv1ca at 1:u JIM 'Ibis "X F •-" d · ... brolher Nt'cho'· •--tifited School Rl'Ulltr111on. SuncNoy, StPI. 1 •.. 1e AM S a c r a mento, the day "He (Paul) told me that was acwr ay 1n-~·'loo/~;:::~~;;~;;~::::::::::::::!~~~~ 1 = • ~~ · 1~:;;;;;;~;;;;;=;~;;;;;';;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;';~;;=i California schools learn how Novarro made advances to much additional stale aid they -Tom and Tom bit him several YOUR PROBLEM•. -would gel this year. times very hard," Nichols The X factor depends on the s ' L F • testified for lhe defense. state's General Fund surplus, ta te S arg est ire Nichols aaid Tom confirmed You want to sall some item which was to be revealed by the story of improper ad· th•t you no lon~r nHd but Republican State Controller vances. someone el" can UM for i' Hous1on1.F1ournny.Finance Nea r;ng Conta;nment A1i.rNtc11o1s test111ed NOT OVER sso 1 .. berger said he wou1d be on lawyer Richard W. Walton, ? ? ? '7 ? 7 Director Caspar W. Wein-11 a.. Thursday, Thomas Ferguson's i ~e~~h~~s=:r:~~:!i SAN BERNARDINO (AP) spark [rom the exhaust of a said he might change hil an-vou·R A·Nsw' ER·.· -. . ::. interest fn the announcement -Officiab p r e d t c t con-truck or heavy equipment t of the General Fund surplus tainment by tonight of vehlcle. The fire started off FBI E t i You call THE DAILY PILOT, 11k for ! becauae or the school COm· Southern Callfomla's largest the side of CallCornia 138. n ers I Cla11lfled Advertl1ln9, •nd place • • putaUon fcrmu:Ja written into fire of the year and say the No .structures hid been i the budget during this year's probable call!e of !he vast burned and officl:Js said Ibey Lennon Case PILOT .. unprecedented btldget crisis. ~ Flournoy even called a blaze was a hot spark from a could protect u to 15 cabin.! in •' prenews conference briefing vehicle's exhaust. the fire's path. There were no LOS ANGELES (AP) -The :! PENNY "' Thursday to explain 1 0 The brush Ure had blacken. more injuries reported in ad-FB( has joined the search for:; i reporters what he would be ex-ed 1,350 acres a few miles dltion to the five hurt on a man sought in connection :! PINCHER :Ii plaining today. But be declined northwest ol Lake Artowhead Wednesday. with the slaying of William:;: :: to give any hint as to the size but was 90 percent surrounded Wind lifted embers outside Lennon, father of the singing : • olFlthe surplusdid. Iha h :rr~:Ls1:;~ ~~~~ai~· !: !~a8r~I~= ~e~la:d = LenQOn Sisters. CLASSIFIED AO :: wan:":wsmen"~ be ~1ea'r <1espii. high temperatures an<1 which were quickly put out u.s. Atty. Matt Byrne issued AT OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE : · · inds a warrant Thursday saying :i on the meaning of the figures ns1ng w . Thursday, fire f i g b t er s Chet W. H. Young, 38, also 2· 2 2 ,. so no one would get the Un.. Same 600 firefighters were reported. ' known as Marvin Edward Ma· L I N E s T I M E s D o L L A R 5 -1 pressfon that "All of a sudden on the line at the fire's heigbt Air bombers had gplattered l·tlt, had croesed state lines ii· ; we appropriated a Jot of Thursday but officials said the Qre with 127,000 gallons of egally to avoid prosecution. AND YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD I ;: moneln Jyul. 'y' ' Gov. Reag•• agreed !hey were able to reduce lhls r e t a r d a n t , and three '!bat action brought the FBI D I A L N 0 W D I R E C T I • .... by several hundred men to-helicopters were helping shift into the case. I . • ~ to appropriate $120 million in day, officials said. men around. 0 ( f i c I a Is A warrant issued in Santa 6 4 2 5 6 7 8 • available funds for new 9Chool A spokesman s a Id in-reiterated their pleas for ex· Monica Municipal Court last • :, aid , in addition to the ap-vestigators detennlned the treme caution in forest and week seeks Yoong f 0 r in-fTofl frM N.m c ....., 14f.1WI : proximate $LS b i 11 I on -:-p_roba_b_le_c_au_se_w_a_s_a_ho_t_b_rus_h_are_as_. -----vestigation of murder. .,, ''' '''',,,, '',,, ''',,,, '',,,,,,, '',,,,,,, ~ allocated under e x i s t i n ic formulij!. He originally pro- posed only $105 million in new achoo! aid. Additionally, he agreed to put into t h e school aid pro- gram any unupec:ted surplus over the $250.4 million surplus for<eaat by the Finance De- partment in May. 1'be $250.f mllllon figure included the $194 mlllJon the administration carries on the books as a cash reserve in case o( a 5Udden fiscal crisis. WE QUIT! I * Provides ufety It high speeds ••• EVERYTHING MUST GO FINAL DAYS FRIDAY r. SATUIDAY *Gives over twice the milegae ••• *Saves 911 loo! Tiii ON Ya OFF! Genera a ET $ Turn on a 100 watt light· bulb-yours for only 10-*with each purchase of gasoline ... at partici· patina Texaco Retailers in this area. Lightbulb supply is limited so doa't delay. Tum in at Texaco today. On All Merchandise Lumber Hardware Tools Plywood Electrical Accounting MachlM Sash & Doors MoulclillCJS AddNSSOCJraph Mobile TelepilonH ShelYillCJ Office Equip. Fencing Floor Tile Signs U9ht Bulbs Weather Stripping Locks Paneling CeilillCJ Tile Shfftroek Adding Machine Tobles Chairs TOO MANY ITEMS TO UST! -CASH AND CARRY - AD Sales Final -No Refunds COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. 1700 SUPERIOR AVENUE m COSTA MESA • ,., nrca. t1.1wttiu, IOIU. NWll't. ,_,, MAG WHEELS SS/8000 SUPER SPORT "Plus state and/or local taxes • Mirror.polish chromti • Cast aluminum center • Theft-proof hub cap $2995 each • Other styln av1ll1ble Ford, Chevrolet, Plymouth & Dodge 646-5033 Don Swedlund I FRONT END ALIGNMENT 0 1r .,.clollstl canect cmter, $850 c.-Mr .~ ... ..._.,,. IMpect .cl edjmt ......... Most U.S.c.9n ·-.:::.\_ ( .. . ----~· :--"" ...... ~ WHEEL BALANCE $2~ .. COMPLETE CAR CARE Sinca 1959 HOWi: 7:JO lo 6:00 Dolly "' ,. 'Y as 1d a >n " ' . ' ~-~~~~~~--~--------------~------------------11111(1111----------~.;...--- President Sets Travel Style Freeway Priority Explained SACRAMENTO -A member of tbt State Highway Comm.Wion a s s u r e d an Orange County deleaation this week that the commission realizes lhe need for com- pletion of the. 0 range Freeway, but said It muat be measured against other needs. Alexander H. Pope of Los Angelts made the remark after the Orange Freway Ac- tion Committee asked that the commission not divert the coo-i..:.:.: struction money to other f""t routes. - Jn question are construction funds lo complete the section of California 57, the Orange Freeway, between the Riverside Freeway and the Santa Ana Freeway. Pof>e told Frank M. Reid, chairman of the freeway ac- tion Committee and executive • vi«: pre&ident or the Fullerton The best way to get around the President's Western himself (left). Reporters (right) find the golf cart Chamber of Commerce , Whiie House grounds is to take a tip from the man a handy mode of transportation "Nobody questions the need----------------------------------------- for the Orange Freeway. Jt 's just a matter of priority." Pope added that the com- miS1Slon "faces acute problems In many areas" and it's not a quesUon of whether to build the freeway, but when. $41,398.40 Allocated To Sheriff Bottomless Charges BarmanDue BackinCourt of the nature of the charaes --. Frldq, AU9U1l 22.196' Food Stamp Plan. Starting Oct. 1 SANTA ANA -Food the first year's CO!t to the stampa will be available in county 10 administer the pr~ Orange County on Oct. I, ·11 •-s 5 ooo bo t Wellaire Director Granville gram wi uc 11 ' · a u $40,000 more than eatimated P«>ples reported to county earlier. A supervisor and IUpel'\'Llors UtlJ weet. seven clerks are be.ing hired Supervlaora granted Peoplea u administrators. .. DAILY PILOT f ' YOU ... , YINTUIDOMI Multi.GIKIPllllH Ol'llt!ttlll ""*"*" ............ lwtftl.lf) ""'*'" .... JOl*llltlly ,nm. ... .,.,... '"'""" frtr AllTOMATIC LAWN l•llNllt.l.Nfe 11•.W II) wrlllnt C.Jly •1111 .. M·fll. I Make 1;1 .SharP. , D.eal; .Use DA'ILY PILOT Dime-A-Lines authority to enter into con-Orange County is one of the tracts wlth banks to sell the last three counUes ih the state stamps. Peoples 11kt he es:-to begin the food stamp pro- pecll about 30 bank branches nd ed b 1 will bt olltrln1 the food gram ma at Y a sta e li;S~u~pr~em~e~Court~~docl~•~io~n~.;;;;;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;ii;ii;ii;i stampa for aale. Food ttamps .are designed to help the poor attaJn food purcbulna power. stamps are bought by thole who qualily 11 leas than face vallle with the difference being made up by the fedttll government. For exlllllple, 1 family ol' four with adjusted net income (gross income le.ls necew.ry living expenses) of $200 to $2119 monthly could buy "1 worth or stampa for $81. ' Peoples said about 10,000 ramJUe.s in Orante County will qualily for the food atamp pro. gram and that cerWJcation of the income ol thost not now on \\-'elfire will begin about Sept. I. The weUart director also told supervison he estimates Let TV WEEK Turn You On ' I See By Today's Want Ads: e A hole In One~ Baktr man wanlMI fOt' niJht wark. make donut!, ell'.'. • For Swt?ethearts ~ A sweet. heart oJ a loun,e in black feke fur $6.1. e In a Deep PUrple Mood for a pa.ir of Ameth.Yst Italian &!us lamps. Meetings SANTA ANA -Sheriff James A. MU3ick will recei ve $41,398.40 in county funds this week, hls department's share of this year's distribution from the California Peace Officers' Training Fund. SANTA ANA - A Santa Ana bar manager who recently sertr'ed 10 days in Orange County Jail for defiance of a court order banning bot- tomless dancing will be back in Superior Court Monday on renewed contempt charges. posure and disorderly conduct charges. Booked in the police raids of July 26, Aug. 9 and Aug. ll were Shirley AM Nelson. 27, and Jeannette Ruth Oman, 25, of Santa Ana and Toni Jane Tarantella, 26, of Long Beach. Brown and Dennis Farley Oman. bar manager, were also arrested. against him. !====================~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!~ It is expected that DiJlrict DEATH NOTICES RANEY J1nl!M It. HM!tl'. 201 l.1~1 S.I .• Hunt- lntlon 8tKl'I. Gr1\'f!IJde ur~kn, Tuitsdal'· 10 AM. Good SM11henl Cem-11.rt . Dlretltd by Dlld•l' 8rot1,.r1 MorllltN. aa-m1. STENCE Lll'I E. $1.,ICI . D1!1 of dffl)I, Au- 11111t '1. $urvlwd bv ton. H.,·old L Sttl\u: .,...,..,,., CP1rl1~. kn'• lkts ~ndlnt 11 Dlld•1 lrolhera Mllf· tutN, I0-1111, HORN 11:11"911 W. ·"'°"'· S4t2 Mint"'"" Hufll-kollOn 8Pdl. D1t1 of de1th, A1111111ot 71, $urvfvtid "" Wlft , S'flwll ; dlllfft- .. , , Cl'ftrttll Ho"" "ftfttl. Mt, Ind Mr1. Wllltiol Htrni brlltll1r, Ho'!li"d H....,, 1111..,., Pnym1 Holtom~dt. S.rwla.. Mondll', 11 AM. Dlldtl' &rothen O.NL ln~rll'llnt, w111mln- 1t.1r ,,.._.111 Pll"k.. Dinc:IN by Dli.Ml' 8ri>tMn Mof'lutry, ""2·7171. CASEY Ooleri!s M•rlt CIM!l'. SU 1!!. OcH ll. H..,,,_t lltld'I. DtM of dUIPI, Autu1t lf. Survived bl' mot'Mr, Oorulllr llltn- del, CMl1 Mna1 d1uthf11r, Mrs. 11111' lttlhir, W11hlntfoll1 ton. Rlthtrd lllt!fer, W.nl'llnt1ton1 '°"' lll ld\11"11 Ntu.a, W11llll'l'llvll; br-, OCln•ld P1tttrton. Se,..,,lcn w!ll bl htld Sl!ur-dtv 11 AM 1111n Cost• Melt Cht~l. 1141 Superior. 1•!11 Coste MIM, 01· rKlon. HOPSON •-CO.trtrwe ~. 10111 Holtlvrft Drlw,,. Huntlntton Stith. Dtlt of ""'"' Autu1t 11. Survlwll "1 1111 .. band. J1mn Hooton: ton, J11T11S "°"""' Jr.; 1!1tero, S.llV H.,,,....,, lrvlnt, Ind Ml'•lt l.Ufldett!. HUlll!ftt. ton lltKhl brolhll'9. Wl!lll ll'I M. Fiaftt.r, San 8tmtrdlno, •NI Wlltlolrt Fl•lltr, Cltlrto~. Pl.I '"''' •••nd-d'tlldreo'I. krwlctl will bt held •I I PM StlvfdtJ Pltltlc View C:lltHI. 111 ..... E.,.,,11 G. 111i.11 offlc;1tin"'. e,... """"'""""' PtClflc: VU Mett10rltil Ptrk MtlllOllUIT!, ,.lei~ View .Morlll- l rt, Olr1Ctwi. ARBUCKLE&~ We1tcllff Mortuary • C7 E. 17lll St., Costa Alen MM!ll • BALTZ MORTUAlllD Corona del Mu 01\ S-HSt The sheriff's department quaJifjed for the allocation on the basis of the number of of- ficers trained during fiscal 196U9. More than 23,000 of- ficers have qualified and near- ly $8 million has been earned by the department since the program started in 1960. A portion o{ fines collected by local courts iJ submitted to Ute State Treasurer for proc- essing through the Peace Of- ficer program and distributed to police and she riff 's departments on the basis of officers comp~ tralning . • The -~· seen by th030. ~b · -1hey serve more . 99 percent of the state -popu Uon -,as a definite boost to: officer stand- ards with ftnai.Cial b~cking or programs diigned to lm· prove law enforcement ef- flciency. ! ' I Robert Roy Brown, manager of Tbe Apartment, will be ask· ed to explain to Judge Robert Corfman three alleged viola- tions of the order barring pantsless performers -all of which resulted in the arrests of the entertainers by Santa Ana police on indecent ex- Brown drew his 10-day jail term tast month for his con- viction on similar allegations. He was also fined $500. Oman was cleared alter he suc- cessfull y argued that he had not received adequate notice Coast City Wins Honor • For Pedestrian Safety Attorney Cecil Hieb will press for strong court action against Brown and the en- tertainers of The Apartment. i • The Santa Ana tavern is one of 1' seven bottomless bars named by Hick& in an eneraeUc pro-;i·''. ' s ecutlon of ~u.ch establishmeOOI in r e c e n t months. More than 20 such en- tertalnerT have been sue· cessfWly prosecuted by Hicks' office s1nce the a n t I • b o t· tomless drive was launched three months ago. Conviction of Brown on lhla serond contempt charge could put him in Orange County Jail for the next three months with fine.s of up to $5,000. SEAL SEACH -The city.of Seal Beach has been awarded the second highest citation in the nation for pedestrian safe- ty in cities of its siie, ac- cording to Stuart A. Wilkinson.. district safety consultant for the rt:.Automobile Club or TUI I sPuthtrn California. The award, from the American Automobile Associa- ~h,· i:~p~~~!a~ b~ · lrvinp Prof to Head ed on safety records, public education programs, crossing guard placements, s l r e e t lighting and simil ar pedestrian-traffic standards, Wilkinson said. Seal Beach was com peting with 666 cities in the 10,000 to 25,000 population bracket. 1 W orhl Science Group IRVINE -, &ger W. · Russell, vice chilflcellor for academic affalrS at UC Irvine. has been elected president of the International Union o( Psychological Science for a th~ y~ar term, 1969-72. The election was announced recently in London, al the. lVth. International Congress o ( Psychology, atten ded by delegates from 40 nations. The lntemlltional Unicin was founded in 1951 and Dr. Russell is the first president to be a resident of the United States. The union·s membership consists of national societies of Santa Ana also won an AAA spe<:Jal citation for pedestrain . program improvement, rank· ing fourth hJghest In six .na· tionwide awards for cities in the 100,000 to 200,000 category. La Palma, Placentia, Brea and La Habra will also re«lve plaques citina those com· muniUes for having n o pedestrian fatalities in the past year, Wilkinson added. psychology and functions as a1-----------1 coordinating body, C<inducts special projects and acts as consultant to the United Na· lions, UNESCO and other in· ternational organizations. Uncle Len Offers Prizes The Volkswagen with the automatic_ stick _shift. Used to be, Volkswogens were enough to make some women give up driving oltogether. Accelerctor up ... clutch in ... shift .•• lurch . Very embarrassing. Thot's why we developed the lurchless Volkswogen. A bug thot's equipped with on option we coll the automatic stick shift. It's on automotic because there's no cl utch f)Odol to worry about. And because you can drive it around town all day. without shifting. It's a stick shift because it can olso be taken through the 11ears monually, just like o real Volkswagen . (That's for you men.) And because ot speeds over 55 mph you can shift into a higher. over· drive-type gear to save on gos. "! Costa Mua Ml 1-ZU' · a HARBOR REFORM TEMPLE Turn on a JOO watt light· bulb-yours for only JO<* with each purchase of gasoline ... at partici- pating Texaco Retailers in this area. Lightbulb supply is limited so don't delay. Turn in at Texaco today. - But the advantages aren't all practlcal. In the Jody t;ug, a gal can feel more like a wamon. Becouse the only sh ift she hos lo think about is the one she's wearing. @ ' • • • • . ' . • ' • • • , . ' • • . ' ! ' i ' ' ' • BELL BROADWAY MORTUARY 111 Broadway, Cotta Men u I-JUI • DILDAY BROTHERS JluUn&100 V111<7 M"""ry 11111 Beacb Blvd. u .. u.&100 B .. c11 au.mi • McCORMICK LAGUNA BEACH MORTUARY 17N Lapna Canyon Road Lapna Beacll IM-HU • PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK Cemeluy e Morlu'l' Cllapel 350I PaclfJc View Drive Newport llelch, Clllfoml1 SU.:70I • PEEK FAMILY COLONIAL FUNERAL ROME 7111 Bolla A \It. Westmlaa&er m.3111 • ~sHE~l"•~E"'R MORTUARY Lopn1 llelcll •till Su a-~ llUIOI • ~s· MORTVARY U7 MIJ1 Sl. HuUngtAltt 11 .. c11 - UC Irvine's Russell I Think . Ellen Tracy ! Think W..tl:llH P1t11 ..,._ Todays News Today is The Daily ·Pilot Way ' Announces ReliCJious School ReCJistratlon 1o be held et •$u1ttllll1t11W ,.It.I. ..... St. J11mes Episcop11I Church J 20t n. Lift, N-i-t hffli Scrt11rcler1 A ... 2J & lD -t ;JO •.lft, te 12 NM• fer hthnMtlff Cell 6J5.J442-M4 .. 14t Huntington Beach Office: Located at 91 Huntington Center at Edinger Ave. & Beach Blvd., adjoining the San Diego Freeway, in Huntington Beach. llAlll 0"1ct: tAllUMA= lttl t Hiit, Loi ~ • 12i·1NI 11161 V.ntvrl llvd, • Mi ... ll Oilllf tmMIJ WtUHIRI Offtcl: ~ Wllahltt llvd. • JU.1HI LA. CIVIC corrr111 2l'ltl I Ill .. • t2t•l10Z tANTA MOMICA1 11• Wllllll,. l lvd..• ...,., • tAfllNM01 ,Oii'! l llt0lho • 1s1.n.1 WllT COVlfllAl (ltllllld lllottll'!I Ctr.• .»14l'Ot ' NEWPORT BEACH Chick Iverson, Inc •. 445 f , CN1t Hwy. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Bill Yates Inc. 32852 Volle Rd. 499-2261 HUNTINGTON BEACH Harbou r Volkiwagon 11711 ._h Boulonrd (714) 673.0900 1714) 142-4435 IN YOUR NEIGH80RHOO.P ••• Huntington Beach Offe:e of Coast & Southern Federal Savings, where your account is IAPI • CONVENIENT• AYAILA8LI HIGHEST PREVAILING RATES 5£~~ l.~~~.I ~2" DIVIDENDS TO DAT! OF WITtfDRAWAL LOlfe M&CM: COAST 3N I u.o.-• ,,, . ., .. , '"""" """ LOAM ·~c· A•IHC'f'r , ... Jile, lli91Ji 91 •• f11 4) .. ,.., AND SOUTHERN FEDERAL SAVINGS ' • \. I ' I I Jt o~n.v ~!LOT s LEGAL NOTICE Your lffoaey's WortJ& OVER THE COUNTER Complete-Ne,v Y orli Stock List Slump it1 Stock NASO Llatinga for Thuraday, Augu1t 21 , 1969 ... "'" (llih,) HI• ltw (ltM Ch .. Teaching Lesson NEW YOlllC IA!'l Ot! CMT i. ltW MJdw Ot 21\li 22\.li •0te1ot1 -ft.t ~IWl11t 1114 ~ID• ~ 11~ =· G11 ll"' ll,,, •O"f' Ctlt II'~~"" A11.tcvi '" ~!!t; '!"' ,, .. + ~ :~re ' ~ U Abcltl1ll 1110 .0 7 1t -'II ~:r " A.CF ll'ljj • •, !!,t ~~ "n\'I tni!i! '" A.cmtel 1 C. ,,,_ ":r \.; -I~ u Lb fl 'l 'I"" Aune Mkr I'll 1 .o Jru • + " 111J1 •l..111 LEGAL NOTICE . .,.,.. Cflttll'ICATE 01' I USINESS l'ICTITH)US NAMll n.., ""°'"lllllff clDto <trt11' !'It 11 <.., N!lnt • bin•-I I '"' M1111ro•I• N-rt ltacll C1lltor1111 under Ille 11< 1!"°"'5 tlrm 11emt of SUN SE T •nd 11111 ••kl ll•m 11 <~ or tile tollowl119 _._ ~ MOM In full 1"11 p1K! ol ~lanfollllwl Mllr.t T1lll. IHO Potn-Ho Sl Cost1 ~ C1lltoriu. 0.lecl AU.int 4. Ifft Mlkt Tt lll. $Nie of Ctlllor-1111 Ortf\Sle CounlV On ..,_,...,,, ' lNJ betort Mt 1 Nol•rv Publl< 111 1n<1 tor uld s1111 H rwntll• •-.,I'll Ml•e Tllll k<IOWll lo <nt to be fflot Pl!•Mll -...,"" I• wtK~rlbed to 'tit wllfl'" ln1trume"' 1rld ..:knoW!ff!lfcf hlP UK\llH lllt ume- lOFFICIAL SEAL) OltMA ... V UTT HOIU"Y Pubtl~ C.lllo•~I• Prl11c:INI Otllct; In Or ..,,e Co.,nlY MY Clln'lmiHlon fJpot~• M••<fl t7 111' •ubllsMd or-e c ... st 0111• Pllo! ""91tJI I. IS, 22. 2' 1'6' 14&1_.t LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OP .. UILIC HEAlllHG 11,.0ltE THll CITY COUNCIL 01' THl CITY 01' "OUNTAIN VALLIEY HOTICf IS ... EllEIY GIVEN 11111 Oil teltfemtltr t INf, 1t 1111 P.M lfo 1110t Council CM!nb&"' City Htl~ IOXIO $1.tlct ,t.y~llLll!, FP!Jflf•lft V•lleT C1l\lotft!I Tiie ctrv co...,•d• w111 hold 1 pu1i1;.c 11e1nr.. ..,. 11" ro11ow111t I lONI! CHANGE tolO 1t2 APH! "" Pl.,,n1,.. Commission 1cr1°" bv R"'' •lld A-ltlff Attllt-PrKISll Pia" No 13'1 ...artf'Mnt com11lt• 11 ••ooli.hurt1 And G~rlotld ? loPl"IAL Ofll PLANIONO COM-MISSION A('TION W J m k1- Pr0Hr1Y IDulwd ..... ,, '1.tf ol Calle ?1r19011 • ~ or Jeu fttt '''""' OI SWlkr Av1n1111 LOI! ll !II fl af Ten. 11tl"" lrKT Mitt Mo 6"' YhtJt' .... lt.n 1rt be1"9 proctsJod •ur-111 lo n.. Plen1'1"9 Laws of ll'lt Sii~ ol C1llfot11l1 IG<no'I Code &S.OOC ti -) '"" It.. Founltln Ville• ZO<H/'11 Of'dtftfl!Ce Tiie Zonl"9 OrdlnalKt lol\111, M-. And EltllbHs Wt ., Ille Ill !tie PleMlflt; Dtop1r1"1M! Ind trl 1¥11\eblt "" ..Wik: lrnH<:non incl u.,,.,lnalkln TiooK clftlrl111 !II lestitY 111 f1vor er In -ltloil to Inti.a P•llPOSlls wm bt 11""" .., _.....,,,., 19 do Ml 11 lurttltr 1,.. 1o""'8tloll ll dulrtcl tou m1v conlld tl'le l"W11111!t!t D"""rtmtirt It ffJ JG' 1nd re~r "' ""' •bro~• lfftl\1 CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FOUNTAIN VALLEY ~.., IE Cole Clrv Cletll "ubM1neo Or-• Coa$1 D•!I• P 1ot ....... .,ti l'l , .. , l~ .. LEGAL NOTICE ··-c••Tl.llU.Tt! 0, 8!JSllltRJI ,llCflTIOUS NAMI lHE UHt>E•SIGNE"D do l'lerebv t1rtlk 11111 tnftl 1rt COl'ld<>dl"' I buslMU 11 l]M Wt1I to.Tlmonwetllll lo. v en u " Fullerton, C1tlfar"J1 "'1Clo• lllt 11ct1llovs II"" 111m1 ol CCW ASSOC:IAlES. 1rid lfl.tt .,ltl !lrm k camPOM<f of Int tollow- fllt wfloM ~ -lddtHHI tre II ~'-flrllttlft C«lltKt°" In( 1:41 Wul Cor•11•-wt1lltl A--. f' u 111 t t 11 " C1lltornl1 CQN E11h!rDrltes. S4I ec .... AY•~IH' S..1! llffcf!, c.awtar"t. OATEO ltll1 ltd Clay o1 Junt 19'19 1c,,,_.1e s..n BltATtAJN CONTllAC.TO•S INC 1 C1llleirnl1 C11rDOr1tlon •r Edwlrl E llr1t11111. Pre1loenl CCW ENTERPRISES A Llmtltd P6rt~•~lti llv H1rry 5 COOlll!n GeM••I 1"1rtner 11¥ Sldrtey Welnllot r1 Gtntr1t PlnM• 8Y""'-JtC-~t1PfrlN'r I TATI! Of' CALIFOllM I• 1 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES) 11 Oft 11111 3rd d•• ol June 1m belor• tnt. 1 Nollry Pubtlc lt1 """ for 1•ld Stilt •t1ICl!nt rhtte-1" tuly cwnm!plontd Ind .worn Plt$0f\lllV 1ppt1recl EDWIN E Bil.ATTAIN -llQW~ lo me lo"" '""' P•esl dfnl ol 11\t CO<'l'QtlllO<'I ln1 I fltKU!Hf !hf l11r-111t 1Ntrvmen1 ""~l\IH ol the uor -...11ooi llltreln M""41. 1nd •cltnowltOt .,.. tll me 1n11 wch CD"D0•111on e11ecu1eo .. _ WITNESS m., lll!lll 1/'IG offk."I ,,11 !Will 1<1rr1tt 1<1mllton Nol1r~ Publ c C1llto•nl1 Prl11C!t1I Olllct In l.111 Antre!fs Cour•lv STATE OF CALIFOR,.1A l COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES! s• By SYLVIA PORTER 1969's seven stock market slump should be leaching you -the mveslor or would bt ln veslor In mutual (unds some exceedingly valuable lessons And since I suspecl l m safe in assuming tbal your own investment rec.'Ord 1n !Ki to date Is at best mtxed " the lessons should help protect you [rom s1m1\ar Josses In the (uture Herc are a half do zen lessons I've noted well {I) IT IS ·ruIS type or market -a steep sustained downtrend for monlhs w·h1ch truly lest!: the calibre of the professionals \.\ho manage the funds Whats more, while you can hide your own in-- vestment mistakes the funds can't Their records a re published per1od1cally their purchases and sales a re reported by a wide variety or slaf1Stical ser vices t h e performance rank of hundreds of funds 1s charted "'eekly You need not guess or listen lo rumors about some nuracle adviser The facl'I a r I' available and you can find them f2J Some of the mosl s1>ec· 1.1cular short tenn performers on the upside have been the most spectacular short~term performers on the downside The third best perfornung mutual fund 1n 1968 was the bigges t loser la fantas tic drop or 48 7 per cent) 1n the first SIJC months of 1969 Says t~ United Business Service 'Now II appears there was nothing magic 1n !he methods llf the high flying g~go funds after a ll -they were si mpl y all·out speculators" Says Jrv1ng L Straus, president of DRl Research Limited of New Capital Co. Tells Profit Capital Alliaoct Corp owner or Mariners Savings and Loan AssllciaUon llf .Newport Beach. reported net earnings for the six months ended June 30, or $188,167, as compared lo S193,600 For the comparable penod or 1968 This was 25 cents per share for the first stx months of 1969 as compared to 25 cents pe.r s hare for the first six months ()f 1961 Net earnings per share were adjusted to reflect the 7 per- cent i;tock d1v1dened paid 1n February, 1969 Joins \Vi Il er John L Kent has Joined lhc Newpo11 Beach orhce. of Dean \V1tter & Co a s an account ex ecut1\e Kent 13 accredited by the New York Stock Exchange and 1v1ll handle 1nd1v1dual brokerage accounts Io r Newport Beach area residents 0.. """" l. lttf, l>tl11tt "" !lie ~ti 1 .-------------~ *""'tisned. • Hol•ry !'ulllk. In tllll tor u d S11i. fttlOn-llJV •Ptetrecl $10NEY WEINBERG M.All:RY S COONEN 11"1(1 MAX COONEtt •roown le mf 10 bo Ille oeraori1 Wllost "'mes ••• wti..crlbed to 1he Wflll111 lll'llr-1 tnd t tkl'l<IWltQtltd th.II Ille¥ PKUled ll""" W1TMESS "" Mnd Incl offoct1I ~11 l""'I) H1rroe1 Hammon lllOl•IY PuDloc C1htorn 1 Pr1nct111 Olloce In Los AnoelK Count~ ltOTNMAN & HAMIL TON 4llt Wll"'I,.. h!lllVIN l.M .U.•'"-C1llf9rnl1 ttOIJ .... ••><>< Pllflll"'*5 Orl!IM Cot~ 0111¥ l"llol Awlist t IS 2:1, 'l't, Ifft 1170-69 LEGAL NOTICE •'-11 !Ut SUPlll;IOt COUl:T O' TH« ST•TE Of' CALl'O.NIA ,Oil TMlt: COUlolTY O' o••HGll C..M flt-liw 0 1"*1 SUM.MOHS Sl>fl~ L ICltter Pi.In! ff \I• Cu11dl &.. K~er. Cltien<Wll l"E0Pl£ OF TH[ SlAT( OF CALIFOltHIA lo '"" •bo•• lllmeel or1 .... ,.,, I You ''' ~'~ ol1tttt0 to II., • w•lt "91 plNCll"' Ill ·~ lo lllt ~, ' ed aoml>l•lnl ol l!lt 111off M""" 111lnt II wl!ll ll'NI clerk Ill lht 1bcwt e<>tll~ co""' I• tl\t lboVt tnl li<tcl 1<1'°'" Df!JU<9"1 ... 111111 .,.,.. lt1 wltl cC>Ul1 w1!111n T£111 din 1ftt< Ill• •rvlcf Oii ~1111 of 1~11 wm nMW!t It .. ......., Wll~ln IN 4b0Yt n1m~ <;Ollr!IV Ot •llllln THlltTY t1Y1 II 1t ••ed -· y.., 111 tierW¥ not!llft ti..t "'"!tu vov • fl~ 1 Wl'ltttfl -lw iWtMI"' Hid .... 111llH wlN lftt h.--1 lw Mr _,. ., .. ""9!S ~ In the ..... l!IH -•1111! • .mrn. ....... (MllflCI Ot w111 -•• It 1'1'11 <.Wt' tor 1nY olr>tt rtli.i den\1"°9d If! llOf _..,lflfcl <:OmPlllnt Ylll fl'f¥ tfll !ht Hvlle II In lllOl'MV ., ... , ""'""' ~,... .. 1111 ,.,. -.,....., _, 11111 ~ SUU> ""°'"'• "*"""' M -•ltd '"""" ltw 11""' limit "'-*' .. lllh wm..w.nt ,.,.. 11lon1 1 wt!fll!ll ....... ,. ""' (Cl!n .. llM. 011M1 Aw I 1W lttA.Ll W I!. IT JOtlll CJ"'- 8• ~'"' l.ou Hldlin -'""' __ ........ ,,. WhlfC:"'--A-o.-.... ~ T .. 1 (n41 MUi.o ---~llbt,.. Ot•-Clol1I 01 I'll' P11of, ~ .. IJ, n, 1'i Hitt ,,,,_,. BOAT BUFFS Al11tt1 t.c~1My k tt.. '"fy lt;tt.•iMI k.t1119 Hit~ ....... 1., .,. ,,.., ..... , .... , lti o,,.,. C.111tlT Hit 1..-.Jwini U¥1fltl ef ..... ltflt 11!11 y1chN119 111wt ~ • 41lly f14h1'• •' tt.. DAILY TURN ON \ Turn on a 100 watt light· bulb-yours for only JO•• with each pu1chas e of gasoline at partici· paling Texaco Retailers tn lhts area L1 ghlbulb supply 1s limited so don't delay. Turn tn at Texaco today. •"4 Mid -•• '*'"°e 'f1 l Ml•Ru: ,.,_ 0-aw-itqv York "The outslsndlng point 1100!.. wP11ne11 o,. cin2r1\</ """ ""°"'""' 11 ,,a~ 21.,., ~v·17~.ro I see 1$ that the hot shot funds ~'lfonM•~~~~ri;c_; 1M: 1!f .J~ J t:.:;; ~-'~ lr' Ir 1~ of last year by-and large did a o.111r" '"", ••• •• Md ""' n:i:. M .. oo•• $ 1t 12111 Cort>P nol Klu1t tllnMC J«> ltl Ul o1cll M fV• lD '"° lou!:ly JOb 1n the down markets 11111nt ou1 ••6 ,..,. 1e tia mi. nv. ~.!..••'"' 1'lll'li '•"'•~ , _)!-,• tQtllllt~ I"""' rew NL 6 1 ....,.. r -~.-Therefore, there has to be llMlw ,,. , ".., 1n o tl 1.l N••,",' c 2 21 r111ro A lllPrtWIN 1 3 rlf"Olll JW, tillol Ht •l!d ~~ Sl.li S.1rle pj some question as lo v.:hether a P-"' 11 Wllldl lhlM P11"' ''"' 2 lli r!••C.r tl 14 .. 1~ Stll cmo I d h Id be bou h i..,.~ MCUrlt!" coiiW HI Sil ~"" ~ "ClllP Cl f l\t ¥1 un s ou g l U<:l,Oause h1v1 llffn ''" ton l..it \f "" N11 Eou1 .s.,, ... •>,L "' .. u,r r h I h w!C I'~"/ °' oec~ s1 1f N Fdl"d '"H" .. 0 a S Ort ernl, Cr 0 IC so !lldl nler Out Srl j 1 Nil G&O 12"1t 1 l:o ,1g~t1 Cf r~<'tlrd • 1111 ' m1r11.111 1 Mlle 1 \la •iii\ !i•I I.lb "''" l 'I C"11 w1 cl'!lll(lt 111rouoh-I P11EI ljh I (,, "' Ptl ,..._ ~ /llE let (3J 'T' HE SHORT·TERl\I :' 1"'noict.1 i::/: ,~~ 1 ~ ',t{ ~:: i,:! 16\~ lJ u~v.~! investor tn mutua l funds is ••t•ll ll\llrllUll 11r9111 • ~ 11111oi '"" ·~ "' EISYc mortcklwn 0t <Diii I C S•s llll Silo NEn GE 1111. II"" JUS\ as vulnerable as the mis.Ion I 0111 111 122 ~fct:,,11G LOi tS'4 Id Rttis shorl·lerm trader in Individual !!;' c'i:! 2:~~ ff~ 1K Mf.u~ J~ ~~ ~,1.11 AF :il'\11 ?i ~~'Pd k be AFAPr S 20 \o n 111 Imp$ Oll n 11'1. "ei, 8 ]11..1, ~ Slr•'I' Cl sloe s He may even more AVM ca 11 ' 11;w, Mr11Y c '1 '' NA Rtsc '"-11~ Su!IK T• I bl be I I Acme El tvt lOV. nerw Rt 6\1 '" ~Ctr NC t~ 1 VII ~•' ' vu nera e cause mu ua "(""' v11 S!l.l ""' nnl• 8 11 ll ~E~r 011 •\lo o' t11bo Fd funds never were Intended lO :r! r:. ]~~ 2'6,~ !;,,tie~ 1:"' 1:~ N{:.."'N~~~ 1:~ l~~ T=~ be a trading medium Alt11r" F 11• M ...,rr ou 11~ n\.'J ~Pus" 211o1 n~ T•uelt (4J The funds which have :=:r1rnc: 1111~ ~~ ~~,,!K ~a ~f,,. ~ :~ tt~ t!'4 +::-Ai •11/ce Liff it Fii C~o '"" 1\ii W•I J9 JO Tllenll A !;Ohd five Or 10 year Jn· A IV llirv l"' 41; '•Drf TJ. l\i ,... I Sun .s4 St Tlffny Ca vestmenl records have done ::~ !'fo , "" !~ ~:~~~ T 1h.. ,lll ~f/!'.:"1\.P l~i. lf:t ~ll~":."' ~~ relat!Vely \'.Ctl In the down !::l..ld ~ 1f-' 1~ ~:r\:.I 2ll Jlt 0~~::.~ lih 1:l? l~~~~f J k I I "' t AIT\Mk t 10 P1IG RE 21V. 2• PEC l1rl 11'• 13 ~ Trr.cnl D mar e o I -sugges 111g Am OTl'f 22_ n~ f.tlM In• 11 1•"1 P1bsl fir »11 3'116 T••nd In that tl1••c funds ha v e A El l.tfl J. I Ftl lt'Jllj ''• J\, Pie F1E l• lS Trlca Pd = Am E~Pr 11' Fii WFl11 • 61.lt l"lkCP Co "'' Jl,t Tr1C1•1r m anagements Which can be :"'Gf.:';n J!~ ,;"'°' ~=119511 Jm rl~ ~=~IOls l~i..i. :r! f~:!.""d reasonably expected tq turn 1n Am Horn 1)1~ ,.1. Food Fi> 11, 71h P,11.11eY P n nv, UnllK Am lnloll 10 1.2 Fort! 011 11 nt. ~~elle 10"' 11 ;;. Ul'IAr! T,11 r e w a r d 1 n g performances Am Med• Jl \, n ~ F111t Grn1 31 JJ Pett If• T 2il 11 Un Do tr Am Plllf! I~ H V, Folocht Jl; :µ.. Ptn 0\l)L 5""" 6 1, Un I lum under adverse as well a s A sr Gob j•, !\o Frnl<I c1 ''· 10\~ P• E" n 1•. s•1 Un M(Gll I bl k d I ASt G Pl t > 11 Ftllltln 20 '> 711~ P• C& 2.1\o l6\o Un f!•lg avora e n1ar el con J ions Am Tei.. 11 , "• Fui..tw ,,, I''> Prt111 RE 'I'' ~ \ us llkl]Ot t9'9's top perfocmer chalked Ancllr cc I•'• 1jl· G•thlkl 1n. 11 , P•oa1 w1 ,:• ,•,.• "u's ,c~.,.••'", AMeu~ B .i~, • '• Gt• Svc 1.11, Ult Perini ·• .. .. Up. 128 t gaon n 196.1 Anl<t11 C I 1.-o G Alrcn 1'• I Poire SI •? IJ US SU!lat percen I Aica•a 11 31 , »'• G oe .. 1c~ J , J , Petrcl•t '1 n us TrkL 68 -not "1ld but a tespec Arn '"" 1~ ~ 111~ G K1~eh<. • , ~ Phlldo Pl 6• 61 UP PenP Arden M 10 '10'& CORI Es! 10 11 Pnll S\lb 211.. t.l<) U11n Sld table recorcl The long terin Arden Qf J6 19 Ge-01t1 •. S" Pno10" 10 , '1 • um 1nc1 Atk Mo!' 12>, lJ'I Clr/tn '7 l'/'..i Pie Pd J>, i1~ Val LO record -in both do" n and up A••ow "' •9 SOil Gino~ 3' , J5 Plnk~tn to ) 42 Vance ~· k Al"l'fd1 11•, 11\o Glltlell 00\l """ Po•lr HI( 2t la Vlv WOd ma1 els -IS the ba rometer to Ascc Bo! jl'~ 2s, Gle~Jn w ll 11 Pro Goll 13, u 1. w11i.w P d d d h t ht Aulo kl u, ~ Glob R...ti I l PrOll An;o • 111 W ll:elde stu y 1n CCI 1ng w a m1g Avemco tin ~Gori", n1,1i 11\..t P::f NI< ,,~. 11 ~ W11"$hw b lh I t l l I llabblt1 I 7ilil Grap!\ (ft 17\lo 11 P NM 7U. J5, W1S1> l<fG e e u ure po en 1a 811,0 Al ,11 10...., Gr•P't s.: S6 5' Pvb NC 12111 u ,. W•i.tl RE 151 The record ol lhl! no-load e""e' 10•. 11 c'"'" M1 11 • 11~. P11bm.r IS'• 111, w11 Tr Bfl PaJnl 5,0 6'/o Grnll RE ll 11\':t Pu""a I• I• Wtbb lie funds WhlCh Can be boughl llP~nt wt l, I Grlnntl II~ 11~ p BtnMI 791n JOI~ W•IO!rn ' !11nhlr C 11'• l? G">ve Pr lib IJ'h Purllv Sr n lfh Wt11ng M 1o11lhout paymenl of a sales 1e:~c~P i:"" l~ g:;:~ ~~ 1l 2lt'1 ~~~;p 1~~ u\, ~:I~~. j charge. compares favorably ... i.11 11 .. i 3va Gu;cr TK ,.. , 11111 O•n 10 21~ w11n NA h I ds 8ennm JOl i Jtlll C:.uH Int I ; "• R1n1b El 2'\lr JO~~ w~tn Mlg wit that of the load un 11111e 11i.. 11 1.,,, Gvro<1n l•~ uu. Riven Cp 10J 20I Wstn P...ti h h h I I I a.Im Ind n .,, ll\ H.,,., Cos II """ R1vm Ca ,l~t ?SI~ Wino Wh W IC c arge a sa es ee o as lltlscot IDl. 10~ Hand vo l''t •l~ ll"<C!I Ea '" " Wlmia,. h 9 3 I bo th Btrll Ht Jl 36 HaflQVr s 2"" ,,..., Pep Mtg 19t. lO"> WIMIW T 1nuc as pe.rcen a ve e llett L•b 15 51 .i1 .. en 1n 211 3'~ R•I Cr~ 37 31 \VIK l"L ncl asset 'a'"' per s hare or 8 111110& w "' •l· 1<nh MO< nv. 16 R11ev s10 JO 3' wroiw E Bl•O Son JI 11 Htnrt<I F 11 !* Pood E<t 15 ~ 16 Wy~ll(f C Ilic lop 20 performers 1n 1969 s 111r1e11r 6li ,1,1 H1111111n 1 \'> 1 , Ronin M 16 :io V•dnw E 8!1tk HI :l3 30 Holm EP SI ! drendful hrs! SIX months SIX Bovue El •'• • .., Hoov•• 1~•. 11 ·I""'~-, llo" B'r 12 I IJ\.'j t-1 .... 11 Fl} l ... ,,, were oo-Joad funds Of lhe top BootM c 1s 16 H11ck Ml 10 11 111a ti' A.d9mE I.fl.II lll6_11t," f~ \'""" 1" .. vll!IClll M 'ffi ~ :L!!il'1\ 3 U J \; ,}\t t~ + ~ t:r~ \ t ly!: Adm1r11 11 1•14 !ID ~~ -~ l''l FM ~· 'l 1:r-::1~t11 J:t 20~ J:l:. ~ 3.4~ !' •'~ ~\Ski !lll l'• '"' A11111r1• 'Co 11 1m n" lhtr-~ 8t«<:h Al[ -U \II 1 AlrJl'recl m lt )t ~I lt +"-t~P• 1.J ~v. !i,,,. ~!~t:i",.is. •' 11~ \iU 1lt }'• ~I ".I:. " 1t ''lio ~ lndu1trlD ., "41 fl.lo f\li, \lo el lnt1re«1 "'n t~ :iw.~ ~ 11 ~4 ~ l~ "a-:1~ ~0.,1 1l\l il1l!'l Alc•M"' 111 21l 21\'o ''!" f. ~ IHMI• i>I l " • A~11r.a JG Tl ,. n'llll a.om,ln J" "~w. 1 ::'" i, '~ 1 11 g,.. H"' 1 .. +. ~ ~ll~ ""..r1°5t 1 ~ I~ Ali.gLlld rt.'i 11 "1'• 11Vi 4i:ili -YI hrttl" pl• :JO 1 t '" Alle9Llld J I ,,..._ ~ •Ro ~F rn '11 fsi, 1:~ ::::::~ I ~ I~~ tl\io i~11o + l :=:. In 11\.!i llW. AIHclMnl «It! 1' ll\\ Jl\!t ll\'I + I'll &H11Pt. nt t t:\i AiltCIMlll 1S t 1' 2' 1' + \lo hnntc t.Ot1 25"' ""'° A!Uecl Pd .. 17 31 )0.... l!"' -V. lk!h Sii I to lil!ol l!W Altled$1r 1 '° il ~ l7:\i ~ i '•!HM Ind 1 '10 21 14 A11!1td"-'P to ~ 1$\til U I.. $\'I \.Ii le, '"o" .. 4J ., Aiiis Ch1lm llJ 24 "'i'I il!l •!•ct k 110 •• I'" Alp/11PC lOt 10 It'!;, lt'' I • .... mlr John 41 1~'4 I 10 AltW 1 IO i1 1•0.. n~ 7 11 IU 1.11111 1 ™ \.\ An\1154.111 I'° l U\4 ''"" 2 ~·· .... "UI e1u l 50 ,.J IU AMIAC Ml n ""' 11'!0 II~ -... lklbblt er111 ''>" , .... AmtlrE1 I :Kl I 'lJlt. n 21\'.f + "'ao.,.• 1~, 'l,. w •l>I Amr£1 pft_.. J AOl't 'Ii ..O\.'I , "°•E:l"IS' , ~ " " Amit ""' 'JOI ~ ""'" 50 »t .. , '"" l h Alnett pfJ 50 23' 103" lQ? IOJl.o i \/; II 'trl''-' t11lO\.'tMltFIH•IO 121ftlt"1lll! lllllol'dtn,. "" JSl't Am .llrlln Ill l::lf ,. ,..,., ,. \<fl llotGW•r I '5 12'>'1 li. 4m 1191111 I 20 ,,U 11v, 10 .,.:, llot"m1n1 AO 11\lo 1J .vnBk Noi. I l t1l!li 10\li l1 \:. lloa Edis 2.DI •',, ~··i. Am llr1od1 ' ll J.11• »¥• l3h -1" l~~l'fAr:ncso l-0 A.m8dcsl I 60 70 51\i. 50\11 .tO\.'t -h llr1oo51 2 «le .I~ I Am Ct~ 220 '! '' .. I'll ..... -~ llrlllMY \'JO 11 ?1 AC..,. Pl 175 a 2~' 2j 211 -V.llrlt.W.V Df2 l1 l.I Am C11>1 AO 1' lH1 I ~ lH• -i,. 1111WY !-'ale I IJ I~ A <:Min IM S J!V:I 32\.t l2'h + \'• llWVHt pf A1 JCV. ll~, AmCredll llO Jt ~ w~ ?Jt\ -+-\<o llklynUG In 16\1, 11'" ACl"l'Sul I .-1 13\'o tJto Ulo &rOWft Co ' IOY, .r.c .... pl' I Ml ~10 61"" 1!"4 •I.ti:. "•OW~ Co ol 11 1• AmCY•n 1 '5 I.. 7'.. 21\o 29i1, + ~ l'lwn ~n1ro 1 1S ?~~) AOYlt\11 l?t 9 11"-l!\1 l?b t .,,, BwnSlloe I SO Jill 32'• ADu1I plllt I 13\IJ 13\• 13'~ llronsWll Olo I 1'14 ArnEIPw I 51 111 30~ ~ :JOii• +'It 811eyEr 1 t 15 15\' Am Enkl 1· 11 7' ''" 21to + °"' lludd C.o fO 11''1 lt\lt Am Eao Ind ?l 11 ... 27 ~ 2Tn -~~ 11\ICNlt! In " i : S,. AEllrid Pl'°" JJ.0 JI"" n~. 71\o +II'; llullForn 1 10 ll ?0 A~"lnt. 50 00 21'• 10'• 11 -\~ llYloYI W I 0 11•,., it.., AG.n111 1111 IO 12 32 nn n• _ ~ llul\I< II•..,.. 3''• llL.. .vnHolsl 1'11 n llh ll'• 13...., _ ·~ ~unklt otl 511 ll\'t 2»t A ~ I.. 101 61 "°"' .Oil. Aurl Ind 1 IO l'lo no A Homt or 1 11 fl._ 19\~ """ + ..._ llur11<1v 'iO 11 :JO Am HO>ll 11 llS JI'• 311<1 ll'l -\'• ~urtaM 60 ti 111'>. Al"lnv'I 1 10 71 19 0 1; 19 .. + ~-ll1hUnY I Jlf 1P~ n ,o,1nMFdr t0 s,o 19'• 19~ 19\• _ 10 euui,,$h to JI ~F AMttCt• 110 1t ~l, •l'• 4'1) +llo't t '·" ~e1,S!'10r~1 2.! ':~: ~: ~! ± :: C1ba1 C.o a 1l.,.. 13'' AmNalGas t " ll Jl"'-31 _ ~ C11 Fln1nl Ill• ltV. AmPnol 111. ll 10\o'J lf"" 10111 + l C111111M 71! 1110 121• '' -• , no -1._ ... , • C1mcllL lj;i 16t. 11•1> '1'"'' ~ '"" ., " -~. e'1masa 1 ID 221 ni,. Am 11_.ch ... 1 ?O 5'1. S5~. il>o -« C!IB•ew «I• ll ~ II Am $111 I 10 l2V> l'l' • 22\oO -'!.o Cdlll'W /n.40I fl 21,,., Am S~lp ;.o 9 70~• 10 20 + \f; Cdn P•c 3 10 l~ IP A Smell 1 !'O 16' ?tloio 19 ..... 19~ -'': Can1llld 1 10 ll~ ll,' AmSoAlr 10 36 •lV. "°""' ~--~ CIP C. 8dc1I 11 llv: ~Sl~dr.l~.1S rn 1ml 1\1::.Z 1~\oi +Vi C1rbrun I «I 114 9 C1rll111! 60 It lt'4 ....... Ster I ii S 11\IJ ll>o 1~ -l'o C1roPLI I 01 11\.'t lJ A Suv1r 1111 I 2S 2•4 16l. -V. C1rpfcto 1 60 J\,. Jl'i !SUI! pf•"' .. s ~ ~~ ~\~ ta~ c1rrlerCP 66 Ht p,0 mSut '" C1rrG" I '10 ..,,,. l'l..., "'m T&.T ? 40 ns SJ\~ SJ 53\o Ctrlerw «Ii 5 ~ S'I• AmWWll• 5' 9 11 1011 11 CIM! JI U 11 "'WW5pt 115 >1)0 Hl't \I 11\'J + 11.t Ctlf 11! Al 14 Uo p, AW P~ ! 25 rto0 U 11 II C.a1lleCkt 60 Al<I' !pl 1 il J90 l'l" l'l~ 7''-C•!etTr I la Am l (nc: l 2'llo lG1o 10 1 -h CCI M.erodt ~ Am~ltk 60 ' n 11i ?l 21 -~. CCI M pf] 1S AITillCll1C IO J.S loG'• so·~ loO'o +-'•(KO CP IO AMI( C11 JO , 213 11\"-71 • Jl\o +1 Coll<f!tse(p 7 AMP 11>1' 11 •1 ....... 151• ... 'lo ,._ .. Celtn P!Ai SO 1\.11'1.,.J CGrt lS? ~ 39'• Cl\a +1•, C•l>l'O Ins JO Amlled 7111 II 31 370.0 3a -"s CtnlFdY .10C1 Amior J2 t II 16"1 11 -~ C•n Hud 1 4 h I l d I nd 10• C,p 1•'• 15 Hud PP 11 Jt lwo t e 1rs\ "Mas a oa U , rkww G 69 \: 1'11'• ttU11 G~s 11 15 th d I d I d a .... ~ Ar 1l 1J•, Hu,.t P 11.., n• .. e secon a no-oa un er11.,. Bf i-:n. 1l\, Hy111 c11 Jl'· " \6J WHAT s 1\10RE, the :~~~~ $ B" a>I. I~ 2~1 il": ~::: MUTUAL An1cond I !'O lllS 71'• ,,.,.. J1l'o -'• C•~ t!ILI ''.11 AnchH<X:~ 10 56 45 • •S IS -'lio ( lllll o!4 SO AncorPNS¥ 1 S 7'Jl, ll"i 21>', -•.4 CenlllP5 1 n "1>d Cll.¥ I 70 3 ls>• 3'\ii 3' ' -V. r1n!L1EI u A"'1K'-Ct 10 lS :t.1 .... 731, 2:µi,,-1~ ;. ..__ 11.pco()lt ll"lf 'IS 3n. :IS'o llio +IV.);ttiM .... 11? Aau1 cncm :n '1V. "°" •111> +11. ,.ttil'W Ito number or no load funds 1s ex ""'"" F 141, !5 l, 1 n1~1K '"' s Cal w $• n 1 21\'o lnff1rd b..., 1'~ ploding along with the load Cameo n ts tnt COl"lt 11'• 1t C1nan M 7? 16 tn<.11 S,,, t ' 10'• funds There are now more C•MM 11 111 11 1n1,.., 1n l~~ 11''> FUNDS AllA Svc •t \] 1U11 lOSll> \OS•O -ta Cttil S...1 IO ... rcl\Otn 1 .0 10 06 •5 •S~ -+-.. C"'TelUI U _,.,.._,,.._,~,..,...,,IArl1PubSvc I 11 ,,.,.. 13'• 2n1 -'•Cerro I 60b A•l~n• DS 10 od JI JOI.I ~ -\• Cttl lffd IO r !,..,... 1:i. ltt Int !IWJIO 1'• I• than 600 mutual funds, o 10 Sow 1i !6>1. 1n1 MIU , ••• 1s>~ ,- 1 h 63 •t lntA t V, JOW lnl Nd<' IA .. 1111, ... w 11c , or 10 pereenl arc ••Tc11 s•~ 6 , 1n1 s .. s xi :n no-load funds Of 140 new l!;/~ ~~ 1;,, ,~""I~: ~v,~ 1~,~ 1;,. funds operating or filed 1n l:~~·NG ~~ ~l't I~~~: ,~o :Jal registration 1n the first six !rn VPS 11 ?l\o:t •• Sou111 J11, 211 harl 0 10 ~ 11 J1M;ob$ F S Sl't months 40 or about 30 per ""' Lf• 11 ... 1s Jl(<Wn c 10·~ 11 ~ ...,nkl J•, Ji;. J.,,., w~t 111 .. , 12"> C'ent v.ere no-load funds a nes 1nd s\IJ 1111 J~msbv ""' ,,.~ !~e~ Utll 16 u Jll!V "O• 6 , 1\li marked percentage inert asc hi 11r1.1 6t 10..., 1e.1.,., s1 n n 111 the n~loads ~:~:: ~r llr: l~ ~:J~~~ 01 1~~·a1H And you can find funds to cllf1"r&" 1!.: ,I(, ~:~;-n;. 1: 1~~ n1ett every obiecttve max c1r11 v B 1•'• 1•4< K•lf•tt s·. ', Cl1rtc Mr :n ?J KfllWd 30 n 11num capital gain or long c11v1on 1•. 11. 1Ceu11 E ''· 111, Cl!t1! ~ t .., 10\lj ICtye Fib 11>. ti term growth or capital and 1n c11n""' o •:i.. 1~\.'t K•V• c111 11 ,, ""' <1 :JO ?! K""IJ PC 1"11 1"' come, balanced funds or in· coiem •1• 1"' Kinn e1 ' 10 I d r d com.., F 711 nv. Kirk Co l1 tu, come unds spec1ahzc un :;, Colon sir 1s , 16v. 1C~110 voi 111., J1 ,, 1nlernat1onal stock fund!:! etc ~::i<"i!1r ~ ~v. t~,ip 0t~ 1i~: ,;:~ Once you ve decided \Yhal tom A'' 11~ 11 .. l.1nd1 in i• • 4•• Com lnl1 S.... l I.Int Wd 11 11~ your investme nt objectives ~= ~:11 ;~ !r" ~:t:"Ca-! ~ ~;; are you can find an establish com !-11111 11•7 111~ Lt!•u· G ~·. 11v. C.oma A l-. 6"7 l.evln Tn I 11 ed fund Or funds V. hlch WLll (mp Cm 17 •1 L•wh BF 111• u1, Cm11 Ind l~ 11 Liii• En ll I( 1natch the111 Cmo Mtn •'• S•• Lob11... ~'• 1, T II I I Ctnp l •c l''lo l'll\'7 Loi! Cdv ~·~ 1•1 o s u1n up of a \le essons c .. RIXk 19''> JI Lcg errn 1~ ~ XI I t"9 I k d b I lt C°"ltfd 1\, '"'Lynch C '9 JC\~ o s soc e ace, 1e c"""'" 1•, ~.Mad GF1 1 11~ 11, most s1gn1f1cant v.as the ~r'!r..ti 1f ' 1t:2 =:11tR~: 1\'l n~ abysmal record turned in by ~~rds fl ~,. ~:::;•1A, 3~ •• ~ •• many of the bright tand oh soc;!:~ "t: ,:~ ;g'• ~:~urM 11:: ,~;i; arrogant so obnoxious) young Crutcn 11 11i.. l?\I M B•cwr l' 111 Cv11•P• C 10 11 Md Stil~ JI J''J JlleTI managing the funds Dftnlrl In 2! h l'l'i'l M1ver 0 JI , Jt 'fOR h 01nty M 14 11 MCOuv ?1 ?I 1• AL try to get r1c no•~ o.. 1Jl, 111; Mfdlc H 1~·, ?fl d II d OavlS Fd 11 n~. Mfdtrn JS , 11 more gra ua v an gracious· o~ .. Mtr 1• , 20• .. Mth••r , 1~ !y yo11 ll live longer to cn1oy18~"..'nc1n 1~ 1l:~ ~;n"' G~~ 1r· ~~~ )OU1 fortune ~11~1• Ac';, .1~'· l; • ~t:.~. c~ 1!: 1:,: ,_ Fi11ance Briefs ..... mcoS! 1 60 lot 2111, 211\~ ?Uo + 'lo CtH1'tAlr fO INVE~TING lnviuars Grouo Arn'll of I 7S 17 ~l\'1 6J '311, +I CF I $Tl fO COMPANIES 10~ ml/ l 9S S 31 Arm\IC~ 10 lO"J 4l •t OC>li IO~i C.l\1dbrn Inc NEW YORIC (AP\ MUI 10•111 Jl ArmRub i 60 31 :M>o 31'> JI.,, -1'" C111mP5 I ?0 -T~• IOllO'l'H\O Go.IP-Proa •SJ •ti Aro Corp to 1 23\o 1J1, ?llo + \.:. Cl\fir!erNY 1 l•t10"' su~ll1d Oy Slix~ 11111..N "'"'In Ind I 14 27>\o JJ ~7 ChlJeMn 1 10 lh' Nat)-1 AuOC:I• Stlt<I t Of t.7' A•nld Olt 1 '10 171 IO>a )I•; Jll'r -1 '• Chedtr Mot ttlon o! ScKIKlllea \/tr PY J II !.5' A.lid """"' I 1Dl0 1°" 101. -\'J -lrn 11> 0.tltr• IM !" '"" Rt•~ IN 4' AS«I DG 110 1 06 ... 41 -Vt CnetnNY 7 60 1~ prlc'• •! "'"ch 1s1e1 n 1'J 23 •? AsdSO'I 1 20b J J.tr,;, Jl\, 30'~ -Ii c11.,..,w1v 10 11>1s• stc~•ltln I""' h!11' it Asldfrnr •o s 13 13 11 Ct>a v1 160 <CHiid h.I~· l>ffn VY ' 2 • 11 AllCtyE 1 JO 7 15 ~ 1J\\ 151~ -v. Cnt$ O~lo • •olO lb"1 or boooht J l<ncock \2' 901 •ti ll lChflt! I Sto 1JJ1, 11'\, 11J'~ -l 'lo cne1~ro t1 (1•k~I Thulfd" Jollns•n J .Jll Jl.sli A!l~ch pl] IS 12'0 S9>, SI'• !It. -"A ChlCEl>I 111 " AIJI K•~'-F_und• All Rid> ot ] J 101. 19? 19'1 CMMll SIP p ~~::,~ J ~ ~ t~ l::: I~ ~ ~ ~~ !:l!c~,:~ 11' IM :;;,: JJ,., J~,,. :tl"" ~c.~r;''; ct'~ A.11\liatd I Of ! 15 c,,.. B• t 7• 10.U Alla• Cor11 41 S''I 5\loi S'• -1'. hi Min c 1 A.!ul<~ 10.:i I '1 C11• Kl IN 16' Auror~ Pl~• :Hi u • .. 1' 11'~ f. ,._ MP,_f, Atoll• Fo 11621110 C\11 ICJ S:lOnlOAVISpi<lr 1111 ,, 16 u .... ,,.,._,.Chi R1 p Amt•c ''° 6""5 c.,. St 10f0 11 Aulomln JN! ~ U\\ u >, 1•""-'"'gRrPci'tip Am 80> l11 ]\o C111 57 lljll 20 A\"CO (a 120 16 ?611 761'1 UV.-~ Am O.•n IOJtlllll Cus SJ 1 • IDOAYco p/JXI 10 l7''> 51 s1 -"loo.r+ri._c•,•,.w AE• WI 9 tJ Cu• Si S 1' 61 A"'"" Pd l1 ' ~211) 5? SJ'lt + Vt "' Am Gtl~ 611 llll Pol•r 4J7 17fAYnt1lnc •0 I~ 11~, 1 •~'o 1~. ChockFull IO Am In~ 9 07 '~ Knlckb I '1 1 lt Avon Pd r 80 37 161~ 160 "l'• -\/. Cllrh CU 60 Am Mui t II 10 l! ICnkk Gt 11 oe 12 11 Al"'c 011 G1 Ill 1y, 1•1· 1s•. +1v, c~~'°"i'll ',. ~;'.;:N P~i' J ~ ~:I ~::1":~tn Jg ;t Jljl -B-1,.~l' 1 " Anc:llllt GtauP Ll~rl• ! 71 1 ll Ila be~ W I ll I• 74lp 2J.O.:, ?•lo + '• '" GE Ill • Ctol! I tl t 1• Life S!k 00 S 16 611krOltt 6S "'?l 1911 1• • 1t> 1 + •.(; C!lnMIH 1.«11 Gr.,tn 11tSU19Llfo lmr 111 129811tGE' lPO l? Jl\to J111 ClnSul~I 1 ol0 '" !'° 9 IS lino 6 50 1 10 !111(; plfll Sii !711 66' 1 6'''1 M', ClTFln I to Fd lnW l (If 11 Oj Loam11 »vltt 111\IG o!Cl 1)'1 60''1 60 ' 60':. i 'It CtT " pf$ 50 A>•OCI Ill II C1NCI l191Jl97 81noP11n! 411 Jl 7•'• '"'• 1~''o ''-Clllrs$vc 1 A•!ron 616 695 Caoo! 11 111171 BanqP 111115 l '9 1~ 79 ~CH~ In~ !:)Ob A"/.,,.';\~"':'ta IStM~n':.lin l~r.1;t flank Tr 2t1 SJ 1.i~i 31,. &J>, t~:::1n;lr~ i:..r Fund 8 I 17 t 60 Miu F<I 10 16 11 81 Clar~E~ I lD ll~ ! 11 1 IS M.l.'5 Gth n 11 IJ ~ Cl1rt 011 IO c CG !l S61MtJ tlr "d161S CltvClllf 160 !•bl.on Ill 111 M•1ro 1'9 •f9 Cltv[tlll 2.01 l•lr Fd 1ou111•M11r...rs 11P9111'1 NATEC' Ctoro• 1.111 8ond1•k 6 11 I ... MfOofl '50 10 II s (!11oltPe1 '° Bo•I"" ~t 911610 11 M1<1A Mu 117 I 13 (~Jf1!P ol ! ll~lan 131 9 09 MOO<IY Co ll °' 15 711 CNA Finl 50 !lta-d SI 1~ "6 H !l Moocl.,..5 13 51 U tl CNA pt Al !0 llullock U :l"I 16 Mo• on FUro<l1 Ca-11 SI Ga1 c.G F11 •• ,1011 G•wth 1o:rp113' Shai·es Eai·n ~.1sGs Piil• C1nat1" 11 :Ill "11 lnconi • 01 •,. , oc•C•/ "' c11111 Inc ! )I • 11 lnsu< 1 5t ~ l1 oxc1ll! I • ~ c ... 11s11r 02/MMIF Fd tl6101 oltP1 170 Cent Sn• IO 42 11 lf MIF G!h s .. ~'.lo Cole p Pll.lO C~""'"" Furnl1 Mu O<nG S It l l.o Co!!lnt AIM 1 B•l•n l2UllHMu Om1n 1~:"1111 '9 16 c t CollnR1d 1(1 Com St I It 1 9' Mui snir 11 9' 11 99 e11 S Cakl!n!>l l 60 Gtwlh 66• 121 Mlil Tr11 71.i 269 i1oh ll'ICI ISi! 1ncorn l?I Ill NEA MU! 10Mln~! ol•ln PU7S !.oKI 795 ll'l N!a WSec !0641151 ill In oll60 C.haseGrauo Nat Ind 111(1111.i N IE CS !IOI> Funo 11 n 12 e.1 N~• in"'' 1 01 1 u at1ona n v J r o n m e n t1c011100, 1 60 Frnt 91.AllOI 1J NII S.cur S•r C luPlt! •S Shrnd 11 u n 96 B•l•n 10 S• 11 s> Corporation Orange has ~~1!.aOh 1 1l Ctw!mct 11 lt 20 lO Bond S ~ I 01 ombEn J 10 CoEi.:;~~ • 1s s 1• g~~h ; t: ~ U repor!ed first quarter per om1so1v 10 1'~1111 1111 ljll Pl Slk 6911 7S4 ~omwEtl ??0 Grw•n • •• ot 1ncam s ~· 6 11 common share earnings of 16 c:.:i ... E01~1 tJ vinl 61• 137 $1...:k !SI 9311 commt 11 as 17 •j Het we 1 n 611 cents after reflecting ex· ~:.::;::: Sci ~omS. Bil l OI SJ I-lei Grlll 9 H 10 7• Catie M111$ l YOUNGSTO\VN Ohio (liPll -Youngstown Sheet & Tubt Co said the s trike of coal mu1ers at its Nc1nacohn 1n1ne 11oon \.\ 111 force 1\ to cut steel producllon for lac k of coal unless lhe miners return lo "ork The companv ha~ filed i;u1t agamst lhe United J\l111e \Yorkers in lederal cou1 t 1n P11!sburgh for tn11Lal c!am.•J.!<'~ of $1 075 nulhon 11lus $20 1n1!ho11 a d.1v µ u n 1 I 1 v 1 damages growing out of the strike and potato starch bus iness bul 1~"o.:0 ;1, ion~:: ~~~ 1:U 1::~ 1 Con Edi• 1 to UC"monw1lll ic,11fQ71 N~uwTh 2•1•1•1• traord1nary Items or 7 cents,C.onr .. cCo ~o • 111 reta'" the molasses and 1nvfl.1 • 's 10 ss Wtw wrd n"' ~. 10 per s 1are C011£d11 "', " S.to<:I< t II 10 61 NY V•~t 16" 11 ~ Th d I ed I ' C.onEdl• olJ O\her fc:xi bUSlfleSSeS O f C-Nl1h AB I ii I St Hew10"I 1S J111 ~· e IVer SI I corpora IOn S C..,E olC• <,w11h co ,,' ,'J ••"•1 Nore••• 16 211' '' net income b e ! o r e ex ~:F:°':l: ~ Per:ick & Ford omo A• nc .... cn 111 • '~ ~:1Bo t ~~ 1X ~ f~i~ 1! r,: J~ ~l traord1nary items during the l:~~~J!hl 1l como F<1 • 96 10, •, 101 Fd 9 to 10 11 the ee months period between !:f.':.w',1~ !2 Los ANGELES (UPI) C.on•I~ SI• 6 Or>~ Wm5 16nt160'i ""' • con~o•ll 16ll1'lloNe l 1 ~711619 April J through June 30 v.as °"i~rL ,~ J\lc.-Culloch Oii Corp has com c~~ In un1v1il C>Lcenn '~' 1i.1 OOO cflf' c'" pleled two de\1elopmen1 "ells ~:::.-~~ L:; 1~ n 1~ ~ ;:nn.,..us,o I:: : :: $3\B -a 46 percent rise c:: c":1'1 ~ lh Kit fo' ld C bt>l l 1.:n1v C•c uool•'*pnu~ u111~1· above corporate profit pro-~:c:_,"'Af;g Jn e I 'i le In anlp )~~ ;~ i~t 1~ ~ ;1::"" ; h 1~~~ JCCllOnS for the period COlllM:r lOo County Wyo The l"o arc dtvQ~ M 6lllll1lS 111nr ~· 10 "10 ,, H D Cl k J ',ont 0 11 1so It I b d t I oec~1 '"' 11J9tl•lP1onte• 1110 u 11 enry are r on1 s11 1 owing a a com 1ne ra c o 0.1~"'" u u u tl Pion 1,.... 12 11 n n NATEC d t d h 1 root Tel n 900 "-eels da,ly o,u, Ir 1 os 110 Price TR :u e 2• ,, s pres1 en an C' 1e r.a~1ro1 Oet~ u.or orv•d Shr J IJ I,, Pro Fund 10 Jj 10 1~ I rr I I r no11 pfl $(> 0o-wr in 6 s1 1 11 Prov<1nt • IJ s :>II C'Xe<!U J\le O Jeer repor Cl r,,.,Wlld 1 ~ne Ocwni " 6 l1 1 '3 Purtltn 10 ~ 10 IO that the firm s net worth as of r'.OOI< unit 50 Or•~ol IS" U"' p 11 nim F"ndl r-rln 1 00 0<ov1 Fd 11001•21 !'nu t 10 .. 11"'J June '>n had ,ncrea-~ to e_, Tit 1 ffl.,.,&How~•t Gl'O<'"O 1• ll t! /0 ..... ~ C-T Dll ?! ~~~+"n lj\IU9: f,;-.,1:.., 11 ri 1:15 $21573000 ·an increase of 36~g:~:! ~~ irn:om 11 '" 1 ........ 1 'a 1 01 pee<cnl above ots •1arcl1 31 net rc.,..1s11 1 "'° \VINSTON S3lrn1 Nt: jD<'fl 11 360•7 v1111 io~S)l!4 1~ r..,..1n11111 ''" lox~ 1163 1!~ Vov•o ltt 9~1 WOl\h Of $)5831000 CprGW ''°" tUPI) n J Hcy nolt!s Ebo•'I 1J•l111• Q~o l P(h ll'<A •' rort)l>l!ln n CLE\iELANO ! UPI I TR\\' Inc , ha~ obta1neJ a :s25 6 n11\hon Air Force con ! 1 act to ,1eslgn con1mun1ca lions satellltcs Tobacco Co has !ieltlcd 11~ !~:~ !.c 1i~':l: ~=':n 1l~1:~ Clarke poinled out thal Uus ~~!Jc~~•o four ) car old anl1lr11sl d1spulc 0~1AH.A fUP I) Com · ~~~~~;. ': ~~ 1; ~ ~~~. ~iJJ.' 1111 qhuarl,erly flnllanclal rehport ts ;.~.~n•~ ~10 11•11h the Ju~11ce Dcparhnenl 111odore Corp announces 11 ~g~t"G•h ·~~e:.~ ~n•1 1n,. ~~~n11 I e. 1rst re ~ling t e lotal;~:~j',,,,-: O'ccthe acqui•oto"n or Peni"k 1\111 build a factory 1n Preston ~s '' n ll 11':i 1• "~:; consohdal1on and reahgnment "'"rcrwCa1 1 \H ,, v ~ l:VMSI I~ U•S1S6? Com St l!OOll(lrO r II I d b c,._-Cork & }'Ord Ltd. through a tO!\ Ont ' to make 1nobrle ho1ncs t:;r,1~ 1?looW1l~o~ 5~ OIY 11511715 No AT,ECadCQUISJ tohns 1'"' re y ~~~!fr~ I 'ti scnl dcc1t:c Tht• Rc~nold~ .ind another in Bellefonte Pa , ~~mG•~~ 1/\ ll Ul~ ~:~ fn't"11 } ~ : ~ ur1ng t e as\ 1scal ~!f.n'.07., ~o oroup agreed to d1"st itself ol l o n1ake campers and rctrl'l F" ceo 1 a.1 n ,, 5'11' •m 10 11 11 o~ year rudh, Pfl •s ,. F•d Ful'ICI 16 IO j' !I Sel *'~ l<\;o, 1' 1' S I J I '"u!ll~~n '~ Penick & Ford s corn nulling t1onal \Chicles F•d 1rnc1 1sJ1 1MSll DHn 11 11111 1nce JS new 1sca yearr""""'"' llC!ll "P:n<.'fl Proa S d, I" 10 ti be A I 1 NAT"C '"""rOru" 1n i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I ~m , .. 111SJv•n• 10,.111t ganon prt • i:. ,ac· .. ur1!toW•• 1 Forum on Puts & Calls MAKE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS DO THE WORK OF THOUSANDS while l1m1t1ng your rl~k and multiplying your profit potent1~I TUESDAY, AUGUST 26-7:30 p.m. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2-7:30 p.m . TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9-7:30 p.m. These are the elates tltat Goodbody experts will present lectures on options I puts & calls l. Make plans to attend one or all. Call Miss Wood for reserva· tions. GOODBODY & CO. ESTAILISHED !191 "'"'' • '' s tt ~ ~ 1"" ' e1 u n quired 18 percent ot the r:...,i wr A ' lflUlm 6~ 6t)Stn111 II tlr •~1 C1111 .. H l"O ~~~"'11, 1g1, 1~ U i:v".r'~~v 1~ ~ ,:,f outstanding common stock and 6~:0:,.M 1 ~,0 11 ,1 JnGt~ I 19 io 1. S1F"rm GI s" 1 •! Uebenlurcs o[ A 111er1 c an s1 l~S k 10 • 51 StMr St 11n~¥1l •• M~111 t JI '~2 St~•a"'1" Fund• Pacd1c Group Inc and ap 1·~ 11:1 .. 1 111 Fst "'"' I 51 A II Am ln<I )I 10 11 ll '"'(Ii 1.75 l'l' s, •• •101 44t1 F.t1c ''> 101 proximately S percent of the •rt !"'"" Ft! Ceo l•I $c1en l it i~ k l<I nd "17 F;t• 0•~ I" s•fln 11~ 1111s outstanding common sloe of ,.,...,.q 1 " I"'. ... 'tt , ~ B•I 10 17 l'0.57 Th II c °"~'""I. 1 Ml I"" G•~ s11 s•J Ceo oa 11i4iol• e awau orp , OPL crl1.IJ """d'' IU 'll Stock 1•l'tt•?t OPL 010741 I ouno 11n1111~0,. 1nGt lff tAJ gf"'re Co 2 F••~•I ~ G1~11c SuotnSt 'lO 10 :I() ''"'''~ / M f>t'1c51 1:~.~~:1 s .. nu c1 11nn91 -..Ui••·•et o,1,.,n11 10 Ull 6/.t Ill !M~ "o 103172:!'1 1ra " Ql'l!•Alr • I l~tom J lJ 1" 'ta>•' 10 IO 11 IM Otl!t( Int F•Hdm I ~.\ • ].O fec:O,nc:l I 1• 6 I? D~lttc l'lf In Fu"" •"' 9 jJ 10 ., To<nv•t I JO s b l D'nn Mir 60 ~~n ~ 11n11nl TNl'l~o1 1.00 117 1Jll' 0 S 01:11nM+• ptl llr•ll• 11 'It n •• !'"'" Gt ?) 4 2' S1 .. Dfo"nvlt1I IM tlNO S.-r rMr Mil I 2J T 90 DntoPIV I 20.# I "'"'O S< 111 '10 lt•n Ca" 1 •• 163 O•nllG< I 10 c""' 5t 11•5 u10IT'"" Eo '111069 'tl'lt tQ1lllwtn1 It • •tt to '~""'°°" uJtd D1'r1eo af 8 Fv l Ad t I' !000 Tu<I"' Fd llOJ lt~t In lht llO<'~ m1r••I rtoMl1-GPDOtoff O&Solotl!( ftl gl tn Ind 'l Ml'~~ TwnC Cl! I IS AM Mllf ~lEdls 1 «t , • .,....~ 16 •.I 1 ti Tw..C tr><: l 11 .120 $11~ lltllr"1 lrt llf'IOIUCl~I. 0'!'1 Ed 1tJ SO ut·~~ 11,, U If Unll M~I 10 lf 1! 11 1-Al!O 1x!r1 tr IJltll b-Anny1t Nici O<P• S!ttl to 1-11m•!I011 On I'll •.1 \o.Jll m 1u• 01111 ''Del e11v .. Hnctl -D«t.rtd 0111.,. l' I llFI 1 01 SJ) U~otf'd FuNht or PllCI ~ !Ir !hit "''' f-f'ftllblc In Ol1lf'l...n ..50 C1n I tt t ¥. Accm 1" I'' IMdt; dutll!f 1'4 "'fm•lftl 1111 olut Ollflllnlf I 1111 M•'l(t•t I "' I IM(lll"t , .. ,\ I l' lll!tk dl~IOtnl d-OK"""' o• u,n VIII ... O~Sllam , "'° 11Ubol 1 O• t Sci... 1111 If OI' l'>;·dl~ld OI' e.-,,,f1flfbvllotl OI~ g 1Sli Pl Cl H•rl.,.11 l4 'S 1• I Ufd Ct1n 7 '1 U t-f>llt I• ¥fft ~Otdlt'ld Cit Nlii 1$ pf 0110 t~t.c '-'" 1j I! 1~ 11 V••~ L l"'I! 'Fd 1tttr 1 dlY pr wilt !If' cltP'!'Dn .. !itOb (;at l'I ll•I ~I" 1116 111 •-O«!trrt OI' Ill! h Yff1" 1'1 Kg ...... tt-'l !l ' ij ·~~ l ~ j t4 cumul•Hvr IHllS ""'"' lllYIOtolcl~ • :rii IOlCtftlo. ·'° ''' ~ &al Sil 1111 rt~"I -P•lt this ""' OIYllH" om! OIHI~ e t1 M..,n 11111• VnctS Jlt ) I q ~ or 1111 ~loft '"""' II ,, dlv Ol!lfll ot A' ~Ill,(';~ • ' V1odrM 111 I\ atlld -" ... , r--0«~ .... or NMI ... l .. DI!~ "'., Iii f~~ J,l S• Vtr!«t S6S s nP!vt sll!Ck d'vidt/111 •-Ptvab1, In •tocllo111o<p 5641 'I ' M< 'I~ ' Vlt l'ICI" I 0) l'7 011r111t IN. 11tlm1t.ci Uilfl v11\111 pr A· OIN'!"(IUll JO ""' fl'I D11r 11 VIUnt i?l 1.ll Olvlcltnll ~ .fll<f•llrltl\ltloft lftlt. '1-l.I. Dll,,.T )Oft l'Z:° ,~:."..i 11:. 11 H Wl Met• '~ l' Ol tlU~~"l:. ~:.Vr:rl" 01~1!.#H 1 IO n· l'dll 111 1~1:::~1 J: :;611Z:J cld-Ctlltd f/J-l• Ol•ICl"fld •fl.-E• g•Pt':j~ : I l~:f"\"ffld 1~1? \1 ~ Wplteln II .t 1SAJ flslr!bullon.. 1r-f:lt fllhll ........ Wllhovl ~ll 1 Ile "'°'· ~';•,,_ '! U !ij ~fltti'1:"' 1~:: 12 ff :=:~~111uw:.;,~ ""':i:;. ~J,~1 ~'~"i' l1 § Co'. I j~ I 1 Wlnd'lor 'q" • WM~ '11fr"~ Wf--WIWI !u!,IH ""'"' t 1 •• , (;~11 t '-t Wlfoott~ J.,. ~ 01 -lllIM _, !1'111 .,'*•119'1<¥ Iot t or r t 61 11------------------"!'--------•'I I"° r 'l '1/l1' Witt flf 2J !M ell• "°'live•• --Wl ttlnh ~ u (!Im / ~ "'1 Bot I 1 l)tl Norlll ,0 )) tl "OC.P ti) • • ..... ..., IJiloft.I N1P, LI•( .... CM •• ,,,, •I • •• :, _,, "• ... ·I'· ... • -.. ... -.. . " -'• _, ... " ... t' .... " I·'• .... . " -" ... -.. -'• -•o •• . " 1--1'• . " ••• -1~. -" . " -.. ; '; . '• "• . " ... : 1, : ' . ... . '" ·)'\ . " ... . '·• •• ... '• -f~. ... . '• •• . " '• .. • •h ,, .. " •• ... ... '• " . ~ . .. '• .. '•> .. .. •• .. .. . , " .. .. .. " .. " .. " " .. .. " " " ". " " '• " ' , .. " " .. "' .. " " ... ~ '• '• .. •• .. '• .. '• •• " " ,, '• •• " ., .. " '• ' '• " .. •• .. .. "' .. " '. '• .. .. " '• '• .. " •• •• .. '• ••• '• •• . , ., ' . •• ' . .. . , .. ... •• '• .. " .. .. " •• .. " ., •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Thursday's Closing .... ...-----------· tNl.I ... u. a.. Clll· Prices-Complete New York ..... ~ tit11l----------------------1 1M.)-..UW~<-. Prices End Mixed In Light Trading NEW YORK (UPI) -Prices closed narrowly mixed on the New York Stock Exchange Thursday in light trading . The UPI marketwide indicator was up 0.14 per- cent of the 1,MG isaues traded , 650 moved ahead and 588 declined . The Dow Jones average of blue chips industrials •howed a gain of 1.52 at 834. 74. TUmover amounted to around 8 mWion sharesj about a mlllloa below Wednesday's pace . Oils and electronics moved in both directions, but ~enerally In narrow ranges. Slandard ol Call· forrua rose around 1 near the close. IBM closcl at 349, up 2 118. Steels, motors. rails and gold min- ing issues moved in similar fashion. Among the most active s1.ocks were Union Carbide, Natomas, Benguet. Reading & Bates. Gen- eral rnstrument and American Telephone. 'The lat .. ter closed at 53 114, unchanged. Airlines and aircrafts •bowed scattered strength although fractional losers appeared in both aroups. Conglomerates followed a mixed path bul there \vcre few point-size swingers. ' Iowa beef packers, up 4 718 Wednesday, gave up more than l near the close . Chemicals edged higher in some instances but he re, too, gains were small. Du Pont closed at 127, oU 1114 . Prices were mixed on the American Stock Ex- change in moderate trading . DAILY mor Stock Exchange List UAL Ir>< t Complete Closing Prices -American Stock Exchange List I • r , ' .. • • \ I • • I . ' ' 1 ' . \ ·, I ' ' I I j JI DAILY I'll.OT frfdo7, Auiu1t 22, 1'169 a .. ri•tt• Now Wondering Was Czechoslovak Invasion Calamitous Error? Think RUSSEL Tl,. YLOR MAKE BELl!V~ FURS 1y Wll.LL\M L. RYAN Czedlollovak p a·r t y tuftc.. social lam." tegrated by hesitant steps mity tow a r d ~e, have 1be Ciecho6loY1k epiaode must cOntinue worldwide until .t. n ~ .. t ewru-tknt t·i-•~ who la 1 ...... \.1 .... 'l'nore Party leaden, S t r o U g I I toward PJllinl "a hwnan fac. become the modern WOfJd's a1ao CID be jud#d to have &et theu ls no more capitalist ,..... ur--r-,,.._,, ......... 116, complained. ••grossly uo. on soda.Usm," WAS not the leading reactionaries. back chances for resol'llftg system anywhere. Sqviet leaders today must and more like Moscow 8 ~ deresttmated the Wluence of · party's Influence indeed ex~ In 1970, C o1n m u n i s t s E&Jt..West diUerenees b Y Qb&ervers are likely to coo- Think wonder w&tther they have spectlve viceroy In P.raaue, tmperiallsm.'' By permJtUng tremely weak: 'I11:ey may be celebrale the lOOth birthday of peaceful m_eans. U.S. leaders clUde from the Czechoslovak made a caJamjtous mi.stake in laid-..all the nation'• troubles · abolition of ce.MOrship in 1968, drawing conclusions 1 l k e Lenin, the founder of are looking at it that way. experience that M05CQ~ Unds ~Pia. one which not to failllres ol the.~ or he added, they made in· these: by crushing the reform Bolshevism. The story o( Ever &nee the tnvuion a seo.irity only in liolaUng coun- hlstery rnilbt judge a stinging the sy~, ~t to ~ fonnaUoo media "the dllel the Russians showed lack: of Czechoslovakia m a k e s a year ago, the Sovk!t press has tries and peoples. Constant defeat ror the entire Com-~ ol anti~allit, r~~ tools of the rilbt-wing and confidenOt lo the SUFVival ot doublfuJ curtain r a i s e r • constanUy re m i n d e d Com· stress oa .. lbe leading role of mu.nist movement wing o~ist f 0 r c e '· anti-SoclaUat forces," a n d the system without .. the a~ ConstaoUy these days the munisls that while Moscow the party;• appears to UD· It does not take much dig· ~':!··~~~j~~~af:t m~ ~t possible for ene~ies pllcatio~ of a tourniquet on the Soviet party is required to supports 1 •peace f uJ coex· derSl'Ore 1ear lhat the party's w .. =~""' Newg i. g.tng inW the background~~r1_J~~e~sy~Slan~;·~s~tna~b=l~li~;·;·~w~c~ope~~to~dll~inte~gr~a~t~e~~t•jparty~J·~;:_~fl~ow~o~l~1d;..,~·';,.~;;~'df:~r~ev;ise~~o;~~-~dogma~~·~w~~ra~.~Js~t]eoce~,~"~l~t~m~us~t;be~"'l~'~'ded~~rol~•~l~s~m~dang~~er=,~and~:•:l•~01~~~~~~~~~~~ Western specialists to con· and to throw "suspicion on~ Others wlll ask: U Com· ADd some ma,y indeed ask 1f tiooall%e lbe perpetuation of a as only a maneuver, a weapon with U, "the whole Socialist elude, on the anniversary of J.farxist·Lenini.St cmcepl of munlst rule can be di.sin· the Russiana. by auuming en-power elite. in the 1'class struggle" which system.'' the Russian inVa.sion, that the Kremlin acted from weakness -the sort of weakness which seem1 to pervade the entire area in which the Soviet system oC nile prevails. The analyst& will consider the Soviet actions as in- dii::&ti0ll5 of weakness because of the distinct impression that what was done was dictated by fear. The story o f Czechoslovakia suggests in- security among the Soviet rul· ing elite which impelled it to retreat behind bastions of doc· trint. That doctrine itself, by the Soviet Communists' own accounts. is in danger ol crumbling before the force of Western example. WHOLE STORY 'Ibe whole story since the Czechoslovak reform move· ment began early in 1968 setms to have Illuminated a consi.stenUy defensive attitude by the Soviet Communist par- ty. Jt appears to exhibit :something close to panic at the slightest suggestion of disagreement. By Soviet accoonts, the Czechoslovak crisis was partly the work o[ "imperialist" agents from the W e s t • "subversive elements" inside the country, and dark: for ces bent on undermining the entire "SOcialist system" in tbe East. lAlbomir Strougal, a School Bond Suits Pending SACRAMEITTO (U PI) Two lawsuits were on file l& day seeking to nullify the re- quirement that two-thirds of those voting must approve a local scbool bond issue to pass it. • AUy. Gen. Thomas C. Lynch Thursday sooght to dismiss one of the cases, pending in U.S. district court he.re, and settle the matter in state courts. Both suits seek to knock out as unconstitutional a provision that requires 66 percent approval o[ bond issues. The controveny may wind up in the U.S. Supreme Court before it is settled. Isle Resid ents Given Degrees Two Balboa Island residents have received bachelor o( ans degrees from Cal State Los Angeles. They are : Patricia A Nakauchi, 1221\2 Onyx Ave., and Raymond F. Smlth, 1316 Bay Front. TURN ON Turn on a 100 watt lighl- bulb -yours for only !04*with each purchase of gasoline .•. at part ici· paling Texaco Retailers In this area. liehlbulb supply is limited so don't delay. Turn In at Texaco today. •s..tJ..Wflkl. LOW YOLTIGE LITE SYSTEM A wl:IOIMrou.1 thing irysWm to tNQ:llf--ordinory backyard. lnlo a Gardn.ol .Alia:h. Outdoor Jights GN double c:oiOr.d. 12 YOU outpwit lor oo ~ i.ar·• Hry 1111• cmywh•re. 1999 REAL BODY BOLDING 11m SPRIY Tb• headlQQ ad prktl Mrf' H .t1,. .. JGll .....-,1. or,__,.,. caa tloek up lor th. tall ~bool twm Gt big ecniDg1 -· (Ratloa tbnl O\IL a c:aa a -It. if ~·I out ot tb• both ta ma hov.rJ 37c ~~z.f BAR-1-Q LITER FLUID TII• Mt Dint yet lor the lhriltr ppornaai~ Odom-. -Da1hl:lot.k. o 111re •lurt cmy6ate. UM Indoors ln tbe fir.place looiDc:awJ1)V .-tloget rid ol old W.e letlers kr1t. • 50 FEH NYLON REINFORCED BOSE hper strong aykN. rehUorted boH 11 a good bv.T. (Aad. Jc111•. It'• eot "gooflng oft" .. b .. ftllditll(J tb• Uft'PCIP"• II'• ,.Wl'eh.'1 3 991> lllCll SCALLOPED CORCRETE EDGING Lay thl11t11U OJUI rou 11•••r ha,,.. to replace cicud-borders hnigbl ha.e to r•ploc:e a toe ot l•o U JO• Naa lot ill IWoJght). Cbok:e el tM ot MN• .,..,.. 1 POP RJYET TOOL flifft aayth\og workhlf oo• Hnded: tr.a°"" .Jde. JU..t clolb. Jeatbet. a.till. wood. you IKla• ii. l..cldnae.ortecl rt..t1. 19' DAISY RIGBTIJTE A petkJ Olldlt»e 10 tb• ldtch•llo bulb. w~r yoa Med a llOH glow to guide J011. Clwods like Riadolplt.'1 ._to meJ Low •crtl u ... &.... pows. --•lec:trkltf. 77c J,OVULE LAWR OBllJIUTS Veryc:ut-.~1to weather (but wcrtcb th• trigger happy )w.nt•1.) .,_.._ •Ni:ik. lq\llneL f'GCOOQ. lfor, or vet th-all aod caU It Di1uylcmd Weat. 199 , OU WILL ICILL M!,YOll S~OIST. MA~f 'IOV~ O!PN 'IDU WORE ~f ObWH1 \'l.L Ti\l(E ALI. OF THtM. oce BIMBOO FENCIRG Suppl• bamboo lenc:iat mabti nice wlndscNen. °' slap II up for quh;k Jlrl•at:y. WU. boclod roll gl ... good looks wlU. d'llJ'Gl)lllty. 237 6"xl$" ROLL 20 FOOT SOAKER BOSE Thi• It. Off old MMik tftcrt really lu1he1 up lh• lcmdsc:ape and malte1 II aU l11rn o g lorlau• gtMc. Mcmr Uae pl.ahol•• 101 llow,...,.. a&..U.ag. DRJYEWAY COATING Don't won and get c:aughl ln th• tint rala ol the t.eaaon. c:oat now. 10••• pa-•int later. PTOtec:t1 aud ..al1 ywr dztftway for pemll••· GLIDDEN SPRED GLIDE-ON A 1upetbmuoory polnl tbcrt goes°"' 1mootbly oTer brlcL 1l1Mito. coo"'"•· your atw .....m1 .. Manyc:olor., 4 99 GAL TUB ElfCLOSURE WJTB SIFm GUSS F1na extNd.d ah1mU"un 1ra-. towel bar, •ll th• mat•rlo:l MC91R!f lo do a bang.up job. (Oo th• thumbs. tlng•maU.. •ibow1.) 2999 KIDDIE BUBBLER FOUNTAIN Hook th11 up to the oulsld• Jaucel, ond the kldt won'I bt nagg~ !or add.Ilk o( water a I day 1009. (No. tbey·u c:om• nagging tor 111 ·~•·Aid.)299 AdnrtlM<I 1p.:laJ1 good thni A1.1;utt TT. 1919 land my HCNtary •Ml gold Proapec:tillg on It.er .accrt1n ••• 1tdklo·1 wt.) YAPORETTE INSECT ST1'JP A gnat lnrenllon by 10m•g11y1 who got ti.red ol belag bu&Md bf untdentU!ed flying ob}ect1. !leally works. JCl.lt lor 3 moolh1 and l1 odor irM. DOUBLE SPRINKLER Pla1tlc: 1prlnkler won't win any prUe1 ior d•1lgn but will do the job and 1ho1,1.ld la1t a while 1111le11 th• kid g•l• II wUb th• 11e'# power mow1r. With 1plk•. MODERN CHROME BATH FAUCET Modeni c:ould meo:a 11 ba1 Cl ploce for bot •aler. Thl1 i1 hlpl• c:brom• OTer bra11 wllb the lilMSTf kllobt.. fill 11Gndard ' ll'C h op-rr.1119. 399 GET YOUR OWN CREDIT CARD A•• u.rof O\n ••'Nl"lll alert e111plOfM1 (110 fair -tav IM ethfftl llow to gel JOU ewa J*'OnO) National cr.tlt ccmL good ol all lour 1ior.a. •• Auto Sh<;>w Pre miere G iv en Green [ig 5t • On the freeway rolling nonstop to the Slxlh Annual lnternallonal Automobile Show of Orange County are lhe county'• nine Auistance League chapters, which aMually aponoor the benelit Premiere Night. 1970 modela of foreign and d.omesttc automobiles will be unveil· ed In the Anaheim Convention Center Wodllnday, Oct. 8, and the eve- ning for car bufftl promises to be as dazzling as lhe new cars them- .selves. • Themed A Parede of Pro1re11 of .wheels, the collecUon ol "wheels" will be the first showing of the new models in lhe country. In~-0 dfiver's seat" Co~ the pr~re Is . Mrs. Nickolas J. Frank Jr. of Corona de! Mai, general chojrman. />Ssistillg her is a countywide committee of Assistance Leaguers, including members of the hostillg Newport League. · ... Newport Beach members Jendiru? a hand ,are the Mmes. Coli n Ro):'l>Olds ,.tjlapter1 president; Waltef Lier, c<>ehairman ; Robert E. Leitner, ticket chfirman; John Davies, secretary; Fredertck Pres. cott, angel chaimian; Wilbur Reynolds, dinner chairman; Orrin W. Wright Jr., dinner co-chairman; BrOde Busche, d~orations; James Winton, hosj.esses; Frederick Presco'tt; fashion coordinator; Roy Hall, publicity; E.dward A. Boyd, awards; Hugh K. Wright, transportation, and Paul ~ers, steeripg_commlttee1 · · -l Replesenting the Newport Beach A11sis_tance League auxiliaries are Mn., Claude-L. Pattersont Las aiina11, ·and Mrs. James M: Sin.kt Juniors. · ~ Committee members f~m Huntington Beach, as announced by Mrs. Gilbert Turnbull, chapter president, are the Mmes. Richard Crouch, chairman; Ricbard -Crawfor~. tickets; Norman Warner, host· esses a.nd dinner resei:va\jons; Hujh1 Stutaman, publicilyi James .Sayer, awards, and ~er Dart, det9rations. Laguna Beach ue member:s offering their services are the Mmes. Thomas Jones, c illJ>ler president; Charles ·Coffyn, auto show chairman;. Theodore 'fayJ,o ticket.Si Robert Marvin, fashions; Pat• rick Randall, publicityi Milan biba, dinner; Donald Conklin, decora· tions, and Daniel Schryver, way d means. Premlue-goers will gather · the Grand Lobby of the Conven- tion Center for cocktall& from 6: to 8 and lhose wishing may dine In the ~abelmlloom at 8 p.m. Tickets now are available 'any Assistance League mern-. her at~. · Proceeds from the admissi n tickets will further the philan .. thropic work 'of the ni ne league apters, but dinner tickets will be offered as a convenience with no benefit to the ~Assistance League. PUTTING THE CHAIRMAN 'IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT -Better · than on a television show, Mrs. Nickola's J . Frank ·Jr. of Corona del Mar bas been put in the-driver's seat for the Sixth Annual lnt~rnational Automobile Show Premiere of Orange County. As· &s'tance 11eague members throughout Orange County have: re- ceived ·the green ligllt and are speeding toward the gala Oct. 8 benefit premiere in Anaheim Convention Center. Pin Money 'collected When the echo of falling pins reverberates through Hun-- tlngtoo La tie 1 Wednesday, SepL 10, members of Golden Key will recall th.al this ac- tivity was ~ of the first fun- ding projects the gr o a p spoMOred when tt formed 1b: years ago. Golden Key ts one of the county's 1upport groups for _ the Child Guidance Center, a low-fee, part-pay clinic for the treatment o f emotionally disturbed children. Serving as ·chairman of Utls year's bowling league la Mrs. Al Krukenberg, and assisUng Is Mrs. Gene Westerfeld. Mrs. Howard Matheny will aerve • league secretary. Other projects planned by Golden Key which will benefit the cent.er Include a holiday bazaar wbJch will take place Dec. I, ~ a faabJ.on 1bow lcheduled I« Saturday, Ocl 4. .. Suri Sounds Vac:ationing Valleyites • Enjoy Summer Leisure By JODEAN HA8TINGS Of Ille DfHY P'llet , .. ,, A· DOUBLE FAMILY ret.t· nlon is being e.nJoyed tliJs week by Dr. Anselmo and Monique Pineda of Huntington Harbour. They a r e en- tertainfng ·Dr. Pineda '• brother Gllbert, and his wife, Marcel, who is Monique's sister, The Gilbert Plnedas are resident& of Chicago, and following his return hoi;ne, Marcel will remain for several weelui. STEVE JOHNSON, who this fall will enter his senior year at California InsUtule of Technology, Is working as SCUBA diver1 for the school's marine biology Jab at Corona del Mar thls 11..1mmer. -ct1nd time on the dean's honor roil for academic achievement at their respective ct11leges. THE GERALD K. FID!ey1 enjoyed a 7400 mile trip East during a 1iJ::.week vacation during June and July. Taking the Southeni ·route, they drove to. Washlnitoo, D. C., New Jersey and New York to visit· friends and tam.fly. On their return trip they" visited Mt. Rushmore and many other national parb. A1rs. Finley ttcently was elected as a vice president ot the Huntington Beach League ol. Women 'Voters and' now ls engaged 1n planning league ac... livtlies for the· new year. Rhoda is a new .member cl the state board for Calllornia League of Women Vot.en. JOAN AND MIKE Brlck will host a cocktail buffet tonight honoring Dr. and · Mn. Dale Coogan. The cOogana wm be. mov1D1 to Ssn Jacinto where Dr. Coogan will serve a 1 superintendent' of the San Jadnto Unllled Schoo I District. He ·ronnerly served u depu .. ty superintendent of the Foun-- taln Valley School District. 11lE JAMES R. Shalfen, recenUy attended a 20th-hlgb school reunion to Centralia. Wash. Donna and Jim (CJcean. view School Board tru&tee) flew East and · s~t a week vtslUng family and friends. 'Ibe center, located Jn Costa Mesa, -a with all family service 1 n d chiJd.oriented qencles IDcludln& lchooll. IN THE BAG -Noting that it's time to resume the fall bowling league are (l~ft to right) Mrs. Al Kru· kenberg, chairman: Mrs. Cy Peterson and Mrs. Benedict Schafer, members of Golden Key, support group for the Child Guidance C~nter of Orange County. Bowling was lhe first fundiilg project Initial· ed by the group when it formeq six years ago, He claims the work is so in· terestlng, he should pay them! The lab is working to restore the kelp beds of Southern California and control the sea life which attacks the kelp. Both St.eve aod his brother, Jim, a junior at Harvey Mudd, have beeo oamed for the ae- RHODA AND KEN Martyn cooled off during their vaca. tion aboard a Columbia 29 sailboat, cruising the waters around Catalina Island. Keh, when not takinl his tum at the helm, Is vice chancellor of Callfomla State College at Los Angeles, and flr1t mate MRS. WYN S.Cgent will be guest speaker at the first gen- eral m~tlhg of the Fountaln Valley Woman's Club when the group reconvenes at I p.m. Monday, Sept. I, ID Ille Com- munity Center. Heirs Loom • Anxiously Over , Ste p mother-to-be' s Trousseau DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'll make lht. brief. All we need Is a one-line answtr. Everyone Involved in thll family meu has agreed to abid< by your declllon. What abould be clone with Ille bellumul silver, china, linen and antique furniture when a widOwer manies? He hu two married daqbten and a pl>bY '°""' glrllrlend whO will be hJ1 ,.Ue wl1hil a few weeb. Thank you 1n 1dvanc:e ...._. TROUBLE IN TEXAS DEAR 1'llOUBLE: H IM -,,,, ... ,. ..., Ill ti II, .. ....., .. ,. _ aaleu, of ewne., ltll lite wife left •pedllc ~la lier_.,....,.. DEAR ANN LANDERS: rm ecared. A NN LANDERS Pl-help me. II It possible to get hook· ed"" diet pUllT l'Ve been taklh( them ort and on for five years. The weig~t I wanted to Joee is gone ahd there ls no need to be on tbe pllil lJl7 longer bul I can't get off them. -11tey'--gtYe die a· un, esi>eelally wtten It comes to sex. Lait week l tried to get •long without pllll and I couldn\ do ll '11>1s Is What scared me. The .second day without pil!J I fell leUlarglc, and depressed -not in-, tere.sted Jn anythln1 -especially my husband. I told_ him I had • beai!l.a~e. 'nle next day I went back on the pill~. I don't want to go to a doctor because I might get 11omebody in trouble. I get the' piJls from a friend who works ln a drug at.ore. Whal is in &hem that glvn me such a -T Am I hooked! -UNSIGNED • DEAR tJN: The pills probably contala dexad.riae wblcli can Indeed be Ublt lormtng. Go to }'our doctor at once IJ!d 1sk blm to help )'ta tick the llabtt. Ii lln'l e11eJJUal to narf\e )'Ollr "frlndly" druggj1t. B•t l can te.U you, dear woman, wbal be dJd 'fl' yoa WU DD ad of frieadlbip. l ' • ,. DEAR ANN LANPERS: A while back you pr inted a letter from a woman whose husband couldn't get a job becau.se be had a prbOn record. You tol4 her you were sure many finna would be hippy to hire q-eons and that you would print the namea or the companies lf the personnel managers would write to you and mike Ulemselvea ~nown. So far I haven't seen the Uat. What's the matter? -No response? -S. F. EX· AM DEAR 8. F.: I've bid IO may rt1pG01e1 1 can't print dle.m all -btlt llow11 W1 for openm! Ml1IOll"I RelU11 Mill Corp., St. 1Aul1; 1iinn eon.-, Ssnfor<I, Midi.; Hal' rf1 Grand,' Inc., Brooklya; Come& Cbemlcal Co.mpoa7 Newarll; l\Olpfo Jona, lacramtrltoj 'hre4eo Co,J ~I Mlcb.; RJUmu Foandey1 SPfonl, N.C11 Goodyear, Imlay tlty, Midi.; J'oltet& PDbllsllng: Qtugo; Kemt S • • c • -·· 1-<u.-: Id. a R Coetrac ..... BlffalOj ~Tayler, Ka9IM CUy, a: ... 1 B"1'JI and Bfctlow, Ill. Papi; Carlloo. . . ' I Conlrol, ML Vernoa, N. Y. 1 could io • bat 1P1ce tlmtt.a.1 mm It lmpMslJ>le. TIU lllt --• ~ flrd u mpouet, bit .... , " ... all wbo wrqto. How far abould a teenage coup!• eo? can necking be safeT When doa ll l>ecolno too hot to handle? Bind for Ann l.,anden' booklet, "Necklng and Petllnl -What Are the Llmll.!" )l(all your r .. guest lo ¥n Landen. la ca,.. ol '°'"' -newsp1per en~oalng 50 cenll la coin ond a long, stamped, stll-addreaed e1velope. Ann Landeri will be g!Jd to lielp you wllll your problenil, Send them to her la tare of the DAD... Y PILOT, mcloslna a ..U.addrelled, llalnped envelope. ( I ' DAllY I'll.OT · 'Mod' Hatter Mad About Champagne• Tea in Joinlni the group are invited to atlend the te'a ln the Newport Beach home of Mrs. Anthony Genzone. Co-<:hainnen will be the Mmes. Clyde Pomeroy and Frank Hoyt. President of the group, Mrs. Fred Johnson, will receive guests along with other officers and board members. Hor~cope Gemini; Mystery Solved SATURDAY 18): Avoid one wi;o seek!: to To flM 1111 .,.., 11.d!w '°' v111 "' _,. 11!111 1oY1, ordl< !.v.,.,.w Om1rr't AUGUST 23 skJrt tht In. Be truthful . boolli.t. "*'•• H1 .. 1oi k>r ~ ....i W"""1!" knd blrlhdlll 1'111 )0 ''"''-" Then 1ecrtt fea rs vanish. 1o °'91.:,, ..._.,f"Mlw s.cre•1. lllf: OAJL 'I PILOT, a9'! p.10. GT....:I C1ntr1I II" By SYDNEY OMAR.fl Communltate doubts as well ;;i"ii;"'"i;;ii"';;";i""'iiiiii";;i';;i·v;;i .. ;;i '"";;;";;;· ;;;;;;;;;;;;; TEEN DATING IDNTS: as desires. Clwige ol sceneey~ Events feablria& tcleace ~ad Js tn<licaf~. music prov1 greal attracdou. P!SbES (Feb.19-Match 20): Capricom Pleet, but allO Avoid overspending. You cab makes dtem1uuh. SagtUarla1 eh\ert.aln grand!~ w i t h 0 u t may exceed 'budget. Romance . 11 a~nted for Vlra:o, while goµlg , overboard where cash Cancer may' be aerioa.tly con-outlay is concerned. Let com- •lderlng a permanent rela· mon sense -and budgel - Uonalllp. Arin proves a polo& act aa reliable guides. but altould avoid aclia& lib • IF TODAY IS YOUR big tbol Ta•n1 may dllCOH "BIR TB DAY you are travd plans, attend event fasUdious, vitamin-conscious whlcb stimolatea dealre to be capable ol sizing up people ai on Ole move. Scorpio ii brtgflt a mere glance. But you don't but resdeu. Aquarim a1uld be always do what you know is on a bllad date which bu good for you, Settle down now clandesUne overtones. with new person or project. . ' Think MR,' PANTS Think ARIES (~ar~h 21.Mrll 19)' Cooperate With aulhoriUes. Don't attempt to take 'tiw into yOUr -oWn hands One-with U· perience is giving you good advice. Take it. Beat the Heat -Keep Your Cool TAURUS (April ZO.M1y 20)' Your! instincts are fine. B~l you should also pennit logic to have·a say. Don't neglect to call or write to Individual who thinks ~uch of you.. . GE'MJNI (May 21.June 20): Change, variety and travel are accented. A mystecy can be solved: But this can be done only through joint effort. Study Aries message. Cut Cooking Time in HALF or more with an P~RTAB1'E,f,,,.na'!J No haU will be too m.od for the Mad Haller'• Champagne Tea planned by the Wedne>day Morning Club from 2 to 4 p.m. Wed- Jleaday, Aug. Tl. PourinJ from the magnum b Mrs. ruchard Valdes, while Mrs. DeV1d Forge admires the Mad Haller'• por- tnJI held by Mn.·William Hlll. Members and women interested ., ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- CANCER (June 21-!uly 22)' Seek ' hannony with mate, partner. Day to let olher.; have their say. Play waiting game. What you need comes to you. There should be no question about forcing issues. • plugs in adequately wired llSV outlet \ ' ' .. l Weddings, Troths Pilot's Deadlines To avoid dl.!appotntmen~ proapecllve brldOI are reminded to bave their wedding at.orlea with black and wblte glossy pbot.o- grapba to the DAILY PILOT Society Depa~ ment prior to or within one week after the wed din&. For en.gagement announcements it 15 suggested that the story, also accompanied by a black and white glossy picture, be submitted early. U the betrothal announce- ment and wedding date are sil weeks or les.1 apart, only the wedding pbot.o will be ao- cepted. To help fill requirements on both wed· ding and engagement stories, fonns: are avail· able tn all of the DAILY PILOT offices. Further questions will be answered by Social Notes stall members at 642-4321 or 494-9466. Prospects Welcomed l'llllpedlve memben will Aug. rr. be tmnxluced to the alma of Members a n d interested the crganiza:Uon, study groups and . IOclal activities of the Hunllqtoi) :;:,h Qranch, Amtrician iaUon o f Unlvenlty Wome", during a Kott~ ~ Wednesday, area women will be en· tertained between 10 a.m. and nooo Jn the borne of Mn. Franklin Gllchrlst, who moy be called at 592-2512 for ad- diUanal information. UNDEI COMPLm, NEW MANAGEMENT FORMERLY OF HOUSE OF POMPlll HUNTINGTON BEACH HIGH STYLING LONG HAIR COLOR CORRECTIVE WORK Poj~ Coi//urej 3355 VIA LIDO, NIWPORT BEACH I B•hincl Blue Dolphin Re1t1ur1nt I 673-6890 0,.,. MoM1y thru S1tuf'111y 1.,enlnt lty AltPOlnttMnt Chapel Rites Dodsons Travel South Honeymoon!Dg In Coronado are Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Antonio Dodson . The newlyweds exchanged their vows and rings during a ceremony conducted by the Rev. Roger Belswortb in the Pm Family Wedding Olapel, Westminster. The bride, the f o rm e r Pamila Elsa Reed, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell W. Reed of Garden Grove, was escorted to the altar by her father. She wore a noor length white crepe gown designed wiUt a long train, com· pltmented with an illµslon veil, and ca~ed a bOuquet or white and coral feathers she designed and created. Deborah Seehusen, t h e bride's stepsister, served as maid of honor and Camilla Yates was bridesmaid. Both were gowned In floor·length coral druaes and carried mat.. ching feather bouquets. Attending the briClegroom, 10D of Mr. and 111rs. Marcus D. Dodson of Huntington Beach, was Dona14 Stevea Chadd, best man. Guests were 8Caled by Barry Kirk Everitt. Following the ceremony, 1 buffet supper was served dur- tr11 • champagne re~tlon in the home of the bride's parents. Special guests in attendanct included Clifford Benson from San Jose, and Mrs. Bernice RauUo. her godmother from A!torla, Oregon. Both the bride a n d bridegroom were graduated from Marina Hlgh SchoOI, where the new Mrs. Dodson was a banner girl during her smior year. She aJso served u Mill Cos14 M.,. during !he put year. Her husband will continue his .education at Ca!Uomia State College, Fullerton, In the fa!~ and they will make !heir MRS. ROCCO DODSON home in Anaheim. An1heim Home USS Hornet Captain Feted in Emerald Bay 0o.·1. I LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)' II< analytica.I. Concentrate on basic issues. Improve rela· Uons with n eighbor~. coworkers and other associates. Avoid self-decep- tion. See persons, situations as . they actually exist. VIRGO (A ug. 23-Sepl. 22)' Your creative resources are put to constructive use. There is pressure. But it represents a challenge you can suc- cessfully meet . Be confident- set fine example for young persons. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0cl. 22): You fmally get around to fix- ing something in h o m e , residena:. Be persistent. No more delay. Be aware of security, safety measures. .~inish What you start. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)' Efforts appear some w bat scattered . New approach is best one today. Contusing messqe should b e tern· pora'riJy put aside. A relaUve is subject to quick changes. Know this and be prepared. SAGmARIUs (Nov. 22- Dec. 21 ): Interest in astrology, unusual subjects ls highlighted. Your E:SP works overtime. Trust inner feeling , hunch. Applies· e!pecially ro reactions concerning opposite sex. CAPRICORN (Ile<:. 22-Jan. • take it where you wa nt to cook • \ I t/ Short-order demands quick and almost lun r Factory Honie Economist Will Demon1tr(lte Cool<i119 Sat. A1ag. 23 from 9 lo 5 P.H. (fltll FOOD, RIFltlSHMENTSJ ROY BULLA'S STEVENS T.V. Low Budget Homeliving Stressed Mr. and Mrs. Ch a r I e 1 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weed, 19): Pace slows. You get what you want. But now you may • Roberts of Emerald Bay ?!tr. and Mni. George Gade, want something else. Study 1953 NEWPORT BLVD. . ,. hoited a cocktail party in ~tr. and Mrs. Macaulay Ropp Scorpio message. Necessary to hopor of Navy Capt. Carl and Dave Porter, receolly be discriminating. Choose the 1 548-3493 Seiberlich of the USS Hornet elect.ed Lt. Goy. of the best. Stick to quality. (On• Block North of 19th St.) and bis wife. International Alliance clubs in -~A~Q~UrjARIU~~S~(~Jan~. iiiZO.iF~e~b~. ~r~@J~~~~ capt. Seiberlich is ~ man Japan. responsible for retrieving the The Selberlichs and Robert$ Apollo astronauts when they were guests of the Festival of returned from the moon. In Arts for dinner and the A specia l home economics 1951 he wu awarded the Pageant o[ the Masters. Hosta course will be offered to Hannon InternaUonal Aviation £or the dinner were William D. homemakers on low bud.gets Trophy by President Truman. Martin, Festival president and by. the 0 r an i e Co u• h t 'y Among the 60 guests were Mr. and J.trs. Douglas Reeve. Christmas Seal AssoclaUonl~~~;;::~:~:;;;~;~~~;;:;~=,1 beginning Tuesday, Au g. 25, atll 10 a.m. The classes, which are free, will take place In the office of the Veterans Charitable Foun- dation of Orange County, Inc., 101 s . Sullivan St., Santa Ana. Emphasla will be placed on the use of money, budgeting, shopping techniques, making use of advertiaementJ, the value of labela and food preparation. Mrs. Carolyn Nixon ls pro- gram coordinator for the eight RSllon series, which I a scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Anyone interested ln the program may call th e Association at 54242\3 for further information. WORLD'S FINEST FURS Hundreds of Fantastic Buyil Fox -Jaguar -leopard ChHtah -Ocelot -Beaver Soble-Mink Broadtail & more In copei, jock•11, cOQts a nd oth•r1. YOU SAVE, bacou1• all our fine furs or• manu- factured by us. YOU SAVE. because you Gre BUYING DIRECT. N1 twr1I Full l..tn;llt Mink Coals fully ltl•tUt SIMS V&lllt SAVE COME IN TODAY SAVE up to 4()0/o Now $995 Put o lovely fur in layaway for Chrislmo• NOW. You wlll be glod you did. • uct\S YI._...,. ft~\.'(· 3 \l~ '(S "" ~··\)\\.,. s OH NIW ntCISI ORGANS H1fl'IM0MI Ch1til H1lftm1nJ M J l),o""'' VL.J WwrUh.1r •o •o TE~RIFIC SAVINGS ON 2 NEW ORGANS lowrtv Tl' ••·• lo , TlO·• IMINNIU PIANO cussn ..... "' .,._ tM .......... "' -,_,..., , .......... 1 .. 11. '''" "' MfA, RECORD TIME Rugged Glycine chronogr•ph in'$tainless steel. Stop watch feature, plus separate dials for elapsed time in seconds, minutes and hours. Perfect for divers and drivers. ~n"'91d IO st-diet.I. $75. SLA,VICK'S Hove an exdu1 lv• de1lgn ot no extra <011. ChooM p•h•, «>for. quality, and price. YOUR FUlt Will BE CUSTOM MADE right here in our Fo•l\ion 11\ond fur ICI• Ion. Complete fur service • FUlt STORAGE • RESTYLING • REPA IRING • CLEAN ING M. JACQUES G .. ,_tlo,... .~ .... ..,.~· ~: ""' 0 \~ .. ,.,.,o! 10 1'11 '0 '" s~~i Uf PHONeWalliehs Music City 540-3165 South Co11t Pl11•, Co1t1 Me11 I 18 F"SHION ISL"ND NEWPORT IE"CH -644-1 llO Y-Clll'tl Act-I -lllflkA....,.k1'11, M.ttle' CMl'ftl, ~ OfM• M•IHIOJ. Prld•r ... 11 t 1JO P·"'- M.UTf• RJRRIEt SINCt 1933 '" rASH!ON ISLAND. NEWl'O-r IEACli .. ,.,.,, l t I L ' DAIL V PILOT AT FASHIQN ISLAND and You Sboultl See MARS 'CLOSEUPS' Glossy prints taken from Mariner b and Mariner 7 television transmissions over bO million of space .•. incredibly detailed view; of surface of the ·Red Planet. Prints courtesy of Jet Propul5ion L1bor•tory MAN ON MOON Pictures photo9raphed by fi rst "to~ists" on the moon incl ude ama1in9 one • of. a . kind shots from Lunar Module Eagle and on moon surface by Astronauts Neil Armstrong and "B " Aid . Ull rin. Print s courtesy of UPI Te lephotos end NASA PRESS WINNERS All the winners in California Press Photographers Association competition ••• more than 70 eye-grabbing prints comprising the Gold Seal Exhibit. TOP NEWS PHOTOS Best shots submitted fo r competitive judging by all the Associated Press photographers in California and Nevada ... 38 top-notch news and feature photos, includin9 all the winners. 'PRETTY PICTURES' Collection of some of the fines+ work of 0 ranga County and other Southland professional photographers in an exhibit coordinated by Professional Photographers West. BEST OF THE DAILY PILOT You'll remember these ... some of t~e best new s, sports and human interest pictures by DAILY PILOT staff photographers, pu t together in an exhibit which explains how photos are published. F·OTORAMA WINNERS Top winner from each of the three wee~s of Fotorama Camera Con+e1t ••• Pick the one you like best from among these three '9Wa rd -winning photos by amateurs: You could win a prize for voting . I SEE 'LIVE' NEWS PHOTOS Get en editor's·e~e-vi ew of the United Press Int ernational Unifax, the machine that •l•cfronically r•produces "wire photos'' from wherever in the world news is happ•nin9. Fotorama 's Unifax will b• tiecl into the UPI network so you 'll see t he pictures at the same instent they're errivin9 at the O~ll Y PILOT plent. Ancl you'll b. funecl in, a lso, to chatter among photo eclitors from throughout the United Ste+•1 '' they ergue for priority "on th e wire" for their pictu re s. You Coult/ Win • IR VOTORAMA at FOTORAMA Co-Sponsored by Orange Coast Stereo 103 FM DAILY PILOT Radio KOCM Re9ister •for Prizes, Then Step Into The AUTOMATIC VOTING MACHINE . I PICK A PICTURE • $1, 100 in 'Sound' Prizes! • YOU COULD WIN! 26 PRIZES FURNISHED BY RADIO KOCM THE GRAND PRIZE Stereo console with FM/ AM ra dio, FM multiplex and stereo record player-$359 .95 value. NEXT 2 PRIZES Each winner gets FM/ AM portable radio with built-in cassette playback and recording unit -$109.95 value. NEXT 3 PRIZES Each winner 9els FM/AM "cube" dock radios $29.95 value. • Installation Courtesy of: United Press International Pacific Telephone Company NEXItth2~inn~~~~~~ stereo record album• by top recording. artists-a~prox. $25.00 uluo. ! All This Plus FREE "JOHNNY MATHIS" Records Distributed .Daily! ALL FREE --3 BIG DAYS --AUG. 21, 22, 23 Open Thursday and Saturday, 10-5:30 Day and Night Friday ( 10 a.m.-9 p.m.) ~ FASHION:) ISLAND 1 NEWPORT CENTER • . - """ I I I I • - JI DAILY PILOT Rose Risking Crown Again·st Unbeaten Foe· I I.CS ANGELES (AP) -Ban- tamweight champion LI one l ROl6 oC AustraUa risks his Ulle far the f~ time in 18 months tonight agalnsl MU· lco's &enSaUonal knockout artist, Rubeo. Olivares. The rivals, both just 21, are scheduled to travel 1.5 round! at the Forum before a jammed turnout of 16,000 who will pay a wallopln& $250,000 or men lo see the ac. lioo. It is aet lo go on at 9 p.m. Promoter George Parnassus announced the right will be shown via closed circuit toal&ht at Shrine Auditorium to ac· cmunodate the cheaper tic'ket buyers. There are still $20 and S30 .seats available but au lhe 1'7.llO l!1d 110 8lld 115 GLENN WHITE Sports Editor NCAA Seeks Limiting Prep Recruit Policv ~ An.ANTIC CITY (AP) -The policy· making couocil of the National Collegiate Albletic As&ociatioo has agreed to put Wore tbe :manbenhip coovflikm ~ pals to mate recruiting in high ocbools ...... dllllcuJt. The I-council, meeting here this week, carrle1 great weight al the con· vention. which convenes Jan. 12-14 in Washington. D.C. An NCAA 1pokeJman said the most dramatic propoaed amendment would end unlimited recruiting by an institution's athletic representative of a sought-after hi&h .school athlete. ll· would lmpoae a limit of two expense- jaid visttl of a atudent to an insUtutlon's eampus for recruiting purpo!eS. In tum, the instJ.tuUon's represen· tative.s would be cut down to two off<am- pu.1 visits to a prospect and lhe pro- spect'• family. An NCAA spokesman said the ~ posals would change lhe bask: nature of recruiUnc athletea by making it more dlf- flcult and at the wne time would uve the insUtullons money. The proposalJ are designed to ease pressure on coaches who take to the road to recruit and on students who art wooed by oollegu and univers:lties. Ccoacbes would be prohibited from trytng to recruit sophomores and juniors. There has been criticism lrom many qua.rten; that recruiting practices place an undue psychological burden on high school athletes. Points include : -Prohlbliln& both off~ampus contact! and paid vl5.lts unUI the student has com- pleted his junjor h l g h school or prep ochool. ::-P_rohibiUng any publicity by an in- atib.Jtion of the commitment by a pro- spective student-athlete to attend the in- 1UtuUoo, or ·accept a financial aid tender. O.J. to Test Colt Defen se This is the weekend O.J. Simpson really begins to earn his pav and prove .he's '''orth the '350,000 the Buffalo Bil ls thelled out for his servi ces. The former University fl[ Soulhern California AU-America, laking a cram course to learn Bulfalo's offense, gels a bfaer test tonight when the Bills of the Amerkan Football League take on the unbeaten Balllmore Colts of the National 7ootball League in Simpson's first show· loi before Buffalo lans. ., 1"he coi.test at Bulralo'1 War Memorial Stadium ls one ol lwo lnterleague games on tanl&ht'• slate. The other sends the Qicqo Bears against the tlowton Oiiers _. lhe Astrodome . .. Saturday night's 5Chedule is the hu.vttst of the preseaaon exhibition cam. poJgn wllh elghl J11111eS scheduled. • Top gamea Saturday aend Kansas City. the AFL'I only unbe1ten learn, agalnrt the IPUlLirinl Los Angelea Rams In Manorial CorllMum 8nd Minnesota op1nat St. Laull In 1 batU. of unbeal<ns at Memphll, Tenn. Other PD* have.Mlaml al ClncinnaU. San rr.adleo at Denver, Cleveland at Ion Dlqo. W-ston at AUanla. Green B•y at Dallo1 l!1d Pll!Jburllh agolnst N"' Orlwls al Batan !louae. La. seats have been sold ou.l ' The. fS6 Uckeb! 'Ibey were S<lld even before they were printed. Mexico City's Olivares bas hflvtr been beaten , in 51 tighll and hu won 49 flf them by knockout ~ has won 34, lmt lwo and stopped eight. Neither fighter bas ever been knocked out but both have been fklored. Rose was the center piece of a r•giq riot when he wu awarded a split decision over another Ji,fexican warrior, Chucho Castillo, at lhis same Forum last December. Infuriated fellow-countrymen even set a 9COl"e of fire.s a blaze. Slightly fawred, Olivares confided to sportaman Jack Kent Cooke, lhe man who built the Forum : ''Don't WOfTY about a riot. l'U knock Rose out within nine rounds. The only person who will be upeet will be Lionel Rose." Role, who won the championship from FtcbUn& Harada in Tokyo Feb. 27, 1968, haa Aid ht la not loo bnpresaed wtlh Olivares' astonishing knockout record. The rriendly, sUltar·playing Rose, born an aborigine and now vfrfually adopted by his manager, Jack Rennie of Melbourne. dlsclmed his light strategy. ''I hope to box him for 10 roundi and I won't bt surprised if it ends before the lStli.'" Oilvares, Rennie pointed oot. has never boxed 15 rounds and c:nly two lasted 10. One was a draw two years ago, the onJy non-win on Ruben 's record. Both boxers have ~g winning streaks -n in suc:ceMion ror Rose, 26 ror the challeneer. Rose succeafull)' defended the title in bouts with CastUJo. Takao Sakurai in Tokyo and Allen Rudkin in Melbourne. He also "°'' ,.._title matches with Joe Medel here and Ernesto de la Cruz in Hooolulu. Kealey Tops Birds McLain Seeks.20th Tonight at Big A Steve Kealey wais surprised. His ~anager, Lefty Phillips, was surprised. And the Baltimore Orioles were left slightly amazed, too. Kealey, a quiet 22-year-old right-hander from nearby Torrance, had pitched only eight innings for the California Angel s this year when Phillips handed him the ball Thursday night and pointed him in the direcUon of the mound for his first major league start. Two hours and seven minutes later, Kealey not flnly had his first major leagut> win but his first major league Angel Slnte Aug, 22 Anffll YI 0et'*11 7:U 11..m. kMPC 11101 Aw, U An91i. YI Oe!roil 11:li p.l'I\, kMP(. 17111 Aug. U Afl9ell YI Dr!rvll l2:SS 11·"'-kMPC (111) ,t.1,111. 2' ~•I C .... eLlnd ~:Cl 11.fft. KMPC {7101 Aug. 27 Aneels 11 Cleflland 4;~ 11.!Tl. KMPC fnO} shutout -a U cooquest of the powerfuJ Orioles. The Angels, who dealt Tom Phoe bus his fifth Joss in 17 decisions, will take a look at Denny McLain and the DetrOit Tigers tonight in the first of a three-game weekend series. McLain, shooting for his 20th victory and his third againsl CaJlfornis, will be opposed by Tom Murphy, 8·11. "I wasn't quite expecting that," said Kealey after he stopped the Birds on ~even bits. 0 Lefty just told me to throw strikes and that's what I tried to do. J fought my control in several spots and they hit some pretty good shots, but I was fortunate enough to get good support behind me." "I was hoping he could go five good in· nings." Phillips commented. "I told him to just go out and pitch because \\·e didn't have anybody in the bullpen. He gave us more than we could have ever expected." ''I smoked aboul half a pack of cigaret· tes before the game but once I started to warm Ul', I didn't have lime to be nervous," KeaJey said. "I haven't thrown in about a week because or a !i<lre arm, but our catche r Bob Rodgers spotted a flaw in my delivery and the soreness disappeared two days ago." Kealey had another r e a s o n to be nervous. His wife Karen is several days overdue wilh their first child. And he still remembers a chilling incident which oc- curred llte last month when bad a total of 21 stitches in his forehead and below the right eye when beaten and robbed flf a paltry $2 at a Marine reserve base near Twenty Nine Palms. IALTIMOltt .1•r~rtli l!lllford. If l o a o 11•1•now, 11 ~ o 2 o F.Robll>IOn, lb 4 O O O B.RobJMOn. lb ' I o o R.1111nmund. cf ' O o o O.John1on, 2b ' o o o O.M.ly, rl 4 O 1 O Dfttrympl1, e l o I o PP>Oeb111. 11 l 0 I 0 M.Lape1, P i o 1 a Marlor>, ph 0 0 0 0 H111.11 ; eo oo CALIPOltHIA •II rhrM Alom1r. 2t> • l 1 1 Si:i.ntlr, lb 4 II 1 l Frl9Qll, u l 0 0 D Joroutone. cf l o 1 o R11d11•dl, 11 l D O o VOM,rl 1000 cc"""'· rr 1 a o o A.Rodriguel. Jb • 1 1 O ,1..tcue.c •OJO Ke<1ley, 11 4 0 0 0 Ta1111 3'l o 1 o Ta•~l• Jl , 11 1 l!hllimDr• 000 000 000 -0 C•IU!ln'lla !DO lDll 00• -1 OP -Satt!mo« 1. C1lilOrftl• 1. LOIS -1111!1· -•• 1, C•!l!Wnl• 10. ,8 -AIOINI•, ael•"liJer. J8 -Jatu111-. Sa -auto•d. IP H It IE1': 11 SO Phocbln. IL.11·51 l·lll I 1 1 1 t M,Laper 1·2/J 1 o a 1 1 Hill 2 1 I G 0 1 1(1119-f fW,1-01 f 1 o 0 2 1 Tl,,,. -2:07. At!Mll1nc1 .,__ 10.6511 Ever9thi119's Goitag Vp . Mexican m~t•dor Manolo Martinez grimllces as he Is hurled In the a.ir. ~y the horns of .a hull in Bilbao, Spain, The horn pierced Mar- tinet rectum. ~1art1nez; ,.,,as operated on in the bull ring infirmary and then rushed tq a hospital where he Is reported in $eriou.s condi: lion. --------- ·----------~-------·--· - .. ' UPI T1l••MM OUT BY A WHISKER -Dodger first baseman Wes Parker wins a race to th e sack one step ahead of Philadelphia's John Callison in the six lh inning. 'Fhe Phillies edged the Dodgers, 2·1 , to knock Los Angeles out of first place in the National League's West Division. 2 Hits, 2 Steals, 2 Walks Equal 0 for Zany Dodgers NEW YORK (AP) -The Los Angeles Dodgers, born the Brookl_yn Dodger&, may be: the wackiest team ever to play baseball. Even today-; battling for a pen· nant in the National League West, they still get voles fflr nutty things. Of courne, a few years ago the New Dodger Slate ""'· 21 Ood11r1 II frtww York AUii. JS Ood ..... It N~ 'York A"9. 1• Ood91,. •I frt-York A\llt. 26 Dod11,. .,. MOnlr"NI Aut. 21 Oodt>en '" Montr111 5 1.rn. l(FI [6401 11:10 1.m. l(FI 16401 11 .1.m. kFI !Mil 7:li t.m. l(FI ('401 1:15 P.m. kFI ('"401 York Mets might have challenged the Dodgers' right to the fruitcake crown but the J\1cts currently have a better record than the Dodgers and are actually playing fine ball. So th e y don·1 really qualify. Yet. \Vhen the two teams hook up tonight, the Mets will hurl Jerry Koosman, 10-8, against Los Angeles ace Bill Singer, 15-7. The stories of three men on third base, nobody catching an Infield pop up, a se- cond baseman trying for a double play with two outs -they 've been told before. When the Dodgers lost 2· 1 t o Philadelphia Thursday night, they simply added another page to that wild scrap. hook. It was the eighth inning. The Dodgers trailed the Phils 2·1. Maury Wills was at LOS AfrtGILll PHlU.Dl:LPHIA .... ~ .... Wllll, II l 0 I T T•ylOr, 1b Moll. " ~ 0 ' • C..lllsOl'I. rf W.Dl~ls, cl 4 O 7 R.,t..11..,, 10 P1'111f'. It l I 0 0.~ If Sllda~ls. lb ' o o llr"9s. 11 8r1W11', JI 6 O O JOllfll', JO Cr.1wtont. r1 • o o Mni.. ti H1li.r. c ~ 0 2 W•lllln•. c Slrtmtr•. :lb • l 1 M-v. '' C.OI...... 11 1 0 0 J.JOl!nlon. JI GaOrLlls-on, pf! I 0 0 L9feb¥r.. lb t t I ,, • It rttl <I D 0 G ' 0 1 0 4 l I a J 0 I I I 0 0 0 J o 0 D 1 1 1 0 I D 1 1 l D 0 ft J 0 0 ~ Totetr. :D 1 t Tot~ls » ' ' ' LDI Al!l'l!ts OOC1 001 GOD -l P!IUM11lllll.. 018 001 OOJi -J OP -t.o. Al'IO•ltl 1, PhllMle!pt\la I LOii - Lor. ,t..119911!> 1, Ph!IMl1l11M1 .S. 18 -Hisl•. Sii - Wiiii. MOI•. $ -Wllt:lru ). IP H II Ill II JO c .0.19111 IL,l .. 111 r 5 1 2 1 l ll1"9W11' 1 I ft ft D I J.Jollnlorl IW ... 91 ' I I I 1 1 WP -C. 011 ..... "Tlmt -1:0$ ,t..1tend•n<:• - 1,357. Pasarell Ki1ocks Graebner Out BROOKLINE, fl.fess. -C h,a r 1 i e Pasarell of Puerto Rico, bouncing back arter a dlsappoinUng 1968 campaign, ousted Davis Cup teammate Clark Graebner in a stunning upset Thursday in the 89lh U.S. National Tennis Cham- pionship at Longwood. Pasarell, a 25-year-old ArmY enlisted man on leave lo train with the' Davis Cup team, rallied alter )Ming the second and third sets to advance to the semifinals with an 8-6, 3-6, 3-6, S.2, 6~ victory flYer the v.eteran from New York. In another quarterfinal In the sixth day ol the ~ment on Longwood's chop- ped up grass couru, second.seeded Sten Smith nf Pasadena , Calif .. survived a bll- -lcr. dtugglc.for. a U.-£..3,. 4-2, -3-6. 12-10 triumph over Ray Ruf(els, Australia's No. 2 pl11ycr. !he plate with one out: He walked. Wil ls, the National League's fourth leading stolen base artist with 26, swiped second, putting the tying run in scoring position with Manny Mot.a , hitting .356, at !he plate. ~1 ola look a cut al a Jerry Johnson pitch and slashed the ball toward the hole qt shorl. It appeared as if it would go through for a base hit and with Wills' speed. lhe tying run shoulti come hOme . Ouch! The ball hit Wills on the leg for an automatic put flUt. Mota, meanwhile, Sports i11 Brief was Safe at first. • 'Mlen, with two away, Mota stole ge- cond , egain putting the tying run in scor· ing position with Willie Davis, al .295, at the plate: Davis beat out an infield roller for ~ base hit and Mota went to third. Johnson then ~·alked Wes Parker and the bases were loaded. But rookie Bill Sudakis flied lo rookie Larry Hisle and the wild inning was over. The Dodgers had tw o walks, two stolen bases and two hits. But didn·l sco re. }lf essermith, Powell 0 l(; Berg to Miss Frosh Year • Neither California pitcher Andy ~1essersmith nor Baltimore r i r ~ t baseman Boog Powell were seriously in- jured ln their near-collision at first base in Wednesday's game. X-rays laken on both players Thursday were negative. !litessersntith suffered only a bruised right shoulder and is ex:pected to pitch in Cleveland next week, but will miss a scheduled start Sunday agairust Detroit . Poy,•cll sustained ll mild ankle sprain. which is expected to keep him out or the lineup for four or five days. • Darryl Berg, former Cit~ player of the year from Westminste r High, \viii be a spectator during the 1969 football season. The two·way standout, who is headed for use. wa s operated on ThurSday to remove cartilage from his injured knee yesterday. Berg had planned to play on USC's freshman team this fell. He was injured in the first quarter of last Thursday's Orange County All.Star footblll game. • SU'M'ON, r,1ass. -Tom Sha1v, a 11mi l· Ing, personRble young man, has won once. Is fighting his way out or a slump and has quite a way to go to achieve his aims. "l figure I'm behind Palmer,'' the soft· spoke'll 26-year-<>ld quipped Thursday after the first round k!ad in the $150,000 Avco Gfllf Classic with a four -under-par 68. ~haw ht:ld a one·stroke lead over Monty Kaser. winner of last week 's Satellite In- dian Ridge Open. afl:I Canadia n Genrge Knudson. Tied at 70 were former U.S. Open champion Ken Venturi, Claude ll1rmon Jr .. son of the former r,tasters champion, and young John Lotz. • SAN FRANCISCO -Ray Ftoyd, recently crowned PGA champion. g a i d ThursdRy night he told a PCA ofrldal and the director o( I.ht AYCO Golf ClaSliC lhat he would not play In the tournament Floyd, honored at a party staged by n~ncrs or .se~·en North hench nightclub!>, \\'Jll be subJect to dl$C1plinory oclion because of bis unauthorized w11.hdrawal from the Sutton. r,1ass. tournament, said .Jack Tuthill, tournainent d1rcclor for the PGA players. "I haven't talked to Tuthill yl'I.'' i;aid the 26-ycar..old Floyd . Tuthill had said no decision woold be made until he talked with Floyd. • TORONTO -Clarl'nce CampOCll president of the National Hockey League: says the league is "closer to an agree· ment than we've ever been" on future ex- pansion. He told a news conference fol\oy,·ing 1 !~·<>--day meeting of league governors that 1here .had been prosr~s. but no decision. . He. said another meeting \\'111 be held ear· ly in September. probably in Toronto, but gave no date. • 01.SO -Ben Vaughan of Atlanta won ~he 100 me.ters and the :WO meters dashes 1n the_ rain Thursday night at an ln- tern~t1ona1 track and field meet at Bislet Stadium. Vaughan won the JOO in 10.5 and the 200 meters in 20.9. Joh_n Cole also scored a double. He won the discus with a throw or 188-8\.l and the shot with a toss of 59-2 1 ~. Willie Davenport won '4-he 110 meters high hurdles in 13.7, Lee Evans took the '400 meters in '46.6 and Jurl.s Luzlns the 800 meters in 1:47.8 . • l\fATTOON. Ill. -El Segundo re- mained lhe only undefeated team left in the Babe Ruth World Series with a $.(J victory over North Seattle. Thursday. Levittown, Pa., defeated North Colum· bus, Ga., 7·2 in the other game Thursday. • _The San Diego Chargers will gn agaia \\'Jth veteran quarterback John Hadl fn Saturday's pro !oolball exhib!Uon with ~eveland despite a lack of acoring puncb 1n games so far. Coach Sid Gillman uld Thurldtly hit starting offcn.~ against the Brown11 will lnr.lurlo Hadl, running bocks Gene·To.'!lcr <1nd Keith l.incoln, \vlde re<:civcrs Lance 1\lworlh and GAry Carrison. , • ] lo Ct dl P• CQ "' er "' SI .. .. gr W• d• h< ed de Cc •Ii fir '1' l• •• w Ti I 1 dr In JO an I - •t t3' Sli gr ti~ ill1 ' ar pi: .. W• lh '"' \ • of to Cc ar ., Iii at XI s.: ,, ro of t1 tit H1 •• un ha ha an '" In an do to he '" no I'll ''" • Physicals,~ ·Drills . . • Open Grid Season The / embroynic 1tq:e1 o( the 11189 prep football campalgna· a101111 the Or11111• Coas~. are under way Wi~ pre.con· ditionlng drlllo beginning ~day. The offici1tl opening day oC fall Coot ball praciice isn 't unUI Sept. 2, b u t &rid coaches will be gathering their forces a week earlier for· the five-day program emphasizing physical conditioning that was inlUated four yeart ago in the CI.F S>uthem Section. ·~1F rules &1ve the preps the option of conducting a physical conditionlng: pro- gram for football candi4ates on the five weekdays pr.iQl' to the official opening day of practice for not more than four hdurs per day. CondiUoning sessi~ may lnclude calisthenics, ru1e ses1ions, chalk talks and game film, but no footballs, pads or helmet.s. Football shoes are permitted. In tbe past the program baa been laud· ed as a responsible source for cutting down on early-aeaaon lnj\irles to players. Here 's a rundown on the 13 Orange Coast area high schools and their con· ditioning schedules and the slate for the fi rst day of e<>ntact drllb : Costa ltJfl!•a Pre-aindJUoning dr:llls will be held from 8'to 10 a .m. and I to 3 p.m. with contact Sept. 2 s1a\ed for 9 to 11 :30 a.m. and 1 to 3:30 p.m. Corona del ltlar The Sea Kings will bold conditioning sessions from 8 to 10 a.m. followed by tWo hours of chalk talks. ..;ootact sessions will be Crom a to 10:30 a.m. and 2 to 4: JO p.m. Physicals will be given on Tuesday and \VeQnesday of the pre-cond itioning week. ·rimes are 8 a.m. to qooo on Tuesday and 1 to 4 p.m. on Wednesday. Edison Edison will hold its pre-conditioning drills on the Edison Wah football field from 5 to 7 p.m. Contact Sept. 2 Is scheduled for 8:30 l() 10 :30 a.m. and 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Estanela Pre<:()nditioning is from 8:30 to 10 a.m. and 4:30 to 6 p.m. Tw<ra.<fay contact lfllllonl btgbmlng Sept. I wUI ~ from ,1:30 to 1~:30 1.m. an<l 4:'° IO 6:30 p.m. Fo11ntaln Valley Double sessions for prHOnditonlng are from 8:30 to \Or30 a.m. and 6:45 lo 8:15 p.m .. Contact is slated for I lo 10 a.m. and 3 to 5 p.m. beginning Sept. %. BuntlHgtota Beaeh Pre-condlUoning fr()m 6 to 1:3q p.m. Double-session contact drills beginning Sept. 2 from I to 11 a.m. and 4':30 to 6:30 p.m. Lq11t1eBe...,h Varsity pr~lioning (rom I lo I p.m. Bee and -Cee dril ls fr()m 5-fi p.m. Contact double-se&sions rrom 8:30 to 10:30 4.m. and 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. ltJarlt1a Pr«Qod.iti()ning SI a.m. to l p.m. Con· tact drills schedule not available. Mater Del Monarchs' pre-conditioning scheduled for 8:30 to 10 a.m. Contact drills will be held lhree times daily beg.inning Sept. 2 at 6:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. '1tlb1ion Viejo Two-a-day pre~onditioning slated for 9 to 11 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. Contact drills, beginning Sept. 2. are tentaUveJy set for I to 10 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. NeUlport Barbor Pre..cond.itiooing schedule for l he Sailors runs from 8 a.m. to noon with the fltst two hours devoted to conditioning and the latter to the cla ssroom. Contact drills begiMing Scpl. 2 are from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. and %:3{1 lo 4:30 p.m. San Clemente Trltons will under g() pre-conditioning from 8 to 11 a.m. Tentative schedule for Sept. 2 is 8 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 5 p.m. Westminster Westminster's pre~ndiUoning pr<r gram is from 9 to 11 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. Contact dril ls tentatively slated for 9 to 11 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m. First Year Is Tough Edison to Open Season On Time Despite Strike Beginning a varsity football program at a brand new school isn't one of the easier tasks in the wMld . As a matter of fact it's downright .staggering. N<>t only does il involve a great deal CJI. time and sacrifice, but tlsually the immediate rewards are few and far between. In the Orange Coast area alone, here aie a few examples of the rec()rds com· piled by schools in their first year of combat oo the gridiron: Corona del P.1ar -1).8. The Sea Kings were out.scored by a 211.S margin in 1962. Costa Mesa -4-5. The Mustangs lost their last three games of 1960 by a total acore ()f 113·7. Estancia-2·7. Included were pastings ,_.,., • ., • .,., •• * ......... ROGER CARLSON this is that we might have a facility prob-- lem . Perhaps it might even con1e to where we'd have to utilize Huntington Beach H.igh's practice field in the morn· ing . "But as of now 1 expect our pra cticu (()be held at Edison." says Vail. The Chargers have been w()rking ()Ul on the weights during the summer al Peterson Elementary School in Hun· tington Beach under the -direction of the Huntington Beach Recreation Dept The plum~rs strike has tied up the c001pletion of lhe new Huntington Beach facility but according to Ernest Pascoe. principal or Edison, the school will definitely open ()M schedule. Pascoe indicated that some plumbing fa.ciliUes were not completed but not enoogh to stop the ()pcning. "Thepawers to be decided Mondav that Edison would definitely open on time," Pasc<>e said. And. the varsity football contingent also will open its s e a s o n on lime against La Quinta at Bolsa Gra nde Sept. 20. ' INVADING SOUTHLAND -Heavy favorites in Northern California drag racing, Sacramento's Burkholder Brothers will face Soll'lhland opposition for the first time Saturday night at Orange County Inter- national Raceway. They will compete in the 16--car fuel altered contest. Ferraro Heads OCIR Field Nitro-burning Racers Top Card Nitro burning tit.ans in lhe fuel altered division, will clash Saturday .Ught al Orange County Jntemational Raceway with Y<>rba Linda's Tom Ferraro in the role of fa vorite. Qualifying begins at 3 with the first r()und ()f the 16-car field starling eliminations at 7:30. Ferraro will be at the wheel of LeRny Chadderton 's "Magnificent 7'', the_ Cir~t altered to break into the seven.sccood. bracket in 1968. Chadderton, of Riverside, · 1s sitting out a 9(k:lay suspension of his competilion license. Probably no driver in_ drag racing is more familiar with his opposil.ion than Ferraro. J-le has .driv en most of their cars. In the fuel altered division, lhal is n() small accomplishment. Ferraro has won over 70 percent of his Junior Colleges Slate Physicals For Next Week All three of the Oraf)ge Coast area junior colleges will kick off the 1969 foot· ball season next week when they hold physical examinations for prospective players. Orange Coast "college will give Its physicals two days. Aug. 28·29 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. In the team dressing room im· mediately sooth ()f LeBard Stadium . Saddleback physicals will be given Aug. 28 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the schools tempora ry quarters at 2765 Camino Capietral'IO. Gol!len West will get a two-<lay jump nn the ()lher schools, holding its physicals Aug. 26 at 7 p.m. in the college's new nu rsing building. All three schools open practice drills on Labor Day, Sept. l. races al Orange Counly , Long Beach and Irwindale while driving for a half dozen owners in the fue l altered di visi()n. Unlike most racers on the drag slrlp, Ferraro didn't come up through the ranks nf stockers and n1odifieds. His first ride down th<: quarter was in a double A fuel altered, considered by the pros lo be the most difficult car in drag r<icing to master. It has a 1500 horsepov.rr power plant and a short wheelbase con- figuration. The car Ferraro is driving Saturday is very easy to distinguish. ll guu.les 98 percent nitromethane and emits a thunderous slaccat lo or explosions "'bile spewing five-fool fl ames fron1 the headers. At 20~ n1ph has traversed th@ OCIR qu;irter fa..o;.ler than any other altered car. a Unfortunalely, the supercharger exploded at the finish lifle preventing a back-up run and thereby surpassing Ferraro's 2o3 mph record set in the "Groundshakcr Jr." Opposing Ferraro on Saturday will be the Burkholder brothers of Sac ramento, Glen Way's "Gr()undshaker Jr." o[ Alhambra .and Leon Fitzgerald's "Purt Heav en" from Fullerton. You did. You did: The Pussycat is a delightful new orange·swcet sour that mixes up about as qu ick as a cat. This national prize winning drink is made with a packet of 1'lnstant-Pu1sycat I tv "' .... • ... ' - "_, ... ·~ ... ·,~r ,., " -.. , "' . ,. . _, . . . .,, ". . ·-. -.- ·-< .. I ,. ' " -" ·\ or 4~7, 55-8 and 41-6 among others in '65. Fountain Valley -1-3. Fountain Valley IC>St its 1966 opener to Royal Oak. 5.2·14. Corona del Mar ripped the Barons 47·0 and Huntington Beach wasn't much Holv They Sta11d Mix!' water anQ Early Times. Have some fun . . wilh The Pussycat. It's playful.' ·' Ask for i~stant Pussycat Mix at your easier. 41 ·7. NATIONAL LEAGUE HunUng\.oo Beach -2"'6. The Oilers' East Dlvl1ion first sea.son of recorded scores was 19%2 W L Pel. GB and inclued in the archives are 43-0, 40.Q, CHICAGO 76 47 .618 33-6 and 57"'6 H>sses. NEW YORK 68 "52 .567 Laguna Beach -0-7 in 1935. Marina J.. ST. LOUIS 68 ~ .:»:I S.J in '63. PITTSBURGH 64 56 .533 Even Mater Dei was unable to post a PHILADELPHIA 49 72 .405 ." " 8 101~ 26 wiMrng season in !Ls first year -ending MONTREAL 39 B5 .315 37 1~ wfth a 4-4·2 mark in '52. Weit DlvlSlon The list goes on but you gel the Idea. CINCINNATI 68 52 .55!1 The first season Is traditionally pretty LOS ANGELES fi7 &4 .554 11 rough. ATLANTA 68 [)! .540 :! Edison High Is the lalesl to join the list SAN FRANCISCO 65 57 .5.1:l 3 of Orange Coast area schools and the HOUSTON 64 57 .529 3~!!. Chargera wlll begln ll'IClr in!Ual campaign SAN DIEGO 37 116 .301 31 ·':I this fall with non-league a:ames against 5.., Fr1nc1tco '"7."::.'.'.:'0~11.~ 11 '",,'"'' Huntington Beach and La Quinta before s ... Dle9e 1, Mo111r1a1 1. 10 1t1n1nt1 entering lhe Irv int League. ~:'.:c~~1~ lt. t;:11 'f'11u 1 Coach BUI Val~ formerly an assistant 0n1-, •-.a KMc1111ed. Hi h Ttf..,.I GI"'" under Bill Boswell at Westminster g • Lits Al!Clf!IH csrr.tt 1s.H ., ,..,,.. Yori( cK ... has the usual problems that at.bf.rs have ..,.., 1N). rtll"' S.., Fral'l(lt(f !Bolll'I 6.J .....i MC'Corm!Q: .. 7l had in the same situation: a lot of desire •• Moll!•"' iw..-. •• .,... w1~1 1.11. 1. .and untapped talent on hand, but TWHI.:' o• 111;1,.., l-t,1 ., ~11u.ae•1111 iw1 .. relatively Cew senJors and absolutely oo 1 .. 1•1. """' (radluon •-•1nc1 him. ......,.. !Dlffll:H lS.t) ., Clliu.,o 15elf'M U·•l ~1 Clncl-_11 fl'"'*'-" ~l '"" Clan!""' .. ltl •! T() make matters toogher for Vall, he .. ,~,..... IBllSI 1~1 n E~'"' •n1. 1. rw1·1111~1 and hl1 at.a.ff have been under the cloud of ,,, ::!:" 1'"-.. ,., " ''· '"""" !Gt...., ii.- doubt that the school might not be rtady LOI "'""in .~:._....,.;~-0•-1 to open its doors lo student& In ~ fall s... Frenc:ilal e1Montr11t,111tM "--au•,• Of I plum~ra' s(rlke that ha.s IM'I Ditto •I PllHa.ffl,,,1111, n'11!!! ua.; '"' 1J11:: Cll'l<l-11 et PlttJbllrl'lt, nltlll alowed down construction. "411t111tOll •' c>.1,100 When contacted, Vall made It pl&ln that "'"'"'• 11 5'· ,;::;,.:ig~~. no matter what was In ltore, the L111 Mn1n •' tttw Ya"' -, f b II S.11 Fr.nr;llQ 11 MOnlr1•I Ulargers woukl held a varsity oot • s.11 Dl"90 11 1"11111<1t1D1111 ternr-thl!f year --··-----• --····~,.....°""""' -·~··-• (lnc:ll'INH •I 1"1111.111.!•1~ .. ,.he ver7 worst that could come of •11•n11 11 11. Lo1111 A~1ER1CAN LEAGUE East Dlvi~ion W L BALTIMORE 86 37 DETROIT 70 51 BOSTON 65 57 \VASHINGTON 63 61 NEW YORK 61 61 CLEVELAND 51 74 \\'csl Di vision l\IINNESOTA 72 50 OAKLAND 69 50 KA NS AS CITY &O 71 CALIFORNIA 49 70 SEATI'LE 48 73 CHICAGO 46 76 T~11rM11v•t Jt1111111 Ct !llor11l1 l, 8•111mo•~ O Dd<i1ll I, s.ea1111 l Onhl ••"*-Kl'>ftlvlfll TMllV't OllMI Pct. .tm .571! .5:13 .508 .504 .408 .S!l(I .580 .413 .412 .:m ,:177 GB 15 2{)1 ~ "" 2• l6 l'h 21 11 21 ·~ 23\i " 81llll'IO•i' !Palrnolr IJ.2) •I 08kl1r>ll fK••.,u• 6-)), 11lt hl Dl!rG!I (Mcl•I~ 1M) •I C•lilorn~ fM~r""" ~ lll. "'-"' Clf<;tol-!H1 .. •11 ._Ill 1! 5'!•111! IT•!bo! ~ 6) .... ..,, "''""l11tto11 f(O~n t.•J 11 KllWI• C+!Y ("-e< s.1 ... 1'1 .. hl New Yf'I! 1111\1\Mf\ t•l l\ 1! Mi-.. !• 18ot- Wfll ,...,, """' Chi.a.. IP~f'I 7·Ul •I k slOll IR...,. .,,), , ... • ' lauorite Food or Liquor Store. :I .. To ;et a set of 4-10>' oz. Pussycat glaues and 4 pac:kett of Instant Pussycat Mix;. send $2.95 to: . EARLY TIMES PUSSYCAT CLASSES :1 1;". 0. "'BOX ~77, MAPLE PLAIN, MINNESOTA 1531• " ··i .. • ., ,. • ' l I i '{ • _, l l' , ---~»."1-•A.tt!.l !'.~tt.\ltn!,./H,t..lll'l!ltif tJt'f.tNr -~-- ' r..---,.-,---:-.,--,.---..,.,,..,.._,.. __ ,.._,.. __________ ~·----.... ·----·...-.....---·...-.....,. ----...,...........--,..-------------------- r I . -- • J. OAR. Y PILOT goe!t~g 1~11h rnold· Palmer DOWNSWING CALLS FOR PROPER Wl:IGlir SH IFT In the do'Nn5wins, to get plOper w•ight shift en to your le ft foot; try pointing your right Jenn toward th• ball. This pointi119 procw thoukf begin of about-the tlnie yo.i start yoor.dcnitrawing so that, ot lrrJpact, th• risflt knn i• de6nit•fy pointing towafd the ball. This pointing tip, you will find, will ·force you to s~ift your weight properly to the left on the down&wlf\9. ktd whett the shi~ cio. toke place, you~ be Clllured of longer, stroighter shooting. 2 Historic Ho1ne Runs Bv Oldtimers Recalled ~ Two outfielders who historic home runs will hi! be Los Mamitos Entries '"" " ... ,. ""' u. '"~ .. ,. ' c-..r a •••· ""' hUJ''• ".llL ~ .. '1• • "" ...... lklllltli. .... ""' lf'lllfT ltACI. 400 Y•MIJ, J '° .. ' eld!I •flll u• Ill Gndlll A Mllllll. "lirw SlllGO. JOOln O.ftd" ... , (lrf"-Jeyl tH Dtllnoi. Min fW,ltM) 111 'illitflt PrlllttU iC•rllotl) 113 Sutl °"°'' '" llH'tUl'ldf ltOS• (K11'111\ Ill MtCov'1 llbe (L1P111m) l!J Ol1t lll!St (Mt1Ultl HI 0111 F•Jt ll"IMI IH Jlde A Mll!lln 10 11 .... )1 HJ l1111CroM l oll (It ••nMJI 111 saCOHO llAC«. 000 Y•rcb. J ,,. •• , olds 1114 IJl' In c;r.-A Ml®'· ,.11rH JllOO, Ht>OO&st!1 IA~lr) ,., 0.~1111 (Ml'l-•l Te«!'° lffr TOii fHlfll $-ltt\111 !Llfoh•ml ""' ''" MOllll (OinlOll) Mr. Mlllll (II: llMd Cr•''° S)l;.y (Wll-J ll:o.n lltuMer (Wrl1~!) lhJ1mP90 Metr11 Minni. Mio• (Marrbl TMUIO llAC:I. 150 'l'•l'ds. ' olds, AlloWfnt:•. "urH n*. MCIOi.11 ltodt<!t (lrhlklltf) P~ew.n !Oreytr) P1qflc Chlrffl' fAd1lr) Aunll• L11ru Ill 81nkO Tiny tiDp (lltllif) Nlfl'l' NOlit lllldl•nll) F11f Edd1-(L~1m) 1t1dlum llt•v• Doll JH11•r'1 GCI Ge CW1IM111l "' "' '" "' '" '" "' "' "' ". '" "' '" '" ", "' '" "' '" "OUITH JU.Ct. $.If flrcb. l ~tlr olO! •nd u•. Atl.,....!>US, i>11rlt =:llCG. P1p1•1 Pr~• t•r1n1:~1 • 1'11 Gat!•nl V1~ (It lllllU) l'n Dort P11tb!o !Ad1tfl 11f l"Ol<f Don (WI~) 111 S! I lte-11 1ic1nl5I 113 ~nle'1 llt"~tr (Slr11111l 111 Ou11'er II• l!loy !Or~Ytrl 1'10 A!1m!los Do Goad (Sl•Hl 1!4 TOP Toeld (Motrlll llt Sllenl G""'M lW•IJOll) 1'11 f'll'TM llACI:. 350 Yl f d$. 1 old1 tlld u• In Grid• AA i-un.t 12$(10. back in action for the Angels Sunday in the first Oldtimers Game against the Dodgers at Anaheim Stadium. Max West played in one All- Star Game in his seven-year major I ea g u e carce:r, He went to bat once and got 1he hit that decided the 1940 classic for the National League. tEddie Sauer) filled the bases for Maddern's dramatics. The ball sailed over Wrigley Field's left field wall and 2.1,087 fans went wild. Larry Barton fol- lowed with &nother homer tn complete the f>-0 wln for Cliff Chambers. Ironically , lt v:as a home run by \Vest that ga ve Mad· dcrn a chance to hit his. \Vest, playing for th e San ;-Diego Padres, homered against San fo'raocisco on the final regular day of the 1947 season, preven· ting the Seals from winning the pennant outright and forc- ing the playoff game. Race Results His hit was a three-run. first-inning home run off Red Ruffing of the Yankees and the Nationals managed to hang on for a 4-3 victory. No doubt the most famous Angel home run of the Coast League era w as hit by Clarence f\.1addern. w h o s e grand slam decided the one- game pennant playoff againiit the San Francisco Seals in 1947. The game was scoreless a!I the Angels came to bat in the eighth inning. A walk to Cece Garriott, a single by Billy Schuster and a hit batsman Dugan, \Vaguer Tean1 for Title Dave Dugan and George Wagner tean1ed up to win a novice volleyball tournament at Corona de! Mar Stale Beath Sunday by whjpping Ed Austin and Rich Hardgrove in the finals. 11-4. 11-4. Larry Ketter and Chip Lam· bert finished third in the 32- team field. West later played four seasons with the PCL Angels. He now owns a sporting goods store in Alhambra. The Angels-Dodger s Oldtimers Game will begin at 1 p.m., lo be followed by the Angels vs. the wor ld champion Detroit Tigers. Box and reserved seats are available at the Anaheini Stadium box office. Mutual Agencies, United Califomia Banks in Orange County, Buf· fums Department Stores and Wallichs Music City . More than 8,000 general admission tickets will go on sale Sunday at 11 a.m. Laouua Exa1ns " Physicals for all athletes al Laguna Beach High School, in· eluding winter and spring sports, will be conducted at the boys gym Moi1day n1orn· ing at 9. Tl!<>ndlf, AUtllll tl, Ifft Clffr I f'••I f'UllST llA(I!'. 400 "•ros. Ml idfn ' Y~lr Olds. Cl1imln~. Purie 11100. Boo l!IOL! Roct!I IMorrl1 ) I M 2.• 1.llO Sold MCGn {WUS'ln/ !.IO 2.'41 It l"KI !H1r!) -3.'41 Tlmit-11 flat SCl'fklltd--M.iry's TOtllt G.lt, Lilt Srown G1I, 8atltr1'1 l•r, Tiny Tou(tl. SIC:OHO llt4CE. «JO Yl tdS. 3 '°Ur old1 1Pld u. ln Grl4re I Plus. i-un.t 11500. Rldi;IOI' (Writhtl 10,iO '·'° •.to GQ1!1 Hunch !A~ctl 11.iO U,to D~ro.;sw Bov 1sml111i 7.~ Tl--11 1111. Scr1tt~1v Co111esu. Don Ks.or. J1t'• Sun. Th'tt (II!!. NI GlfTLY OOUIL• -S·IM IN ll:Kttll I l·llkkltl'. ,., ... "7.11. Baseball's Top Ten N4T\ON•L Ll!'AGUI l>l1v•t Clu~ G •a It M ,.rt, Cle.wnte ''" 101 JI~ '' Ill .lH C.Jones NY 11! 403 It ld .lU s11nr11 Pv11 10~ 1n •1 n1 ~ It~ Cln 111 •SI t• Ul .ll1 M.-.1cu l"tll 110 '21 U Ill .z:u 4.JchrtSlln Cln 101 )fl 10 132 .JJt lel'IC~ c111 10• Jn •• 1?1 ..ns l>!ret Cln Ill (7. II UJ .JI( Tolin (In !\0 OJ" IS 151 .Jlt H.Al'Otl All 110 lll 11$ \Sl .311 Klmt llUllS McCovoy, ~" ~r1nt!1co, l•; l . M1v, (l')'ln.-..tl. 331 H. "'"""· A!l1n11, ll; Per11, Clnd1111111. JOI It. -.i+en. l"lli!t· det"'11t , 27 • ...... ••ttt' '" Stnla, (lliea•a, "' Pero:, C\ntl,... n•tl, •S; MtCavev. Sin l'rtncl•ce. t'I: L. Mtf. Clnclnna!I, to; l1nl\t, Chi· c•to. ''· l'lltl!llll lt Dtd1""5 Seim•, CMc190, 12--1, .150: Mttrlt!, (lncl,..,•tl, ll·$, .137; C1rlton, St. Lwt1, 15", .ll•r Sffver, New Yor1<. 11·7, .10I; Cttrall. Clnclnnlll, 11-5. "' AMEltlCl.N LEAGUE l'l1J1r Clu~ ,.. G. •• II 14 Pct. C1rew M111 • • t1 l« 7t 1~1 ,)$, 11:.Sml!~ 11,n IGI '" n 131 .l~ 01lv1 Min 111 '69 0 ISO .l70 F.ltob!nsen 11•1 111 llt 9' 111 .l1' Petrocelli Bin la 31' 1t l?O .31)41 Powtll ltl llt QI '' UT .)QI llal• ltl 11' 501 ,, Jj.1 .l07 C!•rkt NY 111 01 4! lU .m F,HOl«••d Wis Ill 'l<& 11 lJ.I ,294 11/forll 1!111 lllll •1' 11 113 .tt• w..,.. ltvft1 It, JtCklotl, Oalllfnd, •l; F. How1nl. W•lhinlllon, 39; Kiiiebrew, Mln"9IOI•. 351 Powell. !11Ulmore. llr Yt1tmm- 1-1. 8otfl)f>. ?1, llYftl S1ltM Ill l(lli.tlltw. Mltlr>uo11. !111 i-ow11~ llltlmo~, 1101 R. J•dr.!Oll, Oikl•ncl. ''' Y11triemskl, Boston, "; F, HOW• •rd. Wulllntton. 81, Pllcftb11 ll O.Ci.ltM ••lmer, 81nlmore. 17.i, .IJ7; Mc- H1llY, l111!mor•. 11·3. .UOr Mclt fn, 01troJI, It~ .114: Oclc>m, 01lr.l1ncl. 15· !, .1j01 J, l"e1Ty, Mlnftl!IOll, \j.j, .n1. PAc1F1c D1vERS SuPPLY 1Nc. THE LARGEST ANO FINEST EQUIPPED DIVIN& STORE IN THE U.S.A. CO~ITI SCUIA OUTPIT-NEW 1969 72 CU. FT. iANK GALV CONTOUlt PA.CK. TWO STAGE SINGLE HOS! REGULATOR. S Y[AR GUA.RANiEE.-1 YEAR A(R SUPPLY $tS.OI TANK-N£W 1969 71J CU. FT. GALV. RESE~VE J VALV( VALUE l l0~.00 YOUR COST Sit.ts TANK-NEW 1969 7'1 cu. FT, GALV. K VAL.Vt VALUE 18~.oo '!'OU~ CO.ST $•t.OI TWIN TANK-NlW l 969 7'J CU. FT. UNIT J VAi.VE -0£LUXE PACK REG. S9 90 SPECIAL _ .. . ,..... ..•..•... . .,.. . ........• $151 OIW tl41 All k.Wi r Wll# i>UICMIN OI Alf'( TlliM', AU flHILtl U •lllHJl,I IOI fl!ff l'fA.tl Wft SUfT-NCW 196t 3116 N'l'\.ON LINE SEWN SEAM VALUE $71. YOUll: COST ... Vat-REGULAR VALUE S?:'1.00 YOUR COST •. , .•.• $Jt.tl ' ••• $14.11 SIA-VUI GAUGI• The ~l Rttioble-Div~ lnrtrvmtf'tt-.v.odt in Tlw U.S.A. AVAILA8l[ A'f '·D·S I o1d$ '"" ~•· Cl•lml1>9. l'uri.e noao. S11n"y'1 ~I CA411r) -11.IO •.to l.00 W1r I t.it !Str111u.l 7.21 l.OO Mt. Olo T-{Liitt11mJ 1 • .co Tim.-\t lilt ~fcllef -Oft> S.Otlllt. "''""'· OUINILLA -'-Ptl11eau M1rr1trt I l·Mt .... -. .... ..., .•. Deep Sea Fish Report HARRISON BOAT CENTER '"!. StON OJI IOATIH~ ft\usu!Lle C•llf.'1 lArttU 'hliltllt 0..ltt SIA IAY llVSH lit' If IM '"' 1.,111 TrM1.,u vev c.111 aw -~ fl•M. ~ trll!'I, Mt""'-llOw V l 11 J' I U~llt.,y, ... , &M._, T-. l11ti1'91W M11tr lell Wltll I• HI' Mfl'CP'llll.,, hw iltlllt. .w;. °" ... ....,, .. , trtlllf'. T?lh Mllf ... t 01tt 1w ...U. Wl'ff .... 'tm "°" ..,.., . . .. . .. . ..... u ONLY 1 Ll,T $41'5 M4HY MOllf , • , Ill: 'EM1 t)JI loOUTH MAIN ti WAll:Hlllt OIHI" ' Oty1 !•n. n(/$.IUU) • lt!GAL NOTICE . LEG,lL N(JTIC& .. _..,_,,,_ •• ..... '\><-...... -· • .. . ~ -• LltnlO --~---·--=--"'='---...... ,._ ----·----~ ~GAL NOTICll ... ~. • • - C! ·~ "· I Cf1'Y OP' COSTA M[SA. C.AUf'DllNlol ......... ~ DISTRICTlt<G MAP -· 878 - .. • . I .•' . . : • F '• l " i• t '• .Cl ·r. d h .cl .~ . " ·-• u le SC c Ii n b c F .. i II ~­.. p .. : .. ii ·! E ... ~ ,, 0 .. F I• ~ \' • ., . ' . , • • . , l ( •-.! \ . r . ' . ' " '·ROOM AT THE MARK -But not much, as Lido-14 juniors fight for position . ~ around the leeward mark in the national championship regatta in Newport Harbor. No. 2650 is ski ppered by j(urt Wiese of Balboa Y8"hl Club, the event- ual winner! others are Dovell Smith, BYC in No. 1825; Ross Butcher, ABYC in No. 2506, and Mike Peters, MBYC, in No. 2360. The senior Lido-14s finish U,eir national championships today in 1the ocean off Newport Pier. Final 2 Races Slated Lido 14s Showdown Nears . Forty-one skippers a .n d ··.'.crews in the Lido !..Class will · 'face the moment of truth to. day as they go into t h e final two races of the national • chaplpionstup. The neet was split Thursday . after three preliminary races ·-with the top half sailing for 'the championship and the lower half sailing a con- solation aeries. High potnt Scorers going into the championship flight were ·Dick Lineber~er of Alamitos "Bay Yacht Club and H.P. Jef- ferson of Mission Bay Yacht Club. Each has scored 8¥-L poinls in the three preliminary flights. Dick Deaver of Balboa Yacht Club and Stewart Robertson or Alamitos Bay Yacht Cjub are still in con- tention with 11 pointa eacfl and Dave Ullman scored 12 points. Results of ThlD'sday's races: First Ratt RED & BLACK FLIGHT - (I) Rowland Lohman, BYC; (2) Peter Parker, NHYC; (3) Walter Lee, Sierra Sailing Association ; '(4) Dick Lineberger, ABYC; (5) Al Peret. BYC. . GREEN & WHITE FLIGHT ~· .. ClassEntries Listed . ,. . "For Hennessy Races Tentative and unofficial . · · Offshore Class enlries for lhe . fi(th annual Long Beach Hen· nessy Cup race Saturday have been listed by the sponsoring California International Sea Festival. The race starts al 10 a.m. off Long Beach's Belmont ·~shore Pier. It is sanctioned by ,the Union Of International Motorboaling, the American • · P-ovoer Boat Association, and ·~.:_the Pacific Offshore Power • ; Boat Racing Associalion. . · · The entries are as follows : · 1. The Cigarette. Don •· 'AronOY.', Coral Gables, Fla .. · • 32-foot Cary, twin 432 cu. in , ..MerCruisers. 2. Andrea, Robert Magoon, lltiami, Fla., 28 fl. Custom, lriple Mercury 1250 Super BP outboards. · "" 3. AUosaurus, ,Dick DeWitl, ~ :South Gate, 28 ft. Thun· ~;'derbird, triple 125 hp Mercury· . :;()utboards. . ' .. 4. Thunderballs, P e t e r Rothschild, Newport Beach, 32 fl. Cary. twin 496 cu. in. MerCruisers, 5. Boss O'Nova. Bi 1 l \Vishnick, New York, 32 ft. Bertram, twin 432 cu. in f\.ferCruisers . 6. 01' Whatserface, Dave ~uckett, Seattle,' 2 3-ft. Thunderbird, 421 cu. i n , su percharged Holpi&JrMoody Ford. 7. Hennessy Special, Bob Nordskog, Van Nuys, 28 ft. Thunderbird-Formtlla, t w i n 499 cu. in. Nordskog Marines. 8. Zenor Zip~. Maury Fortney, Newport Beach, 31 ft. Bertram, twin 468 cu. Jn Hxcx Holman·Moody Fords. 9. American Moppie, Peter ruttmamer, Miami, 3 2 -f t Bertram, twin 482 cj. in. MerCruisers. 10. Spectra 111, Ed DeLong Jr., Burbank, 24 ff. Campbell, twin 421 cu in. Chevrolets. 11. Wave Layer, Pal Duffy, Mt. Clemens, Mich., 28 ft. 1\.1agnum, triple Mercury 1250 Super BP outboards. 12. America. Carl Asmus, Van Nuys, 21 ft. magnum, tri· pie 135 hp Johnson O(fshore Special outboards. 13. Spooky Ill, Bil Cooper, Marina del Rey, 28 ft. Memco, quadruple Met"CW'Y, 1250 Super BP outboards. -(I) H.P. Jefferson, MBYC; (2) Dave Ullman,. BYC; (3) Mike Hillman, SS:A : (4) Dick Lineberger, ABYC ; (S) Al Perez, BYC. Second Race GltEEfl & BLACK FLIGHT -(I) Dick Lineberger, ABYC: (%) H. P. Jefferson, MBYC; (3) Al Perez, BYC; 14) Ed Rodriguez, ABYC; (5) Gared Smith, BYC. RED & WHITE FLIGHT - (I) Stewart Robertson, ABYC; (1) Dave Ullman, BYC; (3) Jon Baldwin, KHYC: (4) Dick Deaver, BYC; (5) Don Brad· bury, BYC. . Labor Da y Race Has Top Trophy Sailing yachts in t ti e Catalina Island area for the Labor Day weekend will gel a chance to race for a major trophy Sunday, Aug. 31 -if they get tired of riding at anchor or a mooring. The event is Los Angeles Yacht Club's Wrigley Trophy race, open to all sailing yachts with a Class C ocean racing rating -31.0 to 34.9 feet. Entries will be accepted by mail or at the race committee boat up to 30 minutes before the start of the race. The race starts and finishes between an orange and white flag off Howland's Cov~. the lsland headquarters for Los Angeles Yacht Club. The course Is from the start around Eagle Rock off the west end of the island. Taylor Winner Of Rhodes-33 Mistress, skippered by Bill Taylor of Balboa Yacht Club won the Rhodes-33 fleet cham · pionship in a five.race regatt.a sailed from Newport Harbor Yacht Cl@. Taylor scored 81/c points ln the series to edge John Kewell's Firefly, BYC by one· quarter of a point. Third place went t.o Paul Marx of BYC in lmpul1e. Eleven boats turned out for the championship series. • .... .,-~-... ----- Frldq, A1t9i11t 22, 1%t DAILY PILDT Jf Cat To.ur.ney. Under Way ~ . ' . Six Rae.es Slateil>.of.f Pt. Loma · ' . ,'\/ (' ' . CompeUtion !or the patlonal championship ol the Pacilio Catamvan Cla.u Sot under way off ' Point Loma, San Dleao, today with more than 30 enlr!U. A total or alX ·r .... will be sailed over· a 5-rnlle course ti> day, Saturday and Sunday. lnterest runs hllth Jn \his year•s· champiomhlp regatta as entries from such di.Stant places as the Grand Bahamas, New York and Hawail will be on the starting line. Joe Ed Davis, J961 naUonal champion has entered this )'ear's series under the burae o1 Mlsslot>Ba~·;vaCl>t.Club. He will be oaUiits bolt No. 106. Bob llU;!r from Cabrlllo Beach Yacht tlUb, former champion In put years, will be out to regain tbe crown with sail No l01. ' Salling under the banner of Talno Beach Yacht Club, Grand Bahamas, will be Steve Carr in No. 301. ~s crew will be John Rumaey, noted small boat sailor and Olympic crew from San Diego. Charles Piper from Bellport Yacht Club, Long Island, N.Y. will be on hand in No. 176. Another dl!tant traveler will be John Weiser from Walklkt Yecht Club, Honolulu. Tbe dries~ sailor in the fleet will be Bryan. McKean from AusUn, Tex. , Pat Carriker of Phoenix, who bas betn dominaUng the Southem California Oett thJs year, ia expeelte:d to make a strong bid for the title. Ed Salkeld of Soulbwestem Yacht Club will have a bitter pill lo swallow. He was in- strumental in getting the p. Cat nationals held in San Diego. and the press of run· ning the regatta will prevent him hoisting hLs own sails. ·Rugged Ra~e Over '1-' Newport's Kilroy Second in F astnet John B. (Jim) Kilroy is tack Kilroy termed the race a Red Rooster." in Southern California after frustraUng one in which winds Kialoa 11 finished the course HIGH Fl,. YER -Dave Fritz of ·Southwestern Yacht racing in the ruued Fut.net went from ljght to iero to 35--In an elapsed time of 88 hours, Club, San Diego, gives his wife a thrill on the race in England -one of the knot blast:s. The wind was beating Red Rooster by some trapeze wire in p,ractice session for the Pacific Cata- most grueling ocean races in blowing about 23· knots when 25 hours. But Kialoa n had to maran national championships which begin today the world. the front-runners rounded the give the sma ller boat 28 hour! off Point Loma. More than 30 crack P·Cat sailors IGtroy's 13-foot yawl ~loa famed rock off Land's End, in h.andlcap time. __ a_r_e_s_e.:e_k1_·n.ogc.t._h.:•.cl.:.il.:.le::· ____________ _ Il Was set0nd to finiah in the England. The corrected time stan· 670-mUe race and placed fifth One crewman aboard Ki.aloe dings on the race were Red in the handicap-standin1'~.---1t.-Amold-SCbmeUng;-lost-the-Rooster;~ Mar -A-ik·en·' s·B~ Kin The corrected time wiMer tip of one finger wben he got it Crusade, Eng 1 and ; the rUCC g of the race was Red Rooster, ca\lgbt in a wiocb duriJ!g a Australian .boat Ragamuffin : - a 47-foot sloop saUed by Dick blustery part of the race. Ted Turner•s American Eagle Carter of Michigan with local Schmeling \\'Ii evacuated from the U.S. and Kialoa 11. crewmen Skip Allan and from the boat by a Boston Kialoa II is now en route to Eries-on Yachts Gets Top Naval Architect Taylor Grant aboard. Whaler. Gibraltar. It will proceed from Clear Lake Hot, Boat, Skiing Set LAKE COUNTY -Hot boat racing and water s 1t t I n g returns to the spoUighf on Clear Lake Sunday as th~ Nor· Cat Boat I: Ski Club present.! another ln it!I series of .1969 championship events o n Callfomla's largest natural fresh water lake. The one-day meet will be spon9llred by the .Aurora Club in Nice·. All races wUI start and nrush off the new Aurora Marina. A crack field o( aome SO waler skier& and 20 hot boats are ex~ted to compete in the all-day Progl-am beKinnlng at JO a.m. Skiers will race over a 2'1)..mile course.. Hot boats are expected to hit speeds of 90 miles per hour. •:we would have fared much there to Palma until about bell.er on corrected time U we Oct. 26, then will go to Antigua had been sailing under the in the Caribbean b e f o r e Cruising Club of America . returning to Florida for next handicap rule,'t Kilroy s a I d. year's Southern OCtan Racing "Under the Royal Ocean Rae--'Conference. Ing Club (RORC) rule we had After the SORC Kialoa Tl to give away a!I much as one~ will return to it! hOOle port at third of our elapsed time to Newport Beacb.. Coast Channel Race Tells Course Change Ericson Yachls has acquired The most striking feature3 lhe exclusive yacht design of King designs are graCflul services of naval architect lines and b a I a n c e d pro- Bruce King, according to portions, giving his boats a Mark Pitman, president. classic beauty, according to King. as an independent Pitman. He gives strong designer, has gained recogni· emphasis to "human engineer~ tion for his fiberglass crea-ing" m a k i n g both exterior Uons for Ericson and other and interior accommodalioM sailing yacht builders. His suitable for comfortable use designs now being produced by by people. EricSQJt include the Ericson· "When a racing crew of a 41 , Ericson·32. Ericson.JO and Family sail a boat." says King, Ericson-23. "lhey are captive to the A change in the scheduled finish' will be between the "With King designing ex· dimensions of their vessel. starting point for the Coast Huntington Beach Pier and a elusively for Ericson, we ex· They can't get out and walk. I Channel Race Saturday ba!I committee boat a· n c h o r e d pect an acceleration of our lry lo make their confinement betn announced by Newport offshore. success patterns with im-as pleasurable as possible." Harbor Yacht Club. . The Coast Channel race Is portant concept adv a n c es King ls noted for designing The race will start at noon the filth in NHYC's Ahmanson which will be u n i q u e I y yachts for speed as well as from the Newport Pier instead Series. Final race of'lhe series Ericson's," said Pitman. comfort. He uses all the ad· of the Emmy OU Island as will be the "wrong way" race '"This will be dramatiied in van c e d conce pts of or iginally planned. around Catalliy. Is land Sept. 7 !he near future when we hydrodynanUcs and sail plan There have also Deen aome sponsored , Pi the. Balboa unveil two enUrely new boats to achieve designs of balanced changes made in the. course. _v_a_c'h_1_t_1u_·b_._· __ •• ______ •_35_•_n_d_29_." ______ hi..;·g_h_pe'--rf-o_nn_an_ce_. _. __ _ From the 8larting line lhe fleet will leave Emmy Oil lsland to port, then proceed to Ship Rock off the Catalina --~Isthm~ Ieavina the rock to Fresno-sailor stiiliOMd -·--From Ship Rock lhe course Takes Laurels ts lo lhe Point Fermin Buoy, leaving it to ltarboard. 'The LONG BEACH (UP!) - Larry Hill, Fresno, won the blown fuel flat boUom class of the National Dr•& B o a \ Association 's Weatern Regional Champion.ships Sun· day. Hill won with a speed of 133.32 miles per hour in his boat "Mrs. Ed" after world record holder Ray Caselli of North Hollywood withdrew from the competition when his boat flipped during a n elimination run. Mission Bay Set for Hydros The 1969 American Power Boat As&0eiation Gold Cup ract tor unlimited hydroplanis will be held this year on Mission nay, San Diego. Date for the colorful speed event has been set for Sept. 28. It will be lhe 66th running of the Gold Cup and will coin- cide wlth San Diego's 200th anniversary. Top prize for the race il $5,800. Yacht Firm Opens Plant Joseph Stephens Yachts of Newport Beach aTUiouncea lhe openin1 of new faciUUes in the Irvine Industrial Complex for the manufacture of large pro- duction a n d seml-custom fiberglass motor yachts. The new firm Is Newport l\totoryacht, Inc. and will oc· cupy the newly constructed 40,000 square foot building devoted in its entirety to a 47· foot twin diesel, offshore series featuring nine models from the same hull. In addition lhtre will be a flush deck motor yachl series, al.so in fiber1Jass, a 52. 56 and 60 feet. Several ...... of each The••'re Off A8'l Rowing DAILY ,IL.OT lltft """" r1nge are presently under con· ::I strucUon. Four of the eight entries in the azinuaJ Long Beach · Avalon outrigger canoe Further lnformJtion Is marathon skim rapidly through smooth water on th61 r way lo Avalon last .available through the ex~ weekend. The Ne\vport team made Lhe 26-mile crossir:ig in 4 ~~urs, 56 minutes, elusive sales agency, Joseph finishing four minutes ahead of the team from Kauai, Hawau. The event was Stephens YachUJ, 505 30th St., part of the California International Sea F~stival. Newport Beach. r ....cc.::.:..:.:..:::.:...:.:=::.:::.::...::.::.:::.c::.:c::.:.:... __ ;_ ____________ _ 29 Boats Due at Long Beach ' : SHIP SHAPE AGAIN -Don Al'Ollow 0£ Corel Gables, Fla claims he has recovered from injuries • -suffered in a recenL offshore powerboat race and will be able to shove his new boat The Cigarette to . new laurels in the Long Beach-Hennessy Cup race : Saturday.. •• Aronow Set to Def end Hennessy ?-.1us~r Don Aronow of Coral Gables, Fla., continues his batUe for the world of(shore power boat racing championship 5aturday (Aug. 23) when he defends hls Ulle ln U1e Lona Beach Hennes1y Cup. A fleet Of 2t entrants ts ex· peeled lo Une up for the roar· Ing st.art at 10 a.m. off Bel-mont Shore Pier in IA>ng Beach aa the fourth annual Callfom.11 lntemauonal Sea FesUval reaches It.I climax . Aronow will bt at the wheel o( The Cigarette, the auper-llght, &uper-swUt 32·tooter of hls own design In which ht twice this year has set world records and Jn which he his eamod a worl<f.ttadtn1 33 points toward the Union ot International motor bOaUn& 1Iobal crown. The Clgarttte, a n&me chosen by ex·New Yorker Aronow in dubious honor of a famed Long la1and Sound rum runner speedbo1t or the pro- hibition era, is one of thrte. In- v ading MerCruiler-powered inboards which AR considered favor1tes tor the $7,125 race. At stake besides the prlie money will be UlM world point.I and Ame:rlcan Power Boat Aun. points toward the naUonal championship -cur· renlly owned by Aronow. It wa1 in 'The Cigarette, making Its ractni. ckbu~ Ulat Aronow .a\reraged 67.0 m.p.h. last March 22 to aet a world -• mark with hi.a Victory in the Lon&Btach ·Ensenada International . First Vincenzo Balestrieri of Italy and ulen Wlshnick of New York surpassed that mark before Aronow and his black-and-white C.ry regained the record at a fantutlc 74.3 m.p.h. with. a victory ln lbe Viaregalo rp in Illly. WIObnlck ana hi& :fl.foot Bertrat11, Bola O'Nova, second to Aronow In the llonl Beach· Ensenada chase\ wUI return to iht West to cha lenge Aronow again .. and a third Eastern contender will be Pettr Ritt· master of Mjaml In American ?ttoppie. winner of lhe Htn· ntsay New York Grand Prix July 30 . Leading the Western con· tingent among the expected fleet of 12 true UIM and AP· BA Offshore Class boats will be Bob Nordskog ot Van Nuys in h1s recent refurbished and renamed Hennessy Special. a 27-!oot Thunderbird powered by twin 499-cu.·ln. Nordskog Marine engipes, <and Bill CoOper of Maf'tna del Rey in a ntw boat which \Viii be ihc first In the West to race with four outboard!. Cooper will be drlvlng a new 28-foot Florlda·bullt Memco to be: powered b)' a quartet of l250 Super BP Mercury .. powcrplants as the lead bo11it or an outboard fleet which also will Include ·1968 U.S. outboard champion B9b ?tiagoon of Miami and current outboord I leader Pat durty of Mt. Clemens, Mich . Both Magoon and Duffy wtll drive 27.Coot r..Jagnums powered by trim or USO Super BP's. Leading West Coast out· board will be another member of the Nordsbog t e a m , Powerboat magazine cdltor· publisher Carl Asmus of Van Nuy!I lo America, a 27·loot, Magnum powered by triple Johnson Offshore Specials. The Offshore Class will race over a 2()6.mlle course for the $5000 purse donated by the famed French Cognac di~lll· i.ng Orm, Jas. Hennessy & Co .• a partner of which, COunt Gerald de Geoffre· of France, will serve as the races Of. Uclal Starter. Boal& or the Development Title and Cruiser classes have a $217$ prize fund 'and will race a 117-mile course from Bel· mont Shore Pier lo Oceanside and back following a combined start. The twin courses for the dif· ferent classes, the prestige of world championship offshore points and the nation's leading current offshoro racing prize fwid are three factors adding to the. importance of the Long Beach Hennessy Cup tm. year. A fourth indlcaUon ol the race's rrowth during Its first four years was the recent an- nouncement that radio staUon KBIG ('40) wlll broadcast race bullctlns direct from Hennes sy Cup corn· municatlons headquarters. I ' I l I l I l I I ' J I The submarine USS Pintado, 16th nuclear powered vessel to be constructed at the Mare Island Naval Shipyard at Vallejo, Calif., goes do!"n the ways after commissioning ceremonies. She 1s a Sturgeon class sub with an overall length or 29'l feet. Reagan's Popularity Drops But Still High SACRAMENTO (AP) - Gov. Reagan's popularity slip- ped some thil summer, bul he remain shigb in a public opin- ion poU as he nears an expect· ed bid for re-election as callfornia'1 chief executive. The Califo r ~·lia Poll, copyright.cl by Field Research Corp., r'POrted Wednesday that 39 percent of I.hose in- terviewed t h o u g h t the Republican governor w a s doing a good job. Field said 11 percent or those sampled said be was doing a fair job and 20 percenl ukl he was doing a poor job. The comparative figures in a February poll: good 42 per· cent. fair 36 percent and poor 15 percenl The rest said they didn't know. Reagan'• popularity started out blgh during his first year in ofnce but fell last May. He nwained •upport in his ·hand~ Ing ol college unrest, Field said. College unrest 1inct has declined as the issue bringing Rugan the most support from those aampled, from :.0 per- cent to 35 percent since February. Meanwhile, the tax is.sue has increased as the su~ ject that eliclls the most negative response. The lat.est poll, among those asked what they disapproved of most about Reagan, 23 per- cent mentioned taxes and the lack m tax refonn. This com- pares wilb 14 percent in February. Field said his pollsters ask- ed the cross section ol Califor- nians if they would be inclined lo vote for Reagan for re~lec­ tion next year. He reported that 47 percent said they would be inclined to vote for him compared with 38 percent who said no. Sevenly.one percent said they thought it would be either very difficult or fairly difficult [or Democral.5 lo d e f e a l Reagan. "Even among those who are not inclined to vote for Reaan, oot"fu.li of them say the .. OCffiOcrats will find il either 'very' or 'fairly' dif- ficult to defeat him," Field &aid. Prolessors--Slill Want Academic Strength BERKELEY, Calli. CAP) - Desplte student attempts to wrest more power, profeuon ltlll lnsist on holding authority tn academlc policy matten, a UntversUy of C ali fornia aurvey lndJcates. "Unlus student pressure 1baier -or unJess 1 larger number of college faculty membeni become willing to than thtlr academic authori· ty -conflict.I over academic policy ..... d .. lined to in- creue," concluded the survey ttlused Sunday of 1,000 pro- fes90l'I from six colleges and universities whose locations were not revealed. Despite 1lrong approval for lt.Udent participation in 10Cial policy making on such matters as drinking, mruijuana and ae1, the professors seek to maintain their a c a d e m i c purview, the survey uJd. . Professon "have striven t-lstoric:ally to preserve their prerogatives from Intrusions by co 11 e g e administrators, trustees and s L a t e ad- ministrators, trustees a n d 1tate governments and they evidenlly wish to resist the en- croachment from students," It said. More t h a n 55 percent or those answering the ques- tionnaires from UC's eent.e.r for Research and Develop- ment in Higher EducaUon favored liitudenl participation oo acadf!mlc committees; but with oo vote or a UmJted vote. On extremes, four percent favored giving student.I no say in academic matters and nine percent would give them equal voting Mghl.5 on committees, No professors favored giving students total responslbllltf. Profeuon most willing lo give students an academic voice were described u either liberal or "radical" and met with students \frequently outside of class. They ranked "self knowledge" as the most Important part of higher Ieamlng. Those less willing lo share control of academic affairs were found to be pollUcaUy conservative or moderate and eonsl:iered college education lo be basically c a re e r preparatloo. They ranked IJ.:erest In commUnlty and world pro- blems least imJ)Or'tant educa- tionally. ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN CALIFORNIA 85( •UM For calls after 6 p.m, weekdays and all weekend. 3 minutes station-t<>station, plus tax. --@ • Handling Money Not New to Ivy .Bak.er but ..... Prloot ..,. ii'• ...... of • challenge. fl -"'11 lo the u ,s. u.aauy In -Ales, ..... """'1d coly to the Federal Reserve Board la lnvestment&. • p-lo nm lar ....rectlmi In ''ICJ,_•••-.11)' .._,_. ____ .,.. 19lV,bullbequlcllyaddod,"I -............ -----ba ... 1 made • formal ... We'd r.r. ID riC1o1. bat we Bir tlnl .,._., Bof J'. Prlool, died,,., ...... SACRAMENTO JAP) -117 Blla'. PrieR 11ys ahe has handled more rooney than any other woman in lhe workl. But ~ 11.Yl thaL afttr a wliile • 0-~ ol bllb "gel I<> look llke bo.,. of shoes." AJ Caltfornla Jtate treasurer, t b e grey-bl.ired gra ndmother •akJiej ovtr an investment portfolio 1'hlch averages about s·lt billion. Handllnr 1U lhal mooey mlgbi ~lllcken a penon's poise, but Mrs. Priest aald, ':In Wasblngton, !he way the liills are }lacked up In pa<:Ug.., they ilel lo look like boxes of lhoei." --· wlB I ll1llll _.. blaPt ud tnlnod we -Berir1J Jlllli lpl .,... the lint ol lhe ,...... .... lo be -..itll. ·--_, w. --For Mn. Priest, ~ _,, .. ibl Aid. . • m JOI"' 111<r. Now u.l•..,.. · precile ......... appeared oo llln might araue. bd1 llri; ~ o.n, -. MtL •Vf:r'f pfeco al folding -PrlOlll bellevea ma a 1 I fl.t • PriesC irold 'tllUI • -lbat · -..... the Eileobow8' --qWle _.., . ""'bigool pioi*m • -admilllllntlon, banfdag aad 1o the -.. female,,..,,,. ~ to optftd ........ lline with Al U.S. treasurer during the. eight yeirl ol lbe ElsenbOwer admlnJ.stnUon. ahe ' W a I responsible for Ttpl&clng SLS billion a year in wom-oot cur· • • "Tho u lreolllter 11 lhe polWcs hive be<:ome 1 way ol. avenge American • o m • a her bUlbllld. life. ; baodla lbe _, her Jwl. "He 1w an olflce up her<. rency. ' Tl\e shift from being the cti1ef banker ror the richest country in the world to bank- ing for the nation's richest stale might seem a letdown - iauer. oC' • currency • n d supttVi!or 1 • o I government deposi\s an over the· world, which is !lQMe responsibility,'' she remuked. "But f didni have to invest money and sell bonds as I .do in· California, which 1 find more challeng- ing." California , say• Mrs. Priest, Even in Calilornla, ahe says, "I go to the vault where I can see a 1100 mlllJoo bood, but it just looka J~e a very fancy, very pretty piece ol paper." The 6S-year-old Republican said during an interview Abe Sbe began managing _, band -ovt< to her ••• Siie He's up here lm days to two '"'a .,,.U acaJe Whm she WU. II Ille -ol lho borne." Weeki ol lhe moolh. l go OOWll a child. Ao lll1e laugbiogly put 1n lllr -'home, Mn. aome ---but --it: "1•asn'tbornwith1 allver Priest aald. lhe marwged the us I think we awn a part of spoon in my mouth. but 1 wu household mooey. But lbe said ooe o( those airplanes," she bom1in a gold mine in Utah. the real problem was manag. said. : e Im MHWI' ·~·,_ ~ C:-tw, c:eua ~ e n111 ._. ...... Ill At1Mt-"-" ...... s-a • IJm .,.,...... st. at WMl!Maltw-W.....,.... cater, 0-..W. .,..,_ e lltA V1111T View II c....,... E"'Pi. Plau, ~ G,_ e Mt1 CMlll"M Aft. llf 1+ 1110 u d Of' .... ~ ,....., ...._ .,_ e I ... Kio .... A ..... ll'f •.-clW .......... ~ c-llW, ..._ 8'"9 . ., ..................... ............... e bl L I-SJ~ MIN a.wi111 Cllltw, C:-. -. • , ... w ........ .,.. 51.-C .... c..r ...... -e 11'JM ........ a, 9' T...,._V.... Cill*t, ~ V...., e ................ t' st11a.dl~'9MW.Hwli ... 1 --* 87' Valuel Sudden Beauty 49'-Yalue KOftX ,.,as 1&A111• ON 'l'llRlf1Y ..... OCU111191 I .. HAIR SPRAY ~~49c 53" Indian Madras ·Bedspreads $2'' 11-i-" 11<h rolon. 11• 11'11"" "'111 .. tt. W1ibf11t -~t~(or ) ]Tin. Cozy 13x19" Pet Lairs $2'' A11im1l l"i'knl nxtonro•m.r-fill. Ma<hiM •at.la· •bk. • , Sill". ,,,,, • 17115". , ...... Bath Size Dial Soap 3:47c 15" ValH . !liangeablt lens. ~~·Sunglasses . D0$297 • IANnUT NAlllCiNI 3isl 1211 Valve! 49' Vinyl 1-Z Sleepers Baby Pants ' ....... , $1" ........ -39' 1"""'1dtr· Vilrfl · M·landll. ll"P E.Z fM. PINk .I 4 Jw t '" ~- 12" lnfuts' Car Selfs 15,95 Val. Olfd- Drinking Fountain 13 Value! 11" Daisy Bulletin Board $3'' c l Kwgi:cipluiic ••• WJ 10 : .... tall OCI .,., oo«kiot f111ett. NoA·niMiQ6} Flocked Daisy wltlu Fact & Top Hat ""' """' ..... ;, 39' floclo:~ POii. "H,'" -.an "'P h•t "She" Ji. lmilinl ·~· Pack of 4 Beer Gle11u ~1 &0 •. •-1t1 .. ,.,,. 99' Or. l'ilo-. y,.., CM!c1 ~Ji~ bu &lUtYatt • .S.lt f'rical, Kolfmar Carrying Cast for Polareld Cameras $6'' Ylnyl V191talil1 Centerpieces N1t.11! cl>lcftd Olliona, 59' obbqa, tofnlloft '""" c..~ ~· """'~ 39' ea. Accent Air Freslutner ..., .. _...,.,k 4. •1 Ot.111 1hl-&it i• 0 .,,,... ...,_. . leg. 99' Lysol 12 OL Uquld. """'""" ;, ....... • .L 84 Pi11t.5"t~\i. ... Sale Of lid-I Dral11 at.er ' 78' Dim!.. .-. t •• ' l hum okia. Dilnllllll priftll I 10' ea. Val•tl Heffa1• Cup·o-Gold ~~ .. !iuJ•l•ll ·-..1o1&""'. • • .,. , ..... s. .. 11• Battery Operatad Cordless Sds141ft Cutfuter,...uri11~ $3" lioa. Nr¥eS. F« ,.,...., (loth, pt0(.--1 ...i p .... ci• (lltl. '9" Vihuel 12" World Globe1 erua·, lf't '.ID·Ut.. fall. $67 mlor politiaf "* I« ~-Wl6-.t. Stile el l1lt•1 & Anupllflln •0... .... -............... ........ _ ..... .............. ;44 ' r '19" ·--ffMot .. )T" dmiit •itai *"' ...,..,.. llKk• ~MW ......... .. ,., .. (~ ...... MpliRlr- 1 ..,._, "'* lii*o ' 12 ••:.11221 .. ,, , .... 1t•11•l•lllll ' . Qeull1;1• 1 Color Prllfl I • £r:::= $2'7 :;£.""' 19! ........... '3"W•tn'I Acrylic Sweaten ·-·--•ICiiltl'- W-'•Volle Print Slilrts ~~ ~ Po)fntcr '3" ..i ll'Ao axtllft. b&:itifla prim. Sim Jl to H. loys' Fl-I C.ualr Pal- httm int ., .,.. .. s I" Jlllatt, pl&l•' ID t .mtlm, .... Jj_. ......... $1.l.t_ - WtsteN Style .. ,.. J- Sli• °' 1.enlarl ia S t1t sr ?. With P1Milodr: olo.w. ~"° '""" .... ' .. ,, ...... -. . . . ..•• ( ·-·· Stretdi Denim Pants $3'' ,.._ ,_, "" C'atWltr, ]'" .,_ .,.,. pipt •rs-Sim tt ID IL hll nt. '1" .... Support Host ' .9t Ill .. lllf .... Wft r, ..... c:k'1i ·~==: ..W...t~ll. • ......... ....--- DAILY I'll.OT 2J EE DE A~ A Complete Guide ••• Where to go • •• What to do • •• DAIL T PILOT 1'9ff ...... POLL y l5 ARK WON THE AWARD FOR 'THE BEST CHARACTER BOAT IN 1961 Jn,tertnission " New Season Starts Soon By TOM TITUS OI ltM 0.llY POii Stiff Up and down the Orange Coast, pro- ducing groups of both the amateur and professional variety are shaking off the 1urnmer doldrums and getting ready to jump feet firs t into the new season, Which starts off with a bang in two more weeks. Th.is In itself is notable. Nol'tllalfy, September is the month of preparation for a landslide of local productions which generally be- •gtns around the ' f i r st o( October iand e-o n t Ln u e.• ; through the starl of the Christmas holi· I days. Not Ulls tim e, however. For a 11 l'practical purposes. the new season i comes to lire on September 5 W i l h TOM TITUS a double-barreled debut from C oat a i: M esa and Laguna Beach -South Coast 1 Repertory's "We Bombed in New Hav-~en" and the Lyric Opera Association's t "The Sound of Music." I' FoTiowlng light on the.it heels will be ·the iniUal offerings of the Huntington , Beach and Costa Mesa playhouses, while •toward the end of the month the new ~Laguna-Moulton Playhouse opens with ~appropriate ranrare. I, TlIE LYRIC OPERA ~roduction, of ~ ... -----. ~ WEEKENDER INSWE · FEATURES Mission San Lull Rey Is hold- ing a celebration this Sund•Y to qommemorate the rounding of the. Mioion ehaln in CaWorni a. See story on Page 2.. Travtl Gulde to Fltn la tM 0 O:allerle1 •'1'n.e Grit'' dol 'N' Abo1ll Calallaa lll•ltd GUle lo Movies ''Uncle Van}'ll" Qat<Dk W Views Ttlovlllon Lof Comlcl 'Charlie Brown• MU1n1 th Scene Uvt 11teattr Page ti Paged Pap ft PapU Pages J:WS Pqt 15 Pqell Pap II Pip !7 Pap17 Pap 11 Pa(' 11 Pop 13 P11e %8 , Plf' 21 .,.. ................... ..i 1 course, will be a ooe-shot affair, but that one shot should be a big one. Forsaking grand opera for the more commercially palat.able Broadway hil show, the Lagun8 Beach group Is filling the lrvine Bowl in a hurry with the prospecls of a pro- fessional production of "The Sound of Music." To lbis end, lhP Lyric Opera has hired th'! proven lalenl.s of lhtee of the best in the business locally -director Kent Johnson, musical director Eugene Ober and choreographer LyMe Morris. With ~1arni Nixon !whose voice played "West Side Story," '"nle King and I" and "My Fair~LaJJy" on the screen) as Marla,__a sellout seems assured . SCR also is looking harder at the com- mercial theater this year, and will open 1ls new season with Joseph Heller's antiwar satire. which. might well be call· ed "We Bombed In Orange Coun1y." Director Martin Benson has promised a thoroughly localized adaptation of the rhow with an abundance o( topicality. ..J)ttE OF THE MOST SUCCi!&Sful sbowa the Huntington Beach Plajihoule ever did Holl11wood Nichols: By VERNON SCOTl' Ul"I ltfll.,.,... C..,,...,.....lf HOU. VWOOD -"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?"-the,belt film EllU· beth Taylor and Richard Burton ever made together -and the runawa~ hit, "The Gradua(e," have one thing In com- .moo : Mike Nk:hols. They also are the only two pictures 'Ile has d~ected- No" ,the brilliant newcomer lo movies ls.e~p!eting the .film version of Josepb Heller's "Catch 22." Nk:hOb is a candid, lntellectu1Jly In- clined man wbo Is singularly_ u n I m- pressed w I t h h~ own work. Some dt.. rectors cherisli their own children. Not Mike. "( &eDl for a copy o( "Virgtni1 Woolf" when we were on location with Catcb MllC• NICHOLS 22." he said. 0 That was abolll thret mmths ago. And 1 didn 't Ilk• 1nythlng 1bout the picture e1cept the perform- ances. was "See How They Run" two seasons ago. On Sept. lZ. the playhouse unveils its sequel, "Pool's Paradise," which features some of tbe same csst members. Howard Solomon is in the director's chair for this .... 1'te Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse kicks oft ils fifth season the following wtek, Stptember 19, with the comedy "Goodbye Charlie," in which a playboy 11 reln- ca r n ate d as a voluptuou11 redhead-female type. The 1 au g b possibilities Inherent in tht· George Ai· elrod comedy are manyfold, and director Pali Tambellini is out to uncover as many as ~sible in a brier reheanal ~rlod. - Then comes the long-awaited opening of the $450,000 t01guna-1'ifoullon Playhouse -a subject to be discussed at length in this space next week -with the Orange County premiere of Robert Anderson's drAma "I Never Sang For My F.alher," with Laguna artistic director John Ferzacca at lhe helm. Theater comes in like a lion along the Orange Coast tlUs season. 'Woolf' "ll bored the hf.II out or me." , ll was Milte'1 first movie and released only three years ago. But he Is ~ vlnced it already is dated in the fut. changing world or motion pictures. Al the time of tts release, "Who's Afraid o( Virginia Woolf?" captured frustrations of middle class marriages. With "The Graduate" Nichols caught jut the right glint in the generaUon gap, Shedding light on both sidca of the abyas and amassing a fortune Jn the procesa. Nichols remains unimpressed. • "Sometimes I think I've leamtd a 10t about making movies," he said during a lunch break. ·:0n other day1 I walk oo the set believing I've learned a~ lutely nothlnJ. "One basic· fact bu come home to me. Simplicity. Jt'1 basic. And that'• the direct.loo you 're down to u you progress." He's learned one other thing, prep- aration is a.s important u 1hooUng the picture itself. "Filly per..nl ol a director's job II casting ~ right actors," he aaid. }le talked about dolng 11Catch 22" al Paramount for two years. He devoted alx mooths lo pro-production prepara- • --·- SPECTATORS MAY PICK THEIR SPOT ALONG PARADE ROUTE SHOWN ABOVE Chara~ters Set Sail • 'Memorable Moments' An1iual Parade Theme Any stranger, In the area who might be llrollln, alon& the shores of Balboa Bay thl• Salurttay between 2:30 and 4:30 in tbe afternoon, should not be criticized if bt 11-lhaklng hls head in dlsbtliel. For the uninitiated -Saturday is Omacler Boat Parade Day -and aayooe 11eelng ll for the first lime hu a ill!'!l to think II< ts dreaming. U you thlnk you've aeen characten around before, just wait unUI Saturday! Thia ;, the ninth year that lhe Com- modores Club of the Newport Harbor Chamber ol Commm:e has &ponaond the even\ which stlrted out with just a few boats decorated mildly with no \heme in- volved. This year there wUJ be about 40 ent.riel and the theme ls "Memorable Momenta In History." -Thett--are many-yams-about-how ·the-. parade got .a:~arted ln the first place but we tend &o agree with a couple of old timers who recall it was all because one veteran sailor wouldn't let his .wile add curtains to the galley and c:abinl o( hi.I yachL He booght her a little tug boal and told her to go decorate it to IUit he~ -and she did. The idea caught on and pretty soon lhere was a double ender with a S\lper structure and a clever motif. pastel paint, checked curtains .and a rocking chair on deck. Il .-:.asn't long bdore the men began to have a litUe filn out of tbe ill and a Mbllss!prl. River boat 1ppeared on &he scene, then a junk and on and on until it no Jon1er waa a "ladies" boal fashion show -It became the Character Boat Pan de. The program for this year has all the contestants rendezvous In costume at the Balboa Bay Club at 11 :30 a.m. for a no- host brunch. Judging of the costumea wJU take place at 1 p.m. and at 1 "Sldpper1 man your boats" will get aU the crewa aboard and ready to start the parade by %:30 p.m. There win be two cate1ories or boats: 'llleme Boala and Charact.r Boals. A Boring Uon and has been shooting the pl<tun with Alan Arkin 1for seven montha. Jn evfS"j --. dlnct arc 'light.I are filtered through crut 1hetU ol whltt muslin lo II•• a dream-like tllect lo his current movie, an tnnOYation. "There•ts no directi U1hUng in the pic- ture at 1U,11 be esptained. "Diflused llghUft( II actually _.. realistJc. People'• faca aren't spot· lighted In Ille. I ll)lnk the same llhould hokl tru& on the .aten." Nichol• II ..,,rued lo b< counted among today's forward-looking dlrectors and experimeot«I. "I'm not aw ... of belooginc to an,. -... cattcory " dlttding,'' he laid. "! don'I thJnk any dirtclor has been. lt'a the news JDl&,Uinet who Uk• lo lwnp oclon, writen, dlrtcton and even iodUltrt6 ln\o categories. "Peopl• aren't abstractions. Dtrector1 doo't reprtltl!t the young, the old, the poor, block humor and all the rtsL "Sometimes crJUCI and othtr1 think of dlrecton u bait teams, rooting for one 1galnst the other u U we were in competirion. It's ridkuloul." • YOUNG SWIMMER FINDS THIS INFORMALITY FUN TOO theme boat may be a character boat or a stock boat decorated to exemplify the Iheme. A · character boat -now that iJ aomelhlng else. 1t ii a vessel of lndlvldual character either through special decora· lions or ad1ptailon1. QuallfJcaUons shall be jud1ed on ability of the entry to add to the enjoyment·-and-enterta~t oC tbe parUclpants and viewers within the bounds of 1ood taste. Trophies for t.he event carry Utles as colorful as the boats and contestanlll. There Is a total of 10 perpetual trophle1 to be awarded : Wheel, Steam and Bell; Grand Ancient Mariner; Leakin' Tim- bers; Swaviest Swabs; Bilgy Binacle; Drippy sturfing Box ; Theme Trophy; Loose Screw ; Dirty Old Manifold and Big Tool 1'11e Wheel, Steam and Bell ii for steam boats only. The Swavleat Swabs la open to all entries and awarded to the best cos-- turned crew in the parade. The Loose Screw 1ward ts the one for animallon. It Is open to ill boata wlng animated fll\lfes or displays of any kind. The Theme Trophy ii open to all boail which· have ~n decorated using' the theme, "Meniorable Moments I n History." The balance of lhe tr'ophles are open to all but steam boats and wnt be awarded at the discreUon 'of the judges. Last year the awards were 'won by the following boats and owners: Grand Ancient Mariner--Dick 'Shaw's MJehi1an. . Big Toot~r. Chamber's Drifl·R..Cruz .Best Character Boat -'Polly Pien:e11 Polly's Ark Theme Award -Rex· Bixby'• Brandy Leakln' Timbers . .....: Joe Beek'• Queen Mary SwavieSt• Swabs - W. C. PelUer'1 Espita Mar Loose strew -Richard Parrlab'I Island Princess Wh~l, Steam and Bell ·-David Role'• Kobenhaven ' Dirty Old Manifold -Sta S<outa' wlirui Bllgy Binnacle -Newport National Bank's Paradise. Wonder what happened to the ladia who started it alli' Weekend Highlights P:OTORAMA -Wtnning entries In Ille Fotorama Contest for amateurs will be among the eXblblll to -~ieeri at the FotG- rama Show In the mall at Fashion Island toiifghl.and tomorrow. Prize winning photograph• by professional pholograpbera, Jn. eluding aome ot the besl work of DAILY PILOT photQgraphen, Wiii be on display as well aa those taken of Mars from Mariner 6 and 7 and moon photoo jaken by astronaull ·Neil Annstron1 and "Buzz" Aldrin. Other exhibits of Interest include a tel~ photo machine in action and an automatic voting machine. SEASON FINALE -The Westminster Recreation and Parkes Department wilt stage its final dance for the Junior Teen Club, tonight at 7:30 when the "Cloud 5" musical group plays for dancing. The Teen Clob will have Ill final dance to the music of "Rapp" tomorrow night starting 1t a p.m. Both will be held In the Community Center Building. LAST CHANCE -This weekend provlcf .. the last ehance this yeer to view any or all of the thr~ art 1 .. t1V111 which have been p......,ted In Laguna Beacll lor the poll Ill< weeb. The FesUval ol Am, 650 Laguna Canyon Road, The SawdUJI F .. tival, acrou the street In the 800 block of Laguna Canyon Road and the Art-A-Falr at 114& N. C...st Highway, wll! close thl1 Sunday, August 24. ~ Ould. To l'un, P• .. 21 A " I j '! I t •I.; --...,_; •• ~ ·v ~~-._,...__..,,. . ...... . . ' . p D~LY PILOT F'rfd.u', Au;ust 22, 1%9 • ' • • ., .. >l ~ ~ •• ~ l ~ • . ~ ' !. :t ~ ~ ~ ~ '• .. i , ~ :: :: .. " 1 • • Gtdde to Ji'••• 'Characters~ • • Parade. Set AOO.U ANGl;L BA8£1141L ~ fn the Anaheim Stadium, 2000 State ~ Blvd., AneJltlJn1 Ah night g11mes are at 3 p.n1.; day games start at t p.m. Tickets available at all ticket agencl_es and the box of (ice. Phone l-6"-2000. Angels \'S. Detroit, Aug. U (NI, 23-24 (0). AUG. U-13 FOTORA!\IA -The Fashion Island -P..1nll, N~\v~rt Beach will present a display of photographs whlch will UlClude the winners of the Fotorama Contest for amateurs. Other photos shown ,~:Ill be some of the best work of the DAILY PILOT photographers: winners of the Calif. Press Photograph~rs and Cal-Nevada Associated Press contests. and a coll~ct1on of the work of Professional Photographers West. Also ln the show is a working te.lephoto machine: demonstrati?ns of automatic voting machine : mars photos from Marrner .6 and Mariner 7 and moon photos shot by astronauts Netl Armstrong and0 "Buzz" Aldrin. Tonight until 9 p.m.; Sal· urday 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. AUG. !t-%3 SOCIAL ARTS WEEK -The liph ann~a\ Social Ai:ts \Veek in Costa Mesa will close this weekend with ~n Aqua~s Show at Estancia High School at 7:30 p.m. torughl. Students 25 cents, adults SO cents. The Playhouse Awards Dinner Dance at the Costa Mesa Counlry Club will be held Sat., Aug. 23. Reservations are necessary. Phone 834·5303, AUG. %t WESTl\flNSTER JUNIOR DANCE -The Junior Teen Club of Westminster invites ail seventh and eighth graders living in Westminster to attend their activities which include a dance most f'ri. nights 7:30 to 9:30, at the Westminster C~m· murUty !Center, 8200 Westminster Ave. "Cloud 5" mus1~al group will play for the final sµmmer dance Aug. 22. Adrffis.. &ion 50 cents. AUG. !t-%1 KNO'IT·s BERRY FAmt -Entertainment at Knoti's this weekend begins Fri.. with .. What the Heck-Four:Pl~s-One" playing shows at 7, 8:30 and 10 p.m. Saturday will find ~e "New Celebration Singers" and Sunday lhe "Beaver Hill String Band" same show hours. All of the shows take place in the Wagon Camp al the Farm which is located ~n Beach Blvd., two miles south of the Santa Ana Freeway 1n Buena Park. AUG. Zl-2< UGUNA FESTIVAL OF ARTS -The 34th annual Fes- tivaJ of Arts and Pageant ot the Masters is being held al the Festival grounds and Irvine Bowl,~ Laguna Canyon Road. Laguna Beach, through Aug. 24. Tickets for the Page~nt of the Masters, ii available, are on saltJ at the box. office daily, JIJ a.m .• s p.m., and include admission to the groU!1~· Single admission to the grounds to see the artists' exhibits is 50 cents for adults, and 10 cents for cbildren. Hours: noon to midnight daily. Phone 494-114$ for additional inlor- maUon. AUG. !t-H SAWDUST FESTIVAL -The third annual Sawdust Festival is belng held In the 800 block of Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach through Aug. 24, sponsored by the Laguna M- mta and Gallery Owners Association. Over 100 artists and craftsmen will display their work and talent from 10 a.m. to midnight Admission free. AUG. !t-%1 ART·A-F AIR -The arts and crafts of 70 craftsmen are on el:blbit at lbe outdoor art show, sponsored by Laguna Beach Fine Arb Association, 346 N. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach, through Aug. 24. Open Fri., Sat. 10 a.m. to midnight: Sun.' 10 a.m.-10 p.m. The admission charge is 2$ ~nts; with children under 12 admitted free. Season ticket wiUt unlimit- ed admissioni, 'I. Phone 494-1314 for information. AUG. !t-H DISNEYLAND SHOW -Songress Bobbie Gentry and plan· isl Roger Williams will be appearing tonight on Tomor· rowland stage. Peggy Lee opens Aug. %5 for two-week en· gagemenl Show times are I and 10 p.m. nightly. Sunday is country music jubilee night with (loy Clark, Claude Gray and Jody Miller Aug. 24., at$, 1. and 9 p.m., Joe Tex will be on the Terrace Aug. 25-29. Shows at 9 and II p.m. AUG. Z3 CHARACTER 'BOAT PARADE -The ninth annual Char· acter Boat Parade will get under way at 2:30 p.m. Sat., Au·g. 23, from the Balboa Bav Club. More than 40 character boa\$ wJth cltaracters aboard will compete for attention and trophies. The theme this year is "l\1emorable Moments in History." The parade may be viewed from along the water- fronl of the islands, the peninsula or mainland. AUG. 2l TEEN CLUB DANCE -The Westminster Recreation and Parks Department will hold a Teen Club Dance in the com- munity Center, 8200 'Vestminster Ave., (for Westminster Teens) each Sat. froin 8 p.m. to midnight Admission, $1. for members, $1.50 for non-members. The "Rapp'' band will play for dancing. AUG. 23-SEPT. 11 HORSE RACl~G -The Del Mar Race Track. High1vay 101 at the inlersection of Interstate llighway 5 in Del r-.tar, has thoroughbred horse racing daily except Sundays (and Tuesday. Sept. 2) through Sept. 11. Nine races daily witll post time, 2 p.m. $25,000 Del r-.1ar Derby Sat., Aug. 23. Phone (7141 1-755-1141. AUG. !l-SEPT. IS PADUA HIU.S PLAY -Tbe Padua Hills Theatre is pl'e- senting "Harvest Festival in Iguala" V.'llh authentic music and da nces from t..1exlco, through Sept. 15. at 2:30 ilnd 8:30 p.m. Wed. through Sat. Adjoining the 300 seat air-conditioned theater is the Padua dining room where the players enlertain during lunch and dinner . Mexican and Americp.n food is serv· ed daily, except Mon. Padua Hills lis located on Padua Ave ., three miles north o! Foothill Blvd. in Claremont. Phone I~ . Aug. ZS POPS CONCERT -A concert with ~ musicians under the direction of Henry Brandon 11o·ill be conducted in the mall al Fashion Island, Newport Beach, each Mon. at 9:15 p.m. No admission charge. Aue. ZS.31 DODGER BASEBALL -Dodger Stadium, 1750 St.adium '\'ay, Los Angeles. Day games start at I p.m.: Night games at 8 p.m and 'J'wi-n.ight double headers at 6 p.m. Dodgers vs. Expo! Aug. 2&-23 (N); Phillies, Aug. 29-30 (N ); 31 (0). AUG. IS STORY HOUR -Every TI1urs. the Laguna Beach Library. 363 Glenneyre, Laguna Beach, conducts a story bour for children two and one-half to !J~e years. ll slart.5 at 9:30 a.m. AUG. IS Sl'ORY HOUR -The Costa Mesa Library, 566 Center St ., Costa A1esa, holds 1 story hour for children each Thurs. at 10:30 a.m. AUG. ZS NEWPORT ART FAIR -The Newport Beach Park11. Beaches and Recreation pcpartmenl is haviRg an Art·A-Fa!P. In tht Mariners /\tultipurpose Room on Dover Drive and Jrvine Ave. Aug. 2.8 from 10 a.m. t.o 4 p.m. Project$ made by chiJdren 5 through 12 years during the. summer arts and craCLS proarams will be exhibited. Open to the pybllc, no ad- ml.uloa cbar&c. AUG. ID ABT AUCTIQN -The Fesllval of Arts a:rounds, 650 Laguna Canyop .Road, lAguna Stach, wUI be the scene or an art auctJon, Aug. 30, from 2 to S p,m. Siient bidding will begln a~ Jt a.m. Worta of oulJitanding arllfl\s, who have donate<t lhtir canvaSfe!, sculpture and er.artwork to the •flair, will &<> to the highest bidder. All proceedJ will go lo Oenc!lt So<!lh Coasl Commun!!)' l!OSjlilli!. ... , .................. -.~ ; ...... . ... • ---· --.. -... Travel No Tipping In Japan By STAN DELAP~AN E TOKYO -Japan ls steaming in late summ~r now, and the gorgeous Japanese peaches are in their brief season. They must be eaten in their own juice -add cream or sugar and you destroy them. \'ou should have them for breakfast in a cool Japanese in n. The maid takes you to the pine-floored bath 'vith its \VOoden buckets and sunken steamy tub. You dress in a fresh cotton kimono-like yukata. -Your bed bas been-taken up-a:nd-pu,t away. The pap- er sboji screens are pushed back -the room opens on a s.unny garden. ' . J OHN WAYNE STARS Pl•ys One-eyed 'Rooster' CELEl!RATION AT SAN °LUIS REY MISSION On the low table, on a delicately brushed plate, is the golden peach. Just as you see it in thousand· year-old ptints. Duke Wins 'True Grit~ 2nd Prize 200th Anniver1ary of Founding !'f Missions in C•lifornia * THE FINANCIAL Times of London says Tokyo 'Serra Day' Observed has the hJghest food prices in the world. However, \ve've been eating sukiyaki di.nners at $4. We also ate at Han Nya-En (Fortune caUs it one of the world's great restaurants} and caught a tab for $40! * "'hen it was firsl published In the spring of 1968, "True Grit " was a double-barreled suecess -il became an in· slant best-seller and won great praise from the literary establishment. ·The book, with its oul-doors settings and Its high adventure was a "natural" for filming and, even beiore it was published, the bidding for film rights was fast and furious. Fiesta Fetes Franciscan Founder A single room at the plush Okura Hotel is $14. Silk scarves are a good buy at $1. 75 to $3. Wako is best of the department stores for tourist shopping. The best of the night clubs in Akasaka -Mama Cherry still runs the Copacabana, the· most elegant. And most expensive. Commemorating the 200th !!lr'lt!:'"t!!ey)'!lrr""..., anniversary of founding the chain of Old MisSions of Calilomia, Franciscan founder Padre Junipero Serra \V iii be honored with s p e c i a l ceremonies on Sunday, August 24 at Old Mission San Luis 1 Rey, near Oceanside. "Junipero Serra Day" v.•i\I be observed by the Franciscan padres of the. Mission and tile public is cordially invited. A special commemorative Mass honoring Padre Serra will be celebrated at 10:30 in the mission church and special narration on the life and achievements of Serra will be given by Padre Valenline Hea- ly, O.F.M. of the Old Mission. Historic S e r r a artifacts, document s and literature will be prominently displayed in the mission museum, in- cluding photostatic copies 'or letters he wrote and mission records bearing his distinctive caJligraphic signature. Posters and other memorabilia of the Serra 250th anniversary of his birthday on the Spanish Island of Mallorca, together with United States Government. .. .-...i •.. ~· Beautifully dressed hostesses -$2.80 to $3.20 an hour for their dancing-sitting company. They ex- pect a tip, that's unusual in this no-tipping coun· try. You do' NOT tip bellboys, waiters or taxi driv- ers in Japan. A night club evening can nudge you for $50 easily. But Japan Travel Bureau will give you a •ampling on a tour that costs only $12 .30. * "For • coupl• of boys used to camping out, how about England? Or do they have r ules •sr•inst this?" P robably some rules about where you camp. . But you'll find out easily because l saw lots of Eng· Jish kids with sleeping packs in some wonderful ·hiking country. One of the best is a footpath that runs 136 miles along the Thames - it's on the old tow f atb. Runs through pastures, beeeh forests, smal villages. Another is the Lake country, just below t he Scottish border. Roman forts. Pine tree bills. Beautiful lakes. I \vould guess you could do tilis on $5 to $10 a day. * "Will I hive difficulty expl1inin9 how I w.ant my h1ir done in Europe? I fne1n do they spe1k English In Be1uty parlors?" They do in all the expen~iye tau.rut hotels. Once I got a very good bair<ut in Madrid, and I had pass· port photos taken of It. I used those to show barb- ers in places \Vhere they didn't speak English. May. be you should do that before you go. * Couple or ne\V things I ran into : Dabs fro1n Lonw One of the people v.·ho was most interested in the Charles Portis novel was actor John Wayne. Eventually the book went to Hal Wallls and Para- mount Pictures, but Wayne won what must be one oC the greatest consolation prize! or the decade when Wallis, direc· tor Henry Hathaway and Portis himself agreed that the film could not be made without him. ''J guess you could say that t play a character role -my first since 'She Wore a Yello1v Ribbon' -in 'True Grit'." Wayne sa)'s. ''Rooster Cogburn is his name. and he's a U.S. Marshal such as tile screen has never before seen. A. sloppy looking hard-drink· ing disreputable, one.eyed rascal who's been around long enougl.J to know for sure that you don't me11s with outlawl'I but use every trick in t11e book, fair or foul, to bring lhem to justice.'' minted Serra National Medals also will be shown. PADRE JUNIPERO SERRA Francisca n Founde,r of Missions don airport now charge what the meter says. (Used to be they could charge an)lt.bing they liked -and they liked a lot.) But be sure the cab has a meter. Some of the starters try to push you into an unmew 'I.erect cab \Vhere anything goes. "In the story. Rooster and aoother character, La Boeuf a Texas Ranger. team up to help a young girl trackdown the n1urderer of her father. They go through p I e n t y together and each In his 011·n v.•ay, exhibits true grit. Junipero Serra was born in ------------'-----------* Petra, on the Island of Mallorca, in 1713. and b~ame a Franciscan at lhe age of 16. He volunteered for Mexico missionary service in 1749. and in 35 years as a missionary 1v a Ike d an estimated 10,000 miles on a bad leg. From 1750 to 1758, in the wild and isolated S i e r r a Gorda in Eastern Mexico, Padre Serra taught the fierce Indian sun \vorshippers lhe \vays of civilization. For the succeeding ten years he criss- crissed Mexico preaching in rowdy seaports, erode mining camps and cultured cities. In 1769 he began his greatest and most memorable work - establishing the chain of missions in California 1vhich brought civilization lo the priiajtive Indians. He died at Carmel in 1784. The 21 mis sions scattered along the coast from San Diego to Sonoma are an1ong California's most cherished historical monu1nents. Padre Serra established th e basis of Cplifornia's presenl- day agriculture and stock·rai s- ing while his missions \\•ere to become the sites of g r e a t coastal cities. His zeal and vision caused him to urge the exploration by sea of Alaska , and overland to New Mexico. California has always con- sidered Padre Serra her most illustrious citizen. and tributes to him have gro"·n wilh the years. Throughout California organizations. streets an d buildings bear hi s name. !{is sLatue can be found in cit ies from San F'rancisco to San Diego. at the Slate Ca pitol In &tc1·a1nento, and represen1.s the State of California in the National liall of Statuary under the dome of the U.S, Capitol Jn \\'ashlngton, D.C. The missions which he found - ed stand today as historic n1onuments of the g r e a t sttte 's beginnings. The public is cordially "'elcome at Old Mission San Luis Rey to help celebrate Serra Day on Sunday, Augtfsl 14. The mission Is threl'. mU~s Inland fro1i1 Oceanside, on State lligbway 76. In Galleries Childrert's Workshop Art Sliowing in CdM COFFEE GARDEN GALLERY -262.5 E. Coast High- way. Corona de! Mar. Hours 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. J\.1on . • Sat. No admission charge. On exhibit through Oct. 3, paintings. clay \York and sculpture of children who attended the New· port Harbor Service League's Children's Art \Vorkshop. CHALLIS GALLERY -1390 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beac ll. Hours : 11 a.n\. to 5 p.1n. daily. On exhibit through Aug, paintings by r-.fark Coomer in oil and encaustic media. LAGUNA ART GALLERY -307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. Admission SO cents. Members and one guest free. Hours: Sun. -Thurs. Noori to 6 p.m.: Fri. and Sat. Noon lo 9 p.m. All California Sho1v. coinciding v.•ith Festival ol Arts through Aug. 24, 180 works will be shown. YOU MIGHT like to open a charge account \Vith I-Jarrod's, Knightsbridge, ~ndon. One of the most famous stores in the world \Vith an annual catalogu.e. Our household buys n~run party hose by mail at $1.80, and all our friends are asking ho\v to get them. Harrod's outfits everything from ma· 1.ernity clothing to safaris. Dressy school children's clothing is espe<:ially good . * On a recent recipe for fish Tahitian style: Salt the tuna lighUy before you soak it in lime juice. (Tahitians salt food by dipping it in a coconut shell of sea \Valer.) * "My h usband is coming to H.aw1ii from Viet. n1 m on .R .,-id R. Wh•t I'd li ke to do would be to get • sm•ll •P•rtm ent on one of the outer i1lands .•. " If you write Hawaii Visitors Bureau, Honolulu, they'll send you the "Hawaii Hotel Guide." That lists a lot of apartment hotels with kitchens. Prices. Whether it's on the beach. l\fy hunch \vould be to try Maui -somewhere on Kihei or Kaanapali beaches. "Grit is also something you believe in when it's better to keep your mouth shut but you still sound off. Or it's gelling together with half a dozen other slobs and running our Uag up to the top of a hill and lwo J ima e1•en though the air is full of flying lead," Wayne continues. "Or maybe it's insisting that you and your girl go to see a John \Va yne movie \\'hen she wants to just sit home on the sofa. No. That's not 'T'rue Grit. That's just olain foolishness," \Vayne concludes. "True Grit." which is cur· rently playing in C06ta Mesa al Edwards Cinema, star1 \Vayne. Glen Campbell and Kim Darby • l\IARINER'S LIBRARY -2005 Dover Dri ve. NeWport r:•w: -~~ ... ~~~ Beach. On exhibit, through Aug.. in the Jr. Ebell Ex- hibit during regular library hours. paintings by Caro Eaton "', SCHOOL ST ARTS SOON • • • and an exhibit of children 's art from their workshop. 1\·IESA VERDE LIBRARY-2969 Mesa Verde Drive East. ~ Costa r-.1f'sa. Currently on exhibit durin~ regular library 10: hour s. through Aug .. the oil painLings of Nanci Schontal. COSTA f\tESA LIBRARY -566 Center St.. Costa l\fesa. On exhibit during regular library hburs, through Aug., oil ~ paintings by Marie Taggert. ? C.!\1. ART L°EAGUE ...-513 Center St .. Cosla Mesa. Hours: Sal. and Sun . I to 5 p.1n. Continuous exhibit of arl \\'Ork in various media by Art League members. No admis- sion charge. COSTA l\tESA COUNTRY CLUB -1701 Golt Course Drive. Costa r-.1esa. The pain tingi of Jane Hill, in oil and pastel, are on exhibit on the second noor of lhe club through the month of Aug . GLENDALE FEOERAt. GALLERY -1833 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. On exhibit through Aug. during regular business hour, oil paintings by h-lildred SrUdow, SO. CALIF. FIRST NAT'L BANK -17122 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. On exhibit during regular business hours, through Sept 19. paintings by Lloyd 01nan. UNITED CALlf''ORNlA BANK -3029 Harbor Blvd., Cn.<1ta. Mesa. On exhibit during regular business hours, through Aug .. the oil painti ngs O( \li1illiam Scott, FARENllEIT 451 -509 S. Coast l~lglJY.'ay, Laguna Beach. ·Hours: 10 a.m. to 9 p.1n. daily through Sept. I; 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. through Thurs.: Fri. until 10 p.m. there- afte11. On extublt unti l Sept. 14. paintings by Bruce Hasselle. DYENA Al\T OUJLO -Knott 's Berry Farm palm grove near lnde·pendence Hall will be the scene of an exhibit ol 150 artists, Aug. 23, 24, sponsored by the Buena Art Guild. All media will be represented in the "Artist's Roundup" show. Knott's Is localed on Beac h Blvd .. two miles south or the Santa Ana Free~'ay, In Buena Park. COAST CAl\IERA CLU B -Omnibus or Black and \\rttite Photography is the title of the Coasl Camera Club exhibit. bcln(I' hrtld through Aug. in !ht Carousel Court nrea of Soulh CoRst Plnu. Over 125 photographs, many or them pr1ze winntt~, \1 Ill be on display dur ing regular business hours. { • t ' .-.- Ltf's gtf those kids b•ck in good he1lth tffer eating 111 that "junk" t it $UmlT'ltr •.. St1rt them wi th FlllSH ORANGE JUICIE, IERRIES in their cere1I, SALADS lor lun,h, i nd FRESH YEGIETAILES with their dinn er. How 1bout FRUIT for destrf. We'll 9u1 r1nt1e they'll bt ht1lthier! Thtir vitamins will 1U be i11 there fightin g off tht infecticns, LOOK AT THESE FRESH FRUIT SPECIALS! ................................ IRVIN! GROWN -.. • • WATERMELON • CALlf. IART L£TT LOCAL G•OWN-L A•GE . • . • PEARS : TOMATOES • : 3¢ lb. •• I 0¢ • I oil!'• lb. • lb. • Limit 20·1b1. • with th is coupo1t Limit S-lbs. a Limit i·I"•· a • • with thl1 coupon • with thl1 covpo" 8 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• COUPONS EXPIRE AUGUST 17 Your dinn 1r ~., to bt "0111 of th:, werld" •' ih•1• fill• 1t1l•11r•11!1. Tht y b11y +ht fifltil llft· due• mo111y et11 b11y. Th1v wo11'I 11lllt for •nvthifl9 0111. Thty d1"'tnd th1 b11I. Try I~'"' 1114 .,.,.,·u 111! CHARLIE'S CHILI, Ntw110•+ 1,.,h. PUtATIS' INN, Coro111 d1I Mt• ltlMIU.HDTS, Coal• M111, YILU. NOYA, N1wpo•t l1tch, WHIT! HORSI INN, Ntwpo.+ !t•ch -incl 0,..,, tOO olh111. '•+roni11 +ht ml How 1bo11! yo11 c•llin9 u11 ' "ORANGE COUNTY'S FASTEST GROWING PRODUCE ORGANIZATION" :,~~~~. NEWPORT PRODUCE PHONE 673-171 5 2616 Newport Blvd. on Tho P1 nlntulo "32 Yea r of Product Order of tlle.11011.st" '') ... _ ~ . - 1'1Vhcrt Q11olit11 Is Th.e Know How" I I I I , ' I I I ·. " Mdef, August 2?, 196~ DAILY PILOT U ' . ' OUT 'N' •• WEEKENDER By NORM STANLEY ORANGE COUNTY'S Abbots' Trek ' Journeying somewhat bey~nd ~r usual terri- tory (good for making compansons if Il?l for many other reasons), out 'n' abouter recently_J~ted north to take in one of the Bay City's latest dining attrac- tions. Be advi.sed that this new spot-o_ffers bonne raiSOfl for anyone making the trip anytime. We spent an unforgettable night aboorbing a wondrous new Lo:lwry's enteryrise -~e Ben Jon- son -located in San FranCJ.Sco's striking new de- velopment The Cannery. We were in the company of about 13o fun-loving bon vivants from the South Coast. ABBOTS AND GUESTS They were the Abbots, a strictly social group that meets in a monthly round of Falstaffian revel- ry at Lawry's Five Crowns Restaurant in Corona del M-ar. Twice a year, we learned, the fiO so~e members of this jOVlal crowd· even manage-to 1rr elude their wives in the ot.berwise all male p roceed· in gs. "" c·VJ...<(i) \.!--I Every Abbo~'s better half was on hand for this 1pecial outing to The Ben Jonson. A factor shaping the merriment that got under way as soon as the Air Qalifornia charter fligbt lifted off from Orange County Airpo:'t. Conversing ~·ith a number of individual Abbots. we were impressed by the camaraderie and shar· ed zest for gou.rmandi.zing that marks their asso- ciation. Other restaurants in the area would do well to follo·N the Five Crowns' example in providing a base tor sui:h a group. ZEST FOR LIVING Falling, for the most part, in the 25 to 40 a g • range, they're a frierid ly gang of successful profes- &ionalJ who obviously approach work and entertain- menf; with equal gusto. Among others, we made the acquainta.11ce of epicures who also happen to be at- L•.:h tr-11 :30 e,M. Di111Mf froM 4:30 P·"'· Dally excapt Snckt' N"htly NOW APPEARING -RENE & BURT GROOVY COMBO Tuesday thru Saturday TONY FLORES His Son9s and Guitar Sunday and Monday Nites 2607 W. c .. st Highway -Newport -646-0201 Ent•rteinmant Nightly Tuasd1y through S1turd1y THE FABULOUS DICK SEAN * BANQUET FACILITIES FOR 450 * SERVIN.G LUNCH AND DINNER DAILY MEADOWLARK country club GOMEk 51MS, CECIL HOLLIN6SWORTH, Co.Ow"•" 16782 &llAltAM STIEn HUNTINGTON IEACH For R ... rv•tioM C•ll 146-1186 or 846.1416 RESTAURANT , NIGHT CLUB AN·D E/;llTERTAINMENT SCENE . tomeys, a doctor, an aerospace scienti st. a stock- broker and a dentist. Serving as a kind of unofficial shepherd and host for the Abbots' Ben Jonson jaunt was "Big" John Ondik, Five Crow ns managing director. The jocular hospitality he dispensed during tbe night's festivities would make him a likely candidate for a Tanner tour director shouJd he ever need to take up a sideline. • '• ·_ ... ~ .... •• Marvel of all the evening's marvels was the restaurant itseli. As many fine establishments as there are in San Francisco, this one immediately takes a commanding position on any list of favor· ites. NAMED FOR POET It \Vas named after Ben Jonson (1573-1637), the famous playwright. and first Poet Laureate of Eng- land. Also a soldier, bricklayer an d love r of fine food and the lusty life of Elizobeathan days, Jon· son is buried in the revered Poet's Corner of West- minster Abbey. Ralph Frank, Jr .• vice president ol Lawry's creative division and Art Wynne, vice president. restaurant di vision, filled us in on some of the fa s- cinating details behind the restaurant's construc- tion . In the process both were revealed as more than passing-fair ~avants or English literature and history. WHY THE CHOICE? The name was chosen, they indicated. because historians agree the most vigorous lover of food , drink and conviviality in Elizabe'lhan England was Ben Jonson. He knew everyone in his day and was the life of t he best gatherings. A tireless conversatioalist, legendary drinker and scholar. Jonson was looked up to by all. One DELANl!Y'S I' . : of. his b•~t lnendl ·was Inigo Jones. !he famous arctiitect w 9 designed many sets for .the plays. By co mission from Queen Elizabeth, Jones also desi : Albyns Long Hall, which bas been brought to ' n FranciS<!o and reassembled in every particula~ serve ·as a large cocktail lounge and pu b in th ownstairs part of .the new,reStaurant. Acco · g to Frilnk, it is quite possible Jon.son himself 8lf? dranlt and conversed with Ifi.igo JOOes· and his Dth~r buddies in Albyns Hall some 350 years ago. 1 HALL BUil T IN 1609 lt'.s also of interest to note how Albyns Hall - first built in 1609 for a mansion in the Essex town of Stappl~ord Abbots -landed in its new location. After i;urviving in . its original site for several cen~ tur ies ~ it was purchased by the late William Ran- dolph Hearst and disassembled and brought to this country. Tbe panels and ceiling were crated and stored in New York for many years before being purcbas.- ed by Leonard Martin, owner of The Cannery, for ultimate installation in a restaurant.Now Ben Jon- son patrons can relax in one of the finest and best pr~Served rooms of the 17th century . in addition to Albyns Long Room , .the res.taur- arit's lower Door contains a section with a Jong bar and,i a ple and sandwich counter called The Mer- maid. and a small rustic bar known as the Devil 's qo/ner. ! ~! •/ ~ THE MERMAID The Mermaid was a renowned tavern in early Lpndon where Shakespeare. Bacon and other liter- ary greats gathered for food and conversation. The evil ,was Jonson's favorite pub an·d Its San Fran· SWISS CHALET ~e~ ......... ~)',I NEWPORT$ FINEST SEAFOOD CUISINE "THE ULTIMATE IN CONTINENTAL CUISINE" F••turing MISS ISAllL VICKERS On The Org•n Luich-11·5 Dinner 5·12 Cocktoih 630 E. Lido Park Dr., N.B. -675-0100 ••• Re1trv•tions: 494-6574 Open Daily a-telawers e LUNCHEON • • OIHHE~ • llSTAUlANT AND e IUHOAY l!RIJNCH • COCKTAll:. LOUN61! e LAT!! SUPPER •• DINING OCEANFRONT DINING, ATOP TOWERS WING Of SURF And SAND HOTEL USS IOUTM COAST MlilJMWA'f Dining with An Ocean View SEAFOOD, STEAKS AND GOURMET ENTREES ·* * * * FROM $3.25 JESS PARKER Appooring Nightly TMM!ay tin S.!Mky BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE PHONI 116.JSSS 117 OC:l.AN AYI. HUNTINGTON HACH * Overlooking Th• Pecific Oc••n At Th• Pi•' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY NITES Rn.-IOM: 646·5313 414 No<tli Newport ... le...t, Nowport INch -JOSEF'S- LUNCHEON cHucK KEELY TRIO DANCING NIGHTLY FROM9P.M. SUNDAY BRUNCH II· 4 • 2121 E. COAST HIGHWAY . AT THE JAMAICA INN DON JOSE' -proudly prestttts - DINNER 673-1110 ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY Tuesday thru Sunday DANCING FRI. AND SAT. lN THE FIESTA ROOM cisco recreation uWizes two center beams obtain- ed from Westminster Abbey during recent re-- modeling work. The Elizabethan rooms that constitute the up- stairs dining areas are comprised of the Great Hall (the room at the top of the massive Jacobean stair- way between floors) and the smaller Chelsea and Radley Rooms. The latter two al so date back to the ear!y 17th century, the first removed Crom a home in Chelsea and the other from Radley Park . Splendid examples of Elizabethan architecture they -together with the Jacobean staircase taken from an historic hall in East Anglia -were also purch·ased from the Hearst estate. UNIQUE MENU Partaking of dinner at the restaurR:nt is not un- like sitting through one o£ Jonson's plays if you fol- low the format of the menu that's set up like a ~eatre program. It leads from a prologue through five acts of courses to an epilog ue. Complete with intermission. The sayings and quotations on the menu and throughout the restaurant are all words of Ben Jon- son spoken through characters in his plays or hi.s poetry. Thus. Nathanial in ''Staple of the News" state! the prologue: " ...• We hear of a colony of cooks Th be set ashore on the coast of America, F'or the conversion of the cannibals, And making th em good eating Christians." ~ The Act I fore-dishes (appetizers) are then In· troduced by another quotation and described as "a great carrousel · of burnished silver containing salads, pates and diverse delights, at'COrding to the season and the whinis of the cook." SUPERLATIVE SEVEN For the Abbots' laden tables this turned out to be seven superlative items: liver pate, soused ~ontlnued on Page 24 ....... f• tw•I """' •ltht, .... ,..... . : . .,, .... ,,_ '-"'"' ., tltilfl Restaurant SCENIC MOUNTAIN/SEA ATMOSPHERE DANCING NIGHTLY MON. Thru SAT • The Naturals I 6™MONTH Open Daily 7 am • 2 am Res. 499-2663 31106 Coalt Hwy. South La9uno VILLA ROMA T I ( f • • • DAIL¥ l'ILOT Friday, AllOWl 22, 1969 NEW IN HUNTINGTON BEACH NOW OPEN · BERLINER RESTAURANT AND BEER GARDEN The Only Place to Dine The Continental Way Enjoy one of our Hom•Cooked· Dinner• WIENERSCHNITZEL-SAUERBRATEN HASENPFEFFER-BEEF STROGANOF~, WINE·CURED SAUERKRAUT POTATO DUMPLINGS-AND MANY MOREi! We Serve the Finest Wines From Germany and France Our Beers are Imported Direct From Bavaria LISTEN TO THE CONTINENTAL SOUNDS OF SYLVIA And Her Accordion THURSDAY. FRIDAY & SATUIDAY-l'rom 6 P.M. Open Tuesday thru Saturd•y-11 a.m.· 10 p.m. Sunday 3·9l>.m. -Closed Mondays We Serve Sandwiches, Businessmen's Luncheon ALL.DAY In the Beautiful Town & Cou'ntrv Center 18582 Beach Blvd. Huntinqton Beach 968·5•00 •••••• e OFF :m,DD •• WEST •••••• GRAND HOTEL 1 1-!EIMAM, WIT • UIHUM -c~oss noM MAlll ca1r · · · If DISMETUNO Last Three Days cYt.ttj" ~ PRESENTS ' ' ' COMEDIANS INC. HERKIE BEN STYLES BLUE FRANKIE ORTEGA MURIEL · LAND~RS · SHAY DENNIS IOllM OPENS AT 7:30/SHOWTIMES 9 AHO 11, TUE.·Uf./SUlt. AT I DAHCINC .... 10-11, 12·1 R£SERVATIONS r714l nz-m7 T/ClllS Al50 •v•tlABlt •Tso. CAL Ml/SlC co~\.631 so. Hill ST., lDS •NcttES; Wl.l.llCM'S MU,IC CITY; l l/Ffl/MS'; MIH:.11AW'S; NIO All MUTl/Al. .lHO Lr8£RTY TICJl,CT AG£HC1l'i AND All COMPl/HCKEf D\ITlEIS v WEE:&EN ER shrimp, creamed picked beets topped b egg slices aqd caviar,,marinated berring. in sour c am, York ham and melon, cucumber salad and av y creamy port wine cheese. Act II, pdttage o! •the day, bniugb extraordinary. cream of sonel soup. Jn sorrel, a hardy perennial herb cllstantly spinach, it cOOtained a chicken base, po leeks. I forth BJ'l diUon to lated to toes and • SUPERB. WINES Discounting the fact there were alread glasses on th~ tabl~ containing a mixed drink.. , er ahd aquavit. nett came Act III from the cell in.the form: of a heady French wine, Joseph rouhin Puligny Montrachet, 1964. Which almost Ia ed un: til they served the main course wine -Red Bur· gundy, Pommard Cruse, 1964. \ Before the entree arrived, however ,.the Abbots were treated to several special dishes. These were a sensational fillet of sole a la Cardinal -two pieces of the delica~e fish, one covered with fi white and the other a red sauce -and lemon water ice splashed with apple jack brandy. ' CHOICE OF ENTREES On the regular menu, there is a choice ot five en~rees ~ong the Act IV maJ_n courses. Thefie are pnme nbs of beef, seNed with creamed spinach and Yorkshire pudding, $7.50; duck from the spit ~.50 ; roasted rack of Jamb, $8 ; beet chop tor two' $9 the person ; fish catch of the day, $5.50. ' The price includes fore-dishes, pottage and bev· erage and the latter four are served with fresh vegetables and potatoes. But beef tenderloin -two pieces so suberbly cooked the centers \Vere pink to within a quarter Real Cantonese Food eat here or take home. ST AG CHINESE CASINO 111 21st pl., Newport Beach ORiole 3-9560 0,.1 Y .. RN9114 hilly 12-12 -Fri. •114 Set. 'ttl J •·•· tlie FLING ENTEIT AINMENT • 7 Nl~HTS A WUK D~INCING MOH..l'llU..WID.~ * HAP HALL DUO * Larry Lake wlll! Jt1111 .... ,, •R 11u Singer n..r. ttw. s... _ ~~t _ I Rear.Mesa Theater s~J::;-c;;;:M:'"a 141 I. 1Jtti St. Jint •ff ""''"' llw4. MIKE JORDAN DUO MONDAY THRU SATURDAY JAN & PAUL I 37 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT CENTER ••ew-n avff1m1• & •rHlllWI Arnplit P•l'tci1t9 ft-.n•tlon1 ..... 2o:ao• SlEAK & LOBSTER New on the Mr. Steak menu and an epicurean delight! We call it Beef and Beach, Two South African 'Rock lobster taillli and our popular Fron· tier filet steak. Served with crisp tossed qreen salad, choice of dre~sing, including Mr. Steak's own homemade Blu Cheese dressing (best you'll ever have), cracker basket, Ranch HouM ·Toast\ choice ol potalo. • Dl'Eff 11 AM 10 9 PM BANOU[f FAC/l/TIES AYAllABlE (At Wl .... J COSTA M!SA 642.0732 T f I [ F-A M I I Y P I A l f- . . · ·of an inch o{ the edRe -in sauce choron (bearnalse with an added toucli of tomato) was the special en- tree savored by the Abbots. With ll)e beef came lyonaise potatoes, artichoke hearts .Florentine (stuffed with spinach and cover· ed with a rich cheese saUce), lresh co.rn cut from the cob and served in a cream sauce, fresh garden peas and mushrooms. FINALE Act V, for those who-could still move, concluded the evenirlg's playbill with port wine, coffee and dessert. The' latter consisted or an as~orted cheese- board and a fruit bowl with several varieties o! apples, two kinds of grapes and pears. Fun,oso in Jonson's "Every ?.1an Out of His Humou.r 1 speaks the epilogue : "Let me have a capon's leg saved, now the re<:koning is paid." (Exit.) Besides The Ben Jonson, there are approximate-- ly 65 other restauranta and shops in The Cannery. Its conversion lrom the abandoned and run-<lown ren:i~s of the_ one-time Dlil Monte peach canning facility makes its a worthy successor. It is the same type of enterprise that has developed in Ghirardelli Square. Originally conceived by Leonard Martin as part of his_ overall Cannery concept -The Ben Jonson -which fronts on Jefferson St. several blocks east of F~sberman's Wharf -was later developed by architect Joseph Esherich and designer Ron Mann of San Francisco. Graphics and the authentic period costumes \YOrn by all the help were designed by Selje and Bond of Los Angeles. AU later developments were under the supervision of the Lawry's Restauram. p_eop~e 'Yho were involved from early 1968 in the fmal1zat1on of plans. A MUST On your next visit to San Francisco first prior~ ity should be given to dinner at The BeO Jonson. Jn ~e meatime local out 'n' abouters can always take in Iha! otlier dash of merry old England Lawry's has created right in our back yard -the Five Crowns at 3801 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. ~f the President of the United States and hir; family -wbo dropped in unexpectedly tor dinner one ni_ght rece~Uy -find the Five Crowns worthy of their a'ltention, there must surely be something for th~ rest of us too. , Newporler Inn lt's long been taken for: granted that we Hve in one ol tbe country's fastest irowlng areas -popu~ lation, home and industry·w1se. But now we'v·e be- ginning to wonder if Orange County isn't actually pacing the nation in another category. That, of -course, is in the departm1;ni of new Q~ ever.expanding dining establishments. . The' lates~ cale in point is the whopping addl· lioli that bas more than doubled the former size of th~ Newporter IM'~ M•rine Restaurant. Not to me,rrtion several other facilities now taking final shape which are certain to win strong pub.lie sup- port. We dropped by the Newporter the other day for a first-hand survey of a.U the changes and frank~ ly came away a bit wonder•struck. And of a mind to disc•rd the notion that a place alre'ady 1'005ting at 'lhe plnnacle of acceptance can't come up with further innovations to reap still more favor. ~ EXCITINGLY DIFFERENT Those who haven't been there since the new Marine Restl8urant'a .formal opening earlier this m9ntb will :find an excitingly different setting. Com· bi.oing spaciousness ')Vitb intimacy, the l.rshaped room h¥ seemii:J.gly doubled in eye-catching ap-- po~tmeqts as well as size. · Original oils' of still life have beeJJ included in the coml>letely new decor. The paintings are from the personal collection of L. C. Jacobson, owner of the Newporter Inn. Added dimensions ot continental charm also have become a part of ttie Marine Restaurant. Dur· ing dinner, strolli.Qg players provide soft strains of romantic music for patrons ensconced in 1.he com· fortable surroundlngs. The kitchen staff has been increased to meet preparation requirements for new American and ~uropean dishes on the· bill of fare. Special addi· lions to the new menu include a distinctive interna· tional dish for every evening of the week. Cootlnued on Page 25 ~ HENRY'S THE ARISTOCRAT OF SPANISH FOOD AN D STEAKS U1'1NDS A ~ET ACQUAINTED OF'ER SPECIAL FAMILY NITES In Ttle Jatllco loom 011fy <FOR A UMITED Tn.fE) Monday • Thursday • Friday • Saturday flOM S P'.M. TO f ;JO P'.M, Sunday , •.•. ro ,,,. •.•. • _________ ...;.ltlen11----------- HENRY'S COMIO SAUD, ••• ,. TACt.I, CHIE•SE 1ENCffllAOA "lU,,.Y CHlll ••ll•No, S"ANllff ••c• ,.,.o ''""''· TOJtTllU.,, lUTT••· co""'' 2.50 GORDO'S DELIGHT CMU,IE ltllllMO, CHIC.IN •NCHIU.OA l'ltllO l lANS, COl'l'll PRONTO PLATE •HCHIU.OA ...... TACO ••• ,., .... JUIM inc• ,..llEO llAHS, TOltTJl\.AS. lllTTIR l COlllllll 2.00 FROM O.UR BROILER NIW YOllK, TOI' llltlOtM, l'tl•T 11\IONOM. Oil l'OltTI• lfOUll, SOUi', IAU.O, COl'l'llE 2.00 4.00 FOR BOYS AND GIRLS I Under 121 HAMIURGER, lEANS AND MILK -SI.DO I T.f;co. lEANS, RICE AND MILK -S1.te HE'NRY'S RESTAURANT PALISADIS .... NIW•ORT ILVD. . COSTA MESA MS·SS7t llunchto11 wululay: • 511 S. MAIN, OltANGlt "-·-= 542-3595 (QoM Sm>d&y) RIVIE.ft.A ftE&TAURANT • • ' Continental Cuisine ·· the new tMarI11.e CJ?!:staura11.t a11.d {jatlle11. Excitingly different A delightful setting to meet every mood ilnd la ste. Well prepared gourmet menu -well served. Strollin_g musicians add ~n atmosphere of charm and romance. Enj oy !his enchant ing atmosphere fo r lunch, cocklails, dinner.· And, opening soon, lhe most exciting wine cellar in Southern Californ ia. Reservations suggesled. 644-1700 Ext. 552. • Cocktails Strving Lunchton and Dinntr Afondot1 through Saturdau. Closed Sundays Open for Privau Partie.1 Onlt1 W• •r• loceted n1xt to th1 Mey Co. i11 South Co1 st Plaz•. llJJ S. lrist.I c .. t. M... S40.Jl40 o...,. O.lly 11 ..... Eajey y- CONTINENTAL ~UISJHI ,, ·-•lftC...., .... ..... " LUNCHEON e DINND COCIClAILS 17171 lreoltltunt SITeet ........ 1. v .. .., T.t.,.,..a: H2·H21 ' • • 'ENTERTAINMENT IN J1;!E , , • LOUNGE FEATURING MARY lOU TUU. TNlli IAf. PIANO-VOCAL STYLIST HUNTINGTON IEACH ~ COSTA MlSA TOWN & COUNTRY HILLGllfM SQOAAE , 1UU IMdl ll'tL ffl.st12 IEHIMD ,Tl)(li(O &TATION L 11111·1 """ AM M<74'1 Qlll.D'S POITIOll 11111 l'llCf: ~ ... 12) PHONE IN ... Ml. llEIS AYWllI 101llE GUT STEAK · HdU$E· MONOAY SPECIAL , 'r op Sirl,oin ........ .' .. , . $1.19 (R .. ullr $1.Jt) WEDNESDAY SPECIAL New York Steak ........ $1.29 IRttul1r $1.69) EVERY DAY OUR Glil!AT . ' • .. T exes T-Bone Steak •..... $1.99 Steak Sandwich . . . . . . . . . . 89c I ~~~-.~~~~~ NEW SUNDAY MORNING BREAKFAST STEAK ond EGGS .............................. $1.29 HAM ond EGGS ............................. : .• $1.1' BACON ond EGGS .... ~ ..................... $1.09 SAUSAGE ond EGGS .. ' .... " .............. $1.09 PANCAKES IAll you c:•n e1+1 · -··~····· 49c ' ' BANQUET FACILITIES 10065 GARFIELD (At Brookhurst) FOUll!TAIN VALLEY 961-6372 QU.T 'N' ABOUT ·' Continued f...,; P09114 -. INTERNATIONAL FARE Depending on the night, this can range from German sauerbraten: marinated. bee! in B~rgundy wine slowly braised to a piquant sweet·Sou_r taste and served with lresb potato-pancakes, red cab- bage aDlj apples, $3.95; to London mixed grill: lamb chop, cal1's liver, lamb lddr)ey and bacon broiled with tomato and watercress,· served with smacks o( Cheshire cheese and French fried potatoes, $4.95. ' Others are Spanish paella a )a Valencia: chick- en and shellfish blended with a, delicate sauce, a touch of wine and served with saffron rice, '4· 75; •Middle Eastern curry of spring lamb: served with rice, chopped ba<:on, raisins and cbmney, $4.25; Austrian schnitzel Holotein: veal cuUet coated with a breading, sauteed and served with a fried egg, filets of anchovies and capers with a base of tom- mato sauce, vegetable, whipped potatoes, $4. 75. AND TWO MORE Two more Newporter f'acllJties presenUy in the completion stages 'will doubtless become popular adjuncts to the Marine Restaurant's operation. The first oi thee;e is a ne-wly-con structed sunken garden just outside.the windows. Decked out with handsome wrought Iron furni- ture, the garden's attractiveness is further ·enhanc- ed by the Newport Bay horizon that loams just over the top. This spot will be ntilized as an outdoor cock- tail lounge where imbibers can sig their refre sh- ~ents afternoons or evenings. , WINE CELLAR Secondly, what will probebly be one of the most decorative wine cellars in all of Southern California Is being completed. Within it.. anti~ue brick walls. up to 46 customers will be able ~o enioy the intimate atmoophere. Also, more than $30,000 worth of wines are slat· ed to be stored in this rtfldezvous desigped espec- ially fiit gourmet parties. • All .theoe stirrings at the Newporter call for the earlieot possible visit .by dedicated out 'n' abouters. Olfmng in toto the area's most complete hotel, restaurant· al\d ricreation complex, it'J 1ocated on Jlllll'"1ree~ ~ust off cthe Paclfic!Coa'st Highway m Newpbti., • . " . Out '~' A~ter solicits cOmments, criticism and pr.Use &liout Orange Coast restaurant.. and niglit clubs. U you have something you would 'like to sa;r~ 'IVtjta Out 'n' Abouter, Weekender, Box 1B15, NeWport Beach, California, 92663 ' . [.ja1~!'1~ n41 WHt COUJ tMHWAT ·~ 111AC11 ·en•....., 'Couple' in LA Sept. 3 • CAil Y Pl\OT 'JI Awaf.d Winner~ Team Vp Academy .Award winner Ruth Gordon and Emmy winner Geraldine Page team up on the screen in "What Ever Happened to Aunt Alice?" which open· ed in Orange County this week at the Fox West Coast Plaza Theater in Costa Mesa, The Tu$tin Theater in Tustin and Highway· 39 Drive-ln Theater, West· minster. Trv Catalina Island ~ For Budget Adventure -----·--ftl'llillt ..... -.. Mii ... IWTS. MATINEES DAILY THI MOTION PIC1Ull CO-. AND IA11H Pla.IAM Fun feitu,. U you are short on lime and the island (it was renamedJl l~---·-----­money and find you can'l Catalina) and added the make that long sea voyage to Catalina casino where the big Hawaii, the Mediterranean or bands played for dancing. 'This the French Riviera this year, induced more people to vaca· a trip to Catalina Island may tion there and th'e. S.S. be just what the budget Catalina and (he Avalon were ordered. put into service. You can enjoy the smoothest quring World W.ar II.. both sailing on the Pacific for a two vessels were mustered into and one--hall hour 2&-mile service and later the Avalon voyage to the Magic .. Island. was sold for junk. While After you arrive there 1s plen· awaiting dismembership it ty to do for a one d;1y trip burned. STARTS WED., AUG. 27th-MATINEU DAILY JOHN WAYNE GLENN CAMPBELL KIM DARBY •·UTID RU E 0 'G IT ' returning the same day. or if Today on!r. the S.S. Catalina time allow.s spend as much remains of lhe big ships sail· time as possible and learn to ing out of San Pedro -she is love the island where relax· refurbished, modernized and ation is a way of life. No hus· as efficent as she was some tie and bustle unless you insist 30 years ago. She sails at 8:30 on jogging. a.m. each morning from the Seventy.five years ago the Catalina Terminal in San Ped·I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ spot was known as Shatto's ro (Phone, 714 -ti.17-4850.) 1.= Island and the only. way to get Many visjtora to the Island there was in a small boat and prefer to take a smaller motor only the most hardy souls vessel and leave from Balboa. ei;en tried it. Reservations are a must ii one 1 plans to take the M·V Island Jn the earl y 1900's two Holiday which sails from the tugboats, the Falcon and the Balboa Pavilion, 4{KI Main St., Warrior, appeated upon the Balboa at 9 a.m. each morn- scene and a ride on either one ing, returning the same day at meant on1y a seat on an '(Ph ·~ •••s ) ad oode f Id. -•·· 7 p.m. one,··~ . unste Y w n o ing UMI~ Catalina Island o f I er a pl~ well aft of the ~-' s . something for eVery one .. Its fantail. lj was fresh and windy rocky meuritains provide a there. 'l'hei tugs rolled fr~ heaven for wtid; goat and sl!lrboard and back ag,.1n · sheep; its valleys abound with without mercy -and th!re quail and other small game; was. £?ramamlne. buffalo roam._its plains. But a haYen awaited the Numerous nS'tural coveS and st~~y , ~acatl~~ra," ,on , the ba}\s surrouqdlrig i!)e moun· 1 islan<!. ~ere ~~ th~ sp~c1c;>US tainous isla.nd and~ lts crystal· sh a t·t o H~se with 1ns1de clear water • provide a Jack Lemrn:oft and NOW TOGETHIR POlt TH& FIRST TIME EXCLUSIVELY I plumbing . a. n-d Inside .meals playground !or acubH ivers Cath · De and the !lsh,ing was great. So who CT1me to explore the many enne neUVe iiiiiii'MllW 11 M 1 was the hiking, horseback underwater gardens. are riding arid swimming. Game llsh, such as the "The April Fools" -. Th~n came tent city, pro· Marlin, which frolic in ·the viding further accomodations, channel, havet. bro u I ht TechnicokJr.• l!!I• MArttviiiiiiif. . and two new steamships went sportsmen from i.11 over the !~~~~ '111E · ' I . • ( ( ' I ( l ~ \ _, t • • ~ ' •• t ' ~ .t ' :t • ' -~ ' ' • .. 'l 'j • ' j ·l -I ., .. • ' • 1 • • . • • . • . . • . . ' ' ~ An au.new production of Neil Simon's "The Odd Cou· pie," will be presented at the Huntington Hartfor~ ,'J'beptre on tile line. They were the world to Catalina to fish. . , Moro ahd the Cabrillo ruMing Picturesque Avalon Is a hos·!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ from Wilmiqgton. On the pitab\e town to visit. Hett!i island· there .wai :a Banning there is swtmmJn·g, boating, ''The • tnJ I • 'TRUE &RIT'"' • • • .. • • • ,, CONTINENTAL CUISINE ENTERTAINMENT DANCING .,,,, RETURN ENGAGE~NT * JOHNNY VANELLI ' AND THI JACK LAWRlf'CE TRIO early next month. I Hal March and J8clde • • Coogan wiD play t b e • mismatched roommates In tl)e • hilarious and autobiographical • Simon comedy, which will open a limited · enga1ement • • Wednesday, $ept. 3. Stagecoach driven by a "hot golf, horseback riding, goodnd re IS... ea ory ID l rod" driver and pulled by six hotels and restaurants, a ...urM.IGAlW spirited horses. The feature many quaint sh6ps . w;is a dizzying ride over the If you decide to stay over ! !IWitch·back mountain roads -and take lodgings at the great fun and excitement. Hermosa Hotel and Cottages, Avalon continued 'to grow : you may even pay your tab shops and teslaurant& . .sprun& . with pesos -in. case you had up and the late chewing gum any left from your last trip t.o king, William Wrigley, bought Mexico. "TRUE GRIT' is a cla5sic "Picture .oithe month! · western! John Wayne gives · 'TRUE GRIT' is ttie kiricl what .is far and away his. oft.all tale Mark Twain best performance. would have enjoyed!\ Moreover, he should John WaY!ll! has 011e1 win ihe Oscar!" of his juiciest:roles." ' : .3 SHOWS NIGHTLY-MON. thtu SAT. : : Zl11Z OCEAN AYI. IC-t Hwy.I -HUNTINIHON HACH -U6-14ZI : EYERY FA'fHER'S DAUGHTER IS A V'IRGIN ! -4JMfUll'l'IESSIHfftl!fllATIOfo/Al . ~Nfffllm' -I • 'TRiil ,Gllir IS -"'fll\.IE Glll1\" ltlttrlllY ofttHi~"•4'e11thlllt ............. eubrtca&11 Thlo~I, 11-:'"""l!'I-I ~································· • • I• .. STEREO SENSATION! Tlllcl colorful sound of Oran1• County Music RADIO KOCM 103:1 FM . , .:him From Fashior:i Island, Newport Beach -' RATIO {RJ OR IS SHE 7 YOU MUST SEE THE ORANGE COUNTY PREMIERE PRESENlATION OF GOODBYE, COLUMBUS A·Pll11t hftt tM "•""• ~ PHILIP ROTH ... __ _ NOW IDT SILUI "PORTNOY'S COMPLAINT" • TIMI MAOAllHa lll'I MAOAllNI IATU•OAY , •1v11• ,...,...._. •ctlCm• ...... *••! .......... J _... ..,_ CoM <>Oo.'r·tl- ill .. -.y -11· W1ynewlll 1Nt• IMco ... ca..etc1• feMlnt c Milild-t• -w""" ...... -·IT=inin I f\UE G IT I .! I 'I l • DAll.Y l'ROT •• • GuiCle to ff~les, . . .. . ' I True '. Grit Gets 'G' .. <Editor'• NoCt.\ T 1l f s Cener'at imprisoned ln an Peter Pin: Walt Disney's tn9vlt . oufdf it ~cd almo.st impregnable German animated version of Jamee bw thf p1mi committee o/ fortress. Barrie·s classic story about Harbor Cotme:U 'P'l'A. Mrs. FAMILY Lhe. OOf. who ~ver grows up. Johft Clerk ia pr•riderit Blackbtard's Ghost: Peter Rascal (G): Appealing Walt and Mr.t, Bo.r& Sweenel.f Ustinov riars in Walt Disney's Disne. comedy about a it com:m(ttec choiNn(ln. It adven~es · of the famous motherless, ~IY boy and his U intended °' a rt/erencc pirate. Dean Jones and Suzan· pet raeoon which he tries to · · d '"""' l bl ne Pleshette. civilize. Steve Forest and BiU 111 • • ........ ,,... •• t4 • films for eertcm a g e Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Mumy. group.; and, 1wUl appecr IG): Dick Van Dyke portrafS Run WJld, Run Free (GJ: A weeklir. your uiti0! are the crackpot inventor of Ian s\mple moving story i n aolicited. Mail them tG Mo-Fleming's fan ta a y. He Engfish moors setting, aboul a remodels an old racing car ,boy who su'ffers an emotional 11ie Guide, care of the nd a spins fabulous yarns to Shock and loses his ability to · * * • children. Sally Ann How~ co-Colonel, a colt and a falcon AD i;tars. ' help him to recover. Mark ~W SHOWllC•· l,IUST IND TUDDAY .' • ''CHtrn'" 7:tl • 11:M •lfNDUIS SUMai!D" AT tiJt ONLY . \ -. . ... . .. ' ; " . : ·~""' e ANO e lnUINIO A•AIN If f'OPULAI DIMAMD 'ENDLESS RAVES FOR THE ~'ENDLESS SUMMER" "CONTl!IUOUS OCITDIElll: .. I IANl ... A PllfltT ••• HYPNOTIC BEAUTY .•• 'lllMl DUrlfmt.• BUOYANT FUN." ·-·- tois SMITH, PAMELA TIFFIN AND JOSEPH WISEMAN FROM LEFT RecrMt• Chekhov's bitter1w11t comedy-dr1m1 for Center Theatre Group DAILY PILO~ the amusement of his adoring speak, A J!mall girl, a retired Ca1Ue Keep · · · : Art·fiUed The Eodless S u in ni' e r : Lesle(' and John Mills. castle occupied .Y wounded Beautiful and exciting travel Sui:iport. Your J.AeaJ Sheriff men is symbol oI resistance film of surfislg around the (G):Hilarious tongue-in · against the enemy oo tbe eve world as two C a I i f or n i a cheek, a J mo s t non-violent of the Battle of the Bulge. The surfers search for the perfect western with, James Garner, setting Js the Ardennes Forest wave. · Jpan Hackett and Walter ·'Vanya' on Stage in the winter of 1944. Burt lncredlblt Journey: Bull ter-B'rennan. Lancaster, Patrick O'Neal, rier, Labrador retriever and a * * * Jean-Pierre Aumont. Siamese cat travel 200 miles The letter immediately Death of a Gunfigbter (Ml : through rugged nor t beast afteT the tittl indicates tM Chekhov Play at Mark Taper Forum Town turns against t h e Canadian wilderness to reach Yating given the picture by lbe fn. dless SU•r marshal who lives the law of home. A Walt ' Disney pro-the Motion Picture Code. the gun, and uses it to destroy duction. T ·---·-- him. Lena Horne and Richard The Love Bug (G): Disney he Motion Picture Cod.e:11~=:~~==E===::;~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!, Five prominent actors have ChekhOvlan roles in Center ·Theatre Griiup's forthcoming production or Anton Chekhov's "Uncle Vanya,'' which has been put into re1iearsal by Director Harold Clurman for Its August 21 thru October 5 engagement at the Mark Taper Fonun as the fourth production of the current 11.1bscrtption season. Eduard F r a n z , Ruth McDevitt, L-Ois Smith, Gale 'Sondergaard, and Pamela Tif. fin have been set by Gordon Davidson, artistic director of the Mark 'l'aper •. to join Richard BQehart and Joseph Wisemap who wi ll play the ti· Ue role and Dr. Astrov, in this e J. tr aordinary productlon. Peter Wexler, who recently designed the ingenious settings for CTG's production o I ''Chemitl.de Fer," will create the costumes and settin~, with lighting by Richard ' Nelson. In a stage translation by Alex Szopl. Mr. Franz. v.·ho won critical acclaim for his performance in "In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer" in both the Mark Taper Forum and subsequent New York pro· ductions, will essay the pi votal role of Professor Serebryakov. As tbe professor's beautiful young wlfe, Yelena. Pamela Tiffin will portray one o f ChekhaY's most classic female creations. Miss Tiffin returns to the 3tage for the first time since her appearance in the successful Broadway all-star Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 1 Uallcious feellng ' Big name in t1rly •ovies 10 COl!lposltion 14 King of Tyrt 15 Lfst of people's names 16 Neat as ~ ·-! 2 words 17 Marry with· ou t ceremony la Bring to• stop 1' lllss Foch 'ZO UJl.I. members ,22 Jel 24 J1p1ntst bevtr1ge 26 Unruly mob 27 Ch1tterfn11 lncess1ntly 45 txqui!ile 47 Kind of order in baseball 51 Measure of dislantt 52 Quebec rnlnerar s• Shak ing movement 58 Kind of vessel 59 Kingdom of SW Asia 61 Holt •• --: 2 1l'Ofd$ &2 Having a rational mind Ii) Undllulld 64 Feminine nickname 65 Unclosed: Poet. hli Ont of lw o letlandlc wor•s 67 Zanr and lady J1nr DOWN 8/2ZJ611 9 One on a 31 Dan te rural outin11 39 Inter.vii 10 Soundntss 40 P1rlt cl mind employte 11 Hil vt a belitf 42 Ha\llallan 12 Forty-symbols 13 Growl s 43 Fish 21 Enjoy a 44 Far frorn winter sober pastime 46 Turban's 21 Weigh down relatlvt 25 Where • 47 Singe1 Benares is ~8 Musi cal 27 Instruction body: Abbr. 31 Tltnt period 3Z GI-..'' judlclal decree 1 Noah's son to the 49 Meat cul: 33 Sha•rn up 35 Container 38-poly 39 Penny pincher 4(1 Auctioneer's ·~· <11 Fortst 1nlmal 4? Jumps .43 Dispatch 4C Subdivision of an ocean 2 Ha ir: barbecuer 2 word s Comb. fcr111 28 Army 51) PJe1ced 3 Oo a house· offence: wlU1 I !Jold chore Ir.formal knife 4 Hand-wovtn Z9 Oellver 5l Semlpreciow fabric Jn speech stone 5 Vadely 30 l anding 55 Tunnellng of beryl ptact of • mammal 6 Weight Jacques 56 However unit~: Abbr, Cartier S7 Spanish 1 Very small 34 Piquant kings degree 35 San-·• &0 Educ1lio11 I Series of 3b Theater 91oup: steps group: Abbr. Abbr. .,..._,,., ...,,-,r:,-r.-, -, 17-r.,-..-;.,.-'2 I .. " Bl!St PICTURE ! 01' THE YEARI Wf\NR6 />CAtEM'{AWAADS! revival of "Dinner at Eight." She recently complet.ed her starring role with P e t e r Ustinov and Jonathan Winters in the film, "Viva MaX." Her numerous film role& have ranged from ''Summer Smoke," "Harper," and .. State-Fair" to comedies such as "The Hallelujah Trail" and Billy Wilder's "One, Two, Three." Lois Smith, who will play the poignant role of Sonya, has created other haunting roles on the stage, including the wistful LaUra in the New York revival of "The G·I ass Menagerie" and major roles in New York productions of "Blues for Mr. Charlie" and "Orpheus Descending." A 1nelhber of the Actors 'Studio, Miss Smith was a member of the resident company of the Theatre of Living Arts in Philadelphia, where sh c played Yelena in a production of "Vanya." Widmark. comedy about a Volkswagen And Rating ProgTam may wi\h human feelings. Dean b! found on th.e motion MATURE TEENS Jones and Buddy Hackett star. picture page. AND ADULTS My Side of the Moun· finrMJ.yiiwor smc--, .-.... -"-.. ~-1-1011 How lo Commit Marriage lain (G)• W~tlul, chamting PICKWICK (M): Bob Hope and Jackie film about a 13 year old boy . · ~ ~~~:!oow~trytra~ t.::vefnath1 theres who leaves hO!Jle t~ spend a BOOKSHOPS uu ,.. year alone with n a tu r e • SWiii tout l'llDI cnt1 Mtu marriage of the ir children. Theodore Bikel plays a travel· S40-:Zltt ' Jane Wyman and Tina Louise. ing folk-singer wOO interrupts l7<4J tlDllJWOOd 11.,., Tbe Love God (M): Satire the bOy's solitude. Ted Eccles 1111urwooe121J>HOM19l about sex, hypocrisy and is the bOy. freedom of expression Don Oliver ( G ) : Spectacular Knotts and Anne Franc· musical version of Dickens's Whatever Happened to. Aunt classic about an orphaned waif Aq~e? (M): Horror film star· cast into the teeming squa!Or rin'g Ruth Gordon, Geraldine 0( the lower cl&ss .. He finally Page.and Rosemary Fors)th. escapes to the elegance of the T!ENS AND ADULTS· upt>erclass. Mark Lester, Jack Baref~t ht &he Pafk : Wild and Oliver .fteOO •. BcgullU!<'~orY about the tirst•--'======---11 tew week's. of newlywed life in a Greenwich, Village walk-up apartment. Jane F o n d a , Robert Redford. True Grit (G): Western set in the 1880s about a 14-year~ld girl who is detennined to avenge her rather•s-murd . She is helped by one-eyed Marshal and a young ranger. John Wayne, Glen Campbell and Kim Darby. Where Eagles Dare (M): Tense, explosive World War ll adventure in which Richard Burton of the British in· • tel1l:eence and Clint Eastwood ~~A:=~ !~~.f::r:! SOUTH SEAS TROPICAL, FISH ' ,Largest Selection of Tropical Fish & , Supplies in \he areai. ............ 111 w. WILSON, conlt. MISA fofl' F1lrvll!w ltd.. $47'61 ln·G, ltMr1:d11 Or. -NewPOrt S~1dl lbehlnd 11111 PGll Ottie.I ~ ill new theatre experience W"•rf Joy: A Sensory Celebration ~ ,J,Ufll.fl ""'· -::..:;:: I C:.ttN def Mfr Uwut OPIN NIGHTLY 6:41 Fri. & Sat. Sunday JilAT. SAT. &-SUN, ot 2:00 Wiit~ ~U'lLLOVEHEABIE 8:30 7:30 t incredible little car! PETER Tickm: $2 • ,.,;: 'AN Call 675-1120 ... rMlr'l•tl ... - I'll SHOW STARTS 7 P.M. . CONTINUOUS SHOW SAT.&. SUN. flOM 2 P.M. HELD OVER Th• oddb11ll htroti took fht c11tll1, th11ir ont·tytd m•iot toOk it• misl••ti -1rid thtn they took OJ'I tht world! Jait LUCa11ar JEAM·PIERRE AUMONT · · · · · · · PKIRICK D'llEALJ f7l!\l l'IJIA\filll Tl!CHNICOLO" IYJ PLUS: THE 'SLIEPlt COMEDY OF THI YU.t' 2nd Smash WHkl Oe1n Jontt -B11ddy H1cktlt ift Wolt Dis"Y't "THE LOVE BUG" pin "The INCREDIBLE JOURNEY" Japan••• Movits Every Tuesday Night I .................................... . SPECIAL NOTICE TO OUR PATRONS : The oictu•911 ln 1'1!15 bOll m.ily N <:Dl'•idertd ~Y tomt 1o 1>g Vt!·: ~~~e1~~. IOr dl!ldrl'tl 111\d YoUl'lll PtOPlt -11nd re11~lre ~''"''' di)· I NOW PLAYIN&I IOX OJlFICI OPINS 1 :00 SHOW STA.Rn 1:30 COOLED 1Y REFRl&ElATION ·----.... -AUO Pl.A YING> - W•lt DftHY'• "INCREDIBLE. JOURNEY" : "CASTLE KEEP" IRI : lit li liC-~ I CO!llr•rv to •d~•rtlJTno btyono: our con1ro1 •nd 1ppearlnt ~l••i : w11e", )'Ollnll penplt und'tr ll (no! 16) will not bt eomln.G ID P•cl· tic Tne.1111n '° :IK 1tle llU picturon lb!fl'd In 11111 tlo>I unless 1c- e com1>11nitd bY 1>11renl or 1dult OlHlrdl•~. • ACRES OP Pltll PARKIN6 lt·utll G1r4011 ACADIMY AWAJID WINNER IN GetehllH P ... EMMY AWARD WINNll -ALSO COMEDY CO·HIT - IOI HOPI •JACKIE GLIASON IN "How To Commit Marriage" !Ml "ENOIUllOUSLY UITEBATINOI UNUSUAL, Ol'l'JIEAT ••• A FAB,FAR .ABOVE AVERAGE FILM ABOUT W¥1 IT'S IN A NEW BAG!" -DAVIOGOl.OM.,,..WCB!\llADIO . 'e '"": UlllDlllJlffSll.._... Mfl.IMl'IS~ ~::Casde ./,Keep NOW SHoviiN'c.-~ :L:i.do ... ~.""' ... -.. . ' .. . ' .. ' . . . '.,. OA&Y CMflfi-,,_ 7:00 PM let......,-4~ C-t ...... ·-1:00 , .. '-·~­-....--.~--·--........ °"""' I I I I , ':I ' : "Wllllltf-'-. 1111 PM ....... "18'f!Ml ... ttc•' S.lfff'" fot..._ ........... -ttl Is. -• 10:11 PM ............. • "Mii'1'11flo1ts .•• Bri~iant ... 4 St.ars" "THREE PENNY OPERA" .• Cl.OSt!S U.TVllOAY DON'T MIS.S THIS Gll•AT MUSICAL! M_. ,.,, R11Hr11tleft1 "'-13'1 CONTINUOUS DAil Y FROM 2 P.M. Always Plenty of Parking TUIE'IOUIFUIOIYIDNE HELD . OYER WHllf Hl STUlS YOUR 11W1! :.. .............................. " .. ' At lent lt'1 lter1 • Joll11 We,111 •t1t11 Cc1r11pbell "TRUE GRIT" ''" ~~·'. n..dor1 llkel '··· ··""""·"MY SIDE Of The MOUNTAIN" RtcOMlll ........ ror Aftht ~ ......... ._.... ......... . lr4 S"'-" WM\ l11c.11M'tl: Dri~11 1,,,..1111ettt Ii.rt L011Clllftlf Petitr ftillr "CASTLE KEEP" Jo111e1 GctrMr Wolm lr .. 1111 "SUPPORT YOUR lOCAl SHERIFF" , Me ............. 11 wlll llt Mml"'f """" ~"""' ' 1N1nl• llJ "'""' '' .._.. toaniilfl. ·······~,·~·············· .. ········ ... ,... , .. ,_,_ • • • !'' "THE GREEN SLIME" ---1 .. , .. <THE VAMPIRE KILLERS" ............. ~ ............ . HUD OYER l'f POl'ULAR DIMAND •Nt0!7 P9cti <At111 Hoywo"1 "THE CHAIRMAN" ~ ,,. " SHAION TATt "VALLEY OF THE DOllS" .. ..... ~,··~ ........ ' ' • .....,., ~ Cievft9 C.l'dlfllllo $175 · "ONCE UPON A ' · · • TIME IN THE WiST" ' .... :r~--t ••• a... 11;...tlt ... ,,.. '••lltb .... __ _... CAILOAD "TH( LOVE GOO?" I • I • • ' ,. l • • • • • I l:l J:C 1:3 1:3 l :C ••• .. IO:t 10:: ll:t ll:: lZ: 12: I : I: AUGUIT 22 ' ' 1:1111111(1)8--"' 1:00 B Tloo lie· -CCI !IOI JI,,, "11 li'l!i I'::':, , '"!: ' •. (C) .. M....,._lor !Cl C30I ""' .. Col CCI Mel Slltw (C) (90) '•I 7:2S lliiit U. 1'111 "1 (C} lll1t11, llUlt H,., Dl¥li l1rry 1at ..... !11~ 1M DnW Rlllfll Piil ID CJ)• k11u11 D Sil O'QIS .... .,.. CrN· 1ittr ....,.II Miii. ba't r ... e111 l&lci ~ <"°'' a ca.,. IWlllt tOI) '54 -Richt~ Ci1i1911o Jullt IT-.. ...... " MllUfltt Adams. ..... a.. CCl II"' (C) '"L, ~· u--(() I LM "" ("" (I)·-• CCI -(C) (~) ._ (C) ...... lllwJ' i(30) Fil!Tlt IOGll m C.. (C) '"the lnll0Pfl11 "''"' time chaea• &-c..a. C.... (C) ~h1rln1 "*Cl tll&fltt. 111• lknMM T• II .... , ... ........ -(C) ., __ ,_ (30) l :lt llllCll .... _/_ ... m ... <CJ (60) .lid Hidi.,.. • .... R; i:JO ........ me. (C) (50) • -~ c... .... ta lf!R~:~..::. ~ •~ -,.:...> "' Gf film II prodvdlon Ill Ellf'OPt. ....,JMI llCOt .. Vtt'Mka Ult. 81n Gmrra. Anthol!J Quinn. Al\111 I'"'° II< M1cnan~ ltobtrt V111&fl1 111 r.. "'*' ,.... NMlll (C) !!Uf1~ .... (30) t:• ~c ':"=:.!! ... ... (t) (~) llobtrt (Wlll:1111) '56 ...i. '-" ·~· m!t mltws "Tht IU111dom ind M:J (1) a ......... (CJ tht Powtr," t11 C11 ltlest. (II:) Ad Tai:;., (C) 9CIJl!ll• ... (C) (301 ...... -(C) flli titian H (Cl (60) .,..,_. "'-h 7;00. Cll ltlaltt "'" (C) (30) r..t.119 • ,... ,., .. Willer Cronllltt. l:JO Rill,.,,. lw:J. (C) 01'1111'1 lfJ l.Nl (C) (301 Wt!" ~ F.:6 Vtrt1t IC> eruntr bolts. Mt· J "lit tllt c.~ ea. hllwlnll (C) (30) Alltn Lllfldtn (dr1m1) •6' -C11r1W011 lfiw..11. m-•""'("' 1-·-a::., '::: .. !30' "Sovthlr1 i1;oi '1Lm ct;:,:.~ ~ l.I:'-... (C)(lOI CV Ill-'!' ..... ........ (C) (30) tlf 1M Eril (C) 7:JO.tllJ(1)Ttll WIW. Wn• W191 It) I'!::\': ~C)-~b c=: ··---(C) (iO) !!-· ~ ·~--· llt LIN Sleeps " • ..... --. 10 Jtd: 1t117 '(30) IM l lut l (, l!lla) '47 -ff.Jl'lll Dt11\tl1, Vil· 1utsts. 11nlt htltft. fJ (lj)rJl lD"'• .... I DNt 1·--fw ....... (e) (JO)-Yonty HaH holts. Lal Vkliml 011111111 $ lflwit: "nt •• 10:30 iltfihi1111/_...1 IC> l..,.,.. (dr1m1) '62 -St.wt Mc· ~: IR:'t.::. I~ Al· Q11t111, llobtrt W1ptr. Mid l,..,. ~) '52-Aud-!ll ~ M!..'(:0)* (CJ (JOl1 ,., Totttr. lrltn Ooftl,_.,. .... "" ·-(C) (O!) 12'1l:'-, .. (C) ChMles Cll1111Pllll, M Sti•ribau11 ll:«I ·; m •'=' ....... a.. •llf Dmd Gl"lbtr tn ftatur... • 11 ) Tttrns tt bl 1nnau11Ctd. m.....,• .. C301 ! mm._., .. ,.. •:DDI"'' 'i',., ' tnl (1) Jtlla D1vidton (C) Mwit: "'tr. Sltll11'1 .....,.. KlftT"(] ) (Sci·li) '~uftD Cit...ut '-" (C) (301 ll:lOll(i)l)oo "''"'"' (C) 1:30 •• (l)c..,, l'ylt (Cl (lOJ t])S.blirla& It lllW oo m ,... " "" ,... • crm llOltL ~c ) "llre1to11t to 1 F•st !luck." o MMit: "Wtr 11 i hM ...,. .. . Acntt the s ... Seu (C) (30) lwesttr1t) '62-»1!1t Vlvy111, Lia LL " rldi3t After Otrk." m lflfit: "MWWttl ~ (mrs- .• hM frht (C) (90) lllJ) '59 -G1iffith JoMs. MfJt []!Im[] Mu N ... MMa Ko11111M.. hll=:PiitsM {IO)_.t. ICIOll•o~----------1 of Ill• Duk•'• toDCtrt rarllH 11 ~ lb p1tllllert at SM F11nci1CO's ' Gr1t1 C.thtdrtl. .,_,_(JO! '""l•CIJ-(C) l:ot•lllrflCll frl•11 """'= 1ilh ,_.. 1ili"iiilo..,. c•-> .,._ ~1•00-""'lCI ~ ,.,, Al4o R.t1, Tilll louilit. --~ , .............. I ~""" ... (C) (IO) uitl' (drtlM) 'SJ -$c:oU .,..,, IUU'.D a» MW ,_ 1111 a.. Audr!! Totttr. f-<C) (60) "£pitfp11 .._ • r... a IJ7J CI> m •"•••r,-·o1k•1 ct> ,.~ pultr c.11.~ R.....,, tnd M•R Undll)' c:o---. a 11w Cit1 .. ..., (.10) CD a a ""'k -.rt (C) t :ltlll-(C) (301 , ... .,.... '"'l(llCIJ-... (Cl , CD~ " • .., (C) (60) liiirli: ""' ~ r...-".Ltll!IS M1son." Rillllt Ntfloll In-(....tlffl) '47-Wllff•• ~littt ~ •. STEVE ROPER I SMOUl.D HAVE. MNOWN 'IDU'D TR.V TO TCJCK ME, R.OPER. / Tl-IERE'S ""°8COY I CM TttUST ! ··N0900V.' )----.../ l'ERKINS JUDGE PARKER tS THIS WMfRE VOUR: FR\fNP llil:OPV 15 &flNG HRO, 1'UEYl MOON MULLINS ttrritwS Jim• Mnon 111111 1lkl ~!:._... .. _ ~· ( ~ questi11111 of flf!MI' co--Jtwt Sut --:""·· . ,.~., 1 .,.. '"'· -'·""· o .. .-,.,,. :~:.:_ ,._ ... ,., "''·.,. "" TUMBLEWEEDS tlllll llttclor SWn" L~t. (R} !! lilt1'il:: .., .. II Ill ..... • ....... (30) "Cllildm ,, ) ·~ -• •• • ···-tfii-bh.'"-Thrlt yo11111·&1ttatr•: -( •;:..--.-.. (C) r lllf• -- •lottrs diltowr • r,.tnctn 'filll1• I Mat All 1111 11 11_.. 'Cc> r:' ::~h~~~ =~ -... ,.,. ~ (C) t11 C 11 lulill (30) 1:)11U,1'lli LIM llfffW (C) ID:OODllll1>mT>o lolol (C) C60J ..... -.,._ ••. J , ""' '1fh1Mt1 Whl G1111bltd With Uft. ...,II) ·,,7 1oll :.'(T'idtt Mo- T-• Sllnt tac:a iq' llMlorblllJ t . -, -·"•"'""I'""" -e:-~-/W -tKPlfilMti rl I M8 wllt """ to ~ -lltcomt hnmlrtll bJ btlnt frmtn • .. ~ .. ~~ 1tMI !ltotlatit lltd: lo Mt. nt S.lllt ( ) 'U-Will'1• l1llln. Mr> Is llb tuln• Pl&. (II) ~ lootll. -(~ !Jll-(C)l301 __ .. ., (]l) (I> OJ* ,_ !Cl CiOl 2:30 G ,_ "7 El1111(1on tut.st&. EIJ Sii Ill USA (C) CJ 11111 (CJ (SO) Tiit ChtcUutn. J:tl ............ (C) Sorury Ltd.; Shift l.Awl$ Ind Dick DIWINI $Htt. Urtlit bit tnd blhf Pret- 1unt. ton .l1*l. SI Rl.D ltwltw (60) "Oil fro11 G .._.: ..._. 1m....-(mp 1111 O.ep Ocun." A PlonHrin1 t11y) ••1-Hump111er 10111\, Lii• oce•n·floof oil production •rd•m btlll Scttt Is now Mln1 •v1!ope•. tn• two 1J llleoM: -n..-wi•" <•n- .n1in1tn on lht projtd. 111 01. turt) 'SZ-Joh1t Dtrlk. John 111,.,. Albtrt Hlbbs's 1u1sts. more Jr. Ill Mts Alli U ii Mllrll (C) (30) I""" lO:JQ I HIWI ('C) (30) 1111 Johns. =<:._JM ' U11 lritt • .. ONcerUH (30) Ill tlct9it (C) """ "'°'lemmm• ... (0) ...... -ctl . lllforit· ~ "Ctfrrtl" Cl • J;JO 8 ~--~ I~ Mill tt • ) • ,50 _.., Mi!ll d 111¥-td (ICi·fl) 51-¥(11111111 Hopper, " trn n • HidY JGI• T17lol. L1rn.1rt. • • ,. DIU ~ w. ~ FWs r11m flllinf: "Mr Trwtl t11t w.w 1~ Littl• Ctlitb•tt." .. , CB Mm.: (C) .. ,..._, in• tall Qllllt fw AMdln (C) Ftill1 lltdl-· (ftnltJJ) '52-•:001"'"" AYt G1rd11tr Jtmes Mt•n ' Wtp11 TM (t') ' . Mdtllt't Nfwy 11:30 8 IH Ci) M., Crtllil IC) Rod· W. Wiap i Oii111trflllkt, Allrt lttsl!I iuttl ... '6t 1$. (C) • Jiiirii: (C) ~ Miil Strift.. Dt M...WS (drtl!lt) ·~ ShtriU' stirvt ...... HJt'lll-: ill(i)tlJIT-.... (Cl 4:J01-,,_ Cod!r111. .,_ G (]l) (]J 111'"" '""' !Cl " --Ctl Amts. !'oily hrttill tlld Nll1tll' I•" ---· RuluH 111nt ~ • ' U:ll I""" ""' ... -._ -co !Nini.a Jt!Mi .... ftdillt TIINtr• a a...u, (Cl """ Wirt•• • (Jl"Ultm) '55 -ltekirt Mild111tn, --.. , ' Jtn Sttr11ni. I]! (Il GBW. fftlW ti Stertl 1Z:40 II*""= .,... Wlitl • ..... I""'!-.~ .,. ,~ I • l:• 8 Mr1Jt: (C) .,,.... lut" (WNI· .,... ...... (t)/ tm} '5s-Al111 Lldd. Aud1tJ DIHon. lllnentltM lR) D Mttlt: (C) "Twl Wttb ii la. flltW-S.C. · ti• T""" (ll!Jltlry) '62 -K11~ ""''"· -~ '· .... _ l:lG H"" ""' (C) (RI B c..wy Miik (C) utc Mila• CC) -(C) ,_ .... l :JQ m M-flltlll Iller. "Trit." ~ ... llun ... ,.. -.i (Cl '°' YIM Mtntr.~ •n• ''PISljMllf ti/ ~:rt .. " ...... P!fnllco," (I) t:• 8 Ctll••ltr I.nth lttn1 ('C) G Aei..t UM (Q I e JOB PRINTIN e PUBLICATIONS e NEWSPAPERS Quality Print ing •n.d Oep1nd1bl• S•rvic• for mor• then;• quarter of • century. PILOT PRltJTING tJ11 Wltf ULIOA ILYI., NIWPOIT HACH-&4J.4Jt1 GORDO MISS PEACH I I I ~ ·~~ '··''··· '· .. ~ . _t_j ,... •. ~ ....... J~· ... u -~~ ... ,. HELLO, SERGE-'NT~ t INDER5'f.A.WD 'ICV'RE HOLP\NG " .11\AN &V nl e MAW: oF ae.:>PV! ! ly John Mnes I By Harold Le Doux NA T'S tl6HT, MR. PRIVH! ~E ¥0ll ftf"RESENT· I PONT THE II~ {HAJl68 A.6AlNST UOPV nlOW VET! -ASSAULTl.i6 A. POUCf OFFICEJr, WMAT ARE P055f5Sl0W 01= MA.Rl.1\JANA, IWG Hllrl'?' THE CHU6E-S ? Sl'EEPIN6 IM A STOle'N CA.R .•• STOP THE PRESSES! STOP THE PRESSES I 8·22 .. .ai -~- " " ,. ,, I! fl .1 ' I . ' • HALL I GO Ct.I ? By Ferd Johnson By Tom K. Ryan By Al Smith GOS14 OAR.NOEST MOST AW OR.iAM I EllER.+IAO! ly Gus Aniola ly Mell . ' I ,...c 'VOU MA~1S N&W FlllENOS l TELEVISION VIEWS TV Follows '68 Election By ROBERT MUSEL NE W YORK (UPI) -President Richard M. Nixon served an apprenticeship for his present job when he was vice president but there is no guaran- tee future American presidents will know anything at all about running the most complicated oaUon on earth when they take office. The Bri ti sh spend years training the heir to a throne whose powers have mostly disappeared. into history. But candidates for the world's most im~~­ ant elective posl do not have to have any specific preparatio n for the job nor do they have to .sub- mit to any test of ability. THE OTHER DAY, Theodore H. While, author of the book. "The Making of the President, 1968," and the 00.minute documentary of the same tiUe \Yhich CBS.TV is broadcasting Sept. 9, considered the idea of courses for ambitious politicians in sub- jects that might be helpful in the White House. "t don't really think we need an academy for presidential hopefuls," he said. "But some day it might be a good idea lo have a board of examin· ers who would p·a-:ss on candidates." WHITE SPOKE ·as the his torian of the dresl- denlial campaigns of 1960, 1964 and 1968 an per- haps the closest professional observer of those races. Few Americans have more inside knowledge of the curious processes by which the nation arrives -for good or ill -at its chief ex.ecutive. Although be did not include it in the TV docu- mentary, White is in favor of dropping the elec· toral college and electing a president by direct, popular vote. "The 1960 campaign of John F. Kennedy wa~ pure romance -Lancelot wooing the maiden," White said. "The problem in 1964 was how to stretch a dull campaign. There were several ab- solutely ne'v elements in 1968 -violence in the streets putting pressure on the elector-al process. increasing manipulation of our politics by anaJYsts and poll sters. the rise in demand for opportunities by blacks. "YOU CAN'T tell the story of the election of 1968 without the la\v and order and without the an- guish and agony of Vietnam, lhe first war in our history which we will not win . Another new thing was Nixon's campaign, planned for television." While \Vhite was following the campaign like Boswell haunting Johnson, producer Mel Stuart was assiji!'.ning the camera teams. "We started in the snows of New Hampshire in January and ran all the way through to the end, sometimes as many as 'three crews criss.crossing the country following White'~ directions as to where we should go and shoot and where the important moments migfit be," he said. WHITE GOT them pennission to £1Jm In the secret control centers of the Nixon headquarters at the Miami convention and pf Hubert H. Humph· rey at Chicago. On the promise to hold the film un- til after the election. One crew was right behind Sen. Robert F. Kennedy wh.en he was assassinated. "We were also filming in the McCarthy head- quarters at Ch.lcago when that happened, .. White said. 11and our camera caught the hate and venom against Bobby turning to shock and tears as they heard the tragic news." Deta1ais tJae Jtf e11ace I' • > • {!~1p~ Ni.ghi Therapy· . ~ ' rlie Brown: s Cast Cleari Ai~ Ill' ... , A bit ol hal alwly1 ; been part the crmt tradi· • 'Uoo of u.e.ler ...,. the 111btle ups e, ~ wiU. faint p , U.e devasllUng wltlicism1 Btt all that wltl be a thing of th pest ii U1t Gripe Nights in.st gated by th e Hollywood cil!t ol '11Y¢re A Good . P.1an .1Cbarlie • Brown" ever becOn'le' a trend. Gripe Night!, wbic.b are held In the Ivar Theatre , Hollywood, lrb m e d lately following the Thu r 1 d a 'y performance, ~are really no- holds-bared gr\>JP t be r a p y J .. aeulool,an U1t order ol•U.. lleputrln Qcb· cast lo ..iue Synanoa GIOlel. •All 'cilt •P r·o b I e...m 1 or 1 u b m It m<mbera, lhe compony _.. stalematoa foe arbitration. But ger, and U1t stile """"er f Robert ~) To ... rs, who are roquir\'d to •fiend and iho, '~olds ' pc>11tioo fn • tho ~ 11 to 'wipe out Jzv •'Charlie '' cut, is quick nuendoes, allevlale tensklllS to admit ~ the new system beJore they become hosUllUes, has it ~°"" the old. "Bekft' dispel rumon and get right we U!ougbt of Gripe Night I down to the nl~ty.grHty of was too wisb)'·wuby:: about perlOl'\al lnveil'vement. taking a r 1it8nd. N o W For example. • • • ID ijle everybody has·• chanct t.Q be play, ·Lucy •(Judy Kaye) Is blunt and ~ and to clear Charlie Brown's •• m e a i 1 • the air:-t' .;· " "Gradually," llYI Ga r ·Y: Towers cited an Incident In Burgboff, 111 found my1e1C wbtch ooe of the players was regarding Lucy 11 tbe nemeiia annoyed by another cut b. my personal life 11 well. I member's toRs and COQ- begao to think that her venaUoo dtirlag U1t period portrayal was much too angry, when he wu tryjng to get into ~hen 1 brought It up at Gripe and stay in the char8Cte'r. Night everyone polDied oot Towers felt it was serious that I waa being ove1aeaaiUve. enough to stress at a meeting M soon as 'I saW• that view· 11 a violation of ).ndlvidU.l point, J d ro p1ped1 my courte.l y . 1•1t worked resentment.''. beauUfuJly. We ,u agreed to Another ot the y o u n g condition ourseJYU to abow · ...t performers, H a I -J a m e s respect for one another's Pe d e r 1 o n, who plays preparaUon And .iter thal U Schroeder the serious plliniat any one ~f us strayed, rwe whose whole world is centered were all in the position to·a1ay around hl1 toy piano., admitted •ttey, remember what w~ that hb: powerful sh:!ging voice decided at the meeting.' This had a tendency to drown Out was a new concept of "Ladles Nl&~t In the other actors. "After it was backstage frankness th a t A Turklail latb" brought to my attention, I could wlnd up only In pleasan-' A rolllcldng com<dy will be tried 1o lousl •-· · 1 ad >GARY BUltGHO~F AND ~UDY KAYE on .ta-at ·~ ' -··a Play-consc 1 ..._p Jt tries nste of pouts and H -• C" II nd Sh ' L St o" uic ._......, lowered. brawls and walkouts. ___ ...:..:.•:.•:....::.""::r.=•.:•:::....:..:.:_•:.•.::..:•:.•Y:_..:0:.n...:..:.•c:9:c• __ _, house. 311 ~an Ave., Laguna Judy (Lucy) Kaye at first A Gripe Night may liist five ROBERT TOWERS AND •NICOLE JAFFE IN LONG ~l!.N Play Roi" .t.lfNr Mortol •llutte ond Hoppy Ch ild Patty Beach, Thurs.-Sun. through found Gripe Night painfully minutes or one hour. "kven if' SepL l at'8:30 p.m. Reserva· brutal. "Often a sessioa starts no complaints are scheduled lions -4K-Dl. off wi°! a big argument, even the cast holds the meeting. U "How lo Succeed In Bmlne11 screanung and y~Jllllg, but som~ alibis, "'I can't ibake Upstaging Known Earl 'Without Really Trying" just when It looks lit~ lhe play it," the others firmly sUggest, A musical comedy sponsor-Is doomed everyone quiet.& "Be There." Patricia ·Brake, staniQg in ~oglish lheater. As the fi ed by the ~ooth Coalition Com-down and 'the alr clean." lf friends visit" backstage, her fltst rum \l{ith\.. Hf>!11J week progressed 1 realiz! mlttee ,of· Huntington Beach Ju;dy has also dl.scovered that they wait until the meet41g Schnei~r and Donald tt0US10n that she · was forcing me will be on stage tonight 1nd Gripe Night is the perfect way has ended. Thursday also.hip-in MGM' a "Hush-a·Bye", deliver all my lines virtuall Behind Scenes Look ~~~~1:it.t;~~ l:!~~~n=g: · =~abu;w~ii\ ~~J~:1~i;~;~:: :~~~!:.1 1~1~:1.:. \ . Huntington Beac;b. Reserv~ ll\USICal director · -without Said one cast member,·llllll-tress apPearing.in my first blc forcing ·her back into \ tioas -596-6612. belnc ' accused ol showing ming up pfetty :accurately, part er,\ ·the· stage," she 1 wings. I shall never fOrget th '''11lree Penny Opera" disrespect,. "Grlpe~lght mar:f just be• the reealla •. ''I :wu lbe young in-look she gave me. I was scar A musical drama la.on llqe Trad.itlooally In the theater, greatest ~ trmqnillz.., genue· _plamis', opposite a ed, but she nevef. Uied to u at South Coast Repert.c:l'y,111/t\"ll:..·.:U!e=;io~· b~ot~U..;;;:F,q~w:·1y~;;er;;golng;;;;.';;' ;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;r•:'"";;;r ;;:gr;·;;and;;;;:dam;;;e;;·;;•f;;;U!e~;;':tage;:::;:m:•;;•;:g:ai:n.;;"•r--~ • I Channel 11 to Show Filming of Movie · ••Making the Scene'" will '1'be Bridge at Remagen," mate the ecme tonight on which only; recently opened Channel 1L citywkle, and "The Secret of A behlnd-the-acenes look al Santa Vittoria," slated to the prodµction of majo r premiere in October. Uni~ Artists moUon pie· Starrir!L B.radf~rd Dillman, turts on iocaUon in-Europe, E.G. Marshall, Segll, Vaughn the »minute color special will and G a :z: z: a r a, Wolper's air aLl:30_p.m. "Bridge" · a.. cinematic re- Kramer's ''The Secret of Santa Vlttorlat J& based oo ltoberl Crtch~·· be!l-oelllng novel about 8JI Italian town that hides one 'million botUes of. wine from inVading troops. Filmed on loc~ion in the 1,200-year-old v 111 age of Anticoli, perched lµgh In the mountins near Rome, it stars Quinn as ~fayor ltalo Born· bolini, and Miss Maenani as bis wife, Rosa. ~ Joined by Miss Lisi. Sergio Francltl and Hardy Krt1ger in starring roles, "Secret«' also' demonstra~s the old ~dase that, '(or mirried. coup!~~­ fun m fighting .Ues in ma\in&' up agahi. 1127 Newp«\ ~lvd., Costa. I ~a, through Aug. 2.'I; at 8: 30 p.nL. Resemtiou -~UIU. Ma .Plays Cool Bird One of the mos~'-oveted bird roles or the year ~ beeq won by a South American macaw named Mia, portraylnc a cool bin! In "Three Waa A Crooked Man ••• '', the" Josepb . L. Manldewiq Production for Wamer Bros.-SeveD Arts s\ar. ring Kirk Douglas and Henry Fonda. \ Hosted by Bill Welsh, Chan-cinematlc recreaUon of the nel 11'1 execuUve director of creation of the capture of the iJ*lal events, who spent. 10 vital span across the Rhine in da11 on localim, th e special World War II, materially aJao lncludes on-camera a~ shortening that conflict. pearanees by such stan and Welsh'-in .r e c a 1111 n g moliml pldllre leader• " Deft bighlighls i.I the junket, said Gazzara, Anthony Qulrul. Anna ~~ rod u ct J o 11 on Mapa.Di. Robert V au· g h n·. -"Bridge began along t h e .'.George Segal, Virna Lisi, Vott.ava River, above Prague, . "llavkl Wolper and Stanley Czechoslovakia, many of the · Kramer. scenes were duplicated andi~=::;;::===============:;,f, Although Welsh visited the the picture completed in ilaly locaUom of four. motion pie-.......because or the sudden arri- turea d~ his junket., "Mak-val of Russian troops · in t ·h e 1111 the Scene" coocentratea•on C?ecb capital. 'Blood, .Sweat, Tears' New Breed of Musicians 'Ibe nine members of Blood, Swe1t and Tears w h o a~ peared ?eCt!'Dtly In Ho)Jywood Bowl have been called the .. new breed" or top musicians. Unlike the majority of the early-day rock music-makers who were aelf-t.aught, these nine young men studied at aome of the best music schools and universities In the nation. Fred Upsius, for example, who does much of the ar- raqing for the g r o u p , graduated from New York's ff1&h School of Musiec and Art and wenL on to attend the Booton Berfdee School of Music. Dick Halligan, (organ -aod au) received his masters _degree from the Manhattan ~School or Music, and Chuck Winfield (trumpet) has a bachelor's and m as t e r 1 s degree from the Juillard" School of Music. JerTJ Hyman, trombonist; studied at lhe New York School of Music, and Louis SolO«, another trumpet man, ls a product of both Juillard and U1e Eastman School ol Music in Rochester, N.Y. City College In New York provided Bobby Colmby with a B.A: In psychology and he became a great jazz: drummer, While Steve Katz: (V1lCals and guitar) received his early traininG singing at weddings and Bar Mitzvahs. Jim Fielder (bass) became involved in music at the age of 7 when his fat.her taught him to play the ukulele, but he went on to matriculate at Callfomia State College in Long Beach. Only lead singer, David Clayton-Thomas, is not a college man, but he and his Can adia n group, The Bossmep, won.5 Gold •Record.S before he· joined Blood, Sweat and Tears. Orders ·Gowns George Whittaker, head of CBS ~ wardrobe a n d in· dependent la$1p<\ designer, was CQIT1mlssiontd by Barbara Eden .,.to design two $2,500 gowns for Miss Eden's Las Vegu opening. ROUND TRIP ANYWHERE IN • . . • CALIFORNIA 85( ..... For cans after 6 p.ni. weekd~ and all weekend. 3 minutes ~lien, pl".' ta~ --@ ' Coming Aug. 23 Family ~e.kly ;How We Rescue Our Downed Airmen .in ,Vietnam A story about oUr heroic para-rescuemen in Vietnam. This intriguing story tells about tho teom.,ork our highly trained men go through in saving the lives of piton "ho hove been shot down. ALSO e THE STARS' STARS -Cleveland Amory dis- . cusses children of stars ... m0&Uy faded copiet of t.Be originals, with a few exceptions. e FREE IDEAS -Illinois Institute ol Technology students present a selection ol gadgets, $1 mll· lion worth of Cree ideas. e SUITS YOU? -Family Weekly's pattern page proves suita have never lost their place in fash· ion. You can make this one yourself. All COMING SATURDAY IN THE [ DAILY PILOT I :YOU ARE ONLY M•NUTES AWAY! •• PACIFIC'S . ORANGE DRIVE·IN . ~LY ORANGE COUNTY DRIVE•IN SHOWING! . . "~1 G°'-9 ,A_•HuntlncJ'"at 8:00 PM -"Twisted;'""8" ~ 10:15 PM ' SEE COMPLETE SHOW AS U.TE AS 10:15' P~ ' .. ' - Santa Ana Freeway at Chapman (North of.Garden Grove Freeway) one 547-6011 ANAHEIM \ ORANGE SANTA ANA I -----...---...... -----...--~------..,_.-~--.---............ ~~~~ ............. --.. -~.--------..... --· . ., ... . WILSON FORD SALES 18255 BEACH BOU~EYARD CHiw1Jy 39) ' HUNTINGTON BEACH . . . I . . OPEN 9 A.M~ TO I 0 P.M,:-7 D~YS . I I ·' ORANGl ··co's. FASTEST GRO.WING -FORD : DEAL ·11 • . , , . , I '' ' I . EXTRA SPECIALS . 1::: . 1969 .GALAXIE 500 . . . , ,V-8 SPORTSROOF ........ '65 ~~!!~~o.~e~1~?,!~~greentinish. $688 CPJL 021). ' . . . . '68 · ~!~~o ~P/~!,~~. ~~e~ nice whill$1088 finish. {Ser. No. 11 5732). SAVE ~'n $1 .200 FROM SUllESTED . UST PRICE 011 ANY 1$119 THUNDERBl~D llfOUR HUGE. llVENTORY ~~~E $2588 t::============= Includes all m1nufacturtr1 standard equipment. Fresh t ir heater and defroster, '65 CONTINENTAL '1388 4 Door, full power, air condilion, leather$ interior. VES 687. TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS . 1:~~ 1969 COUNTRY SQUIRE " ::~:.~.::;a:~"{ ;~~·:l~~'."r.:~i~~,c;;r;iri~~;.d•sh·•nd visors, '& 1 COMET COUPE b•lo. HHIW, Good_., .,.,,._,,..JQft. ClHr :llOll.,, • • '&2 FORD GAU.XIE SEDAN • Y.f. 11111., P'/li..r!'.'9' rN!a 111.i.r & air CDl!d. (YP'I 4".1. '&3 FORD GAU.XIE HARDTOP V..&. AJ111.,.P/1.~!-1!'•• r..:!lo ......... lo W Ull'lll. " NM Whit. fll'l lh. CQtJS t.Ql • $188 4-DOOR LTD. WAGON VACATION SPECIALS.· '$&88 ' SAVE '1100 '&5 CHEVY SPORTS VAN $1388 ' ~llck dllfl;,,~Mli.1 11n1w, -orten llftllh. $&88 . 1FROM SUGGISTID UIT PRKI '&7 ;~2;;;~:~~!':..~n•s ·$1&88 . '&.4 FORD XL 2 DOOR HARDTOP 1 V.f. P'tStHriilr, ~ft Mitt. rNlt. 11M11r:(J,IJ( Uil •. ''&& CHM 2 DOOR SEDAH . Full t lM lliC10!Y "lllllMf ..... 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CTXS 161). factory w1rr1nty ava illblt. '68 ~~~~~I!, ~~~!,E!! & heoler,$198 8 White with black landau. Factory warrant1 available. (WXU 01-4). · e .All FULl l'RICES ARI PLUS SAUS TAX & DEPT. MOTOR VIH!OlS Fm e SH our complm Mlectlen of Minihomts, C°""'"po Clmpeh Ind Gypsy C1mpm for lmnttdiltt delivwy. • Ust -of our lllllJ Wiyl ti f11111C1 year MW or utod c1r or truck including Blnk•of Am1rlc1, Unllld Clllf. Bink. or. Ford Motlr Crllfit Carp; W'llh ·your Apprmd Credit. -' . . MAKE YOUR CHOICE SAVE AT WILSON FORD TODAYr ' . . , 18255 BEACH BOULEVARD ' . . . . • HUNTINGTON BEA(;H · ·~A~-~\. 540-7780 tU~~E~o~:T;D•p SU~~~~~~'™ Tut14•J.:.~~~0;;'.M~"·M· 842~&6il . . J • I ' , . l I, . l I • • I • I r • , • • I J I HOUSIS FOlt SALi HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SA1.8 HOUSIS l'OR SALi HOUSIS FOR SAL!l HOUSIS l'OR SAL8 HOUS!S FOR SALi HOUSl!S 1'011, SALi HOUSIS l'OR IALl! !moilior~..,~-·~'iliiiiiiiiiiiiiii~1M~O.,ii,.ii,ii•iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1iioooi9 -__ ••_' ____ ,_eoo_ ~·•- MESA VERDE · '10000-al 1• Gonaral 1000 Gonerol 1000 -••I 1000 General 1000 Thrifty-Nifty COLLEGE PARK POOL HOME FINER HOMES CAMEO SHORES Old world charm abounds in the finest of crl.ftamansbip in the expensive use of rich paneling, beam ceilings & used brick, in this truly custom , 4 bedroom Mme; huge family room with room for billiard table. Magnif1· cent view o[ ocean & jetty ............ $130,000 Open Sat. & Sun. 4015 Perham, CdM DOVER SHORES BA YFRONT Spectacular f bedroom home, with an unus· ual blending ol elegance & warmth. Large, formal dining n>om with split brick Dooring. A spiral stairway leads to a magnificent, high ceilinged liVing room. Priced at .... $129,!00. Open Sat. & ·Sun. 225 North Star Lane BAYCREST l st time offered. Beautiful 4 bedroom home, located on choice comer Jot; lush, minimum care landscaping, large pool with lovely deck area. An immaculate home, ready for your immediate occupancy. . ............. $72,500. Open daily. 1756 Skylark CAMEO SHORES View of ocean from this beautiful custom home, built by owner. 2 Bedrooms, cozy den with brick fireplace, game room, studio, large dining room, large living room with un. filled travertine marble fireplace, luzurJous master bedroom siilte with mirrored ward· robes & sauna bath. EleganUy decorated • . ................................... $84,!00. Call !or app'I. DOVER SHORES De1igbUul 2-story home on corner lot, with enormous living room, 4 bedrooms. formal dining room. formal entrance court with fountain. View of back bay from all rooms. .................................... $92,500. Call !or app 't. DOVER SHORES-VIEW Large 4,000 sq. fl. of luxury with heated and fUtered pool, and a view of the Back Bay. A real family borne, 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, family room, formal dining room. Ideal for entertaining. Only 21h years old. Beautiful, and well priced at $104 ,000. Call for app't. DOVER SHORES This lnimaculate 3 BR f&m. p. /. J?. tt VJ /J.lg u,, "°"" cu .. "°"" ., eie (/~arre f<:;,eall asawnlng S'i"' J1IA LOAN. l . A mw;t .,. ID appredale. tdf'(l6enUJ """"" r $26,950 DOVER SHORES -NEW LISTING! This view home is custOm built & elegantly decor-TWO ON LOT ated by J. H. Bigger. 3 bdrms, 3\!a baths, EASTSIDE. Newt!r l bdnm maid's room~ formal dining room, adult fam· IL older 2 bdrm, detached 2 ily room with sunken wet bar & fireplace, 5ep- car £an.ee I: workahop. Ex· arate teenage recreation room with wet bar terior recently painted. -opening to poof & patio area. Che e r y, Only $29,950 bright. built-In electric kitchen with sunny breakfast area ovedooking bay. 3 car garage w 11 h automaUc garage opener, intercom, radiant beat. Approx. 3700 sq ft of luxurious family living. ' ~-PERRON _,, .... -.·· .,. - 4 BEDROOM MESA VERDE Beautilu1 nmv carpeting, Lo- t"aled on QUIFI' cul·dl!·SSC 1tn!f!L Has a lar&e covered '-enclowd FRONT PATIO, even room for ;boat o• trail· er. Excellent v a I u e at $21,500, Call now as th I • popular p1a.n wW sell fast 546-9521 or 540-6631 $21,500 $3000 PRICE REPUCJ'IONI Bizycrest-Vac- ant. Designed 16r relllJ'ed family living. Most popular floor plan iricludes 4 bdrms den family room & formal dining room. Kitchen overlooks large pool & lovely garden. WESTCLIFF -Vacant This 3 bdrm lam· ily room &: dining room home is readf for a family to get settled before school starts - &: a pool ready for swimming. Low mainten- ance yard. 1224 Nottlngh~m Rd. (Sunday 1·5) Office Open S•turdtys & Sundtys ' PETE BARRE.IT REALTY 1605 Wutcllff Or., N.B. 642-5200 ~-----3 bl&: bedrooms, 2 baths, bricki.-,o==--.,'""'===°"' flreplaee-sets-OU lart:'e liv· Gener•I--1000 Gener1I fOOO inG room, Dream kitchen • 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. built.in range &. oven -ex· I ' ---.,----- In eating atta. PaUo for COOL & LOVIlY G.I, LOAN OF ·5V•'4 parties I: BBQ'g, Low payme!'lta of $141 P.J.T.I. *42"'691 TARBELL Beat the hiib tnte.ttst rates. Brand new design by Ivan BA YFRONT APT. Wolls. Will he ...Oy for you .~";: =L~ i:;:: Vista Del Lldo. Pier It slip in time for school. 4 bdmu:, claalc. Featuru modern available. Encloted garage. 3 ba + powder rm. Beam· built ins for Ji.1om. 2 very rwtect for ~ bt&inlltt or the retired COi.iile who wut low pe;yme.n._ Wond~ oom!orllble 2 bedroom bOme located Ga • IJU.iet Ea.rtslde -Double .......... pr. qe, COVtted patio, wood burrq fireplace, bright kitchen, large trff'I and room for a vegetable pr. den. Move • in eondUion. 121.250 wllh just 1~ down_ "For A Wise Buy" Coleswortlly & Co. 4 BmROOMS $157 MONTH N1wport II Victori• 646-1811 $28.SOO ed ceil.1inr1~~1!. lid.;..,1 rm &. channina: baths. Deep pile Georg• Willl1mson sepan. e ,,...,,.... in ll& nn. carpetlnc, a.bo d r a Pe a An J REALTOR ruch panelled family rm. throu&houl BeauWul fenc·l~~~~~~~yt~mo~ 613-4350 Eves. 673-1564 wibar'th 11S·repl~ce &: walk.in ... ~t ed back yard surmund1 thi.8 DIRTY BARGAIN · • pacw>us mast,• """" hUge covered patio. \Vill sell ~ACRE Country Estate,.l&i; room with opulent Roman FHA or VA at s24,900. Jt '.e dirty, It needs pe..lnt, the 36 pool, 3 BR custom home. tub. This impressi,•e custom WE SELL A HOME la.,vn needs to be mowed, no Renr yard; hones or unit&. hon1c is keyed to It's ent.ic-EVERY 31 MINUTES boQy live& there, H's vacant, $43,500. Owne.•. SJl-1636. i~ court yard pool le JWHP. the neilflborhood la · nd ... view of ,.__ lo.a .. below. w lk & L "'""a ·~ -a er ee clean though. H's rot every. UTTLE HACIENDA .,._ In Chtona dl!l Mu Wllll--on 1WO R-2 Jab! Hacienda bu 2 bedrooma, tonnal dining room, aile, Spaniih pat.lo, MW carpet, It p.lnt OPEN HOUSE 1·5 Saturday & SUriday- 154.500 See J ack Scl'OQ)' HARBOR DOYER SHORES VIEW lll6 Santi•go Drive OPEN SUNDAY 1.S ~view custom home zoned for borwt. 3 bdrm. :2%. tiatha, rz fireplaces, m be9u- titul condition. Owne• anxi- ous. $49.500. Back Bay. Immediate Occupancy Spacious 3 bdnn., family rocirn, POOL home • for sale or lease. Newport Beach. 2-Story view home, 5 bedrooms or 4 & den. Home built to order for family living & enter- taining. Enormous family room with wet bar, separate maid's quarters. Terrace overlook- ing pool size yard & play area .... : .. $88,!00 •. GeMr11 1000 We ha\'e the key at 1430 thU. )'OU need to make it a 1.=========.1 Galaxy Drive · Open daily. 7Sl'l Edingl"r home you'll be proud of, 4 Roy J, W•rd Co. 8>12445.i or 540-5140 big bedrooms, 2 baths, built JEAN SMITH Realtor 646-3'55 4tO E. 17th St., Costa i\Iesa Open Sal & Sun., 1712 Antigua Way. SOPHISTICATED COTTAGE OPEN SUN, 1 • 5 321 Poppy, Corona d•I Mar \Va1k to LitUe Corona from this newly dec- orated 2 bedroom, 1 bath home, with fire- place & separate guest accomodations. An exciting home on a lot & a hall ....... $47,!00. iohn macnab REALTY COMPANY 901 Dover Or., Suite 120 642-8235 0.Mr•I 1000 INDUSTRIAL· COMMERCIAi: Located in t~ center of the OJSTA MESA BUSINESS DISI'RICT. 2.0XI tqUlre tool building presmtl,y u!l!d u a plumbing shop, easily adapt- ed to many Industrial or commercial U5el. Three prl.. vale offices, storage room pl~ i.&rge ahop area witb over head doon.. Propetty l'Ompletely blaclc·ropped t.nd cha.Ln link lmced. ASSUM- ABLE FINANCING -AN IDEAL BUY AT •• $33.250. LOOK AT THIS! 3 BEDRM. 2 BATH $22,250 Q\\·ner moving out of area and \Vanis to sell. thls hotne is located in Costa Mesa on • corner lot wtth block wall le~ enclOS@d, ll'a dose to ...tJoola and &hoppina, at thls )ow. low price of $22.250 " won't lut. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARG"EST 894-5311 VACANT $ BR 3 BA CJIU;/dtps. Lndscped 961 Paularino. Ai::t Op.n. SA Hats Vaca.nt 2 BR duplex. St;I pr $140 mo. You pa.int, u la. Lae option or trll. 202ll Bird\. Alm • 3 BR I& fam rm. trp,le, cpl&, ckpe:, bit-Im. .i.llwohr. "' -)'d. Low niA lnL :ml.4 -· SA II.,._ °"""· A8'&11-MPM .. Your Ad bt our Cl&altiedt 1' -will bl looldns for It. Dlal6G66'/S • 0-.al 1000 HAVE $2,400?? AMumc this $20,000 ntA loan for n than $1l:i per month plus taxes! DON'T HESITATE to ask to 1ee tt'lls 3 bedroom, 2 b at ~ spanklnc clean sparkler! pupet.s. drapet;, range, ov- en, a.&b panclin1, beamed ceillnes, new paint, fruit trees and ~ to IChoola '""'"-· WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee 2790 Harbor Blvd. at Adams .... ..., 0pl!fl 'til 9 J>?,f OWNER WILL FINANCE AT 7 '/. Corona del 1'tar. ~ with a min.I view. Sp&cK>ul 2· Bedroom and den With a de-J.Jahmd patio. No points, no fees, no impound account, no Pl.YOft per.I~ • cau u quick! -D THE REA!, '""'\,. ESTATERS SHOPPING flr a hornet Call, writr or visit our of· nee tor your tree OOP1 ot our "Homts Fo• Living" Magazin(', with picturea, pricn A deta.lll or our R1ect U.U. in Newport . BtJ.ch, Conw. Del Jo.lat I Colta Mesa. RED CARPET REAJ.,TY, 2025 W. Balboa Slv .• Ntwp<>rl Beach, 92660. 6'la--0003. $24,5001 TREES! TREES! Pnvac)' t.Mllftd by bkJck waJ.1 fe~ • mrjestic trffa. ~nerous slzed bedrooms. formal dining room. Bulll· in ftn(t, oven I: dW11'·&$b. ~. Pmltlce area. $16-lra:I TARBELL 2'155 Ha rbor SPOTLESS! 3 BR. + f&.mlly rm., 2 bnlh ~. w/cov. patio, tundeck w/oct'tn vktw! ~" ~ Joan may be auumed. S2t500 f'P BALBOA BAY PROP. 613.7t20 AN'l'TlME FOREST E. OLSON Inc. Realtors COSTA MESA 53f."I. $125 MO. Coasta_I wa te rs, just minutes away. Bright &. Chl'e.rful 3 bedr"oom, family room, ki~ \\•Ith built-ins. Quiet & aerene. Private swim &: tennis club. All of tPis for onJy $25,500! M- sume FHA Joan. No fee! Better be fast! Call 645-0003- SPANISH SENOR! 4 BEDROOMS Spe.nhh elepnce. 4 lge. I bedroms, :J ti~ ba.ths. Spaniah tile entry. Jila.'\- 1ive double fireplace. Open flame cooking in a ~ourmet 1":1tchen + deluxe built-in&. Huge play room .l only $29,- 950. C&ll now Senor! 64>-0303 RANCH IN THE CITY ASSUME 6% LOAN l..ari:e 4 bedrooms, fam· lly home. Big country kJtchen \\'ilh deluxe blt- lns. Huge, huge lot. IDght In the ci ty! Plenty ol elbow room. You can have horses too! The bl& 6% Joan pays every· thing at $166.50 mo. Don't delay! Call today 645-0303 NEWPORT BEACH DELUXE DUPLEX Sand pebbles throw f ro m that \11onderful cool sea. T\1·0 lari;ie bed· rooma and large klteht'n with deluxt' bullt. ins, 1undeckL Great loca· Uon. Big rents pays for itself. Only $38,500. To- day's best buy! can now 645·0303 EARLY CALIF. CUSTOM HOME $I B.950 They don't bulld them like this anymol't'. Lath and p1a1ttt. 3 Bdrrns., hardwood Dooring, Kop. PC!!'!' ketUe kJtchen with We gaJoret Even the cozy Veranda for that Y.'t'Slf'rn I J v t n c ju.et fm hly painted, hard to find t Betlel' hurry! Call 645--0303. TORtsT F. OLSON Inc. P.caltors al Harbor Ctnltr 2299 lllrbor Blvd., C.~t. !Baycrest Ollict") . Open eves. in kltehen with 6J!rinklers 1'30 Galaxy 6~1~ liOiiiiii ... iiiiiiiiiiii'"'I !ront and rear. Steal it! UNHEARDOF 3 BEDROOM $20,950 Exeeptilmal Income • Property 4¥.% .Atsum1bl1 Loin on this Immaculate 3 BR Col- lege Parle home. Orner lo,l ORANGE COUNTY'S w/puk ' like "'""' '"" Jt sound.s unbelievable but this home has a remodeled kitchen with rich WOOd cab- inets, stain1eM stecl sink, . built in dishwasher, carpet Is near new oondltion, bed· room has bttn expe.Dded with slidin& glau door. At that price )"OU ca1ft miss. roundlnc enclosed patio, Full 4 • 2 BR units t . 1 BR pm LARGEST price $26.950. CALL JACK house ~ 2 l3R Early Amert· 293 E. 17th St., 646-4494 HA?.fMOND MG-ll51 Hen. can designed hoine on large SOCK tT ro 'EM! tage R..E . landtcaped lot. Must sell to DAD..Y PILOT WANT ADS! DAILY Pn.oT WANT ADS! liquidate holdinp. I =====:==:::=:=:::;t.==:;::=,:=:=;;::,: • ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 2'13 E. 17th St .. 64M494 VA Appr•ls•I Just Arrived -$291750 No down • only ~ costs to move in. 3 bdrm, 2 baths on corne-r with boat &f'H etc. Let'.e go right row - payments lesa than l"l!nt! 2 BDRM -Pool Cute Deane Bros. home in Huntington Beach for lease. $190/mo. wlth option at S22,500. Available immedl· atel)'. M'l·SllO c .. cinn. theltrtl OLLEGE REALTY ISCll-•-,cw. BIG LIKET EXAS- ei, living room. Super Bi1 20' FAMILY ROOl.I, lUO& AWAY OEN, S"pOngy shag camets Ir custom dn.Pl.*l'I. Super Bi& C2,COO feet in alll Two Stmy It Seller will pay all points to VA or FHA lo&.n. $31.9.10 FULL PRICE. GI No cash do\\·n. SUbmil )'OUr tenna. WE SELL A HOME EVERY 31 MINUTES Walker & Lee Lachenmyer Realtor 1860 Newport Blvd., CM CALL 646-2'121 E~s. &tli-2290 BEACH BUNGALOW This home is !iO close to the bee.ch that you can surf rltht up to the front door, well maybe not that dose but close. A sbarp 2 bed- room 2 bath bl'ach cottage wilb an atrium off the mu. 1111' bedroom. FUll price Ol'I this is $26,500. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST 293 E. 17th St., 64M494 No Down "VA" Flnt time otfel'@d at th.?u term.a. Sharp Back Bay . 3 bedroom + large family room -Double fireplace • Intercom -Covered pat:o . Pool .eize yard. Immediate pouesslon -$34,950. 'O THE REAL '.:'\.. ESTATr.RS 546-2313 • 8'1•7171 CASH WORKS WONOERS 7190 ltarbor Blvd, at Adams Ov.-ner by ll"Q', Terr.ce l 54.>9491 bdrm, + fmly, nn., 3 be.. Open 'til 9 Pfll quail cy home will make It iiiiiiiiiiiiiii;oo;iiiiiiiio I cuy for )'OU to own. It'a too Ready to Expand? l&l'lr• for her, A•kl"' only 350o IQ « cf gncklwi ltvlnf, ~7.500, will nepua_te temu. Boy I. Beach Rully 5 enormous bdmu, 3 apac-......, loua ba_thl. See to apprecl-6ThJOOl F.'~. 6'15-64 1" ate, Color thl..~ ane a~sa. U0'7 E. Coest llwy., OOf To ..., CALL om LEE 5 Bedrm + Pool 5'0-lJ.ll Horllage R"l Eota" + 3 Bath·S26,950! 4 Bedrm-$19 ,850 No Oown G.I. Des\a:ned lo• a large famUy. 2 bathr, Kitchen with luxury built-Ina. Parle like yard. OolinR COll\6. Famlty llvlng at a pdcf to tit )IOUl' budget -see thl.el Rk':h wood paneling, hand· 11Dme bar. E!epnt ~place. Ex:ee:Uent &reit.. ~1720 TARBELL 2955 Harbor TARBELL ...o604 * 3 BR 11> bot ... c.,...,. Better College Park ~~c':i -~~~i~~~ Gener•I 1000 0.ner•I Coldwell, Banker OFFERS: OPEN SUN. P.M.-VIEW, POOL 4512 Roxbury Cameo Shores. New listing. 4 Bdrm. plus Convertible den. Spacious pa· llo. Separate child's play yard. Small lease- hold. . ............................. $69,500 Kathryn Raulston LIDO ISLE-VIA GENOA Custom built. Beamed ceilings. L a r g e South patio: landscaped by Beeson. S Bd· rms. 2 Baths. Ex. cond ............. $67,000 Kathryn Raulolon BEAUTIFUL VIEW HOME 9 Months old, has everything for bt?unliful living -tam. rm., brklst. rm., din. rm. Great view from mosl rooms (sit down view). Prof. landscaped. 3 Car garafe. ................................. '64, 50 \Valter Haase HARBOR VIEW HILLS Panoramic view from most of this Lusk 3 BR. 2\!a ba. home. All elec. kltch., for- mal din. r m., lge. (am. rm., 2 fireplaces; elegantly decorated. Asking ........ $59,950. Chuck Place OWNER WILL FINANCE Immediate occupancy of this luxurious 3 bdrm. view property. Perfect for couple w~~ ~~~.~ .t~~.~~l. ~~. ~~!:~. ~~~~.~~~.~~s&; Mrs. Harvey OPEN HOUSE 1 ·5 4821 CORTLAND CAMEO mGHLANDS VIEW. 3 Bit. 2 Ba. Built-ins, beam ceil's. Channing yard. Co- rona Del Mar High School. .......... $4e,ll50 Al Fink BAYSHORES-RIDUCED $3M No\v just $39.000 for most charming home in this private area. 3 BR. 2 Ba .. comp. re- done by pro. decorator. ~1ove fast on this. Joe Clarkson COLDWELL, BANKER & CO. 550 NEWPORT CENTER DR., NEWPORT BEACH 133-0700 I $70.750. '3 BR. home, nlr!ll !ncl lJdc W1ll1-McC•rdl1. Rltrs. -.... ......... big: I.am rm, $28.500. ~n 1&10 N<'wport Blvd., C.?tf. Sat I SUn 1-5. 2372 Rutcm. S48-T729 anytime ""'""'·. ~~1·. DAILY PlLOT WJ.i.h ADS! While elt-pbanUI Dtm...·UM • HARDWOOD ROORS. bdmu., 2 bathi with built· • l' jam.Dy sl7.ed. kitchen. ; ' $26,950 (4'f•'/• L .. n Aval!.) OPEN SAT. 1-S 2437 FORDHAM OR, Newport ., Vlctori• • l • ' (1nytlmo); 1 '46-tlll ' i Open Houses THIS WEEKEND ..... "''" _, .,........, -~~ , .. lhll -· 9'1111 al you .. hOYMo-hvntlng. All tM IOC11tton1 llstell .. low •'• tileM:riMll In ,,...,_ tlehill Irr M¥tiPt .. lnt •IM'#tteN In to4•Y"• DAILY PILOt WANT ADS. Patront llhowlriy open hou1ts for ul• or to r.nt .,.. urttd to lit 1uc.h Info~ tlon In thl1 column Heh Prtclay. (3 Bedroom) 960 Park Avenue, Laguna Beach 494-6336 (Open House ) 2187 Irvine, Newport Beach 646-3255 (Sat 1-5 ) 600 Aldean (Newport Heights) NB 646-3255 (Sat & Sun 1-5) 48'll Cortland, Corona del Mar 833-0700; 644-2430 (Open 1·5) (3 Bedroom & F•mily or Den) 324 Snug Harbor, (Clillhaven) NB 645-2000 (Daily 1·5) 2813 Drake Ave., (Mesa del Mar) CM 675-3745 (FrL, Sat. & Sun.1-5) 969 Governor, Costa Mesa 543-9142 or ~725 (Sat & Sun by ap- pointment) 19301 Hickory Lane, Huntington Beach 96Z.1131 (Sun~) 717 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mar 675-2101 (Sun 1-5) 3233 New York Ave. (Mesa Verde) CM 545-4265 (Sat & Sun 1-5) *2807 Setting Sun Dr., Corona del Mar 644-2732 (Sat & Sun 12-6) 26622 Cortina, Mission Viejo 8J0.1583 (Daily, all day) *1224 Nottingham Rd., (Westclilf) NB 642-5200 (Sun 1-5) (4 Bedroom) 2915 Catalpa (Eastblulls) CdM 675-2102 (Sat & Sun 1·5) *1756 Skylark (Baycrest) NB 642-8235 (Daily) *2437 Fordham Dr., (College Park) CM 646-8811 (Sat 1-5) (4 Bedroom & Fomily or Den) 115 Milford Rd ., (Cameo Sho res) CdM 675-6996 (Sat & Sun 12-5~ 442 Riverside Drive, Newport Beach 5411-2986 (Sat & Sun llHI) 1430 Galaxy Dr., (Dover Shores) NB 646-IMO (Daily) 225 North Star Lane (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 4615 Perham (Cameo Shores) CdM 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1380 Galaxy Dr., (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 2152 National Ave ., (Westside) CM 548-7711 (Sat 2·5) (5 Bedroom) 4S12 Roxbury (Cameo Shores) CdM 833-0700; 644-2430 (Sun) (5 Bedroom & F•miiy or Den) 17952 Hopkins (University Park) 8.!3-0820 . (Sa t & Sun 1-5) 3032 Capri Lane (Mesa Verde) CM 546-1151 (Sun 1-5) *4536 Roxbury Rd., (Cameo Shores) CdM 675-3520 (Sun 1·5) 1712 Antigua Way (Dover Shores) NB 642-8235 (Sat & Sun) 1536 Galaxy Dr., (Dover Shores) NB 642-11235 (Sat & Sun) CONDOMINIUMS (I Bedroom) *8145 Foxhall Drive, Huntington Beach 596-0165 (Sun 2-5) DUPLEXES FOR SALE (3 Bedroom + 2 Bedroom) 210 9tb St., Huntington Beach 536-2579 (Open Sat & Sun 1·5) ..... ........... , I }, ' l l ) l J ! I ' . I J ! l l I .j ! I l • • ' t ! • ) . l ' ) " ,ridq, AlotUst '2, 1169 DAILY PU.OT 2J • HOuSIS POlt SALi! HOUSES fOlt SAL• HOuSES f 21t sALI HOU$1S POii SAL• HOUSIS POlt SALi HOUllS POlt SALi ltlNTALS RIHTALI ,,;,..,AL• 11!1111 cn1e MH• 11• ~ ll•tteh · 1200 '"-"."""•t .. ,"'..,.;..;:·:..;.._...==1-•.....:;H;,;;un1=1c==1::;:.:.::·;;ch=1-•-'L~ ~ch 1 ·1m ~· '"'"1"'r' . ·' -Unfurnltht4 -u_ .. • B. IK dbl. pr "'" nn ' NO WAITING ' -t l:oMMANOING • 1111!'""' l1ltn4 2Jss Ntwptrf ~ch 3200 Huntl~ ...... MOO ;-UDO ISLE iOPEM HOUSE l·S • SAT. & SUN. w/oot. pr, $)4,!llO w/...._ For tbt balh .S.tunlo,y Jtlaht flJV£ II BEFORE SCllllllLSTARJS C-1...Coltllno 1!11' TU1E of/.,..., oic<ly < BR., 2 &., -""' uae. Hu hi potenuai val. ar any monu.ni with a bath View lot ln i..,u111. Belch. lllrnblbtd, 2 BR. 2 bl.th; I/I bl.t~lrw; ~'&De Co hi ICbool. 01\11 1tep11 to '1qJp~. tor ea.ch bdrm. Thtre &rt 4~ New homes,, ready to moVe ln, lo\ mile $13.IQO. Small but JeveL cl;loice kx:aHoD. AdullJ $1'0 TOWNHOUSE sn.c1e tcbool, beach. a.ti Ba<k 1MI.)' 2 Br., din. tum. Pl~ a view ~m Abe.lone from beach, Fint payment u,p to 90 days $1.000 Down, val, at $70 mo. Call Puadena ,'J9H003 2 BR .. 2 bi.tbs. bltM., frp!c. 1to1~r. Pa&; ltnoe,d )'U"d., I 129 VIA ZURICH ~ ' bedroom ''"'"' .with a great loc;ation: hU -mall patio i: •undeclr, : : brick tittplact1 In SJ.8l w/09{. OnlY $22.500 Pt. to Catalina, 3 Flreplace1 after move ln. ' mpntb., 496-1137 C&tPttl, drape•. $223 monlh. Y.rly We. $235, f:92--01U LYTLE REALTY bl•nd w;th fruh point lor Ttrmo VA/FHA. ,,.... $22.'90. l!O" VIEW, •·~ cam .. eted s Huntin~n llHth 2400 lay Ir 1-h 3 BR, 2 BA, ll'ple, "°'· 583 w. 191h St. ~ extra chatm. Widow wW r-• -i..tna. BIOL.OT . UTTLE HOUSE. tndc down. $!&:IO ha.nd~a. CORAL SHORES BR, 2~ BA, 30G sq, ft. $.1!4 BEAt.mrou.~ f\irn, It.tatty, Inc. , bl $225. or bell. otter. ! beautifW Uvlnc room. • Owner '•nts action! CU•·&. ekan 1~ t>Jth. MW Hal Plnch1n I: AtMC. 9Undedt. Arch Beach Hats. airr c»nd. moblljt home In 901 Dover Dr., NB SUiteUS 5J2l Spa"r9 w D·r . "" f\trrtl!b-3fK» E Coa t ll 67>4392 $34.100. Owner Mr. Lewis beautlful park, w a I k 1n 1 645-:000 , Eves. ~ n~ for a.wt. l s;s.l,!61 ca.rpets,complrttly • 11 wy, (on Garfield between Beach & Ma1Dolia (714)~.i llµNoria. dlatance or beaeh. f Bdr, ' .... ~~-~a. cd East:dde Cotta Mesa. I/I . ·~·•-Asiwic $15,950, CALL GLEN 9 6 Z • 1 3 5 3 1 BR apt .. cloee k» beacbn. Ttacber/OwM"r OR ? ltavc. YRLY We at be a.ch, W 'r n e i. $ 2 50 .• tu 11 y QUEEN MO-J151 1~eritqt SHARP, MOOF.RN DUPLEX park. market&. Ranae. retr, CM be~ by appt. Reta. Children •.pet OK. S BP.. 3 carpeted, an-5384. Set Jee Ferauson R.l!!I. 175.0Ull Real Estate SWedlsh lrplc., ire. bl.lcoey_ cpl&, drpi. Only $32.500 l'tQ"d. 12:13)~S. bil, 2 paUos, dbl a:a.r., trplc, l ~ house. Park w/oc::ean view; Jae. a:arden _c-'o'-ro"'n-'1;..de=l..;Mo.;.;.;.r __ 1_2S_O Huntlftf!M IMc.h 1400 caab. Owner 19f..2(13 RIO, dahwr, d!lJpogal, new Available Oct, 1ar1. Better Collete ..... 3 lldnm. 2 "''"' '""' I BR .... close ..... .,., ... Lttun1 letth 270S """''· ··~ ~ ...... -9624311 ... Into 3 BR home, extras include big lam t'nl. $28.500. Open Sat &. Sun 11-5. 2372 Rutgers, ......... Wlit. PriOe ftduced t<1 549,500 r;;~:~ ~. =~~ ,tn~:t !!'-w!''~,tulti-park, markets. Range, ~fr. 46 EMERALD aAY ~ ~r °:~~ Ri='. B::e~y,81~-:.h Realtor ~o ful VA loan ls $132 per ~· d~~:su.~caih., R~ht on beach. Avail Sep! NB Avail now. ti46-6942 Feunte"9 V•lley 3410 montJa \\'hich Includes taxes ner ' 15 • June J4. Charmin&:, BEAtmFUt.LY landacaped ~!!~r Dr., !_~ete> ':!; 2, Lide Isle 1251 and ~-~ home 2 BR., fenced Y~· n4.so;. Spaniah, fum. 3 Br, 2~ Ba H~~R ~ .. l rlhh I a ~~~•-4 3 BR, 2 BA. .btt.tns, trpl, ,.. ....... uw Lv · ......,..._,, has 3 quee:n aiu ~mt WiU take k>t. first TD or .. + powder rm 1wim~rs _._.. ...... m.. nr _.,....,111· crpti, drpg, eowred patto. NEAT LEASE Opt nr the bch. alM,.2ba.tht. Oou.bleGatace. 4ei-11'10. dressirw room ~ith 1how~. -Children & pets o.K. $3(IO Clo$e to schools &:: •hoP'I This 3 BR. 2 ba. home. WaJk Corner Joe., Lklo Sands 3 LIDO ISLE HOMES i.~~nced Yard. Carpets « color TV. dilhwuher, ~z. mo. Watt\' pd. Avail. Sept •• Yrly lse $%25 mo. ~l'135 BIG HOUSE · SMALL MONEY 10 \Vesttliff ahop'e. I: enjoy BR. 2 BA .. 2 patioa,. trPlc, All sit.es, a.II prieea. Bay. drapea. l\fodem kitchen Wilh Dani Point 1730 er In extra· nice kitchen. _3_._.,,~,.~'~""~·===~-- this ,ve1..1 maintained neigh. dbl ear, bl.I-ins, new crpts. front l.dnsl~. Sil.lea. least:•, str'1bl&" bar. Submit your S550 mo. \Ve a~ tolni: to • Bil'CREST • w .. tmln1ter 3612 bomood. 116.1-C) drpa; lndsc.pd I lnc:ed. Pool. troo 'it1~A.LTY INC. dO\\ln payment. CUSTOM IUIL T WITH Europe to Phone 49'-7068 ~aut. W1f. ~:.. ba. For-.:.;.=="::.;;:_ __ ;:,;,.;.:I PROPERTIES WEST ""mbonh;p. "°' RNor. WE SELL A HOME LUXURIOUS 2 BR. anytim<. m'.';'~!";{l(\MAs, -~ior < Br. 2 Ba, tamUy nn, l023 &ysldc, N.B. 67Hl.ll NB. $32,500 or $335 per mo Milo Via Lido 673-8830 EVERY •31 MINUTES OWNER A.PT. 224 \V Coast Hwy 548-05..'>7 covered p;.r.tio, dJshMhr, $29,900 for a 2 story Glen Mat home with VA/F'HA terms. \Valk· , Ina: distanre lo one of 1 Southern Califol'nia'-' ou!Jtanding &ehools &. to excellent ithopping center.- HOt.IB I: INOOME yr'-s lse. Owner. ~ Walker & Lee This ~ unil Is all that ' then Summe~ Rentel1 2910 3,,e ... R •.11A_~;. b91/11ins. I pool U». blt-ins, frpl, crpts· il drp& 3 BR home avail for own Prine only. 3 INSTEAD OF I !IOllle, 2 Ba.cbelon, 2-1 BR., a..E.AN Balboa Bea.Ch Units. ...... l=CI='""==uz=·=· =--=·====! 2 BR home is rented ;,;;=--,=,.-,.-=--=I A triplex ~di )ocated, all all tum. + owtle'r' apt. w/ SI , Nr Harper Sehl. Owner OPEN SAT k Sun.. 442 18.sed • no wicany. J A l 7682 F.din&er fabulous brick !rpl parquet eeps 2 to 10: tor summtt m..8038 aft 6 PM 'Legunai leach 3705 548-l400 ~"er s 1 de Dr., N.B. &Ima. + rar.: ~ to M2·4456 o:r 54<>-5140 ftn;,, sunken tub !n.,ba. P,rtv. ~Erva~.~. cmall # '!'~bo-* 3 BDRM, 2 BA. 11'1 med -'"'-~;;;.o;;.;;.;..._.:.;..;. ri.:ltial! custom home. 4 shops. Ask. $1(6;000-$ubmlt. Open eve$. patlo illrr'Ounded by Jowly ....., ·OD.I.,.,. Vu.~ 0&1 a yard. $250 mo. Avail Sept SUPERIOR 2 BR, 2 BA BY OWNER: Eastslde CAL 3 BR lge. rumpua rm., 4-R C GREER,._ Realty a:arden. Stt this tor yourieU 1 BBR~ UPlltairs apt on 15. 646-7915 North end. Mature ccuple !JI' Bdrm. bltn kitchen. natural • l~vel. Fel'IO!d yd., 2 frplcis, 3356 °Vi~ Lido 67J...9300 nu.~ Fo.<thall Dr. decid ~I N rt Island I dy hildren ta. birch cabinets. 66xl26' k>t blt-ina, oversized gar. oft Ide....,. situated on Beach A yoU e! • e""'PO · • "'PARK UDO". Uke new, 2 a • no c or pe BUNGALOW klr ., "beam~d IDvd -an -·r 1 ia2.50D. Exef1)tional finanic:. Sl25 pCr \\'k. 4141 38th St. B 2 Ba -I I I $24518". Rd$. 49f-3109. \VI alley access for boat or alley. Pool 1lze lol Crpts. . . ., · .... ar oce · .._. · POINT RE•LTY Cupstail'll). can ds.-m. r. ., .. ., c .. poo • car • COATS lrailer. 6'i4 % loan can be drpl. 5(8...2986 tt1h~. lrplc, 2 1mall BR hou:>e-In est. condom. "" ,l,.."";;;;--.=:o-+ccO--:c;;I a;u. $2.'ill. Bkr. 64tH)1J2 2 BR l BA, ocean vil!w. No · & assumed. $24 950 642-tl'il O\'"-"'S SACRJFJCE Bedrm s. one bath, xlnt Patio converts 10 room. 34156 Cblllt Hwy, ~na Point 2 BR Ralboa , "apt adj peb. $190 'mo. W •• ..... -. · · ,,,.,i:.n. old. t."Ond. St to SI. See at Koron. Huge P1'1-Pool, rccrcatioh, ·1n4l t96-5S2.'! beaches/pier .sra-p.50 wkJ¥. lay Shorts 3225 * • 494-7'24 • ,_w-.; ATTRACTNE Townhouse, 3 4 or 5 BR, 2 mo. Harbor $39,l::iO. 213:79!1-8'1ll' clbhse. <An own less than RENT..,'LS 5J6.-3911, liT'>5810 ====::::======! • lEALTOltS BR, 2Y.s BA. Pool, clbMe. Hills home. LR. OR, Fam. ........,_ ~--"" l==,--'~~;..o.~~--1\VATERFRONT Near BBC, . sv. ('.<! R w1th -1 1;: bar 3 Ba. • '4 BR. 3 BA. AMumable rent. V}l&I• SUn. 2-5. v•v•11:1 Houns Furnish-9 ROOhf, bl.th, private en. . L11un• NI ...... 3707 546 4141-Nice garden Ir patio. :-,,. '" .... • 5%% Joaii. By owner. 596--0l!a trance. ON BEACH. IUXUI')' 3 BR, 3 BA, \\1th .,,,__ loan $21150 545-1933 . Crpts, drpa, many Xtru.' _,, • -=..,,.;~~~==~· Gontrol 2000 ·= ··R. '°' -~·· &al'dencr. yrly Sept. 15 to • SMOG free 1 ·-..... u"'-. ...,..., . ' . XInt ... _, __ .,.._ !60.S00-'7"" " WHY p•y Rl!NT? -~ -··-~ BY OWNER $'13,900 ~-·• ~ 0 ..,1 o n . 1 1 yean. Resp. adults, no pell. Lovely 4 BR. enclosed paUo. - OUPLEX Yr. old Spanish ITYll!. As-FOR LEASE ~A inexpens. ve co. 71~-5614 or 713-'19M856 Fenced ·~M, Bll·ins, Ll!Ull!I. 3 Bdrm., 2 be., c:rpt!., ·• &•'(',.{,FHA loan 3 BR taps wlcly ntes Avail J' ... " lrplc. 2 patios. 6~% GI Acro:!IS street from Ocean. 2 lalbH lal1nd 1355 sume it. • •• ·~158 · Oct. lit. optk>n, Water pd, loan. 646-1034 story, 3 BR each, :I baths patio, BBQ, bl~.26 A.<U. to now. Corona del Mir 3250 $295. 8JO.l655 eves, 1-'=-"'--""---== I each. Nearly ne'R, J'OOd J.o.. 212 SAPPHIRE self collrie, pool. S ,%0 ! BR 1~ baths comt!1' lot · ---------13 BR 2 BA bea t1ful view .. cub • assume 5-%.~~ cation, $49,!M l BR, 2 BA .&: den. 24 x 30 CORBIN.MARTIN rompletely rum S'.!Q'.l/mo. RIN.TALS IRVINE TERRACE • · • u • FHA Joan, $l3l mo. Le· 3 Grihim Reelty 646--2414 brick patio, exJllC)8ed beam REALTORS 6T0>-l61S2 DAVIDSON R1elty ... tOUMI Unf.urni1hed De I u x e home .for yeeriy ~~·~=· ~,!S~· • FIN•NCING br., hm. 1993 1.feyer Pl., ili' I ,.,.. mod JOJ6 E ~--11-01" RI-21~ H•-IB ,.... le".... 3 Bdnna d1-:-.. ., c. or..,.._ " Near Ne\Vport POii! Office ce n&s. comp e ""J' tt · 1-:::::· ~;::'';:'~";f"''"'i;;i;'"";;I~"~·~=~~::::::~~· ~~~,,~~-~~~;;-;;.;;:;;;;,3000;; """"· .. ....,,.. ' nn•, la""e famUy room. u:ir. SE'al. B ~·-~~.,:;,..., 61;,-0204 Sii-5460 $49-1058 -nera room. 30• Jlvfn .. room. AU .• OUPLEX WEST BAY > ""'d -·-· ·~ '. 10 schools, shoPl! & 3 BR home + den on corner Beautiful Buyl WE HAVE ANOTHER I beautifully carptted !:: , Ch\•ner anxious to lol. Backs on alley. 5%. % Owner v.·UJ Cll.fTY TD, no loan Huntington leach 1400 La.I"Ke 4 bdrm 11hake roofed Rentals t1 Share 200! 3 Bedriiom. 2 bath. biodern draped. Lovely heated pool. -willing to finance on 1''HA loan. Only $26,950. 2288 lo gel. Fi~placcs, f'lc. I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;I beauty wtth 2~ baths, at Kil h Do bl G p All built-ins lncludlna: r!rig. tenns, $26.900. hleyer. 348-0252 RJtr G73-0114. I• only $2S,OOD. Check ou t. SINGLE ?I yr. or 'Over r:irl to c en. u " ara · Ir. dishwasher. Pool ma.int 3 BDRt.t, 1.30 F1'. \l/IOE EASTBLUFF 3 BR, 2 BA. NO NOISE standint lr:rms on Ibis rare shan l Bdrm Apt. Fenc: Le VardF· $lS9 d r.ae ;" le: i:ardcner incl. S450 per LOT: almost ne\v cpt&:. fam nn. Exlrall! lmmac. NO TRAFFtc tind. w/same. Call 64i.46oa aft, ~17 ill!. int an ~ · mo, Rtls., plea»e, Call own- $21,000. O\vNER ~ . $39,950 by owner. 644-240;; Pacific Sbot"H Realty S::JO. w lk & L er. 613-5513. ~~~~~~==;l'l~B~r~. ~-~~.~ ... ~~·~, .. ~,:,;h<d~2 QIARMING Back Ba.y 3 la; ONL y QUIET 847-8586 Evea. 96U7tn 2 YG. Profemon.J men wilh a er ee View home W/pool. • Br. Ii .,.. gacg. ~ lndry rm. 'be, 2 ba, '1'11/drpo. bl""-LONELY IEACH! l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!D'l'U'l'P!!!LEX'!!!!!!!!!!'""" 3nl to "''"' not. >'um. Avail. Sept 4th. .OPEN HOUSE e 5'43-9142 or 536-€i25 Owner. $27,450. 646-8698 Brand new home on charm. townhse., 3 BR, 2% BA.,~. 1&!2 F.dinger Irvine Ten'. 3 BR. w/poot 'F l/S I/Sun 1 S study. Univ, Pk, Irvine. 3U.4435 Ol' 54()..5140 Quick occupancy. i • r • · • BA y VIEW .l pool.-Blutb inc cul-<le-.sae with no traf. o lie-in cond., located . in 1 IOS best buy. 3 Br. 3 & on wide fie, no noise • you can walk 2 -2 BR 2 b a th. 4 years I '°m-:;:;2583=..::•1:::1':!'..:6'..!:Pm::::._. --1-;;-:o::=;'-""="":;-"",;',c"'-;-=;:::-Don Fn.nklin. Riil' 61S-2222 rt or xlnt school di.SI. Mesi Del Mir grttnbelt. 1$0" beaut to the beach! 3 Bdrm*, 2 youn1. Income $290/mo. EZ LADY to shatt apartment Beaulitul east side location, CHARMING 3 Bdnn home. rnkc Av<"., ~tesa Del IMMED. OCCUPANCY upgraded. $42,500. 644-4265 baths, living, dining & tam-~rms, Owner Wlll'lls oUer. no alcohol $6;; mo. ' 3 bedroomll, 2 baths with F'rlllc, blt-inl, crpts. drps. BR rarn. 1m, home. Jly room, All glass kitchen R. D. SLATES * 642-1871 * lovely carpeting, ex(.>ept in Im.mediate occupancy. f.$ Duplexn Unfurn. 397.S WATERFRONT Lse. Lovely liltl! new 2 BR, 2 BA Extra lge liv nn, frplc. elec kitchen, patio. Adults. ...., pet$. sm. Dock avall t.1>7899 RENTALS Apll. Furni- Gtn1r1I 4000 $Ui0. 2 Br 4-plex convenient location. \\'/\V, avail 9n. bkr 534-6MO re~r yard w1lge. 4 BR BY OWNER Dover Shor11 1227 with range', self cleaning 847·3.i19 536-45.58 SINGLE 21 . private den. LQw n1ainten-per mo. 67'°.>-4904 d patio • play a.rea Perrect eond. near achools, ---------oven, dish\vasher. d isnnc•I. .... _ 2 Bdnn>'I' °'Aptovet'1a'lrl to ~yard. $'l75 per nionl h!! 2 Bd de y 1 1 $130. 1 Br, nr ocean, w/w, .!""" 7 o. 5&8375 ,,.._ NEW Spanish Mod Duplex. s,~.,, w same. WE SELL •HOME r, n. ear y ease. avail raw. Ba'-· O.K. Bkr ........... ran1. nn, ~ °"'· * UNIQUELY Drap<ri~s thro•"•hout, car· ,..,,_ B 2 BA + C-" "•'> •""" ... 5 ~ ~ Adu!" .. Sho "' ' -vu::an vu. 3 r, . ilLll ................. , :...,, EVERY •1 MINUTES ..,, no pe~. 11'" 5.J.H980 ··~ 131 • ----------1 Oilferent "Old World" Con-pcting in livinr. dining, hall, 2 BR ,_, d • k _,_ 11 2 •• ·-" , 1· spac , c,.,., , ,.,.,$, MALE 21 •• -ov<r 2 BR ·• w lk & L wee -euw1 -, ev ..... uu.1 _ til ;:f!)• Uln Mesa Verde 1110 temporary, executive IUX· master bedroom with own frp!c, dswhr. ;;~k.-rlo ,~."" ' '. ~~ 51.8 Avocado Ave. $137.50 Bachelor _apl. All u ury home. Unob!ltructed private bath. Completely m•' ,·.1. S4<.~. OP'" •·t • BA I l blk to heh. SllO mo. a er ee ~c,.:.==..:.::~.,.,c=~.-~, pd, \V/w, avaJI 9/1. BJ(r I " ~ ..,. 615-1406 OCEAN A Catalina Vll!W. "'."• """" PRICED for unmedJ&t~ M Bay I: Mtn VU-most rms. fenced, prlvalf' gatf', ronl s 1 5 210 ~· St n ·B 1 ~~~=-~~--1 ·-+ un - . :nn , • . 200 We&lcl iU Or. &drool'M, dining room. -'='-"=-----~I at $21,950. J mm a cu I ate SOOO sq ft 4i Br, 4~S ba landscaping. lmmedi.a{t' OC· Llndborc Co. ~2579 BAOt., 22, w/2 Br. apt.. 64&-77U 0 E $420 Afonth $135. J Br, pooJ, convenient home ""ith 3 huge hdmu. 2 maids qln. Ideal for entrr· cupancy . only $2S.990 ·VA, -N'pt. Be.ach--$121 per montJa. pen ~-location. Adult only. Avail ""'"""""'"!"'""'"""'""" !!park.ling baths, la.rre fami-tainlna:. Easy msJnt. Immed FHA. Conventional. 1714l e 11 UNITS e 536-1069 Alter 7:30 PM. $210. 4 Br. 2 Ba, yard klr Call •re.nl &t~ ~. gn . Local Broker 64.1-0lll TUSTfN & 20TH ly room, double raised occupancy. Furnished. OOS.1991. 21.9U Sum rn tor Around pool: room for ex· WANTED· I<' male _ children. Avail now. Local 2 BR. 1 Ba with 1djoininr I ' built -': beautiful. 20 hearth fittplace, camcr kit. SlTl,000. Assume 6~% loan. Circle, H.B. B.lcr. pan.sion. Xlnt lnvl!l~n1. mate to ~ha:tt •house. eo":::. Broker. &15--0111 Br. &. ruest wine. Crpts. --------- Living rm -ramily rm. It. room for trailer. CALL Box 1632 N.B. ;)4g...T.!49. '"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'I!!!!"!'!'!!" For datA on this l!lU:IUAJVp I:. de! Mar. 894-3559 $165. 3 Br p,ntly furn, Jee 1o1. drpr, lrpl, 2 pa&s, $190 mo. Costii 'MIN 4100 plus lgr. paneled din. RAY GAULT 5 40 -1151 ........------"'"""" TRY THIS ONE othl!~. please call Children• pets OK Bkr t.'73--904.'i .:.;=..;.;.=;_----I ' BR .. 11; ''""· Cp~. "'ritago R .. 1 "''''' For-sa-le by~Dwn-er CLAUDE SHIFFER SI'ABLE "'"""" woman :!5-534<ll80 ' ' --------$30.00 wk. up $32 FOR SIGHS ! REALTOR 615--0473 30 to •htttt Bad< Bay rondo. . 1 •· blt-ins. .000. O\VNER TRANSFERRED ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $100. se1871 $2.}0. 3 Br, fain m1, l'Umpu1 H_untin..ton lea(h 3400 e Day, week, month. h• OWNER 646.2344 Priced for immediate 1i&le Brand new and Mahl near lhl! • rm -1c W/W children .l •• • Stud\o I Bach, Apts. .,. I Spacious custom 2·trtory ex-beach. 4 Beautiful bedroom.a, Ex-utl-... _I BACHELOR 30 w/'l. BR apt ' .. ., · • '•t VACANT 5 BR at S27.9.X>. l mm ac u ate · -.... nMh•-small P'I Bkr--SJ4...6980 2 BR townhouse. Washer, •Incl Utlls A: Phone ll!nl. l.. home w i 1 h 3 oversizecl ecutive home. Larr" lonnal 2 btlths. Dramatic, raised in Corona de-I l\1ar. $100. · • Maid Servk:e. TV avail. sq It extra lg BRs. 2.lx: bdnns 2 ,p--'·li ..... bathll, dini-room. Psnded den ttil.ina livinr --. .... with di&-4dl~. 2%1 b&ths, l~al mo. 613-0216 aft 6 Pt.1. $95. I Br co~ pr, 1tove, dryer, reftir, range. oven, • N-~·-" B•• ......... -·• .... ..., ......... n1rx. room. neer the uo::ach ;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;====I \VJ ,..,.,'" .i..... pool S150 mo .... ......ic _ liv rm, driftwood stone 1~-.. iamily room, double wi th wet bar It fireplace. tinctive fi-n'ace. Qcck ··a W. Avail 9117. Bkr ·r • .... ...,, · _, h ...... ,;,_ •'qi< & priced at $42.000. Attrac. "~~ -..... 968-1673 alter 6 pm, Sa ! 231' Newport BJYd. Ml-~ c. bll-in k!I, di .. .uws r. rai5cd hearth fireplace, cw-Sitting room w/firepla.ce. 3 lhNe·built-in$; Wall to wall live ttnna! Newport .... ch 2200 ~ arttr 12 noon , ' ha, stall 5ho\ver. Hd"-d l'IC!r lot & quiet cul-de-sac. bdr, 3',' bothtt. Garden t!!n· ,.__..;,. .i--..u.0 ,,...... WANT!O:-COUPLE ·-th "·-' .. C ... r-... ,,, .... ~-• ..... Pacific Sl'lores.Realty ~. $33.T;iO EZ lerms. Call 545-8424, ..... u ....,.s tty, View of bay I mGUn-.,.. , beaut. fnlnt ya r d .,..., 001u E·-. m 32ui DOVER smtts ba ytront Costa Mell 3100 L11H Option SUO Mo. MODERN FURN 2 BR .c. =·~ '-'·'40 R. ·'°'al=E='"'ta"l•o,,=-==--7151 ....,..,.._.,.. """" ....,... "" ...,<>-..., _ tains. SS'l.500. 646-lndscpg including sprinklera. ,.,..,..,..,..,..,..,..,..~ I home, 6 BR., 4 BA. larae Near ocean • Owner tn1.n1-226« Maple by Wilton IMMEDIATE ~ Deluxe bJt·in appliances in· patio, 10' private dock. 2 BDR, bit-ins, garare, leun. ferrcd. L1Drurloo11 2 sty -4 Pool. Stui..rp, Bitns. $155. No OCCUPANCY cludine: Range, oven, dish-REPOSSESSION Avail Sept 1st, yrly J~. $1000 dry rm. ALSO 1 BO_R BR, 2 BA., frvlc, din nn, e!lcc petll. Kid& over 16. Call \lniversity Park 1237 v.•asher 1; dl$p0Sal, fl'• VACANT mo. 21 l : 71 O.5 O1 3 ot f~e apt. Lease. :iro7 bltns., 2 t:ar aar. crpls, drpa: t.fanqer 646-6974 BUY GI _O_R_F_H_A_ re».dy lo move into no\v, NEW CARPETING. NE\VLY 213:785-6333 Tustm Ave. nr Jichla, 11hp'1 ctr I excJu.IFU=RN~.;;l:.B'°'R'-"A-p'-'~:.&=Stud~~ ... -1 On thia 3 Br. 2 ba. DoU house 6601 Lucicnto Dr. Hunt. Sch. PAINTED lN Ir OtJT. 7!01 SEA.SHORE 1 in e I e 2 Bdr hOusr fl35 mo. plus i1lve entry club. 0 w n er. avail Sept bt. $110 &: $121. Take your pick 4 Br-3 ba 16<Xl sq fl J\fany mkt Exchangon 646-2629 extrall. s44.950 . .i'h~ loan. ta Mesa 1100 1834 Samar Dr, 0 w n e r. i Driw by and rall lor appml near Lake Forest. f .P. $21.190. and wort.h r.vccy pc~ HAFF DAL REAL TY Jarse 4 bdr, 2' bit, near uW. Call after ' pm 536-1914. ~2 Catamaran ll5J Elden, Apt. 6. Adi.Ills $24.~. Call for details. r.e.y. CA or E'HA. (7I4) 8740 Warner. F.~. 8-124405 beach. Avail Sept 2Q..June 642-5964 ___ l_L_no.., "CM~.=•~=~--only! e RH Hill Reifty 531-8-400, ll AM to 7 Pl\I. Bkr. Jo'OR .uJe or lease by owner 15. $325. Family only. (713J &SIDE 2 hr, [rplc, bea1n11. URGENTI 1 ,V,:.AL:;;:,UE=.-,-.-u1-t_rou_p~,.,-0-"1~y~. 2 18008 Culver Or .. Irvine 6•k FHA. 3 BR Glen t.tar \\.'t>~I Home. '196-1912 Cl' 624-5561 ' lncd yd, patio. adlts, no pets LC!ase or leiM option. Beau· BR. no pets, dtpl. crpts., -&12-522"1 ~Assume FHA Sl/•'Y• Anum1blt loon Loan Nr So Coast Plaza, 3 bdr, 1~ ' ba livrm w/ frplc & panel-OPEN 9 Af.f.8 PM 833--0S'ln ~ bdrm 2 be:1h, 31,ii ye 1 r 1 Less than 1 yr old. Phone WINTER renl&l, Bay Shores. fJ.38 liie. 613-7629 tifwl 4 Bdrm, dtn, lormal dlabwasher. btd poof, quiet. new. Heavy sh~ roof, 962-11 31. 3 BR, modern kitchen. $225. dining room, 3 baths. 3 car $145. 229:; Pacific Ave, C.M • b&ock wall rence, fireplace, 646-3333 fMs1 Verde 3110 i:arage, 3 blk.! from sandy 543-6818 or 642-4429 complete kilchen center ln-H 1 • ..+ e BAYSHORES e beach, Nr. sch!* It. shop'a.1----------1 ..,,, on • ~room • 2 Ba th home eel_ '111'.all. $26.900. Pay dn to Coron• dtl Mar 1250 t with ftrepla~ existing Joan. By owner. --------- VACANT 5-16-1$7 belW 12-6 pm. • SACRIFICE + dn and pay $232 mo. ALL 3 BR'll-BY O\VNER Fabulous view home In duding indoor outdoor car-un in •• on ' btos. winter rentals. 3 I: J &Inn, fenced Y_•rd • $425 rno. 16831 Harlmca;s LOVELY Bis' 2 Br. 1% Ba.. pet, Built-in BBQ, Priced 10 Herbour 1405 4 Br. furn. From $275. carpel$, drapes. $215 mo. Clrcle, HB. 840-0144 Pool, patio, adult!. $1.90. OOing evcrythini;: . trn-950 Victoria $19.riocl Gt Corona de! Mar. J I\R, lam • posli. on credit approv· 2103 Federal S:!l,000 5~~ rm. 2~. Ba., pool, all new 1eU fut at $29,500. 30• + IX>CKAGE and 2 Bdr ''C" THOMAS, Realtor r;s St. Jame$ Rd., Npt. 4 BR, 2 BA, crpts A drps. 2310 S&nla Ana, 64S-2933 1s4 Ba apt atla.ched. Call 224 W, Coast Hwy. 548-55%7 gl!. $l55 yrly, bt I: last&. dpst. 2 BR. adults. $140. Mo. 1613 Near schools &: transpo~-422 \Valnu t SZl,500 61ii: I p p I i a n c e I • n e w I y o(ltio n. 203 Su!Wlnah S26.500 514 decorated. landscaped. Xtra WMll" BY OWNER Montgomert <2131 4.J.4.{1469 BLUFFS Condo 3 Br, 2 &, \Valk achool'\, 2 chlldren ok. Sant». Ana Ave, C . M. ,.lcGrath--Shank Co 12131 walk to pools If shop'g, ex· Newport leech 3200 \Valer paid, dbl 1ar. no 1..:""191~='::.· .:."c:'::'..:5'3-t5::":...::"::":,,...-1 4JS..2l21. . tras. Lse. $350. 644-4486 HARBOR View. New 2 bdrm pe!J. Very tmaJI yd. Nr BEAl!l'IFULLY FURN 2250 .l den, all elec. kitchen, Beach Blvd. I staler. 2 BR, ,heated PoOI. adullll, no !' Large take ovt'r loans lge livine rm "'/frplc, lge ••54S-1059ee cloi;ets. Occupancy in time tor K hoo!. Prlct reduced ~ $26,!rlO A.'lsume 5~ % fllA. 3 ftom $69.500 to a!l,500 for Fount1in V1ll1y 1410 Ceroni def Mar self-deaning oven. refrii. M2-3563. pets. $155 + utII. 642-9520 • BR, 2 BA bcauliful patio · k ··• C·" 6-2313 • 646·7171 home. Vacant Owner. Op8i qu1e _,e. .... owner WalJc lo Beaeh. 7 monthl ATTRA.CTNELY Developed -~-I id 1 linplace, 2 baths. New 3 BR. 2 bath houR with 1 BR furn Sl20. mo. 1 or 2 .,.,.,: ,,. .,, .... 1g e. res em. • 644-27.!3 2807 Setting Sun new. Adult occupied. Up-3 yr. old home on 1pac. lot. ·~:; POOL HOME houSt' . Sat & sun J4 Drive. graded cpts I drps, 4 BR, 3 Br, 2 Ba + 440 sq rt Jami· ... !'>4~26.'J ' ~~~~~==~~ B!k. from ocean. 1 BR., carpetlna 4 d r a p e r I e • . built·ins, fireplace I: double adulb. Call aft 5 pm. frpl ., patio; l blk. from Large patio &,: fenc«f l'CaJ' caraee. Newly painted &: 397--0196 shopplnf area. Adu 1 ts, yard. Pool A c abana new ·carpets·. W a 1 kin elll.I ";,.,.."r.aO'--ri-,-.~Ba~o~h<...,..Jo-r._La,,_""'-1 aculat~1 4 BR Mesa Del · 1 e OPEN HOUSES e lam/dinlna: rm, elect kitch--ly rm or xtra bedrm &. pen. 3(ar holne: complelc 1vith BY 0\VNER: J BR. 2 B~ 291.i CATALPA, Eutbluffa, en. Indoor I outdoor patio. S"-'iO FHA, 10% dn, oomr !itanicured lawn ' gleaming fam rm. Trtts, block wal~ Sat I Sun. l -5. SpotletJS, Assume Fl-rA loan. Dlneu in will laJ«o 2nds. 339--0164 61~ oono privileges. \'later &. softener distance 10 school. $225/mo. Adult ~ . kl RI 546-414.1. dry room, carport. CAMEO SHORES. Sell or pd. Dbl ~rag~. Sprin en tr. only. 642!.2530, 546-6716 !f®I. 1800 sq rt or gracious patio. sprinklers. 2953 Rcyal V!l.."'\V: 4 BR. or 3 &. den. family, 961-1178 after 6:30 $28,950 I• ilng. High ;;14~;, loan can Palm Dr. $24,500. 546-9896 Move tn ·before school 5t.arts.1 .,:P~·~M~. ~-~----:;:=:======= lea.M rma.U, luxurious 2 $300 mo yr y. 494-&183 l BR, 2 bath bouse with NICE l ·BR DUPLEX , Bdrm. den home, Newly ATTRACTIVE 3 Bdrm, 2 ha built-ins, fireplace A double 99 50 assumed wilh no loan 4 BDRM. 2 Ba. Nearly nrw NOT ONL y Senta An1 1620 . Full pril'e only $33.950. carpets. Clean. Nr. achools n7 POPPY Ave. Sun. 1.:;; FREEWAY CLOSE !(./.LL URRY MG-1151 Herl. ~ markets. S27.300. Assume ideal, btia:ht. airy, family • • • CHARMING 3 bdnn., w/w :tE't Real Estatr lo1v Ft-IA. Owner. 54&-6473 home 11utrounded by lov~ly Golde~ J.C. Ir the Broa.dv.·a.y cpf.11, paneled library; 2 ~ $hop~ma; att nearby too_. patios, frplc. $26,990; $141 carpeted " d e c 0 r a t e d . family nn home. 811.ns, garaie. Newly painted &:. &dulls. ! 5'9-0833 * Estalied gart.len, o c e a n dsh~hr, frplc, washer, rov ne;w cppeta. W a 1 ~ 1 n g 1-~~-=-~~=...,...,..,.-1 View. Police pat ro Jed , pa.ho " ~enced ~~· Nr all I distance to school. $2'L/mo. for ~r...~ c!!_ant Ads Adult'~ only, no pell, $550 K'hls. $22;; mo. :>4>1341 Rltr. ~41. ---•o :~: COLLEGE PARK 4 BDRM. ShOWplace pro-lre<!li; cos"EM"""PL•EtmOl!phere. Here I the 11harpc11t homt we Month. See 1411 Shawnee. tilt of town owner "''ant!ii 10 fl'ssionally landscaped by b.11.vt ottered Jhll year. $26.500 ~9253 :9r:11 their lovely 3 Br. ramily o\vner 546--0(19 L/ REAL ESTATE w11.y below •ny li.milar home: <========= ~~rdenina:. CalI owner. :G:•~••:r~•:l~-~-~3:000:;::~Go:.:..;n~t~rt~l:._ __ ~-3~000:.:..;~Go:.:..;n~t~r~•l,_..__~......::3~000.;.;.._I MODERN furniture 2 Br. with garage Larkspur near Hlway Call eve 545--2086 ·twi horn~. 1~ &, frpl. fcnc·+=====""'=== ~ E. Coast li"'Y· 6i>210l now bcin:; built , ~~!''' An• Hfts. 1630 =~ ~11r yd \\•ith palio. Ask· College Pirk 1115 Custom Contempor•ry Rix L. Hodges, Rltr. ·~ only $24,950. Call David -·"'-------841-2525 BEAtrrlFUL Brick waJled t n, Dom, Platz l Co. A11urne 4 3/5 Y, 0 09f' 10 bcieh, beautiful 1 1-""°',.--,-~~==7'-corner lot. 4 Br, libl'llry, 3 • 31 2-l:HiTOO; r.vrs. 1213t GI loon yr new quality built home. Reduced-$25,500 ' 3 B 2 Ba ,_ Iivi..,,. rm I: ba. Amuttrons Mcd iler-2188. 4 Bd•m, 1~ 0 •• 26' II" -. r. • '6· ·-. No """" ,..,___ -""-· 1-"' °"' • "" family rm, lots of &la.as .l •r .... ...,an • vw•JC'r ~~ ra.nea.n vinyl floorin& If! .. 5 ER t.f O V ING TO RI O. dshwht, dbl car· pr, wood. Pvt. living behind ferT'td. Luxurious 2-11tory, 4i ram rm, kitchen It formal ELAND. Will transfer fncd. Blk to schls &: lhop'a-. ~led oourtyd. 228 Golden... bdr, 2 ba, fireplace, din rm, d inint: rm, AU elee kitchen ~ loan to new bu)'t'r. Vacant. $26,950, 2271 c.or. rod. can lor appoint 673-{JOOI. rlt!CI bit-in•. 2.car pr, cptl, w/ bit-in bu. $38,500. By Newport leach 2200 BA,YFRONT '-dock 3 Br. 3 Ba den, Le9JM!/oplion $500. mo. 61~. Al'° unturn. It I boo 2SOO '':lie:;.'itl/ mo. payt everything. neU, 646-2309 Agt. -500 '-·owner drpc, Nr school, thoppinc Owner. 1602 ~ st., 1; tng 5 year old home. 3 3 BR, 2 BA. Separate iruest •'"'--''-,B"'Y""';,T=H"E,-·"S"'E"A,--cntr " uduslve cntl')' club. ,s.n,.· ;ta:=A:"":="":=~i::::;===· IOCEANFRONT 4 Bdrm, enc ma. 2 bath5. all ir:ledrlc mom w/beth PooJ fia.1% •..,;°""'::-=S36-:=;19::,1'=',...,.=== -~ w1--·~ · til 11, · Cu t "-u · · -1: • ~ Charm'-2 Br. + conv, den 1 · Y1&n..1 """' +w<1 me. u · . ·IM. s om Pftuu.. s--loo.n. By Owner. ~7873 · .. ,. MEDITERRANEAN L1gvn1 Hilla 1700 303 E. Octan Front ~ brick lirepl&crl I: lhakel ='=======~ + fonnal din. nn.; attie "'----I .,.========-I ~1. QWet Ioca1~0. CALL Ntwport letch 1200 , .. .,, 2 ll'pl: """' ..,. MASTERPIECE EXClTING l bdr. '"' La Lide Isle 2HI ~I151 Herit1~ R e a I -den,siVIEW Of ocean A: jet· 4 1-... lt. of 1 ...... ..., I""-, 4 Paz l\f Uiskin Vll!jo. By ---------1 LIKE r r II ty. epa to beach. Aasume ..... --1 , ... ,. 6,, F1tA. ta tr o 1ve on a sma ll)ln 1.t 6%:~. $10!;:iOO. bdrms. 3 b11.ths, fonnlll din.. owner. A.18Wlle 11 Si::iO. LEASE. Luxury 3 Br., S SSUME SV4% FOR island? f"l?r 11ale by 0""-ner il)C, lll?Wf.le a;a me-room l (\n11ioull! immed occ up. Ba.,+ Jarao1utt1t1tudloor OUTSTANDING due to divorce. Charming .Welker Rlty. 675-5200 2 flrcpla~ puls this ont: on ~1583 41h 81'. Gardener. Owner ~ VALUE IN , otd h$r. on N~rt tsJ. 7 NEWLY LISTED-Your mmt .ee li.11t. Prioed 6~80. ~ rooms. 2 bath1, h:li. been 2 Bdrm on comer lo t, with righiJTt $42.900. Lepun1 ... ch 1705 NEWL="c,:.y.;:.:1urn--b-h<d--<~BR~.-41 a COLLEGE PARK completely r e mod f'l e d· hdwd nni .• ioreec:.1 air heat. M UAL REALTY • fl. 2 BA. [<ant r•n, llep din modern klt. w/blln!L. Lots · HANDYMAN'S Ba, avail Sept Uth. Winter . 1 fircplactll. F'UUy equip of alOl'agc. Used brick rrplc: la:e. count.ry-.l'tyle. kII.; nr. 142.1411 anytime Spec:lalt 4 lnc:ome unltl 120 or lonaa. lflf ) ~1349 ~n, utn rm. lmmac Ind-" dlnirc room w at 1. ~La"::ybeR":) ':~:;, 5~ % C.I. $115 MO. ,ydt, to btich. Paltoc, decks 2 BR, 2 BA tlomt). sunny , Quality l'll'tfls. See to Bathrooms f1f'W w/aunken Nev:port We it 3 B~ 2 BA, w/oeeaa view, Nd•. paint, patio. 211 V1a ~ l..elJll! prtt. By O\\'J'ICI'. E\-ea .It tub. Lrg. t undeck w/vilt.w. 2l2S E. ~~;>"·· OlM l•m rm, % ml k) beach. GE etc, Should arog $'9,(IOI) yr, Sept.Jane. ~ s. fH9.1920, Newly palnlcd out a Id t .1,,..,-,.,.,,,.,,......,,'=,,.,,.,,,,,_.,,1 kit, Cptii, d'Pfl, 1ptidn, Pr. $69.Gbo. Consider trades. J'URN 4 BR. 3 BA, contemp. 1f6V,•,4 FHA* Aero. st. from 8a.y on 2 CA ,,.tEO SHORES 5 patio, ftnced, l1tmcaped, t.tJSSIONREALTY ,49+-0731 Newly dee. Avail Sept. I ume loan • Sl'JB mo, 4 si<k!t &. 3 blkL from ocun. Beds'ooms.,fii.500 8Y ,n ·ner. ftplc. New paint UT.900. nlE ''TRESTLE HOUSE'' wntr ninW or yrly. ~ ltl'll! t.m rm_ Wl!ll· $42JOO buya thlB 4 Br borne. * 67~ * Own«r wW take 2nd. 22lm Award·wt,nnlnz hillllldc t*Jme-1---.....,--'--'----I • $2fJOO, <1008 Mntu.~ NB ST.>-0363 or * CAMEO SJiOfteS * Capistrano Ln, KB 54G-954S w/octan vie"'• :Br, 2 B\I, M''! Beach houtt time. Bia· C6.til• Ml!lia lnv~llnent C:O. .i4!J4...5420, Oceanb'ont 4 BR .l ~n or 968-4132 rlo!lr to 11tbooh1, $47,000. rrst selection ever! See the • St$.1ill • Dial IH.l-5678 tor IU:.'iULTS 113 hUlfurd. fl>6996 White EJe9hatltsT ~ t.a.cuna Brach. DAILY PD.Dr WANT ADS! ' I I' I r. I I One q'ICW'lk1y to anarhtr1 Hl'm ftOf YOlun ... ring for • "'°°" 11'.ot unt/I I know that "l.v'"u=c"°'A""'1"'N.,---..,, tl\or.o(O-"-"" 111• ... • . . 0 '-"" !ho -·~ I l• I' I ..,_,.~~. '" .i.. .,_ -• -• " ,..., dft91op tro.'11 .., No. 3 .-. I I r I •llNT NUMIElfD t.rn!IS IN THfSE SO AR S - SCRAM·LEh ANSWER IN CLASSIFICATION 960f\ I ' I • . ' i • ! ~ I I ! I ' l ' ' I ! I l I • • • I !' I , r I· [ • Olll.V "101'' Ftf4li. A.;..1:U,1'169 l A. »fALI It N ALi lllNTALS ~l,n'ALS' ~ -'~ ~ ,...,_ Apls. UnfurnlihM ~ Unlvrnl....., Nowt!,! ._ -0....., o..... · '16~ Nilw,.;t ~oth 5200 HunH ...... ._ ~ 1•,...1!1!11-... --.1'1111-11!*---.m-'llis 1111 0.-11 IUSl"!ISS llMI JQIS & IMPLOYMINT "' ~ * •IAL l l TATI PINANCIAI.. . .. ~;;,;~~[~~I Hit ........ Mw> 1000 -· & 0...rl 6210 ~111111, T.D.'1 "3~ mGINUk. -· Ht••tllftch PANOllAMIC View, BEACH Clltl!OkOAP.\ll'J'MENTS ••••••••• I CONS'lllUC'OON M•••• W)lhl1,......t'-tx· COUNTllY CW• ~ .AU. Blach. 2 CW. At!Mll avallable for Income pro-11trience. )ltfOrtt.b' •et k 1 LIVING bdr,. """-All eleol. "'""" 1 Bdrm, Pri IV· Pool, d ..... ..,,..rty. t•intsa A nigh! Jlili to ptrmlt -· lAJWl'Y prdeJt ~· adults. DO ~hlldftn. m pcti. ARJM£NJS Y.'Uher/dryer. SJ6....$927, dome1tic. MottlS. Nurtlnc pletion "° dtaree w Ork .,,.,.. """"'"' priv..,, ll,!Slmo. Evtt.: -155. AP 2 BR,"»"· drpf, bit-IN. No llANCH Home., Sboppinc C.llln dllrini' ..,,_, WIU oo- heudNI. lahcbcq1nc It-. *WINTER RENTAL* cbtldreo or pet a. tfOUSE Office BuJldln11 . job u tecbnklan or ?Tor ~liN ~a\IMIJ faci1. Spacious 2 BR 3 BA octa.n FIS$. SUl\J!', SWIM Wt.br/d:eyr, pool $1 ~ O. ; Apa:rtmtntl, etc. Write or h)temtw, write Box P 429, lU. in • com;m, club .t. &ont apt 11'1 beaut t f u 1 , "lo )'OUr own front yard" 988-5166.JJt 6 pm. , & call Title Real~ A :Dall=='=PlloL======~I : """"""" N.W ---.. Laawll Royale. $300. r .......... prlva .. clubbotMe,,l,N"EW=-=-2-=BR"""'d'"'•"•'-... ~Bl"t-IN..-I ACREAGE ,_ Company. 215 J b w ~ ...... -I Newport BMch.. n•:tn~llOO heated~, 1&unu:, private • Clarit au 11dIn1, BJ.rm. o an,_, _..,. ,.,,o 1 1""' t•lh •-·1 "'===.,.-'..,-i;"-~.,....,...1 p1e w hr ·-uritu -··""'· ·cr'J)ta. drps._ Jl:l.I, Adultl """ i J.v.i...... Alabama 3$203 ' ' . ..., • ~ =oaUXE ~ 1 •--·-• ·" --" •-· -• .. ·~ ot ••• .,_ ·•~ • ·~r···ED • ~... P•·-·· / ~ or untuntlshtd ... "'-· llWl ... et".... J.!eclitierranean adult lMna. ....., • .A.-, ive:, ~ Phone (205) 251-6286. """ u, ~ """'"'.,. Nodeb open noon to 9 pm barsw 1:ce ... "". UtlylJepdw: ~= 2 BEDROOMS~,! .. BA'niS 2.• 3 BnR.Md • 2 Ba, pvt p.Uo, =· WaMI Wf:••flz• .... NEWllRRY $15,000 lat TO on 11,<Xll sq. • ... ,· ~=il-~, in~ffflk. ~m'°•· ; ru: llG'IJ111 FROM-. ••le poo l , ••wf, s c•••s1P~·11 N POR ' SPRINGS bl"• -· " ~ " INCllJDES decmated. fl&2...«l9ot _,.. '"""' , ft. brick commerc. .,., on df\l&I, b\lyinfi::, aelllna', In. OAKWOOD L19una Btlch 4705 Wall·waU SHAG Clrpellng. NATUllAL·IOllN SWAl'PlltS CITY OF LAKES <on;-lerm leuod land . ven~ ele. 3S ,.., <XJ>O<, J !--------$podll Alie J!ayable $'l5ll per mo. Incl. ·-• &AIDEN I BR duplex. tum " uoturn. CE .:j~ d~~w=~ Tustin 5640 S I.Ines - 5 tirMI -S butk1 M4KE YOUR OWN LAKE 10%. All doe 5 yrs, Rental ·~ ~8 .·!:.~ 1 "'PARTM-IRUft. nr Vk H u co , new ----------'I lllULU _ AD MUIT INCl.UOI • ' ineomt' #,40) per mo, 20~ • ,. -•n;•.., cpWdrp&, frpl, car. HUNTINGTON ntE ASPENS i-ww.,... ,...,. .. """' "-WW,.. -"'""" 20 MU.ea Eut ot Barstow oo Oilcount QUAlJFIE.D, Re1p. Jady J NEW Sp•u1SM 497-1~ PACIFIC 1~ William st .._YOUlll .,._ .,,,,_. .....-. .._, llllff., H v1rt1t1111r freeway. Dev. 201X1 It. Near Broker 497.121.0 seeks plUoti •• Com· ~ -.. tl•'• P ,1.. .. .. _.. ~tH1NOH'oo• &.At.I -"""o'' ~1.v1 1 &1.-IAree.n. Wonde-4-·• •-·~ ....... Ion. Drive, SWlm, ~-, VIL' 'OE APTS RENTALS ·~ ""~e •=•-P NE 64•.u71 -nw-ANNOUNCEMENTS ~· '= -• 'lll OCEAN AV£NUE Adult living, no pets .iii-tor ~ll. alfalla, nut Utei to travel. Avail. moo Box . 1 •·2 BDRM. Fum w un-AptJ. linfurnilhed (3 blk~~Y·.!'.li.B. Pier> Sha&'. carpets Te Plte9 Your TrHtr'1 Pi1rM ... All ll'Oiin1. f'lah raising, horte •ncl NOTICES MGSl. Daily PllOt 1 rum. A1Nlond, dabwhri, teU ~ ·-------.-1----5000-(n4) ~lb. 5.1$-]487 Tow air -ndllioninc SHOPSMITH .... ~. boe.tlnr. etc; etc~ ....... ,,. .. _ JAPANESE School GI r I : cleu'c ovens, patio, ....... -'I !!!!!!"!!'1!1!!!"'!~!!!!!!~~1 ...... comp.... TRADE MY EQUITY IN •. Found (frM -•> -fast but, private fUndeckl, I Unfurnl~ equ!pmenl, jJa:saw, paint 1969 PONTIAC CRAND 40 Atnl Ranch LaJWf.. fm,; mother's akl. Live -in , ' b's •tora&e dosett:, Htattd OME IAY VIEW Gymnulunu • Saunu spniy., mWlne equip; alJO PRIX l'OR OLD~ CAR. proved WJ'n:I modem 2 M Bl.A.CK & white dog, all American family dole to 1 pool. aunu. baJ'.b-qun. VEND \Vinter teau avail. in brand Apartments from S1!iO 5 striJ:iC but Jkfdle J' 0 R usr PRICE $5500. 546-2Tl4 nodl' houM' lee liv rm, black face, male, black col-1 ~o~.C.=C.=962-;=-2777=---~ I' Souocl pnof walls. wa.Ut lo new, ~uxe dUplvi:; dote to For in.formation 835-6681 auto or C&ntper equif¥, HAVE: ~ .~ + sharp 2 btamed ceillnr. brtald'U\ tar with allwr buttons. WORKING Mothtr: w 111 ' cloeeta. covered carport, IMMACULATE APTS! btachtl, ,churchtt &:. mar. 8:J0..2825. -, BR hotne-, Acacia St, S.A. rm, kitchen. modern bath A Found Newport Be a ch· babysit my home. ~llent l Adu.Its, no pet•. .\DULT' &: FAMILY keta. · Frf>l., plush carpet. Dina Poh'lt 5740 '67 J'OfU) (.)iatom f door, Hall: $28,500 'clear, honle• plumbing. Tank hot11e en-,646-4273;;,.;:;::,,..,.....,.....,,,..,-.,. care. S35/wk. wknds extra. i THE CALlfl)RNlAN SECTIONS AVA.ll.ABLE RtAIU' for ltnmed •. , occu. 390 h.p .. auto, ntiw tins. ok. W~: ~· trailer. doling 1000 ral galv. 1tor. SMA.Ll.. Grey & whL female 494-4467 be.fore: 11 Arlt l PhOM $46.2127 CloN to shopplnt, Perk· -paney. 2 BR Duplex, leue, crtps, R&H, Xlnt cond.. Value Broker. 642-5851. a.ge tank undn 45 lbs pn:• kitten. Vic. Bea's Laun-1 i----------I * Spacious 3 Br'i, i Ba S BR. 2 Ba. lower •••..• $300 drp1, bit-In&. refrl&, no pets. $16.30. Fer eqUity In real Strttt/ott ~ d bum' sure. With double gar. Con-dromat. Baktr St., C.M. Do ti H I 7035 1 WINTER !'!:ntai. J.ce. aptd 2 * 2 &droom5 4 BR. 2 Ba. upper •••••• $3.50 $180. n4--689--&t78 ~ttate or wbat have y01.1? entirely new ckt.i;:.65 eor: ~le ttptk tank, all ~-· 546-0150 m• e e P , Br, 2 Ba.. bll·lns, closed * Swlm Pool Put/,creep OWMr tnl&;ht rum. or corald-673-91.Sl vaiz' q . $1600 val. For a bp ,;iui;nP. 301111 per nun F;EMALE Light hr own• Chinese l~tna. ~ : patio a. rarare • * Frpl, J:ndlv°11nc1iy tai'l5 er Yl'\v. lea.It'. Mrs. Joy, REAL ESTAn 1966 OLDS CUUaas Su-boat or !? at Ill dep~. J~~entt: similar to sheep doe. 2928 Permanent. ~nCtd. ' ,,_.~,--A " •• 1 1145 Anehtim Ave. evn., "2-1& .. or General b k -""""' Fetieed with 1 by 6 x 300 1t .., ......... , Palm Drive, C.l\t. Far East ,,...,,.,,.., ,, • ., -03 ' &;',Z'. ~~~~ne. v:..:u ~:· COSTA ~ 6C2-2824 BURR WHITE 1---------lpreme. PoWer, u c et -..-6JVU redwood lance. 1 Milts East =·""'-'-""",:;c"°"=""'"-"--··-• ~· l ~.,._~1~<~92~ . ..::::::.::....:::.:....::::1 ~!!!~~~~F~~! I Jl!l" ~R Rent1l1 W1ntecl J990 eeats, new Urea, R&H. Xlnt l BR 1%. ha, frplc, le lot, ot scbooJ. i76,<m, % Cub, FEMALE Gennan Shepherd George Allen Byland Apncy ' Employer Pvs fee · ~:v ,1,;,;=,;;;;"-';..:;;,;,:;.....:;:.:..::1condllion, For late model extra. l8x22' p.rage. $25.500 bal lst trust deed. WW n~ approx 1 yr. Santa Ana &: • RENT • 2901 N'pt. Blvd., NB 6754630 Econ V&n or Similar. Call $8300 eq. Want camptr, gotiatt . cDurte1y '° broker. Del ?iiar. 645--0127 J Rooms Fumlture STUDIO APT 64Z<i046 travel trlr, late-mod. car or 847-6640 a.ft.6 PM. SMAIL mack & brown 100-8 E. 161.h. SA 547..(1395 I SINGLE Younc Adu.Its Lux· ury prden apll with coun- try club atmosp~ and tomplete privacy. SOtrrH BAY C.UB APTS. Irvine at 16th Newport Beach. · RENTAL flHDIRS 15' OIUISER, A/P 2 TD•. Owner/ Alt. M6-5680 •• ••••• •• I --------$20 • $25 & UP 2 Bdrm. 2 balh• up•laln, L;v • • female doi-Vic Ed"""" & Halp W1n1M Mon 7200 llXPINSM ... IUAUllTB depth finders, range 1200 Ble Bear A.frame cabin. • Bolsa, HB. 1193-8162 ' 1 Month-To-Month Rental.I rm w/trplc, dinin&: area, AD 1D10N1. 11111S1 mi. Recent aurvey • wm "-bit · ... -.1 ' WIDE SELECTION elec kitchen. washer-dryer ..... ---'d TD _A, .... .,ta & -U'IS, Sw~ ... ..,c. R. E. Want.id 6240 GREY rabbit. 546-51.46 or incl. Carpeted & draped. En. ..... -MIMI.An mm CO•~ er·prop, or ··~ Pl'e'stlg:e area, n4.000 eqty. I.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, .,..__ Appliances It TV~• avaIL I-·• t" 2 ler bo&t. Owner. For Joca.l home unitt or ·Oi=..:::"7-:-:===== N Securl ... De It c""""pa.,., cargaraae. e1w . ..,...,c. ... MtM.MM11t (n4)'12&-3400 ".?Byowner -••~i.· BIRTHCERTIFICATE (tt4) ~ U.S. DIVERS DRAFTSMAN OCEANIBONT Duplex • 2 im:'c ~;;... if:1a1t U" of clubho.,.,, pool & '". • """ .. • • ~ $$ MORE CASH $$ "'2191 Bdrm 11 c-... Ju.I sauna bath. $250 per mo. 1 2 ~ ~ WllJ.. exclwwe $25,COO 20 Acrea ranch. 3 Modern -· ava ..... .,. 6 to Y 6 511 W. 19th, CM 548-3481 MacFulane RHy or , bedroom, tum. or eqty in land at Ranc.Y, homes, 2 wells; fenced. CAMERA In Newpo r t ~_ran experience on Jea.R. $73 per mo to 1561 \V,J.mn.Anhm116-2800 r#I '>""" pa.rtl.y furnisheod_ apt In pxl Calli, ••he-'"· , •• ~, .,· •-·· responsible adult&. Call cot. vu-...-Ide tiaJ ht b .. ."' uJrt' ......... Tralnin&' track, hUge bam, For Your Home Equity Helehts identify. 548-5360 · 1_1 (2lll _.. ......., $1!i0. 2 BR <J..plu, bit-ins, ----=-=-==---1 ~1 . n am aoug Y for 16 + unit.. Nffd de-14 m.lls; FOR land, units Amotutely no -I , • , '-~-'--'-'~--'-""-eve....;';,,· _ °""· d ..... s. Olild OK. Local UNBELIEVABLE working couple . (I 0 ca I pttcla.tion owner. Sff..3666, • -1 · .,. • nf!wspa-r e •cuti 0 l N or · $45,000 Eq. 6T;Hi259 to ;you the SellerJ l l 2 BR a"'•. From S13i. to Broker 645--0111 BAY VIEW ·. .,.. x v 1 o Box '1176 Tu.stln •-eb"d-· nope'" Up '" 1115 • · "A'-e "--. ..~•ad .. -ler. 12 years of "'""'-more cuh Sl15. No children or peta, Simply lakes your breath " ..... , ...... w ~ rw.•v"" .... ,.........,. 1525 Placentia. Also avall. away overlooking Lido &: per mo. 645-0955 art 5:30 SAN GABRIEL HOJ\1E 2 front lot $50,000 val. Pacllic tor Orange Councy ,property. LRG Black German Shepherd. Call 644-1370 lotl 6401 """""· ~C;;";t;;•;;;;Mls;;;•:;;;;;;;;;;5;1;;00; I So. Bay! Spacious 2 Br. PM or weekends. BR •. 30' den, pool. SlO!OOO. Palisade-& Ocean View lot, Call the Rest .•• • G! ba.: &!amorous ternce UNFURN Home 3-4 BR, 2 equ1~ for 3-4 unlU within $27,500 val, Want: lbcorne. Then call tht Best L.\OIES \vallet Vic Center P2AN_?~CfiV~plaw: adults, (""""UCllOll for entertaining, Adults, no Ba, BlliM, cpts, drpa, in 3ru~' 213froml -.: ~~· Bil', Bkr. 543-Till St, CM or 3rd Ave., Laguna PWTII!;; Jre ct, •Piil VIUlll J>"ls. S5&l per monUt _ Corona del 1.1ar High Di1t..1:.::.:":.:';,,· =;,,,,;,'~==:....__ Malibu near pier. Priv. BEVERLY JACKSON Beach, Fri 8/L Valuable level, e)epnt car Pe l • REALTOR 675-2616' (!ni) 497-3217, t 7 14 ) Oc•n.front lot near Newpt. road 4 BR, 3 ha., cUnm1 pa p er s. Reward. 499-2369 JANITOR Two years experience l!· quired. Capable of hea¥J lifting. c. ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE ·• 'J\90 years experience in eJeC. trical tooUnc I: moMiirv ' t·:::·::.i&'· ~ JUST COMPUTllG NE w p 0 R T B ••• h 64Z-9881 ~.':\7~ ~~·-~110~ =~FOR~": REALTY alt .•. apt. _.., mo. Waltrlront 2 bdr, 2 ba, New LANDLORDS: \Ve have .., ' ...,.....,. ' ' ' SHAGGY Black Poodle, few Students ok. Herbor Hei9hts Four luxury bldg. b u I l t ·ins, tenanU waiting for rentah t<lo/ for small hou1e or TDs. value. 213/~, 713/SJS. 147-6033 or 545-1245 grey haln, 18" ta 11. * ~9683 * 2 l 3 BR UNITS subterranean parking, boa! under SlliO-Free service. Bnggs Rltr. 67l-8l10 Ui8 bus. AnllWt'Mi to "Rolo". Vic pair. -:- 3 WAREHOUSEMEN - Two years experience rf. · quinned. • OCEANVIEW: 2 BR, winter all with fireplaces, llips avail, l.oca.I Broker, 645-0lll Cabin Cruiser 31' top cond. 2 DUPLEXE5 • Anaheim.J ~~!!!'!!!!'!!'!!!!B!'"'!!!!!!!!~/ Bolu Chlcll & Springdale, be .. $160 or '.! BR, family dilhwashet1 Ir 2 bath.9. Carlbt ~ NEED 2 Bdnn. apt in Sips 6, twin V-8's, radio Quality 3 bdr., 2 ba. Grou BUSINESS •ncl H.B. Child's peL Reward. rm. winter lse, S 1 SS. P.enW 1.fana1er -310 FernandO St. Hat'J)(!r Sch. area by Sept. l . phone, auto pilot, etc, Want $615 mo. ·'l'n.de for beach FINANCIAL 592·1S51 Apply In pel'I011 &a-5436 Mrs, Cbriltlensen 673-3003 Reu:inahle. ~1155 vacant lot, TO's or ?? ! area. units or home. Owner; ~=:::,.=c-=~=~= Penonnel Dept. .. 3117 AC V ~ ,,3 an 6 ..... -..-. LOST at 180 E. 15th, C.r-.f. 3323 \V. Warner WINTER . 2 BR $175 + util • innemon Av•. VLE\Y apt. adulli only, one e LANDLORDS e alued $11,000, u,,,....., 1. er • '""......,..,, Bus. Opportunltln 6300 lnstamatic camera, black Can be seen Aug. 23rd. U-2 Coat• Mes• . large room \v/tlrepl. &: lim. case. Reward for roll of -7'""==-''=A"""'°·°"C&lll=..,·=:-t pm, 1019 w. Bay Ave .. NB. Phone ~1034 k;tehoo avan. 116' mo. FREE RENTAL SERVICE * * * * * * AAA CANDY SUPPLY tilm & am"'"· 1500 ACCOUNTANT Avail Sept. 6. 548-2394 SaVSua or after 6 Broke r 534-69Sl ROUTE NN'PQrt Blvd. 548-5195 One of the countries to1) * NEW BAY FRONT NEW SPANISH PM wl<daya. NICE 3 or 4 BR apt or boute REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE <NAME BRAND CANOY} I 'BEIG;iii:;;;;;E::,L<;.,=al;,;"':::'_""';:;:,:Clo=,c.,..,..on building ti? m 1 • Bright: VILLAGE APTS. 2 BR. 2 ba, elec kit. frplc, unfurn .or furn. Good Gtn•r1I Gener1I Exciting work reselling l Balboa Isl. In desperate young man for initial u. ~A!:~Pt 26.~~:. l &: 2 BDRM. Fum or un-enc ear. Stevs to bch, lse. =tial area. Re 1 P • ---------~g money from coin need of contents. PU call sigrunent in <>ranee CowrtJri. m I.9th St. 675-0236 furn. Afr-cooc1, dshwtn, ae1f $250. .mo 613--1990 or Bu1ln ... Rtnt1I 6060 lnclutfrill Rtntll 6090 operated diapensen in yoor 673-4132 or 83S-2247 Unllmitl'd opportunity dean's onna. paHo, breU. 5f8.318l WANT: 1 BR furnished apt area.. Must be able to devote a dea-reed accountant e WINTER RENTALS e fut ban, privi,fe fundecka. VIEW apt 2 Bl!dnn split Cdlft. 2 yng workiJ1K quiet BALBOA ISLAND • Leue. 2 For Lt•M 4200 SCf Ft 2 to 9 hrs ptr \Vetk to make GLASSES, 250 block on broadl!lt his ex;pttkoce a1ld WJND"RED L. FOSS. Art. Irr storage clolrl!ts. Heated level. rieaant c~Utw. men. Ce.It 67J..9151 s~. toa:ethei;-or sep, )» Shop Bldt Nr Dntawn very good inco~. No &ell-17th St., C.M. Oldham on prepare tor a solid ltt~ 1-..,..,=•"'"642-3850"'"'="'·==-I pool, saunu, bar-b-ques.. drapes, rarage. fireplace. BUSINESS Lady deilres 1 Marine Ave. 61J..8153 Cost• MeN. Mifty lft•f in&: involved. caft. Reward. n 4: S48-548l Construction exper. helP6Jl LARGE 1 BEDROOM Sound proof walls, walk in Call aft 6 PM 54&-23!14 bdr apt or hOust, furnished. Or aee )'OW' broker UNI. Confect owner, $995 tD $3,980 required SIAMESE ca.t, answe:n to but not mandalory. Saia.r;y $150 month, yearly •--1a. ---• rt small I Mr D' k <Based on P8.r:t or full lim..?) freckles, female. Lost vie commensurate with abilihl •673-8088• c~ ""VY"'""' carpo ' BALBOA BAY CLUB ex· dayt; SfS...2982 ,_,,__ 1 0~ • tC eraon. For personal interview in Eut BluU. 644-4529 plus excellent frlnae benttiil Adults, no pet&. quisite 1 Br apt Furn or 3 or 4 BR. Older home would ea...;.... Island"'" ?ito. 642--00M D1y1 )'OW' arta, send naJn<', ad-.... BRIGHT I:: cheerful 2 BR ~~~~ unf. Lse. $400. 642-7633 be great! Eut of Newport Phone Avalon 181 541-5452 Eves. drew & phone· no. to: WHITE female poodle, lo.st ~!Y~·~~~=~e~.'Cn~rii- bQfront. Patio. W Jn t er. -==,;:,..:,~;;,=-12 BR A t f uni U poss ible. Any location con-Corona det ?ilar, 250 sq ft FOR Lease Ml b Id K. • TRANS-WESI'ERN Dtsr, CO. 8/10 HB. No ident; 6 l7l4) 540-9710 673-""'3 HARBOR GREENS · P" urn. 0' "'"· •Kl•«d. 1150. 54>8515 ollico. Areade Bid(. Balb, ~ N ehlld.eo waiting. """1434 •~=~-~-~-~-1 To $200 yearly. 4800-24IJ04700..~1500 aq .-.i o. Azusa Ave. MAN and HELPER. p l BR. den, l..ba, deluxe dplx, Anita, Jones Rlty. 613-6210 BUSINESS Lady de1lre1 1 Parking. $65. 673-3048 ft, 1667-698--73 Plaetntla Covina, caw. 91122 REWARD: Carin Terrier, Nr beaclt, rds ttq., Adult.s. BAOiELOR unturn from bdrm unfurn apl. To $110. Ave. Costa Mesa. Geo. MACHINE SHOP brindle color. Vic Pomona, ~ dl~e,foto a~rqe $195 MworJ SLlO. Also i.vail 1 • 2 I: 3 Wfttcllff 5230 Call 6t2-0086 Offiee Rtnt1I 6070 Woods. 646-ll!H or 675-1380 Owner re ti r Ing. \VeU. ;C:,·"':;:,· ,:Call.:::,::.5<&-~2198="---ne~s~~r r ~!:;::; t OCEANFRONT, l BR, 2 Ba Bdrm. Heated pools, child , R fo R M·l INDUSTRIAL llOO sq. equipped far rtseareh and GRIEVING: Beautiful calico homes in N.B. Over $200 Frplc. Yearly lease. De!Wi:e. care center adj 10 shoppin&: SNO prf, 2 BR. 2 BA. cpt, ooms r ent sns COSTA 1.leaa. acarct sround ft., 4 olllces 3 phue po1'-w. development or 1 en er a t cat. ans to "Cica" CTsetK). average per mo. Must ha , $350. 673-7053. No pets ' · drp, trplc, blU!ll, across floor 0Uke1, 2 con~ting. .,~'::rl/rv.r month. machine w 0 r k. Nice 546-9985 late model ,18.~. · l · frm Coco's ..-.. &:: ~ LARGE pleasant r o o m . / ,,,__ ,. d~• -~ _,;,,,"-=~~~----~· Corona dtl Mir 4250 2700 Peterson \Vav · .. ....., .. .._. PRIVATE a c, pane .... q;, crp-.,.~. C. Robl!11 Nattreu Realtor building with % acre. M-1 LARGE Black It v.·hite, poo-and be dependable, Cal i. ,OCEAN ~""'-=s""ro""-E--'H-wy'-. -,-B ... R, --'C""'~la"-=M"'':::"::_,,:.546-03.::.;:o. ':::o_ I Adults. 642.--0239. 1665 Irvine. Ing n\Rn onl~~=5rn \Vork· ;f':n:.Us~~ t!~ fe!;c.. =="='=''="===="='"='"'=· ~~i!'rui~~r ':;:ng ?i~~ ::..;;:· Vic of EutbluJl L.A. Times 6tz..4!111J ~ ~ him, wall< to"'°"'· •dulb MARTINIQUE E11t Bluff 5242 LOVELY h<:h. home. pvt. ba wilh lg. "rm optlo"' 355S Lota 6IOO '""' ooly, Call owoer: ,:,,..:c...,.,...~----1 SNACK SHOP .#.9 oniy ts t stG-3864 GARDEN APT$. & entry. Kit prlv, $85 mo. Baker. 546-4890 642-2601 or 548-aail AFGHAN Hound, brov.·n. , " I ' I " -,. , I c ,. I~ 1;. ••• i : : , · ' • no Pl! • yr y. · DELUXE all eltt, 2 &:: J Br., Quiet workinl lady. 673-3J64 MODERN OFFICES BARGAIN. 2 apt lob Cost.a female. Lo&t vie Hamilton & needs " AVAIL. now? l-Br. view apt . Excellent, park·like SUtTOund-2~~ Ba, doted pr. $300 up. eve. 1-l A 19 1 &: 55 nt Placentia CM. 646-8012 nr. beach. lngs for adults only. 752 Amip Way, N.B. Near·l.,O:C::..-------FROM $65 PER MONTH eu.. un t a u t. PARTNER * BUSBOYS Don Fra.nklin, Rltr m-2222 Bach, 1, 2 &: 3 BR. Apts.. Cdl\1 Hi Sehl. 6T;><$033 PRIVATE Entry, men only, Air-cond., park:ina:, central lo-Excel Ioc. ~2tli0 or BLACK Lab-Setter, v I c *DISHWASHERS Pool, nr ""pp;-. S45. %!10. 54&-3696 after 4 cations. Sf-cretarlal service. 536-0131. Anytime, Broadway &: Santa Ana. .. pm ========= $25,000 ca.sh requirtd for ex. Answen to "Spur." 646--6181 1777 Santa Ana, ApL ll3, Corona clel M•r 5250 . 230 E. 11th, C.Osta Mesa A 6200 pal\lion. 0 Id established BAYFRONT·Yearly, couple. "'"""°•,::=,64$-5.54;:,::='.,:•=-,,~-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Guast Homes 599811~=--64""2~-l"41S-"'~-= _;,r••,. company diversifying, Sal.: 1--------- $250 mo. 1 BR, J.rg: Jiv rm, LGE Bachelor unit. Sharp. -SEE At 188 E. 17th SI., CM. Legune Beech ary Sl2.<XXI + profit. Ooub!e P ·-"-"-•-•_•_1• ____ 6_40_5 frplc, patio overlooking bay. Cpts/drps. Nr. So. Cout ~--v PRI room ln lic'd Gue1t N~t to Security Pacific 7 ACRES W/PERMIT next year. Call f.lr. Lee at Open Sept. 13. 673.-6190 Plua, OCC. Sl25 Incl refrl.g. fl,. llome. Good food, congenial Nat'J Bank. Plenty Of PMk· TO KEEP HORSES 2U-431-8W4, * 1· I 1 BR 1.ptJ. Furn. year-round. &: util. See at 973 Valencia atrnoBphere. Avail now . ing, an util. I n c I u de d. Adjacent subdivlaion 0 n e I====--~---IVe. la I boa 4300 Part time -day and nilh shifts available thru 1chooJ year. Apply in peraon Mohf Fri., 3 to 5 p.m. ' 34~ E. Coast Hwy. • Corona del Mar ~ SLJO mo. Ulil pd. 1312 w. ~ft ~ ~ 5 PM wkday1 & ON TEN ACRES 548--S225. 642-t210 . mile E. ot hwy, util avail. PARTNER wanted, active or Balboa Blvd. ''" e • 1 & 2 BR. Furn &: Unfurn PRtvATE Room &: bath tor 2 OFFICES available, a~ $35,000, % Cub, bal ht truit inactive. Exciting new ~ f.1ect that special someone e SA WMAN OCEANFRONT 2-1 BR unfum apt. Sll5 mo. Fireplaces / prlv. patios / m~ture lady. K 1 t ch en prox 486 .1q ti. deed. duct protected by US pa. & btain to live. BACl:IELOR APT See ).1ngr cve1 aft 5:30 & Pooll Tennis -Contnt'I Bkfst privgs. C.M. Area 646-1843 1533 Baker. CM MAKE OFFER I I tent. Rare opportunity. ORANGE co. S41-6668 • PLUMBERS _ * S'f3.49'l8 * wknds. Avail. Sept 1. l~D ~ ~a 1..1.ne CdM M.t.26ii S4g...1151 Mon thru Fri Write or contact: Geora:e R. Manufactllftd & distributed. 24 hour re:ording e STOCK RQO lolboa l1l1nd 4355 E. Bay SL CM. 6t2-47;,c {?llacArthur ~r. eoli:st Hwy) Misc. Rentals 5"9 OUice & desk space, Kreu, Box 914, Lquna 67"~94U. -~M~O~R~CO=MFOo;.::::Rc;:T.:;B;:RA __ I . l 2 Bdnn, 2 ba. Nr shi>r cen-STORAGE garaaes. fully Secretarial service. Beach or phone 494--412S. BEER. \vine & dell; liquor EnluRe appearance \vlth oo & RECEIVING ler. No children, pets. Call LOVELY home, 3 BR, 2 BA, enclosed. Ava il Sept. 1st. Ne\lo'JI011 Civic Center, ACREAGE For Sale. com· potential. Eitabllihed store pads. Supporb full bust. For e CARPET _ 1 LOVELY 1 BR -all elec -befr 4 pm, 646-6222.. cpts &: drps, lease. $400 mo. ui. mo ea. 543-2921. C.111. 615-1601 plelely e111ineered &: im· in growlna: community. fllllni: or job call Mrs. very nicely furni s he d . cfM=M.,...,AC~,~~~-~-~-.-.-,.-. ;rn.2002~~~~;;::~;:..:;::.1~iii;fi'-;;/-~~~~1-1?Ri~~"$~tt--proved on San Otego~-· .. 5.17:::..·,:,1"::'8.::_ ______ Co -°' LAYERS . ·-" bl •· l """''u ~•• "'~ GARAGE. 200 app, .. ft. PRIVATE OFFICE Zo-'" ,...., • '":rlW -ORKING Pl'I I Sho nway, .....,.....,219 after 6 Private -avaua e =Pt to O'pts, drpa, blt·in1, rtlrlg. 3 BR l Ba $280: 3 Br 2 Ba, Enclosed. Loc.kl'd. Now crpta., drps &:: storaae space ·~ , ..... one acre pan:e • n p \Vlth PM or Sat. or write Box 486, ExJ:aorienctd only i June 30. Le~ only $150. Adults, no pets. $140. deck, utU $300. Bolh cptd, ready in C.M. a45-635l In the Glendale Fed Savings lo l~ acres avail. Bet'l;'ffn AB Dick photomat plate Huntlngton Beach. ISLANDER per mo. Call f213) ~9 546-5386 after 5 p.m. drpd, BI, aarage. AvaU 120/M f S Bide .. Corona de! Mar. $00. Cmwr Valley P&rn•ay &:: El maker, Foftset Ip r Int In I LICENSED MOTOR HOMES or see Au& 30 aJter 2 or Aug -;fo;,--..,yj=(i-la-.Ap,..,-8/20 620 Marguerite, ~f o ga~e ar rent. .. tor-mo. Call Evelyn Halba.kkeJ:I Rtuici'lo Viejo In La&una press. or sa e or lease. S u 2135 Canyon or., Colt.a Me, 31 before noon. 219 ~ airway I ts Open Sal &:: Sun (213) qe only. 6'2·2657 Eut Side, 61"'3-5444 or Ml)..3165 Ni1Uel. Call 10 A.M. to 12,, M&--0791 or 642--0920. in !iiri.';:~~:~~ ~~~e Abalone Ave. 790--6009 1~C:::.M>:·:....-------l:CAllPOT'7'.:=;S::.,;d.::,=:;.:..,..,1=-=~ I Pf.1 to 4. ~1355. Stan I ..;R::.'::.'.,.,::.:"":::!·..:NB=."----camino Re•' San Clemente WAl'l'CD ! :1 WINTER Rental 4 BR. All Near Oranre C.o Airport & ~~-------1\VANTED: Storage garaa:e . . • rapes, a r ~ Allen, Broken "°"!come. INVEST $2500 and ,.,'Ork ,.,.Ith ...., 1~ elec. dish\vshr, disp, gar, UCJ. Adults only. 201l2 2 BR south of hiwa)', crpts., for merchandise, S. Laguna cHtioning, plenty of parlung. • Ctystalalre Goll Oub • it. No RU!ng, Very high 4!n.91Z6, 45-9507 ,_, uii; .i. ..... 1 673-891! Santa Ana Ave. &40-279& drps., frpl ., illtf!'.· No child, or Cana Pt. l.n'!a. Call col· S70 & up. WeU..McCardle, --..,;'::.O::.M~li-• .:;10"-'"P"M"--Apply In person ... i"'e. , "6" e, no pet!. Yrly lse. $180 mo. IKt 774--0330 Rltn. 548-7729. lll"f:a: 10 Ac. in booming retunlS. Sunday A.?if. onty, Attractlvt Expert aft 5 or {2:13) 72S-1065 Avail 9/1. All. 7, 61fr3711 ' LARGE Executive office Antelope Valley. $1500 Ac. No other Umes). Investigate, YOUNG WOtilAN KARAM!'$· BA•YC111.1 1· AA•~~·· ~.~!8~~ndp1· S:AR~~.~w 1 1BRAd"w"t' 2 BR. large apt .. bll·lns, nf'1v Income Property 6000 N.B. Also amall oUice from CReAN1'0""'N ~~!,term~"""' r-.tr. :'~ay. :ii•4 1 1 1 ~:1AA3 dancer will teach you all 501 30th St., N.B. · -· ....,, u .... -· Bi~ S """'· · crpt., fre shly painted. Cpl. $45 mo Owner. 6'15-4&U ·• ~ u•..-v.ou• ..-. latesl steps. Call Ardell (Clolled Monday) 6th : Sl25.. GT~ Att 5 PM 646-2.ioa 125, incl. elec, 0 /40, no pels. S1Hll30. e TRIPLEX e 1-===·====== TAKE over 5 acre1, no down. ESI'ABLISHEO b@'auty salon -:;;:,;213""'..:591::.:,-4538;:'::::..::1·:::10'....'...PM:::__ lirufilu,.;:'iT;;lm;;'.e~po11::illii;'°"'=_:,7,.-j;I Huntington a..ch 4400 'I1:lE ciruu, ro 2 BR, i u ba. LARGE 3 BOR, 2 BA. laund PLUS .vacant R-3 Lot! ,~~l~nd:;;"';;;':'io;;;I ;':;';•:-::=::'°;;'°;; ::.. ~· Neu lake Ir. 10'""· In CdM. 6 chain, newly ENJOY economy vacation to 3 PM shift. and ll PM. '¥"'' u,.ur.. 711 rm, prlv patkl, bll·lns, dsh· 017ner will can;y lst TD a I -· lillil'ilfi•""•"iliiiiiiiiiiijiiij I ~d::"°":;:;:;:1;ed;·,;6:;;1>-3Qf;;:~· ==-Catalina Island. Fr o m S8 7 AA1 shltt available. M t Br 1.fedallion, condo. all w/earaet. Sl50. Adults -wshr Qli.Jdren over U OK. 8,-1% Int. l5% Down buya. , ~ ,_ 1~110' I h oW 1rLIQUOR U CENSES• mklweek for two. ffe--·· be local resident w It ~1, d-Bii ' F I~'' -31!11 f 5 30 15.1-Full Pri""' U<J~ ,...., """' wt · c:e ,,.,,_ b!L-in, reb'ii. end patio, -·,. -.,_ -·ms. enc. i1a1q'IO. u,.,.. at : · .vw .... k 40x40• slab with steel Inll!l"Ct.unl;y Transfers Hotel. Phone Avalon 181. referencu, Salary and co pool, qujet. $130. 6'1'5-$)34 cd yd. 2619 Santa Ana Ave., 1 BR Apt. Ut\l, pool, S. side Ewl"I Invest. Re•lty frame only . ideal for truck. * ORANGE COUNIY * ALOOHOLICS •-oua mbslon. Apply in pe 636-4120 or Cit Hwy. Lease only $145 644-4323 OR 644-1361 ing firm. $26.~ • best of NOW'$ TH£ "WE WON'T BE UNDER.-Phone 542-121! ;~·i; to only: 8 to s, Orenp County 4600 l ~OR, 1 gar~ cptl, drpapl , mo. 549-0010. Business Property 6050 wrma. Owner wW cany Jal ~~· t~)l~tl~ P.O. Box 1223 a:i.ta Mesa. B!,!SHORE 'fUOtf'IE SINGLE Younr adt.rrlta, I~ '1' eac r or cou c, 1 BR, rt!ar cottagt. Irplc, TD. co tF ha 1---"'' ;,.,W,;·~C..;;:,:::"°'H"'wyc;,:•,,:NB..:::-+I ury prden apU. w/f\ID 2G Ftowtt. I 42 ·110 6, fNil ioll. 1mmed. occupancy C· 1 OFFICE Wells.McC•rcllt, Rltr1. TIME FOR PLASTIC Bu.L fQt aale. lnj. YoU ve rented a ladder INSTRUCTORS recreaUon tscllitk& I<. (.'(Ifft· 6t6-.3845. $110, 5~ l\fcLeod. 70xl 17 . 1.000 11q. ft. bldz., 1810 NeWport Blvd., C.M. molded pie frames. $8200 + ~· 1.967, please ill f pletc privacy. South Ba,y ESTAT&elie lamUy IK1n1c comer. Try 10~ CUh rlown. 548-7729 anytime lnftnlor)'. 496-2300 Mature, )'OUng adult. lool· Club Aptt. 271 So, Larp (J'OUndli. Xlnt loca· Balboll 5300 Vaca n t.. C&non ReJ,lt;y•l'!!""!!!!!!!!!I!!..,;,,.,,,.,..., QUICK CASH in1 iror tood future, able ti Brookhurst Anaheim tT14t tlon. $275 mo lcue. 129.J 675-3S81. ltf-1 Lot st 824 W. 18lh St, _Mo_no-.y,__to,;,,,,;Lc;•,;;•n;,;__63,;,,;,;;;20 Cem•tery Crypts 6419 mee\ the tMJblic. Appl.Y r 112-4500 ' Bakfr SI. OCEANFRONT UpJ)l'r 2 ~la Me111.. ll2'x300' All or person. . I 2 BR Bdrm COrt\I den No ~1ildrcn 8 uslneu ttlnt•I 6060 part. will sub--divide Tmnt. 111 Ir: 2nd Soar. tor quick roR ~le, double Crlpt No. Holiday Health Spa: 4610 ' w/w ai>ts. drps, bit-. or pet• s,22.j Inc utu yrly. , $42.~. Call 646--0SlS or eve1 TH ROUGH A cash. Borrow OD your ~ 23 In Maueoleum of Repose, e c Garden Greve ln&. 1•2 children ok. SllO. 308 E Ocean t)oont 10.220 Sq 1'"1. Concrete bklck 4.99-3151' perty eq withoul dlaturblna endowment care Rt Weal· -;:;:;-.-.-0-"-.'.,'-"..,"'"7'•-::;:i-I !INCL& Youte AduJts J..U.x. nn. Nr. schools. 962--JOM · Bid&. 5.0C«l Sq n Balcony+:=::======= )'OQt iow Int.rut ls~ TDa. minster Mtmorlal Parle Ofc. Si les Clerk to ..,.. prdtn a.pt.a with cout>-CLEAN I attr. 2 BDRM, Lido Isl• ·5351 w/12$ sq fl or oUlct1. 12,0C«l Commtrd•I 6085 DAILY PILOT Alla bu)'en Sar 2nd TDa. WUI di9count. Write: M"-L. X1nt 0PPt>'. co. mo\ltrc ltl try club .~ and apta. drps, bll-lns, e9'tport. Sq ft of fenced yard. Avail on•I-'-"";,;;.;.;.;;;;;;.. __ _;= 81\tUtt M~ Co. lne. R.. Jacki. Ap!O$, Ca.IU, l«I vine. Prtt II!~ or will complcite prty1.Cy. SOU'm No pets, adu.lta: 54.W769 1 BR. !_R. Jeuc, Utb Pd. lease. Call after 6: 67$-6443 C·l BARGAIN Servin& Harbor Art&. 20 )'S'L st. Andrewa Dr. 93003 Call BeJl't. S4f.548t10 BAY CLUB APTS 13100 $150-$1•.... or 549-4746 OLD Dupltx: on bl1 C.1 bus. 3115 E. lTU. St. l ton tt QIAPMAN A~. Olrden ,..!2'!'1 IMch 5200 61~1892 e l'FmtE Retail Location • lot. 63'x293'. O.ntraJ klca.· WANT AD &G-.21n 56o-08ll THE SUN NEVER SETS on ~m/l~~~t~'?n1 CtoYe (n4) m...u 3 an, 2 BA EutbluU IJ"frl.. lilboe ltlind 3 Store lix40, xlnt ft. .t: auto tlOti. Uf,500. Ttmu. $41"661, ~---·-· Qaulfted'1 actSon powtt.1-"""';,,;::~=..::::=='+I 100 CLIPI' DRIVE 171> Domingo Or, N.B.I 5 55 ""''"'· 1871 ltvbar, C.M.l="==T-2331======= Mort...,., T.0!1 6345 i.:::.:... ·~u: ~'""' Co•t Account•!" i. Two'*"-1'&mllblid Brand new, balcony view YEARL\', unlurn, beauHiul S·J6...tSM lncf .. t riil ltlfllll 60fO 142 r.•71 15% DISCOUNT ~~ti (11¥abJe ~ AD o.lut FM.tuftt from both m11ltr BR A: 11'1 ulX)tr dllplcx Apt. Vtf')' MARINERS CENTER ..,., ~"6l't 2 )'ti txp. lo l•w. f' . WaUdna D11c1 ..... to 8eaCli rm t.rffo lrplc. d1hwahr, cJOle lo So. Ba,y, 4 Br. 2 OUice I; store bide, rent or P'OR Lea.New 2500 IQ. tt. 1~t ~ i:.u~~r M.: ~:,™~,:O:u:n=~ ~e=t• m~'i.o,:: A~ SU> -Yetljy ._ SJJO mo. No chlldrtn or btlh11. S.lltbw)< Rlty. lease. SE to s:m -r mo. lndutb:I~ bl" ... 9c ff. ,llJS ~~~~~~~~~JJ~~·~00 ~~~-~-·~~~°!i_a11 homet in' iodo1''• Clual!lod , .... -_, mo., ,......._ ,o, ,,.,, ....... w .. 1-"" ~ N& 4f4.2'Mt pt &f.\.l& or~ 673-6900 149 RM'n1de Ave. M&--2-04 Mol1T'OYia, CM. 6fS..OOlf d~ l )'rt. Brokt r '94-U38 Atta. Check them now. M5.,Tn; QJ.U vi·., . ~1· . ! • ' ' ' ' ' . ' I i . : . I . I I ' ' ' ? ' ' ' I . I I \ 'I ' • i i '1 : j I ; I ' ' j. i- l i ) I, .. ' 0 ' j ' ... I l I . When You Wont it clone right ••• Coll one of the experts listed below!! 'rlf<1, ._, n, 1%t OAll. V "LOT .J:r JD~ I .MPLOYMENT JOIS I IMPLDYMENT JOIS & EMPLOYMINTl~J~O~U~l_!l~M~PL~O~Y~~,~~~~~y~~~~~~~L~~jj~f1 Hoi,'wl-L-7ioo 11o1, w.;..;...-'noo ;11o;:1,ilwfi"'r""'ii· -i~nc~;°':~Ho~·~··,~w~ ... ~ ... ;;;;;;;d·~11o~.1,~w~ .. ~ ... ~;;;;;;~~IHo"' w-w-741t w-7400 w-1• DRAFTSMAN DALMO Mil£iiliif"' * * ---',.-m---'-=• :JUNIOR . F D CONTOllRS • .-. 1163 J. c. ,.~NEY COMl'ANY OPERA TOR MECHANICAL VICTOR ~ Fuhl"'.'~~-N_,, _h Ma::'!,!N~lou. -· ,...W man, MJn. A luclor in odvoncod EXPERIENCED M..,_ """""' PART TIME ...,.,.. ""'""''· ....... tnlmn tMJ -· .......... , able ECM Sy1Mm I,._ .._ _ _. or Mtt.banh:'• ~-. Own Prtaet. Make pla1t&c tr.J11, to "'*'< fll>.;;-._.-:;-la>'Olll -•-!Ool1. Guar Nlary. p;...,. ol SALESLADIES "'•'" """'••SO pm tot..,, _..,... In Belmont, Calffor-Mon.hi. Mlrdmum '"'•hi ~.c!..~t. ~~ .. ~.~~ nla, 20 milts South of v.wk. Oitt'• Auto Repatr, 5'3'', abou)d ~ •"1~~ • .,.,.,b.;t. ....__ -· ;J& S.n Fr11nc:lsco on the 1747 An&betm Ave .• C.M. HouNWlvtt &. Mothers ..,~. Wal~• usually RVICE DIRECTORY SERVICE DIRECTORY SERVICI DIRECTOltY 'ii Mm ~-i"'oo'" a~ Xln: boautlful Son Fr•ncl1· CONSf. 8"pl. lor .... " C I c_ .. _ h d ..... '°"' P"" openlon. jt ~ _, p I 1 h housea. Give experjenc. ,. an you spare a ew 11UU..C3 eac ay and add M 1 ~ "' k .~ 6570Bulldtn 657" H 11 67_ ctw.nce tor advancement for Cct en nsu •1 •• th ! ily . b UB .,.,, a"'e 10 ape.a ..... ~==============~· ='"=""'''-----=-the rllht man. Good...,,. IMMEDIATE '""""aa1.,,.. Repl)!Dally to e am 1n~ome at t e same time! iud E"ilish . .-Q.EAN UP a: lite movinl ~ cooditiona and top bcn-Pilol Box M 870 Schedules convenient for you, mornings, a!· Phone: 847..ml. ,.,.. • """b &L nu OPENINGS for: SERV. SfA. ,,.,, ' Full temoons, evenings or combinations of all, "' ""'"''· ,,.,.,....,1 Mzr. :; e Add A Room e Apartment & Ulits R"'"'nabl•. "";._m • · ""'• Men. °"'' ZJ . "'""' Work in sto~ under th• finest of conditions CAMsao MFG. m. TASKllt EL£CTRONIC h1vo ...... • • hair ool ind top supervision. 7ml Clay,"""'-Bc.h, ;. • Custom Homes • K'rtcben Experts • Two Story Specialists ,. *GARAGE cloanup, lrQh INDUSTRIES 4'0 E. 11th St. C.M. MAY CO """""'· By the Job or b>· APPLY IN PERSON • ""'hr. 64&-156S :,..~~~~. TECHNICIANS Exp'd ... ",':"":~~ •day ""':ii.'.l =.. ~ TRASH HAULING 11..._ il<ocll, Calif. wk, 00 """"'· Call .. .._ PENNErS FASHION ISLAND "°"" """ ,.._." • ~ FINAL TEST ""''" mogr. I ... FREE LAYOUT & DESIGN 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE CALL NOW ~ OPEN WllWDAYS YARD/gar """"'" JWno"' Equal °"""'"""" ecnployor LOT MAN • PORTER 10 AM lo 5 PM Monday thMJ Friday 11"' """""" tor trees, ivy, dirt, tractor N~ car dealer. Full time. All student positions filled. F~~I'.~~~ backhoe, grade 96W745 STOCK ROOM Challenging: xeltior • level Call 64$-6)23 aervlce E I Apply in Jle'l'!IOn 10-12 and TOC!>L CRll """' ;,, dieck-oul and trou-...,,...r qua opportunity employer l-4, Moo. !bro Frl. bl•·-tor ''"'~·""-YOUNG Mao w!lh oar, part * * EqoaJ -'""'> omp1o,., - HousaclHnlnt 6~ BRIGHTER-SIDE clC4Jll.ng service:. Cazl>et. 1ln le win- dows cleaned, Free est. 548-113' AmNDANT' ""·-"Uca'"'"""hom. u.,,. """"· ,ar1y -1 ~~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!:!!!' Hous El<EEPE R, s.. ~ and warning systema:, PH.: 5'8-4752 I." Lquna, r or plt)>aician's . I 675-7191 SAT, & SUN. A"1S. A.WAIL. IN OUI OllFICI OR YOUI HOMI CARPETS, Wlndowa. r firs, etc. Res Cl' Comc'i./ Xlnt work Reas! ~ts. 5«8-irn. Bay & Beach Cleanire Ser.I' Carpets, 'vlndoWll, noon. etc Res I: Commc'l 546-1401 'YOUlD You ~ I will Must ha~ tt<:ll!nt exper-Thl!se ~nt positions BARTENDER. Nlghtl, ]:) or Help WantNI j Heltt Wan,.. family, live in, private room ~ ol. tnoomi?v n-~ a thorough knowl-over. &er bar Coet& Mesa Wernen 7400 w....., 7400 &: bath, pleasant tmne, 7 ceivirW ol storet and raw edge ot RF and transistor 54&-9226 --------""' I childttn, all In achool &: ma-. IOOI crib """ drcuJi... 1-3 ,...,, .,_ -ACCOUNTS.-woU boha...,. Olhor lltlp lo trol, · and ""1>!>"'r l G£NrDIL homo atlernoo"'· Appllcanl pockagina~. :~..;..;"J!.l~ HelpW1ntoc1 r.M PAYAILE CLERK mu••...,,.,...,.,~.• Call Jim Hyams. Dllys 6'l·2400. Eves. s.6-0319 ~ral relocation assistance. Women 7400 capable o t 1upervi&ion.. ..,.,.. ,,_ .___ -PROOU Tl N O~ year experltnce. Salary 4 t I me oU .,.,.ce .... nt LOC'l..,fils and work-FEMALE HELP C 0 Process vendor invoices negotiable. References t1"- in1 coodftions! $4.44 per hr. PART-TIME ll AM-2 P?.f and pUrebase order., quind. 499-Z-?9 Ideal far Mothera with child-computr eo1t vuiancf's. ren slartine back to school. NO EXPERIENCE 10 key addlnc machine, clean Yout home fDr Blue GULTON INDUSTRIES Chip Stamps? ssi!-1350 1644 Whittier Ave. "Ho~u°'SEW=~o=RK~~w= .. -...,~~by-I Costa Me-. Calif.. ~ l:lour. No wbrlow&. Equal opportunity em~ """"" EXPERIENCED -.... Aerospace Fasteners ing. own cat. Dependable. Unilonns • m..U '""""""· NECESSAAY c.alclllalors and lito lyp-Conlact Mr. Dinius. m,. McDONALD'S Apply In porun ol HARBOR, INC. 3141 Harbor Blvd., C.).f. • 56-9M.1 • THE HARTLEY CO. SALESGllLS Youna: mature pU able to meet the public. Ideal as ~. job for W'lriiD& Mies zjrlf. Must be attract:ift with .. load filuft. 243S E. COAST HIGHWAY CORONA DEL MAR 1U day.""""'· Mi-'1871 *Sot-up Operators* lronlnt 6755 Transf•r Headers • WILL do ironing ln my Traubs and Eeonomys TO ARRANGE LOCAL INTERVIEW PHONE COLLECT to Employment Ma.ns.a:cr in Bel- mont, L VN &. NurMI Aides La r a: e, progreuive ECF ~s U. Orientation provid- 1911 PJ.aotntia Ave, Co&ta li1en. MASTER SPECIAL TIES CD. 1640 Monrovia Ave. Apply in penon llelldaylloalthSpa 2300 Harbor Blvd., C.M. Appliance Repairs Parll 6510 G & Air Conditioning: .Service. Resld & Comc'L .Ken's Refrlg. 837·7882 hom•. ;-c = * Rockford Aerospa ce Cement, Concrete 6600 mo="N1N=G~.-,~.,-~-d•-.. -.. -,.-,-,_• * coNCRETE work, ...... My -.. Founiam vau., Products, Inc. ed & lie. Patios/drvw)il ~atta.=="'3-314""'='====,.I e 540-6740 e etc. Phillips C e m e 11 t • -1---'---'-"__,-'-.;;...--...._ Janltorlal 6790 Phone: (4l'jJ S91·14.14 from 9 a.m •• 5 p.m. or (416) 591-0358 from 5 p.m.-1 p.m. on Tuesday or Wedltiday e\lftlings (only) CAueusi 26 and 71). ed by a full time. in 11t:rvice,1--------- educa.tor. Opf!nin&s 3 toll l u t.o 1 Shilts. ATTINTION HOUSEWIVES Cotta Meta 642-2427 WAITRESSES Part or tuU time. Ow.r 2J. Xlnt ~)'. Apply in pel'IOh 10 An eqU&) opportunity f.tr. Horst Oliesl Call ROYALE' McDoWJ'i Family a..1au. _,,..,.., NEWPORT HARBOR ----==---1...,. ha>e "°""°"' avail. YACHT CLUB EXECUTIVE abi. b' ....,.., Work ,,1:;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;1 now.Bay, NB clean. ~· 1urrouoo.1• btwn 11-12 noon 1; 6-t pm •BUSBOYS SECRETARY lnp "'"' -_..... abflftfes •xcoptMon. S.byolttlng 6550 Carpet Cloanlng 6621 =· w=-.w ~ •DISHWASHERS DALMO N-"" ,,,.c1ttn&. tempo. .._ ... mea4 and 1;.....i l" •t ::o.. -~------1 I--'--'"-----rary u11&:mnent. Good short. boors. U )'OU have children CJD tml eu MARRIED? TOO MANY TTN Mothers! Rel, licensed CARPET & F'urn. cleaninit: residential. Daily, weekly Full lM part time, Neat a~ band and ib' who attend ~ and )'OU ageDCV BILL S·'I' Pennanent-iiart "babysitter. Openings avail for l day service I: quality and/Or Mo. 197-7350 pe&Nnee, No exper. nee:. VICTOR chin& akillB :. lftl ma. would like '° l!U'n up to CJ ti.me help wanted in made now. Hot lunche5, xlnt care. work, call Sterlin&: !fr SPARKLE Jlfuttorial & Win-Apply in penon 10-5 pm. Weatem Girl Inc. Sl.00/ptr mont!I d~ your Quality Positions for bar. See manager alter 'l::J> PauJarino, Kcllybrook ares. brightneu! 642-8520 f 00. cleanirc Serv, Win-• 540-0325 spare time, apply al: Qualified Appllcints pm. Paulo Drive Jn 546--0949 , DIAMOND Is a carpets best do\v9, resld., mmcl, mnst. BOB'S llG BOY a TEXTRON Diviaion MC DONALD'S 488 E. 11th st., Suite 224 Theater, 3051 Newport mvd, CHILD Care !or mothers friend! Diamond Carp!l Cleanup, Free est. 968--2691. la-4 E. 17th St, BOOKKEEPER 16886 Beacli.Blvd, HB Co!ta lofesa 642-1470 01.. v.'ho have to 'vorlc & don't Cleaners. &&.1311 ES?ATE Maiut Tree Serv Costa Mesa 1515 Industrial Way Accou.ots payable for aput. MC DONALD'S -F.,./C_B_OO_K_K_E_E_P_E_R-I want to leave their chJldren rft-... Clcani ....... _.._,;,... Removal• trimmi-frM REUBEN'S Belmont, Callfnrnia 9400'2 nt "··""'-~ 6561 l."'.u-r HB p •·•·-· •~ ......,t"'". . ... .,.. •• ..,.,. ....... An eqUal opportunity me l.IWolU'Cr. C"1""1er con-.......,." • ertonMI Ant to $550 -..,, _,,.,, Fee l*id, just anywhere. 64&-8662 CM Licensed, insured. estimate, Call SU-0088. employer 1tnletion exper. Excelknl Tl . Mwrt be experienced In per-fee position. ¥AT. \WIJ1allo child care, guaranteed. 646-0094 COCO'S benef1ta.. Send resume to Mr. ~ IO~ ~'with insurance, ~la'uel Pe!'IOllDel A~ncy "°"' homo. Owo trans. Londscapl"I 6llO * DRIVERS * Ronald Comor, ml llod HW NEWPO ER INN -., eomp ole. + 260IJ1 Gft'> Rood ' ·lteri. $1.25 hr. 548-4389 Eledrical 6640 N E • Ave,, Chila Meaa 9262"1. sood typUic. ExceB.ent op. Lquna Niguel Ind, Putt jlllLL BabY"t ,oor homo by * !Jc'd 1an1,.,.,.. ""'"""*DISHWASHER* O xpenence Do You Hovo RECPT. _.,..,. .. advance. 831-lm the week. Yoo furnish • ELrerRICIAN no job tor. complete lndlcw a: also Apply In p.,.., Necessary! Colleve Accounting Over n • Newport COMBINATION. Sharp Bar ~muisportation. 642-1407 too small. For Japanl!Se prdtl'!lls 8J0.303'1 1555 W. Adams Must have dean Callfomia CPA OFFICE Personnel AgMCy Maida I: Go Go Dancaw. lii~y0osii;;1"·1"m"a"'in'-"'m=y::-cho=mo=-, I service call 545--4614 LANDSCAPING Yuocu for Costa MeM -... drlvirw record. Apply Jntereatfna'-OWlenglni 833 DOVER DR.. N.B. Top Man $3.00-$1.50 to -cM att~ll 548-38'll Fencing sale, call Juan Pa.ntoja. PHIUJPS PETROLEUM YE~~l~:~ CO. CornJMnsurate pay, 548-8874 64'l-3810 549-274.1 :::; ~~ :~ = PaperfMnglng CO Coat& Mesa NEED attractive, 21 to 35. ll07 Jamti\oree Rd. Executive Secretary ·C.M. CHILD care in my home, FENCE Bu 11 din I, b-Palnti-.r.•so Now hiring klr'. 1 a1a~7 _ Waltre._. tor hmch but!et. N~ Bach For puWl&hiDc Co. President SCHOOL TEACHERSll vicinity ON Mar & Santa door.outdoor hoosepaln bg. ... -operated .ser\'lee alation. Production Machinists Apply in penon Mon. thru 6MJ700 Experienced and adaptable "Ana Ave., C.M. 548-4965 Estimates: Call PAINTING ll'lt 11 Ext Lowest Experience desired. Good Drill press or 'l'urttt lathel. Fri.; WhH.e Horse IIll\ 3925 to a wide variety ol. projects.. Would you like to make aome_ Small -•--lo' i--·--nt N Blvd N ' H .. -•-tt d,_._., _ _, extra l 's lot this -"'~t-? contracted pricu. Fully tns. startJng •a I a r y plus """"""' '" .. , .... ..,...., ewport ., ewport INSTAii MENT ., a...:nore e .,. .. ...,... Try a ne-w C&lttl' _':."' ~ • Brick, Mlsonry, etc. _F_loo_ .. _____ 6665_ Satisfactloa JlW'• FIM Ill. &enerous t'OmlJtiasion. wt.th parts. Small company with Beach. " Sbortha.nd helpful, Must b.! ~ .. 6560 Carpet Vinyl Tiie Jim Weeki 613-1166 excellent opportunitle! far sood worklnc conditions. * * * SECREI'ARY, f 0 r CUD'1' we~ articulate, at-~:'~· call Canon £---------==~-.,.-~--=I advaricement. For in-549--0343 advertiaini firm. Shorlhand CtiRK tractive. Excellent ~ns -:,2:..:;=;:;;;,,-=~-l BUILD, Remodel, repair. All styka P.'X! colore EXT/Int. pnl~. Aver rm. Pl formation contact manqer, BOYS 10. 14 80, typln&' 60, lite book· ,.._,,,, ~-·'--a condflionc, and comp&ny General Office $400 ' Brick, block, concrete, Frtt est. Lie. contr. + good paint, neat work, Brookhurst I. Adams, Hun-carrier Routes n...... r--1.... .red Call Pam uuuu. · ·~.wco.i frinp benefits. Ml).6656 Cood typing skills + PNV' Carpentry, no job too small. 540-7262 543=4471 loc refs. Roy, 841·1358. f.i .. mon Beach. ...,,..... ~..-u06 ~1 • • ' ioua n: IJ Co 962-'945 CLARK & CLARK ·~· tor •P~l6T>-27<2 boL 9 AM & S EXPE NCED TELLER wo oxp., call L«alne c. ntr. G1rden1ng 6610 CUgr()M PAINTING * EXPERIENCED * Lqwia Beach, So. Laruna " TEL MerChants Peraonnet ~n- •MASONRY. all types I DAILY Pll.O'T E •--$600 00 LER E "· 200 W•otclitt Dr., N.8. Free estimates. 644-0WI ANTHONY'S • 642--2936 • COOKS 6C2-4371 xec. ~. • :.:perlance Preferred 645-2770 PAINTING, Papering 16 ..... s. Corporate e:itp. exC'ellenl Appb-in Pf!r'IOll to Mni. occ="'ASJ=O°'N"AL.,---ll~lttt-~b'--I in Harbor ....._ Li~··• BUSBOYS COOK· Exp'd. •killa, be<ch atta, call Lo-UNITED CALIFORNIA Bray 64Z~OOO 1 644 A860 • Top 's'LYUE· ApplyLPinHINhnon r""" M•""""' ""'°""'' "'NK MARINERS SAVINGS child. Day•. Marur. """""· ... ..... ... a.IL !urn. 642-2356. DISHWASHERS 00 Ar<"'1 20l3 W•r!clfll Dr -AND WW call -,.... homo ... BOOKKEEPING • Account-The Best, costs no more! SUBURBAN Palntina:/Dec ~¢.~~ N.B. &6.mo ., 30'Jt Mtu mvd. 1515 ~!?.~Dr mw ... ?.!': .. M~ cnly. Call . ing &: Tax Service. Reason-E:cperienred Maintenance Expert Guaranteed Work APPLY IN PERSON Newport Beach Ex-.;.nced In .... le needle Costa-· Calif. N-=~·-h · on .... ....., ..... tween UM. able rates, Pick-up & deliv-Budget Landscapinr Free ert. No job too large ...,.. ·-, ..... ,..... • ~ 60-'1682, l!'l"Y. 531..00W aft.e-r 6 P?.f, Graduate Horticulturist or too small. 494-3190 Salesmen Wanted and ~-erlock. Good piece s.-2033 HOSPITAUTY HOS'l'ESS is ~.,=Am"s'", "'Part,,.-.--,.Um-.-.,-.,-tull~1 l~.!:'.!:..:::!::::'.::..:'.'..:'.:'..::.::..'.'.'.:._l·AL=•s"G°"anl::.i:,::,..C:g:-•.,-.ta'=~= e i~or better painting call REUBEN E. LEE full and part.time work prices. steady work. nu.ER looking for mature women time. Experience not Maintenance Commercial ex""riC!nced ~-i~ters a I 151 E. Coast Hwy, Inquire in person EDDY MOSS 1~ Locuat Aureasive JOUna: company lo welcome newcomers to neceuary. Ken Niles: Villa ; C•rpenterlng 6590 i.adustria.I &. rosidential. ' ~077 after&;'~. Newport Beach KINGS FOR MEN St., \VestmlnaleT, 5344738 needs std with teller and the community. fl.lust have Marina Motel 1021 8a)talde • *646-3629* 2300 Ha.rho Bl d O f \V0?.1AN·bousewife, WtC your new accowta. uperlenoe in typewrittr, car, and be bon-Drive, Newport Beath CARPENTRY PA PER SPECIAUSI'S -BUSBOYS r v ·· spare time to earn money. Bartle or Savin,p .. Loan. l dablc. Apply 235 E. llfaln, : MINOR REPAIRS, No Job ~\V 1tawn111 re • seedcling. Cal's best for vinyls, Docks, Part or full time, Exp not GOOD Repair service man win prlze.s, now'w"' 1r1im 1 it, no to 2 :yn. prd'd. Plea.u.nt, ~!~7, Tustin, ca I l 1. NU0_";",.,.' ""a .~~c.al~~ : Too SmalL Cabinet in gar-~mt!'Y c~b ~~n =ii. ~ foll. murals, 841-lS59 eves. necessary, Xlnt pay. Apply for swimming pool service. time limit, an a1 sman~· atmosphere. .m·UJ~ a't Coontinentai'"'Manor"'i: qes & other cablnets. t' t F Info. all in person to Mr. Hont Chlesi Huntington Pool Supply Beauty Coonaelors. 841--084& Contact l.e.pp, ELECTRONIC suna. 49+945!1 • 54.>8175, U no answer leave ~~ ~ SS:1995 c Plastering, Rep.air 6880 NEWPORT HARBOR 16459 Magnolia SIITER For 2 boys, needed. SAVINGS • ASSEMBLERS TEACHER Wanla _.,_.,_ Dllii' at SC&-2312. fl O. ERV'S LAWN & YACHT CLUB Westminster 842-2813 Rqular bol.n, wkdys. 2:30 LOAN TtON Sm ll ·~ Andenon GARDENING SERVICE e PATCH PLASI'ERING. 174 W. Bay, N.B. DISHWASHER: MUST be thru 6:30. Mea Verde. Own &Tl:f91\ Of' 64)....6533 . a commercial products t.byail\tt or babysit. All types. Free estbnate . ....__ ll·l2 noon L ,, 1 pm .:?X. _, ____ .. ool M _ MJg. tn c.ort& Mesa. Knowl-t erfhotisekceper, 96W602 ENTERING, room ad· resJComc'l/JOOus. Rta.s! Call 54().'825 "'w" •.,. expe1n:• .... ..:u, Y· '' R trans, start Aug 29. 545-BMS NEWPORT ed&e of Color Code w/ pre. FY ditions, patio deck.-; & 642.-7756 cept Mon. MIKE," 209 Palm Ave., ,......,.,.n:""O'TCIAN -•·--r v;ou. 'x"rie"""" "-Ip•·• A ;;;===.,-,---,-,~I coven;. Quality, c u s Io m RESPONSIBLE student, mow Plumbing 6890 • WAITERS Balboa, Calif. Apply aft. 2 "';:i~;;\rl~ .n 'o~pt:U;;e: l~CH ply .... .., "" ''"'· p. CLEAN.Qi.IG lady wanted 2 v.:ork. 645--0415 &. edj:l' lawn (avenge) $10 PM and ask for Roger. New Drug store. So. Santa AD l AGENCY CORVONICS days a wc-ek on Lido Isle:. : REPAIRS. ALTERATIONS mo. 642-&115 bet 5:30 & 6:30 PLUMBING REPAIR • BUS BOYS SERVICE Station salesman. Ana. S42-5641. 30'l1 Enterprise Pleue write and glvt ', CABINETS. Any size job PM No Job too small Experiel>C'ed Exp'd. age no batT!er. Lull NEEDS Colt& Mua references. Daily 'Pilot Box • 64>-3128 • BERKSHIRE'S Hmo, aal•ry + comm. IJVE-lN H<xo,.k"P<', SO IO P•rt tlM holp. Good M 003. f 25 yr.i. expcr. S48-€71J GARDEN COUNSELOR Mobil Station, 24362 El Toro 65 yrs. Prof. couple & 16 yr. typltt fOf clerlcal du.. SNACK BAR HO us EKE E p ER, two ! QUALITY Repairs -Altera-. Quality, Exper. Capablt R_,emoclll, Repelr., 6940 RESTAURANT Rd., Lquna Hilla. daughter. Mo11t wknds. lrec. ties, erriftds, $l.'5 per OPERATOR chlldttn, full time, t-.. t.- ' tions -New COML by how) 41J Hamilton, c .M. 3450 V ia Oporto ,/ NlGHT work in bakery. Eves. 1-9, 6'J3..-t097. hour. (ill Barbara at PREVIOUS sch ool ex· open. PH: 54s..368l at;;? ' or Contract 646-3442 J G de • BUILD, Remodel, Repair Make donuts and assist CHILD C.U/Llle ifousekee~ ..,,. -IO. perle~ preferred. Salary j REPAIR, Partitions Sm apanese ar ner Brick. block. c oncr•t• Newport Beech Trotter's Bakery, 234 Forest ·ine:· Care of 3 children. .,_.. $2.4~$3.02 per hour. Apply PM 548-4n1 durtna • Ri!Tnodcl, etc. Nlte or da;f, Exper., compl yard service! crpntry no job too small ' Mr, Patrick Ave,, Laguna Bch Days, Reterenc:e11 required. in perso,n, ,,.d,:•ytl=m='·==-~=--1 ; Rl!ss! Call KEN 540-4679 Free est. ~~ Lie. eonir. 962o-69C5 GAUEN Kamp Shocl JANITOR WORK ,_ "'''-.... 't!qlttienccd SAN JOAQUIN BABYSITTER. ll;J0..4 p.m. CLEAN-UP SPIOC1ALISI1 ~nu-~ f SrnOOL DISTRICT 4 ~s wk, Vic Paularlno ; Mowing, eddng, odd jObe. Sewlne '960 =-~ ~~~ P.a rt-time. I Ndewporti,08t&S HOUSEKEEPERl96311WOO-'l mo. TELLER 14'n'.> S. \V. Sand Canyon Sehl, C.M. Start Sepl : CenMnt, Concrete 66fO Reasonable. 54~ :J pref rTed Co tact M,gr 54 n1esa. App Y ays, .Mil.I • Live in or out. ... ace. Ave., East Inrine. Call!. 546-TI49 ; f EXPERIENCED Japane!IC 25 YRS. exper Seamstress, F ~ i'stan: NB ' Glassell jst, Orange. Apt D. CM. 1 642-0765 DRAPERY ====-"'-=-,,--- ! ·~~~ccks7~J!'. gardeDer. Reliable, 540-7373 ~~~~~ .. ~~ .. ~ as nTRA~E · lt1AN, steady part time job. WOMANforn1ght1hlft, UNITIDCALIFORNIA WORKROOM S~Ec!n~IRo~~ ~~ " Call ""IJ"' , for trtt estimate '""""""'5 ..,..... .... ...,. '"":""'' for food & k' Xlnt. L.A. Times route 11 to 1 SAWY£R HOME BANK pt-time, perm. 6 7 s-12 3 0 ~~ -Atfe atl ......_...,-5145 u"th blli1y"'1o''ac1'"°1'"klC open, Irvine area, »oo. + 646-Gnli 22l Ocean Ave. Exp"d & Trainees, Various I CEMENT WORK. job too JIM'S Gardening A lawn r on "' a v qu c y. mo 962-4633 LlCUna Beach openlnas. Equal Opportunity EmplO)'l!r • no ' maintenance Res. 6 c.om-Neat. accura.te, Zl yean exp. f99...4132 or 499-3900. • MOTEL MaJd11, preferabb' .._56t6 BEACH DRAPERY PIE shop work, pt-time No .small, reaJJOnable. F ( e e ercla1. * 5's-Mu ,.._U Sho M A1alntel"la.DCC Meat De p t • with experience. M E S A I _ ~ ~ ! n:Hm. H. SMlick. 54S46l5 m TILE C I 6974 ......, ee P anqer Clean up 1-9 p.m., 5 dl,)"L MOTEL. 646-9681 BAKER .,.,., w. 11th 51. eXper, nea • .-.... . cut 6 EJdae Lawri / eram e 21-30. Salary .\ bonus. Send Gd rate. Richard's Mid, GRAVEYARD WAITRESS. PREVIC){1S tcbxll cafeteria OJlta 1'teu. 540-&t64 SUSAN LYNN PIES r Mainlem.noe, lJoeMed * Verne, The Tile Man * re&tltne, 502 S. Beacb, 343.'t Via Udo, N.B. 673-Q;O 10 PM to 6 AM. 1400 W. SaJuy $2.S'T..;2.118 per hour, 1.510 Baker, C.M. l , ... 548-C!llll/66-mD aft • Ddt M:ll'k. Install • re:pa.ln. Anaheim. Paclflc C.O..St Hv."J, N.B. ApJlll in penon: NURSES EXPERIENCED rtc book J[M'S GARDENING 1: lawn No job too small Pla.Aer SERV Sl'A A1T. N"!lht man, PAN Wuber, all around ~ JOAQUIN e RN-~ dub', two days keeper, fUll time for \ocal 1 maintenance, Res. & c.om. patch. Lt!akirc s b o w ie r 10 PM lo 1 ~: App 2801 E. kitch man, Langlois Fancy DESK Ouk College boy; pl SQIOOL DISTRICT per week. , ?.lfa. Firm. Can m-66Sl for f mcrcial. * 548-84ll. repair. 841•19571~ ~ p:,-..... ~,,Goldenrod, Fr0ttn Foods, 2ll« Lft.Kuna time, Ken Nlle1 Motel, l<rn 14600 & w. Slnd Canyon • LVN.Jtl!hef, four 11hift8 appointment. · ' 642-4766 , ,_,,,,,,, Cnyn Rd .• Lag. B. -494-~ Bayside Dr., N.B. Ave.; l.:Ul Irvine. Callt ~u:~ l..aluna Beach TELEPHONE SOLICITOR :, H.eliable Lawn Maln~nanee Tr" Service 6980 EXP. Ser. Sta. Salary + SERV. srA. A'IT. E:xper. Cafeteria Employment I RIENCEO ...... ...-., 4-9 pm dally Mon-Fr. Exp'd comm, o/time pay aft 40 only. FIVE POINTS SHELL 7 to 3· Mon thru. Fri ~•OJ 1 n....--"·ble ~u ~" ;• Glll"denln; and Cle1UH1p CENE'S TREE SER V : hn. F\tll/t. Perm. 990 E. Ph: 842-3444 Call s33.0Goo ext. 2036 AITRESS WOMEN, full or part li'!'e ~reh~.~'G. '.....,.,. ., .... ce ~ Gan1r1I S.rvicn 6682 ~irub:,~ed re~y' Cit Hwy, NB. ~ABLISHED lnll.ll'llI>Ce • lJVE. in lloulelueepeT, prlv. needed ltnmed fot: c;:i::d TWO (2) SALCS PROM0- 1 -~~~ -lllJhtor·E-Stot Loadl avaU. N.8. alllc<. room.Salary ..... Callan. Y In Pol'Mft car. ...... ora.npan~ •. TION SECREl'ARIE!. CONSI'RUCI'JON .•Ile clean. 548-J.359 CMr 21. Call on new --nts. Career oppt. 67>-6383 6 p.m. MT...,, HD ~ f &. SIRLOIN Age 21 to 65. T >O I haullnir. -~· ' Sitting Pretty .. _ Y P' • P '•-~~.re~ u '°!•• .,. 6990 N1t1 eotlCem. $5'hr, comm. SERVICE Station at~ndant MAIDS sno '•C. Ctt. Hwy. Member ot w. ~li!r, ~nallty. Plosh efc, ad I NOW'$ THE H>«f31 P'._ ~--Ealy.-Exptt.,,..,,S..Mll<•. Hotd/Mo,.1•-""'" Ni•,..I -h loc. 8"bcldl&Jy ot C.rber beo~Mn.Qulnn833-275tl TIME FOR I ULING r--• CZ'iKOSKl'S CUSf. Uphoi. SERVICE Slallon att•odant. "6'11 Campus Dr, NB C7WC10 1•• Pmd. Oo. 64W711 · GENERAL OFFICE. M ... IA • uoa.: • .,, t:retsc, European Crattama.nsblp openll'llr ddft. Anderson's PLUMBER. Experienced fn '· ""UICK CASH hedges. topped, trimmed, llllM' On! ~1454 Union Se"1ce 1645 Ada.ml. plumbln( .l beattnr FtLnaa WIDOW To ~lve-in, tern-r AY, STEADY EMP. B AB y s ITT ER W/111t: like to ,wort wtlh fliur& ... ;,"""'~,. ... ;;;;;· Bl<~SJoho.;;:;;;;-;5~!.;;;~-;;;.N;;owiii;pcx;i;ti;;Bl.;;ii.;;;C;;;Mo;;·;;;1;aC.iM.r.f54D-iUO&=r.;;;'r;;;;;~;;;; bon<fttJ -• ........ "'" --~---houHkttPl'111 "" -... Gd .... ~ plush alllcc!. Mr. THROUGH A t" COOK 6 food .,., mao · a.t.,..,.,.,, 53&-35112 * ROOStKEEPlNG<hlld child. Mon lhru Fri. 3 Jo 6 Q\Jloo. SM-%7';) DAILY PILOT Your Ad Should .. Here, Saalood, brollor. H t1h WANTED' U!Ul'> man, WAlTRESS. cart. ... .,,,.. $ ..,,, wk, pm. Oo ....... 6'1>:7911 BARMAID Waoted, up'd uJ/benefits, 494-2050 Mtt~ ~.n\e:ih A~~~Uve AOply at The Nibbler. 1002 Ot. 50-459f OOf prelemd. Ap PI Y . the WANT AD They're Looking For Ill FULi. nME De'"""'""'~ Hart1or.c .. 1aM•oa tto!istKEEPER. Ba•,.t• PART-T'""' ..,.,..,. -•· w•1u.rn.tS060ceanHB. 1---------,..,.,...,...,.,..,.,...,...,_,.,._.,;;;...,.,. ... ...,_..:1 mt'.n,. S days a 'fiftk. See e Production SUpervilon 9 LJVE..ln ..,._lcpr, ~ day1 ter 41" da.y ~k. U pm Apply Trocter'11 234 Foi"t1t, UTE H&k:pr ol ClOllk met.ls I" Terry. R~1ime tJquor 493 e Quality Oontrol lm:ptctot1 wk, pvt rvom • bath, ldult -~ ~ daJ \Ved. t.tauna Beach. See Mn. for slnalc ~ lady, Cll. E. 17th St., C.M, U J.9.11• 16.11 Pl•centlt, C.M.. $m mo. 541-8f10or 616-&216 m.IM3. ~pp. Call IJ U750 U p.m. Bu1inH1 Service 6562 • ' I I I I , I '-'- FRY COOKS U.S. DIVERS lobo-Men, w-. 7500 BISTRO COFFEE SHOP 600 w. 4th St., Sa.ata Am Top wiwe1, permanent, boll-Open Dally 9 .. I est, aM ~'Orldnc conditions Sat. 9 • t Sun. 11 ~ C tn .,_., leadinr restaurant. . Appl,-9 am to S pm for In-WHITE prov dttlle.r • m~ SEWING MACHINE OPERATOR.S Requitts v:perierq on dot.I· ~ needle machine. ror SSO. Pr ItallanAmeth.Ylt tttview •l gla&s lamps $20. Bed aide '"""'"'""''' only) NNING'S chett SlO. Cus. b!t prov love seat $40. Qair • otto $15. C FEE SHOP Dbl bed-&outy "'" mall Apply ln person, Portonnd Dopl. 3323 W. Wuner Santa Ana, caJif. e FOOD & BEVERAGE \VAITRESSES e BUSBOY LeisUl't ~o: T~ Hills &: box agritlgs $50. Ml&e tum. · 837-1014 ishings. 642-8430 °~ 548-221.l --~""~=---I oxt UG. MAY CO. oo=N"''T"""'Gi~.-,.-.p"•-"Y"ou--,..-, e CASHIER See Betty Bruce al No telephone interviewa Bistro's Cotlee Sbop The Newporter 1M Apply 2 to i PM, Mon.Fri. ~lh Coast Plaza find it at America'• J.ariest, 3311 Bristol St moot unu.sua.I unfinished m~lxec Costa Men turmture alott. OX'. Redhill ii: Santa Anl Fwy. 'I\ultin. 1 OUTSIDE ml So. of Newport Fwy. Asency for Career Girl1 no W. Coast Hwy., N. B. --NEW MARINA DRAPERY SALES Optn 362 days per yr. Apply ill penoJt. lnteMewina" 544-6111) B1 appoint. 646-3939 RESTAURANT ~'C Bkkp< or (Experienced only) hours y>-U and 1-4 1'Jon.1 ·oo=u"CH""·..,""w-,""'.....-==-=,.., -,..,.., ~.f"wPortunlty emplo)"!'r white linen, awcado piping, • Exp'd'Wal--__ 21_ Didn't match MW decor, Jr Acct to $750 lmmed openinr with stable eo. Data~ acctg. e W.AlTERS ... ~ ... _ sacrifice $.150. Orie cost • Busboy &: Dishwasher, $499. Cameo Sbcires. CdM. CalJ ""· - e WAITRESSES e CAPl'AIN over 18, neat appearance, 673-4147 Apply in permn Berll"1' Chntlnental .Restaurant 1858:z Beach BJvd JASON BEST Lunch & Dinner OOVED, Loose pill o w oatmeal sofa ll25. X1nl l.'Ond. Antique han&ina llzht EltfPWYMENT AGENCY 2120 So. Main, .Santa Ana Contact Mr. James ~mato Hundngton Beach fL'<ture S25 contemporary Monday thnl Friday 1.,,=..,=c-'-,-,=--,,.-table lamp $25. 54&.9463 NB THE-JOIN HAih. • ro. -thttt DESK drop-tront M:>lid-oak. -far out hair 1tyli.m! Ju.st Near'~ $3S. Pair metal e WArl'RESS e J8 to 25, neat a~. No exper. nee. Full t1me. Apply in penon. NEWPORTER INN ... ..,. "' Balboa Island. "'••-ss. _,;,. ll01 llfpboree Roed Call sun, Mon Tues, Wed. I ~-=--'=-"--...,---,~~ Newport Beach, Callf. 714: e.1230 'or on other 4 Pc. Ki111: size Walnut days, 213: 449-6987 Bedrrn set Cost s 11 a 0 BOB'S BIG BOY 154 E. 17th St. """'M"" HOUSEKEEPER for motherless home who seeks permanent: pogition. Nice roam cwerlooldne ~ wattt. f chUdren. Full ~~ 1111 &nd cooking. Driven liol!:Me desired. Car will be -Call (213) 133-7351 (home), or 432-7471 BABYSI'ITER. Te a c her wants malure woman to care for infant. boy 10. Jhi 9. HO!.Ueketping also. Hunt. Bch area 897-4978 ........ ASSEMBLERS- MECHANICAL Experienced ln precision usembly involving close toleTance .ali&;nment and fitting on products auch as delicate gear trains, \lalves and inltnune.nts. C•ll PerlOMll Dtpt. (7141 494-9401 OOUPLE To manage &. maintain JI t1nit motel In C:OSta Mesa; Muel be hard worken, l'lO l!Xpe1'. nee.. Sax!/mo pl0& furn. l~ bdr apt. 546-9279 RESIDENT DIRFCTOR for boys.. Older man or cou- ple. Small private school. 613-9410 CHURCH ORGANIST 540-Zl1'9 ot 543.. 1218 ••• OPERATORS ••• Experienced in 1ingle needle and ovcriockl, Good ~r work prices, ateady worlr:. EDDY MOSS 1400 Locus! M A LE .l Female hou!l!- keepers. Parlr: Lido Qinval- escent Hospital. &a-2410 INTERESTEQ Jn ful l ot par1 t.lme work? t'ew spkee age product for ~ home. Call 642-G5.J9 lD am..J pm only. RELIABLE ~le to help manage I u~-11 for par! rent. Must ve ttt'1, l child ok. Wes In. ~2314 SL, Wu1mi"'"" .,,..,,._ TELONIC MATU~ lliW!an tot retail Schools-lnst.Nctlon 7600 Miff in bou.ltw&l'ft • lifts. Rion"'""""'· 1°" '"""'· ENGINEERING co. SAUCERMAN SCHOOL Wt11tdiff P'taza. N • B. Co ~ "'"'"~ . • "'· 14 "'""""• ult b Phil. lagun• Beach Whett the Program ATI'RACTIVE WOMAN, JJ. Fits the Child 45 to iftstruct in miliup ,.F.qual opportunity employer Willard H. t Saucennan, techniques for 1amou1 F...t D. modtla. Wt ' will train. 54MOOO --.. Enron now bh5713. U.S. DIVERS Ev,. 618-175• EARN money at home Educationtl vact.tion 5th handling amall pa r ts. ASSEMBLERS graders ••• Sr Citizens Previous work or hobby Experience in amall part& as-Oiilcoat 10 ~n typing qualifies yru. Send details M"mbly helpful. Manufactur. Scbl Trial LetFin. 113 De1 Bat 4lS1. 1~ 92664 ing ot mecha.nlcal back· Mar, C.Ptf. se&a59 WOMAN to wori< in donut cround desirable. nJTORING ahop. Apply in person be.fore SUITMAKERS SPANISH OR FRENCH 10 AJ.1. NO PHONE CALLS. S:l.50 hr. !ij&-lMG 2!H1 Harbor Blvd., C.M. Six months experience ln -----,--- BABYSITrER. • Brookhunt, makinr. "'~1 suits ttqlllttd. MERCHANDISE FOR G......, .,.. HB. Own INVENTORY SALE ANDI TRADE ...,,.. Call alt 3'30 pm. CONTROL CLERK F ltu IOOO l=--=-""";,,.:.~=----ITwo yrs. experience, invtn. ;..•;.m==,.=---.....:= OOUNTER HELP, full or tory oontrol, material or LEAVING STATE. M«lit· part time. Apply a.t Tw.co product control. terra.nean 8' 'IOfl 1: Jove ..at, BeU. 699 So. Coast Hwy, coffee ta.hie, 2 end com- La.r. Bch. S.l PM Apply In pttSOn. modes. hide-a..bed, lamP!I, BABYSI1TER, 2 dtlldren, 2 J>er90nnel Oo!pt. Thomasville Span.Uh kin,: p.m. • 11 p.m., my home, 3323 W. Warner size lx>drm ael. A Is o refs. GG-9163 Santa Ana. Calif. beaotlful formal diniD& rm EXP'D SALESLADY * NOTICE * "'· All 2 tMOi old. Will !-fen & W'lmert5 ClothinJ For the bl time in 1969, sacrifil'!'. Call co 11 e ct * 548-5.:m * Farrow Rt!alty bas l open. 213-433--040 I===-'-"'-::....~--I incs for real estate sales-1 ---S~P~A~N"'°'IS~H~-- BEAtn'Y operator, full time, men. m commission avail. E iuar waie I: comm. Gwen·s able,+ insurance and other M DITERRANEAN e Bty. Shop. 494-32!H · co. l;lendit. Go with t~ lara· As Shown In model homu. MAID, 1ull or part time, l 3 Rm& of turn, {dtn rm, 1\Y $1.75/hr. 6 das/wk. Laauna es · rm. A: bedrml priced e1se- Shatts Motel. ~ where at~ ls.Yours today at only $399. Eagy Credit B I KI N I Barmaid/danctt. Terms. Full or PBrt·ttme. Costa ORANGE COUNTY'S Santa Ana Furniture MeSI. LARGEST 42& W. 4th SL. Santa Au '"6-7301 2'1 E. 17th St., 646-44M • 517-0189 • \VAJTRESS Experienced, 18 ANTIQUE Gate~ table. to 22 yrs old. Part time. Ap. ESCROW magh. Duncan Phyfe mahg ply in peraon betwttn 2 &. 4, cocktail tablr. Map I e Mob thru Thun. Mr. Steak. OFFICER GraTW:ila!Mr clock. Wht & 2261 Fairview, C.~t. gold dbl dtt!MI'. \Yalnut BABYSITl'ER: )'OW' home. -NEWPORT-bookcase. Blond Philco TV. wedtdays, Newport Shorel; NATIONAL BANK Other mile small il!!ms, all l ch~n after 1 c h I • in good cond. ~ if no 646-8384 ang 548-855.1 • CONTACT MR. CARTER PART lime he.Ip o\!U 21, lun-642-3l11 e Furnitun e ch hn. ~parf: sand"'iches. ---------t Appliances • Color TV Zubie'o CdM. 61>-1904 AOK AUCTION DENTAL ASSISTANT Experienced 777l Garden Cl'C'Ve Blvd. Jor Peclo olfice. W~lminrter nr G.G. Frwy. * MoMli1l • BOOKKEEPER Tuu &; Thurs 1PM-S..t1:30 RELlABLE Woman to care tor llChL agers, 11-4 PM daily. C d M aJ'ft m..zM Exp'd bumm ..,,.. Beer bar in Costa Mesa 548-9226 Jlontinfton Valley Convaleeoent Hospital Estate COl\!glUnl. Repo, New DESPERATE! L,e av In r state, must tell ENTIRE houttfllll of fUrniture t\ •P- SJS2 Newman A''"· pll&nc:ea. Mostly , Spani!h Hunt. Bch. 842-5551 piecN. No tta90;.£ie oner Professlonal mulled. Priv. Ply, 9G8-$U YC"JNG Woman ~ for EmpfoynMtnt 19756 Cambridge Ln, HB. a&ies work. Veta'1, WestcllU A11fst1nu TR!PLE Dre~ w/mirror, PIA-. N.B. &O-ll97 COASTAL AGENCY suer credenza. baftet. twin MAID A member of , bed cornet poop. apt. size laC, $450. ~ new. &12-9006 SAYH t!ASH! Read The DAILY PILOT c L A 5 s I F I E D · · $1.15 per hour. h.lllz:w 4 Soellirw, lne. wal. di.nine rm &et. Sac. All ~. 50--m 2190 Harbor Bl. CM 54G-6lliS like new, 6C-8006 11•••••••11},j f\JLL time niaht counldor, WOMAN-MAN. Great ~ DANISH Modem llv. rm set: 11 i kt I PM. AUr-.edw, IOOd portun.lty, chooee hra. Write aofa. chair, tables, basaock: ncure.. 60-3'30. m&2 Ma)'p(lle Dr, Carden Bl~ . .!iJ6..3997 Nil DONUT ntedl women 21 Grow or call alt 9 pm, SLIP ~ Lawaon IO[a, )nor O'Yf'r'. Appl)t In p!nOn S34-6742 *1llo chair $4.l. Both. LI JS5 £. 17th, C.M. WAITERS. w a It re 1 1 e I, S.0Jl9 Costa Meu. HOUSEKEEPER, llw • tn. Bulboy. Pref. up·d. Apply; fVRNl'llJRE; 8tney A: Prh'. nn 1t-beUL 2 etilldttn. 2l21 E. Cout H11.')'. Cd it. Ct.y, dttger l chest of l'lll. VtJI. lf.2...7254 MOTEL 1'1ANAGER, couple drav.1!MI $35 each. 60-3469 Are You 1.etti.,g Cash I Slip Through Your Fingers See If You Have Any Of These Things A DAILY Pl.LOT WANT-D Will Sell Fas ! 1. s- 2. Gultor 3. Baby Crib 4. Eloclrlc $ow s.c-... 6.W- 7. Outboord Molor a. St.roe S.t 9. Coucll 10. Clirlnet 11. RofritJorlfor 12. Pldrup Truck 13. Stwlnt Machine 14. Surfbo1rd 15. Ml chine T 0011 16. Dishwasher 17. Puppy 18. C1bfn CruiHr 19. Golt Cort 20. Barornett'r 21. St1mp Collection 22.· Dinette Set 23. Ploy Pon 24. a-11 .. 11•11 25. W1ter Skit 26. Frener 27. Suite•" 21. Clock 29, Bicycle 30. Typewriter 31.llorStools 32. Encyclopocll1 33. Vacuum Cl11n1r 34. Tr0t>l<1I Fish 35. Hot Rod Equlpm't 36. Fll1 C1blnet 37. Golf Clubs 31. Storllnt sn .... 39. Victorian Mirror 40. Bod rooni St! 41 . Slide ProJoctor 42. L1wn Mower 43. Pool T1bl1 «. Tlru 45. Pieno 46. Fur Coif 47. Dr1pos 41. u .... 49. HorH SO. Alrpl1ne SI. °"'" 52. Exercyeft 53. R"o Boob S4. Ski 1- 55. High Choir 56. Coins I S7. Eloctrlo Tr11n 58. K- 59.ClaoolcAule '41. Ceffoe· T- 61. MolOicycle 62. Accordllft 13. Skit 64. TV St! 65. Wot\lllnch 1 66. Dl1-Witch 67. Go-Kort .......... 69. C-lnt Tl'lller 70. Antique l'urnllUN 71 . Tape Roconlor 72. S1l111olf 73. Sports Car 74. Mlttrou, lln s,,. 75. 1nbNrd Speodboot 76. Shot-n. s..wi. 71. Dort G- 79. Punchlnt .... 10. ll1by Ctrrllfl ti. Dnmw 12. Rine 13. D11k 14. SCUBA Golr These or any other extra things around the ho-111C1J be tumecl inta cash wifll a DAILY. PILOT :WANT-AD so ... Don't Just Sit There! DIAL DIRECT 642-5678 (YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD> DAILY PILOT WANT ADS WILL WORK FOR YOU! Get In On The .Action Today! > [-=Jiillnirr'il~D~sc ~fC!m!d. Quarters a.nd w.. THE QUTClCER rou CA~ •--=~~~~~~ ';;I:.::::::::....~~~;.;:._"'-uy . ......uI 1'llE QU10<ERYOUSELL -:~-------------..................... ll!IJI••·------... ' l ·j l l l I • • ! . • ! • l ~ ' ·1 ' ' • ' ~ t • ' , ' ' I , f J a a 2 a a a a I a --. ' ~ . . --•• , . ' ;-T; -..... ,,,,,.,,,,,.,,,...,,, ___ _ • Flldat, "-U, ~'M DAii.~ Pim MIRCHANDISI l'Oll MIRCHANDISI l'Oll MIRCHANDlll l'Oll MIRCHANDlll fOll MIRCHANDlll PITI ..i LIVIJIOCk TiT~ll.~~~NI~~~~: SALi AND TIWll lit.LI AND TltADI SALi AND TRADI SALi AND TltADI SALi ,\llfD T~I °!!! ~I--. AY ..... MlllQCANDlll POii MIRCHANDISI l'Ott • ' SAL'· AND TltAbl SALi AND ~ ! ' Pu""'--~-· -I - FurulltuN A-I02S , ...... _ _...._ IOGO Mlocelli-MOO -....... -... AIREDALE. """' t mos, roR SALE .. -.. e l'wnllun • DELUXE I' tfl4l!OC s1uo Q:mpa, AKC. ohot&, -ftW 1111i11:s booL IM • ' ' . I • ii .• •• . ' ' ' ' .. KENMORE Fro1 t-fr•• dotlf. It-llCl'ftll Stl. !Udtns kidl., call.*· eMOU bottomed im. New 8 LOST OUR LEASE Appll-·~TV ..irl(, Slltl. Olnttts oeL I batb b..:._ ei>e! ~ c.s. ., AOK AUCTION chain 1G. I Dn>1t1 -tu -IUIL !Ill-ml O!OlCE -POPPJ AKC, ere. -..-. "' ...in $30. ..... Early 1U Pl' dur -... Champion •!rod. s b 0 t.' muino1--J~ ~~~ OW ............. IMll••I It W .. ..W.. 1122 ~ GroveCJQ • ""' dla-.......a -yat.-...1 male. ~ ..,,_ Q m.Ph .... _. '- M V t N We1tmlNUtnr.G. ,Frwy. A.m,r. Secttonal -.. ........, -at ~Will~rMWt/11 ust ac:a e OW TUel A n.tn? fM ... t 6'30 "'"4102-SJJOO, 96Mtl82 • ••-anilqllo ctn or -· !:aw ...... -~-New DlCOIATill ans CAMCP••'llOll VlNYLTILE,Ltoohom, U• ... w ... ~ 1610-..... ---·""" ••a ._.,____ Of ·1a WXUIY APAITMENTS ' -'tlle--..U.:col.... ·-.~ ........ v- Our -.... ft. Store S!Mk -... ..w hall•-1100 .... nd ......... ...... --. ·~·· '16 Snlpe ·-· .. ~ Opuas -~·1c Fl •--= h•la & M1lloa: a11• f•d•t -Hone. -Ulul I Garden ruvwr •llrlr. le~ mt-LARGE-of-·r • ..um.t-. Lie. Contr. WIPAYMOlll ,,..,old_Geldll>a. s. Harboo 85...S., IA. •-• ""'" All llllAND NEW ~ ~ 1or 1nu ., -.. -3 t-m. V .. ~$1""" "--. -~ ... ~ ""'!::..~_ .... ' Md d s • CASH -vnr vuv.,..... ~ pliancet uvm .._._ ·pc. • iftrr1ne1n B• room ufto 11t .-ec.1n WEDGWO!Hb' stove 6 OYtn -pleUUl'9. Must •lMu.ktng l'§J"''"Fllb""'"'•-=boa=t"'-='"!\lid=:ntl •Spc.wl l'cs,.lolt-............... .n.......-. IRe9 •• J49.00I ________ NOW $161.oo , w/ho04"" Hotp::t relrla . ISOO ... belt ofter. CaD ,,. ;;r .... 1, radlo." .. llfl with .56 IL Mlil 'Isa ....... , w cW-e_; We Service -We TI~ 6or9eou1 Spenith Cu1tom Suitt Sofa with ... CU1UiJn ~ flO. ~ dl,)'a .or ~ lathOlneW't', DI', a , ntrtc 5 pc. S,.... ........ eM ""9.., • 3.....,,,.... DUNLAP metchint l.ov• Seet-Ctioice of beautiful lrOD-rit. manaJe 120. ewnlnp: or weehnda. box. 714/ 5 21 .. ,0fl ., ... SllZIMOltt'c .......... -........ APPLIANCE feb•i••. IR09.'419.951.---"0W$Ul.oo S'-11111210.W ....... -.... flm:ltur., -Goodsplrltedrldl::s ltl>·>i0hlt5- P=t I lwe. ' 1815 Newport Blvd., CM. Spanish Oinin9 Seti -· .. -·····-··-......... _ ........ $71.00 couch. chair. 2•tablH. patio cokftd TV, piaiiot. tr'IW ~ ~ 16' BURQtCRAJ'T 8d1I. JI Once Jn a lifetim• price's of· rbol othtr Jtems. '-• 5a7111 • Solid Oak End-Tables erul Coff .. -Teblff .. $11.00 at $50.. tt& «El Tr.m Jar and an~a. GENTLE Geldlnc w 1th HP Evinrude mot«. Jhall Plus an extra 1p•cial offer $5 off on any,100 1 MAYTAG waaher, ,II.pi new Tall Decorator Table Lampl Bike for 1. DlY or afchl iplrit. perfect lor gb1a. $DJ. needs work. pod motor purch•s• or mort, with a copy of this ed. t $90.· RCA Whlrlp,ol p.s tR•9. f49.ts• -----····· .. ···········-·NOW $11.00 CiiANING House; Malet ot. 6M-112t Call M5-al!O aft g pm.. $125.. 613-S05.Z • 10 pc,. Qulft•d Com•r A11emble _. ... .-:t11•·a diyer trS. we1tJ,ngbouse Spanish Han9ln9 Swag 1..tmp1 Sers on:. Concord tape. l't"'<',....,FlBE="'a"'c"'LASS"'=-"'boa=~-=z:! • '6 In. Olllltod,Sof•, w/56 In. lo•• 1NIJl4t. rro.1.ftte reb1&ml.., !50. IRe9. '49.951 ~--············-·--···NOW $H.llO ..-!er, Mldl•nd ,...,. $WE IJUY $ FREE TO YOU Hp. Mere. motnr, -•- , Ml In. fle .. y s,.nl•h Coffoo T•ble "2'· 540-l05!, :mD SU.ta Ana A decorator c1rear1 house on display _ 3 tape, 8mm -"'°""' tn>b. wtndlhlokl. ......_ Uf90 M•lchln9 ump Tebl .. -'"·" 6-A, s. A. of ._ ... L--'"-...... = Yul:lca ~ mm. $ RJRNITURE s· ONE !;• ......... s -' 'l'l'oller new 1315, 1116-72:!0. t Sp•nish Decorator Lemps, from . i1•.•• DISHWASHER: '89 Ke~ rooms gorgeous ....--· lllfl.WutW lWCA APPLIANCES )'!+old t'mt. Cock--A-Poo! 8 Jr G1wt?oD. l/O, V-t. • Gu1r•nteed lox Spns. A M1ttre11•s, from ,19.91 more, top .loadl111r portable, ,.,. $1295.00 1/3 OFF on all 'bikfuil 4 cov-mo. fem.Co c k-A-P 0 0 , Jo.ded W/ie!Jl:tru. M 1 • t · • 2 cycles cptnde $150 '"'r Any tile t I ColorTV-'11110-Jt1roN coOO $.DIG $41..Jltl • St•c~. I: Stacks of 15 yr. Quelity King. Qu••rt Malnt. ~tract ~va 11: SACRIFICE $398 ~~-n· _';!,." ~ 2-~ ...... "-..... ~ 5f6..fl689 8125,~=·=='=====I !otu el TERRIFIC SAVINGS.. . . ,...._,.... ~ -·---••-936 """" (otl ~l 1 fOIO lank Term• Store Charge Master Charg• ~~~enmore ·-·"--. 8 CraditTarms .Av•I• c:ad~tC1,:red l•:nmedl•tol•. =~-~.e eoe0pes. :xi • 541-4531 e c~. o~ boat. "'-~ ~S.;;;l,;;lbo;;;;;ota;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;,;;;;;,i lankAmericarcl All Accepted eycl $100 K .. _Kot Jo '· • _, wy, • n "· lumber. Old an. Httt. • -.. , ..... _Sol."" S..10..S __ ..;;.800.;....~":."!.:d mm RJRNITURE SURPLUS factory ..... WE PAY CASH _ 112$ AUGUST SA.LEI ..,_. -·r ._, alt, $15. Both lo"°"' aood fabrl" 6 """""""·Sold LOV~ C<ntle -TRADJ•INS cond. -::.. tbo s.r'~ M ~ .• WANTED -St. ........; mi.. I BELOW AWlW~ APPROVED FURNITURE 2065 Cliarie St. COlll M.a l•hincl "H•rbor Car W•sh" Enter off Hemllton or Bernerd St. A little It•"' .. fhMI, Mt worth th• do.lien yo11 1•111! T:"..!:,t"..,,~!"'.=..": 1844 lewport Blvd,..t,-., ~ v.acuum a.oner FURNITURE ~· >b>t wtll: ~ ~= ~;;,;,;~.~ unit. Pale yellow double with a t tac b me n t • A TOP CASH IN 30 Minu~ BLACK male .PUPPY· Lovlna, ti.Ct!, boe.t bath etc •• secl ..... excol. rond. 11.25. ........ U--only pollah<r. Take over """" Quality !umlture, caloc TV'1 -... -N-MARlNER ............ - S4VS\u1 435 tJito Ave, N.B. ~I lllRil pymts or tt)..lO cub.. o-edit stereos, appliances toala. immedlate bwne, a.>2191 CORONADO 23 •••••• $31115 COPPERTONE !Wrigetator '"'1illl:t11t-WM.Sot.IS..'111 Dept.~lzac oJficeequip. an...&PM. ,,.,,,, OOl!ONADOV1clm7 •• G. E. Fm:tl"' ,.._ 511-1212 ll ~ pupplel need ~ 2912 W. O>alt -· Z FORMALS ... Blue 9/10., WE .......... Newport Beach * ICMllJ(I Fumltu,. IOOO HOUMhold Goocl1 I020 Ftttur. U cu tt. 175 Call ,..,low. 718 wltb hWplece•. PAY CASffl hom.,, Mo""' ...unora- ......,,. Pie-& "'-•M ll:IO Ml-ll•noous .,_ Call 518-1962 be-. 5-7 • Father !. WW. be latoe COMPLETE -~ ••-' OVER -STOCKED BED d;van,,2 m1tc1: c..C. -·.. -dop &C-5729 81:11 -w ... ~• I -eou .. " 2 tnd ta"'6 GE Auto . ., ........ Top rond. u _, H ond ..,_ p.m. • NOT CL-k~ . ... build ....... --$i Wall racks SS. Pole $65. Hamilton auto. ps lieu •mm -·w•n FOR SALE: Star Depltory Mammoth.Lakes Barpln . nwC • NEED aood lxJmet w/fencd tlberelus hull. la bot MUST SELL! lamp $8. Other oddment&. dl')'tt 135. 5'M587 SAL[ Mone, Salt. CDP..S,: SorilJ M> mobUo home (wini.rtad) For GOOD USED yard ... h<aut. l•mllo colliO repolt1 -~-8alx:t Eves. 5'8-5179 KENMORE Electric dryer, No. 32241. Brand new. S,,00, Fum. 11'» 7. Macy J:xtru! Furniture, St~, TV or S:,:!,>':U:. ~ ~ hardwa.rd A lllW Sabat._ New 9 pc. corner arrang. __ pxt cobd. $3). B-3 1; Leslie, A·lOO, a.Joo, (coat $0>.) Moving allf. not Sac. 12995. EK. cond. 531-3374 Household Itttnw of any kind. -i~ parts: mast. booms. ~ choice of clrs.. rer. $2311, G1rage Siie • fN'-' f,. 841-nlS •. H·lJXl, M-lOD, M-3, L.JOD, included in sale srt~. )'OU 2 1WIN bed&, sled frames e 547.S722 e LOVABLE Grey lemale kit· boards. rudden 4 tlDen. i -~~~uee!ead:1::i: APT. Sale-GE Jldrigerator KENMORE Automat ic J-100. S-1. From $195. Tmn1. handle aale & ddivuy of S30 each. 0Dmer tah&e IU. NEED bridal one to JOOO, :p ~:m ~ ~ ~ r= ~pe:n ~ ~ Full $10.SO. Twins $3.95. $75. Blonde Bdnn 1 et washer, &ood j!Ond. $40.. ALLEN THEATER 3'l ped ;a~ C ':rt. n t ~ t 8 Jm.; Call fi13.-l226 ren:mably priced. M4-f68T Republic, CM. 8125 5:31).8:30, Weekm:ls 1·7 PM. · .,._...n_ sets (duo ristt) w/ w/bax springs A: Mattreu * 841-8115 * · ' · e ey, on. ' to FAMILY membenlp t n USED bl."" dtt I tabl 875 W 17th Street Ol •• .. ·~"":;.,.;.,..""It. -. HOS, H~. 4-poote? dbl ... _1. •-1.2 Cu. It. new GE als, a1mott new! p.m. The Newporter Inn, Irvine ~--t Cowi-. Club "" a nc e. HELPJ Land lady wants me • "u..ca _.....,. •-.. .,. .,...., Ul:'P • ll01 Jambo-Rd "'"' .._.. ~, Must be In lood condition A out • lovable Fox te~·•, 6IW15l. MM:nt now $19.00. Roll•·W&Y beds matt $50. 8 panels: white refrigttator. Used 2 moatha. Blc Savinp Now in our End 6"-lTOO '"'"' ' '~'°' for sale. Pvt Pb'· ~1911 ~uon.l!'le. 549--0674. hu Uc'd,, ahota, bab'ic;. New SABOT .......... 1111• W·/ inn. aprinc matt. reg. drapes ~· Lamps, card 96l-2952 d..SUmmerQearance Sale!! P""'"' . NATUR.ALrancbminkatole. u--1-f 4!M-(J08l 8122 LID014, trlt••••••••••d. $:19.50, now $39.50. Full sz. tables, a.ntJqua gl.us. Jan LARGE Copper Frigidaire HAMMOND ;Ji'Wre., ~~o:~~o,:i: ~at$800.aellfar$550. ""'"" nery,etc. 1700 2 CUTE lii PeraiaD kitkna i DINGHYS frOl!l •••••• Sst. ~fa rq. $239.50, ~w &: odds·~ end& 2'75 E. U St. -1oo1-._, ,,.,,.,,...,. _ .. ,.v... In <JORON' DEL •••~ ~•• ro•~ -~ 1• ~-~ old "' -w •-~69.50. New beds: King Apt 20CM.Betare11at'\l!r6 iSi):~ _,.... ~ ........ 2854 E. Coast,. Hwy. ~ setting, Frff of im-DOUBLE wall beater U~ ~ ;:d_ .,. .....u&. wkl . mTA State Ave .• ~ roMC.\T 'BQA.Ti .-. ~ S99.50, Queens, $89.50, Full PM 548-4841 F -~I t•-----~ to JO time a new iz· Kini mt bed 6(2.8393 *Eve 8972433 Oltta Mea. 548-4950 8122 2614 N~ BIYCL. NB 67s.MOO ;& 'j49 50 Twins $39.50 t'ully LARGE Tub washing mach. r•nr.n M ._.. magnification. $950. Seen by frame 11:51> 5'8-293S •. • SPAYED cat w/&11 lhots, 1 1. ~ 0. n . apread. $9.95 GSUnARA2239GE V~~:H,::;!: NSoll.t. ued g mos. Like new $80. Tba tactory bas ord~ doae app't. at U.S. Natlonal RIC mod l •·-· -•· t PETS d LIVESTOCK yr old. Free to sood. home. KITE A: YARD OOU.Y No. ~~---· •-.... way, now. · ...... .._ ... , . 677 Vidoria. CM out ot 4 OXl9o1e I: 2 Spinet Bank. S43-e335 e PLaJ~, &""""'° eon •n 151. New 1n 1961. See apue ~~-~ (Blu!h) • • l '"· A ts H 'K Aft 5 p.m., ti4U389 8/22 SIESTA SLEEP SHOP J9'l1 • -. H 0 T p 0 l NT Refriga-ator Pianos on a cost-plus bull. VIRTUE dln. .et, 7 chn. $30. equ p. ..... c engs p -No. 84, Bahia Corinthian ~* Harbor Blvd., CM ~60 816 GARAGE r1lr &~ new-White. Great tor ~~et laa1n .piano buplns J.f.' Ffi&idairt', sood oond. or best. 962-17Cl C1t1 1820 pt:": .Coc.:U ~~ feo~ Yacht Cub. S'195. Call B. daily 10.9 Sat-Sun 10-6. ~ apts. ~ like edthete! First come -first SJS •• Table aaw $35. Lady sw..JNG out! Com p I e t • .... ,,.,4• ,..,.. Mueller. 636-4100 4&ys, or ="'========!~ .. _1 .. ·-- 3 BR • Aft SEAi.POINT S1amne kit· ~ 8,.... 144-.f.lS.f. n11n. '" nvrNG to amall apt·mLllt 0o-...r hutc• -tt.. tablo, ARD'S. B •' -• STIJD!O Kemnore SU dryer, xlnt """ ..,..., "'"'" ap.. . "" .... ,_. """ '" ....... Anti 1110 ~""' -~ ~ lllF1 16 ~ 5 pm 6G-53l9 lent., t Wttks. b:u trained. ADOPT! Well~ kitteM, * eo•U'IO •t..r• -* I\ sell beautiful Ole~ twin dinette set, clothes, draptt-. . qves 1319 Ne..,..,,,rt, C.M. S4).a484 ............ "'"' • • sp ....... A: • ' • oxv•~Al,,. -~ beds w/Sealey spnng mat· ics misc bric a brae, ,house-~...-cabn. $2J. 9111 Buttercup 4·x8' Bnmawick 1 %." alatt: 115 e~dt. 494-5752 sin wka. Seven1 cokln:. FULL ratt/crullt. 5 sails. f) treues & box springs. Cher· hold Hema. Auto parts· ENG~SH &: Spanl1h AnH~ ANYBODY GOO' PIANOS? Aw., F .V. M2-6001 pool table, $500. •BEAUTIFUL JO mo old 644-0211 S/2'.Z Nu apdmtr, hdwr, 1plnnalaer, ~ ry bu t I ~ r l 1 y table. headers, cbrome wheeJ1; bell furniture. Chippendale llde Ye!...... we have Planol! WROUGHT-iron f I x tu re 1 • 546-4.f.8.f '* female Bluepoint Siunete. 3 FEMALE hall Siamese kit~ 6 hp Evlnn,ide. Many xtru, I\ Fnrttwood frame, Fr Prov housings, etc. • Chair. 16th century Spanish YeA •••••• you ~an rent A: Hanging lamps, and wall CARPET STS. ~ tens, I weeks old. 5.f.5.5971 Pr pty, (%13) 6Z'l-l108 wkly. "' aafa. 2 maple chests. Green Sat & 5 All Da oak amall librU)' .table. credit all lllO'll1el toward scones from $12 to $38. a.Utt Shap. tweeds. hi.Jo plle. All 8122 SEA Sc oat ' s desparUlbo J vinyl lounge chr W-<11· Uft Y Upholstered aette. Pineap-purcbue. S PM Friday; 9 AM1o 6 PM cokn. Fret ut. Lie c:oatr. Dogs 1125 2 BLACK atkn.ble puppies need a MAIN all b' 22 toman.4pnfUUt.ln&tbSloan !2014·A Wallace, pie.mahogany dbl bed. box Ye.•···~, we hl'lf' Wll?litur SUnday. 67S-6 214. 713 546-4418. *** 497-1849 *** FOOT ALBATJ\OSI . ' ' ·' ' ~ ~ '· ., . " •• t; ' ., .. ·. • ~ .. cua: made Iott Cr n f""' u--gpnngs A: matt. Items not Pianol. Marguerlte CDM. LABRADOR Retritwr PQlll. &U-8'l69 ... ~-w/valanco box.,. ..osta ...._ l~too. 642-8119 HOUSE OF HARMONY lll OFF 0~ aU bll:!nlo 4 QUALl'l'Y l:lns bed. qulltod. Flold 4 si-stock 5 ONE '""· -""""' ~ -_ ... .., 48 Fashion 1lland Complete, u n u 1 e d $1.Cli; t e nra le 1 1 ma 't • kitten. Female. 54S-19l2. ••' VIKING Aux. Baud. 3 prs red A yellow English CHAlRS: all new, uphol, l•rry Morg•n Antique• Newsx>rt Beach 6'4-0391 cow:Mips. Any siae top worth $250. After 5 er wlmdl Bre~enriclP Kennelt. ai 9\oi'xl.8%' wood palio root, Moor av..U. Trd 0 K: Chintl draperiea. Many Spanlah bi·baclt "fl It' o o t Q.EARANCE SALE! · w/any bottom. $1( aults 141-0106 846-.tllo -....... cOndidon, 646-'1582 8122 ~ x04 Mr. ~ ot h er tmns ind fine stool,~$50. Maple Berklilll'!l' American £: European An-WANTED now $9.80, Anythin& Goes. ......... __.......- blank@U. 56-1446 aft 9:30 ftcliMr, S50. SWiit!th@art tlqu@s., MUJt make room for PIANOt A ORGANS 2400 W. Cat Hwy°. N.B. 8' SELF-contained Camptt WELIH 0:H'si (Pembroke) DU'IO:I nbblt, male. COWMBIA. '!G _.._ I. a.m. lou~ in black take fur $65. new shipment .. See at *6J6..3G)* Open Sundays! S 3 7 5 • F 1' • e z e r S 7 5 • champion aiftd, 5 males, 3 sa.m.n after 6:00 p.rn. 8122 31'.lHP inboard":'° N~ Home Sod• Fount•in Others from $15. Kibl...ue 2380 or 2428 Newport Blvd. T .__._._ .-,,.. ROYAL electric t;ypewl'iter, Refrigerator ~.B 5 O 31 female&. Priced &OCICll"dilW DARLING part bea&le pup-Loaded w/optJanalt. Xbd hid&e-bed irl black, naugh. Costa Mesa. MS-1383 • ...,.......,,.. ._... lofll' caniage, won. fine McFadden Ave., • to QV&litJ. 546-49211. pt ea, g wk 1 • 0 J d, cond. 04--713$. 6t8-8IM'I' 5:e1: :~~ied •= $90.• 12 ca !' ftlric $95. COILECTOR'S SHOP ENTERTAINMENT Centtt: $55. ~JJSO G~:A~iz:ntShopplank~:: MIN. Poodle puppies. AKC 54M310. 8/19 PENGUIN sailboat 11~' 1'ROST home 80da fountain. Stereo, RWJJIC machine, Somethinc for ll!Vtt)'OMt TV, alereo phono, AM/FM DESK $6!5; dreuer with mir-back slop. $15. 5.f.8.-089J rq:'d. black A brown. Merv-HEALTHY, Happy kittens. w/lal.I 1; trailer. Top a. Two carbonated faucets, four rup, books A mtsc. NO HELEN MANNING Antiques radio, xlnt eond. ' 7 S , ror $55; bedrm set $135; ins.-mtwl •ll. 64.f.-.f.9lS WQDed A houtebroken. di Hon $t2S. 831-1591 tlavor di1peneen. 32'' wide J'UNK! Attemoonl from 2428 Nwpt Blvd CM 96S-5010 couch $100; aoif clubs, pain-Bab,v bed eompJeie ADORABLE Ted<ty Bear 548-48lS 8/23 ==-.,....,,.,.,...,.,.--,,,,...,..=-! __ .. """ d-p M-'·• ••-'"'• 3:JO and all day Sft. 19741 &f.2..9251 .i ..... o•-. .,..,., -...: $15. auro .___. -FORaleUdoJ4..ubtn.ill!r, ... .... 4~ "" • ...., ....,, '™' Bushard St H.B 912-1069 21" RC.A Victor console ... ,.., "" .,,........,..,. * 50-8737 •· ,,...."' ftl. ...-... .... ,""" J mo. FREE Puppies., m other Xlnt cond. Call bappy! c.ost sa>. Take $200 .~ • ' • • WE Repair Tllfany leaded Very nlee tone $l5. TWO Brun.nllli' dr aft inc Mak• otftt. SIS-8140 maltae poodle. black A: 6'J3.2lm or make offer-. 542-9114 44 . x 82' _POOL table $(5. lamps 4 stained &lass win-893-54llj machines, 24" arms, $50 KING Size mattreu, boa Cock+Poo Tarrltra whlte. 6.f.6..66J8 81231 --,.,,==,..,,==,,,..-I CANOPY BR set "Teenette" ~e frame & wheels for dows. Also have llOtne for each. ipring, like new $40. HOURLY RENTAi.i m1n1-blke $25 12 volt Ply-1 * M4-l6'18 * 644-1361 1 wkl, .ft&-x.13 FREE Ra.ta; all colon. Good * Rbodn" 19's * FR. Prov. wht w/gold trirn, ~outh generator or sl~er r"rF'F·ANY HOUSE 54l-3'1Sl Hi-Fl & SftNO 1210 MINI B:'ko, 2 --edfu-, 1 * SACR.:t""JCE AKC Dober. pell for chl1dren Fun Zone Boet Cb. Bllboa formica top. 3 drawtt chest $5 GM head rests $5 Sim ca s E \'11 N G rn a c h i n e ,........ .w.. mans Show Quality. M I: F. lW6-834& w/ hutch book 1hell. Desk pan, SJ. LI s.n.47 ANTIQUE SALE L969 STERm Corm1e, d1x, WesUn1hou• portable, ex.• _hand digger. For I 1 le $50. Mutt 10 by Sat «K-8320 5 PIECE actlonal couch, UDO lt er dresser. nite stand, val i'ATER tank Ewrythin& 30 to 50% off. in beau.t cablnl!t, com.~ cellent condUion i 3', reasonsble! Call 64s.5206. DAqlSHUND. B •a at 1 f u I d 1 i with no:.--.••·__...·····:••• ... $3ll).flell $150. 642--7984 butanl! beater for camlper, MARY JANE'S ANTIQUDi w/new I u a ran tee. 4 968-3049. 188% Merrill Pl, CM AKC fftn.aJ.e, a months. AU ~ a P-co"~~~ I ---,=::0"f':','~'2:,:::C=--I MOVING, Obie bed. mat· equip auto ·~ m K,:J 2m Newport Blvd., c.c:.ta Speaker IOW3d ayatem, 4 spd •UKE new 9'6'' Petrillo MOVING To desert, muat lhota. $50. 644-.f.869 l KJ•tena 6 ......... old. CeWkl Na ...... tioll box --trpl ' · ..,...., Mesa. Engliah dJan&tt, aotid state awfboard m 11 .... SUnday 3 h f>Ut.. · "' ....... c.oai. 'l tress. .. ., ... '6. e surfboard, ~ motor, A diamond needle, Pay otl · ae .,, • P RU$IAN Blue cats, 2 5&-2306 alt f PM 8/23 Cooke * ~UM I ~. Bassett make. you .flllme.it .we.got.it! balot$1910 uypymnta. •64f.-2987*' board motor $60 or bat t'e~. 1 male $10 ucb. 3 DARLING p/Persian kit I 96S-6356 5 mos. old, Sac ~1656 SewlngMlchlne1 1120 Credlt~pl~'7289 SINGLE mernbit rshl p, &'ts..4534 19111FullertOQ.C.M. t en s. 175.J8 87 0; RHODES33.Racfr.i6,._.. $1.25. GARAGE SALE 1969 SINGER STEREO Conaol• p I u I Balboa Boy Oub. mo. Call VORNADO Car alt -BRUSSELS Grlllon Pupo. 673-4184 lllS Woo~ -~ -EXPENSJVE FURNITURE Birch hutch & dining set. alter 9 P .M. 61s.-sool dltlone'l'. $60, 16261. Nauau Black,, champ 1lre. (213) · or S' Pl1lltnan sofa makes into .afa, 2 rattan arm chain, 2 Zig-zag cab mod slight]y ayatem. Ampex T;:D tape ACRILAN c•-t bel-14 x La. HUllllileton B • • c h, ~ aft I P .M. · 7 Wkl old 3 Coclcu puppies. KITE No. l7G. l used. Styli$b wal cab. Does deck •. turntable, Knight -....... ~. ' Ftte to iO(ld. home Aqua Blue. X1nt can4. quttn s,ize bed c:ost $499 iaC. oc:cuional chairs • car& everything without attach. amplifier. Ko!1 hea~nes. IS. $85.. •&& Qlldcrafl $95. 847-1158 POODLE Pupplea, Io YI• 9824401 8r.z:i * l73-3MI * ~· se:;u"~~ir cost back, 2607 Way Lane, China Blt·in controls to ove:rcut, ~ll toeelher. Barpm. Call 548-0581 * Newport Beach 1°eMl1 ~· Shots, Cream.a A FREE cute Tmi-Poo . SPANISH·Klng size Bdrm B~~ c::t :;un~ttan make button holes, sew on ;~~n;;,~il or: 83t'l611, "U1!n.=-(ov':~~t~ ~~ r:m=· l400 ,+ =~84~7!1: man plea. I will o5d. ~rm rhi ~~u!'°°~m::~mu:/= f set, sofa & love seat. lampt, chair, twin bed $6~ cttobe&, buttons, hem dresaes, make EO . AKAi M-9 for $99. Regularly $3)0, Miu TREESW~E:I' Valencias $3 a Shepherd PllPf. S15. NEED ~ home• for Slip avail. $500. 115-Uft end lab.les. misc. Call J.Oo.S2. Moon wagon. $2, fancy stitches etc. 5 Yr. STER equip; Lane 549-1425. Call 5U-245t lovable kittens, ust'd colors CAL m, No, -i plnnalcer, parts &::: service iuar. Pay (Roberti) $500. Pioneer J30 • box. 15 pounds ltlr $1. It 836-44!3 8/23 "''"' 613-9393 Odds & ends. 9'l1 C!oronado, $5.88 dn & 9 pymnts of $5.88 W Multiplex $Zi0. 2 Pklneer NYLON carpet. sand beige 646-M!H Boston TeJTier, agei. 08, bt t..th, ~ atru. I -RIDE-a·bed, 5', fall colors C.M. 54G-l984 'J'brl.Sun. mo., bO interest charge or: speaktts $250. Ste r• o 40 yda. nda cleaning, $1 yd. GIRL! Schwinn Stb1lra1 JX!&!e, 9 wka. MALE 3 mo. Coclt-a-poo. $2850. 615--0297 $90, ..,.. ho u 1, h old PATIO SALE -To"' ot FuO Price 558.80 .....-12S, Ounl::g Pad 50 '""" ,.r. 5!&-0457. 833-1578 Loveobit, ""° to aood SABOTS Oomple• t rea90nable. ~XS'f. h o u a e b o Id art t c I ea, -·'-Tapn 13 ea 56-1678 REEL to v-• ts te bike, $40. PURE ~ r--;-La"-home. 536-7631. 812'J Ready to Race! $215. Ii For DO oblli .• free b om e .,.,,....,. • neg pe 1 reo. Can &U-7984 ~ .,.,.. ...... ._.,. ! CUSTOM Danish 9' sofa $50. furn ishings, clothing. 11Joes, dimlO Call credit Mgr 'til .PORTABLE stereo Record bll·in apkra. new $110. poodle pi.ap. $21. call after f, FREE Klttena. weaned 4 2912 W. Cout Hllbn1 8 matchlnl cushicw $30. &::: ldect group ofl amall PM. it toll, call collect. PlQ:er. 2 apeakml. $50. Tape• lllCI. m.'1003. DOUBLE wall beater like 549-1827 sand box trained. ' wkL CAL )4. 3rd in NationJta 2 642-1738 ~~~~·A:na 2& ~~~ 213: 531-9694 64fr2231 * 52 YARDS n Y lo n ~~~~~~~be bed IRISH Setter pupa. To SOod will deliver 833-2632 8122 ~.Full tet of .U.. $3700 chairs. lJO 9th St., Bolboa. 1969 SlNGER "_ H.. carpetJng, bel&e color. vtty home onl.v. A.Kc. Adorable! 5.ACRlilCE.toapproved 846.-295'1 . touc ........ ma...., Sporting Gooclt 1500 IOO<I condition. 548-8833. RbOF Or labdlcapa lnlvel Intettated? Call 546-150.f. home, adorable Boston Tar-=========I Office Furniture I010 Aug. 20-22, Aug. 2>26. Jag zag. button holes. sews atays tn p~ wit b r1flr male AKC PATIO Sale: Good TV $20. on buttorui, blind hems. 22 PISTOL BOBO THE CLOWN Bond-Rock. &U-6711 ADORABLE mlxed poodSe • r e s. Poww Cruitel"I 9DO AN AEROSPACE AM/FM hi fi;>bono S30. Oil SM.SS or $4.16 mo. 525-6616 22 calibre pistol <COLTI ti Magic puppets&: b&lloon pappies, I weea old S.S.1,837""'-.:-3400"""·~~~.,....,~-~""".-..-.==--'-'=I CORP. RELEASES artifacts many 01 h t1 r ·rtplica. Complete with fast. animala. Reu. 6™290 MATOIED Id. Zit n Ith 493-1970. GERMAN · Shepherd 10 mo FISH OR Ila Dnbi 21" twill -* 51&.60xl4 Walnut dtlkl, things. • 8122 lndlanapolia, Musiul lmt. 1125 draw holtter $50 546-m9 CHll.D Cran books so. 1 ton Miaollthlc. Z-2 all in the AJGitAN t AKC. White old. Good w at c b do I 1 e'W spcct 1llMr: 91 bddet. with M'YeT' marred tops, 536-6697 ' window alr condiUonen $50. etr het.rin& aids. MUil tell. wlblk ~Champ blood-645-186.f. bdedl ._ 1D I• ?'(!furbished •••.•• $14.50 GARAGE LES Paul Custom Guitar, at't$PM. 644-161! 642-0093: lbw. M&.3lll ' MALE. Yorklhire Te.Jrler. ~~ Saa. Slllt. * ~ door letter tilt sale •tar t l n & black with gold trim, Hum-SEE "POOl. TABLES" lN · N chUdttn. 96&-%U6 8123 •1~ •••••••• , ••••••..• , S35 ea. Thurs. As is &..~1ndltion, buekind gold p I c k. New M1scellaneou1 tor la.le ool· ~. One --"-'ellc, 1 * SKIPJACK 'JfY U>Ai>iD * 4-walnut ~aJ I: wu.her, dryer, lunuture I: with case $650; yours t'o1' umn. ¥"7'"'""" Blmlnl top 6 outrfatn It ., SI.IS ..-Wan:. 22.11 Dnnnlt Rd., 1400 wHh hml w U ""· s T' ""R G .... -E--"M... wlu old. :ml a., St., NJ!. -"--· • --uni s ••••• ··' • ··' ca. N.8. "·" Dan MIA . .uw:. ........._ Mitcell1neovs l600 ~ ~ .&'-',.. 54S-M58 8123 ::. ... :.,_ • · * Alao draltln& t a ble1, ic-0-----~--1 \,,&U ~ .-uc .,,,......._ chairs, work tables, steel GAS Jawnmov.-er, freezer, ~ POOL TABLES Miii a.A.Tl. , UllA FREE KlTJ'ENS CLASSIC 22' 1963 Cen- deak.s, credenzu. fire tll-1win11:nhll' ~vacuum CAMORA 12 atr. $125 . .,, " .At --.11 ~ f•Mr~~ ~ -r.• rB-4236 8/%3 Ravenutillt;y.!:i:oitll••t es, t!tc. equip, 3 &'ll'IJ' bikes. ttc. GUILD F -312 $400. Or Best ~ and l slate Iopa.. New ~ N4. Aui~: Jiill .. th a.. ed. DIN~ Bootb with table. cond. (2:13l m.-. or McMAHAN 'S '422 E. 22nd St., ,..wp, Bch. oUen 846-1079 c:ove.rtnc. Wtth w WlthoUI .. To--., -aoe '°' ~. ll.1Mr. 548-8.f.2:5 8125 S75-06U • ~ S. .whelm~ CARPE:l', lbag, bl-lo NEW. . ~~s~~~ ;:=c!j ~,cu-=•==·~ MA'ti'.JRE Plant&. >'OU dJ&, '57 • 1r OWENS T.S. 111. (Alo::g•lde s.A. ,.,.,,, ~ ... "s.fu':;...""onl1u.mu1m, Pl•-& Orpnt a1:io .. ""' Llquldltl::g """''"' ,_ M-.,.,.. ..., nu 1n t:o1eL ~ ...... ......, fOOd ....,_ at Katellal . MOM a DAO route. Fldancinl ava1lahle. it••••• 33~ :J~..:*' fRANS..OltfATION M500. Thdll < ......... ?t1ISC. IOola, house:waret, "John" 542-2842 M&-7'201 ·~ S4U. 6'0.., &e-1131. Offl E I nl 8011 clotb;ns, 2Mltuv oquip, • DO rr NOW!! LOO • ...;. 17 ._.. ,,_ .,_ Boots & YKhts 9000 21' TS CRUl30N, u~. ce !u pme much more. Sat.sun, JO.S. While we haYe the sreatest IG ~er er .so. 5 •tt.W 34C-6'&. ..__,._ TYPEWRITER. Add. mach, l2M Highland Or •• N.B selection, the moat reuon-ca10 .. _,~ ..,.,_,~~ 21,~ :t-.. ~;::" :~~ '61GLASSPARCt tatlon . SIS~~- V hie able rentals, the best teach. '""" ,.., .. ., U..nl uo. ~. '"""'-'• 3'Y1111 .,~ Jl'lboa:rd:outboord. 120 Marc. .,_... -• calculator, ery reuona • 'OARAGESALE-ewrythinc ,, ~-t-m Conn W··" Famco No. 2 Bea.rina: Prey 101"' .-on-.w '10Mollil. Crul wtll: ~ .. ca·-~· 16' ~~ ~-1 -nd. -~ ,,._ --... ;, ._.IUUllC '" ou• f1 It.. •j~ 71-ffr , JlOW"' ~· , Ul.UUl'I "'9UIU cnd9ft' A011 .... 0--~....... must ao! 364 E. lvlh Bl.ace. u..:.... .,._&.... ...., __ .:_, •. $2l. 2 wbl all atffl heavy 51 .., .. r;;;;;• n~ ·1'R~O~Y"AJ..,-,El=oc-,-,-t'"o-m.,-o"'t.,-I. c Cb&ta Mesa.~. ""'"'• ~-. r -"'"' • du'" box trlr $160. Pella ,,,..,.. ........ n ~ J!OWtt trim, run cowr. wood/t'tllll, motar a .tdt. o~s Spinets 4 CoMoleg .., l•!e"lr ,..u, 4 74Aj-• Ready ti> 'e11joy. 411 $5bO. 16-a typewriter (XO ktten Pf?' HUGE Ganp Sale, Aug. 16 from $511 aeniat. tram $U1 toldlna: do<lt' $20. Al.rco 1!9:¥ .e,wlldlo ,,.._ malntilDance reoordL 1 =========-1 day) mo. 675--1122 • 17. 251.f. Ba.yakle Dr. CdM lhCllltbly. • ~45.al~ "'= u~:... !t~ ~J1•1"' OWMC'. l<l ~ • COMPlEl'E Bodrm u t ANYnllNC and E...,.i!>l::gl Gould Music c.m= .,.._ table PJ. I tnllc ll:ls ~= #"° "f: IS' AD Glau. 'IS 1q; J-s,.. ~ llNio fOIO I w/l'leildbnl ~bim~ Top valuet. 18895 Walnut, -N, Main SA ~ $S. 8Q..fJ92 JOT• !D'=•* ~"""" tarp wh1 Mr. fbD cowr. JI' J'iblrsil bOat a oe ..._ 21-• -· 1'tnVoJ.-•"• .(Jmt,oU,SA~. ft•cnoN* .. _ $1 ...... _ ColtN ... $2!!00.H•••.-v.rnohpV ..... ........ ANTIQUE ~a car MS. •• 1W01c.m-s111~Y.. * AV =~'"' ~~ 11=.... Wcti ba&t."niuit iell'mil (\rive,.,. racno. bait ........ =. -QUm h'lng bed. quilted. Sokllblue IClfa. excelle:nt mah& .. new le med piano& u yuu wm tel.I or buJ ~Wt.· Slwt... Mn. SlD95 t'lrm. 6'f...1194 etc. >Ont cond. Gel. *1 boat. I Complete, u n ia 1 • d SlCli; coodJUon '35. St().#)4 of all mtktt. Bat bl01I tn stve W\ncfJt a tr)' ~~ ~=-:lt::::.. 23• TROJ. C&b. erui., nn. On lbor-. ~ 8dlOa . , =r-Aft5orwknda oROP•w=tablewith So~~co., ~7'~.:=309m. iE ~~ E:E:•. "':" =~~~~~·t!:: i~N~:ao~2!'!1. 1 •BlRCR mntoa: Room aet pttdl $40. Protector 1901 N. Main. tn y I uc ton arn JD....,., • .._... JOtlf:; ,..., ..,... Tftl!Jel'lboa.t. &16-2389 crulter • ..._ • - - $4f. * 5Do38!M S.nta Ana Behind Ton:y'a m.t&. Mat1. '°'""~s @ •~ ()~ 1.s.·7-_.,.., -i tot ale. 4 ch1trw plua l . \:2JUGU9 11.11'fnl!ll' $1' Crolzon, fib, ondtt fto to the water Unt. w/1nlllr, i =t0sr7 Lara"e hutch. $:150. nu: QutOCER YOU SELL DAlLY PILOT \VANT ADS! 2071\~ Newport. CM ..,_ • J.3S.11,JO model s.131». Jnd. i:noorlrW.. both Uomaed. NO MO'l'OR. THE QUJO<m YOU CALL. Wlu .. -· IAlollN6 1>45. --an...1 P11 .. .. L FllUJ, ._ tt, 196' ~~~~~~~T~~~~A~TION~~ T Nll'ORTATION -TRANSl'ORTATION ~l'ORTATION TRANSPOllTAT10N TRANSPORTATION TRANSl'ORTl\TION TRANSPORTATION ~ -9030 Molillo-9200 -.ycr11 '300 Trvcb '500~n 9520 lmpon.d__ 9'GO lm_A_ -lmportod A1!fo1 9'GO lmJ!!"!!I A~ HOO ~ •, .. d 10x'5' °"""'""' -.-. . .,. """"" 11'5, s ,,... ''2 J::.""°,:;:. CAMPER AUmN HEALEY EHGUSH FORD KARMANN GHIA PORSCHI '!'/trir. _, Mm::. 1 aR. tum a erptd. J\Jlt Sc:N.mblw, 90> ml. LIKE ii K -· ~ ... """' '"""-· adult ..... NEW. ""'· .......... bet a • $711 ' Soloa • Rontol• 'f: AJL 0000. Good -. ORANGE ClOUNTY'S G. ....... _, dean iw. NB walk to ...,..,. I! o o o, 'ar '9<-0!9un 6 A'TLAS Au1llorllo4 Dooler au top, E><lno~ Mlllt ..U. VOLUME ENGLISH Good cond. Pri«<I well °"""" •!SS bp Mo.. Sl&-1llll l» 6SOCC Triumpb Bon-Edorodo • r .... '"""" $950/ollor. m4llll ,ORO DEALER under boo1c. Anx1o11a to ..U. " ... wb1 trlt, &kl"-LAKEWOOD '61: :IOXIO: 3 ne-rille,-tank•-CHRYSLER-PINJIOOl'll -··-'"'Sprltowltbtapodock,..il SALES.SERVICE ,..._ li~.,.~~Good~~·~"="'~';l.195; l~"'~-·~1~1'~ .. ~-·~-'.;~dro~ ... ~-~--b. N...-""''· $900. 2929 HARBOR BLVD. FREE ZEBRA MIN! BIKE .. '"'~!.. ~~ ... ~ ~ SIDI .. MODELS MERCEDES IENZ cab. New Aduli J)l.tk. C&l1 548-4981 or 545-9763 {work) OOSTA MESA $t6.lB3.f with ~ or &t\Y I .. 141 .. _ _,,,_.,,, • ,.. GLASPAR. 15H P '4>1291 Aft. f PM. HONDA 90 Scrambler, dirt Open De.Uy "til 10 p.m. camper tft camper pac:bp. '55 A..ff Rd!itB. N~ titts • ~~ SCRAM-LETS "'-_ ~;.!:'°'1 CDD-10 x 45, 1 BR. Xlnt cond. xtras. like J'll!!W' $275. Utll. CLEAN '62 Olevy ~· ton. Theodo'* upholstery, 'Ex. cond. $600. TheodoN lfi-Fii-Fi::ii"~'~~f-;.-;;:p:l_""""'""..,,.;n!!."~t"'~s.15.;-~-~-~s.ace~ "'" "••" • "......, m. '"' 0wo...-• ..., .... ROllNS FORD _61S._=------ROllNS FORD ll U' Glutron, 50 h.p. 963-l907 heavy duly ,,,. rack. Alter 2060 Harbor BM!. DATSUN ANSWERS -.. ~ $1'""' 1 BR. lOxSO Great La.keL 6 pm, ••• _,, "-ta M ••• -o no -BM!. ertUl'7· ,.... u.11... 't.M. '67 HONDA 160 Scrambler lo ..........,~ .....,. esa ...-w' ----f'B..2251 F'urTI or Wlf. 1913 Nwpt '62 Chevy Pickup. xtnt Cotta Mta 6UmlO •1J am.IS Craft A trlt. BlYd, Sp 3&. CM. 6(2...1542 mlles. gd. cond. Helmet &. cond. $000 or Brat ofler, CHEVY ,68 CUSI'OM PIO<· BARWICK IMPORTS fbrg\a. Mab otr or trade xiru $350. 5.1i-l.318 Cal.I 968--2842 UP w I to~· SELF CON. AUTHORIZED ';,'°'.;.,·~....,.."-'=I·~,...~~= 1Mlni llk .. ___ ...;.'2::;7c.:5 'TRIUMPH 1966 TR.6C. xlnt * PICKUP OOVERS TAINED CAB OVER CAM· DAJSU N 1jf flcrbon Sid beet. 8J HP cond, 10 mis. rtt. tuneup, cab-hi. it.eel, for pickups, PER. Many Extras. No reu ~ Nt1f trailer. J1ZiO. TAOJ «. 3\~ ~. Xlnt cond. 650cc $695. 54Mll.1 El Camims. Rancheros, otter refused. Owner. Big sedan, auto trans OYtt· '!991T aft 4 PM jadcshaft, rear • u s p e n 1 , '67 HONDA. CL 450 Long }!oms. D a 11 u n a ,1 _7,;1.;;4/.::533-::,,..:1:::8'19::_____ head cam, disc brks,' radio, l•c!;:======= J fwd. shocks. 673-7584 Excellent oonditkln. Jeep<. Start •t $14 9 . '66 DREAMER. . cab-over heater, 28 mt pe:r &al., after I : MINI Bik~RUPP 360, needs New tires $695. 646-1863 839-1800 camper. Butane ref r 1 g., 2,800 ml. Full fact warranty. rine Equip. 9035 new Mme. $95. • 61 KAWASAKI 1 9 SO GM C pick Up . 1t~ A: oven. Like new $776. PL ~~n:c Avail * Mf..1611 * SS50. Good cond. Radio / btr. Good transpor. Conskler boat in trade. QNE factory re-built (newr UKE New Taco mini-bib: 2lOO Santa Ana. CM tation. $125. 347.7490 536-8891 FULL PRICE $1850 FIAT RAT For The • Best Selection • BHt Trade.in •Best Priee CALIFORNIA SPORT CARS 1969 Porocho tl1 S Tar90 r....-wtth blaet 1n ..... ior. ~ rnile1 on ilDI unbe- lievable eat. See I driv. to belin't • ~~rlllPlll l jl111pll l I ':' ~~rll1Pl1l l j\i \\fll1[ [C, trim~~~!!=~ $125. 1-tardly used. '69 KAWASAKI 250cc, 250 '63 }~ORD F-250, %, ton 1965 CAMPER Chev ~ Ton 998 So. Coa.tt Hwy, Lag Sch ~ngw. Comp1ele w/twin-:===6t::':""====Jim~ilH.~~Call=~·~l3~-=~"~'~"=7 6-cyl, 3-specd. chassis mount, many ex-~ 001 ~:ciax o'!9:i~ P.m. ·~ Dir 1:.10 ........,. tras. Excel cond $3100. 3100 W, Coast Hwv., N.B. reduction gear 2.:1 .......... . .......... """' 646-7395 542-8801 .. ,, ""' ,..,. ••••••" <kl>ll• Motorcycles 9300 YAMAHA 305 Scrambler '"· 1,~·~472Jo~o=o~G~El,EP~.U~-~,1~;;.~;;~=~~ ORANGE COUNTY'S l----,,"'67"°"'F"'rA"'T~--61"-~-~· M ~~"" ---M t IL ~ l 1•~ ~ 1263 NO I 1960 Mercedes l3l. Oean, 1_A_u_~_-__ c_~_~,,•_r_1 \n.ft p, Sutton (213) 626-8301 pec1i=.. US 111!! ma"c O • Mech. Ex, _,, 61:>-• 11~ c.o-~;,:;kdaya. er <n4) 5fS..008 fer. Mom. 6r.>-'l'987 Dune Buggla 9525 DATSUN DEALER """ '>l"'#rt Coupe, nl~t In new tire& flSO ·firm. 1967 Porsche t11 ;;...w.i.. · '65 JOO HONDA Scrambl.,., Joaps. 9510 MANX Tow'd, j"8t bllilt, left DOT DATSUN town. "f.397 I ,.,"'""c--:,:;:52:,.,,.'-';''0-· --,,:--=-= S. Coupo ~ $ALE _ New, Uaed, new chain &: 1>ptocket, 4 Wheel Drive for Vietnam ,65 enr. Top 18835 Beach Blvd. Best De•ls Are At '60 Mercedes 190. R/H, Aqua blue with bllt, interior. ~U~ Maim. .Jibs, Barnett Clutch $350 ~~ '61 JEEP ••·••• $2497 shape! $1550. Jo~lberfab Hun~ Beach DEAN . LEWIS ~~~:~ $650. =~~co~lec~ 1: ;.Geriou. Spi..nrlUtts. A• I.a NE\V . 360 fl.fonttsM. n;cmg Commando Roadsttr. sharp. avenger deluxe kit, com-, _ _,m~m:.:.:;:1,:°':;.-=540-044:;:;:;;:'~-1 tot Will alter to Mt. f1nt machine. $1150/best oiler. ,7050 plrte. Make offer. 613-4&15 1 -'68 DATSUN MG roof. Hurry on this one, i--• ~ ·--• '!WO 64'2311 k f ~Ml 1966 °-~·r, C.M. •~ •- ijuno• • , ..... ~ , r-as or """. '· '67 TOYOTA ...• e:.,.,97 * LA PAZ * ~ -----------. J1rtuporr · 31111por1 ~, iDAYS ONLY -August 23 1: 69 250 TRIUMPH, like ,....... lmmacuJate Wagon, auto .. 68 FlA JU.. JO A.M. _ 4·P.M. HAN· i . new, Landcruiser. hardtop, looks Buggy Builders, 3623 w. War. trans., overhead cam, dlr, Dark ~ 124 Sport Coupe. '67 MGB Roadster """'~ C11U 494-8342 2297 '"" ' .....,.....,.., ..,,.v .... ,__., · M&ke oiler. Prv Pr t Y with bla0ck interior ':;.;;, lllA .. nu•-• -W. 683 m • $580. like new. UOF 110 -r SA ·~ .... d•~ 9-1 d•"•• b-'··· Small down low ~n. Like-new. Overdrive wire wheels -n 1!th St. C.O.ta Mesa SM-3t64 6SO, Pr 1 c • is ttr.11, e "&2 '66 JEEP. • · • · • • · $ ,69 DUNE BUGG; .• 67 & ,68 pymnts. Will tm older car 673-8662 , .,~ . ......, '67 Triwnph 500, Custom seat \Vagooeer, b116, ~steer. ~ YoW'5C1L In trade-. WBJ 589 -LB. --------CY 5216. · ~ 35 HP Evinrude w/fuel Triumph 650 Dirt Bikr $350. &: tank. S,000 mi. Xlnt oond. Ing nlttst In town. SVE 368 component!. Call Ken, 545--0634 '67 FIAT 850 <!oupe Very MARQUIS ?.10TORS ll!XI W, Cout Hwy., NB. !-. manuol lrtart. xlnt •"69Hondaoo1275. $750. 6'rr>-1S32 •57 JEEP Pickup . $997 "2-!Wl, 646-'1671! ,68 DATSUN SEOAN rood .. .._ 49&-9116 alters 900 So. C.t Hwy, fAluoa Bcb "2-9400 540-1161 cond. Recent o/hf.ul $125 or *64J-5751• '66 HONDA 150 Orig owner A lltUe work bOnc, Lie. FSP Auto trans. radio, new tires, wkdys. =~'O'"""'-""'-"""'°'=-..c~,:o,:,:,00::..,,_1 _..;•.;.:":..;'horited=·=-"'.;.:'G:....:.O...;u_r_, J:iesl otter. 963-3831 $300 Call 847-8495 073 I ported A t 9600 bca tiful ••-·--·ti MUST sell! '65 MGllOO Very 1966 Poracht 912 ~ MERCURY io ootbo<nl '65 YAMAHA"° cc YDA '· '61 HONDA u 90" '52.JEEP ........ $997 m u"' wq':, 388. ··-. !1495· fERRARJ rd. cond. 64«538 ""'· 333 s ,,..., eo.,.. with .n ::9~~ Har-~w~ s.rl~0Ss, 1;: Trail bike. Excellent shape. ~~Lic~Xvo~ one in ALFA ROMEO MARQUIS MOTORS E. 21st St. CM Porsche a~ssorles. Finish- , new $925. Private party. Low ml1eege. 637-tiMJ. I A A !KXI S. C!'t Hwy, Laguna BO FERRARI 1962 MGA Mark ll Coupe. l!(l in beautiful tangerine. ("'--,--------Mz.-0136 Best Deas re t '61 ALFA Coupe. Rblt eng. 4!»-'151l3 or 540-3100 Newport lm.parta .iAfi. ()r.. Good n.tn'g cond. $450 cash. Hu full black inter. Immac. Yldtt ~425 DEAN LEWIS ~-~~,,!,s. Xlnl cond. -;D'°'All.=Y:=-cP;;;lLOT="w"'ANT=°'""'AD=s· I ~ed~.,"'. • mJy •othor-S500 belw book. 962-6084 ulate lhruout. CL-----3-WHEEL llarley-Davldson Tr1iler, Tr1v1I 7 ., ..... ~ BRING RE ~~ = 1--=~:;";:::-c::..• __ _:.-:::•: I 45. Metal plates, black lace, . I-~~=~::~=~;::::;;:::;· :SUL='l"S~! _ SALES.SERVICE-PARTS MGB J1rLuµort 31111por1 •; .· Fot Charter MS-2951 George. in gd shape $700. 17564 ~ Roadster. A Real Oassk. Authoriud MC Dealer ' CAL 2C SZ5 dq. $'l!iO wk Very Clean, needs work. TRAVEL trailer. 14', i.lps 4, 1966 Harbor, C.M. 646-930311 IT] 3100 W Coe.It Hwy CAL 36 $95 day. $:i70 Mc Ma.kt otter. 549-.3569 ask tor port. cabana rm. '65 ,model 'SI MERCEDES 190SL T ~o rf]Y PlO lf]T ~A I 642.~wPort Bea~().~76' w~·....... ta Catalina, l-~tn. V a I , Lie INE 383. $1397. ~~~;;;;;;::;:92;;,;;;00;;;~;;.lobl;;;;;lo;;;H;;•-;;;;;;:;;92;;;00 =ROP w/dotaohabl< . Best Otals Ara At • HUG.E SELECTION • JAGUAR B.~Y ~~~~:c:-~f.1!ALES .?=~·~:: !~~~>tE~!! '69 TOYOTA FROM $1790 =7:~~w~~~ '6.1 MGB, hard &-9Clft top, new tires, radio, wire wheels. Very·iood cond, Must sell. Makt otter. 494-9808 ',68 Red MGB-GT MAKE PITER ~ MUS? 3100 W, Coe.at H~ .. N.B. ..,_ 5411-1761 Authorized MG Deals SEIL * 67f>..7662 *. w....r. Llk• ""w. AwnJog, Cam-n 9520 •.. BIG SAVl"''GS • 17,300; mov\ng to So. 0. Al......,.._,,. 21,. a...,._ etc, $1100 546-0031 r• n America $5,500 pvt ply. Al __ l2',. ·~ -"'--'--'-;.;.:_'-'----! RENT0A-SHELL-· ' &1>-5198 OPEL •67 Opel Station w • ..., Radio, heater, whitewall tir· es. Extremely clean with rack. vr;v sis 1965 Porsche S.C. Coup Ruby red with black inter. fully equip, Reftect.s meticu- lous care. Must be aeen A drtven to be believed. -----INCLUOING-----WEEKENDS, w EEK Ly EXECUTIVE CAR SALE NOW-! JAGUAR .3.4 s.dan. ""'· • ... ~WAT lrT FAllYllW PIUTIGI Trucks 9500 MONTI-ILY * 839-1800 .11pd, old, new paint, int. le. J1rLUjJL1rl 31Inports ...--LOMA IAf KAllOI HOMmt NEW TOYOTA MARK II puts, B:est olr over $i450. . CASITAS COINIU ClWllT'f '63 CHEVY l'ok·"P· •tick MUST ,.,u. ·59 O..v. truck IHllA'TON MANOI fASHION MANOI SA.HAU shift, V-8, make oUer . and '63 camper . Best oiler. NEW HI • LUX PICK • UP Must·see to appn!clate. Call 1-687-2596 wkdays aft S: JO, 1425 8 842-5939. Gd. cond. 968-7063. all wkend, AKER ST. COSTA MESA .63 FORD L~--"-P/U >1UST ,.u '66 vw Campor. NOW ON DISPLAY' ,Vi II.ct: ._ .t "-'tM • .... $450 or ~t'"';;(;, Call Fully equip. Low milea&e. WI NIED TOUI TUDl·IN fOI • ]!169 JAGUAR XKE 2+2. $1188 ATLAS 3100 W, Coast Hwy., N.B. &12-9.jijj 54G-1764 CAU M0-9471 TODAf r Anl.588 aft--n. Xlnt -nd. l'l49S. 642-153& A/T, air, AM-FM.SW, radkl '"""' ..-. ,...., ...... OUI NIW USID CAI LOT bought July 31. just 300 mi. Authorized MG Dealer CHRYSLER -PLYMOUnl * '65 CONVERT -If 9600 ·Yacht Imported Autos 96001mportod Autos 96001mportod ·Auto• j " Chariors 90391 iiiiii~iiii;iiiii~ii;i;mii~iiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij BwEwATER CHARTERS -tf!Drtw Sa.ii~· . .._.loooJ. -Jfa.rbor Oulae• 646-SClO ~ 35' Jettnea. fUl\1 "Wd. Marllo ch&ln, ........ sen. poles .a: reels tor =· """""' J2U) 9100 IEENLEAF . . PARK .....,., cleM. CODI O>ala ea. New 92 1?1LCe Adult NOW OPEN! MobUe Dbplay Models 4 office located at Park. OPEN 9 AM TO 6 PM ACCENT MOBILE HOME SAW : 750 Whittl•r Av• ' Costa Mna 714: 642-1350 '215 llUDQUIRTERS FDR llOTORHOllU ... ,, , ........ ............... ---AU ana. .. fWT, • '"'' a ,...,, I VIA• fUl"-ltOo -NI #'N9¥Lf CH9n. .. .. • ' u IF YOU LOVE MONEY ••• YOU'LL LOVE OUR BUGS lt't tti• c:•r th•t won't igiv• you •nvthin'f to worry ebo11t. W• m1k• 111,.. of th1t. W• ,;.,, it the VW 16·point 1•fttv end p•rlorm1nc• I••'· It h•1 lo P•u. So we 9ive it our 100% 911•r•nl•e tltet we'll r•pl•c• •II mejor m1ch1nicel pe1l11 for ]0 cl•Y' or 1000 milt1, ... hichevar co"''' first, hn't th<tt whet • Plew c1r-owntr 111..:h? A tu19 thet wo11't drift yo11 111111, '67 vw IUS Htrd to find, ••1y to b11y trod ••ctption•tly cl1111. YXV 516 $1999 '66VW F-ASTIACl SIDAM Gold111 910•11 finitlt -• b1111tif11I c.olor. lt'1 r•1lly dlff1r111tl Rtdio I h••l•t. ~HX 9J I, $1699 '66 vw CAMnl Co1r1pl•t• t.tlftPff lnc.lud· '"' 111b1111 trod 11199191 r•clf. Eeogln o..-.rh111lttl .. y VI• SQf 101, $2399 '61 vw S9UAll IACK R•cf wilti h1•ck int•lfo1. Showi •J.C1ll•nt cir•. 'So nic• on th• ro•d, R•dio l ht•ft1. P!Y llil $2099 '66 GHIA COUPE Y1Uow, 'W"lih · bl•ck i11!1rltr• Economictl 1umm•r fun cir. R1dio I h11t1r. VTU 544. $1699 '6&VW SEDAN A11tem1lic liick shift. Jl:•dlo h111f1r, Ebony •itll c1111· tr1tti119 lnt1rior, low mile• •9•· XEW 613. $1899 '66 vw CONYllTllLI R1d io •nd he1t1r. DC1n't ll'lisi thi1 1111•. SIS I SS. Ab1oh1!tly likt new. $1499 '66 PORSCHE 912 COUH: 011ht•ncli"9, ori9i111I fi111 driving cir. Fiv1 1p11tl fr1n11n i11ion I FM r1dio. Rid wilh bl1dt in+11ior. LG3349. $4399 '67 vw SIDAM Whit• witl<i bl•c.lf i11!1trior, ttdlo I lle1t1r. l1•11tif11I ori9[111I c tr. Com• in 111d tetf drl~• thi1 ctr. VEO 66), $1699 445 East Coast Highway ot BAYSIDE DRIVE, NEWPO~T BEACH DEAN LEWIS New, $7200 car, Must sell $6350. 548-1936 ms HARBOR BLVD. Xlnl cond. All xtras, nu pnt, COSTA MESA ~1934 top. Must sell. 646-1234 •56 JAG $500 Call 548-37>4 Open Dally 'Lil ]() p.m. I ·,-"6!"-'-,PO~R"°SCHE="'-."1,:,600<~-c,~alld PORSCHE xtras, perf. cond. $7100. ,.,,.,.. OlANGI C:OUNTY TOYOfA.YOLYO':I HfAD9UAmRS 646°9303 1966 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA KARMANN GHIA '60 supet H.T. Cabi'olet. Xlnt ''°'64'"°"K"°ARMA=~N~N~G~H~1A~$~900~. mech. Recent P, a i P t • 673-423S Radials,. $1700. ~7039 '00 PORSCHE SUPER Must Sell ! $1600 * 675-1085 ti WE'RE HAVING A 9900 9'°' Used Clan 9900 Used Cars , !;~-:~ 1..1 ry ~· -":;\.:.._,, r, '~~~ All of a sudden the heat got to us! And to make matters worse, wit're not stilling near a s many cars as ' we would like to. High heat and low sales has prompted the boss to put on a real money -saving sale • • , the kind you can sava big on. Come in today. '68 CHEV. Impala $2295 TOTAL S.S. Auto, h•111 ., f1ctory 1;, con-PRICE tl ilioning, t1dio, h11!1r. WAK 121. + Tix l l ie, '67 CHEV. Caprice $2295 TOTAL s1,, W91t. A11to. 1r1ni., f1ctory ,,, PRICE c.ontl iti11ni119, pow1r 1l11r.. br••••• + T•11 I Li&, r1di•, he1l1r, tir11. 191913. Pic.lcup, r1dio •11d h11t1r. '67 CHEV. 112.T $1395 TOTAL PRICE +T1 x llic, '67 MUSTANG $1695 TOTAL 2 + 2. F•tterv ,;, c11nditio11i119, PRICE power 1+11ri11g, ~•clio, h1•t1t. + Tt• & Lie. TVT 4'40 '65 T·BIRD Sporl1 Coupe. Auto. tr•n1., f•ctory cond., t•dio, h••t•r. IXP 961. '65 PONTIAC Grind Prl• H.T. Cpt. Auto. tr1n1., factory •ir 11011d., r•dio, lt11!1r. NRY911. '65 FORD F1irl1n1 4 Dr. v.1, 111!0. tr1n1 .. r1dio, h••*••· YWI 025. 395 TOTAL PRICE +Te•llic, $1495 TOTAL PRICE +TtxlLic. $895 TOTAL PRICE +Tix I l ie.. '67 PONTIAC GTO $2195 TOTAL Sph. Cp1. v.1, 111to. tr1111., f1ctory PRICE 1ir co11d., r1di•, h•tltr. Wll 712. +Tix I l ie. '67 PLYMOUTH $1895 TOTAL F11ry 111 2 Or. H.T. A11to. t11n1., PRICE power dt•rlP19, r1dlo, h111!1r, + l•• l Uc. TIM 162. '68 CHEV. MaDbu Sph. Cpt. V.t , •uto. tr1n1., power tftlfi119, r1dio, h11ter. 2107•0. $1995 TOTAL PRICI +T1wllie. '67 "1ERC Call•nte $2095 TOTAL COUPI PRICE F•clory 1ir, pow1r ri11rl11t . A•lo• + l . m1tic., r•clio, ll11ter, VO' 216. •• l Loe. 2828 HARBOIR BOULEVARD 9900 C~~-~~ MESA Telephone 546· 1203 ' • " • .. .. .. I• • .. " .. " • •' .. •· •• " ,. .. " •• " " . •• " " . •• .. " • .. .. " ,, " .. " .. " ' .. • - • .. • • • ' ·~---------. .. 'MIJ~ tt, lM , TRANSl'OITATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPOl1AT10N TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TltANSPOltTATION TltAllSPOltTATION TltA SPOltTA lmpomd Auloo--Imported Auhls RENAULT SUNBEAM Se• It You'll Buy ltl S•• It You'll Buy ltl ' '61 Renault R·IO ''7 Sunbeam Alpl~ ~io. heat~r. f.speed Roadster, ndk>. heater. $199 15.000 mL See It You111 l uy ltl '6' Sunbe1m H. T. Radio, nearer Sl2tt ITHV 263) IUES Wll $1499 BILL MAXEY 1UVE i>o> BIIL MAXEY !TIONl§fr!A! BILL .MAXEY !T!OIYJOl·TIAJ 11111 BEACH BLVD. !T!OIYJOITIAJ 11111 BEACH BLVD. Hunt. BHch 147-1.!SS 11111 BEACH BLVD. jlunt. a..ch 1474555 S mi N. al O:iut Hwy. an Bch Hunt. htch l4J..a5SJ I ml N. of OUt Hwy. on Bcb Wblte Elopbanb? lmlN.afO>utHW,..ooBcb ''5SUN8EAMALPINE 1==='=='====1=====·====--;I CONVERTIBLE • BeauUJul? Imported Auto1 9600fmporttd Autos MOO One owner, whl~ w/blue lnL Cream putt!! TYY 523. MG. MARQUIS M(Yl'()RS 900 So. C.. Hwy, Laguna Bcb l~;;;;;;..;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;,,;;;;;;~I 494-~ or 540-3100 MG •• MGB~GT COUPES • Huge Selection •All Colors • Immediate Delivery e Financing Available .!?rlupo11 31t11p0 II,., "' ,. Autl1orize'd Austin America -MG Dealer 3100 W. COAST HWY., N.B. 642-9405-540-1764 . TQYOTA EUIJRE MOTORS TOYOTA FINAL CLEAN-UP Every New 1969 In our stock reduced to clear immediately BRAND NEW ~.f61. _BUICK VS, power steering, delun stHr· ing wh1el1 tinted glau, nylon c•r· peting, custom s·eat he~s. custom mold ing. 43327921125+4. ONLY FULL PRICE 48 MORE AT COMPARABLE DISCOUNTS Stelion "'•<;ion. Auto. ltnz 200. Auto. h•n1., tr•n1, r1clio, ht•lt r, rcdio, he1ter. l111m1cv· Coronel 400 4·dr. feet. 2 Or. H.T. fi e: tir, 1ulo 1ir cond., tulo lr1n1~ lrtnl, power 1lttrifl9, Fur,. A1o1to. tr1n1, r1dio 111d h1ettor, 1ir corul. CH0171 SYS2 11. 1111. SVF151 P.S., R&H. VGI 979 WJM 189 $295 $2595 $2395 I $2495 $495 '66 COMET '67 RIVIERA '62 CADILLAC '66 CAPRICE '65 MONZA C yclone Coupe. Auto, Ftc:torv t ir tond. Cus-Co~vrl, Ftc:I 1ir colld . 2 Dr herdtop, 1ir col'ld, Hercltep. Auhl, . t.r•M., fre"'·· fectory eir cond. rom equipped. Full Full pwr. lmm1cul1t1 11110 tr1111, pwr sl11r, lm1t11cul1t1 co11d1f1011. TQH264. pwr. Vi11vl roof. UK275 c.ol'ld itlo11. FXG149 redio, h11l1r. SIM371 !TXJ 376) $1695 $3195 $995 $1795 $995 '65 IMPALA Super Spo rt Cp1, 111!0. lr1111, pwr 1!11•, r1dlo, h11!1r. R0A5S7, $1295 '65 ~ TON Chew pic.l:-up. ld11l fo r c1mp1r. R61 5ll $1395 '67 BUICK '6' IMPALA '61 PONTIAC '69 ELECTRA . d C 4 Ooor H.T. F1ctory tir lo11n1~il11. 4 door lt1rd· Cuitom coupi. F1ctory Wol '11, Cudd'" P•· co11d., 111fo,tr1111., pew· lop, FA CTO RY AIR i ir co11d, Fully power Feet. "' c.on ·• euto. •r 1•11r. Rl:H. SVFS27 COND., P.S., P.I. WXG · .ct YPT 446 '""" $2595'" $1695 '" $2995 ''""$5195 'U IUICK '67 MUSTANG '67 DATSUN l1 51br1. F1ct 1lr c111. '66 .T·BI RD Auto, lr1n1., 1ir c1....,., ~l411 , 41p1 M, r1dio, pow1r 1t11r & Dr1k11. F1c.t1ry 1ir co11d. Full r1di1, h11t1r, UCL 106 h11 l1r, TZJ 294. IHYM41 II power, 5LV49 I $1295 $995 $2395 $1695 4 1ptttl, r•dio, h11ter. TkHl70. $1295 '67 MERCURY Monttrt y 2 door ht rd· lop. Auto. fr1111, powtr 1lt tr, R&H. UON·704. $1795 ''5 ELECTRA H1rcl to, coupe. FvTf power. FACTORY Al R COND. NCI 420 $1895 '66 CAPRICE 4-dr. h4 tp, 111to. h 111•., FAC T. AIR COND .. P.S., P .I ., R&H. TGJ 24t $1795 OUR PEL PRICES START AT .s1m NO llTTll PllCU ANYWHEllE MAKE US .PROVE IT! JAGUARS LARGE SELECTION NEW-USED Comr.l•t• Sala ind S.rv ce O.p1rtm.nt Open Mon. thru Fri. 8 a.111. to t p.111. -Sat. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. -Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. AUTHORIZED BUICK· OPEL· JAGUAR SALES & SERVICE .. ,\ • lll!4 HAlUIOR BLVD. OOST4 l!U\ S41-S2M °" iiMSn FINANCING AVA?LULZ BUICK '65 BUJOC Wildtat: x1Dt ' dltlon. Private -· ll<OO. ll<f.:f:m CADILLAC CHEVROLET New Cira 9800New Can 9800 New Ctn WE'RE OFF AND RUNNING Tllot'1 rltllt. SUNm PORD, °""'9• Co111"J'• HWett, MOit Moel.,. Font d-p. ls.off Md rn•"'9 oftot ooly 2 -I• .,-... C-o lw today end lff why WI hcne bffft IO wd recel••· llpeclaly MW thrl.. ew Ht• CLIARANCI SALi. ALL '69's MUST GO 'NOW! HUGI DISCOUNTS 1 1969 FORD '500 1969 FOJlP . 500 llANt NIW ........ 11 -s2999 .............. w ......... ..... ..,,. ... ,...., .... . ~ N., lt4J •••••••••••••••••• IU.ND NIW. ,_n th.. f,DMf, ~599 c ......... ic " ... .. hi .....,,. ................. . lteck N .. Jltl •••• , ••••••••••• •. IN STOCK -READY FOR IMMIDIATE DWYBY 15 NEW 1970 MAVERICKS lwdlate Dellveryl OVER 50· ... EW FORD PICKUPS ' • All Medel• -All Colen ALL JtRICQ TO SILL IMMEDIATIL.YI TAKE THE VAWY VIEW OFF RAMP • • ' • ' ( I . ' I I ----TMNll'OltT A!ION TRAN$PQRTATION "°' u,...con CHEYROUT CHIYIOLET ROY CARVER PONTIAC What K·ind of people would buy a new Pontiac from Roy Carver this time of year? _, ' BONNEVILLE 4 DR HARDTOPS GTO s FIREBIRDS CATALINA 4 DOOR HARDTOPS CATALINA 6-PASS. WAGONS CATALINA HARDTOP COUPES EXECUTIVE 6 PASS. WAGONS LE MANS HARDTOP COUPES EXECUTIVE IIARDTOP CPE BONNEVILLE 9 PASS. WAGON TEMPEST CUSTOM WAGONS BONNEVILLE HARDTOP CPES. EXECUTIVE 4 DR IIARDTOPS CUSTOM HARDTOP COUPES GRAND PRIXS CUSTO~f S 4 DOOR HARDTOPS LE MANS SAFARI WAGON CATALINA 9 PASS. \V AGONS EXECUTIVE 9 PASS. WAGONS 1H7 FIRlllRD H.O. $2377 lSO VI, 4 1M1d. pow1r il11ril'l9, r1•lio ""' ho.ti.tr, whit~ ,; •• w.1U fir1t, burgul'tdy with bl.tck lnl1rior. !JC 7771 1"6 CHARIHR $2177 YI, to~u•fllho, "°"''' 1t11ri11t, rMi1, t.1•t1r, white tkl• w•ll tir1t, 11,t l S 1111111. Ugt.t blw• wifft .fer\: Ww• int•rior. 1H6 PORD GALAXIE 500 $1877 2 Door herd .. p. VI, •utorr11tic:, P'"''' •+••r· 1119, JIO"'•r br1k11, r1iili1, h1•!1r, whit• 1i~• w•ll tir11, feclory •ir c.011dltloni11g. l~Ql 9591 1Hf TOYOTA CORONA SM111. a.ct!•, h11t.r. 4 ,,.N. #TllOI SALES DEPARTMENT OPEN, 1'00 A.M. lo ,,3 0 P.M. EVERYDAY s1771 1967 CATALINA STA. WAC>. 9 p1111119t.r, hydr1m1tic:, power ~r•ke,, pow1r tt11riflg, f1tfory eir, r1dio, h1.1t1,, whit1 'id1 well fir•'· llu1 1xl1rior with l'll•lchi119 origi111I inl1rior. jWll 91)) $2877 :•:,• h~r~:~~ H~~~~~i~.T pow~• ,,,,,. s3477 i119, pow1r br•k1i, red+o, h11f1r, while 1id1 w1ll1, f11tlory 1ir condilionin9 .IWA.E Sc38l 1967 MUSTANC> F11t-h•e~ .Vt 190 1119iJ11. 4 1p1.d, pow1 • 1!11ri119, r1di,o..i.01l1r. ITXX 5991 $1777 lt66 THUNDERllRD Cru;,, '0111 1Hc, power 1t11ring , white 1id1 well tir1s, r1 dio, h11t1r, IRJ\I ]921 s1777 1'64 IMPALA SUPER Sl'ORT Vt, rad!o, h1at1r, 1ulom1tlc:, power 1!11•· i119, bucket'''''· L;ti.t ltlue Fi11i1h. s1377 !Y.-u 5801 SERVICE DEPARTMENT OPEN' MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 7,30 A.M: to 6,oo P.M. ROY CARVER PONTIAC 2925 HARBOR BLVD/COSTA MESA [JJ • Kl-64444 ' • PLYMOUTH PONTIAC ~61 FALCON .Sta. Wg". 19361 '67 PONTIAC LE MANS ~ton Lane, H.B. 96Z-3_T.>S Fu.II power, air, dlr. :diver MERCURY blue, with black interior. Ii:t· maculate! Full pr $2295, \Vill '67 ti.Terc Col Pk w-JO take forei&n car in trade. •' •' • . . .... TKR 595 LB Call Ken pass, a/c, rack, PIS. PIB, 494-Sm or 54~4-' P/W, pwr. seal3, spd. cont,1 ,,c-'-"...c,--=-""'-~==I auto door lock, AM/FM, 04 Pnntiac Catalina 2 Dr much more. $2650. 836-6448 Hrdtp. Ventura lrim. RJH. 1966 <Xl?tiEI'. Carl's Mo.tor Auto, Pis. P/b, air. 52,000 : miles. $10!ti. 546-3501 Co. Inc., 00 Harbor, C!ii, 642--0413. '67 nREBffiD 400. lmmac ~,6~9~MA~~R~Q~U~l~S~W=A~G~ON=' oond. 22,000 mi. Pis. vinyl • top. Askin&: wholesale book. ! Air/P'WT. $4200. 4.%-8864 968-2840 MUSTANG '63 Grand Prix, R/H. P/a, P/b, AM·FM. Low ml, $550 ~ ,61 MUSTANG GT or best otter. 968-3440 : Fully loaded a.lr tadi dlr 1936 PonU..e Convertible. disc brakes 'umedi::-_-;1 wit.~ Good llha~. ~t eHer. • ..,., 548.-3823 . black tnt., Full pr $2595. Will =-==~~~=-= t.ike imported trade. VZL-'64 PONTIAC Wagon, PIS, : 0821..B, Call Bill, 64.9773 or PIB. Air, Pv pf)', $1005. ~ ~4->..1nt cond. 96l'rl873 • Muat Sell-Going Abroad '51' PDNTIAC, '65 ~1 ustang Bronze color. 16,000 orig mt. V-8, auto, rnq: wheels, ster-$95. * 96'l-2321 ' • eo tape. 11300. 645-0114 '" """'"" hardtop, •, __ RA __ M_l_LE_R~-i' speed. V-&, new wide ovals,,~ • stereo tape, low miles, xlnt e QJH(RS ! cond. S249a. 544 ... 9500 • 'b1 MUSfANG-in \varranty. V-8, auto, Xlnt coocl. $1795. Call aft 6 pm, 53&-7351 TAKE Over leased '68 convt. Clean Only 7,000 mi. 12 IDOi!. at $103.71. 64&-'rall •-TURNED • YOU •DOWN OLDSMOBILE ---------1• NEW IN CALIF. • e BEEN BANKRUP'l' • 5% OYER ACTUAL FACTORY INVOICE SALE OVER 100 1969 MODELS TO CHOOSE FROMI You Call d·rive home your choice of 100 1968 models at exactly 50% over our actual !actor)' invoice. e NO SALES EXPENSE e NO ADD-ON CHARGES e HAD A REPOSSESSION "Come & See Us" 1. No Sid. LNnl 2. No Fumiture L_Olln• l . No S•l•ry Lunt 4. No C•1igner1 Needed 5. No CoHatorol Nffdod We cany our Own C.Ontracts '60 Chev. C.Orvair • • • . • • $295 TXT 242 ·;;g O!evrolcl .........• S2$ SBP 780 "6.1 Rambler .. . . .. . . . . $295 GOL 283 'ti2 Ford • . • . • .. . • • • • • • $395 JEC O'J7 '62 Pont Tempel!! ...• $395 RAX 701 '61 Otevrolet •....•.•.• S3s:> JF'ti.1 747 'ti6 f'ord • • • .. • • .. • • .. • $595 X'TU 982 '62 Lincoln • • . .. . . . . • . • i&9;; ' • • • • e NO PREPARATION JR.0 !Kll CHARGE . 'i3 V.W ............... ;695 ~ e IMMEDIATE DELIVERY DES 5~1 ' University ~f ~:L~: Oldsmobile ~~t~~~~Ae~~~.,. . < '6J RAMBLER Convert! 2850 Harbor Costa Mi;!sa Classic. All power, betit of-• 540.9640 fer. 673-3540 a.her 5. ~ • • '64 RAM.BLER Stat ion ~ \Vagon Runs \\'t'.U, TICIV lire&. : -"°"·"6S~O"ld~,-.C-ut"l•-,-,~-1 Dependable. S550. 644-1363 ( Holid•y Cpo. T·llRD ! V-8, auto. u·ans., po11·er steer. ins. radio. hea,ter. PCS 133. '66 T ·Bird 2 Dr. H•rdtop ; $1188 V-8, a~to .. U'IU'IS., faclory. air ; -cond\hon1ng, J)O\Ver steenn;, ; ATLAS po"'·er brakes. IJO'\'er win-~ d(w.'5, radJO, ~ater. 11•hite-; waU tirc5. FuUy loaded with ' CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTI-1 low, low miles. ROW 749 • 2929 HARBOR BLVD. $2188 OOSTA MESA :M&-1934 ;. OJ>en Daily "Iii 10 p.m. : REAL Shu,, '6G Old ATLAS • Cutia"-Hol. Coupe. Gold : 1vith blk. Landau tap, lo OiRVSLER -PLYl\tOUTH ' ml&, nu whl/wall tires. l 2!t.'9 HARBOR BLVD. ~ brka. RJH. custom blk IUu· COSTA ~fESA 546-1~ ; inl & bueket seals. C.OnsOle Open Daily 't.ll 10 p.m. • with tach., IP/S. P/B. P/\Y, '66 TaBird 2 Dr. H1rcftop i fact air. t.fust IN!e to v..g t tr r to . ~ be!" 1 Privat Part Be 1 , au o. ans.. ac ry au· , U ine96>2860 e Y, 1 condllian\f\i, power steering, • o er. po'l\"er brakes, po<.¥er win-! '65 OLDS OYN II m ... radio, heater. whitr ! 4 dr. PIS, R/H, Air cond. wall tire 11.. Fully kiaded with ~ Lo milett, New Ures., Excel.. low, lolV mile!, P.DW 749 : Jc"t coooitto". """ '""' $2188 •. 330 W. Bay, C.t.1. 1 • SisHij;•uRPiP'i·rrfOoid1"'i4""ii:-. <:~:;; .. ;;;I ---,,~=~=--; tranB, P/B. P/B, Rl:H, ·;o T-BJRD SB • I I ..... Top condition. Owner • ac. ar, ta~·· spec '"""""'" .,.,,_,. .. ltanslstor Im.. chm\ Whb, ti1..-.t0.1 or .._ .... 1111 ~ $2500. 96l--66V'1 or eves '64 T·Blnl, full pov.ier I-air. : 968--5913 l'lrS,000 miles. " '65 OLDS 2 dr DeJta, custom $1475. 54~13:tt = 1"'-1 """'" IWI, la<. air, VALIANT ! PIS. PIS. TDt wt.I, dnted , glus. prl pty. ~ 1963 VAUANT "DJ" 4 door.: '62 OLDS Jl'-85 pus atatiOn S cyllndtt. A u I o m a t I e • wa,on w/roof racil:. ru tr•nambaion, radio, htat~. : La.rlmpur, CdM. L'c rvr 194 $595 C•rl'« ,. 63 Old• 99 4 dr >tardtop, F\IU 1-lolOr Co .• tn., 1941 H11bof.; Pl:>Y.-er. Air. $1300. 642-1525 Blvd .. tH2--04ll . ·------·-----·---------------~--~----....---~=--,..._..~ ....... - WE HA-E 125 BRAND NEW CONTINENTALS, iMERCURYS & COUGARS TO CHOOSE FROM. 28 Days Before The New '70's Hit That's a 60 Day Supply To Sell In Less Than 30 Days • • IF YOU WANT TO BUY RIGHT ••• REALL Y RIGHT ••• . COME IN THIS WEEKEND-MAKE US AN OFFER AND SURPRISE YOURSELF!! TOO BUY WHILE WE HAVE A HUGE SELECTION!! . . . 10RANGE COUNTY'S FINEST USED CARS, -· Johnson & Son Bas The Reputation of Offering the Finest Selection of IJsed Cars in the County Cougc,-r1 ' 'Lincolns '69 COUGAR XR7 '66 T-llRD . ,...,..., ''"''"'' ~ br•kn. flCtary air, •lltWnftk m,. l'ult ~r, 'f.c:tary '"• ICJllMll!le ,,.._ '"""'-llMi.r, •IC. BARGAIN rMllo. Mltw, tk.. Vl"T t2' "" 111 • '68 CONTINENTAL $3580 $1975 Mercurys l'"K!WY 1lr, ..,,,.._,. lntulor, L•flllau toP. •~lie tr111t. CORNER r.cllo htllft", full,...,...., llC. Wl!S 171 $4995 \65 FORD '69 MARQUIS '69 COUGAR '68 CONTINENTAL ""'°" Mnllop, full"°"""'' fKto"Y 11r, L•nclf11 to11. automatic. sot h•rtlfell ~. pOWft ••'"11· evlOIMfk ""'' rtdlo. In Our Bargain Corner we have num-tr1nt. rtdJo, flMr.r, .tt.. hMltr, 11~. 11.l>V 74.t Poww rtttrlnt, oo-tlr•kni fac:IOf'Y 1!r, UM.lu fOP, rldlct J-daor, f1ctorr 11r, '"""'' lr!twr., Llrd•u fWI, 1vt. tral'lt. $4590 $1295 erous used cars. Some cl11n1 some not llulw, IUIOl'flll!lc tr1n .. lie. 'VIL 6M r1dlo, hlltar, !111! ~' 1111 wi-1, etc. ZUC 116 $3490 $4995 so cltan. S-.me th1t •r• duplicotioM, '67 CONTINENTAL some we've had too long -in any '69 COUGAR '68 EL DORADO event these cors are real bargains. Look '68 COUGAR ~ ... fl/It ""'"'' llC'!llry t lr, ... ltlw lrl•*" Urlcltu P-Gwltl' 11Mt'f119, 11ctory 1lr, 1utomtHc trens. rtdll. l'IHfW, ~ 1u"'"9llc tr ..... AM/,.M rlilllt. 1111 'flll\lll, UOO 114 "°'"' ~ . ..,...,.., br•kin. !Kfory 11r, Llnd111 top, 1r.lfo. Full -· ftctory 11r, l.lr•d"I top. tlllol'Yllc. rfdlo, .... ,. 'em over. -''-vtcz •n $3195 melk trt,., redlo, llllt1r, 1tc, VOL on .,., tell. Ill! wtwel. 11tr.o, AM/,M, 1tc. WFU _... $2650 $3590 $5895 1966 MIRCUIY $1725 '67 CONTINENTAL Full power, facto air, aato- matte tra.111, AM/7'-M, heater, ""'°°"' tun llO'fll'lf, teclory 11r, l11111tr Interior, l•lldtu fOp, '68 MIRCURY 1111 whoefl, r1dlo, nu .. r, 1u1om111c. •le. etc. RRY444 Cololly P'tl'lt 1llllO!I WfOOll (f pnMntarl, ~ 1tffrl119, $3795 '68 FORD LTD '67 CADILLAC 1965 MIRCUIY $1275 ' poMf br1kn, ltltl'l!O flPC. factory 11r, 1ul6mltic. tr1n1, r• dlo, hM!tr, l1t. STIC $t eoup., .........,. 1!""11111, ~ 1tr1ktt, llCIOrf t lr, Ltlld111 9 Pauenget Colony Park $3895 '66 CONTINENTAL fol>, t uttwNtlc tr1n., rtdla, lle1t1r, tic. COllPI dt \/Ill" ful POWU, l•<torv 1lr, ll.llhtr lnllrlor, Station Wag,, P.S., P.B., auto., $2795 · LtrldlU io,,, !flt. !lit wllttl, 1 .. r., AM /FM, IUIOmtllc radio, heater, etc, RYS094 tr1111, l'lllltr". ek, VOL UO ...._,, fllll llOWW, ltclOrY 111', l1111'1tr ~lerlot, lendtu tip, $4295 1966 CHM I llSCA YNE $725 . . . 1111 Whfll, rtdlo,. l!Ml1tr". t vl!HMHc, t ic:. $3195 WAGON. 4·Dr, Stick. R&:H. '67 COUGAR SVZ063. Needs a little paint Powtr ''"'"'"'' t::'.,..., brrt1&. faclo!"f' 1rr, Lll'ldtu Ill!. '"'°' and metal work. mellc tr1ns, rid , llffltr, 11t. UOO '* '65 CONTINENTAL '67 FORD 1966 MUSTAN~ COUPI $1225 $2150 COl'lver!tlllt, full --· ftctory '''· lletller IMtrlor, rtdlo, !-d-ll1rdfotl, P1!'¥tf 1tt1t1nci, 110W11r br1kn, llCIOl"V tlr, '64 JEEP WAGONEER We have too many in 1tock. ht1t1r, tlt!Omallc: tr1ns, tic. Llndtu top, 1uf0nvtlc "'"'' racno, hlllar, t k. \/Ul W RDU882 I $2195 $2295 lflldlo, llta!1r, °"whffl drlvt, Du.~O-MttlC. frol\I hubl, ChtVV VI 1119ln1. UOG Ol2 '67 COUGAR $1495 1966 CHEYROLIT P'll'll'lf 11-1"1119. IUlalNIJc trt M, rlldlci. huier. lie. UOH 117 '64 CONTINENTAL Biscayne Station Wagon. $2150 ...,_, tun flOWltl', fKl'orY 1fr, lffthtr lnttrlOr, •~IOmatlc Radio and heater, V-8, etc. t11m. rtdlt, 11e11w, .te. osa '" '67 T·81RD $1895 1964 PONTIAC IONNEYILLI ?75 Full pOMr, l1tlory •Ir, LtnNu Jop, t UlomllJc trl"'· r1dlt. '64 VW IUG '·Dr. Hardtop, P.S., P.8. P-wlnd, '67 COUGAR llllttr-, lk. TTW M factory air, radio. heater, auto-'64 CONTINENTAL $2695 \/GA m ,._ sttarillil. JIOWl1' br•kin. factory t lr, tlJlomt!lc "''"*• $1091 matic trammisslon. ,Mio l!Httf", fl'-UHZ 7'1 CCll'lytrllltlt, lull .,._, faclorY t lr, "'"'.,. lntwltr, rNfo, UH T .. llDS 121 ~ 825 $2395 NIM!', llllOl'l'ltlk tr-. lie. OMt. N7 $1795 CHOICE o; TWO-RTBT.U. Landau. Brilllh met&lUc rreen '66 FORD t1nllh with matchina interior '65 COMET '62 CONTINENTAL '67 OPIL and black landau root. ~ulpped with aut.o. tran1, RAH, P.S., P.W., P " fa:oBr. air, etc. U!!or, fl.Ill po'llflf, flt!OtY air. llltt'ltr lr!ttrlor, IUIOl'lllllc Otl1111t JOI, t dllOf' Mrdt.., ,,._. 1'-rll!I, .,._ 1w11r,.., Prtctd below Kelly1 Wboleulll ~e Book. tH ""''°"' I U1-llc ,,_..... rtcrll, llllllf", tit. ltlN 5'S lr1n1, rlldlo, hell'lll', f'IC. HEP m fKJory 1lr, r9d ... !'IMltr, l lllO!Mllc frll'lft etc, I VI' U2 IC.tdeft, '"""· llttflr, ' .,..., $1491 $895 $1895 $1091 ... + • lL~~©©IL~ ©©~~~~~~'if&!l 0 ~&rra~ m 0 ll§rffi©llD~W 0 ©®M@&[Pd ·I 2626 HARBOR BOULEVARD, COSTA MESA I NEW CARS: 540-5630 ·642-0981 1 Mile South of the San Diego Freeway ' USED CARS: 540-5635 I " 1 ·' ' ' ' ' ,' -----------------~-·----~ .. ~· ='"·=···=, ~-·~-'-'--'· ·~~""·=·=· "'--'"'--'--=-'--' c:..·· -'.·=··c:.:· '---.~ .... . ....... ·~-'"'-.~~ -~~~~~~--~~~ ' THIODOll IOllNS. JI, ' . S,rving Orange County Since 1921 ' ' . ' ., ' ' O'FICIAlo 1969 FORD tLEARAN<;~. '.• .. •• SEE U.S.THIS WEEK-END FOR PROOF! ,· . ~ COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION NEEDS RIGHT' HERE!! NEW CAR * Maveri'cks * Mustangs * Falcons * Fairlanes * Fe>rds * T -Birds * English Ford's ''Cortina'' * Shelbys *Campers* Motor Homes* Vans *Trucks* Leasing* Rentals * Free Zebra Mini Bike with every new Camper sold. ' TRADE-INS • CREAM . PUFFS MANY, MANY MORE TO SELECT FROM '68 CORTINA ', ... 2.Door SM111, 4 1pe1cl, fl· dio, h11t1r, •ll'Ptoit. 14,000 "'il11. W1rr111ty 11Vo1il1bl1. lZD~l4JI SAVE!! ! '68 TORINO GT 2 Door h1rdlop, ltO VI , FACTORY AIR, power 1f11ri1MJ, power cl i1c brlu, .,;,.yt roof, 111w wid1 O'f'1l1, 21 ,000 "'a ... wxe. 1 s1. f1clory W1rr1nty A.,1il. SAVE!! '67 CHEVY ~ TON. 4 ipHd cinto1111 Ce1r1por, redio end h11t.r, ,plit rift!• wifft cotn,.r 1~1U. QISSOJ, .SAVE!! . '64 RAMBLER kn11ic111 220 w•Jo11, 1111• ro1dlo, h•tl1r. KAN4!i4 $895 . '65 FORD I. 100 2...tt. Sei•l'I, va. C ito, R&H. RENl 71. $1095 '68 FORD C loll'I. City of Coit• 11 11111 cir. Fully m 'nto1i11.,d et T~eo, Rob· In ]90 VI, CMlit1, h11fer, I' .. , •pproll. 36,000 1r1il11. I 907. $15~5 '68 GALAXIE ... 2-DOOlt h•rdtop, J90 VI, 111to., •i,..,t roof, PS, •p· prox. 11,000 ·111i, F•1 W•r A'l'1il1bl1.IWX~1SJ SAVE!! '65 COMET CALIENTE. 2 Dr h1rdto p, VI, auto tr1n1, FACT. Allt pw1 1le1r, 1ppro1L 26,100 1ch,;1I ml, e1call1r1t con· dition. NPWJ 10 SAVE!! '68 RAMBLER R1NI 2 door h•rchop. 2]2 6 •Ylintlor, ••to. ft-0111, re• clh1l"I ,__, •••ho oxfrt ,11,,-,. VWV'41J. $1895 '64 FALCON Delu•• w1gon. VI, •1.tto, FACTORY All, 11,199 t•ck. SUY671 $795 '67 TEMPEST i? door h•ritop, YI, o1 uto. 1r1o1tic, r1dl1, h11t1r, pow· er lie1ring. TRJ O&l. $1495 '67 FORD C1.ttlom YI, FA.CT. Alll. Ro1dio, hat!1r, pwr. tltor., pwr. bro1kn. YCU550. $1195 .. , . -i.. '67 MUSTANG '68 PONTIAC ,AITIACK G.T. OTO FACTORY AIR. '•.wer Pow•r 1t••ri119i r1die ind 1f11rl11f, pow1r 4 i1c: br-11:11 Jte1t1r, buck.+ t11h, b1111• Cnti1 '01ftttic, radio, h.1t""i tiful fMttlllt f111islt, low 1r. lr111d 111w wid1 •••' 111il11t 1ut-.ti& tr111s. tir11. 0111 ow111r. YCJ5l0 SYUll SAVE • SAVE!! '69 COBRA Ftstb1ck. Crui1omttlc, pwr tloer, powor elite br1k1s, epprox. 4,250 milts, rtiio & ho1t1r. ZLHlll. SAVE!! '67 PONTIAC OTO CONVIRTllLI YI, ,owor 1toorl11fo 1vt.• niotlc, rtiio, hotter. YCM 2'41. $1495 '65 BUICK S!1tio11 w19011. " tp•14, wli1 o•o1lt, VI, R&H, low 1r1il•t. MPF'4l0. $1195 '64 FALCON 2-Dr h•ritop. Auto. tr•111. R1dio, heo1t1r. NYl'460, $895 '66 PLYMOUTH Sp1rt Fury. " 1pd, li1.tcl1t t1o1h, PS .. TYX4 l 4. $1095 '69 SHELBY GT 500. 421 Cobr1 J1t, 4 1p1ed, rtdio tfttl h••t•r, motor #'41090'4. Stock #1151. 7910 milos. SAVE!! '64 DODGE Dirt. ~MY ,1111. PIY· ... $495 '66 CHEVY IMPALA ' p11t•119•r tt•tion Wlf. l27 VI, 1ul111'1tlic, lt*W•r titer, RIH, L1199•91 reek. App. 26,000 1r1i. VZW6Jf $2595 '67 CHEVY H.T. lrnpo1lo1 4 Dr VI, 1ut1. l'.S., o1ir. R&H. UKU157. $1795 '67 DODGE IPORTIMAM Window Yo1n. Auto, tr1111. h•1!1r. VIN370. Stl1 pri ced. $1895 ' . ·---·-·---. MUSTANG ' SAVINGS! SAVINGS! '66 OLDS 4-Dr Soden. City of N-· port co1r. VI, 1vt-.. Rl:H. l 112•. $895 '66 IMPALA SS YI, 01,1lomo1ti1, pwr tf .. rr r1dio, hitter. SJS 711. $1399 '66 VOLVO 122$ '4 tpt1d tro11111r1it1io11. RR.El2 I $1295 '66 BUICK LI IAIRI 4 Dr. H.T. FACT. AIR, pwr tl1erl11t I br•k••· Auto. App. ll,700 rnil1t. Exctl· lo111t c.011iitlo11. TEZOtl. $1895 FORD COUNTRY llDAN 10 PASllNOIR fJ7 .. INOt List $4163.tl Disc. $969.41 SALi PllCI $3894.43 TRUCK & CAMPER SPECIAL $3295 New lf6t VI Pick up & ,..w l1rr1cud1 C1111fMr. "FkEE ZElkA MINI 1·11CE" #FIOYRE90055 THUNDERBIRD 2-DR. HARDTOP ''""''"1J LIST PRICE $5803.21 DISCOUNT $1201.98 SAVINGSI $4595.23 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEKI SAVINGS! Northw1tl Coo1ch Sl11pt 6. Sto••· ico bo•, i i11ell1, 2 b1.tl1n1 to1nk1. l11utiful conditiol'I. FE7017. $1.195 '66 FURY MUSTANG 2+2 LIST PRICE $3934.39 DISCOUNT $ 674.14 SALi PllCI $3260.25 FORD COUNTRY SIDAN LIST PRICE $4163.tl DISCOUNT $1019.41 SALi PllCI $3844.4? THUNDERBIRD of.DR. LANDAU tJl7Nl:MHt LIST PRICE $6.530.73 DISCOUNT $1361 .26 ...... PRICr $5169.47 f.100 PICK·UP lll:AND NIW Sortel FIOllD56777. JOO Cu. I•• 01t9ino. O.lm10 Tu· To110, tool 1tort90 bow, rt· dio, Cnrho1r1ttic tr1l'l1, tint 9l1tt, pl1111 other Olltfts. ..... tRICI $2399 FALCON SPORT COUPE tknP1nsa ::~.$2731.52 SAVINGS! SAVINGS! Sport rnoi1I. VI, buck1t 111h, t1.ttom1llc, pow1r 1!11rin9, r•iio, hc•t•r. SIU 119. SAVINGS! $1299 SAVINGS! • FAIRLANE CORIA tK41A14M22 LIST PRICE $4313.35 DISCOUNT $ 741.10 SALi PRICI $3564.25 MUSTANG HARDTOP tfOIMl-.W List $4lot.n Disc. $710.M ULI' PllCI $3398.38 Shelby GT 350/5 500 ORANGE COUNTY'S ONLY DEALERI BRONC:O WAGON IRA.ND NIW S.ti.I UU"L"771Jt ,. ........ °''" . ~·-,.,, 5-. • ltfftor ....... · ........ . ,.,.. ...... "* . 1' ..... ......... ,a.a ..... LIST PRICE $3506.n DISCOUNT $ 511.71 ::.~. $2925 SHELBY G.T. 500 CONY. rT~lfU-.01.ut LIST PRICE $4913.42 DISCOUNT $1266.M ..... Pll:ICI $3716.48 WE TAILOR TERMS TO YOUR BUDGET • • • Financing thru Local B'ankt OVER 200 BRAND NEW CARS & TRUCKS TO BE SOLD. SEE THE MAN 'WITH THE SHARP PENCIL FAIRLANE SPORT ROO, LIST PRICE $3714.!7 DISCOUNT $ 632.42 SALE PRICE $3082.55 FORD GAL. 500 2-Dr. H.T. te:JIK122DI LIST PRICI! $4770.47 DISCOUNT $12'1.4' SALi PRICI $3478.98 THUNDERBIRD fJ&4Nl...,41 LIST PRICE $552'.47 DISCOUNT $1154.23 SALi PllCI $4375.24 RANCHERO IRAND NEW .Soriel 91(47Hl'4670!, VI •111 .. · redlo, H.D. ""''"" •i•ll. LIST PRICE $35711.05 DISCOUNT $ 731.69 ::.'J. $2525 BRING YOUR OLD .CAR IN AND DRIVE A BRAND NEW ONE OUT 26 LOW MILEAGE DEMONSTRATORS AT EVEN GREATER SAVINGS! • RENT YOUR VACATION HOME ON WHEELS! • 1 •• • • , • ' • ,, . ' • • , • • • • ..., . ~ • ' I . -Pe u ' ~ ,. ~ ' ' .. ' ,. . . ' •• t • ' ' • Nisan· See~.s Sldt Wa.ter~.:; > ' • , I °l • ; I ' '·• ' 1 , , • 1 I ' • • : r ... • . . - , '·:ct.n ~, Fight Coast WElve•. . .• ' ~ ., . SATURDAY, AUGUST' 23, 1969 " . ' , .. . VO\.. U. HO. 1IL 4 SECTIONS, n l'A011 . • • ' Girlfrie·nd "I ~ • Death ; -ratget? . . . ' * *-* Budge~ Reco·rd • "·'Murd~r . lly TERRY COVIlLE et tlte Dlilr PUM lttff Huntington Beach police closed an 1:1ndtm::ove:r trap Friday, arresting a stocky Garden Grove ~r on chqes of hatching a murder-for-hire plol qalnst his gtrllriend. The .usPect, Richard DaVis Reed, 23, of 12512 Keel Ave., was booked by police on dw1tl _pf soliciting another person to c:onunlt murder. Officers said it was the first· such ar- rest fft tile cllf.'s history, DttectJve Sergeant Monty Mi;Kennon alJepd ·that Reed told an undercover poilcimllt lhat he was plotting the sud· den demile of his Jover because he car- ried a trtPle indemnity insurance policy .., her. Pone. identified the girlfriend as Kathlene Dukette of lhe same Keel AVCDl6 address. When told by police of the aUeced plot agai.Dst her life, she said lbe WU "shocked." Ser&w>t McK.rulOn said the biun'e eue be&an to unfold · Aug. 19 when he " ' • reeeived a can from a secret 'informant. This information.Jed police to,nod an un- dercover 'officer to meet with the suspect in a Huntington Beach bar\ The plainclothes policeman represented , himself to Reed as beiac ''a. man from Tex.as ready to li.!lt.en to any.deal... · I Another meeting was 1ater held al Lake Park at the corner or 12th ·and Main Stree ... Ar that lim<, the suspect ·Is alleged by police to tutve told lhe .undercover agent that he wanted· to see that.hi!1 girlfriend "had an accident" and1disclosed the eJ· istence or the insurance policy; Finally, a meeting wu set up about 4 p.m. Friday on the FOW!lalb Valley 11"'1 School athletic field. By this time, a dozen Huotin,gton oEfioen were involved. As uJidercover qent and suspect sit Cl'I the grass m·· dlJCUJSion, 10 other plainclothes officera roamed in the area and used electronics devices in keeping track of the pair. Reed is scheduled for aM'aignment on the &oliciting1for murder dlarge Monday in West Orange County Municipal Court. Smte Ends Fisc.al Year With Record Surplus SACRAMEN'IU (AP) -California end· el tho fiaca1 yoat wllh a 1524 million bui1p1 ourpldl, but Gov. Rooald Jiu. CU'• Onance chief said today, "We don't have l.nJ' money tb tl!row around.'' All of the surplus, a record for the alatc, la commit.eel to various programs and tJ the RepubliCin ·chitf executive's 1ooJlof having a ballnCed budget In 1170. 71 without a lax 1ncre~.o.fficials said. Controller Hooiton I. Flournoy and Fiir """" Dlttctor Cupar W. Weinberger aid Fliclay !hot nlo factors -led to tho surplua -l"<!ler-thaJHipec\ed' nlunl '-"lletpn's 'tl-l>U~tp In- <'-prosram ,or "''.an<! iri!latloa ,... oalllni In ~ tu --IO the ltate, '!'he RQpn admlniltratJon· said 111 economica abo added lo the balance. New stilt aid to loca1 schools, a one. Mme income ta1 cul, and $19t million carried on the boob u reserve in case of flacal crl&is eat up all bul $186 million of !he surpl~~·- The ..... ~· .:~·!he. rio.: '1 budge~ ~tip1'<lpl\llioa an<ll I/le' ' J .· ' . rising cost of the ye.ar4o-year Pf'Oll'lll'ISi he .sald. This means. he 1dded, lhlt m08t of the spending billa the legislature passed after approving a $1.tf billion budget for 1967-70 will bave'to be vetoed. Still before Reagan are mealui=H thal wouk! coSt lhe st:a1e at Jwt $50 mDUon. Wei.bberger aaid. 'l'Mse tnclude special approp.rialion bills and measures tha:t would reduce revenue, such as 1peciil tax uemptions. · The ~-~llad..peq.. ed a surf>lii, of lllO~im:;,.i:o~ non, Includlili lbe ,1111 reMl'\'eo . • ! I J ' ' Aboui !'fl million of 'uie toaplu1 b peg. ged aulOmallcally u -· 111o1e 'aid to schools .un<ftor lft agreement between Reagan and Aslembly Democ:rall dur· ing the Ital•'• budiet crilla In late June and early July. Democral.t -~for the btHf. ge;,unUI Rtligan lo boost adlool • old. '\1111 """ the ... -d"1I ir11o . th&-,... fiscaL)'tar wi\hwla. budaet ·-· .... ·~1 .... • ' .. ... ' • Duhlng Redhead Robin Grower, I~. skips atong wa~r 'line . at· Co- rona del Mar Main· BeBch· in elfurt 10 beat the heat. Smile on hel-·face ifldicate·s ;the :co..- iona ·del ·Mar High 'coed's et~ torta were succ,ssfuJ. Reagaµ Has Big . ' ' Lead in Survey - SACRAMENTO (AP) -ltepubllcon Gov. Ronald Reagan would defn.t ltlJ of. four prominent Democrata if the 1"' election for governor were held now .. ~the California Poll reports. .. -• • • ;rbe lndeoendiat syndicaled opinion poll, copyrlgl>led by M,OM!n D. f,ldd, uid-Friday Rea1an W<iuld colleCI 14 percent. ot the vote against Aaitmbly Oemocrall Leader Jessee M. UJlr11h, San ~rucilclo .Mayor ,Joupll Alioto • ·S. t Hayakawa, ..-<I San Fbndaco State.CoDeg<. ~would tel SI I!"' <11111 ~-,,,_ Gov, ~.-o.. Brown.,', , ~ ! ' TlllkY·ftve _-t 91 thooe:~Inc. lo the t>Oll la-Unruh -,rilitdled qa1nst Reapn~D·p.n;Gtl l;w.n.t AU .. · lo, ll pemnl la-ll.l)'allawa and 14 percent ~vored Brown. 'rho bolanc:e In eoob ~.,.was undecided. • lltafan Io 'espeded IO -rwleCtlon alll\!>UP ho hil not. made 'an ollldal ..,. -~ Unruh ii\d Allolo art -oideli!d· tho -lll<ety Dlimocrallo cindlllala In< lhe·Jano 11'11 prinwJ, • . t j .. • • . . ' • * * * :.,>.; " .. State ,. ite~: P~rif ;· ·$~£Hi~nd ; I . " t '\ I j I ' · Cq~n~ .Spar~,1; P,~ntJkwn Area .Ignited . ' ~ Ioni, i..t aumlner !lniled el!lht Southland brush fir• -one. a POU)ble anon job -Friday Pd early today, the teteat a potenti;l threat •lo •Ille Ille Bear •acltlon paradise ·tn San Betnardlno County. • Low b\lmidlty aqil feveriah 'wiods drove the Dames •tlu'outb ruged terrain . of throe counties, C11Mumlne dry, brlUle si>lelo\U of ve~lon led by last win· ter's record raiaiL • • 100 peraoos evacua~1from the path' ol holoeaUit.· So far early today, OraJ>IO eoonty·bad eocapOCI tbe outbreak brought CJ11 by IO percent humlcliiy and temwatores rang· ing i'UP to .111 . ®~ .. in . ~e dee¢ spots. MUj>OWU and machinery 1laed In the firefighting, hOwever, bu been drained from Oruie and Im Angelet counUes -and even u far away, u Sacramento -to' help bring the scattered blazes un- der cohttot. (See Flll!ll, Pap IJ By early toc\111>, lireflgbI.,.. had con- trolled one and,al least partially contain· ed. others tn ·• ·strles of . blazes whJch r~paged over more .UJ,an ,30,000 acrf:l!I, blackening mt was lush gteenry only monthl ago. , .• "We're•doing.all right so ·far," aald a spokesm111 for the State Division of For· estry in Orange 'COunty, "we're low on reserves, but not unprotected." ; ' J Taok fore~ of lirellgbtera .pooting .In• formation frOp1 every coi:ner of the SOUlh4 land tided ,nore than 20' bolhet destroy· ed,. two wmnen injur~-and .more than · He said men and equipment •from northern areas. are moving soath to join the battle in San Bernardino. San Dle&o and RivenJde COQDttes. Laguna Beach Area · Blacke.d. ())it Surf Too Mueh Nixon OH for Sqlt lf:'at£r Swim Aboul'J,100home1·anctbual_.ln Lagi:ne Buch and all. Qf LaiWll •Nicuol were wltbout elecVitjty for a.lbort time Fric@y when a cooatrucllon ttftr q up an anclergrowlf line In' Logua 8eD • By ARTHUR R. VINSEL peace talks talked . with · Nbon for an °' .. D1UJ , ... ,,.,. addidonal .101miriutea .atter the bi& .Jet 1 • • • JjlSI like ""l"Olher Aqlerican,Preaident landed at the cciun!Y lnWllaUon. Nixon Friday' rea,lized &is holidly is •I· · Preaidentlat 1presl leCl"dar')' Ron Ziel· ready half over ranc:1 .j~ seems-like only )er said lhe1r :disCuasfortJ involved the Electrical service WU in~pled al ~:IO p,nv l'owe!-was ..-ed•to tt J>O!• cent, or the:......,. .-,G !lllnuUis and Juli ·~ "1 2:15 p.m. I.any Walbridge,I _local SaUtblra• Cllifornia Edlaon representative said. The llndergrounci drcult ·~·•" power lo the Laguna Niiuel' area. II 'al• serves Ihe Teqiple Hiils Skyline DriW and conyoo area.of Lquna B e • ch. The drcUtf ,..., cut at n CtiWori Way: t Y'91enlay. , • · ' ~ibllllY ·of' I~ U!S. troop wilh- SG he packed the lir8* family and .aor>-drawala from Vitenam, but nothlnc '1ddi- ln-law David-. Etseiihttwer off to a secfud.. tional 'wu disclosed. · ed camp Pendleton ,bud> for a aalt waler The mull of• the Nixon-Park C<Jftfer- swlm lmmeclialely alter lhelr return from ences In San Franclaco wu lfttly much San Fr-loco. what 'obaervfn !lad upe\:!.d1 ... the . ~ ' • Wllh soma chal!rin, ~President hinted· Preildelll pledgid Io keep I0,000 U.S,aer-, tl!at San C"1neiite'la..:·lcwe\y place lol vJce-.oa·.,.nl.ln K........ · live, but be'd .ntbe{ ---· ,Earllaf, be hOd>told Prealclent Part that• watm than the ~en below his eventu.al puoe. Jn. V1etmm will not affect Or up ... "tAut I '.":;~clal.., =~~~· ,,..,;.:,..Pflf'I-.. "~ ~erica's·llM fl\ulual del""!""1'<aty wllli 'UV ._._,1111 WllC' hls OWD ·threitened Aliln repuollc. beach be.Jow.!tbe W · · .Wblte Bouse. . Kort& cWTeDLIJ~ hu' ·almO.t aa many hive kn<lcted him down twice, in a brief soldiers_ 4'7.000 _in Vletnain is the, !t'Ndi,r ., commentary before:·• miles JOUth Un.it.e4 States ha! auigned to btlP: block 'Cbo!er 1em~ W'll!J are oti to a moce lhelt~ spot. a_ny invasion sUch u North Koria has the way fOf"' the cooking ·coo.rt Secret Service men r J*ldled virtually promised will. be made. with. fa.ir 1kle1 /oreccut for the alone at the ilbllted sp:t, bot the preu ' weekend. temperature" sho1dd pool which normally fGIJows lhe chief I 75 -•· th b I e.1ecutive'11 every move'., left behind. M • ' , . • ,. . "' • ' •.. , , • range rom wwng e eat lt.s ,., .:,.8:.nn y:;,,J"O ' IO v-rdl .of 90 mlond. : No1'Ub!ic.~ -~-·today ..., ..., ..., , __ Of SundoJ', followlnL~ clJnoer 1n , ' I us---........ San Francloco alld level talks • ' -.-•"" &, Wlih 8Guth KOr.anL Oimfi Hee0 Po..,..,1,..:h'n,· Up' , 1 • ·••r.murr.Weetiv:;.,..,..,111< Park. . .: ' • P"'"""'141 ~v~of;=~-~-'Whllo HOiiie pi.a ·aldll. annoainl 'Ille· 1 " '1 · • •' • "" • ' • tlm pto·r 1'111>;.,,.,. _..... .~ ... J .......,~ • • • ~1111·-·0I Mlafiih ' th&...,. • .,_, ; ............. : ·;-int'~ i.;:u;c;;,,, which ' Viejo 11 ,,,..... IO,OllG, the Mlilloa V!Ojo treo•hfro:T~}f111orjr -~""It U(~ :;:'.:'~'1~~ In ilmple l!yle Co-ii~~. \he sfdctleback.' Vi<IA11T11 IQ, ~id dol'"fed /It.rt. Earlier in the day, 1board A1r Fort:'e Valley r~U•I commufiltY'• •exeat 1 =~ \:~ ::_.......,, ,.,:; Ont en route to £1 Toro MCAS; Prleidtnt head count bi t1'1ll c.ntk• ' 11 11: ... "'"' " Nlrotl eoafm'ed wfth ,AmN_...... Henry ·eo.np1n; aftldal1 noted the popula on ~:' ,_ '! :C: _._.1•~ Cabot Lodce on the current Vtttnam alt· !gpt tblt of three 0ranae Ci:Uil1 clUn. •~•111111•:1 '"'' '~ ., uauon. • They are La Palma (l,l70): VIila Park • · -"' -,.. Tho chief U.S. nl(Ollalor al Ille Parfl (l!IIOJ, "l'1 San Juan Capi.!lr1110 (1,110). i • . . ., l 't • I • ' ...... -..L.:.-.=...-"'.:....~---'-'-~ -~~------~-...... -'------------~~~~-----------·--~------------~~_;::co--'J r . . . s Camille Victim·s Sought Coast, -Mountains • Ill -.. • ~ Clmllle Is dead, liut the .... • ..,,. tail: of tell'Chln( !or Its victim> 6lrnod -to the ... <II !he Mlsalslfppi -and the mountlllous attas of Vir- 'at;t loll &tood al nearly 400 dead, witll -"'1asll!I and 1 .. tt<I dead. ' ~ d._ oomd lol<J tht hun- • ~-of mlllioos <i dollan. • Nat Suollry, C!Vil Def-c:oonllnator ..... Ult JOalAIPpl coaital atrip. estimated tllat ill -ptrisbed. He aid II was Wlt.vtd lbat •'more bodies are buried In 111a beocb und-buried deep where tlley'U JllONl>IJ uev<r be found." uwa'Ve alrudy pulled llOmt bodi• out " Illa ,,_ and !her<'• 00 tellloi bow ' Fighting Rages Seventh Day Through Viet SAIGON (AP) -ShllrJ> figbting raged for a lll!VtCllh straight day from belotr DI Nang 200,~es north JO the denulitariz.. ed ~ military spokesmtn said today. TbeJ ·~ U.S. casualties wtre nlaa -and 9 •ounded. lo 911 ..uini fooUu11s near Tam K7, 31 miles &11.lthwat of Da Nang, American inf...,.... !<JUll>t for the loorth ~ day 16"!UCll tbe aile " a -..... mud belicopt« with elflbt .... - mialll!liand feared dead: , At lait report, the lnfantirmen from the 116111 Light Jnfllnlry Brigade were about a yards from .the site of the downed helicopter. ''They're moving cau- tiOU11ly becauae they knolt the enemy l:ri In bu!W!'a ui1 other larilfieCI positions," ...... said. • . "--miuloc "" a battalion o:•""_..., m: ~ 1traty men and As+• ' t" Prus pbolocrJlllber Olivet N..-. U.S. hudqoarWs ~ed tllat tn>opotl lbe ltsth -clalie<t tlt'!ce Friclq • North ~ roldlen near lbeCraah site. Al leut D -"Y and one American soldier were rePorted till· ed and 11 Americans 'OIOUllded. Later. enemy gunners lJWllped 15 mor· tar rounds into two night camps of the 111111 Brigade infantrymen. Headquar· ters siid American caSualtiel were light. Milftary spokesmen claim more tllan 500 Nd V'll!tnamele soldiers have been killed ...... SUnday In the f\gblinl ""' <i Tam Ky, 1b6e·ts no rmn count on American cuualiiet, but field reports put them at 35 to 4f'ldlled,-. than lllO wound· ed and Ii missing, 1nc1u<11oa the ""n Anny men aboard the helicopter clown- ed by N'flh Vielnam.., antlal1':i:alt fire 'l'uadliJ1 Abeat It mils aoul ho! lllis action, Norlh Vletnamue troops ombushed U.S. Anny engineers clearing National High- way 1 ct mines. One American was kill· ed and nine wounded. Enemy losses were not Immediately known, beadquar· ten said. Two miles lrom lhe ambush, enemy tl'OOpt abeUed the headquarters of the U.S. .lllb·Brlgade of the American Di- vision.. He.adquarterg e:aid aome Ameri- cans were wounded, but non wu killed. Two lhup fights Oared 15 mlles apart alona: lht demllitariud zone 200 miles l10l'lb of DI Nang. ·U.S. Marines l«it six killed and 13 wwnded in a 31ii·bour battle four miles r,orthweat of the Rockpile. Eight North ·,,Yletname.se y.rere reported killed. Fifteen miles eut, troops of the U.S. sth Mechanized Infantry Division suffer- • ed one man killed and seven wounded when North Vietnamese: soldiers attack· ed their night bivouac. • New Apollo Director WASHINGTON (UPI) -Rocco A. Pet- rone, a. who heJped develop the nation'~ first ballistic missile 16 years ago, has been named director of the Apollo moon· landing program. He succeeds Lt. Gen. Simuel C. Phillips, who will become com· mander of. the Air Force Space and Mis--aile System Orp.nitation. DAIL' hLO l ,• " .. ., ,, • • ' ........... Mc:A ......... ...... -_,...., --CAUMllllA oua. CDIU1 ""9\.llMfHO COlll,._Nl l"'-tM.Wee4 ---..... L c:.i., ..................... -----....:-.'=!'"' - ), • mill,)' more have betn swept out to 1ea," Cl$Slbrl' added. In Vlrglnlo, wher< (:am!Ue 1pawned Ouh Doodlng, there wtre llO known dead with mora lbao !JO mlllinl· · ··It a!>P'an that perhaps at least 100 or our dtiz.ens have lost their lives.'' Gov. fltills E. Godwin Jr. said alter s~e)'~ tile _,,lainous wealem part of Vlrglnla. Hardest bit 1'11 Nellon County. an a,rl-Cilltural area, where tbe toll waa C4 early today. Other comnwniUu In the Biile Ridge Mo.mtain footllUls also suffered heavily. OftJcials expect to find to discover ad- ditional bodies in mountainside hemes baJ'i<d by eartbslldts during tht Oood. Al lout 2S bornea were .,..pt away and buried In mud in the Uny commwilty of Davia Cnek, north <I the Ne1'on COUnly ... of Lavinpton. i;, Ille -tlpi\IJ of Rldm!oad. !he flood...awollen James River be~ to r& cede alter crming al 21.1 Jeet -ii !eel above Oood stage -and ,.-u upected to be bid< In Its bub by !ale llmJPt. Tbe 'Good t:tdt mOYed into flit easlerl> Virginia whet. Jts dqet alWplt -· pated. •( ' Camillt also claimed 10 lives 1n Loulll.i· ana, two West Virginia aDd three In CUba. Camille, the worst hurricane ever to strike the Amtriean rnai~, broke up Friday in !he far ttach,. o1 the Nortll AUl!)Uc. The storm had m<rnd w!tll a flontol system oU NewloW>dlind and had loot aU characterist.lcs of • tropical storm, the Nallonal llUrricane Coaler lo M\aml re- J191'!t!(. Hurricane Dtbbl•Lln ... wbile, churneof P"'I Bermuda mov1111 .-. into tht Attsollc at 20 milu per !lour. Ill lll).mlJe ..an-hau:t wlndl shoUJd brellD to weakep ""9' llluloale ..., tbt coldllri AUai!llc water! within by' Sunday, • Early today tt was 575 mllea nort!><ait of Bermuda, or Latitude 311.5 north and Longilode 56 west. . camille also trlagend l<tteotial r.O. and lloodlng that 1orced ~ .than !OJ,· DAILY l"llOT Sllff l"llttt AIRPLANE BUILDER SCHUMACHER CLIMBS INTO COCKPIT OF HOMEMADE TRAINER Newport Btadt Pilot T•kt• • Busman'• Holkl•y In Hra Btckyard ~~~~~~~~'--~- Close the Bars 011, St. P aildy' s Day. Horrors! CJDCAGO (AP) -lllioqia will have ooe of the earliest primary electiOlll in the nation nut year but at least one group ia not happy ~t the st.ale's new law .._ lrlsh bar owners who'll have to close for hall a day on St. Patrick's Day. A check with some Irish taverns drew comments from disbelief to t:efuaal to obey the law. "Hah! You're kidding; either that or Ogilvie (Illinois governor} is Polish," said a barkeep at Butch McQuire'• Tav· ern. O'Rourke's reaction was very direct, "No!" shouted the bartender. Duffy at Duffy's Place said, "Far - sakes! J don't think it will happen." Illinois' first primary under a new election law signed Friday by Gov. Rich· ard B. Ogilvie will be March 17, and Illinois law requlru that taverns be closed during the hours of elect.ion. The law 1tta primaries on the third Tuesday ln ~1arch instead of the leCOfld Tuesday in June. Job Not Only Way to Fly; Coast Pilot Builds Plane ~ '~ . ' , By JAMCE BERMAN Of tllt 0.1.., l"llM ll•tt Dick Schumacher, who makea his living pilOlinl gl<ltl j e Is lbrooibcm Ille We•t, likes to rtlu when he aeta home from work. So he coes out into his backyard and builds an Jirplane. No, it isii't that easy. So far, the nineteen.foot-long plane has devoured 1,400 boun: of hb spare time and about $1,900 of hii money. But he thinks it's well worth It. The 52·year old Western Airlines pilot 11pd the single~ngine plane }lave become fast friends, ever since tie started putting it toj:ether in his garage at 1501 Mariner.; Drive1 Newport Beach, almost two years !Igo. How do you build an airplane~ "You just lake some wood ind 30me fabric and some metal and start putting it together," he aaid wt th a straight fatt. You also add, although he didn't 1dmlt it, J> years of experience as • pilot and in.slructor. .... ' Pending Federal Avlallon Adminiltrltion inspections, Schumacher erpects to take the plane up wilhin the ·' nm few weeks. • It then ,,.,.. 50 hours of test flying within a limited range, to make sure it'1 safe. Schumacher ls sure It wlll pasa muller. But at first, he'll sit In the open cockpit with a parachute on, :fu.R in case. 1bt plane will Oy at an altitude of 5,000 feet. ttaching top speeds of 100 mU1:3 per hour. At 5,000 feet, Schumacher will 'ft'ear flying gogales. And he even has a long silk scarf, "left over from my instructor days." Schumacher also owns a four-passenger Cessna Skyhawk, which he has taught his wife, Betty and his son Cart, 20 to fly. Why own another'?' "I just wanted to build an airplane," he said. 000 from lhtlr homH lli Oaxaca Slate on MQlco'1 Pad& cout. A Red Cl'ols <iflcial aaid 1!11J1Y of tile bom~esa were ''poor people with no ~to .... llNdl ., .. 1-ble ud .... ral~ -Md to hall -· dllnlpCiog ,. IW-. , J!l ll!~~ppl, coy, Joha Belt Williama 6rdend' ... ts Mnt GUI today to recover oium.rou. bodies11 .that I U Army pl)tt aaid be spoted en1inlled in a lli>iU., --"Ill liada1 -ft ~ I -1dn1 blyo boJlaYad, !I;" aald ,,_, lolm D. 'Illar. "II -ii o1f::N:"·-• fto ~ Aid .....,.., • bodlea In the lnlkt like mass or debris dw1n& · recomWsaance flight. The Red Cross said its latesl survey ol l\Urricane dimage in »Out.beast Lotisi•na, Mlalaippl and Alabama lncluded ._ -11,lllO with minor damqe. '!be IMurance Information lnstlt.ute in Mobile, Ala ., said its latest showed thtt lnsuraoce.companla wUI have to pay be- tween flOO · million and $22S million tor property damage In Mi&Ul~ppi, Lollbl· ... and Alabama. Vlralnla ollldals utlm.tled tWnlP< al 11'7 nillllon, liut lhly said the fllun could riae lharpJf because damqe cn171 are juJI berJnnilll. Emergency AcUon . Cze,chs Tighten Law on Disorder PRAGUE (AP) -The Cxechoslovak ~.li,mmed lbroogll. bar.it new Ian P'rld11",-.nJaht. to cµrb anU.aovern- ment and antl-SOviet disorden. The army and pollce "'11ib,ed rllleWed rlot-=..ln II~ f"...jalloll'~ 8<COlld lu1eat ' Tbe ..... ~ ~ide prison lenns, fJnea or loa { <il jobo !or vlttually any actlvlly -againlt Communism or tl10M ln. power. ·Prague· RadJo said the laws went into effect Friday nigtit and would continue until the end of the year. Two persons were reported killed and several injured in the second day of riot· in&'in Brno, an indUJtrial cily or 250,000 •bout 130 miles ~ of Prague. Official• earlier reported two persons tilled in -'llluraday. Sourcea II.id seven CzechoslovU army tub moYed into the downtown aru to help riot polli>e ~se aome 5,000 cfem. onatrators. 1 A dlllli·loawn curfew .,., fmposed -the rlolm ..... .dispersed. • The municipal committee of the Com· munlst party in Prague said in its ne~·s· paper Friday that 1,3n persons. lnclud· ing 66 foreigners, were arrested during demonstrations and riot.s in the capita] Thursday. The ne" Jaw.and«der measures were adopted unanimOUlly by the steering committee of the National Assembly at the demand of the Communist party. They were sJgned by President Ludvik Svoboda, Premier Olorich Ceruk and National Assembly Chairman Alexander Dubeck. The full assembly is fn recess. Praaue Radio. which broadcast the "extraordinary measures" several times f'riday night, said ~~Y would be used not only against those wh( violate order or threaten peactful working condlUons "but also against those who incite suc::h action or support it." The firsl reaction or Czechoslovaks tn the new laws was · that the rovernment Black America \ Queen Chosen NEW YORK (UPI) -Gloria Smith, 24, of Manhattan wlll crowned "Uss Black America early today. Mias Smith, a model, actress and sing· er, sang her own composiUon in the talent portion or the contest. She is five feet, seven inches tall, weigh5 125 pounds and measures 34-11-34. The first runner.up to Miss Smith, who competed as Miss Black New York. was Laverne Wlllianu, 23. of Oakland, Calif. MW Black Washington, Connie Brown, 19, WU the aecmd runRU.Up, finally had U1e 1ncans to lhrollle the free atmosphere created during the ·196fl ·r'r forms and maintained despite lncrua· lng pressure from the Soviet lJD.ion end tbe pro.Soviet regime that IUCCteded the reformi.lls. Some said the new laws wen. u bani> u any during tile Nw or Sta> lnist eras. The demonstrations marked tbe first ann.iveralry of the Aug. ZG-21 Sovifi in· vasion that crushed the refonn move- ment led by Dubcek. O!ficial broadcasts and newspapers have not mentioned lhc anniversary in their report.'> or the "ac· livities of anU·Socialist elements." The specific measures adopted p,rovidc that anyone participating in, c~ for or supporting a disturbance may be )ail· ed up to three months and fined \Ill lo $300. The present maximum penalties for defaming the Czechoslovak state flor any state of the Socialist sys~" or their representatives. now generally punishable by up to siz months in jail, are increased to one year. Offenders also may be exiled from a city and sent to rural areas for five years. Anyone · who "violates the Socialist or· der and loses the confidence needed tn hold his position or job" can be fired. Students may be expelled from school, and professors and teachers can be db- missed if they "educate young peojllt against the principle! or Socialist So- ci.ely." The state a.lso may disband any volun. tary organization, including trade union.,, scoot groups and cultural societiea, tr it helpa spread UIU'esL Oxygen Standard Due Approval Of State Board A minor improvement In water quality slandards for the Pacific Ocean off the Orange Coast is expected to win approval from the State Water Resource! Coolrol Board within· the next few weeks. The board held hearings Thursday on the matter of new dissolved oxygen st.an· dci.rds suggested by Secretary of the Interior Waller Hickel. The measure was expected to e.asily \vin official approval from the al.alt board, aidts said. Richard Bueermann, executive officer of the Santa Ana River Basin Water Quality Control Board, the agency that pursued the change in standards, said he expects "no problem" in affecting th• changes. And It helps IF you can get an engine ready-made. which Schumacher did. • t•Wi**·*'i4# w m a• The new standards involve a minor im· provement in standards set up to controt sev.'age pollution of ocean v.·aters from Corona del Mar to Seal Beach. From Page 1 FIRES .... the base naval hospital. parts of v.•hlch were reportedly evacuated. No other structures were endangered except for a training exercise area known as Combat Town, where P,.1arines prac::- lice street-to-street batUe as they nrlght in capturing a city. Location of the series or blues wu given as generally behind the San Ono- rre area. north of Basilone &ad. The latest outbreak reported early to- day was placed in rugged terrain north O{ Beaumont and could pose a threat to the Big Bear rttreational area, forestry service spokesmen said. No word waJ available on its extent or cause . Several other fires were reported In lhe San Bernardino County area, one of them ..t by U... bo)'l! playing witll matches. but no structures were yet known to have burned. Flames charred 10,000 acres near El· condido and Temecula, in San Diego County. threatening 15 homes in Rain- bow Canyon, 1''hile another blaze bl1cken· ed 600 acru 1loog the U.S. and Pofeilco border. The suburb of El Cajon was lilt by a fire covering only 90 ac::res but aii:, $30,· 000 to SS0,000 homes .,,,re leveled. A S<MM.cre b1ue raged through Recbe Canyon near Sin Bernardino. barely •paring II upenslve hopes and burning on toward the Olive Dell nudist colony. The Redle Canyon blau wu beUeved to be of what lnvestlptora tenned in. ctdiary origin. lncticatl'.lJ an anontst. TodlJ''• balUe oo ellht front. heralds the beglmlna of the Southland'• crtUcal fire-1mog 1eason and Lal Angelta author· IUe1 issued • 1mog 11lert IS the. ther· mometer hJt DI at I p.m. in Burbank. And II la only lhe beginnlna, '1111h more lleat and flrt·fMdlng Santa Ana wincb «peeled during September and OC!Dber. But the rest was built from a pattern supplied by a friend in Seattle, • The one·passenger trainer is '1ovingly painted. Gray for the fuselage. taxicab yellow for the wings. A big while star 11doms each wirlgtip, a salute to lhe World War l[ trainer on which the. craft is modeled. Thieves Get Fortune In Japanese Watches LONDON (UPI) -Thieves posinc a! truckers stole _a ahtpload of Japanese watches worth $240,000 Thursday nlaJll, a Scotland Yard spc1kesmM said Friday. A apoktSmlll said several men pro- duced foraed doccments from a f~IJhl company and stole 11 eases containing t,000 walcbes from Loodoo AbJ>ort, Penny for Life Post.age Lack Leads to Death UXBRIDGE, ENGLAND [UPI) -For v.'ant of a penny on postage, Mrs. Sur· git Barar died. Mrs. Barar, $3, was under treatment for a blood clot In a leg, and doctor& with 1 supply of piUs and Instructions to at Hilllngdon Hoapilal sent her home keep taking them until she received a po6'lcard order to change. , Doctors said they sent a postcard la· ter, telling fl.tra Barar to atop takin& the drug for three days, then resume later on a reduced d~ge. But they put only a (CJUr·peMy stamp on the post- card. It took three or four days to arrive, aulhoritit..s said and by . that time, Mrs, Barar was dying from the drua. A spokesman for the hospital sald Fri· day that normally such postcards re- ceived a five-penny stamp and that an investigation was under way to deter· mine "it there was a slipup." A coroner ruled fl.trs.. Barar's death accidental, and said "first-class mail should always be used for urgent in· &tructlons." Balboa Yachtsman Ullman U.S. Lido Champ OlmlnuUvt, mustachioed Dave Ullman of Balboa Yac{lt Club hu been aeveral Umes a l"llMeNfP but never a champion In Ille naUonal Snipe ClaSI. Friday tnlnian gained hit lirst oational cbamplonohlp In tile biJhly compet!Uve Lld4>14 Class, a boat In 1'hicb he his betn salUni less than two yuri Ullman ocored 1111 points In tile cham- plotllhlp fUglll to edi• hit clubmate Dick DeaYtr by one-quarter of a poinL Ull· man's crew wa1 Dave White ol'BYC. Deavtr 1t also a virtual newcomtr to the cllu, hiving niled in It leu than a year. He la former PC naUonal champion I • North's bronze medal Dra1on ln the 1111• Olympics. Dick Lineberger of Alamitos Bay Yochl Club, tht defending champion, placed lllird tn tht 41-boat championship matrt Lo lead the veterans In the class. The champlonJhlp flilht conmted.of II boat& Anothtr 40 1allf'd 1 coosolatlon sule. WIM<t" <I the CODIOltUM Olght was Tom Conerly ot A.lamltot Bay Yacht Club ind Diet Van Duztn, California Yacht Club WAI runntt-up . Wlnd1 were 11&}1\ to moderate for the first race Frld1y, but piped up to II knots in U1e final race to ctt.ate IOmt touchy 1itu1tion1 al the marks. Several boats in both flighll were di>qualllled. Final results: CHAMPIONSHIP FLIGHT -(I) Dive Ull"'!'D, BYC, II II; (I) Dlclc De1ver, BYC, 17, (3) Dick Lineberger, ABYC, II Joi; (4) Richard Toscan, Fresno VC. 39; fl) Jim Tyler. BYC, 3t 1'; (I) Al P<m, BYC, <7; (7) Harry Wood, ABYC, 41; (II BIU McCord, BYC, 41: (I) Rowland Loh-man. BYC, 5111; !IOI Mike HUfmon, Sier· r a Salling A&sn. ~ CONSOLATION FLIGHT -(I] Tom Conerly, ABYC, :ti 1/3; (1) Dick Van Du- ''"· CYC, 30: (I) Dick Huyot~ MBYC. 30 5112 : (0 Ster.hen Earle, Lake Merritt YC, 39 ; (5) Char es Babcock, ABYC. ~ 113. • --~ -~~ .. =--·=~::·:: The Santa Ana River board requested the state agency to tighten the slandards from 4.5 parts of dissolved oxygen per million to 5 parts. In esseoce, Bueermann said, tht r& quest was simply to comply with !taJ'l- dards suggested . fly Secretary Walter Hickel. The higher the dissolved oxygen counlll. he said, tbe heller the quality of U>e water. Normal ls· about five parts per nu1lion. The hearings on the matter and twn other water quality measures involving other state waters were conducted Thurs- day in Riverside. · The state board wlil take all three issues unde'r study and make a decislon within lhe nei:t two week!. Youngster's Kite Triggers Harbor Poiver Blackout A younpter "Who new his kite in lo hl&fi pov.-e.r lihes in the blults area of 'Newport Beach Friday blacked out • wide section of the Harbor Are.a , for nearly ball u hour. . . Soutllem Cflilornla EdiJoJt .Col)IPBllY '1!Mike1man lridlcaled eledrldl HtYlco w., tcnocked out by 1ti. Idle at U:31 p.fll. and realo...S by repair """"' at U:ll p.m. The klle flying youtll. who was Wllll- jured in the tncldent. new hi s aerial to1 lnlo the wln1 and then, Instead of letting go, attempted to jerk' on the strinJ to lree It. trutead, his pulling simply slammed two high power wl~1 togethe:r. That's when sparks new and f\lstJ blew. \